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4 V emu �G•LIIIII Zzlllll sE�uii �.� 0.111111 • S-ZIIIII e-ZIIIII 0 o 4 V emu �G•LIIIII Zzlllll sE�uii �.� 0.111111 • S-ZIIIII e-ZIIIII START Serial No. of Roll Department ea[Yg S/4E Office — ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited Date Nicrofilm CONTENTS ldumber or name of first document of regular contents By mop - Operator Operator By Supervisor CITY OF ST. PAUL FO NCI. ILE OFFICE OF THE CITYXLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY 1ER___ DATF - - - ------- . ....... ...... ... . �7 In the matter of opening, widening and extending Sumner Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from Bayard Ave. to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #59476 approved Ilay 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. hoo5q, approved June 9th, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works. having submitted his report and ketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of -land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows The I'lest 30 ft. of Lot 12 of Reserve Park Garden Lots. with IS o .f r6 1Ztv. c er UE 1926. E etch 110 itte i i 1� o. / the -above named flxea and e t ft�o4 Lot 32 E 1FA COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson . ................ In favor McDonald Sudheimer .............. Against Wenzel —Mr. -Pres, Adopted by the Council -------JUL 1', 194 ------------------------ ------- � 192 JUL IM Approved._.......... I .........................192.----- -------------------------------- ----------- MAYGR ei�pagFul W`or � JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMM7s510NER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPOT' COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C— ENGINEER S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENSIN-R WM. N. CAREY. SUPr. OF CONSTRU M —0 REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. GP SANRATIOH G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE — CRY PUNNING ENOINESR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPE. OP WORKHOUSE ---REPORT TO THE' COUNCIL --- in the matter of opening, widening and extending Sumner Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from Bayard Ave. to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F, #59476 approved May 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. 60059, approved June 9th, 1925. To the'Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows The West 30 ftA of Lot 12 of Reserve Park'GardQh Lots. ommissioner of Public Works. Dated- July 15th, ,1925. GH-RFH �:v RESERVE PAF2K GA R. 1 j 437 40 54: 40 - I m i' 9 /o !1 ' ` a under Preliminary Order approved 1da.V 12 1925_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -The estimated cost per foot.for the above improvement is S The lots or -parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or paint & last reported by the Assessor, are as follows c ASSESSED DESCRIPTION �', LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Except parte taken for Bayard & Otto AveB. The lest of lot 12 Reserve Garden Lots. 6000 1 1 State Park. --Add. Plat 5 _ 250 2 1 do 200" 3 1 do 200 4 1. do 200 5 1 do 200 6 1 do 200 7 1 do 4 X00 Form B. B. IO TOTAL, .. 5 NCE R7P60�jkS$IONER OF -FINANCE INARY ORDER , -° - ADDITION r ASSESSED SLOT BLOCK _-. - DESCRIPTION _ VALUATION:_ "-'""- '- State Park Add. Plat 5` 1 , y .. 9 1 do_ .... • 10 1 , do 400 do Z ; 4 do_ 300. _ do 200 _ 3 do _ .4 200 4.4 _ do 200. do - 5 200 6. 4 do _ • .9654-_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissionerpf Public Works. ��J} Dated 6 - 9 -_ 2 ) --- Comm, one, of Finance. Farm B. H. 12 -. F Office of the Commissioner of Public W, kjkE6EjV Report to Commissioner" of Finance MAY 16 192t5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.59476----- approved --- $_ 12� 1925 __191___, Yelative to _Opening'__widening_and extending Sumner Ave-_ - -to n width o 6 --- from Bay_ard_Av_e. _to_Otto Ave------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2.The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $_--_________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------- _----- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------- - ------ -------- ----------- Commissioner of Public Works. - -- tf 60752 r CITY OF ST. PAUL ` M. c' No ..... -r ... sn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM f PRESENTED BY DATE.�_.._...sTll� h.Y•.1=5. aCOMMISSIONER ---- --- RESOLVED,. In the matter of openirg, widening and extending Macalester Ave, to a width of 60 ft. from Schaffer Ave. to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #59475, approved Ifay 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Or4er C. F. #60058, approved June 9th, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his -report and sketch in'the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St. Paul. fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the& above tamed improvement to be as follows The East 30 ft. of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 9,T-28, R-23. COUNCILbIF.N Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson_...............In'favor McDonald `8udheimer _D......Against �SE �J of the SEYs oc � Adopted°hY the Coun a Julp� 16. I926.- �" � APProved: JvIY I6 �.1P26- (JulK 26 Y9Rb) Adopted by the Council .......... .............................. 192...._ JUL 1 r, t�J25 Approved... --- pproveed ..- --------1192 •MAYOR 91 In the matter o3 opening, vaicieaaaa a33 -c3 e$tending Macalester` Ave. to a vrid-h . of 60 :C -b from Scheffer Ave. to Otto Ave., under 0rc3er C. F. #59475 approved May 12th, 19259 a acl Xssbermecia-arY Order C. F. 1160058, approved June 9ths 3g :2-5 To the Council of the City of St ® Pazz1 : - _: The Commissioner of Public :=,a s.n_bmits and makes a part of this, his report s a 7 >1aa of the above improvement showing the land Zr -t(:) taken therefor by the shaded pax- of sa3cl pP -gcaa9 �rhich land is more particularly described as follow F3 The East 30 ft, of the SW 3/Q- o::C 'bye SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec 0 9'-28 - R-�3• under Preliminary Order approved Mair 32 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: S 8 5 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 6 I� - DESCRIPTION --,- •LOT IBLocK - ADDITION - if ASSESSED -° VALUATION r i Except parts taken for Scheffer and Otto Avenues, �6QOb: C the East j of the Southwest V11 of the Southeast 4 of the Southeast 4 of Seotion; 9, Tom. 29 ;Range 23. I j Gibson's Addition 11156 10 if_ 9 dc, 1j0� I l i - do' 7 do :1101}0.. i if __. 6 do 13$5b + 1 TOTAI. I i The Commissioner pf Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, "together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CommissionTr of Public Works. ° Dated,-� —�S 1 kCommissioaq qty` of Finance. F— B. B.13 % - - s o r Office of the Commissioner of Publicltti/ a ;r =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance ER 0 May_ 12,__1925 ____________191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. NALT5__-__approved___ Y_ 121 _1925 __191___, relative to Openin widenin and extending �?acaleater Ave. to a width of 60 ��--- -- --- -------------------------- --------------ft. from Scheffer Ave. to Otto Ave. ______________________________ and having investigated the matters and -things referred to therein, hereby reports: N 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature, and extent of said improvement is as follows: b ---------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and.made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or 'mo're owners of property, subject.to assessment for said improvement. '--^ Commissioner of Public Works. 9 _ 60753 r couNaL •-- " CITY OF, STr PAUL-`•'clLe No ------ OF THE CITY CLERK } _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. n ` , 91 July 15th, 1925. In the matter of opening, widening -and extending Underwood Ave to a width of 60 ft, from Scheffer Avenue to Bohland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #59463, approved May 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #60060, approved June 9th, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows : The West 30 ft. of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 9, T-26, R-23. COUNCILMEN Yeas "Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheiraer ................ Against eEV nzT' Mp. � Adopted by the Council.------- ............................ 192 Approvedd.....�------�-------------------- • MAYOR c � bVI,V tj I ep ah�e'vU 1i��°mss JOHN H. MCDO NALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. Q. O'CONt EI . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S GRYTOAH .0'000. P Imulk A. B. SHARP. SUPS. O l6ANRA GEORGE M• SHEPARD. MC` E001- G. P. DOWLIH, 6UPl. W W. -O-- . WM. H. CAREY, BUrT. OF CO"- G. ONOTROCT G. H. HERROLD. OFMCS AMD CRY P�INMRO - _ REPORT. TO THE COUNCIL--- in the matter of opening, widening and extending Underwood Ave. to a width of 60 re from Seheffer Avenue to Bohland Avenuei�thde1925,1e�nanary Order C. F. #594631 approved May roved June 9th, Intermediary Order X60060, aPP 1925. x To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Vlorks hereby submits and makes a part of this,the sland onecess yn of the above improvement the sha ed part of said plan, to be taken therefor by described as follows which land is more particularly The molest 30 ft. of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of See. 9, T-28, R-23. mmissioner of blie VlOr�s. Dated -July 15th, 1925- GH-REH �, D Va CIT ST:: PAUL } - DEPARJP-zW, OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER„OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Open, widen and extend Underwood Ave. to a width of 60 feet from Scheffer Ave, to Bohiand Ave. under Preliminary Order approved may 1?, 1925-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and,the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, VALUATION Except parts taken for .Scheffer and Otto'Avenus, the 6960 West "of the Southwest a of the Southeast w of the Southeast 4 of Section 9, Town. 28 Range 23. Except parte taken for Otto and Fairview AverWes,a 49605 the Northwest w of the Northeast w of Section`16, Town 2S, Range 23. 1 5 P1urn Orchard 325 28 5 do 325, 1 1 John Gaarden Addition 325 26.1 do 325 Form B. B. 10 - TOTAL, . CITY OF- ,-' DEPARTMEN INANCE REPORT OF COMM, 1 NER OF FINANCE ON, PRELIMINARY ORDER,, ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - =LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 Hardenlbergh' Heights 16: 2 do" , 15. 3 do 225 16 3 do .225 15 6 do _ '?5 1(a 6 do 225 15 7 do 225 16. 7 do 225 i 59665. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of. the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by thhee Congnissioner of Public Works. Dated `— Corp1hissioner of Finance. FVrm B. B. 12 - u APR 2 0 1925 St.. Paul, ,Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of 'St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property, owners, hereby petition your 'Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made - Open. widen and extend Underwood Avenue St. Ave. Ave. to Otto Avean® __........_...__. —._^. _ St. Ave. 12 E � r ,w R Of ice.of the Com�rsi�on of Publirc Wo � 9 -Report to Commissioner. of 'Finance TONER �i3g _].D_1925---------- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..r+294.fx3----- approved._ MAY_12s--195____191___., relative to Opening,_wid®Hing_-and extending_ Underwood Ave. to_ s width- of_ 60- ft. from 8oheffer Ave. to lohland Ave. --------7 ---- ------------- --------------------------------------------------- =zn+ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 4 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and"the total cost thereof is $ 2�the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. ;A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ; 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------- ------------ Commissioner of Public Works. 6075,5 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of._condemning,."and._taking_.an_easement__ n.,the_land___......_"__".-",",._., nedessarp. for_-slopes,."_for_cuts_and_f 11®" in_grading.�lley in.",,,,, ..,,.".. glc.ck._5.},_ Cloverdale,_. Addition, _from. -Frank:_ Street_ to. Duluth„Avenue,,,_ _.. ..._. _...- _.. aATIsxINo wss>6sealivTs IN cos .................................................... -"" - DgMNATION FROIMDINTA 7: -- �-.. ..... ._........ 80766— j I"R� e matter or .Idemning and t0c '��q•;zan eaaemer ::.tae lar :--"i � fia; .................... ... ' under Preliminary Order__50278. --- ...., approved.1'Z elQ+.1925, Intermediary Ordei5$9z5..--------------- approved. -----. (` approved_.......April-..15,1925. ' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of.damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. ` Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits,: be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. nvej Be it furt er Resolved, that the said assessment be apd iG::is: hereby deterrmaed"£o'U a lg,;�u _,. :,_ airtallmen as to " "parcel oFTand described therein. 1925 Adopted by the ........... the Approved. ' ........... JUL...1.....��.............. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman MUM Hodgson O Councilman. Sudheimer ze ' Z1W,--XQ10” ......., 192........ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATI®N OF LANDS In the matter of.condemnin ._and„talon .,.an_,.easement....) ...tk1e..land ............................ z1................ --••-••• Block 5�_..Oloyerdale,_Addi1ion.,..,.from.__Frank,.Street_,.toN;L th...A.v-onu§,,-.._...... under Preliminary Order ........... approved.X&3:-A104.19.2.5..., Intermediary Order ....r5692-5 ...... .... approved------..---�pTi1 15,X925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easement therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not.exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on, said matters. t Commiasi er of Finance. 1111i1il�lllltlrl►Inrlln"n"......... , ,y .'t tj Resolution Ratifying and Confirming 'Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of....00nde.mning..and-. taking..an_.e;asemen$_.iaAhe...land.... ...... . neoees&fig dor..slopes.,_.fo.r_Cuts....and ...fills...in..gradingP.alleys...in..Blo-ak---1, �tosemaa -and..Blocks...1_=d... 2,...Hidway...Pl.aiasno.a..-Add...-from-.EryAt......_ F to._X....and ...a.....Alley...and..from-.Lafond....St,-to_.Blair_9t.- :__ --- . --------------- C. P. No. 80767— �In the matter of condemning and tak ........ f. .. ._.... _ _ ....._.. _.. _. ;Ing an easement•1n the.land neces - """ '"' - - Gary for;§lopes, for euta and fills in Gradingalleya In Block 1, Roseman Add. and: Blocks 1 and 2 -Midway. `Plnleano. "Id. from' Vr at r ...–...... ..... ... .. ...._ ... ..._. .... e: -yA13ew andYror a� k^ under Preliminary Order.......5�1�$.- approved.Wx.3,1925 ,Intermediary Order..58.929........... A xil 1 19255 ; approved---�-........ 5 z..............__. • q A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also uppn the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, .• and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it :�aithp eso ued, that the ysaid _ass�essment a > this y determined to be mbfe 4i"� (/ m ......... ... .equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. i JUL 1 192 lsz..__.. Adopted by the Council ------ --- --- JUL .r....... . --------- .. . .... ............................... . ... .... JUL 15, I&Lf Gity Clerk. Approved. ... . --- ........................... 192...... ................... ...... E...... ................... Mayor. Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald `� O pU$LISHE� °? Councilman f1kifflodgeon 7 Councilman Sudheimer enze *pirnr Nelson i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OF s�f. CONDUNATION i In the matter of.-gpndemnixg...aPAa...taking ...an..: easement...in...the...land .......................... neaeseaxy _for.. slopes,---cuts.--bpd.:.f.11 .s....ill 21e..$zading...A...a] eX.a...ixi._._....... Blook lx Roesmau--Add.- and, Hlockq l and _2sjftdwW..k?la i3=oe..adds................... .from..Fry.._9t<...$c...N�..-and....•...Wiley.... d...RQ1>..La o d..8t.>..tjo...Hlaia..St.&............... Ordor���,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11i approved ............. Ap.-r-U- 5.5192-5 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof ttt respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -- omm 'over of Finance. IQ ld�A Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor, 1n the matter of._Condemning...and.-taking--.an-easement ---in- the. land------------------ - ----- neoe.ssar--y fox-sl9pes, f or -puts -and fills in -grading Oaxbon.-Street --- neoessar_y.--fog_slppes.,.fpr..outs..and...fills...in..grading...Oarbon.-Streea from Dale 8t. to Maokubin 8t., In the matter of condemNng and tak- ng an;easament.in the' Land neces. .. •-•...... - .. ............................... ...................... _sary for slopes, for cuts,And.:fllls'In Bradingg Carbon Street from Dale St.,• to bfacltubin 9t, und0r PrellroIn �7�2E>aPpro ved Feb 17 L:..................................... ......................................... ..................................... ............ ...... ._.._.............................................................. under Preliminary Order ......5.%922..._..., approvedM•17.x.1925., Intermediary OtduN.5G063 ................. approved..........AP.r.1....1.4 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, -and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered o be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further solved, th t the said assessment be and it ' rebyq determined to beiltmit ..........................equal installmen eh-parceLoWand-geescribed theret Adoptedby the Council ............................................. .....--•.--...._....., 192......_ 0 was ity Clerk. . Approved............ " v..,......, 192_..... Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald — 0 Councilman Jjpg Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer -GWMdhnT"T-WMW0r— M*Y—ifttm— x "LISI%D,-Zb� REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE • ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of 'A tb'o...1W .......................... n®oeeaarg.for,,AW!, for „outs and %i110 in„grading„Oarbon..Btxee .:..,,,.. from Dale git t.9 4o ub n gt. ••••• ........................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 57922..... , approvedOJ.41925...., Intermediary Order5666.3............. approved........*1... -196..... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAM The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ................la��.... Commis 'oner of Finance. r�: l j� Couneil File No. By ....._ __. ........... ------ C. F 60780— �Sn-tho matter!of tha seaea9nient f --,,,. „:bene9ts,.costa and`esPenaes-:for con Ce ,!, - ,.. .,structing,:ralayiagand reDai;ing .. , ,•. ent.�:Rema]Kc. Asttmnt . 'Nn, 8 u .: CITY: '01"19T.'_`PAUL Iges®luti®n Ratifying assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Conder ucttingg,Contracr3756$,n and repairing em ntSidewa.:ks, Estimate. No. 9, ason 1Cement —Assessable— F-0- 55992 Cherry St., north side, beginning at Bates Ave. thence west 44 ft. F-0- 55164 Mound St., east side, beginning 144 ft. North of Burns St. thence North 150 ft. Burns Ave., south side, beginning 100 2t. east of Clermont St.. thence .East 230 ft. P.O.:,.j54i5 c6071 Hudson Avenue, south-'side,.- from Marl St. to-,-Hester St. F .O East Third St . , south side, ' from Earl St. to fell St. F.O. 55163 FFooreest St., east side, beginning at Margaret Lit .thence North to al Margaret St., north side, beginning at Fameat St ® thence East F.O. 55625 Jessamine St., south side, beginning 48 ft. west of Mendota6L St ii thence west 150 ft. (repair sidewalt: and build retaining wall) c S.O. 54929 Geranium St. from Wai6h St. to Weide St. (south side) F.O. 51760 Reaney St., both sides, from Flandza;u St. to White- Bear Ave. F-0- 51756 Stillwater Road., south side, from Hazel Ave. to �aukon Ave. F.O. 5'P Autumn Ave., south side, from White- Bear Ave. to the Minneapolis St.Paul Suburban Railway N=L-assessable-- F.O. 55163 Margaret St . north side beginning, at Forest St .thence east 50 ft , Forest St., side, =beginning at rgaret Sto thence north .east to alley $ F.O. 51796 Stillwatei:-'Rosd, south side, from Hazel Ave. to Waukon Ave. ity Clerk. Approved _.._ ..................... _1.5_192L ....... r�: A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered' finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation_ BE IT FUnTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined -to be payable in.---S---.,--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein _ JUL -15 192b 19 Adopted by the Council-- Approved ouncil _ JJ(, 15 1g 192. _ Form -B. B. 13 - p --:. y.i T_YT..7T A�S�-i •;' �; ___ �._-{:- -,: �'�T-?T't fc.`�. - -��..?- �•C• >�'=3f?..y �f"1a,�'.i^ �•r.� ns�; � .s�-' - �J�7'�'r .1� rT��J'T.t:-� '-?_^' .,.;C'i '�c.�S�tit. } �M1+�.�. ~ 1YSw7I3 r1sE' � G�.i,:ii' �"'s-> a .i'fsu tn�'Ts�: d,,•G�'_T.: 'a.z:i:.' _ �'L3 " _ . _; : �-.. ( �,� T� k u'.C5 'YJ::S�'I'1 -dC5 - .� -:- -� a 2�x� C r.'"'^.T -::Ar • '�} . r> .a ".?'�'� - �� -..�1 �C �1 �']•F;.• i. i�Y'��:. YLI �� a 7w d•Y..l i.�y'.l+i .:r]i- 4�.ST - iC ..`J.. `e'iy 1�. ^�✓-� ',•ij• `F,ia."J •:- x •.VF.(YS4-.i'1.i' T .t.::.: r':�'.S 7T ar ro °teT ;D 4: �i:-.Lt'T "�' x3T £}�, �'„ t.Gep J ��.. -r .f.. cJ r3 :TA t,3 ^-' ?_.". r .. _"!_"C' ;•s •lS.•^.'�. i`{',5 �_1 i9�N _ .Jl,{•c. TS3 •r .�./!1F i. r. .�.,,35 : ._C` -c."�_.�,. IT0M; .r.-�: _ -. ?. IJcAa sY v ,"J • V � � "7` s —a Ci t, .. i S - f- r,.- E ' :' .=r`-$.` . l .-., - a T. c, � r • .s ? 7 � �' `' ... _^_ ;,5 , •l� • �L;f'TN. .,"' t. __ a F°+. T a LCj .{: ° . F iPS _ _.. a . x.J-• ,. -PC J, Z--" •-2. Ti `i-; `�?• S �E:3S.7 ?fJl:Gim-7//••��Fc:t _ . C-c^.a �O T .�,^''3.� cJ i . �saa asac -- ............. In r------------------ ----------- - --------- --- -- —� A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered' finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation_ BE IT FUnTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined -to be payable in.---S---.,--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein _ JUL -15 192b 19 Adopted by the Council-- Approved ouncil _ JJ(, 15 1g 192. _ Form -B. B. 13 - CITY'OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits,00sts & ezpen868 for _. ----- Elonstruc ngs.:rc�3 a and repairing Cement . S�tdew, 3.k Estimate, under 06Wtract 375 ; for the season 1924 _ ,»l�saassable-- r.x•''55992` Cherry St., north sides be(;i tnigif nt Estes A.V0. t'henCe e7e01t 44 ft. - T+'.©. _551614 1,Wund St., east;sidea.:t�el;inning I �� zt. ilQrth tai' DUMBZ;t thence iSorth 150 ft. Burns Ave., south side, beginning; 3-00 ft. east of tllermolat St. thence 'East 230 :ft. V .0. 56071 Hudson Avenue, south side, : roan : mW3t. S . to Rester wt . , .0: 551115 East Third St., south aide from &--orl St. to Tell St. F:Q. 551&3 Forest $t., east side, beginning R t Xasgaret St.thence >oal3h to alley Margaret St., north ;.ides beyinniaag at V62,eat St. t1aonce 'M ans't '50 ft . V.Q. 55625 .Teaa3amine 5t., south aide, begin==-ixg 48 ft. West of 1:4ena0t;rl St thence nest 150 ft. (rouair sides allm end 'cauild retalnln 3 ) *r,0, 54929 Geranium St. from mlGh St. to Vioicia St.. (south aide) .U. 54760 Reaney St., .loth Rides, from °1 mdrau 5t. to lahi.te Beam V.0. 51796 Stillvater Road, eouth sides from i3�zze1 Ave. to Waulk-on � i7e . z� .0. 55155 Autumn Ave., south sides from ighlte 13ea.r;4ve. to the Minneapolis 8r. St.pau1 Suburban RI il.= V Margaret St • h side,beging at -]Forest St theAce easstas�20�3aft. tside, t flazza e-0 5t. `Men, .3. 55163 raroet St.c sa- south alley to alll- 0. 53796, to aley road, aide, from 11=01eve. to � odds "Vea _- .,_ aril-evel'y-ior-Sal-C-or-parcel oY-ialid-tieeitled-benefitCd- by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and' that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed.hy_b. L -M, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as map be considered proper. ............------------- -------------- Cre-bsioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. R-9 ` To the Council of the City of St- Pa— The Commissioner of Finance here%y reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be a` d in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of coustruetioa- - - - - - - - - - - 1_-43-__----- Cost of publishing noS3ce - - - - - - - - - - _ - $------_ ------- Cost of postal. cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ --------55---01 Inspection fees - - - - - 670 -10 - - - - - - - - - - - $----------...-------------- Amount of court costs for co��a-**�a-tion - - - - - - - - - . - 25-05 Tot a1 Totem.: Total �nc�a���=-es 7,50.94 Said Commissioner further reports Te has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $7.v C> ®� mxpon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the c -m- a of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the saidassess�ae=� L was been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, zx=-a =rz�.ae a. part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the f'or such action thereon as may be considered proper. ----------...-.... - .................... - - - �� i���� ----- Co stoner of Finance - Form Council File No ................... M. ... .................... By........ •...• ................ ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoluti®n Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 4, Academy Heights, fromClleveland Ave. to ;enneth Ave. In F. No. 60761— . In' th l matter ot'the assessment oL' beaedts, costa and expenses , to. grading �A11 In � l3lo.b pe..cade Helghtl from :,Cleveland Kenneth we., .unrtOr Preltm :: ,r under Preliminary Order 5-74.intermediary Order.54393...••.. Final Order •..•.• .71, ........•........j approved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. A public hearing � rill having boon had upon the WoIwont for tho above improvement, and paid ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory; be it therefore d • RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same . is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein, d JUL 1 1 Adopted by the ....._..... ... ...... - ....: ey City Clerk. JUL 1 Approved.__._..__............:.- - ...... _................ ..... ....... 192...... _.__.......... _...... _..__._._.._._ ._..... .._.......__.._ yor. Form H. H. 1e / LISYFEIT' R CITY OF ST. PAUL, _ ; M 60052 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF- COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t ,grading Alley in Block 4, Academy Heights, from oleveland Ave. to-'.,.- Kenneth Ave. �1 ...................... Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order........................ 5.7.....•••- Final Order ..............��.75$ .................................. approved ..........__............... _.. P;AA9Z5 . ..... 39 ............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council theafollowing as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve• ment, vizi Coat of construction $., ?1.000 ................ N M M ���I Cost of ,publishing notice (� ' 0 $... Coat of postal cards � a:............... Inspection fees • . . . . . . $ ................. Amount of court costa for confirmation. $•••-•••••-Y!5..•••`••••••.•. Total expenditures $.._249..:.3.x.........._..._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $___29 t.�f8.--.--------.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part heieof, is the said assessment'as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 1't C missioneL Of Finance. 3 Council File No By................. r6 CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 5, -Louden Park,Addition, from Oretin. Avenue to Finn Avenue, Io bth0 me ttgr of the assessment of benenta,' costs and expeases f s. gradin'&�Alie� }$ .$foek 5 L i •,iir Park Additionfrom CreH Inn Ave, Up- preje 7, 'Into ' tender Preliminary Order .... ...... 5)..7717 ............. lntermediary Order .......50Ox................. , Final Order .......51.7.0 ................. , aPProved_.__...._.......ATS.�..�.�_......___..._.....192_. 5.._, .A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and hating been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same -is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED) That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,_._ ...... ......... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein, . 1 fel” Adopted by the Council_...._..._._ ....... .,,............... _.... ._... ..._ .................. 192........... , ............................. ................... City Clerk. JUL 15 r" Approved_-...._..___......................................................192_.... 1400 J W .................................,,....,....i....,..,...................,. ..., ayor. Form B. B. 18 �I CITY OF ST, PAUL, , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .REPORT WJuM-9141.9.2..5IRK_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for W grading Alley in Block 5, Louden Park Addition, from Oretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, 57%�I......................._..., Intermediary Order _ _�0�-.—•..- - - under Preliminary Order............................__........._ Final Order............5760.._. .... ..................................:...._, approved . i ..................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expend`.- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- went, viz: Cost of construction $._.._.239-X.Q____... Cos[ of publishing notice $--•-•--4.5o_....._. '90_.._. Cost of postal cards $.....__�___. •?9 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $-...._...___.._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ -- _'50- Total expenditures $._..?�.°s�.__..._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- wined, to -wit: the sum of $_...._.._23 e6%�................ -----_upon each and every.lot, part or parcel of land deemed -benefited by the said improvement, .and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idea- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commr er of Finance. r, i _ ria rlAlifm T r4 Council File No . ......... . . ....... ... .................... icy By............................. ............................................................ CITY OF ST PAUL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wordsworth Street from the east side of Edgeumbe Road to Prior Avenue, No. 66763— In the matter of the assessment of b to, costs and ex for con- structing a. r on 'Vo'111' f Wordsworth -fit: R : 81do of prior,vell lot, under Preliminary Order ................ Intermediary Order ................... Final Order .............. 5.87-5.7 approved --Al?rl I —8-tll A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore r. RESOLVED, That'the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and, it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... .............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL 1 1_1925 .................. 191 ........... ..... . .. ....... Adopted by the Council .................................. ..... .......... . .......... .................. 191 ........... .... ............. ................. City Clerk. .. 191 Approved .............. ................. ... or, ....................... L'.. .. ............ Form 13, B, 0� PaLISI CITY OF ST. PAUL.i%tl .- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF F1NA 1Ql REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT �d.,....,a P..5............... 18Kx_, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and :expenses . for 65XX constructing a sewer on Wordsworth Street from the east side of Edgcumbe Road to Prior Avenue, 57517 32.4......._.....___..__._.__.. , under Preliminary Order..._._____..._.�.____-•-.-.•---. Intermediary Order _...____._��_ Final Order ......... _5875................ _._...... _............ approved._.__Apz`il_.8�_.._1925..__._....,A�kX-..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - $ ........... 7.05._ Cost of publishing notice - - $~ Coat of postal cards - - - - ' $:......:........ _........ 1.41 Inspection fees - - - - - - $..... ........ _.... 106 .-00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $....... ... _........ _..... 7 05 Total expenditures $........... i Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, 3 . p and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed earned, to-wit: the sum of$_..._....._._.r............._�.. �L......_....._....._u on each benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden• ' tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. "....,.. Form B. B. 17 Commis er of Finance, Coun it File No...� By........................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL. resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing constructing a sewer on Sheridan Street from the east side of Edgcumbe Road to a point 150 feet east of Prior Avenue, iC. F. No. 66764— :In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cogs and expenses for con structinga sewer on Sheridan Stier' from .the east side:: of F 11. • tG• •;'94 to''a point 150 . < 58323 under Preliminary Order ............. ...57667;,, Intermediary Order ....,........., Final Order............58"156,,,,.,,,.., approved .........A�?r.....8.a.,....925................89x........, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. .... .......................equal installments as "fo each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL 15192g� Adoptedby the Council..................................:................................................191............. Approved ..............._. 'JUL51925 I..1.:...........:..........191......... Form B. B. is 4 ........ ........ _.._x ................_..._................_..... ayor• PUBLISHED s+ CITY OF ST. PAUL. (>(1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J .EPO T OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ....... _....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cWt,s and .'expenses for tI1CAX constructing a sever on Sheridan Street from'the east side of Edgeumbe Road to a point 150 feet east of Prior Avenue, 58323' ., under Preliminary Order _......._.52.651.__•--_.--.__—•, Intermediary Order _..._____._.__.___... _- --..-- Final Order-.__...... __rJ.$1rJ6.............. _..... ........... _, approved.---...11 Fr.$l._.$.r..._] 925 ....-$�t�k8—• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz 3 643.80 Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-.... _._....._._._4....20.._ Cost of postal_ cards $--- ------ Inspection fees - - - - - $........... _.......7.z... $B_ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... Total expenditures - - - - . - $_......'va..5a_9°�r.._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- rained, to-wit: the sum of$_-.__°v.a72S-�-9 .---- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Co �saioner of Finance. Council File No. ........................... ..... . ........ . . . . By...................... ... . .......... .......... : ....................... . ........ CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on the west side of Cleveland Ave. from a point 265 ft. north of Dudley St. to connect with the existing sewer approximately 100 ft. south of Dudley St., o- 60766—'� ' n W 6neiitTatt.etr, of the a of I I and expenses structjol� s - es 'for. c4,. e oh th claveand:fro. 0_vvest_ P'-Je ,pbrth of Do,', �i, St. a , under Preliminary Order .......... .......... Intermediary Order .................. . Final 'Order ............... approvedM2W-ch 17 . . ..... 19-25 ... . ........ J ft .......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the -above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been r�Onsid ered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable -- ....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL 151925 Adopted by the Council ........ .. ......................... .. ............... 191 .......... . . __...---....c=' .. .... . ........ City Clerk. Approved __ - -- -.__........... - ...__.... -_--_..191---- ayor. VorM B. B. 18 Xv CITY OF ST. PAUL. _. � 8 l J.• OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ta'i8x constructing a sewer on the west side of Cleveland Ave. from a point . 265 ft. north of Dudley St. to connect with the existing sewer 0 approximately 100 ft. south of Dudley St., s under Preliminary Order ------ . Intermediary Order—..-57..-85 3 ...... Final Order __..._._58381_....._._.._._................. _, approved__._..March...1.7_,_-.1925----. •--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the espendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - $..._._925,QQ__n. u Coat of publishing notice - - - $....... _..... 1..00 ...... _.... . Cost of postal cards $................ _..... ......... p $............18:° a4 ......... Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation $....................... ° 5 ....... Total expenditures • • . . $ said Commissioner further reports s that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aacet' ...................u on each and every lot part or p parcel of land deemed tained, to�wit; the sem of p �I said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the sal p -the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden, tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper, + corm g B�;r9 Com ' sioner of inane, e - .. COUNCIL _ r CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE --- ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUN ILRESOLU N ---GENERAL FORM _ / PRESENTED BY DATE_----- --- COMMISSIONER�-- -"- RESQLUECi That permission and authority are hereby given to Victor C . Sandberg to instell and maintain a drige-in filling stab:Lcm at the southeast corner of Payne avenue and Geranium street' tIze: tans and pumps to be 3.nstalled in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Pag1 and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; curb returns from both streets not to be constructed on less than twenty -six-foot radius. --- �� C ' F: No 80766—BY 7.'�'I brcDonald 'Hy' Request i Resolved.That $ermtasCon an8 au aharity are heraby give to Victor C�; Sundberg . to',: ylnetall_ and maintal G.drivc in fll3ing statfoa, at the south - eavt'-.coraer,`od Payne.-avonue.and 'aniuinatreet. `tho tanXa-and Bumps to ': - be ;.lnstallt:d ,'1a , a4cotdance .with the :u deg,tha;d1 ;ahe.Clt!:id - the Ei aad;1 outlet tha diiection-and io tfie--sans, taction,o2.the C muifsslonar. of=-Pu-blic�= Safety edtb.returps Srom Loth;:st eets-:4 �.not._`to be .constructed on Ieas thaw" ' tweaty=el8 •Moot 'radtus:: ,. - - '[ Adopted opCouncil Su3y 15 192fi_ F Approved, Tu3y 16 2926 (YulIv 26 192b} COUNCILMEN Na s Adopted by the Council -----_----.-._...,�---- ---------------- �-92------ Yeas . �' ,� Y _ Clancy 3 Ferguson Approved---- U --------- 192__ Hodgson --------__----..in favor McDonaldda ---------------------------- Sudheimer---------------- �+Er. Preei�e$i E APPLLC-A-l=- ` C:>MvV I?A` MTE . JUNE 5. 1925. VICTOR C. SUNDBHERG, by H. L. BELL. DRIVE-IN FII+LIlgG SB. C O RISE a :P A " E & GERAIQ ILRtI LOTS 1 €c 2. BLK 5, EVANS . ADDN. To Public Safety Traf:Ca f Zone HeamIng } 1 �R Ir, k`? t'L4 ...v;ml'n t43.. "= .tvQ Thv ',C'a :`i :Ai:'l.`.�uS3"Ja Im".. -n. � . _ __.. �..�.-z"' __ _ . :1.f�.a i.. ; '''d` � � �- ..-s .�. r ,tea.. y %} al a: �.vrl €3 ,�$ivc _ �.....� � - sem" ... � : f 2 �:� r t 6 - .2-.--2 -,T, ktp s.�$r:ly `m aQo L.tG. �a� c � l ___ �"'_ e_ _. .._. »-.._+. .e.-4�•".��.�. �...� 5�.... ;§a 4. tem C r-of; .tae".,.. 5m o" ....z.` Oe mm t at, 3FInance Paul L C_ Ei0 H. COMMtSStONER CFitEF Ou=- U OF ASSESSMENTS Tuly 3, 1 92 5. C. J. LrcGloga-r-i City Clerk, Saint Paul, Mi nne so Dear Mr. McGlogasi Purim ^-t to Section 5 of the Bui.1Ci- ing Zone Ordinance -- -� by the City Council July 7, 1922, you are here otifie3 that the application o -f Victor C. Sundberg _ erect or install a drive-in filling station o— _ aouthea.st corner of Payne Age and Geranium St. vT come u -p for consideration before the Council in the -r_ci1 Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Bu-- _ —rig on tine 15th day of 'July, 1925, at lO o'clock A. T.0 - Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. P _E'1 -a;r°�i-�rrze,ra�hr v,F' l(e7u,b_�,� -_..-. JOHN H. MCDONALM. COMM�SSfOiV ER THOS. G. O'CONNE . DEPUTY COMM �SS]OHER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRUCE ENG[N6£rs GEIDRGE M S. P.R.. - A. B. SHARP. SLPT- OF SANTTATlO.� CARE . G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WosasctA(l+^ff G. H. NERROLO. OFP[CE ANa C.1TY PL/�MNI[.!G E G[w�R ,. Jane 17 t33 9 M.925. ltt�r o C ® T_ mcGlogan, Clerk. Desx mar : - Engineera- Rsport Re = 37rs-ve-in Filling Station, S ® IF---- corner Payne & Gera.naum 0. Sandberg ( by- H. L. Bell) Czarb returns from Payne ova ® axtd from Geraraaza�+ St. should not be on less than cl =a.ciius. Yoizrs3 apery truly, Cz :!?1a.nning Engineer. Ap o v C -L ommassaoner of Publio viorics.- - ,f g Duplicate Form No_ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF -rMB CITY CLEI2g APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING S'T'ATION This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk_ Application No. To tiesoaorable City Council 1,ate +� n of Sadat Paul, MiLnnesla APP ATION IS--I3EREB�Y ADE e By N- ofIndividu" For I .;comm t10 Oper4te and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) '-Drive In" or "OnSS eSa AUT OB ILFP ILLING STATION to be eci _ Street Number and Street VG Nummg�ar of Number of Gas Capacity of J Q. Puffips to be Installe 'Tanks to be Installed— at nstalled at office of City Clerk` ,i Sign-Pere at�u/rfo of Appu-t F Bus.nes Address Z2eceived From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Date 19 Date— 19 jE>—x --tment of Public Safety Department of Public Works Department of P_ Parks, Playgrounds _ Y and Public Buildings By BY By Received From Dept_ of Public Safety Received From Dpt_ of Public Works Received From Department of Dat 19 Dat 19 Parks , Playgrounds and Pulbc B1dgs_ Date 19 Caffice of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk- 2ecaived From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date Date 19. OfT-i— of the Corporation Counsel By By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of Date 19— Date 19- 4:3f'fice of the City Clerk Office of time City Clerk Appycivel witllb;eld On account of aad applica_ut so notified by letter dated Ordinance No_ Permit No_ License No- 193 0 R, • f ut auk OWEFN e. DUNN. E. J. MURNANE, - R� ���llll W CHIEP • C11EF oP POLICE MICHAEL V. ARDT, �EttS4Y�ttf�lt Department n y� y }Trp*g �f pubuf SN44i OSCAR LANDER. A96T. FIRE CNICP a, ASST. C"?F-,F POLICE {L , WILLIAM BARRON. H.A. VALL. GP•I'wIN OF DETECTIVES ^ ,J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CNIEP INSPECTOR. FIRE PREYEM!oelG, CHARLES L. WILLIS. G. H. BARFUSS. - HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER S oP AaPARwTu o- INSP . of POLICE OR. B. F. SIMON. L. EGGERT. nous HEALTn OFFICER LlcfinbE INSPECTOR aH cauwT A. owrtv HUL iH OFFOeR , CHARLES Su,,, MUn c VAL GARAGE O JOHN MARTI. JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT. POLICE & FIRE ALARM - CXIEP HEALTH InsPECTOP June 17, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of Victor 0. Sunberg f6t permission to instal and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Payne Avenue and Geranium Street. Inspection has been made by the Bureau of Fire Prevention as to fire hazard and installation has been ®unproved. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety E. JCw FPOE ICE M CHI IC AEET. EF F PTL1ce H. A. VALL. CAF}AIN OF DETHCT VEZ G. H. BARFUSS. IHSPECFOR OF POLICE A. L. EGG R7. LICENSE IIUPECTOR CHARLES L. SESREH. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GAMOH JOS. MACAULAY. SUPE. POLICE S: FIR. ALwRM ('Tit of faint Paul Department of ?Public §afetg J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM BARRON.ICHIEF NSPECTOR .4M.® Jane 17,1925 Hon.J.M.Clancy Commissioner. of Public Safety, St.Paul,L?inn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. ....F INSPECTOR. FIRE PR—.—IOH CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. OF APPARATUS DR. B. F. SIMON. HG OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DEPUTY HFaLTH OF— JOHN MARTI. CNIEP HeALTx INSP .. In regard to the anolication of Victor C.Sundberg for nermission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Payne Avenue and Geranium Street. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greaty increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respeecctf�u11 yotss, ,' Chief Inspector. Original 1 CITY OF SAINT' in OFFICE OF THE 4--1'r—jr CLERK APPLICATION IF4DI2 ]LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FMILIT1,74G STATION F— No. This application to be • made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. A-1;—fl— Nn To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesoja APfLJCATION IS I4lEEk1EBY,MADE / er For Licen N— of Fir— or 1.ax—iau.1 o Operate and Maintain (In Compliance vvlitli Ordinance 5266) A AUTOMOBILE FILLING S'T'A'T'ION to bej�ovcd Sn— Number and Street Number of ✓ Pumps to be Installed Number of Gas' Capacity of. Tanks to be TrisitExIled Tanks. Received at office of City Clerk Z/ By B—io— Add— Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19 Date 19 Date---ig— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By BY By Received From Dept. of Public safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works --Received From —Department of Date — 19— Dat 19 Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date Office of the City Clerk Office of the CityC-M—k Office of the City Clerk 19 By By By — Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dot Da 19 Office of the Corporation Counsel 19_Passed gy Approved 19 Ordinance No. By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of Dat Date 19— Permit No. —19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk B BY License No. — .1 Approval withheld on account of gnd applicatit so notified by letter 19— K., -� CITY OF S_ 3 @___ - - w�Rc—CILNO ----�----`--_-- TPAZ----- OFFICE OF THE GIT' C=i= Fr -2K �n COUNCIL RESOLUTION`. E@�Y 3�pAtL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority, —=4� < y Abp given( to J • R. Moos- brugger to install and maintain a za-= filling station at the northwest corner of College avenue --c- street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in acco=c1aa-ice s-th the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the ancZ to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety 7, c ---t —w returns from both streets to be not less than twenty-six foot r�rs e Yeas COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald �Sudheimer resident McDonald— BY iZe �3e'SL - Resolved�. -iia � pe mission and au- oritg gra (sera 'sy- -given to J. � dnatni- Moos- ut;�er to s—�s�a12 an. xtnin' at...the_northa-..I under^trite -?r��+ zvzs. fa.ction.- o£ tha = 4=ommissioner of ..Pub- lic - Sa-£aty� cz�=-3. - rotss t fro tweet - streets te' �a - aat less -;than tweaty- -sisfoot A a.1p r-3- Julg16. 1925:. L�DProvec3:-35: 35:. 1825. -.. _25-1925) Na\'s Ac3c�g�t _cl by the Courr�4�L--i --25. 1�2 s. JUL.: r 125 JApproved------ --------------------------- ----192- ----------------In favor - -- ---: -------- ---- - AgaIMAYOR ...--------. nst APPLICATION DINED, JUNE 10, 1925. _ J. R. MOOSBRUGGER. 1956 FERONIA AVE., W r. T DRIVE- 11V P31-E-3,M'-TsZ!-G S!P-&9!3101q- , 1�Tm CC' R COMMEGE AND LVA-agB-E-g S% - To Public Safely Fire &-,� Traffic F Engineering /I.LiL o-- Z one ---__-----__-- Hear:LXIES I J U 1. Y 5 $ S T H, Z 9 N �. Hon. .lamas 110 Clunoy0 Commissionoi o1' Public Jafaty0 B U I Z D I N Go T;1y dear CarlwaisOlonor; o yct>artnlant o:i' Public'jorjcs raekos Certain aecorn:lonclrztiox'As on 0,.1 Ottatian t:x)pa3lcotlona son ; to tTiori nFl states In to nwabor of ca000 that on cor$lzin stroota. (ti heroin they diva the at'•r:ooU o11 Which t1U) stfAlOn IS-OOL),tetli'. "it :'Li :'t3 os 9 TOV1111a traffic gra;)ortr'ncto0 Cars onterin? 'ca i0111ing at-^tlnn 3_ocatod at r ,, i �� triiia and this co -new would, be cowtt:lw to coir-sQ 4c cr�T t.> �.ov a" to Street care ma'-._ nf._, this turn", It has not bac.-'a 111x, off tho )"OpE :Ctinont a� Yublie S t%t�°' tri ntJcc ta, rcvflrt an to t«'€ai:�ac 011. .:.; ive-In stations. but lag vieitv o the : act t1lat tiu. -Cop rt ont OT' ITS icx ,rks irlv©s- tigates as above ou.t111100„ Vill yon kirzd .y room—St tho:cf;?=:L to De- A p:n.xtmeat to report on theao"3lcu�},`i1:,,o�—r.,7, r��. — j� ° D. G. Hirso'11n�ty. :,r.;ve»?zt i tstloxlo -dcxt l�.F�..JL corner Uh- uto tip t d. : ro 1t 5troot% Victor 1:. L1Y1 o )r1ve—In Si;€-Aion, ,�Olitl;A'klvt 00MOr `�L?;)11Gj •,. iiO:f.vxj. Yaq ,,,Ota l Elt t. Block `f`.3z -'. v€ .:7 Ji.Ci(Z31ao cIa R. Moosb}.' ggor, Drivo-IR Btati0n, ?O:r.'e;iAE'iE; c6rn r Collogo ort ,�Vbcshv, 3t" 't" i;rct3m it E: loci•/i-n(; Co deny. '-Ur' -In €�1Z�i�..; ;�.ti;ts.tionq 206 Con ii 9 ootq Prosoott 01 onlpww, DrIVO-If1 St€A ono Sovthvioat corner t r;T1to'r .venues q I3ox Irw. or. Dri.v In Station. 11orthwant corner Randol,. and .11toi Streets. Spo y Rotalty f. Inas ont Coffim-a ,F3, t�-Im Station, Sou, hotast cornor of 001M) OY111.0 t -.1-q;, '.oatern. Yours e'rtaZy. CI'T'Y CSl:u 33 i1) CAS '.V O'xt1:i5' I07t.!H f1r' t:C�I'�'T=i+.lI0T3. Bep artment of Ifenonte Qtg of $t. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER ' K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE July 3rd, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear 1% McGlogan: Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of J. R. Mossbrugger to erect or install a drive-in filling station on the northwest corner of -College and wabasha Streets will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 15th day of July, 1925, at 10 o'clock A. 44. Very truly yours, Commissioner of nance. ii JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNI[F ENOIrvE[R WM. N. CAREY. 5UPT. OP CON.iOUCFro Ano REPMR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICU ANO CT' -.N. ENGIN.- June 17th, 1925. M. 5. GRYT.AK, B OG[ f]lcin®t A. B SHARP. 511 R. OP SANITATOH G. P. 00WLIN. SUPE. OP WORRNw.[ Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir Engineering Report Re- Drive-in Filling Station, J. R. mossbrugger, N. W. corner College & Wabasha. Curb returns from Wabasha and from College Ave. must not be less than 26 ft. radius. Yours very truly, City Planning gineer. Ap proved ommisaioner of Public Works. GH-D-RH j Imo. 9 -I O 0 Original 1 ".1 3� ?� it � " .t rt) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. 7 '� and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ To the Honorable City Council Date.` of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE BY Nnmgdt Fi or Ivdividunl For to Operate and Maintain (In Cpin lance with Ordinance 5266) Dense �7 "Dnve In" or C b' Cz-/ UTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located i � i' s At Street Number and Street Number of i� ./ : Number of Gas % i' .r-� Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of Cit Clerk / e tura of A 1i at j'B 6 �r> v Y u.m— Addr— Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19.— Date 6. /n -y9 19 Date 19— Depart and Public B ild nlgsgrounds ent of P. Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By BY BY -----A-- Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parka, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19_ at 19— Dat— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By BY By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19— Date Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel B Y From Department of p Ordinance No. By—Received Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19—• Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ 0 WE E. J. MURNANE. • • • { 'of pint Paul • OF RC DUNN. /� LHIEF OF POUCH {► tt6TTTm p} �}7r"p ■y MICHAEL GEBHARDT. '�Pl{Ct�{{Pilt of Public SL{ML L OSCAR LANDER. AssT. FIR¢ CMIEP Assi.'C lfi' of ---- H. A. VALL, WILLIAM BARRON. WPTAIN of DETfiLT1VE9LHIEP IN6PELTOR, FIR¢�P,RNENiION J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER CHARLEB L. WILLIS, G. H. BARFUSS. SUPT. oP APFwRwns IHSF¢cion of POLIC¢ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OR A. L. EGGERT. HEwLTN OF— LIOEMeE IHBPEROR iH cou¢T Housfi A. E. NICHOLS. M. O., CHARLES L. SEGR— D¢nUiv .-LT. OFFICER BUPT. MUNICIPAL GwRwo[ JOHN JOS. MACAULAY. LHI¢P ewE, NEA"" IK.— S.". POLICE & FIR¢ ALA.H June 18, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- Returned herewith is application of J. R. Moosbrugger for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of College Avenue and wabasha Street, with report of inspection and approval ad to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of Public fety E. J. MURNANE. • CHIEF OP Pot.lcE + �LTt�y of Fag�i FI1�Y • OWEF E. DUNN. ONIeP MICHAEL GEBHARDT, ■ry� y1} OSCAA.— NDER, ASST. GHIEP of PoucE » UP MC`{{lEll II U40{C �II L Department .FIR[ CNIEP H. A. VALL. _ WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSFEcicR. FIRE F.J. —AIR.F DETECTIVE. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. BARFUSS. CHARLES L. WILLIS. INSPECTOR or ICE IN HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER suer: or APPwwrua A. L. EGGERT, - DR. B. F. N, LICENSE INSPECTOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION 'SIM H-- OFF— CHARLES L. G, SUFI. MUNI—L CIFwI GwRA06 Ic w rvry STS* WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR A, E. NICHOLS, M. D., DEPuiT HEwLTN OFFICER JOS. MA AU—. JOHN MARTI. Bl1PT. —E & FIRE AURM O CHIEF H—H [-- June 17,1925 Hon.J.?`-Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,N!inn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of J.R.Hoosbruager for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Colleee Avenue and "Tabasha Street. Ile have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase t?ie fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector. Duplicate . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, This application; to be'. OFFICE OF THE CITY,CLERK made in duplicateand submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. - To the Honorable City Council D of Saint aul, Minnesota 1p,CATION IS H EB ADEi%� By ' Nom i F' r or md���d�m or 'znse to Operate and Maintain (In m iance with Ordinance 5266) �r . •Dmc In" -or "Curb" "' � AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATIO i to be located A all Street Number and Street Number of ���� Number of Gas l /o Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Iastalle G Tanks Received at office of City Clerks j'/fir!' ✓' Buainc Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19— Date l9— Date____ 19 Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works and Public Buildings , By By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19 Date 19— Date 19 Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date Passed 19— Date 19 Officeof the Corporation Counsel By -- By Approved 19_ ° Ordinance No. Received From Department of P Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Date 19_ PermI[ No. Office of the City Clerk Office of1the City Clerk By By License No. _ Approval withheld on account of i ,and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ .T Po.,_ IA couNca 6,U�i-�8 CITY OF S FILE No ......... ....... COUNCIL i Wnereun. mnRtng r .. ' -prov)dod for In thb �.No 502K'aPD ovedEDecom rM19� 1923,. deaerkbed ..ao tho' pavinK , r �f r� . 4 '145. — _ trom_the.�nort�_�__.-_ DATE.._._._.....___—.----._.---- __------.-. Whereas. Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #50384, approved December 3-9, 1923, described as the paving of Montrose Place from the north line of Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, Thornton Bros., Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work, Additions Hodgson -------------- 1066 Lbs. reinforcing steel at $ 5.5¢ 058.63 25.4 Cu. yds. concrete at 08.00 203.20 42 Lin. ft. straight curb " q, 55V. 23.10 22 `r 9° curb lowered at .40V 8.80 Removing driveway 6.00 Total 9299.73 Now therefore , be it RESOLVED, rT'hat the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done ander the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works , and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of y299.73 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller Contract L-2198 for the making of the aforesaid improvement . The Departmeiat of Public Viorks has agreed with the Contractors, TEo niton Bros., that the sum of X299.73 is the regeonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. mmissioner of Public vqorks. rHOH�rOOXB .COMP Countersigned : ............ Contractor ICOUN II.. 1;N JUL 1;) 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192.---- C@la'nL� _-- Y Ferguson Hodgson -------------- v/McDonald ✓Sudheimer n Yle.�nt Zn favor s --Against Apprroveed�d. - JUL -1-x}..18 --------------192. .MAYOR pY7i}LIS� � . k_ CIT C:-F. No. 99T69 By . H. McDonald= F ' �Nca NO..---- ��� }Vhereae, Unferaeen ; tacto, not OFFICE GMded'!or-lu the making of the Im- 7nent under' Flhal corder- 66108, COUNCIL RESOLU: 'ed August 8T. 1924; deecribed-a. .. %• ng of/_Chlcsgo.; Ave. to S. R beet PRESENTED BY.1 I.Y t :A COMMISSIONER_. - RESOLVE Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order 55109, approved August 27, 1924 described as the paving of Chicago Ave. from So. Wabasha St. to So. Robert St., Fielding & Shepley, Contractors: have arisen making it necessary to put in the following extra: Additions: Remove 1,540 sq.ft.old sidewalk @ .04 61.60 1,540 sq. f t. new sidewalk .21 323.40 y e 5,306 lbs. steel over trenches.06 318.36 22.4 cu.yds. concrete 8.00 179.20 135 ft. 12" pipe C.B. to sewer 2.25 303.75 2.6-A catch basins 31.00 62.00 2 holes out in granite curb 6.00 12.00 Deductions- 1,260.31 1 No. 1 D1. H. @ 90,00 90.00 53.3 sq.yds, paving @ 4.39 233.99 4090 lbs. steel .06 245.40 569.39 due contractor _.yp6W0,92_ Now, therefore, be' it RESOLVED: That the council hereby orders the extra to be put in, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the colt thereof not to exceed the sum of 690.82 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L 2096, for the making �? of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Con- tractors, The Fielding & Shepler Co., that the sum of $690.92 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing, -resolution. Countersigned: ommissioner of Public d4,1F I- oiler �� � OUNCILi1EN tractor. yYeas Nays Adopted hy the C ci................ ........................ 192...-.. ql-rr JUL 15 1925 (Ferguson Approved.--.. ... .. ............-------.- - 192 %/" Hodgson ........... ....In favor V, McDonald V Sudheimer .............._Against 1� ,j.TSY-YEl3 t '^ C UNnIL e 7 No.Q +. CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE CN_F.•No 69770 -BY 7. 8. 3SCDonWd—,': COUNCIL RES Whereas, ,Unforeseon obstacles not;: Drovlded for In the-..-making.of the-im-' - provemeni under:.FIna1 order 49642. -• --- aDDroved November 7, 1926; deet Ibed-:: PRESENTED BY —+ a^the : pavin@ of from, July 2, 1925 - ,Palaeest __. ._._.—._..�.--._ ._. _.— �ericka Ave.. • to F¢Irvier, Ave.,.-- COMMISSIONER--.. _ _ — ----- •------"- ' :Shepley. .Cont Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order 49542, approved November 7, 1925 -,-described as the paving of Palace St. from Frederioka Ave. to Fairview Ave., Fielding and Shepley, Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Addition, 2850 lbs. steel over sewer and wster trenches at .00 $142.50 12 Cu. yda. concrete at $8.00 96.00 1 Casting "AI' it 9.25 9.25 1 n »$P „ 4.00 4.00 _ - 251e75 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That -the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of 0261.75 and to be allowed t as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2157 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractors, Fielding and Shepley, that the sum of $251.75 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and ">1 supplying the extra -material specified in the foregoing resolution. mmissioner of Public Works Count rain ed: ��-�-� � omp ro ler Con rac�l� ![ JUL 15 192 • C0UNbILh1EN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........................ ............... 192 =6laney JUL 15 1925 ,Ferguson � APpr ve.d............................. ..................192 ,Fo'dgson ....In favor V"McDonald tMAYOR V SudhEiymieer ................ Against SJ sae v COUNCIL NO-607-71GF. No x0773 -8y S 8. McDonald= � "Whereafso, r U1nnftohreamaking ,thim _____CITY FE een bstaese' ttot`OFFICE Oprovided D COUNCIL RES O provement under,Flnal order" C. R. N 64767 apDroVed August .13 3924 _ — desc lbed as the paving of Carroll A r �N nu from Western"t July 2, 1925. PRESENTED BY -Lr dton , bq y E_ COMMISSIONER___....____.. ........— ...._......_ ........................... RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #54757, approved August 13, 1924, described as the paving of Carroll Avenue from Western Avenue to Dale Street, Thornton Bros., Contractors, have arisen making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions - 8811 Lbs. reinforcing steel at 55¢ $ 484.60 57.5 Cu. yds. concrete at 8.00 460.00 Raising curb at S. W. oorner of Western Eve. 9.65 39.2 Lin: ft. straight curb at. 50 21066 18.9 " " radius curb 14.17 3.66 Sq. yds. pavement at 2.40 8.78 T o t a l 998.76 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $998.76 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2196 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractors, Thornton Bros., that the sum of $998.76 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the. extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Cyount e ^ igii d t ommissioner of u lic 1' o—1 rks. — °—= COUNCILaiEN UL L15_1925 Yeas Nays TbiO !�iu by the Council - -- .............. --- ---------192 Gleaey e ay_!2 j, -Ferguson Approved_--JUL._1-5..1925-------- ------192------ te4cvdgson ................ in favor _ ,,'McDonald t - - t f MRYOR ✓Sudheimer-.--\....-:...-.- Against t ai' CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE O� - -- C"F.;.No 00772,.-B3 J.,FL MD — conald. COUNCIF. RESO wtiereae .Uneorsebn obatactea note proviIl a for,ln the flaking .of the im Ave,".and Hayieak Ave frnc'`-°— A to F RESOLVED oul Yeas COUNCIL No... .... Q0 72 PILE i, Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C.F. #43489, approved March 5, 1924, described as the paving of Cromwell Ave. from University Ave. to Bayless Ave. and Bayless Ave: from Cromwell Ave. to Raymond Ave. Thornton Bros., Contractor, have arisen, making it necessary to put in the following additions and deductions: Additions: 55 cu. yds. concrete @ 08.00 0440.00 3 manhole frames and covers 13.25 39.75 479.75 Deductions: 2,386 lbs, reinforcing steel @ .0554 131.23 net additions 5T48. 52 Now, Threrefore, be it RESOLVED: That the Council hereby orders the above addition to be put in, the work to be done under the super vision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accord- ance with the specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $348.52 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2199 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractors, Thornton Bros., that the sum of $348.52 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Countersigned: imnissioner of Public Works TNORNTON ,R 'UPo7PA r. omptroller 6y.t`s_..• .•; Contractor O C .fEN Nays Adopted by the Council... . ..... 192 1'erg son Approvec{"-._�Tst �__ ln1................. 19.2____- tA$odgsMcDonald on ..-.Y...In favor � -------- - -- ------ --- IAY.OR..___- _ Sudheimer ................Against I eUIsLkSkf]P °2� COUNCIL -a CITY. FILE No.___... C. F. 'No. 66776 -By, J. H., M.Donald- OFFICE C Wh—as, Unlorseen obstacl*s ,not ' Pe"Ided I 1 In the making. 01 the lm= COUNCIL RESC nro7ornent ander-Final-order C. F. X. - 5669s; avlo"ved November -26. 1624,:; de-' ecrlbed •ae the ;curbinl– ot. Ohto :3Y ' PRESENTED BY y)+yyy�Z���° d8ra Stono.Ctmto An —!, July , 1925. COMMISSIONER---.- �...-� - - --- _.arlsen,.maklnv -5i : eat•- Y RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making Of the improvement under Final Order C. F. 856688, approved November 26, 1924, described as the curbing of Ohio St. from Wyoming St. to Annapolis St'., Standard Stone Company, Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions 49,10 lin. ft. radius curb at 70¢ $32.97 Shortage 30.50 lin. ft. straight curb at 50¢ 15.25 Total 017.72 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to -be - done under�t$e supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $17.72. and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2250 for the making of the af8ores&id improvement. The department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, The Standard Stone Company, that the sum of $17.72 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Counte si ed r �I N� ssa o o er. oissi�r of ' P.ic Works ntrac or JUL IF inq,� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the C,ouncil------------------------------- --------192 ✓Ferguson Approved. ri__ jiL..- .., ------------------192------ ✓Hodgson C! ----- -.._...In favor °McDonald ------------------ -- MAYOR ✓Sudheimer ................ Against *en2el &bJBi.LSAED % Mr Frendent ry r X0'774 C. F.ITC14 By Whereas, the Council by Resolution No. 60071, approved June 13, 1925, authorized the issuance and Bale of $50o,000 School Ronda of the City of St. Paul, and Whereas, the proper city offiers, pursuant to said Resolution and the laws of the State of Minnesota, have duly caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on July 114, 1925, and Whereas, bids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the bid of the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, being the only bid received; therefore be it Resolved, khat said bid be and the came is hereby aces ted,an and value bonds awarded to said bidders and the price named, vizi $500,0 at the rate of 14X.% per ennum; be it Further Roseved, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in fixing the number, denomination, data; place of payment, and form of said bond, and also the notice to bidders thereon, and also ratifies and approves each and every other act of said Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the'offer and Gale aid issue of said bonds before or after the adoption of this resolution. Adopted by the Council eS Approved !t councilmen — _Z_ze'el Yeas a Nays yor. II -- IC F No.'00774—By.1. C. Hodgson- Whereas,, the Council by Resolution No. 60071, approved June 13, 1925, h.- thorized the issuance 'and sale of $500,000 School Bonds,ofthe-City' of St. Paul. and Whereas, the prop9r city officers, Hodgson Pursuant to said Resolution and.the laws of - the State of Minnesota,. have duly caused: thesaid bonds to be ad- vertised -for sale and said advertise- ment ment required bids to be submitted on V July 14.4925, and Whereas; , da,".r'e-submitted and were'opened, examined and tabulated ,/'Sudheimer by the Council, and the bid of , the Sinking Fund Committee -of. the .City of St. - Paul, Minnesota, being the "only �bi3 ficelyed; therefore be it - - .Resolved,- That said bid be and the ' ,same nd is hereby acid bid and said . Y� L sonde awarded to said ted; a d said .,� F»natderit price named viz $500,000 pat value ; at the "rate of 4ya a, -per an On!; it each, and everyotheract of said Sink-: ing,'.Fund Committee in -connection. .with -theoffer and sale-andissue; of said: bonds: before er after the adop- tion of this resolution. ' Adopted,by the -Council July 15, 1925. -' Approved July 16 .1925. -(July 18-1826) r . 114 1 Tamptraller's (Office �p WM. B'. HDOTI'. COM.TRO�LLR H. J. UHIND D-- C.-... July 14, 1925. C7 Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:- For the Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) School Bonds, to bear 4% interest per annum, offered for Ci sale by the ty of St. Paul, Minnesota; Said bonds to be issued exactly in accordance with the official notice of sale dated June 22, 1925; The Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, will pay you for said bonds the par value thereof and accrued interest from date of bonds to the date of delivery. Respectfully Mayor 1 Sinking Fund of :'inarce ) Committee er. - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIC THE CITY CLERK QOLN—GENERAL FORM yam/ L.c�ci�-✓ 00'7'75 cOUNCIL . NO, ' FILE ......... ..... ...__ ,. MUM WHEREAS, it appear that the Highland Park Company, a corporation, is about to jplat'"'certain lands within the limits of the City of St. Paul, and that there is inoluded in the proposed plat property belonging to the City of St. Paul, described as, follows: the w et 132 fee of the east 526 feet of the south 165 feet of the SEt of the of Section lb, Township 26,. Range 23, according to the government survey, known as the Qulnoy�School s it a, and Yeas WHEREAS, the City of St,. Paul does not intend to use said property for a school site, and desires to dispose of the same, and it appearing that it could be disposed of most advan- tageously by platting said property into lots, andeatd Highland Park Company having requested the city to join in that certain plat known as Lane s Highland Park, and it appearing that the most practical method of platting the oity°s property is to have It included in the above named plat; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby totthelzed ad HighlanddParkted to- company, d the above described a corporation, and thatity saiproperty dty deed be delivered to said Company upon the execution of a deed by said Highland Park Company deeding back to the City of St. Paul the above described property,after the same has been platted into lots, by the filing of the plat hereinabove mentioned. _ o ! C F No. 6077r—ny 1. R 8'ForSUson— I� Whereas, 1t appears that the Hl9h- 1 d Park Corepany, .a corporation, la of to pl¢t cert¢in land wlthTh-"tho of the City of 9t Paul. and t1�at inclUd fl 1n"the'prbpo sed II�3 'IeloF�• .the .Clty 01`-I- - COUNCILMEN JUL i 'J25 Nays Nays Adopted by the Council------- ............ ------------ .----- 92------ JUL :1 I Ferguson Approved ..... 192 ------ 6,Ilodgson ...............In favor 13W1VIcDonald -- wY lJ MAYOR L�gudheimer- ................ Against_ ----_.. -_ ..- ---- -- wienxelp �dR 1VIi".'i°resiu]Cnt The @J. 132 ft. of the E. 528 ft. of the S. 165 ft. of the SE -j of the P,, -j of Sec. 16, Twp. 28, Range 23 known ae the Quincy School site. CITY OF ST. PAUL CTL OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL July 15,1925 RESOLVED That the Purchasinggent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, eight (8) Sheldon #104 Laboratory Chemistry tables with individual fume hoods and one (1) 4heldom. #166 Instructor's Chemiatry,, Lecture desk completely equipped, for the sum of $2663.00, without advertisement, as these are patented articles, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School$ - Bond Fund #2033. COUNCILAMN JUL 15 I 95 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council -..-------------.---.-_-----------192...... JUL 15 1925 IJ g Approved....- - ---... _-- ---- - -192 �1 e� Ferguson "Hodgson -_--_._--In favor I" McDonald =--..---.-- VSudheimer-- Against WAfflnl �! 1MF: FM- ident CITY OF ST. PAUL CO.—L NO..__ 6SX_A.-s�.L_-- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U ON—GENERAL FOR PRESENTED BY ® - �� July 15,1925 COMMISSIONER..__.— _ ..--___..________.._.__ .---------- RESOLVED RESOLVED ®That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is her4egby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Medart Gymnasium pparatus for the new Cleveland Junior High School, consist ing of bars, benches, ladders, jumping standards, etc., in acs,;-, cordance with list on file in the Office of the Purchasing Agent for the sum of $862.00, without advertisement, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Schools -Bond equipment-No.2033. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VFerguson r t/Hodgson _ _ ..In favor Ls McDonald udheimer — - - -Wfn-z-eT— MT-fr4egidentfregident Y- he .t. no � Adopted by the Counc� L_..a .. L -}g25 -------------- 192 Approved _----------- = - } - 192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL NO.---.60 tl —7-8- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK nit-. RESOLBLTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the offer of the Now Amsterdam Casualty C6,tpany to settle and pay registered bill 01673, against J. H. Hilbert,of $5.00, for damage to a tree owned by the city, at or near the promisee known as 1543 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, on or about January 23, 1925, be and the same is hereby aocepted,and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to issue proper re— leases therefor upon the payment of said $5-09.- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay ancy ✓Ferguson j Ulhodgson ................In favor VMcDonald 0 __ '�Sudheimer ...._--........Against r�V�azel--- NZr. $rEsident -. C. V. No., 60 -Resolved,:. AMsterdam -. tie aad.. pay against:.'.J.' -_damageQ oto: a_ nes.r the �Llncoim'Aver fth-orrabout- ha- — 'Cit - proper Gityspj I ized to Issue u:Ad the pay' eopted-by Appioyed.T' ,r 'JUL Adopted by the Council ---- .------------------------------------ 192 ------ Approved ...... ----Approved...... -------------192------ MAYOR 1770 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCILEOUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL PESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM N JU IS • FREME, DATE-- COMMISSIONER RESOLV That the UPP L00tions for licenses of the following Persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city, clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. V;F"guson Derma 685 un -ren St., Vehicle peddler Frank jWs. Apes Christianson, Fort Snelling Bridge, Confectionery Charles Johnson, 652 park Ave. Twin City Ameownt Trust Estate, 929 w. 7th St., Vehicle Peddler Motion picture theatre Nick Ballas, 871 J&oado St., Grocery Alder Blmquistj, 611 N. Snelling Av., conf-drug J. Schmidt, 266 Bunker at., Grocery Sam Berkman, 205 State St., Vehicle peddler a 0 1.SporsaImt 261 Constrance St., Richard Wallgron, 1078 R. 7th 8t., 252 E. Winifred St., Grocery Vehicle peddler13 Bernard Nanesky, 209 Grove St., a Michael Fannon Oscar Kassel, 240 E. Fairfield St., Bakery, IT. R. Joyce, 897 Marion St., Grocery U. L. LaRosa, 1218 Randolph St., Butcher L. M. Baker. 116 S. 6th St., Confectionery St. Paul Athletic Clubs 340 Cedar St., Confectionery 0. V.. No. 60770-13Y J. M. Macy Resolved, That the app Ications for _11censes of the following ppre ns .tor. :,r�'d.cti.g businesses at the 1—ted be and the, sama.. fierce; and the city clerkls instr- Buch.licenees up'.Athn'. ',I—c .;Into,th,F city trOasu y o. 11.1rY , so. Denma,,585 ivarr— St, ju COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Colincil ....----.----------------------------192---- V;F"guson JUL 192b 92 ------ All ed 192------- rov ------ ------------------ ----- V Hodgson ................ In favor VWIcDonald..... 0 - MAYOR_ VSdheinle, . . . . ............ Against 60. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No..--_ - 78-0 1'9 OFFICE OF THE CITY C, CIK COUN ION --GENERAL FORM RESENTED BY PRESENTED / oMM ISSIONER--.(.;? ............... .. - - - ------ DATE.____......_..____......._. _._.._...._..._.......__..-.. RESOLVED That permission and audority are hereby given tdNhe Pure Oil Company to install and maintain an additional storage tank of 20,000 gallons for the storage of gasoline (bulk storage only) , at Starkey and Water streets, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. �.nReeloved, That p.rmjgsloU:and auth� _oHl,, or. herebyIn 1 0 A r. oil- C."pang l 0 1 1 t ath an additional 1 0" for: stmr, f .0.11 r :fbIlk .1f,rug qt I In- Wtor tr.e 1. k, t - stalled 1- or the -City' of St Yaul and- UyI under t a directionti� ..no i of Life Commissioner oY Ublto_ Safety Adopted by the Council Suly 15, 1926 Approved a] �July 5 ---------- JUL 17, 192, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay7 Adopted by the Council ---------- ...... .............. 192 'f r !, ,, ! W5 9-5- v1perguson Approved......_..---- --------- --- --........ -- 192--- .-O'ilodgson ............... In favor V�IcDonald ...... ... -------- ------- I/SudheimerAgainst MAYOR ME-Pi"ident . A, 6"6 y 0 w». ,Ne (P�e QtH sf Paul OWEN C. DUNN. E. JCMURNANX. Nint PIR. C.- MICHAEL G IEF'IF T. ASST. GHI.P.P Puce �(\] p ��}}AA�TMpy■� yrt� } �} Aiepartment of VOW -Safety Department OSCAR LANDER. AR L FIRe R. H. A. V ALL. WILLIAM —RON. GHIEP INSPEGT.R. FTSE M__ CAPTAIN OP.-ECTI-E J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WRJJS. G. H. EIARFUSS. .-VECTOR IF—C. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SU"' IF AFFARATUS A. L. EGG FIT. DR. 9. F. SIMON. LICENSE INSPECTOR RI .-RT HSIEE HEALTH GFPIC.R CHARLES L SEGREN, SIFT. MUNICIPAL GARAC. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER JOS. MACAULAY. �® - JOHN MARTI. SUFI. POLICE & FIRE ALARM CHIEF HEALTH INSPECTOR July 14, 1825 Fir, C. J. naGlogan, City Clerk, Ste Paul, Minnesota. Doar Sirs - Returned herewith is the application of the Pur© Oil Company for permission to instal and additional otorage tank of 20,000 gallons for gasoline (bulk storage only) at Starkey and Water Streets. This installation has been inspected as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and approved. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety Hon. J.'S. Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to install an additional storage tank of 20,000 gallons for gasoline (bulk storage only) at Starkey and hater Streets. we have investigated the foregoing and report that this additional storage will not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE MICHAEL GE AR—. _ p.rfartittrut -Vf - .[FttufIL �-'tfrfg 1. _'�l� JJ 1 giIIII16 2I3 VIoB[S IIOe[ OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCABBT. IEF FIDE CH wsei. CHIEF OF POLICE H. J. VALL, uFrwIN OF OEFEEFIVE6 J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM BARRON. c-1 IREFECTOR. FIDE --ONGEO. P. DAWSON. LIOE/mE INBFEOTOR J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - �® CHARLES L. WILLIS. HUFF. oP AFPwRwTUe DR. B. F. MMON. JOS. MACAULAV. BUFF. POLICE & PIRE ALARM • CHARLES L. MUNICIPAL BUFF. L. SE PAL OwwwOE BUREAU wLi[ �J[ V �V1 u w BUREAU OF FO 2 PREVEM ITf O®M H—H OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF MI1, INBFECFOR July 14,1925 Hon. J.'S. Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to install an additional storage tank of 20,000 gallons for gasoline (bulk storage only) at Starkey and hater Streets. we have investigated the foregoing and report that this additional storage will not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Original Fmm No. CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in.duplicate and OFFICE OF THECITY CLERK submitteto the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION APP <, tion No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Mi sots APPLICATI ISEBY MADE Namo d $tie. or IDdividuat For Licen a to Op ate a Main in (In Compliance with Ordinance 526 /li j7.-v�v. .s s C ✓ t';i,` 7, `�jU _ Z mai 7 / "Ds[ved • M AUTO BILE FILLIN STATION t4 -be located -At - —et Number and Street Number of Gas / Capacity of Nunrbm-01— Tanks to be Installed -1_— Tanks Received at office of City Clerk t� '�7 9igonture of Applicant By IL / 0 / ; % 1'l 4a �i✓J Gi Bue� see Address Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City. Clerk Dat - 19— Date -14— Date 19_ Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds Department of Public Works Department of Public Safety and Public Buildings By Received From Dept. of Public Safety By By Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Of Parks, Playgrounds andaPu b Brtment ldgs. Dat 19— Office of the'City Clerk Date t9— Da t^ -19_ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk BY BY By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed t9— Approved 19— Dat Dat 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By- yBY Received From Department of By— Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Dat 19_ Date 19_ Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By - License No BY Approval withheld on account of and avalicant so peg i3fl lh�en h moo/ f� ��Ju�'b l i c � tiv rk v JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH ARD, CRIv 6NaIHHu M. S. GRYTDAK. SR . Elm WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. OF CO.pirt.n AND REPAIR A. D. SHARP, EYPI..1 BAHRAnON G. H. HERROLD. O—C. ANO CRY PLNmIN6 fNOm.ml G. P. "—LIN. SUPT. Or WalOUlglpH May2&th, 19 25. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, o City Clerk, Dear Sir : - Re Bulk Storage only Pure Oil Co. Starkey & water St. This is located in a heavy industry district and is an addition to storage facilities already in operation. Such is permitted under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. There are no engineering difficulties involved. " Yours very truly, Pla ing Engineer. o v d 0_ss oner of blic dor s. GH-REH v�� y( I -� Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION . Form No. r To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATI IS HMBY MADE This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. tion No. t/ z Name of Firm or Individual For Lice e to �✓O/p,Crate ud Mai in (In Compliance with Ordinance 5�4)� 7' ST f r. ` AUTb11IDBILE FILLIN STATION {tq, be located At �< _ <.• + Stmt Number and &root NvY>Fcif ""' Number of Gas Capacity of 2 Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at officeof City Clerk Siynatum of ADPliaant 2 By Buainnee Add— ecelved From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Recelved From City Clerk (( Dat 19�L. -t. \ Date - — CJ 19LS�9— Department of bli S fety Departm t ofP b11�Wor Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Date 19_ Officeof the City Clerk BY By Received From Dpt. of P blic Works Date t9— Received From Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date IQ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By BY BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed t9_ pproved 19— Approved-19— Dat Date 19— office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of Ordinance No. BY— BY Office Received From Oce of Corp. Counsel Dat 19 Date 19 Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By I By II License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by Tetter dated 19_ ou,e, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings - In the matter of....c_ond.wning....and .....taking.. an_e.assment....in..._the....land....naaes"r-y for..__s_1.pp_es.,..._f ox..._cuts..._and__fi.11s�n...gra.ding...Alley.....in...131n.ck_..2.,.....EArestdaYe..._ Addit_ion....... f .am....Fox'e.e_t..�.t,.,...:t..c._.�Y61�Ass_�t_....--_._........................._._._._.......... ...... _.............._...___...__ C. F. No. 60781— In .the matter oP condemning and tak- _ -- ---- .- ' -- ""' -' ing an easement in the- Innd neves- «- arr for slopes, £or cuts and .flus 2Forest- � •._-� gni. ',:� ..........'12h St: to p ........_._._._.._....._—.________._ under Preliminary Order..............5 9.1 ....... _.... approved....Ee17..17.,.1925.., Intermediary Order.._Z_gl25-• approved_Ap 1..._28.,......1925._ The Commissioner of Finance ]laving submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ......... _,1ah.._..__ day of__ ...... August .__---------------- .--- 192..5......, at ten o'clock A. If., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL 15 1925 Adoptedby the Council ........... ..... .......... _...... .._........ _.............. .... ......... .._.... ........... .....I JUL 151925 Approved...................................................................... 192..__...... r 1� Councilman,, Hodgson ' �69MMMqMAAwld w'Couneilman' Sudheimer Gouneilmal>�enzfi� �. ?•lr, B,"90d Vice Pres McDonhid ,M J City Clerk. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of..c-onde;71n7S1g..._a.l?.d....tak..11g.._ap.._easement...._in...tll.e.._ land._neeessary f.ox..._..�for....cuts.....and f lls_ in gradipS Lucy St, from Stickney_St. to C;aterloo St., ........_................._................._....._......._..._..._...._..........•. C. F. No. 60i82— - a•'-.._..... In the Matte, ^n- imn, ing under Preliminary Order. ......_5?.9.81.......... _.., approved AP Intermediary Order...._593'j_7,._ approved Pu Y__6:_...1925 t.._......... .... _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in',the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....._.]?.Yl_.___._ I day of_ .......... August -------- ...... ___,192.._5...., ato 4a o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL 15 1925 Adopted by the Council ................ ...................... _.......... ....... ....... ........ , JUL 151925 Approved.................................................................... 192............ Cauuoilma'�AClanay,. VCouncilmaq Ferguson vo,Councilman Hodgson +''Councilman McDonald eCouncilman Sudheimer lfayo>�„�1ic�on 109 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing In the matter of_c_ondenming...and taking an easement. in the land nee-essary for cuts and_f .... . . .......... . .. .............. ................. .. ................. . .......... . ...... . . . ..... ................. Dgy w ........................ . ... WrzggLd AY�.!....l .. 7 Yiqw sohef fer kv.e f nom Undervo.0-d Ave . . ..... to Fairvi.a Aze....j:...................._._.............._1111. I .............. Eleanor st . . ..... from Und.orno.od Ave to Fair.vi% kle..-..t *.."""""""""""I"1*111'I ............. * Frodericka. A.ze . ....... fr.= Hartford, k7a . ...... to Otto Ave.6.11-111111111 I * ....... ..... --,** * * under Preliminary Order 589.I5 ................... approved Intermediary Order .......... Y _No. 60783 approved e — matter of,,ond"aning and tak- an � ea I. In the land noces- .or Siopes, for eu Is and,P'',, jV.. �.o from Une, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount Of damages awarded for the taking of the land or casements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the day of._..AU9US.t_...- . ... ......... . ... 192...-.5.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL I r 1925 Adoptedby the Council ...... ..... . ......... . ......................1..1.1............1..... '3 ja i , 121 Approved................ . . ....... . ............. .......... ......... . . 192............ -tmmirmwelmer .--'Councilman Ferguson V,Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald V . ,,ocouncilman Sudheimer Mayor. 0'0784 Resolution of Council ApprovingAssessmentd Fixing Time o Hearing Condemnation Proceedings odg In the matter oftaking ....a.n....e.as-eme.nt....-in ....the ....land ....n.ec.ersary fox.....Slogee..s..,..._tor .....cats .....and. ...fills ... In...gr..ading...:Frank....St........fr..om...PMagnoli.a_.. t-- o IFzrylandS.t....., ._. ..._ .. ........— -_....._._........_._.._......._—__ C. F `Io 60 84 . t of con�em ing and tak- _ant in the and necea- ,ms and nus ..._...__......_..... _........_..__..---'----- under Preliminary Order....... ..... ........ approved... Apr....8.,.1925........, Intermediary Order ....._5.9324.__, approved_.2ji.....5_,...._19.2.5............_...... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also ]laving submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......._12t —__— day of._---------- August_._....._....._....192.....5..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of sahhe ingmTrescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .........__.......... ... _................_............... ....... . AL i Approved.............. ___ ..... ...__... ..... .......... ................ 192 ............ Oouno:lman=f_:lanoy Councilman Ferguson t/Councilman Hodgson V-0 ✓Councilman McDonald f ouncilman Sudheimer og an enzel Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of...c.ond.emning....and .._t.akind.._an....e_caa.enl.ent.....1,XA..._t.-1. 1Q ....1aS1.d....n-Q.0S.Saxy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 4, Underwood's Third ..._Additi_on,..._from Kenneth Ave, to Prior_ Ave., __._...----...._._....................... __...... --_--_.--.- 6 C.—F. No:0078 .___.... Tn. thematte fcondemning and tnk ......... .... .... ......... _...__.....__------- a n .__._.an easement in tl4e annd necea ' slopes Por "lock and ane an y �_ mock 4, Under- . ......_..__._._.__._—_._ ...............,.. from Ken.:......._......._......... ... ......... .................._. under Preliminary Order ........ approved�rl&T. 24,_1925_.-... Intermediary Order_..__5.93.3LL, approved -Kay -._.5.,.._.1.925............... ...... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..._._12th______ day of.........Augu3'h._......................... 192.._5...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 3uU 11 W5 Adoptedby the Council ..... ...... ............. _.......... ---......................................................... ., 192 ............. 1925 _........_.........._..._.........__._.._ ......_...._._._._.-...._ ity Clerk. Approved_...................................................................... 192...._...... .................._........................................._............— ....._.._. Mayor. Qeuucilman-Clancy _ _ t. -Councilman Ferguson I,',Councilman Hodgson Lx Councilman McDonald C,"'Councihnan Sudheimer / .Gouneilma>=ff=meP " Bison`--• a ��a786 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.......c.ondemning._..and_.1.aking._.an..._e.as_emeat....in. .. the_..land.._nen.es.s.—y for_.. slopes.,_._for.,_cuts_-and._._fills..-.in_. grading.._Alleys in Block 4, St. Clair: St.. ..... _and....5h.ut__._Llne..._Addition..._Plat....K0.,..-..1,_._.from__Dunlap_St_to-_._Oak.._Groye Place.,._-and..._from .._East..._and.._+Vest:.Alley..,_to..___Osceola Ave..,_._.-__.._....__._.__ ........ -- matter �r o P condemningthe _ ............. 7: ._.. .... _..... under Preliminary Order.._......... 5a9.21........_:., approved... Apr...15,.1.925..., Intermediary Order...._...59tt44—, approved_._..._ PJLas..._�s...._1925....__ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it ` Resolved, That the said assessment of benefitsnd the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......12th______ clay of_-illg'ust_........ __..... ....... ....... 192_.._..5, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribedby the Charter. JUL 15 Adopted by the �uL- �r, s92F Approved......... ...............................:......... ..... .... ..... 192 ..... ...... 'Couueilmen-•Alancy"ti- "Councilman Ferguson 6•- "Councilman Hodgson WCouncilman McDonald i,"Couneilman Sudheimer .,Councilman -Wenzel Mayor, Nelson.w=- 60'S7 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of..__.eondemning.....and... taking -..an. easement....in....the.....1and._meaensary for slopes,..._for cuts and fills in_.Grading Alley in Block 1, Den E. Lane's from...,Snelling._ Ave. ._.._t_o._._Sarato�a .Ave.._,..__ ......... _................ '. Na. 60787— .................._.. ha' matter r'.. r•.n Ar m:tin.,........._._....._..._._._....____......_.................... .......... __....______..____ under Preliminary Order 5891_7 .............., approved..._ Apr_._15,_1925_, Intermediary Order...__5K5 7__ approved__1Aay.._13.,_..192.5.._._..__ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on clay of__.._Pu,guSt.__._.....................192.._5...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. .NUL 151925 Adopted by the Approved.._....._ ....... ... ....... __.......... .............__........., 192 ... ........ a &-onneilman-Clanuy tr Councilman Ferguson t.-' Councilman Hodgson r-' Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman -Wenzel ,AIayor_Nel_son_- ._.............................. 192 ............ ....... ....... ..... _... ....... ._................. ... .-........�. _..._._.__._... City Clerk; ........................ _.... _............. _...................._...... — ...�......_. _. _ ._—. - Mayor. PU'BLISHW 60�,88 'Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of_.....c_ondemning__and__t.aking....an...e.as.ement.....in..._the ..._ 1and._nee.aasary to construct and maintain a public sewer on, under and across the Easterly ........ ... .......... 10-1est....of.... Lot .._.7,....Bl.o.c.1�....4,...... nde maod.`_..s...._;5rd...Aaa_..._._f _am_ka .xrneu t....Fve t9 the.....al1ey..3n... near .._.of....s.aid...Lot __7_......... ............. _.......................,............. __...._.... _.... _........... - C. P No. 60788- 11 0788 In: the matj r f onde Hing and ta} .............. ................ ..... ........ ... t g en` ea em nt 1n the Innd n ^, ii, to eonetr ct attd maint , public"Fewer on. under nnd.;t tN_,yY9 ig ]n r.:.,t of.Lot.7:... ........ ........_.._......_.__.._.................................. __—.......___..__"._ a.. under Preliminary Order.....58.5.f 0 ............... ,.... approved....Nlar....24.,.1.9.25..., Intermediary Order_.._._5933a T approved__MaY.....5.,......1.9.25............ ....... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the a1mve improvement a and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had; before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_._...1P_th__.___ clay of___Au.g'ust --- _..__._ ...............192._5....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL 15 1925 Adoptedby the Council_........._..........._._........._..,...._.............. ................_..............., 192........_.. ....... .... ................. _......_..................._--.._ .._..._...... JUL 1 1925 City lerk. Approved................... ......................................_...._..192..._....... ........................ _— ... _................................... _._....._. ..y.-.....t/in.... '_� �— Mayor. C"o'itii✓;ilnlaa'•�Olaney-+ .�// Councilman Ferguson PURI L�diiY9R— t*' Councilman Hodgson t,.,Couneihnan McDonald t -Councilman Sudheimer �" OliIleil�^—�W'�n 961t COUNCIL FILE NO._____._ By... ....---................ _................................ ...... _._...__...... _.--- CITY OF ST. PAUL .solation of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for #'t hanging the grade of Jessamine St. from Frank St. to Duluth Ave., }�' o conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Jessamine St. between the aforesaid limits No: 60789 to said red line when established, =natter of the ass damage., coats T . theigrade o: - 'c St. to D run _red ll. p, it".. under Preliminary Order ........_..._...._57994._._____.._._....._..., Intermediary Order ._.._.....:._58550.,._...................... _ Final Order ........... 5.91-74 .............._......__........, approved. ....._..A.P j.a......2.,a&b.s..._19.25...-._..307�LR.— The assessment of beneflh&..,......daIllsj�T9S�_C_Q.t.S...._Rn.._@.XP..else$or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore„ be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respecta approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......:._l2.th.._.___.day of AuF;u.$t..,......1.9 5._......7,19X.- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City.of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. j C L 1�ZJ Adoptedby the Council............................................................ Approved ........ _.. 't ` 1J1' ------ 191 Councilman F91M MMIX tatSMeY — ?Am "'Fergus on ftknixV Hodgson KA=x' 6"'McDonald l&sdit V'`Sudheimer wtk'+m&;h -Wenas-l Mayor ]Form B. B. 16 Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.._.___.._.., CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Hand Ave, from Nebraska Ave. to Idaho Ave., ,t matter', of the sssessmr costsand expene s `nd- Ave, from 'N' �'�c-Ave:, 'under T' nfermedt� 687^:f under Preliminary Order ....... _..... .._.._.. Intermediary Order ._.._58315 5.764$.........._........_. _.__..._.._.._......... Final Order ............... 587.0.1.... ...... _..... __.................... approved ......_..-Apr l._.7z...._19.25....................., l�gX The assessment of ...benefits. Q.Q.w.tS._...?Xld.....expen$_.es__............ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... 1,2tx1............._......day of Al V. at........x.92.5?....._......__...., XP= .._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. J 15 Adopted by the Council._.........................UL 1 _ _...._..........._.. 92.5.......___........__......191...... .. Approved .......---••---.—___.} x:._1925191 _....... Councilman R6�a394Fiih� 30 Mx W Ferguson kwbmdx 'Hodgson #xtetx (sSudheimer MrCrAxMcDonald Mayor 19:1tYlX__We1 _oTP Form B. B. 16 . ..... ...... _... ._..... ........ _........... _.... .. .._.......__.r... City Clerk. E _..........._....._...._......._............_............._............._..._._.__._-.__ Mayor. �ol 9 1 f th. COUNCIL FILE NO........ . ........... -- - ...d By,. ...................... ..... ..... . . . ... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing sidewalks, Estimate Wo. 9, under Contract Ito. 3756, year 1924. -..Assessable_ F.O. 54927 So. Wabasha St beginning at Ckamaol St., thenec north 220 ft. Chicago Ave., lnorth side, botuoon Livingston Ave. and custor St. F.O. 55948 Hopkins, St., south side, beginning at Brunson St., thence gest im ft., Brunson St., vrost side, fro-,,, Hopkilw St. to Partridge St., on St., east side, beginning at Hopkins St thoroo south to alley. West line of St., north side, begir-n-ing 230 ft. viest of/Bradloy St., 'thence :rest 330 foot. P.O. 54926 IT— 9 11tall St., north side, beg-in-ning at Ed orton St., thence wost 190 ft., Edgerton `',t., viest side, bogimnin-g at ',�.hitall St., tAonce north 200 ft., jes9ni-iji_11c south side, begijmLjr, � �, �,it.t a- , U Iionoa cast 114 ft. F.0.55852 11t. Airy St., south side, beginning 140 ft. east Of east line Of Linden St -Produced, thence east 100 ft., Aurora we., north side, beginning at Western Ave., thencc cast 140 ft.., Carroll Ave., north aide, boginning at ',J`Ostorn Ave., thence east 225 ft. F.O. 55163 Edgerton St., east side, from Lake Go3-,io s P I h alon. live. to south line, of -Denny St. P.O. 55165 Pa-,Tne Ava,s east side, beginning 10 foot north of Cooh Streets thonce north 14 ft. F.O. 55992 S91_r-3 St., south aide, beginning at Payne Ave., thence wrest 275 ft.,, East Seventh St., north side, begiiining 94 ft. east of Fauquier St.s.-thence east to Earl St. F.O. 54230 J-TaAtiorno St., south side, from 33arl St. to Forest St. F.O. 54096 Glevan-iml St., north aide, beginning,240 ft. east Of CYPI1028 St., thoraco cast 12 ft. F.O. 54761 Earl St., Cast side, from Race St- to COOLf St. F.O. 55623 Karmolia 'St., --102 i side, froya Duluth A370. to Atlantic St. F.O. 55626 St. Clair St., north side, ,?rorm 1"!ost 7th St. to Richmonf! 'St. :,dars'-h-all no., north side, bogrinni-nr at Oxford St., t1-01100 Vect So ft. F.O. 54226 ",t. Clair St., north side, bo(r,pinninrl, nt Pleasant Ave., tho-noc ;cost 310 ft. P.O. 55624 Stamford Ave., north sidoo botuoon Syndicate Ave. and criggs St. F.O. 55849 St. Clair St., south side, fro -o Syndicato -Ave. to Hanlino Ave. F.O. 55966 riaLniio=t Ave., from Mt. Curve '],Oulovqrc� to 1-500,4qlni�yp, F.O. 52G4.,l 3_ y r,,.toga Ave., j7e-st aide, betueon �;olb Avo. 01 P.O. 56943 Sumlilit Ave north aide, from oild of present z;idawalk 0-30 ft. Vest to lii�-1aissippi Rivet Poul cvard. F.O. 55853 SO1b7 Avo. , souti-I sina, r.O. 559 ,-�- 0, - , 6 onco o-Lst 9, .2 ft. n3a cast F.O. 55159 Tho=o St., north side, apfroxiplatoly 133 ft. north aide, from O:,�ford St. to LoxiagtOl -1 Av F.O. 55416 tan Bul-On St- e. F.O. 51437 Lexingtonto BlP-:U' St - t Ave., east side., frons Seminary St 11-6 ft, 0 OWL& so-, S-6 be zi,o.- ste, f1lom South Robert St. toStateSt* F.O. 5590 GeqGe St., SoUtb, sild F 1 .0. 55850 Vj. riyoming St., gout), side, from Ohio St. to Gharlt,011 St. F. 0. 55416 Van LWOn eiT—, L'"'A 0`1 F.O. 51457 L=InGtOa give., cast ;Jlide, from SOI-nina4.-Jat. to Blair St. -rom Brolkpt6li St. to Eustis St. P.O. 54M Ghilcombe Wo., north side ?- 1,-, - south side, from Syndicates:: St. t- 0 h1am lie Ave. F.O. 56�Z6 St. Clair St 'Aal t�vo.. and P.O. 5584,8 Hall Ave.,1cast aide, bot-,t�on Lakc Goto and �c or- -Tob-aasiza. Ave. ,ttStatO St ,,.0. 55947 south side, fro. Robert.S. o 74xR��egi,,,nfhdarX............_...._..................._..._.... The assessment of..l].e3lefit8.,...._c.osS,B....and -expenses --- ._._....... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........I th........._......day of �AgUS b, ...192.5.. ±kkx- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular notice is ected. owner to whom th he Council AL1�2J --191 Adopted b yCounc........__..._..................._....._......_ Approved............ ................. _............... ..191......... Councilman FMMk i`t� Vmxx "-erguson xbdykrtd L` McDonald xKx u'Hodgson Daedax ("S/udheimer Mkm&nYA 4,14enaal_ Mayor btMKx "IT, 6I- bYI V Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.. By................................... . In the Matter of Furnishing and install Ing a service lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for MERRIAM. PARK AICD HILL DISTRICT No.2-LIGHTING SYSTEM: Street From _ To Street From To' Lombard Lexington Milton- :Wilder Portland Terrace Park Ben Hill Rd.Lombard St. Clair . :Moore Portland Terrace Park Vernon St. Clair Princeton :Prior Portland Marshall Nacalester -St. Clair Grand :Howell Portland Marshall Cambridge Princeton Grand :Howell Iglehart St. Anthony ,Amherst St. Clair Lincoln ;Ferdinand Carroll St. Anthony Baldwin St. Clair Grand :Dewey Iglehart Roblyn Sargent Baldwin Fairview :Fairview Portland Selby Princeton Fairview Macalester :Fairview St. Anthony University Goodrich Fairview Amherst :Fairview Marshall Roblyn Lincoln Fairview Macalester :Beacon St. Anthony University Goodrich Snelling Griggs :wheeler St. Anthony University Fairmount Snelling Griggs :wheeler Portland Carroll Lincoln Snelling Short Line :Hersbhel Ashland Carroll tracks :Herschel Roblyn University 'Portland Snelling Summit :Dewey Portland Marshall Ashland Cleveland Western. :Aldine Portland Carroll Holly Victoria western. :Pierce Portland Shields Laurel Cleveland Snelling. :Fry Portland Shields Laurel Short Line tracks -Farrington :Roy St. Anthony Shields Hague Fairview Snelling :Syndicate Ashland Marshall Hague Short Line tracks -Dale :Griggs Summit Marshall Selby Cretin Fairview :Dunlap Summit Marshall Dayton Cretin Snelling :Oxford Summit Carroll Dayton Hamline Louis :Chatsworth Summit Carroll Nelson Western Summit :Milton Summit 4 Carroll Marshall Fairview Fry :Victoria Summit Carroll ; Iviarshall Hamline western :Avon Summit Carroll Iglehart Cretin Fry :Fisk Laurel Carroll Iglehart Lexington Louis :Grotto Summit Carroll Carroll Cretin wheeler :St. Albans Summit Selby Carroll Chatsworth Louis :Dale Summit Selby Roblyn Cretin Cleveland :Kent Summit Carroll Roblyn Prior. Fairview :Mackubin Summit Carroll Roblyn Herschel Snelling :Arundel Summit Carroll St. Anthony Fairview Snelling :western 'summit Laurel Shields Fairview Aldine :Virginia Summit Carroll Feronia Prior Fairview :Farrington Summit Carroll St. Anthony University :Sherburne Pascal Oxford Dewey .& I. Lynnhurst from :Charles Pascal Oxford Feronia University :Edmund Pascal Oxford Oakley Prior W.Lynnhurst :Lexington University Minnehaha Cretin Marshall St. Anthony :Saratoga Summit Laurel Finn Selby Temple Court:Pascal Summit Laurel.`_` Ann Arbor Cretin Finn :Albert Summit Laurel i Temple Court -Cretin Finn :Syndicate Summit Portland Hamline Summit Laurel' :Pascal Osceola Grand . .---Grand �..::--: :Hamline ..::.Osceola,, ;,;:_ -Grand . :.:MW yuniGy -,-�i',1;J:V1 ;., Cr"stip rQashall - YYy:'L,y i11311U1tlV,;LOJa111 jV VL1_ St;- Anthony :Saratgga U11.1VtWd.LU,y .1YUilliuUmI1G Surmiit „ .Laurel Finn Se3by Temple Court Pascal Suirl Laurel Ann rbor Cretin Finn + Albert` Summit, Laurel Temple .CourtCretin Fzrin Syndicate:; .,• Summit Portland `, Fiallin Pascal Osceola Crrand a¢fioga Csc;-sola Grand �iamline Osceola Grarid rt - Os'ceol;a Gra�1d Griggs Osceola Goodrich '- sate Oseola Grand f 1oiJ;7 -ia C'u .�:„ r �QLtGi ,L II ! ,.Oi TG' J J �,C J - .? + .. '7:.cl 4 1 .-Uv I JJ, TJG 0,� -. Z,SCU J L;� TSni f}T, f u...'c 7_ , " r6T, �'r st.ICA �,;; Ac .T T?IiC J]"I; Yr 5T G. .SCi'7t; 2.1'v'1 ,_ �3 OU ¢' A'- ..:•�� '�.� ,.l'R_ .. J Z.Aj E,,." .1�.f[;..^.� - T 1 ! .. --. JJOf'.+ JJJ " C GOr G^t•6: T.Lr,-G;1 O„1 rO..• j'a'J.tJr'. i7 TTI Z' Jai ....................................:......................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 58977 ............ ................... .................................................... approved.........ATril 181 1925. ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................... Furnish and install a service lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessaryappliances and equipment for IJERRIAIYI PARK AND IiILL DISTRICT NO. 2 -LIGHTING SY TEIy,: Street From To Street From To Lombard Lexington Milton :Wilder Portland Terrace Park Ben Hill Rd.Lombard St. Clair :lioore Portland Terrace Park Vernon St. Clair Princeton :Prior Portland Marshall Macalester St. Clair Grand :Hornell Portland Marshall Cambridge Princeton Grand :Howell Iglehart St. Anthony Amherst St. Clair Lincoln :Ferdinand Carroll St. Anthony Baldtivin. St'. Clair Grand :Dewey Iglehart Roblyn Sargent. Baldwin Fairview :Fairview Portland Selby Princeton Fairview Macalester. :Fairview St. Anthony University Goodrich Fairview Amherst :Fairview Marshall Roblyn Lincoln Fairview Macalester :Beacon St. Anthony University Goodrich Snelling Griggs :,Yheeler St. Anthony University r Fairmount Snelling '.Griggs :*!heeler Portland Carroll Lincoln Snelling Short Line :Herschel Ashland Carroll tracks :Herschel Roblyn University Portland Snelling Summit :Dewey Portland Marshall Ashland Cleveland Western :Aldine Portland Carroll Holly Victoria 'ffestern :Pierce Portland Shields Laurel Cleveland Snelling :Fry Portland Shields Laurel Short Line tracks -Farrington :Roy St. Anthony Shields Hague Fairview Snelling :Syndicate Ashland Tviarshall Hague Short Line tracks -Dale :Griggs Summit Marshall Selby Cretin Fairview :Dunlap Summit I,1arshall Dayton Cretin Snelling :Oxford SurTlit Carroll Dayton Hamline Louis :Chatsworth Summit Carroll Nelson Marshall i'(estern Fairview Summit Fry :i,ii1ton :Victoria Summit Summit Carroll ' Carroll ,iaSshall Hamline, ';lostern ?von ^,u�:w•i;,_-.____.,,a,�,._,.rol.3_,.-:.,,- Iglehart Cretin Fry :Fisk Laurel Cali -oil Iglehart Lexington Louis- :Grotto Surmlit Carroll. Carroll Cretin wheeler :St. Albans Summit Selby Carroll Chatsworth Louis. :Dale Summit Selby Roblyn Cretin Cleveland :Kent Summit Carroll Roblyn prior Fairview ' :Mackubin.: „Summit " Csrroll yuniGy -,-�i',1;J:V1 ;., Cr"stip rQashall - YYy:'L,y i11311U1tlV,;LOJa111 jV VL1_ St;- Anthony :Saratgga U11.1VtWd.LU,y .1YUilliuUmI1G Surmiit „ .Laurel Finn Se3by Temple Court Pascal Suirl Laurel Ann rbor Cretin Finn + Albert` Summit, Laurel Temple .CourtCretin Fzrin Syndicate:; .,• Summit Portland `, Fiallin Pascal Osceola Crrand a¢fioga Csc;-sola Grand �iamline Osceola Grarid rt - Os'ceol;a Gra�1d Griggs Osceola Goodrich '- sate Oseola Grand ' ... � -fid--' %. �� ��: � � �� �, �� r � � � •-. ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S...361,.08.0-0.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........11th. ......... day of P_UgUS.t........_.__.__...., 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL 15 1925 Adopted by the Council_._ .............................................. 192........ JUL -15 1925 .................................................... Approved ..... _ ... ........ ............ 192......_ Fity Clerk. ................. •,/ / Mayor. ,/Councilman Ferguson ,Councilman McDonald ,/Councilman-ftffX Hodgson councilman Sudheimer j C.'NMAen�94:,�� Mayo -Nelson- Form B. S. A. 8-6. (.': r" r4 tl t ..' y JJ)J v 1 I JTiH b,j w'!.' TO i?•j r-;.;0jo 4,1!J ''0,f 'f :i. T[. fi .Cr'6 y t1 �..: .l'>`-` 1{ C;w 7'iJlrl i' , i:.T.,vAC'.f 0' L'!I•:" . t .. r�-r j . :pnlfiir '1.•r: I „(, tll•. ': Ts�1't L?t J. tT I t.;T,v; 1.N""jy �; �:r,( o• - 17 i v -{: fr ' • �, tt r.,i 0-j , •:, t 7 T..LQ'I rfaJpl,J 1sU hFUtl `: t_?•::(.'r .' '?37(,_ xi, '� ,'�},. 'T a"}x •Z, ;.. ?, Sii. 7 ^ �x3.T rl.i ' T t'J6 ..nTOT aC.,,[tT C C 6p li';ra*,I[,JJj'..: 's7..lyG T+�`u`'i G14�1..'_ w,T%t't j •lS., .s+;�C,9�'._ :3TiTy3tG 7 a;,., f ) :; PSr�0_1 ..TJo {' - .tea.. rr:., .. J,,, ,.; ,. .��0 .V _�`tic,.,,� ?jJ?• `j,:j^ ... -ePr,_•iJ' :7,'GZ,U^ ,O;.,rjSi7:; ��0 .!: 'J'• - ', A; •;J.) •-G_A 7 ,G..SblJ iTT'J'S;?E }j:f,:: 5i:C. : U2 OL.0 1 :'.7 ) g7 1 a. _ ._ :s.Cy''! `.-ri:+eHR• "`t7�"riYd7II'aT`W:.•......_.3T.2:l t•.'3`71.2 .._. [..'"i.'cai)TZ.. ,..... 1, J 7 t C. T V0 + ' 1 V 'v. Lt ) �J.., r) 9T .51 j4 c, Ti ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S...361,.08.0-0.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........11th. ......... day of P_UgUS.t........_.__.__...., 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL 15 1925 Adopted by the Council_._ .............................................. 192........ JUL -15 1925 .................................................... Approved ..... _ ... ........ ............ 192......_ Fity Clerk. ................. •,/ / Mayor. ,/Councilman Ferguson ,Councilman McDonald ,/Councilman-ftffX Hodgson councilman Sudheimer j C.'NMAen�94:,�� Mayo -Nelson- Form B. S. A. 8-6. -C. R No. 11113— j CCC=" In the iwIatter of`.chunslnr the grade oY: Ar�etrons. Ave. from " C[: to Milton St. to: eenrer, ;.. o 11 - 1line on-the"prflie he, COUNCIL F E -NO.....'.. .. .. •.. =:d and mads a part he 't ,.„I, fieri ,:, grad, By............................................... In the Matter of..CPhCLA95 1, 1g•t•I}I✓.•E a�ie..4 ..�rmstrgrg, Ayer„frgm,Chatsrior;t4.M- z „t,p,yv�}j ttpl�,St,,,, tp„Conform, to„the, red. line „on,the„profile hereto attached blue line thereon._also curbing. both sides of said Armstrong Ave. „beteen,the aforesaid„lim�ts.,ard„bpilding the ,necessary. catchbasins for t�1e..41ralx};iF;e..0 . tl?�..Six?6t.............................................................. under Preliminary Order......... 60.19A........... approved ....Jnrie..18,..�t�2i rJ.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cgmmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:` 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .change..the. .grad@. of ..AXIR3�i'ong.AY.@...from.aha'�SFi4r$11.tS.�...t,4,jv�.�,tp�, St,,,to,.conform,to. the, red 73T1@..4Z� SrAfl1Q.11@r@t Q.att@Chp.d. ad,7nac�e, a„Part, hereofx the; present establiahad..grade.heing.shown..by.a.blue. line. .there on,..aIQo..CurbJng..l pth s.a3.d. Arms :trxag .Ave.... h@tt7e.@n . tkle..af 4r@C a} d .limits . and ,building tiAe..1�@CeSe.ar3t..4a�C7lbaSiz}S..#.4r..tk1C: drainage..4f,the„street................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 5M-15....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement. on the...... a tkl......day of .... Au.guat.......... 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ...... ..... Approved............JuUi.'. Tyzk...... , City Clerk. ......... .. ..................... Mayor. councilman Ferguson +, Councilman McDonald „9 uncilman 2km= Glancy v Ctouncllman Sn&bx Sudheimer .»�ott�Cf1111�=1�nae1:� / `FI i : `•r r alrn - ffii�$Z'50n,t Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO...° ............. By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDE�'� In the Matter of..Plantin�; and„pr,gtect}�g„gl�adq, txegS„pr}„�ef#exS,p,Hq��le xRm..k xG dQx zGk�. �1Y.@Rue..t A . Fn ixvl en . tivalaue......................................... ....................................................................... - oY planting and protect- • :reee on deft—.. Avenue ...................................... rrPrellminarYt'rder'f9941........................................ . -- done9,'1925. t the CRY Of St. POO- .......................................... au....................................... nrOO.,t of the Com.. ................................... - ='he above yam ••�•^ < dere' ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 60041 ............. approved • •June 9, 1925. ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.P.la11t„and„pY OtGCt shade trees on Jefferson Avenue from Fredericka Avenue to Fairy Avenue, ......................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..2a4..5fi....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 1.lth...... day of ...... August........., 192.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. r...:...:1 ......... 192...... .. . .... ....... � .. Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. .......................: ............. LA Mayor. i.Councilman Ferguson Xouncilman McDonald ''Councilman XXMK Hodgson ✓"Councilman $mkkx Sudheimer Gouncilman_Wen;gl / .;Mayor-=I�oaigs�n��,a,S on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order ._......60260...,._,..... ....approved......June„25, 1925. . .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....cianatmat...a...S.Lx. f.00t...C.ement....tile.. sidewalks; ..on,..t.kle...ea$t...s de...oi...Cap. tol, ,B.oulevard..from GJint.er...Str..e.e.t...t.o..Arch..5.tr.e.et.,..=,ept....Wbo.r'e...go.ad..aid,,s.ufl C ent...sidec�alks now ...exis.t.,......_.._......... ... .... ................................................................................... ................ _...................._.. _ ................... .............................. ._................. ........................................... .............. ........... .......... .__.....__,................ ........................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. 1...10...p.er..f.r.ont. foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 11th ..............day of ......... AugUst ....... 1....., 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL 15 1925 Adopted by the Council.. . ....................................M 192........ 1 192FF......................... ............................. Approved....................JU� .._.5.........:192........ City Clerk. .................................................................... Mayor. AWMEIED Wcouncilman Ferguson vo'Councilman McDonald VCouncilman R%XV, Hodgson VCouncilman Sudheimer 4a'N2tTh�� -�»�„."".elson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ... ........... ___ _. By.... _....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.c.onstruc.ting..a...s.ix..f.oo.t...c.ement...t.i.1.e...sldoiuLIX...on..the.,east s.7de..,of...C.ap.it.p�...$.Q.uJeQard x.r.om_u.±inter ..Street..to...Arc.h Stre.et,. .................... _...y................... _. C: F. No. 60795— ;................. ...................... ...................... In the Matter of constructing :. . ................. cement tile sidewalk on the ea: ............ ............................ of. Capitol Boulevard Yrorn-• :. ...............--.��. to Arch St., under Prell...... ............... ..................... ...................................... .y i r 60260 approved June � E . .rll the CRY of ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order ._......60260...,._,..... ....approved......June„25, 1925. . .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....cianatmat...a...S.Lx. f.00t...C.ement....tile.. sidewalks; ..on,..t.kle...ea$t...s de...oi...Cap. tol, ,B.oulevard..from GJint.er...Str..e.e.t...t.o..Arch..5.tr.e.et.,..=,ept....Wbo.r'e...go.ad..aid,,s.ufl C ent...sidec�alks now ...exis.t.,......_.._......... ... .... ................................................................................... ................ _...................._.. _ ................... .............................. ._................. ........................................... .............. ........... .......... .__.....__,................ ........................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. 1...10...p.er..f.r.ont. foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 11th ..............day of ......... AugUst ....... 1....., 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL 15 1925 Adopted by the Council.. . ....................................M 192........ 1 192FF......................... ............................. Approved....................JU� .._.5.........:192........ City Clerk. .................................................................... Mayor. AWMEIED Wcouncilman Ferguson vo'Councilman McDonald VCouncilman R%XV, Hodgson VCouncilman Sudheimer 4a'N2tTh�� -�»�„."".elson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter of..Qoils .txuc:ting . a. aix.f.00.t. cement..tI I e—sidawallL.on. the .north Xr.QTA.l3AYMQnC1.AV.Q...tP.. Eunt—P.1.8 GP ......................... .............................. C. r, No. ..................................... In the b079G— Matter, of construed n 9 a six cement tile side—Ilt the Port ................................. north side of Plus St. fro. Raymond ..................................... ve to Hunt Place under Prellmir,- �0193 approved J— ....................................... ......................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... §919q................ approved ..... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.G.QX1Rtr.U0.t. A. aiX ... .focit.Aement..ti e side a k.9p 'firpip l3gyniond .. . ........ ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is P.qr. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ........day of August..........., 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tothe persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. .1 Adopted by the Council .AL 1 ....... P?� 192...... ..... ... ... ....... ..... Approved .........................192...... it Ci ,Clerk. JUL I ........................... Mayor. 1r'Councilman Ferguson V. Councilman McDonald 1,,,Councilman X=11 Hodgson v --'Councilman Aftlilkx Sudheimer C-ouricilffih-h—W-eikil' Mayor= XMJgxoW-,Ne1-s.oQ Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter of..,A.S.i;�—f.QOt.riellerit. i7 B..S?d£r1a.71=..0R,the„east SJ da. A#. Jiaxld..$v@riLte.. x0}n.R4s.e..St�:eet,_to,Geranium,Street.................... .......... ...... ......... ............. x.60797— a ........................................ „ Latter of constructing a :ment the sidewalk on , ,; of Hand Ave. from Ros,' .............................. St.. under Prelim,,......................................... v1. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 60394 .... . .. . .. . .... approved .June 25 1925. ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..G.QC t?^uct, a, six. foot &Sl7@rit.. �Je..s detigp� ,gri,the,eagt,side„of_Tiand.Avenue_fron.Rose.Street to Seranium. Streat,.. except . ,-42are..good. and. sufficient. , s.ideR.aS ks.. ari19..6 .ist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1,70..]?Px..fYorit foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 1t,1ii ..,.....day of ...... A11gVJ2t.......... 192..5.., at the li0ur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the isfovye e d the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...............:......... 192...... .. . .... .. ... ... ... .. ......, 92...... l✓''City ¢:CYlerk . Approved.... .................................................... g Mayor. r.".�ay PUBLISH/ Councilman Ferguson WCouncilman McDonald ,, <'ouncilman Waxag Hodgson ( / - Councilman SnfYkx Sudheimer �1 - CoanCilmsm-WV=et-- 1 av2r r111S'e r rr ss.n m Form B. S. A. 8-6 a COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter of..Ontiatruo.tiri .ori.�h©..17.QS:1t.aidQ..Qf..LA];ie..,?.IDo.. from, iylaryland„Ave:. to, Jessamine,. ............................................... ................................ C. F. No. 60798— .................................... In the Matter of const—d'ting a side- walk on the west side of Lane Place .. , ....... from Maryland Avg. to Jessamine St., under Preliminary 6rdsr 60191 • ...................•••.......•••••• - .T '••ne l8. ' �`� agt. Paul under Preliminary Order .... 66191 ................ approved ....JllnQ. a 6., . 1925., ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..QOXdStrt�¢t„a„sidetivalk ..on.tha.west. side..of..Lane.P.lace.Srom.iQar land.Ava...t0..J.Qs3ami @�4C.e.Bt.. N@fi@..g2G�1. �x}a..SRf4J4 eXlt, ,,a} detgalk$ . how ,exist., . ...................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ..............................,....................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1.10. per..front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 1.13h ..... day of ......&146 $t,........ 192.. a., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. ,That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. pA4 S Adopted by the Council....... � ............... 192...... .. .. . . ... .. Ci ...... i Approved........... .,,�i.l��...... �( Clerk. .. .... ........................... ..... Mayor. (-p "Councilman Ferguson 0UBLISBEU Councilman McDonald �Councilman=awft Hodgson lleCoundlman;&A tac Sudheimer C• ouneilma lifer lam. Rfay®r �,ivels on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... * to 7,9 In the Matter of.cr�nstrue.tiny.sadetifi871;S.A1�..bA.tb.S�d�8..0.Mt,..Curve Blgd. from. Ford. Foad..tn . S.Qhef;Qer.. Ayp..,...................................................... ................................... s.so7ss- 4atter of constructing side- ........................................ on both sides of Mt. Curve ' om Ford Road to Scheger """""'"""' ler-Preliminary Order 60190 ........................................ Tune 18, 1930. '1 of the City of St. Paul ..... ... ........ .... . • �d rhe r.,nort P the I— ........................................... ............................. under Preliminary Order.... 60190 , , , , approved , , ,JUne 18, 1925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomme4duis..CA11StrL1P.�..S�cjer{a�k9 Qty„}�.o.#h,sde$„Qf.S�(t, Curve Blgd. from Ford Road to Scheffer Ave. cQpt,,,vlhe�e,gQod,and,sufficient sidewalks now exist, .......................................................... ............................ ................................................................................ ..............................4.................... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.] O..mer.Xr.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... Uth ......day of ....... A1;&RP.t........ 1 192..5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. '1F Adopted by the Council...::.`..1.;.'92.5 .. , , , , ., 192..... . Approved...........Jill 15 W5 ..............192...... �1 City Clerk. �!lAr........!... ................. Mayor. w'Councilman Ferguson eUBLISHM / t9 `Councilman McDonald V'Councilman max Clancy v"'Councilman $mMx Sudheimer Geuneihrtan-Wenzel X4y. P-1&on 7 Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... i of In the Matter of.G 4I1S �.X L1Gt.f Imo,. a . S.fX .f04 ..G4776rit..t 7 X2..53 d£19a� 1 .ori .e , B,Qu�h s1d6..4P.4MO.Ph.M, f)f Qn.Snell1T .Avg r..t.o..tial'ti43Rk..$t.e..................... ........................................... .600— ................................... c :.iter of constructing a six' ement it sidewalk on the side of nandalprom h 6t. f ................................. ..., , • ing-Ave. to Warwick 9t.. u, ....................... .... ......... urinary Order 60192 app - 112 5, pp- 1025, ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .... 6019�, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved ... June. 18, 2925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and -adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.zons truet..a..six. .foot ..camant..tile . sidevialk. =L .the. s onth. side..of..RAndolph . S.t ...from .5.nPll�pg. Ave. to.YWVXLQk..U.a..mp.ol.i'Y1=P..0.QQA.AKif1.devAlks,poor,exist, .................................................................................I.................... ............................................................... .............................n.......... ................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... .10..pex.front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 11th ..... day,of AUgUSt.........., 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and rthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—," nd ..� .. � ............... 192...... 91 Y �J25.... ....... Approved.,.............:..........192...... Gty erk. ............................................ Mayor. 6ouaeilx3a�lanc� l'UBLISFi�_�7/ `Councilman Ferguson ✓ Councilman McDonald ,-'Councilman 2Hodgson d'Councilman)Sad4iu Sudheimer M%ty r, aar}t+caw -Nalg gn. Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 60801— .. In tY- the You -1115 sidewalks South 'side Beech St beginning 310 feet east of Atlantic St.. :thence COUNCIL FILE NO .............. east as feet South .aide Beech St beginning at • Frank St., thence east 20 feet, ByNorth side Fairfield AV... begin • • • • • •Iclog at South R_ eb„yrt St, _tbeas , —pygn INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. r.Q 0.onS tSUatin9, .Set&yirig..$rid . S el]aiZ ] Jg, .. rYLer 4 . ne0.eo a ary, ,.the..o.11oe+ang. xzdei°ralks:.................................................................. Suu�b.s�de..$aeRb.t..,..begi»nirt�.316.t...c.�s.t..of..��tlaui.zc..St.�..t�eno.e. east 48 ft., :.South..side.B.eech..wt,,••bag9.nning•at..Funk..Si.,..thence•eas•t.20•.ft.,...... North side Fairfield Ave,, beginning at South Robert St., thence east to alle......................................................................... South side Territorial Road, beginning 70 ft, east of east side Hunt PTa> e exte7lded; tnenae ea5t•-5Q•ft;.;.............................................. under Preliminary Order.... 599.3a...............approved ...June. 2,..19.25...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isreaonstruct.,.r.01ap and xeR?7X,..Cd�7exe.Xl�.GeSSctxy.,.��.�Oa�R7131,�.SJ ............................. SoutkL.szd�.?dee.Gh.St.,..b.e>aning..3J6.it...east..o£.6_.tlantiR.St,.,.tk�>sce. east 48 ft., •.South•.side•Beech••St,; •begin?�ing••at,•Frank••St,;••thenea•eas�k••2Q•ft.y••••• North side Fairfield -?ve,, beginning at South Robert St., thence east to a-1-ley.......................................................................................... South side Territorial Road, beginning 70 ft, east of east side Hunt frace••ext endefl•; nlyeae •east•'S0'ft :............................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.<.0.7..peT..S.q.. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... I1A h ........day of ....... kwgusL ......... 192... ra, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and -in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... °�J�..Ly..� ......., 192...... F `�2 ...... Approved ........... JUt.A il...:.�92...... f City Clerk. . ..?........ Mayor. .�uueil�ea-6laae�-..-�. �Pi18fis£�D 'Councilman Ferguson /�- ✓ Councilman McDonald ✓COunciimanAlajyo'hr- Hodgson ✓-`Coundlman;8nsW Sudheimer Conacilman Wemet— Mayos-• _ Form B. S. A. 8-6 tho'folo��in6eldewalk: _ •South silo Beech St, beginning t 134 feet. ft. .set ofDuluth Ave.", thence :weaosl - ' South aide St. Clair St.. -beginning -at Hrimhatl: Ave., thence eastto COUNCIL FILE NO. -"'o_ :]3rimbat., Ave., begin - COUNCIL ,,,, ,,,'lair all thence begini Clair St, from Syn - By ' .................. ........................... -line Ave., under approved INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofxe.Construot.ing,..relaying.and. .rap airdrg...where. necessary, ................................................................... South. side..Baech.,St..,..beginty ng.14&. ft...trest. of. Dv2i.2th.&y.e.., ..thezLce..west 134 ft., •Sout13• s i -de• -St. • •G lair • St•.•; • -beginning • ate• •Bx%1mhall• -Ave.-; • theme- .east. •to • alley, East side Brimhall Ave., beginning at St. Clair St., thence south 136 ft.,(', •South••side••St:••E3•air•St•;;• d?rom•Syndioat•e Ave:••ta•ilam2ine"Ave•:;........ 7 ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... QO.182 .............. approved .. dUne .x.8,..192,5.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved ani adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.xe.QOnStrLlCt.,.xq)ALy ..and..rapair., . i'tbera . nacessary,.. the..f.Q1.1ORirig . 4 ideNa7 ks................. :....... ..Sou:�h..s�-.do..Beertki.�t..,..bag9.ening..laa.£t...vr.es.t..of..Duluth.4�ve...,..thenCe..�est 134 ft., ..S.outh..si.de• •St. • -Glair. St•.•, • •begi-nnfng • at. •BniNiha•11• •Ave.•i • -thence- -east. •to • alleys, East side Brimhall Ave., beginning at St. Clair St., thence south 136 ft.,;:; Sou#rh side St: Glair 9tv; £rom Syndicat® :ive: to i3amline Ave:;••••••••••. ........................................................................................... a.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.o.07..P.Qr..sll.. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 11th....... day of , Q,uguat , ...... , , •, 192. S .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..:. �U.. ."��5 ... , 192...... Approved ............. ...zi ..x'92...... City Clerk. h Mayor. PUBLISHED /— C. F'No. 6080 8— In the Matt c of Ing, where ne relay- ing and repairing, where negeasnry:i��fl3 the following atdewalks: - �V North aide Geranium St., begin- y -ntng 160'fp west, of Forest St.. �l thenge west 40'feet, South aide Mnrg.ret St. from Earl St St Terry St• ' Enst side Terry St., :from Margaret . St. to st.th St., COUNCIL FILE NO............ nlnsa s8; ft west ofFifth .WanesSt., thencewest 280. ft.; Iunder'Prelimin- ary Order'39911 aDPrgvsa June 2. By . 1925. - -' The' Ceunou of the- Clty oL 6t. Pavl having received the report of the Com ��uiiseloner. or Flnaace upon 'the above- I. -,j provement,. and bavin6 cogsldered said report. horeby resolves: - L That the saidrepott be -and .the same. is hereby-opprgved and adopted. 'and, th>. aofii_Improve. on to herobbv or - In the Matter ofX'P.constructing,..relaYg•and..ragaira ng,..�her.e. ne.coasary., tl�@.A�� 4wiK�t; . si�leFtalS:..................................................... . „>Q,o,>t�},,��c�Q„C�e n ur>,St�,•,begi in }fig„16Q,ft•.,y+lest ,of ,Forest_St., thence west 40 ft., S ouzh. s i de..Aargaret . St ...f rom . rarl . St... i o. T emery.. St.., .......................... East side Terry St., from idargaret St, t.o Sixth at., -South- •side• -East, • Pifth •St, • begtn�ti�ig• •SS • #.t.•. •�resi • of • mat z•ian • St,., . •tYi�nce west 280 ft., under Preliminary Order....... 5.59'+.2I.............approved ..... ,7.Ade.2,..L92`J.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the $aid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. XP.cOnSa:'ACt,..2'f;.ULY �?@Se.}�oceSr�ti3XYe..tl}e..?.4�1Qii}Zg,siclgmLa s.i....................... '.: ..Piortb..suede..G.eran3.um.St..,.he;inxiix�g.1.60..f:t...vrest..o�.F.orest.�t:.,..th?Itee west 40 ft.., South• •si•de •A4arga�+Et • St .• •fx+om • Earl• St., ..to• Tyrry. St ............................ East side merry St., from idargaret ot. to Sixth St., •&otlbh••side••Eastr•Fifth -S-b'hegirming•88•fit•,••ves-b•-of.-Gotzdan•6t•.-f••thERnce west 280 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...47..Rrr..$q,. £t, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 11th...... day of ........ August ......... 192..5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by .the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... � U L 15.1925. ..192 .. .... . .. .��.......... Approved.......... .1 ct .j�`�5192...... City Clerk. Wor. Cbiitildlmati Cfarid� ” PUBLISHED '`"Councilman Ferguson `'Councilman McDonald q, 'Councilman 1*9§m Hodgs on t1touncilman SmW Sudheimer Conncilmaa'�Wenzel'-”- Mayor id7pd�9>J_�5 Form B. S. A. 8-6 s. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matterofre.Cons�xuCt.frig,..x.e.1:�33 6.�X?d„rey�air ng,the sidei4alk on.,, t�pfi�� Q��1,e,Q„qf ,17nno,,5treet from, Chatsworth. Street to Pleasant Avenue, ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ... 5821-7 ................. approved .... YiArQh . .•.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..reconstraet,..ralay vxd repair:. thm.s;W.gVAIX-x;}.hA4.-4,des,of..Juno,Street from Chatsworth ..Street ..tt 0..E a.e aB ant..BF.Onua,...................................... ....................... ............................................................ ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-07.RQ>'..s,q,. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. llth........... day of ....... "gUstl......... 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Builpng in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persods and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement andxhe total cost thereof as estimated. 192J Adopted by the Council.... ............. 192...... Approved................K,.�` ..192...... City Clerk. 'r ..................... ...... Mayor. ,,,�uneilata4-6laney Councilman Ferguson '"'Councilman McDonald ['"bouncilman 3=68 Hodgson "Councilman 2mfkx Sudheimer e Mayotz�"N'e"I's't311' Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBI,ISITLD F N In the Matter of reconstructing, relay - Ing and -palling the id—alk on both sides. f Juno Street from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave., un- der Preliminary Order 58217 approv- ed More 6� 1925. _ -- ;t. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matterofre.Cons�xuCt.frig,..x.e.1:�33 6.�X?d„rey�air ng,the sidei4alk on.,, t�pfi�� Q��1,e,Q„qf ,17nno,,5treet from, Chatsworth. Street to Pleasant Avenue, ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ... 5821-7 ................. approved .... YiArQh . .•.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..reconstraet,..ralay vxd repair:. thm.s;W.gVAIX-x;}.hA4.-4,des,of..Juno,Street from Chatsworth ..Street ..tt 0..E a.e aB ant..BF.Onua,...................................... ....................... ............................................................ ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-07.RQ>'..s,q,. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. llth........... day of ....... "gUstl......... 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Builpng in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persods and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement andxhe total cost thereof as estimated. 192J Adopted by the Council.... ............. 192...... Approved................K,.�` ..192...... City Clerk. 'r ..................... ...... Mayor. ,,,�uneilata4-6laney Councilman Ferguson '"'Councilman McDonald ['"bouncilman 3=68 Hodgson "Councilman 2mfkx Sudheimer e Mayotz�"N'e"I's't311' Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBI,ISITLD By............................................... INTERMEDIARY 3',i i,. 1 t }' lie In the Matter of.. > e.G9n8 �S LlC�1,..> �� �Y7F .and S,e,gaga i,..�hBT e.11f.G�98AxYs the..%G1J oriing. a ide ¢aJ k:................................................................... ..�aS.'G..S�-d6..Y�,>;'t?�i17.0..k1vg:.s..17e.g7•IlzLi.AJ3.a#r..�I�,XA1�ekla$?�.tS.t,.,.t�,ence,north.,120 ft., North side Fairmount Ave., beginning 90 ft. west of Chatswor4ist., ..... thence . w eat..162. -f t .,................................................................... . East side Fry St., beginning at Marshall Ave., thence south 112 ft., Weet. •s i•de• •Albemarle • at.,; • -beginning • at. -Front • St-.- ; • •theno e• -north. •160 • f t•. , ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 6.0187..............approved .dune..18,..1925..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and. the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends and . repa r,,,v?here„necessary,,, the. following_sidewalk .............................. ft., North side Fairmount Ave., beginning 90 ft. west of Chatsworth St., .......banae. west..162.ft.. I ....................................... ........................... . East side Fry St., beginning at Idarshall Ave., thence south 112 ft., .;veet••side• Alb,&ma-r-1•e•St•:i--beginning• at. •Frent•St•;;••theme••north••16-0••ft•., ...............................................................................I....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...07. Rex'•. S.Q,. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .11 Vh .......... day of , , , . , , �1ldgtl8.ti ........ 192. Z.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement aVe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... 15...... • • • �., 192...... ' %q�b Approved..............OV .....192...... City C erk. Mayor. —Gaerreilfg2yi UXffcy- teouncilman Ferguson PUBLISHXD ✓councilman McDonald p Councilman kts= Hodgson 0 ✓Councilman Syaikbx Sudheimer Quncilman W.enzeh Mayor -•1 Ascan_ Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 80806— In the Matter of reconetructing.•relay- ingand repairing. Where necessarY,: thefollowing sidewalk: East sideVirginia ning.at Minnehaha-9t.. then,_. 12o feet. -North side Fairmount 41 - --•..tng 9 %west of at., -. COUNCIL FILE NO........ west Ise fret, _ By............................................... INTERMEDIARY 3',i i,. 1 t }' lie In the Matter of.. > e.G9n8 �S LlC�1,..> �� �Y7F .and S,e,gaga i,..�hBT e.11f.G�98AxYs the..%G1J oriing. a ide ¢aJ k:................................................................... ..�aS.'G..S�-d6..Y�,>;'t?�i17.0..k1vg:.s..17e.g7•IlzLi.AJ3.a#r..�I�,XA1�ekla$?�.tS.t,.,.t�,ence,north.,120 ft., North side Fairmount Ave., beginning 90 ft. west of Chatswor4ist., ..... thence . w eat..162. -f t .,................................................................... . East side Fry St., beginning at Marshall Ave., thence south 112 ft., Weet. •s i•de• •Albemarle • at.,; • -beginning • at. -Front • St-.- ; • •theno e• -north. •160 • f t•. , ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 6.0187..............approved .dune..18,..1925..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and. the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends and . repa r,,,v?here„necessary,,, the. following_sidewalk .............................. ft., North side Fairmount Ave., beginning 90 ft. west of Chatsworth St., .......banae. west..162.ft.. I ....................................... ........................... . East side Fry St., beginning at Idarshall Ave., thence south 112 ft., .;veet••side• Alb,&ma-r-1•e•St•:i--beginning• at. •Frent•St•;;••theme••north••16-0••ft•., ...............................................................................I....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...07. Rex'•. S.Q,. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .11 Vh .......... day of , , , . , , �1ldgtl8.ti ........ 192. Z.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement aVe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... 15...... • • • �., 192...... ' %q�b Approved..............OV .....192...... City C erk. Mayor. —Gaerreilfg2yi UXffcy- teouncilman Ferguson PUBLISHXD ✓councilman McDonald p Councilman kts= Hodgson 0 ✓Councilman Syaikbx Sudheimer Quncilman W.enzeh Mayor -•1 Ascan_ Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 C. V. No. 60806— In the ia'ttor of rec ..Str. 2nd repairing COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter ................................................................... SAu 7. i5O! X to Wheeler Ave.; -W: orth- -si4e..SslbY- Av.e,.•begbianing. at. Fainvi-ew- Ave... thence. west.140.Xt..j. West side of Bates Ave. between Urban -Place and Maria Ave., -Eastt - sdd-e - gaokaen .8 -ti .. -from - 6th. -&t;,,to * 7-th -9-t& .................................... North side East 4th St. from Olive St. to John St., ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 60188 ............ approved ....June 18, 1925 .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of- Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. ne ennatrUat v..r.e lay ........................... FeLirVAQW. to Wheeler Ave., .North. -s;Lde• -S-elby. •Ave.. -bag-Inning-at. -Fairv;Lev. -Axe... - thence. nest. .140. -ft-,. West side of Bates Ave. between Urban Place and Maria Ave,, -E-asti - eid-e - -Jackson *S*t;* *from * fth -SIb . - -tv - 7th -Slb ..; .................................. North side East 4th St. from Olive St. to John St., ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... .Q7..PP.3?.AC.j- ft. - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... ll.t4b .....day of .....August.........., 192.5— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in, the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and he total cost thereof as estimated. �?� Adopted by the Council:.. ............. 192..... . ... .. . .. .... ........ Approved ......... �.192 ...... City Clerk. . ............... .. ........ ........ ............ . ; . ' idayor. C5unci-nTn-tTMMT --Councilman Ferguson PLTB.Lj� Vo'Councilman McDonald eltouncilmantlat9mx Hodgson ""Councilman bufthx Sudhein,, r Form B. S. A. 8-6 6fl�O7 COUNCIL FILE NO...-. ...... ...... ....... By.........._.._............_...__._ ...... In the Matter of..condemning.and...t.aking...an...e.as.ement...in..th.0 lan.d...ago.es�ary for ...s.lopes,...f.or...c.uts...and..fills ..in..the...gr.ailing..of...alley...in..�vergreenRe. r -- - and..,�1.4.C.kt...4.,....✓.ernon..s..._->31.ac.k...5.,..S.ylvar...P..ark..#'r9m...Jefferson,.,Aye, to C. F. �No. 60807— . tb the Matter of cop:;. S.tanfOrd.. AV.e....,.................. ins' an easement In............................................................................. nary for slopes. -for cuz - th grading a.of lley R.. ad Block 4,. Vernon'= .................................................. " 6,.. sylvan .Park.from Sen=........................................................................... 'to -Stanford Ave., under -;,•_r' Order 60100 nppr'—ed ................ The Council of the C`..:-::............................................................................ havingrecelt•ed,, r-+' under Preliminary Order......601.aboc.........approvedv' .......... ................... ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and -the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..C.P.pdelt>z1„ and.__t,ake an easement in.. the ..land...neaes.s.ary...f.or.. slcg.e.s.,...f.ar...cut s....and...f! 11s. ... �r.. the. grad ln9...pf..aIle y...In.. Etr.ergre,en Block..4,,,.Vernon'.s,.,Re..... f..Block 50 SyjyRn...Park..from.,Jefferson, Av,e.,...t.q.,Stanford,..Ave..,.,.in.a.ccordance:..p.ith the ...blue.print._heT'eto..,attached ...and..made,.. a.. part, hereof,,_.the...h tched..portions ahowing..the...cut5...and..the .fi.11s.e......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8......25..00 .................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....11t-h................day of AIdgUS.t................ 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.__ ............................................... 192....... -- Approved ............._._..�!::.. '..`.x.192........ .Gai�woil�xta'a-C�lutTc!Vc"�' VCouncilman Ferguson 'Councilman McDonald (� councilman RimmEt Hodgson °''Councilman Sudheimer May�c-l�ie3smrm-ter• Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO-- .... ..... ....... ._ _. By... In the Matter of.. Zr%d�-39-.411.ey4,...Verlaon'.s.... Re....of...B..look...`J.,..ylvan.Park..ror7...Je..ferson. Ave, ...to...S.tal}forcl..AVB.�......... ........................... ........... ... C. P. No. 60808— ._.................................................... I................... In ther..l R... of grading alley In T."s. - green Re: and Bloch 4, from a Re. . of Block 6 BYlvan Park from Jetler'....................................................................... ...•.................."""""""""-""""'"'I 'son Arms {'o Stanford s8ve.. under Prellminnry Order 60108 approved ................................................... �....ss —.. I ................................. having re..1-1 the report of the Com- m /aeioner of Flnanc. .ton the bove.� a Improvgment. and- having considered - """"""' said report, hereby reaolvea: I..... ._............. _ 1, That $o said report be and the'' came I9 heresy app yea ana as pt dr{ne ..16,.,,1925...... under Preliminary Order.. sad the said improvement- is hereby, t .................................. ordered to be proceeded with. The Council of the City 2. That tn,dvlfig rec�lv�.Imn.F�pe,Sort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and meIl�ogconsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ............ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grade ...alley ...i11... E�r.ergre.oil_He,...and...Black...4,.....ite.rnon1.s...Re...... of -Block ...5.p Sylvan..Park..fr.oln ..... Jefferson .Ave.,...t.o_.Stanford ..Ave, ....:............................................................................................................................................................... ................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........552...$.5 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... tkl,.,,....day of Augulst..................... 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. J Il W5 Adopted by the Council__' ................................................. 1 '^ 9 jl ��. .... .... ... .. .. ..... ... . .. .............. ................ Approved .._........................ ......... 192 �CityA Clerk. � v"�.. Mayor, grey n�S V'`Councilman Ferguson PIIBLISHEI3_ / l • _ b+i'Councilman McDonald 1'" Councilman Pig Hodgs0n "`Councilman Sudheimer Csafreil man-Amenz el Mayor -Nelson -1 Form 13. S. A. 8-6. I COUNCIL FILE NO ..... , By.. - .. ........ _.._ _ _ ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER bf.) �i08 In the Matter of .... grads..ng..411.ey...in..Ev.ergre.en.. Re. ._andVQ.=.Qn.s.... Re....of..Bl.ock.._5.,..Sylvan Par .. x.orL..Te#. �xson. dye,,.,_t,q..,$ta ford..Ave.,.,....... .............................................I ................ ........................... ........ .,,. Brading all..... ,. .._ ?lock -4, \'— ,n Park f�: '..................... ................................................................ ...................... i,: ..id A 601.08 .. ...Tune.. 7 6.,. _ 1925.x ........... under Preliminary Order.. - -- •- - approved . .. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grade...all.ey_..in... r.ergre.en.. Re,...and...Black...4,... Vernon!s...Re......of...31ack...5,... Syl¢an..P.ark...fr.oln .:...:Jeffers on- Ave.....t.o...St anf or. d.. Ave.,.. ......................................... ........... .............. I.__........................................................................... ............................................................................................................ . ......................... _....................... _ _ 1............ ................... I ..... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........ 55.2...8.5 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ Iltb........day of ,Au[,ut..................... 192...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................................................... 1 ............. ., Approved ..... _ ......._..... 192........ Cit ` ...................... ..........:................... Mayor. \o"Councilman Ferguson v,'Councilman McDonald „� °Councilman FkDmx Hodgson "'Councilman Sudheimer ,C-0 xneilmas.X&n?el Mayor,Nelsonp ' Form B. S. A. 8-6. a, COUNCIL FILE NO..... By.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. condemning.. and...taking...an..e.as.em.eat... i,n the,..land,..necessary .............. f.or..0l9pes,...f..or_cuts and fills in the grading of Cleveland Ave. from _ _............ . . ......-__... .. montxeal Ave. to St. Paul Ave, and Highvievi Ave, from hiontreal Ave, to Bohland.Ave.. s c F. No. 60809 -� In the .Matter of condemning and talc -.. .... - .... ...... Ing an ease—ent 1n the land 'sary for '- for cuts and H-- .. ......... ........... ............. . ......... n� under Preliminary Order_ . _ 60.046.. _......_..approved......TUAQr...9.,_.,192$.................. ... __....._......... 1. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves.: 1. That the said report be and the sameis hereby approved -and adopted, and the said improvement - is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...e.ondemn. a.nd...t.a..ki.e an..e.aaeme.nt. in..th.e._land..nece.scary..for...s.l.opes.,...for ... cuts and. fills, in..the grading ...of. Cleveland. Ave,,. £rom.iy"iontreal,_.Ave.,_ to, St. .Paul „Ave. and Highview Ave .....fram-hontreal...Ave— to..Bohland..Ave..,..in..accordance with the blue print .................. ........ ........... hereto• attac.had-.anal... made 9, part..he.reoi.,...the...hat.the.d...p.ortio.ns...showing...the cuts and...the...shaded...po.rtions.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....25..00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......11th ..........day of Al; V,;!t..........__......... 192.5.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ _.. .. J'`.l .. r.. 1925 192........ JUL 15 192 ...... .. ...... .. ........... ... .......... ....... ... Approved.......___.. _.......192........ City Clerk.l ........ ........................... � - Mayor. k,j' Councilman Ferguson / jIBL19FfFla 7� /� cys V"Councilman McDonald { Wr ouncilman=KZ Hodgson 'Councilman Sudheimer aMayorNelsonr :.. Form B. S. A. 8-6. INTERMEDIARY ,;, ' ., In the Matter of..gr.ailing..Argolane...Av.e.....£rom_Montrsa�..ave.....to. ..Boh�.ar�d..l�ye.,, Elwood Ave. from Saunders St. to Bohland Ave., Highview Ave. ... from ...Montr.eal..Ave......to.. Bohland..Ave... ............... Bohland Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Calvin St. from. St. Paul..Av.e.;....to" Elwood 'Ave .... ..................... Saunders St. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Coolidge St. from Argonne Ave:...toHighview Ave. Cleveland Ave. from Montreal Ave.o St. Paul Ave., to be known as MIDSlAY HIGHhAND PARK GRPDI,TG' PROJECT, .............................. ................. I ........ ... _ .... _................. ............ under Preliminary Order_ _._._ 60.015.._........_approved..........June ...9.,...1925.. ...............__..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....................... __ ........._. . _..... grade..Argonne...Ave.,....1x.om...J9oz�trea.l...Hve,_ to_.Bohl.and Elwood Ave, from Saunders St. to Bohland Ave., ..... ....... ..... __ Iighvierf. Ave......from Montreal .Ave, ...to .B.ohland_Ave..,............ Bohland Ave, from Cleveland;4ve. t -o Highview Ave., Calvin St r -fram..S.t..... Raul. ..A.ve-i...t.o...E'lwo-od..Ave ., - - ................ Saunders St. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Coolidge St:. from Argonne Ave. to Highview Are Cleveland Ave, from Montreal Ave, to St. Paul Ave., o be knorvri as 7fID4VAY HIGFMAIID PARK" GIM II G PROJECT; with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5...22.,.79.7...00.- _ ..... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........11th.... _._day of Augus.t.................• 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,fill_ 15 1925 Adopted by the Council_ ....I .................... 1 Approved. ........... .. I I _JUL G r ITry192........ C,tincl man ancy" ✓ Councilman Ferguson w''Councilman McDonald councilman R%= HodgsO Councilman Sudheimer °�at�ettrrttrrwbt�ett�l ,yMnytit^ ielson,.m_, Form B. S. A. 8-6. l i F. M 60810— of grading In tArgon Argonne Ave. from a to Bohland Ave from Elwood Ave. from .BohlandAV- Hihvl,w Ave: fr. COUNCIL FILE NO_ ..... -ted Ave.. By..... ........ .............. INTERMEDIARY ,;, ' ., In the Matter of..gr.ailing..Argolane...Av.e.....£rom_Montrsa�..ave.....to. ..Boh�.ar�d..l�ye.,, Elwood Ave. from Saunders St. to Bohland Ave., Highview Ave. ... from ...Montr.eal..Ave......to.. Bohland..Ave... ............... Bohland Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Calvin St. from. St. Paul..Av.e.;....to" Elwood 'Ave .... ..................... Saunders St. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Coolidge St. from Argonne Ave:...toHighview Ave. Cleveland Ave. from Montreal Ave.o St. Paul Ave., to be known as MIDSlAY HIGHhAND PARK GRPDI,TG' PROJECT, .............................. ................. I ........ ... _ .... _................. ............ under Preliminary Order_ _._._ 60.015.._........_approved..........June ...9.,...1925.. ...............__..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....................... __ ........._. . _..... grade..Argonne...Ave.,....1x.om...J9oz�trea.l...Hve,_ to_.Bohl.and Elwood Ave, from Saunders St. to Bohland Ave., ..... ....... ..... __ Iighvierf. Ave......from Montreal .Ave, ...to .B.ohland_Ave..,............ Bohland Ave, from Cleveland;4ve. t -o Highview Ave., Calvin St r -fram..S.t..... Raul. ..A.ve-i...t.o...E'lwo-od..Ave ., - - ................ Saunders St. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave., Coolidge St:. from Argonne Ave. to Highview Are Cleveland Ave, from Montreal Ave, to St. Paul Ave., o be knorvri as 7fID4VAY HIGFMAIID PARK" GIM II G PROJECT; with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5...22.,.79.7...00.- _ ..... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........11th.... _._day of Augus.t.................• 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,fill_ 15 1925 Adopted by the Council_ ....I .................... 1 Approved. ........... .. I I _JUL G r ITry192........ C,tincl man ancy" ✓ Councilman Ferguson w''Councilman McDonald councilman R%= HodgsO Councilman Sudheimer °�at�ettrrttrrwbt�ett�l ,yMnytit^ ielson,.m_, Form B. S. A. 8-6. b0811 COUNCIL FILL NO ........... ____ ..... By...... ....... In the Matter of ... C.Q94PTM_ing- and 1.and...nqo.ea,5.g;ry f9r. qu4... and fills in th g2�p.# n e ue..fr m ..... 1.11111-1 ............ _ ........... 9 ... 14 ...... ...... 9 Faul..Avenue and ... rom...Clev e land Avenue ....................ls condemning and talc...................................................... I, in the land nee a.. cuts and fills In .................................... ................... ............................. -eland Ave. Prom .......... .. .. . . ...... . ........ .... ............... ............. ....... ... ............. ............................................................................. under Preliminary Order ...... ..... 6.00,39 approved ............................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said.report, be,and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby orderedjo be proceI5de& with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Q.ondwn. a.nd.Apj,..Q an easement,..in_. the. land neceq.s ary qr P:utq grading.. of... Gleveland.. Avenue.. fr. on..Ford... Road.. to... St ...... Paul Avenue. and...an. AVQnuQ..f.r.oM ..C. love land.. Avenue to...W.est in..AO.Q.Ordance ..with. the... blue.print -hereto ..attached. ..and made. -a part -here-of, the.hatched ... p.ortions showing the...cuts.and-the.shaded portions showing, the --f -ills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5........5.0...00 ................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........11th ........... day of August .................. 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... .. .................. ............ 192 ... .. .... .. ...... .. ............... Approved ........ .... . ........... .... ....... . 192 City Clerk.,' ........................ ................................. Mayor. "ouncilman Ferguson 10 t/Councilman McDo.ald -I'touncilman B=x Hodgson -,"Councilman Sudheimer __.Councilmaw-W,eir,ReT" M41yor'Ne13'b Form B. S. A. 8-6 �70(','12 h 1,� the grade oY ,Cleveland Ave Yrom 1h. aunders SC COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... RZ11VID1,11 �Ti 1 In the MatterStreet ............... hereto, attached ................ t .......o ..... . Cleveland...... , Ave.... .......v....... .... ............................................................... ...................................... under Preliminary Order....... 60038, , , , , , , , , , , _ approved ... i]:VA..?.x . 1925. ..... I .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.ohangja.tbe..gradQ..of Cleveland Ave. from Saunders Street to Ford Road to conform to the red estahlished–grade. being. shaven .by. a. hlue–line–theneanl–alsa. grading..... FaAl. Av.q...tn. FQI?.d. tQAIqVAIA44. Amp.,,. ..! ................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..33,.60_q.Q0... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 11th ........day of August .............. 192.5— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the: Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvUpent qnM total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192.... t�� ........... ..........a iir. MaCit CI k. yor.Approved .........................192...... 1"touncilman Ferguson LICouncilman McDonald V't uncilman XXftU= Hodgson I ouncilm- Rmkkx Sudheimer CQLnamas-wefttr- Mqbt-M%Vm&-We=1-sen Form B. S. A. 8-6 608 - COUNCIL FILE NO ........ _.. By..... ..................._.....__ _ _.... In the Matter of. -condemning .and -taking an... easement ...in...the...land..ne.c.essary .f.or...slopes.,....for...cuts.. andf.ills ._in the grading of.�omerville...Avenne...from .the.. Missi.ssippi...River ..B.oulevard..to...C.olumbus..Avenue.................................................. C r No. 60813 In the Matter of condemning and tak Ing an ea in the land nary for slopes, for cuts and fills in th .,TPat g of. Somerville Avenue ..... ZA ............. .................. .................. ....._...__.._....................................... ................... ......................... ......... ..................... under Preliminary Order.._...6.O243. __._......... approved .....J.UnQ...23.1 19.25. ........................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. -- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn .and...t.akge an e.as.eMQ.nt..in. the... land,. n%:iessary,.for.,s.lopes,,...for...cuts...and.._fills,..in._the gr.&di xlg...oi._S.omeryill.e...A..venue,.from..the...l7is.sis_sippi„River..Boulevard to CO.lumbus...Av.enue,...in..aG c.oxdanGe...vf til...te,,.blue..pfint,..hereto., attached made..,a_part..hereo..,...the..hatched...,..hportionsshowine shaded .pOrti.ons..showing ...the fills, _........... .._.... ..._.............._...................... I ........... :........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5...25..00 ........................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...........7 lth..........day of August ..I...........I.... ., 192....5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ................... ............................, 192........ 15 a5. ......... ........ ............... Approved ........._.__..... ... 111 ..........192........ City Cl k. o IV. ........... .....................Mayor..... n y / 1 --Councilman Ferguson PI7Bid,SHTD. pAuncilman McDonald Councilman I Hodgson �uncilman Sudheimer Form'`$ S. A. 8-6. C. F. No. 60514-- rn the Matter of changh, Somervnla Ave.. ft - River Boulevatc- � m to Ti COUNCIL FILE NO ...... __._............... By......._ ......................... ..... ....... !._............. INTERMEDIARYORDER In the Matter of.changing..the...grade ...af..SOzneryi.ale... Avenue,. from.. the Mississippi River..Boulevard.. Avenue. to conform red line on the profile. ... kle.ret.0...atta.Ghed,.and.rade...a..part..hpreof,_..the present established grade being sho}vn..by..a.blue line thereon, also grading said Somerville Ave. from the ..... ................ .......................... �gi.ss ss.ippi.,R.iv.er_.Boulevard to Columbus Ave. to said red line vrhen e s.tablishe.d,.. ................. under Preliminary Order .6,0242 .............. approved ........... June..23,...1925...................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... change ...the ...grade Of .Somerville...Av.enue..from. the_ Miss.issiPP1_,RiVQr...B.oulevard.,t.q...G.1.enham„Av..enue, to,.,conform.to.,,the..red_line.__on„the profile hereto attached and made a part . .................... ...................... I..... .her.eof.,...the...pr.e.s.ent...estab lished.. grade ... b.eing...sklovrxl...by..a...bl ue...7lne...thereon, .also,_grading..s.aid Somerville Ave, from the Mississippi River Boulevard to .. ..I ................. .... ..Bo ............... .Columbus... Ave.....t.o...said red. _line -when ... es.t.a.blished,...... _..:................... _....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$.....0.,.04.4' .2..7 ............. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... llth..............day of –August...-.... 11 1 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 15 1925 Adopted by the Council ..................................................... 192........ J40l'1. ` 1925 ....:......... .......... ................ Approved ..... .......... ............................192........ City Clerk. ............... ......... I ............ ........................................ Mayor. cy I, Councilman Fergusont� v°'Councilman McDonald 4,0 PLTRT icrlFnL —l� V `Councilman Hodgson 0”Councilman Sudheimer ,CawicilmaieWOel Wayot--Nels-aV k Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO..._ By.........._ ..................__.. _ __._ _ . __ __... __ . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.._constructing..a _sewer...on. Sarat.oga hv.e.nue. from._Hgpdpiph. Street.. t.o.. Hartford..Av.enue, __.._ . ......... __.................. ................................................................. ..... ......_.... .. _. _. _.... _ .... C: F. 60816- ..... In the Matter of constructing a sewer ""-"-"""' "" ""-' "' - """"'• on Saratoga Avenue from dIldolph St. to Hartford Avenue, underPre- d„.. ` ......................... ......... ... ............... liminary Order 60107 approveJune ....... ......................................................... R. 1926: -- ^-ll of the City of St.he Com- Paul _ ... or -the ............................___..._._......._ '_.............�..'iP$"'" the,..............................._............................,........... _.. . _.......... ... __. ...........__....... _..._...... ........ ........... ............. ............._._. ... I.. ..... .. ............. under Preliminary Order_ __ _ 6.0107. ........... approved .......June ...1.6,...19.25, ........... ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be,proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.aons.truet....a...S.0mer on Saratoga. Avenue. _from..Randolph-Str.ee.t...t.o...Hartford ..: Avenue., _....... _....._ __...........:.... __. .._. .......... _ ....... _................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. 6,0.1.71,1010 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 11th..................day of ......... AuguSt-- .......... 1 1925....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided. by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the t010 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ _.....................�.................... , 192. .... Approved.... .. . ..... . ........... 192 / ity ...........�. ..c ................... Mayor. �Yt�Giamey.•Y..« �'uncilman on uncilman McDonald Hodgson� Jpl rarmr, �1 �S Councilman Sudheimer e:Ma�er�N�i3'1i17`"'•� Form B. S. A. 8-6. Petition • PRELIDIIxARY ORDIDli®. 60816 ounoil File No.. -- ----_--------lll--lJ- PROPO� c > Nr.! soars (ADan- WLerc��ti attoi the PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing both sides of Ottawa Avenue from Page Street to ............... - - ... ....... .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Annapolis .Street .............. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ --- ------------------ ....... . ...................... --------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------=------------------------- ------------------------- ....... Dated this - 15th.....day of... July 1 1925 192------- ----- ------------- -------- ------------- ---- ----- ------ ------------------ ----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing both sides of Ottawa Avenue from Page Street to ---..._.. ...- ---- ----- Annapolis Street. ----------------------------_--------...--------------------------.....-.........-._.. ---- ------------- - -..... --- ._... - ... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- ----_.------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. f� 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters Commissioner of Finance. JUL 15 Adoptedby thh Council---------------------- ---------------------------`------------------------ YEAS 1�'/ NAYS L" FERGUSON Approved._. v~ HODGSON �MCDONALD `�SUDHEI\(ER e _N'VE_ EMELa_------- ' �1R. PRFRiiIF.N.T �. Fo C A 13 (1111 3-25) JUL 1: W9 ---------- -- ---------------- zl�.....................................t..-.`�-..I;...-.-..--.-... Mayor. PV"T • C. F. No,.608t7 -60 : 'JI Aoetract. uncd File No ------------ ----- whereae, A written Deoyyoear-.for the aktng of the following SmVrovement, PROPOSA vi construct . a six - Loot cement tile' I dewalk op. the west nide.. off Sod. rth Stteet fu m line of press' NA PRELIIGIIRY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct.-.a..adtx--foot--gement-_tile sidewalk on the west side of Searle Street from Ivy Street to the north line of Searle s ---------------------------- ------_--- ------------ ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -- --------- -- Addition. ------------ --------------------------- - ---------- - - 3<i ------------------------------------. ..-- -.. Dated this......._15th day of -----------------._-1925 July t...---------- --- - ---- ., 192...... -------------------------...._-----_..... .....--------- -............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructa six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west side ......_.... of Searle Street from Ivy Street to the north line of Searle. -'-.a - ..._... ....-.........._.............. - -- - ---- - - .- 9ddi tion.-_--------------------------- -- --- ------ .._........ ----------- --- _.,:.- . .._ ...-- ------------------ ----- ---- --- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------......... - - ........ . _..... . . ----------------- _ --- ----------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pall __------.------------- ----- -------------------- --------------- ------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters f o the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Clouncil.......... .--------------------------------- ------ --------------------- YEAS y ' NAYS . i� ��'te itFtt:aDFfrxxer`�-• Jul - 6ottt '—I! ERGUSON Approved....----------------------------------------------- _1HoncsoN -'&cDONALD L+' AU DHEWER -- a jy ESIDENT -........... Form CA 13 (1 N1 &.5) _ . .......... ----- ...... Mayor. B�URLISI�A �-4-- – _5 Petition whereas. A writta yro oval for the -„: � C F No 6081 phetr't. �•� G®lJ 8 maxma. ec the touoWm6 Pmvravemeat,iouned file No. _ PROPOSa ChanBlnB the �raae pt aun�of1 of s 1 tween Chatsworth St. nnd, I i qt, co toren . th. ed sna; n,+o de o part, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the [Waking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of Juno St. between Chatsworth St'. and Milton ---et:---to conform to the red !"Ei e ori We profile Tiereto” attached -arid --made...a-.part... hareof,_..the...present--- established...grade--b-eing..shawxi-.hy.-a--------- blue line thereon, also curbing and regrading said Juno St. between the --aforesai-d 13mits- anti making--th-e—nee-easary --- ah-anges--in--vcstermaina -and:__- appurtenances to conform to the saidred line when established. ------------------------------------ ------------- -------------...---------------------------------------------- .....I --------------- - Dated this lbth. day f. .......... July, -1926 192.. �- Councibnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Chan ging.-the-_grade_of -Juno, --- St.-..- between _ Chatsworth..-..S..t....-an d.Z�T�tort..... St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and -made ... a --- part---hereoa --the---present-establiehed --- grade -being ehovm b -y -a--------. blue line thereon, also curbing and regrading said Juno St. between the -- $�aresaid-Iimit-s"-�eii3 mai?ring thy" rieiieseary eFisrigee iii vast-erinains an aPP-urtenanCee--t.q.. c-onorlu---t.S?---the...sa:i.cl..red...Line ...en...established.----...------.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ___.._._------- _...-------- ............................................. ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. /�� 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ` k'� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CjJgUneil ---1- ...�i,..... -- - - - YEAS (y✓/ NAYS j M LfERGOSON Approved. ............ -------------------- ----------------------------------------- - t, HODGSON �McDONAoxAED k'SUDHEilIER ) WF72"`Gar.. ..... ............................................................. ....... bTii Pit>"6i6E'Nr Mayor. Ir— C A 13 (1 At 3-25) S 'S :7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL _COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE TOOFFICE OF THE COMP_TRqLLER. CITY CLERK RES. NO. ---211"----:- 7i.---- AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON. THS �c -5 DATE --- 7 1 CITY TREASf. egT.r AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .Y --------- ---------------31 -193 COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED - --- — --- 17 To_ ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER OF THE CITY cFpyROLLER. ---------------------- — -------- — --- TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY 1 NUMBER it TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS II BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. I checks be d1 -1n on the city treasury to the aggregate covering checks amount 0$71.573.08,- numbered, IN" to 1934' inclusive, as u is in the office of the ctr check' comptroller. if July 15, 1925. _'J."ted by the C,, ugl� Approved J" i July l7ulY 25-1926)1 II A A El -- COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS Ff iiL-2FFICE i..' - rC UNCILMEN, NAYS ()' f rl OF THE CITY C-. .. R PER - TOT AI. - I I RETURNED ~ it IMPRO\OMEN - { �I 3LiT_ - _GARAGE AUDITDRIUM SPECIAL FUNDS ._ DIST ON 1AL CHECK _ PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY / H'•U FORESTRY BUILDING I ACCOUNTS TRANSFi'. ii ACCOUNTS ---- IIS SPRINKLING I� REVOLVING BANK GENERAL WATER BOND 9 611 56 424 7 052 16 40 50 CHECK BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 05 997 170 39 210 7o6.97 64 576.92 116 977 44 499 474 43 1 903 07 19317 7d� rd Pp Davis Reoeiver ^� 773 Doll 25 773 00 I 19318 George Cunningham, Assigned John salera Goo 00 600 00 19319 L90.1lodgsono Comer® of Fin. 9 6o 96 9 360 96 II 19320 ++ n U nol4 5o 494 50 III 19321 ++ n n n 1 7,`4 o0 1 764 00 l 19322 p n a n 11^,6 40 106 1932 ++ u n n 1 1`6 6oI 4 926 81 1 192 60 �lil 1932 ° n a n �; X932 + n n n 1 01 90 1 025 90 1932 919 33 ++ n n a 9 93,0 1t3 9 930 13 19327 �I E' n " 8+16 6 4 8'66 64 1932 4 400 04 (I n n A � �1£� 37 ' 19329 ++ sl e n 3 178 57 3 138+ 57l I'I 19330 Brooks Brothers Lumber Comp, 1;8 a7 I 49 27 4 207 55 ' 19331 Groat northern Rarilrray Comm r,7 55 lli 19332 L^..rfgon 13ros. Lumber Company 6 70 6 70 V 1933Mncndler Brush Mfg, Company � 81 9 81 i � SII 772 i� 11 1933 a P:rpls. `It.Paul & Sault ~Step aril rtailw.y Company 877 89 loo 91 l 1933 Newell Tlootriu Company 13 43 13 43 121 70 I I' I 19336 Pyrnmid oil Company 4r,r 98 295 29 5 02 I, I 19337 Thorman rip Jtosholt Company 02 I'I 781 21 19338 "Ya. ,1rdth TTire & Battery 0op7^.Z ?1 13 65 l 19339 't ndard oil Company G 19340 ^torling Printing Comp my rp 44 50 19341 J. J.p Brasted 80 82 90 19342 -Tan. martin 7,, 60l 75 60 1934 Be J. Sattler 3 6oI 3 6o 193'�� ?;. a: H. r. mare ;�� C9 504 o II I I lli 19345 11. Bp Yale �0 SHEET TOTAL-FORWA D I 2 497 05 II 969 743 46l I 49 i; - 2 0 424 249 5 425 61 64 96 95 116 977 441 515 436 07, I I 3 976 99 3 59 9 7 .1 4— 60U� ��- • _i. COUNCIL nn�� - _ FILE ylvq. T�tRLIQW TE CITY OF SAINT PA �' � RES. NO. 211 ._ _ "Of E OF THE COM CtAtNc=v, JUL 1 F. --- INADOPTED(� q FAVOR 'F ERGUSorJ. BY THE COLING IL CITY CLERKJUL � � 1.7L REsowED n,+E..� ':,,-, ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM HODGSON. WPPRVED7L____DATE 7-1519g5 CITYE c .. E n .: ;- nmou NT oR McDONALD. - ts2--_----- SUDHEIMER. AGAINST 5 19317 - G - / BY �-�.�'�.j� CHECKS NUMBERED VyENL - - COMPTROLLER 1,CHET COUNCILMEN NAYS (J ) INCLUSIVE, AS PLR 5 ^. ii'.E :JFFICE MR. PRLS jJLL_-,—� - OF THE CITY COM11 r F,'L:.FR i DISTRIBUTION N.. CHECK i TOTAL RETURNED - - ---- SPECIAL FORESTRY BUULOI NG ACCOUNTS FUND BLIC SUNDRY NUMBER IN FAVOR OF -- - BY LOCAL tK''= 15 AUDITORIUM ;' SPRINKLING REVOLVING TRANSFER .I BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT F ;L� I GARAGE 'I ACCOUNTS 40 50 CHECKS �I _ BROUGHT FORWARD h II - 1 903 07 g 611 56 I 424 't0 7 052 16 - 2 497 05 .97 170 38 210 706.97 64 576 82 116 877 44 489 474 43,1 19317 T d�rexd D. Davis, Tte©eioOr �5 773 (00�� 25 773 004 19318 GO"90 CUnnin9bfWID Aesioneo I I I John sclera r,0o 00 6o0 oo 19319 L,C,I1odgsonp Comer, of Tin, 9 6o 96 9484 96 19320 n rr n u ' L 19321 o rI n 13 1 7 )F 00 1 764 0o I �� 19322 n to n It 1932 " ro It n 1r(, 40 lo6 40 l 193�4 Q' n It 4 9,:6 sll 4 926 81 1 192 60 I I 11^^ 60 19326 n 14 „ 1 0-5 90 1 025 90 II 19328 n n 9 930 14 9 930 1 II;I 91833 s'6 37 4 400 04 19329 n n ° e 3 1F� 37 19330 Brooks Brothers Lumber Compo 3 1 �7 3 138 57 I 48 271;1 I 4 207 55 lil 19331 Great Tdorthern nailwoq Comps '"7 19332 L�xr3on Bros, Lumber Comranq . 55 6 7011 ,I 193313 T,T�ondier Brush P,Si' '� 6o Comte nq ', 71 9 81 772 98 I'II 19334 tiplr3, ^t.l'1^ul & Sault Ste, II I c 2aT T 1 Ra1lrrtq Comp,.ny n77 89 104 91 1933_ Ne7ell ?ClOotrio Comprnq �3 43 ;I I �I 1933 Pgrotnid oil Comp--nq j 3;' �g 285 28 III 121 70 ,1, 19337 Thos�zn 710 Rosholt Compnnq 2 �� 5 02„ 781 21, 19338 "Y�. �.',mlth Tiro & Battery i 0._ 193'9 'tpndrrd 011 Come,-,ny d Co. T� l 21 13 65 193 ^terlirt8 Printii}? Com arty -; rp 44 50 19342 trt. r a �s iniad X01 1 82 6o I 1934 i9m J. ]attlor 73 opal 73 6o 1934 1�, ''. 8: TT. F. '7are i I 193z�5 rt. D. Yale � 51 69 � �� 50� 69 0 ifl 50 i I i i I II - II I I i. li II 60820 CITY OF ST. PAUL, F10ftN NO ".�+=» " '" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C/1O.U/N�CIILLRR—E�S�OLLU—TION—GENERAL FORM ! RES ETD COMMISSEIONER.��°`fie----...--..._._. DATE..__Ju:l_.S_TCl-f.._�+9-tZ..1r)—^._.._........___ RESOLVED `a In the matter of acquiring, appropriating and condemning for mark ur ooses(Battle Creek), that part of the s 1 2 of the or weFV T/% of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest /4 of 1 Section 2, Township 280 Range 22, etc. under Preliminary Order C. F. #57916, approved Feb. 17th, 1925. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter and be and the same are hereb caancelledd, annulled rescinded and all papers n sue ma C. F. No. -60220-11 :J: HjMcDonald-- _ In the matter of acquiring, appropri- a pstinoseg and (Battleddrsalng Creeli), (thaor t auL' part0.. the Nast % of the. Northwest 14 of. ,roprt- the Soutltweat 14 of the Southwest lY�l pur- y. of Section 2, Township 22, Range h part'.,o[r 22, tc., under Preliminary Order C. F No. 67916, approved Feb. 17th, uthwe t•" to 1926. S ction 2 lownshlp Ae Dived;, That all orders in the f tt �e Prellmin y ab ve matter be ands the same.. a r. F No oproved F hereby cancelled annulled and resctnd- ;.?926 ed and all .papers In. such matter ins - 0t 'n ie0t'n 1926 d - _ Adopted by the Connell July 3, ...—A 1, 1 10 n,l' 'Approved. Jul% 3. 1926. •.Q ::.lE }` (July 26-1926) J 1 COUNCILMEN - ...31925 Adopted by the Council.-- -u. ---_-..-.-------------192 Yeas Nays 0"ney J U L -31W Approvd.-..__ ............. ........................192 oei� gg ---..-..----In favor Donald MAYOR udheimer Against Wenzel /Mr, President " "'' In the Matter of.. changing the ..grade of the East &_.West Alley in Block 4, Holterhoff &_Mead's..Addit on, and _Block 4, Evanls Addition, from';Payne Ave., to.Greenbrier.Ave,, to conform _to.the_red _11ne on. the ...pr..ofile_hereto attached- and made- a part hereof.,. the. present, established_ grad..e.. being._shorn by a blue: -.line thereon, also_paving.said_a.1ley _to the_sald.,.red line_when .established,.... under Preliminary Order.. .58465 __.__ ... .. _ _approved.. I'fiarch, .19., Intermediary Order _ approved. :A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the , same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind"of improvement to be made by the said City is Change the grade of the East &`. lest Alley 1n..B.1oC.k,A, .Holtgrhoff & Mead's, Addition, and, Block 4, Evan's Addition, .;From Payne Ave, to Greenbrier Ave., to conform to the red line on the _... .profile.hereto.attaehed and made a part hereof, the present established .grade. being. Shown by a blue line thereon.,.,.also paving .said alley to the .said red line when established, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mace. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebv instructed and ci�`trected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for appvoval; that upon said approval, the proper city.officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :adopted by the Council _.JUL 20 1 _ _ _ 192 JUL 2.2 192. Approved Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald councilman Il47 KX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer "Councilman Wenzel "'�ic�d?tca. i''etqueon Fnrro 13. S. A. S - i. C } Cie r6. 192 _ G Mayor. ' C P No. 60821— In the Dinner sof cheating .the grade -� of the -East &West Aney in Block, 4, COUNCIL PILE NO.. .i HolterhoH &. M,ad's Addition, and r Block 9,- _Evan's' Addition; from Payne Ave. toGreenbrier Ave., to By conform to -the red. line on the,pro- - rtlg hereto attached and made a part. - hereof, the present established grade being skean by ablue line thereon, also ' paving s Idalley to thefd. H� DER red line when setablislur I Preilmisery Order-: In the Matter of.. changing the ..grade of the East &_.West Alley in Block 4, Holterhoff &_Mead's..Addit on, and _Block 4, Evanls Addition, from';Payne Ave., to.Greenbrier.Ave,, to conform _to.the_red _11ne on. the ...pr..ofile_hereto attached- and made- a part hereof.,. the. present, established_ grad..e.. being._shorn by a blue: -.line thereon, also_paving.said_a.1ley _to the_sald.,.red line_when .established,.... under Preliminary Order.. .58465 __.__ ... .. _ _approved.. I'fiarch, .19., Intermediary Order _ approved. :A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the , same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind"of improvement to be made by the said City is Change the grade of the East &`. lest Alley 1n..B.1oC.k,A, .Holtgrhoff & Mead's, Addition, and, Block 4, Evan's Addition, .;From Payne Ave, to Greenbrier Ave., to conform to the red line on the _... .profile.hereto.attaehed and made a part hereof, the present established .grade. being. Shown by a blue line thereon.,.,.also paving .said alley to the .said red line when established, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mace. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebv instructed and ci�`trected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for appvoval; that upon said approval, the proper city.officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :adopted by the Council _.JUL 20 1 _ _ _ 192 JUL 2.2 192. Approved Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald councilman Il47 KX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer "Councilman Wenzel "'�ic�d?tca. i''etqueon Fnrro 13. S. A. S - i. C } Cie r6. 192 _ G Mayor. ' Saint Paul, Minn- July 17th. 1925. To the merntiers of the'city council, City of Saint Paul. i'1e the undersigned residents a:d property holders of the block from Wayne t0 Greenbrier Avenues bounded by Jessanine eaiu i--agnolia stknown reets object to the proposed improvement �,.-, order ter58Zho ovheeadseaddition. as changing grade.of F & I alley in block 4 FIolt rhoff ;e Trish to state as our reasons t :at the use of the alley does not ti�arsant the "ir__qprovement inasmuch asathe Paynrajority ofAvenue dthe aboof ve is used by but_ ttvo Parties owning i which is now in good shape. r:_.sidents use the Greenbrier end of the aLey ':'e therefor ask that this order be voted dovrn when brougOtti'iei£othishe council for action. None of the an ees running vicinity ase pa4ed therefor we can see no reason why paving should be pladeLd in an alley used by so fen copla. =�l'ontgornery Lodge 110 258. ' �' L���� �''�a�� �� yam•`.-.�-�"��= o-)(f,� / VIC i � /� /� _ , .r .> � Imo. � �� !/ ri ' r',✓ Ali i - ST. PAUL Fix DEPAENT OFt.yFINA1910E _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY O&ER L (A) ' In the matter of Changing the (;rade of the East &West alley in Block 4, Holterhoff & Mead's Addition and Block 4 Evan's Addition, from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a Part hereof, the present shed grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving said alley to the said red line when (established. _ under Preliminary Order approved— -March 1 q 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S Brick Laid Six inch PAVING Flat Concrete 5.08 3.09 Total Sq. yd. 00 Property 2 Share $4,221.00 #2,56. 3 x 70 2.22 4 Ft The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: a DESCRIPTION East 3.9 ft. Of lot West 1 foot of lot I Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION (1 !} Evans Addition to the ( City of St. Paul. (2 4 do (3 4 do 4 4 do 5 4. do ('. 5 4 do ( 6 4 do 7 4 do g 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION 27100 3075 5675 4200 4475 31?5 TOTAL, .i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTNWjF FIp1ANC$, • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED '- DESCRIPTION. 'LOT BLOCK;; ADDITION VALUATION. 9 4 Evans Add., to the City of Sta Paul. 10: 4 2225 _ 11. _ 4. _ do _ _ 2075 (Ex. West 7.6 feet)124 _ d°_ _. _ , 2850 _. 5- 4 . Holterhoff and.Mead's 17550 Add. to the City.Of St. caul, Ramsey CO. 6 ! 4 : Minn. 4025 (Ex. w. 7.6 ft.) 19 4 . Evans Add.to the City 2000 20 .__4 Of Sdo'Paul. _ 14175.- 21 4 do _ . 1975 22_. 4_, do 2175 .23 : 4. do 2175 24 , 4 do 2325 �5 4 do 1975 . _ . 26_ . 4. do 4575 do _ _ 2075. Lot 26 & 1. 2 ft. of lot 29 4. do 2250 ( *Except west 2 feet) 29 _4 . d° 650 30 ; 4: do _ 750 _,.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 192` llated- . �t� L..� 2(� ---- Cotnmissio i _awe. Office of the Commissioner of Pu@ic X10 Report to Commissioner of Finance AM 71 mm,. Yarch 31, 1925 ____191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._58465 _____approved___March_-19-,- 192 _5191___, relative to changing the grade and paving the East & West 'Alley in Block 4; Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, and Block 4, Evan's Addition, from ----=----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimated attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $_-_--__--___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. i m ci�r� FRIMN"411 u� V JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTDAK. BPloc[ ENGINEER ... GEORGE M. SH PARD. E-1 E-1— I A. B. SHARP. $PPT. oP SwNliwnoN WM. N. CAR— SUPT. c Ptr%q R G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. aP =OUSE G. H. HERROLD. O_;EE wtiDNCITr P wrvNlNc ENCIrvEER March 30, 1925. $on. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade,and paving of the East & West Alley in Block 4, Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, and Block 4, Evan's ° Addition, from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 158465, approved March 19, 1925: Length 603 ft. Width of Street 12.91 Frontage 831 ft. Roadway 12.9 PAVING Brick Laid Six inch Flat Concrete Total Sq. yd. 5.08 3.09 Property Share $4,221.00 02,568.00 (a) Front Ft. 3.70 2.24 Yours truly, —'.e Gng neer. Approved for transmission f Chi to t C miniss io� Finance Commissioner of Public Works. 'RATEMNG A9SESSNENTS. Council File -190....... .... .... _.... _— ....... 60 `� I matter of the `assessment of: l)t), - ,•nt4, costs and expensesforfur-. and. rInstalling n service By ... ....... ,._._-------- ._............ _........... ___....._, -ystem on the followings s 'P rthand .A— l -nm - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for furnishing and installing a service lighting system on the following streets;' Both sides Portland. Ave, from Snelling Ave, to Cleveland Ave. Both sides Fry St. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Pierce Ave, from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Aldine St. from summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Wheeler Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Fairview Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Devey Ave, from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Howell Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Prior Avenue from Sunwit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Moore Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides 'iilder Ave. from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Cleveland Ave, from Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__._1_- ......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council�' v�A _�—..____............... .192.. _..... / .. -- City Clerk. JUL 29 M5 Approved__.......... ............... .... .:i.__ ...................... ......192.... Form B. B. 15 /r ...... ............ __...... .......... ..... ............. _.._�...._.......... ........... _.._ yor. / , PUBLISHED 4? —�— S '-jLtT"B1G I AssESSMENTS. Council Me, No, . .... . . . .......... . F. No. 60822—reen In mnttar of the -e -a t -of. S2, 2 and sa�onsss for fur-, and , Installing . service By ... ........ . .. . . . ............................. ...... .system on the following .1 Portland A", 11TIM .OF ZIP PAUT, nd lnstaljUE ,Avr4. UU V.Lwv under Preliminary Order593 Intermediary Ord,,59766 Final Orderg.3 .. ......... . -approved ___192A. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_____)_0_..._equa1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the CouncilA ka 19IS ............ . 192 A Approve(I ................. ......................... . .......... 192 For. B. B. 21 Clerk. PUBLISHED 19' —/—' � S CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and espenses for}&e furnishin and installing a service lighting system on the following streets; Both sides Portland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland live. Both sides Fry St. from Suwit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Pierce Ave. from summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides Aldine from 3UMmit Ave. to -Portland Ave. Both sides tlheeler Ave. from 5umt-At Ave. to Portland Ave. Both sides x^sirviev Ave. from summit Ave. to Portland I've. Both sides Dewey Ave. from Summit Ave, to �ortla.nd Ave. Both sides Howell five. from f mfait Ave. to Tortland Ave. Both sides Prior Avenue from Samirit Ave. td -'Portland Ave. Both sides Uoore Ave. from Summmit Ave. to Portle;nd Ave. froth sides =alder Ave. fro^ai Summit Ave. to Portland Ave. Doth aides Glcvelr nd .rave. from Summit save. to Portland Ave. -- _ Final Order ........................ approved a7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $......... ........... 3.3_^... Cost of postal cards $.............__il.l(�,_, Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $........_..._._256 +-.40 Amount of court, costs for confirmation - - - - s..-..- . ..... . . 33 0Q. Total expenditures $...13,154.10. -- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $13..,.15.4.10 ................. .._......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idenJ tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ......................................__. __ _._...._......_......__.... Form B. B. 17 Commiasi er of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL. ` OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT a: under Preliminary Order ............ _503 _......... Intermediary Order Final Order ........... -.... ........... __......., approved.__Jvinq 4.19-24 ------------ ---- ad& To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: e� Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $.......... .......... 3...3.-30-- Cost of postal cards Inspection fees $.........._..._56..!_Q.... Amount of court, costs for confirmation - - - $---____33-'30 - Total expenditures - - - - - - - $--13.,154.10-'- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..130.1.5_-4e1Q ---- .._.-------- .._.._._...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _...................................�_=Q..i/er .._.FormB. B. 37 r Of Finance. {i�Tltun �1.�irx�kniY� - -• ATTORNEYAT LAW 530-532 GLOBE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. July 6, 1925. City Clerk, Court Douse, Saint Paul,Minnesota. Dear Sir: - I hereby protest against the proposed assessment for the Portland avenue lighting system set for hearing July 15th, 1925, and for which I have today received notice,upon the grounds that said improvement has not only not yet been made, but has not yet been begun. I will have no objection to the assessment when the work is done, but believe it an unfair policy to levy assessments before the work is begun or completed. Yo s pec lly MPF*EWS � 5� 22 C m a m <}�: � \ \ \\r \ \ c § 2 \ / \ / j \ I d ` i, »] � }\�\ \«, 6: !r w l\ }\ � ( ! � >�\ (\�� \ } } \ �! \ ƒ � \ } \ § } \ ) [ . | \ \ p \ \ ƒ } ] { ] } } w \ � ] . ,. 2ncl.. Laidover 7/Ql to 3rd, a & �._. _ _ �yy PP ____ Adored %/� %y t Yeas � 113 Nays, Glancy Yeas Clancy Nays //I e rguson !�Sodgson Ferguson Hod son O - McDonald Sudheimer McDonald Sudhcimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson E. J. MURNI�NE. , - /t -of aint Paul .WEN . DUNN, CHIEP CP POLICE ��II } FIRE CnUN MICAEAR LANDER. ET. C ®F.OF — BPpurtment of flub1fr SxfetU OSCAEET. FIRE CHIEF H, A. VAI -L. WILLIAM BARRON, CwPiwIN OP DETELTIVEE CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIRE PREVEMION J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS, CHARLES L. WILLIE. ..6 --OF POLICE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUFI. OF APPARATUS A. L. EGGERT. DR. B. F. SIMON. LICENSE INSPECTOR couRi ROUSE HEALTH OFFICER CHARLES L. SEGREN, A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. SUFI. MUNICIPAL GARAGE DEF— HFALTH OFFICER JOS. MACAULAY. '63:.0 JOHN MARTI. RUPT. POLICE & FIRE ALARM CHIEF HEALTH IMF - July 14, 1925 (�?Fi Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Assistant Corporation Counsel,; St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; Attached please find outline of a plan for licensing oircuses. This has been taken up with the License Committee and they requested ms to have an, ordinance drafted and brought into the Council. The Committee is very anxious that this shogld get going, and if it be possible to have it ready tomorrow morning, the Committee would appreciate it very much. Yours veeryy truly, Chairman, LiConso C so That hereafter all circuses, trained animal shows, manageries, or Wild West Shows, as called (theatrical and other performances on exhibitions are provided elsewhere) having a seating capacity 7,600 or more or equipment numbering 100 railroad oars or more, shall pay a license foe of $)360.00 for each day's performance or exhibition. Those having a seating 6apscity of 6000 or lose than 7600, equipment of 60 railroad care and no more then 76, - 0260 for each days performance or exhibition. Those having a seating capacity of 2600 and less than 6000 equipment 26 railroad cars and less than 60 a 0160.00 for each day's performance or, exhibition. Those having a seating capacity of less than 2600 • equipment lees than 26 railroad oars m 060. for each day's performance or exhibition. CITY AF ST. PAUL PweNcia PIO. J 24 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,,DATEJvly .T.:..19=>:M__•_--•-_.. COMMISSIONER......,..r .......... .. ......... f.�.:-: "� --.... .-._.—_------__. ........-_ ..- -_--___ ._: Whereas, The Council by resolution approved June 17. 1925. being C. F..No. 60�l�, authorized the iesvanae and sale of 4190000000 of Sewer Ponds, and whereas the proper city officers pursuant to said Resolution and the laws of %3me State of Minnesota, have foly caused the sai8 bonds to b® advertised mor sale and said advertisement required bids to be aubmitted on July 159 2925; and Whereas, bide were submitted and were opened, —ined and tabulated by the C0zam ll and the joint bid of Geo. B. Gibbons & Co., Inc., Noir York City, ezu-L Midland National Bank of .Minnespolia, Minas, was found to be the bi Rast and most advantageoue bid for said -,bond issuat Therefore be it Resolved, that the said bid no and the same is hereby acceptexL and said bonds awarded to said bidders at the price nemend, namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of four and one-quarter 3 per cent per annum, and a premium of $13,100. Further Resolved, That this Council hereby ratifies and approves the action: 0:0 the Sinking Fond Committee in filing the, number, denominationt data, pxc ce-of payment, and formof�-said -bonds and -also -the °notice -to-bidders ther�a, and also ratifies and approves .each and every other act of said Sir>3cln g Fund Committee in connection with the offer and sale and issue of ejald bonds beforeorafter the adoption of this resolution. re .' The Co J H:'MeDon I , I` Whe as .. 1 Council by C. r--i n pprov d June 17 1026, betn6 C d No - 00140 utho Szed theissuanc and sale`. ofS1000000r. of SewerBond nd Wher ns, .the proper: city off(e rel �pu_s anFtfn and the he' State Rf Mlnnoosot, h. f` ,..� .. o _ Co; NCILM&N Yeas It per annum,` and aI 1,00 and That ovess then ncu..id In. uhd.ominations .Committfn, tuber; den o.: form sled: then tce to bid- Ld also ratifies and ap d every' ther act. of ind Committed in con- e ffbra o sale and r a . nds .before after the s rdsolution ie C.uncit'July 16, 1026- y 16, 1926: IV 1s-1926) Jul � W5 by the Council ...... ... __--.-__--__---. u ,- ... Approved ............... _ ... _ 192 ...... ..... tea. •__....--•-- `— fixin date, Fr. iconsaid o Hodgson ders prov said nee, McDonald �udheifner ns. r -A t Aveneei— Mr President' uL Vice Pres. Fwauson It per annum,` and aI 1,00 and That ovess then ncu..id In. uhd.ominations .Committfn, tuber; den o.: form sled: then tce to bid- Ld also ratifies and ap d every' ther act. of ind Committed in con- e ffbra o sale and r a . nds .before after the s rdsolution ie C.uncit'July 16, 1026- y 16, 1926: IV 1s-1926) Jul � W5 by the Council ...... ... __--.-__--__---. u ,- ... Approved ............... _ ... _ 192 ...... ..... tea. •__....--•-- `— � t L �I f BIDS T_tEDRIVED OIl THE 01,000,000 SE1,NT2 BONDS ( ADVERTISED FOR SWZ JULY ib, 1926. r.� BIDDER BID RATE PREbU= Geo. B. Gibbons & Co., N. Y. } 01,000.00 A V613,100.00 midland National Bank of 4pls. ) Eldredge & Company, id. Y. ) 01,000,000 12,34-0.00 vtello-Diokey Co., twpls. ) Eldredge & Company, U. Y. ) 0. 891,000 ` ea PTP "1,011,-D£okoy Go., Lipls. ) 309,000: E. B. Rollins & Sons ) Blodget & Company Detroit Company, Ino. Morohants Trust Car.Tany ) ) "'1,000,000 4 u11,690.00 The National City Company The northern Trust Company ) ) 1-11,000,000 2- r 8,130000 Bankoro Trust Co. Guaranty Company of N. Y. ) ) 01,0000000 69-090.00 Estabrook & Co. ) 01,000,000 n?s; w 5,800.00 The Minnesota Loan 8, Trust Co. Kalman., Gates, Uhite & CO. iJorthwestern Trust Co. ) } 01,000,000 7,880.00 Romiok, Hodges & Go. ) R. L. Day & Co. ) The First Nat. Bank of St -Paul ) 349,000 a J Par 0 651,000 Bonds awarded to Goo. B. Gibbons & Go., Neu York, and Ladland Idational Bank of Llinnoapolio. _.._Ordinanoa I OFTMAL PROCE EDING9 OF 7`1COUNCIL.' r :.� An ordinance granting permis6', ,=.,cCS grade Searles Street from the nortif line of Sek.,` clition to Denny Street'. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. to% The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to Otto Mandehr to grade Searles Street from the north line of Searle's"Addition to Denny street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the grading of said street upon his compliance with the following express conditions, namely: (1) The said licensee shall grade said street entirely at his own expense, to the satisfaction and under the aupervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in aecordancd with the plans and profiles prepared by him. (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting of said work amounting to:50.00. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said work, the said licensee shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes, for cuts and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all consequential damages by resson.of the grading of said street. (4) The said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence and shall fully complete said work on or before November 15, 1925' If the said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public'Works is hereby authorized and the licensee expressly agrees that he shall have power and authority,to complete said work and that the licensee will pay to the said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be a liability upon and a condition of the said licensee's bond. (5) The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of 05,000.00 conditioned to comply with all the terms of the resolution and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmlesa from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense, that may accrue to persons or.property occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. (6) The said licensee shall, within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Laid over p. _ �Adopted 3ar1. R ai}P� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays fclancy Clancy erguson Hodgson 71 ` (/ 'erguson !Hodgson ✓� IcDonald V tiIcDonald Sudlicimer �udheinter Wenzel fr l ��l ivIr:-Pres. Nelson%.1\'fr. Pres:Nclson 'R $ Ma This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for.the preservation of the public peacei health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication Councilmen Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy AUG 111925 1925 -Imerguson / Hodgson to in favor L'cDonald AUG 11 192a Kdheimer _0 Agqinst Approved 1925 Yr. President Mayor PUBLISIIED_'�'—'/-57-� t, > C. F. n Ordinance f By a An ordinance appropriating and setting atide One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00) from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, to the Permanent Improvement revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing the Belt line Phalen & Hazel Park Sewer System. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the Cit of St. Paul does ordair.G F. I 11326'--ordmanee No.6536 y H. McDonald— An, ordinance aDuroprlating and setting .. aside One Million Two Hundred; Section 1. Thousand Dollaf (71,200,000:00); L 2301,CSewer. Bond Fund;- -�th Permanent -Improvet. menRd- "T—d, Code. 3001, q„-- nur That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from-._ Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00) for the purpose of 'paying the cost of the Belt Line Phalen and Hazel Park Sewer System. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen' Yeas Nays 'Clancy ✓�E ergulon odgson In favor �IoDonald Sudheimer Against Mr. President f Adopted by the Council AUG 111 -- 1925 Approved AU6 1 )Y"" 1925 Mayor PUBLISHED 1ST �s .� L,+. �% � � � L' i' :.. __ -- _- ��l � �- :. ( � ,,' � � Oi �. )/r�� �� (, �i i, �;�s.... 'cliY cieaK CITY OF SAINT PAUL coons. col NO...... �.. t,�-e...: :,. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PE HA R SE ION 205 � �} PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......... Sudheimer.... :. ....... ....... DATE....i...July....1.5.,....19`2.55... .....". RESOLVED„ THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE:' COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO, DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEM MAY MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY TH8 MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODEAMgUNT 'TRANSFEPRED APPORTION ED -ITEM FROM TO OR. - CR. 2Z OR Markets 799.05' 2101 21 02 n 200.00 21 03 a 500.00' 21 04 a400:00 G`F No 60ud 827—lip 6. C. Sheimer= Re olved, That the IaIIOWIt g-trans- Yers ba mads -oh the books oC the comp- troller. As. -by so doing ¢n unav'61d- able deticiency In cortaln it, may b@ ,t met t j said transfers without h¢mper- 1 in the work prov[dgdby the money vX in'the items from whichthe transfers I ar$6 9905 transferred from Coda 21 • S i. CFI; Market., to, Code. 21' CI ,Markets, s l �' SI $4,699 06 Coda 21 C2, Mark t., $200.00; 1 Code 21 . C2,' Mnrkete; -. $600.00; Cade 21 C4, Markets $400,00. , Adopted by th0 C unoll July lb, 1925. Appraved, July 161. 1926 July 25-1925) l YES( ✓� COUNCILMEN � NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIJUL..� � 19 ........... APPROVED..... ....J.UL ..I..f..19�5....... ..19.,..::... /LfIOD" .........IN FAVOR ✓ �INCDONALD ...... .... .. ..... ........: " ,/SUDHEIMER .........::.AGAINST - //M d—Cm-- COUNTERSIGIyED BY.. .v:(..!'�..:.... ' / 2C CITY nOMPTpOLLEp i=REtS�tDE1VT ro.M oz9"7�5bbov�v& r, l AT((— co.N No...::.� �r e,ry �e�eRK° CITY OF SAINT PAUL t•z APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM : PE HA RSE ION 20B - 4 PRESENTED BY :. $udh8lmeT...... ........ DATE.:......t71L7.Tf..1..55......19255 ............... COMMISSIONER........................................ ....... '' RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THS';, MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. - .AMOUNT "-TRANSFERRED CODE ., APPORTIONED 'ITEM - DR. CR. FROM TO -- 21 OR Markets 5,799.05 2101 n 4,699.05 21 02 II 200.00 21 03 .11 500,00 21 a4 n . ?WO` 00 C F No.'60827—BY G; G Sudhetmor �- lis. lved That the following tra s- I fere be mad oh th°:books of the co p- „),l trolle .As by ao doing, an unavold- �\ able deflctency tranefein curtain item. may b@ ' met by said re withouthamper- �e, thework provided by the money the.ftems from which -AhIa Iran [era ' ® a} a$5 799.05 tranafermd fr m Code 21 ( - yi'Markets, to Code 21,Mnrk@ta. $f 699Cod@, 21, C2 Markats; $200.OQ: Code ' 21- C9, ,Markets S60p.00 Code 21 C41 Mnrlteta, 5400 00 Adopted by the C uncll Jssly 16 1925. A»»roved Tuly lc, 1926.' July $6 1926) .. YES ✓. COUNCILMEN ✓� NAYS ADOPTED BY. THE COUNCILI A..... 5...: c 5�18 APPROVED.......... ..... tl1JL A..i71.7Y5.................. 19...` /F�IODGSON ...... .. .......IN: FAVOR ✓ MCDONALD.... ..... ... .. ... .... ....... �. �..... MAYO.. . /SUDHEIMER .........:.AGAINST COUNTERSIG14ED BY .,�/. • •• -: / cin coMFrnDu. .onM Dx �liti--PRES�tOCIPi `' - -- — — -- - tein. .NecSufion -OUNCIL60,8028 No. ---------------------- CITY OF ST. PAULFILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO -REMSO UTIOIN4--GENERAL FORM July 16 925 PRESENTE&B COMM ,S51O ER That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to RESOLVED award the contract for moving two portable schools now located on the Johnson High School grounds, one to the Wheelock School grounds, and one froin north side of Johnson to south side of Johnson High School, to John Bailey for the aLim of $500.00, on informal competitive bidet without advertisements as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge School- Mntce. of Plant 15 H 5 COUNCILAIMN Yeas Nays vepe- Hodgson---..!.--.-.---In favor McDonald -'-Sudbeimer- Against r. Vice Pres. Ferguson Adopted by the Council -...-..J U - L I . .•....... In Approved _192 - ------------------------ M__A__Y_0__R_ COUNCIL 6? Av 9` - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-..-- - L -429 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCI SO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9Y July 16,1925 DATE.__...........-..__....__..._._.___.........._...._...._ . RESOLVED That the Purchasing P.gent be, and he is hereby auth br ized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one 8,000 gallon tank car of low test gasoline, from the Standard oil Company (Ind.), at a price of .1734 per gallon, (including state tax), f.o.b. St.Paul, or a total contract price of $1387.20, on informal competitive- bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge ;'.later Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Hodgson !. -.-..In favor McDonald I Sudheimer ...... r;�-...--Against Wen - e1 - Adopted by the Council-AL—Ir ..- - 5 -------- --192..-..- Approved ----192 ------ - ----- --------- ---- ---- MAYOR COUNCIL �0U0 FILE No•______________ _--- --- -- OFFICE COUNCIL RE: REsoLvED Whe�fi, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in themaking of the improvement under Final Order CIF. #43807, approved Jar -,a ry 24, 1924, described as the paving of Hampden Ave. from University Ave. to Raymond Ave. W. A. Patterson & Ganley Bros. Co., Contractor, have arisen making it necessary to put in the following additions and deductions: Additions 26.6 cu.yds. concrete @8.00 212.80 131 sq.ft.of sidewalk .25 32.75 Planking crossings at Bradford $t. and Hersey Ave. 271.40 33 lin.ft. wood header .18 5.94 0 Totaig additions 522.89 Deductions: 6,933 lbs. rQin£orcint .041 311.98 18.7 sq.yds. brick pavement 4.20 78.54 16 linft.straight,curb .55 8.80 23.7 It radius curb .75 17.77 Total deductions 417.09 Net additions $105.80 Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the council hereby orders the extras to be put in, the work to be done under the sppervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefore, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $105.80 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2158 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Con- tractor, W. A. Patterson & Ganley Bros. Co., that the sum of $105.80 is reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Countersigned: �j4 ommissioner of Public Works. oller. C'm a odrg r; ;:per c!+,.�r --•_� �• 9t U !1 -� �� ..CQUNCIL)IF.N Contractor. Yeas Nays Adopted Uy the Cc n4ULA-(j_-1.925 -------------- 192.._.._ "—' Approved ...J..U�.._ -1_.. 1925 - ---------------------192... -/Hodgson ........ /..In favor ,McDonald -Sudheimer .....Against MAYOR PtJIILfSIiEDwenzel — ogS --�` - —,-- V/ Mr. Vibe Pres.ergeeoo r C UNCIL NO-... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By DATE_-._........_ - RESOLVED Yeas That the Comnssiollor of public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle v7i+h water or oil the follOvIing street: Hill St. from Third to Eagle St' COUNCILMEN 7c,'any— Nays F-9--- /Hodgson favor ,McDonald sudheirner Against Mn Vice Pres. Forawon TItt.t '. e 1. or Comm ellonaraof.� pablie- Works b, and directed to aprl fzed toI with tar or all folio, 4 t: H,11, st, Ir t, Adopted t o ' Approved (July U 44Lj.f- *25 Adopted by the Council- -------------_192.---- Approved11i 1925 192 ----------- -------- Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILEcOU- L NO.... ----6 i 3-2 FILE N SVfu\ _._------ .... DATE --_—.-------JA!Y--1L, --.._......_.-.- That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with mater or oil the following streetst COUNCILMEN Clancy -Ferg- V Hodgson j "McDonald "Sudheimer WQ"@L„ !� 61r. Vice Alley between Grand Ave., Lincoln Ave., Fairview and Baldwin Ailey between Grand Ave. Summit Ave., Fairview and Baldwin C: F. No.=60892—By J; H.' McDonald P MI. Workah Ibet he aad to hereliy aut thorized�, and directed' to!Eyrinkle ,with water Alloyorbet- ,!l the'fonuWing atteeta: - ween ': Grand Ave.,'.Llncoln' Ave., Fa III and.:Baldwin., Alley between Grand Ave.,_6uncra b'nlrvlely andBaldwtn. Adop[edby the Council •July jg; 1926;.' 'Approved July 16,1926. (July 26=1926) Nays Adopted by the Council UL--_.. 1.(i_1:�2--,-_1�J'l.-.... `i Icl2: 1�J2 Appl-oved.....,�UL ................. --..---:— I❑ favor i/ ..�.... Against MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas CITY OFI ST. PAUL COUNCIL (0 U*'' 3 FILNO------- ------- -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .L--- - "_S-1 July 16, 1925 In the matter of grading Alley in Block 5, Cloverdale Addition, from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58277, approved March 10, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #59547, approved May 19, 1925. EESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 60833—$y J. H. McDonald. Approve J lY IG, uncil1925. July. 1,6, 192V - Approved July 16, -926, (July 18-1926) COUNCILMEN Nays '6�awey- I,/ Hodgson ............. In favor /Mononala i Sudheimet Against IVevzel— _ ese'3etlC' hlv. QineYree. Fertaasou JUL 1 R .1925 Adopted by the Council .................... -----.-.------.-..192.---.- Approved-. JUL 1 r 1925 192----. ----------- 0 MAYOR 6 ���,� 08 34 COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL- OFFICE AUL vas No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U`UTION--GEIVEF2AL FORM b PRESENTED BY _ DATE__aniQ T a .COMMISSIONER - - — -y RESOLVED That the 0ounoil hereby onours in the recommendation of the purohasing '00mmittee in awarding contract to The go A: Hanna 0oa1 d Dook 00. for furnishing Youghiogheny Lump coal to the various bureaus and activities of the oity for the season of 1925-1926, as required, in a000rdeace With, city epe0ifi0ations and their Formal Bid No. 6690. Approximate total of OOntraot $9,808.80. Pormbl nfd bf ._ 6690: Approximate- io- tal' of contract .$9,808.80. Adopted by the .0 itnell July 1G, 192$. I Appro ed July 16 1926. - (lull :18 1926) ,IUL 16 125 COUNCILMEN - ------192.---_ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.--.-.-------•-----'---_ 'Cra-Dor ul 1 C ��ZS Approved.- `�-` 192 FeFgkiso- ✓ Hodgson - In favor �"���_f��iC BiOz McDonald . ....... . •- wron ..... m ,,Z8udheimer Against _ 7DZenzel, _ ✓ 34r. 4inc Pro& Fnrpa w° COUNCIL OS -_ a5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILM OFFICE OF`THECITY CLERK OU OLUTION=—GENERAL FORM ( T PRESENTED 13- - CPRE- Hi BR_ --- - - RESOLVED That the Council her y concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Pittsburgh Qoal 00. of Wisconsin for furnishing anthracite coal. Youghiogheny Mine IRan and Pocahontas Screenings to the various bureaus and activities of the city for the season of 1985-19869, as required' in accordance with city speoifioations and their Formal Bid No. 6690. Approximate total of oontiact 8169860.30 a 0. F: Nd. 60886-Hy I�. R-S. Thnt the Connell hereby j concurs In the- recommendntlon of the:, L'P—luislpg. Committee in awarding.. dont nt to: the Pittsburgh' Coal Co. . Wls sih for .furnishing anthracite: coal;Yot.ughlogheny mine Run and Po !b.isureaus and and actfvlges: of the clty'lfor:I mate. total' of -contract: $18,960.80. Adopted by the Connell July 16, 1886: Approved July 16, 1926.:"� (JUIK 18-1926):' 2l_ CiOUNCILMEN� JUL� --- --- 1_U - Adopted by the Council--- --- 1.0 Yeas Nays }925 rte- JUL 16 A rove .._._ ................ 192 .. ✓ Hodgsonfavor 1....................��' � McDonald ' f/J..........// V MAYOR /Sudheimer / 1tfii�Pfeer - . 1/ ;rir. Yihe.Yroa Fett;eaon - CITY OF ST. PAUL vats CO' PIC.__ -Q _ OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTIOE L FORM RESOLVED That the Council her y oonours_in the recommendation of the - Purchasing Committee in awarding oontraot to the Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. for furnishing Elkhorn screenings and Koppers Coke to the various bureaus and activities of the city for the season of 1935-1986, as required, in accordance with city speoi- fioatlons and their Formal Bid No. 6690. Approximate total of oontract $38,180.00. , .. ,f I Added by the Councii-July 18, 1925. -ApprovId July 16,_1998.- - :(July 1871988) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "'Hodgson -In favor -/McDonald Sudheimer_ _._.......Against V .4f r. '7zacs Y� r e1•pvso-n Adopted by the Couneil_JUL 1--C,19-25 ---------- 192 JUL 1 F 19%G A?pro..._._192....__ �.. `------ ....... .-R 60837 covtic« No -------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL .OFF OF THE CITY CLERK pOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY ` `�— _ DATE_ 1111 $ Z. Comm R_ That the Couno her p.conoure in the recommendation- of the purchasing Oommittee in awarding contract to Se Brand for furnishizig Smithers Greek Gas Lump coal and screenings, also Pocahontas screenings to the various bureaus and activi ies of the city for the season of 1935-19369 as required, in accordance with oltp specifications and their Formal Bid No. 6690, Approxi- mate total of contract $84,568.75 COVNCILDSEN JUL 1 F' ��� Adopted by the Council -----------.------- ----------------..192------ Yeas Nays j JUL I G 1925 ry !------ -V/ Hodgson ----------- .-...In favor ,McDonaldMAYOH...- /Sudheimer ---- ----- _Against 'WMM t_ CITY OF ST: PAUL wEwca. NO ------ 60838- i.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C0 ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED R COMMISSIONER '"- RESOLVED That the 0®7Lu1011 h eby oonouraj in the recommendation: of the PurohaaizsjK Cammittee in awarding contraot to the Minnesota Ooal 00. for fu=:1 ge3mLzng Pocahontas Mine Run to the various bureaus and aotivities of the city for the season of 1925-1926, as required' in a000rci-- 4=e with oity speoifications and their Formal Bid No. 6690- Approximate totd-l* of oontraot $60,331.25. 50.00) C F No 6083 L. EL S. Ferguson— R solved, Tliat- the Counew hereby ; co cora 1n the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee In awarding contract to the Minnesota Coal. Co. for f nfshins Pocahontas Mine Run to the vnrfous bureaus and activlttes of'� the city. for tho season of :1926-1926,- as required 1n accordance w11h ity peclflcatione and their Formai. Bid No 6690. Approximate total of con- i tract .860,331 25 - - Adoptedby the Co..cll July 16, 1925. Approved 3hly 16,. 1926. (July 18-1926) J)A C0TJNCILhIEN :1_- "25_----_192___ Yeas - Nays Adopted by the Council--0925--...1 ney jUL 1(, 1925 Approv ------ ----------- •------- 192"---- �; Hodgson .... In favor ,// McDonald ✓Sudheimer _____i �..>.Against We � ------- --- '''CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL I CIL 60839 'Ic QUADRUPLICATE No ---- ---- -_ __ - - TO OFFICE OF THE COMPA AR CITY CLERK RES. No -113 -------- Au'biiF-6 CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE -ITYp1E5"Y,dj THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -------- ! ----------- --- --------- LY --------- - - 3:' ----- — ------ — ---- 66mFiikuL:EW-- CHECKS NUMBERED ------ ��';�O--TO ----- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 0 C A 0 T L U R I C E TN HE C E RED ------- I S L A N K. N 0 0 AGGREGATE FILE -- -2 DRAWN GATE 3: ........ . 13 WN AM HC-. 1 _ - ;.... To ----- _ PER CHECKS 0 N F I LE I N T 0 N T AMOUNT " FF 'PT OLL jPrR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.___ ^'--•J.. L II rT TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY �i NUMBER TRANSFERBANK CHECKS K BROUGHT FORWARD C. P. No. 60839 Resolved, That checks be drawn On the City Treasury, t the aggregate amount Of $82,574.�O 7, covering cheek, numbered 19389 to 19404 1111USIVO, as per thee City Corks on file in the Office Of the p 11 Comptroller, Ad AVpOPotevdedby utly16, 1C6ou19ri25il July 1925., (July 25-1925) N — jCOMPTR?CtFR INCLUSIVE. AS PER Cl= H G ON FILE THE OFFtGE OF THE CITY COMPTRO W.EfvZEL. F Ll MAYOR MR. PRES., NFI-S ': - COUNCILMEN cNAYS ,/ cH+ECK IN FAVOR OF T �TAL � RETURNED _ --�{ BY 1/ N --- __-_ DISTRI BUTIO_ SP�CI.4L �U ISI DS LOCAL slNnir,c P,aT PUBLIC SUNDRY I -.O',1 i` BUILOt NG NUMBER TRANSFER OISBURSEM ENT BANK jl CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS I FUND ,i5_ FORESTRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING REVOLVING 1 9 _ - BROUGHT FORWARD 2 4 _-- . _.. 97 — 13-65846=: .. 299 955.45. 70 850.64 116 977 44 850 022.91 �I 3 976 88 - 17 420 -25- 2�i- S 7 99 5 �! 40 0 $ II 2-9399 Peter lametti 3 097 23 3 097 23 E I, X'93 90 Otto..- Bandehr 1 310 0z 310 07 ` 2-9393- ^tandard stone company X9392 Myron 9. Skiff 1:3 {� 120 0t3 120 00 13 �t � 129 939 Thornton Brothers Company ;-,9-3 cadet 18 129 �2 15 13 18t 32 � 9 rem company & 6 M939'" T.T. S. Fuller Comp�Zlyomp^3ny ; _ �� �I 1A 95 11 2.939a inter city Paper C 76 ; 76 M9319 "® J. Perron I 25 00 25 00 93987 �?obinson Pliupbing hap, comfl� 7 35 i 7 35 11 11 } 2.9399 ^1Qrlir; Printing, Company '7eber 70 00 I i 70 00 i 90 ,t. X. =>igns 199 01C) 199 00 M9403. "moo Bros Boiler & Mfg. comp,. , � 10 98 0 10 999 10 I , II t -1911-0 2 Y.oehler & Hinrioh© Company �� 21.9 219 40 2-9403 L. C. Hodgson, Dom®r. of Fin. �� �j 35 149 53' 714 93 35 149 53 Cs 714 93 jl 2-94013- I� t it II I ji I I it I� li If ij t� 'll �; •I II II �1 11 lit l I I + I jjf j iil ' 1 � t it z 49---j449. 142 - 3 33,5 s o 04 al 863 '74 117 927 20._ ��5 069. , ? 4 �9 �� 2C3 29 SHEET TOTAL—FORW �.`-^, _ _ \ - . _ i - y _z6 _ --_ - ___ `p. T.. �q R{s F{AATE •y � i 213 CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ j. � �- r COU NC'd'"•'- NS. FILE " i TO ` RES. Na. --------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CLANCY. IIII1 7 '�Y� clTv cLEl2ic ,II � RESOLV EO THAT CHECKS BE DRA\\N ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM -���'� ._:.___. ..._-IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.._._-- L` -1-b 1�L5. ...192 --.- DATE7 16 9 5 L • CI T RY O CHECKS NUMBEREO__ THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �-- HODGSON. ✓SU U/McDONALD, DHEI MER __ _ _ __..-__.AGAINST [�1925 ApPFjOVED- ---'' ---192Z"?`O�ING TO _------____ ,. _____ - _____ - BY__-__ _ 'COMPTR R INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE oF` THE clry coMF•TROL_LER. / MR. PRES.. eSON YES (\') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) _. ____ -____ _MAYOR PER { - ' TOTAL RETURNED SPECIAL FUNDS .. CHECK IN FAVOR 01= fi 1 BY �/ LOCAL SINKING (DISTRIBUTION TRUST FORESTRY PUBLIC SUNDRY BUILDING NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 45 y 3-365,49' _ 299 955.45 70 650.64 116 977 44 653 092 =23 3 976.99 1 17 420,29 4244-9 9 977 99 � 50 BROUGHT FORWARD t 2 49'7 19389 Peter lamettl 233 77 19390 Otto-, M,�eb 0 07 19391 ^tansard stone Ccs T3 ��s 19392 Myron R. Ski Yf 23 33.0 ©7 120 00 120 00 13 310 1939 Thornton Brothew n acs= coma 18 129 �2 15 43 18 129 32 1939 crex ca-.rpet -sty 15 3 6 6 1939" tt. �3. duller aamp�a ca- 95 11 95 11 1939 inter city Paper' 76 76 19397 °7. J. Perron 25 00 25 00 19399 Robinson Plui;bing 00 7 35 19399 cterlixlg Print i.� � y 70 0000 70 199 00 19400 m. 14. ��rober !Igns 199 00 19401 'tea Bros Boiler & 10 9'-8 10 10 968 10 194023 Koehler & ftinri.c 7aG 219 40 219 40 194400 Lo 0, Hodgson, Corag=. o� r:lnol 35 149' 53 35 149 53 ae 714 93 i 714- 93 COUNCIL FILE NO...__ ____............. By., __ _ _..........._.. _. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. aonstr.uctin�. a. s.s.wer. on .Eliz.a.be.tkt. a.t. f.r..om.kIumboldt .A.ve. to a point 110 feet west of Humboldt.xve. ,C. F. No. 60840— In the Matter of constructing a_ sewer ... _. _. on Elizabeth 3t. from Humboldt Ave.. to a point 110 feet west of Hum- boldt Ave., under Preliminary Order 89789 approved May 26. 1926. A public hearing .having been had .............. upon the a'hnv- Improvemen, .... .. ...... ........ .. .......... .............................. under Preliminary Order.. 59789 _ approved.... R4T.,Ws. ,1925.. Intermediary Order.._ __ _ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct a sewer. on Eliaa.betki.St. from Humboldt Ave. to a point 110 feet west of Humboldt Ave,,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JIJI 2 11925 Adopted by the Council . ..... .... LIj i!J25 �+ City Clerk. Approved _ :.... _ 192........ d Mayor. Councilman ('.lance 0 Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED�_ 5 — S � Councilman McDonald ,Councilman Rgt14dC HodgsonCouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. CITY OF 9 PAUL DEPARTM EN J�AjNANCE ._ROORT OF COMMISSIONER OF i;INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) , In the matter of— construct a sewer_on Elizabeth Street from Humboldt Ave. to a point 110 feet west of Humboldt Ave Q7 under Preliminary Order approved May 26. 1525 --- To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Cummissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 100.00 f The estimated cost pierootnt 4.67 for the above improvement is - - - - - - Inspection $1100 Frontage 150 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 115 Town of fleet St.Paul 3250 E-50 ft.of N.100 ft.of – 122 do 2350 East 50 ft.of West 100 it of 1400 North 100 ft.of East 'j of – 122 do' Nest 50 ft.of N.100 ft.of 1550 East j of – 122 do TOTAL, 8550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worb. r Dated - commis ner of Finance, at11.H;18 r. V% I St. Paul, Minn..—_192— To The HonorzLI:>I�_ --Y'he Council, Cir3,- <=>-F St- Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: NX, ct. ^ e undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause -Following improvement to be made: 17 2 1 1 - ------ --------- ........... Or- -n ............. . . . .......... ... . ........ - - ------- a' -.'__e -------------- - P -_ St. Ave. ----- St. Ave. ............ Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION Office' of tl-e Commissioner of Public o E,l,��D tt� 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance 4`g`, � G-3'� June 11, 1925 11 f9$` .......... ......__ ___ _......_ .._............... 192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59789 May 26, 1925 Council, known as Council File No... _....... - ................. ....approved ........... ........ _......._......_....__.......... .............192............, relative to the construction of a sewer on Elizabeth St, from Humboldt Ave. to .... _.._ _... ..__ . ._.......... ........... ..._. _ ... ..- ........... ..... - a point 110 ft. west of Humboldt Ave. ....._............... .....__.._....__.............. ........__..... ............ ................. ..............._..................... _........_..-__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__..._..__....__... -necessary and (or) desirable. 4 67 per front fit. 700.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....�.__....._..... and he total cost thereof is $--.......... ......._.._....... _......., Inspection 415.00 Frontage 150 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ............. ............ ................. .........................--.---------- -- 3. , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _............. __ _... ............_ 5. Said improvement is ...... .... ...... _.._........ ... ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiaeioner of Public Works. I L. 7 DeparF,m4eRh JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C— ERo1RDu M. 8. GRYTSAK. BRIOB[ DK11N[[R WM. N. CAR—. SUTi, oP CCH[iwIKTKW Iwo R—A A. B. SHARP. S—. OI BANITATwN O. H. HERROLD. OPTIC[ IMO CrtY PLAMMHo EKome®. G. P. BOW LI N. 8YlT. W WOSIOIW.[ June 6, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Elizabeth St. from Humboldt Ave. to a point 110 feet west of Humboldt Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #59769, approved May 26, 1925: Estimate of cost $700.00 Inspection 15.00 Frontage 150 ft. Cost per front foot 4.67 yours very truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: ommissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO . . . . ........... By._ , 411rz��'§Wo In the Matter of ... c.onst.ructing..a...Qix foot sidewalk on the east ............. 11 .......................... ............... side of Troqu.Q.is..Avenue from Stillwater Road to Harvester Avenue, except ........... I ....... I ......... . ......... . . ..... where good..And. sufficient, sidewalks now exist. �. 60841— construct— a aix- or of ,,at"t the id.-auc on thesetu'l_ Avenue ""' 'n. Iro4uols e.Itu, -toad to 11arld r. ,ad an ............ . ............. �w '�Xlst'oyue�d' ' -' I pppr ............... ... 1underpl-dillimiq or(Im- 0 Apl)rovd. ........... Intermediary Order, ,approved........ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..construct. a SiX f.00t oerrlpnt tile siOvqalk ....on the. east side...of. Iroquois Avenue from Stillwater. -Road...to Harvester Avenqe,_except where good and sufficient sidewalks- nolo —exist, - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 2 1 1 (W 5 Adopted by the Council---. 192— .... ......... .......... I .. .................... JUL 21 192,5 1! F, ' itv Cler Approved 192 . ...... I A %Councilman Clancy Mayor. Councilman Ferguson I— Councilman McDonald /Council maaZKNX Hodgson J Councilman Sudheimer �/✓jCouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. % COUNCIL FILE NO . . . . ........... By._ , 411rz��'§Wo In the Matter of ... c.onst.ructing..a...Qix foot sidewalk on the east ............. 11 .......................... ............... side of Troqu.Q.is..Avenue from Stillwater Road to Harvester Avenue, except ........... I ....... I ......... . ......... . . ..... where good..And. sufficient, sidewalks now exist. �. 60841— construct— a aix- or of ,,at"t the id.-auc on thesetu'l_ Avenue ""' 'n. Iro4uols e.Itu, -toad to 11arld r. ,ad an ............ . ............. �w '�Xlst'oyue�d' ' -' I pppr ............... ... 1underpl-dillimiq or(Im- 0 Apl)rovd. ........... Intermediary Order, ,approved........ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..construct. a SiX f.00t oerrlpnt tile siOvqalk ....on the. east side...of. Iroquois Avenue from Stillwater. -Road...to Harvester Avenqe,_except where good and sufficient sidewalks- nolo —exist, - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 2 1 1 (W 5 Adopted by the Council---. 192— .... ......... .......... I .. .................... JUL 21 192,5 1! F, ' itv Cler Approved 192 . ...... I A %Councilman Clancy Mayor. Councilman Ferguson I— Councilman McDonald /Council maaZKNX Hodgson J Councilman Sudheimer �/✓jCouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. � ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION CIiV qN a�'nAUll 500 6 6 do 250 7 6 do 50 s 6 do 800 g 6 do 50 10 6 do I 11 6 do 75 M UN fl�f IIA �D� t Inthematterof constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Iroquois Avenue from Stillwater Road to Harvester Avenue, 0 under Preliminary Order approved May 19 1525 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f Tont The estimated cost peifoot for the above improvement is�'� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or a parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 6 Beaver Lake Heights 500 6 6 do 250 7 6 do 50 s 6 do 800 g 6 do 50 10 6 do 50 11 6 do 75 TOTAL. 1,775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said anatter by the Connnk,ioner of Public Works. Dated Comm' sioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 F St. Paul, Minn.. AUGUST-4thL.... ..... _192 To The Honorablee Council, City o fit_ Paul, Minn. .A_f, 0 Gentlemen: We, tip e undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to Cc Pse the--=ollowing improvement to be made: / in Beaver Rei�ts z-= �ition: A cement block sidewalk, regu]ation size/t.on the east ..... ..............—........ side of Iroquois A� = ___—....—_— St. Ave. from-_ Stillcrat----- ----- ........ -..... ---St. Ave.to-----Hapvester Avemyz�e..._.._---._-------------- — Ave. �ILIivL?ioCtiCe-✓"" �� LOT BLOCK ADD T ON >.�• ,.�..-.^•�'." - - �_--- _ a`"^+.--'lr�"'" _: % �,fi � o -+4"r r�` M, , m ti qtr;_-•�. _ Office of the Commissioner ®f Public Wgrkl � Report to Commissioner of Finance { May 27 � 1925 _ _1111...... 192......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59b94 Pda 19: 19.25,_....__.._._....,_.192..__....., relative to Council, known as Council File No......5._....................approved...._...........+0.-,1.11_1 1111... constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of __. ......................_ .__... 1.111......._.... .. _.. _1111.. .. Iroquois Avenue from Stillwater hoed to Harveste... ............ ...... - - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia_..._.__...__..........._necessary and (or) desirable. $1.10 per front £t. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._...._.._........... ._ ......._, and the total coat thereof is .____.........__......._..__.__...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._...... _..___......__...._.._._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ........... ........._....__.............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ..................................................... .................................................................... _ Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.. .. .. .............. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... oonstru.eting...a...six.. f.00.t...cement....tale...sid.ewalk...on.the ...north side of Jenks _Stree.t.betw,een Ear..1..S.treet and.Frank_Street_ except where good and, suff1pient_ sidewalks. now. exists . .._ ... ........ _ C.' F. No. 60842— In the Matter oP constructing a stz- -' toot cement the elds-1k on the north side of Jenks Street between EarlStreet and Frank Street, ez- ............ ...... ............. ..... ............ ..... ................ .t where Good and suRiclen now exist, under Pre t is .......... liminary under Preliminary Order.___ 59.2.94..__._.._ ..... _ approved .......... .MAY. ..SVS...7�rZ ._............................. Intermediary Order _._ _ approved .... .......... .................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..Qo.nstruct,. a, .si.x.. f oQt, cementthe„sidewalk on, the north..side of Jenks_Street between.Larl.Street.and ,.,kTank.Street, except..where. good and.. sufficient. sidewalks now .exist,..........__............ __...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans, and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ . _ �U�. 2. �.. ��... .... ... ............ ._......... X. 2 1 1925 City Clerk, Approved 192........ ........ . ... .. Mayor. /Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED /5 - �S Councilman McDonald „/,CouncilmanX Y Hodgson J I Id ,/Councilman Sudheimer V J?Councilman Wenzel l Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. w�� jI CITY OF ST_ PA�3L.-- ®Q• DEPARTMENT OF REP®F2T OF ®F FINANCE ON PRELIM VARY i Pw 1 In the matter of ConstTuctT n mix foot C c k on the t north side o .3en�e Street 66tcse ea3 ��±3 Street and Frank Street. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St- Paul = The Commissioner of Finance hereby- reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the abo--e irsais - - - L10Y.t The estimated cost Pei/foot for the above improvement is — — — The lots or parcels of land that ma.y be assessed benefits for sane = and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 18 3 Goy < ^ ©r Johnson Add. 3525 .19 3 c340 400 20 3 cl-o 3100 21 3 400 22 3 CIO 400 �3 3 dC 1700 24 3 c340 1700 25 3 c10 475 26 3 CIO 100 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a. • R1— c3F COMMISSIONER OF FIMANGIE ON PRELIM ftAR;( ORDER (C) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AO�ITION 27 3 Governor Johnson? �1 28 3 do 29 3 do ASSESSED VALUATION 75 50- 250 -=- OTAL - - - 12,175 The Commiss - _,r of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of t lie aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the forego - _ _ �g as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by tla� �omniissicmerof PublicWorks. llated --—__��-sxG =�G-' � _ 192 �> - - - - - - - -- r --- Comm' sinner of Finance. F-- It. B. I] . 'ic bile -a] e r I c r t -I 1,3 1 c ti ti on -,�he ci to put i - -;--c d�,,_cribed,do 1, clue - the north side of Jer-LE bt.t .,eer -rd lr�.rh. Lot 311h. 0 d i t � ' e j c 17 � I 1 � l ®ice ®f tile Commissioner of Public Mork VED FU -_port to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: __-_--191---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 5 the Council, known as Council File No.--- — ----approved------- -_`---132---191_--, relative to coin tructii7 =� oot cPrent tile -- the north ------------------------------------------------------------- side o t ie i s street -oFtsveen- ::3rl Street a_: 1,,9- ?ra_i nl:_trl=_t.---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front foot. 2_ The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. I C. r. No. 60943— - a slx- InfoQ e,cement of s dewalls on both sides of Jessamine Street from where good and su8lelent. sfde' Street to Duluth Avenue, ex - ",.it P ellmla COUNCIL FILE NO. p st, under r tszs. __ .._ __.............. cs �s.a(ks..Dow ex.. roved ing been had 9u7hearinga having tilic mon' upon duo By. _ _ _ ve ICounetl, hs�,inr_ h FINAL ORDER '"t..�+ In the Matter K, C,OasS ructjxg,..�..,514 Tod.,,�.Qm6Xt...Ulo ... S1,d.Q;a1X,,on-both ,.. SIV...... where good and .sufficient.sidelvalks now.. exist,.,.. ._........ I ._ _ ........... under Preliminary Order. ..595.92 _ _.,,...approved.....May 19, ,1925. Intermediary Order...... _ ..approved.. ._ ....... _ __ _ _..... ... ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.Q.0nStr1A-Qt_ a_Oj.a_.f.QOt .Oement_t.],�.e,,,Sidewalk ._on_both _sides..of-Jessamine Street. from Frank Street. to..puluth..Ave.nue., —except where good and sufficient sidewalks now. exist,... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. JUL..2'.1:.�1_ .:............. 19 __. t Clerk. Approved �U� 21..t 5 .:.._ 192........ _ Mayor. Councilman Clatim Councilman Ferguson ?Tlntr c Councilman McDonald / Councilman 76WX Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer (/ Councilman Wenzel i Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. k-ITY OF ST, PAUL DEPAMT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO SIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Const ructi na q six foot nempnt tile si ri w 1 k On hOth Rid" n _ Jessamine Street from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, _. — 1 under Preliminary Order approved MU 19 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fr�nt S1 _1n The estimated cost per oot for the above, improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 5 01overdale, St.Paul,Minn. 350 17 5 do 375 18 5 do 3275 19 5 do 2875 20 5 do 3575 21 5 do 375 22 5 do 375 23 5 do 350 24 5 do 325 25 5 do 425 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM"ISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELINMEARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT eL.— ADDITION 26 27 29 29 30 1 2 3 5 Oloverdale,St.Paul, Minn. 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do g do g do g do 4 8 5 6 7 9 10 8 11 S 12 S 13 s 14 9 15 6 do do do LL do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 925 325 325 325 325 50 50 50 75 100 175 750 625 325 325 350 350 375 1 4475 TOTAL - - 22,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ Com91issioner of Finance. Farm It. U. 12 v St. Paul, Minn.—&-- To inn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following i ovement to be made: S= Y...........__............_... ......... .._._......_......__.........._..........._.. - – --– ...... St. - '=—--......_....._._...................... _...... -._... _St. to _. J ........ .................. ....... __.._--St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION / - Zr L� r. v \ v 4 i H ED u ki Office Of the of Public V issioner of Finance = ;\ Report to Comm MAS' Msy 21, 1925 192........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the y' 59592May 19 1925 192 ............. relative to Council, known as Council File No.- approved ............ -.._. the construction of a six foot _. _.... ._. .cement _tile sidewalk on o ......... .........._..._ sides o£ Jessamine Street from Frank Street to Duluthvenue. ..._....... ._..._...._...._........._...._..............._..._._........._..._.._................... _..._....._._........_...... _....................._._...._... — and having investigated the matters and things referred to -therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __...necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per ftohlt£he total cost thereof is $- ............_.._................ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._..___...._...__._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... _. ........... .......... _.................._....._.._........._..-...... . ................ _.... _... _.......... . .- ._........_....._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is bereto attached and made a part hereof. _............ ......... _............................ _.. ........................ _......___ ......................................— 4._ ................ _......................... _. _......... 5. Said improvement is._....__..........._................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... _.......................... .................... Commiaeioner of Public Or s. COUNCIL FILE NO. __ .. ............. By... t In the Matter of.. constructing .a_six_.f.oat...ceme.nt _tile .sidewalk ...on -the ._.. east side of, Griggs St., from St ..Olair.St...to, _,Stan,fOrd Ave. except where good and sufficient_ sidewalks. now exist,., . ....... . ............. C. F. No. 60844— ........ .. ..... ........ ..... .... to the hatter of conetrucling a six- -- foot cement the s.from k the east ""' side of Griggs m Stt . Clair St. to Stanford Ave.. except where good suKicient sidewalks now ealst,- �a�iminnr}• Order 59464 ap- ?. 1925. ....................... under Preliminary Order.._ 594.64 _ _ _.___approved..., AAA y...i2,....1.925.,.................... .... ...... Intermediary Order. _ .. approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. _.c.onstrAct. a.six.. foot ..oeme.nt_tile ,_sidewalk ..on..the east side of Griggs..St._from St.. Clair .St— to.Star.ord Ave,.,.... except _where.good and–sufficient.sidewa.lks now exist,,_ 6-161 and the Council hereby orders said improvement Jo be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized.and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___JUL .21_1925 19 .. _........ ... ... City Clerk. Approved JUL.2 1 1925 192........ Mayor. `Councilman Clancy qC� vCouncilman Ferguson PUBLISHED psi – J S ,/Councilman McDonald — — '— Councilman2EMXX Hodgson f �� /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel !` Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. A -i. - CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAR'pMiNTxOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PiNANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter o{ C�BtT><1Ct a BiR—iDOt CBIDBrit a AidewFilk on thR Fo a+ a j,�Q g Griggs StrBPt from St Mair Street to 1 under Preliminary Order approved 'day IP, 19?5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S fr nt The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Saint Clair Heights 300 2 do 250 3 do 175 4 do 175 5 do 175 6 do 175 7 do 175 H do 175 9 do 125 10 do 125 11 1 Redwing Addition 150 12 1 do 125 13 1 do 125 14 1 do 125 15 1 do 175 TOTAL. 2550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby —hmits the foregoing nc his report thea, --i to the Council, together with the report male to him in reference to .,iid urn U,r b�" the c'nm mi..inurr of 1'n hlir \\l nk.. Dated �� 19 ✓�� —issioner of Finance. Form H. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn.— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body.to cause the following improvement to, be made: ....------------ A, St.Prue:from............ ..&. --St- Xve- to—___ ... - Ave. r_4 I a U Eel], a B[V SID'` Office of the Commissioner of Public-- . Report to Commissioner of Finance - 5r-IR2.--------- the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.59464----- approved- _Ma,}t_J.2o__1925---- 191___, relative to _ Constructing_six-foot_ cement _tile_ s idewalk_ on_ the _east _aide_ of_________ Griggs St. from St. Clair St. to Stanford Ave ----------------- --------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__1.x19 1erZ, and the total cost thereof is $_-______----, and -the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------ ----------------- -------------------------------------I------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------- ------------- ------------------ - Commissioner of Public Works. -^ C. t , I 60896_ rn -he ratter oP conatructtn Poot emen[ tile 'stdewalk west slde I marl 8' a ahe Street to bfnr Street Pro n t ere Sood and tauHlcfe�reeq seep[ COUNCIL FILE N0._ _.____................ ezfet, under fret.:.., :a w_ "heed Mn, a... .. By. _ hJ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... c.or> tructing_a six foot ...cement., tilP..sidPWa;k..on .the_..,, crest side of..Earl Street from Ivy Stree.t_t.o..i'naryland_str.e.e.t.,..exce.pt where__. good a.nd,.sufficient sidewalks_ now exist.,..... _............. .. .. .......... . __ _........ _.... .................. ......... ._.. _. _ _....._......... ........ _ ............. ............... ................... under Preliminary Order.. _ 5KQ6 _ approved...... May, 5,,._1925_, .. ... ..... ........... Intermediary Order. ___ _ _ _ ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .Construct. a six-foot .Oemontt...t.i.le..Si.dew.alk —on- the west..side_of .Earl _Street _from Iyy_Street to Maryland stree.t,._, except.,where„good and, sufficient sidewalks now exist,__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL � 1192§ .adopted by the Council ._ __ ............... _ JUL 2 t: 19?5 City C erk. Approved 192...... Mayor. ,Councilman Clancy '/Councilman Ferguson NBLISHED 5 _ ✓ Councilman McDonald /Councilman FAMX Hodgson V Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel j Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. July 13th, 1925. Mr. Cao. J. Chimenti, Arcade-Phalan Camoraial Club, 965 Aroado 9troot, St. ?=I# t9innonota. L' dozer Mr. Chimontit Roplying to your lettor of July lith r+ith reforms to aider7al3r on wont oido of Barl Stroot botaoen tiaryland and Ivy Strooto, wo pro pleased to inform you that tho final order on thio mattor will oamo befforo tho Counoil at 10 A. on 4hoodog, at crhioh time the COunail will bo ploaaod to hoar from 4ny of tho proporty onnora nho aro intorosted-in tho projoat.. I trust this to the Information rfiiah you desire. Yours very truly, city C1oY; ee r oP IT. PAUL D -P RT ENT OF FINANCE RtPORT OFCO ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER E In the matter of constructinng a six foot cement the sidewalk on the wzst side df Earl Street from Ivy Street to Maryland Street under Preliminary Order approved May 521925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 fr nt The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S� In The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Ivy & EarlSts.) the North 100 it.o l -e '-'_.St lE5 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/2 of Section 21,Town 29, Range 22) (1.112 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec.21 Town29, Range 22 (exc.the N.of the East 1/2 thereof also (except Carl, Orange and Ivy Sts.) J.A. & W.M.Stees Add.to St.Paul,Ramsey Oo.,Minn. do do do dd TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 3100 4450 7600 650 525 8450 36,775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said niatter by the C-mmi-ioner of Public Corks. Date / 7 l9_ d ri/. l% Qom missiouer of Finance. Form R. B. 13 1 6 (Exc.South 801) 24, 29 and 30 6 South 80 ft. of 28, 29 & 30 6 1 7 (Exc.South 801) 28, 29 and 30 7 South 80 ft.of 28, 29 & 30 7 J.A. & W.M.Stees Add.to St.Paul,Ramsey Oo.,Minn. do do do dd TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 3100 4450 7600 650 525 8450 36,775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said niatter by the C-mmi-ioner of Public Corks. Date / 7 l9_ d ri/. l% Qom missiouer of Finance. Form R. B. 13 Office of the commissioner of Public �10 EIV30 Report to Commissioner of Finance ��� , •T NER OE t MAY 1' 26 -----112 19ES------ 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.�929� ----- approved -- May 6,- 1926 -191---, relative to oonetruating a Six foot Cement tile-eidewalk_on-the_ West- aide --,--- ------------------------- of Earl Street from Ivy Streot to Maryland 3tredto------------------------- ----------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----_----necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- l.lo per f anc fhe"total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------.----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. fisceceDCB: rcud�e- �U2ri U nmm�erc!at ( 'tub .. ,. L. E. LILYGREN. PUBLICAFFAIRS 'FOR A BETTER ST. PAUL" _ PRESIDENT AND. CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS WALTER R. SEDIN. CMN YfGB SYBVL ARTHUR E. SwM, AR Do"" I 95'.A JOHN L. SCHWEITZ, - DR. TxoE. GIU1lzEK - VICE-PRESIDENT PAUL 1. ZIMMERMAN - - BUSINESS APPAIRS: - GEO.J. GHIMENTI, SEC'Y. PETER M.:CIERN A.CL Hoe w0 AMEWALTER E. OTTO, TREAS: ET Eo� D e ..CA W ". W. S.-- STA J CLUB AFFAIRS: - FRED K.-THEES, CHAIRMAN .. ARTM R W. DwRLEON ., .. CLA '. MEE A. JONNEwa . CARL N. KRON% ST. PAUL, MINN. , July 18, 1925. V To The Honorable, The Council, City of Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Supplementing our letter of April 16th requesting a sidealk laid on the West side of Earl Street from Maryland to Ivy Streets: We are now advised that this subject will be before your Honorable Body for hearing on the final order, Tuesday, July 218t. Owing to the large number of pedestrians entering and leaving Phalen Park as well as the numbers visiting both ,the State Hospital for Crippled Children as well as the Phalen Lutheran Seminary who must of neceBsity walk along Earl Street, the Arcade-Phalen Commercial Club satisfied that a public ne- cessity exists, hereby request that the final order be passed and that the walk be laid at the earliest possible date. Yours respectfu ly !ARCADE-P C0 , LUB, I COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By.................. ...... ........... .... .................................. FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of....c.Ons.tructing..a...six..fO.at....ceznen ...t.ire...s.�da.�aZ.k...az�..the...east ai.do...of..Cretin.Ave.nue..So..uth:.fr..om..Ra.ndo.lph..Str.e.e.t t.o..Niles...Stre4t,...inQJusive, except...where..goo.d...and.. suff icient..sidewalks...now....exist ............ .......... ................ ..... ............... .......... I C F: NOi 5086 ; .. In tiw'Mattei of eonatrUC'. l{":n st2- foot cement tlte_ sld.wo, un the ................... ....., _ ..,..,...,....,.,....,.,,,. east side of Cretln Avenue: $outlt .. .................................... ... ... from.,'. IlandolPh "Street' to Niles ......• Sires t."Inclusive, except whare'8'ood: end edfrIll ent_ sldewat S now b lat .............. ........................................................................ undor'): rellM�Ba X26 rde 5828 aD proved.-aY ' A Dpbll be0 n w6 4 under Preliminary Order.... .59785., , , „ approved.... uppon.the�.................. .. Intermediary Order................................ .. ......... ......approved.. . _.... ...............: ........................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kindof improvement to be made by the said City is....O.Q21S.tx �Gt,,,a..8x;,€ppt cement file sidelvSlk on.alie..:aas.t.. side ....o£...fx.etin..Avan?<e..SOath.from Randolph,,Street.to Niles . Stree.t.,. inclusioe,....axc.ept...wher.e:..good...and._su£ficient:.sidaiaalks::.now.:.�xi>t, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improyeffent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.......Ju�IVr................. 19 ...... JULr tsz5 ................. .......... ................ City Clerk. Approied................... ' 192........ / Mayor. Y ouncilman Clancy ouncilman Ferguson PUBLISHED 2 $ �,tt ouncilman McDonald y Counclinian BU&x Hodgson t /Councilman Sudheimer /I ouncilman Wenzel I / Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. \ 'IiM OF'BT::FAUL., pE OF FINANCE ,,T,,M�NT REPORT OF COMIWISSIONER: OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4`1 In. the matter of Construotina a six-foot oement tile sidewalk on the east side of Cretin Avenue South from Randolph Street to Niles Street,- inolusive. under Preliminary Order approved May 26, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountof the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pePgloVor the above improvement is $ 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT i3�OCK:' ADDITION ASSESSED IAL UATION 120¢ 2 3 Forestview - do _ 3 _ 2 2 4 5_i. Mulliken_Addition _ 125 _ _ 435. f _ 4 do_ _ 3 do - .'. :. - 1 5i ' z do -- - I do - 1 - _ { l 4; f- - 5-5i TOTAL. 7651 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datcd ommissioner of Finance. L r— B. B. 13 St. Paut Minn__Lkz. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby, petition your Honorable Body to, cause the following improvement to. be made: Cement sidewalk t q. laid..o.n . _I. Randolph Street to r tj Streeno1wAve!______St; Ave. . ....... — — ----- St. Ave. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4— 2'�- 3 1 3 I � TU Na r-_`7 All LES g% _ wwla51A11�lII Office. of the Commissioner of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 13. 25 --1925--------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._597X85__ approved- _ M47- M.-122sr2--- 191___, relative to Constructing a-six-foot -cement tile_sidewalk_on_the east side -of--_- Cretin'Ave. south from Randolph St. to Niles St.. inclus---------------------------ve ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. ront foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_J n l9 _per and the total cost thereof is $____________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------------------------------------------- Commissioner ---------------------------------------Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. By........... ................. ........ .................. FINAL. ORDER In the Matterof..... coristruc.ti.rig...a...six-foot ..... eas,t.,.s, de. of Chatsworth_.Street..from„Char.les...Street to Edmund Street _except.. arhere,.go.od., and,.suffici.ent..sidewalks.. now.. exist.,........................................ .............................................................. ..................... . r F *10 6oSa7 Tn the tter of construetln a sig Peof cement the sidew st v f . ........................ ............ I..................... ............................................. under Preliminary Order. ,.....59295...........•. .............approved.... .... Ma,% 5, 1925 Itifermediary Order......................... ... ...............approve8..: .......:::. ........ .......... Aspublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative,thereto, and having fully considered the sam_ e; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....GOri3.t1C11oh...A.Oot._.C6II1QX�t...b.11@ 5.7ftWalk o....Chatsvuorth...Street,.from., Charles Street to. Edmund. Street, egeept..:where...good... and.. suffizient...aidewalks...naw... exist .,.......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......JUL..21.125.:..................... 19 ..... JUL. 21 1925 7 �cityy..Cierk:.... Approved .. _ ............ ..........192........ ...................... 4 ....... Mayor. councilman Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson 4FWLISHED —, ouncilman McDonald /Councilman DMX Hodgson ouncilman Sudheimer �uncilman Wenzel ayor Nelson "/ V Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY} F si. PAULA -.. .� DEP RT T OF FVNANCE 'REPORT OF CO S 'IOIr1ER OF 1�IM�tNCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- — -- In the matter of COnetruot a cis foot cement tile sidewalk on the Eaet side of 9 Chatsworth Street. frnm Charles Street to Edmund Street under Preliminary Order approved May �, 3995 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is E front The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is S 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and, the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION -- I � _ Deed _-Lawrenoe s Add _ to St. Paul, Minn. y I I: 'F.. I _TSI I TOTAL. 13Aod The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1Z(d,'-12 Com sinner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 /3 'I St. Paul, Minn.._Apri 1 _.A,--.._:__192_-5- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Q41►et7Cu�t�_ ....f.Q.o_t_..ceme.nt_.tile_ai.deRalk_on"._the -east-side-o3 --- Chatsworth _Street ........ _.... __...._._........... ___— — —. St. Ave. from-._QhnrlSt. Ave. to___Edmund-3t Ave. iDDITION 1 i EDMUND._ . . . . ST - I V. Lq H r - - I I rl I , COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. By ...................... :...................... ........... .......... .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....c.ons.trucing..a..sa.vr.er....an..Hyac.inti..�.tre.et..ram..Gre.enbrier Av.e.nue.. t.o... .,...................'.............................................................................................. ............... .. ......... ........ .. sosas- .-- ........ ................. C. F N iter f c strucYl g$ s w.c.I 2 'n°gy2 cintfi �St e t rrom Gr b 1 ........................................ ................ .. ......... .. .Avenue, Ys �9e1d St[eeY. n der Pr6-1 ................................ :Lmin4'tY Oid t 69027 aDPro ed AP 11 ........................................................ ..................... . ;;;q,nnubltc liearinS La.... ° ,;...._. -. �... .......:..... .... under Preliminary Order ............. 59.017 .................. approved .......... April ...21, ... 1925. ............... .......... Intermediary Order ............................... .... .......... ..:approved..........:....:.......................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativethereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made.by'the said City is. .C917S.t.T'41Ct.. &..;Set!@r,.,QSI _iyaClXith„StY eet „from ,C,rree�bra.ex..Avepue. to:, ti�e�de. Sheet,.._ said sewer„ to be used.. for..sanitary. purposes :..only, -storm. -water to be excluded . ................................. .... ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... ........................ 1 ........ JUL 211925 &i clerk:.... Approved.: ... ......... ......... 192........ ..... ................................................................ Mayor. ouncilman Clancy' Councilman Ferguson Ferguson j /LjSDED /Councilman McDonald ,� uncilman RRXX Hodgson /'Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. DEPARTMEIKT4C-'P,,,FINANCh` •' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) O Y' In the matter oonstructinR a sewer on Hyacinth Street from Greenbrier'Avenue n— fC to Weide Street under Preliminary Order approved April 21 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - s2,988.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - S 1.91 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED-.. .. . . DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 3 18 3 11 2 Farm B. B. 10 ADDITION VALUATION Oak Ville Park 2525. do 375 do 2850 do 375. do 200 do 100; do 100 do 75 do 75 150 do -_TOTAL.. _ -- ro�M e.a.�i I I TOTAL CITY OFt :JL DEPARTMEN COR 'REP6RT OF COMMISS OR OF'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eWcK. ADDITION VALUATION 8 4 Oak Ville Park 1175 9 4 do 375 17075 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. F.— B. B. 11 _ _ CornuK-ner. of_ Finance. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned prop Body o cause the following improv me u-�iL-�c.�uiGc. St. Paul, Minn.. z erty owners, hereby petition your Honorable nt to be made: from— =_� &t Ave. to (t��_ ................_........_..... —__ St. Ave. NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION i T�J`b � ��d-f'�'�•F%x•r[.fl•-Le .+�G..li%?✓'C '�►° A._ Wit/ ' ` Office of the Commissioner ®f Public.. v Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 gs OWN May 28, 1925 - ...........:.......__:........ ......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....._59017..._._approved_._.........._April 21-, 1925192_..:._, relative to the construction of a sewer on Hyacinth Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Weide Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.....___.... ._.._.._.necessary and (or) desirable. 1.91 per front ft. 2,988:00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... ........ ......... _—_......._, and the total cost thereof is $...._.. __..._..:..._, Frontage 1,514 ft. Inspection 058.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.__........................ _:_.-..........._.._.._....................... �..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............. __... ... ........ ...................... .............................. _...... _._...... _._..... ........... ........ _.................... ........ .__........... ... ----...._.. 5. Said improvement is...................... _..... _........... _.-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wor U d f f�h ©nepail9'nrrz�e�� lic io�rs) JOHN H. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. —002 ENa1NSe. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Calve p1o1NGOS - A. D. SHARP. SUPE• OP SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SIM• of Cn Mu—.WD RO•NR - G. P. BOWUN. SUPT. or WOM-9 G. H. HERROLD. 0-9 .Om Cm `— m-'May 26, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Hyacinth St. from Greenbrier Ave. to Weide St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #59017, approved April 21, 1925: Estimated cost $p2,988.00 Frontage 1,514 ft. Inspection 58.00 Cost per front foot 1.91 We recommend on accounVsof the insufficiency of the outlet that the final order restricts the use of this. sewer to sanitary purposes only, storm water to be excluded. yery truly, �. Chi engineer. Approved for transmission t Commissioner of ,inane: ommissioner of Public Vorks. CITY OF ST. PAUL o. 'fi' ire DEPPI!RTM T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO ' SIONER OF ANAIflCE < ON PRELIM NARY ORDER In the matter of construetin$ a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Prospect Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ourve Avenue under Preliminary Order approver; May 1211925 To the Council of the Cify of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S front The estimated cost pd foot for the above improvement is > > Q The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 1 15 Hayden Heights 125 4 15 do 100 5 15 do 2000 6 15 do 2550 7 15 -do 160 B 15 do 2700 9 I15. do 3500 10 15 do 3000 11 15 do 75 1 16 do 125 ___ _. Form B. B. 10_ _. _ __.. TOTALr-_ - . CITY OF ST. PAUL. p , TOTAL 4,._P,�. "t-! dIEPAOTMENIQ' OF FINANCE -- REPORT OF COM TONER OF RI•NANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER II. - DESCRIPTION LOT lal.ocKl .ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO East 20 ft.N.of alley of - -II --- !IB° 116 j Hayden Heights i 1 200 (Exc E.80')part north of alley in _. 'Bit -161 I East 22 ft .of Lot _5 & all, - .1-4 ! 16. _ _ do - �I (Exo.E. 22 ft.)- and(BxOoa21_ Yt,) , b -1.16 do _ ___ __, 4.'2350 i 1 (West 21 feet of 16 iI do 1 75 and East 19 deet of 7 1. _._ (Except East 19 ft.) 7 It � dog I 950 8 ,16 19 do a 16 do 0o 10 116 do 1001 11 i16 do r I -i 75 , 1i - _ 12 16 , do 525 - '13 16 do 0 10 !� 114 116 do loo �. 1 5 ' 16 do 1 2150 16 ;16 do 5501 _ 17__;16 .._ do i 18-116-$010 1_.. it 19, 116 !_, $0'0 ;- - 20_ j 16 do21 SO!0 Ab _-. 3.00 1 1+...___ East 20 ft.of Lot_ 23 P114, . all of ! 22 ' 16 do � 2550 1 r _ Except east 20, ft .)_ . _.- • �3- 116 { .-._ do i I -- 5� •-- " p , TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - ' P REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FLNANf E ON PRELIfIY RY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK _ ADDITION VALUATION 24 16 Hayden Heights 350 25 16 do ��5 TOTAL - - 29,125' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- 19207 _ — Commiseionof B. B. 13.._.. Finance. 01 192sr Mini St. Paul, Min. -- Tb The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body tocause the following improvement to be made: %% ��'�%/ Ave. from_.L� Ave. to— Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �9 of LD r ? Q t lelii�t Oi iceoof the Commissioner of NblictWo - Report to Commissioner of Finance 'V .. { ---------- 191-=-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -59442 ----- approved_ Ma [_12,_ 191___, relative to Conatructin_ a_six-foot- cement tile- sidewalk on_ the -south-side of ______- Prosect Ave. from White Bear Ave. to_Curve Ave------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ""front foot 1. Said improvement is_ 01.10 [necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $-___-______-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- _______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- ----------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. ®�. i .., i , _.., y , z �, , , i- July 21st, 1925. Bon. J. H. MoDonald, Comaianionor of Public Worlm, H u.i l d i n g. LW door Commissioner: Men the final order for constructing a oldemalk on the south aide of Prospect from Mite Dear Avenue to CuAvo Avenue r= before the Couneil at its meeting today, a complaint was mode that mud r0.na down the aidm- mlk on this street when it rain, and the matter :Jae referred to your Department for investigation. 73e0pootfully yours, COUNCIL FILE NO ... .._.. ___............. Bv..... FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of..const,ructi,.ng..A..$ewer..on..,Jul.let...5..tr.eet_frozn..E.dgoumb.e...... Road to a point 150 feet west of Lexington Avenue, ...... C. F. No. 60850— �: ..- � � ......... tt{ the Matter.of constructing a, - on Sullen Street : from Edgc,.,, .... .... ....... ...:............ ....... ......... ...... Road to, &•,point ; 160 -feet wp-....;•.... Lextngg��on Apenue,:.,unde Pret',;, ary OYiier 69891 approve Dl� 1925. ._. IA pubno h1 PR_ " _„ �;....... ............ np the ,,.hw—_ under Preliminary Order.. _ _ _59841 ..____ _...__.approved..... MAY'... 2.7.,....1.925. ........................ .......... Intermediary Order. _ __ ..approved.. ........_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvemegt to be made by the said City is. .CO.natruCt..a...s.erler...on..Suli.et...5tre.et...from m Edgcumbe_Road _to„a pont_150.feet west of _Lexington Avenue, ��'.........._....._ .............. ____.. __....._ _.__...__......._ ...._.__............._._.......______.. __...-....... .............__....__............... _.. _._ _.. ._......._. ...___.....____.._ _..._... ._._ __. __..... _...__.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to theCouncilfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1 6 Adopted by the Council JUL, 21 2925 , ....... . l Approved .... 192 _._ ......_....... ..... �ount•ilman Clancy Mayor. j LZouncilman Ferguson 5C'ouncilman McDonald�I7$LISHED /Councilman 29C Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Felson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. l CITY"OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMIEd IbF9'11 CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON 'PRELIMINARY ORDER lal under Preliminary OrderTo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $1aM 00 front- _ - - g 1-67 The estimated cost per loot for the above improvement is - Inspection 837.00 Frontage 1,120 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Form B. B. 10 Walton Heights do do do do do do do do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 275 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 (C) CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT W, FJNApNCCE j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION (Except Edgoumbe Road) do LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 Walton Heights 17 do is do 19 do 17 1 Lexington Park Plat 6 ( 21 4 do ( '2 4 do do �3 4 24 4 do ( �5 4 do 26 4 do (( 27 4 do Sl ` 26 4 do 29 4 do ( 3o 4 do 31 4 do ( 32 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION 250 250 250 250 425 400 4100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he haus investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregbing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192--_-- ---- Com ' sinner of Finance. Furm n. It. U St. Paul, Minn. M.v 5th _____._192 5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: construct sewer in Juliet street, between.Edgecumbo and Lexington M St. Ave. _St. Ave. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 't6 7 *.- Office of the Commissioner of Public FD Report to Commissioner of Finance lUN II 1,925 June 11, 1925 1Q9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59841 May 27, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ........... ............... ......... approved ............... ....._............................................. -- ............. 192 ............ , relative to the construction of a sewer on Juliet 3t. from Edgecumbe Road to ... ....................................... .....-.......... _..................... _............... ..... -...... __................. _._........... ........... ......................... .... ... _... ........ ................................ ... ................ ................. -- a point 150 ft, west of Lexington Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ............................... .necessary and (or) desirable. 1.67 pea1df&o ++ j $ 1,875.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..............................__..........., bta ost thereof is •..........................._...... .... ..._._, Inspection 437.00 Frontage 1,120 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................._......_...._._...... ....._..._.._.............. ............._._..___.._..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........................ ......-............_............................._............................._......._............_........... ............................_........._................. ....... ......... ........ -— ..... ........ .___ 5. Said improvement is............................. _.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................_._ ..... ........... ..................... - --- ----- _..__......... — Commissioner of Public Works. I� JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNML - DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRi088 pIGINeeR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OP 6NaTwTON GEDPGE M. SH-AR..CRIED ENGINEER '_R SUPT OP ORKHW.e WM. N. CAPEY, SUPT• O. CONeTRUCD.N .,NO G. P. BOWLIN. W HERR.L.. OFFlce MID CrtT PLwNNINO DNMOOt June 6, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, r Commissioner of Public Works. n Dear Sir: I transmit herewith Preliminary estimate Of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Juliet St. from Edgecumbe Road to a point 150 feet west of Lexington Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #59841, approved May 27, 1925: Preliminary Estimate of cost $1,875.00 Inspection 37.00 Frontage 1,120 ft. Cost per front foot 1.67 Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to commissioner of Finance: Commissioner 'of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO..... c: F. Ne. eoss - - - In the Df tterof constructint; n SIX - foot cement., the sidewalk on both ' aides of:Maealester Ave. from Bay - By ...... ......... .. _........ __ ............. qrd Avenue to Scheller Street and ,%-I the north side of :FeheKer -St. ""ins.: Ave. 'Gar.v,ni, FINAL. ORDERXCept .wh. In the Matter of... fo.ot....cement...t1le...s.i.de>ca�k...o7n...b.oth.... sides ...of..M.a.c.al.estar.Ave....from..,Bayard..Avenue...to..Sohei'fer..Street.... and. on.the north side,of..Scheffer.St...from__Snelling Ave, to Underwood Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ............................... .... ... ........ .................... ...... ........... -.... ... ............ .......................................................... ........I........... ..................................__.................... ....................................... ................................................................. under Preliminary Order..... 5.95.95 .......... ........... .......approved ........MAY .................................. Intermediary Order._ .......... .._ _ . _....._ ...........................approved..................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City lk on-hoth-sides...of-Mao.ale.s.ter...Av.e....fr.om_ Bayard...Avenue. .t9...Scheffer,. Street and on..the ... .orth..s.id.e...of..Scheff.er_.St.....from...Sn.elling.. AVO ...... t.o...UAderwo.gd..A. v..e., , except ...where -good ... and-suffi.ci.ent. sid.ewalks..now..exist, ............................. ....... _................ ..._ _....._......... ..... __. ........... -__..... __........ ....... ....._.. .. ............ .__ ... i:..... ...,.........,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ._Of...f..1..1925......._................... 192 ..... . .... .... ....................... j��l 21 ��iG div Jerk. c• Approved _._.....'_....._ 192........ .......... // Mayor. ✓ouncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson / trrrarre DG`ZS ouncilman McDonald J � /CouncilmanlNaK Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Yuncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. i CI4T. PAUL M 7 iEPARTME T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of eonstrUdt ,aia foot cement the sidewalks on both sides of Maealester Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Scheffer Street and _ on the north side of Scheffer Street from Snelling Avenue _ to Underwood Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved—__.M&J�13,To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost pericot for the above improvement is S 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 9 Mattock Park 250 12 9 do 250 13 9 do 225 14 9 do 225 15 9 do 325 16 9 do 225 17 9 do 225 1& 9 do 225 19 9 do 225 20 9 do 325 ._..... F-- B. B. 10. _. _ _ ' ° _ TOTAL. I CITY OFj ST. PAUL .^OEP�p{2OTMENT C&PFINANCE OF FINANCE, REPORT OF CMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 21 9 Mattook Park 225 22 9 do 225 23 9 do 350 1 10 do 375 15 10 do 300 16 10 do 250 17 10 do 225 1s 10 do 225 a 19 10 do 225 20 10 do 225 21 10 do 225 22 10 do 225 23 10 do 225 24 10 do 225 25 10 do 2'5 26 10 do 225 �7 10 do 225 28 10 do 375 6675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated/%n,T-1 -19105. Com mi toner of Finance. _ _ _. Form B. 11. 12 t St. Paul, To The Honorable The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: sidewalks on east side of 11acalester from Bayard to Scheffer and on west side of 1Iacalester --frrrm-?3a^arad to-3rareifer; IIn-Borth s'3e of SchafPsr-fra�rlerfiizlg-to Underwood. St. Ave. from__... — — — -.. ._.—_....— - --'St. Ave. St. Ave. 'NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION " /Z Z/ \ J r,, an i IV . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance _ =2 y -<'.E( uc May 27, 1925 MAX 2? 9^ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._b9b93 approved--.._._b'[e.y..._19.,...._1925.................192..........., relative to the construotion of a six foot eement.____tle_ai_dewalka..._on_._both...._ai_de.q.....___ of Mecalester Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Soheffer Street and .......... ............. ........................ ............... -.......... ...... _... _...... .............. -....................... ........... ............ _... _...... — --......_......_.............._....................._..............._.................-- on the north side of Soheffer Street from Snelling Avenue to .............. .............. ..........................__................. ..................................................--...... _.......... ............................_..... _..... ..... _._............... ............................. _....... ..... ............ _ Underwood Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvementis ..................._......._. necessary and (or) desirable. $1.10 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.............................. — ...... ......, and the total cost thereof is $ .............. –XXX ........... _.._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................__...._......_........._......_.._.....__..................................–......_.._..- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - .......... _._...... ............................... ._..................................... ._...................... ..................... ............... ............... .......--- –---------- ...... ........ .......... .. --... ...... _... _...... – — 5. Said improvement is ...................... ....... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiaeioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ......... .................... By......................... ._..... ..-........................... .......... y� FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of..foot,..cement.., tile., sidewalk on .east side of Ox.ford..Street beginning 306 feet north of Tulciienty St., thence -north ...51 fe.et.,...except..where_go.od..and.,.suffipient.,.s,idelvalks...now. . exist, .............. ......... ......... _.. _... ........ C. F. We. 60862—, ` ............... In the 31,tter.of const"riocting a slz 'foot cement the sidea-allc on the east --1de of Oxford Street' beginning .306 .............. ........._ ..... ......... .^ .t .north: of brelr ,. t th El feet t the -. r: ........... .... t A91.:c+1.... H �x ��............. ............... .... under Preliminary Order...........59016........................ approved......APT!i1...21s...1925.e............................ Intermediary Order ........ ..... .. ........... approved ................................................................. ._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and'the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .... c.onatX'L1Gt...#...s1z..f opt .,,C.6lpent...t,�.1. e,..9ideWalk p,n. t.he.., e,aet..sa d.e.. o.f...OX# Ord. _Street.,gfeet northofV1cKenty _... S.t...,...thenc.e...north..51-f.eet,. exc.ept...where..good...and..auffi.cz.exlt...s.i.d.ew.alk3 nov?..�Xis.t., ....... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._JUL......................... 19 Approved_ JUL........2 1 1�L._......, 192......., it Cler . ......... .. .. 9 ... __..... ................ . / Mayor. ✓,Councilman Clancy / ouncilman Ferguson ouncilman McDonald - S Councilman RdtXC Hodgson Founcilman Sudheimer l/Councilman Wenzel / Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. Cl PAUL DEPARTM FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east Gide of Oxford Street beginning 306 feet north of MoKentLy St.. - thence #, -thence north 51 feet, under Preliminary Order approved April 21 , 1925j To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S f t The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is S 1 -10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION j 17 7 Warrendale 600 TOTAL. .600 -... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / �y Dated 19r.5 7— J ✓�' Comm' wner of Finance. m St. Paul, Minn.. *__-'17 —192&E To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ff�^-.'cam Q' �n � Gvu� 4�✓1�4( ri,-t- � Coais-/—.._'�'�p''�`- �—:----- ._.—.......... ....... —...... _........... —..................._....._.............._.._...._......__........_........ r3t from__._.—._...—. ;V_St. Ave. t�- to-----...-------------_......-�-- St. Ave. V m` KENTY Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance -- - MAY 12 19 25 ---- lds� -11 •-1925 ------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 59016 April 21, 19291___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved--------- ---------------- ----------------- the aonatruatio-- -- a six foot cement tale sidewalk on the ee ____aide_ oY Ox3ord_atre®t_ be�innin�_3p6_feet_north_oi_MeKent�_St.y______ thenoe north 51 Yeet________________ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1,10 per Yr�t Y 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------ -- - an a total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------- more owners of 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------ Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. . ........ In the Matter of.constructing a_.six.foot _cement.. tile ...sidewalk .on...the. north side of Pleasant Avenue from the east side, of.Lot 1.0,_Bl.Ock...11,.Ridgewood Park to_Pfiilton„Street, except _w,here ..goo.d_ a..nd_.suffi.cient .sid.evralks...now. exist, C F of No. 60863 rn [ho _ f constructing a slx fn cement the sId— k on the wood north side of Flet Mlft Avenue Iron ” the east: lido oPLot _10, Bln^'le ark t. ePt wh .. under Preliminary Order.. 59775 _ _ .... .approved........ May ...26,...19.25. ............... Intermediary Order . approved... .1.1.11...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct, a._ six .foot..cemont_.t.ile. sidewalk on the north.. side .of_ Pleasant _Avenue. from. the _.east _side .-of Lot 10, Block 11.,.Ridgew.00d.Park to Milton -Street, --except where -good and sufficient s.a.dewalks...now..exist, __ _ _ . .... _. ... . _111 ....... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ JUL. 21 19925 192 q(1 .././..._.. 1111. ... .._......._..........._. approved_._ JUt_2 11925 Ciy Clerk. 192_ 1111.. Mayor. ✓/Councilman Clancy' . councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald l'L1StiE �� ✓Councilman lyrc�i:x Hodgson ✓ ��s ✓}councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. S -i. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMe-4T of FINANCE A,,. -r RE POIRT OF COMal! STONER OF' FIWIAI�ICE (D) r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Pleasant Avenue from the east side of Lot 10 Block 11 Ridgewood Park to Milton Street. under Preliminary Order approved May 26th,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is S 1 .10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 11 Ridgwood Park Addition 1500 11 11 to the Oity of St.paul 1100 12 11 Ramsey Oo.,Minn. 150 13 11 do 1$0 14 11 do 100 15 11 dd 1600 16 11 do 375 TOTAL, 4?75 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�— Toner of Finance. Comm' Poem B. B. 13 . 1__4 -.C.LL . St. Paul, Minn.— �y•rcr— ___._1925 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ...........--Plzas.az?t,.._ Y. '--- ---------- Ave. Lns% L A�„�r)_Qr - to tri lI.,th 4.:...Qs:.__.(� l..L,..t.v --_—?--.....__.— ...... __..... —_St. Ave. NAME LOT BLACK ADDITION ,, �I de ��� ,:-� 9,5 x? .� A� . _._.. __.__._ _.. �-1 ..___�_._...._..._ r- .. PLG'„ ,.- r--_. - � I '' L ., d- .., Office of the Commissioner of Public or 1. Ecervca Report to Commissioner of Finance k J\ JUN 13 196 ---- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._59775---- approved- --May__2a,_1925 --- 191___, relative to _Constructing_ a_ six—foot_ cement tile_ sidewalk_ on the _north_ side _of _____ Pleasant Ave. from the east side of lot 10, Ilock 113 ---Ridsewood -------- --------------------------------------------- Park to Milton-St.----------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ 1410 _per and the total cost thereof is $___-______-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ ------------------------------ ------- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By ..... .................. ...... ...... ..............:............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter ©f ... c.onstruo.ting...a...six..f.oo.t...e.ement... tile..sidew.alk..on..ho.th.... si.des....of...Shie.1.ds...Av.enue..fr.am..P.ier.ce..Str..ee.t...t.o.. Snelling..Avenue,....exc.ept.- where ood..and .s.ufficient si.dewalks..non .exist, fit• No. 60864— 1;, ooe" Matt 171econstructing a six - 'sides o me sldewat .. _.. ..... ....... ........ Street to Melds k a bo,_ <. Snellin a from , here 600a. and .aairi� enr ue, r. ............ ................... .. ....... �. •st..unda. aides........ ....................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... .3.0.2— ..................... ..approved.....MAY ...`�s...1� 5....................................... IntermediaryOrder...........................................................approved........................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, .and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered .the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the. precise nature, extent and kinkof improvement to be made by the said City is onbothsides... of. Shields...Avenue.. from..Pierce„ Street „ .. .,.to...Snell ng,. Avenue., ex..C.ePt...w.4er.e... good ...aad...anffioient...sidew.e lks...naw...exist.,.......................................... .......... .............. ............................................................................................... ..............................I ................... ........... ... ........._ ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upogsaid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accclordpatrrce therewith. Adopted by the Council .......L SU......... ........:°:...;, 192.. .. q ,t� •' '. Approved ....._... JUL "2 :10ty Clerk.26-..-.:...., 192........ ................. ... .............................r... ..................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy 7c -/o Ferguson / aeOLISHED —ogS— ouncilman McDonald /Councilman Jb= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. (A) In the matter of CnI DEPART t h .AN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ierce sidewalk on'both sides set to Snelling Avenue. under Preliminary Order prove a d— — - --- P-�a3�-5-,--195----- ---- - -- --"- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ frpnt The estimated cost perj foot for the above improvement is $ 70 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement„and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except East 52 ft) 10 3 Homer H. Hoyt Co's Add. 400 1.?6 ft -of E.52 ft -Of 10 3 do 150 East 26 ft. of 10 3 do 750 9 3 do 1950 (Ex. E. 42 ft) 10 2 do 2300 East 42 ft. 10 2 do 1250 9 2 do 3?00 16 1 do 7150 15 1 do 2350 - - Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY O DEPARTMENT TJ ANCE X— REPORT'OF COMMISER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION West z of 27 & 26 3 Milham Park Ramsey Co. 550 East � o? 27 � ilinn. 26 3 500 1 3 do 3300 �9 2 do 1850 1 2 do 650 30 1 do 27775 1 1 do 4650 59775_ - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_ SL l _�la — -1920- - - Comm�n an F— n. B. a `/ n 192.5` St. Paul, Minn._ _ ---- To The Honorable, .The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. St. Ave. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 175 V� �y Office of, the Commissioner of Public Works c Report to Commissioner of Finance �tiAY12j� \ o 6 ----- May -11,_1925 ...... 19, ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paut The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 59302 - approved__ May- 5 , 1925 191___, relative to the construction of a"six foot cement tile sidewalk on both ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- _ -- sides of Shields avenue from Pierce --Street -to - SnellinR- Avenue. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $___----_-__-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is ?hereto. attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- '--------- Commissioner" of Public Works. S COUNCIL FILE NO ............. By....... ......... .......... ........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-construoting q...S.0Wqr_on..B.a.t.es Ayentle-f.r.qm Cherry 3.t.re.et toShort--Street-,0-11- -.11 ... ... ... 1-1-1-W ....... ...... ................ ................................. C. F. XL 60856 '.... . ..................................... ,n the !�MatterofCrst�uctlni a siew— .. ....... bn,Ratea:,Avenue efrom Cherry 91metl ::. t, rh*5rqt77sGrgt r - i ........... .......... orgr . . ..... .. ........... ... . ............ A Dubllup the %. hearlp Improvem- ............... ........ .. ... ... ........... 1-1 .......... ................ .............................................. ......... .. .......... ...' .................. - ...................... ................... .......... ......... under Preliminary Order.... ...59.776-...........approved.... ................................. Intermediary Order... ........ ............ ... approved ............... - ......................... 11 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the, City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent an I d kind of improvement to be made by the said City Cherry-Streat to...Sh0.r.t,...5:tr.qQtJ- . . ............ .................... ......................... ........ ......... .................................................. ........... ...................... ................ ........ I ........... .................... ............................ ..... .......................... .. ........... ... ... ................... ............. ...... ... .... .............................................. ............. .. ........... ........................ ........................ ........... ...... .................. ............. ............................ ........... -1 ........................... ......... -1- . .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans, and specifications forsaid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ins-accordiiice therewith. Adopted by the Council.. JUL. 2,11025 1. ........... .................... 192. ......... .. ............ ............... Approved ...... ... -AU.L 21 1.92.5 ........... 192 City Clerk. ........ .............. I .............. -"--uricilman Clare% Mayor. ounci man Ferguson Councilman McDonald RMUSTrin-21— �9-5 Councilman RREX Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Mouncilman Wenzel ayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. 'd CI OFT. PAUL ® DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Construct a sewer on Bates Abenue from Cherry Street —K to Short Street. r under Preliminary Order approved May 26 • 19255 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost perfoottfor the above improvement is Inspeotion $23.00 Frontage 420 ft. $ 2.80 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONi. 1 10 Suburban Hills 400 4 10 do 400 5 10 do g00 2 10 do 900 3 10: do 660 (: 6 10, do 16200 9 w.L.geefe°s Addition (I B do ( (' 7 do E; 6 do ..__-.. Form. B. B. 10 --_._ _ _. _.__.- --.. TOTAL.'::__- C' OF' AUL DE®AR-'Tt fEN O FINANCE RtPOOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINfANCI • ON- PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - -,°°•, - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 V�. L. Keefe's Addition S00 4 do - 800 3 do 800- do 800 do 18300 40900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_1920= Com�ioner of Finance. St. Paul, Min192A:�� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the folloxymg improvei fit to be made: ... . ... . . . ....... . . .......... ............ --- ----- --- - Ave. from *V Ave- M1 Office of the `Commissioner of Public rvFQ Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 3 I 19 25 June 11, 192b ,,,,, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No........_._....__.. May 26, 1925 59776 _....approved._..._......_..._....._..............._..................................... 192 ...... _.... , relative to the construction of a sewer on Bates Avenue from Cherry _....__...._ ............ ...__._..................................... _.._.._..-...._.._........... _....... ..........._......._.................. ...__.......__...._..._..._.......... _...._.... ............... ..._...:.._........_ Street to Short Street. y ., ...... ..... --. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._....__...........__.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2.80 per front ft. 1 173 . 00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......._.._ .............___........._., and the total cost thereof is $...._.....'_................._....._._._, Inspection $23.00 Frontage'420 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................................. .................................. __._...._........_ , A plan, profile or sketch of said impfovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............................ -- - - - o- 5. Said improvement is ........................ ..... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 4-� Of Commissioner of Public Works. ......... ....... ...._ .__._.............. ....... .................. -......... _.............. ...------- — e ;a�rF�rn�eR�h of ' ININ i1c� ork�s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GORGE M. SHEPARD. C�pIV k?lol.-. I.M. N. CAREY, .— OI `k��.�� .—R— G. H. HERROLD, ORICE Cm PU Ne MGM®R J June 6, 1925. IM. 6. GRYTRAK. BRIMS EH61H A. B. SHARP, S— OF 6AHR'ATIOR G. P. BOWLIN, SIR. O. WOAKHOOSE Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Bates Ave. from Cherry St. to Short St. under Preliminary Order C -F. #59776, approved May 26, 1925: Estimated ocst $1,173.00 Cost per front foot 2.80 Inspection 23.00 Assessable frontage 420 ft. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: ommissioner of Public Works. '>F COUNCIL FILE NO.—.- .. .................. FINAL ORDER ,'O R .1= 1. tr,. In the Matter of...c..0nSt.ru0t.1F1g...a,.,S.Zx... .o0t.,..Qep1e7nt.,.. .1. ..S.iG1.6V➢ .� ...oCl..t.hQ...s.puth side. of ldellesley_Avenue from_Griggs..Street,to_Syndt.gate,!},ve..nue, except where 999d and. snffic..i..ent sid.wal..ks....now,.e. 1st.,_ ..._.. ...... ............ _..... _.._ _• .._. _. _..... ...... ....... C., F: No. 66866— .. ... ... .e ...... In the -Matter of constructing ¢ the foot cement ix - the sidewalk. -on the ....... ..... ...... south aide of Wellesley Avenue from Griggsexcept Strwhere to-Syndicateand. Avenue. . •• except_ where good ande sufficientrim- siary Ora now exist, under Pay 27 - Prelim- ........ ������� - �� �������� � InarY Order 69896 approve d DtaY 27, .... .. 1925. -. - ... bl- under Preliminary Order.... 59.84 A.:°�b-'.'-..H':i' u i)fibved.... "May. -27.,...19.25. ............................... Intermediary Order..........................................................approved................--- .... .................... .....-.._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .... e.ons.true.t...a..six..f.o.ot _.e.ement-tile_:s.ide.nalk on.„.the south sial. e.. of._il7enesipy. Av..e.nue from. Griggs_ Str.e..et . t.o. SyndicAt.e... Avenue, exc9Qt where good and sufficient sidewalks now. exist,._ f ... ....... ............ ._.. _............_........ _. .......__.. _.... .......... .. _...__. _. ... _........ _. _.... _.............. ... _... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebv instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said. improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 21 1925 Adopted by the Council ....................... ........................ .......... 192. _. JUL 2 11925 ...... ity Clerk. Approved_.. _..,.... .:....... 192....... _. _._..__.................... .................. ............... / Mayor. /Councilman Clancy /,Councilman Ferguson� gUBLLSHED /_�oZ�.$.,.n ouncilman McDonald ouncilman IlbWcx Hodgson �ouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. DEPART ''CSF FINANCE ov, F REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fal under Preliminary Order approved27th of May, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ frpnt g' 1.10 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form 0. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Robert P. Lewis Company 350 2 3 Subdivision 325- 3 3 do _ 325 4 3 do 3�5 5 3 do 325 6 3 do 325 7 3 do 325 g 3 do 325 9 3 do 3�5 10 3 do 625 TOTAL, Form 0. B. 10 CITY OFVER DEPA RTMEN'nNCE .�,EPORT OF COMMI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 3 Robert P. Lewis kCompany 12 3 Subdivision 13 3 do 14 3 do 15 3 do ASSESSED VALUATION 325 325 350 1550 0 425 6550 The Commissioner of Pinance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated19202 — -- Com miss' er of Finance. Form R. R. 12 0 o St. Paul, Minn.-1''��=` -�. d-192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 4:_ We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: // o—, St. Ave. , -r� k V' St. Ave. to-- �.._—....._..— _.._....._ ..................._........... - ......__._St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION alzw F � �.��� \ �✓'. ✓t.x/6.� FMS' / � Q Office of the Commissioner of Public. ( J Report to Commissioner of Finance `"' •.,, JUN 12 1926 June 9. 1925 ,q9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59840 May 27, 1925 .192 ............. relative to Council,. known as Council File No..._................................approve _............... . I'll ... I-- - ....... constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side _ ............. ---- .............. -.... _..... -_.................. -............ .... _... _..... _..._............. .... -........ ofWellseyvenuePm..Griggs.Vit.reQt..._._.hvenne........... ... ..._l_A and ......_ .._� having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._ ....... ..... ........_..... necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per fro }} � 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.... - ...................... _.._......., an� the o4a1 coslathereof is $.- - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._..._......._.._ ..........._................._.._............_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ .._._._.__.......__..._..._................................................_. 5. Said improvement is ...............................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................................ --------- ........ ............. .............. ........................ .._... Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL - FOENLIL NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �R—ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. 9 _ _-._------ __ DATE ._._...._._JII:�_.�Tv.�.Sty......�9.EN.r'�............ In the matter of condemning and taking an easeLient 8 feet wide for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer across Lot 16, Block 63 Irvine's Enlargement of Rice &- Irvine's Addition, under Preliminary Order C.F. 59468, approved Llay 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C.F. 60122, approved June 16th, 1925. The Commissioner of Public 91orks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it ?_?SO LVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip 8 ft. in width, the center line of which shall be, starting at a -0oif1t on the westerly line of Smith Avenue 7 ft, northeasterly of the southerly line of the above described Lot 16, thence northwesterly to a point on the easterly line of the alley 9 ft. northeasterly of the southerly line of said Lot 16, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement of '_tice Irvine's Addition. COUNCILMEN /Clancy V Ferguson Hodgson ,McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays -._........... In favor O -Against JUL 21 lop by the Council ...--.,:c ------------------------------- 192.-.-.. 4L 211925 Approved--------------. - -----------------------192- A44-41 C. MAYOR ;epalrF;�yer �h v fs GAuUd-& i• JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHID' ENOIND-n M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOOE Ri101NE R WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. OI --A R-. A. B. SHARP, SUP(..1 BAN RATION G. H. HERROL., OFFICE AHD CT' 1L 1HO FNOIN- G. P. BOY/LIN, SEPI. OF W 11OIIEE July 21st, 1925. - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of takiru` and condemning an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across, Lot 16, Block 63, Irvine's='nlargement of 'lice G. Irvine's Addition, under Preliminary Order C.F. 59468, approved 1.1ay 12th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C.F. 60122, approved June 16th, 1925. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �3T. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: A strip 8 ft. in width, the center line of which shall be, starting at a point on the westerly line of 1,mith Avenue 7 ft. northeasterly of the southerly line of the above described f/ V Lot 16, thence northwesterly to a point on the easterly line of the alley 9 ft. northeasterly of the southerly line of said Lot 16, Block 63, Irvine's?nlargement of Rice =c Irvine's Addition. or�S- n er of is "or s T CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c RFIEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OV FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain a mih� i n ocmcw nn —A —ne a r.n+ 1 i, 121 nnlr r,Z T-4-1. Fns o...,.omc.,+ of 04— & inn & Irvine's Add.. the land to be taken and in width, the center line of which shall be, starting at a point- the cr - W Wlly.line of Smith Ave. 7 ft. NEIly of the S411r. line of the above described Lot 16, --,thence NW'ly to a point on the Elly line of the alley ft._NEIly of the S'ly line of said Lot 16, Block 63, Irvine's Enlarge— ment of Rice __and- -1rYJne!a__Addition under Preliminary Order approved May 12,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The. Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ zs The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - , - 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0 DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of vacated alley adjoining and 16 63 Irvine's Enlargement of 105100 Rice & Irvines Addition to the Town of St .Paul a j a I i _ TOTAL. -g 1051pa _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Co missioner of Finance. Form 8. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Woo! ewaa \1J o, Report to Commissioner of Finance�k E��@ MaY 18.. ...... 1925.....__ ................... 192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No .594....68... _.._approved..............MaY 12. 192.5..................192............, relative to ...................... condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain._.a.....- ......... _... ... .......... ......._ public sewer, on and across lot 16, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement of _ ........... ..................... .........._....... .................... _............. -...._......._......._......._.........____....---_ ._.._.._..._............_............................... _ ........... .... ................. _ Rice and Irvine's Addition.0� .... _..... ..... .._.....__....... _........._.............._.................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_._ .......... ............._.....necessary and (or) desirable. xxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is$.........._gXg.......__............. and the total cost thereof is $..-- .......... ........................ ...... . and the nature arfd extent of said improvement is as follows: b S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ...................... ....... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................ .......... ....._...---..............n—e-.....o-f-.......-b*-.........................a-,*,-._ Commissioner of Public Works. kb 9.i OF A"06 UP q I % WrT Fam, �eLP-a14"Pme�h oFr un51 G�\1 /oaks JOHNH. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE - -WM. N. CAREY. SOFT. OF CONOTNUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPF. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFIOG AND CITY PUNNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF W-HDUCE May 16, 1926. Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir; The purpose of this condemnation is to provide means for the drainage of the alleys in Block 63. and it is proposed to do this by converting an existing private sewer tunnel into a public sewer which would be maintained by the City. The tunnel is entirely in the sandrook formation and will not disturb the present use of:the property in any way. At the present time the alley drains directly into the subbasement of Joy Bros. garage. Yours truly, e 1 g neer. Approved: �omm ssioner of �JMD110 7orks. RESOLVED Yens CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCIL No i 4)0 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM __._...__.-_____._.__._.._.._..........._.._.__ --- _---- _ DaTEJuly 21,=.t..._1925.. ............... In the matter of opening, widening and extending Bohland Ave. to a width of 80 ft. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and in addition thereto widening the intersection at St. Paul Ave, by taking a triangular piece of ground measured 8 ft. on Cleveland Ave. and 8 ft. on the new line of Bohland Ave., under Preliminary Order 59477, approved ::lay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order 60121, approved June 16, 1925. The Commissioner of Public V(orks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it �_ RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The north 40 £t. of south 1/2 0£ northeast 1/4 of Sec. 16, Town.28, Barge 23; the south 10 ft. of Blocks 8 and 7 0£ Otto's Add., and a triangular piece of land at the northeast corner of Cleveland Ave. and Bohland Ave., as created bi the above description, measuriig 8 ft. on Cleveland Ave. and 8 ft. on Bohland Ave. COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President II...Against by the Council. L....... -j ............... 192. Approved..".P. � �.+4 ................192...... MAYOR ♦,Yn VoInTex q0qUjM,-1jW,, dT ©efra r,+�e h o fr L�u]�blilc� ` oaks JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONEN THOS. G.,O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNICP ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTSAK, BRIMM ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONOTRUOYIOII .w0 REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SU 11 SAI -ON G. H. HERROLD, OPFlCO MID CITY PUNNING EHOM G. P. ROWLIN. SUPT. OP WORKNOUGe - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Bohland Ave. to a width of 80 ft. from Snelling Ave to Cleveland Ave. and in addition thereto widening the ntersection at it. Paul Ave. b;; taking a triangular piece of ground measured 8 ft. on Cleveland Ave. and 8 ft. on the new line of '3ohland Ave., under Preliminary Order 59477 approved I:'ay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order 60121, approved June 16, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public ',.Iorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his _report, a plan of the above improve- ment showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The north 40 ft, of south 1/2 of northeast 1/4 of Sec. 16, 'iown.28, Range 23; the south 10 ft. of Blocks 8 and 7 of Otto's Add., and a triangular piece of land at the northeast corner of Cleveland Ave. and Bohland Ave., as created by the above. description, measuring 8 ft, on Cleveland Ave. and 8 ft. on Bohland Ave. 7)ated July 21st, 1925. Commissioner o is `Jor s. .crSTO. PAUL' DENTF FINANCE CO *REPORT ItSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of opening widening and extending Bohland Ave to a width of ao ft. _ ,the new line of Bohland Ave under Preliminary Order approved_ May 12 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION 28 8 Hardenbergh Heights 27 8 do 26 8 do �5 8 dd 24 8 do 23 8 do 22 8 do 21 8 do 20 8 do 19 8 do - - TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 ..,:PAUL DEPA OF FINANCE b REPORT OF COMW1g;SJONER OF FINANCE MEN ,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER.' ASSESSED ADDITION I VALUATION �I DESCRIPTION LOT 'Isl.cKi ----- ___ Hardenbergh Heights � i � 12i0, _ I ' 260, , _ 1 17 - - - � do l ; 2w ,I _I «F j 1618 -- Al _ 1 5 do 225} 30 7 do 225 1_ do a 12QOs29 -, ` 12QO _ -- .1 2po, It 7 7 � do i r t 1_-2 {�� .. do do � 1260, L 5 7 do _ 200 - 2 --- 2 J j._ a0 1 24 17 1200 * _ _i 23 7 { do 200 - t ido 22 200 _ ,7 H 4 _ 2l 7 do 2901 _.20 7 1 do 0 P 20 i 19 7 I do X200 G 16 7 do 200 - do _ 12 �7 7 QOj I 16,7 do 60 '(Except arts taken for Otto d F irgiew Avenues, the North- 5!, pp ofec;16, Town 28.,__Range 23 I west_1/4- of_ the Northeast 1/- 1 1 c the_ North- j(xcept pparta.taken for-Otta_and Fairgiew_Avenues, 0 east 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Sec. 16, Town 28, Range 2 I 1 g 3 00 _ 8 I Otto' s Add to St .Paul50001_ -.:.. d ' 7 _I o 550 f O . _._. ,i(Except the South 24 ft of the West 4$p ft.and exept the part !34500 � �----- _ry aken_.for..8nelling._Ave..f the _._Nprth,-.198 `- ?. 3 i of the Southeast 1/4 of the Nothe'ast�1/4 Of 8ec.16,Town 28,Range 2�ji Oft .of the -East tree of the, , «it- -p -- -- t98 ft.)the Eat 3 a 5 _ 1 i of (the NE 1_of gec.l6,Town 28 (Exc.the East O ft oft a ori Northwest -1/4 of the Southeast, ran1 - - ---� I TOTAL ge ' x CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR"" OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER TOTAL - - - 211,420 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner .�ofPublic Works. �i-� a.� Commissi er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The west 3 acres of the -6 acres of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Sec.16,Town 28,Range 23 jj00 (The Vest 4 acres of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of 4410 the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, Town 28, Range 23 (E pept art to Montre and Fairvi Avenues, the South est 1�4�of he Northeast 1 4 of Sec. 16, Town 28, Range 23 31005 nBn Midway Highland Park 15000 IIA" do ((, 10800 `Exbept the following described part thereof; commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 28, Range 23 thence East 1 1.80 ft. thence North 30.50 ft thence hst 131.80 ft. �henoe south 330.50 ft. o b ginning) 15 10 Midway Highland Park 100 14 to do 250 6 9 do 200 5 9 do 350 9 3 do 250 8 3 do 175 TOTAL - - - 211,420 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner .�ofPublic Works. �i-� a.� Commissi er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 SOEP ,Office df the:, Commissioner of Public Wor Report to Commissioner of Finance EROEE�� MAY I � 1 1925--------191---- To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of R the Council, known as Council File No.5947T ---- approved_ffiag_12:_ 1925____-191___, relative to Opening,'widening and extending Bohland Ave. to a width of 80 ft.from sneuing_Ayg _}LQ-C1sgela-ud Ay -@. and in addition thereto widen _the___ intersection at St. Paul Ave. i_ taking a triiii ulir piece of ground - measured 8 ft. on Cleveland Ave. and 8 ft. on the new line of Bohland .Kve:------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. v -o 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_,!;C0 Cyt and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more 'owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �{ ----------- ------ - ------------------------ Commissioner of Public Works. J In the Matter of ... grading..alle.y...in-Block ...l,....Simonits.eh.Sub.....of..Blacks ...11 , and 14,_ Hyde.Park,..Prom..Lexington,.Ave.... to Oxford.. St., . .. ...I1 ....... .............. I�+ No. 60889— , 111; he matter - Saba of Blocksn11Bland ....... ................ ....... ... .... .... ..7, , 14 .$yde Park 2rora Lexington Ave, .a4y,,�€Oxford. St-, tinder Pre3lminarY OT..:..1........................................ 59787 approved 9rs >. fi 19F2n8 ......................... ..... .::....... blta heari;De .. :1 i -..................................................... � above i 2... _ ..... under Preliminary Order ........ ..59.7B7....................... -approved......May.,................................ Intermediary Order ........ ...... ...... .. ..::. .........approved.. .............................. . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the , same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of i improvement to be made by the said City is..gfiade= Alley. of.,Blocks.,ll..and..l4.x. Hyde...Park..from,.I,exington..Ave:....to... Oxford..St..,.......... ............ ....... .......... ....._............................................ .._........._._..._.............................................. __.............. ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in;.ae�c�ro'rdari6jOerewith. aL t ueLJ Adopted by the Council......,...:. ......... ................... 19 ...... p...... .......... ............................ Jul, Lj 1 ',City Clerk. Approved..... .. .....`.'.?`.'.i'......., 192........ ........ ..... .................. ............................... / Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy � • /Councilman Ferguson / 444A�f a S ouncllman McDonald ouncilmah RL47B4C Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Qouncilman Wenzel ,•//Mavor Nelson .ti ..Form B. S. A. 8-7. A t t CITY orr'ST_'PAUL DEPARTMENT deFINANCE REPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter Of K-K-LuJ-11K6116Hyde qw park-, from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order approved May 26, 1925 f To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 382.96 fro t-36 ve The estimated cost er/foot for the above improm t is - $ Inspection Ml Frontage 1080.g�L ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or .parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ..ASSESSED -.:. VALUATION 1 1 Simonitsoh's Subd.of 1000 2 1 Block 11 & 14 of Hyde Park 5150 3 l do 4900 4 1 do 4300' 5 1 do 3656 6 1 do 31.50: 7 1 do 4200 8 1 do 5800 9 1 do 2400 10 1 do 600 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 (' - wo1WRiW11 CITY OF ST.' AUL DEPARTMENT 4^lyANCE REPORT OF COMWS OVER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Simonitschsl Subd.of Block 3750 12 1 11 & 14 of, Hyde Park 4300 (Except north 42 ft. and 13& 1 do except part for Lexington Blvd.714 9100 (Except Lexington 3. & rtofor Blvd.), 1 . do 850 19 1 do 3875 20 1 do 4675 •� 21 1 do 4575 22 1 do 2875 ?3 1 do 4225 24 1 dd 3575 25 1 do 3775 26 1 do 6625 27 1 do 4675 29 1 do 3675 " 29 1 do 5025 _. 30 1 do 3650 _ 104375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � ��Com�mio.erof Dated 1�11�_ _ 192 17___ F—. n. n. Iz Finance. St. Paul, Minn.,.' Z ..—Z '-..._192 � To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. -"_-'- Zientlemen..__. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the f ]owing improvement to be made: �/�___ _ ...._._._ . U------- St. Ave. ----Sr. Ave. to------ . ..... -Z4,L—St. o------_.....14,L—St. Pare. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION oX AJV J h a�`a Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo Report to Commissioner of Finance II 1925 June 9, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59787 Msy 26, 1925 P................................................192............, relative to Council, known as Council File No..._....__......_.......__ .a proved....._....... grading of alley in block 1, Simonitach bub. of Blocks 11 and 14, .................... ......... _........... _...... ............... _................ _-_.._...._...._._..__._. Iiyde Park, from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _...__............. ...... necessary and (or) desirable. }} 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............................._...__._., 36¢ per f �i��She f t lal cost thereof is382.96 $...._._................_......._._._. , Frontage 1,080.64 ft. Inspection and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...........__:.___._....._ ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................... _...... _................ ._.................. ...................... 5. Said improvement is... ............. .._.......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ................. ................._..._ Commissioner of Public Works. V v GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF dclNc[R WM. N. CAREY, SU"- OF CONBTAUCTON ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CIT' PLANNING _..E[R I PF -1- *T P F-9 Q11j I Ili JOHN H. MCDONALD. CCI MWS610NER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTICOMMISSIONER June 5, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. 6. GRYTBAK, BRIDG[ dO1NHER A. B. SHARP, SEPT. OF 6NIITATON G. P. 6OWLIN, SUPT. OF WORENOU6L I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 1, Simonitseh Sub. of Blocks 11 and 14, Hyde Park from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #59787 approved May 26, 1925: Estimated cost $382.96 Inspection 7.51 Frontage 1080.64 ft. Cost per front foot .36 Yours very truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Pfinance: Commissioner of Public Works. ,a C�' CITY OF Sl'. PAUL FILE OUNCIL �oa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .,eTF July 21,1925 PRESENTED BY ' In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, -in the grading of alley in Block 1, Simonitseh Sub, of Block 11 and 14, Hyde Park, from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #59788, approved May 269 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #60120, approved June 16, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Chileombe Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated July 21, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILamN Yeas Clancy Fei�guson Hod. f MCDOnal�i % Sudheimer / Wenzel Nays -------/ In favor ......Against Adopted by thy,Councilayl.... In 1M----------I9a.----- JUt 211925 Alproved . MAYOR pepairihFrrzse;RoF�[AU1ib�l1]c3C' JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. B -ARD. CHIEP -1-R M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIM& OR- -WM. N. CAREY. SII PT. CP CC R,rn H ANC REPAIR A. B SHARP. SUPT. OF SANIT - G. N. HERROLD. OFFICE ANC CIT' PLANNING -IH.-G. P. -LIN. SCS'. OP WCRHHC... REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in block 1, Simonitsch Sub. of Bloch ll and 14, Hyde Park, from Lexington Avenue to Oxford dtreet, under Preliminary Order C. P. #59788, approved May 26, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. B160120, approved June 16, 1925. To the Council of the City of 3t. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 21, 1925. l P'CITY :: ... �'. PAUL Ir r DEPT "6F FINANCE _'r T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts mid fills in the grading of array in Blnnk 11 Simonitsoh Sub. of Blocks 11 and 14, Hyde Park, from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St., o.. a under Preliminary Order approved May 26,1925 F' To the Council of the City of St. Paul:_ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLoc ASSESSED T 1 1 Sim, itk�ch°e Subd.of Blo 2 1 Ilyd, 3 1 5150' 4 '1 4900 5 ;l 4300 6 '1 *650 7 1 3150— s ,1 4200 9 1 5500, 10 1 240 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED T VALUATION j. itk�ch°e Subd.of lOQO 11 & 14 of Park 5150' do 4900 do 4300 do *650 do 3150— do do 4200 do 5500, do 240 do ._ TOTAL, '104375 CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�— DEPAR'4MEN1F FINANCE i .:REWORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ? ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c). - -- ''-_"- DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION ADDITION ASSESSED yALUATION- 11 1 Simonitsclis.' 2uhd.of Block 3754 12 ,1 n & 14 of Hyde Park 11.300 (Excent north 42 ft. and 138-- 1 do p104 � exceptpartfor Lexington Blvd.14 _. (Except south 83 ft. and 1� & exc.p-�rt for Lexington Blvd,) 1 1 do 954 19 1 do 3975 20 l do 4675 21 1 do 4575 _ 22 1 do 2575 23 1 do 4225 24 l dd 25 1 do 3775 26 1 do 6625 27 1 do 4675 _ 2L 1 do 3675" _ 29 1 do 5025 _ 30 1 do 3650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l llated s �� _192.5: — Commiss' er of Finance. Form R. n. 13 " L � r Office of .the Commissioner of Public VIZ ®- 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance y P y'orrfH � JUN 11 June 9, 1925. ......---._ ................................ ......................... ..._..._192-_._ To the- Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the 59788 May 26, 1926 Council, known as Council File No.....___ _.......approved ....... _..... ..... .._. _...................... .. 192 relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 1, Simonitsch Subs of Blocks 11 and 14, Hyde Park, from Lexington __.-__-.......---..........:.__...._...._..._...-----..._.....-_.--.._..........._........_........._.._..._......__......._.__._.._._._.. __. _ ._....._ Ave. to oxford St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... —_ ....._.___...uecessary and (or) desirable. �S xxxx xxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.:.................._____....., and the total cost thereof is $ ......_._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..._..... ..... ........ _..... ..... ....................... _............ ____..__.�__._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.......... ---.........................._......._._._....._ ...........__...__.....__._.--....._._........._................_: `— ... _........... 5.. Said improvement is............ _........... _.._............ .... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.......... ...... _....:.�.._._... ...._.._...._ _:_�_.._._.__ Commissioner of Public Works. I iro 7 1 .1 t-77:". F No 608 he 462= COUNCIL FILE NO....................... .Irn piAtter 4 chansing tht 'grade- Hartford,:"Ave ,from jlftaeleslDpt: Pr Bovinvnrd to CreF)b P!, aa and $ - ...... • * se Lane 2rom 'Ha`t"f 4 Ave. y...:.:. ....:................... .. rnglnt 366 ft. Korth nr. :fiord 0 onform t ` sr�+'��ile ho_retjr ti� ory••.��".� e _ In the Matter of.changing...the..grade.... of...Hartf.ord..� .:.from..Missisaippi... River: Bou.7.evArd"to.QRlOin...A,Y.@...a1�41.:.NOXt�X'G.s6..Z+al)6:.fX'9T1?.:.$&X?tf0.�'d..AY.e...... t.o...a...point .255 ft. north of Hartford Ave: to conform to the red line on the profile '. ...beret.o...attached..and..made..a...part.. hereof ,..:the... present.:. established.•grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also',:grading Hartford Ave., from the Mississippi River Blvd: to Cretin•Ave ;-and Montrose-. Lane- -from Hartford Ave. to a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street, under Preliminary Order ........ URN ....... approved ........... mgy...5.1 1925. Intermediary Order.. ................................... .........approved:::, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is::.change...the...grade....of...Hartford .:.Ave....from. ,Mississ1pp1..41ver.: auleyaxd...t:o...Gret:i> ..ova...... axtd..Montr..os.e...Lane .::from .....;.. Hartford Ave. to a point 255 ft.'north of'Hartford Ave. to conform to. the ... red'-line. on the -•profile •-hereto..aattached.-and.. made •a• part •; hereof•,•the present established grade being shown by,a blue line thereon, also grading Hartford Ave;•• from --the • Mississippi River Blvd-: to-•Cretin -Ave: and "Montrose Lanefrom Hartford Ave. to -a point 600"ft. south of Randolph Street�.. ,..:.........I............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submibsame to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemenkin'acco slagpe therewith. Adopted by the CounciL...Jt;4.1.r. .................. 192 ...... .... ... ....;.. ....... Y Approved....:. 192 it Clerk... ��4...2.1. �:.. ......... .......................................... ff ✓ ouncilman'Clancy May or. ✓ Coun`cilman Ferguson PUBLISHED c'ouncilman McDonald fLouncilman PBlfeXx -Hodgson' �/�`Councilman Sudheimer /�`ouncilman Wenzel / Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. C lO,' ST.. PAUL ,e ,I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF` CO, ISSIONER OF -FINXNCE .' ON PRS MINARY ORDER In the matter of ohanging the grade of Hartford Ave. from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to a point 255 ft. north of Hartford Ave. to conform to the --� red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon alao grading Hartford Ave. from the Mississippi River Blvd. to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to a point 680 ft. south of Randolph Street. under Preliminary Order approved I—E A. 19P5 -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: r The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - - S 4,439.45 The estimated cost perraot for the above improvement is - g 1.26 Inspection $67.05 Frontage 3,525.96 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Edgeoliff Add. No. 2 1350 15 1 do 3600 Ex.part taken for Mt.Curve Boulevard. 15 5 River B1vd.Add.St.Pau1, 175 Minn. 14 15 do 300 13 'S do 300 12 ;5 do 300 11 ',5 do 300 ;i : 10 5 do 300 : _ 9 5 doh F.- B. B. 10 TOTAL, - i . CITY 60'5x.1 -AUL f• > DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM kIiSIONER OF F&ANEE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J DESCRIPTION , I k( l..or IBIocK - ADDITION ASSESSED I� VALUATION - -- . _.. l ; _:5 , Bt.v®x soUl®vard_ Add.- . .. I 1300 i ! j St. Paul, Minn.1360 I 13 I I- , 3 I 3 51 -1300 1 LT 12 5 ao _:..._ __-!300i,--,, 5 . i 1351! _._._.a50.__i 3--l- _..._.____. I I_ 1960-'- � _.. I I do 9t�Q.! I - - - 150 --do.70 _ ,25 _ 2 , .. _ ..-do-.. _. _ _ __ 60 1 i do 5751 .__ i IL 146 1 do-- _ 145-, Ll_,_ ---.-do - --. 140 , _. 1 -- do i-1 I ..._ . do , - - _ 1 I !� , MB BB ' E TOTAL CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMEt 69 0 FINANCE REPOkT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM¢NARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK _ ADDITION VALUATION -, 24 2 Ryan Place 475. ;. _ ... 232 .. do _ 475 22 2 do __.475 -21 2 do 475 _ 20 2 do 475 19 2 do 475 itS 2 do 475 4 17 2 do 475 -16 2 do 475 7- 15 2 do 475 .14 91. do 475 13 e 2 do 475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. llated__—GS e // f� 192.5 _ Commrner of Finance. F.- B. B. 12 1 A' y 4:9 St. Paul, Minn. 10 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod t cause the following improvement to be made: Mount Curve B1vd.Randolph _ to Hartford. Montrose Lane Randolp art ire._ snd tford Avenue from Mississippi River Blvd, to Cretin Avenue. _--- �_....__. _. St. Ave. from_ - St. Ave.. Ave. air eri o .JOHN H. MCOONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S.GRYTBAK, BR— QIGINBER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C.— ENOtHeOx - - A. B. SHARP, SU OF SNOTATION WM. N. CAREY, S- OF CONS G GN .ND R— May ..., 16,- 19260 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OV- AHO CRY P -O" ENOM®a Hon. 4ohn H. McDonald,, Commissioner of Public Works - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for. changing the grade of Hartford Ave. from Mississippi River' Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave: to a point 266 ft. north of Hartford Avee' also grading Hartford Avenue from the Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to -a point 600 feet south of Rendolph'Street, under Preliminary Order. C. F. #69299, approved May,b, 19$6: CITY OF ST. COUNCIL NO ---- PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM PRESENTED BY -^ July til, 1925. COMMISSIONER.._— DATE— ' RESOLVED 1 In the matter of condemning and taking an easementin thelandnecessary for slopes, cuts and. fills, in the grading, of Hartford Avenue from the ' Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to a point 600 feet south ofRandolphStreet, under Preliminary Order C. F. #59293, approved May 5 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. 3#60118, approved June 16, 1925. The Commissioner oi' Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the 'above 'matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be takes for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Hartford Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated July 21, 1925i ,which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a, part hereof, C No 60862 - Intb.the matter off conaemning and-, an e".e . t 14'the- land necee on ry,fop @lpes euts`4nd'-ffiIe in the` '- e ' Horttord' Avenue from the aMlsel DD iclver' Boulevard, tg Cretin. Avenue nafl .Moatrbee imne; from' Hartford Avo.'to,`a poln4. r 800 ;feet south ot;ltan4olph street ,under,„' $onm)rta Order C �. No. -69293:.; " aDPYaved8Y 6 1986 :anfl .-. Inter ma0lary Qrder C F Ifo ;:.60118, ap- - - Droved �une71 X086 0 Commleslonar @f' Publtc Worked having `aubmltted his, xoport sad Dlau! in'tSe above matter bo it =- - Reaolvad Thal. the Clty :6f st Tault _ ' axga(<and deterttylaee the =hmounl ol: . ]snit: Yo be taken'. tar the nbd4a nam@d.; �imptoyem@nt, ,os` aneaselnent elopes, oVte .6itd Ells„'In ..and :upon:'. ;Hartford Avenne�batWeenvahe' potato: iherDlsn atCaGhtad tL Coat shown 'upon' - 'Commiaeloner'otpubll e`report'otwthe-. natter ted July 81,. Works; In the- and're'orL 1926 i9hlch pinnc Por xir@fieieby re err to and' made 'a part hereof by -the CouncU July Zit I9�L6: Approved July, yl 1986 COUNCILMEN Yeas e Council :� htb -...., .192. Clancy Ferguson1.1n Approved ;'-.192 dgson favor ,/McDonald ............. -------- udheimer Mayon Against Wenzel Mr. President fl`r5►VF�IIS V 66?,, 06 �jeipa`rh�m�etR JOHNH..MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER _ THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMM_ ISSIONER. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. OUR, ENOINEDi - M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOOE ENGINEER - WM. N. CAREY. SUPE: OF CGNBTRURION ANO R—IR A. S. SHARP, SUP,. o, 5— G. H. HERROLD, O,DCE IwO CRY I—RG ENGINE811 G. P. BOWLIN,_ SUPT.'OP WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hartford Avenue from the Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, and Montrose Zane from Hartford Avenue to a point 600 feet south of .Randolph Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #59293, approved Iday 5, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. 460118, approved June 16, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property,,and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated July 21, 1925. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: rr The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as.follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Z : 1 Edgeoliff Add. No. 2 3.,350 . 115 1 do 3600 Ex.part taken for Mt -Curve Boulevard. 5. 5 1 tnive B1vd.Ad;.St.Paul 17 5 ., ,. l!b : 5 do 30 13 5 do Soo 1? 5 do I Sob 11 5 do. X00 i 10. 5 do Sob 9 15 do QD Form B. n. 10 TOTAL, � �f CiTTs -(j�a L OEPARTM7"GF .FIN S L CITY OF �. DEPARTMEWT-94 FINANCE REPORT .,OF -COMMISSIONER OF F-MANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED • .' DESCRIPTION ��LOT G—K '. ADDITION VALUATION '. atp ? Ryan Place_ _.. 475 23 a ` do - - 475 _ ga _ ? . do _ 475 '21 S do 47 -- 2 : do - _ _ 20 _. 475 _ 19 ? .. do _ . __475 do. _ _ _ _ 475 _ -475 _ do 475 _. up _ _ _475. --11:75 _ do 11,75 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to .said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L(¢ l� — _192-: — Dated- -1924:1 Comm' oner of Finance. Form 13. B. 12 In the Matter of.... ... .._... ............. __.... Furnish ng and installing a servi-ge lighting system consisting of lamp - posts and lamps, mires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, -and all other necessary appliances and equipmort for ST. IIIc IGsliIidG SYSTE-i4: Street rr-c i To Cromwell tt' Bayless W. E` T3anvel } Bayless Ave. E. Cleveland Raymond Chelmsford E. 2 Grantham f Dudley f 'Dufo--d +! Doswell ..Bourne re Carter,,_ Counonvioalth Larigf ord Ave. Knapp Gordon horse 7Lanford Park Pl. Langford Park Pl. E. Setiidder 'Gordon. Blake: Standish Priscilla Alden St, Alden Place Gibbs i)o;aro13: �arfev tsar9Ford ar-e Gordon Ltj vf`Oayr7 Ca>7. Pl. �: at�don 1"Inko a4, Bayless Cromwell Crournell Raymond Knapp Scudder Knapp Doswell Doswell Granthq,A Grant 11��li' to Gra Ram _ Como Lustis Eustis Gordon Commonwealth., - Como Carter Td. P. Tracks H. P. Tracks PT, P: Tracks Blake Lansford Park Pl. E. Gordon Raymond Raymond Raymond Alden St. Como Ave. U. LIanvel 1danvel Raymond Bayless Ave. i?. Dudley. Dudley Dudley Dudley Pr, city L9:mits Clevelannd Clsvea rk Cleveland Cleveland Keston I Cleveland Cleveland Como Cleveland Langford Park P1. 17. Blake Knapp. Knapp Como. Raymond , Raymond `% P. Tracks IT. P. Tracks Gibbs Gibbs PI. P Tracks ` t;, e�rolaf.d Coram Cls', e i.a:nd Lstin'7 !Ln Ston Gordon/ . „l ovol o --;Cc mord©:i Cleveland __ GOrdON GOT410 U .10 Cleveland Ca.Y C e3' Lai:P'"Oz'd f.^._ _. Pl. ,. » ry:.J wU aa7ro _ 1. _ u 9 r. under Preliminary Order. 58976 approved.. __ April. 19,25. Intermediary Order ._ _._approved. 9 public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _AU'$11s3 a 1s to i- ligilt?:3( maty?tl 00i3aiilt5:3P, c3i lanap 03ia ana lamps, :711`'00 nnj tE1"'.rd0"t cvo:uiu aid i, 1 n- j. thorot©y --IC a1? othor ,3.000sca °y-ppli.; oco a '] a7cgL37._imont^.for . troat To jlovolan- ..._ .kms arg Dull 6 2afsii0:^;f? J C_1e1lmf0z'd 1 a :13 Via:! oyr o"Yt X3v "J:i 57011 %)i3d le v1 Q C 'Lli3 Y's .lil ' oovel_l 71. cilt,/ Limits Gin.1t-nn'll Gl Wv0l and I16 a 3 colo cle cza*:d isant9foGovdoN ` core .l3 Como cl Gv01a'-1G Gordon l ai t03' Lail i'ord P a1>I> i51m .. a Knapp..., - e n er•,.>3 a.� >y,> itl r "e rata o 1...: Gordon ftynnond y 4 .....�... Tri_._ rJi7wG 1 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improNenwit/in accordance ttherewith. Adopted by the Council _ ( .J_ 19 Approved Jif.,l .... 192_x.. C' v Clerk. Councilman Clancy , Mayor. Councilman Ferguson FML fSMD Councilman McDonald CouncilmanXXXXX Clancy Councilman Sudheimer / (� Councilman Wenzel v4j v Mayor Nelson cr Form 13. S. A. 8-7. �,< 'CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I*P T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J ON PREL.IWNARY ORDER (A) fes+' _ In the matter of Furnishing and installation of a service lighting system consisting of lampposts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying eleotito current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for ST. ANTHONY PARK LIGHTING SYSTEM: Street From to Cromwell Bayless Manvel Bayless W. Cromwell Manvel Manvel Cromwell Raymond - Bayless Ave.E Raymond Bayless Ave.W. g 0leveland Knapp Dudley Raymond Scudder Dudley Chelmsford Knapp Dudley Aythe- Doswell Dudley E.& W.Grantham if N.City Limits Dudley Grantham Cleveland Hendon " % 11 Buford Doswell Como " Bourne Eustis Keston Carter it Cleveland Commonwealth Gordon 11 Langford Ave. Commonwealth Como Knapp Como Cleveland Gordon Carter Langford Park Pl.w.� Norse N.P. Tracks Blake Lapgford Park P1. W. N.P. Tracks Knapp Langford Park Pl. E. N.P. Tracks Knapp Scudder Blake Como Gordon Langford Park P1. E. Raymond Blake Gordon Raymond Standish Raymond N.P.Tracks Priscilla if N.P.Tracks Alden St. if Gibbs Alden Place Alden St. It Gibbs Como Ave. W. N.P.Traoks 3 do 1850 2 do ) 1 do The North 172 of 15 D.H. Hunt's Addition 900 do 16 to St.Anthony Park do 17 do Form B. D. 10 TOTAL. under Preliminary Order approved April 18,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 57,834-00 _ fTT,,ont - (fqr Front) _ g 0.91 The estimated c9st peJ/foot for the above improvement is If 11 - j5er front froot (for side) 0.25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 Greave's Re-ar. 4900 2 do 900 1 do 9400 4 Hancock's Re-ar. ) 3 do 1650 2 do ) 1 do 3 The North 1/2 of 15 D.H. Hunt's Addition 900 do 16 to St.Anthony Park do 17 do Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, L CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE Ii jY REPCOR F COMMISSIONER ON PRELIM0*60Y ORDER -• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCKi ADDITION ALUATION F 12 Lovell's Rearrangement 1100: 11 do 650 10 d° 675 9 do 700, 7 do 5575 and the South 10 ft. of (Except the north 4 ft. & exo. the south 10 ft.) 7 do 525 The Noith 4 ft.oP do 7100, and all o f 5 do 625: 4 do 625: j do 625 2 do 625 1 do 650' _ 2 1 Mann's Add.to St.Anthony 227800 1 1 Park McLaughlins & Snyders Rea. 0j 2 do 0625 _. 1 do 7200. (EaC.the S.301for Dudley Ave.)'the W.128.685 ft.of the N.1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20, Town 29, Range 23 5750. (Exc.the S.50' for Dudley Ave.) the E.128.658' of the W.257.37' Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 7300 of the X.1/4 of the 8E 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of (Exc.the S0 ft.for Dudley Ave.) the E.64.342' of the W.321.712' of the N.1 9 of the BE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range,23. 1000. (Exc.the S.30'for Dudley Ave.).the,E.64. 43' of the W.386.055 ' of the N.1/4 of the BE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Wec.20,Town 29,Range 23 49oo `(Exc.the 8.301for Dudley Ave.) the E.64-34251 of the W.45o.3975' 1200: Of the N.1/4 of the BE 1/4 of the NE.1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 (Exc.the S,301for Dudley Ave.), the E.64.34251 of the W.514,` 4i - T Of the N.1/4 of the BE 1/4 of VE 1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 TOTAL 4300 s e.i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN!WY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK ADDITION ": Exc.the ASSESSED VALUATION F 8•301for Dud16y Ave.) theiE.128.685' of the W.643.425' of the N.1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23, 6 4900' (Eac.the S-30 'for Dudley Ave.); the, W.128.685'.of the E.676.425' of the'N.1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1!/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 _ 4760 7' (Ezc.the $.330'for DudleyAve. the W.128.685' of the E.547-741 of the N.1/�+ the Seat of 1/4)of the NE 1/4 Of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 5000 (Exc.thpS,jO'for Dudley Ave.). the.W.128.685'of the E-419.055' of the N.1/!F of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23" 4450 '(EXO.theS. O'for Dudley Ave.) the W.128.605' ofthe E.290•37' A of the N.1 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20,Town 29,Range 23 3600 ,(Exc.the S.301for Dudley Ave. & exo.the E.331for Cleveland) the the N.1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec.20, 01161�9685510f 2000 6 Strickler Place 1000 5 do 850 4 . do 850 3 do 1050 2 do 1100 1 do 1175 15 do 5900 16 do 1300 17 do 1400 28. do 2250 1 16 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota ) 21250 2 16 do ) 3 16 do 4 16 do 5 16 do 3350 6 16 do 4700 7 16 do 3050 16 do _ von TOTAL'S '2559 . CITY OF S . PAUL 12 16 do 975. i. 13 16 do 217,5 ' 1 17 dodo 400 (Axe.tdhoe 8.100' 26 do ) 3 2700 a 11 (The North 501of the 8.1001of Lots 10 and 11 26 do 2000 !;(The South 501of Lots 10 and .11 .26 do 2550 (The E.10 ft.of 13 26 and all of 12 26 do 6675 17 26 do 625 16 26 do 19225 15 26 do 1975 14 26 do 3625 (Exo.the E.10 ft.) 13 ,26 do 2300 1 26 do 5.200 19 26 do 3275 G 18 26 do 800 11 1 27 do 5000 2 27 do 5300 3 27 do 3675 4 27 do 4675 5 27 do 4275 6 27 do '675 +.� ___. mss.:... _.: ....... 7 .. 27 .. _. .:: —::. do TOTAL ....._ --... 3075 ...,.-. . _ .... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ®_ REPOa2 F.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELVMIM A9 Ry ORDER 'I ASSESSED G' j. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1; S 127 Bt .Anthony Park,Minreesota, 675!. , 9 27 do 3875 10 27 do 675 11 .27. do 675. I 12 27 do '3050 13 27 do 625 14 27 do 550 29 .27 do 759 . 28 27 do 650 - 27 27 do 3400 26 27 do 3950 25 27 do 3550 24 27 do 10600 23 27 do 2850 22 27 do 2800 21 27 do 600 20 27 do 3750 19 27 do 800 The Northwest 50 ft -Of 18 27 do 425 The Southeast 5 ft -of 18 27 do 1+50 and all of 17 -27 16 27 do 350 15 27 do ?`A 6 28 do 3100 7 28 do 2700 8 28 do 2375 9 28 do 950 Fv�M v.v.ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 35 2 35 3 35 4 35 All of 5 35 and that part of Lot b, Blk.3 . ',lying W.of a line dgawn from SW _ corner of said lot b to pt.on north line 1 1 from NW corner thereof ) That part of 6 35 1ping E.of a line draw} from SVP corner of said Lot b to pt. on N.line 10' from NW corner ;thereof) 7 35 do 69oo do do 4250 do goo do 4325 do 900 do 4200 vonrn e.e.ii TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE !� �r REPOR F -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIdYI10ARY ORDER. ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ( t 10.28 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota VALUATION 500; 11 28 do 35j0'. 12 28 do 350 The W. 50 ft.of 17 28 do 1000 The SE5 ft.of Lot 17 & all 16 28 do 975 15 28 do 2000 14 28 do 1250 .The NW 55'of 13 28 do 2�5 (Exc.the Nw 55 ft.) 13 28 do 325' (Exc.the SW 88 ft. 1 29 do ) 3500 do 2 29 do ) 3 29 do 400 4.29. do 375. 5 29 do 350 6 29 do 3�5 1 35 2 35 3 35 4 35 All of 5 35 and that part of Lot b, Blk.3 . ',lying W.of a line dgawn from SW _ corner of said lot b to pt.on north line 1 1 from NW corner thereof ) That part of 6 35 1ping E.of a line draw} from SVP corner of said Lot b to pt. on N.line 10' from NW corner ;thereof) 7 35 do 69oo do do 4250 do goo do 4325 do 900 do 4200 vonrn e.e.ii TOTAL CITY OF 5T. PAUL OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPOR F_COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ® I ON PRELIMfOARY ORDER (BL ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED 4 VALUATION 7 36 St.Amthony Park,Minnesota 6400 . 6 36 do 5 36 do 4 36 do 4700 ! 3 36 do 800 2 36 do 1000 1 36 do 6000 8 36 do 4350 The Southwest 112 of 9 36 do 250 - The Northeast 1/2 of 9 36 do 7900 and all of 10 The E.80' of Lots 11 & 12j6 do 6650 (Except the East 25 ft.) 1 37 do 3000 !! All that part of 2 37 do 'W.of a line drawn from pt.on S. 7325 dine of said Lot 2, 27-1/3' from NE corner to pt -on N. 'line 16' from said corner also the East 25 ft -of 1 37 That part of 2 37 do 6975 E.of a line drawn from a point on the East line of said Lot 27-1/3' from NE corner to pt.orrT.line 16' from said cor.of Lot 2 ,!Except the South 90 ft.3 37 St.Anthony Park do 4 37 do 33�5 That part of5 37 do North of a line drawn dt righ5 5325 angles to W.line of said Lot from pt. 106.25' from NW corner Except the South 104 ft. 6 37 do 5150 Except the South 155 ft. 7 37 do 3050 do 6 37 do TOTAL 3025 CITY OF ST. PAUL FINANCE {� DEPARTMENT OF REPPRIADR. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �-, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ..-:.._ _:.: _�-- :..-_ DESCRIPTION LOT eLocic ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONS t The ;forth 1/2 of 9 37 8t.Anthony Park,Minn. 44175. _'u -.- and all of 10 37 11 37 do ) Part of Lots 27 and 28 38 do 8.of line drawn from pt. on E.line of said Lot 27, 70' from 5550 lying NE corner thereof to pt.on W.line of said Lot 28,50' from NW scorner. thereof) Part of Lots 27 and 28 38 St.Anthony Park, Minn. 4125 ;!lying N.Of line drawn from pt. on E.line of said Lot 27, 70 ft.from NE corner thereof to pt. on W.line of said Lot 28, 0 ft.from .NW corner thereof 38 3t .Anthony Park, Minnesota 4800 2 38 do 14850, 3 38 do ) 4 38 do ) 8800 5 38 do 3 16 38 do 4925. _ �5 38 do 1025 14 38 do 6150 13 36 do 5790 12 38 do 5400 11 38 do 5.000 10 38 do 9 38 do 18750 26- 38 do 5000 25.38 do 700 24 38 do 525 �3 28 do 525 all of 22 .38 do 3700 . and the W.1/2 of 21 8 . powrn TOTAL 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL do 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE do �> REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE do 7 ON PRELIMR ARY ORDER .. do S 40 do DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ; VALUATION The East l/� of I:(Exc.the East 1 ft. 21 38 St.-nthony Park, Minn. 20 S 4800. 13 4o do The East 1 ft.of 20 38 do do and all of 19 .39 .. 3075 10 18 38 do 550 9 17 3S do 559. 7 39 do 5200 6 1 4o do 450 The West 1/2 of 2 4o do 1300 The East 1/2 of 2 40 do do The West 1/2 of 3 4o 1775 The East 1/2 of 3 40 do 225 4 40 do 5 4o do 6 40 do 7 4o do S 40 do 15 4o do 14 40 do 13 4o do 12 40 do 11 40 do 10 4o do 9 4o do 7 41 do 6 41 do 5 41 do 4 41 do vo M e.o.ii TOTAL 2000 2225 525 5925 1775 2150 2325 1700 3700 .500 725 2300 2100 3200 2600 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE FINANCE REPORADF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIM)aRY ORDER 7 - DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 41 St.Anthony Park, Minn.' 34o0 (Exc.the Southeast 65 ft. 2 '41 do do 1 .41 3550 The Southeast 65 ft -of 1 .41 do 3250 5 41 do _ . 1350 9 41 do 500 to 41 do 1550 11 41 do 2050 12 41 do 4375 13 41 do 3700 14 41 do 1950 1 42 do 3500 2 42 do 4375 3. 42. do 3400 ' 4 42 do 24o0 5 42 do 4675 And that part of 6 42 do lying SW'ly of line drawn from a pt.on Langford Park Place 21.65" SWIly from NE'ly corner of said Lot 6,to pt.on Scudder St.20' NE'ly from SW'ly corner of said Lot 6 That part of Lot 6, Block 42 St.Anthony Park, Minn. 6075 lying ITE'ly of line drayvn from pt.on Lan ford Park Place 27.65' SW'ly from NE'ly corner of said Lot ,to 3t on Scudder S.t.20.'NE'ly from SW'ly corner of said Lot , and all of 7 42 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota 42 do 5200 of 995 and the SW'1yAl2 ft. of ltd 42 do 900 (Fxc.the SW 12 ft. 10 42 do 5225 and the SW 3/5 of 11 42 The Northeast 2/5 of 11 42 do 5600 & that part of Lots 12 & 13 B1k.42 lain Wf 1' e drawn from pt. on S.line of Lot 13,25'from SE cor.oz sg.id Eot to pt.on N.line. of Lot 12 019' from NE cor.said Lot 12 TOTAL . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r� REPORT F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMRI ARY ORDER is DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION k (Commencing at pt.on Scudder St. St.Anthony Park, Minnesota "251W.from SE corner of Lot 13, thence to pt.on Gordon Ave. 19 ft.W.from NE corner of Lot 12,thence E.along said Ave.to pt. 8 W. from NE.corner of Lot 14,thence to pt.on Scudder St. afore— 6soo said 20 ft.W.from SE corner of Lot 15,thence to beg.part of - Lots 12,13,14 and 15,of Block 42 Beg.at a point on Scudder St. St.Anthony, Minnesota 130' from NE corner of Lot 17,thence SW along said St -1051 6 700 thence NW to pt.on Gordon Ave.B' SW from NE corner of Lot 14, thence NE along said S.line 40 ft- thence on a straight line beg. being Lots 14,15,6 and„17,of Block 42 .to part of (Beginning at the Northeast coiner St.AnthOny, Minnesota of Lot 17,thence W.along S.line of Gordon Ave.192.20'thence SE 6000 165.301to a pt.on Scudder St.130' from place of beg.thence to beg,part of Lots 16 and 17 of Block 42 1 43 St.Anthony Park, Minn. 675 2 43 do 600 3 43 do 11250 4 43 do 4900 1 44 do ) 8200 2 44 do ) 3 44 do 4150 4 44 do 4150 5 44 do 4i 5o 6 44 do 3650 7 44 do 3550 9 44 do 4600 10 44 do ) 4475 11 44 do 20 44 do 675 4 45 do 1600 ronv e.o.ii 'TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ---- - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION VALUATION _ '• 3 45 St.Anthony Park, Minnesota 400 2 45 do 5bo 1 45 do 3275 5 45 do 2600 1 59 do 1700 2 59 do ?50 3 59 do 250 4 59 do 250 5 59 do 250 6 59 do 2200 7 59 do 400 6 59 do 400 9 59 do 2150 — 10 .59 do 45o 1 6o do 550 2 60 do 3250 3 6o do 500 4 6o do 1425 5 6o do 3050 6 6o do 575 7 6o do 2125 6 6o do 1950 9 6o do 2400 10 60 do 675 20 64 do 4125 21 64 do boo 22 64 do ...+ ...... TOTAL 2625 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1, �r REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMhlXRY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED F VALUATION The South 421 of 23 64 St .Anthony Park, Minnesota 2900: The North 21 ft.of 233 64 do 3950 & the S.211 of 24 . The Borth 42 ft.of .24 .64 . do 3000 25 64 do 3650 26 64 do 2975 27 64 do 500 28 64 do 550 29 64 do 3400 3o 64 do 3350 31 64 do 2750 32 64 do 525 33 64 do 500 34 64 do 500 35 64 do 500 36 64 do 2350 37 64 do 550 15 65 do ) 1o675 14 65 do )) 1-7, 65 do 4725 12 65 do 4475. 11 65 do 5575. s 10 65 do 675 — 9 65 do 675 s 65 do 3500 7 65 do 3050 6 65 do 4350 _ 5 65 do 550 - vonrn o.o.i, 4 65 do TOTAL 550 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORIAOF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE: L, ON PRELIMI"RY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT OLocw. ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION All of 3 65 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota and the following dart of 2 65 Ibeg.on the dividing line between Lots 2 and 3 at a pt.44.30' k -- from alley in rear of said lots, thence N.128,601along said dividing line towards the dividing line betw.said lots and Cromwell Ave.thence E.along said dividing line 10 ft.,thence S. 3+75 in a straight line to point of beginning 2 65 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota exc.the following Bart thereof beginning on the dividing line betw.lots 3 and 2,at a pt.41.30' from alley in rear of said lots thence N.126.80'along said dividing line to dividing line %etw.said lots and Cromwell Ave. 2300 thence E.along said dividing line 10 ft.thence S.in straight line to beg. Except the West 40 ft. 16 65 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota 3650 17 65 do . . (Exc.the W.401of 8.58.50' and exe.fol.described part of Lot 17 Commencing at HE cor.thence HE to beg. 3575 along N.line 110 ft.thence S.2 ft. thence (Commencing at the HE cor. of 17 65 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota thence along the N.line 110 ft.thence S.2 ft.,thence HE to beg. 5125 also all of 18 65 19 65 de 3750 20 .65 do 3200 21 65 do 49oo 22 65 do 5300 23 65 do 4450 24 65 do 2900 and that part of Bayless Ave.25 65 do 3300 vacated and adjoining same 26 ,65 do and that part of Bayless Ave. 3975 vacated and adjoining same 1 65 do 2050 16 66 do 9550 15 66 do 14 66 do r wr. o.w.ii TOTAL 3800 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR410F COMIV�ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI WARY ORDER (B) -. _._ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 66 St .Anthony Park, Minnesota 5025 G 12 66 do 4900 11 66 do 4300 10 66 do 2200 9 66 do 5200 6 66 do 4950 7 66 do 775 6 66 do 5200 5 66 do 3650 4 66 do 4600 3 66 do 5400 2 66 do 6200 1 66 do 4150 26 66 do z55o 25 66 do 5300 24 66 do 2550 23 66 do 3000 22 66 do 7600 9 76 do 16750 S 76 do 5550 7 76 do 4250 6 76 do – - - - 4460--- -- — 5 76 do 5200 4 76 do 3950 3 76 do 7150 2 76 do 750 1 76 do rows e.o.ii TOTAL 625 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE - �; REPOR-11012OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMIMARY ORDER --- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 76 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota (Included with Lot 9) 11 76 do 12 76 do 7000 13 76 do 14 76 do 1 27125 15 76 do ' 16 76 do 5525 17 76 do 925 All of 18 76 do 7675 and the South 1/2 of 19 76 The North 1/2 of 19 76 do 3550 and the S. 12 ft.of 20 76 Except the S.12 ft. 20 76 do 3400 21 76 do 3200 22 76 do 5600 23 76 do 6975 T:_e Soat: 50 ft.of 15 77 do 3 4125 ao 16 77 The SO -50 ft.of the N. 100' of Lots 15 and 16 77 do 3300 The North 50 ft.of 15 77 do 2700 do .16 .77 _Exc -the -North-40-ft do — - - 2850 The North 40 ft.of 17 77 do 6100 18 77 do 5000 19 77 do 4250 20 77 do 4550 21 77 do 4300 22 77 do 3700 avwrn v.v.i 23 77 do TOTAL 4000 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - +�; REPORAOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 79 St.Anthony Park,Minnesota 4050 2 79 do 3000 3 79 do 6450 Be at the intersection of the SE'ly and do NOTth "SW 1y lines of Block 0 produced S'ly,thence N'ly 2381.35' on line drawn from pt.of beg.to intersection of NE'ly & T 'ly lines of said Block "0" produced N'ly,thence Wily at an angle :of 910 41' - 25.04' thence S'1y on line parallel to & 25 ft. from first abcvd desc.line 79.40' thence Wily at ri ht angles 74 ft.to W'ly line of said Block "Oil thence S'lv 62.20' to pt. -'where sa d `JJes e n line produced S Ai to s cts the SW'ly line of said lock IC�1 produced Wily thence �E�ly 151.721to beg. -being part of Block 110" '(Oom.at a point on the Western St.Anthony Park North line of Block "O" 153.201 N'ly from intersection of Wily and SW'ly lines of said Block "0" extended W'ly,thence E'ly at an _.angle of 910 46' with reference to the E'ly line 56.60' thence S'ly 79.40' to Pt -74, Easterly from said Western line, thence W'ly at right angles 74 ft.io said Western line, thence N'ly 91 ft.to beg, on said Western line of Block "0" ''(Oom.at a point on the WAstern St.Anthony Park North line of Block "OI' 215' from intersection of Wily and Elly "lines of said Block "O" extended N'ly,thence East 43.501to ppt. 2111 S'ly from pt.of intersection above described, thence Sily on a line drawn from pt.of intersection of Elly and Wily lines extended N'ly to intersection of SE'ly and SW'ly lines extended ,S'ly, 150.191 thence Wily at an angle of 91646, with reference to line last described 52' to Western line of said Block,thence N'ly 175.36 ft .to beginning on said Western line of Block "OI' Q6om.at the intersection of St.Anthony Park North th-e semitangents at the S'ly end of Block "O" thence N'ly on a straight line (Which if produced vRo-rrld:-f>rter-se�t�he--aemitange�s--a-the-N!1y-and-of-$ald filock--OC at their intersection) a distance of 13'to aurve,beitg point of beg.of tract to be described, thence N'ly on said first desc. ,straight line 179 ft. thence Elly at right angles 79.701'to oflglo ke"41 said Block "011 thence to beg.on curve at S.end TOTAL wr 6050 2200 700 5300 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR F COMMISSAIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIpPARY ORDER (B) _ == DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Commencing at the intersection St.Anthony Park North 325 of the semitangents at the Southerly end of Block "C" thence North on.a straight line(which if produced gortherly mould intersect the semitangents at the North end of said Block "C" at their intersection) a distance of 192 ft. to point of beginning of tract to be described, thence East at right angles 79.78 ft. to a point on East line of said Block "C" thence North along said East line 40 ft. thence West to a point on first described line 46.35 ft. N'ly from the point of beginning, thence to beginning being part of Block "CO. Block "D" St.'Anthony Park North 3000 Except the north 215 ft) do 350 that part of Block "C" lying North of the following described line. -- Co Lmencing at the intersection of the semitangents at the S'ly end of Block "C" thence .Norther ly on a straight line Which if produced would intersect the semitangente at the N'ly end of said Block "C" at their intersection) a distance of 238.35 ft. to point of beginning of line to be described, thence E'ly to a point on the E'.ly line Of said Block "C" 120.42 ft. N'ly from the intersection of the semitangents on the Elly side of Block "C". The North 215 ft.of Block "CO St.Anthony Park North 350 Commencing at the Northeast do 650 corner of Block "F" thence Southeast along Gordon Ave. 110 ft. thenoe to a point on the Southwest line of said Block "F" 142 ft. S.E. from the N. W. corner thereof, thence N. W. along said S. W. line 77.10 ft. thence N.W. to a point on the N.W, line of said Block "F" 120 ft. from the place of beginning, thence to beginning, 1;e Ing part of Block "F". All that part of Block "F" lying N.W. St.Anthony Park North 75 of a line drawn from a point on the N.W. line of said Block "F" 120 ft. from the tZ.—corner-thereof_._to-a-point_on_the S line 64.90 ft. from the N.W. corner of said Block "F". All that part of Block "F" St.Anthony Park North 100 lying S.E. of a line drawn from a point on the N.E. line of said Block "F", 110 ft. from the N.E. corner thereof, to a point on the S.W. line thereof, 142 ft. from the N.W. corner of Block "F" ... TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIKARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT 8L.—ADDITION : ASSESSED VALUATION S 1 St.Anthony Park North 10050:' 7 1 do 475 6 1 do 475 5 1 do 475 4 1 do 475. 3 1 do 475 ( 2 1 do 9300' i 1 do 9 1 do 5550 10 1 do 4450 11 1 do 1850 12 1 do 5300 13 1 do 800 - 14 1 do Soo, 15 1 do 3600 _. 16 1 do 850 S 2 do 4300 7 2 do 4150 6 2 do 5150 5 2 do 1050 4 2 do 3 2 do 6150 2 2 do. S00 1 2 do 850 9 2 do 48o0 All of 10 2 do 1275 The S. 30 ft -of lot 11 2 roar. e.e.ii TOTAL CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR-ADF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINIARY ORDER _ - ----- (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION Except the South 30 ft -Of 11 2 12 2 St.Anthony Park North 2975 & all of lot 13 2 do 4450 14 2 do 700 15 2 do 3350 16 2 do 750 8 3 do 4050 7 3 do 47oo 6 3 do 47oo - 5 3 do 5350 4 3 do 1225 3 3 do 4825 2 3 do 650 - 1 3 do 600 9 3 do 750 10 3 do 2650 11 3 do 700 12 3 do 2200 13 3 do 700 14 3 do 4500 The ft.aY 15=3------dO---— 3— —500 - The N. 5.50 ft -Of lot The 15 3 & all of lot 16 3 do 550 Except the N. 50 ft -of 7 4 Ex -the N. 50 ft.the E.J of 6 4 do 675 The North 50 ft -Of ( 7 4 do ( s .4 do 60o do ( 9 • 4 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE AA REPOR F COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 St. Anthony Park North 6100 5 4do 700 4 4 do 2200. - 3 4 do 3950 2 4 do 1150 1 4 do 4650 15 4 do 1500 14 4 do 500 13 4 do 650 12 4 do 4575 11 4 do 6lo0 10 4 do 700 Ex.the N-50 ft.the W.+ of ( 8 4 do 3675 & Ex -the N. 50 ft -of ( 9 4 do 16 4 do 4200 17 4 do 5600 1$ 4 do 900 19 4 do 700 20 4 do 1500 21 4 do 3950 22 4 do 3500 do -- 2300 roWM e.e.�i TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMU ARY ORDER (B) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOf* '.'. 24 4 St. Anthony Park North 4000 25 4 do 2150 26 4 do 2550 10 5 do 6950 9 5 do 1200 8 5 do 500 7 5 do 2500 6 5 do 500 11 5 do 606 12 5 do 1450 13 5 do 3450 14 5 do 5300 15 5 do 1000 12 12 do 4950 11, 12 dcv- . ,\ 3900 10 12 do 1000 9 12 do 4450 12 do 5550 7 12 do 5550 6 12 do 800 --- 4 12 do 5000 3 12 do 800 2 12 do 600 1 12 do 1100 That part of 5 13 do 5275 lying South of line drawn from point on E.line 46 ft.from Northeast corner to point on W. line 42 ft. from NW corner. vonM a,o.Ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL •DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIRARY ORDER _(B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That part of 5 13 St. Anthony Park North 2625 lying North of line drawn from point on East line of said lot,46 ft.from Northeast corner to point on west line 42 ft.from Northwest corner of said lot. 4 13 do 4650 3 13 do 3 650 That part of 2 13 do 4900 lying South of line drawn from North- east corner of said Lot 2,to a point on West line 25 ft.from Southwest -.. corner of said lot 2. That part of 2 13 do 3725 lying North of a line drawn from the Northeast corner of said Lot 2,to a point on west line 25 ft. from the Southwest corner of said Lot 2, & all of 1 13 do 12 13 do 2500 10- 13 do 2000 9 13 do 500 8 13 do 1600 7 13 do 2100 6 13 do 2000 13 13 do 2800 - — V 13 -do- -- --- --625 15 13 do 400 16. 13 do 3 600 �- 17 13 do 525 18 13 do 3325 19 13 do 350 20 13 roves e.v.li do TOTAL 4000 CITY OF ST: PAUL CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE OF FINANCE '�. REPOR F COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMIMl Ry ORDER �I DESCRIPTION - -- I LOT !BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION 4 15 13 St._ Anthony Park. North ' ! 1 7,,5 I 1 7. 16 , _ do 4250. 5 16, _ . do- �i1000 . __ _ __. _do _ 4 1,16 _ 1: 3 16 -do..-..- t 5050 ' 2 :__16. _._ _ ___do _ ._ __ ; 4 50 i _ 1 _: 16. __ _do __ 1975 , L! _ _ Wast 50 ft. Of _ ___ . ,.16 ._ .-. __ - .do Except West 50 ft. _ S ; _ 16; do J i 1975 1 1;t.. --- ;: I do j 2100 _ io'_ 16, __ _do 1-357 _ ;_.All_of_11 & South __2_ft.._of__ 12; 16,_ _do __ 3000 J41 Except South 2 ft. of 12 _South -of & 1 _16,_ _ do _._ _ 13: i 4275 1 ' _.....West-- -of 13 & all _of 14,16: do - i ; 1 _: _ i 480p- 7 ,17 .:_ - do .._ _ 6 i 17 , -- do _ 5 17 i - do _ _ . 7¢00 595 -- 3— 17 ----do r2 17 do i25200i 1 117 _ _ do I �i _ 617 do 73!0a I I i I 9 17 do , 2950 10 17 __ _ao. 'I - 11 17 do 141ob ' IORM ..O.II TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - a REPOR F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11 DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK ADDITION a VALUATION 12 117 St,. -Anthony .:Park.North _ I_ i � 100b I .1 s 1 - - 13_ 17 aO _ _l_l' o I j- I - . j 500 ' - 5 ,18 ,. do 935P 4 is , _ do _ 17.406 i �, South 25 ft. of3 Except South 25 ft. of 3 s.Sou th _ of 18_ 2 _I 18 do do 4100 i! North_. of 2_.all. o.f ._.. 1 ':418 _ do 4$00 118 , do- 1675 ,test 34.40- of._ ._ . _ _ _ _ _1 13': 18,__ do_ Except west 34.40 ft. of 13. 86. all of _ _ 12': 18: do. 6600' Il: IS'; do 1100; 10. is- do ; w, 1160; 9_ : 18. do 4800 1 ; i West of 8 ': 18' do i0 ;55 I i .__ . _East ._ of A all of. __ 7 -;18 _ __do X50. 18 do 00 ii EaCB t Northll. 0 ft. of _. p 5 16 18+ - 5 do I ilk 740, !_ _ _.... 3 _North 11.50__ft.. of. 15 &all ; 16, 18, __ __do ... _ 1.5325 i I 8.00 ._18. 18;_ do 18001 19;-18; ; _ do . _ South of 20L 16 do.! j North of 20_' 18 do 1300 _... _ 21_' 18 do �,.. 19 --- -- — — - - TOTALI -- 1 CITY OF Sr. PAUL .` `. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF'FINANCE - F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,:, REPOR ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( ASSESSED DESCRIPTION -_ _ - -= I LCT I6LOCK=I -- ADDITION -- i _- VALUATIONi II 30 20 St. Anthony Park North .. - �. .350 - -- -- --- 1-31-1 20 - -= --.:.do _.__ — 1 6 32120 -:-- (5018256-- i ---Parts. of - Lots_ -5,9,12- & 13---4, _ 21 - do _ . _ _ _ __._ _ & vacated alley adjoining described as follgws: Commencing at a Age.103.45 from I 7250 I ,:._point on. -Northerly ---line :.Ddowell. .ft.Easterlq_ ft.to a r Southwesterly corner of Lot 12,thence Northerly .71 line.,.-On.._the Southerlyp I ! Ii !-poiat_on semitangent__to-_ahe .curved -line_- „-_ Lot i2,thence cean angle of 62° 40t to oduaed_Easterly 7�+,_QS ft.,, the 1ef_t_fr_om said_semitangvnd allortheasterly lily j thenceof oncurvedBine �angent to last mentioned 4 ft..and._centra_ angle__ 5° .46_ .thene _North- -tine, l -I_ radius --44.50 , easterly in a straight line tangent to last mentioned curved ---line,42.-53-ft.-,thence-Easter]�y_3�k.23ft.to_a._point...135.._9-7..ft :;- Ave.,thence Southerly � � 1 Northerly from Northerly line of!Doswell ft.to-a--point.. .on .Northerly .lirie,._of-_Doswell.. Ave- ,99._65 . ft -Easterly from point of beginning,thence westerly to be i, -ginning on-Southerly.line-oY said Lot'12. _ _I _ ._ - lying Sou: erlyfof the.following'_21._$t. Anthonq_Park North 4 1 64001 ' described. line;..Commeneing_atj_a..point_ on Easterly line of said Lot V,917 ft- ;.--from.:-Southeaster-ly__cornsr_,th®nce_VI'ly _ i_L_i to Pointon westerly line 205.15ift. of cornerof ...said Lot _ 17; r---from- corner_ 1. _ -- [:Easterly 5_ft. Of, alley vacated _& do 6LQ0{ I !i -- it adjoining and that part of Lots 15,1j I and...2QAB X -2lying test,. of _line drawn -on 'from a point South line of said Lot j[__lS,.55_ft. from Southwest _corner t_4ereof to pognt on North line of said Lot 2C, , if :-.61.5o::f_t- fXOm. N� thwest corner of said I Lot 20. , 1 �, TOTAL CITYOFST. PAUL. CITY OF ST. PAUL . i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE & I �' ��' .4v REPORIRQF COMMISsIONER OF FINANCE . I ON PRELIM! NARY ORDER I LOT jOLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _J .,.r..RIP;r.ON 7 North j Al t. -of -Lo-ts -1 --- that par -6-,and. .7 -i 30- i --St- .-Antbony. -Park_ -30 j lying Westerly of a line drla*n parallel to the West line of _,'IL _said. lotsAL and 7- � from- a--Poi#t. on__th6...South,._line.,of Lot 7,- Lot 150 ft. from the Southeast cornet of! said 7- that.part- of. LotB,6L_and.._',' -7 30 St_ Anthony- Park--Nor-th j 16�00__ lying Easterly of a line drain parallel to the West line of said- Lots 6 --and -T from --a PoiAtOIj -the .-South...line .-of. Lot ft. from the Southeast cornet ofisaid Lot 7- 311,st---Anthony Park Nort i �I 750QL� -------- (17 31', do.. 47 �31 6, 31i -do -The--Southwe st.4 of 15� 1 do ------ jThe Northeast i -of 15 I.and -all- of 14�il 3t do :050 i .13 311 'L do 1 5450 12; 31' do 60ob ll� 31; do- - 10' - 311 - do 460�_ 9 31i 4�Ob F 8- U do 1150 1 Except --the- East L-7- ft... forRo d do a 311 22�51 1 if Aha East- 7_ ft.Lfor'. Road, 6- _31�, dO 4200 00 _J -Except _ths..:West--7 ft 321 -------- �do -.for, Road _20 I _T Z1 32j_ 21 321 do TOO I 21j.- 3Z - do _7800 ?4;;. 3 2:1 do 865 0 J - 'L' 1 do _225.._3;21'_ i 4000 fi.26� 32� do 2 I lo65o I 321 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTS OF FINANCE REPOR F COMMISSIONER "OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ji it ASdESSED LOT iBLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION — ------i 27;._321. St. Anthony. -Park North.- it _+T501. 281 321 the 'West J_Of____ --L-29 L-3-2 -do - L750! - L of 29,,andall-.o it ._.The_East_.- 301 t-32 do li 1 74501 - - --'iExoept -West - 7 ft- for.- County- Rd._.13_32 _ ._ do_- -- -------- .. ....... . --...do--,.. -.14,_32. __do 1 1350i 121 32, ..do . 0 0 32 did, 11901 - 10-' .32 do 6600 _1 32-i -do . 7 32 do, 50901- 6 321 do -44 5 32i do 5706 4 321 -do 96501 -The -West 57 ft. .of_ 32 of 3 do Except -West 57 -ft/ and all -of.1 2 32,: do 14oO t 1 32 do 73001 1 33!' 4�700 1 1-33 do 15300 1 2 33. do -- 2§0 it --3,1 _.-The., South -50 ft- Of 33 do-i - A Except. -the South .50 ft, -33 ---.do 5050 (5 33 do15000 ' 6 J; 33.i do -3 4- 8 133i do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR F -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d ON PRELIMkARY ORDER DESCRIPTION , LOT !BLOCK; ADDITION �� - ASSESSED VALUATION] _.; East i. of allay, _v oated -and ;adjoining- St.Anthony Park .North East 10� 2 ft. i ; - 2$75 -i- --!1 - - and except 3 5 35 The..Eaet & Of-;slley.,vacated 11 and a cept East lo6 2/3 ,oining adj_ ft. 6 13-5 ; &;adjpini951 _East ._: o,f _elley,vaoated -and East 106 2/3 ft, 7 ;r 35 ! 1 except -- - -- -- -- - r - -- -- - -- T -- r 1 , -j 4 35 ' do.- i53�o -I' h3 35 :- -do ;6.50 I { 2 ' 35 do ,1150 1 _ 35 . - Ao- We"st of alley-,nacated &_ adjoining _ _ do,--- 1 and except West 106 2/3 We t _ of all-ey,nacated_&_adyolni�g ft. ( S i 35 ___ _--_.__ _ __ � and except West lo6 2/3 ft. ! , 9 ; 35" i :!_West..-f_o.f_alley,vacated `` and except West 106 2/3 &,:adjoining_, ft. 10 35 - _West -106 2/3 ft.. of_. $ 35 i . do 12 5Q - do. 9 351- All- of-.11-&..South_-15-tt.-.of. _10-135 L .12 do_ - ..6050 I --!I-W35- ft...of-_.12 &._s. 5 ft --of 13 35 ; do 5 ! _. North45ft._ of _ _ i .1 ,3 35 ;; - do 1 _ ----- _ ; 14 ' 35 ;._ _ do _ 63'54. i._. -= 36 _ _ __do - -_ _ 1750Q_It1 361 do _,71od it 7 6 _510 _ !7506 i 5 __i 3 _ 17%59 36':"_.- _ __ _do _:.___ _'1250-- 1 - { u I 6iit 1 3 3, : do _ '12501 ' TOTAL, CITY OF'. ST. PAUL CITY OF 5r. PAUL CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - sem. REPOR ,, F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' - DESCRIPTION LOT.�BLocKl ASSESSED ADDITIdN VALUATION 3 St $t. Anthony Park. North _ -- i 12i 38 - do _ I $00 1 - -- -11 . 39.-_:.. f __. do.. -- II 46Qoo,I - h lo1 3d, 9- 3$ _- - -- 7 3 ----- - , Eaoept- E 7dot. for--County.-&d , 3 6 I 939 , 3 38 i_ ._ - do-__ 1 90.0 I 1 -� 02ft& 3� � 5 , , ! Northeastr20east _ all of226 3-8. ; _._ do _. _ _ 10250 I r I I _ _27? 3�_ _- do I 00 I , I 2S_ 3 do 3550 ;- - - _ 29, 38 - dp 4d o i _39; 3S do _ _ 3975 1_ _ _ _31, 3$ _ do j4000 { _ I 3 .2. 3- do_ , Ji- - 33 3 - - do- 39,0Q I ! _ _ do '3900 do! 5}00 do I ,361. 3.8 ,490 i Except the North 25 ft. Of 7 139; do- do - I Borth --25 ft. -of 7 _&-_Ex.North 6 do I I' eget' 7 ft. 39 I 4r�o i PAM i , i TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENTS OF FINANCE REPOR10OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE~ ON PRELIMIIR��,�1Jr AR' :ORDER ` -Lor DESCRIPTION �aLocKi_ ADDITION,. VALUATION Northeast. 7._ft._oY 6 _& all._.of _ 1 5 :39 _ St. Anthony do.. r_ X950 - _ . 2 ; 39 ' _ _:do IL 5200 1 39 do -9, ` --- 19 ;-39 - - , 70 - � , 410 a -- 1' -- 11 .E-39- ---- _do 1..6.75 { le 39 I - 675 ;- 13-39 14 __39.1_____ _.____.ao _ _ ___-. _.. 115 i39 , _.do x.16.1.39 do 5 o. 117-, j 39. ;- _ _do p 1 40 _ do , 1 a00 _4pd -Ir---- - _._ 0 E -do. _ _ I; 1 40 do I - - 40 _._do :. _ - 400 _ 12_140 -- do 5 - --iii,_1-40-L— -__ do _ _ __.- _ - - -' _ ' _'-450 - ,F - rY 00 �I I _ _ 9 - do 7 5 ;. _. __7 , 40 _ _._ _.,_ ___ do _ t 1 70 d ____ _. o 6_ �-4 , do ' 40 _ 57 Sf �I I - TOTAL CITY OF ST. -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y4 REPORAOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6 ON PRELIMIARY ORDER .DESCRIPTION I LOT �et.octc ADDITION �I VALUATEION I'I: .. ; s9� 0:_ 1- -- - --- _ - !2 14 3.0- - ----- — - i LL400� O 4-_- 1 140' do- - - - - l 200 i - �: --- - - -- - . - -- - - - - 25!- 40 - - do 13.7o0 do I 40d 2 40 11 400 j 1_ 7_; do - r T - 2$ -Ir 40- - - do - -! _ 14,00 � 4�5, I � � .40 .-=- do - - - - - 31 1 4o.i_- do.- _ ;_.__ 5625, 1 1 40 3.o __ __.. -- -- - - -1 6900 (32 ' Sly 3 40 do i2F?0 13-5 _I 40 _ -d0 _. ------ - - - - i 535053 0 - -- I 37 _- 51b0 --- - _ _ ---3.0 - _ ____ _-__ _ . - _ _ _ I , -- -- - - --- _ - 3__8 1 40 i do _ i u14bQ!- x 122 .I 41 i do __ --- '-- i I , -- - -- _ ' 23 _. 41 ---- do - -- --- -4' _ 24 41 T 25_'!__41'_J- do --- -- ;_._ ; 51- 01 26 41 do -- - - - J------- '127 47 '- - a°_501 i - - 1 28 41 1 -_dg- .- - -sbq t _ 46%0 I 29... 141 - do _ }--- r-- -_ 2 41 do 136 LILL I 1 The East of _ 9_ TOTAL P RM RBt E .r...,-... v..._ , - CITY OF ST.'PAVL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -- ---- do..-__. _ . ___.. _ - 0 !-- -- _ i r REPOR O F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ------ __ ___ 23-' 43� -__ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 22_j. -- -- .._dc— 1 i! 1 3 _ j - - T,_ _ 20.4 -- -- , – -- - do --- it DESCRIPTION 4 LOT I0LPCKs- ADDITION 'VA ASSESSED 1-19 43 4 i 30 j-_414._St. Anthony. Park Nor_th__ II___ --�-!--=>��-�---i=!�'--'-- :o. TOTAL 6 0' lying East of a linedrawnfrom a point r ; {_on the_::SQuthaast_11ne. of..eaid_ Iszt� ft from most Southerly corner thereo1, �! to a pnint__oA_NorthtY.e_st_line of�said Lct 2,_ !i-midwa between the most Northerl' corner �_of ea1d.I.ot 1 _ &most �9asterly co said lot 2 do ----- f 42 do j , do 2 - - . 11 _ 42 ; do 15- _ --___.dog.__.----.___._ ------ - ------- ft--_..__._____' L_ 99 IL -A An A71; 43 -- ---- do..-__. _ . ___.. _ - 0 !-- -- _ i _'?7751-. ------ __ ___ 23-' 43� -__ _ - -dO --- - .. - i_igoo� -j - 22_j. -- -- .._dc— 1 i! 1 3 _ j - - T,_ _ 20.4 -- -- , – -- - do --- F --r soot 1-19 43 4 1843 do --�-!--=>��-�---i=!�'--'-- :o. TOTAL - CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .�.. . REPOR O F COMMISSIONER ,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fi 1I` D 11 VALUATION ESCRIPTION LOT Ie�OCK! ADDITION ON 'I i ' 17 1-43 iSt,._Anthony.__Park North I.--- --1 -A 0_1 , 1 16 i_43 do do -- - 1 I 1 j 1 The ._.West:: 14 !. 43 _._.:_d° ----- _East of - - 14 43 --,-do--,,--.153 i5 - Th + -- ' - I or -3 3t.__.of__12_.:&_.all_ off .111.43 _.--da --_-_._ ___�__! 6000 �._a - -'t - _Nxagpt _Northeast 50__.ft __ 10,I 43— V I II! Northeaat_50__ft.__o�___._ ___. t9 -10 _-r43_.! do_____._ _ -_.__. .__ r__�_650_� ��, ___431,- -4 1 ' X57 11 A3.1 .of.__6_and _.that_._part of .__ 5 43 do.l { !! est of line drawn from Southwesti- 1-Loorner.._of-._ said -lot-_5 the :____.-_.____. (!Northwest line 20 ft.from most Wily , -,-corner--of said- ..lot-- ------ 1 Y . t_That_ part of._�._.__ _ , .. _ - _..-. 5_., 43--c_- . _.do__.-- —1 20b L^ East of line drawn Southwest corner o` { .1_said:lot.5-to.-point_ on-._Northwsst__line___ d 20 ft. from most Westerly corner of ! I l ._said _lot 5 _ 56060 F_'__ I ; 30... 43._f___ ._ do: -_ _____ r 1! l - I 1 do_ __. _ _ ____. _. 72 do ,I 1 -- ! I} .OIIM oh - TOTAL CITY OF ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - I, REPPAOF CONIMIS$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lI DESCRIPTION - ILOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 361_ .43 _St...Anthony Park North i-- . 371 43 - - do - a- 39 ....43 do. -1 5 ! 7 ___...do _.. 43{ 5 44. 43, __._ (Exoept_Northeast_35..�t.)of. 45i 43; __- ------ - -,- i -i ! 1.3 i� TheKorth@ast.__35 ft._ _of �45. 43 - 71- The Southwest_15_ft.-_ of ._ __ 46. 431. _aO i (.Exoept 8outhwes_t_15 ft )'__,_ 46� 43., __- _ .. ao___ The- Southweat _--20_.ft.__Of __. _._ 46 43" _ The -Northeast -30 1t._. of ___ _ 46.43 __ I 1� Northeasterly -4.150. ft.- .of_49 - , 6 2 .all of 50 43 , _ __do _ 3 _ I 51 43 d 5,.Ob. 0 { !it _a9.... __a- _ _ 0i I JEas+of _ 5.2 =8� all of _ 53 ..43 dO _5, 7 - . -- - 5 i p I i 54J 43 _ _ dO1- jl _ 43 ! do it - i- - do 5 i 1 44 -- - ! I -�- 1 3_ a 4 - _ do j— -10p --- TOTAL CIrY OF HT, PAUL DEPARTMENIr OF FINANCE '. REPOR F.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ;. _— ON PRELIM; OMY ORDER '-.,.— __ �, . ,__� _ • _ — �I DESCRIPTION f_ _ I Lor _ � .- IeL.CK I _ -_ __. __ _..__ — ^ ADDITION � _— " ASSESSED I� VALUATION _— -_ Exoept west 10:,. ft of .-South_-_ -; (_ I St _. Anthony Park North 45 do _ 53:75 ft. of 3 I 4 - I do -- ' 2 4 do i Li i; do _ _ _ ( 1 45 i 4 do' do_ I I 1 , 5550 - - 9 i 45 _ ... - - do06. �. 1045 1 do 1300'I ! A11 of _ll & N 10 ft of i` _... 121 45 55?5 Iit Except ft. Ex.E 1®._ft _ _ _i _. � r I0. of., North. 50 _ft•..._ -- _ } 12.1 45_,_ ..._ ...-____.d0 1 . 5- ft. __ . __. _ltExaept North0 1 3i 45� do _i.East_:_10_ _ft...O.f .North.__50 ft. -Of.- i'North 50 ft of t 14 i a 451 1 ; 451 do - do' f I_! i f �.a — do j } I �.6 46.: _.. _ _ do._.oQ i 5 i _ ; -all • oY_.5 &South 1. ft._ of.__ 1 4 .:146 '_ __.. do _ - ; 500it - li rood 1 ; --- I'2 ! __-- 46 do - 1150 L I ! i. Exoept South 1 ft. --- - - 4 146 - ---:_. _ ' —L _r_$5� .�i— _ i i North :100 . ft.. of 11_;46 d0 .,:. 6050 i - - do (Exoept South 15 ft.& Exoept North ft. ).:.._ 12146 13 ! 46 do 1 X75 ,: .100 Except South 15 ft .& except _North 100 ft. )-- ._ 12.! 461. ---_ _ ._ .._ _: r i ----------do-_:_ _ _ __- f r_ _ i5?50 i, 1 it 1 AL I �� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR F COMMISSIONER; OF'.FINANCE ON PRELIMI.�ARY ORDER �BASSESSEDI r - i DESCRIPTION LOT lel.ocic ADDITION : 7 V Lll'ATION I r .7 7.;l7_ St Anthony Park North V I I do ` 4 do 1 _5440 _{ ,South__, of . .. _ . _ _. _ _ 9_. 7 i_ ...__ _..- I North of, _ _ ... 9- 47-. 5900 i 10 47 ; -. --- ... .._ dO I Ir 1 � a 117 47 -'- do i:_ I 15401 - 12; 471 do i 1217601tvi 1 All of _1 &North of :._._ i 2 ., _ - 47l i d _ ,.__ l; East:_1/3 of . 6Ii do '+3151 I I.( 1 do 5 148 do5a 0 _ do 3 1449 ! do900 I { I _ - 2 -j 4� aO - 1470p, - 1 - 1 149 do 1 southwest 5o --ft_ of:.__..._ _ :_.._ .." 1 4S ..__-_ do. l_ i 7`5- 1-...,I. . 55 5 dolb 4� Northeast 50 ft. of 3outhweet (( 1 15- do t 1490 I - 0 1 Northeast 50 ft.oY Southwest; 16. 491 do _ao-- _ II Northeast 50__rt. of i 15' 481 do I a_ _. 54 do f 16 46 - do ...Northeast 50. ft of North- _.... _ -_- - _ _,.. I; west 4o ft. of I 14` 11g do i i That 17.I 4$,do, �! lying West of line drawn -from po nt on ' I Northwest corner to a point on South line , „14 ft. from Southwestthere 4f the _of I i part .of_.Lots 17 and-- _ 48.;.:.. dc..:_-__ _ C_ 1515b desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on Knapp t 126. S 08 ft _ ; __Northeast_Yrom .most:: wI ly_..cor4er, 4f . s:�id Lot.17, thenoe South j. west 63 04 ft.thhenc$ BE to point n All l0 ft from most S11y C _!� corner of salt Lot-l7�thenoe DTE�oa��ey 25 ft.thenoe North to begi;lWgg TOTAL �> cITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR OF COMMISSIONER' OF FINANCE -ON PRELIM�t /IRY ORDER ASSESSED I Lor sLoeK DESCRIPTION - ADDITION I� : VALUATION ON I _ That ,part of Lots 17 & 18 , _ 1I4S ,,_St. Anthony Park North '� -.. �: �910�--- %i desoribed as follows Beginning at aipoint on or line i _ of Lot:-1�,10,;ft- �teSt_from Noitheast ,Corner thereof,thenoe �{_ - ! SouthweE$t along said line b3 04 't ,thence South to apoint on 1_ _raax line of Lot1.,_ 35orth_ ast _Prom most Southerly aornerl I„_{__J ,i -__II__,_ ,of said lot,' thence Northeast� al ng he rear lines of ®aide } _ li lota.l7, and, 1S, 25 _ft.,, .thende. North beginning. i 1$. 49! St_ Anthony Park North �- 5090 lying East of a line drawn from Y 6 ' - P - 10 - j { oint__on.North lin®_:of said lot,.,. ft. from Northeast corner thexeof tO South- Ij ._east _o,Orner Of said lot ., & all of 19 ag I 20 49 do 5300, - - 3350{ _ - - - 21! 118 ;..._ _ ._ do I ��501 I do 23 j ' 5750 li^ ' } �.3. - l}. �Subdiaision of Lots 1 & 2 I16 in Block 29, St Anthony f� !Park I I f 1._&_Northwest of. ; 2 1 Subdivision of, Lots 3,4 & y, Blook 26, St. Anthony �. ;-A `Southeast_._ _ Of_-__--------_-_-_'- __ 2 Paul _ 2 d0 Northwest 2/3 of 3 675j Boutheast l/_3 of 3._ & all. of - �. } _l: r! Sub of Lots 16' 19 & 20, l 1.550}_-1 i_ Z Bik.28,St-Anthony Park 2175 d° -- -- 1— i_ _ ;- - 37 3 ' _- _ V --- { 1 i 13 Sub Lote 10 & 11 Block 35, l 0� _ } _ I of St. Anthony Perk { i Alden Square t Anthon Park, Minnesota 1. �- 4 0 { d° OPAL i -CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT: OF FINANCE To..TBE.CITY COUNCIL ofSt.Paul,Minn:: 'As a result of: the ,public hearing of July 21strelative to, installation of ornamentalelect ie:li ita'in ANTBONY FA NORTH, qthe I-811.A1R1nd-pl'.OPGir 9-Ol¢ne -s on...-. _ p#. .. -herewith- s expre their.attitude relative to the installation of ornamental or ordinary intersecting lightd. En favor of Intersecting lights In favor, of Ornamental lights ' �J a ._ n ...�,� ``�`� 1Y r 1 - .i i i �i� ��:/ .,',�i i� �: ;,/�; tri :/ i%^";_-.,, ,/ � /. /; , � I July 25, 1925 To the City Council of 9t. Paul, Minnesota: An a result of the public hearing of Juty 21 relative to the installation of ornaaental electric lights in at. Anthony Park North, the folA owing property owners on Raymond Avenue herewith express their attitude relative to the installation of ornamental or ordinary aro lights. 7n favor of arc lights in favor of ornamental lights ev Alf e- 17 JJ 14 ig Jule 25, 1925 To the City Council of fat. Paul, Minnesota: As a result of the public hearing of July 21 relative to the installation of orlamental electric lights in at. Anthony Park North, the following property owners on Raymond Avenue herewith express their attitude relative to the installation of ornamental or ordinary arc lights. to favor of aro lights Tn favor of ornamental lights AA -I r � 3 ci's r 1 (n � cl, ;; i OV, July 25, 1925 To the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota: E As a result of the public hearing of July 21 relative to the installation of in Sty Anthony Park North, the ornamental electric lights following property owners on Ravmond Avenue herewith express the installation of ornamental their attitude relative to or ordinary arc lights. Tn favor of arc lights Tn favor of ornamental lights ls ,'r�jii}Lo���L =Ay/ — __-- (� �, t, - �`'9 �r�l..'f � jl "I•.,(1{I'iT�G' U�"�_T_ — — t y V 1334 3 / July 25, 1925 R6 the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota: As a result of the public hearing of July 21 relative to the installation of ornamental electric lights in St. Anthony Paris Horth, thy+ following property owners on i Raymond Avenue herAwith exprPso their attitude relative to the installation of ornamental or ordinary aro lights. Tn favor of aro lights Yn favor of ornamental lights z� 4 1'C July 25, 1925 Ta the City council of St.. Paul, Minnesota: As a result of the public hearing of July 21 relative to the installetlon.of ornamental electric lights in .St. Anthony Park North, than following property ovmers on Raymond Avsnue herewith express their attitude relative to the installation of ornamental or ordinary aro lights. 6AT favor,of are light Ta favor of ornamental lights Ip i m J,the undersigned, proper`.ty owners on Cleveland Avenue, between sq r Avenue and the city limits, petition that conduits be laid for el' rio wiring, but that nothing more expensive than are liabts-,,be in- stalled for the present. ' �9/* e"Z' fVy r l�rt, fife G " L= «0 h_ Jb To THE CITY COUNCIL of St. Paul, Minn.: As a result of the public hearing of July 21st,relative to the installation of ornamental electric is i ST. THONY FORK NORTH,the _- following property owners on ....-..�.-..tr...her-ewith-express -- their attitude relative to th nstallation of ornamental or ordinary inter—' — ----- -- _ _ — section lights In favor of Intersection lights 'In favor cf Ornamental lights �nn - - TO THE CITY COUNCIL of City of St. Paul, Minnesota: We; the undersigned, residents of the City of St. Paul, Minn., and owners of real property on Alden Street and Alden Place, located in St. Anthony Park addition to St. Paul, hereby petition your body to establish as the lighting system on out streets what is known as the underground electric -wire system, with ornamental lamp -posts, provided that any considerable number of the streets in St. Anthony Park and St. Anthony'Park, North, say half of the lights, are on that system: - OWNER ADDRESS OWNER OF PROPERTY ON rrvvZ 90 O Z VV &&tA -- - - St. Paul, Minnesota, August 18, 1925• To the City Council: I, Mrs. H. S. Kleckner, residing at 2274 Alden Street, St. Paul, Minn., have heretofore signed a petition in favor of the overhead electric lights. But upon fuller information, have requested the bearer of said petition to strike my name.therefrom, and have this day signed the attached petition for the ornamental lights on Aden Street. r� St. Paul,Idinn., Aug. 15,192 I' Mr. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance, City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Attached, herewith, petition showing the preference of property owners on Grantham street between overhanging incandescent lights and ornamental lights. Will you kindly present this to the City Council when this subject is taken up for consideration? Very truly yours, To THE CITY COUNCIL of St.Paul,Minn : --- -- - _ __As_s_resuit of -the pub -lie hegrinT cf-July--list-;rola=.. tive to the installation of ornamental elechric lights in ST:ANTHONY PARA NORTH,the following property owners on GRANTHAM sTRGET herewith express --- — their-atti-tude--relativ-e.--to--the--installat-tern-af-.--or,-namental--ov--or-dinar-y- intersecting lights. In favor of Intersecting lights In favor of Ornamental lights --- - ----- - --- 10 i r In favor of Intersection 1 -_ts In favor of Ornamental lioht�____ %3 -- - ------- p} '� ��.�l�I�;%'i►�_. _ __ P�___ 'ice _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ I "'TI: I 1"IT" 1" 0, L I r": I T! E 1"* 1 U.", I "T 1' q.' T�,the ZHon. MAYOR and COMMISSIO!MS--donstituting the COUNCIL AM of the CITY of SAINT PAUL. We,the undersigned, owners of real estate facing on Manvel street,,, St. Anthony Park, Ste Paulv respectfully petition the Mayor and Commis- sionerslof Departments.under the Charte+f the City of Saint Paul to providelfor the lighting of said street by installing a so-called "are light" system (suspended incandescent lights). Further, we, individually and collectively, desire to place our- selves on record as opposing an ornamental lighting system on said Man - vel street from Cromwell avenue to Raymond avenue. CY14 an, -j DY 1 W Y49:��e Z:Y—' 622Z LX J fo To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Gentlemen. We, the undersigned residents and property owners in St. Anthony Park North, do hereby respectfully request that the order to furnish and install a service lighting system for St. Anthony Park be approved by the Council. Name Address • h �Z � mow✓ / .3 � / h L� �Ce�-rte w...Joe �-c-,-c . _. _ To the Honorable Council of the 0141 of Pau Gentlemen: we-, -the undersigned residents and property. owners of St. Anthony Park North, do hereby respectfully request that the order to furnish and install a service lighting system for St. Anthony Park be approved by the Council. V 74 rroperty Owners of St. Anthony Parlk Face An Unfair Assessment. COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY. JULY 21st AT 10 O'CLOCK You as a property owner of St. Anthony Park have received a notice that on Tuesday, July 21st, the City Council will consider an order to install in all the streets of St. Anthony Park a system of electric street lighting. This meeting will be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. The plan is to force propoity owners to pay the cost of this change by making an assess- ment against EVERY FOOT OF PROPERTY IN THIS DISTRICT. The preliminary order for this attempt to foist this unfair additional tax upon the property owners of St Anthony Park was passed March 25th, 1925. It was'then estimated that the cost of doing the work would be an expense of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER FOOT OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TAXPAYER.. If the plan is forced through, the cost to you will, undoubtedly, be much more than this. Every property owner of St. Anthony Park should strenuously protest against the pas- sage of this order. There is no valid reason why a private property owner should have to stand an added tax of this kind. Street lighting is a necessity for the protection of all of the public. IT IS NOT OF SPECIAL BENEFIT TO ONLY YOU WHO OWN PROPERTY FaOdNTIif pGotec ON A STREET. The streets of the City are for the general use of everycitizen, tion by street lighting is to be given to all of the citizens, then the cost of giving them pro- tection should be paid out of the general fund and not assessed against property owners. Ever since the city was ozganized the cost of street lighting has always come out of the general taxes paid by all taxpayers except in a few special cases. WHY SHOULD THE SYS- TEM BE CHANGED NOW? The street lighting in more than three-quarters of the area of the city is now paid for out of the general fund. WHY SHOULD THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF ST. ANTHONY PARK BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST? Why should we be taxed many thousands of dollars to pay for street lighting when most of the city is lighted at the cost of the general public and not at the expense of the private property owner? We should fight this scheme to the limit. We know that the tax burden of St. Anthony Park property owners is already high. It is unfair to add to that burden by putting a large tax upon us for -doing something which should be paid for by the City as a whole. REMEMBER. The me ting of at the o'clock. Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the 21s City Hall on Tuesday, July BE SURE AND ATTEND THAT MEETING AND REGISTER YOUR PROTEST. COMMITTEE OF ST. ANTHONY PARK PROPERTY OWNERS.. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL July 21st, 1925. C.F. 60863. FINAL ORDER. Furnishing and installing a service lighting system for St. Anthony Park Lighting System, on Cromwell St. from Bayless Ave. to Manvel St., et al, under P.O. 58976. Commissioner Hodgson explained that he had about 25 letters apposed to it. Lir. Presdident Nelson explained that an erroneous statement had been circulated to owners and gave a detailed account of the procedure up to the present hearing. He stated that the Council has adopted the policy of eliminating the gas lights number— ing 1800 and costing $34.00 to maintain as compared to $10.00 to maintain an electric light and compared them as to efficiency; that the 3700 electric lights which have been assessed against benefited property would cost the abutting property owners 3'2 cents per day or $1.00 per month for a period of five years; that it was the opinion of the Council that the St. Anthony Park district was one of the best residential districts ,of the Citi: and should, in their opinion, adopt lights in keeping. 1 citizen protested against the lights on Buford Ave. Mr. Doty representing Mr. H. Smith, Grantham Ave., pro ested against the lights but favordd the olock light. Mr. Clark spoke in favor of the ornamental lights citing that he had circulated a petition opposing the project on Commonwealth Ave. but this action was based on erroneous information and asked that hes name be stricken from the petition. Mr. Archibald asked that his name be stricken from the petition. Mr. Briggs of the St. Anthony Park Commercial Club appeared, representing the club, in favor of the project. A resident of Cleveland Ave. North sp4e in favor of the ornamental lights and presented a petition and asked that if the entire system did not carry that the lights be installed on Cleveland Ave. North. Mr. Doty owner of lot on Gordan and Langford Aves appeared in opposition. An owner on Cromwell between Bayless Ave. and Pearl St. wasin favor. An owner on Aldine St. was in favor and an owner on Gordon St. opposed the ornamental lights and asked for are lights Owner at 1511 Raymond Ave. opposed. Owner at 2266 Langford Ave. in favor. Owner at 2291 Langford opposed the ornamental lights in f vor of olock lights. Owner at Hendon and Chelmsford was in favor of are lights; Owner on Manvel St. opposed; Owner on i Cromwell and Pearl was in favor; Owner at 1516 Grantham St. opposed; Owner at Snapp a and Como in favor; Owner at Eustis and Carter opposed; owner at 2303 Standish St. in favor of are lights; Owner at Gordon and Scudder streets opposed; Owner an Carter Ave. near Eustis St. opposed; Owner at Hyatt and Buford Sts. in favor or ornamental lights; owner on Dudley near Chelmsford St, opposbd. A representative of property owners on Bayless Ave. in South St. Anthony Park asked to postpone the hearing so that they can deliberate on it further. Owners at Snapp and Como Aves. and Raymond and Doswell Aves. opposed; Owner at 2251 Snapp St. in favor; Owners at Keston and Hours Aves opposed. Secretary of theSt. Anthony Park Improvement League spoke in favor in behalf of their club. Owner on Alden St. near Gibbs, 410 feet, in favor. Owner on Langford bet. Como.and Gordon Sts. in favor. Laid over for personal inspection by the Council members and to allow the citizens in that district to secure petitions for and against and those in favor of a service lighting system with as-essment and those for an intersection lighting system with no assessment', with authority given for placing poles on boulevard or to retain their present gas lights on entire streets. Comstr Sudheimer explained further and moved it be laid over to August 19th; Council to view and referred to Commissioner of Public Utilities. Yeas Comsrs. Clancy, Ferguson, Hodgson, McDonald, Sudheimer, Wenzel, air; Pres. Nelson..? Nays..0. To the Eonorabio City �`ouacil, St. Paul, ;=inn. Gentlemen: The undersigned property owners on ro; ;,ell ::venue, between wayless _venue and ]anv el Street, desire to note their objection to your proposed installation of ornamental street lights in. the 3t. _,nthony Tart: district so far =to the s :ne ay} -lies to our T,rorerty. ;-e conditions are sr.ch that these two bloc;:s on Cro:v:eil _venue can be efficiently lishtecl by ordinary street intersection li:rhts and ;ve th.erefore urge that _venue betvieen wayless and ;14nvel be omitted from the prolosed light- in- system. A MA.4 A1.1w 10 ybf s J ���°'" ✓ `�l t 'CA;'`V�{➢6(�A'\OBII ut I A v Ape `�A '�.,�(.. � d��a'€:..°�4.a�^���'"�'°�,..s...*. t�,-�,.�(,9�`y.="`��f-+"'7r,�`t�,-.,,f�'`,'�GP"f``;;•�d �E�C�71 i(/ 1 7W..%a..r,., �,4 %�-�✓,.e-z s 1. ) v- t� y6- 00 1 J --- V7 QQ ¢� Z IL � L BUFORD1 AVEC 701110 ❑00 �° FIE GE AVE ZD �1 om��Q \ OCHII_COMBE N r'4 F ,l/ 1 w a �G 1 jVAN REED G. /V, RY. 4 � m R0B91NS ST. cN P• �,: ° I Q1 UD -` RL O AO U%BAY 5 I ala G�, SLP ,TOT��1 0 LLQ Ve QL4R, ELIL �Q > EJAYARD S, < YRTLEnnJ A k ] < v-� 1345T.ANTF}ON GQ°° oQQ�30lz aw 0 ANE ' I a Y-- STATE UN/VERS/TY I AGR/CULTURAL 3au E— COLLF_GE ANo Sr.PAULDR/�/Nc CETRAc oQG.J, 'EXFER/MENTAL J'�" N A6T/Ia �� ❑ FARM SO C/E7 K NP s �FA/R GRG vow � 4 c(^k�' F{ p I l❑¢ zl BREYDA O- p,Q�u JI WYN aNE a C r $r ALIEN � r ��R Ci N Z Z UCOLU cO' V ..t O I cy q RC 7,T A, a > _ S r�'Y _ eOR� 0 4�j e DJ yj gyp• A`' �pN QMgWqukEf�® I.Ita'9aFO0� �d �F TO W/Va W N � AND >�R9l. POWER ERRIAN ; 2 Vo\� 1 h PARK Q�'❑fa>a PtY i COUNTRY CL U B z I 1 J --- V7 QQ ¢� Z IL � L BUFORD1 AVEC 701110 ❑00 �° FIE GE AVE ZD �1 om��Q \ OCHII_COMBE N r'4 F ,l/ 1 w a �G 1 jVAN REED G. /V, RY. 4 � m R0B91NS ST. cN P• �,: ° I Q1 UD -` RL O AO U%BAY 5 I ala G�, SLP ,TOT��1 0 LLQ Ve QL4R, ELIL �Q > EJAYARD S, < YRTLEnnJ A k ] < v-� 1345T.ANTF}ON GQ°° oQQ�30lz aw 0 ANE ' I a Y-- STATE UN/VERS/TY I AGR/CULTURAL 3au E— COLLF_GE ANo Sr.PAULDR/�/Nc CETRAc oQG.J, 'EXFER/MENTAL J'�" N A6T/Ia �� ❑ FARM SO C/E7 K NP s �FA/R GRG vow � 4 c(^k�' F{ p I l❑¢ zl BREYDA O- p,Q�u JI WYN aNE a C r $r ALIEN � r ��R Ci N Z Z UCOLU cO' V ..t O I cy q RC 7,T A, a > _ S r�'Y _ eOR� 0 4�j e DJ yj gyp• A`' �pN QMgWqukEf�® I.Ita'9aFO0� �d �F TO W/Va W N � AND >�R9l. POWER ERRIAN ; 2 Vo\� 1 h PARK Q�'❑fa>a PtY i COUNTRY CL U B z O. F- No. 60864-- Intootcement the cotdewalk� on the ".nide fOfrom Nhlte, COUNCIL FILE NO...-- .............. north range SLB ear Awe. to the bilunenPolls and.SL P..1 3ubu b R�Cht Tof_ B i. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... o.ons.truct.ing..a..aix..f.ont....cament...the...sidewalk...on-the :..... north aide -of ...orange...Str.aet from_Whit.e..B.ear...Avenue...t.o..the.1dinn.eapolis. and. St . _ Paul.. Suburban .Rai lway..:Right-of...htay.,...exc.ept... where .. go.od-and ........... sufficient:_ sidewalks_ now .exist,. ............... . .................... .. ............ ....... ..... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... .....59471 ........................ approved .......May..12,...1925......... I......................... Intermediary Order......__......_ __ ._........................... approved.................................................._.................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it s: - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to,be made by the said City is....o.ons.t.ruct...a..aix..f.o..ot-oeme.nt...tile...sidewalk 0n..the._north...e.ide„gf„Orange Str..e.et,__from..RlAte...Be.ar,Avenue to,.the Minneapolis...and_..St.....Paul...Sub..urb.an..Rai1w..ay...Right.,of, Nay,..except..where... ..g0.ad...arid ... suffieiant ..sidewalks now . exist.,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 281925 Adopted -by the Council.._..._, : ................. Aes?'- 411 A '40 Approved . JUL; 2.8192 ............................._ Councilman 4%ney-- Councilman'Ferguson Councilman Counci,lmanAk= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY C DEPART E t ®REPORT OF COMMI ICER OF PTNANCE ON PRELIMINAMY ORDER (A) In the matter of nonstrunt a six foot cement the sidewalk on the North side C of orange Street from White Bear Avenue to the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway Right of way. under Preliminary Order approved May _17,_1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is S 1.10 D The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hazel Park Div. 5 to t 150 St. Paul. 100 17 3 16 3 do 100 19 3 do 100 -- 20 3 do 100 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 100 23 3 do 100 24 3 do 100 25 3 do 100 ` Form B. B. to ii TOTAL, CITY OST. ' � DEPARTMENTOMMIS REPORT OF C F FINANCE RD ON PRELIMINAt� ER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 26 3 xazel Park Div-5 to 100 St. Paul 27 3 100 26 3 do 100 29 3 do 100 30 3 do 100 16 4 do 100 17 4 do 100 Nest + of lot 19 & all of 16 4 do 950 East of 19 4 do 50 20 4 do 3400 21 4 do 100 22 4 do 1100 23 4 do 100 24 4 do 100 25 4 do 3200 26 4 do 100 27 4 do 100 26 4 do 100 29 4 do 100 30 4 do 100 14 3 do 100 CITY O0STI DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMIS ON PRELIMINA (C) DESCRIPTION a ° LOT BLOCK 15 3 1.6 3 17 3 19 3 19 3 20 3 FINANCE ADDITION Hazel Park Division 6 do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 150 150 100 100 100 100 12050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CommissionerofPublic Works. Dated—� �L,7 '-- IIF -IAC-- 1925 r oner of Finance. --- Com t Furm Ii. II. 1] ri 192Si- St. Paul, Minn. ---- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. V=,o, ���pp f � -�-- ° Ave. to —:_—. — .__..—..----- from_.%y.._ . oy'�vta.......--....._.....-- ...�_St. Ave. k�' 0 t;� H P Z..= L -----moi-- 17 C to Office of tile�JCommission r of Pubiic° Report to Commissioner of Finance /__- ------- Kay- _ ---____May_ 15, _1925 ___-191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Nile No._ 59471 --- approved --- !kY_ 12' _192 __191 --- ,relative to _constructing-a_six-foot_cement- the sidewalk-on-the__north aide oY Orange St. from White Bear -Ave -.--to- the Minneapolis and St. Paul all _ Suburban Railway right -of -wad------ ---------------------- -------- J --------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ l.J_Q_.P_Qr __, and the total cost thereof is $-_-__-----__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. C. F. -No. 60865- 1, the. 3tatter- 1 natructinS n - eoot cement Hie sidewalk on the east Ide. oY. snellinb^ Ave. fr.. X<PNe Where Ave. t Hoyt A e COUNCIL FILE NO.. noa a a >3nfitet i staeaalk ow .. ........... ey'::. and rPiellmt &ry. . ............................................... FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of ... o.ons.tru.cting..a..aix...f.o.o.t...a.ement...the...sidewalk...on...the....... east. side., of...Sne.lling..Avenue...from..Nebr.aska..Avenue...to...Hoyt ...Avenue ........... except., whe..re...good_and...s.u..ff ei.e. ir.a,idepfalks.,. Qw.,gxis.t,..... ......... ..................... ................................................................................ ....... .......................... .... .......... ......._......._._............................ under Preliminary Order........ ....._.May...5.,...1925................ .................... Intermediary Order.... ........ ... _ .... ...approved.. ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_.00nStruot..a. six..f.Dot...Cement...tile...sidewalk t ......n.. the.. eastside si.d.e...oi ..Sne.l� i.ng._Av.enue .from_vebr.asks...Avenu.e...to..Hoyt...Avenue, exG.eSt...where..good and.. s.ufficient...Si.dew.alks...now..exist..........I I . ._ ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and. is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and, specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. UL 9.81925 Adopted by the Council ....................... ............................... .. ...... ............................ Annrn.ca__ .__'lY� . ........ City Clerk..., 192........ _ Mayor. ' Councilman Councilman Ferguson Councilman3cAorrdfii Councilman&enx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer 1 Councilman Wenzel j Mayor Nelson ��✓ Form B. S. A. g -i. I` ` AST, PAUL DEPARTM OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COM71SSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELA619kRY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a six foot cement tile Bid ewalk on the east Bide of Snelling Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue d under Preliminary Order approve' Mav 5 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 3 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Hoyt's Rea.of Hoyt's 325 2 1 Dorno Outlot Is 3�5 3 1 do 325 4 1 do 325 5 1 do 325 6 1 do 325 7 1 do 325 8 1 do 325 9 1 do 475 North 1/2 of 10 1 do Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OPAUL DEPARTME FINANCE REPORTi OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANQE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER m e ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION South 1/2 of 18 & all of 11 1 Hoyt's Rea. of Hoyt's 500 12 1 Como Outlots 3�5 13 1 do 325 14 1 do 325 15 1 do 375 TOTAL - - 4,925 'Ilse Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_�-- -192 — - - — - —- Commi ner of Finance. Fnrm B. B. 12 �r. A - Hove �i t` 27 lr -^ T— i f JJ 3 ��1 f /7 U 1 a St. Paul, Minn. goril 27.,_._._...-192____ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 01-----------�. Ave. _.�� ..l.._..._Snol ling....._.____..........__...._......_...._...._ _.__._..._._. from _....... Ave. Ave. NAME �® ADDITION © - s-- it 17i ' � � • � , it : �. r ► � iI t � / 4 d Office of the. Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance 41AY 12 19 25 ..__._�.y_.1 .........192b .....................192...._..`.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59298 May 5, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ....... _..... _... ............ approved ..._........................................................... .................. 192 ...... _..... relative to the construction of a sig foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Snelling Ave. from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue; and having investigated the matters and things rc�erred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... ...... .................. _.....necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............. .............. _._............. and the total cost thereof is $._._ ................................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ....:............... ......... _............... . asked -for upon petition of three or more owners of property, - subject to assessment for said improvement. __.__........__......_..........._...._.._...._....._.._....._ ._ Commissioner of Public Works. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... C,Qn$ tru.c.tlng..a. - fourand., ous. -halr-fo'ot P.O. m. P-at—A i I.e ............ siftwAlk.pnthe east, s.i.de of J.,alce CQmo..Bqg1pyArd Service Drive from .................... ...... ............ - Como. Ave e good and s,uff iqiept . . ................. ......... _ ........................................................................................ ...................... .......... — ............. ....... ........... .................................... ......... under Preliminary Order.... .. ......... approved APTAI 21P Intermediary Order ...... approved.. ...... ...................................... ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it — P. - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is C.Onstruot—a..f.OUr s. i d.Q ... of., Lalo ... CPm.c.r.B.o.u1,eva.r.d S.e..r.v. ice Drive from Como -Avenue Nortla.. t o. . Lakevi O.w. Avenue, .. Qxc ept vlipr Q gQ.oA.. An. O. I suffi. 0. i.en� -sidewal3m now -exist . ........... . . . .... . ........ ... . ..... .. ................ ... .. . ..................... . .......... ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed anI directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed V I with the making of said improvement in .. accordance therewith. Adopted by the council._.......... J . . L .. -9 1925 , 19 , 19 A 2 8 192b ,k .... .- I . .... .. . . . ............ Approved ..... ...... 192........ity Clerk. I ................ .. Mayor. -11 =o..ci'lm.. =erg Ferguson "TTRTMD " r4 (/Councilman R&EX Hodgson .,/Councilman Sudheimer lop ouncilman Wenzel .�Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. COUNCIL FILE NO..... ......... By............. .. . .... ............ ................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... C,Qn$ tru.c.tlng..a. - fourand., ous. -halr-fo'ot P.O. m. P-at—A i I.e ............ siftwAlk.pnthe east, s.i.de of J.,alce CQmo..Bqg1pyArd Service Drive from .................... ...... ............ - Como. Ave e good and s,uff iqiept . . ................. ......... _ ........................................................................................ ...................... .......... — ............. ....... ........... .................................... ......... under Preliminary Order.... .. ......... approved APTAI 21P Intermediary Order ...... approved.. ...... ...................................... ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it — P. - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is C.Onstruot—a..f.OUr s. i d.Q ... of., Lalo ... CPm.c.r.B.o.u1,eva.r.d S.e..r.v. ice Drive from Como -Avenue Nortla.. t o. . Lakevi O.w. Avenue, .. Qxc ept vlipr Q gQ.oA.. An. O. I suffi. 0. i.en� -sidewal3m now -exist . ........... . . . .... . ........ ... . ..... .. ................ ... .. . ..................... . .......... ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed anI directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed V I with the making of said improvement in .. accordance therewith. Adopted by the council._.......... J . . L .. -9 1925 , 19 , 19 A 2 8 192b ,k .... .- I . .... .. . . . ............ Approved ..... ...... 192........ity Clerk. I ................ .. Mayor. -11 =o..ci'lm.. =erg Ferguson "TTRTMD " r4 (/Councilman R&EX Hodgson .,/Councilman Sudheimer lop ouncilman Wenzel .�Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ST. PO}f�L �� a�� .ENT OF nAIVGE MISSIONER OF FINAiNICE' MINARY ORDER "Your and one half foot oement sidewalk on the east _ North to s.akeview Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved--ARrl-21,,_.1925 –__-- __— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - S The estimated cost pefr 3oont for the above improvement is 80-65 — The 0-6'5— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Ex. Como Boulevard) 19 5 Como Heights Add.to the 1425 do 16 5 City of st.paui. 4350 do 17 5 do 7250 do 16 5 do 3100 do 15 5 do 2600 do 14 5 do 5250 - do 13 5 do 6550 do 12 5 do 5500 do 11 5 do 1700 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, T. PAUL FINAVCE .1SSIONER OF FINANCE -IMINARY ORDER _ .rtIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. Como Boulevard) 10 5 Como Heights Add.to the 1200 do 9 5 City of St.paul. 1125 do 8 5 do 1000 do 7 5 do 1000 do 6 5 do 5150 %do do 5 5 3250 do 4 5 do 6400 do 3 5 do 1125 do 2 5 do 3575 do 1 5 do 4250 Wbst j of Quincy St.vaoated 4 31 Como 3100 & Except Como Boulevard & South 5 ft. for South Str. widening) ( 11 2 Pavilion Park 5 9 South o 10 -� do North j of lot 10 & all of 9 2 do 1575 73570 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made, to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D.ted._192.5--- --- — -- �Commnis.-Finance. Vorm n. n. I7 - 6 St. Paul, Minn. /_. -............... 1937 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -- - ............. �... r �- .-........ ................. � ....... .......... ...... ......... st AM.- ....... ............................... �....................................................... to. _........ _._.....__........ •............_....._.........._........._...._._._.._ Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance R 017,12 2� May 11, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59015 April 21, 1925 Council, known as Council File No......._.._..........._..........approved.................................................................................192.........., relative to the construction of a four and one-half (4*) ft. cement tile .....__..... ................... _.............. _._._._...--.......... ._.....--- ..... ............ ..... ............ .................. .. sidewalk on the east side of Lake Como Boulevard Service Drive from .......... ....... ............. __................... .... _.............. __...................... _............. _._...................... ......... __.... ................. _................... _..._.......... _.......... _........... ........ _....... _............... -- Como Avenue north to Lakeview Avenue. —........................... __.................. _ ...__............. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ ............ _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.86 V per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............................................ and the total cost thereof is $............._.........__ ...... ..... __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................._.__.._._....-........._.............. ._...................... i .............. ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _...... _..... _........ _.,. - 5. Said improvement is. ------ ....................._..............._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C%'%��' Commiaeioner of Public Wo ke. 60t r (51 r COUNCIL FILE NO. _ _........... /�- ;' • , .� In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Winslow Avenue from Congress.. Street to a point 75 feet south of Isabel Street, C..F: No. 60867-.- In She matter of constructing a servr ,Street) toory Avenue from Congreses - Isabel S1reeDolnt 75 feet' -South of .Order 6,462 a ..under- PrelimIlUry ... - A Dubltc hea Pnroved IlfaY 32. 1926. .. ... ..... upon the above improvement ue o had : notice„ and the Council havin D hedue ard . ........ al ��:_s�ns. ob3ectlons andu` earl li ,?PS relative theretr. under Preliminaryndrder.. ".5946.2 approved..__ha .12. __1925.. Intermediary Order ____ _ approved.. _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the rove h _...construct. .a. sew.er...on. Viinslow..Avenue-from .Congress.,S.treet.. to a_point 75. feet south,. of Isabel Street,_.__..,. be and the same are hmeby , mmunA and Iwefnded tans] ON ........eaid mater bedlacontintasd. and t e Council hereby orders s, *d improvement to be n ade. R OLVED FURTHER, Th t the Commissioner o Public Works be and is he eby instructed and directed prepare plans and speci •ations fdr said impro ement, and'submit same to a Council for approval; t at upon said approval, the upper city officials ar hereby authorized and directe to proceed with the ma ing of said improvemenppC it accordance therewitl Adopted by the ("MuCil A�,!7r(_!41,J _ _ _. 192 Approved . _. . AUG ..2 (..JJ�5... 192 .. Councilman Clancc /Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald ,/Councilman Rm= Hodgson ,/'Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /VIayor Nelson Dorm B. ',. A. K -i. _.... ......... . ......... _ City Clerk ............ Mayor. z POST CARD NOTICE ..r % ICE OF-Tfft COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE --0 at. PanlrMinn............ July.R................. loz_.5 Coun li f the CitrTf St. Paul, Minn., has.under cppsideration an order p n�t+� to .. ..g ...ee. ...an...Wixkslave..AY.e.a..f.rom............_..--- reQe_.$t. t.o pt...75.!...:S-01...Isabel .At--------- .. . ... ........... .................._...........-.._.........._................................. ----- .. .... ......_..............pp...11.�................._ ..----- ....-........................0.............--- de' ellml Order..... Sl.`_f6La------------- approved.94lt..1.2?. J. �............. '4 ...-HA.xvae.x4Ch.eiS ... ... ... . ..................._...........--- are h Ye notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider t %ad abilit of a above improvement; that the total estimated coat thereof r '1 Edh� �n he a f .. `�: M--------------or...5i?2.40 per front foot. Th a ch acing will be held on said improvement In the Council Cham- . of t Cham- Cor t o se and City Hall Building, on the..�2..�:..day of.I lY.,_..In 5 he y of St. Pats, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. L. C. IIODGSON, Commissioner of Finance. CITY: OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT``� OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISMNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ,q under Preliminary Order approved +nrsy +e, a7e7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 644.00 The estimated cost per,5ddq0r the above improvement is S 2-80 Inspection $12.00 Frontage 22Q ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bene is for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �., DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 ;56 Town of Nest St.Paul 7975 7 56 do East Of lot 8 59 do 2025 . &.E -g of S-15 ft - of 9 North 35 ft- of East of 9 :59 do 2175 West of lots 9-9-& 10 58 do 2600 5 - Union Cottage Company's 2300 Re.of the WV.j of Blk 57 Nest St.Paul proper,lainn. 4900 4 - TOTAL. ?2175 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his repsrt thereon to the'Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Com issioner of Finance. �. Form B. a. 13 - o Y St. Paul, Minn.._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your• Honorable Body to cause the/ following improvement to be made: C tr vL... c /cz e ti tryv �il c ca . u (",/'.X!""......._`j...._..... c lam......_...— St. Ave. from _....... .'..'.y...-�0.:.`::._� .... _...... - ....... __ -St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Publicorks `CCIiJ�D !1 Report to Commissioner of Finance June ll,,U3IS To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59462 May 12, 1925 192 ............. relative to Council, known as Council File No..._ ........ _.... ............approved_ ......... .......... ........._.............._...__ the constrnetion of a sewer on Winslow Avenue from Congress Street .._....._.._ ._.......... _ _..... ..........-. .......... ....._ ..........-- to a point 75 feet south of Isabel Street. .......... .....__........ .............. _.................. I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .._.......... ........... necessary and (or) desirable. 2.80 ppr front ft. 644.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._..._._.. ................. __............. and the total cost thereof is $....__....... ....._....................... Inspection 9`12.00 Frontage 229 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._......_....._.__..._-_..._.._..........:.... ...................... ............. _... _._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ................. ..........._.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _... . ........................................ _............................. ---... _ Commissioner of Public Works. ti_ d ®eParhnze:rz�h df I�J'ub;l�icvrs JOHNH. MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEt . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CM Oma WM. N. CAREY. SUR.., --- -D REPAIR NERROLD, OFFlGE AHD CM PI..W " "'— June 10, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENS�RDTR A. D. SHARP, SUPT. GP SANRATIGR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. GP WGRK-. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Winslow Avenue from Congress St. to a point 75 feet south of Isabel Street under Preliminary Order C.F. #59462, approved May 12, 1925: Estimated cost $644.00 Inspection 12.00 Cost per front foot 2.80 Total frontage 229 feet Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: ommissioner of Public Works. I A. Ac.uNCIL } �' - CITY -OF ST. PAUL ae NO...-.�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNcIt RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VU _....---- _----------------- _. ____......_ DATF .......... ....._._....._._...... RESOLVED That the application .of the Willhelm Oil Company for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 22, Block 80, St. Anthony Park, being on the south side of Hampden avenue between Raymond avenue and Bradford street_ be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Clancy 'Ferguson Hodgson --._./J...In favor McDonald /ySudheimer E�...Against ZrMr. President O.g¢$alved8 That the. 4t)IIentlon Oef the Willhelm 011Companyfor.-permle9ion to rect and' malntaln a public garage n7,Ot 22;. Hlock. 80. 6t. Anthony Park,. ide of Hampden beim On the south s: avenue between Raymond avenue Bradford street; be and t .. ams is hereby f SeParksnnPaygroundsCand the lesions Pa no s rluated etas issue u De molt Ethe sto,�.25. Adopted by the Council July 21, 19?6. ApPioved- July ' ?2b 1926) - - JU1.. 21 1925 Adopted by the Council...._ ..........------------------------ 192 °:F' JUL 21 1925 Approved ................. _......... ...192...... MAYOR d STATE OF MINNESOTA, I vs. Coun1y of Rdntscy.l v.1v. ..being duly sworn, deposes _.. .Notice of Application for Permit to ply �� and says that she is clerk for tt patch Printing Co. which now (s and during all the Erecta Public Garage. times hereinafter mention s been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, Nohcb tt-herebq stvm tnnti pureuan! to ;t"-Yaat-Iyenees-Ereca, a d ' newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. sectlhn s-st ocdlneone xo. so; nt toe ens on TMy 1023. to ibee Clfy smell Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... !bode 15. nt 11160011r, et 6 I t i' Miin t by That -rhe )Poll omp y f Daren i t et e' 1 R de! Ib d e nhbli F ne 11 e' tdlo;'11.9t real Ml tP eltue}0 Ria ey Ce ty bil p- adt. t IL Lvt 2'P., Ill k Pn $t Ahti y /%� - GQ��- ; , -y, L, _-rf /. SCJ • ..... 'C ' f t I'anl .Linn o:, ontk 11S.bth'cit .1 onthe .. afh old pt tf pdph eh 1 e- t,e keymend n"enue W Drfldf=:i— , Dated at 6t. Pazl. nesotn. Sone 29, foga' ..4..GL...... ... ... --��:. .... .... ............. ne er, was inserted, printed and (Press and Dinod,". Ione 'e'1."a D4 _ hereto attached, cut from the columns of said and that all of published in said newspaper Dana-lu.aaabi-wsw1a. for...s3.... taeelte, said publications were made In the English language. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published mrrti � the. -eir/.day of......,' ::................1920'. and was Prl¢ted nd Pub - -Y(6 lisped in said newspaper thereafter on.. i iau}stdktgYl.�cGc� the.3o�-rs�d of.... �.Gf�I.'4P ......... 192%1 u.4l.-and That during all the C s aforesaid, said newspa vas qualified as a medium 4 484, Session of official and legal public ons as required by sectio and of chapter Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con - stititte a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said..�f.�-Ge.c..... .. ............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-oneand one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw•t hundred and forty copies regularly delivered"too paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said.......... •�. . > � • • • - - • • • • • • ' • • • " • .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921.', That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the slm and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghiiktmnopgrstuvw$vz ahedelghi}leis}nopgridna cayz Further affiant safth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bili for publication in said newspaper(( of the aforesaid legal advertisement. ..�•W�-gyp' _6 .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....Oi1�c-f`sr/���. day of ..............�J..... 11... ..!: "'..— :i .......... . Notary Public, Ral#ey County, Minnesotm F- 141 2M 64-2;; Pd:x MY Commission expires .. .... ................ ... L.:3.TWEED, Notary Pc b': . _4'y Ceunty, Mina, Commise io:, ., .y Sept 22, 1929 J+ STATE OF _1171 'VESOTA' I ss. County of Ramsey, the. _ .-�%/Z/. day of... • ...T.1193and was printed and pub - being duly sworn, deposes - Notice of 'Application for Permit to .............. and says that -rhe is clerk Po D1sFatch Printing Co, which now is and during all the Erec! a Public Garage times hereinafter menti a has been the publisher of the nvace 'Ya `he br ow.,. thnt avnaant ,s,5. St. Paul Pioneer Press, a ily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. section Cra Ordhunce N... DW0'„or'the.-Cft} or saint Pam, Mlvreanty, Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. ontllkA_ miAl}ly Dint ov..tutr l.i to2D. to.tner Ctq Cpuncn ThatUhe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... at tie Clt c! j i t P ui. 1[I n ta?b? wlllh 1 OII cn Ft(TC a D bll araF M rip[ t onrfill R 31e6 tM� res,! re[ t Stuete i P m v Cnu ! Dil �.'C�CII.���:: • . �.. ��� ••• GRrGf la'C.--�LrS/. aot t It 7 t 1' DI k FII St enft<� P k addit( ',.Cit t S tat P VI D[I nraot3c ”' R the eq [h elle t H 1D1 n p p ue �- Cn n Ap>ID d V 1 ti Ad(oI!}T t. - D tcd L St: PAnI Dti t J n� 9. 19 . Q/..... .... . -r ............................ ', fl'apd alsnatcv. 7uwe hereto attached, cut from the columns of said spaper, was inserted, printed and published in .said newspaper onee-l" eme�wecl: for. . 4 .....weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. c That said notice was first inserted, printed and published or'. .. the. _ .-�%/Z/. day of... • ...T.1193and was printed and pub - /. y... lisped in said newspaper thereafter on.'/ 4.11+ and it>•eladietgV� the -_"-Q daaY of... �Crio-[.�......... That during all the ti aforesaid, said newspa as 192 9uali9ed as a medium of official and legal publics, ns as required by sectio and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit://that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said....f[.�G�.Cn..... ............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to he issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to thepage, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of tbem. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twt hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ..... -.ct- ............. the publisher or printer in charge of -said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said coutlty of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefgh i]klmnopgrstuvwryz Bhe' r„ Further affiant saith not save +that ^this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper /ofd/the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....�0��.. ott=4 .-192t��.....�......... Notary Public, Ra sey County, Minnesota. ry %yl.va F,-. tat 2M 5-4-25 ]'&u My Commi vion expires... ... ........................ .... L. TWEED, Idatnry i y County, Minn My Commnl:::.. _ • , Sept 22, 1928 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PRRVIT TO F,RI:CT A PUBLIC GARAGE. a Notice is hereby given that pursuant to' Section 674, 580, of the City of Saint Paul, rrinneso19� Ordinance No. 5 application will be made on _ to the C'tY Co it of thet Paul, Minnesota, ft Sain __ y for by permission to erect a public garage on & fo 1 wing de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, t y Block 6 tc wit: Addition, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 0 the S side of 84'. Ave. an Ave. between —Alt ,Ave. St. Number Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, �if 192' COUNCIL 60669 CITY OF ST. PAUL FELE NO_________________________ ✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOM PRESENTED BY _..,�--- _._..�_.._..___...._.---------_I... ._....... ...__.- DATE.._ ..... _......... _........ __.............................. ........... .... ..... . RESOLVED That permission and authority hereby given to Res Trummer to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Randolph and Milton streets, said station to be provided with 26 -foot radius curb returns from the roadway, and the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. ";1�z I - I COUNCILMEN JUL 2 1 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ --------- 192.---- ,/Clanc-y '/Ferguson App. ea.......JUL . , I. -WE ........... . 192 - -/Hodgson ...In favor �MeDonald Sud}lelmerMAYOR Against /Ivenzel Mr. President e �lrint�ni of Winancl' Titp1 of Ot. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMIER CHIEF OF BUREAWOF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE gefv�® July 11th, 1925 Mr. C.J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Lor. McGlogan:- pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of Rex Trummer to erdet or install a drive-in filling a lton will come rup�for consideration dbeforon the e olph �helCouncil rStreets in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court u o'clock Building on the 21st day of July, 9 -?5 at A. M. Very tr y yours, ommissioner of Finance. - e s APPLICATION DATED, im 16, 1925, REX TRUWWER, 1358 JAMES ST., DRIVE-IN FILLING STATION, N. U. CORNER RANDOLPH AND MILTON STS. -- - _ TO_Pabl_ie 3eaYety— — - ---- - - -.. Fire O (� Traffic Engineering Zone - _ Hearing A!,* . Amp. Sm! W nod r of MIAO n"Ity, ass TY or t rot vw; on oil MUM � "TIMISno to a t- A'O� .-A wMq� a. '-': As A utry"N, vy"Mrs, On: mv�'All Wre ta 0 ;V00OW, ",I Is "I ar"wizi, wma in crunco. .&ra vitarop v 11111— at Up 1 mW 2 In " - one , - in to Q010, 1 : COUTA veins to A.K%2 AM W jurovT a -so tits wry., it O's wvo� Mv Ow n�nrt art 11.10 lev z .Qmi TV TOM up t tr-.:B, a 0 rzntiona. 1 -1 tv Act t"St LAP Onart ant CT WN lr tiatvan mvp njl� _7 go rl tort 0, 'Whiny, ev�-pum Z:rhmil AtOWS, 0MUM now "j;v! S. us m An. -Ax Q Nun - OVA& TV, E. J. MURNANE. ONIEF OF POuce .� MICHAEL GMHARDT. Acer. C.- OF POUCe ':•M.A. VALL. CAPTAIN OFDETEerw.6 G. H. BARFUSS. INSFEcrOR OF FOYLE A. is EGGERT. LI.— INSPOTOR ,CHARLES L. SEGREN. $UFT. MUMCIPAL OAMOE 111- MACAULAY, 6UPT. POYCe @ Flne ALARM 66666 OWEN.C. �N. - a� {►0 ¢¢����AyYYe ypN�'�}W�A Depaetment of f lublic Saf etU D$DAR LANDER: Aa FI Cxler WILLIAM BARRON. CNI" INSPECTOR. FIRS FREvm.r10N J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLI6, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY. SUPT. ar AFPA O DR. B. F. SIMON. SH CWRTHWeE HEALTN OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D., DEPUTY HULTH OFFICER - 0 JOHN MARTI. CHIeF HSALTN INSPECTOR June 23, 1926 Mr. C. J. mcGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Herewith is returned the applioation of Rex Trummer for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Randolph and Milton Streets and report of inspeotion and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, 6�/c om-uissioner of Public S ety PAj . W. --- I E. JMURNANE. CHIEF OF MICE ' MICHAEL GEBHAOEO . A8...... . CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VA . '• CAPTAIN CF DETECT G. H. BARFUSS. IxSPeLTOR OF POLICE A.L. EGGERT. LICENSE INUPECTOR CHARLES L SEGREN. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GARAGE JOS. MACAULAT. SUPT. POLICE & FIRE A— Qtm d ttild Paul Department of Public Safety J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION I WILLIAM BARRON.CHIFF INSPECTOR n �® Hon.J.`?. Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, :,4inn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANOER. AEET. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. GHIEP INSPECTOR. CHARLES L. WILLIS. DR. S. F. SIMON. HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DOVTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH INSPECTOR ,Tune 23,1925 In regard to the application of Rex Trummer for permission t6 install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Randolph and Milton Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respeetf�ully y C_hief_Ins pector. Originai Form No. CITY OF. SAINT PAIL �_ X, OFFICE OF.THE CITY CLLRK This application to be 1 made in duplicate and City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE submitted to the clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Datr 19_ Department of P. Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date 19� of Saint Paul, M,jr?lnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By 7`�� Nnmo of Firm or Ivdividuvl For License to Operate and intain (In Co_m�plia�nce with Ordinance 5266) A ..oa-n,Y—o. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STA N to be located At Btrcct Num6cr and Strect _ Number of� Number of Gas Capacity of J�� Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk 1/��J A.yu+w. tA.ti-fr++l Bigvaturo of AppLrant By TTTT Bueinne Address Received From City Clerk Received From City Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Date 19— Datr 19_ Department of P. Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By BY By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19— Date t9— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City. Clerk Office of the City Clerk By BY By Received From City Clerk Received From CIty Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19— Date. Date 19 Officeof the Corporation Counsel By Department Of--- By -Ordinance, -RecefvedFrom 0fficeoICorr. Calms el - 19— Date19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk gy By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ r We, the undersigned property ov7ners, residing in the Vicinity of Randolph and Milton Streets, are in favor I f the application for permit to erect a filling station on lot 30, block 11, Michael & Roberts Addi- tion,which is located on the northwest corner of Milton and Randolph Street. This property is zoned for business purposps,and we believe a filling sta- tion at this corner would be less detrimental,if set �ack from the sidewalk,to residential property than a store building,which can be built right up to the sidewalk line. Name Address MA D�e�ipa� F�rnfe R(h� �i�r� ��u761 i c�C rr� s a JOHN H. Mc DONALD, COMMISSIONERQ THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C-1 iT1OINriER M. 5. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE EN.I.— WM. N. CA—. SUFI. OF CON.TROLTON ANO REPAIR A. E. SHARP. SOPY. OF GANIYATw� G. H. HERROLD. OFFIOe ANO CITY PLANNING iiIOIN®1 G. P. BOWLIN. SOFT. OF WORRN June 25th, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. 1 Dear Sir Re Drive-in Filling Station N. W. oorner Randolph & Milton Res Trtimmer'. This app, 'tion for a drive-in filling station at the Northwest corner of Randolph & Milton must be provided with 26 ft. radius curb returns from the roadway. It is in a Commercial District and subject to a public hearing. Yours very truly, er i y anning E.neer. App owed mm se oner-o blic orks. — -- ---GH-REH L{o/ 6,0 / C i si1- S s p C 60,870 OUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--- _...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERPo FORM — r , RESOLVED That the application of the Peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Com- pany for license to maintain a gasoline filling station on private property, at 731 North Snelling avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the fee required by law. - COUNCILMEN JUL. Q 1 025 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councilt--3---- _._.... .......... 192...... L,' Clancy .I JJII Ferguson Approved -.....i�G �:t�+; X -192 ✓Hodgson In favor l ,'McDonald hJ ..�.!' V.F:7T MAYOR ' Sudheimer Against / Wenzel �r /Mr. President o !¢!j • C• F. Na. 89870—Ev'H. Q:. Wanzet—. Resolved, T1iat the aDDllcutloa of the for Icea1. In maintain Dne3'Peerless 1 eanlag and Dyeins Com- aL ._�2aliingatatlon On private a' Baeo- the North SaeIII Droperty, snore ie hereb g avenue, be and' Clty:.Clerh le lne y Bratited, and the. llcanae upon tructpd -to :issue such" - [teas Dted b'tthpem1C9ulred by I gtY., Ado Couacll Jul ADDroved July. 21, 3926. Y 21, 1926.. i � (JuIY: 26.3926) . 4� COUNCILMEN JUL. Q 1 025 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councilt--3---- _._.... .......... 192...... L,' Clancy .I JJII Ferguson Approved -.....i�G �:t�+; X -192 ✓Hodgson In favor l ,'McDonald hJ ..�.!' V.F:7T MAYOR ' Sudheimer Against / Wenzel �r /Mr. President ` irpartment of in ant UP of St. PAUL - L. C. HODGSON. COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS - 116-17-I8 COURT HOUSE July 11th, 1925 tdr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogan:— Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of The Peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Company to install a Willing Station on private property for cleaning purposes will -come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Phamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 21st day of July, 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. Ver y uly.yours, mmissioner of Finance. �p .A APPLICATION'bAT91), JUNE 18, 1925. PEERLESS CLEANING &.DYEING CO.. by J. J. mcmAHON, 731 No. Snelling, FILLING STATION, PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR CLEANING PURPOSES. 731 NO. SNELLING AVENUE To Public Safety Fire el� . Traffic Engineering Zone Hearing J U Y. Y I X U, 2 9 2 50 aon. UaMMIZOinnor g U 1 u. I V a. Re: Application of Peerless GleanQg & Dyeing company .for filling Sta— tion :or cleaning purposes at 731 ly ocar :ommjzuionor: jo. Snelling Ave. Attachae ti wasith dupliocto of _oars truln OITT CLV hii; CAS:v ", WIV, ©tieip a h�n�e h i f� (F"PAIR c RIja r"Wo JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. Un— QIaINECa ' GEORGEM. SHEPAflO. CMeP ENGINEER A. B. SH.PF --- aP SANRATtaN WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CaNBTBUrnaM uta REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN, SUPE. aP WON(NaU6E ' G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE A— CTTr P--- walNem , June 25th, 1925 1,4r. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- Re : Filling Station, Private property for cleaning purposes, Peerless Cleaning. & Dying Co. This is located in a Commercial District and subject to a public hearing. The tank and pump are to be used in connection With a dry cleaning establishment. There are no engineering difficulties involved. Yours very truly, —cityP arming E`ngiz3eer. Ap roved omm ss ones of Public Works. �e/ GH-REH CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ - This application to be- +:®...,{, ➢ made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION t. (. r t'P To the Honorable City Council q,t of Saint Paul, Minnesota By �� Q���tr `G j ,. r 0 r License to Operate and Mai 1 Application No. Date G ` 19__ APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE M - - _ /? Nam, of Firfia or indmavat (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) ' l [ "DrN, In" o b'•�i / i'[ u AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located AtZJ I. -f < i^ j 3ercet Number and Btrcet Number of /! Number of Gas Capacity of 3'G /!1 t Tanks to be Installed f `fes # •., Tanks Pumps to be Installed ` F���7 ,! 4% Mr. C. J. McGlogan, 1 / 2 City Clerk, n \ (o at. Paul, Minnesota. YY�r }b\(" YYV11111c yi i Dear Sir: - application herewith is t application of the peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Compan for permission to instal a gasoline filling station, for private use only, at 731 North Snelling Avenue. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. Yours very truly, C/C. I asioner of pub o' se. Y. s •;: D ;► a pl Y �f ultttPaul GW . E. J. MURNANE, CHI(:, of Pouc¢ ARO-, . � ��JJ'��l } 'J� �({► { FIR. CHURNN. - WE OSCAR .FIR. . .MICHAE. CIR. AssT. CNIeFOP -U.S. qqp 2lY�1HENS of Ilubltc, IYYLL,kI IIliLL {{f���413�: T 'Safetp WILLIAM BARRON. H.A. VALL, CNIEF INSFecTOR. FIR¢ P. --- IN J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIE. G. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. OF APPARATUS INSPeCTOR oP Pouce DR. B. F. SIMON, A. L. EGGERT. House H¢ALTH OFFICER LICeNee INeP¢CTOR NI cWRi A. E. NICHOLS, M.D.. CHARLES L. SEGREN. .--H[ALTH OFOF PICeR RePT. McNICIPAL GAMO[ JOH A JOS. MACAULAY. SGPT. FOLIC¢ &FIR¢ ALARM CNI¢PH_1 &U.TH I-P— June 23, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, 1 / 2 City Clerk, n \ (o at. Paul, Minnesota. YY�r }b\(" YYV11111c yi i Dear Sir: - application herewith is t application of the peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Compan for permission to instal a gasoline filling station, for private use only, at 731 North Snelling Avenue. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. Yours very truly, C/C. I asioner of pub o' se. Y. :V '1% June 23,1925 Hon.J-M-Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,t:iinn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. OSCAR LANDER, Afi FIR. CHIRP WILLCIN MBARRON. IN6P.LTOR, FIR. PREVEMIGN CHARLES L. WILLIS. su— GF APPARATLG DR. B. F. SIMON. HHALTH o,..— A. E. NIC H.AL N M. D.. JOHN MA -1. C.I.P HGLTN IN6PFLTOR ,•;, In regard to the applice<tion of the Peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Company for permission to install a gasoline fill- ing station, for private use only, at 731 No -Snelling Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report that sudh an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector .. QIR of 11 E. JC.I¢PRGPAPo ICH OYiutPaul 'MICHAEL GP GEDHARDT. A- GEE POLICE Department of Public Safetu H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OP D.THRIV.H J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. X. BARFUSS, INSP.cTGR GP —C. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT, LICHNs. INSP — BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION CHARLES L. SEOREN, SU MUNICIPAL GARAG. N 1m ....—A — WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR JOS. MACAULAY, SUPT. POIJeH & FIR. ALARM June 23,1925 Hon.J-M-Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,t:iinn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. OSCAR LANDER, Afi FIR. CHIRP WILLCIN MBARRON. IN6P.LTOR, FIR. PREVEMIGN CHARLES L. WILLIS. su— GF APPARATLG DR. B. F. SIMON. HHALTH o,..— A. E. NIC H.AL N M. D.. JOHN MA -1. C.I.P HGLTN IN6PFLTOR ,•;, In regard to the applice<tion of the Peerless Cleaning and Dyeing Company for permission to install a gasoline fill- ing station, for private use only, at 731 No -Snelling Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report that sudh an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector Ci d ' "`" �°� r ( S,r7 ... CITY OF ST. ,PAUL FNO..--_�S�S�.d_�;, . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //� COUNCIL RESOL ION --GENERAL FORM Y o MAI RESOLVED That the application of the Eagle 011 Company to maintain a tank and pump inside the garage at 694 East Seventh street, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the fee required by law. 1, V , i Vil li f p COUNCILMEN JUL2 11925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........ 192.--..- ✓/Clancy JUL 211925 ✓ Ferguson Approved...;...- - - -- 192. ✓Hodgson..........In favor ... •/McDonald lll.... !.. ....Y .: Y....... .a.-........ MAYOR...- ,/ Sudheimer.......Against 7enzel r. President I Department of 3fin"8ncit UP ;of St. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER- . K. L. FIESELER. DEPUTY - LEONARD .C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS „ 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE July 11th, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogan:- pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7, 1922 youlare hereby notified that the application of The Eagle 011 Company to erect or install a Inside Garage, Pump and Tank at 694 East 7th Street will come up for consideration before the Coundil in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 21st day of July, 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. Very y yours. 4missioner of Finance. APPLICATION DATED. im 18, 1925, EAGLE OIL COMPANY, INSIDE GARAGE PIIMP AND TANS, 694 E. SEVENTH ST. \ Fire`y Traffic Engineering Zone To Public Safety Hearing z, L y oil s r Nra-moo, 3 u I ilez Application of Oil Co. for Inside Gar- age P=p and Tank at 694 E. Seventh Street. Vy door Oommlsalonor: ottachod hnrc,�-Ith dupjjoctta tpplicatjon. 1,10aso ad"Ilso 11�%to hwiring. V.iurs trulZr. Mr. a. J. AeGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; - Returned herewith is the application of the Eagle Cil Co. for permission to instal an inside garage pump and tank at 694 East Seventh Street. I This installation has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours veryyttruly, F 00 ---- Commissioner of Public e V 11A 0 a� F 1 p Aill� Paul a owEN c. ounN. E. J.MURNANE, �� tV alut WV FIne CHIv - CNIBP.P Pouca MICHAH. GEDHAROT. y A f +uu[Tlic Sa fet� Public OBCAR LANDER. A¢si. Flae CHl� As.T. CweP aP Pouc§ Department N ,QL668V {4 3� WI Ciw¢FBIHSPECFOR. FIa[ P.-ONTIOH H.A, VAU., ,"tOPflR:cTrvE¢ I J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIE. G. H. BARFUSS,SUPT. HARRY. T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF AFPAM s I-P—ROFPoucs DR. B. F. SIMON. - H¢ALTNOmem A. L. EGGERT. .UCEHee WPELTOR RT HWOE A. E. NICHOLS, D.. HEALTH OFFICER OF CHARLES L. 5EGRE D¢PUIT BEPT. G MUNICIPAL AMO[ 0 JOHNMARTI. Cw¢P HEALTH I -Oa JOS:1. 8: Flab ANPM SUPE. PoLICE ft... Jutw 23, 1925 Mr. a. J. AeGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; - Returned herewith is the application of the Eagle Cil Co. for permission to instal an inside garage pump and tank at 694 East Seventh Street. I This installation has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours veryyttruly, F 00 ---- Commissioner of Public e V 11A 0 a� F 1 p Aill� June 25,1925 Hon. J.M.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul,?linn. Dear Stx; In regard ter the application of the Eagle Oil Co. fs permission to install an inside garage pump and tank at 694 East Seventh Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location mould not great— ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity= Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. ^a`n a60l DUN OWEN C. OUNN. E. J. MURNANE. CNIFJ" OP PW.Ie[ 9I L��yof fl'666�� T9ip} FIRe MICHAEL GESHAROT. ASEI. GM OPPOt.iCe yvI }► '1 ♦♦ p Re.pttrtment of Publir Safetu LT OSC4 LANDER. T. FIRe H'. A. VA-. '_IA ON, WI CIWePBIN[PREcioa. FIRE PREY .. CwrtwIx OF DeieCirvE[ M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER _ G. H. BARFUSS, INSPECNR OF —1c. ,J, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. sort. OF APPwRwrve A. L. EGGERT. LICmIs[INSP—Oq BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OR. F. TNOvncm CHARLES L. SEGREN, 3r wxO M xxeearw s. A. E. NICHOLS. M. O.. DO— HEALTH OFFICm BUFF. MUNIGPAL DwRA08 A CTO WILLIAM AM RARRON,ICHIEF INSPER JGS. MA JOHN MARTI. He.LLTH INEPO-OR POUND¢ & FIR6 A .9M.® .9M.@ June 25,1925 Hon. J.M.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul,?linn. Dear Stx; In regard ter the application of the Eagle Oil Co. fs permission to install an inside garage pump and tank at 694 East Seventh Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location mould not great— ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity= Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. f Duplicate CITY OF SAINT'PAUI4-, . }, 'x;,i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tU APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AbT,0MOBILE FILLING STATION f4< This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. AoDlication No. 19y To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint aul, Minnesota ATION IS 'HEREBY MADE ezz"K By / N—e d Mr. or lndMdonl For Li b to Operate n Maintain (In Compliance with Ordina 'ce�526�6i o be located AU M�E� INrG�gSTATIO0-7 � �C,/ri(' At j ` Streets N --era d Street Number of Number of Gas / Capacity o� �w Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be I tailed Tank Received at office of City Clerk ��/f 6ign of Applicant 0 By JJ}r/�/A /i�27, Buaineve Addrem Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Data 19— Date 19— Date—_ _ 19_ Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By BY By Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbe Bldgs. Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Opt. of Public Works Date 19— Date 19- Date 19— City Office of the Ci Clerk Office of the Cit Clerk Y Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ Approved 19— Ordinance No. Date Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel BY By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of P Data 19— Date19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By - License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ I orvlqe`��IIYePU1, t� JOHN H. MCDONALD. 'COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMIS.1... R GEORGE M. SHEPARD. -1 dmNEER .M. N. C..E . SUIT. OP CON.TRU-- ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OPPICe Ano CITY PLANNING ENOiNeER June 25th., 1925. Mr. C, J. McGlogan, M. S. GHYTBAK. BRI- d-1- A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OP 9ANRATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPS. OP WORKNO8.8 City Clerk. Dear Sir Re : Inside Garage Pump & Tank, 694 E. 7th St., Eagle Oil Company. This is in a Commercial District and subject to a public hearing. It is to be placed inside of garage. Engineering Report : There are no engineering difficulties. Yours very truly, I -K ing Q._ City plannEngineer: Ap ove ommiss oner o is YJorks. GH-REH COUNCIL NO—... CITY OF ST, PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GEN L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_— RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to H. H. McNair to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at Ramsey street and Oakland avenue (26 -foot radius returns from the roadway to be used), the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St- Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the commissioneziof Public COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald 5u dheiraer �17- Wenzel Mr. President Nays I--- In favor ......... 0 -Against, C. F� No. 60872—, By, IL, C. Wenzel— R.aolvedeThat permission and ot 'rlty .,a- hereby given to H Z Ma- Nair t all an Avid alr'._ (I'maintal. �: ' ..1a filling: elation, at Ramsey street:., and Oakland-(26,f..t. radius ' t.rna,ftom ... thiei - !�ro%dway to be; tmer)�, ,,the. tanks,abd pumps to be IGstalled in accordance,, With the.. ordinance Irf the,City pt 9t. ;an i an under: . direction lo, thee.'eatl factlani of 'the, C..In inners of, .Publjc sw cjly. anfl Pnblla Enlldfingw. Adopted bythe 2-Uhtfl July ii' 1826 li Approved Way 2":1926. (July 26.1926), 11 JUL 2 1 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------192...... JUL 21 1925 Approved ----------.192- -•- MAYOn ----------192_.- MAYOR APPLICATION DATED, 0 JUNE 24,- 1925„: H. H. MCNAIR, � r, 341-5 ENDICOTT BLDG., 10 DRIVE-IN FILLING STATION, OAKLAND AND RAMSEY ST. To Public Safety Fire ( Traffic Engineering Zone Hearing �( Mr. C. J. McGlogan, city Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of R. H. MaNair for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at Oakland Avenue and Ramsey street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard. Z,-\,--5_- yours very truly, Commissioner of Pub c Safety V 3 /I 4 ` oahitPaul OWER C. DUNN. Mi MPR vA Pouc¢ � FIRC CHI¢F T, MICHAELGIOF 11 mA}► Tr y�j1p OWN OWN ORCARl AoeT. FIR¢ LMIeP ASOT. CM¢P OF PoLICE OF Department IIL Fuld{C BARRON. WILLIAM BARRON, H. A. VALL. J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHIEF IN¢PECToa, FIR¢ Pa¢VENitON CHARLES WILLIS. G. H. BARFUSS,SUPE. INSPEROR OF PoucE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER of APPARATUS A. L. EGGERT, DR. B. F. SIMON. HEALTH OMn LI—E I—OR . zH eazrtr House A CHARLES C. SEGREN. SUPT. MUNICIPAL G-02 OFFU(Y He H OFF`— - JOS. MACAULAV, OO JOHC.- M— I-F—OR SUPT. PoYCE & FIa¢ ALARM F June 26, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, city Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of R. H. MaNair for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at Oakland Avenue and Ramsey street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard. Z,-\,--5_- yours very truly, Commissioner of Pub c Safety V 3 /I June 25,1925 Hon.J.14.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear. Sir; In regard to tha application of H.H.McNair for permission to install a drive—in gasolir_e filling station at Oakland and Ramsey Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinnty. Respectfully yours Chief Ins -sector. 1 • 4 ♦ ytl �/tl}'1'$gy a9>■ apps �m�ayY.pJ �Mp ep�p.A Paul PaulA OWEN C. DUNN, E. J. MURNANE, 'O,CY `Syr -of /® N�iIY E-_III M Flne Cxly CHIeP OP PoLICH GESHAROT. {► p Safe MICHAEL ASST. CweP oP Po4c. Department of Public WU_UAT BARRON. WILLIAM BAflRON, H. A. SPALL. CHIEP INePHcion. FIRE P-ION CAPTAIN OF OET.CNVE. J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER - CHARLES L. WILLIS. G. H. BARFUSS, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SYPT. OP APPwRw'Tue INSPEcioR CP POLICE OR. B. P. SIMON, A. L. EGGERT. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION Hew_O_`_ LIC.... INSPECTOR MINN.sarw .T.. A. E. NICHOLS. M. O.. CHARLES L. SEGREN. .IoxTH wNo WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR pOUTY HTwLTx OFPILEfl 6CPT. M.NIGFAL G JOHN MA JOS. MAWULAY. C.—PJ.LTH IN9PECTOn H ..PT. POLI.. IS FIR. ALARM _QS3�1 @ �s June 25,1925 Hon.J.14.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear. Sir; In regard to tha application of H.H.McNair for permission to install a drive—in gasolir_e filling station at Oakland and Ramsey Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinnty. Respectfully yours Chief Ins -sector. Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and + OFFICE OF THE I:ITY CLERK c- submitted to the City • APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form Na. Application No. To, the Honorable City Council Date I9=� of Saint Paul, Minnesota, r ' APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By�N Name of Firm or Ivdrviduvl For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A uE I tq "Drive !n" or Curb AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At -- - - - 6tmNt Number vad street Number ofd Number of Gas Capacity of 000 Pumps to be InstalleTanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk ' 6igvatura of Applirnnt By r em— {3Q Buvnee..,.ldress U — Received rom City Clerk Dat Departme t o�ublic Safety BY � Received From ept.. f P blic Safety Date - 19— officeof the City Clerk By . Received From City Clerk Date 19— Department of Publ(c Works By Received From, Dpt. of Public Works Date 19— Office of the City Clerk By Received From City Clerk Date 19— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings BY of Received From Parka, Playgrounds and rt mensMO. Date 19 Office of the City Clerk By Received From City Clerk Dat Received From City Clerk Date 19— Passed +9— Approved 19— Ordinance No. Permit No. License No. Office of the Corporation Counsel BY B- By— Y Received From Department of Date 19— Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 1,1— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— ��-�rsr� VWMV a cl'i'Y %55:5)�R l e�par�h��aeRfv tN vaq rk�s JOHN H. MODONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEL . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF MOINCER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIME ENCIN®t WM. N. CPREY. SUPT. OF CO- ANO RDMIR A. 8, SHARP, SYR. OF SMI -OH G. H. HERROLD. OMCE ANO CRY PtANNINO DIBINEEA G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WPRKHODEE June 26th, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Drive-in filling station, Dear Sir Oakland & Ramsey Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 Whitacre, Brisbine & Mullin's Addn. H. H. McNair. This filling station in on property being rezoned for commercial use. Such is possible subject to a public hearing. Because of the heavy traffic on Oakland Hill 26 ft. radius returns from the roadway must be used. Yours very truly, -6E. /-/,/� -ted City Tanning Engineer. A�ove mm ss oner o pori s. GH-REH Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to. be made in duplicate and �. OFFICE OF T#E CITY CLERIC-•. .. submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with O'r• finance 5W) A..11" fon No. and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— Z9 To the Honorable City Council Date 19 of Saint Paul, Minnesota . APPLICATION IjS�HERESY MADE t I M C_ , a By 1— —H No— of Firm or Individual E if For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with O'r• finance 5W) A •'Dnvo In" o ;••curb•, AUTOMO$ILE. FILLING STATION to be located - • ' Ai l/ C f �.v f l 411W str .tubo and Street Number ofNumber of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks QQQ Received at office of City Clerk s�eaaturo of .Ippar By Buaip".= Addr�sv _ Received From Ci k Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat - 19 Date 19_ Date 19— Department of P. Parke Playgrounds and Public Buildings Departure t of ublic Safety , Department of Public works r By ,. .. By Received From Dpt. of Public. Works rof Received From`DepA-df'PUbtic Safely and Pulp nt d Parke,-�laygrouada nad Pulbc Bldgs. s, Playgrounds Date — 19— Dat - 19— Date - 19— ..l% _, Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk • Office of the City Clerk - By— By Received From City Clerk Received Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19_ Dat Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of By Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Date 19 PermitNo. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By License No. By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— _. _ ._..:____...t,......,.v._._ ..` CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE co" NO ------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL/FORM _._ DA RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to D. G. Hirschman to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Chatsworth and Front streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C•Resol ed, That pbrmiselon and.nth ran are to install and rnslntnin & drive In &111, station atthe northeast orner ot: Chatsworth- nod .Front street., the: tmlke and"Dumps to be in tolled in ac - cordance with the ordl a ce. oY.. the i oY 8t Paul and�undar the dimatton .1t 1A and to the a tlelac1A Y the Com i mlasioner ot: t .11 Safety 1 Adopted by the Council JutY 23, 1926 Approved July 21. 1926. (July COUNCILMEN Nays - JUL 2 1 {�(,N Adopted by the Council ------------------------------.......192..._. Yeas / ✓ Clancy Ferguson 1 qq tt ((1�rt� ----------- Approved .... �UI...N.A.�U. ----192------ odgson ....... ........In favor /McDonald �j -- -- -- - - - - - -: -r-� -- -------------- ----- - MAYOR Sudheimer Wenzel t:2...._Against / Mr. President gr �e�ttcimeatt u�- �yna�c�e 0LI of St. Poul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE r O t i July aid, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. MOGlogan:- 6)"23 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7th, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of D. G. Hirschman to erect oa install a drive-in filling station on the Northeast corner of Chatsworth Street and Front Street will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 15th day of July, 1925 at 10 o'clock A. 1.j. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. C TW,�,tzaNT rF"'U rrhn "U"PO if � Plu,bl�flu Wvrk�s JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CUIEP ENGINEER WM. H. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONOTRUeTION A- REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ARD CRY PLANNING -..N- Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- M. S. GRYTSAK. SRI— EAWINEER A. D. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF —R.—.. June 17th, 1925. Re : Drive-in Filling Station, / D. G. Hirschman, {/ N. E. corner Chatsworth & Front St. This drive-in filling station is to be located at the Northeast corner of Chatsworth and Front St. where the p1reet car turns on to Chatsworth Street. Front St.Jff1s of rowing traffic importance. 7n>arc�entering a filling stat -16b7 -located -at this - _.Qorner would be -certain to cause delay to moving traffic and to street cars making this turn. Yours very truly, �GiP�annir ineer. I Ap ov d r, 'I omm ssioner of Public Works. ✓,r GH-D-RH �MJ-'''fit �Pl U A`-'�G9 •. �®� �n��V+ J V Q o-� �I �y E. J. MURNANE. CHIS. OF POLICE ` MICHARA� GE HARDT. CIOEF OR MULE H.A. VALL. ' P.wPTA1N CP DEfECirvES G. HaCYROFn OF POLICE A. L. EGGERT. LICENSE IHSPEciCR CHARLES L. SEGREN. SVPF. MI RICIFAL GwRwce JOE. MACAULAY. SUPT. POLICE B: FIRE A- � Y itV of ftint Paul Departmetit of Public Safeim J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR .0mo,Q Hon.J..i.Clancy Commissioner of FuLlic Safety, 8 t . paul,'..i inn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FIRS CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIRE CRISP WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIRS PRevE 1 - CHARLES L. WILL15. SUPT. of APP -S DR. B. F. SIMON. HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. Devlin' HEw- OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF NSA— INSPECTOR June 22,1925 In regard to the annlica.tion of D.g.Hirschman for 7ermission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline fill- inv station on the northeast corner of Chatsivorth and Front Streets. We have investiMated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Insrector. Original a .Form No. CITY OF SAINT PADJ y. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ To -the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MAD ,i By— Nn of Firm or Individun] For License to Oper d Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A "Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STAT N to be located At Street Number and Street Number of Number of GasCapacity of be d Tanks Pumps to be Installed) Tanks to Installe Received at office of City Clerk ' —Sianut-ur1It of .4ppbcnnt A By A / Busincc• Address Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date�19 _A� Date �- r_j 19�_•� Date___ 19 Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Departmeut of Public Safety Department of Public Works � _ By ' � l �`.' By By Received From Dpt. of Public Works _ Received From Department of Received From Dept. of Public Safety Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbe Bldgs. Date 19 Date 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ Approved 19— Date Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel BY Received From Department of p By Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel 19— Date 19— Permit No. Date Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ E. JCMEMNAPOE, MIC A4 CN d' POLICe H.p. VALL, .—I. of DETecirves G. H. DARFUSS. Ixsvxioa oP PoLlce A. L. EGGERT. LICENSE INSPECTOR CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GARA.. JO3. MACAULAY. SUPT. Pouce 111 FIRE AI -ARM June 22, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of D. G. Hirschman for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Chatsworth and Front Sts. and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety ON of aint Paul DWFF . COx e'N. r mAw •fBOV 1C PublicT� 4 Orpa`t Ent Public S+ a fetY OSCAR LANDER. WI PIAM Floe ON. CIH PBIxsPREcroN R. FIa6 PaevEMlox J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLESL, WILLIE, I HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. " APPARATUS DR. F. SIMON, NFI,LTH OFnceR zH counT xouss A. E. NICHOLD. M. D.. OD•UTT HeA— OFFICER �Cyy�. �°'.p ® JOH CN EF HEALTH INSPECTOR June 22, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of D. G. Hirschman for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Chatsworth and Front Sts. and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF ST. PAUL Floft c` NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK say COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY COMMI$SIONER....._....__._--------------------- --- --- .--- ........__............... ..... _ DATE ------ _.................._.._.._.............--------- --- ........... .... ........ RESOLVED'That permission and authority are hereby given to A. I.irsch- �-� man to in tall and mai�'ta n adri e n filling station on. FrOnt stT e+ naar--Chatmet, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ----------------III favor McDonald Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council------------- Approved --------------------. ---- ---------192 --------------- _.102 -- MAYOR Bepartment of FYnanCe Tatu of St. Paul L. C. HODGSON., COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER. DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER +� CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS �L^7 116t7-18 COURT HOUSE -- 1-@ Ua.y 29th, 1925 Lir. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Ur. McGlogan:- Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the council July 7, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of A. I. Hirschman to erect or install a drive-in filling station on Front Street near Chatsworth Street will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 9th day of June, 1925 at 10 o'clock A.M. Very truly yours, Cor4lr.issioner of finance. Duplicate �,,., ,.i. CITY -OF SAINT PAT— ,A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the- City Clerk. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By- Vam of r or lad d 1 For License to Oberate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A i D - I.- os+sSuba✓ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be to ted V Street Number and Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of / / Pumps to be Installed ' Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk Sig-- of Applicant By Received From City Clerk Recc,.L ed From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19— Date 1 — Y a 19— Date —_— 19_ Department of P. Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Departmeof Public Works By By 1 By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19— Date 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By J BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ Approved 19— Ordinance No. Date Date 19 Office of the Corporation Counsel By By Received From Department of p Received From Office of Corp. Counsel 19— Date 19— Permit No. Date Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— a'w"PT . Vepa,r,h,jenLh ojfr t�7�ulbljrc �,vr}s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. S IEPARD. Cw cE ENCIREBR WM. N. CAREV. SUPT. o. CCNBTRUCTICR ANO RerAIR G. H. HERROLD• OPNCe ERCMBER May 26th, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- Engineering Report : Drive -In Filling Station, A. J. Hirschman, Front & Chatsworth St. The location of a drive-in filling station on an interior lot with 50 ft. frontage is a difficult thing to work out, as it is not possible to give the proper curvature to the curb line. Cars entering and leaving such a filling station will cause delay to moving traffic. Front Street is of growing traffic importance. Yours very truly, Z y Planniig �gineer. Ap ov IMBI oner o is VJor s. GH-REH Ir- 4 E. J`M pROFOF PoEuca M ICHAd GEBHARDT. ` AsaT. CH18F OF PoI.ICe H. A. VA LL. CwFiwIN of DEFErnvEe G. H. —1-T- Eof POLICE A. L. EGGERY. LlceHs¢INSF.CTOR CHARLES L. SEGREN. Soul. -.-Al O .. JOS. MACAULAY. SUFI. PoLICE A I.R. A— CBt� of Oaint Paul Department of fluhlir -SafetII J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - OWE. C. DUN.. FIR. CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. Asea. FIRE CHIeP WILLIAM BARRON. Cn1EF INSFE R. FIRE IR—ON CHARLES L. WILLIS. SU of AFF 7 DR. B. F. SIMON. HEALTH OFFIC A. E. NIC OLS. M. D.. DEFtm' HEALTH OFMCER JOHN MA TI. C.—.--. INeP— May 23, 1825 Returned herewith is the application of A. I. Hirschman for permission to instal and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 3 and 4. Block 1, Como Addition. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yours very truly, ommissioner of Pu 1 Safety rTay 20,192- Bon. J . "i. c3lancy Oorn;nissDner of Public Safety, St . Paul ,'.in -n. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEP OSCAR LANDER. As FIRE.m WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIR. PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIS. S"'. OF A1111—US DR. B. F. SIMON, HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DEPHTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HULTH IN.PECTOR In regard to tnu anplication of A.I.Hirschman for permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline fill- ing station on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Como addition. 7Ve have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great- ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Resnuctfuily yours, Uniei inspector. URov`PaLICE of int IM60rr�p} E. JCtvf ,MIC Asst.cmE.Oa PoLIce- AN��[}���q }} }yam Department of flublir §afrtm H.'A. VALL,- T CwFTwm of OETEcirvE° J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS, INSPECTOR of FOLIC. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERTT LlceNeE IHS .R BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION CHARLES L. SEG REN. SUFI. MUNICIPAL GARAGE WILLIAM B RON.I CHIEF INSPECTOR JOS. MACAULAY. SUFI. POLICE O FIRE ALARM rTay 20,192- Bon. J . "i. c3lancy Oorn;nissDner of Public Safety, St . Paul ,'.in -n. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEP OSCAR LANDER. As FIRE.m WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIR. PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIS. S"'. OF A1111—US DR. B. F. SIMON, HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DEPHTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HULTH IN.PECTOR In regard to tnu anplication of A.I.Hirschman for permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline fill- ing station on Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Como addition. 7Ve have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great- ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Resnuctfuily yours, Uniei inspector. Original �,. -. GITY' OF SAINT PA(y9r,... q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Fnrm No. APF TO the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota For License to APpLII ON IS HEREBY ADE Nom. of Firm or Ivdividunl and MaintainCompliance" with Ordinance 5266) This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City. Clerk. on No. •'Drive In" G�� �AUTOMOBIE FILL NQSTATION to be to , At Street Number and Street Number of�,L Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed--/ Tanks to be Installed / Tanks— Received at office of City Clerk - - Signnturo of Applicnvt By Bu.in— Address Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19— Date 19— ate 19— Date— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department Department of Public Works By BY By Received From Dept. of Public Satety Received From Opt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Puibc Bldgs. Dat 19_ Darr' 19— Date 19 Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Officeof the City Clerk By By BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19_ Ordinance No. Dat Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By BV Received From Department of p Received From Office of Corp. Coun 1 Dat 19— Date 19— Permit No. Office of the CIty Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By II License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter St. Paul, Minn.; July 14, 1925. Mr. C. J. ificGlogan, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - This petition is in support of Mr. D. G. Hirchmann's application for a permit to operate an Automobile Gas Fillin; Station on the northeast cor- ner of Front and Chatsworth Streets. Yours very truly, ��F Wm. J Flowers, Presidont - Como -Warrendale Commercial Club. To A. E. Nelson, Payor, and the City Councilmen: City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Vde, the undersigned property owners and resi- dents of the City of St. Paul, have no objections to the erection of a Automobile Gas Filling Station on Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Sahlgaard.s Sub -division of Lot Fifty-five (55), Lake Como Villas, located on the North- east corner of Front and Chattsworth Streets, providing that the party who operates the station, landscapes the grounds, and keeps the property clean and sanitary at all times. and the exterior of bolding must be of brick or stucco. �o I �j� Signed; -/0- F n EYr�rc+Gr� i� y'i-��1----71-- ✓J /� (/Y`/`%iY%�'y I61✓�J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION/7-GENERAL FORM IOI..UENCIL NAVA-. WHEREAS, The building line on Chippewa avenue between Wyoming and Annapolis streets is now. established at 492 feet; and WHEREAS, One Jacob Petersen has appealed to the City Council to have said line changed and re-established at 30 feet; and where- as, the Council has referred said appeal to the Zoning Board, and said Board has recommended that such change be made; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 20, Paragraph "j," of Ordi- nance No. 5840, the building line on Chippewa avenue between Wyoming and Annapolis streets, is hereby changed from 492 feet and re- established at thirty (30) feet. JUL 211925 COUNCILMEN Yeas j Nays Adopted by the Council ----- .--------- ..........-:-------.._.19'1 .--.-- Clancy � JUL 211J25 / Ferguson Approved .----------------------------------------- 192 Hodgson ................ In favor /McDonald b - -- -0. Sudheimer------.-.-_--Against Wenzel /Mr. President C. J. MCGLOGAN �•� crcx C — •vo covrn�ss�ovsn or nso�srnenov. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, Buil din g. My dear Mr. Stewart: 'W -V "*7. Titof Oaint Paul (Office of (91fg Olerk a�8 July 14th, 1925. We enclose all papers in connection HAROLD J. RIORDAN CLARENCE AL o STORMSnov with the appeal of Mr. Jacob Petersen, 569 South Smith Avenue to relax the building line on Chippewa Ave. between Wyoming and Annapolis Streets from 49* feet to 30 feet. This matter was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper form of resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GEORGE L. NASON.\ oP F—I SUrr. PAnws �I ERNEST W.JOHNSON, S� l Su". r. T WES. rvn FRANK X. T CAaC.CRITECT (�itg of Ot. Paul Department of Parks, Pla_ygrounas aub Public Nuilikings HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 218 COURT HOUSE _W_ao @ June 18, 1925. A notice of -. PPeal having been filed with the City Clerl(-from the decision. of the Commissioner of Parka, P1aY-1 grou^da and Public 8ulldtnga and the tons f tho Prov151ona of r- d, ' '.vn. 68hs. : ad 7ttl 1, nqr. C. J. r:"cGlo.,an, City clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: 'die are returning the papers in connection with the ap- peal of irs. Jacob i'etersen, 569 South Smith avenue, to relax the building line on Chippewa Avenue, be •ween `lyoming and Annapolis Streets, from 492 feet to 30 feet. The Board, after nearing the appellant, recommends to the Council that the petition be granted `n accordance with Section 20, paragraph j. Yours very truly, Secretary, zo F,Tesres-U Je Furcation helps to M -L, PJclirr Vitisrns C. J. MCGLOGAN �oNN,LE,oNEA oP aE�,ErE„TaN ng of onint Paul (Office of (Mg (Qlerk .mss o� HAROLD J. RIOR DAN H CLARENCE A. ARMS CHiE. C�6EKNEd,eTP�TON June 16th, 1925. Mr. F. X. Tewes, Secretary, Zoning Board, Buil ding. My dear Mr. Tewes: We are enclosing a letter from Jacob Petersen, 569 South Smith Avenue requesting that the build- ing line on Chippewa Avenue between Wyoming and Annapolis Streets be changed from 49* feet to 30 feet. The Council today referred this matter to the Zoning Board for investigation and recommendation. Yours very truly, Copy to Mr. W.W. Price. City Clerk. 7-T 7i d 7 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL c OUNCIL No ------- 6 F) 0.11 ---------- ax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, -COUNCIL ESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_- DATE RESOLVED That the appeal of the Abbott -Miller Company, as agent, from the condemnation order of the Commissioner of Public Buildings of that certain building located on Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 18, be and the same is her 11 eby denied, and the Commissioner of Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the execution of the condemnation order. Yeas COUNCILIMN JUL 2 11925 Nays Adopted by the Council .....................................192... -.- /Clancy . . ........ I .............. .......... 192 /Clancy JUL 1 211925 ,/Ferguson A To"ed ------ --- -- ---------_--- ........... 192 Hodgson In favor _ --------- CDo nald MAYOR Sudheimer ------------ Against Menzel r. President C. J. MCGLOGAN e eM�as�orcie w non neo,a7runox Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: i III - Cull HAROLD J. RIOR f //PCvv� AN aint � 1 _ CLARENC. ALct.m+n.nHa�srn�nan STORMSnK 4S nicn Office of (11tg ((deck Ca July 15th, 1925. We enclose all papersin the matter of the appeal of Abbott -Miller, Agents from the condemnation order of the Commissioner of Public Buildings of building located on Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1g. This appeal was denied by the Council today and referred to you for the resolution denying the same. Yours very truly, City Clerk. F=u r=:. . OPPEN RE114ER,PETER9O14, DdGKS N AND HODG66N ' ATTC}ANEY. A+,LAW MERCNANTH,HAiRCJtIAL BANIk'_�UILDINO -SAINT PAUL,NiNN. mNUHo sOURw EIrt... January 13th, 1925 WILLIAMH.Or C MMIMER mR0 W. .Rm EM I=ESOHCity Clerk, CWIN B.GEw Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Re: Abbott..Miller, Agents, Mannheimer Property. ------------ I am in touch With the Abbott -Miller Company, who represent the property involved in this matter, and Mr. Abbott has suggested the desirability of an additional continuance of two weeks after January 20th, the thought being that in the meantime the property may be in co dition satisfactory to the public officials. W you acknowledge receipt of this, confirming the ought of an adjournment so that in the meantime a p me m avoided? Very truly yours F PPEIQ IMER,PETERSON,DICKSON 8C HODGSON �5< GWP.m �� \ fly �' STATE OF MINNFSOTA CITY OF SAINT PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUITDINGS. In the Matter of the Condemnation by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of a Building Said to be Owned by Abbott -Miller, Agents, and Located on the Following Described Real Estate, to wit: Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 18. R E T U R N Now come Abbott -Miller, Agents, in the above entitled matter, and for themselves and in behalf of the owners thereof make return to the order of the Commissioner, which bears date December 26, 1924, as follows: Admit that they are the agents of the real estate described in the order, but deny that the building referred to yl. in the order is a fire hazard and is badly dilapidated, and deny that the conditions exist uwhich are referred to in the said order, and deny that the building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property. WHEREFORE, Abbott -Miller, Agents, in their own behalf and for the owners of said real estate, pray for a hearing) that the order be discharged, and for further proceedings according to law. Attorneys or A opt -s Agents, { and for the Owners, 1015 Merchants National Bank Bldg., Saint Paul, Minnesota January 6th, 1925 , PSos,-.rs. Oppenheimer, Potorson, Dickson & TTodgcon, 1015 Morchants National Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Reforring to the Condemnation Order by the Commissionor of Parlor, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of a building located on' Lot 11, Anditorls Subdivision No. 19, owned by Abbott - Miller, Agents, T wish to advise that the City Council has not January 20th. 1925 as 'date of hearing in the abovo matter, at which time you may be hoard if you so desire. Very truly ,yours, City Clerk. January 20th, 19'5 11onarn. Oppenheimer, Poternon, Dickson & Hodgson, 101' Merchants National Bank Bldn., St. Paul, Minnenota. ATT; ter. Peterson. Gentlemen: The appeal of Abbot t-2.1111or, Agents from the condemnation order of the Department of Parka of baildin,g located on Lot 11, Auditor'a Subdivision No. 18 wan before the Council today and again laid over until Thuraday, January 22nd, 1925 for further hoarin!,,. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Jarmary 23rd, 1925 tjesora. Oppenheimer, Paterson, Dickson & Podgoon, 1015 tRerohants National Bank Bldg., 17r Paterson_ St. Paul, Minnoso" Gentleman: The appeal of Abbott-Millor, Agente,from the condemnation order of the Department of Public Buildings, of a building located on Lot 11, Auditor'e Subdivision No, IS leas again laid over to Wednesday, January 23th for hearing and I vats directed to notify you of such hearing. Youro very truly, city clorir. CITY OF ST. -P AUL cILUE NO. ...ONCIL ------ F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UTION--�---GE COUNC�ILREmSQ� L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - WHEREAS, The Zinsmaster Baking Company has appealed from the decision of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings in refusing to issue a permit to remodel a portion of the CompanylB structure on Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Whitney's Subdivision, and to erect a small extension to it of masonry construction, pursuant to Paragraph uo," Section 8 of Ordinance No. 5840; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Section 20., said appeal was referred to the Zoning Board, and said Board has recommended that the permit be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be andhe is hereby authorized to Issue a permit to the said Zinsmaster Baking Company to make the,,'above alterations. 'No- G087s--Uy:EL'C; WeOzs Where... -, f2f. Zinwnak- Baking I OMP—Y hoo -PPeal.d from the C pcislon lTeDepartment ofParks, ro.ed;.dl.bll. BuildlgVI in! refusing to I'll 1Perreft 1. rc..del! P.rtl.n of h: Company's structure ,.on Lots 16 end 10; Block 2.,Whitney'.': - Suibdlvlelon, d to erect -mall-es 'tension toit'f C construet ton pur.bant, to �Parog section Of Ordinance -N-58416 Whereas,:Pilr6u4nt;t.":�lvra,;.�Dh 11 Of Section m �20. id ft�Pc-tl w—, referred -t 6, 9 1. Board, and said Board has r - that !the -p.rmit be refore, That a 0 Commissioner of I ..iid4,a.dPub - issue a I . is- reby out orlzed o, te,c� Build t t to the., old Zin.inaster, Company t0,ru41tG theabove alteraa. Adopted not1 July 21. Ism APD e .192, (July 26-1925) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L,A,Ianey herguson .+ .dgson cDonald :/,-Udheimer Wenzel JMr. President Adopted by the CouneALILI,1925 192 Approved ----- JUL 2.1 192 _1925._ - ...... .. ... ............ In favor 0. Elt ---------- I Against C. J. MCGLOGAN HAROLD J. RIORDAN emcoLMK Aoncn w p}y�+ _ �g¢¢g �g�g cw� aenK<m e�enK ea xec�srrt�nor. 041 o aint aut c R- 041 CLARENCE A. STORMS wen c�enwnemerw�nan (Oftr of Mug Tied �e Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d in g. By dear Mr. Stewart: July 14th, 1925. we enclose all papers relative to the appeal of the Zinsmaster Baking Company for permit to remodel a portion of their structure on Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Whitney's Sub -division and erect a small extowion to it of masonry con- atraotion. The Council, today referred this matter to you for the proper form of resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. dotty of Ot. tlaul Department of Varktlsi Playgcaaubs GEORGE L. NASON. nub V�� ublcc " altbingli SUM OF PIRKe HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER i ERNEST W. JOHNSON. SUFI. OF PNYORWNOS IRVING C. PEARCE. OEPU— COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES. / OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER C= AaeHIT-r /hh 219 COURT HOUSE V1Q A notice of appea .'hnVing been filed' /'� \• /IvIth the \Y\vI►,i11..J// ClericClty from thedecision ¢ the Cossl of -�' l gr ndR and Pabll Buildings xnd the �appl :ntlOns (th Provi l0 s f Ordl - No 6890 PP ed Sply 7 1 . ^.tnl r Y ] \ r June 18, 1925. Nr, C. J. T;icGlogan, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: Vie are returning herewith all papers in connection with the appeal of the Zinsmaster Baking Company for a permit to remodel a portion of their structure on Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Vlhitneyfs Sub -Division and erect a small extension to it of masonry construc- tion. The Board, after hearing Mr. Albert who appeared in behalf of the Zinsmaster Baking Company and consider- ing the matter, reco-mends that the permit be granted in accordance with Section 20, Paragraph i. h Your very truly,�� Se retar" y, Zoning card. FxTewe s -U Elfrrnlian HAPS to leak, Val,[ eltizeno C. J. MQGLOGAN cm oMmissioxoe R ov Rca�srR.naN e„ (m of opaint paut (Office of (Qua Tlexk .gs?t.a June 9th, 1925 Mr. F. X. Tewes, Secretary, Zoning Board, B u i 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Tewes: -HAROLD J. RIORDANBRK .1R....A. STORMS cgEP m wK-RWIeTMnON We hand you appeal from the Zinsmaster Baking Company for permit to remodel a portion of their structure on Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Whitney's Sub -division and erect a small extension to it of masonry construction. This matter was referred to the Zoning Board, by the Council,£or its recommendation. Yours very truly, Copy to Mr. W.W. Price. 4 City Clerk AQQ a-1;4 St. Paul, P;linneE:ota, June 9, 1925. To the Honorable Council, CiLy of Saint Paul, D°i.nnesota. Gentlemen: ie are the ozmers of Lots 15 and 16, lock 2 of "'hitney's Sub -Division, ,,;hich is on the north side of Sherburne venue between rice and Park. This district is zoned as "C" Residence District under the 7onin7, law. e no-;; desire to remodel a portion of our structure snd erect a small ex.ension Lo it of masonry construction, but have been,,refused a oc_^mit by the Buildi.n,� Inspector on account of the provisions of Section 8, paragraph c of the Zoning Ordinance. I therefore appeal to ,you, in acco;,dance with Section 20, paragraph i, of the Zoning, Ordinance, to authorize the Building Department to issue to me a permit for this construction. Yours very truly, Z INS?,^i. �TPiA B:=_:`I!� 1 C 0T'F:_NY. } . b�` cpuNcr_ NO.._.._._ t CITY OF ST. PAUL , FILE _ FF OF THE CITY "CLERK CO ESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM . COMM SSEIONER — DATE�Zuls.-1B�Ly.--�..�P...vp--........ ... .t. RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6523r1for the purchase' oft Block .l, Plat 4. Block 2, P lat 6, State Park Addition, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on f1le.and of record in the office of the Register, of Heeds of Ramsey Copnty Minnesota, or further dea- ori:bcd. as that blook bounded by Woodville, Elaanor® Hemxeth and for the sum of Thirteen Thotxeand Eight Hundred ($13'800000) Dollars,, free lid. clear of aYV encumbrance including all taxes ;Ad assessments now:asaea6ed against the property and any inatallments thereon whether due or not, as a site for-the7new Pord Industrial Section Grade Sohoolo. is hereby approved and -the proper city officers are hereby aut}i'orised and empowered to draw,a warrant for the purchase prioe in 'favor, of the owner of said land when the proper' ..deed conveying 'sea Lai .approved by the .Corporation Counsel, Will have bean delived to the City Comptroller., \A Cost of said land to be charged to the 'Bond Issue Fund Item 176:'20710 4\Iio COIINCILMEN Adopted by. Nays the CiounciL.-ML.-� - .....--192 r % Yeas ✓ Clancy y JUL 21191 ✓Ferguson A proved......... - 192 Aodgson _... ....:.In favor jVIDonald MAYOR f �.cdhirae enzel /Mr. President. AWARD% July 18th, 19856 The Committee on Lando on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay to John Gaarden, St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred (013,800.00) Dollars for Block 1, Plat 4; Block 8, Plat 5; State Park Addition, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey C ounty, i Minnesota, or further described as that block bounded by Woodville, Eleanor, Kenneth and Bayard Avenues, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not. This property is being acquired as a site for the new Ford Industrial Section Grade School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6583. The cost of said property to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund No. 8071. n Z? Committee on Lands. COUNCIL No OU ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FCILE OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK NCIL CI IL UTION--GENFRAL FORM PRESENTEE16Y 0. Wenzel CoMM1FIPk6AER__.__• --- ------------ ---- -- ---- -- R=awgwa. Whereas, the International Harvester Company has offerred to rent to the City of St. Paul for playground purposes, the following described property: I Commencing at the intersection of the east line of Hazel Avenue and the south line of'the northwest quarter (N.W.'-) of Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, being 40 feet east of the southwest conrer of the east half of said quarter section, thence east along -said south line of said northwest quarter (N.YV.t) 330 feet; thence north parallel with the east line of said Hazel Avenue 315 feet; thence west parallel with the said south line of the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, to the said east line of Hazel Avenue; thence south along the said east lin, of Hazel Avenue to the point of begin- ning, excepting such portion thereof as is now used:.or may here- after be used for Harvester Avenue. Upon the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement submitted by --the International Harvester Company, and in consideration of a rental of one dollar ($1.00) per annum, and, Whereas, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings recommends the acceptance of said offer, Resolved, That said offer be accepted, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute a lease in form submitted by the International, Ear_xqjs_t8r QomDan7. Yeas Adopted by the Council .......0 1 tP(25................... - 192 A proved ---------------- 192 ------- -------------_- - -OR I 4, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO = COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR ELATED BY /� I � Q� DATE-------- - - RESOLVED: T a t the St. Paul of electricity a.on nndght ilnt the follow ngr der d and streets of aid I'll! its tale tri al linea by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the pC. F. No Gos70—Sy H,.M, Donald •7 -6 X25 LlSlt oCumDany/B hereby ordered 4nd directed to -extend fte,'el99etrleal linea by oreoting yolea and, stringiag wlree thereon ¢on tho tranemlasloa:. of elee- tri°Ity on sad in the following alleys and streets of eafd. city: Install: Install. One pole on the south side of the alley north of East Ninth Sticet, fourth /west of Robert Street (for transformer platform). Commercial lighting. 'Twelve poles on the east side of the alley west of Mount Curve Boulevard ✓between Randolph and Hartford. Commercial lighting. Four poles- one on the east side of the alley west of Earl Street, midway between York and Sims Street; one on the south side of Sims at southeast ✓ corner of alley west of Earl Street; one on the southeast corner of Earl and Sims Stre6t; and one on the south side of Lawson Street about sixty feet east of Earl Street. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. /,/ W�j r '1-.._. tvislon o ,[a eciffr, � on- of Public Utilmes and hi plj"gutgp•e:d¢uBjgna; pates 'and anal) be erectei anil uonsiiuc'fed unilc� Lfie'alt4°tiotdan(1,.2.rg 11 things nub,eof'i0'itea-pio�UvleealotnRe of Ordinance Nold . 84-14, and of all other lawful ordinances and shalltdesi nate. St. Paul. Aidpoharn Leri as he [hull deaignu'te.a, d Pn oveeyan�nd. Yr and alleets m Buell Commissioner e. all tar of taken as n and all removed, nand such wires placed height ground whenever the Council shall deeni`Yha�he public any so requires, a en It shall Be order. ram under- and n Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays ^•�"'"'^ Clancy. Adopt the Council........_ . _._.__. _. .......___... __ ......_192— Ferguson McDonald ..... a favor Adoptgtfi�._ Sudheimer Hodgson _......__..Against ! __.__.. .. __. .....__. ... We e Mr. President 4 RESENTED BY Install: CITY OF ST. PAUL cour+ca COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE...__._.--.._......_..._... _. _.._._..._.._..____..._. _.__._. l Ie is h eb Orde ed and.,dlre ted to ext�pd,ltaeYe rlc il linea by ectl Poles ani tring`�g Nireerihen #or,r,-R'' [ 11 win alleys•tufd atieelH o[ said city: t 7-8-25 One pole on the west side of Duke Street about three hundred and twenty feet ,/north of Cascade Street. Municipal lighting• ,Two poles on the east side of the alley west of Cretin, seventh and eighth outh of Jefferson Avenue. Commercial lighting - t/ One pole on the northeast corner of Banfil and Duke Streets. /One pole in Phalen Park about seventy-five feet south of Boat House ✓ Municipal lighting. �wo poles on the north side of the alley north of Jefferson Avenue, fifth nd sixth east of Prior Avenue. Commercial lighting. Six poles- one in Tourist Camp (Vlinnebaco, one block north of Belmont) one on the south side of Belmont, eighty-five feet east of Winnebago Street; one xxV on the north side of Belmont,one hundred and fifty feet west of Winnebago Street; two on the east side of Rash Avenue between Belmont and Winona; and one on the south side of Winona at Rash Avenue. Municipal liLhting. With necessary g ys and anchors aA°2J— �� , L� ppp All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and co tructed der the direction and sulorvislon of the Commissioner Of Public Utillt�i 11 things to' to the Provisions o[ Ordinauco No. 21:1, and of all other lawful dinnnces and lutlane of the City of Std Pauli be of such height All poles should be set in h location In said alleys d streets the Commissioner of Public —stations shall deslgnate, a s and character as he hulls designate and pprove, do any and all such pole. shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed under- grom,d whenever the Council shall deem LM1 at the Public Interest so requires. and when It shall eo order. 1'es ( J/,) Councilmen ( J ) Nays i. / ,Clancy Adopted by the Council � � . 192_.__. l Ferguson JUL 2:1. 9( 5 /McDonald ...._ .. _...._.In favor Adopted... K1...1. __ ,Sudheimer I / }Iodgsen�..._... _.Against _.._.__.._.....__.._.....:..............__.........___.__._ �� � M/•YORaa Wenzel pi r. President cou"" CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By RESOLVEDthat the Northern States Power g, DATF----- July 142, 5 is CoMMISSIONER-- Company b granted permission to set Power 582 Three (3) poles in alley between Thirteenth St. and Grove St., east of Temperance St. #9 north and one south of Eleanor Three (3) poles on Pascal Ave., St; one (1) pole in alley between Scheffer and Eleanor Sts., east of Pascal Ave. a C. P. No. 60880;- 1 4 Rcaslvcd, That old Itates -PowerCorolla-' 10 granted permission I. No. T81�'—Thl.c 11, t..on Thlitc..th .Poles I. St. and Grove St:, "at 01, Ave.. - 688—Three, Pascal tW Eleanor Sol - north and, ona south be tWean, Scheller One (1) pole u Its ! Is Ave. and Mean6r. Ste., east v 0!:; 1%jst1d-bVYeth'e Council July 21 1925, A;�13roYc d�July,21e 1925.-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy Ferguson //Hodgson ............ In favor ('McDonald /udheimer ..Against /Wenzel President Adopted 1)y the CounwjLJL-0--L--j925---.::192 �pprovcd ..., i U.... -----------.192 ...................... MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAULFILE THE CITY CLERK CO CIL OLUTION—GENERAt/'FORM BY IER--------------------------- . ......... . ... . . . . ..................... DATE--July-20-th 2.9.25 ............... ...... ... WHM-OAS. The Commissioner of 3ducationlshas reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth: NAND TITLE TIME RATE, TOTAL Louis LaFavor 6om. Lab. 4 hrs. 45� 1.80 John Burke Mtce Lab. 2 hrs. 50g 1.00 C.A.Predrickson Stearifitter 4 hrs. 1.00 4.00 Joseph Gelbman 14tee Lab. 4 hrs. 50/ 2.00 E.W.Lackey Painter 4 hrs. 1.00 4.00 Carl Zacharias Stmftr Helper 4 hrs. 622V 2.50 C -F. N..60882 -13Y L'P- S. Ferguson— Whereas, The Commissioner of Edu- cation 1—s-eported to the Council in accordance -with Section 63, of the City Charter -the emtate— of an ... rg...y which rendered ocmasary the employ-; Ment of certain ,nP1,ys1 his d.- 'hours h� artment for more e. hml� usual of employment; therefore; be It Resolved, That the proper city of- acers arehereby authorized to, pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed, for extra employment for the _extra _Tr� for: extra 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Vdancy A-Crgtnion ZMcDonald . _......._..In ...In favor lkd –Against /— enzel Mr. President Mice Lah. 2 hr.., of 600 1 arlckaon,:7Steamflttor,.; 4I mane. Mies Lab., 4 hr., coy, Painter. 4. Ins., at as, Stmftr Helper, 4 lirs., the Council July 21. 1925. fly 21,:1926. uly 26=1926) Adopted by the CouneiLJUL 2.. 'ry " -' .-......... 192 Approved ... .... 192 Oorno11 File ffio. 4boi`}C�Ce SUBJBOTSC �o F h . 60863 -Ay G. C Sudl elmer- - - -- herens. [he Commis Wi of Pub- ' lira Utilities has reported in accrdance wlth Section 63 of the City Chahtich gency - of anemergency - [ho exlat...e of rede n Plo Yeses tf ehis De Pn mtt e rta�ndaytin lda " for a thin Ight hours Per nn ndny. aid being 1825. - Resolved, WHEMS1 the ®ommissioner of s U _' J .'ies has iaported in accordance the of an emergency which with Section 53 of the City Charter, existence rendered necessary the employment of certain employeee of his Department than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being for more more than usual hours of eS06Qymant.therefore be it, Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time herein after. set fo"rthi" HMO NaME. Anderson. Clifford Uty. Lab 8hrs .550.50¢ Mallet'. ghiliae Maint.lab. 8hra. 8500 2opora Sam Maim. lab._. "Maint. Lab. 8 8hre.. .50¢, Sarsfield.Thomas Fleming,Frank Uty, lab. 8 " .550 .56¢ Glancy. G.L. My. lab. /671 Hunt. Jake Uty. lab. 8 8 8 .55¢' .55¢ Struntz, Julius Uty. lab. l6 20 .865 2hM on. 0. For. 7 .66¢ Anderson/.P. Uty. 4 65¢ Auge. Ernest IIty•. 9 9 16:. :`, .65¢ Scott. P. Uty: 9 15 .65¢ Thorson . T. Uty. Ditch Digger. 20 .55 Craise.J.J. " If 9 20 .65 Davis. W.D." " 6 20 .55 Munson. Leonard 20 .55 Olson. John n .55 Tighe. James g .55 Mo ffiearney.Frank Uty. Lab. " " 8 .65 Peterson. Tom955 g Racine F.F. n g .55 Connolly. Thos. F. .55 Sullivan Geo." " 8 " " 9 20 .5b Sane Roy. MPaul G. 10 Comm. Lab. 16anske. 8 '45 .55 Valente. F. Uty. lab. 6 .55 Ramaolere.D. Ditch Digger 065 Vigoali. Joe. It 6 4 .60 Del Fla000.P. IIty. 4 .6* Ranelli. Sam. Uty. 4 Digger 6 .55 Adzeyino.A 14 Vallee HOBO, 10 Hoist. Sngr. 7 Hoist 090 .90 Rioe.O.W. Alfonso. M. 10 Ditch Digger. 14 a It It .55 .55 Dielke. Frank " " 13 .55 Grrmdtner Chris. " „ 1 $5 Hilly. Smog. Kennedy. John Uty. Lab. 8 23 .55 .6b Mauriso. A. Ditch Digger 6 8 .55 Roberto. Mat. " It 6 " Is16 4 .Sb 9inoe111. D. Oom. Lab. g .45 0' Brien. Pat Vanelli Leu- Mainta lab. 16 8 .50 F cy arguson JUL 2 Vm 25 Donald Adopted by the ,Zo 191925 ,1A,Udh Imer Approved dv edge= B6sldent Nelson bbb PMSHED- DO Ditob , gger D6b,. mire Ima Jow'. 8 .75 Anderson Oarl Forfg*wln- 6 Tuminello. S. 6 .6* Bruno. Joe. Ditch Digger .55 Keating. Wm. 6 .55 iqnnl Wm. 6 .55 Abel John Utilitymn 2 .60 Doushile R. Ditch Digger 1 .65 Mo Garthwaite 1 4 .55 1.00 BumashnION. I. Aleotrioian @ 19 :63 Bueohner Herb. Uty. Hamiza. Jr. Jae. Uty. 13 .6* Peterson W.O. TRY. 19 10 o65 Yost. Frank Bldg. lab. 16 .55 cy arguson JUL 2 Vm 25 Donald Adopted by the ,Zo 191925 ,1A,Udh Imer Approved dv edge= B6sldent Nelson bbb PMSHED- "forks has •........ n ..-CITY OF ST. PAUL vas O00889By J. H. MCDonnid City Whereas ThetCommlealonar of Pub RM- III' COUNC� lip Vi'orka has reported to the Council, the employment of certain employes. of his nccordance with 9ectlan 53 of the CI Chat the.. ezietence rt ,.. $th 1 2 c ED BY•:^'emv�.-i DATE.... ....__ .... .. ..._. TONER___.... ___...._.................__.. than RESOLVED 11 !9HEREAS, The Commissioner of Public "forks has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the exist•enae of an emergency rahidh rendered necessary the employment of certain employes. of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers employes are at the hereby authorized to xay the following named for the.extlia time rate otherwise fixed for• extra employment hereinafter set forth Name Titie Hours Rate Of Overtime. Barry, T. Pr. _ — - _ 'Lo. Im Insp• It 11 n 8 10 6.09 da 6.09 Birmingham, J. D. it ° " 8 6'09 Coleman, Larry " 8 6'09 Davern, Va. A. Sewer " 8 6.09 u DeMoure, P. E. Lo. Im• 10 1.00 hr Armstead, Andrew Hiner 1 J Barr, Frank Ditch Digger Brygicki, Gregor It 11 777 40 Campbell, Burns, Leo. S. Asph. Lab. 11 6 0 Jas. Util. It 2 •50 Damrose, Otto Mtc. it is 5 .50 Downey, Terrence 28 •72% Dursensky, Aug. J. Stationary Ihgr. Ellsworth, Chas. A. Truck Driver 7 5 .6 Faust, E. A. Sub -Foreman 28 Glancy, 'Ives Utility Labor Engr. (Gas) 16 •55 •90 Gran, Fred A. Hoist. Harry, Herman Pipe Layer1 Hauk, Andy J. Roller. Engr. 2� .90 •50 Holz, A. G. Judson, J. E. Mtc. Labor Paving Bed Maker 11 .65 Karppinan, Namo Liner -Timber -Framer 8 2z- 1.00 •50 Kennealy, James P. Mtc. Labor COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council._ _----------.._ ---.__-....---.192.---- Ferguson _y.._.---Ap'proved.......- _ ._— --- --------------- --- 192 McDonald In favor i Matson / MAYOR Peter /... - Against President CITY OF ST. PAUL°'' FOE""`NO.._.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .____........____......_...........................__......_..._.-.__..._....._........_..........__..._....._._........._._. DATE_.._....JULY........... .........th....._1.9Z5........_ RESOLVED rC, he Commissioner of Public '�-orks has reported —7 to the ouin accordance -.vith Section 53 of the Charter, the ex of an emergendb ;vhidh re necessary the employment of certa �es�of hi rtment for more than eight hours per. day, said being more than their usual hours of employm THEREFOREBE 2T RgD, That the proper city Offi are hereby auhQxarwea to pay th folloxing n3mgd r the extra time rate of se fixed for eatra em 1.5 Name Tit18 Hours Rate of rt i mg. —Ove Lavalle, D. J. Utility labor 46 hr Lindbom, Fred 'I 11 •55 McDonough, James if It 1 155 McKenna, P. J. Tractor Driver 35 .6421 Alen. Ditch Digger 16 •55 _=._McKillipp, Marri, Joseph Mtc. Labor 2 .50 Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 28 •55 Mettome, J. Mtc. Labor 2 •50 Meyer, John E. Asphalt Labor 82 .50 Michaud, william Bridge Labor 2 •55 Mullarky, Hue Pipe Layer 1 .63 Murphy, E. C. Mtc. labor 2 •50 Murphy, James F. Tractor Driver 35 •6921 O'Keefe, John Mtc. Labor 1 .50 Olson,.Tom ]$-jxer Engr. (Gas) 3•90 PC,ndy, X. F. Street Watch 19 3721 Pertranton, Michael Sub-Foreman3 1 Plumbo, Anthony Ditch Jigger $ .:62-L 55 Plumbo, Doma nick Sewer Labor 7 •50 P lumbo , John A. I' It 4 • 50 Plumbo, Joseph Ditch Digger 30 •55 Plumbo, Michael Sewer Labor 26 .50 Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman 34 •62 - Resler, Lloyd W. to 11 8 .62 Rich Augustus L. Stationary Engr. 8 .64j �OUNCILMLN V`eas....,_•___Nays Adopted by the Council_..._._ -_------------------.......192 C...... l.___^._. - lancy --•:.,.__.._._.. Ferguson .. Approved ---- ----------- --._.192---- McDonald In favor Matson... .. .. ------------------------------- MAYOR Peter __ -_ -' ...-Against Wenzel Mr. President ® CITY OF ST. PAUL .� COUNCIL NO.--..-.....-_. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _.._.... DATE. .......-JULY ......_ftYl_....._i9.2.5.._._.............. COMMISSIONER .__............ __.................... ._..._......._._........_........_'_............._................._._........._.._. RESOLVED A ; gh?'"CzSlnmis ioner of Public ork: orbe'd to the CoufiCi-l• ' in accordance with Sectio of the City Charter, the ex of an emerge a idh rendered necessary the employment of cert of his Department for more than eight hours per day a 'e✓loyment being more than their usual houses of oyment' THEREFORE H RESOLVED,. That the proper city-b"Upra are hereby orized to pay the follo=:wing named employes et.:the rate her.,rise fixed. Por extra ,y,:,f* �thA extra time Name Title Hours Rate of ---------------------------Overtime. Rowles, George Tuft c. Labor it .50 hr Sarri, Matt. Miner 1 1.00 Schremker, E. Mtc. Labor 16 .50 Schwartz, Fred Utility labor 20 •55 Shaw, James Mtc. Labor 5 .50 Siunner, Ray. Gas Shovel P�ngr. 4 1.10 Simone, John Pipe layer 29 .63 Sullivan, John Utility Man 8 .65-z Taube, -lbert Mtc, labor 2 .50 Tereau, Henry Mtc., labor 6.50 Thomas, Jos. J. Tractor Driver 6 .64j Winklesky, Otto Steam Shovel Engr. 12 1.10 Zechmeister, John Common Labor 8 _ .45 2 JULCOUNCILMEN 25 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_. --- ............1 ..._.---------..192...... Clancy JUL2111 Ferguson Approved.... ....... ------------192...... McDonald _-In favor 11Qedsaa - �Ya",^� P . _Against MAYOR Wenzel _ . - . �BddSf�ED� °�--9 S Mr. President COUNCIL No ------- 6-OSS5 CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON IL RESOLU ON—GENE AL FORM PRESENTED SY H V Ytienzel DATE.._.._SUly.%_,0.9.-....9.rL..ar?....._..................._ CommISSIONER.._._......._•...._°..._.........._...._._._.. Bui �h as the Commissioner of arks, Playgrounds and Public RESOLVED BT has reported to the Council, in accordance. with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment. Therefore Be It hesolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Hate of Over time L. B. Marshall Laborer g .50 Wm. McDonald Laborer 5 .55 R. C. Franke Laborer 4 .50 Thos. Maloney Laborer 4 .50 O, C. Brown Laborer 4 .50 C. F. No. 60885—BY H. C. Wenzel— here nafter enzel— hereinafter set forth: 7 Sot— B, Marshall, I borer, .. 9 bra., at {,.Wrn. McDonald, Laborer, 6 hrs... at -.11 C. Franke,' ):.aborer,: tire., nt 60G. hoe. Maloney, Taborer t 600... ' O. C. Brown, laborer, 9 hre., atj, '. 600:. _ . _. n {• Adopted by ttie Council July 21, 1926. - .ApprovedJuly 21,19261 (July 26-1926). t1Ul 21 1925 Couxcu,nlr•.N Adopted by the Council - ------- .1 ..119- . --. ..192. --- Yeas /Clan cy Nays JUL 11192qq 6-...-----192---- - --- ,/Ferguson At) oved-1_1 11 -------- /Hodgson ....... In favor /McDonald MAYOR Sudhelm ------------��-- Against g Venzel Mr. President � T"GiF ST. PAUL OF THE CITY CLERK 1 FILE CNcm NO-.. t� OU .-. fa July 17,192 DATE... ... ......... ____......__------ :...__.... -------- RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, on informal competitive bids without advertisement, two vertical rolling partitions of built-up yellow pine at a cost of $682.50, for use in the Van Buren School, as an emergency exists whey failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge,Pub.Bldg.Rev.Fund. C. ii—ertisoment. two vert)-. cal rolling )art of built-up yel- 1 low pinfl at a. coat of $662.50, for use a the Van Buren School. as an smerg- �I ency ovlsts where. failure- to act /f p omptly would work a hardship to y J�" the best Interests f the-etty. Charge y -Pub. opted Aev. Fund. t/O Adopted by the Council July 21;'1925..'. ;j Approved July 21, 1925c (July 26-1926) i COUNCIL\irN Yeas Nays VQlancy Ferguson Hodgson ...... In favor McDonald 01 Sudheimer .......... .Against Wenzel Mr. President JUL k ? 1� Atlopte;l by the Council ---------I—--..----`------192.._.- JUL 21 ------- -- 102, 192 Approved.....-- ---- -- -G �- MMYOR cOuNc`- NO -------60887 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -�tCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM r- _-7 July 17,1925 C0MMJsS10N------_-- - - That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with RESOLVED troller, to arrange for the consent of the Mayor and the Comp the riveting and calking of 12 joints of 30" steel pipe located under the Great Northern tracks at a cost of not to exceed 01250.00, without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Vlater Department. COUNCILMEN Peas v Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer 1 i Wenzel Mr. President JUL �� .: _. Adopted by the Council--.------------------------ 192.----- Nays JUL l gM-`1. 192----- A proved. - - -------------- ..In Favor ..................................MAYOR ................ Against 0C.U'C01,1L CITY OF ST. PAUL FICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—cf9ERAL FORM July 1,1925 DATE._-.._.....__—__-......._ _...----------------.......... COUNCIL NO RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, one FOrdeon Tractor with one trailer, completely equipped, for the sum of 11919.85, without advertisement, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C. F. No. 60888-13Y G. C. Sudheimer Resolved. That the Pur h.ning Agent be,aad he %Is. hereby authorized to purchase. one Fordson -Tractor with! one trailer, completely :equipped. for the sum of $1,919.80, without adver tlaement. as thea. are .patented. aril-'. 'cies and no advantage could be gained thAdop ed by theWatCoun it duly 211920. Approved July 21, 1920. 'IJuly 20-1920) AUG -- I f��5` Adopted by tho Cnynei -- - u -...f0 - --------..192. - JUts u 1 125 Al roved.:..-_. - ..... -192.- -------------- MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClancy Ferguson ,Hodgson ...... ...In favor / McDonald . i i Sudhelmer ainst ---------------. Against Wenzel /Mr. President C. F. No. 60888-13Y G. C. Sudheimer Resolved. That the Pur h.ning Agent be,aad he %Is. hereby authorized to purchase. one Fordson -Tractor with! one trailer, completely :equipped. for the sum of $1,919.80, without adver tlaement. as thea. are .patented. aril-'. 'cies and no advantage could be gained thAdop ed by theWatCoun it duly 211920. Approved July 21, 1920. 'IJuly 20-1920) AUG -- I f��5` Adopted by tho Cnynei -- - u -...f0 - --------..192. - JUts u 1 125 Al roved.:..-_. - ..... -192.- -------------- MAYOR Yeas COUNCIL No 6088.9 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl- „ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE—__Y_U.1-y—?''Y.0_. 1-`9� Z5 __--- ..._.._--_-- Nhereas, by Ordinano( o. 6257 the Purchasing Agent was authorized to sell Lots 3 and4, Block 6, Pest St. Paul Real Estate & Improve- ment Syndicate No. 1, which property is located at the corner of Page street and Oakdale avenue, and Whereas, the Purchasing Agent has received an offer of 0900,00 from Herman R. Brandt, therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to convey to Herman R. Brandt the said property by warranty deed. Appraised value of the lots $1,050.00. Credit Fire R.E. ROM -By J. m. ianq received an over - �imon Rl- Brandt,. there[ore,be it Resolved. That :the Proper c(ty bill ars are hereby nuthorl..d to'convey to HermauNu BranntYnddeed.s said AP Tafsed arty byFire value 01 the ..let- $1,050.00: Credit ise R. B. .Adopted by the Covnc(l 7uly 21, 1926- Approved July, 21. 1926: (July26-1925) CiOUNCIL\SF.N Jl1l_ 2119125 Nays Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------192.-.._ Clancy1:.-y--------------.-192. ;t�7C 1 . � Ferguson All )roved t,�Ul,-i�-.'-.... /Hodgson ----- In favor `�/ f 'McDonald ..........................................................MRYOR-.-- Sudheimer ..04 --Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OO ENCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4N ii77ttlfJ TOIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ATE..........July -21' -1925...._ ............. __ ..... .............. .D..._..... - RESOLVED That the following Councilmen shall be designated to represent the City of Saint Paul on the County Board of Equalizati an the Boar of Abatement for the en- suing year: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,//Clancy Ferguson /Hodgson _.----- 7—In favor ,'McDonald 0 Sudheimer -._.-_..Against /Wenzel )Mr. President 4-011 C. F: No. 60890—BX A• E. Neleo Quun- Resolved, That'tho Yollowing, . cilmon shall be dsetgnated to 'the sent the City 1 uo.n.atiout on n and --the 'County Sonrd. of Equ Board of Abatement for the evening Y -M H:' McDonald, , Esq. 0, ge C.' Sudhelmor: 1L.amrence . 10811- Hodgson, eongqEsq_ FtgEeil- JuIY 21,'1928. Adopted by<th;9Cyoun Approved 2JuY6-196) {� S11925 Adopted by the Counci----..------_.........192---•-• Approved -AL 211925 ................192 •-- ............................... -- .. .. MAYOR ' COUNCILNO.-..--MSDL TYjj1\ PAUL '-HEST. CITY CLERK DATE .._......... July -.-2-0-r 1925 ---- ------ - RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing the necessary labor and material for making repairs and alterations, less mechanical equipment, to the Mechanic Arts High School, as authorized by Resolution No.60559$-Fto„Gus Lindgren he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $13,986.00, under Item A-1, in accordance with plans and specifications and his bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructe o raw up the proper form of contradt therefor. Architect's Estimate $ 16,750.00. 6069mh. tt ythe C uncilF t ct a Estimate ;16,766.0e. 1 Adopted by the. Council July 21 1926 -- July 21 1926- ; Approved (July _26-1926) 211925 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..._ ..........................-------- 192----- Yeas J/ Clancy Nays Jul 21 T25 � —/ Ferguson -A.dgson .-_--------- --- In favor Ap voeed.------ -- -- - -- - -----.... 192- 92--,/Ferguson /1Y1CDOnald /,/�udheimer ..................................... . MAYOR ................Against Wenzel �Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA FILENCIL NO.-_--..--CYL�. ts^ July 21, 1925 That the grade of Alley 1n Block 3, Stierle, McConville and Seeger's Midway Addition, from Fry Street to Aldine Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is here. dbpted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas /- Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel ,/Mr. President 8�{eDonaIs— N0. .60992 Z -the M �onvSlleA and gnsolvedM awaYst eettt 1n n c r a O So06 ti � Aldln adoltno °Y o0iain �djca, ptanYf CC mstss\ is hecebYbadoR od b .are abilnhod-B Councll]u1Y 21 1926.. ''th pdo o ry d Ju Y 226 1925) �I A4P,. Nays Adopted by the CouncidUL 2-1 tog ............ 192..---- JUL 2 11925 Approver - ------------------- -----192----- ----- ---•-..In favor . -. .................. _.. ------------ ............. .............. ..... !Q -.Against MAYOR COUNCIL • I.1O•---- V \J89 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �1 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'ED BY `/ ` j_.-_..--.-._.__..._....._-_-_..._._.---.-...._............... .._------------- DATE .._.--..-_rT11ly-._11-thy-.19-2-5....-.......-- RESOLVED That the p_at of 'ileinhagen 3eArrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Vlorks, be and the same is hereby -accented. C R6solvedC08d2--ny J. H. McDontlid— bvntbe ¢rrangeem..„ alai of Weinha- Re- Plat . ecommended by the Commleslioner ton and approved be a. 'he same 1.eh' Work.. Adopted by the Council acc 21ted926 ADnroved. JU1Y 21• ne" July '(July 26-1925, 926 JUL 2 1, 10P COUNCILMEN Teas Nays Adopted by the Council ---- ----------------- ----------------- 192 -.--- Clancy I'erguson JILL 1192, 192.... -- App oved---------------------------------------- Hodgson .... ...In favor E. McDonald MAYOR Sudheimer ..... -.. `.Against Wenzel /Mr. President RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO.---- FILE t`1 ---6108-9-1 45. July 21, 1925 That the plat of Jordan'. Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved b,l the Commissioner of rublic Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Clancy fFerguson Hodgson i McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President • Nays �......-.In favor -..Against C. 60894—By Resolved, That the plat of Jordan lJordan Addition. as aaa ➢Proved by the ec int mi.sloner of Publld Work., be and the same is hereby ace" oil Adopted by the CeunJ.19, it. 1926. Approved July _21, 1925. (July 25-1925) - ft Adopted by the Counc _,2.i. ..............192...... JUL 2 L ft, k& Approved .--------------(--_--.......................... 192...... -- "------ ... ................. I ........... MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas COtINOiL-� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fa,s NO..---.-- OFFICE' OF THE CITY CLERK Q _-COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 21, 1925 _-------`--'aa�"-----'---- That the plat of Lane's highland Park, Blocks 17 to 31, inclusive, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIi.11F,N Clancy Ferguson ./ Hodgson McDonald ✓' Sudheilner ✓/ Wenzel V Mr. President T C. F. No. 60895—By-J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the plat of 1,ane's Hlghiand,Park, Blocks 17 to 81, inelu- sive, as recommended by the ]'Iat Com- m is s, on and approved by the Commis- sioner of Public Wlorka; be and the -same Is hereby approved.-, --- Adopted by the Council July 21, 1925. Approved July 21, 1925. (July 26.1925) Adopted by the Council... ... 94=-JQ5-------192.....- Nays NN� Pproved._-.. V��c } 1926•-..192.. .l ............. ...In favor nn ---VVV----------------MAYOR 2Against RESOLVED ,. Yeas COUNCIL No _6.02 • CITY OF ST. PAUL FELE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 20, 1925. Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #49833, approved January 23, 1924, described as the paving of Snelling avenue from Randolph St. to Otto Avenue, The Feyen Construction Company, Contractors, have arisen and necessitate the following extra work and charges, which extra work as listed below was furnished and performed by the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of YJOet: Labor and material furnished necessary for moving hydrant at Snelling and 64.75 Otto Ave. - - - - - Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost not to exceed the sum of $64.75, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2212, and the said amount of $64.75 shall be paid to the Department_ of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water. C. F_ No. 60896—BY J. H. McDonald— rseen obstacles .not Drovided for in the making of the Im- provement under Final Order C. F.- No49833. ed Januar23, 24 scribed 8as the paving Of Snelling ave- nue from :Randolph street to Otto ave - by the Council - - -' ...-------- 192 -- f 192.__.. jrb worn ae listed below Was furnished and performed by - the I Department aof Public Utilities, an (A nar Water: - Lab and material necessary to moving hydrant 6 l// hydrant at Snelling Otto Ave. -,:.. $64.76 Now therefore, be -It..... re, ved Tha the bby the twork. rders extra to beedoil ee,ron- der the 'supervision- and direction of the Commissioner of Public. Worka: -the cost Which notto shalla be a allowedf. $64.75, an xtra under --the contract known as Comptrollers Contract L•2212, sad the COUNCILMEN amount of $64,75' hall be Uafd to the the Department of .Public Utllitlea,.. ,- Nays Buread of water.. �• Adopted by the Council July 21, 1925. .Approved ,7sly 21, 1925. Clancy `(July 25-1925) Ferguson v Hodgson ....�...In favor /McDonald fgudheimer ................Against 1NVenzel /r. President by the Council - - -' ...-------- 192 -- f 192.__.. jrb CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1�d�4.mi i�r(. COUNCIL r,� FILE Na• .................. July .1, 1925 That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated February 24, 1925, between Peter Lametti, Con- tractor, and the City of Wit. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Wordsworth Street from Vd, Seventh St. to :dEecumbe Road, be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th day of July, 1925, and the proper city oL,ficers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and efiect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. O. F. A'b. 60897—By J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the time speelaed Tor the Performance Y certain. contract -. een eter dated February 24, 1925, betwP Lametti, Contractor, and the Clty of _ St. Paul, for the construction . of ewer n Wordsworth, Street Yrom W. Seventh St. to Ednecurnbe Road, be and the same is hereby extended'to the 16th day of July. 1925. and the proper ) city offlcc'. are hereby authorized to -to executese amendment said con- e. tract in ac ordance herewith, provided, s however. that this resolution hall not I have any force andeffect uelc.q the i- sureties on theotractors bond con- sent thereto and nle such consent In '. / 6writinglthe City Comptroller: Adopted b by the Connell Tiny 21, 1925.1 j Approved July 21, 1926. [1 (July 23-1926) JUL 2 x:1925 COUNCILMEN .4llO(]ted lIV tllt�(iUl7I1C11 .......................�._:.__ _........ 192 Nays Yeas l,/Clancy U L �'_� 9925 192. - ----------- Approved...-; -- - -' Ferguson Hodgson ----------------ln favor /Ah----.................. McDonald �� MRVOR Sudheimer _......:'...._.Against Wenzel Mr. President To TIT 30I;OWLF CIT'. COUNCIL, CITY CF' :T. P 1UL. Gantlar,:�n: F St. Paul., Ii.nn. Ploulci rasp'ctluliy -- k that your honor-:ble Body c-iuce the tim-- of -,oi:pol--ting cont T/-ct for the �T �.1� ✓-1 � /LL�4 O �-S � L Q.LLL Al �1vY / l I)—J�t T^ b., axtcnded to �— Odin^' to it ._s not pose;°-cle `or _)Iy to finish this contr7.ct within the ti.._ specifiad; 'i.ene -') acsirc, to r s': th=.t tine for com– pi,tir,bo .:id•D _cinbcfor stated. APPROVED: c,c,..:i:�.;io•_er cf �'ublic �7or..s Yours very truly, Cortr3ct or. 0-AX474 T;;cre is no objection to havinrr the time extended .s roouested, far th:: r - :iter^ants of this office are concerned. UuPt, of Constriction & Ftepai/rs V _ i Chief ',-inee Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL X06'1)9 FILE NO.---.-.--.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •—xif_____.._.....___..._...__....._..............___.....___......___ DATE ......__tJ!U.lay.....1.6&.hy...... 1.9..2.5_._............. In the matter of opening, widening and extending a 20 ft. alley from Roy St. to the East line of the existing alley in Block 1, Homer H. Hoyt Company's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. P.459297, ail roved llay 5th, 1925. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and , rescinded and all papers in such atter discontinued. C. P. No. 60898—By J. In the matter of ont Lt In t rlegOl%;�ii, be and thell a.. are. hereby cancelled. annulled and re. dlecontlnu dull p°Fera fR'such matter i Adopted by the Councll'Tuiy 21; 1920: [ Approved July. 21. 1926. (July 26=19n) COUNCILMENVUL S l 1.!25 Nays Adopted by the Council------------.---------------------1q2----- Clancy JUL 211925 Ferguson Approved ------------- ---------------------------------- 192.. ---- Hodgson ......,c.... ----In favor - McDonald .... - = ----�----�--- - Sudheim.. ...er ..Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL cO ENGIL)'�.J No..-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ...... _....... Ju7Z...9 th....._19_25........__. That the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 19 St. Paul Proper by taking and condemning a piece of land in Lot 11, the easterly line of said land being 25 ft. westerly of and parallel to the easterly line of Lot 11, the northerly line being the rear line of Lot 11, and the southerly and westerly lines being the lines of the existing alley. Also tarring and condemning a piece of land in the southeasterly corner of Lot 5 of said Block 19, said niece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft. along the easterly line of said Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and being 9 ft. in width, under Preliminary Order, C.F. No. 60749, approved July 16th, 1925. 2esolved, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F. Na 80899—By J. ,1L McDonald--� "M 1 above --ba _ and' the same a hereby -cancelled = annulled and re- :. acinded, -hnd all praceedfn6e 1n auch '�:matter dlacontlneued... A"'."ed'by tTTii Council July 21, '925.` - Approved SuIY 21, 3926. - (July 26-1926) COUNCIL61liN Adopted d- -2 1 1 �-.-- by the, Counc-.._..--.-... . _J2 --.-.----....-.19.. Nays clanc.y JUL n a 11923 / Ferguson Approved .-..........- -.......1. _ favor ..... ..........In fav � ,McDonald/� . _.........................................MRYOn .... /Sudheimer (../.....Against -"Wenzel /Mr. President -Y� CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO•._�9� FILE July 20, 195 -- — — �.j - .. In the matter of installing service lights on Rice Street from University Avenue to Central Avenue, on Central Avenue from Rice Street to St. Peter Street and on St. Peter Street from Central Avenue to Tenth Street, under Zreliminary Order C. F. g51352, approved February 21, 1924, and Final Order C. F. j55259, approved May 13, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I then matter oofY ,F s aping. service. lights on' Ries Street Yrom Unly ,r -i _ ty nvenug to Central' avenue, on \ .:Central avenue .from Ries, street to St t ro Cetr ntral Avenue St T¢n[h street, d Prellmina Y Ord r C:', 51352v d M Y i3r 1b926ary 21; F6259: PP Rea lved Th t the yla s ape laca- ti a and a timated' a s title's as sub- t it Commi�sanor f Public Works for the aliov nn ad improve- c ment.be andl .the'snme to, or. e.hereap- ptod. Adapted by the:Co"uncil 7u1y..21, 1925.- ppprtived-duly-.25, 1925- (JV1 y.26-1925) COUNCILMEN Yeas /' Nays V/ Ferguson erguson %;Hodgson ................In favor ✓ McDonald Sudheimer ..-....-.-.Against /; Wenzel / Mr. President Adopted by the Counci----------------------------- -----192..-... Approved.t)vi �u } � il------------- ----192: - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE 1`� July 82h,,- 1925. That the plans, specifications and estimated :Iquantities for constructing Retaining Walls and Filling on the east side of South Robert Street from Plato Avenue to the Chicago, Great Western Railway Bridge, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for aids. c. F. xo. 5o9ot—Rr s. x. �trnnnn� n- Resolved.Thnt the Pl titles t FI711nR iglonw nd titrated �Oallsnnd treet to actin -sg 01avn nn ge Doth RoberC the CRgcagu• fromhe Western Rallwa.o IIridg e.ne pub_ y Orent by the nC�m helsslomer nr here- ?///'(�f('//•J't;``�/\1�, '.' 11. rks, d, s Purchasing f V by PProved, nd that the directed to Agent be and he is hereby l 21. 1925. ",,.r ,e far thie (•nun ell Su Y Ad0Pted by the 1925. ' Approve. (duly 25-1926) =� 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Hays Clancy i Ferguson Hodgson ..In favor McDonald ` Sudheimer ,.,.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CoutA ------192--- qK Approved.._ ................ ..ly..-..---....----.192------ �..----------- iCITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO:_..__'� jY�t.)2-- ii TO - >' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO -21 --- --------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE IDATE7-2 ___1 2a CITY ee�� TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �I v __ ______ S__E-7,6-1-5_9__________ ____ __". RING � COVES !IBY___.----- ---- ------------' COMij ROLLER CHECKS MBERED__}�,j-- --TO-- -195&1---' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PIPER ____ TOTAL RETURNED CHECK N IN FAVOR OF BY li NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK II ', CHECKS CHECKS I - BROUGHT FORWARD I- - I I _ 1 I :I ill II — C. F. No. 60902— - Resolved, That heck: be drown the city treasury, to the mumn69-9.te unt of $27,615.83, c v eri ng checks m bered 19498 to 19501inclusive, Is Per checks on file in the office of the city comptroller. i Adopted by the Council July 20, 1925. Approved July 20, 1926. (July 25-1925) 1 1 CHECKS NUMBERED T. INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - e SUDHEIMER. GAIN S7 4 WENZEL, MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - MAYOR - -.. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTALRETURNED pY pANK _- --- - DISTRIBUTION ----- -" SPECIAL FUNDS I LOCAL SINKING TRUST "-'- -- GENERAL WATER POND IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 497 05 1740 565 5 1349 051.0 167 289 59 129 891.17,1o67 191-6 3 876 g 17 420 29'i 4 4 491, 9 977 9 'I� 4o-50 19498 ?.. C, ?toclgoon, comer, of Fin 475 1 475 1 I 1 II 19499 II U 15 072 8 11 607 43 548 74111 2 916 63 19900 university Sheet Metal .`orks 4 340 & 4 340 90 I� 19501 L, .^. Hodgson, comer; of Pin 7 727 1 I 7 727 1 I II jl I jl I I I i I 1 2 497 05 1769 igi 421 I I 860 i it 167 296 59 134 231 97 i11o67 191 65 3 976 88 I 17 420 2 I 973 22 111 7914621 �I 1 40 51 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD II 1367 ?5 II II It F"^'�(:%- - COUNCIL FILE No. i.%iJ'�i>'V X_ - '- -"- - - •. CITY OF SAINT PAUL T@1Rut0ATE T = RES. No. 217 . a OFFICE OF THE COMP T i-iOLLER cLANcv. FERGUSON: FORM IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL � Ly _ 192 _ If'�IL (, �`' ITY CLERK ,fir RE50LVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION v - HODGSON. 20 192 r _ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING 5 M.DONALD. I ". AGAINST APPROVED 1 T 5 _27,615093 .. __ ___ _ . SUDHEIMER. l - CHECKS NUMBERED 19499 TO -1-9-501----' WENZEL. R Y - - - OMPTR E F INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (I') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - PER L �''\,i.�'�� / t OF -�-�- ._ - - -— - .y DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED By pANK _ _ _ _ `/ 'i LOCAL I SINKING IMPROVEMENT' FUNDS GENERAL I WATER BOND ACCOUNTS TRUST ACCOUNTS AUDITORIUM GARAGE I SPRINKLING l' FORESTRY I'I i PUBLIC SUNDRY : BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I4o CHECKS 3 876 - 17 42a 291j 424,;�,I X779 5o BROUGHT FORWARD ;. 2 497 05 11740 565 5. .. 348 051.0 16728 59 129 .91 .17 1067 1916 II (? 1,49 L. r. I r -An cOM'r. of Fin ?Io�i ^ • III X75 1 475 � I I'l II 5 74 2 916 6 19499 15 072 it 607 43 l� 19500 t?nivnrnitq Sheet 'Neta]. ;4 II 4 340it 4 340 80, l � I �I 19501 L. C. I2 Hodgoong com/r. of Fin b I� 7 727 1 l i Iii li � �' o I I 7 727 1 I I I 'I I li I I a I: i I 'I I. I u it it I I II II I �I II l � III III l l i ii lii r �I Ili II II I i. lil I II I I I Ili i II II. II 0PER CHECK NUMBER m�' S 419747-0.12 ' .„ COVERiN. 19473— 19497 - S U D Ii E I M ER. ..•r� WENZEL. ' -/U� �" �M✓ ya�^.- CHECKS NUMBERED //A(1 1 CO/PTR LER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / 1{f j// OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1 �.� MP.. PRES., NELSON. YES (�' 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (\� MAYOR �� V ///IIIVVV///III DISTRIBUTION ---- ---.__ ... __-- ---- TOTAL RETURNED - --- II LOCAL SINKING ------ FUNDS 4 — ---� SPECIAL -- - --._ __..--- TRUST PU©LIC SUNDRY IN FAVOR OF BY �/ GENERAL I '•TATER I� IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ON. ISI ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING II FORESTRY II BUILDING E OLVING REV ACCOUNTS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS I 341 551.92 165 481.341129 907 72II1034 735.10 3 X76 17 420 2g II >+24 4�, X77 99 40 50, I' BROUGHT FORWARD 7 2 49 05 698 519.1 29 750 00 7 ^oulley '?Guipment Company 29 75o 0 200 200 00 i 45 I reor ,e ''taliser €� reC. 1y, 1tOG0 ry son 983 4 1 1560 1 156 OOI 983 I I I w �r0d G. '+lbreaht, nireator 1 117 0 1 117 00 N. L. .nyder, nireotor Conoert Orah00tr 04 0 7400 704 00l II i 400 00 �' t1ni1 ^Ir;he COmmo-aw alth ^lectrio COmp^n 0 800 0 I 500 0011 II 144 50 III' Hanlon F. okes 144 5iI Those Finn 92 57 37 74 II J. J. Gley Hh ry Goldman 15 3 119 o0 III Theo. G. 110110 & COM""ny 8 o I' 237 05 �j i'i?nh,,tten Cafe237 12orthorn Timber Comnnny 0 I 22 05 22 05 Ilortha0atern B1�aa Cornp"ny X96 95 I 9 296 2 7 J. . Plasohko T). Purity Baking; Comp,,MV 7 I 58 6355 63 I ^,t.pral Letter Comp!ny 834 55 834 5 13 50 J. L, ;�hiely COmn^IlyI -sterling; Pritrt ir>g Company 3�� 6 382 800 .western 'Llectrio company 17 9 17 9 50 00 "eb3¢er '°�oelook, Librarian ,kMhPr9t 1% Milder Charity O li 200 200 00 180 56 1 793 75 J 1 125 00 L. C. 110(1 aon, COM°r. Of Fin IL 099 31 1 , SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD I 2 497 05 740 565 348 051 09Ij 167 218 5911129 891 17 I�1067 191 65 I ? II 3 876 III I II Ili �I III I I I. I II ii ,I 17 420 29Ii��I 424 45 Ili 9 877 9 40 50 t 'III yt COUNCILkl] p FILE No ti'.% ��1 V___ _. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' RMMATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER J CLANCY. - N 1 1��20 RES. No.21b -- `��'I` To -'____-_ ((i -.192 __ //FERGUSON. - - IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL R CLEFIK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM J/,HODGSON. CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I �cDONALD. ------ -- - 2 AT e20,. 1�RY....-,,<, s.-- ��1.,746.-42_- _-__ _ ___-. 0 covE(R�ING 'SUDHEIMER. AGAINST [,�PPROVED '�j(V)^,Y____ __/ /''_1 4 3-9497-- MAYORCHECKS NUMBERED �- 73- TO __. WENZEL, L ���� 1 / Y - 11 J / CO/ PTR LLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE Y� MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (\') COUNCILMEN NAYS \ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. --- PER - . - - --- _ - DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS I' TOTAL RETURNED - _ -- - J I � LOCAL TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY CHECK BY SINKING IN FAVOR OF I IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY II REVOLVING ACCOUNTS NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND I ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS I,. (�N 2 1034 735 10 3 878 17 420. 20 29 II 424 48 8 877 99 4o 50 BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 051 698 819 1 341 551 921 165 481 341128 907 7 I'I 19473 ;oulley ".4uipment Oompany �9 200 0 I 29 750 00 9474 ;eor P "J�llcer I 200 00I 983 45 i9�}75 "-ec.GN. UcGeln.ry & Son Z 993 4 1 156 0o II II 19476 —rod G.-,lbreoht, Director I 1 117 0 1 117 00 19477 F. T,. .;nyder, Dirootor 4 4 1947 s,hil 'tr^1t^ Concert Orohestr k00 0 I 70 OOI I� 400 00 194?9 Commonwealth -lectrio Comp.nn 800 0 I i 800 00 19460 Hrnlon &. Okee 144 5 144 50 ISI 19481 Thor. rinn 9p 5 92 57 19482 J. J. Glnnoy 1948 Hn.rry Goldman 11g o1 117 00 3 ,II 19484 Theo. G. Hello E: Com7mny 19485 M21a atten Caf© r' 237 05 19486 ldorthern Timber Comnnny I 222 05 05 22 051 19487 Northwestern Blaugas Compnny 294 95 296 9�1 J. Plaoohko it 19489 PurityBaking Company 6 13 19490 �%P?ul Letter eomp�ny 5 55 19491 J. L. Shiely Comnnny 837 55 817 40 13 50 19492 ;terlin4; Printing Com;?any 3330 � 382 80 19f�93 nst�rn 2lectric Compnny I l 19)19[F "ebster —!heelook, Librarian 1 17 90 , 79I I 1949 t+rlhr3rst 11. 77d1dor Charity 50 O 50 OOI II �, 0 9 2 I i iso 561 1 793 7511 I I 1949 L. C. TIodG�on. Comer. of Pin. �` 2 325 00'. 191197 II II I I!d II I � ill II III ISI lid li l III � ill II ll II I ! I I IG li it (I II II I� II I i I'II �I,, II II III I I II ii al I I� �li II ' I:, I II III I'I I I I �, II II �I III li I I, I �I i I II CITY OF SAINT PAUL CFILE No - ----------------------- QUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES. No212-- - TY CLERK j ims-RESOLUTI " FORM ItOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY 5 TLX.HF AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 11�DAT S .... - - ------ 119 #6 CHECKS NUMBERED____"------- -- --TO___ -- 7 ------------ IS - - ---------------- ------- CO PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER--- ------ -------------- I TOTAL RETURNED CHECK j IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRA99;!R DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 0 D E FER CIIECK " M.- IN FAVOR OF 397,106.-07 COVERINGHECKS .,� " '_j. NUMBERED .1}346- TO - 193W CO M�P�R OL NCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE DF 19348 THE CITY COMPTROLLER. IN FAVOR OF TOTAL II RETURNED TRANSFER DI511RSEMENT pANK CHECKS CHECKS 2 497 05 968 743.46 11 390 00 6 587 35 144 oo 64776 300 0300 t000 42 6o 32 00 Ofl 150 00 105 00 105 00 2 00 l0 4o 125 00 27 695 o8 27 a5 Ij 350 o! III 4o0 00 29 09 4 310 o9 50 92 1609 41 II' 154 70, 20 41 1 680 00 T �i. 7 o 16 589 53 I, 869 08 ,any I 907 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 497 05 .365 849.53 SUDHEIMER. - -- AGAINST WENZEL. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION .------_-- �� SPECIAL FUNDS _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC GENERAL WATER i. BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS I 248 425 61 I 64 596 91116 877 44 1 515 436.07 11 390 00 11 6 59 35 14 6 00 7 U57 00 1300 000 00 112 6o 35 20 4oo 1500 00 105 001 �I 105 00 42 00 72 00 00 418 40 125 00 27 685 08 5 297 03 8 411 05 II I 27 Z5 350 00 40 ` 9 3 3958125 917 o4 50 92 119 03 39 62 9 41 154 70 24 1 20 41 3633 00 7 290 16 869 o9 1 912 89 2 60 299 955 45�I 70 85o 64 1*16 877 44II950 022 91 r II 3 976 9192 �13 5909 1� 424 49 �� 7 97049 3 876. 238 67 589 53 11 907 50 MAYOR ACCOUNTS 40 50 , 0 7 420 29' Ij 424 49 ',' 9 877 99 ji 40 50- BROUGHT FORWARD 19346 fianlon & okea 19347 Herman mobsehos 19348 melding & Shepley 19349 ngene R. Rose 19350 i-mes Falbo 19351 AnkinC _1kmd Investment Como 19352 May J. Mitchell 193511erman Bahv 19354 Po nrmry 1 1935 rdw^.rd Brandi 19356 L'a.ry cunnien 19357 connelly & 1:IeDov1tt 19356 Helen 1Cappes 19359 mnT9r rot Bush 19360, Joso;lh McLean 19361 Peter vtoehan 19362 Irwin Roos 1936 Jay meShen-Ten19364 J17ck Deerwester 19365 L.C.Hoddsonp Comer, of Finan( 19366 " 19367 19368 John D. Andoraon 19369 19370 pater nalgon Coo. Benz & Sons 19371 3uoka. Brothere 19372 1937 ...0 D. 13 rr7o® Dupto carit^1 Stationery & Life. Col Compl'ny 1937 c a.rnogie D�pok & Fuel 19375 commonwealth rloetrio conn^n' 19376 :?.jst gide Grocery comnrny 19377 Tleotrio Blue Print Oompvny 19378 Ao Do ::1 MMrth 193 9 T?d. `=riokson 19 80 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 19381 11. r. P03sw & company 19352 rabaI13 Gr000ry 19383 11^nlOn & Okes 19394 Jacobson tmanufaoturing compa 19385 1Torthmostern diel Company 19386 Pyramid oil com-alany 19387 19388 11 1111 ,,t.P--ul Builders Material 0( TOTAL II RETURNED TRANSFER DI511RSEMENT pANK CHECKS CHECKS 2 497 05 968 743.46 11 390 00 6 587 35 144 oo 64776 300 0300 t000 42 6o 32 00 Ofl 150 00 105 00 105 00 2 00 l0 4o 125 00 27 695 o8 27 a5 Ij 350 o! III 4o0 00 29 09 4 310 o9 50 92 1609 41 II' 154 70, 20 41 1 680 00 T �i. 7 o 16 589 53 I, 869 08 ,any I 907 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 497 05 .365 849.53 SUDHEIMER. - -- AGAINST WENZEL. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION .------_-- �� SPECIAL FUNDS _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC GENERAL WATER i. BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS I 248 425 61 I 64 596 91116 877 44 1 515 436.07 11 390 00 11 6 59 35 14 6 00 7 U57 00 1300 000 00 112 6o 35 20 4oo 1500 00 105 001 �I 105 00 42 00 72 00 00 418 40 125 00 27 685 08 5 297 03 8 411 05 II I 27 Z5 350 00 40 ` 9 3 3958125 917 o4 50 92 119 03 39 62 9 41 154 70 24 1 20 41 3633 00 7 290 16 869 o9 1 912 89 2 60 299 955 45�I 70 85o 64 1*16 877 44II950 022 91 r II 3 976 9192 �13 5909 1� 424 49 �� 7 97049 3 876. 238 67 589 53 11 907 50 MAYOR ACCOUNTS 40 50 , 0 7 420 29' Ij 424 49 ',' 9 877 99 ji 40 50- l T ; I'TATE RES. No. 212--------- -- To O CLER1� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE D E / CITY TREASURY. TO rb' tl'.' S 3.97_,106_._0f--.. THETHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - . COVERING . a1 f i '', CHECKS NUMBERED -18346- TO -153W- B j } COMPTR OLL INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER - _ TO AL RETURNED CHECK r NUhiOCR BY IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS II ' BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 45 V 966 743-46 I J1 390 00 19346 !linmlon & 0110s6 es 6 587 35 19347 Itermnn Huobschor l4 694 oo 1938 Fielding & 5he»ley R. Rose II 00 193 9 ,rageno 1 19350 James Falbo :linkinO fund Investment Oona II300 0000 00 19351 19352 Ray J. Eiitohell I k2 60 1935narman Bahr T3n'rry 333 00 19354 Po 19355 rdwnrd Brandl Cunnien 40 00 I 1935b 19357 rs' Connelly & P;IeDevitt 150 00 105 Ofl 1935g TIelen Ka1jPeQ I I 105 00 19359 Margn_ret hush i I 42 001 1830 19361 Joaonh FSoLo?ss Peter Mcchan 72 001 j 40 00I 19362 Irwin Rosa to 4o; 19363 Jimec ,heasen 125 00 19364 19365 Jaok DeeT mstcr L.C.TIod9^one Come -r. o? gin,I�noj® 2 685 o2 y7 29 03 !111 19366 9367 It R 11 1 11 5C51i1 193653 Sohn n. And4raon '7 19369 3.9370 P02ot n©laTea coo. nnT�ns e- ions 35c o0V 7 441 19371 3uaka DrotherO on! I o o -1 19372 19377^apitn1 a n. Dlv "Tea =,upt. tationery & Mfg. Cool C 28 Ogp L1 12 2 3 911 1937 C,I.rwg'ie 17ook & .nuel "oma^ny eom•,--ny 8 08! 19375 commonwealth rloetrie 'Ade com-'n.ny ,0 921' 19379 ct Grocery 160 2 5, 19377 .l(3ctrio T31ue i,rint Com•I7my 9 411'1 19378 A. D. ^1lsworth 1 75 II 19379 19380 .d. 7,Tickson Fairbanks® LSorse & Com-�amy company 154 701 24 131 19381 ICI. G. Lossum & 0 41�I 19382 193 G abata Grooery Ilanlon & Oke 93 Comp. i'1 333 751 690 00 193 Jacobson L4anuYaoturing iRorthweatoxD fuel 001nt3ny 7290 ,16 COUNCIL C�� •`i `� FILE NO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cLANCY. /' 2 1 1925 FERGUSON. -- - �`- - IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ,U� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM HODGSON. APPROVED SU DHEIMER. AGAINST -t9 2 MCDONALD, eL d - ----- WENZEL _. ___ MAYOR MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS (�/ ) DISTRIBUTION --- �- SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL TRUSTBUILDING PUBLIC SUNDRY SINKING ACCOUNTS '.`D IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVIOLLDV REVOLVING GENERAL WATER ACCOUNTS 424 46 7 970'49 40 50 24s 425.61 64 596 95 116 977 44 515 436'07 I 3 976 �� 1 I 13 592 fl9 16 5907 35 II 14 694 00 I I 757 6 4 00 II 300 000 00 �1 1'1 I 8 13 I I 42 6o 35 20 , 33ooII 40 00 150 00 I` , 105 00 4 I I I11 5 00 II 2 104 00 72 00 I I I 1 40 0011 18 40 27 685 09I!iII I 11.3 238 67 Ij 411 051' 5 297 031111 1 912 89 57 3527 85 0 00 400 ,44 0 jl h 3 395 251 917 04ItII 8 09 I° lib 3 I' 39 62 2 60 II 9 41 1' II li 1 15 70' I �ll 24 13i, U 20 41 I I 333 75! Ego 00 59 53 9 I� II 7 290 16 �,,, �I II �� __ I r 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 6 0 QUAD UPLICATE FILE No ---------- ------------ OFFICE OF THE CQMPTffOLLER I CLERKRES. No. ---214--------- CLAIMS -RESOLUTION CLAIMS-RESOLUTioFORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF , 77 C s 1-70,-31:78_ J.1 (---5--- -T-- O---------C1.V9EIRI.NZ - -------------------------PRB -- CHECKS NUMBERED --- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED I CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER .,S.UR.�. E NT BANK CHECKS I CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 60905-- Resolved That checks be drawn- on the city Resolved, ... ry,to he ggr,gte amount of $170,391.78, covering hecke numbered 19405 to 19446 Inclusive. as pewchecks on file In the office of the city comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 17, 192& Approved July 17, 1925. (July 25-1925) it f SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FOR -4 D34 - 1000 7.2;r_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD l 2 497 05 4618 815 38 BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 05 448 3, b .._:.-MAvoR -_ 191805 :?nvel.ope company 135 3b 135 19406 r T-itol L.,undry c3ompriny Burlington & 2. RY• o. 78 5 19407 19408 Chio�9og Chioag oa st.Pnula TSp10. & Ry. C om;»ny 1165 Omaha 8 3 19409 Pik r,inen Sunply Comn^.ny 17 2l II 19410 'Torrignn!a Grooery 19 2 19411 ,1, -..• Hruby 30 6 19412 Y,nno rroohry 121 2 1941 Las._.11e Com?n^ny Lundeen 8 23 4 1941 1941 T. P. 'ioh,_ud Protherso Inc. 5 5 8 4 19416 o. -. T-liokelsen 10 9 19417 "id`Ly Cranmery Company 2 I 19418 0. r. Puller Compr-.ny 5 5 19419 19420 r.ont^ rent 1.tarket rr tional G -,s Covernos Comp Nn , 4 0 19421 N-tional Lead Company 26 19422 11 tion^ -1 ,tonm L^undry Railway Co. 61 3 1942 northern Pacific ',taack 4 19422 POTlt & 0 19112 J. r. Poirier 20 1 i 9L42' Jt. A. AapP &ComF�Y ., c. Robinson,lor7i �Y Dist. Ct. t110 5 740 19429 i941>9 Robinson, cnry & s.�nda coin-, y Otto '7. Rohland compnny 37 5 191E-50 t.n ,itl milk com-)^ny 240 0 X9431 ^rd J. ;dam aom,).gny li27 19432 a-rl `> "ohulz 19433 1943 } Thom Brothers v,:n Buren Cr000ry & T.1eat Com; any II 2 20 9 1943 ". r, vau(;han I 6 1943 John J.,verstraete rk Ramsey Sheet Taiet�:l "- TO! ata 3215, 0 1943 t J. >^.ylcain, cnahier !`tater ne I 10 030 194 g nollanis Construction Company 695 8 194 }o 19441 Tj. J • O'Neil D. "t. Tjooro & miolin Brothers 66692 8 i 110 0 194112 Southor-Taacintyre 20 111 5 19443 Thornton Drothers ComPaIMy 22 neap & Grer 1 614 91�idiooleS :�tie'�4e1 T zterial Comp^ny 67 830 Z9446 Thornton Brothers ComPany SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD l 2 497 05 4618 815 38 8 10 90 5 29 75 4 50 28 00 4 07 20 11 5590 5595 3-V �+l 37 51 27 68}j 20 9�+ 25 51 61 39i II, 240 00 267 09 66 692 82 354 67 10 030 00 695 85 a 37 110 00 20 111 50 22 79 1 614 72 67 830 Oc 4 �i 336 724 90 1 9 94 9 341 28 907 72 975 190 33 4 II 3 876 99u 4 7 420 29 11 424 48 11, 8 877 99 11 40 50 ' SUDHEIMER. .._:.-MAvoR -_ WENZEL. MR. PRES.. NELSON. __ YES COUNCILMEN NAYS --- DISTRIBUTION-------�--- SPECIAL FUNDS _ PUBLIC SUNDRY - LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPRINKLING -. FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS,, REVOLVING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS 5 20.041 61 863.74.117 827 20� 895 069.53 2 _-424 48 3 876.8 17 420. 9 8 877-99 40 50 335 14 135 36 1 78 54 II 160 55 I 73 64 11 70 17 21 19 25 Ii 91 7 29 91 I II 23 45 � 8 10 90 5 29 75 4 50 28 00 4 07 20 11 5590 5595 3-V �+l 37 51 27 68}j 20 9�+ 25 51 61 39i II, 240 00 267 09 66 692 82 354 67 10 030 00 695 85 a 37 110 00 20 111 50 22 79 1 614 72 67 830 Oc 4 �i 336 724 90 1 9 94 9 341 28 907 72 975 190 33 4 II 3 876 99u 4 7 420 29 11 424 48 11, 8 877 99 11 40 50 6UFNe FFwA TE TY CLERK AT I -17L-192 . MPTRO E LR CHEcK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 4 R N 0. 24 -- RESOLVED THAT CHEG`, BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TOOT THE A GREGATE AMOUNT OF S 170;391.78 o.��/�_ ___ -. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 19405- TO 19446 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, TRANSFER CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 497 05 19405 Cn.-,ita1 �velopo Company 7 U 19406 CRT-•itol Vaundry CoarprIny 19107 Chiongo, Burlington & ?. Ry, o. 19408 Chiongo, ot,P.�ul, P9nle. 8 Omaha. Ry. Company 19409 rik tinon Supply Comn•my 19410 '?orrit;anl; Grocery 19411 7,. ". Hruby 19412 Knno Grocery 19413 La9,alle Comnnny 191414 ". P. Lundeen 19141-' 'Aohaud brothers, Inc. 19416 O. R. Miokelsan 191117 "id.ay Oranmery Com-nny 1941 C. r. biller Com,,,>ny 19419 "ont-m,,_ 1 eat ?' rket 191420 TTnrion•^,1 ^^s !!overnov Com—n� 19421 F-tional Lead Compnny 191422 N tionnl �tonm Laundry 1942 iTo-rthern P.,ini4ic Rnglway Co. 1942 PoTlt & ";taacic 19425 J. ^. Poirier 191426 J. fl. ila4P & cam - y 19427 ;..C.Robinson, -leric nT 913t. ct. 19429 Robinson, C.nry & S -ends Com-. y 194^g Otto 7Rohland Com?,any 19X430 "t. ^-.111 ??i11cCom ,any sa. 19431 -red, ,T. am Com --,-my 19432 C^rl 'ohulz 191433 Thom Brothors 194314 7,,,n Buren Grocory R. Pae ->.t Come, my 1943 n. r. vaughnn 19143 John J. 'leratraete 19437 Rnmsay ' aheet 13eta1 "`orks 19439 J. P. Ka.in, Cashier "tater nett. 194 9 Momanis Construction Company L DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 49 423.6 265 1 135 3. 78 5 185 3 19 2 3o 6 121 2 8 2yy 4g it 10 9 32 57 5 29 0 61 3 743 C 20 ] 1410 � 706 340 f 2.40 0 1,- 7 ^0 9 10 RETURNED BY BANK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRLLER AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUT N FORM CLANCY, FERGUSON. ---- IN FAVOR HODGSON, McDONALD. I, SUDHEIMER. _ �AGAINST WENZEL. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (1') DISTRIBUTION _ �::� COUNCIL jJ�)( 15 FILE NO. - -- - ------ - --- ----- ---- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AL 2 71926- ----192 APPROVE JUL 1 1,025 - - - 192 MAYOR LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC GENERAL WATER"J(JD FUNDSTAC--UNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING �I FORESTRY it BUILDING REVOLVING 335 520.04 81 963.74.117 927 20 895 o6g 53 3 876 9 17 420 2911 424 4s 8 9,77.99 285 14 135 36 78 54 I I it I 16o 55 i 73 64 11 70 it 17 21 19 25 I'I 91 3671 29 91 8 ?3 I' 4 8 10 90 3 29 11 - 5 751 ! I, 29 5 001 ! �� 61 39 47371:, o1i I I 20 1 50 55 360 oo, _ 9 11 -440 71 BO 1 LHJ+3 I � (31-7 511 � II 240 o0 II g 56 I !j 27 69 2 20 94' 25 514 I 267 09 354 67' I' 00 030 1 l0 . II� 695 8511 _ �I SUNDRY 4o 50 G L iIhi, Wt - PAUL CITY OF SAINT COUNCIL FILE NO.._______________________ dUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER TO RES. No ------ 2:�5 CITY CLERK AtUDITEW CLAIMS—RESOLUTIC51N FORM �D 'ID RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE -19 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5___---94003_-79- ______- COVERING - --- — ------------------------ __COMPiRO CHECKS NUMBERED J-qL44-7 --- TO ----- 1-91.7-2--- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY (COMPTROLLER. ER - ----------------- TOTAL RETURNED CHECK ii IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER I. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 60906— Re �, eso 'ad, That eh.,kS be drawn city on re.e.,y. to the aggregate n.. tY f n un o $8,01001", covering eh- a numbered 1 447 2 9 1. 947 Inclusive, ,e, eh -i- the Ithe I,, e—,tro. .1e h 0 ce of .1ler. Adopted Y the Council cil July 18, 1925. July 18. l 925. II (JUIY 25-1925) BY t� Ej? CHECKS NUMBERED _. _194`+7,0 __. +} OM g92 PT O INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE McDONAL SUDHEIMER. WENZE L. APP OVED __., f... AGAINST - UIL 9 1_-) 192 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I MR. PRES.. NELSON. v YES I,') COUNCILMEN NAYS y)/q/A - - MAYOR -- CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED BY - --- - _ DISTRIBUTION -—__---- - _-_ ` • NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS EIAN GENERAL WATER BOND LocAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRYBUILDING SUNDRY 11 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 40 0 5 BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 05 Ole 815. 336 724.90 149 849 34 i 9 907 72 975 190-33 3 876.8.. 17 420 424 48 877-,99 V447 i1e18ix & sheplay 1 16 0 2 16 062 67 .29. 48 Peter L^metti 1 296 0 1 296 07 19449 -r. A. Pe.tterson & Manley Bro . 13 963 3 13 963 30 19450 19451 John sandquist 'tmdard stone Company 80 0 405 W 80 00 45 Ij 19452 Capital Trust & savings flank 97 97 00 72 39454 Joscaph Grogor 28 8 28 80 5 Christine Hanson 4 3 4 32 !� 1945 Catherine Lynnugh 31 6 31 68 l 19458 August L. 3ohempfo Guardian j of Dorio Hanson 3� 6 31 68 jl 19457 Vinnio 'ikon,, 'gidor+ of ".m. F ^I, 2' 9 24 p2 19458 Addrescograph Company 201 0 201 02 19459 cn.nitz1It ationery Lift. comp "my 13 ?_ 13 23 . 19460 ,ria,7olri safety s%nal comps y 513 513 4-5 ' 19461 intor City Poper Comnany 5 0 5 00 194632 t.iel2dy P.mufa,cturers Chemical Comp, Paper Company y 222 222 5 5 1944 North Ameriom Fiber Produot Company 190 1 190 12 191465 N. -1. 7lectrio equipment Com any 428 3 428 32 19466 Moyes IIrothere & cutler 17 61 17 64 19467 State Bank of Fairfax 12r� 0 125 00 I Ij 19469 19>a69 Vlotory Printing oompm 7hito Broth Drs & stoadr39 3$ 0 139 0 12 50 13'9' 00 23 50 1» 19470 7 Thornton Brothers Com any L.C.iiodgson, Com r. of Fin. I ?7 237 0 73 2 735 951 27 237 Ol 11 1942 12 5 bob 5 15 608 50 ix I i it 1 j Iji I I II �I i, I' jl 1 . SHEETTOTAL—FORWARD 2 497 05 I 698 819 1 341 551-921 �I 165 481'3 128 907 72034 II 735 1'o 3 876 ffi ; I I 17420 29 424 48 8 8779) 4050 0 .. ...Td�. eTE RES. NO ---- 45----- --- - i CI Y CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRr UURY'. TOO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 01 NG DA 7 1 _rsz5_,- - AVIV13 7LLp _CO CHECKS NUMBERED _- 19 , IT. - ----1.9112 BY n [ 4OMPT O INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE '� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. v TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 497 o5 619 ai5'3 19447 rielding & Shepley J 16 0!1992 77VV 19448 Peter L^metti 1 296 o 19449 "I. A, P^tteToon & Gr-anley Faro . 13 9560 0 19450 john :,�slagraist 405 CITY OF SAINT PA't. OFFICE OF THE COMF'TR LER J CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTI N FORM J FERGUSON.-.. IN FAVOR J HODGSON. McDONALD. - SUDHEIMER. - _/ -- AGAINST WENZEL, J MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (l') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) TRIBUTION DIS - - SPECIAL FUNDS Pueuc LOCAL SINKING TRUST BUILDING I SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING I FORESTRY ! REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ` GENERALfTER BOND AC DENTS 17 420,291 424 49 II 9 S77 99I 40 50 336 724.90 24 90949 34 1 6 907 72I 975 190-33 3 s76.� II 11 296 07 ii 13 963 30 90 00 I II 405 72 19451 19452 F rlFt,r�' COUNCIL FILE No. !�, lQ5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUL_pG] U 1 192 -_ APP OVED ___ ____ _____ _ _ -.. u`_ n 1 :) 192 -.. MAYOR DIS - - SPECIAL FUNDS Pueuc LOCAL SINKING TRUST BUILDING I SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING I FORESTRY ! REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ` GENERALfTER BOND AC DENTS 17 420,291 424 49 II 9 S77 99I 40 50 336 724.90 24 90949 34 1 6 907 72I 975 190-33 3 s76.� II 11 296 07 ii 13 963 30 90 00 I II 405 72 19451 19452 ^ta,..nd"-rd stone Comprny Ca�)ital Trust & Savingsj i3, -Mk I 0 28 1 97 00 29 90 1949 Joaeph Gregor 9 4 4 32 I 194.54 hriatina iinnaon 31 6 31 69 19455Catherine Lyn, -M& Guardian I 19456 August L. 3chGMP:fv l�. 6 24 Taori 3 H^naon 'lilson, ;,ids of m.��". 1 992 Ii 2!69 oY 19457 Minnie 201 0 201 02 19458 Addreaeograph Comn-nny 2 13 23 19459 chit-!! ^tationeryy Mfg. Comn�.ny Comp'a 1; r13 X13 513 0 19460 :,ris�Olrl Ca43ty ligna.l y I O 19461 19462 Inter City P -per Comn^ny P.'�nufP.cturers Chemioal Comp-I�y 222 7 5 6 I P25 7c yr 19463 19464 f'e1-ldy p!lper Comp^ny ,-ny north Amorio an fiber Produotlp Com;, 190 1 t}�� I� 190 if 4�7 61 19465 N. "'. 7lectria Equipment Comjhsny 6t 19466 T7o}ros IIrothero &Cutler �', 12 0 125 0( 19Z�67 t.-,te B,: xat of Vairfa% O I 12 5( 19L1-68 19469 Vli tory YrintinFS COIDPanY tt>,it� nzothr=Dr a ^tondnl 13f O 7 237 O 139 O( 19470 19471 Com-`ny Thornton Brothers a L.C.ttodgson, comer. of Fin. 73 9 z 735 9! 1-9472 R n a 1r 1 605 ! 5 6C 5 I' 1jI j PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the (',it.y of St. Paul, viz,.: rurnishing and installing a service li hting system consistini7 _ _. of lamp posts, lamps, lob..es, wires, appliances underground -cajirdui-ts...>311d--niher er}uipmant-ior..conve.yin ...eleciric. current thereto, on South 3obert 3treel: from illmore :_venue to Concord street. Dated this Jul 192.5 _ _ _ 192 20th day of -�''-- -- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIEHE:AS, :A written proposal for the making of the following improceulent, viz.: of lamp lurnishin; snd installill e service lithting system consisting - postsampsglobe;, wiresapp 7 liances, underground , l, , �toalduits-and other -equipment for uonveying.eleatr.ic current -then -eta, cu i;euth F.obert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street. having been presented to the (`nnnril of the ('ity of St. Pxu _ _----------- -- therefore, be it RF.SOT,FF,ll, That. the Colnulissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inacstig;de the necessity for, or desirability of, the Ducking of said iuyvnveuleut. 2. '1'o investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvenP,nt, and the total cost thereof. :3. 'lb furnish a plan, profits or sketch of said improvement. 3. To state whether or not said iInproveiuent is asked for on the petition of three or Inore owners. 5. 1'o report upon all of t.hc foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...__ -_Jut_ --0.1- 1'75...--._ -_......_...._..-- YEAS 'NAYS Comlciiniaii CLANCY ,,ncoSpN :\pproved_._... JUL -1- .............._.._.------ - �-- -P IIoor•suN 14clloNAi.0 WENZEl, ... �..._._.......----\la- -- y - or. ,.+ 1 9AV�_ 'MR. PRESIDENT corm C A 18 (1\I :1'_'.i) _ Petition C. F. No. 60907— Abet- L Whereas, Awritten Pro0oeal for the matr:ng of the following. improvement, PROPOSAL yiruratehirg and Installing a _ -vice 'J4 system eoIslenng of�eI.—, 9i1LLnrV•i giobee.t,,.i...1 .. roll �- Y i7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the (',it.y of St. Paul, viz,.: rurnishing and installing a service li hting system consistini7 _ _. of lamp posts, lamps, lob..es, wires, appliances underground -cajirdui-ts...>311d--niher er}uipmant-ior..conve.yin ...eleciric. current thereto, on South 3obert 3treel: from illmore :_venue to Concord street. Dated this Jul 192.5 _ _ _ 192 20th day of -�''-- -- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIEHE:AS, :A written proposal for the making of the following improceulent, viz.: of lamp lurnishin; snd installill e service lithting system consisting - postsampsglobe;, wiresapp 7 liances, underground , l, , �toalduits-and other -equipment for uonveying.eleatr.ic current -then -eta, cu i;euth F.obert Street from Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street. having been presented to the (`nnnril of the ('ity of St. Pxu _ _----------- -- therefore, be it RF.SOT,FF,ll, That. the Colnulissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inacstig;de the necessity for, or desirability of, the Ducking of said iuyvnveuleut. 2. '1'o investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvenP,nt, and the total cost thereof. :3. 'lb furnish a plan, profits or sketch of said improvement. 3. To state whether or not said iInproveiuent is asked for on the petition of three or Inore owners. 5. 1'o report upon all of t.hc foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...__ -_Jut_ --0.1- 1'75...--._ -_......_...._..-- YEAS 'NAYS Comlciiniaii CLANCY ,,ncoSpN :\pproved_._... JUL -1- .............._.._.------ - �-- -P IIoor•suN 14clloNAi.0 WENZEl, ... �..._._.......----\la- -- y - or. ,.+ 1 9AV�_ 'MR. PRESIDENT corm C A 18 (1\I :1'_'.i) _ Petition [ ( Qounnil File. ------------------------- PROPOSAL ._...�l�t.�- PROPOSAL FOR IMsoma— . - Abstrnct - YVhereas. A written, proDoeal for the ' andmnkipg-of the fol1pwln8 lmDrovoment vla.:- - Open wlden and extend the 7 t P,untF Pr b.r✓:by tz'•�' .r PRELIMINARY ORDER r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open widen and extend the alley in Block 19 -t. PaulProper by taking and condemning that part of .Lot 11 lying b tween the alley in said Lot 11 and a line described as fo ows: Beginning on the easterly line of the north and south alley in said Lot 11, 15 ft. from the north lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. from the westerly lot line and 30 ft, from the northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northerly line of the east and west alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. west of the westerly line of T:Iinnesota St. Also taking and condemning a niece of land in the Southeasterly corner of Lot 5 of said Block 19, said piece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft. along the :sa.sterly line of said of 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and being 9 ft. in width. _. r. .;;�.�.,.,fy._oaat--vvuuauurss urtao_--pow G'02 9,ot""11 lying between the alley in said Lot 11 and a line described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of the north and south alley in said Lot 11, 15 ft. from the north lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. from the westerly lot line and 30 ft. from the northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northerly line of the east and west alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. west of the westerly line of :'irmesota `_!t. Also taking and condemning a piece of land in the Southeasterly corner of Lot 5 of said Block 19, said piece of land measuring 9 ft, along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its southeast corner and 25 ft. along the ,asterly line of said Lot 5 beginning at its .southeast corner and being 9 ft. in width. -,���TT xuusury tlpproved J HODGSON fMCDONALD , M SUDHEIER / , WEN7.EL......:............................. ._...._.... ..... ..... .. Lar MR. RESIDENT -� Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) PUSLISFIED Petition Colmcil rile. o..---.60 011.0 PROPOSAL FOR IM c. F. PTo: sopor - .A'betract Whereas, A written proDoeal for the �. making of the foilgwing improvement, 'dila Open widen and extend" the a11eY in`�' II ct PavYF Pr pM1r by t "� PRELIMINARY ORDEx The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: !pen widen and extend the alley in Block 19 :;t. Paull Proper by taking and condemning that part of .Lot ll lying b green the alley }n said lot 11 and a line described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of the north and south alley in said Lot 11, 15 ft. from the north lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. from the westerly lot line and 30 ft, from the northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight, line to a point on the northerly line of the east and west alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. west of the westerly line of 11innesota :;t. Also taking and condemning a niece of land in the Southeasterly corner of Lot 5 of said Block 19, said piece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its 50-ltheast corner and 25 ft, along the :sa.sterly line of said of 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and being 9 ft, in width. azo• ate- _-1— Karo o= '�,o'L ll lying .between the al ley in said lot 11 and a line described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of the north and south alley in said Lot 11, 15 ft. from the north lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. from the westerly lot line and 30 ft. from the northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northerly line of the east and west alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 £t. west of the viesterly line Of L:inlesota .;t. Also tarring and condemning a piece of land in the Southeasterly corner of Lot 5 of said Block 19, said piece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot 5 beginiingat its southeast corner and 25 ft. along the 'asterly line of said Lot 5 begiiming at its .Doutheast corner and being 9 ft. in width. -LIBRUusuN Approved ------------------------------- ------------------- ---.................... AODGSON - '/McDONALD f1 SUDHEIMER WEN7.EL .............. ..................:.................._ L-' MR. YRESIDENT Mayor. pc- c A 13 (11,13-25) PUBLISFIED y_Zj— ,_✓�� - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- ----------------- --- ------ ---------- ..-------- Dated this 219t_.. --day of -------------------- uly-----192. 5. - - - _......... ----- ---- ----- -------------- - -----------. - .. -- ---—- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY 'ORDER. xxtuFRPA4. A writ4.en ,,...n—i ;nr th.+ —king of the following improvement, viz.: 1. _ To investigate theLLnecesstty for, or dcstrabiht� of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL L 11925 Adoptedby the Council.------------- -------- - ................................. ..... .. YEAS NAYS Councilma/LANCJUL q 1 1925 FERGUSON Approved .... ......... ...-...-=-- - ----- ... ----- ................ -- AGDGSON jSUDHEINIsR Q EN7.EL MR. RESIDENT - Mayor. F.— C A 13 nm 3-251 PUBLISfIED 7/1 090`�Abstract ' Whereas, �A written DroDosal for tha mslcinB of the touowmg Irnlrovement, Council File No.___..6a00-9 V.; Aeconetruot;, rainy and tepai ivlte PR0P6g, J- aaoacy tpe : uowing laew , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidtewalks: We-st"s-i-da--Arkvai -h ---St beginning -at Gass -St thenee aortiv 1.52 --- ft-:------------------ South---sideof�ornray . beginning at Forest St.thence wrest 240 ft. North sideRonIdo St_. beginning 164 ft. east of" 0xf-ord St: thence east ft. r.P n,pnrri Si:_thP.nP_E aas.f~_18.ft. Dated this. - 21 day of..-------------------------------------- July ..... 192.5... Uouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: Weft e1r3e Ar ] itat _Gaze S -t --thence noith--1.52--ft:----------- South-_side--_of-.-Conway St.---beni ginng at---Fore-st---St.--_thenw ce est 240 -ft..___._..-- North side Rondo 6t. beginning 164 ft. east of Oxford St.thence east 40 ft. Se+z-th--side- Rondo St beginni-ng --196--€t.--east--of----0Lx£ord--8-t----then0e- east--lS ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .-------------------------- ....._..._.__...._...._..__..._...._...._------_._..____ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 U Adopted by the Council _�.rrr..................J[i�,,..2+.1._..----------_-_---------- _.... _ YEAS /NAYS Councilman CLANCY JUL-22 b 1 1,,111,1., /FiiERGUSON Approved--------------------------------------------- --------------............ /HODGSON �iIVICDONALD 9 �SUDREIMER 0_ WENT.EL ... .................. ...... ................_......... ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Parra C A 13 (1M 7-25) I petition pt Council File No ........... GOlD10 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 9 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement b3k the City of St. Paul, viz.: Q.Qnf3-.t=0,-t a s-iX7-f.0-QtQ.Pmxlt .... ti le.—a idem-glk.--QS—the.-.north--a Se— .0 f OttoAve.OtAfrom Hamline Ave. to Syndicate St. ----------------- --------- ------- --- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- Syndicate .......... ------------- ------------------------ -- - --------------------- ------------------ ----------------- F. No. Gogio—, - - - -- Whereio• A writ foranlro banl ter, t I h. --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -d1fl-K f the vlz. C't a six-foot Dated this 21a -t day of ------------ --- .4nstru ""'t filo en the no aide ---------- - ------- -- ------- ------------------------------------------ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------------- -- C.onatraiat a si-xmfo-Qt C-eme-nt t ile sidemalk on the nor.th-aide Of u4mune—Ave—to—S n. -y -A i ate S ... ....................... ... 9 ..Wt having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- --- ------------ ------------ . ............................. ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------- --- ----------------------- YEAS NAYS CouncilmaZ�LANCY JUL 2 11925 ,/FERGUSON Approved ............................. ............................................. /HODGSON 'M ONALD S=H ,I, WE ""..L ............. ........ .... ..................................... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F— C A 13 0111 3-25) Willi . � r„„nn_ il dile No... a:r .pro soon- - . Abetenck Whereas, A written D�opoeal for the PROPOSAL F mzking of the fallowinglmprl f.r t e ,Re post net relay and iepalr the re. rain n sidewalk x1i and on then. s PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct,relay and repair the retaining wall and sidewalk on the --......... ...................... .. North sideof Central Ave beginning at Lexington Ave thence east .................................. ---- - --------- ... --- _.. - ----- ---..................... 240 feet. Dated this ---.21_0�t---_-----day PRELIMINARY ORDER. =�y........... 192.5... ----------------------------- - ' Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �iecAi�-tx]�e-t-s--.xe-day--ani-_xe-pair_.the-.-re-tainizzf._wall-.,anc�sidevralk_on---the. prtyl -sa de ..9--- den-tral.-.Ave_.-.- be-ginning_at--Lexi }gton__- 24--.feett ------------------------------------------ -...---------.....-------------------------.....----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......---------- ------- .....----------------------------- --------------------- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated st of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. %s 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. J^ 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------------------` UL --2-1. 10V...... .............................. YEAS NAYS CouncilmalYCLANCY ,/rERGDSON HODGSON rMCDONALD ,, J �IF.R "EI / WENEN7.EL J MR. PRESIDENT Garin C A 13 (lhl 3-25) Approved ---------------- -AUL-- 9..24925-------------- --------- ........... ....................... - .......... Mayor. city Planning, C F N 00012— Abstract. ' (� .g c� Wh rens, A written p,o caul for the .' making of the following improvement: cil FIle No..._..60aJ.�..2 , • - open, widen and extend Nelson - - 3 Marshall Av at .Westein 'Ave, by, PROPOSAL NV ng and eond ninlug such parts oP ' 1s AddMen a. 11. S6.t of toll � ed"a Yollowe;. Heglnnin a af:�the North.ilne .of Nelr"� - ' -oY tta lnteraeo.:�i PRELIMINARY Oki The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: Open, widen tnrd emend Nelson Avg. and, Marshall Ave, at Ylestern Ave;' by taking and condemning such nerts of Lots_ 1, 2.,,, go ata G. Block 85 Dayton & Irvine',s Addition as lie South of a Tine described as follows : Beginning* at a point on the North line of Nelson Ave. 213.33 ft. Eastsof ,Ito intersection with the to the right Chit East line of Western Ave., thenge, on;';!1k ours to the North line of Nolson Ave, of 400 ft. aradias and x is tangent 320 191 41" central angle to e. point on the East line of 17tostern Ave. that is 62 ft. North of its intersection with the North line of Nelson Ave. Also such part of the IRV 1/4 of Section 18 Township 28, Range 23 as lies North of the following described line : Beginning at a point on the South line 'of Marshall Ave. 167.25 Ms west o3 .its intersection with the ilest line of Western Ave.., t'lenee on a curve to the right that is tangent to the South, lix;e of Marshall Ave. " angle to a point tha of 320 ft. radius and 160. 25' 16 central 62 the South line'of 15arshall Ave, and 77 ft. West Is, 13 ft. South of the Wiest line of western Ave. Also that miscellaneous:txaoi of-land,in the NF? 1/4 Section 1, Township 28, Range 23 described as follows • Except .,the North West '77 Pt. of the East 110 ft. Of 33'ft.'for Marshall Ave., the the North 76 ft. intersection with'theWest -3ine oi_ viOS%Qrn Ave" -'onenee-on a curve South line of Marshall Ave. to the right that is tangent to the and 160 23' 16 "central angle to a point that of 320 ft, radius South of the South line of Marshall Ave. and 77 ft. West is 13 ft. of the West line of Western Ave. tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, Also that miscellaneous Township 28, Range 23 described as follows Except the North the West 77 ft, of the East 110 ft. of 33 ft. for Marshall Ave., the North 76 ft. 7I7Fr`� i t s1 91 vo, r n i 1 .f U :k'T. 1:.,.',_ ,7';-(• { 7c� �N �'.0 .ti, n>~7 (((( ':fJf i �.F T7�T 0 r..7C .. f ���t 1 C;' }'3 C- J GIN z : c 16a:ur;rlTej JP.ro ,; rsr.1— -P .Foo P. oi;f J'' ,y `�� UJJ 'fJC� �i. c.�l..� ti}r ;•(I>. ,U _.j:TT ,.Cd )J U.7 3jF:UrT ']16• (' YD'11J L'To G<:.('5T.J .`t6• ;U E�iTq r.1 U7; f CP17.R.H G.. 1,G T .a0is 2,vcj'.`; '.l>(;. (,h.t. s. {.I`it I l;.'nF.7.cC, yC'.I. t1; rJt -;ruo, ,,'J '3S , U •4p 17 S . Dated this... 19th ..... day 192-5, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: sten Aven,bwiden andtakingae xtend and such Nelson parts ofhLots�1. 2, 3,,eandr4, as lie South of a Block 86 Dayton & Irvine's Addition line described as follows : Beginning at a point on the North line of Nelson Ave. 213.33 ft, East of its intersection with the East line of Western Ave., thence on a curve to the right that is tangent to the North line of Nelson Ave. of 400 ft* radius and 320 19' 41" central angle to a point on the East line of Western Ave. that is 62 ft. North of its intersection with the North line of Nelson Ave. Also such part of the NW 1/4 of Section lg Township 28, Range 23 as lies North of the following described line • Beginning at a point on the south line of Marshall Ave. 167.25 ft. West of its intersection with the West line of Western Ave., thence on a curve to the right that is tangent to the South line of Marshall Ave. of 320 ft. radius and 160 23' 16 " central angle to a point that is 13 ft. South of the South line of Marshall Ave. and 77 ft. West of the West line of Western Ave. Also that miscellaneous tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, 33 28, Range 23 Ave.,escribd as thee West771ft. of theEastt he st110Nort ft.hof the North 76 ft. -'F.+, T �.:.'i-1 tT � .1y i ` . F C T V { f Cn 0n fr ctt r 1 TiU.>tT )' 1ti3.� f -e\ .f S.nU r t J ff; I G CT,T SC'i 7, U 7tJFJ ►.' l , T'.t ,.�1 1 ,,C, 10J o vt, 74 r'• s G,n , f -n'---"—` __"",!.... - ;Ti r r S 4a=9.-1'S2,ji. ?r 1 f�.l 6: C .:�1 i' i i -;. Ci F T. TT 6 .�7 cam• ,.1,,- ;° �J i �:] _ , T_,.n....J RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing m}att� to the Commissioner of Finance. 0- 21 Adopted by the Council------------------ ................ ----------- .---------- YEAS -NAY6 '/J/ JU'- 211 CouncilmaA CLANCY sFERGUSON , Approved----------------------------------------------- --------------------- 'J----- IXC ONALD Mayor. �p MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 622) Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No........6-09-t � r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open,:-:widen---and-_extend--a._2Q ft-,-_-alley---Prom-:Ro-y..St.--- -------------------------- to the East line o3 the existing alley in Bloc , Rom or a---Add-in-0nj' the i�o-rtli"line-o-� sazd --- alley being parallel to and 21.32 ft. North of the North Dated this.....16t.11.----- day of ----- -------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... Openp-- � den -.and. 20.. ft. ---alley .fxRw...RSLY--fit.------------------------ to the East line of the existing alley in Block 1, $omer Bs- $oyt 80mpan7'-s---gdd- tion;---the---North l-ine ... oi Sai-d ------------ alley being parallel to and 21.32 ft. North of the North -------- - --- line of §aid BZooT� 1. -----------.. ------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...._ .....-------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 21 1925. Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------- YEASryry// NAYS II (�%�j Couneilman'I,LANCY JU` 21 1925 , FERGUSON Approved----------------------------------------------------------------- ' A� 0DGSON lAcDONA LD EI WEN7EL ---------------- ----- ..M....a..y..o..r...^` MR. ........ PRESIDENT . 6.— C A 13 (1M 3-25) O. F. No. 60913— --" Abstract: Whereas, A written proposal for they` -making of the following ImDrovementl )- viz.: -. '. -,Y ..Open, wfoen .,'2,0 Ea ` ---------------- t. to ----- ley from RoySt, to tho -- •h 1 rfng, alley In nlool '"""""""- "Addltl;.,zl3Cllman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... Openp-- � den -.and. 20.. ft. ---alley .fxRw...RSLY--fit.------------------------ to the East line of the existing alley in Block 1, $omer Bs- $oyt 80mpan7'-s---gdd- tion;---the---North l-ine ... oi Sai-d ------------ alley being parallel to and 21.32 ft. North of the North -------- - --- line of §aid BZooT� 1. -----------.. ------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...._ .....-------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 21 1925. Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------- YEASryry// NAYS II (�%�j Couneilman'I,LANCY JU` 21 1925 , FERGUSON Approved----------------------------------------------------------------- ' A� 0DGSON lAcDONA LD EI WEN7EL ---------------- ----- ..M....a..y..o..r...^` MR. ........ PRESIDENT . 6.— C A 13 (1M 3-25) Council File No.---.- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct curbing on both sides of Superior Street from -..................... C. R No. 60914The 4Peatern Avenue to Oneida -Street.............. Ahecraot - - ----- - '--- Whereas. A written proposal. for the 1 -Whereas. the following Improvement -.- viz.: - ............... ... ......... 1925 Dated this. -.-.-219t Julys ..-day of --------------------- ;n - �------------i '---.. ,192 - 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct curbing on both sides of Superior Street from ------- - ------------------------------.-------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vv'estern Avenue-to-Onneida--_St_reet-.._..__.._-----_................... ------------------ - .. - ....................... --------------- .............._....---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- ---- ---- ------------------------------------- .---------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Gj 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................... ry--------------- YEAS .NAYS Councllman'CLANCY �JUL 211925 925 t.iFERoosoN Approved.... -------------•--------------- ---------- ----- ---- -- --- Iooc30N 1r MCDONALD� - /SDDREIHER WENREL - MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 UAI 3.26) Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. V Council File No........{_�� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade alley in Block 3; Stierle, McOonville and Seeger's-- _------- I1idway Addition, from Fry Street to Aldine Street. ..----.. --- ----- -- ----- C: F.,No. 60816- � � ....-----... ..........................___...----------------------- I Wh.r tha rftl lnB mDrovora nG ,. for th ... ... ... ¢j' rad^m1F. In Ino to 3'. SUO I. Mc, ..... ......... ........... .... ........ ... .. 219t July, - elonvu -.and Seegers Midway Addi- Dated this ..._.. day of - . . .. .... ^ .... A. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade.elleyinBlook_ 3,_--Stierle.,--LZcConville--and.__See_gens-...................... --- Pli dway.-Addition.,_- from-- Fry --.Street_. t o_ -Aldine_ 5 t.re et -R--_._-_--.. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.... ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------------- ----------- -- ---- -> therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------ JUL ..2.1--1�2�.. YEAS NAYS Councilmak CLANCY ./ FERGUSON _ �HODGSON ✓McDONALD" (li) SU DHEI\f P:R ✓/WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT Fora, C A iia (1M 325) JUL 21 jf'), Approved....... ....... ..... ......................... ........... . - Mayor. Council File No.._...5�.✓.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makipg of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: CondeIDning--_and--taking_--an-_eas ement--_in_-the--_land..n.Q 9 e>a_aaxy _... for elopes -,-_cuts a.nd._fills-,---in-the---grading--of-_ alley -_ni3look:.-,...._._..._ ------- -------- Stierle, McConville and---Seeger-'s--_Midway--Addition-�---from-_Fry--_Street._.._ to Aldine Street. ------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------- C. F. No. sools-- 21st Aheteas, A`*rItten ➢ropoeal for tfio Dated this...................day of __....Jldly.,.... b--- - m eking of the :onowtasmnnrovor the vlz.: :Cohdemning and takingg,an eseemeat.-------- ........ ------ in: t' 11land nee ary for dopes. ate: t l,!n:'.tH g' .Ilnc- f -alloy. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking--an-..easement--.in-the--.1 nd._neoea_easy...__---_-_.._..._.._. for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading ofalley in Block 3,_......__ ---------------------_----------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- _S iax.�@..--I'+CConyille...and...4_Qe -----... -------ar-'-.s---Mdw.ay---Addi.tion,__fxom..Esy-Street------ toAldine Street=--------_.--------------------------._-----..------------------------------------------------_..........-.__------ _ _ having been presented to the_�ouncil of the City of St. Paul -------- _-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. �i��..._g-- -- 1� YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY ✓FERGUSON Approved ...----JUL-..t2....}..19Z---------- -................ -............. /HODGSON /SUDFrEI StER / WENZEL............... ................................ ........................................ . / MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.— C A 13 OM 3-25) Council File No... --.--1141. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I �1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St. Paul, viz.: ----------------------- Constructing retainin walls and filling on the east side ----------- . ----------------------- Great of--_South._F?obert_street---from_Plato-_Avenue to-_the_Ch--ca-g-c -.,- _......_--.. Western Railway Bridge.. .-.---. .-. . .. -- - .... �U r No. .. pp Whereas he fo IL wing lmpri for the ovemo t .................... July , 1925 axle of t 218t d �IConstru Hng retaining walla nnu Dated this ay of... .. r -on th east side of. Ss —11. bet 1- / _ ....y . - ?Intra. ATnUe:.. too ft -------------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing retaining walls and filling--.....----- . on he east side of South Robert Street from Plsto Avenue to the Chicago, Great ----------------- ------------------------------- - --- Western-- ---------------------------------------------- ----------- having been presented to the Council Of the City of St. Paul- ...._._--- ...........-------- -------------- ----"'---- therefore, be it ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby 1. O investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ted cast of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4041 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 21 1925 Adopted by the Council----------------------------------- ---------------- YEAS V/ NAYS Councilman•CLA14CY ,FERGUSON ) J HODGSON /MCDONALD /SUUH EIlIiER '/WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT r., C A 13 (IM 3-25) JUL 21 1925 Approved----------------------------......---...------------------------------- G V'v,-�'--r�Y`--- E--.. ----------- Mayor. PUBL S—M? D_7 ✓�—d y '1--11' Council File No.---- )U-1 � petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: St-`- --------------------5+'..Q1-1a-�.r`u�_t...�tll'-b�.n� QTl..3eT.{t`Bga.],_S�e on--Y�oth -sides from Pli�t]kj7d6 _------ l, tl?- Do1gs. St.. .. C. P No -6691 Abstract:: .. ...... - - - on sn . W h e 1 vemenG s, A w Itt D Im .. . . . making oY tb tollowing Dro -_-- ,-- -_ ------" --�•tC n tract c rbing on. both sides oY -- - - --...................llkln-St. to'Douglas . St:: Yr:Pren t <•,.,.to'. ti'. .- . 21st -------------------- July.. 192.5 Dated this------ -----------------day of--------------------------------------- -------- . - - - --- ' -- -- -" ' - ----------------------------'- m - - -Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------------C.OnS.tr1Z t --- ourBing --- on.-.hotly-s-ides...of._Ma oa1_B.t..--f-rom--3 --------- ------------------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- ...----- -.---- .--- ----"-"---------------------- ----- therefore, be it issioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comm 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. j 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owneid. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 2 11925--------------- Adopted by the Council ...-......-_------------------------ - eIZ>EAB AYs Councilmatl'CLANCY JUL 21 Approved. --'-----'----------------------'- 1925 ------------------------'-------------- ;1TERGUSON � �� ;r�`HoocsoN T,VICDONALD U•,f - (1/j � /(),/{)�� }/t /WENZEL - ' '-------- Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Dorm C A 13 (IM I'll Lee No /'. >st. zed. 5 Laid overt _ r 4..,C 3rd. & app.qAdopted._ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �lancy rguson ,-Ferguson Hodgson Hodgson v �I(dcl)onald TTH4erfa+d ��Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres: Nelson July 16th, 1925, TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAULI Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby reports that he requires the following described real estate as additional ground ' to the present Tilden School, Albany and Aron Streets, by Eamon of the fact that owing to an error in the plat- ing of property line status a concrete wall which was constructed by the Department of Education encroaches on, the adjacent property: The East 1 ft. of Lot 28, Block 6, Lake Park Addition to St. Paul or . so muoh'of'Lot 26, Blo-ok 6, Lake Park Addition to St-'Paul ae is o0oupied by retaining wall erected by the Department of Education according to the plat thereof on file and, of record in:the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey, County, Minnesotao That the estimated cost of acquiring said land is the sum of Two Hundred ( 200 0), Dollars the same to be charged to the Five Mi.11Ion Z 6,0001000060) Dollar School Bond Fund. t Dated 19260 P_ ��.L, .-, comm saionar o3�' oa on, I, WM. F. Scott, City Comptroller, do ,hereby certify. that there are funds in the treasury of the City available. for the acquisition bf the above described real estate in the $6,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. C. F.10. 00939-0rdlnnnce `Io. 0033— I/ _ By J. H. AleDonald— An dinance granting to the Craig Oil R fining Company permission Install and '^l, an air seri station o - 1e o[ Bel;, street Ordinance No. Av By 7- Council File No. Qa (/ fi An ordinance granting to the Craig Oil Refining Compannto install and maintain an air service station on the south side of Belmont street between Smith and Manomin avenues. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Craig Oil Refining Company to install and maintain an air ser- vice station on the south side of Belmont street between Smith avenue and Manomin street, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said -licensee for said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said air station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish.a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, dam- ages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said air station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with.the City Comptroller (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul., Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council go S 90V Yeas Nays Mr . Ferguson HodgsonMepenEvId® Sudheimer -=---� Wenzel SJn� Mr. P i nt (Nelson) Appro ed Attest City Clerk "�` i 2nd.-----�_; Laid over to 3rd. app ? c Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy �rguson Ferguson I-lodgson ( Hodgson O -Alcllonald aftetImmr(T / udlicimer Wenzel V Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Xlr. Pres. Nielson 66)n APPLICATION DATED. JUNE 8, 1925. CRAIG OIL REF'G CO. ° J. F.-GIEFER, EATON & PLATO AIR SERVICE STATION. ON BELMONT, BET. SMITH AND MANOMIN. To Pablic Safety Fire Traffic p(1-1 Engineering 0 K, Zone - --- Hearing ".MtA k `� L i3epartment of Finance Citg of bt. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE 19 July 3rd, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, Building. I Dear 1,.1r. McGlogan:- Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by:the City Council July 7th 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of The Craig 011 Refining Company to erect or install a #ir filling Station on the Southeast corner of Smith Avenue and Belmont Street will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 151h day of July 1925 at 10 o'clock A. M. very truly yours, Commissioner of finance. T. v?WW a, T'( A Per a;r .-in,e a h 9.1, JOHN H. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIED EROINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BR -1 dG1— WM. N. CAR-, SVT..P CONSTRUCTI.K ARO R'PAIR A. B. SH .1. a AN G. H. HERROLD, OPPIce ANO CITY PEAK — d.IK.m. G. P. BOW LIN. SVT........... June 17th, 1925. h1r. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Dear Sir : - Engineering Report : Re ; Air Filling Station Craig oil Refining Co. Smith & Belmont. This air filling station to be located on Belmont St. between Smith Ave. and Manomin St. presents no engineering difficulties. Yours very truly, ci�Planning Engineer. Ap o v omm as over-oPu 1 0'dor s. GH-D-RH • I'll6•u of ainb Paul, owEN ELOu�N. E. J. URNwNE. A{ g�g1 �� /Y Y LRIEP oP PoLICE MICHAEL GEBHAROT. ♦♦ T Y} y� y {�7r' ■y IIt�II14f �1E Y�L Public 6L OSCAR LANDER. - ABST. FIRE CHIEF Asea. GNIF POLIFE -�QI�CtYITs'Itl YLP` 016 s"6`i{ WILLIAM BARRON. L.... INSPECTOR. FIRE PRNENTION H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OP DET -EE J• M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WRLIS. G. H. BARFUSS,SUPT. INSPECTOR w POLICE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER aF APPARATUS DR. SIM N, A. L. EGGERT, HeAIF-iH OPP ceR LICENee INSPECTOR , 1 cOURr HousE ' A. E. NICHOLS. M. O.. CHARLES L. SEGREN. DEPUTY HILA H OFPICER SUPT, MUNICIPAL GABA— O 40�CHIEF JOHN MA TI. JOS. MAC ULAY. SUPT. POLICE IN FIRE ALARM HGLTH INSPEROR June 179 1925 Mr. C. J. MoOlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of the Craig Oil Refining Company for permission to instal an automobile air service station on the south side of Belmont Street between Smith and Manomin Avenues, and report of inspection of the Traffic Bureau stating that this installation will not interfere with traffic. — Yours very truly, �� J Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. MORNARE, • Cl— or POYCe Pu of .9aYit Paul ` i ��-III� OWEN C. OUNN, FIPe Corea .T. MICA— GEBHAROT. OSCAR � NDER. FIRE CxIeP Acer..- oa ��WCWpJ 11 5epartment of Publtt fiafrtU . H A VAI WILLIAM BARRON. CAPrMx aP OHiECTNes CHIEF 1--.. FIR¢ PREVENTION G. H. BARFUSS. J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHASUPT. RLESDF INsaeeioR or MLI—HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER AaPIARA1 8 A LLleexaE DR. B. F. SIMON. RNe C-11 BUREAU OF POLICE H--7 CHARLES L. SEGREN, I T.I.. —R A. E. NICHOL . M. D. —. MexICIPAL GARA.. E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE Deaxry HEALTH 01 -- 1--JOS.MACAULAY. JOS. MAC U"Y. JOHCNIEPN MA Th . PaYCE . & FIR. ALARM �� HeuTN IN¢PECTOR June 16, 1925 Mr. J. id. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, PlPinnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to application of The Craig Oil Refining Company for permission to instal and maintain an automobile air service station on the south side of Belmont Street between Smith and IManomin Avenues, you are advised that I have made this inspection and do not find that t1 -is proposed station will interfere with traffic. Very trul you cs, 0 � Inspector Appro e r J. Jui� i of Police �, U M H Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL v This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION Application No. Porm No. To the Honorable City Council Date 19� of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION, IS HEREBY MADE By --- arm or rad ,d,r,r For permission to install and /maintain An Automoble – `--------- ---- –Service Station ..air nn` on the —side of-- betweent A /• r- 1 0-_�<c>d_ d e.�__-_—St. Ave. —�fJ?----- —–� ve -P known as - — "- — "- -- ---- Ft rise: lumber and Slmei Number of air connections_---- Number of water connections Received at office of City Clerk Byff't"` -- B -i Ad&— ApprovedApproved Passed___— —19— as to street traffic as to use of street Approved -.T19 Date --- 19—_ Date 19_ Ordinance No. Permit No. – _ (:ommr. u! Publle Snfery. — -- f:ommr. of Public Worke. _--- - -- — Remarks Duplicate CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Thi application to be made in duplicate and 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. submitted to the City:, Cie& • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION Application No. Rorm No. To the Honorable City Council Date 19g of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATI IS HEREBY MADE �y By-7eN—r nr m ar and wd-r r For permission to install and mat_ retain . Service Station An Automob le Air ar - on the ide f St.. 10 between Ave. t Ave. known as 11-1 N-1— --1111— 'Number na111--Number of air connections Number of water connects s Received at office of City Clerk Li�6s - - t— or meant By uus�ne� Aaa,� Receive f om City Clerk R ived from fit Clerkyvi�i Passed 19— Dar Dat ��� 19.L- - Appioved 19— By. - By . Received t Dept. of Public Works Received from ,pt. of Public safety Ordinance No. Dates 19— Date `, - is Permit No. By Office of City Clerk By - 'Office of City Clerk Remarks CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CooHciL'NO.----�- 6 -- FILE July 20th, 1925. hereas, it appears that Paul Trimmer, an employee of the City of St. Paul continuously for more than one year, is incapacitated due to a hemorrhage of the lungs, and it further appears that said Paul Trimmer will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duty some sixty days, therefore, be it aesolved, That said Paul Trimmer be given a leave of absence with pay to August 4th. C.. F No, oos3o-13y,. J. IL McDoni Whereas, It appears. that Paula me an eropl.yo. of the City - d pool continuously for more than year is ineapsoitated due to a her .old Paul Trimmer be absence With pay. to Coiinclr July 21, 1226; 21, 1926.. r 264926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays + Ado,>tal Ily the Coun�F_--2,-1, {� 192_ Clancy " .Ferguson Hodgson .._....---In favor Appr ved...._.------------ ------------ �I 1 ��++ ----1 9 P McDonald - - = M --- MAYOR R Sudheimer /Wenzel ................Against PUBLISHED - ,Mr. President C. P.�No. '60937 ;In the matter of .opening,widening and extending "I'll It to . width ._of Go. ft.: (from the South-dine; of ;-,%f Anthony Parke �yeet -to-. the :X. ^Fr way) by taking and con Resolution Ratifying and �iC. t8°rhezc =hmPe_;tti;ondemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of _. openi.ng,, widening_.and ext ending..Eustlo _St_. _to_ a.... ....... ___ width of 60 ft. (from the South line of S.t.Anthciny_Park West .to, the. N.P. right of way) by taking and condemning the East 20 ft of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 114, Section 20, Township 29, Range _ - 23, lying between the South line of St.Anthony Park West and the .. ----------------- _...._ - _ ..._................... N.P. right of way, ---------------------- - ... - under Preliminary Order.._ SQ. approvetlFeb .24,1925-, Intermediary Order -59131 approved .--A.pr.,.2a,192 5 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the \Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all rekpects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it Furth r ResolYthat f e saikraif d a eni be�nct nereb _...-installments as to each each parcel of land described therein. O Adopted by the Council_uL_.N k. t,4`- ....._ ....... ---- --- ., 192.... JUL 2 2 1975- ... - -r / City Clerk. Approved....... _ _.... _ _ _ 192...... _....-.......... ........................._...._ .. --- ......._- Mayor. Councilman Clancy ' on Councilman McDonald #'� Councilman ipbx xodgBon ./Councilman Sudheimer ,/. ooun—ncillm�ta�n Wenzel F 11®1J3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.oP..eP!; gF, , widening---and._extend-� g... ta�tis....$:t......t.0 a--..---_----.-_----. (-frQm..the...8nuth.--line...of..8.t-.Anthony--Paxk--- W.":t to----------------- the_N P-.---right._o.f_�RaY)..-by....taking.._and_.condemnl-ng...t-li-e FAB& .20...ft. ft _ 0f__ the.._9outhly-e s-t..-114...ol-t.ha._&nuthmeat --1-� �k..... sect.ion .-2O a---Tmm�ehi p---29-,---------_... R940-_23.,-- lYing.--betw.e-ez t)a-e aouth.--line..-.o.f..St_.Anthony...Rark._Kest ---and --------.- the-. X,!PA,-- ri-ght...o.f-Way -------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- .------------- - Under Preliminary order.... 58046 ............ -, approved. F'.eb . 24,19 25 Intermediary Order. -.59-131 ................ approved .._----- igr-29,192Ej.....--• TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, ' containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 60932 FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._opens_ng,ng..,_and.__extendin_Eust_is.__9t to._.._a.................. ...... _.._ width_ 2 6Q..t _S _xQrl_ SP_l�t �x_Ae_Qt.A>atk�oxxy-�ark�!.e&t_._x9._the N_PJright of wa b _taking-and condemning_the_East_20_ft._of Southwest 1.�� �f S.s?LLt.3fe�.��4T Sectlon._Q.. Tow.BklR-.2.9.o-�ialge�3r-- �,yillg taetv�en� h�flnuth_.line._oi_St. AnthonX....Paxk SYeat.._and-the__SL_E......._.._ ' under Preliminary Order.__.__580.46.............. . approvedLeh..24,1925j., Intermediary Order.___..59.131._._._..._, C F No. 60932 approved__.__aP—Z 2-? `.s.1925 In the matte f opening widening and extending Eustis St to a width f 60 ft. (from the So th line of St. Anthony Park West t the N. P. Resolved: right<of way) by taking and con- ' .- den ni gthe Eat 20 it f N (1) That the following improvement be "vee4' of eac v ;)rdered to be made, viz.:.__. _open. widen and extend Euatis width" omit.*om the South line of St .Anthony -.Park West to_ the_1T2.�..._sight- slf->Ra�j �v.------.-- -taking.,_and oondemnisig thg Eaet 2Q _Lt _oof_tQpt]avltst_1/._Qf.__$Quth west 1 4 Section 20.Townshi 2 Range 23._17Linb�tween.i� 84#k�_11 of st.Anthony Palk West and the N.P. right of way (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, of the SW 1/4 of the SW 114. Section 20. To19A_Qb V__R R..=90--2 .,------ lying between the South line of St_Anthony Park West and_ the N.R.___.. right of (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have beeeen�tratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council 22 fwB .�. ......................_, _. ._..... ty Clerk. JUL. 2 2V Approved_.__ _... ...............— Mayor. Clancy amm $$$ son' v �11it9o name PLJRi,Y.SFi�Ii err 1 adheimer mxmMenzel Nelson Mr. Vice Prey Fury son Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of.Opening,.viidening and extending Au:t-Uma 3t .- to _.a width--_ . of 66 ft. from Hazelwood Av...to Kennard St., by taking and condemning the North 33 ft. of the SW_1/4•of the BE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22 c. F. xa.sos3a— In the matter oy opening, widening -------- - - _ _ and extending Autumn SG to a width -' - -- - of 66 ft. from Hnzelw I- t Ave. to Kennard. SG,_ by taking and Con-: aemning that North 33 YG of the- "� of the SE 01 8ectlon 22, -- - --- —h1P 29, -Range 22, under Pr. -. -.... -.-..- :y _ Order 68047. aDDrrv�. .�, under Preliminary Order . _5$047 approved Feb .24,1925, Intermediary Order ... 59132.. approved- April -.28,1925 . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the' annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the $Iayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f t • Resol ed, that the said as a tent be d it is s hereby determined to be payable in _-._----- ----------- -.._..equal insta s as to each parcel of land described therein.- 192-...... Adopted by the Council...._ Approved--- ..... - ... _..... Councilman Clancy guson Councilman McDonald �ffCouncilman Ps*xx Hodgson f .Councilman Sudheimer ',�/Cogncilm4ri _Wenzel V 1.1itw Ycen. Frerunson ""'� �2 --! - ........_.................. -- . -- - ty Clerk. 192...... _ ._.... ................. ----- ... Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCJ ON CONDEMNATION In the matter of-QPen A&v--.vQ de- �ng..eT1d....fact.e.;lsliXig.-Alatuaai...St_.-...�a-..&.-➢Y1s]th..-.. of._66-,_Pt,,,,, Yrom_Haz eleuood,,,Ave-.,,,to,_K ennard,- St,.,-_by---_tak J.ng,--a;►�i,-.4QAfl&�i?�� ,_Section,_22-,--_iq)! -i,p-- _�9-�.._Range._2?...... .. ..................... .......... ............ ..........................•---------------....------------------------.._..-..----..-. - ............................................. ......................-.............................. -- under Preliminary Order 58Q47- approved- Feb.. 84,1-92,5 Intermediary Order.... 59.7.J.2.. ...... ... ......, approved--.... April 28 J925 --.-..- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finanee. 60934, FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matterof opening.,_._widen ng _and. Arten"ng....AUtl=i__$_t_._.._t4-_n mulsil. of 66 _.fit .• Qm H �]> a5 9v�,__ Q. ziz►nxc _8t. .by.._..taking...=d..._cons !mning the-North 3 ft. Ran a 22 'C, F. No. 66934— widening _^._ •.�___,,,,g_,—__.�__.__.—-••—•-^.In tho matter of oPen-St- tumn to th of a66Xtft. dfrom uHa:elwood Ave�dto Kehnard St. by ` taking and con--.__.._..._—....._...._.._.._._ .__._—...----- •--"—""----- demning the Ni,rth 33 ft. - of ttie "- f the SO% of Section �° .- 3o r.: n•ry1n 29. RRnge. 22 .. 804 .... _._....._. a oved!eb..2k11 -?5, Intermediary Order__ 91 under Preliminary Order 5. 7 .._...._ PPr approved-AP! 1128,1925 1 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same, is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__..___.....__ Open w d=�..nd_._e7,t= Antnn= 8_t . 3�� Ath of 66 ft _ from $aZEI➢pO.Qd Ave. to gennard St,_by_taking and oondMnlz►.g-th"orth_33_.1t of +he SVP 1fQ t�E 1✓-$-e"'' i °" 22,_._T.o>gnshlP. 2�.,�ange .22�_ _ __. (2) That the following land, lanais or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- printed and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:—.—t)1e_X4.2'_t}3._33-- ft. of the SVP 1/4 (3) That the assessments;of benefits 'and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.__ K &c4_-1:12 .............................. it Clerk. Jut 2 T25 :.. APProved____._ �. / • • � Mayor. ✓ Clancy w�L'Prm+ann _ AMMx Hod gsn McNgnloald 01k Suncelmer t�d.'Ne�cu�6 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and AssessmentTherefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in. the land. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills. in grading Norton St. frDm the north line, .of . -Alabama Alabam.a Add. No. I to Maryland St. ---------- In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an casement in thte.. landd neceK- sary for s lopes, for cuts -- fill- north St, from C' gFr xdN1 n'g ... or't 0 a N. the nor —e of Al.b.. Add. No. ta'M-dly- under e _ Preliminary ...... .. . ... ".7 !I� 3, 1 1 92 under Preliminary Order 58172 approved Mar..,3,..19_2Intermediary Order_ .5.93.17.. approved-- April 2.8j. 1.925.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furt�eruRes ' asse,,svi"F� _L olv , a sat e and i��_hcrixby_dr_te�m ne_dto bp_�h <in e q parcel of land described therein. -------------------------- equ Knstallments as -to each Adopted by the Council.. JUL ------- 1 192. ...... - ----------- JUL 2 21925 ... .... ... ..... .... I t Approved 192_ --- ........ =? ----------- ...... .. ...... .......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy.-- ,Qq*ve?1ffMYF'Mrguson t+" Councilman McDonald councilman Peter �ouncilman Sudheimer P Councilmfui Wenzel Ift noo Prea. Peru." &EPORT OF e e "' OF ON a De. OF D in the matter of..c.ondemning.-.and..taking..an-.eas.ement...in--.the ...land..necessary _for--slopes,-.-for-__cuts.._and.--fi lls...3n...grading.. iJort oIl-_St-,,--.fxp�-_t_>�e•,.�gr#��..-. line ...of...Alahama..Add... RO.--1..1o. Karyland ..St,..........................-....................................... .............................. I .................................... _.....__............_---------------------- under Preliminary Order......... 581.72_ -- --, approved -.MP.— 3.,192.5......, Intermediary Order..... 5.9x.17.......... approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: ' That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..... .................... �.........�. ................ C mmissioner of Finance. FINAL, ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_O.0?1d.emning--and.-t'alc'-ng--an....ells.emend.-_in__th.e..._land-.ne.c-essar-Y fo __slnpes,_i.or._.cuis_.and_%illsin_grading.-Diorton.-St__irom•-tha-nurth.._Une �c� Try C. t No. r ar _._.....__._._._.. tel -Al.hama-Add tali_ u J.•�,yJx-nd-.cJt.. f .... In the mnttar of condemning and tnk' Ing an easement In the.landn eces sary for. slopes, for cutsandin .—...—__...._..........._. ..... grading: _Norton St- from the north '----'—'-"'" ---- '—'^""'—" Itne of Alabama Add No. 1 to Idary- -.-__.___—_- --nn St, Under' Pra';yr•,cy-•• 2, approved."';±,ti.:____::=.::.:_..:.__..._.___._.__...._.._. ..._-___.___......__.._._...__...._..._._..�.�.sry. Order i.o26• - - under Preliminary Order ...._. 5.81`Z2 .......... __....... approved ...Man .._....3.r.... 19?5ntermediary approved—April-28—Y-1925. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__ --- .._...... condemn and take an easement in the land_necessarY £or slopes•_ £or cuts and fills in Adin� Norton St fr4111 the or1h--lina-Qf-Alahama Add ldo 1 to IJ'ar land St. _ (2) That the following land, lands or easem atents therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro - pried and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..�ek1P....11nc�1? Ming upon ITnrton �t _ hetmsan the. �.oint.s-.efoz-e.aaid',._-tea-the--extent--skl,ovuy--upun-the plan attached to the report_ of the .0 n 9Yie�_s1 �.P1a �j o W -Q. -k a -.inn -thy ------------.�._.—._.._.-------------- (,I) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the 1 above land, lands or easements therein, have..been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_.��� -- 191_._ ... City Clerk. LI11" � n Approved.-_. ..... _.__ ..:, 191__..-._ �' - ...........................Mayor. s " Clancy o son PURLISi1CDWall KxRnx dncDonald udheimer a zel �' PLb'�d�n`�' 1�A ItFaLs on ' e, ioo x�a FerQcx Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in `tlhe land necessary for . -slopes, for cute -and fills in grading Tallula Avenue from. Pusey, Avenue to Tatum Avenues ............ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of -the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be ib furt r-ff_esblve�d, that the, Aairl,assessment be Ifld-it, is hereU _- ... .......... equal instalhiiL�flis"as to each parcel o} land described therein. JUL 22 W26 Adopted by the Council....- _ .__._ _.. ............. .---- 192..__ . JUI� 2 N 1025 ty Clerk. Approved.. - - -.._.. - ...._..-.__-..._. ............... 192 Mayor. Councilman Clancy n erg /,Councilman /,:Councilman'7bU .Hodgson : vCouncilman,SlWheime'r Con cil cazel ,11 IdI f " 11Yre6.. yratt6a r: L:,, E�7Fii�5i°Il� 7 C. F. No. 60937— _ ... ........___-. -- --- -- - - - Inthe matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land neces- sary for slopes, forcuts ana'fills in _ _ grading Tallula Avenue from Pus—...... .. ..... ....................... ..... ..... _. "venue to Tatum. Avenue, -- .... ....................... -'�:'IminarY Order- 66469. app-,;_ �� h 19, 1^2Intermedia..,. under Preliminary Order - 58469 approved Mai, .19,19251ntermediary Order .....59098 Apr .28',1925 approved.._ -_ .- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of -the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be ib furt r-ff_esblve�d, that the, Aairl,assessment be Ifld-it, is hereU _- ... .......... equal instalhiiL�flis"as to each parcel o} land described therein. JUL 22 W26 Adopted by the Council....- _ .__._ _.. ............. .---- 192..__ . JUI� 2 N 1025 ty Clerk. Approved.. - - -.._.. - ...._..-.__-..._. ............... 192 Mayor. Councilman Clancy n erg /,Councilman /,:Councilman'7bU .Hodgson : vCouncilman,SlWheime'r Con cil cazel ,11 IdI f " 11Yre6.. yratt6a r: L:,, E�7Fii�5i°Il� 7 IkEPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCA ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS I In the matter of...e9pd.emning,..and_-.tak.ing_.an..easement-_,in--_the..land-_nec$sary ..for-_sloped,--_for-..cuts--.and._-fille.__in--.the,_-grading-_,of-_T-allula,-_!venue--.from-- -Pusey---Avenue. t o_. -T atom.. Avenue- ............... .--.----------- ...............------... -- ....--- . ................_ ...................... under Preliminary Order 5A i............ approved... gpa _ 19,19. 2.5-, Intermediary Order-.------ 5.909A--.., approved ......._4pT .28,192.5......._.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the. under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .......m ................... Comissioner of Finance. ................... ........................ .........:.......... . .. FINAL ORDER IN DONDE NATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of__condemning .................. ......_._ _._s�e�esBary.__fos- on -s rtfo�r_outs_and_ fillg,_in .1411t1.._Ap_ee___ l@_ _c- t No. o7c In the matter ter-oE.ondemningandtak- ing an easement in the = ne-n sary 'or ng cuts. and alis.i -- grading Tabula Avenue trpin. PdseY iven a o. Tato r A erm.84S9,'.0 aDProved. >:,y__ch 19, 1925. Int me arid, _._.._.._ „�ynproved AC, y 58469.19,1925 Intermediary Order..5909�_._--__._, under Preliminary approve dd.__a-..r..___._ _ approved___. Apr . 28 ,1925 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.___.._..._ condemn and take an easement in,�he land neg sea*4 fo*sone ffL ^ cuts and fills in grading Tallula Avenue from_P�as�sen t> 8 Lc-Tat- Avenue_-- (2) That the following land, lanIls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and �cotn'tdemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz. ahe._12nd abutt_ n- u on p,�,y_ttla._Av..enue betgeen the�Q-iAt,l�__tifcx_e.aaid.,- to-the.-eStEnt___— shown upon the plan attached to tk&_report of the domm-,asioneT.Qf:___ Public Works in the matter dated,May-2 1-5,-------- — (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein,'have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Con ncil_..jU '' "......... _ ......._... _ -..� JUL gzW2i C ty Clerk. .._......_....... 191............Approved.-._..---.....,:_...-.._..._.... ._. .......... - ---- i} Mayor. Clancy M= ✓Hodgson / Xny& ,,,,McDonald PUBLISI-IED 1 Sudheimer nzel C �Vioo krep; �'etY#msattn (-O()qo 0 U0, CL Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of..00ndW-X1jng and taking an,easernent In ti -ie -land. necessary for_sj:o-p.es.,. for.cuts and fills in grading and paving the UssissiT)Pi River. Boulevard -from the Fort.Fnelling Bridge approach to.111. -Seventh C. F. lz.. ' Street, in the matter eTf condemning and t-k- Ing an easement In the land -sees. sary for slope%vfinscuts and fills In grading and p the Mississippi ..:-River Boulevard from the Fort i �.nslllng Bridge approaqh to W._ .�th Street, unAer. under Preliminary Order 56337 approvedMar 1 2§ Intermediary Order.. approved -...April 28,.. 1925. - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �d' i&-heydbrdete'r ed to be payNL�.Lin ,61 es veld, that the saidape Be it fu '�oa, Ing �tii I enual installments as to each parcel of land described therein, Adopted by the Council.. 192------ .... .... . ........ Approved---..._.........__ JUL 2 21925 . ...... qty lerk. ... .. ........ .......... ... ...... ......... Mayor. 4ouiililman Clancy %McDonald 'Counci man �ouncilman X Hodgson - puncilman Sudlicimer 4 W 4U=-V21—M-----zel-4_Y_ iaa Pro. Vor(#L6t5- REPORT . OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCi ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....condemnng..and..taking..an..easement,--.n..tl�e-..land---ngcesaary for..slopes.,.._for outs_._and.-fills-..in_-.grading.-and---paving.-the--r+iississippi--.---- Rjvad.._from..1he...1?`0 't._Snelli ng- BrIage-- ap. ro'gcki---t.o.._i�.....SaV91>�ki....... Street..--------------------------....................- --'- ----------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order._..... 50337,.,._., approved.Mar_._11 .--,1925 Intermediary Order....59166__..__.. approved....iap13a...6e--..1.� ?�rJ....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ommissioner of Finance. FINAL ORDER IN CONDE NATION PRO DINGS. In the matter of_._eondemning_.and__t.aking._an--eas_ement_...in...the--- land ...ne.C.easary r_g,jDpq.�s-,-f_or_ellfee_and_.tilia-in—gr-•adin an$._..PaQinF_the....P�tis.s3ssipgi-.— R3A�z._aou].esard_fr=_the.._Fort_ Sne na BridS anttr. ach_to_Y[,-8gventh__.m C F. No. 60940—c s and fak ee �[��gt'��� _ i the matter of ondem in `4't'""'—"— _-- '---�—� Ing an easement'. in theland neces sary for slopes, for cuts and tins S gradings and Paving the MlssteslpPl ,,.,,....—.—...—..._.._. _. ---- — ------ River Boulevard Ir m the Fa: veiling Bridge aPPreach to N-. r +-Ih.. Street, under Prelimfr ..— a 1$337, t. Gn c under Preliminary Order .......... 5$$$7._............ approvedOrder—_5.9166...... .... ..._, approved—APr l.-78,.__1925. o Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._-------- __----- onndemn and •oke an aacement in+•}y�lancL-ri9GB99Ax'-��A���OP��'r—�Br �� and fills ingrading an___d_,pa_V� the Mi4&i,SeiPDi Rive—Hou]e`tasl f�nm tha._.F.nr��.Halling—Bride-_appy-oaf.—to-•-L"I �-S�usn�h:�t�ee�;--.--�---.—_,...._.— (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_—the.-land__AbAt upon the L4ississ3ppi_Riv�x=.Bou1e.v rsl._f=xa the_Fnrt...Snelling-.Br-idge_approach to W Seventh 5_t__t eLt—%bmn—up_on_the..__plan—attached ia—the— ePort' of the Cormnissioner.of _Pub11G WQr�C�tl_t�Ju>k� (3) That the assessments of ,benefits and,. ativard of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements''therem, have hejen'ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Comic' JUL 22119 psi.._..... .... - y-Clerk. ,1, 2 2 Approved_------ ---- ------------ ------------------------- _., 191-.-...... ............ ....__................... _ A Mayor. gbMgxx Y Clancy' r _ sxx 'Hodgson ' lJ atx1yicDonald dheimer - . enz.el �&4ki Yi3s Ptes.1[c+„m�4saa+"+�` a AESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AN --f 1WARDS OF Dr , D ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter t-alit.ng---an..eas.ement-.-in.-- the ---land.-necassary f-or-_P.top-es.,...f.or---.cuts_-a-nd--fills-. in -grading .-33aae-..Sirest---fr-am--A bion•---...— .AvPi117P...t.Q...Alas. a...V.enl7e-s........................ c. F. No. sos41— ----------------------------- In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement in the land noces- sary for slopes, for cuts and fills 1n ---•• -------.------------.---^ grading Race Street from Albion _.venae t0 Alaska Avenue, ander 67946, approved, ..diary nrdr- under Preliminary Order ......_ 57946............ approved --F Q.b.....2.7-x----1-92t51ntermediary Order... -.-.590.96---..-., approved.....-APMU--2al...-1925. A public bearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fArther Regmlred_that the ............ equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. JUL £ 21 Adopted by the Council--- ------------------------------------------------------------ 191. JUL W N m < Approved..............................-----.._................ 191._. City Clerk. ........---v-------------- - - Mayor. Councilman ft�C1ane Councilman >X Councilman ff3dult "Iiodgson Councilman BERcX '/McDonald PUBLISTTCD 7—S � Councilman �ftSd9dk..��,$�fudheimer Councilman WaiW9x�x.A-fenzel fa V1&' PZ Nelson fy 6%5x. �€�+Froa a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCi ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of- aandemning--and.-taking--.an- easement;--in-.the__-land_._necessary for ...singe.s.,....ax...ou .s...and 5.. eet..Xmoln._AlbiM Avenue _to Alaska Avenuee_ ................................_.............._.........................-------------.....----....---.......................----.... ... .................. ... ......_... ..._._.........__._._........ ................................... under Preliminary Order ......`+x."1.946........... approved -70, 17.,-1925..., Intermediary Order....59096..,,__,... approved-...Agri1..28,---- 1-92-5....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby r orte: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 0 ............... ...... . ... ............... .. . . ................. r Commissioner of Finance. IN 66942 FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__c.ondemni.ng--and_..taking....an....easement__in...:the._land._..neaessary Al AC R cn��a _ _ C. V. No. 66942— Ing .. g4enu��'+-- "�-'-�'4-"""`�7• "" ! In the matter of condemning and tak - .-,Ing an easement In the land. aces n Bary for .slopes, street cuts and :alis 1n ___........... _._.._. •--�------^—••^---�- grading Race Street from'Alblon' Avenue Alaska )Avenue, under' Preliminarr y 5. Intor79 di,ry approved' _ Feb. - 17, 192 Intor Orden ""'"-" "'---' ' ................__..._.._.___._ 69096, approved "c. 1^2� ,Pesolved: �� A; ..Ant ....__...._." _._..' '"...................... .... _........ _._............... ....... under Preliminary Order ..._._.794-0._ ............ ., approvedF..eb.lrl.p._.192y5hltermediary Order .._......59Q9.H... _._......... approved. -April -.28, 3-925 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_- ----- ... -_. eOrkaemn nd aka Rn aa. emant• in__the--land:....neaa-sa y-fo?-s-l-apes, Pew-eutrs and fi Ila jn .gradittg_.Macs-Streat-f�oM-•A3i�ian-Agenae-�o-�i&sly& Aaenl�e'— ` (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land abutting .:._. priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz_..__.._...... u.on_.Raae_Str�t._bsinaaeri 11e..._p©rots- aforesaid; --to- Iie....e tent-eho�rnupon p. the flan attached tp the f gQx•t .of. hs -C. niss1°ner___af -P-nb1ic'__V4or cs. in- the ma�t�.�slat.ed�ar_ch._27,_. lg?5_--- .---------------- _.__._._.__..__.__._..__._._...._.___._._....__.-_.__.._._ . _. (3) ' That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .--------- 44.1._-.94,11.0 _.__................. 191.__...._ ..... .. ._... ... _._....__ . ity Clerk. JUL 2t`l . Approved.^......... ..... -_............. ....................... ............. ', 191........._. Mayor. ONSaxClancy / x/'—Ho-d,gs-on--- Kxbtxx �deieY 1-„ 7— � uhmr• ,�enzel �� ffiM: Pfm Yt�a`I�e� C. F. No. 60943— In. iageana2eemenn in the t neces nary for eloDee, for, cuts. and alls 1n gradSng Mon[cnim Pla e ^ fre,m to. a point , stiront Cis Resolution Ratifying and Confirming CdShdemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of_eondemning_ and taking 2n_ ea6ement._in the land _._ .. neoeesary for slopes,. for cute and_fille_in_.grading_Montcalm_Place__...-. from Scheffer Ave. to a point 300_ft. southerly from the center -.___.__ line of Eleanor St., measured along the center line of Montcalm Place, and Otto Ave. from Edgoumbe Road to Montcalm Place, under Preliminary Order _._-5 061 approvedFeb.24,1925 , Intermediary Orilcr....59.094_-...._.._ , approved.Aprdl7- 28,,1925_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furt er Resolved;" t t the said ass smini `iS� ancl} ereb dei��l�ined to be payable in _.--._.._installmentsUUy(2 L 2 a`s Bc 10 parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....---..._ ....__._ . _ __ __ .. _ 192. *4{ ..- ---- - ...... ------- ...... T - ---- JUL 22 1925 'it Clerk. Approved.._ ...... -.- ............._..__ ......., 192...... �/!1^✓V1�t�/ -- ---- . ..... . . ......_.__........_-- - --- - - /C Clancy Mayor. Couneilman McDonald Vr Councilman BGS Pix HO dge0 n I-CCouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Yi.TI?T rsx. % Hdr. Vice Pale. Lryngheou r" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE LANDS ON CONDEMNATION OF In the matter of.... condemning_.-and-_-taki_ng --an.-easement_.,iA the,._ lana ........................ R1.aF-ej5-,..1a.r_Cut s...arsd...fi11_s...i.n...gredingJGontcalm..Placa....... from Scheffer Ave. -to a point j00 ft. southerly_._Yrom-the_ center ................ 1 i ne._o f -_El eano_r__g .......... astir ed._along__the--- c ent a r-._1 ine., o f -_.Mont calm__. .. Place, --_and Otto Ave._..from-Edgcumbe Road -to-- Iontcalm..Place,............................... ................. 58061 . .....T .2._4 1 25 Intermediary Order .59Q94--•-•- under Preliminary Order._._---------------_..--,approved approved.....Apr�Y' 28,?925 ,19 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1..:... ". .. ........................ ommissioner of Finance. 60944 • � C. F. No. ' 60994- - _-- �� in the mater of condemnlns and:tnk-' ins neaaement In the. land neces- sarynpor slopes, (or cuts and fllls In grading Wontealm .Place from' Sohetfer Ave:. potnt -300 fd. 1- southerly from +ie_ center line: FINAL ODDER IN do DE ATION PIIOCEEDINGS. V In the matter of Qandemnin�Tand takin�an :easenent_ in•,_the_land•. neogssar for slopesa. c?it� a d �he3fer awe • to A- not n#_.30� . .;. ecuthg.r1y and_R4 a t _M nto$lm_ .� c��-.---.--...__.._......_......_.___..:.-.--- under PreliminaryOrder._.__5.8061.__. approved_Feb25Intermediary Order__5��.9��__..._ approved..__ April 28,1x25 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.___.._.__. condemn for elopes. for cuts and fils_._iDadiL33g Mon a:m 9Tace__fr.om gehefPcr Aver,—�__ _point 300 ft.__southerl�ome_Gni?.G�x�.izt�niE]aano�t.Ymaaslixed . alon the oent 1 e £MQnt_Qalm_Plaa and Otto Ave from_Edgaumbe . _Ho�Eogofifcaim lace (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- "' - priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_ tkle j and �blttt.lA�, upon Montcalm Placefx(Lm.��lleffes A�ezuae_f.o.•.-a--po.int_3AD__feat southerly from the center line + moss„r Pa ,alona the cent��1MO 11 of Pdontcalm Place, and Ottp_Llven 1xSLP3. E3i�gul�he--AQ.ad t.Q I�cnt�•alm E1ace, to the extent shown u on�tj}e� _1AU_.A1t4.PkeA-t_4 tt$h- repo.T.t- oY the----- omm asioner of public works in ,the matter dated May 27,1925 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Jiff ' Adopted by the Council. . 42 ......_._ W25 _ ...._ _.......... Clerk. JR 2 192 -Approved_ .......... ...... ...:....._...... _._........ ........................... 1 191............ _ Mayor. JClancy l Am 0 son ' ccDonald �� 7 ftk= / udheimer entel s/'q^- "�- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON1 CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ofe-ondemning---a.nCltah.@---1�nCl..ner.@8a9ax� .fnr....s1op.ea,._%or....ants..and..filla...in...grading.. r.orman..AY.enu.e r.om._Z1 ab.eth .,,5t est t Geo e tweet- ,,,_1 ...............0„.-..,----I; ...............J........ -In tha matter of condemning and tak- lag an easement in the land neces- sary for 'elopes, for cuts and fills in ......._ grading Gorman Avenue from Eliza. ............................. beth Street to George Street, under Preliminary Order 62911, approv nfay 15, 1924, Intermedlar enproved An -Il 19. - ............... .......................-. under Preliminary Order...... 529,11 ............ approved.DQag..J 5,.---192.4., Intermediary Order...... 5&9.6.0........I approved..... APx il.-.17,--_1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified andponfirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f rther Resolv , at the id assessment �ltl ,and., !lit he,mUy-ds g s° be usyable in ............................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. JQI- 2 21925 Adoptedby the Council ...................... .................................................. 191---- ;Ill! 2 21 ”."b-1�y Clerk. Approved ..................... .................... ............. 191.... - V y Mayor. Councilman Himoffarthc ✓Clane Councilman » councilman XxWx&X -"Hodgson Councilman KuttM,V ACDOnald Councilman k 'S}Pdheimer Councilman A h 4en7e f qy r} j j�'t+'sycr Txy43i%--Neisori ""`.� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCi ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....o.ondemning..and... taking ...an.-. easement ...in...the...land...ne.cesaary _for.--s.loP.es.,.--for..-outs-.and._Pills-.- ix)..gxad.l��-.GoxzCiax>..�verxlao...xam..EJaalzeth _Street,-to..Geor�e Street., - ...................................... .......--- ..............I........................ .......-......._..._...... - under Preliminary Order.....52911....-..._, approved. l�.'U._1..5,19a4_ Intermediary Order....... .�.SQ......., approved.......A,Pri I...I7......7 925x.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ' Commissioner of Finance. 60-946 In the matter'of Condemniaig--and taking an easement L32 the --land necessary I I q J -n --gr.adingGo=an Ax4nue..-from..-Flizabeth ... .................. d. 1 No- 60946— .. ...................... .... ... .............. the mater of condemning and �1.1- 10 the ]an, "ce.- ink an easement -y for O -PM "' ". and 'in- in _---------- A . from Ell grading Gorman Avenue cmd.r, beth Street to George Ii.--curnioary Order, 5,2911, approved . ........... . ......... ......... .... . ........ . . ........... . .. ..... 15, 1924. lnt�,rmcdary .Order_.._._ ............. ...... ........ ................ . ....... ........ ...... . . .................. approved Apr, under Preliminary Order..... 5-29.11 .............. approved May-15,19201iltermediary Order approved-APril...17.:..._1925. O Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:......._...._....._.. the (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:-.the.--Iand ab.mt.tj-ng tip,on-GD=&n-Av-enu.e.-.be.t.we.en...-the.- pointa&-orezal-d - - ---- to --thaextent shown -upon t�h _g Gomiasioner---af.-2.ublio..-.Worinthe matteF. . ......... ... . ............ ... . ............... . .............. . ..... . . . ........ . . ....... . ......................._...._._..._._.._..---:^ . .. ............ . .......... . ....... ................ ............................. .. (3) That the assessments of bene fits -and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Councio L . .. ........... .............. 191...._...... ........... . ..... . . ... .... `sty Clerk. JUL 22 19.25 Approved_ .............. ..... . ........................ ................ . 191............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ...................... ............ .. . ........... -------- ... Mayor. W=WXX t4i.cy mmmlft : QO= $odgson XgB=x 4r6udheimer xkfxadk Donald PUBUSFIM zel Rich. -T1 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Conemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of _ condemning_ and taking an easement innthe lana necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 2, Academy Heights, from Kenneth Ave. to Prior. Ave., 60947--, In the matter of conde-,f.g and tak-................ .. -.... Ing• an'easement in - theland neces-,-' - -'- -- sary for slopes, Por cute'nnd fine In' grading Alley -In Block 2; Academy Heights, front .Kenneth Ave. to _ ,Prior Ave., under Preliminary Order ....... ... ....... . --' ---- --"' ---- - t 57940, approved Feb. 17, 1926, Inter- "medlary order 69249, approved .1,': =�29, 1926. ,u- Public hearing, having be _ J..__. __. - ._........-.___-._ _ ___.. - ihy taking andcondo,-. r e._ . .. gg under Preliminary Order-_ 579 _ , approvnd, Feb .17,1925 bltrrmediary Order.. 24 p�... _... _, approved- .... _April -29...�.9�5 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fart er R th':btzthZzi�aid--assessment.j�> artd it'" I d,xA• ?e PaYab w -__ is hl >y dgben-. Ind_, .._...._...__..........-equal installments as to each parcel of lnn`l described therein. Adopted by the Council------ JUS -_2.2.1 --....- _ ._ .... _... ., 192 JUL 2 21925 Approved _......_.... 192:-.. /Councilman Clancy 4: CounciillmmaanMcDonald "'Councilman MU Hodgson „p `Councilman_ .S udhei mer ouncilman -niel iQt/9Oh t..... . ... yam ................ ....__... //\^y- Cit Clerk. .......................................�J.'.........-.................--.-...-........ 1. Mayor. REPORT , 1,OR OF COMMISSIONER O ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS J In the matter of...Condemning_-and... taking-.an..eaeement...j,n.-_tb,e..I& d ......................... neceasary.._for.._slopee-,-.- Q.z...cut.a...and...fS1]s...An-.giadi.ng..A11ey--- 2, Academy Heights, from Kenneth Ave. to Brior Ave., ............................. ....................................................... .............. .............................. ................................. .........------------.....---------------- ',^ under Preliminary order.....r279 pp Feb 1 1y25 Intermedia 59247........, _..., a mved_..._...'.._7z......._ Intermediary Order.......... -- approved..... A_P T 11...2.9.,1925.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �%fi1 ` —`�.................:�.................... Commissioner of Finance. .............. u c�c FINAL, ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__aondemning_and _teltin _..�._easement._in•_.the._land._..... _............. _._ neoessary.�.g�s� o„ n-es,--f°T-cuts•-and•.-l.e-.in,._glading_A]-1e3'---1n'-.---__......_._._ Bls Aced�mv Heits,.._37c.Qm $enneth--- No.ANo. 609}8 -'.___.._—_..._..___.._.__.......___.-._.: -----^-- In the matter of condemningand tak Ing an, easement in the land neces-! :vary for slopes, for cuts and fill. 1. - __ _ ..grnding- Alley In. Block 2, Aeademy—--- - --- -• --"--'--�—^ Heights, from.Kenneth-Ave.. to Prlor ander: Prel,m.In yIntermedt 40 ' "� d Feb: 17:, ; - ^;!9, aPProved April 29.... under Preliminary Order.___512.._ approved Feb 2',L,'1�2+�' ^intermediary Order.._...�2'r�------ aPProved ApTi1._ 29.19.? 5 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, condemn and take an easement in the land rieoeasary for s1o�e.s�__OT ^.cuts and fills in gradingAlley Jin Block 2,-AgAdQMY-ReigUa., f gym $enne th Ave ._ t o Prior Ave (2) That the following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken appro priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.—the__land.. &butt,ng upon the Al]�y__ilLBiock 2,.icademy He1�ht_s�_E#ween_tue._&QiAta.-.-- aforesaid to th.� e�Rtent.�hs�n�n +t,e plantteglaec�_tQ the.-r.e�ari- of the 4._nf__P.ublia-WOXka-iu--_the_.matter--.dat.ed--May--26'19Z5- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the takingand appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and 'confirmed. Adopted by the ConneiL JU 2-- --.._......_..._........ 191—.__.. ..... ..... y lerk. JUL 2,2 1925 Approved. _....... .. ....... .......... .......... ._. 191.._ A A � &4% C ..... . - .. Mayor. yor. Clancy d Mc��nald. dheimer-. PUBLISIFED 2 enzel —1"Was N "'Mr. Viam�ti� o*t a RESOLUTION RATIFYING ' AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND '': ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. 1'1; AWARDS OF DAMAGES In the matter of....CQYId.�AJSla K1B-.slid...tiaxil1g--.g.12---ea5$-Q.M nt...la.1110...� �X141..TZ@.�.6�SitrS for...s1.op.es,_-f.or....cuts...and.. .J I I S in..gradin.g.. alley .-3n..Kers-t,.'.s...Subdivis.ion of Block 33. Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition, from View St. to ..------------------------------ ---I .............. C: P. No. 60949— - ..$ay �Jt. ....�In the matter of condemning and tak------------ ------------------------------------------------ ...........t . ..................................... Ing an easement In the land necee- sary for slopes,for cuts and 011e In grading alloy In Kerst's Subdivision of Block 33, Stinson, Brown and------• ..................................................................... r_.Zmsey'e Addition, from View St. to 1•-y St., under Prellminnry Order :, approved March 10. 1925 7r.. 'lary Order 68127 .:......................................_......................-......--......... ..... tinder Preliminary order..._58275............... approved. P+lar a..._10,--_1925 Intermediary order... 59121---,----- approved-A gri1..2 &.,.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furt'heer Rellolved, that-tlie'said assessment be and it is hereby_$eterminee&-to-ba.pa9abte`iv-- ................................ equal installments as to each parcel of land deacilbed therein. Adopted by the Council ---------- ---- -...................................................... 191........ c........../� -- ... - -• JUI� 2 2 1�J25 � y Clerk. Approved..................................................., 191..."-i � WVC ..................... Mayor. Councilman Pimisamtb Clancy n-{1t85aXx Councilman cx Hodgson /ouncilman �L kxx McDonald k'i $_t 1 =lit councilman DiNgt¢tbc Sudheimer 4ouncilman WDXdErA*h Vienzel els on $2Y. f7ice PftaW LrdrWusa�� � `,. - ) KEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANG-9 O Or LANDS CONDEMNATION In the matter of.c.an-deMnI.TWg And..taking-.an-eas-ementin,the__,lan d,_necessary -fQr-_cuts,--and-_.fills in-__grading---alley---in_Kerst'_s-_Subdivi9ion Stinson, Brown and Ra...... s Addition= from -Viev� Bt. .A.0 Bay at -4 ---..... ............................................. .............. -............. . .. .._...._......._......._......-...........-.....-:----------------------- under Preliminary Order._.. 58275approved.T,'Lar...1..0,,_,1925, Intermediary Order... 591.2.1 ........... approved ...Apri1,.28_, ,1925 ......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ��........................ ... �.� Commissioner of Finance. PIIBLLSIr_ED ��g FINAL, ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. - 'I In the matter oE.O.ondamning.-..Eknd.._taking..._an..._ea.s.emomt.....in._.thp_...] axla..._�eeess.ary for slgpesa_for__cuts and fills in �radi> alleg__in_Kerst's Subdivision nf.�l�l��� G .i n���rQ�a��l_)iamsey! s_Addition,__from View._St_ t o__._ Ba St. c. F. sosso— _—_—_.___--_._--• In thematter of Condemning and tak ------- __.___ ._._. --'l-• –'--'"—' {ng as easement in the landne e sarY for Biggs. for Cu tBfl,is in grading a11ey in Kerst's Subdivision ,,,,,. --- _......_..._...... _...... .... ................ _ ...___..._...._.._._._..__...—_..._....... of Block '33, Stinson, Brown and---__...._. Rams St Addition; from ry St er �* B$y St., under Preliminary Order �Z raved blareh t0• 1926, IR ......_ ..............._..._.._._......_... _ _ aPP �._._.._..__.._�. � fiery Oder - under Preliminary Order... 58,275......., appro'�ved_ lar ' ;,`'1925 Intermediary Order .._....59127.._ ............... 3 approved__.A.Rr I.._28.�.._1925. o i. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ------------- �pdelnp and take aft easement in the_ land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in aradin_g. alley*. in Kersi! Subdivision of Block 33.Stinson, ' Brown and (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.the._..land .....ablxt_t.ing . mon the all ev in Kerst's—Subdivision_ of _Block 33,. Stinson,P: oqr _and pAm a i � AAAitinn hPtigge71_the nninte_,gf.IIZ'_{.'.9aid,.-fin t•h8 QXt2�}.'�__��491.n__-. upon the plan attached to..,ahe_re ort of_the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated June 2, 1925. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements theiein have.been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .'......... . 9DZ5_:.................1191. .. __ ..._... ��gq,q� City Clerk. Approved._........ ... .... :....... ............................ 191............ I, Mayor. 4x�1#iiClancy' " ( ;✓- cxx odgson v D cx Jivlc en Tne Itigaf7o x dhe'mer � ��enze�l &I VPS I �b4e. Vias Pze�a N'ersoeox .. 6Cjj I RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AN -T,,' AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of- -.0 0nd.eMniT19.--.and.- t.aknFr —an-7'aas-emant-- -J-nthelandllaaR-Ssary )�e 7� f.or—slapez.,—for Uits and..fzLjjs J -n g-r-ka-d-Ing—AlleY In—R14 k— lit Anna- R se Is Addi i Enl!�.r,&qpjq��t ... Pf 9;r�qnj� a 1� AYq� !jQ �3Y A1-q,9ttQ--AV-Q--, y..... ... .. ---------------------------------------------------------•- C.- ........................ ............ .................... ----- V- e—d-onling and ta.,k- 1. the "'��.eot moth land eeea- ing an a say for, uoys, oWBl"e"kte ' a nI dA"RI ' E. grad"'. dditto_ Polarg__.nt at --nsoY4�o 11 �� ....................... .............................................................................................................................. tinder Preliminary order ---------- 580-1 ......... approved-Y10Lr-----19192y intermediary Order --- approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the takingtand condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners : of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment I'it in roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in an respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. be and it is h.,,J, �ete—i�- to be payable in Be it f�rther Rese1V—ea,-'tbat the said assessment----------. ................ I ........equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-.� .......................................... 191 JU 19125 ........ ....... .... ...... City Clerk. Approved. ................. 191 .......... ............ ............................... Mayor. Councilman mr-4l-Iciancy Councilman 30X= F9z9UaDn— Councilman Zpajsxv Hodgson Councilman XxRorx •AACDonald Councilman Z%jg= _,,Kpdhejmer Councilman mmim**6enzel on V"- 1-'%EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC19 ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS I In the matter of-c-ondelmling--and_taking..an..eas.ennt.-.in-- the ...land..neass.sary for...tilopes,--.tox...cut-a.... and ...Ul1s...in..Zradi.ng..A1 ey :Ln..Blaak---U,...Anna..E_-- tams.Q�'.a...Addi �a.on.. nlaxgem..e..zzt....oi'.,-..#xom...Hamlin... Ave ...._ t.o...aymdicata..Aye.. , under Preliminary Order.. 5.M72--, approvecvar-19, 1-925., Intermediary Order .._...5913&....., approved..AV?i l...2.8.,...i.925......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That be has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. � �`---�................... ........_�................. ........... . Commissioner of Finance. . 60952 - FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-.-.4_Qncl.Q=ing.-.And.-i.aking.-an....easement- ...in...-the..-land....neaessary fo��lnpsa,_ nn.-cazts._and-%i] 1s_a aa-grad3ag--A� 1e3�._1.n._Bl©ck•-3�y--- Ann&' P-r" RamS�y!s_1�dditinn FnlargeIl1e71�:.-0£�--fS'_OIlt.-II8IIL17.t1e__A.9B�.__�0.-S3R1d368,�.8--IdNE�.-r a F. No. 60952— - -` ^----^--'_"-"'-"""—��T----! In the matter o[ condemn[ng and tak- mg an easement in the' lead neces sary^dor solDe , for cutsand fills in l.__.- ... _............-.- ----------- ,grading Ailey in .Block:. 31, an. >;- Ramsey'e" Addl,. nlargemend' from ..Harmine _ "" ., n •••�.. under Ps:_:�. -..-.-.._......_..._...-._.__.._..__...__...... i under Preliminary Order ....58471___. approved.&r 19_ 19251ntermediary Order_._5-9.1.38. .._._--- approved-Apr3.1_28.�.._.1-225 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, CeSlI1d__QMn._and.--take an easement in thy _land_.I G6&S3F - 41a-•s3-OpES�.. Air-Gilt . Al l P,'v i n Rl nrck _.31T�.nna--�,-_�.am3�g i &�-Adti��t•�Oi3- � '. an��:.1•�.e4,�x.L_.�adin�r Enlargement olm (2) That the following land, lauds or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz-All-1a11d.uttjl7g „I,nn t.l,e ni 1.e.�__in...Block.-37-r-Anna,--!s',-�3ams€yis--Acld�ri:on`�la�rgsmen't--of;- from Hemline Ave to Svndateva.,-+^ the ay1}erat _sY�ouaxa.._upon-tlae-p�a1� attached to the re�ort-Qf.h _Cs1AAu7 ssiene� of-1?.>zb1in'-Hnrks--> n -the -- _-_.-- (3) That the assessments of.behefits'and award, of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein,' have been ratified and confirmed. a adopted by the ......... 191_....._. ' Conn�il.... .-. k�� C ty Clerk. JUL2 2 t15 ..,191_..._... Approved ._..... ..-...... J Mayor. 01M=x `Cland�r stx /Hodgson o�6 &eilexx�Acl)onald yadDuth ., udheimer - - dMUff zel �aa3�amc - Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking 2.n . eas em.ent..in.. the ..lard _ _ _._. ...... necessary_.for.slopes, for _cuts and fills In grading_ Alley in.B.lock.7, Rogers Rearrangement of McLean's Reservation, from QypressStreet.._to ....-...... C. F—N.. 60063—' 1 'In the matter of condemning and tak- I Ing: an easem,,t In [ho,isnd Earl Street, sari, for„slopes, for cuts and flus In ----- --- ---- -- - -- --- - .............. .......... .... . ....... - grading.': :113eY In Block 7, Rogers —arrangement.. of McLean's Re er= vatlee, from CypressStreet to Earl Street, under Prelinups y �Ordec- ... ...- --. ?280. approved March ..... ... -- .....- -.. ....... ..... ...... ....... ... ,a�sry Order _.. _ __. ... ___...__.....___.. .___ ... _-..__.....__ . ...... __._...._-......_ under Preliminary Order._ 58269 approved. -. Mas.•.1. Q-,1925ntcrmediary Order_ ._59-1.29...___ approved ............ADr-2£S' .,.1925 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved -that -the said assessme t -be -0-c "it --is herebY d8tepls4e e payable in _................_.}...__,equal,.itallments as to e�ceh 1Tarcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ` 4.r2 JU5..._ ....___... ..... ---, 192_.. _......_ .... ..... ..... ------------- - - ....... City Clerk. Approved::..__ .........__ `. ,_....- .. _:, 192...... . Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ,/touncilman.eobi;x Hodgson ..�Councilroan. Sudheimer councilman _Wenzel hJL Vfm Pros, reftuson .�EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..condemni.ng-_and..taking- an.easemeAt --_in._.the...land._necessary fo.r....slcRcs.,.--fox...cut.s...al�d...filts._ n--gxaa nZ..A! e -Y 7-•---Ro Rcarrangecie nt.._of...i'�cL ean-!.s... Rea eryat_ion,..--from_. Ztx.e.et,--------------------------- _..... ................. . ..... .............................................................. under Preliminary Order 5-6.2-89 .............. approved-....1faS.r.��.-�-��2� Intermediary Order..............5���9., approved --- ------- `p r 2S. 19 2.5 ... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissier of Finance. ......... ..I-------- ---- ............................. on FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_.._condemning._and._taizlg....an....eas.ement..._in:....the.--land _................... ....__._._ necessar�fgr sls�.e��-Q& Cutl_.aslsLfilla._in_..grading-s]leg-.in_1o.ck Rogers Rearrangement of_.ean's Reservati_ on_ from o C. p. No. 60960 —..._.---------- I"fn aTTeaeeme t la he an emnlana dX.: T a T eery. fors slopes, for cuts ,and alis. in «t .... _....._.._._.....__.._ 'grading Au:. Block -7, Rogers _ ....._.__._...___._.__.._........_ _._. __. R_raosomenT «�•ean. Reser Mar 10 1 J2� y 12 -....._-_--, under Preliminary Order_:�59.2��......... ------. aPProved___.._......r._...�....___. Intermediary Ordel....__....59 __ 9 approved ------ A>ar_226 4.19.25 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.__.__..._...__ condemn and take an easement in the land neoe 4r._s1n�eH.r- --,,cuts and fills in grading Alley in_8�._7 Q_QX, sigerl'-Rearrang.amP"t of McLean's ReseryatQnafrQ.t�Yl�r�$s•-tri to—Rtx.eet.,---- -- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, Rc.er's._>iiearrangemsnt nf---.......--- _ abutti_Z 14 _..tb.. al]P�r-.in_B1ack_7s-.-- MoLean' aA zAT t; on_ betty e__the PQ nt.s afJ0s,esaid,.-tS?__ik�g--- extent Oommissioner of Publio Works in._the_matter_date�l�Tu_e.__2.19 -- - - (3) - of damages for the taking and appropriating the That the assessments of benefits and award above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. _: - . Adopted by the Council_.. — .................... - ........... C......... ' ' .... ' ....._.. " Clerk. Approved. ........... _._....... ........_--........_......., 191............ ........ .... ..... ................ _. Mayor. /Clancy ; c x �odgson � �'�Tgf.c 2MIR 7_1a u,'dheimer 1sidnu`f3l� �I�� 9'$Clo &tx ac LawAason 60955 In the matter of.....c.ondelnnin$...and._talong..an...e.as.ement....in._the—land ...necessary to construct and maintain a public_--surer--on,._-under_-and-_across-_the----------- ................................................ westerly...10__feet.._4f.:.Qt...5,--.-$.].a.C. 7.,...Rogexs...R.earrangemant---.of...i ic-Lean!.s.. ResarY.atinn..from..P.ac.ifin...St—An ...tlie...allay in_.r.Gar....of...said..lnt.............. C. F. 60966= In thee matter of condemning aa lendnd; ces- Ina' an -easar construct easement 1. an ma nta(neHa -�ubllc�eewer on; under and across "'u westerly lq feet of Lot 60, Block o aoaera Rearrangement f Mc- ............ .................................................................. ...v. Reseivatlon from Paciflr say' under Preliminary Order ...-...F al.5.6---------- ., approved.... Idar.....3y...192r5Iutermediary Order....... 5.913.0......., approved....APX'12--.28,....192.5 . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolve�Vthat the aaid-assessment•:be_nnd Las reby determiaed^td a pays a ia___ �f• ................................e ua • stalhnents as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.`YL, 22 19�----------- 191 - .... ...... .......-- ................ ......... `- .... Approved ...........JUL.. `.....192J.- ........... 191. - - Clerk. Councilman blanc Councilman x Councilman mk Wtodgson Councilman Ulexx ,McDonald Councilman 1RTxtaaibc �udheimer Councilman Mm¢f'eikoil �:enzel U$i ,`rArgz:�slson Vir t� Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....G..ondemning... and ...taking..an...eas.em.eni..in..th�...lsnd_neeessary lia...c.ons Lruct...and...maintain...a...public ...semar.... on,...under...and..acxoss...ihe.......... ��esterly 10..feet of .Lot 5, Block er 7, ..Rogs.._Rearrangement_._of.--I_iicLeant,s-_ Reservation._ from. Pacific._St. ..to_..the alley..in_.rear_._of._.s.aid..lot,.................... under Preliminary Order......5.5.1-5.5 ....._..., approved'4&Y ....3.�...J.�J25 Intermediary Order.._-59� 3Q........, approved ---.APr i.1..2B,.._19.2.5....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .................. ommiesioner of Finance. I In the matter of_o.ondemning__-alld-t-aking-..an.._eas-ement.-iathe--land-nec-essarY tLo-cr-Qnslmuc±_And .... . ..... ------ C. P... .... :In the matter .7 matterdsr,.jn. �..d ti�- ease'nient in the =1d e --- in" d , - a. --------- — ------ - ------- --- - — - -- — ------------ ---- sar�.%o construct no tote" k publid sewer on. un erl,:tnd er.s-. 1 5, Black r.,he westerly 10 Iset o" I of 59.13Q.......__......._, '.' Rogers Rearrangement iiary Order under Preliminary Order ..................... app `an -s ReservPl,-�.,.a Aill 1 owli approved.--Lpr.i3,...281--..1925. .11 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._............_.._.. condemn and take a Qasemen in the iz.:-- -------- --------- ondemng4dtAk!An-PagDADIltintheland_meo�-t" aonstruat--and-.maintain a-puhlie,-aener--on,-imder-and-azr-OSZ--ths-w.est-er-1-y-10-f-eet--Of--Lo.t— .BIook 7,11 Roe rX-Rea=angement 0 e -alley in rear of.. (2) That the following land, lau'ds or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- printed and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz. 1 gar-a-aea=-angement-- of - - — -- - ---------- - — -- — ----- (3), That the assessments of benefits. , and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have'� been,,ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council-!JUL-2-2 T-2-0 .. .... . ..... . .................. ....... 19f ....... ........ . ....................... . ... .. ................ ...... . ....... Ci Clerk. JUL 2 2 Approved..._.__.........--.._ ............... .... ........ 191............ .. ......... ... ..................................... ...... Mayor. /Clancy =X�l Hodgson NIER=1 AcDonald megia-✓zudheimer n tel "00,0, ide P RESOLUTION I CONFIRMING AWARDSOF DAMAGES In the matter of.condemning..-and taking ..-an...eazemant-..in the Land for ...s.loPes.,._X-Or...cut.s....axld...fills.-.i n-.gradin€;..AlleyS---in -. loak.._3a.._Snelling P.ax from...lgl.ehart...Ave......t.o....Carro _l...Aue.....and...from..AS-12=7..Avea....t.o...1jarth and. -South_. alle ----------------------------------------------------- -... No. 609tter67— Ining annenseme t lnet t land d ces- ne snry for slopes, for cute andfllls in ._- FrCarro ndlnS Alleys in Block 3, SnelllnB --------------- ---- ......................................... ........................... Park from I6lebar[ Ave. to to Nortli .... e. ant from Asbu d Ay_allmin, nl1eY _ - ...._.............................................. ........... under Preliminary Order .......5-8.1-C10 ........... I approved.Xar.--.-5-s--1.925, Intermediary Order ...-5.9119---.------, approved... Apr 31...25,....192a. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, nolo therefore be it t Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �_.._ setermined to be payable in. Be it fur leer Resolved, tb t a said asses t be and it .ia-hereby-d. „... as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...."JUL 191------- 0 p >J�1t...cZ..�- ...` -'-�:--- City Clerk. Approved ----- .----- - 191........ II Mayor. Councilman zxffamok,,2,%t(1aney Councilman F.,Mixx zP•ugaaela"® Councilman fid; ,,'HodgS on Councilman jjxjkxx /Sudheimer Co ncilman M&gdk McDonald Councilman g �Pnzel twpg�� Bison F'W MEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON O"`k DAON. OF LANDS In the matter of....G,0 d6iftT.liil$..And._taking...an.--G'1dS6IIl6ri�...]Il.-th8...land...neAQ338ry _.for._-s.lopes,___f or--outs.._and.-_fills-_. in.-gradi og ..A11e�*,s.,, in-_Block._3,--_Snelling Park -_from.- Iglehart -.Ave ..._ to Carroll-- Ane .... and.. from -_.As bury --_Ave .... t o, North .. and.. S outh._alle.S•--------- -------- -------- ---- -_...................... ..................... --- ............................................................. ................. ......-.. ............. ......_..----.............. .... ....._............_........ ....... under Preliminary Order..58160.............. approved ....y1.Ar.......3...... .Q2y5intermediary Order.......5.9119......., approved...A-Wil:--2$F--. M. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigneA's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. G09F8— 09,5 • In the matte>:, of condemning and tak- 4an ors1o0eeeforicute•and Ils'Im''"r ing�-AneYs in Block 0. S",_u�Pnrk, Has Ino AIglehart Ave.- to Yoar 1hAand' and from Asburyp-'; Sout}i'atley un �- In 1Ty1926. der F8160;?:F roved - FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROSE- INGS. In the matter of...G-Ondemning...-And ....taking ._..an..._aas_ement ..... in._t.he.....land. ..n 0. -.Q. -Y for slopesf__for_ cuts .and fills_in,_,grading._Alley_s.._in._Block_ 3,,__Snelling parg_fr_om_Iglehart-_Aoa..._t a--Cara.all..A�za......and.�r_om...Ashxary....Ave..-...ta.-Nor:Gh.. nnd_South_alleg.,_..._-__._..__--- .___.____..._—._._--- _......._._._ . .......__.....__._..._._....._........_......_.............__..------....._._.._.._......_ -- ... ..... --........... --- ......... .............. _... under Preliminary Order .......5.81d.4 ..................... approvedIntermediary Order.. 59119,- approved APr x,1..._25.,......1.925 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ........... �and_emxi.�nd__take_an. aa�emeut_in_�b.e._.land_..ne.csae.ar�_.fQr_s].o&-Be_t.-f.Qr_�uis a d,_ 1.��a_ xl. l x -ailing --Alleys ii�_Block. 3,_ ne1U-119-Plye. ta_.C.arr.A11.-Ave_.__..and_fr..om_Aabury__.Aye_.._...to._ Nnr..th....and- Snuth.._a11ey..r---.----.------._.... `(2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:the.... land.... abutting upon_ �11e3s_.in..Block.....,--Snelling.._Park,--..bstmaen._the_.P.aints..afor_esaid, to the extent shown URQ-A_-thep_.a at a ed . kle ep�> t_ 4 _tkl _�� sinner ®' of Public Fdorks_in__the _matter._dated_June__2,._._1925,... ............... .... .... ................ _:._.___._—_ (3) That the assessments of benefits•. and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therdin i a6- been ratified and confirmed. meq{.,, Adopted by the Council UL..-. tfL ................1191....... . y ,. Ci Clerk. APProved._......... JUL... .... 191. . _,;......_ .................__..... Mayor. °Clancy 4 :. gxI odgson bFediexxcDonald dhelmer Mt. 9'iaa lVeesc r drgaofrn r . 9 CouncilFile No ................... ....... .................. ... - - By • CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Einar T. Schulstad Subdivision from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., O. R To. 60959 In bened[s, the rtter.of the assessment of coats. and. expenses for grading Alley in' Einar T.- Schulstad Subdly/Sion from. Gr[ggs'St. to'� dl, Ave., PPceml_ ' Fier 66916, Intermediary under Preliminary Order........, Intermediary Order _ !N_Q.............. _..... , Final Order............ 513 121_........_. approved ........M..aT Ch..._v.e....._1925....... ......... X_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................ _.--._..Y.....--_equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL 22ft Adoptedby the Council .:......... ..... ....__._ .........._...;............... ................... 191 ............ . .... ity Clerk. JUL 2 21025 Approved_...._..._...._....... .... .---.................................... 191 _....._ ..__._..._....-__...._.._.__?..._..._....._....._.r. Porm B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT June.....1.6.,_19.25................ IA:kx - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, CO3t9 and eX.peri3e3 for fj�£c grading Alley in Einar T. Schulstad Subdivision from Griggs St, to Syndicate Ave., under Preliminary Order ............_......5.6.915._ .............. ............. . Intermediary Order _........... _5 666..-........_..------- ....... ......... ..... ..... Final Order ........... 58.121............_ ......................__........, approved .......... ..March....sz.,......192.5.._....._...., R$lc...._.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - $...55.0.._0.0 .................. Coat of publishing notice $-...-......4....50 ........... " Cost of postal cards - - - -$.........._......... 9.0 ................ . - " $......._11_,_00 .................. Inspection fees - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-... 4_....5.0_........_...... Total expenditures $..._5_7..0.._9.0 .................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_._..5.7_-0,..9.0 .... ........... ............_........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for su action thereon as may be considered proper. ... .......... ... .......... ....................... ................ ....._ .. ............................... ................................ . Form a. B. t7 ommnance. isaionez of Fi Council File No. - 60960 By .._....__.........._ ............... ...... .... ...._................................... Q Rh6 0 \ 60960_ In benelit',n't- o' the trod ng 9chefter ond; exPen eaassess n� for Ave. to Ave.: fro Qve. iromn BaynrddAve., tacoleaiter CITY OI Ave., Underwire- py . tir' Scheller Resolution Ratify ng" Asses's n;' . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Scheffer Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood Ave., Macalester Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Scheffer Ave., Underwood Ave. from Scheffer Ave. to Hartford Ave., under Preliminary Order 5.6.5-9.3 .............. Intermediary Order....S8, 5. 11...................., Final Order.........`1569rJ.,,_._...,.. approved._..ApX'.1a......7#h,.._..1.9..�5....._..1W97G_........... � A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....... _,.._�_�_..,_.................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Councill191- ........... _........................_ ........_.._ Clerk. JUL 22ID25 Approved....... _._.....:_......__................_.'................ ............ 191......... ,� . _._. _........_... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE LOX EPOI�T OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Junes In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for cbmx grading Soheffer Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood Ave., hiacalester Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Sche£fer Ave., Underwood Ave, from Scheffer Ave, to Hartford Ave., under Preliminary Order ..... __................... .... _... . Intermediary Order .. ---------- ..--- __ril{�v11.__...._......_.._...._....... .. Final Order......_..........5.$.69..5.._........................................ approved_.........Apr11-.._7..th,..._.19.25...., j&)R..._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a,statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: . . $....-- -2.,.153....00.... Cost of construction - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ...........................55.85. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - $ "........." ...... -17 - - $.....__......._.....4�5 06_. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $_ -- ........... 5...8.5 Total expenditures $........_2,.20B....9.3._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.....2.,.208-93.......... ....... ............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such acti ereou as may be considered proper. ................. ......... ..... ........:... _. _.... _....... .. . Form B. B. 17 Comm' sioner of Finance. V W� !Ke,.wq Council File No._......_ ............. __.-• By ........... ..—_. -- In the t' a ...tai and assess ll.y n ........:.._................... _. __.... _ aa.eanaes �benedta, the grads ` A37eY ��hanging ^'c' 2: SuDUDIt View Apdp�H°Difr m I", and Snelling CITY OF.#'m Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Summit View Addition, and Grand and Snelling Place, from Snelling Ave. to Saratoga Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a Dart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said alley between the aforesaid limits and also the North and South Alley in Grand and Snelling Place, from Grand Ave. to the East and West Alley to said red line when established under Preliminary Order...___ 921_.,,,...._.., Intermediary Order__.....5J66 ........_...., Final Order .._5.812-3................... PP March approved �2—. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same hereby ordered t be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITrIIRyT9R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL {. Adopted by the CounciL._192.......__. JUL 2.2 192Sµ ...... ..... ._.. .. .............. City Clerk. Approved_..._- .. .... ..... ............._:...:;.....,:............._...........192......__' J) _. .................................... _..... .__'........ _._............. _.... _... _._._, yor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 9 16.1925- In 6 19 25 In the matter of the assessment of benefits,_ costs and expenses for Ax changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Summit View Addition, and Grand and Snelling Place, from Snelling Ave. to Saratoga Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profilb hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said alley between the aforesaid limits and also the North and South Alley in Grand and Snelling Place, from Grand Ave. to the.East and West Alley to said red line when established, 56922 Intermediary Order---�7-b.�_.__...._-......_........_...._._........ under Preliminary Order ................ _569.4 _. , Final Order ... .............. .....Fj. . .1.Z,3..._..-._ ..................... approved ............ ._.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $........ .......... 4W.S........... Cost of postal cards - $"......-.._............ r._ Z.......... Inspection fees - - $ .................9_. 0........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$......... ......._kr.3.rl........... Total expenditures - - s..... 412-A65 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.. ..... ....... 72_'_6� ............ .............-.....-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, ,part or parcel of land in accordance with -the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for � a�ctiioon thereon as may be considered proper. t/ s ..... .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Council File No. ..... __............. _...._.__..._ C. F. No. 66963— In' the matter of -the:-assessment of B benefits, costs- and -. expenses. for By.............................._. ......................_....._..._......_.._.._..... :constructing a cement the sidewalk I, feet wide.:on' the west aideof Dodd Road between Sydney Street and the south Cit' Limits, except ..> herOTgood P:--' ?! sidewalks .iso CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a cement tile sidewalk six feet wide on the west side of Dodd Road between Sydney Street and the south City Limits, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, also grading the area between the paved roadway and the west property line between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order ......_ la24,a.....__.., Intermediary Order....`>2.,rJJ.O.a............ Final Order 5.5-7-25. approved_._Q.ct_...... 2.,.....19.24......._....._.xA@SX._.._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in............. _........ -__,........ ....... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council - -4 '-_ �'.'.192 .__..__ ..... _...........191 ............ ..._........ - .............. City Clerk. JUL 22.Y95 Approved....__.......... -- ._. _.._.__.... -._..._...__.1,91.....:_ r .......... _._._ ._. Mayor. Form B. B. IS / ` ® CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _Sune.....16...... 1925._...., itbtx.- benefits costs and expenses for ibex In the matter of the assessment of � constructing a cement tile sidewalk six feet aide on the west side of Dodd Road between Sydney Street and the south City Limits, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, also grading the area between the paved roadway and the west property line between the aforesaid limits, 4 4 under Preliminary Order...........,_.53......._._..................._...__, Intermediary Order .................... ........... 55308-:.... ....... .........._.._... Final Order ............... 55728.....- ................. ..................., approved ...._.Q9t..__._`Z.a..._.1.9.24............. .........., Ritkx....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - $"" 00 ............. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - ' ___1 $.._ ............. Cost of postal cards ..................'_06. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ............. ............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ------•30"'-"--"' Total expenditures $...._....._27.6...7.6......_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 27.6....7.6 ....................... ...............-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council forh action thereon as may be cap proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 uracil File No...._........_..... _----.—....._...... �®i%tit; By......__._ ............._....._........_.__..—_....._— CITY OF ST. PAUL Resoluti®n Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Orange St. from Arcade St. to Forest St., C. F No. 60963 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, —ts and expenses for [o ForgstOSC sender Pre"minaryo Or.. der 57998, Intermediary Order 58343. Final .Order, 58699, approved April 7.. 1925. under Preliminary Order ............. 5.789$........_, Intermediary Order........5.8.343................. Final Order..._.., approved__lpra Z �_..a_92.� Xwxx -, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B=FR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......_.ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.._ -- ---_ .................192............. e / . .........._. itv Clerk. JUE 27 1925 Approved__..___...._.........__ ...... .......... .........................192...... Form H. H. 18 . CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT June_._16, _1925_._., .x._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for AN grading Orange St. from Arcade St. to Forest St., under Preliminary Order ............... .`J.LI..q......_.................._.... _.... Intermediary Order ............b.$x243..... _...... ............................ __..... . Final Order .............. ._58699. .......... ......--- ......_......_........ approved ....._April .._7_..+..._19.2.5....._..........., E9S1XX....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection 11 with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $..._`Z.`'733,,_gQ......... Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - 4.80.,.,.__.. Cost of postal cards $...._ ... ........ _........ ........._ " $ ._66......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - ................_54 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-------4'80 ' $--z.,.r798_e_22".._""' Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$.......2.,528-22........................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the CounciPfer uch actio there on as may be considered proper. _ _............ .......................... ._....... --...................... Form B. P. 17 Commissioner of Finance. '030964 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement .in the land..... .............. _necessary_ for._slope.s, for cuts and fills in_grading and paving ... of. -..-.-- Alley _-in_Block 6, King' s_ Maplewood Add from. Mt.. _.Curve-Bculevaxd-....--.- to Woodlawn Ave. ._.... - LIAT1pryING AS1'ngs .ENTS IN CON-- pDOCE1�DINGB. . DEBffiATION ......_ __- .--- ...._.._. C. P. No. 60964 ani c� 11- th .....-..- .-...--.... -�:i the Natter of condemtilnS ------------- - -- - �---an ensement in cuts �nnd fl)1',:� --. elopes, for , under Preliminary Orrice 51611,PprovcdMar 3.,125. ., Intermediary Order5$939 ........ approved .__.... -.Apr .15,19.25 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the salve is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respipets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it rther Resolved that the said asse eeYrt-be: aAfl iE^is-hereby determined to be payable in _-,--__--_.-.- installments as c 1 parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ .. .. 192 .._ - ---------------- Clerk, F 3�sa Approved_.--- _._ _ .. 1 .,-.__... _. , 19. �... ............... . ._... .... .. ...... Mayor. Councilman . nc B j� Councilman Ferguson !� Councilman onald Councilman Pgbc% Hodgson Councilman mcr Wenzel Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson --------------- IN FINAL O! DVnts IODINGS.E ATIOP: ' iJ®Jli AW�' C. F: No. 60966— tak - In the matter oY.condemning and ..ea�Yaf r s I. I.r ,eats land fill- in grading,,'..Rlnsa Mn Pte, o Pa"agd Add1efCom to BMt• !l- '.Boulevard to wnod158 64AvP. II .�, �r P ellmin n ..' , ,I�a-•: a FINAL ORDER IN CODENATYaN PROCEEDINGS. s In the matter of condemning–and. taking an__eaement_ n the land _..._.__.._._.. _neoessar £or slopes, for cuts and fills_ingrading_and__paving_,oY._,___.,_ Al_.__le�in Bloc.ISS.-.-�tllg�eaaaa...:..._411rve_B4eQ.Fd__— - 0 to Woodlawn Ave. ___ __._ .__._ ......... under Preliminary Order-_._-5�i6� , approved_ 3-192!--, Intermediary Order -..-.5,99.3.9 ........... approved�__._ApT .15 t 19 25 l , Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:- ------ __. condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, Yor -cut- and fill -s- in -grading azld uaoiAg of -A-1 e}-.1.33 (2) That the following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, ++,;,uAoin_the alae in Blq_4k_ 6,_ Kin's Mep.epSLS_AdS�., 11tW-eelL.— the pcants afo*esa+d t4_t�_��nt–�ho"'n "^nn the mlan to the report of the Oouunissioner of._public Works_in the matter _ dated May-- _ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have b0ei.i ratified and confirmed. 4 ..............._......191_ /l�Y Adopted by the Councll...._A_..._...._.�_... : _._. (S% L' Clerk. Approved.. ........O...-..U...G pproved __._._.._1U...G r Mayor.. Bamwimic Ferguson. qc Hodgson e islJ 8 - � Sudheimer -%*gjxm Wenzel Mr. President, Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...condemning..and_-taking_. an_eamgm! n;A -.1A the land .......................... nessesary_.for slop!�s,-._for.,cuts..and...fi ls...in.-gg.: i�1 .--a d...Izs�.VI---..------- of Alley in Block 6, gingIs. -Maplewood Add_.-._from_Mt..tOugve................................ -- B-_w.a o dl. awn...Ame.................. .. .......................... .................._...........................................------------- under Preliminary Order 5.n-6.4 .._..., approved1 .ar .3:1925......., Intermediary Order..59939........ .... approved-----------Apr-15.r1925, ....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �.....Y/�==-.... .................... Commissioner of Finance. n t I Ist. t "" •. 2nd.--~%� Laid over to__ 3rd. & apP. � LL4 4dopted - , / Yeas lays Glancy Yeas 1 Nays ancy crguson Hodgson ✓Pyrguson "Hodgson McDonald McDonald Sudheimer ` Wenzel v Sudheimer / Wenzel'' Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson 696E P C. F. _T Ordinance C. P. No. 60966—ordinance No. 6634— By - BY T. H. McDonald— An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 6741. entitled "An or dinance-fixing the compensation rates of cereain citypositions and-emplc•- ments". An ordinance to amend Administrative Oro::. � i; ;� , c't= 6741 entitled "An Ordinance fixing the compensation rates o certain city positions and employments". The Council of the City of 3t. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5741, approved December 31, 1921, as amended, be further amended by striking therefrom the words and figures: ;'.aster Mechanic, Assistant Supt. of Construction and Repairs, who will be required to furnish and maintain automobiles to be used in the performance of their duties each at a salary of from ;225.00 to 4275.00 per month. An in addition thereto the sum of 655.00 per month for the maintenance of automobiles reeuired by such -employes during the period when such automobiles shall be required And by substituting in place thereof the words and figures: Assistant Superintendents of Construction and Repair, who will be required to furnish and maintain automobiles to be used in the performance of their duties each at a salary of from X227.50 to 4j280.00 per month. An in addition thereto the sum of ,;55.00 per month for the maintenance of automobiles required by such employes during the period when such automobiles snall be required. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Ferguson AUG 6 1925 1925 Hodgson In favor I` :iudheimer _Against AUG 6 Yg25 ienzel Approved 1925 L.r. President Attest �r �r ...._... _, ... /� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL No.------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM -• :'EDN BY/i? OATE.._. STONER--.... .._---IIILLL----1..�_.......__—__._...._.._._......_........................ RESOLVED That the application of Theo. Hamm Brewing Company. for per- mission to install a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Bedford and North streets, be and the same is hereby granted, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the Satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public.Safety. COUNCILMEN yeas ✓ Nays Clancy X=9_@__ 16 ,,Hodgson ...- In favor /141cDonald ,.Audheimer ..............Against ,,,Wenzel FISsr atm ✓+a+ Yitze I'Yya:' k'er�quson Jll ( C F. No. 60967—By H. C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the application of Tho Hamm Brewing Company for permission to install a- drive-ln filling. Latton at the northwest. corner of Bedford and North streets, bei and the same ls'hereby-granted;'To tanks and '.' pumps to be installed _In accordance with he ordinances -of theCityof X111, Paul d under the: dire tion and to the satisfaction of, the Commissioner of Pub Be Safety. Adopted by the Council July 22, 1926. Approved July 22. 1925. (July +26-1926) Adopted by the CouncilJL1:.121n'------------192...... Approved .-._JUL ._2 2 1�2 .. 192. -,-�-.. MAYOn PUBLISIi1<i)i Mr. C. J. MOGlogan, City Clerk, Building. OWEN C. DUNK. FIR. ..'- ,.CAR LANDER. AseT. FIR. -- WILLIAM BARRON. CNIeP II..:P . PIRe PREvexxxlON CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. oP APPAMTUs /%0 DR. B. P. SIMON. j} HewLTH OFPI"M A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DB— HEALTH I`— JOHN MART1. CNIeP HEALTH I.—CT". July 17, 1925. DWr Sir: - Return herewith the application og Theo Hamm for permission to install gasoline filling station on N. til. corner of Bedford and North Street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of P&S. Safety. tv 'st Hint Paul E. J. MURNANE.Ce PW CNIeP OP OT. MIGHAEI. GEEHARDi. II$' Public gafetU Cc.—, Ansi. CP $ij., N�ii{{LL{` H. A. VALL. CAP— OP OefeCTlv.s J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER IHSPecraR of 7"'. A. L. EGGERT, LlceNse INseecioR xlx cwRT N cruse CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUPT. MUNIC-1. GARA.. may' JOS. MACAULAY. .U-,Pouce e: FIR. AURM Mr. C. J. MOGlogan, City Clerk, Building. OWEN C. DUNK. FIR. ..'- ,.CAR LANDER. AseT. FIR. -- WILLIAM BARRON. CNIeP II..:P . PIRe PREvexxxlON CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. oP APPAMTUs /%0 DR. B. P. SIMON. j} HewLTH OFPI"M A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DB— HEALTH I`— JOHN MART1. CNIeP HEALTH I.—CT". July 17, 1925. DWr Sir: - Return herewith the application og Theo Hamm for permission to install gasoline filling station on N. til. corner of Bedford and North Street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of P&S. Safety. NIL E. JC MURNAPOLIc6 MICHAEL GEDHARM, ASST. CHIEF OF POI. H. J. VA". GEOL 1WSE I+NSPeCTOR JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT. POOLE IN FIRE AUR. CHARLES L. SEGREN, SUPT. MUNICIPAL G� (fag xfm int Paul 61� sar#ittsu# uuybliztcs# iinnm 2th QInR[S �IcR.e ' J. M. CLANCYI COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FORE PREVENTOOK Hon.J.H.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; 0W C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAfl LANDER. A- FIRE CHIEF WILLIAMSARRO.. CHIEF IHSFEciOR, FIRE PREVENTION CHARIFT L. WlI [S, AFPAR S DR. HEALTH O OCER JOHN MARII. CHIEF HEALTH INSPECTOR July 15,1925 In regard to the application of Theo. Hamm Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Bedford and ;forth Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. OriginalTY OF SAINT PAUL OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. Farm No. t of To the Honorable City Council Date jul r 1923+ of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TM, 0 . 11A= -T BRi:V1IN0 001UTANY By Nome of Firm or Individuvl For License to Operate and Maintain .(In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) "Drive -In" automobile fillingstation A •'Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located Nl9 cor. Bedford & North Ste., described as follows: Beginning at a o the V1 line of Bedford St.. li3l* ft. Nly from the Nly line of.. North e y enae Sly 1@� �tvr�et�henoe Ely 4d ft.. thence �beginning'Number ally to pointof of Gas Capacity of Number o . Pumps to be Installed_�two Tanks to be Installed anks K�aj Received at office of City Clerk ThHO tb i;l' Signature of APPnrnnt By ` Buaivese Addreae Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date _ 19— Date 19— Dat 19— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By Received From Dept. of Public Safety By By Received From Dpt. of Public Works Parks,Received Fromuntig and rtment of tme Bldgs. Date 19— Date 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19— Date Dat 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By From Department of ByReceived Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19._ Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By - By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 19— ARTHUR E. NELSON. MAYOR CHAI— J. M. CLANCV. COY. OF. PU.LIC SATHTY L. R. S.—ROUND". CON. of EOUCATIOH L. C. HOOOSON. CCH, or PINANC. J H Coir: OFu IC WORHe O.C. SUDHEIMER. CON. OF PUSLIC UTILITIES H. C. WEYZEL. GCM. OP F—IL PLAYOROUNOS NO PU04C BUILDINOe G: M. SHEPARD. CITY EN Aa A. STEWART. CORPOMTION COUN�L WM. F. SCOTT. CITY CO" ROLLER G. L. —SON. SOFT. OF PARE. • LOUIS—Z. VICE--..HAN. ARDOZO .1. E. GRROLL ./p�Y�)��� ® 6■.�11 ■/y J..pg �9,gy■,pg�y��p .■.q■. ■µ W. L. DARLING d4 01 VN9V9®N►974 H. J. HADLICH _ Paut� YnriPSli � GEA. P. LINDSAY of dint a j`+`S i. C. A. AWGNUSON 204 y HbburA 1019 lbhW 'L Y ]l•�O 11WW'"`''11 F. M. REAGAN J. A. 5 O— GEORGE K HERROL O. R. D. SHEPARD .ANAOINO -CT ANO IDI—EE. A. H. SIE. J. CLAIR STONE ISMO SU..ERPIELG M. J. VON OER—Ut July 15th, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir Re : Drive-in Filling Station, N.Vi.corner Bedford ?& North St., Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. This drive-in filling station is in a Light Industry District and is permitted under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. Yours very truly, _ _Uity Per� GH -RMI Ap roved omm ssioner of D, lie Works. Duplicate ' `CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION e' A....17.... ri..n TTn To the Honorable City Council Date 1925. 1925. of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE THEO. HXAM BREWING COMPANY By— Name of IN— or Individual e For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A "Drive In" automobile filling station -Drive In" or' Curb AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located NW cor. Bedford & North Ste., described as follows: Beginning at a point oAj the W line of Bedford St. 101 ft. Nly from the Nly line of Nor h St.; hence i1::: y ft. thence Sly lfilan�<t%ujfa ehence Ely 4* ft.;, thence diago ally to oint of Number o�ieginning.Capacity of fp Number of Gas Pumps to be Installed—t.�— Tanks to be Installed twn Tanks ,K00 taal Received at office of City Clerk TIiEO signature of App"—t } By II v Bueinex Addresa Received From City Clerk Date 19_ Department of Public Safety Received From City Clerk Date 19— Department of Public Works By - Received From City Clerk Date-- - 19— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Date - 19— Received From Dpt.. of Public Works Dat 19— artment of Parks Playgrounds anived From d Pu be Bldgs. Date 19— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Received From City Clerk Date Received From City Clerk Date - 19— Passed 19— Approved 19— Ordinance No. - Permit No. License No. Office of the Corporation Counsel BY B Y Received From Department of Date 19— Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— - Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter t _ , CITY OF ST. PAUL .1 Foe^iL NO.----.v't»l�- p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / / L'n11NTf1 RFCOI_IITION/:�hENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Craig Oil Refining Company to.install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 805 Concord street, the,tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public, and Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; Safety" said station to have ourb &etWns Of �twenty-six foot radius. 5 D COUNCILMEN Teas / Nays Clancy Hodgson on .....: _ ..-.In favor v McDonald )Against /Sudheimer V E9u�'a0�$g�.ePte,rFmtso�n C. F-1* 60908—BY H. C. Wenzel— Resolved, Thatpermisaton ndauth- ority are hereby given to the Craig Oil Refining Company to install and maintain a drive -he tanks and t.tl.. a 205. Concord St.., to be Installed in nccordonce ith the ordinances f the CltY of St. Paul and 1 under the direction and to the atla- faction of the Commissioner of Fublib Safety and Commissioner f Forks, .Playgrounds hod Public Buildings: said station to have curb returns of J tweny-six--foot- radius Buildings to 44 be located at least 20 feet from resi- I dences and spacb be - properly an {`.caped. Adopted by the CohnciI July 22, 1925. -Approved 1925. July (July -1926] 7 JUL "102 Adopted by the Council..... ............... I ------------------- 192.---_ JUL 221925 Approved------ -------------- - .. ----------- 192------- ------------ ...... . MAYOR APPLICATION DATED, JUNE 5, 1925. CRAIG OIL REFINING CO., by J. T. GIEFER, Eaton & Plato, DRIVE-IN FILLING STATION. 205 CONCORD STREET. f To Pablic Safety Fire Traffic Engineering _Q -P Zone V Hearing Van. zoom ZEE 10"wo"Iston trnsiso in bAmme. Sam orturlis a willbs mtotinv 1 U.two ut %-in �a nov n"A. 00ANU t: 100, I stram e, es — TOM torn. '5 Ws Wt hwv� UNP nekohima : 140 f phvt Cut WAG let� h "A z ROAM 75 t UPTITY w� VIM-," _WlqRg. I VOW ny too 7"CL that toe snnrn a vt -T WIN nru" inurs- tl7ntev 01 norro Quy:1 urly t4v Va. - "a w-YUM K rrtcvt a, ?"'y M Mn, .0mvens; VIVO— '"WIT "d oLf [( U �b I ik_C) -r'4s s, JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEL , DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C"I dGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BSIOOe DIGINCOR WM. N. CAREY. 61PO, OP CONGTRYOTON ANG REPAIR . A. B. SHARP, SUPT, OF S- G. H. HERROLD. OFFI.. NIO CDY PLANNING dGlv®e G. P. BOWLIN, SUPE. OF W- June 17th, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. - Engineering Report , He : Drive-in Filling Station, Crai.R Oil Co. 205 Concord St. Dear Sir This location on Concord St., the main traffic artery to and from South St. Paul must have curb returns of 26 ft. radius, in order that moving traffic may not be delayed. Yours very truly, —L� y ann ng ng n er. Ap ov d omm sa oner o 0 ori GH-D-RH P, J "o E rye, d fr, , �8�ittr8m,nt1ttiitttttte� Q;iig of Si. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER. "DEPUTY LEONARDC: SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE July 3rd,, 1925 bir. C. J. McGlogan, City Bler�, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogan:- Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the City Council July 7th, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of The Craig Oil Company to erect or install a drive-in Filling Station at 205 Concord Street will come up for consideration before the Council In the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 15th day of July, 1925 at 10 o'clock A- M- Very truly yours, b Commissioner ofFina E. JCMUROP Pouf. MICA.--..—OP Pouce H, A. VAL-. CAPTwIR OP O.TeciNEO G. H. BARFUSS, INSPECTOa OF POLICE A. L. EGGERT. uc.H.. IN.FeCToa CHARLES L. SEOREN. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GA-.. JOS. MACAULAY. -1. POLIO. 6 I— A— AT aint Va' U1 Department of Public Safety J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, OEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR `G:v� Hon .J.11.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St . Paul,!!inn. Dear Sir: + OWEN C. DUH-. '^ Fla. CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. A— FIR. CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. GNIEP INSPECTOR. FIR. PREV.NTIOM CHARLES L. WILLIE. 9YPT, aP APPwRATue DR. B. F. SIMON. HEwLTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. OOVTY HeALTH OFFICER JOHN IVI —1. CHIEF HPI.LTH IN.PCCTOR June 17,1925 In regard to the anplication of the Craig oil Refining Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling Station at 205 Concord Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinityy Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of the Craig Oil Refining Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at 205 Conoord Street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, 12, Commissioner of Pablo Safety E. J. MURNANE� CHIEF aF POMC¢���IIII f "V `.of "t t Paul OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL GEBHARDT. AR L.AND OSCAEST ER. CHI4 A8T. CHIEF op ft— 8 $i9evartment of VOW bafetv H. A. VALL. WILLIAM BARRON. CAPTAIN of DETL'LTIYEs CHIEF INEFE-OR. FIRE PREYENr1ON J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIE. G. H. BARFUSS, IOLSPECTOR on PCLIc¢ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONERsuer. EF NrowxwrvE A. L. EIHSPECTOR DR. B. F. SIMON. LICENSE xN cCURr HousE HEwLTX OZCER CHARLES L. SEGREN. A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GwRAEE OEPI_ HFALTN OMCER JOS. MACAULAY. ® JOHN MARTI. SUPT. PUYCE & FIRE ALARM CHIEP HEALTH INEPECTOn June 19, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of the Craig Oil Refining Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at 205 Conoord Street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, 12, Commissioner of Pablo Safety Duplicate Y OF SAINT PAUL. This application to be made in duplicate and GIFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. a q AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Furor No. Application No. ll To the,Honorable City Council Date 19v of Saint Paul, Minnesota IS HEREBYE a N— of firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) N 1 �V"� � ��C�Cxfi'✓L'C/ (� �AUTOMOBILE yFILLING STATION to be located At Street Number and Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of V tai o Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks t �'n Received at office of City Clerk �,.� �,�, � J jrG�'� G gnat o of Applicant P By Bueinese Addrase m��19 d FromCity Clerk / Re ived From City Clerk / Received From City Clerk Date`�. Date �� 19� Date---19— Date ens of Pubjic Safe D, at eat f Public W s Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Safety and Public Buildings Bye! �" ` By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dp V of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbe Bldgs. Date 19— Date— 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Received From City Clerk 11 Received From City Clerk Office of the Corporation Counsel uy Received From Department of Ordinance Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Date 19— Permit No Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk License Nc Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ » " Y .TIKE AND WAw6NDU.[ wev�Newie.y. S 3 i..::?R. EATON AVE. NEAR TOLEDO. ONTO PLATO STREET AND FREEDOM. PENN. REFINERS OF PETROLEUM FAMOUS MAXIM OILS AND GASOLINE 6T. PAUL, MINN.. July 15., 1925 To The Honourgble City Commissioners: St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We learned today that our application for an ordinance to erect a Drive In Filling Station at 205 Concord Street was laid over for one week. For your information, the writer was called up over the telephone this date by a Alar. N. M. Haberstad, 478 Exchange Bank Bldg who told us that he was representing the owner of the next door property and had entered a protest against the erection of this Filling Station; but that he WOULD WITHDRAW THE PROTEST PROVIDED WE CAME ACROSS AND SOLD HIM TEN FEET OF THIS GROUND ON CONCORD ST AT THE PRICE WHICH WE PAID FOR IT. We asked Mr.. Haberstad what kind of a hold up he called this, and he gave us to understand that he had the influence to block us, unless we came across and acceded to his demands. We gave this gentleman to understand that we would not be threatened and held up and would put the matter before you gentlemen, equarelyy and fairly. We learned that Mr. N. M. Haberstad is in the real estate business with an office at 478 Enchange Bank Bldg. We are writing you this letter, gentlemen, so that you may know the exact reasons for the protest, and we will add that it is our intention to erect on this site, if granted permission, a duplicate of the station which we are now erecting at Smith Ave & Belmont, which is a credit to any neighborhood. Trusting that we may receive fav; b'a consider- ation in this matter, we are Your t C OIL ING CO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUaNCIL NO.._ `/.1�i�6.9-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY '� ? _ COMMISSIONER_ ......../.......`y/� __ .... ._......._._....__. _........_......._.._. DATE .._......._...... _.... _._.---- _--- .........._.............--- ............ a RESOLVED Wat the proper city 'cera be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Victor H. Roehrich, City Chemist, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of a trip to Akron, Ohio, July 24th, 1925, to investigate fire hose which the City is about to pur- chase from the Goodrich Tire Company; said warrant to be in the sum 0 of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and to be payable from the Fire Hose Fund, 8-D-11. C. R No, 60969-133, J. bL Cluncy— e Resolved. e be and theyThat tarenhereb yelty b.ft," lzed to draw'a'warrant I- favor oYtVlc-'.'. tor H. Roehrlch,. City Chemist, for the aut, P to Akon,ofr,'ohlo, tJvly 24th,, 626, m!� • le lnvestfgate'Ire'hoe¢ whlch�the,'a'- is atioat to puretiasa from .the Glood rich Tlra Cad to antd warrant to he j 1n fhqq sum t' Two Hundrod Doilnre j (52 t%, and to be payable from the EYre I-jose Fund, ;9 D-11, Adopted by the:Councll July U. 1M6.'i Approved July 22, IB26. I (ladg. 1-1926) ' I 7 t/ ' l COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Hodgson --- ..___.In favor McDonald ✓Sudheim/.)..Against Wenzel ora"Of, Adopted by the Colmcil.....jUL..2,£.--1���'------ 192.----- Approved....:1�.1._2.2 5----------------192----- :7 4444ry c MAYOR .fir,, AiAg COUNCIL NO... ------609 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVE�Ihat applications for lic,6os issued to the follosiiing persons for conduotiog businesses at the addresses indioateds bb and the cams are hereby denied upon reoommendasa tion of the Bureau of Health; S. Kaplan, 335 St. Anthony Ave. peddler (Vehiole) Application A2888& Keeps his horses in a barn Jos. Diveleriaa Sarkis peter Thee. Burwioka 9 O COUNCILMEN 1'Ca9 / ✓ Clancy -- ,-Hodgson -,--McDonald /Sudheimer !Wenzel Idr. Y)os Pres. F hereby, denied upon-- ecommenda' of the Bureau.of. Health:: S. Kap)ao. 336 St. Anthony A Pe diner App -it.. 126$6%. K - esp. chis, horaes in a ba said.-barnIs on property. Of a _dul h...e.. Keeps.. the. place very d. I and It 1sbtherwlee-unsanitary. . Jos...Divelerla, 193• W: Congreas Peddler. (Vehicle) '.Application - 3126. Stores his food and ice or In a dirty. barn with the hors6s'and place is -ins: very dirty. condltlon�.. 6arlils� Peter,. ton, E::Fillmore Grocery q.pplicatlon No.. 3084.. ,) man was given a license to condu grocery store, last year, and at time promised t.nail the. door -lea, Into, the store from .,the Giving -bp -Theo nurwlcit, 8660 A•. Seventh S JUL Grocery rADD1lCatlOR No..8068. Ila*-° I 2 �- 1:7(.,vt ---192 .---- room 1n rear of afore which h% n. uses (opted I)y the Council -------- „ Nat for, Ilvius rtore•nnd ..there % no-.,, - teewer t the bhe an, EI . Adopted .J.Iy Cannonl6July 82, 1926 ! Approved Juty 22 1926. :fs (Aug.1-1926). a .. ..192...--- t,pl•GYea....-.1l�iL--2-� ==ice:-., ----"--Qn favor -eel !- -= /(/ Acting MwYOR -------�-,-...-.Againrst 'ti said barn is on property of a dum plea house. Keeps the place very dirty and it is otherwise unsanitary 19319. Congress Ste peddler (Vehicle) Application #3128. Stores his food and Lao Dream in a dirty barn with the horses and the place is in a very dirty condition® 284 Be Fillmore Ste Grocery Application #3084. This man vaa given a licence to conduct a grow eery store last year and at that time promised to nail the door leading in- to the store from the living apart - Monte. This he did but after a week or so pulled the nails and continued using the door and is still doing sos 2550 VO Seventh Ste Grocery Application #3058* Has a room in rear of store which he uses No. 66s70—ny J.:NL clency= ! I solved; That. for living quarters and there is no applieati.— for 11-.. fs'leauerl-.to;the followingpersona, s4irier in the building. hereby, denied upon-- ecommenda' of the Bureau.of. Health:: S. Kap)ao. 336 St. Anthony A Pe diner App -it.. 126$6%. K - esp. chis, horaes in a ba said.-barnIs on property. Of a _dul h...e.. Keeps.. the. place very d. I and It 1sbtherwlee-unsanitary. . Jos...Divelerla, 193• W: Congreas Peddler. (Vehicle) '.Application - 3126. Stores his food and ice or In a dirty. barn with the hors6s'and place is -ins: very dirty. condltlon�.. 6arlils� Peter,. ton, E::Fillmore Grocery q.pplicatlon No.. 3084.. ,) man was given a license to condu grocery store, last year, and at time promised t.nail the. door -lea, Into, the store from .,the Giving -bp -Theo nurwlcit, 8660 A•. Seventh S JUL Grocery rADD1lCatlOR No..8068. Ila*-° I 2 �- 1:7(.,vt ---192 .---- room 1n rear of afore which h% n. uses (opted I)y the Council -------- „ Nat for, Ilvius rtore•nnd ..there % no-.,, - teewer t the bhe an, EI . Adopted .J.Iy Cannonl6July 82, 1926 ! Approved Juty 22 1926. :fs (Aug.1-1926). a .. ..192...--- t,pl•GYea....-.1l�iL--2-� ==ice:-., ----"--Qn favor -eel !- -= /(/ Acting MwYOR -------�-,-...-.Againrst 'ti �OU ' l CITY OF ST. PAUL IL,ENLIL 6 -OS -7-1 - No.------- iii/// VVVYS- -1 F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE._.._J-Z1L:tP.192�._.....____.._... RJRftkm%./ mmgmS, mn. Anthony J4_16�obel, has made application for license to operate upon the streets,of the City of St. Paul One (1) Auburn Auto Car, Motor Up* 82258, State Liaense Boo B-596409 covered by Bulldog Auto ipsuranoo Compswy policy Boo 602081 -To and owned by said Mr, Anthony J. gnobel, and SAS, Mr. Anthony J. Knobol, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866, has filed copy of insurance Policy crith the Clty of St. Paul, and said policy has boon approved as to form by the Corporation Counsoly theroforo, be it BESOLVED, that license be issued to Mr, Anthony J, Hnbbel to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the City of at. Paul, subject to the provisions of said Ordinance. J 6 with: the Cll ! policyhes b by the CorDc belt Mr. Anthony I auto Car uD( of BES Pau l of eb Adopted d d II Approved COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Clancy ,/Hodes gssoony .4- .......In favor McDonald _/�udheimer ............. Against ,/Wenzel Mr. Vic. Il—. tiIwguaou Counoll July -.22, 1926:. 22, 1926. ;.Y-19261 Adopted by the Council.. `9...2 �. �-----.--192----. ® n1 Approved..~. -------------- 192,_..� •---- .... ... -- ... ------ -- �+1Rg MgYOR RESOLVED 3w/A= 60972 COUNCIL NO------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE E CITY CLERK L OLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, in the construction of the Douglas Relief School, it has been found necessary that in order to have the approval of the State Department a fire escape and exit for fire escape should be provided at this school, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that upon the recommends - tion of the City Architect, the plans and speoifioations be so amended as to include the installation of & fire exit and fire e0oape and the Department of Parks,Pla9- grounds and Public Buildings be instructed to proceed with this work and the sum of Seven Hundred and Forty ($740,00) Dollars be added to cover the cost of the fire escape. C. F. No. 00942—ByFerguson— Whereas,:in School, it iha of the found Rewe Schoo. it has been tound aeceasnrythat !n order to have the approval o4 <the State Department a fir. cap. andexit[or fir. e-escape should be pro�lded 'atthln .chool; Be It' Tkere_ore Resolved, That upon .the recommendatlon of the City Archi- tect.. the plana nd. specifications be so amended as to Include the Installation of a: are ex an .--cape. and the Department of Parke. Playgroundsand. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays `/ Clancy n V Hodgson In favor ,/ McDonald erSudheir er _v -.•....-.Against /Wenzeelll N'orxnsou :Forty ($710.00). cover -the ..at of ncll July, 22, 1925. 1 1925. 1025) AL 2 2 tV5 Adopted by the Council-- ---------------- - -----------192'----- A,I, roved -_JUL 2 % 192. 192... -----..- ------------------------------ MAYOR COUNCIL v •3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE' NO.--.----•---------------- ZZ O :ICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY lZG__..._ DATE -------------------------- ___.._----._.-------- .._.--- .----- ...----- _...-..-. COMMSSIONER.................._ RESOLVED .. That the Board of mater Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Herman Diesslin, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of 817.80 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said. Board on the 6th day of June, 1925; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Cuter Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said Herman Diesslin, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of 035.60, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to June 20th, 1925. R en fo �seage. Preset, Board of dater Commissioners. COUNCILMEN e� ttMM66---------192------ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-.J..L..2.2-l�yy.�- l1"'ClancY Al 2 ,' 19995 Approved.... _ --- -- R_ --...192---- L, Hodgson -` In favor McDonald ' .. -.... .............. . 1 rIU MAYOR s/Sudheimer ....... Against Wenzel 1` Mr. Vise Fietl[ Pbigaeon —UNCIL No-..----609-*-�- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f1J�CiCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE ... .... .................... ._--- ..._._......._ COMMISSIONER ER.._._..._._...._ ..............._. _.. --- ......_...--- _.------- ..------ .._..__............_...................... _. RESOLVED That the Board of Water Oommissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Frank KOpet, an employe of said Board, injured July 18, 1924, the sum of 080.00 out of the Water AQpartment Fund, in partial settlement Of his olaim against said Board, being for the period up to June 29th, 1925. Yeas yloy. .1 Into iso-0il,out Of UulYeet-1 24' the rtment Fund, In S Inat M r noun Me lo"' to jure Depfor .the perlod�-_'e` Durd„925. belnS for 1926- IAdoptedby, t,, 22 1925' Yly 22,: Approved uIY 22, 192 ) (Aug. 1-1926) COUNCILIMN ✓Clancy ✓How dgsolt� McDonald _,"Sudheimer %Wenzel ;tr. P ae Yre& P Nays eoomm DAed-;or passage. Pres®t, Board of Water 0ommors. JUL 2 h 1925 Adopted by the Council-.....----.--------------------------ld ----- -JUL 2 2 7925, At :------------ 192- - .-..... -....In favor nl. m�von --Against �� Q _ _ , � , COUNCIL a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..--.--- .- R� ICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE Y ....__ DATE ................. .... .... ._._._..___........._................_.._.._... RESOLVED That the Board of dater Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ised to pay to Dr. Paul 0. Fowler the sum of 054.00 out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Lewis Olson, an employe of said Board, injured October 4, 1923° C. F. No. 60 Th BihaSoard el ter nesol ed, and It le hereby' I mmended for passage. _nemissl, ve t �ynter De- thorised tq 54 to t Pnul C Fowler the sum t 56d t out ycoyoesi nnl Be vIces eo Fund. Sn)ur d Oct. vices rendered to Lewle Olson, nn ein' PIoYo o1. But d -_Board. 1923. 1926, APPloved 1.1the21 July -22, 1926: (Aug. Pres°t, Board of Cuter Oomm°rs. COUNCILMEN �Sudheimer _- Yeas V Clancy Hod�gs�oiln �/Xlcl)onald Nays favor 'L- rte.- Against Lo / Wenzel - 'r, lb, Vife Qree. Krgatou Adopted by the Council ---- --JR..2.u:..t925.-..192...... Approve ... L2 C_ Ci f/-!'!- ---- ------ A(}!hg MAYOR COUNCIL 1' CITY OF ST. PAUL L. NO..-S�:lJ.1.�.if -.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vE� That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to St. Joseph's Hospital the sum of One Hundred Twenty-seven and 85/100 Dollars ($127.85) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for services rendered from July let to 17th, 1925, to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 4, 1922. 1 (I, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,Clancy --- /Hodgson ..��._.ln favor ,./McDonald j - c ,r Recommended for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the Council......`. --1z--1221925 ...... 192 Approved JUL. .2 -?-1925 192------ a (✓ -- - MAYOR ACtlnq �Sudheimer ....-.�-..; .::Against Wenzel 1 !f r. Pea Peen Nnrgaii0n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.. --6 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DA RESOLVED hat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to._�pay to Helen Happes,'nurse, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25-00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered from July 12th to 17th, 1925, to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 4, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to Margaret Bush, nurse, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) out of said Fund, for professional services rendered from July 9th to 17th, 1925, to said Peter Meehan. C. F: Nd """_f Resolved. Tha cera be and they to pay to Hell Ilm _ TW6nt out of . the.:W, Recommended for passage. ommissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council .-..... .�:L-.e�t.2i:-fr92a-----.1�J2,---- Clancy r Approve l.'425 ----------- 192.... Hodgson In favor j McDonald _,....-.• .. --------- n, trng MAYOR / Sudheimer .!_..Against f Wenzel 0 :H r. Vice Prae h'orwftsou onCITY OF ST. PAUL :. F°EMaL NO..-- t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f oo CCPNTFCI HV � RESOLVED what the proper city of icere be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in the sum of Forty-five and 19/100 Dollars ($45.19) in favor of James M. Clancy, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Garage Committee to Milwaukee to investigate the garage system, said sum to be payable from the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the General Fund. C. F. N'. 60978—By J. 141.CIa y— Resol ed, That the Proper city OM7 cera be and they are hereby author ized to draw .& warrant Ia the sum o) - Forty-five and 19(100 Dollars t$45.19) in favor of _James M: Clancy;_for the Approved July 22, 1926. - �(Aufi.-1-19263 n JUL 2 21929 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...----.- ....:. .......... 192 Yeas ✓ NaysClancy 1 erg Approved. ......` - 2 1.........__.1�92...._/ Hodgson --" In favor_ Dom/ /McDonald - .......... "Y.0.R MAYOR /Sudheimer .....Y......Againet t Wenzel_ Mr. Vfoe 1 111, I�er({ii9tr+! �` ...:y...: MED That the appliestions r lLessees of the follcaing Persons for conducting businesees at Me dddresses indicated instructed to issue 60979 the City Clerk is couRaL NO.. City Treasury of the customary fees C. F- No. 60979—HY'.I:,.Dr: R°solved,, That the applicatIone for e w OFFIC llceneee of "tha following peraone for Grocery Soft Drink rk F" COUNCI .c ducting buafn ease:. at the addreea= � co f dicatad bo and, the qqa�1ta are haro- by granted and the CIt) tC lerlt la in-- �atruafed :to lame aneb �(cenaTe LP�n I, _ ___ �` ...:y...: MED That the appliestions r lLessees of the follcaing Persons for conducting businesees at Me dddresses indicated instructed to issue be and tam same are hereby g such licenses upon the Payment izsto the the City Clerk is City Treasury of the customary fees Ho Caringello As ke Dastrie 616 Van Buren at. 680 van Buren Ste Grocery Soft Drink John Garrity 660 University Avoo m Qhs. Dura Johnson FoJo 81ipi4a & 2512 Bayard Ste Confoctionory .J H. Lnbab H 184 Eva Sto Grocery Ales B. Corpoff 82 no. Hilton Ste 2048 St. Clair St Rational Tea CoQ Louis Schelalen 569 No Grotto Ste 1724 University Ave. a Confectionery J. Fo Courtney Dlilliam A. Scanlon 2054 Marshall Avec Grocery. Restaurant C. Holdings 907 Payne Avoo 67 So 7th Ste Be 8o ilreoge Je A. mitoomb 689 Waba®ha St 6 Hath Harty 438 Il 61A Ste ° Co Eo Dudley 8 V. College Avoo 186 No Dale Ste a Hon C. Sam 4 Coo(Rew Caston Cafe) 887 Vabasbe, Ste Hoy U. We Halpla 121 go. Mebash2 Ste Exchange Bank Bilge c Thos. As Brodie 2389 university Agee O Tms ruP Tr 468 Jackson Sto Carl Johnson 2627 Charles Sto 677 NO. Lexington Avoo Ho Po Co Jackson St a Hrs. Josie Ocie Greer 1.30 Eva Ste paddler' Va. Be Cohen Gabol Gorenberg 43,3 W. Central Avco ° Peter Cohen 385Aurora Aveo S89 Eo 6th qm Slaughterhousm Herta Brothers 609 St. Peter at ''Secondphand Delaero Louis `didel 644 Jackson Ste 12 ppol tables. willism uwtnk Yeas Sogt dri=nk parlors have bar exposed to view from street. poolroola is 1000 feet from school COUNCILMENJUL 11 T� Nays Adopted by the Council_...---------------------:-.- -------- ✓Clancy / / Hodgson {�,.----In favor McDonald .//Sudheimer --.---Against Wenzel 1dr. Yiue Pmm N'urguson JUL 1 _5 Approve - - 192 ( Q7n ----- -- --- --- --.-.----...-.-. 1 MAYOR PUBLISHLI) —� (' P Nn FA9 P11_Rv.T F ,• „•,,, .-.I'Flo ENCIL NO ---- ..64�tf-t-���- g of tne.-gym pro_v m nt urid r FI 1 Order C F: Im 43Q48 approved Sept 6, 1,922 described COUNCIL` -the nurhtn6 of Armst ong -Ave. from Chatsworth 3t t0 Pleasant Ave ctandara &t ne Com ^^ `" P n ehPtP J TENTEDul - 8Y DATE.___.__—.----- . —_—, y 20 1926 . ------------- Whereas, _.._ _._.._ Whereas, In the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #41648, approved September 6, 1922, described as the curbing of Armstrong Avenue from Chatsworth Str,�.Otoa sant Avenue, Standard -Stone Company, Contradtors,,, a arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: 26.20 ft. radius curb at :x.70 $17.64 7.80 tt straight 't tt 660 5690 1 Catchbasin drawn back 4.60 Total §26.14 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra. work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of 426.14 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2292 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractors, The Standard Stone Company, that the sum of X26.14 is the reasonable 'cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Countersigned: G 7�r �'y i DEPUTY C of er. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy 1�"Hodg* son In favor S Sudheimer ................Against Ween.,zzell,��-�r�� ]ner oflPi:�,�.1.+orks� _o_ ontractor -19 Adopted by the Councilo_6._ga.... '?.----------192----- U 2 21925 Approve ....- -- -- -- -- --------------------192------ • `� !t (I MAYOR PUBLIC. 1 D � /— C; F. No. Q0981—BY J.�K OFFIIp'ov dedrloln tha mukin� of the'1m-IdcDonald-t COUNCIL 1prevemenpunde FIna] OrAer C. F, NOJ 66091.approved N v 26,: 1924, Aeacrn'_ as the-durbfnq i,.T?^.Per gt, ,._� TEO B / r1aTF ILENCIL NO.----..11�kJ981- July 21, 1925 v 'Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under Final Order C. F. #56691, approved November 26, 1924, described as the curbing of Baker Street from Cherokee Avenue to Smith Avenue, Standard Stone Company, Contractors, have arisen, thereby necessitating the following deduction as well as extra work and charge: Addition 16.70 lin. ft. of radius curb at 70¢ 0110.99 Deduction 19.20 -min. ft. of straight curb If 50V 9.60 Extra u 1.39 Now therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner o Public Works, and in accordance with the speoifieations therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of 01.39 and t be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2246 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public 'works has agreed with the Contractors, the Standard Stone Company, that the sum of �p1639 is the reasonable cost of doingLthe extra. work and supplying the extra material specific n the foregoing resolution. ommiegioner of Pu lip �'0�7 rks Countersi ned: 6 m oller. Con ractor OUNCILMEN Yeas j Nays --'Clancy Hodgson ...�........In favor Ona -• Sudhenner '-�_.1:......Against `Wenzel nt Lilt. Viae Pces;,P' t"Do -- „r, Adopted by the Council:-.�:-@-�-.-2t -......1-------I��------ Approved... - °'°"'.` 2 2 T2' ---192 --------- . ------------------- .... MAYOR Ing RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -/ I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO....` .0".41 32-- FILE July 22, 1925. That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 4, 1925, between H. Peterson, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul for the construction of 35 - 6" house drain connections on Snelling Ave. from Como Ave. West to Hoyt Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 20th day of July, 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Z - COUNCILNIL•'N Adopted by the Council. .......... 192 Nays -------------- ,. .... ✓Clancy JUL'2 2 195 on Approve 192 ✓Hodgson -....... I.favor ---- - - ----- Sudheimer .......Against ,.+._.... Wenzel PUIILIS:IGU _ o s St. Paul, ?Linn.Z TO TIT HONORAPLF CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF T. PAUL. Gent �am..;n 71ould res-p.,ctfully a;k that your Eonor-:�bla Body cause tho time of sompletinq contrict for the Tr_ b;: extenda-1 to Ovrinr- to it _s not pons"ole '_ori to finish this contr?.ot within the ti"s spcoified, hencu.j desire, to ask t:._t ,'an time for com— platin samo bo wado is _ orcinbefore stated. Yours vary truly, Contractor. Thcrc is no objection to havinZ the time extcnd�d a.s requested, f% _. rcc_uirements of this 'i arc concerned. APPROVED; j pt, of Construction & Repairs C—_ Crm , A ;_ io..er cf u b I W ;sorts ChiEm_inear. Chief RESOL couNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No._610983- OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ATE ....... ... Suly..12nd,-A.9-2.5'-- - - ----- That The commissioner of Public Viorks be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with ivater or oil the following streets: Denny St- from Arcade to Mendota Hatch St. from Colne to Victoria Fulton from Randolph to James I I 'T � 1,jeDonald— C N.. 609B3—'sy, 'Ca.,MISBIOner Ot R�e6jved, That t ' , is hereby aU; Public _.rhe blld",. p,jaUj.,vf1t, R We 6 a, .. th.ri.- a I the er fo e Tfendota ter Oradeto Dennyro e t J�tl.- t. I U-1 e ft.I e lCoune, t -1 July 22, 1926. Apyr e at 2; 1926. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy P-9-Iff— I V/Hodgson In favor _A4eB6ff9rM_ /11 ✓ Sudheirner Against Wenzel c; r, Pioo Plda,Forgnsor Adopted by the Council ....... 192 Approve -- - - ------ ....-/._.------192 1 3 ------- ... ....... a .... ....... ..................... Ing MAYOR Council Nile No........................ 60984 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb both sides Of St. Clair Street from South Osceola ------------------------------------ _ ----------- --- ----------- ----- -------...------ .- -- -- -- Avenue to1Vebster Street. .... F.�No.sossa Abetrnat.- - -------------------------------------------------- ---""--'""--"'"'""""""- ---- Whereas, A written Drop-1 for the g of the following improvement, 'I.:. .-.-- f,nrb boih, efdee of St. Clair . .h l�areoia AVe.•... - •. ............... --------------------------------------------- ------ ----- -------- -------- --- ------ ._........................................................................................................................ Dated this-- .----day of......__--- ��� 5-...__.... - ....._..._.., - -- - -- _ Counclhnan PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both sides of St. Clair Street from South Osceola-------------- -- .............. ...........""""""--_......_..... . Avenue to '+Iebster ...... ....... - - - _.. _ ....-.. .... .... ------------- -. ..— ....................... -- _ ._ _..- __.. --------- --------------- ------------------------------- ---------- -- ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _._. ... _. _._._ ....__..------------------------- ------------ -- -- ----- therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 't'o investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the, making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin missioner of Finance. :Y Y Adopted by the Council...-......- -JUS - 2 2'If ........... ---------------- YEAS NAYS CounclllnaIn (`iLANCY —prous Approved......J`_.�.-?.------ ..---- -- B ✓ olCDONALD / ✓/ lD1f EINtER , �VENT.EL —� --------------------- Mayor. form QA 1 (]�ii�' (je � Council File No. -._60985 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and A4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruc-t.,.relay... and---repair-,.-.where-..necess ary_the-_followlxig.. gidewalka East side PJhite Bear Road beginning 190 ft. north of Nebraska, thence north 18� Ne-rth s-ide Magno-14B. --St-w beginning- 280 -- j --east--- of ..Forest 3t; � -th-enc e east 160, South side Thomas St. beginning at Chatsworth at.,thence west_ -40 f.t-------- North side University Abe. beginning 108 ft east of Albert St then eaat 761 Best --- airis USTIo'n,St'.---beg- B -t Jniversity-Ave. thence south to_slZey - da f July -'r19 192.. ..... Dated this.._. -221]d.----- Y o -- _ _ Councilma . C. P. No 60985— Whereas - Whereof, A written proposal for tho mnlcing of the toliowing Improvement, vtReconstruct, relay and repair, whr�r. ...snry the ....wing PRELIMINARY ORDS::` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary the following sidewalks: East --side 4ahit-e-..Rear, Road begin]iing 190ft-. north o€-Nebraska-ith-ence-north 18 ft. North side Magnolia St. beginning 280ft. east of Forest St.,thence east 160 ft. south - side Thomas --St: beginning at Chatsworth 5t.Ithence west 4 North -_s.ids-_JniveFS.ity---AQ.@.....he.ginning..10B-ft.. ea2t._o.f...Albext-.-St-.-,--th-enEe-east 76ft East side Marion St. beginning at University Ave., thence south to alley --- _ ------- ----------------------- ------------- ..-- _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- ----------------- -- -------- --- --- therefore, be it I. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: �3 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement., and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 2 21096 Adopted by the Council---------- ------_---. YEAS NAYS councilman CLANCY I HODGSON MCDONALD ,/SUDH EINi F.R ✓ W ENZEL T ASE20 -1Dra- Furor C A 7 l 3W Vim prey. irvirg-om Approved .-.......-„ td jL..-..n.------------------------------ --- - ..... .. ...................-.........................................Mayor. PUI3LISIIED % '�G��'1 r� m Req. Comr. I.icDo.iald. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.--_. V.11'IS N The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tale sidewalk on the east side o£ Cretin Avenue from Niles Street to Schaffer Street. ----------------- __.._._.- --- ----------------- ----- ----- ------........I C. F. No. 60986— " - Abstract. -- ------- ------ Whereas, A written propopat for tli of the Lollowing fmDrovemen ,. _ ___ .. -- --- - Construct a eix-fsbt ide of n Id -------------------- - ' - *.11, nn the east B�Ide' of Cretin- Avo- 22nd July -- , .. 925 Dated this---- -- .. day of.. - _ - ..._..... Councilman. G PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct e six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of _.. _ Cretin Avenue from Niles Street to Scheffer S ree . --------------------------------- ----- -------- --------------- -- ----------------------------------- ... _...__.._.._._... - - '------------ --------------------------------- - ----- ------- ... -- -.... having been presented to the Council of the City of Ft. Paul_.____-..-..-..- -- ----- -------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said ingn•ovculent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Ciellr llisSloller of Finance. JUL L u105 Adopted by the Council ------- ------------------- ----------------- ._----------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY HODGSON �MCDONALn Cnnhn\1ER EN7.EL ___(HNT �.�+L". Ql'Ya Pamu. aeMgtl']� form Ct o:3 (1 TI 3-25) r ` r'. -'UL 2 21 Approved----- --- -- -- ------------------ -------- ----- --------- ------------ Mayor. PUi'T..'C= ji Y; 1 4 F _-JI hL{ Ic, I'll, 1 11,11 jjjjm�ljjmlmjjll�jol��' PAUL COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT FILE' QUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NO. 219 To RES. -- cln cLUpITEDy. CLAIMS-'RESOLUTIPW FORM f-l; RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 2 2 CITY TR,E tS�RY�e ��THE AGGREGATE AMOU`(/N�TCp OF DATE__-7o=--�- J,� �9 2 TO__ MING _-------- M _ CHECKS NUMBERED- _ _ 6Y__________ _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE it I F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ PER_ __ __ __ _ _ _ - RETURNED BY i DISBURSEMENT CHECK IN FAVOR OF'. BANK TRANSFER �'. NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHTFORWARD I checks be awn o C. P. No 60987—drn Resolved. Thnt the city lreasurS to the nSbre60.te un[ [ Si.590 51 co �' cltec as tm 1957b e� Inluslvf1 tiered 11x23 to the 5 file to the u:lce o li checks 0�[t o ptroller. Cou ncll Jul). 22. 1925 \doPted hY the lJ:o. Ic Apyro ved Jull '26 1920) IJu 1' I II Iii II �I I. I IIII I i I Ilil i i i r I t i I,I i ,.-- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM. D34 1000 7-24 DAT / L ,925 COVERING 5 4CKS NMB 24 TO 19576 " CHECKS NUMBERED 195 _ COM PTR - O R INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TH CITY COMPTROLLER. FE.R --11 TOTAL RETURNr-D BY CHECK IN FAVOR OF I I4,1? -CH TRANSFER DISBUR C HECKS I SE'.I IT CHECKS A1 -- I_ 167 620 9tti136 864 1711067 212'32 BROUGHT FORWARD 2 4f7 05 1W3 53�} 5 3 1952zF 19925 Foourh Brothera Acl m3 P. "'eatiake Company II 1 013 0 13 0 19526 "merianna Corporation 8 C 6 50 19527 ",nerioan ^onarete Inotitute II 77 02 15 6OJ ii 19528 Amerio_n InGtitute of 6 5 i 22 31 .,acred Literature I! 96 9 1 00 19529 Amerie^n Linen _>upnly Com,>nnV 32 19530 Amerio:.n a,-Alrmy lsxpreso Go. 21 9t 44 o 19531 kraerio n ^apr,iy Com,)any 19532 AGOOciation of Colleges and 25 II ;I 3o 60 100"ndary >chools of the N 120 6o southern tater 1 0•n 1953 Automotive �ervieo COMP, ny I! 72 1` 1953E -0 B^Icer & Taylor Comna.ny I I 3 137 50 1953 "he B-rrett Com• .^.ny I t 4 00 �5 si 1953 19537 J. A. Belair Biebighau3er rleotria Comen�} I'I 1 88, 35 85 I 19538` 195339 Docringer & Son Albert Bonnier Pub. House I� 9 g 45 00 120 C 6 5 00 1954o F. J. Bringe & Company I 3 4 50 00 19541 The BTiatol Company 25 0 19542 Buildere Foundry Comrn.ny II 4r5 75 oil 1954-3 Canital City Lumber Company Cary & Company I 1 31 j 195`+` 19545 %I. --n G. Cn3ey Dairy Comp-nny Ell I1, 4 19546 Central Colentlflc comT,--,ny ! i �� 15 60 1954 centr^I %oap Cow),my Ili 195th Chioagoa R. I. & Pac. Ry. Co. Arthur ti. Ciark Company 3 0 195?tg Cormittee of Refernnoe & Cou'e�ael !� 00 j 19:;90 19551 Crosoont Creamery Com- 11 45 0011 195f7*) nayton®•^ Bluff Yoo Company 5 QOII 50 195523 ne.arborn Chemioal COW)My II 3pii 1955} Devoe & Reynolds Co. Ino. 1886 19555 Diebold ^nfe & Look Com, ny IY iI o II J 19556 r mil, o mun, Firk & Compn „ 402 1 19557 3.9558 „ „ „ „ „ h. 97 0 19559 �956o „ n n �I 208 og 7 n 19561 19562 reder--1 Oil Cenpnnyy -c-nern.l TTotor '1ervioe Comn-:ny� II I 5 to 1956 golden Rule I 4934 19)64 19565 lophcr 'tone Com)^.ny I H_,.ck^tt, Gatea, Hurty Comn^n �3 6 173 301 j 1g 566 Highway ,upply ComT,?ny I 151 611 19567 J. % Hulme Company 112 OI 5c 19568 Indurtri:.1 P^int Company I 2 14� 8� I 19569 InternationpA Harveater Com).ny 153 72I 19570 Johnoon -jarniture Com-Pnny 133 48 19571 Fenny 3oiler & Mfg. Company I !' 19572 Rouffel & I?eeer II 40'831 1957 Kilmarnock Hooks I �j 3 001 1957 A. r. Leviton PC 7 19575 Libr^ry nurea-u I 16 g4 19576 Link Bolt ,up)ly Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 2 497 05 779 nh Qg- SUDHEIMER'. - --<� AGAINST J WENZEL. MR_PEzErS_-NEI_5ON YES (I') COUNCILMEN NAYS I, 1 UL Vl«, Y.u& r„ uC. ON DISTRIBUTI _ - -- -- ---- LocAL SPECIAL FUNDS _ SINKING TRUST -- PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUITS WATER GONG GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLDVIN GENERAL 70 ACCOUNTS 228 65 I_ 167 620 9tti136 864 1711067 212'32 19 00 SII 1 013 00 8 00 6 50 11II 77 02 15 6OJ ii 22 31 4 4al I 17 33 1 00 I 32 130 134 00 III 25 II ;I 3o 60 N 120 6o 3 46, Ii 25 0011, 144 31I 8 73 �5 si 22 68 001 + 00 u 45 00 5 00 50 00 II 30 186 oil 497 12� j 169 38I II I1, 4 125 881 4934 57031 30 46 160 30 151 61 112 50 142 85 II 153 72 Z7 0 73 3 5011,, 40 8311 3 00 20 701 92 89 10 50 - 32 91 I 16 84 i Ij II 1373 089 251 167 871 4611137 017 89 068 413 92 I 3 876 8 117 420 2911 973 221II11 794 I 1 4 „�-.- YO _ MAVOR I 54 81 51 II 6 00 27 00 1 I'I iI 3 X98 231 17 451 20 �I1 055 03 fill 794 62 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 40 50 40 50 Trr.,wr;rmnTe: RES No 219 SOLVED 1— 1 _'ILI— RE —., Or, TH, DAT`2F `in CIrY TREASURY AG TCI TIME GRFOATE AMOUNT OF 4599.51 IVE AC GOV —111 C Flrc.. Mr Ev D 19524 r„ 1957676 OM Pi RO _R I,E nu _ HE..;Y4 ON ( LE IN THE -11— ' r Y TOTAL IN FAVOR OF rR -1 I..: 1. II it NRUUC,I! I (JR Vv A411f 2 X1.97 05 14773 531;• 541' I.9 ;'1t Kr rm0l r rothoro 1 013 00' n')tlake Come-ny 13 7 195''6 Imerlo-Inn Corpora,tlo- 6 7� 19'-'7 'nnrlonn Concroto Inctltute 19,r, P.rlPrlc^n Tnr3tltuto of {nrrc' TAtornturo 6 5� 1953P" 1,ner4o-In TAnon u-,)ly Com -_ny 96 19 530 ^raPrlo^n 3rAlway s'm?rocm co.of 96 19531 rne. -gin �>,-,1y Com ny 44 Ote� 19532 °n looietion of Collegora P.nci oo�mdr ry '-,chooln of the outhern^to too 19.53' Auto-ao*Ivo -,orvlco Coma, ny 7^ 13 19';311 1.3^I rmr T for Com r,ny lap 32 19>3r ''ho 1;..rrr.t Cora -ny 137 501 19i3� J• A,. Del. -Ar 4 00'.' 195'7 T1lnb1[0h-ucnr r:1ootrlo Coml my 1 88' 1.9538 Boprin,7pr P' on 3 5 85 7.959 "lhert »onnlor iv). Iiow o 1 9 11 7.9560 17. J. nr. in - r P, Com-: ny 120 , .,. 3.9541 Tho Drintol Com, .,ny 3 4p 19542 ,3uilderc roundry Cosa ny 25 pfd 1954 ^--At 1 :Sty Lumber Company 45 751 , I rnry & Com, ny 14 1' 19511E c• I ray '>�iry Con ,-ny r 3 195��� rontx 1 "oinntino cori,.':ny f 19547 Contr-I ;op com-,,ny 15 r0' 19 i 115, Chlor)(;o0 111, I„ &. P',re R 7.9 09 Arthur n "lr•rk Cora-,),,nyYo oa 81' 19 ;t,0 ^o(,1mztteo of 'Infornncoa Cr)uocol X01 19551 Crimoont r ro-,raory Com ,ny lI no 19',' 2 nnyton°n rlu`?f Too Com••„ny j 00 Or;r 1. 3 >>enrborn �1hnm1onl Come tiny 150 00 1951:111 ?nvoo P 110moldrn Co. Inc. -30 1955 i Aobolli fry Took Com"---ly 101 n0 l05 ; 6 "n rl; 1 l , n >,?�un, i' i rIe 1 O om-- .,11y �r O1. 19r, ,7 rr „ In ., n ❑ „ r, 4w 1T 97 0- 19�(p n n n l(71u 76 1 61 ^erler".1 011 Com an 275 p l + .. ° f1oil CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTI- )LLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR / CLANCY. M Sfl , -. � IN FAVOR / HODGSON. SUDHEIMER. _;/ AGAINST WENZEL, MR—P_RES—.NEI,-SON. YES 1 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS f I _ 1 rs. 'Phys r,�, F�Jr[iuno. _ DISTRIBUTION LOCAL __._ WATER IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST ,J! L61vf� TS -- ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNGARAGE AUDITORIUM 1370 22ffi 65 167 62o 94.136 864 17111067 212 3211 p;1 13 75', 013 00,1 9 0o Ii 8 00, I 6 50' 77021: 70 15 60 96! 22 II 31 4 4.p 1 I 7 331, 1 00! 38 67 11 130 321 137 50': r, TE 00 9g 25 60 30 60 120 3 46 44 32 ! 25 00 14 31' 8 73 15 6o I 6ffiI 811 j 00 4 00' 45 oo 1 5 00, 30 50 00. 101 00 86 of 402 11 1 97 06! 108 381, 125 8811 94 381' 3 876 8 j 43 i' 86 I 1 � Mm FIL, n. No. l���- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _. JUL 2 ti 192Jrpy 182 APPROVED )JUL P,2 192S 192 T MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY _ SPRI NY,LING FORcSTR'i BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 17 42o 29 973 22 11 794 621 40 50. I 1, 24 91 1' li 54 87. II INCLUSIVE, ASjXR CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IPER - ___ _ OF THE CITY CTROLLER TOTAL RETURNED CHECK M FAVOR OF BY 'I NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK - CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I i C. r No 60988— I Resolved That checks be drawn o �. the el�y e5reaanrr, to the .991.8%te $353 12, covering checks numbered 195V2 to'lncluslve, p Ir checks o file in the office of the j ci Adopted tbTtl[he Council July 2f, 1925. � Approved July 21, 1925. (July 25-1925) i -.-5,353-12- - - COVERING , CHECKS NUMBERED 19502 TO _-X9523 R COMPTROLLER CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ;L -� � J j� J j ('J THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED 112CK IN FAVOR OF ---- By NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CH ECILS BROUGHT FORWA RD 2 497 05 768 181 4211 2 98 AUDITORIUM 19502 Adolph Carlson 230 511: 1 009 80 97 19503 Commot ,crilth Electric Compnny 2 060 00 701 50 14 68 19504 V. J. OtNeil 920 90 66 19505 TT. Br�nerman 2 98 125 00 70 j 19506 Dro7m %nstrwent Comnpny 9 89 48 11 19507 Commonwealth ^leotria Compn-ny, 59 4o 230 51 19506 J. 7. CoodmaM III II 10 78 III i I III li li Ili 11 I i Ilj 24 85 I I I II 119509 TT-zel P^rlc Crooery Comp -my Ii; I' III li 1. I' 97 I 1 19510 0. J. Tlusby 13 00 19511 L. `:. Jordnn Com amy 2 060 00 19512 T -t. ^. T,+oCinleyD Trustee 14 68 1951 Miss Louise Markert 2 00 1951 t� 1. rot eleon 61 79 19515 TTerbert Nelson 6 00 19516 IT. "_'. nv PI_ner Com,,^ny 19 35 19517 T. J. ol7Teil 1 70 19518 Ratterman Brothers 125 00 1 19519 Tr. T. C. 3lo0umb 19 00 19520 Capital "?tn.ttonery Mfg. Co. 10 91 19521 Corning -Donahue Company 10 78 19522 Vidivest oil Company 48 11 1 19523 Union Brass & Letrl Mfg. 00.59 40, I 1 2 497 05 .773 534 5 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD GENERAL WATER it i 367 860 75 167 288 59113' 2 98 AUDITORIUM SPECIAL FUNDS_ SPRINKLING FOREST 230 511: 24 85 97 13 2 060 00 00 11 14 68 2 00 66 oo 11 125 00 70 j 19 00 10 91 48 11 9 89 59 4o j I li I 370 228- 65 1 167 620 941 ,I SUDHEIMER. AGAINST WENZEL. YES 1 x,).� COUNCILMEN NAYS 114. lAae L6— (V ) i APF' OV tU_ y, y MAYOR LOCAL BOND I IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS 136 SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPECIAL FUNDS_ SPRINKLING FOREST 97 o67 191 65 3 876.88 17 420 29 973 02301 so 701 50 920 90 9 89 III II 10 78 III i I III li li Ili 11 I i Ilj I I I II Ii; I' III li 1. I' III I lij ,III 864'17 11067 212 32 I 1 iI II 3 876 88 I 1 I: 17 420 29 II' 97: PUBLIC SUNDRY �I RY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 22 i 11 ?94 62 i 4o 50 22 1I 11 794 '62 V 4o 5o Tr19Mr0ATE TG ITY CLERK E 7-211925. /%r COMPTROLLER Lry CHECK NUMBeR IN FAVOR OF RES. No. dig_ -- _ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -._- ._--583-530 12- -- - _--. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED __ 19-502. TO --19523 - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE O THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL I RETURNEp BY TRANSFER pISBURSCl.1EtJT BANK CHECKS CHECKS I BROUGHTFORWARD 19502 ndolnh Carleon 2 497 05 769 151 42 00 BUILDING 19503 Common,gea,lth !Ueotrio Com„^n 1950 ?;. 00 1009 80 701 50 Cnnitnl mfg. Co. "ornin -Donahue Com7riny ' l0 J. O#.7ei3, 19505 H. Br,nvermnn ACCOUNTS I. 920 90 00 91 19522 19523 19506 DrOm, Instrument Company 19507 Clon,.Veelth T71eotric Compnn mM I 2 7&I 11 17 420 29 19506 J. ':�. Goodman 19509 IT. -I201 Prlrk Grocery Comp-,ny OFFICE OF THE CC�AF 230 85l ” 19510 0. J. Husby T.,. ".. Jordan Comna�my II l3 00 19511 ROLLER 19512 Ti. ^. Va(Unleya Trustee i 1951 711as Louise I -A, rt II 2 060 00 14 69 I j�0, _ 19516 z. t+nelson 19515 TTnrbert Nelson TION FORM 2 00 63. 00 CLANCY, 1prRL,IISpIa' �! 1951c, N. ':r. ax Paper Comp»ny 19517 T'. J. ofnei1 I 1 1 305 19519 TTatterman Brothers ii 7 JUL 367 96o 751 167 288 59 134 231 97 067 19165 1 009 8o 701 50 2 98 920 90 9 89 24 85 230 51; 97 13 0o 2 o6o 00 I i 14 68 2 00 19519 19920 'Jr. ^. C. rlocumb 'tntionory 119 00 BUILDING 125 00 CITY OF SATt:T'At,,- At,, Cnnitnl mfg. Co. "ornin -Donahue Com7riny ' l0 91i ACCOUNTS I. 19 I 10 00 91 19522 19523 T!ilineat Oil Company Union nraaa L Tetnl "Jfg. Co. 10 49 7&I 11 17 420 29 I 46 OFFICE OF THE CC�AF 40 50 ” li COU FOUENCIL 66/1q {((,11.,(1() \/\�l"QN ROLLER 4o � ' Jam. I j�0, _ AUDITED CLAIMS—f'Ip ESOL TION FORM CLANCY, 1prRL,IISpIa' �! _ _J IN FAVOR JUL ✓ HODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 2 2 1925 192 SUDHEIMER. AGAINST APP OVED W p 5 I ��� Fj,S, %75 I 9 `sb` ✓ WENZEL. BOND Vim PIM SINKING LOCAL �� IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 1 DISTRIBUTION TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS \ MAYOR I _ -, PUBLIC it GENERAL wnTER 367 96o 751 167 288 59 134 231 97 067 19165 1 009 8o 701 50 2 98 920 90 9 89 24 85 230 51; 97 13 0o 2 o6o 00 I i 14 68 2 00 19519 19920 'Jr. ^. C. rlocumb 'tntionory 119 00 BUILDING 125 00 19521 Cnnitnl mfg. Co. "ornin -Donahue Com7riny ' l0 91i ACCOUNTS I. 19 I 10 00 91 19522 19523 T!ilineat Oil Company Union nraaa L Tetnl "Jfg. Co. 10 49 7&I 11 17 420 29 I 46 11 40 50 I li 59 401 59 4o 66 oo 19 351, 1 70; 'i �i II 10 78 GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING I SUIVpRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS I. 3 876-98 17 420 29 I 973 22 111 794 62j 40 50 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO --_ QUADRUPLICATE To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES. NO 220 RES. 1 GITY CLERK , AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE R DAT 192 CITY TR SUR O AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ ':�.BY _ - --- ------ COMP1 OLLER CHECKS NU yF ER ED _ �! -- (TO------------------ - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER _--:_ __.. _ __. _ __ TOTAL I RETURNED CHECKIN FAVOR OF BY IR NSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK NUMBER li CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD '` I a I 1 ;I !I II I C. F \o, apThat ch to so lbe ASSTheCltg 1 Re c Ive urY. v rinb'e the the i[Y trgal 989 98 9bpg efnclvslvf nur Wh df 19o5ni file 1n the otftc y2' 1925. MY choruytroller. Council Su15 aduP"'e uY1922 7u1Y 22 I j d 25-192a I APPr4VIJuIY it I H / �IIY TR EASJRI'. _ S 31,999.99 1�y�02G � � r BUDH EIMER. � Qfl. 7e _.1925 - 19517 dd o fWENZEL. To CHECKS NUMBERED / yE5 I 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS 1 �' 1 G' C PTROLLE 1 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON PILE IN THE OFFICE l// - _ - ,1 - CITY COMPrROLLE R. Mr. vIBe r�� ZarIpl _II - _ _ -- - SPECIAL DS - - -- - _ DISTRIBUTION OF niL TOTAL RET BYNED J -- -- — .--- FUN -- I LOCAL SINKING ' TRUST PUO C - -� IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTB J'DRY WATER I � FUNDS GARAGE II AU DITORI UI.1 SPRINKLING .I FORESTRY BUILDING � OUfiT it CHECK IN FAVOR OF GENERAL ! i ACCOUNTS REVOLVING FRA�.'SlERII DISBURSEMENT BANK[f OIJD I NUMBER HCKS CHECKS _ g�.25 167 971.46 1637 017 99 10 Ho 6 413,92 j 3 899.2 I'll 17 451 20 j1 1 055 03 I11 794 62' 40 50. BROUG TFORWARD SII 2 497 05 779 134'05 I. 373 92 0o 2 0 24o ooh 19577 .john Itivae 13 599 Bo 19579 H''Ymond ^:,erh�xd 13 599 9 359 35I 19579 H-nlon & Olrl 35 35 24 99 1I 19590 ;m. Ie. ts-,.olntyre I' 313 60 19591 Allen-;ualloy Comp+ny 60 10 29 19592 Cracker Jnnk Comneny 310 29 U 19593 Dora -Redpath Company 24 99 19594 'Im• Tttel III 24 99 19 11 19 11 I l 1959 n. R. Heraohler Oompeny I 401 69 II 1955 t:tct'urray & ComP�.ny 31 s5 9� 5 " 19597 olaeen Canny Company 1 302 21 I 204 30', 207 59 19599 pyramid Oil ComP�ny 216 30 9 12 i 19599 Ramaley printing ComPeny 16 46 16 W I' 1950 ,tnp'az1 hate Lead & oil Com 0 11 30 11II I 730 98 I 19591 n. 0° sp-ldin� Bmthera g4 50, 19592 C�enderd Oil Company I 94 50 V I; 1959 C. ° ste-,;,st sups° 740 6 40 67 p' �+ 9b I 1959 ^tiefel Li^teral Comfy I 1'959 Vill^ume nox & Lumbor Coma^n 357 90 330 00 PI -"ineoke & Doerr® xnao II 30 00 42 00 6 19 1959 �.raa 2,tinnie B. 1.7o11an I' IF 425 00 19597 132 32 4 126 13 L, I 1959 JoflepYirlootr4o T0i.9u9•pmont Com %iny €S03 9 503 97 399 05 'I,I �.9 99- - I I 1 513 57 7 S9 00 omc a 2sotor sn.2— Yaw 1 513' 57 ' ,IIII a9soa 3t.vMUM cos night oomn m� 7 399 05 II 19602 The ;hate Comr:.ny II i I I f III II ISI III. I I '�: I I � I I i I ISI I I l ,,III ,I II I I I I il� I I 11. i I II II II j I I III I r, �i III II I Ij'�i I I'I !! I II II ii it II I'. II I II I I I j'I I, II I II; I SII II II 40 0 4 799 7 24 a4o 25 Ij 1 055 03 I� 12 739,27 5 2 497 05 II 910 124'o3 38i 654 961 167 871 46I�137 017 99111 10 2 603 o SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD CITY OF SAINT PAUL / 1HCCOUNCIL NO ian NBATE T To RES. No. __22Q___ .__- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER-cLANcy, tlbd�l JCI CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -Ci ESOLUTiON FORM - IN FAVOR HODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _792 . -- '-' CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 90d C6J � � ` -192,5 s .37.E 9v 9 _ QC COV RING ` - X1177 "02_ SUDHEIMER. --- ..AGAINST APPR VED 792 CHECKS NUMBERED 1 TO 19 `�/� . e _ W ENZE L. ___..._ _ , C PTROLLE INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE YES I, 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (�') MAYOR j `,t�+ }J OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. `MT Aloe ii'e& • ,1 TOTAL _ BY . `�li IMPRGOU NTST SFUN SG DISACCOUBJ TIS ION GARAGE AUDITORI Ui�1 BpR ECTAL FUNDR STRY I� B UULDING I SUNDRY RETURNED _ LOCAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF N -ER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT •I BANK GENERAL WATER ACC CHECKS CHECKS REVOLVING i ACi.0UNT7 BROUGHT FORWARD 2 497 05 778 134.05 i 373 088 25 167 971 46!'137 017 �9106� 413.92 3 898.2 17 451 20 I! 1 055 03 11 7g4 6211 ,40 50; 19577 John TUwe 92 0 92 0o I I 1957 ttn.ymond ?berhasd I 240 0 240 00 111 19579 11FInIon & okeo 13 589 „ 13 589 Ho 19580 'fin. 11a.ointyre I'� 35 35 I 359 35 19581 Allen-:ualley Company 24 g 24 9g 19582 Cracker Jack Company 313 60 313 601 ' 19583 Dore. -Redpath Company 10 29 10 291 19584 :'!m. F,ttel 6 3 6 30 1958 A. P. Hersohler Company 24 991 24 99 1958 mcmurray & Comp-ny 19 111 19 11I n, n 1 8 1 8 19587 olseen Candy Com; y 3 5 3 51' 19588 1pyramid Oil Comp^ny 1 302 21,1 401 6g1 1 900 5 19589 -a mnley Printing Compnny 204 3 204 30� 1� 207 5811 19590 t.Pnul 'White bend &- oil Com�inny 216 77001 9 12 I II 19591 A. G. '3paldinC & Drothera 16 46i� 16 461. n l 19592 S®andard Oil Company 30 11` 30 11! 1959 C. ste-7,nS730 881� Supt. 84 501 H4 50l 1959 'tieYel mater al Company 730 881: 11 E � 1959 vill^ume nox & Lumber oomnany 40 671; 4o 6 19592 "ineoke & Doerr, Inc. 357 96pi 357 9ZI 19597 mrs, ninnie D. '7ollan 30 ON 30 001: 1, Y, � 1959E Joseph Din;7le Boat ''orks 4 425 0q 4 425 001 l I ;� 6 3.9 4 19599 n. Uectric equipment Comp^-ny 132 321 126 13 I I� 19500 Owens motor galea°Inc, --03 97 803 97 19601t.Pru1 Can LightCam„any 1 513 57�I, 1 513 57��� III r 7 389 05 19602 The te Com -,any 7 389 05'1'1 U I' jl f i ii I� I i I I i I w Vit. 6° cOUNCR_ NO - LzviY.tiiC. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK C OF LUTION—GENERA ORM ?ESENTED BY p � �/,✓`�' c-�"' "�'� 7~'' . DATE..._...tl.�wa�.....f��i�.W.....1.9..�i.VA..........._... RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6523 for the purchase of: d C. F. No.'60690—By L. R. S. Ferguson Block 1, Plat 4; Block 2, Plat 5; State Park Addition, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Itfinnesota, or further des- oribed as that block bounded by Woodville,Eleanor,Kenneth and Bayard Avenues, Reaoived. That"the action of the Comml[tee n Lands on behalf of the City of SL Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6623 for the purchase L PI t 4; Bloelc 2, Plat 6; ac. for the sum of Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred (0 13,800600) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property, as a site for the new Ford Industrial Section Grade School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper' deed conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, will have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund Item No. 2071. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy i V, Hodgson .. -.:_.In favor McDonald Sudheimer ...........)-.Against Wenzel Fer¢aeen JUL 2 3 4') Adopted by the Council ......--.------- _._...------ --- ----- 193.-.... J IL Approv, -- - — - - - - 192...--- AC Ing MAYOR Is[1 ;: �l/ - 2nd.1 Laid ver fo ._ / ��rd. & app. - ti,- Adopted optcd fff - M/ Yeas Nays - Yeas Nays Ferguson / Ferguson Hodgson v/ Hod son McPonzitt— / —Sudheimer nlcDonald udheimer R'cnzel Mr. Pres. Nelson 117 1 \dr. Pres. Nelson :• Ordinance �✓ / �y C. F. J. H. No. 5537— ) By , A.. McDonald— An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. G. 5849. approved August 5, 1922,and _ amendments thereto, a titled "An administrative ordinance flxing the compensation rates of certain ' flositions and employme ats". An ordinance to amend Ordinance 7F58491 approve di an amendments thereto, entitled "Ali administrgtti_ a=u�Y1t,� fixing the compensation rates of certain city nositiors arid employments" The C)uncil of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. �'nat Section 1 of Ordinance 7[5849, approved Au;>ust 5, 1922, as amended, be further amended by striking therefrom the word and figures: District Foreman at ,;175.00 per month And by substituting in place there of the words and figures: District roremen who will be required to furnish and maintain automobiles to be used in the performance of their duties at ~175.00 per month. And in addition thereto the sum of bb5.00 per month for the maintenance of autornooiles required b;j such employes durint the period when such automobiles si:all be required. Section 2. finis ordinance shall take effect and. be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas I1ays ✓Cr`ancy / �erguson , jti9dgson in favor �: Donald �Teimer _Against ..:: P_ W.al- ^".r. President dopted by the Council h U 6 4; ?.;, 1926 Approval �*Jia 1925 Yayor� P-UBLIS:t RESOLVED C UNCIL • CITY OF ST. PAUL F11. No ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ....... ........ ................... . . CIAT . ........ July -22nd -....1925........._... .............. Resolved that the plat'of Lindau's Addition as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. 60902, H• McDonald— Resolved, ,1,1311"'Id — Y plat of 1, da� a C. F. - " d by the Flat R ... wed That the Addition an ,,oaoodad by the C-� C he Commission and aill'!�y%, be and I of public b—byaceeptod'i 1 23. 1925. s¢mo is Adopted by the COUne" U Y Approved. July 33,g. ,1926 An -1036) COCNCILNIEN Yeas A a) S V Clane\' V Hodgson ..-III favor McDonald I ". 1 Sudheinier //,,Against I-Avenzel A'Iopted by tile Cuuncd.JUi-b 192 JUL 2 3 M Approved..._. -- .......... ........ ------------------------- u , 6 .. MA OR V COUNCIL r,1 ' i1�.,J1, i ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No•-----�fV-. - OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK CO C ESOL/UTION—GENERAL- FORM •r'.,-��r s� ,epC fED V ..G...... ........_ DATE.....-S/.+%-J[+1.piw�.bif.0......__................... RESOLVED That upon the' recommendation of the Commissioner of Education the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City of Ste Paul with the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, a corporation, for the rental and hiring of six rooms in the building known as the Lutheran Seminary, located on Capitol Avenue, between Hemline and Sheldon .,Avenues, in the City of Ste Paul, for a term of two months from the let day of September, 1925, to the 30th day of November, 1925, at a total rental for said term of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars, payable in monthly installments of One Hundred Twenty five ($125,00) Dollars; said agreement to be evidenced by a lease or contract in writing, approved by the Corporation Counsel. Same to be charged to the School Fund, Rental Item. C. F No Resolved. 9 That up n the recommen- dation of the Commissioner of duce tion the Suthoriz dopnd dlrer ectcd eto set" Inhere to n greement on behalf o4 the City o4 St. Paul with the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, a corporation, for the rental and hiring c4 ix oom0 in -the building known a the Lutheran betweeny Hamlin. andCsSheldonitol vAve- nues, In the City of St. Paul, 'for n rm of Sent, t1925 wo mto months 30h day r.. thelet Of No of ember,1025.atatot4l rental for said term o4 Two Hundred. and Fifty ! (§250.00) Dollars, Payable In monthly lnstnimente of One xtgaaaea Twenty -411 COUNCILMEN . five ($126.0) Dollars; agreement _ to be evidenced by a lease or contract - 192 Yeas va}'S in writing. approved by the Corpora- � I�)' lilt' Council. _ �_�-- tion Couneel, charged to the School ✓cianl' Same en be Y Fund, RentalItem. ' �igl:g.{ypgSl�� / Approved July 23._1925 tilei.dulAdoY 23. 1026. A�)1]I'O'�Cf .... .... J.�. F ..............192...... ( Aug. 11926) Hodgson ...... j McDonald '- CfMAYOR Sudheimer _ .Against UU3LIS Wenzel V)r. `7io. Pres. For{;usan CITY OF ST: PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAl jf' I%' - f i 'I CouNC1L NO.-%.:�.1'-v-i.l--''---- FILE July 22, 1925 That the bond given to the City of it. raul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and the Standard Oil Company, as principal, dated May 12, 1920, in the sum of 410,000.00, covering curb filling station at 216 Bates Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furni:.hed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of s id bond. _ C. r. No. 90995—By J. H. McDonald— the City eof SLhnPauI byb The American .Surat Comrtsu e y. and the StandyarI OI In Compnny,principal, dated biay 18, 1920, In the sum of at 21 c 0 0.00, rin curb fill Un station is 21B¢tesy. enue, be and the same is heroby cnnelled and the principal an surety thereon r leased as new howeverR thnten thing ihereln nhalldbe construedns releneing said princlpal and urety sfrom any linbnitY which lation of havesald bondnrfor to the cancel - Adopted by the Council Ssly 24, 1926. Approved. July 24, 1926. (Aug. 1-1926) COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Claney Ferguson Hodgson ............. In Jacor McDonald Sudheinter Against Wenzel Mr. vice I red. Forgueen JUS 2 4 19 Adopted by the Gunnell...__...._.--'�---'------lily----- Approved _ - L" 4.1925 ---192-"- - u�yv .................-''---- ------- ---- -- -- """- L MAYOR_ �TBLI: _ 1 RESOLVE. Yeas COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO...._111-.-u+�-:.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14 _ T, July 22, 1'25 c � � t That the bond given to the City of St. Caul by t1ve American Surety Company, as surety, and the Standard Oil Company, as principal, dated i;lay 12, 1920, covering curb filling station at Temperance and Grove Streets, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as station has been removed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cance:lation of said bond. C. R No. 60995-13Y J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Sure- ty Company, as surety, and the Stan- dard Oil Company, as principal, dated May 12, 1920, covering curb filling sta- tion at Temperance and Grove Streets, be and the me le hereby cancelled and the principal a drety thereon released, as station has been removal; provided, however, that nothing her In shall be construed as releasing said', principal and surety from any liability whlch m y have accrued prior to the cancellation o[ said bond. Adopted by the CounclI July 24, 1925. Approved July 24, 1925. (Aug. 1-1926) (:Oi?N('li.\II:N & 2' �' 1925 Nays Adopted by the. Council....-----.----...----.........._hJ3.-_. Clancy f II rov App _._ ... ._. �' Q 1925 ......15)2._... I'erguson Hodgson ----...----..III favor McDonald MAYOR Sudheimer------------Against Wenzel CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA1 COUNCIL LE IYC•......o-lY V'IItY' July 22, 1925 Ti%t the bond given to the City of St. raul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and the Standard Oil Company as principal, dated ;.:ey 11, 1920, in the sum of ,10,000.00, covering curb filling station at lbs Concord Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which rna-y have accrued prior to the cancella- tion of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na)"5 Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ..............An 1'avor McDonald Sudheimer----------------Ag4inst Wenzel vloe Pres Ferauson C. F. No. 00996—ny J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Sure- ty Company, as 'surety, and the Stan- dard Oil Company as principal. dated May 11, 1920, In the sum of $10,000.00. covering curb filling station at 156 Concord Street, be and the sane is hereby cancelled and the principal and urety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed s releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have ¢c- ued prior to the cancellation of said i bond. Adopted by the Council July 24, 1926. Approved July 24, 1926. (Aug. 1-1926) Adopted by the Council._... UL 111' ---- JUL 241925 `i7J MAYOR RESOL .. COUNCIL No CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 22, 1925 That the bond given to the City of St.raul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and the Standard Oil Company, as principal, dated +ay 12, 1920, in the sum of N10,000.00, covering curb filling station at 792 S. Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as station has been removed; provided, however, that nothinf herein small be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior 10 the cancellation of said bond. C. F. No. 60997—By T. H. McDonald— Resolved. That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Surety Companv, as surety, and tho Standard Oil Company. as. principal. dated biny 12. 1020, in the sum o[ 510,000.00. covering curb filling 9[n- tion at 792 E. Seventh Street, be and the same Is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, station has beLn removed; provided,; however, that nothing herein shall be u. trued as releasingid principal and surety from any liability which ? 'may have accrued priorto the can- F cellatlon of said bond. E{r' Adopted by the Council Suly 24, 1026. f. Approved April 24, 1026.— - (Aug. 1-1925) COUNCILMN.N Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Wenzel let'. vitw PM' . Fnr[nlsnn Adopted by the Council--- ...... ._----.------4 ........... 192._ u 4 i,9Z - --------- --1i�2--- �...V1a(G(1 °'v MAYOR �C7I3LTS_� yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `�l.L�!'�-r•�/ ons COUNCIL ")( q u FILE No.------- }:�-. July 22, 1925 That the bond given to the City of 6t., Paul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and Vim. C. Hackbarth, as principal, dated March 30, 1925, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering construction of sidewalks during the Year 1925, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, for the reason that he will not pay premium on bond; provided, however, that nothing *erein shall be construed as releasing said principal and'surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancella- tion of said bond. C. P. No-G0998—By J. H. McDonald— . n.solved, That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Sure- ty Company, as surety. nd Wm. C. Hackbarth, as principal, dated March 30, 1925, In the sum of $5,000.00, co Ing con tructlon of sidewalks during the year 1925, be and the same is here- by aneelled and the principal and surety thereon released, for the reason that he Ill not pay premium on bond: Inovi he]] be construedhat relealsinghsaia principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancelatl on of said bond. Adopted by the Council July 24, 1925. Approved July 24, 1925. (Aug. 1-1925) COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In kwor McDonald Sudheimer---------------- Against Wenzel Presiie Ifyr, Flo® P.- I V;g t9on 2 � 1Je�. ..... Adopted by the Council ........JUL 192.........-------- - JUL 2 41925 Approved.-_- .. ...---..---192----- ° C.G�dtli � MAYOR -- ------gym CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. -- C- F'�No. "T..—By J. n:-mcDonnld— RM COUN( ,, rene, Tho cammissloner of Pub- lic Works has reported to the Council, In accordance with Seetlon 51 of the y City Charter, the exlstenee of an em - t] ergency which rendered nscossary the DATE..._.._JILT.Y........ m......_.292.5....._........... ployment of certain employes of his Department for more than cigrit hours / per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of a, pl.yment Therefor. Be It Resolved, T' city offl ^^r.nre herP`, ''`HEREAS, The CoimIAssioner of ?,.iblic '7orY.s has reported to the Council, i.n aocordance -,vitt- Sccti,nn 53 of the City Charter, the existcnco of an emcrgenoy shiCh rendered necessary the emrioyment of ce-tain employes of his Departr..en,`, for more than eight hours per. day, said employment beim more than their usual hours of employment: TfITREFORE DE IT R.ESOLWM, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the foilo.ving named employes. at the rat4-otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereilnafter Set fGrth: name Title Hours Rate of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ----- --- OvertiMa. Birraingh.arn, J. D. Tp• Im.Insp. 8 6.09 da Davern, 77m. A. Sevier Insp. 6.09 Barry, T. ^l. Lo.1m.Insp. t3 6.09 Augustine, Thomas Utility Iabor 16 .55 hr Barr, Frank Ditch Digger 11 .55 Benson, Pert Idtc. IAbor 3 .50 Prygicki,.Cre_or Ditch Digger 13 •55 CaLijbell, Jas. Paving Bed Maker 30 .65 )ursensky, Aug. J. Station, ry Dagr. 35 .721 Elliott, Ed. paver 3 .62i Ellsworth, Charles A. Truck ')river 12 .67 Farnac_e, Louis Sewer Labor 3 .50 Faust, _.. A. Sua,. b-Furerrn y .622 F atto, Michael Mtc. labor3 .50 Gerlsche,r, ;I. T. Cverseer Sewer Const. 1 1.25 Glancy, rues Utility Labor -�1 •55 Gur6z:.ng, ._ike Sever Lel Dr 12 .50 Hackb_-trth, Otto A. Concrete Foie -1:.n b .%84 Harry, He:•m� n Px e Layer 7 .63' Herrmann, 1,corLe A. Ji11,ch -A,L; er 5 •55 Joh-son, Gustaf A. ,Laker 6 ITU. i0 Judson, J. E Pe;ving Ped i,iaker 102 .65 K, rschnia , G. 1, tc. Iabor 1 .50 Lavalie, D. J. Utility Labor 4 .55 �'O U N C I LAI EN Yeas lays Adopted by the Council- ...... _ ___.._-.-_192_.... Clancy Ferguson McDmuild In favor Approved .. .. .._. 192 Matson ' %44o-. - PeterAgainst tl nOMAv`n Wenzel J 4'1T13L;^'-';:2�- - Mr. President a CITY OF ST. PAUL .o FOE"a`NO._ -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__ ...... ........_ -..._...... ........ ... _.......... DATE .._NIrY 22nd....._19.25 ......._. RESOLVED THERFAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to.the Councilp, in accordance with Soction 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency .-ihidh rendered necessary the einployment.of certain employes of his Department for more than. eight hours per day, said employment being more tha.g their usual hoots of employments - THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED, That the prover city officers. are hereby authgrized to pay the folloxing named employes at the. rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the exth time hereinafter sat forth' Name Title Hours, Rate of — — — — — — — — -• — - — — — — — — — — — — — -- — ——Ovextirne. Lavalle, J. PaI'ving F>bre.aan 6 .991 hr Linnan, Thomas 8 95� PScDonough, . ices Utility ;,tabor 14 .55 McKenna P. J. T-L.ctor Driver 24 .64¢ Pic%illi p, Alex. Ditch :)igrer 24 .55 =arri, -To seph 1dtc. Labor 6 .50 ;dertens, E rnard Ditch Digber 28 •55 1;leyer, John E. Asphalt labor 11 .50 ^.1ichaud, .7iiliam T1,idge Labor 2 • 55 1loeller, Edward Utility Man 1 .651 iullar,cy, Hue Pipe Layer 21 .63 rSulvihill, ?l. J. Utility I;ibor 4 Murphy, J�Iincs F. Tractor Driver 22 .6952 N<sh, J. T. 'Itc. Libor 8 .50 Negosch, :.:a rtin lute. Labor 6? .50 Nolz, ;.:iehael Paver 6' .622 Olson, August !.Ac. ?;.bor 3 .50 Pastusch, John Ditch DigLer 13 55 Pearson, Nels Utility labor 3 .55 P,:rtranton, icYnael Sub -Foreman 36 .621- P1u:abo, Anthony Ditch Jiver 7 • 552 Plumbo, John A. Sewer Libor 6 .50 Piu:abo, Joseph Ditch DiLLer L0 •55 Plurabo, 1Sichael Sevier Labor 36 .50 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council .. __-_—_ ---.__.._ .192_ ._ Approved. -. - 192.-__ /%�✓ ctlny MAYOR �'Ul%11S1II:17 - I COUNCIL ----_- _ NO._ CITY OF ST. PAUL F OFFICE ------ e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE..V..V..li��T i 22nd 1 L`'� COM M ISSIONER.__.... _.... .. ... _._. ......_.... .............. ....._...._.. _. - ....- _...... ..... . ._-..__.... RESOLVED t-ERTThe Co; rr:is3ivner of ?ublic "orks has reported to the Council, in accordance -.-rth .;)Cti.n:.l 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an al' iF.?i rendered necessary the emrloyment of certain employes of his Derartr..en, for more than eight hours per day,- said cu.;oloymer,t being more than their usual hours of employment' TF.FRFFOR,E BE IT RESOLLF:D, That the pro; er city officers are hereby authorized to xay the foil o:;ing named erapicyes4 at the rate ctber.fise fixed for extra employc:ent for the extra time hereinafterset forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Porter, Ilhn. idtc. Labor 5 •50 hr Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman j4 62 Reed, D. T. Paving Forera= no 994 _leiliey, P: -.t. Co.anon I?.Lor 7 .45 Resler, Lloyd W. Sul-Fureman 16 .62' N,chardson, ?awrence Utility Labor 9 •55 ;i.iey, C: ris. J. Cu „Ion labor 16 .45 Robertson, }Lal. .:tc . L,bor "6 .50 Rowles, Geurge " " 61 .50 Savage, Hanal.le N. •50 Scnrenker, E. " " 24 .50 c'nriokler, Louis )itch )ilEer 19 •55 Schwartz, Fred Utility labor 20 •55 S ca, Tom Tamper 8 .6o Si.aoer, 2 -ay Ga.s Shovel :� gr. 6 1.10 _.._. Pipe Layer 36 .63 SteicibrEnner, C,_rist. Utility : bor 3 .55 Suilivan, Join Utility ;Can S .65 Swensen, `ic,.lLzce alto. labor 5 .50 ;a laonis, Fr>,nk Paving Foreman 8 99' TE be, `,lbert Utility ,`,F.bor 13 .55 lelhe, Robert Utility :dan 134 .63 Tereau, Henry i.itc. Labor 11 .50 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .......-.. 192__.. Clanev FergUson Approve... --.. 192. McDonald In favr -- Matson - ... MPYOR Peter -. Against - Wenzel Mr. President asI713LIS:^.;n i _ oUNCIL NO_ CITY OF ST. PAUL F��e' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y,DATE..._..._1II�,Y COMMISSIONER. ------- ....___.. _......_...__........_.___ .. _..._. RESOLVED °.ERFAFF The C:Irr::issiuner of Piblic 'Forks vas reported to the Council, a.n accordance 'with 3c;ction 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an eme_,;ency ahifh rendered necessary_ the einrlopment of ce-^tain emnloyea of his Perwrtr..enc for more than eight hours per dal, said cir:,loyment being. more than thoir usual hours of employmen', TP—PRFF^ORE BE IT RESOLI71), That the prover city officers are hereby aui:l,or.ize to pay the foi].o. ing named erncloyesi at the rate otherwise fixed for extra ec.ployrr:ent for the extra time heaeinafter sat forth' Fume Title Hours Rate of Overtime. T Sevier l bor 7 • 50 hr Ullrsck, Nick .50 i; illia;as, A. Ac. Iabor / ;:inraEe esky, Otto SS Enineer 2 4- 1.45 _'ech:aeister, .'ohn common IF l,or COUNCILMEN Clancv Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter - -Against Wenzel Mr: Pius area. VVIMaooR Adopted by the Council JUL _�.f. t_1)!J-- .192_._. Approve(.. '� -._.....__192_ ... -""'- MAYOR r�. an emergency has arisen in the Dej artment of Public '7orks, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Inspecting; r�uirinL;_ sewerstractors; oili _g and :u.i_i: minor repL..irs on equip:,ient; v,orking daily at Pelt Line Sewer; over=eeink; ec1uip:_cnt_etc. on_J1xly 4tiipu:v�1''-i''� T ie emergency arose by reason of the followi facts and .,�z' cem emergencies, Inspecting work on contractor's schedule; repairin� sewers in a.11 emergencies, r, Sundays and driving tr.,cks & tractors during absence of regular aen; oiling 3 repairing equipment o _ P'9—tbte1zY rin� ie ;ul-r course of work; Looking after lights ';nl equi)ient on July 4th; workilig on Sundays a -d holid7,y— ai" �—ewer; co llletir vrork started i:,mecti^.telt' previous to close of eiLbt-hol.ir D,' -y. omm ssioner of -u is :or s `` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL nay NO.. -._--6 A.i����• Fl £o - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (d1D{i' e+L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED V I That the plans and specifications for the Como Park School Playgrounds as submitted herewith prepared by. the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids there- on in the manner provided in and by the charter. C. P. No, 61000—By 1, g, 9. Ferguson— Resolved, That the Plans and epecla- Plk School aygrounds ions fortae uhe bmlttedr herewith Prepared direction toI hhe ley CAommiceloner def Parks. Playgrounds & Public Build - logs be and the'soons are hereby ap- proved, the me being sati.sfnetory to .the Commiaeloner of Education and the Purchasing Agent hereby f.; bid and directed toles- dertlee for bldg the In the manner provided In and by the charter. yyy4 Adopted by the Council July 24, 1025. y APproVed July 1 1026. ii (Aug..l-1026) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 11 Q" n ✓ Hodgson .-�--.-.--.In favor McDonald Su4ke+me1"— Against Wenzel "- �• �yirR, 1 `-,. s, F"rgrusat Adopted by the Council _.JUL 2 4- 5...--..19.1 JUL2 41925 -------- p192..._- ........... . `................. PUBL1:.....7 GRADING SPECIFICATIONS COMO PLRK SCHOOL GROUNDS SCOPE OF IN ORK: The accompanying plan and this specification is intended to provide for the grading, sodding, terracing and new walk for the school property as shorn. It will be observed that the pres- ent grades are established on the plan and that new grades are es- tablished within circles. All grading shall slope uniformly be- tween the new established grades shown within circles and from the building to property lines, GRADING '':ND FILLING: This contractor is to grade off all surplus material to bring the surface to the required grades and to fill all areas be- low the required grades. If there is not sufficient earth on the premises he is to haul same to the premises and if there is a sur- plus of earth on the premises, he is to remove it from the remis- es. The portion to the west and south of the building is to be graded, raked, and left smooth, free from all large rocks or boulders, but is not to be sodded or surfaced. SIDEWALK: Contractor will lay to width indicated, cement tile side- walk from the boulevard curb toyard walk, as shown on the plot plan This walk to pitch gradually toward the street. The sidewalk tile are to be laid on a six inch bed of sand, thoroughly packed down. Tile to be 24" x 24" square, and 2" tick and shall meet the follow- ing req irements as to composition. The lower 1t" or base shall consist of a mixture of one part of a standard Portland cement and not more than four parts clean coarse sand. The upper 1/2" or topping shall consist of a mixture of one part of a standard Port- land cement and two parts of clean sharp sand, somewhat finer than sand for base. All sidewalk tile to be thoroughly seasoned before delivery on the job and shall be subject to the approval of the architect. After tile have been set accurately in place with top surface evonly sloped from building to street, the entire sidewalk surface shall be brushed with Portland cement grout mixed one to one and thoroughly worked into joints. Finished walks shall be free from broken tile or undulations of surface. This sidewalk shall be provided with steps as sh?wn, steps to be built of concrete mixed in proportion of 1-2-42 with a top dressing of 1-2-e. Provide Kahn edge protectors for all steps. The steps may be varied from the location shown on the plat to suit the tile to avoid cutting tile as much as possible. pLfa [GROUND AREA: The playground area shown on the plat plan to the east of the building is to be surfaced in the following manner: Filling: This contractor is to fill the lots to the required grades using clay and sand, or any other suitable soil for sub - filling, and is to bring this to within 5" of the finished grade, after which this material should be rolled and raked to a smooth, hard, even surface. Finished Grade: over this apply 3" of cinders, free from dirt or ashes, and roll with a ten tons three wheel roller until no wlVes form in front of the roller. The finished grade of this course shall parallel the finished grade of the finished surface. The second course shall consist of about 1-3/4" of lime- stone screenings and dust spread evenly and rolled until a smooth, compact surface is obtained. Then apply 3/4" of coarse, sharp sand, free from dirt and dust, all of which shall be thoroughly rolled. After the entire surface has been completely treated, brought d on the gss Chlorideto the spreadgrades evenlyeoverrlthe©surfs es 1-1/2npoundsnCalcium per square yard. REIJOVAL 2. TREES: All trees that are in the playground area to the east of the building are to be removed and the roots grubbed. GRASS AREAS' The plots which are marked grass are to have a 2" bed of clay and 6" of black loam, rolled, raked, and -left ready for sodding. The sodded terrace and grass ajeas are to be applied with thebest grass and clover sod, securely peg -ed in place and shall. carry over on the level at least 12" on steep slope terraces. ALTERN,,TE B: (To Apply to playground Area Only) The lots are to be brought up to within 2-1/2" of the required grade with suitable sub -filling of sand or gravel mix- ture with 30% clay, raked, and rolled with a ten ton, three wheel roller to a smooth, hard, even surface. Then apply �� grave and sand (the gravel to grade in size from sand coarse/screened ) with about 20N of clay.. Then apply 1/ p, , sand with about 10% of clay. All to be rolled with a ten ton, three wheel roller and the finished grade to be as established on the drawings. ALTERIV,TE C. (Grass Area) The contractor shall give an alternate figure on the following: The grass areas are to have a 4" clay fill and a 6" top dressing of black loam, all of which must be approved by the Department before applying. Rake, roll, and seed these areas with lawn grass mixture, which is to be 50, by weight of Kentucky Blue Grass at 19 pounds to the bushel, 30% by .oei6 of Red Top Grass solid seed; 15,% by weight of Dutch white Clov- er solid seed, and 5% Italian Rye Grass at 14 pounds to the bushel, one pound to every 200 square, feet. This grass must be taken care of so as to insure proper growth; all of which is to be satisfactory to the Superintendent of Parks. The finished grade to be approximately 1/2" above the elevation shown on.the drawings. Y5 }I n 7 b , i s; . `l z' ' O6 t [� y a f7 f�u }I n 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL °OUNcL NO.._. 61001 ---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITYCLERIG ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION7`0ENERAL FORM 7 PRESENTED��'eeY ./ DE.—�L'.,rt. -.° 19 ,�iiJ COMMI-.1.7VER�_ AT -- -- �"`y-2A,— RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the V Contract Committee and awards the contract 11 for the construction of a sewer on Wellesley Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Prior Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to i DeGraff Wolff, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,250.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer"" Estimate 03,615.00. F.B. #6798. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays ,/ Clancy s- 1 V noagson Adopted by the Council ..JUf'._2.4 t -------192....._ 192...... 002 COUNCIL N0\)J1- --------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL6 '"'"' --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �' ENTED BV- DATE—Ju1.y--24i--, --- 19.25_ ----- --- ... _._ _ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for making 2- 6", 1- 12" and 1- 18" house drain connections on Fairview Ave. from University Ave. to a point 440 ft. south of the south line of Thomas 3t., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to E. G; Carlson, he being the lowest responsiblebidder, for the sum of $371.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $456.00. F.B. #6790. C• D • No. 61002-33y J. 11. m Poi Ave fr m U (Verstty sp n air., Point 440 ft uthof the uth line f ThomasSt in ccordnnce with a her to nttach dials and snn ci bidder E O Ca 1 on he be tng the lowest re p netble. bldd to n n V JL(� tho. um of E373 00 and the Corporntlon Coun el is �, here= V =instructed to draw up ttto r of co trnct -therefor. Engl f,! Wear's 6790..: Estimate 41 Adopted by tho Couhcll July 24. 1925 Approved July 24, 1925.' (Aug. 1-1 - .,r.,. -:,^ate w,^.s.^.ar - - J �. /✓ -- Corp F{ �- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / ✓ Clancy Hodgson ___-.In favor VMcDonald r I� -.Against Wenzel Aduptcd by the Council.._ ----------- ------------- 0 PRESENTED commissior RESOLVED COUNCIL No------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL vas OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DATE—.dU-13�'-24 -1'9Q1&..___......._....- i That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on both sides of Edgecumbe Road from Bayard St. to Otto Ave. ;on Eleanor St. from Griggs St. to Montcalm Place; on Montcalm Place from a point 25 ft. south of Scheffer St. to Otto Ave.; on Otto Ave. from Montcalm Place to Lexington Ave. and on Scheffer Ave. from Griggs St. to Edgcumbe.Road, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto rattached, to Peter Lametti, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $13,980.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $15,980.00. F.B. #6797. C P. No. 61003—ny J.. H. McDonald- Resolved, That theCouncil hereby concurs in the recommendationfthe Contract Committee and awards the cOntraCt for the construction Of e. eeIP- r on both sides of Edgecumbo Road from Bayard S. t Otto Ave o El.- hA Place,St. t y oxn Griggs St to Mont Point Pince; on south of Place from n point i O feet south n S h ff -. n estto A–a �I/ I• Otto Avenue, . Otto Avenue from Mnntenlm.Piacent¢ Lexl¢gton Avenue, 'being- thealowest responsible bidder. for.. the.sum of 513980.00, and the Cor poratlon Counsel Is hereby:) siructed d to 'draw up theProper form of con- tract o -tract therefor. Lngineer's Estimate 1 516,980.00. F. H: No 6797.: - Adopted by.the Council July 24, 1926. Approved July, 24. 1926- .(AUG. 1-1926) COUNCILUF.N Yeas / Nays v Clancy ✓ Hodgson J. -.--_.1n favor McDonald --.._.Against V Wenzel �,`•-:� Mr. V7un YWe:�P`�ttQason _— JR 241925 Adopted by the Council----- ------- -.............---- 192.- JUL 2 41925 Approved... . ..-- ----------- 192_ . 6.0'1... .. ry MnYOR coURca NO ......... 61-04 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7 DATE__..._.ZUJ-- 2 -V._192r5._................ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improve- ment of Service Road on Como Boulevard from Como Ave. N. to Lakeview Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Wm. Williams, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,385.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,314.00. F.E. $6786. { u�ponal3b � C'g sotvedl ThA $omn! �`�awa vemht COutrnct for 92a inn C mXeasepw oPv' . con9�t� vo, N'lsns p q+uy a-- frame fn a coTaanc ¢ttn ucd. clone reor ere ttie� a unset is hr tb m L� 1 btdd CotPoratt tb ted tibere4 Con racZ 314 00. r'Coun`. �l ,,�/� prom, 00-i/ macetv $ iea by the y4..lszs. APP oved ?�E•1�1925) � _ _ � i P JUL 2111925 Co .1 Adopted by the Council-------------- ---- _------_..........192..---- Yeas Nays 1/, ClancyJUL u 6 iJ7 .�, . .. .. .. Approve ... .... - --------------.1J2.---- —'Hodgson _s. ---..In favor ��.:........... % McDonald cbtig MAYOR –sadheiffiw— Against ,j Wenzel CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO...._{-JR�5_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - n n DATE__SI1 y --24..,.....19.2x...------_.._............ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Race St. from Albion Ave. to Alaska Ave., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Wt. Williams, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $256.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $428.00. F.B. #6795. Yeas /��c9cneseby\ S. Conch cgtb0`... o. olo0 ha$imm�daaerat VaerPenp, C RogO v 1r thorn\ctea.. as dil mFio f'Ho'on cont od\ contra Ct t -Lor ard aAllo pl ryalaace St�ecoYeibattloaep4 o to poo' rS2.5e bY: c Vim. In Mona bein8 the aan l la betorm e41UN bid oration too pjne ti o Ea ao'a dor. 4or thoCoo a or \1` aoa t� teaa t tberF g.nN� Jti19 24. 1925. los contr 428 po. Con y, � t 94 COUNCILMEN Nays `Taney ✓Hodgs .....�..In favor McDonald cwjjkeemEP' 2 ..... Against / Wenzel �g orT.qity . Adopted I)y the Conncil .�1L .3 .......... —192 Approved.- -- -- ----- ... 192 ---'ai 'MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLENCIL y - No...-._ .r�, l 06 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM y '.7 IONER—_..._ i.._..-..._..-........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Tallula Ave. from Pusey Ave. to Tatum Ave., in accordance with plans and s-pecifica.ti'ons hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $415.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 0386.00. F.B. #6794 apon—.- d. tho Corporncayu ,1----- - $416.60, I hereby mnotructn d QcedtheteYortho E.g . I or neer a Estimnte 8386.00. F:, B. No 6794. : Adopted by -the 240:1926. July 24. 1926 Approved Ju,Us'1-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy Hodgson ...... ......... In favor ,,/McDonald ; sadkeimer- -- ------..Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council-------.-----.---.. --'^------- 492------ Approv •d - --- --- -- - ------�-i---L--d----�---1'92 n9MAYO✓R Ncti- ----- ---.----- ----- - v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --NCE. NO. FILE DATE:_ff-UlY 4--,._3.9.`1.J.__ .... _...... _... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Carbon St. from Dale St. to Mackubin St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attache, to W. T. Smith Co. , they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,790.00, and the Corporation Counsel Lie hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,122.00. F.B. #6793 m�Mwaao$mo«Wo 9R�o �� a—oao~yU m ?o. N _gq�, 9� ogvw r o c rope •, I 8—E..* wrw o — IF"E�M6�:�44 �H m£�u ou prop of ��d "w�moaE4 "F .a.°. �.Q�(i �vr r �is o xw3� _a[uu COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy. n � Hodgson J.... -...In favor McDonald Against Wenzel gyW, Vim— T ...m.— Cor�.Alt,- JUL 241925 Adopted by the Council---: -•---.-'----------- ------------- 192 ---- JUL 2;41325 App - - rove .... -_...-------192------ - -... (�!/L-- A MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL " couRca No.. ��� FILE ___________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for gradil�g and improvement of Sherwood Ave. from Curve Ave. to Furness Ave ., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Wm. Williams, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $219.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineerts Estimate 0276.00. F. B. #6792. COUNCILMEN Yeas /Clancy Nays `Hodgson In favor ,McDonald uc imer '/......Against Wenzel / n-.��� 1'.... .,. Pt+"" 'h'l -Y S $'T A tti Adopted by the Council.''' _u.':i.-F p....._..____192..__.. Approve -- -- --- --------------------192------ ............ ....................... �t�(ft.✓ MAYOR detir_' 61009 COUNCIL NO•_________------- _------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE9: AY ____._—__ ,_ ._.r._.. DATE__ u_j_y .,._..246 tai.�J--_...._.------------------ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving and grading alley in Block 23, Summit Park Addition and Joe. Dysart's Rearrange- ment and alley in Jos. P. Dysart's Rearrangement from Victoria St. to the alley in Block 23, Summit Park, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the )'eyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $3,236.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,691.00. F.B.#6791. I COUNCILMAN Adopted by the Counci------------�- ---------192.__... Yeas Nays �e ``•• ✓ Clancy �JUL'it Approved- --- ---- ------ - ------- ----- 192...... Hod ... .In favor a /'MeDonaldMRVOR zudboiffler Against Ctir Wenzel l Mr. Vi— Tl"2�xrv�i�a-c 4 - COUNCIL NO.-- , t CITY OF ST. PAUL _ GLH .--�(--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.__ ----- JlLI.—aA.T................. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation, of the Yeas Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and paving alley in Block 6, King's Maplewood Addition from Mount Curve Boulevard to Woodlawn Ave., in accordance with plane and specifi- cations hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,973.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,463.00. F.B. #6789. COUNCILMEN Clancy /Hodgson /McDonald -19fffflreimer Wenzel id r. to a— v tract therefor Eng n er'e Estimate y 52,4G2.00. F. H No. 6769 S 'Adopted by two Council July 24, 1926 I, I Approved July .1 3926 Ili\' 1 (Aug. 1-1926) _ A C, I,ul/i t d q JUL .... - 19' Nays Adopted by the Council._-_ ..................... . JUg 2 e 191 Approved . -. i -- -- ��-.--In favor - -------------------------- ----------- =---------------------- MRYOP C. --.-...Against _.. .CITY OF ST. PAUL c°E"rn NO..:...--Y�': OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM %lux RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Como Ave. north from end of present paving at Acorn St. to approximately 44 ft. north of center line of Maryland St., in accordance with ' plans and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the suu.of $8,837.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 89,320.00. F.B. #6787 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay's / �,/ Clancy Hodgson In favor McDonald / _.......Against ,/ Wenzel Adopted by the Council ..- (! I..-.-_...... ...._.. .r E...�..`1... 192 JUL 24 M! Approved............._-------..-f.......---/'--1---�--1�92�----�--� MAYOR y5' W e� A A coUNCIL NO------`l��_.�, j - CITY OF ST. PAUL Le 1• l� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !�' ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DATE_ -_J10 -y-24 T 19-1215-..___. ------ ........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Snelling Ave. from Otto Ave. to Montreal Ave., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $39,330.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $41,867.00. F.B.#6786 ff COUXCILMEN Yeas / Nays ✓Clancy /.� ✓ g Hode son ---- ------In favor / ,/ McDonald -g udheinrer— _ -/------..Against Wenzel / wS M.. Viae Pru% f1 ur�,�uaoc r� JUL.:241925... Adopted by the Council ---------------- ------------------------ 192...... JUL 2419`m Approved ------------- ---------------------------------- 192-) --------- el. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.-_---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p :n w� ____ DHTE___17--U-�•Y_�-J- 1�.At�i_.._____-__ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Fairview Ave. from University Ave, to 440 ft. south of the south line of Thomas St. , in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $9,243.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $10,878.00. F.B. #6785 a7sc. Aby the Council July 29, 1926. i Approvepprove d July . 8 1926. (Aub. 8-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .VClancy A Z$odgson ..- ...----In favor _,,McDonald \/ er -----.�/-.... Against v{ Wenzel 8I �+e 1 a" 2 4 190 Adopted by the Council ---- ---------------------=='.=-------- 192.---- Approved ----- -----'----------------------------------192 ---------Mayon s COUNCIL Yf O. N.----_- , 14, CITY OF ST. PAULPAUL�,co_e �4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in'the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of alley in Block 2, Berryhill Place from Prior Ave. to Sue St., in accordance with plana. and specifications hereto attached, to Raymond Eberhard, he being the lowest reeponeible bidder, for the sum of 5220.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 5486.00. F.B. #6800. C. F. Ne. 61014-13Yhe Councllvohcrob nt tT - glocK__1St ie ccoru- A,Ve:.:twv ificann d and. ave hereto nttac"<�' `- .,nd-the he bein6 "the lowest $22000. ..in '� der, ter the sum of E hereby _ CorPoratlon dCounee th atructed to draw uP.the PlneeYn Es• et =tY'486 ct therefor•'.EnS 0800. .timate -5456.00. F• B.. 1926'�� .Adopted bY'the. - 1926. JuIY 24, rove (AU 1-19265 COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Nays ✓Hodgson 1 -___.In favor MCDonald 1 Sudkeimez—'–' '.:...---;...... Against I/' Wenzel = " /3 r A I _ Adopted by the Council---------------------------- ----- ---192...-- T r sir App, Zvei__-_ 192.----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUNOIL NO.._----- 10-15 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__. JUay---"-y_._jg-2i5_....._..._...—_ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Mississippi River Boulevard from W. Seventh St. to end of present paving (approximately 304 ft. west of W. Seventh St., in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $6,687.00, using oil asphalt, and the Corporation counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate U6,76.0.00. ir.B. #6801- c. F. R.e., 6801. Contras eont— j EOnIeV of: pre ft:. we they oe,ues •••_ __C ;68 '.un,,.e -^- 1 dere for the sum ,oration Counao asphalt, and-. the Corp fe hereby inetruetod to, draw up the l proper formoY contract .therefor$: Nu,, i �Ineer's Estimate $6,760:00. F• 6801. 24. 1925.E Adopted by thoZ °.1925. 7u1Y a APProved--?i i COUNCIL NO._, ..- CITY OF ST. PAUL F,LE .--.-_---_---- OFFICE OF THE CITY ;CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ------ 9.�---_------___...._._ COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and paving Mississippi River Boulevard from W. Seventh St, to Ft. Snelltng Bridge Approach, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest re43poneible bidders, for the sum of $14,787.00, using oil asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $14,980.00. F.B. #6799. a g No: 6799 - ' •ou cit JviY 24, 19a6i 4 1926 - 8-1926). COUNCIL\IF.N Yeas ncy / Nays Cla �.x Hodgson ....... d......In favor McDonald etmer.` _.Against ............. LI:. vivo Qn R. 6 nfltvsoa / �s C ;( I `V S// " /, r � � 6 -ag 1 Adopted by the Council - - --- ---- - ---- --- -- --- - 193-- -- L ,2 4 1�"" Approved........... -------- I--------...192. ------------------------------------ MAYOR V V O UG' Council File No.- ---- --"-------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade alley in Block 2, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from --------- ----------------------------- -------------------------- - --'-------------------" Gripp�s Street to Dunlap Street. ... .....-.. C.R.....-..--------------- .. ........... . -........--' -� PRIDLIIIIINARY ORDERS. '� C P., No..61017— - - 'Ab.tt, c.L .................................................. , U. gym. A written. � '- July,, 1925 rea r-., :... 24th ..._..__..,'t5s- Dated this ........ .... ......day of.__._ ..._- - - -- 1 — -" - ----- ...- - -- ------------------ Council an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade alley in Block 2, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from _.__ .. ..._...._-'- .._.._._... _.._... Griggs Street to Dunlap Street. _._.. - -----._......_...'. - - .... ..... _--------------- .._.... - -------_.._-------- - - - ..__.... - ... .. ......................--- ----- -------- ..._......-----------------_--- _....._"------------------------_ . . - -... . — ...-..-- - - ... -------._.."-------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau _.______ . . _--- ---- ----- ----- .....---- -- --- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public \Voris be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imProvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on t.he, petition of tlu'cc or More owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte'"O the Commissioner of Finance. C) w Adopted by the Council ._.......------------- .---------------- ---- YEAS NAYS Conn CllnlanCLAN N i HODGSON MCDONALD, WENZEL ;:Pr±aw7tnRaia• cn'y(IM I Approved.-'--- -- -- ----- '----- / .iCom4ling Mayor. SUB 'D / 4 Council File No. — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessaryfor_-_-.-_-- __. .. -...... ......_ -- slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Blocka ------.. Adclit.ian,...from...Griggs". Str"e.et...to...Dunlap--atTeet--.......___-------.. .............. .......... . 24th Jul 1925 ........_.... _ 192-_..--. Dated this --..-----------------day of_-__._.._..-----.._..._ys-�---- Counc man. C. F. No. 61018— Abstract —"— + Whereas, A written Proposal far the _- tmaking'of the fo11ow1'ng imProvemcnt. PRELIMINARY ORDER.ee edemnhig aad telling as easerneot n _ land necessaryfor slopes;: cuts ins, in. the -grading. of alley in n E. Ramsey's Addition, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvcme111e- ,' St., having Condemning and taking on easement in the land.neoessary for_ ------- ---- " ---___-- slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 21 Arun_ E. namseyts Addition, from Griggs Street to Dunlap_Street.--- --- _-..._._---------- _......_------ ------------ ---- _.._.....-------- ------------ .._._.........._... ..... _.. hnving been presented to the Council of the City of 5t. Pau ___._-_____. - --------------------------------- -- --------------- -- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said in] Provemcnt. 2. '1'0 investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. g. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvemmlt is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matt r. to the Conunissioner of Finance. ,w 9412}.... ✓i Adopted by the Council ------ --- _._.--- _._. YEAS /NAYS Councilman CCLA_NCCYY i" ✓ HODCSON --McDONALD o ✓ WENIEL .. M.S.-Prif`a�lil:5YT term c A laKta ��T3 Yfoe Ptdn. I�e!?[faWr. AL e4 W5 Approve--------------------- / 4 1 Mayor. PUBU c 1 I t� I; QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - FILE NO._____III--••88....LLLffll To A OFFICE OF THE COMPTr t011_ - CL. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. No. 221 7 RESOLVED;THA T CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 'DA ' X925 AS CITY TREASURY. TTOOTHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 01, j �� t ` �. - S.___-1_3..��u �L o--J-T—--------- ^ __ _ -I__. /CO'V'ERING ''BY _ 1___ _____ o --" CO P.TROL R CHECKS NUMBERED - ___��.�1.1-3- it p _,ASS INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE F OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL 'RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY ' !it NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS iBROUGHT FORWARD _. I - I �j 2 C. F. NO 61019— Resolved that checks be drawn o the City Treasury, to the aggregate mount t $13,590.94, co've'ring checka numbered 19603 to 19651 Inclusive, a per checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. ' Adopted by the Council July 24, 1925 Approved July 24, 1925. lAug. 1-1925) I I �_ SHEET TOTAL= -r D34 1000 � 11 I , I I II I s r ' r) 192 DA E5 i / CH EC KSl E't.OMP i -, IIvCLU SIVE. OF THE NUMBERED .19603 TO 19654 AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CITV COMPTROLLCR SINKING FUNDS TOTAL I RETURNED C.'CK IN FAVOR OF • NJMBER TRANSFER II DISBURS=ML1T CHECKS IHECKS OANI( BROUGHTFORWARD 2 497-05 1810 124 Q 1%03 I.. C. Hodgson, Com°r. of Fin ; 1 013 0 12 739 196n4 11. VetOTSOn it 1 186 oo 18605 Tho 1:1n0111iilan Company 8 19606 2:4. A 11. Auto Top Corarnny 19'07 I4nck International '.I for 20 0 Truck Cornoration �I 4 r 19608 P. I. J.'adden 19609 Mahle '`.Con & Auto Comn^ny 26 4 19610 ltarehalla"e11© Com"any I 13 04 19611 I.,-.rtz ?. Dege 19612 mnryin Lacf Book Company 17 5 19613 °.lelady i,,nper Comn-py Chapman 53 1 34 I 19614 merrill, Greer & 19'15 1lic,ry Cre.:mery Comn.ny i 19'16 Minn. Mining t t1f9. Company 4 6 19617 1 irinesota Sporting Goods Co. 2 5 19618 1°stilton oil & }lefining Com*». y I 380 0 19619 H. Mueller Company �ji 95 " 1962o ?tullory Paper Box Comr-My it 6 43 i 196?1 National Cnsh Register Com-"^ y 11 1 O I1 19622 ation^Ueter Compeny N.l 19623 N-11 1,leatr1a Oomp._.ny 4"4 _ 1962 tv 11— YOric TOM Oompnx�y 196-5 T11or�1sp Denn e- cmegg oom,,'ny 19626 I 476 3 1 2 I 1,702 n -Irons aompnny 1927 I•Iorth Ameriann Fiber Prod, C 22 !} . 180 0 i 19 29 Northern ,tatea Pos7er Compan 19629 biorth 3 0 o!' ;tar State Tobacco Co. 19630 Northwestern i 44 r5 Fuel Company 19631 D. A. I V 1 316 93 Odell Motor car Oompan� 19632 J. I 31 1- t?. Olen Compeny 19633 Ottawa silioa Company 52 2 36Oi 19634 H. Pe1t2 &SOn 19635 Pioneer 16 c +aeotric Company 19636 Pittsburg Plate Glees Companyy��I 2K 19637 Pittoburgh Testing 9 Laboratory 19638 Playrround I 297 7T and Recreation 4 Association of Amerioa 196'49 Pollookas ! 9 11 Clinging Bureau 19640 c. c. Polleorth company 19641 The g 50 Prest-O-Lite Company 19642 Jaa. ?,rice 00 1964- Price 1dectrio Company 196N �4 t}r 7311 Public Utilities Report3, In 19645 r.uayle & Kelly � 33 60 19646 'iuiok :3eryiee Battery Comp, 36 6 ,, 19647 A. M. Ramer company 19648 Ramsey Motor 19 501 � service, Inc. 19649 Raymer 7 80 Hardware Comprny 19650 ped squirrel lgli 63! 1 Nut Company 19651 Izeed Auto 29 421' supply Com*)any 19652 Reinhard Brothers Company 75 26 1.9653 J. A. Rogers Agency, Inc. 19651 ^. A. Rosebo 01, 23 00'I OI 1 IIi III' i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD � tiM 2 497 05 iI1823 714 381 654. 5 013 I 4 50j 13 00 17 50 10 33 38 4 42 46 m 2 50 95 00 31 90 44 oo 476 30 101 8 1 180 00 2 33o 66 4444 80 851 25 32 16 87 00 31 44 9 11 8 50 24 o0 19 50 33 26 29 42 26 01 23 90 391 361 21 I AGAINST WENZEL. YES I, ) COUNCILMEN NAYS DISTRIBUTION "EMEENNEREM APPROVED.. ;6 L - _192 MAYOR �'•�-�'. - _ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS _ GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY B1 ILIO UILDING REVOLVING 167 371 461y 017 89 1082 603 07 4 798 7 24 840 251 055 03 12 739 it 1 186 oo ii 8 0 i 200 0 i! I. 20 001 it 6 43 i 390 00 k � 61 60 ` F !; 690 34 44 is 15 41 297 77 45 73 33 Co L69 527 76 7 017 84, 3o4 45 23 71 )j;1o84 123 22 50 3 5 6 36 14 5 150 161 23 19 5011 II I III 1 13 1 126 53 �II �i 25 049 91! 1 055 03';I 12 865 8 II j� SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 4o 5o 40 50 74,7'—TE BROUGHT FORWARD 1�1 CLERK DA J-2419 ig,',o-; 19604 2 2 497- .05 1!1810 124 0 5 013 1960' Them-cmilInn 001rpnny CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RES. NO.' -.221 - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5----13"090.-94--- _11 - -- - . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -1 96OL3 TO _19654, ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER -1 S " FIT DANK CHECKS CITY 01 SAINT EAUl BROUGHT FORWARD CHEChS ig,',o-; 19604 L. C Com #r, of Fin IT: 11.'-terson ' 2 497- .05 1!1810 124 0 5 013 1960' Them-cmilInn 001rpnny 1 196 0 19'06 19-07 Auto Top C0mT)r1ny Mnck International Motor ii 6 19608 :ruck ruck Corioration I F. T,. 1.1ridden 200 0 19609 19610 Bf^Tile 'CCln a- Auto COM,jny Com,,nny 1 4 5 20 0 19r11 Dege 6 4 196I? 19r17 Y-irvin L,v 13oolt Com,-)-ny I 'Tlolndy 1',.per ComT),,-ny 13 0 17 5 1 19614 IT715 llerriji, Groer Chpmnn "'Id --"y Cremeyy Comn,ny 53 1 3 iq,�16 19117 1 Flinn. mining e- ,,Ifo. Compnny Vinnosotj Sporting Good's Co. 2 2 1 4 It 1961 19r,19 ��odlton oil e- 111efining oomr,n#y ll. Mueller Com, -my 146 8 2 v�", 196-'nO 196,�l !`ullory I)nper Box Comnnny National 380 0 9r) 196 11 Cnsh 7erister Com-, 1 -1 -tion -I JActer c8m-,,�y 31 9q: 196,7, 196'�t "lectric Commy 6 44 196,,� ITF`17 York 'Pea CommrinY ",T.i3cols. Denn e. ajogr, 4476 3 2962 1927 m-ironm com,r _, �ny North Amorican i7lbor Prod. 1 5 22 19 29 3.9629 19630 Northern Co. 1,7orth .tar Po',er tar `, Com- - n ,tn Nort I _ to Tobacco 60.1 hrret3tern Iao 09,! 3 oil 001i 19633. 19632 Fuel com D- A. Odell .lot., "�,,ny j. Comi-ni 1 3.16 91� 1963 17' - Olen c,,OmT)nny Ottn.Wa 31lion. comp, 71 12; 52 ro, 1963 19632� H. 11eltz & Son ny Pioneer 1;-lootric 36 e6! 16 1 8 2 1 1 1963 19637 Compriny Pittsburg "Into GJi iRsa compnnsr Pittsburgh Testing 75 5 -0 6 19638 -L'l Laborat6r F!OuUd Ind Re -o -r -e -at -ion 297 771! 381 654 86 167 871 1 391 654.86 167 971 46137017 99 5 ol 5 013 1092 603 07 4 798- 7! 24 840 25i' CITY 01 SAINT EAUl 13 00 17 5O' 20 00 I it II 11111E OF THE COMPTR ii 353 39 � � COUNCIL. FILENo. 1 DLLI R AUDITED CLA'MS-RESOLUT FORM CLANCY, 2 50, 1111 95 00 380 oo ON 44 oo IN FAVOR 476 30 101 L -z li HODGSON. 180 oo 2 340 66�� 4 680 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 31 181, McDONALD. SA4G44e6r"E_R. 2 1611 36 6o!i AGAINST APPROVED r- 192 WENZEL. Ivwz-aaE 297 7T vhm lNnj& mgmioI YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS MAYOR DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER IMAROV—ENT SINKING MP TRUST ----E�PECIAL FUNDS SND ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING J� FORESTRY 11 111LI1 CUNDRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 381 654 86 167 871 1 391 654.86 167 971 46137017 99 5 ol 5 013 1092 603 07 4 798- 7! 24 840 25i' 75 1 055 03 12 739'27 40 'So 88 1 186 ooj� 4 5o 13 00 17 5O' 20 00 I it II 1 10 ii 353 39 � � 4 421114 1 46 go; 1 2 50, 1111 95 00 380 oo 31 90 44 oo 6 1 60 476 30 101 L -z li 36 od 180 oo 2 340 66�� 4 680 go, 851 25,� 31 181, 2 1611 36 6o!i 87 00i; 31 44 617511 44 � 1& 15 41, 297 7T 6 43 jl 3o4 4511 9 OC 200 01 i 20 00 I it II 11 ii 74 22 Q I( li li 161 23 50 3� 1111 V 11 19 50 5 t r .—/_- - COUNCIL PILE NO. BN. _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..grading alley in Block_ 14, _Auerbach and iIandt s Addit;Lon, from Oliver Street to Geranium Street, - C. F. No. 61020 ........ ... In the batter or grading Alley 1, Bur. 14, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, "liver St, to Geranium St., un- Ti7ellminary Order .59469 ap- r May. 12. 1025. .:q haaring having Daea Dai -�e improvement r.. ............... ..... .... ... .. .. .......... ......... .......... .............. .............................. under Preliminary Order.. 59469 _ approved ...._...May...12,..1925.......... - Intermediary Order.. _ _ approved.. _ _ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and -having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of e improvement to be made by the said City is _.grade alley in Block.14,. Auerbach and Hand.'s_Addition,..from Oliver. Street toGeranium Street,- -.-. - - and the Council hereby orders said imprmement to be made. RESOLVED FGCRTHF.R. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and Specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council fo} approval; that upon said approval, the proper cite officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 2 .Adopted by the Council__ a AL� y " C y Clerk. .approved _ _ _ _.. _... 192.. Mayor. pian s /councilman Ferguson j[Jgi iSYIED 'Councilman fig Hodgson -' Councilman Sudheimer '!Councilman Wenzel /`'labor Nelson Form 11. S. A. 8-7. ` CITY OF 8T. PAUL 4- DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ._FINAANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER gib`' (A) - In the matter of Gra 1de alley in Block 14, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Oliver Street to Geranium Street. under Preliminary Order approved _ _ _ annroved May 12, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S 371.18 front The estimated cost per400t for the above improvement is - - - - S 0.49 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 14 Auerbach's and Band's Add. 1175 2 14 to the City of St- Paul 959 3 14 do 1950 4 14 do 1750 5 14 do 1150 6 14 do 1200 7 14 do 1300 8 14 do 3200 9 14 do 1550 10 _14- do TOTAL. 1575 CITY OF ST. PAUL i1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RE,POR'T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 14 Auerbaebts and Hand's Adde 1950 12 14 to City of 3t. Paul 1200 13 14 do 2400 14 14 do 1450 15 14 do 400 16 14 dl 400 17 16 do 400 18 14 do 2600 19 14 do 1450 20 14 do 325 28375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reportthereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __ o_—_ --- 192,7 F-- n, n. tz Commissi er of Finance. J h otl MYjot, ,G � k Ott 2 � �, l} rr r 1.'Y"V s a. ".'M �4WZ £ b k 7717- `r r _ GER.gN/iiM ,:ST "y Ic — l F I;QL t ✓ER' ST. i ti .�t- .. f St. Paul,....._192 5� To The Honorable, The Council, • City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _. ... ... .... .... __............- — — �_ r'St. Ave U from__ ... _<�.:�. _.�: `.Y:j ..... - ...—_.—St. Ave. to___=z...� L.., _�..._.__........ -- -.-- -St. Ave. no NAME LOT BLOCK 6.,..) ADDITION D J�I-V z . C_� .. J } LL J14 4' � r hio /' fr, C� U= .9 n Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo Elva, Report to Commissioner of Finance 8, ''3 d926 lday 18, 1925 MAY ),9 ..........................192 ......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the , Council, known as Council File No... ..59469_.._..._._......_lday approved...._...._ 12 1925 _... _...._..__...._..._192..........-, relative to the grading of alley in Block 14, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Oliver Street to Geranium Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ._.___....__.__.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is .._........_....49.¢_ pe.r of Xq&tt0 Q.eost thereof is Frontage 758.0 ft. Inspection $7.28 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._ _.__._ _.__........ ___. _..__.... _._....._...._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................. .... 5. Said improvement is....__..._...._ .......................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 4.1-t U Commissioner of Public Works. ®�e,pa�rh�rri��nh v;� I�ub�lic wrk�s JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. D-.- COMMIRSIONER GEORGE M. SH PARD. CM.P ENc�REEn WM. N. CAR". SUPT.., C.N.in.CD.R —D R-- G. H. HERR-0. OFFICE ARD C— PUNRiR. EtmM�n May 18, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I submit herewith preliminary estimate Of cost for the grading of alley in block 14, Auerback and Hand's Addition, from Oliver Street to Geranium Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #59469, approved May 12, 1925: Estimated cost $371.18 Inspection 7.28 Length 37,216 ft. Cost per front foot .49 Frontage 758.0 ft. Yours very truly, -Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: o—Jssioner of Public Works. Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL "— FOENCIL No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 28, 1925. In the matter of condemnin and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 14, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Oliver St, to Geranium St., under Preliminary Order C. P'. 759470, approved Iay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. If60266, approved June 23, 1925. The Commissioner of Public 'di'orks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it iiESOLVED, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 14, Auerbach and hand's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public I,orks in the matter dated July 26, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN —Glancy Ferguson Hodgson 124oBeffnfP Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays rubllc . work" Port and .p]nn Y of at. Paul is amount of above no �aeement for and upon the nerbach. and shownpmmo port of the i Nork. 1.the °erred" o pantl ,rh1Y 28, 1825 vaupted by the Council---L------r..,925 192 Approt•ed_---JUL 2 U ly.------- ----------- 192'----- ---------------- In favor MAYOP _....Against �I Rvin JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIBOE ENCInEeR GEORGE M. SH FARE. CHIP ENGINEER SHARP. 5 WM. N. CARM SUPT. OP CON6TRUOTION A o RR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WO --EG. H. HERROLO, OPRce ulO COv PLNJNINO ENe1NEEA EPOitT TO 2HE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and takin:, an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in :}lock 14, nuerbach and Hand's Addition, from Oliver ot. to ueranium 3t., under Preliminar; Order u. 2. it59470, approved :,:ay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order -. 2. &60266, approved June 26, 1925. To the Council of the City of at. Paul: The Commissioner of Public ',lorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion Of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on privote property, and the extent of the easement to bF taken by the fi,ures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Cord—: S-iotier of rubIic (corks. Dated July 25, 1925. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSION R O� FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY" DER (A) Inthematterof ("ondamning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 14, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Oliver Street to Geranium Street* 0 under Preliminary Order approved Approved 5-12-25. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - g 7 5 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 14 Auerbach's and Hand's Add. 1175 2 14 to the City of St. Paul 950 3 14 do 1950 4 14 do 1750 5 14 do 1150 6 14 do 1200 7 14 do 1300 8 14 do 3200 9 14 do 1550 10,14 Form B. B. 10 do TOTAL. 1575. _ I CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYCORDER (C) DESCRIPTION - LOT .Brock 11 14 12 14 13 14 14 14 15 14 16 14 17 19 18 14 19 14 20 14 ADDITION Auerbach's and Hands Adde to City of st. Paul do do do dl do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 1950 1200 2400 1450 400 400 400 2600 1450 325 26375 The Commissioner of finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated 2�i— — 192 a. --- -- Commis oner of Finance. F-- B. B. 12 Office ®f the Commissioner of Public Works . VE Report to Commissioner of Finance ;s13. b :. NIJlI�g. Ploy 18, 192VAY 19 NS5 ......._..._1 ........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59470 P>say 129 1925 192............. relative to Council, known as Council File No......._.._..._...._............approved__............... ........._....... _. . oondemning and taking an .easement in the land neoesaery £or .... Slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of alley in Blook 14, _ ....... ................................_... _... _................ _...................... Auerbsoh and Hand's Addition, from Oliver 3t, to Geranium St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby,reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. .......----- .._.---- necessary and (or) desirable. XRRRSX-______._, and the total cost thereof is $. - ..__.._........_._, 2. The estimated coat thereof is $........__............—�. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_................... .............. _.... _.............. .....--..................... __.._....... __..____._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. ....... 5. Said improvement ie........... ....... ........... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commisaioner of P lic Works. 4� v In the Matter of-grading and paving- all..ey".in_Bloc.k..4t.-Lyman...D—..Baird?.s.. Addition,_ from Snelling.Avenue.to Asbury Avenue,- C. P venue,b.F No 61022— In 102E In -the3fatte ,1 grad) g nd pn ing - aliey 1. BI ek 4 Ly D Baird' ' " .... Addition, from S elfin Ave t As -- buy Ave de Prot mfory Order i lGf 5 v3 ,ed May 12,.1926. head g-.heving been had - " - _..._.. r,+vement upon due' .................... ....... .................................................................. under Preliminary Order... .59473 _ _ _ approved.._ May._121 1925.. ... .... Intermediary Order__. _ ` _ _ approved...._:"_..... ". A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be 'it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 'St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind" of improvement to be made by the said City is. grade. .and..pay.e._ alley.,in..Blo.ak..4 . Lyman. A....B.aird'.s...Ad.ditioonn, from Snelling.. Avenue .:.to..Asbury. Avenue.,....... _.._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 2 S Adopted by the Council ...__.... _._._.._.:... ..... . ,,. ... � �_... ... .. fir........ y Clerk. ..JULV��' .192. .... Approved ...' 11..i r;..__ _._...._..........'..__........_............. Mayor. ✓Councilman Ferguson /Councilman mrewx HOdgsOri o councilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. S-i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFA, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) r Inthematterof grading and 'caving Aairdls Addition, from Snelling Ave. to Asbury Ave May 12,1925 under Preliminary Order approved _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S Length 352 ft. Width of Roadway 15 ft. Frontage 703 ft, II It Street.- 15., ft. 1_'I Oreo. Brick Laid pAVTNG 3a Flat 211 asphalt Ooncr. 11base 611 Ooncrete Blocks Total So,. Yd. 6.25 5.23 3.50 2.99 ; 3,544.00 $ 2,965.00 1,985.00 w 1,695.00 Property share (a) Front Ft. 5.04 4.20 2.51 2.41 Sewer in alley .., - do )) 2650 5 4 do ) 6 4 do 725 5 4 do 9850 9 4 do 3900 10 4 -do 11 4 do 20500 Form B. B. 10 i TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF4.- FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (A) rl In the matter of grading and naving Alley in Block 4, Lyman D. Baird Is Addition, from Snelling Ave. to Asbury Ave. under Preliminary Order approved May 12,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: m• :__ a F: �. 1 --ho -arts as follows: ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 4 Lyman D.Baird's Addition 14150 2 4 do 925 3 4 do 725 4 4 do ) 2650 5 4 do 6 4 do 725 B 4 do 9850 9 4 do 39000 10 4 do 11 4 do 20500 poem B. D. 10 TOTAL. -- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -41 (C) - DESCRIPTION LOT 6 OCK ADDITION _ 12 4 Lyman D.Baird's Addition West 5 ft.of Lot 14 & all of 13 4 do East 20 ft.of Lot�14 & all of 15 4 do 16 4 do 17 4 do 18 4 do 19 4 do West 5 ft.of Lot 21 & all of 20 4 do (Except West 5 ft.) 21 4 do 22 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION 13000 15025 13800 12600 9300 38500 32275 TOTAL 223,025. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. X:wDated --f--'2 � ----- -19205 _.. Commissi er of Finance. Foy... B. B. 12 St. Paul, Min n., ........ ..Y''..........Y..........',g? To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............... Paving ...of-- allay -....d isridino...Univarsit.Y...and...Sherburne..Avenuas.................. .... .... ....................... St. Ave. Snelli Avez$ . to__....ARs :g y__Avenue......................._. .... . _.................. _............. _ from .. ............................ ............... ....... .......................... .................. ....St. Ave. (' NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION T vman D Bail" kz L i z 16' 1 f� ^�F�= 22 Office of; -the- Commissioner'of NblicASIvGD Report to Commissioner of Finances w A 111,�f Q. °'SIM N D t MAY �0 � -Nag-29, 19M---------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-bR47Z---- approved- _ Mgy-_i3 _ —9�----- 191_-_, relative to Grading and paving alley in block 4, Lyman D. Baird's Add., from - --------------------------------------------- Snelling Ave. to Asbury Ave. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said, improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-_�--__-___-__, and the total cost thereof is $---_-____---, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment fqr said improvement. -------------------------------------------- U Commissioner of Public Works. �ci�r v��ecv�r(J " ©-ep,arhr►zero o�,fr'(J i'btl}n� vrl • . JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTOAK. BR— daINeER GEORGE M. SHEP ARO. CH— d11N— A. B. SHARP, SUPT. aF SwRITATION CAR-. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO FI -AIR AR..p 28' 1925• G. P. R—IN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUse G. H. XEPROLO, OPFtce wrvO GITY PLANMNO daIHEER Ma Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Viorks. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of alley in Block 4, Lyman D6 Baird's Addition, from Snelling Avenue to Asbury, under Preliminary Order C. F. $59473, approved May 12 Length 352 ft. Width of Roadway 16 ft. Frontage 703 ft. " " Street 15 " PAVING W Oreo. Brick Laid 2" Asphalt 6" concrete Blocks Flat conor. 6" base Total Sq. yd. 6.25 Property Share $3,644.00 (a) Front Ft. 5.04 Sewer in alley. 6.23 3.50 2.99 02,966.00 01,985.00 01,695.00 4.20 2.81 2.41 Yours truly, C ngineer. Approved for transmission to h Commissioner of Finance. ommissioner of Public Works. G. A. ASHTON E. M. ASHTON A. B. ASHTON O A. ASHTON`1/®MPAN- MANUFACTURERS-AGENTS AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT ALL GRADES COTTON WASTE ASHTON BUILDING 1347-51 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN., Lurch 27, 1925. To The Honorable, The Co uicil, City of St. Paul, Llinnesota. Attention Commissioner Ilcllonald Dear Sir: _-Referring to the attached petition, doted June 16th, 1924, wherein the property owners signing said petition are desirous of having this improvement made with brick bloeks._ or creosotedyjq_gs, either material that would be --tress' nor iiie purpose as �-jell as the i.;ost reasonaole. All the petitioners are very anxious to have this improvement completed at the earliest possible me- ment and we ask that yo'l: give it yoL.r uee;t atten- tion. GSL Acting for petitioners. \ Yeas 61023 CITY OF ST. PAUL T FOEraca NO.--..-...--------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a r / COUNCIL�RESS O,� � July 28 DON—GENERAL FORM ' Ij 1925. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 4, Lyman D. Baird's Addition, from Snelling Ave, to Asbury Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. m59474, approved Yay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order U. F. f60268, approved June 2b, 1925. The Commissioner of Public 'fiorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 4, Lyman D. Baird's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public LVorks in the matter dated July 28, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. P. No. 61023 -By A IINeleon— ,Inthe matter of condentiting and) talc - Ing an easement In the land-nenee- nary. for BlopoB, for. cute and fills -'j the grading and paving of, al" ' ,• Block 4, Lyman D Bnlyd-6 Ad Yrom Snelling, Ave to 2lsburv,A iunder Pretlminary Order' 69474, approved May 1 Intermediary Order C. %11 71.. * COUNCILMEN JUL 28 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------- 192.-.... Clancy JUL 28 19-15 Ferguson Approv d-------------- ...-----------.192----- Hodgson ................In favor McDonald ...... _..._ - AZ -9'^ 9/ - Z g''AYOF Sudheimer ................Against �L4SHED Wenzel Mc President V ry v�F l� n JouLV 01023 D- P h l� i ,e�� 1 �a��,�hLine ��, o,. qui b i c e JOHNH. MCDbNALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORENGINEEa 5. GRTTBAK, BRIDGE ENOIND:0. GE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF WM. N. CAREY. S— OF CON$TRYCTION AND R—N A. B.SHARP. SVPi. OP aunTATION G. H. HERROLD. Ot E AND Cl— PLANNING ENOINevI G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WO.... s iwPOhT '20 TiE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 4, Lyman D. Baird's Addition, from Snelling Ave, to Asbury Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. p59474, approved I,Iay 12, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. y60268, approved June 23, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private prgperty, and the �xtent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of sugh plan. Commissioner of Public 'Forks. Dated July 26, 1925 I% z7 '76�zs XVx, No`. X8578 - � 30 9L73 a r V O. t CITY OF By. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM14ISSIONER OF PINP:NCE ON PRELIMINA r(PpER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 4, Lyman D. Baird's Addition, from Snelling Avenue to Asbury Avenue 9 under Preliminary Order approved May 12 1925 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x•00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 'i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Lyman D.Baird's Addition 14150 g .4 do 925 3 4 do 725 4 4 do ) 2650 5 4 do 6 4 do 7�5 F 4 do 98.50 , 9 4 do 39000 to '4 do 11 4 do 20500 f, ..-..._ _.. Po,m B. B.10 TOTAL. 1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMIIIARY4�,RDER (C) ASSESSED • DESCRIPTION LOT -CK. 'ADDITION VALUATION 12 4 Lyman D.Baird's Addition 13000 West 5 ft.of Lot 14 & all of 13 4 do 15025 East 20 ft.of Lot 14 & all of 15 .4 do 13800 16 4 do 12600 17 4 do 9300 is 4 do ) 35500 lg 4 do 3 West 5 ft.of Lot 21 & all of 20 4 do 32275 (Except "Nest 5 ft.) 21 4 do 22 4 do _.. TOTAL 223,025•.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_�-a?-.—_---- -192 '5— Commissioner?, 5Commissioner Finance. Form D. B. 12 Office° of the Commissioier�of I'ub& W Report to Commissioner of Finance :qty I!F25 -- -24,-192.5 --------- 191---- k EIVED To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public„ Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._5$4Z4---- approved_M@Y_ 12x_1925____191-__, relative to _G_onslemning_and- U.Mrg_ap_9Ase149nt - in _the_ land_necsessary_ for_slop"-t-- for cuts and fills, in the grading - and paving of alley -in block 4,--- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------ an_tD._ Baird a_Addition�_ from-Snelling-Ave.-to_Asbury Ave.-- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: p 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. vo 2. The estimated cost thereof is ------- and the total cost thereof is $--_---------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----------------------'------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..1 Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO........ __ ............ Bv. _ ........ ➢FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..grading...a.nd.. paving ...alley ... in—Block _35, .Surmnit...Park __..... Addition, from...0xford._ Street. to. Chatsworth_ Street., No olozs— _ _ ......... .................... ... ..... '......... In'the Matter of grading and alley In Block 35, Summit Pat in dltton; from -Axford St.: to Chat.- worth'. SL, under. Preliminary,: Order a ... ........ 59478 pprMay- 1925 A. Public hearing b��..' upon th0above Improvement +• " .11 eYaoas objections an'' notice; and "--Crc•.--. •' ........... datlo y,,-: .. ...... under Preliminary Order.... 59778 approved... _...IdA ..26.,,.2.925' ......... ...._....•. Intermediary Order ...... _ ._.. __ approved.. .................... __......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due.notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is grade.: and....pave..all.ey...in..Bloak-35,. Summit PArk...A.d.di.tion,.: fr.om..Oxfor.d..Str.e.e..t .to. ..Chats.wor.th..Street, ... ........ ...... ....__..._................. _ .. _...... _ .........._ ........... ....................._ ........ __ ... .......... _ _ _ ... ............ _. __.. ....__... .._.... . and the Council hereby- orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said impro%went in accordance therewith. 1 1925 Adopted by the Coun.... City Clerk. approved.... �,. frt,�i:: _.1:;'.192 ...... ........._.................................... Mayor. /—`vtS Councilman Ferguson g�BLISIiED� fCouncilmanZ%%:K Hodgson Councilman Sttdheimer 'Councilman Wenzel `/,j ayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER'>OF0 FIN6dd-9'.F f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) r t ? d In the matter of grading and paving Alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order approved Mav 26 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $= Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1197 ft. Length 599 ft- ;,. . ..:... 11 T ,11 •,�St:reet 20 ft. PAVING 3-�" Creosote Brick Laid 2" Asphalt Blocks Flat Ooncrete 6"Concrete Total Sq. Yd- 6.17 5.15 3.42 2.46 Property Share 8,021.00 6,695.00 $ 4,446.00 3,198.00 (a) Front Ft. 6.70 5.60 3.71 2.67 3 35 do 13000 4 35 do 12900 5 35 do 6900 6 35 do 12950 7 35 do ' 9500 8 35 do 7200 9 35 do 3800 10 35 .. do 5550 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL.' CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONE12'-' OFU;FIN,9,N-C�f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) )w 1 .. and paving Alley in Block 35, summit Park Addition In the matter of grading from Oxford Street to Cbatsworth Street, G� under Preliminary Order approved Mav 26 1�32�i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: X parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 35 SucL-lit Park Add. to St -Paul 5200 2 35 in Ramsey County, Minnesota 6500 3 35 do 13000 4 35 do 12900 5 35 do 69oo 6 35 do X2950 7 35 do ' 9500 8 35 do 7200 9 35 do 3800 10 35 do 5550 TOTAL. Poem B. B. 10 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE:, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 35 Suw`.mit Pa.TI" Add.to St -Paul 12200 12 35 in Rj_msey County, Uinnesata 3850 13 '35 do 10700 14 35 do 4750 15 35 do 11700 16 35 do 9100 17 35 do 18 35 do 1600 19 35 do 61oo 20 35 do 5350 21 35 do 5550 22 35 do 5800 23 35 do 5600 24 35 do 59C 25 35 do 5850 26 35 do 6100 27 35 do 11800 28 35 do 10400 TOTAL — — 205,750• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -----w"1926- .mZ Form B. N. 13 Commissio r of Finance. o ` St. Paul, Minn.? To The Honorable, The Council, ' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Pave allev.._in block.:._3.5.z...._Summit..._ Park..._ Addition...... -............ -— ........ ......_ _...._......._.........._......__.... _ --- - - - — — St. Ave. from_ ....--._....— ..... -- --......—...................... _..----St. Ave. —... ----.............. — ___.__........_._.........___—.._._._--..--__...._�_St. Ave. 6 b.' C) K NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION , V � � u.s.. Y a{ Office of the' Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance s ;� 25 June 13, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the b9778 May 26, 192b Council, known as Council File No.._._....___.._.._. ........... approved __................._................................._.......................192......_...., relative to the grading and paving of alley in Block 35, Summit lark Addition ....___...._...................._................._.._......__......_.........__.............- ..............._.... . '- -- from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._..................._.....necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.............................. __............, and the total cost thereof is ...................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... ........... .. ........... _.. _ 5. Said improvement is ........... .................. _............ .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. q Commiaaioner of Publie Worka. �� �e�Lp�a�r„h7ime�n�h,��o%f' �(►7^u��l�l��c�'�rl,^v�r�?5 ' JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPOT' COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH EPARD. CNIHP EH0iH8ER M. 5. GRYTBAK, 861006 EHOINeEfl WM. N. CARE-. SUPS. OF CONS -U -0N AND R A. B. SHARP, SUPE. OF SANRATON G. H. HERROLD, OFF— AND CIT' PUWHINO Eu01NeE'.R _ • - G. P. —U.. SUPS. OP WOAKHOUBH June 12,� 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 459778, approved May 26, 1925: Length 599 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1197 ft. it ” Street 20 " PAVING 3$" Creosote Brick Laid 2" Asphalt Blocks Flat Concrete 6" Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.17 5.15 3.42 2.46 Property Share $ 8,021.00 6.695.00 4,44600 C 3,198.00 (a) Front Ft. 6.70 6.60 3.71 2.67 Yours truly, �7 C lew sngineerA� Approved for transmission t th Commissioner of Finan. l ommissioner ofElie orkae Yeas . 6 025 ccuNca CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - NO ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f�A AA m ; ri July 28, 1925 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition, from Oyjford St. to Chatsworth St., under Preliminary Order C. F."-7469779, approved Iday 26, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. 7p60270, approved June 23, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Storks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, " be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 'Vorks in the matter dated July 28, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN aney Ferguson Hodgson McDonald_ Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays ...... ......... In favor ....... 'L,l...... Against , the Council .... ......... ..... .........192..-..- Approved^!.- r, <."---------------------- 192.----- MAYOR ©eparhrneez""O/Ir Lt;UI I�ijc���orks JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEL . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE dGIN�R GEORGE M. .-R.. GNI- dGIN-n A, B. SHARP. S F SANRATION WM. N. CAREY. SUFI. OF --U-"' ANO R --G. F. BOWLIN. SUFI. OF W ---- G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITU PLANNING --E- - RF.P(,)nT TO TH ' COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition, from Oxford 5t. to Chatsworth it., under Preliminary Order C. F. ff59779, approved 11ay 26, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. f60270, approved June 25, 1925. To the Col.:ncil of the Cit;, of 3t. Paul: The Commissioner of Public lHorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of soid plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched part of such plan. commissioner of Public Ii+orks Dated July 28, 1925. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT C FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI'3 NER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .1 qq j - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley G� in Block 35, Summit.Park Addition, from Oxford St.to Ohatsworth l�ro St. � under Preliminary Order approved May 26,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 25,00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 35 Summit Park Add. to St.Paul 5200 2 35 in Ramsey Oounty, Minnesota 6500 3 35 do 13000 4 35 do 12900 5 35 do 6900 6 35 do 12950 7 35 do 9500 S35 do 7200 9 35 do 38,00. 10 35 do 5550 Form Is. H. 10 TOTAL. 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMM NER OF FINANCE ON PRELI ARY ORDER (C) - --ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ecocK ADDITION VALUATION 11 35 summit Park Add.to st.Paul 12200 12 35 in Ramsey County, Minnesota 3850 13 35 do 10700 14 35 do 4750 15 35 do 11700 16 35 do 17 35 do 9100 18 35 do 1600 19 35 do 61oo 20 35 do 5350 21 35 do 5550 22 35 do 5600 23 35 do 5600 24 35 do 5800 25 35 do 5650 26 35 do 6100 27 35 do 11800 28 35 do 10400 \ TOTAL - - 205.750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—._-6�--- 2-5' .- ----- -192.5— -- -- Commis.' ner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of ublic VED Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 15 � I June lb, 1925.._ ............._192.._-.-- .................................._...._............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59779 _yMay 26, 1925 Council, known as Council File.No...........__........_............approved_._................................................. .............._.......192......__, relative to ....Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary _........... for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading a°nd paving of alley in Block 35, Summit Park Addition, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ......... _......... ..... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_x�....�.. "��, and the total cost thereof is$,t........ ............. - .... _...... __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......:......................... _........................................................... _...... _...... _.... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... _......... _-........... _.......................... .............._................. ........ ............ ......................... ................ .... ..... ..............._._--------- ..._.- -------- ......--------- 5. Said improvement is ............ _............... ....... _......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment, for said improvement. .... .... ..........._._...._...-._........... .._— Commissioner of Public Works. V COUNCIL ,FILE NO..... _ _ .............. FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of -grading alley _in .Alock .13,,,,Easty h.e_. e .ghts,.,,from.__...... Cypress Street..to Earl _Street,__ ... .. ....._.. ._._. _.. _ C. F: No. 61026—' In the Matter of grading alley in Blk. 13, -.Eastville I4eights, from C"to. ,,, ......__......... - - - --- /St, to Earl St., under Preliminary Order 67932 approved Feb; 17. _1926. A mrbl11 .hearing having been had 1U ^.bova Improvement upon -duo - - - -• under Preliminary Order. .__ 57932_.. _ approved ...._.Feb....17.,..1.925........... Intermediary Order.. .... _ approved..._....... .e... __ .__..-......._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 9 improvement to be made by the said City is grade alley ghts; , fr.onl.:Cypr.ess.. Street to EaxJ .Street, ...... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herebv authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 281925 Adopted by the Council _..... _.__. ]9 ... JUL 28 1925 _ City_ Clerk..... Approved .. __. _....__...._....., 192........ Mayor. Co u n ci l uut?>_G�rc3^'� Councilman Ferguson PtUBLTSIiELi� Councilman XrJ4ena46 Councilman Dz= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. PBT.. PAUL ~. 1,91T FINANCE a . REPORT OF COPi `dS S(ONER OF FINANCE ;. pN PRELIM114ARY ORDER In the matter of CraAe All air in Bbnolr 1-4 _ 'Fa r+.71 11 Hai gbta.. from •Cymresa ' Street to ESTI S ,r :'t, --GI _ under Preliminary Order approved FebrtlaTy 11, 1925. To the. Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is Al"o- $9 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is S Ra The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' ADDITION DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 1, lir . Eamtville Heights X575 _ 2 13 4 do t+QO 3 13 do :25 4 13 do 25 5 13 do 25, 6 13 do 25 13: do _ 50. g 13. do 1. 2050 9 33 do o". 13 __ _±o / 1975 - TOTAL . �`. Berm -9• B. 10 - A t CITY OF ST. PAUL �S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 11. 13 Emetville Heiights .375 . 12 13 do 375 13 19 do 375 _. 14 13 do 3600 _ 15 13 do 3050 16 13 do 450 17 13 do 2900 IS 13 4 do 23o0 19 13 do 2300 20 13. do 2900 21 13 do 2050 22 13 do 400 23 13 do 350 24 13 do 5 350 25 13 do 2375 26 13 do 2375 27 13 do 2025 20 13 do 2550 . 29 13 do 56So 30 do 625 45125 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -6 7 319 12 Coi missioner of �/ Finance. . St Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 41 el) Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ?Law f�T e7 Office of the Commissioner of 1'ubl� � or Report to Commissioner of Finance e+ WAR b A985 DZarc} ---------- 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.--57-32_-_approved Fghz 3.'7-,2 25 ---___191___, relative to Theagrading_of_Alleg_in_block_13,_Eastgille_Heights,_from_______ C ress St to Earl St_____________ -----------yp--------- '--------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__--_____--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Vlmm UP w, my" T P Monvas V* rMh7rzo) v 1�J�u bloc lvrlss JOHN H. M�CDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - GEORGE M. SHEPARG. O S. GRYTSA K. 01-11 ENIINR OAREY, S.Pr, o R o RErA1P RP . SHA. SUPT. 1 G. .N P HERROLD. OF ICE— C.T1 P-11— ENGINEER G- P. EOWLIN. SUPT..F W.—.1 - March 3, 1925. Eon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 13, Eastville Heights, from Cypress St, to Earl St. under Preliminary Order C. F. 57932, approved February 17, 1925: Estimated cost $980.58 Inspection 19.23 Cost per front foot .82 Frontage 1195.8 ft. Yours truly, /n . ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance: ,�*missioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL wUaca , - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 28, 1925. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement ° in the land necess<;ry for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 13, Eastville Heights, from Cypress St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 457933, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. j60532, approved June 30, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 13, Eastville Heights, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the mat*er dated July 28, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILNIF.N Yeas Nays .�an•�` Ferguson Hodgson ....... ........ In favor n Sudheimer 5�...Against Wenzel Mr. President i�i'.3 . 2c at,�-•Ja., Adopted by the Council--------------- 192..--_ 'X—roved _ 111?---- ;.... ........ 192... --- MAYOR AW r e�parhrne�r��h o f��F,1u,1"blic��s� JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE", DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. SRIDOH ENDINeER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIeP ENGINEER A, S. SHARP. SDIT. OF 5 WM. N. CAREV. SOFT. OF COReTRB-T —D REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUHH G. H. HERROLD. OFFIce um CITY PLNYMND ENOINHER - REPORT TO THF COUNCIL - In the mat',er of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 13, Eastville Heights, from Cypress St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order 6. F. iF57933, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. iF60532, approved June 30, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Cdorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement, to he taken by the £inures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of s,ch plan. Commissioner of Public 'r+orks. Dated July 28, 1925. CITY OF 8T.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REPORT OF °COM SSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) + he land nen—ArY In the matter of ,.('Mn -19t in fnr Al npimrt nll'tF ATli fi l l n i n the. g'TAll�Of Pl I e'r •. 'n 133nnl. 133 EaF Villa HPiah'tA� from ('jPregg + ..z iTet,-- - CT� under Preliminary Order approved— FebrLlHLy 17 1925 ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 a,y The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION c 1 13 Eastville Heiohts 2575 2 13 4 do 400 3 13 do _25 4 13 do 25 5 13 do 25 6 13 ' do 25 7 13 do 50 B 13 do 2050 g 13 do 1250 _.. 10 13 do 1975 _- TOTAL, Farm B. B. le ,,. 11 - CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 4 -. DEPA TM ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIVMISSIONER'`OF -FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 , 13 Eastville Heights 375 - - - --- 12 13 do 375 _ 13 1P do 375 _. 14o 13 do 3600 15 13 do 3050 16 13 do 450 17 13 do 2900 18 13 4 do 23cO 19 13 do 2300 20 13 do 2900 21 13 do 2050 22 13 do 400 23 13 'do 350 24, 13 do 5 350 25 13 do 2375 26 13 do 2375 27 13 do 2025 29 13 do 2550 29 13 do 5050 30 13 do 625 45125 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— C mivvioner of Fianace. Farm 0.0.12 Office of the Commissioner o¢ Public �Io c �.I V Report to Commissioner o. Finance MAR 5 1985 --------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under. consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No:_57933----- approved- _?nn!Ym 5 ---------- 191---, relative to Condemning and taking an easement in_the_land necessary_£or____ slopes, cuts and Hills in the grading_of_alley in -Block 13__-_-_ ----------------------------------------------- ------ Eastville Heights, from Cypress St._to-Earl_St______________________ ------------------------- ------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______________ and the total cost,thert, eof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _______-- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----------------------------------------------------------------.--- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------- ----------- Commissioner of Public Works. VN �-j ®28 foot the Matter oonsent f eonstru 11t. a he north side ide of -Otto Ave&from Cleve- land Ave. to. 3lount-Corve..Eoule- �.m. eland Avei and on hto Alla Issipe south pl'River COUNCIL FILE NO. .. _ _...... Blvd, exoent wAere rood and suRi- lent aid ewalks ow `eAst, under f—PrOhninary Ord x0043 approved °-•been had rn p J •. ®K. t UpOn due lYlWW JJYy11 LJ(t, JMJ ..,o^1Td. In the Matter of....c.onstructing..s. six.. foot, .cement. tile sidewalk on_the_.,_ north side of Otto Ave. _from _Cleveland..Ave._to Flount Curve_ Boulevard, and on the south side from. ClevelandAvenue_ to hiississippi.,River,Blvd!., except where -good and sufficientsidewalks.. nom.. exist, . .......... .. __ .......... under Preliminary Order. 600.43 ._.... _.__.......... approved ........June..9,..192.5 ..........._..._ _.......... Intermediary Order _... __ __.... _ _approved... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .construct ..a .six foot...coment. ti.le sidewalk on. the .north -side. of Otto. Ave.._from Clevel.and_Ave, to_Nount.Curve _Boulevard, and.. on ..the...s.outh side..from Cleveland. Avenue to mississippi River B.lvd.., except ..where. .good and sufficient sidewalkS..now..exist,____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Z57 Z Adopted h}' the COL1116lJUl. 281925 AL 28 1926 Approved 1 1 192 Counciln,ao C'!'tnPr"'�� , Councilman Ferguson Councilman $P o[iI'nard l CouncilmanZZWK Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor 'Nelson Form 13. S. A. S -i. _. ... ... . City Clerk. Mayor. RMLISMD .� J , CITY OF ST. PAUL f. i - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) c� In the matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of OTTO AVE. from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard and Q� on the south side from Cleveland Ave.to Mias.River Blvd..--- _ C= under Preliminary Order approved June 9 19 25 ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 fr nt The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is '51,10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 29 John Gaarden's Third Add. 600 2E do 300 27 do 300 26 do 300 25 do 300 .24 do 300 �3 do 300 22 do 300 21 do 300 20 do 300 TOTAL, r..m s. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 ; 4 DEPAArMENT OF FINANCE i j; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 John Gaardenls Third 300 F' 18 do 300 17 do 300 16 do 300 15 do 350 30 5 Saint Catherine Park 325 29 5 Second Add. 300 28 5 do 300 275 do 300 26 5 do 300 �5 5 do 300 24 5 do 300 23 5 do 300 22 5 do 300 21 5 do 300 20 5 do 300 19 5 do 300 16 5 do 300 �7 5 do 300 16 5 do 32.5 22 4 do 325 21 4 do 300 3o0 20 4 do 19 4 do 300 18 4 do 300 17 4 do 300 i6 4 do 300 15 4 . __ do o TOTAL 304 — - DEPARITY OF ST. PAUL TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (B): _ ASSESSED ; DESCRIPTION LOT '.BLOCK ADDITION i VALUATION Y 14 4 Saint Catherine Park 300; 13\ 4 Second Add. 300 12 4 do 300 South 1/2 of Lot "A" do 1200 I _ 1 1 Saint Catherine Park 700 2 1 do 450 j 1 do 350 4 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 g 1 do 300 10 1 do 300 11 1 do 300 12 1 do 300 13 1 do 300 14 1 do 450 1 2 do 325 2 2 do 300 3 2 do 300 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 300 •6 .2 do 300 A 7 2 do ado S 2 do 300 9 2 da; 300 voT a.o.i TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL - 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' S ADDITION VALUATION 10 2 Saint Catherine Park 300 11 2 do 300 12 2 do 300; 13 2 do 300 14 2 do 300 15 2 do 3?5 1 3 do 325 2 3 do 300 3 3 dd 300 4 3do 300 5 3 do 300 6 3 do 300 7 3 do 300 8 3 do 300 9 3 do 300 10 3 do 300 11 3 do 300 12 3 do 300 13 3 do 375 14 3 do 450 1 4 do 400 24 4 do .400 1 5 do 400 1 3 Edgeoliff Add.No. 2 9?5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to i said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. llated_ -192 a ----- Commissioner of finance. Farm I3. B. 12 1 St. Paul, Minn.,...:..._..Rau..1.5.,................. 19-.z. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............................................................................................. ......_.................................................................................................................... Sidestalks....on....Qtt.o.........................-........--....................................................... Ave. from.. ............ River ...Blind........................................................... ...... _........... .........................__.._ _.....-_.......................... .x61. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /3 /Y I'la /o Z / .nG lLL(.L[..;- ✓ 1- .Q3Na22 M� � _ .. . • � �. � os.. �I .__ .J _ E�����_ . 1 �_ .-. 7 _.._. I L �.- � I I �I I � .; C I 1 > _. .� 4 I� , __ —� y _ _ _. --"/.moi t= �. - �''F °;.fi" �! �� �.o � I� � � —c?. -+ .1. �..,..�,-�.� �'�� �� � 1 o� --s�.-' � �'� -. y-: �_I I __ C yl,� / IL ___I �-_/s _�II ..; �.�.� y � I ISLE I � �� r� `�- � I � I � -`\ � �, � .����i ! z, I ,, � I � ,� I � �,� I � � � �.; f _ ,� _ ��� i _ _ I �� j ,� I,�� : � - - __ _ -- _ __. - Office of the Commissioner of Public.. r� Report to Commissioner of Finance os-! P $h haD� NEiA pi JUN 1.919 $6 June 16. 1925 1Q9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...6.0. - 0. 43 ................ approved .... ......... ... June 9 ......_.................... ....... 192 ............. 5 ............. _192 ....... _.... relative to the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north _ side o£ Otto Ave.. from Cleveland__ Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard_._ and on ....._.. the south _aide from Cleveland_Avenue.to Mississippi River Boulevard. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................. ............ - .... .necessary and (or) desirable. :1.10 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. ...... ....................... _............. and the total cost thereof is $.. .... ..... ............. _._...... ....__._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ .......................... _................. ._... .................... _....... ...._____._._.._...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ............................. .................. asked for,upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. tYY . Commissioner of Public Works. ----------- —-------- — ---------------- -- - Vt029 C F No. 61029— III the Matter bf Pairing Vandalia St or UNve..... Ave. to Territorial I- 5d, ineluding sewer,.. water ', and d' r•` 1ConaeCtlend from-street mains et..'�eoperty-]lnes.cRmPlete;where + already-,made. driveway riv ay and, COUNCIL FILE NO... _. _.,.., and pavtng drwen ae and.: ... ��rnr'ach2...-;nh By., - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.paving Vandalia Street.. from -University Avenue. to Territorial Road, including sewer, water _and..gas_ connections .. from.street.mains_tc property lines.complete.. where not already.made,.alse including curbing and paving driveway-and alley approaches,-where-necessary, - - __ ..._ _...... _ .................. .......... ..__ ..... ._ _ _ ......._...........__..._. .................. _._ ......... _..... .............. under Preliminary Order..5$5.18........_approved.....Mar..ah..2,1,. ;1925.. _........... ....... . Intermediary Order. ._ _ ......approved.. .. _... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..pave ._Vandalia_.Street. from --Univ ersity..Avenue to-Territ.or:ial Road,_ including. sewer, water. and gas.. connections from street mains....to...property..lines complete,-where-not-already-made,-also including curbing ...and ..paving -driveway and alley-approaches, where necessary, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVFI) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Forks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �L 2 8125 .Adopted by the Council 2 81925 City Clerk. Approved _.... 192 ... . l, Mayor. /Councilman Ferguson ✓counciIrrt Xih,:X Hodgson ouncilman Sudheimer tom( uncilman Wenzel mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S-i. h'_'YTYIJLISLI�—•— .5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF FINPNCJE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Paving Vandalia Street from uniya city Avenue to TA ritnrial Rn arl i--. nr•l 1�di[1g 4 .VP,r, water and aae C_onrie crinr - __ main +n property lines complete, whAre not already made, also includin&eu� and paving driveway and alley approaches,vfhere necessary_.___.—___— J under Preliminary Order approved MarOh 24 1925• ----- To thtifouncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Faving 31211 Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Concrete Blocks Flat Asphalt concr. Total Sq. Yd. 5.92 4.90 3.78 3.22 Intersections � 14,244.00 „'11,790.00 y$9,095.00 $7,748.00 & wheelage Froperty share 15,3'.'4.00 12,"25.00 9,816.00 8,362.00 29,618.00 24,515.00 18,911.00 16,110.00 T o t a l (a)Front ft. 7.59 6.23 4.73 3.99 Add for cenent curb w' -ere not in 0Be9Perlin. ft. 6t1 Sewer connections, 1aclh ..eter 00 //all ,.dn x v •3S%ri .,., p That pa rt of 6 4 do 14900 lying Southwest of the Minn. Transfer Railway Companyls 30 ft. strip - Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. _ CITY OF BT.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR'i' Olr COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the atter of Paving Vandalia Street from UnAve situ Avenne to Territorial afyaA including aPl1Pr,•wat Pr gnfl gas conn Potinnsft.rppt. mning to property lines complete, whAre not el ready made,also including_.curbin�__ and paving driveva2 and alley approaches, where necessary. The lots or parcels of lan--d tliaL may Ue ussesseu oelle..�> o---- �,_ ___. pa reel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION That part of lying Southwest of the Minn. Transfer Railway Companys 30 ft. strip. That part of lying southwest of the "Minn. Transfer 3ailway Company's 30 ft. strip. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 4 Robbins and others Rear. 20000 6 4 do TOTAL. F. B. B. 10 14 900 CITY OF ST. PAUL - O ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT•OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)- .. ....'. ASSESSED BLOC DESCRIPTION K VALUATION ADDITION --: - .- - a. Robbins and Others Rear, h4 LOT That part of 5 4 I 6 s i 0. ;dying Southwest of the IAinn. `,Transfer Railway Company's "30 ft. strip. - That part of Lots 4,5 and 6. 41 do 700 - - lying North of the Minnesota . G Transfer aailway Company'3 30 ft. strip. - 10 2 do 30007 9 2 do 1225, 8 2 do 16375 (: 7 . 2 do South a of Territorial ( ) Road vacated and adjoining (.( 6 .2 29405 ' So. '- of Territmrial Road( ) -- ) vacated and adjoining 5 2 )' i -s 9 r IH ` - - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPQRT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 67 Hetvittls Outlots, First 25560 and Second Division Except the Northwest 60 ft. of the South 150 ft.) 66 do 13500 The Northwest 60 ft• of the South 150 ft. of 66 do 45000 3 Robbins and Others 116000 Rearrangqemn nt v c� 4 572 50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -192 —-----��''•� � !" +�Co_. F. n. B. 12 sinner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn.ntaroh 18th .___192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St". Paul, Minn. r Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _ __----........Vandalia.....--...._.__.............---...---_.._......____..................--------- St. from Univers its.__._._____.__-_ -St•Ave. to_ territorial Road —St. Ave. Office of, the Com riissioner of Public -Works ®0. - Report to Commissioner of Finance �v �9 ra --- May- 29.,._1825 --------- 191-___ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__5851&_-- approved- -Yareh.24,-192.5_191___, relative to Paving Vandalia St. from UniversitT Ave. to Territorial Road, including sewer, water and gas connections from street to property lines - -------Tains------------------------- complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving ------------------------------ driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_---_______-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �) ------ --------------------- --------------- i Commissioner of Public Works. k °b %Uvkl� Pr ®yeparrh�r�ne�h;ArcnAVIRRIc\ yr s p JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SD— OF —R-01 MI REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFI— ANO CT' PI.ANNIN. ENGINEER Hon, John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Workso Dear Sir: 0 M... GRYTEAK. —DOE ENGINEER T,( p A. D. SHARP, EDPs. DP 1-1"May 28, 19256 G. P. O.L... SUPT. OF WORNNO... I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Vandalia St. from University Ave. to Territorial Road, including sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not alreedy made, also including ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #56518, approved March 24, 1925: Length 1129 ft. Width of Roadway 40 ft, Frontage 1946 ft. Street 80 PAVING 3*" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Blocks IFlat.. Asphalt coner. Concrete — Total Sq. Yd. 5.92 4.90 3.78 3.2E Intersections & Wheelage $ 14,244.00 11,790.00 9,095.00 , 7,748.00 Property Share 0 15.374.00 12,725.00 9.816.00 8,362.00 T o t a l $29,618.00 624,516.00 818,911600 $16,110.00 (curb extra) (a) Front ft. 7059 6.23 4.73 3.99 No sewer in street. Add for cement curb where not in 501 per lin. ft. 6" Sewer connections, each No sewer in 3/4" Water " if $45.00 Yours truly, C of Engineer. YC roved for transmission t C!n. sio er of Fin cmiesior of Public Works, TRACKAGE CONNECTIONS CHICAGO OFFICE WITH ALL RAILROADS S tt 0 4 427 W ERIE STREET ENTERING THE TWIN CITIES SHIPPING STATION NEW YORK OFFICE MINNESOTA TRANSFER.MINN.J. .� -. 100 BROAD STREET OFFICE 739 PILLSBURY AVE. March 20th, 19 25. JOHN MaoDONALD, COMMISSIONER. City of St.Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: lye are enclosing herewith an application for the paving of Vandalia Street from University Avenue to Territorial Road, and would appreciate it if you would place same in line for a hearing at an early date. Would state that the signatures do not represent a majority of the frontage, but on account of this being entirely an industrial property and to encourage industries for St.Pau1, we feel justified in requesting this improvement, in view of the fact that we now have under construction a reinforced concrete building for the sole purpose of taking care of small industries who are seeking locations in St.Paul, in which we must look to the Council for assistanoe and hope to have the opportunity of showing the Council what we are endeavoring to do, with a luncheon at our plant when the weather becomes more favorable. Yours truly, CE E COMPANY, By J.P.Feuling*M. Enclosure. 61®30 Infrom "9eveath Stlagng Margaret 'St. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ with a=we to Earl tions fromr,' watt r'anda uay Street,' lines co whe�1es to =nmiee-' mplete, Property Y- - also cuibin not .already _.. _... _ _... -made, and driveway nn,pa he, a yere FINAL® �� na=cesaary, under Preliminary order 68060, aproved April •ud public hearing.. having been 1.- naon the aboveymANI 2-1.-•------ In the Matter of.paving Margaret Street _from. Seventh—Street. to—Earl ..Street, with sewer, water and gas connections from street ma ns_.to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing -and -paving -alley and. driveway approaches, where necessary, _...._. ......... under Preliminary Order. _ 58660 approved... April -2nd, .1.925...-.. Intermediary Order _ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the. same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by thesaidCity is pave_. Margaret Str..eet..from Seventh .atreet to Earl Street.,_ with sewer,..w.a.ter and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving ...alley -and .driveway approaches, where necessary, _ and the Council hereby orders said impro%ement to be made. RESOI.VED F1,RTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authotized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the council JUL _._ -IP _1925. _......._ ., 19x':�'7 "j- JUL� JUL 2 S 1925 City Clerk. Approved _. ...__ 192......_ /i A ' ,. e �(-�tra ncrl'tisit`'� k,�Councilnlan Ferguson ,C;,gttnciJ.uia d Councilman2XMX gson Councilman Sudheimer /..Councilman Wenzel — Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 3-7. t Mayor.ji, :t y 7 c Q �C f CITY OP BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI9NER OF FINANCr ON PRELIMINAR t ORDER (A) _...... .. In the matter of��in� Maaret St rzet Aleventh St to Earl St , w, th sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already madeal_44_____ ._—.�-- curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, --where ne oessary------- -- under Preliminary Order approved AnT 19 25 ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ Length 2,567 ft. Width of 8 60 Frontage 5,274.ft. Is 11 reetY ft. PAVING 3z" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Asphalt Concrete Flat Asphalt 0oncr. Concr. 711 Reinf, Blocks Total.Sq.Yd: 6.00 4.95 3.56 3.50 3.30 Intersections 1 12,152.00 & Wheelage $15,936.00 $15,7 7•00 x"11,046.0010,415.gC Property Share 42,192.00 35 019.00 27,144.00 24,612.00 23,206 .00 T o t a l x$61,125.00 ?50,736.00 139,326.00 $ 35,655.00 $33,621.0( (a) Front Ft. 7.59 6.23 4.73 4•?5 3.99 (Curb extra) 911 Sewer from 7th St.to Mendota 911 If 11 Forest to Cypress 611 a If Cypress to Earl 5.3�fo grade The extension of the relief sewers planned would require building new sewer on Mendota from Beech to Margaret, on Margaret from 220' west of Mendota to Forest and on Forest south two blocks Add for cement curb where not in 55¢ per lin. ft. 311 Sewer connections, each $ 50.00 11 " 39.00 3/411 Water ..._ .... TOTAL. - _.. .. .. _...,...,, B. B. 10 .. - .. ..:.;.,- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIC)NER OF FINANCE` ON PRELIMINAR I ORDER (A) ' 1 In the matter ofping M9rgaret Street Aromeventh St. to Earl St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made,_ also curbing and ria -vi- -I'-- DESCRIPTION lT-^ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (That part of Block 10 Lyman Dayton's Add.to described as follows: Beg.at the city of Saint Paul corner of Mararet & Sinnen Ste. thence E.6 1 'to WE corner thence 5.69.7 'to N.line of Sinnen St.thence NW to beg. Part of Block 10 desc.as follows: A strip of land 3' wide on WE side of Sinnen St. do and So.of Margaret Place 1 Margaret Place 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do TOTAL. Farm B. D. to ASSESSED VALUATION 5400 6700 1350 2200 1650 2650 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PREti MINAF ( ORDER (B) -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION ASSESSED 4 VALUATION + b Margaret Place 2500 1 W.Grubels Subd.of Block 35p0. 104 of Lyman Dayton's 2 Add.to St.Paul 700 3 do 4750. The West 17.501of 4 do 300 The East 17.50,11,of Lot 4 & all 5 do 900 6 do 5100 7 do 2500 All of 5 ado and the West 1/2 Of 9 575 The East 2 of 9 do 3075 & West 1/2 of. 10 The East 2 of 10 & West � of 11 do 3700 The East 3 of 11 and all o£ 12 do m 2550 13 do 3300 14 do 2900 15 do 3550 15 103 Stinsonls Subd.of Block 4650 14 103 103 of Lyman Dayton's Add. 3300 13 103 do 3600 12 103 do 2100 11 103 do 1550 10 103 do 3750 9 103 do 650 5 103 do 6000 7 103 do 3550 6 103 vonnf e.e.i- do TOTAL 57150 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) a _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 103 Stinson's Subdivision of 2750 Block 103 of Lyman Dayton's 4 103 Add.to St.Paul 3 103 do 2 103 do ) 35250 -10 1 103 do 1 102 H.M.Ranney's Subd. ) 3175 2 102 Blocks 101 & 102,Lyman Dayton's Add.to St.Paul 3 102 do 3750 5 4 102 do 600 5 102 do 5200 6 lop- do 600 7 102 do 2050 8 102 do 1450 9 102 do 600 10 102 do 3900 11 1102 do 600 12 102 do 6000 13 102 do 2650 14 102 do 2200 15 102 do 3650 1 101 do 42oo 2 101 do 3750 3 101 do 4000 4 lol do 2750 5 101 do 500 6 lol do 500 7 FOR, 101 do TOTAL 500 . CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 1aLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 101 H.H.Ranney's Subd.cd 2000' 9 101 Blocks 101& 102 Lyman Dayton's Add. 500 10 101 do 1050 11 101 do 1450 12 101 do 475 13 101 do 1600 14 101 do 500 15 101 do 500 1 3 Schurmeir's Seventh St.Add. 5350 2 3 do 700 3 3 do 700 4 .3 . do ) 3300 5 3 do ) 6 3 do 7000 1 Otto's Subdivision of not 3000 2 15 of Otto's Subdivision 2325 3 do 4325 4 do 4475 5 do 4575 6 do 5375 7 do 3225 g do 3575 9 do 2975 10 do 2225 11 do 2575 12 do 3625 13 do 3075 14 do TOTAL 4075. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 16 106 Robert P.Lewis' Subd.of ) 6350 Block 106 of Lyman- )) The West 2 ft.of 17 106 Dayton's Add.to St.Paul, The E. 38 ft -of 17 106 do 2275 _18 lo6 do 1850 19 lo6 do 2100 20 106 do 2350 21 106 do 3000 22 106 do 1950 23 lo6 do 2050 The West 262' of.24 :lo6. do 1525 The E.13-215' of 24 106 & the W.13' of 26 106 do 1525 The East 27' of 25 106 do 2125 26 lob do 3000 27 lo6 do 1150 28 lo6 do 750 29 106 do 1850 30 106 do 4550 (Exc.the N.81.of Lot 1 for Adam Gotzian's Subd.of 650 alley & exc.E.80' Lots Block 107, Lgman Dayton's 3,2 & 1 107 Ada. (Exc.the N.81of Lot 1 for alleo the W.401of the E. 80' of Lots 3,2 and 1 107 do 60o (Exc.the N.81of Lot 1 for alley, The E.401of Lots 3,2 and 1 107 do 550 4 ;107, do 2100 ,5 107. do 2950 e...ii 6 107 do TOTAL 1900 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) to t -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t 7 107 Adam Gotzian's Subd.of 2250 Block 107, Lyman Dayton's 8 107 2200 9 107 do 1250 10 107 do 1800 11 107 do 600 12 107 do 2100 13 107 do 21400 14 107 do 16100 15 107 do 2000 16 108 Oharles Friend's Subd.of g 6o0 Block 108 of Lyman 4350 r 17 108 Dayton's Add.to St•Paul 18 108 do 2400 19 108 do 24550 I; 20 108 do 3850 21 108 do 2775 22 108 do 2675 23 108 do 825 24 108 do 500 25 108 do 4100 26* 108 do 3250 27 108 do 3950 28 108 do 500 29 108 do 1950 30 108 do 600 - TOTAL 360,150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Forks. Dated-- –e2�------ — -192-5– --- -__. _.._. __.— ._ �_. _ -C% Foran B. B. 12 er of Finance. St. Paul, Minnlwa--&�1-._192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Vie. X No-1-:=j9OV17ers dr'Ivera Ave. , 2 )k�';e,..--- t/ ®o msa df /?eco rl 2 (A< J r r V E' j H - D -1 IAI X No-1-:=j9OV17ers dr'Ivera Ave. , 2 )k�';e,..--- t/ ®o msa df /?eco rl 2 St. Paul, Minn._... — ---------- To The Honorable, The Council, I I City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: f X r" 01� x X P Ave. Ave. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION U 114 �7 3 Ps S'i L 6�e 3 63 F '0 ....... ..... ... �4q= '14 4"� !_1 Aja � ami ei-zs- or' R eca ed &Aem of Aecapd St. Paul, Minn. —_--- _192— To The Honorable, The Council, 'City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: V M M --St. Ave. St. Ave. frorn-_ a/ --St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6VNV0A. 7/ 16 4z JA "T 9 1 I P11,104e rzf i Office of the Commissioner of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance �.�,; C1 ---------Mag- 2$,_192&9 _-191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._5866o ---- approved-AP_ril_2i_1925 ___191___, relative to Paving margaret St.from Seventh_ St, to-�arl_St._ with_ seg{erg water____ and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------where necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-_-__-----__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. V0'� IVe%parhmeri,h V fF�,O,b'liic wrl }s ' JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE MARD. CHIEF -.1—PWM. N. CAREY ESUPT. OP CON6TR.—H AR May 28, 1925. G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE All CITY PLAHHIHs IN — Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Margaret St. from Seventh St. to Earl St., with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #68660, approved April 2, 1925: Length 2,867 ft. Width of Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 5,274 ft. " " Street 60 ft. PAVING 32" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Asphalt Concrete Blocks Flat Asphalt donor. Conor. 7" Reinf. Total Sq. Yd. 6.00 4,98 3.86 3.50 3.30 Intersections & Wheelage $18,936.00 $15,717.00 012,182.00 $11,046.00 x$10,415.00 Property Share 42,192.00 36.019.00 27.144.00 24,612.00 23,206.00 T o t a l $61,128.00 650,736.00 059,326.00 $35,658.00 $33,621.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.69 6.23 4.73 4. 6 99 �cdrb extra.) 9" Sewer from 7th St. to Mendota 9" " if Forest to Cypress 6" Sewer from Cypress to Earl 5.3%6 grade The extension of the relief sewers planned would require building new sewer on Mendota from Beech to Margaret, on Margaret from 220' west of Mendota to Forest and on Forest south two blocks Add for cement curb where not in 65 per lin. ft. 6" Sewer connections, each 50.00 3.4" Water if 39.00 Yours truly �� . 4,9114 hie fnigineer. roved for transmission7 t C i s er of Finano�e. Commissioner of Publico Wo'rk�s.� - 61031 COUNCIL PILE NO. By, p FINAL ORDER z In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Ravoux Street from Carroll Avenue to a point 85 feet south of the south line of Rondo Street, C. F. No. 61031- 1n the Matter of construeting a sewer - - n Rev.—St. from Carroll Ave. to a Point 85 feet south of the south line of Rondo St., under Preliminary „....... ..... .... .. .... - Order 58855 approved April 14, 1025. A publie hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dus i notice, and the Couneil having heard -- - - all-n=retina,'-oblecttnn- _ - under Preliminary Order. 58855 approved.. Aprll_,14,. 192~5,........, ._ Intermediary Order _approved_ _.__......... A public hearing haying been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons. ohjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, he it L RFSOIXF1). By the Council of the City of Si. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Citv is CAnstru C.t a.. sewer_. on RavouX .Street. from Carroll. Avenue to a point 85 feet South _of_the south line _of Rondo Street, and the Council orders ,aid huprnycnient to he made. RF,SOLV E11) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is lierebv instructed and directed to prepare plan, and specification, for ;aid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of'3aid inijirovement in accordance therelyidt. Adopted by the CounciJUL *8 1925 19 a v Apprn vcd tHPp��96. fS 1925 192Cit Clerk. _. _.... ._..... � Mayor. Councilman Councilman Ferguson'gUBLiShED S Co un c i l m a n ",k�i�rm�hrl� S Councilman km= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavnr Nelson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF 6T/PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI&STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of C-Qllstruct a sever on_Ravoux Street from C:,rroll 1.venue to nn4nt B5 feet smith of the south line of 3ondo Street. --moi ate' under Preliminary Order approved t p-"'il 14 1925• --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 714.00 //front The estimated cost perpoot for the above improvement is S 2'25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION bT,. 33 1/3' of SO. 100 " of 1 6 Tondo's Add- to the City 1675 South 66-2/31 of 1 6 c'r, St. Paul L, 50 East 50 ft- of 4 6 do 2200 ( '7est P1 of 6 7 do 5850 ( & a strip 25 ft wide and (200 ft. long lying "lest of (and adjoining said Lot 6' '.lest of 7 z & 8 7 do 4000 TOTAL. 14975 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Corks. Dated a q t9h�- Commoner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 is s Iff U19h R®N® 4 I S ADD Y V tPi 0 w� .nT 0 } . St. Paul, Minn. 2 _ 192: To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: —....__.._.._.__......_..... _....c s v c.. .....-.l_ % .�.-- — �. 0 St. Ave. from__(/( --. ----St. Ave. to—A .._ dta..... _.. St. Ave. } L . Office ef, the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 19 " ` ' 7 1925 ---- h§ay_ 7 1925-------191---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Nc.___58855 --approved 14, 1925191___, relative to _______ the construction of c sewer on iiavoux 3trpet from Carroll - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- venue to s Doin*., 95 fpPt south f ::endo ---------------------=------------ ------- - ----- ---of the--------y---outh-----li----nr---o--------------------- 3treet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2.25 per front foot 714.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $-_____-_____, Inspection X14.00 2rontaee X17 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. ________________ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------- Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Works. ;y)�Rl W, T PIT parkagot v' ;f JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. --.— C..MI..N.A GEORGE M. SHEPARD ClIEr 11D C. .1 — I.. .—A.. G. H. HERROLD, OPFlee AND — P_.N. _ May 6, 1925. Hon John H. LTCDonald, Hon. of Public Dear Sir: A. B. ..A.P. HOPE..P BANRATON G. P. BOWLIN, S- Or WOMHOuga I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost Cor the construction of a sewer on Ravou:x Street from Carroll Avenue to a point B5 feet south of the south line of _rondo Street, under Preliminary Order C. 1. if58865, approved April 14, 1925: Estimated Cost x;714.00 Cost per front ft. 2.25 Inspection 14.00 ?rontage 517 ft. Yours truly, K4_X-94 C, of Engineer. Approved for transmission to t4.f, Commissioner of 011missioner of Public Iior,:s. C. F. No. 01052— n tructing a la lnfoot MateIIo o[ile� sldewnik, on the cem f Falnce St. Yrom Lex - south side Ed cube Road dr- e—ton Ave. to d and suKiclent side- COUVCIL FILE NO. cent wbere gpe reitmtnary .. walks nota exist, u d June 9. 1926• Ar yubl/c 41 ea°rf gv having been hd. ad Bv. bova lmprovoVtent uV�he¢cid the the CounM'L-I�evtrig objections 'and"r a omMi n- ing FINAL ORDE In the Matter of. constructing a six foot cement _tile_ sidewalk_ on the . south side of Palace Street from Lexington Avenue to_Edgcumbe Road, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist,. under Preliminary Order 60042 approved._ June 9, 1925,_ Intermediary Order. .approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by file said Cit, is construct a six .foot .cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Palace Street from Lexington_ Avenue to Edgeumbe_Road, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist,_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER. 'That the Connnissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare phut, and specilicatinns for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herebv authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said impruvenirnt in accordance therewith. JUL 2.8 19Z _Adopted by the Counrif.. _MCit� J(1L 2� l��prk. :Approved _- 192or. Councilman ( a _ Councilman Yergason i PtJBLISID 8•���� Councilman S4Flaaxrfi<i`1 Councilman IBX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimcr C,vIincilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson' Form 13. S. A. S -i. CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRE 4A RY ORDER (A) In the matter of oonstrut the sidenaPc n +he swith_ side of Palace Street from Lexington Avenue to Ed�-curnbe Road — —F 9.1 92 -- __ - -_ - — --- under Preliminary Order approved June J To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S fnt The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED 1 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 650 32 1 do 1500 71 1 do 400 70 1 do 400 �9 1 do 4c0 26 1 do 400 �7 1 do 600 26 1 do 4900 The East o' ft. of 25 1 do and all of 4125 Except the East LI � 2 1 do and the East 4.061of 23 1 F.- B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER qF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (e) to ArSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .VALUATION I The '�7est 37.971 of 23 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 1275 22 1 do ) 2 1 do 3425 TOTAL - 18375 The Commissiuuer of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together With the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192 Commis oner of Finance. W NER E K St. Paul, Minn1_ --- 192J_ To The Honorable, The Council, 'City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the foll 7w ing improvement to be made: 7, ... ......................... ........ .......... . ............ - 4 . .. .............. ..... . . . . . .......... . ...... St. -A:gre. Ave. t ......_.._......._.........-..___.......___._St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Office of the Commissioner of Public � E 21, Report to Commissioner of Finances I 111110 719 _............_June 16,. 192 % 1 25 ...............192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: e The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideratioL the preliminary order of the 60042June 9, 1925 .192..........., relative to Council, known as Council File No._.........._...........___apProved..._................_..._..._........_._........._. the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the aouth ..... .........__.__.._........................... ....._.._..__......... .._...._............ __..........._...... _..._......._..........._._ _ ....._......................_ sdde of Palace Street from Lexington Avenue to Edgecumbe koad. _ ......... ... ........ __...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._._._.._...._..... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.10 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._ ..... ..................... _..._..._., and the total cost thereof is $_..__........_......_................_., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is........._...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. i � (C(IJ�.Qq sal CITY OF ST. PAUL -- • cofcL NO ------- . 23 FILE' e' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A 1-\,n July 26th, 1925. RESOL In the matter of opening, wideninti7 and estendiI Imontana Ave. to a width of 60 ft, from Arcade t . to '•1eide :?ve., under 'reliminary Order C X59599, approved 19th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. P. ,60263, approved June 23rd, 1925. The Commissioner of -'urllic 'Jor}:s havilzt, submitted his report and ;Letch in the above IITi tt: r, be it 2EJO.V 1D, That the City of 3t. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be ta:.c:n f( r the above named im,rovement to be as follows A strip of land 60 ft. wide across the ,ast 1/4 of the 3E 1/4 of the 7E 1/4 of Sec. 20, T-29, 2-22, and lyin>z between the :+orth and the 5011th lines of 1'ontana Ave., produces across said "Fast 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the idE 1/4 of 3eetion 20, T-29, R-22, from the East line of B. Schnitzius Addition to arcade St. C. F. No. 61033—By A. E. Nelson— in the matter of opening, widening' :and extending Montana Ave. to a width oP Go 'ft. from Arcade St. tot Weide Ave., underPreliminary or- der C. F. No. 59599, approved . \Pay 19th, 1926. and Intermediary Order' C. F. No. G0263, approved June 23rd, 1925. The Commisloner'of Public. Works haying-submited his report and sketch In" the above matter, be It Resolved, That the city. of St. Paul' flies and.. determines the amount of landtobe taken for the above named! Improvement to be as follows:- A, strip of land, 60_ft. wide across, the East %. of the SE 'Aaof the 'NE if of Seo. 20, T-29, R-22, ndlying .be-. tween the North and the South lines of Montana Ave., produced across aid"; East Ya. of the SE j -of the NE a of Section 20, T-29.' R-22, from the East:'. ' line of B. Schnttzius Addition to Ar- rude St. JUL Q 5 1925 COUNCILMEN c - Approved sly 28. 19261-7u1y 23 1926. the Council ....._- .l9'1.....- S ---- Yeas va s (Aug. 1-1926) . )' / ygy pt JULN C Ferguson H�o_d�gson App'oved-- - ....... - ..... -99 - In fn or � •cMeRQnald _� 1 ........................................................MAYOR .- Sudheimer ...............Against Wenzel Mr. President D,e p -a rihme nih o FI 'pm bif c r,Es s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. O-.- COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENCIrvEER M. 5. GRYTBAK. BPIUGE ENCIrvEER WM. N AREY. SUPT. oP Cl—R-11 A A. B. SHARP, 8 p SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE All CITY PLANNING ENC— G. P. DOWLIN. E— aP WOR m—, ----REPO ,T ':10 li'!IE COUL'CIL---- In the matter of opening, widening and extendinI' Liontane, Ave. to a width of 60 ft, from Arcade St, to eide Ave,, under Preliminary Order C. F. ; 59599, anrroved Ilay 19th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. n. 7#60263, approved June 23rd, 1925. To the Council of the City of :;t. Paul The Commissioner of I'uhlic aor;_s hereby suhmi-�s and (likes a hart of this, hi:s report, a plan of the a`Iove imnrovementshowing the L:nd necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded or-rCof slid plan, which land is more particularly described as follows A strip of land 60 ft, wide across the '3ast 1/4 of the 3E 1/4 of tiie :!E 1/4 of Section 20, T-29, 11-22, and lying, between the '.+orth and the Solith lines of Montana Ave, produced across said r,ast 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the '?E 1/4 0a Section 20, T-29, R-22, from the 'za::t line of n, Schnitzius Add'_tion to Arcade St. Commissoner of Public July 28th, CH -'?"'H - MONTANA :AVE'`' E /ine ol%.5 h if itis Add Arcade St- ; OP�N/NG Bureau '0- Engineers — .Opri/ 23 Go _ Go AVE - 777 w � Q 2 C� w7l, 77 ' I "ON- A.N 4 ; -A VE- 6zi9 � tu _ 5 W - - n NEB PA 5 KA A VE. I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF _FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Open, widen and extend Montana Avenue to a�i)ridth of 60 ft. from Arcade St. to "leide Avenue under Preliminary Order approved May 19, 1925. - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (A strip of land 60 ft- in width in the East 20 rods of the Southeast '—� of the Northpeesentst -41 oNorth•and �South 9lines11. 2of Montana strip lying between the p 1 Avenue as dedicated in B. Schmitzens Addition produced Easterly to Arcade Street:) moo (The East 20 rods of the Southeast s of the Northeast 4 of Sec. 20,T.29 R. 22, (Except Arcade St., "iheelock Parkway, and except to strip of land 60 ft. in width lying between the present North and South lines of 'Hontana Ave. as dedicated in B. Schnitzins Addition, produced easterly to Arcade Street) TOTAL. ' 112800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Coma}' sioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance r `£ 414Y ldayy 25c.._1925 _................................. 192........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59699 May 19, 1926 Council, known as Council File No.......................-............approved............_..................................-..................................192............, relative to opening, widening and extending, Montana Avenue to a width -of 60 feet from Aroade Street to Weide Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._... .......... _...... .... :.necessary and (or) desirable. xxxx 2. The estimated coat thereof is$...........................xxx .._._............, and the total coat thereof is $............................_. ........... ...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. ........... .............. ........................................ _......... ........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....._... . .....................r:.:::._._................................ .............................................. ........................................ ........._... _................ ............... ..... — __...... -- 5. Said improvement is ................... .........._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.............._........................-...._........._.........._.._ Commissioner of Pnblic Works. V V 6103,f COUNCIL FILE N0. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.grading_Asbury Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to ..Hoyt _ ___. Avenue, _ C. F. No, 61034 In -the Matter. of grading Asbury Ave. __... __..... .. -from Nebraska Ave: to Hoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order 69696. ap- proved May 19th; 1925. .. A nnhllc hearing having -been had ❑,e above Improvement upon due is Council having -heard .. __. __ _ ............ ....................._. ........... under Preliminary Order.. 59595 approved........May...19th.,.,.1925.,...... Intermediary Order approved.. A public hearing hating been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the ,aid City is grade. !?rebury Avenue. from, IlebraSka ifVenL18 to Hoyt Avenue,_ _ .................................. ............................ .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, "That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herebv authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopt(-([ b} thJUL.e Council _ 2 8 1925 City Clerk. Approved JUL 2u� 1925._ 192.__... Mayor. Councilman-F};rrtcz-- r Councilman Ferguson °r PUBLISIi4sD Councilman cDonald r Councilman Vn.ag7{. Hodgson Councilman Sudheimcr Councilman Wenzel \flavor Nelson Dorm 13. S. A. 8-7. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE II•�L��,--��p•���,E�R OF FRO NGE ON PRELI pY7-31RDER (A) f5 In the matter of gradingAabury revenue from Nebraska ,,venue to Hoyt Avenue ----�----------raj under Preliminary Order approved uty 19,1925 — -- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - g1�012 . jS fr,°ret G .85 The estimated cost e4 foot for the above improvem ret is Inspection p19.85 Frontage 1,19 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Hoyt's Rearrangement of 200 175 17 1 Hoyt's Oomo Out Lots 18 1 do 175 19 1 do 175 20 1 do 175 21 1 do 175 22 1 do 175 23 1 do 175 24 1 do 175 25 1 do 175 F.- B. B. IO - TOTAL. wP it CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMI. W.YVRDER 4 ' p (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 1 Hoyt ls Rearrangement of 175 27 1 Hoy tls Como.Dut Lots 175 28 1 do 175 29 1 do 175 30 1 do 175 1 2 do 175 2 2 do 175 3 2 do 175 4 2 do 175 5 2 do 175 6 2 do 175 7 2 do 175 8 2 do 175 9 2 do 175 10 2 do 175 11 2 do 175 12 2 do 175 13 4 do 175 14 2 do 175 15 2 dd 175 TOTAL - 5100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—fo -.2 3_. __. _192a ��� Commissi er of Finance. i>orm n. 11. 13 St. Paul, Minn..._.._�ri1 22�..__,--...__1925• To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, -the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . --- ............_.....-- _.._..--- Ave.s b.a . Ave. to ... _....... ---$O$t.._........... __..._—............ _............ — Ave. Office of -the- Commissioneri�of Pubhc ` 6r Report to Commissioner of Finance NEk Ot t ^' 04V ---------- May.-2R._a.9U__191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.59595----- approved ---- y_ 19¢_19215 _191___, relative to Grading Asbury—Ave, from Nebraska_Ave._to_Hoyt _Ave ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__-__--__--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Q. -- --- -- Commissioner of Public W;prks. V� V em-xv o 0&wq- pe`parh,rrzreraP�;' (a7v'biir,� vrlks - JOHN H. MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEL . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER May 28, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Bir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Asbury Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, under preliminary order C.F. #59595, approved May 19, 1925: Estimated cost +1,012.35 Inspection 19.85 Frontage 1,194 ft. Cost per front foot .85 It will not be necessary to condemn slopes for this improvement. Yours very truly, Chi P Engineer. Approved for transmissi to Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. AB j COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. paving Western Ave. from hlarshal1 Ave, to. Front. St. ,_. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property 92 lines complete, where not already made, algo curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, C. F. No. 61036— .......... In the hatter of from hffirshall ll paving Western• Ave. Ave. to Front St., with sewer, water and—gas connec- - tions from street mains to lines complete, here not Pnl endy made, also w drivewa curbing and paving _.,5nrr Y And alley. 3pProaCheB.: n Fressr,V...nndeT_ rose s, tinder Preliminary Order. 58661 approved.._ 'April .2, 1325.. Intermediary Order approved. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it p Cmincil (,f the a he ] extent at d kind of improvement ment tolbe inade by the sail (Iitc- ist,pavet Western Paut that tAve.`.`fromt Marshall ve._.t.o Front St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street_ mains to. property lines complete, where not already -made, also curbing and paving :.AJr!veway.-and _.-al ley__al�proaclzes..._.>vJacre,...rz�.cess.arv..-....._--._._. 40' Roadway Marshall to Como. Two 10J foot nide stripe separated by a 191 space. Como to Front. Material Brick Como to Front St. and on Grades exceeding 4%. Sheet Asphalt on concrete base for balance of street. z, 1ppruvcd ant} ('ouncilntan Ferguson / Councilman FXV--Xx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /( ouncilman %Venzel 11-11 1 favor Nelson Form B. S. A. S _ 192.... s �— ('• v Clerk. / Mayor. S® rusr,IsiED _0 t OUNCIL FILE NO. By. 61035 In the Matter of paving Western Ave. from Dlarshall Ave. to Front St.,, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary,. c• F. lva. 61036— In the Matter of paving {p¢stern Ave. from Marshall .Ave. to FrontA St., ' with sewer, water and_gas connec- it... from street mains to linea co plets. •here not palready, made, m o also curbing and paving drivewa-- _,ye e..np^pQ ndv alley anproache-,_ nyder Prel'MITIar-- under Preliminary Order 56661 approved.. April 2, -1.925.. Intermedias• Order approved. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, 13v the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made h} the said City is pave Western Ave... from 1; Ave to Front St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street_ mains_ to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing -and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, c �� tom;., 9 �,; ,�: }��1�;'- ' -� � _ •., `� � �d and the Council herehv orders said improvc•nicut to he made. t� RESOLVED F1'RTHICR. That the Commissioner of Public AV'orks he �Yld is her �at cted and dlrectP(l to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sX`mit s � Council for approval; that upon said approval• the proper city officials are herei)v ai}fttjior - nd i ted`to proceed with the making of .aid improvement in accordance therewith. l� AFI' adopted by t 2 the Council - �- I -_ r ... r 7 — i ........... .. I— c' y Clerk. Approv(d 192 04, Mayorrot, alley PUBLISHED Councilman Ferguson �®' 1 'Councilman PXxxx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer i ;/Councilman Wenzel �K�lavor Nelson pnrnl B. S. A. 8-7. � �W NITRD SECURITIES CORPORATION j ' JAMES N.J. J. TOOMCT. l.111 -v A o T-.... COIL DOEOHM AN, V cl[PnlliOewi A. T. 9TOLPa9TAD, -T. 9ecv. ANO Alar. T- 3 344 JACKSON STREET Saint Paul, Minn., July 20, 1925 City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of a notice from the Commissions r of Finance of a hearing to be held on July 20th, 1925, for paving Western Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Front Street, which evidently affects property which we own on Front Street west of Western Avenue, and which will come under the spread assessment of sixty cents per front foot. We have just been assessed for paving on Front Street, and as this property is not very valuable it can hardly stand an assessment Por improvements on adjoining streets, as we do not think it will be of a sufficient benefit to the property . We, therefore, wish to protest against being assessed for this improvement. Yours very truly, UNITED SECURITIES CORPORATI011 By Assistant Secretary + ATS :H U Eel C NORTIIWESTERN TRUST (COMPANY AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST N TIONAL RANK DIRECTORS'. OFFICERS. JAMES N.HILL UNDIVIDED —011— ROFITSL $si,335.00o qy, E RA5MLI5 C. LINDLEY G EO RGE P FLANNERY EGIL BOECKMANN i. r A-1LREs BUN EDWARD . DAMS HART. F. DRERER A-- LA"EIIEoDA D, ANNAFORD. JR N.. A_ R. Fish, n......, r..... ..... AL— A GREE—N SUNT IVWI_1111NNEISOTA\ July 20, 1925 City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs We are in receipt of a notice from the Commissioner of Finance of a hearing to be held on July 20, 1925, gor paving Western Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Front Street, which evidently affects property belonging to the Protestant Orphan Asylum, which we are handling for them, being west of western Avenue, and which will come under the spread assessment of sixty cents per front foot. We have just been assessed for paving of Front Street, and as this property is not very valuable it can hardly stand an assessment for improvements on adjoining streets, as we do not think such improvement will be of sufficient benefit to the property. 'go, therefore, wish to protest against being assessed for this improvement. Yours very truly, NORTETZESTER°NTR�US'T COLTANY By Real Estate Officer ATS :H J i i C e1rT of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - &PORT OF (S DAMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paying 'Western Ave . from Marshall Aloe to Front St . with sewer. water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and _paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order approved AAT .2 19 25 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S Length 7,330 ft. Width of Roadway 40 ft. Frontage 12,234 ft " 11 Street 46 ft. PAVING 31-" Oreo. Brick Laid Asphalt or Concrete locks Flat Asphalt Concr. 711 reinforced' Total Sq. Yd.. 5.90 4.8a 3.76 3.20 Intersections & Wheeiage $118,006.00 $ 97,605.00 $ 75,204.00 $ 64,003.00 Property Share6,24100 79,60 .00 61,333.00 52 199.00 214,247-00 177,208.00 136,537-00 537.00 ll ,6 202.00 (a) Front ft. 7.56 6.20 4.71 3.96 (Curb extra) Add for cement curb where not in 55¢ per lin. ft. 611 sewer connections, each $50.00 3/411 Water 11 11 40.25 (The East 3 ft. of 10 3 2400 and all of 11 3 do 6 3 do 2675 5 3 dd 3300 4 3 do TOTAL, 2300 Norm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL %. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE &PORT OF 6 A .ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter ofPaVing 'Western Ave . from Marshall Aire . to Front St . , with sewer water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing -and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary ____ parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas o ows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Grace's Add.to St.Paul 113200 7 3 do 3500 g 3 do 2725 9 3 do 6225 (Exc.the East 3 ft.) 10 3 do 2350 (The East 3 ft. of 10 3 2400 and all of 11 3 do 6 3 do 2675 5 3 dd 3300 4 3 Form B. B. 10 do TOTAL. 2300 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE G REPORT OF .go)MMISSIONER. OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B). ._. .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .. ,. 3 3 Grace's Add .to St .Paul 5600 The Southerly 91 ft. of 9 2 do 6750 the North 31 ft. do ) ) 2150 .(Except and except the South 91 ft. 9 2 )) (Except the North 31 ft. and except the South 100 ft.) 10 2 do The -North 31 ft. of Lots 9 & 10 2 do 1300 Southerly 100 ft .of 10 2 do 2200 .The 11 2 do 7250 12 2 do ) The South 40 ft -of 8 2 do 3000 lots 7t and y�6, South 8 2 do 400 SOefNorth Lots•6,7f and The North 62 ft.of Lots 7.& 8 2 do 11000 Except the South 80 ft. 6 2 do 1950 5 2 do 625 9 1 do 10 1 do ) 11 1 do. ) )) 12 1 do 10700 )? 8 1 do 7 1 do ))) 6 1 do 5 1 do ) Elfelt,Bernheimer & 12 12 Arnold's Add.to St.Paul 1000 11 12 do goo 10 12 do 900 1 12 do TOTAL 1050 POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Sr. Pnul.. MINN.r ___. _...'...:.eU.... �_..1 .........._1926... ,In thg�atter-Qf GRADING. condemning and taking an EASEMENT in the lands e(o slo or cuts gnd fills in grading.. a]..le..y is BIQQk ...2., .Cl.] .ark. t S fr•nmictoria St .to Vtely St.,_& Qons.t,seyJ.er__..ip said alley from. 70'E..,of o.n_ Victor. i.a .f...rom., said... alley .....1.Q.._Juno.. St. .. under Preliminary Order_._ ._ 66.89.7._... approved__Jul.y....6.,.192.6......._..................... under Preliminary Order . --668981-- , approved _..JULY ....8y 1926 ............._...._.. . To_.._.._.._..H......KT.eme'r..................... You arc hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above im rove- ment; that the total estimated coat thereof is the sum of $ 1,.2o3_�99..,, O.T,...7b .?ABT f: That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Chamber of theft Court House and City Hall Building, on the.....21st-.day of... __S-ePt ...............1916., in the City of St. Paul, 10 .'.lock A. M. -- Win." Commissioner of Finanance CITY OP - PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GREPORT OF CrVMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 12 Elfelt,Bernheimer & Arnold's 950 3 12 Add. to St. Paul 950 12 7 do 4050 11 7 do 1150 10 7 do 5000 1 7 do 8575 2 7 do 5725 3 7 do 2875 12 6 do ) 6150 11 6 do 3 10 6 do 2875 1 6 do 3025 2 6 do 3925 3 6 do 4775 the South 1/3 of 11 and f 12 1 do 4000 i J The North 2/3 of 11 and 12 1 do 1575 The 'jest 27-1/3 ft -of 10 1 do 3200 The East 22-2/3 ft -Of 10 1 and the W.4-2/3 ft -of 9 1 do 2000 1 1 do ; 37125 2 1 do ) The West 1/2 of 3 1 do 3400 The East 1/2 of 3 1 do 2950 30 22 Mackubin & Marshall's Add. ) 5250 29 22 do ) 27 22 do 7050 vonM o.a. 28 22 do TOTAL 3500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE / ® 4 REPORT OF CVMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 26 22 aackubin & Yarshall's 6300 25 22 do 2 650 24 22 do 4550 2j 22 do 2150 1 22 do 141CO 2 22 ) do 3 22 do 7675 4 22 do 4575 The East 27 ft. of 5 22 do 3175 (The 71est 12.50 ft. of 5 22 do ( 3650 (The East 13.50 ft. of 6 22 The ,vest 26 ft. of 6 22 do 3500 7 22 do 4175 8 22 do 2675 The East 35 ft. of 30 19 do 4925 The West 14.50 ft. of 30 19 and all of 29 19 do 4925 ( 28 19 do 5075 The East 38 ft. of ( 27 19 do The ',gest 1.50 ft. of ( 27 ( 19 do 4125 ( 26 19 do ( 25 19 24 19 do 4600 23 19 do 3950 The South 40 ft. of 1 19 do 2 19 do 2075 do 3 19 TOTAL CITY — ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-! ®REPORT OF CVMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED The North 92.25 ft. of 1 19 Mackubin Fc Marshall's VALUATION 3175 The North 62.25 ft. of 2 19 Add- to Saint Paul 2775 do 3 19 do 1975 4 19 do 1500 5 19 do 2000 6 19 do 1950 7 19 do 2900 8 19 do 2250 All of 30 18 do ,and the Eust 10 ft. of 29 18 do 3800 The West. 29t ft. of 29 18 do 1700 28 18 do 2375 All of / 27 18 do 3125 The East 2 ft. of 26 18 Except. the East 2 ft. 26 18 do 2925 and the East 3 ft. of 25 18 Except the East 3 ft. 25 18 do 2525 24 18 do 2525 23 18 do 2225 (Except the North 10 ft. for Rondo St. 1 18 do 2225 do 2 18 do 2750 do 3 18 do 2350 do 4 18 do 3250 do 5 18 do 2250 do 6 18 do 2800 do mww e.e.i 7 18 do TOTAL 26p0 ASSESSED VALUATION 650 1950 1200 3150 1800 2300 1950 1500 2000 3025 5100 3250 1700 1450 3900 3050 3350 4850 5450 600 1900 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` O REPORT OF CVMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION , Except the North 10 ft. for 8 18 ;:Iackubin and Marshall's Rondo St. 30 15 .addition to Saint Faul 29 15 do 28 15 0 do 27 15 do 26 15 do 25 15 do 24 15 do 23 15 do The South e of Lots 1 and 2 15 do The North '. of Lots 1 and 2 15 do 3 15 do 4 15 do 5 15 do 6 15 do 7 15 do 8 15 do The South 44 ft. of 30 14 do do 29 14 do do 28 14 do The North 88 ft. of 30 14 do do 29 14 do do 1 26 14 do 27 14 do 26 14 do Fo�r� e.e.ii 25 14 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 650 1950 1200 3150 1800 2300 1950 1500 2000 3025 5100 3250 1700 1450 3900 3050 3350 4850 5450 600 1900 600 - OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r' O REPORT OF CYMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 14 :dackubin and Marshalls 800 23 14 Addition to Snit Paul 4550 The South 43.75 ft. of ( 1 14 do 2900 do ( 2 14 do North 52X,50 ft. of So. 96.25'( 1 14 do 3100 do ( 2 14 do Nobth 36 ft. of ( 1 14 do 3900 do ( 2 14 do 3 14 do 3850 4 14 do 3250 5 14 do 1450 6 14 do 850 7 14 do 5200 8 14 do 5950 The Sout'n z of ( 30 7 do G ( 10600, do ( 29 7 do '28 7 do 1750 27 7 do 2550 26 7 do 4000 The East 33.01 1/3 ft. of the South 120 ft. and t:^e No. 12- ft. of 25 7 do 2375 The East 26-52-2/3 ft. of the So. 120 ft. of 24 7 do 2300 "Jest 6.48 ft- of So. 120 ft.of25 7 do The NO. 12 Q ft. of 2.4 7 do 5425 and all of 7 7 The East 20.04 ft. of t:,e So. 120 ft. of 23 7 do 2400 South 120 ft. of ppb- 24 7 TOTAL Cm OF — PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ( i OREPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The So. .120 ft. of 22 7 I1acubin and Marshall's 3175 and the So. 120 ft. of the Addition to Saint Paul .Vest 19.46 ft. of 23 7 The No. 12.25 ft. of 23 7 do 25 (The South 76 ft. ( 1 7 do 0 Do ( 2 7 do ( 3 7 7925 The No. 56.25 ft. of 1 7 do .2075 and No. 56.25 ft. of the East 16.50 ft. of 2 7 Except the E. 1650 ft. the North 56.25 ft of 2 7 do 1275 The Ncrt'i 56.25 ft. of 3 7 do 1000 4 7 do 3300 5 7 do 6450 6 7 do 4250 7 7 do 8 7 do 2250 30 6 do 4000 29 6 do 1850 28 6 do 1300 27 6 do 2500 26 6 do 1850 25 6 do 3100 24 6 do 2400 23 6 do 2600 The So. 32 ft. of 1 6 do 1950 2 6 do Except the So. 32 ft. ` 1 6 do 2825 do Fo.M e.a.i \ 2 6 do TOTAL CITY OF Sf. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a �. „0 O REPORT OF CeMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 6 Mac kubin and Marshalls 6200 4 6 Addition to Saint Paul 2750 5 6 do 2400 6 6 do 1900 7 6 do 2500 8 6 do 2350 U 30 1 do 3150 Ali of ( 29 1 do and the East .N o� ( 28 1 do 8525 The ',Vest e of o 28 1 do 2100 and the East 9 7/8 ft. of 27 1 do The -.lest 29 5/8 ft. of 27 1 do 3250 26 1 do 2925. 25 1 do 2175 24 1 do 5175 23 1 do 2125 Except part for University ( 1 1 do 10900 do Ave. ( 2 1 do do 3 1 do 2 F25 do 4 1 do 4275 do 5 1 do 2325 do 6 1 do - 3475 do 7 1 do 6425 do 8 1 do 20250 5 25 'Tamen and -,2ices Add. 24550 '.gest 20 ft. of 4 25 to St. Paul 1700 Except the West 20 ft. 4 25 do 7800 3 25 do 11900 So. 42 ft. of lots 6 and 7 25 do 2375 Ex. the So. 42 ft. 6 and 7 25 do 2275 8 25 do 6950 5 24 do 2950 4 24 do 3050 3 24 do 3850 6 24 do 1600 7 ?4 do 1950 8 24 do 1050 So. 80 ft. of 5 9 do 4075 Ex. the So. 80 ft. 5 9 do 3800 4 9 do 4200 'lest 2/3 of 3 9 do 2750 South 33 ft. of Lots 6 and 7 9 do 2950 No. 33 ft. of So. 66 ft. of ( 6 do ( 7 9 do 3400 So. 33.251of North 66.25 ft. of 6 9 do do 7 9 3175 No. 33 ft. of Lots 6 and 7 9 do TOTAL 2350 Q (B) DESCRIP'P'ION LOT BLOCK So. 75 ft- of Lots 4 and 5 8 North 57 ft. 3 inches of 4 and 5 B 3 8 So. z of So. 2 of Lots 6 and 7 B No. a of SO. of Lots 6 and 7 8 So.e of No. z of Lots 6 and 7 8 No. z of No. e of Lots 6 and 7 8 Ex. E. 26.66 ft -Lots 7 8 East 26.66 ft. of North n of 7 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Except No. 10 ft. 7 North 10 ft. of ( 7 ( 8 So. Q of Lots 7 8,& 9 24 S -o. 1 ofNo- 2 of 7,8 & 9 24 :North 49 lots 7,8 and 9 24 6 24 5 24 4 24 (Ex- the East 50 ft.) 7 1 The East 50 ft. of 7 1 8 1 South 12 of 9 1 Nobth e of 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL `\ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE O REPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER TOTAL ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION. 'Barren and Hices Add. 1800 to St. Paul 950 do 2750 do 2900 do 2550 do 2900 do do 3250 do 1025 do Kuhn's Subdivision of a 3200 part of Lafond's Add. 2775 to Saint Paul 3500 do 3500 do 2800 do • 2600 10 1B75 do 3250 do Lafond's Addition to 11.7700 also oth Saint Paul, Minn. 250 Propert do 3950 do 4200 do 2'750 do included in Lot 9,131k.24. Humphrey's add. to St.Paul 2200 do 950 do 1250 do 350 do 350 do 1950 CIO 3650 do 4750 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t p REPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 'rlallraff 's Restoration 4700 4 do 2700 3 do 2575 2 do 2775 1 do 4250 Except part for I:Iinnehaha St. 1 2 Humphreyls-Add. to St.Faul 150 2 2 do 3325 3 2 do 2725 4 2 do 3675 5 2 d0 5525 6 2 do 3325 7 2 do also the following described part of lot 15, Blk. 2 com-encing at the .post Southerly 2000 corner of said Lot, thence Northeasterly along alley 15 ft., thence Northwesterly to the most Westerly corner of said Lot , thence South- easter 36.33 ft. to beginning. 8 2 do 2700 9 2 do 550 Except North 40 ft. to city 11 2 do 1950 do 10 2 do 650 do 12 2 do 500 do 13 2 do 500 do 14 2 do 550 T'r.at part of 15 2 lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from the do 1225 most "'Jesterly corner of said Lot to a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot, 15 ft. Northeasterly from the ::'.ost Southerly corner thereof (except part to ken for Farkway: Four. o.o.ii TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE O t A REPORT OF CpMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 16 Smith's S�ibd. of Stinson's 9800 14 16 Division of the Northwest 7500 13 16 Division of the P:orthwest 3900 12 16 of Section 36 T. 29 R.23, 3650 11 16 Blks 9-10-15-16. 3250 10 16 do 6650 9 16 do 5100 8 16 do 2300 30 16 do 3700 29 16 do .300 28 16 do 2400 27 16 do 3100 26 16 do 2600 25 16 do 2150 24 16 do 2 93.50 23 16 do 2550 45 16 do 2100 44 16 do 2150 43 16 do 3000 42 16 do 2700 41 16 do 3450 40 16 do 1600 39 16 do 3700 38 16 do 4300 - 60 16 do 11000 59 16 do 800 58 16 do 1650 57 16 do 3600 56 16 do 4200 55 16 do 2500 54 16 do 1450 East 2 of 53 16 do 1250 So. 60 ft. of Lots 15 and 14 9 do 6400 So. e of No. 65 ft. -f 15 & 14 9 do 1825 No. e of North 65 ft, bf 15, 14 9 do 1625 13 9 do 1400 12 9 do 2250 11 9 do 1250 10 9 do 3700 9 9 do 6300 8 9 do 3300 So. r of Lots 30 and 29 9 do 1800 So. 2 of ido• ,t of 50 and 29 9 do 2400 No. s of lots 50 Fnd 29 9 do 1925 28 9 do 1025 27 9 do 3275 21 - Geo. H. Schickler's Add. 1325 20 - to the City of St. Foul 2025 19 3a nsey Co. °innesota 2225 18 do 1825 17 do vo.M a...ii TOTAL 2025 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ® REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON RELIMINARY ORDER ( - `B) ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .. .. 45 9 Smiths Subd. of Stinsnnls 3450 44 9 Div'.sion of the •I.7• z 5450 43 9 Sec . ,36, T. 29, 3.23 375 42 9 do 1425 41 9 do 2525 40 9 ;, do 2775 9 9 (10 52675 include other property '38 9 do PIo• 35 ft. e£ So. 701 of 59 & GO 9 do do 2525 ?.775 f t. of lots 60 and ( 5 so. 35 9 9 9 do n.850 No. 55 ft• cf lots 60 & 59 Except theWest 39 ft.) 'lest 36 ft. of No. 55 ft. 9 do 2500 56 9 9 do 3100 57 9 do 3050 56 9 do 2250 East l_ of hot 54 and all of 55 9 do 7175 lest of 54 53 9 9 do do included in Lots 39 & 38,p.9. o. 58e ft.) lots 14&. 15 tNo.' 8 Srlith's Stiod. of 811�s 11900 E:c. ^e ft of 1Gts 14 & 15 8 2-G--7-and 8 of Stinson's 3800 The No- 58t 13 3 Division of the of 2900 12 8 Sec. 36 T.29 N. ?•23 '7. 3100 11 8 do 2000 10 3 do 2500 9 8 d0 2250 8 8 do 2400 So. 30 ft• of lots 30 8: ( 29 (Ex. � do 1 50 the So. 30 ft) do 28 6 do 2650 27 8 do 3300 26 8 do 2650 ?.5 8 do 1900 24 8 do 2060 The East < of 23 8 do C75 2 450 ( 45 8 do 44 8 do 43 8 do 650 42 8 do 2300 41 6 d0 1800 40 8 do 5050 39 8 do 3800 38 8 do 3500 So. 42 ft. of Lets 60 & 59 8- do 2400 1850 So. 41 ft. of ITO. 82 ft. of60,59 6 do 3850 No. 41 ft. of Lots 60 & 59 6 do 2750 58 8 do 57 8 do TOTAL 2850 I... e...ii TOTAL CITY OF —PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e O REPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 56 8 Smith's Subd. of Blocks 2650 55 8 2-6-7- & 8 of Stinsonfs 4200 ` 54 8 Divisitn of the N."!. of 46W 53 8 Sec . 36, Torn 2' i:. 1.237. 2400 60 1 Johnstonls Subd. cf 31k. 6850 59 1 Number One of Stinson's 1375 58 1 Division of the N.'7. 4 of 1028 57 1 Sec. 36, T. 29, 3.23. 925 56 1 do 3050 all of 55 and (Except the "Jest 3 ft.) (54 1 do 4450 'lest 3 ft. of 54 & the East( 34 ft. of (53 1 do 33 do 2178 32 1 do 775 (Except the East 60 ft.) 31 1 do 1875 The East 60 ft. of 31 1 do 2000 34 1 do 3375 35 1 do 2200 ( 36 1 do 10300 ( 37 1 do 38 1 do 550 30 1 do 7875 29 1 do 3725 28 1 do 5025 27 1 do 3425 26 1 do 2150 25 1 do 2350 24 1 do 1600 23 1 do 500 East e of alley vacated and adjoining and 3 1 do 675 East of alley vacated and 50 adjoining and ( 2 1 do do ( 1 1 do 'lest l of alley vacated and adjoining and 4 1 do 50 do 5 1 do 2200 do 6 1 do 4300 do 7 1 do 1700 East t of 8 1 do 875 7 Auditor's Subd. Yo.26 850 6 St. Faul ':inn. 800 5 do 800 4 do 800 3 do 890 2 do 800 1 do 1100 I... e...ii TOTAL 10 2 Neurer's Addition 215C CITY OF ST. PAUL . 8 2 do 750 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '( 6 2 do OREPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 5 2 do 4550 452 do ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 3 2 do Q Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 8 Httmphrey's addition to 8200 St. Paul. That part of the Sout'neast a of Section 25, Town 29, Range ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That part of South of the Southeast e of the Southeast s 166800 of the Southwest 1 lying South of Capitol Ave., and 'lest except part thereof, platted in Humphreys Addition. or Auditors Subdivision No. 28, part of Section 25, Town 29 Range 23, (except parts taken for streets) 11000 10 2 Neurer's Addition 215C 9 2 do 750 8 2 do 750 7 2 do 4900 6 2 do 4600 5 2 do 4550 452 do 3025 3 2 do 800 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9 8 Httmphrey's addition to 8200 St. Paul. That part of the Sout'neast a of Section 25, Town 29, Range 23, lying Southerly of a line, beginning 100 ft. North Arom the Southeast corner, thence Westerly at an angle of B9 221 with the E st line 27.40 ft., thence on a curve to the richt 146000 radius 2815 ft. to intersection with South line of Pacific Addition produced Easterly thence along, said prolongation and along said South line to the "lest line of said Southeast . except part thereof, platted in Humphreys Addition. That part of the East e of the Southeast i of the Southwest of Section 25, Town 29, Rance 23, bounded on the North by Foundry Addition and on the South by Neurer's Addition. 11000 That part of Block 1 N Neurers Addition lying North of a line ?5 ft. South 250 from and parallel with orixinal line of right of way of said Railway. The East 50 ft. of B] ock 1 do 250 measured along Como Ave. except t9e North 25 ft. to St. Paul Minneapolis and KnitY a Railway Co. TOTAL CITU OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE T ® pREPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON RELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That part of Block 1, ?Teurer's Addition 250 described as follows, Beginning 50 ft. Northwesterly measuring from intersection of Como Ave. and 'lestern Ave. thence North 20 ft. more or less to South 'line of ri:ht of way of St. Paul, Minneapolis nit0ba ijy., thenre '7est 45 ft. more or less along right of way to intersection alth North line of Como Ave. thence Southeast 48 ft. more or less to beginning. Except part to iailroad Co. 19 3 Pacific Addition to St -Paul 275 do 18 3 do 325 do 17 3 do 350 do 16 3 do 325 do 15 3 do 350 do 14 3 do 375 do 13 3 do 400 do 12 3 do 425 That part of Blocks 3,4,and 5 do 3000 described as follows A Strip 21 ft in width lying North of, and ad acent to the orifi-ins1 ri.ht of -,ray of said Railroad, being the So�Ith 21 ft. of said Blocks 3 and 5. 17 2 1B 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 2 23 2 24 2 25 2 The South 1%3 of Lots 14, 15, and 16 2 The North 2/3 of Lots 14,015016 2 13 2 12 2 ( 11 2 ( 10 2 ( 9 2 8 2 10 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 11 2 12 2 Pacific Addit`on to St -Paul 250 do 300 do 300 do 300 do 300 do. 300 do 300 do 300 do 300 do 300 do 1625 do 300 do 300 do do 1500 do do 300 Kings Subdivision of Lots 325 24 and 25 of Wilkin and 3256 Heyward's Add. to the City 300 of St. Paul 300 do 1150 do 300 do 375 do 175 175 do - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE } ®REPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON RELIMINARY ORDER `/ (B" " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 2 Kin.-s Subdivision of Lots 175 3 2 24 and 25 a Wilkin and Heyward's 1450 2 2 Addition to the City of 3650 1 2 St. Paul 200 10 1 do 2900 9 1 do 2150 8 1 do 2500 7 1 do 2200 6 1 do 1750 5 1 do 2400 11 1 do 2850 12 1 do 2775 13 1 do 1225 3 1 do 2125 2 1 do 2350 1 1 do 2800 5 2 Schneider's Add. to St.Paul 125 6 2 do 125 7 2 do 12.5 4 2 do 175 3 2 do 175 2 2 do 175 4 1 do 1475 3 1 do 325 (Ezcept the No. 34.84 ft.) 2 1 do 400 do 1 1 do The North 34,$4 ft- of 2 1 do 50 do 1 1 do The lest of the No. 100 ft. 23 1 "lilkin and Hey Lrd's outlots 3400 to St. Paul The Fast of the North 100' 23 do 3350 10 4 3obert : . i3,!Iith's Tear. 4925 9 4 of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 Pc 2475 8 4 7 of "lilkin Pc Heyward's 250 7 4 Outlots to St. Paul,i.Iinn> 250 6 4 do 250 5 4 do 2150 4 4 do 3025 11 4 do 2725 12 4 do 3600 13 4 do 1750 Except the E,3 ft. TOTAL Cin OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ® OF C3MMISSIONER OF FINANCE m OREPORT ON RELIMINARY ORDER `) (B" ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The East 3 ft. of 13 4 Robert A. Smiths 3e::r. of 25 1400 3: 4 Lo`s 1,2,3,4, 5,6 and 7 2 4 of '711kin & Hey."a-d's Out- 250 1 4 lots to St. Fain, Ainn. 1250 10 1 do 525 9 1 do 450 8 1 do 2750 7 1 do 2100 6 1 do 11500 5 1 do 3150 The Fles$ 60 ft. of 4 1 do 3850 2200 ( Except the 'lest GO ft.) 4do do 425 1 1 12 1 do 1625 13 1 do 3175 3 1 do 2050 2 1 do ;375 1 1 do 2 07 5 5 2 Front Street Second Add. 1150 6 2 to St. Faul '4inn. 18ce 7 2 do 2550 4 2 do 425 3 2 do 225 2 2 do 22` ( 5 1 do 3400 ( 6 1 do 7 1 do 1300 4 1 do 1350 3 1 do 1500 2 1 do 2500 All that part of Block 13 Fo ndry :ldditi,n to St.Fnu1 4200 lying North of i4erriam St. Moores Sear. and So. of a line described as: follows: Comlmencing at a o i n t nn t :forth line of said Block 13, 70 ft. East f^on t're � P No_th�^rest corner thereof, thence Southeast to a point on the East lin. of Lot 14,' 42 ft. South from said forth line, thence Sn,itlher-st to a point on East line of lot 13, 78 ft. Solth from sr id Nnrth line thence Southeast to a point on the So. line of Lot 25, 21 ft, East from the Southwest cori:er of said Lot 25, thence contimleing along last named course. 56 ft. thence or. a curve to the left, grit:^ 341 ft.) o a point on the East line of said Block 13, a radi,Is of 5 ft. Idort^ ^f the Southeast ce ner of said 31mrk 13, TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 6 1 pREPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON P ELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That Fart of Block 13, Foundry Addition to St.FFUI 23850 described as follOWS, Coslmencing nn the East side of said.nlock 131 - 5 ft. Ido, from t,, -)e Southe;:st corner of said Flock 13, tnPr,ce North 433.95 ft. to tt,e-�1c,I•t'nea..it corner of ^a id Block thence '^,est 56•"C feet �no e or less to a point, ft. 1-A i'r o t'ce 2ort?.,west corner of said block , being the iOrth line of the right of way of the St. Faul, !;:inneapolis and :,nni.tObEl 3�i1a; y Co. a I!,>:3c,-ibed in Book 156 of Deeds, Fu`e 371, thence 3outhen-lt rnlonF sl3id North line to beginning. 27 12 Four;dry Addition to St .Faul 400 26 12 do 400 25 12 do 400 24 12 do 400 23 12 do 400 The North 40 '. of the 2325 South 80 ft. of lots 1,2,& 3 12 do 4 12 do 350 5 12 do 350 6 12 do 350 7 12 do 350 6 12 do 350 24 3 do 550 23 3 do 350 22 3 do 3 C 0 21 3 do 300 20 3 der 300 19 3 do 300 18 3 do 300 17 3 do 300 4 3 do 1350 5 3 do, 1600 6 3 do 400 7 3 do 500 8 3 dT 300 19 13 iJterri:im a- !s:oore Is Sear. 625 18 13 of Fart of "lochs 3,12, & 300 17 13 13 Foundry :add. to the City 300 16 13 of St.Faul, 7amsey Co. '2inn. 300 15 13 do 300 14 13 do 300 30 12 do 450 29 12 do 375 28 12 do 375 3 12 do 3CO i 12 do 4000 3 3 do 375 2 3 do 500 1 3 do 2300 TOTAL CITY OF 6 PAUL U TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE oREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON P ELIMINARY ORDER lB� I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 29 3 Ro i-ert A. Smit'^'s Zear. of 750 30 3 of Lots 1,2,31415,6 :ind 7 1700 all of (31 3 of '9i1Lin t- 111ytirrird's 1775 and the So. 2 ft. of (32 3 outlots to St. Paul I•,inn. The I;ortp; 3o ft. of 32 3 do 1300 33 3 do 1575 34 3 do 3125 35 3 do 3150 Except the North 10 ft. for alley The East z of 28 3 do 1100 Except the North 10 fb. for Ll mhe ;:",est of 28 3 do 1350 Except the Ido. 10 ft. for alley 27 3 do 1600 E do 2e 3 do 1350 25 3 do 1250 (10 24 3 do 250 Except the So. 10 ft. for 250 alley 1 3 do do 2 3 do 175 do 3 3 do 175 do 4 3 do 175 do 5 3 do 175 (29 2 do 2650 (30 2 do 31 2 do 450 32 2 do 2250 U TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE p ® ON PgELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 33 2 gol)e,•t A • Smi t:�'s 4ec r. 2450 34 2 of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 1400 35 2 of 17ilkin Heyward's 750 28 2 outlotE,,Zto 3t. Faul, PIlnne 250 27 2 do 250 26 2 do 175 25 2 do 175 24 2 do 175 1 2 do 600 2 do 1700 3 2 do 2750 4 2 do 1700 5 2 do 1550 2082528 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ 192 -- Com sioner of Finance. F,—n n. It. t � St. Paul, Minn . . ........ N -Off 13 . ................... 19?3... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: paving..g yestern........ ............. .................................... . ............ . . ... ........... SK Ave. ............................................................. from.................. .............. .. ................... ft Ave. to . . .. ..... .......St. An. x er Ale NMCENTRAL COMMF- 1t . CLUB. 7 Offite of the Commissioner of Public Wo Report to Commissioner of Finance VER otb �4r 29 092,5 May 29t_ 1925 ---------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 580&1 ----approved- April- 2,-1925 --- 191_--, relative to Paving Western Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Front _5t._with_sewer, water --- ---------------------------------------------- and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alleys approaches, ----------------------------------------------- ------ where necessary and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Gov �����'�►T �ellpa3r,�h�rrz<eR1h v% JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRI.RE ENGINEER WM. N. CAR Suer. OF ...TR..i w O REPAIR May 28, 1925. A B. SHARP, 1 OF SAN rtwT10N G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE ANO CI PLANNING ENOINEm G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WOR...... Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Western Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Front St. with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58661, approved April 2, 1925: Length 7,330 ft. Width of Roadway 40'ft. Frontage 12,234 ft. Street 66 " PAVING 3$" Creo. Brick Laid Asphalt or Concrete Blocks Flat Asuhalt cover. 7" Reinforced Total Sq. Yd. 6.90 4688 3076 3.20 Intersections & Wheelage $118,006.00 $ 97,605.00 $ 76,204.00 $ 64,003.00 Property Share 96,241.00 79,603.00 61,333.00 52,199.00 . 247.0or — $1,17,2308.00 " �r '" Han o' (a) Ftont ft. 7.56 6.20 4071 3.96 (curb extra) Add for cement curb where not in 50 per lin. ft. 6" Sewer connections, each $50.00 3.4" Water It " 40.25 Yours truly, C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ommiss oner of guolic 6 o'Trka. H JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. S.—C E GEORGE M. SHEPAR O. CI oEP -G- n B. SHARP. SUrT. aP SnMi iEov WM. N. CAREY, SUP,. oPCUvsTRuctioN A o REPAIR V. P. BOW LI N. SUPT. of Woxrc rvoUSC G. H. HERROLO. 0P _ _ OTY PLnrvrv,— E -1-R March 24, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Sir: A preliminary order for the paving of Western Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue, C. F. 40182, was approved June 7, 1922. The final hearing was held on MaY 7, 1924, and all proceedings F. his order was annulled bpetition4was2filed with . While tthe Commissioner pending a p of Public Works for paving Western Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Como Avenue. This petition was sent to the City Clerk at that time to bring up at the hearing anrnow No actionrhasseverion beenttakendono the other pappas. this last mentioned petition. The property owners are now desirous that a preliminary order be introduced on the basis of this last petition. Will you therefore kindly return this petition to me so that the necessary pre- liminary order may be introduced. Yours very truly, C ngineer. Approved: �Co.i.,J,.e, Works. ITZi TIS .UNDERSIGNED; HEREBY PETITION THE COP:'GoIISSIONERS OF PU3LIC 1'r'ORI�S TO AVE WEcS�,RN AVEI ��' WITH OIL ASPiT.iuALT �m,w�,.. �y� � Goo G�,7,, ✓'ire ����� !j'rt1 Jt � (O �"Y ~i of r`�, C'<%'`�""'da"�- .'Et ,� �J�1J✓�,yy� �,s,� �+.�i-. 6/ ,.r.., t, Jc .. 6/'. 4JE� THE MIDERswii , HERMY PETITION THE ComasiSSIONERS or, PUBLIC WORKS ^l0 PAVE 1tES VENUE 17ITH OIL ASP ALT 7 gid- 3 W/,tj sad a - F w� yo p 9211 "" ,, fs V4 ate � ,`-, %E',.(.%t'. �/-, �', ."`'!r. E.L�:-` ^,.•' �� Cl,/�2.-G'GC/`� `�''f ars 'Zl / a r ✓ ^ � �,�'i� d� u" �;R+� ;, ef" ��y: �? ° .,t_✓�+" fs / � .�`''� 'fl3M,��'x'it- �' V '^tri" s�. �,�•� J r� !'k rZ a ,� �fn Ate,✓�,� ���, . d' f ft _� ,,4'�,.",,,✓, i siiaz �,J �.ia:.y�•t>�•�.«• +'�.f `x.°,1'`t'4. t AV 01, 8 _ Y WE- UM MIDLIRSIGLIND, llz.;imY T OP 1MBLIC L71 ra OLT mo AVi�!XE UIL ASPHALT T 0 "e,% T J.11 119 W7 J. Ul 3 �Y? ;T01 THE HONORABLE MAYORRAND MEMBERS OW THE My CIDUNQIL: 1 i OFFST.PAUL,RAMSEY C.OUNTY,MINNk z U Gentlemen:: THE UNDERSIGNED Fetitionere ando..property owners who will be assessed far the construction of the pavement on Western Avenue respectpailly;petition yourrHbnorttble° body;tv:reconsider ypur action in ordering said pavement built of oil asphalt. We= have= made a careful study of= various kinds and grades of.paving and.we are of the opinion that due to the heavy trafgiccon t,his street that it will be to -:our bust interests and:to the best interests of the city at large to have a brick pavement rather than an oil asphalt pavement,and wes respectfully urge that you make this ctange; RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,, fJ KF7. J/ V ' r � VL" iii $✓ t/4rf Aim' 4 - 3L ,, i Ci r' �ry�pr ' �l �� �,� � �'� x `, P I v' �'yJyr'�-' ,/��v'7� f J�1 T •" " (. tr K ,. ,! TO THE HONOTtABL PAYOR AND MEMBERS Or THE CITY COUNCIL Or-ST.PAUL,RAMSEY COUNTY,N,INN. Gentlemen: F PHIS: UNDERSICNED Petitioners andpropertq owners • c7ho will be asseeeed for the construction of the pavement on.Weatern Avenue respectfullyspetition your Honorable body to re.coneider your action in ordering said pavement _ �ixi7.t of oil asphal t• _ i� n-?.--ry nde.P,- -� we have mane � c,reful. study of arious kin� of'paving and ye �,re of the opinion that due to the heavy traffic- on this street tbat it will be to our beat interests and to the best interests of the city at largo to have a brick pavement rather than an oil asphalt Davement,and we, respectfully urge that you make this, cbange: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,. MINNESOTA ME, 00. �' 1 V pp i4 (.-_l'Zf �.f'� � �f« � ; f • I_ r v a `- i4 (.-_l'Zf �.f'� � �f« � ; f tie ftp" 'J��✓ "; r v a `- TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: In the event that Western Avenue is ordered paved, the undersigned pwners of property between Marshall Avenue and Front Street request that you use vitrified brick as the material with which to pave this street. � a NAME ADDRESS . : � . �`'!�!�✓`�y�'"�. . � � . . �-. L- � y v✓ , t/`'� levy l , _ Y - 3 - .• G... �. Y . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .moi . �. . . . . . .0 .�. . . . . . . . . . r! . . .. . . . . . . . . . . I �L ....::........ ...... ... TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF @M CITY OF ST. PAUL: In the event that astern Avenue is ordered paved, the. undersigned pwners of property between Marshall Avenue and Front Street request that you use vitrified brick as the material with which to pave this street. i NAME ADDRESS d%' ....' ... ..... .......... .. . P t % k t.• �. ft 'FJ \ �• �- `lid / ' :;=r-- �' V �,� � �v�f.�.��, . � ............ ........ / r I r1,tlr`�•'Gt��9L�' r i � a i. J f '. 11,2 .. �` Irl" : : `..... . ..... ... ..... . V TO TEE OOMMOH COUNCIL OF [D=a CITY OF ST. PAUL: In the event that Western Avenue is ordered paved, the undersigned qwners of property between Marshall Avenue and Front Street request that you use vitrified brink as the material with which to pave this street. BAIT/Bo ADDIMSS 7 aac% ....................... % ......... . ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA�.. ......... I .......... ................................. ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . IN, St. Paul, Minn., -Aw To The Honorable city Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. f Gentlemen. —the"ttnde MtEs' from; aRshgLL t.n 7;RFeyt,�,f4tS bP rXMS tilp Qcst 'of, such improvemsel, U- a0sessea u-DQR the 1,e*_1 oro-p--erty abutting upon sue -h improvem-rtt, or bereTittOd' RefrpeC4' u3.1:!,- (2/ feyhh- "e 3 O C-Lv- FN wz'- \��W'64da a—e 71 47 -Z fell 43 2222,-4� e_,� St. Paul, Mimr., To The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Wei, the undersigned owners of real property to he assessed therefore, hereby petition ��rrour Honorable Body, that. you cause WestFgAr from Atg.131rALL. to F4%61V6 ,Sdyto he. pawed withlY,afaimt Zaq"i�F 5&E-t-4SO4Lk and that they cost of such improvement be assessed upon the real property shutting upon such improuementr or benefitted thereby. 73'4S'F6ee Ire<( f/, -/Z Respectfully, Property owners Yeas CITY OF ST. COUNCIL No ..... FILE PAUL OFOICE OF THE CITY CLERK f'OUNCIL-' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,—J� NJ. July 28t4.,_1925. . �7 .AA11 In the matter of opening, widening and extenainlljEast Fourth St. from Sibley St- to Vlacouta 1� by taking and condemning a strip of land 20 ft. - idth off of the NorthWesterl side � thereof, under Preliminary Order 0, F. 59398, approvedjay 7th, 1925, and Intermediary order 0. P. 16064, approved June 23rd, 1925- A's The Commissioner of Public Works having submitter his report and sketch in the above matter, be it tBSOI a Paul fixes ,,VED, That the City Of St- rmies the amout f anto be a and de/.-. above/nsmednimprovementhtoobel'asd followstken for the 0 p" The The Southeasterly 20 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3, excepting the S&uthwesterly 5 ft- of said Lot 3, Whitney &- Smith's.Addition, and of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 fAuditor's Sub -division JTo. 32, being the frontage on Fourth St.-._ -�j C1.6-1- / Clancy ,yerguson ./Aodgson /'AcDonald !Zl- udheiraer Wenzel Mr. President ...In favor:� V�, _Against by the Council.W. ( -4 �192 .. ... . ...... 21925 192 PP MAYOR • Y P � r ,e ;airhetRh�Cv' iunbli'''oUrL JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE . OEPUT COMMISSIONER GE.ORG£ M. SHEPARO. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CON.TRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE ANO Qrt PLANNING ER. - 61036 M.... -A.. BRI ENOINBR A. B. SHARP, BN Pi. OF SANT A ION G. P. BOWLIN. SIIPT. OF WO -1 -----REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ----- In the matter of opening, widening and extendingl East Fourth St. from Sibley St, to VJacouta St. by taking and condemning a strip of land 20 ft, in width off of the Northwesterly side thereof,'under Preliminary Order C. F. #593980 approved I4ay 7th, 1925' and Intermediary Order C. F. 460264, approved June 23rd, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public VIDrks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows The Southeasterly 20 ft. of lots 1, 2 and 3, excepting the Southwesterly 5 ft. 6f said Lot 3, Whitney & Smith's Addition, and of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Auditor's Sub -division No. 32, being the frontage on Fourth St. Commissioner of Public Works. July 28th, 1925. GH-RH r 7a r�- -'- UA Ak tea... CI O}T. PAUL • DEPARTMENT 11F FINANCr REPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Open, widen and extend East Fourth Street from Sibley Street • T 20 ft in width ^Qf ^'Q +ha Nerthwealerly Side theraef. under Preliminary Order approved May 7. 1995 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoun of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per fo for the above improvement7a The lots or parcels of la that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by th Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lots 6, 9, 10 and 11 1 Auditor's Subdivision 181500 No. 32, St. Paul, Minn. Lots 7 and 8 1 do 92000 Ex. N'ly 10 ft. for alley) 1 15 Whitney and Smith's Add. 83500 to St. Paul. (Ex. N'ly 10 ft.for alley) Lot 2; also Ex. W'ly 5 ft.; of the S11Y 136 ft) Lot.3 15 do 151000 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY aqF PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR'I" OF COMMISSIONER OF,,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION - 'BLocK� ADDITION --- _ _—_ ; i ----------------- ASSESSED VALUATION 7 14 i?hitney and Smith's Add , '. _ _._(.Ex. w I ly_ 1 foot) [ 6 i14 to St. Paul. • of lot, 6• and 72' boo- all-WIlyoP lot 9 14 do 4 : 2 ! do : ; 25500 5 ! 2_', do 51500 . 62 ! do 67600 . Northerly 2[3 of lots 5 &'; 6 ;2$ City of StPaul,Capital l20000 , of Minnesota. Es. Nolyy 2/3 of Lots 5 & 6 all of Hlk 2$__. i together with other property) do 9975000 . _. ir Exoept South 20 feet for alley) Lots 1 and 2 '27 do (Es. South 20 ft -for alley) 3127 do li 79000 do 4,27: do 76500 �i Fo11M e.o.,I TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEta:& FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI5SIONER ,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ..r,. South "A" Drake's Rearrangement A. 675000 - do' "B" do The South 144.475 feet of lots "CO & "D" of Drake's Rearrangement A. 1602100 _._ 137.73350; - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �—Co Dated _ _192_- —��m�q- �.er of Finance. Office cif .the Commissioner of Public W. ivE� Wrt 19; y Report to Commissioner of Finance to�'ON ER 9t +( May 27, 1925 _.......... _192.:._.._: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the m 59398 May Yi 1925 192_ .......... relative to Council, known as Council File No......._.__... .............. approved_._:._ ............. ...- ............. opening, widening and extending, Eaet Fourth S.tre.et___from.___..._.._............................ ___ Sibley Street to WacMte Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... _........ __..... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._...-.......... and the total cost thereof is $.......... RRRB_............ __ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................... ............. _... _....................... ___ ............... _............ _._....__...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. G _.... ...... .............................................._........-........ ..... _.._............_....---. _..._...... _.— 5. Said improvement is ............................. ................ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. ..................................... _.._.._._........ ............. ....... _._._.._.. – .._....._ Commissioner of Public Works. v _ � � -- {' 1 _ � - n .�� � 1l' '�} � i, � F ��, s� F =fes �i ��' � � ���..e '� � �^ ' n. h� �,.', ..F G_ 3 d •� ,�� - S �I 2�� : , � .i'� �. �: "z _ � t r 6 � d* X% i� �� �. � i �F. .Ix f � i. '✓ d %/ � �-, �. ,, , r � - ;+' e" "�, - &�, mss. *� ,.^ .� �'� i. ,/i' . • - a%f., � � . ,% 4x / � .i� � f �!/ .i' ,p .A .a" � - �. / ,I � /. ./ : .ems;- , / �� l _ ;' � �, ./,� ax �.. 1' � .,+��.. / c ' ;�I' r A.H. LIN OEK E,Cnslrmen AW. LINDEKE.P1e56Tra es, H.F. WARN ER,Vice-Pres.&Secy. g�'HOLLBALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONB. urADTURERs �IF.Nh' FURRISTIMC.. (iDDD6 Mr. L. E. Hodson, Commissioner of Finance, Court House, Saint Paul, Minn. My dear Sir; ACENTa AND.HPOFTCRS R()SR:RY na 7NDERMTF BT. PAUL ruly 23 -1925 -- We are in receipt of your letter of the 17th notifying us of a public hearing on the improvement contem- plated with reference to the square bounded by Sibley, Fourth and Wacouta streets. Vie are opposed to any change in the existing street lines and cannot recognize that the improvement is at all necessary and wish to protest against any change. There is not at present and in our opinion never will be any congestion which should necessitate the widening of these streets, and if there is, we should welcome it. What the entire Jobbing business in this district needs is more congestion, more business and more new enterprises. We do not need for this purpose any wider streets or malls or parks. I note that there is no assessment contemplated for improvements under this particular order although the esti- mated cost thereof is approximately $123.000.00. I do not presume the Council has in mind any philanthropist who is going to advance this sum, and assume that the money is going to be raised from a general;tax levy or from the county. I am informed that the county has funds that in the opinion of some of the members of the Council can be used for this purpose. Personally, I do not think that the county can appropriate funds for a local city improvement of this nature, and as a tax payer will protest in the courts if necessary any appropriation of county funds, or any funds out of the general tax levy for this particular purpose. .A. AW. LINDEHE,Pre5.6Treo9. H.F.WARNER.Vi.e-Pres.& Secy -t N DEH E, Chelrmen Z� HOLLEIALI7 DRY GOOD® i1ND NOTYONd . �IF.NI+ FCRNIIiFEDW, GOODS Mr© Lo E. Hodson- 2 MIII AGENTS AND IM-1— HOSIERY— ITND171XAVF:AR ST. iTAY'L T. trust however that this will not be necessary and that you and your assobiated will oppose this unnecessary improvement. Yours truly, 4,4tFilL4iUq G Ron. L. C. Rodgaon. Commiusionor of Finan000 n u 1 l d i n g. Uy dear Commiaaion©rs We are onclooing Potitiono of Remon- otranoo againot the oponing, widening and extending of Sibley. Waaaata and Fourth Strooto, to be lnwm no the Pinion Depot Approach. the Council today referred the obo7o Petition. to Vm,& Department for a t9teok of the sigaero. Rho hearing on those matters were laid ever to AUguot 1P-th- Reopectfully yours, fje,, the underd gneda resident OvnerZ Of the real eltate set after our i=es resPeOtIvOLro as hereunto B:jgaed, and vjhjoh real estate is proposed or Intended' to be assessed for the making of the CO210171ag IMMOVOMOnto to -wit. 01-4nInGo vildening and CatendIns East 20urth StrMt from sjbI07 Street to 17acouta Streetv Imj taldne and con- demnlM a strip of land trienty (20) foot :W width oft of %t --e 13orthviesterly side thereogip under prellminvaT order 59598,9 approved May 79 29250 do hereby obScot too nand ren jj0-jj5tm-,,o aga�Leiat, the taidyw, or the said pvcgortyi, mid the malcille Of the said Improvement, nand to the assoas- ment of our properties thereforo and do hereby make and file this as our po�Mon of remons%ancop against the tv-74- -Ing of said property& the maitinS of said 13provementp and the assessmnt of our real estate thOrOgOrg IN VjITj4j-.j3S fjHEH'Isop vjS hereunto sign our naT= and places of resideneev and set owosltO the Sam a do- serlytion of the real estate, owned by us respeOtIVO-174 Naze Desoriptlon demos Lot Bno Addition 'j C RAW Resi- Dasorlption dence Lai; Bu, Addition rm® • � � rte w t c"I On I� Dellwood.White_ � Let 2, except alley, f h /yu Jr---- - • Lot 3, except alley & W. 5 ft. of S. 136 ft,- also Except N'ly 10' 622 Googigenn for ail �n Block l6rineo &- ft Smiths Addn to St. -Paul, and 839 Osceola,Ave Lots2, 3, 4, - _ — 5t—. 7 0uI Mi nduditor's Subdiv. 432. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. as trustee under will of John Hann. deo., for Thomas Leslie Wann and �awardn�88t,e105er- 4 ated Sept. eemhta --"---�resideni — A�11w0od,_31h1L�i�az' �'.9-ts 6-9=10-11� Rlertr ��. Jr. Auditor's Subdiv. #32 ;C, NCRTHLVESTERN TR ST COMPANY, as trustee under deed of trust o,f72M'homaa-1�ealie tiYann,-.dated -- — Septemb SB, B= — ------fires ent ---- ------ -- — - — State of Minnesota t t as$ County of Ramsey t a,v,,_ A � de , being first dulyGwor , on oath deposes, and says UW fe "j T''hat he is one of the signers to the fore- going petition; that he knows the signers of the said peti- tion* and that the signatures thereto and each and every one thereof, is the genuine signature of the person sign- ing or purporting to sign the same0 ary pro �G�'c bF-u�w% '?tiF•�lwr-�,� Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of July, 1925. Zsg& Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires, 1R (I -C t () "D f 0 1 re Of -qn uo 3 1 ql710-1 on motion of Commissioner Clancy, seconded by , the Commissioner of Finance authorized and instructed in submitting his schedule of damages and benefits arising in the -:.atter of widening Fourth street from Sibley Street to lsacouta Street, to submit same on the basis of condemning ten feet out- right and the surface rights on the remaining ten feet of part of Lot 2, Block 15, ,ihitney & Smith's11.ddition to Saint raul, inhere same mould interfere with the poor -)lant vhich is located thereon below the sidewall: level. 40 r= - 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL rcouNCIL No. 61-0317 ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8 �W/ — .... ..... ..... IL.. - - - ------- ............ ... ......................... P. ..... IATE ........ ... qU-��Y 9 l9 2.5 C. 61037—By A. E. Nelson—By V ( VVVV1 V, VbL — ir)iter 1— f .1hil. v,72-7 I RESOLVqD �f extending lible)- St. I, df "' h.e 6 t I"M Fifth St. I, LU ft. f thL Northwesterly Nie oY firth SL. and Wucoi`r' In the ::ia-uter of Widellial- r;jid excjidin- 3ibloy to a ',idth of 86 ft. from Pifth 3t• to within 20 ft, of the :!or thViest Orly line of ?ourth .3t., and .'a c c'a to It• to a Width of 66 ft. from fifth 3t• to within 20 -1-t• cf the horthweFterly line of "oitrth 3t., under Prejir.iinary, Order C. F. #59397, al)�)roved '.'ay 7th, 1925, Incl Intermediary Order 0. 3. LGO262, an )roved June. 23rd, 1925. "lie (or;mqissioner of -Public or? -.s having7 s,ibmitted his report and s,!:etch in tine above ..iatter, Ile it -FID, r2 Ll a t he No- ]—�-�to he tahen f ah -e �1" e 'o med im',-,'o 'icilt to ' M, S e u 0 All that t of 7,01us 2, G and 11 e �-'t -1�00 dr v"-� Audit is :;ub. :To. 32 y i L1:7 Southwest -ly of line dr vjn -L 26 =t, from and 1)arpli to -bhe :,)resen :'ortheE-. ine _o t d all of Gib ey 3t., exceoti2 the 3outhe&,3te ly 20 ,'t, and a 1 t 5 "'l " ey 'l I. that pa t of -'oLE, 1 nd dock 15 :hit ey t1l, r ly f �'n e r Addition St. Paul lyii '7ortheac;turly f a line (ir&Wi D11 e J 1, 26 ft fir m and parallel Xtli - ie or�e-,ent jouth)i.estrly A ic, t. t �ri of 1da 1. u t 3t, exceptin-- t, e 3out, eaoteriy 20 ft. therco: be and the gime Rro hereby can621W, uv discontinued - COUNCILMEN OCT -7 I925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the il - ---192 Clancy R ' V Ferguson 192 V Hodgson fav"I Mepe�mkl --- ....... ... ........ Sudheiiner _L.. -_-----Against PU13LISTIUD /I /I Mr. President -l_ ueuroRs' ^ �U7 <£all1 ST. PAUL REAL ESTATE BOARD, INC. 619 GUARDIAN LIFE BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA September 25. 1925. OFFICERS y*.,RH o,n ws L. ou 1H H. Tn...0 n.. To The Honorable "he City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At a meeting of the members of the St. Paul Real Estate Board held Friday, September 11, 1925 at the St. Paul Athletic Club, the following resolution was un,-nimously adopted& WHEREAS, the City Planning Board having presented to the City Council a plan, known as, The Union Depot Ap- proach, providing for the taking of twenty feat from the north side of Fourth Street between Sibley and Wacou ta, and WHEREAS, the City Planning Board having presented to the Citv Council a plan providing for the taking of twen- ty-six feet from the east side of Sibley and the west side of '4acouta Streets between Fourth and Fifth Streets, and 'iJHEREAS, both these plans for the wideni;:g of these streets have been carefully considered by the St. Paul Real Estate Board THERE?ORE BE IT RESOLITED, that the St. Pau] Real Estate Board go on record as favoring the action already taken by the City Council in passing an order providing for the taking of twenty feet from the north side of Fouzrth St. between Sibley and '.I(acouta, and B'�, I' FTTR'F',--L? RESOLV—D, that the St. Pau] Real Estate Board Ls opposed to any plan providinp- 4'or the widen - i g of Sibley and 'Vacouta Streets, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Very truly yours, le. Exe^Ptive, Secretary. r ®eparFmvnhvf Public Wvrku JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 3.'0.".' "C I,'ri)'T'-CIL __-__ In i;ne %ratter of openin,-, rriderriri}_ c.;:d extending Jibley .3t, to a width of 66 ft. from ifth St. to within 20 ft, of the Northwesterly line of Pourth St., and , acou'-a 3t, to a width of 86 ft. fror.' ifth St. to within 20 ft. of the :`orth%.e .terly line of ''ourth 3t., ander lrelimirrzirl,' Order C. T. ".993(37, an•)roved flay 7th, 1925, and Jilt err.redinry Order C. P. 1`60262, approved lune 23rd, 1925. ,2o tine Council o the City of St. Parzl The Cor:uni ,sioner of 7rblic -orl.s here!),,, euhmits and ma?:es a part of thiS, lli. report, a plan of the a,love imorover:,ent : lo":in the land necessary to ',e ta]_en therefor b. he shaded ns`rt c� :'.aid plan, •.hich lr:.nd is r;roreparticularly descrihed follo s All that part of T,o�. c; 2, 3, '- , 6 Wird 11 Audi'_mr's .hrb. ?To. 32 lyiir--- of a line dravrn 26 ft. from and parallel to '.he reFs,nt ':ortheasterly line of Sibley :3t., exco_otir>rr ,.he .;outhea;;terl:, .0 ft. "Ind all that )art of ;ots 1 and 6, >lock 15 '_12itney S; 3:Jith's Addition to it. Paul l,rirr :!orthea terly or a lime drawn 26 ft. fro.:i and parallel �iith the ore:,errt ,jouthwerterly line of acouta ;t, 'ontheasteriy 20 ft. t%rereof. ourmissioner of "n tic "or:_s. jul;T 28th, 1,J25. ST. PAUL DEPA3,��ii ,NT Cit W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 017 FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDEM (A) L III the natter of • qponia-, -.;!J1oni-n.,7 an,; 'ibicy 1�t. to a vltfltll of Go ft. frol-�I Fift1l -t. to �litlljll 20 ft. Of 'U'LO !1Ort`1WO2tO--`ly li-'10 Of 1'01-xrtla `-,t., and �,acouta >t. to Ll -.71dt11 of 03 —Lr. fro:!] -Piftll '::t, to withill 20 ft. of t1IO nort1r1jostariy lino of --ourtli t., by ta!---7n,r,, an.,J concic,.wdlilr, t1io lands lyingbot,le n tiio 'ouilaln- linc,�:, ejotubllo-jiod 1.)y 37jtli, 1025 ?.jjj iu'jo rtpoot linoo, soptioata'and distlnct frorl tile t"lo2:,00-n. 12-qis j)-11o;,orty is i. -,c -lo )ae,ticula:ly :Icocrilw)6 as follows: 11 that of -,Oliis 2', and 11, . uJiitory o -'ub. :: 32 lyi7.'1cg soutly'lostorly Of -1 line 1,?acin 136 ft. -Std -)a, allol to t�'10 nrosoritn nortl-ioaatoply line Of 11iblay :it. thc soilthcastorly 20 ft. I -in, 1 -1 1:�, -� no -,I, a -, cl`litil on -1 all thal. of "Ots I 'Mid (3, -�10 t 'Y to 't. E,,ul jyj-,jr; 1, o,?tijov3torly of a lit.,o i..�awn i3C, ft. from nn6 ;)arallcl -if.) of xco�)tj- :f�, tho -outli- ,,ith VILO �-aoon:t 0 outllwc�-, t Orly li, acouta 't. 0. casto-z"ly JC) i"t. t'110-1'oof, The Con, iiii-iolle, of :Is foil"': uv ,I'llo total l-tilliatedalliolint of 111c:Isscssillent fur the al)ovc illipim"Ill"Ilt is - - - - 'I'lle estimated cost per foot Cor the above illiprovolneot is - - - - - - 'I'lle lots of palcols of land tl,;It iliay be assessed boaefits for such illiprov"I'lent, ami the a"t..'sed Nalliahoo of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 1 Auditor's Subdivision 169000 No. 32, ST. Paul, Minn. Lots 6, 9, 10 and 11 1 do 181500 Lots 5 and 6 15 Whitney and Smith's 166500 and lot 1, Blk 1 of Aud. Addition to St. Paul. Subdivision No. 32, St.Paul, Minn. Ex.N'ly 10 ft.for alley) 1 15 do 93500 F.— B. R. 10 TOTAL• B In the matter of widening and extending -Sibley Street_ from Fiztn or. -- — ----tc w thin _20_-ft._4.fth� Nivl_'_ y _ldna_of Fourth Sts-end-Wacouta __ St, _to_a_width-of _S6 ft. from- Fifth _St—to-_ within --20_ f'L;. -of_ the -_ N. Illy line of Fourth Street. under prel iali nary (hdet- approved— To the Council of the ('ifs' of 5t. pool: The Con uni.s.ionor of Finalu•o hen-I)y n,porf< as follo"s: The total eailuated amounf of the a..,se �Iocnf for the ahovc hnpro%culrot i, _ _ _ 5 _ 3 .S°O. The estimated cost per foot far the ahove improNcnlrnt ix - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land flint Inas he a"we"d Ixmofits fur .urh inpruvenwnf, wui Ilio a.;a:::cd c:iluation of each lot m' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 1 Auditor's Subdivision 169000 No. 32, SL. Paul, Minn. Lots 6, 9, 10 and 11 1 do 161500 Lots 5 and 6 15 Whitney and Smith's 166500 and lot 1, Blk 1 of Aud. Addition to St. Paul. Subdivision No. 32, St.Paul, Minn. Ex.N'ly 10 ft -for alley) 1 15 do 63500 Form It. It. 111 TOTAL, W'ly 1 ft. of lot 6: and DEPART, ery F OF FIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE all of lot 9 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Q (Ex. N'ly 9 ft.and lot (B) 14 do 41000 the E'ly 25 ft.for alley) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ex.N'ly 10 ft.for alley ) 14 do 31000 W'ly 2/3 of Lots 11 and Lot 2; also (Ex. W'ly 5 ft. 14 do 100000 of S'ly 136 ft. of 3 15 Whitney and Smith's Add. 151000 to St. Paul Add. lying between the N'ly Lots 7 and 6 1 Auditor's Sub.No.32, 92000 St. Paul, Yinn. produced to Broadway. 1 14 Whitney and Smith's 67000 2 2 14 Add. to St.Paul. 46000 (Ex. Part for alley) 3 14 do 28300 It Lots 4 and 5 14 do 466500 6 14 do 30500 7 14 do 1511506 (Except W'ly 1 foot) S 14 do W'ly 1 ft. of lot 6: and all of lot 9 14 do 72000 (Ex. N'ly 9 ft.and lot 10 14 do 41000 the E'ly 25 ft.for alley) Elly 1/3 of lots 11 and 12 14 do 31000 W'ly 2/3 of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 100000 1 13 do 137000 and that part of Kitt son's Add. lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said lot produced to Broadway. 2 13 do 697000 and that part of Kittson's Add. lying between the N'1y and S'ly lines of said lot prod. to Broadway) TOTAL ✓ PAUL DEPART t• r OF FIANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Q \B) • DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ex.N'ly 10 ft -for alley ) Lot 2; also (Ex. W'ly 5 ft. of S'ly 136 ft. of 3 15 Whitney and Smith's Add. 151000 to St. Paul Lots 7 and 6 1 Auditor's Sub.No.32, 92000 St. Paul, Minn. 1 14 Whitney and Smith's 61000 Add. to St.Paul. 46000 2 14 (Ex. Part for alley) 14 do 26300 Lots 4 and 5 14 do 466500 6 14 do 30500 7 14 do 1511506 (Except W'ly 1 foot) 6 14 do W'ly 1 ft. of lot 6: and 9 14 do 72000 all of lot (Ex. N'ly 9 ft.and lot 10 14 do 41000 the Elly 25 ft.for alley) E'ly 1/3 of lots 11 and 12 14 do 31000 W'ly 2/3 of Lots 11 and 12 14 do 100000 1 13 do 137000 and that part of gittson'e Add. lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said lot produced to Broadway. 2 13 do 697000 and that part of gittson's Add. lying between the N'1y and S'ly lines of said lot prod. to Broadway) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • ' f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF tR�FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 13 Whitney and Smith's Add. (included in . and that part of Kittsons to St. Paul. lot 2) Add. lying between the N'ly and S'ly dines of said lot produced to Broadway - 4 13 do do and that part of Kitteons Add. lying between the North and South lines of said lot produced to Broadway. 8 5 13 do do and that part of Kittsone Add. lying between the North and South lines of said lot produced to Broadway. 6 13 do do and that part of Kittsons Add. lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said lot produced to Broadway ( 1 12 do 97000 and that part of Kittson'eS Addition lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said lot produced to Broadway 2 12 do and that part of Kittsons l l( Add. lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said( lots produced to Broadway.( ( 3 12 do 241000 and that part of Kittsons Add.lying between the N'ly and S'ly lines of said lot( produced to Broadway) Ex. w'ly 64.67 ft.) 4,5, &( 6 12 do %lso that part of Kittsons( Add. lying between the N'1T line of lotI} and the S'ly line of lot b produced to Broadway) TOTAL . ♦ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ✓ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ei (B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION W'ly 64.67 ft.of 4. 5 & 6 12 Whitney and Smith's Add. 115500 to St. Paul. (Ex.W'ly 10 ft.for alley) (S1 11 do 68000 do t2 11 do (in lot 7) do 3 11 do do ( 4 11 do 313000 do 5 11 do do ( 6 11 do (7 11 do 775500 �6 11 do (9 11 do X10 11 do (11 11 do West 95 ft. of lot 12 11 do 43500 (Ex- W. 95 ft-) 12 11 do 26500 all of 10 do 550000 (Ex. S.W. 14 ft) ( 1 9 do do 2 9 do do North � of 4 ( 3 9 do (Ex.s.w. 14 ft) 9 do 67675 South 2 of lot 3 & N.J of 4) (Ex.s.v. 14 ft) 9 do 48500 s.j of lot 4 and North 10 ft. of lot 5 (Ex.S.W. 14 ft.) 9 do 48500 North 35 ft. of S.40 ft -of 5) TOTAL _1411M, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION 14 ft.) lot 5 & the S11y 5 f Ex. S.W. 14 ft -Of lot 4 and Wily 1/3 Of Elly 2/3 of lot East of lot wily of lot IZ'ly 50 ft.of lots 4 & S'ly 100 ft.of SIly 100 ft. of 9 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION 9 Whitney and Smith's Add. to St. Paul 6 7 9 do 12 9 do 5 g do 6 6 do 6 6 do 7 g do 7 g do 5 7 do 4 7 do 5 7 do 6 7 do ( 7 7 do ( g 7 do 10 7 do 4 6 do 5 6 do (Ex. S-ly 15 ft.) (Ex.a triangle in the most Elly corner measuring 12 ft. of Rosabel St. and 12 ft. on Sixth St) South 15 ft -of the East 2/3 of lot 5 & E. 2/3 of lot 6) do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 91750 67700 2o6500 113350 25250 72000 24975 24975 15000 56iS75 53250 63100 230300 32475 19900 13250 43425 C PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1' (g) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 15 ft.of W'ly 1/3 of 5 6 Whitney and Smith's Add. 16150 and West 1/3 of lot 6 to St. Paul. ( 7 6 do 301725 8 6 do ( 9 6 do 4 5 do 232525 also that part of Kittsons( Addition lying between the( N'ly & S'ly lines of said lot produced to Broadway. Ex. part for Sixth St) 5 5 do & Ex. Str) that part of Kittson's Add. lying between the North and South lines of said lot extended to Broadw$y. Ex. a triangle in the ( 5 29 Kittsons Add.to St.Paul. 29800 S.Wly corner, measuring 12 ft. on Broadway & 12 ft( on Sixth Street. l 6 �9 do (Ex. South 8 ft.) 3 44 do 20000 do 4 44 do 4l000 South 8 ft. of 3 and (4 44 do 7000 North 8 ft. of 5 and (6 44 do Ex. North 8 ft.) (5 44 do 112000 do (6 44 do ( 3 45 do 39750 ( 4 45 do ( 5 45 do 110750 ( 6 45 do West 160 ft.of Block I......- 60 do TOTAL 335000 C7%145W. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i - (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION N.J- of Vac.alley adj. & ( 2 610 Kittsons Adi. to St -Paul- 297500 do ( 3 61 do do 4 61 do " (Part NIly of Third St. of lots 5 and ,6 61 do 205250 and South J of vacated alley adjoining) Part N'ly of Third St.oY lots 7 and S 61 do and South J of vacated alley adj. and vac@Lted Pine St. adjoining) ( 1 1 Hopkins Add. to St.Peu 1 2$3000 ( 2 1 do ( ( 3 1 do (4 1 do 300000 (5 1 do (6 1 do 1 2 do 124000 ((2 2 do • :a 3 2 do 76500 4 2 do ?5500 5 2 do 51500 6 2 do 67000 �Ex. alley) 7 2 do 27075 do 6 2 do 17000 do ( 9 2 do 94000 do (10 2 do TOTAL South 70.79 ft -of 13,14 & 15 2 Aud.Subdivsion No -32 1602100 & the South 144.75 ft. of St. Paul, Minn. lots "C" & "D" of Drake's Rearrangement A.) TOTAL Gi -... PAUty� t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4' (B) ~ ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North 50 ft. of East of 11 2 Hopkins Add. to St.Paul. 22700 and (Ex. South 90 ft.) 12 do (Ex. S.90 ft) Hest j of 11 2 do South 90 -feet -of Test j of 11 2 do 10000 So. 90 ft.of East j of lot 11 2 do 11500 South 90 feet of lot 12 2 do 24700 N'ly 2/3 of Lots 5 & 6 28 City of St. Paul, 260000 Capital of Minnesota. (Ex. N'ly 2/3 of lots 5 & 6 28 do 9975000 togeth6r with other property) do (Ex. ..20 ft.for alley) 1 & 2 27 city Of St. Paul, 231000 Capital of MinnOsota (Ex.S.20 ft:for alley) 3 27 do 79000 do 4 27 do 76500 "A" Drake's Rearrangement "A" 675000 also Lot 1, Blk 2, Aud.Sub. No. 32, St.Paul, Minn.) "B" do South 70.79 ft -of 13,14 & 15 2 Aud.Subdivsion No -32 1602100 & the South 144.75 ft. of St. Paul, Minn. lots "C" & "D" of Drake's Rearrangement A.) TOTAL CIT.JFp ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .9-ocK ADDITION VALUATION Lots 2, 3, 4 and S 2 Auditor's Subdivision 1511000 No. 32, St -Paul, Minn' also that part of Lots 5,6, 7, 9, 10 & 15 lying Northerly and Easterly of a line commenoing at apoint feetofromethe N. W. line ofekson FourthtStree 145•-323 t, thence 90 degrees to the right 63.77 ft. thence 32 min. 30 seconds to the right 110.92 feet to a point of beginning of a line to be described, thence 90 degrees 32 min 30 seconds to the left 73.445 feet thence 90 degrees to the left to a line parallel with and distant Northeast 63.7�j feet from said Northeast line of Jackson St. thence to left along said parallel line 14.41 feet; thence 90 degrees to the right to said Northeast line of Jackson Street, 'Also (except Southerly 144.475 feet) Lots "C" & "D" of Drake's Rearrangement A. f M 23702175 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 3 192 o1)atcd �Commissi5p(er f Fi/n- a1n�ce.� y Y W Office-'of"the Commissioner of Public * aU Report to Commissioner of Finance ry. .x'.27..:..._ 192b . _ ..............._192 .......... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: I'� The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59397 May 7, 1925 Council, known as Cou`hcil File No ................................ ....approved ................. ....................... ..................... .................192 ........... ., relative to opening, widening and extending Sibley Street from Fifth St. to ............... ................ ......__...._..._......_...-......._.__._........_..........._.........._...........-........._......_.. .............. _..... _....... .__..........._......_..._.......... .....__._........-.. — within 20 ft. of the NW'ly line of Fourth St. and Wacouta St. to ... ............... .................. . '_..__....__......_........_..._...-.......--...-......._._............._._........-.-_........_..--....---........_...-.._............. ................................................. ..........-....._ a width of 86 ft. from Fifth St. to within 20 ft. of the NW'ly _._............ ........................................._.__..._.....__...................._........_.._........_......._.........._.._......._.._..........._....._..........._..._....... _............................ ................. _........ ...-..--� line of Fourth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..__. -..__....._._...__...necessary and (or) desirable. xxxXxx _..._., and the total cost thereof is •' ................ .............. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........_._ ..................._. $ -----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................._._._...._._......._..._......._._._....._..........-...........-.._.._...__-.-.....- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... _............. _.._.._............... ................. ........ ..... _........ ....._...._...__ _..-._......_................ .............. .............. ... ........ -.......... — 5. Said improvement is......_._ ............ ..... _......... .....-.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ............................... _.... _........................................ _..................................... — Commissioner of Public Works. ti ch d 'r'1c, being f:r�t dul h orn, on oath depesos, ead sf"LF s That . _ J 27 U, :'2,c, .'o: te.n t _.oa_ A. until on F. re. ch o?ral and cn n: J is n.u:ber o^ , tre_t ccrs, ante •obilos, e trnc'_s, and vcl:_cles t_at r.nd 7est on Six -h Streeb, .::d ,:d Scut'r, on 7a13ashe StreF,",, at% t1j.2 oorner of and 7:h 1 . S';_ ,e , dist Chc result or l:is r.nserial `eii - one :zaL^ ' ci -:.z as Pollo^a: 10 to 10.50 A. M. Strect ,a-rs, 30 Sint?_. Stroot, 292 7–,ba3l-.c. ° 1•^_-5 3 10.50 to 11.00 Strict cars, 31 S Strect, 367 17abasha St. 12 mc+ ' b82 S .. c" c 9 i! ,' -ceh S i t., e02 aLas'.:a _ 171 r1 — 12. 12.00 12.30 P.Y. Street cars, 29 S 1-:th Street, 281 7aba�l.a St. 137 _ _tnl X50. 4G0 12.30 +,o 1.011 r, StrEc'v cars, 33 S17C ,48 5 "'-8 — Cand motai, ea -W, A +,ils 2 Ui of _ 1025yy. TMablic, n 0c ' ''inh. r r_c ; _F. y _';1 2E, l' 7. da -`?tis, 14;...0. s o ;,a 15 17.1 .. ._._., _-P St,.. 2.1� C_T -..- :- --' :1111' O ?3S tr'aC rn. 7_il� 2��, _;J, -i.7 ,.'"L J.!C _ on Nn z _ ::; :; .._ ,; �: - .,., ..5. -'ta 3,1-- e ESTHER P, dcEYOY, dotary Public, Ramseq Caunt;, Minn. My Commiae"ron Expiree AprR 26, 7927 tet.... f r l O':: S. 1 C0—1 l 37 N It 11 I1 l ESTHER P, dcEYOY, dotary Public, Ramseq Caunt;, Minn. My Commiae"ron Expiree AprR 26, 7927 L Re a Union Depot i1pyroach So-called. ?3TI-1011 -(YP TO itl ruU',IUIT- 01? TtP; (PITY (IF Si- 2AULD Clentlanan: vio, the undorsigiodp r-asidont owners of this real estato set after our nnnea rospeotivolyo as horounto signed, and Valoll real 013tatO is proposed or intonded to bo assessed for the moft:lng, of the following imlrMmOnto to -wit: Opening.,, widening and extandIVIg Sibley Street to a wj&ti-j of so foci; ft -ora VIM Street to with- in 20 foot of tho NoTtIlmestorly line OR FOUXVI St"00t., and Viaoouta stroot to a width of 80 feet RrOM Fifth strect to within 88 feet of vin© jortjmatorjV lino a .;'ourtli Street by taking and condmixallIET, the Im'WB lying between the building lines ostablialmd by Ordinance 11o. G406, approved Fbbruary 05th 102% and the oxiating street 11-ness ooparato and alatinot gram the buildings therOonq 'rhis property 10 more particularly do - scribed as followng All that part of Lots TtIO (B)a MWOO (3)0 Four rive (s)o sL*t (6),, and Eleven (11), Auditor s Subdivision No. 32 lying SoutlIvIostorily OR a lino drawn 26 foot from and parallel to the prosent Vortlicastorly lino of Sibloy StroOta OXOOptins the Southeasterly 00 feet., and all that part of lots Ono (l) and 34-3 (G), 31ock Yiftoen (15)0 Miltnoy t, Smith's Addition to St- !?aul, lying 110rthoaatorly of a line drawn 2G foot from and parallel with thoprosont zouthwestorI7 line of r1acouta Streets excepting the Southoastor17 20 foot t1joroof, under aaliminary ()rdor 50307., approved Nay7t12s 1026, do iieroby obSoot to,, and ro-.jojwtrato a5n1noto Uxo takina of the said -,)roqerV j, and Vho mal' -111g Of the Gnid InPraVO- ljoilt., a,,Id to the asSOGEMOnt of our properties thoregoro and do horeby MITI and file V. -:La as Our 'pOtltiOn 02 re- monstr=00, aGaInat the tasting of Bald ITOPOrtY, the rinl--ng of said improvement, and the assOssr.'Ont Of otic real 09® c 4 tate therefor. Li WITIMSS l`gIER:i�OF We hereunto sign our names and plaoes of rosidonae,and set opposite the same a do- soription of the real estate ormed by us respeotively, as follows: Name Rosi- Description denoe Lot Blk. Addition BY 1 — � _ EXECUTOR. 9,6 st"ll'o O-k- aq,1zlity 4)f oa-ul `a asd4no of w Uoa tea} alLntp '10 f�, V of 4 r4ld ao3 cxya o,,mv.,V ono t-Sixso uav 0 Tao vrefm), t"m o"ClOp Cb 017-arl to tor4oz10 00 re 4A ntv.moy GqxrAvo A 44 MO o u�op tt%) mawalw ado wolaxyu ovn= a VM real 00'ato cot after om, mzm moi=,�Avoavo no ir-I'vown'to so Propmos ap haMIS 00 0-1�, Vto u011 TIm .1 ;A* Q�y � � I mwr I j ,)-ej,,�jjp aftjin�q &-�41 00 CO'3t &OF:j VIAU11 OZVOK; to WVz9T* amm Rat Q An z 0 soot o? no 'u-ni'moatm-V I, �I m vdf.rth 02 W ANA 2�Xxl lot o� , vlo vxlun, 7,r Ism) t43:n 00 MUN LVIT3 (11011s10TWIVI tivi 3ja1da X172dz we ma aw WOOD ap'mrovod _P0IV4_wuj 110030- Stroat nan dwvsm too MAKAU WIM30 Al —I ww plc VAVI cl:.4 93 v,xw "I"m (5�0 �,:, !Glut 11CA iw n(3 Am frial nw," ISO A 3`t'_9 OV Ot ON Ow ja'g) 20,ot fix -4a Lin ,Ga�,an�rj E I ) BIOM ROOM el MAMIG Addu on to Oto 21 I- Ima (Imm, SO Amt mgrl xvallov- Vista wx) z Soui�mmi�ms? _m_w a WOOK am C4wo 'Leah INnA SO 7 V,zg,)OI�D itc 43 Mop ObSOOt 'eQD 1.1,31, "Vad -Zx) 4S'4 M -o fJ L 0 so ?7-w :-Jtl rgrila or ,rc= 1011'inugg of' w0kl _vo�xwtxya .:,cc'4 of mwx mm l (%- tato taorofora IN V11TIVES3 MMI��OF '--'0 hWeunt'O O'En 01W 1=00 and -njaoes of residoneGs raid Got ogjoalte the saw- a do- soription or t116 real estate wmad by UP 2' OPOOt1vO1YD GO follovol Doneription 111.11110 1X031- Lot 131k. Addition Bono® a 'If Real- w Dasordptlon denoo Lot BIL,. Addition %3 luttz 0--- 'ir� Id Liz r"- FO GIKUL lei qG� `7 1�17 1 �vf /Zy'- lf-w� stato Of IMIllnes /* 'jounty Of FLOMBOY 031 017, 02MO on 14 oath daPOGGG, an says That he 193 Ono Of thO 8 Igners to t1le f0rt,0jgaolMthopGstjiUtm:L-0n tant "Ie 'Imollo the 133gnora I t1lo said potitionp and -Onu-qnG 810a- ttlxca thereto and Ono and every one thOrOOfs IS thO G two of the vrson sicninG or ,,urportinp, to Sign the segos Subsorlbod and OVIOM to b0foro mo Va I a day of jaIZrq 1025o notary Publtov RMS07 (]Ount?v ?I3 rano 0:4.Diros, is 1 P 8 *i Res Union Depot Approach So-called. PETITION OF REMONSTRA110E. TO TFL. COUNCIL OF T11Z CITY OF ST. PAUL, 111H."FE10TA, Gentleman: vie, the undorsigaad9 resident owners of the real estate sat after our names respectively, as herounto signed, and rhich real estate is proposed or intended to be assessed for the mailing of the following improvement, to -wit: Opening, widening and extending Sibley Street to a width of 86 foot from Fifth Street to with- in 20 feet of the Northwesterly line of Fourth Street, and Waoouta Street, to a width of 86 foot from Fifth Street to within 20 feet of the Northwesterly line of Fourth Street by taking and condemning the lands ly2ri between the building lines established by Ordinance No. 6465, approved February 25th 19259 and the existing street lines, separate and Ustinct 1).,om the buildings thereon. This property is more partieuiarly d©® scribed as follows: All that part of Lots TUO (2), Throe (3)j Four (n.), Five (5), Six (6), and Eleven (11), Auditor s Subdivision ldo. 32 lying southwesterly of a line dravm 26 feet from and parallel to the present Northeasterly line of Sibley Street, excepting the Southeasterly 20 feet., and all that par of na Lotsmone ( 1)dand Si to68t. Block Fifteen (15), 9 Paul, lying Northeasterly of a line drawn 26 foot from and parallel with the present Southwesterly 1 ine Of Viaeouta Street, excepting the Southeasterly 20 foot thereof, under Preliminary Order 59397, approved May 7th, 19258 do hereby object to, and remonstrate aea,�Vt, the t`,W._4 sg of the said property, and the raising of the said improve® ment, and to the assessment of our properties therefor, and do hereby mane and file tjzLs as our petition of re® monstranoe, against the taking of said proporty, the *raking of said improvemont, and the assessment of our real ca® x Res Union Depot Approach So-called. PETITION OF REMONSTRA110E. TO TFL. COUNCIL OF T11Z CITY OF ST. PAUL, 111H."FE10TA, Gentleman: vie, the undorsigaad9 resident owners of the real estate sat after our names respectively, as herounto signed, and rhich real estate is proposed or intended to be assessed for the mailing of the following improvement, to -wit: Opening, widening and extending Sibley Street to a width of 86 foot from Fifth Street to with- in 20 feet of the Northwesterly line of Fourth Street, and Waoouta Street, to a width of 86 foot from Fifth Street to within 20 feet of the Northwesterly line of Fourth Street by taking and condemning the lands ly2ri between the building lines established by Ordinance No. 6465, approved February 25th 19259 and the existing street lines, separate and Ustinct 1).,om the buildings thereon. This property is more partieuiarly d©® scribed as follows: All that part of Lots TUO (2), Throe (3)j Four (n.), Five (5), Six (6), and Eleven (11), Auditor s Subdivision ldo. 32 lying southwesterly of a line dravm 26 feet from and parallel to the present Northeasterly line of Sibley Street, excepting the Southeasterly 20 feet., and all that par of na Lotsmone ( 1)dand Si to68t. Block Fifteen (15), 9 Paul, lying Northeasterly of a line drawn 26 foot from and parallel with the present Southwesterly 1 ine Of Viaeouta Street, excepting the Southeasterly 20 foot thereof, under Preliminary Order 59397, approved May 7th, 19258 do hereby object to, and remonstrate aea,�Vt, the t`,W._4 sg of the said property, and the raising of the said improve® ment, and to the assessment of our properties therefor, and do hereby mane and file tjzLs as our petition of re® monstranoe, against the taking of said proporty, the *raking of said improvemont, and the assessment of our real ca® 0 • -IE- J III0'L-- a "4 C"Id Gat W -W a ex -m iul t�=I ti nn.Lot 3, except alle7.,& W. 5 ft- of S. 136 ft. also except N,ly 101 for alley. 6S G Z%MLI St. Paul, E. W. B. and St. Paul, Minn AndAuditor'sSubdiv. #32- COMPANY,4414 as trustee under NCRTM;TMM TRUST fQpZhoMM3.fYGV14W-WaM and Florence Grafin von �ohwerin anfas trustee under agreement with Bertha Mu, dated Sept. 301, 1906, By Subdiv. #32 4-�, NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY* as trustee under 1ds"&8`"0£ W6m-a—s 1 TeIamm,-,— V Me� 5r ,September 18, 1888, By Asbistant Secretary 7 r rwa4 Name Resi® Desoription denoe Lot Bika Addition fl /�j a Ott arca, ev ID 0 r ' �c�(<' ( f �����-�-�G GG�__l'! �1N J` � 1.CY� n V 7r�✓✓n.� "/�,. c..a� � �jdwlJlUAm GfP zz'z �ww,mac state of Minnesota Oounty of Ramsey as: being first duly avrornD on oath deposesD an says: - That he is one of the signers to the forogOlM petition that he Itnoras the signers of the ornosaidth©roofen3s the genuine siand that the gna® tures thereto and eaoh and ever Onethereof, the seen©� telre of the person signing or yprpo g to to sign sign ._ WV G�Vi, 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 pp°f- da 0f J 1 1928- Y Notary PubltoD Ramsey QountyD Llinno 5y oommission e7,111r0sD 4 f Ordinance No. By Q F. No. 6103&—Ordmnnce No. 6538— Cil File N0. By H. c. Wenzel— ' No. __..,,p`. .y An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to zone Lot 5, Block 1, Lexing-. ton Park Plat n7 (located at the northwest corner of James street and Lexington avenue) in Class "C" Residence District. i Section 2. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to zone Lots 7 and 8, in Block 3, Hornsby's Subdivision of Bidwell's Addition (located on the north side of Annapolis street between South Robert street and Livingston avenue) in a Commercial District. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect 62d be in force from and after its passage and publicat3oTI.i':- AVG' Passed by the Council _ Yeas Nays Ferguson Hodgson. �p McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel AUG Mr. President (Nelson) Ailproveedg kAI ;jA a Atte Mayor Jerk , q ,2 laid o'er to J, 3rd. & app. I � t Yeas Na3 G, Aa+ Ferguson I-lodgson 0 Sudltcimer \Ccnzcl \Ir. Tics. Nelson Adopted Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson I-lodgson McDonald SudLoimcr \\•cowl Mr. Pn•s. Nelson C. J. MCGLOGAN < <oMM,ss.a�fia o. RIGISTRATION Cnt of 0.0aint Vaut (Officr of (llitg hllerk `4,0.8 July 22nd, 1925- Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart. HAROLD.J RI Oti DAN CLARENC„ AEF coST�ORMSp^T'oN We enclose petition to change the Zoning Ordinance so as tc,,place Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Hornsby's Subdivision of Bidwell's Ataition, located on the north side of Annapolis Street between South Robert St. and Livingston Ave. in a Commercial District. This petition was granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. This ordinance shall also provide that the building line on Annapolis Street remain as it now is. Yours very truly, City Clerk. L r-,,. C. J. �crlo=;an, City Clerk, Cogrt Uoune'. (&itg Paul Department of Vucks. Vluggrounbo - -------- nub public Builbingo GEORGE L. vP�rsKOs• HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNSu� ovOPUN�Owelos IRVING C. PEARCE• DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK CI_ A EWE, 5, OFFICE OF COMMISSIDNEA jig COURT HOU5E \ i 1 July 3, r-,,. C. J. �crlo=;an, City Clerk, Cogrt Uoune'. Dcar Sir: e apeet rn`n t.LrP,�:' 5 1 022 ,r conr ecti_on it), cr ,n l.r t! e or n o din I c,o o tc 1 *'' _:ce _o's i Rlocic 3, r;ornsbdivisicy of yQzcjjI3 di. _tion, poli ,tree' bet en joen e on rC nor ide oC .ni rci 30"t oburt Armt Id , v ngston - vcnue in GO 01 District - mat",t, n . orl o ,d, aftrr c £x_11 con lderir �s� n� Crisc tion it recon yon,s to cc "oancit o , t .'t .c,:t. -e oo n,.' he exte Isim of U, yes on _ob nnapoL_s i zo, <one,_t os con etcial and the of. lcrt s „rt 10 the business prop t r ecLed i^ect 1'T or Polls o real. r t c _rOpctY n_ t r l g •rl or ..on - ho onin' 3o in< of this ox;, _ �t t It !:ie. vo'_,. ver-: tr Iy, c� /:zo.n1. C. , t` owl l Eeaea m Rd" to mu Emu uIETIIS - -------- July 3, Dcar Sir: e apeet rn`n t.LrP,�:' 5 1 022 ,r conr ecti_on it), cr ,n l.r t! e or n o din I c,o o tc 1 *'' _:ce _o's i Rlocic 3, r;ornsbdivisicy of yQzcjjI3 di. _tion, poli ,tree' bet en joen e on rC nor ide oC .ni rci 30"t oburt Armt Id , v ngston - vcnue in GO 01 District - mat",t, n . orl o ,d, aftrr c £x_11 con lderir �s� n� Crisc tion it recon yon,s to cc "oancit o , t .'t .c,:t. -e oo n,.' he exte Isim of U, yes on _ob nnapoL_s i zo, <one,_t os con etcial and the of. lcrt s „rt 10 the business prop t r ecLed i^ect 1'T or Polls o real. r t c _rOpctY n_ t r l g •rl or ..on - ho onin' 3o in< of this ox;, _ �t t It !:ie. vo'_,. ver-: tr Iy, c� /:zo.n1. C. , t` owl l Eeaea m Rd" to mu Emu uIETIIS �e}�ttr8m.e.nf of fluante tLitg of St. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 118-17-18 COURT HOUSE .�c'iz'9'.' @ June 25, 1925. To the Council, C� city of St. Paul aentle"en, 1 ?gave elected over tPe petition attached Rpeto f i1Pd inVP_ "er of changing the mooning ordinance so as to plwe Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Hornsby's Su"divisjon of Bidwell's .addition, lncvted oyt'ne north side of Ai-inapolis Street ',Iet•,•reen South 3coert Street and Liviniston r.vegne f`r'y a Class "A" tesidence District to a Cnomrcial Distri't, and find that snr e is sufficient ns it cnntrins tVI, requisite n_nher of sine -s provided for by Section 23, of the loninC ordinance, and Chapter 284, tie Dms of 1. . This department will be pleased to send out post card notices upon ^ceeipt n£ eonTuni-ration >Muting the date o � mblic hen-fpto ',e set by ',e Council d publisked by tie City Clerk. Yours ve r-yy�t�r,,.l�llyy, CoruAssimor Vr Fin -we. Of.' - Sir, P.ay 14, 192F. Hon. Council, City o1' St. : aul . inces0L._. Gentle en: - I am the o'arner of Lot Block d 370-n / ti � _I,ddition, wt.i.ch is sit,Le�on ,t le' Gt/i+s, e-���(� __;4 Street, bets:een1. y� Street and 7 -- 'may This property is ?onea unc-er the toning avr in one of the residence clRssifi.cations. In accordance with the "oning Ordin-nce, I hereby petition your Honorable .,.ody to change ° the 7'0ninrT cl:=ssific tion of th prop( t•T f o the resi- dence classification to the co^anercial classific+'.i.on, and in accora«nce with [;he or_in,; Ord,_nance, I have c_�ased the follo,r%in property- o::vers, c'_,ose prop�rt;r is located with- in 100 feet of this property, to si,n this petition. They represent at least tyro-thirds of the property o,:mers with- in 100 feet. I desire t is chane in the "oning in order th9t I may sn lv 'or a pormit for tre erection of a o•,:'ld- J': in; ir. 1°1: ich to ;ai.nt auto^:obiles op nr; fo- a favorable disposition of this c:--se on ,your p,rt, I am Yours very truly, :;c: i7b oll tj 'r, c. I - :,., 0 LL-, C. J. MCGLOGAN c ssim�ied oR ReaRriunoR i� Ott atn# Paul @MCC d CItg Clerk e July 22nd, 1925. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. HAROLD J. RIOROAN CIRENCE A. STORMS —.1-....REnIBTR�nnN My dear Mr. Stewart: We enclose herewith petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance by placing the property lying in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington Park Plat #7, located on the northwest corner of James Street and Lexington Avenue in a Class "C" Residence District. This petition was granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. (Qttg of Of. Paul Department of t1urhs, Pluggrounbs GEORGE L NASON, anaublituilDittgs BUPT. aF Pwal® HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER FRANK X. JOHNSON, - / 6uPr. of PUYcaauaP „� IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMIBBIONElt FRANK X. TEWES. 1 1 OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER HOUSE =•p'y"i J`JAry'JI GrtY AacartrcT 11 /� \\ 219 COURT HOUSE �f ii\ I iv/ n Jul• 3, 1925. n?r. C. J. i'cGlogan, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: !e are returning herewith all papers in connection with the petition to place the property lyi.n? in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington Fark Flat A7, located on the northwest cor- ner of James Street and Lexin;;t:on ,venue, in a Class "C" Residence District. The Zoning ,Board after carefully considering this matter feels that the property should remain in Class ":.' and that this petition "De not granted. ,You uly, gc ta1'y, �Zi Board. 1' Af f l� i$a[¢ativn iirlpv to Alake filritr[ Igilierno C. J. MOGLOGAN //.�pq ,�(, ,g, HAROLD J. RIORDAN c coLIRK ANDmMiss�onen as neo�ernnnoH p ®1 �9p' 9B Sf494'g}t� CLARENCE A�. STORMS n ib6rl no666 c.ner—K-Ream*—N Office of Xq (Qlerk 8 Mr. F. X. Tewes, Secretary, Zoning Board, B u 1 1 d i n g. My deer Mr. Tewes: June 13th, 1925• We enclose petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance so as to place all that property lying in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington Park Plat P, located at the northwest corner of James Street and Lexington Avenue in a Claes "C" Residence District. Will you kindly bring this matter before the Zoning Board at its next meeting for consideration and rdcom- mendation7 Yours very truly, Copy to Par. Vt. W. Price City Clerk. �-I Department of iffnance L My of St. Paul „ L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER - �., K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. S-AMER (`l ti CHIEF OF BUREAU OF -ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE' June 12, 1925. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: P, I have rechecked the petition attached hereto filed in the matter of changing the Zoning Ordinance so as to place all that property lying in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington Park Plat #7, 1poated at the northwest corner of James Street and Lexington Avenue in a Class "C" Residence District, and find that same is sufficient, as it contains the requisite number of signers provided for by Section 23 of the Zoning Ordinance, and Chapter 254, the Laws of 1925. This department will be pleased to send out post card notices upon receipt of communication stating the date of public hearing to be set by the Council and published by the City Clerk, Yours very truly, Commissioner o Finance. t St. Paul, "inn. � _ � 1925 Honorable Planning Board and The Council, Gaity of Ft, Paul, T.Tinn. . ✓moi; - tt- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ocmers, acquiesce and consent to the proposed change in the zoning map raking Lot 5, I.Bjjlock 1, Lexingtoon Park Plat r7, class C resident for apartment. WI bole ee 0 NAT2 s' IM BLOCK ADDITION C, 1 1 1 Lexington Park Plat ,7 S.r 9 mlrn � .2 1 Lexington Park Plat 97 . Lexington Park Plat • 7 Lz G! `- 1 ?exinpton park Plat. u-7 - �. 1 Lexington Park Plat 17 - 6 1 Lexington Park plat 47 Of Property as described opposite their names and that 7 1 rexin�ton Park Plat '!7 l 15 Plat n7 Class C resident for apartment, and that they ':;ashington Heights signed -the above concept of their 0A will and accord. s 16 shington Heights subscribed and sworn to 17 before me this 9 2) day Clashington Heights uj 18 "Jashinrton Heigilts 1 19 luashinrton Hei hts ALO chi t mi- 1 4 LexinF!t n Pqrnt 47 ttE✓P '� p"' " y" (tee–y ?.B 4 Tea:in�ton Dark plat u 11 14 T.Tichael k nobertson 12 14 *Tichael : Roberts n �_ L/ 6 ( �.- !I /• M. This is to certify that the above signers are owners Of Property as described opposite their names and that ' they si,,.ned the above concent to the proposed change in the zoning map making; Lot 5 Block 1, Lexington Park • Plat n7 Class C resident for apartment, and that they signed -the above concept of their 0A will and accord. s subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 2) day Of 1— 1925. 7 r 1 ,lotary Publle .Ramsey County,—p-inn. a L. B. TWP,.ED, Notary Public, Ramsay country, ltd• Ey Commission expires {Y _ mycommisaion—Piro,Sogt,'Q IM September 22, 1928. t Department of Ifinanre TMA of fit. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER .. - K. L. FIESELER. DEPUTY . LEONARD C. SEAMIER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE ii May 27, 1925, To the Council, City of Vit, Paul. Gentlemen: I have checked over the petition attached hereto filed in the matter of changing the Zgning Ordinance so as to place all that property lying in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexing- ton Park Plat #7, located at the northwest corner of James Street and Lexington Avenue in a Class "C" residence district, and find that same is insuffidlent as it does not contain the requisite number of signers provided for by Section 23, of the Zoning Ordinance, and Chapter 364, the Laws of 1923* Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance* C. J. McGLOGAN coMMI= ONER or neeiarne. Tug of .o V aptt aut omce of ang Gerh .Qs�.8 May 15th, 1925. Mr. Geo. H. Herrold, City Planning Engineer, B n 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Herrold: HAROLD J. RIORDAN'i CLARENCE A. STORMSI corer c�exwnrarc*�nna" Attached please note petition to re- zone Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington Park Plat P, located at the north- west corner of James St. and Lexington Avenue in a Class "Cu residence district. Will you kindly inform the Department of Finance what property will be affected by this proposed change? Yours very tral.y, 1 City Clerk. K G� _ <f /20 0 0 y h ;: ''•dG h 4- - - /3 2 rfi�H20 i I - 13. Z734 N: `O .O O b -J 1 4z.o3 N T3 R. So 0 J N22 2j 2rI 1 Sa. a y N 22 23 2 4` S I• — I- 2 / 2 - 2 ? Y m 3 v •2. 3 I 4 1 5 G a !7 E 9 { 26 27 M 2B N - 13. Z734 N: `O .O O b -J 1 4z.o3 N T3 4.203:: So 0 J N22 2j 2rI 2.5- e/O f I .S 3 , N 27 26'. 29 0 / 32 1 I o '� m - .T_._.' �. I . _ -., 1 ...4 d -T--y-, F'3.9, 72��1 .� - ir3.7J 0 1 ra o/ N w 2., ��Z/ 22 1 23 24-1,,5, 26 270 /g .. M' N. N - I le 9 K le / � ' a � 20 ar.ass .� . o 1 � e / ?c o - v L411 - E /E. v . a- e a 1. n• - ,w,/�I ,./3• /2 //• /n'.• 9. ''.6� /31./' , /S- _ I .. � -, - _ >.., � �.ZG f i, ._. :` `' .L •; __ isU .�?P : 4q �_ " L '-_.!.-:. J. _ _moo ...49_:J ___. i/B.B7: P a 1 � 4L.E5 ., _43.31 43.31 1 1 — M zo � m n I � r �J, /n 9 fi . - / c 3 2 1 / m 14 /S /6 // I /,e /,9 20 ?/ ?� -3 T3 a r.7 00 1 Y •2. 3 I 4 1 5 G a !7 d 9 { 26 27 M 2B N N `1. � Y , 0 '.i 'oT.70 zo � m n I � r �J, /n 9 fi . - / c 3 2 1 / m 14 /S /6 // I /,e /,9 20 ?/ ?� -3 Flay 28th, 1925 Mr. George C. Marsh, 1099 Randolph St., St. Paul, Minnoaote. Dear Sirs Reforring to the petition circulated by you in the matter of changing; the 7onina, Ordinance so as to place Lot 5, Block 10 Lexington Park -Plat ?7, located at the northwest corner of James St. and Lexington 1!ve, in a Claos "C" reaidenoo district. , .hio petition was reported on by the Corn- missionor of Finance todEy'y as being insufficient as it does not contain the signatures of 5e of the property owners fronting on said block and also the signaturea of two-thirds of the owners within 100 feet of the proposed change. Yd%,, -very truly. City Clork. July 7th, 1925. Hon. L. C, iiou"on, Cot lubionor of Vimnao, Au1 i di nn;. Ciy dear Co miaaioner: ,7a are onclooing har- th t"o no- titions to arnrnd the Zonin,.. Ordinunue, s-Muh Will Como ur for hearing on Jxi;y 22nd, 192;, dencribod ua .fallom: To plass the property 1yfnS in Lot 5, Mock 1, Lexington Park Plat t'7, located on tho northr,ert cornor of Jcsmoa St. and Lexington Ave, 1n a Clase "C" Rea donee DiCtriat. To place Loto 7 and S, Block 3, Rornsby'o Subdivision of %d•- saollas Addition, located on the north aide of Annapolis St. boVman Soutb Robert St. and Livinguton Ave. in a Cotrr.arcial District. H111 you kindly send out notices .of'the above hearings, in accordance pith the provioiono of the Zoning Ordinance? 1?oupostfully yours, City Clerk, 0 HAROLD J. RIORDAN C. J. MCGLOGAN cmev c,.eaK<nv c�sarc ceMMissuwea ar nec,ara•no" Tit $ef �d'046i4 �t� CLARENCE A. STORMS cmea e�aaa.a¢mera�noa Office of TULI Tterk �8 July 7th, 1g25, /V Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Qpwissioner of Finance, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioner: , We are enclosing herewith two pe- titions to amend the Zoning Ordinance, which will come up for hearing on July 22nd, 1925, described as follows: To place the property lying in Lot 5, Block 1, Lexington L Park Plat T7, located on the northwest corner of James St. and Lexington Ave. in a Class "C" Residence District. To place Lots 7 and S, Block j, Hornsby's Subdivision of Bid - well's Addition, located on the north side of Annapolis St. between South Robert St. and Livingston Ave. in a Commercial District. Will you kindly send out notices of the above hearings, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning - Ordinance? Respectfully yours, City Clerk. Of �--- St.Paul MINII. Ju 16th. 16th., 1925 To The Honorable City Council- we,the undersigned,residents and property owners in Lexington Park and McKays additione,having been informed of some agitation to modify the present zoning ordinance on a certain lot or parcel of lots located in plat 7 Lexington Park addition in the city of St.Paul, do here -by wish to register our opposition to any change of the zoning ordinance in this locality. Some of our reasons for such opposition are set forth below. Number ONE Th& Zoning Ordinance covering this section of the city -was established and brought about after considerable deliberation and it is our opinion that it should not be set aside or modified for the convenience of any particular individual,to the possible disadvantage of other property owners. Number TWO Some of us have built or purchased homes in this locality under the assumption that our property is and would be fully protected by the Class A Loning. Number Three Modifying the ordinance in one case would establish precedent that might bear some weight or have some influence toward similar requests that may arise in future and which we believe should be discouraged. --------Name---- ----- Address---. a the C. F. '-Vo 61039—Ordinance No. 6540— gy L C. Hodgson— An ordinance ppr prI III nd set- ting a Ide' One Thousand Seven C11 1,•118 Hundred Thi tys-flv and 77/100 (51.- 736.77) Dolln Pr Code 31T7 City's Share P Loe¢1 Improve- ente to the Permanent Improve -I h, men, Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for IIYl ._— " thet puPpo.e _, paying part of the _ Lnfona s,ree_t_Yr. anCe Rice Street to Como ge^Sy. `v i LaY aJ ���® An ordinance appropriating and setting aside One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-five and 77/100 01,735.77) Dollars from Code 31T1 I[ City's Share of Local Improvements to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of haying part of the cost of paving Lafond Street from Rice Street to Como :.venue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTIO'_: I. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 31T1 "City`s Share of Local Improve;-�ients"and transferred otoOne the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, P the sum 77) Dollars Thousand Seven Hundred Tairty-five and 77/100 (�.' , for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Lafond Street from -:ice Street to Como Avenue, designated as improve;nent L-2215. S-'CTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTIOi 3. This ordinance shall tape effect and be in force immediately upon its passaCe and publication. y Adopted by the Council ' AUG Y"1925 Yeas Nays 84--a-ricy=ppreved 1t��1G 1 Ferguson D Hodgson McDonald -- ir;a�o? Sudheimer ienzel _S 1,;r. President � g Laid ""r, 1" 3rd. & aj,p. Ad,yt(d 'a, Nay.; ca, Nay I 1—luo" en NEW } t Council File 61040 By yR. C. No 61040 Ordlnan¢e No. 6541-1By a C. Hodgson — x "ordinance appropriating aad act- ling aside TwoThousand 8 n Hundred Thirty—dl. and 68/100 (11T - 736.68) Dollars from Code 31T1.6 Thousand Seven An ordinance appropriaui City Share of Local Imp oyo- Iundred 'thirty-five andIM meet. �,'r�UTtxU-j dollars from Code 31T1, I'CityI Share I local Improvements" to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Palace Street from yredericica venue to Fa.irviet!° Evenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The•Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. -That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 31T1 "City's Share of Local I;,iprovements" and transferred to the Permanent Improve;nent revolving Elrod, Code 3001, the sw1 of Two Thousand Seven ]-Lundred Thirty-five and 68/100 (`..;2,735.68') Dollars for the purpose of paying part of tiie cost of paving Palace Street from r'redericka ivenuo to Fairvien Avenue, designated as'Improvement L-2157. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publics peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordii7ance shalP taice effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council AUG l i 1925. AUG i � 1925 Approved ,oss ITays w -Fergus On Hodgson p; �WBUSHED T�c�onald Sudheimer. ° `:ienzel (:¢.. i%r. President / ✓ 4-/I- Laid over /todd/ O �" 3rd. & app. 0I d _ Adopted U' Yeas` Nays Ycas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson Ferguson Hodgson NlcDonald i4k ald 6 Sudheimer Sudhcimcr Wenzel Wenzel \Ir. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson 1 v CITY OF ST. PAUL A FOENc` NO. --.6-1-041 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK P; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PFI�Av - - - ------- - ------------------------ -- -_ RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Standard Oil Company of Indiana to install and Maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Lexington and grand avenues, said station to be provided with 26 -foot radius curb returns from both streets, and the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of 8t. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public 8afaty. COUNCILMENJUL 2 8 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the council.- ------------------- ------- 192 ----= anc tjbL 2, f' kJ�F �erguson App owed-... - -------- ------------ 192 Hodgson ................In favor C. ....------------------------------------------- - (n MAYOR Sudheiiner .. v.... -Against Wenzel Mr. President 61041 Department of f in"ro fag of St. Paul L. C. HODGSON. COMMISSIONER K. L. FIESELER, DEPUW LEONARD C. sEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-16 COURT HOUSE July 18th, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogan:- pursuant to :Section 5 of the Building Zone brdinance adopted by the City Council July 7, 1922 you are hereby notified that the application of the Standard 011 Company to erect or install a gasoline filling Station on the Northeast, corner of Grand and Lexington Avenues will come u for consideration before the Court House Council House Building ontheC2 ber inofhJulyt1925Hall atand 10 o 1 clock A. td. wry truly yours, Comihissioner of Finance. Coy vJI m—, -►7 ple�p�a�rh;rrzerz,h v;F �J��b'Ifie vr�k��� JOHNH. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, -D, ENGINEER WM. N. CARE,. SUPT. OF —TRUOTION AU G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANP C— PLANNING ENO.— July 9th, 1925. Tjr. C. i. P,IcGlogan, City Clerk. M. S. GRYTSAK. ...... . EN.1— A. B. SHARP. 5 cSANITATION G. P. BOW LI N, SUPT. OF -- Dear Sir Re : Gasoline Filling Station Standard Oil Co. NE corner "rand & Lexington. This application for a drive in filling station at the Northeast corner of Lexington and Grand Aves. must be provided with 26 ft. radius curb returns from both roadways. It is now in a commercial district and subject to a public hearing. Yours very truly, City arming I sneer, Approved ,4...._ % -,&�7 'ConVISSIoner OTL Pu lie or GH -REIT C..J. MGGLOGAN e coMsnss�oRlw aR Reoisrwnor+ Mr. Fred Dodolph, City Planning Board, City of Saint Paul. My dear Fred: t#il of 0aint Paul Office of Tug (9led .'.S�08 eivay 8th, 1925. HAROLD J. RIORDAN CLARENCE A. STORMS cwly ClIRI-RIGHT 11 Attached Is application of the Standard Oil Company for permission to install gasoline filling station at the northeast corner of Grand and Lexington Avenues. The re -zoning of this property to a commercial district has been 0 S'd by the Council and an ordinance in now going through making this change. In order to save time will you kindly treat this as a commercial district and send your usual letter to the Depart- ment of Finance for a date of hearing to be set. In the event that the re -zoning' ordinance ould not be adopted by the Council, we will also hold up the figing station report. Yours very truly, I? 69C) City Clerk. N E. JCM vwoPAPOLICE �Y$ 'of . M�}�� MIGw—CH—.F I.I.C. Department } of Public 'Safety H. A. VALL, CwPfwIN OP DETECTIvea - J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER , G. H. BARFUSS. InsvEcroa of -U.. HARRY T. o'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. LICENSE INSPECTOR xH cwRT HwsE CHARLES L. SEGREN, SUPT. MUNICIPAL CIA.... ®O JOS. MACAULAY• SUPT. POLICE IN FIRE AUR. June 23, 1925 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ACEI. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEP INSPECTOR. FIRE PwEVE.OION CHARLES L, WILLIS. SOm'. OP APPwRwTUe DR. B. F. SIMON. H--.."IceR A. E. NICHOLS. M. D., OEPNry HG H OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CNIEP HEALTH INSPECTOR Returned herewith is the application of the Standard oil Company for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Grand and Lexington Avenues., on Lots 2 and 3 Guertins Addition, This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, All / - Commissioner of Public of y V \A '4,L--YA �� W , June 23,1925 Hon.J."i. Clancy commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,ilinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana for permission to install a gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Grand and Lexington Avenues., on Lots 2-3 Guertins Addition. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fxe hazard in that vicinity. Resnectfully yours, Chief Insnector. � of ' Paul OWEN C. DUNN, E. J: MURNANE, CHIeP aF PoLICEgy " FF FIaE CHIeP MICHAEL GEBHAR OT, AAB- CHIEP OF Douce A— 1 i V 7Tj� �] {l" �7 L �`�I«Lof ibbltr Sa fdU A LANDER. OSCAssT.F Re ..— HIEP H. A. VALL. WILLIAMBA CHICP —F—R. FIRE PReveMICN CAPTAIN of DETecirvEs J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS, G. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. OF AFFARATUE DRN. �ERT, A. L. EGGG INSPecTOR EC BUREAU OF FIRE PROTTION H—O DICER .0-. AN. Nirvrv[soiA sTs. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. CHARLES L. SEGREN, SUPT. MUNICIPAL GARwc6 WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR D�viY HPw.LTH OFFICER JOS. MACAULAY• JOHN MARTI• C-1 HEALTH INSPECTOR SUPT. PoLICE B: FIRE AIR. �,Ipry,. June 23,1925 Hon.J."i. Clancy commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,ilinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana for permission to install a gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Grand and Lexington Avenues., on Lots 2-3 Guertins Addition. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fxe hazard in that vicinity. Resnectfully yours, Chief Insnector. Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. To the Honorable City Council Date 'f = of Saint Paul, Minnesota This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. 19_'• APPLICATJON IS HER MADE By Nome of Pyr or Individuol For License to Operate and M�lntain (In Comp nce with Ordinance 5266) T� t Az -D " Inor "Curb" AUTO OBILE FILLING TATION to be located At tr t N mber and Street Number of umber of G Capacity of� Pumps to be Installeq— Tanks to stalled Tanks Received at office of City Clerk Busmct A Received From City Clerk Date 19 - -Received From City Clerk Dale 19— Received From City Clerk Date 19— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety 19— Office of the City Clerk- Received From Dpl. of Public Works Date t9— Parks, ReceivedFromuds and rt be t of PlaygrDat, Date 19— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By By Received From City Clerk Date Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Passed 19— Approved 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By By Received From Department of Date 19— Ordinance No. Permit No. License No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel ate 19 Date— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter APPLICA'1�ION DATED, 'JM 181 1926. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF IND. By JOHN L. B. AMES, AGENT, 104 E. 4TH STREET. DRIVE-IN FILLING STATION, N.E. COR. GRAND & LEXINGTON AYES. ON LOTS 2 AND 3, GOERTINS ADDN- To Public Safety Fire o_X Tra.ffio Engineering Zone Hearing O'nlyy Dth- 1777. Cir. Prod Dodolph, � City Plarming Board, City of Saint Paul. v Rip dour Prod. Attached in apPlicration of tine Stmdard Oil Comi:arq For Pormis:3ion to install @y 3olina flllin„ citation at the northeaot corner of. Grand and Lexington ,Ivorues. The ro-zoning Of this Provnrty to a comnorcial dintrict Twin boon 0 K'd by the Council -nd an ordina-ico in not, ^,oirz thrcr.,rh nn7rinn thin ohcanr,o. In ordor to o ,v^ f irne ' i 17 .yeti Tcindly trout thle an a oom-ioroial dlatrict and pond your uon l lotto to tho Dopart- ment of Pinano(3 for a date of itonrinn to br, net. In the event that the ro-ronin,* ordinar3co ohottld not be e:doptod by the Council, tvo T7111 also hold uP tho filinp otation rc?^ort. get m v `ry truly, city Cloric. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of Pratt Is Express Company for license to maintain a gasoline pump and tank inside their garage at the southeast corner of Bradley and North streets, for private use, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the fee required by lass. C. F. No, 61042—BY H• C- Wenzel—ot gas No- 1 That ihe. .aPplicatton - Pratt's FilaPress COT1P6nY for End crank to maintain a'Gaeollne Pump o theset !Walde their garage at the orner of, Bradley an nd the. ee.1ne. tis ibrprlvato vse, be Clerk is hereby granted' 0.nd thb City upon instructed to Issue uch license Payment into tris cllY treasury of the fee required by law. 28. 1926 Adopted b. y the Council July Approved JuIY 21-1925) COUNCIL\IFN Yeas Nays Ferguson Hodgson ---- In favor ons b Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President JUL 200 1925 Adopted by the Council...._ ...... :..........---- -.--------- 193------ A! 2!' 1925 App veri._............ ................. 192------ --1------- MAYOR V"IT'VivAl *'my"rifti'm D;epariF:ment v' Pwv61ic K vrkls JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEI , DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. —1— ENa WM. N. CAREY. S— OF CO.— July 24, 1925. Lir. C. J. Lloxlogan, City Clerk, �g 3t. Paul, Ninn. 3e: Pratte Express Co., Dear Sir:- 500 gal. tank storage & pump for private use only, SE. cor. Bradley & North St. This application is for permission to maintain a gasoline pump and tank at their garage at Bradley and North streets. This is in a light industry zone and permissible without a public hearing. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. 1p roved: ommissioner of-'ablic .:orks. DD -D • , . HAROLD J. RIORDAN c. J. MCGLOGAN NL$�� ^ CRIER CLERK- CLERK cGMn�ssioKER GK REGisrR�noR p ®I *7�t CLARENCE A.CLERK ORCMS AnaR (oft¢ DY (9ttL (Qlexh Mr. Fred Dedolph, City Planning Board, City of St. Paul, Minn. DearFred: July 8th, 1925. Here is an application of Pratt's Papress Company for permission to maintain a gasoline pRp and tank at their garage at Bradley and North Streets. Full you kindly report on this as to zoning, at your early convenience? Yours very truly, City Clerk. E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE MICHAEL GESHARDT. ASST. CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VAL o• CAPTAIN F DETECTIVES G. H. BARFU SS. INSPECTOR OF POLICE HARRY T. O'CONNELL. LICENSE INSPECTOR CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUPT. MUNICIPAL GARAGE JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT. POLICE AND FIRE ALARM Titu of 0aint Paul Department of Public 1�ofetg J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER �- IN REEFER TO Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIRE PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. OF APPARATUS B F. HEA STH OFFICER O A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. DEPUTY HEALTH Tj—ER JOHN MART I. CHIEF HEALTH INSPECTOR December 18, 1924 Herewith application of the Pratt's Express Company for permission to maintain a gasoline pump and 500 _ gallon underground tank at their garage at Bradley and North Streets. This installation has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and it is recommended_ that permission be granted. Yours very truly, ommissioner of Public Sa ty l CItg at �-5aiuf Paul E. J. MURNANE.ICE r�SnxtnLsnf II �f U61i= 1. "�" 11 Flwe CHI[F of POL MICHAEL GERHARDT. AssT. C11 -of PoLICE h C.num Z1A (Lua[1 Inas. OSCARLA RE . C H JGV� N oP DE�ErnvEs J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM BARRO N. ew EF INSPECTOfl. FIRE—ENT.- J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. GEO. P. DAWSON. SUPT of APPwRATa s LICENSE INSPEG'TOR Jos. MACAULAY. DR. B. F. SIM N. HEALTN OFFICER SUPT. POLICE & FIRE ALARM CNASU M__A L. GAR -E BUREAU OGS f ORE PG�C�VENTOG�J JOHN CNMFHTEAi N 11SFE—R December 17,1924 Hon. J.I1-Clancy CouLmissiorer of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: .In regard to the application of the Pratt's Express Company for permission to maifltain a gasoline tank and pump at their garage located at the corner of Bradley and North Streets. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location mould not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity; I therefore recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, \K: Chief Inspector. Form 4 7-21 2000 E �xconvoru'rxn ESTABLISHED 1857 IRX-rT'S]EXPRESS EXPRESS OFFICES. 1110TOR TRUCKS AND TEAMS MINNEAPOLIS: D CO Hourly Tripe each wag to 127 3rd Ave. So. St. Paul. Minneapolis and the ,'Phone; Main 0908 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN Midway District Geneva 6680 To OUT-OF-TOWIV SHIPPERS. ST. PAUL: 404 Roeabei Street 'Phone;Ced- 0222 Garfield 4974 e Minneapolis, __ _ Dec -amber— 5;921 a 92— Cheif '.Vm. Barron, Fire Prevention Bureau, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: 411 f We should like to receive a permit to maintain a goe tank and pump at our garage tiNh�ch is located at the corner of Bradley and Nbrth Street. The tank :1,s of 500 gallons capacity and is placed underground. The, pump is used to draw the gasoline from the main tank to the tank in the motor truck. b 1�Shouid you care for further information.regarding this tank we shall be glad to furnish it. Thanking you for yourtrattention to this matter, we are Yours very truly, Pratt's uDcpress Company. � 643 '�"'* �'• CITY OF ST. PAUL FouERca NO.------.----'-- Q43 -- CITY _ g OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER FORM ' PRESENTED BY it 1 l '� �eTr ............... RESOLVED That the application of the Moulton 011 & Refining Company for permission to install and maintain a gasoline tank and pump in the rear of the national Laundry at 132 South Vabasha street, for private use, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is in- straoted to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the fee required by lave C. F. No. 01043—By H. C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the,, application of the Moulton Oil & Refining Company for permission to Install and maintain a gasoline tank and pump ].. -the rear of the National Laundry at t 132 .South Wabasha Street„ for private use, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is Instru, to iBsuo ueh license upon the payment into the city treasury of the fee required by law. Adoptedbythe Council July 28. 1925. Approved July 28, 1926. _ (Aug. 1-1925) COUNCILIIF,N pp yeas Days Adopted by-�the Council ----- s�------------------- 19-_---- 1, ''" , ` )" ---...-..192.--- Ferguson A�proved.'I - .--.. ---- Hodgson .....-..........In favor L��°, ..,,1 d --------- -- MAYOR Sudheimer ---------------- Wenzel Mr. President .o . Pepa rhrrzvat v f ►Fu lfl"ly Wvrku JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ISr. C. J. ':cGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir : - July 18th, 19,:5. Re : Application I,roulton Cil & Ref. Co., Rear-_,itional Laundry Co. 132 So. Wabasha St. This aoolic :tion for a gasoline ;Pump for private use is in a light indxstry zone and such is permitted without a miblic 'fearing. Yours very truly, p •a -City Plaiuiing Engineer. Anrov omed missioner o xblic -forks. GH-REH r C. J. MCGUOGAN HAROLD J. RIIORDANeflw o <q.MissioneR or R ---.IR CLARENCE A CSTeORMS wnoH VGYN$ ($ftp C of Tii16g Tllerk are < e July 8th, 1925. Mr. If3red Bodolph, City Planning Board, St, Paul, Minnesota. Dear Fred: his is the application of the Moulton Oil & Refining Company for permission to install a 500 gallon gasoline pump in the rear of the National Laundry at 132 South Wabasha Street for private use. Will you kindly make your usual zoning reports Yours very truly, City Clerk. ;dr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Herewith is application of the MoultonOil Company tank end for permission to instal a five -hundred gallon gasoline Pump in the rear of the National Laundry at 132 So-Yvabashe. Street for private use only, together with report from the Bureau of Fire prevention in which they approve the installation as it would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Yours very truly, V Commissioner of Public safety i 4 'e {�9 ,�.ps9pyd • tv of �tnt Paul -GWEN C. DUNN. E. J. MDRNANE, ���IIII NNN Flas CHIEF CNIEF,QF Pttlts MICHAEL GERHARDT. �CCCNNNN Bepartment of Public 6afetu NDER OSCAAssT�. F RE CnIEI Asti. DNIEF tF Po ICE WILLIAM BARR H. A. VALL. — CNC1INSPER, FIRE P-1—IN CTO GPTMN tF DETECNvss J. M. CLANCV, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. G. H. BARFUSS. INSPECTofl of PcucE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. of APPARATUS DR. B. F. SIMON. A. L. EGGERT. a zH CC nou..E HEALTH OFFICER LICENSE IN—O—R A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. CHARLES L. SEGREN.DEFUTv HCALTn OFFICER SUF MUNICIP.L GARICE JOHN JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT. POLICE & FIRE A - CHI1EF11 HEA- EA INSPERUR June 17, 1925 ;dr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Herewith is application of the MoultonOil Company tank end for permission to instal a five -hundred gallon gasoline Pump in the rear of the National Laundry at 132 So-Yvabashe. Street for private use only, together with report from the Bureau of Fire prevention in which they approve the installation as it would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Yours very truly, V Commissioner of Public safety i June 17,1'?25 lion. J.'1. Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, 9 .Paul, !:inn. 6 rear Sir: m In re -,-,,rd to the an,-olico.tion of ?'ie '!oulton Oil and Refining Connanv for permission to install a fire him -id - red gallon gasoline tan'., and pwnn in the rear of the National Laundry at 1712-So-'7aba.sha Street,:' for rrivate use only. 'Ye have investigated the foregoing ag:.report that such an installation at the desired location would not Ireatly increase the fire -hazard in that vicinity. Resnectfully yoursz Chief Insnector. N • (Yfty of Kron Paul OWEFIRE E. J. MURNANE. CHIeF of Peuce ��11 COIEPN MICHAEL GERHARDY. GE A OSCAR LANDER. . Assi. of Ppuce {� Department IIT Public SafrtV Department a►` Assr. FIRE H A. —1L. WILLIAM BARRON, CnIeF IrvsFecioR, FIRe PRevenTlon e.— Deieci — J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS, —1—of PoucE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. —.of Aaawnw . EG ERT, A L. CINSPECTOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTIONH— DR. B. F. SIMON, IOFFICER CHARLES L. SEGREN. ..". MUNICIPAL GARAGE EICMR wrvo "'"'--A --- WILLIAM RARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR A. E. NICHOLS, M. D., DO— — TI 0-- JOS. MACAULAY, 51—POLICE & FIRE ALARM �O JOHNMARTI. CnIeF HEALTR irvaFECTOR June 17,1'?25 lion. J.'1. Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, 9 .Paul, !:inn. 6 rear Sir: m In re -,-,,rd to the an,-olico.tion of ?'ie '!oulton Oil and Refining Connanv for permission to install a fire him -id - red gallon gasoline tan'., and pwnn in the rear of the National Laundry at 1712-So-'7aba.sha Street,:' for rrivate use only. 'Ye have investigated the foregoing ag:.report that such an installation at the desired location would not Ireatly increase the fire -hazard in that vicinity. Resnectfully yoursz Chief Insnector. N Ph— Gladatoee 2634 and 2188 y Daa4 arae, Tdeg,aph" Moulton Oil & Defining Company Refines and Jobbers of PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 2520 Delaware Street S. E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Liay , 12, 1926. Mr, J. Li. Clancy, Commisioner Of Public Safety, St, Paul, Minn, Dear Sir; 11 We hereby apply to sink a five 1iuncl3ed gallon tank and connect a gasoline puma in the rear of the 11ational Laundry at 132 S. I'labasha, This ga2o_ine is to be used for cleaning and and their o% -,n truer;s but not to be sold, Yours truly, LiOljM1 OIL L, RE21i li - CO, O� ` 61044 CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E""` No -------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM RESOLVED That the application of the Midland Transfer Company for license to install and maintain a gasoline storage tank at 738 Cromwell avenue, for private use, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the fee required by law. C. r. No. cloaa—sy x. C. N �. thRe MldjandTT nriafer Comeatlon or oil to Install and maintain a atorilge tank nt 736 u gas - Avenue, for private u ¢, b¢ Cr dwell Clerk ij hln ehY granted and the Cite cense etructed to Issue each - treasuryof the Daymcnt into the city Adopt€d by tho Council July 28I 1926. ADpro c July 28, 1 et -1726) COUNCILMP:N JUL Yeas Nays , Adopted by the Coi ihell---------------------------------------192------ JUL Ferguson Hodgson -... ...III I'avor Approve L-..----N._---�--��----------------192.---- v ✓'( MAYOR Sudheimer ----....._....Against Wenzel Mr. President o FV501.m"YTA 61044 Vaparf, ealh vf pUblit.1cr Wvr_ks JOHNH. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONEF July lt�th, 1925. l.tr. C. J. LlcGlogan, City Clerk. Dear dir .- ite Midland 12ransfer Co., 735 Crorlwell Ave. Phis application for gasoline storage is in a heavy industry district and is permitted without a public hearing. Yours very truly, CTEI Planning ineer. proved ommissioner o ublic :forks. CH -RSA 7 i7 r� C. J. MCGLOGAN G GOM 1A11eR GvS R G—R—ON Ttt of atut Peal Ie (Offia of ([[i1g Tlerk July Stili, 1925. Mr. Fred Dedolph, City Planning Board, City of St. Paul. Dear Fred: HAROLD J. RIORDAN CLARENCE A. STORMS. Cw CLeRK-ReGIST-11 Attached io an application of the Midland Trane- Aer Company for gasoline otorage for private use at 735 Cromwell Ave. Will you kindly report on the zone? Yours very truly, c City Clerk. E. J. MURNANE.of 4a1 �j*�._ aint Paul , CHIEF OF PoLICs. IMltASET GEBHAROT, {��}}A}�}}} f } yp�{► Department of Public §af9tV H.A. VALL. GPTAIN OP DETELTIVES J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER R BAU55. G. H. F INS 8 RF ov POLICE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. Ll—E INSPECTOR III cwRT HousE CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUPT. MIIHICIPnL GA— JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT. POLICE & FIRE ALARM May 23, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, at. Paul, Minnesota. OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. A.-. FIRe CHI., WILLIAM BARRON, CHIev INSPELTOR. FIRE PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIE. SUPT. ov PPPAMTU9 Oft. B. F. SIMON. HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS.M. D., DEvviv HEALTH Ol FIc JOHN EF HEALTH INSPECTOw Dear Sir. - Herewith is applioation of the Midland Transfer Company for permission to instal a 550 -gallon underground tank for gasoline storage for their own use at 735 Cromwell Avenue, together with report of inspeotion and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yours very truly, Commissioner of Publio Safety yay 20,1925 �on.J•'%.;lancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. -eaul,'!inn. rear Sir: Q In regard to the anlicaticn of the "idland Transfer company for permission to install a 550 Fallon under -round tank for gasoline storage for their own use at 735 Cromwell Avenue. We, have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at -,he desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Insnector. ^ ;Y of ut N. OW FIaE 'E. J. MURNANE, POLICE ijm . WG6� CO ev CRIEF of kj ICHAEL GEBHARDT. AssT. CHIEFOF Pouch �e ttrtmeni of ibblir ��iei BAR ON. WILLIAM BARRON. WIC AM CHIEFtNGPELTOR, Ftae PaeYErvTIOry H. A. VA . CAFTAIN of D7—. --v J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. W 15.G. H. B RFUSS. ry HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SIFT. IF AFFAaATU. DR. B. F. SIMON. A. L. EGGERT, R BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION HEALTH OFFICER LICENSE INSFE or EIaIrtH nrvo mlNrvEs n sis A. E. NICHOL.S, D.. CHARLES L. SEGREN. INSPECTOR OFM. OEPIA HEALTH OFFIceR B IrvIUFAL GwawaE I JOS. MACAULAY, SIFT. PCLICI & FInE AUR. WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF JOHN MARTI. eH .--. I _CToa yay 20,1925 �on.J•'%.;lancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. -eaul,'!inn. rear Sir: Q In regard to the anlicaticn of the "idland Transfer company for permission to install a 550 Fallon under -round tank for gasoline storage for their own use at 735 Cromwell Avenue. We, have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at -,he desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Insnector. ^ MIDWAY -TWIN CITIES. TELEPHONE: NESTOR 1189 H p MIDLAND TRANSFER COMPANY ;i71 735. CROMWELL AVENUE aST. PAUL, MINN. � z t a Ilay llth,1925. .Ar .J.14. Clancy, Commissioner, Dept, of Public Safety, City of St.Paul. Dear Rir-- We desire toQinst-all on our premises at 735 Cromwell Ave., City, for our own private use,a 550 gallon under -ground gasoline storage tank. It is our understanding that it is necessary for inspector to call and select location before permit can be granted, we will therefore ask that you kindly send an inspector at your earliest convenience. Tnankinr; you for your kind attention, we are, Yours V=ry truly, MIDLAND, TR'AI;SFER C01 PANY. EAS IB Pe r7 f � �� 6104COUNCIL 7 CITY, OF ST. PAUL FILE NO• ------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK too C NCILiESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s>': _ July 28, 1925 That the, Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 100 #104 Globes at a price of $85.00 per doz. and 50 #1124 Globe Canopies at a price of $46.90 per doz., or a total price not to exceed $903.75, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Utilities— Lighting'22 05- 4t I R... COUNCIL\SF:N 4 Ye>+4 Nays f �llLIfC�7 i. Ferguson +� Hodgson �.....In favor 'MC •� ntiLlcL.. (� =, Sudheimer -----------....Against Wenzel ® Mr. President C. Sudbelmer— C Resolved,That G. Purchaeing A g purchasend and hi the cone herebntth of 1 thg1 Comptroller. 1100 No. 104 Globes at 8 ,1124. Globof e8Cano5.00 pies er dat a and pr ce 50 of 546.90 per doz., or a total price notftO exceed E903.76. without aslcing Yor; competitive bids, thee. are patented articles nd no dvnntage could be gained thereby. Charge Public U9I- ties—T,lghting ii2 C6. Adopted by the Council July 23, 19116. Approved JulAug. 1=1926) JUL 2 �' 1925 .adopted by the ConnciAL��_pppp --------------------------- 192 Approved---- ---------. .. .t......- .192._.... CITY OF ST- PAUL No - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0X1-17 Psi jqpS RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is h----et7 authorized, rwith the consent of the Mayor and the Go=tz-o-17—er, to arrange for making general re -pairs to Erie Step- Shzvel j-2-195 at a cost not to exceed $797.59, without advertise-emt, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would -7,0Z3 P- h%j�hip to the best interests of the city. Charge Me-chimery Fa7-I=-- Eraintenance- Work Done Outside 11-D-142 t. —£i�4± K- Fi-3 at —R- Z=Z-- --I -'d.p-d by t?- C�— APP—d 3 u -I,- COUNCILMEN 0 Yea-, 4 Ferguson Hodgson �—In favor --alc-Doyrat&-� Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President EIQD HICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned 'hereby certifies as follows: - 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made i the regular course of business by , Ico til accordance with the standard and approved t�ch.iques with a Recordak microfilm machined ifode1ALO - of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll T—ofmicrofilm was made on C"�To�Qo �l `old 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: �' wh¢�llr�oPe �iJ7s 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: � � O �� �w � • �. 3 i � After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm irmne 4ately after the last document. Signed: Dated 19 Operator s s Obb m 6�S r r .r0 0 7�Y�a yy6� 36 a 0,1 q 6,y AIN M