63913-64340_01-07-1925_02-16-1926ny � - • 18tlHD 1531 N011(I1053b Ado°Otl�IP "' „ S@1VQNVIS d0, j1V3Hne 1VN011VN - � m _: , _ 9�I �''i SZ•illlll ,3 � ,__ 8•TIII s._f _ 0 z 1111 N�jlN 1• j VIII �4? z'Z VIII SI�E�: "•• '�- • 0•i VIII s�lllll B�IIIII 4 s Odb s ; 1 a? I N�a �l /AO e 4t\l ONs% � -- b START Serial No. of Roll Department 0 Lj=:j Office - ROLL I7EIdI =FS C_s �� SLIP aPERMANENT RETENTION LI14ITED RETENTION -t:o be destroyed (If limited) —a microfilm O Tcr[i eh /Sr/9loT_ CONTEXTS c�°�, e ,' Pr, Number or name of first document of- re gailaz Operator Operator By Supervisor , a .. '- r �. 1.. M • `. �C-. 'i�.. x±:13CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Ise No .. OFFICE OF THE' CITY CLERK a. UNC IL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRi=SENTED B1( L R S FERGUS� A. ___ __ _ rQ L COMMISSIONER_.._.__-. ..-___._._�_.___._....__._ DATE._�.._N _6._� 2..6......_....__.._._ .............. ReSOLVED WHEILEAS, The Commissioner of Edujc%tion ha -s reported to the Countil in accordance with Section 53,of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain dmplo;res of his department for. more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, r RESOLVED, That the proper city'officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinc.fter set forth: NAME TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL BERT SEIDLER JAN ENG 30 HRS 64,CENTS 19 20 W MC -ANDREWS ENGINEER 32 86 27 52 T WATTERS HEAD JAN 21 72 15 12 IC: F. N6.A39i3-1jy L R. 9: Ferguson tte601V a, "'air e -proper -"'y-e -� 'sere Bre: ereby. authorized [o pay the. followingnamed 1mD)oyes, atptheurate othorwise-fixed'for extr. re layment fon extra, time hereinafter t forth: - Bert: Seidler, Tan. Eng., 30 .hours • at 64( nihtur 439.20:',: - - W McAndrews. Engineer, 22 hours at 964•'' Der- hour, 527.62. T. Watters;' Head Jan, 21 hours at 721 pea -hour, 416.12. Peter Paglson, Mt%,, I.sb.. 24 hours at 60C per our;, ;12. Adopted' by the counoll Jnn. R, 192G.. Approved Tan. 7,.1926. (Tan.; 9-1926) Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson .......... la of McDonald= ��/SaH e�im'�or ......---------- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.._ - °t, P , , Adopted by the Council.._ - ;A CITY OF ST-. PAUL coNca !Ao OF THE CITY; CLERK ���IL RESOLUT19N'--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ay L R S FER 0 DATE -.JALbl.-5---V)26-- COMMISSIONERc RESOLVED, The CoyliDlissioner of Educqtion has e 0 nce with Section 53 the City' oil in accorda red Char, the existence of .an emerge which rendered rt n emplOYes of his neces sa the employment of CO of employ- e accordance " -11 s I on 0 da c e with 0 h f the ex' t en e of ct I n n Education Section emerge T 0 on 53 rge wh 0 f cert I n empl e e sa he employment t t 0 i t U-1 hour m _ r the L ent 11,,ore than thel 5ULLI hours it department t went; therefo e officcxs are hereby au— 'So PILSOLVEI19 That the grope c e d __Pl. t y t f 1 wj_ t d employes, at tht thorized to pay the f 16wing e em c extra n rate otherwise 'fixe for extra em ent for ex time hercinc.fter forth: Tj Val T0tA5,- L'E TIHE RAVE PETER PAULSON MTCE LAB 24 HRS 50 CENTS 12 00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays v" Clancy IF -911— f' Hodgson ----In favor McDonald Sudheirner l -)--Against ./Wenzel — mens Vi_ Yr s. vorgwon JAN 7 1926 Adopted by the Council.._-......------------ . ... ... 192 I AN 1 026 App-.. r -o.,. IZ ... -M..... ... A ati:MAYOR n g FOMI NO. 1. JANUARY 5 19$5 An emergency has arisen in the Deaartment o:ff Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering neces,3ary tine e 3— ployment of certain employes of that department fox- rnore than eight hours per .day, in doing the following w027k rIFANiNr crNoois This emergency aroae by reason of tr.e 'ci�o.�ing facts and circumstances: SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITOR. WHOAAS ILL This report is in accordance with Section 53 oD the C/ 0 JAN 5 1;26 if 'Z6 ris•_n in tii t :r:t of :)c:rc;.tion, Bureau of 3c'lools, r,rd rind a:c::& . t' to rz nt o cor- tin enplcyc+s of tli-t d- �:.rt ::-.t nor .ior� th..n l'i,ht hours a par dc.y, in doin, the follo :in; F I RINQ ANO Cl FAN INr SCHOO- S - This o i r ;:;ncy .-,ros : 3y r.::--son c,' thy. ol%c Fin; fccts- md circw.lstrncas: SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITORS'MHO -'- ARE ILL AND NOT ENOUGH FIREMAN ON ROLL This sport is in .cocrc :.ce with �:ction 53 of th- Chartor. 4 I CITY OFST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY—_ ----- ----------- COMMISSION-----------------_-_ Efi_...__....... —_ RESOLVED The the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract forlthe construction Of a sewer on Eleanor street from Chatsworth street 'to a point (, 480 feet west of Rogers avenue, and on Rogers avenue from Eleanor street to Otto avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $6,000.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the. proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $7,905.00. F. B. $694 °'Regio Baa sTbatnthe- councll.herebY ..proper form.. of contract tae efor., En, gineer'R Eetimaie $7,905;00 F. B. No. 6969. t Adopted by tae Connell Jan 7, : 20, Approved Jan. 7. 1928. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clahey tea••:--' . Hodgson .... In favor onald Sudheimer _Z ..-..;_.Against Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. rewuw+ Adopted by the Council ....JAN..1.......1..92....... 192....-. Approve.__ .. .--- ....192...._ � .. _........ - ............. -' ----------- MAY R t;t'li�7y . CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNC[L No -------- FKX OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY COMMISSIONER -.--.-- -2-7- ..ATr-- - ..___-._.-._...7_-__.___..-.--_...._.____ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing. Committee in awarding contract for furnishing t I he Department of Public Works with 7- 21 ton Mo - del B-4-1) Highway Trailers, to the Highway Trailer Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder on a 2 -Lk toil, drop frame, side dump trailer, at a price of $1,595.00 each, making the 'total amount of the contract $11,165.00, in accordance with specifications, their bid and award of contrabt,g hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel,•is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #6948. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ", Clancy -F-gMro—n— v'Hodgson n -..In favor ,,McDonald f Sudheimer Against _--Wenzel ✓Mr. Vlos Pres. Iferguson JA1926 Adopted by the Council -- -----------------_..-------..-......192..---. �.... JAN 7 - 1926 Approve - 26 Approve���='-- ----- . ........... 192 -- (�Acting Petition"' 6 Council File No 1- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Roy Street from Otto Avenue to Scheffer -- Street. - . . ......... ----- - ----- --------------------------- -------------- -------------------------------------- --------------- --- ----------------- ----------------- I ------------------------ ---------- -------------- -------------- ------------------------ - ---- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------- - ------------------------- -------------------- ......... .... ----- ------------------ ..... ........ --------- - ----------------------------------- ---- --- -------------------- --- ------- - . ..... .... ..... ............ ...... ..... ............... ...... ..... --- --- 7th January 926. Dated this . ................... lay of ................... .. .. ....... ... ... Whereas, A written prog-al I for: the iVnff of the following inor-vement, Grade Roy St fio in ()it I Scb6ffer'.g be presented to 0e, PresAve. to the Council oC therefor the City of eL Paul Rep- ; -,si. %having:That the 9C e`-' of -r-- be and PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade ROY Street from Otto Avenue to Scheffer Street. ...... ........... . --- ... ....... . ..... ... . .. ..... ..... .... ---- . .. . ....... ... - ------- .. ...... ..... ..-_ ------------- ....... ..... ------------- --- — . ... ... . ............... . . ------ . ...... .... ------ - --- ------ - -------- ----------------- ... ...... ------------------ -------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -- -- - -- - ----- ------------------ ----------- ---...---- therefore, .........therefore, be it RESOLD ED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 1,0 investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the fore7A mat tters the Conjillissioner of Finance. 7 1928 Adopted by the Council ---- ---- ------ ----- --- ------ --- ---- --------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 4iFt n — Approved --- -- - ------------------------- - ---------------------- ------- ✓ HODGSON NALD McDO ANIER ✓ ,SUDHH ------------------ - ENZEL ...... .... Mayor. Form C A 13 (INA Viun I'ma: Forg PUBLISHED Council File No....-.._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER,m n The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking, an easement in -the land-,_neo_eseary-._....... ___.___ ------------------------ fo r_--slopes-,_.-cuts-_and_ fi lls,-.. in.-.the-..gxa.tli zlg...of_-Etoy_.Str.e.et_.from........_._- Otto Avenue to Scheffer Street. t -----.._..----- ---.._..------------ - - - r ---------------------------------._........ - - ------------ .._._.. --- ...._._...... - 7thJanuar 26. _.-.-___. 192_ _. Dated this.... -----------........day of.---- ----------....y-t ... _----- ------------- .. v,ztt14e°f It e t llorynjp r°Po8g7 for, ---------- - Cond'emnt ". 6 ,myrcvomea e In a lar n,e scary for•an'4aserryent PRELIMINARY ORDER. b"O�° °reseA,°e °r sch°Rer1 R °streea d t WHEREAS, A written proposal for -the making of the following improveDlent v i'%;; na at the IC°or- b�elonrv�ha Condemning and taking sn easement in the land-ner,es ;"rand-_te >sorehyrorr - -. - ::... - - __.._. _ _ _..._ . _. _. t �ranegge.. fol stapes, cuts and fills, in the grading• of Roy Streg_t.-�fro_aJ.._._.._..... ........ . ... ......................... Otto..Avenue.--to ..Schef:fes.._Str-e.et.----...___._...... - - -- . __. -----.....-- -- - ----- ---------------------- .............. ----.....------------._......-------- --------------------------------- ---- - ... . ............ _---- ------------------------------- having --------- ------------.having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul . ... .................... ............. .----------------------- ----------- .------- -.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Yorks be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inccstigate•the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the, total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveruent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked, for on the petition of three, or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finanee. DAPI 7 1926 Adopted by the Council........ - -. ... ---------- --- ---------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY JAN 7 19,2e __F.sRevsoN'__ Approved._.................................................................._..._ . MCDONA LD SL'DHEIMER T ' VENZEL v H sr,zuNT. Aotin,, Mayor. F- C A 13 (IAI M) vim Pnia. VNi{ti ...� PUB Li3:.Lj 1 k I ?CITY O fNTPAUL,~- COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO.____ TO OFJ I!_q 9F THE COMPTROLLER cln CLERK AUDITED : CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO. __ __ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE T _1_��192.6 P 2'� SIT--- Op �IJJ O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTOVERING ppRp{�p CHECKS NUMBERED____ �� ----- TO---�--SJ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE Tit -- ER _____------------------------------- -�- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK �I IN FAVOR OF BY - { NUMBER - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD o j n on geso ve 63918— the k be dr gate that a6Snhec it the CItY Tre6.041�33 t co erini; a per �! amount ed t98 [0 145 op[Iceslof tNe City Oer the num on le Yn �. 1926. r. C mOtrted by the Council Jan. d Jan. 1926. APPiove tn. 9-1926) Rf 51JEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM 034 1000 7.24 ghf"(^.,<`�.t.r _.._ _ :_.__ ONALD _ r -j \', AP CHECKS NUMBERED ___ ro:__�45__.__ - -, UDHEIMER. i, _ ---�__--AGAINST. OM PT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 'F T INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS �Vt+ENZE L. e - MAYOR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1SON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ,_., Air, Vito PIPIL, lrerjznfi�, TOTAL -RETURNED - DISTRIBUTION k — CHECK IN FAVOR OF F BY N/ - { LocAL SPECIAL FUNDS NLIMSER SINKING TRUST PUBLIC 1� TRANSFER DI�BU SEMENT IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY BANK GENERAL WATER I BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHICKS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING. ACCOUNTS i REVOLVING - 1 .,_ BROUGHT FORWARD - - - 98 J.»�i19y 52 646 00 _– _. . _ -21 210199 - 13-193,147 5 7 79 _ 5-999 00 _ �. _- 1 �__ _ _..—_ 1 - 3 350 39' 1 3, X41 93 61,3 30 Minneapolis school Supply Company 2 00 575 2 26 DO 100 Mrs. Margaret. Linke 40 00 C' 40'00 ' 101 Addreasograph Oaimpany 102 Air Reduotion 7 74 sales Company 5 56,32 103 Allyn F. Bacon 1 35 1'35 104• Amerioen Book Company 22:50 22'50 1055 American Rome Toonomias Aso . 2:50 2'50 Job . Amerioan Linen Supply Commpan 107 rmerioan 99:89 9 $9 6 Supply Company 95 09 157 11 20 19 31 109 American Tent & Awning Comp 2 50 2 50 109 Auatin-'<estern Road gaohine Ca 7, 92 7,92 a 110 Auto Brake Service station 15!55 15'55 illy Automotive Servioe Company 1:09 1'09 112 Baldwin Transfer Company 20100 2000 11 Bork Fish Company IN 12 ; 50 12 '50 Boevinge'r & son 2100 2 00 112 . Brand Coal Company 193'97 79 90 I 115 07 116 Bristol Company 9;11 9'11 117 Stewart R. Browne Ufg. comp 19'00 19 00 11B M. Burg & sone 119 Burns Lumber Comprnlq 105 0 29; 52 5' 52 75 23 120 Campbell Coal Company 12z asps ast5r. ss..4 Oapi4af1 ossa a�owlbaac::Q�:F;#>9ssT...._.._,-�� 199 2 6a ^----_-__. .....� n-,�., 130 '� �,,, _..._._. ._. .,.,. O 6�L 164 '9�,'d ..: X72-_ ,. 2.7 29 123 central soap company 73 i2o 'io is 124 The Century Company 122g Chloago, St.Paul, Uple. A O.a .Oo. 31X60 1 23 :55 31X60 1 ;23 113;93 3 45 f 10 17 1 12b Coohran-Sargent Company 127 Corning -Donohue Company 12 4� 100 9 150 7 50' 29 00 129 Cudahy Paoking Company 15.'00 15'00 129 Cylinder Reaming Servioe Campy 20100 20 OO 1 130 Daily Hardware Company 131 Day's Prest-0-service Company41'3 191. 1 91 41 355 59 25 174 43 132 Adam Deoker Hardware Company 249'.92 5 56 5 70 00 5 13 Del Auto Radiator Company 30!55 00 30 55 Donaldson Photo Company �7 17'0 13 b Louie F. Dow Company r%isemnenger Mont. ampany 1 3'77 1267 ,91 1 77 126 91 137 lvgren Paint Supi Company 11637 47 1 69 56 130 T Thos. J. Pagel weldim & 139 Mfg. company Company 10 OD 7:50 50 10 OO - 14o rinterprise Printing 141 v-vereharp shear o�mpany 142 Farwell, Oxman, Rick 8, Oopan 30 ',00 66 3Z 50 29`36 i 4 143 N n a a �29�1 9i Ig 166 71 3 161 96 145 p » a 159`64 l SII 5:23 51 Ol 23 40 -..-_ '. 59 699 iO 23'526118. 13 265 40 7 947 50 6 ©C16193 k` µ 77 90 -- 409 15 3..779 74 s13. 30. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .__ ghf"(^.,<`�.t.r v ' ..CITY OF SAINT PAUL v 'o iI TRRi$II'IPATE / FILE NO. No. ---5 TO RES. NO. -5 _ ________ OFFICE OF THE COMP7R0 LER ✓ CLANCY, AN 7 N 7 Y CLE4K AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTI FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE -_.I'N FAVOR -_. _.. i, - - — ADOPTED BY TH/E�' C NCI CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ✓HODGSON. / �AtA 7 9A 6,041.-33-------------------------r �9<DONALD. - APPR EEE/D __----_- COV ///x//\ wy - CHECKS NUMBERED _-9& TO__ _-L _ - - SIU DH EIM ER, i ----- _(/------AGAINST OMPT INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE i - _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER" - .. WENZEL, v - —----'-' ------ -- ---- - - SON. YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) e MAYOR CHECK 'TD AL RETURNED .._ -. ..DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF - BY SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER �� LOCAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT SINKING TRUST PUBLIC CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS �.ARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING - ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARDq_.. .0 21 210:99 13 1.93 47' 3 350 �9 3 341 83 613 30% 98 J. Bailey g7y 575.00 15 047 79 -5 889'.00 52 99 Minneapolis School Supply Company 2 326'00 � I 100 Aire. Margaret Linke 40'00 ti 2 326 00 101 Addreasograph Co pan I � 4 102 Air Reduction 7,glee C q 51 ;4 I 77,I 10 Allyn A Bacon 1 35 56'35 104 American Book Comp nzsyy 22,50 22150 105 American Home �eonomlo As sod. 2150 250 lfnmexioan Linen Supply Comppan 99 89 99 .dg 10 American Supply Company 95 08 64'457 11 eo19 31 2 50 10 American Tent & Awning OMpa 2 50 109 Austin-'hestern Road Maohine Co. 15.55 7.92 15'55 110 Auto Brake servioe station ill Automotive service Company 1'0E4 1'0 112 Baldwin Transfer Company 9 20;00 2000 11j Bonk Fish Company 12 50 12' 50 114 Boeringer & son 2.00 2 00 115 07 11 :-�. Brltisid Coal Company 193'.87 Tel 80 116 Bristol Company 9 11 117 Stewart R. Bromine Mfg. comp 111999 O i9 00 116 M. qurg & Bone 5 119 Burna Lumtqr company 2g 4 gO 'al 52 2 75 120 Campbell Co Company 199i69 23 75 121 4�z� n4.- _-i 99 9 130 69 ;64 rz I . I �„ 2233 .ITS iII 17 2g 124 The century Company 31 63 31 66 I i 12 Chioago, St.Paul, Mpls. & O.R .Co. 1 2 1 23 126 Coohran-sexgent Company 12 55 113 93 3 45 10 17 127 Corning -Donohue Company 46 o0 9 50 7.50 I 29 00 128 . Cudahy Packing Company 15 00� 15 00 129 Cylinder Reaming Service company G ?0 00 j 20 OOQ 130 Daily Hardware Company 1391 j 1 91 131 Day's rarest-0-servioe Company41 41 3 132 Adam Decker Hardware Company 249 9 ' 5 56 5 70 59 00 5 25 174 43 133 Del Auto Radiator Company 30 55 30 55 134 Donaldson Photo Company 17 00 �7 00 135 Louis F. Dom Company 4 66 risenmen8er Meat Company 126 9,1 126 �1 137 F'lkhart Brass Mfg. Company �i 6 57 7 571 6 3 _, 138 .rivgren Paint Supply Company li 7 I 47 81' 68 6 1 139 'rhos. J.tMgel Welding & — 10;00 r�-.i 4 i 42, �bF ". " CITY BAINTPAUL !c v�.. ��s +�i.,•r- �� QUADRUPLICATE,, •, -- TO OFF4;IWt THE COMPTROLLER RES. NO._�_____ _ Cm CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE_ L 192.6 CITY TREASUt RLy TO rTHE AIGGREGATE AMOUNT OF +�� , S_— ivGt 10 COV RING _ _____l t— ___ _ v ��LL + .. C PTROLLE CHECKS NUMBERED__? __TO__1_5A INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE. OFFICE i _.___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK I U IN AVOR OF it BY NUMBER I' 1� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT SANK CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD S I ` I i II I II ! 1 I 11 r 1 II �— C. F. No. 63919— Reved P so, that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the' aggregate atgoun[ of E16, 352.18, covering checks •'1; I ! numbered 146 to 166 Inclusive, as per checks n file in •! the .Rice of the City Comptroller. .'. �! Adopted by the Co, ­11 11 Jan. 7, 1926. APProved Jan. 7, 1926. I (Jan. 9-1926) I _ N I I is 11 I - By CHECKS NUMEIERED- - - ------------ TO __ ____---- .. ,., ,• . ll � � . ,� S UDHEIMER ' � _ ✓ I - - __ W --.—_-. ____ _. _ _. � P4RO:XE R.. `;' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IIi .� V�ENZEL, ,. . J OIV YES (\ ) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) MAfGk ung i -• L/ -., OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JJJ ° a p .. Mr. VII00 Pro& FerRasoB ._ . -- �.. - .. TO AL. RETURNED - - DISTRIBUTI -- . SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY LOCALS+ TRUST SINKING ACCOUNTS 'PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS. NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENERAL WATER � I BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM ACCOUNTS' REVOLVING 3 409 15 3 779 74 613 30 BROUGHTFORWARD 58 6 i.1?6 23 526 13.265 40l 50 6 p6�.93 77.90 " 147 P. °ZnithRTire Battery Co. 1 377 63 ;3 1 33771 7947 14ffi Tire Repair company 08 58 b0815s • 1 149 L.C.HodgGon, ComIr. of iin. 44 25 4425 150 ^ R n R R 110'00 110 00 151 R R R n R 12 472 95 12 472 95 152 creat Lakes Coal & Book Co. 1 083.81 1 083 81 53 r -t Kane 125 00 125 00 i54 m..nhat t an Cafe 00 28 00 15� . ".iinne aot�a Lime A, Cement 00. 156 4 5 16 5 45 15� N. Ti. Bell Telephone CMPnny 1 22 75 22 751 I I II — II II SII I � II � I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWA 75.:040 28 38 615 35 4 52� 4 7 947'150 6 069 93 77,9 3 ,15 3 779 RD 17 613 30 .. _.. � I IIi w 4, p o it ;l I .. I — II II SII I � II � I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWA 75.:040 28 38 615 35 4 52� 4 7 947'150 6 069 93 77,9 3 ,15 3 779 RD 17 613 30 .. _.. '`` CITY OF SAINT PAI,, IL UNO Ou G - v;- - TfllpklfLMTE � IF TO RES. No.. ---6 ______ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROeV, LER CITY CLERK CLANCY. 1926 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM SON• __ _ ___ _-.IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY T� - I1 192 CITY T}EASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ' HODGSON. .+ 1926 ` DAT 7___1926 s -__1x35-2..19 7_�_ cGEyyERING :j v McDONALD, APP VEtq�j __- _ __ _ 192 CHECKS NUMBERED 1_'19__ To___1!I2_____ _ SUDHEIMER, -- -- AGAINST BY- PfROuy€R INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ` �ii n((� MAYOR -' F,,,._ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' SON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ER kyr. Vies Pre&.Femsmx_ TOTAL RETURNED -.. ..DiSTRIBUTIO- CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY - -- NUMBER - SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL PUBLIC BANK GENERAL IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORI UTA SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVIOLVING rt BROUGHT FORWARD 59 6994.1a 23 3 6.16 13 265 40; 947 5o 6 069:93 77.90 3 409 15' 3 779.74 613 30 146 .F. 'With Tire & Battery Co. 322 7d 147 N e e n 1 377 63 1 377 13 , 14ffi Tire Repair Coanpnsiy b09 59 669,59 Y 149 L.C.Hodgson, Comer. of Fin. 44 25 44 25 151 r n o e e 12 412 00 110 00 95 152 Great L= 1 kes Coal & pook Co. 12 47295 0�3 91 1 093 61 154 P ^ t Kane 125 00 125 00 1Mrnhattan Cafe • 129 00 29 00 6 15x1 t.iinneoota Lime & Cement Oo. 156 45I 156 14. ". Bell Tal®phone Company 22 75 22 75 I 3 l COUNCIL FILE VO..__ � i By. In the Matter of.planti ng. and protecting shade_ trees .on_both sides of__. University avenue from Dale Street to Westerly City _Limits, RE99LUTION9. under Preliminary Order. Y1467 approved.. Au�.,1S�,.192F...... ......... Intermediary Order ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it L �d— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the plant and .protect „shade trees „on both_,. sides of University Avenue from Dale Street to. West erly_City.Limits, be and the mine 9rr hereby cs-eellcc:, 'rni:lla'., and re -minded wid ak proceodiuv in said =Lot r, be discontinneF and th Council hereby orc rs said impruaem nt to be made. RE OLVED FI7RTHE \Pccif1,C,1ti.n, That the Comm sinner of Public Work be and is hereby inst cted and directed t prepare plans and fnr sa' improvement, and s mit same to the Cou cil forapproal; t at upon said apprte proper city o cials are hereby author ed and directed to pro ed ith [he ma 'ngofsaid impr"It in accordance t rewith. Adopted hy the council JAN 1 2.1126 JAN, ! 996 cite Clerk. Approved _..... 192....... ayor. V Councilman Clancy PtIeLISHEDL,� C �% � ' Councilman McDonald Councilman m& Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel jell, Mr. VI� ergusoe 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7. i I 1� t' CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 -DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE- TREPORT OF COM*SSIONER OF FINANCE Al`' ON FRELIMMINARY ORDER J (A) r In the matter of Plant, arA nrn+ant shade tr'eas both sides Ili Vere1 Avenue -from Dale Streg+ to WAAterly City Timis S4 C J ck: Cdi under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance" hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoyTOof he assessment for the above improvement is - , 1 on, n0 rit The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is SO. 16 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tho assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ' East 8 inches of Lot 2 & 1 Chute Brothers Division VALUATION 26,000 (,Except East 8 inches) 2 No. 1, Addition to the 14,100 3 pity of St. Paul, Minn. 4,500 4 • do r 5,000 5 do 3,000 6 do 2,000 7 do ( 6 do 5700 9 do 12,000 10 do 2,000 Form b. n. 10 TOTAL, r. CITY OF ST.PAUL K ; DEPARTMENT OF FINA C - • REPORT OF COMMISSION R F" FINANCE • - ON PRELIMINARY h - y ASSESSED C DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK ADDITION I. VALUATION - 11, Chute Brothers DiVI'sion 2000 12 No. 1, Addition to the City 2000 13 of St. Paul, Minn. 2000 14 do 2200 15 do 5100 ( 1 Chute Brothers Diu. No. 8 1c;500 (( 2 Addition to the City of 3 St. haul, Minn. 5050 4 do 13i000, 5 do 6 do 1800 7 do 5700 8 do 4800 9 do 4oco 10 do 54oc 11 do SS00 12 do 13 do 1900 14 do 2000 15 do 7050 1 Chute Bros. Div. Nc. 9, Add. 7000 2 to the City of St. Paul Minn. 3000 3 do 8750 4 do 4600 5 do 5350 6 do 4S00 7 do 5050, ro�M e.e. ri g TOTAL c OA • e * CITY OF ST. PAUL x •�' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ;I REPORT OF COMMIVIONER OF FINANCE - �• . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I ' (B) pESCRIPTIOR LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 Chute Bros. Div. No. 9 6650 East of 9 Addition to the City of 3000 e Fest e .9 and all of 10 St. caul, Minn. X700 750 11 do 12 do 5100 13 do 1900 14 do 2000 15 do 0 2850 1 Chute Bros. Div. No.16 16700 2 Addition to the City of 9550 3 St.. n -cul, Minn. 2000 1} do 9 300 do 5000 do 6 00 do 700 9 do do 90 7200 do 100 �+ 00 12 doo 6300 1� do 4100 15 do l 2275 5 3.0 1 Syrriicate No. 1 Adaition 24,C00 �9 1 do 13,000 28 1 do "4,,400- 7 14,500 26 i do 177500 25 1 do 223 0 3120 1 do 22 1 do 12, 50 21 1 do 20 1 do 20000. 2000 19 1 do 18 1 do 2000 16 17 1 dodo 12,175 30 2 40,600 rdo 1 29 2 do 29 2 do 27 2 do 54400 26 2. do 4400 00 2r, 2 do 2400 24 2 do 3 460 �3 2 do 22 2 do 78,200 21 2 do 20 2. do 2,400 19 24 do4 2650 19 2 do TOTAL 2,900 . .. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • t �{' REPORT OF COMMISIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (B)ASSES ° DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK�. .ADDITION „ ED VALUATION 17 2 Syndicate No. 1, Add. 16,100 16 2 do' 30 3 do 2600 29 3 do 2100 ° 28 3 do 7500 26 ddo 4100 3 do 4400 z4 3 23 3 do 7200 22 3 do 7800 21 3 do 8300 20 3 do 9050 (Excect Feat 10 feet) 19 3 do 1350 (Fest 10 ft. of 19 & all of 187 3 do 10,850 00 16,600 11 3 do 30. 4 S do 2600 29 4 do 2000 28 4 do 7050 27 4 do 7000 26 4 do 1800 2 4 do 14100 24 4 do 150000 23 4 do 3000 2.2 4 do 5800 21 4 do 26,100 _ 20 4 - do 19 4 do 1800 18 4 do 1800 17 4 do 2000 16 4 do 2175 1 1 do 9200 2 1 do 3500 3 1 do 1700 4 1 do 3200 5 1 do 850 6 1 do 850 7 1 do 1700 8 1 do 1700 9 1 do 1700 10 1 do 1700 11 1 do 1700 12. 1 do 1700 1 1 do 12800 14 1 do 2200 15 1 do 14200 ( 10 1. Victoria Street Addition 875. ( 9 1 to St. Paul ( S. FMIne.e.ii 1 do TOTAL ^ - - �, :•�: CITY OF ST. PAUL- H' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR'I' OF COMMI�PLONER OF FINANCE ~ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER p 1 ASSESSED. , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDJTION VALUATION 8 1 Victoria Street Addition 7250 7 1 to St. Paul 91 6 1 do 7 4 Van Boren Ad,ition to St.PaJl 1700 6 4 Minn. 1700 5 4 do 1700 4 4 do 7100 S 2 Vernon Addition to St -Paul 3600 Q 2 Ramsey Oo. Minn. 2600 6 2 do 3800 5 2 do 656 9 4 do 4650 7 4 cb 1350 6 4 do 4900_ 5 4 do 2075. 1 1 Slater & Riley s Add. 2400 2 1 do 2000 3 1 do `9300. 4 1 r do 0 43,00 5 1 do m ; 1600 66 1 do 1600 6 1,, do 1600 1 do' 3790 11 do 8950 10 do 1600 11 1 do 300 12 1 do 3600 F 13 1 do. 200 14 1 do 1900 15 1 do 2400 S 4 Franklin Ad,iitionDAq 2,050 77 4 St. Paul T675 b 4 do ' ;4875 5 4 do 12,225 8' 4 ." Univers`,ty-Ave. Addition 7350 7 4' do 1750 6 4 do .,;1750 4 do 1750 8 4 Elders Addition St. Pau°1, 1750 7' 4' Minn. 1750 6 4 `117500 5 do 1 Weed & Lawrences's 4400 2 1 ,Additi-n to St. Paul;Minn 1450, 3 1 do 1650 4 I. -,do 6700 16 .'2 do 5825 1�y '2 do 1700 14 2 do, 1$75. and East 8 feet of 13 2 do TOTAL .. .. .. a -"• h - CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMIS;HONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) „ DESCRIPTION LOT 8-o ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 2S feet of 13 2 University Subd. of 1700 Lots 1, 2, 3 and S Hyde and east 12,feet of 12 2 Park Ramsey Co. Minn. West 24 feet of 12 2 do 1025 11 2 db 2400 (Except West 16 feet) �-10 2 do West 16 feet of 10 2 do 13600 and all of 9 2 do That east of Lot 6 Hyde Park, lying South of Sherburne Ave. 15500 1 3 University Subd. of 2525 2 3 Lots 1,2,3 and 9t Hyde 1700 3 3 Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. 1550 4 3 do 6 3 do do 26650 do 1425 s 3 do 1400 1 1 Greves Subdivision "A" 1425 2 1 do 1500 3 1 do 15oo 4 1 do 1500 5 1 do 1725 6 1 do 1525 7 1 do 1700 S 1 do 2500 1 1 Lindemann's Subdivision 10.75 2 1 of Lots 9 and le of Hyde 3 1 Park Addition to the City 9900 !} 1 of St. Paul 5 1 do 20900 b 1 dos 1400 7 1 do 1100 g 1 do 925 North of 15 Hyde Park •15500 30 2 Simonitsch's Subdivision 2350 29 24 do 1900 292 do 1750 2Z 2 do 1750 2 2 5 do 1750 25 2 a do 1790 2 2 do 1740 2 2 do 1750 2$ 2 do 1750 21 2 do 6000 . 20 2 do TOTAL 1750 'Z OF ST. PAUL �( Y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t k-• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE h f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' a (g) - L - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION 2 Simonitsch's Subdivision 1750 .19 18 2 of Blocks 11 and 14 of (Except Lexington Parkway 17. 2 Hyde Park 12100 29 8 Sanborn's =4idway Addition 9000 28 8 to St,,,,,naul,r Minn.. 500 27 8 do 13500 26 s do 4 ,, .., 2000 2Z 8 do 2000 2 8 do 2000 23 8 do 3850 22 8 do 2000 21 8 do 8500 East of 20 S do 1000 West of 20 and all of 19 8 do' 5400 18 8 do 4600 178 do 9500 30 7 ado 4400 29 7 -do _000 28 7 do 1900 9200 o �21 2 7 do 2 7 do 1900 23 7 do 1900 22 7 '. do 1900 21 7 do 2400 20 7 do 1900 19 , 7 do 21F0 18' 7 do 1900 17 7 do 2000 16 7 do 2400 30 32 Syndicate No. 5 Adiiticn 280300 29 32 do 28 32 do 2000 2 32 do 2080 26 32 do 2000 2 32 do 2000 24 32 do 2000 23 32 do 2000 22 32 do 2000 21 32 do 2000 20 32 do 20cc �9 32 do 2000 18. 32 do 2000 17 32 do 2100 16 32 do 2400 30 31 do TOTAL 2400 CITY OF ST. PAUL It �. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'IONER OF FINANC • 9 REPORT OF COMMIS r J' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (B) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 29. 31 syndicate No. 5 Adition 2100 29 31 do 2100 27 31 do 2000 26 31 do 2000 25 31 do 2000 -24 •31 do 2CCC 23•-41 do 2000 22 31 do ,.2tOO ' 21 31 do 2000 20 31 do 2000 �9 31 do, 2000 18 „ 31 do 2000 1:7 31 do 2200 16 31 do 30oo 30 30 do 3000 29 30 do 2200 28 30 do 2000 27 30 do 1650 2 30 do 4300 24 36 do 2000 23 30 do 2000 22 30 d0 2000 21 30` do 56co 20 30 do 2000 19 30 do 6700 18 30 do 2000 17 30 do 2200 16 30 do 3000 7;0 29 do 8200 29 29 do 2000 29 29 do 2000 27 29 do 2000 26 29 do 2000 2 29 do 2000 24 29 do 2000 23 29 do 2000 22 29 tb 2000 21 29 do 2000 20- 29 do 7700 19 29 ?oco (do 2000 17 29 0 2100 29 ' do 2900 (Except Fest 50 feet) 34 Hall and Brown's Addition 107,000 �16 to Hyde Tark West 50 -feet of 34 do 1 1 Midway Industrial Division 6000 2 1 do 6000 3 1 do 6000 4 1 do 6000 TOTAL - cIT`/ OF ST. rAUL �. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS,-510NER OF FINANC a_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I ,.,.. • ,:. - - -. ASSESSED �. -(B) VALUATION LOT 8—KADDITION DESCRIPTION ' "-- 1 Midway Industrial Division 600 1 doh 00 125,000 1 3 do 2 3 do 00 X3500 d 4 33 doo 7500 5 3 do 7500 .. 7 3 do 30 0-0 (Ex. Stre t and rart includ- Kitteondale, being Auditors od in Midway Industrial 472,500 S subdivision No. 27 St.Paul Division (Except Hamli ns Ave.) 9 Minn. 3(2, 725 15 do 1966950 That art lying Eastf a- line drawn from a r__ int on North line 50 feet from North -est corner to, a point on Rest line 50 feet from: dto 19 49,700 said Northwest corner.of That rart of Lot 19,:K1ttsondale, being Auditor's Subdivision lying westerly of a line drawn fro>•a r --int on the north No. 27 line FO fe-,t_som-the northwest corner to a mint on the west 'rthcvest Lot 19, and - line 50 feet }from s id n corner of- (Except University and Snelling Ave.) That' -cart lyi.g North of St. Anthony Ave. of the West 23• 1013,100 of Southwest of Section 34, Town 29, Rar.ge - 6Lyman.D, Bairds Addition 15500 25 6 1} do 1400 22 6 do 140o 1400 21 5 do 206 do 1400 119 6 do 1400 1400 15 6 _ do 6 do , 1400 1400 , 1400 55 6 w flo 1400 13 6 do 1400 1500 12 6 do 11 6 do. 5100 °• 10 6 do: 17750. 32,275 22 4 do (Except west 5 feet) 21 4 do - west 5 feet of Lot 21 j all -of 20 4 do .. .. _ TOTAL _ . J y - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI5,�IONER OF FINANC+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ t ,(B) -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION Lyman D. Bairds Add. 38500 119 4 do 17 4 do 9300 16 4 do 12600 East 20 ft. of Lot -14 & all of 15 4 do 13800 '"est F feet of Lot 14 and all of 13 4 do 15025 12 4 cb 13 000 11 4 do 20500 10 4 do 39000 9 4 do 28 4 Brightwood Park to S+„ Paul 43000 27 4 Minn. 33500 26 4 do 23000 25 4 do 14500 24 4 do 22000 23 4 . do 16700 22 4 do 4400 21 4 do 8200 20 4 Bio 3800 19 4 do 3700 18 4 do 17 4 do 27,800 16 4 do 15 4 do 5100 28. 3 do 35350 26 3 ao 3000 2 3 do 4700 23 3 do 2800 22 3 do 6100 • 21 3 do 5100 20 3 do 4soo 19 3 do 11300 18 3 do 2800 i 6 3 do 3100 do r 15 3 360o 1 1 Didherman's Rearrangement 6525 2 1 do 5950 3 1 do 5950 4 1 do 5950 6 1: ao 5950 5950 8 1 do 0 6200 CIO ( 90 1 112,475 do "A" ...... do TOTAL 648,000 CITY OF ST. PAUL y } DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC# h' ►-- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t (w \B) , - ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION �. -- 22 Hughes Midway Addition 6900 21 to the City of St. Paul 2000 20 Ramsey Co. Minn. �9 do 16500 19 do 17 CIO 10500 1 do 15 do 2750 2600 1 do 13 do 2050 12 do do 2100 2150 11 10 do 7600 9 do 6 do do 2200 do 2250 do 2250 �} do 2250 3 do 2450 2 do 2250 2$0 2 1 do West 50 ft. Of So. 160 ft. Merriams Out Lots 7000 of Lot 24 E• �do0 ft. of So. 160 ft. of 23 o 13600 W. 50 ft. of SO. 1g0 ft. of 23 22 do 56,750 21 do 20 d° 27000 �9 do ; do 64700 4 00 3, 9 is 17 do 72700 East 25.61ft. of Lots 15 & 16 do (Ex. East 25.61 ft.) Lots 15 & 16 do 112,500 for SnellirF & University Ave.) (Excert the part taken he East 275 feet of the North 182.82 feettofothe L Southeast I, of Section 33; To -n 29, g 3• 122,9D 0 West of alley. (Except cart teken for University Ave.t The test 46.56 ft. East 323.56 ft. ofthe North 161.5 ft. of the Southeast 4 of the Section 33, Town 29, Range 23. 84,C.00of (Excert University Ave. and Roy St. ), The West 33.51 `eet of the the Southeast East 403.51 feet of the North 151.5 feet of a of Section 33, Town 29, Range 23. X50. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ; y J DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMLS�31ONER OF FINANCE :.� `ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER f I - ....(B)' (` ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION t_OT BLOCK - (Except University Ave.) The Rest 50 ft. Rf the East 453- 5eft- CL 1940 the Ehe North 151.5 ft. of the Southeast 4 of Sed. 33, • (Ex. University Ave.) The west 70.0 ft. of the East 52.3..56" ft,:; of_. Sec. 33, Town 29 2�. 2560 the North 151.5 ft. of the Southeast 4 of. _.`Rarg`e (Ex. University Ave) The West 1J?0 ft. of the East 643:4�3ft. of the 5240 North 151.5 ft. of the Southe.a:t 4 of Sec. 33, T. 29, (Except University Ave) The West 151.44 feet of the East 955 Sec. 33, feet of t' a North 151.5 ft. ofth29Southeas23, of 5440 Town5 Midway- Hospital Add. do 14500 1300 5 do 1300 �+ 0 1300 3 do 1300 1675 2 do 1o 12 1600 1 Howard Park o 1300 do 1200 do 12001' 0 1 1200 60 do 7 do 3150 5 do 6500 do 6500 10 do 31900 11 do 12 do i3 do 1600 14 do 17700 1 do 16 do 4550 East of Lot 15 & all of 17 do West_ of L t 15 all of 19 do 3650 and East of" 20 do "West -of Lot 20 & all of 21 do 1500 2550 22do �3 do 1200 24 do 1200 22 do 1300 2 do 1900 27 do 5000 25 do 29 do 3550 CITY OF ST. PAUL - } DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC* ®� ON PRELIMIWrARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT b -ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 Howard Park 1300 31 do '1300 32 do 1300 33 do 1306 3�+ do 1300 3 do 1300 36 do 1300 37 do 1300 r 38 dos 1400 39 do 1750 4o do 13100 41 do 42 do 40500 43 do 44 do 4do 46 do 47 do 1400 48 do 1400 49 do 1400 50 do 1400 51 do 1500 52, do 4000 169 Hinkel's Third Amendment 7150 170 to Union Park Ramsey Co.Minn. 171 do 1700 172 do 1700 173 do 1750 4 do 1750 1755 do 12500 176 do 177 d✓ 1750 178 do 1750 179 do 1750 180 do 1800 181 5050 182 do is do 1975 189d 1$75 187 do 1875 188 do 1875 1894 do 18,5 1 90 do 1875 191 do 1950 192 do 2100 193 ft 2400 199 do w11w e.e. i TOTAL 24450 CITY OF ST. PAUL t Y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE / REPORT OF COMM,I ,SIGNER OF FINANCE 00 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION 200 Hinkels Third Amendment 24450 201 to Union nark, Ramsey Co. Minn. 202 do 92,8 20034 do 19-650 do T 160 Union Park. 5 0 420 162 do 0 779 16 3160 s 63do 4 Hinkel d-Amendment to 15800 Southeasterly 5 ft. of 165 Union Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. Northwesterly 35 feet of 165 do 20100 166 do 167 do 9s000 168 do That part North of University Ave. of the West of the Northwest 1 of Sec. 33, Town 29, Range 23. included in other pror_erty That South Univer'gg;7Rve. the West the f cart of Northwest � of Sec. 33, Town 29, of of Range 23. That cart South of the Minn. Tfr. Ry. Co's 30 ft. stript 3 4 Robbins & others 5700 Rearrangerne-t That rart South of the Minn. Tfr". Ry. We 30 ft. strip. 4 4 do 7900 That r_art South of the Minn. Tfr. Ry. Co.'s 30 ft. striO 5 4 io 11400 do 6 4 do 14900 do 7 4 do 2C,,000 67 Hewitts Out Lot,; First & 25,500 Second Division (Except Northwest 60 feet of South 150 feet) 66 do 13500 ..ii / TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j ~ -. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI i�Ai\IG . ON PRELIMi-1�ARY ORDER- -" DESCRIPTION LOT a�occ .. AO�:TION ASSESSED VALUATION Northwest 60 ,feet of SO -150' 66 Hewitts Out Lotg t & 45000 Second Division 65 do 21800 2$800 �+ao 63 do 24800 do 1140 61-1 do 24700 61 do 120150 All that part of 60 do lying south of a line drawn from the Northeast corner of said lot the ea --,t line of Hampden to a point on Avenue. 75 feet south from south line of Charles St. South 60 Feet of 59 do do 8000 15750 Except North 1.13 feet) 58 feet) 57 do 25750 (Except North 113 feet) 56 do 17700 Except North 113 West 113 feet and do 52500 �Except Exce-ct West 10 ft. for alley 55 (Excert North 113 ft. and do 15750 (Except east 10 ft. for alley 54 (Except No. 113 fm- 53 ao 15750 North 113 feet & do 53300 Mcept cept West 75 feet 52 (Except North 113 feet) �2 do 3950 (west 75 feet of (Except North 30 feet) 51 I<> 24000 —(Except North 30 fe t) 50 do 21700 (Except North 30 feet) (The East 95 feet of 49 49 do cio 2600 (Except North 30 feet of West 5 Beet of Lort 49 & all 40, do 53500 6 ao 41250 9 95 a -o 37600 �3 4 =io CITY OF ST. PAUL- _ y Y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + t �. F; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMFNARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONj- 'ASSESSED ,. VALUATION. Hewitts OutLots First 37600 9Z Division Easterly of NIElyu of,., 1 93 do do 26100 5 Westerly of Northeasterly o 93 . Northwesterly 1 of 93 do do 4500 9650 Northeasterly 4 Of 92 Northwesterly u of 92 do do 7200 22500 91 90 do 21700 g9 do 21700 Sg do 54300 g� do 28700 East 50 feet ofd s6 ao 2$350 34350 West 50 feet of 8 do 50700 g do 174800 83do 24800 $2 do 21700 ( 91 do 71500 ( 80 do 79 do 67350 78 do do 58200 7� do 32100 7F do 21700 11000 - East 50 feet of 7 74 do do West 50 feet of 73 do 129500 That pert of Lot 30 Auditor'a Subdivision, No. 4, St. Paul, Minn. 216500 lying north of a line parallel to University Ave. From a point on the west line of, said Lot 265 feet from said Avenue. (Except South 35 fe t) 29 do 50,000 28 do 82,000 do 12,5000 2Z do 23 do . do 133575 1 750 22 2.1 do �4 50 20do 32100 �9 do _ TOTAL 32000 ' ' y CITY OF ST. MAUI. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " / `B) '- ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION l.oT �e�ocK ADDITION ADD VALUATION , •.. ,.;- r r "-'-,-' 12 1 Cromwell.Plaoe 600 2900 11 1 do 27500 10 1 do 5000 1 2 do 2 2 - do 3 2 do 19000 4 2 do r, Auditor's Subdivision 3900 1} No. 4, St. Poul, Minn. 3975 3 2 do 2000 1 7 Baker's Addition to the 5500 6000 2 7 City of St. Paul Ramsey 6000 3 . 7 Minn. 6400 655 6 do 9900 66 do 4 do 3 6 do 2 6 do 1 6 do 6 5 do 27 0 5 do _ 5950 3 5 do 7000 2 5 ao 4 00 6 ° 1 5 do Lots 1 to 12 Block 3 and 4 do 602,000 all of also the vacated alley in said block 4, Clifford St. vacated between Blocks 3 and 4 also that part of Bayard St. vacated which. adjoins Clifford St. and Blocks j and 4. 1 Schoch and Althens Addition 10,000 to St. Paul 2 do do do (Except Curfew St. Lots 5 & 6 do (Except Curfew St.) Lots � 7,8 9 2 5 Auditors do Subdivision 3200 27'200 Easterly of VPe s twrly Of _. - - 25 No. 9, St. Paul, Minn. TOTAL 47000. . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC10 > v. A, c%, ON PRELIML 9ARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8-K ADDITION VALUATION 26 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 S 2 9 2 10 2 11 2 12 2 13 2 1I+ 2 15 2 West 50 feet of that part South of Charles Street of 21 (Except West 3 feet for Berry Street That part South of Charles St -11 That cart South of Charles St. 10 1 n Auditors Subd. No. 9,St.Paul 106,800 Minn. Twin City Addition 361550 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Auditors Sub3iv4'sion No.9 300 St. Haul, Minn. do 45,925 do 11000 J. Teorge Smiths Twin 30,750 City Addition. 10, 429, 260. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 4 .Iks. /l _ 1 Dated .— _ -��- -- - 192 5 Commis . ner of Finance. F-- 11. B. 12 El To The Honorable, TI-: Council, City of S t Paul, Minn. s r . '�,t l St. Paul, Minn_ -._192 Gentlemen: We, the z� aic.'ersigined property ,owners, hereby petition your on ble Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _....------..._-------------- --- S*_ Ave. j� from _.... ...__.._._...._._ .... - _.._St. Ave. to_ v� - --- — ---- —St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION i ii l �t-r�zr� � aJ 71 t! , 3 y ♦ s .t St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St_ Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Q St. Ave. from.---_---------- ---- ------------------ ----St. Ave. to--- -------------- - -------- — ------- --St. o-- -------------------------------St. Ave. NAME In // LOT BLOCK ADDITION /- /z A"D a� . i7T ��i-rte 2 _ 31 u 61 76 9 1 J! �e St. Paul, Minn._ — To The Honorable, Fha Council, City of St_ Paul, Minn. Gentlemen - We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made- - - -- - - — - -- - - - - — --- ----- St. Ave. ------------------ - --------- - -------- ------ ---St. Ave. to—— -- -- ------------ _.....__....._... -- -- ------St. Ave. S qff Office of the 4,c3m rzissioner of PUL Report to Commissioner of Vinan BEP 15 13 O' Sept. 14, 1925 -... --- ---- _ . 192 ---------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the 61487 August Z8 , 1925 Council, known as Council File i�To__.._-----------.---------.--... approved ---------................------------.-----------_------_......_..._.192......----, relative to the planting and prot,e�c t ialg of s4-8de trees on bot32 sides of University -Ave. -from D81e St. to westerly citylimits� --- - -----.._--------------------- ........_.-...._ ---- - ----- ------------------------- -- ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable_ 18¢ per Pront :Et. 6,100.00 2. The estimated cost. tlzereo£ is $__------------------------- ----------- and the total cost thereof is !F ... Frontsge Z53 , 730 :E -t. and the nature and extent o£–said improvement is as follows: ---------- ..__...._____.----- _-------- ---- _.........._---- ..__.......-....- ------------- ------ .._..._.__._..-_ 3. A plan, profile or- sT-etclz of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....---------------- -------------- - - - -------- ---------------- -- . ........_..-__ ----------------- ----- - - ---.._....... ..................... ---- — ---- ---- 5. Said improvement is_____ -------- _----------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement_ Commissioner of Public Works. kl'6 U AT Ma1jW&Q Rv vv"friFrneR#h vF 16"Irr W',!, ss JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARO. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. 111- ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. S P CONSTRUCTION 110 REPAIR A. B. SHARP. S F SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFl . - CITY PLANNING -N- G. P. BOW LIN. SYPE. OF WOP-S. September 11, 1925. Hen. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of University Ave. from Dale St. to westerly city limits under Preliminary Order C.F. #61487, approved August 18th. For planting American Elm Trees $62100.00 Frontate 33,730 ft. ` Cost per front foot .18 Yours very truly, .S hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: yz Commissioner of Public Works. e 8n;-ust E8, 1.9.25. Hon. H. C. t%ersa A—.– commissioneraa'a, Pia;jgrounda and Pub 37:1-4c= Dear sirs -- 3� a-3. Zron Xindl;y iurn3`sh us s.=ith a preliminamW -- - a vc of cost iter the plantin? and protecting of sI tx-ees on botti sides o -r University Avenue from 1)7-- Z 4e�t s=eat t:o the . esterly city Limits - C. F. j�61487. 38, 192.5. w � i3i2 2' S t 2"iZ i�j w _-nj- Ineer. r• ;� GEORGE L.• NASON. - Sups•• OF PwRKS ERNEST W. JOHNSON. Supt. OF p�wYoxouNOs FRANK- X_ TEWES. - GrrY .wnCMrcHc-`' its Ak . NIV j8pt. Faul 3Bte}3rartVMX-1MY of arks. IaggrtaunDs anal wzthlit �uilaing H ERM AK- G. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER - {RYl1VG C_ YEAR`CE_ OEPU'('1' COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE September" 1, 1925. Hon. J.. H - 3lc�orial d� Gommi.ssioxner off' Works, Court Izous e _ Geo. Shepard, Chief Engineer. Dear Sir: :F -n with your request we estimate the cost o :ff' p1$rz gixzg and protecting shade trees on both c.- 1- 13es o = iSnzversity Avenue from Dale to the V -Jest City 33=:Lts (L.F. 61487) at 185e per front foot. yrs_ xna 3rzF_ this estimate we are figuring on a -slightly 3arg>°r tree than we ordinarily plant ana a larger of black earth per tree, on account of the hot condition along University Ave . Yours very truly, Superintendent of Parks . M �¢rcrzai�as{ helps to Mah, IStRIV (EMEraS Honorable Sirs: We, the undersigned, hereby respeotfuily protest against the planting of shade trees on both sides of University Ave. between Dale St. & Lexington Ave. under preliminary order 1161487, approved August 18th, 1925. 5t 5=4r/fY Add.- /1 r Owner of L.,_,B1k.L // � � t ?t ,0:rnei�t5f�;Blk. Add. OF (&In�Owner of IS.�t�Blk. /� Add. � w_ ;- fl?,i�Ovvnar 0-rvner of L. Blk. �� Add. .•� c -- -- l� U of L. Blk. Add. 0 _ Owner of L L,Blk._Add. Owner of j + Llk. 2 Add. /0-L Owner of L . ,Blk• 3 Add. C � :owner of L.�r�,B1k.L, Add. %�y E C H i t�=' +0•.,rner of L� 0Blk. � /Add. owner of L B1k.J`Y Add. 0� owner of L.L,Blk. j, Add. / ,�Blk.� Add. _Owner of L 'I Add. Owner of L._._/,Blk�,', �. Add, h B1 k. , 11 8. Owner of L.�,&4� Adu°.�;uf -� JOwner,L, Add. ,-- F 4 of rOviner of L. Ss— Blk. / Add. -.-4 Owner of Blk.1,, Add. h_�___-- ��,�„_�.- O wne r of L. Bl k .eZ , Add .L-- Dwner of L,.3U, Blk, , Add. D,vner 'of L. 7,Blk.' Add. !�t Dwner of L. , Blk- , Add. Owner of L. Blk.,1, Add. Owner of L. Blk. 7, Add.",� ��. t ��} )• �1 � hip ,. A. Owner of L. ak. —, Add r Owner of L. D ,, 31k. Add, - -- t2��,31 k . Add. Owner of L. Ovmer of L.LQ, Blk.—X.—Add. Owner of L. -I-1 Blk .4,, Add, _ Owner of L. Blk./&, Add. owner of L Blk., Add. Owner of L. Blk.� Add. owner- of L. Blk. L Add. Owner of LBlk._Add, Owner of L,'_�, Add. r}- Owner of L.15, 31k. Ad,i _ • a Owner of L.�J,, Blk. �, Add. 1/l� - -=ov .er of L. , Blk.� Add. .>I - Ad" Or:nar of L Owner of L nik.//''� Add. V _Owner of L _, Ada.Ad'. Ad O;vre -r of L. tJ , 7-1k. _., i .�,.' Owner of L:,Blk, -, Adu 31 k . __�__,, Aaa . Owner of L. liner of L. Blk.Add. Y E,Ifr,,' _Owner of L../ , Blk. _2!t, Add. _ - ?°- e f L. i/ Blk. Add; Own r o � ��,,t� Owner of L. V'� Blk. 7'_, Add. Q Add. 5 O;vner cf Blg •_y _, d i c° `"-- y�JAdd. -� /i�✓�/'"PL�rt l Owner of L.,hL� Blk./ , S C r , ..�war.of. L., Blk. Add. /J `'-1� �Qvrrcei+..of L Blk. Add. Owner`of L LIQ, Blk. V , Add. - r' 0-aner of L._—,,Ada. -- _-- e�ner of L. 31k._� ALL. -- --_.-.-a -- f ' Owner of L.—_, Blk._., Add. _-- ---------- -- - 0 vner-'oi L. — — O:•n,i• of �• ---' - a- 1 1 R 1"• GEOAR. 0496 ,x I T SA1. TQ%2S SUITE 455-SHUBERT BUIL-MING S� ,PiO.t7L.,M]Ni+l. Jan: 5th, 1926. To the Honorable City Courts X31, St. Paul, Minne sQ t a.; Gentlemen:-- i i;� j. , _ C, -ir 1,111WX INS Uri Nt -D „ 6 On August 14th, last, I directed a letter to your honorable Body, protesting against the contemplated planting of trees on University Ave- I had a letter from the City Clerk (C.J.MoGlogan) under date of Augt2st 155th, in which he stated that, when a prelimin- ary order was passim sig post oeid notice would be given to the property owners at least tvr4mam zity days in advance of the hearing. I now have before me notice from the Commissioner of Finance, which cards are post marked January 2nd at 2 P.M., whish was after business -jionrs last Saturday afternoon. 'Phis gives us eight days notice astead of twenty. I do not believe this is suffi- cient notice ands s s I am compelled to be out of the City and State on the date set io this hearing, I want to serve notice now that I do not waive any o- my rights because of not being present at the said hearing. IInt -W_3 my return, Attorney R. G. 01Malley, who is also a property owner c> -3Z University Ave., will speak for me. I cannot think of a single thing that anyone can say in favor of p— --Em=ting trees on University Ave., which is now par- tially a business Street and is rapidly growing into a very busy one - At the corners of Snelling and Lexington, on University Ave., by actual count, the r- -e--- are more than twice as many people passing during the year than at :W- =fl- rth and Wabasha, and who would suggest planting trees there, for t:e purpose of beautifying the street? It is true that there are nc> urge retail stores on University at this time, but they are comi-+^=xjgjT. and very rapidly. I will make the prediction that, if this order goes through, the proper -x7 -y owners can go before the assessor and euecess- fully show that -tl— property has been depreciated anywhere from 20 t o 30 per cent by tiia ma act and, of course, you know what effect that would have upon time taxes of the City. In the 550 feet that I own in front of the Ball Park and also tiie!t 2550 feet lying east of Lexington, there are now about eight trees :2-a the boulevard, which I would like to have taken out; and I would mm*mch prefer paying the $144 for taking these out than for putting ones in. I am oaeA� to this project. ou ver U.4 COUNCIL FILE NO. _ .___ _.........., - By.. _ _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. grading alleys in Block. 5.,. Lane.!s Phalen Grove. A,dd�.ti.4�, from clear Street to cottage Street and from Mendota Street to North and SouthAlleyx. �y oansne ._.._ C. Ftlieo�tter o,9tp Alen C'�uttaR d9t �.. ......... glocK Pram t`le�" 1�.... ........._ ..... _......... .... under Preliminary Order.._ 63017 _,_ ._....approved.....Nov.._ 10,...1925............ Intermediary Order.. .. _ .....approved.. ........ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..grade alleys tri B1oCk,_5,, L&nes Phalen Grove _Addition,_from olear Street to_Cottage Street and_. from.W.endota.... Street to North and South alley, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _.JAN i c 19.26. 19 ......... ..... JANyAI a ;92F ]9�........ City Clerk. approved JA ...... 4 Mayor. ' Councilman ('fancy PUBLISHEDTy C C Councilman McDonald Councilman MEN Hodson .'Councilman Sudheimer v-'(": ou ncl1il man�BWenzel (l r illy. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCES REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CSN PRELVAINARY ORDER In the matter of Grade alb y i n Bl n k 5s LanPI a Pial Pr Gynira AAcijtinn, from Char St -r- Cr,�ttagP Stree t, and ftp.,-Wendota S}re-t to under Preliminary Order approvedy • 3-0. 1929. To the Council of the City of St. Paul = The Commissioner of Finance reports as follows: The total estimated amount of for the above ilnprovelnent- is_ - front The estimated cost per/foot for above improvement is - - - - - - S n--5 The lots or parcels of land that nzassessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor_ ire os follows: ASSESSED OESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3- 5 Lane s Phalen Grove 500 2 5 Addi t ion 2200 3 5 do 3000 1+ 5 do 5000 5 5 do goo 6 5 do 36co 7 5 do 250 S 5 do 275 -9 5 CLO 275 10 5 do 275 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, - CITY OF ST_ PAUL-: 0EPAF2'TMENT OF FINANCE FRaPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF~FINANCE ON PRELSNIINARY ORDER " �ESCRiPT10N -LOT OLCE -- - ASSHSs�O ADDITION VALUATION 11 5 Lane's Phalen Grove Add. 375 12 5 do 375 �3 do 750 14 5 do 1150 15 5 do 400 15 5 do 3275 17 5 do 3900 1& 5 do 550 19 5 do 4125 20 5 do 2.25 21 5 do 200 22 5 do 2 OC 23 5 do 225 24 5 do 2F 75 25 5 do 460o 26 5 do 415 0 27 5 do 3350 { 28 5 do 400 - 9b 45,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report. thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _)/J Qr- Form B_ 8. 12 T� —192 Ss— C o ��/Z L. ✓✓C�— Commissip r of Finance. St_ Paul, Minn_ To Tlye Honorable, The Council, . City of St.. Paul, Minn. s Gentlemen We, the undersigned prbperty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following irrmprovem%nt to be made - ------------------------ ----------------- – --- — - – ------ St. Ave. from–-- -- St_ 14ve. t<3- — V Office of t� e - G ornmissioner of P u bh �epv r to Commissioner of F:i rz a nce Nov 20 1325 November 27,.1925192........... To the Commissioner Of Fina.3E3ce of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public �Works, having had under consideratioa the preliminary order of the �0 63017 -approved ZO 1925 192 ............. relative to Council, known as Council Fi3e __....... grading of alleys iri B3oc}i 5, Lane's Phalen Grave -&ddition, from .. --......................--- -------- -- - ---...............__...._.....--------------------------------- - - - --------------------------- .................... --- .................... ...-._ Clear Street sStndf rom_Mendo t a str . _--.n _._ .--. d........._ South Alleys and having investigated the maters and things referred to therein-; hereby- reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable_ 0.54¢ per front :.t 711.45 2. The estimated cost reof is $__.....:................... and the total cost. thereof is ...................... ..... _..._._......_.., Inspection 0z3 95 Frontage 1310.43 :Et and the nature and extent o£ said improvement is as follows: ...----...----------------------- -------- ---- ----------- _ - ....................... .......-_--_------------ --------.-....------------------------------ ------------ — -- - ...._....—..... _------ ------------------- ------------------ ------ .............................. ..........---............ -...........-- 3. A plan, profile or -<3T said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .--- ------...._.. - -.............. _------_....._..._--........- ... - ..........................-- -- .._.....---- 5. Said improvement is______________________...__._.............._.asked for upon petition o£ gree or more owners of property, subject to assessment for sa1e3 improvement. i .................... .---------------------- -- --- - ----................................ _........ ---.................— Commissioner of Public Works. peipar'F�rnJIB- JOHN H. MCOONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER November- 26, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alleys in Block 6, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Clear Street to Cottage Street and from Mendota Street to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63017, approved November 10, 1926: Estimated Cost $711.45 Cost per front ft. 0.64 Inspection 13.96 Frontage 1310.43 ft. v Yours truly, Ohle ng neer. Approved for transmission t e Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner a o Works. RESOLVED Yeas y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM CAUNCIL No -------63922 Jan. 12, 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block 5, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Clear Street to Cottage Street and. from Mendota Street to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63018, approved Nov. 10, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #63524, approved Dec. 8, 1925- The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter., be it RI:SOL PED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts , and fills, in and upon the alleys in Block 5, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the ,Commissioner of Public 4iorks in the matter dated ianuary 12, 1926, whichplan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. I +nalt7, non betx%ean ne�a.phal6n Gro e� 7f plan t the eaten the- lde�ata =afore- atmehed t a, anon p Commtealoaer of p the' report of tb - i natter-dated-Ja ubllc �Yorka'ta .Yhe.i m�aog pQj)orart a Z by Teter edtc o aiad 'Lnp%vedbTaA o Connell Jab 12 I828: ` l.Tagie Teas)"' 3AN 1 21926 COUNCILMEFe Council ---------------------------------------- 1/ --- ---- r- -----19�------ Nays-------- ✓Clancy �AC�1 t 1 9426 Appr ved_.._ _--..___..__193._.._. ✓ Hodgson ----------------In favor ----- -- .. --- ------ --------- j McDonald "^n j Sudheimer Against Wenzel /ffir. Q7� u- N'oraueon CITY OF ST. PAUL depart ent of Public W--ks F2F.-+PORT TO THE COUNCIL In the condemning and taking e.n easement in the land _zec@ sarc io slopes, for cuts and fills in grudirng of: Allr-Y3 in 73-ocK 5 Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, CIF ar -=tet to Cottage 3t. and under from P. & S. Alley i:'endo 3t _ Nov. 10. 1925 Preliminary � =tile a C _ r X63018 approved - 63524 roves- ^.n�. Intormccd ^_ry Orc�_cr C.F. C --pr To the Count Z o: -t.lzc City of St. Paul: Tho Gor- z-- its s 3 oncr of--ublic %iorlcs hereby submits znd m^kes per ^f monis , his repot, ;�l n of the ^.beve imi)Y ovc- ment, shov.2 =—� by- th_c sh •ded ,jortion of said �l n, the f ills to be made �z l r 3vate .?r( porty, and by the h'-tched portion the cuts 'b be x c c on 2rivatc )roperty, and the extent of the easemE� %. co r>c ta-r_ken by thc: figures opposite such shaded �sid_ hatchc cc_rt s of such pl Date: / /� � onunissioner of Public Vdorlks.; J CITY OF ST. PAUL - - _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t.`t R>f= pORT OF COIF SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE'L MINARY ORDER 1g* I; (A) In the matter of C o nd�� a n d t �7� i n cr nn Pa c man+ i n + P '1 nT ri n e c o c S;, r y for - SlOneci z� amici fi-II in t}e �r�iir of all �c i r Fel nt+Tr G Lanes Pti, l fin .a a933� f Gia��£ v1•i MF- rti t a g+ _ i+o No r t h and South A1� egL under. Preliminary Order approved 14C7V 10 19299. To tihe Council of the City of St_ Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the assessor_ are as follows: ASSESSED �ESCRI F --'r I ON LOT BLOCK A013ITION VALUATION 1 5 Lane's Ph-alen Grove 500 2 5 Addltion 2200 3 5 do 3000 4 5 do .5000 5 5 do FICO 6 5 do - - 3600 7 5 do 250 S 5 do 275 9 5 do 275 10 5 do 275 Farm B. B. 10 DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL E>EPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT oN PREMMINpR4ONo DER�P�N,ANCE LOT BLOCK ACfO1T10N 0- . N. ASSESSED VALUATION 11 5 L-, ne' s ?h•= len Grove Add. 375 12 5 cao 375 �3 do 750 14 5 do 1150 15 5 do 400 15 5 do 3275 .17 5 do 3900 1S 5 clo 550 19 5 .lo 4125 �c 5 do 25 21 5 do -00 2 OC ?3 5 ao P25 24 5 do 2=75 25 5 afl 4%00 26 5 CIO X15 O P7 5 cio 3350 5 dO 4CO $ 45►350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together mowith the report made to him in reference to said matter bm y the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated (/ ] 192, Cornnfissioner o, Finance r gpim B. B. 12 Office of the Com rrissoner of Publi Report to Commissioner of Finance November 7,1925..........192............ ............_... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63018.. _..approved_.........Nov' 10 r 1925 ... . ...... 192 ............. relative to Council, known as Council File No......._..__._........ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,:.__ ._.- .............._.......-- ...._.._.............._..........._.._...._....._._.._..................-.......__.._.........._.................. ...._..... outs _._and ..__t111s_�_n.._the,...gre.di.�B.....a.Y..._sl�..�ein��la.o.k .5.,_...Lane_Ls....Phalan ......--- Grove Addition, from Clear Street to Cottage Street and from Bdendota — .._.........................._...._..........._.........._...................... — — Street to Mir and Sough Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _....... _._......... __...necessary and (or) desirable. xXx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $.._........_xX7..... .......................,_...—. - ---� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........._.....__...__....._......_......_......._............_................:......__......_.._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................ .......................... __....... ...................... ...... ........– -- ._..._....--- 5. Said improvement '...... ............. ..... ...... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. v Council File No.........................."...-:y'�....... 28 By............_.O'................ ......................... ,...... ,...._ _ nA,TIFYINO A89EByilITNTB.. ._ IC. F 1q thNo. . CITY OF ST. PAUL matt er33D23:_ enofite, or th e • • from tax oa tse �e eoPenasnBs�nP Resolution Ratifying �tm�narP chs,,;., Order 614".'- Prosed , A n ung .. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hubbard St. from Oxford St. to a point 30 ft. west of Oha.tsworth St., 61373. 61746 Final Order ._621±01........ _......_,. under Preliminary Order ... _........ .... ................, Intermediary Order__.__.__...._.._.._... approved— 0 Ct A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be, submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable S"'_—.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 'AN 1 21926 Adopted by the Council.____.-...---- ____..____._...._.......192.........._. ............................................... ty Clerk. Jf,N i 2192n Approved_...._..._ .................. .....192...... — ........................................ ------------- _, Mayor. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISl1ED CITY OF ST, PAUL. j VbMCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _........ .Dec......g.t.1.9..?5......, 14;..-.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tkec constructing a sewer on Hubbard St. from Oxford St. to a point 30 ft. west of Ohatsworth St., under Preliminary Order ... ........... ...61373. .... _... ........... ........... ... . Intermediary Order ..... _.......... 6174.6 ....... ........... ....... ......... ............ ., 62.4o. -i ..........._.._......_..........., approved.... _....0_Ct_.r.._._6s_.._192........._......... Dt3G...._....... Final Order ......................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $..._1-r.5'�_2_ o.Q........ 4. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-- - --- Cost of postal cards$._...........................90......... Inspection fees - - 1 $...........__ 3..._......._......._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-----------4_'.50---- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $--L 653-'-7.4 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascec- rained, to -wit: the sum of $._1.2.6.33..- 74..................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may beconsideredproper. Form B. B. 17 Commssioner of Finance. Council File No..... ----- __......... ... ;•' � �-2 C. F. No. 63924 In beneftts, the matter of the assessment of coats and expenses for ton - By ...... ... _..._.___...._......_....__.._......�_....._.� atructing a sewer on Hyaenitb. St. from ForeOt St. to. n Point 273 .fee' - ast of Forest St., under Prelimin- ary Order 60596, Intermed lacy' Order 61202. P7nal Order 61761, approved Sept. 2, 1925. CITY OF S pp Publlo hearing hnving been had puDbn the assessment. rnr th, qk beenetuit})-anP Resolution Ratify Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hyacinth St, from Forest St. to a point 273 feet east of Forest St,, under Preliminary Order 60395 Intermediary Ordh1202.... _....... .............. Final Order..._61761.._._____-___. approved— Sent .2192. i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FOTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__. J i—_..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1921 Adopted by the Council _ .__—T—'._ ... ................_192........._. o JAN1 2190 .... .... I._ ....... -........... ...................., Clerk. Approved__r..�....._......................................................192......_ ......... .....�. Q ............... Mayor; Form B. B. 18 y CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefite, costs and expenses for 1* constructing a sewer on Hyacinth St. from Forest St. to a point 273 feet east of Forest St., under Preliminary Order............_......._...._6Q.39..5... ....... ........ _.... , Intermediary Order ............... ..61.20.2 .......... ...... ... ...... ....... _.............. .., Final Order ......_...._........_6�.761.._....._.................... approved............._...... Seht.t..__2.z1925._.., i$K..... _..... To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $....._6.70_._ ............... Cost of publishing notice $----.-.---•10.--........ 42 $..._........_. '._.......... Cost of postal cards ....... - - $....._...._1.3..r Inspection fees - - - - - - - - ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..... --........ 2..10 ..... ........ $-- Total expenditures --6e,�-.02.--"" Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_..._6.88..'02p upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon �as"may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Com ' sinner of Finance. Council File No, - _..........i. ......... _............ By............ ..__._...... .................... .... ........__ C. F, No. 63925— of In the matter of the assessalent benefits, costs and ozponses for con- structing a sewer on Munster St, from West Seventh St, to a Point 66 CITY OF feet east of Sue St., under Prelimin- ary Order 60248, Intermediary Order 61187, Final order 61842, approved Resolution Radessment uponthela�henrrM ?rcy" "3' 25 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Munster St. from Viest Seventh St. to a point 65 feet east of Sue St., y 60? y, 6�1�1 ......... �, under Preliminary Olde................�.,,..,....,...........,... Iutcluicdiai O�dcl_,.,.,.,,...,,,... dual Order,,. 242. .....,.; approved..,_,,,....,.........................192.,, .,.,., A public hearing having been had upon. the assessment for the above improvement, and said asoess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F XHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable /.._.___.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAR 12 1990 Adoptedby the Council ...... _..._..................,...,,.µ,..............................., ........192............. Approved...... ..... __............................................................192....... Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. o CITY OF ST, PAUL, r OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINAMtl REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 0 ,Dec,$.,.....1.92.5....., 4P....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 6K constructing a sewer on Munster St, from +lest Seventh St, to a point 65 ,feet east of sue St., ...................._........._.._, 60 .... .115 ._7 under Preliminary Order................................_......__..2+8.................._. _. , Intermediary Order_..........................6_......._. „„,. 61$4 .....................approved, Se.Pt,.�..a,1�P�9X.......,., Final Otdc� . �� ' 'o the Council of the Cit of �t� P�ul� � Y The Commissioner of Finan11 ce hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: z9a.6o Cost of construction - - - - - - -$..._..._.1_..._.r�._................._.... Cost of publishing notice $............... ......._6 75.""."""' 1. Cost of postal cards $......._.........._.........._>......_.._ Inspection fees $....... ............ 9_JZ....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $----......-6'_75-._-- Total expenditures .2 6 """ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...32.Q.32..._62.................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form H. B. 17 C missioner of Finance.. 0 Council Pile No, ."............ ... - ... ..................... By �Resolution In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Raymond Ave.from a point 15 feet north of the south line of Lot 13, Block 2, Desnoyer Park to Beverly Ave. and on Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave. to Glendale Avenue, under Preliminary Order...,.....60. 1.9 ............... Intcrmcdiary Order..._ M97................., Final Order......�•� 9,....•,.•........., app . .. roved..,,µ,........c .�,,,.,.6.........................192„�.,,,,,, A publie hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. . ment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in— .___equal installments as to :each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JAN _. _ ..... ....... ................ 'ty Clerk. JAN 1 2 1926 Approved___._._.........._......_ .......... ......... ....... ..... ....... ...... 192.._.. ...... ............... _................. ....... ........ ............. _....._. c ............... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 - ptn3tlsl�n /— 33926 0.F.No, otter In the matter the assessment of o4 benefits, costs and expenses for On- strupting a sewer or, Raymond Ave; prpro a point 16 feet north of the _ ^uer pork to Beverly Ave, and on 1'. r; Ave, from BaYmond Ave to Ave,, under P" .,,,I., CITY OF ST. IPP719,; lot," " Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Raymond Ave.from a point 15 feet north of the south line of Lot 13, Block 2, Desnoyer Park to Beverly Ave. and on Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave. to Glendale Avenue, under Preliminary Order...,.....60. 1.9 ............... Intcrmcdiary Order..._ M97................., Final Order......�•� 9,....•,.•........., app . .. roved..,,µ,........c .�,,,.,.6.........................192„�.,,,,,, A publie hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. . ment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in— .___equal installments as to :each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JAN _. _ ..... ....... ................ 'ty Clerk. JAN 1 2 1926 Approved___._._.........._......_ .......... ......... ....... ..... ....... ...... 192.._.. ...... ............... _................. ....... ........ ............. _....._. c ............... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 - ptn3tlsl�n /— CITY OF ST. PAUL. •� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ....... ... .>ec,th,,;192�., In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for7R1[e constructing a sewer on Raymond Ave, from a point 15 feet north of the south line of Lot 13, Block 2, Desnoyer Park to Beverly Ave. and on Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave, to Glendale Avenue) GI1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIII1111111 I`1I fie^ IIIOIIIplllllllp�111111�� IM1 1 i Mo �� 1111111 11�t�r�•���r11JIy1I Q�d�r 1111111 U41 t�1 o�d•• 111 IIII11111IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I un II 6� �9approved C„'.,..6„r..,,,,9.2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............. Final Order ,,.,,.1.................. . .............................. I To the Council of the City of St, Paul: k The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, f6 -wit: the sum of $.....3.1..249...:-7 ............................... .Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..... Form B. B. 17 Com ' sinner of Finance. $.___�>1...._7.7......_............ Cost of construction - - - Cost of publishing notice $--------`-4_.2Q__`. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $__....._........_........ _lE.._.. - - $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - ....................63..'.5...... Amount of court costs for confirmation $..... ....... . ---4-.-20 ' Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.......3.}249_..7....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, f6 -wit: the sum of $.....3.1..249...:-7 ............................... .Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..... Form B. B. 17 Com ' sinner of Finance. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 'constructing a sewer on Stanford Ave. from a point 490 ft. east of Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave„ 617+7 - _ "..._......., Final Order ........ under Preliminary Order...__611�4_Intermediary Order._.. approved— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT ,PRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereble by determined to be paya �� --.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1926 Council._-- ••--- ----- — - _ ....._192... Adopted by the ..... JAN 1 9 WO Approved ._.__.__.................. _ ..................................._..192...... Form H. 8.618 / Clerk. Mayor., 16,�� PU�l.1SH%D OM 7 Couneil File C. F. No. 63927— In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses:for con-. ___ ._..._----------- __---..----- By"" structing a. seweronStanford Ave. from a point 490 ft. east. of -Prior. r Ave. to Fairview 'Ave. .undo r.Prelim- Inary Order 61174; Intermedlary Or der 01747. Final - Order 82402, ap- proved Oct. 6, 1926.. -' A Dublfc hearing baving had Vpn CITY OF S' upon the assessment for the above lia- Resolution provorn-1, and ­L7—U. eeseo-,-' ..—.�•" Ing beenfn Assment Ratify9ifsse In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 'constructing a sewer on Stanford Ave. from a point 490 ft. east of Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave„ 617+7 - _ "..._......., Final Order ........ under Preliminary Order...__611�4_Intermediary Order._.. approved— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT ,PRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereble by determined to be paya �� --.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1926 Council._-- ••--- ----- — - _ ....._192... Adopted by the ..... JAN 1 9 WO Approved ._.__.__.................. _ ..................................._..192...... Form H. 8.618 / Clerk. Mayor., 16,�� PU�l.1SH%D i CITY OF ST. PAUL. r' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter. of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for XWe constructing a sewer on Stanford Ave. from a point 490 ft. east of Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave., J 61. under Preliminary Order 611.7,}. Intermediary Order ............................7 .............................................. . Final Order ............................:.62 2 approved ... ............... Qct .. 6.,,....1,�.2.5j............ . a............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1 4o6 m Coat of construction $..,...................................... . Coat of publishing notice - - - $-----''--- Cost of postal cards $ ........... ....... 28.12 Inspection fees . • . . . . . . . . •$................................................ Amount of court coats for confirmation • • . . $........... --•••--1..45 Total -..45Total expenditures . $....._1 x.441.,,,.71.,_•,•, Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascel• twined, to wit: the sum of $.......,�'.t..�..'..:.��:.. ........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 __._..._....................................................Commissioner of Finance. 38'-28 Council File No._.. ........_� ....a........_ y= By _ C. ..._.. ___..._...._....__. _.__.__.._ F. No. 63928— __........_— In the matter of the assessment ofl _ benefits. costs and expenses forcon $trusting a sewer on Nyomi.9 3t... from Gorman Ave. to a -point olipo- 'r the west line of Lot 4, Block 2, ddition under Preliminary' CITY OF ST.Y;.>M, mntermediary order 61832; approved Resolution Ratifying !Asses!3,rae, ma t In the matter of the assessment of benefits,, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wyoming St. from Gorman Ave. to a point opposite the west line of Lot 4, Block 2, Janzen's Addition 1 under Preliminary Order_ 64249._.__.....I'......, Intermediary Order. -61186 Final Order......612.................. approved___ SeD_t,-,_ "..___._192_5 . A public hearing having been had upon', the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to'tbe District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__._ _...—....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the CouneiM*..}_d. .-_... ___.................. 192 .... ...... . r l Id 12 1 - Approved..........,.......... Form B. B. 18 i , Clerk. Mayor. PuBusi mi / — 'j r 1i CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE F THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF C6MPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment''iof benefits, costs and expenses for da constructing a sewer on Wyoming -3t. from Gorman Ave. to a point opposite the west line of Lot 4, Block 2, Janzen's Addition under Preliminary Order ................ ......_b 24�................. _.._...... Intermediary Order ................ 61186 ...... ...._... ............... .............. .. FinalOrder -.. ............ _....... _..61 32.._........._7.._.__..., approved ...._.......__........__...._......... i~.pt....i........._, 192}._..... To the Council of the City of St. Pat A: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ - -- -""' Cost of publishing notice - - - $ -----1 20"""--" Cost of postal cards $_........_.._._.....2.4.............. Inspection fees r - - - - - - - -$.........._d.'j._,.7- .............. Amount of court cost for confirmation - - - _ $ ..............._1.20 ' Total expenditu es - - - - - - - $........703..3. �......._..._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$..._72.33..'.$_ ................................... . upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Comissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. H. 17 Commiss' er of Finance. F. No. 63929— Council File r the assessment 01 o ..... . . .... . . . .......... f; the matter benefits, d —fo1 an y'in.! et,e,g, re-2e=nLSide .-d roPaWitsCOntraetNo . me .o'2ender By A CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment +I— matt—of th. assessment of benefits, costa and expense, for T- To -constructing, Xalayi repairing Cement SldfiWalkGs Estimate #2, Under GontreCt 03991, Se=1925- —.f.seassable— r.0- 5,113 '-,'d,--and qt., south ride, beginning 72 ft. west Of RICO F -t-, thence west 16 ft. 5 99 Albeiiarl.0 St., e-nstskdes from Wayzata tit. to Milford St r j.,:0 eept oide, beg, q,ng at F, fth 114t. thence north 260 ft.. 9 3-aWkson St., v , lde, betrinning at JuCkOOn ';to thence east 225 ft - Sixth at., north f, Como Ave.1 viest, north aide, begirming %t weft line of Holton at. thence east 55 ft- F.D. 59259 H&milne Ave., east aide, from L:aIke Go= and My leu Ave- to COMO Ave. Viest paccal '%ve. both sides, from Como plIalen n1vd.to Uebraaka Ave, F.O. crM2 Stinson IM.: n6rth side from Chrttj3-.7Orth at. to Oxford 9t. V 0 &dround St. now GIFIG, teglaning at St. Albans ft. thence East 9D A r:o: '517N87 Sibley Gt., =t vide, beginning 27 ft. eouth of 7th St. thence South 190 ft. 0 56601 Center St., sol"�th side, from unite near Ave. to li�,zol Ave. p:o: 59495 p.,,zej ave., both ei,,Iesv from Lake Cote and Phalen Ave. to Autum AVI 5g 5g ,(south L-i3e, from rj-�zcl Ave. to Curve Ave. F proaDeat hve;l� sides beSinning 138 ft- &a2t Of St- Peter St- P:o: 5U-06 Tilt -on St., south 5 1 thence &ast 15 feet -0 beginninbe- g at Rice St. t110e 49t,4 960 rlentral Terrace. north ald, 100 ft. F-0- 59799 Fuller at., south side, beginning 150 ft. gest 0:r J.ny St. thence ii, est 250 ft. F.O. 56749 4eat Si,-th at., north side, beginning at Smith Ave. thence LaSt 210 it. slaith Ave., e.Aqt sides from i;. 6th St. to „est 9%h $to hest 9th St., south side, beginning at Bath Ave. thence --Pt 150 A F effer south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Gurve Blvd. F:0- 59002 'VII e. to Mount Curve Blvd. rj - 59801 --leaner St., both aides, from Cleveland Av V 0. 59494 Cretin me., both clues, from scheffer ave. to Ford Road F.O. 59794 Chatsworth St -2 west side, from iiatsOn Ave. to T-ascarora ikve. —Iqou-ar-sessabl0— F.O. 56601 Center 3t-, South uiiet from a1'lte n30a`r Ave- to H'-ae' Ave. P.O. 59499 I'lazal Ave., IYAh ';ItieO from Lake Cono � Phalan Ave. to Autumn Ave. Pr® sot Ave., to Ourve ,.vs. V 0 59 r . south side, frca Karel Ave. F:0: I Mennor 3t., both sides, from Mevel and Ave. to �,,.ount Mirve 3-1vd. V otinson St., north side, from 0hatGuorth at. to Oxford at, F 0 ; 6 -d Road 5p 7 0: '�4 Cretin Ave., I)oth sides, from lobeffer Ave. to Vor tmt Clarve . lvd. cities from 01�avi!!.%nd :sive. to 14o scheffer �.ve."Gouth 21:WMI"M . ............ .................. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -__--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Coundhp—L ........_.192........__.... lerk. 192 ........ ... . ... . ................. Mayor. Form B. B . . 18 pUBLISPED e . CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _-._..__.._Dec, a,..._1.9 AFL___ benefits, costs and expenses for thK _ In the matter of the assessment of Constructing, re -constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate #2, under Contract #3991, Season 1925• ---Assessable--- F.O. 56113 Edmund St., south side, beginning -72 ft. west of Rice St., thence west 16 ft. F.O. 59799 Albemarle St., east side, from Wayzata St. to Milford St. F.O. 56609 Jackson St., west side, beginning at Fifth St. thence north 260 ft. Sixth St., north side, beginning at Jackson St• thence east 225 ft.? Como Ave. West, north side, beginning at west line of Holton St. thence east 55 ft. F.O. 59256 Hamline Ave., east side, from Lake Como and Phalen Ave, to Como Ave. West F.O. 59500 Pascal Ave., both sides, from Como Phalen Blvd.to Nebraska Ave. F.0. 59796 Stinson St., north side, from Chatsworth St, to Oxford St. F.O. 59796 Edmund St. north side, beginning at St. Albans St, thence East'60 it; F.O. 56747 Sibley St., west side, beginning 27 ft, south of 7th St, thence south 190 ft. f F.O. 56601 Center St., south side, from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. F.O. 59496 Hazel Ave., both sides, from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to Autumn Ave; F.0. 59556 Prospect Ave., south side, from Hazel Ave. to Curve Ave. F.O. 56606 Tilton St., south side, beginning 13,8'ft. East of St. Peter St. thence East 15 feet F.O. 59601 Central Terrace, north side, beginning at Rice St. thence East 100 ft. F.O. 59799 Fuller St., south side, beginning 150 ft. West of Jay St. thence West 250 ft. F.O. 56749 West Sixth St., north side, beginning at Smith Ave, thence East 210 ft. Smith Ave., east side, from W. 6th St. to West 9th St. West 9th St., south side, beginning at Smith Ave. thence East 150 ft' F.O. 59002 Schaffer Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd., F.O. 59001 Eleanor St., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. F.O. 59494 Cretin Ave., both sides, from Schaffer Ave, to Ford Road F.O. 59794 Chatsworth St., west side, from Watson Ave. to Tuscarora Ave. ---Non-assessable--- F.0. 56601 Center St., south side, from White Bear Ave, to Hazel Ave. F.0. 59496 Hazel Ave., both sides, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Autumn Ave.. F.O. 59556 Prospect Ave., south side, from Hazel Ave, to Curve Ave. F.O. 59001 Eleanor St., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Ourve Blvd. F.O. 59796 Stinson St., north side, from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St._ F.O. 59+94 Cretin Ave., both sides, from Schaffer Ave, to Ford Read F.O. 59002 Schaffer Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. Form B. B. 17 A . ............._.._.................._..._,1444]1.....__... To the Council of the City of St. P�ul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reportsto the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of constructionj -62 .... ......... Cost of publishing notice 0 Cost of postal card $...................... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -1,3_52.66 ............ . Amount of court cos s for confirmation - - - - 39.30 Total Assessa le - - - - - - - - - - 14,6 4 Total Non -ass esable - - - $.......____....._551.9..,.11.. Total Expendi ures - - - - - - - - - $ 15,484.92 i Said Commissioner further rep its that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ -1-51-4.S.4.9 ........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed ... . .. .. benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; t . hat t�e said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Co missioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .. .. ..... . . ..... ............ . _Farm B. B. 17 Copfm'issioner of Finance. Y Council File No ......... ................. __..... __......... _ 03930 C. F. No, 63930 in the matter of the assessment of By ....,....,._................................._..___. benefits, costs and expenses for con. strutting curbing on both: aides of ne Ave, St, to Qrl%gsrSt., underrom Preliminiary'Order 62069, Intermediary Order 62728, Pl• nal, Order 63811, approved May 6, CITY OF ST. A Public ubllo hearing having been .had upon the:assessmont for.the above lm• provement, and said assessment hay. Resolution Ratifyii00 been and hes conslderf b b,- Council, and havlgwu�tx 'P✓r"114 Oilally_AP. Q - In the matter of the assessmentllof benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing �n both sides of Sherburne Ave. from Dunlap St. to Griggs St., under Preliminary Order... ... _.... 45.9.....]...... Intermediary Order..728..................... Final Order.5.'341............ ... ., I A public hearing having been hi ment having been further considered therefore ' upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - , the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it RESOLVED, That the said arse sment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted t the District Court of the Counts of Ramsey for confirmation. B T FURTHER RESOLVED, hat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Q in__ ...—..equal installments] as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the :=,;'.1 2 1986 Approved— ....... .......... _. _.......... ................ _192 ......... ............................... ..._.L. .... ......... Mayor. . Form B. H. IE pUBLISt�ED�=� � 6' IN CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OFC MPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Ded.�.._$...... 1.9.P.5.......... ate._.... r In the matter of the assessme k of benefits, costs and expenses for tkiK constructing curbing on both sides of Sherburne Ave. from Dunlap St. to Griggs St., under Preliminary Order............._......5- 019_........................._... Intermediary Order __.................. _..... 5.27?6... ............... ........ ...... .. FinalOrder ..................................................... approved............._..... ...MAY ..._5..,.....19.25..... fid............. To the Council of the City of St. Piul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction, $..._53.3_. off............ _.... - $... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - ..... ...._4._'.35 .......... _.-" Cost of postal card $...._._.......... 4.7 ................. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . $ 10..........66 Amount of court coos for confirmation - - - - $...___.._ .'35. .................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._._.5.51.1._ 3.....................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case or each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith subm�tted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _... ..........................................................Co isaioner of Fina Form B. B. 17 nce. Council File No....._....'.:...__..._...._ ........ - By, �--.------_-------- C. 1' Ho.lm 63931 lnheneets,ntcostsf the and expense- assessment grading Pinehurst-AveefromUnder- wood -Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and HillerestAve. from Underwoad Ave. CITY ( to Cleveland Ave., under, Prelimin- ary .Order 60625.erm=.ijlary Order roved Resolution Ratifying Assessment f Q i In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Pinehurst Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and Hillcrest Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order ......_6Q_62,Fi.1...._...., Intermediary Order..._ 6161F4_.._:Final Order..... 6.23.5 .._.........__.., approved—_ Sect —3..Q_192-5-. A public hearing having been hlad upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further consideree by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, Wit therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT TBER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__ __equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council..._. ... JAN 1 21926 _ _.. . _ .. ........... ity Clerk. JAN Approved---_.... ............... . .... .........192...... I Mayor. . ....: ,.... ....__, Form B. B. 3! _ PMLISnED 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL. �. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _De.c.,..__tb.,.1�25.., In the matter of the assessme't of benefits, costs and expenses for 9M grading Pinehurst A e. from Underwood Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and Hillcrest Are. from Underwood Ave. to Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Order ....................._.. 6164 ...................... .... ., 60.625 .................._.. Intermediary Order.............................._....._4.._....... Final Order...._..__......_62.....51? L ................ approved. _._...._-..._._.-....._�eDt. 30� ,.192.5 IRK........... � ............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: . Cost of construction' - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal card) 215.66 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$....___........_.._._._.................. j 42.90 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----------- --------- Total espendi�ure. $ 11'_09.3--04""' Said Commissioner further re0orts that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_i1..70..%-t0..-.-----.........---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed i benefited by the said improvement,i and in the case'of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. % ............ ice_......_...._....._..._ . b`orm B. B. 17 Co - rssioner of Finance. Couneft File No ......................... -7 -R -9-P. '...._ C• �• N 63932 By ..- Inb nb the matter of the us _......____.__:.._. ._..._.. ___._...._._, ests, costs and ex ssmennt � 9trpCtlpg a e¢W¢r Pensee for Cope) .from Dudley qve. [opH¢ranlpam St. ^a' -Preliminary Order 6123p ve. un- •a--'narY Order 6rde Inter-. '• annroved Oct. 6, 1g25'nal Order' CITY OF ST:' .r: a>. Resolution Ratifying Assessment v890�) In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Grantham -St. from Dudley Ave. to Hoyt Ave, under Preliminary Order._512.40....._...._..., Intermediary Order.4745__. _......._..... Final Order ..._..._623.49 ........ ..... , approved—_ Oct .. 6._.. 1925 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore � r RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT7TBER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the CouueiIJAN_L;2_.1 1` & .--_...__.._ ..................192............ JAN } i 1�2h ' ..... ...__.... -- - -- t"— .......... ty Clerk. Approved-- ................. ..............__....._.........._...192._... --......_.........................._.._._, Mayor. Form H. H. Is . P[78LISHEg / ._ J C CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ME constructing a sewer on Grantham St. from Dudley Ave. to Hoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order ....._......_.........._61_2 __--.- Final ...., Intermediary Order _ .............._61.7-..5._......_............- -'-' Final Order .......... ...............6Q9.9........_..............__......., approved......._0_Ct.. 6.s....., 104............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $---9.74-" 9--"...... . Cost of publishing notice g ...... - ....... l .65 ................ Cost of postal cards - $--- ­--' Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..........1.7...:_4s......_.._.... Amount of court costs for confirmation $.... ...... .__1..•.... ................ Total expenditures $....,_$..5..5_.:.11 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._$9.5. _l l..........................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. c��✓: y - _... _.......... Form B. B. 17 Co miasioner of Finance. Vraer _61693, Flnal order 611• benefits costs and expenses for I t proved sept 36, 1s26:,,..ad bn"£`of / P A- publla head--"-' constructing a sewer on: Pinehurst Ave. from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Ford Road from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Hillcrest Ave. from a point 60 ft, west of Fairview Ave. to Howell Ave., and on Howell Ave. from Hillcrest Ave. to Ford Road, under Preliminary Order... -_6°708 .... _......... Intermediary Order..61692 Final Order..._._62w 7 .......... _.... , approved_— Sep—t.-3-0-192--5.- A public hearing, having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the Same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-- / FSR .--.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council __-Lpl-ti.%.-ada2-L_...._..__.. ......... ..._....192. ....... _... Approved—..... .......... .. . . ......... 192 Form P. B. is - PUBLISTIED / _ � Council File No_ ............... n nAITI7INo ASSESSMENTS. _ C. F. No. 63933— iln the matter of the assessment oP' beneata, pe coats and exnses for -can-„ structing a sewer olneharati, CITY OF ST. PAUL iAve, from a point. 6."'f,' west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on For Road from Ave a point el ft, west of 1anerlrvlewst Ave, to Cleveland Ave., on Hillcrest Ratifying Ratifying p �'y� p Assessment point Ave. from Ave.point 60 ell - Avec ofFairview Ae. to Howell Hill—. �. Ave., and on Howell Ave. from-. crest Ave. to Ford Woad_ under Fre- ' Vraer _61693, Flnal order 611• benefits costs and expenses for I t proved sept 36, 1s26:,,..ad bn"£`of / P A- publla head--"-' constructing a sewer on: Pinehurst Ave. from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Ford Road from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Hillcrest Ave. from a point 60 ft, west of Fairview Ave. to Howell Ave., and on Howell Ave. from Hillcrest Ave. to Ford Road, under Preliminary Order... -_6°708 .... _......... Intermediary Order..61692 Final Order..._._62w 7 .......... _.... , approved_— Sep—t.-3-0-192--5.- A public hearing, having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the Same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-- / FSR .--.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council __-Lpl-ti.%.-ada2-L_...._..__.. ......... ..._....192. ....... _... Approved—..... .......... .. . . ......... 192 Form P. B. is - PUBLISTIED / _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for da constructing a sewer on: Pinehurst Ave.fram a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Ford Road from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., on Hillcrest Ave, from a point 60 ft. west of Fairview Ave. to Howell Ave., and on Howell Ave. from Hillcrest Ave. to Ford Road, under Preliminary Order .................. 7 _--...._................._.., Intermediary Order ............ Ei6J_2------------------ .--- ....---- _.....---- -..... Final Order ...... ...... ......_.._6.23y.1...7_........._._......__.........., approved...........__............._195-..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: . The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.19.a.3Q0,, QQ........- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $_ ............. Cost of postal cards $...................._6...:_2.......... Inspection fees - - - -$...._........%.$.�.6...•OO....._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $............ .....vel-'.3.�?---.-. • Total expenditures - - - - - - - s19..J5...4..-9.7._...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._� 9.4..7.54-9—T .- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 CommOloner of Finance. ,A 03934 VY6.. Wilt— exten a . dening.and the " matter�a, 0 OPelng widening street ,, to fo,na ba' kUOWD as .,a, -Wood Road Othe east ""LimitsLimitsh � to dcl To -,- As...., 7t taking condemning ally iiaj`sc6ht-�c part . i . , he that part of Lot , to, Division NO. 1, and all that part of the " " f U4,ol the SE 14, own 22, Including Lot 6 ]VISIOrt+ Un to n , Heights f land 6 1 et Resolution Ratifying an Tiur g gthin .strip. all idemnation 1. lyin with - the t In -width I . e .. of hichl is described -ax follows. ---Th refor. Beginning at the eouthe Ttowora2esr, e and Awards of Damage—of the NID%, Section 14, a Range 22, thence west on the east I the matter of . . . - . - I - - ., R — — __ In N opening, !riq�nipg ana--?-xte4 at a at et to be known as 1111ighrood Road",from the east 01ty Limits to Highwood Avenue, by taking and condemning all that cart of the S94 of the U-14�, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, and that -part of Lot 34, Block 10 A bts Division No. 1, and all that part of the of the Si�Burlington Heig, Section 14, town 28, Ranee 22, including Lot of Burlington Heights Division No. 1, lying within a strip of land 66 feet in width; the center line of which in described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the :14,section 14, Town 26, Range 22, thence west on the east and west 1/4 line of section 14, Town 28, P�ji-nge 22, to Highwood Ave. Also by condemning and takIng all those parts of Lots 33 and 34, ol Block 10, Burlington Heights Div. 140. 1 and that part of the SEt of the I ji Section 14, Town 26, Range 22, bounded by the following described lines: on the westerlyside by the easterly line of Highwood Ave., on the southerly side by the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood [toad and on the northerly and easterly sides by the arc of a curve having a radius of 270 feet, said arc being tangent to the easterly line of Aighwood Ave. and the northerly line of tbe,;aWve described easement for the opening of Higlivood Road. A16o by condemning; and taking that part of Lot I'D", Burlington Heights Division No. I not already included in the above described street, lying outside the are of a curve connecting the south line of the above described easement for the opening of lli(,hwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood Ave., the r-adlus of said curve being 50 feet$ with the center of. said curve lyinU,!)Lilthin Lot 411311, Burlington Heights Division Vo. 1. Also by condeming and taking an easement in the land necessary for slope's, cuts and fills in the grading of Ilighwood Road as above described from High7ood Ave. to the -East 0,ity Limits and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Bc`&�wthew Resolved, the said assessmeht-may-b-6--ifid it is hereby determined - ----- - --- eqtral7iiiitallments as to each parcel of land described therein. AN Adopted by the Council... . .... J ... 1 2_ 1926 .............. ........... ...... _192 ------ .... .... .. ... . - ................ JAN F ity Clerk. Approved .............. . . .. 192 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Ge guso Councilman McDonald 'Councilman 32elm Hodgson -"Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr, V- ice Pres. Vrwv�oor 03934 under Preliminary Order.._ 58045 approved Feb.2u-,1925, Intermediary Order__ 61126___. , approved,....Ju1.Y_.30, .1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolvgd further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ` Be ' her Resolved�that-the said m nene -bv an it is hereby determined to be payab in mstallments as to each parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1926 192 -------- Adopted by the Council..__ ___.__.._..._..._.---._..____._....._-- �- JAN I ity Clerk. Approved------------- .... _............... 192. .. __... _. ayor. Councilman Clancy�11n C�eirueikmarr-3�ei?g'usotr' Councilman McDonald 'CouncilmanAt= Hodgson' ,"Councilman $udheimer Councilman Wenzel / �l FM I AL'ORDERS IN CONDEMNATION 1PROCEEDDYGe. -- 63935 zz, men DINGS. Opening,.widening din _street.. to. be..known-as "Highwood­Roadff _.!!j ­ _-A - Z_a fromtheeast City �imits to H d condemning NEIghwood Avenue, by takinZ an that all that part of the SE of the ,.Section 14, Town -28; Range 22;,and at part of Lot 34 Block 10, Burlington Heights Division NO. 1, and all that part of the Iiii of the SU, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, including Lot 1113 of Burlington Heights Division No, 1, lying within a strip of land 66 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: - Beginning at the southeast corner of the NE*, section 14, Town 28"1 Range 22, thence west on the east and west 1/4 line of Section 14, Town-iA.7Z-0 Range 22, to Highwood Ave. Also by condemning and taking all those parts of Lots 33 and -ALL Block 10, Burlington Heights Div. No. 1 and that part of the SE -,l of the NE Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, bounded by the following described lines. - on the westerly side by the easterly line of Highwood Ave., on the southerly side by the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening -of Highwood Road,and on the northerly and easterly sides by the arc of a curve having a radius of 270 feet,7said arc being tangent to the easterly line. -of Highwood Ave. and the northerly,line of the above described easement for -the opening of Highwood Road. Also by condemning and taking -that part of Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No. 1 not already included in the above described stteet, lying outside the arc of a curve connecting the south line*of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood Ave,, the radius of said curve being 50 feet, with the -center of said curve lying within Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No. 1 Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for .9lopeB,.cuts and fills in the grading of Highwood Road as above described from Highwood Ave. to the East City Limits on'the aide by the easterly line of Highwood Ave., an the -,southerly side,by.th.e northerly.line of the above described easement for the opening' of Highwood Road.and on the northerly and easterly sides by the arc of a curve having a radius of 270 feet, said are being tangent 'to the easterly line.of Highwood Ave. and the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road. Also.by condemning and taking that part of Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No. 1 not already included in the above described street, lying outside the are of,a aurve:oonnectlng the south line of the abpye�, dds'Oribed_easeme , nt.for the opening of Highwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood. Ave..-,. the radius of said curve being 50 feet, with the center of said, curve lying.within Lot "B"#,Burlington Heights Division No. 1. Also by condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and 'fills in the grading of Highwood Road as above described from Highwood Ave. to the East City Limits n M elligOW' ild" Heights Division No. 1 not already included in the lying outside the are of a curve Connecting the south line 01 described easement for the opening of Highwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood Ave., the radius of said curve being 50 feet, with the center of said curve lying within Lot "B"q Burlington Heights Division No. 1. Also by condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for s 1_� pes, cuts and fills in the grading of Highwood Road as above described ftom Highwood Ave.. to the Gast City Limits. n - ac j_o �'jorks in the �.,atter at tacned to the report of the 0o!;,.i_JsL1-:-:�!1ur 3 P�l dated' septe:.,.,ber 1st, j9p;. "' TdiJet?' c G�85 InsTe0�C llG rc�'U, VUI FL7T J)y J, S{ J6 0 j �cT r1 'rrr.7ll T'J* 3a '�f7i.J7Jc•.�OJ Tfil +}7y C6U.rC:i, 0 2aTC GifT.IE jn7U ! r_^�i7.e OCT C' 'Cfsil.6NCS7, h� fSli6 0� VTC. Tf�1J0'J. 4TG6' +TL6 "' _ CjTG 0 7 :47 u i ;0� H' F'U coq _O all A _T "")G 0 "=+u� � 01 6 - TJo cofS" 1.;JE G'1. -c.L. O;rr?T,?6 ";76 -Zv U% c SIT +.1J6 JpOli6 Cj6zCS?c.SCJ, 77JC ,T ,,G I., FT_1 n' TA, b C''' '1JJ :a',1'7 1 `oy 7 Tr,:i9� ilJ S.+ �T j''Jr cj �T, _rtrc- O.Ob'i7TU 0- }- .:1T1T TI -;,i6 C 11UP GU i -J fu E9'2,"-. T, ITMG C, i6,J7..OJy %Ttf ".i7 Tia .;:-,gyp '"T.0 l6TTJg +3s •('C.'. ;: ;,Tf J'J,G O;, ±6 J �r �;J 4 7,EC(r C. , � riTri U': Ei78 r TT ]'.�"•�2 C' :"TU UG UO T' a Or.T r 6 :16 J�' G"� ,r.v OJ) ,7 JEC 9 ESU Q- , r 0AG tRF:.CT•T tS. re G riT r o JJOI..r''7Ca,] 1 J r 9t TtUG 0.�, S T .']uCt :.r UiT: J'.: tai. ^US :1r0F7,]-�.EI66 n; !-s t -r Q�1.oCI D^ rit 10,j Jh CfE2C.a,TP6Q 7'7TJ6� ;1 ')76 Uk Ib T N rOU Tt+'' Toru �€ �' J.T S:, p ,Tv rt,*�',� hsT ,. 3 s p qC^i j O -TGT B^n a 1J0 �:6 D9'7.�2 0., F . 33 f Teo p7 co U6C7uT J sus .?t.E � 7I76."O� 26C_^.70IT Tri �01,:J;�-93's, y uF_8 55' 40 HT ---U, .ST7G 6G' r MILT LdG2,' T\} T. �SUQE yC ,.i rV6 � Its 'ue0.e7"'u j ua�JJE3 �5 3GI- ;JTu'' ..r F C. Jez o q : OI k T C-.1 Te aG .CSTp6Cl 98 'rOj'j'C! Z OT _ UO .�R6_t�' .. TSI L17GPIP rr6 CgpryI" -FT L6 r r O� t�. :Tr` A7,tTTU 3 a.CTTJ J rIlJ6. I'Or � ? [TrLi+2 T)TAT2; 0iJ s. py fJ7:]'TliC..^OA t'? 904 a rovedFeb.24,192 Intermediary Order_ 61126 __ under Preliminary Order._....�2....._.... ._......_...._., pp approved __ -9A!7 3�.:..._l9?5 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.__ -------- ........ Open, Widen and extend a street to be known as "Highwood -Road".. from the east city imits to Highwood Avenue, by -taking and condemning all that part of the SEt of the NEy, Section 14, Town 26, Range.22, and that part of Lot--34-'--Bl0ok-Z0� Burlington Heights Division No .° 1, and all that part of the IT—Et of the SEyi, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, including Lot "B" of Burrington Heights Division No. 1, lying within a strip of Sand 66ieet"in width, the center line of which is described as fo�lows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the NE ,Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, thence west on the east and west 1/4 line of Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, to Highwood Ave, Also by condemning and taking all those parts of Lots 33 and 34, Block 10, Burlington.Heights Div. No. 1 and that part of the SE's of the NEJ Section 14, Town 29, Range 22, bounded by the following described lines; on'.the.westerly,s:ide by the easterly: line of Highwood Ave., on the southerly side by the northerly line of, the above described easement for the opening of Eighwood Road and,on the northerly and easterly sides by the arc of a curve having a•radius of 270 feet, said arc being tangent 'to the easterly line.of Highwood Ave, and the northerly line of the above described easement for --the opening of Highwood Road. Also by condemning and taking that part of Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No-. l.not already included in the above described -street; 1ring.outside the arc of :a curve; connecting the south line of the above described .ease ment,for the opening of Highwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood Ave. -the radius of said curve being 50 feet; with the center of -said curve lying. -within Lot IIBN,'Burlington Heights Division No. 1. Also py.condemaing and taking aneasementin the land necessary for slopes, cuts and ,fills in the grading of 4j:ghwoo'd Road as above described from Hishwood Ave. to the East :City Limi ts2 � yaAR... Afb �In�mraa. "`__— Also Dy C0nacuuayu16 a.,.. --o - _ Heights Division No, l not already inoluded in the above lying outside the arc -of a curve connecting the south line of the above ste Road wi ofsHHighwoodaAve,,,tthe radiuspofisaidf urvvewbeing 0 feet, th twith he athe rcentere of said curve lying within Lot IIB", Burlington Heights Division No. 1. Also by condemning and taking an easement in the land eofor ad as abovve deseecrribed y plan ith tj:e plan slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Highwood Ro from Highwood Ave. to the East City Limits, in a"O"d't"ce w attached to the report of the oomrsissicner Of Pr.tblic 'dtorks in the matter dated 3eptember 1st, 1925. 'Fleo 0011gEMI-TY4 Mo. +-1 1 FGTFI:,PS 0TATaT­:J ho' I o e: .Tc CifLAG 3- 2�7 ro", Ij TLTF Crs I j;, (� '-. ` , E�, -J J PCI , of jj_L,, O -OU jr.&G-' ;,VG LO-CITIT2 0:_�. . V , - - -PG11J1 ITLIG :L �Ip�pmboq aTTY pPG Ggo G-,-;�sGxGv� Z01 IYG 0 �!G coujjGrc,r i ;j9 �ruo 01)i-j,�, , -. CT. . I T2,-T_TE Of!,P�TCTG rjJG C`_L0 UT ri 0 1 .11 G T �" G. Cr b G G SAC, rfcj(iu Ili Gd C3 C, Ij JT1 I j rD.P -, 0 G I TJTUR 07 1'G CS GbJG7G1­ 0-f. 0GT_jjF. -�AYUT� 5 Tvq-,i% TGGIP' -G uj C4 �,�_TG gTx 0 o rn PJUG JI 120T.T.rDlper -IG 'p:& UO2Ticsj?, 4", t - , r T. C)Sj 4�T G 2,,)T ITLIG c' Z -,T!A MU PG JAG24GM:F�%. STC.rQ �J�A oqC.CGTT_ . T;_, I - cTG e C!�TpGq TTTJG?: lie' i 1�0j'.TOM-q_ `- .2S0;TOTJ Tt� I G q I P ja �1! k. - W" P-56 F T n..2 F-fj� T,! q, crTTM ou _�_ D.T OZ T,T. T""Umoogr !.0 - 41. OCA JqP'UP, &JJ GCI�dG�_J GIYT 1'.0 Op G OT 4 0-Tq Cff'r.AG T-hTU' P171TTTTC40U STA, o70 T �' 'r' C A,CTI HLT',00q +',UG E0 0 01u'T Q% Cff7lC, QG.j Z.TJPjj -PUG CjGJJnGT, 'ITprq TOT, ^,TJG'r T.0 G 0,3GITTUP q 'gT1RyA1OOq Yor;-,, hjy�jj �-JG JuR 6fT10U.T(jG "PG nx 0, G. 001JUGO.PTUR 'PG CIfISJJ 7, -!JG O� 2 0 1 .1 . , P" P 0 A G D�'ATCTOIT TAO' I UO.0 �71 1. 1 0 qc-q Tr +jj 6 H 1 . . ,, . 12, . 11 ]- - . 2`!,'0A6 .!Tuo In2l 00)JqGLLT.aTup vile �2rfTrcl Lu -. ,P 'o, Pop $TFG 0 G" TUR OT 1Z T'P,100(f jSoo-q TTTTG 0.1� 7"IjL00C SAG 'orq 'PT;G U0+1.PPGTj2. j > s C ;YU 90CAG C-G_8GXGjj,(, GULAG -Z 'U IGGT' eq -q jj.c r`GTIA r_PVtC'1GT.t.P PO f7r OZ: H:_-9PL',0',jq 1S03Cf OM-lf OU JJ01,�JUGfjX 77tq G0'2,PGj.j?, L.Tqc;e p). pyG &TC j- 2TCTG� T]UG 01 PLTG 9'00AG qGGCI,Tr)(,q GVL-G1--GU'P T."):L 013 aT','G C lG ;1�76 TUG�E;: -6' :,joc i BfTITTI:f5POTY 'qGT'1.,;T.'(,, !),,A* -ING' T CMr (•i,9 -P )01P 0-1 1PQ c.N r J. -U G 7r V 20 C 0 Tic; G LT:.r U � ,TL'"; r -P'10 a G ire OIVPC.;2 9^tU y-.uEG 5L," ro p!TEyxooq T G c- � -3*LTG cp T,- gjTGTTCC, NC-, L r'. 0 .2.0 knq T\T+ J 01 ?�r, if I Jolar SP, 4 C01.1 -11G7, A , T 01 SUP CGJJ+GL T.,E To CfGCCT_-L)G(-, C -Oj 0k8: (2) That the following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, al. -I.. that ' part of the SEt of the NE*, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, andthat part of Lot' 34 BI -6-6k Heights Division No. 1, and all thatt-part of the NX-tr of the SEir, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, including Lot OB" of Burlington. Heights Division No'. 10 1_ying within a strip be 'land 66­fe6t­ih width, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the NEik,Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, thence west on the east and wost -se-artlotr11t; Town— Range 22, to Highwood Ave. Also by condemning and taking all those parts of Lots 33 and 34; Block 10, Burlington Heights Div. No. 1 and that part of the SE* of the NE* Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, bounded by the following described lines: on the westerly side by the easterly line of Highwood Ave., on the southerly Bide by the northerly line of theLabove described easement for the opening of Highwood Road and..on the northerly- and easterly sides by the arc of a curve having a radius of 270 feet, said arc being tangent to the easterly line of Righwood Ave. and the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road. Also by condemning and taking that part of Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No. 1 not already included in the above described street, lying outside the are of a curve connecting the south line of the above described eapement.for the opening of Highwood Road with the easterly line of Highwood Ave,, the radius of said curve being 50 feet, with the center of said curve lying within Lot "B", Burlington Heights Division No. 1. Also by condemaing and taking an easement in the'land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Highwood Road as above described from Highwood Ave. to the East City Limits, in accor'-ial-e %-;ith tile PI -an attaohel to the repo -ft of the Oommissioner of p�jj)jic Works in the matter dated September 1st, 1925, 1 1 VT80 003.jr,'GMUTOc TVa 'FXTUt% UtJ A 0-1 azqq Ciflt.G ]'�",UR jjdIt -1-�JTISE,40U HG'E--u-Pe 05 T1- CF11AG -"G7U7 , aT_cjT ;T- -7 TG G8,Cf, IT17 9 TJ yI,­,I', Or,,­TqG SIJG S-3.0 01 '.1 �P TT C Sj I-, :;J G. 0T, 42I*,G upo,�r G 'jPOAG qGaCLT.PGq bTEES' QU,- _� rT A -U_'GJj '0 Tj C - ' qG:q T' 0 Ti_t _-T'T? .'JrZ it --sit -ooq 'o 1, lie, Ozeu� , e, Z U. 'L _ 3-76 C1::r&y1LC)0q 0C_ .p 7C- ,Do _�o �TJG (3904�-TJ2, .7 Iscrq�-ru C'�� ��D :�t�xq VtC GTLTI?. . Eouq cuq 0T -C IjO7 nri C' lj�% 0,-,q Guuqr;Tj plLT - 5D " .0 __ �� r . I GE?UG:4014 r0j. 4JJG CWG�J T 1.1 n n Cr I- O ' U UP- L'Ol—, OZ C- PGOr TTLYGe: U13EG _MG IOITOMT;Jr qG2 �T 0- r -T T' iC,,�a T 7 �'a D T T -uq- bq-T-f! ' Ir., — 4-j RE R g A iO _ I,jlc)bGE: jj ci iTjj,� Tj 2 G :"C;:* ITR 01 TJ 7 Epfao OCT �JCO f)A C G �,T_,.T I:,)- UJJ GguG..jGijp TYj rjtlk T OJ `Z CSTOC,11-11G T2�:M? J.j!,CTiTLT 710�C , , . 1, ; . 11na, �CI)TATa'TOU _E_ H72-1! .1 1. UG 0" � C t GJJ SyG jMCSCGTTj)GCGUEGIJC:S TOT, U_TGUTUR, 01 RT"jA100cr YO'TCT 'T PUG IJ),r *6T4FYqs ppG0 0G Cly:,AG j G, GOLTUGO.PTUE 'JUG 0,)I',CjT 7:717C, OT SITE UPOAG lua DT1110101T 740' :f UOT j'i7cl*jqGq Tr rTIG R.POAG CTC -2017-M-1 ?,CMG�, LTR r, 0- Y7-;� nz roc uRg-017 :J (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the I above land, lands or easements thethlinlwatified and confirmed. Adopted by the CounciL . ....... ................. - .... ...... ....... 191 JANg iJ<< .... ... ......... . ...... ..... �y Clerk. k Approved..----....._......_.....__. ............................... ........... . 191 ............ ........... . ................................... .......... 14aey Mayor. C Fela KRIM Aocsgs M nald XIM - ludheimer ZXMR&M- enzel RS2=-i son Air. Mae Pres, Ferguson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Inthe matter of............ ------------- ..-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------...... Opening, Videning and extending a street to be known as "Highwood Road", from -the fast City limits to Hghwood Avenue, by taking and condemning all that part`of the SES of the t7E , Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, and that part of Lot'34 Block 10, Burlington Heights Division No. 1, and all that part of thW_Nij of the SE4, Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, including Lot "B" of Burlingtbn Heights Division No. 1, lying within a strip of land 66 feet in width, the center line of Which is described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the NEir., Section 14, Town 28 Range 22, thence nest on the east and west 1/4 line of Section 14, Town 28, Range 22, to Highwood Ave. Also by condemning and taking all those parts of Lots 33 and 34, Block 10, Burlington Heights Div. No. 1 and that part of the SEw of the NEt- Seetion-14, Town 28, Range 22, bounded by the following described lines: on the Westerly side by the easterly line of Highwood Ave., on the southerly side by the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road and on the northerly and easterly sides by the are of a curve having a radius of 270 feet, said arc being tangent to the easterly line of Highwood Ave. and the northerly line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road. Also by condemning and taking that part of Lot HBO, Burlington Heights Division No. 1 not already included in the above described attest, lying outside the arc of a curve connecting the south line of the above described easement for the opening of Highwood Road With the easterly line of High*cod Ave., the radius of said curve being 50 feet, With the 'center of said curve lying within Lot "i3" Burlington Heights Division No. 1 Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, euts.and fills in the grading of Highwood Road as above described from Highwood Ave. to the East City Limits containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com issioner of Finance. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that here io attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ......................... y.. ................................... Gom issioner of Finance. M! 6�5936— IIn:the wfd 7 k and xt df g the to Aft R d Ego Beet Ave t th P d D. -U .Road by takink d nd 1 k N, hist part of'. th Eaet 54 of tlfQ V•. heaat 'k- oY Section 11 TOWIl- .e, Range 22 and jhe NwrthweAf. .tie. Northeast uI - .d the 11: nd itis Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of _._. _.. -.. - .. _..,_. ,.......... - -- Opening, widening and extending the Lower Afton Road from East Ave. to the 4 Point Douglas Road by taking and condemning all that part of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Township , Range 22 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section li, Vownship 28, Range 22 and the Eaet 1/2 oY the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 and those portions of Lots 5 to 17, inclusive, and lot "N° of Block 1, Burlington Heights Div. No. 2 lying' -within a strip of .and 66 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Nortdheast 1/4 of` Section 11, Township 28 N., Range 22 hest, thence .in a northwesterly digestion at an angle of 20 281 3011 with the south line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of section 11, Township 28, Range 22 West for a distance of 786.67 feet thence along the are of a 70 curve to tthhe rigonoathe central the of which is 160 061 for a distance of 230.12 ft., last described curve a distance of 125.06 ft., thence along the are of a 120 curve to the right the central angle of which is 490 231 for a distance of 412.28 ft., thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 55.52 ft., thence along the are of a 150 curve to the loft, the central angle of which is 800 501 for a distance of 540.44 ft., thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 414.29 ft., thence along the are of a 120 001 curve to the left, the central angle of which is 270 471 for a distance of 231.95 ft., thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 230.93 ft., thence along the are of a 70 001 curve to the right, the central angle of which is 200 341 for a distance of 293.99 ft., thence on a tangent to the last—'. described curve a distance of 335.58 ft., thence alow the are of a 30 401 curve to the left the central angle of which is 60 43 a distance of 183.22 thence on a to the serde heicentralangle o7offt. thence thence along the are ofa50 001 curve tothe ri�ht is 90 281 a distance of 189.39 ft., thence on a tangent to the last describe curve a distance of 282.36 ft, thence along the arc of a 50 001 curve to the left, the central angle of which is 99 291 a distance of 189.72 ft., which point is.on the center line of the Lower Afton Road, thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 206.11 ft, along the center line of the -Lover Afton Road to an intersection with the Point Douglas Road. and condemning Also opening, widening and extending Burlington Ave. by taking ng all that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 bounded by the following described lines: On the easterly side by a line beginning at the Northeast corner of the intersection of the Loner Afton Road and Burlington Ave., thence in a northerly direction on the easterly line of Burlington Ave, produced for a distance of 24.47 ft., thence on the are of a curve to the right tangent to the easterly line of Burlington Ave. produced and the southerly lire of the above described easement for the opening of the Lower Afton Road, the radius of the curve being 103.16 ft. and on the northerly -3,3A by the southerly line of the above described easement for the o,�en�in�r.,�„ Afton Road. Also condemning and takin1 ,,n ease,.;ont for the purpose of constructing an maintaining a ditch on and across all that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, 'i'ownship 28, Range 22 )hnd the Last 1/.2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22k5ounded by the following _described lines: rrom the northerly angle point of the Lower Afton :.oad opposite the northerly corner of Lot 1, i;loci: 1, ,urlij ton floights Division No, 29 thence eastorly along the northerly line of the above described ease. ment for the opening of the Lo +er P:fton Road for a distance of 220 ft., which is the point of boginninz, thence eastorly alon,-.the northerly latline r if teng the - les above described ease,:font a distance of 90 ft„ J to the lastdescribed line a distance of 35,ft., thence westerly -at right ankles _ a, .+a...o'..,A' On et_ ::_ thenda outherly at>ri0 t ' a diatanoe of 186 ft northerly line of the it beginning. 1 Also condemning and cuts and fills in the Douglas noad and Lurli point 19 ft, nor Afton Road, the an easement in 9 of Lover i_fton _venue. 1 i1 ,T -and at right angles to the northeasterly to the point of land necessary for slopes, for d fr-Nm Eas{,_ avenue to point . _.. _ .. .___ under Preliminary Order 60.588 approved July_ 2,1925, Intermediary Order—6.1121F__ , approved - July, 3Q,1.925- . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Ile it further Resolved, thiit the said assessment be and it is herebZ el!r. fined to bepayable--tn---- _-.-._.....> :-=--.equal installments as'to a cel of land described therein. Adopted by the council- ..JA N— .1 2.. �. <,a.. ........... _., 192' - ---. ....... City Clerk. Approved ----- ----- - ...................192 - _.. ....... ....... _ - - - - ayor. Councilman Clancy Ab F&.Ia�ae.tendffig xo. 82987 matter of opening wldeni4$-(the Lowe Afton g as 8 • from East Ave to the Po2nt Douglns- ?���„ C! R utd Po ttn°ktpthe nEfl [nah .w the 3 • - I Northeast 'k of Sec11 jjjjjj�tloa 11, TownahlD 28, Range •l2 and the Northwest °Section 1'1 . of the N°rtheast Ya TownshlD 28 'Rflng° 22 andtt Se Edon F.- the DrthWest ° nd [hose Townsh p 28, Range l2 rt ins f Lots 6 to 17. Inelusl Ve, 11hi" on a • DI.'. No. E IYing Ilhln rl 8fi f,leti de,Id'lh, the asl FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION, ."ovdEDINGS. Inthe matter of _.... _ ._...__.... ___...... ___.___ _._..... __.............._ oporiin,_, ,idenin,, and oxtondin - t ao Lo. c i ' n ;;oad fxro::1 : ast r:vc, to the oint : Ou;;las Oad by tal.in and cone:,r.inin,: all ti -at ,fart of tho ast 1/2 of Ln;art e;sst 1/4 of octi011 11, 0 1v5hip 23, az 2% l t O t 1 est 1/4 f of t1t0 O theast 1/4 of Ccti.o%l 11, `ovrnohi_ ��, .,l e 32 and t •9 not 1/3 T� t it3 -:Ort .;"OR , 1./'< of, �r �:. C,� li, 01, 11..7.1p .i, a o- 'z 11d tii0- e Ortia' 3 Of to 17, inelusi c, and lot "1711 of .-loc 1, ar111 -ton Ile i,_�lts vliv. _'o. 2 )yin; witA?n a strip of land 66 feet in uidtil, t _u center li.11e of -.;:ich is described as follo:s: Ce; in lin at tl.e southeast co: ner of' '. e i.ortheast 1/41 of the l.orthoast 1/4 of .coon 11, o.:ns'_iip 28 '1., a 1..e 22 .e t, t;',,; ,ce in a cert 4:esterly direction at an an -le of 20 281 3011 '.4..th ::he 'south line of the Northeast 1/4 of the I'Ortaeast 1/4 of :ect,i.on 11, owns?lin 23, 1; 22 _eat for Q 'istarco Of 786.67 feet t1.0i`CO ale tlic arc of a 70 cure„ to the i,rt, ti.0 t,eztral a±l-rle of vhich is 160 061 o. - c istanco of 230.12 ft., t lance on a taleoilt to the last deseribod curve a distance of 125.06 ft., t„lence along; the are of a 120 curve to the ri",lit tho central anile of ahiell is 490 231 for a distance of 412.28 _'t., thence oil a tan,;ent to the last floscribed curve a discs -neo of 55.52 ft., thence alon.r; the are of a 150 curve to the left, the central ant -le of tahich is 800 501 for a didtance of 54:0.4'4' ft., thence on a tanCent to the last described curve a distanco•of 414.29 ft.; thence along the are of,a 120 001 curve to tho left, 'Uhe central angle of 11ich is 270 471 for a distance of 231.95 ft.; thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 210.93 ft, t le'_3ee aloe tine are of o 70 000 curve to the rij,ht, the central ancle of whish is 200 34' for a lista"nee of 293.99 ft., thence on a tailr:ent to the last described curve a distance o£ 335.58 ft., thonee aloe the arc of a 30 401 curve to the left the.central angle of which is 60 43 a distance of 183.22 ft., thence on a taikgent to the last described curve a distance of 62.78 ft. thence along the are of a 50 001 curve to the right, the central an5le of vIlieh is 90 281 a distance of 189.39 ft., thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 282.36 ft., thence alon< tele are of a 50 001 cuive to the left, the central an,le of which. is 90 291 a distance of 189.72 ft.j which point isaon the center line of the Lower Afton itoad, thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 206.11 ft. along the center line of the Lower Afton head to an intersection with the Point llourlas Road. iilso opening, ;;idcnim', and extending• ;:urlington ,,vo. by tairino and conde,miing all that past of the i;orthwest 1/4 of the iiortheast 1/4 of "ection 3.1, Township 28, hang;e 22 bounded by the following described lines: On the easterly side by a line beginAing at the lortheast corner of the intersection of the Lover Afton -goad and Burlington Ave,, thence in a northerly direction on the easterly line 'of Burl in_vton. Lve, produced fora distance of 2,-.47 ft., thence on the arc of a curve to theright taxissent to this casterl;; line of Burlington Ave. produced and the southerly lire of the above described easer;ent for the opening of the Loner Afton :oa'd, the radius of the curve bein 103.18 ft. and on the northerly side by the southerly line of the above described easeront for the opening of the Lovor iftcn !.oad and on the wostorl'y and southerly sides by the Loper . Afton !.oad. .Also condelminr and tal.inn an easemont fol t o3fa t t z d y &t�ttaani a ditch on and across all fiiat cart O t e_t / Df etstlort 11, 4o rnship 28, Range 22 and the 1 a9t 1/ of t oY"ih i '.i a nIa#R n, R1 n'+n,�nA�n 10C! nhI'llna�rfrleri h^r 4fin ��,• o�-�ositc t t. �•1 - of , 1oC?t1, :1st OrP ;Iai^Ilt9 Division t.eorl, line Of4thc above described ease - so -`Oil 1e o) O ;,o .cr ..Sten :.oad for a distance of 220 ft., which is e Point ofbeilvrin7, Thence easterly along the northerly line of the above described oasulieQnt a diotance of 90 f�., thence northerly at right ant*los to the last described line a distance of 35 ft., thence westerly at right angles with the last described line a distance of 90 ft., thence southerly at ri`ht angles with the last described line a distance of 35 ft. to the point of be;inning. . I.1so bcinnin�, at the.northerly angle point of the Loner Afton Road; opgosite the northerly corner of Lot 1, !:lock 1, Burlington heights Div. 'r7o. 2 thence. aouthi 0st.:"'1y al Oil('' t'<C ': O.0 i1crly line 1 t}ie first described easement for tl:c openin- of ", e o;,cr :ftan s-Oad to its intersection with the northerly line of t; c .a er : fto.1'.oad, tiioneo :.Csteriy clop the northerly lire of the '0 -:Cr' f toll '..ono 'or a distancc o1 100 ft., tnoe ice in a northeasterly direction at an a;-, 1e of 150 301 - ith i".i1J last described line for a distanco of 350 ft., titenco southeaot'°r1y to tike point of t)o; inning Also be, ilanin at a point on the :lo'th rl 11. ,c of -::e Lower r:fto_ ,oad opposite tyle northeasterly corner of Lot ICI Bloc!: 1, ;:u'_^1it1Z't0fl :ice] i:lt8 i)iviS1011 _i 0. 2, thence southwesterly along the northerly line of t=ie i,o: n:_ : f'ton Load to its i ltersectt on ti'ilth ills, north - Orly line of the first lescribcd ease,,ent for the ouenin of the Loner 6tfton 'y goad, a distance of approximately 85 ft., thence southhresterly along the northerly line of the first described ease;,sent for the opening of the Loper Afton !-load for a cistance of 465 feet, thence northerly at right angles with the last described line for a distance of 55 feet, thence southeasterly at an angle of 59 001 with the last described line for a distance of 85 feet, thence northeasterly for distance of 138 ft. to a point 18 ft. northerly and,at right angles to the northerly line of the Loner Afton Road, thence northeasterly for a distance of 186 ft, to a point 19 ft, northerly and at right angles to the northerly line of the Loner ,,fton !,load, thence northeasterly to the'point of beginning. Also condemnin nnri .:lg er r nt in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and ills 11 n Afton Road from ast Avenue to Point UOuElas tI0a l u 61 '1-'1 1 ton - tt y eP pn Division 1.1o.2, i - n_Fc�ad to its intersection with the F oizly ine o �a 'first described easerfor or the opening of the h- the nort�i Eifion .oad, a distance of approxittiately 85 ft., Blanco southwesterly alon,° the northerly line of the first described ease, ent for the opening of tlio Loner -fton load for a distance of 9.65 foot, tllcnce northerly at right an,les with r the last described Zine for e distance of 55 feet, thence southeasterly at an angle of 59 001 )lith the last described line for a distance of 85 feet, thence northeasterly for a distance of 138 ft. to a ` angles to the northerly line Of the Lover tiftoni?oad, thence nnortlortheasterly forand at ht a distance of 186 ft. to a point 19 ft. northerly and at ri,ht allfles to the ' northerly line of the Lone: -fton load, thence northeasterly to the p0i'�t of i beginning. Also condermin„ and talrin� an ca ji ' f111a in the i adi.nf o Lot ton oad , ro co ` a,' n1 , Or C` d 7ur1..l tot > 'uo D 1�., +.szcugrt C'1vur'lUvootty�-v� to t0 Point BSQE°ii�Z`.Sy Sasl�._<v.. .wv_,,.a.ryag +.auav:•�i„0d 6'dReitle]^� 'iQ�` u � �'�`5 d Pea a rata co lu�, loot, th-G ace a rtho 7 at°f L-✓ last described line for.'a distance of 55 feet, thence sou ineast�e�is t.it1T a 3e of 59 001 with tlfo last described line for a dist t° as foot' atannorthesstorly for a distan,40 Of 133 ft. 'to a point aF -ft,, n9�+tlivx a aX2 eq 3 the iibr'thi %y 0 or filo 4or Af't0x3 1T�atf;"+4rr.w.s..._.� ; tit �4{,ht, i alar�axc3rsg .tine.; or tbb,, T,aortor: to, tpad;=th4nae4rt thea tura" az az 347. .toAhe bs3 i cLn 27 to taft7 po9 atm' of rilecr ct3±xdesan4n axt�i an 'Ociso ment in the Sand .neG0s0 fQ�, alQp Qs fpi+ cuts anti 911s 11.1 the Crfiain8 Of 1,13TIIOr A�tto11, i?0$cI �r{3iA uLafy i''93V.@T913 .,tq ou; las :,tae? RW f:3urlin. ton Avonub In, aacordpnae � t1a the'.plsn. tzo to as to the report Of the Co!rriosicnar O€' public l"arks in ttTe nattc7r,'i3atpc3 ; epterio 1st, 1025. I $nIe °asrt Sgo O Liet A,js bd' 1'�e eq�s o C° d Do and An � � INt a ___..... ........... ... ........... ............ ................ 9 I .. _........... 6Q B app ... edlulY 2, ,.1925 Intermediary Order..........6112.._„_.....__, under Preliminary Order ..__. approved ul 30.:1. .'5 Resolved: be and t+ie same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: !11 That the following improvement Open, widen_and ,,extend tho Lo.cr Afton Load from -,,ast Ave. to the condemning all that part of tho hast 1/2 of Pont i)oul;las road by taking; and of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 and the Northwest T/4 the ,IRrthe,ast .1/4 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 and the East 1/2 of of the northeast the ldorthwest 1/4 of Suction 11, Township 28, flan-, o 22 and thoao vos do u oP "N” Burlington Iieights Div. No. 2 Lots 5 to 17, inclusive, and lot of lock 1, lying within a strip of laid GG feet in width, the center line of' which is described as follows: the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of iBeginning at the Southeast corner of 28 Range 22 gest, thence in a northwesterly direction . vection 11, Township N., 20 281 30" with the south line of the Northeast 1/4 of the at an angle of d Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 best for a istance of angle 1 '186.67 feet thence along the are of, a 70 curve to the right, the central distance of 230.12 ft., thence on a tangent to the of.whioh is 160 061 for a curve a distance of 125.06 ft., thence along the are of a 120 last described Curve to the right the central angle of which is 490 231 for a distance of to the last described curve a distance of 412.28 ft., thonce on a tanEent thence alone; the are of a 150 curve to the left, the central angle 55.52 ft., of which is 800 501 for a distance of 540.44 ft., thence on a tangent to the thence along the are of a 120 last described curve a distance of 414.29 ft., to the left, the central angle of which is 270 471 for a distance of 001 curve 231.95 ft., thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 210.93 a 70 001 curve to the right, the central angle of ft., thence along the arc of -which is 200 341 for a distance of 293.90 ft., thence on a tangent to the last 30 401 described curve a distance of 335.58 ft•, t-=nce alent+; the are of a is 6° 43r a distance of 183.22 curve to the left the central angle of 'i"-�-' thence on a tangent to the last, ci°scr,_hed c.:rve a dista.Ico of 62.78 ft. ft., contial ar,7le,of which thence alon, the are of a 50 001 carve to •' ri !It, t! - i9 9° 261 a distance of 189.39 ft., thonce on a t :.,c t, to tn., last .leacribed thence aloes- -,I,,➢c a_c of a 5° 001 ct:rve to the curve a distance of 28`2.36 ft., e leftthe central an :10 of h'.14ch is 9° 291 ciistnnc^ of 180.72 ft., .:: ich Lower Aft°-' ;.°=`-,3, tl.ence on a tangent to point is on the center line of the distance lPoi:1tallouilaseRoadtor lino of the the last desRcrribuJided curveWith theof Y'y'.:t;.-+. to an na �e ectlon tnndii'i+" '�'� . ri,_^t 0.', v 1/�l ol' the northeast 1/4 of >ec..so 11,. �:+Y1sr.i side by n1S "'t a.:, lolloaing described lines: On the eantcrly Le' lt_.c corner of the intersection of the Lower Afton i2ninul�at irortheast ine a line Lq„on load and Burlington Ave., thence in a northerly directionthence eonathe rarclof a of Burlington Ave. produced for a distance of 2 .47 ft., line of Burlington Ave. produced i curve to the rigiit,tangent to the easterly for the opening of the �1, and the southerly line of the above described easement beinL; 103.18 ft, and on the northerly Lower Afton Road, the radius of the curve eser;for the above descorly'aanaedoutherlytsidesthe side by the southerly line of by thenLoner of the Lower Afton Load and on the viest. Afton Road. _til d condemnint and talon! al,.8asea::ont for the sNorthwest tl/4tn jthe Also arteoiu raintaining a ditch on and across all that p 'o+nship 28, 22 and the Easth1/following Northeast 1/4 of section 11, Range 22 bounded Ton+nship 28, , orthwest 1/4 of Section 11, the northerly anile point of the Lower Afton Road described lines: !rom of Lot 1, i;loek 1, Burlington IIeigAcs Division opposite the northerly corner along the northerly line of the above described ease- No. 2, thence easterly 220linft.,theich ment for the opening of the-Le,+er Afton Road for ad distance of alongnorthery is the point of beginning, thence easterly above described easerent a distance of 90 ft., t1t118ecnorestartherllTaatrrilihtaangles of 35 ft., J g to the last described line a distance at right k with the last described line a distance of 90 ft., th•nce southerly described line a distance of 35,;ft. to the point of angles with the last Also beginning at the northerly angle point of the Lower Afton Road, i beginning. opposite the northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, b1trlington Heights Div. NO. 2 the first described easement the a southwesterly along the northerly line of for the opening of the Lower Afton Road to its Intersection with the northerly the line of the lied-bf the Lower Afton Road, thence wosterly along northerly direction Lower Afton Road for n distance of 100 ft., t5.ence in a northeasterly line for a distance of 350 ft., at dn,angle of 150 301 with the last.deserib6d to the point of beginning. Also beginning at a point on thence southeasterly the.northerly line of the Lower Afton Road opposite the northeasterly Corner of Burlington Heights Division No. 2, thence southwesterly along F Lot 16, Block 1, the northerly 1ine.of tLie.I,ovAr--Afton_�t-0-ad,_to its intersection with the north-____�, erly line of the 'first described oasei:, nt for the opening of the ,,ower Afton �. ,gad, a distant© of appy^oxirlately 65 ft., thence southwesterly along. the northerly line of the first doscribed oase­ent for the opening of the Lower a :gad for a distance of 465 feet, thence northerly at right an_les ,with _fton the last described line for a distance of 55 feet, thonce southeasterly at an angle of 590 001 with the last described line for a distance of 65 feet, thence ` northeasterly for a distance of 138 ft. to a point 18ft. northerly and at richt f angles to the northerly line of the Lover Afton Road, thence northeasterly for a distance of 180' ft. to a point 19 ft. northerly and at right angles to the northerly line of the Loner fton Road, thonce northeasterly to the point of x beginning. Also conderinin and takll� an ca -.t '' �cc a y fon slopes, for ills in the Nadi 1 of 1 07;c -y i� o , ,°V� aI,°w ..�:. -U t� °' iiit _ , I ° �: urli l; t o 0 :`'' ;eii easflat®Lit �f E3k' 43�i.:pi�43#�';t5f t' i,b`t��'', S'�AY'i�'iY m..nc+• .. A,. n dy, a ' , tSY ltd # of X83 fbot, t1i0c1E18 nortllvNly a i �'iZilt all;lc s i �­046, i is 10 cr=.l3ec1 line: for e clistanc0 of 55 foot, thonce southeactorly at an 031 bed iao fey° listaeo of 8 feet, theice tidosoi2e of 5vith uorthosst vly on a dintanee of 133 ft. to n point 18 ft. north3rly asld at ri, ht t axlglos to tI10 4s"�'?CG' ! line Of the 0vCj: tlftOn Road, t1:Cnce noiAlleclotorly for a 19 : ft northerly and at ViL?lt : an„ 100 t0 tllfl #a distanaG of .,130) : ft, .to ,point v n�.,c^�rtEiejg ]ane, of t Lo1?ar ; Stan tivar, ,tuenae northosterly.tcs 0f 170 i I�J.., .. anti taxin.r tin easerjent in the land .necessary or e3,0130. ials€3 cottdoxarisn cuts and i'llin in the r1radinc of I;aVor Afton.11©ad fraY4 Ea6fs'''AV.CnZ1ze to,V.+int. av±d. Burling a'_Venue, 4291-Gecordance with the.oplan-a'itaohod 'i:0 •01„lt�E'i the ropost oi, thG Golma3.ssionor of Public 1Yor1W in thO'natter, dated September Ist, 1023.: (2) That the following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: ..... ... ......... __­ . ............ openim-, uid0nill---, *11113 QNto1,idju,-, tho i,o,�icr i1ton i'load frol.! :_aat z:vo. to the oint , - 7,;UASLs �o; id by tuh-im,�- and coytdoi�ilijr.,-- all V -.at part of he :�.Ust 1/2 of ".- � -an. . wost Ule !�orulaaji, 1141 of Xetion 11, ,`o ii-Lio 2B, 22- and the 11 - 1/4 7�- of V. Zllorthoast 1/4 of Wetion 11, Z owliship z�10, 22 ana tIto :.est 1/9 of the -.,OrthW0GL 1/4 of ectjo-j 11, 23, ,an,­Fj 2." and tiiose 0orti-,-)rz of Lots 5 to 17, 3-II01 'Lot ",I" of ',�_Ioc_', 1, 1-urli.ril-ton JIv. aIo. 2 lyi4- wit -lin a strip Of land 66 feet in uidth, t1-iiD coater 11no of is dose shoo Jas follo-,Is: Of '10 t:.t the •Out'Aonst 301­,,�Cr of l'opt'hoast 1/4 of uction il, -1:ovinaiiii) 28 vi., 22 tho!;CO in a :10rtlluootorly uIroation at on nn -10 of 20 201 30" ',-.1ith ".711C SCUM, 11710 of '­tlo i.ortl,oast 1/4 of the o'ortl-,Laot 1/4 of ',oction 11, iownship 23, v. -I-0 02 ',:est for a cIiatc-,'100 of 786.-94 foot it­�Oncc t"10 aPC of a 70 011 -lo to •P ho ri,-Jit, U0 Co'n*1al atic'.10 of v;hicll 13 160 00 -.,'or t, f4ista.100 of "�30.12 ft., Vonoe on a tanf7,ont to the last "'Oscribu(I C'u1'Vo Ji:,,tn,.aco of 123.0C, ft., -c.licnco alo-ng, the are of to 120 cwnvc to t"ho co-tral aa -lc of 111�_-1e1? iS 190 231 ior a 3iotance of I V a 06.1_, o � Of "'t., t1lo-'Co n_i o C�tl 11 --lot _1o3CI1ib(2C1 Ctu� 0 (1:1 C 5. 5_' ft. , t' c,ce i, 10 150 271 7 "o, f t't(),Co 0_1 Ll a -;'t CU is c of a 70 JDV cl_jpvc 0 0 J,C "fl 0- +n""n of 133.22 2 nce of '62.78 ft. ;U C',�2vc, Ga ft. ti 0 ti a. -ace alon, t�o 0-0 0 t I � �,i­lt 0 t m oontral ale of rliioh -'�31 80.280 a, di stanee of 1B0.30 ft-#, tl-lanae- On a to=Zent.too the last:40,80rib4d Q%WveA distance of 942.56Ca a Ong. the Ara "of a' 510,00 -owve'.to the left., the dentral angle � of Whidh 04 *2O,# jt_,d,4tan 06.0 f lalao 79 ft.4 Wh1dh -061ht is on the center line of thd- t#01306, an"a. tangent to -tile alOV,� the Center ilUO'L Of thd 'last aes lbed 206oll fto _l :, I 01r,711 Lower kftCdL r"Oall to an liateridetion with the -Pint poUglaq Road4lo - Also OP0ftiUGP 'V1 hlngand'W��tendjng jBiltillil n8 an, - 00 Ai*1 Ad©..b tat ndeirming 61.1 iini 14im-it noP VhA Tint-Miwont 114 of thd:146 bot on 11"., PRV1JPA4AP a'11no ob J i Ing at the, NOMIMS QOMW Or Vw ' =TJVMW0A1"u v& `-W. 0& WW" g nn li6acl and. 111A)r1ingt6ft Avei, the-alia in A on thb;,'OaAWIT, line on t4waro of dtirlinttonlove..prda0aed, A for: a fiftanO& of, 24.47 thence tit a curve -to Jhd'�right tangent to the easterly Iis a- of k3u llngton Ave. ProdiOdd and the s6othqrly line of -tho. above described, eaflieMont f or the - OPMUng of the -LbVeia, Al't0h Road the - "me Wng 2,03.18 ft. and On tile, i6itherly, I O'Vadilti­of the ate" I a he I 6ning . al I do b; I v - t 0 a' ilit, Ji, _t heilly.-line of tho'06v4"'dOiorlbod 0 nA elat f'or t OP .,of "the Lower t, fton' and oil the I xqoatekaped southerly sides by the"LOVOr -1- a de=,ilng eageyflont for the purnoso of o.onstructing,,and. d. oh td.and aaroos ala taut pa- , t� of the Tlorthq6st 1/4 of the, ;�e6tlon -110 VManship 28, HAMO. 2.2 and the r4i1st 1/2 -of: tfle '_N6rthVbst -2/4 r 28 Range 22 bounded by the following linesdescrihied - ''From t _0, f*rtllerly angie point -e, the'-. Lover Afton Road ' I ornor'. bPoPosi�6 t norr -of - Lot I u6o�_- We- ess arly aloe � - -the nor, f the above d, th�rly line o Me' .9 Of the, 290 ft L4-4er- Afton road for. a distanOe At "o a )rly CilOA5 tivp northerly lines of 1g the poliat' of beginning-, 7thends', ea t( t ri&t I t the nrthelya ang 00' above -oasoiaent,0 `,dletancP Of 90 f en G 0 r, lily at rift ej�, -'a Wodto I r! _t6 tho, -last a fsorJbdd line - �,aiqtanOO Of 35 ftit., then06 with the last &&dorbed- line d diatdnae of 90 'to,tl ;point of -:An -c stance of 35 ft. he gua W ar -la6t loseribed line a di boZ!nnU'Z. Alto ber,innluC� L� t the northerly anglo, -,joint of ihe..Lo,qbr Afton Road, ., OPP.i 1 40 te the;ly "" .the: oorner ofLOt 1, E13,661: 1, �Mrl P on 11010AS Vivo'IT6. 2 "f -joUtji�6ateAy along tho northerly '11M Of the f=t desoKbed oaserabnt "£i3-® northerly -Tor Zh6 * 0&jdnj� of 'the Lower iefton f�,�oscl to its intersootion vith Afton ROQd, ti -10-1100 vectorly along the northerly line or the ne of the'LoWer anee of 100 ft., thence in a_nortbealrJ7 dl',.,�-oetion I , w6i­Ikkton P,6ad for a dist at :an -AnZl(p-_qf .150 301 lalth the last desoribed line for a distdnCO 61� 350 ft-, a_.,crly to tlw point of beginniyLgp. Also boo-innin, at a )oint on thenoe soutliea orilolr Of %U0 northerly -line of the Lower, Afton Bond, opposite ot_Lle�",13166k I Division, lid. 2 thonee so hWQ er'17 along • 13Urlix*tOn mighto Boad, to:Jts',4#,nt6Ve00tiOU '01 t110 Afton .Aho tomerar-, _ijrj� or the LOWOV on hyof the ovior Pfton Ilue Of the first Joseribod oas000nt for tho oponinr 1oado a distance of approxi7jintoly 85 ft., thenco southwosterly alorkl-, the nbrtilorly line of the first described aaaoiient for the oponine of the Lover Afton "woad�for a .urta"00-of !.103_'ZoGto 4 iW440,4­0 14 Abed lfus-'�for ;i 0 a, dose 509 001 las Odor q ii•h did,0401- of 815 feet, th6nde '"Ith the t' it6a t �oater3y.=at 3-g: Sart is ft.. nox,'E Orly !'ot, f� distan6c of 139 Pt. 'to a point orly nnO at rir�ht an!,,leo to tiao ,Ioyt"�I rly I line of t 1 Lover iA6n lioad, thence northeastorly for ._Q liatanoo of is,. ft. .0 a)Oiat 19 ft. north6rly ancl at ri.Ji.t an1 to the t'-'onoe nortlxastorly to Vii -1-;Dint of L:10 Lo;7or 110`_1 ISO P'Ll 'til n the la""'I ,-�eoosoal-i for �!Opos, or cuts o-, t,owor :,f toil 11oad f rom � ra" uo to eoint C""I �Von of 1 oa,' and ­uplinr vonue, o-Mallco w�it3'. t',G rilan clLtaclljofj to I -:t Q'I in o co tbe ro )Or.t tli- ;01_Ti,.40SJO.J,­ Df f-'11i'12c OvIcs thoatod 0, 0 pt eDor ;St, 1023 41 .......... . . ......... . ..................... ........... . . . . . .... . .... .............. . ......................................... . . . ...................................................................... : . ............... .... . ........................ ................. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council I . 2 - I .. 9 R .6 ........... 191 P . ... ...... ..... • 'ity Clerk. Approved 191 /Clancy o r V=aMMIK -gg DW'wPUBLIS &do /N=r c onaid '*Akkx HED Pudheimer enz e1 IbdX= ifet=n— REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS wim In the matter of to fton OJM1qJI't f ? (, ast 1/2 of 1-q t a n� of (2 C"C' I On 1j, t:lc t of of 01, 0 1 -t L_ t I%of , - , _J LS t 0 . o o - yy t ._!st it of - - a C, t 0 r E'. I : : 1 7,-, ot 1 oil ectioT, + 30 t "-,C 01 oL t j I- �2 f !/4 o 0 t"i 7 0 7 C 7 Not 0 o o". L ,,a 3cu Of 0 0 23' uov U') t n v.It to C "t 7 tt _130 f "00 o 120 o t -170 7, 'or 0 f 001 t- j o f :, t,,,; C .05 t tj,,�2. n. 2 D 7 0 f 6 -3 t�,,Ot o , in 093.00 200 • A! f Curve to u.0 t - ft tt.,nao :.to t "j lamjt C�3021,: tno"loo ofn, '0 3 50 .0 ont to a . . Is go 1201 1 - Df 1,_>,� . o to {`o cum-_* -)i0to�',oc of 4 ,tet .71 J L ae.nt ,G to c, L -cu 0, o.1 I 10 nt , 3u- "cl t Got 0--.- " t b Xl fto", I nt Q t :U-" vo.IvOCY ,.o right "z!" o l -V J t L ft0n r}a.-,. , L.. t T rn int -c,11 n -n 1/2 0-f f 0- o:? t1 2 0 o,o a r o:?nc r) of 1, la_-;' 1 11 -toil Vision oppos.�Ac. t'�G j 0 a P, 0. 2, r 1 for theopenins of tao Lower )Stan 'oad far a distarce of V-0 w ft., hith , - is t_hqpoiat of bang j=In.­, thenee (n+aotot&ly aloes the-,wt1hor3,y Une of the 6bo,00 dcooribed ease� I0—rat a 610tW300 or 00 ft., thence �iorthe;?17 at III,% az les. to tide e2 e last doyilM Une a distai2ee- or 313 ft., Uhone,o vestor,17 at Vigli-t an�.Jm: wit), '00, lost a6sovil)ed 1L*jo a, diatatac of 90 ft., thonce southoz_'17 at ri(,-At viltil the 1tst don.cribod.ling- a dtatanco of 35 ft, tothe point ot--, j:Lso boginanCr at the nortlhcrlj an;j710 point of the Lowoz? .2-TtAft ;1 woad 2 'opposite tiap 1101,,tborky aormov of Lot 1 100;1 1, r1ur_hts DIV. No.li-,18ton '7 a lthe no;thoRillno of t. tk6liab ao�thvautcrjj onp he first (3c.9011ibed. 6r .tui' bWnIjjg, of tae rover. Afton P064- to its Intersection with the northerly 111ja of d-e.Lovor'A'toll Road, thence vadtlorly alwqg tha northerly Bora Of t1jo -1:t0vidr Afton 40 ad for a dlatsnoG bf� 106* ft-,: t1=100 In a northeastorly all cation ",.Uv_&i,346 an ,�_or 150'304 VIV_j tbo last deaCrit)ed line foxy a distance or 350 ft., t 6ada�bqiithoastbt-lj�.td the point of beginning. Allso in he bogimming at, pexin on the norther -line of the Lovi(W, Afton Load _092os1 te the -jorthenstorly corner- of MWIIngton 901�hts D1vIej(3n V0. 2, thence southwes,U_Wly along ft� of tho T=er torsec x411 the- orth arty e the n6A110 Lifton- Road. to its' in u6il rl first, dosbribed eiebmant ;Vor the ovenirw of tae Lovor: Aftwi ovth� -ALLOes Orly ttl"ong''th- oad �6­44ut tno,OC aygroT4 thence Sol R_ ar ft gaer--jont top �116 vponw, of- fio�tqrjy: line of the fit"n't ftbovilbed -d _P � cliat d of aovthd�47 6t right .a es with Afton jioatl - ov uno ?oet#; t1ionao thd uwt aescribod line for t d"tanb,� of 65 root, thdnoo, 6(*'Ltwustbrly:at at­ alftUjo, *r 590� 00* with the last dodcr'lbed 11ne for a ritatano,e of" 85 7 feet 0 thehoe r16vtb6dGtcr17 i'or a d1lotall'aa of 138 ftw, to a point is ft. n6rtheriy and at vi .t , mn,­los to tho 1?0-rt'lici:11y 11no of t110 io=011 , ftO Oads t1wico, noi-thcovtorl, dor' IY a i-izta.co 01r, 113ft. to a :,Oint 3.9 ft. nd at t to tslc cit, ; owor xtXl :.0-' JCpt"­,!,i�,"J-; to 01:1$ of J ton .1 Under Preliminary OrderP' 605 S8 a t roved`?uly._2z1525., Intermediary Order 61124.........-- .. - . _..__..-- 1 July 30,1925 approved - - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. C missioner of Finance. Am 11116 M, LOWER AFTON ROAD OBJECTIONS TO CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AND AWARDS FOR DAMAGES L under Preliminary Order 60568, approved July 2, 1925, Intermediary Order 61124, approved July 30, 1925. TO THE MENBERS OF THE CITY COUNCI7. OF ST. PAUL: As owners of lots 19, 20, and 21, Block 1, Burlington Heights Division '#2, we wish to enter serious objections to the taking of land, and to the award of damages for it, in connection with the opening and widening of the Lower Afton Road. OBJECTIONS TO CONDEMNATIOI'i PROCEEDINGS: T l.This property- is a very steep hillside which the city* is planning; to cut into for straight�ninC the road and for earth for fills. This hill has a slope of about fifty degrees. Sixty (60) feet or more up it, perched right on the edge of this clay hill, is the house - a very dangerous location for it if the cutbank now there is cut back any farther. Not far from this property, in this same ravine, there has already been a landslip which would have been serious to any buildings located on it as our house is on these lots. Our first objection to the condemnation of this bank is, then, the menace to the safety of the house. 2. Our second objection is that cutting back this bank will destroy the only means of ingress and egress that this property has to the Lower Afton Road - a footpath up the steep hillside. 3. Our third objection is that it will mean destruction of i the few remaining trees of great ago on these lots.,'thereby reducing the value of the place as a home. y y OBJECTIONS TO AWARDS FOR DAMAGES: If, in spite of protests, the condemnation proceedings are put through, the damages are ridiculously inadequate. These lots will receive no benefits from the opening and widening of Lower Afton Road as vehicles driving off them must travel one- half mile on other roads before they can get down to the level of the Lower Afton Road where these lots front on it. Since ingress and egress by the footpath on the steep hillside will be destroyed by cutting into the bank, it will be necessary to construct and maintain steps of considerable height. To prevent creeping of the hillside, with its menace to the safety of the house on the hill's top, a concrete or stone retaining wall would have to be built across the face of the bank. The fes old trees that are on this property add distinctly to its value as a home. If they are destroyed there should be compensation for them. Respectfully %suubmmi�tted , 3/_--' WILLIAM C. MERRILL DENTIST IIOS LOWRYSUILDINO 5T. PAUL. MINN. WILLIAM C. MERRILL 33938 I2ATiFTINO ASSIC99AIICNTB IN CONI DEDINATION PItOCEEDIN69. '- Resolution Ratifying and F-Neg938_ imnation Th the maf[er of condemning and tak- ing an easement in the land r^^es-� sary for elones, for cu«: -: and Awards of Damages ao-Assessment Therefor. In the matter of__.condemning and_ taking . an_easement in the ._land. - neoessary_for ..slopes, for_ cuts_ and fills .in_gradiAg.Highwood Ave_.-__._.. from the Point Douglas Road to the southerly..lne_of_Lot_31, .....--- . ....... - Block 11, Burlington Heights Division No. 1 .......... - ---- - --- - ._ .... . ---- under Preliminary Order pp,ov,dFeb _19J.925_ Intermediary Order_ 61128 approved July 30.,_.1y25. A public bearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking dTtd co�deulpation of, the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and C/(ty Glerk, 9nd made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be'i further Reso the sai ent be and it is y determined to be paygble 1 ....--- ugl installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ ................ .......... 192..-.-._ JAS? '. 2 192; - ------- --- -- ----------------.....-..- .--....- ' yClerk. Approved........_-------- ..-...................-_.............. 192.-.... ......_.... ....Mt 1..._ ----------- ------- _...- May r. ✓Councilman Clancy PLJ�LISFIED �� 611 (Councilman McDonald -Councilman Rd& Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer ,,-Councilman Wenzel 31r, vice P-. F eruu u V ......... ............................................................... 0. I4 the matt6e of condemaiag and ig){.'.,' . e$g,an easement !n the �Iand'necea-- %grading `gj ha, for cuts aad ffila>Ia F1 11 t,Doa�qyo, from the" 1: 1Y iine`'ot.�gp Road to the out2'ier:r. �. -'ton Height 7f.. R�"'•lc 11• Rurling.� .. ;-;. Reap' FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ -condemning and taking an easement in the land .... ....__. _...... .... . xadang_algkho.A _.Av ......... — from the Point Do-' PR B1ocL 11, 3urlington Heights Division No...1_........ ........ ..__._._._..____...___-__.-_.__— under Preliminary Order..._._JS00 _............... approved_Fgb_.19.�_1_�25 intermediary Order_61128 ._...........__.,_ .. . approved_ !Tul_y3.Q__.f..._� 9� 5 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:,,.___,__.._. condemn and take an ea_Ment in the 12nd necesa�a y 4 n���_ R -- cuts and fills in rading_H�ghwood Ave, from_the._Point- DouElas_Road__ to the southerly line of Lot 31, Block 11,_Burlington Heights_..... __............ __ Division:To. 1---- ------------------ - .---- --,—................ - (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..DIAL abutting upOt1 Hi�hwoQd Avenue,_betwee_hhe points._aforesaid.,..... :Lo -.._the extend....._._.-_ shorn upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in _the matter dated 801_.x _19 S t_...__..__...._........._..__._.__......__...._.__.._____ (3) That the assessments of.benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.,._*A!_...1..-X11926.............. _._.................. 1 191............ ..... .. .......... ....... .... __.... _........ _... 1 Clerk. JAN 1 2 192a Approved........... _......................................._......................, 191............ Mayot. PTTRi,TRHM C1RMa1h GMN Hoso�1on V 1 IXR&-MoUnald it Diems ' _-9udheimer aiatl lz A enz el Mr. Viae Pres. Fer!lu9ou � r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...00ndemning and taking an...easement---in-,the---land---necesRar--y for slopes, for cute and-_fi.11s .in.grading_Hi.ghood--Aye_,.- Yrgm-..the-._---_-_._ Point Douglas Road to_.the southerly._ line-of..Lot_--31,_-Blo.ok--.11,....................... Burlington Heights Division. No.. -..1......-_... - ---------------- ---------------------------- .......................... ..----------....--------._...------------.-.------------..._- ------------------------------------------- Under --- -Under Preliminary Order- ...._ 580Q.5......._._, approved. -FO -A19-,1925, Intermediary Order ...__-.., approved.. July. -3Q 1925...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, frop the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ................................................... ....... Commi4pi6ner of Finance. OfU1940 and 111braeka YY." lnq anu 11 condemning all itflat pab -t Lot 8. Block 21 comp lyln& eou hweaterly fraoamka Ave�t190 i et r;ne of Lexfn�on Resolution"itax-ii' g and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of... _ - -- - tipening and widening the intersection of Lexington Ave. and Nebrask€: ave. by taking and condemning al??that part of Lot 9, block 21, Oomo lying southwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the north line of Plebruska Ave. 190 Beet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to as point.on the east live of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. :also that Dart of eaid Lot o lying within a Line described as follows= Oommencing at the aforesaid point on the ea., -.,t line of Lexintton AVe. 1W ft. n6rth of the north 1i a of Nebraska Avt:. thence southeasterly aloAgtri'e line above described as di ltt�ance of 10 feet, thence noxtlr;esterly to the intersection ©f tate no of caul Lot 6 and the eaa,wt line of Legit t04 Ave., thence south on the east line of Lexington Ave. to the point o comwencemeaW Also the condemning and taking an e?eement for constructing. and,maintai"ning a public sewer in, over, across, under ndi through Lots 5 b, Block 21, Como ,from Xiagara St. to Lexin4'ton Ave., the: Vind to ba; taken and Oondemi ed beim; a strip 16 feet in width the center line of which Is a line described as follows: Ootielene.ng on the east line of Lexington fir; Ave. thence southeasterly along a line parallel to and d feet nortiaeasterly of a line drawn between a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165?feet north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. and a point on the north line;of 'ebruslta Ave. 190 feet ea,et of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point Of 1, intersection with a line drawn iii• feet north of and parallel to the north i. line of Nebr,:tska Ave., thence in a straight line to the southeast corner is of said Lot 5, also a tempoxary easement for constr4otion purposes on that nwrt of sad Lots 3, 5 and 6 lying., within the !flails of a strip 30 felt in width d;a each aide of above described easement for sever awards ;4 Resolved further, that the said MXNUU a M; be and the same is hereby in all respects ratifie , and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.l~r B�� it//f el Re ved, the as�esssn' and ' Se fie eby de rmiued to -be ya e i �l..._....e�� menta to each parcel of land Hescribed theilein. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council......_ _.. - ., 192........ Clerk. Approved--....._. ..... ............ ......... __......, 192...... `l Councilman Clancy 1Councilman McDonald J >ouncilman FAA Hodgson ✓Councilman Sudheimer !Councilman Wenzel i ✓� Mr. Vioe Pres. Feram9on ........................... ACtiq Mayor. itrsr rsym) / — ...nxma IR...0 ; 'KE ° t yif g an; & Confirming . Ondemnat: Resalutton� 759 approvedse-ot .2,192.5 , Intermediary Order62556 61.- - -• under Preliminary Order - 61 . Oct -13,1925 approved --. , A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the landsor casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, �ri€iR�l�lioSX9h8 txj;r=4 and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed `assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. awards g9$e "9c"M be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, Resolved further, that the said and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B it f erMRey�ed,�,the id-isessm andjt�i3-5b ebY erminedto--be p ya reqenu to each parcel of Ian escubed thein..._._.JAN 2 b 1926 Adopted by the Council _, 192 -------- .... - -. --- --- - - -- 1026 - ... ... • - '- -.......f Clerk. Approved ...._. 192 ......:-..._............... ..._.. ... Mayor. ° /Councilman Clancy "LTSHO — _ o`2 6 `'Councilman McDonald /councilman Idw Hodgson: ,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguson FINAL�ORl3ERe IN CONDIDILNATION 'PROCEEDINOB IC. F.-lGy: $5941- '_ >.. Ininhge,imhB<L�ntersectton ota Leaingtnd 1 oa AV` a", Nebraska Ave:' by taking / _n. nd;o �emnirCognaolllytng southweetc - erly df a line drawn Yrom a point on. Xy *f a line of Nebraska Ave. 1s0. , feet east of the net line of Lezing- t en the ea't lin° IN, CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. of Lexington Ave. 366 feat north of thatp-,cit Bald Lotas r6 lyingV°within aline described ea follow': Com- ' mencing of the aforesaid point n 0 the eastl,G�r^-�GLaF on A•t vo. 366 neNe Opening and widening the intersection of Lexington Ave. and Nebraska Ave. bye=-:taking--and-condemning a12 -that -part -of -Lot 6, Block 21, Como lying southwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave:-39A--feet-east-of-the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the north line of Nebraska Ave, also that part of said Lot 6 lying within a. line described as follows: Commencing at the aforesaid point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft- north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. thence southeasterly along the line above described a distance of 10 feet, thence northwesterly to the intersection of the north line of said Lot 6 and the east line of Lexington Ave:,,..thence,South 'on the east line of Lexington Ave. to the point, of commencement. Also the condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, over, across, under and through Lots 5 , & 6, Block 21, Como from Niagara St. to Lexington Ave., the land to be taken and condemned being a strip 16 feet in width the center. -line of -which is a line described as follows: Commencing on the east line of Lexington Ave. thenco'southeasterly along a line parallel to and 8 feet northeasterly of a'3ine"drawn between a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of- Tie'xaortii' line of Nebraska Ave. and a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave', 190 feet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to.a point of inteisec`tio'n'with a line drawn 34 feet north of and parallel to the north _}j of Nebraska Ave., thence in a straight line to the southeast corner Of said Lot 5 also .a temporary easement for construction purposes on that part Of said sots -3, 5'and 6 lying°within the limits of a strip 30 feet in width on each side of above described easement for sewer Z$'ZiST$""p'I-SaIQ--bo-u o anm-vne-..eaBt--r1nc-vz-wvnscu�-ovn-.: - Ave ;,;thence:south:.on. the --east line of Lexington Ave, to the point of commenoement Also- the,00ndemning and.taking an easement for constructing snd maintaining' -s: public sewer in,- over, across, under and through Lots 5,& 61 Block 721,. Como from Niagara St. to Lexington Ave., the land to be taken an& condemned being a: strip 16 feet in width the center line of which°is a line'.described as follows. Commencing on the east line of Lexington Ave. thencealong a line parallel to and 8 feet northeasterly of e line southeasterly drawn between a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the -north line of Nebraska Ave.•and a point on the north line of Nebraska -Ave. 190`-1eet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point of intersection with aline drawn 34 feet north of and parallel to the north line of Nebraska -Ave., thence inA,a straight line to the southeast cornet of said Lot :5; also a temporary easement for construction purposes on that -part of said Lots 3, 5 and 6 lying within the limits of a strip 0 feet. -in width on each side of above,described easement for sewer, - lid° Ss opts= Corm-ionding oil' me WIST, 11ne 0 tbAca.southenstaf y alone, a line parallel to Ml 6 fust northeasterly a line drawn between a point on the oast line of Lexington ;ve. 165 feet nA%h of the north line of Nebraska Ave. and m point on the north line of Nebraska Ave190 feet east of the east line of Lax on Ave...to a point of intersection with a: line drawn 34 foot north of and rrrai lol to the north line of Nobr°aska Ave., thence in Ea,atr;ai ht line to the southSaet o ,rnar bl •• 4d Lot 5; a "oo a tompor�axy eariemen� for csonstruuotion Pur;?osea _n that p_Lrt o' ould Lotz, 1J nd b 1%in[; Within the ;,trip ,:D feet 2n width on i l ch al 4a iIa . bOttf3 C1�3iS�i U )CL f3 y[3(:F,7i°nt .,or €30dTOXV In 3ccord:''_3'ioe with the nlan tt:cel 'd to [illi rTpoi"t of the 00=1113 ,10ner of -- 'ub?ic �Ix'or.e in tho u4'k$i:��, .�.,�a°�i .;erne. ?,�=r 17th, If 5. I -T I OW 6 Iff—Tt ", Wk® - - W ift ly T OT - C Trr r !TT 7 7 T,� 3 C Y'D A r, U10 ?.:CU a T 01 7TC 9 1 1 � U 17, ]T!75 oY 1. a Y fir, CtE TCC u�, -i f uol. e 1 OJ tt 0 C�Z TIGX I0 IC '7 03j n TO 0 Z TU L 7 G C, -9 Yj 6 CJ �T GG uu, [Z S f C 4� TAG --G6 Y 0- C Tr - 1 2'T_1TG o. J 11JG I ' , -4 112 1%) C 1)�_ Tu" 0 Ij 6 0 1, OZ r 1;0 7. C', G 01 11 J Ge 0;. rGX.Tj P I �;011 %.CaCG, �O 77 lj.� Pp G AT 11 'G -711, C J, 71, under Preliminary Order6.D _9. approved.qe,P1.-._?-J9.?5, Intermediary Order..6255.6 .................. approved...._...__Oct -5. Resolved: That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_..... Open and widen the intersection of Lexington Ave. and Nebraska Ave. by... -taking.... and condemning all--thpt part of Lot 6oBlock, 21, Como * lying. southwesterly of a line drawn from'a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave-,--190-feet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point on the east line_o_f_Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the north.line of Nebraska Ave, -iso that part of said-Lot.6 lying t- -within a. line described as followa Commencing at the aforesaid point on the east line of Lexington Ave, 165 'ft. - north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. thence southeasterly along the line above described a distance of -,10 feet, thence northwesterly to the jintersection of the north line of said Lot 6 and the east line of Lexington Ave.�,,t.:-thence :l;south�,on. the -east line of Lexington Ave. to the point of commenoementi A' �oondemnihg`and taking an easement for constr' t* uc :Lng and ma'im-taihing, 6,publio sewer in,- - over across, under, and through' Lots 6, Block -22-00M6,'from Niagara S. to Lexington Ave., the land to be, taken and— I-, - oondemned being' a strip 16 feet in width the center line of which is a Z.iaedeObvibed as follows:' Commencing on the east line of Lexington Ave. t, ende'southeasterly along a line parallel, to and 8 feet northeasterly of a1inei drawn between a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north -of"-thenorth line of Nebraska Ave.,and a point on the north line of Nebr4skb:._AVe,i 150 feet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point of,inter'se ' ation with &-line drawn 34 feet north of and parallel to the north., 11`h6. of Nebraska Ave., thence in +a straight line, to the southeast corner :of -said Lot 5; also a temporary "easement for construction purposes on that part of said Lots 3, 5 and 6 lying within the limits of a'strip 30'feet -An width on each side of above-described easement for sewer - N 01119TA _lMG and 8 fust Ujo7tthe7,1G-br1,Y Mf of Le-vAngton Ave. I feet point on the north line of 3obz;.ska Ave. 190 f©est asst of the east 33use f Lexington Ave...to a point $Y Sntargeotion with a Zine drawn 31l foot north of and paral j.el to the C,:ht line to the southeast M -pork.'. Y exionom for Construotion pimponee On thc-t T_ is r L C) 6 lying; within the o;'trip 30 feet in width on e"tch silde of above doaoribed oaneuont or Lower, In ccordanoe with the -1_,ul'"At :r,0'Vd to tie report ofthe Clom�.,dsnloner Of ubl. is Tior�a In tPo V19" C ^'T S `y t :I �il yj Tr:C� JT,.G r7 n .cc 7�� r. OU Z=r' 7UGI 'TC -413 nT� Q G t r rJ r�r .CUSL'GG +:> .r, T.] r„U 1!� TIr 1 l _ F.t :COS, �I.CoC:.CS,1=- .,'J. F. G T, i 0 r: r U J _✓rrS. j'SL J�'..CJIi ?AC-T�'- n p� c� Tc t,7 'C .e cev c 7 -JE G: aL,q u I. rfir , ' C(2y -Y.T .'OL, T 'v oGy c T r_ 'r,1 -.",o:". U F'D [ CO r f GILT n - i Tait J;J ,,"C J JG CI :T-�I:�i _ j. 6 J r,n <,zj}'. DT j (.TGC L7:GLT PITO.-L C:, rl:r G:. `t y. j7 -UG Or rGXTIJ :_JII AG; ACT oneq p j U: _ r. -J �,t ...f r .TL 3 .t Ti. G 2:G J 0Tn `,LIi 7 Cu Tc 5J' �O_O 77T'0W 7_. ,. JCvI:U J7U _ _ {' _ , Ui_ ,J b-; c)r -'i' ;0Z Caup'r ;'7C ^Y7., au . o _Or'+iJ CIT _. , G r- L.". � G � 1".y.- r .�r. .T ,. r' . .. DL' d 00 I"_' OI _.: lC, ^Tb )7. - _.. 1 'JG PCy: QF "r; 6�""i'uv C-r5r t TUG ,n'`!.S r - ,E'.j' T,r. e rcz)T to .I fT r ? 1.. :.P,1: T- ^:"P .'G^-. r '!_R ..".'G:-.,6 8�f _. u- :S, ]':: 5 OTT„ I' 'c ri- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro Pur' priated and condemned for the ur*� - cw of makine-the said imnrov_ements viz.;...:.. -- . _- F _ - — -- - all that pmt of Lot 6, Block wl oomo lying caouLh>�pm exly_cry.-a line draVU fr�sm � pcl�tiL-- oa-thm�stt► 1 m@ of Yi€�br�9ts� Ave. 190 feet east of the east line of Losington Ave. to a point on the east line of_.Lasindton165 feel -north of the north -ling Of -iebrnaka Ave. also th tt part of said Lot 6 lying within a line described -is f*110 %et Commencing at the aforesaid point can the emot lana of Lexington Avcs. 165 ft. north of the north Jim of Nebraska ave. tlience.southearsterly along the line above described a distrnce of 10 feet, thence northcresetoxly to the interoto3tipn of the north line ®t:said Lot d..and the east line of.Lexineton-� ,%ve., thenoe south on the east line of Lexington nve. to the point of � comneneelllent • Also the condemning and taking an erarement for constructing and ma,inta ni - .on public sewer in, ovaffi, across, Under and thx°ou Leas 5 & rm 6, Block 22, from 21in;=a Fit. tc� Le$i n Ave., the land 0 %e Laken and oond=nod beings a strip 16 et iri sr rich the center lisp of which is a lzae described allourosCo-,16 neing on the east lline of LeZington Ave. t eoutCheu9%e c].y €along a line p:aral l.61 to rind. S . fecst northeasterly Of a)Tisa® drawn t5vts scsn a point on the east line of Lexi.n„�*tan Ave. 165 fust north of the north lino of Nebraska Ave. and a point on the north zine of € obr^�ka Ave. 190 feet east of the must line of Le on Ave. -,to a point of intersection With a line dsaxrn 34 feet north of and pr;,= -a101 to the north 1jne of tiebrudka Ave., thence in a strui ht line to the southeast c- ,rnor b! id Lot also c, t6m-,'Or<ary sa:caemen gar cossat' ructiongaxr�one® sn zti t ;s„:>rt a:” e d►L_ < `o .end 6 lying nrithiII he 1J 5 = ' atsip 3^, feet in width on each ague of grove doaoribed :,cr .never, It, accord,moe with the +...n : tt ct,oci to the report oj' t e Corun"'I'lloner of ut)i.io ziorl:o in bo n,t:',.::t', ,_...ctii1<j`a- 7r 01 P ?T.s - T� T C- :r C^62 OU U ' G r-� - _' X .?.7 s E' . {0 J" UT 07: OS T 6 �` ! �� .. r ()J ^_6 jr,) j T!I5 OT. Vic IJ r2�:Ei.TJ T ( '3 7.1 G. F t _ r6 TOS, f CT,1-� oToc;ti r,J T c v 7 UG -L 'q 'T rroirJ X: ;Oz c, S,, j.L'v CSG :c -T. UY:: T. T7 T'63'Er rI-TC '():-1A r�1 �'_ u rr .f } - ;' �J. A ] �L .T`t F•f J; iJo'CT ;CL1' 'T B 0 c ] c,� JJ7 f r , CTJ1 O.- o EG e ,Y J T.0e exp �u c• (3) That the award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Approved .......... ...._...... 4 1Clancy W A%M uu�e2gg�BOnnf� ATeF RCRno, d bfxOAIX Su.dheimer M=d JtOh Plenzel fi>4ux Nelson / Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguooa i (� PUBLISHED �' of REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Tnthe matter of..--- --- - - -..-------- ---------- * ............. .. * * --------------------- Openi,,ng,,nnd'i,..Widen;pgtlle int&rsection of Lexington hve. and �ebranka Ave. by taking and condeuming all that part of Lot 6, Block 21, Coma lying southwesterly Of a I line drawn from a point on the north line of liebrasks, .,",(C. 190 iect eaPt of the east line of Lexir4.,torl Ave. to a point on the east line of Lexington 1),ve. 165 feet north of the north line of Nebrttska Ave. also th,it part of said Lot 6 lying within a line described as follows: oomwencing at the aforesaid point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. north of the north line of 1jebraska Ave. thence southeasterly along the line above described a distance Of 10 d f -et, 6 thence northwesterly to the inter6ction of the north line osi Lt v--nd the east line of Lexington Ave.,athence south On the east lif neaof Leoxington Ave. to tile Doint Of commencement. Also the condemning and taking an easelaent for constructing and maintaining a public Sever In, over, across, under and through Lots 5 Block 21, Coflo from Niagara St. to Lexington are., the land to tie taken and condemned beim,, a strip 16 feet in width the Center line of which is a line described as follows: !hiejcjng on the et line of Lexin�,ton Ave. thence southeasterly along a line to �ind 8 feet northeasterly of 4 noint on the east line of Lexington 165 feet a line dr,%vm betreen v ' north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. and a point on the north line of east line of Lexington Ave. to a point Nebraska Ave. 190 feet east of the e�- of f intersection with a line drawn 34 feet north of and parallel to the north line of Nebraska Ave., thence In a straight line to the southecant p e corner of said Lot 5; also a teffiPOr,9.rY easement for OOngtructlo�n pur1-0 e8 on that part of said Lots 3, 5 and 6 lying, within the limits of a strip 30_feet in vildth on each side of above described easement yor zmer.,. and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .............. - . ... .. - Com sinner of Finance. - - ........... ......_....._._....__ -._........................----------- _ ......-------....-------------_......------------------------------ _--------------------------- --.._ ------------ --------------------------------------------- - --...._..........----...........__......... Under Preliminary Order._. 61799....... .... ... approved.Sept .2,1925 Intermediary Order ._._62 ?�6..__..._., approved Oct -13, 1925 - - .................._......... -- x 5 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; tR�tXAFa[Ra�iXa4§�x��HS7[9iSx131E a88&4tannefffi7iagaal�esdgwa�iio�a�$6n�w$7esutxm�wxwawa7ex0ea[dixsCElxxd0em¢f and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �� - -- - -- .........- -: .............. Com sinner of Finance. In the Matter of opening end widening the intersection of Lexington Ave. and Nebraska Av'e. by taking and condemning all that part of Lot 6, Block 21, Como lying southwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave. 190 feet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. also that part of said lot 6 lying within a line described as follows: Commencing at the aforesaid point on the east line of Lexington Ave=. 165 ft. north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. thence southeasterly along the line above described a distance of 10 feet, thence northwesterly to the intersection of the north line of -said Lot 6 and the east line of Lexington Ave., thence south on the east line of Lexington Ave. to the point of commencement. Also the condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, over, across, under and through Lots 5 & 6, Block 21, Como from Niagara St. to Lexington Ave., the land to be taken and condemned being a strip 16 feet in width the center line of which is a line described as follows: Commencing on the east line of Lexington Ave. thence southeasterly along a line parallel to and 8 feet north- easterly of a line drawn between a point on the east line of Lexington Ave. 165 feet north of the north line of Nebraska Ave. and a point on the north line of Ne- braska Ave. 190 feet east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to a point of intersection with a line drawn 34 feet north of and parallel to the north line of Nebraska Ave., thence in a straight line to the southeast corner of said lot 5; also a temporary easement for construction par poses on that part of said Lots 3 5 and 6 lying within the limits of a strip 30 feet in width on each side of above described easement for sewer, under Preliminary Order 61799, approved Sept. 2, 1925, intermediary Order 62556 approved Oct. 13, 1925. G. M. STERN, the owner of the property described in the above entitled caption, objects to the award of damages made by the Commissioner of vinanoe, of the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, for the taking of the property and the easement therein in the above entitled mrtter, on the grounds: 1. That the award made by the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, in the above entitled matter, is unequal, unfair, partial, arbitrary and wholly disproportionate to the value of the ob- jeotor's property and easement sought to be taken therein. Dated January 12th, 1926. lst._��L �.• � Laid over to 2nd ` 3rd. & app.----- --- — _ — — / Adopted--)7/ Yeas Nays Clancy uson Hodgson Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald p'C7 uson odgson Sudheimer cDonald udheimer Mr. pwsnzel Nelson M Wenzel Pres. Nelson C. F. No. 62942—Ordinance No. 6627— 4 T. H. McDonald— An ordinance repeall.9 Ordinance No. 6486, entitled '? ordinance determ- Ining. Hxing and eatabllshing bound- ary i building linea on the we at of W acouta - street between "berth and Fifth streets the ri - tst side of Sibley rth and FI•lu aa'hnce No. �' c By C. F. No. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 6465, entitled "An ordinance determining, fixing and establishing boundary or building lines on the West side of Wacouta street between Fourth and Fifth streets, on the east side of Sibley street between Fourth and Fifth streets, and on the north side of Fourth street between Wacouta and Sibley streets," approv- ed February 25, 1925. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6465, approved February 25th, 1925, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publica�ion- Passed by the Council _.!A?4Ff926 Yeas Nays I[r ✓ Clancy ✓ erguson 1 odgeon �1 oDonald / ✓ludheimer / Wenzel ( l Mrr. President (Nelson) JAN 2 u i©9E� Attest 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app._ _1'"2 Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson F guson Hodgson odgson McDonald cDonald Sudhcimer ,.,Kudheirner Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson /Mr. Pres. Nelson C. F. No. 63943—Ordinance No. 6628— BY J. ]f. ClancY— A Clar nordice a A. sIserettiman t against the City of St. Paul. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordatn: - / By SECTION 1. (//J Council File An ordinance settling the claim of Clarence A. Iserman against the City of St. Paul.^, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the judgment compromise fund, to E. F. Matthews, as attorney for Clarence A. Iserman, the sum of $75.00, in full settlement of his claim against the city, arising from injuries sustained by him by reason of a defective stop and go signal, located at the intersection of East Seventh Street and Arcade Street, on the first day of August, 1924. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the city, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him, in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This' ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN 2 7 1926 Yeas: Nays: Mr.�'Clancy Ferguson %McDonald (/ ✓Hodgson ,/Sudheimer ,A-enze1 Mr. President (Nelson) r 1P26 Approved ATTEST: G� C%L2�Mayo 3� %mac PUBLISMD L City Clerk. __ �. 0 __._ ._ � � •1 �.� ! .. _ __. _. . _. c ��t;; � � , � �'` By % Ordinance No. i L% Council File G An ordinance settling the claim of Clarence A. Iserman against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the judgment compromise fund, to E. F. Matthews, as attorney for Clarence A.pIserman, the aum of 7,75.00, in full settlement of his claim against the city, arising from injuries sustaiped by him by reason of a defective stop and go +signal, located!at the intersection of East Seventh Street and Arcade Street, on the first day of August, 1924. Section 2. Said sum of Toney shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and uelivery of a. release in full to the city, in aform to be approved by the Corporation Counsel,, for all damages sustained by him, in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ' Passed by the Council JAN 2 7 1926 Yeas: Nays: Mr.V01ancy Ferguson McDonald j -'`Hodgson f —Sudheimer .Ile Fenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved H 2 y ipv� 6, ATTEST: Mayor. PUBLISHED__ City Clerk. ("gy j H�:llcD rdlaanle Ne. GG28— An •dinance m dmo ordinancecreno e .,IJ ".fin ordinance ance u- 8814. nd tabliahlni; Bureau t i 6 (o be pera[ed 99 '� u uncipal E.bl.c ,ner tan Coammis- der the direction ad•, stoner of Public ��•orka d f tan visory committee conafetmg ins the Ordinance No. ]Mayor and Comptr ller' {ns to the rolltr- ^qulPnen 1 of aid Bur- .stablcahment C F. NO - B o • J•� By- y%. •ell= -'.`-M �•; r. to on nety -.: o . An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6614, entitled "An ordinance creating and establishing a Bureau Of Municipal Equipment, to be operated under the direction of the Commissioner of public Works and an advisory com- mittee consisting of the Mayor and Comptroller; placing the rolling equipment belonging to the City under the control of said Bureau; authorizing the establishment of rules and regulations in connection with the transport- ation of city employes and officials, and repealing Ordi- nance No. 5602, approved May 25, 1921. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved December 30th, 1925. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6614, approved December 30, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Section 2 thereof and by insert- ing in lieu thereof the following: "Section 2. The position of Director of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment is hereby created, and the Oommis- sioner of Public Works shall appoint such Director, subject to the Civil Service Rules. Said Commissioner shall have authority to appoint the necessary clerical and field assistants, not to exceed four in number, and any other assistants that may be necessary for the proper operation and functioning of the Bureau, subject to the Civil Service Rules." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 6614 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Section 9, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 9. The Municipal Garage Revolving Fund is hereby appropriated as the revolving fund out of which to pay the expenses of operating said Bureau of Municipal Equipment, including the salaries of the Director and employes thereof. The Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall from time to time, and not less fre- quently than once a month, charge to each department of the city government using automobiles, its proportionate part of the expense of the Bureau, including the salaries of the Director and employes. The amount that each de- partment shall pay shall be determined in accordance with the service rendered to each department. All moneys received by the Bureau shall be credited back to the Revolving Fund hereinabove created." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 1 from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN 2 Z 1926 Yeas Nays % Mr.Tancy .Ferguson Hodgson , ,McDonald ',mdheimer Wenzel °Mr. President (Nelson) Approved--) J ` .. 1926 Mayor Attest City Clerk. PUBLISHED ^ot3 uq .bas saa,sq,eft Tr is b.:s �0�3 i ioc>:rn� �:iJ �1 bsaes� a Ely / fY uosu�z�'� . I'3 rYl.i lJlly Y;.: ' IN 4 r�ejJi r__1q CITY OF' ST. PAUL cour+ca �)��4t- FILE'��•................... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ZfL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper � y officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. John V. O'Connor the sum of $40.00, and to Dr. Edward Schons the sum of $6.00, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to.James Egan, an employe of the Department of Education of the .City of St. Paul, in- jured November 18th, 1925. C'Resolved,� ThatBthe propercityoffl-�I cera- are hereby: authorized .to pay td, Dr; John V. 0 Connor the anmof $40, .and to Dr.: Edward Schon. -the a— of; {6.00, out 'of the Workmen's. Cl.ompend, dation Account of ..the generaFun for.,prof ... 10 1 services rendered to James Egan, an employe of the I) - -. partme t of Education f the City of ,4t;. Paul, -injured Nov.. 18th, 1926. Adopted by, the Council Jan. 12, 192G Approved Jan 12. 1926.. COUNCILMEN Teas N ays Clancy son Hodgson -In lar or i McDonald -.-i�/ ...Against Wenzel h4.r. Vice Pro-. l7nrannon I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Education. JAN 1 2 1926 adopted by the Council -----....._._-------- ----- ------------ 192 ----- JAN 2 1926 :gyp roved---...._....._-- --------------- 192._ ......_. CITY OF ST. PAUL LOU"c'L No t------------------ OFFICE ��'0J i `-" FILE --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM [TED BY SSIONER....,i:...._...._............_....._�._.—.._ _..__,_..........______.._.._�_ _ DATE_ _....... __......... ......... ED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to George Becker, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured September 11th, 1925, the sum of 050.00, out of the Workmen's Com— pensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul, being for the period up to and including January 3rd, 1926, at the rate of $20.00 per week. i C� COUNCILMEN I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. C: F. NO. 63946 -By J. H. McDonald - Resolved.. Thnt thw -- —w..— Publtc allor 1926lte injured" , the sum': of f60.09. out orkme s Compensati Ac - the G,n,,l cthe6eneral Fund in 8nR 1' Of : hi. MM ,I. - e AdoDtedtlby�theVCouncil Jan. 12,. 197 Approved Jan. 12.:. 1926..' (Jan: 16-1926) ... _ _- Yeas Nays Clancy Hodgs�^-----------Ll i'a or McDonald Sudheimer.'. Against Wenzel Mr. Vires Proms. N'or¢usu�� JAN 1 2 i� 6 .Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 1`YL--..- JAN tnoyal.-- .1 `?-- ........ ----- u 47 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE WUKUL NO_ ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be ,and they are hereby authorized to pay to, Dr. N. G. Mortensen the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for profession- al services rendered to Frank Schwartz, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 14, 1925. C. F. No. 62947—By J. H. McDonald— R-1—d, That the proper city the be and they.' re hereby' author- lzed to rPay to :Dr., N. G. Mortensen:. the um of Ten Dollars (510.00) out of the XVork.en's C—peneation Account Of the General Fund, :.for professional service. --.rendered-to.:•Frnnk-Bohwartz, an emPloye of the lic'WorltsD , Inju edOcr Oct. 14,ePub- licnto Adoptedby the Council Jan. 12, 1926. Approved Jan. 12, .1926. - (Jen. 16-1926) COUNCILMEN Teas. N ays ✓Clancy FAWQten U V McDonald-------------- �- Sudheilner [/ / Peter ------------ - Wenzel iY�1�-�?resident'� Mr. Vice i,j.m i�ucga�cr. In favor -. Against Recommended for passage. Oommissioner of Public Works. JAN 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------- --_.......... 192. ---- JAN . 2 19::6 .A,pproved-------------------------------- - - - ----------- ----------------- ---- --��19.2----- ECOUNCIL NO........3-948- AR CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ­OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESgLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED VThat the proper city�oers be and they are hereby author- ized to pay to Drs. Sterner & Lundholm the sum of Five Dollars (#5.00) out of the Workmengs.Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to W. H. Williams, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, injured December 18, 1925. C. F. No. 63943—BY J. M. ClaricY—� R. No'63 That t.'proper CRY eid era: bo ato Drs• 6terner & Lundholm to paY the sum of Flva Dol) re (58.80) "aunt ofethoGeneral Fund a fortprofe eion 1, nnry mploYe�oe toe r. o rtlnentVof Pub- lic Satety.:in]ured Dec. 18. 192b.:: Adopted by the Co39281 Jan. 12, 1928. Approved Jan. 12, 18-1928), Recommended for passage. COmmiaelOner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council .... JAN --- 1...21920 ------- 192_.--- ilprocedJA.N...1 2 1926 ----1`)--- ---- _.. ------ I Y yJ COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Hodgson .--------- in faeor / McDonald fSudheirner ......:r:_...:Against / Wenzel =1C2ri esi3ent / jar. Viae Yrea. 11ergudo Recommended for passage. COmmiaelOner of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council .... JAN --- 1...21920 ------- 192_.--- ilprocedJA.N...1 2 1926 ----1`)--- ---- _.. ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL ESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM eOUNCIL NO ----- 'Ux _vF� That the offer of tb"int Paul City Railway Company, to settle the claim of the City of St. Paul against said Company, in the sum of $50.00, for damages sustained through 'the cutting by a street car of said Company, of a fire hose then being used by Engine Company No. 14, at Griggs and University Avenue, on December 2nd, 1925, be, and the same is hereby accepted; and the proper 'city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a proper release therefor. �-ECOClancy F No. 63949—BY the•one the City . Itanwo.y., mPanY ik sge pe'Mile_,�,..tbo Clat the City I go Of. - of stin atuh, an 0 E60.00, pant;ustained! rO t ting by as street rrb Of so us 0 of's fire hOsO then Is" at s n En- gine, Company 0- ' so. 925: University Avenue, same a to be and the hereby. ace 'd t me jeers is ore a. o proper City t I.. ,. orl and -.directed pro per. re lease therefor. Adoptedoil 1928:. Approved the Jan., .(Jan. 36-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -"'Clancy Hodgson In favor ,--McDonald ,-'gudheirner ,)--Against Wenzel NFr-Piesidenb -- Adopted by the Council --JAN 2 ---9926---------192______ A. . .. o ed JAN 1f26 ----------- 192 . . .... cou..n- No ------- 6 95- CITY OF ST. PAUL Firrc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^/ COUN ESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM _ DATE--_.....--- — ...._....._._._.... WHEREAS$ On January 5th, 1986, the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings issued a plumbing license to Mathias Gish, 135 North Concord street, South St. Paul, for which license a fee of $35.010 was paid; and WHEREAS, said Mathias Gish not being a resident of the City of St. Paul and not maintaining a place of business here, said license should not have been issued; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant, payable to Mathias Gish, in the sum of $35.00, for the purpose of refunding to him said license fee. C. F. No. 02950 -By 13. C.-'Wenzel— Whereas. enzel—Whe eas. on _Jan. 6th, 1926, the De- I partment of Parke, PIaYand P,ub1lc Budding. haus. a'plumbfng 31- cane.:<to' Mathias Gish, 126.:North' Con- cord -St., Soutlj..:S. Paul,, for .*ht.hP .ensu.. f.e.of ;,26.00 was paid; and..:' Whereas; 'ea1d,-Mathiaii Glsh not be-. ing-- a: reatdent of the City. of St. Puut afid ,nut malntalntng a. Place of bual- 1, neva 'here,: asld. llcenee;'.s ould 'not. havebeen issued; therefore, be it. Resolved,' That the -proper elty�, otfl- \ ` c1 -.cid., btoe and they are hettreby "au" thoc 1 Mathias GI h in the aum ofp626.00, for the,. purpose of .refund(ng t9 him said �.' license fee. - - Adopted by -the Counclt San 12, 1926. Approved Jen. 12, 1926. :.. (Ian. 16..1920).. 1 2 1926 COUNCILMEN.............._._ 192 Adopted by the Council _.__.__.._.._-- Yeas Naya VClancy / 1 Q ggi6 � H �App ed. --------------------------- 192 . v--- ------ -- ------ - l Hodgson ---.In tabor .. ... ... ........ ... . MAY R ,j McDonald Sudheilner �_Against Wenzel_ _ r res en arpruauu January 3, 19, 26. Mr. t,. A. Ste•„art , Corporation C,unsel, Denartment of Lav:. Deur Sir: On January 5, 1926, -.-;e ,s:,iied a license to do plumbing :iorh to 1,athias Gish, 135 North Concord Street, South St. Paul, and received in payment thtrefor the regular fee of p35.00. On acco-,nt of the fact that 1,71, Gish is a resident of South St. Paul and is not maintaining a place of business in this city, this license should not have been issued. I t`ierefore aslt that you draw up the necessary ordinance hick I gill introduce into the Council, authorizing the proper office to refund the amount of .;;35.00 to P.ir. Gish. Yours very truly, U Co-z.lissioner. 3aerrra1ion MOPS to ■ekr £ettrr f611terns (Qi1g of �i. �ttut Depttrtucent]RIIf �arJlnis, PlgggYpunbs �d!�•�o GEORGE L. NASON. - g ub public 3BUI UDS S-- -- FNalce HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON.UIT S. M PtAraxWem. IRVING G FEARCE. DEPVTY OOMMISSIONfiR PRANK X. TEES. W OFFICB OF C MMIWIONER Cmt ArscwiHR 2f9 COURT HOUSE January 3, 19, 26. Mr. t,. A. Ste•„art , Corporation C,unsel, Denartment of Lav:. Deur Sir: On January 5, 1926, -.-;e ,s:,iied a license to do plumbing :iorh to 1,athias Gish, 135 North Concord Street, South St. Paul, and received in payment thtrefor the regular fee of p35.00. On acco-,nt of the fact that 1,71, Gish is a resident of South St. Paul and is not maintaining a place of business in this city, this license should not have been issued. I t`ierefore aslt that you draw up the necessary ordinance hick I gill introduce into the Council, authorizing the proper office to refund the amount of .;;35.00 to P.ir. Gish. Yours very truly, U Co-z.lissioner. 3aerrra1ion MOPS to ■ekr £ettrr f611terns -ae c CITY OF ST. PAUL nODUNCIL NO.-.--. --' lJisv�tii� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 2�ev January 12, .1926 m 7,HEREAS,E. D. Mulrein has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul One Case auto car, Motor No.'91160626, State License No. B-202533, covered by Bulldog automobile Insurance Policy No. 602524-T, and owned by said E. D. Mulrein, and n IVREREAS�2 E. D. Mulrein in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that „cense be issued to said E. D. Mulrein to operate .said auto car upon the streets c9f the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions cP said ordinance. C UUNCILMEN r Yeas Nays Adopted by the council ...JAN --- 1...1 --190a--- ---192..---- Clancy .F--gusoa Al roved - i ' ---- -192.. - Hodgson _... --- -.In favor McDonald _—<Sudheimer _---.Against i W enzel Win— r0& -913302 ". COUNCIL NO. ----.-139513. - CITY OF ST. PAUL, FELE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F)�SOLUTION--GENERAL FORM DATE.-....... ------------ ___ R/ED `/" ylnREAS, Frank Delmont has made application for licenses to operate upon the streets o£ the city of St. Paul One Hudson auto car, Motor No. 334996, State License No. B-6394, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Company Policy e No. 602623-T, and owned by said Frank Delmont, and Vi EREAS, Frank Delmont has filed copy of insurance policy with'the city of St, Paul, in accordance with Ordinance No. 6866, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Frank Delmont to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. ,I Approved Jan. 12j1926 (Jan. 16 -MO COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Hod In favor (_j----^. --- /McDonald j) jSudheimer ....... Against Wenzel j :resident Mr. viae Prea. Forsu,'o^ i A\ I _ . - . Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... -.._.192...... CITY OF ST., PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 6 q COUNCIL No . --.:-1 54 oATE___..JanUac,..12.,.. U?6__........._.._— VMREAs, Gertrude Weller has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St, Paul, One Shaw auto car, Motor No. 22851, covered by Bulldog Automobile insurance Company Policy No, 602526-T and owned by said Gertrude V;eller, and 4ua JMREAS, Gertrude Weller, in a000rdanoe with Ordirianoe No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issuad.to said Gertrude Weller to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subjeot to the provisions of said ordinance. . Where[ of said ordinance. � --� Adopted by the Counoll Jan. 11 Approved.Jan. 12. 1826 n -:(Ja. 10-1029)- COUNCILMEN yew Nays Clancy Hodgson 4. --- III fax or McDonald /� / Sudheimer ...L1.......Against Wenzel i-1soR Z hir, Vioe Yren. N'nrll made upon Lt one C .adov- Ib and I &rid 1I ,- MI: I1 '.r.. Adopted by the Council...�N -.---------------1f)2------ . 1-, Approved_ _. ..........---_/ ................ ......----19? _--- rnnvow -sy J aa. clanay= -63956 Rasolved, That the aDPllcYgons Ford ' - counca NO.. _ --. ltcaneep PL the dollo�ging:bgrebna ter ST. PAUL F�� conducting buetiieapea at the address- ne indicated be end the pme Pse here`HE CITY CLERK ' r�u lin-.. by- granted sad.. the city clea ; t It r, d .to :lssua -assch 1loeneee nppnlON-�. —GENERAL FORM hey payment-luta the city ireseuryp-bP 'hecu tomary fee .-. W...H Don Ar tburA : ResDATE_J.anllaiv�f-�.2y._1992.6_----- ....._- -RESEN�y11���Qff'1'ED..BY nay xat/J a-yx�/✓ ___.__.._....___ -_-._ -OMMNR-f1Rae- RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following the same are persons for conducting hereby granted and businesses at, the addresses indicated be and licensee upon the payment into the the city clerk is instructed to issue such city treasury of the customary fee: W. B. Donnelly,-' 1 40 W. College Av., Restaurant " Bew St. Paul Kin Ch '_ . 18 E. 7th St., 11 L.7.. Liggett Co.,. 364 Wabasha St, tt L. K. Liggett Co., 425 Wabasha St., tt E. F. Gilbert, 1921 University Av., K. H. Nyman, 834 Raymond Av., t Walgreen Co. of Minn., 333 Wabasha St., tt walgreen Co. of Minn., 431 Wabasha St., n via green Co, of Minn., 362 St. Peter St., " Walgreen Co. of Minn., 420 St. Peter St., ItE. E. St, John, 187 E. 7th St., " Ervin Birch, 142 S. wabaaha St., " Frank Sheehan, 11 W. 9th St., It P. K. Ennis, 566 Wabasha St., it C. K. Blandin, 68 E. 4th St., " A. Bruni, 221 t. 7th St., n Sam Nemo, 200 W. 3rd St., " Harry Yee Pon, 418 Wabasha St., tt W. 0. Williams, 408 Jackson St., Confectionery Andrew Aronson, 1124 Payne Av., 154 Bremer Aroade, It Betsy Ross Candy Co., 183 S. Chatsworth St., Grocery Mrs. Jessie Chesley, 931 Arcade St., Butcher A. H. Heinsohn, 387 Cherokee Av,j Grocery H. R. Gumto, 389 Cherokee Av., Butcher H. R. Gumto Dora Rosenfield, 436 Minnesota St., Grocery Louie Wigen, 380 Thomas St., 263 Front St., Hatcher John Rieger, 554 St. Anthony Av., Confectionery vi. Williams, 554 St. Anthony Av., 5 pool tables 71. vtilliams, Bart ldaidl, 1028 W. 7th St., Soft drink The Union News Co., Union Depot a6 Confectionery It The Union News Co., Union Depot Stand It L. K. Liggett Co., 364 Wabasha St., tt L. K. Liggett Co., 425 Wabasha St., COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Coltncil........................................1A2------ yeas-____I�Ta}'s � _iliit-0Vffr ........................ . 192- i`�� Hodgson -------- ------In Favor / McDonald --------------- - - - ........- -- MAYOR Su �6a`net /Mr. Vioe Yree. Ferguson l wu--'L CITY OF ST., PAUL - vI� NO---------------------- -► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ev January 12, 1926 - COMMISSIONER__._.._-_.__-.___._.-----....-.--.__-_._ OATS__..__...___.-.--- RESOLVED M. Engel, 1933 University AV., Confectionery M. Engel, 1933 University Av., 6 pool tables Titus Roller, 595 View St., Soft drink Confectionery Paul F. Lavine, 379 Concord St., '1284 VT. 7th St., Grocery W. L. Lunak, W.L. ��' 1284 47. 7th St., Butcher Jo os. H. Erahler, 1099 W. 7th St., Grocery Bake ry John Sevoik, 451 Bay St., -• 419 S. Cleveland Av., Grocery Mrs. A. Schultz, Marshall and Wark, 669 Arundel S;., R II Vincenzo Del Fiaoco. Niewinski, 662-4 Burr St., 1045 Arcade St., Confectionery Victor Ray Rice, 480 Greenwood St., Grocery Yialgreen Co. Of Minn., 333 Wabasha St., Confectionery It Walgreen Co, of Minn., 431 Wabasha St., Q Walgreen Co. of Minn., 362 St. Peter St., II Walgreen Co, of Minn., 420 St. Peter St., Grocery Ben C. Breslow, 144 Sb. Robert St., " A. J. Weiner, 768 Capitol Htd. " •E. E. laces, 807 Buffalo St., Butcher E. E. Lares, 807 Buffalo St., It John Daubenspeok, 718 N. Hemline Av., R. S. Lee, 886 Woodbridge St., Grocery R S. D. Meoent, 2513 University Av., Butcher Stasney & Zscher, 1053w stern Av., Grocery Otto Hoeller, 274 Fro t- ' It Chas. Mosebrook, 892 E. 7th St. 472 Grace St., Soft drink Jos. Pyne, Andrew Hollanitsoh, 1039 Charles St., Grocery Andrew Hol!&nitsah� 1039 Charles St., Butcher Sam Selbin, 648 Jackson St., Grocery Butcher Sam Selbin, 648 Jackson St., Soft drink M. A. Tschida, 464 Wabash& St., Butcher J. C. Meader, 457 Collins St., ocery Grto J. A. McMahon, 959 Rice St., Henry Bulinski, 257 Edmund St., Confectionery Henry Bloomberg, 275 E. 13th St., �gOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer p Council.,!. -- .------ ---. .._ .192- --- Adopted by the Council., - f...- )pro192.__. favor - - ........................ ..... --- MAYOR l --------- ----Against Ills \ricin 1'ren.::r.^�roor; E . I CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No i�c�9J�Y - . _ FILE ................-.. - ENTED ev _- .-----__--- DATE---January_12�--1926-------.— MJSSIONER—__._;,.___..__.____—___.._..___.___......_.__. _ RESOLVED _3. Eisenmenger Meat Co.,' Eisen 616 Rice St., 455 vJabasha St: Butcher Grocery Eisenmenger Neat Co., , 894 Raymond Av. Bakery E. A. Dahl, Carl Baohmann 499 Blair St., Butcher ts Ed Eriokson, 626 Bedford St., n Eisenmenger Meat Co. 455 wabasha St., „ Rin. Pearson, 1728 University Av., 7b. Pearson, 1728 University Av., Grocery Leo %isoh, 565 Hall Av., Butcher Chas. Spannbauer, 799 Edmund St., Bakery Morris Dobinski, 214 E. 14th St. 407 James st., Grocery Butcher John Bulera, Bruckner Bros., 445 University Av., Grocery Bruckner Bros., 445 University &V., Butcher Mise E. M. Hammerlinder, 1810 Randolph St. Grocery It I. Bogan, 894 Rise St., t/ S. 0. Eichen, 414 N.ClovBiand Av., R Mike & Geo. Capetz, 238 S. Snelling Av. Peter L. Lantz, 1984 Stillwater Rd. Butcher R. vi. Petter, 145 S. Chatsworth Grocery It Joe Skaff, 653 Stryker Av. Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy .on � Hodgson _In favor XMeDonald /gudheitner ------ ........ Against Wenzel IRr; pion 1'rns. N'erRueon JAN 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ----- ----------- .---------- ----------- 1`1 ---- SAN q 1 Approved,.j. .. -19 ....-----lfl'L.---- -- -- Ate^/ ..:- ......-------- --- }�hL\ MAYOR 1't"PLISHED — Pk --%C RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coURcct (, _' T January 8, 1926. That the grade of Fairview Avenue from Otto Avenue to Montreal Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and -as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. �,g� �o: 6x967—By J. M Me Donula- '.6polved, Thut th. grade f Fair- on air- from Otto Ave, to Montreal e, [n accordance with the red 6 lino on the accompanying: pro- file .A as`recommended- by the Coni- dnls�. Zr of Public Works, be- &sill the "anal. hereby adopted as th6 Pg{ab- 11.hed grade. Adopted by the C ncll;Jan 1, X1926.' Approyed Tan. 12*'926. (Jun 16-1926) ✓yn G COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy l- Hodgson ..Iii favor McDonald /"Sudheimer--------- ....... -"Wenzel / �1VIr"Pre6Filent F • ., m„� JAN 1 2 ----.192------ Adopted Ily the Council._..---.. ---.--.--.).��- a N '. 2-1926 -------- veil.-...... ------j1�92�--�- ------'r-----'---1� ................... MAYOR Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT x and PRELIMINARY ORDER. C/ Council File No------..{� � C�he under f ned hereb top ses 1h,e making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: iange ogle �rad��' o A ley in Block 12, Boulevard Add. from Albert zve. to_-Paaoal--- Y_e.. .-t.o._aoninrm...to._.the---- ned--,,rade---l-inc--on--.th-e--pro file- h-e-rotro -- attached ile -h-erPto-- attaehed and -made a part hereof, the present established P,•rade being- shown b -y e ---blue 1-ine -thereon also grad-ing---s-ed-d--al-ley---b-e-tweeri--th---6-foresaTa --- limits to the said red line when established-_ y 1_.an0d-_constructing_&..--s.ew-er_. on"ari esselnerit to he ---obtained on the Bastr eft. of Lot 20 said BIo.ck_.�2.._-frota'--the--- a11ey---to--- the ---sewer- --in---Fo-r--tland--:iue,-------------...-- -- - - 8th Januar.1926 - 192...... Dated this.. -" ------ .._day of_ ------ ---- - ---- y } - ... --------- PREL11111NARY ORDERS. 63958— - -- ----- - Abstract. e, a written proposal for the the followfat; lmprovemeat, PRELIMINARY ORDER. the grade e- +Dey 1oe WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovement, viz.: Change the grade of Alley in Block 12, Boulevard Add. from Albert Ave. to--eon€orm to the ---rel} gra de--line-ou--the- -profile heretol at.tch d and made a part hereof, the present established,__gra:de__treijng._.shown byq-a 'fiTiie i"irie "tfiereon; -also grading said alley between the aforesaid limits ---to---.tite...aa.i.d_r.ed---line--- when --estab-la.she-d-r---and--Dana-t-r-ue-t-ing e--sewer--- on an easement to be obtained on the Easterly 10 ft. of Lot 20 sbid Bl-ao'k-- 12 --"from- the- alley - to the -sewer in i'ortland Ave --" " -• -- -- .-. ------------- ----- ------- having been presented to the Council of the Citv of St. Paul _ _- -_ - _..._- .------- _..._------------------------ --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirabilit} of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin Ini.ssioner of Finance. JAN 1 z Adopted by the Council------------ --------------- -- —... YEAS /7AYS Councilman /CLANCY N HODGSON McDONALD `3onnEIXIE WENZEL IT—CA 3oNIVT5)V ermme JAN i Iy<. Approved.-----------------------_- ---------- L- --------- - Mayor. "LISTMD — / G — —') "i M59 Council File No.__..__.__- -_.-_._-• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ---------Co idemnin?---an-d--_ts-kine-,---aS>___eas.ement..._i.n_-t1 e....Ja id_nee_e.ssar_y_..for._slnne_s-, cuts and fills, in the grading. -of alley in Block --12, Boulevard ---- __--___ - - - - -- Addition, from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue. C. F. No. 63'J59— -------- - - -- - - - Abstract Whereas, A written Drompr ment, for the ----------------------------------------- _.------ .------------- .____.------------- -.__....-.____..........._-.....__...._.-._.___. malting of the following iDrove viz: 8th January, 1926. ineine iana nrie asriro as oDeeemus Dated this da of-- - - alleyn 5 , aasus.i to grading Of Bl k 12. Bo levard Addition from ._vu ,V- I` Albert Ave to Pascal Avo. ba ink been ---- e ente.(o the Council of th, City of I, gf re be it 'fiat °the C PRELIMINARY ORDER. W141'11EAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conderrnin- and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,_ ------------- -- ... _-- ------- --- -- - - - -- --------outs----anal---f_i11a,----in---t]ze---grading-..o-f_--alley-..in_.Block..12.,--Boulevard------- ----- __-_�ddit ion-,__--f_rom Albert-_.Avenue..to..Pascal ---�venue._- --_-----------------.-------------------------- -------- ---------- - -- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ - - .. - - . - --- -------------- .... ---- I -- -- --- ------------- --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -- ------------ --- --- therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Cornmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. '1'o investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the Making of said improvement. 2- To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4- To state whether or not said improvemcut is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5- To report upon all of the foregoing clatters to the Commissioner of Finance. l AN1 2.1926 Ndopted by the Council------------------------'- -- N'10 S NAYS Councilman CLANCY ,IAN , ;C�26 Approved.-------- -------------- ---- HODGSON r: MCDONALD ✓BUDn EIMER yy Mayor. T orm C A 113 (IM S2gS g10N Yrne. Nair��ur.. V/ Council File No...__.�._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St, Paul, viz,; Install ornamental lights on Aldine Street from University ...•.... Avenueto Aldine...Place................._..................................1_.----- C, F. No, 63966— Abstract, Whereas, A written proposal for thi tnaking of the following Improvement, ............................................................................................................................... v1z.; Install ornamental lights on Aldine 11th Januaields r 19 6 TSt. from University Cevhav)ngto h'been Dated this......................day of.... n 1, }na city of i �.`�"I ,...." of _._...^..� . .... ......_. / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlprovem�t, viz.: Install--ornaments.l_-.lig. ht.s_..on_9ldine Street from versity ............ °sane. -to.- 3heiElds genu-- -and----1 ine...P3ace.......- ............................................. .... ............................ ......_._...._............_.....................................---------------------- .....--- ........... ....._........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._................._.........._............------......------._....----------- -- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of, Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........�Qi�._�..1. i --- ....... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY ✓SVENHoncsoN .r VDO LI F.R '.../.......�^=t+�� l�-`-_ ....".'_'_"""*'_.........__ � M>tyor. Mr. Vic,,, Pr, -s, F,,rgw—- P�1S1IED-+ �� �;2 �. Corm C All (IDl 3-25) V1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. j., 9 Council File No.......-�....)1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construet__a-_s-ewe.r on---Aldine-.-U,90e_ from ---UDJV xs.ity_Ayenue....t.0-_------ he south.._end..of...same-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ..__.......................__ C. F. No. 63961— i. -. Abstraot. .. Whereas. A written proposer for the making of the following improvement - .........` ....... viz.: ine 11th January 2f). Const[uct a sewer on he sou Place t -!{_____.... from University Ave. to the south and Dated this ------------------------day of.._..---.-- ------- of snm@ hardng been presented to the the City of St. Paul there- .. �..� m. -.-.loner of.�_ - .rotrucuh....t.-� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovemmlt; viz.: Construct a sewer.on.Aldine-j a.ce._,from._-Univ.exg�t.y..AvFnue.-.to.... ..... .. .................. ........ .. the south end of same. .............................................................................__.._.. -------------------------. _...... _.................................................. -- --------------------- -------------- _---------------------- _--- --------------- ----- ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _.__.....:-__.....-...--.-_-----% therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY -E&U-j— HODGSON MCDONALD � ,SII DH EI1fEn .;.WENZFL ,// 341s:_PaEsmExT Form G"A 13 a'l[�l'r,Vice Pres. Foraunu:: JAN i 2 192 Approved------- _------ .--- _-------------_....---.._.--------------.-.-...... Mayor. Council File No._ ... ...0S2ei1)2 / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Paving Aldine Street from University Avenue to the north line ........... .......................... a18.o...gra.ding-_and...pev.Ing..�ldire-.Plao.e.*..�xith..:s.ewes........ water and gas connections from street mains to property lines com- ............................... ....................................................................... ................ .......... pl. ete where .no ot already made, .els.o._including curbing...end..pa-- 9 ............... driveway and alley approaches where necessary. Dated this .......1Eth......day Of..............Jnnua-ry ,.... 2fr.�................../.... ..., �1j92.....y.. // .......-:....KKK. ... C. F. No. 63962— whereas, A written pro?, for the malting of the following Improvement, viz; Paving Aldine St. from University -- --- — - -- Ave. to the north line of Shields Ave., also grading and paving Aldine Place, with sewer, water and gas connec. AELIMINARY ORDER tions from street mains to property •wes complete where not already also Includlng'curblng and pay. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveu+way and alley approaches Paving Aldine Street from University Avenue to tn�`; ." "ayu �e=:�� ° �' 0hields ..........................."................................_..................................... _....... _.. _.............................. Ave., also grading and paving Aldine Place, with sewer, water and gas ........................................... . connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already ............................................................................................................. made, also noluding curbing and paving driveway and alley approachea where...lYgcess�e.�;y............... ...._.. ............................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................. ................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fgrpgpiy Tj tprs to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council............................................................................ YEAS / NAYS V CouncilmanCLAN_ Approved..........:', .................... .................................... HODGSON McDoNALD SUDHEINIER `VENZEL............. t:..1...?::.,rl..,................ MR, PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 131ID13�2 l ��' / _ q �• Pt�1LiSi�D_ /-y / f Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �'�' ( [[ Council File No 0M.6.3 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Hamline Avenue from Otto Avenue tothe 7,dzecumbe ------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------._............. ..... ..._-----------v............. Hoad. --------- ----------- _--.----- .-------- ----------- ------ 63963—' m ktnereaf A "Ittenej -�-�-----�--�-�---.-------� viz: . B of�the followtn roPbeal for the ... _ Grade Ra ImDrovelnent. January, 1926. Edg cumbe Road on' Otto Ave. / to the be Dated this ......-.BtH.......day of........_ .............. ....... .................._....... a.. d havinIr teen �/ ^...._:.......................................... Councilman. a Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Hamline Avenue from Otto Avenue to the.-.Ed-ecumbe_.............._-- .................................................... Road. ............................................. ............_.................... ..............................................._ . ................................................................... ............................................................. . ................................ _............ _........_............................................ ................... ................. having been presented to the Council of the Citv of St. Paul........................................................................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 1 2 19ti6 Adoptedby the Council ....................................... ................ ......... .- YEAS 11/ NAYS Councilman CLANCY HODGSON r' MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL ro m C A I�'nu ANT Viae Pros. YOT90011 Approved- ................ pproved- .... -- ...... ....... ................. . Mayor. Petition PROPOSAL PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No -------------- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning-- and ---ta king _.an... easement.. in-_th.e-_l�-rid ..zlec.e.8 sary........_......._. ------ - --------- - for slopes[ cuts and fills�...in-.the__-grading..of-_Hemline_-dvFnne-.-- from Otto Avenue to the Edgecum-be...Road....----- ------------------- --_------- --- .....-.IC. R No. 63964- ------------------------------------------ 3964-- "'"' """ - ,Whereas, A written proposal for the! making of the following Improvement' Dated this -9th -day of_._............Januery, 1. 4ondemning andtakingan-easement '"she land necessary for slopes, cuts ..... ... .... ...... +^ the grading of Hamline -" the e PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary_______...__,_ ------...............................- - ------for---slug.u_...Cuta and ...fi.11s.,.._in._ths._gra.d.in::...o.f...Hamline---lyenne--- ---- .-------- from Otto Avenue to thedgecumbe iioa.d...... .... . _.------ ------------------------- --- .------- --------------- ------------------_------------- ... ....... --------------------... ....................... ........ . . ................------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul __......... __.._ __--- .----------------- .----------------- ----------------- --_- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......._--------------- JAN .--1-.2_,926.. ------------ .---.-.- YEAS NAYS COnnellmaD CLANCY =Frz'le�Iaell ,/ HoncsoN / .�T1'ICDONALD r ..'.IIDHF.DIER __`WENZEL Ak�.,—fl..�,. � xT Form C A K (1b # 5)Vi0e Pres. h'erRueuu Approved. - ----------:_-------------- .................................. ... - ----------- Mabor. PUBLISHED � C `- Council File No..........�xil�< PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and takingian easement for the purpose of ................................................. constructing ........ .............................. p... ... ...................... through _the easterly -.10 ft-�.__.of_ Lot..20, Blook.l2x-_Bouleva_rd............ ...- AdQition, from Portland avenue to the alley in the rear of _....... R lot........ .... ..................................................... ate . . Dated this .......8th ........ day of. ..._... -Janustry... 1 ............. 1 192...... �f Abstraot.ro-Bal for the . e Pr P, rovement, ------------'. evr— easeTn and taklnE, an ting atio ,9e of constructin uncle PRELII�fINARY ORDER. :: 19ieriy io Yi'Af Lol jl{ on (rear WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma mg of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning --and taking.an...easement-..for the purpose of. _._.-........ constructinl and maintaining a public sewer on, under and ... ............ . { through the easterly 10 ft. of Lot 20, Block 12, Boulevard Addition; from 'Po'rtlan8 -venue to. th-e 611ey in' the Yea-r---bf said lot. ......................... ................ _ ........ _................................................................................................ having-bacn.present ed to the Council of the City of 5t. Palil........._......................................__..._......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pl blic Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desi�timated ability of, the making of said improvement. xtent 2. To investigate the nature, eand e cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of slid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin mission or of finance. JAN 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- .................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CiLANCY _X,RR11rsohr H0DGSON McDoNALD .SUDHEINEa " WENZEL Com. C A 13 Of 325f Vice Pref. :"I `uJOJ •JAE`i 1 2 n Approved.-....._ -y" i Mayor. PU$usmD_� Request of Den 7. L ne si -�.6 Council Pile No...--..... -. �OpOS�j�,TOR IMPROVEMENT an� PRELIMINARY ORDER. nt by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making,of the following public improveme ^rrade Beechwood__avenue_-Yrom"- Secal.ester""-,i�alk_-- Snelling-_6pea_.- ---------------- - -- - - -C. F. No. 63966— .............._.-..-_ ..._- _. Whereas. A written proposal forthe vis-: '- - --------------------- -- -- making of the following improvement, ___ ---.--.---...-----_---_---._................... Grade Beechwood Ave. from Ma ing .......... ......... ester Milk to Snelling Ave. having -------------------n'' been presented to the Council of the January, 1926 sty of St. Paul therefore, be 1t Dated th1S._.9th ---.-..--..day Of. _...._.. `-'-_.....-.t..... ----....... �. Resolved. That the Commleeloner of d r Pubilc Works be and he le hereby or -//r. / dared and directed: ... 1. To Investigate the neceeelty for - or destrabillty of. the making of said Impvem roent. 2, To Investigate the _nature, extent "^letryd. 1-tof sn.ld Improve• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlpl'ovenlent viz.: Grade_-Beechwood-_.�.v..enue _from --_N celest-ex..w.e. l�...to_.Srlelli= Avenue.._-... ;{ ................................ - ------------------- ................................................ -......--- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul - ------------- ----------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of ,Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent' and! estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tinea or more owners. m 5. To report upon all of the foregoing Natters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ah 1 21 ;>_ : -..............- .. .... Adopted by the Council -------........--------------------- ,- -.. YEAS VATS alt=ll; 1 2 Councilman CLANCY-- Approved......_._ _ ..............................-. HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIMER . .. 4 ) � WEN7.EL sec �a fir• /i- Viae Yrep• Nyraaguu Fo'&CA 13 (1 % - Council File No.. 0. S PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St, Paul, viz;; Condemnin- and taking an easement in the land necessary for M ....................................... ......... ..........................:............................................... ...... 5: th.a...pra.link....o.f...hedwo.od... sinup.. fx.om....... hi8cal.ester 'lalk to 5nelhig_avenue..-.--..-_----._-_...--jeo -----.- .. C. F. No. 63967— whereas, A.wrttten proporal for the ............................ ......_................making of the following lmnrovor the viz. Januar 1926 Condemning and takln ent Dated this..... 9th .......... day of ---- ........_......... .............3. ............,, Intelandnecessaryforslopeamforts and fills, in the grading oPBeechwood Ave, from Alacalester Wall, to Snelling Ave. having been presented to the Council Of'�the City of St. Paul therefore, be it ResoPublic lWorkehbe and hethe als hereby on dered and directed: -- -- 1. To "InvVestigate---" - ^—•- or deelraor imnrav-_�metat-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemnin,z. and _taking -_an-- easement ._ in.. the_. - land. - neoessary...£o.r----_-_ Macales-ter...Walk tc...Snelling..Anenue. - .---------------------.---------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------..... ......... ..------------ ..... - - .........------------- .... ---------------.;.------------== having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _......... ._-------- -------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------JAM 1 2-4926---------- ------------------- YEAS NAYS • - Coun4ilmau CLANCY J a Pi 1 _.F-ER.aoSQN.--_ Approved------------ ------------- - -- - - HODGSON MCDONALD I .•`SUDHEIMER . -........-..-- EN7EL4-_ _�73�ENaMayor. — Ea.m c A�nm'szsl - CITY -.OP SAINT:: PAUL _ COUNCIL FILE NO 63968 . ,_ QUADRUPLICATE- -1 -- TO OFOICE OF THE COMPTROLLER J RES. No.--.---- -- O1TM °�K AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM . 1 1 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE . �', DATE .... 2_.6 , �"y�� y� 1 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF hAl `�. J (Jj'; • "_, 5--��'LIT.Cd_�_ A.�_jq� �Ce��OVERING�` Y _ �- - pTROLLERy CHECKS NUMBERED 57yc-------- TO__.._.29-;-_.: ... INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - - - - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER _ ___.__ _ ____ ___ _ _ _J_ ' TOTAL RETURNED • CHECK IN FAV BY - NUMBER II TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT -BANK CHECKS CHECKS I' �HT I ;t . . BROUG FORWARD C. P,,No. 63968— Resolved CRY chbe drawn ecks aggregate th amount of $51,481.11, covering checks numbered 243 to 259 inclusive, as per] Checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan. 12, 1926, Approved Jan, 12. 1926. j (Jan. 16-1926) _ �I i i ,k', I! �}} DORM Dsa 1000 CHECKS NUMBERED___ �Tj -------- TO.V�-LZ� _________ 1 NCLUSIVE. AS PER CHEep-KB ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTRO(.LER. AGAINST_ ,. ..y P.� �'.i.�4`_ �UDH EIMER. - �_ � �ROVEE3--,/' 792ENZEL- YES ( �r ) COUNCILM E Mr. -Vice Pres. P'er¢'a4e9Ya --__ MAYOR CHECK _ - TOTAL - RETURNED - - IN FAVOR OR - - NUMBER - gY ' - - - MISTRIBUTI -I SINKING FUNDS TRUST SPECIAL FUIVpS - 3 TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERALIEN LOCAL WATER it BOND IMgCCOUNTS T - AUDITORIU M UBLIC SPRINKLI RES NG FO TRY SUNDRY I ACCOUNTS _ BROUGHT FORS/A2 D 2�__ Mrs. Millie 1IIdelson - 215 93 '7�- � 77 7�7 .ST -12 nt at -- 1 6C0 1- 95 1 5g3 �O 93 596 06 li 23es &O R EVILOI NG ACCOUNTS ';+�'�+ 2 2 : 6d 65 00 3 410 45 � ?+ 053 02 613 30 L. a. Hodgson, Com • r. o 3�s- 2 980 00 - 39 124 74 2 990 00 3 9 124 �' 2 Indian Bolt & Rut Coatpa jr 247 H. 1c 44 !� 74 � 05 rausba" 248 6 I' F.G. Leslie Paper c -nn"-w=-jr 249 N. T. Elootrio Equipl�g� �a. �345 192 7 45 250 a X20 9 960 92 Mike 3okul 20 00 � r 251 v11laume Box & Lumber Gr�r� ��p 85 ';2 252 Burns Lumber Com+nny 290 3 7 s Ii 1. i 95 26 25 F. N. Amundsen 5 .john 12 83 12 93 290 37 D. Anderson 30 25'Vill Bass & Company 256 Peter 6 75 6 75 Belgea23 257 Buoka Brothers, 7 05 7 25g q O W Tact Bide Grooery 19 19 02 259 Fort Snelling Grooevy - 6 47 6 47 { � i I i i � !I SHEET TOTAL FO>� WARD _--__.-- _-- - .-.- : -: 42 104 74 _ _ 25 312 128 85� 97 14 733 00 21. 593 00 93 596 06_65__ - - - -- . - 3 X30 4 41� 6 - _- 5 6 13 30 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ COUNCIL „ll 6 TRAFl�i1tlA4'E CIT - TO RES. NO.11----------------- CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPT LLER CLANCY.- "F•68Gd9C�� - - FILE l _ Va IVO. - - i7 -- - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 1 CITY T EASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CITY[(i�j� AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLD oN FORM -—/HODGSON.. --;,. =-----IN FAVOE2 - - ADOPTE BY THE COUNCI D 1_ 2 Zg`Z _ _ _ L ��� ' g 2 _ _ 92— DA -_--. 1 _. .__'C'C �'C4 �1,. S51j----U _-__. COVERING T� Z?3--- .r liVi DONALD. DH EIMER, \ - .r' APPROVED____.. t� .i �� l7' __ ._ a _._ �u _ __192 B CHECKS NUMBERED TO-R�9--------- COM PTR OL � INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE _ �S/U �/WENZEL, _ .AGAINST _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. \.. YES IV) COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) MAV OR Mr. .Yioe- Pres. _F eo'te TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTE N _ CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS �� GENERAL r WATER BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNTS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILpING REVOLVING SU NARY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 235 93.5 2_ 77 7+ 699.95 1 583 0o 93 596 06 •. 138, 65 00_ 3 410 45 4 053 02 613 30 2433 r Ears. Millie Anderson 12 40 _;: - 154 1200- _14 . _ _4 _ _ 212 L.0.Hodgeon. Comb. of An. 2 990 60 2 980 00 245 ro 11 " " 39 124 74 44!pp55 39 124 74 44 246 247 Indian Bolt & Nut pomp+3ny H. Krauehaar 3 3 �67 05' 248 Iw5 F'.G. Leslie Paper Company '� 745 1 249 'lectric Go. g �20 8 820 N.*7. Equipment 00 00 v f 250 Mike soku1 I I 26 S0 6 251 Villaume sox & Lumber Oompany 95'26 ;!I 29 3 252 25 Burns Lumber oownnny 290 3 F. N. Amundeen 11 9 11 '93 u 25 John D. Anderson 2 30 2 30 255 Will Bass & 0ompany 675 6 75 I Peter Belgea 7 05 0 { 1, 57 Buoka Brothers 9 23 23 258 Tast :aide Grocery 19 02 19 02 259 Fort -nelling Grooery Oomp*ny 6 47 !I 6 47 I I I� I ii !j j I ; I I I ( j � I• , _ w is 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILNo. 3 QUADRUPLICATE FILE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO.10___ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 00 THE DAT 199-192-6 C�Ty E Y. THE AGGREGATE AM I OIJNT OF -------------- RING GT ------ ­ --- - ----- Edwii5caR CHECKS NUMBERED___ ------------- TO-_ ------------ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IER - ---- - -- ------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETUR NED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARD G't' eh__ he drawn aggregate I. check Res. u the CIU' TrcaT24T� ,Ing a �2 co" amount of $13'�.Oj42' inclusive, ssC`jly n'ru's, '�d "a0 le In the -fllle or the ebe"I" Comptroller. the Council Jan. 12, 1926. Adwted bY 12 1926. Approved Jan.(3 ail SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7.24 -jL AliI CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILNo. 3 QUADRUPLICATE FILE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO.10___ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 00 THE DAT 199-192-6 C�Ty E Y. THE AGGREGATE AM I OIJNT OF -------------- RING GT ------ ­ --- - ----- Edwii5caR CHECKS NUMBERED___ ------------- TO-_ ------------ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IER - ---- - -- ------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETUR NED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARD G't' eh__ he drawn aggregate I. check Res. u the CIU' TrcaT24T� ,Ing a �2 co" amount of $13'�.Oj42' inclusive, ssC`jly n'ru's, '�d "a0 le In the -fllle or the ebe"I" Comptroller. the Council Jan. 12, 1926. Adwted bY 12 1926. Approved Jan.(3 ail SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7.24 /-.CHECKNUMBERED241) TO2F2_ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE SUDEIM, AGAINST 192 •LYENZEL - {f_J OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES I �') COUNCILMEN NAYS (-v ) r!-� _ 777jjf MAvoR Visa Pro" s p :. TOTALDI RETURNED DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER vH-CK c IN FAVOR OF [ NUMBER TRANSFER S BURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS -DY - SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT LOCAL SINKING BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS NUBLIc.: -y ACCOUNTS GARAGE AU DITORI UlA SPRINKLING II FORESTRY OUILOING SUNDRY I � REVOLVING ACCOUNT DROUGHTFORWARD 202 690,10 77 797.54 14 688 95' 9 406 75 92526.69 138. 65 00: 3 410 45 I 4 053 021, SII 613 30 240 Harris J. ttoq 1 069 37 i 069 37 ', I I i • 241 -^rn. J. , ork '"indoor .-,,hade Co. 446 25 X46 25 iI Jr. and -Im. ; Lindau Conotruotion Company 11 730 00 I I 11 730 00 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 215 935 ,7 I 77 767 54II 14 688 95 � 21 593 I 93 59b 0611 138 4 65 oo 3 410 45 + 4 053 0_�1 613 30 CITY OF SAINT PAUI- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LLER -,-'CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT IN FAVOR N FORM -- - - �H(ODGSON. - /..._DONALD• l3UDHEIMER. --- -= AGAINST ENZEL. �.� YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (J ) KIN 9iM --rez. i"Or DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL FELE No.f- - 2 192 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN .192 -- /APPROVED 1 - _ _ _ --_ __.--.192.___ - , --- MAYOR -- LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTSPUBLIC GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 77 787.54 14 689 95. 9 406 75 925e6.69 139.4 65 00 ,I 3 410 45 Ci 4 053 02 1 o69 37 '446 25 ll 730 00 I j 9 I II i '' II I Iii �I � II II I 'i SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 613 30 TWPIU AXTE ;o RES. - 10 NO.. --- -._...-- CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY T EAS THE AGGREGATE AMUNT OF ' DATE 1�9 -1� 5 � � T � V2240 _ _ COVERING ._ ._ _ _ ,.0/�� CHECKS NUMBERED. TO ..-'------ - BY COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TO AL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1202 69o.10 24o Harris J. 1107 1 069 37 • 241 -.m. J. orfs "^inflow ^hada Cj. 'I 446 25 242 p. ^. ni-Ter, Jr. and 1b. I Lindzu Conotru0tion Company Ij 11 730 00 CITY OF SAINT PAUI- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LLER -,-'CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT IN FAVOR N FORM -- - - �H(ODGSON. - /..._DONALD• l3UDHEIMER. --- -= AGAINST ENZEL. �.� YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (J ) KIN 9iM --rez. i"Or DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL FELE No.f- - 2 192 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN .192 -- /APPROVED 1 - _ _ _ --_ __.--.192.___ - , --- MAYOR -- LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTSPUBLIC GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 77 787.54 14 689 95. 9 406 75 925e6.69 139.4 65 00 ,I 3 410 45 Ci 4 053 02 1 o69 37 '446 25 ll 730 00 I j 9 I II i '' II I Iii �I � II II I 'i SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 613 30 .� il JU L11.U.'Ll., L''i QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �.'4�4 FILE NO.---- V TO , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , cln CLERK .-AT CE CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO ---- 7L .--------- DATE- 1_ar RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. 70 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF BY____________ ____ ------ __--- s-53,91. � ---- ____----------- _----- yyCO��VERING i' PTRO ER CHECKS NUMBERED --- 15.7_---_--_-TO__],pp___---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE frER - _ _ _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER FAVOR OF BY �., TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK -! BROUGHTFORWARD I t n I h' P: I II 4 I I I I! ,i C. F. Yo. 63910— I Resolved that Obecks be b the n tyo Treasury, drawn on amount f 851914,56 [o the aggregate numbzred 157 to 166 covering checks I� checks on fileinclusolve. as Per is the j Comptroller. otTice f the Clty adopted by the Cnunell Jan. 12 1926. :\PProved San. 12 19P6. 16-1926) - II I _. .. - HEMBERED - -_ -157 TO .. ._____.--__. - CNUMBERED BY _ --- CKS NU %SUi]Ii EIMER. / - _ - - MPTRO—LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE i OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1 PER - - /..ENZEL' - M6._PRE5.. NELSON. YES I. COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 1 - __-MAYOR TOTAL Ili - RETURNED DI�BU TO 1 CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK V� GENERAL WATER LOCAL SINKING T T BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS - - REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS - PUbLIC -'' NTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRIECIIAL FUNDR FORESTRY RU-ILDING Ii SUNDRY BROUGHT FORWARD75 i 040.28 3� 615.35 14 529 41.. 7 947 50 6 069 93 I 77 9 ',,; 3 409 15 `. 3 779 74 613 30 157 Horthrrn aateo Contraoting SO 930 00 50 930 00 II company 158 `"ield, 30h110k & 00ml�r�ny 33 53 11 99 33 53 11 159 rh,-- a 1oi oolman amna ►y Cam;^nny 17 10 17 10 I �I I 1b0 Tho 7o7boro Tranz i 161 E. 162 f:oner:�i ''otor ^ervice oompan t+2 4 42 16 The Golden Rule 0omnnny 3 7 06 0ampcu�fq 25 90 1 2 2 4 3 164 Goodyear Rubber 33� 15 165 ".J. FI^ss mfg. oompanq 16" 4090 11 9 55 2 6o 9 39 I 1 30 93 74'j 166 fiRoLett, cater, Hurty CompQ,ny 40 oo 167 -uinoy A. Hall i� 6� 63 � 168 The Theo. Basun Brewing 004 4 95 I 4 95 169 Faakina B�' nthera 0aenpr3nq 8 00 170 Theo. r,. Relle & oamPRny ;j 31 171 Righirmd airing 0omnon7 �5 5 172 Holtzer-cebot i!leotrie com-) 7 Johns Hopkins Press 1 1, 1 173 74 Houghton -Mifflin 0ompany °:. 237 237 76 1.75 J. Hulme camrnny 176 Internn.tional Harvester Comp y � 11 59 11 3 42.. 113j 2 46 9 53 - 177 xei ingg lAaokay company 178 rennedy Brothers A%ms compcan 7 7 15 6 02179 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. cemPany 1 lOi 19Q 50 92, I80 Reyetone view Oompan 28 G. H. Kinning 29 00181 192-tndrew Koebnen 14 14 4027 5 19 Kremer Auto spring Oompanq 27 Battery 00. 9 9 00 _ Lexington Tire & 19 Lindeke, :,arner & ^ons �I 4� 2 I 44 20 192 Littre -Brown & company I I i i i i I !I �) I I. i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 954 9 126 39 393 14 652 5I 7 947 5 56 930 1 - 131 3 410 14 -, 3 87690 613 3 COUNCIL -7 �3r�<t-moi & FILE No. - - - AE70PTED BY THE COUNCIL a✓A b. �g32-� - _ -..-_192 --- r MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS--- PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING Ii SU NORY REVOLVING %CCOU NTS 3 4o9 15 Ir 3 779 74 ► 613 30 1 30 'II. 93 74 3 2 i TfQi F9!tLrATE TO - RES.. N.O:.. T. CITY OF SAINT -ALL - CITY CLERK - ---. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTRO: ER. JCLANCY. ' - ,�( RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE �''G ' f-� C CITY TREASURY TO E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f �, [ iF•,��` 5 51,914.5" --_. CO ERING r AUDITED CLAIMS-13ESOLUTI., Y FORM I 'HODGSON. McDONALD. __ IN FAVOR - \ r t CHECKS NUMBERED ]'�� � ,/ By _ -._ MFTRO - -157 - _.. TO iSUDHEIMER. - -LsAGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �a ,fENZE L. PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 7INELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS (v 1 CHECK TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION_ IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY LocAL ___ j TRUST TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NT BANK CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL WATLa ppNp III SINKING ItAPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM BROUGHT FORWARD i 75 040.29 38 615 35 14 528 41 47 947 50 6 068 93 I 77.9 -- 157 northern states COntrr10ting Comp'-ny 50 830 00 50 830 00 158 Field, Oohliok & Company 33 53 33 53 1?9 The a .lei Lohman Company 11, 8B 11 88 160 Thr3 ;toxboro Comlprany j 17 10 17 10 .I 161 E. Franz 1 �2 I 1 42 162 Dons" l Motor ^ervice Comp n 16 The Golden Reale Camnrany -pony 4 4 09 16 Goodyear Rubber Cam I, 27 06 25 80 3 - 16 16 '7.j. ?> fl. Company naolrett, Gate15, it 3 15 49 11 85 46 60 8 39 167 rorty oomp^,ny! uinOy A. xa11 y A. 161 li 40 00 55 2 40 00 168 The Theo. 9"1= Brewing Co. 6 90 1 63 90 169 NaPkina Brothere Company �I 95 I j 4 95 170 Theo. I. relic & Company 58 vu i 58 00 771 Hi�ghl*Ind mrinr, Company 1 25 1 31 25 172 Holtser-Cabot rleotric Cam-) y 6 lo 6 10 jl 1'�j 17 Johns- r-ress Houghton f � j I 175 17 -Mifflin COmp;?ny J. "'. F�ttime Comp,.ny International 1F, I' 237 7 I 1b U4 237 76 u jj �I 177 Rary©star Comp y X03ln�g-1Rao�ay Company 1 �► � 11 5911 II 1� 2 46 8 53 I. 179 s79 180 Irnnnedy 3rothore .Arris Cc=pnn xenny Boiler & Mfg. Ccvw»ny xeyatone anew ComnR.nq 7 1 iF>ta 9 (� 7 159 107 3.96� cjp 92 1 ii 6 02I 181 G. FT. Klnning 28 I I 26 00 00;j �I 162 Andrew Koehnen l4 II 14 I' I� ].63 xremer Auto spring Cnm!,any 27 5 j j i 27 5 19 Lexington Tire & Battery Co.I 901 P 9061 II j 165 TAndeke, saner & ^Ona ty 9 41 92 166 Littale-73rown.& Company 2 4 20 l it I i COUNCIL -7 �3r�<t-moi & FILE No. - - - AE70PTED BY THE COUNCIL a✓A b. �g32-� - _ -..-_192 --- r MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS--- PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING Ii SU NORY REVOLVING %CCOU NTS 3 4o9 15 Ir 3 779 74 ► 613 30 1 30 'II. 93 74 3 2 i a...,t f II Y. to J nllmb,r 0 44,157.90 ' n "" aggregate 1 8 a o. �b" e,",' lige 7 1 207' 1 ' to a "I -ell the ;-i,,a. or Comptroller, e City A%ppol''ot," by the Coun'll jor. 1926.d Jn. l2. 1926.'j a 16-1926) II qII SHEE TOTAL-FORAI) 1000 7V I t� cj 75 r. QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL.',! COUNCIL FILE' -._No ------- it To4t'1971. OFFICEOF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CL RES. No.--- -------------- AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM i - s bOATE 6 I RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ---- j--- - CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Ly ------- - --- ----------------- JV -1--44115-7.-9-0 --------- - ---------------- COVERING ii ------- CO CHECKS NUMBERED___ -19-7 -------- To ---20 I7------- INCLUSV E. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE yf OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK \%W"0 TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVO OF NUMBER BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ii CHECKS CHECKS BANK EIROUGHTFORWARD t it No. 63.9- ]— the 'Ied that checksII Y T easur.. e drawn on a...,t f II Y. to J nllmb,r 0 44,157.90 ' n "" aggregate 1 8 a o. �b" e,",' lige 7 1 207' 1 ' to a "I -ell the ;-i,,a. or Comptroller, e City A%ppol''ot," by the Coun'll jor. 1926.d Jn. l2. 1926.'j a 16-1926) II qII SHEE TOTAL-FORAI) 1000 7V I U7 ( CHECKS NUMBERED--._-. Z --1147-- iSUDHEIM •f -=-__ - OMP RM ER 11 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE + I ! YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) - ` MAYOR i OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. lei. Vioe P='gS IrErrIzub0z �ISTRIBUTIO _-- TOTAL RETURNED - --_ LOCAL SINKING _ TRUST SPECIAL FUIV _ II DS - ?r- ._a CHECK .. �N FAVOR OF By ♦/ WATER SONO IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY ?v L1 4 >'_�1�CG R E V ACCOUNTS SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER ' CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENF_RAL ACCOUNTS O L V [ N G BROUGHT FORWARD 1264 84� 39 393.04 63 14 652 51 77 50 56 930 10 6 855 I 131 0 I� 3 �-o 65 00 'II _ X76 9o�I 613 30 187 L. 0. tiodggson, Com 1 r. of Fin. 16 103 2 9 707 Errr. 475 02 55 199 ti. T. Beaten 10 0 10 00 ` I I 199 Ohio;-4,go. Milwaukee & 9t.PaU r Railway Com-,ny 11 70 11 70 190 Kunz Oil Comp.ny 29 75 29 75 I 191 Leo ':levF_tMT company 5 5 Oo 192 19 mrAnAy Pamper Company Northern stteo Polder ComnQn Ia 9U I 39 9 9 449 00 f 19 "Neil & Preston .96 >f} 00 19olseen O-ndy Company 82 90 7 36 82 90 11 7 3 I f� '92 '_97 �t.Ppul Fleotrio L,zmp Comnnn 7 84 7 94 I I v%—,n Pp -per supply Com, ny 117 60 � 3 Z 7 60 j 19S Jillaume !sox & Lumbar C-n^a y 199 James *fan 130 00 I 130 00 200 Amerioan Onn oomnzny 153 9 2 6 153 97 2 63 ^O1 m- endler Brush Comprny 202 ','oulton oil & Refining Coma, 1551 00 151 00 24 74 5 39 i I 203 N. ", rleetrio �P,oulpment oom, any 0oany I 147 b0 147 0 III 204 n. N. Palmer 65 6 57 5 20 Jos. Pavlloek oomnan 5 I 9 24 g6 24 206 207 vi1l-;ume Box & Lumber sinkinr- Fund Investment oommi tee I' 26 15o 00 26 150 00 li t I I rJ I I I. I I I � I i I i ' II Ij i I L I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 171 112 74 _ 75 472 93 14 009 � � 8 422 52 I . 64 3o6 69`I _ 139 40 65 oo II 3 43-C> `�5 ,£.. 3 50 - 613 30' . _95 T9NRilt6ATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL : "'•.2e tiny _Ap _ COUNCIL NO O C / RES. NO. �_ ___________ FILE T -_ OFFICE HE COMPTROLLER - _ % CITY ��RK • / --- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM _�— r_ cv. 1/)/ r` CITY TR U Y O 11E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF GSO N. - - ` IN FAVOR DOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Jp'�� �J J DAT Q .1926 - Z7 �Ij(� - `�-i _ t g2 -- _ �a�t 5 _.. _. ___i�s_l�L _ .___.. COVERING / _ CHECKS NUMBERED___.-1�7_.. TO ..207__.__ .- - ��a a L; E IM ER. _. %�� AGAINST APPROVED S - •J -O i- e OM PTR ER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE _ I I z` EL. _ _ 192 7. M- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R � t ,f�i YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - - - - �--_ -- CHEi.K TO AL RETURNED _ _ 1 0ISTRIBUTIO � IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER i LOCAL -- --ill TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT tt BANK GENERAL WATER SINKING PUBLIC BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNpS 1� A COUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS ( GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING11 FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY ff REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHTFORWARD 126 954 94 39 393.04 14 652 11� r 11 187 L. C. Hods; son, Com I r. of Fin. ° 16 10 2 8 0 6 5 5 7 50 56 930 3-a s 131 o I' 188 11. T. Rec�en j LO o 7 7 3 wr. 4"75 02 6 $55 5E 3 410 45 ''� 3 876 go 613 3o i 10 Ot.� _ 65 00 189 Chio�o, �iilw3ukea & St. Pau ! .� 'i r I� I Come-.ny 11 70 11 70 190 ?>mz Oil Company ' 29 75 29 191 Lee ?:levItnr Company 500 pp �I 2932 "deizdy 9�per Oompan7 6 9 8 4 �) 194 Northern gtates Power Oomllan 9 1 396 90 - 4 ^$Neil & Preston ii tag 00 1992 olseen Candy Comn�ny 82 80 448 Ota g7 36 t.Przu1]eotsic L smp Oomnr,n �I 1 I; 97 v?n PnPer supply com-nny 7 84 7 84 7 3 �I 19g V111a.ume 73or_ & Lumbcr Cm-, y 117 60 = 6 1 199 Jamey�� 13 00 130 ooI = 117 60! f 200 "mesioan Csn Gra-any y 1 j3 971 153 97 f ;l ^Ol 1.-endles Brush Comprn 63 l 202 ':Dolton 041 Refining Com -1a 151 00 151 OO 203 Flectrio Touipment Oomn Y 0 4 20 ^,. �t. Palmer O ` 67 1 20 64 24 74 5 390 = ! 205 Jos. Pavlicok uiy 15 41 147 OOf _ i lI it 66 57 65 20 9111Rauno �3o�c &Lumber company ' ' 1 -" '07 �inkin7 Rind Investment Commitee 26 180 001 86 24! f 1 5 I I 26 150 00, 11 ,, II !I ii = fi II II I! ii ii i! i � II it "F7 II r QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL .,.COUNCIL 972 FILE NQ,_______ !; TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. No. ----9 __________ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE !BATE__ __9 —192-11i CITY ASFFl,tlgg77yy T HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ ____ 20 _ C9 ppRING S OMPTROL CHECKS NUMBERED________________ TO________3__y_—____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE V ----- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER TRANSFER ��I DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS I CHECKS j I BROUGHT FORWARD r f ! I I C it - i I C. F. No. 63972— ' Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $31,577.36, covering checks numbered 208 [0 239 inclusive- as Per li checks n file in the ofiace of the City II C Comptroller. .l by the Council Jan. 12. 1926. dop=Ad .Ian. 12. 1926. i it (Jan. 16-1926) it it I !I I L ! I 'I I� I I I i. I . -..` CHECKS NUMBERED .208' a 50 To .239--.. ._ ,[S�U DHEL. iVVENZ EL - V -.-. - �v'�� �rV DY PTROLk INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ty_ ;�. _ YES f �' 1 COUNCILMEN. NAYS (�� ) MAYOR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ j .,..._.._... ... __.. - PER - "• DISTRIBUTION -_- '-- TOTAL RETURNED ___ - SPECIAL FUNDS J CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER BY DISBURSEMENT DANK CHECKS -GENEi3AL WATER BOND I LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS - _ TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FOREBTf.Y I BUILDING REVOLV NG Ili ACCOUNTS CHECKS I 139_ - 65 0o L� 3 410 45 3 994 50 613 3o BROUGHT FORWARD 171 112, 75 4 2 , 931 77 35 14 699 95.,. 9 422 52 64 306. 69 209 George T. Folsom 22 270 22 270 00I 209 O'*Ieii Preston II 254 254 45 I • 210 I.tunioipal ski Tournament 202 2 T .� 202 26 II 211 A. G. ^Tlokgon I t 416 9 46 $O 212 213 L.G.tIodgson, aomIs. of Fin. Pntriok Barry 2 ZC 20 L5 I i II 214 Mary cunnion i 45 l 0 0 36 0 00 36 j 215 Otis It. Godfrey, Guardian ! 36 �I I, 216 Marie Katherine Haokert 36 oo I i 217 nrthur Hall � 24 I I 24 00I h 219 219 hlra. Mary Rose Hazel M. Stegner, Guardian fdr24 I 3 !I ' 24 3 011 I Dorothy L. ^tegner idoa of '"m.220 inie Wilson, I 2� 92 F. wileon 612 26 14 I ' N. II. 'enorle221 I 99 98 00 i ! 222 nollingshead Company 37j 28 397 28 223 I�id�vost Ghemioal Company 9 79 34 224 IAoulton oil & Refining Co. it 55 22 !I 22� 2310010, Dean S Gregg Electrio Comnony 82 92 9 7�, i 226 Prioe 6 9 6 82 5g 5 it 22 22 Purity caking aomi»►y st.r�ul nine Print Ooill I 58 5 li 229 zjt.Pnul L].eotrio company j 35 1 z 1 5 31 11 II I II I Ii 230 231 st.Paul U11k company Thornton Brothers g 5 i35 0 135 4t JI i 5 950 00l 232 United Lead Com-nny Van Paper SuPPly Oamnany 315 .5 70 � 2333 �`=sli Eleotrio Company i 6 II 3 63 I I 2 34 _ Co. II 25 6 257 60., 2352 23 Dr. Leo �a '?illiame Box Lunoh A. Mllger I 8 j'! 93 OOI i 699 237 Kewaunee 2Afg. Com -,any 699 1 II 10I I! a 3. 7aectrio uient o % 219 S 218 9-11B 239 Victory nrinting Comn:ny I 213 22, 3 75' I I I I i i II 'j i !I I i i I II I I i I I ! �I i I 690 i 406 i 69 ! i 'I 139 40 65 00 �I 3 410 45 4 053 02 X13 30 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD `202 10 i 77 797 54 14_ -69!! 95,,,. 9 75 i 92 526 -rWJ sLIfe cTE RES. NO. _ _ CITY, CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DAT _9-./s9'2�}.' /. 31,577.36- -. -_ -.. COVERING 1 235 - CHECKS NUMBERED 2�-- TO BY - - PTROLL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. iER TOTAL 9�2 L--V, CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER i DI59URSEM C.NCHECKS CHECKSBROUGHTFORWARD In 112 75208 George T. volsom 1I 22 2 0 209 O'Neil a Preston� i' 254 210 Tlunialp^1 :ski Tournament202 211 t. G. rriokson I t 46 8 212 L.C.TTodgson, Comb. of Fin. 3 21j ratriok Barry i' 45 0 214 Fury c; unnien l 6 0 215 Otis It. Godfrey, Guardian 36 216 .J:=rie Katherine Haakert 6 217 Arthur naessig 240. 218 Mrs. m ary Rose 219 Hazel I3. Stegner, Guardian f jr 24 3 norothy *y. _,tegner 220 ninnie t1ilson 'idow of '.fit. 24 9 F. F114,ilson 26 1 I% 221 X. r. 'engerle 222 itollingshead Company 96 0 1223 midwest ahemioal Comneny 3$7 2 224 Tloulton oil & Refining, ao. 79 3 22 Mools, Dean & Greig 55 2 22 rrio9 Electric company 82 1522 puritsy BaXiag aomoany 6 6 I I z2 ^t_rul Aires Print aompuny II 51 i I 229 'at.P�-ul -"Ieotrio Comzlany 230 "t. caul E111k Comn-nny 35 1 231 Thornton Brothers 5 950 0 232 United Lead Com -MY 135 4 23 33 van Paper Supply Com -;any 10 7 4 "extern 7lectrio COMPany 25876023 the -Alliame Boz Lunch Co. 236 Dr. Leo r-Iilry^r �3 00 237 x��aunee Mfg. Com -any 699 1r# 239 ,. T?lectrio T.quipment Co. 218 81 41 a39 victory Printinrr company 2'13 75 CITY OF SAINT PA'., (- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C LANCY. 1(/Y//� IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM i "00 45 46 do 35 201 1}p 00 36 001 24 ZI 24 1 24 9211 26 14198 (101 397 �I 55 2211 I', J35 ill 135 49'' 10 70, 63 48 257 60 83 00 218 91'1 213 75: HODGSON. f' /DONALD. cDONALD. --- �`.:F- AGAINST NVEWEL. A YES �� COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) - pISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST -- IMPROVEMENT FUNDS WATER BOND ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM ACCOUNTS i, 138 14 688 95 8 422 52 64 306 69 22 270 001 11 11 ,-202 26 82 971 I, II 5 950 0011 I� 699 lot. COUNCIL FILE NO. - - A C70 F TEP BY THE COUNCIL PP R 0%E1) r �:- - l9D r— 1EGIAL- FUNDS _ S'� F-2 i NKLING I FORESTRY. BUILDING gCCOU NTS REVOLVING 613 30 65 001 3 410 45 ', 3 994 50i, �� it a CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE Imo.— FILE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER clTv CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. No -------- 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE j ___— 5ITY TREASURY. TO _�J.�11J THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF v [ _. ZFDYEftING q Y•- COMPTROL CHECKS NUMBERED____ G�X______TO---- 310------- IILL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE' t•ER _______ _____._ __._.___. ___-- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER II TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD- il I I I I C. F. No.63913_ be drawn on Resolved thnt the tus the n�grheckI Labe CI[Y Treasury. mo nt of s$ O4 to 3 94. 510 nclusilve. as or numbered ity heeko n file In the office of the C26. 1 Comptroller. the Council Jan 12. 1926' I AdoPted by I. 1PProved Ja12'6 l6 1926) I I j I i I - 1. { k m f i a CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE Imo.— FILE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER clTv CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. No -------- 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE j ___— 5ITY TREASURY. TO _�J.�11J THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF v [ _. ZFDYEftING q Y•- COMPTROL CHECKS NUMBERED____ G�X______TO---- 310------- IILL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE' t•ER _______ _____._ __._.___. ___-- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER II TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD- il I I I I C. F. No.63913_ be drawn on Resolved thnt the tus the n�grheckI Labe CI[Y Treasury. mo nt of s$ O4 to 3 94. 510 nclusilve. as or numbered ity heeko n file In the office of the C26. 1 Comptroller. the Council Jan 12. 1926' I AdoPted by I. 1PProved Ja12'6 l6 1926) I I j I i I - ... } CHECKS NUMREREP --260' -:. •To 31V_.- CMPTROER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE QLL" OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER _ J - -. TOTAL. RETURNED BY CHECK IN FAVOR OF TgANSF ER DISSURSEM ENI' BANK NUMBER CHECKS I CHECKS - BROUGHTFORWARD F2 io4 74 7 225 72.09 [ 6 11 260 D.^'.?Ioore & 2olin Brothers I 12 36 as 261 J. J. Glancy R. O. Hanelo 3 4g0 262 iI 3na.zel Park Grocery Comnany Grocery Onprnq 17 4 24I 6 j19 81 2655 R. ' ,. Hruby I 18 16 266 267 Kane Grocery K. 0. Grocery ii I 14 ��, 269 r:. P. Lundeen I' 79 McClain & Hedman Company 269 75 00 270 Ii. McGroarty 41 271 Mack -International motor I 0 5 23 272 Truck Corporation kla.endler Brush Mfg. Company 350 00 I 273 Atalhlo "'agon & Auto Oompr)ny I� 9l 00 274 mannhelmer Brothers 50 16 270 Icilndy Pap(4r Company Company I 27 Gus l). mea©ing 1 5005 277 Liichaud Brothers , �, 279 Henry F. 1110hell'oompany 4 5Z 279 o. R. Miakelsen 7 7 12 290 291 061a c. F. Miller Minnehaha Feed & Fuel O00p:3ny Omp> ,v mava aota gpvalopm a 1 40 2�33 m:Lnneoota vanes works Health Iseoo 5 00 28ri 29 minneeota Publio Minnesota Otone Repair ',orks 9 29R lxitach & Heck 17agon & 1062 s Auto Company i 200 297 Llontana Fdeat Company II 132 50 299 F. J. worse & Company II130 299 Municipal Supply Company 2 9 290 .- Nash Meat Mirket ij_ 68 32 iI 291 Nassau paper Company I _ - _. 292 N^tional Conference of City I' 3 00 293 Planning National Lead Battery Company) 94 I 1110 00 214 National Tea 0 any Nelson & 19na I 5 00 295 296 Thoo. Newell "leotrio Company 7 297 New York Tea Company 1 70 : II _7 22 2 299 299 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company++ Nolan -Irons Company 25 6 300 Northern Auto T-'lectrio Comnan II 110 7 90 19 301 N.`.. ^leotrio Equipment Comp y works 83 302 Northwestern stamp -. I, 71 $0 303 304 ^. Nott Com;,any Noyes Brothers & Cutler II 408 B9 30 n.A.Odell motor Oar Company T. Olen Company 50 96 Ij 13 29 30 3. 19 61 307 Oriental Laundry Company 6 309 osgood-.Blodgett Company i3 90 309 Otis nevator Company I 72 09 310 0-0na Rotor ^ales Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 142 IVY' 74 JI 240. 246 i s/u'vna r ten. - /1ENZEL I q,gcnvc NEi �.ON. YGS ("dJ COUNCILMEN_NAYS (V) - - --"-- - DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST - JO IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE II AUDITORIUM II SPRINKLING II. FORESTRY - GENERAL WATER - DO, ACCOUNTS 128 858:97 21 583 00 93 596.06 i2 446 ii 36 99 �O 336 3� i_V1NG i7584I is 16 it 6�3 30 14 II 63 5 16 25 I 29 93 00 50 47 61I 255 2 00 41 24 035 I 7 12 1 40 49 79 5 54 00 00 I� 106 40 2 20 I� 132 50 2 80 �I p I 68 32 �I I 1� 10 s 70 1 9 143 87 35 91;1 75 1 i 4 zo 3 35 .- 71 90 4o8 89 F. 50 96 jl 19 61 I 96 oo 3z 00 �I ^ 130 T22 39 27 33o 41I1 ,, 21 641 20I 93 693 46 I, I �! I � III I - 11 33 1 I. ;, II I I II 32 9 �7 `5 AS II 74 93 it I, I 13 29 - ' I 34 72 I 2 63 I I i II . t340 1 d 76 33 II� 3 x+'55 �� _ 25 05 34 23 4 477 931 613 30 MAYOR.. " a BLIC 1 SUNDRY �O qC CO U NTS 3� i_V1NG 65 it 6�3 30 I �! I � III I - 11 33 1 I. ;, II I I II 32 9 �7 `5 AS II 74 93 it I, I 13 29 - ' I 34 72 I 2 63 I I i II . t340 1 d 76 33 II� 3 x+'55 �� _ 25 05 34 23 4 477 931 613 30 Twurul i?XTE I RES. NO. - 12- - -- - CITY .1 RESOLVED DRAWN THAT CHECKS BE DRAWDRAWN ON THE - - CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -12t9z S -_'14,933-.94-- -. E __- -..-_ CHECKS NUMBERED /COVERING -�60 --- TO310 '-- BY .. �. _ CPMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE j 63 5 ,� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER _ • - TO AL RETuarveD CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR CF BY BAK TRANSFER DIS'oURSEM BANK CHECKS I CHECKS 80ND I ACCOUNTS 41 61 s 2 55 j 2 00 BROUGHT FORWARD �42 104 74 312.9 260 D. m. i3ac� �-e & zolin Brothers I 1225 126 88 3 261 J. J. t= Many 36' 262 R. o. r -Z�nelo 0 26 ® Hazel � �,�krrooery Comnany j Company �7 64 264 F;orr1�- �s ;r000ry III 19 91 265 R . ' . auby 1�6� 266 Kane �rcaoery jI 11 10 14 R. 0. � aooery 4941 267 T". F. m =deer 79 269 1AcCla.i-w3L & Hedman Company 15 00I 270 fi. cGraarty 271 uaok-Zr�-'*-ernational Motor �� 50 23�� Truok orx+oration 33 3911 272 M--�,endler Brueh r.'ig. Company i 5 0 00 ' 2Tj 13rjhle T`7VLgon & 1�uto Company 271} 1'annhe zaer Brothers 5o 16 275 lselrsdV- - :.per Company 200 276 Gus 13► !.ScGoing Company j 44 5533 I +,I 24 03 27g �79 oia=. �- mac xenry e iahell company 54 r en 7 12 280 291L a. '=3111er & Itiel Oomn, nal 1 I 1 40 2g3 2g b?ian�-eta P+EftlOe..�!►�["s-:.. lflrme�a'Za Pub13a Health A:0001 5 00 28Lllnna rata Move Repair '-orks 8 00 282 Itutea23L & Heok `7agon & Auto company ! 106 4o 297 !Qont-tea meat Company 2 20I 29 F. J. Norse & Company 132 501', 289 Munio�-x:),ml supply company 11 33 290 Nash at Market 2 80 ii 291 NaGG 31Z Paper Company 68 32 292 N^tiori-­* 71 co Terence of City 3 93 2 22� N'it10i Lead Btery Comn:any at 7 00 1 9 �F Na.tioa --M Tea Company 10 14 295 Tho O. Mzelson & '?ona 5 0o II 296 r+e:vela "leotrio Company 7 8911 297 New Yong Tea Comnnny 17 70' CITY OF SAINT -.IL 73 I 138 40 12 ii 1 593 00 93 596.06 33 36I l OFFICE OF THE COMrTRO LER CLANCY, n - IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI /-pgg6Jd60N. N FORM 1s 81 HODGSON, 18 16 I110 I V1 M,DONALD. AGAINST j 63 5 /SUDHEIMER. - /IENZEL. YES (c I COUNCILMEN NAYS acs L S.ON. 33 3� DISTRIBUTION__.__ ------ AL TRUST CA IN - IMPROVEMENT SFUNIDS I ACCOUNTS II AU OITORIUM GARAGE GENERAL WATLR 80ND I ACCOUNTS CoU NCIL. FILE No. - - - r 7 19%3 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - 192 ..F1. I' �iJ<:.'• _ APPROVE192D -- =f MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS_ ._ II PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING SPRINKLING REVOLVING 1215 959 97I 73 I 138 40 12 ii 1 593 00 93 596.06 33 36I 443 I iI i75$4 1s 81 18 16 I110 I I j 63 5 I 16 25 I II II 20 30 11 33 3� tl 50 00 41 61 s 2 55 j 2 00 41 24 05 I li 4 5-f 7 1II I 1 40 'I I 48 78 5 54 00 9 00 106 40 2 20 l r 132 50 I 2 So �I 68 32 3 00 70oI' II ; 10 14 I; 5 00 II 7 99I� 179 70 L I1 li II j� I� 74I� 65 -00 `i 3 410 45 1 4 41s 65 11 33 I 25 05 i 'I I 613 30 C 11 I 1 r5 Ll wy . . : 174 QUADRUPLICATE 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ^ FILE NO --------- ___ _ TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 13 CITY CLERK Ii AUDITED. RES. NO._____----_----- l CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE "DATE1-12 DATE__ _ _192_. CITY TO THE AGGREGATE OF e�TREASURY. ,AMOUNT —__. COVERING ,�I �t �0 BY IOMPT OLLER CHECKS NUMBERED yy TO___ �2Q—___ 11JI--`.� INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE (` - v'� ` OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER I� TOTAL RETURNED CHEC(l IN FAV R OF BY �j NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK '-- L CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD t i C. F No. 63973,- Rrawn on th [ h ks be I �f Resolved Sre Sate the City Tr y. to the P $-361.23, co checks n[ er numbered -1 Ito 320 In 1 ifethe Clty file In the office checks on Comptroller. dcPted by t'he Council Jon. 12, 792fi. �I Approved Jan. 12. 1026. Jan.16-1926) C 'CHECKS NUM DEF ED, :_ TO. �; CONIFTROLLLR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFlCF ' OF TIIE CITY COMPTROLLER. P .'.I UNC MEN NAYS � I Y[.� 1 CO IL NA (\ -M AYOR ._ -. :_,; ..• '. - TOTAL RETURNEDDIS ! TRIBUTION 'I CHECK OF °Y �' ! LOCAL SINKING TRUST —L __ - SPECIAL FUNDS _ Pupuc -- NUMpER IN FAVOR 1, TRANSFER DI°dU 5 •f E�lT DANK CH ECI(5 Cri EC Y.S GENERAL 1ATLR ���Jif BOND A IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORI UI.1 SPRINKLING FORESTRY pUILDING I REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT oRwARD ��� 42 104 74 I 2140 246 0 130 722.39 27 33o 41, 1 641 20 i 93 693.46 3 40 1 76 33 1 3 455 64 I;, 4 477 93 613 30 'r 72 7 13 00 59 7 _..._-. it 311 P< Pic t'..o:iine company 69 07 312 313 PB.tterson Dental supply co. ;• A. Feltz :>on I 1,1 3i9 5 31 9 299 56 11 22 15 00 1, 20 7 �I 314 P3no3 Automobile Oomnany 120 5 120 551, _ 315 pioneer 7lootri0 Oompnny �j 50� B 508 85 316 Pittsburgh coal company j 30 0 I 30 00 317 "ia3 Josephine Dri30011 - 284 3 284 30 31g J. '. 'iu7 �e com7�ny 156 B 156° 80 II 314 Osgood—Blodgett comp1ny 1579 3 879 35 320 -,tiefel 13,terial Oomp3ny i �I I ii �! I • I 1 I I � I I i ,.I I I - I _ I I I it I 411, 21 641 61 420 6 76 33 ,I 3 455 64 4 477 93 613 30 42 104 7 713 27' 132 044 94 27 345 20I 94 ,742 i! SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 1242 I I ' • TWi0L' e.h TE CITY OF SAINT PAFL TON CITY CLERK RES. 1110. 13- OFFICE OF THE COMPTFO "COUNCILNO --.LLER COUNCIL I � FILE tiV:: `� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OON THE CLANCY. DATEI- X12 .1926 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM Fcscueari, CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - IN FAVOR I � L 5 - -2,467.21#.--- -- --- COVERING JHODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN' 1 19 6 192 BY -. .. CHECKS NUMBER ED --- - / , coecPTfzo LLCM 311 - TO .320.-. � McDONALD j U.HEIMER, _ -AGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE `` -- APPRO 192 WENZEL I 1 1 "9�§[�� (/ OF THC CITY COMPTROLLER, /IAV/.11� rER _ __ _ ^•P- V, RON. YES f ,') COUNCILMEN NAYS I, I - - - MAYOR --- CHECK I TOTAL RETURNED �v tp E'-_ I'HYRL b IN FAVOR OF r"—---�, -- - -- ------ -- DISTRIBUTION_ --- --- - NUM1if3ER � BY _---.. - - TRANSFER D SBURSc'+�: NT LOCAL _ SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER SINKING TRUST CHECKS BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS EP ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AU DITORIUAI SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD � '- � I 42 104 74 II 240 246 0 130 722,39 27 330 4� 21 641.20 311 P: rk Paaohine Com7�ar9p 7� 93 693.46 340 1 6 4 4 312 Pritterson nenta3woply Co. 3 59 7 7 33 3 55 64 V 77 93 613 30 1 13 00 313 A. sitz P on 314 263 5 �I 314 P3nO3 Automobile Comn-My 31 9 ! 11 2 15 00 315 Pioneer "lootrio Comc)any 1 120 20 7 316 Pi;,tsburgh Coal Company 5oy� g ! 508 $5� 317 I'isa Josephine nriaooll �� 30 30 00� 318 J. `.iulmo Comn-my 234 3 234 30 ,I 319 Osgood—Blodgett Comonny 156 3 320-tiefel idatorial Company 379 3 156 30 b 11 1 379 35 d �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIDE No.. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jam• 12.......1..9..2.6.._. _... PRESENTED B L. C. CDG.�i._i5.........._._........_._...__._............ ................ ........ DATE...................... RESOLVED That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check in favor of I'innie"J. Gleckner in the sum of ?`3.77 being a payment on the wrong description of property on Lot 14, clock 27, -St. Anthony rark ,ddition. Total a;^.ount paid ,3.77, as shown on Receipt �o. Y5621. Charge to the Permanent ImprovereeParkRevolving Fund, I^.provement Ido. L944, '::`est S — Anthony jC. F. No. 63975—ByHodgson— Resolved, That the proper City. ORI- stS are hereby authorized and tI ructed to Issue a city heck In favor If Mlnnto J. Gleokner in the sum of "" being a payment on the 279 StpAnth ny Par], or Addition. 19, Bib [Total amount paid, $3.77, as shown o Reoelpt No. K6621.,.; Charge to thePermanent Improve-ment Revolving Fund. Improvement ' No. L949, Nest St. Anthony Park Sew - I er. Adopted by the Council Jan. 12, 1926. Approved Jan. 12. 1926. 'r (Jan. 16-1926) �1 CoV NCILNI IS\ Yeas Claurc Ferguson liiRlgsun McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Z 1�2�i \aps A,1olitN1 In t1W CouneiL ........____...-- _.19'?... 192 1 ..... ....... In fax Or p ::,:Ad�'--j---'-- MA R ._.......v'... Against CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O C J4 UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rj P L. C. ••Ot C �M N C - -- - --------------- - - DATE - - - ---------- .. ............ C. 0DGSO RESOLVED That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check In favor of Yinnie J. GleclMer in the sum of u3.77 being EL payment on the wrong description of property on Lot 14, Block 27, St. Anthony Park Addition. Total amount paid $3.77, as shown on Receipt No. K5621. I Charge to the permanent improvement Revolving Fund, Improvement No. L944, Vlest S;,. Anthony Park Sewer. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ----------------In favor McDonald Sudheirner --------- d --- Against Wenzel Mr. President 0 .C. F. we. 63975By;LC. Hld4.­— *_R--0IV-d, That the' City ORtr- Iprober- rfted and 1. f Y pheck In favor Adopted by the Council -- --------_-----_-- $3.77 belea; paymneenrt,%ththe au'r—o' Aitproved ----- ----------- ----- 4esdription �of Property on Lo't!147 27, -Bt, Anthony PAAddition. , ........ ... I 'rOtalainount Paid, $8.77 '.B' shown On 10eelpt No. X562Ly - Charge to the. Xmpr.,e- menL- evolving -Fund.. Improvement XO, 94 , 4, � Wast SLy, AnthobPark Sew- er. - Adopted.hy the cou-ell 'an.. Approved Jan. 12, 1926. J COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ----------------In favor McDonald Sudheirner --------- d --- Against Wenzel Mr. President 0 21925 Adopted by the Council -- --------_-----_-- ----------------- 192 Aitproved ----- ----------- ----- '? --- -�' � -, 192 ------------------- ........ ... 2nd. - Laid over" to ---_//- 3rd Adopted/ Yeas Nays Llanc Yeas Nays - �f ` er uson '��odgson r 6_—Z y FergusonFrgus -cTJonald McDonald �� zsdlicirr_er Sud-lieimer �C'C' enzel Wenzel - Mr. Pres. Nelson C. F. No, 63976—Ordinance No. 6630 f ouncil File 1 lY By L C. Hedgson— / An ordinance appropriating and set- ting aside One Thousand seven Hun, GGG Bred Fifty-six and 91/100 ($1,766.91) DollaSharers from of Local Improvement( to Permanant Improvement Revolving080 LL. By Fund. yingCpart3of the 001, rcost the of grading om Ae Vest tod pavinnHoytgAve, Avc,Phis iso an emergency ordinancp,,.rP".,�'""" essaq for the r" puhllc, tcaa' .• An ordinance appropiwiting and setting aside One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-six and 91/100 ($1,756.91) Dollars from Code 31E1 City s Share of Local Improvements' to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of grading and paving Snelling Ave. from Como Ave. Nest to Hoyt Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publie peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from•Code 31E1 "City's Share of Local Improvements"' and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of One Thousand Seven Kindred Fifty-six and 91/100 ($1p7adinl) ppllars for the purpose of paying part of the cost of grading and paving Snelling Ave, from Como Ave, West to Hoyt Ave,, designated as Improvement, D02277 ��C�xON 2• ereb doolared to bO an HIM Ord This ordinance is h ,y finance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publlo peace, health and safety$ SECTION 3# This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. JAN4 e 1926 Yeas, Nays Adopted by the Council --'Clancy A N 2 8 1026 �erguson Approv / /Hodgson ; /J /cDon Sudheime 8udheimer / 1Venzel rayor. jjr. President A�-tt Cit LerK. .� 4 k �� � Si °!.. . l'�: �.�� -': ��,,� ,.. �� J � / J � lis ;� � . � _>., .� ��� . ,, ,, � - � � J F . , �' � .� T---.: r .� � ' ,-=� --- �l -� . �� �. j' i _ ��, C. F. No. An- o dl a Mg as Hun 58,977.87)c _. City's menta•. I BY ment Rh for te the cost from the It -4 __ 63377—Ordinate No. 6631— Hodgson— ace aPProprlating and set- dred Thousand Nine ide Eight Seventy-seven and 37/100 Dollars from Code 31E1 and of St, to an en it File .77 tion afetyof the Public Deace, health •k^a_� s. An ordinance aside Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-seven and 37/100 ($8,977.37) Dollars from 76 Code 31E1 "City's Share of Local Improvements"'to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of.paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. to Wh.eelock.Parkway. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 31E1 "City's Share of Local, Improvements" and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-seven and 37/100 ($8,977.37) Dollars for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. :toa Wheelock Parkway, designated as Improvement L-2322. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ord- inance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ✓Clancy ,/Ferguson /Hodgson 1 Approv /McDonald Audheimer enzel Nr. President ayor. PUBLISTiGD / s - � �' A est Ci t erK. C. P. No. 63977-OrdlnanceNo. 8631— LnCil File r); - 1,YY,^,,'�¢/�'`:�J' BY r. C. Hodgson— An' ordinance appropriating and set- ting aside Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-seven and 37/100 ;8,977.37) Dollars from Code 31E1 City's Share` of Local Improve- to the Permanent Improve- evolvingBy Fund, Code 3001. Purpose If paying part of Ave. Nost`. An ordinance appropriating and settin aside Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-seven and 37/100 (85,977.37) Dollars from Code 3lEl "City's Share of Local Improvements"' to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. to Wheelock Parkway. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 31E1 "City's Share of Local Improvements" and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-seven and 37 1 00he cost ($8,977.37) Dollars for the purpose of paying p pavingof Como Ave. North from at UnionSt. -tic): Wheelock Parkwaythe designated end of the present sImprovemen L-2322. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ord- inance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. . ? �n Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ✓Clancy 'Ferguson Approv /Hodgson /cDonald t3dheimer �/ /t== Wenzel ayo Mr. president „�,s3Q✓ PUBLISHED st Gi tq._Qe rK, r •. ,.� t :� CITY OF ST. PAUL No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENE L FORM _,,,,.,COUNCIL L.__.. ..— DATE.____._._ RESOLVED Vihereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said em-ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEEEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours nate of Overtime Frank Lrassal Supervisor of Playgr. 7 .92 C.p Nn n-. — . _ h G (Jan. �18-1926j, COUNCILMEN ------------ - � I9:.S Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------.----- -------------- ---192-.---- Clancy Ferguson Approved------ -A 8 192 - - Hodgson................In favor McDonald _6 .- -.................. Sudheimer ...........Against nwvon Wenzel _.. Mr. V10e P Fa gown GEORGE L NASON. euFr. a PNEt9 ERNEST W. JOHNSON. 9UFr. a RAY9ROYIC9 PRANK X. TEWES. Cm AwCwiFn (41tifut' £bt, lieu' Department of (arks. 1118ggrouuks SO Publtr $uilbings HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. OEFUW COMM191101021 OFFICE OF COMMI99101OR 219 COURT HOUSE 6`�'9;�'8 January 13, 1926. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Depsrtment of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Gonductiniz athletics at playgrounds on certain evenings. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Athletics were arranged for the evening, and it was necessary to supervise them. Yours truly, Commissioner. I f CITY OF ST. PAUL GKs ' ' NO _....__... ..T__..V .._..__ CJUNCIL RESOLUTION—'GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE____..__—_..._....___...._....._..____..__,_...—.__---__—.— RESOLVED: V V That the SL Paul Gas Light Company Ie hereby ordered and directed to tend Its electrical lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the N—m lssion of electricity on and in the following a'.eys and streets of said city: - �OLIITiOR9. a :83979_BY,L• R. S. FerSuson— 12-30-25 ls hheretiy $orderedGand dli-- o- extond Itef electr'%e 2ing9 by Install: ""I'M and- striugh ares •• • _ M traD8n11� .: One pole on the west side' ui Broadway, first north of Valley Street. Commercial lighting. One pole on the north side of the alley north of Portland Ave., about two ,hundred fifty feet east of xilton Street. Two poles on the north side of Page Street West, first and second east of Uharlton Street. L:omme rci al lighting. 1%fne pole on the north tide of Lafond Street about two hundred seventy—five eet east of, -Victoria Street. Municipal lyighting. ane pole on the west si(ie of Stickney Street, first north of Wyoming ;,e' Street. (:ommercial lighting. One pole on the south side of Juno Street about two hundred seventy—five ,,-feet west of Milton Street. Municipal lighting. Three poles.on the south side of the alley north of Magnolia Street,between Ij Parts and Sylvan Street. Uommercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchor r and wires shall be erected and constructed under the 81 things subject to the P f Ordinance No. 2424. and of all other lawful Pole. should be set In such Iota a and streets as the Commie I character .. he hall dealgnnte and approve, 11�� d 11 such poles .und whenever the Council shall deem that the Publle I.%ea4,�_o reQulres, an Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Naps Clancy Fergumn McDonald ._......._.___.In favor Sudheimer Hodgson /._.. .................Against Wenzel r. President � f� Adopted so order. he of such height es placed under- - --------- . .......... ------- - ------ ---- MAYO � OF ST_ PAUL No._-.._..uc$�9 _ _ .. ... ... CiL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL EFO_Rl�� .ENTD BY r MISSIONER__.._. _.. _......_. ��=�i��V _ __._.. .__— _ _ T�—_..._.. __............ ... .........__ ...___._.�... 6Z v T at t Pau G fight Co pang is her ed a d direct T.tend its eaepLti�"i�yT^erect— �iri� �polea anal 9�r�)ylagthereon for Lr isalon of a ririty on rm in owing nileys a of said city: _v.-.- ��. <.�:-�1 12-31-25 Install: One pole on the south side of kc3s�r street about c� �� hundred ten feet /west of Mississippi jtreet. t/ Uommercial lighting. One pole on the west side of t+2�e strut street abo u� two hundred feet north f of rxchange 6treet. V t;onmercial lighting. {One pole on the west side ofam�ine avenue, fives—z�Clred feet north of Marshall Avenue. t:ommerci al lighting. With necessary guys and anchors - All ch extensions, pules and ires hall be er—te3 • nd c truotea der the direr: tion and su Pervisio z'x o t1 -.e Commiesioner of Public Utilities and in 11 things subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2424, and of all other lawful ora in_e8 d o2u L3 of the City of SL Paul. All Doles should be set in such location in said alleys d atreets as the CommisgiRt}.p_C...of Plabllc UL43i LHz hall designate, and shall be of au h height and character as he hall deelgnate and PProve, and oany and all au h poles aha11 be taken dow-ri @ removed, and such Nires Placed under- ground whenever the Council shall deem that the Public interest so recluirea. arta when it Shall so ore3�r_ Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays — Adopted by the Cocz z--:eaM_..._$...1.92(}...__.._......._I92__,_ 'Fc<r'Gvsmr"-- _...in favor -9 1926 ✓Sudheimer f - Ado �rrd......._..J___.._.....__.___.....______..._....-19Z.__. ✓ Hodgson _ (j/..._.__..Against Wenzel _ MAYOR 'dent- - _ PUBLISHED ✓8la.$foe Pres, F'esQu�a _ CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO -3f {.4 ---------- AT#,L1m13-i926 COMPTROLLER RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - ----------------- - .--.3- VERING CHECKS NUMBERED -391 -------- TO___ ------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED [aAVOR OF BY NUMBER I TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 63980— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury to theaggregate anionot of $28,939.41, covert ng checks' i viumbered .121 to 362 inclusive � per urk s on file 11 the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted pted br the Council Jan. 13. 1926. Approve,] Sun. 13, 1926. (Sua. 16-1926) • • BY �� L- "L .COM PT RO LLER CHECK_ N MBER IN I=AVOR OF CHECKS NUMBERED -- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHI-.GKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE: OF THE CITY COM -O -- -T- c:> OMPTROLLER.-T-O TRANSFER Ij 015E-3URSEM F3ANK CHECKS CN EC KS i' BROUGHT FORWARD 42 31.0472V `T l� 2�2 72,3- 2 tS LOCAL SINKING TRUST BOND i ittaburg2i T_'13te Glass COMPy Cocffnany i 3 P?est-O-,TAt6 6 :`rloe :�iaatria Company ! " '�; 1•f� ^ure 011 Gompassy 41 2574 i�-ume Oil C cmup �y I {! 61 u. P. putnaxs zonaSd �•>`xie:i ser�riac3 g2attery Co. ;; I ymar f;arci-are Company n I $$ III # tonewre Co ^ed -ling L7nion 7 a ti iL Reed F3otor 'ripply Company ;.!, 12 Tile C. t281.cis Co l Company 7tl- ?��min�ton 1rypmwriter Comp yl { 2ffReynolds'€ Cbaocso Camc,any i 12 ^ivet cuttiriz Gun comp^sny22ComPany & sands co. ; 27]-rRobinen e.�oCy 3 4oI 23 03 Otto 2 60 Lynn Rohrbouoh 15 51 'ihorman -". Re e3holt Comp".ny 169 T Roy -,L Typc3--v1t1Lt4m'r Comn�M7 3 9� Pzeu1 3bgt�3Ct Ccympany s�jpr u1 Sok statiozaary $ S06 -t.�^u1 T3u3.1ders P�aterirl Co �7� ;t. Pnml c ^ rri age ^rorgs �2 ICY 3t. Paul Gent works t.pn-u1. rlacstric compMy `, ;5X pmu1 �'ouxaci=y Company { 3 ^t/pmu1 0--n Z,sght ComP any 7 ,_ul Gas Z,i€ht Company i'; 2`37 7 �t.Praul Gz�$s eompcany � �` ^t.pu1 ?5ac'siinoorlcs ^t. Paul 0,r1,100 ri quipment eo. I I i3 i 2!5 3t.p3-u1 ,tr,Xotural steel oo. i 3S2 ^t.paul "'e2cling & Mfg. Co. < Casa .. ^c2au12 1,7 Thota 13=0't'-Xsss 9 l y;3ughen GrocBry ! 7 . ri. J. verstwmete 73 C . J . z ehnder I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 T2_ a -C.724- 11 - II 2-7m 652 -69S 1 GENERAL 13 2 044.94 41 25 31 5c 176 5] 4 8! 8o 9( 12 81 15 00 39240 9 O 8 22 5 26 4 2 t E 99 sot I 53 ! 64 35 i 405 Igo II 13 62 i 17 9 73 A4R 'PFiFS-° YES . � is t ICC k LYfE. I'�CiCYt�017CAL . DISTRIBUTI 1 00 12 50 38 00 64 Oc 5 00 9 30 27 55 95 151, 1 t r 49 15 70 00, I 347 O0� 'I 1 134 887 631I 27 810 9111 45 879 75 94 867 17 GARAGE 420 6! 3 0 74 5 87 5 5 47 271 ( V AUDITORIUM 910 26 SPECIAL FUNS -_- _--- --- t PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING i FORESTRY �� BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 76 33';1 1 3 4-55 4� 477 9 613 30 36 .3 4i 13 6 !I i! i II 579 17 0 i 97 6 1 !iii 5 2155.30N 613 30 LOCAL SINKING TRUST BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS V ATER ACCOUNTS 27 345 41 6 6 94742 61 3 120 5 I r 35 00 177 50 4oI 23 03 ;cTr. 5 1 00 12 50 38 00 64 Oc 5 00 9 30 27 55 95 151, 1 t r 49 15 70 00, I 347 O0� 'I 1 134 887 631I 27 810 9111 45 879 75 94 867 17 GARAGE 420 6! 3 0 74 5 87 5 5 47 271 ( V AUDITORIUM 910 26 SPECIAL FUNS -_- _--- --- t PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING i FORESTRY �� BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 76 33';1 1 3 4-55 4� 477 9 613 30 36 .3 4i 13 6 !I i! i II 579 17 0 i 97 6 1 !iii 5 2155.30N 613 30 TWiISLIIP A'ATE TO RES. No.__g4-------- .--- - CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE C,' .. .. CITY TREASJRY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE 1-.J:- 92.6 ._- s pt p 9 / -2&.-_93-3741____ COVER ING /'/ / 4 CHECKS NUMBERED 321. - TO .--3b2------ BY/ `_� '-L-" Y� COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FER TOTAL IN FAVOR OF - .- NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS PUBLIC BUILDING BROUGHT FORWARD 42 l.al>t 71� 242 YG V`� Y 713 2 321 322 ':d. Bjorklund I 'I 233 pittaburgh Plate Glass ComPaty 'j 816 1 41 2 3 Prest-o--TAte Company d 324 T.'rioe :Lleotrio Company 67 8 325 326 cure oil Company j( fare nil company 177b1 5 327 329 c. P. Putnam & sons 'uiok :�ervioe Battery' Co.;� - 8 so 5 329 narner Hardware Company 9 330 331 'I n n ",ed '"!Ing Union tone>vase Co � 1 �I 9 15 � 332 need motor Supply Company I, 3 333 The C. Reiss Coal Company -lomington j! 12 74 61 334 Typewriter Compnny,' 335 Reynolds Toba000 Comp_tny 29 8 336 ^ivet Cutting Gun Comp^ny 12 5 337 J.c3. Robortl3on company 22 5 3-3 Robinson, Cary & .0-mda Co. 1 41, 3 9'Toe--J-mes Glass Comn ny 33 8 340 Otto 9 6 341 Lynn Rohrbough 342 Thofmon --:. Rosholt cormany I II 169 5 343 Royn1 Typacotites Comp --n7 - RbstT of Company I o 3LVV ,;,P-ul T;j pmol F3003c & +t 7tlonBry :b # USO' 34 "t.?-iul Builders Materi:l Co#717 5 47 2 34 7 ,t. Paul Carriage :'orke Cement 'cork428 42 34g ;,,t. Paul ! 40 5 349 ,t. Paul Tleotrio COMP ;eny 350 ul Foundry Com^ny -It Prap 151 351 , �•Paul Gas Light Comn.--ny K05 352 3t.Paul Gas Light Compn_ny 426 7 1t.Paul Glass Company 297 7 35 ,:3t. p,- 49c�ohine Tvarks 27 5 35� .Paul offioe rquipmrent Co., 13 1 3P ^t.Paul struotural steel Co. 25 5. 357 st.Paul "791ding & 19fgr,. Co. 117 358 C aTl "I. Sohul z 62 9 9 Then Brothers 17 9 RETURNLD By BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMF'TF1 �IOLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL 132 o44.94 41 25 176 51 4 8 � 8o 90 86 31 00 9240 73 91 28 8 22 5 83 701 28 4 2 0 331 66d 999g p7 SOA I++�I 53 75�; 64 o� Igo 5 ql 405 39]�j 19'0+ 8� 13 lq 32 ou 62 39 . li 19 4&I WATER BOND 27 345 41 21 641 20 23 916 15 177 50 J { rr. 5 40 1 00 12 50 39 00 J 94.od 5 00 27 5: I 95 1 70 001 347 00!; li V77--7.so. SUDHEIMER. --�WENZEL, !!iIT. \, im 11rer_ F4jMq LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS 94-742 6111 35 23 03 49 V! __.:.._ IN FAVOR AGAINST YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (1/) DISTRIBUTION er'Ru' R __ GARAGE 420 3 74 97 5 47 271 AUDITORIUM COUNCIL FILE NO. ���21 �( ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIIIJ,"I" 1 iUicU 192 APP ^ -- 192 / . �" • - MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING I FORESTRY III PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING 76 33'j 3 455 64'! 4 477 36 41 13 i III 6 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 613 30 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... _............ ......._........... 661 By ................ .__........ ....... ......_............_..............- ....._............._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Snelling Avenue from Otto Avenue to liiontreal Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, APPROVING A99E993I®RT9. C. F. No, 63981— - n the matter of the nssesa Immeats, costs and expenses Ing Snelling Ave Montreal A,- 49287 under Preliminary Order_............._.__47284_ wet "..a.g ,Utermediary Order .... _...............__._...,_....__....................... .... .... _....... (Being part of (Final rder.........._... approved Jan ................_..._...._......................_....., 192.4.._ The assessment of.._..._._._.b..enefit.3.,._...c.Sit.S....a.11d—QXpe}13_e$._........ _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.__..1Q1k4._.............. day of February______________________________..,.. 192 6..._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature fof the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council.........."AN 1 3 19... v t _ . ......._........1..92... .__._...._._. . J(4 f. ......:......................._ City Clerk. Approved..................._...._- _..............._ _........_.............__192_.._._. _._ ....__.._.......__............... ........ ..... �....., Mayor. PUBLISiiEn.,.r..--W----` Councilman -6 a /Hodgson ' 11feBeaald---- Sudheimer V �J Wenzel Foam mi3�- B. B. 16 �jS' Vioe Pres. Feri;usun PUBLISiiEn.,.r..--W----` COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... __................ ...... ........... � 81 By................... ................_....................... ............._.......... ................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Snelling Avenue from Otto Avenue to Montreal Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, APPROVING A99R99!IIF]NT9. C. F. No. 63981— ' n the matter of the assesa heneats, costs and expenses Ing Snen Ing Ave Montreal A•- - - te and 49287 under Preliminary Order ._._ .................47284__' �........ � ntermediary Order ...._..........._....................... ___.........._...... ........... ..... ., {BeinZ part of ``Final Order... .......... _._, approved..._.._ ,Tan,_ 23z.. ......., 192-A.— The 924.._ The assessment of......._ ....... b...ene.fitB.,..._.c.0&t.s.._.a.nd.....eXP.QM9Q.$__,.,,,..__„_for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__.. lOLh.___...._.._..,.day of February.... 1 192..8......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council... .. .... .... Jars 1 31926 ...__..... .............. __... Approved............................................ . _................ ....... __192_....._.. Councilman S� Hodgson / 9ndhel �/ Wenzel I ,Mr. Vice Pres. Nergu”" Form B. B. 16 - 192 ..... ...... ........... ..................... ....... City Clerk. .. ..... ........... .... ......... ... _...... :_............... ........ _.... ... ........, Mayor. pUI3LISHE1D_ -- COUNCIL FILE Bv..................... ........................... ....... ...:. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. to Wheelock Parkway, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, « C.. r. No. 62982_ In -the matter of the assessment of hePeflts, costs and expensessme par_ g:Como Ave. North Prom the end - 'he present t.haelocic Daring at Union St. Parkway, includin water and gas connections 51467 under Preliminary Order................06.72..........,., m¢inf "'^nertY lines h it made, Final Order ........... 5.1.9....2..3......... __.._..__. ....._.._, approved ...... 1� I .. Z...rang of __ e9. '192..4 ...._ The assessment of......bene_fits,,.._ costs and expenses . .....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._...._......_10th....day of EetX1=7 ..................... ...... 192._....8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAI 1 31926 Adopted by the Council ._......._..... ____................... __.. Approved................... ................... .... ..............................._._192 ....... _... Councilman-Gleacy-- Hodgson •-11fe•BMastd— " V Sudheimer " Wenzel kms._ ✓'. MT. Mice Pre& lrurbzln,., Form B. B. 16 , _ .......... _192 ................. _........... .......... ............ ................. _...... _ . City Clerk. ........... ... _.................... ,...._...... ....... ..... .... . .... .... ........., Mayor. PIIBI,ISIiED_/` COUNCIL FILE NO . ...... .......... ..__........._...........__...._ t)v`v''�i s By....._._.._.................:. _ _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of alleys in J: 14. warner's Add. and Block 4, J. R. Weide's Add., from Magnolia St. to Jessamine St. and from the Easterly alley to the Westerly alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, C. F. ".aa o. In the matter of the asessment��bt/ under PreliminaryOrder............5.48,03 beneata, damages, costs ana ;'r .._..._6.�. .� Penses for changing the grade oy alleys in J. Df. Warner's A," 3tff R. Welds's Add., t Final Order...........&1H7.1. _ _ Pl '"qhs st. to Jesanmine 't°...._. -. 192 5..._ a r.. eterlY alley to .. ..._..... .............. _..._.,_...y .. orm to The assessment of..b.enefi.ts.,.damages_,.:ens.ta1.....e1; iiraP.�SIS-O.B--.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on tile Ah ...................day of February ...................... ... ...... 1 192 _ _6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to Whom the notice is directed. JAN i 31926 Adoptedby the Council.._............__...__ .................. _._.................. _.. __.......... 7 ._...City Clerk. Approved..... ........................................ ................................ 192._......_.. .:...........__........... ........ ....., Mayor. Councilman 41eaey " son /Hodgson PLTPLISHM " Sudheimer Wenzel ✓9Sr. Qi�NerRuaw� Form B. B. 1E JI COUNCIU PIUE NO..... .................. ........................ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving Snelling Ave. from Como Ave. West to Hoyt Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, The assessment of- ......betl9f.lta.Rd up.06„0a.............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered some and ID found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the-_.10.th.--- .............day of Februarg_..._................ _...... 192.....6...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN! 3l9�G Adopted by the Council......................_........................................ ................ 192............. Approved.............................................................................192............. Councilman ” `Hodgson tl " v' Sudheimer i Wenzel J �m Form B. B. 1 Mr, visa Pro& Fer(lua;1V y Clerk, Mayor, k��LlStit:V-�.." C. F. No. 63964— In the matter of the assessment of benoflts, costa and expenses for grading And paving Snelling Ave. �1rone Como Ave. West to Hoyt Ave., -eluding sewer, water and gas eon- I ' under• Preliminary Order............Z..26.4...._....;' �a from street mains to prop- ........................................ ._ -e complete, where not a1- ' curbing and ^• fh._...__..492$fj....._.._...._ ' FinalOrder.................. alley approved....:".:....!u4....5.t.......... ...................... ......................... ...,y 192.5...., The assessment of- ......betl9f.lta.Rd up.06„0a.............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered some and ID found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the-_.10.th.--- .............day of Februarg_..._................ _...... 192.....6...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN! 3l9�G Adopted by the Council......................_........................................ ................ 192............. Approved.............................................................................192............. Councilman ” `Hodgson tl " v' Sudheimer i Wenzel J �m Form B. B. 1 Mr, visa Pro& Fer(lua;1V y Clerk, Mayor, k��LlStit:V-�.." COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... By C. F, No, 83985-. In the matter „6U,, ho assessment of bonoots, costo 4q4 expenses for con". struceing, reconstructing, relaying and No, 3, Cont agctBidewalksNo. 3901, yeasri19250 CIT: Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, reconstructing, relaying and repairing sidewalks --Estimate No. 3, Contract No- 3991, Year 1925. Assessable-- F,O, R,Ol F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. F.O. 58612 Reaney St., north side, from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., 59795 Magnolia St., north side, from Frank St. to Duluth Ave. 59495 Denny St., both sides, from Payne Ave. to Edgerton St. 5@4@9 Nevada Ave �, north side from EdgertonSt-Y�° Bradeast Of Western G1gir Stoi south gide beginning 6021, �t 380 f t � 140 f t. kvo i i WOO 00 at %06 St,, thon48 Qm nos Ste, north side, beginning Pleasant Ave" thence south g8i M t. Blest side, beginning at pie 598 4 Milton s etween James Ste and Randolph Sty enoe 'rest 100 ft, to alley b at Milton St,, th 59884 James St,, north side, beginningand St, South side, between SYndiQate Ste and uR18P St. teSt, 59501 St, Clair , 59502 Syndicate Ave., east side, between LincolndAve. and St. Clair St. 53342 Syndicate Ave., east side, Oliv 59496 Farrington Ave., both sides, from Maryland St. tothence reaatS 4 ft. 56746 Summit Ave., north side, beginningt. 56794 Portland Ave., south side, beginning 100 ft. west of Grigg thence west 40 ft. 51813 Ashland Ave.,esout side, from StHaClineair Ave. oBerkeleytAveve. 59424 Cretin Ave., 59001 Eleanor St., both th $ides from fromCleveland cleveland Ave. touMount rCurveulevarc 59002 Pinehurst Ave., o , Boulevard. 59257 Brimhall Ave., both sides, from Randolph St. to Hartford Ave. --Non•Assessable-- rton 495 Denny St,, both sides, from Payne Ave, to ton $t,EtoeBradleY- St� F.O. 59 north side, from Edger F.O. 59499 Nevada AM, F,O. 60214 St, Clair St., south side, beginning 100 ft. east of WesternAve., thence east 380 ft, at Vance St., thence east 140 ft. F.O. 59884 James St., north side, beginning at Pleasant Ave,, thence south west side beginning F.O. 598841to the Stl ' Clair St. to the alley between James between Stanford Ave. and St. F.O. 59502 Syndicate Ave., east side, Clair St. ,o, 53342 Syndicate Ave., east side, between Lincoln Ave, and east 64 Ft. F St at Griggs St , F.O. 56746 Su�mit Ave., ns$thsidee�fromiSt, Clair St. to Berkeley Ave. F.O. 59424 Cretin Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to mount Curve F.0. 59002 Pinehurst Ave., Boulevard.St, to Hartford Ave. F.O. 59257 Brirahall Ave., both sides, from Randolp l4{r, �ioe lsrnxl:� oir xou Form H. B/16 Y11 ,:�� bfrT(,laiI } ti1�1tj irt t l t' o , F S�il� 1` i � ,� � :i e „• ) -, i + I( �((++ ��1�1 t N�.1 t ) ,��,,. 1,y -r1 ;.1 i� i 1\ 111 �•�", y11y ��: t`i rj931 f�.�1y 1�' �•P n1t�la`�1 riNE���.t ��t�i����� xif� ) , l u n iiti iil iiiYl Y.�i� f�14� ! , S u y • , , � i y} I, Q��t �JA,a,tL . :tsa3C1'1G t1:' T. �:~ Y'a4'+•i ' ,r •T. j f ! L,�j rY GC�i e t �S 7 f t} itt^ ,T.•C 'V'A t a .t .f.C�rl�r a .i1.Y� ,t t4 trlf 't Ario1��JYlvS�.:la ifi, C�°l)>� :) 3 r x7,"f s , C* ltir;v t P,.� 817l,t7 El 1 6,4 "( !i 1 R �� iT E r, Ir .a r. .T Jv tt•',.IoAJ; .3 T7 ?�. AG r r tf, 00 c r;c":; idO . .. TQ 0 _ t _ �Jl __.........._...._ _ _.......... ............. r .............._........................... .................................... .......I L.*kx...............................................I...............r7.. ......... ._ _ ._ ..._.... .... , 7�GX]L- .......................................... . The assessment of.........b.enefit.s,....c.os_ts....and.._.expens es..... ... - - for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.__..___ th...._.._day of _.E.ehruarg................................... 192.....x...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council........ _.....__10 I 319............_--......'x-6_ jg2b, Approved.._ ............ ................ .............. ......__................. _192........... Councilman •Slau¢g Ferguson" " VHodgson MeRmetr l''Sudheime— rr " —Wenzel F_ n. s✓s Mr. Vioe Proa. Fergasvu 192 ... _....... . ........... .. ...... ......_ 'City Clerk. .... _...... _ ............ ....................... ....... _......... ..... _...... } , Mayor. X3986 Council Approving Assessment Resolution of Co PP and Fixing Time of HMO in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of. ...._..4P..eT11T1g,..__ _ gxt_9.nding._AD a.11ey....iri....B100k...1.4 ................. ........ ....._.___._.._.. _Paul. _ .at part of Lot 11, Block 19, St. haul Proper, lyin? betti7een the - alley in said Lot 11 and a line described as follows- Beginning on the Easterly line of the Iaorth and south alley in said Lot -ll,- — 15 ft. from the Borth line of said Lot 11, thence Southeasterly a point that is 18 ft. froln the ',;esterly in a straight line to -- lot line and 30 ft, frons the northerly lot.line of saidlCc ort thence Southeastsrly in a straight line t;o a point )n erly line of the Last and ,lost alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. :est of the ,esterly line 'of tiinnesota St. , Also a piece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of�Dot Y 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft, alo�.r tho •-lnrrl line of said hot 5 beginning at its South.oast corner ^_:`7 9 n va clth The C minis Isis overtof T iria3ice'havin� submits h�4'rbp9rt m the: above nial%r as to he amount o damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above' improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation.of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess - of St. Paul on the............1S2t ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City +$• -- day of__...F.ebZ11ar7...................... 192..._6...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice ofsssaidh hearing a as prescribed by the Charter. JAN Adoptedby the Council ................. ............ .... ............ ....... .................................... ........... 192............. ... AIN F ;w_, """ "" it Cler Approved.............................................................. 19�...... ...... Mayor. �ff PUBLISHED1 ✓ Councilman Hodgson ✓Councilman Sudheimer ,councilman Wenzel 111x. Qica Prey Ferguson - a COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....onstxuctiZ1g. aurbing.on. both..sIdes..of..Baeah..Street..from Earl. Street ..to..Jnhns an. Xaxluza ...................... . f INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. ...... ................................................ ...................... C. P. No. 63987— In the Nratter of constructing curb Ing on both sides ofBeech Street""""""""""" """""" •••..'•' from Enrl Street to Tohncson Park- - _ = wny, under Preliminary Order 61313, :.„ APProved Aug. 11, 1926. ....... .............................................,. •••.^oune of the City 9t. Paul . ..... ........ s: relved the report of of the Com- ......... ... ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .......f Finance upon the q*--• under Preliminary Order...... ..............approved Aug..l4.1-Q$5...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. CO rAq CtlrbiYtg on ? ` both.aides.:.af,.Beaoh Streat.frnm..Ear1.S.treet. el -to -Johns on. Parkmay............. ............ 1?................................................................................ .x ............................. i .................... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...3, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 9ah...... day of + ..... Fsbruary:........ 192...6•, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ....... 192...... Approved.. �`:'...1..`..:..........192...... 1 City Clerk... �.,.� �Q,h�s,,�... ..... r Mayor. CatttrCilmarr �ergtrsorr-' -Couneilman.-McDonald., CouncilmanW Hodgson Councilman $K*M Sudheimer ✓ Councilman Wenzel xx Nelson / Mr. Dice Fire, e. ergufion Form B. S. A.-� PUBLIS11M — / G — COUNCIL FILE NO . . ....... . .... . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... our.bi.ng .botk> ..� des„of , Chippewa, Street from .Baker St ; to AK3n4LRQ 1.I 1.. $t t .1 ............................. . ...................... C. F.� No. 63938— In the Matter of curbing both sides ............................ ... ... .. .. .... .. .... 01 Chippewa Street from Baker St....................... to Annapolis St., under Preliminary Order59929, approved June 2, 1925. ..... ..... ......... ..... .., ,.., ,, ,, ,,, The Council of the city of St. Paul having received the report of the Com- ” missloner of Finance -upon the above improvement, and having considerer ................................................said report, hereby reeoivee: .. ....... .... .... ...... ... Thnt tom^ - ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... , , ..59,929 ............. approved .... A19 .. , ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of FinanCC upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... (3.Ur.b. JbQ111.A:.de,-q, Of C)?igperya„Street , from, Baker, St:..to. Annapolis .St....................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 2,�5R.7.Q.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement, on the ...... 9.th....... day of February........, 192.. Q., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. .... ........... 192...... X,,� ."3'1926 Approved .......... .":7..`.::.::........ 192...... ) City Clerk. ............ "Mayor. Gou PUBLISHED�� C Goumeilman-Mc Donald ✓' Councilman 11i6KFOVi IiOdgson jCouncilman29AAfax Sudheimer r Councilman Wenzel lY Nelson fir. t i.(9e 1Yraa 1+'yrrtue�tr. orm B. S. A. 8-6 ��U1989 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter zg�ehart �yenue, from llJhesler. Avanue..ta.A�d9 �e. Str.eet........... C. I. No. G3989— In tho Matter oP constructing curbing on both ..•••• sides oP Iglehart Avenue ...;..,....,.. ............................................ from Wheeler Avenue to Aldine Street under POrder rellminary To Co" of thoYClt� of St.Pam ......• . .............. " '• ...... ••'••••••••••••••!having realvod tho report of the ......••••• „ Commieeloner of Finance upon the atiove Improvemont, find having ooa•.. .... .. ....... .Idered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That tho said report be and ho same is ho..by approved ate•• x and the Bald Im^.'r::' .. ...... .. .. ...... .. ..... .................................................. ordered... under Preliminary Order ......... 61.07.Q ........... approved .... ,Tuly. , 28,, 1925, , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon 11;V Ill f OVCxlli � d hulq ailt d said � C Opti k4 nlm i 1, That the said report be Rad the same is l d)r qp y d and adopted, Ad the said improad is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. egnstruat—ourhing gll..bath.sida9..o .z�j,@ q;?t,�yenue, from, �"lheeler ;9penue. to Aldine Street, ............................................................ _........................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....70.$..1.6..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... Ah ........day of ..... February...... , ., 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN � 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... . Approved.........................192...... City Jerk. .. ....... Mayor. .Councilmaa_Clanoy •---- Commilmm ir'Ferpon oun an cDbM1d` ✓Councilman 3rfiajmx Hodgson /Councilman SMkkx Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel / o Nelson Mb Vergs jerauson Form J oQ, COUNCIL FILE NO .. . ........... . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of,. furnishing ............ Osceola Ave, from Hamline Ave, to Snelling Avet; saratoaa ewe, from'Osceo��'Ave; to" en It Ave;'; Pascalv�ve,,.Px4ra,QsG9Aa, ,Q,,��, Albert Ave, from Osceola ve, to Sargent dive,,, cons stingy of lam,�,postst lamps, underground conduits and the necessary wiring.for a.q pment for conveying electric current thereto, ................................ under Preliminary Order .... P41�................ approved .... 4� 1925. The Council of the City of St. rs. r`– -f the Commissioner of Finance upon C. F. No. 63990'x;;; the above improvement, and havin rn the clatter of furnishing and m_esolves: stalling ornamental lights an: Oece- 1. That the said report be ai Ola Ave. from Hamllne Ave. to snol- d adopted, and the said improvement ling Ave.; Saratoga Ave. from is hereby ordered to be proceeded Osceola Ave. toSargent Ave.; Pas- ; cal Ave. from Osceola Ave. to purnish and install 2. That the nature of the imj" Sargent Ave. and Albert Ave. from mmends is. ....... sola Ave to Sargentt Ave., con- costs m 'en= •mder- ornamenta�,�� iota.. v.4; ............................ ..... ........................ .1,............. ORCA014,kq,,.from.Ha a x.,eve, J.Q.,SAQIAIA& Q,.,......... I ........ —I.......... %PfS���,�A�tOVeX'4m Os,C�Q�1�YeVetiPt�a�'8}g�etnAyeveand Albert Ave, from Osceola Ave, to Sargent Ave,, con's�stlrig o lamp p'ost's;"lamps,"un 'exground"c .nd, i'ts"Aria"tIi6.I'd9MPY wiring . for.. equipment..Xor..convaying . e10.Rtri.0 .. ............... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...4,59%.00.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...9th.......... day of ...F.ebruary .........1 192..1! ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the CharAr, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. Ji 1926 192 'AN '. 192...... Approved ........................ `'...City Clerk. .... arin).....,. !�.w-Q-v':7!1...... Mayor. Contr�ilmxn–i�e�IIsatt'- -Eonncilraan kk�ianaid— Councilman oM Hodgson ,/Councilman7xijft Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel X4yslx.: K Nelson Ih1r, vi6a Pates. Frr(tusol Form B. S. A. 8-6-- 1r PUBLISIic,D_Z /�— �, r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...0.oriStrV.0C;Wg.i3.grj.ggs,,�treet,from ,Foster Street to..sauth..line..4�.a0k.StxBet,................ ....... — ............................. .................................... iC.F. PIo. 63991- a- sealer' in the Matte Street nso- gFn8 Under. an GrlBBa from. Street Street .. ... ...... .. .... ...... .. ... to South-. line aCBohn aPProved .•.......... :: prelfminari Order. 63493.' ....... ..... .. .... ......... Deo. -8. 1926: Clty of 8t. Paul ha ,eg uncil oC the the above reoeotf Fina' Won C the ..................................... havinB opneldered, .......... ............. mfesloner 1m➢rovement. an, s�gplve9 .......................................... eatd,rrl.. ....w......... under Preliminary Order.. 63493 , , , , , , , , , , ...... approved ....D.....e C . 8 1925 . .......1925 .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the impkovement which the Council recommends is...lr.OT�St�'�1,C, „a„sewer on`.Cx>?igg8.�tx�eG..# '4?q.FRgter,Street, g..south,.line„oP.Bohn Street, ...................................................................................................... ..............................4............................. _........................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1,.1A0..00... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..9th............ day of .. Febvuaq .... • • .. 192.. h., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, JAN 13196' Adopted by the Council . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . n ....... M...... L Approved ................... . . ....192..... . -E�-Clancg--- c-o,mciltran-FeWsen-- PMUSHED- Councilman-McDonald— ----- Councilman =9= Hodgson Councilman SKSM Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel �Mi of.lifer Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 rk, Mayor. 15892 COUNCIL FILE NO ............. . . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-0.QMt3.CU09 A Aftgr Ari.Haln��S16..9X9Au8 ,#'rQpi, �Nb�Ard Street tp a„�Qtnt 1Q5 feet south of Hubbardstreet. C. F. No. 63992— ..... , ... f on on e Matter Av nue fro'mgHub and ' ..... � Street to'a D.Int 406 feet southof. I Hubbard Street, under Preliminary Order 6221,5,- apProved!Nov. 20,,1925r The Counell of the CltY of St Pauf ............••••••.••••••. having l er of Finance DuPon fthe ahe bomve .......................................... Improvement and having considered .......................... .aid report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the. said report ^^ same is hereby aPDryD'' ......................................... anAl_ ............................. under Preliminary Order ....... 0.41A ............. approved ... RT-.. .. 20,, , 1925........... , .... , , . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is lluOj ar u d 0 N proceeded with Z. 01 iieaa ae.�,vn 0 set south of Hubbard .�r1om..I�bb�rd.Stx�st..ta.�..p4���..�,.�..�...................... , strest.,..................................................................... ....................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 408.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 9th......... day of F.eb=Ary......... 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ).1 1.1 . 1 1 1�.. 11.1 .., 192.1 1 ... 111 1.1 . 1. 1. Approved.....................1...192...... City Clerk. Mayor. e9F}R!}181H8 am • ., C9l1ACi{��t1n” rlRtefr-hfcHorf�td" frmT.TSj;ED%al� � \/Councilman KUM Hodgson ,/ Councilman X Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel ERq44ftO Nelson 1Z Viou Pres, Forgusou RArm R C A n.6 64Vtj4jU COUNCIL FILE NO .... . .. . . ... . . . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... oonstruatIng. a..saver..on.the..east.aide..of..Ham-line..Avenue :................................ .......................... 1 F. No. fi3993— ,In the matter of constructing a sewer on the east aide of Ha .......................................... .,from. van 33 street totallne Avenue a point: ..... .................... 65 feet south of Mlnnehaha Street.. under Preliminary order 63413; e.p proved Dee. 4, 1935. •••.....................• The Council of the 10 -rt of Bt'Pati1, having received the report of the Com>I """o'er of Finance upo�t— . above, ......................................... lTprovement 'and bav'............................. I......... 63413 under Preliminary Order approved Dec, 4� 1825, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above impr scot, and having considered said report, hereby molves; 1, That the said 1� ort be slid the salnc is hereby approved end adopted, slid the said irnprovem�nt P , is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. A0n8 trU0t..&..sAVAr On a the,east. side„Qf,,Oigm ne Avenue. fromlan.Buren. Street to,.a..Point 65,.feet south.uf Jtinnebaba.Street`...................................... ............................ ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost. thereof is $..592.00....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... M .........day of �ebxu$1 �........ M.A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, 16 Adopted by the Council. J P. i .. P I ..... l [,192..11 t , JAN Approved....... .........192..... . Ctt= rota+ a"7-- Eonncihnsn"Fnrgasotr° 6onneil>�ae-A4cDe>lsad-• /Councilman IOU Hodgson ,councilman It= Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel VM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 1111. ••f� .. ,, r.........1 City Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISggD -�� — .� 6` COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................. INTERMEDIARY c. F. Na 83994 In the Matter of constructing aBsix foot cement t[le. sidewalk on oth fides oP Asbury Ave.from: Hoyt Ave. r. \ebraske. Ave.; Both sides of -ilnna` Ave: from -Hoyt Ave. .to soraska Ave.; Both.sfdes of -imp- GI �1 In the Matter of..00utruating .a..Six..f 40t.. eemerit • iileZ..Bideana1k• •Onl , • • • • • • • • • Both.,9�td8$..4 .Albury„Ane,.Xr.Qm..RQA.AM.U..N030A IVA,if................... of Arona Ave, from Hoyt Ave, to Nebraska Ave,, n u' of.. Simpsaon••Ave,••fcora•Heyt••Ave..44. lebraska..0as., ............ of Pascal Ave, from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave,, waste .sida...of . Holt on. Ave. ..from , Boyt . Ave. ..to •Nebraska. Ave. .., ... • .......... • . under Preliminary Order .... 00a9 ...... . ......... approved ....NAY. -..17, .1925., ................. The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adoptcd, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..oautrUot , A. aix , f oot ceme4.W8.WQIVAa lf.-QA ................ :.................................................... Both. 8.ides..of . As hurt'. Ave ...f rom . Hoyt . Ava ...t a. Rebraska . Ava..................... ” If of Arona Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., "" ...of . Simpson •Aue.... from•-Hoyrt• •Aver• • to • Nebraska• •Ave,.y ...... . ............ ......... " " of Pascal Ave, from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., West. -side •••of Ho31;021 Ave: from Hoyb Rve: La Nebraska Ave:; exoapt, .vhere..good . and .suffiaieut .sidewalks..nov. exist. ......................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.1Q.par..front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 9tla........... day of p'Qbxluars......... 192,.0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... !��. ?. .: . • • • • •, 192...... .. ��--'..... . Approved...... "�� ...............192...... City Clerk. ��........... ..... ...:....... ..... ....... Mayor. c mdban Cla un v Eaunci�A�. -Councslman-McBonsid- ,/Eouncilman iS wmg Hodgson /Councilman 9¢2isx Sudheimer 4uncilman Wenzel /l�ayorr1"sem" x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 0I.) �ffi, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.,CAriS xUAt�iai;.a.9� ..�D.Ox..O.@Ul@fit,: ��@..81d9.Wa�k Ari.b0 11. Aides of.. S'k9yl. trx@etrqm Woodbridge 51 et to.._R p Stri et,,,,.„ .................. C. F. No. 83996 — In the %atterof conatructlns a aiz: foot cement file sidewalk on both' . ............................ eldea of Carbon Street from' }tpod- btld�o Street to Itlee-Street, under Yretlminpry` Order 63090,1aPProved,.. ,. ..... .............................. Nov. 17th, 1925. -; The ""n l of Qhe CRY of SG.l,oaul h elved the repgrt* n , .........................................sL: er_� .... ..... 9............................. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.,,..,, 63020 .............. approved ,...XQv,17%-M................. oulicil o� fhc Cic o� St, Paul haviu c�c�i>r�d tli� np i of the Nmlliolmf of 1+inailu upon �hC C � �a b the above improvement, and having considered said report, ort , herey resolves; 1, That the said report be and the salve is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imptovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whioh the Council recommends isconstmet..&..six..fDot cement„tile, sidetgalk on,both,sides„of, Carbon Street„from Woodbridge Street to. Rice.Stsrest.,.exoept.a9hera.good.and.sufficient. -sidewalks . now. .exist,... .............................. i........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 1..14.par..front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 9th .......day of `Phbruary .........,192.6..., at the' hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hquse and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvgfnj qj# total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... Jb,N i Approved.........................192..... . Ceilslar;-Clanslt.� ,•�ourmihnan-Ferguson� Councilman-•MeDonald° ,, Councilman 92M Hodgson Kouncilman 9MM Sudheimer 4ouncilman Wenzel lsx Nelson .Mr. Vice Pros. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 ;City Clerk. PUBLISHED � C COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 63996 In the Matter of..CAr1StTUQt�rig,a..9�$..1 QO�..C.@L1@Y>t�. tt�,6..S�.S14W&��C„p,bgth sides o „Q atgygq #,h ,street from Randolph„5treet..to, Nest, Seventh 5treett C P. No. 03996— In the ➢fatter of conetructing a six foot .......cementtile . sldewAnc on hofh ..................................... sides' bf 'Chatsworth Street Prom .,.....,,,,.........,.. Randolph street to Westy Seventh Street, under Preliminary .Order` 63601; approved Dec, 15, 1925. •,,,•,•„•,.,,,,,,..,,•,,,,...•..,.,.,,,, 'h The boiltollof the Olt of �t� , Paul ....................... � py�n ro, Ivod t a ra ow' of tho Com , I� III Illlllllllti�� Oa��ldB�pQ�l�ll������1�„��I,IIII�I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 II I ,��i under Preliminary Order .....,63;601 .............. approved ,, �9.G, . �5.,.. �,�2rJ,................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved an# adopted, and the said improvement isherebyordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Poot e,@r efit,t�jQ,.� d�vta�k„q ,bqt ,sides„of, Chatsworth, Street from Randolph Street to„WestI Seventh.Street, except where food and sufficient sidewalks now ................. ....................... exiAt.�............................................. ............................ ...........................ol.................... ............................................... ..... with 001hula4val and that the estimated cost thereof is pr fmt Foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, , , , .9ft.�, , . , , , , , , day of ..... Fo.brUP-7... , .... t 192...6 •, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. JAN • 1. ...... • 192...... .. .. Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. Mayor. -Eeuncilmep<C1auc�r �s�� � F�crrcilmaa^'Fergdsorc�-= Couneilman�leHonaWA.�, \,"CouncilmaniMUX hodgGon Councilman ftW Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mlybr"jw Nelson ylr. �ioe Trap, I��+c�ilm r Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..CA1�StT'UC.tiYlg..a..six. faot..cQmatax..t.�l@.aidel�al>�..gr�.b.Qtk�.>3de8 of„ FAVA. qad from Snelling Ave;„to Cleveland Ave, 0 IC. F. Nb. 63997— constructing a �"X ? ................................................11ntthe 2w.tnt of .................. oot enf rordtlRoadefrolm 8ne11ing .o Cleveland Ave., euaed Drec. �y Order 63494 aPP ;Holl of the 4 of 8t. Paul .................. Ived the repo t of the Com toe above ) 1. Finance .........................................................:.: and havlupon Considered ..,,..,,.,.,...... ''�•, tiV rQy01V08� r„fl �hP under Prdmmr Qnr,,,,,,,63491,,,,,,,,,,,,a rond W2 I al(il of the City o1 R Paul liiq fuid the report of the C011116slmf o1 dinllu upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Six,foot Cleveland Av.: except where food and sufficient sidewalks nolo exist, ...................... ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... .�........................4..................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1, jQ Pei, gront f oot , Resolved further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the,,, ,,,,,.,,,,day of , , , . , . RebrUaxy . , ....I N. , ,6 ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated, JINN 1 31928 Adopted by the Council.........................192...... Approved.........................192...... ity Cler . N........ ...... ..... Mayor. Cnimrilm n flancw PUBLISHCD � Couneilman-l;ergusom—, r uncilman-�MeDonald- ✓Councilmari tnX Hodgson ACouncilman7Suft Sudheimer /councilman Wenzel Nelson ,'fir, Vioe Pros. Forgosou orm IS. A. 8.6 r � COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of,CAtaB,txUC�S1g,.C.,StX.OAt..Cement„���,511�6�C�t1f,.Qi�,b,ol1,S,a89 of.Fip,1� xeei;„ #'rom,.T,amn 5t., to MA49lp .A. -A..... ................................... ICNo. 63998- ......... I .......... F ..ln 'the Matter of constructing a six ..... I foot cement tile: sidewalk. on both ...................... �I tides of- Finn .Street fromJames St. o Randolph St.; under Preliminary order 63490, approved Dec. Sth, 1925. •• ...........................................j Tha Council of the City of, St. Paul ........................ (having received the report of the Corn - " of Finance upon the above .................................. .mept.ai b:::^.:.egnsiaerea.......................... under Preliminary Order ......... § 49Q ........... approved ,. DeC; 8th,„1925,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..a0Mtr.uAt„ 0„ 2J00t gement. t1J.e..sidavialk.on.hoih.sides.nf..>ii�n,Stx.Q��i.�:>7Q.m.,Sa�nes.�,t.,,to,,,,, Randolph. St .., ..except..mhera. gaol .and..suf �i aient..s3 damalks. nose . Qz�i s t, ..... .............................. i........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1,.1Q .psx. Xr.ont f oot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... A ....... day of ........ Ptabrnary...... 192. B.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imp oveip-gtl�ndA the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....JJ......II............. . . ..192.. , .. . —c Approved ................ .........192...... Ccut�ill�laft-61aac�...� �oltnneihmtllr~Fergnsorr” Eoaneik=+CDan ld CouncilmanIN9014x Hodgson ,.-CouncilmanSxMx Sudheimer - Councilman Wenzel May©r3uQmx Nelson 1/mf. pace vme FeYrgwer Form B. S. A. 8-6 J Atift-LL.J (_ o COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..0.On,WUCtlxT g .a..si.x. Xaot. , cement. tile. aIdemea on. both. aides of. •Grd.ggs..Straet .f_-om. St,..0.lair..Street .t.o. Fairmount. Avenue, ................... C. F. No. 6x999— ............................................• In the Matter of constructing ahsix ..................•••••• foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of tlrigge Street frn m qt 17 a .............................................. Creel to SFtti,­ . .. ..-. ........................... iminary;'.. t7th,'7 "".' ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .......... 0M.......... approved , ...Rgy : 17th, 1925.. , • , , , , , The Council of -the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..CA1 amna. A.8usoot cement..Ule..si.dualk,on.laoth..sides..of,.Grig a.Street.�xam. MNO to. •Fairaaount . Avenue,.. excelat . alae-ve.-good . and . suf,£i.c iant . sidewa 11cs.. nov..exi s t, .................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1.10..per . f rAnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 9t k ..........day of .... F.el=arl......... 192.. fi ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve vAit s4lte total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........... ............... 192...... ��lla S a 19�1� Approved.........................192...... ......City Clerk . . ...., Mayor. �ei}met�Glaac�—. / Co>st�eiltna�-14IeBens�d�..--.___.� I/ Councilman ID MOW Hodl?son /Councilman 9mdt X Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /bypr— x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6- 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.CA>�StY.UC.L1rig..a..s�8.O.Ot..C.61T1dnt.1� 7,8.&1deNla�k..Ori.bAth.0.ldes OZ,Qtt,q.agA14e„ rgm,Chatswprth,Street,to Pleasant Avenue,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........................................ C. F. a Matter "In the HIatter r oY constructing ,foot cement the . sidewalk .................................... ... sides-.of.Otto Avenuefron.:,a:v...... ...... ..... .. .... .. ....... worth Street to Pleassn� under Preliminary Or.� ,.., ....................................... proved Dec. lsth. I'll .,>:.................................... The Council of the Cr havin4 reook'_ `• .................................... .. mfralc 11. .................... ...... ... ... .. .. ...... .. ..... under Preliminary Order ... 0..0 Q0 ................. approved ....DOC . 15th r„1925. , . , . , , . , , , .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .PPIROKVAt. & six.f00t cement. tile..sidainalk..on. both. sines. nf.-Ott o..dgenua. rrOm..GkL�t �woPt,I}, Street to • .Flasisant..tmenuo., . exnept. zliene . good..and. s uffi cient. s id eaealka . =11.. 0ALS t , ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.,10, per.: rout foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... Sth .......day of .....February........, 192.6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 1 81@96 Adopted by the Couneil ......................... 192...... J,'iN 1 � 1R°R6 Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. ... ............ .............. ... Mayor. ,Councilafea—Fergusen-- , vin ' Councilman Matin x Hodgson Councilman;SKA x Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel ��a Nelson /Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,-� 6400.1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... aoriS'fmaitig . 81.the south.Side..4#..P�.@aSeT3x..Qo6...'Rm..i3$..#QB. weft. p�ptxke ,$tre0„to•476,geet 176St..4#:.D1?•lCe..StFaet................... C, F. No. 64001—. aeemthe ....... In the ffiatter of constructing the we and retaining wall on south side of Pleasant Ave. fromet to 116 1Qet ................. feetwest o[ Duke Stunder Prellmin• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, west of Duke StrrSent. roved. Nov 20• r - -ary order 8321 uD t: 126. =r of 8t. Peul ....................................... ^e.C- 'he.Cow-. ...................... . ! Y under Preliminary Order ....... 6321.0.............approved ..... KOY.., ?R ..19.?5.4................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aonstruot..a.."Mont t l�„wal ,and„retaining, wall on the south side of, Pleasant, Ave. fro...138 .. fe.@1;..l�QSt.PX. Alike..S1rset..to.:47G.f9.et..Wggq ..9X.pVkq..street...................... ......._..................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..7 150..Dar.Xront foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... Rth .........day of .... F.ebruarq ......... 192....6, at the hour of. 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the. nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 1 31926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ... .... . ......... �-Cl Approved.......................192...... . .... ....... Mayor. Geuneilmaa—Fergueon— ,/Councilman X=09 Hodgson /Councilman 9, 'I x Sudheimer /'Councilman Wenzel �x Nelson orm r$P�'°A rr.. Hr"'a i ”, IX COUNCIL FILE NO....., ........ . By................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER �� 009 In the Matter of..C.OrL9Lxu4t�1?E;.G.Ur.1IA6.oA.bOt..G�A.R�..$1�P�r�.4`..$t�'9@t... from. westarn. Avenue. to..Onei.da.Street,..... _ ............. C. F. No. 04002— ..... 1� thebNiat sides at cof tSuperlorc StreeC ............................................... '.. .. .... ......... from �4estern Avenue to Oneida Street,, under Preliminary,. order ,,.,, .... 00014, approved Jul" 21, ................... .... ...... .. ..... The Council of. the CltY of it. Pau ................. having received, the "'^Orop=thee Cone ......................................................-Tkrovemrot ; eon" .................... coni" ...................................................................................................... JUly under Preliminary Order ,,,,,,,60914 ,approved ,,,,, m,r, 21f„1925;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Th Nvil of 6 i of St N Nihau fay cd the fgfo of the Cmloliu of l iwu up l the im igfomullt, and huiq co ilifcd said tgvi, hit remm 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends on.bAth:aides..0X.SUPQr.1ar.Stxe.t..from.nestexn.Av.6Avfl..t,p..pi�eic��, wtreet, ............................................................. ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...�.,.���.q%... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....8th.......... day of , , ...FabrUM ......., 192. & , ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Mall Building in the City of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, JAN 1 319'6 Adopted by the Council . .............. . .........192..... . JAN ? 1gs Approved.........................192..... . .C�t,�ei}rnarr�E-tar►cg-�• Gouneilman--Fer$usan..�_,... _Coun,dIm"cDonald - ,: Councilman 14AEM Hodgson Councilman SEW Sudheimer �Councilman Wenzel :t aj&1WZ Nelson i'. V111J l�r(S� nW'�� ilgfln� Form B, S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... Unatr=ting.curhing.,on.b.0th.s.idee.,PX. ziAbADJt,,.Xro.. ................... . ................... . ...................... ............................... -- ........... , .......... C. F. No• 64663— curbing Inotuhebothttsides ofusLlsbonS,�t• frog to Garfield St.. under ......................... DouBl I St• order 61314, nPProvea A." I' " .. .................................... Tug. 12. 1926... .t• of Bt. Paul,.,....,................ Tho Councn r „ • •�.e under Preliminary Order„ W7 , , ,, , , , , , , , , ,approved „Ault �4. 1.10 925,..... , .. , , . , . , , , .. , , Tho Council of the City of St, Paul haying received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvaoo , and having coil i u d said uport, horoby molm 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...CAU&tT'ACt..41'b�1ag pp. both,sdes,of Lisbon St, from Douglas St: to Garfield St., .... .......................... i........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...U51,Al....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 91;,h ........... day of l6,brguy.... , . ,1192J, ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iT4p vGm�nit� nd the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... Approved ...... ll N' !..: TOO::...192...... �enneilman-Elam"j"" �ourtcilman' Fergmson� ... ,Councilman -McDonald' Vouncilman llt*Qoxx Hodgson /Councilman 9tftx Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel //Mayor 11W Nelson Form B, S. A. 86 . :.. ..... . ...T ..." Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER ri ��f>�OO,-11 in the Matter of. ,Canstr,Uoting„a..six.foAt..eamant„tile.aidewalk,.on.the..nArth side of Robie St, from Ohio St, to a point 221 feet west of Bellows St,, C. F............................................. No.64009.- n the Hatter ,...,, foot of constructlo Hort cement file sidewalk B a six j 6t. to aelde 0 , Roble 8t, fro on the Iowa a point 221 feat west o Ohio •......................... 62765,0 pproveat PrellmlPary artier Th 4 r Doc 23 .................... .. h4vlrt t & received t the city of ,at, Poo MjRjoper Of rlilil top '10 nlprCm4ht �� I11111lei i ll 11. It III Ill lop Q pori, Ih � under Preliminary Order, , .. , .. , ''/,6 , , , , , , , , , , , , approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Q0nstrnct..a..s3.s..fo0t Qerpea.Mlq sjd�yla�,$,,p ,t�}Q,north,,$ de,,Qf,ijQbie,St,,,from,Oh Q, St, to a point..221..faet..was;L.af.Bellnva.St..,..except..where.go.old . and. .suEflc.fexlt... St,............. ............................................................ .......................................................... ..............................4..................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-L1Q.per.,rront foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ath......... day of ....February.,......., 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. A - N 1 3192G ............. 192...... AN I 106 Approved.......................192.....` / �; ...,.,.. � Cl y Clerk. ......................... ..... Mayor. Cemrc man a Couneilma-rOgason Cwneilman-M*Demk -•— ,,-Councilman 10611159 Hodgson ,Councilman 2al>[iaC Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel (; X46r.3XP= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE N0 . ............. . C, F No,' 6400e tnand extending NolsoniI.",'" e. a deMaar shrill Ave. at," stern An by'tak- !ng .and condemning such Harts oY Lotti 1, 2, 3, and 4, $lock 86, Dayton & line 's Addltio4 as ".,1%,"t le 9oath or a lino d"""ed'. ae a "T I Be glnntng at n Aoint Be. oY Nelson Ave. - Interseotion v ,. .tern .. ,1 By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of......:....:::..:................................................................. Opening, widening and extending Nelson Ave, and Marshall Ave, at western Ave, by taking and condemning such parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 85, Dayton & Irvine's Addition as lie South of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Nelson Ave, 213,33 ft, East of its inter- section with the East line of Western Ave,, thence on a curve to the right that is tan ent to the North line of Nelson Ave, of 400 ft, radius and 32 191 4111 central angle to a point " on the East line of Western Ave, that is 62 ft, North of its intersection with the North line of Nelson Ave,, � >11 Also such part of the NW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 28, Range 23 as lies North of the following described line: Beginning nt at a point on the South line of Marshall Ave, 167.25 ft, west of its intersection with the west line of western Ave,, thence on a curve to the right that is tangent to the South line of Marshall Ave, of 320 ft, radius and 160 231 1611 central angle to a point that is 13 ft. South of the South line of Marshall Ave. and 77 ft. best of the west line onVestern Ave. Also that miscellaneous tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, Township 28, Rarge 23 described as follows: Except the North 33 ft, for Marshall Ave,, the West 77 ft, of the East 110 ft, of the North 76 ft, .;•:HYG�...,VLLGLV.:+P. VM,.:.+Mo...:&—AWA VAA 11110_ of Nelson Ave, Also such part of the NPS 1/4 of Section 1, Township 28, Range ► ui 23 as lies North of the following described line; Beginning hurt at a point on the South line of Marshall Ave, 167,25 ft, 'Nest I of of its intersection with the West line of western'Am, thence i of on a curve to the right that is tangent to the South line of Marshall Ave. of 320 ft, radius and 160 231 1611 central angle to a point that is 13 ft, South of the South line of Marshall Ave, and 77 ft, west of the (West line of Western Ave, Also that miscellaneous tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, k. Township 28, Range 23 described as follows: Except the North 33 ft, for Marshall Ave,, the West 77 ft, of the East 110 ft, of the North 76 ft, Coyncll�g,an„Frx�uson_.. Eouncalzaat�.112.c1?.anald.::,••�. ijCouncihnan MpEiPeYtR Hodgson /Councilman Sti t Sudheirner Councilman Wenzel Xgor..lWPKX Nelson j _/ Mr, Vice Pres, Ferawo)l Form B, S. A. 8.6 ,r t } ........................................................................................................ ............................. ................... I.............................. I.......... I........... ..... ...r................r...............................r....................................i . r.... UgdCr �r�lill�illar Hui I I I I I IMP I I I I I I I I I I I I ��I�'uI u d ;141, 1 M, � Y 1 Il 111��11111111111111111111111111 The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......................... Open, widen and extend Nelson Ave, and 1Garshall Ave. at Western Ave. by taking and condemning such parts of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 85, Dayton & Irvine's Addition as lie South of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Nelson Ave. 213.33 ft. East of its intersection with the East line of Idestern Ave., thence on a curve to the right that is tangent to the North line of Nelson Ave, of 400 ft, radius and 320 19' 4111 central angle to a point on the East line of Western Ave. that is 62 ft. North of its intersection with the North line of Nelson Ave. Also such part of the NW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 28, Range of 23 as lies North of the following described line: Beginning rt at a point on the South line of Marshall Ave. 167.25 ft. Wet euof 'of its intersection with the West line of Western Ave., thence Sof on a curve to the right that is tangent to the South line of Marshall Ave. of 320 ft. radius and 160 231 1611 central angle to a point that is 13 ft. South of the South line of Marshall Ave, and 77 ft. West of the West line of Western Ave. Also that miscellaneous tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, k. Township 28, Range 23 described as follows: Except the North 33 ft. for Marshall Ave., the West 77 ft, of the East 110 ft, of the North 76 ft. x' Eouncilut�n�.Mcl2nnald,.,.M.., ✓Councilman MOW Hodgson /Councilman Shot tcc Sudheimer 'Zouncilman Wenzel Mr. Vice adg. Fd Nelson }�-31r. Viae Prue. Futgaeon --� Form B. S. A. 8-6 -- W i �y ]9 wn ent r ................................................................................... .............................................................. ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. Z,'3QQ r QQ. , .. . . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........�tli, , , , , day of F.ehruar� • • • • • • • • • 192• • .6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber iv notice of Court Commis oner of in the City of St. Paul. That the saidsmeeting ito he pBuilding sons and in the manner provided by the Charter slstating hle time nance gand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. • JAN 1 31926 192..... Adopted by the Council ............. 1 31926 .. ............. Jf:id " ' '••�• City Jerk. Approved.....:...................192...... .. . . ....... Mayor. CoUndW�L ..Mrponald_.__. Councilman NgUbU Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Ma�Or Ff�tgsorcx Nelson r. Vice Pres. Fer{ usm, form B. S. A. 8-6 i�, r. ryjya CITY OF ST. PAUL OO�NCIL 4 NO- --- tial •- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i t— RESOLVED That the following named .persons are hereby 66ppotnted Judges and Clerks of Election in their respective election precincts, named below, for the City Primary Election of Tuesday, I!hrch 16th, 1926, the General City Elec- tion, to be held on Tuesday, M%y 4th, 1926, the Primary Election held I:ionday, June 21st, 1926 and the General Election to be held Tuesday, November 2d, 1926: pWv d. 1-14-1926 Jr Agrtorporation oel. -.- COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Cdhneil)"—] --- -392-6-----------.192._.--- Yeas Nays 8 4 7R.96 Approved----------- ------ ------------------------ 192 ------ ,_Hodgson //.. X = ..In faeor E 1� McDonald {�� MAYOR - Sudheimer; _. .-...-..Against �UBLISb j ` l i Wenzel ggfy vr"Amts :Wgess Ulm Me SWOM634 888 sU= st. RYe]� Q. Ste, 4 ire. 7ehiloatdae . ifatferfy� e57 ZTadolts sti Qle,rlatts H'La�tiel IIns"*# .�1 t pmalmots -pmt 836 H. -000k Si. 8erkt►s 1%"befts Go a= Ste mmewftt $r 3r1409 4" Burr St. Mtft*k Wa, %"ion, 687 wk"tte st. Qlaut�Ca� violet J. W"Uoi 6T2 Avoli St. �t 8reatmsts y4°d Pat" LOWYIM, 647 Beal'0, va st. Anisms C. ajr on. 688 BeQ ova at. Am so rhm f 70l ZWOrd St. Qlodm A% Do QV*Or pl*t, 668 at. Mgetl" St. RaPh Alvta 5 866 SemMt St. M,ft+ds Ja4gass Mras A=metta Lar604 481 so 4020babs St. Do"R3►Q J. Sellys 786 Olesk Ste, tJra. ria Jail& fteler. 788. Jaaai�e St% OW �s Herm m LUS034 431 Be Ulmn4b&ba St. Hdfira Ug4dAm , "0 Baum st. 4th este was t'. W* avanmen. sr.* Of Qiark Ste Chas. W, Voss# 924 westminatev Ste MM -w O ds W03 bloc% M O%rk s6. Cles!ltas -*MVM T. 1'mWVOp a" Qluk 6t. aftrgs 144oftrgt No Wastminater at. ft Preelucts Mass %ftboas H. Bovemn1 906 Mot& Ste Om"Aw mft. natal, 806 vm1m 3 5t. WD. He1Afe IIS• Sabr00dar, 920 HTS' St. Cltokes Stb1I8etes Cn, 698 Wel1e ste luCv'r 0. l&wtG=Gnf On Walla St. -9ixftr ffi, Detw4uist, 608 York St. Aieickss.�_ r� Mum 1). AblgViat, 608 York tits Alvira .R. Hassiwo (we -MOT Sime St. qta rreoimots �tvigass k+ R�sdpta, 7Q6 :York St. , amres. 782 S!." St. signs Valet, ".66 We11s st. Clczrkss ftuvs it. HOlmbearg. T18 York Ste ggfy vr"Amts :Wgess Ulm Me SWOM634 888 sU= st. RYe]� Q. Ste, 828 C&AO at. ire. 7ehiloatdae . ifatferfy� e57 ZTadolts sti Qle,rlatts H'La�tiel IIns"*# SO Z. Cook Ste Mrs. $. He reeareonr 836 H. -000k Si. FUST 1 • st �' owo 109'8 case 8t. raa' >aoroa8 st. • Zi>'t<.� � Ta�h;� 96$ >�frl Gtr .. O�rprktr: - �ether D. stago 10" 4 t 04 Go RBAs- 893 gabp 81ia X$+61i4�IF. 3w AlrrBr 3i 9 mcda Sts 8 r 'L�a 1s $P 711rw E4 Z108"l a sts C Ltaw ' 8. s 89004 ke . 011'11nZIt S$. sem, won noun R004 809 s* oeratAM s0.w 1118 Pm$nAtt jw0st <<T' *go awe At Noradoo IM Eolton at, Cllr OOp3t1a 6t 841Wt� • 1061 J�4Bd0 libr , Was Mudstbe BrQbAM=oIOP3 SMU# '- $t, t� w Joid* ;4 U1166 MB* 40i mAno at, W14 * ► 026 a# mmoux at* c� we., `MWva 3r 598 S. 00* 8t, Albert 8r Br XWO3 8#r gtarhst R"40 Xszoo4 Zip? HIM A nth posoftbRt t 8. n st. Hstraid W No zwso ! at, gJsstrt Ar J*. At hIIMk�: 'il� $r LigreC�lt OMr F tits. 8woo x. ►• vsi& 9at v4pwus at* 14th PlRedtgCt .1gr38Mt►t OftllwIt no Hltll inoo In$ wou at. fir 1i, robblDl im, 461 taw as., b4eY E. J011tlAttfw 19'8aboto 8t. —fq�tob ZdbR t ...68 • , •, . i89d Z at '' ttet�:3�w >�taa� dalisis st, $« Lla tR 9!9 she as, art « 1►► • +a► St. o A88 4Ift,'Str Woo xi �io St.,, t6gt mollmitt est 11010 ftllt#,m QAlibt4 m +ipb6Am rig St. ►Z=0 ,741 t, Toe$ s;, 'TOht! "44MMOO. M R. MWIMAd 811. r1�kk�tr �TA4pb ffis epr� 769 E. MWIend SU deeOt r 786 E. V%VI=d St. ipth 3 aoiactt t on No 00ww.S"S tq. 918 ii4iii�. tatca«+►— U* std* ol+a�t olaApt> 2.. •fir �ttYls lots ss«so. ft prsoitltt Nt1 8opdtto 8. Spi olo2OR• Un 8* ]6 y�►tti PMet! �?kra. 2189 Carol= St. Ott, •;Delete d. JotneWa� 1216` Ran St# C7.�rlaee Van 0* �4i1tfY* 1'1" & :010411111168. Ift6 1 a. $PAA Uj* R, EPo13e. Att 1 Rt001441 t ft"On Rs W44 IW 40RUA674 t$*,. E* G �M3ly P. News" IOD AMA* Claus: riWe �'. �ecMt, 140 AMAs . . B�t�t2R0 & �a1a»�188� At!4o�Aa St* I'm pms m$t Mows Arvxw o. ft1t3110 8b8 riv st. woo Ibm No OWN 8t: tea► abas ttMtold; clee�cat Vn* AIM R. 33OX4 St* 5. .M 7r mor Ar Fri Air Nle DWW► Oh 2?ree44091 MONS 8ax"04 Soret W# 0eaeq R. 14 AYb1li'4 darn 0#��atl br it �Taeliq► +%.r t Cu %$I*$ 74h Yroaiaotr aw8osl wjw MAW* hoer Cru9iaaiar • Y 3�r� Ar N OiMth1►r • ft�l Af: lira, bbh fra0inoto 8!. A* AiiaM► w, nlr04 Out $► priab"i AMA D. X9480t 144 to lih "R 44 OWN M M R04M Big 169 s. 71h St+. 987 $o RhMOWA Sti w 8% M 8e*% Sgt 746 Awe soy 99i$ ► st, 9134h 0. 66$ pma0 at, On s• bomb 0, 90,E gw shlb st* 41 aaaorb Ott 04 boot St# 40 'q1 A". 608 float St. 848 m. TUrd Bt, • v0si i;at ► tr a. 4" Data A"r Mildred L O laaaa 04 Was ATOP 0�;a1i�NU AM 0. IRMO ATOP aeon 0084 8� Px'eaiaa4i JWPII We# M47 84 nea4m# 4►78 Hates A,*** gra. Joan Lo 0aa1504 696 B. powpoh Sto LlalrarioA GN Andarao O 718 Sr 40 St• Olerml g, a, N U4 Was Aft. *e* susooth ©fariaap 7S6 r. Foarih s . bd Prea10*1 MOOS ne' • No" S. Slstero comw St. Ff nk Le 3044 M Iris Ate, 0lerkat • dote► Q. ► ss$ YOU AM. -*so 1= 4= 8ealkah, 209 We so. Pamolnael � *Ya;, utw�yyy��gs�_8. Uttar ll�od�$� ufmde{�y8 vd! . put A)"UO / P4 short Si. VOW F! Riokorr, to VAd& AVO* Iwo,;�►a�lgr 3i, a, ;Qt r St. 7r mor Ar Fri Air Nle DWW► Oh 2?ree44091 MONS 8ax"04 Soret W# 0eaeq R. 14 AYb1li'4 darn 0#��atl br it �Taeliq► +%.r t Cu %$I*$ 74h Yroaiaotr aw8osl wjw MAW* hoer Cru9iaaiar • Y 3�r� Ar N OiMth1►r • ft�l Af: lira, bbh fra0inoto 8!. A* AiiaM► w, nlr04 Out $► priab"i AMA D. X9480t 144 to lih "R 44 OWN M M R04M Big 169 s. 71h St+. 987 $o RhMOWA Sti w 8% M 8e*% Sgt 746 Awe soy 99i$ ► st, 9134h 0. 66$ pma0 at, On s• bomb 0, 90,E gw shlb st* 41 aaaorb Ott 04 boot St# 40 'q1 A". 608 float St. 848 m. TUrd Bt, 4 lite 10" ROM Sto vo* **,Vivo7 101 R"* 0o its► �eaIr � don 0 r., ON No& 0 *sog .I'm AUVII034100 s. y4ush" SO o�Melart BMW no *#o,,A..Uq! 44 W4 9A0Bow .$to Wrls s. 0er',iVbe► o 104 So YJ=diab 0o 1#� F�eoiti�otN 1�Pe w 000 41s Stttteli $. PIM 0tw Ruth t!s Bei Ou s+ Tula St. VA =s Or ca %Olt 00 mv Ott I ,low A' Ara��bpld T�a►res'�r t� �A�A+ P�ll� P► Seed, �# +�oittp `kt. dlerip�s e p• A49d"'s 10 , ego& A*04? Vfe# Dente A• .LOO* ll" lioLM Arte. Wit!► pmbots des' stsom 6 Mquako 1,9168 ur"at" Acer w. J. MAU& 8B1 »w are« a"W04► Are. luted R, teako p > Ares w lUMboth A%d= Btbols l no, too pown"I Mpll *so data► J' Patio U4,4* Y MdWs Sic $01.4jh 8+ wdeaxf 48>a met St+ Val V, 2904 P41 So wed st 18%h 71M tti✓ M 0q�1s iae>a, 3m lou A", talo. J. I wpoi l# Paeitlo Stt Clettkes OLlrietlar to $Rite# 16Sl7 Duma Ano R. B. Ortm# at 040wee 3t. SE Y:,sz'�asli k''Mtli�itidgllr� Hatlln8t41s A�`�i i�gheo9 ROB=* MWIVA, JV*• 8enpooe/► Aloo0 &0 jl� mm 8asUvattft &TO-* 18th wwdmh bis hsthXW Wo .l4M6* . aia. S. Alt:.& awmam. - ism lva. Ien. 1a►t13A L J, 1,4An1do.8C19 E.ae 8t* CisMftas a�� ar*� zo; 1L •.• �-- L �r aza mmz� srr issue 1.1i i T.i ss� 1 �vgn lot oto X01 't Huila x. 3mvewo 190 86 10th 6t• ow LO LOPS Of s, 8th at q OICC so mdamo ar "k Ste 010ftt Ar. S. Mork# 3" Be M Ste 8qd Proolaots JWODI 1'. J. D~ft**- U6 TemarMA00 $t• U** B*bwhtmA# 204 Oro" &t« Chaster A. WUIUm0„ 8o Nurs0 0t. 01akal awwo of Gordon# as Bowls St. y • .TABD Lot Peaesnotr ���.�ass awo . 3,,d 1 AOfMI aw"o Y419Crt► 18$■67 so. Ynatift 188 to ath $t. r Be bofts lag W. M 6t. AV" M a4t1 e 9t. Proof ef 14ulan soler w4 7 a# old Ste* 2440 Doerr eaut PiiQ�iq±. Q. Sob MW. lea Ps"~ aft** 937:44bui at. clog "$ Alae • rdatme, 912 Roteart St., A. s. , 166 s. 8rd Ste Ord ft"lwtr J>t M# Ike* 014 W. sato qp4 612 -01. Potwo Apt -so t '9.amorst raldlsMJ,1, 61$ 8t. Peter -Alit $09 rcleabr 66a 8attettb 8t.a 8. 8f 6 Cour ata. aft as j esf 947 s 8t. 4th px'iQ un tf h4var 7904 Q: 84th, 87 g1"etith 8t. - WV# Ams tare, a E• 8014t Are, o"t owd", I 639 codes $t. QletW We. 044100 t% $11. lath St., 114 u8: at. Psi Bt.. 66h Piti�4nU0tf . Vii* aM ta. T. 0911610 Ave, ftiimg c, 0 Of tto. Wtb A", B�QIaUurr 86 80. 9uish Are., 9lehclue Anues, 66 we Qcuess Ara. JM" Ps Havd4uo 6tb Piroolutt X11 oill ga W. 8th Ste >r. X. ObarbonvAN4 W. 8th 8t. Mom gova, in v►. 8th ste aaaagot We O , 181 We 6* St. -Apt 7, Legfrr► a, Qlanswf sea we m Ste Ind :0 7th Precincts mar 607 St: Pate! 8t. We. J• asswo 97 No. Bmith A". Jahn H. Q"sU4 883 To 8th et. Lwo tie Dal" 168 W# Svmlt Ara.$ clroe3tts awlet Ns"o no 9. 8wd* Area Qaltaa At OUTIey lib Planeant Arae, A.�e Le Kd 16104 at \ 140 Amos 11-F Kope y MMrw4x4 Sty mules w. Oseobella we 9th St. Clifts 0. Ir W8934 1��y}.,.y9���h,.S�1�.i,._ .......�w A s. 0110 400x, 1 � nNahm I s at"SO� 8A 884040.4 { w . + elA dam# ' '• 16 YbagL►N 8trt I'llm" At Satsoldwr W $# 414. St-MAt 81! gs�d :Lig IWASIV& 18'11 Ste Oiec�a►s �ahYwA'4 j, b neboutt Avg. John 4ueaes 0 W6 W&Imt St 8u4 9t ITatl hunt we* Leans Does c, 6 Leeeh Ste arse Ai4s; ww'► m Rarmon AVON liiam Leftoad, 890 Idsbaa Ste alai6a�s >�e. s�sabst�, Olesaa�, i61 4aaBoal st.j Apt.9 Now BINGIIAC# 808 Us*leamt A"##, 4th P9051f10t{.1sOgWS Ae J. 3$hmpub t 449 w. 9th Ste# Moms 8. A4 Nons *2 000buo Ste. savgaret as Da m t it $92 ate 01eirr. at* OW c' ago,, Ulm He Lo Olaies, .W *04 MrA4A St. _. Oilsrane..Padereq�4r _4 tiQodtrsalc ATe._.,,.. Oi�ir�►Rt 8M Sawbj 9119 Lovttta Ste WOW P, .Teams# 4S1 41t►W LOW Sm De�t f 489 Vim" Law" Olepfcss nab"" He Vig{1w, 400 VXw LOSS giok timelll, $19 lau Ste 6111 P,�ealub0i' �aet mhmaae TO Otaleu 498 8esatil St. Mae* Aassavents $99 D$ot'il at, BW we $aeraeuo 466 Ste Olatr St. Oleatss D�sni91;S+ delinai 499 ftam4 a Ste We♦ Loretta Ae 8, V4 401 49"ll Ste 9ih plaoii{Ot{ JW4001 We Oobliealy ' 448 dafesroan Afroo am" 0nr10e Cosi 6$$ Pdlaae at. *so AntCmotte, RSMW* 4" D6W St. Olaorla l muteth Be oil 894 Daw St. Le 10 M oto Ste 9th pownts s *so AMID 1'4=# 889 fele Ste 44% Me R"Wo 460 Moab Ste Avs, AM OostWOo 879 Dft Ste alarm{{ M. Aftr Ott, 7rA ?'003..�i�� �lBs A040r.at*, ..:�.. W04 Mwfr iib, 02arkai . At" dr, ti dd * 40 vietr' St, �ktr ,br nsiv W4r 481 ClUtwt SO, � m $60 AIMOUMS are' IO?ee 811no�t s. Home=r SO 6=wftonS Aver Thames to$Agrief 11Cf8 Wr 7`tit Sr lbw Or._Boro400 663 A04abOn at. *no Aspen sabow s 768 sudolph at. i'INot"*$ aw's"i ,)110A d. "yre00Yr 798 Tw*Wgra Are# Ar Ledopes E 1898 To 7th SO, As Be#eattgr 7118 S:s+ratt4 Argo 0lerhat Avgu§U aiMib,+i lW0 778 L08aTt Str MilabeOh Co- TAalN . 980 epctitennn0 Sfr It h P6egino A�aA�estf H ega Btdeeaoai Alts. Pe►ai' Lr �hsDel# 1004' 84. 02"s. Bt, 1 'aa Beeeia '► 9b9 LaeiUox+O AV**, 01eek01 T1s Md=kj• 2d6 so. SOtlten at.* E1�NZ • A,c.TtWas9ly, 1t111d:,Lp�fataS,IAVB+r on A"ww 84;w A�S34tOd0'D:"#R 998 dafefe Sltr ct�,aa�wi p iii 4i Wl A"1 wh Xdws* 07 Moll* 8'41 i44h Areainoto AA081 fly sraneollea, 988oa� Atte, MY ito,aotys a" Yer4w no =IM Wo or* ,e* 966 Taa mMs A"* Wo I&V Ar Own# on BOA" Area A19WVA Bir 001000, 90 whin m Arp, 16th 9reviia�at� � 'St Elt a►0rr0 A, ►s 1179 ita *z* r John Brleeen, 1601 raleae sp. SW Au L, 0offlap 1186 Tame at. t tars• l4►iAtii�t �a4Airr U62 dAn$ at, 8r aP�g4II� iD �h �,.��1�1iREt 18 _ t FM+ass Wa ' ���yqs 1M ry+A A rel. t6»rv1=10 denier U% tiiW at# ThaQ16M valur, saw jvw St. makes MWIG L. biM60p 12eJ cvaOsan Ave. Mre. MWID S, W410h elr 1209 draw St. sus Erna WON $ffi i smon titre. . r son Wt M. St gobs . ss bhs Im wo 7eh st o C J � i lot P7rsaipdf est Rita" a1 004 We WA%44 AV* pry' 11 p* jf �l A1It. ig�q/.Wpe�� y mar to �� r t�*� fid We naima',ATat: Meat mug $R pavIs!►' T g9f Wabmft Ste EftmrA Al SdoiiivuR .:ft' wR ,di e. Use D3 WOCI ;"I 46iWiti sm AR StstbAr" i.AB Rw IWams, A"o amg6afWA ar Sa9 SR Imala ft A", AldM aR exar' tWo 108 Stats St* Marks, Arthwc X&O4i IQ State Ste 3rd P#`OO�OOf +iTld$'Ygb ji lwAd4 16D 14XMWnffi Ste PAW sr BlidaU00 896 ftWGgae Ste olar�cat . 40 *Wnott f" _ 9►tsset RR a -Arta wo s at, 1�qs BR Ar Bahkitj M ww 00"s St[*. AXXPTi011gttq•►!rf9 To t►iaiinea Std 3lbae MA&SUbli'r 46: W11491'ad Ste Woo aathfirb r Pfumtr Us W« loftl Ste °14th PfNNA#+obt dn9�6ttt c t►w a. 8�1 (tt�gt� OB we atlas" st, Bim* blas to R+tCUAS 39$ StW)OW ATO* n9rs.namop Raaf'!, 16 we asero st s aleftse Raw aR ott# HnrobOldt Aran I&*, $ells SOait% "To Ismul Ste Psasfasts aaft"I &100* 1* Btt*$# 409 Sao asbot Sar P$Wl 'LR at'wr 33 Be 0*'80 Ste MOW, a. r 30 UrxAg" A"* Oieegsf Qheq�leq Blalmbattll;r 199 $ Oaotgs StN Qi>ytt 0111 �tw Utt$`ltaty a 8.w GOOMP Ste �1 Pras�l�t1 �ttd6Np0 Sisibm To Waif0'bG"*O 4" alwan A'"t loriqr' a At :**# Rw wini ' 0a Ste Wt. To MMWII%UVL So WfttftV& 84' clm�� A9Ctltw 11*000 ftr�hr is Be MOD Ste i�'it. Lpl1e t qi Be apn"a 8% mh Pi'e0tatitt t Bods Y Stommoo 00 0'tW to Ara• Mot ;2. ails 4% Baku Ste itattr'er01►1s 0: Dalaaar 8481, Btbit Stw alatkgt R�► It{It' �IIp� w BMW Ste �y��7� woo . A089 Sla tme .�.' QBb Kim Ste A 6 SUMMED 7!h rrAafi�vt0 dadgaeR ' ' Jap StaDarFt> l36 �+ Cepe�f s#, TOM.:9000 " Aa v4satCr 174 $to"= at. *so BWtbA 16 Ottj 1S4 Ta 00;90 $its Cle�ei AOic �% a97 a st,, RoUftUt B. fiteNUM, 709 Coble AVQ# A** J. Poteromms 48 s Louts& Ste S* Fr v4bW► 16 S. Angt U 8t. i%1,11�k1a1 Wait 6WAMM* BUUQO24: W# UAW 8t. 11th P4'Ilpinsts awcou, IV$* E'M� IUW sm ten, 87$ COMOV4 at. AU"' H WI0 tM oboson, 644 BMU Aver John tQ 7f tap►�rtiolc f lB8 S. Ceax'8s St. Clekicae Ha"l S, itecrk#a�* 888 meow Ave& Ifts 897 1reeeott Sts 3 kmlmte i get No Sr 90KIri All S* Colo "o Star 04to parlti M & B#MA st. , Imes. As&* cougissi 8% �Uw4filpSo o, Obsorems''St* OttM A»f y"� �7 Voo* Maio P.r sot+la +i'k 914W; A". bi�►rtce: We# am Biapbui SQ, DOU96*6 AV** *Br Aum aglow,, m moobe AV** 14t1i procinQtt JOAPP! aye. babe 1b;ON "S sod eai.'th A"" Mrse John Ar , 607 am* Ste rZo ■ Latta A, nf►pttY, 788 Ohio 5t. C�eeket am 8, CIAM OVA � Ste 330 TOMAne , a Ili PmIxtopt Mon W# Ste ZWO 06' ;oMbp, 4W So B0111diera 0, 100* Cplta Bktoc"s 848 Cates St, OA soot, 633 & 1W at ��C81 William P. laaels 2.68 E. Gates Ste , We* Cathe7iae m000nep om Se PAP Ste a f+,� 8• pmt; 1st Preolztatc Jnxlgas: O'olsn Ar ►tea 873 ael�iy�ve+• w....; Pa 3. Cary mt4vt 276 DROM AT-Ap#s 14 Ike. Berp V. MWVW# 872 DWton AV-Apty 7f D a14: 0140 a. WOO e09 Pa rtan Use � Au" to QftAW4 2.471 sear A"# avA7resinats 3udow Aver Nora MOP To"ki 161 us= Jos• fts Avetino X69 RLM Aver ?� IMD'* Ha Z. �av1! 714 v4sta= Am -2000 Ox�kas Ave, YAPp Z69 visa sism s 80 W*NtftvA A", NQ# > ird z'reatusti j di6aos Ar. 4 Wallwo Us Shcw Ave. J02M Lr Ddwmvo 442 Mmahalx Ave* 8Wth4.7• > 1pR 402 DkYtan Ata* Cxekkei 1W A• 40&1 as$ Belson Aver Jfa 20 Fanftda A", ySy*�AVdl�rybryyy# 4th r 011 Yw�prs: 40 S=vAt Avert ldi#�Y Al1eR :d. / Ila$ lR'vsb&ll Ave* H�anoe #aii ft"68ax AV% QxarMae A• ft4VOa 49s Icubost An. 478 I%r"U A" fie♦ Cr 'I 468 Boota A"" 301Ne r 0►1fa7xa0.�sn�' 440 Mhap" A" O clefts J* Sr DW* too tat $%a ZOX"h 7°a DOUSYO 47b 8e1IW AVM, 8th Proaluots ;u4pas Co Dom4 4$4 Le el: AM 41" Ro Ou"s 4166 Lem"I Ave* Woo Conetame Sib W# US= Hstelj Olowkss Lnte$ta 14 L*vaW44 xsx ft$Um A"t NO* MM.. 14. Aa P►r 415 Laurel Ave. 7th vi"inots Mves PWAI A sta*V 496 Aeh3ssad Ave. MIA, V. fir. 408 ANklmad AVSoApt.4* C8org0 a+ `; 40 ASNO133d Avec 113as 8ktppe'" - 464 A". 8th 8r anos Jodo$$ stomr No. Rv&WsO% 40 S=vAt Avert 441. le �y�` - 4ft sTWO Ai'sl Cx�xes 18th !'A'MO#f14t# +I�gOA# Oaollgxe We Dom# 8D8 4Aoi#!la�t ASIr:° ' Z4 Castles 60 CambiAh Are.: Clarks# �k-..-- 18ati 'B�Asirraiir mar' ltlro, 3 bel C. vita# ZM. WARD 8th pxeetsati Jtidgoe# '"^ He 't?61' eOreaAtAi#y J. 04 sdamwa 167 NOR* St. } ssllir Aro. . to, Ogft lw4 00 Laurel ATA. OlAxlwrr MaA7 Ae sobwarts# 1p�s. Wriet To samtei#yu4 Rod St, We ChattA# w 7Atxeel AreR IQOh PrAAiaeR�Ji�ri 649 abj 4n AVO* t HR R a" HOW Ave* TAWliftj 64 sant St. It t HR s 44Jt Vwx4t Are. Ola�lcer m Dty'OM Ass. RIO a. MaGOVA460 99 26010" Ste i+l llh posoit is jwkpAr 3f v►" W UM" A", td d. He voCgllit 20 See St. Aib=W Ste Cleo�si 646 Laamel A4e. 18th !'A'MO#f14t# +I�gOA# Oaollgxe We Dom# 8D8 4Aoi#!la�t ASIr:° ' Z4 Castles 60 CambiAh Are.: Clarks# �k-..-- 18ati 'B�Asirraiir mar' ltlro, 3 bel C. vita# In mwduku AV** lLL'#I qAal#► L. Oa7Pp=* W#885 Ig'lal%O Are. no Je Dome OF VardisU A" Clec9tsi Joe. Ce U00140 4b8 Isto wt AVO# MaA7 Ae sobwarts# @80 ONMU ASA. 14th prooll gtt Admi Leila As DOM% 649 abj 4n AVO* ie* so JAftous 988 Dtbyttla Aree Woo $@IAA W. Sobwartti# Zig Ste notes B.lL4 C. Moro m Dty'OM Ass. D* :0 > # 4l0 Movaball ATA. t * dots t Snol4n 3. Oltd►I+ p# Ul Ate INA AV** JOlgt' A. ► 668 HOW Ass. tRest 8ttllr se havens 646 Laamel A4e. CI,Ii#tkAt Wyyo�o Ethel 31604 6% AA 10A As®. Mw N. Go" l+r # 646 Atlbland Are. ( nth pradval't Atm, I. lWteln# 440 sag" AtsR lbse. 2Mtbild• 0. Moores 819 Laurel Use ?lVjWO Na Oaf# UO Sal16r Ara. CiACJt�t Chartlap J. P&"Onr 78l LWAVOI Ase. Effie. "AM^ 8. BOUre 109 No. Grotto St. M"O. Not N Irl 4; %. %I P011144 A"O go" i** AlOwd A% A" go, *001*4 4 AMb1 14 A"$ Do* 14 Yoh "D Lwa Aft 1w go, 0010% N4 Loma WO b ftbotl MOM 1414 Is 00"WO $0 Oma AW4 An* To Sto M11*7 mobs 120 ftwd A"* Woo AM A4 ;ftAMI 6% =A %,A. Oalwbo At TOW$ 00 two no uwl" RON 4 ZWOA P* %I OMMIA AVOO MON Dow$ 1"druh A"s �AI$ "" a 24 flik Sts I, *411WL Are. OW Vie, Awa"10=401, 1= gut hiewts Aww"i $0, *A;4 b9m* so = 044rom to *000860 04y* AV*# PmimU" ad"$ Zoo no"14 bmt 161 NP AMMO me$ Autiont 1, 1414004 60 Avec 0041"s ►AAA Au, 44 14*w WO two 10 Ot )AW* Allo Do* 14 Yoh 16411t"ItAm tot. R"Iti I Un rimiNts hl*l 1414 Is 00"WO W Mods A"s 4ilawcAn 's An* To Sto M11*7 Lease vro'sdawl 120 ftwd A"* lom tLNO 11"Will moll � r So sto Oar a1* Wa; M tit. 011 Sto tb?h r►abo 8. 1404a► Bmfbwj 160 ASO, M"o A. t30DC" 100 Degr W Are. Olaks: Woo 1►91, As W4 Wo xAtl WI A"# nth poeagais Mol` 'Ito ��!� ►h �phA,'�i�r Aft Igo got �OO* AT* okr BOE t A ► rM a� aeei+aas 1440 As Abri. 0 �epOhara� 1054 AMhilatd'Arer +� a To Fp� # at Are* nabs 'N. J. 4wI use Aura" Ards I. , 1RA6 A bbd Avg. st1i�► P�levlxpapt Joig�01 Ptl4'O,Y d, De brs# soo, WNM Arra *to WOO O, 8ol"* ion umob Arra. HlkA 14 *40 4"Wou Am 01r�t �ka4 ftwool 40 As t{ 90ftat I" SO* WsWM AT# t fttt Ave 1ft t. � C. DOD w 14 $#.' OYIIlr at* 4�ad Trr+rw1� ` Jradgere AD S.O imo UnAre. fpr 4100 V. Bel plty WS 3WAlle. Fea►* BMW# U0 400 Ara. *n. arii►m A. Dairy* UK lultova Arta. f8. Flame s 4 un X042 AM R v� , AMR �Me�noOt Aft Dr, Took U14 A", • ate JIImt1ll.A�rB.rr.r�.+R��I�f,M i��i A1(t�aAO. Amt CXeMlplt Cep 8, D�fih prooluds ad pol I%tUA 26, okposai IM YON I I =I At** woo Rdh "zoo* +'i" Maui Lug Um" A"* },M U0434 AVi. C1�ket DMUOS Et. ORMISNl 0610 Amp, woo F&vw Pews X U LWob AFBs j SICHTH wARD last Precinott Judgess John `T. Pewters, I"Carroll Ave.., , Jane M. Ryan Lorene 0. Niles, 361 Iglehart Ave., 266 Louie St., Clerkat Teresa Mooney, 206 Carroll Ave,, and Preoinctt Judges: Albert R. Meyer, 145 Iglehart Ave., . Adam Stahl, 168 Tglehart•Ave., Leonidas J. Nelson, 147 Carroll Ave., Clerkat Mary A. F UM$ 196 W.-Central Ave., 3rd Precincts Judges: Andrew g. Voehn, 289 Rondo qt., Mrs. Charles J. Johnson 314 St. Anthony# George"Reuter'"# 3011 Carroll Ave.,, plerkes I'm. M. Riley,. 284 W. Central Ave Rouben Ar Wrighht#. 296 9t. Anthony, 4th Preoinott Judgess Mrs. Cora 0. %Ilingham .60 Rondo 8t., Mrs. Clara B. Hardy, 518:8t. Anthony, Ure. Marie M.,Broos, 587 Carroll Ave*+ planks: John` i H . Schmidt, 307 Mackubin St. ; Yrp_d._9'lorence.' by O�Dorulel� ST�aarr.4- -' _,. _._ _ ^`� 6th $reaixCtSt"f" J'tidggw,et . Mrs.. Aliai Gooden, 514 Fu13;er Ave., tPm. M. Peohmenn, 531 W. Central Ave., Joseph Devine, 575 Aurora Ave., Olerkst Joseph A. Lindeman, 615 Fuller Ave., Ounnar H. Bar$, 531 W. Oaatral Ave., 8th Preoinott Josses: Samuel T. Metager, 424 University Ave., Mrs. F. MoOnvock, 471 w. Central A" Frank Hartmann, 4404 Aurora Ave., Clerks: 7th Preolnoe; Judges: Louis sr. Sahrooder, 383 W. Central Ave., Nicholas Niederkorn 308 Aurora Ave., f Clerks: 8th Precincts Judgess M. J. Cummings„ 847 Aurora Ave., Eleonora"Niederkorn, 303 Fuller Ave., Fred W. Jsesrang, 321 Aurora Ave., Clerks: Mrs. Marjorie U. Russell 245 Aurora Ave. Frank Runa, 361 Aurora Ave., 9th Precinct: Judges: EIGHTH 9th Precinct: :09091 St., Diederiab J. Winkel, 377 Thomas Florence Oorcorano 538 Sherburne, Guy E. Redmond, 610 Chary St.# Clerkst Ethelwyn, R. Bailey, 62.1 Sberiurne Ave 6106 B. Miller, 811 Sherburne Ave 10th Praoincti Judgess T.-Z. Flachbook, 482 Thomas St., Mrs. Hazel F. Craig, 434 Edmund St.p .Mrs. Agnes Itagel, 495 Thomas St.# Olerkes Luoalla, 0. Weber, 415 University$ Wm. P. Horan* 407 Charles St., 11th Preoinotg Judgest John williftmet 292 Thomas St., Mrs. Lilly Young, 328 Edmund St., Paul Firnem, 354 Ed;und St.# Clerks: ,Mrs. Marge P. Kaldunski,287 Edmund St.# John Flahaven iages: 584 Elfelt St., lath Precincts Aguas Gerlach# 216 Sherburne Ave, John Venneo 174 SherbUTAGo J. J• Seat 16* Charles St.# Clarkes I Mary A. Newello 195 W. University Mius 0. Johnson# 221 Edmund St., 13th Preatnoti Judges: Stephen L. Foley$ 666 Western Ave.# John F, Diathorn 301 Lafond St., Florence O. Wendt, 608 western Ave., Clerks: Rose vi"LaBatbek 748 western Ave.# JA"- -Pi66164its jUdgess *rank J. Raab, we Blair S. George A. Kaohinoky, 40S VaBuren,St. Frank J. Selbitsabkav 564 W. Ninnehabag. Clarkst MISS Agnes Raab, 576 Blair St., James Warburton$, 637 tent St. 15th Precincts Judges: Miss Elizabeth Xnapho 979 Marion St., S X. sorensono, 278 Topping St., Norge F. Schneider, 990 Hand Ave., Clerks: Ire. V. M. Jensenp 884 western Ave., tmma L. aftwon, 1002 Matilda St., 18th Precincts Judges: Richard E. Nannemanp 425 Front St., Mrs. 9118 MoBainj 1057 Western Atte., R. E. Brooks# 819 Front St., Clerks: Carl E. Johnson, 422 W. Lawson St.1 t? Preonait dudgest PAU Traanor, 1188 Mat4l a Mre.,, 969ph A. Young . 1155 Ma"09014t.101 Florence L. Flelsohnaok®r, 1188 Oauultiar St' Olerket Getherine S. Waleh, 1118 Gaultier St., Aosaline:Gardner 1196 Farrington, l8th Preoinot:t Judgee.3 Cady H. fturs,. 1368 Marion St., Charles L. Roney,. 1621 Western Ave., Charles R. Parker, 1505 Matilda St.# Clerkst Mrs.. A., L. Bougie, 419 Wheelook 'Pkwy. Louie J. Bedneyj 424 W, Como-Phalan,; 19th Preainott Judges: Mrs. Justine Qoodrow, 216 Front St., Mary R. Magnuson, 203 Front St., Dory S. Dolan, 930 Marion St., Olerket John J. Knodel, 228 Front St., Thos J. O'Donnell, 893 Albemarle 8t., 20th preoinot: Judgest Michael A. Sailer, 191 W. Maryland St«, Rose ETeahida 1194 Marion 9t.,, aaoeriae W. 8mIth,: 2191, Rioe 9t., Ol`erks t Edward A, 9taeny, 1267 Rioe St., `- Roy Oakeei 4 1232 Albamarla St., t? let precincts Judgest Hans Peterson, Edith Rowley, Joseph Seating, Clerkes b4vi6t HoHeffey, Gustave 0. M010e1,, 29d PrecinOts Juddvas John Le a►hneka,' Herbert4m, Gerber, Mrs, HlAie BeRO9.li Clerks: Bertha K. Sohuroh, Conrad Co Haase, 3rd Preoinot Judges: James He Garvey, Matilda Wade Minnis Humphrey, Clerks: e G. Aundorf, These Manley 4th oinot J"Igoe: Carl Oscar Hoen, Clarke: 6th ,Preoinot Judges: Viola Cook, micluwl P. aav'in, H. E• Loewe, 0lerka: Theodore C. Rolf, Mrs* Goldie T«' Pem 6th Preoinot Judgess Mrs* Anis MoHarri Lars. palter $nglw John Joso, Brannan, Clarks: Pahl P.baVine, Isabelle J. Hiohe2 7th Preoinot Judgeas Mlohael Hahn.,, :ease Je MoGinley, Arthur Verbonaouox Clarkes Drank H. Asoher, Chase H. T softeon, 8th Preoinot Judges: Pars. Alloe Hustea, Patriok ;#Uc aug"nl Carl- Peterson Clarke: Olieaboth Johnson, Prank 10olby, 77 We Summit Ave. 79 We Summit AVO. 88 I990hart Anew, 77 we Summit '/1Ye« 83 w. Summit Ave* 625 Wabashm St. 424 Rice Ste 710 Ste Peter St.. 625 ;76baeha Ste 14 Iglehart Ave. 706 Cedar St.,, '62.8 Cents Par_�: 04 Preainot Judges% 6 go After 896 M ahaaso B.'Holmqu Holmquist, No ')ThoMas L Smith. 788 Baffalb sig. Clerks% Bdrr, H, ?oboldt, sr, 202 Oeneses $to Carl H. Johnson, 16 Wo Aoker St. 10th Preainat Judges: John A. Pendy, 872 Cortland Vit. John C, S71e, 120 Case St, Hilma U. Johnson, 986 Agate St. Olorkst Alphonse Wo Dri80011, 983 Agate $t. U=7 B• Drieaoll, 983 Agate St. nth Preoinct Judgee% Ernest Strecker, 116 W. Geranium St 1dre. August Fr®dine, 48 vi. Geranium st.. Mrs. Helen B#Nterson, 62 Wo Geranium St. Clarke: 12th Preoinot Judgeet R,B. MOKIlxi.gan, �1 Manitoba Atte« Mrso Louise V'18e3-0 69 Litchfilid 0. Louis J, Frank, 98 wo Lawson 9t. Clerks':', Ism M. Hammersten, 53 Hatch St. Krs. Caroline Hartman, 49 ?'anitoba Ave. i E O'AI.W '� P�►6iGarsOr Ilt - �' i Pa l Y, sem* MO MAMA at. Alipr 2w Ru4s Wiivok ate 8tfir O. &��; llsi� > atw OhrNl, gstl�l{R �� C:Mi'�41d at. Clr►Tam�6o ahiaklr�gQt, Pminotr Z'**ej :year+ a1F� Sburd - P* mjRk*- 199772 TTs` IM0 $tw ma�yy.., CYpa«r lt. `AMW4sr on so. L04400 AT. - ►e7ar#ge► $ Haenslee, y860 vee > &t.: 6fCd Prater.awpis R. d FraKdk#► 1gD'1 � at*'o mage P* r , 4"MA AT04 �ktOA6 �,� l�in�1, i164etF1sl6 � st. y 3bpi Lotto O* Hwks3ses Im SIMMMM7 AT. add�yy J* iCnl er", lab! CA]Atol AM! Uh Amies j-Wphow irohn H. iN.�r8#sr Yoe. � De . dam 3$" 9'hmo at, l." ?lbClm at. T il. 47=46 S* d7000i MO '24IM0d Sto 1Dl00st leas. Fauilkt6; Plant 14 �, at. -into- $1R► Pl'403,rf0�i �:6r PO4 it► X400io Z06 AU& at, WN AM 81►MM' ~4M Vasa aogptlrlt at. IW* 810x'" A. T011w 3t" awl at. llaalisr ldnro, $Itis O, coo" lam. vein Dwxx at# lb's► .asowd " L. Tome, >llsta at. 6th Pxouttietr r R"Th R. It" Oapttol A"o law nu no wo*, M PASOsl AT. NOww Q�X`1iR1 *so Zums ft' dot% x+99 $lelktlp>R A"* �lisa'btOh ilr1iTONIty A". iPy �/tFtlall+�Ys 1W� 011ei'lOta S11,r wlkC* t Softer Le loo, 1616 lam at. OlAu1 " 3, Andaftup fi0.$ Simpson let, 8th P�nt�iaa�t aitdBtl►t t'. 161 TOO$ U105 wind St. Jami Vit* AAW# me Slwr at* flew umwo ' ' AtrTbi us BUW at. 1414" 60 10, 8401MV AT, li0ai9 4 82017w dip NO.,- SWUSaj At, Jill IL 90h iii 1 Jesaim 4 0104 T" Sm"n.ae 8tr 4010.1 To, $,r Ate* rtabatt d4 Rr Naftv1 3Wvt A=* AB ' fpr A". 1ta► snail At• Wlj loth i+}eeiusks .Saint 'go wJ..w ��. AiO� 8teauor IGOT it AV04 a1s� �ps�1,u"O Yi ►,,T QOri 10ey 8 1t�As a1lSnB AV*, !&err Y4xa1-:1P. aoolcr.* to% Sivfts A", Uth ft"laats . Z04*01 Va. In%.'ta1m"'al I'M amasol A"O A7oY1'$ 9pAiL�Ilo�j 11 Ira* "b"Of UN Jame A, i!erte IM t44W A"* alori Emu co ow;eg>te . 1;984 u, � 8 as., » Axe.• , uft vM1336t1M+.p�w1 Y"* ftu..Ta. ,Abl"i YO�M R s a4y pour , 1""Bo oallabmn IWO f Via. rrtar Ate. ��t„ft"410Aat* 01+4�1roi lid•, B404 M 18o Y4 �l1i 4ts 0 meq► D. Aaa t 9� xa. 8a riltalr A*,.lS�h`�Pre811ioti Jellgy}ai T !s# il#@IIil4�t,J r 9” $4ob" AM Th sb 1 [phby $_9: ZOW Axes IOWA 2204 WOO AVO4 3Lith I'4' OlacC4 004MI Uri. $dk D■ SWerr, 844 A0006 Aft* paWak VISMV, gas U7,1009 Ave.. Ezra. F40ebe At girleae Ager 014001 ftod 14 2*00*' MR axaaarell Ave. Wei $oMp A. iv,OAVdM4#.881:3 uts no l�tih P1�'NOiila4i �Iga1i W, its 8obi"", 4 $afl7Pae 8 , Ari�mr a: 8m►b, 46 s , 7era� �la.1t. �►aiey►� X96 saaAde� sb, dlar�ru 1 r+i r A eA lc. 0. Galion At. 14 D014% 14164 ftpiMl Atll. lo4A 1�:'111ti' $'Uei it "* W# stdtoks � �lra r E�i3 NsAAft&SR Iitfd' 4 Agost AV,* D(/INrull Ate. alll�klMt b�'Br pm- R..Iuwlm ted 1Saa lcea4ali St. �' t7th t�o�sOtt Ji�4 -4 44 annul* 204 94 *=U Csrvio E. V red Clio Juccb G, =to Gs'�pe �v 14th prop sots Jnd *a* ratbor U. IIM Hoobal 4 CIO �l.�,lul7A L. d1rd ws BAttle L. loth PSBalsati _ JVA mmi novel N Jere. co tsn " , Alba& OR Anft Gig Burt► Lr voeie 4 �! J?roolt�tt rwra, J✓&R T..'$. 24 Who P� tJlsl Abe; items 8r Z ' Jdrsd tMn 4. &m Slat J�:eoil�st: >�4 __ fro zs Aoiftft t'. CbtgP&GS, B. pa_ no Comommits' arr. aft Carex' AYB. wiatsamy =0 Carter A". 7kol wo 2LE^.Q 00=0WOM.+',tlt AYR _0zl# aln Cater MOO Pat TOIN to 1w Obslmatovd Ste i UWO I"i tai DUM904 `at. Rd.S9 �acord st, am* am hop ABO. w0i 'mobiltwR "D.iiu4w ABB. po WNMO# M6%9 Coma ABB, V*j LR swo M" AlbUW Sat, ,-Omo its anwift 8% !JtBi 4 BJctrOg,� f=MV Wi Ylii;�R. liootel� 1$'`!d Aebury 1�R ,.Loa 8bwm OU des rterelma344 Jto, Poowl Avog 1�t6;ht�s Ebr .. �a AM -No Albult ANvi tlustaAr 00 mwiAau Am Z"S ft* MUN140 LW 9itea '� J�9 Bbsld� A'tB; { WO No Albert k:OR + t •Z , � let * :a'M:� Ja4gees • zvdse. #sasu 7555 C�eeasell Ave. . NIMAe f wum 7 Creswell Ave. Mips. Mather B. Tetee tsieadale Ave, oleskes' Ctrs. Jn1ia<'Nobas Tao Curfew Are. 11tU. A. J. J4bruoIA 760 awfew ,Ave. !� ESreoinats Jadgees • ::wka. I'. IYM Taro" lire. Lam X044840 11913 t. St. AnthwW M F. 0. gaistsom v. Ipmausst_ Ave. Clerkas, urs. ueaalen lmrswm 45 War Avemse Jsasee S. '3var 196$ St. An**V 3rd ftnimots Judges', Av,mt R. Otto 4Oe Wheoler Ata• idre.'uisnie Zola 1813 6t. AnthW Ave.. urs.'.Fieaoase J. Ow 1730 St. AnUMW Are. Cletus wre. uwlette► 00*6 09 ltsrsah l Ave. Alias S.` IM100 ` 439 No. mal"lew #ws 4th Preolacts Ju4gees Ism. She*.: Oleos 38h7 Street John 9=7 348M374 Zama 0. Stp$ufeldl VAnOke'1 Are. j6A St. Anthw Avs. C1 erlgrs Steven 0. Ledehl. 4 BO"O*l, are. „. urs. Asess W. Aldriab Street 9th heoingts TI: '0 Ax X Iver 1364 Selby Arsm er ur®. O11le M. Cema'e 1 1 Igi,ehart.Are. urs. 8dee1 8ar4otpem IM flkrroll Ave. Clsklges'i Mrs. i&tls' V. 8eleniak 1 Canal} Ave. Bits U. hood 1479 Ave.' fith Preoinwts ' jw�pss' Joseph A. Willis 1$Aldlns Street V. B, P&t 4e: 1,"t6 Dayton Ave. urs. Amoada Tipler 1709 Selby Ave. .Clarkes Ws. Anate B. Y=Mrk 1657 mortem Ave. funk M. Seston 1499 Selby Ave. 7th Prealnots JU48"I Waren 0. Larkin 1765 lsnaehill Ave, Csaat'L, YU&r ►r 1790 Dayton Ave. Mrs. Leno$* 0. Jobneon 16X6 Dayton Ave. market Urs. Ime J. snoods 18X9 Call Ave. Frank Orin Flea 170 C ri6li Ave. Stu Preoinots Jv4gee4 Uwwd. A. Slag► - X9gl Carroll-Ara. awes► S. Cnamlts 1621 Dorton tee. N4s+s Dosrhaa 3943 Casrall Ave. Clarks, silsn4te b Croaaw 19?3 Dayton Ave. Un, Adelaide L. Gerawrdii49 8oblyn Ave. r VAMM fin +gtb P�soiapts Jadgss�: . Ado1p'A to lissat#y 2039 Nrloa Are. %vas ' 1 Co A. 1;i{13* rttrade Vo awwasod ATO 41 yrsd *Very 869 M"" A". usrgarot M. yhaep$an 1990 Wart Ave. loth Preo%licits :adgists owipret 1'. Oases: 21555 Jan Arbor St. itis. Daoins 8. fl�dmbsriin 8079 amoll Ave. 7wslio J. Tlerreu 381 eta. Olevelond Avsf Olerhss Mrs, Josephine Siest W93 8oblyn Ave. we. IdA A. z! 9130 8oblyn Ave. 111D Pmimss slndon Tummut A. 0!domior gm 8ivemod P3. Jdhn hoollob 179 motor Phu Sigrid S, 9nias1l! 8ivex++�aod Pi. took Pseoipsis hdgest lt4w,, iia. Thoren', gm Daimon Awl. 1490iliyr Alio* Sn4livan 206.4 Mershon Ave.. Ulob"I P. tfs, sy 165 go. Mo"U nd •A' ft. 02. t Mattis E. r""of* 8113 Ms rsb&U Ave. *Tohn X. Paters "' St.2m"'ooilogs 13th p1mmiWO, ,i1t4pot okwo vs P. Lsm * 2x22 TA Wel Are. Was Iris Imps ' 8004 Portload 6!r*. bks+. H. Iettssr 19$7 Selby Ave. 01ar�.tl WinifredU. 200 ' 1959 Viral Ave. wwriat M. vdojmm,, 1411, Prealnott ftdgesal 202E Portland Ave. Goo. 0. erns 1934 Portland'A". Joseph W. ltofty 1911 Ashland Ave- Mra. 81is. 0, to=g 138 M. Prior Ave. Itlarbs Jobn L Tierney 2459 Selby .4ve. Miss URrdarst O l� 1S62 Ashland Am 150 Prsainott Jn186ju dors► 0. sossnsposstl 1888 Ashland Ate►. Oaelos A. Y", 1169 Viral Ave: urm and S. Gutr&w 1802 Selby Ave. d3erYss . 1"..Teeepbins A. Aan4 100 No. 3hirview Ave. ftkm a T. Poste I 1195 Degas Ave. 16tH P*ioswss awsest'' vsrths 0. kgroms 1688 Towel Ave lyra. ZAU*s V. Brown 1677 ra+aprel Ave. N. d. tlo ralerbt 1681 As%bzd Aw. 211seboth ttoker 16M Ashland Ave. N-. UmT A. Mmdiania 1790 Ashland Ave. 17tteeisgttt Jae�oot' ltes. Cpmtaexte D. M"t 29( "1 Am C. P. ,w"Is 161 Zoorel Ave, Aloxondor U. eeabn 1630 8wao Ave. cloy as 1 We. Islon L Abstor 1864 Gaga* Ate,- Mrs. Joosphino 8axrreo 1603 fixitrel Ave. _ 18tet Psaatetat JnaBeat'L 1ir0. A. vaunt, Jrr 1457 Zwo Acs. Mrs. ltathovine U. Ranter 1477 Ashland Ave Paul IL Martin 114 Io. 8oratoga Ave. CtYestas etre. Arms 0. Went&* 1 9&w+e Ave. Un. Portba 0, Draao 1 9Juom1 Ave. 191h Praaiostt Jnditoot, JeaopA 0�, ,tTet►vos 1�3 0 Ackland A+rs. gt►rrs S. e:gorgo i 1540 A�latrd'Avs, etre. 7R#11;e 8; Qbavdieu 1�t6 Peq�W.rand AYo. Cieri�ss "arms dobnoon ' 1 2 Portland A. . o 0. MWlir, etreile 1446600 Aol "d Avw.. EOtb Prusiaeti ` '. Jindgeat' ll'Nward & DatA , _ 1 Y AooAtitAtt.Lt+r• J' -Wade brown. vis $still* M. "Wo 1}60 9nrA Are.' Olerkst Nits. Minnie X. "As 9 r 14T3-Goedriob Ave. Aesbort 2. Poxiwtir 1419 Grand Ave. ales Praoinott Jndgaat Wsltor J, i• 1400 7pirmebnt A A. Drs. made g. laboad 145; Misaoaant L^c10. tdra. T. 0. Clgsoa 152Y Sargent A". CYarkst to dus A• oO 1446 Oaedridi live. Pira; Z&A 9. VAOO; 1361 8t. Clair St. PtraoimtrJadgeat' Willard 0. 8arndt 184 Awherat 9t. -James A. Morgan 1704 Grand Ave. tire. Ills A, Dix 93 Cambridge Ave. Clerks: Mrs. Path It, Rands 1654 Grand Ave, Urs. Josepbiaa Xo&wtbr 147 ek4+►1eeter Are. 23rd Pr®cigott JW%ftk Tworense I. Donavan 1922 Grand Awe. tire. I. P. Leighton 118.3 Ggwa Ave. *a, Itbol 0. idles 1897 41woln Ave. Clerks$' Y. D. Sullivan 18jG Unwin Ate• Ire. item►$ C. Jdm"n 1803 0vand lee. nth Psaoinott Jadgr+ais', Mrs. Tens P. Jobnecn 14b 9. Pairriew Ave. Mrs. GraooA. faith 1787 Sargoot-Ate. Juba gliaweara 1893 8t. Clair 8t. Clerks$ Robert E. took 139 itaherat Are. Lnoy C. Johnson 180(1 Gooariah Ave. 0 i tR!�t4 IiR=k 3. 00O 8146 Arend Ave. J. 048#ise 2147 0sratd Ave. ie>i S. Norton 2136 drwA Ave. Cletyces . mrs. Akrgaret A. Jsstes 2118 Orsnd Ave. One. A. theobaid 216E Orend Avg, 26th Precincts Jaunt Yrs. ignes 8.'8rpp 20x1 Ptrirm, t Ave. Wee. Nellie T. whttcher 2027 Pi►irm4ant Ave. Rossmoad Spiller 1977 Dgirmmt Ave. ' �ilerhsf IM. wilms 8. Scott 2035 Palrmmt Ave. we. ars ce A. Sults 2031 IAsileoous►t Ave. 27th Preoluats Jadgest. Ika. Vargeret G. Tracer 2144 Staotord Ave. Carl L. ?aeger 1984 1e11aslor Ave. Sirs.. Avner IL **j►t 2160 Juliet at. I. Market Wdeline T., Lamsile 2136 Peirce St. 'bra. Alio* C. Tom 2019 20001ph St. Esth Precinats Jadgeei 34zcesas P. a+8egen1 3764 weiiowtor Ave. > ars..:11 maws a.no4gbestr 1673 weileAsr Ava. Arthur 11.11000006e 339 VA*4esNr Ave. ". Clerkst 0. Sa1ph il01101lis 3996 8t. Clair 8t. ..-, sm. George B. killer US$ at. Clair at. 29th Precincts Jndgoms 1lax+nll 4. Seeell 425 so. .Sneilin$ Ave. Oaa�tan L:"'8roninleemlols 460 11"destee A#*.q Itrs. 1Panier 1745 Palace St. Cl erkss Garrett Gilbert 1981 Randolph at. in" 1. Papp 1703 Joliet St. rinctt Jadgsst 30111 � 8isr1 9. Vollsou 1451 Stanford Ave. itrs. TAlllan Units 1 71 Jefferson Ave. ttra. Clara A. 'ischer 215 S. Paseal Ave. Clerkst Gustave 8. %blgtets 263 So. Assam Ave. Mrs. wtnif bd Riesah- 311 So. warnlak Ave. 31st PrsOinmtn judges$ Mother Nleltiager 155E Jefferson Ave. Mrs. Ida. S., Seines 144? Juliet St. aria H. An orsiph 1431 James at, •Clerkst Robinson Sister 1499 Pelece 8t. well* 0. -Deli* 1100 Pelaoe St. Pod rroobwtt' Jndgsaa Joseph N. Birch 101 Ave. .lns%160 TO 'Raley 501 Bridal! Ave. SW47 w. W1,010e 1631 Otto Axe. Clsrkss Urs. Nellie Urr Staley 501 >;0041 Ave. Arms KoeMS g0i,Irirawll Ave. 33r PspteMat: •�' suis. L. r�4 4ft Be. Clovaia+nd he. firs. aLthsrlw► B. Ruth we nice St. Walter & ttaiiiken,' gal So. Cleveland Ave. Market Bastin U. Ruth 2094 toles St. IIra. Martha A.Bitsotriok 305 Soo Cretin Ave. 34th Prstnatt - Jaft"l, We. ifiania P1stt A 194Stsori►rt ". Simon P. Shiely 1760 Stuart Ave. Ids S. *$her 1606 Woodseorth.Aire. Clerkst j Un Jobm& P. 'Suss 1399 Dstern Ave. Vatter A. eraas 1794-Wordseorth Ave* w + w w w 4th Precinct • Judges ;r+ 8?? Fuller„A+ . 14 preainot Judgess 97,1 P'ull4 Ave. A27dia Be wittanee`' 786 Rowo $to MrBe ftttle Z. Gough 767 St.Anthony Timothy A'. Ranard', 767 Rondo 9t. Mrs. .Retene1moo6y, 695 Carroll Ave Romer T. 2rigga, 628 St.gnthOny 2nd Precinct' Judges: 909 Sherbli le 921 Charles it Mrs. Mary Boyle, 881 Carroll Ave Ju116, Ao Kee1,141a, '908 wocentxal virginia Te Hodge, 678 St.Anthouy Clrke 924 Sherburne mrs. 'Jessie ; Be' Hansen, 876 st..Anthony Elio A los a. Jana6en,; 911 Carroll Ave, Ord Precinct Judlae: 781 Sherburne gree Louiea Berrevmt* 730 Aurora Ave. Fuse Clara Stevens. 431 110. Dale Clerks: 739 Sherburne 4th Precinct • Judges "tire. Zita J001ey. 8?? Fuller„A+ . Hulbert t� MecDonald, 97,1 P'ull4 Ave. John N. U ritz, 882 Fuller ltvo. C�.erke: J Ed. we 39boldt Jr*. 984 Unive Ave. Mrse'.Vgrie ER Bibb, 1012 Aurora ave. Sth precinot iindge8s -. Mrs. Esther UdMahon, 89(3 Uni*..eve. PrdA rick le Beumen, 909 Sherbli le 921 Charles it Mrs. Anila Gcve.' Cldrke: Mrs..Bmilde H' ZabaWW,' 917 Sherburne Anna bnn,, 924 Sherburne 6th Precinct ” Judges Timothy Je Ahern, ?84 Sherburne Edward 3e Pattee, 781 Sherburne Parse nary, Amm .Cuinge, 627 Unive Ave e. Clorka: Louis Zeller, 739 Sherburne Adolph, C. Wagner, 1.Judgea: 774 Sherburne 7th Precinct Mra.'Ann$ Lae Purcell, 811 Charles Ste Rieh rd Le'Shipetad, 864 IIo.St.Albnni Alice .F3« .Bi0fak 848 Thomas St. ' clerks: RaVmoffi J. Saaeon, 701 Umpnd St. Iltre KatherineL.Mcfthon, 755 Edmond St. 8th PXQ-017ot Judaces 9tephon Lentsoh, 698 B3slsR 8t. Jennia'_Siloox !Were, 649 PP.Dsle Ste B"a ,B.. Wnagke, 663. van Buren Clerks: Otto F• Kirohof , 639 van Baron 'time Carl Schultz, 646 van Buren 14th Precinct 'Judgcet plass Jane No Clarkin 900 Union St, r S. • ,Lin& ie18, 1126 AV&1e ' St.• Mfrs, r.o111e P;merson, 1114, Argyle Ste Dierks: tire. Jt*ith.A.. Ogle, 1189 Churchill Ave Je C• Robbers, 1121 Argyle Ste . v 9% Precinct Judges: Harry BeBriggs, 799`ia4and 3r, Jos. J. ,Ulor, 606 Lacon Ste Amelia Aut'enast. 763 Thomas 9t. Clerks: Henry R, Lange, 750 Blair Ste Albert Q. 30hnson, 179 Blair St. 10th Precinct-. Midges: AmanRail, ate. 2897 P'. 'Rt18s. Edmgad b'ree Bora Riohter, 8,76 Thomas Std ItB: 4 Fioar� L1916114411 901, Edmund St. Julie00ste110, 1076 Blair 5t• •A. nth Preoinct Judges: At 1046 Stinson St. Warburton* Ruth H, '�tarburton. Rath 985 Ar&1e St. Earl VoMeDbnnell, 1087 Burgess St. Clerks: Charles I. H0117, 978_7ront 9t. Russell Anderson, 1062 `Ry¢e ,St. 2th Precinct JuAgeaII John S. qalliiiahead. 1003.Barrett 1!'e. Hrs,, myrtle McDonald, 5019 Crom*ell Ave.: Alfred Miller, 624 Como • Clarkes IIrC� .?�argaret,C.McGu1nn,7l7 "Sinton Ave* R PdrBrcaskB, 783 "Coma: Ave. _ 13th Precinct Jtudgea: John Ge 3osebaeh, 120E Folsom 9t, Retucy' stebbir�g. Mrs. Phil H.-Baneon. Coma & Cottage Sts, 1299.?*18om.9t.' Clarke: 14th Precinct 'Judgcet plass Jane No Clarkin 900 Union St, r S. • ,Lin& ie18, 1126 AV&1e ' St.• Mfrs, r.o111e P;merson, 1114, Argyle Ste Dierks: tire. Jt*ith.A.. Ogle, 1189 Churchill Ave Je C• Robbers, 1121 Argyle Ste . v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY _-l./ COMMISSIONER—_ _—_�...—..—_-.� .__ ........_ �—.— DAI COUNCIL n RESOLVED�That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens the sum of Fifteen and 50Z./100Dollars ($15.50), out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Peter Wolf, an employe of the Department of Education of the City of/,St. Paul, injured August 22nd, 1925. I recommend the above resolution for passage. A, Commissioner of Education. _ C. 4HH C Weazel— ReaoiThat the proper city.' of i cera aree veh, ereby'antfiorized to'pay to. .� Dr,•AdH. Ahreae ad /1 the sum of Flt- teen.and 6000 Dollars .016.60), out of the Workmen's Compensation Ae-: eount•ot the Generaf,Fund, for..prof—iy atonal services rendered to Peter-Wolt.`l an employe of:the'.Departmebt: of Ed-- ' ueauon of. the Clty of. ffi. PauLSinlured,? AuC a 22nd, -1926. Adopted- by tho Council Jan. 14, 1926..�i Approved Jan. 14. 1926. �. (Jan. 23-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays cl--Y-- Feigeeea— v; ""Hodgson ./1..........In favor / S1ldheimer ..........:.....Against _ 'Wenzel-_ / Mr. Vioe Plea Forkwon JAN 1 41926 Adopted by the Council-------------- ---------192.---.. A�% prov74.N. --- ...............192..._. PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL counea UU8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V'`i Y V64008 -8y L C Hodgson—; COMMISSIONER Theresa the Council by'C. F No.. ATE •--••-•---a! .Y.. 4. •X :W..l...._ edl; app;av4gd8..1926, author- d the �ale'b1 1800.000 .Water Works nde •oY the City of Bt.Peul; and ��9hereae. The propor Clty olgcer,4 uant - to enid reeolut1. and t �t�th� gh te5 ofr Mia np gvt4a. T {. IfSEBEAS, the Council by C. F. Bo: 33�, *Proved December 3, 1925r authorised the sale of $gpC�CCC or or Bonds of the City of St. Paul, and 11MMM The proper city officers pursuant to said resolution and the laws of the -tate of Minnesota, have duly chased the said Seste of bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on January 13. 1926, and VERREAS, No bids were submitted, the Sinking Fund Committee of the City Of St. Paul, has made an offer to the Council to take the bords at par and accrued interest on a basis of Ebur and One-quarter per cent per annum, Bssolvedl, That said offer be and the same is hereby accepted and said bonds awarded to the Sinking Fond Committee of the City of St. Paul. he it Pmrther Resolved, That this Councij hereby ratifies and approves the action of the .Sinking Fund Committee in fixing the numbers, denominations, date, place of payment and form of said bonds, and also ratifies and approves each and every other act of said Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the offer and sale and issue of said bonds, before or 4fter the adoption of this resolution. C0UNC1t$fEN YoasNays JAN 1 41926...._._192._...... Adopted by the Council.._.........._._._..._..._.._., -Elancy--, Frrauaon . /fes _ AJAll 1 4 1926 ..192 poved................................_..........._... _. v fiodgson _--In favor -AuDonaw— 1 ✓Sudheimer Against MAYOR ,,-'Wenzel t'tit;usxED Mr. Biea Pres. Ferguson ug of saint Paul e-� 6-1,0 S Corut tralter's of irz WM. F. SCOTT. M - 18. T. OHINDALL. - -- .45510.@ To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:- January 13, 1926. Fbr the $300,000 Water Works Bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, advertised to be sold this date, denominations $1,000 each, bonds to be dated January 1, 1926, maturing January 1, 1956, to bear interest at the rate of Four and one-quarter (4j%) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, the Sinking Fluid Committee of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will pay you par and accrued interest to date of delivery. Respectfully submitted this 13th day of January 1926• omptroll ) Sinking Fund Committee Commissioner 6f Finance f% 'W f - . X4009 - COUNCILNo.---- ------ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL vas OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --.. _. .......-..._............... COMMISSIONER---•••^ •^ - ---- laid aid5 appr�vedNov. 24. 3826 author-. izedi:tha feeuance and Bale at F1,000,000 Sewer Bonds, add Whereas the properclty otticere laws -.of h -e to Council Filne and'.thy.: laws: of the SEate of Minneaotej ti^i. s,�Rn ea to {'3' d � authorized Whereas, the Council by C B. 2do d�. roved November 24 1925, the issuance and sale of $1,000,000 sewer Bonds, and Whereas the proper city officers pursuant tosaid Council File and the laws Of the State of Minnesota have duly caused the said issue of bonds to be advertised for sale and the said advertisement required bids to be submitted January 13, 1926, and Whereas, bide were submitted and wore opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of Guaranty Company, New York, Batdoars Trust Company, New York, Minneapolis Trust Company, MiuuieapOlis, was found to be the highest and most advantageous bid for said bond issue&$ Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the said bid be and the same is hereby accepted, and said bonds awarded to saidktillers at the price named, namely One Million Dollars Worth to bear Four and One- per cent interest per annum, and a premium of $31996.00. Further Resolved, That this Council hereby.ratifies and approves the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in fixing the numbers, denominations,4bte, place of payment, and form of said bonds and also the notice to bidders thereon, and also ratifies and approves each and every other act of said Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the offer and sale and issue of said bonds before or after the adoption Of this resolution. COUNCIIAIEN Yeas Nays Hodgson In favor 'MFe•Bexeld--- Vj udheimer Against /Wenzel Mr/ Vice Pres. Fergusun JAN 1 4192E Adopted by the Council ........................ ................................. 192._.._ Appro ed... eAN...L-41.19 k......... .192-..-.. ►Aron PiJBLISi•TED1'– `�'`d ." o� LIST OF BIDS MWBr D C W #, OW,060 SEMM 1BIMDS AUMTISED FOR '—�— "a Jftmy % Im. RAU OF 9gmranity 0 mpeny, No Y. 9anbex'a Trust 00.0 s. Yu. ) 3,000;00o SO Met IMIM tl Bank, 4t. Paul ir000,OM 0066 B. Oftboas & Go„ 10"0 Eastaan, Diumn & Q,o's, sotrtbeaestern Trust Dor• ei. Paul, � 1,000.000 :1t, '1" Ur & Cos* Hoo' Td k Onardlan Detroit Cor, Detroit L. F. HatbeoblIO & do., New Yank 1,OOo,ODO O"30 -jamas Oo., NPU• ft* A=rigm satil. Hank, �St. Pod) 100MAO Northern ftvA'OompeoW Too sat3m ud Oity Oor, M400 1,000,000 9e4ak, Hodges & Co.r 8. L. Day & 9000 4000,000 Pbto2p00 Pam & Oo, salman. Oates, lute & co Harr Hros. & Oo.. Baer York 0. w, Udhm s & Oa., ""..0 1,O0o,00G Tho Ulano eta Yeah 6. Trao CO. 1,03p.btlFy Bstattook to 0000 no Ux&ants soional Blt f . ) 1,000,000 at. Dant, for 8'. 8. Hieoot Oars. j A. s► & 08..0 Iwo: � 1,000j000 Ballard � Qdj 2141*4p & 00., lim York, li) 1,Q0o j000 Vetli•aHAWy 000 14400 We A. HaarIMM & Qovs sew ,York I,sb len Bross, Dar 'brk 1,000,000 Use, P4psr 0 JafC rmr. zua UvU- 441etiy, smart & Oo. eAalr & 0046 jj 1#000,000 A. 4. 9ea3oer & Co., Marohants TrfA t 0o., 8t. Proud E. s, Routs$ & San 1,OOb,000 Blodgot & 00. Detroit Oo., Tppr 0AW"dAd Hold/s i i 40 S 3,998,OCi t 3,10,00 3,413.Oo 3,390.00 86,300.00 0 '0 CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL NQ__ 64 .1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the license issued to the Eagle Oil Company, pursuant to Council File No. 60871, adopted July 21, 1925, be and the same is hereby transferred to the Dayton Chevrolet Company, said license being for the maintenance of a tank and pump inside the garage at 694 East Seventh street. C.- r. No. G4010—By H. C. wee.el— R .. Md. That the e ed to the Eagle, Oil Cam license !sBusau at to P"Y' Council File No. 60871. adopted July 21::1926, be and the same Is hereby transferred to the Dayton Chevrolet C'PY`d license hot..I.the maintenance or a tank and pump In side the garage at 694 rest s ­X Adopted by the I1 Jan. 14. 1926. , Approved Jan. 4, I'll. 23-1920 Yeas COUNCILMEN NUYS F-gu— Hodgson favor I/ Sudheirner ...............Against /Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. Fork . ..... JAN 1 4 1926 Adopted by the Council --------------------------- ------------192_.__ IAN 1 4196 ApprN d-------------- ..... .....� 1 �2 MAYOR ` • �• � 1 E. J. MURNANE CHty Or POuea Oty� Of /►' aint Paul �i Oaint3 OWQI C•DUNN. f MICHAD-G®HARDY. •: '. VT . O. POMC[ H•A VAI.I. :7 �}} } sNSS {► } DA ttYt11tE!{L "II ,�{►�I{L +Jµ LI Department N{ V RR[ Cwv 1 " OSOAR LAW ER. AeaT. FIR 0.- V GPfA On D[iasTlv[a wlLLIAM BARRON. G. H. BARFUSS, R J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER Cwv Iwu•[ . NR[ PR aNna. IwMD.TOR OI! PoLIca HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHAS L. w.. A. L. EGGERT, LICDI9[ IIYv[CiOR B. P. SIMON. M. D. CHARLES L. SREN, aH ewRY Ilousa HaM.ix OmeDI MEG sour. uwuvu. GA- - A JOS. MACAVLAY. BYR. Pauli a PIRA ALMN �® Dvury XDeALTII ORnDCaR. JOHN MARTI. Cwv H[ALTR mi ­I I January 13, 1926 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Dayton Chevrolet Company for permission to instal a garage gasoline filling station inside of garage at 694 E. 7th St. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commi.sionerO�fPu�blio'<afety j•:.nuary 12,192E HCn.i ..�1;.nry I'o•n ;issioner of Pub 1iO 3,-fe 3t.2" 7-11",i. ee .r sir t � :�e r--Ii^n.tion Of -'_.e _a. rrn:: ',hevrOlet .GO11 nC i - GO: ;any fo r.issiO. �o is r:. statix. irs"� .e of -0 at et 7th street. ce rove i 1e Corr, o re or :rt s7.rc', an r__s, 1'atie.: dc, it ,, lon; o. 1,70111C, r.Ot . reatlbj -_.Crease Resnectf- lly yours, hi Cf Ins-�ee.tor. (fit Paul GWEFa E. J. MURNANE, ofttiui cwD-N, I'.NIV oP Polic¢ MICHAd G®HARDY. y Public ll L Department of Public Siang Department OSCAR LANDER. AIAM Acer. CHIP oP POLIe6 1¢ BARRON. WILLIwM BARRON. H. A. VA . OHI V INSPBCTOR, Plae PPNeNTION CwPrAl. OP OeiecilVes - J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONERL. CHA-- [F APFAMSiue G. IN BARFU55. IH¢FBCToa of P0.leE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OR. B. F. SIMON, A. L. EGGERT,HewLTH BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OIFIcBa LICmce1NeP¢cioa A. E. NIC CHARLES L. , ¢ICNiH wao NIHNecmw cie. H—H OMCM SU­MUNICIPAL1CIPAL GARAGE OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF � JOHN MARTI, JOS. MACAULAY, CHIP H— I-- Sufi. "LIC¢ 9 Fl— ALARM �Q j•:.nuary 12,192E HCn.i ..�1;.nry I'o•n ;issioner of Pub 1iO 3,-fe 3t.2" 7-11",i. ee .r sir t � :�e r--Ii^n.tion Of -'_.e _a. rrn:: ',hevrOlet .GO11 nC i - GO: ;any fo r.issiO. �o is r:. statix. irs"� .e of -0 at et 7th street. ce rove i 1e Corr, o re or :rt s7.rc', an r__s, 1'atie.: dc, it ,, lon; o. 1,70111C, r.Ot . reatlbj -_.Crease Resnectf- lly yours, hi Cf Ins-�ee.tor. ° Original - CITY OF SAINT PAUL • This application to tie • •OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - made in duplicate and submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION t Form Nu. - Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date k'or Licen o Operate and Maintain InComplianc witOrdinance 526 "Drivo In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATI0 to be loc ed Street Number end street r� Number of Number of Gas d�— Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Inatalle, Ta s Received at office of City Clerk - ti� Si ADDboant ^��� Bmuacx Addrrm Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date l9— Date 19— Date 19 Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Departmentof Public Safety Department of Public Works By By and Public Buildings B Y Received From Department of Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Date 19_ Date tq— Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19_ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk _..OHlce of-the-City_Clerk___.._ . --- BY BY sy Received From City Clerk Approval Received From City Clerk Date Date 19— Passers t9— Office of the Corporation Counsel BY Approved -19_ pproved19— By By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of p Ordinance No. Date 19_ Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Permit No. BY BY o. I License No.— Approval withheld on account of and applicantsonotified by letter ARSON, MAYOR • . - -LOUIS BE . V]CE-CNAIRMAN CHAIRMAN J. M. CLANCY. ' CAM. OF PVeLIC SAFETY • ARTHUR CAI.. MRS. P. N. CARDOTG L. R. S. FERGUSON. CA M. OF EWCATIaN L.C......ON. J. E. CARROLL .. W. L. DARLING COM. OF FINANCE �ki�lnningIlxd A. C. FLOAN J. X. MCDONALD. DDM. OFPD.LID WDRNE f Saint Paul �Gnnegata H. J. HADLICH G. C. SUOXEIMER. UTILITIES (if GED. F. LINDSAY CAN. OF PUBLIC H. c. WENZEI-. 204 j3[ttsbutgh Vullbing F. REAGAN M. OP PARKS. FuvORw 6VILOINOs J. p. SEEGER A AND PES G. M. SHEPARDC GEORGE H. HERROLU. R. S. 6HSPARD WTY ENGINEER ENGINE.• A. H. STSM A. A y-T�YpgY (.ORPDMTION COONseE MANAGING DlReciOR ANO J. CIAIR STONE WM. F. SCOTT, ISAAC SUMMERFIELD G. L. NASON. MFTRCLLER SOFT. OF PARRS - H. J. VON DER WEYER January 11th, 1926. Pdr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- Re : Application of the Dayton Chevrolet Co., 694 E. 7th St. This application is in a commercial district and subject to a public hearing. It is to be placed inside of the garage. There are no engineering difficulties. Under date of June 25th, 1925 we reported upon an application of the White Eagle Oil Company at this same location. An inspection of the premises shows that nothing was ,done under this former hermit. This new applicant, a lessee of the premises, it would appear wishes to be independent of the White Eagle Oil Company, but as long as the former permit is in force the advisability of issuing a new permit is questionable. Yours very truly, t y ann ng engineer. pp owed omm ss oner o c Works. gh-d-rh SALES ROOM tj 0 S roc K Room 'TY, BATTERY ROOM �Iyi—h to th- feet' CITY OF ST. PAUL FRX NO.. -- j441-0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__......_.DATE__.._:._......_._.._........ _._............. _..................... RESOLVED That the license issued to the Eagle Oil Company, pursuant to Council File No. 60871, adopted July 21, 1925, be and the sane is hereby transferred to the Dayton Chevrolet Company, said license being for the maintenance of a tank and pump inside the garage at 694 East Seventh street. jAN 1 4 1926 COUNCILMEN-- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............ ::......._......__.,,,..192.:_-. Clancy JAN 1 419;?6 Ferguson Approved.--- -----....._------------------- ---192...... Hodgson ................In favor McDonald MAYOR Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President C. J. MCOLOOAN. CITY CLCtK AND COmmmloN OF REOI6 ATION Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i 1 d i n g. My dear. Mr. Stewart: January 12th, 1926. At the Council meeting held today, the Dayton Chevrolet Company requested that the license issued to the Eagle Oil Company to maintain a tank and pump inside the garage at 694 East Seventh Street be transferred to them. The Council referred the matter to you for the proper form of resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Qtv at .0aw f uld HAROLD J. RIORDAN CHIEF CLtO1K-CITY CLERK (®flue (&Itg (41erk CLARENC A. STORMH of CHID' CLERK-RMWRATION ®® 'qM^® January 12th, 1926. At the Council meeting held today, the Dayton Chevrolet Company requested that the license issued to the Eagle Oil Company to maintain a tank and pump inside the garage at 694 East Seventh Street be transferred to them. The Council referred the matter to you for the proper form of resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL wUrJL P V No ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a lease on behalf of the City of St. Paul with the General Outdoor Advertising Company, a corporation, for 4,000 square feet of Lot 4, Block D, Robertson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, for the term of one year, beginning January 7th, 1926, at a rental- of entalof Seventy-five Dollars (¢75,00) per year. I•C P. No.: 64011—By H: C: Wenzel, b7 epueet"' Resolved That the proper city?oRi be are "d t -enter Into a leaee,.n b half0 oc..o the It of Bt Paul -with the :Genera QutdcorAdvertlelnS:: Comp any, a our f p,,aation. ror 4.000 sVuaee- feet' of Lo .n - R..hnrlann'a" Addltlon 'L (576.00) Pet Tear. - 1 Adopted -by the Council Jan. 14,1926. ADDroved Jan. 14. 1926. i (Jan. 22-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -C//`.lane f Vriodg` In favor --'Sudheimer �_/..Against Wenzel JAN 1 41926 Adopted by the Council ......................... --------------192.---.- JAN_ 9 41926 Appro�'ed- - - ...- .....192... I 1 j Y 9 k•ILI. i ., i� CITY OFJSAINT PAUL COUNCIL _ QUADRUPLICATE„1 FILE NO,___-SG������ x” To I tO'FFICE OF T14E COMPTRJL-CE - CITY CLERK? ' RES. No.__- `< I CLA1M8-RESOLUTION FORM 1-13 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE , CITY TREAjjljQi{ , O� THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ----------- ___ `""'iJ __-7-17- --- ING FO ROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED----30-----TO----.--5- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER --__ __---------- - ---i-- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - _ i--- TOTAL - - - [RETURNED CHECK fI IN FAVOR OF BY IjNUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK �I BROUGHT FORWARD C P No. 64012 R solved th t checks be drawn on � the City Tr ur to the aggregate !;—ant ( 129.116.45, covering checks umbered 363 to 373 Inclusive, as Per ' ..echecks un Hle in the office of the CIU' . roller. lopled by the Council Jan. 14, 1726. j Apl, ed Jan. 14, 1926. j I� —_(Jan. 13-1926) j i i • - // �PTROLIER-- OFEGKS NUMBERED 363- TO �73 _-_. a - - _ CHECKS WENZEL - -- - '� _ cwsrvE. ns PER cHECKs ory FILE IN THE OFFICE MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES l d 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ` -- / DISTRIBUTIO �/ (N 1 TOTAL REruRNED .I _.. SPECIAL FUNDS___P _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST UBLIC CHECK BY ~/ IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING I FORESTRY BUILDIK IN FAVOR OF GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS GARAGE REVOLVI NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK ',.I ACCOUNTS _ CHECKS CHECKS p 910.2. 76.33 3 496 77 I 5 215 --.— BROUGHT FORWARD ..134 1197.63 27 910 91, 45 979 75 94 967.17 1 42.104 74 271 652 68 495 00 3C3 1 ,lo J. L:.ne 275 � ?75 g5 64 commonwealth Meotrio oompen 11 27 961 1 1 000 00 36 L.c.T1011;son, comer. of la. 11 327 96 6 913 99 5 46 �o 95 00'': 3656 L.c.110dgson, com'r. of r'14 62 50 5 367 gym. Joyce & aomn&.ny 29 14 �9 i4! 3 68 9 Rung it com any I 2000 E02 2 000 00 Goo. LSndsay7 505 50 370 Geo. u. UcGeary & son I 29 6 30 1 213 32,E 371 M0oulton oil Company 3 00" 372 roger I. 5 00 54 00 373 This 'Gel[ in st.rr�ul I II I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD j 53 432 701�90 211 17 l42 429 31� 40 X79 31 53 661 10q 96 362 1' SUN- ACCOUNT, UNDRYAC OUNTS ' 613 30 Iii! ail ' i II �I 910 2 76 33II 3 496 77 II 5 215 3 613 301 t TA�If�ILATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 04(( (k �- To RES. NO.. -_15__ ____-- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' :CITY CLERK RES. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM --FERGUSON. ____ _ IN FAVOR JAN 1 4 19' 26 DATED,.= _192 6 .lj. CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5.------27; x.45 - - . COVERING M DONALD, OPTED BY THE COUNCIL i 4 10x1,+E L CHECKS NUMBERED TO BY _ _ .../y_7 t14'� •_.._ . ___ --- 36'3 -- ---f73---- - SUDHEIMER, _ AGAINST MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (d1 COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) ---- _-- AD // WENZEL, i _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ` ; OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - VOR CHECK TOTAL RETURNED y DISTRIBUTIO IN FAVOR OF BY �i - ' NUMBER Local SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT DANK GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST ., PUBLIC - CHECKS CHECKS BOND "FUNDS ACCOUNTS SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS T- — -- BROUGHTFORWARD 42 io4 74 ill 652 68 71 134 98 63 7 27 810 91. 45 879 75 94 86 7.17 910.2 76.33 3 496 77 1 5 215 3b'� 613 30 363 71 _�10 J. L;Ine ! 495 00 495 00 64 commonwealth Lleotrio Oompsu l 275 85 ?75 95 36 L.C.Hodgeon, Oomtr. of in. 11 327 96 ® Comdr. Tin. 6 913 �B 418 88 11 327 961 E x+95 SII 1 000 00 36 L.C.i?odgson, of 367 'm. r,. Joyce & 0om') Ay 62 50 5 62 50 368 Kunz '11 company � 29 14 29 14i 0. IIS 369 Coo. Lindsay 2 000 00 2 000 00 I' 370 Ceo. U. McGeary & son 7 505 50 7 505 50 371 Moulton Oil a mo:any 1 219 62 6 30 1 213 32j �I 372 rower3 00 "ask in OOI 00 3 00' j 373 This st.Paul 54 l Ili II 54 l I ` � II I it I I. L I I II ( III l I i I I I I I I I I II RATTD'Ylxa A99E99DIBixTB IN cox. ' No. A4013— . -no matter f opening, molder',:.' d. ex ending HoYt Ave. to a r.0 ft. from Lexing'sn ^Y St. by tV'-' .� Aontk;g Resolution`�Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the [natter of opening, widening_ and extending Hoyt. Ave. t.o a width of 60 ft, from Lexington Ave, to c?uincy�St. by taking and condemning the south 5 ft. of Lots 6.and 5. in Blocks 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the north 5 ft. of Lots 1 and 2_in_.Blocks_21,. 20, 19 and 18, "Como", under Preliminary Order - - 62156 , approved Sept, 22, 1.925ntermediary Order_ 62666 approved. .-._iV.ov... J,.. 19.25... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condenmat.ion as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District, Court for confirmation. B' —e — at said -- to in it hu'thei✓-Itesoh•ed, thd �sseestl5eniiic-H75rt"Ibis hereby ermine Ue payaUle in .......... _----- ......__.....equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council AN 1 9-192.6 192._._-. y Clerk. Approved-- --- _ .. __.. _ .. __ _. _.__..., 192...... Councilman Clancy 1:ennei}nxan-3vf� Hans'tc1-' Councilman IMYx Hodgson r' Councilman Sudheimer J Councilman Wenzel S.cond VI.. Pres. McDonald Mayor. PUBLISHED ? 3 _0' 3)4014 ;AL ORDERS IN CONDEMNATION PROOEEDINGa. A.'— '. No. 64914— mutteroI opening, ii dening and •ding Hoyt a width A m Lexington Avc. t;: tiuincy FINAL ORDER IH WNvXAAjLTION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._QPB.Fd n ,--_w.idQr4.Ag....and...:.oxt_ending....Hciyt_..Av.e....._.t.o......a....wi.dth.....of 60 1_._ r_om..la_elcingt.=_Ax8._ t.o_QtlinCy t.__]ay._.taking._.ansa._.c.nndemning..._tha._.south 5 5_ in B.lacks_.S,_-9,10._and_..11.._and _t.he.._north.... 5._.£.t..._....Of.....Lots 1 and 2 in Blocks 21, 20,_19 and l8i_"Como".,...... ................................ _.......__.._.........__........._...._._.._......_. under Preliminary Order 62.156................ _., approvedSegt..22.,.192,5Intermediary Order .......... 62$.6.6 ................. , approved _....ROY . ...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_apell, widen and extend Hoyt Ave. to_a_width of 60 ft. ... from_LexingtoD._Ape�._tQ_�yi�cy_St. by taljng. a�ad_�4.Qmxlixlg-taQ.._eClath�t __.of_.Lois--6--.and_.5__in--Blocks-8, 9, 10 and---IL_and_the__nontb_.5__.i'-t_ Como (2) (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:......Lk18.....S.Q.11t)1..._5.....�..- of Lots 6 and.5 inBlacks,_8,_.-..,......7.4...._ansl.�] _.ansLthe__north....5.—£.t_......o£._..Lois__.1....and. 2 in Bl o rkG _21 ,., 1 9_._and_] B, __'"_Como" ..__ _—__..^__...---..___.............. _........... _..... _.._.� . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council .................._.............. .._.....'....._............. ........... , 191......... ......... ._ _._. ........ .......c....... ...L:12j-..... ........... .. JA 1 9 1)<, 12 Clerk. Approved............... .... ....................... ........_...... ............. ..., 191............ _ .:...._ .......... Mavor. (Zx Cl 1 03HXxx Ho lid)exx _144 RHr. Second VI.. Pres. McDonald PUBLISHED_ r�3� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...01?enlW�,ext_e.R_;ling--.J.[oy....PYA:....t.4...a...19a,dU....of 60 ft. from Lexington --Ave. to ,uinc St. by taking and condemning the south 5 ._........................ . . ft.. .of._Lola ....6 a- d...5...a.n...Bl.d!�kS....a...-9.,..tlal.�.... a lh ....... Q9 LRts 1 and2inBlocks21__20.,..19and18., -.°Com-°-"' ----•-----------........•---------- ........................• _. . , _ . under Preliminary Order.. _62156 approvedSgpt.22,1925_ Intermediary Order...._62866 approved .....NO.V..... x.,...19.215............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. a � � .................---------- ---- ................. .....:............... Commissioner of Finance. V i.. In the matter of opening, widening and a ending Hoyt Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from Lexington Ave, to Quincy St. by taking and condemning the Bout 5 ft. of Lotp 6 and 5 in Blocks 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the north 5 ft, of Lots 1 and 2 in Blocks 21, 20, 19• and°18, "Como", under Preliminary Order 62156, approved Sep. 22, 1925 Intermediary Order 62,866 approved Nov. 3, 1.925. �r OBJECTIONS OF ARTHUR E. THOM. • a r s � � Now comes Arthur E. Thom, the owner of lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block 9, "Como", and for his objections to the proposed con- demnation of the south five feet of lots five and six in block, nine4 in "Como" owned by him, states: lst. That Hoyt Avenue at the present time is fifty feet in width which is an adequate width of the street for any present traffic and for any in contemplation of which your objector is apprised. 2nd. That there is no public necessity for widening Hoyt Avenue to a width of sixty feet. 3rd. That the land adjoining Hoyt Avenue at the present time is largely nonrevenue producing and does not justify the assessment of any damages against the same for any public use or purpose. 4th. That the proposed widening would not add to the value would not add to the value of any of the land adjoining Hoyt Avenue along the strip proposed to be condemned. 5th. That the highest use to which lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 9, "Como", the property of your objector, can be put in the future is platting the same into residence lots. That said tract as at present platted will replat into thirty-six lots forty-two feet by one hundred twenty feet in depth which gives an area of 5040 Square feet to each lot, which is tdfficient to comply with the ordinance relating to the dimensions of a lot for a single family residence. That if said five foot strip of ground is taken off the south side of said premises the residue will plat into V only twenty-four lots of sufficient area to comply with said ordinance, and the twenty—four lots, and each and every one of ' t them, will have no greater value than each and every one of the thirty-six lots would have, if platted, and that as the result thereof your objector would lose twelve lots of an approximate value of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each, making a total of Twelve Thousand ($13,000.00) Dollars damage to be sustained by your objector if said proposed improvement is made. Dated January 18th, 1936. Respectfully submitted, ARTHUR E. THOM, Owner and Objector, B Y �or ney or ec orney or ec or C. F. No. 64016— In the matter of condemning. and [ak- /ng an easement In the lnad necessary for siopea, for c [s and ttlla In grnd- ing Finn Ave. from James Sc. to Randolph 9t.;, "I "r Prellmnar jy Order 61910, d"tapproved Sept. 9. 19,; Intermediary Order 628 19:6. 63, apPrn,- - lic heart �.• ResoItYiubiv;> ;'-. tyIng and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taping an easement in the . land ne.cess.ary for-slopes,_for cuts and fills in grading Finn Avenue .from James ,Street to Randolph_ Street,._ - under Preliminary Order . _- 6.1910 approved Sept, 9, 192 Intermediary Order. 62$5$ approved -Nov. 3, 1925. A public heating having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easdoents therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Macro• and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resoly ed; tkret_the saidaSsessmant-fi az Ss ere d mined ya e jn' __ .. .._.........__..installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. �1 _� 4i.i[d... 192 4M i' w2a ... _.. _ _t-- ity Clerk. Approved Councilman Clancy Gouncilma+t—F.n:gtlsen— Councilman ATrDnnn+ — Councilman ftoix ifodi-,on Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Councilman Wenzel �•� �"R'�' F"�8frnad" V(e5 Pres McOonnld Mayor. l'U13L1SI'11;D-- 1 23 -46 640.16 • �, C. F. No. 84016— � In theof condemning r.nd talc-� Ing ann easement Ithe land ne• sorry for lopes, forr cuts ar ^w'� l .-ding Finn Ave. from '1•"' Iph St., under. Pr, '� 410, ADPro -� v Ordi FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ 0-01 d.emning....and_..t.aking_..a-n. e.asement.....in._the.....land ....nec.es.saxy for _s QPM ,.._ ar Gam#s.._and_..f 71�_�n.••gr ding�inx�.Auenua__ r.om_.JAW..a_._S.tx..e.et_to ____—_.... .... _..... __........................................... _.._........----...._.._.._.-.....__._..._..--- under Preliminary Order 6.191.0.............. ...... approved ....Se.pt....9.., 3.9.2 Intermediary order ._..._..6.26.5$.................. approved-_N.Ou........3.,......1.92.5 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.::.._cQndemn and take an easement in the land necessar for slo es- _fox-. cuts__ad it in grad; na_�_ F,_nn vanue�rcm Sames._Strsei.a...Bandolph._.5tr.ee.i.-._....._..-----------.-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:...... the.....lancl....ahut_ting upon-Fi..nn Avenin_bit.P_e8x�..t.ike.....B..Qi.nts..._orf_or..�s_ori.si,..._t.n_..thfl.__extent._..sha>an_ upon the plan a t t n rh erl + t h P 't .a£---i.lze._. Gomm3 ssaa.xie�-ef�-1?�1a3 a fiiarlcs-3 nY-t --- mattex...... _.._...---- - ..__._... ...._..__.__ (3) That the assessments of, benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN 1 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council._..............................___.._.._.._.......__...__........, 191.._..._. . ...................... ................ ........... ........ _...... City Clerk. JAN 1 91926 Approved. __.......... ........................................... . 191............ Mayor. xt8ig,yx Clancy x>:hatethx��ergrxsQrr" xttwssx Hodgson PUBLISHED -v�3- C xl£>dYaxx �e?3onald , Y.I�¢ Kxy Sudheianer On 9.4 V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._...c.ondamning..and...t.akinqq..-an--- ease;::ent---in..-:tdie....land ...naressary for slope-sfor...c-uts_-and..._fi_lls.._in..,gra�in�--Finn_.i venue fromJames._„ treat to %andolpn Street, ........._............................_...._...._... ........ .................... ........._............................................................................ under Preliminary Order........6 7 9_......, approved 5!5,pt.,-9 ,.,..., Intermediary Order......f 2.�.�.3-.-....., app roved.. E -O V...... ...... 1-9.2.`5 ............ . TO THF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. /. /--_ Commissioner'of Finance. i C. F. No. 69017- In the matter of" old tak- -!ng an easement In the lend neces- q r eery Yor elopes. Yor-cute and fills in �4 d / grading Kerwin "St: from aermain �� �. - ! St. to Flnndrau 3[.. under Prllml- z6.°nternea�s yao aer 62Jl SFTy 1e raa Nov, a, 1926. „ �aring havt__.,. - � ., end,. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in parading Kerwin Street from Germain Street to Flandrau..Street, under Preliminary Order 60726 approved July 14, 19251nternlediary Order . 62857 approved._ NOV- 3, 1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it rther Resolved, t • ltrs, xssessmenL._he an`d it is.-herety rieier ri Paye lein _.._.......equal in0,511ments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. JAN 1 9 192 ., 192.._ . 1 City Clerk. ' Approved- - . __.JA�i C ;c� - ..._ _...., 192...... / Mayor. Councilman Clancy guson �' eau'geilmalr�tictTonald---. Councilman $Ti ixx nod¢_son Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr, 5seot4 Vice Pres. McDonald PUBLISIMD ! X4018 ..o. G4018— e matter of condemnlnz and talc - ^g an-easeme�lt in the land necea- ..ry for lopeg, for .cuts and aIle in :tradtntf Ke In'. St. -from' Germain eft.under Preltmin- Order 26�.appr ed duly 14, Fi. Intermedirft'Order 62857, ap- d Nov,. , 1VM, '^ ionowtn6. i*rr` r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.._condemning and taking_.._an._easement_._ n._the...._lan..._.... Bary for. slopes.. for.. cuts and fills in_.gradina_KerMin,-_Street_...from Gprmain-__Street to _Ptlaadrau-_Stxe.at _._..._..-....._....__.._.........._...._... ' 2607 under Preliminary Order............6....._._......._............._.., approved.J11].y....14..,.1.92y5Intermediary Order .._....._62857 ... ............ , approved...... N.O..M.......3.r....1.92.5 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_._.o.o_n. emn and _take aneasemee�es�aryQa].opQ.Sfor.�uts. and.�ills in grading_Zer.Ain_S.trae.f__fr-oin Germain--S.tr-eet..-ta.-�.1and au-Strem,—'-------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:...__the_..1and._ahnt.ting uponTY,er�tjn_S.tree heime.en__the...._points.._ofor_esaid.,..... to...--tile..-.extent--a.holvn-upon the-331AnAttached t. a_tYje_.report_of _ilia-�mm�iesg.oner_-0i_.1?uhlic_Torks_in the -......... ---- - -------- - .... ....... ............... --- ------- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. IAN 1 91926 .... ........................191. _'.......... Adopted by the Council ............... .. ... ...__. 91gg� Ci Clerk. Approved... _....... _.................................... ._..._............_..., 191............ Fir AAmxy_x Clancy f4h, FeZ ie a 0n AkX%x Hodgson 7 Rudheimer FSV italNEQ '1 .. '.e1 =' P.... 'rloat ,..�,�,.s.$dklk 1 eloon / Mr. SODOM Vice PresMcD n�i, y Mayor. PUBLISHED t ' 3 - 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...._egndemning the...land..necaSaary for...s.lope.s.,---far...c.u.ta and..fi11S...in..grading--Karr�in..a.traei..ir..om.ness�ain .Sheet toF-landrau-.3.trae-t . . .................------_...........__..........._................. .................... ...... - ---- - ------......---- ............ under Preliminary Order.......60726_.___..-. approvedJ111y...l4., 1925.. Intermediary Order 52-5.5.7 approved.....LVQV......'a.,...1925........ - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of]Finance. J4019 C. F, No. 64030— - In the matter of condemning and'tak- nt in I Ing an eaaemethe land neces- I sary for'slopes, forcuts and fills in grading Pedersen Ave. from Pau- - quter st. to MIk-1h, Ave. and Fao- quter S[. from Ruth Ave. to P• - vert Ave., under Preliminary' [ 1076 approved July 28, 1" Resolut jary M ��°,iig and and Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in tie land _neces.s..ary for slopes,. for cuts and. fills in ,lading Pedersen Avenue from Fauquier Street to ilokomis Avenue and Fauquier Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, under Preliminary Order - 61076 approved July 28, 19251ntermediary Order_ - 62861 approved.__ NOV- J, ..1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, ` and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f IIIrther that the said assessme nd it ly e e ne to be payable in _ ___ __eq -___ual installments as to each parcel of land described therein. AN 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council .r _... .... - Clerl. City ' . .. � - Approved._.-__ Mayor. i `/Councilman Clancy .� fitSRe$tTttg--��gu •nn %% G'6IIfl-eimai'n—iM-ePonaki- r ✓ Councilman p4W Hodgson ✓ Councilman Sudheimer �' PUBLISHED-1-1�� ✓ Councilman Wenzel McDonald 34L20 C. F, No a 640300— ` C. the tter a demninq n a tak_ Sng a casement In the lana c my Sor slopes. for uts and floVein grading Pedersen. Ave, from Fau- `!:.ryuler St. to Nokomis Ave. and Pan - ter St. from Ituth Ave. to Peder- ' Ave., .der Preliminary - Order 'approved 28;1025, Inter- . ^ Y or d�i FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.._CQ.nd.Q1q ins....9.nd..... taking ....an_...eas_emant.....in_ the..... land....n.e.e.esaany 118_111._gra$]..21g--_.......................... _.._...--------.._.....---------.....------...._................_..-- Pe,rsen Avenue from _augnier Street..-_to.-..iokomis..._Avenue,_a-nd.............. _............ F 11S3uieS.. Str.e.et_>.r_OIl1_R11171.AY.enue ia..P..etlars.an..Amenuey...... _.............. _........... _._.__.... _...... ............. under Preliminary Order .......61026_......__......, approved.... July.... 2$.i1.9Pyontermediary Order_ ........... approved__110-V .......3.,......122.5 . ' Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:......o_ondemn and_take axl easement -in-the-dad necessa�y._.f-o��.ln.peay�_nr ._cut.a._asu3�fi11s in grad�.Qs�e1e_ Nvenue_from-.augl3zer_$.tx!_eat_....to._inkomis_..?sanua and____—_ -- Fauqu er..._Street_. .om_Muth..._4v_extua_...ta_P.e.ctarsen...Amenue...................... _......-.._.._..._....-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_.._ the.... land_...ahutt.ing upon Pederse�.EY nes3 :and__EauAu.i_ar__..St_eet,---lze.tsneen.._the..._point.s....afnx.esaid-,---io the P,+-. ,t. ahnmri np ._the len...attarhad.-io--tire-r-apart-ef- ine.... ousxiissis ler of.,._...................... _....._._-......_-_-.___._�_ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified>ind confirmed. - JAN 1 91926 Adopted by the t unell ............ __:..;, 191- .... JAIN 1 9 1926 Clerk. Approved............... .............. ........... ....................._.............., 191............ gPkxx Clancy N=xx ✓13odgS 2keffizx ��9udheimer >Tnland> ,lenzel $'! alspn ✓ Mr Se and V1,o Pres McDonald- Mayor. PUBLISHED —2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....c.andQMUi.nL ne.aeas.ary for...s.1.o.des..,....for...cuts...and.JA!1s....?n..grading.......................................... ..................................... Pedarsen_.Avenue from FauquierSt-re et._.to _iaokomis.--rvenu..._2nd..______..._...._._____.__.... Fauquier ^treet from I:utli:-venue to Pedersen Avenue) _ ..... ................ . _...... under Preliminary Order._ 610.7.6___..._, approved_ .Ju1y...2Ci.,.192� Intermediary Order.... 62B.61 ........... approved ......NaV ._25-,...1925.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. , NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of coudenming and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for eats aml fills in Craaing...___.Pedereen- Avenue --trom--F'auquier..-Street...to...:$okomie_Avemid.,and Fauquier Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue. i nnaer Preliminary Order__..63.o76 approved. July 29,.19.25termedian;y Order __62961___ approved ._. Nov -3-,1925 . . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public bearing will be had before the Council of the City of fit. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court Honse in the City of St. Paul, on t.he___ ___19th _ .. day 192......6-, at ten o'clock A. Al., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appro- priated for the above improvement, and for the eonfirmation of sucb awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objections to the taking of sucb lands or easements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said (tearing, or with the Cite Clerk prior thereto. Dated.._._ January- 11,.. 192 6 L. C. HODGSON, Commissioner of Finance. Byti ozof4 1 �9 -- l3® vh '1111 Z 6 OYG �/� . Q2,0 C. F. No. 64021— It the .matter ofcondemning ad tak- ing:an aemeat. in the land aece9- -eery for slopes. Por cuts and are Ir. grading Syndicate Ave. from Otru Ave. to Edgeumbe Road. under Pr•' -dIminary .Order 61908, aporored F 1926, Interm�•'�nry•� -:•proved D'nv e"'ss.,,• Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. . condemninJ_.and.. taking an. easement . in the .land ne.c.essary for slopes,. for _cuts and fills_ in grading `syndicate i.venue from .Otto ! venue to...Edgeumbe Road, under Preliminary Order - 61.908 approved Sept .9,1925 Intermediary Order_ -628$3 approved._1lov.. 3, 1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by'the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved Rather, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it urther Resolved, that the said ,sessment be ler fined able in al installments as to each parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 91926 Adopted by the Council_. ___ _.__ _ -..__ .__....._ _, 192__.... .lane a 9192«; _ ........ __ .... _ _ y Clerk. Approved _ ....__ .. __._.._ ...-., 192... Mayor. i Councilman Clancy Councilman ReUm Hodgson ?.1 PUBLISIIED � ( Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel n C. F. No. 6i022— l gt /y''(j� In the matter of condemning and talc- - 13��`� ins , easement in the land neces- saryafor slopes, for cuts and alis in j radios Syndicate Ave, from Otty Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, under P-— liminary Order 61908, approved Ser a9. 1925, intermediary Order .62 �oroved Nov 3, 1926. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..._c_Q.ndem.n1n ._..an.c1 t_aki-ag an....easement.....in....t.he....land.....ne.c.essary for._slopes.,,._for, cuts__and, fill_xI_..3xad.a.yndi.ca.t_e__�Y_.enue._.om.._0_tt.o.....�v_enue t0- — ------- ....._....._--------- .--------------- .._----- ..._--- ......--------- _..._......_...------------------- _.------..._._ under Preliminary Order .........._.....f.1Q.0..8.......... ., approvedS.f 21..,....,., Intermediary Order...... approved...... H og_....._3.,..,. !H5 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:...... condemn and..._#,ake_an__eas..eraent.._in--the..-Land—necessar3z..._for.s1amsr—%or....r ts-..ar�Fl—€ 1Is 1 inasLuaPrShccsie._�Y._enlLe.._fmm.Lttn,vanus.....s.o (2) That the following land, lan21s or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:........._ the....l.and....abutting upon_SjTYld]Gala_ zzenue__he#:ee.an.-_the- -paints-..a-f-Gress..id..i.._..t.o... t-iaeupon the plan att 012-I'7 +n the se.por_t..._of_t;�e-Gomm-issionar.._o bi.}e....:i+Orks-&n-tlie matter dated December.._1,_.._1925_....... ............. .... --....... _... _... _.............. __............ -........... .... _....................... ............... -- - . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council....,jAN...1.._g..19H__._.._.._ . 191 Clerk. Approved .._.._....... .... __...... ....... _...._................._..., 191.__....... � �_ � Mayor. v° ghaagac Clancy gnhxi dg�n„ Hoson 0�'�t/ \� 3dxAodkx ��Sudheirner PUBLISHED %- mmangm 1Yenzel / W1"n ,/ -Mr. Second Vice Pres. McDonald REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.co.7ciernx]in. n ...t -al i?;;.- ?-_case_., .it„ -:r ..., ;,e.-.hn,d... _e c- , ,Sary for slo.pus......z.ox.:..C."t.S...a- d...z.i o....7..11._( a�.�11,::..” Ynciicate....,Y.epue.._i; 01;=---Ctit.4...:: venue to - _clRcumUe-__;:oad ................................. ........................... ....__....._............ .......................... _....- under Preliminary Order.approved...`.i?te.9..1.9.2rJ., Intermediary Order_E2863__ _.-.-. approved... '0K.__3, 125.._........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -.v ................ ...... _........ ........ Commissioner of Finance. 4023 o' I" No. 54Q:3— In the -matter of cond.—I.- and tak- ingan easement in the lend nece3- sary Yo[ slopes, ror uts and flus 1n grading Under�voad Ace. tram e rer Ave. to Otto Ave. under Prel) li:� 'roar•• `•ler 51566, approved Aur, -y Resolution watn Ja�ar,,a°a1=_465_i.onfirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment "Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement .in the land_ ne.ces.s.ary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Understood Avenue from Scheffer :.venue to Otto ( venue, under Preliminary Order -G1556_ approved l-.ug.19-,1925, Intermediary Order,. 628.6.5. _. approved....iv.QV. 31 _1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the -Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be suhmitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assess) is Jlcrebyfined to be payable in installments a. parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. - _- - _ ___._._ .. .. .. . ........_ _ - ., 192 .. --. Approved__ _ ......, 192 '/�'I��e� �'-�.•�j�Q,�,.y�,/ Mayor. Councilman Clancy rguson (,bunailmars-�rBaa�id- j Councilman PMX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer / Councilman Wenzel PUBLISHED.33 V ' 'qyor3SrehronC - _ •Mf" Sgcond ylce Pres NcponalC 04024 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_..c.ondamning....and_t.akirZ an....e.as.ement._.in._the._1and_.nec.es.s—y for _slo es.... for cuts and fills in �ding_.Underpgood_Avenue from Scheffer JC. R. No: 64024- -` - 7" the matter of condemn"" ----"--' ------ .---------------------_-__-_-.. sar an 1; and tak-. eaeement In the � - ! "ad',or +tv-, for -cats and neces- ; Slshette� noderl-od Ave. "176, in L_- ..................... .__.____._.. ...-.....____....._....__. to Otto .1 re.. unaer' . ...... _. _-... Preliminary Order aDproced 62566. d c7a2ter3, 1411FI Order ...---- .___....-...---- ------ _...- __ _ Proved Nov. ?. ....._..._._. trader Preliminary Order_.__._61.55-5.C__._......., approv T1,ac • ed,A3u.�an�'_;,._.�:.-.,.., �ntermec.­r� Order ...._62865......... _... ...._., approved--- Resolved: pproved___Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.CAndemn and caa—Pasej,;ent _tae J.and„ arx_ 4r _s qg� �for�yts an f els in grading Undernood _.venue from Scheffel! Avenue to Otto Avenues-- -- (L) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_t.he....I.And--a)7.Lltting uponoIlndervtmd_ AyQ=e batw_P_Q.I1t0....the.._ext n sh xwn_upon the plan attached to the r�t_of the CommAssioner of Public Works in the matter_tl a is d� ac emb er_ 1,_1925.:..---_---.------.__------.--._._..--_---.-----_..._--------- -----.._..�—_� (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN 1 9 W26 Adopted by the Council.__................._........_........................... J!{ N 1 g 1 Approved.......... __................... .................. ........... ...... ......., 191............ )0txxsx --Clancy Alumx Hodgson .XYMBexx x3faga xSuds heimer xWxx;yenze1 Xpft s Nelson Mr Lcbotf i i? Pi? .D ... V 191......... ..................... _....... t 'ty Clerk. ............................... Mayor. OUBLISHED 1 `aY — REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..Gond.enn ng_.an.d_taking..an_.eas,em,! :r . n. tiie--.la d....necess-a_�y for ..slfor.-.cuts_..and _-fills.._.in-_grain Undezivood__venue,,from,,; cheifer 1,venue...t-oL Otto.. u.enue,._.----........_......_.....__... _....--- ................................ ................_....._......._..._......_...._......... ___......------.._------------------- - - under Preliminary Order..&!"6_--____._ approvedfPg.tJ9,1925-__ Intermediary Order.....62865.... approved .....1r -O V... _.3.....1925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i/� -... _ _............. _ .._-........1. ................ ... ............. Commissioner of F,rhance. Council File No .�MMNG ASSESSMENTS. 64026— natter of the assessment'~ Is. Costs and expenses for _ 'Y,eland Ave. P Rnn� ' -ovt' bill OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying 34025 Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Cleveland Ave. from Randolph St. to the south line of Ford Road and Ford Road from Cleveland Ave, to the Mississippi River Blvd. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines com- plete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order ............ intermediary Order....... ............... Final Order_._....... approved J! �2nd—.....------_192 4_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._.—___M.—equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JAN 1 9 10p6-................ _192 ............ . 4lQ4�, :. ':. __ ._ r:;'.....__.._j......_.................... Clerk. Ai7V t Q ISS: - Approved_--- ........ _...... . .................. ................. ..... 192..--'— ..................__.....................................'._.., Mayor. Form H. 8. li . �I( 0 �8 PUBLISHED_) -23 - -556' CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 16-19.25 .............. .............. J9dx...... In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for Aker paving Cleveland Ave. from Randolph 3t. to the south line of Ford Road and Ford Road from Cleveland Ave. to the ly,ississippi River Blvd., including sewer, mater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including; curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order............5.I82.9............................ Intermediary Order ..................__55025.... ... .... ...._........... ...._..... . , Final Order .......... __5.362.4___...........__ __...._._. approved..... Ju.ly-_2.nd_..1924._.._, Mxx..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......_103...277., 26 Sewer connections - - - - - - - - - 3,6.54.61 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ - - ----- -21.15 Driveway approaches - - - - - - - - 184.23 Cggt 'f ostal cards „aeg connections- - - - - - - - - $ 7,949.78 Ins ection fees - - - - - - - - - $ 2.,.27.3., 53 urbing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 5y� 31 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $... .......... Total expenditures $..,..._123,_946..,..$.,5 Less the sum of 59,517.89 (39,124.74 --Code 31T1 (20,393.15--1926 Bond Issue Y64,428.46 flet assessment. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........._64.,.4.28. 4.6_.._:...............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. corm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. i Council File No. ...:._ .............. __....... _ rb. No. 64026— e matter oP tho assessment of eftte, damages, costs and eY- By....__.._-.___.........._........._.._...._. _—aea for chang(ng thegrade of al - In Block 7, Rogers Rearrange - t df McLean's Reservation from Cypress St. to Earl SL to confor o 'fie red line on the prof � •• ttached and mad,.- ent ^': TTiC OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 341026 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of alley in Block 7, Rogers Rearrangement of hIcLean's Reservation from Cypress St, to Earl St, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establish— ed grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said alley from Earl St. to Cypress St. in accordance with said red line when established, and constructing a sewer on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 ft, of Lot 5 of said Block 7, from the alley to Pacific St., under Preliminary Ordei6815.5..._....__........., Intermediary Order_.5.9128..__ ___.__., Final Order......., approved—S.une.2.,__1925_._Sx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._.___.._. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Jti P� y Ptr� Adopted by the Council-- --.>>-------- .............._...192....__.._. __ ......._.._...... ----............... -_........ ......._._........... City Clerk. JA Approved.__._._........._ ....... ........................................192_....— 1 // _.......................pl,� Mayor. Form B. B. A PUBLISHED�3 G CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Uec .......... 16_th.......122.5 ..xA4d ........ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses forxb= changing the grade of alley in Block 7, Rogers Rearrangement of MicLeants Reservation from Cypress St. to Earl St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establish— ed grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said alley from Earl St. to Cypress St. in accordance with said red line when established, and constructing a sewer on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 ft, of Lot 5 of said Block 7, from the alley to Pacific St., under Preliminary Order _ ............... 5..a.3,.`5..5....._...............__ ......... . Intermediary Order ...._.._..._...,5.912.8. ....................... .... ............. .... ... Final Order..... 893_ ............._............____._.... approved....._ .Vae.._2..__.1925......_._....._._, WAX......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ ........... Cost of publishing notice $-.-------4' 5-0--,--. Cost of postal cards - $...._ _ _.......__.,_9Q.._._..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $... .......... x..0.4............ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ..................4. 50..-_._.... Total expenditures $......].,..02.9..._9.0...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_1.., 0.29...9.0..__._.._......_..._,upgn each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 61 Form B. B. 17 Commisg}6ner of Finance. Gln CouncilFile No..... .._ ............._......__....._....._ No. 69027— - �)4t, .:hematter of the assessment of ered, costa ..,I" for son- BtrucNng a sewer on Saratoga Ave. y ......._..._..._ ......... .... _................... _..._.__--------- _ .ram Randolph St. t under Preliminao HartfordsAve.. ry In- termedlary Order '01olo7, ri .'t260, approved,' ,.. aublle hear" .the aeeev, �_A`Y OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a server on Saratoga Ave, from Randolph St, to Hartford Ave., under Preliminary order. 6,.010.7 _.__, Intermediary Order.__ 6061d_._.._._..., Final Order........0125..0_..._........., approved—.._Alug_- 11th_._.___.__....__192_fL_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ... ..... _........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council_ --....._.--_.—_......_._ ..................192............. JAN 1 9 M9 Approved.___... ...... ......... ._......... ................._._.....192....... _.........................................:._.................. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 . PUBLISHED --� CITY OF ST. PAUL'. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT U ac.......1.£...._..19.25....XA2k....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and expenses for CWEX constructing a sewer on Saratoga Ave. from Randolph St. to Iiartford Ave., under Preliminary Order ......_..._60107_.._...._........___....__......, Intermediary Order.........._...0.0.&15........-............. ...... .._._........._... Final Order...__._..6.1ZS.Q.......__.__...._..___.... ____. approved .......... Lug. -...11t.11r_..1925.__, AkX... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $........,4,.4.44....O.Q.... Cost of publishing notice .......... ....6 -- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $__ .......... ....._......1...5.3..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - 8f3. f3f3 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $................7...,fi.5.-.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.........4.,.54.9...7.1.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_..4., 54.9...7.1.._.._.. -___.._._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F.— u, u. 17 Comm Ioner of Finance. No._ — _ Council File ...... .__.................. utterro f the seseeement of -"silts, costs andexpenses for con - 'ting a sewer on Macalester from acheIIer Ave, to a yolnt By................. _...... ................................. ___.._,.,feet north of Otto Ave., under Order Interrne- •:;. girder 69136, FinalnalOlder 69964. Order <` June aeth. 1926. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sever on I�acalester Avenue from Scheffer Avenue to a point 149 feet north of Otto Avenue, under Preliminary Order ._----58751___ _ __. Intermediary Ordcr59136__......... Final Order_...._59954..,.._.- approved June__30th 192..5....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,' be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........ _..__._L�.......... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council....__192 ............. JAN i' gJoe __......_. _..... ..... ........... .._...... 6ity Clerk. Approved........... _-......... ..............._................................192...... ]L ................ _...-. ... ........... ...+....._t ..:v'.., Mayor. Form B. H. 1! 0 PUBLISHED 1 � 3 -�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -001 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT DeG_...._.1£..t.1i,....1.9.25_.... t9=— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forzdW constructing a sevier on macalester Avenue from Sclieffer Hvenue to a point too Tao feet north of Otto Avenue, under Preliminary Order ..........._58751 §87-51 ............ Intermediary Order .............5..913.0.................................................... Final Order .....__._....__.59.9.54.._.... __......_.....___.., approved......._ _,Tune._.3.O.thr....1925..... k2dXX..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - _ - $_1,000._00 Cost of publishing notice $---------� -35--- Cost of postal cards $ .........._.........._x.27........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..____:..20.__00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ......................_1.,, 35......_... Total expenditures - - - - - - Said Commissioner Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $___.1_022.._97-_ _ _......._. ___upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..�.. Form B. B. 17 Commiss' ner of Finance. I F. No. 640 9to ecen obstacee ainot. 1 ^Whetes . �� the makln6 of the 1m-': Ylded for wement: tinder .Final Order C. F. !1, appi'oved90Ptomber,9. 1926, dv, %^.d 'as tfie'"`ectialgt'adln> r• COUNCIL NO.....5_40 9. - CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE JA== .... 4--_..1.9_SN9-,...__..._ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided fo:c in the making of the improvement under Final Order C.F. 611711, approved September 9, 1925, described as the partial grading and paving of Highwood Ave. from the Point Douglas Road to a point opposite the center of lot 15, Block 11, Burlington Heights Division No. 1, and partially grading Highwood Ave. from a point opposite the center of lot 15, block 11, Burling- ton Heights Division No. 1 to the southerly line of lot 31, block 11, Burlington Heights Division No. 1 and a road to be known as 11Highwood Road" on the east and west quarter line of Section 14 Town 28 Range 22, from Highwood Ave., to the East City Limits, Thornton Bros., Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to put in the following addition and deduction: Add ion: ��\`�' Decuction: nil-' 60 sq.ft. new walk 20� 12.00 405 " walk relay 15� 60.75 58 sq.yds. 7" rein.conc. 2.50 145.00 52.3 ° 6" concrete 2.40 125.52 82 ou.yds.excavation .70 57.40 X400.69 355 sq. ft. relay walk .10 35.50. Net addition 4365.17 Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the Council hereby orders the above additions 4 and deduction to be made, the work to be done under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to ex- ceed the sum of $365.17, net, and to be allowed as extras under the contract known as Comptroler's Contract L-2380, for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public V+orks has agreed with the Contractors, Thornton Bros. ,that the sum of x6365.17 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra workand s plying the extra material specified �I(o in the foregoing resolutio blit Works. If ISI Countersigne COUNCILMEN � �� TYLgx}1t Bros. ,Cor> rctor unclWl�i� t-0-1926 - -�" Yeas D p �. 4, ....> • _ 1. .. ✓ Clancy 1,,- 1 - - .: ApProae,l.---.._ "-_.Q--1 ."(j... 92 son / Hodgson In fetor . /McDonald ...---- _.� MAYOR �' �udheimer _...r�.......Against - ijTenzel PUBLISHED J/Mr- President 6 ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL .11.'1- NO......_640 U. a. APPROIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 a .� 4i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .................................... ................... ............................... DATE.......................':...:... ............................... �s a� c� RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON­L;BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE /COUNCILMEN V CLANCY APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. L3 -B1 Street & Sewer Cleaning 468.95 R. PRESIDENT •oRdD23 1000 11-24 13-01 169.50 13-E124.07 13-FlC. _ 4That Be 92.63 13-F13 Resolved.thNo fo owing trans- ter. be made o the book. of the 30.00 13-i31 comptroller, as by .o doing an un- avoidable deficiency In certain It 28.70 may be met by mid transfers without the work in hammoney 13-B2 Inhe,iI, Lromtdwhlch thee. 666.45 13-E2 transfers are made. Commfsioner Y Public work.. $4.63-Tranetered Yrom code 10-B1; 118.70 13-H1 1 $188.07 from ode 10-83; $71.05 from $21.16 from code 30-13.6; 2870 ode 10-D1; f $21.39 from code 10-D7: $2.12 to code . 10-A2; $10.56 to code 10-B2• $1.44 to ; de 10-C2; $56.74 to co1{e 10-C3; � $236.34 to code 10-D4. Street Constr. Repairs60.00 . I& Yrom $76.00 from code 11-A4; $ f( 11-A7; $46.00 code 11-A6; $90.00 to code 3 i to cod 11-AZCt Seweronen Repair 9 $82.57 from dodeal2-A4 t& coda 32-A1. Street & Sewer Cleaning. ' $468.95 from code 13-B1; $169.-50 from . ode 13 -Cl: $24.07 from code 13-E1; $92.63, from code 13 -FI; $30.00 from 13-F3; $28.70 from code 13-G3; code $666.45 to code 13-B2; -$118.70 to cod.. 13�E2; $28.70 to cod. 19-81. { Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. Approved Jan. 19, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) YES NAYS /COUNCILMEN V CLANCY �HOII3'bN-. FAVOR ✓1-IODGSON ......{ .....••IN �MCDONALD -SUDHEIMER .......:.....f.......AGAINST r' WENZEL R. PRESIDENT •oRdD23 1000 11-24 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILM7:9St119........... APPROVED.......... w • ....... ....................19.......... .. .,...�........ rwroR a COUNTERSIGNED BY .... ..... ... .. .... ..R ........ Y IT 10 ceMFTROL PUBLISHED o AL To a LCRCL No.................u4030 — CLE- T CITY OF SAINT PAUL• • • APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM , PER CHARTER SECTION 206 PRESENTED BY W �� COMMISSIONER..... ..... DA . .................................................................... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWJNG TRANSFERS BE MADE ON HE • COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIO NED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO OR. CR:' — OMMISSIONER Or PUBLIC VIORKS. O -Bl 4.53,-- 0-B3; - 188.07 0-D1 71.05 / 0-D6 21.16 0-D7 21.39 / 'Q -A2 2.1 ✓ o_B2 10.56 0-G2 1.4 ✓ 0.03 55.7 � 0-D4 236.3 ✓ o'EiEdEoE;E;EdfiE5E3FiE:F?i�F#;i=k°.fSf9EoE 75.00 / 1-A4 STREET CONSTR. & REPAIR 1-A6 60.00 1-A1 90.0 ✓ 1-A2 45.0 ✓ SEVIER CONSTR. & REPAIR Lg ,*A4 82.57 / 12-A1 82.5 r ., .c ...: iFiE .c?E�E'.E ,c/.,/\ .c?Fiioi;E3F�Y• +;, �'�,: �` 11''JAN 9 192 1 6t9.........:. YES COUNCILMEN N'pYS ADOPTED. BY THE COUNCIL ............. CLANCY JAN 1 g 1925. r ' " FERGUSON +� r7 ` APPROVED....... .. .......... ............................19 . HODGSON ..................... IN I AVOR 4 • MCDONALD +�..y ...................................... ........... ..... .. ............ + .., SUDHEIMER .....................AGAINS•1'. WENZEL COUNTE17�,4GNED BY .... IC}lIp. . . ..... ... ............. ' V.ii CITY COMPTROLLER MR.' PRESIDENT roRM o:a loo. -n•a. PUBLJ6,1.40 ' �r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL - ----- -4031 CITY 1_ FILE Nom----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cllr IR SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ok RESOLVED That the proper 0ity,of7employe eis be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Linke, anof the Department of Education, injured December 1, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period up to January 18th, 1926. 64031—By A. D. Nelson—BY I �. Adopted'by the Council Jan. 19. 1926 1 Approved (Jan.128 1926) Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education/ �L COUNCILMEN JAN 1 9 1926 Peas Nays Adopted by the Council ..............----------------------- .-192..---. Xiancy JAN 1 91926 XX91 / Approved..----------...................___..._192_--- ✓Hodgson L ,.--...In favor (McDonald MAYOR ,,Sudheirner ......-......... Against "Wenzel TUBI 1SIi�D Mr. President ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FUN01L NO.._---64i�e1�2 OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9( i t_1 T, RESOLVED Vhat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Irwin Ross, an employe of the Department of Public Works, Injured April 15, 1925, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) =out of the Workmenis Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to January 19th, 1986. C. F. No. 64022-8y J. H. McDonald— I' 1'teaoiyed, That the proper city oRl- ners be and they are hereby authorized thepDepartment of oPublic Worked int --'..lured April 16. 1926, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) cut ofthe W*rkmen's I Compensation Account of the Oeneral ; Fund, In partial settlement f 1,1811 Claim against the City, being for the I perled t,p to Jsauary 19th, 1926. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926.y Approved Jan. 79. 1926. y9Y8 (Jan. 22-1926) Recommended for passage. CommIr of Public Works. JAN 1 9 1920 COUNCILMEN Yeah Nays Adopted by the Council ..........-----------'.--.--- .------ 192----- ,/Claney JAN 1 9 9126 - Approved. ----- ------ ------------------------- _------- 192_ ,-'Hodgson In favor VW�/ �.. -rim.-=�". McDonald - ... ' / ' "v MAYOR Sudheimer ---- -....Against Wenzel - j Mr. President PUBLISHED v COUNCIL NO .._..-- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE C1r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DArE_-__Ja�9i_1926........... t-..___ RESOLVED V v UHEREAS, William Gottwald has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St, Paul One Auburn auto car, Motor No. 6303, State License No. B-244842, covered by Bulldog Automobile Policy No. 602123, and owned by said William Gottwald, and MTERE?S, William Gottwald in accordance with Ordinanoe No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St, Paul, and said oolioy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsell thdrefore, be it RESOLVED THAT License be issued to said William Gottwald to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. C. F. No. 64033—By J. M. Clancy— Whereas, theWilliam Gottwald has mode appll llon for license to oper- of ate Paula One Auburn auto cstreets of arclMotor. No. 6303, &tate License No. B-244842. covered by Bulldog Automobile Policy No. 602123, and owned by said Wil- liam Gottwald, and Whereas.. William Gottwald 1. ac- cordance with Ordinance No. 6866 bas cled th the ity ofpSt. Pof auls and sce aid poky has been appcoved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it Resolved, That License be issued to said William Gottwald to operate W auto car upon the streets of the city of 9t. Paul, eub,,,t to the provisions of said dinance. Adopted by the Council ,an. 19, 1926. Approved Jan. '19 1 19, 1926. i (Jan. 23-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � -'Clancy Hodgson...:............In favor McDonald i Sudheimer-.------ <:.....Against %Wenzel President IAN'. 91926---.....Isz.._.. Adopted Ly the Council------------.._ .. All 1 919. 5 Approved...... --- 192-- --. _.................... . ,�--. ...-y R .. �rO PUBLISHED n COUNCIL NO ------- 0e- - 4� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fe lu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCRL R LOTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE_ ......... D By -----._.._ DATE—January_ 19,u_1926 .................. COMMISSIONER R6eO�D V,.10 tEpS, Howard A. Schmitt, has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul One'Hudson auto car, Motor No. 150050, State License No. BI -44109, covered by Bulldog automobile Policy No. 602533, and owned b; Howard A. Schmitt, and wOREAS, Howard A. Schmitt in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Howard A.Schmitt to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. C. F. No. 64034 BY J.AM•Schmltt has hereae, Howard A. Schmitt In ac- cordancs with Ordinance No. 6668 has flied copy of lnauran.. polfcY' with the I filed _ot St. Paul and said policy has Cor- bel, approved ae to form by the poratlon Covuael; therefore, be it Resolved. That license be issued to Id ald auto oxr hon rd chef street.tt to of operate clonOf e of enldaurdls A..t to the provf- i Adopted by the Council Jan. 39, 1928. Approved Jan.19. 1926. (Jan. 26-1928) i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClaney Pergusen ,/1-Iodgson .... _..,....... In Iacor /McDonald"j /Sudheilner :.--..Against / Wenzel Mr. President Adopted hp the Council .... -..... ..... .....-......------192..--- Approved....... ':5___192__.. PUBLISHED___ xo. saoas--sv 1• �• ctsncy- CITY OF ST. PAUL saes e1 hegfolt winglpereona for. ' iucting buslneaeea et'the,,&. ddresses '.sled f.,e -ana ha �ame t5er� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ted'a d the a,ty lark fe Inatr• 'issue such It.. ... upon the t COUNCIL R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM city trea<ury F - ) URC L NO January 190 1926 RESOLVED V That the applioatior6klor licenses ofthe following persons for conducting businesses at the addressed indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Johnson Bros. 405 N. Washington St., Hotel Restaurant Al Hauser, 1043 Grand Av., Indian Mounds, Hotel A. J. Sass, Frank 011ie, 2381 'B. 4th St. z , R R Gre or Ylm. Y, g 430 Wabasha St„ 0 Mrs, G. F.W. Whhler, W. 197 W4th St., State Capitol, Restaurant Skog & Forsman, R 2elikoff k Landa, 434 Minnesota St, 3212 St, Peter St. Hotel Angelo Bruni, Rose 2agaria, 225'S. 7th St., n W. L. Kellym 1940 University Av „ S.D. Levin 334 N. Milton St. Grocery John Silberg, d St 773 Courtlan., 153 E. 7th St., 2nd hand dealer Sam Kopilowich, Nelson k Erickson, 888 Rice St. Grocery Joe. Kouba, 1658 W. 7th St., „ G. C. Janitschke, 425 W. 7th St., „ Tony Lamanna, 361 Upper Levee, 303 Ryan Bldg., Salary Loan E. E. Miller, John Tschida, 909 W. 7th St., Confectionery Lea Macovos, 170 E. Fairfield St., Grocery It E. C. Young, Harold H. F.lfenbein, 21 Thompson St., 1340 Thomas St., Confectionery J. J, Thomsen, 893 Randolph St, Grocery of H, Haokner, Max Copilovioh, 1116 Reaney St. 26 E. Fairfield St. Hunk deaLler Harry Eberhard, 1187 E. Minnehaha St. Butcher A. J. Bloeohl, 173 E. Robie St. F. J. Campbell, 232 N. Cleveland Av, JAN 1 91926 COUNCILMEN----------------- 192.....- Yeas �rays Adopted by the Council.._...._._.__.-_ . ✓'Clancy JAN .- f. 9 1926 Approved ------ ----- -. __........_..._ .192----- ---'Hodgson _-:..-..In favor McDonald MAYOR ................................. MAYOR ' Sudheimer J.. -..Against / Wenzel p11BI.ISEi1 D-17: - Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCIL No --- 34-03fi- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cnn NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - That the grade of Alley in Blook 4, Forest Lawn Addition and Blook 2. Sheldon Grove Addition, in scoordenoe with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of r Ynblio Works. be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 64096—By J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the grade of Alley In Block 4, Forest Lawn Addition and Block 2, Sheldon. Grove Addition, in 'accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the sena fa hereby adopted as the established' grade. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. Approved Jan. 19, 1926. (Iran. 29-1926) ✓ 19 1' COUNCILDIESJAN Nays Adopted by the Council ----- ----------- --------------------- 192...... Teas ✓Clancy JAM 1 9 1926 +'em / -,-IIOdgSnll ...... (ax -or APl •ed........... - --. -------------192 McDonald - - - -- -- Mevos Sudheiner a._. -_.Against -Wenzel PUBLISHED Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No o------64fl-3 FILE "M That the gradd of Ellis Street from Territorial Road to Cromwell Avenue. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. J COUNCILMEN Yeas v Claw -3, Hodgson McDonald Sudheinier Wenzel �Mr. President C. F. No. 64037—i3y J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the grade of Ellis Street from Territorial Road to Cram- well Avenue, to accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the 'same Ishereby adopted as the established grade. Adopte3 by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. Approved Jan. 19, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) .Nays ...-------In favor ................ Against ,VAN d'�' 1Q: 6 Adopted by the C.ouncil-.--..-------..--.----.-------------- 192...--- 0AXq. � C 1p, - Ap/p/rovteld..... .192---- ......... ... -- MAYOR ��1BL.S.ST-2ED — CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No PILE Jan. 19. *26. That the grade of Alley in Blook 6. Merriam Park Beoond Addition, from Wilder Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, in acoordenoe with the red grade line on the i000mpanying profile and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Pablio Works. be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 64038—BY J. H. McDonald Resolved. -That the grade of Alley' Ad- dition, from Wild., - Avenue Black 6M.-I.Park oto aGleve- land. Avenue, In accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile- and as recommended by the Comthe same icohere Ya adoptedras,. thebe es tabllshed grade. as Adopted by the Council Jnn. 19, 1926•, Approved Jan. 19. 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) /17:11 COUNCILMEN Yeas "Clam}' Ferg4leou-- 'Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer R'en2el President JAN 1 9 1926 Na}'s Adopted by the Council ..-------- — 192... JAN 1 9 1926 Approe d.-.... ---...-......_..- 192 - - �Y- ------- In favor MAYOR - -. ............................... ... MAYOR .-.:.-- ----.Against PUBLLSHED CITY OF ST. PAUL - eouN— - -(��T OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Ej RIXXX2ZMx Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Uharter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Eepartment for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment. Therefore Be It Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby. authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extrN employment for thec:xtra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate J. M. Weiss Mntce. Laborer 6 .50 Thos. P. ivlaloney, Mntce. Laborer 2 .50 C. P. \o. 6A039—By H. C. Wenzel— WhereAs,3 the Commissioner of the Public nent of nd Buildingsa has reportednto the Council, in accordance tth Section 63 Of the City Charter, the ezlstence of an emergency which rendered neces- sary the employment of certain em- haneeight hours pec day unid employ on being more than their usual houre ofTherefore Be It omDio3'mmtt That the roper city officers are Resolved, y ayother- p to pay the foil -1— no— a..._ .. hours - 6 else, 'Juice. Laborer, 6 Thos. P. Maloney, Afntee. Laborer, 2 hours at `0. iAdopted by the CouncilJ an. 19, 1928. Approved Jan. 19, 1926. (Jan. 28.1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas /' Naps V Clancy Hodgson ._In favor McDonald Sudheimer �...Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 1 9 1928 Adopted by the Council. .__._------------------------------- 192 PUBLISHED Approved.----- - {l..".:.::1 .....192..-... MAYOR To the Honorable Iviayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department £o Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours ner day, in the doing of the following work: Flooding skating rinks. 'Phis emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: To complete flooding of skating rink. Yours %truly, `V/ Commissioner R--if-moms to Al.k. foul[[ 011arne Department gf Far�lko. Vaygruunda GEORGE L MASON. and Vnbltr loutlbings 'OF Fexw HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. S—. w Pavex --- IRV ING C. PEARCE. OFPUfy COMM'%IONMI FRANK X. TEIVES. OFFICE OF COMMIWIONM Cm Mc1IrtECT 219 COURT HOUSE ®o V January 18, 1926 To the Honorable Iviayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department £o Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours ner day, in the doing of the following work: Flooding skating rinks. 'Phis emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: To complete flooding of skating rink. Yours %truly, `V/ Commissioner R--if-moms to Al.k. foul[[ 011arne Yeas IQ u40 CITY OF ST. PAUL w�aca NO._".i -----.-..- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATe._Jantiarl _1.1.,.1926....... -.-.....--- That the Council her•^b- ac roves t; -ie reconuaendittion of the Contract Co_.u. ittee and aw-rds the contr<:.ct for the construction of a sewer on Colne street from Orchard street to the Northern Pacific Right of Way, to the Peyen Construction Com;_any for the stun of "p756.00, in gccordance with tate plans, specifications and their bid hereto att-ch.ed; and the Corporation Counsel is hereb.r instructed to draw up groper form of contract ti:erefor. Eng.Est.;p1003.00. P.3.6951 C. Resolved., 0Thats the a to up proper torn, ot -------- F. s. 8961. JAN 1 9 1.926 Eng, Est. $3003.00.AdoSan. 19, 1926. Yheo Adopted by the Council ......................... ............19'1...... Approved Jan. 171928� (San. 28-1928) JAN 1 9128 ti Clancy -.--Ferguson— Approved..--- ...__...._......_ ...............---.192----- Hodgson :....; ..._..In favor / / McDonald i Sudheimer ._ .............Against COUNCILMEN JAN 1 9 1.926 Nays Adopted by the Council ......................... ............19'1...... JAN 1 9128 ti Clancy -.--Ferguson— Approved..--- ...__...._......_ ...............---.192----- Hodgson :....; ..._..In favor / / McDonald I - .......j�/.1.1v Sudheimer ._ .............Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President PUBLISHED COUNCIL NO ----- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL FiL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •' PRESENTED BY, C/—' __DATE_J._.............. That the Council hereby approves the reco:,_.endation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the con- struction of a sewer on Nebraska avenue from a -,point 60 feet east of Payne avenue to '.`ialsh avenue, to Peter Lametti, for the sum of $1788.00, in accordance with plans, speci- fications and hic bid hereto attached; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dr --w up proper form of contract t,erefor. Eng.Est.$2900.00. x.6950 C. P. No. 64041—By J. II. McDonald— Resolved, That the Council. hereby approve. the recommendation f the Contract Committee and award. the contract for construction of a sewer on Nebraska Ave. from a point 60 feet east of Payne Ave. to Walsh Ave., to Peter I.ametti, for the sum of .=1788.00, in �c rdaace with plus., j .peciffcaties. and his bid hereto at- Ttached; and the Corporation Counsel 1. hereby instructed to draw up proper form of contract therefor. Eng. Est. $2900.00. F. B. 6960. Adopted by the.Councll Jan. 19, 1926, Approved Jan. 19, 1926. .(Jan. 23-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Hodgson .... ........In favor j McDonald Against i Sudheimer---------- :--- Wenzel Mr. President '7� ( �'A I" Adopted by the Council- .._ JAN- 191926 -19'2.._.. AJAN 1 9192E 192 ...... proved.........-�--�------ -� - - - --- ��� PUBLISI-IED Yeas I COUNCIL 64042 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 11,1926 That the Council hereby concurs in the recd encis.tion of the Cnntrc.ct Co_�a_:ittee and hereby a: ZrXr.s the cont-rL.Ct for the construction of a sewer on 'Jesley avenue from Bolton avenue to a point 267 feet east of Holton avenue, to Peter Lamettis for the sum of $585.00, in accordance with the plans, specifications and his bid hereto attached; and the Cor_ooration Counsel is hereby- in,tructed to draw up proyoe-r form of contract therefor. hng.Lst. $820.00. _,'._x.6953 C. F. 1''b. 64042—B J. H- Mcnonald— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awardsthe contract for the construc- tion of a sewer on Wesley Ave. from Hol tonAve. to a point 267 ft. east of Holton Ave., to Peter Lametti, 'f or the sum -of $585.00, In 'accordance with the plans, specifications and his bid hereto attached; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby Instructed to draw up proper form of contract therefor. FFattg. Eet. $820.00. F. R. 6968: Adopted bl' the Council Jan. 19, 192C. Approved Jan. 19, 1928. (Jan. 28-1926) - -- COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer _......Against `"Wenzel Mr. President J 1 V 44" 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ ---------- 192...... 91926 Approved._...- ----- --- - -----------_------- 192 ...... MRYOa PUBLISHED 43 CITY OF Sr. PAUL CO�NGIL NO.._...- ;4f--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .......... January 11,1926 ............ _.... ... _....._._ _. .. _.......__ That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the C;;ntract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction..of a sewer on hiississir:pi street from Case street to a point 30 feet north of York street, to Peter Lametti, for the sum of ?1290.99, in accordance with the plans, specifications and his, bid hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dr-,.,:.* up proper form of contract therefor. Eng.Est. $1975,00. r."3.6952 C. Resolved.+ ThatBthe C.IJ, 11m 11 hereby concur. in the recommendation of the Contract Committee andhereby award- . the contract for the constroction of a ewer on Missis-iltO at. from .c Bt. to a point 30 feet north 'of York 9t. to Peter Lamettl, for the .um of 1 t129o.ii" in accordance with the plana '1 312 'ations and his :bid hereto at - inched, and the Corporation Covnael ie hereby instructed to draw up proper i form of contrnct therefor. Eng. Eat. a, S1976.00. F. H. 69Co62. - Adopted by the uncil Jan. 39, 1920. ADDroved 926. (Jan 12311926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L --Clancy ✓'Hodgson In favor 1' McDonald Sudheimer-------..Against Wenzel Mr. President � f l JAN 1 9 W26 Adopted by the Council ---- ------------------------------- --- 192..__ J A N 1 91926 Aproved..._...... ------ ..........................192...... - - --- --- .... ... ....- - - M •vOa ;'jj .xuxsax ennsns: " y Council File No _..+a4 .,(t �-�4 '0 614044=- Abe[ract. •eas, A written propoo': for the' t. Orth foltow+�c ImprovementPROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN .. and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: %econstruct.,.relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side west Seventh St. beginning 20 ft. east of Chestnut St. thence east 300 ft. Last side Chestnut St. beginning at ',ashington St. thence south to railroad Tracks. North side exchange ::it. from St. Peter St. thence east 50 ft. Last side St. Peter St. beginnin,_ at achan%­e St. thence North 106 ft. South side Exchange St, between rabashe St. and at. Feter''t. best side of ,abasha St. bee'innin� 150 ft. south of Tilton 3t., thence south 30 ft. North side Central ,',ve. beginning at .3t. Petsr . t, thence east to A1105. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the, hulking of the following improvement, viz": Heeonatruet, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side west Seventh St. beginning 20 ft. east of Chestnut St. thence east 300 ft. East side Chestnut 3t. beginning at vVashington St. thence south to railroad Tracks. North aide Lxenange ct. from at. Feter ot. thence east 50 ft. Last side bt. Peter ot. beginninC st '%xchange St. thence North 106 ft. South ;Tide _�xchan,e t. between, , ebssha 3t. and ot. Feter :3t. West side of Webashe St. beginnin:z 150 ft. south of Tilton 3t., thence south 30 ft. North aide Central Ivr. beginuilir- at at. Feter St, thence esst to .alley. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of L1mce ur oo,' 5. '1'o report upon all of the foregoi'g ipatte}30,Ae Comn)issioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .---- .--- ------ ---- ----- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY HODGSON AICDONALD "'/SUDIIEIMER f�VENZEL \� AIR. PRESIDENT CA 13 0M 3--25) J'd i -- Approved._-..--....--...-_ .......... S ............_..... /i�A- 7A.-4.%... �Z. ��..1..... ,, Mayor. PUBLISHED/ -73 f ({FILIffiFAIIY ORDEPB , f d`A„,1 n I ♦-C _1 T ACU „� �' 7I- : .+_ ---'------------------------- .------------------- ------------------------- --..... ... _. _....... _.- _.------------------.. _-------------. -- _.... - _----- ...............----- Dated this _ -..19th------ day of...............__Janue-- - ---1 26.e..............1.__ -, 192_ _. -... ........ -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: heconetrue t, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South aide west Seventh St. beginning 20 ft. east of Chestnut 3t. thence east 300 ft. East aide Chestnut 3t. beginning at Washington St. thence south to t%ailroad Tracks. North aide axenange 6t. from dt. Eetar ot. thence east. 5C ft. Past side St. Peter at. beginnin, at :.xchanae St. thencF North 106 ft. South aide-�xchan, a .:t. between 1abasha 3t. and at. keter .5t, 4est aide of 1Vabasha St. beginning 1F0 ft. south of Tilton 3t,, thence south 30 ft. North side Central Avr. begiruiin� at St. Peter 3t. thence esst to ;alley. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petltlou of three Or Dw,c �......>. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ]pattvgrAe Commissioner of Finance.. Adoptedby the Council ---------- ................................................. --------....---- YEAS NAYS � CiOUDCIIman CLANCY Is HODGSON j' MCDONALD SCDHEIIIER _ 'WEN7.EL AIR. PRESIDENT Garro C A 13 (111 3-25) .approved ......................... ...........-..-----.... Mayor. PUBLISHED `"_� -.26- 'C. F. No. 64045-- Abstract. 4046—Abstract Whereas, A Written prognal for the making of the following improvement, Reconstruct, relay and repair. where -es..ry, the sidewalks a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. _...._l��`:`tf The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks-._-___ at the following locations: -Both sides.._of__St..--..Anthony...AveRlle-- batmen .. Ric.e._S.tr-eat...Bnd---__-------- ---- ------ - -- ------------ ........._Farrin;;ton-Avgn-------------- -------------------- ----_...-------------- - - - --------.._...- -..... -- 15th Januar; , 1926. __-.---.-_ 192.__.. Dated this day of....... ---- --------------- ----------- ...... ---- -- ---- - -- ----- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necess.ary.,-_the_sidewa.l.ka._---__. ..................... --- - --- - _.....et -the 0.71.oti�� n---Ioaa.ti-ona.. - ...._.. _ _... _.: - -- ------ ----- ... Both sides of St. Anthony Avenue between_ !Uc-e_-Street_.-_nd..._.-._------------ _.... ---------................_.....__......._................... -----------------Farrington bvenue.-_-__----.. -- ........_........- -- — ...__...- --- -....- ------------------- - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._.______ _....___.....____....-......._-----_--------------------...- therefo•e, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability- of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. fr-4 1 26 Adopted by the Council----------------J--AN 9 -- N -----.. 1 .9 9 . - - ---- - - YEAS NAYS CoUneilmiD CLANCY FERGuscur --._. ✓ HODCSON McDoNALD SUDHEIMER K/WENZEL AIR. )'RESIDENT Form C A 13 (1\I 3-25) Ah 1 c 1926 Approved----------------------------- ._....------------- -----— ------ - ... ... ..._ 6 ----------- ....-.�._:..Y.......-.... Mayor. Vo. 64046— Abstract. 'rasa, A Wrlt[eu DrocyeAoo°emente, g of the following 1mD ;3nove damaged curb and construct ' gement curb- a[ the following lo - 91 , ,'6POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Randolph 3t., beBinnfn��� T -d Ave., thencr . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. M Council File No...._. J ���� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cit • of St. Paul, viz.: Remove damaged curb and construct new cement curb at the following locations: N -.---Z Ran&o-1-ph it-.---begins-1ing. -at--Glevel-and---Ave-•-, thanes East- -20-- €est --------- N. S. Selby Ave. begimainr; at T.'ilton St. thence west 10 feet, beginning 290 -ft farther west fihence---West 72 fFet;-..be iruiinf 214 ft: £aYther +iPst, the- cE-- west._12... t -.. ......... ------------------ - ...... -..........- ------------ -- - .... ---------- ......._-- _- N. S. Selb; Ave. beginning 28 ft. west of Oxford St, thence west 112 ft. N- ---5-.-Rentle--3t.--beginni-nf----a-t Louis --tet.--thence...west--25-€eet------- .-.____... _..---- Dated this -----..1-9th--.day of_...._.....-....,IBriva - -,---1 6.. --- .. 192. _. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin improvement, iz.: Remove damaged curb and construct new cement curb at tvhe following locations: N..-- S..-Rando-1ph---St. ---beginning..st--Clevel.and._Ave ........ t -hence -.,Gast -20---feet ...... ... N. S. Selby Ave. beginnin^ at Milton St. thence west 10 feet, beginning 290 ftp farther west, th-encs -we-st 12 feet,-.be-ginring 214 ft: farther 'West,' thence west 12 ft. N. 3. Selby Ave. beginning 28 ft. west of Oxford St, thence west 112 ft.. -...N-.--S.--Rondo--St,-b-eglnni.n}a_.at- -Louis_-St. --thsnce-- we -at ---25-feet.--------._.._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _ _ __...... _ .- --- - --------- ---_.-. -- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council --------- ----------- JAN ...1...9.1926..._.. YEAS NAYS Couneilmah'&ANCY }HODCSON McDosALD . SUDHEIMER WEN7.EL MR. PRESIDENT Furor C A 13 0 Tt 3-35) J 1 9 ,926 -approved- ----------------------------- -- ------------ /. .� v Mayor. PUBLISHED C F No. 64047— Where". 404 Whereas. A written Drofoeal for.!' making of the following mDral- , et sandsto a curb lnthony Ave. beCouncil File No.... �.. (1 ?J - t _, ,u;ton Ave. It -be O" " Q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Y and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -.............Reset_-s-andsto.A@---cu,rb oil to.tkt..s.i.d.e.a_.o£_5.t ..... Anthony ..Avenue ------ --------- _between.. Ee Street_e.><Id...k'arr.i.ngt.on...Avenue ........ - ......... - .... ....... ----------------------------------------...._.--------- - ............ ------- --- ....... ..._._.._-....... - .......... -- ------------------------------------------------ ......................... ...... - --............ ......_.......... -- . -- ------- Dated this...... -19th. .day of._...._.. Janua ry r 1. 6.____ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reset sandstone curb on both sides of St. Anthony venue ....................................._...__.. _..... - ... _.. - .... - .._........... ....... .... _. _..._ _.__..-_......- between Rice Street and Farrin€ton Avenue. --------------------------------------------------- ............ -— -- _..---------------- ------------- .............. ------------------ -- ..... _..-— - ._....._ _.... .__ ..-------- _ -- --------------- --------------------------------- - - ....--------- .. - ....... ._ - _..... -- - ------------------------ ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul___ ........ __....... ----------- ............_.._--------------- -- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improventent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--------- --- ----- -----JAS 1..1926.----------...---- YEASNAYS JAN 192 Councilman C1.ANCYE �---^ -Fe soriG'ii N approved.......... - --.....--------------...----------------------------- _ V' HODGSON MCDONALD e SUDHEI\IER V, MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (11,1 3-25) PUBLISHED 4 C. F. No. 64048— k . Abstract, Whereas, A wrltten proposal for the making of the following lmvrov%2164048 , (�� () Alh Iuct an alley croseing on the. Council File No.._ ..................... nth side oP South SL between R' 4'nd Albemarle St. having been PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT d to the Council of the qty ' *afore, be It ^ at qhs and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct an Alley crossing on the south side of__ S__o_uth------------- Street between Rice Street and Albemarle Street. - - ...._.... .........--....._..---------------- ---------- -------- ---- - ------------ ----...------- - ----------------------- ... -.__..... ....... ... _... _._ .. - ...... - Dated this..._19th day of-......_ .... ....January, 1926 - - -71-- -_ ._.._..-._, 192__... --------- Councilman. YELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Construct en Alley crossing on- the south._side. oP_-aout}�...--._----.-- Street between Rice Street and Albemarle Street. -- - .._..._.. _..._.. _.. ---------------------- -- , _.. - _ ._ _ _._..... --------- --------...- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul__ ___._ " therefore, be it --------- _.... ... RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. ✓� Adopted by the Council----- JaN1 ._.----. YEAS NAYS _.. Councilmhn CLANCY JAN 1 g 1926 Eraev8mr Approved-- ---_._. HOOGSON---------- ------- McDONALD SCDHEISII:R "'-VENZEL MR. PRESIDENT --------- F.— c A Ia a nl a -as> Mayor. POLISHED No. 04049— , Abstract Whereas, A written yroyosa] for .'- 0_49 'em)eingm of the Sollowing 1mDrove! Council File No...-_..._. �ee nstruot, re1a� s ar Lpe PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ar and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the --f-oifiowiug...loaations:----------------------------------------- - ....._--- ---------- ..-.. - ._.._........ ......... - ... East aide Mackubin-.-at. beginningat_-Rondo-.St _ thence-. north -..150 East side Prior Ave. between Sargent Ave. and St. Clair Street. South...si,d-& Ta-ylom--- Ave .--beg-inni-ng...50---ft-.---asst--o€ Helton --St- thence- west 754 North side Ashland Ave. beginning 74 feet east Milton St., thence -Beet 50 feet.--... ....................... ...... - ._--------------------- ......--...................- Dated this._.1?t11 ..day of..19 ... 192.- i`- % Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the Making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay _and _repa-ir_,.__where the following ----1601, tions: r^ast--sida--I4sekuhin..St.-beginning'-o-t--Rando-_St-.-- thence -north 15O ft: --- East side Prior Ave. between Sargent Avc. and 3t. Clair Street. ----------------- South-afde sylor Ave- b-eginYtI 50 it viest of -Holton St ---thence west 7� North side Ashland Ave , beginning 74 feet east Hilton_St._..._thence--_-------- E'sst­151-o'-feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul------- ---------- _ _.._...--------.------------------.------------------- therefm•e, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing r tiers to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓Adopted by the Council ---------- ------------------ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 4 A � A Approved... ...........__-------------»26------- HODGSON / Mc DONALD ,/SUDIIEIAIER WENZEL.......... ...... .............. ...._ e.`.:.... 1,/-F/-- -"p'-Y .-'.---------- l., MR. RESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) PMLISm-n ! 3 G C. F. Tb. 64060— — Abstract. Whereas. A written proposal for the i��4t)U making of the fouowms tmvrovement - Council File No --------------- viz: Grading alley In Block 6, bierri' - Park Second Addition, 7' - or to Cleveland PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT nted. tb t. he r - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: dil ..---------Gss.....4 4sy_- in_ n ox-. 6,_ orri.Rm.. V*.rk. 0Q -and.. AW-t;LoxL _.frnm.--.-.------- - -gilder Alen°e t0 C Qvaland_.Av..anne...._... -_-------- - - .......... .... ........_..---- Dated this day of....._.---_ ...... Jams 198 .._ __._._..----.., 192..----• -m----- --- Co(mcilan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grading Alley in Block 6, Merriam _Park _Second Aldi% on�...fro;u......... .. Wilder Aveue to ClevelandAvenue.. _ -_.__._.._._-------------------- ----_.... .. --------------------------------------- ..... - .... ... -- -- - - -- --- - _... - ------------ ............ ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of tit. Paul --- --...._._-----__......_-------------------------------------------.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. —5- jo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted'by the Council. - - ........AN 1 9.1996 -------------------- YEAS ATAYS _ Councilman CLANCY r,__- -racsv cam..., Approved ......... ---------------_. -- HODGSON '_�ICDONALUONA�I SCDHF.IMER ------------------------ .I - L /1/ MR. PRESIDENT Xlayoi. F— C A 13 (1 N1 3=55) PUBLTSTMD C. F. No. 64061— �a . lld .- t Abstract.%��>� Whereae. A written Drotee al for the Council File No. _....._. t Ll making of the following Improvement.. Condemning and taking an eaeem�.;' alis n n e..cessa�ieL '1op PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessar-y___.______... ... ---------------------......-- --- ---- - -- . for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 6, --------------_-............ ------------------ -- ------------ ------------------- ................-- _. ...........--- ._.._....--- -------....._..-._..._...- Merriam Park Second Addition, from ,7ilder._Avenue_to..Cleveland.-____--...- ......... -........................ ---.. .... ..... .......-. Avenue. -.......---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - _........__.. - .......... ............. .............. Dated this ..--_19th day oE_....._ ------- January 1926. 192_ ---• ---- - -- ----- --- - -..._ ... _..._...._...... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlprovement., viz.: Condemning.and_taking_-an-.-easemant_.in..thelend- nE.oessar.y--- _--------------_..- for __.slopes-, cuts _-_all d._fi.hs,-._in_ the_,gredin-g of_,Alley-- i1-.-3�Q.Qk...S,.._...._. from._Wilder._ venae...to- .Clevelond------... Avenue. .... - - _ ----- . ........ - - ------------------ -------------------------------------..._------_-- ------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul__ _._.....--- _ __..._------------- ---------- -.---------- ----------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ JAN 1 91926 Adoptedby the Council ------------------------------------------ ---- ... ..... ----- ------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY i. �J j CT -rleft�aeeaN-- :Approved _..... _ ..... ...- - =. ---- --- ------ -- IIODOSON _ MCDONALD Si;uxElail.R WENZEL ............. .."..`:X.. _..-.....i... �.:.l��' .J.�«'-.-f..... ^ 1VIR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (Ih! 3-25) Jt. Council File No...._64 52 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. B. No. sSouzAbstraoa and Where- A written Dro➢Deal for the making of the following Im➢rovemen4' .„e.nae Auer to Block s, Forest town PRELIMINARY ORDER. titan, and .Block 2, Sh,IAGn ({re,- from Ald^ne�xb .::• iG.; =rsigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 4, Forest Lawn Addition, and_ Block_2_, ....... .......... -- --- .. ----- ------ ------ Sheldon Grove Addition, from Aldine Street to Wheeler.Avenue ..__...._.-.--_.- --._.--- -------------------------------- ------------- --- ----------------------------- - .......... ---- - - ........ - ------------------------------- Dated this..._19th day of .......... .._...Jsnuar 1926..__ ......_...___, 192_ _. .... - .... _ .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 4, Forest Lawn Addition, and Blo.... -_ -.-_ ... -------------- Sheldon Grove Additions from Aldine Street to Wheeler Avenue-,__ -------- _----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..._____.._ .. __.........._.-_.------ ---- ..---- .---- --- ------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimates] cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J" 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council-------------------------- --- ----------------- YEAS NAYS Colmeilm.RD CLANCY lkias 9 lti<V Approved. -------- -- _.. i- HODGSON -- --- MCDONALD + i -- St: Dti t.I3f t:R • l%'IR. PRESIDENT -May �01'. Form C A 13 (1 37 3-25) C. F. No.64053 r "a'acL .1;e.1a, .A --t for the a and taking .. enentland necessary for at - in the Forest Lawn AriRiU>n, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No .................... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cond0ning and taking - an--- _easementAn the._.1 .-A41o.em-eary for_ ------------............... ...... .. ...... -------------- ­ - ------444. slope -8. O.U-ta andfi-1.1.0 . . .... in -j -ho 82! AdUg __ Of Alley . in, - 310 ok. - 4 ...... Pozeat. .. .. .. .. .... ..... -- -- ­ Zgwn Addition. and Dlqo.k 2-,-. M-91 dQu _. Gro -T -a Addition, -from..Aldins- ­­ ............. ­ -- - ------------------ Street to Wheeler ATe ----------------- ------------- - ------------------------------------ --- --- ------ Dated -- -- ............. I .................................................... Dated this MIA day of,. - ---------- ., 192__ Councils In n PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 00a.de.=14R and tak-ing-wa.essement in- the leak IL606-s-sary for.._...... aAd f1llfi,.__iA_Jhe_..6radij1W_09--A.1187- 1A Bl,"k- -4,-Forest. 34 A4 2,_...Sheldon_.Grav_e_ Addition, -fxom--A1d1,-ne ---------- --------- -------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul— .. . ........ -- ------ - ------- -- ---------_------ --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1/rA Adopted by the Council------------- . N .J 9-192ra -------- ------ YEAS --- -YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FrTG—USON Approved - -------------------- -- 110DGSON Mc DONALD Z MR. PRESIDENT Alayor. Form C A 13 (1Nf 3-25) PUBLIST-TED—L –P3 : i/I 4 f i k I I ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL'�[(F{�[{ ' QUADRUPLICATE ^ FILE NO TO OFFICE 0174H'ECd'OMPTROLLER __il li'SZ���LLL �I CITY CLERK. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO. _�� _________ .. 'I-19 6 J cy/�� -.- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE DRAWN ON THE AMOUNT OF 5—_ - - _ COVERING - ---- r-- - - COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED _� _ 9 -9 ---- TO_ l INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE INCLUSIVE. IN THE OFFICE _-___3 ) -_—_ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK �J -[N-FAVOF TOTAL RETURNED BY NUMBER` TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I � CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD I' I I '. F. No. 64054— Resolved that checks he drawn on the City Treasury to the aggregate '!mount oY $9.563.85, g over) checks i ij n mhered 499 to 541 Inclusive. sPer ' checks on file In the office of the CitY Calaptrotler. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19,1926.! ii Approved Jan. 19, 1926. (San. 23-1926) I� BY' * 7y\ C OMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED- L-49-9- -- _TO.....�-.----- - N"/V - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE , OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) TOTAL WATER RETURNED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK 3 573 45 GENERAL BROUGHT FORWARD 53,432.70 -551 642 3 _ HGARAGEAUDITORIU 277 673,-30 499 Lindstrom & Anderson 4 736 75 500 F. 11. 3e.rgent & company 3 w 87'99 501 F.J.Sohaaf & Company 46 46 502 .90bawang Photo Company 75' 503 "choffer & Roesum Company 18; 18 2 504 sohelon Fleotrio Company 313 39..3 50 andrea Schooh 0rooery Comprn 3 0 � 31:08 50 Schuneman 1=vans Company � 4'S0 507 Chae. 3oribnerfs gone 41 41'64 �08 sembury & Company ser3gravo corporation 2 225,90 436'' 29 �Or 510 seal Me Piston Ring Compere 3b! 1;6 511 J. L. 3biely Compsny 70; 16:33 512 J. L. shiely Company 813' 51 D. H. 3hotwell Company 1 1 140,30 51 silo Produots Company 5� 8 15'13 515 C. J. Smith Company Eimer 24 3 II 516 A. Smith & Oampanpp 111 1 50 517 L. C. faith & Bros. Typ. Co. 16i; 161 85 518 77.F. Smith Tire & Battery Coo 88 88; Q 519 smith rystem Beating Company 23! 520 C. Sommers & Company 521 south Park Foundry ccup=7 206 18910 20'61 A. 0. balding & Brothers 25;26 522 23 The Speakee Company 9,2 524 speolalty Printing company 46 47'60 5 Sperry office Furniture Comp Company y 32 7 12 2'96 526 standard oil 527 standard Unit Parte Company 96 17'01 528 1terling Printing Company 1 25 12'25 529 Fe J. Stilwell Paper Company' 30 38 30,38 530 strioklor sales Company 17100 00 531 superior Printing Company b00 2 40 532 Terminal Motor Ba® Company 5311 TraneittSupply Company 88a 5050 889 00 532 Tri-3tate Tel. & Telg. Camp WOO 59:00 Twin city Briok Company 83 33 16 4� 55 994 537 n & gore Oompan 16'40 538 earing Assooiat 9EEEdy on 29 50 28 50 539 Company 11.00 11'00 Company cb®md lei 00 541 unite Company 499 499 58 • p-SUDHEIMER. WENZEL, MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) DISTRIBUTION WATER PUBLIC BUILDING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 649,81 3 573 45 6 oo3 1 BON. i �3 ?89 ACCOUNTS 139 44� 47 FUNDS '5o ACCOUNTS HGARAGEAUDITORIU 265;738 447' 75 3 w 813 1 II 24 3 leg 0 4 o0 64 80 17 499 58 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUN.RY II REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 649,81 3 573 45 6 oo3 1 613 30 .o 54 41 77 53 �. _..... �, 45 6.176 �47 613 31 d .-....-.._. .SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD ..432 fiO 561 2o6 15 29.0 655 QQ 51 95-1- 130 217 44 139 449 47 1 080 0 -.. 265 66 { g1 5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL 277 67,3430 87'99 18.25 39; 31 34 0 Fi 41 22 432 29 16 33 140 30 15 13 1 50 168 95 �3 20 61 2550 47 60 257 96 12 25 30 38 1 00 23 40 860 00 59 00 16 9 WATER BOND 50 447 12r _W 3 738 813 o6 i 189 64 80 /CLANCY. TRRMGI'f.°'ttTE 7�ITRIU� - -i To CITY. CLERK RES. NO. -20 ------------ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE1_19_ -1926 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .______ , 5-----------,-563 5--- =COVERING BY'CHECKS NUMBERED _--- 439 ------- COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ' PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK . WENZEL, TOTAL /MR. PRES., NELSON. RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF By BANK J TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 499 BROUGHT FORWARD Lindstrom G 53 432.70 551 642 & Anderson 4 738' 500 501 F. 11. Sergent & company F.J. sohaaf & company q� f} 502 Schavrang Photo Company 50 -ohOffer & RoomIm Company 1ST 50 sohelen Fiectrio company 3 500 50 kndrew sohooh Grooery Compsan sahuneman w 39 500 7 anm Company ChQs. 307iQ er+s gone 41 5T O✓ wry teeny `30agravo Corporation 9 510 seal Tite Piston Ring Compnn 1 6 511 J. L. 3hiely Compmsy 512J. 513 L. Shiely Company n. B. Shotweli Company R3 0 514 silo 1 1 1 Produote Company 56 8 515 C. J. ;with Company 24 3 II 516 `'lmer n. Smith & company 1 5 517 516 L.C.Ilmjth & Bros. Typ. Co. 161 8 519 ..F. Smith Tire & Battery Co `smith system Heating Company 88 23 520 521 G. Sommers & Comparey20 south PaTk Boundry Oomptany lag O 522 523 A. a, _1pml.ding & Brothers The 3perkes Company 25 ; 524 52 speolalty Printing Company Sperry OYtloe Furniture 1 47 6 52 Comp `�tanda>.rd Oil Company y li 32 7 527 'standard Unit Parte Company 12 p6 526 529 sterling Printing Company E. 530 J. Stilwell paper Company strioklor sales Company 30 3g 531 532 'superior Printing company Terminal ?dotor Bus Company 17 b 00 533 534 Trail It Company Transit Supply Company 55 885 53 5 0 Tri-3tate Tel. & Telg. Comp y Twin City Briok Company 00 0937 3 Twin CSb7—IrOn & :Aire Company 33� 13 4t CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL 277 67,3430 87'99 18.25 39; 31 34 0 Fi 41 22 432 29 16 33 140 30 15 13 1 50 168 95 �3 20 61 2550 47 60 257 96 12 25 30 38 1 00 23 40 860 00 59 00 16 9 WATER BOND 50 447 12r _W 3 738 813 o6 i 189 64 80 /CLANCY. � 7�ITRIU� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --IN FAVOR )j' HODGSON, 792 _ v"M.DONALD, MAYOR I/ SUDHEIMER, __ Sc/--- .---- _AGAINST . WENZEL, /MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS (1/) DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKItGG ST IMPROVEMENT `R'U A NTs Ills. ACCOUNTS 139 445:1 4 00 GARAGE 989! 46 1 24 3 17 COUFNCIL NO. .{�{i'3q I}} 7�ITRIU� SPRINKLING ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 APPROVED__ 792 _ 649 81 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS --- 7�ITRIU� SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING -- BUl�pgy ACCOUNTS 265 6 649 81 3 573 45 6 003 1 613 30 54 41 77 I II I I c- F No 64o66 Resolved that checks be drawn In the City Treasury to the _,cg ch -l" c ec e - amount Y $12,831.91, oering numhered 374 to 403 Inclusive, s per hecics file In the office of the City d Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL / QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO—A10515 Approved San. 19, 1926. To OFFICE'bFT14E COMPTROLLER i I II it (Jan. 23-1926) CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO.l�---------__ _--- ' pf.- ____-. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE- 2— CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF j !i I II I i I --- t' I li F II 1 I COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED ---- .3.7Y___ -__TO__ _'T[3_____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE I i I OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 4 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD_; CH hIGIC it II TOTAL RETURNED .FORM D34 1000 7-24 r IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER IIITRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHT FORWARD -..._ I II I I c- F No 64o66 Resolved that checks be drawn In the City Treasury to the _,cg ch -l" c ec e - amount Y $12,831.91, oering numhered 374 to 403 Inclusive, s per hecics file In the office of the City d Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. Approved San. 19, 1926. i I II it (Jan. 23-1926) � 1 f I �1 I it ti j !i I II I i I I li F II 1 I I f I i I 4 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD_; .FORM D34 1000 7-24 • - C h✓�'�.� .:S IGI.IPTROL4ER INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE SUDHEIMER, J ..AGAINST 192 PPRO E � WENZE + ✓W�..i ..- - �_ - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - , PER -� n _ �'MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS MAYOR CHECK _ TOTAL I RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF —{ BY --. _ DISTRIBUTION ` LOCAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL WATER; IMPROVEMENT SINKING �jlll CHECKS CHECKS BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILpING SUNDRY N REVOLVING ACCOUNTS - BROUGHT FORWARD 53 432 70 290 211'17 ��142 4 374 ,A lliam Rastner 193 00 1 30 40 979 331 53 661 io 96 362 17 910 26 4 7633 3 496 77 5 215 30 613 30 37 :,1►en-' u3liey Comuany 19 00 1.g 00 �vnerictm '3oeiety for Teat. Laboratories 15 00 377 tura. x. t. F3m�ls Leopold Bruenner 1 00 16 00 -,he ",, ry Register dompsny 50 00 50 00 #09 ^uWncy A. HUI �� 0000 300 00 382 L.C.ticd�son, Comer. of L'nn. 0 600 0o 66 0o 10 00 339 D. rL. Lindley 200 00 200 00 o4 J. J. MoVonlgr a � 16 25 6 12 25! 75 391 Metropolitan Club Malaya 75 00 3� tteyer VliaraninC Company 112 0 75 00 397 minneanolis 3ohool .supply Co. 1 135 I.0 12 50 399 tnlnnroot<L tllotorioal Society 2 0D 2 00 1 135 00 389 tn.inneeota :=ipe & Tile Camp S 501 g6 5 501 6 � 390 riools, n©en & Gregg Com;;rnY 2 49 1 03 1 Z5 391 ­ielaeu Brothers XO 00 11 00 392 PL "i. Flectric xauipment 00. 316 33 162 66 1 76 39 ttr. R. T. Powers 775 16 75 185 91 39 Thorman % Rosholt company lg 6p lg 60 39 39 't.P3ul Gas Light company 21846 00 2 188 19 >t-^^ul Rel ^state Board 846 00 397 7.k. Smith Tire & Battery Co. 47 63 39� Otandard Stone Company 499 >upt. of Documents 21 25 1 �5 25 00 47 63 00 "'eat Publiehinr, Oomrany 401 tare, tiinnie 13. '"014n � UNJ 20 00 402 Brooks Brother T..-*- - 22 00 a ua er Com .en 792 68 403 k.7.Xromsobroeder, Cashier ".ester ??apartment 130 54 130 54 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 53 432 7a 303 043 t� 792 69 1X47 341 44 41049 99 154 862 10 102 677 96II IN 910 76 33� 3 544 40 5 401 2111 613.30. 0 TWIFLWAATE TO CITY GL'�gK DATE 11,14'9t _+ r By �` /f.K.� � � G0�.IPTROLLER \. PER CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RES. No. _16 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITYTREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S .12;831,_91_.__. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED .__374 ._ TO._4G3________ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 70 290 211 17 193 00 184 0C I 1 00 16 00 50 00 300 00 60760 0 200 00 16 7755 75 00 12 1 135 ,00 2 00 5 501 -)6 i! 2 T}g 10 00 316 36775 2 +6 19 II 00 47 63 21 25 j 20 00 12 00 782 68 130 54� RETURNED BY 1/ BANK CITY OF SAINT (:AIIL BROUGHTFORWARD 374 "Allium Rastner 373 - Al' anivaliey Company 776 nmeriaan ;ooiety for Test. 15 00 Laboratories 377 mr.3. x. ;,T. nock 3 8 Leopold Bruonner 9 . hr, ':gry R:YI;1 oter Company 0 ..UJ-noy A. Tir3ll ;81. L.C.TTcdgson, Comer. of rin. 92 n M n n 383 n. s. Lindley 3 J. J. 1,10m.on1gal 385 Ttetrop711trn Club Mnle Chorus 39 387 ?Ieyer -MeTaninE; Com; any ?Tinneanolie 3ohool ^,applyy Co. 389 399 .innnnot.i Tiotorioal 3001ety z iPsler>Ota 6 75 ripe a Tile oomprmy 390 ITiools, T?ean G Gregg Com- any 391 " alsen Brothers 392 rJ. . rleetrio ^quipmont Co. 12 50i Tir. R. T. Powers 3R55 Thormcn ^1. Roeholt Comc,any 39b 't.raul Gas Light Com:,any 1 135 90 ^t. P.rtul heel retate no= 397 3 ',' r. Smith Tire & Battery Co. Standard stone Company - 99 -,apt. .of Documents E00 401 "'eat Publishing Com,any 402 Mr3. rUnnie D. Dolan 403 Brooks Brothers Lumber Com-anj ^.".Rromsohroeder, 10 00 Cashier -meter Department TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 70 290 211 17 193 00 184 0C I 1 00 16 00 50 00 300 00 60760 0 200 00 16 7755 75 00 12 1 135 ,00 2 00 5 501 -)6 i! 2 T}g 10 00 316 36775 2 +6 19 II 00 47 63 21 25 j 20 00 12 00 782 68 130 54� RETURNED BY 1/ BANK CITY OF SAINT (:AIIL 40 879 33'I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER "CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Hji r — / I/ HODGSON. 15 00 _Ad.DONALD. j /SUDHEIMER. 16 00 WENZEL. MR. PRES.. NELSON. 50 00 GENERAL WATERS BOND IMp 0 VE.COUNTST SFUNIDS 142 429-31 40 879 33'I 53 661 10 96 36217 1900 18 00 15 00 j 16 00 50 00 300 00 boo oo wr. 66 oo 10 00 200 00 6 75 12 25 i 00 12 50i 1 135 90 21003 1 { 5 501 99 T+6 5 10 00 162 66 1 76', 16 75 19 60 2 9i oo 60 II 0 25 00 20 12 00 j 782 68 130 54 IN FAVOR AGAINST YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL FILE No. ,AFI 1 9 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 'Ali PPRO ED------------ UVV MAYOR TRUSTSPECIAL FUNDS _ ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY GARAGE II AUDITORIUM II SPRINKLING II FORESTRY11 BUILDING11 ACCOUNTS 910 2Q 111 76 33 II 3 496 77 it 5 215 3011 613 30 47 63 185 91 yy �l CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 6 5 f OVAORUPLIGATE FILE NO --------------------- -- To OFFICE',6F CP•IE COMPTROLLER 7 "*t CITY CLERIC RES. No --- — _ _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Cy �jDATE: 1-92_6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. i 7}H.Ey�-►AGGREGATE AMOUNT COVERING -- OMPTROLLER CHECCKKSINUC}MBERED SL1YSt�F _T1',1c r - G `�'______ Y C IINCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER _ ___(j.C. �.jN C<'I•C�____ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. II CHECK I� TOTAL RETURNED IN F� OR OF By NUMBER �I I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK uBROUGHT FORWARD r ii I i .— II C F oNo.lv 64066— j ii Resolved that checks he drawn on e it the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount [ 1171,699.36 covering checks I; numbered 404 to 446 Inclusive, ae per Necks file in the office of [he City Comp troll e.r Adopted b,' the Council San. 19, 1926. Approved Jan. 191926. - Caan. za 1026 19^si i I I F ry 111 I 1 �'— )COMPTROLLER /. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS KON FILE IN THE OFFICE G OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER .,.� .. . ... r CHECK NUMBER / IN FAVOR% OF TO AL RETURNED • ."-. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS f BY BANK 1 BROUGHT FORWARD 53 432 70 303 043.08 -.- — DISTRIBUTION 404 seourity state Bank of st.pa 40 Dr. AH. Ahrens 31 751 80 15 50 WATER BONG LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 66 Georgee Becker 407 Mathias Gish TRUST 5� SPECIAL FUNDS - 408 Minnie J. Gleokner Christine ' 33 32 ACCOUNTS Hanson 410 -------- -- .IWuniOOR: UM f� 1— 409 4 FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDREVOLV George Kerst2 411 Catherine 147 341 44 00 677 Lynaugh 412 21 68 Mrs. Annie Meehan ACCOUNTS — 30 54 102 86 Dr. . G. Mortensen 414 N Dr. John V. oloonnor 41 34 0300 76 33 415 Mrs. 5 401 21 00 15 50 ' Albin Sanders 416 34 56 August L. sohempf, Guardian 50 00 35 0011 for Doris Hanson 417 Dre. Sterner 31 68 & Lundholm 418 Dr. :Tdvard .^•,shone I 00 419 L.C.Hodgeon, Oomer. of riaaa 420 " rr a 10 210 95 n IN n 421 L.C.Hodgeon, 0om1r. of rinan 22 e 3 2 4�j17 27 4 8 92 0 022gg 7444 (2 10 2T054 42 10 5 357 4 1428 �9 2111 430 3. Brand Coal Company r 28 8 30 431 Brown Instrument Company 432 Goodyear 23 Rubber Company 42 10 00 473 Great Lakes Coal & Dook Company !� 254 James 0. Heyworth, Inc. 38li2 1 435 Hoinghsead Company 63 g 436 xoehler & Hinrichs Company 1 993 0 437 Kunz oil Company 438 34 56 ? 970 2 Minnesota Coal Company x+39 } 205 2 Northern states power Company 4 440 Patterson Dental SupplyComp 441 Twin City Hardwood Lumber company y 1 11g 00 442 J. L. Brastad 150 6 79 2 44.m. Martin 444 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company ,�(� 445 N.W. Electric Equipment Comptny 6 00 _ 112 I 4 200 20 5 SUDHEIMER, AGAINST WENZEL, APPROVED . n *' f 1914,69L • ."-. +' MR. PRES., NELSON: YES (,1) COUNCILMEN NAYS 7920 79 20 - -.- — DISTRIBUTION 34 o6 • GENERAL WATER BONG LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS - - ' ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE GARAGE -------- -- .IWuniOOR: UM f� 1— SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDREVOLV ----- 147 341 44 41 048}88( 862 l0 677 NG ACCOUNTS — 54 102 86 9�0 26 76 33 3 54440 5 401 21 613 j0 15 50 ' 31 751 so 50 00 35 0011 3 77 00 323 68 R 30 10 00 40 00 34 56 3551 68 I 6 00 10 2210 95 II 7 13 27 x+71 27 88592 00 4 7 79 24 20 X 55 526 93 1 163 76 265 68 573 48'' l0 3502 7 6b 2 916 4o 29 05 487 00 153 58 6 823 73 5 4 2 961 254 40 H 38 24o 1 63 8q 1 99QO it 4 200 20 5 4 053 9; 150 66 7920 79 20 4 iP 34 o6 78 4vc 1 118 08 432 70 �+74 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 642 44233 391 33 50 4456 9r 74o,22 135 597 19 910; 2 265 i iI 649 81 3 573 45 5 998 21j 613 30 6 13 T!•OYRiJIQA TE TO CITY OF SAINT CAI!I_ � r F1( CITY CLERK RES. NO. 17 / FILE N O. `,4�� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -- ✓CLANCY. - _ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM L IN FAVOR .jAIV I Q 1s Z6 CITY TREASURY. DATE1_,15 1926 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT '7� [[HODGSON, 171.599. 3�i ------ ___. CRING OF �EEB.GId �� ... �_- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 BYC� t - CHECKS • _ ) - ,.-a � ' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, - NUMBERED. )Y11^rT Tp AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE M.D APPROVED 19 SUDHEIMER. __AGAINST 9 19' z - WENZE L, C� OF THE iCOMPTROLLER.- clry (A - PER � MR. PRES., NELSON. VES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) � nlArpR CHECK IN FAVOR, OF NUMBER TO A L RETURNED h DISC RIBUTION - ( TRANSFER TRANSFER CHECKS DIS CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER I BOND IMPRLOCAL OVEMENT SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC _ ACCOUNTS COUNTS ____—_—_ BU LDING suN GARAGE ..Quri]'OOR:UM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING Ili ACCOUNTS ff�IQQ 11 - 147 341.44 41 o48}u 54 862 10 102 677 96 9;0.26 76 33 3 54440 5 4o1 21' 613 30� BROUGHT FORWARD53 432 70 303 043.09 404 .3eourity state Bank of 3t.Pa Dr. Adolph H. Ahrens 31 751 80 15 50 15 50 ¢ 31 751 90 44005 b George Beoker 50 00 50 00 407 Mathias Gish 35 00 35 00 � 409 I'Ainnie J. Gleokner 409 Christine Hanson 3 774 3 77 �I 41.0 432 32 George Korai 411 3 Catherine Lynaugh 412 Mrs. Annie Meehan 2 6g 413 Dr. N. G. Mortensen 30 000 2 30 10 00 it 414 Dr. John V. O'Connor 00 4o56 415 Mrs. Albinsanders, 416 34 56 34 o August L. sohempf, Guardian for Dorie Hanson 417 Drs. Sterner I 31 09 31 69 & Lundholm 419 - 55 00 Dr. ,dward sohons �I L.C.Hodgeon, Comer. 6 00 00 II, of Finang0 420 n n n 10 210 95 10 210 95 u n 421 L.C.Jiodgeon, Comer. of Finane n n n a n I 77 13 2 471 27 3 77 �3 2 7 7 4 X22 u n n n n 892 00 1 892 00 42 a io 2Z 05 7 79 ,0 69 481 -1. 526 93 1 163 76 265 573 u 426 n 1( n n n 427 n n tI n If I 110 307 55 1� 1 I l0 357 55 651 61 I I 428 II If n n n l 2 � 9 I 2 916 40 29 05 497 00 I 429 n n n n 430 3. Brand Cool Company S35 b58 5 6 g35 65 5 153 58' 431 Brown Instrument Company 23 73 23 73 j 432 Goodyear Rubber Companq I 433 Great Lakes Coal & nook Comp 42 ray 254 42 961 254 4o, 434 James 0. Heyworth, Ino. 435 Hollingheead Company 38 240 ll 63 g a 38 240 11 j 436 Koehler & Hinrioha Company 1 993 63 8I 1 993 001 437 Kunz oil Company! 439 970 I' 970 29 � Minnesota Coal Compnmy F 205 2 205 20 11 j 439 Northern states rower Compare 440 440 1I 4 053 9 4 053 9 Patterson Dental Supply Coma 411i y 1 119 0 1 118 OS Twin City Hardwood Lumber C 442 any 15o 6 150 66 J. L Bra,stad _ __ _... .__... 2 - ----- - - -- ---- 79--20 ____ -;-- --------_ - - - _ _ 13 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -7 QUADRUPLICATE FILE No -------- 05 --- TO OFFICE 6F�T4E COMPTROLLER RES. No. ------2A - ------ CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE �ATE--11„14&-192- 6 CITY13t AMOUNT OF J�THS AGGREGATE A _1 ;14 ------- 446 ------- WRING �1 IF6MPTRO LER CHECKS NUMBERED_ — - — -- — --------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE p ----- R --- --- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. --j TOTAL RETURNED IN VOR OF i BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT.BANK CHECKS CHECKS L Q -- �-4- � � - - - ­- - --- --- -- BROUGHT FORWARD c it 11 C. F. No. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury. to the agKregR" "r,t .1 173 .207-14, covering check. ..ri rnl, red 446 to ,, inclusive. - re, checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. -Id,p,e,by the Jan. 19. 1926. l Ap,ro,ed •( 1 926. (J.n. 23-1926) _!HE ET TOTAL—FORWARD R. 34 1000 7-24 PEW" COMPTROLLER 1 PER CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR -OF INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 10 474 642 44 2 302 09 217 00 147 00 50 1125 1 36o oo' A 8814,7 95 g5 09 2 9i 50 9 75 30 40 0 935 00 29, 50 7 1g0 00 60 07 95 1 50 22 3 412 51 2342 32 X7535 575 626 67 154 80 58 80 62 14 75 10 00 559 3 1 1 15 2 50 �'SUDHEIMER.AGAINST APPROVED - WENZEL, �- MR. PRES., NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS REruRNED By BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 446 Jost sack QT, n.. CUldester, Direotor Fred Joat, Director 449 c. S. Otewart, Supt. 450 H. A. Loughran, Attorney for - Alfred Peterson, Assignee of WATER Mary S. ,grain 451 C. P. Gibson 452 suers. Anna 1A 3nyker, SPECIAL Administr, rix 453 Herbert T. Gillard and Susan Giilard 454 L.C.TTOdgson, Comir. of yin. FUNDS n n n n n 4,2 nome Electric Company 457 458 Commonwealth ^,.leetrio Company SUNGRr ACCOUNTS 613 30 Jnmea Conroy 459 Thomas Finn 460 John T. Holt Plumbing & Heating Company 461 it. J. OlNeil 462 The Peoples N].eotrio Company 46MRnmsey Sheet metal works 4614 465 Perry A. Swenson & nakenson University Sheet Metal works 466 Christina Becker, Inc. 467 Hanna Coal & Dock Company 468 McClellan Paper Company 469 470 H. It. Mulford company Nicola, 471 Dean & Gregg Patterson 472 Street Lighting Co. Quartermaster Corps, U.S.A. 47 Rochester Germicide Company 474 Jack stark 475 Van Paper Supply Company 476 477 1ostern Display & Mfg. Companj Bauer & slack 479 'n. J. Bazille 479 Burns Lumber Company 48o Colonial warehouse Company 481 Malady Paper Comi-)any 482 C.J.*Boos, Post Master >t.Paul Gas Light Compan 493 4 tetra. F. 91ink 485 • Py Victory Printing Company TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 10 474 642 44 2 302 09 217 00 147 00 50 1125 1 36o oo' A 8814,7 95 g5 09 2 9i 50 9 75 30 40 0 935 00 29, 50 7 1g0 00 60 07 95 1 50 22 3 412 51 2342 32 X7535 575 626 67 154 80 58 80 62 14 75 10 00 559 3 1 1 15 2 50 �'SUDHEIMER.AGAINST APPROVED - WENZEL, �- MR. PRES., NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS REruRNED By BANK `i _ - - BOND DISTRIBUTION - GENERAL, WATER IMP LOCAL MPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST _ D �ei i SPECIAL ---_---- FUNDS 96 740 22 ACCOUNTS 135 597 19 FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 910 26 �i .Wjx..ii8ii- 265 69 SPRINKLING 649 91 PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING 3 573 45 5 989 21,I SUNGRr ACCOUNTS 613 30 233 391 33 5o 445 .69 2 302 09 Hosp. 211 00 186 DO 47 5o t i 255 175 2 1 1 36o oo I � 34 917 95 1 949 22 i s 997 50� 1 335 35 2 915 50 II 9 756 30 I' 4o 05 I� i35 °ao r i 63 50 7 199 50 I1. 149 50 150 00 1. 605 07 122950 56 1 37 3 412 14 23 22 is 42 63 2s5 55 705 626 67 14 80 I! 55 62 i 10 0000 1 15 15795 1 � 92 50 I SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD r' _. ,5 -.1',i I .. 6 649 911 3 573 45 5 999 613'30 153 432.7 _ . � . 0 ,47 X49 ,7� 276 075 3 go 447.0 X125 413 99 137 445 4 910 2 265 TO CITY CLERK DATEI�----(92$i ay COMPTROLLER PER I - ------------- CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RES. NO18 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-71r207.flt.-- - ------ - - COVERING CHECKS NUMBEgED-_--- --- A--_ -- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILEILE _. IN THEHE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED TRANSFERBY DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK 446 _ BROUGHTFORWARD Jos. sack 53 432 70 474 642 ?uF 447 448 •. r. Chidester, Director 2 212 49 50 rred Jost, Director c. s. Otewart, Supt. j7 1�6 -- - H. A. Loughran, Attorney for Alfred Peterson, Assignee of 47 50 451 452 1;lary s. ryprain C. P. Gibson 75 00 Mrs. Anna 2d. snyker, Administratria 1 25 453a Herbert T. Gillard and s'usan 1 360 00 4454 5 Dillard L.C.Hodgeon, comer. of Fin. �� q „ 28 3 B17 95 450 457 Acme gleotrio Company Commonwealth t&leotrio 99 50 X458 Company James Conroy Thomas Finn 2 391355 35 469 John `n• Holt Plumbing & 9 756 30I 46.1 e 6; Heating Company ,,• J. 01nei7 The I 40 ( Eleotrio Com;,�n Y hent ldetol Works Y 9 00 1 ParL ©it'wenson & Hakoneon 00 50 466 467 Christina Becker Eietal %°rke I Hanna, coal & Dook 7 1599 50 148 OCA 468 469 Company McClellan Paper Company I I 605 07 470 471 NiN1 0 t,ulford company ols, Dean & Gregg 5 95 i 122 50 472 Patterson street Lighting 0c. Quartermaster corps, I 9 11 3 4 F,7 U. ,. q. Rochester Germicide Comp, Jack stark li 22 42 77�v � n Comg:nC�an II 63 255 OS 4rO 77 etcran Display & mfg- Bauer & Black 55 478• J. Bazille j 626 b7 480 C 1° oal'al Lumber 14 80 Cyomo any �1 55 62 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM CLANCY• / ,/ HODGSOONN, ✓MCDONALD. ✓SUDHEIMER• -/ WENZEL, ,/MR . PRES.• NELSON. GENERAL II WATER it BOND II IMPLOCAL ACCOUNTS T 233 391 33 50 445 69;j 96 740 22 135 597 19 217 00 2 302 09 Hosp. 186 47 5000 t i 00 1n1. 25 II 1 360 0o 34 817 95 1605 48 507 75 95 2 0 3 412 56 423 2 62 255 08 7 55 1 55 626 7 14 so 58 80 5 62 1 37 3 997 50 1 3355 35 510 9 756 30 935 00 18z 00 63; 50 7 199 50 150 00 1 848 28 SINKING FUNDS = ��----- IN FAVOR - AGAINST YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (v) DISTRIBUTION TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE 1 910 26 265 68 COUNCIL { FILE No. .._i)4 JAN 1 9 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 JAN i q IwLd APPROVED-_. -... _ / (7 172 M, SPECIAL FUNDS -- - SPRINKLING I FORESTRY I BUILDING I— SUND=V REVOLVING '.. ACCOUN'TS 649 81 i3 573 45 —* 5 888 21 i1 613 30 I Re" that check. he dl— on the 6llt'yedTr,asiiry. to the aggregate _.oct of I'll, .". .,e,,oFf catel'a mhered � 16 to '98 iocloel"'. a. po' checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted bya,h.eCou,orIl Jan- 19. 1926. Approved j (Jan.j3 n) 11 L ul QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO:_-__—_ __ TO CITY CLERK 0A.1 9 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMU=RESOLUTION FORM RES. No --1--9 ----- - --- - --- - -- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COMPTROLLER lry — ---------- — COVERING iL CHECKS NUMBERED__ -TO --- 499------ 1 0" INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE — ---------- - --------- -- — - — ----------- OF THECITY COMPTROLLER. - ---------- ![ TOTAL RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY TRANS ER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD Re" that check. he dl— on the 6llt'yedTr,asiiry. to the aggregate _.oct of I'll, .". .,e,,oFf catel'a mhered � 16 to '98 iocloel"'. a. po' checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted bya,h.eCou,orIl Jan- 19. 1926. Approved j (Jan.j3 n) s • SUDHEIMER. - COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �. - - ✓ -�1- --- AGAINST � WENZEL. - _ , PEROF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, MR. PRES., NELSON. YES IV) COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) CHECK, TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY I BUUBI-IC REVOLVING -- -- DISTRIBUTION LOCAL TRANSFER - 5 888 21 CHECKS pIBBURSCMENT CHECKS BANK 56 loll GENERAL WATER SINKING TRUST - BONG IMf�ROV NTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS • f1IIt0 ACCOUNTS GARAGE=+U-1=0R BROUGHT FORWARD 53 432 70 541 072 78 276 075-35 50 447 061125 413 89 137 445'47 497 Albert n'. Craighead 910-2 265 9 1 072 09 488 L.C.Tiocigoon, Oom'r. of Fin. 928 00 489 Fred 0. Albreoht 490 Cochran 156 ob 156 oo I 79 6 -.argent Company 491 Goldman 56 1 H. 492 Hollingshead Company 260 0� 128 11 26o oo 128 11 j S. a. Hulme ompany 44N8llan nap aay 251 12 251 2y �c 4 12 94Malady P e! Q t aMIUMOMMxas � 9� Review Ompany 1S 3 09 49S 584 51 5g�+ 51 The 7iliaume Hoa & Lumber Co, 58 80 i 'I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 153 432 ,70 II. 551 642. 277 673; 30 50 447 0 125 413 99 139 4�5 4 APPROVED__ _ .. JAN t 9IWO ,. SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING -FORESTRY I BUUBI-IC REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 649 81 3 573 45 5 888 21 613 301; i I, 56 loll 58 265 649 81II 3 573 4511 6 003 1 613 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 70 547 849.7 l 928 0 160 290 28 251 2 112 50 556 9 BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BROUGHT FORWARD . To 40 498 ® Q RES. NO19--------------- I TY CLERK L.C.xocigaon, Oomlr. of Fred 0. Albrecht 490 'CI 491 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 402 Hollingshead Company CITY TTRRLAASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE 2. • r.� qui ---- _...',COVERING =3,792•52 --- .-.�---- .. . BY_ .. � CHECKS NUMBERED _--4C76. ____. TO -499 -------- r\-) COMPTROLLER \ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE y' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER .� CHECK = ' SU DH EIMER. "WENZEL. . _ _ .AGAINST TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF VES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS (�I) - ---� BY I �r TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 70 547 849.7 l 928 0 160 290 28 251 2 112 50 556 9 BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BROUGHT FORWARD 48d6 Albert % Craighead 40 498 ® H H N Fin. 469 L.C.xocigaon, Oomlr. of Fred 0. Albrecht 490 Cochran -Sargent Company 491 FI. Goldman 402 Hollingshead Company 493 S. 'T. Hulme Company qui U001011an paper OMpeny 497 Malady�nwae�ptwo RCYlew Puha siring ompany 496 The Pillaume Boa & Lumber 0 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 53 432 70 547 849.7 l 928 0 160 290 28 251 2 112 50 556 9 BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL j COUNCIL )) 4 ``�� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I FILE No. 'JC (-"Y " CLANCY, 1p �p JAN 1 9 `a 26 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM yT"L'RGo7 ._ IN FAVOR _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 �HODGSON. ✓McDONALD, = ' SU DH EIMER. "WENZEL. . _ _ .AGAINST APPROVED SAN 1 9, IWC 192 - MR. PRES.. NELSON. VES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS (�I) ____l�-+ MAYOR ..-. DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS • PUBLIC S ACCOUNTS 1 -- 276 075,35 50 447 061i 125 413 69 137 445.47 1 072 00 926 00 156 oo 260 oo 128 121 212 52 15 23 58 51 GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING UNpRV REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 910 2 265.68 649.61' 3 573 45 5 668 21 613 30 79 6 56 to 56 8o c*+r+"C�... CITY OF SAINT PAUL i+i"c" NO 14059.., APPR�TION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTIQN FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 yi PRESENTED BY J� / �� Hoag, — COMMISSIONER.........A.....L�.CA On .,, _. _. TE..... 1p Jwauarz .. 9.p... 9.z.6 ........... --- 'C Reeol7ved o. 34089 --BY That the tollowtng gra-- made the dbooks ot.. t RESOLVED, 1-aon 1ersbe 'comptro110r, ae by so doing an un-. may be t IbY n id r -certain (toms. THAT THE I may be met by said transfers wltheo• provided. MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE 4ampering thework y m athe .Item from whN COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO U ,•, v Jl•::,.:_,.OABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 1 `1 t ,T atm, CODEAMOUNT A PPON TIONED ITEM TRANSFERRED FROM 3 A 2 TO DR. CR. Corp. Counsel (Legal Fess 16.00 3 A 4 (Off. Expense) 16.00 6 A 3 Finance " " 1.67 6 A 2 " (Auto Ma int .) 1.67 25 R C. H. & C. H. (Revenue) 6,471-06 25 A 2 (Light,Heat, etc.) 2,005.24 25 A 3 " " " (Me in t.) 2,614.98 25 A 4 " " " (Alter. & Rep.) 1,850.84 30 A 1 Comptroller (Salaries 264.90 30 A 2 Auto Maint.) 18:32 30 A 3 " Off. Expense) 25$.5 30 B 1 Civil Service Salaries) 890.85 30 B 2 " " (Spec. Examiners) 139.85 30 B 3 " " (Office Exp.) 1,021.69 31 A 2 Purch. Dept. (Off. Exp.) 160,36 31 B 3 Mun. Court 3.75 31 C 2 Armory (Light & Heat) 60.30 31 C 3 Armory (Repairs) 52.71 .} D 1 31 C 4 Armory (Sundries) Mun. Employ. Bur. (Rent) 642.00 123.4 31 D 2 " " " (Light & Heat) 132.50 31 D 3(Te. & Lary.) 1.95 31 D 4 " " " (Repaire) 300.00 YES CBUNCILMEN NAYS DOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 19......:..., F ® CLANCY_ 11 yb �.a 1 FERGUSON APPROVED ................................ .. .. ................19......... HODGSON ... ........IN FAVOR MCDONALD..........`.` .............. ......................... .- SUDHEIMER YAy R .....................AGAINST` WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY - MR. PRESIDENT I _ COYRRO D IIT —XI... 1000 - is „Ire ORIGINAL TO _ CCYMCl_ C_ CL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ras NO.......i3 .u: ...•... 'APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM WRRTER SECTION 208 s PRESENTED BY January 19 19?O :. .... ............................... DATE ......................................... .................. COMMISSIONER ........TIIE....re..... ... ED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON T E COMPTROLLEMAS B DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TR WITHOUT HAMPERING THE D BY THE MONEY, IN EMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. • YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ZCLANCY AMOUNT TRANSFERRED WODGSON CODE I APPORTIONED ITEM ........ ......AGAINST DR CR. FROM TO 31 E 1 Accounting Forms & Stationery 9.08 44.22 31 F 1 Official Pnblications 180.00 31 0 1 31 R 1 Widows & Orphans Water -Wilder Baths 7 875 9 31 V 1 Won -Assessable Improv. t5 0 3,059-10 31 G 1 Water -Fire Hydrants YES (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ZCLANCY WODGSON ........I............IN FAVOR MCDONALD uv SmAhr"w ........ ......AGAINST �/W. EENZEL---� ForKDBOD ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..Vkq�'_rl:..a.. .���....ls........... 8?� APPROVED...............:.�................D %)................19........... MA OR COUNTERSIGNED BY ... ..... ......... ............... D-• Y Cin CON— LER eUBi F a 3 ?� COUNCIL NO __ _-- t� 060 �6 ;$ ORIGINAL To CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 1`� 1�iY CITY CLERK APPROP RIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ` TER SECTION 208' PRESENTEDBY�COMMISSIONER...................... A7..--..................... DATE ...........- R._....................-.- • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. A `I �q- S . --,*- CODE CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM Postage — 122.32 TRANSFERED TO 16-84 ✓ 16-A5 Binding Books C, F. No. 64060—By L R. S. Ferguson— 1066.78 58.65 16-B1 Salaries r sB te"I.d..o"the book. Of the comptroller when by so doing an un-- 1731.59 16-B3 16-B4 Light i voidable deficiency In one item may Powertie met by said transfer without homp- 35.55 the for by tr-- ✓ 16-B7 erIng work provided .-Ing Supplies :, in the Item from.' whichf".122.55 : ,F m ✓ 16-R . Library (Revenues) .......751.71 i 16-A1 (Salaries 2798.37 69.89 16-A2 (Truck Maintenance) 52.43 16-A3 (Supplies) 470.64 16-A7 (New Books) 281.07 16-B2 (Light) 16-B5 (Water) 181.20 181.20 16 -BS (Repairs) YES ( Y) COUNCILMEN ( %7) NAYS LANCY i — -------- IN FAVOR .....AGAINST WENZEL WWEP FT _X*1(nAf• Vida Pwe, P4lrguuou JAN 2 0 19<6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ _... ...............19. JAH' 2 b 1926 APPROVED---------------------------------------------------- 19.-...--- MA COUNTERSIGNED BYtD�T ` ---- --- ---------------- CITY COMPfR Efl (0 r f CITY OF ST. PAUL i COUNCIL No. -...-.i3 ,S.�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC=OLUTION--GENERAL FORM . ..... DATE._..._.................. ... ....... ........................................ _..._ RESOLVED V -That the proper city kers be and they are hereby authorized to appropriate and set aside, out of the Contingent Fund, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) to aid in defraying the expenses of the annual program of the Municipal George Washington Club; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Club may have the free use of the Auditorium for this celebration on Sunday afternoon, February 21st, 1926, and that the cost of said service be charged against the Con- tingent Fund. C. F. No. 64061—By J. If. Clancy— i Resolved. That the proper city of- 11—be and they are hereby author - ked to appropriate and set as do, out ! of the Contingent Fund, the sum f One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($160.00) to aid in defraying the expenses of the annual program of the Municipal - George Washington Club; be It i Further Resolved, That sold Club may have the free use of the Audi- i t Timm for this celebration on Sun- day afternoon, February 21st, 1026. and that the cost of said service be charged against the Contingent Fund Adopted by the Council Jan.. 20, 1926. Approved Jan.20; 1926. I, ' (Jan. 23-1826) i1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓/ Clancy Fe4gason_ Hodgson ................. In favor c ona( ~ S>i"^ -- �.-.Against l Wenzel Mrs-VieePremForguoin— Adopted by the Counci _ AN 2 --.....--- 0 ---..-.. 1925.-....._.._.192_.. ' JAN 2 0 19:5 Approved......--------------------- —........... .192- Mwvoa PMLISP ED, Municipal ($earge Wao4ington i1rogrant �. SAINT PAUL, MINN. November 20th.1925. To the Mayor and City Council, St,Paul.Minn, Gentlemen, The Municipal George Washington Club petition you for an appropriation of 0150.00, to help defray the expenses of their annual program,to be given at the Auditorium, Sunday afte,rnoon,2.30 p.m. February 21st.1926. The purpose of this George Washington Frogram,is to teach Americanisatlon,Citizenship,and Patriotism and is looked forward to by a large number of people,the attendance: last Feb- ruary numbering three thousand,according to the Pioneer -Dispatch, clearly showing that this program is worthy of your considera- tion and financial support. We remain,sincerely yours, Municipal George Washington Club, Sec.TreaB. 'e� 1783 Grand Ave, NO,-----i S-f �� CITY OF $T. PAUL COUNCIL FILE N---hhhY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NS-'11HESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM MR IDAI..._._Ta?_uary ll.r._1926.............. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchose, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, repairs to boilers in the ..Ga,ltier School for the sum of ,822.81, without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Scl.00ls—liain.ol Plant 15—H-7 C. F. No. 64062—Ry LR. S. Ferguson— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, repairs to -boilers in the Galtler School for thesum of $822.81, without advertise- menI. a emergency exists where failure top promptly would work a hardship to the best Interests of the ity. Charge Schools -Main. of Plant 16 -Fr -7. Adopted by the Council Jan. 20,-1926. Approved Jan.20, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas/ Nays ✓Clancy i Hodgson .._.In favor IM'C'HOnHfrt'^' 6tldheifltae _.:.,c/....Against Wenzel Mr. "4ioe 7'r, s. lrMlLUnt)n JAN 2 0 11926 Adopted by the Council_..__.._......-----------------..192.._.- JAN 2 Approved..... _................----.-.-. .......... 192 MAYOR C: r. No. 64063—By H, C. Wenzel- 'Resolved, That the Proper city of flcers be and they are hereby It,thor- �� •L 1zed to enter into an with ." COUNCIL • / ( 'John Dtckey, providing dor the pay- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO... ment of com0 per _l*l to mm at the OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a of 534.40 per week,during such 406 ns he shall N totally disabled' /. ii '.r. of Iniurtee roar'•-�a,;,Y ^',m pUNCiL RESOLUTION --G AL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Dickey, providing forithe pay- ment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 4th day of December, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Dickey the sum of $18.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to December 26th, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to said John Dickey the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) out of said fund, to reimburse him for that amount paid to Dr. W. H. Vreeland for medical services. I COUNCILMEN Teas Nays Clancy Feogus�._ 1;� ,J'Hodgson ;----.......In favor i1�s.T1^�^tl 1 •vu- —naea-- --------- .Against Wenzel Nfr;_'xesident- hlr. Vies Pres. AN 2 0 11925 Adopted by the Council. -._-------------------- __---------- 192....- �Ar. 2 0 1926 Al.ovcrl......_...._------ ...............-----....192...-.. M�YOq PUBUSBM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.... 34.0634_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONERER__.......... __._.____._.�__.__.._._._._.__.____._.__.._._.......__..._..._._.__._ DATE ._.... ...... ._... _.......................................... ....._.... RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the Diagnostic X—Ray Laboratories, the sum of $35.00, to the Pokegama Sanatorium the sum of $45.00, and to Dr. E. M. Jones the sum of $18.00, all out of the Workmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund, for services rendered to Arthur Haessig, an employe of the Department of Public Salty, injured February 6, 1923. C. F. No. 64064— Resolved, That the proper city of - seers be and they are hereby author- ized to pay to the Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratories, the sum of $36.00, to the Poke .area Sanatorium the um of $46.00, and to Dr. D. M. Jones the sum of $18.00, all out of the Workmen'!{ Compensation Account of the General Fund. for services rendered to Arthur He 1g. an employe of the 'Depart- ment of Public 3�fsty, tnlut•ad Feb- ruary 6. 1923. Adopted by the Council Jan. 20, 1926. -Approved Jan. 20. 1928. (Jan. 23-1926). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Claney Hodgson ....-..-[:..---In favor -- u e5 dh tmer .......:....::.Against Wenzel Mr.--P�esidentr-: Recommended for passage. Comm$r of 7�ety_ JAN a 0 196 Adopted by the Council_....................----------..._192._-.- Appro° 1-----------.--2-n 1924192----- �i�_ PUBI.[S;II,il a couRa� NO. -----a-4065 -.. No. 64oss—By I. H. McDonald— CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Solved, That the proper cltY ot- .;e he, -and they are hereby author- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tr, enter Into Provid�a� foTi r the Dfle an yUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,compensation to him RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Otto C- Doe h, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, on the 22nd day of December, 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Otto C. Dosh the sum of Sixty-four Dollars ($64.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to January 18, 1926; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to Dr. Edward Schons the sum of Seven Dollars ($7.00) out of said fund, for professional services rendered to said Otto C. Dosh. ' Recommended for passage. Court 11 ylsx v Comm � T, aTAkfe i �a� t Tl J LR -- -----------------------_-- yeas ---------------- - --_-- Nays olite 1y Pees JAN 2 2 1926 Clancy Apoven ------ ------ - - -------- --------------- ✓Hodgson ---------------In favor 44eBesheki - -..... ....... -'MAYOR ..�'-------- ------- Against ✓ Wenzel . PUNISIUD Vice Prea. Fn No. 64088 -?v J• H. McDonald—I coUNCIL NO y(jll/9� `{�(1 Resolved. That the proper cltY{I FILE - _1(166 agreement with CITY OF $T. PAUL flcere be and they are hereby author- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK lied to enter into .an for the - Jame- Harringmnpensatiohi o him at _ .�. paymentoct 00 er week, dor, ;-'• the. rate f $16. p - OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM time i aeon o tilh, rtestar•y- ` RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they jars hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with James Harrington, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul on the let day of January, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said James Harrington the sum of $10.67 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including January 11, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. M. L. Larson the sum of $12.00 out of said fund, for professional services rendered to said James Harring- ton. r Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. 1 JAN 2 0 19�a COUNCILMEN adopted by the Council--..-.-.. 192_.... Peas Nays J•4 �2 0 992& ✓' Clanc}2 � Approved....-. - .------... 19........ Ferg— i Hodgson .......ln favor / �^ Y W vMAYOR .. ....... )-Against Wenzel S� j �vif:-FieQstdenlL_ PUBI,iSHED�.,�:. -Mr, Vloo Yi=ea Feiiiuiiul CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi°E"c'L Nolk D'4, i F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Leo A. Hilger the sum of 'Ten Dollars 010.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Allan Poucher, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of 9t. Paul, injured January 4th, 1926. 0 I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. C. F. No. 64067—By J. H. McDonald - 1 Resolved, That the proper city of- ficers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Leo. A. Hilger the sum f Ten Dollars ($30.00) out of the Workman's Compensatlon out of the General Fund, for professional services rend - ed to Allen- Poacher, an employe of the Department of Public Work. of the City of 9t. Paul, Injured January 14th. 1926. Adopted by the Council Jan. 20, 1926. 1 Approved Tan. 20, 1926. s (Jnn. 23-1926) JAN 2 0 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- 192 Clancy Hodgson z—. -..In favor AlaDeee}d ;I SUd :...-..Against Wenzel / ar. viw 1'r". m < 2 0 1925 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM „ � 1a e( COUNCIL No _ 6 yY � FILE 1`1 ...... «<LCC ...- ot Jan. 19, 1926 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and the Rational Bank of Commerce, as principal, dated January 89, 1917, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering areaways and coalholes at Northeast oorner of Fifth and Minnesota Street, be and the some is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. C: - -F. No. 64068-13y J. H. McDonald— I Resolved. That the bond given to the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clane� /// / Hodgson ------------ favor -Mcwnat(t— Jiuuiheimer--- ---------- ....Against Wenzel / 3Afr::President i�ar �,"n ,1.. at Northeastcorn¢r oi Minnesota Street, be and Is hereby cancelled and the[ t d "rely thereon released, j nd has been furnished: Wever, that nothing herein, construed ns releasing said and surety from any Ilabll- may have accrued prior to ration of said bond. by the Council Jan. 20, 1026. d Jan.20, 1020. (Jan. 22-1026) JAN 2 0 1926 Adopted by the Council ---- ......---------- --------------...192..-.. JAN 2 0 19�6 Approved------ ------ -- -------- -------------- ----192---- - _----- ------- —U- MRYOR PUBLISIWD j` , COUNCIL 1106v CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. -_-_._._____.-_.._- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the grade of Roy Street from Otto Avenue to Scheffer Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commisaioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 64069—By J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the grade of Roy 1 Street from . Otto Avenueto Scheller I Avenue, in accordance with the red I11 ro- file and as recommended by the Caccomaninom- missioner of Public Works, be and the I same Is hereby adopted as the eatab- lished grade. Adopted by the Council Jan. 20, 1926. Approved Jan.20, 1926. (Jan. 22-1926) tI ✓I - - COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Hodgson ................In (al or 3McHvr>�tfi" Su Imer .......... Wenzel / Mr. V� erQa-R ).H.IN Q 9026 Adopted Ly the Council.....__... --------------------------- 192...... Approved .. _ MAYOR PML1S1= e FORM NO. 2 Subject: 0ouncil File No. _ o C NVhereae,;the Commissions heY Pub . _ lit Utltitlee has re Ported, in accordant ith Section 53 of the City Charter CY R'�' . -•. ," _ tfie exl atence of a merg end-reaeeeaaarYnthe mpl $.'te"Pre Rented W. emPtoyes of hip_ - 1p2 7 ,_bna Resolved, WHEREAS,',.' forr thnn l ht reSYhenYnAar;�ner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Sao — 3 o3 the Oity Oharter, the existence of An ewer- genoy,which rendered necessary th6,employment of certain employes of his Department for amore then eight hours. per day and on Sunday, said employ= ment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it +n Resolved, That tie proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the follow–_ ing nam1.ed employes at;the.rate otherwise fixed_ for 'extra- .employment for'the extra time hereinafter set forth.': NAS TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR' ROTE_ John Kennedy Utility -laborer s• �50 Philias Mallet Maint. " Sam Popora L.'_Glancy Utility u g .50G. Ludwig.Zwirner n " .55 .0,. Munson Foremea 3 hre.. " .65 T. Thorson ' Utilityman 1 n *.D. Davis Ditch diger .55 Wm. Lynna-55 3 " Leonard Munson. e e 1 "•55 James Tighe:S Willard Gove Utility laborer " •55 Frank MoNearney " ° .55 Toa Pteraon 55 F. amine Wm.Fgo Utility man 4 �. Herb. Buechner 0. Shea Maint. laborer 16 " 9 19 n .63 .55 P. J. Murphy : Utility 4 2 n •55 I.J.oe Giarlo Ditch diger 1 n .55 G. Oestreioh �� n 2 " •55 bi. Vincelll Ed Kordell Utilitgman " 5 " n162 S62 Ranelli n 4 " l " joe:1 drappalie Amos'Kelly Dinah digger 1 a �55 1 " Owen Geraghty Util"ityman l " J. Saporito " Sam 04losimo Ditch digger S " Peter Horn Utilttyman S " " •5� ` Gust: A.. .Johnson Utility laborer CO CITY OF ST. PAUL FRXUNCILNO.----'----------'----'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-_.._. DATE _...___................ RMOMM WHEREAS, W. W. Clark, the owner of lots 17, 18, and 19, of Block 43, St. Anthony Park North, has appealed from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings fix- ing a building line on said property in accordance with ordinance No. 5840, and WHEREAS, said notice of appeal has been properly pub- lished, and said appeal has been referred to the Zoning Board for its investigation and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that the building line as established by said ordinance No. 5840 would work a hard- ship upon the owners of the said property, due to the particular topography of the land, therefore be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of paragraph J of Section 20, of said ordinance, the Council hereby. fixes the property line on said lots 17, 18 and 19 at 42 feet. C. F. No. In COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy /Ferg- Hodgson favor MaDenak F_Stittiligyff_1 i er - ............... :Against Wenzel Mr. Vice Pre.. Wargo,.,, 3 anndti CoPublic onesI. tiding line .. snce withhord- d-' of appeal has- , and said ap- to the Zoning Ion and recom-, In of the opin-i line as eatob-'! Lnce No. 6840, upon the own- ty, due to the of the land, ;cordance with raplti -T Sec nce, tho Coun- operty line on at 42 feet. u Jan. 20, 1926. 36) - JAN 2 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------- .-.-------_---------192..---. JAN 2 Q 1929 A proved ------------------------ 192...... ..-..�................................. MAYOR PUBLi--j Q J. MCGLOGAM. . . ��t�♦�� thud HAROLD J. RIORDAN CYTY CLOCK AHD.Y CHI- G K -CITY CLERK COMMIEEIOH OF RESIST TIOM YppG� ��`� ��L,L (Office i k GLAR W A. STORMS GHIV CLOCK -RED TITRATION ®® January 13th, 1926 Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i ldin g. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attached are all papers in the matter of the appeal of W: W. Clark for modification of the building line on Langford Avenue, and more.especially as to Lot 18, Block 43, St. Anthony Park North. This matter was before the Council today for hearing and was referred to you for the proper formof resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Deoember 28th, 1925. Mr. 0. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- In the matter of appeal of W. W. Clark for modification of the building line on Langford Avenue, and more especially as to Lot 18, Block 43, St. Anthony Park North. The petitioner was not present at the Board meeting on account of illness, but he submitted the enolosed letter. After a careful consideration the Board wish to recommend that a setback of 42 ft. be established on Lots 17, 18 and 19 on which Mr. Clark plans to build three houses. This will conform to the setback of the house on Lot 26, which is the nearest to the street line of any house in the block. This is the greatest concession that they deem it advisable to make, and this is only made on account of the topography. Yours very truly, 4 e. Seore ary-B d of Zoning. T—RH ;eamtion Helps to hake Better difirm t!(Itg sf fit. taut. Department of Farbs, 11laggrnunbs GEORGE L. NASON. Fubltr Vutlbtngs Sure. uF F_ _aub HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, Sure. o. PIwe.SauNo- IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Cm AwcNITetT 219 COURT HOUSE Deoember 28th, 1925. Mr. 0. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- In the matter of appeal of W. W. Clark for modification of the building line on Langford Avenue, and more especially as to Lot 18, Block 43, St. Anthony Park North. The petitioner was not present at the Board meeting on account of illness, but he submitted the enolosed letter. After a careful consideration the Board wish to recommend that a setback of 42 ft. be established on Lots 17, 18 and 19 on which Mr. Clark plans to build three houses. This will conform to the setback of the house on Lot 26, which is the nearest to the street line of any house in the block. This is the greatest concession that they deem it advisable to make, and this is only made on account of the topography. Yours very truly, 4 e. Seore ary-B d of Zoning. T—RH ;eamtion Helps to hake Better difirm I 2266 Commonwealth Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 21, 1925. To The Honorable Zoning Board, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: My petition for establishing a building line on Langford, between Knapp and Gordon, in Block 43, St. Anthony Park North, as I understand it, comeson for hearing before your honorable body on Wednesday of this week. I am too ill to attend the meeting myself and therefore am writing this letter setting forth what seems to me the right way to handle this matter. I am planning on building three houses on bots 17, 18 and 19 respectively. Permit has been taken for the one on Lot 18 and the excavation has been made on the basis of setting the main body of the house back 40 feet from the widewalk. In a consultation with Mr. Herold, he mentioned 40 feet as likely to be approved by your body. But I now learn that in measuring distances of this kind the covered front steps are considered a part of the house to which measurement is made. Our front porch is a very small affair --8' wide by 5' deep. The three houses on the north aid of these lots I built and the topography is such that I has to set the houses back a very long ways. It will be extremely awkward if I have to put these houses, which I am now building, back more than 35 feet to the front edge of the porch. The house on Lot 15 is 50 feet back. It seems to me that a satisfactory arrangement, in fact, the best one that can be made, is a sort of a step-down adjustment, establishing the building line on Lot 16, of 45 feet; on Lot 17, of 40 feet; on Lot 18 of 35 feet and on the next several lots, 35 feet; then following with a step-up arrangement to correspond with the distance back from the street of the next house towards Garden Avenue. I earnestly urge that this action be taken. The topography of Lot 18 is such that if the house is back further into the hill the level of the ground in the rear will be slightly above window sills and this construction will be expensive and unsatis- factory in the extreme. Yours very respectfully, i NNC:'JW. � thuC. J. MCGLOGAN. CLI#� VUt+ ` H%1ROLO J. RIORDAN CITY CI,OIK AND ��[[ ��LGG777 CHIFJ• CLERK -CRY CLERK COMMIMIOM i W RWRR,ATION f o /ACCe (41ti. (4terk CLAREN A. STORMS WU U` �CHIS C K -P--' RATION December 17th, 1925• Mr, F. X. Teves, Secretary, Zoning Board, Building. My dear Mr. Tewes: We enclose herewith the appeal of W. W, Clark for a modification of the building line of Lang- ford Avenue, and more especially applied to Lot 18, Block 43, St. Anthony Park North, located between Como Avenue and Dordon Avenue. This appeal has been referred to the Zoning Board for its recommendation. Very truly yours, e�?� City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn. December 16th, 925. To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen :- I wish to appeal from the decision of the BaUA ing Inspector and ask for a modification of the building line on Langford Ave., and more especially applied to hot 18, Block 43, St. Anthony Park North. The reason for this appeal is that the house to the North of it sets back 50 to 60 ft. because the hillside runs down to the sidewalk line, but on the lot referred to the hillside comes"down about the middle of the lot and the balance of the lot is on, the level of the street, so that a house set back this far would set in the bank - this is not possible on e the building linece6ut of established8at�35�ft. Ifor sire to v the front porch line. Yours very truly, 10." -I. -k r . • - CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL No. __44072 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LSC%��C N�CIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY LRS FERGUSONl1 _. _._.-.....____ DA-re_-.....1.-ANUA_RY..._11_ 1..1.2 ............ RESOLVED C. F. No..04072—By L 1 -L -S. Ferguson Whereas..: The Commissioner of Edo• cntlop has reported -.to the. Council in , accordance Wlth 8ee:tin "-52. of the City Charter: the .l.teupe of an - emergency which- rendered neceseary the employm,,egY at�oet�jela.omPioyea,ofl , his depart be I-- hf>r a�y0s lot��stF q WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Eduction has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain emplo4es of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, FCSOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the 'rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: N!>>Vfl; TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL JOE BENTON MTCE LAB 4 HRS 50 CENTS 2 00 FRANK BONIECKI MTCE LAS 25 50 12.50 HARRY FAVILLO UTIL LAB 16 55 8 80 JOSEPH LANGENBERGER M LAB 12 50 6 00 PETER PAULSON MTCE LAB 24 50 12 00 COUNCILMEN Adapted by the Council_--- - - _ ----..-----.-....-......._192 Yeas Nays ✓ Clanc - - - __..._-- Approved...... _"------------------------- .........---- 192...... Hodgson rein faro on-- ......- ...- -....- .... / MAYOR _79.1 he,iigser— .......... Against Wenzel �/ Mg. viae Freta. Fergoaon PRESENTED By L R S FERGUSON RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL GOU. No 640.72._ CE OF THE CITY CLERK 3ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ -- _._-- DnTE. JANUAR.. 19.__19__ ............._ 5, TheCommissioner of Education has reported the Council in a000rdance with Section b3 the Charter the existence of an emer y which re ecessary the employme certain em- ployes of to fo re than their usual hours of emplcyme th ore. be it, RESOLva), That the prop aity off a hereby authorised to y the following name�'�e oyes. at the ra otherwise fixed for extra emplo ent for t extra employment for extra time herein- for eat forths RAM TITI3TIM RAIE TOTAL BERT SE 1 DLER JAN ENG 6 HRS 64 CENTS 3 84 Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays ✓Clancy od�,�.Y......In favor Cudhe`mer_ ........ '... ....Against f Wenzel �Myjr.—President Dds. 9l«e Yren, N'c�rvu:>au J(11N 2 0 192E Adopted by the COUnC ......--------------------- ----------- 192 JAN 2 0 1°2G ...._. 19 ....2 .. .Approved....... ---... - -..... -`... MAYOR .m t, r _ rt:. nt of Jc_rc:.tior, 3ureau of c'iocls, :darin : ..'.:c. ,, the ,-1,)loJr_,nt of cur— tain enployLs of t_i—t d. :rti nt for i.zor:: th:n �i.;ht hours Der dr. in doing th:; folloeain;; FIRINGJAND CLEANING SCHOOLS This e ,.:rg::ncy r.ros : by r .sin of thi folic;wing facts cnd circumst,.ncas• SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITORS WHO ARE ILL AND NOT ENOUGH FIREMAN ON ROLL This report is ir. .ccord:•nc,� vith 3,:cti ,n 53 of tho Charter. FORU NO. 1. JANUARY 19192 6 _ /! An emergency has arisen in the Deaartert of Education; Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the em- ployment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day. in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the _'olio.ring facts .and circwmstances: JANITORS uri DFR WAS SICK This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Chsrtar. �4�1�z s, l C. - - F No 84073=811J X., Clanoy= Resolved That the applicatlone forI "r licensee y + r. f the fo1loWlag persona for "'do"" b elnesses at the addresser PAUL COUNCIL ' i7 NO. ...1�7 1`d. �Indloated be'and the same. sxe.hereh' - .rronted and 1, clty c.I=. a InetTuiiHE CITY CLERK ' to issue such ncensee` upon rnent Into the clty treasury o• "� ::mn-y fee:_;r'-�t7T10N—GENERAL FORM ' • PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE__...._. .... Jan 2:0. 92.6_......._....__ vaC�f_. ,1 RESOLVE That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: M. J. Langmade, 512 N. Snelling Av., Grocery A. Novtzeny, 500 Laurel Av., 11 Claici & Bogdan, 1163 W. 7th St., Confectionery T. en 471 N. Dale St., 4 pool tables 1✓ E.W. Prokop, 799 Grand Av., Grocery John Bulera, 407 James St., 11 Frank Schwartz, 949 V.I. 7th St., Soft drink VWm. Bass & Co., 725 N. Snelling Av., Butcher M. L.Cohen, 365 E. 7th St., Junk dealer Louis Lauer, 676 Winslow Av., Butcher Joe. Zenli, 533 St. Clair St., Bakery C.B.Burch, 112 E. 6th St., Room 411, Salary loan William Wagner, 1066 Hastings Av., Grocery 'William Wagner, 1066 Hastings Av., Butcher Arthur F. Kunze, 420 S. Snelling Av., " T. W.Basta, 1039 Hastings Av., Bakery C. A.Anderson, 946 Raymond Av., Butcher Thos, F. Young, Guardian Life Bldg., Confectionery George Chase, 98 Eaton Av., Junk dealer Goldberg Bros., 290 Alabama Av., " Morris Tankenoff, 248 E. Fairfield Av., Soft drink i J. Cottingham, 244 Rondo St., Butcher John D. Anderson, 983 Payne P., " Ida Anderson, 1234 Payne Av., " Geo. Damiani, 589 E. 7th St., " Mike & Geo. Capetz, 238 S. Snelling Av., " B. Beck, 1171 H. 7th St., Grocery Mrs, Rose Zopfi, 1112 Rice St., Butcher Mrs. Rose Zopfi, 1112 Rice St., Grocery ft. C. Schabacker, 376 Maria Av., " Ida Horvitz, 643 Canada St., Butcher John Klein, 1017 Front St., 11 It Bucks. Bros,, 1680 Grand Av., O.A.Anderson, 180 Western Av., Bakery J.W. Helsper, 600 Western Av., Confeotionery-drug COUNCILMEN __� ._-.----------..----Nays- - i\Tays- Adopted }>y the Council..__.......-... Yeas . _.._ Clancy Clancy ...-.-"".."_. Ferguson - _. APPF°ive`<i_. ---- ------ ------------- ------------------- -.192..-- - Hodgson ..............In favor McDonald-------------- ...._._.._ - -_.. ............-' . Sudhelmer ................Against��� Y . Wenzel CITY OF ST. PAUL _ coIXuNca �1i4ZS (C3 No,--- -- ... ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_..._._.._._Y._..__.7._.__._....._ COMMISSIONER___ .............__...._.___.._______.__....___.._ _. Januar 20 1926._...._._.__.. RESOLVED _2_ Piggly-Wiggly Stores, Inc., 739 Selby Av., Grocery Piggly-Wiggly Stores, Ino., 537 Wabasha St., " Piggly N Stores, Ino., 370 Selby y Av. Butcher Olson Bros., 915 Payne Av., , Olson Bros., 915 Payne Av., Grocery Max A. Gerenz, 354 W. 4th St., Butcher B. Barinbaum & A.Widowsky, 649 Canada St., Grocery Sam Ward, 146 State St., Butcher Goldberg & Efress, 100 E. Indiana Av., Junk dealer Haas Bros., 740 Blair St., Butcher 11 J. E. Hensler, 867 136 E. Minnehaha St. E. Indiana Av Junk dealer Gottlieb & Misel, Robert A.. Hohenstein, 427 „ S. Robert St., Butcher Robert A. Hohenstein, 427 S.Robert St., Grocery F.Gottlieb, 92 State St., Junk dealer J.S.Samuelson, 192 E. 7th St., Pawnbroker P . Yocum, 2604 N. 7th St., Grocery n Math Eigenberger, 727_Randolph 195 St., E. Indiana Av., Butcher A. Goldberg, Chas. B. Wagner, 736 Oakdale St., Grocery Chas. B.Wagner, 736 Oakdale St., Butcher 7 C. F. Hoppe, 742 Edmund St., " Alfred Bruckner, 182 N. Viestern Av., " Independent Packing & PrOvisiOn,00., 386 Wgbasha St., Soft drink parlor has bar exposed to view from street. Poolroom is 1000 feet from school CUUN(:ILA(EN Yeas :Ways Clancy Hodgson _....:1.. -..In favor gudhei�ees•---..'. .....:-..,-.Against ✓ Wenzel a �61r. Viae Pres. Forqueon JAN 2 0 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------ --------------------------- 1102.... -- JAN 2 9 1926 Appr/oved_....----..------_---- ---.. ..........A._.142.--- t – a 3MRYO�R A J} > U LIS ,I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 54074 QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO ___—----------- __. �i TO OFFICE dF TH9 COMPTROLLER II cm cItERlf AUDITD CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. No. ---23; ------- _ _ __ E L TE 192_20 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE, DRAWN ON THE %A__ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �'j q� __ _—_______ F S—_—d-a,29&9 ___ 1'-1' __________- C[[O��VERl.. Y C PTROy CHECKS NUMBERED____._ P ------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED �i CHECK I FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT i CHECKS CHECKS BANK L ---- u BROUGHT FORWARD ' I i 64074— R-1ved. That checks be d a 'n on f the CHy T asury, to the ag" elate I amo ntlof 533.298.92 co ering checks numbered 542 to 560 inclusive, as per I hecka n the in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1926. �� Approved Jan 19, 1926. I� (Jan. 23-1926) - ci t I �� II I SII I i I I Ii ii ' I I I 54 PER HE5KS ON HE B/// /( OFCTHEIC TYACOMPR OLLEC FILEOIN TILE CH c6K� SUEyRr MER7— /' AGAINST WENZEL, / M3.=PFIES7.—NEL649ftl.' YES COUNCILMEN NAYS hip. vif" Yma. Fcr3 -S MAYOR TO AL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION ION —_ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER , ---- LOCAL SINKING SPECIAL FUNDLING GARAGE I M AU=�ITOR�y SPR g BTR'/ BUI LED ING REVOLVING SUNCRY ACCOUNTS TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK - GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS - r --t -- U BROUGHTFORWARD 542 L.C.FIodgson, Com4r. of Fin. t 53 ►32 70 561 206.15 9 5�9 49 .280 655 00 5 425 45 51 952-18 130 217 44 t 139 449 47 1 08005 265 69 649 91 3 579 45 6 1 6 47 613 30 Roes 0 00 60 00 2 165 30 1 741 � 5�:3 F. L. 4�+ F. L. D:2ker 27i51�So 00 ® 545 L. C.Hodgaon, Oomir, of Fin. p 20 507 20 250 00 5 547 " 3 5077 9 891 3 887 54ffi Aome Fleotrio Company 12 2 152 11 9 12 2 152 11 II 549 F. 0��3rt 29 35 29 35 I 550 7wotta City Furniture Co. 1 120 00 1 120 00 551 Central >o'ln Company 115 34 45 34 552 Coohran-4argent Oom��any 100 21 100 21 55 N. Gilbert 30 00 30 00 554 Hermm ITuebsoher 600 00 boo oo 55 Pntor Lametti 3 641 40 3 641 40 55 Xntional H,.ardwood Floor Co. 49 75 49 75 F. c. Pratt 13 75 13 75 55� 3tenrna Printing Company 71 00 68 00 3 529 University sheat Metal ,orke 1 445 oo 1 445 00 560 The 1hite Compsny 9 68 8 69 II i I li A I I I II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 53 432,70 X594 505 0 2904594 38 • of 930 7v.?3934 • 55} c3 143 940 97_ 1 1 0887 265,68 649 151 5 744 75 17496 613 30� r i I T�tRLI�A TE - CITY T. ERK RES. No. CITY OF SAINT PAUL F a DAT . RESOLVED THAT CHEC%S BE DRAWN ON THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED -"CLANCY• �.; A^ COUNCIL FILE :-_-2Qig2 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CLAIMS—RESO CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM_ rJ0_ j,y ! ` -4 BY I ._. _ _ CHECKS _ CH OMPT O ER1-� INCLUSIVE. CKS NUM EKED . --- _--------.__.. COVERING NUMBERED -_ 542-'-- To _._{J�{�.�/_ V HOD ----- IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ttryry 7 AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - .'- SUO.e.. v WENZEL, -----//- ------.AGAINST - APPROVED 192 - - 192 CHECK TO AL ----__ _U'aos •—NC—[-'SATM. a Prua jp""U',a YES ( ) COUNCILMEN NAY(o�) S - - - - ` • -�� it_ . NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED MAYOR TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY CHECKS BANK }i -- - --- DISTRIBUTION —_� CHECKS GENERAL WATER LOCAL SINKING BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRusr ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS - 2 BROUGHT FORWARD L. O.IIo 411088 Oom�r. 1 3 7 53 0 561 206 5 _ '� t���� GARAGE •AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING I SUNDRY REVOLVING 5� ® 5 of Fin. Irvine Rosa .1 9 5�0 280 655 00 5 46255 51 952 18 130 21- 44 7 1 44 4 39 9 7 i�nt- ACCOUNTS I —1 F. L. Baker L•I%•xoIaon, oomer, of Fin. 0409 000 00 1 080 05 265 6S 649 81 3 579 45 2 6 176 4j 613 30 SItm Ir " " Home Aleotrio 3 507 2b 9 697 12 749 52 3 507 20 250 00 i65 30 .1-�J 74 549 aoanpanq F:. Bogart 2 152 11 9 887 12 550 552 Canttal 41t Y lamiture Co. 2 1 52 11 ii 55<- cent'l �09p Omprin coohran—',argent 1 129 0305 29 35 9. aom any 21 1 120 00 5;� Gilbert xlrm Iluobsohor 100 30 o0 loo 21 45 34 552 Prater Lometti 600 oo 30 00 55 557 National Hardwood Floor 00. r. 3 641 40 0o 5558 c. Pratt *•o3rne Printing49 University 13 75 641 3 40 569 11 tal The RJhite mp°n Idotsl .orke 1 4111 00 68 oo 13 75 v 3 00 49 75 I 68 1 445 00 I I 8 69 r i I t Petition Council l� 1 `.... e� C. F. No. 6'076—Abstrac4 I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i Whereas. A written propyosal for the making of the following lmprovamen4 aria via Cu both tof Hawthorne S` F S nom Forest t. to Earl s uncilit havir PRELIMINARY ORDER. T presented to the Co '+t St. Paul therm°�' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb both sides of Hawthorne Street from Forest Street ......................... --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------- ... to Bari Street. ............................ .... . --- ....... - - - ._..... .....-._...------- --------- ..... ....--------------------------...-- -- - ------------------------------------------------------ - ....... ............. .... - -- ...............--------- Dated this..'Agtfh...........day of---- -------- Januar --- -I - —. .......... 192_..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gnrb both sides of Hawthorne Street from Forest Street -------------- ------------------------- - ---------------- - ... - -- ----------_ ........ - ...... - .................-- - - to Earl Street. v ----------------------------------------------------------------- - ............ -..._........ .. -- ..........-------------....---......---------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul __._..... _. __-.--------- --- --- -_------------- --- _..- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity- for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is.asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 0 1926 Adopted by the Council ..................... YEAS ,�('NAYS Councilman'I;LANCY FrReulseti— HODGSON � { 1bS�Bo7cxL�- 1 WEN%EL corm c X13 un1 3-2. e Prra. F'erRtlem� JAN n S , 19.,U Approved .------- f Wlr �� Mayor. Petition Council File No.. --1 44 7 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 64076— and AbetracL ' Whereas. A wrlttea Oroyoeal for . the making e; the f.D6wing . myrovement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. vie: Grade Tesae Si. from State 3t. t• Dfinnetonka Ave., having beer, o' to the Council of the C':. k,.rr>5^r^re. be it .,,y proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade - Texas Street from State Street to Minnetonka Avenue. ..... - -------- ------ -.._..-------------------..._--------_ - --------------------------------------- - ----- --------------------------------------- ------- -------- ..... .... -' -- ....... ...... - -- - ..... - ..... - ... - ....... - ........................ .............................. ....--------------­-------- ....... - - -' -.......... ' .._...._._ ---------..._.--._..-------.-... -.. ... - Dated this ....2©th day of..--._..._..- Janua 1926. 192_..... - ............... - - --- --- ------------......-....- - - .... CDuncilm n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHP:REA8„A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grad Texas t>reet..to_]dinnatomka-.Avenaa............... .. ----------...------------------------------------- .. ....... ........... .. .. ............... ---------- -------- ............ .............. -----------------..- ........._.. - ----------------------- - _......... ._......-------.--------- --' --------------.-.... - - - - having been presented to the Council, of the City of St. Paul....._ _._.. ............................... .._.------------_---- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or Dot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11-H' JAN 2 0 196 Adoptedby the Council ............................................ ............................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY JAN 2 0 �gg6 –FERUfisox - Approved .---------....------------------------------------------------------- �, HODGSON '1't� , $6�DS4iFMi•7R-�. �-'� ✓ WEN7.EL / ...- �.-....o�..------.---.1.�.l�... ................... n�IS _PStBf7rFner \Tayor. i �r°-.�-§s7Yi,.. Pros. F' rind ,, roan C A la Council File No ---------- 6 .0.1 I _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 64077— Abstract. .sfor the tag of the o11ow1aBelfaDiovement, and de a.l.g and taking an easement PRELIMINARY ORDER. he land necessary for I.P.M.ecute fills, 1n .the grading at Texas S' State St. to Mlnnetonka. nt T_ been oraeec , ar,c6y proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoesseary ----- - ------ ................ ---- ----------------- -------- ----- lle,_. in the -.-grafting-- oY__ Texas -_Street -----_____..-- from State Street to Minnetonka Avenue. ----------------- ------- -- -..........._..---------------------- ----- ---- -- -- - - -- .-._..........._... ............ ........... - Dated this.._2Oth day of -January 1986. 192-.----- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writEen proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary _ -- ------- ----_ ....... ---------------- ....._---- --- ---- ------------ ---- ......--------------...._... for slope, ants -and fills, in the grading of Texas Street ------ :--- . ----- ,;.....-- . __........_-- -------------------....- - -- - - ----___---..from.-State--Streot_.to._Minnetonka Avenue. ------- - -----_ - - ---- ---- - ------..... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St.. Paul ...._........._.____----------------- ........._-...._---------------- - - ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 0 1926 dopted by the Council _-........ -- -- ...-- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY JAN 2 9 1926 � IISma— Approved __.....------------ -------------_-------- ------- ......-- - --- HODGSON ,, WENZEL - ........ .... .. . . ..---- ..y-..... 141$FBEZLT Mayor. Form C A is f11.1 3-E5)': n;,�� 1--03-�G C. F. No. 69078—Ordinance No. 6637' By O. C. Sadheimer — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. / 5892, passed October 19, 1922. 1nan0e N0. titled 'An ordinance ¢mending A.. mmrovetive Ordinance No. m,: . .Ved August 20, ce as 32 . d G by tO rdinnnem No. 357x; C • F NO. By en _ e.,.. V An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An administrative ordinance re- lating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor."' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to (trade 10 of Section 6 of said ordinance the title "Assistant Chemist - Bacteriologist," and by adding to Grade 6 of Section 6 of said ordinance the title of "Assistant Market Master." Section 2. That Ordinance No. 5892 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Grade 10, Section 6 of said ordt_- nanee, the title.pf "Chief Clerk, Registration" where it occurs, and by inserting said title under Grade 11, Section 6 of said ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1s on Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy P'e�gusou.— ,,Hodgson '-MoDonald Sudheimer ---,Wenzel THE ent (Reimw� Ap 0 b 1021-- Vioe Pres. Foriru®on Attest Mayor City 0 3'l�LISIIE �d �( I hereby recommend the passage by the Council of the above amendment to the Civil Service Rules. These changes have been re- quested by the Commissioner of Public Utilities and the Commissioner of Registration. Civil Service Commissioner. i By Ordinance No. (a __.. Council File No. I � , Li;I 11, the project of acquiring the 2, 23 and 24, Block S, Under- �,';:. %�''' a,i�i"�,; Y, 9 St, Paul, according to the cord in the office of the ' Na> Na, mty, Minnesota, as a location Uup v ✓ c u i is an emergency ordinance fervation of the public peace, m U :ald ORDINANCES. S. Ener ` i I mrr OF ST. PAUL DOES 0 c• Ff No. 64079—ordlnanre No. sssz—' An ordinance approving the projec 'Ir fng the real estate It ..ind 't. 2' Ph..+. Bsioner of Parks, Pl ygroi:,.r_ - >d to the Council that the real estate known as lots 1 aff23 and 24, Block S, Underwood's Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, is required for the purpose of a public playground, and that the estimated value thereof is Four Thousand Dollars; and the Comp- troller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the city for the acquisition of said property, the Council hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and the Co missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price; and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council, then in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that chndemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the city to secure said property, and that the cost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purchase or condemnation be and the same is hereby ordered to, be paid for out of funds derived from the sale of other real estate which has heretofore or may hereafter be ap- propriated for saidypurpose; or if there is not sufficient money in said fund,: that it be paid out of the playgrounds fund of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council-- Yeas ouncil_ Yeas Mr.VClancy ✓Ferguson ✓McDona-ld �iodgson Audheimer Wenzel Mr. President Attest City C Nays (Nelson) 0�b2§ A �rove payor i Ordinance No. (O Council File No. An Ordinance approving the project of acquiring the real estate known as lots 1 and 2, 23 and 24, Block 8, Under - wood's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds playground. Thisnis,anlemergencyas a ordinanceion for a public playgoo rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, _ ---1 health and safety. ORDINANCE& THE COUDTCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES 0 632— ea Ord nance7ayprovin6 the No. 1 ung the real eatate lcn^y, ac^r d 2 2' Pa. _- Section 1. The Commissioner of Parks, Pl_,�gro1.,—. _' _.- Public Buildings having reported to the Council that the real estate known as lots 1 and 2, 23 and 24, Block 8, Underwood's Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deedsof Ramseyand County; is required for the purpose of a public playground, he estimated value thereof is Four Thousand Dollars; and the Comp- troller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the city for the acquisition of said property, the Council hereby orders and bthedirects Committeethe onsame Lands,acquired consistingfor purchase said purpose by p Y in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and the Commissioner of Parks,.Playgrounds and Public Buildings, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price; and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council, then in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the city to secure said property, and that the cost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purchase or condemnation be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of funds derived from the sale of other real estate which has heretofore or may hereafter be ap- propriated for said/purpose; or if there is not sufficient money in said fund, that it be paid out of the PublicBuildings.fund.of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council_vg Yeas Mr.VOlancy erguson McDonald Jiodgson /eimer Wenzel Mr. President Attest City C Nays J ' 1Li26 (Belson) fa # Ap rove Laid neer to 3rd. S app. 2 j J Yeas Nays (Taney �crRuson lodgson �QcUonald ';'F+udLcirner 1C'cnzcl Pres. Nclson 2nd. Adopted YCas Nays �yjya nc y !1' •rguson o,lgson jMCIJonald ; 5ndlici111cr NV TIM \Ir. Pres. Nclson By_ )a Ordinance No. Council File No. }ii An Ordinance approving the project of acouiring the real esto.te known as lots 1 and 2,23 and 24, Block 8, Under— wood's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey ^ounty, Minnesota, as a location for a public nla.y,T.round. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, he+.lth and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings having reported to the Council that the real estate known a, lots 1`an' ", and ^4, Block 8, Underwood's Addition to St. Paul, accor?in_- to :he plat thereof an file and of record in the of rice 91 the 7­1ir ter of ;deeds of amsey County, is required for the purpose of a punlic ;,le.yground, and that the estimated value thereof is Four Thousand Dollars; and the Comp— troller having- certified that there is money available in the treasury of the city `or the actuisition of void procerty, the Council hereby orders and directs that the some be acquired for said purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasino- Agent, and the Co:missioner of Parks. ?lay7round .°nd Public Buildir_ms, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price; and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council, then in that event the Council hereby orders an,d directs thh!t cbndemnatiou proceedin.7s be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the city to secure said property, and that the cost and expense of acquiring the same, whether by purchase or condemnation be and s,he same is hereby ordered to be ,)aid for out of funds derived f_om the s:,le of other real estate which has heretofore or may hereafter be ap— propriated for saidypurpose; or if there is not sufficient money in said fund, that it be paid out of the playgrounds fund of the Department of Parks, Playground= and ?ublic Buildings. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from.and after its paes<re, approval and publication. Passed by the Council FEB - 9,1i326 YeasNays ✓ Mr. Clancy Ferguson ,2icDonald 1 ,Hodgson 1,Rudheimer g i9d i" lenzel Mr. President (Nelson) V/ Approved Ordinance No. (n C. F. No, S amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled he compensation rates of certain city _ nuery 23, 1925. C g, No. 84080—Ordina"ce No, X633= :BY J. DL .M=— . Ail 1446. ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI. .O�dlnenc, No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925 be lard Rate No. S, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 1 of Fire Service," and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 9. (2) By striking from Standard Rate No. 10, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 2 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 12. (3) By striking from Standard Rate No. 12 the words "Grade 3 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 14. (4) By striking from Standard Rate No. 13 the words "Grade 4 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 142. (5) By inserting after Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Standard Rate No. 141 shall be payable, as provided in this ordinance, as a current adjusted entrance rate of $151.20 a month in each position olassified in the following grades of service:". (6) By striking from Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Grade 5 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 14.1. (7) By inserting after Standard Rate No, 14 in subdivision 2(b) of Section II the following line: "Standard Rate No. 142 ........... 105.00 44 151.20 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after February 16, 1925. Passed by the Counoi1 FEs Yeas ✓ Nays �r. Clancy J `.Ferguson Hodgson F'GB Approved_I wRe.._.. 2nd._/ Laid over to /� 3rd. £: app.___ � �:.Z ,! Adopted — Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy 1/ Clancy Ferguson ✓1' erguson Hodgson ✓Hodgson McDonald ✓McDonald Sudheimer ✓Sudlhcimer Wenzel ✓ Wenzel ✓Nlr. Mr. Pres. Nelson Pres. Nelson Ordinance No. (n C. F. No, S amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled he compensation rates of certain city _ nuery 23, 1925. C g, No. 84080—Ordina"ce No, X633= :BY J. DL .M=— . Ail 1446. ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI. .O�dlnenc, No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925 be lard Rate No. S, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 1 of Fire Service," and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 9. (2) By striking from Standard Rate No. 10, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 2 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 12. (3) By striking from Standard Rate No. 12 the words "Grade 3 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 14. (4) By striking from Standard Rate No. 13 the words "Grade 4 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 142. (5) By inserting after Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Standard Rate No. 141 shall be payable, as provided in this ordinance, as a current adjusted entrance rate of $151.20 a month in each position olassified in the following grades of service:". (6) By striking from Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Grade 5 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 14.1. (7) By inserting after Standard Rate No, 14 in subdivision 2(b) of Section II the following line: "Standard Rate No. 142 ........... 105.00 44 151.20 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after February 16, 1925. Passed by the Counoi1 FEs Yeas ✓ Nays �r. Clancy J `.Ferguson Hodgson F'GB Approved_I wRe.._.. / ✓ ./Sudheimer .. ivenael Mrd President (N AttestY[vX %s%moi`)--. -Clerk Ordinance No. C. F. No. entitled An administrative ordinance amendingOrdinance No. 6446, "Anj administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain approved January 23, 1925. C F, No. 6�g�rdlnance No 6653—I positions and employment", pP sr J. ,,.e ordlnpneo i Aa admintstr• p448. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI-,jord(nsncq -d Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23P 1925 be and the same is hereby amended (1) By striking from Standard Rate No. S, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 1 of Fire Service," and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 9. (2) By striking from Standard Rate No. 10, in Section 3 of said ordinance, the words "Grade 2 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 12. y (3) By striking from Standard Rate No. 12 the words "Grade 3 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 14. (4) By striking from Standard Rate No. 13 the words "Grade 4 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 142. • (5) By inserting after Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Standard tate No. 141 shall be payable, as provided in this ordinance, as a current adjusted entrance rate of $151.20 a month in each position classified in the following grades of service:". (6) By striking from Standard Rate No. 14 the words "Grade 5 of Fire Service", and by inserting such words under Standard Rate No. 142. (7) By inserting after Standard Rate No. 14 in subdivision 2(b)i of Section II the following line: "Standard Rate No. 1 ....... ,... 105.00 44 151.20 4z Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after February 16, 1925. FE8.9� passed by the Counoil�_ _ Yeas Nays Mr/Glancy -\ Ferguson J Hodgson Sudheime gudheimer % ..Siienzal Approved y� nt N s Mrf,preside Atte s ; �) -clerk Mayer' --CITY-.OF ,! YOF IPA cue . ck- x SANT UL RESOIXT PRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER C" R S ION 208 '34ewoived, That io DATE ... 21 19E6 ..... .. b d .1 L10 IM IYers be made'on [he books O[ the ............ ...................................... ... .... .... Anj3nlln+ _RESOLVED; THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS, MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE - APPORTIONED ITEM R� TO FROM 9 2-1 X3. Administration 21 B1 Testing Labs. �2..90 2 1 1 B 32-w86, - 3. Testing Labs. Am' NT 39 TRA's jf�c 9 F7 R �R"D 2 r2 -1 - 0 32' 8 6' 2 Sw Testing Labs. 9.77 1 21 03. Markets 25.4 eo 21 OR � Markets - P'l El. Investigations 594.00 Investigations 0 21 E2 43.o6 21B Testing Labs, 70,•15 al B� Testing Labs.. 1s94.43,`r 21 0 Markets 112.89 -21 D Dooks Wharves & Levees 944.36-, COUNCILMEN 01 NAYS N N_Y CY FERGUSONO HODGSON .................... FA"O McDoNALD SUDH.....................AGAINST A F WENZEL MR- PRESIDENT ?,h; ADOPTED BY THE -COUNCIL ........................._-...+^^• COUNTERSIGNED YES ( ✓) COUNCILMEN ( V) NAYS �CLANCY n couRc,_ No......408"..S.... ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL P.L. C TY �CLlRK TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM /HODGSON APPROPRIATION PER C R S ON 208 '- PRESENTED BY ff�. (�Ro4q j.$E,T............................................................... COMMISSIONER. ..................... 2�, 1926 ........ DATE. ....... 4-aA.......,.....26....... ....... .... wt r R VED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS RACKS OF, E BE MADE oN TH-- ABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS COMPTROLLE . SO DOING A ING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID T RS WITH MONEY IN TEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MAD CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. FROM TO 22 A2 Lighting 5.61 A3. x 75.51 x 294.02 Bl B4 x - 164o.51- 01 x 95.35 03 x 4q.00 04 x 5629.0 OS x 114.25 x 446.17• 09 1357.49 22 B3 x 02 x 600:30 2447-54-- OS x 1931...31 06 x 07 p 2010.15 YES ( ✓) COUNCILMEN ( V) NAYS �CLANCY /HODGSON ......... .....:...IN FAVOR 'MCDONALD /SUDHEIMER ..._�.�.—AGAINST ✓WENZEL F<mzuGoe ADOPTED BY THE COUNAEl..4...I._ig2.6....:......19........... JAN 2 i 1926 APPROVED.................................................19........... .... I... .......... MAYO COUNTERSIGNED BY .... . .. •••• •.• I D j%Si CITY COMPTROLLQR Al , owlow To Clancy CITY OF SAINT PAUL cciwei` NO. 64082. _ «angn=`the ION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM roller'7as by: eo doing an un- �,.ble deficiency In certain ldtems: pER CHARTER SECTION 206 oe met by said tranetere without ering, the WorkL Drovided by: the - y in, the items, from which th PM ere are made. COfj Police..... ;: �..�..... ... ... .... ..... DATE ...................... .... ............. ..:: . O RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLL ING TRANSFERS BE ,MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS -BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS' MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN. THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. .CODEAMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. _ FROM TO POLICE q-�, Admin. salaries 27 36 A2 " Supplies 107 81 ✓ 253 68 -1 Irl Unif. Div, Salaries 44 72 ✓ Cl Detective Div. Salaries 02 n Traveling Expense D1 Motor Veh. Div. Auto Mmint, 146 76 ✓ D2 Motor Allow. 152 29 ✓ D3 " " " Insurance 16 74 / E1 Servioe Div. Salaries 126 43 / E3 n " Supplies_ 72 / Fl.: dgM ajnt._4alaries: -;•, 0 15 0 00 / F4 ::.__ ..-.Bldg, n to_ Supplies 65 83 ✓ F5- " " Repairs 120 91 7-A3 Admin. office Expense 102 70 ✓ 49 42 ✓ a4 n Office Furn. & Fix. 475 28 ✓ B2 Unif. Div. Supplies 7 60 03 Detective Div. Supplies 48 76 ✓ E2 Service Div. - Feeding prisoners 639 42 ✓ F3 Building Maint. Light -Heat Prater 789-A2 Geni. Admin - Office Expense 24 YES V) COUNCILMEN \ NAYS uADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ....................... ........ FERGUSONAPPROVED..................... .........................19 ......... - HODGSON ...•.. .. .IN FAV ^"-•• ........ MCDONALD+" . .............................................................. SUDH ......................AGAINST •. -,EjE11Mi�Y''? � COUNTERSIGNED BY .. .. .. .[R _ .r, -:.'...- MR. ERRESIDENT T�........ bo:.. `"' ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL I.- NO........ WIT.—If APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 ' - PRESENTEw BY COMMISSIONER.............................. ............. ................. .............................................. DATE........................................................ ® RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE. ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLc�m.- rS,kB•\F�-S0_Q 1"O NG A AVOIDq RD i 1 CY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS_WITH OC"T'H� A�N1I�RFNC� 4�E: WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS -FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 8-D3 Maint. Bldg. Equipt.Light-Power Water 8-D5 to it 11 Supplies 8-D6 IT " " Gas,Oils,Grease 8-D7 of " it Tires,Tubes,Repai 8-Dll " " it New Hose YES ( d) COUNCILMEN \ NAYS _--_CLANCY FERGUSCN--.,.. HODGSON .................. AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 36 06 9 58 65 53 55 7 87 640 40 178 10 2 82 91 45 60 58 93 84 41 32 1 940 07 116 27 1 698 08 66 42 1 166 61 108 91 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........................./......... -13........... APPROVED..... -:7:'..'.. ............ I ........... ............ 19 .......... SUDHEIM ........ AGAINST tr: R -aIVNZEL COUNTERSIGNED B i . � C m CO—ROLLERMR. PRESIDENT -•�, FORM... IOOO 11— - _ CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO FIRE 8-A1 Admin. Salaries 8-A2 of Supplies 8-A3 if Offioe Expense 8-B1 Fire Prev, Salaries 8-B2 It11 O£fioe Expense 8-01 Fire Fight. Div. Salaries 8-D1 Maint. Bldg. & Equipt. Salaries 8-D2 If " it Tel. & Tel. 8-D4 u R R Heat 8-D8 " " to Repairs --8-D9 " n` it Bldgs. 8-D10 " " 11 Neat Plants 8-D12 " " ItMisol.Equipt. 8-D3 Maint. Bldg. Equipt.Light-Power Water 8-D5 to it 11 Supplies 8-D6 IT " " Gas,Oils,Grease 8-D7 of " it Tires,Tubes,Repai 8-Dll " " it New Hose YES ( d) COUNCILMEN \ NAYS _--_CLANCY FERGUSCN--.,.. HODGSON .................. AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 36 06 9 58 65 53 55 7 87 640 40 178 10 2 82 91 45 60 58 93 84 41 32 1 940 07 116 27 1 698 08 66 42 1 166 61 108 91 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........................./......... -13........... APPROVED..... -:7:'..'.. ............ I ........... ............ 19 .......... SUDHEIM ........ AGAINST tr: R -aIVNZEL COUNTERSIGNED B i . � C m CO—ROLLERMR. PRESIDENT -•�, FORM... IOOO 11— - _ onicw�L ro wu6ei.. arr cLwc CITY OF SAINT PAUL PIL[ NO.. ............................... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................................................................................... DATE..................................................................... O RESOLVE0.--T"T THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY S 7"9Ai1 AN_UNAVOIDABBLE D� 'GSR AIFF'I�EMS. MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS�P'ER4Akrft HE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM SJsRO WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE FROM OOZE TO APPORTIONED ITEM I AMOORUNT TRANCFRERRED I— YES COUNCILMEN NAYS VGLANCY V HODGSON ...... .....IN FAVOR , MCDONALD '--SUDHEIMER ........ .......AGAINST /WE�NZEL MT�,�00 q ... 16M View Pros. Forizootoon ` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..�A!�..../Z...�.._�g.r2.6..19........... JAN 2 1 ;920 APPROVED.....:...............ts.......... ............... .............. 4 COUNTERSIGNED By... .. .. .... ... ................ • —_ -.V CITY COMPTROLLER POLICE & FIRE ALARM 7B -A1 Pol. & Fire Alarm Salaries 73 60 78-A4 It to .1 of Telephone 1 23 78-A6 R " 11 " Power 10 82 ✓ 78-A8 If ^ 11 " Equipt. 620 24 96 -Ag of to to to Furn. & Fixt. 21 00 ✓ 78-A2 Pol. & Fire Alarm Auto Maint. 114 05 ✓ 78-A3 11 1. " 11 Supplies 197 15 ✓ 78-A5 it 11 " " Offioe Exp. 146 92 ✓ 78-A7 to 6 " " Reps. Mushroom Ligh s 269 77 ✓ YES COUNCILMEN NAYS VGLANCY V HODGSON ...... .....IN FAVOR , MCDONALD '--SUDHEIMER ........ .......AGAINST /WE�NZEL MT�,�00 q ... 16M View Pros. Forizootoon ` ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..�A!�..../Z...�.._�g.r2.6..19........... JAN 2 1 ;920 APPROVED.....:...............ts.......... ............... .............. 4 COUNTERSIGNED By... .. .. .... ... ................ • —_ -.V CITY COMPTROLLER an -ax -�..4f ..CITY OF SAINT PAUL. oouNc" NO......'n!1813 - _ —� OPRIATION TR44NSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM�30 C. F. No. 64083—I iii. C::' Wenael— `, PER CHARTER SECTION 206 - Resolved. That the following Vane• fare be made .—the book. of the - - ptrGGller, as by..o„doing aD un-. ridable deficiency in certain ,item. - be met by: said tranetera without - 1 en�e:1............................ ”, ,,,,",_ „ DATE.......D 1925.. ee.,....g1...8t�.....................,. .pert a the 'work provided by o in the ltem.••,from whl.h for ....! era .arm -wase RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE OL COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAYBE MET BY SAID. TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CR. DR. FROM TO. 18 A 3 Office Expence 70.64 / 18 H Receipts 1060.19 ✓ 18 B I Salaries .991, 18 B 3 Office "xpence 33.91 i 18 C 1 Salaries & Mages 462.82 ✓ 18 C 3 eater 39.44 18 C 4 Supplies 27.91 X18 C 5 miscellaneous 34.78 18 C 6 New Equipment 19.00 i 18 D 1 Salaries & Phages 944.23 18 D 2 Ligth Heat & Power 274.85 18 D 3 Supplies 24.86 18 D 4 Repairs 6.62 18 F13 Truck maintenance 688.32 18 F 4 materials -a: Supplies 106.49 18 G 1 Salaries & Wages 17.60 � 18 G 2 Light & Power 71.11' 18 G 3 Supplies 23.04/' 18 G 4 Sundry Repairs 488.43 18 I 1 Salaries & Wages 217.38 � 18 I 2 motorcycle Allowance 3.08 18 I 3 iAiscellaneous - 3.26 i 18 J 2 Supplies 17.63 18 L 3 ir'lunicipal Chorus 304.00 s 2470.39 2470.39 S. COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.. ................................... 19 ........... �........ FERGUSON APPROVED......................!....,:C::...........................19 HODGSON ..................... IN FAV - - ----_--MCDONALD _.. __r -- -.. _.. ._.........:.. ........ .....--- . A __ -- _ - - SUDHEIMM.E✓R .:..........AGAINST `�_,,,-+•''` WE L COUNTERSIGNED BY�..,,� ................... ............... ...... �` Nacrtwou.a C ow ;`,-MR. PRESIDENT _ W Ow1OINwL TO µms_ Rel COUNCIL CITY CL.wlt CITY OF SAINT PAUL TILE NO....................... ......... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER. C.......'T.� Z8.7.................................................... DATE ........ .Dec.......31.st.........1925......... VED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE TROLL O DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE ETAIN. ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFE PG91MryTHE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THEROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APF O RTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 18 MR Refectory Receipts 1787.86 18 id 1 Salaries & wages 1343.23 18 M 2 Automobile Maintenance 258.69 18 M 3 Merchandise 16.42 18 M6 Supplies 97.84 / 18 M 7 Repairs 78.50- 8.5018 18M 8 Miscellaneous 863.24- 63.242222.89 2222.89 2222.89 YES \ NILCILh1EN ✓� NAYS ADOPTED BY THE CWNC(C.................................... 19........... CLANCY r FERGUSON APPROVED................................................................19.......... HODGSON ...... _I AVOR! MCDONALD...�•. / 4.. 00......-_- SUDHSIMER ..... .: ..../AGAINST °-• MR. PRESIDENT COUNTERSIGNED BY................................................................... CITY COM-OLLER ORtO1N.L TO ,-1Z." � CITY MRK ti CITY OF SAINT' PAUL tLK NO APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM '- - - PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY H. C.. Wenzel Dec.. 31st• 1925 COMMISSIONER............................... .......................:............................... ............. ....... DATE..................................................................... w R D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS G AN UNAVOIDABLE CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WI THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITE WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MA. AMOUNT TRANSFERREbI' 'CODE ... APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. - _ FROM TO 19 A 1 Salaries 50.20 19 A 2 Automobile `"aintenance 15.96 ✓ 19 A 3 Office Expence 31.36 ' 19 B 2 Supplies & Irlaterials 122.64✓ `. 19 B 3Repairs 248.89. 34 33 19 B 4 Yiiscllaneous 'Wages 290.33-`-- 19 C 1 Salaries & 19 C 2 'truck Malntenance 33.93 19 C 3 Supplies 10.81 i 19 C 4 Repairs 10.65 ' _ 107.08 ' 19"""C 5 Miscellaneous 19 C Playgrounds Equipment 61.25- 1.25,508.72 508.72 508.72 20 A 1 sdl&ries, 28.95 �. 20 A 2 Automobile MaIntenance 12'47 ✓ 385.7.3 20 A 3 Office Expence 20 B 1 Salaries 517.56 ✓ 20 B 2 Automobile blaintenance ✓ 94.03 20 n 3 'truck Iviatntenance 346.46 20 B 4 Miscllaneous 3.61 47.13 20 C 1 Salaries 20 C 2 Office Expence 324.86. ' JAN 1 1 192&......... YES \ COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........................... ....ta.... CLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON • ................IN FAVOR APPROVED ........... JAN. 2..)..11926....................19........... ... Y "1'a!! ....... ..... �_. ..... �1$jry MwI CR SUDHEIMER .....................AGAINST r WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ..... ..... ... ............ 1 T EITY a NPTR 11 � nonN va. alb Vie..PrRp, FurQuROD CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WUNCIL NO.... -..6-4-08--L FILE 3xx WHEREAS, there has not been sufficient money appropri- ated and funds derived from the sale of other real.estate to pay for the land to be acquired for the. Groveland Park Playgrounds authorized by ordinance No. 6500, approved May 21, 1925; RESOLVED, that the Committee on Lands, composed of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, is hereby authorized to complete the pur- chase of said lands and any additional land the Council may au- thorize to be uhas r fo the above purpose, on the following �.����-- r terms: Fifteen Thousand ADollars ( y 00) to be paid to the sellers at the time of receiving deeds, and the balance to be paid on or before June 1, 1926, without inter ; said balance to s be paid out of any funds derived from t sale of real estate prior to June lst, if the Council s 1 appropriate any of such, funds for said purpose; and if uch appropriation is made, said balance shall be p�4d% of the Playgrounds fund. Yeas COUNCILMF:A� JAN 2 1 1926 ( Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... ✓ Clancy .:HN 2 1 1926 onApproved------ ---------------------- -.-------------- ..192...... i ,/ McDonald �' Sudheimer ...-Against Wenzel air. Viee Pres. Foransbn PUBL1Sriu.D__ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL cOURaL NO._...iJ_���.�{�._ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR >NER..�.c . .__.._.____ AT RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Steve Raider, an employe of the Department of Public Works, Injured July 2, 1925, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the - period up to January 23rd, 1926. C. Izi W w 1n 19 1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t Clancy Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. 04095 -nye J: H. McDonald— ;d, That. the. Proper city RI- indthey arehereby author - for Lne penoa up to Jan. 23rd, lopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1920. pprov_d Jan. 21. 1920. (Jan. 30-1920) F -g, Hodgson ........In favor /IGIcDonald /6udheimer.....Against -Wenzel / Mr.. Vise Pres. FtxKaepn JAN 2 1 1926 Adopted by the Council ..... ----------------------------------- 19'2._._. JAiNI 2 ' 1926 Approved..... ....... .-. --- - 192--.... a��� — -- J7�JIno MAYOR f� 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,OUERLIL NO.. -.-)41986. OFFI•;E OF THE CITY CLERK -1 n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and th6y are hereby authorized to pay to Andrew Nicholson, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured September 3, 1925, the sum of Seventy and 40/100 Dollars ($70.40),out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General bund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to January 14th, 1926. C. F. No. 64086—By J. H. McDonald- - Resolved, That the proper city offl- 'cera be and they are hereby ant hor- Ised to pay to Andrew Nichol.... as employe of. the Department of Public Works, Injured Se L 3, 1926, the .sum of Seventy And 40/100 Dollar. ($70.40) out of the Workmen'. Compensation 'Account of the General Fund, in par - H41 settlement of his claim agalnst the City, being for the period -up to nary Recommended for passage. Approved Jan. 21. ,1988. Adopted by the CounMl .ran. 21, 1928. F (San. 30-1988) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Fea;gu�vti— _-_ _ -- �o_dgson _-_ ,�.,., In favor__..__. ,/McDonald Audheimer i v Against Wenzel r r J r. io�Fork'uv- Commissioner of Public Works. JAN 2 1 1926 Adopted by the Council -------------------- ...... 192 dAt�)i1)v -_Approved. .. l 192 --.. .u4-Cn�./ CVM MAYOR Mfi COUNCIL NO. ---_6408.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Hans Svendsen, an employe of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, injured December 3, 1925, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including January 20, 1926. Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. C. F. No. 64087—BY 1I. C• Wenzel— Resolved, That the proper city core be andt they are he' en, an em- ized tooay. playBroundDePa the Public Bu11 It -.,Itn- jured Lac. 3. 1926, the sum cf or Dollars (E60.00) out L the Work - ;mens Compensation rUaicsetUemontt oL General Fund, in p betnB Yor his claim aBafnat the City. the Period up to In'It I B Jan• 20, 1926. Jan. 21. 1928. Adopted by the Council Approved Jan. 21; 1926. (Jan. 30-1828),.—_--- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --Clancy /HodgsoD -.-----6..In favor McDonald ' Sudheimer ...�....-Against -"Wenzel �1N.r..'lTt�p " Y,eraueon JAN 2 1 1926 Adopted by the Council ..._----------------------------------- 192...--- A roved JAN 2 ! 1926 -.._.-.......192...-- MAYOR Acting Yeas 8 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCILILE NO._. -.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM d'That the sum of 096=1!�sd Dollars ($100.00) be andt•the same is hereby appropriated out of the Contingent Fund for the purpose of defraying the expenses in connection with the entertainment of the Winnipeg city officials, and that a warrant in said sum be drawn in favor of the Mayor, and that the money be expended under his direction. i C. F. No. 69029—By J. At. Clancy— Resolved. That the..um of One Hun- dred Dollar. 0100.00) be and the same le hereby approprlated.ovt of the Con- e tingent Fund for the purpose o[ de - 'i Preying the penaes in connection with the entertainment of the Winni- pe a city otnclate, and that a warrant Iln aid som be drawn in favor of the 'Mayor and,that the money beex- pendea under his direction. . Adopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1926. 1 Appro yad Jana 21, 1926. (Jan. 80-1926) 7 X COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Hodgson -----.-.-..--.An favor / McDonald (3 .ljSudheimer ................Against / Wenzel / Bdr. Vj" Pres. Fur¢aaoff JAN 2 1 1926 Adopted by the Council...-- --- ------------------------------- 192 ---- JAW 2 1 192W Approved............. .....---------------------......192....-- • Acting MAYOP ;z c CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a Ate_ RESOLVED That the Oouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee end awerde the contract for the construction of a sewer on Arundel street from Lamson street to a point 30 feet south of Cook street, in aocordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to 9V. G. Hiner, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $789.00, -,nd the Coroor^ti.on Counsel is hereby instructed to 'Irma --) the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,025.00. F.B. No. 8958. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays V Claney Hodgson ....... /J......In favor / McDonald 5-1 Sudheimer ............ ....Against i Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres• Fergeeon vad .11 papers ig 1 4 S „� *nr�eotion above JAN 2 1 1926 Adopted by the Council ...-...'.------------------------------ -192 - ApprovedJAN 2 1 192 -.192.....- ......_------------------------------ ---- . ........ ..- MAYOR petition Council File No ....... 61090 pROP09AL FOR IMPROVEMENT v, and 7, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Changor to' o r Paul, viz.: red t 0 whereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Changing a of GeorgeSt.re.et. Spree to-------- conform red grade line on the profile hereto gra -d-e --- be-ing-- at.tsoheA...sMd shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Gorman Avenue from - ---- ------------ ---- - -F ' Robi-e- StraeV-ta Ktzub-eth­St-r-e-Gt­-"to a--wi AthOf 60fast:- ------------------------ ------------............. ................. ........... ------------------ - ------ -------- Dated this._ ------19th Januar - 1926. 192--...-• of ----------- --- - -------- ------- ------------ - ---­------------ ----------- &wn_c0h�an PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: is from George Street to Win-ifre_d ..... .. Changing the CWie of Gorman Ave - nT profile . - - - - ­ hereto. - . -S'fj:b-6-t_ _;E6 66iiform to the red grade a on the at_taahP_&.._snd..maAS 0 PaT-t­h_ere_o.f-,-A;h-a --present astabl-i-Bhed grade-being- shown.by a blue line thereon, also grading said Gorman Avenue from Roble St-reet--to ... Ej-tzaijeth Stre'et to a-- wl:&th' of -60 fejt - - . --.i.....--1 I ----------- ------------- -----­--­------------- - ------------ ------------------------ -•' --------­--------­---­ ................................. Paul---- --- ---------------------------------------------------------- --_------------ ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whethex or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ......... .... Adopted by the Council --------------- AW -2-1 1920 ------ ------- ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY HODGSON _/McDONALD ISUDHEINIIR `WENZEL Bdlr Vies Pres. FoqWon r.- C A 13 OB4 i 21) JAN 2 1 192� Approved......------ ------------------ ---------------------------------------- .............. ....... ........ . ........ ... .......... Aftryor. / ZY xo dooi Council File No........G-` 091 Abatraok - haroa0. A wHtten�" DroDosat fos thq " hir8 of the following TmDrovemony PROPCeIiL FOR IMPROVEMENT `ond-emntng and-taltmg nn;eaeament�l tho laud nacaseasY for sloDee, chte'. 011e. In the: Sradin� of: h SL tVo and 4�_(Yqut RoMe.Sk':to EI sabelSt -' •., '.tit yr `�unctl�ot iMg reenN"�" PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking---an.-easement_in._theland_rleC.eS.aflSy-._for _.....-.--.. sloes, __outs _and.--fills,_in_-the---gra:ding--oY- Q.xozazl_gAenue-..3rnm----------.._------- _xtooie-_Street_to-_Eli- -bet):i...St.r.e.e.t...t.o..a._wi.dth...of._60._3sat...-.--..---------------------------- Dated this. 19th day of......-- ---ZaX1hB .....a 9 6. - ......_......_..., 192.._... .......--------- ----------------- / Councilman. L-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking-an_easement-.-in_the..la7n-d...neo.e.aGa ry...fo.r..----- .. - ------- ..... slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading._of_Gorman. Avenne_.f-x.Om_.�.Qhie Street to Elizabeth Street".to a --width of-60—feet --- ........... .....--------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..........._._.....-....._------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ JAN 2 1 ts�5 Adopted by the Council---------------------- ------------------- YEAS NAYS i� Councilman CLANCY 'FLnr�O50R"�"' Approved.. �tAN --- 7 t" - - ----------------------------- "f1��� -------- �r ✓HoDGSON —' , SUDHEI ALD �UDHF.T\fER � _ 9 Mayor. r Vloe Pres. Ferguon r�_51 �onr�Ars - ru--VA+�-2� C r Ne. d4092 Re Ived Tha[ cheeks be draw a [h CItY [ 5195829OOtoc I ehc ES .S t numbered 661 InclUslve� s per h ksi i n fila In the office of the City Comp troller. I I j Adooted by the Council Jan. 21, 1926. i li Approved Soo. 21, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) 1 II i i I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I ; i rsi t' ' t 1 I I V ' - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COENCIL NO.___�L 2— QUADRUPLICATE —0 To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER clTv CLERK AUDITEDCLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM RES.NO. �� - - .- RESOLVED THAT CHECKSIE DRAWN ON THE, _ ATE 92_.6 �/ftq(j (0 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CITY'1i; -- —__— --- —------ COVERING ER CHECKS NUMBERED-5-ae3;----- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE R ____________ __ _ _____ ___ _ ___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I II II I TOTAL It I CHECK II IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ;I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT B7, CHECKS CHECKS . BROUGHTFORWARD i 9 � C r Ne. d4092 Re Ived Tha[ cheeks be draw a [h CItY [ 5195829OOtoc I ehc ES .S t numbered 661 InclUslve� s per h ksi i n fila In the office of the City Comp troller. I I j Adooted by the Council Jan. 21, 1926. i li Approved Soo. 21, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) 1 II i i I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I ; i rsi t' ' t 1 I I V ' - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COENCIL NO.___�L 2— QUADRUPLICATE —0 To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER clTv CLERK AUDITEDCLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM RES.NO. �� - - .- RESOLVED THAT CHECKSIE DRAWN ON THE, _ ATE 92_.6 �/ftq(j (0 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CITY'1i; -- —__— --- —------ COVERING ER CHECKS NUMBERED-5-ae3;----- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE R ____________ __ _ _____ ___ _ ___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I II II I TOTAL RETURVE-41„ . CHECK II IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ;I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT B7, CHECKS CHECKS . BROUGHTFORWARD i 9 � C r Ne. d4092 Re Ived Tha[ cheeks be draw a [h CItY [ 5195829OOtoc I ehc ES .S t numbered 661 InclUslve� s per h ksi i n fila In the office of the City Comp troller. I I j Adooted by the Council Jan. 21, 1926. i li Approved Soo. 21, 1926. (Jan. 23-1926) 1 II i i I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I ; i rsi t' ' t 1 I I V ' I # • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 53 432 70 01#4 334+ 07 t IL. I 1 088 73 265 69 649 91 5 744 75 8 174 96 613 30 - I-- NUMBERED_.. 561 _ Tjtx___..___ __._ _._ _ _._ COM PTROL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CH ECK�S ON FILE IN THE OFFpCE _ �SUDHEIMER. ��WENZEL. _- .-% - AGAINST ' APP OVE _ � ��/(/n __..192 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ET:SON. YES (I' ) COUNCILMEN NAYS I V 1 / �Str. Vioe Pros. Fnr¢oeom `— M1IAVOR e cN CCK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO AL — RETURNED BY - ------- ---- DISTRIBUTION - —_-----. TRANSFER - pISB URS EM1IEIVT BANK V� GENERAL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS -- CHECKS CHECKS WATER ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE n DY ULlS SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUTVDRY BROUGHT FORWARD �� ►432 70 . 594 505.0 594. 3t� 61 930 T _- -- 3 4 934 55 X43 9440. � 7 qu pmen REVOLVING ACCOUNTS Theo. .290 1 088;7 265 6 649 81 5 744 75' 8 174 % 613.;30 561 H°� Aywdrig Company 19 8� 19 829 0 j II • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 53 432 70 01#4 334+ 07 t IL. I 1 088 73 265 69 649 91 5 744 75 8 174 96 613 30 CITY OF SAINT PAUL TVRFQMAATE To RES. NO. 2___.. __–__ OFFICE OF THE COMPTF:OL.LER CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 6 CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE � T __ ._. -___ COVERING ' 6Z CHECKS NUMBERED-..�_ _.TGi�' -------- BY. COMPTROL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , cR RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By I -.ER TRANSFER D150 U RSEMENT BANK GENERAL CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 53 432 70 594 50 01 290 594 • 561 Theo. H, -%m 13rewiM QOmpnnY 19 a29 WATER PO 61 930,7 134 9 /CLANCY --.IN FAVOR HODGSON. /McDONALD. -'SUDHEIMER.. ---- -- AGAINST `/WENZEL, 'SeN YES ( V) COUNCILMEN NAYS COUNCIL 54,11112 '� j�{l/} FILE NO. 54,111/!v_ JAN 21 1924 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL __ _... __.- __.192 --- �,�N E t 99261 ...APP OVE - -- - - -- ___192 �9 AY _ -_.---"OR --- M /Air. Vice Free FerguM r DISTRIBUTION __ ------ - LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST I - PUBLIC SUtVORV D IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE HMU SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 099. 7 qu pm 265,6 649,61 5 744 75, 9 174.9,. 613 30 54.55 i43 940.97 1 19 929 0 � I II II I I � II I I I I 'I... CITY. OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ( QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO,____-03TOJ TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IIY CLERK `RES. NO .__ _�__—_ . � .., AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLU'CdOI!� .FORM -- E RESOLVED THAT CHECKSVE DRAWN ON THE _✓t�.2'4-Y CITY TREASURY.TO//THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S____— .1 — --- ----------- COVERING --_ MP EEL COLER CHECKS NUMBERED ----- -5._6_yTO--- �_��______- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER CHECK TOTAL RETURNED ;, IN .FAVOR OF BY �i NUMBER II TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS I �I BROUGHT FORWARD nhe esolye le 62 ery heaks be drawn orT mount[ E5,5t9 tO vee gate, nu+nberedr .G2. Ing ehe¢RS hecks on 562 to G21 Incinslve, as CItY Comptr011¢�I'n the of(Ice oP tPer he', �PProvedb Jntn,e;1. �ouncil Jan. 21; 19 Clan. 231926 26.. 192G) ' I li CHECKSNUMBERED .`��-_- -__ TO. RCI___ / COMPTROLLER - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER CHECK TOTAL RETURNED { NUMBER IN FAVOR OF — BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS - GENERAL BROUGHT FORWARD 53 432 70 614 33!� 01 562 Otto o. Dosh 23 5 1 I MAYOR r•bbott n.duoational Company 22 3 23 5 5663 4 Addressograph Company • 565 Air neduotion sales Company 111 2� 3 566 Ameriosn Hook Compsiny 2 450 567rnerioan rdueational Digest 5 568 AMOT"oan House TdMiohing 00 7 11 569 Amerioan LaF'ranoo Fire Tng.Q . 111 " 570 amerionn Linen supply Oompanr 51 95 1 571 American Vational nod GVa.es 350 7 2 572 Amsrioan Publio Health Assoc 36o 6 8 { 573 Amerioan Railway Txpress CO. 21 0 � II 574 amerioan stamp 1orko 114 2 1©}$ 2 5?5 rmerioan supply Company 42 5 6 Atkins & company 40 0 7 5T7 auto Brake 3ervioe Company1 is 6 3 1 Auto ! ngine ^corks 15 22 0 579 Automatio Oil Heat company 2 121 7 580 Automotive servioe Company IIS 581 ,. 0. Bartusoh 51 0 1 6 582 'Phe Charles Beard Company 120 II it 583 John Beissel Company 2 0 584 1'. L. Blood & Company 10 350 7 585 )3orohert-Ingeraoll Company Sons 1633 5 58 587 Bowen & H. Q. $oyeeon Company 5 589 s. Brans Coal company Coal 73 55 9 I601 599 s. ST'and Company 590 Brings & Company 591 Harry Hay s. Brunson 2 0 592 Burroughs Adding Maohino Qo. 706 23 6 593 Campbell Coal Company City Company 161 5 343 594 Capital Lumber 595 Capitol envelope Company 56 596 Capitol Laundry 74i 597 Capital stationery Mfg. Co. 2 598Central Auto Top Company 20 40 Central soientifio Company F 699 00 Chioago Great western Rd.Co 2 601 Chioago, Milwaukee & st.p Railway Company 22 602 Chioago, ,t.raui, Upla. & o Ry. 1 603 ohioago sohool Book Company 5 604 coohran-Sergent Company 605 Commonwealth Eleotrio Comp y 27 10 6066 Con-.olidated Eleotrio Comp y 607 Co-operative Photo Supply C . 57 609 Cooper Tcng. & Mfg. Company 3.3.1 609 The Crane Company 59 610 Crescent Oil company 52 9 611 Cresoent Oil Company 706 1 612 Daily Hardware Company 141 0 613 Davies Press, Ino. 1 0 614 Davie Motor car cam, any 0 615 Day's Prest-o-service Company 2 G 616 Adam Deoker Hardware Comprinr 20 1 617 Devoe & Reynolds Company, Ino. 18 618 Dispatoh Printing Company 130 0 619 I'J. Dyer & Brother 133 620 Tisenmenger Meat Company 166 0 621 t)lootrio Blue Print Compan 92 7 SHEET TOTAL--FORWARD153 432 70 49 949 69 - GENERAL WATER 290 5 - 61 930 0 YES 1 I COUNCILMEN 23 5 1 I MAYOR 3 22 3 - 450 0 DISTRIBUTION 11 0 TRUST 111 L' SPECIAL FUNDS ._ - _ _ 95 1 ACCOUNTS 2 PUFiLIC SUNDRY �A9IIi�'lTtRlkT' SPRIlJKLING FORESTRY I1 'EVOLVI G ACCOUNTS 15 EVOLVING E ui me 114 9 4 7 �fi44 7 22 0 1 086 0 51 ti 15 6 0 350 7 'I 16 3 12 90 36o 6 SII t 734 21 0 � II B 0 114 2 I i 5761 5 42 59 50 19 40 0 2 2 is 6 3 1 15 39 0 37 0 2 J 10 IIS i57 2 3 7 120 II it 1 2 10 ili I, 130 1633 ' / WENZEL. ✓/l✓l�wV b r V,a..i ��%,l� - .__ __ -PRES... NSt�YAI. YES 1 I COUNCILMEN NAYS 1 I MAYOR - -- DISTRIBUTION - LOCAL TRUST _E,_ni L' SPECIAL FUNDS ._ - _ _ SINKING : EM ENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS _ -__ GARAGE PUFiLIC SUNDRY �A9IIi�'lTtRlkT' SPRIlJKLING FORESTRY I1 'EVOLVI G ACCOUNTS _ COV ACCOUNTS EVOLVING E ui me �fi44 7 X34 934 55 163 769 9 1 086 341' ti 3 'I 16 3 12 90 SII t 7 1 � II 114 2 I i c 59 50 1 39 0 527 0 J IIS I� 333 0 133 52 2 II it ili I, 12 i 1, I 15 706 1 21 11 2 157 0 257, 294 019 99 61 999 4511j4 945 75 64 544 52 1 920 77 265 69 I 649 81 5 744 75 8 599 613 30 TPI P11RDA T E TO C Y CLERK Z C_ M _ __-.-__- �> OMPTROLLER i Z ,� ( CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 23 RES. NO. ----_- - ------ --- -- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE IT_ �'T `t O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S IY� --__. COVERING CC CHECKS NUMBERED..]--TO.621.--- .--- ._ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �ALTRANSFERSEMENT CHECKSCKS 53 432 70 614 334 of 23 51 3 6i 450 a a 11 0 135 1 o 8 i}8 2 7C 2 2 C 3C 121 i 11 F c 350 754 2 c 2 1 23 1 343 56 l 2� 20 II 42 RETURNED BY V BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL 290 564 �3 c 22 450 i c 11 1 95 5' 1 107 1 22 7 51 12 350 336 734 21 2 28 51 71 2 40 2 WATERli BOND 61 930 7I 134 934 55 3 6� 4 19 ION BROUGHTFORWARD 562 otto C. Doeh Z .b3 r.btott rduoatlonal Company Compesny Addressograph • nir Reduction Sales Company 66 56 rmerlo3n Book COMPHnY 567 rmerican ?nduoational Digest 568 American House .+imidhing Co 569 Amerioan LaFranOe Fire rng*C 570 Amerionn Linen supply COmpan Amerioan N- tional ted Cross 572 ,Lwriolm public Aosoc r 5 Amerioan Railway xp 9 4 Amerioan Stamp `'orks American Supply Company 576 r,. C. Atkins & 0=1=7 577 auto Brake service Comn any 579 Auto engine "forks A.utomatio Oil Heat Company 5gp Automotive service Comr:any 591 G. Bertuaoh 582 71he Chaslea Beard CoWr,)anY 56 John Beiesel COMP MY 594 1'. L. Blood & Company Borchert—Ingersoll 00-r,—q 58 Bowen & :lone 587 H. C. B07e60n COMP'my 5$8 ^. Brand Coal Company 589 s. Br.:nd Coal Company 590 Brings & Company 591 592 Harry s. Brunson Burrouugghs Adding Machine Co. ComPInY 59 Cpimpbsll Coal 594 Capital City Lumber Company 595 Capitol °Mvelope Company 596 Crpitol Laundry 597 rapitnl otationery Mfg. Co. 5g� Central Auto Top C�pY 599 Central 5oleutifio Company 600 Chicago Greet '7estorn Rd.Co 601 Obloago,_MilweUkee & st.Pau �ALTRANSFERSEMENT CHECKSCKS 53 432 70 614 334 of 23 51 3 6i 450 a a 11 0 135 1 o 8 i}8 2 7C 2 2 C 3C 121 i 11 F c 350 754 2 c 2 1 23 1 343 56 l 2� 20 II 42 RETURNED BY V BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL 290 564 �3 c 22 450 i c 11 1 95 5' 1 107 1 22 7 51 12 350 336 734 21 2 28 51 71 2 40 2 WATERli BOND 61 930 7I 134 934 55 3 6� 4 19 ION '/CLANCY. IN FAVOR HODGSON, ,-'MCDONALD, // �SUDHEIMER. - --- --- ./ AGAINST /WENZEL. V! FRES'.. NSCaB1. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (1') �'�4ieo Yron. H��B COUNCIL 'i % )Ej FILE No. 0+', -c,-- JAN 2 1925 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - -- - - - -192 --- t;jA 7 __-- MAYOR DISTRIBUT _ -- — ----- LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST PUBLIC -OU ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE II %4DI'TORiVhr SPRINKLING II FORESTRY II IBE VIOL DVN G' II gCCOU NTS r_..1 ......w III l ' 3 3 Ili 16 3 12 8 �I 71 114 2 59 5 39 0j / 521 0 I I II 133 5R 2 I i� 333 0 Lj L AL _L .CITY, OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO ------ — -------- QUADRUPLICATE --- Ij TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER II CITY CLERK VOi-1 RES. No._ -UP — ------- — -- X7, CLAIMS—RESOLUTION M, RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE jF)ATE_ CITY WiAyjk TgfHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF, LY________ - — - - ---------- ------ T --- a-- ---6_a2 ------- ID II -- --- — -- -------------- M -------- COMPTROLLER CHECKS NU BERED ------ — — ------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ,rER ---- -- ---- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ---- - -- — - -- TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. N,.. 64094 R ... 1. 1-1 r1cel be d,.1. o n c City Treasury. the Y. to the nggrog." ,mount of $41,434.87, covering check's numbered 622 to 642 Inclusive, Its per chee k_ " file In the office of the City. Comptroller Adopted by the C.—Il Joe. 21, 1926. Approved Jun 21. 1926. Ii -11126) (Jan. II i I) - CHECKSNUMBERED ...LI ;_GE_. TO .642.._ -- M PTR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. o ECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ` - TO AL RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT J GENERAL WATER BROUGHT FORWARD CHECKS 53 432.70 JJ CHECKS 619 84d 6 .. 294 o19; 99 61 988, 1; 622 Llkhart Brass Mfg. Company 87 5 89.99_ 8 623 rlk Linen supply Company 61 2 25 55 `� 25 93 5 624 rlvgren Paint supply Company 62Thos. J. Tngel w6 di;ng: & Mfg ® Co. 11 5 5 622 H. r. rriokson Comnany 1 627 valley Iron Works 80 0 80 00 628 van Paper Supply Company 33 533 53 629 van Tilburg oil & supply co. Company 21 1 156 6 1 213 147 630 Villaume Boz & Lumber 00 631 Volkxzeitung Printing & Pub. o. 495 495 00 "aldorf Bindery 0 632 Walgren Company 1 00 4 A. J. 'Yampler 633 1 5 50 ' 635 •arner Hardware Comnany vashburn-Crosby Company 240 4gg 24o 00 4 637 iRshington Foundry Comnany Company 96 8 71 94 10 2 7 638 H. r. vedelstaedt 639 ^estorn Display Mfg. Comnany 80 80 00 40 "'extern Eleotrio Company 80 9 205 15 9 641 '7estern Maohine Mfg. Company 30 30 00 642 i. J. Westphal 29 6 69 8 29 80 16 o 643 R. B. .Ihitaore & Company 644 The 1hite Company 66��44�� ^k.i� s�io nii B nnv_ [! _ Company- 51 1 4224 35 8 432 44 35' e5 646 R. Pv. 'vileon aim. J. !work 648 4'.vorld Book Company 1 8 16 8 1 80 16 87 649 Yale & Towne Mfg. Comnany 11 11 00 650 Zimmerman Brothers 27 27 78 651 L.C.Hodgeon, Com'r. of Fin. n n n n1 12 188 154 0 12 188 87 154 00 652 firs. Margaret Linke 16 16 00 4 Columbian Bank Note Company 653 Rubber Comp 720 7 4 720 00 1 4 65 Goodyear Tire & y 19 19 45 656 Rose S. Hirsoh 657 Kluegel & Lehmann 26 1F 28 43 658 ovens motor sales Company 483 483 96 659 Pure oil Company 86 660-,t.Paul Gas Light Company 18 950 18 950 22 661 W.r.smith Tire & Battery Co. 9 662 Thornton Brothers company 6 460373 i i i� 1 • � i it 3 432 7o 661 283 56 329 650 73 62 029 91.1 SHEET TOTAL ----FORWARD WENZEL. MR PRFC NF1 SON. YES I, ) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) MAYDR. f QiM �ftl.i �Yf{jYIY.'B LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE M)O}1'eRItlM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS E ui ent11 REVOLVING 4 945.75 164 544,52 1 920.7 265 6 649 81, 5 744 75 8 588 3 613.30 17 Ami 9 53 80 51 1 II n� i, 6o 86 73 6 46o 34 945 75 1171 058 321 I 2 155 6411 265 69� 649 81 15 750 75 8 597 31 613 30 CITY OF SAINT PAUL / COU NCIL NO ,'4094 - -- - --- TWI F4 UL -A TE TG RES. NO.. ___ _ _______ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ✓ CLANCV. - - 21� JAN 2 1 1926 CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM-FERrll�nr� — _. ___-r�-_ IN FAVOR " /D� 1-21 HODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -----192,,.5 {6 CITY TREASURY, 7 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF APPRO E _1t7.4"'`L' 41. 4�j} �7 ._____. covER!NG McDONALD. AGAINST p�@-c'f VEoto!'21 IBM7 . 5_-r_ _� ____ SUDHEIMER, ''� CHECKS NUMBERED. -._-622 - TO-_�_----_-- WENZEL. ___MPTR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICESON. YES (�' 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DISTRIBUTIO _ / ! TO AL RETURNED CHECK BY }� LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS _. IN FAVOR OF IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �RVpMVTblI! SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS u ui mart REV OLVI�NG ACC NT BROUGHT FORWARD 294 019,99 61 998 134 945.75 164 544.52 1 920, 7 265.6 649 811 5 74+ 75 8 569.3 613.30 53 432 7o 619 849.6 �7 193 622 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Company 6i 2 55 5 � 623 Elk Linen supply Company 624 rlVgren Paint Supply Company 17 7 25 17 0 II 625 Thos. J. Engel Welding: & Mfg Co. 1 50 622 Ti. r. rriokson Gowany g1 5 80 00 it 627 Valley Iron Works 33 53 628 Van Paper Supply Comrany 333. 1 21 13 j 629 Van Tilburg 011 & Supply Co. 9 0 630 Villaume Box & Lumber Compare 156 6 147 65 631 Volkaaeitung Printing & Pub. o. 4957 0 495 0�0 6 2 Waldorf Bindery 1 100 -val en Company 63 gr aalp Y 0 n 5 75 600' 634 A. J. sampler � 635 •arner Hardware Comnanq 240 0 636 ,iashburn-Crosby Company 49 1 637-ashington Foundry Comnany 2 9 ? 7 2 7 II ' 11 638 H. T. Tvedelstaedt Company 96 8 9 1 639 Testern Diaplay Mfg. Com -any 80 80 00 j 640 --extern Eleotrio Comrany 00 9 5 05 15 9 ij 641 ?estorn tdaohine Mfg. Company 309 0800 Ii 642 :. J. Westphal 699 S 643 R. B. Whitaore & Comnany I 16 0 53 80 I 641 The White Company 51 11 51 1 I 6+F6 -.hl+. M.'T oii g neo n�_ 42 t 422 44 646 H. W. Wilson Company Y 3 1 31 42 647 an. J. ?pork 1 8 I �I 648 world Book Company lis 8 16 87 649 Yale & Towne Mfg. Comnany 11 11 00 �II 650 zimine=nn Brothers 21 7 27 78 I II 652 L.C.Hodgeon, Comlr. of Fin. 12 16 8 12 188 87 154 0 154 00 jl 65 Mrs. Margaret Linke 16 16 00 I li I 654 Columbian Bank Note Company 7� 1E 720 00 1 4 65. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comp y 6 0 65 Rose S. Hirsoh 1 657 Kluegel & Lehmann 2g 4 42� 6i 658 opens Motor sales Company 86 3 9 I 86 7 659 Pure oil Company 660 st.Paul Gas Light Company 1 18 950 2 18 950 22 73 9 II 661 ..F. Smith Tire & Battery Co. 6 , 4 j3 9 662 Thosnton Brothers Company 60 6 460 00 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU C1L'ILE NO•- is " --- - --- ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ ' COMMIS910NER___......._.. _. ._. .. ..__ .... .. .. __..__.............._._. C. F. No. 0409L—BY H. C. Wenzel— ...._......................_._._.... f -Whereas, g ,ameion wne granted to 'the following .tamed pereone and bed; perationa to erect flll/ng stations nt the locations hereinafter described; n -ea reasonable e. P r able time fe n llin� WHEREAS, Permission was granted to the wrc'a...g'kl8med persons and corporations to erect filling stations at the locations hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, A reasonable time for the erection of said filling stations has elapsed, and no filling stations have been erected on said locations; and WHEREAS, A hearing was held before this ,Council, and all of said persons notified that their permits would be revoked unless they appeared before the Council and presented reasons for an ex- tension of time; and whereas, none of said persons presented reasons for any extension of time; be it RESOLVED, That the permits for the erection of filling stations granted to the following persons and corporations at the locations hereinafter set forth, be and the same are hereby re- voked and annulled; John T. Hanley N.W. Cor.'Charles and Snelling Paul W.F enzel✓ S. W. Cor. 8th and Locust D. Buin 1415 University Ave. A. A. Wells ✓ 163 W. 6th St. J. C. Jennison and, Sixth St. between Locust and C. J. Collins Willius Sts. University Chev. Co: 496 Marion St. - curb Schaffer 011 & Refining"/Co. 453 University Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 2 3 1.926 Adopted by the Council____... -"-"-191...-- Eitasy - v Ferguson/Appro4etl- ��---- -`�: A..�..�-tx_",._.....I�•1---- .gn.. .....�......In favor McDonald /Sudheimer '....Against Avg mevon ri�c Wenzel 3 M7. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cnnnlrlt RFROLIITION—GENERAL FORM .OUNCIL N.. - o`1c-(1_96 6 WHEREAS, Permission was duly granted by the Council to M. Zimmerman for the erection of a filling station at Grand and Cleveland avenues; and WHEREAS, Said filling station was not constructed at said location within a reasonable time, and a hearing was had before the Council, and said M. Zimmerman having offered a suitable excuse for his failure to erect said station, it was agreed that if the time were extended until May 1st, 1926, the filling station would be erected before that time; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the permit granted to M. Zimmerman to erect a filling station at Grand and Cleveland avenues, be extended until May let, 1926. RESOLVED FURTHER, That in case said M. Zimmerman fails to erect said station before May let, 1926, said permit shall thereupon automatically become cancelled, without further action of this Council. C. r No. 64096—BY H. C. Nvenze'duly NherenR, Permission n _ man ttor t ha he council n tto "111-g mto tion nt Grnnd and Clevoland Avenue an Vhere Sold e•" "t •.l.'urted nt COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Elam^ V Ferguson j Hodgson--- ..y._.........In favor McDonald Sudheimer ..... _..;:._.Against 'Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 31926 Adopted by the Council_. �_---------- ."_ ...p -i -.- .__. L .Approved.._1I�J9 32.. Z..._..- - MAYOR C. F. No. 64097-13y H. C. Wenzel— �7hereas, Pe�rmjsalon a duly - . ted by the 43oe0,t{pll to the follow- -met, persoel 'nnd corporations t. r^ 1- oftel+Ona at COUNCIL f r i,....,,........aafter filling eCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......Y-}S%�-�-- ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION NERAL FORM SENTED BAY. � WHEREAS, Permission was duly granted by the Council to the following named persons and corporations for the erection of filling stations at the locations hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, The filling stations were not constructed upon such locations within a reasonable time, and a hearing was had before the Council, and all of the persons having obtained such permission duly appeared and offered suitable excuses for their failure to erect stations within a reasonable time, and agreed that if an extension of six months were granted, the filling stations would be erected within that period; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permits granted to the follwing named persons to erect filling stations at the following described locations be extended for a period of six months from the date of the passage of this resolution, to -wit: Hamm Realty Co. N.E. Cor. Payne and Cook ti W. 7th St. and River Blvd. " " N.W. Cor. Selby and Hamline Sperry Realty Co. S. W. Cor. E. 7th and Johnson Parkway ol " it Cedar and 11th Sts. Benzo Gas Mt. Fuel Co. W. 7th and Goodhue Sts. A. Nusser S. E. Cor. Cleveland and Otto Aves. RESOLVED FURTHER, That in case any or all of said holders of permits fail to erect filling stations within said period of six months, said permits shall thereupon automatically become cancelled, without further action of this Council. COUNIMMEN J4Si'J 2 31926 Fees Naps Adopted br the Council .._...... .... 192_-- '61sti('C`—"'� JFergllson ' a a Approted.._. .._t G� :=_ice h- __ -.192..-- V McDonald At'fiiniTM�:oa Sudheinter -Against Wenzel '- Mr. President couRciu --. ii. le98- CITY OF ST. PAUL sits NO. i \ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J y to VEDA That the offer of t e S nt Paul lit Railway Company, settle the claim of the City of St. Paul against said Company, in the sum of Fifteen and 09/100 ($15.09) Dollars, Comptroller's Registered bill No. 1, for damage to the Automatic Traffic Signal at Seventh and Arcade Streets, done on December 25th, 1925, by a street car of said Company, be, and the same is hereby accepted; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a proper release therefor. CoLSC ILMEN Yeas -- - --J V' Terguson � /McDonx— ll /Sudheimer �W'enzel /Mr. President C. F. No. 64098—By A. E. Nelson— Resolved, That the offer of the Saint Paul' City Railway Company, to settle the claim of the City of St. Paul against said Company. In the ..in of Fifteen and 09/300 ($16.09) Dollars. I Comptroller's Registered Bill No. 1, for damage to the Automatic Traffic Sig - al at Seventh and Arcade Strq.ta, done on Dec. 26th. 1926, by street Car of said compnny, be. and the same Is hereby accepted; and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a proper release therefor. Adopted by the Council Jan. 23, 1926. Approved Jan. 23. 1926., (Jan. 30-1926) Naffs In favor favor ---.-- .-:....Against JAN 2 31926 Adopted by the Council ---._.....----.----- ....---------- 92.._.. Approved. � ...._..192...... MAYOR gcting COUNCIL NO. _13.x-1, CITY OF ST. PAUL �¢ .ar. -.f- y> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Frank Johnson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings on the 25th day of November, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with: said agreement, the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank Johnson the sum of $16.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including December 13th, 1925. nthV) Resolved•.}Th t e proper city ffi- hereby authorleed , era be and they are toenter Into an agreement with Frank Johnson. providing for the payment of Le rate of 6.00 compensation ` 0 perweek. duringa s time as . he shall be totally disabled by reason f Injuries receive& by him while in Recommended for passage. the employ of the Department f Parka, Playgrounds and Public Build- 1,gan the 26th day of November. 1926; be It ccord- Further Resolved. Th In accord - nee Ith said abne hereby city officers be d they are authorized to Pay to snki Frank John- sen the sum of $16.90 a¢t of the work- Commissioner of Park , Play - d l Fund. fi Aeeen°` de the General Fund, in anal of grounds and Public Buildings. his Out- . being or `and Cincluding tM1e perlod¢gPipst to De - her 13th 1926. ° Adopted by the Council Jan. 23. 1926. Approved 230-1926) (Jan. COUSCILMF.\ ..iAN 21.319.26 1 Nays. Adopted be the Connell..-- ---___ __.192, Yeas . Ferguson H-19— ------------ In favor Approved .._ at � McDonald /Sudheinler .................Against / Wenzel `Mr. President HlI�1dSIiLD--____ 2 L QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICEOHEOLE NO.Y CITY CL ER ------- )AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. No. -?,5 - --------- - - AT RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASU Y. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 0 F ----- — - — --------- 0 COVERING CHECKS NUM6ERED--6 ------ to �i --- — --- --- --- _INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK NUMBER N IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY CHECKS CHECKS BANK v ROUGHT FORWARD It — No. Giloo—` I it Es"l-d that checks be &—n the CItY Tre,sury, i I to thetggregat-e on tof numhered $3,442.40, covering checks j t.. 720 1-1 IV., as u p checktron. file t City i Comp le,6.63 I the office the ty it Al*Pt�dby the Council Jan. 21, 1926. Approved an. 23. 1925. II Jan. 30-1926) t J in it II it I � i I I IIp 3 ... _ 1 CHECKS NUM REft ED. ___6-6-_.. TO .___7fiK___-.- BY//' n rT�/47 C PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE i ER SU DHEIM '� WENZE L. AGAINSI /'V �"�--�- / OF THE CITY cOMPTROLLE R. M1 " MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (d l COUNCILMEN NAYS (11) _ TO AL RETURNED - — --- DISTRIBUTION __ ---- ---- SPECIAL FUNDS__ B. MuniO. _. :HECK (UMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY DANK ,/ GENERAL WATER BOND - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS -A...E EISTibTIiLRv� uipment SPRINKLING - - FORESTRY 11 PUBLIC REVOLVING G REVOLVING 2 155 6 265 Els 649 91 5 750 75 9 597.3 :BROUGHTFORWARD 53 432 7o 661 293 5 329 650 73 62 027 99 134 945 75 171 059 32 3 Kenny Boiler &Mfg. Company 192 9 164 95 664 Fairbanks, uSoree & Company 21 2 21 25 665 Farnham Printing &y stations 7 1 5 15 6 733 1, 666 667 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 266 260 669 n H x x 154 5 123 7 154 59 9 9 34 50 15 96 20 65. 42 97 670 Field, �ohliok &Company 73 33 4 28 10 9 198.:x+5 5 2 671 672 R. A. Fife corporation Finch, Van ylyok & McConvill Ilse 111 71 111 23 59 29 Foley Brothers Grocery COMps y 23 2 �5 ' 2 �5 673 7 r. Trenz Ge11P,Tal Tlotora Truck corpora ion 162 5 1655 9 6756 Goodyear Rubber Comprsny Com"my 26 00 34 20 26 00 677 Gopher Carriage 15 40 10 678 Grasselli Chemical Company 6 II i 679 690 GT1993 Ooopor & Com;+anq Griswojd Safety Signal COMP q 59 � 561 9 45 681 Grossman Instrument *torke 1 Pi 1 75 12 3 682 Gruber rleotrio Company Joseph Haag Roofing & COrn.o 20 20 92 g3 4 666 "; J. 11aas Mfg. Cowany Hackett, Gates, Hurt y Dompen 2 1 7 196 73 3 2 10 9s 92 166 . ) ?5'5 r 6e7 IV= coma^.my 71 80 71 SO 1 i 699 Harcourt, Brace & Company 26 25 26 25 689 690 P.R.L. Hardenbergh company Harnisohfoger corporation 22 00 12 00 691 692 Theo. 0. rrelle & OOmpnny50 Herzog Iron works 9 4a 50 19 02 23151 74 2 21 693 694 F. T. Hildred company The rioliinghaead Company 81 00 81 52 695 The horseshoe world 00 69b r. F. Houghton & Company 32 50 5 50 32 50 5 50 697 Hubbard TCleotric company 699 Hydraulso Hoist Company 3 13 96 699 700 Inter City Paper Company Iowa City 701fave Research s a. 1 00 1 00 212 701 702 A.C. Jefferson Lumber Compan rdwnrd & Johnson, Inc. 2 25 100 00 100 00 703 Johnson high school Print ?kl �� 84'g0 704 C.I. Johnson mfg. company 59 39 32 33 271;0 711 705 706 L.'". Jordan company Joy Brothers Motor Oar Comp 7 14 I 707 Ree Lox Mfg. company view 60 00 6� o0 709 Keystone Company 7 20 7 20 7pg 710 m, Kline Klug'& Smith Signal COMPany 277 00 220 27 5912 X11 L.' .Knott Apparatus Comprulq 87 7 29 49 24 00 712 Kunz Oil company 95 37 37 713 714 LaT3alle Company A. L. Lgw Agency, Inc. 60 5 00 Go 715 Lee-Hoff Manufacturing Comp 1ffi 9 25 8 75 716 717 Library Bureau Librarian, -Library of Congre s 3 67 31 07 4'65 719 Linde Air Products Company -Rarner 15 0 6 15 06 J 719 Lindeke, & sons 9 00 9 00 720 C. A. Lyon & Brother I I, 53 432 70 664 725 96 330 897 68 62 251 29 135 459 38 -- - 171 104 39 -- I 2446;80 265 68 649 81 5 820 65 _ 8 640 34 SHEET TOTAL--FORWARD - TRRF�EU'Li°.4TE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. _. _.. `e. _. I/4 COUNCIL `� TO RES. NO -------- 25.---------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ <— JAN 2 31926 CITY CLERK l RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 'FERGUSON. - IN FAVOR .. ll ^ ' �/ -"" - "--- "/ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ TE F/ 2C19Z CITY TREASURY) TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /H _. - _ s _______ 3172a 40 ____ _. CO��VnEERING McDONALD, _� A ¢¢¢VVV ir.I / pZr? I CHECKS NUMBERED 643 ___.To ____7LV_____ �SUDHEIMER.-----------_.__.AGAINST E _ /PPR `"a A- prRD��ea h �WENZEL.tlii __ ♦l� INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ✓AIR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (V l COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) % _14 TO AL RETURNED ;I DISTRIBUTION cK IN FAVOR OF BER BY �i LOCAL TRUST B. 3iunio. SPECIAL FUNDSPUBLICBANK GARAGE —Tff�Rf61 " uipment SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING AC'. SU TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENTFING ACCOUNTS S ACCOUNTS ' BROUGHTFORWARD 53 432 70 661 283 56 32s 650 73 62 029 9 134 945 75 171 059 32 2 155 64 265 69 649 81 5 750 75 9 597 3 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Comp3np 192 6 104; 95 87- g Fairbanks, Morse & Company 21 2 21 25 5 Farnham Printing & stations company 57 1 57 15 , 6 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company 9 260 260 793 h N q M 9 154 59 " " 123 7 9 9 34 5o 15 86 20 65� 42 97 0 Field, sohlick & Company 73 33 4 29 10 39 997 �+5 5 2 R. A. Fife Corporation 2 Finch, Van Slyok & McConvill 189 193 125 43 199 59 29 �. Foley Brothers Grocery Company it 23 11 23 " E. Franz 2 25 2 25 General Motors Truck Corpora ion 165 8 165 s Goodyear Rubber Compsny 42'5 34 20 d 3 7 Gopher Carriage Company 26 0 26 00 Grasselli Chemical Company 40 1 40 10 Griggs Cooper & Company 61 15 61 15 0 Griewold safety signal Camp 59 '�5 59 45 1 Grossman Instrument Worke 1 175 2 Gruber ? actrio Company 13 1, 1 12 12 3 igh ark 3 Joseph Haag Roofing & Corn.0 . 20 9 i 20 90 �u 4 �. J. Haas Mfg. Comt)any 2 1 2 10 5 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Compare 6 n R n log 27 i96 13 98 92 166 43 4.45 25.25 7 Hamm Company 6 79 80 79 80 1 60 Harcourt, Brace & Company 1 90 26 25 9 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 26 25 0 Harnisohfeger Corporation 12 00 48 50 12 00 Theo. G. Tielle & Oompony 4s 5o 2 Herzog iron Works S 00 98 00 F. T. Hildred Company 202 119 52 2 21 23 51 The Holiinghsead Company 72 The Horseshoe World 1 00 1 00 ^. F. Houghton & company 32 50 32 50 Hubbard Meotrio company 506 3 06 Hydraulic Hoist Company Inter City Paper Company 13 13 96 Iowa City ':'elfare Research 3 e. 2 �5 1 00 2 2 A.G. Jefferson Lumber eomnan F ward F. Johnson, Inc. 100 00 100 00 Johnson high School Print -,h 82 21 82 21 .J ohaaon Mfan 4 80 4 80 .:.:. 1 77 CHECKS NUMBERED_. TO 741 _7.21__._._.. tt C MPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER 1 .... .' -_ PER �l �J� . CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS F.R.E-ENT CKS BROUGHTFORWARD 53 HH 1.32 70 66 4 725. 62 251-28 721 L.C.Hodgeon, CCm'r, of Fin. 171 lo4_;39 1 781 72? Diagnostic X—Ray eaboratorie 265! 3g00 38 48I 723 John Dickey ® 18 S 72 Steve Haider t 60 0 722 Janes Harrington I 10'67 727 Dr. Leo A. Hilger 10 00 728 Dr. F. M. Tones 18 00 729 Dr. M. L. Larson 730 Gndrew Nioholeon j� p 731 POkegama Sanatorium 00 732 Dr. Rdwerd Sohons 00 Hans Svendeen 6b 00 B4 L.C.''odgaon, Com'r. of Fin. 1 523 73 :leotrio Blue Print Company 737 C. R. Hanson 137733 5 90 738 !,t.Wo Bell Telephone Company 5 90 739 Voyes Brothers & cutler 3 00 740 Capitol Stationery Ufr,. Co. 56 741 �f.r.. chidester, Director 18 00 42 Fred Jost, Director 186 00 � 4W Osgood, Blodgett Company 194 69 Joseph Pavlloelc 53 30 745 Board of rater Oommiseioners 6 450 0o 0 .' 1 11 �� I GENERAL 330 897:68 9 418 13 35 00 18 80 6o 00 to 67 10 00 18 00 10 40 40 �5 00 6�00 00 1 593 20 186 0 186 00 6 450 00 - SUDHEIMER. --- - - AGAINST r__WENZEL. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES ( V ) COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) DISTRIBUTION WATER BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST, ACCOUNTS _ GARAGE _pYA1vQU 62 251-28 13515938 171 lo4_;39 2 446.E 265! 38 48I 6 866 70 194 69 t ,Iy I 53.30 r �+ MAYOR RGt�nq .SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 649;91 5 820 65 8 64034 6'.22.65 58 13 08 2 44680 265 68 7074 5 820 65 8 640 34 622 65 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 59 8182 70 684 109,97 - X49 091 76 62 251 29 135 926 39 178 219 ,, OSB13 73 5 90 e cs 3 00 194 69 ,Iy I 53.30 r �+ MAYOR RGt�nq .SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 649;91 5 820 65 8 64034 6'.22.65 58 13 08 2 44680 265 68 7074 5 820 65 8 640 34 622 65 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 59 8182 70 684 109,97 - X49 091 76 62 251 29 135 926 39 178 219 ,, e r �+ MAYOR RGt�nq .SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 649;91 5 820 65 8 64034 6'.22.65 58 13 08 2 44680 265 68 7074 5 820 65 8 640 34 622 65 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 59 8182 70 684 109,97 - X49 091 76 62 251 29 135 926 39 178 219 ,, +_. CITY OFSAINTPAUL 71MM1NSATE _ 26 J., O RES. NO._____ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -- - ---- CITY CLERK - Ft 4PICY - I L�UDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUT1 e� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DFI FORM �/ FERGUSON. �---- IN FAVOR 1—?2 ,6 ,` CITY2 Eq Y. 70 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE ___ �.BI<S>y�< 7 91 " t��_S___ _ /McDONALD. -__--- 2 li ' CHECKS NUMBERED �_ 14�- __TO._ ----_ __ - -- SUDHEIMER, -- - AGAINST C MPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE---WENZEL, .� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) I` ✓% PER CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED BYLOCAL 58 13 DISTRIBUTION TR TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT SINKING TRUST CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER `{ BOND J IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �wBV"�.BV BROUGHT FORWARD 53 432 70 J 1 664 725. ..330 897.68 62 251:28 135'�5938 9 171 104-;703 2 '4 26511:. 446 721 L.O.Hodgeon, Comer. of Fin. 1"b� 781 9 418 13 38 48 8 866 722 Diaarloetio X—Ray 8aboratarie 35 35 00 723 John olokey 24 18 8 18 80 30 00 30 00 725 >teve Haider 60!00 60 o0 726 James Harrington 10 67 10 67 727 Dr. Leo A. Hilger 10 00 10 00 728 Dr. P. }d. Jones 18 00 18.00 729 Or. M. L. Larson 12 00 12 00 730 tndrew �dioholson 731 POkegama Sanatorium 0 40 40 00 00 732 Dr. Tdward Sohons Hans 9vendeen 700 60 00 7 00 60 71333 +5+ L.C.'=odgeon, Comer. of Fin. 1 528 43 0 00 7 1 593 736 leotrio Blue Print Company 13 73 20 OB 15 737 C. R. Hanson fid. Bell Telephone Compmy 5 90 :OB 90 X38 . 5 90 OB 739 i�oges Brothers & Cutler 3 :CB 3 00 4 7 0 Capitol Stationery 2dfg. Co. 5 15 �5 741 s.^. Chideeter, Direotor 186 00 18 00 7442 Fred Jostg Direotor 186 o0 186 00 Comp^ny 153 153 30 7a Jooseph,Palvlloegt 30 745 Board of ".ester Commissioners 6 45o o0 ii 6 450 ooi COUNCIL {(l{- FILC No. SPRINKLING I FORESTRY ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. JAN 4 3192 - - _192___ -P, ii g .� Sr'.D1C�- .__ 192 .APP //Fy 5 820 65 640:; 58 13 SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING I FORESTRY BPUBLIC UILDING REVOLVING 649.81 5 820 65 640:; 58 13 i SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 6.22:65 In the Matter of .... grading. all.eys..in..BlocY.and-Block 5, ..Jeffers.on.-Park...Addi.tion,...from...Welles.ley..Avenue ...to...S.tanfo.xd..Avenue..and from_Albert-Avenu..e...to. North_and...South.. Alley, .... ..__.................. .............. .. _ under Preliminary Order.... ..63204 _ ,., ........approved......._ Nov— 20,...1925 ....... . Intermediary Order........ .. _. _ _ .....approved.......... k. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and'.the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that rhe-6�reeiseYealnra1teut uixd et �. impro ement to be made by e said City is..grad.e. alleys._. x1.,B� ock„3,.... TL�lyslde. Addition and..Blo.. .:5,...J.effers.on.. . >^k...Add.it.pn,.._fro._.. 7e11esley.Avenue........bp,.Stonford Avariue...an .from-Alber.t..A. eMe,...t.o...North .and South ,Idle _ __, .. Ya ............ ........................ I, tier P.�S.fr .s011Gtgt bY.43W Block MaYtSan. aSradinu Alle98 In Block 8, Jcaere..e Addition, from WellesleyPark Addition Avenue and frm AID o to Stanford. ........... __........... _.......... . North and 8oath Alleert Avenue 10 .. ...... ............ . ......... ”"""''" liminary Order 82 Al a' Y under.Pro- and the ouncil herebyorders said im ve A' "laza , - nProved Nov p UDOA lhelalroveic hearing •having been RESOL FURTHER, That the 8t1Ce. ana the Ico°vni�havtnr x�d is hereby ins acted and sonar objection and directed to prep a plans and specifications fo said''. relative tr areto omit same to the Co ncil for ldered [be cam approval; that up n said approval, the proper c ty officiale t rued and directed to roceed he Council o with the making o aid improvement in accorda t rev, ordemP In , .� ;u na' Adopted by the Council.... .�:7.jJ 13 .......... .... 192 ... v JUL 2 a ...... ................. 1,. 9CCity Clerk. Approved..... . .. 192 ....... s ....... ... ........................... Councilman Clancy — 3 1� cilman Fe„Iyysow�-+ c Councilman McDonald C,ouncilmanftmex Hodgson if ~ Councilman Sudheimer oo<ouncilman Wenzel Mt, Vies Pn . FerRll2so form B. S. A�-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSi �NER OF FINANCE r<a+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (A) -. In the matter of Jefferson_Park Addition, frnm'Wa11aa7 . AuenuP to Stan€e£d under Preliminary Order approved Nov POI 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is /front The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Sunnyside Addition to 575 2 3 the City of Stl Paul 775 3 3 do x975 4 3 do 4975 5 3 do 3725 c 6 3 do 875 7 3 do 625 S 3 do 4025 _ 9 . 3 do 2725 -- 10 3 - F.vm R. R. IB do TOTAL. 625 S. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMOtRY ORDER v (o) , ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT S4OCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 3 Sunnyside Adaition to the 625 12 3 Oity of St. Paul 3425 13 3 do 3125 and west z of 14 3 do East a of lot 14 and all of 15 3 do 2825 16 3 do 432,5 17 3 do 3225 18 3 do 625 1 5 Jeflerson Park Add. 600 2 5 to the Oity of St. Paul 2558 3 5 Ramsey Oounty Minn, 600 4 5 do 425 5 5 do 650 6 5 do 2600 7 5 do 1175 6 5 do 2150 9 5 do 600 lO 5 do 600 52325 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. -4____ _19205 � -- -- -4:Z ��- _W__a—llo--� F.— B. B. 12 Comm' loner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn -_?k To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned- property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . St. Ave. 4� . ........... . from--- Ave. -St. Ave. V --Office of the Commissioner of Public } ::, vEn . Report to Commissioner of Finance =oF` Nov 301!86 ............... et.._Z.�_..... 1925._192......_.._ To the Commissioner of Finance.of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63204 Nov. 20, 192b192 ............. relative to Council, known as Council File No......._.......,..__ ........ .....approved _._........... ............... ........... -- ............. ... ... _ _.___Blok _.unnyei.deAddition and _Bookthegradin�oP_Alle�e3_ Jaffe.r..s.on....Park. ...Add-Ui.on.,.....from..._Welle.eley__A-MUa....tsl._..S.tanfor.d and from Albert Avenue to North and South Alley._ _ ..._...__._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .................. ......... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 50d per front tt. 636.$9 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..............................__............, and te total cost thereof is $........................__.............__, Frontage 1271.56 ft. Inspection 012.49 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................_._....... ....... ....... ..... _........... .......... _..... _................ _...__._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ........... __.............. ............................ ... ............... :........................ ......... _....... _.................... .............................. .-... ............... _.__... ............... __�_ - - — 5. Said improvement is ...... ............. .......... _............. _..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................................. _.... ...-.._._...... ........................... ._.._........__..._._ Commissioner of Public Works. copy v�F y;r �H'i ,4VRwl► p�ei�p�a�r�hrne:nf V �' LFJ 0 bIitcVC Jv�rtss JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. G TBA K. e C —NEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. -.1 -G—ER C G O. SHARP. 5 CAREY. SUPT. DF CDrvsiRrvcTlDry n November $5, 1925 G. P. DOWLI N. SDPioDP WDRw rouse G. H. HERROLD, O'_E ND Cl- P �rvG -G—E" Hon. John H. MoDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of Cost of grading Alleys in Block 3, Sunnyside Addition, and Block 5, Jefferson Park Addition, from Wellesley Avenue to Stanford Avenue and from Albert Avenue to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63204, approved November 20, 1925: Estimated Cost $636.89 Cost per front ft: .50 Inspection 12.49 Frontage 1271.56 ft. Yours truly, e. Engineer Approved for transmission o t e Commiaeioner of Finance• omm sa 0 ner o io or s. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE -OF THE CITY CLERK .� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM aoel+cIL No. 1tJe� _- FILE ---.-_ January 26, 1926+ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fillejpin the grading of Alleys in Block 3Sunnyside Addition and Block b, Jefferson Park Addition, from Wellesley Ave. to Stanford Ave. and from Albert Ave. to North and Sout=Alley, under der Preliminary Order C. F. ;6325.6. app roved and Intermediary Order C. F. #63771. app December 23, 1926• The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan inthe above mitt*r DP It RESOLVED. T at the d ermines the cunt of len \ade n abo a named impro ant se an eor elopes, out and fills, in d upon the Block 3, S side Addi on Block Jeffersonition, betty en the pointe�f--:�.r:said, to the extenton the plan attachto the repos of the Cer of Public Works the matt.0 da d Janua2, whLoh pland reare hereby r tarred a past her + ann7nlled. � a>3e� � � be W tho Name we 6ereb9 eazooBed, pvocaedhip in said mutter be diseentinued. oy J' U. Mo and tak- C, F. onald No. ,,or of the land neces- aeasemeut fn mnfn the.; Ininge0 8118, 1 earY for s10Pe8� cuteand grading of atlaY0 In Block Jottorea lock 6, pve: Ida AddltfoE and 13 WelleeleYplbe• -' Park Additloa or: from x� / totgat : 8anidp0 ^der to I�brth and ory_ Ave r prellmfaarY COUNCILMEN Yeas — Nays Clancy 'Fergas6n---'` `` Hodgson '.ln favor s� McDonald = •-.--\ Sudheimer Mr. VIoo Pres. Feranson JUL 2'71.020 Isz...... Adopted by the Council_ ...............------ jut 2 7 IV, 192 .l, CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alleys in Block 3, Sunnyside Addition and Block 5, Jefferson Park Addition, from Wellesley Ave. to Stanford Ave. & under Albert Ave. N. & S. Alley Preliminary Order C.F. 63265 approved. Rov. 20, 1925 and. Intermediary Order C.B. 63771 approved. Dec. 23, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coym:lissioncr of 2ublic Works hcroby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a ,)lr-n of the above improvc- ment, showing by the shaded ;jortion of said , l .n, the fills to be made on Drivate ,rc orty, and by the hatched portion the cuts tc be made on ,)rivato property, and the extent of the easement to bo taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Corimissionor of Public Works. — t .00Ax5iA9 NoeP3ii3L-2.8J8.,$.D0A30laYNNUE-&.xJB-Y3JJA — MAJ9 390JZ W tlndicotes Cut.AaseI,eI._voN ® -IndicatesFill. 'Da.a:alo�a x.o a0E61 XIX Typical Notation w nT AV ��++ . i Figures obove line show STAMORT) [ VZ. Cut or Fill at properly line: ALLEY- BLO-SUNNYSIDEADD.&5I.K.5-JEFFERSON PARK ADD. ,pi 01_ • ..-----Ot -x-0.2 Figures below line show ,05 _ os 0.3 0.3 distance to which slopes _ - extend beyond property line. Lac.Book Z16D I I , -N j Ii i v 41 6—.1 j I 5 4 3 1 13 I 14 15 I 16 17 IB^ I I li I FR.GAR.j - j- --- �� 1'DBL.GAR.�f IF R.GA0., �UCCO 1 SHED FR. - - 0 o .. ..ti 07 � JL ..r....T..-.._.... ......... . .3 I. h�Z: l,•'rr -..rr r rl/ lTrrrrrr - r., . _ �— _ -17 FR GA 03 0.7 2J If 7 I ' 6 761 8 9 10 12 II IO y B �`.; DaFR. - i I ADD. E N NY DE �5 05 r a ' J E�� X50 PAT ADD. S U ZST. FR. _ WELLTSLEY AVE .. _... _....:..: _._..:........ _ - s � ••:: - - .- ADA xAAg NO2A3943Lf13012YNNUZ'E.Nl8-Y3JJ{i VIA 14 390.12 — �,» ep�3 uo us P116' tlndicofes Cu{. I - - ZS 1,01 voN . AIL - lndicofes Fill '04, ro-:al �a Typical Nofoiion u a02B1 XIXA {� AVE,.igures above line show .. STANI'OR� A E Cuf or Fill of properly line. ALLEY•BLK.-3'SUNNYSIDEADD.&BLK.S'�EFFERSON PARK ADD. e01 ,0 -- — Figures below line show o.t� O.'s 0.3. disfonce towhich_slopes — exiend beyondproperlyline • — Loc.Book 2160 j I ' 01 l " +ss .ol Z y E I i 3 i I s _ 5 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 � Z , 5; i E -- - - - 'FR.GAA.i DBL.cA0..i 1 tIDBL. GAR, SHED D fBTUCCO: - I FR. .. 0 TZ,"': i,'CL"�a,/.,lT/•!Sruussz - ' _._. _. _ -... ..._-_.. _J_...._._..-.. _ .._-_. __—___--.._... . 07 _ i r , G ) I m .. . - STUOic. J n..•. ! < GAR ! FR.'AR' 4 f 4 C9 0 1 ,6: 8- 9 10 12 II 10 9 8 7 DeL 1132 rFR.� : E J E�F�5O PARK A D D. S U !N NY S I D E A D-D. 2ST. FR, •• — _ 0.4 1.4 Oso t - WELLESLEY AVE. ° 0.3 ._...... ....... ............ _ .... _ _....... . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REFI ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINPftY ORDER (A) . In the ma tter ofCOQ—'mn nF; "nd t aki n - and P- emPnt _zary fel, p_jooe , OUt S__. and f•US, int!P_c—jinl�- f Rlmllr 7. 5'11nnirs Lnf: — Addi-iori inti1o0$ ��� _ e''SOri Perk AdO V ti nn, rnm Vle'I l Pcl ey G1-Pnue to St'in2oa 4V 1Pn 1P 'Fniinxtb li SQ11th A]-3,@y_— under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Sunnyside Addition to 975 2 3 the city of Stl P.ul 775 3 3 do 975 11 3 do 41,175 5 3 do 3725 6 3 do 875 7 3 do 625 g 3 do 11025 9 3 do x725 10 Farm B. B. 10 3 do TOTAL. 625 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED -------- LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -nd eves .r of East -'r of lot 14 c,nd .11 of 11 3 Sunnyside Ad.:ition to the 625 12 3 City of St. Pall 34'5 13 3 . do 3125 14 3 do 15 3 do 28L5 16 3 do 43. 5 17 3 do - 225 1E 3 do 6L5 1 5 Jef.erson R.rk Ad. 6J0 2 5 to the C.,ty of St. P;ul 2550 3 5 R•_msey County Minn. 600 4 5 do 425 5 5 do 650 6 5 do 2600 7 5 do 1175 b 5 do 2150 9 5 do boo 10 5 do 600 h 52,3'5• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. llated— mon . .?_.va _1920— --. - Commis�ner of Finance. r��..� D. B. 12 Office of the Commiss`'bner of Public ?�Imso 1, 12J a_ Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov so Iasi, November 27, 1925_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._6320b approved _......... NOv. 20, 1925 192 ............. relative to condemning and taking an easement in the l .............. . __.._........ ..--... cuts and fills, in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, Sunnyside Edd. ...._ .............-..._.._....._.........-. _- ........... __..... —........... _........ _................................... ......... -............ _.................... _ and Block 5, Jefferson Park Add., from Wellesley Ave. to Stanford gve--.....und._ froffd....Al ert.....Afire.........t_o....N.orth...._ena....awatYl.....A.1Y.e9..;._...-......... ........._......._..._.._.._....... - - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isr _ ...........:::._.._.......necessary and (or) desirable. xX%X% :........., and the total cost thereof is $............_sx8 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._..._................._...__..--------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... ........ _........- ......_..._..._...........__.._........ ......._.....................__..----- _............... _.... .......... .... ---- — -- 5. Said improvement is .................... .......... ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. T _.._.._...._._..........._..........._._........ _....... ,........_._.._ Commissioner of Public Works. k Voz� . C. F. No. 64104—�— - lie s Sn'? IIn the Matter of grading A Y Louden Parlt.from Wellesley to Stanford Ave- and fro Flnn .- COUNCIL FILE NO....... 1in11nary Ordeto xorth and south Auey nnde� r 63213. apDT. 20 1126. n bearing he, By...... :.. FINAL ORDER, 34104 J In the Matter of.. grading,. 11.e.ys. in..Block 7, Louden Park, from Welles.ley Ave.nue.to..Stanford_Av.enue._and fr.om_i.ann...tiv.enue to..IJorth and_South_Alley, ......... -.......... ...... .........__ ....,..... ....... ...... under Preliminary Order.... _6.3213_ approved.._ROv,..,.2Q,,.,_.],.9.2J,_.. ............................ Intermediary Order . ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.. grade_.A lle.yS....7 n..$7 o.Ck..7,...T Qud,en.. Park,.., fromUle.llesley ...Avenue..to..Stanf.ord_ Avenue ...and..from_Rinn..Av..enue.... to._Nort.h and. S.outh..Alley,.___._. .......... . _. .......... .._ _ ... .......... ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council).. .i 2..i.1926....._....__. 19 .. ... (.. ... .......... .... y f:192Cx � y Clerk. Approved..... _ �..�._.. __........ __......, 192........ Act Councilman Clancy ing Mayor. ma n Councilman McDonald p'tJgt, �-- -'Councilman 26.=x Hodgson j ,'Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel or mr13 Vide �rn�_�.nrsu6on � 1 k CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF PORE IAMI&ONEMARY ORDER OF FINANCE O 1 e e sl Py In the matter of-- t endTom Finn Avenue to N rth _Avsue_o. nfOrd . -and South_Alley_ G� under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front- - - - - - $0-54 -- The estimated cost .pevfoct for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eLotK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7 Louden Parti. 5590 2 7 do o75 3 7 do 5325 4 7 do 4425 5 7 do 675 6 7 do 750 7 7 do 3600 8 7 do 500 9 7 do 500 10 7 do TOTAL, 4250 Vnrm R. a. t0 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. - REPORT COMISSIONER F FINANCE IMINARY OOF N PRELORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11, 7 Louden Park 500 12. 7 do 3050 13 7 do 1,200 14 7 do 500 15 7 .o 500 16 7 do 500 17 7 do 550 18 7 do 550 19. 7 do 500 20 7 do 5200 21 7 do 500 22 7 do 4400 23 7 do 500 24 7 do 500 25 7 do 3500 26 7 do 500 �7 7 do 500 28 7 do 5950 5$,300. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Comm' Toner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 F St. Paul, Minn..tat-I.a.•-1�$�2— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _.__.......__ GRADIIIG.._OF.....T11B ALLEY....---.-.-.... FROM--3Tt1NF03D.. ...IELLESI.i'sYAve. to__.P7IIDL__ —__.- ..___,.St Ave. _ ......_ t........_..__.........._....- from_ ....... ti71I EIuiIff.72._................ ............................._. -- _..— __........._.._.........._...........__...._........_.....__._St. Ave. NAME �®ADDITION �r ��s Owl 4 r r- 4JED Office of the Commissioner of Public �? ,. Report to Commissioner of Finance� A�'� N November 27, 1925 192. .... ...... _......... ....__....._............... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the November 20, 192 63213 Council, known as Council File No......._..__._ ...... ............ approved .-............. ................................................. ............. relative to the grading of Alleys in Block 7, Louden Park, from Wellesley — ........................_.._.............. __..._.....................................-... -.-...---.................._... _......_................_........_.......... .._.....__._........_..._........._......_..._..... _ Avenue...to_..Stanford..._ Avenue..._ and._from__Finn Avenue.__to__North.._s.A.d,..._5Q'Ath..__._.._ Alley. .._......_ ............... ........................ ......._........ ....................._.__._.......... _...._..............._.._............_._.......... _.......... ...._._ ----.._....._._._....................._........._—._.._....................._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....... ....... ...........__..necessary and (or) desirable. 54V per front ft. 688.09 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................. ............... _..,........., and the total cost thereof is $--.— .......... ...-------........._._, Frontage 1,276.47 ft. Inspection $13.49 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................................... ..... _................. ............................ ............... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is .........:................ .._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. civ n►T�A JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER JH S. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER G111111, GEORGE M SH PARD. CHIEF S--- e. SHARP eEGrr or Wnwvnouse . . . CAREYE R ROWLIN G MN. H. HERROLD. onC?Tr PL.nnlrve ERGIn[ers November 27, 1925. Hon, John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alleys in Block 7, Louden Park, from Wellesley Avenue to Stanford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63213, approved November 20, 1925: Estimated Cost $688.09 Cost per front ft. 0.54 Frontage 1276+,47 ft. Inspection 4 13.49 Yours truly, e g neer. Approved for transmission o theCommissioner of Finance. omm sa 0 ner CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No-... FILE Jan. 26, 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills, in the eroding of alleys in Block 7, Louden Park, from Wellesley Ave. to Stanford Ave. and from Finn Ave. to Horth and south Alley, under5Preliminary Order C. F. #63214, approved Intermediary. Order, C. F. #63769, approved December 23, h 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it EEMLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon the alleys in Block 7, Louden Park, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated January 26. 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ­— favor /Hodgson _�-..In McDonald 0 �-'Sudheimer .............Against ---Wenzel Mr. V Y�rnn�. N•ar�utlon .adopted by the Council...JAN_a_C?-ly��.,--.....19a Approved..... 1 art!_.2_GG..lg21i............ .192_... /./,:/..o ............ ..... MAYOR Acting / pUBLIsz u - 3 ° - �4 ' 1 CITY OF ST. FAUL f Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In tie m,.tter of conderining and taking o.n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading of: Alleys in Block 7, Louden Perk, Wellesley Ave. to Stanford Ave. & under from Finn Ave. N. & S. Alley Preliminary Order C.F. 63214 approved. Nov. 20, 1925 r.nd. Intermediary Or'dor C. x'.63769 approver. Dec. 23, 1925 To the Council of the City of St- Paul: T?zc Corulissicncr :f-�ublic �!(nrks hereby submits and m-.kos part of this, his report, a )l --n of the ^bove imarove- mont, ahuwing by the shc.dod ;jortiun of said ;-)lin, the fills to be m-adc on pri•ratu )r,. _ orty, and by the h�-.tchod portion thu cuts to be m^.do on ;)rivate property, and the extent of the eascr:ient to be takon by the figures op»site such shaded enj hltchcd pests of such pl-c.n. 44-1 - Date Co,mnissicncr of Public Vdorks. - HSiA9 N3000J'C.NjS•2YRjjA -, MAJQ39OJ2 _, Indicales . ui. 2SQl,8l.voN - Ineicc?es :;I! z.a M81 -MY, I) AVE. r• pitD Typical Nofo+Ton 3.a l�� Figures obove line ;how C6 777 Cui or Fill ofpror�' -, ,ine. p; LEYS BLK.7" LOUDEN PARK f O.B 93-- F gures below Ilne --now �I erpropertylS r^ xtend beyond'line. _ Loc. Book 2162. - — rrr��,ttt• / ;5 14 13 12 II 10 i. 9 B 7,ii ; I�: A 5 - I STUCCO TUCC: I GAR. GAR R. 03L.GAR STUCCCI `I - -, T a� • MZ I T JE N �U c.e _ ,--- sT. Na..oEP��. -- - WZLLESLM- Y AV Z- CITY OF ST. PAUL -- DEPARTMENT OFO INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In the matter of_-__Qondemnina�and k+nu' a Pn in }tr'p.l -Irl rl nPrP -a ry fro Louden Parkj_,from-Well esley Avenue to Stanford Avenue and from cc ------------------ �j +O: under Preliminary Order approved PI IyPnhar �fl To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION n 1 7 Louden Park 5990 2 7 do f,75 3 7 do x,325 It 7 do Uc.25 5 7 do 675 6 7 do 750 7 7 do 300 8 7 do 500 9 7 do 500 10 7 do TOTAL. V250 F'nrm B. B. 10 - __-- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAEMME#4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI f (NARY ORDER (C) .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLACK ADDITION - VALUATION 11. 7 Louden Purk 500 12 7 do 3050 �3 7 do I ;- 14 7 do 500 15 7 0 500 16 7 do 500 17 7 do 550 19 7 do 550 19 7 do 500 M 7 do 5200 21 7 do 500 22 7 do 41100 23 7 do 500 24 7 do 500 25 7 do 3500 2h7 - do 500 27 7 do 50,- 29 7 do 5950 56.300. The Commissioner of. Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— `�^ a� �— —192Z"'�CX.issioncrof nnce. i Form B. B. 12 EIV5D Office -of the Commissioner' of Public rt3 y Report to Commissioner of Finance,�,�"' Nov 30 10251 Nember27.:_..1y25..........1s2....__.... _..o_._._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63214 Nov. 20, 1925 ..........a ._ ............................192............, relative to Council, known as Council File No........_...._......_. approved ..................................................... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ........... ...................... ...__..._................ _............. slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block 7, ... Louden Park, from Wellesley Ave. to Stanford Ave... and from Finn Ave. to North 6n South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .... _....................... .....necessary and (or) desirable. xx 2. The estimated coat thereof is$......._x?Q�.........___........, and the total coat thereof is •_......_........._._...... ....... .__. , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _._....__..__................................_.._._........... ...._....._.....__ ._ 5. Said improvement is ............................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... Commissioner of Public Works. � 6V 64106 rb, I -ter' O o. R�beTt stc'tom Plato Aveato dorm to ,theTedllptie .prfileeretoa'iM -adae a• Patt hereof,the preeer"COUNCIL FILE�aline thereon, als grad ni..n8 Roberi Stg from t� Ave to co By ...... ............. I .... to g", 1JJ' � .iiiR FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... changing..the ._grade -of ...So.... Robert St. from. Plato ve...to hood St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made -.a. part he.r.eo.£_,_..the-present established grade being shoran by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving So. Robert St, from the north line of Fillmore Ave: Co Concord St.i with sewer, grater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving dri'vet^ray and allej* approaches, where necessary, _ ........ . : ._.... ..... ......... __. _ _ ..... ... under Preliminary Order.. ._...0.'3.04$ _ _ ___ __......approved.._ EOV._.13.,...192.5,. _._.. __...... Intermediary Order., ............... approved_ _. A publil hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is change the grade.. of. So. ..Rob.ert._St...... fr. om Plato ...Av.e.....to._Y-To.od. St._..to...conform...ta..the.red -.line ..on..the ..profile ..hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown. by.a.blue -line -thereon, also grading and paving So. Robert St, from the north line of Fillmore Ave, to Concord St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to propertylinescomplete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary., Material shall be Brick'from the C.G.W. 71ddddt*to Tillmore Ave. and from the Viaduct to Concord Street it shall be sheet asphalt. Roadway to be 561. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to,the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JA1� 2 6 Adopted by the Council_._...._ .... __. 1926192. yAN s 6 1926 Clerk. Approved__ 192 . t - ___. ....., .... Mayor. k,'/Councilman/learn ;ouncilman Clancy _ � /Councilman McDonald QU$Lis�-� fo _-Councilman PW;Kk7 c Hodgson councilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel ZSdr. 'TS iae Pr*o- i p nod ✓Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,I?F-PARTMENT OF, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS46NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CIO� In the matter of ChariEB the er�rlP ^f' G.: R^ti"r+ G+ f Dl sto Aim-, VPood St. � conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, +� hteb-1-i-shed s� + e , a so gra ng add paving So. Robert St. from the north line of Fillmore Ave. to Concord St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to procerty lines approaches, where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved --N QV- 13 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $- -- -- — Or rein. Paving 31 creosote Brick Laid AsphalttCone. Concrete blocks flat Total so.yd. 6.69 5.67 4.54 3.99 81,370.20 70,097.70 57,344.40 52,074.90 Wheelage 36,240.00 29,580.90 22,468.80 17,993.50 Property share 79,'13•?0 6',969.40 T^tal 117,610.20 99,679.60 (a) front foot 9.00 6.53 4.96 3.95 Notes 7" Concrete Base, Add for concrete curb where not in 55¢ cer $60.00 lin. ft. §-in. sewer conneetions each inch water con•,ections each 45.00 ; - �oxccpt, w. xacery 0tireeti o a CLO 45000 do 7 8. do do 9 9 do 17500 do 9 8 do 20850 do 10 9 do TOTAL. 17000 Porm B. P. 10 _. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CIE • FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS46NER OF FINANCE O1 . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER c c' the grade of So. Rnbert St f D1 t - Wood St fin In the matter of C11a.r"" �a'T�T°� y��� corfform to the red lineonthe profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, he P.reams=t established grsd , a so gra ng add paving So. Robert St. from the north line of Fillmore Ave. to Concord St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to prorerty lines approaches, where necessary. 1 7 Bazil & Robert's Ad+ition 3000 2 7 to West St. Paul, County of 2500 3 7 Dakota, Territory of Minn. 10,000 W. 79. ft. of 4 and 5 7 do 3300 East 40 ft. of 4 and 5 7 do 2650 (Except So. Robert Street)_( 6 8 do 45060 do (( 7 8 do do 8 ._ 8 do 17500 do 9 8 do 20850 do Furor B. B. 10 10 8 do TOTAL, 17000 - CITY OF S . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED y _ VALUATION u So'ly 1.37 ft. of East 47' Bazil & Robert's Addition 14075 of I 9 to West St. Paul, County and all of O of Dakota Territory of -- (Ex. So. Robert St.) Minnesota. (Ex. So.'ly 1.37' df East do 26 75. 47' & Except So. Robert St. 7 9 (Ex. So. Robert St.) 5 9 do 2500 (Ex. So. Robert St.) So. 35' 9 9 do 2300 Lot 10 9 & Ex. So. 35') `(Ex. So. Robert St.) 9 do 6550. .. -- (East 94 ft. of 1 10 do 2100 West 25 ft. of 1 10 do 2300 2 10 do 2500 ( 3 10 do ( 4 10, do 24000 ( 5 10 do West 15 ft. of 1 and 2 15 do 45,500 (Ex. Vfest 15 ft.) 1 a nd 2 15. do - 3. 15. do 5 00 4. 15. do X500 5. 15. do 2900 . (Ex. So. Robert St.) 6 16 do do 8 16' do do 16 do do 9' 16 do do 1Q do do }4dao 61,275 do 5 �7 db do 6 17: do do 7 17 do TOTAL CITY Oe ST. PAUL ' i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 18. Bazil & Robert's Add. 2$00 2 18 to West St. Paul, County 2500 3 18 of Dakota, Territgry of 2500 4 18 Minnesota 2500 5 16 do 2500 West 15 feet of 1 & 2 23 do 600 _ (Ex. West 15 ft.) 1 23 & Ex. West 15 ft. & So'ly 20 ft. of East 79 ft.) 2 do 14825 East._79<,_ft. of So. 291 of 2 23 do 625 Northwest 131 ft. of 3 23 do 650 Southeast 36-2/3 ft. of 3 23. do 1650 4 23 do 2300 Lot 5 23. do 3900 also a triangular tract lying Southerly of and adjoiniT.g said lot (Ex. So. Robert St.) 3 23 do 13350 do 4 24, do do 5 24 do do 6 24 do do - 7 24 do do 3 25 do 3350 do 2 25 do 1 Suditor's Subd. No. 39, 11500 2 St. „aul, Mi#n. 9800 3 do TOTAL CITTOF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED !i DESCRIPTION LOT SL K , ADDITION yALUA ION '! 4 Auditor's Subd. No. 39, 1700 5 St. Paul, Minn. 1600 -- 6 do 1500 7 do 4550 8 do 1200 - 9 do 1200 10. do 500. 11 do 5450 . 12 do 13 do .14 do 50 -- That part of Block 3. Eaton & Morrison's Add. 6o0 - lying Easterly of So. Robert to West Saint Paul St. (Ex. Eaton Ave.) That part of Block S lying Easterly of So. Robert, St.(Except Eaton Ave.) do 600 ro ... TOTAL -- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •'� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT a CK '. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That •art cf Block . 37. Eaton & Morrison's Add. .10650. lying Southwesterly of a to West Saint Pall line drawn from the Northwest corner of said block to the Northwest corner of lot 1,0 in said block, thence Southeasterly to the Southeast corner of said - lot 10, (Except So. Robert St.) j - (West J of Clinton Ave. vacated Town of West St. Paul .. included.in. other property. and Part of Wood St. vacated - ,. and adjoining 1 South 100 ft. of 25 do 12650 (Ex. So. 100 ft.) 2 do 75,400 2 16 do 1650 .3 16 do 4 16 do .5 16 do 6 16 do 7 .16 do 26400 10 16 do E. 5o ft. of Lot 4 & all of 1 17 do 6525 - West 100 ft. of 4 17 do TOTAL 6350 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 17 Town of West St. Paul 25,290 8 17 do 9 17 do West 2/3 of 1 21 do 800 West /2/3 of 2 21 do 750 East 1/3 of 1 & 2 21 do 4900 3 21 do 1075 4 21 do 4025 5 21 do 2900 8-9- 10 22 do 7125 1_2_3 4 Thomas Wals:^'s Rear. 2700 West 50 ft. of 6 36 Town of West St.Paul 4550 & Ex. East 100 ft.) 7 East 100 ft. of 6 36 do 14150 East 100 ft. of 7 36 do 10750 North 23 ft. of 8 36 do 4625 South 27 ft. of 8 36 do 1150 9 36 do 16500 10 36 do 4$00 West 100 ft. of 1 37 do 5500 East 50 ft. �f.l and. __ _2 -37- do 1000 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. . _. .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 100 ft. nf ,2 ,37 Torun of vest St. Paul 1150 North J of Weet 100 ft. 3 27 do 4550 South J of nest 100 ft. of 3, 27 do 600 North i of East 1/3 of 3, 37 do 4550 do4 17750 South ' of East 1/3 of 3 37 East 1/3 of 4 and5 , 37 do West 100 ft. of 4 37 do 4400 West 100 ft. of 5 37. do 10850. Test 2/3 of 1. 50do 1950 W. 2/3 of.N0.1 of 2 East 1/3 of — 1 and: 2 50. do 3700 and East 1/3 of North g of. 3 . West 2/3 of So. of 2 50 do 1950 West 2/3 of North Of 3 West 100 ft. of SO.j Of 3 50 do 1975 West 100 ft. of North 20 ft. of Lot 4 East_ 50 ft. of So.j Of 3 50 do 2900 _ & E. 50 ft. of 4 and 5 w.loo ft. of So. 30 ft. of 4 50 do 5500, 6 , 51 . do 257.5: 7 51 do 1500. . 6 51 do TOTAL .1598 - '- CITY OF ST. PAUL- • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , LIP to REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North of 9 51. Town of West St.paul 4a 2650. 'I South of 9 51 do 750 West 50 ft. of 10 51. do 1800 Ex. west 50 ft. 10 51 do 5025 1 65. do 5390. East 50 ft. of Lot 2 & all of 2 65 de 5200 1 66 do 18,200 West leo ft. of 2 66 do 6800 . 3 66. do 9300 4 66. do 5 66 do 15,500 All that Fart of Lot 15. 66 do 7150 ,,lying North of a line commencing at a point on Concord St. 21 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said lot, thence ..Southwesterly 32 ft. to the west line of said lot 15, also all ..that part of Lot 14, Block 64.Town of West St. na.ul lying North of a line drawn at right angles to the west line thereof from a _point 150 ft. South from Concord e..ii Street. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION All that Tart of 14 64 Town of West et. Paul 350 lying South of a line drawn at right angles to the Test line of said lot from a point thereon 150 feet south from Concord Street. Lot 15 64 do 6575 (Except a triangle in the Northwest corner 21 ft. on Concord St. and 32 ft. om the Southeast line) $ 795,890 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 192%%�L_�%�v Commissio r of Finance. I,-. R. B. 12 - 11 CONGRESS ST \� / �Ij T I t Officeof the Commissioner of Public W� fi'fE� '3 � y Report o Commissioner of Finance NOV29 i98Ei November 20, 1925 ... ........... __.......... ...................... _................................ _192._...._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the 63048 November 13, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ........ _.... _................ approved ..__.......... ........................................ ..........-................ 192 ............ , relative to changing the grgde of So. Robert St. from Plato Ave. to Wood.St.0 _ slao grading and paving.3o! _Robert_St, from_th.e north... line ..._of ....... .... _... _..... ...._, Fillmore Ave. to Concord Str. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ........... — ..... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. SSS 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..$ and the total cost thereof is ...:.....___...._gam_..._...—, _..............._.._..__. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . .......... _.... ................. _..................... _........ --......_................... _..__.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is freto attached and made a part hereof, ......................._.._......... ........... ....................._........._............. --------- 5. Said improvement is .........:..............._...............ask u n petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improve nt. n Commissioner of Public Works. GEORGE M. SH ARD. CRI--.IN..R WM. N. CAR—. SUPT. OP CON.TR .. ANO R -AIR G. H. HERROLD, OMFl ARO CDY PLANNING dBINe- aT:v0n-,om"T(v�, JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER November 19, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. 5. GRYTBAN. OR— ­.— A.B. SHARP. SUIT pOF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUFE. OP WORKHOU.e I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost ;for the changing of grade of So. Robert St. from Plato Ave. to Wood St. also grading and paving So. Robert St. from the north line of Fillmore Ave. to Concord St. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. #63048, approved November 13, 1925: Paving 31 creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or 7" rein. blocks flat Asphalt Cone. Concrete Total sq. -yd. 6.69 5.67 4.54 3.98 Wheelage 81,370.20 70,097.70 57,344.40 52,074.90 Property share 36,240.00 29,580.90 22,468.80 17,893.50 Total 117,610.20 99,678.60 79,813.20 69,968.40 (A)front foot 6.00 6.53 4.96 3.95 curb extra Note: 7" Concrete Base Add for concrete curb where not in 55� per lin.ft. 6-in.sewer connections each 660.00 -21 inch water connections each 45.00 Yours very truly, hi. 94��4 C ief Pngineer. ro dor s issipn�o C di n of�"l nance :' / Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works`Ec�:,� Report to Commissioner of Finance �N _ Septembex--4-1325. --- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, h/hadeo ideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._6124U g __ 1R25_191___, relative to P sluoszrsl St _YPath_sawsx,_y�at@r_oi�� _�5com_s�:xest_me�n>�_to property_lines_completel_ whe _not alre dy__ de,_ also -----eurbg and paving driveway and alley approao� s, where *i ees ary. and having investigated the matters and things rdfeired ttherein, hereby reports: �/ �1 1 � 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessry and/or) desirable.� V V 2. The estimated cost ther�of is, �_i_fi______ ___-, and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said Ympfi4em t fi as follows: ----------------------------------- r � 3. A plan, profile or sketch I',f said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -----I ----------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to as fo aid improve nt. D/ ----------------------------------------------- 41 Commissioner of Public Works. i� �WT1. A iev i(W v� pepasrhrnie�n�F V'j uibliov Jd c I s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH ARD. CHIEF ENnINEefl M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIE Exn�xeER WM. N. CAR. SUPT. OI CON.rRVCTION ANo R_A. B. SHARP. SUPT. On -ANlT — O. H. HE ... L., 011— ANO C— PLANNING -G— G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF W. --- August 29, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of So. Robert St. from the no th line of Fill- more Ave. to Concord St. under Preliminary Order CRF. 61241V approved August 6, 1925: Paving 3¢• Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt 7° rein.Conc. Total sq.yd. 6.69 4.54 3.98 f� V Wheelocage 81,370.20 70 - {70 57,344.40 52,074.90 Property share 36,240.00 `` 0. 0 22,468.80 17,893.50 Total 117,610.20 99,67 .60 79,813.20 69,968.40 (a )dront foot ��.00 1i 6.53 4.96 3.95 t}� curb extra Note: 7" concreteb b�wher el Add for conorete d not in 555e per lin.ft. 6 -inch sewer connec s each 060..00 a inch water connec ,ions each 45.00 I Yours very truly, hief F.Fngineer Approved for transmiss o to Commissioner of Fin ca: Commissioner of Public Works. • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO..CIL NO �J � FILE �`1 --------- January 26, 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuteand fills, in the grading and paving of South Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Wood Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 161315, approved August 11, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #63467, approved December 23, 1926. The Gommissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RBSOb9BA, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cute and fills, in and upon South Robert Street betweon the points aforesaid. to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated January 26, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay's Clancy -Ferguemr— Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer .... ......Against Wenzel r.rest en la+ res. b'ergawn MAN 2 E 1926------------1tJ2..- Adopted by the Counci------------- --- - - Approved- -' ,/ P jati`Z........_192.-.... Cid Q7� /N.w$i�� MAYOR I CITY OF ST. P:1UL Departsent of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land _necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: grading and paving of do. Robert St. from Fillmore Ave. to Wood Street under Preliminary order C.F. 61315 approved Aug. 11, 1925 end. Intcrmcdicry Order C.F. 65769 approvoc Deoember 23, 1926 To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Conmiissioncr of ulDlic works hereby submits and mrkes ,. Part cf this, his rc,)crt, ,- 1)1"n of the ^-bove improve- mont, shun^ing by the shc.dcd ,.ortiun of said ,�1,.n, the fills to be .^.rode on private and by the h^.tchod ,portion thu cuts to be made on ,-rivate property, and the ertont of the easement to be taken by the figures op_»site such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. VI/I Date: Conunissioner of Public VJorlcs. * Indicates Gut. - _ ..'N- _ ,�-tndiwtes Fill.�2: booW o't :�3v�J�tln\\� figures above line show SOC/Tf / RoaEsz7 Jc�T, oo< _,.� Cut or Fill of proper+y line. Figures below line sbow/LLMORE'�✓E. L� distance fo which slopes woo g S% - - - - extend begonA proper+y line. IT - � ,. i • ��/o• R' B. 6 /o. 9. 9 7 6 ' /0 W B Z 6. s Jr.s s s s sa' 4. So, s. — se. W 7 S so' Derv- I O` 7 6. So' 3' 1 s kIN J - - - •. � - � � _ eh. -cN '.W'."��F°M. �' a ,, °bi:. :eMuc gW "n� YI"' Z B O • 1Il i 13 � A / Z. 50. Sj Z51' ' s L. .Al. -Indicates Fill. - Typical Notation- Fiyures above line gbow Cut or Fill Of praperfyliner fTGbL"N %" .57Fqures below line show distance I -o wh rh slopes ; I extend beyond properly line. WOOL; S - � 949I ROBS T5 .Y W i,_. - 61 3so -y-_2 1 ioy —7774ED N -d. J •' 1 rr 7 �\ ��O� � O� \ :. N r � JU 0, . \ 3• 1A. 4ft Dep _..� — �=;•' /-- — —1 . �-� —� - // 26 ... - - - I° a� ., la o�.'L' SIM nu n♦ o -uh o� './ '` o0 - So ZS jffs�.,.Lj FT ROE S O �Uoi oF�s Svc #39. lNES. ST. HUL f� i - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIISSIONER OF FINANCE CA) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l . In the matter of Condamni np: anA +aki no an an+ in , t;be lard. Reeesearyy for -and fills in the grading And Wring of Seuth Rebert S+re=t from Fillmore gra. +o__Wood Street_ CAD d under Preliminary Order approved Nov13, 19225. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of P;nance hereby reports as follows: _po The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 7 Hazil & Robert's Ad.+itton 3000 2 7 to West St, Paul, County of 2500 3 7 Dakota, Territory of Minn. 10,000 W. 79 ft. of 4 and 5 7 do 3300 East 40 ft. of 4 and 5 7 do 265o (Except So. Robert Street) { 6 . 6 do 45080 cb (( 7 6 do do 6 6 do 17500 do 9 6 do 20650 do Prtm a. n. 10 10 6 do TOTAL. 17000 J - CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S011y 1.37 ft. of East 47' Sazil & Robert's Addition 14075 of j 9 to West St. Paul, County and all of (Ex. So. Robert St.) b of rakota Territory of Minnesota. (Ex. So.'ly 1.37' df East 47' & Except So. Robert St. 7 9 do 2675 (Ex. So. Robert St.) a 9 do 2500 (Ex. So. Robert St.) So. 35' 9 9 do 2300 Lot 10 9 & Ex.' "(Ex. So. Robert St.) 9 do 6550 (East 94 ft. of 1 10 do 2100 West 25 ft. of 1 10 do 2300 2 10 do 2500 ( 3 10 do ( 4 10 do 24000 ( 5 10 do West 15 ft. of 1 and 2 15 do 45,500 (Ex. weC'•t 15 ft. ) 1 and., 2 15 do 3 15 do 5200 4 15 do 2500 5. 15. da 2900 (Ex. So. Robert St.) ( 6 16 do do ( T 16 do do ) 5 16 do do 9 16' do do 10 16 do do dB fff .S3" _ ' : -.4 17 1 do do 61,275 do j 5 17 do do 6 17 do do ownl s...i 7 17 do TOTAL CITYST. PAUL • ' DEPARTM NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 18 Bazil & Robert's Add. 2800 2 18 to West St. Paul, County_ 2500 3 18 of Dakota, Territgry of 2500 4 18. Minnesota ^500 5 18 do 2500 West 15 fe^_t of 1 & 2 23 do 600 (Ex. West 15 ft.) 1 23 & Ex. West 15 ft. & So'ly 20 ft. of East 79 ft.) 2 do 14825 East 79 ft. of So. 291 of 2 23 do 625 Northwest 131 ft, of 3 23, do 650 Southeast 36-2/3 ft. of 3 23 do 1650 4 23 do 2300 Lot 5 23 do 3900 also a trianfular trsct lyinf Southerly of and adjoining slid lot (Ex. So. Robert St.) 3 211-, do 13350 do 4 24 do do 5 24 do do 6 24 do do 7 24 do do 3 25 do 3350 do 2 25 do 1 Suditor's Subd. No. 39, .. 11500 ( 2 St. .,aul, M10Z. 9800 3 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a-- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Auditor's Subd. No. 39, 1700 5 St. Paul, Minn. 1600 6 do 1500 7 do 4550 S do 1200 9 do 1200 10 do 500 — 11 do 5450. 12 do 13 do 14 do 50 That part of Block 3 Eaton & Morrison's Add. 600 lying Easterly of So. Robert to Nest Saint Paul St. (Ex. Eaton Ave.) That part of Block S do 600 lying Easterly of So. Robert St.(Except Eaton Ave.) CITY OF ST. PAUL 100 ft. of 2. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . 12550 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE So. 100 ft.) 2 s • ON PRELItAINARY ORDER a • (C) ASSESSED- `Y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That cart of Block 37 Eaton & Morrison's Add. 10850 lyinc, Southwesterly of a to West Saint Paul line drawn from the Northwest corner of said block to the Northwest corner of lot 10 in said block, thence Southeasterly tso the Southeast cor-.er of said e lot 10, (Except So. Rob,^rt Ste) (West i of Clinton Ave. vacated and Part of Wood St. vacated Ind adjoining 1 Town of West St. Paul included in other property. South 100 ft. of 2. do 12550 (Ex. So. 100 ft.) 2 dq 75,400 $495, 275• The Commissiuucr of Vinance iurther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby snbutifs the tofegding as his report thereron to the Council, together with the report made to him in 'reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ --224- si_-- - - _. _192 - -- - � Commi oner of Finance. Furor B. B. 12 rr fit, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works` r r.. Report to Commissioner of Finance September_ 2Z_ 1925 --- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 61315_----approved__�ug!_ 11:_3925 --191___, relative to Condemning and t akin an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ----------------- - cuts and fills in the grading and paving of South Robert Street from -------- ------------------------ -- Fillmore-Ave.--to-Wood-Street ------- --------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. 6'4.08 FLATUMrING ASSESSMENTS DENNATION PROUP�EDINGis- C. F.C. R. No. 64108— Inthe ifiatter of opening, E; 1d, and extending East 2—R2 from , roSibley St, Aq, 17 t.ki Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation N and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. opening.,.. widening and extending. East Fourth- Stree.t...from �Sibjqy St.' to_ Wao.outa St.­.bytakingand, condemning t4e���, d 'ttOr! 9 ThO i6uth6azt6i;-1�� 24) flat of - Lots 8, 9, 10_"d 110 B190 Ak� 1 3. 32, 3ubdivision 11, Lot. 1, Block 15, -,Ialtney & Smith's rihe-Ytj@@Sterl� 40-jcpt of the --southeasterly 20 feet of Lot, 3� , (exlaO' the Lot 2 of) 10 feat of thot of 10 feE of tj,O 2 f031 ,jr t t 11F, Lot 2 above therOOD) exact dotermined bi s. -4 N —ii 4440 93 . ...... —25 " A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemns io Of the lands or easemeniile= for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further .5Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -----------/.0-..----.-equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.._ _ ._...iFES. 2-6 -1326 - ------- 192_..... CSG Cit Appro,4pd ---­-------­-- 192 14 ij- --- .............. ........ .. ..... ...... . . . . . . . . . ... .. ..... ­ - ------ Mayor. vtouRcilman Clancy ,Councilman Ferguson ,Councilman McDonald ,Councilman iPAtexx Hodgson ,Councilman Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel 1,,Mayor Nelson - 64108 DdTDExNO. roN Prtomm N - DIDMNATION PAOQHHDIROs_ C. P.C. F. No. 64108— 1 �i rn the -mailer oFg•, f oDentng, w1d,.;; anal extending I]ast rth £ from: Sibley 8t, .to. ^.- `r ,takl.�d a•, + R 1.: tion Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation aid of Damages and Assessment Therefor. 4 In the ma r,, a + f tterof...-.Opening tiq.idening-..and sxt.eridir- S 0� d><i 1, i - T. 1's_Snhdisriaion.No. 32, being. _the _front-age on Fourth under Preliminary Order__--...59398_._ _ , approved-May 7,1925, Intermediary Order.. approved._-June.. 23-,_ 1925,__. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further alesolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ---- _.......equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. r Adopted by the Council----- ----..-FEB ..g--.lq.1& ..---...----- 192.__... r� [l t City Clerk. Approged ----------------- - - - _ -: _.. ........ 192 - ........... ................. -.......:._...... ............................ Mayor. (/Councilman Clancy ,Councilman Ferguson _ - iCouncilman McDonald iP MUSIM,_���� 'Councilman*tteKx Hodgson ;Councilman Sudheimer Xouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson /�: SM9' C�ihri FILIAL OBI e matter of _0.Ue y St.• to � fit i INCONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.. , widening....and.-.ext ending._ Eas:t...Four.th.-.Str."t. _frim $t.,,__� �a��.nB-.anl�.._aon darnning.�he._aauihe as_t er ly ^ �_qt::�.•�__B7�4�1��.�..--hi,.t�x1.s.7c_ �m.s _�.ddi.tion.,._._and.�f_ Lnts_�,_�14...and r _ 11 Auditor_'TSuiZdi.v1..ol1..N4..-3.2..,__b.e..n8.._th.e_....front.age_jQn_..konrth_2.t�,_ 77 nnderPre&minary Order 593-99 approved_MaJL_Ia...._1.M Intermediary O r____?026 appr_Qxed.L�%aar�e-2 ,_:_1925. Resolved: i (.1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to ,be made, viz.:.�1?:Qna 1t widen."and extend .East Fourth Street from Sibley St. to wacoUta St. by ,\ taking_d condemningRes "' The.@outkieasterly 20 feet of Lots::8 9� 10 and ll, &loch 1, kudjtgrtyg , Subdi�73sion No. 32, "7 TThP: southeasterly_80 feet: of Lot 1, Block I5, ltney ' Smitht's' C Addition to Saint Paul; the southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 3 (except the southwesterly 5 feet thereof); the southeasterly 20 feet of ! Lot 2 (except the easterly 33.75 feet thereof) and the southerly 10 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of Lot 2; also the northerly F` 10 feet of the southerly 20 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of — Lot 2 above the present established grade of sidewalk abutting thereon, exact elevations with reference to city datum to be determined by survey and deed given in accordance therewith. - o—Sai P tal the southelasterly 20 feet -DT Lot -3- 9XUepT-- ;. the southwesterly 5 feet thereof); the southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 2 (except the easterly 33.75 feet thereof) and the southerly 10 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of Lot 2; also the northerly 10 feet of the southerly 20 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of Lot 2 above the present established grade of sidewalk abutting thereon, exact elevations with reference to city datum to be ; determined by survey and deed given in accordance therewith. ity Clerk 'Approved--___. C8rne80n dd� 1 XW,,= udheimer � i2. • Mr: Presi ent, Deleon d + x'__8 Sud?alp!Ba e_...fxon- agp-icL4-Four_ih...,S.t� ,_ a t> e:Ro owing land, lana or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- �X( priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements viz _... The southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 8, 9, 10 and ll, Block 1, Auditor's_, Subdivision No. 32, The southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 15, FVhitney & Smith's Addition to Saint Paul; the southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 3 (except the southwesterly 5 feet thereof); the southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 2 (except the easterly 33.75 feet thereof) and the southerly j 10 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of Lot 2; also the northerly ! 10 feet of the southerly 20 feet of the easterly 33.75 feet of i Lot -2 above the present established grade of sidewalk abutting thereon, exact elevations with reference to city datum to be determined by survey and deed given in accordance therewith. 1 4—City Clerk. ' it 1 M or. cCxx lancy J ot>z/ erddguson V 4 t °?- x JcDgnaid x== ,Sudheimer wxs&m= Wenzel bir. President, Hangffmx Nielson It 11 'Auditor's Subdivis g _In PLqjIt 2 being Fourth St, (3), That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. 6 Adopted by the Council____. -------- ------- . .. . ...... ... .......... . . ...... r'Fq 9 co ...... . ........ . ......... F y Clerk. ... . ... .. M or. �10MMmmXVFerguson MUM.- JoMnEoaid AMAX �§udheimer vl enzel Hoop= tblson Mr. Preside—ht, Meeting of February 25th.- - V Mr. J. P. Kyle and Ambrose Tighe appeared representing the To Company�n Crawford Livingston property. Mr. Kyle ask8d that the Penta+ �"° Q valuo--o1G hese properties during the period of reconstruction be,added to the award of damages. Mr. Kyle further claimed that the widening of the street did not in any way benefit the property; wed doge it and that the cost of the widening should be paid out of the General F=.d rather than special aseee®ent. Mr. J. J. Kenna was called by Mr. Kyle. He stated that, in his opinion, no benefit accrued to the property above described. Mr. Seamer stated that it was a benefit to the property by reason of the widening. He also stated that the Crawford Livingston property is vacant at the present time. Mr. Seamer stated that the City bad allowed $1625 for loss of rents on the basis of 20 cents per sq. ft. Mr. Kenna stated that he did not think the value of the above property was enhanced by the widening of the one block. He did admit, however, that he believed that the value of the property would be increased if now fronts were � built. Mr. Tigle stated that, in his opinion, property owners east of Wacouts and west of Sibley on Fourth Street who were assessed might agree to donate one-half of the proposed assessment, but not as an assessment. Mr. Kyle also stated that the Crawford Livingston and Tompaine Company property owners. and also Robinson, Cary & Sands would be satisfied with a 50% reduction in the assessment of benefits. The matter was taken under advise- Ment. Mr. Oppenheimer, appeared for the Wann property, consisting of three buildings. Oomissioaer Wenzel presented Mr. Bronson's report on the condition of these buildings. Mr. Oppenheimer stated that, in his opinion, there was no benefit by reason of the widening. Mr. Seamer denied this. The matter .was laid over one day to February 26th. Meeting of February 26th. The award of damage for the taking of the property in the assessment Of benefits were fixed by the Council as follows: Cameron property also known as the �No�rr�t��h!w��stern Trost Company property was fixed at $52,588.10. The original ak�Mt was 45,378.10. The assess- ment against this property was reduced to $3,066.,35 Crawford Livingston property: The award was raised from $2$,077.74 to $30,552.74. The assessment was reduced to $1766.98. The Tompaine property was increased $1750, malking the total award, $29,908. The assessment against this property was fixed atw/a9"rsi, The Robinson, Cary & Sande and Gordon Ferguson assessments were reduced 20% from the original. was reduced 2 , The assessment against the St. Paul Union Depot Commppany making the assessment $20,000. a"6-� d4-� `"""'" " ""�"� So,ps, Mr. T. D. O'Brien appeared for the Union Depot Company and stated that he was not satisfied with the amount of assessment. Adopted. pThe Cameron property was represented by Mr. Herr,appearing for Mr. Cameron and by Mr. Oppenheimer appearing for the Northwestern Truat company, Trustee. Mr. Seamer explained that the City's fgl4value of the land was $156,735 and that its value would be $142,319.25 after A4 feet ha<been taken. He also allowed additional damages of $9,962.35 by reason of the taking This made his figures dor the total lead damage $24,379.10• The amount for the assessment for benefits as stated by Mr. Seamer is $6,132.69, leaving a net balance for the property owners of $39,245:41• Mr. Herr contended that the amount of damages for the building and consequential damages were not sufficient. Mr. Van Scampton of the Grant Construction Company was called by Mr. Herr. He stated that he was a constructionok engineer with fifteen years experience; that"he examined the buildingwould tquestion;careothat the rurepair. oa his opinion " depreciated and that $5, stated that the walla and ceilings put the building in first class condition. inion, were in good condition. He further testified that it would coat, in his op $165,000 to`build the same building today; that the present value of the building is approximately $100,000; that, in his opinion, the value of the building he part takenworld tt be of the total area would be $16,000; that the cost of wrecking tated that, in h $3300.00• He further sis opinion, the cost of a new front would be ppproximately $16,450 and that architect' fee would amount to about 6% of :hoe cert of wrecking and the cost of a new Yrou Mr. Herr claimed $36, 750 building, but stated that he was wil, to subtract the architect's feet and make the total amount of damages to�ing $35, 750. Mr. Seamer estimated the land and Opp. Herr's claim of damages for land and building building to be worth $177, the difference approximate was $60,128.00. The City's figure was $45,378.10, making ly $14,750• The matter was taken under advisement. Mr. Oppenheimer $$�� r resented the Bann property consisting of three buildings. Mr. Seamer placed the°�gowithe City's estimate of damage by reason of the COU - damnation: Damage to land, $15,627 Cost to re -produce the building, $169.960 Depreciation, $76,436 Value of part of building taken, 14,714 Cost of tearing down the front, 3,659 Cost to rebuild front, 14,705 Insurance and bond, 459 Contractor's Commission, 1,882 Architect's fees, 1,241 Total damage to building $36,659• Mr. Seamer recommended a $1750 increase on the damage to the building and $400.00 increase on bond fees. Mr. Davis appeared at the request of Mr. Oppenheimer andfstated ference in thtthat heit land damage would amount to $15,540 plus incidental damage. and the proper owners figures were as _ffq3llows: Lend.: Owners claim $5000A n theeward Building: " " 300 more. Bond. " " 450 more, making total difference of figures $8,950• The matter of assessments for benefits was taken up. Mr. Cameron claimed that the widening of Fourth Street, as proposed B with Mrd depre- ciate moron's the value of his property for retail stores. Mr. �issb�Weedew Mr. contention. Mr. Seamer claimed that the abutting property was not neral Oppen- heimer denied this and called attention to the fact. that the widening general but was confined to this single block. The matter was taken under advisement. (over) Mr.' T. D. OiBrien appeared; representing the assessment of St- Paul Untonst Depothe t Company - He ny- Re contended that the Pr -8 excessiveeand high^in,pprroFportion than other property the Union Depot Company assessed. Mr. Seamer contended that the assessment was fair. Paul Union Depot Company was not materially Mr. Reimbold contended that the St. benefitted. The matter was taken under advisement and the orders laid over to Thursday, February 25th, 1926. �� (iJrrr:�.flli U '.d±/"� r/. i'��'uf'�a•"w'�` G 7� "MIRWR 11/1 f , gr- =rx�:�.:. / {/' � CCL✓'r .�%%�..rlr,r."�;-rJ, Id 17 f 6 J r 336 6 .(-9 �r / fit"- ✓ '� -•-� m I "Al �l W- -Itvg� 2 �7 3 2 1/ V. .�-,. ��� , .� .. � .r- .z .z � �, _..� _ .. / '-°�' dL/ -'mac i ry .(" o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of-..-..o.-P.e.nfng...w.i.dexUng...axed... axt-endi.n-g Eas.t...Faur.th.._Stze.et....from Sibley--St.--to_.Wacouta St_..---by.-taking--and---condemning-..the-..southeasterly ----- - A20 -ft. --of--Lot s.. 1,_--2...and...3.,-_-exc-e5outhlves.tezi.Y---5..-£t--_af..s.A-fid Lot,---Block.--1F,_-Whitney ...Smith-',s..Addi-ti.Qn-,.--snd...-gf_LQ.t-s--£S,-_9-,._1Q.-4nd 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 32, being the frontage on Fourth St. + - ..._ ................. -- ._---------­----------- ------...........----------------------.......--------------.......-------------------------------. ---- -- Under Preliminary Order...-.. 593.98 approvedMAY...L_-19.2.5., Intermediary Order..... ........... approved.. June_.?3-,_?5 ..1 - . �- 5 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Co 1ssioner of Finance. 2 0 In the matter of opening, widening and extending hast Fourth Street from Sibley Street to cIacouta Street by taking and con- demning the southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, excepting the' -southwesterly 5 feet of said Lot 3, Block 15, Whitney Smith - Addition, and of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, auditor's Su 43�.gisio No. 32, being the frontage on i,Iourth Street under P: mina Order 59398, approved L -'ay 7, 1925, Intermediary Order �$ ,A 6 43 Z*ovad, Jure 23, 1925. 1 ;Sow comes Northwestern frust 'ompany, as trustee under deed of trust from Phomas Leslie Wann, fated September 18, 1888, and recorded in Book 216 of Deeds, at page 424 et seq., in the office of the 'Register of Deeds of 'Ramsey "ounty,I,.innesota, the owner as trustee aforesaid of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 1, auditor's Subdivision No. 32, and objects to the sufficiency of damages to be awarded it as proposed by the Commissioner of ?'inance for con- demnation of the southerly 20 feet of said three lots, to wit, the sum of '24,378.10 for land and .;p"21,000.00 for building, and ob- jects further to the magnitude of benefits determined by the om- missioner of "inance in the sum of ?6,132.69, and objects to the net award of ,339,245.41 in said proceedings upon the report of said Commissioner of �-inance. Dated this 25th day of January, 1926. pw-a, .�.un,u.n. i-i'%l^'h ��oy _ 4,~, a Attorneys for Objec or, / 1015 Merchants National Bank Bldg., Saint Paul, Minnesota. M { In the matter of 'opening, widening and extending East Fourth Street from Sibley Street to PJacouta Street by taking and con- demning the southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, excepting the southwesterly 5 feet of said Lot 3, Block 15, Whitney & Smith's Addition, and Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 32, being the frontage on Fourth Street under Preliminary Order 59398, approved May 7, 1925, Intermediary Order 60264, an-oroved June 23, 1925. Novi come Northwestern frust Company as trustee under the last will gnd testament--uf John mann, deceased, and as trustee under an a#,jsmbnt with Bertha ,;ann, the owner in said two capacitiesJof.an•rwvjded,two-thirds of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 15, of Whitney Smith's Addition to the City of St. Paul, and hirs, Harold C. Freeman, Mrs. Springer H. Brooks, and 2. L. Wann, each the owner of an undivided one- of said two lots in their own right, and object to the sufficiency of damages to be awarded��... as proposed by the Commissioner of Finance for condemnation of a portion of said Lots 2 and 3 in this matter, to wit, the sum of $15,627.00 for land, and ;36,659.00 for building, and object further to the magnitude of benefits determined by the Commission- er of Finance in the sum of $5,533.85, and object to the net award of ,¢46,752.15 in said proceedings upon the report of said Commissioner of Finance. Dated this 25th day of January, 1926. r A�ttov rn ys foj e or � � l 1015 Aierchants National Bank Bldg., Saint Paul, Minnesota. i } t t 1 1 m � C, I 4W C� In the matter ` the iden56tg, a and Damages for opening, pJ tree 0. waf F Street, from Sib? of 1, tv taking and condemning a s, width off of the Northwest sid ei liminary Order 59398, approv .tt 7, ant of Benefits 3f4ing East t street, by �y (20) feet in C, under Pre - Now comes the Tom Paine Company, through the undersigned, its attorneys, and hereby objects to the taking, appropriation and condemnation by the City of St' Paul of the Southeasterly Twenty (20) feet of Lot One (1), in Block Fifteen (15), of Vihitney & Smith's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office:of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Iv.innesota, except the Northerly Ten (10) feet for alley, for the widening of Fourth Street on the Northerly side, between Sublet' Street and Wacouta Street, as above described, on the following grounds, to -wit: (1) That the City of St. Paul or the Council thereof has no jurisdiction to take, appropriate, or con- demn the Southwesterly Twenty (20L feet of said Lot One (1), or any part thereof, for the above named improvement; (2) Because there is no valid final order for the making of the said improvement, or for the tak- ing of any part of the aforesaid lot; (3) Because there is no public necessity improvement, or the taking, aP- for the making of said n or condemnation of any part of the aforesaid propriatio F s n, lot; (4) Because the said improvement is no a local improvement, for which an assessment may or can be levied, but is merely a private improvement for the use and benefit of the Union Depot Company; (5) Because the damages awarded for the taking, appropriation and condemnation of twenty (20) feet of the property of this objector are inadequate, and the damages awarded are not fair or impartial, and are not just.or adequate compensation for the taking of said property; (6) Because there are no benefits accruing to said property from the making of said improvement, and that no benefits should be assessed against said property, or deducted from any damages awarded. Dated this 25th day of January, 1926. Attorneys ro2Y Tom Paine om ny. I it... t JIu�J?6 g + In the matter of the Assessment of Benefits and Damages for opening, widening, and extending East Fourth Street, from Sibley Street to Wacouta Street, by taking and condemning a strip of land twenty ,(20) feet in width off of the Northwesterly side thereof, under Pre- liminary Order 59398, approved May 7, 1925. Now come Theodore Griggs, representative of the estate of Crawford Livingston, deceased, and the heirs, devisees, and legatees of said Crawford Livingston, de- ceased, and the Estate of Crawford Livingston, deceased, through the undersigned, as their attorneys, and hereby object to the taking, appropriation and condemnation by the City of St. Paul of the Southeasterly Twenty (20) feet of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block One (1), Audi- tor's Subdivision No. 32, St. Paul, Minn. Ramsey County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for th8 widening of Fourth Street on the Northerly side, between Sibley Street and Wacouta Street, as above described, on the following grounds, to - wit: (1) That the City of St. Paul or the Coun- cil thereof has no jurisdiction to take, appropriate or condemn the Southwesterly twenty (20) feet of said Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), or any part thereof, for the above named improvement; (2) Because there is no valid final order for the making of the said improvement, or for the tak- ing, of any part of the aforesaid lots; (3) BecRuse there is no public necessity } for the making of said improvement or the taking, ap- propriation or condemnation of any part of the aforesaid lots; (4) Because the said improvement is not a local improvement for which an assessment may or can be levied, but is merely a private improvement for the use and benefit of the Union Depot Company; (5) Because the damages awarded for the taking, appropriation and condemnation of twenty (20) feet of the property of these objectors are inadequate, and the damages awarded are not fair or impartial, and are not just or adequate compensation for the taking of said property; (6) Because there are no benefits accruing to said property from the making of said improvement, and that no benefits should be assessed against said property, or deducted from any damages awarded. Dated this 25th day of January, 1926. Attorneys or odord Griggs,Qrepre- sentative of the Estate of Crawford Livingston, deceased, the heirs, de- visees, and legatees of Crawford Living- ston, deceased, and the Estate of Craw- ford Livingston, deceased. KERR AND MOHAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW ST. PAU L, M I N N ES OTA a'ebruary 6th, 1926. In the matter of the opening, widening and extending of list Fourth Street from Sibley Street to Wacouta Street, by taking ani condemning the Southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, emept the Southwesterly 5 feet of said Lot 3, Block 15, Watson & Smith's addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, and of Lots 8, 9, 10 & 11, in Block 1, auditor's Subdivision No. 32, being the frontage on Fourth Street, under preliminary Order No. 59398, approved on May 7th, 1925. Intermediary Order No. 60264, approved June 23rd, 1925. Now cones A14gus J. Cameron, of St. Paul, Minnesota, the leasee under a lease dated March 27th, 1924, oetveen the Northwestern Trust Company, as Trustee, under deed of trust from Thomas Leslie Wann, dated September 18th. 1888, and re- corded to book 216 of Deeds, at page 424, as Lessor, and said Angus J. Cameron, as Lessee, covering Lots 6, 9, 10 & 11, in Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision tic.. 32, situated in fey vounty, Miunesota, and being for a term of ninety-nine (99) years, commencing April let, 1924, and objects to the suffi- ciency of dam gee to be awarded, as proposed by the Commissioer of Finance of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the condemnation of a portion of said Lots 9, 10 & 11, in Block 1, Auditor's Subdivi- sion No. 32, in said proceedings, to -wit: the sum of $24,378.10 for land, and $21,000.00:Ifor building. and objects further to the magnitude of benefits determined by the Commissioner of Finance in the sum of $6,132.69, and objects to the net award of ,39,245.41, in said proceedings, upon the report of said Commissioner of Finance. o Tor u6jector, t 1615 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. h'^5 li{.i•EI'I('.0 1lHU t`li.'iD FEfi 8 3 ae Pil 1926 G. 1. ',Ul i, CITY V_ In the matter of opening, widening and extending East Fourth Street from Sibley St. to Waoouta St. by taking and condemn- ing the southeasterly 20 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3, excepting the Southwesterly 5 ft. of said Lot 3, Block 15, Whitney & Smith's Addition and of Lots S, 9, 10 and 11, Auditors Subdivision No. 32, being the frontage on Fourth St. under,;, Preliminary Order 59395, approved May 7, 1925, Intermediary Order 60264, approved June 23, 1925- Now comes The St. Paul Union Depot Company, a cor- poration, and respectfully shows that it is the owner of the following described real estate situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: Block 29, St. Paul Proper, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, and objects to the confirmation of the assessment of benefits herein on the s following grounds:> Said premises are only subject to be assessed for said improvement in an amount not exceeding the benefit secured' to said property by said improvement, and on a basis of equality with other property benefited, and the agreement made with the City of St. Paul by said St. Paul Union Depot Company in compliance with and in acceptance of the resolution adopted by the City Council on August 1, 1917, Council File No. 17544, imposed no greater liability for special assessments upon said property. rt -II- The said assessment of benefits against said property in the amount of $25,000 is made upon a demonstrable mistake of fact and upon an illegal and erroneous principle of law. Said assessment assessment of benefits against said property greatly exceeds the benefits secured to said property by said For the above and foregoing reasons The St. Paul Onion;,' improvement, and is partial, unequal, unfair and oppressive. Depot Company objects to the said proposed assessment of benefits against said Block 28, and the confirmation thereof by the City Council. Said assessment of benefits is based upon the erron- THE PAUL UNION DEPOT COMPANY, a corporation, ious assumption that the agreement hereinbefore referred to made with the said city of St. Paul, rendered said Block 28 subject to assess- ments for the purpose of paying the cost, damage and expense of so- quiring land for street and alley openings and widenings in the amount 11lb PionsOl Bldg. of #25,000 even though the benefit secured by said improvement to said premises did not equal that amount and though the same is not levied on a basis of equality with other property benefited by said improvement. _9_. The other property assessed for said improvement and the amount for which each tract thereof is assessed is more particular- ly described in Exhibit "A" hereto attached, reference being made thereto. Each of said tracts described in said Exhibit "A" ' is benefited by said improvement in an amount substantially more than the benefit assessed against each of said tracts, and , property' adjacent to the said tracts of land and omitted from the assessment s of benefits is benefited by said improvement. To render the property benefited by said improvement assessed upon a basis of equality, the benefits assessed against said Block 28, St. Paul Proper, must be substantially reduced and the bene- fits assessed against each of the tracts described in Exhibit"A" must k be substantially increased, and benefits must be assessed against property adjacent to that described in said Exhibit W. For the above and foregoing reasons The St. Paul Onion;,' Depot Company objects to the said proposed assessment of benefits against said Block 28, and the confirmation thereof by the City Council. THE PAUL UNION DEPOT COMPANY, a corporation, (S/TT. By • 11lb PionsOl Bldg. 8t. Paul, Minn. r EXHIBIT "A" jBenefits assessed for improvement described herein other than a � benefits assessed against property of objector. j EXHIBIT "A" jBenefits assessed for improvement described herein other than benefits assessed against property of objector. j Description Amount of Benefits j Assessed. f Lot 6, and (except S. 20 Ft.) 9, 10 and 11 Block 1, Auditor's ;32 ;6,132.69 Subdivision Lot 7 and (except S. 20 ft) Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision #32 3,533.97 Except S. 20 ft. and except North 10 ft. for alley, Lot 1, Block 15, Whitney & Smith's 2,791.69 Addition, Lot 2, (except N. 10 ft. for alley) and Lot 3 (except the W. 5 ft of the S. 136 ft) lying north of line 20 ft. N. from and parallel with N. line of Fourth Street, also N. 10 ft of S PO ft. _ of E. 33.75 ft. of Lot 2, Block -15, Whitney & Smith's Addition, 5,533.95' (Except the S. 20 ft. for alley) of Lots 1 and 2, Block 27, St. Paul Proper 2,250.00.` i � (Except S. 20 ft. for alley) Lot 3, Block 27, 625.00 St. Paul Proper (Except the S. 20 ft. for alley) Lot 4, Block 27, St. Paul Proper, 328.70 Lots A and B, Drake's Re -Arrangement A, 3,566.60 S. 144.475 ft. of LoIs0 and D of Drake's 1,083.40 Re -Arrangement A, Lot 7, Block 14, Whitney & Smith's Addition 618.75 (Except the W. 1 ft) Lot 81 Block 14,Whitney & 727'50 Smith's Addition W. 1 ft. of Lot 8, all of Lot 9, Block 14, 1995.00 Whitney & Smith's Addition, Lot 4, Block 2, Hopkin's Addition 500.00 Lot 5, Block 2, Hopkin's Addition 625.00 Lot 6, Block 2, Hopkin's Addition 1.250.00 if February 24, 1926. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: In accordance with your request of recent date, this Department has examined all of the buildings on East Fourth Street, in the block opposite the new Union Depot, and have the following report to submit for your approval. We find that they are all very old buildings, of Type 4 construction: namely, the outside walls being of brick and the inside construction being entirely of wood. The only one which we might condemn is 203 to 211 East Fourth Street. This could not be condemned for wrecking but for repairs only. The remaining buildings are not in very bad shape whatever, and my opinion is that under the fifty per- cent provision of the city ordinance,.we would be com- pelled to issue permits for the remodeling of all of these structures when the .fronts are cut off to permit the widening of Fourth Street. Yours tr r, Superintendent of Ins»ection. HSB..0 8mreolion Nrlps In Make tairr Itlf2rno Q41tg of wt, vlaul Department of Farho, 11Iaggrounbo GEORGE L. MASON, ' pIR.@ PNiNB anb Public 30ntlb[ngo ERNEST W. JOHNSON, HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IP—. W Fl..rGRaln✓a. IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUrT COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES, Clrr ARCHrtecr - OFFICE OP C MMISn10N 219 COURT HOUSE February 24, 1926. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: In accordance with your request of recent date, this Department has examined all of the buildings on East Fourth Street, in the block opposite the new Union Depot, and have the following report to submit for your approval. We find that they are all very old buildings, of Type 4 construction: namely, the outside walls being of brick and the inside construction being entirely of wood. The only one which we might condemn is 203 to 211 East Fourth Street. This could not be condemned for wrecking but for repairs only. The remaining buildings are not in very bad shape whatever, and my opinion is that under the fifty per- cent provision of the city ordinance,.we would be com- pelled to issue permits for the remodeling of all of these structures when the .fronts are cut off to permit the widening of Fourth Street. Yours tr r, Superintendent of Ins»ection. HSB..0 8mreolion Nrlps In Make tairr Itlf2rno . a omirx NECKWEAR . ®RU CK OS- SU3PHNDSRB �r� , HANDKERCHIEFS MAKERS ON BELTS THE GARTERS TELEPHONE1JE&L :. Sk ARMBANDS CEDAR 1373 KNIT GOODS u,�iap NECK AR 'JEWELRY — —6F 221-223 EAST FOURTH STREET NOVELTIES ST. PAUL. MINN. . Feb. 19th, 1926. City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: - Please be advised that the undersigned, Druck Bros., at 221-223 East 4th St., St. Paul, Minnesota, wish to make claim for damages on account of the proposed widening of East 4th St, of the City of St. Paul, and the consequent disturbance to their possession of said premises and to their business necessitating, among other things, moving of stock,fixtures, mnchinnry,and the changing of certain partitions. We desire to give you notice that we expect compensation for our damages in tLh3 ectnnection. yours respectfully, DRUCK BROS. FEB 20 $ 28 ;o 11.i`1 (9?_6 BY NIS:$L ..i (... SEND IIS YOUR MAIL ORDERS. WE FILL THEM RIGHT Ordinance No. Introduced by (O V An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-2, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor."' C. F.�: No 8411o`•Ord�nance Np,, 6831 sy H 2SCIA Don of .... CI pn,n O bb�e1 Mn nee-ed� 'amen (og Adminletra?. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAINS SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out all of subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of Section 50 (Common Labor Service) of the said ordinance, and by in- serting in lieu thereof the following subdivisions: Sec. 50. Eligible Registers. --(a) The Civil Service Bureau shall, so far as practicable, maintain lists of persons eligible to employment in the Common Labor Service, and, where the nature of the employment requires, may establish separate lists for departments or bureaus. Applicants for employment in any rank of the Labor Service shall conform to the requirements of Sections 15 to 18 of these Rules. The names of candidates who pass the tests for employment in any branch of the Common Labor Service, unless otherwise disqualified, shall be placed on eligible registers in the order of the seniority of 'their applications. (b) All applicants seeking appointment to the Labor Service shall, except as otherwise specified in this rule, be entitled to registration for Rank A employments, provided they can meet the prescribed tests and requirements for the work. Satisfactory registration for Rank A employments shall immediately entitle the applicant to the laborer's green identification card applicable to Rank A, and such card may be issued by the Civil Service Bureau without the formality of first securing for such applicant an appointment through cer- tification of his name in response to a departmental requisition for Rank A laborers. No applicant shall be eligible for any Rank B (yellow card) or Rank C (white card) employments until he shall have first served in a Rank A employment. Any Rank A #2. r laborer whose name has appeared on four semi-monthly pay rolls of the city within a year, and who is recommended by a depart- ment head as qualified for any Rank B or Rank C employment, shall be entitled to the respective labor card for such Rank B or Rank C employment if he can meet the prescribed tests and requirements fixed for such employment by the Civil Service Bureau and the proper department head. Appointing officers are authorized, without requisition or notice to the Civil Service Bureau, to appoint or reinstate, as the case may be, any bona fide holder of a labor card, and such appointment or reinstatement may be for any class of employment in the Common Labor Service for which the particular card is applicable. Anyone holding a Civil Service laborer's card, who is unable to secure appointment or reinstatement to employment in the Labor Service, may request that his name be placed on the waiting list for such employments as he is quali- fied for, and the Civil Service Bureau shall, upon receipt of a requisition for laborers, certify from the nearest appropriate waiting list a sufficient number of names, according to order of priority on the list, and such eligibles so certified shall be appointed in that order, provided they report for duty within 48 hours from the time of mailing of notice to their last known address. If a sufficient list is not available, authority may be granted for provisional appointments, good until additional certification from a list is made. and the said Ordinance No. 5892, as amended, is hereby further amended by in- serting after subdivision (h) of Section 50 of said ordinance the following: (i) Any employe holding a regular position in the Classified Service, or eligible thereto by virtue of rein- statement, may be transferred to the Labor Service, or may accept voluntary reduction to such service, and upon notice of such transfer or reduction the Civil Service Bureau s'ha'll issue to such employe the proper Civil Service labor card. and the said Ordinance No. 5892, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out the titles of "Trench Filler" and "Sand Rock Picker" where such titles occur in Section 8 of said ordinance; and by striking out the title of "Street Sweeping Inspector" where such title occurs in Grade 6 of Section 6 of said ordinance; and by striking out the titles of "Block Roller Engineer," "Grade Roller Engineer," and "Asphalt Roller Engineer" where such titles occur in Section 7 of said ordinance, and by inserting in said Section 7 of said ordinance the title of "Roller Engineer." �0 and the said Ordinance No. 5892, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out t}ie fifth paragraph of subdivision (e) of Section 19 of said ordinance beginning with the words, "Whenever a pro rata addition" and lk ending with the words "each candidate in such examination." t ; o r 't/'�"j Attest: ity Cl I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the amendmentsabove to the Civil Service Rules. Civil Service Commissioner 1-23-26. SECTION II• ou This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. 11 Adopted by the Council ��. YeWNays \ rgusoa U ODonaanoy dgson ld �dheimer Wenzel Mr. President Approve t ; o r 't/'�"j Attest: ity Cl I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the amendmentsabove to the Civil Service Rules. Civil Service Commissioner 1-23-26. 41 r r 4 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted_4m Yeas Nays ►Cfancy Yeas / Nays fancy Ferguson rguson Hodgson ///Hodgson McDonald McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel ✓✓ Sudheimer �'� Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson WM. F. SCOTT CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU wrarrnauea um • av�� asmnee comwias�anm 1A1 COMMERCE BLDG. '. CITY OF ST. PAUL PROffST M,�, MINNESOTA Jr% N January 22, 1926. =r 1� TO THE CITY COUNCIL: Gentlemen: The accompanying amendment to the Civil Service Rules, except for a few minor changes, is an amendment primarily to make it possible for the Civil Service Bureau to issue the LABOR IDENTIFICATION CARDS to all applicants for the Common Labor Service immediately upon filing their applications for such work. IJ This amendment has been drafted to conform as closely as possible to the opinion given to the Council under date of January 5. Very truly yo s, APPROVED: 0 Chie£ Examiner. Civil Service Commissioner Laid over to_---___-- 3rd. &app.---/ _--_-- Adopted. / ----- Yeas Nays Yeas % Nays C, Clancy Clancy Ferguson ✓ Ferguson Hodgson g ✓ Hodgson McDonald ✓McDonald Sudheimer ✓�udheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres.' Ordinance No. By C. F. No. 134111 C. F. r Hca ' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5580, entitled "An ordinance providing for all.matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and in- speotion of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the oirnors of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or struotures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 18, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 5580, approved April 18, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "and in unfinished basements of all buildings," which appear at the end of Paragraph "a" of Section 801, and by inserting the following sentence in lieu thereof: "All such wires installed in unfinished base- ments of all buildings must be placed in rigid metal conduits." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5580 be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end of Section 810 thereof the following: "(m) Sockets or receptacles intended for use in connecting portable electrical appliances must not be installed in bathrooms or toilets." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanceo'ed necessary for the preservation of the i public peace, health fety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. FED t 0 X46 _...., .. Passed yy the Council f 4 Yeas Nays ✓ C Mrlancy FOXV&SOn v Hodgson Y,MoDonald - �8}�dheimer �9Penzel Approved Mayor Attest - / -- PUBLISi�I -? / 3 f� Ci Clerk 1st. 2nd. Laid (ocr to 3rd. app)13. Yeas NaV.c lancy. }"ca;� t 1aVti � `'Ih�l1�J11 AIcD,nald Sudhciincr F odg:�n - I%unald / % 11cnrcl �lienncr .0 r. fres. Ncl,nncnrcl r. Pn_.,. Adson iltrrtatiaa HdpB iB Oakt ittttrt Qttl¢t- (Qitg of OIL Fain 'Department of pntito. �iuygcoUnas i v v and public Buildings GEORGE U. NASON,;y Barr. of F�Hae _ HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, ov PulraawNoa IRVING C. PEARCE. GEPU COMMISSIONER Barr, OFFICE OF Cq MMISBIONER FRAN CIX• TEWE�ST 21S COURT HOUSE iltrrtatiaa HdpB iB Oakt ittttrt Qttl¢t- __�__ �- � �� � � .� ��� / - . _._- �' l __�__ �- � �� � � .� ��� C. F.. oNo.dat 64112—By LC . HFodgaob— G fleers are 'hereby authorized and 1n- structed to Issue and draw a warrant In favor of the St. Paul Real Estate Beard In the sum of Tweaty=Hva ({26.00) Dollars for eervlces tendered soll'sp Rearran Block 2, D. W. Inger- o the Mlecellane us and Unforeseen at count of the General Fund. Adopted by the Council Jan. 28, 1926. Approved Tan. 26, 1926. (Jan. 30-1926) Council File No. "A1,12 Resolution 1,1y Resolution Wo. Date RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of the St. Paul Real Estate Board in the sum of Twenty-five (s>25.00) Dollars for services rendered in appraising Block 2, D. ','1. Ingersoll's Rearrangement, payable out of the Rtiiscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund. yeas Nays ,Clancy liodgson McDonald Sudheimer CJenzel res db w. 'ntr. Adopted Approved Ac:ti.ny J A k 2 u 1 16 St. Paul, Minn.,— Tv.n' ry ?3 —192 6. ®Q ---G2, t-'–of-__�3.t • P-aul . L�iz�stc��- To St. Paul Real Estate Board, Dr. 619 Guardian Life Building Make all Checks payable to "St. Paul Real Estate Board" To services in appraising Block 7"170 (2), p• 'Al. 25.00 Ineersoll's Rearrangement. ,NAL To - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pu.i NO.................._ ............. CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION. FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY 1 ............ DATE.....__ .................................. _........................ • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLL /N1TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 9 'C. F. No. 64113—BY d. N. Clancy— APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR• cR. Resolved, That the following frena- ' pare be made on the books of the HODGSON ... FAVOR il. �l.IN Comptroller, ae by 9U dping an un- . tyoldable deficiency in cattalo items • be met by said transfers ithout - HEALTH ,SUDHEIMER .........,i.,..:....AGAINST +Flog the work provided by the from [which the W ENZEL in the v ...9-Dl •• Food Regulation - Salaries 783 67 PyliM�oa9leooBid®�ree. FerRunou 9-A2 Admin - office Expense 85 10 9-B2 Vital Statistics - Office Expense 17 05- 9-E2 Quarantine - Auto Maint. 206 55-.134 9-93 Tuberculosis - Supplies 34 03 r 9-H2 Workhouse - Feeding prisoners 217' 18 r 9-H3 R Supplies 38 54- 9_J3 Harriet Island Park Supplies 2 58 9-J6 11 11 It Reps. & Renewals 26 12, 9-L2 Comfort Station, Light-heat-water67 24 ' 9_1,3 " HLaundry-Toilet -Clean 53 32 . 9-L4 ° 11 Repairs 37 18 �:.�t: •,: �,,G � � it }1�}� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL)"..Q_6.111.rf.6.....19......__. APPROVED .........,)r,1'4...2..6 i-926.._ ...................19....... _. .... .......................................... Ot%11g MAro COUNTERSIGNED#�'�CITVCOMPTROLLER YES \ ✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS • ✓ CLANCY 'F�R6tl90R-� /•I HODGSON ... FAVOR il. �l.IN J� MCDONALD ,SUDHEIMER .........,i.,..:....AGAINST W ENZEL �f .T PyliM�oa9leooBid®�ree. FerRunou ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL)"..Q_6.111.rf.6.....19......__. APPROVED .........,)r,1'4...2..6 i-926.._ ...................19....... _. .... .......................................... Ot%11g MAro COUNTERSIGNED#�'�CITVCOMPTROLLER C. F. No. 64134—BY ?• H. ➢fcUonald- tieeolved. That the Ufrector of Mun- 1clDal EqulDment le hereby authorized couNCTL NO..--- 414- and directed to proceed io Dtlhvnuhee CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae for the purpose of Investigating tho system f munlclpal equipment oper- aafaere tacet Leretiy d the Piiedr citYY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK dl acted to draw and deliver to said 1CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nirector of bluniclpnl Equjpment a warrant I-�`71'- IENYr�^_ . Y. !—`^�•f OATE..........._......_......_........__.._...__........._....._....__.._.... Mlss,6NE'R_ _....._......_..._.._.__._.._......_....... o That the Director of Municipal Equipment is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to Milwaukee for the purpose of investigating the system of municipal equipment operated by that city; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver to said Director of Municipal Equipment a city warrant in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), for the purpose of paying the expenses of said trip, January 13th to 16th, 1926, in- clusive, said sum to be payable out of the Municipal Garage Fund; and said Director of Municipal Equipment shall, upon his return, file with the City Comptroller a statement of his expenses, and return to the city treasury any balance of said moneys advanced, not expended by him for the purpose of said trip. COGScIUMEN Peas Nays -Clancy Ferglntsfs` ,,Hodgson ---..��._.-.In favor McDonald 3udheitner ..... )....._Against Wenzel esic%nt-- J Hit'. Dice Pms. Ji Adopted by the Couucil..___..._... - _ ���a -- - ._.___..._ Approved..... -- --------`-'- ..... MAYOR V — 5� C. F. No. 64116—By J. H. McDonald— I iz B are ebY the proper city o61- councl� B Bra hereby nutherized to enter ITY OF ST. PAUL Rim„ No... ��. into an agreement with James eauro, - :, providing for the payment of pen- OF THE CITY CLERK eation to him at =he rate of 312.00 per week during a ch time ns he ehan bo 9y dlenhled by aaon a inluri, SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM by him while /n tb.u. 2rtment of Pblic 1, _e i,. :. .. :...-..• _______-----_..__-__......_-.-__...... DATE_ ............. ........ _.... ._..... ...._..-....---_............. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with James Sauro, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, on the 31st day of August, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said James Sauro the sum of #228.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said city, being for the period up to January 10th, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. N. G. Mortensen the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to said James Sauro, on account of the injuries above mentioned. I -recommend the above resolution for passage. i' Commissioner of Public Works. CUUICIUNIEN�qjy 2 G 192., Yeas -Nays Adopted b� the Council-..- _..._.-- . - .---... Clancy ra9119577 — - Hodgson -------...In favor McDonald Sudheimer _.-._._Against Wenzel Mr. President' Approved..::.' -.....:..._._-..----------------------- lil'l_--- � c.......�--------------- R PUBLISiiED / - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL vaa NO...-- ----------- --- -_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM+1 PRESENTED BY ,Jl COMMISSIONER._........_._/...'._..._I�__—K—..--.............__-___.._.._..—._.._......__.._...._._._� DAYE.............._......_._....._._........_......._._..............._..._...... RESOLVED, That the proper cityofficersare hereby authorized to pay to Dr. T. W. Fahey the sum of Seven Dollars ($"7.00) out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to William Michaud, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured December 11th, 1925. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. F No C'Reaolved84116—That tithe proper ccity no8l- era at. hereby authorl.cd to Pay to Dr. E. W. Fahey the sum of seven Dollars ($7.00) out of the Workmen's. Compensation Account of the Generali !Fund, for pro[eselonnlrvicce rend �.ored to William Michaud, an mployep of the Dapartment of Public d D Works of I - the CItli, Of 1926.t, Paul, Injure Der Adopted by ehe Council Jan. 26, 1026. j Approved Jan. 26, 1926. (Jan. 30-1926) COUNCILMEN Peas Nays �- Clancy Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheilner _..._.._Against Wenzel Mr: President ✓y fir, 1Tin-. s'r.:._ ; ., Adopted by the Councilt:Al.J..2_?i. 1926-------_..14)2...... Approved ............ ........---------- ............ 1412...... �fjR9 MAYOa Oal.lR,t_� Tn�nDR... CITY OF SAINT PAUL r... NO.......W.......:.. FIT �uR. A opROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM deinonY he boo ran It ux zx P CHARTER SECTION 208 -', as b _ deRCiency In San 22nc4�,..1926 f, by said transfers rithou. L R s...�ar II. DATE ....................!_......... .... R........ . ,rk �... .�. s... ........... ..... •.......................................... ® RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. YES, COUNCILMEN NAYS r ® CLANCY__ FERGUSON HODGSON .....................IN FAVOR MCDONALD $UDHEIMER ...... ...........AGAINST W ENZEL OR DE 280,345.6 APPORTIONED ITEM TO 736.91,, 72.03 238.86 Revenue Account rFROM 15 Al Business Adm. -Salaries 505.99 15 B1 Educ. • -Salaries 296.77 ✓ 15 C3 Storeroom Light & Heat 583.72 ,1 15 G4 Storeroom -Truck Mtce- 8,424.21 ✓ 15 D2 Prom. of Health-2mit Medic.Sup. 6,818.48 ✓ 15 D3 ° " " - Office Exp. 1,520.77 15 El Instruction - Salaries 89,345.66 15 E2 ° Carfare 15 E4 " Grade Sup. 15 E5 ° H.S.Sup. 15 E7 " Spec.Cl.Sup. 15 E8 " voc.Sup. 15 G1 Oper.of Plant -Sal.& Wages 15 G6 " ° Light,PO.& Watex 15 H1 Mtee. of Plant -Sal & Wages 15 H6 " ° Mat.& Supplies 15 H7 ° " Rep.& Rens3, 15 12 Capital Outlay Equipment 15 Wl 1 1924 Reserve Reappro.Supplies YES, COUNCILMEN NAYS r ® CLANCY__ FERGUSON HODGSON .....................IN FAVOR MCDONALD $UDHEIMER ...... ...........AGAINST W ENZEL OR CR. 280,345.6 665.22- 65.22✓736.91,, 736.91,, 72.03 238.86 1,944.34,- ,944.34/1,207.08 1,207.08/ '33,242.25./ 505.99 10,925.81 296.77 ✓ 431.11 / 583.72 ,1 5,801.15✓ 8,424.21 ✓ 5,452.67 ✓ 6,818.48 ✓ 783.42 ✓ 1,520.77 694.87 ✓ 89,345.66 ADOPTED BY THE COWJCI J.........................'Z...... 19........... JAP! 2 E 1926 .............. ............ _.................. COUNTERSIGNEDBY................................................................... CITY COM—Ou.eR cou—,_ ?341.t? ow�ElwL To CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIL. NO ...................... ........... CITY CL.RK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 206 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER L. -R— a--Fel'guson.......................................... DATE..._....F.eSi..._.2tad,1926........ _..... THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE eo COMPTROLLER. AS B G AN UNAVOID ICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFE OUT HAMPERING THE OVI�THE MONEY IN T FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. _ FROM To 15 A2 Bus.Adm.-Office Expense 1,015.23 24.89 ✓ i 15 112 Educ.• Auto Mtce. 142.56.-1 15 B3 ° a Tray.Exp. • • Lect. & Exh. 25.00 ✓ 15 H4 15 35 a • Office Expense 533.78 ✓ 15 Cl Storeroom -Salaries 179.18 185.02," , 15 C5 15 Dl " Off. Exp. Prom.of Health -Salaries 4'146.38 15 E3 Instr.-Laundry ✓ 15 E6 " Even.Sch.Supplies 250.001, 15 EV " Sch.Gard.SupplieB 88.11 15 212 15 FI " Mise. oper.& Mt ce.Adm.-Salaries 8.59 2,077.21 - 15 F2 a r a Of f Exp. 20.28 / 15 G2 Oper.of Plant Rents 2,210.00 15 G3 " a • Tel.& Tolls 201.59 / 15 G5 " " " Truck Mtce. 33.63,,' 15 G7 • a " Fuel 20,284.05 " 15 G8 • ° • Janitor Sup. 92.67 15 H3 Mtce.of Plant - Rent of Equip. 135.19 ✓ 15 H4 ° • ins.& Boil.Insp 143.40 15 H5 ° • Mov.Portables 425.00 394.46 ✓ 15 H8 • " Upkp.of Grds. 15 I1 Cap.Outlay - Alter.of Bldgs. 245.85 15 I3 1, • Imp.of Grds. 210.02 15 R2 1924 Reserve Reappro.Cap.Outlay 840.62 34,843.93 15 R Revenue Account JAN 2 61926 YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 19........... CLANCY J! N' 2 W 192b �........../f...� • APPROVED......../. ...7......... ........................19.......... HODGSON .........,r.✓....IN FAVOR C MCDONALD ...... ....... ............... ................ �• 9 M.TOR In �SUDHEIMER ........ ........AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY.. CITY MPTROLL.R SP FO� a ?�Do01t nrlEurluu i CAUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - FELE No - ------- OFFICE QF THE CITY CLERK llo trrl m_r- FNERAL FORM DATE..__Janua'Ty.,.l8_1926.._ ............ _ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Contract committee and approves the award of contract to the St. Paul Gas Light Co. for furnishing gas, posts and connections of posts to gas mains to the City of St. Paul for the year 1926, in accordance with specifications and their Formal Bid No. 6947, at a price of $10.50 per lamp per year, without use of pilot light. Total amount of contract approximately $15,750.00. F.B. No. 6947. C Resolved{1ThGi That the Council hereby concurs In the sell-- of the Contract Committee and approve. the award of contracttothe SL Paul Gas Light Co. furnishing gas, poets and c nee - tion, of posts to gas mnlns to the City of St. Paul for the year 1926, in n ordnncewith specification, and their Formal Bid No. 6947, at a price of If pilot light p Totaer year. Mounthof [cone tract approximately $16,760.00 F. B - No. 6947. Approved by Council261'26Jan. 26, 1926. -(e4 30-1926) I COUNCILMEN �.e Nays V Clancy Hodgson ............. -In favor McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel j vim: JAN 2 6 1925 Adopted b} the Council.-_-IS)'1 192. .....- Approved ------ r'--._,t-F-----.....__.......-- f .................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCL NO.....+x- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Yeas That the licenses issued to the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the Sallie are hereby revoked upon r000mmondation of the Bureau of Police on account of violation of the liquor law on these oremises: F. V.I. Hadwig, 802 University Ave., Restaurant License #853, 16 1926 Hy Faust, 361 University Ave., P. K. Ennis, 566 17abasha St., H. Thortsen, 219 W. Seventh St., Frank Rothbauer, 501 Blair St., Lcn Alti.or, 751 Viabasha St C. F. No. 64119—BY J. M. Resolved That That the licenses issued to the following persona for c ducting businesses at the .addresses oindicated be and the same re hereby revoked poli commendation of the Bureau f Pollee n account of violation of the liquor law these premises: F. W. Hedwlg. 802 University Ave. - Res . taurant ve..Restaurant License No. 863, expiring July 16, 1926. Hy Faust, 281 University Ave.. sort drink License No. 3331, expiring July 1, 28. 1929' tnurant License 566 Wabash- ab1092, St.. xPinrtng, January 1. 1927. H. Thortsen, 219 W. seventh SL, Con. '. fectionery Llcense No. 3828 expiring Januar. 14, 1926. Frank Rothbauer, 601 xpir St.. Bort ` drink License No. 3376 expiring Aug- E net 7, 1926. ft - dr nk Altler License 7No. 0761 aexpiring May `; 1926. Adopted by the Council Jan. 26, 1926. Approved 6 1926 ,Jan 230 1926) COUNCILMEN expiring July , Soft drink License #3331, expiring July 28, 1926. Restaurant License 7k1092, expiring January 1, 1927. Confectionery License --'Z828 expiring Jenuary 14, 1926. Soft drink License 73375 expiring August 7, 1926, Soft drink License n751 expiring May 1, 1926, Jaid 2 : 1926 Adopted by the CtnulciL.._.__............_.._....._.._.Iii'_>.__. Appi'oved...� ..-.........�.................... Irl? A.c6 g "^y`R �R\'8 Hodgson ._.._._...... In favor McDonald Sudheimer "..___Against Wenzel Mr. Viae Pres. Ferguaou expiring July , Soft drink License #3331, expiring July 28, 1926. Restaurant License 7k1092, expiring January 1, 1927. Confectionery License --'Z828 expiring Jenuary 14, 1926. Soft drink License 73375 expiring August 7, 1926, Soft drink License n751 expiring May 1, 1926, Jaid 2 : 1926 Adopted by the CtnulciL.._.__............_.._....._.._.Iii'_>.__. Appi'oved...� ..-.........�.................... Irl? A.c6 g "^y`R C. R. No. 64120—By H• - ,ry Where¢s, There hea ; suRielent money ,...Prlut sc •`( OF ST. PAUL eouRmL .� 2Q1 funds derived . from the rae NO...._ �... _.. . other real eatitte to Pay fO` 'F THE CITY CLERK land to be acquired nd r¢ tthorl G^' nark P1ayBroa _afi00. ",.C1Ln �' JLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' > _,' COMMISSIONER__ ................. ........._: _._.____.-__ --' `_........... ........... .... ........ ..._....... _-------- DATE..__....._....... ......... _....... .......................... .....__............. WHEREAS, There has not been sufficient money appropriated and funds derived from the sale of other real estate to pay for the land to be acquired for the Groveland Park playground author— ized by Ordinance No. 6500, approved May 21, 1925; be it RESOLVED, That the Committee on Lands, composed of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and the Commissionerof Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, is hereby authorized to complete the purchase of said lands and any additional land the Council may authorize to be purenased for the above purpose, on the following terms: Fifteen Thousand, Eight Hundred Sixty-five and 13/100 Dollars ($15,865,13) to be paid to the seller at the time of receiving deed, and the balance to be paid out of any funds derived from the sale of real estate prior to June let, if the Council shall appropriate any of such funds for said purpose; and if no such appropriation is made, said balance shall be paid out of the Playgrounds Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas a)'s Clancy –Fei=getean�'� , Hodgson ..1 ------------- favor McDonald Sudheifner ......_._,.'....Against / Wenzel Mr. Vice Prtul. Mergneoo JC,;,' 2 61920 Adopted by the Connell._- ._._....._..._ --- -_----------- 192.....- .I�:i� 2 6 126 Approved ...................... _..__ - . - 192.....- MAYOR eI7BLI� E. J. MURNANC. CNIV @ PoL1C- MICHAD.GESHAROT. A .CW-FOF—CS H.A. VAY.. CARMN N D-T-CfIV-- G. H. SARFUSS, INsp-CTOR OP Ibtlt- A. L. EGGERT. UeoO-IR.pEcioR CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUFC. MYtAGpAL GAM -- JOS. MAGULAY. SItFr. pout- 4 FIR- AURN tl tv of font Paul Department of Public Safety J. M. CLANCY.. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DErUTY COMMISSIONER fH CCYRr NWe- Mr. C. J. MogYlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir. OW C. pIR-CIu NN O -GR LANDER. AIR. FUI- CM -F WILLIAM BARRON. ` CMv IN -p -clog. PIR- PRavvrtlW. CHARL--L. WRL10. -ImT. OF AFFARAT-- - B. V. SIMON. M. D. H0 -- ' A. E NICHOLS. M. D.. DONiY HlA1.TN 0 -- JOHN MAMI. �pH-I --JOH�pH-IMY-LTaR I_I�_ T v� January 13, 1926 �FF`en1` Returned herewith is the application for p9rmission to instal a gasoline filling station at the southeast corner of Ramsey and Smith Avenue by the Standard oil Company. This installation has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, CommisLio..r of Publafety d'" E. J. MURNANE. Qtv %int f l aul • OWEN DUNNN. CHIn of PauC. TT FIRC. MICXAEL CHAc'CT�Ce DBCAs.T. {�T� Department of Public $afet FiR[ CHIv H. A. VA WILLIAM BARRON. CwPTAIM aF O.T.er1V.. Cwv INSFeeral. FIR. PRNENTION G. H. BARFUSS. J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER WILLI9, CNARI-ES"'". Ir6PEGTOR OF Pouc. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER sour. of AFPw.wrvD F A. L. EGGERT. DR. B. F.. SIMON. ucwsl.sPHCTOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION HrAtTNOFnC6.t CHARLES L BEGREN, EIaHTH AHo .i EsmA srs. A. E. NICHOLS, M. D., B.PT. M.NICIPwI Gw9w0. OWEN C. OUNRPIRE CHIEF BEFVTY HGLTH OFFICER JOS, MACAULAY. JOHN MART., SUPT. Pouch & FIR. AUR. O C.— H— IR.P.erow J?nuary 12,132 Ho!_•J•'i• issionc of PF_:O1ic ^ear Sir: In re. and to -,he -niioation of ;e Stanc'.:1rd pi'_ for '?erilission to lnst:'i,il 2'.s011ne f�111 station On Lot.. 14, Thomas D,'Iv Is sub. of Lots j, c, 7,B ,p of ^avtons a.n Irvins, at tiZe southeast corner of Rasey and Smith Avenue. "e have investit z. wed 'ie fore<roinr n,'. re -ort thnt sltch an inst�_llation at :.e desired location mould not-rea.t- ly incren.se yre he.zard it the v:_cinity. Res-?ectf•.1l7-y ,-ours, Ohief Insnector. jD,eIp�arh�nTe�R�hiojIf LPAW]1 Iic'�,/vrkis JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. BHEPARD, C _ IN.— WM. N. CAR-. Burt. OP CON.iwuen- AND RVNR G. H. HERROLD, OPRCS AND CRY PIAN ENOM®t Mr: C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. M. 8. GRYTHAK. BwIDOw ENOINQw A. B. SHAPP, BDPi. OP HANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, 6Drt. OF WON IH K January 11th, 1926. W Dear Sir :- Re Drive-in Filling Station Lot 14 Thos. Daly's Sub of Blk 50 Dayton & Irvine's Addn. N. E. Corner Ramsey & Smith Ave. Standard Oil Co. John L. Barnes, Agent. 104 E. 4th St. This application for a drive-in filling station is in a commercial district and subject to a public hearing. Engineering Report Since Ramsey Street is destined to carry a large proportion of the volume of traffic now using Pleasant Ave. and Oakland Hill, and Smith Ave. takes the traffic to and from the High Bridge the curbs at the entrances should be made of 26 fti radiAs so as to offer the least interference to moving traffic on Ramsey Street. The recommendations are shown on the attached print. Yours very truly, pig34anning Egineer. Approved omm saioner or e Works. gh-rh Anginal CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK madt• in = duplicate and c submitted to the City ' APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 41vorm No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date - of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLI/LCAATION -IS HEREBY \M_ E "Name of FSrm or mdiv,dud For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) '•Drive Io" or •'Cuzb" � AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At J �h 6,-6-T" �s�v Fn- 4 Ci 4 -!69l/ �k1`Tv� r/d�f Street Number - Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of 6�6 6 Pumps to be InstalledTank" to be Idled Tanks Received at office of City Clerk r /^ •' "goature of APPacavt Received From City Clerk I Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Doti. 19— Dat � Y If t9— Date 19— Department of P. Parke. ingygiounde and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety DepartmenS of Public Works %P By ✓ii By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department Approval withheld on account of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc BldA gs. Date 19— Dat 19_ Date - 19. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By - By �' - Received From City Clerk Dat Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Paese'1 19— Approves 19_ Ordinance No. - No. Office of the Corporation Counsel Ry By Received From Department of Date 19— Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Data 19_ Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk gy Permit License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ Duplicate ♦ 2TY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made th duplicate and OFFICE OF tHF CITY CLERK submittedlto the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. Form No. To the Honorable City Council J of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBYM/E B3 ams of arm pr ma, aim For License to Operate and Maintain (In/Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A-6-or - - 6- to"C-b- 47 � AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At Street Number and Street Number of Nmber of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Taunks to be 1 lied Tanks Received at office of City Clerk-- -^ Bianutuw Of Apph t Lj B-iueee Add— Received From City Clerk elvsd Fro City Clerk [[ Received From City Clerk Date 19 �'tJ On Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds p •t n of Fh}blic 1 ke Depa¢maint hSrublic Safety �� and Public Buildings Received From DP . of Public Works Received From parkt of s, Playgrounds and Pu benBldgs. Received o Dept: of Public Safety Date - 19— Office of the City Clerk Dat 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Dat Dat 19— Approved 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of Date 19— By— Ordinance No. Y Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Dat 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By License No.— By I Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ r., -'!tr • C.`F No.' .� Wherea& The CommieV th. 1nctll C,aeeeOC anCB Wlth �0 t(Onh6aCOCn he CO CIL TY OF ST. PAUL vlLe NO.... C(tq Chatter,, the ea etenae of an , - I"�Ri",n re L! [ceF1 oar '-Ir":.i:E OF THE CITY CLERK ant dor W- ea1d, emvl�oyment *;,kaI4qESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM __ ..__.._--... DATE._S9R_YSkSI.d...._._4tY_f11_.-17.Yw.1Z.._ RESOLVED WI•IEIIFtRB, The Comadsaioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their asual hours of employment. TIIUMORR BE IT RE001VED, That the proper city officers are here- by authorized to pay the .following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: ..--In favor McDonald NRS TITIM HOURS .RATE OF OVERTIME Barr, Frank Ditch Digger 1 hr Bruce, Ray. Utility labor 9 ,55 Brygicki, Gregor " " 1 Campbell, Tames E. Sub -foreman •5 Diegnau, Felix Iran Work Foreman 14 1.25 Faust, S. A. Sub -foreman 17 .62* Fratto, Michael Sever labor 1 .50 Hardwick, William Common labor 48•45 Lsnd, George H. Maintenance labor 1 .50 McDonough, James Utility Labor 2 55 Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 6 ,55 Heihart, John Utility Foreman 6 Plumbo, Anthony Ditch Digger 2 :7p� 55'�" Plumbo, Domaniek Sever Labor 2 .50 Plumbo, Joseph Ditch Digger Putnam, Fred Rasmussen, Anton Sub -foreman 23 .655 Utility man 6 6 4 Rasmussen, Robert 12 .6 Sanders, Joseph Common Labor 14 Schrinkler, Louis Ditch Digger 1 •45 •55 Schwartz, Fred 0. Utility Labor 5 •55 Simone, John Pipe Layer Vincelli, D. Maintenance Labor 2 •5p COUNCILMEN yeas '✓ Clancy Nays / ✓ Hodgson ..--In favor McDonald , ,,Sudheimer ! ....Against / Wenzel Mn -President , Mr. Elea Pres N'erRmeou. Adopted by the Council.-`����_�.6 ........ 1926 6 ....... 192 JtALA 2 6 19X5 Approved._...._ ...... .................................192... .. .... ............... MAYOR--. Aatm t'ITRLISHED A , emargency has arisen in .the DZYARTID CT -437 PUBLIC VJORffi, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work- Repairing sewers; repairing sidewalk; building fence; eindering bridges. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Repairing sewers in all emergencies; repairing defective sidewalk on Sunday to prevent accident; completing the building of a fence at Osceola dump on Sunday to prevent accident; eindering bridges on Sunday, January 3rd, on account of slippery condition due to rain. CCIIMSSIOIVER of PUITLIC1 NVOI-:aS a� ` \ COMPTROLLER PER , CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUM11BER COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED._ -9_" ,--_ TO _-879__" - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED BY `/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 1140, r. F'. Sueeaengutb 67 402.59 810 406 O D6D6 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING ffi M. J. Mulkern 841 Frank Johnson. . 0 BUILDING REVOLVING 16 0 ACCOUNTS FUNDS 842 Nels P. Larsen & Leonard 75 o47 91 139 562:76 179 562.92 25 4ffi9 47 3r►�linski P. Larsen Galiton 130 OC 0 84�t P. r. 94 George Manahan 10 25 9v Rose M. Milton 847 Peter Robertson 10 10 848 toe Russo 849tT! cholas Ullrich—JT 1 5 0 850 ..m. marner 851 Allen-2ualley Company 10 3S 2 852 G. A. Ashton Compare 141 1 853 reyen Construction company 6 120 0 854 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 85Her sohler Candy Company 1 121 1 140 1 85 Newell Flectrio company 10 2 857 01seen Candy Company 3 4 47 3�99 858 R:ameT Candy company 859 ?Tilton Rosen Tire Company 146 010 8 0 "t.Prt l Glass company 861 1 88 =,toraxns PYinting Company 862 =tylxie 00 A. T.Trudeasn, Mgr. 8633 victory Printing oompany ~IIateroua 1 a 89' i s64 rare Engine Gompaany 86Williams 4705 Box Lunch Company 21 1 86 7inecke & Doerr DenoyeviDeppert Company 179 08 867 868 Kennedy 104 42 Brothers Arms Comppnj 869 Arthur 3982 m. Nelson, Mayo* 100 00 870 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 205 28 871 N-W.T.leotrio Muipment Co. 130 96 872 The Offlola3l Source Records Fund 84 0o ffi The Vill name Box & Lbr.Co. 98203 Joe. Pavlicek 54 9 975 Victory Printing Comp:my 193 25 C] SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 67 402 59 19 924 91II McDONALD. SUDHEIMER. j W ENZEL. GENERAL WATER ii BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS FUNDS 44o 463!09 16 00 75 o47 91 139 562:76 179 562.92 25 4ffi9 47 10 00 16 0o 10 00 00 10 00 0 00 00 10'00 25 00 141 110 6 140 14 1 121 10 39 21 149 00 a 7( 2; 19' 40 213 19 i9 42 100 00 205 28 61 10 84 00 88 20 54 0 193 25 6 12o 39 92 442 626 03 76 176 04l if56276 195 722 74 25 499 47 II _ } AGAINST YES (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (v) DISTRIBUTION ST.1 s �I .16. GARAGE 2 526: 2 526 ED� — ��.i� f v;.' ____192____ J" MAYOR _ SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC —SUNORV RTORIU7� SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 265' 691 714, 91 1 5 875 60 8 657, 4 622-65 11 17 69 86 265 689 714 91 15 $75 60 � 9 745 16� 622 65 RES NO 30 DAT E _19G $39 ;NZLg" E A, �tI TOTAL IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD I 67 402 59 1" 910 40le 939 3u r. v. osaenguth I " oc 840 m. J. makern 10 oc 841 Frank Johnson 16 OC g42 Nels P. Larsen & Leonard P. Larsen 30 04 914 Henry Bulinaki 10 9N P. -,. Guiliton 94 9U George Manahan Rose M. Milton (111111 N 947 Peter Robertson 10 848 Joe Rueso 25 849 1,11oholas Tjllr1oh 0 25 0 850 "b. marner 10 851 Ul en-Qualley Company a 2 852 G. A. Ashton ComTmny izi 853 reyan Construotion OomT)any 6 120 0 954 G'reat Lakes Coal & Doak Co. 1 121 1 95 Flersohler Candy Company 110 1 95 Nowell rAleotrio comprmy 10 2 957 olseen Candy Com!iany 1 39 1 858 Ramer Candy compnny 1. I 859 vAlton Rosen Tire Company 1�9 1,6 oo 960 -t.pmul Glass 00MY)n ryp' elej I ell ,16 861 Mearns Itearns printing (3c 00 C) k.?.T%-&deau, U6 -r. RefOctOWle a '4 863 viotoT7 PTIntlnir oompnn7 864 ..r nterous rire amine Comnany 96willimu Box Lunoh Com-pany P13 19 1 861 7ineoke & Doerr 179 06 867 oenoyevoeppert ComTmy 104 42 969 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 39 92 969 A%rthur T. Neleon, Mayo* 100 00 970 micols, Dean & Gregg 205 28 871 N.-".rleotrlo -mquipment Co. 130 96 972 The Official Souroe Reoords T?tmd 94 oo $73 The Villnume Box & Lbr.0o. $e 20�� Joe. Pavl1cek 5 03 975 Vlotory Printing Oomrany 193 25 C%.AI1MS_Rg60LUTJ0N li-0 111 1111 -'h H I IoolvAk IN u ';I� WOONAI 0 1 t' "001WIIII01 \\'I- N ? I- I I I I, k I- N H _mr"v luo VIM& Ifinvulklu 44o 48 og 00 10 16 0000 30 00 10 00 10 00 1�00 00 10 00 25 00 00 10 009 14 22 1 A 14o 14 10 39 41 149 001 bi a 1; 7� 4 213 19 108 19 42 100 00 205 28 61 10 84 clo 99 20 54 03 193 25 I Im I INN I " I, I I II IN 1J 11A1. MN1111111 M-1 "rIpt JAI A11 r111N1y 75 047 91 1311 56276 179 96e q., pq 4m9 47 3( ok 6 714 ol Jrl (Irl (o 1 121 7 6 ipo 39 192 69 86 L J, QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ----- 341-23. -------------- TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES No.29 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN bN' THE ATE -I! ----R-9 92-6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s-33-x9l5---?3 ------- — ------- — --------- c.1 ;J'RIN1 4 1 le4l 3COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED 915 TO ------ -- - --- ------ -- - ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE --- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL FIETU 13 RN8 CK/ I , i i TRAN Y IN FAVOR OF if BER-- PER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS, BANK BROLIGHTFORWARD C. F. No ""3Tchecks be RevolvedI, checks the Citl $3S.911j2 .,nelUMve, os p er I-OUnt efBIS 38 Ile city numbered to the office Of �bcck t on file 26,1926.' c --p '011e%, tbo council Jan Ad.p led 1926. Jan. 26 Approved 3'0-1926) TOTAL—FORWARD IIJ L J, QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ----- 341-23. -------------- TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES No.29 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN bN' THE ATE -I! ----R-9 92-6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s-33-x9l5---?3 ------- — ------- — --------- c.1 ;J'RIN1 4 1 le4l 3COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED 915 TO ------ -- - --- ------ -- - ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE --- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL FIETU 13 RN8 CK/ I , i i TRAN Y IN FAVOR OF if BER-- PER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS, BANK BROLIGHTFORWARD C. F. No ""3Tchecks be RevolvedI, checks the Citl $3S.911j2 .,nelUMve, os p er I-OUnt efBIS 38 Ile city numbered to the office Of �bcck t on file 26,1926.' c --p '011e%, tbo council Jan Ad.p led 1926. Jan. 26 Approved 3'0-1926) TOTAL—FORWARD .� 533j"9-1�1'E3. . -'_-__. ___-__-- COVERING HODGSON 11! d McDONALD. By ._. -.. - ifs ---- J ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CHECKS NUMBERED _015 _-..TO -938 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS __--._.__ _ zz,�2_ SUDHEIMER. _AGAINST �.192 PERPTROLLEROF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. WENZEL. 11//YES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) �r M—DR Mr Vino Pres Ferguson CHECK 193 OTAL RETURIJCD IN FAVOR OF-- -- - --- DISTRIBUTION NUMBER BY ``-•. DISBURSEMENT `/ LOCAL TRUST R. Munie_ BANK GENERAL WATER SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS - CHECKS BONA IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE Y.M SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUULDING SUNDRY F LIC BROUGHT FORWARD m REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 784 010.8 434 475.72 72 747.45 138 562 815 'Torthweatern Trust Comnany25 489 4 �t6 1 9 508.98 2 517;1 265.68 707.94 5 227 75 8 657.42 622 65i 916 Board of "'iter Commissioners 1 037 39 •25 499 47 ® 91� n n " " 1218 33 it if It B " 7 3 � 819 153 35 92o J.rsncl3noy, comIf If P. a.358 3 94 5 6 6 978211 0222332 " n 824 64i 40 2 111 11 2 111 47 85 827 L.R.,.rerguson, O.P.R.F. of F. 61 96 711 36 0 00 927 L. C.Rodgoon, C. P. R. E'. 3 928 John Ti. McDonald, Cam r. of 5 Public Ivorks 382 76 319 26 829 Oeo.C.Iudheimer, Comir. P.T1. 69 Bo 69 so 3 5 830 c. C. enzel, Comb. -)f Parka, Playf;rounds & P. T31dgs. 792 232 23 i 831 Bauer & Black 481 1 481 14 a32 Diagnostic X—Ray Laboratory 25 0025 0 933 P,17. Kromsohroeder, Cashier vr_t�r -epartment 128 O 129'0 834 N. ?leo. touipment Company 146' 146 76 "I 9 r, Pioneer T'lectrio Com nnq 1S' 35 2S" Ss Rvie sohiberg 18 00 75 837 shpt. of Documents 838 abater tiheelook 69 S 69 97 �I I I i I i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 67 402 59 jio 406 19 440 493 09. 75 047 91 139 562 76 179.562 92 25 489 47 2 52636 265,68 714 91 5 875 60 8 657 42 622 65 T�'Ieq!hLAATE '. TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK RES. NO ----- 2. ........... _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTEOLLER ' V RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CLANCY, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLU`ION DATE ___ I92 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF FORM 533-r915j< IN FAVOR �'.E&sIiSQFI-�— � " _COVERING HODGSON. __<111_ _ CHECKS NUMBERED___ - 915 - _ ___. ___ J __.._TO __4 C PTROLLER---------McDONALD. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE _ SUDHEIMER, AGAINST PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. WENZEL, .Lv YES (v) COUNCILMEN NAYS I V ) CHECK TOTAL./Mr. V4ce Pres. Ferguson NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BY --- -- DISTRIBUTION TRANSFER ti/ _ OiSB URSEM ENI' CHECKS LOCAL CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST Be Muni ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE _ BROUGHT FORWARD1. 111pme 915 7orthweptern Trust Company 59 6�2 70 7d4 499 4 434 475.72 72 747.45 139 562 tZ 179 508,99 2 517;1 265 • 816 Board of g817 it 11ator commissioners 1 111 11B 39 489 4 .25 489 47 gig n " n n 217 13 1 119 39 33 919169 930 21 13 6.ny, comer. of P.B. I 153 35 1 20 JMClancy, 59 3 94 5 6 $°22 5� 90 1 0 X24 Egg �5 36340 9` n " " 2 111 11 92 L.R..rerguson Comer. of F. 3 2 111 927 L.C.Hodgeon, C.P.R.F.a 761 36 711 36 929 John He MoDonald, oom r, of I 50 00 Public Works 382 76 929 Deo. C. 3udheimer, coma r. P. TJ. 69 F 39 26 6 O 930 �.C.�7enael, Comer. if Parks9 90 3 5, ;I 20 � Playgrounds & P. nldgs. I 792 23 ' 481 1 792 T} 931 Bauer & Black 491 1 3 Diagnostic X—Ray Laboratory 25 25 oa� 8I.F. Rromsohroeder, Cashier 'nater Department g34 N.'7. nleo. equipment oomprmy i46 29 0 128 07' I 35 pioneer r:leotrio oom-, my 35 146 76 i g36 7 -Vie 9ohlberg 937 Supt. of Documents lg 35 26 18 00 gag "ebster 1,iheelock II 69 8 II I 69 97.1 j COUNCIL Al FILE No. ,)1..ILj� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. JAjl 2 6 1926 192 A V 192 - // MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS ----------------- ------i' I SPRINKLING FORESTRY BPUBLIC UILDING S—DRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS j 707.94 5 927 75 9 657 42 622 65, 6 97 47 95 ` 11-J d1j"J" U, LU'i, ". li I ul__ U Ui CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - NO t��/– QUADRUPLICATE FILE ___ ...YYY...i'!� ? TO OFFICE OFh HE COMPTROLLER r CITY CLERK ' ' RES. NO_ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM n -' [J; G '�PS(7t'T �" �' RESOLVED THAT. CHECKS BE CITY TREASURY. THE AGGREGATE DRAWN ON. THE AMOUNT OF a–�6tf ''jjTO . S— ___-_- CdiVERING .. �... 4 ___ __ ______- __ _ __–_ f1� COMPTR ER CHECKS NUMBERED- __ __TO__j-l�L_____ - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THEii'OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK I A OF BY. NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK j CHECKS CHECKS I 11 I I _. BROUGHT FORWARD i �I i I I li I C. F.a No. 64124— Res lved that chec'.<s be d a 'n I �! t the City Treasury. to the aggregate f 56.006.23, co ering checks j� II amount numbered 746 to 799 inclusive, ae Der hecke on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Tan. 26, 1926 A ppro_d26, 1926. i� (Jan. 30-1926) i • ! I I i it I ii II II I I I ! I I I I I I I II I� II I. II I I I I 1 III i ( i 1 I' i i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM Dia 1000 7.2a t ) I CITY TR EASURY-,U'NE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF D l_ S _.. 5,W6.23 _. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED746 TO --79-9------- - -- PT L,.R INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE , OF TtiE CITY COMPTROLLER. R. Noyes Brothers & Cutler TOTAL RETURNED 77 73 Oriental Laundry Oompany Osgood. -Blodgett Oompany GENERAL CHECK IN FAVO. OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK O -ens Motor 136180 Oompar►y NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS 12 00 71 Panama Ribbon & Carbon Oamp Company BROUGHTFORWARD 59 892 70 694 109..6 ,.349 093,706, 72}6 American stamp ',orke 2 747 Fitzhugh & Robert A. flume 7 I 26 so 764 37 ng 221 670' 749 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company 5 5 gg0 112 43 779 5 00 ® 749 Journal Infeotious Disesases 5 00 0 40 790 7131 Rand MoNally & Company 0 A. Lang 96 4 752 PdoClnin &Redman Company 7 109 71 792 96 47 73 200 3 Moaill-, rner Company 15 77 793 15 00 4 y1oh. to -urus u3 26 T5ZPtelady Paper Comnany6 42 130 00 20 794 1 3 26 24 75 ?:tsohaud Brothers 55 94 7 10 795 786 2 55 kiidway Creamery Company 131 70 00 787 78 131 20 750 ,Jdway V2rriish Company 10 326 70 799 10 00 759 Ulton Dairy Company 106 21 6 29 ® 1o6 21 760 minneeote. Coal Company 792 000 r. 761 ,. ,q. Moeller Company 4000 699 95 3 12 0 762 lAoulton Oil & Refining COM' y 75 795 4 ,t.paul Gas Light COMPM7 'Yorke 76 Mueller Company 2 70 66 2 70 761} Munson supply ComP1217 100I .52 1 00 7665 National steam Laundry 4 3k & Gregg 10 26 40 28 6 Nicole, nenn 6 35 799 llieme 767 Nolan -Irons Company 137 70 8t tea POmer OMP- ► I 137 70 ,McDONALD, ✓SUDHEIMER. - - - '. - ---- AGAINST J WENZEL, YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) b/ Mr. V104, Vx .Eggoga DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKINGrTRUSTWATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS GARAGE �iLiiY:L1Gl ACCOUNTS 62 251,2 135 926 39 179 219.0 2 446; 265 15 5 .. 69 Northern a p, w. Flaotrio rquir- Co. '7. PhotogrPphlo studio" 1 7 0 .._ 12>§-1 3 77o R. Noyes Brothers & Cutler 221 99 23 93 221 99 2 3 93 I 77 73 Oriental Laundry Oompany Osgood. -Blodgett Oompany 1 g 68 6$ 5 79 774 O -ens Motor 136180 Oompar►y 12 12 00 71 Panama Ribbon & Carbon Oamp Company 26 gp 77 Park Machine Perfection Typesetting OomPs y I 26 so 764 37 ng Pittsburgh Coal Oompany I 1s !cpresa Oompany 7 355� gg0 112 43 779 Pratt Pubiis school Publishing Oom my 112 43 4i 0 40 790 7131 Rand MoNally & Company 150 109 71 792 Raymer Hardware Company 7 77 793 Remington Typewriter Oompany Cary & sande Oclapa y 1� 0 130 00 20 794 Robinson, N.C.Robinson, Clerk of D.Ct. 600 94 7 10 795 786 Roe -James Glass COUP 7 7� 00 70 00 787 78 Royal Typewriter Company st.paul Book & stationery Co.is 326 70 326 70 799 t. Paul Braes tbundry OomPan Oompany 6 28 6 29 ® st.Paul rleotriO st.psul rleotrio Lamp OOmpan 6 580 792 ^Tt.Paul Fleotro plating Work OOmpany 7 699 95 3 �7)t.paul Gas Light 97 45 795 4 ,t.paul Gas Light COMPM7 'Yorke 66 66 ,t.Paul Machine 52 .52 796 ^t.pml Office Muipment Co. Roofing & Corn. 0o. 10 26 10 26 st.paul &iwilkkiin & 011 00. 94 35 35 799 llieme I 6 3 94 '?l I 174;00 21 00 4 20 506 55 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS _ _ __ _. PUBLIC II SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING gCCOU NTS REVOLVING 707.94 5 920 65 9 640 3 622 65 1 I - I 7 10 24 6 -16'08 12 9 1.I 17 II I /�jag353 277 35 62 271 20155 926 39 179 925'23 2 517X19 26568 707 0 5 827 75 9 657.42 622 65: SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 59 ._992 70 116 to _ - -: -.-. , • 1' , CITY OF SAINT PAUL!i TR7F$11QATE COFILUNCIL NO TO RES. NO._2 -- -- 411,24 _ 7 -------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTFOLLER CITY CLERKCLANCY. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLU'ION FORM gyp. 14 2 E 1926 • CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF iIN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -.-192 D El_ ._ 5-Y�/• 23� HODGSON. ' -- - ,.�^j 5.--- O -- � /------------ COVERING • ' CHECKS NUMBERED ---. 46-.- TO _ yMcDONALD. E 1. In,LF/ 192 -_ 7 799 OMPT LER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ✓SUDHEIMER. %.------- AGAINST OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER WENZEL. ' MAYOR _ ER j/f n ^^' YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) { _.--_.. ._._ _--.---_-. / Mr. OlOtl 1'1— l tl[YLLtlOL )! TO AL RETURNED ! CHECK ' IN AVO OF DISTRIBUTION NUMBER BY -_ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST CHECKS CHECKS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS SUNDRY GARAGE ^"WM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVIOLOVIN G ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 59 882 70 664 lo9.g 349 091. 66 62 251.2 135 926 39 178 219.0 746 Amerioan Stamp ',orks 3 3 2 446.8 265.6 707.94 5 820 65 640 3 622.65 747 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burns 221 7 221 70 ® 74s Hydraulio Hoist Mfg. Company 15 5 15 5 - 749 Journal. Infeotious Disesaaes 5 5 00 750 A. L.:ng956 �0 � 0 751 MoClain & Hedman Company 96 47 75 2 n e n 3 mon ii-,Prner Company 15 7 215 00 754 �sioh. II,-.urus 7 1 00 4J 755 ?.telady Paper Comnanp 1;36 2 1 3 26 756 !aiohaud Brothers N 24 757 Midway Creamery Company 2 55 2 55 750 Midway Varnish Company 131 2 131 20 759 Milton Dairy Comp=y 10 10 00 760 )Iinnesota Coal Company 106 21 106 21 761 ;. .4. Moeller Company 1212 00 762 Moulton Oil & Refining Come- y 40 o0 4o 00 764 taueller Company 675 6 75 I 4 mun son supply Comp zany I 2 7O�I 76Na 5 tional Steam Laundry 1 ON 1 1 00� I �� 766 Niools, Dean & Gregg 47 381' 40 28 I 7 10I 767 Nolan -Irons Company 24 62j 24 6 �, X68 Ylosthern states POmer Como an 137 70 137 70 16 os 69 IT- -- r=aocrsa FkrnipMant oe� 113 ? 128 00 4 23 770 A. •7. ruotograplao studios v 771 Noyes Brothers & Cutler 221 68 221 88 772 Oriental Laundry Company i 7 Osgood -Blodgett Company 181 95 23 93 174 00 774 O -ens Motor Sales Company 28 6b 15 59i 12 9 7 Panama Ribbon & Carbon Comp"y 12 00 12 00 11 772 76 Park Maohine Company 1 21 00 21 00 II 777 Perfeotion Typesetting Company 26 80 26 6o I, 77s Pittsburgh Coal Company 764 37 764 37' 779 Prattle ?:xpress Company 50 550 �. 780 Publis Sohool Publishing Com any 112 3 112 Z03 781 Rand MoNally & Company 50 40 46 792 Raymer Hardware Company 105 71 100 71 78 Remington Typewriter Company 7 9 77 Oar & Sands Comps y 1340 130 00 4,20 .{ ' •.' .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COENCIL QUADRUPLICATE I' To OitFICE bF THE COMPTROLLER CITY cLERlcAUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. N0.2S----- _____ 'j RESOLVED THAT CHECKS Be DRAWN ON THE ATEl J 1J�L-6 ' CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Do ------- �COVERING ••. l ' '/f,�t�jpf/,.y"�'r�•P ' `i:., 5QS Y---- •- -------=�'`�---'�'^ T--- CHECKS. NUMBERED----.DDo--_____YO_Oj-'C--- C PTROLLE INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - __.."-TOTAL RETURNED e a CHECK IN FAVOR OF � BY �• NUMBER I: I; �I tl TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT j CHECKS CHECKS BANK; BROUGHT FORWARD ' i ' C N. No 64125— Reel ed that the k be drawn the City T easury to the egg eg on n .amount of $94,111.74, covering checks numbered B00 to 814 Incluelve..ae I! per checks on file in the o�Tice'ot[he City Comptroller. I � Adop[ed by the Copncii Jan. 20, 1926. - A➢Proved Jan. 26, 1926. :i !,If i, it it II II (Jan. 30-1926) I 'i i I i i e a � u r>.I c • ��c:v. - s_p 55[4&7,W cov EalNa _ __._..l_ -_- AGAINST S__5[4 Y" ...d.__ ___ _ ._. ER CHECKS NUMBERED_--0� ----- TO --_. %.- SU DH ELM __.. ___. ------ . _�___ _._.__ ��WENZEL. Mnvoa ! COMPT INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE // / OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER YES (\�) COUNCILMEN .NAYS (V) Yrwa n Pew F rmulnn ' DISTRIBUTIO-N _---------—--.---_.... TOTAL RETURNED JIND SPECIAL FUNDSCHECK IN FAVOR OF BY y� LOCALNUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT WATERROVEMENT SINKING TRUST � PUBLIC $lJDR'( BANK GENERAL COUNTS FUNDB ACCOUNTS GARAGE A�Tf07t1V71'I SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS yREVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD 59 882 0 689 116,20 353 2377;250 62 27120 135 925.23 2 517;1 265 69 707,94 5 827 75 657 42 622 65 800 pafriok Barry J 35 20 40100 ® 801 ataxy H. Go n 6 00 36'00 802 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 36 � 36'00 8033 ti'�.rie Katherine Haoker6 36 oo 36. 00 8n4 Arthur Haeasig 24 oo 24'00 805 ttra. ttary Rose 806 Hazel L. >tegner, Guardian for 24 30 24 30 Dorothy L. Stegner 807 t.tinnie --ikon 7idow of 24 92 24 92 11"Illinm F. 1"siiaon 808 N. 'et. �engerle 809 D. qume, 14 +upt. 124 84 124 50 810 capitl city Lumber Company 24 50 2 335 12 811 ,!erman Goldberger 89 335 12 78 363 75 io 476 25 8 812 L.c.,,odgson, Com"r. of rin. b4 5 375 81 moclelih Ido Paper oommnaanY 2 636 37 7 2 636 37 91� IIS 94 5 827 75 8 .657 42 622 05 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 59 8'82 70 94.O10 $4 34 475 72 72 747 45 �1 562 76 179 509 99 -2 51719 f_ 265 i66 707 i i TR rL1fLAItTE TO CITY CLERK `DATE BY __-- .� Ts� COM PT lr CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTBANK CHECKS CHECKS 59 882 70 1689 1L5"' 10 20 00 336 oo oo 24 0o0 24 30 24 92 26 14 l 184 9 24 5o I� 4 89 23 172 2 6367 6�t 37 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'q OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM d -_ RES. No. �8 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. 11TO S.94,894--7�._.-___^.. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .^.... ..... ....... COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --�H6/-- - --- TO _g14- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Arthur Haessig TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTBANK CHECKS CHECKS 59 882 70 1689 1L5"' 10 20 00 336 oo oo 24 0o0 24 30 24 92 26 14 l 184 9 24 5o I� 4 89 23 172 2 6367 6�t 37 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'q OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM d -_ , / v CLANCY, EEsensota-- HODGSON. vMcDONALD, /SUDHEIMER. �WENZEL. Mr. Vies P H - IN FAVOR �, _.. ___-_-AGAINST VES (Y) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) BROUGHTFORWARD goo Patrick Harry 802 r 801 Mary Ounnien Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 9Q 804 tdarie K;Aherine Haokert Arthur Haessig 805 S06 ;oro. Mary Rose - SPECIAL FUNDS Hazel M. Stegner, Guardian _ -- Dorothy L. Stegner 907 Minnie Wilson -idow of - SPRINKLING FORESTRY {illiam F. 1viison 908 M. ?engerle 909 D. t. 910 Capitl Cit� City Lumber Company 911 Herman Goldberger 912 L.C.'Todgeon, Comor. of rin. 813 McClellan Paper Comnany 91 ^. tr. Sheldon F Company TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTBANK CHECKS CHECKS 59 882 70 1689 1L5"' 10 20 00 336 oo oo 24 0o0 24 30 24 92 26 14 l 184 9 24 5o I� 4 89 23 172 2 6367 6�t 37 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'q OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM d -_ , / v CLANCY, EEsensota-- HODGSON. vMcDONALD, /SUDHEIMER. �WENZEL. Mr. Vies P H - IN FAVOR �, _.. ___-_-AGAINST VES (Y) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) UENCIL NO ���� FILEN JIN 2 D 17GE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL `! 7G APlD .. - 192 192 - - MAYOR DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER RAND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST ��������yy����//�.�� SPECIAL FUNDS _, PUBLIC _ -- - FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE . AWSY}d'RTSIPA iii ��ent - SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING - 353 235'2062 271.20 135 926 39 179 925 23 2 517:1 265 69 707 94 5 927 75 8 657 42 �CCOUNTS 622651i 40 36 oo 36.00 oo 26 4 00 i 24 30 24 92 26 14 124 50 5 2 335 12 - 7 367 10 476 25 583 75 - 2 636 37 n --7, Council File No._64n,) ,) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .PHlOi.IY��. - 1 ?Z . 11 i c F xo sui hbtract. , �, - and i Wheroae. A written nroyyosat t:+s PRELIMINARY ORDER. q Naktp� of the Sollowla� -:T 9c'hM. ing the :grade -F ::. mun Isa;,rt 'a$ierp}'oposes the making of the following -public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ch'the grade of Hoyt Ave. from a point 185 ft. east of --- - P�erriwood-"gve: t"o Dunlap-"-8t-:---arid- �Aaeme-St:-..�"rem--a poiiit-..550-- ft: -- ---- -- n12rt2i_nf.-R"oy"&..AY.e-.-.."t.o.""a..-point...5.88-.-ft_.santh...a£--Hoyt-- Aiatn--.conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, -the•--preee>tt---egtabll-shed grade ... being--shewn--hy s blue line thereon; also j6pina HOa Ave. from Fernwood Ave. to Quincy St. in oonformit with pro ee ere o a ae a iugde_:e �-pert--iiereo4: -- Dated this 8-5rd - day of--. -------------- JaIIuB -14 fi: - - --------------- , 192___. - - - . --------. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --Changing.._the_"_grade-_of--Hoyt--Av.-e,_. fx4m._a._Pp.iAt..18.3-...ft, .---.e_ea.x-_oi.-$ernWojod Ave: to Dnnlap Ste and Adams Ste from a point 550 fte north of Hoyt Ave'. to a-- li8 - point ---©...ft. -south-Erf Hoyt--Ave.-;--te---oonform-to the the -: the profile herewot attached and made a part hereof, the present eeisb2'SeRied"grade iiBitTg"shown By"abZue"line"thereon- also. ra.a.. ; 'Q...fxam".B.»rx►vooa.Aie...to...quinoy.--8t�----in--IIonfoffiitg,�3. ...s.....' - pro hereto attached and made a part hereof. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-.............__.-...-.....-----.--.....--.._--.--""""""----"._.---".---_--.--- --.-- therefore, be it --RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. j AM 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council --------------------_. ............................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY - --�--^^�--._, Approved.-.........�.�:-d = -�--E- I9zL.----------------------------- ✓HonasoN ,/MCDONALD i /SUDREIMER —"WENZEL ���_ L/C^��/ vV . .. . ......... . ...................... ..."-..--..-.....--'-......................... .. �� �y,�t Vice Pres. Ner�n d�frRg Mayor. Form C A i3 ((Dt'��i5) i([7BLISFII;D� ���� I,/ Council File No 7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT d t&k1U9 wid Kris In tke, pr It and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the city of St. Paul, viz.: Oondem4n --#PA tA44g A4 9A@!Spwt ----­------­----------- ----- - - .. .......... I f...o...r......a. l92e -a-- J,----o-u---t- -s--and ...f. -i ---1---1---s--, ----J--Ut.he gTA#;g qf- 1 -o - t--- _.-A--v�e4Ve grqq� ----------- t4 q ........................... .. ... ......... ------------------------------- ---------- -------------- Dated this 23rd r 926------ ..... 192 r .--day of -- ---- ------------- ----­------ - ----------- --- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _jW_M_qU%_ --- ---------- 0ondep449__.AAd tAkIng ---- $14 -9�4 f - or - . a . opes. cuts and fills,. -AA the --- 9-Ke4ng. of _A07t_AT9A"--trQ!P ------------------ ................ ---------------------------------------- - -- Fernw Street. .. ....... ....... ........... ................. od Avenue to qui cy _S ------------------- -------------- ......... .......... .......... ------------------------------------------------- ----------------­----------- - -------------- ...................................... ..................... . - ---------------­----- .......... .... ---------------------------------------- ---_---------- - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St- Paul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 6 1925 Adopted by the Council..._...._ ............ ........... __ ...................................... YEAS NAYS CouncilmanCLANCY 9 r 6 Fi&�� Approved. ....... ---------- ----------- .................................. HODGSON McDONALD SUDHEIMER ..................... Mayor. Pres, VOT"B"ll C /A13 ON�Uw) 'Ile q V No r41EE llbeYradC _. Wheroa`A written DroDoeal fpa. tbe. 1 �]Q making of the;ottowln6 llmuroverdenk: Couneil File No.�1 -. Construct a sewer on f7leanod`s+'•' and on the nne,of, lweunor St Dto&o ' Jfrom n.��Sq feet,weeet of rn."'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT to and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Dans-truct_aew-e_r an--Zleano-r---St_-and--o-n---the -line_-of'--.hUeanor--S-t•----iaro— duced from aDoint 60 feet west of the ---west._].-�nc..s�.f...Iaca Leste.r... - Ave- --------- ----------------- -----------`- _----------- --- --------------------------- - to Underwood Ave. ._ . ..... ..._..-------- ------ ------ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ _------ ----- ------- ------- ...--- ...- - - ---- __......_._......------- Dated this ------------day of....Ianuasy----------- ---- --------- - --- ..........._.., 192..6-. -- - -- -- --- - _______ - - .... - .-...- --- -- --- Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: b Construct sewe_r_on_.Eleano ._S .- ai_ on_.the._ line _.of...E]-e.anor--.St- --- - -------------- -------------- ---- - 13roduc ed :from--a.--no-int_-60_feet- we.st_of....the._weat_ .line -.-oi...21aca.leste-r----- Ave. to i)nderwood Ave. _._..- -.----------..__..------.......--- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... _.......------ .._..-------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓° Adopted by the Council ------------------------ J q.2.6.1924 ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY Fznaysetr--. % _/HODGSON I �^ - McDONALD !SUm3EIMEn WENZEL 1Mr -iti' r s. Mr. `lionou Yrs,eifcn¢nsora Form C A 13 (IM 3-26) ;, r- al �c, .Approved. .. ..................................... ---- -- ..... ------- . 4otin9 Mayor. pmism / — 3 a- �2 6 ietition rj Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT T. and pro o Or, '. Making -ot e, fo I ELIMINARY ORDER. V1 t C.ns r et tlfla' �,Nk I.Ne o ot -W f, for�t- e ue,-ta� rlorr,r- The u.Se'-- ',,.where,' -o �iio making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 06notruot a six foot oement tile sidewalk.on.both. 1�q ........... - ...... ................... I ................... .......... ........... ----------------- --------------- ----- - ------- I a I -(.! - ------------------- of Stanford Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue. exeept ..................... .............. . ........ ---------------------------------- Fairview ------------------------------------- Priorwhere -good and ---- now --- e-x-i-a.t .......... ............ — ............ ...... ...... .--- . ..... ------- ----- ................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------ ............. ........ Dated this 2.611h ----- day of ----------- Ja.n.uer 1926_ ____ .. ......... 192 -- ------- ----- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetruot a six foot oement tile sidewalk on both sides ........... .. --------------------------- ------ ---- . ...-- -------------- I ........... - --------------------- - --------- — of Stanford Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue,.._ex ....... ........................ -------------------------- .... --------------- - ............. ...... . ............. ... - ------ now e I t - ------------- --------------------- --------------- ----------- Ka. - A --- 9 ----- I ............ 11 ------------------------------------------------ - - ---------- ........... -- --------------------- --------- --- --------------------------------- --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul....... .............. ----------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 14 -2 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------JA --- ------------------------------ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY rtzRaUBOLBL— Approved. ------- -- ------- - - JAN 2 6 12-26 ------------------ -- ----------------------- ------- -.'HODGSON McDONALD SUDHF1.MER IWENZEL ----------------------------------- ESIDENT 4atj'?y0vMayor. F.— CA 13 (1M 3- cz { POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' St, Paul, Minn., Jan-.....15th..-_-----192..6. Pursuant to Section .i of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of John L. Barnes --- ---- to erect and install a filling station on the... �10r-theaat r�QTngT---- of x3zs.e.y...ani..vmith--Ave------- -------------------- - ----------------------------- -------------------------------- will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the -------- 26th............. day of.._.._-._J_nuar.y-- 192._6, at 10 o'clock A. M. I,. C. HODGSON, (buunissioner of Finance. 1/ petition Council File No-----.- jG41rM PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Abstract. Whereas, A written Oro seal for the making of fhe following improvement PRELIMINARY ORDER. qle Opan, widen and extend Eleanor>a:. to,a width of 60 feePfrom UnderWi"— Ave. to the, west line of Otto A Coanollnof like been p eaentey'Iyroposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: I `.fere._ lie.,� a -or St to a width of 60 feet from Qen; widen._and extend-... len ----- --------------------- -----------------------------------_------------------------- - Underwood Ave-. to the west line of Otto Ave. Addition --------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------ --- -------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------- - -- - - ------------------------- ----------- -- - ----------------------- --------------------- - ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - ----------- ---------------------------- ... -------------------- -------------- ------ 21st y J uary Datedthis ------ ------da of.....------------------------ ---------- -- -- - - -- 192_6.. - --------..... - - - ----- -----..._..--- ---- - Councihnan. RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open,...wi.ct?n.._a�i_e.xtend_Eleanor--_fit.-_ to__a width of 60 feet from ----------- Undexwood-_Ave-.---to- -the west -line of Otto Ave. Addition _ _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._ ----------------- -------------------------------------- ------------- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or destrabilit.y of, the making of said improvement. All 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ `-AaFra 2 6 lg2fl Adopted by the Council ---....----------- ._- -- .-...- -- - - - ------ - ---- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY N 2 61w6, T�lltaysom Approved -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- I oncsoN - { /-MCDoxnLD -i UDHEIlIER r -IVENZEL ...--. �---- ---------` .......... T GrsJ�g, Mayor. / M, Vice Pree. Ferttn6en Form C A 13 (11.1 3-25) Petition Council File No ----- - 0. Ti, No BS131 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1!%kipg of the following ImDrove.', and radb iiIqha�., �1. from EA96umbe Road, Bayard Avanue Orl 'Srrc* , to Edgeumbo. PRELIMINARY ORDER. _1!gs �Hrrt 4 ­ from GrIgF. ........ 11ng.' been D. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St- Paul, Viz-: tggp __tp__3 ouvib.e RORA� --------------- Grade Soheffer Str�.�� �3�919k__ft -Age ................ ------------ ............ Bayard Avenue from G t.0 - - -------------- ------ --- ------------o..ZAgeaumba --- Road- fTjQM Griggo 3-tr-e-0-t---t WHEREAS; A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gra&SScheffer Street from Griggs Street.. to 4geou-m-be _RQ.eA - --------- ----- ---------- ­­ ------------------------------------ ----- --- -- ------- ........ . Bmy.ar.(1__AVAUUe from Vlriggs_ _SLtreet.__to._3dgeoUMbe --RQLS& - ----------- --------- -------------- ]1&rtLfo-r_&_Ay.enueL_9T0m Gxigga-Street to- 3464umbG --- Road - --- --- -------------- ------------------- ------------- I ---------------------------------------- ..... ...... .. -------------------------------------------- ---------- I ------------- -------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Si, Paul____._..- - - ------ --- ----------- -------- ----------- -- — --- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publi6 Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.------------------ ?..la.L---------------------- YEAS NAYS CouncilmanCLANCY _F_Eacrasox--- HODGBON ,,McDONALD -SUDHEI.NIER WFNZEL 3a;t--� *T to Pr ­ Form C A 13 (IM —1) JAN 9 f, d.----------------------------------------------- ---.( ........... --- Mayor. 'P"MT Tor 412 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT who"", hoeeae A`w making of the ,ProDo.u.. and loltowla6 lm➢roe to the ] ndecea�a'ryifor a°o� PRELIMINARY ORDER. and: ails, In .tha'grading of SchF. from.(#rlggs St. to Edge Gii:, ,.. The undersigned uereny proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Qondemning and taking an easement in the land neoe8eary--Yor------------ _elopes,.- cnte__and--fills-,..-in,-the--gra4ing_of_-9ohsffer--.atrQ-9-t from ._......._- Griggs Street to Edgeoumbe Road. Bayard Ave. from--Griggs---St.--.to-.-_-----.. -----Edgeoumbe-_goad-. an$_HartYord..A9e....Tollt...G.riggs....dt,.---tet_ Edgef�><tmbe...I3oad. Dated this.. -23rd-----day of. ----Januar- - .1926. ......... -------- ., 192..__. - - - - Councihna . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning-- and __t-aking-_-en-_easement._ in -_the_ land- neoe.Q.Qary.. fOr_.__._... slopes, ante and fills, in the grading_ of SchafferSt...... from . ::--_.---..__ .---- ------ _.. Carigga.-.$t...-.t.o..rdgeaumb-e-AlOad,--.Bayard..Ave.... from ...Grigg -e -i -St.... -to - ---------------- Edgeoumbe Road and Hartford Ave. -_-from.-_Grigga--St..-_..to.:_Edgeopmbe._Rogd.- - ...... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..... ............... .... ..----------------------------- .....__---- ----- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------- �AR.Z--6-1926_.--- --------------------- YEAS NAYS V' JAN Councilman CLANCY JAN 2 V 19— -liartGvsoP__ Approved -------------------------------------------------------- --------- .-....... JIODGSON ,MCDONALD SUDHEIMER /WEN7.EL.. ............... / ME__Ptt�smsNa;_ Y,,,;,,Mayor. Furnt'C A 13 (Inl 3*' ef6b eclsc,ls�n_---- Abatraot 'rene A wrlttaa-DroLoval for eho:t q mnkluWheg of the tolloming PmDroYemant.• L� W.; Council File No._..... ;(hada NorttC.hod,South Alley fu ho '-- liamllne SYndlcate .Ad0 tion uPd 3t: to Tniae St -ted to the Doul" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - eoeror^�_?A and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Patti, viz.: --GraNOTth end-_AW04--AlAey--in.Blook..3,..-Hemline- Synd14 Le-:..------------- A4�dition No. 3, from Edmund Street to-_- __.._ ___ - , - ------.....-- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ 926 •-..------ - - 192_..... Dated this....N6 --------.day of. _._-... - uery� ......_._ _ �%1 — e Tl PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.: Grade -_Borth-_ and--.South--AlAey._in-_Blook._3,.-.amline_:Syndivete.........___ -,__AQdition Bot --.a>< Yrom,EQmu>i�Q St.reQt.. to..Tb4IAss..Street ..--------------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ........................................ ----------- ------------------ --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----- ---- ---------------- - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council.....--- ------------------------- ................................ 1 YEAS NAYS . Councilman CLANCY rI�stteeael�---• i HODGSON MCDONALD ,- SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR.�ESiI7ENT. Form C 13 (11l 3-25) JA- 98v ------------------ Approved....-----------_ C-2 -G--1 6�f f Mayor. PUBLISHED � `, RT F No. 0413! Absttnot Whereat A written yr7�1. 8 making of Rhe foltowing; l tlipo Condemning and tak1,ns nn eaeeif4 �` In the land necessary for eloDea - and all9th's..in the 919111,19Block of the. Nc' So,?�lieyIa 3, 8amr:� Add*tton' N ��3. from -,�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.... UIt - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ___- ............................... -------------------------------------------------- . - - ------------ -for 13.1n.es .o tl;i...and._fll1s 1A the gradlua--.o.f._the -X0xth.:..and------------ South-_Alley_ in Block_ 3',_-Hemline-_3yndioate-. Addition- from Edmund Street o Thomas...Street.---------------------------------- --------------------- - - -. 26th Januar , 1926. 192 -- Datedthis--------- ---..........ay of......_.__.... - --- -- - -- ........ _---- -- --------............_ ..... an. -----------------Councils an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary------------------ for elo ea cuts and tills, in the grafting of the Horth and--._..____- ---- - - p f -- South Alley in Block 3, Hemline Syndicate Addition Boa 3----------------------- ---------------------- ---_-----_---- ------------------------------------------------------- .--.._.. -. from Edmund ,4xareet to Thomas Street. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------7 ------ ---- ------------------------------------------- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ------------------ _..__--- .------------------------ ---- ------- -------- - --- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or store. owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ` Adopted by the Council----- ---------- j PF 2 k.............................. YEAS NAYS CouncilmanCLANCY Approved -------------- <itailt- 9y t ------------------------------- HonasoN v, /MCDONAi.D ✓"SODH EI II I:R - -WENZEL - --------- Mayor. Tf- - J Acting Form C A 13 GNMV.>Vfce Pre@. Foruu@on PIJ$LISIIED / �- _2 petitipfi,_ '41 5 area A written pro Council File No 1 6,64i . SpL io-,14ROPOSAt FOR IMPROVEMENT whs; - de nalang of the following feel)SfIO�V!�_' �rG'r,d, Ra3go.nd Ave, from Ti'�,rJ and '*o the CoejBeverly en of the be; 1 h PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ----- -- -------------------- ------- --- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------- -------------------------------- ------- ....................... ­ ----- - ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- _­ ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------........... -------------------------- ------------- Datedthis .... 9! .............. day oL. --_----------------------- J--... U A ­- -------------- ----------------- 1926: .. . ..... ..... ...................... . - - ------------------------ - ... ------- -- --- ----- - ---------- Councilman. _z PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... Grade. _'KaYmond --- AVe.-___fr0M--P-0ane `t- tQ­BeV-er1y___kVVe . . ............... --- - --------- ------ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------ ............................. .... ....................... --------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ...... . .................... : ........... ­ -- ------- ---------------- ---- --------- --- -------- ................. ------------ --------------------------------- ........................ ------------------- -------------------- -------------- ---------------------- ------- ------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------- - ----------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... ------------ 2 6-192b......................... YEAS NAYS Council ma-n'CLANCY 4aeNvvset+— Approved........._. ---------------------------- ------- -'HODGSUN • /7) ,-M.cDONALD SUDITEDIER .WENZEL --- ----------- ------- M -62—A— Mayor. Fum 42rA 13 n1.1 W) Vice Pros. Foricu-n �) aw sCouncil File No...............4_.. -, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and o= the � PRELIMINARY ORDER. Q 6ERIn6 ConB ' 1>< Rh +Rderaigig ned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.--cgldemn ??�_and--taking-.eri._easement-_in."-the_land-nece sary""for_s----- -,.- ......-cu.ts. _0-n.... i� gom..11oar�e 3.t.. t.0 ------------- j3ex-- l'.l-.. voY , ..----------------------------------- ---------- .....P--------------------------- ----- --- -- -- ------ - ......................... ------------------------ I --------------------------------- 2 ----da of ---------- ----------- J- �-- ------- Dated this .................. fi- -- ' - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. of WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: eAsen....the. --- in-.the radin of__Haymond-�_-ve.rom Doane 3t. ---_--_-.-- - 3eXq.rlY_ ewe.,.-------------------------------------------------- -- -- - ----- . _ ..----------------- --------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-- --- ----------- -- -- --------------- ------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three. or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. N 2 .. 1926 - ... - Adopted by the Council-.. jA.. ......... ---------- .......----•---------...---- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY Fxxrj; HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL :�aEsfaFnlr i pry{ 'Iicc 1'r,•:,. KariPrtr•o F.— C A 13 0hr5Z5) .rad 2 J 192A Approved.....------ -------------------------- -------------------------- - -------------------------- � n Gd�E;t+ Mayor. PUBLISHED .k INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. C. F. No. 64137— e Matter 4187eMatter of.� ysvleg Deenoyer A- nmer�-inve; to.. Como +- COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.paXirig. A&8rioy.Qr..FiV.6... f xAtC�. Soit16V� 1� 5. QF.6... t.G. �oA7o..�17d. fiver $quievard, with sewer= water and gas connections from street mains to pmaperty.. lines.. completa,..where. not. alreadY..m4de,..47.sa. i.130.1ud1n9..Gux'bing and. paving. Ari.vapas. aT1h . AIIQY... aPPX0A0he0,. AhQr.Q. xleAeaslix'Y., ................. ................................................................:..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 60704 ............. approved . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,- and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..paV..DeS110ypX.AVP from, Somerville Ave; to Como and River Boulevard with sewer water and ...................�.............................. gaS.s:'s01i13B.G'�3.Ox19..PxOm.S.IiT.Qe�i.P?@�,1aS..t,G,�roperty„lines, complete,..where..not already... made, also.innluding.curbing.and.pavinB..driF.Ql�aY.„aBd, aFP.roaches�..where necessaryr................................................ ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 28.,1.7.3AQ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...23rd ......... day of February ..... • • • •, 192.6 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..JAN .2 6 1926..,... 12.....Approved .... A4dC'92€...... 19...... tyClerk. ...... ......................... ht iq Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓Councilman McDonald /Councilman == Hodgson Councilman2affix Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Xvg c _. Nelson M, T%i u n -9 ., Iorm B. S. A. 8-6 f PLTBLISI$D � C. F. No. Matter of I }���" Ea the 1 South or paving Fairfield Ave. F 3 8 from South with sewer, 6t, ter oath 111 gas co nec with sewer, water gas. connections lines :from street malna$�"' -pCDDerty made, also curbs _ where a1,Ead driveway also curbing and Pj: driveway.'; approaches, + - •ender.. PrellminarY g.. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... gAV1Ylg.FAQr-f1Q1d.A9A—from.South-W0A*ha. StrP.Qt..t.q.'5quth Rohert.Street..eaith.s.ewer.,.water..and.gas..C.QxaneatiorA.;Cr-OTA tre•Qt,-3A41Aq, to praparty.linea,QQmPlete...vhere.mat .AlxQ.gdy..manea..a.I9.Q.•QW-b1,ng.?.nil..p VY.ng driveway, approaches,• where.necessary.................................................. ................................................................t..................................... ...................................................................................................... trader Preliminary Order..... 63414...............approved ....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... pave FaiT!field Ave.,,proln, SQuth,y9abasha Street to South Robert Street with sewer, water and.?;as..QOI31aaCtc3A�3S..XOP1.S.tFeet,mads,tQ,,prgperty,.lines,.complete� where nat..alxeady. • Qd• •pave • dryeway, approaches ,where , , , , nece s s ar�,....................................................................................... . ................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....3'a, 6.37..0.0. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 2.$rd........ day of ,February ... , • • • • •. 192. ,6• ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. J h fv 2 6 192 . , .... 192.... , . Approved.... J:iT.?. 1 .....192..... ✓ Councilman Clancy 6ouiaegnmir Fergusen— Councilman McDonald Councilman ffiWNX Hodgson Councilman $:i= Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ` Nelson Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /. ........... ... .. .. City Clerk. ... .......:.......... ... . AGtiny Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofp�9�Xlg.G7@Rl1pJp.AYd�..X'OAI.S.QIIl6ro111�.Q,Y9....tO..D.88noy.9r.AY� , incl udin�..se�fex,..>9atar..and. $as . nonnf3.ci .iona..Yxom. atreet. mains . to..property lines.,complete,,�,where•not.•already, made,, also„curbing. and paving„driveway ............................................. ` ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 618£.7.............approved ...568 +•..5s..3,925•................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner'of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and -the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..pave..Glenham..Ave. fropl,SoPlQr.V '1.q.Ave,,,to.Desnofer•Ave.,,,including•sewer,,,water„and:..gas, c.onne.ations. Sr om .street .mains.. t.o . pnoparty..lines . oomplete,• -where. -not.... already.. made, .also..eurhing.and..paving..driveway.. and .a1ley.apprnaaheLsv... where necessary? .................................. .............................................................. ............................_.......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...•11?322.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 23rd ........ day of PebrtlIM........ 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court - House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of a, said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN .2.6.1926.......... 192...... ... .... .. .... Approved.....d.';r+•S•E•19$� 192...... City Clerk. Aetlllg Mayor. Councilman Clancy D — e2 Couar•t T�rmucon Councilman McDonald "Councibnaff-MRSMi Hodgson Councilman 2m= Sudheimer /'Councilman Wenzel _ Nelson hi. Form��5 A.'6uergveoc C. F. No: ter Glenham Ave. ]n the Matter 541319; o` of paving from Somerville Ave. to Deshoyer and 9" p Ave., including sewer,,tvater t4 connections from. street. mains to property:.linea comDlote..: where :not'- "nlrendy,made, also cucblhg and pa"+' -,;-'driveway ,%oae •1 .�f COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofp�9�Xlg.G7@Rl1pJp.AYd�..X'OAI.S.QIIl6ro111�.Q,Y9....tO..D.88noy.9r.AY� , incl udin�..se�fex,..>9atar..and. $as . nonnf3.ci .iona..Yxom. atreet. mains . to..property lines.,complete,,�,where•not.•already, made,, also„curbing. and paving„driveway ............................................. ` ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 618£.7.............approved ...568 +•..5s..3,925•................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner'of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and -the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..pave..Glenham..Ave. fropl,SoPlQr.V '1.q.Ave,,,to.Desnofer•Ave.,,,including•sewer,,,water„and:..gas, c.onne.ations. Sr om .street .mains.. t.o . pnoparty..lines . oomplete,• -where. -not.... already.. made, .also..eurhing.and..paving..driveway.. and .a1ley.apprnaaheLsv... where necessary? .................................. .............................................................. ............................_.......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...•11?322.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 23rd ........ day of PebrtlIM........ 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court - House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of a, said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN .2.6.1926.......... 192...... ... .... .. .... Approved.....d.';r+•S•E•19$� 192...... City Clerk. Aetlllg Mayor. Councilman Clancy D — e2 Couar•t T�rmucon Councilman McDonald "Councibnaff-MRSMi Hodgson Councilman 2m= Sudheimer /'Councilman Wenzel _ Nelson hi. Form��5 A.'6uergveoc C, the 89140 In the 1hade OY ptanfti,g and prc_ � � Ing shade trees Planting a ' - - I rfoh Ave. fro -0C 'kin A, IlUsele•fDpi Rl—r Blvd., - Fairmount Ave. from Cratiry Vyoodlawn Ave. ton Ave. trom Cretin - n"� '•far -Blvd - � rom WoodlA._;�°' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of.................................................................................. "'lant3.ng and pr oteetirc-, shad©trees: OTl i Ct TO - GCIOdT'yCllt':Vi�. C� etin _'.va. !:3.ssioA'�. � �i 4V011 !�airmount iavo. Cretin :ve. oadla.a vo. Princeton =va. Cretin WO. -::' ssisaipai jiver' Blvd. �. Sargent ,ve. t'oodlawil Ave. Cretin ;,ve. qurirent 've. Finn, T'vo. �airvic�a a:vQ. St Clair '=t. Cretin ?V0, Fairview11 vee „'t. Curve blvd. Cretin Ave' ` nY' f31 �* t►e• i 'EY t9i° 53FC8 1,va. JosophinQ s= ip n *gtntaford ,.ve, lits Carve i3lvd. Cretil r.voo faAl-So'rd .'Ive: jozovhine St. i'a3i lit+p dVG• :. ent i€ca33c?slay giro. - - il, ,GU) -VV o :i)ivd. Cretin Ave. :'c llea� >y sv3. =miler 'airviov 'hve. Jof Pvr spn ;ve < Minis "),p i _river 11lvd. Cretin !'Iva. 1 . .siJt .t"uliot ".ts •r � Cretin :.vo. '-n vv ev `tvo-- .. oodl+at n nve. St. Glair 3t. Goodrich true. k.ogdlca:�n .vc. T.Iand01213' :.;t. Jefferson ` o. Curve Boulevard Jefferson e. Fairmount iiva. f"retin ve. 2andolph .: t. ;_ulalait i" de. '. sdi321l�t�l SvO. lJ3I1dOZ�th t. pi ;3argant Ave. '_=:ozzxiot,Ave. .five. i:oodriCh Ave, f. .".Ile '•'i'ter 1mndolJl^t t. Palace St* - Sue St. at. Clair "t. grand Ave. Ave. artand6lht.iairvioc Gaut St. ;'-4ji"vj01a., laost side Sai;eent ;',VO. itl - lit live. pairvisti', ocJt Ade ?X'1':cotgn a:vo. ;>ur.T-lit Ave. o '_ a�.,ia as Mae Grovel an gree Planting krojeet. s jf:kfem n . ve. riiss7�siuz�i vor 71vd. Crotl .vo. suliet St. cretin Ave, Fair iow iwc. oocllav . '.vo. >t. Clair `>t. St. Goodrich :mo. Jefferson oodlann :,va. it:Curve 1301;lavard =dolph Jefferson `Ove. ,,,ve. ilairraount -vc. Cretin ": e. Randolph 5t. .;ulzalt '':v(3. I! !,01-'Vetli `:ve. Nandol_nh at. 3arr-.ent s,ve. :. o --'I oth .'vo. i'airmount Ave. ('ootlrich ue 5t. i a adolph ,-=t. 4alaoo 1:;t. :jue. St. at. Clair St. r�rand we. Pairview.Ive. ,> - Qi1Ci4lj)h `.�t. 3argent Five. �7alrvjevr,weat aide . Sar{ent ime.aur- ait 'vo. %'airviCFdy 4east, sift ?, rincaton iavo. 3urnidt i'me. ^£O b' -e Llh.-own oa, the Groveland-Mplewood lroe r'lant7rir" iH2�Vj� �r8s6Farlfltdc� orm ^' - - - - J - under Preliminary Order..... 59.7.7a .............. approved ....my . 26,.. 7.925 ...................: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature bf the improvement which the Council recommends is.......................... _.... .. ..... - Plant O nd )rotoct made tr000; ................... Good]rieh ?vo. C„^tin vu. leyiefli>)i i vez� illvct: YuI rmount . vo. C-retin ':V€;. ectala,7.a :`:Ve. P-4,111ceton ;v, Crt;G' t, Vi'. l;ssasci3J5 dive; ,lvd. Sargent , vu. ._oor:lawn - Ve.ai't.tl'i � "Ve. . Sargent `'ve. Finn ,`:VG. Fairvioxd 11ve. St. Clair 1St. Crotin Ave. ir'E21zvi10Vj :lea°3_eley .etc. erkel0y ,^,vo. 1't. Curve H1vd. Fredericka r,vo. Cratin 've. Jonephia :St. 13ta>; fwd Ave. Yt. Curves Blvd. Crot4iq :,*ro. 41 ,tataford Ave. 3oaephine -:t. _ Dtlrv' em Five. >:j WG118310y' Ave. <t:✓urvo Blvd. � Cretqa�+9� � s:o3 iea'1©� : vc, . . ,. _ .. pxr3oYr v6;'` s 4'2 -ftq 3ra r,vc. J4 rY'ur'30n VQ. .. ai3.'J3',1.33ippi „i vor Z41vd. Orotai] .vf , 110t �t. ve. r"Ci'�Ooodlaynn Cr�"r'i in Ave ;t. Cl it 't, FlairJ.iow ,ivo,odlawn Goodrich Avo: ".VC. handolj)h 3ti jokfersan -t.CU, ?',3t111V I'd aoffe'YgrGon ' Ve. Fairmount -vc. U retia :: trv. Pland 01-011. "It :lurm'dit e-"'Ve. ennoth .1ve. Randolph ',t. Sargent :'.ve. i�ozaneth ve. i'aiarInount Ave. z,00drich :sue, �t. _ :fadolju '.t. ,alace '.'.t. ,;t. Clair St. grand ;,ve, iirta§a>v Ivo. andolph fA. Sargent iWei rview vest aleia . a rsent i''vo. 5ul:vait ':ve. AUrview., Gazt side-:" �?ri'ncoton :Ave. 3urm'li.t f:ve. TO be kii6i= WJ thO 1,'rOVOltrXld-Unpleviood Trot PlatltJ.t "^.iLC'G. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... Mrd ...... day of ....... F.ehruary...... 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court *. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Jaid 2 6 1926192...... Adopted by the Council............ JANI 7 S ,9 Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. ........... . ... ....................ACfIA� Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy Couathumr-Ferg— — /Councilman McDonaldism---- ✓Councilmanmx Hodgson -"Councilman-'SUMSudheimer /Councilman Wenzel w-0 Nelson , Form rBp>:UA.`'+,�6Far<uso� - ` ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ..... 6.0826 ............... approved .. July..15,..1925.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aurb..bath.sid.es..of Ottawa . Avenue . J:r=..Page.. Street, . to. Annapolia . Stre at ........... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....2,.19.3.52.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... M74 ........ day of ..... Febl?uarq ........ 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 'improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. �A N .?. 6 1926....... 192...... Approved......J A .. `L 6 4926.....192..... .... Councilman Clancy Ct]1mC'1 n Fnr21 cen : Councilman McDonald ,/,'Councilman l iSx Hodgson Councilman Sto x Sudheimer ;Councilman Wenzel _tmmvffiww Nelson `Form vJ. A 8-6* n9on 4"/,� ngMayor. '1J.1 X4141 C. R:No 84191—, In tha. matter of,curbing Loth sides rof Ottawa Ave. from Pag¢ 3[: to An-. napolla St., uador Pi�eliminary Order The apyroved July 16, 1926. The-:9ounclt'ot th¢ Clty'ot BG {aui`: havlagrecelved;lie teDart of the Com, COUNCIL FIIlE NO......."""""""" mlealoner o1 Finance upon -tho t,�Y;�;i mDrovement, and- having cOEa f�,y � said T4Dort, ltereb�f reaolven•;; 'That 1 the eaRP rt - \ By......................................'�5�:..'p. ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..OlAr hing-h0-thA:WP8.. Of. .O.ttRVa.Avenus.ir=.Page..S.treet. to ?top-sp.11.S. ritmqts.............................................................................. ........... :.......................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... :. . ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ..... 6.0826 ............... approved .. July..15,..1925.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aurb..bath.sid.es..of Ottawa . Avenue . J:r=..Page.. Street, . to. Annapolia . Stre at ........... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....2,.19.3.52.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... M74 ........ day of ..... Febl?uarq ........ 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 'improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. �A N .?. 6 1926....... 192...... Approved......J A .. `L 6 4926.....192..... .... Councilman Clancy Ct]1mC'1 n Fnr21 cen : Councilman McDonald ,/,'Councilman l iSx Hodgson Councilman Sto x Sudheimer ;Councilman Wenzel _tmmvffiww Nelson `Form vJ. A 8-6* n9on 4"/,� ngMayor. '1J.1 64142 Innndeeatending Fom Road byttakln and. condemning that Dart of Lot 1:r Eloc1, Edgecl19 Addition No. 2, 1•" Ing southweeterly,of the southwe:' �" orly-]Ines oP. lota;10. li and 12; Bl•= 3 oL eald Addition produced said lot t�;'Block`3 of sal•?„ to th_e: North no. of _Or, -• Prelir'�ary OrR' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. o.P ening,,, , ?{!A@Pi Ag, aA$ , Q:�terid:LDg . Pord . Road. .by . taka.ng • amd condemning,tl}e#. ggLx..o;Q.Lot o.J3,..B1oak..3,..Edgecliff•..Adctition.Tzo...2,. lying oi. said„aa��, �Qn.Px.Qdu�ed.fi.4r.Qsa.a+yid..LQt..�3.,.�lack.3..oaf.aaid..Qddi:LQTx to ............................................................... under Preliminary Order.......... 63218.......... approved ...Nov... MZ .1925...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement altd'having considered said -report, hereby resolvea:-- — - - 1. That the said report be and.the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..open, linden. arid. extend Addit34R.�4,..?.,.?�Y,Izg.�4>�tWQ9tQx�,Y..O.tQ..S.Qubstes.flxl3r. �ines..o£.ZotQ. 10, 11. and 12,,,Block 3.oP said,Addition„produced across ,said. Lot.13,,,Block,3 CT. said,AddMQP..to,the..KQTtkt..��1ae..P ..kQxSl..114ad,................................. .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...$,5. AO.... ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 24t ,.,.,,,..day of .... .Eebruazly.. • • • • • 192• • B., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. P 2 6 1gP6 Adopted by the Counclt ......................... 192...... Cit Approved.....bAt.t.4_2 �. ID26.....192...... Clerk* ... . ... .. ........ ........................ ..... j)CirRg Mayor. Councilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald Councilman D#=0M Hodgson �...`Councilman Stadtlxx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson FMr. Vice Pres. Forww.n orm B. S. A. &6 . J COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of aondomning.And. t.ekirig. an..easameat..for..the..purpos.e.Af..onn- *j>rq tip$,An¢,ma ntain}pg a„pubs q„eegcex,,-o ,,,ur}d,@f„a}Id-ac, oe$„t}Q...... easterly..S..ft... of. -Lot..12,..B1oak.1,..S.unnyaide..F1at..Ro...2., . from. duliet..St. to - Alley. - an• Ve-ar. -of. - sa1,d. 0. at............................................................. r ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... CZ 132...............approved ..... Nov...1$,..1;32`.1................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... Pr.QTkd9ri1X1. AAA. tpkq an eas.ement.for..the..purpose..of..oAnatructing.and.maint aining.a.puhlic.se�er on, across„thq„eagtQrly„$, ftp„q ,j Qt„�2,,,$}gck. 1,.,Surulys.ide. Plat N.Q... -st - - A P.&II.m.1n.rea> ..o#..said. lots. .......................... ................................................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....3..00...9:1..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 2�tla ......day of ...... Bebraiavy........ 192..1:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in. the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 61926 Adopted by the Council ........................1 192...... Jxaid 2 v 1926 .... ...�—T Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. . ....... ................ ....................... Aeting Mayor. Councilman Clancy — � 4, founcilman�ieso PMLISHM —� w t Councilman McDonald "~ ° _,-Councilman NW49 Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ..Councilman Wenzel C. p 641!3=� In the Matter 3 condo tng and ta,' log an strcng onidls' sPen]ateCn'Nt.`of or tpd1pu-rplolrc.:lKy ,_'coSu �,' 41� naYaldeea aeterlytl,feCI':na8Bo eE a, fromJu to Alley in rear .,of old lot,. '?,,V,rY .Orer_ 63132. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of aondomning.And. t.ekirig. an..easameat..for..the..purpos.e.Af..onn- *j>rq tip$,An¢,ma ntain}pg a„pubs q„eegcex,,-o ,,,ur}d,@f„a}Id-ac, oe$„t}Q...... easterly..S..ft... of. -Lot..12,..B1oak.1,..S.unnyaide..F1at..Ro...2., . from. duliet..St. to - Alley. - an• Ve-ar. -of. - sa1,d. 0. at............................................................. r ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... CZ 132...............approved ..... Nov...1$,..1;32`.1................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... Pr.QTkd9ri1X1. AAA. tpkq an eas.ement.for..the..purpose..of..oAnatructing.and.maint aining.a.puhlic.se�er on, across„thq„eagtQrly„$, ftp„q ,j Qt„�2,,,$}gck. 1,.,Surulys.ide. Plat N.Q... -st - - A P.&II.m.1n.rea> ..o#..said. lots. .......................... ................................................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....3..00...9:1..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 2�tla ......day of ...... Bebraiavy........ 192..1:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in. the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 61926 Adopted by the Council ........................1 192...... Jxaid 2 v 1926 .... ...�—T Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. . ....... ................ ....................... Aeting Mayor. Councilman Clancy — � 4, founcilman�ieso PMLISHM —� w t Councilman McDonald "~ ° _,-Councilman NW49 Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ..Councilman Wenzel In the Matter of..gmatng. a1.19Y.;W. -B1.Q4.4. 7 ,..L>� 8 s.. aT>QI..�Aa. $x.49 ..I ....... Sunnyside. Elat..#2,..from.Juliet, . Street. to..Jaffers an. Avanue.-and . Xr.= .6.lbert Avenue,to th,and South„Allen, accordance,ith,grade..shown, on,.blue print..hereto.• attached,. •also. ."nstruating .a..sewer. -on. the.. eas;Lertly.. a.ft. 0�. LOt .1.2e• .B.lO.C�i .1.,.. Sunnya i>9 e..Pl.at< . �r�,, . �xQ>b, s.ai.d.li•7.�.sy. ?e O..t he..G eF}t.Q>' .4f JulietSt:s...................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ 5.�'1��?$............ approved ....RF.a. 18,,, 192$.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. AO.q. Aj;LQy..1.-4. Block �, 71a}het,s,.i�,anor,and,21oc1i,l,,Sunnyside,Plat from .Juliet ,.Street.to. Jeffeusnn..kvenue..and.from.L.lbert. Avenue.. ta.Xorth..and..SCLuth. Alley.,. An aocordanee,with„grade,shown,on,blue..print.hereto..attached,,also.construct- ing a sewer on the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat b2, ................ txQm. aexd..�719y..# 9...he..Cet.4F.Ri"..JAl�et.St,.,....................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..84.5.58....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 24th, , . , , , , ,day of Februarz. , , , , , , ., 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A: -i1 ; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City: -Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... JAN 2 619-2(6 e- � ..:.............. Approved.........................192...... ✓ City Clerk. : . ... .........:........ .......................... ACting Mayor. Councilman Clancy ouncilm PUBLISHED Councilman McDonald j Councilman2M=OK Hodgson lCouncilmanK Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor; "_ N1'. Vloe Form B. S. A. 8-6 Yr.•s N'�ry a,r J.C. P. No. 64144— In the Matter of grading a 7C.Y.iY -,1.--I.nne's:'Manor and Block side Plat No.::.2, from J. Jefferson Ave: .and from E.. to: North and South Alley, once: with'grade shown. on hereto attached, also con, ewer on: the easterly 8 f_ eek 1,. sunny^" ^ Pls COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..gmatng. a1.19Y.;W. -B1.Q4.4. 7 ,..L>� 8 s.. aT>QI..�Aa. $x.49 ..I ....... Sunnyside. Elat..#2,..from.Juliet, . Street. to..Jaffers an. Avanue.-and . Xr.= .6.lbert Avenue,to th,and South„Allen, accordance,ith,grade..shown, on,.blue print..hereto.• attached,. •also. ."nstruating .a..sewer. -on. the.. eas;Lertly.. a.ft. 0�. LOt .1.2e• .B.lO.C�i .1.,.. Sunnya i>9 e..Pl.at< . �r�,, . �xQ>b, s.ai.d.li•7.�.sy. ?e O..t he..G eF}t.Q>' .4f JulietSt:s...................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ 5.�'1��?$............ approved ....RF.a. 18,,, 192$.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. AO.q. Aj;LQy..1.-4. Block �, 71a}het,s,.i�,anor,and,21oc1i,l,,Sunnyside,Plat from .Juliet ,.Street.to. Jeffeusnn..kvenue..and.from.L.lbert. Avenue.. ta.Xorth..and..SCLuth. Alley.,. An aocordanee,with„grade,shown,on,blue..print.hereto..attached,,also.construct- ing a sewer on the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat b2, ................ txQm. aexd..�719y..# 9...he..Cet.4F.Ri"..JAl�et.St,.,....................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..84.5.58....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 24th, , . , , , , ,day of Februarz. , , , , , , ., 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A: -i1 ; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City: -Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... JAN 2 619-2(6 e- � ..:.............. Approved.........................192...... ✓ City Clerk. : . ... .........:........ .......................... ACting Mayor. Councilman Clancy ouncilm PUBLISHED Councilman McDonald j Councilman2M=OK Hodgson lCouncilmanK Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor; "_ N1'. Vloe Form B. S. A. 8-6 Yr.•s N'�ry a,r c: F. No. 84245 I In the Mntt3r of -condemning. and oak Ing nn easement In the -land neves eary forslopes,'-for cuts and dila In! the,gradip oY';-Aney in Block,tl ' Tone's N Yt r and Blook : S! s, ,a;plat� 2k from .Juliet 9t n Ava.; anr7 .Prom;Alb rt A, _ :t�$dutk'Atleg under r.;ec,.83201. +r1provoR -'. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 64.45 In the Matter of ... condemning. and -taking . an..eas ement..in . ihe.. land. neness ary for. Ajopas,.,for..outs.And.f.i].is:.in.lhe.gradimg,- OX. Alleg.in. Block.J,.ZaaeIs 1$anar. Ax>.d. Blnok.1,. Sunx>X$:LdQ . F.lat.,#2., . from. .Juli.et..St ...to . Jeffersnn..Ave . and from Albert Ave. to North and South Alley, .............. ......................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... G.,� 2.07 .............. approved ....�JP.v... 20,,, , 1 ;q` ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and aid improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...0.QX1d9itln. aAd..tgkq an easameni . in. the. land..aaces sary. f or.. alappA,..f.Qr..Glit a .and .fa l� s..iA . thp, ,grad- in of Alley in Block 1, Lane's Manor, and Bloek 1, Sunnyside Plat #2, fxPTO. J.ullet..St.,.to..JQifernon. Ave....endXr-4m.AJlext.eve....tq,.)Igx'th,aTkd,�quth al lay,.. in. .ame ordance..with. the..blua . print..hereta . At taehed . and . mads . .4. ,part ber,Qq ,the ,�at.Qk�e41„ o tior}s„s gp11I}g the, cuts, and, the. shaded. po.rtions.,showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....25,.OQ..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............day of F.ebxl,-=7......... 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City- of -St. Paul. That the -Commissioner of -Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... —. Approved...... ...... ity Clerk. AC ing Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED ren-Fergas 'Councilman McDonald lColmclhnan cmx Hodgson mer 'Councilman i X; C Councilman Wenzel i i a NelsonMr Form B lA. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ZrAd;Wg - A15AY. - 1A. A- - DPqxk',*- 2ncj- AacUt'-Qn'-frQPi ...... ........................................................... ...................................................................................................... .................................... I ................................................................. ................................................................. t ..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 63084 ............ approved ... Xjov....17..1925.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.9r.ade A 3_1eV -in ..... PQAII'A..�n4- AdAV�IAn. AqJFMX.Mrqqt ......... .............................................................................. ....................... ................. ........................................................ ............................ ........... I .......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 241,4 ......... day of ..... Fabnuavy ......... 192.. Z. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... JAU.2-6-,iz6--_ 192...... JAN 2 b Approved ......................1..192...... ity Clerk . . . . . .. ................ ............... .. .. ....... Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald (;ouncilmanAfab= Hodgson ,-'Councilman iftAda Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Wkyo—r-MM" Nelson V;�­, Form B.Z A. 8-6 (34146 Cln t.ft, __.Ing a nr1k. 11,n 1—i-, In 4 t St. tQ F1Bk ',$gt, tinder Preliminary 0,der.62084,approv The Coirnell '01 -the 1C11Y 01 11t. Paul }suing the, CPM COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ZrAd;Wg - A15AY. - 1A. A- - DPqxk',*- 2ncj- AacUt'-Qn'-frQPi ...... ........................................................... ...................................................................................................... .................................... I ................................................................. ................................................................. t ..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 63084 ............ approved ... Xjov....17..1925.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.9r.ade A 3_1eV -in ..... PQAII'A..�n4- AdAV�IAn. AqJFMX.Mrqqt ......... .............................................................................. ....................... ................. ........................................................ ............................ ........... I .......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 241,4 ......... day of ..... Fabnuavy ......... 192.. Z. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... JAU.2-6-,iz6--_ 192...... JAN 2 b Approved ......................1..192...... ity Clerk . . . . . .. ................ ............... .. .. ....... Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald (;ouncilmanAfab= Hodgson ,-'Councilman iftAda Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Wkyo—r-MM" Nelson V;�­, Form B.Z A. 8-6 C. n Fhe Dfatter f co damning and,lak- V'4147 Ing an ea9emept the 1 nd -sa y Yor alopo ote end It the grading i In me -� Dean,X Offi-Vlctorie. ... Flak 8t., c.upd r.I'minary 62996 App -V d Nov.-" .1926. The Council, of the Clty-.of -Ing receIv.d the report of the COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... aondemniag.AVIA. taldrXg- AIX .6ASfjTpP t..in.ItIe.14114.Ae.e9A$.RrY for sloes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 4, Dean's ................ 2nd, Add;,,from,yictoria. Street to .Fisk Street,..._.. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ U0$` ...........approved .... fin-zi. }, 1925,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Candemn. and : take. an easement .in..the..land..neCBS aary..for. alopas,..for..cnta.Arad.fi77e.. X?.the,grad- ing.af.a]7eU.3.r1••BjOCk.A ..Dean!s..2nd..6dcL..fxam..Vi.ctoria.Stxaet..tA.F.ielt. Streat,..in. Aorordance. mitb..thQ..b7 Ue..pr.int..kjax p.GO..att&ckiQ.1. and„made , A. part here af,..the..hat Chad. .portions. .shov+ing.tba.auS.s.and.the.RhRd6.d.-PQ-r .OAa. showing, the„fAlls.......................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... R0 --0Q ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... R0.4 ......... day of .Pebrnar9.. • • • . 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.JO. 6 1928 192...... .. . . ............. L� Approved ... ;.''..1.2. d.1QR ........192...... f ................. City Clerk. Acting Mayor. '—'Councilman Clancy —2 Councilman McDonald ,/Councilman ,qM Hodgson ,.-'Councilman iWtbx Sndheimer ,,,Councilman Wenzel mmagEmmilffm Nelson NJ r. Vice Pie9. Ferga99n B. S. A. 8-6 C:.F... 64148 - 64148 i7 1 /'1 [) Ih the ah..!s .oP ..lgrading All' y CJ1 L�v% 6;Flnal;ee's.Cleveland View ar. `" 12. RJL ankee's Rrarrnngement ` .clevelnnd,:Ave. to :Kenneth-Av. _.der Prenminary Order'63811, ed No 20:3936. - ,.,^ecelyedthe report of ' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1) In the Matter of..grading.Alley. in..Blook..6 Ilankee,.s- Cleweland..Vi4v--and... $;,Omf.A, 1LA>zkeelS..RdP.rrax�em�n Kenneth. Avenue ...................................................................................................... .......................................................................................I.........I.... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 63212 ............. approved ....NOV.« -20, .192,5 ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. grade..&Uey.-in .uloCk 6,.. Ht;nkee!.a. Hlavaland . Vien,..and. Bloek. 3,..Ha akee.t.s..Rearrangement,..from . CJ evelansl.Avanue..ta.Kannetk..Avenue............................ ....................... ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....74.0..'78...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 24th ........ day of F.ebmuary......... 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City'Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 19 C Adopted by the Council ................26......, 192...... JAN 2 6 iy�,6 , . Approved.........................192...... —7`- ity Clerk. j """.Xaifi, Mayor. /Councilman Clancy /Councilman McDonald /Councilman Matsmox Hodgson ,'Councilman fxftx Sudheimer ,-Councilman Wenzel er Nelson Fbrn; ptt.l�HE13 -� C. r. No. 94149_ 34149 -In the Matter of. condemning and_. ing an easement 1. the and nx- - sarq for loaeao for cuts and Oil J, th9. grading Ll y Ia:B',:;•+ Hankee'e Cleveland View a :. .--5 ange Cleveland Av: tovenuOmor-,;, der'Pre V..ry.. Order 9d NOV.: '':. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.00nd-e iAg..ARd..0X1A9-.�I1.9.AS.9A1Q1at•ai}••fel�Q•••• 6¢es$a y, for s l,opas,.. ton. cuta . And . £i Ila.. in. tha . grad s n.g .0JZ. A119 Y.. $.4. BLQ9k..6 , . IAanke e', s q�,Qyejand,View,,,and„dock 3, Hankee!s Rearrangements from Cleveland Avenue• •to, Kenneth,Avenuef.................................................................`: ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ..........G3212t.......... approved .....N40t..�rQ�..1�25.•................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... onndemn..arLd...tak0 an easement,in,the land necessary for slo�esr for cuts and fills in the:.ygrad- 1Ag..0�.All.@Y.iu.a1ACM.€.,.13�A�e4�.C..Gl:eve�.a�d,Vievp,,•and. $lock,3,,,Hankee�s R�axraragem@nt,..�4m.�1�°��¢d, An@due„t o,eneth.Avenue, in,a0cordance with th6..blue..pxirit..�Qretp •�t,�,Aq}�ed,p,>�d •made. a, part, hereof,x •the ,hatched• •portions ¢hgtR 1?g, the, cuts„and, the, shaded,•porti.. showing the fillst with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....510.00....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... R034 ..... day of February......., 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. 'iA N ? 6 1 X26. , , , , , 192 • , , , , , 1Aid i 6 192 ........ Approved.........................192...... f ty CI rk. ... ...... ............... ....... Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ,,Councilman X Mom Hodgson ,Councilman 5oftx Sudhe imer Councilman Wenzel yyin Nelson ,1;10 A:-S-6er�uaon C FAD. 64160 ���� II th Matt t grad) galley In i Robert P Grigg C t. t y's 13 �• Avision' from Griggs 9t to , - df 63486 .radar -Pr llminary -: . 65086 -approved Nov. 47, 1of •e.C*XN'. t the -t 09 St.; ��ecelved the rf":^rEoL 4he,: COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterii..>?....I et9$..CQmP.ariY`.s ...... $t1]7G1j V] S7 OA .1 070. frT3 lSgC. $$x r.Qt..tQ . $$ri$�C� �6..4P.erius3 ............................. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 6s'iOR6............... approved ..NQv.a..1.7 s��e-e`J.•.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... g7'gd.44. A11U.. J.4... B] ook. 3,..Rs�bart..P... bei&. Goingany.'.s..Subdivis� on. �x'Qm..G7'xgs..S>?eet..t.0... Syndicate. Avenues ...................................................... ....................... ............................ _......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... 754.80.. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 24th........ day of ..Babruaxy .... • • • 192• •6 • at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and inithe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -YF IX 2.D.1926 • • • • • •' •. 192. • • • • • _ 1 J' b1 2 6 19a6 ..... .. . ..... ..... Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. . ....... a liCiing Mayor. Councilman Clancy Geuneihnat F ___ / Councilman McDonald /Councilman ;Qos Hodgson ,/Councilman Smft]t Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson :11 r. Vice Fr s FnrareoD Form B. S. A. > b U �� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemaxis.RiA.ta>:c Pg, An. easement An,the _land necessary for slopes,, ,for„ cuts..and..fills in the..gradin$ of alley in Slack 3, Robert p, Trewis Company,!s..Subdivision Prom.Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 63Q@7...... , , , , , , approved ... NQX... 17 #..1925 t , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.R.0Tld6mx1.�n41..take„an easement.An.ihe.. land. neneS.*9 y..f,Qr.X1QPQ9.,-XPX.cµ14,apd,41l9,in the..grad- ing of alle�n Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision from Griggs ................ StxQ.Qt„t,Q,,�y>�d1.Qrl3,�e„Avenue,, in,agcordance.with.the blue print hereto aitached.and..made.a.paz.L.hexBo�,..th6..k��cY�ed,pprtions, sholcinf; the cuts and the. shaded.portian$._show1ng..the IPla................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 2Q.QQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the! ..... Pr4th,,,,,,,day of ..... Rehruary........ 192.A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... JAN 2 6 1926 ..... 19 _ , , , , Approved ........ vl�t' I1.2.S,.1.°°26..192..... 'Councilman Clancy Evoneilffian , e_ Gn ,/Councilman McDonald ,,Councilman bM liodgson 'Councilman $I1tb= Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Nelson _e%Vioe Pros. Forausou harm B, S. A. 8-6 4 ...... ........ ........ City Clerk. :..... ...... Mayo ... AC;IngMayor. 4RJBLISfIEi9 %,Z) �� C.V. No. 64161— In the X111""' of Gond Ing a Ing. an easement 1n. the:'land'a-, aerx. for. ¢1oDes„ tor,•cuta- and 111[3 the GradtA$ of alley 1n mock 3,: Rt ert p,:;r etvSa Comyaay'e 9ubdivls, tram OHE 9C: ;to Syndicate :15, —der Pre,"",¢ry Order'. 63087: tb'ot`the. ^_qty. of a! COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemaxis.RiA.ta>:c Pg, An. easement An,the _land necessary for slopes,, ,for„ cuts..and..fills in the..gradin$ of alley in Slack 3, Robert p, Trewis Company,!s..Subdivision Prom.Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 63Q@7...... , , , , , , approved ... NQX... 17 #..1925 t , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.R.0Tld6mx1.�n41..take„an easement.An.ihe.. land. neneS.*9 y..f,Qr.X1QPQ9.,-XPX.cµ14,apd,41l9,in the..grad- ing of alle�n Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision from Griggs ................ StxQ.Qt„t,Q,,�y>�d1.Qrl3,�e„Avenue,, in,agcordance.with.the blue print hereto aitached.and..made.a.paz.L.hexBo�,..th6..k��cY�ed,pprtions, sholcinf; the cuts and the. shaded.portian$._show1ng..the IPla................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 2Q.QQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the! ..... Pr4th,,,,,,,day of ..... Rehruary........ 192.A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... JAN 2 6 1926 ..... 19 _ , , , , Approved ........ vl�t' I1.2.S,.1.°°26..192..... 'Councilman Clancy Evoneilffian , e_ Gn ,/Councilman McDonald ,,Councilman bM liodgson 'Councilman $I1tb= Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Nelson _e%Vioe Pros. Forausou harm B, S. A. 8-6 4 ...... ........ ........ City Clerk. :..... ...... Mayo ... AC;IngMayor. 4RJBLISfIEi9 %,Z) �� C. F. No. .64162— " In the Matter ot-"grading Park nllePlat-No:y in Htk. 3,•Edward 7.. 1•fcAdam'e Addition _ad Btock'S, Lexington 1, ' andf yndlcate: Ave. to 8o Iqa a Ave. and from Bayard Ave -to. E✓ .._ wo t'.alley under.,Prellminar 63491;8 Prrtv �i�T:+x 83926 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INfTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ZrAdlxig . ?,UQY... in BlAok . �, . EdWa�$..Z+... MCN.OW A .?,(MVUP.4.. &nd..B1onk..3,.. LexingtDn..PRrk -Flat . #.1, . f ram. ByndiOAtA . AQO... U. Ave . aALZ.YxQn.Rezq .cl.Ay.4,..tR.W.t......................................... ...................................................................................................... 63491.....I........approved .......DeC. 8z 1925. under Preliminary Order............ ••••••••••••••• The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Sr in ,B10ok 3,,,Edward,Z,,MpN4daml,s Addition and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat #l, from Syndicate,Ave;,to„Hamline Ave. and from.,Bayard Ave. to East and West alley, ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... `MA7...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. a4th........... day of .. , , , FQklrRgr3........ 142..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. JA N 2 , 6, 1926 .. , . , , . ,, 192..... . Approved ....... JAW, 2. .`1- .,...192...... \,/Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald CouncihnamdUlmac Hodgson ',CouncilmatudbX= Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson Mr, T1w Pres. Fervu-n ,,,Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. ....... . ........ - c City Clerk. .................. ............... Ariifl... . g' Mayor. "LIST” - `84183- Ia eR M tte! r co dem Ing and tak- .'98ry8for elOpee fog �nb told H..a.- w +' d Adam11Addlti BlocU. h 9SE�, d. Lesington. Parkplot1 Yrom S.,, dtcate .Ave. to Hamllne Ave. �a BaYard Ave, to East anB ` 0 ,Funder Preliminary. Qrdr„ =F ". n ,1925. ` COUNCIL FILE NO...... city orE;' .Y n- By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterfor s�opea,..#'Dx..4u'�9..aS34I..�S.��,S..�?�.t�}�„girading, of.,alley,.in,Block„3,..Edward L. 1fcAdam. Addit~ion. and. Blnck.3,. Lexington. Park..Plat..#7 .xox. SYXidheate ,,9ve . to hairtj��}p„Q,v,Q,,.ar}d.froln,�ayard. Ave;,,to.East, and gest alley, ................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 0.492t..............approved ....DeC. 8, .1925. .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..condemn. and. take. an esagin pAt, AA. tI}e„laid,necessary. for slopes,.,for.cuts and fills in the gradi. qP„alley,in,$lock 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition and Block 3, Lexington Parlc.p]at,irl. iT.q>D..S9.tsdicate,Ave,, tq,fiamline._Ave, and £rom Bayard Ave.; to East .and. isest.,alley,., in, accordance with the blue print hereto attached and ial�de..a..Paxtt.lx2T.Q0�..+tki6••1}g�Fkied•P.4? t ,ons. the .cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...3.0.A0........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 24th....... day of .....Februezy . • • • • • •. 192.8 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 5 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... 'Al j .............. . ' ..%Q���....Approved...............192...... C Clerk. ... . ....... ............ .............. Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy /Councilman McDonald /Councihnan¢x-Hodgson /councilman x Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson Vmr.BVir PAreg Eergnaon _` 6 (, /, 1 ln' the" 111ai:_ 'J�$ ' G 4 3. Ryan Place .ire.... Randolph .SI. Under .y.� der 63383 a proved Dec 'h Tho "Cqugcl� of the Clty oL':, hsvlag re.. ved-the report 01YG�. -4—toner of 11naaca upon..fhei. nt and -having.:copq ",r^aotveal ;, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... 9r1kd ,n9- ,1BY.•in.1310.011c.Ryi la..PIOPQ.;CX'Rm..HPLXUQrd...9nQ• A.RaAaP�.P�?.rSt:.a............................................................................... s .....,................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under PreEminary Order .... e�9-Z................approved AeC:..3,..1925....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. grade . alley.. in.... Blonk..,%.. Ryan. .Placa . frlam. Hartford. Ave.. An . Randrrtgh. Nt.a,...................... ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ............................ _...................... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1,,Q91.50 , -, • , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 2`1t?........day of . • .FOrnary... • ....... 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ::1.`I. .4.19$ • • • •> 192• • • • • • .. .. ........... .... Approved .........i.'..:'.r ig2Fi...192...... i lerk. .....ting. ....... ACtlllg Mayor. Councilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald Atftff to"' l Councilman R Hod son (Councilman Rmkkx Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel / Nelspn W Vise Pres. Ferguson F+�rmB.S.A.M j _ IF No.'84166— :C!n [he 3tatter f coademning and ing an eaee eat In the 7 nd eary pore. elope -as, forlley ute ondHlocicflllf.. tho grniilt(g. of 1 .Placa :from. Finrtford N d,lop-St., aDProunder. Prenm.jt+C'�� COUNCIL FILE NO................ By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..condemning..and..taking,.an.eas.ement.in-the-land-nacassary , for,slopes,,,for cuts and..fills..in, the.. grading„oP alley„in.Block 3, Ryan Place from Hartford Ave. to Randolph St., ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..ti: ........... under Preliminary Order...... ANH.............approved .....Dept, 3,.,1925,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adoptedyzand the said-impsogqrngnt is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 991149. .gLPd„take„an easement„in the land neceesary for slopes,;,£or cuts and fills in the gx ad31 . Qi..a� 19g. in.BJ OrJs..3...RXaA. klAcA-frP;P. JX-"t;Qord. A.yq—. o, . Randolph $t�, 131 agoOFd;st?A.Q.}4itkt,.ikle„plug„pxlRt, heretp.,attac ed,and..made,a,part heregf,,, the,�,at,C)�,ed„poxtlor}g„�}�oY{lRg. t�}Q„guts„and„the. shaded..portions„ showing. Mag - f i 11-9 ..._....................................................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....0.•9.9 ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 24tb .........day of ....Fabruamy, ......... 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..AN.?.6 3926,,,, Approved ..... 4% N G Ig8C5..... 192...... `Councilman Clancy an Councilman McDonald Z Councilman 3NIMX Hodgson x- Councilman It x Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Nelson fr Mr. Viae Pres. Ferminn;� Form B. S. A. 8-6 i - L . 192...... City'Clerk. .......... <... . 46ting Mayor. 4asmZ) �� C. to No. 6!'166--"'4156 L �Z 6 In the 9Tatter o."aj' to Clar nt fro �J=4 ��g-p Johnson ParhwaY to Clarence 7L lJ 'wfth as :approach and drainage u. oneatd81ge16t to a. Volnt 220' east of IP-larencea814 under Prelimh ary Order '6Z749 approved Oct 1926. _i' .. ,4 The Councof the Citi of St<a of the •hr,� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.P.$T.lmY .t•0. with.RLl..@RDr.Q$.Qh.$tnd.dF.a�.$��..d3tcll..Ori.S.aid.511;9J.5.t-A.Q.a.RQ;W .2$Q.#t. east of„Clarence..St............................................................................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 62779..............approved ...gct....2?... 9.25.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. gr W10..S1gA1..U... P�pJp..J9kiib9ori.P.Qrkw.AY..to.ri�3��P�}F.@. ....Plltj}.aA.$HPx:9.EkGh.$.4a.4I $.jxi.qSe.dotch oA..said .S� 1i e1..St... to..a..Dnlnt.22A. fit... aQat..Qf . CJ $xenee.. Vit.., .................. ..................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ..... ................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... J„6.7.5..6A ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on. said improvement on the ..... 2'hth .......day of For.IU T......... 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. -. • • • • • . •. 192• . . . Approved...... JAN 7 6.192,1 ... 192 ...... C. ity CjeA. ...... .......... ... .......... ......... Acting Mayor. V Councilman Clancy D until ngun- PUBLISHED �_ 3 Councilman McDonald r "CouncilmanlMAtwbx Hodgson �•'Councilman25wiftat Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson j Mr. Vice Pres. Ferauwn Form B. S. A. 8-6 /, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...cond.emning..and..taking .an.my.emex&-in. .the. .land..naeasaary for..slopes,..far-cuts..and..fil].e. in..the..grading..of. .Sigal. St....frnm..Johnsan Parkway.. to. r larance. St... nith..an .approach . and. drainage. ditch. on. said -Sigel St, to a point 220 feet east of Clarence St., ................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 62750..............approved ..... Oct...27.,.1925.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the, Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.enndemn and. t,ake.,an easement in the land necessary. for slopes, for cute and fills in the ..... grali3 EE. f,Sige1,St...from.Johnson.Parkway.,to.Clarence.St...nith an approach and. drainage. ditch. an. s aid..Sigal. St.. • .t o .a..polnt..220..fe.et..east.. of ..Clarence St..,..in.ace.ordanca.w.ith.the.hlue..print. her. eto..attached. and. mad e.. a.. part here of,.. the. .hatahAd..P0Xt-tone..$houlag.tbe.outs. and..the.ahadad. poxti.one..show- ing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....� Q a QQ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 241IX .....day of February, . _ , , , _ . ,, 192, fi , „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_,i-,1 .�.......... 192...... City L" Approved......... 2 6 i926......192...... Ci Clerk. .. ... ....... ... ..... Acting Mayor. �✓ Councilman Clancy �Eeuruiilman-FePgttsoa'-•• p[J�('ffP�'$�' l V � /'Councilman McDonald .,,'Councilman 2MMu mx Hodgson /Councilmantanx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson b1r: Sioe Pme. Ferguson Fq�m B. S. A. 8-6 - j In the Matter>o1 condemning and tak- ae¢ee- - ing sa eaeemlent In the land $t1s-in; sary.for slopes, for cut9xan 'the Brading;cl Slgel-St, from Tolia-� ' St• -wlih - 'son Parkway to Clarence , and -drainage ditch _on an approach Id 93gel. SL to-.aPofnt 220 :feet east. ^�arence -:6t., under PreliminBrY 1926r 760 approved'Act:-:27; of the ('ItY of SL- Paul' . 01 the C^^= COUNCIL FILE NO ............... the ..o By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...cond.emning..and..taking .an.my.emex&-in. .the. .land..naeasaary for..slopes,..far-cuts..and..fil].e. in..the..grading..of. .Sigal. St....frnm..Johnsan Parkway.. to. r larance. St... nith..an .approach . and. drainage. ditch. on. said -Sigel St, to a point 220 feet east of Clarence St., ................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 62750..............approved ..... Oct...27.,.1925.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the, Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.enndemn and. t,ake.,an easement in the land necessary. for slopes, for cute and fills in the ..... grali3 EE. f,Sige1,St...from.Johnson.Parkway.,to.Clarence.St...nith an approach and. drainage. ditch. an. s aid..Sigal. St.. • .t o .a..polnt..220..fe.et..east.. of ..Clarence St..,..in.ace.ordanca.w.ith.the.hlue..print. her. eto..attached. and. mad e.. a.. part here of,.. the. .hatahAd..P0Xt-tone..$houlag.tbe.outs. and..the.ahadad. poxti.one..show- ing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....� Q a QQ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 241IX .....day of February, . _ , , , _ . ,, 192, fi , „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_,i-,1 .�.......... 192...... City L" Approved......... 2 6 i926......192...... Ci Clerk. .. ... ....... ... ..... Acting Mayor. �✓ Councilman Clancy �Eeuruiilman-FePgttsoa'-•• p[J�('ffP�'$�' l V � /'Councilman McDonald .,,'Councilman 2MMu mx Hodgson /Councilmantanx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson b1r: Sioe Pme. Ferguson Fq�m B. S. A. 8-6 - j !`4158 Fli the Matter of curbingboth sldea of Blair 9t., between Hamllne Ave. and. Albert Ave: under - Prellminary'Order 82V,, approved Sept:' 18. 1926 -The Councff of the.{Atg of St P >,nving received the report of the C:. _— toner of Finance upon tbn .1 COUNCIL FILE NC"-:: By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Curbing.both-S',das..Q-f.-13141x'..St... -�e"ee' Agplline„Ave, ,and Alhert. Ava.,..................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 621.05 ............. approved ......$ a pt ,18 , ,1925 .. , , .......... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.C=b .b.Oth. 9LIAQ;3 . Af •BYa lr..St....be tueen . Hamline..6ve... gnd..H.-lbQTt . AQ.e................................... .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................:........................I.......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ae6 ;J,2...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 2,4t4 .......... day of ........ FAD IAU . • . •, MA.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... dAJY.2 6.1826......, 192...... Aia i92� r .....�...... Approved ....:' ..... 2 c ..............192...... Cit, Clerk. .............. ..................... / A06179 Mayor. ✓ Councilman Clancy n • PUBLISHED Councilman McDonald M /Councilman ffitaxtr Hodgson /Councilman Sm kbm Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel (fix Nelson Mr ViPres. Feruusou Form )3. S” A. 8-6 / �C F. No. 8415— 4)40 J 4heMatter of -constructing cem_ •rbing on the southwesterly elder• service drive on Como Bsulev� t,aet aide ofC.—Park ra„ Ave. North to i,akeylew A.� _Pieliminary `Order; 65731 �'-s 7ov. 18, 1886. ;7cn of the ,p.fithc ;. COUNCIL FILE NO .............: By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. cgn$tructing, cement. curbing, on.,the, southwesterly„side, of tilde . �@F.Q�.GP:.ax�XB..gA. �4?TtQ. �PA1eYfl>;'tl. P.Y}..eaSt..s�,S1e . o�..GP)4P..Par?�,..�rR?4.9omo �YQ u@. IJo�th. tP..LakeY ,@P1..41V8}?Ue............ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ 63131............ approved ...... NOV.-1.8,.. L92-9 ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and tli said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. �OABI xl1Ct..CS31nf3J3'v.. onrb1v9..o7a .the..s outhwes ter.1Y.. sz tie . a#..t he..s 13xY.iP a . dx';.F1.. Qn..G gmo..$4kt1,evard on. the..easi.side..of..Cama.P.ark,..fvom.Gomo.Avenue—North. ta.Lakeview.Avanue, ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....7 ,] 7$ s.5.1 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 24:th........ day of ` FAW.144.0 ........1 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. lg Adopted by the Council... J . A.N ....2 .. 5 .... ?6......, 192...... . ....... . . . ..... .- . Approved...... AA "J. 2. 9 ggj?C, ...192...... Cjfy Cletk. ......(✓.. ....... .... RC$t17Q Mayot. Councilman Clancy ,� p(TBLISi11E1I3 � 3 / Councilman McDonald Councilmala[ t Hodgson 'Councilman 8rYiM Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / Nelson ,/ .wlr. Pias Yrea. Fer�uoon Form B. S. A. 8-6 ; 7 — :C.F No. 64180 urbom: �416® lnon both ta�deet ofdHud111 ol9= Sten Forest st ao the eaetllnCider :dote Bt•, under 'piellminnrY 63380. ADDioved Dea.CltY of 8t. � Ami. The Covnoll of thraDan ottho above `hnvin8 ?ecetvad Hance' v ug con91 !!a+ �l119alOAeT � 01= P`3 - ovement: and bs,; olvea poitr;h J -l�� COUNCIL FILE NO............... By..................................•............. INTERMEDIAiRY ORDER In the Matter of.. o.onstrunti.ng . ourbing..on . hoth. Bides . of—Huds.on .Ase.... from. F.ormst.,at,.. t..1iw.ox. Mend.atA.St.......................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .........................................................................I......... under Preliminary Order...... , 63390, , , , , , , , , , , , , approved .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..9AIl0914,0,t, IWI' ag on both,sidgs„of,Ipdson,Aye, from,Forest rSt;„to the, east„line,of,Mendota St..,........................................................................ ....................... ........................... ............ I............................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...'!741.`9...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ?.0h ...... day of ...... F.abruary........ 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said. meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... JAN -2. A J9-- � Approved....::.' e. .....192..... V Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald /Councilman ?6 --,Mm Hodgson !Councilman'W tnt Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel >m Nelson Mir. Viae, Pma. Foravp- Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... Ciyy Clerk. .......... Aciirlg Mayor. Itet-e-r - n be'AI$tter of curbing both sldee of, Latond: at between Avou, St. and ViCtoriQ aL„ under Prenminarp Or- der 88856 aDDroved Dea. I, 39P. . The-.CoDnoU of 'the itK: of: 8`. mant.wreceiv. t ouncll reconur le recelvod'therePort of- .......i.r:.,BIICe upon .1 COUNCIL FILE By................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER X4161 In the Matter of..CUxb3. i10t�h. ai dee. Af..Lafaud .S.traet . heltiDeen .Atzon. Street ,andl.VAq.toriA A. mr.o.t.................. ....................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..53335..................approved ..A@C....1.,..195...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... ourb..bloth.aides..oP Itafor>d. atreat..betty.@en.Avszn.ZtXmt..and..ViQt.oris.3. raei{,.............. I........ ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................:.................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... SQ$.13Q.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 24tla ........day of ;.. F.@bxuary......... 192...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. JA N.2- (y 1826 • • • •. • •. 192• JAN 2 6 i91u .. ... .. .... . ........... ty... Approved........:................192...... Cler . /Cflll(J Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISH®—� ED -Eonf ' anergusoii Councilman McDonald /Councilman33== Hodgson /Councilman 2X Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel wFa Nelson Q�99 pp _ Form rB IT A7� fPier�nson /'(.. 7-M-Itlil . 6916T; -4162 atter of eur3rlgg0 et. to .PreaminatY.,'Pet. 20, 3926.ouacA of,'he ' enety t� zur;.ot- eni_:i>' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... curb ing..Laf and . st r e e.t. f r om..Gri ggs..SLre et.. t.o . Lexington. Avenue.x.............................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ................................................................t..................................... ...................................................................................................... under` Preliminary Order.....62651...............approved ....9Ct. 20a,_ 1925.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Curb..LaPand.Street rQP?.�iX'3.QF$..StX'e0$..tR.TaQxir�gton, tl9ellUe.,............................................. ............................................................................... ....................... ...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 24th ........ day of ... Fabruary........... 192..6 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.44^^.N.2.�.}g26......... 192...... M lJ 9 Approved ... JAN -2.6-i9s{....... 192...... City Clerk. .. ..... .:.... .... ....................... Acting Mayor. V/Councilman Clancy PUBLISHEID y' Councilman McDonald /Councilman lily Hodgson /Councilman23m=x Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Nelson Formr$V�et�'er+ason �� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.............................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. a0ns tXU-Qting . R . RQV-Qr..Ori . Rdg41>Jnb.Q. A4ri$.. 1"Q?ll , a , point, , , , , , , approximate]y..3H.ft...Tlort$ex]y,.q,.t�?e„southerli*, line„of .Lot„3� Block 9, 3Rest..End..Edgcrimhe..�dditivn..t4.Att.0.11P.@x?ue„arid, on,ptto,[�ye,, £rom,the east .line.. of . Ridge.. S.t ...ta . tba . g.QWer. ,Ori ,the, ,east ,side, ,of, , Ed�cumbe ,Road � ...............................................................................................I...... under Preliminary Order .....QU05 ...............approved ...... 15a 1925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. CQnstT'uct„a sever on .Edgaumba.R."A-;Qr=..@..POAD1.APP.1?QX1Inately, 35,feet northerly of the southerly line,of,Lot 3, Block 9t fest End Edcumbe Addition to Otto Avenue and .on.�tfio.Ave...fx:Om.t,�,e„e�O,t„�ipg„Q�:.�iidge„St., to,the sewer ,on the east .s.ids . of. ,Edgonmbe..Raad...................................................................... ................................................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...,5,,x.92.510... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 2kth .....day of .. Febimarq ........... 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....JAN �...19�........ 192...... Approved.......1..................192.... Councilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald /Councilman Mxm§z Hodgson /Councilman B8it X Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel aa Nelson p/ Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. ..... .. Gtr✓ o?.c/ Actiry, Mayor. PUBLISHED % - � � 02 C. the -4164 Ia the Matter. on-Warwlek. Avenue 8tr'to--the "' ' of 1 en Prellminery Order 8002 uc� 13m 15, 1928::- The Council of the city -of �*wing received the report ot. 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..ej3wtruotQve}1ue„from.Aandolph.... street . to..the ..centar..of..Na lss..$t.x e at., ................................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .... �UP?................approved ....veC. 15, 1925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.COX1Stx1lCt„g„setv6, on.�arptick.AveAue..f>'oin.R�Adgj,pl�,Street, to„the center of Niles Street; .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 24th... . . , , , ,day of .....FRbruaXY ........ 192...0., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and is the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 19%6. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... J A P2 2 S 1926 .............. . Approved.........................192...... Ciry.Clerk. Y M1 Ma or. PUBLIS ' 3 Councilman Clancy , ' Councilman McDonald ,//Councilman 1kom Hodgson /Councilman Irtd SS Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Nelson %/Mr. Vios Pres. Vrauann ; s Form B. S. A. 8-6 >------ i :: 64186— 64165 rn the,Matter of condeaminstru lag.: n easement to oonetruci main sin a Dublfo sewer TOCIC'� ttfn_the 11 SB Rftwf`ee -- 1 COUNCIL FILIE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..C.QZk4QlaX19-Anl.M1dX1g.At}..6aS6JpQY1t..tR.Q.OnStxLt4t..��d..mairi- tain. a. puk�li c..s ascex. 3 n .a..s andxogk .tnnnej . an—the. line -batmen. Lots..lQ .. and..11 in.Block 5,,,St. Catherine Park,,,, from Woodlavn Avenue to,the,alley 3.x�. xaar.. off. sa3.d..lats.,. tbe. land. xsqu3.red..baing..the. southerly..5..f.Qet . Ai. Lot. .1.0. and. tha. nort11erly..5..faet.. of. Lot .11..in. said. Blnok. 5, ................. . ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... O.-K41.............approved..... kQQ.:.4,..1925t................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends an .QO�eAI@nt„to,q,giXrgtxuc,#�, aN,d,Ina�,nta�,n, a,pubs.i;Q„$er�ex„�}l.a„gandrock,tunnel on the line,between Lots 10 and 11 in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, from loodla�vn,Avenue to the alley in rear of said lots the land required being tba.a0nth@rlY.•5..set.A.Jr9S..79..OTX$.the,portely,,5,feet.of,Lot 11„in said B].00k. 5, ...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 1Q0..Q.Q ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 23x0 .......day of FQbxuary...., 192.0..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impro�vkjqe%y 816bre total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..................... JAN 2 619£6 Approved.........................192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald i Councilmanx Hodgson Councilman 2mtffix Sudheimer ,,,Councilman Wenzel y-oT- Nelson 1% Mr. via. fres. Furyaaon Form B. S. A. 8-6 —� 6 � In the Matter of.gr.8d ng. ADL . Aaxing. thEj . Alley.. in. Black. paxjt;,, a�cj,plq�}�,3}, Edgecliff,�ddition,No.,,2.from, Ford, Road,to. Otto„ave: , also.aomtruAtilag.a.=00A alley on the northerly* line of Lot llt Block 5, St. Catherine Park from Woodlawn Avenue to the said alley ........................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 00.Irt�............. approved .. Deo,. , 4:..1925. , , , . , , ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gx&d9..and..pfi.Yp..the alley..in.Black.5.,.St...CeI4ex3ne..PArk,.And. 87,40k.3,.M.4V m.)To. 2.from.Ford.Road .to Otto Av;, also constructing a sand rock sewer for the gur.Boae..oi:. dxAinj.ng. ani.d..allfl3t..4n.the..�a�lxtl��x:�t. �,klle..4�..I{Rt„??:,..$lock, 5, St. Catherine Park from 4Voodlawn Avenue to the said alley, ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 4k,$.44...OQ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 2Ard ,,,,day of ..... kabruaxy......... 192...6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council.... I ..................... 192...... JAN 2 61926 Approved .................... ....192...... City,Clerk. .. ..... ..... ..... Acting Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy PUBI,I Feuna l E g +> can .'Councilman McDonald Councilman 21M= Hodgson /Councilman x Sudheimer ,,Councilman Wenzel Nelson lYlr. Pine Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �' %i �S Nn. 84186— �' In the 3tatter of grad,, al]ey in:81o_k 6, St..Ca -. ;Add :�.i. Blk. S, Edge0 Hoid Roa--ndrOLto A-., �tram: eanet2'Uatlhg' a Band -lock 90 j dralniag said ah O 1Ah e:purpti of -ae norther line ot:Lot 11,'B'.� is Cateerine. Park from wa:v the COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.gr.8d ng. ADL . Aaxing. thEj . Alley.. in. Black. paxjt;,, a�cj,plq�}�,3}, Edgecliff,�ddition,No.,,2.from, Ford, Road,to. Otto„ave: , also.aomtruAtilag.a.=00A alley on the northerly* line of Lot llt Block 5, St. Catherine Park from Woodlawn Avenue to the said alley ........................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 00.Irt�............. approved .. Deo,. , 4:..1925. , , , . , , ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gx&d9..and..pfi.Yp..the alley..in.Black.5.,.St...CeI4ex3ne..PArk,.And. 87,40k.3,.M.4V m.)To. 2.from.Ford.Road .to Otto Av;, also constructing a sand rock sewer for the gur.Boae..oi:. dxAinj.ng. ani.d..allfl3t..4n.the..�a�lxtl��x:�t. �,klle..4�..I{Rt„??:,..$lock, 5, St. Catherine Park from 4Voodlawn Avenue to the said alley, ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 4k,$.44...OQ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 2Ard ,,,,day of ..... kabruaxy......... 192...6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council.... I ..................... 192...... JAN 2 61926 Approved .................... ....192...... City,Clerk. .. ..... ..... ..... Acting Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy PUBI,I Feuna l E g +> can .'Councilman McDonald Councilman 21M= Hodgson /Councilman x Sudheimer ,,Councilman Wenzel Nelson lYlr. Pine Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �' %i C F No, -64167 . •' �oondemning to.• ,J In thgQ 3rnttdr of and . fng�,{<n-:ea9ement irt tha land,ael �= 777111••• i� ;6g<adinggoDandf�ppavtng 24 l eS • Block 6: 8C Catherine - Park, w gecltR-�ztoAdd11 *.- No. 2; 1. Blk: 1-11doad N- > ., vride q.• to COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemning . and -taking . an. .eas ement..in . tk4s . land • neoes.s ary XAx. A1JQl?Pa...f.Or..QntA. and .fills..in. the.. grading .and..paving,.of . alley.. in.. .from .F.ord . Road..t o..Otto . Ave.,............................................................ . under Preliminary Order...... 63420..............approved ... Dam— -,..1925..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considere4,said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.onndemn.and. take. an .@a59laent. An. tbs..1=4. neaessaxy..for..slopes., . for.. auts..and. fills. in..the.. .grading. and. paving. cf..aLle.y..in..Bl.ock. 5,.. St... Catherine •Fark., . and . Block 3, Edgecliff..Addition. No.. • 2 .from. Fond. -Road . t•o• .0t -to. -Ave,.,- -in •aoeordanee. -with the,blpe„pxipt,�@rQtp, at.'to..4k�.��.Arid.mbd�..@..Prirtl.h@r9pi,..th@..hatChsd..... portions, showing„thy, cuts, and, tlie,s,luded„pq�rt�p}I@„@�Qyt'.�pg, t$,e,�:�j,�.g,,,, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... UNO .......day of ....... k'6hrnary...... 192.. r., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ...a . JAhI 6 Approved ................ 1�4V.... 192...... '� Cit .Cie . .. . ...... ...... �' 'Act'rng Mayor..... /Councilman Clancy3y pUBLISTIM T Councilman McDonald /CouncilmanxVal m Hodgson /Councilman76[ dit Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel ( Nelson Il Ar. Vice Pres. Fergon Form B. S. A. 8-6 --1 C. F. No, 64168 e J In the Matter oL changing the of A110Y• !n :Block Blvd. to confort, 6, Ifing'a ,. wood,'trom.,L`retln Ave.. to Mt. C,t ih0 prefile hereto attached nd mai' :a part hereof; the present eetabll�: ed,grade. belug show, by a blue"?� hereon: :oleo ;.7sand p�� ey COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... changing, . the..gra de..of..Al lay..in .Slack .5., . King'.s . Jjp plQVs Qod, Pg1p„Qe�ti,p ,,tq„P1Flt,... curve.�i4ato, conform,to, the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grads;.heing . shoaln .bg . a .blas .1ine..there an,..a1sn . gx•adi.ng .and..pav�g . � a j.d alley.+between the aforesaid limits, also constructing a sewer in said a3.•1Cratin.Ave...to. .Cnetin.Ave...and.1n. Cretin Ave. from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose of draiiiing..the•aitey;, .... _.._.................................................................... 1 ... unfler.;P_relimnary Order... ... 63417 , , , , , . . , , , , . approved ... D e C; 4; 1925 . The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Of 6lleyj,$,14.ek..�,..ing's,jJaplewood,,,from„Cretin ,Ave. to ift. Curve Blvd, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto at#,Abadd and made a part hereof r • •the . pres aut.. establishad..grade . being . shown.. hy. a. blue. lixiB..tklQTe on, also grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits, also eonstrue-ting' •a• -sewer- -irk •se:id • a -11 -OF •f'rora' a • poiRtl • 3.•90• 'feet w•es•t. •of•.:Bretin Ave. to Cretin Ave. and in Cretin Ave, from the said alley to Sargent AVOV,ror"tne**purpos•e"of 'dratning*the••azIvy.................................... ............................ _..................... ............................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...7.s.� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement 91 the .... 23r.d ........ day of ..... Bebruary........ 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the ,CAjobcthChamber"df the Court` , House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Comm stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....?. 6 7926......, 192...... ltd 2 S .......... '. .. Approved.....,..........19��.....192...... City erk. ... ... .................... .......... i/G2:1l1L�jMayor. V Councilman Clancy PUBLi3l m Councilman McDonald /Councilman Mxam Hodgson l Councilman SHIRWX Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel elrox Nelson Mr. Vice Pres. FerHtteon —\ Form B. S. A. 8-6 / G'.F No., 64169— �.; 'll7C.i..• I Atatterc of condemning en, 'Ing, as , slop e, I. cut land iheygrndin oFon for .cola and rgt: 6. paving of -.'Hoek b. Kinga Mr �lewc;�; COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. CRn46mta1]3g . azld..tAl:dXg . 9.31gm ement..in . tlm . lAnd . nQQ.e s.s pxy tgp,slgpes,,,fQr„cuts„and fills. in, the, grading, and, paving_ of 4ley.in Block.5,.. Avexiue.t -MAunt..Cuxva.RQ1A1eVPXd, .... under Preliminary Order.. 63418 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved ....Bee . 4 1925 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon 71 the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same i4eieby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..4,ondemn. a;xj, take, an easement in the land necessary for slopes. for cuts and fills in the radin and Savin of Alley in Block 5t Kim's Iaiaplewood� from Cretin in Avenue. to..Mcunt..Curva. Boulevard,. �.n .accurdance..w3.th. t<ha. blue.lzrzn.�l . k�Qretn attaQXi6d.arid.rilaS�Q. a. RQxt. here.4�.,. Abe.. ilat4l�Qd .P.4It3 oPS.. shQ.vying....... the „cuts and the shaded portions snowing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 2tS.a 00, , , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 23T d, , . , . . . ,day of k'Al?nupxy, ....... 192.. Ft., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impryAjTolt6an,,d2the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... JAN 2 61926 ..... ......r l`.... Approved.........................192...... /ity Clerk. . . ............... ..... �l/j0t(lrQ Mayor. dr4rr.r—ran� `Councilman Clancy /Councilman McDonald /Councilman IDIMZWK Hodgson 1 /Councilman 9tb1xx Sudheimer V lw Councilman Wenzel Nelson Nlr. Vice Pres. Forausou �'S ; �`,: Form B. S. A. 8-6 –� - ------------------- In the.lffAater of grading a`,. _= �..�iG ugth�lina" of BohUri�-8t�w1 fi3 alna Bae ro t AroP Where not Orr - �Y _ . and Pot' . COUNCIL FILE NO............... By................................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.gYR41Jng.BAfI.P�Y3Keg:�ZI3$g9. $t.,. xRm. UAlY.gr i tY..$F.e,„tq, loath 13118..o.li0hri. SL.,.y1�tkL.Sfl�/px...maQx• aid• ga•�. �pT?>legtipns„from street mains ta.property..].i.nfls..cAmpl&t�8.,.�abera.nott.alr@�dy..7A.&de,. aJ,gp,.curbing, and„paving $r] Y.QY�Y..?}?d, alle9.. aPBrR&ches, v�here• necessaryr.................................. under Preliminary Order...... 69590•,.•__•••„••.approved ..• JUly, 2,„1925,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ._ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... grade..and. gave,,. Griggs.St...from.IInivers3t�.Ava...ta.s.oath.13.17,fl.Rf..BPku1.$:�t..tP�th,se�ver,,, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where..nat ..already.. made,.. a1s.o S.Q. aurbi ng . and.. Paving. dri.Yeviay. , ADA. P-41W ..... aperoaches.,.whflrfl.neaes axY.,.........................................................:. _.................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated .cost thereof is $....21, ala. a0. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... UXa...... day of ...... Febmas:y........ 192..6.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City "Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of 1 hearing, the nature of the impunw foba1nd tthe total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... 2 ' JAN 2 & 1.926 k Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. HGt1Y1g Mayor. /Councilman Clancy `3 0 . / Councilman McDonald Councilmanmmmic Hodgson i Councilmanx9mWx Sudheimer �Councihnan Wenzel Nelson Form B. S. A. CITY OF ST. PAUL GOUNcn NO. --....641` 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1?4,WIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESr ENTED BY C/ COMMISSIONER__yl.L DATE..— - .—r_._ --_ ------------ . RESOLVED, That the City Primary eat n, to be held on Tuesday, March 161h, 1926, the City General Election, to be held on Twesday, May 4th, 1926, the county and';Stattt Primary Fleotion, to be held on Monday June 21st, 1926, the General Ceutlty and State Election, to be held on Tuesday, Beirember 2nd, 1926, in the City of St. Paul, Rcmeey County, Minnesota, @hall be t1RC�iN1-T held in the Election %v4rfat� Bald City in the year 1926 and in subsequent years until changed by further resolutions or ordinances of the Oooncil of the City of St. Paul at the following places named below: �80CEEIlINGS OE THID 14`;dlnneeota Dry Cleauero, 688 0Di'fl[v-�cho'; CUIINCIL.: Belb}•'Ave., near Dale Bt. 'Lafond SC. !. 16 Btore, 304N• Sk Albaas Sk, 30 Grocery ]i' --� 18 Grocery;: 740 740 8e1b,Ave., Cor. 11 MoClella] . , ;r.&BOLi1TION8. Grotto SkA 14 i b •17 New. Webster Grade Holly. Ave, R Albano 1, Gr folly Ave. •18. IrvingG-t. pool. Grand Ave. & 'Groeto et. ?8..GataSe, 768 Fairm• +� ��'• .n: :Re4re..787 Eel'•., .. Approred as to form 1-27-26 ' 6 ®an orporaEio se , COUNCILMEN - -'— Yeas `/ Nays Adopted by the Council. Ulancy / . , ergUBOn Approve ... .. ....... .eilodgBon, �....In favor *eDonaId ........... ...... -. = MAYOR /Sudheimer ......_Against Ag % Wenzel Mr. President ru131'1$ PtlSV WARD Plrsainat •- 1 ` ha io4 G,racay. 47'j potline n. •S Einoeln Saud, Collins & Derr Ste. $ Stere, 637 1. St., Csn.Pkyns Are. 1i 4" Street Market, 432 Case St. Store, 841 Derr St., Cor. lhitail St. 1irt Station, York St.& Payne Are. Jnbnsoa 140t School, York it. & latah Ave. B Shoe not 952 Asoods St. 9 LaamAoxs4le $rosary, 1022 XWl St. e10 pama►t Sebool, Arbviebt & Itagrralis Sts. ll Garage at 1023 Doodler St. *18 Joba Erickson Ssbool, Jenks & 8dgerton Sts. ai Cleveland Sobcoi, rinks & laleh Star. x parags at 457 X Maryland at. el ftalen Park School, Dose St. & Payne Ave. 11 Store, TW D. Maryland St. 17 Arosle emery Garage, Car..iessudne & Arcade its. 1!� CarlsoAO! Grocery Garage, 1076 D. UwAand St. 19 0lsonrs Grocery, 1382 Payne Are. OW lbz"oorth School, try & A rcado $te. St:COND WARD 1 Sset Side Motor Co., 603 1. 7th St.,Cor.ltsris Ns- 8 laths Sfatlor $hop, W 1. 3" St. Im Dorsa School, COWW & Maple tits. ` Heuonrs sy Goods, 8% 1"tiaee Ara. j FW Snored Heart Sahesl, tw 6th & Hope Sts. 5 Store,1. jot St. 9 1o. ? Tri Station, loss St. now sarl St. •ip $%May School# Ts=k A Book Stas. OP Mlth School, awl & 1. 3rd Sts. U Store, 371 St. Saes Hastinaa Ave. NMounds lark School, ?asitia & Cyprses Sts. Deane Sobool, TnW & herein Sts. I Store, IM 1. tSomehsbs St. 1 Jobasilah .$"MY, 1347 ibsmr fin. It Highsood Cum m aai dlnb.. Higtore04. s38 swam Heighto 80001, Ilasel & Helen Ste. AXW 4ia3o01, Hortestar & Stillwater Ara. AD Ttre Station, 1. 7th &4 $11a3ndmu S. WARD >r D IL fierie, 412 lacsats It. o* alio Teeaklin Sebool, 101h & U?A4 ► Sts. 10G8'!R WARD 1 "toriaaa, 4h St. $ 40 6t. Side, City 1011 & Cenrt Hone.. 1a. a TUO Station, So & Mimorots W. A4bl► aroom Go., SP Cedar St. Garage, 3 at. Peter St. 66 & mango Ste. 7 Ito. l Etre Station, qtb t. & M WAmARD 71192 It- 4S Hsarao>~d Sa col, Pleas"t_ Ari. & Sherman St. hero JKforson Sobool, totem & Hrarrison Ares. >t>onroe Sdeol, ocombno St. & Western Ave. lux St. Sabool► Mill St., tipper t4ii"- 30boall's i{orea 389 Itl&IVA St. Amissei is Sobsal. Coate & ialtorson Sts. S asslem Shop store, 2C W. 7th S!. dg., riear & Palass Sts. Rando 1ph St. Set. view & lbwsts. 11 Garage, 741 Logan St. Cor. awe Gssase, 9 ?Sammi lodd. 6 T"Ol pro ory. 917 l waeub pt. y1 Notr Adams Sehosl, aatomst St. & laeoarors Ave. 'K5 Randolph Heights $wsol, Violins & Joaaeson Ares. 7I STI Wjt$D Oontld. 16 Orosary, 1?15 B"",ph St. on.. origtps 8t. elT $tworside aahoei, Montreal & Grsoe Sts. stXTI *AID 2 Tire Station, bh rneld & UTingeton AVON. 2 Nsigbboshood Rcuso, 289 8. IOU*" Ave. �J Lalayetts wool, Penton & zmtuolq Ste. 4 0wrage at 223 W. Congress at. ohm= & lorms Gszege, 15 W. Winifr.d St. E v y D.los & Livingaton Ave 7 Cravloy Bobcat. Ave Station, Delos & Clinton s of Douglas School, Orleans & to. Now Sarum school, Norton,Ohsrlton & hop Sts. x20 SmOoldt Sieh Sohocl, %Ooidt & FlieS0eth Ste. oil Nentsi0lcs asbcoi, 1@tdeq & Brown Awes. 12 Arlt Garage, 283 Concord St. Ig Shelter Rouse, in Park, & Belmont Sts. 11F Garage, 365 Sidney at., Cor. Yaaomin St. 15 tater Dept. Pmp.station, Stats & hgs Sts. 5Bi1INTI WARD 1 01OioBnsl1 hint ahop, 301 SOr Are- OR 8e111 516001. Im"I & 7esrington Awes. Store, 153 No. Western Ate. Ossage, 20 Arandal St., Car. Iglehart Avs. g Stars, 319 Selby Aro., 6 71" Station, 8011W Me. & NsokoH& St. 7 'Ate Copmodore, Western & Sony Avee. 5 Sibsrnian Old►, 435 ser®it Ate.,Cor.A=andsl St. 9 Garden of assets, Dale & 99-Ar Ave. 10 host Olub, We St. & Fostland Awe. U store, 69aR Osblsad Ava. nein Grand Ave. 12 tbtvjaw Apts., Lincoln Ave. & Data 54. 1 Bnehoits Oroosry, 740 Igldtast Ave.,.acr. Grotto St. 1 Vinassota ft Qwmexs, 633 Selby Ate., nes Dale St. 1 StorR, 10 I. St. Allbsns St.. Solby Ave. 4900427. Selbr Ate., Cor. Grotto at. Sew Webster Grade Sabool, St. Albans St. & Belly Ave. OU twjug sobool, Grand Ave. & Grotto St. 19 Se VW* 753 7hiresount Ave. 20 slam►, 757 sslby Ave. t�E at2 X Gmrage at 935 AWtm las. Unsandorfo fluor, '161 9iatorla St., N. , puss Selby Jars. Soliy Ave. gj `•A Disbv Garage, 56 N. victoria at., Gar. ctanad. tve.. Cos.1Y'lton at. tasrern•Giten� a, 917 �gb Goodrich Ja►s. SWr=. Je`► vm Store, 915 St.Clair St., Cor. Milton St. 999 Selby Ave. on Sill sWwal, Satr Ave. & Oxford Ste. Owav at ,005 Foreland Are. 3G ahsp, 3092� GAws. 49 U mrood $wool, Oxford St. & Ososala Ave. 32 300016410 0srags0 3,216 IIarsball Ave. nos"" store, UlS Selby Ave., Osie. Griggs St. amage at 1221 Ooodriob Ave. XtGSTIWARD 3 store, 236 Oarrell Awe., Cor. Zoo's St. 6 ataq+alri► Drop storn, 303 Rias at. , oar. Iglebert Ave. B0040 Mice Station, Bond* St. & Western Ave. Ave. & MKOVAin St. +1 Wwor school, Carroll 5t. 1'h111iy's Church, Aurora At. & Mwkdbin St. armens The chop. 475 W, university Ave. 7 'xaiiar Shop, 440 rirginia Are- 4 84TA "rage, 461 Bias St., near 'University Ave. 4 store, 543 university Ave. 0l0 11 dae ton School, gh.rbarns Ave. & 1%olabin St. gmwr & Diethert Motor Co., 316 W. Univsrslty Avs. i2 Tonne Bros. Geroge, 171 W. univeraity Ave. n� 1 1� S7 419 OD 1 2 7 a '9 10 qu 12 2 6 09 10 11 *1 816 818 19 2i D 1 a N S W A R D Ooatad. 9aha!!er School. 21103084 & frrioa-8tsd Stora, 673 maalmibin St. Bngins Hoose, MMilds & front Ste. Store, 603 ?tont St. Oao.Washington,dr.Bigb SoIIoo1 on Gook ata. 26004's Store, e. & Whoslock PAW. Whittier School. ;t,& Albermarle Sts. St. Bernard as Heli, Hose & Atbesarle Sts. NINTH WAND Wage Amto Co., 116 W. Central Ave. Wek Service BattsCo.. DCentral Dania Arts St.. Oor. ♦alley P. s, 767 Qvfto1 Heights, tub. UrA"reity Ave. & St.Pater St. Store, 3°10 Rios 8t. Bios 8obool, Ora►ite & Agate Elossa Stora, 980 Oourtlaad St. Smits Schools Oeranivs & Stiraa Sts. Store, 924 Ria St. T$ g T H WARD Onditar Spool, Emmnd St. & Syndiaats Ate. %4*r Garage, 1272 W. fR=mbaba St. asrage at 1311 Habbord St. fallor Shop, 3344 Tis St. Waodrea' Wilaoa Jr algh johools Albert & Lafond $ta. %atter Saadnarx, Capitol & Hemline AT". Doran Rees UtSte Attics, 1555 Sher%VM Ave. Plargraantr, l%x*, U%• %cow & Latond Sts. Hanasok 9d,001, **%ay & S )UM Ares. . ft"p, 905 waver St.. Cor. 'Parlor Ave. aroosry. vus W. mimeb" St. 2st im $*tool, .41gland & Ohsiton AT". Ewuw NOW", %glass & RIPMA Aria. Bahr Sahool, fen4tor/ai Hd..& Haamond be. w Garage, so Sommer St. ailbmt 64tersea Sd ml, ord Bta. Pah Lio UbPW, Cama Area. tiirr+�Y $a. ord & arantbet Sts. Lakc Paris Comas. Club, COW & 90e11ing Ara. Tllden Od►ool. Albsr & Mona Sts. Garage at 1#q5 No. Albert B b RtY R H T 8 WARD CMOs, UJOW Adrortiasr. M430 B"d ATe. Brion Ave. Pon/1o�s Station, Prior An. Des, Motor W.. ISM ftivsreity Ave. Sftddt ft. Co., 1644 Mdveaity Ave. at" Co., 0mos, 1455 Onbell Ara. Cation. School. Dgton Ate. & D'ry It. Part Oaragd, im Selby Ave., Cos. Wheeler Ave. Masonto 'laaple, WN41 & Iglehart Ats. Lamas lew 90001• Prier Ate. & iglebart At. Garage, 2130 MUM Arc. DeliaaNsesa, 2336 *"%a' ire. fteage at 2264 Dayton Ate. aarage at 2M Selby Ave.o , - aarge at 36+5 as Tfvs• a Ate. lgo.l *ire Station. Ashlazad & 9aselliag Axe*. Println6 Slates i554 9.lby AtA�.�_.,:.:. C� iii- F- l'3 0arase�.-3 JshlspS Ave. .:, �"' GaraBb.`7C Store. 844 S. Albert St .Cor St.C1a1r St. Rasear Fool, Grand & Cambridge Avon. //�` 8L8v88T8 ABDoonted. 2 Gras► ML e 193 So asan��". �+• Garage 193 ae ew Ase. 25 dasageryl�aaml t die. 026 Groieland Vwk School, St. Clair & Cleveland Ave. 27 Store, Cleireland Ave. & Palace St. 28 Garage at 1570 St"Nord be. 029 now Mattoots School, Macalestsr Ave. & Palace St. 30 St.Clalr Greoex:Y, St.Oiair St. & ftreiok Ave. 31 10*w ph Motor Ce., 1521 RM Aalph St.. 32 oarage at 16 ies-!k: oe 4 Garage , Bandelph St. e aoweroft School, Upouob Boal & Sheridan St. TWILPT8 'WARD e1 Nuf#eld Sehool, MAMUM & St.Albans Sts. a Garage at 911 Carroll A*e. Garage at 761 leUw Ave. S. & M. Tire Co., 918 Anlversitr Ave. 5 Store, 979 University Ave., Cor.Chatssrorth St. Pare :#""on, %Iv.Ave.& St. Albans St. 7 Store, 64 franc St - 8 Garage at 717 thocow St. Drarr SshooCar. Avon & Lalond Ste. to 14, �loama• St., Cu. Lafond St. Oil s'4Clellsn eohool, Stinson & Oxford Sts. 12 Millerto Garage, Front & Dale Sts. eCome Panic School, Wheelock PksW. & Grotto St. Nl3 Kroemeres Grocery, 1127 H. Chatsworth, St. eSIMNG IN SML MLMNGS PSOflISIM the Department of Education has (1( allowed the use of 9F school buildings for the yorpoes of voting, on the condition that smoking in the buildings be proLibited and the Judges are requested to tee that this role to enforced. Adopted by the Council January 27, 1926 Approved January 27, 1926. (�J'6-\9-1(0 CITY OF ST. PAUL w�Rca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE. ...... .... __-_-.__.____.__..............__ Comm ---- RESOLVED, That the City Pri>eary Election, to be held on TMgdgy, March 16th, 1926' the Citay Generai Election, to be held on Tuesday, MAY 4th, 1926, the Cozinty and State Primary $Lection, to be held on Monday Stme 219t, 19260, the General County and State Election, to be held on Toesdsys. November 2nd, 1926, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, itianesota, shall be bald in the SLection Districts of said City in the year 1926 ani in subsequent years tmtil Changed by farther resolutions or ordinances of the Cornell of the City of St. Paul at the follos3ng places named below C T S Approved as to fora 1 -27 -PA sis oapora onotnt . COUNCILMEN x J A N 2 7 192& Nays Adopted by the Council.. ---.--- ------------------1J2......'. '-'Clancy JAM 2 % 19f5� —Ferguson � ) Approved. .....................----- ------- ----1�J_ ----- vHodgson ......... .....In favor McDonald/ ; ...................................................... MAYOR.... Sudheimer .'..Against Wenzel /Mr. President cOUN64172 CITY O ST. PAUL .FILE NO.__ .................. OFFICE OF TAt CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIJ' GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—. ��— /�Y •._�,,.-_._ DATE._._.._..r-____. ____...__._ H .4 RESOLVED &Whereas the City Counoil has heard with deep regret of the death of William Louis Kelly pioneer citizen and iiriis�l�M��S judge,who for nearly forty years honored the bench o3 this district by a career of diaatingaished service,marked in its every activity by the, highest qualities of good citizenship, noble humanityje*,boundlegs kindness ,, and strict integrity; And. Whereas, Judg e K elly.not only served his city and state: with splendid dedication of great talents to the common good,but as well exemplified in his daily life the spirit of ,and moved among his fellows with delightful and zealous friendshipbinding men to him S � with huzym enduring effection,end p Whereas,those in public office who were privilegd to serve with Judge Kelly,found him always a helpful and inspiring fellow -servant in public enterprise, Beit Resolved bp *1,4-^a@4 that there be spread upon the official recordsof this council this expression of our regard,esteem and affection for Judge Kelly,and our sena,' of honor in having been associated with him ,ard that we here record our abiding obligation to him for the life he lived and the man he was;and Be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of the distinguished jurist,, COUNCILMEN 2 ! 1g'26 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Con ncil..._�A.'...,2. .................... _-_-1�J2. lef.//.cy J. 2 1026 /NLLrguson Approved.... --..------ ......-- -1x2 Aodgson .In favor %McDonald ` / ... ....... ----- Ot111.- Sudheimer . ---.......Against 9 MAYOR (Wenzel _ " 9 U — Mr. President / CITY OF. ST. PAUL nts No. OFFIC THE CITY CLERK <5Cdr NES ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE _............. .................... ................................._._ RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. W. W. Lewis the sum of $160.00 out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Martin A. Feist, Jr., an employe of said Board, injured July 21, 1925. 64173 -By G. -C. sadnelmen- Rec ded fo S e Resolved'That the -Board -of Water �Commlaeloners be and ft fe hereby au �thorlaed',to DgY to'Dr. W. WL-I.eW19-.I Otho sum 'dot ¢160.00 'ovt oC,the, Water. Department Fund: -for profesalonal. =lLa- aecvloea re6 ndered toMartln A:Fefet. 3C.: an employs of eatd Board. Injured: �3uly 21.-192 - ' Adoptedi2the Conn Il San.27,:�3928.��i Preset, Board of Water Commtrs. -Approved San 27. 1026. (3an. 20-1926) i COUNCILMEN JAN 2 7 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ...................... ---------------192... _ Clancy ..II Ferguson App --192 2 7 1926192...... McDonald --------In favor SudheimeriewoR- Peter .....:..:::.....Against 461W Wenzel Mr. President n CITY OF ST. PAUL CF UNCIL NO._.._ X4174. FICE OF TH CITY CLERK NCI ES TIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_______....—�. RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Leo A. Hilger the sum of Five Dollars (55.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Amos Kelly, an employe of the Water Department of the City of 8t. Paul, injured January 11, 1926. V ` . COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President I reco n ' e above r lu on for pass e Commissioner of Public Utilities. Nays Adopted by the Council ---JAN 2J._1_9.2#-__. 192 JAN 2 7 1926. Approved.- ............... - .... 192 ...... ...............In favor MAYOR -----------Against 7.�,dtlgg CITY OF ST. PAUL QE OF CITY CLERK ?�N—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No 0 FILE 1, •------ `417-- I RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with Wer Lofgren, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of #16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board on the let day of December, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said Board is hereby authorized to pay to said Iner Lofgren the sum of #26.67 out of the Water Board Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said Board; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Board of Water oommissloners pay to Dr. W. R. RoCarthy out of said Water Department Fund, the sum of #33.00 for professional services rendered to said Iner Lofgren. en fo ass e / Preset, Board of Water Commissioners. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. JAIV ---.- y7 1926192 Yeas Nays...... nl Clancy JP l� Ferguson ApprovedZ10. --------------_192---- Hodgson ................. in favor McDonald ......— ------- �t_,,. MAYOR Sudheimer .....:..........Against Wenzel Mr. President { G i+ No Sd178-8Y 4. C.�Sudhelmer= -1%�i Ik 'Reaolve8. That the-pr�Rer olty otti- wuneiL NO Qat ears aro hereby nutfior sed to enter 641 CITY OF ST. PAUL cnE --- ........•• o an, agreement with Tom the Lt t TF�c-g„on� ICE E C CLERK nit n b m'teiate;a�4ty Bauch C IL LUTIO ENERAL FORM -,-; nworr /► .PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER__...__ _---_-._ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Tom Thorson, providing for the.psyment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the,employ of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, on the 27th day of November, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Tom Thorson the sum of $26.66 out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to December 13th, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Drs. Mitchell and Arnquist the sum of Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to the said Tom Thorson, because of the aforementioned injuries. t/ I reco �Von for passa P� Commissioner of Public Utilities. COUNCILMEN JAN 2 7 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192... -.- ✓Clancy ANN 2 y 1926 Approved. - ..... - ..--..-192 Ferguson . -',Hodgson f` i ..-In favor Bron -- ✓ McDonald Sudheimer .--.---Against '40fil�lll Wenzel - PUB['ISI'1ffi /—� , Mr. President - CITY OF ST. PAUL coeRnl NO----------- ------------ OFFICE O C CLERK \ - CO R LUTIO NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY S COMMISSIONER_...._.. _�^ RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and lJ 1s, hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Leo A. Hilger the Bum of Eight Dollars ($8.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to William Robinson, an employe of the Water Department of the City of 8t. Paul, injured December 15t1i,_ 1925. CiP. No. 6417T—BY G. C..Sudheimo I recommend above resolution ff ;Resolved, Thatmthe Board of WAtdr for passage T Comissioners be and It ds hereb¢ au t'thorize&'to-: Pay, to Dr.'Leo A. Finger: the sum of Eight Dollars(;8.00) out. or the Water Department Fund, for, ire -Robineonae cemployeeT t. W1 DeDactmeut'ot the CICyoL at. F'avl, In -)ured December 36th,.lszs.. Commissioner of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Coanc11 Jan. 27, 1028.. _Approved. Jan. 27.,3026. (Jan. 20-1926) i. V� JAN 2 7 1526 COUNCrLMEN Yeas Nays Adopter) by the Council ----------------------------------------- 192:..... Clancy JAN 2 7 1i fFerguson �� -- Approver ...... ------------------ .............192. - Hodgson McDonald 8udheimer ---- ...Against LTL AQ Wenzel Mr. President APPROP IA ION Px` TE BY may ba met by Rallfl p$mpering';the Warn Drovt �monely tn•tho•itema .from 1- -re '1'rY OF SAINT PAUL "u -"u-'4/4178• Faa NO....... ''BAANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM RWCHARTER SECTIO 203 ' T pp7�� c .......................................... DATE .....1Tf....(KY:l,�. 9rZ..Y.f.. .............. arnna ere a ;630 666,84 Tranbteired x 2001 llenecal Bond ACck 31 >� oae 2oo2.>g0meoroff: 312 as,.: THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE 2012 JeKeraon. ;B.OS:fo cofle wood ;2:4s298 to code_ +: ss.9os o7 to cojtp7ROLLER..AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. "CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. OR. '20d1 feneral Bond Acat. 539;,555.64 2602 -H6me99Oft 1,047.70 2012 Zeffelce0M 13662 2Q13 Linwood 8.08 2014 Greenvood 2,782:96 2016 Fasnklin 3,906:07 2018 Ames AdVne' 42.06 2019 Richard Gordon 354.60 2020 Tilden. Site 200'40 2022 Longfellow Add1n. 453.81 2022 0 a Site 10,766.42 2025, Humboldt AdOn. 11,7?9.27 ✓ 2024, Ro'.St.Anthonyr 11,353.98 2026 " G Site 1,073.19 2027 ILaoaleeter Site 20,216.32 2029_ Gl:eveland Add JL. 9,866.82 029 _' a a Site 800.00 033 Bond Equipment 30,244.81 034 T220 Rand: ]its. Addn. 4.66 635 Ad"s 23,512.56 35, Site 2s .OQ ,a 2036 Ifadieon Remodel. 5 ?3 2087 Herding - 15,914.00 2037 8 Site 3,925.9? 2038 Sackaoa 9,111.21 / 2088 a Bite 7,522.00 /- 2040 Taylor 11,361.79. 2040 a Site e ohd ori .�. Z. 3,830:00 • YES.:. ✓�, NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL......... ....19........... LCOUNCILMEN ✓'FERGUSON APPROVED ..:: .......... ........ ... .....19.... ..... �I�ODGSON. .. 11 IN FAV wAron $UDH .. ..........AGAINST' '. 1 ,- ENZEL - COUNTERSIGNED BY .......... .......... ..�....:."� ........ ... / - ITV COM ROLLtR,,, s r MR. PRESIDENT "•-... roRr os l000 n -a. .. ,Vi1101 TO c-Rx - O COUNCI.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Far NO.......:. - ......... -crtT APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM - PER CHARTER SECTION 20B - .:.PRESENTED BY : - - . COMMISSIONER.:....:::.L....R� 3,;...Fergaeom........................................ DATE ......!TSYI�P,.,�5 X1926.... .. ..... OCL—V-E�D.. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE— COMPTROLLER—A BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDAABBL-�E•° DEFIGJEM-Y iN �.ERTAIN ITEMS B BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFE •S,,.. _ U-T"H___, /XMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED MONEY I HL�'ITEMS FFROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE._..___ • CODE - APPORTIONED ITEM b AMOUNT DR. TRANSFERRED CR. FROM TO 2043 O N FPkv Riverside - 9,013,13. '. 2443 0 Site 4#624.54 2045 Fest End Jr. High 95 50!4.31 2645 ' • Site 25,810.36 2048 Hancock 152368.01 2048 K`Site 2025.00 2649 'Irving' 20,22?.56 205:0 Van Buren Alter. 9,285.65 2052 McKinley 1;161.98 2054 ®hittier 30.00° 2057 Deenoyer Park Site 25'.00 2058 Lincoln Remodel. 7,864.22 2058 A Site 15,264.03 2059 Rice 13.43. 2059 • Site 25.00 2060 Como Relief Site 1,80040 2061 Chelsea; Hts._`site 983.97 2062 Hayden Hts.'Addn. 53.76. 2062 • • »Site 375.00 2664 Douglas Relief 1,440.90 2064 Site 125:00' 2666 Gaultier 7.00 2067 Hendricks 5,721.95 2068 Meeh. Arts. Addn., 18,445.?3 2069 01d Johnson Remodel. 898:12 2070 Cumberland Site 500.00 2071 Sord Indus. Site 13,828.00' VJ YES � � NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ..................................... 18.:..:...... ,COUNCILMEN ~' FERGUSON''�`z _ APPROVED..... . ........ r'":'.....,.. ....19.......... HODGSON ....................IN :AVO - „ MCGONALO.................................................................................., MwroR SUDHEIMER .. ..............AGAINST WENZCOUNTERSIGNED BY ........................ .:.—T'...............:................_ CITP'<ONP�ROLLvt' . MR. PRESIDENT Yonw oaa �000 u•.a �-- Y � COUNCIL No ...... ORIGINAL -I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE `I `K APPROPRIATION -TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FOR - 'CHARTER SECTION 208' �. PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONER.-._..--..-L�.--H.-_S.--F$rgU$Cn............................... DATE....-.TSYL.25 X1926.---.------------- - LLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON -THE BO IN`ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOID �._._.._ TRANSFER WI AMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED R-l3Y—LIE MONEY IN"THE.ITEM F WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. APPROPRIATION ITEM �Y m®' TRPNEFE EO FROM TRPNSFjEREO TO Co.. Lc �£ From To t t 2,832.64 2072 t3ohnson Gym. 136.35 2073 sGrippled GhildrenB School 144.00 2074 tRamseg 24,800,00 2075 tHighland Park Site t I JAN 2 71926 YES( J) COUNCILMEN (%T) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ... ...-._...__---------- -------19---------- ® `�CLANCY JAS 2 7 .D2 .. 19 FERGUSON APPROVED .............. . .•..-.-__.-..__.--..---------...- /rte _,�MCDONALD ..... .........IN FAVOR MATSON\ _ '-� ' r M Y --------- -------- "" O v-'_-----_ - wd: / PETER .41") -.--AGAINST {its COUNTERSIGNED BY WENZEL - cmr CAMPRi R D / MR. PRESIDENT Fonts✓oa (u+su) i is \, COUNC,L 041 -7.91 -OF ST. PAUL ,,,� NO..... F THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENERAL -FORM nwrE1926---- ...._......_ RESOLVED That the applicati ne or licenses of the following persons for condulbtling businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: J. 74. Edwards, , Charles Gedoian, Dukas & 6panos, John Costello, Frank W. Roberts, T. C. Lee, John Horan, Y. W. C. A., Perry Zoukas, Mike Scioli, Mrs, A. P. Beam, Gus Augustine, Pete Felice, Fred Banholzer, Midway Candy Co. Mrs. V. Leszinski, C. J. Stees, A. Gabrielson & Co.Ino., Geo, Berzel, Anna Brooker, John Tschannel, Walker Pence Co., George Beniario, Mrs, B. A. Gruije, Catherine Mueller, A. S. Murphy, Mrs. J. Bachmeier, Nax Rotklein, Felix Bifolk, John Urbanik, Frank J. Berger, Claioi and Bogdan, T. H. Averbeok, John Klein, Piggly Wiggly Stores,ino., Mrs. Esther Ellis John %.PROOM. Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheitner Wenzel Mr. President 602 Jackson St., Restaurant 241E E. 7th St., N COUNC,L 041 -7.91 -OF ST. PAUL ,,,� NO..... F THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENERAL -FORM nwrE1926---- ...._......_ RESOLVED That the applicati ne or licenses of the following persons for condulbtling businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: J. 74. Edwards, , Charles Gedoian, Dukas & 6panos, John Costello, Frank W. Roberts, T. C. Lee, John Horan, Y. W. C. A., Perry Zoukas, Mike Scioli, Mrs, A. P. Beam, Gus Augustine, Pete Felice, Fred Banholzer, Midway Candy Co. Mrs. V. Leszinski, C. J. Stees, A. Gabrielson & Co.Ino., Geo, Berzel, Anna Brooker, John Tschannel, Walker Pence Co., George Beniario, Mrs, B. A. Gruije, Catherine Mueller, A. S. Murphy, Mrs. J. Bachmeier, Nax Rotklein, Felix Bifolk, John Urbanik, Frank J. Berger, Claioi and Bogdan, T. H. Averbeok, John Klein, Piggly Wiggly Stores,ino., Mrs. Esther Ellis John %.PROOM. Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheitner Wenzel Mr. President 602 Jackson St., Restaurant 241E E. 7th St., N 485 Jackson St., n 327 E. 7th St. " 510 Mississippi St., n 382 Wabasha St., 90 W. Summit Ab., 123 W. 5th St., R 238 Earl St., 186 E. 4th St., °2 337 St. Peter St., " 1022 S. Robert St., 1588 University Av., 446 Vfabeahe. St., n 1579 University Av., " 91 S. Wabasha St., 890 Payne Av., 14 W. 4th St., Leland Hotel 458 St. Peter St., Restaurant 925 E. 7th St., n� 1179 E. 7th St., 76 Western Av„ n�� 538 Wabasha St., 61 E. 5th St., u 85 W. 7th St., " 156 E. 3rd 3t., Hotel 47 E. 3rd St., Restaurant 969 University Av., Grocery 368 E. 7th St., Confectionery 199 Concord St., 3 pool tables 700 Heaney St., Soft drink 1163 W. 7th St., 8 pool tables 779 Raymond Av., Grocery 1017 Front St., 1216 Selby Av., e 1543 Payne Av., R 545 Mississippi St., 1 pool table Adopted by the Council.-------- ----------------------------- 192...-- Approved.... ----------- ---------------------- 192 ...... ............... In favor -- -- ....... _.............. ... -- .... -YOR ................ Against P-4179 CITY OF ST. PAUL. FOE ca NO.._-----------------... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE _.--...._,jar1uVLry._-,Q° r._],g26............ _ COMMISSIONER_..___...____. - RESOLVED John H. Buschmany L. N. Scott, D, Weinberg, W. G. Goldberg, F. W. Amundsen, Haas Bros., L. F. Martin, C. Pi. Moore, Hercules Powder Co., Geo, F, Southwick, Conger Bros., walker Pence Co., I. Sohneider, Spriegel & Carlson, Johnson Bros., Wm. Offt, John Carroll, Jos. De Barbieri, Mrs. C, W. Fick, Chris Eggum, Donais & Dejarlis, John Lichtsoheidl, Herman Timm, T. J. Desmond, Geo. C. Hetznecker, Frank Bidlozynski, John F. Bialozynaki, Nicholas Schnoller, Martin Moore,. Martin T. Dore, Math Huber, L. F. Novotny, J. W. Bridges, L. F. Novotny, Mergens & Schafer, Theo B. GeisOrt, H. E. Anderson, S. G. Johnson, Andrew Felson, COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President -2- 545 Mississippi St., Confectionery 96 E. 6th St., Theater 307 E. 13th St., Grocery 184 Concord St.,. 1040 Selby Av., " 740 Blair St., 1013 Front St., 4 pool tables, 1255 Summit Ave., Grocery 735 Cromvrell Av., Gunpowder 350 N. Fairview AV., Gk6eery 349 University Av., Conf-drug 75 Western Av., Grocery " 625 Central Park Place, n 741 Selby Av., 964 Payne Av 937 University Av., Butcher 474 University Av., Confectionery " 306 Jackson St., 469 N. Snelling Av., Grocery 1332 Thomas St., Bakery 962 Burr St. Grocery 627 University Av., Butcher to 1994 Payne Av., " 1766 University Av., it 1338 Thomas St., 1080'Forest St., Grocery 1080 Forest St., Butcher " 1450 Frantson St., " 752 Payne Av., 752 Payne Ave., Grocery 1134 Rice St., 2 bowling alleys 877 Oakdale Av., Butcher 379 Carroll Av., Confectionery 877 Oakdale Av., Grocery SB E. 6th St., Confectionery to640 Bedford St „ 799 Raymond Av., Grocery " 1312 Forest St., 421 University Av., Butcher Nays - ...... favor --------- Against Adopted by the Council -------------- --Y .................... 192. ---- Approved....... ---- -------------_-----.192..-... ........................ - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL co�unca No -------------_--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By--2-74­1Q9-Q------- COMMISSIONER___._...___--.-- -- RESOLVED Gruner & Brandl, Joe. E. Schwartz, A.-Budish, Swenberg & Lundeen, Edgar Braun, Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., F. H. HOPPes H. Meyers, C. C. Johnson, Otto F. Isaak, Otto F. Isaak, Ralph Tschida, Otto Schmidt, Paul Leonhartt, Roman Zielinski, J. E. Hensler, James Keeler, John Carroll, DuPont De Nemours & Co., Mrs.'Lois A. Knoll, Frank Barsoline, Peter Dipple, A. L. Johnson, C. J. Erhmantraut, C. J. Miller, Gruner & Brandl, Jos. E. Schwartz, Piggly Wiggly Stores Inc Blanca & Taseos, E. J. Herman, Bhilip D. Sullivan, Haselberger Bros., C. T. Heller, August Holm, M. J. Gilbert, L. Kaman, May Mills, Jos. Montemarino, Roman Zielinski, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -3- 676 Blair St., 899 Randolph St., 248 Rondo St., 955 Rice St., 857 Rondo St., 79 E. 5th St., 659 No. Da;e St., 676 Grand Av., 1553 University Av., 458 E. Maryland St.,' 458 E. Maryland -St., 149 E. 6th St,. 317 Selby AO., 12213. 3rd St., lOb9 Western Av., 867 E. Minnehaha St., 489 Wabash& St., 474 University Av., Hemline Av. & Soo Line tracks 379 Maria AO., 399 E. Maryland St., 802 E. 7th St., 1347 Burns Av., 179 Western Av., 258 N. Avon St., 676 Blair St., 899 Randolph St., 617 Grand Av., 393 Sibley St., 603 Western AY., 492 Jackson St., 535 W. 7th St., 31-33W. 10th St., 1754 Van Buren St., 1887 Randolph St., 317 Carroll Av., 124 Bremer Arcade, 183 W..7th St., 1059 Western AV., Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer .......Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council..... Butcher if Is Gunpowder Butcher n Confectionery Grocery Butcher Confectionery Grocery Confectionery 3 pool tables Grocery Soft drink 2 pool tables Gunpowder .Grocery it Soft drink Grocery Butchdr Grocery n u Confectionery Butcher n Grocery Confectionery Butcher Grocery n Confectionery Grocery 1 pool table 192...... 192..---. M CAUNCIL '34179 CITY OF ST. PAUL sae NO.-.-_.- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ev DnTE—_._J_€.T.4t;a.t....2.7..,.._)..926----- .--- ...___. COMMISSIONER__..._...__.__— —' RESOLVED -4- ' Alexander Carlgren, 713 Selby Av., Graoery of Ed -AF Ortlepp, 1817 Ashland Av., u Ben ;anna, 91 Syosmore St., " A. Laos C. C. Sierran 981 Selby Av., 1174 Payne Av., Confectionery Harry Muggley, 383 Robert St., 22 pool tables, 8 bowling alleys Harry MugP,ley. 383 Robert St., 383 Robert St., Confectionery Harry Muggley, John Hemfling, 422 S. Wabashe. St., Grocery A. IIWArdell, 188 Concord St., Oonfectionery P. Muellner, 1381 Rios St., Ilrooery J. W. McAfee 1035 W. 7th St., " John J. Malek, 179 Colburne St., Jae. Kafka & Son, peop&es Auto Parts Co., 684 Western Av „ 369 N. Dale St., Junk dealer R. W. Martin, 1057 E. Maryland St. Butcher CM. Miller, 1091 Payne Av., Grocery 11 K T. Shaull, 2095 Como Av. Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street. Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer ... .....Against Wenzel Mr. President �r;y 2 7 1926 Adopted by the Council-- ---------------------------- --------- 192... --- JAN 2 7 1926 Approved ....................192 ------ ..... ----------------------------- ............................ MAYOR /4ating !'USLISF� � D A7 02 —r r 4 r L { rte. �- -' -CITY OF, SAINT PAUL COUNCIL In '1 QUADRUPLICATEh FILE NO ------- _-_ TO OFFICE QF --*k COMPTROLLER 11 CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. No ---- II 1-27 6 _ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRA3NN ON THE bATE._ _19 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGAYGE� AMOUNT OF �r 96.-115.-3------------------------- / --' --- - ---- RING r i 5___ ____ COVE If� 'BY COItI PTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED ----- p_ j I INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _. IN FAVOR OF TO IAL FBANKRETUED CHECK �I \ BY it NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT N 'T CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 64180— Resolvsd. That cheeks be drawn a the City Treasury. to the aggregate of SS6.115.53, cover, ering checks numbered 876 to 905 inclusive. as per checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the CouncH Jan. 27, 1926. Approved Jan. 27. 1926. (Jan. 30-1926) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7-24 COMPTROLLER PER ` CHECK IN FAVOYZ,OF NUMBER 5 --15d .. c -------------- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --.-t716 -. TO -.905-- - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TO BROUGHTFORWARD 876 Northwestern Trust Company 877 P. Adams 878 A merioan stem of Reinforoil 9y sy 879 George P. Bowlin, Supt. 880 H. 4. Aronson 881 calculator rquipment corpora 882 cooperative Laundry Company 8g3 Robert T. Hunt Company 884 Joesting & schillinf; Company 88 Benny Boiler "Torks 886 Mis!a Louise Markert 997 Martin Auto Livery Company 888 Minner3&ta raining & Mfg. Compo 889 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 890 North Amerioan Telegraph Com; 891 -1111am Pa000e 892 Pollook#s Clipping Bureau 893 ",alter P. Frioe 894 review Publishing Company 895 ,,eabury & Comrany 896 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Co. 89s n n n n y n n n n 99 900 '7CSteTU Union T0106Ta0111 OomP 901 will1amson ngenoy 902 n. L. H,^rtosch 903 Sinking F=d Investment Com. 904 n n 11 r. 905 A. C. Thomas Guthrie 00MPaM TO AL RETURNED BY BANK M.DONALD. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 67 402 59 819 ?24: 8 SUDHEIMER. -------- AGAINST 46 791' 3 119 eENZEL. M� PRES.. NELSON. ✓ DISTRIBUTIO 6 ------ on 2 5 GENERAL WATER 0 LOCALA IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS M1 TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE 46 76 176 138 .5.62 .76 .105 722.7 7 2526 �6 .40 797 32 115 9 y 2 0 14 1602 42 1 199 00 ay 6 1086 5 4 90 22 50 2 1 2946 r'I. 30 9� 2 200 366 6 10 000 0 2 00 2 12 28 109 5 192 0,ting MAYOR int SPECIAL FUNDS T PUBLIC SUNDRY AI.OYi.p1MM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 265!6 714,91 5 875 60 8 7451 622 65 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7402 5 06 040 34 454 780 42 76 18049 b7s 96 86 oT3 91 66 286 78, 9 526 56 265 68 714 91 5X75 60 745 622 65 M.DONALD. SUDHEIMER. -------- AGAINST eENZEL. M� PRES.. NELSON. ✓ DISTRIBUTIO YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS (1/ ------ GENERAL WATER BOND LOCALA IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS M1 TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE 442 626:03 76 176 138 .5.62 .76 .105 722.7 25 489 .47- 2526 �6 .40 797 32 1 25 14 1602 199 00 4 90 22 50 35 00 4 498 70 624 72 . 115 999b 2 00 2 12 6 64 7 14i 108 50 294 25 39 61 21 17 49 5! 303 7! 96 21(I 4 45 69 59 7 200 100 366 66 _ L 10 000 00 192 0,ting MAYOR int SPECIAL FUNDS T PUBLIC SUNDRY AI.OYi.p1MM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 265!6 714,91 5 875 60 8 7451 622 65 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7402 5 06 040 34 454 780 42 76 18049 b7s 96 86 oT3 91 66 286 78, 9 526 56 265 68 714 91 5X75 60 745 622 65 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PILE L No. TO RES. No ------ _._ _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER', I /CLANCY. CITY CLERK FORM 192 aesoLveo THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION �FERGUSON.-\---�--IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Jt\a 27.E _.__.- CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT of ✓HODGSON. _ _ 182 DATEl-"?7. 192 6 5-196,135,53 ��52 --McDONALD. A - - .._ t J COVERING _ -AGAINST PP--11-i�? _-_"___ SUDHEIMER. % By__`' CHECKS NUMBERED. -__4 b -_.TO --_ _ _ _ _ _(, � / r- -- _ - _ _"_ -' ��'t v�COM PTROLLER ENZEL. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ___"__-___" Aefing MAYOR C OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / Me PRES., NELSON. VES COUNCILMEN NAYS PER_. DISTRIBUTION —.. ----- TO AL RETURNED SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF, BY V/T0376 _'.. LOCAL SINKING TRUST R. PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTIMPROVEMENT SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING BANK ATER BOND ,ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE wlYbOlrWitlMM REVOLVING ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS p�j�a 2526 6 2656_ 714:91 5 875 60 9 745 1 622,65 BROUGHT FORWARD .. 67 402 59 819 924. 9 176. 138-'- .62 ;76 .18.5. 722. 7 25 499 47_ +� 876 Northwestern Trust Company fi `iM1J J7 46 7913 .40 797 32 877 R. P. Adams 199 00 • 878 Amerionn System of Reinforcl 11 879 George P. Nowlin, Supt. 980 H. 9, Bronson 22 0 891 Calculator riquipment corporation 22 5 892 Co—operative Laundry Company an Robert '". Aunt Comp�anny + 35 0 90 4 !2} jg 70 99 Joesting & schilling Com»any 4 4 go 6 4 7 99 Kenny Boiler -7orks 99 ?Aie!3 Louise Harkert1987 Martin Auto Livery Cow�-)any 1512 90 999 Minnes6ta tdining & Mf Comp y 859 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 990 North American Telegraph C any 6 6 g91 °"illiam Pascoe 109 5 109 50 992 ?ollookle Clipping Bureau 27 7 14 21 17 �I III g9 waiter P. Price � 2 294 25 � 99 Review Publishing Company 2j8 6 49 62 u 995 ^eabury & Com -any 9 4 9 896 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Co. 30 303 47 n n u n 96 21 E199n n n 899a n n ++ 4 45 900 .^eetern tTnior Telegraph comp 39' S 368 59 901 williBmson Agency 60 2 0 27 I 902 R. L. F11rt090h j� 2001,00 �_.. 200 9 Unknng Fund Investment can. 366 6 366 66 10 000 0 10 000 00 905 A.. O. Thomas Guthrie COM nPny 28 105 5 28 109 50 Council File No Whereas A IMPROVEMENT AS .,-tp,1y1,'II. ng rup vi : ft.. PROPOSAL FOR I Grade:',Montana -Ave. Ave: toI a having and Mod to a on 11 of the City it PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Montana-- Avenue from Payne to Areade.Street.-_-_- ------------ ------------­ ------ -------------- ---- ------- --------- ------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ­­ --- --------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----- ---- ------ _­ ------ - --- ---------- ------ ---­----_-------- --- --- ­ .......... . ---------- -------------------------------------- ------------ --- ----------- ---------- ------------ Dated this -- 27th ......... day of ..Jav - 192 6 192.. --------- .......... ... ...Tt v PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: ---- Mo-Str-eet - -------------- -- Avon" - tD.. Aro-a&e. ---- ------ --- ---- ­------------------ --- .. ... ... ... . ------------------ ----------------------_ ------------------------ ------ ------- . .......... . ......... ..... --------------- ­ � - --- --------- - --- --- ------- --- ------------------------------------ .... ........ -------------------------- --- ------------------ ---------- I --- --- --- - --------------- ------------- ---- --- having been prese&ed to the Council of the, City of St. Paul._.:_....__.....-_._.._.-_....-.----..--------- _: ---- -------- --- -- ----- therefore, be it RE90LVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement,, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 7 1926 Adoptedby the Council..-------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Approved ------------ J ... A.J1L2._7_1_q2,i ----------------------------- - ----- MODGSON' cDONALD SUDHEBTIA1 WENZEL ,9 I rMR. PRESIDENT Acting i ng Mayor. Farm C A 13 (INI 325) eUB 16- ' fC. F. No.' 44182— - u,q��c� -. Abeti:act. Ni' whereas,.A written prop oval for the Council File No........... VL� making of the following. 1mDrovement, ' V1L' Condemning and -:taking an easement In the land n...senry for. elopes, cute PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ave. and -811dm e,: in th grading of'Afoatry - IirP .+��•; to Arcade. �.'hnving beer;--'� -• Che Coe;' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning end taking -.-an easement-_in_the-land..necessary----- ------ _....._- ..... ............ ..... -...... -- ---- for-_slopes cuts.--end..fii7fl,...-ln...the---gre.ding...o3...Montana_AYenue-.....--------- Yrom._R.ey1(ie..-.Avenue--to zoade...8treet...- ......._... ..... ... __.._...... - --------------------------------------- - ------ --------------- ------- ............. - - ......... ...... ...... _.. -' - ...__....._... - Dated this.. -27th day of ...... ....._.January ..192 ... .._.. .. 192 ... Councilma PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning--and_taking-an. easement.. i.n..the-..laui..nec.e.smary._. ..._... -...- for slopes, cuts and fills_t___in---thegrading_of .Montana...Agenlle .----------- --------------- from--Payne-.Avenue...tO--ATeBde... Street..:.-_........ _ _.......--..... - ......... ----. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paid.... ----_.._-..------------------.._ .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2 7 1 Adopted by the CouCouncil.._.._.........JAS .......... -926- --------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON McDONALD SL'DHEIMER WENZEL- MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (11i 3-25) Approved.... AN 2 7 (y_., LZ.cI �Y✓ Mayor. PUBLISHED In F; cE NO•------- "�l`�::J Z- 31 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .7aDue�y `LA, 19$6• COMMISSIONER--�— RESOLVED That authority be and the same is hereby given to the James 0. Heyworth Company to work two 10 hour shifts on the construction of Piers Boo. 8 and 9 until the completion of the base slab, this work being necessary in order to insure against damage to the piers and coffer dam due to spring floods. spicing-n..de. . ted'by the CounbfI inu.. 28{-1928. owed (Jan 230 19282 COUNCILMEN ye8B Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer 0 -..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Councj�kj.-2-4492b---------------192...... Approvedr--- ------ . ............ ...... '-Acting MINOR 191 ®R v �� ea�p�arFntietr�� ,oF (Juiblil����JwrCs�s� JOHN H. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHI- ENOINEBR WM. N. CAREY. QIR. On CONSiaVCT10N wND R—IR S.. HERROLD, OMCU MO CRY PLANNING -- January 26th, 1926. Mr. N. vi. Eleberg, City Engineer. Minneapolis. Minn. Lir. Geo. I.I. Shepard, M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIOOH ENOIN88a A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SwNITwT10N G. P. BOWLIN. SUPE. OF WORKHOU.e City Engineer, St. Paul, Lfinn. Gentlemen :- Enclosed copies of letters received from Mr. Hind this morning. YOU-rs very r . . Bridge neer. msg-rh encl. FRoIA- James 0. Heyworth, Inc. B u 1 1 d e r a Harvester Bldg., Chicago, I11. Subject : Mississippi River Bridge Ten hour shifts. January 25th, 1926. Joint Bridze Committee, 1246 ❑niversity Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs : Owing to the fact that we expected as soon as the bids were opened for the construction of the Mississippi River Bridge, that the contract would be awarded, and the contract was not awarded until about two months later. We find it impossible to complete the base of piers of eight and nine and keep up with our planned schedule, as our work had not advanced far enough by the time winter set in. It is most essential for the safety of the piers that this work be well under way towards completion by the time the spring flood hits us. With these facts before no would request that you extend to us permission to work two ten hour shifts on the construction of these piers until the completion of the base slab. As this matter is urgent we request that you take immediate action. Very truly yours. James 0. Heyworth, Inc, By. Wm; IT. Hind Ehgr. of Construction wmh-HoM xx RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO Mi Vifhereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Over - Frank Dra9sal Supervisor of Playgrounds R time g (.) 92V , gN 2 8 1926 COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192...... 'Clancy JAN' Ferguson '�) Hodgson /...-..In favorMcDonald App�d;�- - 192..__ /I1CLfA9 VOR Sudheimer {...Against / Wenzel i Mr. President 1/27/26 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes'of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing Athletics. .,4 This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Athletics arranged for evenings and it was necessary to supervise them. Yours very truly, Commissioner. iraratioo HOPI; to 6104[ 16forr altlEroe %itg of fat, Paul Bepartment of (arks, fteggranabs GEORGE L. NASON. ana Pnbttr 36niiaiags E - - P- HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. BIIPf.MPLwYBRWN)B IRVING C. PEARCE. 13 P- COMMMIONM FRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COM -10N - CRY AFCIBTiR 21B COURT HOUSE ®® 1/27/26 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes'of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing Athletics. .,4 This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Athletics arranged for evenings and it was necessary to supervise them. Yours very truly, Commissioner. iraratioo HOPI; to 6104[ 16forr altlEroe COUNCIL NO ---.. 1�- V CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.a ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATe__..., oLaui r -y--28.,-.--1926-----.--- - ---- RESOLVED V That the applioation f licenses of the following parsons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treausry of the customary fee: Henry Luerssen, 232 Eighth St. Restaurant Frank Miller, 279 E. 3rd St., Manley Yaok, 193'W. 536 7th St., Decatur St. Soft drink Nick Gallo, Nick Gallo, 536 Decatur St., 2 pool tables Frank Miller, 279 E. 3rd St., Soft drink Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street. Poolroom is 1000 feet from school. C. F. No. 84186 By J•: M. Claacy— 'Resolved, That the '.I.g per ons for ons for licenses of the foll— tgthe addre addresses ondu aingbusiro ea % indicated be and the same ore hereb grn ted and the city clerk is Instruc'} ment (into the ccity tre-.up e eury of uotheDthe eustomary fee Henry Luermon, 232 Eighth 9t., Res- tsurnnt. '. Frank Miller, 279 E. 3rd at Ree- mi—fit. - Stanley Yank, .193 W: 7th St., Res- taurant: 8 Decatur• St. Soft Nick Gallo, H3 drink.. 638 Decatur St., 2 pool Nlclt Gallo, - tables. Frank Miller, 279-..E. 3rd St., Soft drink. ' - a. Saft drl Ak, Darl076 hve bar exposed to vie from street:- o Poolroom le 1,089 feet from school. Ado ted by the Counofl Jan. 28. 1926. Ap'j y Janif28,.1 gy (Feb. 8-18886) JAN 2 8 1926 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council -------- — --- ---------- --- -------- 192.----- Clancy ---Ferguson ` Approver 926 _ - -..._ 192 /l - - Hodgson ..............In favor McDonald --_.. /-------...- ---- ---- ' ) i"sIR9 Mwvoa 6udheimer !..L..Against Wenzel /; Mr. President COUNCIL186 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 DATE ..-_._.tnus%y...24-..�.92.&_..._------- vMREAS' Louis L. Stanek has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St, Paul One Buick auto oar, Motor No. 940113, State L�-oense No. B-148809, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Policy No. 602353-T, and owned by said Louis L. Stanek, and vfk1EREAS, Louis L. Stanek, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Louis L. Stanek to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. 1S6 -8Y J. M. Clancy— for licensetto Operate P - auto car.emoto No. 940118, ; ito nobllne 1Insurancee Policy C, and owned by said Louls and Louts L Stanek,in accord- 9rdinance No: 6866 has filed urance pollcy,wlth the CnY , and saidpolicy has been l:to for by, t e Corpora- that to llcenes be issued.- ld li Stanek to operate Said Ponthe'streets of the city 1, subject to the provision. dinance. by: the Coun.11 Jan. 29. 1926. 1' Jan. 29;-1926: .(Feb: -6-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays — Chancy t-4erguson Hodgson //...In favor McDonald ' Sudheitner.............._Against Wenzel Mr. Presidont JAN 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council ----.-..---- ----------------- ----Aq2...... Approved--...'------IA2._... -- CITY OF $T. PAUL .Encs No.44_187.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL ORM DATE_jMr armor 28-r_._1926 __.....-- . -. RESOLVED " That the applicaAcins for licenses issued to the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby denied: Nathan Brodsky, 149 E. Chicago Ave., Grocery Applim� #210 denied by Bureau of Health. Has liv- ing rooms in rear of store and keeps store in filthy con- dition. Patreek Capeoe, Mrs. Michael Mitzuk, 221 V.. 7th St., Hotel Application 504 denied by Bureau of Health. Old buil- ding never used as hotel before. Has nimber of inside rooms without proper ventilation and plumbing is old. Place is not in good sanitary condition. 896 Mississippi St., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays iClgncy erguson Hodgson _I❑ (acor /McDonald Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President Restaurant Application #71 denied by Police. Applicant was arrested for liquor vio- lation and fined $50, in district court. JAN 2 s 1926 Adopted by the Council ................. .....192..--.. JAN 2 a 1926 Approve .192/ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM owrE__,Ianue h28; -1®26----_ --- �`4- No ------- 64188 FILE v 1ti. ade application for -.license to operate upon the �RRAS, AColwell has m dner auto oar, Motor streets of the city of St. Paul One Gary poli 13188, State No. 602546-T, License No. B-7266, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Company Poli and owned by said A. Colwell, and ViTEREAS', A. Colwell, in aN coordanoe with Ordinance o. 5866, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said A. Colwell, to operate said auto car upon the streets of the oity of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. V Yeas P6 2 !a 1926 COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council.--.'..<--=--= ------------------------- 192._-.- -.Clancy J 2 $ ING Approve( ..... - - ---------......192...... Ferguson . Hodgson - .............In favor McDonald --- ................ _.-. - ..... - djpting MAYOP Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President J LI �. .0_ pgUPLIGTE 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOUENCIL TO OFF;CEQf THE COMPTROLLER 2 cm CLERK AUDITEDFRM CLAIMS—RESOLUTION ORES. No -- _ + RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE TE__ __�192-6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /E�/°�+?'II(• ,r / 6y123-16 —--- _ ____ _/ -9-y ___-_ . COVERING Y/I --------IC�"�d"'� ^" CHECKS NUMBERED 9Ai}-- --TO —am----- y}+ II INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ' f ER ---- _----- ------------- - - -- -- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK I� IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBERiI TRANSFER i DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS 'I II j I I BROUGHT FORWARD I i� 64189— Resolved, That checks be drawn o the City 'l;r—jury, to the _baaggregate amobered u.t f9 66 to3940 inclusive. cheper checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan .28. 1926. approved Jan. 28. 1926. IJan. 30-1926) k, - NUMBERED______ -------- CHECKSNU- -- ------ go - --- 4o ------- 0 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER -- - ---- ----- CHECK TO ,AL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF NUMBER By BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 67 402-�q- 906--D-WiA go6 James J. Daily 332 00 68 27 907 James Ifturo 909 Anderson Plaotric Compsay 909 Canital City Lime & Cement Cop i 228 00 06 2"X00 ACCOUNTS 910 Crescent Oil company 911 risemenger Heat Company PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY lj 165 65 912 Genoral Hotor Service Compare V 211P 419 155 3 91 Goodyear rubber Company 93.4 Highland Spring Company 33150 11317. 3T, 91 Lindeke 7arner & Sons 912 Lyle 0�jvort & Road Zqtdpment Co. 93130 �3' 106.0 . ,91 2 91.7 McClain & Redman Company 2631 _5i6d --_26 + 91.9 Minnesota Coal Company 5 97 �O 269190 1 919 north American Fibre Produatil 229' 00 I Company 90100 13, 920 Northern Pacific Railway 00. 3521 10R 921 He Peitz & Son 922 Red Top Cab Company 2 9 Republic Creosoting Company 1.31 6 924 Royal Typewriter Company 1 92 13tepma Rtamp corks 121 33i25 922 Schroeder & Company 132ior 27 00 927 universal Carloading & I. 1r 39 43 Distributing Company �928 -eatern company 114 16 i97 Electric 929 T). r,,,. Dwyew, Jr.* and VFW* Lindm-U ConetrUCtIOU Company 2 50()1;00 930 Dr. Leo Hilger , on 931 Dr. 17* We Lewis 16o ' 00 932 Ivor Lofgren 165 50 26'67 93 Dr. We R. McCarthy 3300 , 00 22107 934 Dra. Mitchell & Arnquist 55 26 as 932 Tom Thorson 00. 6 27 93 Capital Stationery Mfg. Company 16;: 00 937 Hnum Brewing 939 L*O.Hodgeons Com4r. of Fin. Vic; 37 'W-3 95 30 939 liaendler Bruah Mfg. Company 94.0 Tri-9tate elle & Telg. Oomon#y 20 7 >UDHEIM R, AGAINST APPRO - - -------------- ---192 vWENZEL. Z5�% MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (,1) ------ --- ------ - -- COUNCILMEN NAYS --- ---- -- - -- - ------ --- Aeti"q MAYOR 50! DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST R. Mtn- SPECIAL FUNDS 332 00 5 oo FUNDS ACCOUNTS I GARAGE PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY 165 65 155 3 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS I 11317. 3T, 454 790!42 76 j80 49 171 370 �6 106.0 . ,91 2 66,286 19 2 52613"' _5i6d --_26 + 714 1 5 97 �O 9 74516 622 �5 229' 00 5,o6 27 00 91 79 1r 39 43 167 65 165 50 254 251 22107 33 6 o 95 30 �3' 2633 269 90 go: 0 14 15 32 1 �75 7 00 137 65 55 55 3 66173 33 2 00 132 5 34 , 167 97 00 00 -n 4— -._47 61 - ;1 ,701 . 50! 00 160 0 26 167 332 00 5 oo 2 $a 165 65 155 3 11317. 3T, 25 -n 4— -._47 61 - ;1 ,701 . TRR�LIA'TE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL I CITY. CLERK RES. NO -3a ---- - -------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR)LLER RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF OM1 FORM E Ig`� -----------------------------COVERING . _ _ _____ CHECKS NUMBERED ____906 ____TO_____ c IG "-6OMPTR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILA _ IN THE OFFICE PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _.. CHECK-' TO AL RETURNED ' NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY V, TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND BROUGHT FORWARD 7 402- _... .. T� Al 37 'ftl � _ 9Q6...-0-40-1'34 454.700-142 f--! 0 X 47 �, 906 James J. Daily 66e 27,_ �F . 907 James ?,Mm 90 Anderson rleotric CompMy 228 2251060 909 Capitral City Liege & Cement Ca 27!00 27 !00 910 crescent Oil company 1 a 22 911 ri senmenger ?cleat company 16 i 6g 16 '6 91',79 912 Gonoral rotor service compan 2� 7 5 913 Goodyear Rubber Company 419107 165 50 25�i 25 ` 914 iiiQhll'xtel spring Company 33 ! so 91 Lindeke 77arner & sone 9 ;30 33'60 916 Lyle Culvert & Road MQuipmen co. 3' 96 95 30 917 McClain & Hedman CrjMpany 263 i 43 263 i 3 91 8 Minnesota Coal Company 26990 269 90 919 North Amerioan Fibre Product Camrnny 90 00 90 00 920 Northern Pacific Railway Co.13,15 921 Re Peitz &son 352 07 337 00 1 ,1755 922 Red Top Cab Oclmpany 92� Republic creosoting Company 139 C 39 00 92 Royal Typewriter com?�anq 122 2 65 92 lt.Ptaul `?tamp "?orks 55 53 66 73 926 sohroeder & Company 132 33 255 33 25 927 universal Carloading; & 132 00 nistributing Company 514 9299 92Te®tern rleotrio ocmpany 1671;97 167 97 T), r, D -"r, Jr. 72nd 'Ito. wind= Construction company 2 500 00 93� Dr. Leo Hilger 931 Dr. "I. T. Lewla 160 00 5 00 500`b0 9332 Iver Lofgren 26 67 125 6 M Dr. R. McCarthy 53 0000 Drs. Mitchell & Arnquist 33 001 93 Tom Thorson 26 86 936 capital Stationery Mfg. Co. 26 89 937 Hamm Brewing Company 165 27 11 65 27 938 L.C.Rodgeon, Comar. of Fin. 165 00 939 2 -.!candler Bruch Mfg. company 13 37 1 !37 ; 9 0 Tr1-4tate Tel. & Telg. oomp y 20 0 li3'37 7 17 25 t. N COUNCIL r V/57LANCY, PILE NO. ./.FERGUSON. -------- IN FAVOR _. I� ✓HODGSON, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 792 - ✓'McDONALD, , q a ^a. ,(e 1S`UDHEIMER. _____AGAINST APPR _ _ 792___ MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (�) --- ------ - q�'Ra MAYOR DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS _ ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �M'1demsRRfh7 SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 6 0 3+2� 66.286 9- 2 5261-3 265 L69 714,91 5X75 60 745 16 622 65 ,7 � � 38 '43 22'0 NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL vae .-.-- -------. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan.. -?y8, 1926. In the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, Searles Addition from Ivy St. to the north lind of Searles Addition, under Preliminary Order C. Fa #60510. approved done 30, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #62182. approved Sept. 23, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans. speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of public Works for the above named ipprovement, be and the some are hereby approved. F. No. 04190—BY.T. H. McDonald - JAN 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council--------------- --------------------192...-.- Approved- --{- $. 192 eting M/YOft COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Clancy Nays Ferguson j Hodgson �-----.In favor / McDonald Sudheimer 1. -....Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council--------------- --------------------192...-.- Approved- --{- $. 192 eting M/YOft 9 T -34191. CITY OF ST. PAUL v°eRCIL No------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan. 2'5..1926. In the matter of grading alley in Blook 2, Aurora Addition from White Bear Ave. to flan Dyke Ave.. under P. 0. C. F. j60110, approved July 14, 1926, and Final Order C. F: #62132, approved Sept. 22, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by hhe Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement. be and the same are hereby approved. ap- ��. (San -a0-1928) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays '1 Clancy Ferguson $odgson �..-----In favor /McDonald �Sudheimer ...:_ .-_..Against Wenzel Mr. Fresident JAN 2 S 1926 Adopted by the Council .-------------------------- .----------- 192...... Approcec ..-.. JAN ..,2/.8-•-1926------.----.1p2..---'- %ting MRYOR COUNCIL �`�� CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO... ----"-----•----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Jen. 284,1926. _... In the matter of grading alleys in Ardmore Addition from Como Ave. West to Albany Street and from north and south alley to the west line of Ardmore Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60522. approved June 30, 1925, and Final Order O. F. #61956, approved Sept. 15, 1925. RESOLVED. That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities eesubmitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the abovo named improvement, be and the same are horeby approved• C.- F -.No. 64192 --Ey . J. H; McDonald— In the matter of grading alleys in . Ardmore Addition from Como Ave. West to',Albauy Street•, and' from north -and' eouth alley Ito.. the -west line of Ardmore !AdYdluon. under Preliminary Order C. F. No:.60688, approved June "80. 1986, and Final corder C. E No. 61958, approved B,eDt•. 16,. 1985. do dand estimated quantities as laob. mltted-by the Commissioner aPublic Works-for'the ab.ve named improve - .ant, be and the.same aro hereby ap- Adopted hproved" ' , - y the; Connell Jan. 28, 1920. ApproveJan, �.28, 1928. 80-1926) V�I COUNCILt1EN Yeas Clancy Nays /Ferguson ,,,,Hodgson In favor McDonald 8udheimer ns ----.t-}---- A g ait �- Wenzel ' /Mr, President JAN 2 s 1926 Adopted by the Council ----------- -.................. -------..19.2.---- Approved S�!/.�91-2.6--------192. JnG yam.,--�-v"_ _ CITY OF ST. PAULNo - w�Roa �41yW . - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan. 2 1926.. In the matter of grading alley in Dale St. Addition, from St. Albans St. to Dale Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60729, approved July 14, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #62134, approved Sept. 22, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and eetima'ted quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 64198-13Y MH. McDonald—' Ia the matter of grading alley in Dale `>St: Addition, from'Sti Albans St: to C. E,. woet.6,07 9er approved eJulyri4 1926, and. Flnal,Order C. F. No. 8.2184, approved Sept ,22.-1926. / ions lved, ti., the plane syeeldea- H rle and estimated, P1..tles ae sub=, .it by the Commlesloner of P.1,11.Works for the above named Improve-, ment, beand the same, are hereby i appi'a"T Adopted by the Council Jan. 28,.,1926:'. Approved 3", 28. 1926.. (Jan. =80-1926) V COUNCILMEN o yeas Nays 1// Clancy Ferguson Hodgson /.........In favor McDonald i Sudheimer ..............Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 8 1926 .Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ .-------- 192..--.. Approved.---- JA11!_2-6-1 2.6-------------192... AYOORR -. M Acting ' •Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL ­Hcit NO.. -.-.:'i/.. .1�.1.-./ y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1p�e�c In the matter of grading alleys in Blook 3, C3overdale addition from Rose at. to Geranium St. and from north and south alley to Frank St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #60721, approved duly 14, 1988, and Final Order C. F. #62080, approved Sept. 16, 1988. RESOLVBD, That the plans, specifioationa and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above, named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F No., 64194—By J.' M McDonald—' In the:matter of grading alleys In- -Bloek 9,.;Cloverdale': addition from. -Rose St to :. eranlum St; and from . -'North and .south alley, to, -Frank St., ander Preliminarp Order C. -F. No. X60721, approved July, .Ll, 1926, and "Final Order C. F. No. 62020, approved -Sept 16, 1926. _ - provement, be - and the same are hereby 'approYed_ Adopted by7the Connell Jan. 28, 1926: Approved Jan. 28. 1928. '(Jan. 30-1828) I COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy ,Ferguson /Hodgson .. ...........In favor /McDonald Sudheimer ------ Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 81926 Adopted by the 192.... -- Approved. . JAN' 2 8 192f} ............ 192 j rna�ratY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...11&V ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 28, 1926 DATE In the matter of grading Alley in Blook 3, SargenVe Addition, and Blook 4, Midway Park Addition, from Pasoal Avenue to Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60608, approved June 30, 1925, and Final Order C. F j61838, approved September 8, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plana, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner -of Publio Works for the above named ipprovement, be and the same are hereby approved. -40*0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson In favor ',,,'McDonald r� Sudheimer ........Against Wenzel Mr. President 192...... Adopted by the CouncilSAN 2 8 1926 ................... Approved.192 .. 1V.3... is2b- - ...... Aoting MAYOR Yeas COUNCIL/i . 1■ CITY OF ST. PAUL r� NO......641-96 4 ��VJ-rVl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan, 28N1926.- In 926.- In the matter of gr4ding Alley 1n Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman Daytonis Addition, from Arcade St, to Mendota St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #60506, approved June 30, 1925, and Final Order C. F. $61758, approved Sept. 2, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. o. 64190--BYJ• H• McDonald— :matt„„erof Brading Alley In atln- P' Block'S3; Lyman. I. apnrov�d:„ Adopied' the Council Jnn. a81a26•:.' ' AP➢rovefl Tan. : 28; ,1929: (Jan.ao-lazs> JAN 2 8 1926 COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council --------------------- ------------------- 192.....- Clancy JAN 2 b 1926 /Ferguson c_. Approved ---- - - - ---................... 192------ jHodgson�--.-----In favor McDonald / ; i ------ ----------- -------- -------------- - Sudheimer ;..-':........Against 'doling MAYOR i Wenzel �= Mr. President wun CITY OF ST. PAUL vim NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .fan. %8, 1926. DATA__...___.____.__._.___._.___._ In the matter of grading Alley in Blook 3, Frankson!s Como Park Addition, from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60252. approved June 23, 1925, and Final Order C. F. $61754, approved Sept. 2, 19254 RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifiostions and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------- ............ ..._---192.---- JAN 2 e. 1926 Approved. -..192---•- (/ '.....--------- Acting MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy \ ZVerguson ,'Hodgson. ----In favor McDonald Sudheimer .:.....Against jWenzel Mr. President JAN 2 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------- ............ ..._---192.---- JAN 2 e. 1926 Approved. -..192---•- (/ '.....--------- Acting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �41y8 COUNCIL NO.- FILE ----------------------- Jan, 28, 1926. In the matter of grafting glley in Block 1, gipp's Maoslester Park Addition, from Fairview Avenue to Sue Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60592, approved July 2, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #62184, approved September 23, 1925. RESOLVED, That the pians, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. F. No. 64198 -By J. H. McDonald— tbe'me.tter'ot-grading-Alley in Block 1, n:ipp'e Mac.,c ter Park Ad- dition, from Fairview Avenue. to Sue ' .Street, under Preliminary order C. F. No. 66692,approved July 2, 1928, :and Final Order C. F. No. 62184, &P - M ea.' —.1—b— 22:...1925. by approved. Adopted by the Council Jan. 28,_ 1928. :Approved Jan. 28 1928. (Jan.9S-1926) / CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ,'Ferguson 'Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer `: -:--....-Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council-------------------- - ---_------.192__.. Approved..._JAN 2 S 1986.-.... - 192- ---------- -- q��'�ry MFYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE O•----------------"---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of grading 811eys in Blook 3, Hayden Heights, from Nevada Ave. to Center St. and from alley to alley. under Preliminary Order C. F. #60529, approved dune 30. 1925. and Final Order C. F. #61575, approved Sept. 91 1928. RESOLVED, That the plans. speeifiostions and estimated,quentitiss as: submitte4 by the Commissioner of Publia Works for the above named improvement. be and the same are hereby approved. i F Nn.64199—BY..7: A. MCDonRId-..I n' approved. Adopted by the Council Jan, 2$, 1926. Approved Jan.. 26.1936. - - .(Jsn. 20-1926) ✓. COUNCILlSEN Yeas Nays r/Clancy ,Ferguson 'Hodgson /......-..In favor "McDonald Sudheimer ..-.:...._..Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 S 19:.b Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------192 Approved .................... .....- ti6�N 2 a 194.4- -192 ........ .. ... . �' � MAYOR ethI g' Petition Council File No..... 6.420.6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT *66ft5A:;WVItt0- D Opga, r:, a ;making -*Kthe i'f.IIOWfliff mprovement. and Grade 'Gre .h a.ka Ave. the co== PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade --_A re enb r i e rAvenue from-Wheelo lkr�081 tq XPOTA"X% ---- --------- ..... Pit. Avenue.- ------------------------- -------------- ---- -------- ----- -------- -- ------ ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------- -------------- .......... ............. -------- ------ .......... -------- Dated this 28th 2 . January- 926 8 day of nuary --- - ---------------- ----- -------- -------- - ---- 192.. ........... --------------------------------------- -- .. ..... .. ..... ... Councilman-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Greenbrier Avenue from Wheelook Parkway.t9-.A0rA4kQ,... ........ ---- -- .................. --------------------- ---- - --- ---- Avenue.------------ -- --------------- .... ...... - ----------------------------------------- -------------------- --- ------------ ----- ------ ----------------------- ------ ..... ....... --- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - ------------------------ -- ---- - ---- ----...- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...._....__.....__.... ------------------------- -- ----- -- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost t 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner: 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I42 ✓ Adopted by the Council -----------------------3A------- ------------------------ ------------ YEAS NAYS uncilma ICLANCY 2 8 1926 FERGUSONApproved -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- flon i5l '/MCDONALD UDHEIIIER WENZE1, .. .....p ........ MR. PRESIDENT PUB �U— Y, 14COOF F.— C A 131151 3-25) 61 A `• Abstract. 1 11,.. aaaoi— . =' Council File No.-....: . 1201 Wpereas, A wr4tten '7 prgosnl for the tkfa& of the IolloWfng mprnvemen4" - 'nn tenmtna.'aad to&ins an oaeemei t' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ` ipr aeneasag o slopes, co ,I -'tj,;r„l gradidl ng; f Greenhc and h.:nK PHI'KWa PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary .. .------...----------------------------------------------- ................. Yor.__alopes,---onta-.grading of Greenbrier Avenue -------------from--Wheelock-_Parkway-_to--Hebraaka..Avenue ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- ................................. ......---.__....... .... --- ........-------------------_------------------------------------ 926. 1sz... Dated this.....28th - -day of. -- - - January. - Couneilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _--_._._ Condemning--and--_taking--an_---- nt in -the land necessary ................ for.. slopes. outs and fillet -in the grading of Greenbrier Avenue .. ---Yrom_Wheolook $arkway-tq-Nebraska Avenue- ------------ - - - ---------- -------......------------------------_.....----------------- ----------------------------------------- ............................. having been pre -exited to the Council of the City of'St. Paul ------------------ _..------------------------------------------------------ ------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemen$. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 ^ 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three ¢r more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ti JAN 2 S 1926 Adopted by the Council...................................................... --•-- --- .- -- YEAS NAYs - r,.....,.0-1(,..eury JAW 2 8^1�J2U A U 1V1sy0I / D S. y5,",..` CITY OF ST. PAUL FILI5 cls NO • � �-D OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CENINCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D u RESOLVED � 07 r �� �'��"'`•N•'� 2 S 1926 r{JAN CocxcmasssAdopted by the Council.......................................19'l eas Nays "Clancy 2 $ 1926 I� Approved. -_.-..SAN 192... Ferguean - -w-....In favor !�✓-: McDonald.... MAYOR '_ AvEiq SudheimeT---..10- .... Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._.. u4-202 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ER Arthur E Nelsen, Mayor January 28, 1926 COMMIS310NER.____--------- -......____-...___.__..___-..___._------------ DATE ... .............. ...... ____................. .......................... ._... RESOLVED That the sum of X500.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated to the City Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works out of the Engineers Item fund 10-B-3 of the Public Works bund for the purpose of investigating dock facilities on the lower Mississippi River. Aby amount remaining unexpended, shall be returned to the Treasury of the City. - COUNCILNIEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ................In favor Sudheimer Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr. President ,AN 2 $192b Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------192 Approved ----- -- --....���_2 8 1' -------------192.--- CITY 01*..t.T.,PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLV' DD ±� n - COUNCIL o1Le 0 J1 6 COUNCILMEN �J{�_J � Approved'; \ ' eas Nays d . GClancy 1 !�� !Ferguson ` -.- -.In favor McDonald 9udheimcr ...... Against Weuzol - - Mr. President JAN 2 t3 t9t noted by the Council.. ----. - -- ..192..__ JP.N 2 81926 Approved.... . _... ---- _. _ _....192..-: -- ---- oting' CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE,6T-f CLERK COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._.___..Axibnr—E.-N91•SDDr-yiBY'S%:—.._.._._......__...._..--....__._._ _ COUNCIL (/.� FILE No.... --_,_AE 1 Jan. RESOLVED That the sum of $500.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Miscellaneous and Unforseen expense account of the General Fund to the Commissioner of Public Utilities and the Mayor each an amount of 'W250.00 to pay expenses of investigation of dock facilities on the lower Mississippi River. Any amount unexpended shall be returned to the City 'ireasury following such investigation. CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Sudheimer Peter Wenzel Mr. President ................In favor ................ Against JAN 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council----------------- ---192...... Approved .....JkiX2-8-4946----------.192- ............................... MAYOR Ja4 //�� , 1 i COUNCIL No..-..1L�Y-- CITY OF ST; PAUL rue f' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 40 PRESENTED BY• --- COMMISSIONER— --- ------ –'-- RESOLVED. That the proper city officers be and they are .hereby author- ized to pay to Edward Brandl, an employe of the Department of Public Works, Injured June 21, 1924, the sum of $72.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation. Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim a�ainst the 01ty, being for the period up to January 20th, I' 1926. i 10. F. No. 64264-8y J'R. McDonald- Resolved; -That the proper cltyoR1+. i cera be and they are hereby an lied. towa ._par to Edrd. nrandl,-am n`e 1 pploye of tLe Depar�meno.- of Publlc' I Jen. 29,.1626. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Clancy Nays ,/ Ferguson u,.,l,.e.... --- -• ---_-.In favor v McDonald h /Sudheimer > _.....Y.._ .Against ,,Menzel _/Mr. President Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Council ...JAN -2:9 192(1--_-----192.....- Approved - �.' 192..--.. -- -........... -.. . MAYOR ng _ r, l���¢ COUNCIL NO -._.[).42 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL raE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14 114 1 ,E�hat the proper city of Xcers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Joseph C. Vennevitz, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, injured April 30, 1935, the sum of Nine Hundred Sixty and 75/100 Dollars ($960.75) out of the Workllenis Compensation Account of the General Hund, to reimburse him for the following amounts paid out by him as a result of his injuries, namely: $573.75 to St. Joseph's Hospital, $300.00 to Dr. Harry C. Cannon, and $57.00 to Dr. C. C. Chatterton. COUNCILMEN Yeas 1-1c, lancy 'Ferguson McDonald ✓Sudheimer Wenzel /Mr. President Recommended for passage. Commissioner of public Safety. Nays Adopted by the Council....... --...`Z.._9--1926 ----------- --- In favor Q 2 - - 192- Approv V - - --- (�.Q,�L�/ S ;, Against ......p..............MAYOR.... noting Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL LO.UNO" 54206 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '- January 2911926 DATE._.. ...... _._._._... ....... _.__._--- __..------.._.__ J That the application ioense of Frank Biflilk for conducting the confectionery business at 366 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police on account of violation of the liquor law. C. F. No. 89805—By J. Reeolved, That- the applloatlon for ingnthe conte Uonary bu Ineaeoa Eaet S."-th street be ;Ed. the same' %Ishoreby denied.Upon reoommenfiatlon: . of .LhaBureaU o, Polr_ on'accouht'of violation of Che7iquor law. Adopted b}^ the.G�uncll Jah. 20, 1.... APProvgd I (Feb.e=1888) COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council.. JAN -- 2_9_1926 ---------192...... �Frgey ,./// A > >rove ... _ 192.. ---- Ferguson 4 3 - - -� - �...._. - Hnrlwon ... ........In favor , eDon (�/G/� ,�M ald - - ` MI�YOR /Sudheimer ....Against xot=:r:i 7enzel Mr. President COUNCIL � CITY OF Sr. PAUL FILE NO•- ----- -----'--- H.9 - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y/) JlilA,(i4�1 DATE_llantlar�%2...9..a--9.�L.. .._......._..... _ RESOLVED V That licenses issue"o the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police on account of violation of the liquor law. Eric Peterson, 871 Payne Avenue, Soft drink License 3644, expiring Nov. 1, 1926. Yeas Fred Stone, C.. F. No. 64207—BY J•M• Clancy- :REs.1-d,. Thatllconeoe i9sued t< ,followfrgPerson e Corr conductin9. lnessee. at. thh addree8e8 'indicate voke [on reco mendation orfbthe e$utea ; Police on account o[ violation .11 Ilgnor law:. - 79r1c Peterson, 8I Payne Avl Sort drink Licen[e 3844, expiring- !1:-1928. 500 St. Peter St. Restaurant License 1059, expiring December 14, 1926. ier 14, 1928: - Adopted by the Ccunoll Jan. 29, 1926. Approved :Jan. 2,1.1929. '<Feb. 6-1928) COUNCILMEN Nays 1/Clancy ,jFerguson ,-Noggp)r� _ ....--._ln favor ,/McDonald �Sudheirner ------`:...Against -/Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the CouncilJAN ................. 2 9 1926 192: ... Approve -.`,(! .`L.9_ (2 -------- ----- 192_.--- Zf- MRYOa QtiRg RESOLVED COUNCIL No------ l D CITY OF ST. PAUL • FN.B CE OF THE CITY CLERK , P.i SAS, in the construction of the Johnson High School Addition, it was found necessary to install' new floor drains in the Boys and Girls Shower Rooms, and as this was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, THE EFOHP BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with M. T. OtHei1 be amended to provide for this additional work and the contract price in- creased in the amount of One Hundred and Two ($102.00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. Yeas COUNCILMEN Clancy 1Ferguson fMcDonald /$udheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays --.,-.--..In favor �/.....Against JAN 2 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... i Approve t92 ---- ... ........... - . ..- MAYOR Acting "C' NO.. _ 12.09 - CITY OF ST. PAUL vae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (ZOU tITT1ON—GENERA -FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED VHEREAS, in the installation of the cafeteria equipment at the Woodrow Wilson High School, it was found necessary to change the steam table and ice cream cabinet waste connections, and as this change was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, TBFJWOHE HE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with the Joedting & Schilling Company be amended to provide for this change, and the contract price increased in the amount of Fifty Four ($54.00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson -1jedgm"' _,,.• .........In favor -/McDonald Sudheimer......Against / Wenzel / Mr. President JAN 2 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ...................... --------.--'----A92...... AiN i -'---pprov 192---'- �Cib{((l .- Tdg M/.YOP. - -.. ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL CO�e"cILNO. 6321 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY „� DATE_._._ COMMISSIONER_• — RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to Standard 011 Company to Install and maintain a drive in gasoline filling station with three pumps and three 550 gallon tanks, on Lot 14, Thomas Daly's Subdivision of lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Block 50, at Southeast corner of intersection of Ramsey and Smith Avenue; said pumps and tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Safety. JAN 2 9 1926 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............. --------------------------- 192...--- vClancy J1'k2 ./Ferguson A�ove --- -- -­------------------- 192. r -->............ In favor ✓ McDonald -- . - •--- -- --------------- � M/1YOR J Sudheimer-.0---..Against Acting . Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o T] Jan. 28, 1926. I fAUNCIL _..-- No.. 'x.12! .. FILE . _ That the grade of Quincy Street from 122 feet South of the South Line of Hoyt Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of public Works. be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No, 84211—Hy. J. H. McDonald - Resolved, That they grade of. Quin& I Street from 122 feet South at the `-South Line of Hoyt. Avenue, to Neb- �raska Avenue, in accordance with the ,red grade ]Ine on the. accompanying prodle and as .iecommended by. ,the - Commissioner ,of Public'Works,,be and the same Is hereby:: adopted: as the established grade. ) Adapted by O.e Council Ja . 29, 1928. 'Approved Jan. 29, 1928 -- (Feb, -6-1929)- /F " COUNCILMEN yeas Nays `Clancy ZFergueon -Redgwin .............In favor / McDonald r� �Sudheimer......-.Against Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Counci]IEiIi.2_9_1g26 192 App�—..- - ._ 2C-............. 192---- ........................................ ------------------ �9eting MAYOR I C. F. "'o;d"N on Res.1v . 11!W checks be drawn the City Treasury to the aggregate; f 9366,168.86, covering checks, a I a ar numbered 941 to 986 ticlu.i,e, checks on file I. the office of the C", C"'ptroll" Id.n.'rhy the Council Jan. 29, 1926. Approved Jan. 29. 1926. (Feb. 6.1923) 4. tr f � � ; I_J OF SAINTSU, COUENCIL PA CITY PIL, 0. *uAcRuP LicA*rE OF THE COMPTAILT-6 To FICE 33 RES. 17Y CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -]RESOLUTION FORM 1-�29 DATE RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 00 CqViRING. - — ------ Y[ — — ---- — - — ----- CHECKS NUMBERED_____9k ------To-91- COMPTROLLER CHE - INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK. CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARDL. I C. F. "'o;d"N on Res.1v . 11!W checks be drawn the City Treasury to the aggregate; f 9366,168.86, covering checks, a I a ar numbered 941 to 986 ticlu.i,e, checks on file I. the office of the C", C"'ptroll" Id.n.'rhy the Council Jan. 29, 1926. Approved Jan. 29. 1926. (Feb. 6.1923) 4. DATEjl25•_19i4..._--.-. COVERING BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY EVOLV ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ui me -. w__, �, ✓li,' CHECKS NUMBERED .- TO .96-.--- -- 77 BY _ _. -_.941 �- - ----' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 7 296 16 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _. PER _.._ TOTAL RETURNED V 76 20 CHECKBY NUMBER II�1_FAVOR OF ti TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS I GENERAL BROUGHT FORWARD67 402 59 912 163. 457 156.91 196 00l 941 ;. r. ChiderterTAreotor 0 1�, 196 OOI gg4-3 rred Jost DireOtor 7 293 1 • central Txvet CaMpany H. i.!. Lawton 1 1 80 94 9" g miohael Casey Henry J. Crepeau, for Ohildr C 2 �I of Arthur M. Dnohene 947 i.r Palumbo 70 C0i', 949 nr.�z,eo Slil6�z F. 0. Guea ;en�;uth 70 7432 { 950 ns. r':. ' . Fnhey 43 32 00 952 Christine Hnnson 32 * 95 ^eovge xeret Cnt�?zerine Lynuagh 3 6 21 3 24 60. 95; i,rs. !Annie meeh'an l0 10 0,'! 956 95 nr. g. o. Mortensen ^u,^uat L. 30hempf, Guardian . or _. 6 31 69' "Doris Hanson ididowow fof.n• CAnn 0 40 00' 958 F. Cion 4040 00 nnniel 11. C3mpjon 959 Helen Sullivan -"Idovr o4 miohaol eulllvan !_.7aoaiet9 for tuQ z?= aramru an Ttaj'j4WW' s ©ru q62 T3rooks Brothers Lumber OompF 16 x_34 Ctapitol Stationary Hfg. DoT - 9 Charles n^riend & Son 96s J. L. Haas 96 L.0.31odgaon, Comer. of irin. g67 x. 0. Iverson %8 John P. 3111181 99 Ossgsoodd Blodgett oompany 7 rt-Paul Foundry Oom<<any 9 2 ;peoialty Printing Dom any 9�/3 Inn paper lipply Company 9 "kite rogle oil & Ref. 00. gy2 Board of Oontrol 97b L.C.Hodpon, Comer. of Find 9777 „ p 979 „ 990 981 d32 " n qg5 7.u. Roehrioh, Assignee J. `. Travers Company 916 Boa3rd of Control 117540 91 . �+ 936 1 67 224 9 14 0161 16 15 24 97,10 ] SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t67 402_ J9 �69 932 30 30 00 200 061 � 337 90'1 72 00 300 0 150 0, 166 61 77 354 a 16 M71 6; 1 96635 9; 4 9361 902 5 67 224 9 13 021 73 29164 15 24 9$9 1 SUDHEIMER. .. ✓WENZEL.--_-.f/ ;.�,. ,: - _-. w _ MAYOR MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS - DISTRIBUTION RMunicSPECIAL FUNDS _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY EVOLV ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ui me ';7 61, 173 870.96 196 iso. 61 66 286 .79 2 551. 9 265.6 714.91 5 975 60 750; 77 7 296 16 1 193 9 80 00 79 20 76 20 00 35 61 II 155 603 97429 II 77 569 62 I73 945 96 1 195360 97 II 66 296 79 11i' I i - i �T - 2 55 8 265, 6 29 0511 487 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 622 65 5 9o4 65 I� 9 23750�,I 622 6� 714 gi� I TM14_t %kTE TO CITY CLERK LL ` DA7L1} t29_ 192+... r` i �......... ;/�.,. 9Y-_ 1. --------- --- COMPTROLLERj.-. COMPTROLLER PERr� CHECK IN. FAVOR OF NUMBER RES. No.___33____------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON. THE CITY TRE;i q =Ig THE�j-AGGREGATE AppCpp1O1LVVERING CHECKS NUMBERED __94i -TO . _996-___-__ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT 'CHECKS CHECKS 959 Helen '�ullivsn "Idow of - Michael Sullivan � Sety for tha-Prov._ a� c 961 Amertean R.aviway rmpreoe cc= 962 Brooke Brothers Lumber Coma 963 Csa7itol stationery Mfg. Comp„ 964 Charles Friend & son 965 J. L. Haas 966 L.C.1todgeon, Com#r. of grin. 967 H. o. Iverson 968 John P. TAiller 969 Osgood, Blodgett CompP.ny 970 Dos. Pavlioek 971 st. Paul Foundry Oom any 972 =,peotalty Printing Com any 9-713Van Paper oupply Corm, ma + y 9 "bite Eagle oil &Ref. Co. 9 Board of Control L.C.Rodgeon. Coms,r. of r!n/ 119 1 55 9 166 6 CITY OF SAINT I'A 11 - OFFICE OF THE COMS'TFOLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RETURNED BY 1/ BANK GENERAL 457 X56, 196 70 0 470 32 32 0 2 3 10 0 31 6 40 0 4o o 30 0 200 3 337 9 300 0 150 0 /CLANCY, . BROUGHT FORWARD 67 '40259 J 912 163. 941 s. 7,-,. Chidenter, Director "WENZEL, 1[816 942Fred Jost, Director 186 943 CentTP? Trust Company 7 266 1 941 R. M. Layton 1 193 8 94ri Michael Casey 80 Henry J. Crepeau, for Childr of frthur 1'. Duohene 79 2 947 r:ary Palumbo 79 2 8 948 Dr. Leo "ilger 949 T. C. Suessenguth 70 950 Dr. "I. Fahey 7 951 Christine Hnnson 4 3 952 George Aeret 32 957 Catharine Lymaugh 3 6 95 F "txe. Annie Feehan 3 955 Dr. .;. 0. Mortensen to or 156 . ^u;-ust L. 3Ohempf, Guardianor Doris IT -noon 31 6 957 Clara Aamold, ,,,lidow Of H. A. i 40 0 959 Ann F. C amp i on " I doer of II nzniel H. Campfon 1'0 959 Helen '�ullivsn "Idow of - Michael Sullivan � Sety for tha-Prov._ a� c 961 Amertean R.aviway rmpreoe cc= 962 Brooke Brothers Lumber Coma 963 Csa7itol stationery Mfg. Comp„ 964 Charles Friend & son 965 J. L. Haas 966 L.C.1todgeon, Com#r. of grin. 967 H. o. Iverson 968 John P. TAiller 969 Osgood, Blodgett CompP.ny 970 Dos. Pavlioek 971 st. Paul Foundry Oom any 972 =,peotalty Printing Com any 9-713Van Paper oupply Corm, ma + y 9 "bite Eagle oil &Ref. Co. 9 Board of Control L.C.Rodgeon. Coms,r. of r!n/ 119 1 55 9 166 6 CITY OF SAINT I'A 11 - OFFICE OF THE COMS'TFOLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RETURNED BY 1/ BANK GENERAL 457 X56, 196 70 0 470 32 32 0 2 3 10 0 31 6 40 0 4o o 30 0 200 3 337 9 300 0 150 0 /CLANCY, / FERGUSON. --- IN FAVOR 'tFAB666M� McDONALD. SUDHEIMER, --- -- -_AGAINST "WENZEL, MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J 1 DISTRIBUTION J� LOCAL SINKING TRUST WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM E ui men 77 -97 61, X7'3 s70.96 W Iso. 61 66 2s6 .79 2 5511 6 265. E 7 296 16 1 193 9 80 oa 35 3. 75 00 510 05 15 1 119 1� 55 95 COUNCIL i �/.•�i ^• FILE NO.__ - J O 2 91926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ __ ___192 _ G H 1 � J ZAp�R�80 __.192 �� pGy},n4 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLING II FORESTRY II REV OLDI ISN 714.9111 5 975 .6o 8 750 LQ SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 622.65 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I UNCIL NO....- � i^'�.. Jenny 281 1926 In the matter of furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system on West Sixth Street from St. Peter Street to Summit Avenue, under.Preliminery Order C. F. #60114, approved June 16, 1925, and Final Order C. P.'#62335, approved September 30. 19 161, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities ea submited by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. JAN 2 9 1926 1x2------ Adopted by the Council .._---------------------------- ApZrove COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson ......In favor McDonald /�Sudheimer ............0 .... ✓Wenzel I//Mr. President JAN 2 9 1926 1x2------ Adopted by the Council .._---------------------------- ApZrove Petition Council File No.----.:��4_`.::�4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ria>m>Gnlnxwnx oau>mae: ELIMINARY ORDER. .j,,:, Thet-° NQr nl hereby prohr :ikni$e making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: u,cn�r,• t wide Woodville Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue,, ---------------------------...---------------------------------------------------.......-..-------------------------...... ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- Kenneth --Avenue ---Yrom.- Otto---Avenus---to---Baya-r-d-- Avenue rr...and- -------- --------------------------- ---Bamner--- Avenue from Otto- Avenue to --- Baya-rd -Avenue. - ------------------------------------------.-----------------------..._..-------------------------------------_--------------------------- --- ----------- 29th Janu 1926 192--.-.-. Dated this ................. day of. ----------------......... - - --- . -- - .......... - - . ----------- ---- Councilman. �ELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.: Grade Woodville Avenue _from Otto Avenue to. Bayard -Avenue--- ............. -- ______._--------------- Kenneth .. Avenue_ from Otto. -Avenue-- to_ Bayard . Agenee,_. A-----------. _.-------.---.--------------Sslmner...AveAue-.-from -Otto...Avenue---te._Bayax:d...AQenne-----. .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. _.................. _--------- -------------------------------- ----- ---------- ....- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ated b JAN 2 9 1926 Adoptedy the Council... ---_-------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS COROcilmaR�//^ l,ANCY ✓✓FERGUSON 41VUnson- ✓McDONALD a /�UDHF.I1fER U WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 a5I 3-25) Approved..----....a1N 8:91920..... ---------- - - il4tinq Mayor. Council File No......1� Gt 1 TROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c F. aa. 64215= 1 and gbstreat. VPherese, A written propos ov 0i I + making of the lo110WIMg Imp y v ndemning Bra O lMT anuueepa'w;; PRELIMINARY ORDER. M1n� h.11inld nec• 9eF ni tr .41 W oe - 1'tic uu lersigned heI«i y proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --------------------------- Condemning -..and --taking-. an--easement---in-..the--.lend--ne4es3sexy._........-.. for --_elopes-._4nts-.end_--Sills-,-.-in--the--gdi rang _of .-....... -- - -- -- ----- --_._......_VYQ.adviIle ..Axenue...3rctm...0.tin_gvenua...t.o:..Bayard_Av.anus------ .------------ -------------- Kenneth Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, and ----- ------------ ----------- f....- - -----.. - 8nmlaer Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayar venue. Dated this --- day of------------------------ -- - --- 192__... 2Wtfi.....Tans , g 86....... Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking -an easement in the land -_necessary-------------- -- ------ for elopest oats and fills, in. grading_.of._Woodpille...Avenue--__-- 4roii Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, from --- Otto ---Ave.--ta--Bayard Avenue -,---61:1 _ --------------------------- Sumner ------ ------Sumner Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue--------------------------------------- ---------- having been presented to the Council of the, City of St. Paul-- . .... ....... -------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the. making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓a74 JAN 2 9 19:-5 Adoptedby the Council ------- ------ ----------------------....-_.....---------------------------- YEAS I/ Councilman CLANCY I/FERGUSON �McDON D �UDHEI%IER WENZEL ( MR. PRESIDENT NAYS roan C A 13 (IDI 3-25) jjj Approved ------------ JA —2. 9..192Fi--------------------------------- ..0 -........... ------ 6 j&...-j7q Mayor. Petition Council File No- .._'342, 6 C.! F. No, s42ts— - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Abetnet.-, ,'Whereu, A written yroppoval to' -Aklnt.ot the tolloWlpx 1!np'ove` and s gnetruct eewere- Itoilir.; s ot,otm Ave. to. - di PRELIMINARY ORDER. ��e;;noulh=liner The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constru_ot sewers on Wo_odv_il_le_-Ave. from ---a point__-68--.ft.•--north-.-of-,the north line of Otto Avenue to a point 64 ft. south of the south line o3--Bagar.B--Aoe.-,--on-.�,]senor----3t.---fr-om--C�evaland--9ve.----to--A7oodville--Ave. v --- on Kenneth Ave. from a point 68 ft. north of the north line of Otto Ave. to Bayard --Ave-. _-and ... on- -Sumner -Ave-, --from.- a- point --68 ft­:- line t: line ofOtto Ave. -Bayard_Ave' - ----------------------------------------- - - ----------............... --------------------------------- Dated this ......$9.th----...day of....-.... PRELIMINARY ORDER. 192. - - -------------------------- Conncilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot sewers on Woodyllle Ave. from a__point_68--ft.._north-..of the riorth Brie ---of Otto Avenue to a point 64 ft. south of the south line St._ from --Cleveland-- Ave. - to---Woo4vi-11-e---Ave.-, --- on Kenneth Ave. from a point 68 ft. north of the north line of Otto Ave. to ... Bayard --Ave-- and --- on--Sumner---Ave-o_Yrom--a --- point- -6anorth ---- oi..the...n0rth line of Otto Ave. to Bayard__Ave. _..... - ---------------------- .................. ......... .-------------------------- --- ----------- .----------- .------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St:. Paul.......____.__..........._..._...---.__------ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 9 1926 Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------- .......-..._...... YEAS NAYS CouncilIRan CLANCYJAN 2.9 1926 ,/FERGUSON Approved......---------------------------------------------------------------_ .. �°- .�V McDONALD �SUDREINIFR ./WEN7.EL .(�sJ .. .... .. ... ...... .. .. ......------.. V MR. PRESIDENT PiJBi Tet ' Aot)ng Mayor. Fo CA 13(11113-25) M21-7 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of_condemning...and. taking ..an ea.semeliti...in-the _-� ar�d _ne.cessary for sloped', for cuts and fills in grading Iuiontreal Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, IrRM1AG ABSEssar0NT9 .IN CONI h D�le1rA.TlONPSOCEBDIF/38. _ = No. 64217- +ae matte eme condeme.1a and ffij __....� an easement In ,hits ndd nerna. ...___ _.... _. . v for elnpW fo �•+ts and, flli ................... ...................... ......... .--------------- .............------- --------- ----.-------- ---------------------------------- -.---- -- ----- -.-.-- ----- ----------------- -------- - under Preliminary Order.. -.._.62382._ ._.., approved. Oct ,....1,1925 Intermediary Order... 62859 approved.Ptou-,-_3,._.192.......- ---• A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further ved, that a said ment be 11T -577 91e —in ­ e .....equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......... .....FEB _ 2 6 192......-. _..._ ........192......._..._.......... FEB Approved -----------------_.----------------- �-.:..........., Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Peter— Hodgson Councilman 9udheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. Viae Pre& Ferpuenn (2) That the following Iand, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro pr ated and condemned for the purpose of making the, said improvements, viz.:_....__. the land-abutting uponDF,ontreal Avenue between the �ointsaforesaid,._to the extent_.shoc�n upon the_i an att arheA to t.hP rAn—�nrt of tie Cn�mmi eci nnar of Pnhl i n' Ptnr$g i r,-.the (3) (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. FEB _ 2 1926 Adoptedby the Council._---------- .---- ..---- ....._:........ .............. ...... ......... _..... ....... 1 191... .. ............ City Clerk. FEB - 2192 Approved. ---- --------------- ................. _. _..__..........._. 191.... ....... :.— ---- dl§Mayor. GlO'goy- 'Clancy` 0'1 pmwmarbh Ferguson . -Goss•- Hodgson✓ 1 rdlex _ ldo d Meeol1- Sudherme�Y" Wuadwlieh Wenzel Mr.' President, , on Mr. Via Pro& k oov hon REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.__.condeml2i. i ...and...t.&king._an...e.aaamant...in..the....land.._necessary for slop for cuts and fills inradin i _ontreal---t?ve.-from__.Cleveland._Ave. ........... .. ............................. . tQadzgmmbe....':?.9aa......... ......... ...._................................... _.............-- ....... ...... ..........--.....- under Preliminary Order.... 623$2...-........ approved9.G.t<-•-1.,.192.5......., Intermediary Order .--£i2a,59............ approved.. Dov.....:....1925_x. ........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. /// -................. 1..... t ................_ Commissioner of Finance. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking .an. ease ment...in_ the _ land- necessary for_ s.lo.Res., .for_ cuts . and fills. _ih gra.din. Colne Street. from Orchard. St.._ - to yjortherh_?acific Hisht of ':iay, __ ___ ..__...... 'r. No.. em — , „the matter of condemning Ing. an .easement In. the land -1 �ary'for elopes,-for'cuts and wading Colne r^,St:-om Ot coh1e, NorPhera&acacWhr ramehary Order.620r" - "---- - - ^i Sept.18, 1926, '.Inter„ r,n8. having`ir __.. ._....... _._ _-—...".......... rim._ ._...__... .- ... under Preliminary Order_620913 approved Sept, 18,1,925ntermediary Order__02926__ approved-1dQv.....A, _192.5..._ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f1ther Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Penal i centsas to and described therein. Adopted by the Council. _ E8 _ 2-1f^_';-- - 192- -.... S� C lty, Clerk Approved. __.__ ..., 192.---- _ ..... ..._ .......... Mayor; Councilman Clancy✓ Ag Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Iwtil V_ Councilman Retmx Hodgson ✓ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman xa.. Qiw Pres.`Fesgneon . In the matter of_C011dQiTlX2inlr_ sns __G.akix ..Asn_._easesment.....in__the_...land....ne.aess.ary for e�nnAs.,:I'nr nntc and f i I s ; r, _g=c11 ngCol ne_..Sheat....fromm-l)nchard....St— to _.Nor..tWay-'__ "C. � F. No. 64"20— .. - �Ia 2Ile matte; of condemning and talo—•—•---'_...,__..... _............... . ........ __.—..... _.......... ._____.—._._._______.�_._�_ `,Ing an easemeht fa: the land neceet Bary forslope., Lor:catgand: mIB:t-; gradfyg..Colne St. from Orchard..-:S__... _ ........ 'Northern Pacific Rlghtof m �. -,under Preliminary :-0rder ��+.~'_• ;- proved-Sept•1&_}0EE,�j., ' _.._._._.._..— --'OrdeYeEEE6 fly*-'9�� i e�����...__._._.__�..._�—._...—....___._.... ... _. _........_.__ __....__.__. ...._..._... - (I), mhsi. 62D93 pp 5e t_18 19251 y .` rd Ment be, a roved_.__..p...._•.... _�._.. , ntermediar Order.._. dered t0-b Ca gce approved IIQSL.._.44__1925. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_C.011demn and AalrP anPRamant. in thPl Rnl nacRr$,._far --- slouc in g r adirgr ('.nlnn StrsAt froln_Qrnhar�l St.. ,p_Tdorlhern--Ea.G.i.fi.c-,t a.ght.-.oi ','day. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._.... the..... land...-abut-Ung upayy_Dei«-cz, r.�9+,.-b t;+ he-- rote a#or�sa d.._to._..the._-extent--show.n.-upon-the plan nttnnhpfj to the rPnnrt_ nf.__—p31b1.7G.' 1CSr--111- h8-- � (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements thereip, have been ratified and confirmed. rt8 2 1926 Adopted by the Council _..- --- ._.........._ _. __._ --- ----- . .... ....._..... 191..__... _. _ ....._ ....................... _...... _ _.. ._.__�. _..._._.. City Clerk. FEB - 2 1926. Approved . .....__ .._...__.._ __ 191......._ / _.. .........._._ ��lAg' ?Mayor. rramn3x Clancy I . :khrnsxmtb: 7erguson ]am= I3odgson Zemm P;icDonald aRx Sudheimer. <; ZIMmftberdieh 7enze1 Mr..President, son ✓ - ,_Mr.'Qinn Yrnn. B'nrt;ag� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....nnndemnin.�._and...taJS n _tlae...a.aW...ne.��S.4arY for ...s-1-o-pss.,....far...cu.t. s._and..fills....in_gradin .--Colne---Stra .i...irnnl..Lircliartl---.-..- t......ta_ ostharn..l'.aQ� i i G..._ ,ut....o ._:,.aJ ................................................... ......------.I....--------------.....----- under Preliminary Orderapproved.Segt..18,.1925 Intermediary Order ....._62�26_,-,_- approved 1,QV ........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. f - --- ----- `............!!- ......... Commisaibner of Finance. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of....9ond.elnnillg and taking_ an_easement in the land necessary for._. s. lo.pes..,-.for._ cuts and_ fills_ in_ =adinE. Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to_I-Li.ghvi-eve. Ave,., Nd. 64221— ie -- -- ': matter of condemnlag'aad ta$- aaeasement In the land neces pry for alopas, for cuts and "" In trading Bohlaad Ave. Yrom Snelling----- xve. >In .8lghview. AVe., under Pre- lnI in Order: 63r69, aDProYed AUF,+ ,; 3926. Intermediary Order Ftu4rd 12rwnd Ne 4;:': 1o2fi under Preliminary Order -._._6.1169...__ _, approved Al,F,, .4,-1.925.-, Intermediary Ordcr...62928___.-_____, approved------- -ov,.._4.,._1925.. _. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it urther Reso that the said ass ent b determined to be --------------------------------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. FEB _ 2 19,1'Adopted by the Council.__ _......_....._-----__-:- 192__ ... FEB-----------------------............ 192t, - - t ...------ ity Clerk. Approved......... ........... _........... -.... _. ..........1 192. ......... .� ........ r _.. . Adij7y Mayo. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ✓ )lJ Councilman Peter-- Hoarson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel✓ =N nc.=I—L / H& T1se Pres. FervuaotalI/ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_c.ondemniTlg_and--taking--an-.easement.._in_the.__.land_..ne.nessaxy fo�..slon�?4ferc1ztG and fJ11i��r s_ading_.Boh1anGl..AYs.._ om nelling._A . to TTigh v; eve —..... __.... ........ __----- -- _- 4, Int a 4, x6v. Iny+,ermedia nr? :1P . ppr Reeolt` A^ meal ehminary Orderr_6116�..._. _. approved_-AUg;.4,1925, Intermediary Order _..._fz.292.8...... __........ dere a. vei _..--4 ,.....1925.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_Q.01lCdemn ani + a irA ar e A G ementa n try -4C 14 cess i ].3s in _grading Rohl and Ave _._from._Snellin9_Aza._t. -141 a_�iA?o-AV-e­•-------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro..'' priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: the.....1and._abn Uliz _ upon ohlanvenue._i)eteet.l�e._D4.11at afsLl'ea�.d.,__#�he exte.nthoYdn._upon th0 121.�n a a heel to theme@.p.4r:.._.IIf_the.-.li4mmicGionPr of, Puh],j.C_..:'F�!ArkS--]-n--tI1e _ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements tLexaiP, 2 19befien ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ._.__......t...tD.............._...................................... Approved._...._.__...::_ .._.......... t� Glancy. pft,rs"rtif Ferguon G"s-- Iiodgsonz/ Swllev._ ggcDonald M00014 Sudheimer W-Unaevlioh- i4enzel Mr. President, on "Jh. vi,,. crRum" V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.ao_ndamning -and.A.aking_.an.-e.as-emart... in...t.he...Land ...naaessarg for slopes, for cuts and fills in gradin^ Bohland Ave: from Snelling .eve. ............................................... to....?iiEhyieF±... w.e.... ......... ............ ............. .................._......_......._..---.........----.........................--------............---.......... ........._..................I......----......_....._......................-.....---------------------- - under Preliminary Order...... 61169._........, approved-,Fu4..4.,-192.S-..-> Intermediary Order.......62.9.2 ......., approved .---..Il-a V..._!�......1.925.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissions of Finance. EM 'C i 'pfaq;'Sot :,cute and'.. Z-A '0 In -;d ASM8 Condemnation R e s o 1; ; � 1 R t and Confirming and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and, taking an easement in the land..neces.sary for..sl.opes _.for. cuts...and fills in grading illey in.Block 3, Lane Park - lst.'DivLsj.on_,._and Block 5, G. 3. ',%Ihitney's Riverton place,.from Cretin-.- eve. retin- AVO. to IN -nn Ave.. under Preliminary Order 61078 approved July 28, 192,9nterniediary Order. 62933 approvedIT07- -4,.. 3-925. . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. further ResojWA-Mat the said 1, essment be an - ­11mr,ri.stallments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. 192. ------ -- -- ---- Ity Clerk. 2 IV -21 k. Approved .... .... ....... ..... .............. .......... 192 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman:BMKX IlodgSO4/ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenze Mr. Vim Yrss- Ferffason : FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In. the matter ofcnndsmning_and_.__laking._an--eas.emant._in...the-_land ne.cessar- for c•- l ^zag r + nr-- a"+° a— 'd ' f i� 1 j= gra n{''..ltlley, in _B1 OCY._.ar-.bane P2xk—._ _ navla.,Fjj•.Y@T'.t4t111_plA�.frnm.._Cn6.tiT1-..-_ .- ' 1St -.dl, �_�..�'s•�.1 ; �No. 04224— : A4e��t,•;Q,�;j„l�.n,_,.Ati�'e.x.�.–.•—.—she matter o1 c6ndemning and ,q: an oss0ment 1. the land nec.' 4y for slopes, for cut. and all.' ,ding Alley In In. k 3. 1sne ._--.-------_--�.P! Dlvislon. nd Bloek 6 - ——... `ey's Riverton Flamm?,r..:U - wo. to Finn under Preliminary Order_ _ 61JOIB approvedIulV-,ga,.19.2i5Intermediary Order_.fx2.9$5-_-------------- approved-NDY _ 4..,._192.5. Resolved: (1) That' the following improvement a and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: C..S?Xdd3mn and + la n eaaamen+ in the lsnA naracc y__„ or a_,?��a�-f-CL1YS--811- i�.18 in gL'adi211r Allejr in Rln �' r'arie PSrk Tet T)iviainn and. -BI n ek .r, G G (2) ,That the following Is Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- rpose of making the said improvements viz.:___�.Ile_.a.&nd__gbAtjjng priated and condemned for the pu upon thA nllR:in._B1o.cic-.3.,-.bane-Parlr...-._st-L?inis.i.an,.-and-B1.ock--5•,---0-•.-.-C:,--.i.tneyls R3R9rten Vl^re hettveeYi the�nointg ^fnreasid� to the e%iB]1t_ahon--11pan- he plan^+_ t-arab;e +. f-t4e- c0 m3&s-i-aner--Gf• ib3 G-;der-lss-,•-an-tl -ma er dated-December-8•,-3�5-- ----- _—...—___.—.�.__..� (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements theE�have been ratified and confirmed. ` 2 Adopted by the Connell-_._._._ ._..___ 1936 FEB - 2 19261 ity Clerk. Approved .V------ _—, 191_ ------ _ __...__.` G Acting Mayor. x Clanc Ferguson y SHFdT tx Hodgson, msec McDonald >x Sudheim 2ffxffdU= Vienz Mr. PresidentjIMItLIMESM son Mr. Vice Pres. Fergaso' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ...... condemTIW7_and..ta ro,...axl..eas.ement...in...the ...land ...neeessary for ...s.loge.s.....for...G.ut.a._and_..fi.7j;x...in_ rading..Allay.---in.-Blnck..3-,-•�axia...gark---.. lst Division cd Block :5, G. _G...-Plhitney_�-s._Riverton..-P ce_,--. rAm...�x.� i>1••• .. Ave. to Finn -_tve.r..'................................................ .. .......................... under Preliminary Order....... 6.10.78.._....., approvedJuly--28_.1925., Intermediary Order......._62�3s�....., approved.... NOY..,. A......i 5.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That be has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - s . Commisaioner.4 Finance. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and. taking an easement_.in- the land..ne.ceas.ary for slopes., -"for, cuts. and fills_ in gradin:; alley in Edward D. Langan's Rearrangement,.. from Prior Ave... to the east line of.Edlvard D..Langan._s_... Rearrangement, R NO A4226 " the matter of ;conde-1.9 and tak-. 'lar elopes for cute and fill. 1. rare , allp Edw. I .Iangaa's - - ---- "" " - , ran I -.-.Rearrangement;. from d or Ave:--tr +e -.east Ifne ol:�Edwerd:,b. Langaa', nn under :'.EreiiQ_ ,� we. q vent. 9 Nom.. - -. .............. .. ..........._-.. under Preliminary Order.._ _5194$__. - , approved sept. 1-4.,1995fntermediary Order..... 629.3.1...___ .., approved..—NOV.— _ 4,-..1925. _.. -.... A public hearing leaving been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. further Resolee d assessment be and —__'Imal installments as to each described therein. Adopted by the Council .._ _.._.__---...... _.._._.., 192. -.. FFB - 2 054 _ .. ........ .. - _ _...__.. Approved. -----.- Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ` Councilman Zmrx Hodgsoni/ Councilman Sudhcimer Councilman'"Wenzel✓` Mwnr Nelson 01r. Pica Pree. Fsrgaaoq_,,' City Clerk. 192.. _ _......_......... -- ErCi .0 Mayor. Q . a FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__oond.omnin�.;.... and .... taking__a.n.._Q.A.S.aman_t for_sl nnas.,��or_.cuis._�nd_fills_in_�ra�lin�.-a7.1.ey..3n._.Ecilgard__1?._I�ngan`_s_..___ _ t _s...---- -Ls-gale R nnge ent� - _._ under Preliminary61948approved_ gPt._14�192�ntermediary Order..___029��.�... ......... :.... ,< aPProved_No7L.....�.r_1.32.5. Resolved: (1) That the following -improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:—_...__..._. conslS�>� apd to e_an easement in the land necessary for sees. for cuts and fil]s xL 1'ais ne ajlev n_Fdward n. to tbg aaat_line of Fciward (2) That the following land, lantla or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_thq_. land_ abutting upon the alley* ;n R.dtvnrd T) Tan_____pant.3Sie.ar_l:anlr—�_rnent..,__hat:ae.Sn_.Ihfl=point.&–afore– said,`to theextent shown upon _the Dlam attac4eed to the rgp t of the Comm; as ; oner of _Eub2ic._L.Qrk8.,_ in tha��X_dAlD_d_DaG.t'Mbsx.__$.,._._1.9?,5 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements thM 926 have }been ratified and confirmed. Adoptedby the Council .._---- ..-------- _......._........._.........................__.. FFR - 2 W Approved—__._.........._..__._.__......_............._....._....., 191__...._. Clancy tih Ferguon / _ chart' • Hodgson✓ x McDonald l=am ' Sudheimer BUDAMIbix i*Yg` Mr. President,, v n 194 Hieo Pres, Fergaeon I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_...C.0.11ue1??X1;Lu ...tba..- I=d ...n0.i+eas.axy cuts...and_.fills._.in_ -wadi-. D.. --Lags!. ...._ dvaz:d. 1axu^`z. s .........tA.the e.ast_.��e.0f.Ve Reai_ran�ment,................................................ ._-------------------.--- .................. under Preliminary Order ........ .... ........ approvedSe.pt...14� 1925.. Intermediary Order.........62�Js3�......, approved.....1I0??.,.... .,....7 925.,.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an -assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment '][therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking _an. ease.r,,.ent...in. the _land _-nec.essar-y for slopes.,. -for cuts, and fills, in grading. Elley..in_Sl.ock._3, Hillsdale ,...- from..Duluth_Ave...to FraT.k St..., e matter of Bond m _ No. 64227— eanti' -_ .. ..-.- an:. easement in -tate land nri for elopes, for:cute and fill' 'fng,--Alley Sn ,Hlonk 3 HMIs. :Duluth Ave. ordFrank st, 'reliminar,. Order 6209.6. '•pt. p oved Intermet ,approved- NO­ -------------------- c;u., tunflJ ^" under Preliminary Order.__ 62.096-_ __- , approved. Sept .1B.,192,51nterulediary Order... -.6295.... , approved 4, 1925..... A public hearing having been had Upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the sapte is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be t further Resolved, th yhe �atfl fzssessTneut ol}Astrls nereu} _..__ .-..._.equal„ ustffllfrients as io each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.... _ ,-. PEM, _ .2..192$ _... _.__.__ .., 192 __ FEF 192E it Clerk. Approved ___ . _.., 192_.... i _.......... 14Q�1►9 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilmanl'A=X Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer CeBu�aailrae-�'enzel�/�/ lib lueel�tlC17�0� FINAL ORDER IN QONDEMNATION 'PgOCEEDINGS. In the matter of;._c.ondemning_and taking._an--easement-.3:n_ilze._land_naceasary JL for slone�,s:,tand f,lis ix�gslisaeY->a B1Qk_3.-�sda]e_,_ from_1Zlilnth a ve__�aranit_.5 n the ma ter'ot condemd }ak- • Ing an easement fa the land neees ;.eery Yor'S' llr, Lor, cute and lnls in -zrading Alley 1a 1.2'k S rnm Dulnt ;Ave Frant, . under Preliminary'Order—_--62D9-6._.___..,approved..Se.pt.....1S.r-1..9.gantermediary 0rder___62935,_._...1...., approve&–liav _-4� -1925. Resolved: (1) That the following 'improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__DS�x1dflmn asar� pE=� fD and fills in and +a ,P an as arrant. i n the l and nac4 f.Qr--S:1D x'—Cut's grana lv._i.n_B1.os.k_,-H1]lsdale; frnnl.�i7ntl�.�ua�in �'+^ank St.- (2) That the following land, lanils or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:ha._land_abutiing upoA-tbe-te�zi�sck��--•IliYlsd&b 7 f�cRl Duluth_&ye�.tn > ranir st. , t.oL.ihe - PubC_�YS2S-s- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Connell . ' .2 f92_o....__ ............ 191.._...... ity Clerk. FEB-... 2,1926 191_......_. AOS�9 Mayor. fduwx Clandyo` u 15HED Fergus jbmx Hodgson JKXRM McDonald �altx Sudheimer do ?F?enze1 Mr. President, �,,�/�/ Mr. Vioe Pmx .torzaf(0o 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. .......c.onderming..and...t_alcin.g_..... easement in ...the land necessary for.-..s.lops,....f.flr....cuts....end..y-_i..-Plock••3,• _Hillsdale-,_•. fr-nmto...rranit St. -1 ..................................................... ... ----.......-- under Preliminary Order. _.6209.6....__..... approvedSeQt...16-1925.., Intermediary Order._,. -._62935- approved .....iI.clV .... A.,...1925........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. � ..... _..`irk' ....... ....:..:............`:...............-.. Commissioner 6f Finance. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. C0LdOMniXl9 and in the 14no n"essax!y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Mathew Eganfs Sub-___ division of Block 94, Lyman Daytons.Addition, Block- 3, S.kidmo.re-,,-,s Addition .............. and Block 6, I4umlils Addition. from Forest Street to, Cypress Street, ........... ........ 'No *442H .1 matter of condemning and Iak easement In the land neces- ----------- an slopes, for cuts and , fill. in ding 11"Y331161 ath-�' E""s I I of k�94 Lyman Dag- .............. -------------- --- ----- --- — Addition., Dock' 31�5kldeeqAv ....... . ----- -.-_.-- - - - ---- - ------- -- ---- --- --- ion and glf.ok 6. at. to Cypress a! �k: Order 61906.'IYP� apply 1'i 10. 6t�9-, 1 92.5, Intermediary under Preliminary Order.619.0-6 apPIIW6-�A5 �Order- 6293$_.-- approved-..--NOV- 4-,-.-1925- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, Ahat ------ ------------�,­_.eqtlafinstallments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. FEE --2--1926 ... 192 ...... ... . ........ .... .. . .... Clerk. Approved......- ---- --- .... 192 ---- ---- ---- ----- ...... ........... Mayor. Councilman Clancz Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Peter- Hodgsonz Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzek,-'­I Mr. Vice Pro& Fwgal" V g an easement m no . for siopea -forcute and elle .In _.______—.__._—.__..__._._.._.__..__.____._.. .- tnF alle9 f Mathew Ethan s. .--.-..___._. _. ___..... eton of Block <-Lumen 62938 1!JY slc c %(bm •elddorer_,, , 61,906 .t x_1 approvedaQIA925 Intermediary Order_---.....-------..._, appzoved.._.Nn.1t.--4o-1925. r — Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz. -condemn and take an easement in the land 11�9 g .�1� Rl orgy —Pnr r.Lta and fi i i s " in gr Iv2athew, Pgan's Subdivision Ad di inn Hlo�-k S;_Sl�idmor-e! s_.P.dditiou-and-•Blocic-6-,-ter,*^, ;'--�d�-i��.-on-�-• £-3*om Fore,t (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same ar hereby taken, appro- rpose of making the said improvements, priated and condemned for the puviz.: txle_...a a11S721�t tc3n$ upon the a1] e$.. a ri_S atheV�_F fan! s_8lzbdiYi.a i nn of,_$] ook 9`1,--"I.•-�a�tA??�� Adder It an R"l nok 3 r Gk; dmare a Addi nn ani Rl n(1 Xurnl i' a dc3d; t i on,T-he_.t%aen the�no{nfia"afnn QA; d tp_ theJex#.ent-.�Yt©wxi-u ora•-tlaE-•�a 8> attaoY� d-tA•4he-Peport of t.hR rn ''; a near of P h�ice_ ayeluar-.3aa-the-ma#.tar a ed-Heoe ea-8-� X925. ~(3) .That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking'and appropriating' the " above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. FE13_2 1926._....._...._._._,191.__ Adopted by the Council_ _ - -_-._ �...� It Clerk. -FEB 2 1926 191_._.....: r.. .... ..... _ ........_..........._..._ ._.�..__.__� RQtiA9 Mayor. -61mer Clancy4 . XwansweAh Ferguson 406e ggod sofnt .Nelkr D''CD nald .UoGoU- Sudheimer WaudevuA Menzel Qi Mr, President, mon XL Pioa Pres. FerKurtoV L"-� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. .e.azidemlaa.]�..and.-taliin...l...ease:;ani...in...ihe...land ...ascessay for slopes, for cuts and fills in trading_ alley.._inj,atheiv.-.E�an!s,-.-dub-...__. -------------- ..................... .-.......... ..............- d i vi ai on...o.£_.Bl oak...�4.....LYll�axl ..11l�yt.An �.s...ixdsii ti nn,--.HLo cls ..3,... Sltidmnr e'.s._l�dda t ion and. --$1ock_E,.-.._umli'.s._yddition,from.._r_orest__-titreo,l,-_Q_-_.Y.pxess...atre.et............. under Preliminary Order......... 6.19.06......., approved.. Sept -9_1925- ., Intermediary Order Q -2.0-3a approved....I3IIv _...4._...1925............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...... _..........-- - ..................................... ............................. Commissioner of Finance. 642-:01 1 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. t In the matter of_ 9pening, ydde.ning and eXte4diX_jg Larp.e-jjteur..,4,yq _.frioyn tlie East line of Chelsea Heights addition to Dunlap St.. to a width of 66 feet ... . .. .... ---------- by taking and condernning the North 33 ft. of apart of the Northeast -L of ... .......... ...... .. . ....... ----- ... .. the Northeast of Section 22, Township 29, Range 23, lying between the- - . . ....... ... ..... Additions of Chelsea Heights and Clifton Dale, -- ----- --- under Preliminary Order 62605 approved, Oct .15,192* Intermediary Order...._ 62.924 -- approved -Nqv�j 4, ,.1925.. No. 64231� .......... i mattir of opening, widening and nding, Larpenteur, the line of Chelsea Heighth Addl- h. to DUknlaP St. to_a width of 61/ to ingand' . of the lands or e.) A public hearing having been had }---Y con_ '_,gmatlon ments therein, �3 ft. of a part, -o ' for the above improvement, and the awarra lbritfah ,, et;r, I and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. al-lugl4jaw -9 Be iOurther Rw4y-d,�the said doftlgt—M '�o equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council --- FEB ..----2-1-9-2-6 -------------- - - --, 192- F E B - 2 1926 Approved ----- - . . . . . ..... ... ........ 192 - Councilman Clime Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Pd&XX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel/ Us Yies Pr". Fwvu.Ix FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of__apening.,._...idening-.and....extending...:Larpenteur Ave._..fram the Eat in_..a.Sa�a:g�git���ii.Qri_sz_I2lxnlya...S._sz_a_vic sz �._ 66... i8t by tak !r and qD.ndoilni339 .1,CLOXIkt._5.5.—ft .t__.Q ..a_L?a11 _R Y18 J3Q' aSt...d_Qf the Northeast a of Section 22, Township 29s_ Ranke 23 ln� between the Additions of ChelseaIeights_ and Clifton_ Dale,______._.____, under Preliminary Order -62.695------------ approved—W.-14 925, Intermediary Order--- 1 approved_1IDst._4� ]92`x• In he No. 64232 opening- widenf g and Lextonding Larpenteur Avenue' from the East linef Chelse.' Resolved: ,� H;'g4ts Addition to Dnnlap St. to of 66 feet by taking and o-•- j 3 the ' th a *t. " a is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:. 4Pe11s. (1) That the following imps i 1 -. r , widen and extend Larpenteur Ave. fro AINEast line of Chelsea Heights Addition o Dunlap St• to a width of 66 feet by_takin and condemning the ddorth 33 ft, of a ap rt of the Northeast of_tha Hort east_ o% Sect3oli_22, Township 29, Ranee 23, lying botween the Additions_of Chelsea Hehts.and Clifton Dale. ' (2) That the .following land, ;lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.—.�?1e.^north 33 ft, Of apar _oi—the 4Tor-thesat--F: 4f_the-..iSortheast_1�—of—Se.ct.3an-22•, wnship.-297 <Ranva 9l,�nir hetwaPn he Adclitinna nt (hel4pa A_yeinit_c .aLld._C� i ft4an Tla1 g, (3)_ "That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. �8-21926 Adopted by the Couneil__....--._.... _._................. _....._.__....... _., 191. City Clerk. FEB - 2 1926 % Approved..... — t/ .......... Grating Mayor. x Clancy � mth- Ferguson Hod son✓ ,/' !i'UB1..ii `tiCi) }Reef- McDonald fefle)} Sudheimer/" p yFunderliek .'lenzel Mr. President, on Mr. Viae llxmL F.'rangror REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......oposzi.ns.,. iddening- ands..... I-rom..the ast,..line._.of._Chels_ea-.iiei. hts-_.'ddit.ion.-_to_.11unlap. St-.__- to__a__... ...-,o£-,66 •feet - - ........ ._.- by_takinr-_and,.con3ornnin -.the... lorth_.33--ft.._--of-_a Dart of._the-.3dortheast 2 of the Noof Section 22, Township 29, Tian e 231 lye g between the .............. ...1................... Addu.i.on,s of Qheise.a...lteiFhts...and...Clifton-_dale........... .......----..............................------.... -......... .... .................................. ............................................... - under Preliminary Order ........62.6-05.... ----- , approved.O.Q.t-1.5.,-192.5...., Intermediary Order... 0.2-92-4 ........... approved- HQY......4-,...1925.? TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. G ............ Commissi ner of Finance. 64234:. Council File No ........... ..... ..... _... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Charles Street from Lexington Ave, to Chatsworth St., 8ATI8'Y2FQ,A98ElSMEN'P!. . No.'Sl233 mitai+tt� er of the; aa sse;s�. metenet beneats,eo ,and e:enses for c .Frucizr ' _ -._..J97�3.-------, y Order— ..- Intermediary Order.:._.5909. under Preliminar�--._........, Final Order. approved_-lA V�19.25--- —.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordeied to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT R' SOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. _ FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Approved _------ --- Form B. B. Is Clerk. Payor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT lux._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and expenses for Ib constructing curbing on both sides of Charles Street from Lexington Ave, to Chatsworth St., 5 9 099..- ...............---....... , under Preliminary Order........._..__rJ.��..42.r.._---...-.:.._.._.____, Intermediary Order .._._._.._....._._..__......_ Final Order ............. ........._59793 ............................. _..... approved .- ------ Lay.._27.,..._192.5.__.._....__.ic�9tRt..._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$ ..... ._.... .._._.....$...55.... Coat of postal cards 1 - - _$.......... ........... _..1....7_l._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$. .................... ?..Q....04.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-----�------------ Total expenditures $......._la_04_O.._F2.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......1., 04.0. -62 .................... _._....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commioner of Finance. Council Fife_No....'e ........ ..... —... _ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for from I;;cl:enty St. to planting trees on both sides of Churchill !:venue Cross St., �C. V. No. 6#aa4-- r In I the matter of the assessment . -.t_ ' :heneats,::.crets and: expenses 4 pla.nting trees on. tote sides r -`Churchill 'Ave. from McKenty at. at. under-Prellr v O - (d:: ate 1 ander Preliminary order-- . _53552._,.._ Intermediary Order_558,3.0.._.... _..... Final Order........5.6$.9..... t 1,� approved Nov 12—.9— been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- mentpublic hearing having be it ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all$kspeets for confirmation - BE d the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for wafer a be payable BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. F F g - 2 1928 .._...... 192........__. Adopted by the Council----,--- y Clerk. ...._............192._.. / Approved------... ........................_. Mayor. Form B. B. 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE"° REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Jd= planting trees on both sides of Churchill Avenue from IoKenty St. to Cross St., under Preliminary Order ............ __535..52-..__ ........ ........_..__., Intermediary Order _..._------ .,5.58-3-0.... ... _......... ..._.___.__...., Final Order .......... .... ... _........ _........... ............. . approved .......... .IdoV.­..12...... 1924.........., 71R1GX--.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve-. ment, viz: Cost of construction $........] 24 8Q_._..._ ... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $....... ._....3...15.............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $---' '-- 6.3._........._ - Inspection fees -(Force account - - - -$ .......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-------3." 5- - _ Total expenditures - - - _ $.......131.._73 .:............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............._13.1....73................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionthereonas may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Com rssioner of finance. ------------ Council File Nb:._' ........ _.._..... _...-_...... _._ By ----__..._.. ...... _..._.—._.__—_.___, Resolution CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment. of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Edmund Street from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, -.._ ___7777777i ,Nro.-64288— he matter of th 1eae.egement meats, costs �:-and eapense.':: _Anting and protecting -shade trt! it, both .Ides. of:';Edmund:':at. ''fr.' nlap. St. to Orlgg. 6L. tinder Pw ;jy'nary Order 6f968, IntarmedII" FBP51 Final Order 68686-.k tsa td under Prelimin � 18 56051..._._.__., Final Order_...._56685_.. ' ' nary Order..._549fiS_. ......, Intermediary Order_..._... _. _.. approved__jjQZ 2&t}a....__192-4— A _1924. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—_---L.—.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. FEB _ 2 1926 Adopted by the Council -----._ ..............._.192.......__. ....... ............. k. FEB Approved______-...... .............. _ .......................................192...,.._ _., Mayor. Form B. B. Is .. I c �iJ� gulf CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fork planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Edmund Street from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order..........._5.49.6.6.............. .............. _..___, Intermediary Order _-------------- _5.6.05.7 ..... _.._.... .._._.__.._......., Final Order ..............5.6685.........................:.................... approved _._.....Plod_...._2.6th.,.....1924-....A2k7__.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......._184.64........_,.,. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$. --- ......------ 3_0Q ............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -$. - ....... _.... Inspection fees (-Force- Aaeount) - - - - $-- .... ........ Q�-QO------ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $... ........ ..... 3,,_60_.......... ._ Total expenditures $_...._.192.,._56 ........... _. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.............. ..... a.9.2.....,E_6................. .__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commi ionei of Finance. Council File No- ........... . .... By r--- - - ......� C; FT No 64236 Ia the matter of the easessment"oL �beneflta,•caete and,�eapenses for ?'aatlag end protectfug shade' trees' ;'on both',--.eidesof the Yoliowla,'?r 'streets. -. :. 3ynd� at9:Ave from Ran$olpi ,." >tto 1'7leanor 9t rJJfea Yrom Randolphy f.dVolutlon CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment s 64236 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of the following streets: Syndicate Ave. from Randolph St. to Eleanor St., Griggs St. from Randolph St, to Scheffer St., Juno St. from Hamline Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, Yiles St. from Hemline A.ve. to Edgeumbe hoad, Watson Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Griggs St., Hartford Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Bayard Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Scheffer St. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Eleanor St. from Iiamline Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, to be icnown as the "ilAisiLINE-RAi;DOLPH JOB", under Preliminary Order_.._ -K492,_............ Intermediary Order ...__., Final Order_._56"(9Q..._..._.__, approved nec! a . --1 24 MZ:X - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I 61HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. FE5 . 2 1926 Adopted by the Council __ __......_...._.192 ........ _. H 21M City Clerk. Approved..__.__.._ ....... .......... _ ...... ....... .... ._......... ...... ......192._.._ ................. ............ _........ ..._Mayor. porn n. n. is _ �fflTl7p CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT -U.0-0 ...._.�.Q.ti.h _ _1.9.%M.5 M_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits . costs and expenses for tl*x planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of the following streets: Syndicate !-_ve, from Randolph St. to Eleanor St., Griggs St. from Randolph St. to Scheffer St., Juno St. from Hamline Ave. to E'dgeumbe Road, Niles St. from Hamline Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, Watson Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Hartford Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Bayard Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Griggs St., Scheffer St, from Hamline Ave. tto Griggs St., to be known as the Eleanor St. from HamlineEdg "MMiiLINE-RANDOLPH JOB", 53491 Intermediary Order ___....._..._�2�2......._.._..._....._..___.___..., under Preliminary Order ............ . Final Order 56790 ..........._...._ ..............__..... approved ......_..De.c....._3.,..._1.924_.._.......... ..Akitx_..... ........ .................._......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.-.---..3..,.884...18.... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . Cost of postal cards $....... _......._...� �.,..4..._ Inspection fees (�P orce_ Aeeount.) - $ ................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......_..._......._64_, Total expenditures $......._4,,_025,,_42-.--. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....._4..,. 2.J..,..4Z.................._.... _... _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the�eeoon as may be considered proper. tf_ rorm B. B. 17 Com ' sioner of Finance. Council File No... ........... _...... _..___......__ C. IabWftfl ,ac d 1 aad h."nee.afsafag and. lnatalllnean r dal .lighting eYSOM' con � - .'amD Doete,u.nd lamps,-Wf�.p d eroua�j. coadufta .rar' K ,w f etirre t �n esol1 ution CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on i'iest Seventh Street, from Seven Corners (so—called) to the southerly line of Tuscarora t:ve., under Preliminary Order..._.__.....2a0S.8....., Intermediary Order..._2.9.6.5..............._., Final Order . i, approved 31st.,.__—_192 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said, assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable % in r? installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. FES - 2 1926 Adopted by the .......... _........................ City Clerk. F 6 - 2 1926 Approved._..._ ._._ ................... ........ ................. .... ...............192......__ or. .C..`......... May CITY OF ST. PAUL. , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ..._.30.th,.19215 Mx -- In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for i 57 furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current t_ereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on lest Seventh Street, from Seven Corners (so-called) to the southerly line of Tuscarora Ave., 28068 32965 _..-___..._..__..._.__._.- - under Preliminary Order ........... _......._.....__................ _......... __., Intermediary Order _............._..._.... Final Order .._.._..._..33415_......_........_ ......................... approved ...._Larch .....oiat..,....., 181-x..._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $......._53334..,_00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $- -4 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $... ............. ......... 9_._7.8. Inspection fees - - - - - - - $............_l,,s Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - $...--- 48.._9.0 Total expenditures $.......... Less the sum of 4,838.40 (to be paid by St.?aul City F.y.Co.) e� NETT 1�3S3' DIfINT- - - - - - - - - - 49 669.86 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._..._..._49 ._669_._86_____._.__..__..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ................ .... _............_..._.._................_ . Form B. B. r7 Commisai er of Finance. x» CM Council File No.. .......... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting* shade trees on the south side of ieiinnehaha St. from East Seventh St. to Forest St., �kUander Preliminary Order_._._55930._......_... Intermediary Order ..._`�6.54. .._.... Final Order_.._....5&.8.44..__._, approved D _ 1824__782:$--• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ----_._........_192........_. FEB - 2 1926 Approved__..............._........_....._.............._............192..._._ ...........1�.Mayor. Form B. B. 1e ;N CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Dec_._30th,�1925.,.., paygx.-._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for XbW planting and protecting shade trees on the south side of I,Sinnehaha St. from Last Seventh St. to Forest St.. under Preliminary Order .......... 55-0 .............._.__.., Intermediary Order _....�.. Fz ..._._.—._ ._. _.. ..... Final Order......__.....6q.4.4.._......_........_......................... approved_.........D n___..17.__1824............�tx To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $.."..ris"o3."'"---"'---- Cost of publishing notice$._......-1,_v'.`�.........._........ Cost of postal cards $.... ...... _......._`2..7._.........._.... (Force j' ceoupt )- $. Inspection fees - _ 0.00 _........................................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $......._._1.._35 .................... Total expenditures$._.._75.....:Q.Q. ..... .......... _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tamed, to -wit: the sum of $..... .............LS....DD........_............. ........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the'said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. a. 17 Commis over of Finance. .. - coUNaL'•-- CITY OF ST. PAUL vim OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTEDBY Lebrftry 1, 1926 ._ �' (/(�/�� _ DATE-.....--___.__.__....._....._._._._......._'_. RESOLVED That the grade of Montana Avenue from Arcade Street to Weide Avenue, in acoordgnee with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the some is hereby adopted as the established grade, .i C. -F. No. 64216 -By 1. TL &,Ferguson- Resolved. That the grade of Mon=. tan. Avenue. from Arcade Street to. Welds Avenue,:.In accord... 2e'with the rad . red grade line, m, the:.. a- mpanying proms s.dae ecommended by,,, the Commiastaner.at PubItc Works. be .and the same 1—hereby adopted-.ae the established grade. - Adopted by. the Council Feb. 2. 1926,,. Approved Teb.-2 1926, (Feli 6-1928) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson --------------- In favor McDonald Sudheimer ............... .Against Wenzel ifw Pres, Nergoeon FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council .............. -------------------------- 192.-.... Approc -- F .. . 1926 .........----- 192---- .. - MAVOR liotfng ' PUgLISI�i _�= D 0 Yeas counaL NO -6424A.... CITY OF ST. PAUL a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CILJ2ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T DATE—.__.February... 2-192.6----------- -. v r'MREA3, Clement A. Barnacle has made application for license to operate upon the -streets of the city of St. Paul, One (1) Paige Sedan, Motor No. 130065, State License No. 12-84-0, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Co. Policy No..602558-T, and owned by said Clement A. Barnacle, and l�,REREAS, Clement, A. Barnacle, in accordance with Ordinance No. 6866, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to Clement A. Barnacle to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance, COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ----------------In favor McDonald Sudheinner/ _ _.-..Against Wenzel ✓ ]Kr. Plee Pre.. FerauwU FES , 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------- ----- --- -- ------------ 192...-- V. 1 2 ................. .... MAYOP Gvoting ti .. COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .--_ ..-...-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --AA COUNNCIL �tESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oazasFnlreo "sv /1/� ./n /,/� ---- DATE._...._February 2,_1926 ......... ___ cl ViMREAS, Charles W.:Pratt, has made application for license to operate upon the streets.of the City of St. Paul One (1) Studebaker auto car, Motor No. 8745, State License No. B-123374, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Co. Policy No. 602539-T, and owned by said Charles W. Pratt, and t''HEREAS-, Charles W. Pratt, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and saiH policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel;therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Charles W. Pratt to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city df St. Paul, subject to the nrovisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clanc� Ferguson Hodgson'/ ................In fa% -or McDonald - Sudheimer ll .-..L.l...-... Against / Wenzel-"" Mr. Ti- (f FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------ Approv - -. 26---..._...---.192._... -- - - ._... -- - 14Cti� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A s D COUNCIL No. .43 ...... RESOLVED, That Council File No. 64114, add and approved by the Council January 26, 1926, be and is hereby revoked; and the following resolution be and is hereby substituted therefor: RESOLVED, That the Director of Municipal Equipment, having been authorized and directed to proceed to Milwaukee for the purpose of investigating the system of municipal equipment operated by that city, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver to the said Director of Municipal E uipment a city warrant in the sum of One Hundred Dollars (100.00), to reimburse the said ,Director of Municipal Equipment for moneys expended by him for the expenses of said trip, Jan— uary 12th to 16th, 1926, inclusive; said sum to be payable out of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment Revolving Fund; and the said Director of Municipal Equipment shall file with the City Comptroller a statement of his expenses and of moneys expended by him for the purposes of said trip. . , V. 11 F. No. 64243—$y J• it Clancy—n cequas4— That Council File N t•_1�soived, roved- tri tl 'c Y. adopted and .the1.9928,. btollo. e. and.> 7anunry 28. • revoked• .>I ion b• .1 is herebyerbsti j :..:........ ........... city cue COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ...... �...In favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Wenzel _— Mr. -Vice Free. kbr7roewn ' FEB-- 21926 Adopted by the Council -------..----:----------------------- 192...... F ES - 2 1926 Approve( ..... - ... - 192.- ........................ ...... . MwYOa ��� NM .MA I CITY OF ST. PAUL "- `F�aX NO.ILLZi�` ..----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE—FebtuaTy....2�_ �2�._....._.__. LVEDV That the applioatiditafor licenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Mike C000hiarello, 542 W. 7th St., Confectionery H. F. Hasenzahl, 1503 Hemline Av., Butcher E. J. Gouette, 92 S. Robert St., it Vincent Gangl, 361 Stevens Av., Grocery Philip Greenberg, 276E. 9th St., Junk dealer J. Brotzman 193 Robertson St., Greenberg, 90 S. Wabasha St., " D. W. Helper, 222 E. Filmore St., " P. M. Paddock, 482 Earl St., Grocery M. Gorr, 152 State St,, Butcher H. Kaplan, 136 Livingston Av., Junk dealer Leo Eschbaoh, 1188 E. 7th St., Butcher Jos. Sab, 30 W. Water St., Junk dealer Harry Mullarky, 2070 Buford St., Butcher Act Grindhein, 1054 Grand Av. Confectionery A. F. Sorenson, 811 S. Smith Av., Butcher 320 Stinson St. " Geo. Capeti, , " J. W. McAfee, 1035 W. 7th St., Friedman Bros, 421 Wabasha St., " John J. Masek,s 179 Colburne St., " Northwest Theatre Cirouit,Inc., 1077 Payne Ave.,- Theatre Frank MoCauley, 502 University Av,, Butcher Arbogast Meat Company, 201 W. 7th St., Arbogast Meat Company, 201 W. 7th St., Grocery S. J. Culver, 1219 Randolph St., " n Frank Rutkowski, 222 W. 7th 6t. R. S. Herbst, 779 Raymond Av,, Butcher A. W. Jansen, 300 Rice St., " n Frank Piiney, 1032 W. 7th St., Jacob Shilkrot, 316 E. 13th St., Junk dealer Frank Tarkler, 964 Burr St., Butcher Elm & Roehl, 614 Rondo St.p "A John W. Lux, 168 N6 Snelling Av „ Schuneman & Evans, 407 Wabasha St., Confectionery General Outdoor Adv. Co., 100 E. 6th St., Bill poster COUNCILMEN FEB - 2 192f Yeas Nays Adopted by the Com ncil--------------------------------.---..1�'l.-.... Clancy E - 21926 Ferguson I Approve _,.. -----.....- .............1i12...... Hodgson ................In favor McDonald-- .- ----------- c� Acting , moa Sudheimer .-..........__Against Wenzel t.�a'^ExcvulenL. Mr. Vico Pres. Ferpwren COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy/ Ferguson Hodgson --- ..... ..........In favor McDonald Sudheimer / ................Against Wenzel -axeu«.a;a60i FEB - 2 i92f Adopted by the Council........................................192...... Approved.. ...:c ._.... ...... ---....._.....-192---- -�'Flw --- CITY OF ST.. PAUL _��` yCF ..Ca. NO i.�L _ '\ 1�aaaa!!!!'}}}� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER NER�.. _——____.. ER _ »_ .__ DATE:__._._EQJ==ry 2T19ZS_....._.— RESOLVED John Zimmerman, 858 Thomas St., Butcher John Zimmerman, 858 Thomas St., Grocery - Metzger Brea., 832 E. 7th St., Butcher E. A. Killgren, 633 Orleans St., Grocery Margaret Giles, 961 Forest St., Eugene Yohe; 619 Selby Av., Confeotionery-drug Eugene Yohe, 681 Selby Av., If Memmer Bros., 943 E. 7th St., Butcher Otto W.Rohland, 461W. 7th St., It John Hubert, 567 University Av., to A. H. Sonnen, 574 Rice St., Confectionery -drug Thos. J. Boucher, 154 E. 7th St., Confectionery John Erwin, 559 St. Anthony Av., Butcher Frank Winnick, 29 E. Water St., Junk dealer Mrs. Justine M. Byrne, 1022 Rice St., Grocery J. Berkinsky, 1520 Albany St., Butcher Frank Lendway, 1000 No. Dale St., " Uhas. Kuhrmeyer & Son, 520 Mississippi St., it Chas. Kuhrmeyer & Son, 522 Mississippi St., Grocery Joseph Gabriel, 285 George St., Butcher Art Anderson, 866 Payne Av., M. Litizky, 183 E. Indiana Av., C. E. Larson, 293 Maria Av., John Urbanik, 199 Concord St., Confectionery Victor Siebenthal, 601 Wabasha St., Restaurant Mike Seioli, 213 E. 4th St., " Roy C. Miller, 341 Jackson St., " Frank Roberts, 20 W. 10th St., " T. F. Hoban, 3152 St. Peter Hotel Geo. & Leo Paraskevas, 449 Jackson St., Restaurant Mergens & Schaefer, 88 E. 6th St., 11 Geo, Manahan, 148 E. 4th St., Hotel M. A. Kadrie, 4442 St. Peter St., If Lura E. Marshall Estate, 1439 No. Cleveland Av., Restaurant A. M. Johnson, 710 No: Dale St. Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy/ Ferguson Hodgson --- ..... ..........In favor McDonald Sudheimer / ................Against Wenzel -axeu«.a;a60i FEB - 2 i92f Adopted by the Council........................................192...... Approved.. ...:c ._.... ...... ---....._.....-192---- -�'Flw --- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /) (1nttn P044ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (� cy� NO..... ?14244: ot RESOLVED That the proper cik(y,,6ffieers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to St. Luke's Hospital the sum of $23.75 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, for serniees rendered to Margaret Linke, an employe of the Department of Education, injured December 1, 1925. Yeas C. F. No 64246-13y L R. S. Forgoes— Resolved. orgoes Resolved, That the proper olty 1r1-. cera be aw1!th.y are hereby aothorls6G. to pay to at. Luke's hospital the sum • or$23:76.: out' of the Work en's: Coq Ipensation Account of the General Fund.. for services tasdered to Mar-- garet Llnko, an mploye of the De- ppartm�nt of Education, a in]ured� Aecember 1, 1926. Adopted by tha Connell Feb: 2, 1926. Approved Feb. 2: 1928. (Feb. a-1828) COUNCILMEN Clancy+' Nay Ferguson Hodgson .-----_--_.-.In favor McDonald $udheimer......---Against Wenzel 1P;�'-resident; ✓. Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education. FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192 EB - 2 1926 Approve --- - - ..._ .... - 192--.-- ------- - /iQtlgf MAYOR C UN`L No.....6.4 46 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTIOPI—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Otto C. DOeh, an employe of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, injured December 22, 19252 the sum of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) out of the Workmenls Compensation Ac- count of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to February 1st, 1926; be it FMHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to Dr. J. B. Winniok the sum of Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) out of said fund, for professional services rendered to said Otto C. DOsh. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy I Ferguson Hodgson --•---•In favor McDonald , 8udheimer/. _--. --..-Against Wenzel ✓ .... .... )Mr. 4ice Pseo. H' Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings Adopted by the Council - F... F --- -- ----' --- g 2 --- 1926 --------------------192----- Approved.- -- -- ..--_? 1$ - ............. 192 .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL vaeNca N 0-642/1-7 .-642/1 0 /// ..-------------------- / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4PR.ESENT.- �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L. C. HODGSON _........._ __.--__._._ DATE.._......._Feb• 2 ],.92 -.-..--- _ COMMISSIONER --_--- RESOLVED That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check in favor of L. J. Dobner in the sum of $22.63 same being a payment on the assessment for ornamental lights on Summit Avenue assessed against Lot 6, Block 10, Summit Avenue Addition, as same has been paid. Installment y$20.59 Interest 2.04 Total Y$22.63 on which Receipt No. H7718 was issued. - Charge to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Improvement No. L1305. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer// .....-_.....Against Wenzel ✓ u_ vl�,.• Prxx. Fxrpaeon FEB _ 2 1926 Adopted by the 192...... - 1 26 Approved ... - - ----------- ----192 MAYOR eiina CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNoa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =L-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , That the offer Sam Spe actor` and the Minnesota Milk Company, to settle the claim of the city in the sum of Eight Dollars ($8.00) for damage done to a street sign of the city, at Selby Avenue and Grotto Street, on December 31, 1925,by the automobile of said parties, be and the same is hereby accepted; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue proper releases therefor. COUNCILMEN .. Yeas j Nays Clanc Ferguson Hodgsop// --.......�--..In favor McDonald ,) Sudheimer .--------- ..Against Wenzel,"" .�r Prwult�P.II� Adopted by the Council..F f!..n-2--}926...------192...... FB ?i Approved.... -- ----- --------- 192 a MAYOR Yeas 64249 CITY OF ST. PAUL cFounca No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Al , I ,4,, . 5Z_ February 1, 1926 In the matter of changing the grade of Quincy Street from Larpenteur Ave. to a point 122 ft. south of Hoyt Avenue, also grading and graveling said Quincy Street from Larpenteur Ave. to Osage Street and Osage Street from Qninoy Street to South Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #5%510, approved genuary 20, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #58813, approved April 14, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quen-titi-es as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson / Hodgson V --- ------------In fa�-or McDonald Sudheimer ,r) C ---- ..Against Wenzel,"" =116 seq[neon . FES - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ -----_-------192 Appr - ---...-.......192----- MAYOR Acting v � 1 dv'114"'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File Not�......................... "��)1 �ierisery for elopesi� ttatn6 0� sn oses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: TReilnbers-e. na . � ,. P' P Condemning_and-taking--en_.easement.--in-.the... jan-d._noo.easary--- fox ----.---- -- -------------------- ------------- doges,-.-crate-_and-__3111e..---in--the-..g ad ag-..Of--4.1110 a..in..Bloak.-A------..------__------- _�i.T.O.Y.Qa sU d-.Add.---from..Fairmorant.- AYs.-...to-.-Caodxioh--Age.--and...from- Finn-- - -- AVe..._10- X0rth..and. 9otith. Ll lSY• ----- ----------------------------- ------------------------- ------ -------------------- Dated this ------.-2nd ------- day Of _.--- ---------------- eb pA;_V_....1926--------- 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking _-an-eaeement__in--the_ land_neoeseO.T.V fox ---....._._.-.-.-- -- - - .......dglleye aa---anedingof-a ..in.HloBk 4,.- -- --- - Grayeland--Add. -.%r'om-=-F81FmoUnt--- A9-e.--1;o_G00dr-ieh AVe.--- and ..froz -Fi-nna - ' ... Ave.....t-a.-Bosth..and..- South ---Alley. -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ...... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_____ .......... ....__....-_.-.. -------- ----------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. L f . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. S. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB -2 1926 Adopted by the Council---------------- -.............------------ ........ -- YEAS NAYS FEB - 2 19" Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON � / Approved..--.... - ---...-----------------------............ HODGSON k /� MCDONALD f/ .5'iJDHEI\1ER WEN7.E[/(/ Aot7*n ala Oi. ro— C A 13 nb] 1 Pico Pte' FeraDaon Petition Council File No -6-4 .,d1",- r 1 p i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C No 1 Q Dro- al for n m k}nB PL i b iivin6 )snl�t �vemn and vla: y rs; Q. Chan, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of alleys in Block 4, Groveland Add. from Fairmount -Ave-.---.t-o,-Good-rloh--A-Vav --and from -Finn Ave.--to--Borth and ---South Alley-to- aonform to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made - .. -e 'pert fieYeo�; the preseint"" estab-llsli d grade tieing..shown- by a b"1ue ine _thereon. ... also_.gradi.ng-said..alleye betweetn..th-e---afoxesaiH...lima-ta.-to -------- the said red line vdien established. ................. I— .............. ------------------------------------- -----...._...-------------------------- Dated this.. End. ----------- day of -------- --February, ... 1946 ......... --- .............. 192...... --------------------------- --- - ----- ------ ---................ ---- Councllman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing..-the-_grade-.of---alleys_in Block-Block--Add-,_--fr.Qm...FsIrmount Ave -- to Goodrich Ave. and from Finn Ave. to North and South Alley o nau -- form--to-the----red-grads--line--on--the---prof-ile-h-ereto- atSaehed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line -thereon; slwo grading said "slTeys-b-etween the aforesaid""Ztmit"s to t►16 said red line vdfe -- .....----------------------- - --------------------- -------- tabl._.._..e '... --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul....-. ----- ----- ...-------------------- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 8 - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council -------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------- YEAS NAYS FEB Councilman CLANG 219<. FERGUSON / Approved----- --- ----------------------------------------------.._.----------- HODGSON DONALD SU SU UHh:I M F.R - -------- -- ------- -Gong" --- - - - Mayof:b ro,m c A 13 (1Diwia)Ofce Psoe. Forgueon rU1S1 Ua Petition �9��°'� ✓ 1/1 , 6.4 Council file No......... ----------2.---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _F. 'No. s425iiL,�.', and Abatraot wheeem, A.written uropposai for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. aking of the to W/ng Improyemant, Changing the grade et alleys to Ink -a9 Non Lrom: Uncoln. P, iL+islgd�,Sah'lAItOY lto cynn em aking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ ne oa !; hangs the g�m"aaaa-' lleye in Block E, Groveland Addition from Lito ncoln Aii'anieI1 GYSYid h;thereon. �YOi6n 1'inYi AVe• t0 lortbi and .SOUth Alleyi _.ss.art hereo--_t?;<®..-t�dpa;"e ent established grade lb ingeshowntbyhadblue line a . part hereof, the p'•; sl7;eye between the eYorseaid-lim#-t s- to the said red line when established. Dated this- E]ld- day of --- - �6b- _:Rp;Tya...19E�+ - ..... ............ _. - _ roan ------------------------------------------___ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vlz.: Changing the grade of alleys in Block E, Groveland Addition from toincoln gas: to Granfl Eve anH from P'inu--Are: to North end- S'"th Alley; part hereof. the epresent established to at gradelbeingeshown tby adbl--and--ma-de e line e -ther."A.,---al"--grading--$aid--alleys ---between --- the atareaeid- lim#te --- to the said red line when established. -_................._....._.---.--------- P .....-._ ------------------- --- ---- G1' City of St. Paul-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- �.. havinbeen resented to the Council of the therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2• To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. iE� f0W to the Commissioner of Finance. 5. To report upon all of the ingjn Adopted by the Council --------------- ------------------------------------- - YEAS NAYS / FF3 .- c 1926 Councilman CLANCY ............................ FERGUSON / Approved --------------- - - f_--- HODGSON MCDONALD� - SUDHEI111:R F' �- S - - --------------- WENZEL ✓ -----'---'"----"--- �1ating Mayor. VW* Pres. Fer¢aeoe Corm CA13 (IN-- . ops--�'-�'�G� ✓ ✓ Council File No.'n �`,tt=--- ✓+U� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT e F. No 6426aAbetract.� and ,'hereao A tten propoeal i ,,:meg oz the toltowtng unproven , pRELIMINARY ORDER. :�umiqmud to ".a^� �~ The under siggned herebYProPoses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning__and-_takinix an_-easement_-in-.-the__land._neo.essary-.-�o�'---_---------------_ ................... slopee, cute and-_filla.,.An-_the---gra8ing.__o3_Alleys--in_$look.-.$-4--_---..._..._ G.roTelen.d..Addition.. fXQm..I,inooln..Avenue...t.o...Grand.--Avenue---and..-from-..------ - H'inn_Avenue_to_ Borth -_and. -South Alley...__............ - - - - -.... - - - - --..-------- Dated this -.._lst_--------- day of -------- --------------- -. February, z 1946.--- 192..--.-• -- -- ---------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land --neceseary_Yor__- - ---- .. . . . ........ ---- -- --- the---grading...o.f..alleys._ in ... Block ---R----------- ---.---- _-Groveland_Addition._Yrom..ZingQ'In Avenue ...to....Grand..Avenue_.and..Ytom-----_.... - Finn -_Avenue .to..Borth...and South AllpT ......... _...-------- ---........=-------- --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._._ ........... .------ ---------- -------------------------- ---- ------------- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fo ioi ng P,ra/tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -... .-/../✓/ ....J!.. . --- .........._... YEAS NAYS 'Z"' Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON s HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEINF.R WENZEL Form C A 13 (ANI 3-W yi Pr�Nergago / ' V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No..__4944 he undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _--and extend an e.11ey 16 its in width - .-------------------------- widentkl6...>"igklt-9 .-9?ey._.oYthe_. Snbnrban--Railway-_Company-_in-- Blook 2: ______________ ............Teze ._Parkivi8ion._Ro.------ --with a turn around at the Eastern ----------- e-ztremtty... thereof ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------- ------- Dated this ._...__ 12th ------ day 192.6 e. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... from Hazel -__ Ave ....... to- y_o-3_theSuburban Railway_Com-pang-,inBloek.--2,--._,------------ ---------- Has-el---gaT--k--- Di-eision--Now --6; --- With -a--taz-l--ar-ound at --- t-he--.E%Stern----------------- -----------e.Xt2'QJ".ty... t4eregf:------------- -------------------- - -- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- ----------- --- .----------------------------------------------------- ..._._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To*furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council......... ...... -- ........ ..... ..._---- YEAS NAYS % Councilman CLANCY ✓/ FERGUSON / HODGSON / MCDONALD SUDHEINIER� WEN7.Eb/ T Form C A 13 (, NW ,,rp'oo Proa For"'41 r C B - 1926 Approved.. ... - ---------...........-------------------------------- f� �Aot%n9 Mayor. ✓ 1 V �� C. F. No. 64255— - Resolved, That checka be drawn n the Ctty Treasury, to the as re 'to amount Of E69.055,66, covering checks numbered 1042 to 1060 inclusive, as per checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1926 Approved Fab. 2, 1926. (F, b. 6-1926) - I FOR 34 1000 7-24 I _ J ''] u- ill d L LL t QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO— TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �! CLERKRES. No. ----37 - - ----- - --- AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUffON-'FORM ! —2 6 - �-%�3"^'� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE.. ATE ---G i9L- �Q�f (�Gd; CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF xy 4 S�Sj3.{C�ely _____ _ _ _ COVER)NG" ' Y--_ ____ __----- — - -- —- �t^1'p COMPT LLER CHECKS NUMBERED --- 1-042----- 70__.1069---- ' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE' I, IP- - ___-- --- — ----- - ------------- ------ --- - -- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.0 ! TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN VOR OF BY !' NUMBER II j TRANSFER- DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK f I BROUGHT FORWARD _ I. III I � II I ' C. F. No. 64255— - Resolved, That checka be drawn n the Ctty Treasury, to the as re 'to amount Of E69.055,66, covering checks numbered 1042 to 1060 inclusive, as per checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1926 Approved Fab. 2, 1926. (F, b. 6-1926) - I FOR 34 1000 7-24 I _ J 04 . ,E "--"- Z191].'.:r ,- .' _____ ___: COVERING S -59;-055-•5 CHECKS NUMBERED --3;()4e _ ---3;060 - CO R INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 396 0 SUDHEIMER. _ WENZEL. SON. ____._ YES (V ) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 7 ' THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Minnesota anal Go=. an*Y 1 l0i 9 1 lot 98 _. _ _ _. -- - 5 -- DISTRIBUTION I � I 1051 St.Paul Real Estate Board SPECIAL FUNDS SPECIAL TOTAL _ - LOCAL TRUST f CHECK NUMBER'; IN FAVOR OF ' TRANSFER CHECKS BY DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENERAL- SINNING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS WATER BOND ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE wAlf.IpRItlM SPRINKLING FORESTRY 1�i` -. - - - V BROUGHT FORWARD I 10..5c�� goo' 3 ,_6 i 6 00 61 ;__ , 23,4 1042 L.C.Rodgson, 00m1r. of ?In a __ 484 7 484 7 I 1043 " 8 9961 3 8 996; 3 96d 960175 1044 Joseph 0. vennevitz 1 3 1045 court neoisions Reporting 60 601 0 vm. L. Weyhi c orporatioY► 1056 $93' 4 993 4 i i 1046 cresoent oil company 1 1057 standrod Oil Company c t Lakes coal & Boak Oo. 1 665 1 1 6651 1 1048Houghton-mifflln Company 396 oc 396 0 1049 Minnesota anal Go=. an*Y 1 l0i 9 1 lot 98 1050 st.Paul Glass Company 5 7' 5o I � I 1051 St.Paul Real Estate Board 25'.O �5 00 f 1052 Tatra. Maud S. StT able 17 56419 17 5 103 rn_st e® :az_ a :wz� Camp 23,4 1054 " 1 1 3 1055 vm. L. Weyhi 1056 TaorthePaoifio Railway 0 any rn 6 280 6 280 0 1 1057 standrod Oil Company 1 1058 L.a.Hodgson, Oom„r. of Finan a 35 373'8 35 373',99 '. 1059 „ 9% 0 1 9881 00 1060 65o4( 65o 40 1 924 6A 7 946 4 6 635100 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD f ° TO 1 V CLERKCLANCY� RES. NO------ 7 _ ---_ - OFFICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE �'/� NO. ` ��-i /- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE E,--_y�_)gR�. �T��� ��j W� � CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I AUDITED CLAIMS— RESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON. ----------- ----IN FAVOR ----- ___ __j� _ FEB - 2 192 6____ _ _________ ____ �S_5g,�55�� - COVERING. / HODGSON, v� v ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._______._ _. __.- ------- ..-___ _-- ER __ _____ _______-----------------__ _ _ _ CHECKS NUMBER ED_'1(�i1 �1 _______TO.___ v-tG CO RO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN E OFFICE THE CITY COMPTROLLER. McDONALD. SUDHEIMER, WENZEL, V ---------------- - AGAINST PPROV D ... -____ __)92.___ ____ - 792---' - -- -- - ----- ---- - - ON. YES _. _._ .. (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - - - CHECK �' TOTAL viw.tpes PaQua _ ..._ _. - _ _ MAYOR NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY %DISTRIBUTION LOCAL -., _.--_ - -_ -- - ---- - - - -�- - CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS - - -. BROUGHT FORWARD ---- GARAGE ��MfOMIMpItlM ui ment -. SPRINKLING FORESTRY 'PUBLIC UILpING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS TB o 503 30016 � - - 1042$ e t..C.Rod ®Ori Qom ! of l�inan n e 4841 7 - - 494; 7 i 6 610 oo - _ - _ , 537 _ 1043 a a n a 996 3 8 9963 1044 Joseph c. vennevitz 966 96675 1045 court Decisions Reporting Corporation 6d n 6o,o 1 1046 Cresoent oil Company 993' 8934 y 1047 Creat Lakes Coal & Dook oa. 1 665'1 1 1 665; 1 lo48 Houghton-Mifflin Comnanq 396 n 396 00 1049 Minnesota coal Company 1 101 9 1 101 98 i 7.050 St.PRui olase oompeny 1051 St-Paul Real. E9tate Board 7 5 7 50 1052 Baud 8. st;uble `'S 25 00 10":ore. �� T=ie.LT --$te Tel. 6 el 17 5 17 5 1 {l 1054 I 105523 ':m. L. weyhl 23 1056 Northern pacific Railway Co 13th 1 3 any 6 280 0 1057 3tandr-xd Cil Company I 6 280 0 I 1058 L.O.Hocigson, Comer. of Finan e 65 1 65 10 + 1059 n 35 373 a 35 373 89 I n n n 1 988 1060 n 1 988 00 _.- n n n 650 4 650 4o i r CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUENCIL NO QUADRUPLICATE .- - I) To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 34.— = CITY CLERK J RES. `NO.------ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM 'L -3o 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY �I TREASURY. TO THE AGWEGATE AMOUNT OF �r(I pe �� COVERING 44C41PTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED917-1,_JTO INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE EROF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. — ---------- F-------------------_� TOTAL RETURNED CHECK )N FAVOR OF I BY NUMBER1 II TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK -.i CHECKS CHECKS I I II BROUGHT FORWARD q li II if f C. F.:NO.....6— Resolved..That checks be drawn on 1 the .City Treseury. tOcthe a overinggchalks amount of .E237.612.77, ! y. ad .937 to 1023 Inclusive. as p numbeter. .-be on. is In the ofClce of the CItY ', I �I Comptr�Uer• the Council Feb. 2, 1926.Ad i 1 ApP ov d Fab. 2,1926. - ,Feb. 6-1926) I o h I II I II I' I i I I i jl h SHEET TOTAL FORWARD D94 1000 7-24 i ' DATE 1-30 19"L 6 . S -23-7#-612.77 .... ....... .. . COVERING SUDHEIMFR. -.- - _- .. -..AGAINST :. r CHECKS NUMBERED. -" __.. TO . a+r3__"_ _'r WENZEL. ✓- _ . _ .... .... ..... MAYOR BY _ _ _..._ .. _- - � COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ' y5� Rfl^^ 1 "�' SON. f YES (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FeruwGem/ PER_.- -- _ DISTRIBUTION -- PUBLIC SUNDRY TOTAL RETURNED ��n1 Q- SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY V� LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE .IMRfDMMR1YM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING - ACCOUNTS NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS BANK CHECKS DISBURSEMENTIF GENERAL WATER �� BOND ACCOUNJS 'II E ui ant Rr - 2 551.9 265.6 714 91� 5 904 65 9 237.5 ' 622;65 77 56962 17 945.96 Tr5 360.97 66 2x6 79 BROUGHT FORWARD 67 402 59 068932 0 603 8 4 28 a 987 Arthur T. Nelson, t mayor 250 90, 00 998 Geo. 0. sudheimer, Comer. P. . 250 250 00 999 i_a, Charlebois 1 125 1 125 00 5 500 00 . 9'A J. L. Shiely Company 5 500 0 991 George 23. Shepard, City rmg• 250 250 00 99" John H. McDonald Comer. P.,7 99 L.^.Hodgson, Comir. of Fin. 250 27 913 250 00 27 913 09 1 115 77 274 9 605 91I 99 „ " 11 033 4 8 510 00 526 92 99r J. Ty Arantad 92 d $2 90 11 o rlbevt Jnaka 9;� 25 2 25 20 997 mrutin 92 9 92 90 14 34 9g8 kTnotrong Cork Company 743 79 00 999 Contyal Presbyterian Church Company 354 4 354 43 i 1000 Central soap 14 2 14 26 1001 Coohrrin-InxSent Comnany 15 1 15 12 I 1002 Crex Carpet Company 1001' ,eneral Chemical Company 1 Oj5 8 1 075 94 100+3 r F Houghton 8 Comnany !c. Hulme Company �3 7 56o o. 4 4 3 7 6o 00 52 10o� Jl 100 Library Buranu 725 0 725 00 1007 Michael Liptak 25 1 5441 1 1 548 25 00 1009 "innesota Coal Company � 5g 1009 ft. k.. t ulford company 1��10 Nielsen Bsuthoso Q 5 00 1011 A. J. NVOtrom & Orn�� -7't.Paun rleotrio Company i 7251 IlO1012 26 21 (� I ;I 1013 T'. r. 3atterlee Company standard Mderground Cable C 3 6 3. 3 17 I 1014 1 10 1015 Twin city Hardwood Lbr. Co. 13 13 5�i � 101 'tm. x. aiegler Conn, -)any 4 558 31 1017 t,. C.Hodgecm, Cam Tot Fin. 22 590 22 590 22 1019„ n 139 861 139 861 44 1019 „ n 5 1P1 3 5 191 32. I I 1020 1021 H. Goldman 41 6 3 41 65 223 75 ' I � 102-' Ramsey Sheet MotnI ork 13 202 1 II 13 202 17I I I 1023 Thornton Brothers Cempaay I II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD. ,.7 402 59 13o654g,o7 _ 57 5 ...91.:66.286 79.: 2.551,8 :540.:48 1.320.42 5 904 65 9 237.,50 622;, 812 4 0 83 S65 3 �isl 481 63 204 6784 TWIP41WATE To RES. ITNo.__3# CY CLERK ------------- -_ ""-'--"" RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE 1_30_.192,6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S--237,-612.77____ ___- --__.. C/�OVVERING BY _. __- _ ____ CHECKS NU MBERED_--- .9�7 ___.. TO .__ M3______ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, PER CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DIT_--U-S—'— EENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS 997 BROUGHTFORWARD Arthur *;, Iieloon, Mayor 67 402.159 9W Gen. C. `lldheimer, Comer. P.. 929 12. Charlebole . 990 J. L. shiely Company _ z 1926 FEBAUDITED 991 George FJ. Shepard, pity �. - ----------- IN FAVOR 992 John A. MODonald Comer. p.� L.O.Hodgenn, ComSr. -)f Fin. HODGSON.. McDONALD 997 111 9 996 J.T,. Arantad _ _ . AP ROY_ ___. --- ._._..792 ___ 99 Albert Ja<I.oks 997 "wri. m rtin OEE " .ON.` 992 Armstrong Cork Company 999 Central Presbyterian Churoh 1000 Central Soap Company 1001 ConhrOn-,;»xga nt Comnaany 1002 ores Carpet Com"any ion 1004 G0n0?Al Chemioal Comna,ny 100ti T F. Hougl►ton 8 Comnany 1.7. 100 J1 11ulme Company Library Bureau 1007 L+ohael Liptak 100 Hinneaota Coal Ooaalpany 1009 1 20 mpany 271oloan Bw.thewes 1011 1012 A. J. Spratsegn 3t.Prau1 r'leotrio Company 1013 F. 4.. satterlee Colopany 1014 standard Underground Cable Cc. 1015 Twin City Hardwood Lbr. Co. 1016 gym. TI. Ziegler Cow),nny 1017 T,.C.Hodgoon, Com'r.of Fin. 1018 B ao 1019 n II c 1020 1021 TI. (Ioldman 102" Pamsey sheet Tletrnl "ork', 1023 Thornton Brothers Comr:gny 1 125; 1 5 5001 250, 1 250 1 27 11 033 1 92 82 f 7r t 3i4 15 3 1 Ot75 e }3 i 56o c 725 C 25 C 1 549 5 240 1 26 2 344 r 1 13 5 4 558 3 22 590 2 139 861 4 5 191 6 223 71 13 202 1' CITY OF PAUL ,FO C �/V OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER ENCIL NO ----- -- ------- ---- - -- CLANCY, _ z 1926 FEBAUDITED CLAIMSAESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON 1.� - ----------- IN FAVOR ADOPTED 6Y THE COUNCIL----.___ ------- 792-___ HODGSON.. McDONALD /� V FFR 2 192( 9 SUDHEIMER, _ ______.. AGAINST _ _ . AP ROY_ ___. --- ._._..792 ___ }; WENZEL. ✓' OEE " .ON.` /YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR GENERAL 603 974 21 250' 0( 250 0( 1 125 0( 250 0( 250 OC 2g 510 oc 82 SC 25 2C 82 80 177554 34 31►4+ 26 15 12 43 74 1541 le 48 51 240OC ; MCI 6 21 2 364 10 4 558 31 22 590 22 139 861 44 41 65 DISTRIBUTION _ -� LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST WATER - BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE y+�NIIIfOMr(ent SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS E ui ent REVOLVING 77 569 _62 173`945 96 195 360 97 66 286 79 2551,4 265.6 714 91, 5 904.65 9 237.5 ' 622.65 5 500 00 wr. 26 92 1 115 i 1 075 84 560 00' 25 00 725 00 13 52 223 75 13 202 1 274 Sol 605 91 a 11 i Y ,I h f I r t, _ :: • •Ll COUNCIL�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILETO QUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES. No._ --j4-- ----- CrrY CLERKAUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM L' �C[7 II _ LAT+9Fr,( z...v �, RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CI;!tiTR�1E0.6URY.'1TO THE -AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVE RING "�r, : `COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED__-1ll2..Q__TO__�`t,�1-- �~ ^-' 1+-. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ,/.. 1 vti ...PER -___- .-_____-____ ___ _______—_—____ _ _.. - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVO OFBr NUMBER I �11' '.j TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK II CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD j ' C. F. No. 64257— I - i Resolved. That check. be drawn on li the City Treasury, to the gggre6a[e - r amount t $10,604.30, covering checks numbered 1028 to 1041 Inclusive, as per checks 0 file in the office or the - City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 2, 1926. Approved j Feb. 2, 1926. (Feb. 6-1926) I ii II j II j � it n I, II I i I ! li �I' u u j I li jl it li i it I I j I, ' I II II II SHEET TOTAL FORWARD j j I; I I L ; ' FORM D34 1000 7-24 ti, • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD L0 504 30 II 11 1 3 840 �60 -- CHECKS NUMBERED TO COMPTROLLER---- - ro COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, - `- SU DHE IMER WENZ EL.✓--p`GAINST A 792 - '- '""-'-- "" -"-' FE R •*�z,O N. YES (�') COUNCILM CN NAYS (�^) - - ---- --- - ---- Y A6' MAYOR 1A2. ®M �a _F CHECK S IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED _ DIS'T'RIBUTION BER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK GENERAL WATER [,CNU LOCAL IMPROVEMENTMuni SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS 4J PUBLIC ACCOUNTS GARAGE �.irY&4.1 1M1� Equipment SPRINKLING I FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY gCCOU N.`S BROUGHT FORWARD e1028 L.4.Hr Comor. Com r. of kin. 985 00 Cs 985 00 1029 Allen-2ualley Company 12 74 12 74 1030 Mrs. Caroline Barry 7 5 7 56 1031 ,. Rrand Oo:?1 Company 3 302 05 3 302 05 1032 & Cowo n y 112 95 112 95 1033 Rfiraohler. Czney Company 49 98 49 98 1034 Funs Oil. Com>>any 53 7 ! 1'35 ".ull"v ky Clindy Company 41 41 41 41 53 70 1036 xi^_tional gohool equipment Co. 5 625 00 5 625 00 1037 oleeen candy Comp,,my 78 64 78 64 1038 Pura oil Com my 39 20 39 20 1039 A. N. Ramer Cow) -,my 54 15 54 15 � - 1040 The Uhl Oompany 28 10 28 10 �1 � 3.041 Tho V111%ume sox & Lumber Co. 113 88 113 88 ! j • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD L0 504 30 II 11 1 3 840 �60 )�L. y1�0�� vv t�raas l��B�Q Ui—ML-N NAYS (\�) _ _. .._ -_. .-. - '�..-r..--K�/VLLLY-Y1J�_____ MAYOR___ 79lY _UeATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1(' CITY CLERK RES. NO'.-________ _ 36 _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ✓ CLANCY, ' / COUNCIL FILE NO. __ _.- ----_... ," DAT �.µ i19z, 6. RESOLVED RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE ORAWN,ON THE CITY TREASURY. V. TO THE AGGF,EGATE AMOUNT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FERC USON, � 'V` IN FAVOR --- BROUGHT FORWARD FEB 2 1926 +'L ��, OF � COVERING CB 00 HODGSON, ✓ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL fO'.cO .t�.- t92 FE13 UV e�� CHECKS NUMBERED _1.028 -. TO _}wl�l _ McDONALD, F1 lJ 9920 COMPTROLLER - IF P INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SUDHEIM ER. -.__- AGAINST / � - WENZEL.✓ AP ROVED .+�°L �7 � / /Vln A, i 1 _ 792 �---------"'-'--- — / 1 ✓ )�L. y1�0�� vv t�raas l��B�Q Ui—ML-N NAYS (\�) _ _. .._ -_. .-. - '�..-r..--K�/VLLLY-Y1J�_____ MAYOR___ CHECK '_ TOTAL RETURNED S NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - DISTRIBUTION _.. _ -_ _ LOCAL BY �/ SINKING TRUST FUNDS ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISD U RSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER CHECKS CHECKS [?011D IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS GARAGE PUBLIC �.YGFiiRljaAy SPRINKLING � FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY Equipment REVOLVING ACCOUNVS --- BROUGHT FORWARD - - 1028 L.a.Ilndgeon, Comtr. of Fin. 995 0 CB 00 �I 1029 Allen-2up-lley a(mspeny 12 7 12 74 :995 1030 Mrs. Caroline Harry 7 5 7 50 1031 "1. nralld Coal oa[apnny 3 302 05 3 302 05 1032 nonoyer-Gopnert & aom,,eny 112 95 112 95 1033 meraohler canGy company 49 9$ 49 99 I j 1034 runz oil. com,any 53 70 �I ! 1-35 )aullr-Xky C,-ndy Comnny i 1 41 41 53 701 1036 Untionnl school Equipment co. �, 5 625 00 1� 51625 ao 1037 oloeen Candy Dom;, 78 64 1 I1 7s 64 2038 Purn 011 Qom nny 1039 39 2C 39 20 1 h. fG. RCoad��zny 1 r 54. 1 1(149 The Uhl Comnrny 54 1528 I � 10 28 7A41 The V111Rume Box & Lumber Go. 113 88 113 SSp I� II c I I TRHKLIL"h TE CITY OF SAINT PAUL iO RES. NO._3E--------------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY Ct RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIO'ry FORM DAT.In_'. CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGFEGATE AMOUNT OF ql .i 50 '.3�01 _______ _ _ _--- _________ COVERING BY _ ____ CHECKS NUMBERED _..1-028___'1'O.-___1�D4,1.__.__ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER CHECK TOTAL RETURNED _ S NUMBER 1N FAVOR OF RY BANK � TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL BROUGHTFORWARD S 1025 L.C.fIndaon, Qom1r. of Fin. 985 0 7029 Men-?ua'lley Company 12 7 12 74 1030 Mrs. Caroline Bsrry 7 5 7 50 1031 ,. 73raid 0oal Ompany 3 302 05 3 302 05 1032 neno"T_Ceppert & Com-leny 112 95 1 112 95 1()33 Hereohler 0an(:y Cmmany I 49 98 49 95 i 1034 fiunti oil. Com': sny I 53 70 1'35 ,.ullarky Candy ;om,:,ny 41 41 41 41 ?036 17n.t1ons1 nchooi rQuipment Co. l 5 625 OOI I 1037 Olaeen Candy Com.. •ny 1 76 62 I 78 64 1038 Pura osi com =,ay i I 3920 1039 A. ts. Ramer coda-,-iny 1 I 39 20I 51► 15 1040 The Ma ommnnny i 28 10 54 i 15 28 10 1.041 The Vill€tume Box & Lumber Co. 113 88 113 8811 3 WATER M 995 00 5;625 oo CLANCY." 1 FERGUSON. /V/ IN FAVOR HOD -5-14. M.DONALD, l SU DH EI MER. __. AGAINST WENZEL, �M +�ON. ,/YES I"I COUNCILMEN NAYS Iv) Y DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.. FEB - 1 1926 CC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FEB ` _2 .192._._ 1926 AP ROVED192 MAYOR LOCAL I SINKING I� TRUST t R��n{cs SPECIAL FUNDSIMPROVEMENT FUNDS II ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AYWi-0R44�I.L SPRINKLING FORESTRY BPUBLIC UILDIIJG SUNDRY II Eauiement II IIS REVOLVING II ACCOU NSS 53 70 CITY OF, SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1. QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERKRES. AU4 !T&-iCLAIms—RES0LUTI0N RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE- ig 6 CITY . TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE I AMOUNT OF_ COVERING Y__ COMPTROLLER 2 CHECKS NUMBERED -L -M.2 ----TO--I"-- FFICE INCLUSIVE. As PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THEOFFICE ER__.__ ---- OF THE: CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY It NUMBERTRANSFER .DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD �� ryl O. F. No. 64268— h..ks be cl­W- the oily treasury. to the aBBregate amounoP 53,996.64, covering ohlo ka '. by the Council Fab. '­ checks the vI, " C. - - it Iit SHEET TOTAL FORWARD OHM D34 1000 7.24 ^^ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE1 all 1,P2-6_I.9%.rIL - -------- .-.---- COVERING BY�'M fs'�y✓4� � ___ __________ CHECKS NUMBERED 102V __ TO - 02-___ _ V COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - TOTAL WENZEL.t/ SON. DYES / d 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) - TRANSFER. CHECKS DISBURSEMGENERAL CHECKS WATER CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHTFORWARD 67402 59 7 30654.5_, ! PUBLIC BUILDING SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 912 452.0093 965, 1024 ^t1w�xd Brnn81 491 63 209 679.91 66 2186 79 .E 7 931 20 7102.5 noGre.ff nolff 9311026 flAN ndnni 'ltabl 42 42 34 1027 Joeeph �ahlrger & Francesohla;er 99 1 050526 � o 0 McDONALD. SUDHEIMER. AGAINST POVED. --- - WENZEL.t/ SON. DYES / d 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) - ffi3'. ASN gINB. �Oc�YIpR --� DISTRIBUTION -" _-- SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS - GARAGE 7� u ACCOUNTS PUBLIC BUILDING SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 2 551 540.49 1 320.92 5 904 65 9 237.50 ,6 6225, 491 63 209 679.91 66 2186 79 .E 931 20 Lev. 523 01 TWIIf LIC.MTE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' TO - RES. No. --35 --------------- OFFICE OF THE COMPi CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLL (� F/� DATE! -30- I 2.6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �'----------------------- . f __!'�/C/O�VERING NNUMBERED- BY VV �{1 � CHECKS 1 -024 ----TO --- S{J2T----- COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. I I U /U OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER L�. -. CHECK TO AL RETURNED SUDHEIMER/' .______ __.AGAINST NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY BANK Y/ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER BROUGHTFORWARD 6 402 7 59 0 306542 SUNDRY 812 452 055 53 565.34 1024 ^civ�SQ 13randl 60 REVOLVING 00 491 63 102.5 necT ff 7olff 66 286 79 5312 2 551-8 540:45 i 320.52 5 9045 9 237.50 1026 P -d -w ^t sbl 42 34 42 34 1027 Joseph .:,ahl(ger & >'rmoeo ehl�er 1 050 00 526 99 0 COUNCIL I� [/�j. FILE NO. _..___�JL ..... .. ........... .. . FEB - 2 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ _ __._ . _--- --- --- ------ 192.___ VED AP. `O 1 - _ --_ ..__. _192.___ / ' P MAYOR j ER CLANCY•V FORM FERGUSON. IN FAVOR HODGSON,L"/ U McDONALD• SUDHEIMER/' .______ __.AGAINST 2/ �WENZEL, SON. .{////YES IVl COUNCILMEN NAYS.(V) Mt. �SM Pi6 FBCOIIIpri ACCOUNTS GARAGE DISTRIBUTION FORESTRY 0 COUNCIL I� [/�j. FILE NO. _..___�JL ..... .. ........... .. . FEB - 2 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ _ __._ . _--- --- --- ------ 192.___ VED AP. `O 1 - _ --_ ..__. _192.___ / ' P MAYOR Lev. frop. 523 0111 LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST PUBLIC ©OND ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 491 63 tog 675.91 66 286 79 2 551-8 540:45 i 320.52 5 9045 9 237.50 622,E 931 20 Lev. frop. 523 0111 property lines complete, where not already .made, .also including curbing and paving alley and driveway .approaclies,-where necessary,- - .. under Preliminary Order._ 63022 approved.. Nov., 10th,_ 1925..,., Intermediary Order._._ _ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - 1 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pawl that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .pave Mord_-Road_f.rom..Snelling..Avenue ...t.o Cleveland_ _.venue, with sever, water and -gas _connecti.ons.._froTa..stre.e.t .mains... t.o. . pr.op erty lines complete, where not already-ma.de.,—a.lso..including .,,curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches,__where.neQ..ess.ary.,......_ ....Material shall be.sheet asphalt,.eacept_on grades exceeding,3—,',% whe: 22, inch_ vertical fibre brick will be used -- Roadway from Snelling to Howell Avenues shall be two ..2t0..£oat roadways separated by 20 foot unpaved strip -in center; From.Howell_to Cleveland dPfiTeCounc} hbee�i —� foodt roadways eu�rate�l by a 20 foot unpaved strip is center, an e y or rs sea improve elitsto- a in e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ __., 192 _ Citi Qierli Appro\cd ._ 192........ /l ayor. !yyscil a•i - ,i V U ^,Y Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald /Councilman-Pwkw Hod ;son ;Councilman Sudheimer 411"Wenzelouncilman enzel Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ,,4%5f, ti C. F. No. t.r In the Matter;of Daving,'Ford� 1. d from anellin� Avenue -to COUNCIL FILE NO. _.' _ Avenue, with sewer, water and gas -- - from street males to • connectioua ".pert,'.as complete. where not rlready made, also Inrt• curbing By.. ad Paving ' allereey00- teaches, - wh FINAL ORDEk In the Natter of...paving_J'ord Road from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland _ .. Avert e,__vlith.selver, Dater and gas connections from -street mains to property lines complete, where not already .made, .also including curbing and paving alley and driveway .approaclies,-where necessary,- - .. under Preliminary Order._ 63022 approved.. Nov., 10th,_ 1925..,., Intermediary Order._._ _ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - 1 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pawl that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .pave Mord_-Road_f.rom..Snelling..Avenue ...t.o Cleveland_ _.venue, with sever, water and -gas _connecti.ons.._froTa..stre.e.t .mains... t.o. . pr.op erty lines complete, where not already-ma.de.,—a.lso..including .,,curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches,__where.neQ..ess.ary.,......_ ....Material shall be.sheet asphalt,.eacept_on grades exceeding,3—,',% whe: 22, inch_ vertical fibre brick will be used -- Roadway from Snelling to Howell Avenues shall be two ..2t0..£oat roadways separated by 20 foot unpaved strip -in center; From.Howell_to Cleveland dPfiTeCounc} hbee�i —� foodt roadways eu�rate�l by a 20 foot unpaved strip is center, an e y or rs sea improve elitsto- a in e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ __., 192 _ Citi Qierli Appro\cd ._ 192........ /l ayor. !yyscil a•i - ,i V U ^,Y Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald /Councilman-Pwkw Hod ;son ;Councilman Sudheimer 411"Wenzelouncilman enzel Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. - 'IT* OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 1 R&OfRT DOCOMMISSIONERORDER &E FINAN N P ' (A) ? In the matter of paVe Ford Road fro-, _P1 l i U A VP ,'t1P to Cl e el and Arran a With -- sev,er, water and ,has con.-ections, from street iaains to property lines alley and .riveway-ro2cnes, w:;ere necessalry. CA: ur- under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 3z" Creo. Brick Laid dph�lt or Concrete Paving Blocks — Fln,t _ hsLc_lt c, -Lor. 7" Reinforce Total Sq. Yd. 6.o5 5.07 3.95 3.39 '.':'heelage 54,225.00 ;0,115.00 54,625.00 46,554.00 Property Share 50,023.OG 6u, 620.00 51,';03.00 44,545.00 Total 164,245.00 136,735.00 106,531.00 91,429.00 Front Ft. 7.56 6.20 4.7196 CCurb extras* Add. for Concrete w_iere .of in 55¢ der lin. ft. 11 611 Se er cor. echo ,s each (1001 St. $7f5 .00 ( 561 II 6`t.50 u 3/41, Water 11 " (1001 St. C*2.50 ZA II ... tJiJ A(, I GV ) It . on 17L1 CVV do 21 3 do 200 do 22 3 do 200 do 23 3 aD 200 Vam Ii. A. 10 do 24 3 do TOTAL. 200 11TY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 Rik, IPOfRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN&I Ift ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) T In the matter of Pave_Forrl Rn rl frn -pl l inP to ('1 at al anA STran IP ��+ti+ - set,er, water and g, -)s con-ections, from street mains to property lines —=cnuple-te,._er et��n_ti1 alley and driveway 7, _ro❑cues, w.:ere necessary. (Except Fo = Road) 16 3 Hardenbergh Heigr.ts X25 do 17 3 do 200 do 18 3 do 200 do 19 3 do 200 do 20 3 do 200 do 21 3 do 200 do 22 3 do 200 do 23 3 do 200 do P"mm 11. R. 10 24 3 do TOTAL. 200 CITU OF ST. FAUL, Y t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM.NARY ORDER x DESCRIPTION LOT el.ocic ADDITION ASSESSED % VALUATION (Except Ford Road) 25.j Hardenbergh Heignts 200 do 26 3 do zoo t du 27 3 5 do 200 do 28 3 do 200 do 29 3 U0 200 do 30 3 do "� 200 . do 15 4 do 225 - do 16 4 do 200 do 17. 4 do 200 do 18 4 do 200 do 19 4 do 200 do 20 4 do 200 do 21 4 do 200 do 22 4 do 200 do 23 4 do 200 do 24 4 do 200 do 25 4 do 200 do 26 4 do 200 do 27 4 do 200 do 28 4 do 300 do 1 5 do 300 do 2 5 do 200 do 3 5 do 200 do 4 5 do 200 do , 5 5 do 200 do ....• 6 5 do TOTAL 200 ". CITY OF ST. PAUL A;"v" - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)' DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Ford Road) 6 5 Hardenbergh Heights 200 } do 7 5 do 200 do 9 5 do 200 do 9 5 do 200 do 10 5 do 200 do 11 5 do 200 do 12 5 do 200 do 13 5 do 200 do 14 5 do 225 do 1 6 do 225 do 2 6 do 200 do 3 6 do 200 do 4 6 do 200 do 5 do 200 do 6 6 do 200 do 7 6 do 200 do 8 6 do 200 do 9 6 do 200 do 10 6 do 200 do 11 6 do 200 do 12 - 6 do 200 do 13 6 do 200 t do 14 6 do 200 do 15 6 do 225 95 Lanes Hignland Park 195 195 _ 10 . 5 do TOTAL f CITY OF 4 . PAUL d r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �l I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION � DESCRIPTION LOT 11 5 Lanes Highland Park 195 12 5 do 195 �3 5 do 195 14 5 do 210 15 5 do 210 16 5 do 225 23 6 do 240 24. 6 do 210 25 6 do 210 26. 6 do 210 27 6 do 210 2g 6 do 210 29 6 do 210 30 6 do 210 31 6 do 210 32 6 do 210 33 6 do 210 34 6 do 210 35 6 do 210 36 6 do 210 — 37 6 do 210 _ 38 6 do 210 39 6 do 210 , 49 6 do 4 210 41 6 do 255 _ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ^-- DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED f DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION [, 16 7 Lanes Higiiiand P!!rk 210 z 17. 7 do 210 187 do 210 19 7 do _ 210 . 207 do 210 21 7 do 210 22 7 do 210 23 7 do 210 247 do 210 25 7 do 210 . 26, 7 do 210 27, 7 do • 210 28 7 do 210 16 8 do 210 17. 8 do 210 18 8 do 210 19 8 do 210 20 8 do 210 21. 8 do 210 22 . 8 do 210 23. 6 do 210 24 8 do 210 25 8 do 210 26 8 do 210 27 8 do 210 28 8 do 255 TOTAL ... , . CITY OF ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION IAT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 9 Ls ets Highland Purk ?55 2 9 do 3 9 do 210; 4 9 do 210 5 9 do 210 6 9 do 210 7 9 do 210 8 9 do 210 9 9 do 5 210 10 9 do 210 11 9 do 210 12 9 do 210 13 9 do 210 1 10 do 210 2 10 do 210 3 10 do 210 4 10 do 210 } 10 do 210 6 10 do 210 7 10 do 210 8 10 do 210 9 10 do 210 10 10- do 210 " 11 10 do 210 12 10 do 210 13 10 do - roew s.e.TOTAL 270 CITY OF ST, 'AUL ! -++ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ A OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • n DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1, 11 Lanes Hignland Park 255 2 11 do 210 3 11 do 210 4 11 do 210 5 11 do 210 6 11 do 210 7 11 do 210 8 11 do 210 9 11 do 210 10 11 do 210 11 11 do 210 12 11 do .210 13 11 do 210 14 11 do 5 210 15 11 do 210 ` 16 11 a 210 17 11 do 210 16 11 do 210 19 11 do 240 1 12 do 225 2 12. do 225. 3 12 do 225 4 12. do 2'5 5 12 do 225 6 12 do ��5 - TOTAL ,157,360. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, cher with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated ` 192 CoIlSmissioner of h'inance. Form B. H. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL # DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER + AD (C)J DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Otto's Adnition to 3-P-11 5000 (!"'est 320 ft. of 5 do 2700 (Except Ford Road) (Except Ford Rd.& (Cleveland Ave.), 6 do 5500 1 Hillcrest Addition 150 2 do 150 3 do 150 5 ao 150 4 do 150 6 do 150 7 a o 150 15 King'- Lincoln Park 350 16 do 350 (Ex. triangie off S.W.corner (81 on Ford Rord & 81 on (Clevelad 17 do 375 18 do 150 19 ao 150 20 do 150 21 do 150 22 ao 150 23 do 150 24 do 150 25 do 150 26 do 150 27 do 150 28 do 150 ,157,360. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, cher with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated ` 192 CoIlSmissioner of h'inance. Form B. H. 12 St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement too bee made: -.........° .-..__........._....---..��!! e......._......._.... �..._. -.._.............._- W-1 St. Ave. from_.... - -.._....__..._.__........._........._..._—_ Ave. to Frt' Ave. is Office of the Commissioner of Public W 11 - Report to Commissioner of Finance.,,,, DEC 10 DPoember 9, 1925 ED To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public .Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 630.2.2 approved .......... ovember10. 1925.192 ............. relative to the paving of Ford Road from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue --._....................__........_._...._'......__....................._.._............._........._..........................................._......_............ ...._....__.._..._._................................ _............ ................ � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_ ..................... _.....necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attsohed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................ ---- .......... and the total cost thereof is $........................:...............___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............__............._.._......__...._...._._..............._.._......_........_......._.._....- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ -............. ........................._........_........ _.... ................_............ -....... _................................... ........_...._._......................... .................. ---...... --._...._.— 5. Said improvement is .................... ......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _............ __----- _......... ...------- ......_ ..............._— Commissioner of Public Works. 1W B ru u -� �_ �. (Qepair�lhrnje-R�h q'F °ujblJ�}cj Qrk u" JOHN H. MCOONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G.-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE M SHEPARD. C F Ev 1-1 5. GRY-AR. -1— E WM. N. CAREY. Suri. " ry nry All ry G. H. HERROLD. OrrlcE — CITY Pl.-- [rvc�vEra G. P. EOWLI N. Suri. or Woarc —. November 2b, 1925. Ron. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of.Publio Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving.of Ford Road from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not alresdy made, also including ourbing and paving alley and drivewa approaches, where neosesery, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63022, approved November 10, 1928t Length 5,170 ft. Frontage 9,856 ft. Roadway Street Width - 22-26r Snelling Ave. to Rowell Ave. 2r27'. 1001 Rowell Ave. to Cleveland Ave. $i" Or**. Briok Laid Asphalt or Concrete PAVING Blooke Flat. Asphalt oonor. 7" Reinforce& Total Sq. Yd. 6009 5.07 3.95 3:39 wheelage 84,225.00 $ 70,118.00 54,628.00 46,884.00 Property 3hare4 80.023.00 66,620.00 51,903.00 44,546.00 T o t a l $164,248400 $136,738.00 $106,531.00 91,42940 (b) Front Ft. 7456 6.20 4.71 (ourb3e16ra) Add for Concrete where not in 50 per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections each (100' at. ,S75;00 ( 86'_ " .64.50 " 3/4" Water " IN 400' " 52.60 ( 86! 4800 Approved for transmission oe Commissioner of Fina e. omm esioner of Public Works. Yours truly, 77 ef Engineer4 61260 Tri BNMa642 tterB a ' �_.. Con> ec wlthn e A ien e`�toag 8111 na COUNCIL FILE V0._ Ind!aa ymi'do' `o�°Plot ela malna Bae B4'. _. _.. _.._... _.... _ ayPloacynnvin9 dao Includ/mare not ' __... .......... en !ems t; curb. Ilmi Y n a7aev ; FINAL ORDE In the Matter of -paving _ Otto =venue from..Cleveland..Avenue. ..t.o...Snelliug Lve.nue,..vith..serier, ulster and gas connections .fr.om_stre.et mains. to property liaes..complete, rffiere not already _made,.also_including curbing and paving _.drivevay and alley_ap_proaches„.wher.e...necessary.... ..... . .............. under Preliminary Order. 53332 approved,_ _ llec..,, 1,,_, 1925. Intermediary Order . _ approved. _ __ __. ... ......._........ __. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and. kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..pave Otto Ave. from. Cleve -land ...,',venue..to ..Sne.11i.ng...Iivenue.,...F]ith sever, .water—and. was oonneotions. fXoJi1...9txPet...lTla]ri3 .to ,_.property.,lines complete, There not already made, also including curbing . .. ....... and—paving ..driverlay_and galley_approaches., .where...nece.ssary...... Material -shall be Sheet Asphalt, except on grades exceeding 31% where 22” vertical fibre brick will be .used -M - Roadway shall be 56-feet—consisting-of 2 1919 foot paved strips separated by 19 foot unpaved strip in center, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __ MAR 1 91956__ _, 192.... R 1 p 192f5 t� City Jerk. Approved ._ _.__.. 192....... .............. Mayor. `Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald y ✓Councilman Refer Hodgson 1�_ouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. OA CLIA-� :7 _ ��-POS. 94- CITY OF ST. PAUL F - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y rROORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '� r ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER (A) �. fn the matter of --P vP 0110C'uval--rj - is to SnP ili Alre,F,710-, =1t6l: set�er, r er _ t-conr.ections,_from st eet to urouert re, CO:uDlete t":ae—T.Q L3 �rAY- � a =e; a> o ; 3 ;; •.I=. .,fir ; r.r� and -• v;Zllr re- —►--- — drive, .yand c.1 le, aupxuaci,es, ._ere Cl:Uc under Preliminary Order approved---- Dec��----1-r-- 19CFi-'---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - paving 32 creosote or -Brick Laid. flat Asphalt Asphi It Concr. concrete ) 711 rein. .blocks — - --- - 5.94 4.92 3.60 3.24 Total s,y, Intersections &46 56,121.00 r 64.00 35�90j.00 30,612.00 Nheelage 75,561.00 622bO2.00 46,351.00 41226.00 property snare 131 702.00 log,og6.00 64,254.00 71,636,00 Total 6.22 4.72 3.97 (a .) front foot 7.56 Gurb extra. - �rvv do 9 3 do 400 (Ex. So. 71 for otuo Ave.) 6 3 do 275 5 3 do 200 4 3 do 200 (Ex. So. 7 ft, for Otto .ve.) 6 4 do X75 c7 5 4 do 200 Pnm R. a. 10 4 4 do TOTAL. 200 CITY OF ST. PAUL S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -rrt r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of—v,o t tr n -P 'i- GIFval=nd-'�- to Ona iti a tea n i+ se _e r ^ er from st eet ,..aj s to Dropert' I fires Q Here ti irb rd a rind co..-plete+ - 6 } drive'^ .v and .:-i Lei; approaci,es, ._ere r,eees_-:r-:ry: Q` OC 11ac:__ C_ I1 _ l 9G under Preliminary Order approved—.--- 5'— To the Council of the City of St. Paul:, r..r - The Comm issson of Finance hereby re oris se followq;_ ,'. ' - •-•- ---• ^^^ ""' - "' _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Ex. So. ft. for Otto Ave. widening (Exce.t Olevel..nd Avf.) 7 3 St--:te Purk Add. Plat 4. 550 do 8 3 do 400 do 9 3 do 400 (Ex. So. 71 for Otto Ave.) 6 3 do 275 5 3 do 200 4 3 do 200 (Ex. So. 7 ft. for Otto nve.) 6 4 do `75 ;�7 5 4 do 200 4 4 F.nm B. B. 10 do TOTAL. 200 CITY OF Sr. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. So. 7 ft. for Cleveland Ave.6 3 State Park Add. Plat 5. 275 5 3 do 200 4 3 do 200 '(Ex. So. 7' for Cleveland Avc. 7' 4 do 275 S 4 do,; 200 do 200 do 64 4 do do 200 4 200 (Ex. So -7' for Otto Ave. W.-Iof 12 Reserve Park Garden Lots 6000 (Ex.Otto Avg.) East of 12 do 6000 6000 do Test of 13 do 7500 do East of 13 do 6000 do Test of l do East of 14 do do 11000 15 2' John Gaarden Addition 275 16 2 do 250 17. 2 do 250 18 2 do 250 19 2 do 250 2 0 2 250 d o 250 22 2 do 250 2j 2 do 250 24 2 do 250 25 2 do z50 26 2 do 275 16 2z50 a 1 1? 1 do 250 16 1 do 250 19• 1 do 250 20 1 do 250 21 1 do 250 22 1 do 250 2 1 do 250 21 do 250 25 1 do 250 26 1 do .325 !Restz of Soutin^'est � of Southeast 4 of Soutrea=t j of Sec. 9, 6960 Blk. 2$, Range 23. do (Except Otto Ave.) East of So it ,we st � of Southeast J� of Soatilea t {; 6000 of Sec. 9, T. 26, R. 23, do (Ex. Otto Ave.) - ro11M s.v.t TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAULj - 0� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .V' IV A /' a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED j ADDITION ' DESCRIPTION _ LOT eLocK. VALUATION (Except So Lith 7 ft. for Otto Ave.) Lot 6 also 4xcept Roy St.) (€ibson's Addition 350 t ��5 4 2 2 Genard s Re axrange :.:er. do 225 6 2 do 225 2 do 275 275 9 2 do 1 do 1075 oo 3700 1 do do 225 S1 1 do 2�5 1 1 Hardenbergh Hei&;ts 300 2 1 do 200 3 1 do 200 4 1 do 200 5 1 do 200 6 1 do 200 7 1 do 200 B 1 do 200 9 1 do 200 10 1 do 200 11 1 do 2CO 12 1 do 200 13 1 do 200 14 1 do 225 1 2 do 225 2 2 do 200 3 2 do 200 4 2 do 200 2 do 200 6 2 do 200 2 do 200 2 do 200 9 2 do 200 10 2 do 200 11 2 do 200 12 2 do 200 13 2 do 200 ( 14 ( 15 2 2 do TOTAL 425 CITY OF ST. rAVL �'" •( I• "� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1' VALUATION 1 1 Lanes Highland Park 225 2 1 do 210 3 1 do 210 4 1 do 210 r 5 1 do 210 6 1 do 210 7 1 do 210 8 1 do 210 9 1 do 210 10 1 do 210, 11 1 do 210 12 1 do 210 13 1 do 210 14 1 do 210 1 2 do 7815 2 2 do 210 3 2. do 210 4 2 do 210 5 2 4 do 210 6 2 do 210 7 . 2. do 210 g 2. do 210 9 2 do 210 10 2 do 210 _ 11 2 -do 210 m .2 2 do TOTAL X10 cin OF 4 . MAUL y` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -..:. DESCRIPTION _ LOT OLa.. ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION lj 2. Lanes Highland Park 210 14. 2 do 225 . 1 3 do 225 2 3 do 21p 3 3 do 210 4 3 do 210 5 3 do 210 6 3 do 210 7 3 do 210 8 3 do 210 9 3 do 210 10 3 do 210 11 3 do 210 12 3 do 210 13 3 do 210 14 3 do 210 15 3 do 210 16 3 do 210 �7 3 do 210 18 3 do 210 �9 3 do 210 20 j do 2255 it -4 do 2 2 4 do L25 3 ddo 4 TOTAL ��5 110,560. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, toge r ith the repot made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ - .� 192- \ Cot6missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY OF ST., PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 4 Laces Highland park 225 do 22 7 4 do 240 Y 1 John Gaarden Second Addition 275 2 do 209 3 do 200 I+ do 200 do � 7 do 950 g do 200 9 do 200 10 do 200 11 do 200 12 do 275 (Except No. 7 ft. for OttoAve.)l 2 Otio's Add. to St. Paul 1675 do 2 2 do do 3 2 do 200 do 4 2 do 200 do 5 2 do 850 do 6 2 do 200 do 7 2 do 200 C 9 2 do 200 do 9 2 dog.__ 200 do 10 2 do 200 do 11 2 do 200 do 12 2 do 200 do 33 2 do 200 do 1 2 do L50 do 15 2 do 110,560. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, toge r ith the repot made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ - .� 192- \ Cot6missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 JJAW GA 1 TO J 010111 MOT RD'S ,1 y.000.000. . FACTORT T[r ST. fAV 1. 1 01 WR OV aOM1C 101OS O N H '. THE OR10'S EST T GHAROR N HVURSTM1EHT3—TObAY. I S OPPORTUHITT A DI TI .Ji°` �JOHN cwwnoe N. III II I11LL1LL_ *'0 T T O V FORD P�D6"T�1[E�— FO Si0,0o4000 PLANT TO EHPLOY [.WO M E N Commissioner John H. MacDonald Saint Paul,Minn. T A.' 1 '. . I i (4 D T O N )CLITITI.1�o� JOHN -- GAARDEN FORnTOWN LOTS 20TH STANFORD AVE. '3T. PAUL, MINN. Nobember 12th 1925. Dear sir: The Otto Avenue Improvement Association have been informed that there are plans on foot to pave other streets 'in the Ford District before Otto Avenue is paved. If there are plans to this affect,we wish to register our objection at this time. Otto Avenue is the shortest route downtown to Saint Paul from our mord District -Otto Avenue is the next Street Car Avenue.It has been graded from the Mississippi River Boulevard to Snelling Avenue.The sewer has been laid and the water mains are already laid. The sewer or water mains have not been laid on Ford Road east of Cleveland.3aint Paul Avenue is just being graded.Obviellsly,these two streets are not ready for paving next year. The next logical avenue for paving,t ereforpaved as earlyin the District, is Otto Avenue east to Snelling.:Je want Otto ossible in the spring. In considering the paving of Otto Avenue, the center should be left unpaved for double street car tracks. If Avenueare is paved,weswouldpaving toother notified of such p&&nsDistrict before Otto atyptar early convenience. Thanking you, I am, very sincerely yours, John Caarden 11*F alrlhtrsePalk R r F,u�1b 1i�c \ yv� si JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAR&. SUPT. OF Co o REFAIP G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANON— PUNNING ENGINEEfl Mr. L. C. Seamer, Chief Assessment Clerk, Department of Finance, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs December 8, 1925. 5. GRYTBAK, B oO ENGINEER A. 8. SHARP. SUPT.OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. of WO— ... - I am transmitting to you separate today preliminary estimates for th paving of Ott ve. from Cleveland to Snelling and Preliminary Order C. F. 63332, estimate for paving Fo Road from Snelling to Cleveland under Preliminary Order 0. F: 63022 and estimate for paving of Otto Ave. between 'Cleveland and Mississippi River Blvd., also Finn, Cretin, Mt. Curve Blvd and Woodlawn Ave. between Ford Road and Otto Ave. under Preliminary Order C. F. 63021. There has been a great deal of discussion as to whioh of these streets should be paved first. In order to simplify matters at the hearings, I believe it would be advisable to set the hearing for Otto Ave. between Cleveland and River Blvdi and the adjacent streets for a certain date, and say the other two orders - Otto Ave. and Ford Road between Cleveland and Snelling for the next day. - All of these ordeve should be brought to a hearing at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, chrefE-ng nee• . gms-mh -7 Office of the Commisioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 10191 December 9, 1925 .... _ ....... _.... _ .1 ..................... _.......... 192...... _.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63332 December 1, 1925 Council, known as Council File No....................................approved...._..........._..._.__......._......._......_........._....._._......192............, relative to paving Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Snelling Avenue ..._......._........_...._...........__... _............--_........._..- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is eeessary and (or) desirable . �3ae letter atteohed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._ .................. ... __............, and the total coat thereof is $............................ _....... ...._..._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._._.....___ ..... .........._...__..._...._......_..._...._........................._._._...._...._.._ -.-..... _..................... ................. _._.........._............................. -.-........... _........ ..........------- ------ .................. .............. ...._..__ ....._............_........._._..........._......_............_._....-- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............ _._........_.........._................_..............._.........._..................._._....__........................................-._.._._....._-..........................._........__...----.....- — 5. Said improvement is ................... .......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... ....... ...... .....m._.-_.mis...-s-..._...-. sioner..............of.-.P._.n...blic.,Worka. ....._._...._........ —_ Co JOHN H. MCOONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER December 7, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Otto Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Snelling Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. #63332, approved December 1, 1925: Estimated cost Paving 32 creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Concrete blocks flat Asphalt Goner. 711 rein Total s.y. 5.94 4.92 3.80 3.24 Intersections and Wheelage 56,121.00 462484.00 352903.00 30,612.00 Property share 75,561.00 62,602.00 48,351.00 41,226.00 Total 131,702.00 109,086.00 84,254.00 71,838.00 (a) front foot 7.58 6.22 4.72 3.97 curb extra Yours very truly, Approved for transmission to hief Engineer. C is ioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. C. J. MOOLAOAN. , tj� ,I�f Oaint f ald HAROLD J. RIORDAN Cite NO D.MK A�� II .rGa77 ,lam CHIM MXRK-CRT C K COMMISSIONmt OR RMISTRATIONENCE A. STORMS (®ice of %itg't4teck CLAR CNIV CLiRK-REOIBTRATION January 5th, 1926. Ron. J. R. McDonald, Commissioner of public Works, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We are enclosing herewith petition of property owners for the paving of Otto Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Snelling Avenue, leaving an unpaved strip, or width, in the center for a double street car track. The Council has referred this matter to you for investigation and report. Respectfully yours, "Ye� City Clerk. l t U" I /IV Q OTro; p` To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 14 6 L+ (I.4^. St. Paul, Minn-__P_�_�Ld 192JC Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owuers, hereby petition your Honorable Body to. cause the following improvement to be made: _...._—.._.......___....__._........- ------ St. Ave. from_a.-.-S------ Ave. u_ S r -� is S r 0 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.___192 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:' ._—.... _ ....... ..... ..._..... ......._....-......_....._.._............ ...- _..._..- —....-__...- ---- — --- a St. Ave. from_. �D �l/^ Q -tP. t ._ a O—...._...i e........... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK A D w. i. • 3 � �' ��� �, _ /� 6'�' dannary 20th, 1926. Mr. G. H. Harrold. City Planning Magineer. Bu -i 1 ding. 4$y dear Mr. Herrold: ITS enclose herewith all papers in regard to the re- coning of the following streets'in, the so-called Ford DietriOt:into COMMOroial Districts: Ford Road from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland. Ave. Cleveland ave. from Otto Ave. to Eleanor St. Pinehurst Ave. from Cleveland -We. to Prior Ave. Aoodville ave. from Bayarrd ave. to Otto Ave. Kenneth Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Otto Ave. Sumner Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Otto Ave. These matte98 were laid over to PeLruar7 10th, by the Council today, and referred to YOU with the rogwsst that yon call a meeting of the Zoning Doard. Real Estate Board and Planning Board to consider the Sams. after Mich the Zoning Board will mass formal recommendation in writing to the Couaaail. very truly yours. City Clerk. jm=7 14th, I0,126. Dar. 090• H. Harrold, oily Planning mar, City of Saint Pall. dsma Mr. Harrold: At the Conrail meeting held this morning 1 pa Wm instructed to ask yon to Prepare tht" MPS for the atntorms- M tion of the C0=cU, one of Which dwIl above Otto Aveane ftm SAe1.1- iag to Cleveland tmmues re -zoned for Qxmrclat purposes: another to show For& Road frac Snelling to Cievelaad Avows re -zoned for a�erolal purposes =1 Nice third to show boils Pard Road. a0d-Otla Avenue so 20119&.- !Me maps eha11 also.ahow the district south of 8snd6lj* Street and between 6helling and Cleveland AVM=s- . Tme Cmmcil desires those 0=_9 in QflnnOction with re -zoning hearings Which ate Doming More them an JaMnW7 Mit- very tidy Yours, City Clerk. x: COUNCIL FII E NO.. _ c. F. xo. wast— "'"' In the Matter of Pavia B Otto Ave.: from Cleveland Ave. to Mieeleslppl- from sovlevard. Finn from, _ By.............. .._:.. ........_- _._.. _.__. ._..... 0", A, to Ford Road, ,Ave*rettn Ave. d Rad, Curve Bfrom toulevard to Ave. Lfrom orOt ooMAve.to FINA FordRoad, and WO 'd Ave. - d from Otto Ave, to Forr+nnd, with -.gewer, water .nod Bap'r s In the Matter of.... paving Otto �.ve..from _Cleveland ave.- to ili.saisai.ppi-. River Boulevard, Finn rve:-from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, Cretin r_ve. from Otto !:ve. to Ford Road, tv;t. Curve Boulevard from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, and iioodlawn .ve. from Otto bve, to Ford Road, with seder; water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete.,.where not already made, also .curbing .and paving drive- way and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order... _ _6.3021 approved.._ _._Nov.. 10th,....19.2.5...... ._ .. Intermediary Order... __ ..approved.. _ ....__ _... _ _ .....__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .pave. .O.tt.o. Ave. _from. .Cleveland ...Ave... to.. vl,ississippi River Blvd., Finn Ave...from Otto Ave. -to-Ford . Road, ...... .. Cretin Ave, from Otto ".ve. to Ford Road, Mt. Curve Boulevard from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, and loodlawn Ave. from Otto eve. to Ford Road, with server water and gas ConIIections fromstreet-mainS * to prbPOI'tylines"c*omplate, *Wherenot­ already made, also curbing and pav_iveway and alley a ppr-oaehes,____. where necessary,' Material shall be Sheet asphalt, except on grades exceeding j P where 24 inch vertical fibre brick will be used -- Roadway on Otto Avenue from Mississippi River Boulep�,A to Cleveland shall be 50 feet; On Woodlawn Ave. from Ford Road itgg��Otto Ave., a 40 feet; On Mt. Curve Boulevard from Ford Road to Otto Ave: W- be 2 - 27 foot roadways, separated by 20 foot unpaved strip in center, On Cretin Ave. from Ford Road to Otto Ave., shall be 40 feet, and on Finn Ave. from Ford Road to Otto Ave. shall be 30 -feet, e "iI"i�"5�ftr4itfpi`�ment in accorance t1Te—rewith. Adopted by the Council . MAR. 1..9..f... 192 -. . `�1?6 City Jerk. Approved - _ .:.... 192........ tt+-�Faxetf-�_,_,-, SIJ Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Zouncilman McDonald j _/Councilman Pieter-, Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ,/Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ' V 44 t 0'j-'o C�t `toy ^ `� oSI4 10 �y c� o-ve c� � CITY Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIyARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving—_ Otto Arra- Trnm A11, --land Ave to sAssise#pp# River Blvd. - inn -Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford --1:k�s-f7nw Otto Aire dead and VPesdle�+�t-Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, with seer, water and gas connections from >;t'a�t n y_i;.,Ps cglhPlete, 114±elle net already iflade, a}se curbing and paving drivev-ay and alley aporoacnes, where neces:.;.ry. G: - under Preliminary Order approved— To pproved—To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 3 -PI 00reo. Brick Laid Asphalt or 7 inch Rein. PAVING Blocks Flat ''Concr. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 5.94 4.92 3.80 3.24 Intersections and 91,464.00 75,748.00 58,514.00 49,890.00 Wheelage Property Share 74,Z91.00 61, 948.00 47,846.00 40,795.00 Total 166,255.00 137,7o6.0o 106,358.00 9o,685.00 (a) Front ft. 7.57 6.21 4.72 3.97 Curb Extra. Note; Streets esti._ated with following roadways; Otto Ave. 50 ft.- w.;odlawn Ave. 40 ft. hit. -Curve Blvd. 2 roadwcys at 27 ft.- Cretin Ave. 40 ft. and Finn Ave. 30 ft. Add for cement c.irb wnere not in 55¢ per lin.. ft. if for 611 Se�-er connections, each 601 $45.00 100 60.00 00 g If u 3/4 water " If 01 $39.00 N6O I 45.00 - (1001 52.50 _ ,,,_ 24 do 300 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Paving ottn Arra t'r Al j e + R B1—tt In the matter of cr Finn Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford rt,i nc w:nd vavinq driveway s, where necessary. Nouvn-TWA 03SS3SStl NOLLIDOV 101 l NOIdINOS30 F.— B. S. 10 :smolloj se a.1e 'lossassV atl Aq paliodal 1sul se paled to Sol gaea jo uopenleA passasse ag1 pue'3uawaAoldw1 tans joj slyauaq passasse aq 6ew 1eg1 puq jo slaaled 10 slol aty $ - - - - - - - sl 1flaw3A0Adwi aAoge at1 aoj looj lad lsoa palewpsa ag,j, -- $ - - - $1 1UawaAojdwi anoge 3g1101 luawssasse aq1 jo lunowe palewgsa jviol agy :smolloj se s1.lodat Agajaq aaueul3lo jauosss!wmoD all 1, . :Inerj •1S jo .{110 ag1 jo haunoo aq1 oy ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 John Gaarden's 31d. Add. 350 16 do 300 17 do 300 16 do 300 19 do 300 20 do 300 21 do 300 22 do 300 23 do 300 '- 24 do TOTAL. 300 F.— B. S. 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE qW OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER - ._...-.. ON PRELIN'11NARY ORDER ... _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � I 25 John Gaerden's 3rd. Add. 300 26 do 300 27 do 300 _g do 300 29 do 600 16 5 St. Catherine Park 2nd Add. 325 17 5 do 300 19 5 do 300 19 5 do 300 20 5 do 300 21 5 do 300 22 5 do 300 23 5 do 300 24 5 do 300 25 5 do 300 26 5' do 300 27 5 do 300 28 5 do 300 29 5 do 300 30 5 do 325 South 7 of °A" 4' do 1200 12 4 do 300 13 . 4. do 300 14 4 do 300 15 4 do 300 16 4 do TOTAL 300 em or sr. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 of Southwest 4 of East }.� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 40 acres of Government Lot 4, Sec. -ON PRELIFfINARY ORDER 3 (B). Bt.) 1 -LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION is 17 4 St. Qatherine Park 2nd 300 Add tion 1 18 4 do 300 19 4 do 300 20 . 4. do 300 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 325 The West 264 ft. of South 2 of.S6uthwest } 'of East 40 acres .. 3600 of Government Lot 4, Sec. 8, T. 28, Range 23, Except Otto Ave.) do The East 132 feet of West 396 feet of South j of Southwest 1800 of East 40 acres of Government Lot 4, Sec. 8, T. 28, R. 23 (Except Otto Ave.) The West 112 feet of East 264 ft. of South j of Southwest V 1530 of East 40'a.dres of Government Lot 4, Sec. 8, T. 28, R. 23, (Except Otto Ave. & ,dount Curve Blvd.) The East 132 ft. of South j of Southwest 4 of Southwest 4 of East 600 40 acres of Government Lot 4, Sec. 8, Town 28, Range 23, (Except 3 - OtLo Ave. & Mount Ourve Blvd. & Eleanor Bt.) 1 4 2 Edgecliff Addd No. 2. 825 1 2 do 825 6 2 do 875 .1. 2 do 875 B 2 do 9.00 9 2 do goo 10 2 do 725 1 3 do 875 233 3 do 1000 1 do do goo 43 3 do goo 00 6 3 4 do 9oo 7 3 do goo 1 1 St. Oatnerine Park 700 23 1 do 450 do 30 �+ .1. 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 10 1 do 300 11 1 do 300 12 1 do TOTAL 300 CITY OF 3 . rAUL L 4— t _( DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ..� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINVPARY ORDER w. l (B) -,- LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION 133 1 St. C2tnerine Park- 300 14 1 do 450 15 1 do 450 16 1 do 300 1 1 do 300 18 1 do 300 19 1 do 300 20 1 do X00 21 1 do 300 1 2 do 325 2 2 do 300 3 2 do 300 l+ 2 CIO 300 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 S 2 do 300 9 2 do 300 10 2 do -300 -11 2 do 300 12 2 do 300 1,; 2 do 3 0 14 2 do 300 15 2 do 325 16 2 do 325 17 2 do 300 18 2 do 300. 19 2 do 300 20 2 • do 300 21 2 do 300 22 2 do 300 23 2 do 300 2455 2; do 300 ado ^ 26 2 300 27 2 do 300 28 2 do 300. 29 2 Ic 300 30 .. 2 do 325 1 3 do 325 23 3 . do 300 3 do 300 �+ 3do 300. do 300 6 .3 do 300 7 3 CL 300 s 3 do 300 9 3 do 300 .10 3 do 300 11 3 do 300 .12 .3 a0 300 13 3 do - FOAM s.s.ti 375 TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE - �► REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4;, ON PREL111PARY ORDER i ASSESSED ' Lor eLOCIt� ADDITION DESCRIPTION VAL ION i'. I 143 st. 0a.therine Park 450 - �5 3 do 375 16 3 do 3r5; . 17 3 do 775 " 4 3 do 4 0 19 3 a 300 . i' 21 3 do 300 22. 3 do 30,. 2 3 do 300 00 . r 255 3 do 300 2b . 3 do 3 300 �7 3 4 do 28 3 do 00 300 29 3 d`do 30 . 3 . .300. 2 a' 31 do do 400 1 2 4 do 37 4 d 375 4. do 375 7 4 do 35 4 do 375 do 3505 14 0 4 do y 11 4 do 4 do 700. - 12 700. 1j . 4 do 400 14 4 do 3-54 do 17 375 do 4 375 1s 4 do 375 19 . 4 do 375 20 4 do 375 21 4 do 375' 22 4 do 23. 4 do 375. . . 24 4 do 450 1 5 . do 2 5 do 0 _ 375 3 5 , do 375 do 5 350 5 do 5 5 io 375 7 do 375 5 do 375 9 . 5- do 37`5 10 5 CLO -- ' TOTAL 0 CIN OF S . rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,.I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER » li -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 5 St. Catherine Park 400 (Ex. So. 5 ft. for Ford Road) 12 5 do 650 1 7 do 325. - 2 7 do 300 o 300 7 ddP 300 5 7 do 300 6 7 do 300 7 7 _ do 300 8 7 do 300 9 7 do 300 10 7 do 300 11 7 do 300 123 7 do 300 do 500 1 7 15. 7 do 375 1( 7 do 375 17 7 do 375 16 7 do 375 19 7 do500 20 7 do 400 21 7 do 400 22 7 do 400 23. 7 do .400 24 7 do 490 25 7 do 400 26 7 do 400 27. 7 do 400 26 7 do 400 29 7 do 400 30 7 do 450 31 7 do 600 1 S do 325 2 S do 300 3 8 do 300 4 8 do 300 do 300 6 8 do 300 7 S do 300 S S do 300 9 S do 300 10. S do 300 11 8 do 300 12 9 do 300 13 8 do 300 14 & do 300 15 S do 325 16 S do 600 17 8 do 450 16 S do 400 19 S do 4o0 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , t DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20 21 22 2 2 25 26 27 28 25 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 11} 1 16 17 16 19 20 21 St. Oatherine P::.rk do do do U0 do do it do x do do do U o do lio do do do do do do do do do do A w ASSESSED VALUATION 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 4�o 600 300 300 300 300 300 400 50, 825 450 400 400 400 400 400 102,125. The Commissioner of Finance further repots that he has investigate f the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, to r wit the report made to him in (reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 1" Dated—A;" 192 ommissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 12 -� -ot 't St. Paul, Minn.--June-J2-§-----192-.5- To inn._J ne .§_-_—_192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following im_ Qrovemmentto be made: ._Pane..._0..._to Apenue_.._from_.,l,Snsul3E�n&.to-._.Missis_sip�i. River _Blvd=._also—_ t _ —. . . ...., c• _.., nl flvfll and.,-.�4^�II't`!'^_'.�iikrY.E--.B�Yf3d a18 Q_----�. Mt. Curve Blvd., Cretin Ave., and Finn Ave., from Ford Road to Otto Ave. St. Ave. Ave. U 1, REeErvea Off ice of the Commislioner of Public 1 o Report to Commissioner of Finance "',,' DEC 10 1425 December 9, 1925 _............ _. _. _..... _. _.... .............. 192 ............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63021 November 10, 1925 Council, known as Council File No..._.. ............ ............. ..approved_.._..............____.._............._....._............ ............. 192........_..; relative to the paving of Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd., ......_....__ .......... ........... _..__...........—........._.._......_.__........_........__.........................._.................._.........._...._........._._............ ........................_._ Finn Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road,I Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road1 Mt. Curve Blvd.. ._from Otto. _Ave.. o_..or_d _Roaci_.and..._1N6�f .e..wn.__ _..... ......— . Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._ .............. ....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..............................__.........., and the total cost thereof is $..........._..... .................. ......... .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. ............. .............. . ..... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. C� 7 I',e ayr'F`nzeirsh o. r �blecy` JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M . SH.EPARD.0 ry . P.GRYTRAK. WM. N. CAREYSUPT. orvsT p A.SARP, S GGHHERROLD. OrPicE grvuCiiv PIgNNING Ecln November 2b, 1928. Drs; "irv"EE"a ROW LIN. SUPT. ar Worsk.ioilsE Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of.Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd., Finn Ave. rom o Avc. to Ford Road, Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to orc Roc , Mt& Curve Blvd. from Otto Ave, o or Road and Woodlawn Ave.. from Otto Ave. to Ford cad, with sewer, water and gas oonneo one rom street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. J63021, approved Nov. 10, 1925; Length 5,277 ft. Frontage 9,443 ft. 3*" Creo. Brick Laid Asphalt or 7 inch Rein. PAVING Blooke Flat. " Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.94 4.92 3.80 3.24 Intersections) and ) 91,464.00 76j 758.00 58.512400 $ 49,890.00 Wheelage �. Property Share 74,791.00 61,948.00 47,846x00 40,795600 T o t a l 0166,255.00 $137,706.00 $106,358600 $ 90;685.00 (a) Front ft. 7.67 6.21 4.72 3.97 Curb Extra Note: Streets estimated with following ro4dways: Otto Ave. 50 ft. - Woodlawn Ave. 40 ft. Mt. -Curve Blvd 2 rodaways at 27 ft. - Cretin Ave. 40 ft. and Finn Ave. 30 ft. Add for cement curb where not in 55V per lin ft. " for 6" sewer connection, each ( 601 $45.00 ( 80! .60400 ( 100' 7b.00 3/4 water " ° - - - - - (601 $39.00 (80' 45.00 100, 62.50 Yours truly, - AIpproved for transmission iegnee. C isa oner of Finance. Comm saioner o 0 orka. ° `4262 rgTRR"DIAR7' ORD " N84282- atter of oh¢nt;1r..' n heldon Avq ✓L v,6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. chan�;in the r�.ie of ^lesley ;Lenue frorn Holton ..Ave:iue ................... to Sheldon avenue to conform to t'e red kine on the profile hereto ..........................r................... attached and me a roost nereq to present es aulishedra.de be.n ............. shotivn by a blue line thereon lso g : e Frad nsaid "sley Avenue 'oetrreen ..............�....................................................... redline• w'ren,•establ•is;_eu................ ........................................................................I............................. ( .... "ov.l7 1 2F under Preliminary Order........... t:'..............approved....`:..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. chan=e the rode 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends ts..........e.........�r...... of }lesley avenue from Holton Avenue to S:.eldon Avenue, to confcrci to the red line on the -)rofile hereto attac:.ed and ;iaae a -)art :.ere-:f, .............................................................................. ....................... ...th..e...n..r..s..z.nt e ...lisrnaeaue l..re tnerecn, ..................... •.... n also ara.din said '.lesley ave_ae oetv,ez.. the ..fores. d limits t.. the saidred ................................. S�y.6 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 350......: day of VIAZ. }........ 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improye�rt a0 the total cost thereof as estimated. r is _ 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... SEB 192A .............. Approved.........................192...... - City Clerk. �... .. ........ . ....... Mayor. Ctrno Councilman Clancy vee khan- o^rs son Comwilman-4kBonaald -" Councilman Mlff&i� Hodson` Counct'tf�an-ilrSi"" ".�"uc : e i-: er Councilman Wenzel Mayor Idt��ebn 8t.; -Vim VI -W Form B. S. A. 8-6 i,26 84268— . the-Metterof oe,tfrg the grade of . Y1CSorla Street: .from Oeohazm Street: to Unton'8treet sad- of Mc f Kent, -et. from Victoria St.:to -bar-- , rntt =Ave.. to Cohtorm to ,the red° t seC:on the-. prodle hereto attached d: aago s part her4of, the-pzeOenY ..'-h h R 19.7feitaB ehoWIl bYZIPAg vie •a- COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ?ti en :tee, By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..chani ng the rade of Victoria Street from Orchard Street .......... to Union Str-et and of FicKenty St. from Victoria St. to Barrett Ave.- ............................................................................................. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and rade a ...................................................................................................... part ;nereo x, the ;resent established grade be n€ shoxm by. a blue lintl thereon also .;radin Victoria St. from Orchs.rd St: to 1,'cKenty St. to :.........€ ....................................... ...... ......... said red line when established ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 63205 i;ov. 20, ................approved......................1y25 .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.ChanN�,-e the, E,r2de of Victoria; Street from Orchard Street to Union Street and of L.cKenty St. ................ from Victoria St, to Barrett Ave., to confor:l to the red line on the ......... ............ ............. profile, hereto„attached „�?d .fade 2. rt, hereof, the grade beim ahoy -n by 2.:olue line thereon, also gradin Victoria St. from Orchard St. to McKentyj�.- tc said red line when established ............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... J'.ra.......... day of 11ar ch .. , ... . 192 6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvFer�ettt and the total cost thereof as estimated. CC 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... FEB - 1192E...... ... Approved.........................192...... C' Clerk. ................ ...... .. .......... d�' Mayor.. Councilman Clancy Cir Councilman Ferguson U Councilman McDonald Councilman MxmunHodLson.11� Councilman Salb t Sudhei_mer Councilman Wenzel-- Mayor Ikidgm t/'r Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Villo V d.. •, No. 8284= theMattgt o[ grading .:Elegy reef. Ltrom Pleasant Avenu,' atewoth Street,=under'PYeI� Order 88274, aroyedNt. 7JDunclI wt ti bt rece vea COUNCIL FILE By----------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__6r_di4ler or Street ir_ Pleasant Aver-:ue--to- - - ----------------------- C-iatsworth Street ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 2 under Preliminary Order -------------- -3 -7 - 4 -------------approved -----Pov. -=------25,----- 1925 ---------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___� ------rade Eleanor --------------- Stree _fro _P1eaG _ t_Avenue-to--C'- atswo-rth- Street. ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i 451 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__=_20_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- ----- day of MMareh----------- 192__q_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FES 3 1926 Adopted by the Council__________ ___0- ---------- - �£ - ------------------ Approved----------------------------192--- C' y Clerk. --- ----- ------------------------ Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson p(J$LI Councilman McDonald 1) Councilman Hodgson -"- Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel L--/ Forthtit )B. er¢'ueOA r/' int No" 64888— Ea the M' eRss of con¢empinQ and to Ing an eaeemenk In the, land' nec; 'thrYa;earhet eaoaQI egdingvlneSOOt7 Ple, ^Avenv4,: to: Chate under PAlitminnrY` :80. pmved Nov. -R6; a,6EF COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_-_Condealiin_netn'inkan_e,se_e_t_in_the _la_zd_neces_ary - for__slo�es_. cuts and fil_:_s_, in the_Lrading of Eleanor =t eet-_'roe^. --------------------- Pleasnnt Avenue to Chatsworth Street, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tinder Preliminary Order -__-----952.75 ------------------- approved �-----__---_---__ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved pnd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends Is_condemn __and__take__ an_ease;pent_ in the _land_necessarg_for sl pest guts-__nd fills, in the Frzdinl of -Eleanor_ Street from Pleasant�lve__ue to -Chatsworth-5tre�-;t, ------------ in accordance ;-ith the glue nrint hereto attached and made a nest -- -------------------------------------------- '------- ---------------------------------------------- hereoiz the hatched nortions showing the cuts and the shaded nortions showinp,-_the:_fills ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $29,00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ .:ird __---_t_--_day of March .......... 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the infi&geIpe8tl9!pt the total cost thereof as estimated. , Adopted by the Council --------------------. .SEB - .. ;azo Approved----------------------------192--- Councilman Clancy✓ Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald✓ Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel------ Mayor enze1./--- Mayor .Nelson / Firimy8oa�i�.$�rmnee>tb'" 1, -,192---- Ci Clerk. --- --------- -------------------------- Mayor. 342,66, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.�radinE Hyacinth Str, �.et frog Forest Street to the .................... .................................................. ..east, l-ne.of ......................... .............. ............. V 426G— the 'Matter of grad Ilya, 4 'tree 1" t t, fro. orest tree f— ............. last "' un. .............................................................. 4d]ltl..! 11U.r " " 10 8;, rl �N , 1 1W .................. ................................................................ ...................................................................................................... 0290£ Nov. 4, 1925 tinder Preliminary Order ......... ................. approved .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..U,�A..Uyax.in.th .... Street from Forest Street to the east line of J. A. 8, 71. 11. ...................................................................................................... Stees Addition .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... .1 ................................................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... "a Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 'r .......day of ........ Harch ......... 1 192.. 6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons antothe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improf"nt aai49ft total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192..... .......... Approved...........'.......: F13 . . .....:02...... City Clerk. j3y Mayor. Councilman Clancy 11-� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman XWt= HodEson L. - Councilman 91dith Sudheimer Councilman Wertz L— —) Mayor 2MApon on NJ r. FqrWnFA12 Form B. S. A. 8-6 4267 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofccndeining and taking an easement in the land necessary ---------------------------- --- - --- -- --- --------------------------------- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hy^cinth Street from ---------- - - - ---------------------- Forest Street to the east line of J. A. & W. — Stees Addition, --------------------- C ruing an aenae em ncondemning in then cand neces l teary for: �slo8es,-cuts and Oils, in ___ ___ _________ _ _ __ _ __ _________________ the grading of Hyacinth Street from c'orest Street ; to the.. east line • ot; Additlon, und�-:-------------------------------------------------------------------- '�silmttmn::Orderr:82888; :4,n 1825. ' _______________________________________________________________ „, under Prehmmary Order-----------b2C--y _9-----------------approved----ov_____-1F,- - ly�5------------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ COY1de;ri and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts an CL fills, in the ------------------------------------------------ ------ -------------------------�-- gradn_of Hyacinth Street from Forest Street to the east line of - -----------------------------------------------------e ----------------------------------------------- - Steel Addition, in p_ccor�_ance v,a.th uhe 'glue mint hereto --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- atached and wade a. niLrt nere:)f, tie ha.tc.:ed )ortions s DvTing the -------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------- cuts rin:_ ti -e sh.a::ed nort:ons sholsing the fills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--25---7-0 ___-__- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- ------- day of -------- ------------- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impp�cyentvand the total cost thereof as estirAated. Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192-___ v - 1- ---- - - -----lt Clerk. Approved___________ FT _--rr-T,- 192___ Y ---------------------------- ACtin9 - ----------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman FergusonBL Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgsors---_ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenze�' Fo,Vf Bo19° � 'I 0,:1268 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... p.onqe-ining and tak'n�- an ease--.ent in the 1pnd ................. ........... ; ................................... necessary for slopes, cuts lind. 1f.i.7.-1..s..ithen ........ Ave. .......... from Holton Ave. to Sheldon Ave. ...................................................................................................... .................... d ................................................. )he Matter of condemning and to g an. easement1 is the land pace tcprfor slo . t. Ila, in.1 -,ading of sle . 'm Hell ................................. t ..................................... n e. -q, P; 7 . ..................................................................... under Preliminary Order ..... 7 �. 3 ............... approved ....... Sept . . . . 2 1.� 2.5 ................ The Council of the City, of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Conde: n arlct take ?n easerzeia in the land ..sl fills in ................. .� . necessary ... f.o.� ... 9 ..... ............... the..�radin of 'iesley Ave. from Holton Ave. to Sheld�ll Ave., i.n ....................... ;� ................................. .............. ....... accordance the blue niint hereto att,,.c'.ed L–d �ade a -part.... ......... .................................................... .....-........... ............. 1��eqf,..the hatched no!,ti)ns.shcvv]-n�� the cuts and the s -,ceded .. ................. I ........... I ........ . ........................... : .............. ns. showing - ...... ......... - �.hefills ........ ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost'thereof is $..20.-00 ......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 3?q ........ day of .............if 1rCtl 192.6_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciFES. .3.1926.........., 192...... 40t1nj M Approved ....... ....... . ........ 192 ...... .... Ci . Clerk. . ......................... ..................... 40tln( Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman AfiMjj HodEsont.-- Councilman ftith Sudhei:iier Councilman Wenzeki- Mayor $d. S ,—, ;Ire& F�nsnN7g fir' Form B. S. A. 8-6 34.269 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemninp- and ta.1cing an easedent in the land necessary ...... ................. or, slones, cuts..and-9ilieo..in the grading of Victoria Street from ................... Orchard Street jo Street et ch ...ire...r..................................................... i3o. sttiss = ; .InIn6 aeseemenrin tmhe t7al1AA a ............................................... ...... ..... .. ...... ....... eery Kot eloppes. „ gradtne' 01 VS�etorla(SL ................................................................... ..... ...... .... .. ... under Preliminary Order......... 63209..........approved ...=iOv... 20?..1125................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the saieport be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to -Sibproceeded with. condemn and ta'.{e 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ................ an-ease:ent in the land. necessary for sloes, cuts and fil_s, in the Ura.ding of Victoria Street from 0rch.ard....Street to..YcKenty Street, in .......................................... ....................... accortance..wAth.t.he,blue,??tint hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions ...................................................................................... showing, the ills.......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is . , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a p blic hearing be had on said improvement on the.... �rd:.........day of !:arch, . , . , , ., 192..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improMnt aLy �bg total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......... �E� .............. 192...... (, r N - Approved.........................192...... ) Clty Clerk. ..................... ....... Mayor. rn Councilman Clancy eu Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Wkwi Hod - sones w Councilman &Ddtil Sud ei :ieT Councilman Wenzel Mayor Mr. Yioe Pres. F""guaou Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.... r ding Roy Street from Otte„ Avenue to Sclieffer Street. C. ..'No. 84276-- F ' In. F. Matter or :"F. :- �OCC�o-AVe t!. 1.. •..nln :.y - ....................................................................................................... 6316 Ja• ,7,1826 under Preliminary Order...........................approved ......s:.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..���^.'•�..�Ay..$t,x2,et, fron,,..Otto avenue to„Scne ffer„Street.r........................................... ...I................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......1, 211: 76 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 31 cl .......day of 192.6. .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. F�{ . 926,......., 192...... Adopted by the Council....:'....... FEB - 3 1926 Approved.........................192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman lftxm Hodgson Councilman 9nft Sudneicner Councilman Wenzel-” Mayor %83 Mr. Vioe Pres. lterav960 Form B. S. A. 8-6 �� City Clerk. / ilofing Mayor. a f 154271 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ....__...._ _ ... By...................................... . ...... _........_.._...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..__conde:_ming and tan=ing an easement in the land . ........... ........................... ecessaxy for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Roy Street .... ....... from Otto Atrerue to Scheffer Street, ... ...................... _..___..._.................. ........ ........... .... ...... In the, Matter or edndemning and tak. ing an easement. In, the.isnd necea- aary for atoPea� cola and alta, In the..... .. _... ...... _.. ............... . ......... ..................... . .......... gr. of Roy -St. rroni Otto Ave to Scheller St., under Prellmina' . order,68917 approved Jan. 7b1926 - he -Connell br the Clty;or"ft. .., ....... ...... .......... .............................. t secelved the ".t ,rort -r.r y .,. under Frelimihary Order. 6 917 pp Jail. 7, 1�2 ._ .a roved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isnd tial {e ............... an easement in ... .. __._ the craning of Roy Street from Otto Aveaue to Sc e:zer Street, in Accordance pith the blue print hereto attacned and made a -)art ......................_..............._........... ................ ................ hereof, the hatched -)ortions showing the cuts and the siaded .. ............... ..... ...... __. _.......__ ........... ........ portions shov,in� the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_20,00... . .................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .................3rd_..._.day of March ................ 192.......6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner.provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvt and the total cost thereof as estimated. 79?6 Adopted by the Council ............................. FEB _ 3 1926 Approved............. _................ ........... 192........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald' / Councilman.l)eWx Hodgson/ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel/ M{�ay r Nelson Fo m l3ceSYrii: r$BYir°Aoffi �/ erk. ............ .yor. 6-4272 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. crac_ing Elep:nor Street fror.a H. aline Avenue to Pascal ................................. ..... ........................... Hve nue,....................................................................................... `. No. 64273— • - ....... the Metter of Sredlna'l:leanor.................................................................... om Tt,dlno Ave t•> Pascal; lir ;WMI; Tder'63733e. . ......:..>.i .s. >....................................................................... dtl , ...................................................................................................... 63722 . , under Preliminary Order.......... ...........approved.....Dec..........22.....1525 ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rade Eleanor 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.�........................ Street.,fr,cn.H2�?line Aveirae to Pascal Avenue, ..... ................................................... :..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1 z 0'35.15.7 3rd. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........,...... _ „day of rjuQlC ........ 192.16.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ......... 192...... IFFR ^6 Approved.........................192...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman IlMamt Hodi son✓ Councilman SKafth Sudneimer Councilman Wenzel✓ - Mayor lg&W'101: 11Q� ' O ' ®fee Pme. F rp- AMJ ✓ Form B. S. A. > 1140 ic, 64273 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By........................................... '— INTERMEDIARY ORDER of ... s:,�;t..in the land In the Matter .. ...... . . A !� necessary ............................ for sloes cuts and fills.,..i the grad-r.i�r..pf Eleanor Street from .............. ........ ....... ..................................... Haa-,14ne Avenue to Pascal Avenue ...... ....................................................... ......................... I ...... ............ . ............................................................ he.Matter con e WD Rn No ent,in t Id nec.s. r -or, .1e cute lnth! ............Ior E1.anort. r ". ....................................... .................... . ie;Ave. to Pa gaj der re- AryOrd r,63722 mvedt Dea .............. ............................................................ the of St. '71 •e of I It, - 222, 1 2r- - .....Dec.. 7 .......... :� ................. under Preliminary Order..-1:...:...::.::'............approved Dec . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:� 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. conde -,n F.n(f tale 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... necessary, for. slo-)es,..cuts .,-L d.fil.�6.,.in.the ..... ......... gradin of Eleanor Street frow, Hq:i-,line Avenue to Pascal Ave,,-ue, in ............................................. ....................... ...... accordance w ............................ ..-th the blue nrint he2,eto atta.c'-ed and made a- -.)art hereof, the hatchedooltions . and the waded portions ..s.h..o.w..i.n.g ........................ ................... thefillS ................................... ................................................... ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... �5. -. N ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... �FA ........day of ....... H.ar.ch ........... 192... 6, at the hour of 1-0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and . City . Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tothe persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FES- 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ........................ 192 ...... Approved....... FEg....... City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy" Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ---" 1 Councilman MxmW Hodgson Councilman &Xtth Sudhei--ieT Councilman V&jmd Mayor n mor -l" Form B. S. A. 8-6 134274 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ..............................i................ ................. I J�TjRMEDIARY ORDER t of..g��! n14 � alley in Robert L. ',`,'ares Add. frori—St . Clair Inthe Matter .. ............................. :.................... ........... ...... . fro in to. yiqXth. Md . Rqut h ............. .... .. ...... . .. . ...................................................................... Matter t: ............. �Men Add. fr&n.St; C1.1r1st ............................................................. . W -!rkeIWAve, and,t1horn Kenneth g. 3o: north d ugl,j .................. ... ...... ... ...... .......................... �Ioy nd- rder�oo appr.- .................... ................................. .......... ............ De under Preliminary ;Ild"e'r". .......... approved ....... ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be add the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i i. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends s..q .r...ade alleyin ..... ..... ........ St . to Ber-<e . ........................... Kenneth Ave. to north and south alley ................... .............. ................................................... !� ...... ..... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... .................................................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.7A6.-.'�7 ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on ty ....... 3-:V� ......day of I Cor] ........ 192.6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the neil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time d place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB - -- 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... �Ckt ops.. .. ..... ...... Approved .........................192...... City Clerk. . . ..... ................ ................... doting Mayor. Councilman Clancy PIJBLISHED Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Mmarn Hodssort Councilman Sufth Sudhei.-.,er Councilman Wenzel ---- Mayor:jMgm -Pres.Pres.Felff"n For. B. S. A. 8_61r. 1i,, 34275 COURCiL FILE NO ............... By............................................... 1 f INTERMEDIARY ORDER t In the Matter of.. Conde,:ining and ta:.in an ease_ -,e t in the land „necessary„igr slops, for cuts and iil7.s in the :r2din� of ...le ... ............................. �.-........c..... ....... �.�... in Robert L. Wares Add.. from St. St. to Berkeley Ave. �,nd ............................................... .. ..................... -prom Kenneth_Ave..to 2larth and South Alley No. 81276—� ....I In the Matter of condemning and eleft........................................ ...... .. .. .. .... .... ... sng asesament in the land nates tasty tor�elopee, torcuta and flile9a .the r'r^ding t aliryfr. 8nbort1,; rer— a4n. F under Preliminary tori(er,.....`..:: ��7...........approved ............. ..?.1?2!................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..con.....:derm ta?_e ......... I........... an easement in the land nece.sar s=cr slopes =or cuts ar_d ills in ............................................. ..... y ................1.................. ...r........... the rad nE of, alley; in Rotert L. "ares Adc. �r?m St. Cla.ir,5t..to erkeley Ave. and from Kenneth Ave. to North and South Alley, in ......................................................................... ............................ accordance i ith the blue nrint hereto attached and ade a. part hereof, ........................................ :............................................................. the hatched .portions shoviin� the cuts and the shaded )ortions sholving ......................................... ... :..................... ..................... ......... the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 33;a .......day of i71ar Oh, , , , , , , , , „ 192, 6, , „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of 'said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ 3 3426 Adopted by the Council. F . EB ...................... 192...... A FEB Approved.........................192...... ty Clerk. ...... ....., ....... �af;1}n Mayor. Councilman Clancy' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman lag= Hodgson Councilman SSfitl Sudh e i me r Councilman Wenzel” Mayor Hspl�t Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mt' Vlde Prnn. 1PerBukiltl COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER �,?�i :�ision. of Block. 104,... of. y ie Vi. GT� ....... .... ....... ..... In the Matter .... ... . ............ -ditior frona zde..Street� ....... ........ ......... 1. C. F. No. 64276—........................................ in the Matter. of Bradt. alley 11 .............................. GrobBudIVISIOU Of WOCI, J,yrnan, Dayton's Addition,I -d- Mendota'PreliminArcade. .1t � ct,.d.r 0M No,- 21�.111s;, The CO on the OtY Of.";.......................................................... -tslyed. th .............. ............................................ ........................................................... lJov. 20, lq2- .' �216 ..... o 0 under Preliminary Order ......... . .............. approved ....................... :� ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. isj,ra.rje. q-1 1 ey in 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ...... ...... I• • •' • • • •' ck Dayton.,.s..Addj- ........... fromendot2 Street to Arcade ............ ............... ........................................................................ : ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ............................... �77 F,2 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is - o- � J. t I ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 3g4 ........ day of 192.. o. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprment and the total cost thereof as estimated. elff - - 79-6 I 192 ...... Adopted by the Council............ ............. Approved .........................192..... Councilman Clancy-," Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald I--, Councilman mman Ho d L- s o n Councilman 9-TWK Sudhei:o,er Councilman Wenzal Mayor I "WOOD Form B. S. A. 8-6 ur. Vioe PrO& F COUNCIL FILE NO.......__........_ By...... .... .... . .. ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER rb 64277 In the Matter of. conde _,ni nG cand ta:­rE �an ease sent in the land .. ...................................... ............ �n t'le radin�- of Alley in Li_l ......... ...................... .... ......... .necessary flo. T slopes, cuts nb fil � S, c "i. Grube Is Subdivision of Block 104, Lynan Day -con's addition, v .............. ... ....... .. . ..... ............. .. ..... — ....................... .................... _from _T,1endot,& Rt ­t to arcade Street, ....... ....... ..... ........ .......................... ........................ -'.,No. 64217— he Matter of condemning and tal. n easement:. In the land-nece, .............. ............................. __ ............. .......... ry for slopes;' for cuts and fills.'! -!grading of ney in. W. Grube -dWIs1I of 104,- Iy.1 .................. — �'�"tun'. dItIo.,I%rko Mendot -A 6, do S :v, 1.14� 011 11 _,'ov. 20, 1925 , 217, '. . . � 63217 under jL't ii r approved . ...... . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is and take ...... .................... an ease_�ient in the land necessary for slones, cuts and fills, in ....... ................ ............. ....................................... I ............. — I the grading of. Alley in TN., .Grube I -S Subdivisionof Block 104, Lymsn ............. Pp!yjgAIgAddj_ti,. from 1�endota Street to Arcade Street, in accord— .... ... ...on. ................... . .. . ..... I .......... ante with the blue print hereto attached and rade a nart hereof, ­ .. ... .......................... . ..... . ......... the hatched noxtions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills 00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ d.. ..day of m;�47.qh ............ 1 192 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ............ ! House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said;meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FE13 - 7 1926 Adopted by the Council ............................................... 19 ..... FEB .. ..... . ........ ... .............................. Approved .................... ....... ... ..........192........ City Clerk. ....................... ... ....... ............... or. Councilman Clancye Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman P6t& ljodS . s 0 n Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Fo,dVWV1ft AXeE8A?r-""" y 64278 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Planting ..d protecti nq shade trees on both sites ofi„ Js:mes St. frond Cr,etin..A e.•.. to. Cl,aveland Aqe................... Jefferson nve. from Cretin Ave.toCletieland Ave. ......................................... i ,„„ , Wellesley Ave. from Cretin :eve, to Cleveland Ave., ........ ,............................................................................. 1�.F No. 64278—. , -the Matter: of Dlantlu8'and Prot .......................... ...... .. .... ....................................... . gag shade trees on both ode p Ve,� jams St. Avefrom C.. leveland.................................................................. .. .. .. .. ... Y Berson Av fi ,n. e n undvt3'reliMinary Order ....... 9.1.7 9 .............approved..................�....-..:. .............. , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the. said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..... 91ant•,=? ............................................ ................... Jz.r:,es , St:..f rpt , ire y� n,AyE,..to . CleyEa,�nd, Ay.e..................... Jefferson Ave, from Cretin Ave, to Clevel.nd Ave, ......................................................................... F.ellesley„Ave. lro ., Crt.-A Ave:..to,Cleyel. d; A *e.,,,,,,,,,,, ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $:1,,2A2t50 •,,, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......;xCi........ day of parch........, 192..Ei., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court, House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... CLLI .s.l9EG • • • •. 192• taFk3 � : Approved .................... 1192.... Councilman Clancy-”" Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 91R""i6n Hod _son Councilman with SuC'he' F - Councilman Wenzel Mayor Ikc&gp ►r , ^ ^„ i,Maln�n��� Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mt,'Pica Pres. P'—pgovp City Clerk. . .•.• ....... ..... •••........... .. 00 MV Mayor. I'UBLISFiEA '/ 0 tf"b 64279 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...constructin- a wirer on St.e.wa.rt..Avenue. . ..ro.na. Otto ......... Avenue to Bay Street, ...................................................................................................... ... c-- - I --, .................................................................... F. No. 64279— the Ar.ttbr of constrt!oting a sewt: ..................................................................... -tin Stewart Ave. from Otto Ave. tl ray. Stree nder. Prelln-Inary Ord; X909 or. -1To. ...................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 6790� Jan. 6 1926 under Preliminary Order.........' . . . ............. approved ........ ................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. on Avenue. Street„ ............... •...... .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... I ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..,.130.00..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....3ra ........day of M . ar . ch ......... 1 192. 6..,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....REB ............... 192 ...... . FE13 Approved....._..................26.. 92...... City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy NUBLISHED Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman XV .�p,tm Hod; -sorY”` Councilman Siuft S7-jd!iei.nier Councilman WenzeL--' - Mayor- 5MS5i61=-- n r. Via" Form B. S. A. 8-0l 1�b 54280 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ...... . .... By.. ....... . ............ ... ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. opening, widening and extending the Alley in Block 4, ............... ........... — .................... .�Lexington Park Plat dc. 7, which is 20 ft, in width across Lot 1, . . ...... .... Sternber 's Addition to Lexington Ave., by t�Ling and condenaninp. the .1. 1. .. 7 1 . 1. .11 - .... I ... ... I'll., 11 ..................................... Scmth 20 ft. of said Lot 1, Sternberg's Addition ................. .. ..... ....... ...... .... ................................ — .......... F. No. 64280-1m 'L - 'the Matter of-opeol ,ndextendlnu the All."! , widening . .. ......... ............. elt,ngton Park Plat N.. 7' 4which fc,�r% lAnd'dildth across Lot 1, 11 taking ato Stern. condemning 1--I-gt-. Ave ft- of said 1t under i4 -j 0373' Dec.29, 1025 1,Ved Dec 4W 6� approved...... . .......... .......... h t 'i, ZYdundt o t e City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon he above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. onen, widen and ... I I ......................... extend the Alle in Block 4, Lex ` nCton Park Plat 21o. 7, which is 20 ....... ..... - y . . ... ... ......... 7 ....................... . ... .............. ............ .. .. ........... .... ft in .... wid.th. across. Lot 1, S,ternberF,-.1,s, Addition to I Lexington A ve by ting �and conden�i in the South 20 ft. of said Lot 1, SternberEls .... .......... ......... ---- ........... . ......... Addition ............ — ... ........ --- ........... I . ...... ... ... .......... — ............................... - ....... ... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s....759 -00. .................. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......3N .. ............... day of Lrarch9 ................................. 192.....,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FES - : 1926 Adopted by the Council... ................... . ................... ..... FF Approved .................. .... _.............192........ .. ......... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISH Councilman McDonald Councilman Iftor HodFsorY Councilman Sudheimer k9 Councilman Wenzel�/' Zmy J -e � L.1� Forgi`BY�o ......................... City Clerk. .................................... Acting Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of, cprstruct rg an Alley crossing on the south side of .........................o Scuth Street between. Rice.. Street -nd Albee�a.rle Street, �Non�t F.o 84231•.............................................................................. t.'Hatter of conetructtng ancroWng on the south aide h Street ..between Rlee St}; -:and.-�Albemarl'e .S, 1Nder,. 7?relit...................................................... ... ... ..... ............... ary. order fi4oa approve&- an. ..1026. - Thecouncil Of the city of St...................................................................... i':4lhgrecaived the.repOrlof thr,-, l u. tb Q, . ....... ..:.....y.�.................................................................................. under Preliminary Order .........°4.4 ........... approved .....7-, 1 1 26 y.�......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the, said improvement is hereby ordered to. be. proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Construct e11 Elley crossing„on the south..side,of South S.t.r.ee.t.be.tw.een. Rice Street and Aleeuarle,Street,................................................ ....................... ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is der ,6Quare foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 'aTa ........day of F3rch, , , . , , ,. 192..9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB _ Adopted by the Council........... .... ......... 192...... FEB .. 1�-2k` Approved.........................192..... Councilman ClancY­"�J Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman AAM11 Hod •sone / Councilman 2mkh Sudheiu Councilman Wenze Mayor Bim 2 « -� Mr. Vim Pres. Feri¢n - Form B. S. A. 8-6 P4282 COUNCIL FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses ' for oonstructing a sewer on Arundel St. from Lawson St. to a point 30 £t. south of Cook St., errnovINa A6989Sl 2"11, -I ^. r. No. 64282-- - th l nbeneat ats,acostntters and, expense=s for < .-<trnctln% a nasi r. r h. ;,:(•_;? under Preliminary Order ........ _.._._620.12_.._._.__.__._.._ ............. Intermediary Order ......_.....__.>...._..... 63226 approved......NOP•.....a4. 1925_........_._..._.._._......__._iAE= .._ Final Order ........................_......_..... The assessment of......b.enef.i.t.s.,-...4a&ts--8� expenses and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ay of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the—. --.2;4g1...__._.... a Court r .... 1926.._...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M,, in the Council Chamber of the Co House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directe*'EB _ 3 196 Adopted by the Council.........__...__ .. . 192...----- .. _.._.... _ ... City Clerk. Approved ............ F..j;$..._....g.}9............-- _192—_._. ...... ......... _...... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Aothig Ferguson✓ <, Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel / I l�t. 'deg Pres Ferga�" Form n. s. ie - I COUNCIL FILE By ,4283 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wesley Ave. from Holton Ave, to a point 267 ft. east of Holton Ave., No. 64283—: .,e. matter of the assessment. of -fits, metsand; expenses for con- ncting:a-seweron Wesley Ave '" Holton Ave. to -a .point 267 f .t of Holton Ave., under PreW .:y Order: $1791, Intermediary -'_-?563, Muni Order 63649, 1111 24th 15.... N 4eaeflt^n:r..r 'irye O•rder 61791_ under _... -...... _...._.., Intermediary Order_..___._2....._...........__............---..._.......... Final Order._._....._63.0.49......_..........._......_......._...._, approved._..........._NO.X...... 24th_,.........._.._ _..... ._....... � 192—..5 The assessment of......__benePit6.1.._,.co_8t_s_.._8.I1_d.._e7Coensea................._._�for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the— _2nd ._-- ....... .....day of .............._.... March192.6...._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council ......._._..._.--EB...----- .192......_.... FSB - ? 1918 ty Clerk. Approved...... ..... ............... __...._....._..._......_.............._192_--.._.. _....__.........__.......... ............. .__... ....... _.. ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy L,"� AdtplT Ferguson Hodgson ✓`� pUjiLL% 'D McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel/' Fo,m a. s. to Mr. Viae Pres. Fewoav COUNCIL FILE By .......---- --- .--- _......__..... ........ .... ..--...._......._ _..._.........._..._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Mississippi St. from Case St. to a point 30 feet north of York St_., C. F. No. 64284-- In the matter oC; the assessment of bsneats,' toet..i id' orgi,ea for con - strutting a. sewer-oa Miasls.ippl Si.� from Case at. to a point 30:feet.not " of York St., under Prei•r `ti y , '•1erG1189, Inteinediar al Or', gn under Preliminary Order ............ _........ ...... _. Intermediary ._O.rder..._.........6?17.7. Final Order.626..aPProved_Oct._?1Bt.................... ._........ _... .._.— 1_.9._ 2...-.........._ The ... ............._......, assessment of......-benef.ita.,......GQ9.t.s....and...exp.e.ns.BB._.._........_.......Jar and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ----.2nd . . . ............ day of March ....___._.... 192...._6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ........ ...-- ...................._. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council......_.._......_..._..._FEB _ 3 1926.......__....192._---• FFB - it t92� ...._.... _ •ty Clerk. Approved_...._ ... .......................................................... .._......... ...._................ - ....... , Mayor. Councilman Clancy AAl1 Ferguson pu�lt14=2�ay Hod son 9 McDonald Sudheimer� /' Wenzel Mayor Nelson t Parm s. n. 1 r. Vice Pree.�Ferg� ' -- 64285 COUNCIL FILE NO.- .... ...... . .... .... ... By__ ........ .......... ............_............._....--...__... _...................._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from Chatsworth St. to a point 490 feet west of Rogers--Ay-e. andFnRogers Ave, from Eleanor St. to I'. No. 6,1265— the assssmet Otto Ave.,% ..fle, aeosts slat expenses for 'strutting a sewer... on'. Eleanor 'from Chatsworth at, to a point 5 .west of Rego ra Ave. and ,;.ger. Ave:' from. Eleanor aC S; tt Ave.,. 'u�BnndYat6rj.}1P$:r'se�liti�n� lnarvse,�iO:rrS7r v Ord - under Preliminary Order ........... .. ......... _.- ............ Intermediary Order ....... ................ 62.35T. .....__...._.......... ...., Nov. 1 th _ 192--5.-- The ...........__ Nov . , Final Order_........6710'r1�._.............__............ The assessment of......-.bene-fi.t.s..,...._aost;s....and....axp.en.aea......._....._.......-jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, andAhe C neil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__.._2nd.__............ day of _..............MBTQIl........................._...... 192........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Fr.a Adopted by the Council ..__......----_ _......_... ....___..... ...4. - fitr Approved.......... ............. ........._........._........................__...192_...._. Councilman Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson ✓ McDonald Sudheimer t' Wenzel Form B. s. to Mr. Vice Pres. Fergneoe__, ;lark. Iayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ................... __.... .......... ....._......_ By 34 286 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the, assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for constructing a sewer on Colne St. from Orchard St. to the Northern pacific Right-of-way, No. 6+2s6 '.he -matter" of the, sasesament; neat», costs: and expenses for con ructinga-sewer on Colne at. fror A 'chard at- to the Northern Paelf xLt-of-wal-, under.. Prelimin n .` Jar 620" Intermedl.ry Or.:: •L Fins Order 63230. r , Intermediary Order_...._.....6276............__............._...................._..., under Preliminary Order ................ %2p9.4-.._...___.___...._..... y Final Order_.............63.2.3Q...._.................__..._.y approved...._.. NoV.._._2.4a__. ........... ........_x�x92LX.._ The assessment of..._b.8.218.f1.ts.,.._..o_o.s_t.s.... and .._exile.Ilsjea___....................... _1or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__.2nd.... ................ day of Mar Ch192.._6_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council. ....._...... . FE.8 - FFB Approved............. .............. ........................ ............ /......... _._192.__..._. Councilman Clancy ✓ " Ferguson Hodgson�J McDonald Sudheimer� Wenzel✓ Mayor Nelson � Form B. s. "Mr, Vice Pres. Fera'n6en ,ua Nerk. [ayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ......._------ .------ _....._......._ D428 4 By............... ...... ........... ....... ..._... _......- -- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Block 3, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Cottage St. to Denny St. and from Mendota St. to north and south alley, F: No. 642R7= ,54288 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of._....GOS1d9.1nI1111$.._allf__Ti.a�SiXI$_HT1._8-aBem8.x7t......I1._...th.9_.._lai]a.�l@.�LQ.aTSr for .....alopa.s..,..... for .....o.ut.s.....and..._f..1 1%....1.4....&r44ng.._Fl.ar.au.._Street..._fr_om FdV- W -et S_tzea_L...._to._.uinnahaha._._Str.a._G.,---......._ ....:.......... __............ _. ................ r N.20 ..CO11%1 fM APPIIO� ..................... ..._._. ...... ......._ . ... ....._ _..................................__. 3c�zY.f - �:. ,n .i 5: :. ..V i: •4r. -............ }_:.n.._ ...... ......_.................. . under Preliminary Order._...._62102._._....__,,,.. approved.Sep t_._18a 1�2 Intermediary Order_._634 6-8_'_._- approved Nov. _1..x._._19���.'........ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement,_therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.9th —. — day of—*BLrah.... ......... _........ .............192...6....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ., 1.926Adopted by the Council .................. ...... _._.........._..................._........_ 992 .....--................-, 1 Approved ................... tyy....__ rk. A Cit Clerk. PP....._ ........................._.._......192........ ✓�/il�/il.��flY� / ddb v' Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓ a �/ Councilman Ferguson / Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer / Councilman Wenzel ✓ Air, 5 ' (// h14.'bine Pres. FwrRa$019 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation ProceedingsQQ In the matter of...o.onle.=ing.... and ..._taking- ._an. ....eae.eme.nt.....in.....the ..... land...nQcassar-y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading.Alleys in Block 2, _Stone_& Morton'_s.___Addition,.__._from Orange ... _St...,_to Hyacinth ___St.__and....from__n,orth and ....... an sou th._alle,y..._to_._a..point100....feel._._we_st...._of-_Gre_enbrer Ave....._with._._.____ approach...to..._Greenbgi_er _Ave..._on..,.a temporJ ry....gra3e_� .... _............................ ........ —.�.___._ under Preliminary Order.§275.5 ............ , approvedOC t . 2 _,1 2 ........ Intermediary Order_. 63..549-...._, No.04289— ' approved__.. DeC' �� 19?�.' In the matter of condemning avd tak- log an easement in the land neces sary for- elopes, for cuts and fills it grad,, Al1eYs 1n' Blook 2,_ 8toae Morton's Addition; from .Orange `, to Hyacinth at and from north d, I south alley to a Point 100 feet '* The Commissioner of Finance f i ``j r A­.,`Lj _ �iicP in the above matter as to the amount of -id:,....., damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved farther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..__..5.tb__.-- day of__----- M Ch ... _................. ... 192._6.._., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB _ s t92d Adoptedby the Council ......... ... ............_._......_...... _.... ........... ........... i` is i.' -. j l928 Approved................. .......... ._-_.............................. .... . 192........... Councilman Clancy " Councilman Ferguson / Councilman Hodgson ✓ Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel V 1I 147r. � Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing, in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.....condemn.tng...and..._x.akin8..an._.eaa..am.en.t_....�xz.....t.h.e_..lancl.�ae.assary for slope_s,_..for cuts and fills in ad RE Allegs...._1_Block._..5.,..... Lane_'_s—___ ...._............. Phalen Grove Additions from Clear St. to Co'ctage- St. and from. Uendota__ St. to North and South Alley ..s _. under Preliminary Order......._._6 O1 ...__..._„ approved NOy..___1O,,1925, Intermediary Order.... 63524- ­ I F, No, 64290 p In tpe matterIf condemning and tak approved DEC •- A1 _1.125!...... tas an ease fient in the land necea- ear}^ for elopes;' Por cute and alis Im grading Alley; in Block 6,. Lane's St. to Cottage Laand froth Dien ie 8t.Phalen +'� North ..d8 uth AlteY `- et P _ n^dnr 630 z ,4al- The Commissioner of Finance ";g ' zd �-nn the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_._9.th._._---- day of—.._Mai...Qh___._._........_........192.(?......., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Council ......._..._... ....._...... ........... .........:........43.._.._....................., 192_.... r ... ....... ...... .... ...... ......_—......- --...—_._..._ City Clerk. Approved__._ ...................... ........ .... ....._......... .... ... 192 ..... ...... - —......._..................::......_ ...... —.....—.......... — -- — /}lBdQ Mayor. Councilman Clancyl/ Councilman Ferguson, Councilman Hodgson is .l5 Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimerr Councilman Wenzel✓ / Mr, Vioe Pres. Ferlmltoll' 429L Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing hi Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of....._C.4ndeTOnin$--and.__&along._.851.._eaBEulen.L.....in__th13..... land._ne.aeasary ad.i.ng.....Alle.y.a.._.in....Hlack.....3..,.._Zana... -- ...... Ho_spe_s._._Addit_ion..._from...�dagnolla..._St,.,_...to..._Jeesa�ine....St .___and.-.fr_om._lN� to__Eas.t___Alley.,..... _..._...................... _......... -.__._....................... under Preliminary Order __62100 approved.38pt 18...1 525, Intermediary Order_.._.63153_.._, . ei2 approved—._N00'_.1$y 192.._ n,eTrmau ttor91—oondemning and y. {g an easement In She land , - I.ry Yorslopea, for utsand r..� `adln ' -ys in monk.o tion from bfaT, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the (lay of__.... T Ch-. .... _.... ............ 192...._.6.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council......_ ............. ... _-.............. ........ ................... ............ .... ...... ......_, 19�... FEB .- 3 Approved_-....... r ................................._........_......_..... 192........... Councilman Clancy`' Councilman Ferguson Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer councilman e. Mr. lice I'rea. Fera -neon U City Clerk. _—..... _............ -- — - 1;�-tFj^'?� Mayor. 4 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of...._4gndemning...and.._t.eking_..a,n._.9as.erren.x......1.rI..._> h_e_...l.an.�.._ness.asary for...._e.l.one-.,..._for...._cuk_4.....and- ._f ills.-An...grading.__.A.110X..._in._Blo19k..._1.,..._xnke.e'.s_ Qlay.e.land_._11eN..._fr.our.__K...enn.eLtx...,As.ea_....t Q._P.rIor.:...Aoe_.... ....................._..............._.._.---- — - 'th No. tter 692 Ima29bf condemniug and tak-" .. ....... _---- Ing an__. ea5emento in the'.', land, neceF .d under Preliminary Order............619.50........._._, approvedSe..pt..141.1925..., Intermediary Order..._631_49.___1 approved -40 4 ._._1$......_1.9.2 i. s_ _..._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_.__._9.th.-- clay of__.._.MBr.Oh...__....... _.......... 192.6......., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB- 3 192fi Adoptedby the Council........ _._... ....... _._......._._..._.__....................... F FEES - -1 IJ '- Approved........ ..._...................__.......... ............. ...... 1., 192_.......... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ,,, Councilman Hodgson I Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. 6,4293 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of..._c.onde.'ening...And.....taking...an.._a.aseriant.....in...-the .._land...na.c.essasy for.......s.1.op.e.s.......for.......cuter.....and....fi11n.....in....grad.ing...Alley.....in...B1.a.cic....6..,....1"_.cad.e _.._Heights, from_Prior._Ay_6..._..._t.4_._Kflzlnet.....__,v..a...... ...... ................__...._.........._..... __......_....._... ............ ......... --- ..................... ----'- No. 6423— ..- .. _._-.-._.--_-'---- .._..he-maitre oY.: condemning. and tak- --- .. ----- -.-............................"""'�-""' ; an' easement fnthe land necea- y'for elopes, ,for cuts and fill. In sling Alley In ,I,,k ,6, Academy..._ _ ................................. .---..__.--�- .-�:.ghfa. Yrhm. Prior Ave. -to %enneth •-- Y........... ...........- -............_ . '^ ?�•r " ^:iminrry'Orderfi22fi" 9..814..! ............. ... .. .. under Preliminary Order........_622.62....._........., approved.,e.pt....2.6..r.1.9.25., Intermediary Order_.._6=0L-_ approved—N.ov_._..113.,_...19.25....._.. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.._._.2nd----.-- day of—I ash --- - 192....6...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of W hearing as prescribed by the Charter. B - 31926 Adopted by the Approved................ ....._...-.__......................: ......, 192._._...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman Hodgso' Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer/'� Councilman Wenzel/' a.r.�aR Nalaw_ ^i. p{,,,. Pres. F Clerk. JOU179 Mayor. -54294 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.........aande ing...and._taking-an....ea.aament_..in....the...land_nanesaary for_...alape.a.r...far.....au.ts_..and...fill n in._gra.ding_Ta gil.ar._._ vs_..._.frDm.._'_7he_elsr__L"_ to Aldine--�.l •_,_._l'JhselEr-..��ae.......£.rota r_ _ m.,.,1— n„o +„ rrant Northarn Railway Gompany-l_s_right-of-wa� L.F. No. 6429 - ,. the matter' f condemning n; under Preliminary Order....._623$5...._._......._.., approved_OCt..*_.,1., .1925, Intermediary Orden.—OZIM— under approved_ROX ..._18...._.1925......... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...-- 2nd _ iY day of—_.Marrch—...._.192__.fi.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEg - 3 ...._..........., 192 .......... . Adopted by the Council ...._...... ......_.._.._.........._...._.............. ?�.....__. FEB y Clerk. Approved-_ .............. _.._..... ................ , 192 .... ...... y� _ ...... _...... ..._..._ ...._. Mayor. r' Councilman Clancyi% - Lj8LNE�Dray�/„ Councilman Ferguson /� Councilman Hodgson✓ Councilman McDonald k ' Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzelll� D3t:V.tge Pres. FerRnBGEi F s '54'95 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of_._._Cp.S15�8..It1R�.3k8.....&.i##5.._ti.ik_lig....�n._dEl•BBti18_I1t..._r1....t.1�.�t.....� t1SlS_AffS+.B.�B&TY for..._sl.ope_s,_ for...__cut_s..._and_,_fills..._in_-._grading_rdacalester..__Ave_....__..i�_om._Otto Ave. to_ _.ScheffET . Ave -- Vo.6429"0-- .. .. .. __...__. .-. s matter of condemning. and in the land ccs -- lor .1.P a. ase fifer, cute and 511sein 4?'Maraleater Ave. 'Srom.. ntr-,..__....._................. __..._.........._._._. •Kar'Ave and vA10.rY CP... .......... ......_.............._._.... ................................... ...... ...... .... _........................ ....... _..—'-_.............. a rovedA 11.,1925......, Intermediary Order_.._.6�1rj�- under Preliminary Order_._�1j.14._.____. pp ��� approved—RD-V...... 8...._192.5......._ ... - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on clay of_....1.TGh__..___----------- ----- 192....6....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. a '411 192..........or Adopted by the Council......_ .................--..._._ ................. 1-13......... City Clerk. Approved__... 192._._...._ .�......-....�.. -- / Mayor. ✓ - 8 - ai0tl7tg Councilman Clancy �kJtlkaleitlr l) Councilman Ferguson Councilman Hodgaon Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer % Councilman Wenzel ✓ Nt r. V� ergaws -���21)G Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of__Q.O.Ild@p1Y3.121$....a.Ad..._#a$11l$_..aIl_...@St3..@A1@Il.t.....113.._Lh.@.....ZSI1d...IlH0.eB.tiHT.y for."-_slop_ge.,"".._for".___outs..._and__fills..._in_._gradingHyagin th St..._.__from_._Kennard St. L.4...._F.laAd7C.au. S.L. . s. xo. sazss— _ ... _ ..--_---- -- ' '�"'""-...... '- •.'the matter. of condemning and h :............... `ing an eseement ;n the land nl ri under Preliminary Order ..._.....6226.4..._ ............ , approved_S@.pt..26i 19Z5, Intermediary Order_.._613�% —> approved-NOXs----- 114.....1925- The 1925- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_._... ?Ad _ day of___...._C..._.—.__...._.._......192.._6....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Council.. ......................_.._......__..............., ............. Approved............ ...... ....... _..... ......... ....._......... ...... 192............ Councilman Clang Councilman Ferguson/ Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Couneilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel j i\Iavor Nelson +/// Mr, Viae Pres. Form - 192.........._. ......... ...... _ .._ .._._._...... ity Cler . AOtli19 Mayor. p Af IJ4297 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of...._Q.A.II.S edRT�.QRS._i�Il6 __t.B.�S I1B-._.....easem. f1.x__..X51......5 3.a_._l.&S1d....5C@-6ESTY f or_...slope.a.,.....for.- ouz.aK1.1.1.6...._S.t.,__.f.�..o.[a.....C=.f_ave_Ave<._.._to R No. 64297— ..... . _ the matter of condemning and-tu ._...... University AVe. l -- _.. _._..........._...�..:nn an easement in the eland nece.�"'-� ' ' -" .. .... ... ,.,roved N.•�. s ...... under Preliminary Order6 approved.Q.C_ti..x.._..l.s.-...19-25., Intermediary Order... ..... ..._23Z ......................... approved_NOV._..._l .i..._1... e.._... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 211d day of__.._ P -.- -- - 1A2...6....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council.... .. ...... . .. . . ......... .. . FEB - 3 19, Approved_ ........................ 192...._ _.... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson/ Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer / Councilman Wenzel✓ / Mrs _34298 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of._..._QPAA A1A9__ai?dCaking_._ n..._ea...ee..ment_.._in... 14.0 1,4L�Aa- n�_p_e._t-8, Y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley 1n Block 421 Summit_ --........ _...... .... P.s�sk__A.ds.1.3.1.Q..A,...._f£_QA1....�+AX� X►FitQ31.._AXP�...... to Oxf..Q.;A._S.t....a—.... _......... _... _.... _............ _...... __.. -- - under Preliminary Order_...._6q�_ .._...._....._, approvedNOV..3,i_l, z%........ Intermediary Order.._R,2_.'±-V+ ­ approved_._Re—s!..._.i.x..._1ie____ ,. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.....__2Tld—_.____ clay of__ 9h__.._.._.__ ................192....._6_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council. . ....... .................... ............ 192' Approved_ ........................... ... 192..._....... Councilman Clanc?'� Councilman Ferguson / Councilman Hodgso Councilman McDonald Councilman So leimer Councilman Wenze ` Mr Vice Pres. Fetawn J4299 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing -Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.._.C.OXldeZrLjX1g....and_._t8,1Sing._a11....eaee..171.at .....lIl....t.he__land....Il.ezB9.sarY for.__._slopes-,._ f o...._ outa_....n 3...f.1.1;4 !A a i in.g___ Alley_.__in.._B ester from Sue St. to Prior Ave. :. No. 64299— I he 4299—I.ge matter of condemning ano:.. ....__.._. _. ... ......_..............._._....._....... .. 'E�g-an'easement in the ?and n, r rg: for slopes, .for cuts and t' lo, .--aYing''•Alley In ' -Block 2,st.. ._._.........::; .fesr` Park: from Sue ...................._.__.—............................_.._.._....._._._......................_.............._.......__............._._...— A.vete_........... .;..un�.r Prelfminar nr aD: ro 38, ol under Preliminary Order........_Eapproved_a".G•..1A..192-5., Intermediary Order -634 -51 --- approved . ..... rder_631-51_.--, approved—......192.5... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...__._2nd—_.___ day of__.._r.Oh-.-.__--_............._.1926-..._., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB _ S 1926 Adoptedby the Council_.._ .............. ... _....... ..__.................. ................. _............. _...., 192.... ...... _. ...... ............................... _ .... ... ._....... _ ..... _`..._t`._....ity Clerk. Approved...._ ........................ ._.., 192............ l� Aotin-Q Mayor. Councilman Clang Rn 6d Councilman Ferguson �+ � Councilman Hodgson✓ Councilman McDonald _ Councilman Sudheimer � Councilman Wenzel J f ,34300 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of_.._oondemn ng.._azt•d.__S.aki.n,g-_an....saa.eme.at.....in..._tha_..IAnd.._naeesaary f ar.....s.i.QP.e-6.,..... for_._.out.s_...and ....fill.e_.in.._grading._Allay..... in....B.lnnk_..1,.._Lane-! s ---- Phalen Grove. Addition,_from__ Mendota.___St.._..__to.___Nor_th.._and.,._South_._.��.ev�nd fr__o_m_ DennySt. to Como... Ph len Ane,__,.._.._._° xa e9aoo ..._ .......... .y_. -----. _ .. ._..... ._...... . _ •. ._._.. ...._ a matter of coade4nning and ta` as eheemea@ land .ser for--81-=� f• �^'L ° land 81e .......... __..-_. .__...._'ig-Alley in .... _....... aae8's rri____......__—_ ove Add:. I ota R s + ....... _.._—___..._._..........................._......._..........._..............................__._._._......................_._......_.._._..........__. ...._I ..... ,- under Preliminary Order ............ 6-1.95._......_..., approvedsO.P.1...2,.1.925._._. Intermediary Order. -45"—, approved—_Daf.:..... 9..,.__.192.55........._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the—. -2nd_—_ day of_,...: ' ' .IUr R11._.....192...-6...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council........................ __........ __.. sf3._.................. Approved_....... _................... ....... ............... ..... _..., 192 .......... Councilman Clancy ✓` Councilman Ferguson Councilman Hodgson✓ Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel/ Mayor, Nelson Mr. Vico Pmp. Femson✓ / In the matter of.C.On-derdning-..and..-taking.._.a.n.-easemeTit...iri_.tha._land_..ne�9ssa> for__slopes.,_._.for._cuts_ and fills in�ra4rig__All_e _in rslock_2.L Adam!s__-- Addition aid Block S,,Macalester View, fromAsbur�Ave._to_Pasca1 Ave., ---'�>xo. swot_ . , ......_.._. yhe matter, :ot::condamning acid te. c a¢ easement to the _land-ne¢_r _ 4"Y tot aloDee, for cora-and ___. Adt ani- _._.-Std1a8 'Alle9 - in Block 2; ....".._...__...__. _.. __ ....._..... ......... .... .._._.._.�..____.__—_._. tittlon aad-iBlock S, Macs- i r *ram under Preliminary Order__..__fi1952--.---, approved5e.P_tr.14,,1925„_, Intermediary Order -61132 , . , approved—N.o_tt.--18...... 1925_.._ ing submitted his report in the above matter.as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance havti r damages:awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; an&also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. x• Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for acon- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.--2nd— day of ALa r..Ch,._ l q2� _..QBE$._, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing 8s prescribed by the Charter. FES _ ,A,dopted by the Council ............... ..... —_ _---- . f� a Approved_... ......................... ....... _............ 192_...... Councilman Clancy/ Councilman Ferguson / Councilman Hodgson ✓ Councilman McDonald Councilman 8udheimer/ Councilman Wenzel✓ Mr.'Vice�Pree. Fergaeon c/ PUBLISHED`: � �O. 16 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings Ic. F. No. (In the matter of oDening,.wldening., -r extending o. Ave. NOW ;a Width Of 60 ft:from Larpei. -9ve.^to the southwest. corner . of Blook E3, Como' Eby takinnfg �demning the W t'6 feet 1 .ir1. Sand Imt.ek.&id 6, h.::irl r; In the matter of. ............ _.................. ...... _....... ... .......... ......................................... _.... _._........ _—.._.. Opening, widening and extending Lexington Ave. North to a width of 60__.__ ft.-from-Larpenteur Ave. to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 21, "Como" by taking and condemning the West 5 feet of Blocks 7 and 6 and Lots 2 -and -3, Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece off of Lot 6, ,Block 21 "Como" described as follows: Beginning at a point 5 feet _ East -,of --the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point'._ on the -East -line of Lexin ton Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of 1Pebrsska Ave, to a point,on the North line,of,Nebraeka.Ave, that is J.190 M VadV of the'East'-fine of"Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly tV the Northwest,,Forner of Lot 6, Block 2l "Como", thence East to a pointtc,of bejffinifig., The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter "as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of i said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the' awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 9.1-11--_ clay of—._�_Ch._...... .,_... ..............192._6..:.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said, hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ...... ........ ........ _._......_....... $.IS�,_..._..........._..._......_..., 192_........... . ......... y er - ..._.._....../.j._.�_.___.... . t Cl mak. Approved...___....._...._.... _......_a_..'`....._.., 192_........ — v Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Fergason oC Councilman Hodgso✓ �A1�SL•1- - - Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer ' e ee2�at� o>_a enzenzeo Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings -- --- t C. R 140.A430--,- . tIn the matter of opening;:widening,. eztendtng_Lezhgton•Ave. NartY �a width,ft.:ftom Larger,' `".xir. •, sca� ,,,,,, :.,�� �.-.,u.s - •tea•'-.�3.w+r_> ...... ....... _....................... ......._..............._................._......_.......... under Preliminary Order......._ .2g-'4.................. approvedNP:Keb19?5._........., Intermediary Order_..632 ._—, ' approved N9-Vi..._2-5..a..._192�.:..._._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter -hs to the amount of i damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement ii and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the' awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....._�th_._,•_— Oh __.___..__._.............192_....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he day of.__.._...__ is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Council............... ......... —......__._ .X,._..._....... __........ ............ 192 .... ...... __ ........ _....... -_—..._- -- - �, .. ty Clerk. til Approved.._........... ........ ....... ................... __...., 192_....... AaUng Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman Hodgsoa/ Councilman McDonald Councilman Sndheimer enze Bin tees ergn9oA CITY OF ST: PAUL vu.e NO. -... 64....-..-...- - .- �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - fJ" UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 19 Z — RESOLVED That the application of F. R. Joesting for permission to erect and maintain an oversize private garage at 406 North Mississippi River Boulevard, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. -L— C. F. No 64304—BY M C. Wenzel— im i.eati Resolved, for parm,Thatthe selon to erect and maintain an overs private gar - 1 age at 406 North Miealealppi: River ICommlae oast oevard, Is r Parks, Playg ouand nds and Public Buildings is heretiY au- i-thorlaea and instructed to lseve a Dei- j mit .therefor. No repairing and gale of ops Adopt" SY the Council Feb. S. 1926. j Approved Feb. 3.-1986. (Pelf,. 6-1996) Y COUNCILMEN yeas j Nays Clancy !� Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer 0. -..Against Wenzel PL FEB - 31926 Adopted by the Council....-... -------------192...... Approvek -_- - 192^------------192----- ■ I 54304 orerslid- priraEc NOTICE OF-,-PLICi,TION FOR FPIa"TT TO 7.,L':CT AN+' 3 , GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5520, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on A ruorll l 1 ird 1926, to the City Council of the Cit;; of Sairt Paul,. Yinnesota, b 935 .Sgmrh,1 Ayinue— for or tS17- QriYs AV - permission to erect an +I garage on the following de- scribed real estate,. situate in Ramsey County, Mi.nneoota, tc wit: Lots!({ l?�l$� lq�?-oi 2/ dock be$Noydr ?Ark,(t Addition, Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the �dwG side of M1y410011pl ACIYGY ��Yd gt s leve, between _St. Ave, and St. Ave. 111.miber 4b6(lorih M�titirhsi� srfrser: Rlvcv '�)oJOYard / Dated at Saint Paul, Tfinneo ta, Januarj N. EDwAau Mol, ARCHITECT TFLEMONE 598 ENpICOTT BLDG. CEOFR 3128 BT. PAUL. MINN. STATE OF MINNESOTA, )., County of Rahisey-f �-�cam.-/...being duly sworn, deP�es and says t)wi he is clerk Yo a D(spatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the - Notice of Application for PErmit t0 by mentioned has been the publisher of the 5�-,-���• i 'erect Overalze: Private Gara e. - 9, times Wafter St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. N tice ff ; he by q1 ea- m e paiaamt-.to .Heol It74, p it a ". a n t the City Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Tha�he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed.... 9f RHI e t 1 ail t pnllain Mil by Wad k L ry fllyd IJ'j0- cli r tl Clty r 1 C Yul Afi t0.; p -6y -7- H J c tlnF la i h al lit A u ; tnr Oe 1 lu t t H ri PI t Ce- t o th n G II i q Il d f_/�/ /� -ice _ _ � • • Wit-. •���- /. `!L`CI. G'-iY-l- ,. •••••.••• •. •. ••••••• rent 6t m Rin"- t. at" ..um tar n:lt: tibliut ' ]2 1 rl '0 ., P., ye P k Ad illi Z CII P 8H1 /..••• ,r t P al 1-p11a•JJ// n t O I'tl,ec t�Lie'or to i IpplRlvee iiJJ •'.�•TM..••...••..••••..• •.. 'mtY b t e a elle se. Hod c1.. 1. sr. A M 4fNi .-I rth Nl...ippI RIvP[ Boel} hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, w0. nserted, printed and D t d t Gael t P til, blimasetL Jaanatf �� 10.8Pre.r'a d Mi., -Jae. 19-:0.21.1 published in said newspaper �metin-each f -----Weeks, and th all of r -- — --- said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was rst inserted, printed and published on...!".`.::.-�."?�.... /... and/was Printed and pub - tile ... ��f��day of... .. .......192.Ca lisped in said newspaper thereafter on... v/�uc/lll�the. �.�,aY until and including............ of...,/ .......192.6 That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper"Was qualified as a medium ofofficial and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... . .................. said newspaper has been ., ..................:::?„L¢�r� (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columna to file page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication (2) and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing thesais. not (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twi hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the . "�- • • . •' . date of the first publication of said....../..'Cz,Q' -o • .............. the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of ••........... the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set of conditions constituting forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto, attached, viz: detz �,. ^this ^affidavit Further affiant Will not save that is made pursuant to section 4 , of chapter 984, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of theyforesaid legal advertisemeent. il'n �rll) I(IaihS 1t) � - 192.6.i, �• ! I i %"i Subscribed and sworn to before me thie......�/�:� aykcounty' ?_I ig t ............. Notary Public, Rin ...... esota. ,Funo 141 2M 'r4 -2:i P&H MY Commission exPireR.........Y ,7'A7'E OF MINNESOTA, lac. publisher or printer In charge of saidnewspaper having knowledge of County of Itavtscy.l ..the the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- ��•—Z�/f`/ ..being duly sworn, deposes and says a(�he is clerk feClle.Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the Notite0i'Applleatlonfor Permit to times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, ,EreeY OSe?elzei Private Garage.. _^- n_^-^ a'daily newspaper, printed and published in the city o[ St. iNtilm G:aice L 8ec,'B dl w. 5 [ tLe'CIIY Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... -d, Aeb oae�y. T11, u QaDout ue"I 1cia�e Il t6 Ul Y t W[ la I MI [ aY f 1 1 1 flu pe 1 [ nc[ N That�,{fkle has rah th 111 1 B p Ibld 1. I ib. I[ t >a RamaeY W sty Alla t [ Pltr Lut 1]]« 18 la ' nWer8 kAdd1U Clly [81 C1 1 An - r ALI L e1AD1 RIV [ —y-_, �•.,- .-„••,. �',O,!% �.... • .. • • . �• • • • . • • • .. • • . ea 4 On tII Icaat aide BI 1 eat 6 m til at d CI -dale Ft. /S,!/. .. ...... . the said newspaper, was inserted, printed an nomuer. sou haus: MlahetDD1 mvu Bowo- V Aated at. BLbt PalAttan nota, - 7_.7 , hereto attached, cu[ from columns -. IPrea1 sad Dt�., 7nn. 19,2a21a :. published in said newspaper once in each week for .......... weeks, and that all of .,i.A? said publications were made in the English language. sey County, Minnesota. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on.."L.�:-✓• • • - /� nn the.����: lday ot...�..Q :.'�`!`����/•-192. and was printed and pub , /e �r-- �'� ''� �y �•� }�� fished in said newspaper thereafter on... the. Of... of-,,.. 192. until and including./? That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper vias qualified as a medium That of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... .....................said newspaper bas been ........ ...................... (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to thepage, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and prim- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly' duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or eitber of them. (4) Circulated In and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said .....+:: v:' :'S.: `_ -CX :-:.... • .... • ... • • • -' ... publisher or printer In charge of saidnewspaper having knowledge of ..the the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used inthecomposition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement heb untoattached, viz: adefghi7klmnopgrstuvws-vz bedefghtjklusneparatuvwxYz- Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. .. �`... day Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... .,i.A? ...6/.t.(✓IN. . ............. sey County, Minnesota. H /� o-4-2: 1'kB My Commis�inttye pores. Farm 141 zM a , FOW No. 2 Sub jest: No. 64306—BY L R. 9. Ferguson-. OOuncil File wO.� �ereas, the Commisefon of A' ins Cc in(.4 - ,ttillifeshas re0orted -� Section 63 of the City Chart -i an emerSe Y wF existence of , .. ^redemUloYea sarof his�UDePartn than e1Rht hour. Per day re . nd.Y, said employment h;nted hours of +mPlo) 1 t} Zn al he the P Resolved, MOREAS, the Commissioner ot---r .ivziities has reported, _ in accordance with Section 53 of 'the' di•cy Charter, the existence. of Nan . emergeney which. rendered necessary, the employment of oerta•a emplypes of his Department for more than eight hours per dap and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours, of employment, therefore, be it Resolved; That the proper city offioers are bereby•authori.zed to pay the follow `l ng named employes at the rete otherwise fixed.for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter`eOt forth:. Name Title Sunday Regular . Rete Johm Kennedy Utility iab'orer S hrs. 8 bra •55 •55 Frank'Fleming Utility laborer ° . Ludwig Zwirner " .0 55 W. D- Davis. Ditch digger Lebnar$'Munson d Johx} Abel IItilptymea a d 65 Wm, $OOdy d Herb. Buechner. fl If A: Mennell Hoist.Engr.Qas. 24 hrs.' 0 :Shea _ Xaini:.yab"orer h Ro tane. Utilit ' Murphy. " " a�j2" 62 P -yJ _ Ed- Kordell Utilityman ] d haatiRaaelli " 4 " .55 #Joe Q4toppalie Di"teh digger ' i/2 55 BmoB`$ally 1/2 d Owen �e�aghty Utility 1/2 " 69 J. Saporito 4 a Joe Br�uio Ditch- diger d :. 55 q O0000; 9 •55 •55 Gust A.'Johnaon Utility laborer 1 " 55 ,Harry Oae ' d d> Ohris.Rauer •55 . Ayes Oouncilmen .- Nays.. Glancy Ferguson McDonald FEB _ 9 192ti gudheimer Wenzel ✓ Adopted by the son L �.�1 .a t9ffi Hodgson-- - Approved 2 - 1926 , j/i "A CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNM '6�-e�® No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Z;Pil RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Linke, an employe of the Department of Education, injured December let, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Rind, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period up to February let, 1926. at Fer¢aeou !�, Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- Approved-. -.. --- s 1.6---------.192 ................... ......... ............ .... rnq COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson (� Hodgson---------------ln favor - McDonald Sudheimer.'..-Against WenzeV'— at Fer¢aeou !�, Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- Approved-. -.. --- s 1.6---------.192 ................... ......... ............ .... rnq CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO..A.__- RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Hans Svendsen, an employe of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, injured December 3rd, 1925, the sum of $10.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to January 23, 1926. e64m07 Sw 8 Q,_Wenzel- Playgrounds"and Publie Bulldln6s IAn- lured December 3rd 1026, .the eurn ofi Recommended for passage. Run' out of the Workmen's Compen- I ` `% cation Account. of the General Fund.. In //` final settlement Of lite claim ¢up to the chy, being Cor the Derlod up toI January. 83, 1986. Adopted by .the Councu ".h. 3, 1926. 1 -- - Approved Fab. 3, 1988. cFeb. 6-1026> Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ t Ferguson Hodgson✓ In favor McDonald Sudheimer ............ Against Wenzel✓ / M'. Vi xsuown✓ OEB - 3 I9,:. Adopted by the Council ---------------- ----------- ----------- 192._..- FE8 Approved.- - --1.......... _192 d� 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNc& N...61308 ..... ::.<.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES LOTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-�— Februa 3 1926 PRFSE ED ey-.----....• DATE—._..__�_._r-X.._J_...._...__....__ RESOLVED That License No. 830 a ring July 2, 1926 issued to Math Hartl for conducting a Restaurant at 438 Lafond Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for reason that proprietor was convicted and sentenced for maintaining a nuisance. 1C. F., No. 64308-13 J. M. Clnn. Resolved, That License Nw830 ez-� piring July, 2, 1928, Issued to Math Hartl for conducting a Restaurant at 438. Lafoad SL be and the same Is hereby revoked upon recommendation. of the Bureau of Pollee for reason that proprletor was ,*n,leted'and sentenced .for'<taalntaining a nuisance. Adopted by the Council Feb. 9, 1926.1 Approved Feb.:-3. 1926. (Feb. 6-1026) FEB - 3 1926 , COUNCILMEN Yeas d/ Nays Adopted by the Council .........------ -....._......-.-.192...... Clancy / F _ 3 1926 Ferguson Approced�.. ..... ... ........... 192 Hodgson .............-.In favor f i McDonald / ... ........ Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel ` ,Mr. Vice Pre& FeTRUM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - NTED BY//,• V/ '�- �^� �' Y/ ---..--- DAl COpN01L 64309 FILENO--- ------------- ------ RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Irwin Ross, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured April 15, 1925, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to February 2, 1926. No. 04309-13Y L. R. e. Feratison L, Adopted by the Co 2926. Feb..3, 1926; Approved. Feb. S, 1928. (Feb, '8.1928) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nage Clancy Ferguson/ Hodgson --------------In favor McDonald Sudheimer/ ................Against ggvWenzel,/ Recommended for passage. Commer of Public Works. r` SEB - 3 1926 --------)92... Adopted by the Coune --------------------- � B _ Approved. -..Z31996 192.-- .. ... .. ----- - .... MAYOR n CITY OF ST. PAUL 'w�au� NO.-6�U-1.a-••- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Philip Mauer, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured November 20th, 1925, the sum of Ninety—six Dollars ($96.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including February 2nd, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to said Philip Mauer, out of said fund, the further sum of $4.50 to reimburse him for that amount paid to A. B. Brand for an elastic stocking. R. S. Ferguson— 'amouift paid to A. B. Brand for. an elastic stocking..';r' .Adopted by the'Council Feb. 3, 1926. Approved Feb. 5.21926. V Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council..-------_-- -----192 Approved---- -- -- 2,6 ----------1112....-. ------ nry MI1Y00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson /� Hodgson✓ _...._ .......In favor McDonald Sudheilner _... ..Against Wenzel—" / !�'alai'a.n• ir�nr.. Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. FEB - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council..-------_-- -----192 Approved---- -- -- 2,6 ----------1112....-. ------ nry MI1Y00. CITY OF ST. PAUL con. IL No------------ ---_------ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _PNq,ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER_.._.--__-- _.._... A -Lt RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Banniek, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the'rate of $17.60 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of public Works on the 2nd day of December, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Banniok the sum of One Hundred Fifty-three and 40/100 Dollars ($153.40) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including February 2nd, 1926. 1 C'F. No. "Ill -11.4 Rr-& Ferguson- ny Request— Resolved, That. the propor city of- ftcers be. and .they are hereby author- ized to,enter Into an agreement with JohnBannlck.yrovldingfor 'the pay- wp men of comDeneatlonbe. to him at ,the U rate -9'$17.80 per week, during such 1 ,1- time as he -aall totally disabled by: rose -n' of : injuries recalled by him wlitie ta` the employ of"th- Department �oL.. be, Works on the 2nd day .1 Deoember� 1998 be .' .Further Resolved,. That .In accord-� / anco witl) -eal'd agreemeltt, the proper. city afflcera are' hereby,. authorized:4o: T Pay to said John, Bannlck the aura: of One Humired - Flftythree and 40/100. D011ara ($1fi9d0) out o[ the Workmeq'a. C.mp.nsati-n'.,Ac.oUtIL of" the General F11hd, In DaRtlal settlement ; of his '- Claim aga}net : the CItXbeing. for', the 1 rid to' and, including': February, 2ud AAdopted by tRe CounolY Fab 9 1928: pproved Feb S 1998' - (Feb 8 1098); Recommended for passage. - Commissioner of Public Works. FES - 31926 COUNCILMEN / Nays � % Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------..192 Yeas ...... Chtncy j FEB Fergusonj Approved-- ....-..... C/ ----- 192...... Hodgson'--" odgson ..............In favor l��C/�4 .......... ... --AYO - McDonald UA � M,,. -a Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel - X432 CITY OF ST. PAUL - co�usaL ,r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —_GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Oontraot Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Dale St. from Simon Ave. to Acorn 8t., Geranium St. from Dale St. to Loeb St., Loeb St. from Geranium St. to Maryland St., known as the Maryland—Oomo Sewer System, Contract "A°, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Oonstruotion Go,, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $26,987.00, in accordance with their bid and supplementary letter hereto attached, reducing their bid from $27,300.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $26,987.00. F.ti. $6961. COUNCILMEN Yeas Claney Nays uson eI dgson ...............In favor McDonald -----..._..Against JWtdheimer enzel Mr. Preaid..t FEB - S 192E Adopted by the Council. ----------------------------------- 192 3 192 Approved..._--- ............... _192...... --y .. MwYOR ing X4 64�iv- Petition X41' COUDCII File NO-- ------- -----------w--+-. .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Change the grade of Eustis Street from Hendon Avenue to Pierce Avenue, -to --- aonform---to -the-red-grade line --on- the ---profile- hereto--8tte01ied ---- - ------ and made a part hereof, the present established..grade-_biing-_Qho-=---._...._. Bya bine"I3ne theieon; eY-eo grading Enetie Street from Como Ave. .......... Weet_..to....P.ier.oe...Avenge,_-in.-aaaosdano-e-.aeiith-said--red -l-ins--- en - established. --------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- --------- ------ ------ Bre f... February,1926 _., 192...... - ----- i •Fke,.N;, ro.y, 6, 4rA841e �o.lxl. owin6 1Dro� ..._.. _.5_beaat wtten DLODDoeari OURCIlnaR. n , or, ..... _.- or G�. �>'•I �.icr PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grade o3 Eustis Street from Hendon -Avenue_ -to... Pierce._ATPAUe. to"oonform to the rhd grade line on the -profile hereto attached end_made.-_a...part...he.reDf.,.--.the...Weaent...establlshed -grade--_beiug--shown-- - by a blue line thereon, also grading Eustis Street from Como Avenue West --- to-P-ieroe-ATernue-;-in--scoordonee-wi-th said red 11na-Vb:6U -- ------ established.----------------------------- ----- --- .......... -- - ---------------------------------------­------------------------------------------------- - having'lieen presepted to the Council of the City of St. Pau :..._.-__._ ...._ . ---- therefore, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. + F EB - 3192E Adopted by the Council.. -- . ---.. ..............- ........ .......... ---- -- YEAS N YS ES _ 31926 Councilman✓✓CLLAANCY F ` FERGUSON Approved --------------------------------------------- .......... - L- ODGSON MCDONALD / �� SIID EIMER a�(/ �00ing Mayor. VIM F"' F%Muson — ti i /� rp Council File Noll-�tZ.�., -4----- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � ��751if PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condq=- -- ng...an.d t.aj; ng..an...naeament._in..the...land..nao-esnary------...---...----- _-.--Yor---alopea --_outs.--and-.Mlle-.-._ n..the_-grading_o-f-.-Bus..tim---st.r.eet...from-- Como Avenue West to--Pierce--Avenue. -- -... --------- .._....------------.._..--... ......._.. ------ ------------------------------------------------------- this .-...3x.d---------- day of --- _.--- ..Fehruary- -1926-- ------ --------- _----:.., 192_ _.. -- ........... C. F. No: 64814— Councilman.Abstract. '. •Wherens, A'wrltten pr.Doeal y. ,making of the following Ito rM s: ndemning and takln' — In tlin land PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary-, .................. - - ----- ------ ---._....__.-.- _for-_ slope a_,...ent a -.and... f ills_ --.in.. the_grads-ng _uP_.Eustia._.S.trest...from._...- - ...C.omo-..Avenue-Wast t -o -Piarc-e --- Avenue .------- ------------- -- ....------------- ....... . -------------- - - -- ...............................--------------------- --------------------------- ------.--------------------------- ------ ------ ----- having been presented to the Council of the City Of St. Paul _..._:_...__ ..... ..... --- -------------- .------------ --------- �------ -- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB - 3 1925 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------- -------- ............ . YEAS NAYS FEB _31926 Councilmae LANCY -;FJEyyGUSON Approved --------------------------------------------- ODG50N MCDONALDSUDEIFINIER . . L.�EN7.EL ______ .._^ ............... .-.....--------------.......... MR PRFCITFN-r ^ (J{�l�l�.`6Ing Mayor. Goren C A T3 (l ��jge Pres. Fergus= �`2 l�C�I,lSI�7 ... hl _ / the aggregate 029% t -over 'helkO 0.1 111. 11 the the "��� Feb. �m~^a* ] ! | SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD * Z-- FILE No QUADRUPLICATE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 39 ITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIms-RESOLUTJON 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE I PATE -3 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -53 COVERING IT COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBE loft-- 4097 ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �F4OR TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN BY NUMBER TR NSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK BROUGHTFORWARD _ / the aggregate 029% t -over 'helkO 0.1 111. 11 the the "��� Feb. �m~^a* ] ! | SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD * Z-- S ''JJ�� CITY -- 3�9, 53 --- DATE2_3 -1976 S---- � - ", r / I`l: NUMBERED -1061 COVERING - TO -'-1(197---- - ' / BY .- CHECKS -COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE r` 1 l OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - ----�-- I TO AL RETURNED III, - BY CHECK _ NUMBER IN FAVOi( OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENERAL WATER 559, 11- 4 24, 7 94b - 5 BROUGHT FORWARD -69 110i 11G 1061 L.C.Hodg son, Com r. of binan Amundsen 5 5� 24 1062 1063 F. W. Peter Belgea ;2 350, 350'100 ld Geo. Benz & Cons Brothers 16'65 17''.05 1065 106 b Buoka Buse Lumber Oompany bb 9 71 9� 71 1067 Central 'rarehouse Lumber Oo Y 1068 Department of Supt. lQat,,. 1i5 11.50 1069 rd. Assn. H. G. Foote Lumber Company 516':48 1070 H. B. Fuller Company 2p 7.4g a J. J. Llanoyy J. Hard+Aiok 1071 12 2 79'0849 1072 1073 F. Hazel Park Grocery Oompany wiring Qompany 3�'8g 39,99 1074 Hume r•leotrio Grooery 1172 19 62 107 Horrigan 19',,62 107 1077 R. v. Hruby r Oaehier A. r. Kromechroedetme 143 36 143 1078 water Deparnt I•oe Elevator Company 5' 90 00 5 900 �+3 1079 1090 Charles Martin k?iohaud Brothers, Ino. 43',34 100 00 34 100 00 1158 1091 1082 moodyse Investors Servide` ,�6. L. Nasaa. Shptt ..oYoska i 75 6 ,� 11 10 3 t�orthes�s states r elope ©o. 167!31 I X67 10 Northern States Power dampen 5 52 load log J Frank . Pilneyy Pioneer Eleotrio Oompanpp Information 23 2 23 1087 Public Affairs service Henry Robin 50 00 8 50 00 94 1088 1089 otto s. Rohland company Z 9 50 430 1090 1091 C, A. Rossbo ,t.Paul rleotric Odmpany 54 35 2 50 5 5 1092 Superior printing Company l0 10 6 109 Thom Brothers log bI. F. vaughan J. J. verstraete 20 :7 13 6� 10 7 3 1096 A. J. Wsmpler, 240 00 240 00 1097 wasburn Crosby OOmpany --_ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD.=,.. .,2.. SUDHEIME - - __. __. - AGAINST WENZE ._-- MON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (��l MAYOR �w€FEs DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING LOCAL -- IMPROVEMENT TRUST .,D FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORI UM SPRINKLING FORESTRY ACCOUNTS 6 635 00 I : fl 57 289 671 0 099 85 4 50 'DING II SUNDRY LVING ACCOUNTS 53.:70 66 510 a 570 31 • TRRMLIftN.TE TO �TY CLERK DATE2-3___19/-6 a n� �L BY-- :J' - COMPTROLLER U PER ku�C-�- -r _� - CHECK IN FAV OF NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL RES. NO.__38--------- ..----- OFFICE OF THE COMP'I RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLI CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ---------- 3-,-029.53 -------------- -. ___. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ----1.o6------ O-_ -1097-__ — IN THECLUS VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CITY COMPTROLLER IN TO AL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 69.559,0 i10 _-_--- ___-_ IN FAVOR 1061 L.(3 -Hodgson, Comlr. of rinan•e SUDHEIME _____ __------ -AGAINST 1o62 F. T;. Amundeen 2 YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 1063 Peter Benzenz& & ?nne DISTRIBUTION 3507' 1064 Geo. 10 Buoka BvItherS 15,6 1066 Burns Lumber Company 94417 1067 Central Warehouse Lumber Co any 1068 Department of Supt. Natll. Fd. Aeon. 1069 H. G. Foote Lumber ComPany 1' 516 48 1070 H. B. Fuller Company 27 1 1071 J. J. Glans 2 1 107732 F. J. Hardwick 7 Hazel Park Grocery Company 38 88 1074 Home Electric airing Company 1075 Horrigan Grocery i1 12 10777 A. T. A omsohroeder, Cashier 143 36 water Department 1078 Lee TlevatoT Company 5 90 1079 Charles Martin 5 00 43 34 logo Michau4 Brothers, Ino. 1081 woody*s Investors service 100 00 1082 0. L. Nason, shpt. of Parks A i 78 1083 Northern states Envelope ©o.. 15 1084 Northern states Power Compare 16731 1085 Frank J. Pilney 1 55 2 23 lo86 Pioneer Electric Company 1087 Public Affairs Information Service 50 00 7088 Henry Robin �5 1089 Otto w. Rohland Company 96540 1090 C. A. Rosebo 4 1091 st.paul Electric Company 54 35 1092 superior Printing; Company 27 50 Thom Brothers 10 90 4 N. F. Vaughan 1093 7 06 I 109 J. J. Verstraete 10 20 1096 A. J. wampler, 7 1097 wasburn Crosby Company 247 00 GENERAL 54924/67 110,00 6%2 317'1,05 94871 1i50 37 47 378' 99 19 62 5 90 43 34 100 00 1 78 167131 z25 3 50 00 9S 4 50 23 00 10 90 10 20 2467 00 WATER 7 946 143 :R CLANCY, / FORM FERGUSON. HODGSON. _-_--- ___-_ IN FAVOR MCDONALD, SUDHEIME _____ __------ -AGAINST WENZE MON. M: 'vim P"R. FBxel YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION uoND 6 635 00 COUNCIL. 1 FILE No - ___ ________ _ 'r].,.(,[�y'-�_. FIE8 - -31926 ADOPTED BY T UNC - APP�926 ___ ___-_,__� ----------- ��'-8e'eg ,ag-------- __ MAYOR LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST II'I ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE II AUDITORIUM N SPRINKLING II FORESTRY II RI 4 50 "LILLING II SUNDRY JLDVING ACCOUNTS 53.70 6 67 510 00 -J, jl r. w CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE No. - TO ,,,OFFICE OF THE COMPTRO-1-LER II CITY CLERKRES. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE ORAWN, ON THE ATE --2-- /19 -6 9 CITY TREAjVRY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Z; 3-Ql 5 1 - - - - --------- * COVERING - – ------- --- ----- — --6—mP-T– LE—CHECKS NUMBER R ED-$P!Q-qjg ---- TO --- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER- – --------- - – ----------------------------- TOTAL RETURNED II CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 4,,--1 checks be dm�. az-x. VIT tkoth, l.re Treasury, Nlkle I( The city eh amount -f ill-lot"'llocel numbered 1098 to the Inclusive. - the as n cPii`v"cle'mkptrooner.cc�u. Council Feb. 3, 1921. Adopted brthe b. it 3, 192. APP (Feb. 6-1926) it I SHEET /,{ �. J!J'll CHECKS NUMBERED .1108 TO 11 -OT .-_ ---' "7 y V COMPTS/ LLEft INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE FFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER / e. _ y TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TR ANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK GENERAL WATER `:OND A / W o\ CHECKS CHECKS i BROUGHTFORWARD 72 559,39 57 259.67 9.099 9.5 6 635 00 1095 Otto C. posh 32 00 32 00 1099 Chioago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company 170 64 15 29 155 351 1 1100 L.C.Hodgeon, Com0r. of Fin. 700 45 4g4 17 . 110 71 1101 Keough Brothers 2'0) 25 00, 1102 F. G. Leslie Paper Company 5 94 5 94 11^3 Minnesota Road Equipment Company 452 $0 452 601 1104 xewell Electric Company 3 74 3 74 I 1105 W. v. Electric t Company 452 55 452 55 1106 John C. Thomson & Ambrose Tighe 450 00 450 00 1107 van Paper Supply Company 11 33 11 33 SUDHEIMER, _. ._._ (J_ AGAINST WENZEL4— MR PRMF¢ .-.W ON. ES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 4.50 151 55 yA / ✓, ----- _ ,�•_ MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY SUNDRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 570-37, ; 13 75 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ;...- �'T4 71+571 1563g 57037 g93 x0 5,0 684 72 8 723 0o f 6 l3 _ TQ81iRlr0A TE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO RES. NO ------ 39__ ._----- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LLER CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUT 3N FORM DATE.. -2-3A CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3 COVERING 2i301k.5- -- -- COMP/ CHECKS NUMBERED_ 1� TO. 11-0�FF_ T LLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE INTHEICE I PER )�� '. F OF THE C11Y COMPTROLLER. J _ -_„- CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER -0CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARDlo9a Otto C. Rosh %11 72 5 39 57 289.67 S 099.45 6 635 00 ®1099 Chioago, Milwaukee & 3t.raul 32 00 32 00 Railway Com ,r3ny 170 64 15 29 155 35 1100 L.C.Hodgson, Comdr, of Fin. 700 49 494 17 3v r- 110 71 1101 Keough Brothers 25 00 25 00 r 1102 F. G. Leslie Paper Company5 94 5 94 11^3 Minnesota Road Muipment Com any 452 g0 452 80 1104 Newell Eleotrso Company I 3 74 3 74 1105 N. )7. Fleotrio F ui q pment I �j Company 452 5,9 452 59 1 1106 John C. Thomson & Ambrose Tighe i 450 00 1107 van vapor supply comnPny II 450 OOI 11 33I I 11 33� it CLANCY,� FERGUSON. ..___.__-.-IN FAVOR HODGS=N M.DONALD, SUDHEIMER/ K.. WENZEL _AGAINST MR�ON. ES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST --Dil• GARAGE ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS 4.50 151 65 t COUNCIL IJ LA FILE NO. ADOPTE/8 E rIL �Eg _ 3 �6 ._:192. _ FES - j" RO192 _ I MAYOR --_ SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS I I 570SUNDRY 37 c 13 75 COUNCIL No".6�•3�-0------ CITY OF ST. PAUL FELE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Ely 5 4O`d • ..JI. DATE__.__._...___..____._.__...._..__......._................. COMMISSIONER:._...._...__.__. —.----------- '—'---'- WHEREAS, An application has been filed by T. W. Fogel for a license to operate an optical illusion show at 493 Wabasha street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said license be granted for a period not ex- oeeding twenty-four days, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to issue a license to said applicant for a period not exceeding twenty-four days, upon payment of a license fee in the sum of $24.00. I ala"n�Y- four days; upon pava ^' •• tee In the sum of t$4 00 - Adopted by the COU -011 Feb. 4, 1828. Approve& Feb. 4, 19M (Feb. 84986) COUNCILMEN Yeas / ✓Clancy Nays Ferguson V41odgson -.._-------..In favor McDonald 0 Sudheimer ....... Against (,Wenzel ✓ Mr. Viae Pres. P'er@aeon FEB - 4 197M Adopted by the Council-------- -------------- ---------192 A Approved- ------------ 1�J?...... / - --- ----- r---------'-------- - - i9 MAYOR CO •' 'L'� JL CITY OF ST. PAUL va2"'N"NO.--------_-------.-•-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK le L�U�TIIONN—yGGEENERAL FORM --_..._...z., ov / / //' / ! % \ C/�1%7/iJ v"'v" � DA'rE.-S-ewu+.�a•ll$�.8..---__._....—_ v RESoi C. F. Na. 84318—BY L R. s. I, W'herees."in the conatruc}}..lon• Cleveland Jr. High school Addi1 was found necessary ;xo dr 11 holea'ln the skeet trusses for. Ti Mosel Iron 0 receive hang :•Dili r r ar: ltt In the gy in the construction of the Cleveland 1r. High School Addition, it was found necessary to drill certain holes in the steel trusses for placing channel irons to receive hangers for rolling partition in the gymnasium, and inasmuch as this was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, THEMOHE BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with Lauer Bros., Inc., be amended to provide for this change, and the contract price in- creased in the amount of Hif ty Eight Dollars and One ($58.01) Cent to cover the cost thereof. COl)NC1LI.iF.N Yeas �� Nays r(// vClancy- Ferguson � Jd6dgson --- .---In favor McDonald f Sudheimer---------------Against Xenzel ✓Mr. Vi" Pres B'eegoeon FEB _ Adopted by the Council .... ........ .---4 192G_---_--192 4 '---- Approved. .._ V'..._ 1 0----...----.192------ Ing MAYOR V11.4 ISM J RESOLVED �UNCIL NO.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl� OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK AW4 7 -RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM AT., ........... ...... .... VHEIW_&.S, in the construction Of the )LuTTay 'Tr' High School, no provision was made in the plans and specifications for installing of nickel plated standards to support hot and cold water supply pipes for the showers and as it was found necessary to do this additional works, TREMORE 30 IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with the Healy Plumbing and Heating Co., be amended to provide for this change, and the contract price increased.in the amount of Seventy Seven ($77.00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. standards to support hot "d water supply Pipes for the.phot and as • It was found n0es6ary tc . . 7additt ... I —k: A. - dop . ted by : the , Council Febr 4, 1926. Approved Feb 4 1936 COUNCILMEN YeasNays 71-- 7Y Ferguson ,Hodgson ......In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against J'Wenzel M95NOW VXr. Vice Pros. Ferg[0100 FEB - 4 1926 Adopted by the, Council -------------------------- 192 -7 Approved..... 192- ---- ------------------- . ........ im NO.— -------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RTo U�To"ENERAL FORM ,TFej? 4 199fi ------- Th. C...I.A..er -f Ed IS s. F.rg I PRE:SENT 6 L. R. S. FER644 he 6�220-�-BY SIBNBY U Comm r ltt e. with Sectl,'.L43-• '�ff clty� chirteO the d.r,d —1 RESOLVEDmar'rency .•uwtin of Educ4%tiOyj has leported to the �MIE AS, The Goy�ujissioner Coun4bil in accordance with Section 53r of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessai'y the employment of certain employes Of hila department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, That the proper city officers are hereby au— thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time horeinafter set forth: TOTAL NAM TITLE TIME RATE HARRY FAVILLO Util.Lab 43 hrs. 55cents 28.65 JOHN KRUSE litce.Lab. 24 50 12.00 JOSEPH LANGENBERGER Mtce.Lab. 18 50 9.00 GEORGE MAYER IvItce.L ab. 26 50 13.00 FRANK 11OREEN Carpenter 3 90 2.70 PETER PAULSON Mtee Lab. 8 50 4.00 PETER WOLF Mtce Lab. 24 2 50 12.00 Yeas COUNCIMUF-11 Nay� 1161.1ey Ferguson Oodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Aenzel =ffiEgA#M V/ Ur. vioe Pres. Ferguson t;Ej3 - 4 1926 Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------192..---- .. ouncil----------------------------------------192 Alpprove2)... 192...--- - - ----------- M AVOR -2 � , 2 - y L FORM N0. 1. An emergency has arisen in the Deaart:nent of Education, Bureau of 'schools, rendering necess3ary the erd- ployment of certain employes of that deoartme:zt for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; Cleaning schools and firing. This emergency arose by reason of the fo1ioArg facts and circumstances: S,batitn inU fnr �anitnry who aari Veit enni�Q$-.fi rPrnan rlt�ri nn rnl rl a�yai l .. a This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. CAUNCIL NO•-�/-Jk/sY----. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM 'a PRMM1+SSElONER.._._._..._._Q'1-17-it___ _.._ DATE_ ... --- ..----------- _.-._......._. RESOLVED That the sum of(r,:50.00) Fifty Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated out of the Playground Fund (19), Item B4, to H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, the cost and expense. Playgrounds and Public Buildings to defray of attending the National Ski 'r;,eet to be held at Duluth, is:innesota, on February 6 and 7, 1926, i'or the purpose of inviting the various ski clubs to hold their next annual National ski�=i-eet in the City of Saint Paul in the ,year 1927. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Naya �laancy (' Ferguson yllodgson------In favor McDonald Sudheimer ...against / Aeazel -- J Mr. Vl—Fre& FeTanos Adopted Uy the Councigts-------- -}--19-`' ............193..... - Approved.... ----......192'----- i ............ ....... C. F. Nb. 84922—By J. M. Clancy Rea.1—d. That 'tha :apDllcations t' license.- or the QUIiing- Dereons f "nductin;r buainesaea at the addr.— '-Atcated<be and:the same. Are here. •i!.9thd nn3-it.o y.clerk is I-1— �. Issueeuch ".tcenaen nine ont into tha , s . i..COL CITY OF ST. PPUL OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK ---...""'4—GENERAL ..""'4 --GENERAL FORM DATE.__..FAbruar,Y-_4.,_.1926_..... ..... ....._._ COUNCIL �O -4 .... RESOLVED V That the applioati ns licensee of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and thesame are hereby pcity tclerk instructed such licenses upon the ayment intoto the ciytreasury ofhecustomary fee; COUNCILMEN Yess l ''Glancy 68 E. Colorado St., Grocery A. p. Johnson, 283 Concord St., ----•--- .... -ln favor Perit & Steaok, 283 Concord St., Butcher Perlt & Staack,287 St. Lawrence St., Junk dealer Ben Rutman, 999 Hastings Av., Grocery J. A. Brozek, 962 Forest St., Grocery Anton Johnson, 559 St. Anthony Av., M. Zimmerman Estate 1520 Albany St., +� J. Berkinsky, 315 Rondo St., „ Felice Bacigalupo, 1000 No. Dale St., Frank Lendway," 285 George St., „ Joseph Gabriel, 1321 Rboe St., J. B. Haglund, 549 E. Minnehaha St., A. Messina, 988 No. Dale St., +, e o S. Mayr, 600 Canada St., N Mrs. Gabs, 293 Maria Av., C . E. Larson, 511 Rica a „ Anton Anderson, 475 Collinse St., Mrs. Antonatte Lucia, 756 Psyine Av.. t+ paul E. Culliton, 1584 University Av., Bakery N. Papineau, 300 E. 7th St., Butcher Schoch Grooery, 300 E. 7th St., Grocery Schoch Grocery Co., 879 Fremont St., Confectionery C,,wilvers, 1110 Arcade St., Butcher Frank Szybatka, 286 S. Snelling Av., Grocery G. S. 'Warner, 676 S. Smith Av., Butcher Michael Tucci, B76 S. Smith Av., Grocery Michael Tucci, 238 Earl St., Confectionery perry Zoukos, COUNCILMEN Yess l ''Glancy Nay Ferguson vHodgson ----•--- .... -ln favor McDonald Sudheimer ----------------Against V W enzel not V Mr. Tice Pres. Fereaeoil FEB - 4 1926 Adopted Uy the Council ---- .. ----192...... Approve /. ..._..__ — .g \ [ SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD � . . . ) \ r |. : \ . � , .. ■ , j � � � \ \ • • BY__ _.. ...... ....... ... _._ _._ ----------- COMPTROLLER __.._.._- COMPTROLLER PER // CHECK IN F�(VOR OF NUMBER CHECKS NUMBERED- _l�6 _ _.. TO.__.19-___.. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I(-) AL RETURNED BY I/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS 81 69177 84 8188 14220 336 24 24 00 10 367 36 0 00 32 00 5 398 10 a'91 97 l'27 842 0 1 564 50 3 194,52 193 76 40 30 1 78 39 BROUGHTFORWARD 1166 Jrhn s. Orooks 1167 Chester Pomorski 1168 Wary Pomorski 1169 Gladys H. Foes & Vernie R. 1170 lt.Lukels Hospital 1171 nr. J. B. 'Tinniok it 2 L.O.Hodgeon, Oomir. of Fina 11 Keystone View Company 11 L'Inge Brothers 11 LraVallee Law Book Oomprpny 117 The Lawyevs Co-operative Pu 1177 Booraemm--P well Lumber Compa 1178 Borohert_Ingersoll Company 11 Burns Lumber Company 11 0 Capitol Stationery Mfg, 00. 1181 Coohran-jargent Company 11832 Paul H. Geer Maenriler Brash Mfg. Comrany 1184 16.7.Tleotrio Equipment Com 1185 Otte Rlevator Company 11B St.Paul Gas Light OMpany 1187 3tiefel Material Company 1189 U. '71. Rubber Company ;!'X149 . vil3avme Boa 6 1I[7mb6W Comma] I(-) AL RETURNED BY I/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS 81 69177 84 8188 14220 336 24 24 00 10 367 36 0 00 32 00 5 398 10 a'91 97 l'27 842 0 1 564 50 3 194,52 193 76 40 30 1 78 39 .__192 MAYOR -� SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLINGPUBLIC SIINJRY FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCQUNTS 13 .75 I 62197 c Inv. St. 39 27 Pau142y. 7 1524 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD- - - -' - - --- - 98 785 11 64 396 35 .21 i74 00 7 027 48 3 571 97 226'7c 13 75 2 332171 42 75 y ✓WENZEL, SUDHEIMER. - - -AGAINST ,. V YES (,, 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (� 1 — -- DISTRIBUTIC GENERAL WATER 6 916 94 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS 60 922 66 10 656.64 GARAGE .A"; 2 571 00 DULA 226.7 46 24 ° 101 66 24 3 2 00 10 317 36 6o oo 32 95 7 50 398 1910 89,18 17 97 84 03 10 58 3 194 52 178 583 30 3o_ .__192 MAYOR -� SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLINGPUBLIC SIINJRY FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCQUNTS 13 .75 I 62197 c Inv. St. 39 27 Pau142y. 7 1524 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD- - - -' - - --- - 98 785 11 64 396 35 .21 i74 00 7 027 48 3 571 97 226'7c 13 75 2 332171 42 75 y TRWIAGATE TO CITY 1CLERK BV__ _ COM_PTR___O_LL___E__R_ RES. NO --- 41 _____________ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL I, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROpLLER I AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM VCLANCY, - FERGUSON. __IN FAVOR CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF TRANSFER CHECKS ✓HODGSON, GENERAL -17v095-04 ----------------------------- COVERING ., M<DONALD. �f 0 CHECKS NUMBERED__3166_-___. TO_.,1lS9_----- SUDHEIMER, ________AGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 6 916 94 ✓WENZEL, e1 O Y069 U9 GG OY 6G 482.:/_ 10 956.6 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � _/ MRrE{3Er--NFi�ON. V YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (v) a� 1167 Cheater Pomoraki 9 99 CHECK F" IN F`AA1/OR OF NUMBER TO AL RETURNED BY BANK ./ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER SINKING S GARAGE .i.3iDl WID _ BROUGHTFORWARD 81 699 6 916 94 2 571 a9 e1 O Y069 U9 GG OY 6G 482.:/_ 10 956.6 1166 John s. Crooke 697,9 a� 1167 Cheater Pomoraki 9 99 wi 1168 Mary Pomorsld 1066 wr 1169 Gladys H. Foes & Vernis R. F as 41 24 46 24 1170 9t.Lukels Hospital 1171 nr. J. pinnlok 2 00 21 75 %+. 1172 L.C.Hodgeon, Comlr. of Finan 11734 K;yetone View 214 050 10 37:36 24 10 317 36 Company 0 00 60 00 117- Lnnge Brothers 3 00 3 11796 LaVallse Law Book Company, 85 95 117 The Lawyers 0, -operative Pub. i 0ompmy 7 50 . 7 50 1177 Booraam-Powell Lumber ComT)anV 398 10 1 1178 Borohert-Ingersoll Company 9 91 1 1179 Burns Lumber Comnany Capitol 99 i9 89 18 1180 stationery Mfg. Co. 1 1 97 17 97 1191 Coohran-Sargent Company 33 27 1 1192 Paul H. Geer I 4P 75 11e. 118 endler Brush mfg. Company 94 03 1 84 03 1194 N.i.rleotrio Equipment Com 117 55 1195 Otis T'levator Company 1196 `lt.Paul 1 564 50 Gas Light Company 1197 'tiefel Material Company 3 5g 522 3 3 194 52 1199 U. s. Rubber company 73a9 v1lienme Box e. Lmnbor Comm 1 6 $O 7 78:38 X76 1(p 79 39 I I I' I I ,1I i I 398 91 10 59 593 30 A COUNCIL � �(/,�� ((/���(�(I FILE NO. __. __ �l-Jt�23 "----' ___.. rHE OUNCIL _..� 1g2� _..__._ _____ 192---- --- ------ __ -------. 192 ---- -------- __ - rn QAY.c_v'-/} " • _ Actlfig MAYOR - v SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY 13-7511 ACCQUNTS 62197 c Inv. St, 39 27 Paul Ry.0 q 7 42 7.5 1 564 58 DISTRIBUTIO LOCAL U114 Ec��O IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUSTA, GARAGE .i.3iDl WID ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS 6 916 94 2 571 a9 226.7 fol 66 398 91 10 59 593 30 A COUNCIL � �(/,�� ((/���(�(I FILE NO. __. __ �l-Jt�23 "----' ___.. rHE OUNCIL _..� 1g2� _..__._ _____ 192---- --- ------ __ -------. 192 ---- -------- __ - rn QAY.c_v'-/} " • _ Actlfig MAYOR - v SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY 13-7511 ACCQUNTS 62197 c Inv. St, 39 27 Paul Ry.0 q 7 42 7.5 1 564 58 on 1; L j A ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL.N 643 24 FILE a UADRUPLICATE To `OFFICE OF THE COMPTRQLL91� RES. CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 6 DATE -2-4 19 CITY JREASURY8 TO THE AGGREGATE AMONT OF COVERING BY ------ --------,--CO-M—P—TR0--L___ TO LER— CHECKS NUMBERED - - -- — - - -------- --116 r, INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER-- --- -- - - ------------ ---------- - - - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHrC NUMBER IN A OR OF 1! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT By HECKS CHECKS BANK it FORWARD it '.on. j� li, I I Resolved, That checks be drawn the Clty. Treasury, to the aggregate covering cheeks amoi. unt to 1165 Inclualvetas per cheek an Ilia In the office of' he CltV Comptroller. Adapted b�,tb�o Connell Feb. 4, 1926. Approved � 4,61026. II it it (F.b-1 926) it I. SHEET ToTAL—FORWARD. artm D214 1000, 7.24 e i SUDHEIMER, __ AGAINST S7 AA��t CHECKS NUMBERED 11LTO 116 5 - - �W ENZ WENZEL BY`R./ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE `. M ON. YES !,') COUNCILMEN NAYS () OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. V XOj.e Pre& Ferrp,oaO)ee Pre& Ferjum i TO AL RETURNED " _ DISTRIBUTION — — I TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS c: GENERAL _ 'WATER 1—ID LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS CHECK . - IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY 1/ BANK GARAGE ✓✓ill I BROUGHTFORWARD 74 aA3 011 5s 6s4.72 9 723.00! 6 745 71 156 35 1108 xnrri3 J. Roy 2 1+772 33 1 019 21 1 019 21 ;i 2 172 33 110911?3lat► Investment Company 00 40 ® 10 Irvine Rose 1111 Ahrens Fox Fire amine Comp 459 42 52 8 42 5 65 1112 Air Reduction sales Company 1113 The American City Magazine 00 42 15 2 00 2225 15 60'' 4 30 ill American Linen supply Company 9 50 111 American Railway Express Comp y 188 77 ffi2 20 ffi1 88 24 63 111 American ,'13pplq company 5 OOI 1117 American ^tater '."corks Assoo. 47 0000 1 11 18 Armour &Company �_ 1119 Atlantic Refining Com^any 12 1; ffi ,. 2 X91 1120 J. T. Baker Chemical Company 19 ffi 06 808 � ` 1121 Charles Beard Company 22 2 00 1122 Beebe Laboratories# Inc. 200' 5 2ffi 1123 Bingham & Norton Company '69 75 7 00 900 1124 F. J. 9ringe & Company 2 0 6 2 50 112 Builders Iron Foundry Company Cc 112 Burka & James g6 5g 41 54 21 133 52 1127 Campbell Coal Company 1128 Ohlon4go St.Paul, uple. & 0. RaIlway Oampany 4 53 4 53 1129 oommonweralth Fleotr a Company 1n @ s. oo.M1pkos Ccppanq 10 25 4 10 00 11 o n 1131 Conard—Pyle Company 4 160 05 4 !60 06 1132 Consolidated Slectrio Company 5334 47 25 6 09 1133 Crane Company 1134 Daytonts Bluff Ice Company 5 00 5 00 15o 86 1138 Del Auto Radiator Company 150 86 1131 The Dispatch Printing Company 38 90 13 1137 Louis F. now Company 22'20 64 29 70 64 28 1138 Eisenmenger Meat Company 1139 Fairbanks, horse & Company 326 32 7611 i` 11 40 F. W. Faxon company 1141 Field, sohlick & Company 33- 6 2 5 1 33 76 2 58 39 97 1 1142 Finch, Tran slgak & McConville company 9 97 2 65E. 9 97 2 65 114NFour�"sheet Drive Auto 2 251 114 Charles zF'riend & Son 60 00 6o 00 I 1141 Gaylord Brothers II 15 40 27 15 40j I 47 27 1147 General Votore Truck Company 1148 H. Goldman 1$ 00 18 00, 1149 Griswold safety Signal compan 1150 Gruber Flectrio Company 29 20 34 29 20 16 34 1151 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company 2 40 24o 13 2 xa11 03 5 4 0 � 46 00 9 00 115 Quincy A. 115" M. A. Hanna Coal & Doak Comp y 53 6 537 69 66'I 1154 xa..rnischfeger Corporation 27Z � 271 115 Harper & Brothers 33 35 21 1156 Hawaiian Annual o0 00 '"illiam Helburn, Ino. g 1 �� 1157 1158 Henry Holt & company 1159 F. 74. Honsa Printing Oomnany 10 28 97 50 0 28 �5 00 52 50 1160 ,7alter s. Houghton 3 053 05 1161 -Howe publishing society 7 98 7 98 11623 Journal of Outdoor Life � 00 3 00 ii64 Kennedys Brothers Arms Company 124 30 59 30 65 00 1165 The Kennedy valve Mfg. Comp ann 9 91 9 911 l /J SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY 13 .75 I 22 91 6ffi9 77 6o 492 69 to 656 64 6 916 94 2 571 0ffi 70 13 75 61 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ppy 17G MAYOR ._ PUBLIC SUNDRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 570 37 51 6o II621 97 TF RF40MATE r TO RES. No.4Q---- - -------- CITY CLERK ., RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE �_-- CITY TRJFASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2 4 �9�6 7j[5�?___/ COVERING J ___-___ CHECKS NUMBERED ---- TO COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE U OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PL CHECK -- NUMBER IN FAVbR OF r TO AL RETURNED By BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS j 5 BROUGHTFORWARD 74 993.4 172 33 13 1109 Harris J. Hoy 2 172 33 .75 570 37 1109 7::s1ah Investment Company 1110 Irvine Rose 1 0 9 21 • 40 00 1111 Ahrens Fox Fire FAgine Compan g 42 4 30 1112 Air Reduction sales Company 59 65 24 63 1113 The American city Magazine 2 00 1114 American Linen Supply Company 42 15 1115 American Railway Express Company 9 50 Illb American Supply Company 199 77 5 29 1117 American later Works Assoo. 00 9 00 1119 Armour & Company 4 00 7 I 1119 Atlantic Refining Company �� 19 89 1120 J. T. Hiker Chemical Company ` 2 19 1121 Charles Beard Company 9 08 150 96 1122 Beebe Laboratories, Inc. 2 00 1123 Bingham &,Norton Company 5 29 1124 F. J. Brings & Company g 11?_5 Builders Iron Foundry Company 26 p 1126 Burke James 36 00 2 65 1127 Campbell Coal Company 290 59 2 �5 y i� II II 1129 Chicago a St.Paul, Hpla. & 0. Railway Comrpanyy -45 I II T'2e ?.. Oompan 23 1229 g�� oealth oatibon O Napany 1131 Conard_Pyle aampany 5 00 4y 60 1132 Consolidated Electric company 06 u33 crane Company 4 53 34 Daytonle Bluff Ioe company 113 Del Auto Radiator Company 150 86 1132 The Dispatch Printing Company 3 90 1137 Louis F. Dow Company 22 24 1139 7:isenmenger heat Company 64 29 1139 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 32 76 1140 F. 1u. Faxon Company 336 1141 Field, Sehlick & Company R2 1148g2 Finch, Van S1 k & H000nville I I L9 Fou��ael Drive Auto Compan 65 1i4�i j 11 Charles Friend & son 60 00 6000 iia16 Gaylord Brothers �..i tcctoso d7.27 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPT LLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTON FORM I V� GENERAL 59 6a4.72 4-o oo 59 42 9 65 2 00 22 25 92 26 19 989 9 09 2 00 69 75 6 oo 1 25 l0 25 �+ IGC 06 45 2000 3 90 64 29 33 76 149 97 15 40 WATER 1�qq� tl 9 723.00 1 019 21 15 6o 91 99 5 00 2 19 00 a_6 50 54 21 a 6 o9 13 70 I 6o 001 ✓CLANCY, FERGUSON. ✓HODGSON, McDONALD. SUDHEIMER, "'WENZEL, MON. 19y. Pee Pres. Fees L (fes COUNCIL 3P24` FILE NO.... -- IN FAVOR !;Zi61 t, 871- ADOPTED B IL -_ -- --- 192 AGAINST A. PR ED,, _ _-_..192 - /t ES (,1) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) I;C%fl.� MAYOR I DISTRIBUTION BOND LOCAL IMP IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGEnISl1�.1 SPRINKLING FORESTRY _ PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 745 71 172 33 13 .75 570 37 2 4 30 24 63 5 29 I 9 00 I 133 52 51 6o SI 150 96 II I X11. I � I 32 76 39 97 2 65 2 �5 y i� II II j I I. 47 I II Ii 27 � ------------- - - — - y / I rnfrn*riL FILE N0. 44,. S No. 84328— k I ah Dot�haeidee olc8estrCh 8t tgr eurggr7 '° d i 6 Sia ayp uvded-B FINAL ORDER ...�.1ii 1,37--` the hearing tiaving beep. upon the"above improvement upu notice and the Council having alt peraoneativneCth na and req �Jnstructin ..Cnrbi.on...b.OtYl..s.ides...of...Be.eeob....5.tre.et..from v .. t? Earl. _Streat.a.o Johna.on. Farkway, ........ ................ ............ .I. ... ......... .._ ...._.._.................. ..._............................... ............................................ under Preliminary Order..... .... 61313__... _ _._ _......approved........ All$..._11.,...19.25...... ............ Intermediary Order........... __ approved.. .. _.......... ............. ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council" having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...eon.s.truet_cu..rbing_on.1;i44.9_ides, ,of .Beech Stre..et_ from.,.Flgrl .Street .to_Johna,on _Parkway.,,.,, ........ _ . .................... .......... ....._ : I . . I ..... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__. FEB.2.1.19�jj ....................... 1 ....._ FEB 2 3 19K City Clerk. Approved_.. _..._....__........ 192....... _ c:2 Mayor. Councilman Clancy- Councilman McDonald ✓ ouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel M& Tim_ Pres. Forguaon Form B. S. A. 8-7. j� DEPARTMEILFiti , OF FINANCE REPORri OF CONIM19SIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER iA) 4A ,g .I In the matter of—.--,C--,n ,tract-eux'uin,-: on both't des of Be�eh Stre t Eros Earl . ___$tie::t to J�hns�n P _k•.1�.y. under Preliminary Order approved--'j'-1,1� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement fr:)nt E: r to Frr_nl (coy. C"37) The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is r to John- on-' r'kv, t:y�C'.trb upl V ) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Oommenc:-nE at the Soathe+-est c.r—r a Beech St and Earl Sts. x thence E,:st 2.40 feet, thence South 136.90 feet, thence '.:e: t 24,1) feet, thence N.rth t,1on E _ li:ie ,,f zc.rl S s. to b��;innin F beinE oL,rt of t.,e iT rti:e.: _t w of Sec. 33, T. 9, R. 22. 4 Oom.:;e:icin6 24a feet East fro::, the 9outhe:,st c..rner of Beech and E:-_rl St- thence East 140 feEt t:tence S .uth 138.90 ft. Thence :;est rO fe-t, thence Nirth 1178.9'` feet to beiinninE, oeinF; )::rt of t_:e ilorthe st 4 of Sec. 33, T. :9, R. ''2 5525 0om..,,:nc4-np ^80 feet E rt from the Southe;:.st cu_:.er of Beech and E<Irl St-. thence E—st 120 ft., thence South 138,90 feet thence -.est 1'0 fe'-t, thence North 1 8.90 feet,to 'oef-inning, beinE �-:rt of the ITorthee^t of Sec. 33,T. ^), R. TOTAL. Farm B. S. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE S RkPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMIVARY ORDER _.: r (B) ' !' DES CEhIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - Oom_imcing 400 ft. Eust from the S..E. corner of Beech & Ea.rl- 7925 Sts, thence E st 1',1 ft th, nce So. 135.9 ft. thence West 101 ft, t,li:,,nce '.;o. 135.;0 ft. to be :inning, be-in,­.-m2.t of tine A.E. 4 of Sec. 33, T. 2G, R. P2. Lots 2 a.. -_d 1 4. A. GotLains Rearr:,n e..eat of 56,600. - Si, ells Adc" Aion 15. 3. do 3400 14. 3. do 2300 13. 3. do 3750 12. 3 do 160o _..( 11. 3. do Lr 2000 10 3 do 1600 9 3 do -150 g 3 do ,400 7 3 do boo .. ,,. 6 do 1500. . 5 3 do 10`7 4 3 do 4?oo 3 3 do 1550 2 3 do 500. 1 3 do F50 The Aortia '; of 15. 31 do 5 0 do 14 31 do 3225 13 31 do 450. . 12 >1 do 1950 11 31 iio 450 10 =1 do 1250 _ TOTAL I1 = 4-, CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 3b .... . _. . _.. �DESCFi1PTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED " VALUATION 9 31 A. Got.ain's Re„rr a e.,eia 40d g 31 of Sitcl's Add. tion 11 0 7 31 0 325 . b 31 , do 3.25 5 31. do X50 4 31 . do 400 3 . 31 do 3300 2 31 do 400 1 31 do 4:00 , �5 30 do 2656 _ i4 3 do 2300 13 3o do 3750 . 123, do 11. 30 do 1800 10 30. do 2405 -9 0 do 1650 S 30 do L4150 7 30 do 400 6 30 2600 5 30 do 2500 4 30 do 1700 14 1wayneIs Ad, Ition to the 3750 15 1 city of St. Paul 500 16 1 do 2600 �7 1 do 2500 18 1 do 18�7,0 19 1 do TOTAL -� CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER + (8)ASSESSED ''BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION. I�. .. .DESCRIPTION LOT 20 1 ,a,yneIa Add. t-) t,e 0;ty 2200 1. 1 of St. Palul 500 650 d 22 1 do The ';,'est a of ' 1 � 23 ° The E st '; of 23 1 do A1 do :nd all of The ',lest 6 ft. of do 25 1 3850 aExcent the 'R.8 ft.) 25 1 do 26 1 do 600 and all of 6 1 A. Got.-ain's Re:�rr .n-� '.ent 550 . 16 2 of Sigel's Additi;n 170 �7 L050 do 0 1600 is 2 2 �9 2 do 2050. 0 2 do 1350 21 2 do 1400 22 2 A. C—t. ,ins Reatrr::.a;e- Is -450 2 2 Ment of Add. 2 2 do 1100 �5 2 do 24 0 26 2 do 500 2400 27 2 do 28 2 do 1950 �9 2 do 2750 2 do i6 2800 1250 32 do 2900 All of 17 32do . 16 32 do 3175 and the ""gest P of 19.. 32 do The EL.st of 19 _ 32 do 225 20 32. do 3150 21 32 do 1600 22 32 do 1900 23 32 dao 1900 :=4 . 32 do 2150 .25 32 do 3150 --- - -- . _ 26 : _ 32 __ _ - do- _- - . .TOTAL 7 0 ..75 � — '„ % . CITY OF ST. PAUL �. 14 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 27 32 8 32 "9 2 .6 2 16 7i 17 33 18 33 19 33 20 33 c' 1 22 33 23 33 24 33 25 33 26 33 27 33 "265,350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 01 Dated 192_ Commit ioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION A. Gots n -is Re n u; e ent 850 of Sir, -ells Ad.. tion 450 do -") 50 do 500 do 4r-,,) do Ono do 3600 a0 350 do 3C)0 CIO 175 do 175 do 175 -0 975 do 2100 do 350 0 4^o "265,350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 01 Dated 192_ Commit ioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Honorable,61313 of St. Paul, Minn. propertyCity petition.... We, the undersigned Body to cause the following improvementle .. ..... NAME LOT BLOCK .. Ir° Office of the Commissioner of PublicFA l� =3 Report to Commissioner of Finances DEC 3 Aeoe..mbar....$.F..._..._ ........... _192.._5._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under, consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._6.1313......_.... approved ..._Augaa.t-11".................... .............. 192....5.._., relative to C.ans.tmating..._of._..curbing-...on__hm_th.... s.i.den.- oP....J3e e4h....atre.et... Yr..om...._........... -- Earl... 9t ree t..._t o_.. dohnaon..._Parkway-----._....._._._.__........ __...... _............... --.... - ..........................-- ........ ..._..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... ... .... ........... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............................. _............. and the total cost thereof is $............._..........._...........____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................................ .............. ..................... _...... _.._..__..._ r r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... ............ .....__..._._........_ 5. Said improvement is............................. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................................................ _.._................... ...... _............. ...... _......... - .......... — — Commissioner of Public Works. CiTv iwpgRR' �� �lj Lj� �4rks L[ lip, a hrn�e h VI 1 JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CH— ENOIN[HR WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONeTRUOTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFlOe ANO C— PLANNING -"'— November 30, 1025. Y M. S..—T. ..BR— ENOIN6H A. O. SHARP, Seer. OF SIv1rtAT10N G. P. SOWLIN, .—.OP WON(NWHe Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for construction of curbing on both sides of Beech Street from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway under Preliminary Order C.F. #61313 approved August 11, 1925: Estimate of cost $3,253.86 Inspection 63.80 Cost per front foot: Earl to Frank(combined curb and gutter) 1.05 Frank to Johnson Parkway (curb only) .60 Frontage 4,550 feet Yours truly, Ch f Engineer. Approved for transmission to omnissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. (3MS : AB we, the undersigned property owners, owning property on Beach 9t. between Earl 8t. and Johnson Boulevard, hereby protest most emphatically ly itawill make the streetrmuch na rower and will costmore et. It is ltahan mostcOfsusyp can afford to pay. We, therefore, respectfully pstitlon the honorable City Council to refrain from passing this order. Ar Yours respectfully, zo G' go :T ,4,1,0 8 � ^ f t j •M] t u A- 1 41 _ -- 64326' COUNCIL FILE NO.. ........ c. F. No. sasze— 1' In the-NTntter c* •mrtruating curling H FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... oonstxucting..eurb ng on..bpth. sides, of Iglehart, Avenue from Wheeler Avenue t0 A].d1ne.Stxeet,_ ...... __ _ ............ ............. ...__._ uiider Preliminary Order.. _ 61079._ _ approved......JulY. 28, .1925......._ Intermediary Order ..... _ ...approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_construct curbing. on_both ..sides,..of. ,Iglehart Avenue..fr.om..Wheeler _Avenue to Aldine Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council .___ _. 192 FEB 19?6_ , � d Approved __ ..._ ...... _ ......., 192....... ;.... ��y�' Clet'k. o , Councilman Clancy Mayor. Councilman Ferguson` Councilman McDonald Councilman R%= godgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Frim B. S. A. S-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE * REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR�ORDER (A) • `: �r tsmPP1 Pr In the matter of_ Conatr tct curb ' ' on both sides Of 1E:' ehart Aye __.ve to_ Aldine ST. CC - under Preliminary Order approved— J Il V To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 16 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-.7_u�. - front The estimated cost pe/ foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION All of 6 11 Quin y Pz.rk 13100 I(Ex. the East 40 ft.) 5 11 ° The E . t L0 --t- of 5 11 do 1,800 4 11 do 43-'0 3 11 do -150 2 11 do 3500 1 11 do 4075 6 12 do 5225 5 12 do 3400 TOTAL. Flom B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELII INARY ORDER . (C) is DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 3 2 1 7 6 9 10 1'. 12 ( 7 ( 6 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 9 9 9 9 Qninby P�;rk do do do do 3o do do do do do cbo -to do do ASSESSED VALUATION 2975 4625 725 1775 9900 3900 100 5050 3600 325 66^5 71,,25 3525 7 L 5 3700 ".102, 825 . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z_3 --192 Commissi er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 '.x'r To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn..___—__.___...._.__._192 a Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. �z Ave. t.� PH &Al 2U. Office of the Commi rer of PublicAN Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 3 1925 _Da.aembe.r....2 ,..__ .............._........_1x2..._.6_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._6 Q, 9............approved.___July...2_8s............. .......................... 192..._5..., relative to CoEss.. runt ng..._ovrbi. .._M :. oth._si_de_s....._of....2.�lehart..._Avenue.......................................— Qr__AYdnu,fl.__t.4.._Ald ne__Str"I..-__......... .......................... ........ ._................. _.......... ......... - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...__..__.........._.._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................. .......... ____.......... . and the total cost thereof is $ ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --- ........... ....__......_........_................. _....._................... ..................... ........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ _....... ......_...................... ...__........_...._...._._...................._.....__......._.._...............__...__............._.......... ..... ....... ........._......... ..._.-- _ ...._.... -- 5. Said improvement is .................... ......... _........... ......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................... ........................... ._....._._.._..... .._..........................._............_....................__ Commissioner of Public Works. '41UP �%e p writ rn e�a1h Vat llplmbl l ke <1�oO�s, JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIM, ER 1MR A. B. SHARP. SSPE. oP SA- G. P. BOWLIN, SSPE. oP WORKRWeE November 30, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Bir: I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Iglehart Avenue from Wheeler Avenue to Aldine Street under Preliminary Order C.F. #61079, approved July 28, 1925: Estimate of cost $768.16 Inspection 18.06 Frontage 1,080 ft. Cost per front foot .71 Yours very truly, ri,f Engineer. Approved for transmission to C issioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. / GMS:AB - '! '4t r c. r. No. 64327— In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Griggs St, from Foster 9t to Pre - ""'h Ilne of Hol �f3l.:unc[4 Pre- ,:.:ilminary, Order 63493-appr6 fed Dec. -_- 8, 1936. .; " "A ppbni hearing having been Y COUNCIL FILE N0._.. ' ImR' noo,:,a ...�. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....aonstructing a s.owe.r...on..Gri.ggs. Street, frgm...F..ps..t.er. Street to south line. of. Bohn _S.tre.et., . . .......... ...._ _.. .... _. _. __...._ _.....__... ..... ..... ........... under Preliminary Order.. ___-63493 -.... __..... _.approved.......Dea. ....8r...1925., ............................... Intermediary Order.. .._ ....approved.... .__.. __ ...__ ...................... ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Construct a sever_.o.n Griggs.,.Street from Foster Street to south .line of Bohn Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ 9661 6 ............................... Approved - 9 1975 C' lerk. 192....... . Councilman Clanc% RIBLISF1W a / j -oc]Ylayor. Councilman Ferguson (y_ Councilman McDonald Councilman VZWrS Hodgson \1 Councilman Sudhcimer Councilman Wenzel Alavor Nelson Form 11. S. A. 8-7. CITY -OF ST..PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � yet, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) r" Constr ct seg• -r on Grif-:; S Strut Fontr:r Stfe t to In the matter of So:tn Line of Bohn SLre<:t. under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoyl[it0c��he assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1,11:0 1) -- The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1.67 --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 2 "'idw%y al Divi ion 2675 7 2 do 1925 ( Exce.,t '.ne fol IoninE:(=o inE �t : ar .e:)t,_1'1y c Tier of Lot ,the-ce Si :th r. 'E t li .e 109.06 feet .e..ce + st ^• r llcl et, ', e ce :':,rt.. ; r: el t t.e _t i ine ,_ _ d lot, (_-;0.15 t 1.i- e lot 9, r e..ce rt 1 y :11£x.', ft . to be r i :in ,) . lyin, lti ti -oinl ne itcct li::e _ ri s S_. _b3 fc t S t". f t`:e S:,at:. _!.;e if n.v ty tc ;I. ., i:.t the S :r,.h line of Lot 7.=';1 c i:. rthe st . ly _ the S. at;1r est,..1y , _. n. r Lot ::lock 3- 0,000 TOTAL. F-_ B. B. 10 'CITY CF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT I BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION All that -),It of 9 3 Yidv.—y lndjstrial Divlsioh 10775 1. inE; Sotit'i )i -.1 line za wil f�cjal E:L -ojint in the est line of GiAL;_s Street 463 fejt Su,t,l -- the S:)"Itla li-e )f university .'venue, to a )Ant in the South line of Lot B. 147-31feet 1T i-taeasterly Trow the Southwest tori,: 3: )f said Lot B. 110�� `3 Ni v.,:y Div:.n-on 1800 1 3 no 60bo ; 45,185. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated F- B. B. 13 Commis of Finance. • 0 • 0 • v S i m Office of the Commissioner of Public 2. Q Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 17 1926 December 17, 1925 tQ9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63493 December 8, 1925 .. ... _........ ........ _..._. ..... relative to ..._........ Council, known as Council File No..._..._ ................._.._....approv __............. the construction of a sewer on Griggs Street from Foate.r Street ............... I ............. _ ..--- __..... _..... ..._........... _................ -.._...... _............. I ........ _.................... to the south line of Bohn Street. ._... ....... .................. _................. _ _.... _................................... _ ....._-....._.._......................... _............_...._ ..__............._.......... -- and having investigated the -matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_ ................._._ . and (or) desirable. u %D Q 1 14090 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......._1.'._87..._peT._.,fnn e o El coat thereof is_....._+ ...... .... .... ....... .......___.._, Frontage 610 ft. Inspection 420.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................_._.. _.__...._........................_....._........ ....................._...-.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................ ......._..._....................... ......._.......... _........... 5. Said improvement is......_..........._.. ...... _ .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 10( ..................... ._......;z - Commissioner -Commissioner of Public Works. v a V I. � x '�p�eyp;alr�E,rr�e;R�hr o�F= I(�ulb%��c�\��c�r�ks JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRisr E ry Y. SUPT. aF CarvsiRsiKilary � o 1 . GME. H..ROLD, O�rICE nR0 Ci Tr Pl-- ..—... G. P. ROWLINSS—T. c1 WORK rvousc December 16, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Griggs Street from Foster Street to the south line of Bohn Street. under Preliminary Order C. F. #63493, approved December 8, 1925: Estimated Cost $1,140.00 Cost per front foot 1.87 Inspection 20.00 Frontage 610 ft. Note: This sewer must be built in advance of the paving. Yours truly, ChXaf Bngineer. Approved for transmission the Commissioner of Finance. Commiss oner of Public Works. '64828 C. F: No 84528-- a sewer In the Matter oY constructing on Ham�pnne Ave: from Hubbard 3t. to a Pnd lPre11rt�1narYb Orderu 8321fiI COUNCIL FILE NO.. a; nrnved Nov. 30 1926: , FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..constructing..a..aesaer_.on..Hamline..Avenue_ from Hubbard Street to. a point 1.05..feet. south. of..tiubbard street .... . ........ ...... .. ..... _.. __... _... __...................._., ..__ _ .......... ......... ....._....... _.... ....... ...... -...................... under Preliminary Order.._ _ .6.3215 ___ __ _......approved....... NOV ...... 2.0,...19.25. ............................. Intermediary Order......_ _ _ _ ..approved.. _. _. ... ....... ...... _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections'and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.construet_a. neve.r...On..namline..Av.enue..from Hubbard Street .to .a point_ 105 f.ee.t_s.outh._of Hubbard .Stree.t,.... .. ..._. ....... __. ...... ............._. .......... ............................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _. FEB..7919.26...._........... , 192 ..._ ..__ .�. ................— ....—c...�..: y Clerk. Approved F.F B -_ 9.1925_ _......, 192........ nn Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson iii$ / 3 Councilman McDonald ---ger Councilman P02=X Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. R -i. .CITY O*_- 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) _.- In the matter of Onns;triict ci P, r i a N P e v 2 7 u 'i Id 0 t _f P t — t" n i t 'n1: cin*' f mi-- and 4t -i=t under Preliminary Order approved .ov. 20, 19 ? 1) To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ Lo 5.00 front The estimated cost pei foot for the above improvement is $ 67 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex.the so. 44.25 ft.) 155 5 Hersey-7ioolsey Ad 1 -tion 775 do 14 5 3 The So.44.25 ft. of 15 S do 2375 do 1 3 do The So. 371 of No.l-'S ft. of 4 13 ) Colle-e Place E. --,t 3575 Division The so.33 ft -of 13 do 3750 & the Pro.41 of wesl�y Ave. vac. & adjo niag said Lor L-, Blk.3. (Ex. the 1.1o. 4 ft.the \'o.? of '1Vesley Ave. v-cated and adj. 4 13 ao 36 0 All jf Block 16 do 69,500 & the So.. 1 ;;f 'iesley Ave. vac'. -ted and adj)in:-nl_ s:_.e. .._.1-.. TOTAL. 1037925 ,. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby ; submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference.to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Farm �. a. 13 Commissi er of Finanee. 0 a 3 9 Office of the Commitsioner of Public IVED Report to Commissioner of Finance; DEC 101995 Deo. 10 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63215 Novembpr 20� 5 Council, known as Council File No......._.._.........._........... approved _.._.......__...._._._..._......................._.................... 192........_.., relative to sewer on Hemline Avenue from Hubbard Street to a point 105 feet ...... .................. _......... .. _.._.. __.. ......_............ south of Hubbard. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ............ .......... ......necessary and (or) desirable. 1.87 per front ft. 408.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............................ _............. and the total cost thereof is $.... .... ......... :....................._..._, Frontage 219 ft. Inspection :8.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................__...__.._....._...................._......_...--- ...._....__.---- ......._.._........_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.................. ........... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. C� U ,cj v \IVp�SR- INT l AVL ptie�pa�r,h�inenh4I(7�u�b1lic\ JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. 5, GRYTSAK. BRIDDE ENOINCER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIeF ENGINEER A'0. SHARP. SUPT. OF SMNRATON WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONETRURION MIO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKNOUEE G. H. HERROLD. OFFlCE AND CITY PLANNIND Q10IN EER December 9, 1925. Hon. J. H. TACDonald, <<�orks. Commissioher of Public Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Hamline Ave. from Hubbard Street to a point 105 feet south of Hubbard Street under Preliminary Order C.F. #63215, approved November 20, 1925: Estimate of cost $408.00 Inspection 8.00 Cost par front foot 1.87 Frontage 219 ft. Yours very truly, C f Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. commissioner COUNCIL FILE NO. ._ By. In?the Matter 'of furnishing and In stalling ornamental llghta on: ' --Osceola Ave. from.8amitne Ave. to. Snelling Ave.,::. ,. Saratoga Ave ,,..ftAm Osceola Ave. to Sergent Ave ]?aacai.-Ave.,from FINAL ORDER 2 In the Matter of.furnishingand.. ins ta.11ing-ornamental lights—on: ...... ..... ....... Oaceola_Ave.._ from Hamline...Av.e.....tp.Snelling„Ave., _...__........... .._._........ Saratoga Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent Ave., Pascal_Ave. from Oseeola Ave. to Sargent .Ave, and.... __ ._ _ _. _............ _ _....... Albert Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent Ave., _.. ..... _.... ....__._.......................................--............_.......__.............................. _...... ....... eonsisting..of.lamp posts, lamps, underground nI. and the necessary ..... ...... ......- wiring for equipment for conveying electric current thereto, ........ ....... ...... .......... .... ...... under Preliminary Order .... 63415...__ ........................ approved .........D.@C....4.,...1825,............ _.............. Intermediary Order... .......approved........ -- A pproved... ._ .....A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..furni.sh..and ins.tall ..ornament.al...lights...on: Osce.ole..Ave...Pram.Aamlina_.Av9.....to. Sne.11ing..Ave.,,...__..... ............................................. Saratoga Ave. from Osceola Ave, to Sargent Ave., Pascal Ave: from Osceola. Ave, to Sargent Ave. and Albert Ave. from Osceola Ave, to Sargent AVe., consisting.of.lamp posts, lamps, underground conduits and the necessary wiring,for.equipment for conveying electric current thereto, aid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB - 9 1926 Adopted b% the Council _ __ 192 L. Approved FIEg - 9 1926 __.., 192 ..... Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman U=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavor '_Nelson CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM1� , ARY ORDER (A) - • I In the matter of F, ix i s - i k �nri i T'ai" l i v nr,-a P: -t _ Hamlin Ave. do Snelli .g Ave.; SBra.o,.a Ave. fro,,, Osceola Ave. to Sargent; r AVg.,_fT.Qu.0 rlGPnl 3 ARP to 4• t "Pnt a nA Al P t 1� P 4 nm ft l iie to Sargent, con--lsti g of lamp posts, 1a,413s, nder rou:d coro..ir,s and tine under Preliminary Order approved- IIP -" 4' 1 Tai To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ --4, 5-90-00 • The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION west 44 ft. of 15-16- w.441 of E. 89' of 15 -16 - East 441 df 15-16 Furor B. R. 10 ASSESSED LOT -CK ADDITION VALUATION 17 3 J. J— Ro6erIS Add. 5450 - �7 3 do 5200 �7 3 do 5000 19 3 do 4325 19 3 do 4325 20 3 do 4425 21 3 do 4425 22 3 do 4425 �3 3 do 4625 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -. ON PRELLMINARY ORDER ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION �y LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION - 24,-, 3 J. _- Roger's AdaiLion 5325 25 3 do 725. ,. (Ex. E. 88 ft:) 26-27 & 28. 3 do 800 _ IE',, 441 of East 881 of 26-27- 28 3 do 800 - East 44 ft. of 26-27- 28 3 do 875 Test 1/3 of 16-17 18 4 do 800 14est ? of E. 2/� of 16-17-18 4 do 5900 East 1/3 of 16-17- 18 4 do 5200 19 4 d0 5600 20. 4. do 4550 21 4 do 5000 22 4 do 700 - �3 4 do 700 24 4 do 4400 1 Osceola Pascal. Addition 9825 2 do 5525 3 do 075 4 do 5025 5 do 5275 1 1 Den E. L:�.:e 1 s Ho,:.esites 5525 Plat 1 455 z 1� 3 1 do 4375 41., do 4225 5 1 do 45�5 6 1 do 4375 7 do 4125 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,.,,_>,- ` ON PREL(.IVINARY ORDER .:. ..., . • •' ASSESSED ISESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 1 Den E. Lane's Ho.:.esites 4325 . } 9 1 Plat 1 3775 ' 10 1 4 do '+.725 11 1 do . 4225 12 1 do 4075 - 13 1 do 4350 _. 14 1 do 5900 28 1 do 5000 1 1 'Salton's Sun y Slope, St. 3525 2 1 St. Paul, ,''.:in_:. 700 3 1 do 3900 4 1 do 4650 5 1 do $700 6 1 do 5000 7 1 do 4900 8 1 do 5800 .9 1 do 5450 10 1 do 5150 J 11 1 do 4950 12 1 do 5800 13 1. do 4350 14 1 do 5350 15 1 do 5625 - 16 1 do 5475 30 1 do 5200 5. 2 kidwav nark, St. Paul,.-innl 5500 ? _._ 6 . _ 2.. do _ _ 700, a •q1M �A.II TOTAL CITY OF S . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 101 ONPREL&INARY ORDER (B) " MESCRIPTION LOT 'eLocK- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 2 Lidway Park St. Paul, Minn. 3950 8 2 do 700 E. 10 ' of Lot 2 & all of 3 do 5575 7w. 30' of Lot 2 & E.20' of 3 - 3 do 45?5 ;W. 20 ft. of 3 & all of 4 3. do 6925 5 3 do 3725 4 2 Ward's Subd. of Lot 4, 800 5 2 Reserve Garden Lots Ramsey 5200 6 2 County, Linn. 4800 - _. 8 3 8 3 Den E. Lane's Homesites 4600 9 3 Plat 2. 5250 10 3 do 5150 11 3 do 5200 12 3 do 5150 - west 10' of Lot 14 & all of 13 3 do 875 (Except west 10 feet) 14 3 do 4 975 15 4 do 7650 16 4 do 4650 17 4 do 5300 18 4 do 4950 19 4 do 5250 20 4 do 5700 21 4 do 6050 22 4 do 5300 23 ' 4 do 5150 IMI ....TOTAL- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 24 4 Den E. Lane'� s Hoa.esites � 700 25 4. Plat 2. 4500 26 . 4. do 4650 . .27 4 do 6550 .25 4. do 550 1 1. Sargent's Addition 525 2 1 do , 1500_ 3 1 do 4 1 do .4450 5 1 do 4450 6 1 do 5700 7 1 do 4450 5 1 do 5050 9 1 do 700 10 1 do 7100 11 1 do 700 12 1 do 4600 13 1 do 4700 14 1 do 6400 15 1 do 4550 ( 1 2 do ( 2 2 do 39,500 (3 2 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 250 _ F f. TOTAL t �:�. may.:... ...L...,.. CITY OF ST. PAIL DEPARTMENT OF FINANrcE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' • ♦„ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' l (C) ASSESSED ADDITION LOT BLOCK VALUATION , DESCRIPTION 6 2 Sargent's Addition 150 7 2 do 150 g 2 do 150 9 2 do X50 10 2 do 2150 11 2 do 5375 4175 22 2 do -$ 508,975• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and eport made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the r t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z i —192/— Commtssw-- of roan--. Fo[m B. B. 12 r1925.— St. Paul, Minn*-----pts � - ..._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:etition your Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby p Body to cause the following improvement to be made: `.............. ............ Tn.—.IIfST,AirL-_Q�NTAL.,_C._>�—LIGHT9._63 PROPOSED.._ON ADJACENT_ST1�ET3�__-- SC Ave. ...... _._.... from_. ::. __.._�. w� ` St.Avr- f/ ........ LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME f J,3 lo (✓y ': _ �� {fir✓-Q k. St. Paul, Minn.___P Ts3A 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --_--_TO IiiSTbI,L ORNAMENTAL.._CURE_LIGHTS.._AS_ PAIJPQ.$_�31...D&�DaTBCENT..�TFEET3,--- —......_.._...-- - ._.QN..DSSFALe St' Ave. - --- St. Ave. to----, — from_ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /s ��J J k. Office of 'the Commissioner of Public W EI ED p Z311Report to Commissioner of Finance e' .......... ".f,. BEE' T!' 1325 Dec. 10, 1925 142_.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 65415, December 4, 192F� Council, known as Council File No.......__-_...._..............approved._........_._..._.....__._...._..............._......_.._............._. 92 ........ __, relative to furnishing and installing ornamental lights on Osceola Ave. from _......- ..................................... - iamlirie Ave. £o Snelling Ave.j 5®retoga Ave. Prom Osceola Ave. to Sargentl Pascal Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargentiand Albert Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ ...._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 4,590.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................................ — .......... .., and the total cost thereof is $............... --- ......_--- ........ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........__._._ ................_........ ...... ..............._._............................... _......_.._...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .................................................. .--- .............. ................................_........... ............... ...._............_..._........ . _...._.........................._............_._........_.__........_..--- 5. Said improvement is.................. ... ........ _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _..._.............._......_..._.........._.............. .... ..........._.— Commission er of Public Works. vp° ��e1p;a9r�l'Inzj��RLh� �v '��b�i i c�\✓�,�v r�l��s JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER ' THOS. G. O'CONNEL . OEPUTv COMMISSIONER December 8, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the furnishing and installing of ornamental lights on Osceola Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Snelling Ave.; Saratoga Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent; Pascal Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent and Albert Ave. from Osceola Ave. to Sargent, consisting of lamp posts, lamps, underground conduits and the necessary wiring for equipment for conveying electric current thereto under Preliminary Order C.F. #63415, approved December 4, 1925: Estimate for ornamental lighting $4,590.00 Cost per front foot: Osceola-Hamline to Snelling .90 Saratoga-Osceoal to Sargent ) ,25 Pascal- Oscgola to SUrgent ) Albert- Osceola to Sargent ) Yours very truly, Approved for transmission to ief Engineer. Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Wor*a. GMS:AB ��T'y`� p>F.�e � �Ft�lilYrT"��StUtaL; c� Bureau of Water ]. W. Kelsey, Genf. Supt. Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER - Victor H. Roebrich, Chemist HARRY A. JOHNSON, DE L rY COMMISSIONER Bureau of Public Market- ' Otto Master P. Anacker, Market Dec 2,1925 Bureau of Lighting . 1. H. C. Streich, Supt. Ron. Sohn R. Mc Donald, Commissioner Public Works, Court Rouse, City. Dear Sir: Answering iur letter of Nov. 19th relative to the lighting ordej-cA Osceola Avenue and intersecting streets, the order hould properly cover Osceola Avenue from Hemline to ll Saratoga Avenue from Osceola Avenue from Osceola Avenue to Avenue to Sargent — soal Sargent and Albert Avenue from Osceola to Sargent, The $4590-00 will bcover dthe above on bmentiOf mentioned streets. Kindly have the preliminary order approved on November 4th amended as stated above, Respectfully yours, Superintendent of Lighting. �K November 9, 1925. L'r. ti. U. 3treioh, ` Gen. Supt.. Bureau of '°tater. Dept. ?ublic Utilities. c9% of _t. Paul. Dear 3i_: ::ill you kindly furnish its viith a preliminar;; eatimatF of ;o t for the furnishing t,nd inet:111i1w of ornomental 11 -hts on 03ce0la .,ve. from Homline %V(,. to i.lbert ATO.. Saratoga Ave. from Osce:,la Ave. to Pairmount .,Vs.. Pascal ?v- frog Of3ceola sirmouut <;ve. and Ilbert :wc. from Osceola :w tb :Fair- mount :.ve•' ilcry truly yon S. GommiasioIIer of Pub ie !':orke. Dec. 2,1925. Sou. Tobn It. .NO Dbnel COMAsaioner AMio Works, Court house, City. Dear 31?; A=MeriW YOM. 2etUX of Mff- 14th relative to Ha �ti Ming a rdsx on wes la Avenue aqui SAterseoUM streets, the ox49xsbonld propegly cover OSOSO a ATeraft. from HIMMUe to Albert; Saratoga- Avessne Mesa Osceola Avenue to ear �� Paocst Avenue iXOM 090602A AVOSU@ to S and ear er6 App from Osceola to Sargent • The ee�e iSt�tbat�te l l�oveaber 2' �--#t�� X08 toted of tj 0.00 V14 cover the alave mentioned streets. x4n&ly have #rhe prelimIuM order approved on 8oeeiaber th amended as stated above, Respectftlly yours, superintendent of Lighting. \101 I . AVL t�eP`ar,F�reR(h o F' JOHN H.�tT'Eb ONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNIEF ENGINEER \ GRY WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. YP C R. SHAT G. H. HERROLD. 011116 . _Y P _.. E cIrv¢ER November 19, 1925• G. P. BOW Mr. H. 0. Streioh, Superintendent of Lighting, Department of Public Utilities, City of St. Paul. Dear Sirs Will you please check over your recommendations for ornamental lights on Osceola Ave. The preliminary order was written in accordance with your recommendation of October 28th and includes arose streets which you had previously reoommended should be included in the large Hill Order. The papers are attached which please return. Yours truly, Commissioner of Public Works. as :,'�IkTY�F�a ��Fldl NrT�l!�Rs �e-Parhme::R,hw�'`�J�'6'llio fihil hle�s Bureau of Water . J. W. Kelsey, Genl. Supt., Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER Victor H. Roehrich, Chemist Bureau of Public Markets HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Otto P. Anacker, Markel Master Bureau of Lighting Nov -17,1925 H. C. Streich, Supt. Hon. John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner Public Works, Court House, City. Dear Sir: In answer to your request of Nov. 9th for preliminary estimate of cost foi placing ornamental lights on Osceola, Saratoga and Pascal Avenues please be advised that the approximate cost would be J4590.00. In making this estimate I have included Osceola from Hemline to Snelling instead of only the block between Hemline and Albert as requested. If the preliminary order now covers the block between Hemline and Albert on Osceola it should be amended to read from Hamline to Snelling on Osceola. It no doubt was the intention of the property owners on Osceola Avenue to have the lights extend all the way from Hemline to Snelling, and the order as it now stands is in error, Respectfully yours, uperintendent of Lighting. CRNVIL Bureau of Water i. W. Kelsey, Genl. Supt. .8:Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories GEORGE;C. SUGHEIMER, COMMISSIONER Victor H. Roehrich, Chemist HARRY`A:JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMM ISSIONER Bureau of Public Markets Otto P. Anacker, Market Master Bureau of Lighting H. C. Streich, Supt. Mr. Geo. M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, Department Public Works. Dear Sir: In answer to your letter of October 26th, I recommend that an order be introduced in the Council in- stalling ornamental lights on Osceola Avenue from Hamline to Albert, Saratoga to Osceola to f Fairmount and a Albert rom afrom Osceola Fairmount, o ato FairmountT, Very truly yours, e uperint entX Lighting. • 54330 F. No. In of _ onatru.ting.'a aix In the Tdox. foot2yeIn the eldewalk on: i _ _„ H ptt A � of hrAr na gAve 'from of COUNCIL FILE NO._ nth sidea Hoye By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.constructi.ng..a,._s.ix. foot ,cement,.tile sidewalk on Both sides...of. Asbury Ave..from,Hoyt Ave. to.,Nebraska Ave., of Arona Ave, from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., of -Simpson Ave...from..Hoyt. Ave.....t.a..N.ebraska iv. e ... ........... .. ............ . of Pascal Ave, from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., West side of Holton Ave.-from...Hoyt...Ave....to...Nebraska _Ave..,..... ................. I ............. exc.ept...w.her.e_ good ... and..suffic.ient..s.idewaikS..now.,.exist,..................... __.._.....__.._ ...._.__ . ....... _...__... .......... 1.......... _.... I ....... ..... ... .................. tM89..925,........ under Preliminary Order. _ approved... NovNov,,....7.7, Intermediary Order..._.._ _ _ ..approved.. ...___.__ . _.......... .......... A pule hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.00nstrwt„.a_ six._foot..,cement the sidewalk Both sides. of..AsbUry Ave.._from Hoyt_. Ave...toNebraska Ave., of Arona Ave. from Hoyt'Ave. to Nebraska Ave.,.... .... ..of -Simpson Ave, from._Hoyt. re..to Nebraska .Ave.., of Pascal Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., Westside of Holton AVew from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska_ Ave...,.... except. ..where ..good...and sufficient sidewalks now exist, and the Council hereby orders said in provement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___ FEB - 9 1926 Approved. __ FEE31 -.91.926 ...... 192 Councilma,u Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman >=xx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. S -i. 19 ........ ity Cier . CITY OF ST. .PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. --FINANCE REPORT OF COMMXSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthcmattcrof-- ons -11-A six fo -L re-renttile Si dew lk an _Asbury Ave_ from Hn.t Ave - +n Yel)rSig 41, it it Aron-!- Ave. i1 Hoyt Ave. to n u ------- 't_—_ t �.— 1n—=� ' 1. ❑ ""-!Sc It - .3c' AV'c' . 11 It II It II if ---: "'eq t Sides --44--1 u— "sv—�—€i a57– . !e - 4/v C: under Preliminary Order approved— :Qv . 17_1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - V1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F"'. S. R. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 1 Hoyt 1 s Rexm% _ e c. -,t of 100 17 1 Ho;tIs Como -u ..Lots 175 1s 1 do 175 19 1 do 175 r.0 1 ; 0 175 21 1 do 175 22 1 do 175 23 1 do 175 )4 1 do 175 25 1 do 175 TOTAL. F"'. S. R. 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OFr FINANCE i I ` -REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION :..,- 26 1 Huyt Is Rez:rlarq e ent of 175 27 1 Hoyt Is Como Out Lots 175 28 1 do' 175 ,9 1 do 175 30 1 do ?75 1 2 do 175 _ 2 2 do 175 3 2 do 175 i+ 2 do 175 2 do6 175 2 do 175175 7 2 do 8 2 do - �75 2 do 2 do 10 175 11 2 do 175 12 2 do 175 17 2 do 175 142 do no 175 do 1 ? do 200 lig do 175. 2 do do 175. 115 19 2 do- 175 20 2 21 2 do 175 zz 2 _ 24 2 ao175 do 175 2 2 - do 175 25 2 U.0 175 �7 2 do X75 -... - 28 2do do .175 175. 29 2 j0 2 do 175 _ 1 3 do ,175 2 3 do 175 3 do 175 175 5 0 175 3 175 7 3 do 175 . 8 3 9 3 do d 175 10 3 o do 17.5. 11 3 - _ - - do TOTAL 175 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION V ALU ATION 12 3 Hoyt I Re rranger:ent of 175 13 3 Hoyt's Oomo out Lots 175' 14 3 do 175 15 3 do 200 16 3 do 200 17 3 do 1?5 18 3 do 175. 9 5 do 175 20 3 do 17 21 3 do 175 22 3 do 175 2' 3 do 175 24 3 do 175 25 3 do 175 - 26 do 3-75 do 1 2� 3 do 175 63 do 175 30 . 3 . 4 do do 175 2 175 4 do 175 55 b 4 do 175 7 4 do 175 8 LF do 175 4 i0 do 175 4 do 175 11 4 do 175 12 L do 175 13 4 do 175 3-4 4 do 175 15 4 -do 200 1b 4 do 200 17 4 do 175 18 4 do 175 19 4 do 175 -0 4 do 21 do 1175 22 4. do 17 5 2' 4 do 175 24 4 do 175 25 4 do 175. 2f do . 175 do 15. 4 do 17 do 175- : 4 304 do 175 1 5. do 175 2 5 do 175 3 5 e.e. do TOTAL .175. . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j REPORT OF CdMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 4 5 Hoyt's Rearrr_ni e..ent of 175 5 5 Hoyt's 0 -.mo Out Lots. 17 6 5 do 174 7 5 do 175 F 5 do 175 9 5 do 175 10 5io 175 11 5 to 175 12 5 do 175 1 5 do 175 14- 5 do 175 15 5 0.0 175 1b 5 d 175 17 5 do 175 18 5 do 175 19 5 00 175 '0 5 do 175 21 5 do 175 22 5 do 175 23 5 CIO175 24 5 do 175 25 5 do 175 26 5 do 175 27 5 do 175 cs 5 do 175 29 5 ao 175 30 5 do 175 24,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / / 3 192ri Commissiong of Finance. Porn B. B. 12 • t� _ o St. Paul, Minn.. ._ Ootob�r,. SOa-_-.--192 To The Honorable, The Council, , City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause thS ,following improvement to be made: /99J - - - - ..................--....._....--- --._._...;��51,9�................._.._._...._................_....- __.fix Ave. from _--------- Ave. Ave. St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................... sides ...on....A0tarY.andthe �Q7QA...._.......--__............_........._.........._......_........_--_ _ __ _..._..._....... _............._.._.._....- - -- -- -- ---- Ave.s from-...---_....BalrHa3m ._...—......... _...... _ ..—_._. Ave. to --Wit. —..._—_. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lots 1 to 4 ino2usive. Lots- olnsie ' �ot 30 26 2517 8nyt*a Re Arrangmant iota Hrst*s Re -AxTaap!ement Lots 1 to 30 4 HO t*s Re -Arrangement Lots 1 to 30 innInsifi is - rraneoment N, _ 27 - r 7 I-�i �l �% 27-- 17 I} 2S y 7 G 2,1 •'I a � zz �� 2z r Iq le Lr'ps�`r rz eve, jjII i -j'7--- --------� - --- - i I i i Office of the Commissioner of Public Worew` Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV231925 November 21, 1925 192 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tile Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63089 Nov. 17, 1925 192......._.., relative to Council, known as Council File No ............. _........ ............. approved ...._.._....._...._._..._._................... ...... constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk- on -- ......... Both sidog of 6s�btiry gve:-from Hoyt-gtt"e: to ebraska Ave. Arone Ave. 't_......_.....a......._..........n...-.- - n........._.....�.t.._............... __......._............ .............. ................._. _ -....__a" ........... ...ra..._Si_mpeon—Ave.. Peacal Ave- West ve. WestaideHolton_6v.x ... .......... ._......_...__. _.... _n". _ .... .. ... ...._............_n". _ ...... . _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.___..._.._........._...._..necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........................._._. ........... and the total cost thereof is $ .................-... ....... ..........___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said impr 4.......... ......_............._.............. ............................._.._......................._.._.__.............__ 5. Said improvement is ..... ....._...... ........... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o .......... Commissioner of Public Works. --------------------- C. F. No 64331— In the Matter of '�conetrucung a ela foot cement tile. eideWB4k. on both sides of Chatsworth B `htrpm Ran- dolph 9L to Woat Te cient slde cept where aood'an reliml� COUNCIL FILE NO. F Bv. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... .eons.truc.ti.n.g-a _sJx_f Qt...cemant..ti.le. sld.evalx, on both sides of Chatsworth_Stre.et from Randolph Street to_West Seventh Street, except where good..and sufficient sidewalks. now exist, under Preliminary Order. 63601. _ _approved— _.Dec. .15, .1.925..._..... Intermediary Order. ___ _approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be, made by the said City is construct a. six-foot _cement -tile ._sidewalk on -both sides -of -Chatsworth Street from Randolph Street_ to_West_S.e.venth Street,ex,.cept_.,where good and sufficient, sidewalks.. now,.. exist,,._.. .............................. and the Council hereby orders said iglprovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ,adopted by the Council FEB. _...-__............. 192.._ . 9 192G �, ............ ........ FEB - 9 i92b t y City Clerk. .approved _.... _ _....., ]92........._. i Mayor. Councilman Clanc} Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman lXKNx Hodgson v Councilman Sudheimer C/ " Councilman Wenzel 1 Mayor Nelson •rn -B. S. A. S -i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � -T . r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FIf� LNCE ON PRELIMI.ARY ORDER In the matter of _----CoriF;truCt d,_ 81Yt- tI P d PI l k nn pnt-, c,,,�• <.^ nr — Ch-t�t FiL_tirt_ +- Rg nl a t 4a, irt�Stif t under Preliminary Order approved-- (a 71 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ---------- `'runt The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION S(EX. -)art fir OhL:tsti;ortn 3t.1 1 tsonls Second Ad—tion 450 1 :;nd Ev: t 10 ft. of 2 St. ', ul, Yinn. (Ex. -.)-rt for Oh: tstsort-n 10 1 do 225 St.) & Ex. iieSt 70 ft.) 9 1 �No. 1/3 of 1,2, 3 2 do 175 (Ex. P:.rt for 011 ftswortll S .) No.? of So. 2/3 of 1,2, 3 2 do 200 (Excent :ha.tswortil St.) TOTAL. P.mm B. n..0 CITY OF S . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F „ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �ON PRELANARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION So. 1/3 of 1,2, 3 2 ";itson's Second Add. 200 (Ex. Oh :t s',ror'.h St.) St. `aul Minn, - - (V -x. Cha.ts::orth St.) S 2 do 3150 1 3 do 9�5 g 3 do 250 1 4 do 31425 .leo S 4 includes other property 1 5 do 5 S 5 do 200 1 1 Bryant Is Rand ,l -h St. 525 28 1 Hddition 3650 1 2 do 375 28 2 a do 1400 1 3 d , 2600 S 3 do 400 1 4 d0 a00 26 4 do P.275 ?5 T. carton's Add. to 230.) 16 t'ne City of St. r:.ul 350 1 1 Nelson r ik, St. Paul,yinn. 75 22 1 do 575 15 Hixon Add, to St. Paul 325 10 Schiffer Place 375 1 1 Lexington Pr:r : Pl.:t 11 300 22 1 do 125 1 1 Wo;;dford P .'.c, St. ':.u7, 125 P2 1 Minn. 3525 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL p' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF MNANCE ON PRELMINARY ORDER ASSESSED .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, VALUATION 15 3 RugF.ls Add. to the City 675 16 3 oS St. Paul 275 lF, 4 do 275 16 4 do 2525 1 1 Bir::,inL;ha.mis F until Ad::. 2'5 1 6 to St. P ul, "inn. 50 2 6 do 100 3 6 do 20C 7 6 do Li25 F 6 d..; Soo 9 6 do 75 9 9 do 400 6 1 do 625 9 1 0 200 6 2 Ro,_ er 1 s FI>rt St. Add. 150 9 2 to the Clty of St. P ul 175 10 2 2525 11 2 4 d :: 175 12 2 do 175 13 2 14 2 do 175 1 2 do 2"0 16 1 do 375 �7 1 do 350 61700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hien in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z-3 1924 of Fin Commissioy6r I— H. B. 12 0 CY 4— St. Paul, __.-.---192 9 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned proper I ty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: C=Qn.t a.jjv ---- — ---- ------ St. Av.-- �cIPIP)1-- . ...... . ..... --.---St.4*'—to—T Office of the Commissioner of Public Vail Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 132D December 22, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63601 December , ............. relative to Council, known as Council File No........._....._......_..._.__.apProved............................................151925 192 ......._........ the construction of a six foot cement tile Sidewalk on both ......... .... _....._ _ __...... ... .............. sides of ..Chetsworth__Street.__from _Randolph_tr_Set..._to..._�9.,...__S.ev.en>;h_...S.L_._ _................_..... _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..........._...._..........._.necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 Per froft i 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............._...... ............ _ _......._., and t e tots cost thereof is $---- ......................._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is . ........................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... ......... ........ __...._ Commissioner of Public Wor . J� J COUNCIL FILE o F. No. saaaz- In the Mauer. of oonstracting a .six. By foot cement tiler sidewalk on both' sides of Ford Road from 6nellmg A -A. Cleveland ^_s'.t where ; �d ° FINA' nowbRDER In the Matter of.. . constructinga_ six foot, cement the sidewalk_ on both sides of Ford Road from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order.. .. 63494 _ _ _ approved._ Dec . _ B, 1925._ Intermediary Order____ _ __ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct a six .foot. cement tile sidewalk on..both..sides.-of-.Ford .Road from _Snelling -Ave. to Cleveland..Ave.,,_except. where -good and sufficient_ sidewalks now _exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public NVorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the propc_Ccity officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accdIrdance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB - 9 1926 . .... City Clerk. Approved. FEB - 9 192 192, . Mayor. Councilman Clanev Councilman Fergusonfi$ Q�IS Councilman McDonald —/3 7'- Councilman Pj=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimcr Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Forum B. S. A. 8_7, CITY OF ST. PAU— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE YC_' ; • REPORT OF COMMILqIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMIKARY'ORDER In the matter of,_-0onstruct -six-foot ce:.e a tile sidevr:a', on both s `_dee of Ford woad _ xort aneluneav_ .--'_9__G1 Ci ---- — -tet under Preliminary Order approved Dec-8,-192-5— To ey8,_19- -5 —To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ---- front $1.10 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except Ford Ro-td) CIO do do do do do do do do Form O. R. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 3 H;:r:er. er h Heights 7 17 do 200 18 3 do 200 �9 3 do ''00 do4 200 1 3 do 200 do- 200 23 3 do 200 14 3 do 200 25 3 do P00 TOTpL. (B) DESCRIPTION • 0 (Exce )t Ford Road) do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do CITY OF ST. ►AJL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIiSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 3 -H«rdenoer,--;h Heights 27 3 0 8 3 do 29 3 do 30 3 do 15 - do 16 4 do 17 4 do 18 4 Bio 19 4 do ;'0 4 do ^_1 4 do 2 2 4, o 23 4 :o 24 4 do 25 4 do 26 4- do 27 4 do 28 4 do 1 5 do 2 5 do 3 5 do 4 5 d® 5 5 do 6 5 do 7 5 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 200 200 1-00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2 )0 200 200 '00 ?00 X00 e 200 200 200 200 CITY OF ST. PAUL ►4;1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT Bloc. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION !_ - DESCRIPTION _ ..-.. .. - (Exce t Ford Ro +d ) g 5 H:--rdenber ,'n He-_, -::ts 200 do 9 5 do 200 do 10 5 do 200 do 11 5 do ''00 do 12 5 do 200 ` do 13 5 do P00 14 5 do 225 oc do 1 6 do 225 do 2 6 do 200 d. z 3 6 do 200 do 4 6 do 200 6 do 200 do 0 do 5 do x300 do 7 6 do 200 do 8 6 do 200 do 9 6 do 200 do 10 6 do J 200 d3 . 11 6 do 20 do 12 6 do 200 do �3 6 do 200 do 14 6 do 200 do 15 6. do 200 9 5 Lanes Highland Perk -195 1Q 5 do . ..195 11 5 do 195 12 5 do 195 -' 13 5 do TOTAL -155 �. (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF Sf. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMV3SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK 14 5 15 5 16 5 23 6 24 6 25 6 26 6 P7 6 28 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 32 6 33 6 34 6 35 6 36 D 37 39 -6 0 6 41 6 16 7 17 7 18 7 19 7 20 ASSESSED a a ADDITION VALUATION L na I s Hi� hlu.nd Falk 210 do 210 do 225 do 2: do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 de 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 6 6 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 210 do 270 do 210 do 210 do "10 7 do i. 210 TOTAL h' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMbSS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 21 7 Li:nels HiL_nl nd Park 22 7 do 23 7 do 24 7 do 25 7 do 26 7 do ? 7 7 do 28 7 do 16 8 do ?7 B ::o 18 8 do 19 8 do 20 H do 21 8 do 22 & do 23 8 do a4- 8 do �5 g do 2 D 8 do 27 8 do 28 6 do 1 9 d3 2 9 do 3 9 do 4 9 do 5 9 do to ASSESSED VALUATION 210 210 210 210 10 21 210 210 210 ?10 210 210 210 210 4. 5 210 210 210 210 210 210 255 25J 210 210 210 210 TOTAL N (B) DESCRIPTION OITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMJSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 9 T,;.ne I s HiF,hl;md Park 810 7 9 do ?10 8 9 do 210 r 9 9 do 210 10 9 do 210 11 9 do 210 12 9 do 210 a' 13 9 do 210 1 10 do 219 2 10 do 210 3 10 do 210 4 10 do 210 5 10 do 210 6 10 u_o 210 7 10 do 210 6 10 do 210 9 10 do 210 10 10 do 210 11 10 do 210 12 10 do 210 13 10 do 270 1 11 do 255 2 11 do 210 3 11 do 210 i 4 11 do 210 5 11 do 210 6 11 do 210 TOTAL __- CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM$SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) i - DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , _.... ..._ ,. 7 11 L,,.:,ettB Hi,.nlund Perk 210 8 11 do 210 9 11 do 210 10 11 do 210 11 11 do 210 12 11 do 210 �3 11 do 210 14 11 do 210 15 11 do -'10 16 11 do 210 17 11 do 210 18 11 do 210 19 11 do c 24o 1 12 do 2>5 2 12 do 225 3 12 do 225 4 12 do 225 5 12 do 2c5 6 1? do 225 4 uttols AdaLtion to St.P-ul 5000 5 do 2700 West 320 feet of (T -at Ford Road) 6. do 5500 (Exce it Ford Road & Oleveland Ave. 1 Hillcrest Ad-ition 150 _ 2 do TOTAL 150 . "51,360. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hill in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— /- /..i 192,0'— '? Commission of Finance. Form B. D. 12 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) i ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 Hillcrest Ad', tion 150 4 do 150 5 do 150 6 do 150 7 do 150 15 Kin's Lincoln F.:rk '�0 J� i6 do 350 (axce-t do 375 a ft. on Ford Ro-d' b'on 17 Olevl.nd Avg. 1� do 150 �9 do 150 L0 do 1 JO 21 do 150 22 do 150 �3 do 150 24 do 150 25 do 11-0 26 do 150 27 do 150 do 150 "51,360. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hill in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— /- /..i 192,0'— '? Commission of Finance. Form B. D. 12 ' St. Paul, Minn. &m.- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: a Cr A .......... ..... - ... _.................. _-✓ from A, Ave.— U 3 s CEIV Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo ED Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 14 1925 December 11, 1925 __192........._ .. ................. ............__._.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63494 Dec. 8, 1925' Council, known as Council File No......_.....................__.approved_......_._....._.:..........__.........._...._......._...................192..........., relative to the construction of a Six foot cement tile sidewalk on ......__......._..........._........ .._._ both sides of Ford Road from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. _.._..................__.._.. _...._..__.._......_..._.._......._................_.__..._.....-_._-......__._......._..........................__...-......................_....._....._.................................._...-- -...................... .-.... .................. ........ _........... .............. ..............._..._....._................._._._._...._.._...................__............._._._............._............_...._...._.._...._....._..............-- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia...._...... _.... ......._... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._._...._.._1.10..........._._...__.,per f ithe 191 coat thereof is $._ .............. ........._.... ...._. _...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................................................... ............................. __........... _...... _....... ._ .......... .... .... _......_.................... ... ..... _................ -............... _..... _................................... _......_................... ................ .......... .. ........ ..-................. ......_....-............................. ----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................ ............._._..........._......... ........ __ __.._.................................... ._......_.._....._.............. ......®--_.._............ .....__... _............ _.._........ _..-........... -- 5. Said improvement is ................... ......... _................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �7 Commissioner of Public Works. 1il� 4 8 C 'F• NO' 8tier� 04. conatwa kn onabothl Iniooti .clam nt LAYee1prem ue atae �,rt. +I Saaa 't Yt�a and suRicienar9a �P COUNCIL FILE. N0. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. constructing a_ six-foot cement .tile sidewalk_o both - sides of Otto Avenue from Chatpworth Street to Pleasant Avenue, a cept where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ......... ............................ . under Preliminary Order._ 63600 approved_ Dec. 15th,. 1925. Intermediary Order _ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made hy- the said City is . Construct a_ six foot cement .,tile. s.ldewalk on both sides of_Otto.Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Plessant_Avenue,. exo.ept-wk>ere_Uo.od and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _ _... and the Council hereby orders said improvement fo be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the.making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .adopted by the Council ._--FEB --9.}92§ _ 1 FFB - 9. 1926 19?itv Clerk. Approved ... ._..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Fergusontit� Councilman McDonald / Councilman Jb=X Hodgson Coumrilman Sud hcimer t ouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELOMINARY ORDER (A) In the matterof x foot na c,+ E, 5-Jjey; -._ s -_ +^; under Preliminary Order approved -B— 15 1r j To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.----- front 1.1p The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -CK ADDITION VALUATION l 1 1 Bir.ri.r=aarrls Furth Add. 2 1 to 9t. ->ul, 'Finn. 150 3 1 do 4 1 do 1,0 5 1 d P00 6 1 do 200 7 1 do 3350 8 1 do 625 9 1 TOTA- J0 F-- B. R. 10 CITY OF —PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I , ON P LIMINARY ORDER .(B) ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 1 ^iLL—n�jhani s Fourth Add. 1600 11 1 to St. �' :ul, Minn. 2 "5 12 1 do 2_25 1 2 do 200 2 2 do 175 3 2 do �3�5 .E 2 do 175 5 2 do 175 6 2 do 975 7 2 do 175 S 2 do 150 9 2 do 150 1 3 do ?450 22 5 do 175 23 3 do 150 1� 2 Ploodford Pr rY. St. 'i:ul, 125 19 2 .:inn. 650 20 2 d 150 21 _ do 150 _. 22 2 do 150 23 2 do 150 24 2 do 150 �5 2 do 175 26 2 do 200 27 2 do 200 28 va11,.f e.o.i do TOTAL 200 . A b6 (C) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION =9 2 ?;oodford P ik St.P�1ul e 200 i0 2 4 iJinn. 200 _1 2 do 200 32 2 do 250 12 1 do 2,,0 13 1 do" 325 14 1 do "25 15 1 do 3575 10 1 do 1175 17 1 do 775 1S 1 do 5 E 19 1 do 1525 ,) ., 1_... — do 1525 21 1 do 22 1 do 3525 35,075• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192_ e ComuAissi cr of Finance. Form B. B. 12 — St. Paul, Minn.. /2 k ;-17 To The Honora,)Ie, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement top be made: Ave. . ........... f rom . ............. ...... . ....... Ave. to-.-... ...........– ----- ...._...._......_......._._—_St. Ave. 0 6 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1�11 z/11/ r e7i LL9_ �Xj c eu".or j r _a /. 11 1 i...._h'_,Y".;."�"'l. �1�,- n'S 'li 3 j r _ v V Office of the Commissioner of Pubh'= , U' a r e3 Report to Commissioner of Finance' ", .,•., DECD 13 25 23 December 2 1925 _ __.....__ 2, -.1- ......................192........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._63600 approved............_December 15, 192192..........., relative to the construction of a six -Foot cement the sidewalk on both sides _____............... -_ _....._............................................ _-.............- ". _ _-............_........ _ of Otto Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Pleasant Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._._......................._..necessary and (or) desirable. per front t. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._1..10 and t e total cost thereof is $ ................._ - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ..... ...... ... .... .._._...._._..............__.................... ..... _........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ..... ............................................ .__..... _.... .... ._......_............ ........... ._........ _........ .....-...... _............. _..... __.......... .... ......... ........... .._...._.._..... ._......... — 5. Said improvement is..............................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' „Commissioner of Public Works. N w,S j41q34 84334-- meld eo Matter of nstructing a cement file COUNCIL FILE NO. ... et,monn[e Averroma9t. Glair gam! :.t_ By.. _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. constructing _a, six- foot cement the sidewalk on both sides of Griggs Street from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order. 63088 approved.. NOV. 17th, 1925. Intermediary Order _-_ approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council haying heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Cite isconstruct. a six .foot .cement tile sidewalk on.both.side.s_of_Griggs Street from St._ Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue, ex..ce:pt..where.good.and sufficient sidewalks now exist, crunt and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ FEB 1925 .__.. 1 .... Approcod FEB- y 1a1 192 -itv Clerk. Mayor. CouncilmanClaud Councilman Irc d FS Councilman McDonald - Councilman EXXaj78. Hodgson Councilman Sudhcimer Councilman Wenzel .Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER' OF 'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) t In the matter of __, rt '7 Fi X fent C:P'E" t t;_1 'l St . to F h� P under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $---- ------ front $ 1.10 - The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Fur- B. B. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 St. Chir St. & Short Line 375 2 3 Add. to the Cit;of St._uul 175 3 3 rl-A 2. 175 4 3 do 175 5 3 do 200 6 3 do 225 1 6 do 175 2 6 do 1�0 3 6 do 1` 0 46 TOTAL. �5� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 • ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 6 St. Cl it 3t, a Sh�it Line 150 6 6 Add. to t:.e City of St.P ul °25 7 6 Pl-t 2. ?25 6 30o 1 2 John L. ':i1 =onls 7,:oodcrest 3150 7 2 do 350 23 9 Stir.<onls Blvd. Add. 275 East 17 of Lot 2 & .311 of 1 12 do L00 30 12 do "25 1 13 d0 ,?5 30 13 do 375 5,150. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ ---192 Commissio of Finance. Foto B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. A, St. Paul, Minn.._N_aC,_...?.�..____._192 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: i..ons.i.rv�t..la...ft..._aide�.alk....on....hose....side.a....o.�G.�igg s..�.ts.eet--------.-- ___ St. Ave. from_S.t. Clair_ -...— ...... —...... _.-........ _.._ St. Ime. tor a Q13A#�..___.._—...----...........— _ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITTII/ON i7YL1-2vt.�i�Clltio"W�� N qu y � _ _ _ � ___ __ _. � �. _. `�' _� Fo, r'oa � �- �.e.. l`a yV ovd c�c.a'r. - � � J __..._, a % � � b __. '� IC\ Joj �qq 5 .. 1 9 ___ `l � I R `^ � lk _ �r � �� � ° � �� L V. \ /2 � 3 � � t b I a.�,' _ �' 4 _. � �. I -- _ -- � _ � - � � T -- — �--� �. < <_ Sf. .. .� - l� . ___. ______. __ __. .. _ I �–—___ __ _ _ __.._.____ Office of the Comrhissioner of Public W VED Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 231925 Nov. 21, 1925 _._......._.......... _ - _._._............ 192 ......... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63088 Nov. 17, 1925 Council, known as Council File No.........._....._......_......._ -approved ................. _....... ...... ..........__......_.........._..............192............, relative to the construction of a ads foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides _..............-............._.............__._..... ........ .._.__._...._.. ---..__.._....................._.................._..._..........._..._....._..---____.._........_............ ......_.......... ..._....._..- of Griggs Street from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue. _ ........ .......... ...._._._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . -_........_._.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._1.10 _per frgtlttetal cost thereof is $._ .......... _........ ................ . .. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .................... ........._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for sai improvepiant. �f l y Commissioner of Public Works. rJ 3 b4Lq,'a C. P. No. 64336— In be Matter, of ourbing both sides oY ChippSt. from Baker St. COUNCIL FILE NO. napolis St under Preliminary OrdBr. ewa 69929. approved June 2 1926. . ± ane FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. curbing_.both. s.i,des of Chippewa Street from Baker St. to Annapolis St.,�-\p �I under Preliminary Order. 59929 approved_ June 2, 1925. Intermediary Order__ t approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to he made by the said City is curb„ both sides of Chippewa Avenue from Sydney _St- tp Anxia.polis_ St. and the west side of Chippewa Ave. from Sydney St... ..to Baker_St,., .................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB - g 1926 , 192 �pprovcd FEB 9.1,9216 192 Councilman Clancv Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman&eXXX Hodgson Councilman Sudhcimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. .... ....... _................... .............. __........ Citv Clerk. Mayor. } CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT O FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIKIyNA14Y OR15ER (A) In the tnatterof-, Curb both_ Sides of Chiwevra S reef frou, 13d.ker Street; co __— under Preliminary Order approved—June To the Council of the City- of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $__ a 4Gne 7 - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - X) • 72 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 6WCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C 7 75 Lib— J Oliver's 2300 c S 75 Ada. -.o west.s_, P 'Ine W. of 9 75 do do 7 do ll� 0 do 11 75 do so 1? 75 do 14 Oa es-n'e Heurrt,: event of h00 Block 70 of Banning and 13 Oliver's Adiition to (Vest 350 S;. P ul, Minn. 1? 10 1300 11 do 10 do TOTAL. N..,m B. H. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PRELAMNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 13-K ADDITION 7 77 Ban-ji.t; & Olivers S 77 Addition to ';Jest g 77 St. -Iaul The North h0 ft. of 10 77 do "he South 10 ft. of( 10 77 do all of (( 11 77 do 12 77 do s.11 of 7 78 do and the North 25 of 8 78 do The S,)uth 25 ft, of $ 6do _ ,.rd all of 9 7g do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 400 350 350 275 3425 3725 500 400 400 All if dock 79 T3a-c—in !.. -liv--'-rIs -'d"I. 2100 Exc- )t its )f Lits 5 Lind 11 to ::est St. Strc'-t. 41,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, t ogether with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissvh 192,4-- er of Finance. F- B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 9 Davoqon I q Re;! ri : li, e-,-',ent of 350 76 of E::nninl- & :liver's 6 to 7,'er.t st.Pr.ul,?Iinn. �^ 10 78 cliver's Add. 300 111 76 to ',est S t . P ul )'J25 (12 78 Rl o ck 8 do 350 61. do do I 3 do 1500 1b00 Lot 1 62 .0 2 62 do L. 3 to 12 do l L,,)-, s 1 to 14 Dawson's of 2550 3-' '-lock _1 of dal.—.--, and bliverls Adu. to ��eot St. P ,jl, .._nn. Lot- i t.. Lzx,,tonIs Re ai,:iqc 2-t Of 1450 -,.ie E .-t Half Of Block SO, of diver's n,. ,est St. All if dock 79 T3a-c—in !.. -liv--'-rIs -'d"I. 2100 Exc- )t its )f Lits 5 Lind 11 to ::est St. Strc'-t. 41,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, t ogether with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissvh 192,4-- er of Finance. F- B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. -----__192— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be m1ade; _Q e-t— ...... . ........ . ............... ....... . ... ................. ......—St. .. . . . ... . ............ . ....... . . . . ...... Ave. from_......_.._........__....._. _. ... ...... ...... Ave. to— _-­--­­­---­-- - - ----- --St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Z-1 4-0 73 Ix. Lcaz'� I Office of the Commissioner of Public WS161VE.0 • i0 . Report to Commissioner of Financea;. . .\ Jv,,,,...... DEC 3 I925 1 Dezember._.2, _ .... _. - ............ _192- .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.59929.-__.,.,__-approved ...._Jung..,..9_-1.......---- ,_........... ..... ...........192.....b..., relative to gurbing_of both _sides. of ._Chippewa Street_.. from _Baker Street .to......__._._ Annapolis Street ._. _..........._.. ..... ___._................................................ ......._..._.. ...... __........................... __.... -.. -......................................._.._................ - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ........ ............_._._..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................... ............ _............, and the total cost thereof is $._..._............... ............. ..._.._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............................ _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....................................... ............ ..._.._......... _............. __.. ........--_.......................... - Commissioner of Public Works. v°d Ci�ry v�F _ : iws, poiq�� P,epa,rh'ne0 v,`,; L� ,!Lb,, �'c o 4kos, ' JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER • THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHL—RD. CHIEF En.1— M. S. GRYTDAK)-..E ErvelrveER WM. N. CAREY. Suer. of C.—R-1— w RCPwIa A. RP. SJPT, oP S—T.Tlon G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE nrvo Ciiv PLANNING ENGINEER December 1, 1925• G. P. 6DWLIN.;SUPr. aP WoaRrvousE Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary/-,68timate of `,,_ cost for the curbing of both sides of ippews Street from Baker Street to Annapolis Stree under Preliminary Order C. F. #59929, approved Jun 1925. Estimated Cc $2,450.70 Cost per rout ft. •72 Inspe ion 48.05 Fr tags 3,438 ft. NoteRecommend final order read to "Curb both sides of Chippewa Avenue from Sydney St. to Annapolis St. and the west side of Chippewa Ave. from Sydney St. to Baker St: The above estimate is made accordingly, as the remainder of the street has already been curbed. Yours truly, e +g ne . Approved for transmission_ o e Commissioner of Fin�annc_ee. Comm sa oner o Public Works. 04336 C. r. No. 643s8- ". }In the' Matter f c natruoting a six foot cement -tue dd*M do - the . north^aide of Robia O 110 $k,. ' -to r1 .int E21 dee f'JDf Bellows,' WN, `-and enfrn, COUNCII. FILE NO... 8k, except where dent eldownik^ no Rle i'ande'- By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. .constructing..a...six_fo.ot...eement...t.ile. sidew.alk..on..the..north side of-Robie St. from Ohio St.. -to. a point..221 feet west .of _Bellows_ St.., except where good and sufficient, sidewalks,, now. exist,..._, _ _. .......__.. _.,,....._.._.... _.... ...... ........... under preliminary Order. __ _.63765 .. __ .approved.... .A.,e.C,,, 2.3.,...192$..,,,,,,,,,. _.......... a:\ Interme ary Order _ __ approved_ _..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_..conatruet .a. s.ix..f.00.t .cement .Alle- sidewalk on. the north side, of Robie St. from Ohio St, to a point 221 feet west of Bellows St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, y and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be matte. RESOLVED FITRTHFR, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .adopted by the Council _. FEB.- 9 1926 192 ....... ..... FEB - 9 1928 'ity Clerk. Appro\rd _ 192_ ... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ^ /pisCdl�L J Councilman McDonald / \ Councilman JUMiKR Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) north c:de In the matter of— of Ro .j -e St. o 221 f,-, ; ea oj: Bellov.s .3 under Preliminary Order approved DP C' 7 JG25 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ wont $ i.10 The estimated cost per ot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 S 1 -;0 7 v a 0 1--110 b 0 do 9 6 ':o 10 6 d0 175 18 201 1 -2v n e I = Add. to gest 2075 19 01 7 -U1 ?50 )01 do 1 Form H. H. 10 201 do TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 017• FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ry ne I n A, ' G, , e �t 125 P� 01 S' !,1 1£575 21 do 2h75 6 "01 do 175 17575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hien in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public, WorkH. llated_—��__ _'�_ 1022� Cnllilill nllla' lit I�IIiu❑r.Y. Form a. H. I1 0" St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: j Az! ..._.... t:.r�._2-................._......._...._..__.... — - __......._..........._._._..._.. — - — --- ---- St. ,tae. -------St. ' NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION cL Z �/ 2-61 SP N C'�, S P G -o , t 0 • 1 0 i � r Ui ', 20 �,� /R /7 L C 7 S `1 /o 2G 2J ..41 2D � � I 1 f r) 1 0 RECEIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public W Ml E, -; Report to Commissioner of Finance'`"" JAN 6 19 26 January 4, 1925 192.........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ynder consideration the preliminary order of the 63765 Dec. 23, 1925 Council, known as Council File No........r........................ approved ............ ...__.......__._..._......_....................192......_...., relative to constructing a six Moot cement tile -sidewalk on the north _.._........__........... ........... ..._......... ..........__..........__......... � .de..a..Y ho.b.i_e. _S.t.re.at._..Yram ..._Ohio.....5.t.r_a.a_t..._t_a.....a..._P.o.in.t.....221....3.e_et.....we.a.t_......._ o£ Bellows Street. ................. ................. _.............._..._......_............._....__._....._......_.........._.._..............._.................._....__........._......._._...._........_............................_.._...................._.................._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._._._.__........_.........necessary and (or) desirable. + ot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.._..._............_....._..........., 1.10 per Y aqttegl cost thereof is......_........_._........_.__._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... — 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ... ........ ..... ..._....... _......... ....._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................................................ _.._...... .................................._.............. _..- ( G Commiasioner of Publie ----- or COUNCIL FILE NO. By. i- 0 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... constructing _a cement tile Yvalk .and_retainin.g,.viall on the south. side _of. pleasant Ave.. from 138' west of Duke St, to 476' west of Duke St., 'C. S.'Wao 64337— .. ....... ..... ........... iInmtht Matwalk and retaWtng wall con the t "16 V,lde of plana* Ave. from _. _.. .. .. 133'..weet of Duki;M- to`476 `: weat .... ....... ....... .......... _........ of pbka :$t. under'. -Preliminary Or- der 63210 approved Nov 20-1926. .......... ..... I.. A baen public• hearin& hat•i 4 upon .1 ............ ..... ....... ....... ... ....... under Preliminary Order. 63210..... . ..approved... NoV 20, 1925. Intermediary Order....._ _ ...approved.. _... ...__ .. _ ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.... construct ...a...cement. ..t.ile...wa.lk,.and. _retaining wall on the south side of Pleasant Ave. from 138 feet west of Duke Street to...47.6... feet—vest _of.Duke Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 9 Adopted by FEB 1926 the Council -_ itv Clerk. Approved FEB .-..9..1926__., 192...._.. Mayor. Councilman Clancy 3 Councilman Ferguson .ft f f� Councilman McDonald Q Councilman P€g-Tx Hodgson "� 1 Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor- Nelson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE N REPORT OF CO*MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (A) Irithe matter of—_Constr_ct a ce:.ent bile is 1 %,id ret airi..i_ - _ on t?�e south side of le: s..rt Du'�e 3t. I f'76 feat vest of Da" -e .e . C C under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am unt o the assessment for the above improvement is / roA The estimated cost ped foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 7 • 5O ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION -P rt of Block 1 ',_,rr.o:.;d Al :tion lyinL-; 2;ortilceet of the ,°�lloerinf descri'oed line: C�j , nci"f' � t^oint o:. ',;e -;r�-i lice i- Block 136.25 :e -t S3u-i :^.e:+t -i: t e :-r `.:: 2t nee Srsai, r 11:,1 i line of e 4d '-clock 0 LLe�t, —ae ce Sc, tii e.lt ..e�21-e t.._r—f, 1 e.. 3—t1_ rt .'r est r , r -1 f -f Lot 2, ":?lode ri _t's e._:G ,tiun to 3 i_ t .. ul, :nn. 3 2 r - ter. to 3,. P, ul, _!.inn. e -t ,f 4 2 do TOTAL. Perm B. R. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 36,500. 175-0 CITU OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ltOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ©LOCK ADDITION VALUATION Fest -�0 ft. of E. -0 ft -j- 4 2 'drights a_. . to St. _Il 3�)0 e t �'0 i 4 "inne.-ota� 1175 & r1,_.e t 13 -t of 5 S-- =t we „ ft, of �o ft. of 5 2 do :lest> ft. of do nd (Ex. ,.est -0 ft.) 6 2 do 3?5 :.est 40 ft. ;f 6 2 ) 30 375 ,nd E..rt 10 ft. of 7 )) 46,553 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that 11e has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the. report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � W17Dated_ 192 Commissioner,d Finance. FOM B. B. 12 l ' I To The Honorable, Th'e Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 0 r St. Paul, Minn..._'—_ S� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............................ ....._._`�'v._`......_...._... —--......-._..._..—..— St. Ave. from/l I%_ -�. .............. – —....—St. Ave. to.� ...... -- _......—...._.�._St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK ADDITION r. - sPRO MAM "10" ' MW f Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor , `2 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance NLId 30 t9S6 Lember 27, 1925 _......_._.._.. __ .__.....__... _......._192.........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63210 November 20, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ............... .._......_......_approved...._........._._........... _.._._ _...__ ...........................192............, relative to th .—........................................... _oopat_ruoting_e_gement the walk and retaining wall.on the son side of Pleasant Avenue from 136 feet west of Duke Street to .....................................--__--___...... _._......_..............._............. _......_ _......._... ........... .... _ ... _4.76.... feet..._west.._0f Duke Street. _...._........_.__._...._........:..-- _-_..._.....__........_..............................._......... _..._.............._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._......._.........._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 07.50 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............._................._...._......, and the total cost thereof is •.._...._____...............__.__. , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4....................__..._......._._........._...._......._........._......._.........._...._...._..........._ _................_......... 5. Said improvement is .......:..................... _................ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said Mir * ovement. i....................._....................._ U Commissioner of Public Works. �� S4a 38' COUNCIL FILE NO. By... In the Matter of .... aonstr�cting curbing ..on.botil.side.$ of. $VPeriar..Street from Western Avenue _to_Oneida Street, -.. curbing ..... ........ .... ............................................ ............ C F. No. 64338— c, ftrurwr on to bothttsides of suredior ., u aro side. SaPProved .............; ""'stern Ave. to On .....................+.. .... ......... ............ ............ ................ ""'star nar 26 order 60914 h+ July under Preliminary Order. 60914 approved.. _ JUIT 21,...19U......., Intermediary Order............ _ _....... .....approved. __.._. _. ___.. ....._ _...__.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it -.11�L i RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the �a ' -' t-' a r o e ma _.c.onstruct curbing ...on...b.oth_ aides _.of._S.uperior Street. .from lestern.Avenue .to_Oneida Street, be and the same axe hereby oa oehed, annWled, a? -d raeindod a.nd ail pre-c:ordings to saidmatterbe discontinued: and the Council hereby or era said improvemen to be made. ww,ESOLVED FURTH , That the Commiss ner of Public Works h and is hereby ins true ed and f directs to prepare �alar#s an specifications for sai improvement, and su it same to the Coun it for .x approva thaf upon said appro -al, the proper city o ials are hereby author .ed and directed to pro ed with then king of said improv[ nent in accordance th ewith. Adopted by FEB -91926 the Council.._... _ 1 192... Approved ...._FEE[ -..P 1926_...., 192 - Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald q Councilman DLTA C Hodgson 1 / Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Farm R. S. A. 8-7. Mayor. P�IBLISf�D3!� CITY OF BY. PAUL- DEPARTMENT AULDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELININIARY ORDER (A) _ Cons In the matter of— �= �_ LJ\ under Preliminary Order approved U1. "21 "It'' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: •I'Fle Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $- ,fit 3,i6-97 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is. - - - - - $ 7,75 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL. Farm R. a. t0 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 22 ;iin>IOC, IS Ad - - to S .. U1 20,790 The E : t '{� ft. of 2 2 E. A.=' v tie' :=. Subdi% ion 1675 1 ;t. Or 2 22 to '.;inelo•:.Is ad:%ition to the 1600 T'fe „est Tile East it . o- 3 22 ee ,t T ,: n 3f t. ul 'Fin�,.x Ter: it- :y TP:e ':,est 1 ; ft . of Lhe 22 do 132 f 3 T'_:e '..est 5 _ Of e E.•:=.t 60' do Vi0 of 3 --' 'fie ... 1 Lt . of 3 �+ 2^ 2? do 25 :d t:_e E.st 25 ft. of TOTAL. Farm R. a. t0 CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMl ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELfMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION The ,.est �0 ft, of the E:. t 55 ft. of 4 22 E. H. H;:v.:els Subd. I ASSESSED VALUATION 975 to winslow s Ada. to tie Town of St. -1aul, `.inn. Territory Tne :. 30 ft. of the E :t 85 ft. of 4 22 do 1275 T'ne 7. 10 ft. of the East 10 ft. of 4 22 5 22 do 1375 The 'Test =;0 ft . of the E =--t 50 ft. of 5 22 do 2125 The :';est 45 ft. of 5 2 do 1375 The &-t 5/19 of 6 22 do 900 The '7. 4./19 of tie E. 9?/19 of 6 22 do 675 The 1:, t 41 /19 of t:ie e:>t 91/19 of 6 '`' do y�5 Ta"e. -est 5/19 of 6 22 do 775 the . , 3 - feet) 1 '3 uo e-775. The pest 3.50 -.t. of 1 23 do 12100 Azad all of 2 23 do 3 23 do 900 4 4200 The Easterly 3j ft.of 5 23 do 1450 b5 ft. of 5 23 do 1600 6 �3 do 3050 Block 2 Nor-.:ood Ad ition to St.2 itl 2100 ::!inn. All of 17 3 do 1''025 and t -:e East 1 of 16 ti 'Nest of 16 3 do 2350 K`� l l of 15 3 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- DESCRIPTION LOT B -K ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION b1'1 of 1�, 3 P:orr.00d yd to 1000 ad tue E�: t s of 13 3 St. I T_ie ''Ie:zt 1, -of 13 3 do '• 66,0 o --:d X11 of 12 3 do 11 3 do 1225 X11 Of 1o nd t_.e st i of 9 3 do T'_.e ';.est s of 9 3 do cc0 3 ,' ,md c..11 of S 3 o 1 Smith I s Ad.:ition to St.1 .ul 2,150 2 do 700 3 do LL -50 4 do 1-650 G do 1500 6 do 1350 7 do 3550.. a do 21F0 ( 9 do 2350 ( ( 10 do 11 do 150 12 do 2700 13 do 13 0 T: -.e _Tort;i 49.50 ft. •)f 5 3 ": ille: add. t,, S4 x`-50 The &� t 1/3 of 4 . 3 do do 3- 3 do 1325 =he E.° 4L!, ft. of the 4 do 1 25 Viect 08 ft. of Lot:, 3 � 3 The ;,est 4 fl. of _ 4 3 do TOTAL 1500 - CITY QF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE k ON PFML-1M1NARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION 2, 3750 a Ad.. '.,0 5 t1,4ainr.. ( 2 3 0 4 5 do 2900 6 do 2300 .11-i of 7 & noIt_. of 6 do 2050 1 7 T: r ,d ti— to St.P ul,' inn. 400 2 7 do `25 7 Uo 3 25 u 7 do 3:'5 c do X25 0 7 -0 3, 5 7 7 do 375 bll of 1 6 a 3500 nd t::e East Z: of 2 6 The ';,est of 2 6 and ^11 of 3 6 do 1800 All of Lot 4 8: t-::e. E. of 5 6 do 3600 Tile ;.1, of Lot & 11 of 6 6 c.e 500 7 6 do 3'?75 ( 6 do Ti:e E': =t of 9 6 do 2600 T:_e ;, e =tof 6 do 31 0 -d :.11 of 10 6 do w IM 63 , 575.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reportthereon to the Council, together with the repot made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 192. Date Comm loner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 1 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �p St. Ave. .��i� !/!//...__....._............... — -.:— *t- Ave. _.......... .— from_ ....... _-._....._ ...- ___St. --Ave: s L j3EC� TED Office of the Commissioner of YPublic VV t s,,, _3 Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC s 19 25 Degpmbar$,5 _...... .................. 192 .......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._60914...____.___.approved..___..Slll7.....21................._................. _......192...5._., relative to ... ........... _......... on-.120th._.e.3.des.....of...._superlor......S.trsat .............. ..............-- from Western Avenue to Oneida Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _._....... ....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ ....................__.._—............. and the total cost thereof is $. .......... ............ ._.._............ __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. C .. .......... _._.............................. ................................................ ............... _... __................................................... ..........__----------- _.._---- _.............. ---_.. _— 5. Said improvement is ............................. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. v"b �,epa�rJ�M�erzih a _ JOHN H. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH -RD, CRISP ENGINEER WM. N. C RM SUP ., CONE'rnVCRON -9 R-- G. H. HERROLD, 01P - MD CRY Ptw "' -"'- November 30, 1925, Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Superior Street from Western Avenue to Oneida Street under Preliminary Order C.F. #60914, approved July 21, 1925: Estimate of cost $2,368.07 Inspection 2% 46.42 Cost per front foot .75 Frontage 3,158 ft. Yours truly, 4- )-'7.. t�-��j G of Engineer. Approved for transmission to C mmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GMS :AB St. Pant, Minnesota, February 5th, 1926. PROTEST AGAINST THE CURBING ON BOTH SIDES OF SUPERIOR STREET FROM WESTERN AVE - NUB TO ONEIDA STREET, UNDER PRELII.aNARY ORDER NO. 60,914, DATED JULY 21, 1925. To The City Council, St: Paul, Minn., We, the undersigned, earnestly protest against the above improvement being made and request you to discontinue all proceedings in the above entitled matter. ADDITION J _ a — P , - ' I• — i '7 a - ��� , COUNCIL FILE NO— By, O,..B In the Matter of....conetr..ucting. curbing ...,on...both-sidei....of._Uslba...$t,,..from Doug],as. St,.. to _Garfield St., ... O. F.-: No. -64399--. -a...... .......... to the Matter or constructing curt on both sides or Lisbon . i ............__ .. _............... _.... .._... _. Dovgla St. to Garde •,,. ,m ��nry_. Order under Preliminary Order.._ _ __. _ 61,374 _ _.. approved.._........Aug.....18 .................... Intermediary Order. .._ approved...._........._ ............ .......... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ��e v RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the and -kind of-- construct_eurbing.on.both..s.ides.of.Li,sbon St.. from..Douglas._St.. to Garfield St., be and the came are hereby ca: --.celled, anrulled, a d rescinded sad aB proceedings Li said a �., 64: Le dic,cn,.imied. and the Council hereby orders said impr cement to be made. RESOLVED F rRTHFR, That the Commissioner of Pu lic Works be an r] is hereby ins acted and directed to prepare ans and specificati ns fqr said improvem nt, and submit ame to the ouncil for approval; that upon s id approval, the pr per city officials are h reby authorized and directed tb proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - 9 Adopted b.' the Council _.._B 1926. FE __._. 192.. FEB - y 1926 Approved _...._ 192. Councilman Claacv Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman P&xxx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE 171 ON PRELIMI'jWARY ORDER (A) In the matter of-- -i Ct fl—i") i 4_gbop 01 lt'e 8.6 tinder Preliminary Order approved-- 12, l92�- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost perhoot for the above improvement is '66 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The South of 48 _.:.L)Ine -I loullenIq 'Poo The L_ .t r of 17 3uod. of Lote 1 - 2 of y�o The _eht of 47 L_cohls ddu. of Cutlotp o t':e T,;,In of St.:� ul 24-10 L5 do 2300 T,ie of 44 do 2725 The East iof 44 do 14'25 43 do 750 L2 do 1075 TOTAL. F-- B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIAINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED •.,, VALUATION The E ^t of 41. :'hita.cre Brisbin 1625, llu'Ien's Subdivis ion of The 7e i s of -1 Lots 1 F_ 2 of Leech's 2975 Add. of gut -ot:� to t;e < 40 Tov.11 of St. _au1. 3450 39 do '850 Tae E.: -t `; of 3G do 2025. The .est _; of 38 do 625 37 do 4750 The North 1/3 of ( 49 do 3600 ( do ( 50, do -_ .. Ct0 ( 51 do The Ea-t of 52 do 1 25 T e hest of 52. do 2275 The East ', of 53 do 725 The ','(est. of 53 do 3475 54. do 2250 55 do 2650 56 do 850 CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FLTtANCE REPORT OF COMM 1 SS 1 ON EF2 OF FINANCE ON PRELIM 1 NARY ORDER 14 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .1- VALUATION 57 :.L11L C-? t=�: � .risbine & "ull-n's 2100 Sub- _ -v - ion of Lots 1 & 2 59 of Legci-Ez; y,d. _tion of 3000 c::, -t' c-, e Toen of The East • 5 _'t . of 59 S i n 1 S00 (Ex. the E. 4=, ft". 59 do 2200 ((& Excent the South L7 ft .) 00 do °3;9,775- The 3;9,775The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public V1 orks- Dated-_ _/-3-7Z -- -._ ..192 ---- -- - - - -- - -- F.,- B. B. 12 Commis ' ner of Finance. j X 61,374 St. Paul, Minn. —CiLl– =4�tg192'�� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable : _ Bordto cause the following improve CIA to be macde_LC . .............. . ..... —St. Ave. -.------St. Avm-to_ Ave. ADDITION Tj 9WM..A M_"V12 Imp, ot n� . . ::. <� .. � � \ :\~\ �» � � � `\ �j Office of the Commissioner of P -'Lx blic W � �_ t� Report to Commissioner of �irzance DEC 3 ....................... ..... _192--a- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had raider consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._61374approved..___AuLis32.............._..192.._J...., relative to .......... .._�_O.rye_tru4ting.._curbing.._on_both s_ides-----o----Lisboa ......_...S.t....._t.o__GaxP .Bid.._St..........-------- - ........ _..---- --.__.------------------------ ------- -..._......_._._......._..._........_...._..._._......_ ......._....._..........._.......... ......... . ..........- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, here13o9 reports: 1. Said improvement is.. - .............__.._....necessary and (or) desirable_ 2, The estimated cost thereof is $.................... _..... -------------- and the total cost thereof is $...--------... ..... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------- - 3. A plan, profile or ske : -of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - — -........_.._. ...... 5. Said improvement is .......... ................... _................. asked for upon .petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------------ ----......... ---........................ ......... ...... .... _...... ..- - Commissioner of Public Wor s. GEORGE M. SHEPARO. —.1 ENOIREER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTR-1. — REPAIR G. H. HERROLO, 0P — 011 1— 1— -11.— s' 11. ER JOHNH. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER November 30, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissionerof Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Lisbon St. from Douglas St. to Garfield St, under, Preliminary Order C.F. 61374, approved August 12, 1925: Estimate of cost $765.61 Inspection 15.01 Cost per front foot .66 Frontage 1,164 ft. Yours truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to C mmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of IPablic Works. GMS:AB i i 54340 COUNCIL FILE NO._ ...__................... By. _.. .._....... __ ..__......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..cons.trn.ot.ing..a..six_ foot ._4ement_ 131e_sidewa.l..k..cn_both, sides of_Finn.Stree.t from James St._to Randolph_St., except where good and sufficient..s.idewalks now exist_, C F. No. 64340—' _ . In the. Molter of ;esidewalkyou gboth foot -cement tile:. - - 'of Finn St. from Sam4e St fo ._ .. . ..... Rnndo f 9t., eacePt .whera-- sides Bood .... .... j ander1PrellmIn- CI'der n63490, RP' Pr oved Dec:'Sth. 1926. _ ncnt,'.-rB heving beeII h nvement vyon {�a ............. ............ ...... ........... .. " Sl h0.vinBahe._rl under Preliminary Order. ...63490 _.._. _approved... Decd. S.th Intermediary Order......_ _.... ._. _. ...........approved.: _.._... ..__..`._ ....._....._ _.. . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;. therefore, be it r RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cit} of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the -said City is_..cons.truce..a_.si.X... root. _Cement...t.11e_..31d6Walk on both sides of Finn Street from James St. to Randolph St , except where 'good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _ _ _ .......... ........... ._ _..... __....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB t 6 182y Adopted by the Council _.... __.......... �E8 _............... t 6 1926 .......v ity Clerk. Approved_ __..__.__._ 192........ Mayor. " Councilman Clancy 1 Councilman Ferguson '------ a� Z Councilman McDonald CouncilmanXX=X Hodgson \' %Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. R -i. CITY OF 8t. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI (NARY ORDER (D) f In the matter of Construct a six foot oe..;ent tile sidevialk on both sides of Finn St, 'fr ra J ,:,es St, to Randol h St. under Preliminary Order approved Dec.6 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is --- -- -�! f xont � 1,10 The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is Tho lots orparcels of land that may be m ossed benefits for such improvelncllt, and the assessed valuation of Cull lot or I parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 orchard P _rk 650 _ �5 Uc 1100 1 3 G. G. '+Yhitne s R verton L550 30 3 P11:ce �� 7075, - TOTAL. X1.,37• .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Puhlic Works. Dated ` Commis over of Fiaxuce. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn. Mag 7�-- -.._192.5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable to cause the following improvement to be made: _.—.-_• Construct six.-Poot-.-_Bement.__t�,le.-._e-�d��Yet.�..s3a-k-igx►-Vit.•.-.fr°m--.-.--- St. Ave. James _ St. Ave. to— St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK DITION L3 �o �Yer I � I /Zl.�, l2i.oC dd, k c I � i i i , r Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the IC:FL-ty of St. Paul: DEC 141985 December 11 , 1925 -- - - - - ...._._........_ ...................192....-...... The Commissioner of Public ��or�s, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 6 90 Dec. 8. 1925 Council, known as Council File No ----- –_—___-----------__approved---------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------_-.192..._.---..., relative to oonatruoting a six �� Qt cement tile sidewalk on F inn Ave. from James St. to Rs-go1ph 5t. (both sides) . and having investigated the matters arae -things referred to therein, hereby reports o_ fA 1. Said improvement is..._-__________ ___-necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof zs �—_-____------_._..-._-------------- and the total cost thereof is $ .................. ....._.._............._._, and the nature and extent of said exnent is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------- -.-....---...------ ---..--..----__-------__..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch. o£ improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......_... . ...... .......................... -...---- ----- - --- ---- -- ----......-------------- ..---- _.._-.------ --.._ 5. Said improvement is.._.._.____.______________–___ --------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessmeprave7n�ent. �G ............................ ------------------------- CoTM�iRsioner of Public Works. D END .i1CFOF=L15 G.RTIFICATs. The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: course of 1, The roll of microfilm described herein was made in ttae rem accordance with business by�'l1rPa r the standard and approv d to chTiique w3.th a Recor alc microfilm machine t40del Mkt— of Eastman Kodak Company- lg by the 2. The roll of microfilm was made on undersigned operator(s)- 3. The serial number of the r011. of microfilm is / .3 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies o� a e c. 5. The last document Photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed hg the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on sa3sb.zoll of microfilm imnediately after the last document. Signed: Dated Operator 1 tlVN0 1531 NOIlnl053tl Ad000t101n SONVONVIS 30 nV38ne IVNOIIVN Q 9•TIII �•TIIIII �,Z•illlll 8•illlll ,` -0- Z i Ilfll s .3 Z•ZIIIII s%e��� "`�� O �T VIII �q G AyA�egF9G roti o" N lfs C�� o9ROs