59000-59423_04-21-1925_05-12-19251tltlN0 1631 HOINl063tl Ad000tl�IN �..... a '� SaBVONV1S d0�aV3i G nIVNWIVN - .. s r O 9•1tl l �jZ•IIIIII ' � 8•illlll ^:� • oZlllll i • i VIII o w � � - zzlllll s,eiiri�� ill S ZIIIII B ZIIIII 0.1 r s yO o .. S" yol ,�\\ G o\� rP d 0 \%%\ r • START Serial No. -of Roll /—d Department dayr,leA Office — ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP ,,,/PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION } Date to be destroyed If limited Date [Microfilm i CONTENTS 00G4ih I P Humber or name of"'first document of regular contents By Supervisor By�J/�Lz Operator Operator w i Ia the Matter' of ven ti,o. S a aewee o 59000 n Colntnbualyv-A Lroundeomervine. -'Ave, to doveely.1. a:p under Prelln3,1 4na5S Ordor-b7681, approved San: ZSJ. 1925. -A Dubilo, heseing having been had 'upon the §bove-1tnDrovwhant uDo— - notiva, anQ+the-Council havl a' -f' `• COUNCIL FILE NO..... att .persona, obj.'u.aa anxe: r ..• .... •• •i -dations ralativpf. theret-z' ' - 1 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.c.ons.t.r.uc.ting...a...sawe.r.,...on..Colum..klus.Jw..e.nue :xom .Somerv..z.]le i:v.anue ..t"b_ ........... . _......._ .. ....... ........ _........ _ ... ......... __.._.................. ........__ ...... under Preliminary Order. ... .....5759.1..;. _, ....... _ approved..__ Ja..n. 23,,...1925 _.......... v Intermediary Order........., approved... .......__ '... .........._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havingheard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is cons tr.U4t...a...s.ewe.r....an..,Co111mbus...,Awenue..from Somerville !.venue to..Beverly'.hv eriU e, .� ............................ .................... ................... .... .... ............. _....... ...__.............................................. ......................:..:.........................................._................... ............_.......... .. ........... ..._ gjp and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans.and specifications' for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval`, the. proper city officials are hereby authorized an&directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. " Adopted by the CounciG....APR.2..1... 1925 ............:............. 192 .._ ........ APR 2 i 1920 ° City Clerk... ..... ' Approved... ....................... _:........ ........ , 192...,.:.., ...... ... ayor. Councilman Ferguson i ounoilman McDonald V f Councilman 13rLIM Hodgson councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson ` Form B-. S. A. S -i. " CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTME T OF FINANCE "" ' REPORT OF COMM OF Fkl�ANCE ON PRELPRSINARY ORDER c6n^trnctinp- a sewer on Colu:rnbus Avenue from So ,eTville Avenue In the matter of _ to Pevarly Avenue Cyr J under Preliminary Order approved-__Jan.2 ,192________-___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $2 , 693 .00 frgnt . 2.90 The estimated cost ed foot for the above improvement is g Insnection ?53.00 FrontaE.e 935 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION 59 2.2 Desnoyer Park,.Ramsey Co., 550 58 22 Min.esota 550 57 22 do 550 56 22 do 550 55 22 do 550 . 54 22 do 550 53 22 do 550 52 22 do 550. 51, -22 do- 550 50 22 do, 550 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, - - CITY OF Sr. PAUL . — J - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR OF COMMIS'MNER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDEFr r _ IeLocK� ADDITION .aION E I- - ASSESSED VALUAT ' �• DESCRIPTION ILOT 49 22 Desnoyer Park 550 - 1{8 i22 Ramsey 0ounty)YUnnesota 515 it 47 22 do 550 .I '146 :22 do i 5.5 _ 45 do 550 44 22 do 550, _ -..43 -22 do 550 42 22 do 550 it 41 22 do 550 of alaey vac.& adj. & 1 9! do ; 3000 _ ! do 2 9�i do ) j � (E'. -'of alley vac .& adj. & 6 9, do 4M0 5. 9:. a do 350 4 9 do 250, 3 9' do 200 l 12_ 6 do 4iQ0 �3 6 do 375 14, 6 do 300 \-, - ii 15 6 do 200 -- e i ti TOTAL 925 y," t aforesaid matters, and here y r . s that he has investigated all of the The commissioner of Finauce further report to him in reference to submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made said matter by the. Commissioner of Public Works. �_ Dated/I�nt�1 �.�___ _192 — --- Commiss' c, of Finance. Form B. H. 12 1 P St. Paul, Minn. —192— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: d We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. from_ • $: Ave. to Office of the Commissioner of Public..W Report to Commissioner of Finance B FEB 4 1426 Februaby 5, 1925: ........._........................................._........................._...._192..._...._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known, as Council File No..57591. .._... .approved -_..._Jen_.. ... 1925 ........... 192 ....... ..... relative to .:..._.._. the construction of a sewer on Columbus Avenue from Somerville ........-_..._................ ................._...-............... ........ _.... _............... -...... ........ _..--....... ... — Avenue to Beverly Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................... _....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 9.90 per front foot 2693.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............_.............._.._ ...... ...., and the total cost thereof is $.. ........... ..._.'...__........... .__; --- -- Inspection $53.00 Frolitage 935 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvementis. as follows; .......... ......................... _......... ................. -................................... ___..__._...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto aftached and made a part hereof. 4. .... .... .... _.......................... _........... ........................ .............. .............. __......... .......... __...................................... ......... _....... ....._._.........._..._.....-- - --- - — 0 5. Said improvement is .............................. _..... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeetitay'assessment for said improvement. . ........................................ .__......__........._.._......._................._._ sioner of Public Works. G� / .��1'" A �o�� L�7utTbnl i cj\nvrUs Q H N H_ MCOONAL-D, COMMISSIONER G TI -i OS_ G_ O'CONNEIL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Cn1E1 E.O.—IR WM. N. CAREY. Su—OF-..TRUCTIOH_wFao R¢viAAR G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE All CITY P-1- - - "- M. 5, GRYTSAR. SaIOSC ENOIN[[R S' ebruary 4,,192f). A. S. SHARP. Sum'. of SANITATION G. P. II -IN, SUPT. CF WCpnnCOSC Hon. John H. I&c Commis$ioxl6r' =Iff' 1'u7bli4a Works. Dear Sir: -_ 3eansmit herewith preliminary eatimate of Cost for thE; o3nstrucstion of a sewer on Columbus Avenue from Somerville= -495-vexzue to Beverly Avenue; under Preliminary OrE3- :T X57591, approved January 23, 1925: IM —9 ted Cost $2,693.00 Pew— meront foot 2.90 ection 53.00 ra see 935 ft a Youre truly, Chief ngineer. Approved for tx- sxnission to the Comm:. s � — er o f -&Jnsnoe. ommi o Pub to Works. — — _ 'CiTv vF�,, � � ivy •; :M _ a jpar;enh�co C[iJIMc��vr s A 1 JOHN H. MCOONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER _ GEORG - lVf_ SHEPARD. CR,EF ENGINEER a-� M. S. GRYTBAK. BRRcs ENGINEER ll1/M_ lel_ gREY" SUPT. aT -TRU ...'AND RE R February 4, 1925. A, B. SHARP, SUPT, of $ANITATIOH G- "- T� ROLO. OFFICE ANO OITY PunNiNc ENGINEER G. P. SOWUN. SUPT. aF WOBRROUSE Hon. John H. McDonald, z Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Columbus Avenue from.Somerville:Avenue to Beverly Avenue, under Preliminary Order C• F: #67591; approved January.23, 1925,.,,' Estimated Cost 02,693.00 Per front foot 2:90 Inspection 53.00 'Frontage 935 ft. Yours truly, Chie Engineer. Approved for transmission. to the Commissioner of Fi nance. 4G!Lmi­s�=ioner Mayor. Coancilman Ferguson ✓Councilman McDonald /Councilmanllj= Hodgson ,rCm ouncilman Sudheier ,Councilman NUenzel jv[tiyor Nelson J CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM'•t i'ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIWiRY ORDXR Ih the matter of bonstructin� six-foot cement. the sidewalk on both sides _ of Eleanor Street from Cleveland Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd,_ under Preliminary Order approved Feb To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ f.rol)t The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may'be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 30 1 Saint Catherine Park 500 29 1 Second Addition 1100 28 1 do 350 27 1 do 300 2i 1 do 300 %,25 '1 do 300'' 24 1 do 300 23 '1 do 300 22 1 do 300 21 1 do 300 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL 6&ARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISJWMER OF FINI NCE, ON PRELIMINASO, ORDER ( I DESCRIPTION r LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED L A 10N A U ATION !I 201 1 I Saint Catherine Park j 300 19 I 1 Second Addition f -- - 1$ 1 do _ 3 00 ! _: ( The East r of i7 i 1 do 159 If _-The Weet z of 7 _. _ and all of ; 16. 1 do �. 475 11 3p 2 do 325 29 2 , adi- !, 28 i 2 do 300 G 27 2 ! do 300 l y 26 2 do , ,I ! 300 r 25 11 2 do3pp I _ 24 21 do390 I 23' 2 do i 300 r 22{ 2 do i 390 ! 21; 2 do300 r 20 2 ; do 300 - �9 2 do 300 18i 2: _1 do 300 7i, 2 do 300 it 16 2 do! it 3125 27i 3 do 312527 261 3 do i j - + 25i 3 !'do -- 3 I o0 11 2413 do 00 I I', -. - I 23! 3 : do i 300 22.j 3 do 300 TOTAL . • CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENTS OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIVIMISj NER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINAPT,Y ORDER DEW SCRIPTIO Lor '6LocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r_.— (� 21 13 Saint Gratherine Park 13W, 20 3 Sedond Add. i 3p01 f _ i!_ 19 13 do f3 300, - 1S dd ! 310 A 1 7 � 3 do 300 i i d 16 3 0 ;4251 j 1 John Gaarden's Third 9760i d 2 , do . ! � h 3 do ' 300 ' ii 4 do 300 I� 5 do 300 - '6 do '300' 7 do 31 0 0 S do '300 ii 9 do�b0 i10 do 300! ; • 11 do I 300 1 II12 ',, do I 30011 i a 13 dofi a 390 � i14 do *350 li 1 5 Saint:Caherine Park Second:325 a 12 i 5 do 40 j� ' i3 5 I do ;� ' I i 'ado 1 I' j i4 5 do 1300i V 15 I5 6 do 300 II , ,0 5 do 0 ,{ 7 5do IMN s.e.11 I TOTAL 300 I CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 'REPORT OF COMMISSER OF FINANCE ORDER ON PRELIMI � (C) -, - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT'-- ADDITION VALUATION 8 5 Saint Catherine Park 300 9. 5 do 300 10 5 do 390 11 5 do 300 12 5 do 300 13 5 do 300 14 5 do 300 15 5 do ' 325 1 4 dd 325 2 4 do 300 4 do 300 4 4 do 300 5 4 do 300 6 4 do 300 7 4 do ' 300 S 4 do 300 4 do 300 to 4 do 300 11 4 do 300 A 4 do 2400 TOTAL- 35500 The Commissioner of Finance further ' r reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby 'submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to .said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- — 192 -- - � — - - -- Commission of Finance. F- B. B. u aD _ a u"9l8 St. Paul,, Minn. gtz • 63---192A- 0111, 3_192 5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from St. Ave. ...... ........... ....... _...... --. _... St. Ave. All" 210 ADDITION - - I'4'1 / Wilms® C',y� 210 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order, of the Council, known as Council File 57978 Feb. 18., .192b�192......_., relative to No.._ .—.._._........ approved ___.... ._. ... the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on both ............. _... _............. ..... ... ... ................ ...... ...._._............_._....----- .._....------------------ ..........-_ sides of Eleanor Street from Cleveland Avenue to Mount Curve 91vd. A........ —........... _..._........... _._._.......... _—._...r..__._.._.—_T—.._.-- and having investigated the matters and things referred .to therein, hereby reports: L. Said improvement is...... __..... __ ._.. necessary and (or) desirable. $1.10 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- ... ....... :..... —_--- _------- and the total cost thereof is$.............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _-- _ ---------- ..._.... .... ............. _...... ........ _---- -------- _ i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.. ............... _...... .... _.............. ..'__......._....... ._....... ..... _-__.._..._...... _..::_.......... ........... .... .._......... .... ....... �-- - _— 5. Said improvement is... ........... ................ ..... __.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works: - 59002 C B No. 99992 In the Matter of ca Idew4lk, . 1 foot Feinent 14 0ldewalk on the• _u old elde 0f ,8cha({ar Alye ,-trtlm.: -'CI laad. pve. "to_ Mvunt Lhtrva- COUNCIL FILE NO...... f � d ns ae.;ee koe - op FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ...... onstrncting a..eiz foot cement tile sidewalk on the South side ofSchefferAv..................OlevelandAveoMountCurve . . , .. t_. ., ..,., Blvd.., 44- 94 both.. aides of Pinehurst . Ave.,.. Yrom„ Cleveland..,�v..e.... to.....,..:.. +. Mount Curve Blvd., exoept where...good and sufficient sidewalks 7iww exist .....57977 ................ ' deb.,i925.................................. under Preliminary Order..... approved.... Intermediary Order......... __._...... .. ......... .........approved.................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommetjdations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. OOnetrltbt„ 8 SAX..;f00t, oement,.t1,18 Sidewalk„on_the..eouth__sa le.,of„Scheffer...Ave.....from..Cleveland..Age....,tq:..:,..., Yount...�rve........vd......and...cn. bo.th... sides..of... Pine hur4t..APe......f.RA.G1..Olevslan(1.... Ave,__.,to..Mount..Curve Blvd.,.except..wh,ere..,good.._and,. sufficient,. side_.,_,,,.,_, walks now exist ........ ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR_2 i i925 Adopted by the Council......................................................... .... ... ....... .... 2of_ City Clerk. ry Approved........AP� 192........ ................... . .......... Mayor. 1/ Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald �11/MIJR ouncilman 11MHodgson D councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavor Nelson `o t For B. S. A. 8-7.: r a CITY ov ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4. + .REPORT OF CQ?fTWSS�IONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRCIMINARY ORDER ' In the matter of constructing a six foot cement sidewalk on the Routh a; (le n f _ Snheffer Ave from Ole 11 anti -Aire to ARS r+ Curve gl rci and on both sides of. Pinehurst Ave .from -Cleveland Ave.to Mo int GI]T ro Blvd. :a under Preliminary Order approved---k-eb_..a To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost per loot for the above improvement is - - $1.10 The lots dr parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED " VALUATION 1 1 St.Catherine Park Second 500 2 1 do ) )) 2550 3 1 do 4 1 do 300 5 1 ' do 300; 6 1 I do 300 7 1 do 300 B 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 10 1 do 300 Form a. a. 10 TOTAL, C1Tv OF Sr. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FITIAN6E REPORT OF COMK41WIONER ` ON PR*NAINARY ORDER --^ ADDITION LOT 19LOC1C, ASSES SED ' VALUATION ' DESCRIPTION II 11 1 Saint Catherine Park Second_ i; 1300 :12 do ti 13 do li ;300 { 4_ 1>; 1 do 300 - - - y 15 do ^ . 1 y�5 1 2 do I ;3a5 _ 2 2 do 300 4 II 3 2 do .300 _.. I 2 do I3oo ,. r 5 2 do � Qo 3 6 2 do 4 •,300 ' _ do 7 2 300 i S 2 do 300. 'I_ 9 2 do 300 ;I n i• __ 10 2 do 0 3 0 I 2 do , 300 l 12 2 do 300 13 2. do 300 14 2 do 300. 15 2 do 325 _ 3 do 3?5 !' P 13d0 3Q0 - 3 3 do 3 00 ' 3O0 4 3 do , 5 ;3 , do 300 6 3_ do 300 ` I 3_ , do 300 I _'_.... , it CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWI.ONER� OF 'FINANCE - ON PREWMINARY ORDER e• ' - DESCRIPTION � LOT BLOCK ADDITION -. ASSESSED VALUATION �I I 3Saint Catherine Park Second 300 �I 19 3 80 � 3 00 I 110 3 da oQ : 11 3do 300 12 3 do X00 i - 28 1 Saint Catherine Park I I 700 �7 1 do 45o 26 1 do t 350- — 25 1 dd 300 1 24 1 do 300 �i �3 1 db 300'- - ! 22:1 do 300 u li 21.1 do � 300 20 1 do 300 t. i 19 1 do 30Q I,it r 1S 1 do : 300 d, 17 1 do 306 r 16 1 do 300 ! 15 1 do 450 !30 2 do 3�5 29 2 do 300 28 2 do X00 2 i do ki..2 26 2 1 i do 300 25 2 do I Sop I, i24 1 2 do foo a 23 2 do 300 TOTAL ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL - .. DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIW.IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � DESCRIPTION - • ' LOT I. _C` ADDITION ASSESSED VA LUATION i 1 - 22` 2 Saint Catherine Park - 1300!_ 21 1 2 do I 1300 s 20 2 do 300 I j _ 19 _ 2 a° 300 ii 18 2 do�3Qp. 17 2 doi 1300 16 2 do 325 31 3+ do ;325. 30 3 do 13001u I, 29- 3 do 300 __. 28 3 do ;3ool i 27 3 do 300 11 26 ` 3 ': do 300 25 ; 3 do 300 II 24: 3 ! do :340 23 3 do300 22 3" do ado 21 3 do 300. 20 3 doi300 19.3ao 375 _ 18 3 do y 50 j 1 9 do 2 9 I do 10 4 5 _ { i 3�9 do ' i3 ; 4 OT! n 4 9 dao.; , �300 r 1 i 5 9 do !300 RdIM I 6 9 _. i TOTAL ' it CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWIQNER OF FIWANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .�. I` DESCRIPTION LOT stock ADDITION ASSESSED ' 7 9 Saint Catherine Park 30Q 919 do I II. 13W _ 8 =9 do 1300! p ,9 10 do - 300 , 11 9 do ! 300 u 12 9 do 300 1 13 9 do 300 j 14 ' 9 do 45o 1 Is do 35i-- 2 '8 do 300, I 3 is i do 300 i 04 s do 300', 5 '8 do 3001 6 't do 300 'I 7 3 do ;300 g 8 do 300; 9 8 do 340 10-6 do 300 11 8 do 1300, 12 b do i390! 13 '6 do t 1300 14,!s ; do 300 li 15do - 325. 6. 17 dq + ', ,3?5 1 i 2 :7 do 1300 ' 3 , do _ 7 30 0 : 47 do 300 --- TOTAL CITY OF -ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENTOFFINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINP�NCF ON PRELIMIWR4 ORDER (c) . _ - ASSESSED " DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 7" Saint Catherine Park 300 6 7 do 300 7 7 do 300 S 7 do 300 9 7 a do 300 10 7 do 300 11 7 do 300 a 12 7 do 300 �3 7 do 375 14 7 do 500 TOTAL — 42900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mattgr by the Commissioner of Public Works. — —� Dated— Commissioner Finance. F— B. B. 12 57977 y St. Paul, Minn. 'ei� 13 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement, to be made: AT fsenr U �t Ave. is b. _.._� - _ k - 'Mum .-- 1 •-� lam. _�. I 1 MIFFS N e� 1 z" 1� / I y�IGa1� I I: IZ•/ I ,. } J • '� S Fd I nl I`I C A T H E'� R / N _ t ,O '. s8 r' � i.� �:..�_.y.,dje :..I ..��....1..,.1....1 :»i,..1.r.�...,•.t.sv".'-1 SSc . .ra 5'. <::.` —... -'� AVC, - :L 1 1' Office of the Coamissioner of Public WoKaffiv.. u Report to Commissioner of Finance ; r a of FEB24 19 25 February 23, 1925 ................... .........._192__ — To the Commissioner, of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57977 Feb. 18, 1925 Council, known as Council File No. ...... _.__........... approved_....................._...._._..._._......._._.............___.192__.._.., relative to the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south aide of Schaffer Ave. from;Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. and on both aides of Pinehurst Ave, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... ............... ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_... ......._._1.10 pe an�rt�e totTlcco&t thereof is $. _........_.____ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :..._ ........................ ___.._............. ..................... __�.___�__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ',�............... _._....... __......... ............... .......... _................. .—_._...... _._....... _......................... ......_._._�_._�_._... — i 5. Said improvela$ut is...... ..... _...................... .._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, r subject to assessment for said improvement. _,......................... �_______..�__. Commissioner of Public Works. FEB 20.1925 tggE1&,U 0F.Ei���,���i 7777 7777 � _'___7 --- --- �► 59003 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ........ By........ . .......... R In the Matter of.AgA!) Wing.. acid..lABtBllatiOA,_OP..a, eervice..lighting..„.• ,••,.,. system consisting...of..l.amp.poets.anl_lampe.,..wiree and..underground .:.... oonduite...tor.. con... i0 g-Alectrio.. current .thereto, •and.. all ,other ................. neoessaxy,.appliances...and.,eguipment...Yor..eaSd. system.on Payne..Avenue..... 4 from..Jessamine...Street..tP...=v7...Street, ..................................................................... ...................... ......_............................................................. .......................................... .................. ........ under Preliminary Order.... ......57726... .........approved....... ..1.!99,x1925........... Intermediary Order........ c s xo ssooa ............. ........................... In the Matter -of Lurntelitng and instal A public hearing having been6.. n org' a service nghung system tt upon due ndtice, and the Council (etta-af ]amp poste-anddamya. . havingheard all persons, objections' nna unectric una cons to dor reto, and having fully considered the P ,��j ing` electric :current theretq o� other, necessary, aDD71aacn �i same; therefore, be it + o s ALO V o ,dlpment ec Bald system on Y�venundrRm; 7essamtne 6r to RESOLVED, By the Council of tr_.Tp cues can 28 �78z6ry'order ,lam x •-he ring 1 .;tag per—,u - --.,, t- to b� s70em..CoAsIo ng:.of..lamg...poste..and.......... conduits for..con!eying. electric current thereto and all.. other neo a a aary.:.agpliancas... and.. equlpment..for...8.a d....e..Yet.ea�. on...�.ayne...� enuQ....... Prom Jessamine. Street Ivy., Street,, ......................... .... ............................ salt the mune ate.hmby amal led, aanaUed, narj rtstr b&vth V all 1 itlgs..in. €�aid..n7»t a. beAiiwndnn d.............. ... ... ............... . and th Council hereby ord\de improvement• o be made. t RE OLVED FURTHt the Commissi er of Public Works be and is h eby instructed and directed prepare.plans afications.for said\th ovement, and submit same the Council for approval; at upon said aphe proper city os are hereby authorized and direct o proceed with the ma ing of said imnt in accordancewith. PR 2 1 1925 Adopted by the Council......................................................... 192.... APR 2 i..... ......... ..... .. ..... ....................... k. _ . ....... _.....1925 City r APProved........... 192........ A s anslanc, _ Councilman Ferguson ouncilman McDonald ouncilman PKMx Hodgson ouncilman Sudheimer /ouncilman Wenzel I ,Mayor Nelson 6 Form B. S. A. 8-7. under Preliminary Order approved _ Jan. 2ci ,19_2 e To the ouncil of the City of St. Paul: CITY OF ST. P The missioner of I inanee hereby reports as follows: DEPARTMENT OF ANA .. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is REPORIT OF COMM SSIONER OF' FINANCE Length 2, 246 ft. Width of Street 66 ft. - :ON PREL V I NARY ORDER ft. Roadway 40 ft. r \ `AJ. . Estimate "A" 5e - 5 li0',t 'Dost installation similar In the matter of furnishing and installation of a service lighting system that now on Payne Ave. consisting of lamo -posts and lamas wires and underground Cost per front fa.,t - - - - - - 4.73 X71 conduits for convening electric current thereto and all 56 - 1,, li,ht post installation similar to the 12,096•.00 one on Selby Ave. other necessary anoliances and equipment for said system -0 on Pavne Avenue from Jessamine Street to Ivy Street, 7 3 under Preliminary Order approved _ Jan. 2ci ,19_2 To the ouncil of the City of St. Paul: The missioner of I inanee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S Length 2, 246 ft. Width of Street 66 ft. Front are 3,650 ft. Roadway 40 ft. Estimate "A" 5e - 5 li0',t 'Dost installation similar to that now on Payne Ave. $17,246.00 Cost per front fa.,t - - - - - - 4.73 Estimate "B" 56 - 1,, li,ht post installation similar to the 12,096•.00 one on Selby Ave. Cost ler front foot - - - - - - 3.31 7 3 do 650 6 3 do 1700 5 3 do 420o 4 3 do 3350 3 3 do 850 2 3 do 850 1 3 do 1075 Form B. B. to TOTAL, - CITY OF ST. P"I DEPARTMENT OF, ANAI REPORT OF CO.MWASIONER OF' FINANCE ON PREUVINARY.ORDER In the matter of furnishing "and installation of a service lighting system consisting of lamb posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electricrcurrent thereto and allother �7T .G� necessary appliances and equipment for said system �3 on Payne Avenue from Jessamine Street to Ivy Street, .Tan .29;1925 _ parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 10 3 Holterhofi & Mead's Add. 8725 9 3 to the City of St. Paul 6 3 Ramsey County, Minn., 4400 7 3 d» 850 ,, 6 3 do 1700 5 3 do 4200 4 3 do 33,50: 3 3 do X50 2 3 do 850 1 '3 do 1075 Form B. B. 10 - TOTAL, CITY OF ST. ;AUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINAI'E`� REPORT OF COMMISSIQNEW:OF FINANCE ON- PRELIAVARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION I LOT �eLocK, ADDITION VALUATION 10 2 RttoCity a r of otheSt.Paul 9 2 Ramsey County, Minn. ` - - 2 do - - . 7 2do 150it I do 1300 1, vac llisy adj. & Lots 5 to 1 •2 do 5750 _ 10 1 do 112 9 1 do 1650 1 do $00 7 1 d° 2$50 6 1 do , - - d0 W0 do 1000 7 1 do 3600 II 2 1 do lloo (4c.alley) the Y..251of Lots 13, - 14. &15' 1 do 5100 22 4 Stone & Morton's Add.to 8750 II 21 4 the City of St -Paul 300 ,, 20 4 do 250 'i 19 4 do loo do 100 17 4 ; do 100 16 4 do i i , 175`.. 15 14 4 _. do _ 350 N: - � - Id 1 3 4 ° 600 TOTAL I i f � CITY OF ST PAUL .y:SAI DEPARTMENT_F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM'ISSONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT CLOCK . " I ADDITION i ASSESSED VALUATION �, 2213 Stone & Morton's Add.to 1 475; 21 3 :the City of St. Paul 0, 20 do 3 ldo _ 19 3 do 2d0 - 16 3 do 1125 17 3 do 9?5 16 3 do 15 3 do 375 143 do 192,5 !_ 13,: 3 do - 3,07,5 , ;- ------ 22 2 do 70-0 21 2 do 350 20 2 do 2150 j 19 2 do ) 1 0 1S 2 do 17 2 do ip5p i16 : 2 do 6ob 15 2, do 356 14 2 do 2,6519 13 2 do ;450 22 1 do _ 1725 i 21 ii do 5P - U _20 1 do 50 19 1 do 18 1 do 2 -_. 5D - 17 . 1 I do 14[ 0b j6 do 1806 1 TOTAL I I, _n e cln or ST. PAUL „DEPARTMENT 1{'INANCE '• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE —:.ON=PRELIMMARX-ORDER- (B) �. II - DESCRIPTION LOT' -BLOCK _ `- ADDITION --r ASSESSED VALUATION! 15. .1 atone &ortonls Aad to 1950 p 14 1 the City of St.Paul2050, 1ji ! �' !i 13 1 do 13501 1 3 ;Joseph R.Weidels .add. to q -.Paul, j 5?75 1 2 3 'the -City of St Minn. All of 3 3if and the So.122 ft.of 4 3 do 2g25, ( The r Y.orth 12i ft .of 4 do ' and all of _2 5 3 5 - ; 6 3_ do 2550 !i 7 3 do X550 813 do _ 2450 5 I 9 3 do 655010 do h625 i! 1 2 do 450 2 2 do 750; ti 3 2 do 2 550 { 4 2 do 2100 j 5 2 do 2550 7 ---- l 6 2 do , 1950f _ 7 2 do 750 8 12 do. - — 750', 9 2 do 75 10 2 do 3600, 1 1 do 1125 2 1 do 800 3 1 do so 4 1 f do 8,001 J TOTAL CITY -OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAL( IE C REPORT OF COMMIP!S�NER OF FINANCE ----------- ON PRELIMIIJARY ORDER DESCRIPTION i r LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED, _ VALUATION �I 1 5 ; 1 1 Joseph R.'4eide is Add.to 1 i 240 } I +_ -- 6 the Citof St .Paul Minn 1 _ - 1 550.1.. --- 7 1 do 1 2 � 5p If 1 d° r 9 1 do -- ; 7100 10 1:1 do y-- 1375 1 1 Joseph R.Weidels 2nd Add, ) 15975 , 2 '1 do ) _ 3 1 do �+ 1 do -- o , i 5 .1 do I_ 4,5Q __... 6 '..1 do app � 7 '.1 do X00 . g '1 do 200 9 1 do 206 ji 10'1 do A 225 1 2 do X50 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 a. 4 2 do 75 ' 5 2 do - - _ A, 6 2 do 75 ; 7 2 do L 75 , I 8 2 I do ' f ,75 -- --- 9_ : z : _ _ _ do I 7 5 - ' ,10 '; 2 do _ 1 _. --- - - , 1 3 do - j 2800 .. - -.-- �aI 1� TOTAL I... i • CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINAL �x -- K o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER"-OF FINANCE, _ ON PRELI WNAY ORDER (C) L _, ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 3 Joseph R.Vieidels 2nd Add. 1550 3 3 to 0ity'of St.Paul,Minn. , 5650 4 3 do ) 5 3 do 350 6 3 do 350 7 3 do 1800 8 3 do 350 9 3 do 350 10 3 do 3400 _ 1 4 do 3525 2 4 do 1650 3 4 do. 1550 All of 4 4 " and the South 10 ft. of 5 4 do 1800 The Yorth 15 ft-of 5 4 and all of b -4 do 1925 7 4 do 350 All of 8 4 and the south 2 ft. of 9 4 do 2175 The Prorth 23 ft -of 9 4 and the South 2 ft.of to 4 do 2825 The :forth 23 ft. of 10 4 do TOTAL - - 231300 r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to ^' said matter by the �C�om�miissi�oner of Public Works. Dated_.Jft..Q..1L6/J- / f-_- -192* 5 �i -------_ `� A — commissione Finance. 0. ' rOf TO THE HONORABLE GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, AND THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned, tax payers and residents of the vicinity affected by this petition, do hereby petition your jj honorable body to install ornamental lights on Payne Avenue, U from Jessamine Street to Ivy Street, said lights to conform with those now installed on Payne Avenue to Jesmnine Street. rf / We believe that this improvement is a public necessity, and that a great majority of the property owners and residents of this section are in favor of said project. I / rte' 1.2 ym . X te' o'�i r x 4, 4eej d Re -,a 94 29-T. 2-5 -A',02. -Sc at E: 3* a 'r,• / ! _kIv --Off L �y Q /�Y,gc�Nrif - sr. //Fi W fi/OIrNE ST 7f , Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works RECeryw. . Report to Commissioner of Finance 1' P a- `fir Feb........2.8..e...._19 .R... .....19 _ To the, Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the 57726.__..__ Jan. 29, 192b Council, known as Council File No......._.._..__.._._. approved_........_ ...... ................._............................................_.192...... _., relative to furnishing and installation of a service lighting system on Payne Avenue from Jessamine Street to Ivy Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............................ -.....necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimates attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ............. ...... .... ___............ I and the total cost thereof is $ .............. _.......... _._............ __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ... _........ _............. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property; subject to assessment for said improvement. os ............................. ...ti __........___ ._....._. .._.........._.._..._..__ ° Commissioner of Public Works. 01 4 JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Cm— EncINElR _ M. S. GRYTBAK, B NMI W M. N. CAREY, SN O N All REPAIR A. B SHARP. SNPiRo SIMK EN TwT au G. H. HERROLD. OPPiclEwNorvCiiv Punrvinc ENGINEER G. P. SHARP, , 5 February 26, 1J25. NPT. of W°"""° �` Eon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: ,I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the furnishing and installation of a service lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on Payne Ave. from Jessamine St. to Ivy St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #57726, approved January 2,V, 1925: Length 2,246 ft. Width of Street 66 ft. Frontage 3,650`ft. Roadway 40 ft. Estimate "A" 56 - 5 light post installation similar to that now on Payne Ave. $17,248.00 Cost per front foot - - - - 4.73 Estimate "B" 66 - 1 light post installation similar to the one on Selby Ave. 12,096.00 Coat per front foot - - - - 3.31 Yours truly, ingineer. Appr v r transmission tb �D r of Finance. zy \i.l`OFF31t�/T p"a rhrrzsea1"ofV��(b 110 f R01", ig s �r Bureau of Water 1. - - J. W. Kelsey, Geol. Supt. Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories .GEORGE C. SUGHEIMER, COMMt59toNER Victor H. Roehrich, Chemist Bureau of Public Markets HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Otto P. Anacker, Market Master Bureau of Lighting H. C. Streich, Supt. January 27, 1925• Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. McDonald: The attached petition from property owners on Payne Avenue requesting service lights on Payne from Jessamine Street to Ivy Street has been referred �V to us by the council. Kindly have a preliminary order issued covering the above request and oblige. Yours very truly, Superintendent of Lighting Approv COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UPI LITIES 2nd..__ Laid over to 3rd. & aPP•-_ ��— Adopted y Yeas Nays Yeas ✓ Nays Clancy Ferguson — F,) yClancy 3Verguson ✓Hodgson Hodgson McDonald McDonald Sudheimer $ enzeler ✓ Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson C. F. -,4 69001—prdinance No. 6496— j By 1. C, godgeon— IAn Adminiatrative Ordinance Flaing l- V the 8alarlea oY the Deputy Commis- I � / i stoner oY Flof and .the Deputy r`' — Comptroller. C. F.. No. Ordinance AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE FIRING THE SALARIES OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND THE DEPUTY COMPTROLLER. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The salary of the Deputy Commissioner of Finance and the Deputy Comptroller shall be thirty.-three hundred dollars (*33."-.;,00) per annum, said salaries. to be paid out of the funds of.the respective departments in twenty-four semi-monthly installments. Seoion 2 Ill ordinanoes and parts of ordinances in- ' conaistsnh are hereby repealed.. v''Sect ion 3 This`ordinanoe'shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage'and publication. Passed by the Council MAY - 7 tugs Yeas Nays Mr.�lanoy erguson / �[oDonald ✓ odgson ✓$udheimer ✓Wanael /Mr.,President (Nakao Y! 7 1,WApo oved ayo Attest a Ci eri f i 'ry IC. F. No. 59005—Ordinance No. 6494 By K C. Wen-l— An Administrative Ordinance Pre- '--' By -or the Rules and Regulatlons C • F. No. `; for the Sale of Real.Pronerty Owned r f° 15 I or Under the ContT� :'_. '".e Depart- ntf Parks. re Bund,_ Ordinance No. AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED OR UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That whenever the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall deem it for the best in- terest of the City of St. Paul to dispose of any real property belonging to or under the control of his department, he may die - pose of it in the following manner: The Commissioner shall furnish a description of the property to be sold to the Purchasing Agent, who shall proceed to have the same appraised by competent real estate appraisers, and upon obtaining said appraisal shall proceed to s311 the same, giving to the purchaser an agreement to sell,sub- ject to the approval of the Council. The Purchasing Agent shall thereupon report to the council giving a description of the property, the appraised value thereof, and the amount for whioh it is proposed to be sold. If the Council shall by resolution ppprmve such sale the proper city officers shall convey the property so sold to the purchaser thereof, and if the Council shall disapprove such sale the Purchasing Agent. shall notify the purchaser of such disapproval by the Council and shall return to him any deposit asiid purchaser stay. have made on the purchase price. Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to authorize the sale of park lands or property which the Charter provides shall not be sold or alienated. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. S Yeas o Attest: -2- MAY 6 i8 Passed by the Counail Nay$ Mr. */ Olancy Oft V.UoDonald V,iodgeon ,/Sudheimer V, Wenzel ,e6��nt t/ 11,, Vla P— FOWA-T' Approved - Mayor -2- eaJJA i add Yd hsaeh4 ' Baas �1�.TM rrva ,. Ar eaJJA RESOLVED CITY SOF ST. PAUL F°e c�`. NO ------ 599— 0-6- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL,FORM ,0—/ April 21, 1925 That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August 26, 1924, between DeGraff Wolf``'Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the oonstiuction of a sewer on May St. from Middleton Ave. to 100 feet northwest of Middleton Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 21st day of April; 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said- oontract in accordance herewith, provided, that thiw"resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas /Ferguson ,Hodgson (/ McDonald /Sudheimer Wenzel / Mr. President APR 2 1 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council --------................. ..............192...__. 192.5 ,�ro�ved��-'.'---- - ------ -------192.._... _ ,....In favor f MAYOR an -------"------Against St. Paul, Minn. -,54 %G 1925 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL,. CITY OF. ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: Would rospoctfully ask that your Honorable Body / cause the time of completing contract for the �+sN �•ti �✓ ClI.,--W Igovt-- Tc 6 extended to iG 192.E Owing to it was not possible for c4.1 -to finish this contract within the time specified, hence ,; desire to ask that the time for com- pleting same be made �is hereinbefore stated. . Yours very truly, Contract r. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED, Supt. _of Construction & Repairs Commissioner of Public Works Chief Engineer. 1 .. PRE"Nryry''E Y COMMISSIO 1 �y RESOLVED MM The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, Of the Pity Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- gloyes of his department £or more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth: NAME TITLE TIDE RATD TOTAL Roland Dyer Head Jan. 23 hrs 64 14.72 Jos. Gobeil Janitor 4 hrs .59 2.36 R. Beckstrom dtaty frm. 6 hrs .72 4.32 Andrew Engstrom Janitor 10 hrs. .72 7.20 CITY F ST. PAUL COUNCIL } �(� ,• _ OFFICE OFOTHE CITY CLE K. FI`E NO....-. �" O RESOLUTION—GENE AL FORM COUNCILMI•:N Yeas Nays cY Ferguson McDonald _ Matson Peter Wenzel PR 2 Adopted b the Cou -Ap p..192------ ApproveAPR-2 i...l --- 192... ----------------------------- - Against COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a vee No...--- ----------- t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK• C UNrI� ROLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED . ._... _ �_ . ..............._..._......._. DATE._...__...._._Ap.ri.�.s.7, COMMISSION RESOLVED ,AS, The Commissioner of yducation has re' to he Council in accoru.ance with Sectio , of the iharter the existence of an oency which rendere cessary the emplO of certain em- ployes of hi artment ore than their usual hours of employmer�,� efore, be it, RESOLVED, That the er city office —hereby authorized pay the following named emi at the otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra employment for extra time herein - r set forth: TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL J. p. Crofoot Com Laborer 7 hre .45 3.15 Harry Favillo util Laborer 11 hre .55 6.05 Peter Paulson tftce Laborer 2 hre .50 1.00 COUNCILTIEN - APR 2 i 182g Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............ ..__.._--------------------192..___ Clsuay—_"'° -- .192 ✓Ferguson Approv d.....---------------------�� ,,,McDonald_In favor .- �.( iMateon i` MAYOR ✓_-_ Against ,::.... ,/Peter Wenzel �- /Mr. President 11990 FORA 130. . April 192 _1n eriorger_cy n_:a ._risen in th:: D.)-,-.rtr:jnt of Idue .tion, Bureau of 3ehools, randaring necaasary the eriployment of cor— tain employes of that dapa rtnc: nt for more than eight hours per day, in doin; the followin; work: "tobing schools firing and gleaning_ This e-.iorg::ncy ^rosy by rocson of tho following facts -nd circumstances: ;Dubstitutina for_janitQrs who are t11_ This report is in--ccord;.nca with 3oction 53 of tho Charter. POEM N0. 1. April 17 19296 An aaargancy has arison in the D3partmmt of 21ducation. Buraau of Schools, rindoring nacassary_ -th.. eraplovi's.int of car - ta,in employos of that da?artmmt for mora than night hours per day, in doing the following work: Cleaning schools This amergoncy arosa by reason of tha following facts and eircumstancos: 4nheti fisting 4 Janitors who are ill. This raport is in accordance with 3jction 53 of tha Charter. °'� CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO...-__... COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c )WfielL LUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ----__ DATE__n.Tll ],8,1925 COMMISSIONER___.._..____..——.-�_.._......_._......__.__.__ ........_...._......-. _. ._.�—_.._.._._.___.__._._._ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, on informal competitive bide, without advertisement, 75 coils of 3/4 inch lead pipe at a total cost of not to exceed $1875.00;, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work. a hardship to the best interests of the city. charge Nater Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson v/McDonald �j...In favor V.....Against ,/ Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.._APR 2 1 1925 ................ 192..... 4 Pri A roved. MAYOR (10 *. COUNCMNO:..-AXIOU-1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL rl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 21,1925 PRESENTED B =ommissIoNER._...._.__._..._..-...___..__._.__....__.._.___._._._.._...._._._---.____. DATE.__._._._-_._..___. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the oonsent of the Qomptroller, 75 lineal Peet of Blaw Knox patented Horsehoe sewer forme, at a total ooet of not to exceed $2170:400, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby] Oharge F.I.R.3001—Belt Line B -L2213 CO COUNCILMEN APR 2 1 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192.----. V-1fergueon A4rv�ed--" - "-....... "...----- ------------192----- ,,Hodgson _...Z,2 -In favor ,-McDonald MAYOR /Sudheimer _..`.......Against Wenzel /-Ir. President - CITY OF ST. PAUL FouaRciL 5JV ti - .�--7 No------------------ .. �.,,• OFFICE OF THE ITY CLERK - �`I// O N IL ESOL TI =GENERA[_ FORM PRESENTED BY HerIDari C. PJenzel COMMISSIONER-.____-___..._.._.__._____._�___.�_____.._..._.__.— DATE.__..._._._.____.__._.___......_...._........._:_ RESOLVED That the appointment by Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, of Chas. W. De. Pinney, and John Dempsey, as members of the Board of Plumber Examiners, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. C..SJ No: 69016.-8y 10,01,01. hat the nppolutment by. erman C...,.�Yenze,, Commlasloner -of- Paeks. Playgrounds and.:Publf0 BI ;lugs; oY Chas W. De''YiUey, andJohn I Dempsey,' as member -or the Board of Plumber Examiners,. be and the—me to l hePebycencufced in and-nDproved. .'' -si Adopted bye the Counen .Apr. 21, 1926.' Approved flp,z.21, 1926, (WAY 2-1925); r' COUNCILIMEN APR 2 •I -,920 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .......... ------------------------------ 192.----- v Ferguson j. Approved------------- ---------------------------.__.192------ ✓Hodgson ------- -L.j----In fbvor McDonald, '. . . . ....... . t udheimer f' -_.Against MAYOR nzel ✓ Mr. President OF ST PAUL-,.., -- ` OFFICE OF t1. N: Nv 69011 ;$y C..Waaeel Vwlter.ap Tile Redop ^Cab Lb 1981 COUNCIL RESOLU P1Aaeant Ave ,hqY. made snDUoatlon-:1 - /� ' . foi lice ee to ouetate' pDoh .the gLteetq of. th2e CItY yr 8L Paul tbq Iollowlag "sate s7e 89 7327 27728 89 . ---_. 80 _... 7181 22729 90 91 - 7135 27724 91 92 7245 27730 92 93 7296 27719 93 94 7334 277ZL 94 95 7267 27727 95 96 7187 27726 96 97 7192 27723 97 98 7260 27722 98 31 3268 16644 31 Slue & Gray Cab 1HEMAS, The Red Top Cab Co. in a000rdenee with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy (American Automobile Ins.Co. St. Louis) with the city of at. Paul and said policy has been approvdd as to form by the Corporation Counsel. therefore, be it YeasNays Adopted by the Clancy Ferguson Apprc Hodgson _.....J�.ia f or YOR lg—udheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President WHPsRUS, The Red Top Cab Co. 198 Pleasant Ave., have made application for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul the following auto care: Cab No. Motor No. Chassis No, License No. 39 7270 20093 39 40 7217 20094 40 41 7239 20095 41 42 7204 20096 42 43 7235 20097 43 44 7271 20098_ 44 46 - 7277 20099 45 56 7284 20071. Be 57 7337 20092 67 84 6459 28173 64 85 6523 26171 85 86 5516 26174. 88 87 5531 26178 87 88 7283 27720: 88 89 7327 27728 89 . ---_. 80 _... 7181 22729 90 91 - 7135 27724 91 92 7245 27730 92 93 7296 27719 93 94 7334 277ZL 94 95 7267 27727 95 96 7187 27726 96 97 7192 27723 97 98 7260 27722 98 31 3268 16644 31 Slue & Gray Cab 1HEMAS, The Red Top Cab Co. in a000rdenee with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy (American Automobile Ins.Co. St. Louis) with the city of at. Paul and said policy has been approvdd as to form by the Corporation Counsel. therefore, be it YeasNays Adopted by the Clancy Ferguson Apprc Hodgson _.....J�.ia f or YOR lg—udheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President NO_ ----- 5901-1 CITYkOF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 21, 1425 'PRESENTED BY_ DATE — — ----- — - - - — -------- - - ---- RESOLVED That license be issued to sgid Red Top Cab Co. to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the city of at. Paul, Subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Werguson ,/Hodgson -In favor --'McDonald Against Sudheimer /:Wenzel ----Mr. President APR 2 1 1925 Adopted by the Council----------------- ­------------------- �192 ...... #,[OR 2 1 1925 Appipved ------- - ----_------_-- --------------- 192 ---- -------- MAYOR � :5 Na 58Ui2—Ry H.- WanrNCIL -y CITY That the'kpPlt4$tiona :for I -e NO ------------------------- ;9Z7.4" - ReaolYed ltoehee§ of the tonowing persona .'tor ! OFFICE OF 1.rriyduotingu,inegsep Pt the nddteeaee C .. cuctl., be'Vgnd the'.uame ,Ya o", COUNCIL RESOLUTtt�; sed and'the city fiz. is tnatr. t: r— i'sae anefi Ifceneea-.upon the 'pa9 ✓Ferguson ,/Hodgson i APR 2 1 1925 192-. Appro ed. - ......... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted andthe city clerk is* instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the ,city treasury of the customary fee: ..,,Wenzel Rubin Goldstein, 184 Bva St., Grocery Y. J. Farrell, 1353 university AV., Dance Hall H. 1. Katz, 966 Gaultier St., Grocery G. A.Thompson, 1211 E. -7th St., Confectionery Steve Schwartz, 1111 Arcade at., " John Serpioe, 684 Bradley 8t • David Pugh; 171 W. Chatsworth at, Grocery Morris Gordon, 451 Cedar St., e Bridget Tierney, 490 University Av., Confectionery J. Wolslager, 1276 Bdmuad St., " Sunflower Delicatessen Laura Gebault & Slizab-etb Duggan 1616 Grand Ave., Delicatessen Otto Gehrt, 561 University Ave., Confectionery B. J. Wall, 7194 Grand Ave., Grocery Aultmen, Inc., 600 9th et. So. Bill poster Carl & Grace Hagelin, 848 Selby Ave., Grocery Anthony Nardini, 289'S.,7th St., Confectionery H. 0. Grossmann, 1277/ at, Clair St., Grocery Schatz & Peck, 44 S. Snelling Av., " Lon -Blomberg, : 2310 Como'Ave.y:. - R -Ben F. Shema, 266 University !,Ave., Butcher C. J. Frid, 1674 W. 7th St., Grocery C. J. Rddeen, 793 B. 7th St., e° R. J..Rick, 938 B. 3rd St., " Aug: Dellair, 1667 E:•7th at., Confectionery L. H. Sorns 1718 S. 7th at., Grooery Wm. T. Sohulenberg, 758 Forest at., " u Nick Muooiaooisro 818 Payne AV., " R. P Rossbaoh, 1694 University Av., Butcher Paul Boranian, 737 Selby Av., " H. G. Shhaffhausen,4 940 R. 7th St., Confectionery H. A. CambrW, 2266W. Como Av., Butcher Ed Boss, 116 W. 7th St., Confectionery O.B.Freeman & F.I.Sargars�W, 529 St. Peter St., Second hand dealer Consumers Wholesale Supply'Co.176 W. 7th St., Butcheb " T " " 174 W. 7th St., Grocery R. Simon 451 St. meter St., pndealer A"T MRM. MEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ...................... Ld y ----.............. 192 ✓Ferguson ,/Hodgson / In favor APR 2 1 1925 192-. Appro ed. - ......... ,/McDonald ✓Sudheirner ................ Against ..,,Wenzel ,-'Mr.. President Snggeeted by Street' Ba�1"y Company 59013 Council File No. -----•-••-- .1. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT l and IO R,No. sOlaahetrsot• ii whei'ea=� iou�w'fns°�mv O°'mOA� PRELIMINARY ORDER. +�akfag .4. OmenaarVeatarII Ave a to xatln been q to:a �e18th of.70 tt havfnB dted to Pio a °b,� tt bt the.CitY of s the making of the following public improvement - by the City of St. Paul, viz.: a. ,..•, :- beset " -den and extend Havel Avenue from . . - - ---------- ------------------ - -- ------------------------- - _......---Ha7c'vel ltx..AYo.--tQ Sti111mte�'...$Qa4...tQ a -width - - - -70 -;M Jq--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this ...------_------81* April - 192... b • -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -- ........................Oven,:__>Bider..and._ezteul.Saael..Avexlua from - - - �Q�r�8#4X.. &49 -tQ .St.1.77.wster_ Eo.d S� .4... width-------------------------- ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------- --------------- ------------------------- ------------ ------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. 4To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. N • 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... APR.2 1 1925 l YEAS NAYa APR (`iOUIIC11maII PL&xFERGGi_ ... �db . 12 � ...... .............. .. ERODSON Approved_ .---"-- --- ---- - ------- -- 1114ATSON ,-4MCDONALD o PETER WEN7.EL """"'"-' / Mayor. MR.A4RES[DENT I .^L^.?LISFIk'D Jr Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) �; j c. g -lcv. ss�a�s—auecrab4 ' j�lpriYton'!at'b neat �r� 59014 `� bg o'.YPe4faIIowSn� �mRrovemen4 eewereo>;i--Fe,trvle+' `ro�onytrutitins' Council File No ... ..... ........... °:. a Yroto.-Otto Ave; Yo Sillczest h ` , ::�inehuist Ave'- n:n6 on ih,Q Slab' OSAL FOR. IMPROVEMENT 46 .�� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constructing sewers on Fairview Ave. from Otto Ave. to Hillorest Ave., on---Pin.ehur-at--- Ava-----and--on.-- e-- - ne--- t --- F.ineh-ux-st... As€.-...p-roduoe-i----from---------------- Fairview Ave. to a point 50 ft. west of Snelling Ave., on Ford Road an---on--ther- lime-gat---Ford---Rozad---pro-duce-fl froYrr-Fairview--- A'v-e, t -o a-VWiYt - dt 50 ft. west of Snelling Ave...on-Hillcrest Ave_-,and_on_the_ line ---of.-------__- Silloreet Ave. produoed from Fairview Ave. to ,-point 50 ft. west of Sne-1ling--.Agas------------------------------------------------------ .. -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21stdApril, 1925. -. 192__... Dated this------ ----------------- a- - y of---------------_-------------- ------------- - ------------------ ------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followingimprovement, viz.: Constructing sewer$ on Fairview Ave. from Oto Ave. to Hillorest Ave. , or;E--Pir�ehu-rst--tae.----said--on--- lie-l-ine sf---Pinehurst Ave. ---p-rodu-eed- from ----------- Fairview Ave. to s point 50 ft. ;west of Snelling Ava. , on Ford Road BY &--O --- th-6- 1:M6---6r--FCyd--RBad pro duo m ed froFairview Ave. to a po"�ni� 50_ - ft. ---west---°--- Snelling--.A.Y.e.�- --on_.3i to.rast---Axe,....and..An...the__line...of-------------- Hiliorest Ave. produced from Fair -view Ave. to a point 50 ft. west of Sn811#il Yea:-_--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ having been presented to -the Council.of the City oft. Paul _....____.------ -..-_.----------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigatEVthe nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Adopted by the Council----------------A------PR 2 1 -------192-- --------------------- ---------- YEAS NAYS �'/FERGUSON ODGSON MCDONALD --"SUDHEIIIER --/WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 ONI 3-25) / Approved.----- APA-2--tsk e *- ------------........................ ... ..... Lt.._.....__........__--_ Mayor. .'UIIUSMD_I�L petition of PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �i PRELIMINARY ORDER., Council File NO ----- ?9U.15 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six _foot cement tale sidewalk on the east side- . of L4ke Como Boulevard Service Drive from Como Avenue North to ----------------------------------- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ Ave- Lakeview ve ---------------A----------nue- ---------------------------------- - - - - - ---------- -------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this. 218t. - day of ---------------------April-'-- 1925 ------- 192 ------- ------------------ - - Councilman. C —r'346 59011"... I _ WLereae. A_WNNeS z 1315 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. W --I-�REAS, 1, +'::tten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side ------------------------------- -- ------ ----------- -- ---------- ------------------- -------------- -- of Lake Como Boulevard Service Drive from Como Avenue North to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------- Lakeview Avenue. -__.._-- ----------- ------------ ------------------------- ..__...__.-11..11. r -M ' ---------------------------------------------------- ....... .----------------- —_------------------------- .---- ------ . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- --- ---- ."..--- .._------ ------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and 'directed: - 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓` ' Adopted by the Council_-------------c*k "R2--1--j92S---------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman �; 60144 w- i '19,25 �. , ,AERGUSON APProved----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ /HODGSON �MCDONALD UDIIEINIFR __ 111'1 .. .......................... ENZEL .-_.........................__._____ -....1..11.1 _ ___ Mayor. // MR. RESIDENT Roan CA 13 (1M &25) bP Petition �JU1E3 Council File No.._.._.. _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby, proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct s six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- - -- o� Oxford Street beginning 306 feet north of-McKenty St., thence ----------- ---------------------- ----------------------- north 51 fee '---- - - - - - - - - ------------ --------------------................----- ---------- - ----------------------------------------------------------- 21st A ril. 1926 Dated this. day of -- . --p --------------- - 77 — --------- Councilman. -Abstrsot. of Whereas, Awrltteti.,Woposal ler. tls . ma.lcln8 the'folloWia6 imProvemee�•. �� PRELIMINARY ORD WTIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: onaruc- tile sidewalk on the east ------ -- C_-- ---- __---. --- ._.St.,...... _.. --oi--OxYord-_Street beginning 306 feet north of BQoKenty thence north 51 feet. -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -s having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...___...._ ....................- ---- - -------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herelsy ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ApR 2 1 1925 Adopted. by the Council.._..... - ----- --- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman OLAWeT- ��FERGUSON _/#ODGSON CDONA -R UDHEI\SER r / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 ord 3-25) 6"-� �r�' t"di 2 i ,. d--------------------------------------- - -------------------------------- Mayor. BLISHM Petition r r'qq w Council File No.. -.-t5. .1.J<.!= -i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tl3,4� undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct---a---sewer---on--Hyacinth--Street---Yrom--Gre-enbrier---6venue-------------- -------------------- - to Yleide Street. -------------------------- ------_-------------- - - - ----------- - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21st y A r11 192b- ---------------- ----- , 192... Dated this---- .......da of------------------ - j C_ F_ 1rTo_ 58017 - _ - - -- Councilman. .Abair -act. Wheraaa:- A �r3lt¢a Drompr tor' tha malciag.a=--tha_�ollowrag.lDrovemetI'6 P3Coaatrzact a sewer on Hyacinth sL =raai '�3reehbrS'es_ A�e•y to Weide st.: hsvfag bees' p'a-�neated to the Count:• or tibe ci<!v or st Pur: breLore, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Iia -solved: s�i3c -`�� rte= 'WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Hyacinth Street from Greenbrier Avenue ------_-- ----- - ---- - ----------------------------- - _ -- --- - to Weide Street-'---------------------------------------- --------------.------. --------- -- -- - - - - - - ...... ... - --------------------- -------------- -------------------------- ------ iaav$ng been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------- ..-- ------------------------------- ----------------------- ---- tlzere£ore, be it RES01.VRD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: _ 1 _ To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2_ To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3_ To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. t said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4_ To state whether or no ner of Finance. _ To report upon all of the -foregoing matters to the Commissio 5 APR 2 1 192b Adopted by the Council. ---------------------------- - ----------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman -C APR 2 l 19 ✓FERGUSON Approved .......... ' ....... _,4tODGSON cDONALD UDHEI.NIER _1_*EN7.EL ............ ......... Mayor. `/ MR. PRESIDENT C� 1✓t§><1�'YI Form C A 13 (1M 3-25) 1� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, C. F. N.. 59018 0 ening. w7ae tpa Inn; ao m [[dins P]lo A" �~ - treal Xot n86 Y[, from ClevelandAve. ♦vidth o It'esL Seven [R Stree - a18n enrtn_. Ins the Intersection at trlangu and by txl:ing two - Avenue ecea oP ground In nddlt�en [t tRd Ave wl� •�1 zr at thn n,�.�' :nat nn Inthe matter of......................................................................... Opening, widening and a tendir&& .A.otitreal tvome Pqa width of 86 ft-. froia. Cleveland Avenuo to lest Seventh Street; also enlarging the intersection at Cleveland Avenue by taking two triangular pieces of ground in addition_.tp,. the above widening at the northeast and southeast corners of 'Cleveland and ;,o=�-cc2 : vvuiaos� :t -cured 16 ft. aan 1,lovalantj livgnwo and 16 fti: On iI011treal Avenues also enlarging the intersection at Pleasant Avenue by taking a triangular piece of ground at the northwest corner of Pleasant and Montreal Avenues in addition to the above widening, measured 16 ft. on Pleasant Avenue and 16 ft. on Montreal itvenue, and at the southwest corner of Montreal Avenue and hest Seventh Street a triangular piece of ground 24 ft, measured on ISon- treal Avenue and 24 ft. on West Seventh Street, viz: 1n C -action 15�_ Town, 28, Range 23. 1' a or ee o e Lollowing (Except Snelling and Llontroal Avenues and Edgeumbe Road) The North 1/2 of the Sputhwest 1/4, In seotion 16, own.:28 --Rfaanna� 3. ze oriFi to ;,own,, o� Ie o owing (Except Snelling and Liontreal iivenues ) the Northesat.1/4 Of the_Northeast.l/4. of. the Southeast 1/4. The North 10 -feat of the following (Except i'aontreal :ve.) the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4.o£ the,.,Northeast 1/4 of -the Southeast 1/4. 1^ a or eet of the following (Except Montreal and Davern livenues ) �,°qhe hest -l/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the >outheast 1/4. The North 10 feet of the following (Lxcept Montreal, Davern and Fairview Avenues),.the North l/2,Qf,;the-..Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 "-Ttir'Sauth 10 feet of the following (Lxcept Montreal and Fairview ,.venues) the Southwest 1/4 of the%llortheaat 1/4. The South 10 feet of the following (Except Montreal Ave.) the West 1/2 1�zf tho Southwest,1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/'4. The South 10 feet of the following (Except idontreal Avo.) the Vsst 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. The South 10 feet of the following (Except Liontreal i,ve.) the a9est 8 rods, of the haat 32 rods of the South 10 rods of the Southeast 1/4 iofthe North- east 1/4. The South 10 feat of the following (Except 1/2 acre t.o'School Board and Except Montreal and 'Snelling Avenues) the Southeast 1/4 of ttie Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. The North 107foat of Tthe following (Except l:lontreal and Fairview Avenues) the.Northeast 1/4 of the :outhwost 1/4. ,The North 10 feet of the following (Except L ontreal i.vo.) the East 130 fee'G•of the horth 330 ft. of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4. Tfle North 10 feet of the following (£.xoept Montreal live, and except East 130 ft. of North 330 feet) the East 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest The iiort_h 10 festt-of the followlna (Except `,;ontreal Ave. and except St. i,aul Ave.) the :Vest 1/2 of the East 1/2 of tr.o Ptorth,iest 1/4 of the South- west 1/4. The North 10 feet of the following (Except iiiontreal and -St. i'aul i venues ) that part of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the I4orthwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 lying Northeasterly of the hight of way of the C. M. & St. P. Ry. The North 10 feet of the following ('',:xcept Cleveland and t:iontreal i,venues) the gest 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 o" rho Ilorthvreet 1/4 of the ."Outiraest 1/4. w P.lso a triangular tract, beginning; at a point on the south line of said North 10 ft. strip 16 feet Fast from its intersection with the Masterly lino of Cleveland Ave., thence 19est to said intersection, thence Southerly Along said Easterly Si! e 1p Ye t., thetz46",to hogi nnin�. 9s.t. llne,l6'rx3at ,, .,�. -.._------ - _................ . ....... under Preliminary Order........4 1..-.- approved . ygv. ......... Intermediary Order_��' � approved..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma. tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---------- 2.0th.................... day M8'yt1925 ...._ .._...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he of------- is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR2i19� Adopted by the Council... ----- - - -............... City Clerk. Approver ----- ..._... - - ................. . 191....... a ...................................... -- - ...................Mayor. MUD HED CMMVMnTTDMWB th ^' -. +''councilman MKS ^ Ferguon Councilman R'y7W HodtSon micDona.ld '`Councilman MXr r' Councilman 139= Suds ei7ier i Councilman Vai€MAxi ' c. --z el ./'Mayor l ,Tela n i ....................................................................................................................... 59018 REPORT OF COMMISSIVIIN ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Inthe matter of.-.......__._._...._-._......................_.....-...._....._..-.................. ..................... opening, widening and o>ctcndiug �riontreal .,vests '.$) a width of 86 ft. from Cleveland Avenuo to +est seventh Strout; also enlarging the intersection at Cleveland Avenue by taking two triangular pieces of ground in addition to the above widening at the northeast and southeast corners of Clevolaiid and miontreal venues, measured 16 ft. on Cleveland i:venue and 16 ft. on Montreal rvenua; also enlarging the intersection at Pleasant Avcnue by taking a triangular piece of ground at the northwest cornor of Pleasant and Montreal. 16 ft. on Pleasant t� 'verkue andn16sft.1 on blontroal Avenueaddition to the tand iat, nthoo�southwest corner of Montreal Avenue and ''est Seventh street a triangular piece of ground 24 ft. measured on Mon- treal Avenue and 24 ft. on 'i+aet seventh Street,- viZ: In Se.tion 15 Town. 28 Ra a 23. P e or ea o le to owing (Except Snelling and i.iontrenl avenues and Edgoumbe Road) The North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4. in Section 16, Town. 23, hange 23. e or ee of ttse zoix°''crning (Except Snelling and :iontreal ,venues) tho Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4. The North 10 feet of- the following (,;xcept i ontreal , vo. ) the I':ast 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4.of the Southeast 1/4. The North 10 'foot of the following (Except Montreal and Davern avenues) The crest 1/2 of the Northweat ,1/4 of the Iiortheast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4. The North'10 feet of the following (Iixeept Montreal, Davern and Fairview avenues) the Forth 1/2 of the NOrthwest 1/4 .of the Southeast 1/4. vile South lb "feet of the following (ixcept `Montreal and I'ai rvi ew avenues ) the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4.. The South 10 feet of the follow,np, (Pxoept I�iontreal ,vs. ) the .:est 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. The South 10 feet of the following (Except Montreal ',vs.) the ;mat 1/2 of the 'Southwest 1/4 of the :southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. phe South 10 feet of the following (i•;xcept i4ontreal ve.) the cast B rods of the last 32 -rods of the South 10 rods of the Southeast 1/4 of the North- east 1/4. The South 10 feet of the f011os'wing (Except 1/2 sore to Sohool Board and " xeept taontreal and Snelling Avenues) the :southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of the IJorthoast 1/4. �t i.':ontroal rind ?a irviow/Avenues) The North 10 f 00t of the f ollow ing (,' xce1 the Northeast 1/4 of the 3outhvwest 1/4. The North 10 feet of the following (Except L: TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissione of Finance. M`110,r1uu��u- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 17th, 1 9 E b. HOR.'J. H. McDonald Commissioner of Pnbiio Works. Dear $ir I am returning herewith, all the papers In the matter of opening, widening and extending Montreal Ave. from Clevoland Ave. to West Seventh St, An suggested by you,I went over .this with Commissioner W*nsel; Oomsiesioner Wensel's viewpoint was that his Superintendent of Paris had some oritioism and suggestions relative to the grading of the streets through the new Highland Pari and and if these could be met he would withdraw fiis objections to the completion of the opening order. As Mr. Hason is now in accord with our Engineering Department relative to the grading of this street I would urge that this opening order be complet;A and the final order published, as there are many property owners along Montreal Ave. outside of the park limits who are anxiously wait- ing to know where their street linea are. 4H-HEH Enclosure. Yours very truly, My PIanning Ingneer. C J.:MGGLOGAN HAROLD J. RIO---.. ' ,cy Q cwv c�uKrnr e�KKK �a,nr °caRK u,o OH / �1 j.` if S�7ff't��ttl CLARENCE A. STORMS gg,pHeR OP RW16T1V1Tw1J7 Y444 %%��"N (Ing (fleck CKIRF OL6„KKt016'.K�110H a May 20th, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith all papers in the matter of opening, widening and extending Montreal Avenue to a width of 86 ft. from Cleveland Avenue to ?est Seventh Street, at al. This matter was before the Council today, and referred to you, the Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of Parks for a conference. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. C Ioil w r i CITY OF SAINT PAUL" COUNCIL X9019 ! QUADRUPLICATE �;, FILE NO ------------------------- TO _ _____ _ ______TO OFFICE'OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK !9L. R•,4 RES, NO-118------------ I AUDITED CLAI S- SOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE_ Z�° � CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 -221,159.'14 —7 f(j Q I•IBY--------- ----------------'COMPTROL RT CHECKS NUMBERED _.!�_l_�____TOG INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ; 11 PER--------------------------------------------------- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. . TOTAL RETURNED CHECK 1N FAVOR F li BY NUMBER IIS _ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ji CHECKS CHECKS BANK. !� I BROUGHT FORWARD i, !I � I t i j ! ! j C. P. No. 59019— I i! Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $221,159,34, covering checks numbered 16477 to 16498 inclusive, as ii per checks on (Ile in the office of the !; City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Apr. 18, 1925. Approved Apr. 18, 1925. ' I�•1i (dray 2-1925) j it I I! I:I i it ',� II ii h I t 44, , ° �rw� 'I � 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD,] - L 4 CHECKS NUMBERED - _ TO - - - _ SUDH IMER.- COMPTR' ER. _ I LUSIVE_'AS PER CHECKS IONk ILE I TI' THE OFFICE'. - - � _ WENZEL.' - - THE CITY COMPTROLLER! _ .y M R. PRES.. NELSON.. - YES COUNCILMEN NAYS MAYOR'-_ .CHECK IN FAVOR' Of NUMBER ' _ TOTAL RETURNED '. - BY TRANSFER DISBURSEM ENI' AN CHECKS CHECKS . �/ _ _ - _DISTRIBUTION LocAL "SINKING TRUST ---- --. SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL 'WATER 'OND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY �` ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS - REVOLVING \ I BROUGHT ROR WARD 42 937 _l0 7� 158 6 664 6 311 . $35. T 112 523 2 (((III 79 768.85 198 142.5 341.0 2 089 9 1 329. 9 5 543 64: 2 205 .571 5 192.3 3.75 16477 L?ura D•iwson Ttead ___- < ! 664 6 16476 L�urn nznn son Rend, mmuel E. trasason ind V, -ria R. '?a:ason 500 0 500 0 'III 16479 L C. Tlocig aon, Com • r. of Fin. 139 4 4 164(0 ~1s . U!. obst, CountyTReas. 0 204 9 16451 Cx>itl City Roofing & Cornio orks 2 149 5 2 146 57 16482 m ,rie M-Ttusoh 15 206 15 206 0o II, 1646] rrnst Michel 3 0 3 230 00. I 1642 victory Printing Com -amy lug 8 141 25 1 6 1646x- I,. C. TIodg aon, Com • r. of Fin. 2 292 9 2 262 99 1646 " 11 059 5 7 308 37 913 1111 2 637 0 16467 Burns Lumber Com-^ ny 19 1 19 11 16466 CZriitai _tatlonery & mfg.Co. 86 1 86 to 16469 L. C.I1odgson, Com • r. of Fin. 113 00000 113 000 0 16490 1 24.6' 2 376 25 20 o 850` 00 16491 61.761 2 36 145 00 14 757 5 10 858 75 16492 Kenny noiler & Mfg. Company 227 0 100 00 127 0 16493 vnis. . t.P-iul & :vault ate• 68 0 68 0 Ihrie Ry. CO. 16494 specialty Printing Compomy 39 9 39 90 253 0 1649 R. B. 17hitaore & Camp:say 253 0 1649 The -Thite Compnny 16497 "'bite Fntgle Oil Re3firninf C 3 O 6584 4 � 2 20 556 49 128 0 '` 154. 8 1649E -,indoor Carbon Z: Ribbon Com , y 48 O 48 00 II• I i I . I it I III I l ° ILII u I� 42 937 10 1996 187 96 358 941 51 24o 876 92; 60 917 42 237 787 30 341 oo 2 245 46 1 329 93 5 543 64 3 11869 8 ol9 45 3 75 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD k, .. CITY OF SAINT PAULCOUNCIL TffiRLN?ATE ILENo. To RES. x-18 OFFICE OF THE COMPTFOI? LFR � ------------ CITY CLE - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTiOiN FORM FERGUSON. _________ _ -.IN FAVOR c CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1E HODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .A Z I ,Q. .__192 ._ R I�? DATE. - 1925. - �"1 22 4 `y M.DONALD. \ t <.:b ;' ' __-_ _ _ _-_____--+J-592 ___ _ J� __COO1V�EeeRdIING \ PROVED ..192 CHECKS NUMBERED. --164------ .__..44..74 __ - s SUDHEIMER. - _� AGAINST BY COMPTft ER I LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE = WENZEL.� THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PR ES.. NELSON. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS (,`) MAYOR P TOTAL RETURNED _ DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR BY �/ ii I LOCAL SINKf NG TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC pANK GENERAL WATER I iND ACCOUNTS�j FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS \ RE O V G ACCOUNTS ' BROUGHT FORWARD 42 937 ,IO 6750.28', 6 .. 311 835. 85 112 523. 2� 78 768-95 3.9s 142. 55 341,o - 2 089. 9 1 329.9 5 543.64 2 205 '57 5 1 3 3'-175 161 77 Laura Dawson ROAd 15 664 6 g 664 6 16478 Laura Dnvson 11oa.d, S muel ir. Dawson -Ind v -ria R. Dawson 500 0500 O 16479 L. c.1lod� aon, Com 1 r. o f Fin. 130 4 li 130 4 640 ls�It 1Obst, CountyTReae. 204 9 204 9 16481 0lniti City Roofing & Cornio orks 2 148 5 148 57 II 16482 m -rice na-,rtusoh 15 206 0 15 206 00 ` 16483 ^rnst Michel 3 230 0 3 230 00 II 16484 victory Printing Company 142 8 141 25 1 6 164855 I,.C.IIodgson, Comlr. of Fin. 2 282 9 2 292 99 II 1649& I, 11 058 5 7 309 37 913 111 2 937 0 16487 Burns Lumber Cour^.ny1 I 89 1 19 11 1 it 1 16 10 16488 Ca- it^.1 ,tationery £. Lfg.Go. 1(489 L.C.Iiodgson, Com1r. of Fin. 113 00000 113 000 Od 164,10 1 a_46 2P 376 25 20 00 I 850 001 II it 161191 11 61 761 2r' 36 145 00 14 757 5I 10 858 751 I 16472 Denny Boiler & Mfg. Comr-^ny 2?7 0 100.00, 127 02 16493 :.'_,ls. -:t.p '.ul & ;cult "to. 2larie Ry. Co. p 6r; 0C 69 Og d 16491E ,peoialty rrintinl CoIl I 3? 9 39 901 16495 R. B. 11hitaCTO & COmI)^ny Ii 253 0 253 00 � � II 16496 The "€bite ComF^aq 156S7 O 2 20 j X54 I 16497 —Hite "Rglc� oil & Refining C �;I 4 546 49 129 oq it t 1(499 -inrloor C.n.rbon P Ribbon Com-, y IEE O 9 00i� it it I i � 'C I I I � I I I I I I I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWP II FORM 034 1000 7.24 �'[ f' I• i � '� � t 1' I � 1 (1 I 1 1 I - • -CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL' QUADRUPLICATE FILE TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER V lJN (I D CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. ry •.:' --�1. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE JZ CITY 4R§�St.�W�OjjyE AGGREGATE`AMOUNT OF DA E.' —M l�� JJ OO JJ $-_-___— - _ __ _ ____ ____ ________. 4!t %� s COVERING • CO ROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED --JA549-.- TO__-2-653�5_:- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE P ------ 1 __ _____ _ __ _ _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -- _ TOTAL _ RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY j NUMBER 1 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK II CHECKS CHECKS �f 11 BROUGHT.FORWARD 1 _ i I� I 1 11 I I I C F No. 59020— 9020—Resoled R ... I,dthat checks be drawn o it the City Treasury• to the aggregate I� lamount of $125,482.15. vering •hecits numbered 16499 to 1fi531 inclueI"e, as per checks o Nle In the office of the 4 Cit}• ComptrolleAdopted by r. i1 APr. 20.1926. I App—d APr.h 20C 1925 (Stay 2-1925) j I l ,I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWP II FORM 034 1000 7.24 • P ROLL,_ 'INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE YN THE Oi SCE _ •,V J e - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - L. WENZE �^ R •�.+ •� - t)4R. PRES.. NELSON. FT �f`�•..-./-�„� _ _ _ +. CO 'OILMEN NAYS (J) - - ------ - MAYOR CHECK - TO AL — - - DISTRI8UTI0IN FAVO 6F NUMBER - —�— - - _ — — TRANS V1 LOCAL -} - SPECIAL FUNDS FER DISBURSCN II SINKING 1 CHECKS 11::K GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT T - - CHECKS - FUNDS TT- PU9LIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING _ - � I • '' � REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD t}2 937-,. 0.-_ --991 IZ7 9& I�,i 35 941.51 24o 876..-92 90. 917 lo�.42 237-797,30 -" ,i 341 oo`. 2 245, - -$ 329.93 5 543 .64 3 119 69 ; 9 -i+-5 3 75 r 1649 F. 'ti. nenn 8 0l 16500 Luoiu= IIo7^011 1 518 10 16501 ;. I+. tt�coffin, Attorney for 1 231 90' 1 231 90 Lee B. Thomas, eto. 16502 Fanny Breckinridge :3teele 4 975 06"; 3'250 0�; 4 975 00 1650]3 Common�er3lth "leotrio Comp::.n 16504 Thomas Finn 9552 g2 244 8�j.2 82 3 250 00 16505 John ?. holt 16506 ttationnl Load Comp --my 5 50: 1-0 30, 5 244 0 100 j0 16507 M. J. o0',.toi1 16508 Tionsey sheet ffietal '7orks 299 962 920 9a 299 96 455 90 16509 Pete olf 16510 Otis TI Godfrey, Guardian 8 78 25 9bO 82 16511 t;t�rio K^.therine Fiackert 1651" tirthur ojp �' 0oi 36 Onl 36 o0 36 00 1t-1es3lg 16513 !t-ze1 L! 09ner, Guardian o 36 o0 36 00 ,)orothy L. Stegnor 16514 ^rthur 'enzol 24 30' 24 30 1651 L. c. tto dg�oh, Com r. of rin. 1651 J. Mooney 1 32 .101 1j 107 g9' 32 00 17 107 89 P,tTien 16517 P�triolt oo ey 16518 Thomas tloonsy 6 000 00' 8 000 00 6 000 0o 8 000 00 16519 '?1ohncl !looney 16521 John Donnelly 6 0o0 00 12 000 oo 6 000 00 16524 Burns Lumbcr Compcny 49 156 00i 1 12 000 o0 49 000 00 16522 Ca itn.l City Lumber Company 16523 Pfter 4 147 p I 11 1 147 0 241 0 Lametti 16521✓ tdoClellan paper Compony 1652 Ilerchanto 570 00 15 00 15 6g 570 00 national Bank 1652 Polaris Concrete Products Company 3 00 178 56 3 00 1652 9aouum oil Company 16528 John F. Fitzpatriok 3E g5 6 boo oo 179 56 3g g5 16529 Coehron-Sargent Company 16;30 't.Peul -,bite 0 501 6 600 00 Lead & Oil 0 16531 �. G. ,p,lding & Brothers nny 7 176 40 20 O1 176 4o 24 70 42 937 10 021 670,11 L60 266 3g _257 994'81 ..88 331 T6" 33T 127 15 341 2-245 4 1 329--93 5 54.3 64- 3 118 68 9 114 -b5 3-75 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - .. _._ y _ ., T�RLFO.QTE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO � ry rl- i)9020- )9020- TO TO CITY CLERK CITY t2ES, N0119_ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1a f. 2 i jRGUS RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THS .S .792 FEV RGUSpN. IN FAVOR _. .. -_ -__.. _ - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTJON FORM ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL G �' 4„ CITY DATE 190T.- ,� <.--.} 125 ( BY CHECKS - -. _ TREA TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT Gr ;}�g 4L5kt __ �y�ycc ,,J�{{(( NUMBERED_16419 _TO.��l _FiODGSON. g� 8 Via; - "�_F• 92 -4A.DONALD, gppR VED - - - ,-SUGHEIMER, AGAINST - TRO LLE INCLUSIVE. / - R•'Y_ OF THE R AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE Of k; CITY COMPTROLLER. WENZEU AYOR t�R. PRES.. NELSON. YLC• CO NCILMEN NAYS (V) h�� , CHECK IN FAVO 6F NUMBER -._. r, DISTRIBUTIO -- - LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS f. V SINKING TR," _ PUBLIC SUNDRY TO AL TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS IMPROVEMENT I FORESTRY BUILDING GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS FUNDS Ar�C., � GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS � BROUGHTFORWARD 42 937 10_ X91 166 7� ' � g 35 941.51. 240 � 6..92 7 90 917 .42 237 797 30 6L+ 3 116 69 6 01 341 00 2 245'; 4 g 329-93 5 5 3 I 019.45 3 75 1GLF99 r. -. Begin 16500 Luoiu 1.0 --Tell i 1 231 9� I 1 1 51510. 1 231 90 16501 1+. Laagoffin, Attorney for Lee B. Thow.s eto. 4 975 o 4 975 00 16502 tinny Breckinridge Steele 3 250 001 I 3 250 00 1650 Commonwealth ^leetric oomp;.n 50 Thomas Finn g52 t�2'I g552� �2 .il 5 244 50' S 244 0 �j0 1650 John Bolt 1650 Pdztion,l Load Comp•�.ny 1"0, 0 3 2 99 96 100 ! ` 16507 M. J.O'Neil y Sheet Letal 7orks 425 9a�! 425 90 16509 Pete -olf 9 0 8, 9 0 62 16510 Otis 1T. Godfrey, Guardian 78 25 36 7� 25 16511 1,1 .xie Tc^therine Hackert 1651, 4rthur 36 pl 36 00 1I-tee31� 36 001 �6 00 16513 IT--zel L1 ^tegner, Guardian o r ! norothy L. Stegner 16�1t lrthur 24 301 24 3' !� ,enzel 5 1651 L.C.11odgsoh, Comor. of Fin. 16516 0 -•yen J. k:ooney � 1 107 99� 7 i 32 00 17 107 69 16517 Pitriok hlconey 6 000 00 6 000 00 6 000 00 6 000 00 I� 16516 Thomaa nooney 6 000 oo 6 000 00 j� II � 1619 '-sicheel Mooney 16 20 John�Donnoll � 12 000 00! 4 c7 9 1 6 001 � I 12 000 00 4g 156 ^o ;I 16521 nurnCanit.ium lumber I 5 241 n i 2F1 7l ` LpmberyC City un oma ny 1 14 00, 14 - 00 7 ' ; 1JJ2 1 ^tc�I L^metti �; 570 00 57 0 00 , I 16524 110Clellan 1--tper Com; -.n y 15 6� 1 6 5 ' 1652 f.!erch^nta National T3ank001'1 1J�2 �� I 3 3 II _Tsol?ri:� Concrete .'roduots Co 16 2 IP)cuum Company p-.ny 56 13� 85 178 56; � 011 16529 John F. Fitzpatrick I� 6 600 001 ! 36 6 II 6 600 00 II 15529 CochTnn-Cargent Comp'nY 16530 -t.Plul 'White 70 501 o II 70�� Lead & oil Co 16531 C. ,-,-tiding :my t & Brothers40 176 176 40' LJL4 CITY OF SAICOUNCIL NT PAUL U—U! CATE . FILE T:I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C— CL -11 AUDITED CLAVAIla-RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DAT 42�11 9CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF C VERI -72 G - ----- ------- 16 --- ---------- CHECKS NUMBERED— -53.Z .... To ...... BY .. , e—le 0 PTR L INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OF TOTA RETURNED 77CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS II ROLIGHTFORWARDI I jj SII b. dIllor C n�Eo'. t cheel, the Treas o checl-s n�sqlt� CI , t", -ty."'nill" 1,6550oftice the on file in th� Cit)' -oller. 21.1925 • 1� checks ou,,,,,. API C - Co-' ty dolTby Ih. C oved ""r. 21 _g' V A F 1 II --s It' C 'o 'C as C""dol" ii li LA' I r . .-. _.. _ - --- ,' ... --___ CO OLLER J-- INCLUSIVE.,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN�TH E'OFF �,. ,. WENZLL. R - -- � - � MAYO • OF THE CITYCOM COMPTROLLER. R. _ , - MR. PRES., NELSOf, - I COUNCILMEN- NAYS (V f ` �1 _ _ DIST BUTION ----- LOCAL s' --� -- SPECIAL FUNDS WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT 5 ST PUBLIC SUNDRY FORESTRY ACCOUNTS I CHECK - NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL - TRANSFER CHECKS OISBURSEM[Nl' CHECKS GENERAL et FUND, REVOLVINGBUILDING FJND.; UMTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING — BROUGHT FORWARD _.. `t2 937 �Q... QL71 Q;.. 360 266.38 257 .. 984.81 -88 531 76 337 127.15 .. 1.� 2 245-4 1 329-93 5 543-64 3 118 68 114-65 3 75 1652 �,, ,, ., . no -lin, upt. 74155 14 55 16)1-,3'?'^rlson 16534 ,;. Gilbert • 89 n9 16 16 oo 9 9 16535 Rnmm Ioe Company - 16536 132'30 132 30 l ass Roae Hirsch 16537 L.O.Iiodgaon, Comer. of Fin. 11 028 25 11 0 8425 7 7 16538 Peter Lametti 1 89 a2 s' 1 893 82 16539 lianhattnn Cafe14 12 oo 16540 1iis3 Louise Markert 03 2 53 16541 niools• Dean & Gregg Company 73 50" 73 50 16542 Plor-.aegi an Lutheran Churoh of Amorion 16,43 IT. '". 7leotrio T.quipment Com._ r.ny 125 00,E 728 12 125 00 728 12 1654♦ Il. Pelt.- & son 16545 Perkins -Tracy Printing Gom-,Irny 300 05j 23 00 300 05 i 23 00 z 16546 Pure 011 Comp^ny 690 99 690 99 16547 Terminal Motor flue Company 69 00 ; 69 00 a 16548. L. t< H. F. Aare 16549 Amherst "'alder 120 00 120 00 II. Charity 16550 O 00 22 50 00 _662 i DeCTaff-'7olff 85 85 j I 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 42 937 10 107 178 83 EI e 373-729 ,54 257 984 81 �� 531 76 339 173 71 341 00 2'245 X46 1 329X93 5 543 64 3 118 68 8 114 65 3 75 TlnMI ATE TO RES. N0.120 ­ O. _ 120_.---- '• RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON ;yl_ L cIT � SURJ- THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT c>, S ._ 09 7LL--------n_COV/ESRi'lc_______ kDAT2, CHECKS NUMBERED__1653L---- _TO 165.50 CO T _ OLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE 0 - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK TOTAL CD " IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENI' CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD �.2 937 10 021.6 0. n j ry �:o -11n� -upt, Z4 55 . Gilbert • 165334 '. rl son Ill. 89 00 16535 11-7rsu Ice comp -my 124 32 16536 1100, Rose ?iirse 05 16537 L.C.Tiodgson, Comb. of Pin. 11 09 8 2 16538 Peter Lametti 16539 mr-mhattan cafe 1 83 92 16540 14 00 Fdieo Louise Markert 2 53 16541 t?idols, Demon & Gregg Compony 73 50 16542 Plor-ae9i---n Lutheran Churoh of 'lmavlor 16543 1i. ". ?�lec3tric ^quipment Com_.�­ny 125 00 728 12 16r; IT. Feltz & :mon 300 05 16545 Perkins-Tr^.ey_Printing Come,.^ 16,5tr6 Fure oil Com-�� 2 00 ny 690 99 16547 Termina_1 *rotor 13us Comp -my ' 69 00 16548 ^. n. -t TI. 7. ''r.re I� 120 00 16549 ^,mherst II. "'alder Ch. - rity 165,0 'o1iY a 00' CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER /AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ✓FERGUSON. � IN FAVOR GENERAL II WATER 360 266.39 257 984 14 55 16 oo 124 00 11 078 275 12 00 53 73 50 125 00 729 12 j 300 05 2 00 690 99 69 0o I j 120 00 I' 50 00 Ii ,,,HODGSON. /MCDONALD. _�-'� SUDHEIMER, ---AGAINST �WENZEL, {� MR. PRES.. NELSON. - 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (� 1 DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL- FILE NO. - APR 2 '. 'Cn�c ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - .. 192 APPRO ED _. X�k' 2 - -_ 792 i MAYOR LOCAL SINKING --IT SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SUNDRY BOND ACCOUNTS FUNDS --C �!�TS GARAGE ffAUDiTORIUMINKLING I FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 88 531 76 337 127.15 341 _oci 2 245.4543 -64 1 3 118 68 1 8 114 65 3 75 8 8 9 9 � II I 62 85 M .Council File No ........... ..... _..... _...--.......... 59022 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Almond 8t from Arona Ave. to Pascal Avenue, ,.y under Preliminary Order..._ l 70 _ __.._, Intermediary Order. -'.5- 495 .._._ .... Final Order_..?�9965............ ... C P-- T $NG ASsEssDWNT9. .I approved_.__ �QU.1924 II C F. 58022- ,"t !QIP t� +natter o[ [iFe. n A public hearing having been had upon the 4ssesament^7xyaou n �oovir` 'meat, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it t therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same ti is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FTTBER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__ ___.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the, Council APR 2 2 1925 _�s 00, Approved SPR a 6 i�21 Approved___.__.................... .............. ........ ............... ..192...__._. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER"OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF -ASSESSMENT _March 21+,1925. �9i In the matter of the assessment of beneYit 6, 008t 8 & eaperise6 for Ai8_.Rl.Il-i1� —ate.....---. _12IOt_Q.t.11lg.....81�_ .... _..... to PascalAvue.,__.................-_........._....._............ _.... _..............__._.._ under Preliminary Order ...... _....... __.._..... ......... ... ..... _, Intermediary Order _._..... ..._......5.24 9.._._ .................___..._.........., Final Order ...__..._._.....5.2965._.._ ... __.. __ _ _..._, approved._......._...._...__Nlay..._2Q,192.4__........__......, SGS.._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..-1..4.7-•.3.2.....__._....._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - X8.4 Inspection fees - - - (FoxQe _ AQOt •-) - - - - - $ .. •QQ........_._..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $........ -'�� Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ �96..r.56 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_1.�6._..5•G.-- P Y P P d benefited .. upon each and ever lot, art or steel of land deems by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may considered proper. ComiCissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. a_9 Council File No ................. _...... _..... ------------ 59023 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits,' costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Milton St. from St. Clair St. to Ridgewood Ave., ander Preliminary Order _...._T5.9.§._ ........ _-Intermediary Order....551. Q9_ ................ , Final Order_..5222055........._............ approved---_ P_r_&_192_ . c. F. No. ssoaa- 7n the matter sj the. assessment t Leaeat. :Coats and. esees e I on both skies o1 MIItoAn shgt Rm eee A public hearing having been had upon the asse(___ P Ai�minary Ridge efit, and said assess- ' ' Order 51709. n,- . ment having been farther considered by the Council, and ',r, d Apr 9_.ansldered finally satisfactory, be it .11C he.ri-n /. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ /equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council _ ._-_........ _........ 192.......__. APR 2 2 192: Approved-__.. .Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ...... ........ _.....March.._ 24:.19.25._, In the matter of the assessment ofbgneY t_s_, COBt 8__.&gxpeTl6Qe_ for tlkx_._.P1 antA.pg...and_..._.. protecting.._shade__trees_.__on.;_both_...el-des_.of ....Mi.lto.rx__9t....xczR�..._St Q.l.air.....14.t...._.__. 46 ander Preliminary Order ........... ...... _._..... 49 .......... .......... Intermediary Order .. ....................... 5..1709._....._.._..........................., Final Order ..._._........._.52.20.5-._._...._._ _......._, approved......... ................ ...._.._! A. 9s.192.4_.._....._..�QBX..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $...19..1_.30..._....-...-. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $__..... 2_x_5 ..:.............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $__....... 9.'.57._......_._... Inspection fees - - - - - -( ror CB Aoot . % _ _ _ g._.._0.:_oQ..._.._..._..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $._........_2..5............_.._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ -� 9.7_.•_5.7....._._..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the snm of $._1.97_!.51 ...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sigDature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. a Commissio2fr of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 Council File No ................. —..._ 59024 By _ ........ T— ....... _..... - ...... ...___�_._. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Mount Qurve Boulevard from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph St., under Preliminary Order_.__51.�._...:...._, I approved May A public hearing having been had upon the ment having been further considered by the Con therefore Order .....x12225 . ............ ..... , Final Order5.2643....................... , No. 69024- s matter, of the ' assessment of sets. coats and eavenses for under Preliminary OrdeEment, and said assess- :rmedlary Order 52226, 7i, 62642,.-awr,` ed Din ' _A VN_-I,_ad finally satisfactory, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council APR 2 � 1925 __............. 192..._._. ........... -... -....... , City Clerk. APR 2 2 1925 Approved._-_..__................ .. __...........__........_._............192.._.. ._..._.........__._.._ ayor. Form B. B. 13 _ - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL "OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT March.__24th.11 R5..........._, 1 ...._ In the matter of the assessment m berief it 9, COB-- 8 ...8e eR�en688 for tii�._...4lant _protecti.ng.,._ehade.__treea..._on_._both_.._e Mount O...rv.e_-Boulevard... from__ Jefferson Ave. to Randoli)h..._$t....:...._......................................... .._........ under Preliminary Order ........... ..... ___ 51759....._._........_.._._, Intermediary Order??5 . ................................................... FinalOrder ._.._._...__.2643_ ........... .......--__..--_, approved _......... ._.__MaY6.a-1.524.... ....... _......- ........... ...... =_.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul'.- The aul': The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._....3-7.2.x .:....__.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $-- ....... ..7..3.5 ....... _.... _ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-------- ..._l..'7......._...._ Inspection fees - - - (gDTCe ACet_.)_ _ _ - _ $.—.---o. .00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ ................7.3.5............... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - --- $_....3.88`...61 ....... ... _. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $5...'6___:_ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, And made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commission of Finance. Fm B. S. A. 8_9 'Council File No . ........................ —.__— ..... __ 59025 By._..._..�_�___.__...__...._....___ _......_, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of: Otis Ave. from Exeter Place to Laurel Ave., on Exeter Place from Otis Ave. to Laurel Ave., and on Riverwood Place from Exeter Place to Otis Ave., under Preliminary Order._1Intermediary Order_5..?319..........._...... Fapal Ord er_...52820.........___, F, lY�a 1 1 Z4 C. No;69026— approved y 3.� _�. In the matter of the. assessment of I benefits, coats and expenses- for , planting and. protecting shade trees r on troth aides of: Oils .Ave, from Exeter -J`;' r2 vane. A public hearing having been had upon the assessmenfa�: Aaref ,aprovement, and said assess- went having been further considered by the Council, and having icy `ei%ldered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_— ----!_equal ..—equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. `APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council _=_—_ .......... RPR 2 2 1925 Approved__._._ . ........ ...... .__.._............. __ .................. ...._192....__ Form Is. H. 19 . CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT- _, March 24,.192.5 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for W planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of: Otis Ave—from Exeter Place to Laurel Ave.,. on Exeter Place from Otis Ave. to Laurel Ave., and on Aiverwood Place from Exeter Place to Otis Ave., under Preliminary Order ..........__.51121.—...._...._.____.., Intermediary Order _.____._-5.319—_-._._.._.._ ..... Final Order ..__........ —........—..5228. ....... _................ approved----- ---.- x 15.a192 ..., mq........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- turesnecessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 666.91..__._._.._ Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - $...........7..!9.9 ...... ....... Cost of postal cards $......... _._1.159 ........ ___. Inspection fees ( �orce a/Q) _ $... _.._._10._'0 ..... _......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-- __T_-95 -------------- -- -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $_.._704..x..40............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $___704#40 _...._.._._.._........_._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and whichis herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ' ----._.._.. ................_........._._.._— ._—.:._..._._._. Form H. B. 17 Commissions of Finance. Council File No. ............. ........._..._—._.._._ 59026 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Oarroll Ave. from Pascal Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer 400 feet east of the center of Asbury Ave. under Preliminary Order......,r 2 7.._....._..., Intermediary Order. -_.565.74 ............... Final Order .....715..0: .... _.... _....... approved—_— DSCQ---192_? . 0.F. No. 59026 -- In the matter Of the asaeesment of .beneata, coats andezyenses for con- . stracting a sewer on Carroll Avenue . from Paeca3 Ave. to the; terminus oP- A public hearing having been had upon the a� the a"aung sewer 406 fee!,;-- -lent, and said asoess- ^"t�nt eater of Ashury 1- `- went having been further considered by the Council, and haz ryKoraeg %Znafdere finally satisfactory, be it a therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._.— .__.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the ConneiL_.APR 2 21925 . _..... .... --- __.. ._ .............__._c . dy Clerk. APR .2 2 1925 Approved_._ .................. _........... _._... ...... _............ 192..__ ._. �MJ"ayor. _........... ..... _-- _ Form B. B. 13 PUBLISHED �9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONEII OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment olbene_f t_s.,_oos_t s.. 4, expeneee-, for theo_gn_st_ruct .ng._.r�..... Ave_..... fro>rl.._Pasoal.....Ave.,....1.0 the..._te.rml-au-0..._01...._the ...._ex.. iet i ng sewer 400 feet east of the center of Asbury. Ave..,.___..._._._...._......___..__._._..__..____.__.. under Preliminary Order ..._ ............. _..5?.7-................... — Intermediary Order 5.65.74...... ... ..._...._... ............_... __._.__..._....., Final Order ._...__.._...... _......... 5.7150....._. _ .._._, approved ............ .................... ........ _...._Dea.. 3..0_.,_19.2+..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impiove- meat, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....7..2..00._......___._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_ ......... 1.39 .................. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._............. :.66 ................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._..14.24 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $...........-1.30 ................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - s..._71T3 -i r.0.....__...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..733._.50.._........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. CommissionerFivance. Form B. S. A. R_9 Council File No . ........ ............... ___ J""2 L' By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution latifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on the west side of Olevel-and Ave. from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. and connect same with the manhole in the center of Oleveland Ave. and Ashland Ave., under Preliminary Order ......_.54 9Z_.........., Intermediary Order.5.633.0....................... Final Order ..._56874 ........... _.... approved—_— DeC.9 -----192_4. c.>.xo.seoz7 �In the matter of the asaessmefit of beneats, coats and expenses fogcoa- strneting a sewer on the west side of Cleveland Ave. from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. and connect same A public hearing having been had upon the aW with the manholeAn the center ee t, and said assess - Cleveland .Ave, ,.andAshland AV mint having been farther considered by the Council, under Preliminary, °ss4lbndlsa, Order 54107, aally satisfactory, be it 56878, approved. Dec..9, 1924. therefore A public hearing having,': upon the s "a ment for.thv„4 aid asses.' rtar RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in___.,_.._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council APR 2 2 ly2s —......._..._._192 ......... . APR 2 s i92 r, __...... — ._..... ........... ........................ ......, City Clerk. Approved- ..__�................... ................. _.......................... 192...... _ .................. ................ .............. _.... ..— yor. Form B. B. 13 PUBLIS1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION*F.R'OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _Margo..._24,...1.925_.... _........ =---- In the matter of the assessment of bene_fit_s., co_et9_.__&.,._expen.Qe.e fo9Xe ._44.n.@tx.Uc..t.ing.....a. _eexer_._on_._west_._side._.of.._Ql.ev..el&...d....A— e.......from.._Poxtland.._AQe.,._...t.o.__A.ehlancl......_...... s knQ.__wIt,74....the_.lslmhol_e....in..._the .....c_enter..._of_._41.eveland.._Ame.. and Ashland Ave., under Preliminary Order ................ __._ .... _.5.410.7..._._..._.._____, Intermediary Order .... -........_................_. . 5&3.30. Final Order ..... ......... ........ 5.6479 ............. .__..._.-- approved _....... ......... 92.4.._, =...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - • - - - - - $._2.,_200..,.4.0._....._.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_........ ___5.74_......_. Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - -$._ ........ ..........14........... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....._.__44..00.__.__. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - -$.._ ............._J�..,.70.._.__..: Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-2.,256....54.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $?1.256..'5!+._.._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner Finance. Forty B. S. A. A_9 Council File No . ...................... —..._.._........ _ :9028 By ........... _._........ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for constructing a sewer on Manomin St. from Stevens St. to a point 115 feet south of Stevens St., C. F. \omatt. 69028---� In the er oY th dasesament o[j� benedt.,: "5,, "d a en.ea for cox -i .trotting a sewer ° Manomia St. ! --,,fl.77. SteyeP. St. to Hint '76 y under Preliminary Ordet•..._55062.__........... Intermediary Ord,.6207...._................... , Final Order_.....�?6.7 ....__._..._, approved—.._._ DSC •16 _...... ,_192 A_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory; be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._____�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. ------ 4PR2..2 1925 ....___......._._.....192........_. _ .... ................ ..I City Clerk. APR 2 2 96 Approved.__... ............ . ....... .... ............ 192 .................. --_................... _.......... _ ........... Gt/�ayor. Form B. E. 18 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER;oF r,4NANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _..._.......Marcb.....24,_7..9.25..._......_,=_._.... In the matter of the assessment ofbenefit_8.a_COBtp.­& e.).T .._PAPA- for A .....9948tr4C ing.. 4 sewer on 3_t,,_.,.from... $t_evens-.-.St_....to..._a._.po!At .._11.5...-fe-et-.....south.._of__...._.._, Stevens St. under Preliminary Order ................_...55062__._....__...-.__—, Intermediary Ord&_5..6�7..._......._...._.._................._.__._._.._.._., Final Order ---_ ........... .... 56.241_.. ........ ... __...._, approved_._..............._Dec.._1.6�1.9 +_._......._..__..._..,� .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the maldang of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction _ - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._3.50..,00..........._. Cost of publishing notice- - - - - - - - - - - - - $-- ..... ..1.00....._..._... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - -................. Inspection Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-..._........ 7.0 ........... ..._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - _ _ _ $ .................„'90 Total expenditures. - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....-359.-'08....-_._..__. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.359.40...._.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon ns may be considered proper. ' O ommis Finance. Form B. S. A. A_9 Council File No .........................._..._._ ......... _. �c9V29 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Norton St. from Lawson St. to the north line of Alabama Add. No. 1 ----- - - - --- C. F. No 69029— • In the matter of the assessment o•- beaefits,costa and eenses for ce structing a sewer on _Nxporton , 9t tri 7.awson St. t- *e north 'itne of �S :Add. :t. u1T.. •ellr under Preliminary Order- __....5.500,3.___.., Intermediary Order ..._5����6...... _.... ..... . Final Order._....... 5.-67.42....:......_, approved_.--- Iit?c.:s._.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for th'e above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i in__..—.___ J_.._......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 925 2 . 192...._.._. Adopted by the Council APR 1 _ �---_�—_._..............._. APR 2 2 192 -..__......._. City Clerk. Approved—— ................... ... .................................... ...... 192......__ ................... ................ ...... .. .........�.Mayor. Foran B. B. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMM&IONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .............. ..... ......... ._Ma&.c..h..._24,_1.42� 199. In the matter of the assessment ofbene__fite.,_ooet_s___&.__eSpexiaes_ for t1t..QonetTllotiIlg.a On._Norton-_St..__._fro_m.,_Lawson__St_.._.._to..__the.._north._ line...of__Alabama............... under Preliminary Order ......_.._..... __......... 55.803 .......... _._.—, Intermediary Order _..... ..... ........2.6206.............. _- Final Order _._.__...__....._.._..56:7......_ -- _-_, approved ............ ............... gm...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ l=_661_.00..._........ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -$ ........... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$._ .................. 27._........_ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-........_.3.3.....'.2 ...... .... .. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $..._._.__...3,9Q.._._.... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $1.,..7.0.2...8.x_...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9-9 Cc - uncil File No_........__..........._------......._.._ -9030 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Otto Ave. from Oleveland Ave. to Snelling Ave., and on Snelling Ave. from Otto Ave. to Hillcrest Ave., C_F. No. 5 ;�3-0L: in the matter of the assessment of be actin costs and expenses fg-con- structing a seiver, on Otto Ave. from j_L,Cleveland Ave. to Snellir- AVA., and 0 m.Stolling A— icrest A - under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order...5-R9.3....... Final Order approved--.-------- J3'..A.__192 A. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT/FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ..._..._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.- APR 2 2 1925 . . .... ... .._......_._192.._......... .. . . . ........... . .. . ................. City Clerk. Approved..... .. ..........................................192-__ Furor B. E. 18 CITY OF ST. 'PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tke constructing a sewer on Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave.to Snelling Ave., and on Snelling Ave. from Otto Ave. to Hillcreet Ave., under Preliminary Order _......_.�....._ 5 :235.._....._..._..._..., Intermediary Order u_.._..5 2 3 .........__........._..__.._____..., Final Order. ................. _54o) .._......................_, approved _........ .._......_..!Itlly..._$� 192 ..., 1......_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $--------- ' Cost of postal cards $ ...... .... ....._....... .... 9..•�4 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $........... ... ..._9.19..•QQ.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $..... .... .—------- 49-m -Total expenditures - - - $_.....-Tq,.oi.7.'.?-4. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_..44.0.. l._tA ................ .._....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .......-- ..............._..._............._._...................................... - ------........ ._.._. Form B. B. 17 Commission6 of Finance. Council File No ......................... __...... __......... _ 59031 By.......... -__.__........ _............................. _.........-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts abd expenses for Constructing a sewer on: Bayard Ave. and the eatention of same frog Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave., on Nairview Ave. between Otto Ave. and Juno St., on Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to the east line of Snelling Ave., on Underwood Ave. from Juno St. to Scheffer Ave., on ` Snelling Ave. from Otto Ave. to the terminus of the sewer, (under contract) Slo feet south, of Randolph St.., on Juno St. from Underwood Ave. to 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave., on Niles Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 feet west j of Snelling Ave., on Watson Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 feet west of Snelling Ave., on Bayard Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave., on Soheffer Ave. from Underwood Ave. t6 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave. All of which is to be known as the Scheffer Ave. sewer System No. 2 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ /G equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. `APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council_—_— _—..........._._192 .......... _. _........ _ ...._ ............. ..... ... ........... City Clerk. Approved_...... _.__................:............................................192...... — r. ._.. .._ — ayor. ao.m a. s. ie -9031 Council File No ............... .... .... .__...._--_......__ By -� -+34 erna;ter of V;- as9e9sment ben eats, costa an;- 'To' ea nay , under Preliminary Order._ -51211E __ Intermediary Order.52572....------, Final Order .......... 53.22:..----, ...__....___ _._....., approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. /---equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 'APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council-__—_-- ---- 192..._....._. ............. _...... ........... ........, City Clerk. Mpg 2 Approved--.----.. ............... _.... ............192...... ayor. Form B. B. it - _ lv.......__ D CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. F3 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ........ ........ Maroh..._24,1.92.5......._, M. --- In the matter of.the assesflment of bene fits, posts 8 _expenses forTAe — — Oonstrueting a sewer -on: Bayard Ave. and the extention of same from i Oleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave., on Fairview Ave. between Otto Ave. and Juno St., on Hartford Ave. from Fairview Ave. to the east line of Snelling Ave., on Underwood Ave. from Juno St. to Scheffer Ave., on Snelling Ave. from Otto Ave. to the terminus of the sewer (under contract) 910 feet south of Randolph St., on Juno St. from Underwood Ave. to 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave. on Miles Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 feet west of Snelling Ave., on iatson Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 feet west of Snelling Ave., on Bayard Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave., on Ucheffer Ave. from Underwood Ave. to 140 ft. west of Snelling Ave. All of which is to be known as the Scheffer Ave. Sewer System No. 2 tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.114,7 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -...................9..•60 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_...... ....... ...... _19.,.92 Inspection fees • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......... ... 2.,..2.94.QQ. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ .........................9.9...•.60.. 11 213.12 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $...........�..:.._..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._4.Tx_?;5_42upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner,,lnd made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner o inane. Form B. S. A. 8-9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Final Order .----........._......53R-23...._.... a M _ .28th 1924..._._._...1 fii* _ __..._� approved ...................._........__ay........_....._.�..........._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....114,..700-.00_ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_........... ..........9._9...60 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._........._...._...._�9...:.92 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - ` - - - - - $--....._2.�..2.4_4...Q.Q. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $..__..._ ..............9.9_n.60. Total expenditures - - - ° - - - - - - - - - _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._117..e_21'14.?tipon each and every lot; part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. QQ Commissioner oifimince. Form B. S. A. A-9 50032 Council File No ........ .- ............ _..._--.__.._. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the'assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Sylvan Street from Magnolia St. to a point 60 feet south of Jessamine St., �— the seseasment of C. r. No. 69," o see for con- - lu the matter { gtreet .heneflte.: o g teewer on -5yl w 69 feet etruct[RB nolle 5t: t ? y, {Fom 11 " ' .0 south o{. Je --i¢arY Order 66194 ," der-66671.ne• �.. d T)'.. nY under Preliminary Order...._ 5619%_.._......., Intermediary Order ......._56571 ....... -....... Final Order ..._ 5715?........_...__., approved—___--�..f18�---• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__—.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council._— _._........ ...___192..._...._. — _..it lerk. APR 2 2 1925 Approved.__ .. ................ ......................... ._.....,......192......— ayor. Form E. n. 1! iL:l�{ZL�l�I. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . ..... ........ .... Mar94 In the matter of the assessment of teAP-flt ezp..enfle.S. for AN QQnStTUCtJng a_sewer on Sylvan Stre6t from tq a p.Q.int 6.0-1.eat South...,., .... . .... . .... . ........................ Sylvan ......... . ......... . ........ . ........ ...... . ...... ..... . .. ... of.... . ..... _._ .... ............... ........ ....... ........ _ ......... ............. . ...... ......... ...... ... . ........... .... under Preliminary Order ... ........... ...... .......... _ Intermediary Order ...-_.._..__.._...-_._.._......_....__...........___56571 Final Order._......_............_......571.5?_ , approved .............. Ag9_3Q . ...... 19-24 - ­..' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice --- - - - - - - - - - - $ . ........... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--....._.........1$.........._... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._....;.10.18 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $_................... .. 90 ............. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._521_26L__... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ewe of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. O Commis"er of Finance. Form B. S. A. R-9 Council File No– ........... ......... ... . .. . . . ........... . 39033 By............ .................... _..... –------ –, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wentworth St, from Doane Stto a point 95 feet south of Doane St. in Fns°;natter of the assessment ofl I hene8ts, coat' and eaDenses [or coa- tetructtnS a sewer oa a nt—t tS'+.t horn Doane St. to ..;` ,L, qc uth of Doane St_ u .der 64680. x`9116, Fl nal :• - .. 'U under Preliminary Order .....__ 5Y4._.....___., Intermediary Order.5620.5......._.._.........., Final Order.5.6.743_.__...........__., approved— ....__mel~.., 2......------192_4. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IIT\FU R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in____ ------ ..... ._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council.__—_ _�.._.._..._.._......192...._.__: z City Clerk. APR 2 2 1925 Approved.._— ................. ......... ..._...._..............._....192......_ r. Form B. B. is �'�� PUBLISIiF CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .__..... _... Ma.roh....2.4,19. P 5..__, ass......... In the matter of the assessment of bnefit_e, co_9t_s._8c_., exp _.en for 968_..QOI]$.#.TUCt.I.iaF,..._a.. � tr.._on.._Wentworth__St..._.._from.-_Doane St_. _to.__a_...point.._9.5_-.feet sout......... AoaA�_.3t•,.......... . .......... .......... _ ....... ...... .......... ..._ ... under Preliminary Order .... ............. _.5 §0_...._....._.._.._—, Intermediary Order__6POrJ........... .... __............. _.... ....._.....__....., Final Order approved ._...... ._DeC_•21.1..24 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the.expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......... _e..._Q..........._..... Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $._------- _1-A . ................- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$.._............._•lZ.................. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._..__..r2 tK.......__.._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $..... ............. x_50.................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - -....'02.62 ........... _....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.3Q?'.62__........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..... _.. Co aioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A_9 0 59034 CouncilFile No ..... ........................_...... _.............. _ By .........,............................... ...... ............... I ....... _........... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing severs on Wilder Ave. from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. on Ashland Ave. from Wilder Ave. to Howell Ave. and on Howell Ave. from Ashland Ave. to Laurel Ave., under Preliminary Order-5.Intermediary Ordcr._563.25_....__..._..., Final Order..... 5.6879..._ ......... _.... , approved—_._ De O q.. ^_192 Y • C. F. No. 69034— In the matter a[ the assessment of beneats, costs and cXPenso. for coa- atructingsewera on Wnder Ave. from, Portland Ave. to Ashland -Ave., on A public hearing having been had upon the Ashland Ave. from wader Aee„x`ament, and said asoess- Howell —c :.:9...•. _ �e4 ;..row . , ment having been further coneidgred by the Council; a° " swing been eolis:dered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._.. _..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. APR 2 2 1925 APR 2 2 M5 Approved_--._ ................ . ........ ....._.._...................... 192..._. Form B. H. 18 -'TPT T!��,� T�'] k�s' CITY OF ST,, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the the matter of the assessment of benefits, oost6 .& .expenses for tS�....__.C.O.ri.B.t.TllOtiIlg...... sewers.-_on.._YPl_der._sne..,_..._from.._. P...ortland..._ Aye_ .._ to,_ Ashland..... Ave..,-. on.,_Aeh.1.444 _ Ave.,......from Wilder.._ Ave..,,,, to. Howell.,_ Ave,.,. and Howell„ Ave.. from Ashland. Ave, to Laurel Ave., under Preliminary Order 54106 intermediary Order632 , 0 Final Ordor............... 56 ,9,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, approved ......... ................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._1.0.,.20040__. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $.......... .. 26...:.2.5.... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$.__..................-g�..'2��_.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $........._._._204.00...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $. 26.25 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..10..:_1...'7_:... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Com' sioner of Finance. 19 Form B. S. A. a-9 Council File No ..... -...... - .......... _...... _............ _ By -... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 59035 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for oonstruoting a sewer on Stewart Avenue from Seventh St. to Prior Ave,, under Preliminary Order... -559.3? ........... .... _, Intermediary Order..... 5.63..?.Z.................. . Final Order.5.6.791.................. -_, Deo..---__Is2 _. _ approved_.....__—..__.._.._ C. F. Ntheo. 59035— ,ntter anthe d eaDen ea for con struettng a -sewer on Stewart Ave.. from seventh St to prior Avg, under A public hearing having been had upon t� Preliminary n ,or ermptovement, and said aseess- r u?y.-Ardnr�} `n�n . ment having been further considered by the 6<Z,�`an`d having been considered finally satisfactm7; be it" therefore RESOLVED,<,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council......_.,......APRyi195.......,_._.....,.....,......,., APR 2 a 1925 Approved.--._.................. _......._ .................................192...... — Form B. B. I! pi'IiLISIl`E11�� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ._.......... _..... ......March .....24,.19.25., WI......_. In the matter of the assessment of benefits .oaI. ts _& expenE.e.. for tp...._constructing a .......................__....... sewer_on__St_ewart_._Avenue from_Seventh ...St.........to Prior. Ave.,......._.........__._....__ .................. under Preliminary Order........_.._...55.9.32................ _.... _.... _— Intermediary Order ......._ _...56327 .................._._.... .__.._..., Final Order ..._.._..__.........._.567.9.1.._..--__.___-._, approved ......... ........... ............ ..._............ No v3,_1.Wk., 1...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....3.x.33..00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_............ .4.50 ................. Cost of postal cards $------- ................'9�.......... Inspection fees . <., _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - $........ ...... 67.•.x.6 .......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - -$..................... Y_....0......... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $. - 3,46Q.-5-6 Said Commissioner further 'r'eports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...L_460- 56.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commisei r of Finance. Form B. S. A. 1]_9 5903 smen In the marcor of .opening, .widening _ and extending .an alley to a_ width___.._._ of_2Q.ft.,-.betweea Farringtoa.Ave_,_._and Hand Ave_,...and._extending from.___. Carbon St.South toward Maryland St. by taking and condemning the _._._ - ---- __._. _ _ _. _ __ - rear 10 ft. of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, and Lots 24 to 31, inclusive, T.B.Somerls Addition, under Preliminary Order_ ...76�91 , approved0ot c29.z�924., Intermediary Order_.._..�.7gir? approved ...Feb .10.,1925. --- C. F No. 69036— In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley to. a width -or 20 ft. between Fatrlagtb. Ave. and A public hearing having been had upon the takin Hand i &out' toward Ma�yla a sr,' easements therein, 'by taking and eondemning the rear for the above improvement, and the awards of dama� 10 ft. of Lots 1 to s, lnel rel ;- y essment of benefits d 2ita 31, ' lnclusiva,:•' P therefor, and the Council havSng duly considered the same, not4ic�;n,.-,-,or ,,,;1t Resolved, That the Z� entified by the signatures o e Mayor and City Clerk, an made a part hereof, and a awards of damages to a owners of such lands respe 'vel, for said taking and co en nation as set forth in 'd assessment roll, be \samcis hereby in all respe ratified and confirmed.urther,that the said asse ent of benefits, be and t same is hereby in all re ects ratified, andhereby ordered to be submitt to the District Court for onfirmation. Resolved, that the said asse me0t be and it is her by determined to be pa- ble in .......eq installments as to Cach parcel land describe therein - RM !n!1 the M aft bmbyad IW wotwW In said natter be dYee�d. I Adopted by the Council.-........ - APR '2-2492 '5......................192........ �i192 PR 2 2 1923 lerk. Approved.--'--..'....:.......................................... -..._ _.......... ...... ..... ............. ._........... ..__ ..t....._. ............ . __ ��� Mayor. � Councilman Clancy PUBLISI-ILIA t/Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson _/Councilman Sudheimer ,'Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson 59037 - - In the matter of._open ng, wi_dening.._and._._eMi ng.._an.._al_ley.__to__._a._width.......... _ of 20 ft. between_. Farris t4n�ve �_ansi.._H si_. ve_..__aad _eatgnding,..fr01�..____ Oarhon. _: untlL 4ward�ar�rlanci 8 ,..._b3!._taki ._andoQnd.g— kng .Iae--.---- rear 10 ft_of Lots 1 to S: inclusive,and Lots T.B.Somer's Addition,:.._.._.._....... _.._.._._... _......... _....................... ._........ _..... __...__...__...... ---- under Preliminary Order ........_5..619.1...... ....... ... approved091.2A,_19.2Y. Intermediary Order5.7H1r7..-................. approved _------- .._1rPb..10_,.1925---_.-.- — C. F. No. 591137— I�e901Ve In the matter of- opening, widening t- - e twee hn alley to a width oP �j/✓V v _ 1t. between Faringtoa Ave and 1ve and estendtn • •............... 8t the south t ward Maryland of b op n, widen and eaten an alley to a widtL' nd , t' ,ag the r Farrington -.� elusive ., ..� .o Ave. and Hand Ave. and a tendg_Q.m�4ar� . mouth tn>Irard St. b tam} dng—&?3d._Qondemni_ g_the rear _1Q..Pt __V.f. t ._.1._t �_._.i. alu iso, and Lot 24 to 31. inclusio_.__ (2) Th t the following land, laolls o easements therein be and the ame are hereby tak , appro- priated and con emned for the purpose- of ma 'ng the said improvements, v the rear .. Q_ft of Lots 1 t._.. _-8. inclusive, and •ots 24 to_31.,__in9l_.sive�..._of....�..-_._-_ Somer' a Addit on__--_•------- —.__ _ —. __ .� — fie aad thee garb? sno�i►r w�+ -- Woe dila in said mattm be dSm AUMIed• (3)at the assessmentV benefits and award damages for the taking tend appropriating the above land, lan or easements t rein, have been ratified d confirmed. \ APR 2 2 IM- Adopted by the Council...................................... ............................. .................., 191...... .. APR 2 2 192,E ity Clerk. Approved............................... .......................................... 191 ........... Mayor. `/Clancy ,/i16zM9fzK1 He BOn /MUx o 8011 son McDonald :AMI& • Sudheimer ,r. resi eye Nelson - �' 1 4 1 L•d � �� � t� 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....opening.,....widening..and.---extendsng...au...alley ...to...a..width....... of 20 ft. between Farrigton._-Ave_.. _ and' Hand --Ave-._. and-_extendi13 ..fX.Q.M ---... .......................................................... Oarbon St. South toward Maryland St . by taking and condemning.. the........... .. ...-- ...... ............... ..... ...... rear 10 ft. of Lots 1 to S, inclusive, 'and Lots 24 to 31, inclusive, ............................................. ................---......................._............................-----.............-----................. --.................-- T.B.Somer's Addition, -.......................................................... ............................... ...-- ......_..._.---....----..... ... ....... ------...............-------- ...................................................... _... ................ - ..................--.._.................................................. --------. ---- 61 1._.. a roved.00t .28,192 -., Intermediary Order -5N5.7.._.......... under Preliminary Order...........5......9 . pp approved ....................... Feb .10,1925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..............G%L%...._....._.......-....... j Commie - er of Finance. rt: C. F. No.. 59439— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing es- sar an -easement in for land d fills C.iJU3� ears . adi elof for • cute and. elle U l8 I grading of Arundel. etreer diem Lake -Como &.Phalen Ave.�toWe' braekaAve. aadNebraeka-Ave. from Arundel -St to Cumberland Str, e4 under Preliminary; Ordei` 669 -}t= o• Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the,natter of -condemning and taking an easement in the land -.. necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading of Arundel St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Nebraska Ave. and Nebraska Ave.from Arundel St.to Cumberland St., _ ...... _... j{ �f tinder Preliminary Order.-- -. 56957 approved Dec .10,1924fntermediary Order..._5�6`%9.... approved. -......Jan .27,1925 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the salve is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f her Resol t lat t15aid a`s6`ssme4tui it is here�y� c tcrmin�eable in stallments as to each parcel of land described therein. ti APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council.... -__ _--- .......... . _ ____ ......______, 192..__ - Approved-.----- ._. __ _..... /Councilman Clancy ./Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald / Councilman ; " HOdg so n /Councilman Sudheimer Mo/ uncilman Wenzel ayor Nelson- - ity Clerk. 192...... 09039 FINAL FINAL ORDER IN C� g ATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matterof i9g.-Az oa.a.e.m.eal—in—the land nP,.o..e.sjs.ar_y Arundel St. to under Preliminary Order . . ...... 56.957 .............. approvedP#-0.t-1Q-9.1991}, Intermediary Or"der_..--5.7652---..—, approved--.--1a—A.t-27-,L!9?5 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz condemn and take an easement ln--tbg-al.aPd-MO�6essary—tar.-,BlnpPgs f0r cuts and 00100 A Phal�� Ave'. to lebjra,Bka� Ave. and Neb IN (2) That the following. land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: -14e. land abutting j2p0n &rqAa9j--ft aforesaid to the axtent the-zepaxt— of the 3-,1925., (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council Im .............. .............. APa 2 ? 19g,5 City Approved_.......__ ... ..... . .......... ... .. ....... ..................... �' 191_.......... Taney n�Upie so 2oson _kaMcDonald �Wludhelmer ;fth enze jMr. President, HDjto= Nelson Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._...00T1dEmAjilg.,atld...t.aiG..i1$...✓�Xi...ea8-BmeAt...in..the...lsnd......._............. neces sarY.._for... slopes.,... fC...4.ti?t.e....=sl---�.i ] >3...in..49rading--R...A=txd el...flt..-------- Yrom.-Lake_- Como-..$.. Pha l An 4ye-...-..t.0...Rebxaaka ArundelSt-.to.-Oumberland..9t...,_.............................._.........----•----...................................---•---.......---.. .............................. ----------------------------- .... ........ under Preliminary Order ......-56957 ... ...., approvedlleo.101.192�F._. Intermediary Order ...5765.. --...... Jan,192 ,192 approved....--- ...... ............. 7.................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that be has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _.... -.. - ....- �OM�Missio 0f Finance. 4 C. F. No. 6040- 10 9040 J�U40 do the matter Of condet o land n talc- `9U r. an eaeement in the land'neces- sary;for eloDee, for bate sand fills.in ' �!` to BGreenhrlere Ave, urnderPreli in- `+ all) order 883Y3; approved-- Dec.- 4, I92}, it order 67838, ap- prq an 8 "38 m Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning_ and „taking .an easement. in the _land...neoessary fob_slopes, for cute and _f111s.in grading of Olear_St._fromi-Payne.Ave. to Greenbrier Ave., ___... under Preliminary Order 56828 approved Dec .4,192.4, Intermediary Order... _57.336..__.-, approved.. .. Jan. -6,1925 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Alaym• and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified aid confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of heoi its, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby- ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e i urther Resole , aft the. said a. eut be and it is hereby determined to be pa�ablc in equal ' stsllments t e t parcel n and„Slese, th eiu, _ • —� '' -� Adopted by the Council. APR.2 2 192 SPR, 2 2 1 Approved..-.-.--_ .___ -_-_, 192...... City Clerk. ,Councilman Clancy ASayor. Councilman Ferguson ` y Councilman McDonald /Councilman ZOW Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel 4ayor Nelson ............. . �,� tl�� �u�i�Br o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �IIII of Mom .......... from�Payne Ane. to. Greenbrier Ave.. ................... .... . . ... . ......... . ......... . . ............. . . ....... ........................ ...... ................. . . under Preliminary Order ........ .. .. 5.!9? . ....... approved Intermediary Order -5.73.716__ ............... . .. approved C. A No. 59041— in --the- ., matter of condemning and kak. Resolved: an ,easement in the land news. aery '0 s is i adl.,%NflOCPie r I-,' and -1 n 4 so n on Y� made; VIZ.: - — - -------- --- t-the following improvement be _-sen !,�Io be , s, anG, , ! That -ad oondemn and take an easementAn the cuts and fills e . . . .... .. ..... . . ........... - ----- --- (2) That the following land, lanils or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, vi..;_..t]kq-jand abutt-1;19 upon Oleartille --p_Qjn.t0 .said,. -a M Aci--the-AMMW.Ut- --UPM the plan attached to the report --of -thea _q0mM zqb-up. the matter dated _Leb .-3,--1-9?-5 — - ------- . ............. . ......... . ........ ... ........ ... . .................. ...... (3) That I the assessments of benefits and award of damagps for the taking and appropriating, the above land, lands or easements therein,A'FA Yf NO ed and confirmed. Adopted by the Council....._ . ... ........... ..... .......... . ..... ........ .. . .. .... ........ 191 . .... .. .. ........ ..... ... ...... .. City Cl rk. APR 2 2 jgj� Approved..._........ ... . ..... . .................................... 191__........ ............ ... .... .................. ........................... ...... --2U- �--�ior Clancy t ✓ n iA so 13rnnsoallld McW Sudheimer ,,'�MWenzel Presi ent wNelson REPORT -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..00nd-Tning and taking an easement in ille.._.ja..g7cadt.zig...of... Cl.eax...�t.....f xom..Payn e..Aye . .to.. Greenbri. er.._Ave...,...................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ .... - ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... `26828....._.., approved Intermediary Intermediary Ordeirj7336............... approved ................ Jan .6., 1925...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the' under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..............--------...... Commission of Finance. 59042 C. F.;No 69042—� In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing-aiu easement--in..thaland aecee-' Bary fo! e,0ut. 81d 1r in Rradlag -M."14,01cf>ig ro[ the eervlce ComoBouleverd-from .Como '4 North .to :Iskepiew-Ave., ,under ,llmiaa ,J er 67090Y'-aDyrov� - ,� kaying.:b13. �- Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of. condemning... and, taking an .easement in the land..._ necessary for slopes, for-outs.and fills in._.grading .and surfacing of the service road on Oomo Boulevard from Oomo Ave. North to Lakeview Ave., under Preliminary Order 57030 approved Dec .16p19?1}ntermediary Orde57423 approved..__ _Ja&n.13.,19.25- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, he and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that, the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _.__......._. _- - ------- equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ - ._.. _APR 2 2 1925 _ , 192 --...A....i..e....... 2.a 1�2=/rte Approved_.- Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ......................... ..... . .......... Mayor. Aouncilman McDonald C1duu�au.0 ,Councilman PMXX Hodgson ./Councilman Sudheimer .A;-uncilman Wenzel Nelson ,Aayor ��) ------------------- --- 09043 . C..F. No. 59043— Matter 9093 - ln.the matter. of coodemains eodtak-' an easement In the land necea-; "'gradloot atoDea,-tdr cuts end flna'1n n and surfacing (ft the aervt0e' road N th to. noulavard from Como Ave. North to,LakeVlew Ave. under' .. Do.. ,Inary .Order': 67030; aDDroved.j -Dec , a ,,Order Order' Res lvedDroved Tan. 13; 1926. FINAL ORDER IN, 'LOt � to f - ii.. ingh rm,D, � OCEEDING3. - In the matter of_QOAdeL1I1121g aud;_ taxing an._eselgpAt__in.._the_...l.and_......... _....... . necessary Yor cloves' for cuts and Pills in gradiag_and_ surfacing _,.____ ___ of the service road on Como Boulevard from. Como Ave. North to Lakeview Ave.t under Preliminary Order___._576� _..._., approved—A9. .. approved___4q43s1925 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ........... condemn and take an easement in the landneoeSBaxy for sloven, for outs and fills in grading and 'surfacing,_Q tY�4rvi9 xd _.Q�.amo� Boulevard from O�mo (2) That the following land, lan8s or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz. :._.._the land to Lakeview Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan attaohed`to the report of the Oommiesioner of Publio Works in the matter dated February lgtht�,1925�_ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_._._ R Et:_ 1925 APR a a 1925 Approved__...... _......._......._ .......... ....... ................. .... 191 .... _...... J lancy y n HFF��edrrguo MODURd sft Sudheimer l, Wenzel Al _4Sr. President, ItAgM Nelson " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of.....PQ149tnAID9..."d..takIng_ an. ..e.as.ement...in.-the..-1aa1&....................... neaes-aary--io.r...>alope.s.,...fnx---cuts_.and-..fA11g-.--in...gxading.._a?ri--.A r;fa4ing...------ _of.-.the...bery ce„road...on-_4O.mQ...Bou1eva- d...fr.Qm Gamo...Are.—Ilorth..tn.....--_--_---_ i,.akeview..Ave.R.............. ...................................... .......... .......... under Preliminary Order.._...57030 a ppro,,PeQ.16,1924.... Intermediary Order 57_43 approved .............. JAP..43.a 925...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...................._......_. • - -- ... Commissioner 4 innnnn NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEKNATION PROCEEDINGS im! and to ng an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading _.....:.,M4i...SUZACrUID-E Corte Ave.to Lakeview Ave. under Preliminary Order_570.0.____............., approvedD.eQ..16..i2!�?Z4., Intermediary Order..57423__............._.... approved. Jctfi.:._3.:_1.925....._.. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given than a' public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the ................. 22nd., ........... .....__.__....... _....day of_._ .......... 4T.1 ......._..__._.....__.___, 192_.55....., at ten o'clock A. 1A., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appro- priated for the above improvement, and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. i Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. r[ ; Dated 192 _.__.5 L. C. HODGSON, Commissioner of Finance. By .'C>'70...:............._...__.- � C. F.No. 69015- In the :matter of opening, -widening and 'tet eYtending Minnehaha S[. by taking J and condemning a triangular:. piece' of. ground off of the aoutheasterly corner -of- Lot -30, -Block 5. Kuhl'. :Second Addition, said triangle meas- _ uring 1/ feet on. White Dear Ave. 'sad- 14 fC'on Minnehaha St, under 1-3 mleny Order', 67112;- aPP ov,; :T^•^'medlar.-..; - Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of... opening,_ _Widening.. and._ex..tending_Minnehaha. St by...---..---_-- tak ng__and condemning a triangular-p.iece-.of_-ground off .o.f the._aau h eastekjy., corner of Lot 30,_131oak.. 4, -guhl, s_ Second Addit.3..on.,-_ laid -- triangle measuring 14_.ft.. on white. Bear_. Ave • and 14 ft. on _. _... ........... _..... . Minnehaha 3t., ---------------- ---- - ... _. under Preliminary Order ..... 57412- -- ., approved__ Jan.13,19U termediary Order -Jr7663........... ... , pn an ...27,-.1.9.2-5 _ a roved...__._......J.. A public healing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be. it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it ther sol ed, tthh a said ,ssessment . and it is hereby determined to be payable in ual insta tnfents as to each pares of ]an d }scribed therein Adopted by the Council. _..----..-- A.PB.2.2..j jam.._....._...... ...... 192.------ jApproved---...._...... ......_..... 192 - _.... _ . it Cler - . k. t/Councihnan Clancy Mayor. :/Councilman Ferguson �youncilman McDonald ulcilman fttr Hodgson )'ouncilman Sudheimer uncilman Wenzel -Mayor Nelson e__j� 43---•---- .........�. �'JI ¢/: . •x .! C' F. No. tt046— In xteendinter of onentng, widening K U45 and g M1nnehaha 8t ,by taking Ci cOndemtling atriaRgnhsr Dlecp of groYtnd- 2 0 �� nen o =l,et a0; the a?1. X.hr. qqr- AddltAon ",aid Hllangie meaeu eng lan ft oq 3yh{te Bear pve and 14 ft r T. �pM,7r.� shah at rider Prelirx.-r%"f FINAL ORDER IN; CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofenin�,�xidening_ and _-extending.. Minnehaha_8t...by.•._.._..•______ taking and oondamning a tris_n,�1_•ax•_piece_o_f_ground _off of the _south.-__._ easter — ..... txiangu _Alelieitring.l_.3t�on Whjt Bear-_Ase.. ansa. Minnehaha: 8t........ ........ __._...___.---_-___. under Preliminary Order ........ ....5.7—'12......_.-,approved-444—J3.1925 Intermediary Order..._...5.7 approved�'Tsn.2],1925 < Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, open, widen and ktending Minnehaha St. triangular piece of ground off of the southeasterly corner of Lot 30,• Block 4, Buhl e;Second Addie oal e_94 _tTjgngl.e me�auri�g 11�_ t.�n. — White Bear Ave-and 14 ft. on (2) That the following land, lands or easements. therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the, said improvements, viz.:_a tTen 8r piece ofrg Quad off of the, southeasterly_corper_.of_LotO.,.._Block_,_._ 8_uhl's Second Addition, said triangle measuring 14 ftv..on White Bear Ave. :,and 14 ft. on Minnehaha St., (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above lend, lands or easements therei>y have been ratified and confirmed. . R22 Adopted by the ConnciL._._.___.............._r92S _ ._....... .. 191.... e APR2 2 i ... -. ........ ........... ................ .............. - City Clerk. Approved -_...._._---- _..-._......_ ... 191........... j _­jMayor. VU laney , � Ferguson� 18S§naf d / jrSudheime r _ ixnt1 . President, , elson. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......00ening,,,._widening..and---extendl4g...MI..n?Lehaba...8-t-....by............... taking and condemning a triangular piece of ground off--of-_the--_south--•-- easterly corner of Lot 30, Block 4, Kuhl's Second Addition, said••----------•• .......... ..................................................._...._............_......._.I-......... ......... . triangle--measuring._14--ft..---on--.Whit_a--Bear---�Qe----..,=d--1-4 ft.. -...on ............................... Minnehaha St., under Preliminary Order .......57 ........, approved.JenA3,19.25 Intermediary Order.571663.............. approved........ Jaa .U.z 1921........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5T. PAUL. Phe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the Value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. __......_.......... ............. .. r` Commisai er of Finance. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Plum. St. by taking and condemning a -triangular piece of land off of:tbe Mrth-rno.t corner 59046 rt Lot 7, Elock"ll, Suburban Hills, tl mid triangle .'measuring, f. zir Ave' kind 40 it on, Prellmlnary &der tf;" 1925, inter- Rtsolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. I In the matter of-OPPAilig, --wiWiAgknd ... extending. _Plum.. St .� - by taking - --- --- --- .­ ----- a n d q --- o441m. ning.a., 1riangular-pie-ce.. -of-land-of f ...of. the. North -most - corner of Lot 7, Block 11, Suburban Hills Addition, paid triangle.- ............... ...... . . ..... measuring 9-5 ft- on Bates Ave. and 40 ft. on Plum St., .................... ...... ­ . I _ ....... ­­ 11 _­ I . - tinder Preliminary Order.- approvedTan .14,,1.92-5., Intermediary Order., 5766.2. approved ............... 4an.-27,;925.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------------- ----------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-_ pPR 2-19.2.5 .............. ....... 192 1925 ---- ------- .... ..... ........ ....................... i iyert Clerk. Approved ....... . ... . ..... - ............ 192 . ......... ........ .. ...... ... .. ..... .. I Mavor. �Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /CC / ouncilman PA= Hodgson ouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson - - - 59047 _ C. F. No. 69047- `,. In the matter of opAning, widening and -eztendingc Plum $t. by taking am cOntemnl. a Irlangular piece-of ]aR" Off of tho North meet cornee-ofi I.oy'7 )#lock-11 suburban Ans Ad- `)Bald-trinngl measuring -9.6 C� FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..qppgn � widening and extendi?ag .P1ur�..........bX .taking _ f ..,... ar►d oq.,ndemn�,�g.,...�1...�,�.�1�.�,,.�.�.�.G,e A'�..�. 21d...Pff:.,4. ,...tm..,.N.O.:,14....gal ........... corner o _ St � P4 #� $i 1 xbon.111tdo.1._..._._.._..... ............. triangle measuria ft. on Bates Av_e. and 40 ft. on Plum fit._, _. under Preliminary 0rder__.._.5Z?+66_.____., approved:._!t 44-al92�Intermediary 0rder.__....5..7.6.6.... _........... approved__._... Jan.2.7.:.1925 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:... .................... open, widen and extend Plum St. bLtakina and oQnd�mn�, �a triangular piece of land off of the North-most 9_Q_Zn Blook,ll, Suburban Hills Addition-,_ said triangle measuri;ig_95_ft. on Bates �,Ayg and 40 ft..-cm_Plum_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._.._8._tT1RIeT piece of land off of�the North most oorner Suburban Hills Addition said triangle measuring g.5 ft. on Bates Ave, and 110 ft. on Plum St. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.__...._APR 2..2.1925 ........................... .....--... _.... ._.. .._._ _.:.... _ ......_............... d�PR 2 a lyi:a \\ Cler . Approved__.._..__..... _........ __......... ......................... _.... 191.......... _ .1 elson r • Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...oP.ening,_..widening._.... extending. Plum.._Bt.,_-by_.i& h?g.......... and.--condemning..a...tri.ang lar._p.� ece...Qf.._!P. n ,..off.-of..the-..North-.most---------------- corner of Lot 7, Block 11, Suburban- Hills Addition,..__said,_triangle..-.----,., - ----.. ......---- ........ ..measuring...9..�5...ft, on...Bates...Ave......and-40...ft. on._Pium..,9t.,.,........................................ .............. .............................................. .... ........... -- under Preliminary Order .....57466__....... approved. 44 4,1-925._., Intermediary Orde57662................ 2 .-. approved...................J.an...7 ,.192.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissoifer of Finance. • COUNCIL RESO - the emptoymaRt,of�certaln empl yes.ot i hia PaDartment for more than el L ho a pe day, Bald employment be�a F D BY - more than their usual hours of-emDtoy; JIL 21 , COM. TONER.___.. ];;$17 -. _ ....... .........._.._..__..... . menta There[ore He It,Resolved,, That proDet C1tY offlaers are hflrsby autho. Med tn. pay h following named Rk� Lv oyes •.;• ,J -�, oth f tsa. �sea� to !7HEREA5, The Commissioner of Public 17orks has reported to the Council, in accordance with Soction 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency ahitrh rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment: ---- THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city -,officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of __.r.,.__—___Overtime. Harkness, Charles Lo. Im. Insp. 8 6.09 da Barry, T. W. " 8 6.09 Birmingham, J. D. " " n 8 6.'09 Davern, Wm. A. " " " 4 6.09 Anderson, C. A. Mtc. Lab. 1 .50 hr Brown, Edw. J. Steam Shovel Engr. 20 1.10 Clinton, J. M. Kettle Fireman 28 .621- Diegnau, Felix Er. Ir. Work Foreman 8 1.25 Dursensky, Aug. J. Stationary Engr. 33 •6951 Faraci, C. Tamper 24 -.60 Gurgang, Mike Sewer Labor 1.50 Hannon, James J. Mtc. Labor 4 .50 Hummell, Mathias* " If 1 .50 Kennealy, J. P.Utility Labor 16 •55 LsBattej Frank It it 11 •55 McCarthy, Dennis Mtc. Labor 1 .50 McKillipp, Alex. Ditch Digger 16 •55 McNulty, John Mtc. Labor 1 .50 Martinson, M. Roller Engr. 4 .90 Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 15 •55 Moeller, Biward Mtc. Lab. 8 .50 COUNCILMEN Yeas \\ Nays Adopted by the Council... ------------------- _------- .------- 192.---.. Ferguson Approved.'--.-' ----------- -------------- --- 192----- . _ ._— McDonald In a Matson C'` �_ MAYOR Peter A ----_., Wenzel %' \\ .CITY OF ST. PAUL Ra ------ COUNCIL NO.. OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK ' eCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TTT 21st 1p 2r PRESENTED E DATE....... .F�h+._._._...___....___.L....l .__....._ COMMISSIONER__...__.__.__...._......._.._..__._._............._........_............._................... ......_.......__- RESOLVED .. XREAS, The Commissioner of Public orks has repot to the Coun in accordanoe :zith Section 53 of th y Charter, the exis of an amergency ahidh red necessary the employment of ce;ta nloyes of epartment for more than eight hours per day, sai ment being more than their usual hours of em jMr. President THEREFORE DE SOLVED, That the proper city o S are hereby au ized to pay the following named employes Ue rate r,f' { er set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of — -_—_____ --- ___Overtime. Needham, Michael Mtc. Labor 1 •50 hr Pastusch, John Ditch Digger 6 6 55 j Pertranton, Michael Sub -Foreman 2 . Plumbo, Anthony Ditch Digger •55 50 Plumbo, Domanick Sewer Labor 3 28 •62-j Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman 8 Redlund, Magnus Common labor 8 •45 •62j - Resler, Lloyd W. Sub -Foreman 7 •90 Scott, William Roller Migr. 18 Shea, Tom Mtc. Labor 14 •50 Simone, John Pipe Layer 6 .63 Small, John Hot Asph. Shov. -50 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,,Clancy ✓Ferguson McDonald L,f In favor ✓Matson ly 'Peter Against ' Wenzel jMr. President M APR 2 2 1925 Adopted by the Council pp_ _ pp. _.._ _ ..._n_.ff.__... ._...........192 {{... A nnrnved---------------------'-- ---192...... MAYOR An emergency has arisen in the PRpartment of'Publio 4lorks, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Rewiring sewers;, rewiring streets; repairing Lincoln Ave. bridge; repairing equipment; inspecting Tuis emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Repairing sewers in emergency cases; completing work started immediately previous to close of R hour day;�m2ra�ncv repsir. on rinooln Ave. bridge on Sunday; repairing equipment after hours to avoid delay of work during bourI'Ing day- Inspecting Contract work on Contractor's working shhedule. a6mmissioner oT uTlic YlOr s J9049 Fir�o edllo8t r PgIrvlew Aver e.AVe;.erfi8868 aDDroged Apr112JCOUNCIL FILE NO....... r. „nitl of .ihe t7tr of 8t:, Jim B !�sn Lrtx7tnnoryaot.Che Cay. INTERMEDIARY ORDER -In the Matter of..C.o.netxu9.tiTlg.....>3.@wQ.P...e, ._.B.aya.rd..,Ayenue..from Fairview. . . ............................... ............... Avenue...t.o..Underwood...Avanus,...Sa.he fer...Street..Prom,.Reirview Avenue .......I .............. to Underwood Avenue and Eleanor Street from Fairview Avenue to .................................................................................................................................................................................. ...............Underwood. _ Avenue.,........._ _............ .................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................... .......... _ ............. _.....:........................ _............., ............................ _.............................I .,.......... under Preliminary Order ............ ...58656_,......... approved.. :April 2, 1. .925................................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered_to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... ejonsiruet...a...nexer ........... on.,B yard . Avenue„ from Fairview Avenue to Underwood Avenue, Schaffer ..................................................................... ............. ..,3tree.t..from..Fairview Avenue to Underwood Avenue and Eleanor Street . .... ... ........ .................................................. from.,Fairvi.ew Avenue to Underwood Avenue, ............................................................................................. ................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................. _.................................................... ...................................... ................... I.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S ....... 15,31Q...QQ.......... / Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 19.th...............day of V 0.p ................. 192..5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .::.................................................. 192... ..: APRP ...... ..... .............. .................. .. t Approved ...... ....._.. ...............192........ y C rk. ............ ..... ....1.............. Mayor. ,Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald Vbn_ ✓��� /,Councilman]HCM Rodgson {� V JCouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel V Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. C P No'6}Ot0—BY Im IL"W st m;ArbtuL dt'-to saittns CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN°" 59050- a ascayt that n NO. -.-.t hatw'f.nz arson st. and a at 7i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. + Aca�a°t°' aa' ten--, , 1rt r a;>ds R�a1NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE BY COMM NER DATE._..__�...Eril ED In the matter of paving West Seventh Street from°Albion Street to Fort Snelling Bridge approach, except that portion between Madison Street and a point 793 feet northeasterly of the center of Davern Ave. and both rdadways on the Fort Snelling Bridge approach from W. Seventh St. to Fort Snelling Bridge, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47288, approved July 24, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #49544, approved July 8, 1924. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. i' APR 2 s 192'5 COUNCILMEN Yeas �/ Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------_---_--............... 192...... Clancy /Ferguson APR H_Ir : n favorZe ✓McDonald ✓tSudheimer Against L'ti. _�__D MAYOR Wenzel ✓Mr. President RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ;0051 coUNCIL NO.. April 23,1925 In the matter of constructing curbing on the north side of North Street from Fountain Street to Truxton Street, and on the east side of Fountain Street from North Street to connect with the existing curb 80 ft. more or less north of North Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #53605, approved June 13, 1924, and Final Order C. F. 456690, approved November 26, 1924. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. – _ ✓ COUNCIUMEN Teas Nays - ✓ Clancy Ferguson Zja,gwom� In favor ;conald udDheimer .....Against /Wenzel /Mr. President oars 2,o Iva_ Adopted by the Council- . .....192 APR 01928 Annroved---------------------------192------ MAYOR FUDLi.;I-ILD___�� X `y CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPARTME14t OF RECORDS —CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTVEC I _ 1924 The attention of the Commissioner e, P:rSlic Gi�orks An respectfully called to the following resolution; which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mayor. I! 5900L FORM G. 9 2 3 C. J. McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK 4W F+_RAE F= YTE� BY CO M M iSSIONER_ F21t�oLV EC CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. No..._ --a-( 52 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 23, 1925. ' In the matter of curbing both sides of Hudson avenue from .Forest. Street to marl Street and the west s`3d-e of Cypresa Street in front of Lot 1, Wakefield Plaice, nsader Preliminary Order C. F. $55528, approved September 23, 1924,- and Final Order C. F. 7#57292, approved January 6, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Viorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C F No:.b9062=By J. 8: MbDonald— In�he'?natter o� Curbing both sid¢s oY .. ..e .nm Forest St. to 1a— .Pselen.1 Order C. -F.. No. -- - 67282, apDrovcd- -Jan.-.6. 1926.' Resolved. a� That the Dls, sDeciSca tions and estimated 4uanttties as acub= ,I witted -by the Colnmiasloner. f oPublic �•, Works- for tha above named imVio 45- meat.'be. and the same are -hereby proved o 1926. i opted by the:Cunoil Apr. 2S, ADDroved Agpy23 ri261 926y - COUNCILMEN Ilancy ''Ferguson 4 n� LOR�T�I�naL ,McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel /Mr. President Nays �------- In favor ........1! ---Against Adopted Y the Council ---------------------_--------.192----- Approv d.. ,.. .................... 192------ -...... - ..-.. - MAYOV I� PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 1 SSED BY IONER_____ MAT RESOLVED F�.(�'{n' CO�UNCIL NO-_____5.Jlam\53 April 23, . 1925. In the matter of constructinF- curbing on both sides of Jenks Street fiom Arcade street to F Earl Street, under Preliminary Order C. 31. °jP55305, approved Sept. 9, 1924, and Final Order C. F. 11757353, • approved January 13, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. �C. F. No. 69063—$y"T. 8. MCDOnald Ia. the matte11of ro..Ae......�.... .........__� - Adopted Ijy :the Council Apr. 23, 1926. ';Approved Apr.: 23, '1926. (April 20-1926) COUNCILMEN YeasNays Clancy Ferguson --- In favor /� ,!Donald ,) Sudheimer ......11. -..Against /Wenzel Mr. President �Y V -ti APR 1225 Adopted by the Council ---- __---- ----------------- 192------ AFIR 21� 1.025; Approverd------ ---=------------------------------------192------ -------------------I----------------'-" — PUB3aSi�� RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL °O�"C1L NO..-..-59-054- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rn D i , a -__ April 23, 1925. In the matter of constructing curbing on the east side of Pascal Ave. from Stanford Ave. to alley between Wellesley Ave. and Jefferson Ave., uhder Preliminary Order C. F. #52662, approved 11sy 6, 1924, and Final Order C. F. #56687, approved Nov. 26, 1924. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. P. NO. 69064—By 7. H. 'McDonald—1 in ah the eaatreld OotrePaeoal Ave. from.! Stanford; Ave,' to O alley;batween :Wel+ lealey, Ave. a1.Jofferaort;Ave.r under approved MM order. C F. N 62682, / dpDtoved May 8 1924, and Final Or ,. er C, V. No. 66087 approved Nov 2¢ 1924 Resolved, Thi;t the plane aDecl9os- tions and 'eetlmated it as a9 sub- I - mltted by the..Commleeloner-of , lid Wot]ta for„tee-above named Improve- - ment be and the aame aro hereby ap- Droved. Adopted by the Counoll Apr.,23,926. Approved. Apr. 23j, 1926.'.'1�. i j ✓ - COUNCILMEN Yew ✓ Nays Clancy ,/'Fergueon' ` -.In favor McDonald 5udheimer ..........Against Wenzel ,,-'Mr. President APR 2 � 125 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ ----------192.---- APR 2 Q ., Approved - _--....... -- = - 192- MAYOR PUDL1S-'1M— ....-- K ai Cqr CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE DEC I-... Date 192__ The attention of the GommissioreT �` R�4�'n b'/prl�d Is respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mnyor. FORM G. FU 09054 C. J. McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK No CITY OF ST. PAUL ��RCR 59055 .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (� o n A>�1'il 23 -1925. - .........se.....�e RESOLVED V In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Geranium St. between Walsh Ave. and Arcade St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #55304, approved September 9, 1924 and Final Order C.F. #59291, approved January 6, 1926. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commfesioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓__4 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ,//Ferguson - -------- In favor / McDonald ,�udheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President APR gl9Z5 Adopted by the Council ........... ............................. 192...... Aft` 2 192 Approved.......- — ............ - 192 MAYOR r� — RESOLVED sou CITY OF ST. PAUL cl�e C NO, -----5905 1. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM s �r-w✓v�Z`c""""'=_.]._�-� DATE Avr31_23.?-_]�fi--._.___._.._. In the matter -of constructing curbing on both sides of Clary Street from Case St. to York St. -under Preliminary Order C -F. #55254, approved September 4, 1924 and Final Order C -P. #57290, approved January 6, 1925. RESOINED: That the plana, specifications and estimated qua.ntit ie s as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the as is hereby approved. F. No. 69068 --BY` 7 8_ MOD ... Id - In the matter of coastructtag curbix on both afdes of Claris St Lrom Caa { St_ to Yo k St ..d.,' P ellminat . ..0 der C, F No. 55254 approved,Sep 4 1924, -;sad Flnal Order.0 F .N g29o,: MVVr_.d Zan_ R_ iosF Adted Eby the Counen Apr 23 1925: AopPPMo Od-Apr, 23. 1925. - (Apr11..25-1925) ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓Clancy Ferguson �3�dg8671 McDonald ,o""Sudheimer Wenzel '_'*�Mr. President Nays Adopted by the Council_ ------- ..............192-_-_- a�` Approv---------------------- ----------------------192----- In favor ------------------------------------------- --- --- ----- -- - - M;Y----- PUBI.iSI1�__��� M57 CITY OF'- UL ,v.. Ft ENGIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM j PRESENTED BY �..:il, 11TE_APZ--�1 23_.,--j9R5. RESOLVED In the matter of constructing onrbing on both sides of Juno St. from Milton St. to view St. under Prliminary Order C.P. #52408, approved April 26, 1924 and Final Order C•F. #54963; approved August 13, 1924. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓� COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays lancy Ferguson In favor "V1 .Donald Donald Sudheimer _______(_________Against �ZMr. Wenzel President , lj APR 2 1825 Adopted by the Council .............. --.192...--. A roved .-----A(� .......... 192 PP R 2 �,�-•----. .... ........ - .. ... _... - ? 0 MAYOR PUBLISHED CITY -OB -ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION- NOTICE Date AUG 1 A 192 192_ The attention of the Commissioner of Public Works Is respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mayor. _ �... 4 CITY OAT. PAUL Fi Rci� 59058 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' `4�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATEAPri1 23_,-,- COMMISSIONER_--- -- RESOLVED In the matter of oonstureting curbing on both sides of Ohio St. from Wyoming St. to Annapolis St. under Preliminary Order C.F- #52568, approved April 29, 1924 and Final Order C -F. #56688, approved November 26, 1924. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. No•, 6906", J. In the.. mstter of.-oonstrueting;obrbtng. on both sides of Ohio 3t.. from Wy ming 9t. to AnsaDolie St: under 1 ..rolimfnary Order C- F. No- 62668,. approved April: 29, 1924 and Final, Order C E: Sio:-666881 hpproved Nova I 26..:1984 Resolved, That the. plane, sDectnce tloneand estimated quantitfeaas sub- mitted by the Commtsalooer of Publto W West. Zeor the -abov, named improve-.. men;, be and th0 Bases are 'hereby: aD proved. :. AdoDted'DY th@ Council Apr: 22, 192S. Approved ADr. 28, 1926. , ' (ADrl1-26-1926) ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeah Nays .-/lancy ✓Ferguson favor McDonald �)....- �Sudheimer .In -Against nzel / Mr. President APR 2 19�'y Adopted by the Council.-.----..__---- ----------------------192.----- Approve� -192 ------------------------ l :...-.. MAYOR 7, . . ......... 01 cyry OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RBCORD"ITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE ])are DEC 192__ Theattention of theted by the council is respectfully called to the and approved by the mayor. roam G. ¢U X90,58 C. J. McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSlob RESOLVED CITY OF ST.•PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pCouNCIL NO- --- In the matter of constructing a curb on both sideg of Wellesley Ave. from Prior Ave. to Kenneth Ave. ander Preliminary Order C.F. #54479, approved July 29, 3.924 and Final Order C.F. #57297, approved Un- uary 6, 1925. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C.� V.No. 69049 -By. 1,8.. -McDonald - In the matter, of constructing a -curt . on both sides. of Wellesley qve, from „Preliminary Oidern Qet F.,�'DIo. 54479 approved July' 89, 1924,'And Fina ;Order C. F. Nb. 67297, approved Jan- _ uery B; 1926. - Resolved, That the plane, sDectflca• tlone-and estimated Quantities, as sub i witted -by the .Commissioner. of Publh Wurks for the above, improvement, b, and the same are hereby approved.. Adopted by the Council Apr 23, 1926 Approved Apr. 23, 8 1926. (April 86-1986) COUNCILMPN Yeas ✓ Glancy Ferguson Nays -•Sad6— 'McDonald /Sudheimer 17. enzel r. President In favor ...Against i I' �rsltP i i�� Adopted by the Council......................... ....... ......... 192...... Approved. .......... ---- -------------------------192. MAYOR t'T77;T TO 59060 CITY ,ZAUL r1o�Rca NO. ......I-------------- OFFICE OF �ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By_� ! -- E_.April, 23, 1925 COMMISSIONER .__.�_.�_-- DAT._......__.._.__....__.._.._..__...._.._._ 1 V RESOG9lD In the matter of constructing curbing on both aides of Case Street -from Forest Street to Earl Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #53550, approved June 12, 1924,. .end Final Order C. F. 156602, approved November 25, 1924. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and .,estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No:'69090-Br..Ji H, McDonald.- Io the matter of oonetructing curbing �� + on both.aldee of C"*,Bt. from For Ber Ot 8trder. to Fall Bt,-:upder Prallmla- arG F., No:;I660 approved- June 1t; 19i4 wadi Pini Order 4M F. � No. 69604• roved Nov.26 1994.- ' ` ,✓ _ Resolved, '.That the, Dlanq .wealdaa- tlone sad �eettmated Cuantitles u- sub- 1 Works- t r the ove-Aameerd °1mpDrruV1 �-=Out, be and the same are homer ap- -Droved. _, Appr vee Aor.'23, 925 Apr: !3,'1996.. r:- Approved Apr.'4D; IIf6 F 111H' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy Ferguson -Hadgauj-...A-In favor / McDonald Sudheimer ..............Against ��W"""enzel /mr. President APR 4 1925 Adopted by the Council ................. -----.---..192..--.. APR 41923 Approv ............ ....... 192--- MAYOR CI0 dr:gr.. PAUL DEPARTMENT of RECORDS—'CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE nate 192_ The attention of the Commissioner of Public Worhs In respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council - and approved by the mayor. __.. /ORM O. �Z• -. �. 09060 f C. J. McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK RESOLVED _SJOii1 CITY OF S771 PAUL No -------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RMSOLUTI0N---0ENERAL FORM April 23, 1925. DATE.._.____..._.....__—._--..._......__..__._ In the matter of constructing curbing on Sherburne Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 453884, approved June 26, 1924, and Final Order C. F. #57296, approved January 6, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifioatione, and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commiasioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the sane are hereby approved. C -3v'_ No- 690811-8p J. 1EL McDondid. ! Za' Lhe--matter .of conatructla6g���curbing - as Sbarbuu-ne Ave. -'from Lezfnaton to -Dunlap 6L, ".under Prelfruln. -aaY --Order C -F. No.: 68884, approved _Stzaa 26 1984, .and Elnal .Order C. V. ^1 \ 57298, sy-proved Jan: 8 11186 \ 12 esnlvaQ, That the pleas, speaflos- tieas and .attmgted qua, on ss suD. �ititad bl, the .Cbmmissloner of Public, WO�$a-"Yor_the shova,,named,Improve. m -WL_ ba aad the ea_me are,hereDr sp .proved_ . - -'Adogro>DtVdl bY" a Council Apr. 88, 1986. - - Apvad Apr-- EE. 1986. (ADrl1 86-1886) • _ e - COUNCILMEN yew Nays /Clancy ✓ Ferguson -----.. __ In favor / ./ McDonald Audheimer Against VS'enzel r. President Adopted by the 192..._.. - ----------------------------- 192 Approve ._ • MAYOR Rm-.�L_NnEmi, Cl-r'V' OF W. PAUL OFFICE OF -IrHE: CITY CLERK coumcu_ kEsc>L_u-ric>r4­GFNERAL- FORM MATT-r—APM-91 VM_ l92 -5 - 5906-2- In the rzwtt;ex- i2,r cuw 'bP%g_.:bOth­-V:LdOm or amm-ghat Ave rx-cm sue at- to Px,:Lox- Ave. under 4CDr3r,,dL4m7!- C -F. #54604, imppwo . ve4 August 5, 1924 wimeL �3-r-sgm3. 0rae2_ C.P. #572V5 approved January 6, 3.905- IMBMVED: 92xm'b the Pl&uB, 8POc:Lr:Lcs­_b:Lc>23.93 OLI-XeL 4mgml-_iwmmteel quamtl:tlem as submitted by the CC=zzL:L93&lLCM03t- Public wovics rax- the above named improvement m be the same are beW-aI37 approved. V" - Yeas Nays Fere � mon --In favor ------_-Against -APR 2 Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------------192------ APR ---------------------------192------ APR ,4o:,ed ------------ - ------------------ — ------------ 192 -- --------- - ----- - _V__3EA.— _JElE_ Xf. -tl.L- .1desor r Aw__S. 19P2��id a.V_V..T miffed5,.tions -aaQ ar Public lw__m_ Y_� I le- lbl6------------ jD­_'X_ -the :gam -ma araherebpap= V,�,a 72-- LALip­ 23, 1925. V" - Yeas Nays Fere � mon --In favor ------_-Against -APR 2 Adopted by the CounciL --------------------------------------192------ APR ---------------------------192------ APR ,4o:,ed ------------ - ------------------ — ------------ 192 -- --------- - ----- - N 09062 In the Mater 5o rbing both sides of, Av nue, underent Ave. ro Preliminaryo prdee' .64604 approved Aug. 5, 1924. A public hearlTg havfng been bad, upon the above improvement uDondue' notice, and the Council havfng heard all persona; bjectfons andi'ecommen-' yy--dations relative .thereto, aad havfagi / J bo lt.coneldered the same; therefor.,' Resolved, 1 y the Covncll of the City ' iOf 9L Pant .. _ __._ __ the mahinggtthho[esld Improve -1 cbY' thecCouncll Jfan: 6. 1926.1 d Jan. b, 392b. (Jan. 16-1925) .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOONat. No -------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _..._....._. DATE....April._23-,...1925...-.------._...... _.----...__._ .._............. _._. RESOLVED in the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Baker St. from Cherokee Ave. to Smith Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F• #53205, approved May 27, 1924 and Final Order C -F. #56691, approved November 26, 1924. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and, estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C:. F. No. 69063—n3' .1. I-1. McDonald— In.the matter of con tructing curbing both idea of Braker 8t. Loom i Che rolcee Ave. to Sml[h Ave. oder Preliminary Order C. F. No. 53206, proved May 27. 1924, and Final Or- der. _ F. No. 66691. approved Nov. by the Council Apr. 23, 1925. 1 Apr. 23, 1925. (April 26-1926) ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy ,Ferguson _11"d_ ✓McDonald �Sudheimer Wenzel -**"Mr. President -J Nays Adopted b.y the Council -------------- ---- ------ i �E-- ------192.._.- ...... Apprd-- -- --- ------------..----------192..._. -- -- ----.-Ll t'al'on . MAYOR Against X CITY OF. SC. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTIj}Z,r 1 - 1914 The attention of theis respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mayor. i. C. P. N 5669',—f constructing curbing'ji In the Iatt 0. both sides Avenue Bto Snaith Avenue, r'. under uminary order 63206 -P- 110'9063 ` !'�� der Pre (fit J f, proved May 27, 1W2 avinBhad[ ,% A publlc heari"C m*Rat upon heard I (`j .. the Above improve C. J.McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK CAUNGIL (jJ064 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - cILE NO------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED e In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of James 8t. from Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave. under Preliminary Order C•F. 58312 approved April 15,:1924 jnd Final Order C.F' 56689, approveB,November 26, 1924. Resolved: That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 69064—By J. H. McDonald— In the matt0r of constructing curbing n both sides or James St. from Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave. un- der Prelirtiin.ry Order C. F. 52312 approved April 16, .1924 and Final Order C. F. 66689, approved Nov. 26, 1924. Resolved, That the plana, eDeclBca- tiOns d eatimated quantitiesaub- k milted by the Commissioner of Public Worka for the above named Improve- ment, be and the same are hereby ap proved. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23. 1925. Approved Apr. 23, 1925. (April 25-1925) ✓APR2�1925 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ----- ---------------------------------- 192-.---- -�/Clancy / 1 J Ferguson Appro d.-..__._-------------------------_.-.....---192------ ---- In ---_----In favor McDonald Wudheimer - . ...Against MAYOR Wenzel ✓ Mr, President --T ISf �--- CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICIdEC I _ �n Da 192_ The attention of the Is respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mayor. c t. r. No. 66689— iinJahaee 5tteetofrom Clg.eboa doAvenue to Fairview Avenue, under Prelimtn-: ary Order 62212 approved April 16. .` 1924. tt A public hearing having Dean. dud <J •upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard dation. orclativle h lihereto, d sad ohs inH fully considered the same; therefore, belt solved. 13Y the Councl} of the City oft Paul Of improvement —lure, obs tent and , made by the s Sa eett irbm Cleveband aidea of Jame and the i Avenue to Vel -11 w Ave.ue. Council hereby- orderssold Imp v meat to b m de. h F Resolved P1l ther. That the Com I S stoner of Public Works be and Se ere by instructed and dir tted }o reDara deation. far planement, ad ands submit same to the pprovalt the Dopp"pe l�citynt Rlctsl6 arts 4 hereby authorised nd directed to po- "a `heed with the making of said improve- moot In accordance therewlth. ° Adopted by the Council Nov. 26, 1924. Approved No, 2291924) (Nov C. J. McGLOGAN, CITY CLERK FORM O, .-VI t` J CITY OF ST. 'PAIkL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA COUNCIL No.._�AZ(�..Uf3� FILE ... .. ....... April 23, 1925 ...................... F2ESOL-VED '— 't!4 -:Ln tae matter of constructing curbing on both sides of orbes Avenue from Lxchange otreet to Douglaa street, under Preliminary Order C. F. (56196, approved Oct. 28, 1924, and Final Order C. F. #57671, approved dsrnuary 26, 1925. s`iES�L`TED', That the plana, speoifioationa and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of rublic vJorlrs for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. E. No. 5906E -133, J. H_ McDonald-� lno the atter of o str Ziug cu bing both Sides of Forbes A�."e- fr.— Exchange SL to Douglas SL, Preliminary Order C_ F_ No. 56196. proved Oct. 28, 192-4. and Flnal Or- der C. F. 1.. 57671. approved Jan. 28, 1925. Resolved. That the plana. aDaciRCa tlonsd tlmated guar. ti Lias as _"ted by by the Commisaioaer of Publia Works for the above __i x impprove-. ment, to and the same, ar-a he Y MV— proved. =1dopted by the Cov iii S+.�r_ 23. lova. APP roved Apr. 23. 1925_ (April 25-190.5> ✓ Peas Cou�c11,mu–, �I&nc•y - Ferguson McD� O� nam Id "/Sudheirner Wenzel _/'Mr. President .4_.In favor -------- .Against Ci.t Adopted by the Conneil._ _-.--.- ---.----._.192----. App ped._.__.........._ .............._....... ---- 19'2---- ... .......... MAYOR FINAU ORDERS. ' C. P. No. 57671— In the Matter of constructing curbing n both sides of Porbe. Ave. from Exchange St. -. to Douglas St. .under, , Preliminary Order 56196 approved ,^� )) Oct... 28, ,1921. - A Dub1.p hearing having been bad J// 1( ('tl(,� uPon thr boyo lmprovement.uDo- due notice, and the Council having heard all Dereon.. b" tloae and rornmmon- datlons relative thereto. and havlag fully considered the same. therefore. be it R..elved, BY the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to be ` made by the - said City is construct curbing on both idea of Forbee Ave. from Exchange St, to Douglas St., and 'the Council hereby order. said Im- provement to be made. Resolved Further, That the.Commle- sloner ofPublic Worka be and Is here- byInstructed and directed to Prepare plans aadape.if .ttone for said im- prov.meatp and submit same to the Council for approval: that upon .said thereby authorised and df—ted to pro-ceed with the making of said Improve. ment In accordance th.rewlth. Adopted by the Council Jan. 28, 1925. �.. Approved Jan. 28, 1925. (Feb. 7-1925) RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL .! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couNCIL FILE NO•_ ___________---- ________ April 22, 1925. DATE.....___.........._................................._.................._ _....... In the matter of grading Kennard Street from Margaret Street to Third Street, East Fifth St, from Germain St. to Kennard St. and East Fourth St. from Germain St. to Kennard St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #57594, approved January 23, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #58703, approved April 7, 1925. RES LVED, That the plans, specifications and eatimated quantities as -submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. C. F. No. 59066By.1. H. meDonald— i InFift Margaret S _r_o_ 'fog red Ko East' Fifth L from Germain 3t. to Ken- ' rd in and o Fourth St. from Ice. - Germain ry to Kennard St., under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 6769 , approved Jan. 58 3,ap and Final Cider. C. F. NO. 68703, approved Apr. 7, ;926. Resolved, That the plane specific.-' [Ions and estimated q ... tit ia. as aub- m(ttke by the CommiPsioner t Public Work. for the above named Improve ment, be and the same are hereby ap- - Proved. Adopted by the Counell Ap, 23, 1925. Approved Apr. 23, 1925. (April 25-1925) COUNCILMEN Adopted bythe Council- -- .------- - ------------------ Yeas � Clancy Nays Ferguson Aper ed-------------------.._.....---------1�2------ �I*fdg5ett�.__--In f av or McDonald / J MTYOfl ✓Sudheimer _.._I.. ---Against 1'tmusH£D � •/Wenzel �Mr President llu 0 63793— In the Tlatter of srndln6 'Z""' St. Fi[h Str from Germain StdtotKen- and St. rid East Fovrth 5t. rider i Germain St. to Kennard St., u Preliminary Order 67094 approved Inn. 23, 19'l6. upon Lheliaboveaimprovemen[upo duel notice, and thea CounclpIId recommen-1 0-90(? {j r CITY OF ST. PAUL tout+... NO..-..-`t�-��-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r, April 22, 1925 RESOLVED - -. In the matter of grading Oa'-ange Street from Arcade Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order -C. F. #57998, approved February 19, 1925, and Final Order C. F. (58699, approved April 7, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public !',orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 59067—Hy J. H. AlcDonald— 1 In the matter of grading Orange SL from Arcade St. to Forest St., under Preliminary. Order C. F. No. 57998, 19 approved Feb. 19, 25• and Final Order C. F. No. 58699, approved Apr. 7, 1925. Resolved, That. the plane, specifics- llone and estimated quantities as sub- Itted by the Commissioner of Public Works for thebove named Improve- ment, be and the same are hereby ap- proved. Adapted by the C until Apr. 23. 1925. 5 Approved Apr. 23, 1925. (April 25-1925) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson .$fin - .._. .... ----In favor McDonald % ) /Sudheirner _ V..Against 'Wenzel —"Mr. President Adopted by the Counc•il._...------------------- 192..--- .4pproc .----- --------- - --- --`'.I----------192 .......... -- - MAYOR PT7DLTSTTM ---�.. i -. C. F. No. 58699 In the flatter of grading Orange St. from Arcade St. to Forest St. under Preliminary Order 57999 approved' Feb. 19, 1925. _ A public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon due n tice, ¢ad the Council having heard all pe—ris, objections and recomenda- tions relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, bs It Resolved, By the Council ofthe City tC St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- ent and kind of improvement to be made bythe said City is grade Orange St, from Arcade St. to Forest Street, and the Council hereby orders said Im- provement to be made. Resolved Fu rther, That the Commis- sioner of Public Works be and fa here- by Instructed anddlracted to prepare -and plans epeciflca it o ns for said im- provement, and submit same to the council for approval; that upon gala approval, the proper city officials are hereby et lbvIth nngdtsaidirected tpr°ve- til erizeUt ent in accordance there vith.lm ltiAdopted by the Counoil Apr. 7, 1925. Approved Apr. 7, 1926. (Apr. ]3-1926) RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA 59068 COUNCIL FILE N NO ....................... April 22, 1925. In the matter of izrsdine Alley in Block 4, Academy Heights, from Cleveland A•enue to Eenneth Ave., under Preliminary 'Order C. F. }57414, approved January 13, 1925, and Final Order C. F. X58758, approved April 8, 1925. iiL6OLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 59968—By J. H. SICDonald-- In the matter of grading Alley In Ink. 4, Academy Heights, from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave., under Prelim- inary Order C. F. No. 67414, npprov- ed January 13, 1925, and Final or- derC. F. No. 58768, approved April 8, 1925. Resolved, That the plane, speelfica- tions and estimated Quantities assub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named Pmprove- mout. be and the same are hereby ap- V1"4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �/Claney Ferguson ....._._.....In favor McDonald r �Sudheimer _........ _...Against Wenzel ZMC. President .APR 2-1 I�Lj Adopted by the Comicil__._.............. 1�J3.....- APR ave 19k, Approv-----------------------------------1`d2------ MRYon PUBLISFIED C. F. No. 58758— \/ In 4. AcademyoHe Heights, gradingAlley JCleveeland Ave. to 5 Kenneth Ave.. under Pre- t�068 liminary order 57414 approved Jan. CJ `/`'� 13, 1925. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due n11ttcepere,me., objections hand g e omA endatione ,relative thereto, and I a In fell considered the same; there- fore, 'be it Resolved, By the Councll of the City of St. P"I that the precise nature, az - tent and hind o[ Improvement to ba made by the said City Is grade Alley In -Block 4. Academy Heights, front Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave., and the Council hereby orders said Im- provement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis- sioner of Public Work. be and Is here- by Instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said im- the Councile for approvaland ; that up.it same - aid said' approval, the proper city official. are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed withprovement in acccoordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Apr. 8, 1925. Approved Apr. 8, 1925. (Apr. 11-1925) RESOLVED CITY OF ST. AUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L{, coCOUNCIL No -- 1J< .-------'------`--' April 23. 1925. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Sheridan from the east side of Edgecumbe joad to a point 150 feet east of Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #5g651, approved January 27, 1925, and Final Order C. F• &58756, approved April 8, 1925. iESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 7lorks for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. C. F. No. 59069—By J. H. McDonald—, In the matter of constructing a seldqer o Sheridan St. from the en t side fEdgecumbe Road to a point 150 feet east of Prior Ave., under Pre liminaryOrder C. F. No. 57651, ap- proved Jan. 27, 1925, and Final Or- der C. F. No. 58756, approved April 8. 1925. Revolved, That the plane, speciaca- tions and estimated quantities as sub. matted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the bove named Improve- ment, be and the same are hereby ap.. proved. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1925. Approved Apr. 23, 1925. j (April 25-1925) 4 ✓ 'tom ' Ly. i �, �. U. COUNCILSIEN Adopted by the Council_ ._. -----------.-------....-_192._... Yeas '/Claney�.:='`A, Nays2 Ferguson Aper 'ed....._ - _...........------------ ---1` 2 - In favor. McDonald I/Sudheimcr !4 __(_._Against MAYOR //Wenzel T'417FD___ l Mr. President C. F. No. 56766— In n Sherlde Mattan er Street from tof ihe east side - of Edgcumbe Road to a point 150 feet east of PriorAvenue, under Pre- liminary Order 57651 approved San. 27, 1925. A public hearing having been had �3����o upon the-above Improvement upon due boo t l notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recom- mendations relative thereto, and hav- ing fully considered the same: there- fore, be It Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. ex- tent andkind of improvement to be made by the said ,City is construct a sewer on Sherldhn Street from the east side of Edgcumbe Road to a point 160 feet east of Prior Avenue, and the Council hereby order. said improve- ment to be made. Resolved Further, That the Com- missioner of Public Works be, and 1s,, hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare plane and specifications for Bald Improvement. and submit same to the COVncil for approval; that pon said Dproval, the proper city 'led t e are hereby authorized and directed toDro- ceed with the making of Bald Improve ment In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Apr. Approved'1I 1926. - (Apr. 11-19251 R ESOL.v Eo _ CITY OF, ST. PAUL FIL. O5JO7() N.-- --------- 0 OFFICE OF THE'CITY,.OLERK 46P COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R_-_----------_� J.T ��i ._ .f...........1.._._._..........._._....... DATE.............A p 711_.....'.'.x........ 1975 Sn tYa e ma -G ter of constructing a sewer on the west side of Cleveland nve. from a point 265 ft. north of 13uc1ley Z3 t- to connect with the existing sewer approximately ZOO ft. south of Dudley'St., under Pr el3mirne x- Z,, Or3 er C. F. X57413, approved march 17, 1925. ?W. SO S. �!'Yint the plans, specifications and estimated hies as submitted by the Commissioner of Pub13c `:Toz-_k::s for the above named improvement, be and +h e s 8 me are hereby approved. c C. F. No. 59070—By S_ H_ 3Lc Do aald- `: In the atter oP situ Ci. -g-- a se veer or the west side oP Cleveland 2�� e from a point 265 Pt_ north oP Dudley St. to act with the eai stYag sewer 9.p omimately 100 tt_ so Ii or Dudley Btun ., der Preliminary Or@er C. F. No. 57413. approved Iarclz 2?. 1925. R..oiv¢d, That Lhe pians wpeci$ca- tione apd ¢s ti -ted quaa tl L.as as -7 - r-Itted by ilia C7 m issioxa or Public Work. for the above named Impr� ve- m¢nt. by and .ilia same are Hereby ap- pr-d_ Adopted by the C! t -il Apr_ 23_ 19=5_ Approved Apr_ 23_ 1925_ (April 25-1925> -yeas /Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓ McDonald _.,"Sudheinaer Wenzel /Mr_ President Nay -s in favor APR2�19 Adopted Ly the Council-.---.---------.- 103.-.- It 4. Approv ._..... --------1{p2--- ............. .-...............-. MAYOR PUBLISi�GD Iri the Matter.-.� f constracti. g :a' ROW-. on .. the Wcat 'aids ot" Me-- nr Ave. € .o _a poiIIt. 260 it.--aorcr. .. e.. bT A; : notice, and -the _Couacll - laavtng�pesrd` alI-yersona. objections 8aQ recommen-' dations rclativa triereto- and-,.havingl \ . fully , considered 2he same;-. th.eretore, • from $ne. Wesi. slcle of Cleveland st - tp.. cooanact 6 with _rte, ezle ing pprpaimately 100 -. ft. south--ot eY St. and yha'Coua cil hereb�:or sa imDrovemeat Yo - be ma e: aoived Further: -Thai Lhe Comm1�- sr-. ot.Publio.Worlca ba aadfa here• nstracteH and : Hirected: to Drepare Sand.. apeMfleaLioas Yorea�d.lt[1-,. i. Geed with Lha' mag of v Tyro• said-tmDrove rlleIIt lII-aCCOrdaaCB. eze:Wiih. Adopted by Yhe- Couacll 7iQar:,1T, 1925 Approved AfK r "17, 1920. - CMarah 21-1925) CITY OF ST. PAUL council FILE ----'-----'---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�'. A' ......+.'.._............_...... DATE.._...__April..._?'.'..3..._.._1925_._.........._... COMMISSIONER_......__......._.. ............_.Y_.J_.�.........._._............. ';:Y:. . RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on 'v7ordsworth Street- from the east side of Edgecumbe Road to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. j57517, approved January 20, 1925, and Final Order C. F. 458757, approved April 8, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 4orks Tor the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. In he matter of construct nH. tgDa sewer SV'ordaw rth St. from the ...rt .,de of Edgecumbe Road to , Prio Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 67517,approved Jan. 20, 1925, and Final Order C. F. No. 62767. ap- proved April 8, 1926. Resolved, That .the Diane speciflea none and estimated Quantities as sub- Itted by the Commissionerof Publlo Work. for the above named Improve- ent, be and the same are hereby ap- proved. _ ApprovedAdopted by the Connell Apr. 23,1926 Apr. Z3, 192'0. (April 26-1925) ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Ferguson mn--- ....-- .. ----In favor /McDonald /) l Sudheimer ......... ..... Against -./Wenzel �/Mr. President Adopted lip the Council. __........----- ..--- --- ----- .-.-19`-'.----- Approve ' ' "-------_---------------------19 _ / MAYOR FUBLISFM0 C. F. No. 68767 -- In the Mater of constructing a sewer on Wordsworth Street from the east side of EdgeumbeRoad to.Prlor Ave- nue, under Preliminary Order 57517 approved Jan. 20, 1925. A Publlc hearing having been had ng r r egyamerea the same; there- here- Abe fit - - T1 Re. Ry the Council of the City il Patj I, 8t. Paul that the nature ebe to improvement tent and kind of Improvement to sewer the is construct a sewer amade or th o Wordsworth Street from the enet aide of Edecumbe Road to Prior Ave- and the Council hereby orders said V�1 Improvement to be made. l_ Resolved Further, That the Commis - .loner of Public Works be and Is here- by Instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said Im- provement, and submit same to the Council for nppro 1, that open the Approval, the proper city officials are CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ------ __.---. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. A......April 22, 192b _.... '+!..^.:- -..:L... ...._..... __._ nn rr p RESOLVED in the matter of grading Alley in Block 5, Louden Park Addition, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order,C. F. 7f67787, approved February 3, 1925, and Final Order C. F. 758760, approved April 8, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 59672—B eDonnid— In the matter of grading Alley In Block 5. Louden Park Addltlon, Prom Cretin Ave. to Finn Ave.. der Pre- liminary Order C. F. No. 57787 ap- proved Feb. 3, C 1925, 1925. , avand Mal Order . P. No. 68766pproed April 8, , Resolved, That the plane, apeclftca tlone and estlmated qunntl ties as aub- - 111-d by he Vorks for ithe ca ovesnamerd if publllc Mont, be and the saovme are heereby ap_ Dred. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1925. Approved Apr. R 23, 1925. - (Apr1l _1925) COUNCILMEN 000✓✓✓ Yeas Clanc---- y Nays Adopted Ly the Council -------- - - 19' FergusonApprove( ..._.....- .q `�^,.� -...:......._.192._. LI�tjj,yw>-- ...... ! --In favor McDonald Sudheinaer OAgainst mnvon Wenzel ?I;1:T TSFTr.D ­� Mr. President 0 C. F. No. 58760— In the Matter of gr¢ding Alley In Block 6, Louden Park Addition, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, an - der Preliminary Order 57787 ap- proved Feb. S. 1926. A public hearing having been Dad ",._the a hove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, obyyectlone and recom- mandation. relntive thereto, and hav- { In fully considered the .ams; there- fore, be It Clty Resolved, Hy the Council of the of 9t. Paul that the precise nature, ex- an tent and kind of improvement to ba made by the e¢Id City is Alley In Block 5, Louden Pnrk Addition, e to and theetin Coun Council herebyFln der. said improvement to be made. or. said Resolved Further, That the Com- missioner f Public Work. be, and Is hereby instructed and directed to pre- ppnre plane and speci11"tlon' for saki Improvement, and submit same to the Council for ayproval; thnt upon enld pproVaL, the Dropoi city OfdeFal. are hereby authorl¢ed and directed to pro- coed with the making of aafd Improve- ment In accordance therewith. Adouted by the Council Apr. B, 1925. o 5'0'73 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILNO. FILE """" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ._ _ .e o April 23, 1925. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, for the changing of grade and paving of Alley in Block 31, City of St. Paul and Auditor's Subdivision No. 35, from Robert Street to a point 180 feet east of Obert Street, be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FJ3THER, That the Commissioner of Public dlo2ks, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by force account , the cost of same to be paid out of the Permanent improvement Revolviii�, Fund 3001, to the amount not to exceed y3,000.00 - Engineer's Estimate ;12,850.00. C. F. No. 69073—By J. H.-A(cDonald— ' Resolved, That the plane, specifica- the a hanginjg of ggraand quantities. paving of Alley 1n Block 31, City of S[. Paul ad Auditor's Subdivision No. N. from Robert tit, to a point '180 feet east of Robert St., be and the same !� e of approved. Resolved Further. That the Com- I / lsioner of Public Works. be and he to hereby authorized and directed to do .. j the work by force ucount, the .oat of �. ams to be paid out of the Permanent I Improvement Revolving Fund 3001, to O the amount not to a c.ed $3,000.00— Engineer's Estimate $2,860.00.. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23. 1926. Approved Apr. 23, 1926. (April 26-1926) w� COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy ✓Ferguson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel _,,'Mr. President t i J Nays Adopted by the Council...._ ---------------------- ------------ 192.._. q ,1. Approd....__....----.... --..._------.`--10'1..--- -----In favor MAYOR ....... ......Against PL' Zl.1SIiCD__— — CITY OF ST. PAUL FaENC1` NO.__-._.r���r1 '.4 OFFJPE OF THE CITY CLERK U RES ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER----- - ...............................»--------- _.L............................... DATE April it.TSy..-IM----- _.... w RESOLVED ......._.... WH RUS, death has come to an honored and respected citizen of Saint Paul, Owen H. O'Neill, and �VHSREAS, Owen H. O'Neill faithfully and well served his fellow citizens for many years in public office, and 1/HEREA3, Owen H.O'Neill, will be remembered through the coming years for his sincere and capable service to his fellow citizens as a Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, we deeply regret the lose of a man with whom we have had pleasant and friendly association as an official and citizen for many years, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the City Council of Saint Paul, express our profound bereavement and convey to the sorrowing family in their sad hour, our sincere sympathy; that this resolution be spread on the records of the City Council, and a copy be sent to the family. C. F. No. 69074—By G. C. Sudheimer— Wihereas, death has come to an hon- red and respected citizen of 6aint Paul, Owen H. O'Neill, end Whereas, Owen H. O'Neillfaithfully and well served his fellow citizens for many years In public office, and Whereas, Owen H, O'Neill, will be remembered throughthe coming years for his sincere and capable service to I his fellow citizens as a Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, and Whereas, we deeply regret the loss I of a man with whom we have had pleasant and friendly "asetolaU.. as "an offleial and cl tizen for many years, Therefore Be It Resolved that we, the members of the City Council of St. - Paul, express ­--profound bereave-_ COUNCILMEN ( Ment and convey to the sorrowing family in their sad hour. our sincere Yeas sympathy; that this ra .lution be dopted by the Council._A.PR.`.><...3_T9A............. 192_..._ / spread on the records. of the Clty I Clanc Councl1, and a copy be sent to the fam- �4�j V y Il Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1926. .y �� ,1 _°ba) Ferguson Approved Apr. 23. 1925. +1 iJ g A rov d....... ........... (May" 2-1926) pP ....... ............................ McDonald -------. -- Sudheirner _ Against wvon pUT:1L1SIi�]%1 Wenzel V Mr. President RESOLVED Yeas ��""``��,,((��(\`1 /Yrs■ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL (JJ`J No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 21b-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE............. &P -r 1.....2.2.......�Ag.2.6.................. That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, Council File.No. 57767 approved February 3rd, 1925, authorizing certain agreement between the Public Library and the County of Ramsey for furnishing library service, be and the same is hereby considered null and void. COUNCILMEN V Clancy E. Ferguson son McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 59075—By L R. s. Ferguson— Resolved, ThatUPthe recoIn, a. dation of the Commissioner of Edam- tion, Council File No. 57767nppr—, Feb. 3rd, 1925, Authorizing ert.1. agreement between the Public Library nd the County of Ramsey for the furnish ermiis Ing library b service, a an hereby coneldered null and vold. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1925. Approved APJcy 2-1925) i APR 2 3 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council _---------------.------- --.-------- 1112...-- .4pp ved....._-APR 2..3..-92 -------------- 192------ ......... ...... l-1 favor tUAWAIV !"- MAYOR ----------- ..... Against w ti CITY OF ST. PAUL couRnL No. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i.'...,, PRESENTED BYpp • ? Y COMMISSIONER GeD• (i. $Lidh01ffier ... ....___ ......_._.__... DATE _..._ April RESOLVED That the members of the Board of Water Commissioners,. General Superintendent, and Water Registrar, attend'the Natie,nal. Convention oft the American Water Works Association to be heldrwat Louisville, Kentucky, from April.,27th to May let 1925 :inclusive and that their expenses be paid,by the Water Department and that a warrant be drawn for that purpose, in the amount of $800. . C. F. No. 59076—SY G. C. Sudhslmer— _ Resolved, That the embers of the P.oard of Water ConemissioLer., Gen- eral Superlptendent, and Not then AMerlane WaternaWarks_eAesoolat tion to be held t Louisville, Ken- - tion from April 27th to Mag 1st• [925 inclusive a d that their expenses be_pald by the Water Department and - that a warrant be drawn, for th aG pur- 1 pose, in the amount 11 "00.00. 1955 Adopted by the. Co..ell Apr. 23, .r Approved Apr. 2 2-1925) Councilmen APR 2 3 1x25 Yes Clancy Nays Adopted by the Council _._..____....___ .__ __.192.. l� Ferguson l'! ( 3 192a v cDonald ':_. _In favor Against i'UBLISF� ✓ .Wenzel /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. No ----- 0 7 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC PEOWTION—GENERAL FORM IER.._........_.. .. .._.-. ....V _�.._.... ..— ..:...:............... SATE..:...April,-22-.....19.25f.............._... LV=, EAS, in the construction of an addition to the Como Park School, itLas found necessary to change the pitch of the roof so as to avoid any backing of water against the parapet wall that would cause leaks into the building, and as this was not included in the original plans and specifications, TIEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommenda- tion of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with the P7illiam M. Lindau Construction Company be amended so as to provide for this emergency extra, and the contract price increased in the amount of $39.49 to cover the'cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 69071—By L. R. rl Ferguson— Wlhereas. in tha eons[ructlon ofan addition to the Como Park School. It a found necessary to change the pitch of the roof so as to avoid any bati il ithat wouldof watereausenst the leaks into the building, and as this was not Included In' the original plans and specifica- tions. Therefore Be It Resolved, that upon therecommendation of the City Archl- 'set, the plana ad specifications and the he with the William M. lAn- dau Conetruction Company beamended 90 a9 to provide for this emergency . tr., and the contract price Increased In the amount of $39.49 to cover the cost thereof. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1926. Approved Apr. 23, 1926. (May 2-1926) Nays Adopted by the Council.A.PR 2 3.1925 ---------- 192 A r R 4 3 1925 192 ------ ------.In favor -------------- ----------------- MAYOR -----......Against COUNCIL No -------- -5.90 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL _E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —i nTlnnl—rFNERAL FORM DATE............ ri1..._9.r9+........_192.5-1..._...__... RESOLVED ✓ S9H3REAS, in the construction of the New Deane School, it has been found desirable to provide blackboard for Room 303 where it was not specified in the original plans and specifications, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with P. 0. Nasvik be amended so as to provide for this extra work and the contract price be increased in the amount of $126.00 to cover the cost thereof. O Whereas, In they ons ucttiion of the New Deane school eft has been found desirable to provide blackboard for 303 n the originalreplane it o and t speclflcu tlons, Tltiecomm, d I[ Resolved. that upon the recommendation of the City Archl- tectr the planed epeciflcationa abe the contract with P. O. Nasvik be amended as - to provide for this extra work and the contract price be increased in the amount of {126.00 to cover the cost thereof. Adopt ed Apr-e23ouncil Apr. 29, 1926. 19 (May 2-1926) APR 2 3 1925 CollNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ..._---.....---------- --- ---------- -193.._.. Yeas Ways v' Clancy tit'H :' 3-192 ._-..._.192.--.. Ferguson A n•oved- - ----__ 1-104geot+— In favor McDonald ............ ........ .... ........ r - ..- MAYOR Sudheimer Against K Wenzel Mr. Mr. President 0 ��1q, cour+cn. 9- CITY' C.'F.. No. 69079—BY J, M. Clancy— Reeolyed, That the nppllcatione.: for 'the tollowing persona for NO..-.-.0-9079- vita -90 OFFICE OI licenses of conducting buelnes'es at the addraeses hereby COUNCIL RESOI indicated be and the same are' granted and the city clerk fa lnatruct- PRESENTED BY ed to issue such licensescieupon ment Into the su YL of pthe ; customary Yfe: - COMMISSIONER.._._............. _. _.1..._.. .__...._ mite 67 EV. Thd . 7th SL18o' ..:.......A .'1'3y...192J-......._........... EH.. eland. Dougherty, 378 Jacksor RESOLVE139 W. Cant D Soa. OrIHI That the applioatiorls�fox' ;, Vin, '•; '„ . 'slowing persona for l conducting businesses at the addressd'e indio6ted'56"and the same are hereby granted and the city olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: H. Mitch, 2 W. Third St., Hotel E. E. Cleveland, 57 E. 7th St., " Wm. J. Dougherty 378 Jackson St., " Jos. Griffin, 139 W. Central Av. Restaurant S. G. Larson, 229 E. 7th St., Hotel Joe. Hunt, 1043 Grand Av. Restaurant Seo. Stanopolis, 295 E. 7th at., " William Russells 2470 University AV., " Geo. Xanthes, 130 E. 4th St., " Union Reals Co., Union Depots " Jefto Pjesoich, 2756 W. 7th St., " Anthony Rardini, 289 E. 7th St., " J. E, Sroemer, 1127 R.Chatsworth St., Grocery J. Stein, 1337 Randolph St., IS p. Peterson k J. W. Steembaugh, 444 Broadway St., Confectionery Coleman & Coleman, 558 St. Anthony Av. Grocery John Serpioo, 564 Bradley St., 1 pool table F. W. Ramaley, 664 Grand Av., Dance Hall D. Verette, 890 Rice St. Grocery J. Saspryzk, 283 W.' 4th St., Grocery S. J. Bundy, 496 Wabasha St., Confectionery August Trantanella, 599 Wabasha St., Grocery Jacob Rosenfields 107 E. 8th St., Butcher Fannie M. Ritt, 389 St. Peter St., Confectionery genedes Bros., 1569,,-s Selby Av., Grocery Sam Nicosia$ 525 Broadway St., Confectionery W. J. Christians, 627 S. Smith AV., Motion Picture Theatre E. L. Berdie & H. Smalls 225 E. 7th St., Shooting Gallery Sam Bisnow, 206 E. University Av., Grocery " Bunoe h Son, 1684 Grand Ave. Robert A. North, 786 E. 7th St., Conf-drug R. J. Davini, 305 Robert St.s Confectionery Sam Blumberg, 383 Wabasha St., Grocery Sam Blumberg, 383 Wabasha St., Butcher Poolroom is 1000 feet from school_ COUNCILMEN APR 2 3 1,523 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------------ ---------------------------- 192.....- ✓ Clancy k-2 3 1925 ,/Perguson A proved..._ ��- 193 - KQdg". W = ..... '_........ In favor McDonald _.... Sudheimer ................Against - � Wenzel Mr. President rU" CITY OF SAINT PAUL �. COUNCIL p` i• ' OUAORUPLICATE To - -. . FILE ::- NO.____ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER s ' I c EI+IC 121 RES. NO.__ _ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ,. A. # DATE X192_ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY ,iTyRr,hSURY73bO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT :OF / ___ ______ _ —__ COVERING, .. 4 CHECKS NUMBERED __ ROLLER _ I6�Z_ TO—_1� INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE. '. }' ___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. L - TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD f ; • I I II , i i it li Ii l i' �I 59080— on dag6 re ata Ftesoed that chocks th g becks 5ce 248628 76to vertng '-on otTr of to 16699 intheksonfile I I d 16561 In the office 1926. FCA mPtrvlier. uncll APr•21 ed by the Caved Ayr. I; In, 2-1925) ------ — I i 1 i M ""24,62-9,7,6COVERING - co GAIN 1 -. DA - - i t J'�... _ 5----- ______ -. _._-. .` SLID b E .. - I •, ��� Y.�- CHECKS NUMSERFD 1�C1 TO___ -1-6. ��_- - J WENZEL. _... _ ____ __ _______ _- ___ __ _-__ __ _ r _; . - I---- MAYOR ' BY . .I. LUSIVE. AS PER CH ECKS'ON FILE IN THE OFF,I'�CE v> COMPTROLL _ COUNCILMEN V) OF CITY CO PTROL'LER. .. MR,, PRES.. NELSON. YES (V 1NAV$, I• ,- ' - DISTRIBUTION -... .. TOTAL RETURNED BY p L �/ I� LocAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS crlECK IN FAVOR O - NUMBER pgNK IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SUNDRY GENERAL WATER ., BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS _ _.. BROUGHTFORWARD 1}2 937 1Q_ 037 1 8,83 2Z5 373 726-'S4 257 994 �1 48 531 T6 339 173 .71 341 00 2 245.46 1 329:93 5 543 64 3 118 68 6 114.65 16551 L.C.Aodgson, Comir, of Fin. 16552 mclmanio Construotion Gomnany 50 5 2217.50 225 50 5 ��7 50 Mid"rost Chemioal Gompony 1655ill mleatrio Gomt)n-ny 3b 59 12 9n 36 59 12 90 I 1655 :=?erburg ' -7 r1ectrio Gom 56 o4 56 o4 X16555 =t.rul any 1655b 't."�.ul Gas Light Gompany 14 !}JR2 14 415 625 !6557 t.P�ul 'White Load &oil Go. Co. 5 49 65 49 36558 "'oetnrn Badge & Novelty 16599 Thomas Harshe.11 1 500 00 i 1 500 00 16560 Amorionn Linen Supply Com,,)-ny 273 47 272 47 16561 ^nohor Paper Comp-ny 2 10 6o 13 10 6o 13 16562 lroher-Dpniels-Midland Com--), 90 90 16563 kult & -lborg Company 16564 Baldwin Chain & sprooket 3ery Co.2 2 50 50 41 00 16565 Bald:` -in Transfer Company 41 00 110 44 110 44 16566 The Barrett Company 25 2 25 16567 niebi-Ghaueor rleatrio Gomp.n 1 1 75 16569 13o, -,rd of ducation 191 Pq 196 19 1 90 16569 norohert-Ingerooll Comprny 1 '00 12 00 1 � 16570 Brofiobertson Company 319 25 3� 25 16571 Campbell Coil Company 462''39 462 39 16572 Carnegie Doak & Fuel Company 42 06 42 06 E 165 central solentifio Company 165j� Columbia Tool steel Comonny 159g 04 152 04 i 16>75 D.^woon Printing' Company b 15 I 16576 n^yton Comp^ny 16577 nea.rborn oil Company 22 50 22 95 16579 Detroit -tamping Company Shop 9 00 30 9 00 9 30 16579 nixie Busincoo nook 14 j 16590 Dodd, Mend & Company 16581 Louis F. i)o:7 Company 1 50 1776 12 23 65 50 176 12 I, 23 65 16582 electric Installation Comprny % ^rickson Company 2700 27 00 1 II �I 16593 H. 16594 r rweil, ozmun, Kirk & comp^n 351 57 09 � 19 6 61 1658r, 16586 K. L. Fenney Company 6 25733 10 00 73 10 00 Ii 16597 Field, 3ohliok & Company 1t33 10 113 10 4 00 s 16559 I� ire & "rater I. nearing, Inc 4 00 13 4 11 ",Jfred Fowler 4 2 0 24 03 16590 Glen `t.Eiary Nursery 3 00 3 00 16591 Good IN inese Comn-nny 16592 0. Gotzian & Company 109 00 109 004',! 117 50 it 5 22 49 ` 16593 iinckett, Gates t Hurty Comnany 'Aorks 151 5� 8 96 9 96 16594 Helps Carpet Cleaning 1659- Clifton A. Herrick 3 00 3 00 . 1659 Hospital `;crvioe Bureau 3 50 3 50 16597 Hydraulic Hoiat mfr,. Compan social & Roll o a 23 91 23 91 16598 Institute of Researoh 4 45 4 45 11 16599 Jonea, MoNenl & Com 1 10 ;1l (To adjust v-rrant No. 16128 -)n reeo?ution No. 10-' cistribution m, -,d6 in error r 44 o0 44 00sho�i, Frldnbe�cha.ofeGener1al) SHEET TOTAL—roRWARD 42 937 10 061 907. -1 90 832 22 258 704 0 II 93 759 P6 340 675.51 341 00 ? .271 3 . 1 329 93 5=.566,13 3 =13�' 25 . 9 7?2 26 . 3 75 T 4f4jWA@TE CITY CLE DATE4- 1 25 � i/' COM PTR OI IN FAVOR N:IM DER RES. NO._121------------ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY nTREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S____24.r62-9,76------------------------ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ---- 165C1-_ TO 1599---- 1LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CITY COMPTROLLER. TRANSFER CHECKS 42 937,10 Co. L DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 137 178.03 22775 50 5 236 59 12 9n 56 o4 3.4 47R gj 1 500 GO 2647 o l3 90 41 00 11044 72 25 112 99 462 29 42 o6 15F 04 15 4 50 29 00 930 14 65 176 23 5 27 00 553 08 301 64 10 00 113 10 244 011 3 los 0o CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRJLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM CLANCY. FERGUSON. HODGSON. McDONALC, SUDHEIMER. WENZEL, MR. PRES., NELSON RETURNED - BY LOCAL DANK GENERAL WATER j .011DIMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS 373 2.25 .54257 924 81, � 531 76 339 173 .71 X27 50 36 59 12 90 56 o4 14 41g 6 655 & 65 42 272 4 IZ 6o 13 9 2 0 41 0o llo 44 1 75 1 12 00 96 19 32 �5 42 06 462 38 155 04 6 15 22 95 99 00 �+ 30 176 12 27 00 553 08 273 46 10 00 113 10 l 4 00 24 03 II I lob o 1 500 00 1 80 ___---- _._. IN FAVOR AGAINST. YES (V ) COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL 59080 FILENo_ __ ____________--------------- --------- -- APR 2 3 192,5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -_____---- __----------------------- 192___ APR 23 114 - __.. ____ 192____ SINKING BROUGHT FORWARD 1 551 L.C.ilodgoon, Comtr, of Fin. • 16552 16553 McManis Construction Com any Vid•,7cst Chemical Company 16554 Villerburg Pleotrio Company ,1655 ':t.ran ul rleotric Com-:ny 16556 't. Pn-ul Gas Light Company 16557 ''t.rrul ,'kite Load & 011 Co. 6558 165x9 "extern Dadge & Novelty Co. Thomna 16590 Marshall Amerloam Linen Supply Coma ­.n; 16561 %ohor Paper Comp-ny 16562 Archer-Daniele-Midland Comlw 16563 Ault & ",iborg� Compeny 16564 16565 Baldwin Chain & Sprocket Sort Baldwin Transfer Company 16566 16567 The Barrett Company 13iebi-Ghauner Electric Compal 16568 Bo^rd of 7duostion 16569 16570 Dorohort-Ingersoll Compiny Bro�tk-Robertson 16571 Company Campbell Coal 16572 Company Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company 16573 Central soientifio Comnnny 165711. 165 5 Columbia Tool Stool Comi' ny nAwson Yrintin_- Company 265�j6 1.5577 .yton comp.:ny ,;I.rborn 011 Company 16572 16979 Detroit 'annping Comi,,^ny nizio Duainese Book Shop 16590 16521 Dodd, 110,1A & Com-ny Louis ')o:T 1`582 F. Comp,'n '"lectrio Installation Com-a-�ny 1J58 R. T. ^rickson Com)^.n 'e'Prwell, & 16585 02mun, Kirk Comnnn 11 16526 16587 R. L. Fenney Company Field -�chliok & Comn^ny 16598 vire & 'later E�glneering, Inc 16590 16591 Glen at.Ll-ryrNuraery Good & joece 1}}6592 093 Comnrny C. Got2lan & Comp , 11mokett_ n.„+- .2y_ TRANSFER CHECKS 42 937,10 Co. L DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 137 178.03 22775 50 5 236 59 12 9n 56 o4 3.4 47R gj 1 500 GO 2647 o l3 90 41 00 11044 72 25 112 99 462 29 42 o6 15F 04 15 4 50 29 00 930 14 65 176 23 5 27 00 553 08 301 64 10 00 113 10 244 011 3 los 0o CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRJLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM CLANCY. FERGUSON. HODGSON. McDONALC, SUDHEIMER. WENZEL, MR. PRES., NELSON RETURNED - BY LOCAL DANK GENERAL WATER j .011DIMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS 373 2.25 .54257 924 81, � 531 76 339 173 .71 X27 50 36 59 12 90 56 o4 14 41g 6 655 & 65 42 272 4 IZ 6o 13 9 2 0 41 0o llo 44 1 75 1 12 00 96 19 32 �5 42 06 462 38 155 04 6 15 22 95 99 00 �+ 30 176 12 27 00 553 08 273 46 10 00 113 10 l 4 00 24 03 II I lob o 1 500 00 1 80 ___---- _._. IN FAVOR AGAINST. YES (V ) COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V ) DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL 59080 FILENo_ __ ____________--------------- --------- -- APR 2 3 192,5 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -_____---- __----------------------- 192___ APR 23 114 - __.. ____ 192____ SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS FUNDS ACCOUNTS. GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 341 oo 2 245.46 1-329 93 5 543 64 3 112 62 2 114-65 - 3._' . 2 25 23 65 19 57 8 61 'i I �.5908' waste NO ,....... ------ p CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` l PRESENTED BY COMMIILE KR ---- - rs in the recommendation of the RESOLVED That the Council hereby concu contract for furnishing all labor Contract Committee and awards and material required to install complete 84- 100 candle power single light posts on Portland Ave., using Union Metal posts, they being the lowest responsible to the Hubbard Electric Co., bidders, for the sum of $12,820.00, in accordance with plane and speoificAtionB hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby auit'horized to draw up the proper form Of contract therefor. Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Engineer'•s Eet.imate"$14,002.00. F.B. #6652. C F No 69081—By 7 H McDonald R ..1ycd, That :the Counpll here4X - Concur9(tn the 7ecommendati- of te - Contract Comm rtes and aW-,aida-'eta, con- - tract xor furnishing ail bot_an3 mG- terna. required t0. 1.14 1�C6 'plate 84 {{ Portlaudle Ave et ueing lUaloPoets; 6tal- 4 D'oete, to the Hubbard Electrlo Co.. ` ,they bel g the ].west reEppone tble b(d 'dere, LOM the cum ..oL;12,820.00 in ac- c rdanca w1tD lans and epeolpcatlone. ,. qIhereto.tacheg.,tte oY I Counsel 19 he reby,agthorlsed:-.to draw, f Lhch r so form of contraot there . for. gflarge � i , '. V,er,r:i..i na2bron t .ilmprovement I` T motel:l4 Z 00nd, B. No 88662. ,}]ett Adoptee Dy=tne .011 Apr: E31926: Approve(} Apr. 88 3926. • r vel �,t•tl`1 APR 2) ­A'25 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............................. .......... 192...... Yeas Nays lancy A6 Ct Approv d.. -192. - Ferguson In favor McDonald //Sudheinter ................ Against ✓ We..1 { , /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE"`I` NO.-_sS �llllJ2. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in tho recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for furnishing all labor and material required to install complete 19- 100 candle power single light posts on Central Park Place, using Union Metal poets, to the Hubbard Electric Co., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidders, for the sum of $2,921.00, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation 0ounsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Engineer's Estimate 3,081.00. F.B.'6653 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ancy Ferguson Heagxsr-- In favor ;vleDonald Xdheimer ....... .....Against Wenzel �/Mr. President APR 21192.5 Adopted by the Council. ........... ! . ..............192..-... Apr ved. APR 21925..- 192 -• .............. .......... ! V MAYOR ,n CITY OF ST. PAUL caeca No-----D_11C1r.).-- r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - /1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED IONER— _. _—_—__— DATE.__APLTi �.__a RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in tthe recommendation of the 0ontra.ot Committee and awards contract for furnishing all labor and material required to install complete 55- 600 candle power single light posts on Fifth Street from St. Peter Street to Fourth Street, using Union Metal posts, to the Commonwealth Electric Co., they being the l6west responsible bidders, for the sum of $13,499.00, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto-attaohed, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized i to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Engineer's Estimate $15,038.00. F.B. #6654. C F ,No. -69083 By J YL, McDonald Resolved Thar- irie cannon hereby con 4:4 the reFommendstlo of the Co trQct.-QommIttee;811,labor end ms 'tor- I terfal rey.Wred tqq •install .complete j 66 10­cat5dle porper``eln$1 light posts ' ort Fltth -34 iroyn ^, 9A Peter J8t to Fourth 6k nstng Sinton Metal poste td the Commonwoelth Electric Co . theelag the lowestre.Poaslbie bid dere for the sum of. 499 00 'In eo! cordenoe swlth plans and epecidoettonn hereto attached.; and the Corporation Y up.:.th01propeTIs rLo m. j -of cont acY the g-'. t r Chargo rermonent Improvement In Fund -I I nNo 66s: mate f16,09800 F. B No 6865'. VV r - Adopted by the CounefF AD28 1926.. '�'^'`•�,�`�' ADDroYgd A r,28. 1926 li (�Drt1,2619261 COUNCILMEN Yeas / ✓ Nays ¢lancy '/Ferguson <jgjjg n-_ ......-..In favor ✓ McDonald .�Sudheimer / ...-..._! AAgainst Wenzel /Mr. President APR 2 3 19,21 Adopted by the Council-- .............. ___ ................. _192------ - A kd s��l Approve .--.-. -- ....._ -•-----•------ - - - --�='r='-y� MAYOR Council File No.................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a. six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north ............. - ----"--- side of Capitol Avenue from Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth Street. ----------------------------------"-------"--------..... -----"-------" " PRRLrffiNARY ORDHi$9 ------------- «... ......... . ........... .......... .......... ..... .. ........... .._i C F No. 6908 A 23rd 66aat A ril 1925 Whereas A written pro? Lo th. Dated this day of _.x?.. . e... ........ making of the following mnat'. eat ...... ..... via.. Coaetruct a eta -'toot cement tlla 7 si sldewall, th orth aide of .CapIt.1 i Avenue from Leaington Avenue {o an. Chatsworth st e t r:having .been geared to'the Co he City 0,,r.,,- Pau l therbfore n Reaou PRELIMINARY ORDER. t. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the'makmgof.-t'he following improvement viz.: Construct a six•foot cement tile sidewalk on the north aide of ------------------------------------------------------- ..."--......... - . -- -.. . " - Ca itol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Chatsworth Street. --------------- .-- ................. ............ -- ......... ..... --------...-------------------------------------------------------------..._..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- ..................._-.-..-....--._...--.----.--------..--.-..------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the Fore oing m ters to the Commissioner of Finance. �PR1925 JD Adopted by the Council"----....................... '2 ... =- ......--- YEAS NAYS Councilman S LANCY APR 2 iy2S FERGUSONApproved ........................ ----------"--................ ------------......--- gor— ✓,MpcDea ONA ,/SUDHEIMER /J WEN7.EL .............................. ..«. ........................ MR. PRESIDENT PLJSLISHfiD Mayor. Form C A 13 (1M 325) / A0 - V R.Petition �;i,, • ' Council file No._. -..... 59.0.85 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Plant and-Irotect shade trees on both aides --- of-_Berkeley--Agenue--_------ from Fredericka Ave. to Prior Ave. _- I a p Na: saoas_ WAereas. A m:iivaat___ Dated this..... 22nd day of ------------------ AFril-x 192b PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Plant and protect shade ttees on both sides of Berkeley Avenue -................................... ------------------ .------ ............. --- --- -------------------------------- - -- from Fredericka Ave. to Prior Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------------------------------------------- ................................ ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ ^3. APER 2l 1925 Adoptedby the Council...................................................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY I FERGUSON Approved -------------- APR.2,-iI fi47, -------------------------- I "--------------------- - �DONAL. / WEN7.EL ..... ...................... --... ..... _................ - R. PRESIDENT - e MED Form C A la 0 N 3-25) ,.ems � P r .5 Nayor. Council File No:...... 5 "6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reocaetruct-,-relay:.._and-_repair-where--necessary._the--Y011otring. e-iaewalks: North-_side---Indiana--Ave....irom.-Starkey- $t,.._to-_Custer--3t._---------------------------------------- _North glide Fairfield Ave. be W---nhenahtw170 ft. Dated this 210t_ day Y• L`. X..,690116_ _ ------------ ADstraot (. ----------- at... .aa�ana Av -a: Y atNv.M�elde' Fafreeln �.rrQm 9�rke PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .Reconstruet.,_relay..- and. repair...s:here-neaeasary--- the -- following sidewalks.- Nox�tkt.e.�de 1ps��ena Ave,... ram-.stl�r]seg St.....to---Quster....atm..--------------------------------------- DtortS --aids..-k�s3rPl a id. -Ave So.Wabaal:a-..St.th*nee---we-at--17IS--Pt. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-..._.-.-...._.----..-__---------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓�'".� C 1 APR 2 3,.-25 Adopted by the ounel ...............-------- YEAS ... ..YEAS NAYS Councilman C,LANCY FEROUSON % McDONALD I-'SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT r..s c A 13 (nl s-zs) A PR 2­� 1425 .... ... ....... ..'.0....1 ...... .......... Mayor. PUBLISMI) 2 I I � I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT . NT Council File No.. --.......59087 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: P4qQA8tmit, relay ... axA ... remAir where no-cessary.,—the fo.13-ovIng-sIde-walks.: South side Van Buren St.be !Lnnin -4 1 -.--t;ho -at t.0 --- 4ney 9 &_.A F ggtQA..ATQ .. -n-00 We West side Farrington Ave.from Blair St.to Van Buren St. ---------------------------- .............. ............................. .................... -- ------------ ..................................... Buren_ -St. ------------------------------------------- East side side Dale St. beginning.--qQt&Av f�n _ft,......_ ........... .............. ..... .......................... P.No. 59087— Abe Dated this_ ----- day of ................. , Whereas U for th. JZ maTns tho"IbUqw!pg'�Wvovemont. ;tpnL:Ave. ftom PRELIMINARY OR114 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: R--econs--truct----.---re-l-ay ..and.r pq South side Van Buren St. beginning --At .. 99Kr.r-j.-xigt -------------------- --------------- ... West side Farrington Ave. from Blair St. to Van Buren St --- ............ ........... ............... - Farrington - ................................... ..... ............... R -------------------------------------- East side D le -.St -q be jrm 1-00-ttage At.--thameft—acuth ... 150 --- ft - ------------------ I ...................... A ... - 7-'-'-� 9 .Ug. -O . � having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.........._ ....... .................. ............ ---------------------- - — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners tA 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. nee. Adopted by the Council ................. —.1925 ------ .......... ................... YEAS NAYS ' CouncilmdK'CLANCY o,"FERGUSON Approved 4- :` - - ------------------------------ —tr0`15—GSON ✓McDONALD "'SUDHEINIER 001. It --'WENZEL 41 ---- ----- ---- -- V' MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISI�D Ma Or. F.— C A 13 UM 3-25) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No ....... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ROA;Ae-AAA..rAbg1r X11 -0— -.41 a . ... th 1QW1U9..8 West side .........C...o..r.t.land......Bt.begiA r.St!�then-c-e..nor-tb.110.fe6t --------------- begIA;"g-0 ... 10 -f -t.9- ----------- ----------- At#. lb --s _*-at of Arcade.. .0.Xkq0-ea t ---------------- so ft/ Dated this day of AP -r-11 ----------------- ----------- W#o.i%ao, A wriAbtt,n ntt� _ _ rac*;; '—�" a_- 'Aeker 4.rth,jj0 feet D0nng at ald.', A,. A -�f. th� er fit.' beginning 0-6. W..' at PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 11ftoonstract,-ze.lay Md-rePair 1her-e Co tlan St ------------- ;! ........... lorth..alde- 1 -40 -ft - --------- 10 O.Ast SO ft. ..r.th 01 Ar having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ....................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoi matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR 2 1940 Adopted by the Council------------------------------ YEAS NAYS CouncilmalYCLANCY %.-FERGUSON vlAcDONALD �UDHEIMER .,WENZEL. >" MR. RESIDENT Fom C A 13 (IM 3-25) , APR 2� 1925 .......... . ................... . ............... ............... Mayor. PUBLI Petition (1 Council File No........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct six foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of ---------------- -------------------------- ........------------------------....... ---- . - -- ._.._......... -- --- . -- -- . ------------------------------- Juliet Street from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue. .... ... ............. .....11� �... 21stApril, 1925 Datedthis ............ ----------day of................................................ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, •A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct six foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of ...----------------------.....................------------------------------ .............. . - - ._..... -- ------------------- ------ ... Juliet Street from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue. ............................................ ------------------------------------------------------ - - -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.................................................................................... ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregQ &�ma rs to the Commissioner of Finance. APH 1925 ✓' Adopted by the Council ....................................... ................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY APR? p VFEROUSON Approved ..............' ....J..................-....-...--- "ICDONALD -"SUDHEIMER -!(... ...-...- ✓WEN7.EL ..... .......... ... ....- MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. form C A 13 OM 3-25) a ILlaV 77 ..�..� COUNCIL- FILE NO ............................ By....:::. ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... grading -Hoyt -Ave...... ...... � e.0,.<iuInoy...�c+t.�:..t9 .....0032f0M.A.0-the...ea.tablished..P.Ade..:and...to... the .gra.4e...akl�ort>�.:.aa..,�k�e aggompany Ing blue. .pxint-WhOgre..not ...eatablished,...o.L.leQ...eb ng7ng..the. g ade..:4P 6dams St. Prom a point 350: Peet north. of Hoyt Ave. to a point 380 feet south of Hoyt AVa....to-Gonform...to...the..red.,line...on...the..prof3le...berato.,.AttmW a.W—made a Part hereofs ........................ under Preliminary Order ........... 578_1,3................ approved.......I?eb.;..5,...1925....................................: The Council of the Ci mess osp eport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, a hereby resolves: 1. ' That the said rep c s No saosi ved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be p. u m Mar« x «r$atnR goyt Y Abe 2. That the nature o.', °3 provem&A.,7. Su rcr 9G tO.incil recommends is-grade..Hpyt AAfl.;,,PPp111 ter, IPeravoo& Ave....to..Quinayr,..St.`..to...Ganfoxm...to....ths...ee.tabli8bted..gz!edQ aa4d...to the grade.. shown.. on...the...a.Goompanying..blue....print..�hare...not...eatabll GbAnging...the...grade...of...Adaaa..S.t....from.#...Rvi.mt..35fJ..�.aet...#�9rtk►..+4f Aoyt,Ave. : to..a..point...38Q:.faet..Bant.h..oY:.Hoyt..A4.e......to...C.oxAf9rai-to..the ..red, line.. on thea g .....paello..hex�.to..a:ttl4tobiCd:ai d;.made.s::.2�art._hereof,:.................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...4:x.834:.19 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......... 2.7th............ day of :.:May ... 192:...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided: by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, `the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i APR 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council........................................... 19 APR 2 81925 ............. Approved ......... .......... ..........192....:..: /� City ark. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman2ftbM Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. In the Matter of ... aondemning. and... taking..an.. easement ...in...the...land...neaea.sary fors.lopea,...for. ..Cuts.- and- fi.11s... in...tile..-grading.. of ... Hoyt...A.vsnue..from...Fernr wood Av.enae...to...Winay..Stree.t.,..__ 1 _ ...................................... .C, F. No:''b8082-- ,,,,,,,,.... Ta the Matter of condemning and tak:-' .......................................... ""' "•I Ingran. easement in the 'laud necea: earY. for elopes; :for cuter and; fins in: i thegrading of. -Hoyt .Avenue- from ......................................... ........ F rn good Avenue. to Qulncy,'street. """" i •nry� Grier 57814 ap' ,1 under Preliminary Order ............ .5.7814 ...........approved.....Feb ...... 5s...7..9?i.` 5.. ............................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Q.QAA!, m21„end take an e6�.Q9R19T1�r .in....the..,land..neoea•sary.,for•slopea,_ f9r...cuts_.and fills in the grad- iFAg,.of.:Hoyt.AMWMA frm Fernw.00d.. Avenue._.to..Qu3ncsy Street, in. a000rdanoa with .the„ ...be print hereto attached andmade apart hereof, the hatched ......... ......... portions..show.ing...the...cut.s...alnd...the...a.ladded...poFtis11n8...8krQF..IAg.. the...filles........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S.....5.0...00 ...................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..:.... 27th.............day of ...MY .......................... 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, -stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilA.pR.2.:81925........4"', ...... 1 }�Pri 2 8 192 ............. Approved ........ ............. .........192........ Ci Jerk. ............................................. ... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman28M Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59093 COUNCIL FILE NO..._ ............:...... By.................................. .__ ..............__...... _....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... grading ..Montcalm-P.lace..from.. S.cheffer„Ave.,...to.,a,_.point..300 ft.R-4.outherly,.Prom,.the_,e.elater... ling .,.oP.,Eleanor...St...,.,.meeatzred along the center....line...of...Montcalm..Plac.e,..and ...0.tto...Ave....from..�dgcumbe...Road.. Mont calm. .s.CC.ordange_w,xth_.grades... s_hown_on..t.he..Profilea here.to attached ...and ..made ...a...part hereof-, ......... ............................................ ........................... ............. .......... ........................ ....._............. ........ .....:._...__............ ............. ...._..._....... ............ ............. .............................. . under Preliminary Order ....._..58042.... .._....... approved ......Feb ...... 24.,...19.25.. ......................................:. The Council of the C{ -, report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, 40. F. No. �saosa— hereby resolves: hPlacetrom Scheirer Ave to a n ;,'iroved and adopted, and the said improvement 1. That the said rep ass a sou Schei rr y. center line is hereby ordered to be I.; or EleaLor-gG, mensured along thn center 11 of Montcalin Place, -n.” 2. That the nature oT. co A from Edgcnmbe Roa,', L§uncil recommends is .... grada..MontO.alI11.. Place accordance „ from •Soheffer..Ave..to..s..point:'30fi.'.....e.o>therly..fr4m...the...¢enter..line, of Eleanor„St..,_.measured along.the center line of Montoalm Place, and Otto we....from..Edgoumbe Road.:to..Montaalm Plaas, in accordance with grades $hoWn.. on...the...pronlbs ...here.to..attachod..and..made...a...part..here.Qf......... ............ ......................... ................... .................. .................................... .................. .............................. I ........................ ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is5.:...'.1,.243. 09 .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............2gth......... day of ...... WT ................... 192:6...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council � 2.8.1925 19 ....... AP.R 2 g ;J2x Approved.. ................. I ....................... 192 ity Clerk. .. ,...... / Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman N4$i Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59094 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ....___ _. By ..... ............................ ...._ _. .... ........................ .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..00ndemning .and.. taking.. an..eas.ement., in.. the land necessary _...... _......................... ._.fox..slopes,...,Por...outs...and.. Pills. in. the. grading oP Montealm Place from ........................................ Scheffer...Ave....to. e..point 3.QO..f..t,...s.out.herby..fr.¢n...the_,center...line .oP..... Py�eanpr..St.*,,meaeured..along..the..center line oP onto lm Place, and Otto ............ _........................:................................ Ave....from-Edgcumbe...Road...to_.Montas.],m...Pjace,........................ ............I .............................. .......................................... ............................................................ .-..... .-.... ....... ................................................. under Preliminary Order.............J$. 1.......... ... approved ......Feb. ... 2i.t...1925............... -.......................... The Council of the City `"" port'of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, an c. F No. saose hereby resolves: In the Matter of condemning and tak- 1. That the said repo Ing,an ,easement in the land.ssecea- p earylrom slope ,for onto ana aua t„ ved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pr the-graatng.of Dfontcaim Piaee. from Scheffe, Ave. to a. point 800 f . v th= 2. That the nature of edy from the center ]me.- - St., meas ea sioag _r e,�rfte"P ti.icil recommends is... -condemn .and..Aake an easement...in..t.he...idiicYiecess m-for:..e lop.oa,...t..ox..Cut.e..And...Pi.110... iA.M?e grad- r ing...oP..Mont..oalm..P] a.Cs .i?xom...SCbtePer..gge..... to . e...P.41nt. 300. ft....southerly from ..the::.o.ent.e7r...line of.. E7,einor...�t,,,,, mea�ured,.alo�►g.. the,.. oenter_..line of Montoalm Place,. and .Otto -Ave:.....froM. Edgeumbe.. Road. ..to..Montoa.lm..21ace.,...in accordance with the bluelprint hereto attaohed and made a part hereof,. the hatohed portions ...e.how,ing... the. ..outs..and...the...shaded...porti.ons:..S.howing the Pills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$..,25900.. ..................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 27.th...............day of MY ....................... 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..APR 2 8 1925 APR 2 8 1925 ` .......... ................. Approved.........:'.................................192........ ity C rk. .... ........................... ...... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PIJHLISI�llif�g Councilman McDonald Councilman No= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. zothe Matter "a-Braaiog.R*o0..%zmm���rmn4l��o���m�x ................. .............................................. --.... .................................... ` ,. -----------'--_---rom ---...... 111, under Oil nary order. 57945 -................................................... _----:The Connell of the- - 11aul �................................................ � ............. --.................. ............................................ ................. ... '..........:e,_-----__......................... ...................................... ................ -_......... .................. .................................. ........................ ..................... ' under aelimi"aryOrder --57a-4e--.......... approved ''Fetb...1/*`z925°............................... ____ � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of on m""o=~mp�.�e"*�^u"w"g"~�a"=u"�a,�"���br,�"�°' '---'-'- � ^^- ��"�r"�"�«�/e'n=="�o°�h. ' hereby--~-------^------^~~~^"~`~^~` � 2. That the nature of the improvement °u�t�o�"a�"��"��-�m���m ���x �w� � - . - to-Au^aka-eveoUe,........... ........................... ,________________ -------'--------'-----------------'---------- ------_------_-_-'--_--^----------_-----.---- � _-_-... ................................................... -_-_....................... ...................... ----_------ � ............................................ ............................................... ......................................... ........................................... with "malternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof isv-4,3a^o$.................. Resolved Further, That upublic hearing »ohad musaid improvement "" the .......... -B-7th day of House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance ive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating u"am°-and place ofhearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' � � APR ua19u5 Adopted by the Council .................................................... . APR 2o/92f Approved ................... --............... 1m-- - -_--_-__' ........ .... ~ M"x^^ Councilman Clancy BLIS c"""�m° '- Councilman Mcovuu CouncilmanXNM H0d9l30n Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel � Mayor Nelson ' \1 59096 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By--- ....... . .................. ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..C.OnOOAMIAg..4r4...t,.Aking..An outs... .......Prom .... Albion. A9e.n.u.e....t.o..A1.a.s.ka Avenue,., -1 � � ;,� � . ............................. .................. I ...................... IemV ngan ......aaryfor noslopes, forcuts�lnd 1d1lt'aeka............... ...- .................... tha gradingof. Race trsetfrom= ........................ I ... ....ftoktAYo ^ .......................... ......I..........01l.. ............................ 17, ............................................................................. ......................................... :: ............................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... 57.9-46 ............._.approved......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,'and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imprdvement which the Council recommends is dondelon.And tgkke ..... 412 easement... I.A.. . the ... 3. ...r outs and fills in............................................. the Vading-of-Raze-Str-ee-t ms.t.do A.�.,pqa!t ... h.er.e.of, PhQWX.4g..t49 gut.s.....a..nd ..the ..s.h...a..ded ...W......t..i...o..n...s.. a howing thefins.* ..................... ................................ .................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8 .................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ 2-7-tA ....... day of .... Jay ............................ 192....5.., at thb hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the. Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of, Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci .. .. 0 .................................. ..... .. ... Approved ....... jk.pf,, ? -jq . .....:...192........ ty . ..... ... ......... ........... ..... .. ... ....... Clerk. . .................................... ....... .. ......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman FergusonPnUMB L Councilman McDonald Councilman DLV&x Hodgeon Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 09097 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By................................... _.......... _.............. .......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... grading.. Ta11u1a...AV.en49Jrom.. Puaey..Avenue to Tatum Avenue, ................................. ......... _ c F. No 69997- .................... .......... In the: matter of,grading Tallula Ave nu. from, PueeY Avenue. to Tatum ;,,,,,,,, Avenue, under.Pre11m1uarY Order s8488aPDroved.march 19,.1926 • The Cmmo" the c tY of. .. . having received ttie report of t§ •'••••••• mlaMoner of Finance a-_ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order 58.468 ................ ....approved ......V-ar;!11J9a...1925....................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received thereport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, =resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.grade...TA11u1e...AQenue Prom..Pusey..AA.enua. _to...Ta.tum..Av,.enue,. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ................ ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......3.94.35 .................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 27th ............day of .............. -May ....•......... I 192$...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of. said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilAP.P 2 >3 19 9 ......................... 1 APR 2 6.....9.... ... ............ ................ .....Approved.................................N92ty Cle(k. ,... .... .. ........... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISFED4 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman7'c7C Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59098 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By................... _....................................... _............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....a.ondemning. and...taking..an...eas.ement..in..the...land..neaeasu7 ,..fpr.slopes,...Por,.outs. and,.fi.�..�s..,.�p•,t�,e,.grading,of...�!a�.�.ula•.Avenue...Prom• k?aeay..Avealxe...t.Q...tum..Avenue.,.. ..0 F. No. 69098— : T; ..................................... 7 the Matter of condemMn... tak in,; an easement, In the land necea - • •• r 'tor sloDea for cute and fills in dln6 09" Tanula gveane from ...................................... v+t:> ��3 •enue.to Tatumnn- .................... 9'TI::iC9 1 r:_ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order....._.....il 5.8._... ..... .... approved .............................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.00ndemn .ltnd.A.Ake.. an...saa.ament...in..the...land...na0.e$sa�+y..fgr..s�QPQs., P.Qr..cuts...aAd:.fille.. n:... ....the...grading..af:..Tallula...Apeaus..f�!pm.:,�?yaey,.•Avenue..to,.Tatum. Apenue., in•.•. aacardano.a..>stith..the...kllue .Ad ...medQ:.a...part •hereof, .tha-hatched..portions.. showing the ...auta... and -the .: shaded..portiona...showing ....the... fills., ............... .......... _.....................................:................:.........:..:.........:................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... `L.J..QQ...................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 27.th..... ......... day of ............0.7................... 192...`x...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. PH Adopted by the Council..........A1.... 2 d ...... 19 .. 25 ....................., ....... p1'l2.S192 Approved...... _.................... .......y.............. ............192.it....... CI k. V.:.. LISF�15�� �— Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald Councilman 2=K Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. c � ~~09"^� � ` ~ coomcu. FILE mo--' ----� -' ' � Bp----- --------'^ ' � INTERMEDIARY ----__- � . s"the Matter "a�mnuwtxmnt���'uon��na'oo'bnt�'�14�m'n�'�u�rinm�������-. � ±r= ..Lexington.. Avenue.. to iworth'i5trmet,........ ........................... .--------- � ' 1. the Matter ,of 1=01.1t; Carbing � \�&�r----'------- ` under Preliminary .5Y94.2 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends - �regn�' ' i-.----------------_______^_________________________ ' ---............................. -_------_-`-�--'-----_----------_----�--_' � ....... ... ........................ ....... ........................................ .............................................................................. ........... � .................................................... -....... ----.............. ...... .......... ........................... ............... ..................... � ' with "° alternatives, and that the estimated cost the�v�*z°�ao.�� _- -----� � Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said in the il Chamber of the Court � BuildingHouse and City Hall City --f St._ Finance give notice osaidimeeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating ° the time and place ofhear ng, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof"as estimated. , ` xo°nte« by the Council APR.2..Z.192.5 ...' 1 } Appro,ed---'ApR-eo1oo3_eo--ity Cl k. � w.-------------~~-�����' , Mayor— � Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald . c"""am=m=x ooumuno � Councilman suaheime, ` ' WenzelCouncilman � ' Mayor Nelson+ � Form u S. A. �� -` ' ' In the Matter of.Cons.true;t.ing..a....Oxlvot..Cement..tilesidewalk on the Rest side: of _.Chatsworth, Street,.trgm.Wataon,.Avenue..to,.Tusoarora`Avenue, � C. F. No 59300- ••.•.•••• •••.• ...••..••••.•• iIn the.Matter.of constructing a six foot i"" •••••• cement tt10' eldewalk an the west tde, 1 - . of Chatsworth. Street from; Watson! ....................................................... ......... .: Avenue to• Tuscarora' Aven9e,. under:.:. Proltmin.......................................... I Order b8661. Approved ., ADrn 2 1986. The rcu . of the of. .............................. _ under Preliminary Order.........5 65'1................. approved ........APTII.2a...1.9$Jr. ............................:...:...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...00nstruct..a•.six„ foot cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Chatsworth Street from W8,10.01L.Avenue...to...Tuaoarora:.A¢anue.,....e�aaat..where. s.i e1CQ1ks..Ilo!!.:.ex a.t........ ......................................................................................... . ..................................................... ................... ......................... ................................................ I.............. ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is g....1..10... per, ..front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 27th..............day of ......]WAY...............::..... 192..x...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said. meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .. APR.2..8.192................... 19 ........ SPR ?R } ...... ... ......Approved........1.........192.........:............................................. y erk. .. .......... ......... ............... Mayor. Councilman Clancy 1'UBLISED e Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ]'X.= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO... _........ ..... _ _... By__ ............................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59102 . In the Matter of ... cone.truo.ting..a...Six...foot...cement...the...Sidenalk...on...the........ north._side.,of..Magnolia..Street,_. from Frank Street +- Duluth C. F. No. S9102— ..................................:.......... ... ............ ............� In the ')fatter of conetrueting a slz.............................................. foot cement the sidewalk on the i north side of Magnolia Street from - •...............- - ...................... - .Frank Street. to Duluth Avenue, un- der -Preliminary order 68666 pn "..... . ................................ ................................................ ............:-fn.s..:. .............. .. .-....... ............................................................... I............... ......................................................................................................................................................................... I.............. under Preliminary Order ...........55658.1.............approved.....Apra,1..2......1.92.5............................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..o.onS.truCt..a..sjx..foot cement...tile. .Sidewalk .on.th, ...nor.th..side...of..Magnalia...Stree.t..from...Frank Straet..tc..Auluth..Avenue., . exc..ept. Rhexe...ggod., and. sufflQ eut.. sidewalks,., now...sxist,.... ........................ ...................... .._............. ............... ....................I .......... ...._ . ................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3..... 1.10....per...fr.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..........27.th.........day of Mai ............ 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. A P!? 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council........ ............................. 192....... APP 2 n 14ya ................ ... ........ ........... Approved.... ....... .......................192........ rk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilmarp kom Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. �IBI.1$FIE'Drmy a COUNCIL FILE NO... BY..-- .... .._...... .... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 591()3 In the Matter of._construoting...a..six ...foot cement tile sidewalk on the north s.id.e..of_Stinson Street, .from_Chatsworth..street..t.o..Oxford Street.,. G F. No. 69103— „ ............. ............._..._ _....... .... In the Efatter of conatMttcling a six foot ......._ ........... ... ..... .. cement tile. sidewalk On the north side'of Stinson Street from. Chats- _... _ _ worth 3tr0efr to Oxford Street;'uadd, - ........... ........ ... Preliminary... order 68691 aPProv^d ... ............ March al; 1D25. __ ThP f'ouncl2. '§o . _............... ... ._ _. _. _. .. _.. ... _.. ..................._ .........._ ___.. ...__..__. _... _... ......... under Preliminary Order_ ____58591__......, —approved .__...Idarch._31,..,1925...___.._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.A.97�BtrtlCt,..fl Six ............... fo.ot...Gement..t.i.e.aid ewa�k,.o.n..,the north side of Stinson Street from ................................................................................................ 0.44ta.w.orth.Street ...t.o_oxford Street. except where good and sufficient ... ......... sidew.alks..now...exist,__........._................................_....... ................ ........... .-__ 1.._ _................._ _..........._._. I ................... _.. _....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5..1..10 per. .front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. -27th ..............day of MAY''.. ..-..., 192.5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. !92 a Adopted by the Council SPR 2 8 19 _ ........ .�........... 2... OR 2 8 192.3 .... .:. Approved__.. ............192........ i y rk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Fergu'on Councilman MCDo, ald Councilman Hodgson Sudhei Councilman dheimer Councilman Wenzel Y� Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59104 COUNCIL FILE NO.......__ ..........__ .. By.. .. ._. __..._ _........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..r.econstruoting,.. rel..aying..and.,repairing the following .sidewalks.. where. necessary:............_ .................................................................................... ..uth..side.„of„.Laurel.. Avenue beginning at Wilder Avenue, thence east .............. 50_feet,...........__ ............... _ ............._.._.................................. ......................... I.......... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order... _ 155790. ..........a_p_p_roved..........April.$,...1925..................................... The Council of the City o a R No. 59104-- sort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and m the :Hatter of teconstructing, relay-reby resolves: ins and repairing the following side - 1. That the said report t walk &U.1reAvenuearbeginning sth latd and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proce. Winder. thence ast 50 feet, under ­­ 'iminn% Order ' P^ up,-- a j 2. That the nature of the impi b-” � ;,-tich'-L. _,;council recommends is. r.econs.truet,...relay .and repair the. _.following.s..idewa]ke_.,where...ne.Ce.as.ary....................... ....._................. ..SOUVI..si.de...of...Laurel'. Avenue...beginning..at..Wilder... Avenue.,..thence. ..east..... ........................................... ............................................................................................ ................ ........._.. __.... ...................... .........._....... _ .__ _ _....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....07.. per..s.q....f t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 1127th ...............day of May ........................... 1925....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...APR. 19 ...... APR In .. .. ........................................ ..`....Approved..............192C t Clerk. .............. I ........ ................ ....... .... ... .. ..... . Mayor. Councilman Clancv Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald CouncilmanZXM Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. MMLISITD COUNCIL FILE No... By.................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 139105 In the Matter of.ree.ons true ting,...relayl ng..and. re . jrjngx..wh Pa .qrp ppopqpAry, ..... the following..sidewalks: . ...... -1 1.1.1, ............. St, bqginning.at Weide Ave. thence east 132 ft.P Ave. thence .. .......... ...... .... FAOI.slde Earl..stroet,,.. bQg1nn1ng..AtEAAtAth..Pt,.j thlpnqe sputh., to. alley, Wos.t_side Earl.. St.o. j.. Imin �ang ........... Earth.. si.de.. Edmund ... at... A... beginning thq4qq 9�ast..qq.feet, under Preliminary Order March 31.,.,1925.,.,_ ..................................................... The Council of the Cit" 4i 7. No. 59105— report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemen , ai� Inahe matter of reconstructing, relax- hereby resolves: g cc 1. That the said repo na, 11P111.114 �:.esas,11, In, ld��' the full- .1 th aid 6 ig at We'& )ved and adopted, and the said improvement pr :-thence Resusy St. beginning is hereby ordered to be p k' _ti, cc east 132 I - 17?et, I eginning 2. That the nature of tK to'; Which the Council recommends is.-r000ns.truet., relay -and.. repair., where ne.ce.80ary,_ths fp ...... .... ........... South.. side.. Reaney.. St east 132 ft. .................. ........... .......... EAst. I s.ide. Ea.r.1 .... St ...... beginnin a.t...East. ....4th ...St...,....thence sout. h to al.le.y.,. gari..St....b g�pqin ..e g..at Beech St., thence north 70 feet, ................. ­ � ........................................... §:t,. beginning at St. Albans St., thence east 80 feet, ........... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$.. .07..per..sq.....ft. I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 27th day of . ..... . .1.1 may... . ............ 1192.A...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City ofSt. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pertons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature ofthe h iinprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... APR'2­8 1925 . ....... .... .. .. . _ 1111 1111.._ ....... ..... . ............... .......... Approved.. . ...................... r. 192 City lerk. ...................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO..... ._ ___.... By.......................... ....-- . INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59106 In the Matter of, -raeons true ting.s. relaying..and.. repairing ..t.he..followl,n.g. Side- walks where necessary: ..West side. Pelham Ave.. beginning at Wabash Ave...... thence nor. th..7.5...f.t..,...... E. S. Snelling Ave. beginning 120 ft. north of Minnehaha St., thence ....... north..150...ft. 4-- .......................... ...... .......................... .... .................... I..................... S. S. Wakefield Ave. beginning 120 ft. east of Forest St., thence east ............................................................................................................................................................... 170...ft.� , E...S...,Aibemarle.St.,.from Wayzata St. to Milford St., 8. 8. Fuiler St., beginning 150 ft. west of day St:; thence West 250 ft., E....3...Forea.t . St..,...from..E....Seventh.. S.t....t.o.. Reaney.. St.., ............................................ under Preliminary Order .5.87.92 ... ........... aunrn—A An !1.1.._8,_.1925 ................ __, The Council of the City o c. F. xo. cobs— D the above improvement, and . m the Matter 8f reeonstruetlag: reiar- rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon tag ana repairing the fouowing side-'eby resolves: walks where ec.. _y: west ids 1. That the said report t Bematn Ave. beginning at Wabash is hereby ordered to be proce Ave. thence oreh 7s In, E. s. sr and adopted, and the said improvement r ve ',eginning 120 ft. ao^ thence nort'...• 2. That the nature of the'xmproventt."l ,s; '-..Y'_ouncil recommends is....re.Qqupt.M... ..I!919y and repair the following sidewalks Where necessary: West s.1de-Pelham Ave, ...beginning..at-Wabaha Ave. ...thence..north..7.5...ft..,...... E. S. Snelling Ave. beginning 120 ft. north of Minnehaha St., thence north...1.50.. ft,.�..................................................................................................................................... B. S. Wakefield Ave. beginning 120 ft. east of Forest St., thence east ...17.0...ft...o............................................................................................................................. ...... I......... E.....S..Albsmarle,..St...fro.m Wayzata St. to Milford St., S. S. Fulier St., beginning 150 ft, heat of J`ay St:; thence asst 250 ft., ..E.. S.....Forest... St, ..... from. Z....Se.venth...9t._ta...Reapey..St....... _ ............................... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..07.. per...sq.... ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 1.......27t.h.......... day of May ................ 192..5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. _. APR .2 a 1925 APR 2 f; 192 ...�/.�.�.".`f�. ...... ....'...Y ............... Approved ...... __ ...........................192........ Cit rk. ... ..... .... .,.... ......................... . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Sudh Councilman dheimer pfJBLISIIED� Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. ,59107 COUNCIL FILE NO ........ By.........._ .. ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterand pairin the following 1.. r ...9 ............. ....................................... ................. — .. ........... ........... .................................. ......... ..... .. . ... .... South side -Stanford-Ave.... from -Gleveland Av-e.----to--Fi=..AVe...... 11 North side Stanford Ave., beginning 260 ft. west of Cleveland Ave., thence -wes-t 170 -ft -.j.. — ............................ ... I ......................... North side of Selby Ave. beginning at Avon St., thence West 100 ft., ....North sideof---Dayton Am i beginning190--ft:'.-west of --Milton- -Sty; thence west 120 ft., — ................................................... .............................................. ................ — ............................................... under Preliminary Order -5879l . ... ..... approved... Apr! 1—$,...192.5............................................. The Council of the City of C. V. No. 59107— rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h In the Matter of reconstructing, r"'Y-!by resolves: ing and repairing the f.110�1.g side - ,7:0k. where necessary: 1. That the said report b, side aegis A— f -u- and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded -,'! h!.-- Fla. A—, 2. That the nature of the impr&.�hfient WlidrtKe'co'uncil recommends is reconstruct,—relay ........... ................ .......... SMth..J$ide..Stit]3f.ord..AVe...fr.oM..love C . .2and.. Ave... to.. Finn ..Ave ... .......... North side Stanford Ave., beginning 260 ft. west Of Cleveland Ave., .... .. . thence ..west. 17.0 - f.t.-y.. - .. .... . ..... I ..................... -- ...................... ............................ . ........ North side of Selby Ave., beginning at Avon St., thence west 100 ft., North side Of Dayton -Aver; beginning -1,90--ft. wes-t.of..Milton-St-,.--, thence west 120 ft., ........................ ......... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost ithereof is s..e.0.7 per—sq....ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 27th ...............day of MY ... ..... .. ........... 192.4.— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .A.P.R..2-8-1.925 .................... Approved ...........................192........ ....... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman2ftnX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ..... By... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59108 In the Matter of..re..constructing.,_.re.laying..and..repairing,...the...follow..i.ng..side- walks W.._.S. Weide..Ava. beginning at Jenks St. thence north 14 ft. _......... ....... .. ......... N.....S.,.,Jenks.,.S::t.,.b.eginni,ng at_.Weide. Ave, thenoe west 60 ft..r N.....5.....Qsnitxe.l...Tefira.G.e...peg�.nn#�r►B..a.t...Rice.. St..... thenae...east..00.. ft•., ............. ft,,...east ...of..Payne,.Ave, thence east 70 ft., .............. . under Preliminary Order ........5.87.93__.,..,........ approved ,,...._..April...8.,-.192.5.................. .................... The Council of the City i r'No'ntaiie� of recunatracting, re laying )ort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and taring and reDalring; the ronowtvg:reby resolves: sidewalks where necessary: W. S.. 1. That the said report ..•.TVeide Ave. beginning at Jenks st.;d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be roceet.M�n north to +.., X. s Jet Y P ire ..t ' ave. u• 2. That the nature of the irimpr6vef'6ht which'the Council recommends is-reeons.truot....relay and.,re.pair.,.the..following..sidewelks where necessary.... at,,,Jenke_.St..,.thenoe north..l4..ft.•..,........................ ...N.....S.....Jenks...&.t....b.egi.tvping..at. Weid..e,.,Ave....thencewea.t...60ft..,...... ............... K....S....Central... Terra ae...b.eginning..at... Rios ...St.....t.bence...east ... WO.. ft,,., ............. S.-.5....W.el1s...St.. beginning...66...ft....eas.... f_ Payne . eve.... ,thence...east 70_ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....-.. T7 per ...sq, ..... ft* Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 27th ...............day of X47 ...................... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 8 192_5 Adopted by the Council .................................................. 12-27 P,PF 2 9 1925 ... ..... ......... ............ .... I.. Approved ...... .... ... _ ....... ... ...........192........ ity Cierk. ...... .... ... ..... ...... ..... .., .. .......... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman7Et M Hodgson / Councilman Sudheimer PUBLISHED �% Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59109 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... _ .. By....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... grading.. Alleys... in-Blook...2,. Lea.ington..Park...Plat...7,... r..am James Street to Palaoe Street and from (Triggs Street to North and South ... .,1.9,�.f................. _... _ _ _ _ C. F. NO. 69109— Inthe Matter..____...._............................................ Block 2, f grading Alleys In 0 from James Street to Palet el3tre , ... .................................................... ...... ... and from Grlggs Street to North and ..'.......... .......... ..................... ........ .... you*h _A�ley, „ eler Preliminary on o '• .'�' Mar, +v, 1920 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order -58.472. __.........approved.....Maroh...1.9,...1925......... ..... .......:.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....grade—Allays ....In Blook...2,...Lea�ingt.on..Pa.rk.P]at.7.,,,.rpm..,,Tame®...Street..,to...ral,.aoe...Street and from..(Triggs...Street-to ..North -and ...South -Alley.,......... ..._........................................... ..... .......... _. ......... ........ .. _............11.11................_ _... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoHs S._... 510..78 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ...27th.... ........ day of -NAY ...... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice'of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_. .._APR. 2..6..19?$Akn:jMa AAS a a i�z Approved...... ._............... .........192........ lerk. i Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman.&J= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59110 COUNCIL FILE NO...._ ............ ..__ _.. By.._ .............. ......... ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...00ndemn!.ng. and...taking..an.. easement ...in...the..land..necessary dor..elopes.,.....or..o.u..ts.. a.nd fills_ im...the.. gradllg..of..Al.le.ya..xi...locR..2,..... Lavington .Pax Plat...7.,..from..James...st.....to...Pala.oe..St.....4.nd...P.ro1n...Or.igga...St. to...North. ..and. .Sou.th..alley,_ ...... i C. E Tio: 69110— ........ .................. In gh anatter of condeme la and takc.1- ................. ............ ........! lar f e. Pa..i r, the lad nesse- "'--"'-""----- eary for Ingo f fi�r. cuts and fillsBlock in, the for o[ Al1eYe' 1n Block 7 . ..................................... 1—angton Park Plat T. from Jame- ................ ........................... St.to Palace St. and 'Som- ori -- - - St. to North e' R South alley. ^eltmlr^• 58473 under Preliminary Order.._.... .58473 _ .........appr<: "zd........Maraes':j9. 1925. ............._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Q.A4ggA A;Ad..taRp an 040.0100.nt..in..the...land..neaea�ary..f or....slopes.,...for... cuts...and..fi.11s... in..the .. ..grading... of. Alleys... in. Block .2,. Lexington.. Park. .Plat ..7,...fr.oal...James ...St.....to PaUC&..St....and..from..Qriggs..St.....to.•North..and...South..alley,_ in...aoeordanoe With.. t.be..blu.e....pr.in.t..horst.o...a.tt.aahed..and ...mada..a...par..t..hereo.f.,...the...hatched ..Porti.one...ahowing..the...opts , and, the_._ s,haded..portiona...s.howing thefills,.,. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8....25..0.0 .................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .................27.th....day of .May .................. 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council .............. 192.... APR 2 F! 92t Approved Cls:.:.. _.... _....... _................. ................192........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman I%q& Hodgson Councilman Sudheimpr Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. PU13LiSt�ii � � 59111 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _..... ._ ...... .. By...... _ ...... _ _. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..grading_alleya. in..Blook.4,...Stone..&...Mor.ton!.s..Addition.. from Maryland., to Hawthorne, Street_ and.Tx.om..Oreenbri.er...Avenue...t.o...North and South Alley. Also reconstructing and lowering..to,..g?'ade...the sidewalk west.. side. of Greenbrier... Avenue ..trom .a...point-55-fse.t..south..of... alley . a,bove...dee.aribed...to...&..Point..40...f.eet...north..of..said...alley.,...in..aocordanee with blue...print...profile...here.to...a ttaohad,................................................_............................... under Preliminary Order...... 5..7.93.1.. __......... approved .......F.eb......17,...1925............ I .................. I......... The Council of the City of St. Paull w: ------- the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemel9111— ort, hereby resolves: C. F. No. atter ' In the .Matter oY grading alleys In 1. That the said sloex a, stone & Mortoda Aamuon roved and ado p is hereby ordered to tram Maryland street to Hawthorne f P adopted, and the said improvement tree[- and Yrort (3reenbr[er Avenue '�% North and South Alley Also re - 2. That the naturo,,natrnenng wring to, grade Council recommends is. grade..alldy&at wa ..,in;.$7]Q,O 4,...St9ne...&..Mo...... #..Aofa. it.1on...i.rcm..MarY.land...S.treet....to...Hartho. e...Stre»t and from..Qreenbrler...Avenue to.. North ..a.nd..Sou.th..Alley, ....._A1so raconstructing and ..lawering..to...grade. ..the .sidew.alk..on..the..was.t..side ...of...Greenbrier Avenue from a..point..55.1e.e.t..sauth..of...alley... above...des..oribed..to...a. point...40...feet..north of ....said..allay,...in aecordanoe...w.ith blue. -print Profileheretoattached,..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. &98..94____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....27.th................day of May ............................ 192...5..., at the hour of ip o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR a s ins Adopted by the Council_ ............. I................... ,4pp ", t; s924 Approved .... - ... 192........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ZDC Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 192........ Irk. ....................... Mayor. PMLiSI�II- � 5911.2 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ... . ....... By... .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... o.ondemning. and. A.a.. easement in ..th.e land necessary ...... ....................... f or_ alopes,...for...ouits and. .,.he g;!q4n in Block 4, stone ...................... Morton! a.. Addition from.. Mary, land Strpe t,tq.. Haw thorne Street and from .......... .................... ...................... Greenbrier Avenue.. to... Nor th C. V. No. 69112-- ....... .... -' - In 112 -- In the Matter of condemning and tak. ..... . I ...... .......... it I th I lag .1 n t "'d .s far for .& flue salty and 1. in .......................... the grading of, Alleys in Block A ............. -1tone & Morton's Addition,f,;., 7,-Vland St. to Hawthor, qt under Preliminary Order 5793.0 . . . ....... ��c .17 ...1925* ........... ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is G.ondomn. AA.A..take an..aasement In ths..land..,neoPqsAr outs and fills in the ................ I ...... I .......... grading. ..Addition,..f­r...o.Im Maryland .. ........... .­ ......................... ..Street toA1&wtho=e...Str0et. Avenue to North and South .................. I .................... ... . ................ .... Alloys ... t4apeordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part .............. ....... ­­ .......... I ...................... I ............................. I ......................... ­ .................... .,.hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and the shaded portions show- ingthe fills .................. ............. 11 ......................... -1 ...... ... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. ....1.00.. 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........... 27th day of May ...... 192.5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Co*uncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... AP.R­2 ... a 145 APR .. . . ....... APP, 2 8 i425 Approved :­ .........192........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 1 Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. .................... ... ....... I .......... .. .... .... .. .................... Cit Clerk. ........ ... ... . ......... .......... Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ............. ......... . . .. By............ .............................. ... ... .. .......... .. , . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ........ ... ....... ....... ..... ..... ... ............ .......... .. ...... ....... . . .... North..s.ide James. St.. -beginning.. e.t,V&noe_,5.t. then.e.e e.g st 140 ft . ..... North..aidei—of.. James.. St..... beginning West..side ... of. Milton. St.... beginning. &t---PleAA*.Lx1t..AV.Q theno.e.-g.out.h jp..t�he ........ alley betwe.en..,James...St.....and..Randolph..S.t...I ......................... ........................ I ........... under Preliminary Order 5.8.7,89 approved......A.PrA.I...e, 1995.9_- ................... The Council of the City of S, of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ha%relay-V resolves: Ing and repairing the following sfd�Z: 1. That the said report be a walks, where necessary: North RI - d is hereby ordered to be proceede James St.. beginning at V- - .,,� -1adopted, and the said improvement thenceeast 140 ft., .,.­joine. St.. bsgliming 2. That the nature of the i i�, , - 11 a , -.i,.ie Council recommends is..l'ACOn9.tI`11Ct,.. Delay And...rvpal. r. A, hq.. to llowing .sidewalks_,.,phare, necessary: North..slde amps at.o*besinping 4.t­Va]Rqe.. St.., th..e.n9.e­e.a.9.t 1.4.0. ft. . .. ........ ...North.. aide. of.. James St. .5"t side. of.. Milton.. St.. ..beginning. .0-t.. F10A.04AV. Ave.,,.,,t ho.nee... so.uth to the g1jay.. between. jama St. and Randolph St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....07 per aq....ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Ond ...............day of JU120. - .......... 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and.City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_. APR 2..8..1926 . ..... ........ . 192 Approved..._..._ 192 ..... .... ..... ... I .............. ..... ................... Mayor. . a . y . o r. Councilman Clanev Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman PXMXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59114 COUNCIL FILE NO—... ..........._ .. By... . . ... -- ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.reconstruoting...a.nd..relaying ...the...eldexalk...on...the...s.ou.th.... Aide of Como Avenue from Rice Street to Western Avenue, C F No 69119— -........ ...... . ..... In the Matter of reconstructing and relaying the sidewalk on the south side of Como Avenue from Rlc ,,,,,,,, ,, Street to Western Avenue, und-r ,,,,,,,,, "" Order 68216, approved ill......... 1-,Preliminary "—ch 6, 1926. _ - '—til of the City o1 S[. ........................................................... .......................:. .. ...d ..e report oEth.......................... ,,. unon ................... ................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order._ __ _58216 ..approved March 5, 1925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....r.eo.ona.tru.C.t..and .relay...the-Aldex.alk.on—the _ao.uth.0.09.,.of..C.pmo„Avenue,.f.rom..R7_ce Street to W.e.e.tern..A.ven. ue.,_............. _.. ...... ......_......................__ ..__. ......1 _..:.. ...................... ... ..._ ......... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S....12..pe.r...sq, ... ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd ................day of 4T=6 ........................ 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 e 192 Adopted by the Council._ .... .......................................... .. 19 .... PR2 :?�1. ........... .......�...........-I.... ..... Approved......_. _....... ..........192........ City Jerk. ........... ........ ......................... . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman &iSr X Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. FiJBLISHED—.�A 59115 COUNCIL FILE NO ........................ ... By.... ..... .... .................... __ _ ..._ ._...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..conatruc.ting...s..ew.ers...an..bo.th..s.i.des..of... Edgcumb.e..Road...from Bayard..8t..._to...Otto.Ave., on..,Eleanor..St....from.;Griggs..St.....to..Montoalm.. Plane, on Montealm Plaoe from.,a,,,point„25 ft. south of the south line of S.oheffvr_. S.t.... to...O.t to...Ave . ,... on..O.t.to.. Ave.....from..MOnt.OA 1m...P.lace...to...I,@xlAgt on Ave,.., and..on..Soheffer„St, fry..arlggs... St,.to..Edgoumbe...Road,._.,..... ___ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order....___58523__.........approved.......Mflrah...24, .1925. ...................................... The Council of the City of St'— of the Commissioner of Finance upon C. F No. 6911b— p the above improvement, and hav, In the matter of constructing sewersresolves: on troth sides of Edgcumhe Road 1. That the said report be a from ;Bayard St. to Otto Ave., or„d adopted, and the said improvement Eleaaoi-6t;-from Griggs 3t. to me. is hereby ordered to be proceedec ral,a Place, on Montcalm Place f,. p ft south of the am 2. That the nature of the im i ,” ,,' Otte av ,ddcil recommends is....Cons.truat...aew.ers on nt 2' both..ei.des....of..9sdgoumbe.. Roa..d.. fr. on... r.,a. St.... to...Qtto...Av..e,,.,...on._Eleanor St. from.Grigga St.....ta..Mantcalm .Elco.a.,..an..Mantaalin.'Place ...ir.om..a....polz�t...2.b. ft. eouth.of the._south line oP Soheffer St, to Otto Ave.,. on Otto Ave. from Montoalm..Plane .to. Lexingt.on..Av.a.....and..on..Sobeff.er..St...irom..(ri.ggs...St... to Edgcumbe.Road,__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_....15,.800..00......... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........$nd................day of ,june.....__._ _......, 192_.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..AR -2.84925........................ At?P, 2 a tw!�, Approved .... .. ...... .. ... ... ..... .... ..... .......Y................ .._....... ...__.._ ................192........ � Cit C rk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman RA= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59116 COUNCIL FILA: NO .............................. By.................................. ... ..... ........... .._......_.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... gra.ding..Norton..St.....fr..om...the...nor. th..line... of...Alahama........... add.... >«o... 1 tQ..MarYland_ St ,........ ... .... ..... . In the e Mat[ o Matte, r o[ line ofgrading Alabama St. from the north ane of .- nder Add. ..... 1 to Maryland. SL; render Pre, -nary Order 58341 aDDroYed March ....................................................................................................... ............................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order... ___.58.171 -- . ....approved.........Mai ah..3,...1925........................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 9P.440 from...the....north..line of Alakama....da..... ?o.... ..to..MarYla d...S.t.............._.............. ................................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S._..5, 9$1.48....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....2nd..... _ ........day of Jnne. .... ._., 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..__°QPR.2..... .1.�'j�...._,...._.,_.. 19 ...... APFk 2 819Q . .............................. «Approved.......__ _............ ..........192........ City lerk. ............ . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Ptj= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. I 591.17 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... _ ............... By............ ......... ........... _ . . . ...... . .. .. .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-condemning.-and..taking an eas-ement.-in. the...land..ne.eassary ­XQ . r ... 0. 1090 P. 0 for cuts And fills .... fRom .... t.h.e. p9x!t.h iine­qf. Ajab4;qg.Add . . .... Nq.l. to M.ar.na,n.d St... ................................... C. F ................. . .............. In theNilt.N1 I.1T.. .1— Ing an easement 1. [he land ................................... ,a ces- ";y111 161'Polfl, O, e.ta and inlet 1. h grading Norton S fl. - Maryland L ...................................... . . ........ north line of Alabarna A h� ................... , St., , P No, der 58 ............. _­­ .................. ........................... ­..... ................................... under Preliminary Order,....... 50172 1925. . ...... approved ............... __ .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is O.O.AdPM4 :qA!4_take qapqMent....i.n..,t..h.e..,la.nd necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the .......... .......... ..... _ ....... ....... �.. I ...................... grading. of. Norton...St...f rom the.. north...line ... KQ.;_tp� print hereto attached end . . ......... hereto._ I . ..... .......... -imide .a...part hereof, the hatched portions. . ahow.ing.. the outs...and...the ....... pha4p4 portions, shiciiiing the fills�p with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 5.0..00. ... ............ . .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of 1 11 ­­jUne.. -1. ­ 11 1 192...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..APR..2 ............... Approved ..... . . 8. 1 A61 192 ..... ......... ..... . City . . . C . I . e . r . k . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald, Councilman Jto= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 591.18 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... .... ,.... ____ .. By................................... ___...... .___._.___.____. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofgrad.i.ng.Alleys...in..Bloak..3.,... Snelling ...Park..Prom..Iglehart.. ...Ave... to -Carroll Ave._ .and from Asbury_ Ave......to North and South alley, ............................................................ . C. P. No.. 69118— In the .Matter of - grading Alleys in Block 3, Snelling Park from Iglehart ............................................ ............ Ave. to Carroll Ave. and`Srom Asbury .................................................... Ave. to North and South alley, under Preliminary Order '•proved Mnrgh 3, .................................................... -Tho- .......... I ........... ­ ....... .1''.., ........... .......... ... ................................................. ................... ............ he.................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... ......5.815.9 ................. approved ........... Marah..3.r..1925...... ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..grade..Alleya..in.. $7 ACk. 3,...Snelling...Park.from ..I.glohart...Ave..... t.a...Qarxoll.. Av.e.. _8.nd...P,trom..... Aebury..Ave.....to..North.and South..alley....................... ..........._..._.......................................... ....... _ _ _...................._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....435.3.8 ........ ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........2nd ............ day of JU40._...___ .._..., 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber.of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council APR 1..8.,f9k ......................... Approved .....r� PR 7 F 19![t .... .... ......... ... .. ....... .................192........ City Jerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman DO= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59119 COUNCIL FILE NO...... By........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... condemning. and...taking..an...eas.ement...in...the... land-nece.as ry for..s.lopea,...for-cuts ...and -fills ... in.. t he...grgd.ing..of...al leys....i.n..BloC.k...s?.s.... Sne111ng,.Park from Iglehart Ave, to Carroll Ave, and from Asbury Ave. .... ........ .................................................... . ..to..North..and..South.slley, ..._..... I F. NO. 69119— In the Matter of -ondemning and tak- ............................................. ing an easement In the land neces- J��........ nary for elopes, for cute and fills in the t;radine In Block Snellln6 ' ,•..... t All, under Preliminary Order ....._.......58160.. ......... approved......$.x'4...'...`ZrT................._........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Condemn. and take An..eeaement.... in. the. land necessary for..s„l,opes_,..Por cuts and fills in the .... . _..... ......... ......... grading..of'..alloys ...in. Blook 3.,..S.ne.fling.. Perk._Prom_Iglehart..Ave. to Carroll .......................... ...Ave....and..from..Asbury.Ave.. to. Nortb.and_South..elley,_._in..accordanoe with .... the...blue....print„p.her.et.o. at.ta.ohed..and...made...a..part.. hereof, .,the.._hatched portions .... showing...the..cuts.and the, ahaded..port Ions...show.i.ng..the...Pjus ,............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..25..00 ........................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........` 2nd._. ......... day of --...dt3ne...._........., 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall. Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 'Council ► K 0 i1 ..................... 19 .... APF? 2A1'J'6 Approved ......... ........... ...........192........ .................... it Clerk. ................................... ..... ......... . . .......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Jb= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer - J Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59120 COUNCIL FILE NO... .......................... By............ ...................... ........_...__..._.......__...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... grading -alley ...in ... Kers.t l.a...Sub.d.ivi.si.on...of.. Br.a�rn..>and..Rams.ay!.a..Addi.ti.on,...from..iaw... ay...S.ti'.ee.?t.,....................... .. ..... .... ......... ..... ...... .. C. F. �No. 68130-= ...... ................. t to .. ........ In the matter of SrndinS � alley in � """""" lie et's , Subdivision of Biock 93 ..... ... ................ ........ Stinson. Brawn and. Itamsey's Addl tion, from Vtew Sttee rde Bay Str �• .. unlet 7?reltmin�ry Order 68274 r ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order...... 58974 __.,._...approved...... a1�Ch.,10,,,„1925.... ............ ....... _............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grade...alle.y...in.... Kerat.!.s..Subdivision ..of.. Blook..33.,..S.tinson,...Brown..and..Rams.ey!.s...A.ddi.tion, ....fnom..Yiew...S.tre.et...to...Ba...y Street .,................... .......................... ...................................... ................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................. .................... ................_ ................... ............................ ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$........419..3.J................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 211d...............day of 41 .................. 192...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 8 192 Adopted by the Council ..................................................... 2 8 `,UV, _.. ... ._ _...._. Approved.......__ PR Y ................ ...................192........ � Cit Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald COuncilman7HEXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59121 COUNCIL FILE NO ........... - .. ... .... . ... By—_ . ... .— . . ... ............ — - ...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of -condemning and -taking -an easement in the... land., npressAry J or 410POSi for he . ...................... Subdivision of Block 33, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition, from ................ . ..... ... ... . .......... . ........................................... View Street toBaStreet ............. I ........ ..... y , C. P. No 69131 the Matter of 5912i condemning and Ink . .......... ........... ng d'n easement In thIan, aryafor slopes, for -cute- eIca ... d Vp dllaein ..................... - ......................... - j the grading of alley n Sub. division of Block 33, Suns �n Brvo7o - — and Ramsay's Addftlonv ............. — ..... .............. . - -- ........ Street to Bay SIreot, un,(,", . ............... t !ry Order 5'; under Preliminary Order 58275 approv,,,�z.�garrh..10.,...1925 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is aondomn.An. Ark..0.4.sompnt J.iq the land slop e@.,_for cuts and - fills in ... ............................ ....................... t4q 99!401415 qr 4.;ley-in Kerst's Subdivision of Block 33, Stinson, .. 11 - I -- ................. - ........................ ............ 7 ................................. Brown and Ramsey's Addition, from View Street to Bay Street, in ........... .............. - - ......................... ... ......... .............. ............... .... . . .... ... ....... -aacordance -with the -blue -print. hersto-a.ttached.. and ...Made A...pa.r .. . t.. hpropf ..... the hato.hed portions showing the cuts and theshaded portionsshowing the ............. -11 ........................ ................ ......... fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is...... We� ' 0 ' 0 . ...... vem Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd ...............day of ..................... 1925 ..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M . , in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... 2 8 1995............ ................. �PR 2 819'Z' ... ......... .... ...... ........... .. ... Approved ... .. .... 192 City Clerk. .. .... . .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ko= Hodgson J PLTLis Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59122 COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... By... ... ................ ................._.......................... ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....g+ading.Allay. ..in..Bloolz..9.,..$rnaecr.oft...Addi.L.iA.t�s...fFom....... Bellevue ...Av enus...t o.. Dev.erm...Av enue,:............... ........... ................ .... .... ........ .... .................. .......... C F No. 69122 ................... .............. . ........................................... . In the Matter of grading Alley, in Block 4, 8omecroft Addition, from Bellevue Avenue to Davern Avenue,! ............................................................... underPre11 ilnary Order 68293 ap-;........ ........... ............... ............ proved March 10, 1926. The:Coune" -,, flit y of St. Paull a;<.hGo 1-. .................................. ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order .......58283...................approved......?►.. ah..10.,...1925........................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grade..Alley-in.... Blook..4,... HOMO .oroft..Additnfrom, Be llevueAvenue to Davern Avenue, ........................................... ........... ....... ......... __ _ _. ..... ......_......... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. .710..63 ................. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... .... `tll................day of JV -ns .:................. 192...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council ................................................... 19Z!57. i Approved ...... (A.p._; . u. 19%..........192........ City Qerk. ..... .... .... ...... .. ... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilma-adbMHodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59123 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... .. By... ..... ... ............................... . ............ ....... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..condeirming..and ... taking..An A4pq nt . I .in the land neoessary ................................... .................. -for slopae.,..Xor oulo And fille In thei..gr Ayqnue t.o.Dayq .. .. .... .... .. Avenue . .... ............ ... .... .... .. ­ ............ ...1111.. C. F, No. condemning In the Matter of condeninand tak ,- ... ........................................... ng an easement in the land neces- ........................................... ................ -hNrF f--fdfil-pe.' for cuts and fills In .. . . .. . t grading of AI!,y I.I, Ble .. ................ —. ..................... .............. 1. He—ft Addition,, from -venue to Davern : A.yen,,,, ........................ .11 -11 — ........... ................................ . . ........ ................. ... ............................................. ...................... under Preliminary Order ......... approved .......... Mar A. h ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the . report of the Commissioner of Finance iipon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemm..and take an..easement...in..the land.. neoeasary ... for...s. logea.... for... cut s.. Anq...:4 4q in the gr.alling. -of -Alley .Bellevue .......................... Avenue...t.0 with the blue print hereto with ­ I ................ . ................ attao.hed..and. made...a..part portiqnq. s4owipg. the outs ........ ..... -shaded portions showing.. the.. fills .. ....... .......................... . ............ ............ with no alternatives, and that, �he I estimated cost thereof is s..100. 00._ . ................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of JUXW . . .................. 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................... 19,2, . APR 2 8 1995 .. ........ ... . ........... ............. Approved ... ..... ..... .... ...... _192_ \City qerk. .. ......... ........................... .. . ....... 0�. - - �- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman lX= , Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. In the Matter of,.changing. the... grade... of...Alley..in..Block... 2,...Fore.stdale...Ad.di* ..fr..om..Fore.s.t...St.....to.. Cypres s_. St..._and...of....Cypr.e.s a...St....from..Lawaon...S.t.... to... Cook .St... to. conform.. tq ..the...redOn. .the...proti.1.es...hereto ...a.ttach.sd..and '. .made ...s....part...here of.,...the..present-ea tablished..grade. ..bei.ng...shown..by..a...blue ..line... t.her.eon,...also...grad.ing...the said a.11.ey..in..Blook 2, Forestdale..Additica .between... the..af.ore.said ..limi.ts...ta.. tile ..said ...red..line...when. e.sta.blished....... under Preliminary Order.... .....57917. ......... approved_.Feb ....ITS ...19.25.......................... The Council of the City of c F No. fis124-- the above improvement, and hc' it a artatter pf changlna the areae. rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon of Alley in Block 2. Fore-tI Aa- !by resolves: 1. That the said report bt sits u, 00M e e s 7"u- LapWeun si is hereby ordered to be procee, -to Cook St. to conform to th. red 11ne and adopted, and the said improvement In th a ygrt hereof tth. tPT.... and .. 2. That the nature of the imprv, ea grass h ng ehodIn by ; r.recommends is.-Change...the.. rade, of e ther?< Bra IgA g l.e in fr.4fA..Fore s.t. S.... ...t.a..Cypreas... S.t.. .And ...c.f...C.ypr..eas...St.....from..Law.ann.. St......to... Cook ...St......to...c. onf orm.:.to...the...red...line .on ... the...profilea...he.re.to...a.t tached...and.. made..a...part ...here.of ,... the ...pre aent...es tablie th0reon,...4.leo...grading...the...saSd..s.l]ey in Block 2, Forestdale Addition between the aforesaid limits to the said red line,aheri...e.stabTishod........... ............................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......94.7...4.3................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............. RAO ..day of Jan6..................... 1925....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 a 1921 Adopted by the Council..................................................... 19 PR1s192 _...... ...................... Approved...................... ........ 92........ City erk. ..... ......... .. .. �.... ........ .... ........ ... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald CouncilmanSMax Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59125 COUNCIL FILE NO .......................... _. By............... .......... _...... _.................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the .Matter of....00ndemning and ...taking..an...e.aaeme.nt..in...the...land..nec.esaary f.or...slo.pes,_.for_.cute...and fills...in...the grading ..of.Alley..in..Bloo.k 2.,......_ Fpre.atda..ls .Add.i.tion,...from..For.ea.t...St...to...cypre.sa...S..t..,.............................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... ................._.... ........................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order.. _._ ..5.7.91$ _ _ ......... ann--,i Va 17.,...19.25. ................. ....... . The Council of the City of c. a: tae. co 69125— r, , -f the Commissioner of Finance u on , an the above improvement, h la the !fatter of ndemning and tak p p Ing an eneement is the land aeoea- by resolves: 1. That the said report b B8,y for elopes• f., cuts and ane g P In theda Int, Ad n AllIn ey FBlockorest C2, I nd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be procee Cypress St., under .Prelim ° -^ 61916 aoProynd Feb. " 2. That the nature of the impr `• ._�,.,•, ;_,ouncil recommends is...C.Ondemn, and ... take All. ea.semant...in...the..land. ne.ces.s.ar.y...for...al0.peS-,...for...o.uts..and-fills...in-the grsding... f..Alley..1n..Bl:ock...2,...Forea tda le.. Addi.ti.on,... from.. F.or.ea.t...St......to.... Cypres$....St........ i,n..ao.c.ordsnce. 1th...the...b.1U.0 Prin.t...herat.o...a.ttached. and—made A.. part ...here0.i..,...the...hat.che.d...por..ti.ons....show.ing...the...cut.s...and ... the...ahaded....... portionsShowing ..the ...fills ............... ............................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...50.0.0 50-0.0 .................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 2nd..................day of +UR@ ..................... 192,..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council APR'.!.g 182 ........... 19 ...... ,APR 2 8 1925 .... ........ ... ... ........ ........ Approved .......... ................- .........192........ City Jerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman abt= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel1� Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59126 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... ... By.................................... _. ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..grading..alle.g...in. -Block .3.,..Denslow!.s...Rearrangement...of...part Of...Cruickehank'.s.-Garden Lots...f.rom..Hazelw.00d Ava.....ta..Germain..St.............. 0 ................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order... %27.2 ........... .... approved ..,Mar.C_ h..l0,...1925....................... . The Council of the City of St. c. F: xo. 6912e If the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havi Inalock a nenslo e of a a l g all ac of resolves: Dart of Crulekshank'e Garden Luta 1. That the said report be a from Hazelwood Ave:, t, Germain sc,1 adopted, and the said improvement under PrellminarpOrder 65272 an - is hereby ordered to be proceede ` xrnved Srarch 10, Or 2. That the nature of the improv crr8ehf which -th'e ICouncil recommends is....grade...alley...in... KOOk..3., .. Done low! s...Rearrangement...of.... Part. ..Of. .Cruickshank!.a.. Garden..Lo.ts fr.OX. Hazelw.00d..Av.e.... to...Germain..3t.... .......................... . .......................................................... ........ .. ......... ..._....._ .......... ..........._......._ .__ . ......__ ................ __..... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._.726.•88 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........' 2txd.................day of ..................... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 f; 1625 Adopted by the Council ................................................. 192. Approved.........AP R 2= 0, 192 , ....... ... .. ... ... ......... ...... ... .....'ty erk..... .................................192........ ,........ .. .............. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald CouncilmanAXM Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel T Mayor Nelson v[ Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59127 COUNCIL FILE NO .................... ...... By.................................. ......... _....._.._.._ ..._.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... condemning and ...taking..an..eas.eAt.exl.t...iz>..t.l}e.,_land..neeessary fgr,.,s.lopes,...for..cuts.,.and,fi,lls.,.in„the grading of alley in Block 3, Ilexit�ls�t�'.s..Rearralrg9>Dent...o.f...part...of...Cruickshank!s..Garden_Lots, from Hazelwood ..Ave. ....to..0ermaln.. St..,..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ I....................... under Preliminary Order .......... 58273................approved,........MaX'0.h...I0.1...1.925.0................I.................. The Council of the City of �nd of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h C• F. "No. 591E7— i in an atter 0 Ia 6el land noes Y resolves: P 1. That the said report be .ary for slope.; for cute ek nu. to adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered to be rocee the graamg of alley m Block a, Den.. P .lows Rearrangem ent Part •kehank's •Gar'„ - 2. That the nature of the impros ^;a Ave. c`, h the Council recommends is....c.ondemn and ... take an..easement. An... the.., land.. 0! lopes,...for._.cuts and fills in the ........................................... grading. of...alleg...in..B.loak 3.,.,.D nalo's...R..aarra.ngement_.of-part .of Cruickahank -s..Garden.-Lots,.. from..Haze. lw.00cl Av.e.... to.. aerma.in.At.., ..in........ ac.00rdanae...Ai.th.the.. blue.. print..hereto...attached and made a part hereof, ........................... the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the...fills,...._ . _.........__...._ ...... _................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5...100.00 - . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..........?nd......._...day of I June .. 1925....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilA.PR 2 .s I9 1 Approved ..._ pP.2 .8 1.925.........192........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ft= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. ' Mayor. ',59128 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. changing. tha..grade.-Of. alley. In. Blo.0lX_7,....Ro.gers Rearrange- malctt...of...M, L.e.8?�e..Rese.ryat.lon..Prom.. Cypr�s�.St..._to...Ear1..St,.,. to..conform o the red line on the profile and made a the -present established -gr ng" y alley from Earl St. to Cypress St. in accordance with said red line when ..established, and constructing -a sewer on an easement -to -be obtalned-on the westerly 10 ft.of Lot 5, said Block 7 from the alley to Pacific St- ...................... ... t,........................... ................................................................................................. . under Preliminary Order.._ ... 8155 --- C. F. No. 69128- the Grade o[ p The Council of the City of Inaii yB{n $iock z Rog s. Rearrange- of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h , M --t cypresrBMeio Ean sz to conform o:) resolves: 1. That the said report be tacked ana °,:;a a°part hereof, it and adopted, and the said improvement "' hed grade bel; is hereby ordered to be proceed. present sat tine. also gran; eho"a by sF 1 Bt. to CYr ,' 2. That the nature of the iti, atdn Ilacc^i. wh .:" +l recommends is..Change...th@..Sx'd.d8 O a11ey4:.i.n..B.lock..7.,...Rogers.:,� rrange..mont.,,of. MaLeans..Rese,rva.tion,..from.....hCypress d line c aSt. to nd �desalpart hereoSt. to f, heorm -. pre sento the eestab..lishad h grade... being ehown.e profile hereto btyeaahed blue lines also grading said alley from Earl St. to Cypress St- in - acoordance"with"said -red li'ne when' established,- and constructing a.aewer on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 ft. of Lot 5, of said Block 7 from the"alley to Paoific... St.;.. ..........._.._.._ ... ,.._._....____ .. .. .......... 985.97..__ ........ _ _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... .....211a..........day of _3=e ............... 192...5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the hearing, the nature of thimprovement a d the tin the manner otal cost her stating the time and place of of as estimated. Adopted by the Council_......, 19 11PR 2 a i925 i Approved. -AR 2_,..,.Cit Cl rk. ....... 192 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman RD= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Wenzel '1enzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59129 In the Matter of. oon.demning. and- taking ..an eas.ement_in.. tlle..land...necessary for...slopes,_,for..cut.s..and f;tllii..In.the _.grading..of..A.11ey...in. Blcok...7.,..... ....Rogers Rearrangemept.. of McLean 1..s .Rea.erv.atinn,.. from. Cypress- Street ...t.o Earl.. Str. eet.s ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order.....__ 58289 - -approved March -.10, 1825, - .............. The Council of the City of St. the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havin C. F. No. 59129— resolves: P P In the Matter of eondemning aad ink- ing an easement in the land neces- 1. That the said report be an Bary for slopes, for .cute and nils adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered to be proceeded In the grading of Allev in smex 7- 2. P .Roger, Rearrange'331L.k Reservation. _ 2. That the nature of the imp _Ea aa, :wtiiin the Couhtti recommends is..CQndAmtl...and-take an easement_A the. land, ne. oessary..for..s.l,ope .,.,for...cuts..,and...f..j�Ls_..ln...t.pe grading of Alley in Block 7, Rogers Rearrangement of McLean'.s..Reservation, from.. cYpr.e.ss-Stree.t...t.o. Earl...Stre.e.t,...in..ac.cordance...w.Ith...the...blue...print here.to...at.t.ached..and..made. a...part..hereof .,...the ...ha.tch.ed...por.ti.ons...ahhowing the cuts.and.,the shaded. porto.ns..showng. the...Pi1l , ....._,..___. _ ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....100•.OA.........._... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __2nd.. _ _ ...........day of Jane .................. 192.J..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ,AP(?..2..8,.l....... ......... 192. Apfz, s ..... .... ._ ... ... ..... .. approved._.._ _ _.. ..............192........ ity C rk. .._... .. a}'or. Councilman ClancyR Councilman Ferguson el Councilman McDonald Councilman S,iIXA Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer A} Councilman Wenzel ® t -p %� Mayor Nelson ✓ 1Trl Q+riK.. -l. Form B. S. A. 8 09130 COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ............... ... By................. .......... ... . .. . . .. ....... .. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of.e.oridemning and taking An oa.sement.JA..ttke a...pAbjlq qpw§r qp,..und..er ..a.nd...across ................ .. i.morly .. IQ -f eo.t-pr.. LP t.. 5s 5.190 qg.. MoLean s ... .................... Reservation from Pacific Ste to the alley in rear of said lot, ....................................................... .... ............................. ................................................................................... ............................... I ................ ............................ ... ........... I .......................... ............................... ...................................................... .......................... ......................... I .... I I I .................................... under Preliminary Order . ......... app, 9-ved.. ..Max!94. 3 ...... 1.1912.5 .......... - ................................. The Council of the City of51P. No. 59130- t of the Commissioner of Finance upon n the matter of cond—inx and tax: the above improvement, and hail 11In he .....-,y resolves: eery, t.�10.etr.et and -maintain 1. That the said report be w1bile 'sower, on, unr & y 10 feet of � and "r,as ind adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be procee(l`k*�o.-' westerly - 5. alnel era R-ira- I 2. That the nature of the improvemeiii: lwinch the Council recommends is -condemn -and -take. an .... easeman in the... land.. n0.006 sary-to o.o. truq mal. t4iAjk..p t...and. A ubjio ... I ....sewer...... on,.. lmder.. and..a.cros. s. A. he.. w PAt orly.1Q.. f set pf,. 7,p Rogers Rearrangement.. of.. XGLeAn.l.e. Rese.rv!Won in rearof said -lot, . . ........ -1-11.1-1 ........... ... ................. ....................... I ......... .............. ........................ ............... ...................... I... .... . ......... .... -- ....... ... -- .. ...... .......... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S.. 2.54.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd ... ........ day of J .......... 19215....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ A2 ...'5 ............. ,0001 M . 8-1*9 2 192 APR 2 8 1925 Approved .......... ....... . .......... 192 .... .... ..... . City C rkr . k. vor. . ....... ... Z&ayor. .... .. . .... ... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Fe%K Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman -Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59131 COUNCIL FILE NO._ .......................... By............ ............................ ......... ....... ................. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... OjleXling,..w.xdetu�z�g.a.Y#d..ex.tendn$.,EuetiB,..St._...to a width of .......................... 60...Pt.,.... (from..the.,.South... l.ine...of...St,..,Anthony Park West to the N. p. right ...oP...w�y.)...b.y..tA�ti.nB..And...a.ands.n3zlg..the..East..20..ft...,of. the., Southwest l/h...of...the. Southwest ...1/4, ..Sect.ion..20.,.... Towns hip. .2.9.,..Re. r1ge..23.,...lying....... be.tween...the...South.. line ... of...St....Anthony.. Park.. W.est...And...the...N....R.... right.. of way ............ ................................................... I ............................: . ........:...................................................................... under Preliminary Order......._ 58046 - == b.....24.,.,.192�5a....................... The Council of the City o rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and c• F• x' -NNU— p f I¢ the Flatter of opening, mldenln6' , andn.te¢ding E --U.- St: to a width •by resolves: 1. That the said report b oY 66 it. (from the outh _line of �t. is hereby ordered to be proce S OP.: "vj b etnkiongthe r. "' and adopted, and the said improvement r ., ... , 2. That the nature of the+iniptovement which the Council recommends is...o.pen,..Ieidon...And.. extend �{idth. of 60 ft.....(from the South line of St. Anthony Park AO... p.. the ...N...P \s...fight._of_.w.ay)...hy...taking..and...c.ondemning...the .Eas.t..20 ft. of ..the..,Southweet...7/4...of . the..Sou.thv[est...1�4,...S.eatian..2.0.,....Tawnahip..29...... Range .23, „lyin9,. between.. the,. South...li7pe...g., St.....Anthony..Park...West ... and...the N.. P, right of . way, ..._.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S ..... 1.00 ....... ..._. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...........2nd...........:day of June ..................... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .A4PR.?..3..1925..................... 19 APP9 8 1925.......................... .... Approved ..........:...... .......................192........ C4 Clerk. ......... .... .... ... ... . ... . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 1JUM Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59132 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ......... ........ ... By ................................ _ .. - ........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.... openings wi.daning..a.nd._axtandsng_A.utum�..St...,.t.o._e..,width of...66..f.t....fr.Om.. Hazeleaad...A.ve....t.o...Kennard..St....,............................................................... .......... ............................._....._. C. F. No. 69132— ................................................. In.Yh. Matter of opening, l'Idening + and eatending Autumn St. [o awldth ........................................................... ..... of 66 ft: 'from H ...wood Ave. to ................................................. Kennard St., under Prellminary'Or- der 68847 approved Feb. 24, 19Efi. ....... .. ..._......_..._.. Th Councilofthe CM of 8t. Pani...... +`<.:AJ recelved:,tha rep ort.of ........................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order....... .58047_ .._.......approved......F9b 24, 1925. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is opens... ext.@.nd...Av..ttip...St.,...to,.,a..wid.th._of,.66. ft. from Hazelwood Ave. to Kennard ..... ....... St...s........................................................................................ ............................................................... ........... ............ ................................ ............................ ......................... .... ...... .......:................. .............. ................ ............. ...... ........ .................................................... ................ ....................... .......................... ............... ............... I......... ...................._.............................. _........_........ .........................._..._..........._..................... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $100...00 ....................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 2nd ............ day of .June ...................... 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... A.PR 2 8,} ...................... 192 .... APR 28192.5 ............... . ............................. Approved ...... ... ...._.......... .............192........ City lerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 8i1 K Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson - Form B. S. A. 8-6, 59133 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..00A8.tr.IIC.t1ng .>1. t91JG. r±OAt..G9iG9At..t31R.6id@R.a1k. P.n..t�@. Qat eiCle..Oi.St38.7.dA70.A9.@...PI.OA3.I1@T2>'0.SkR.AVQ•..#�O.I1Hk@..Ps0Ig0. aAd.Rk>ig�e�.:Av.�..,... ......................................... C.'P. No. 59133—............................ Infootthe oemetnt tilef sidewalkconstructing the east ka ... . ... . ....... .` �; sidve e of SheldoLa@en Ave. from Phalen A Nal ... AtoCo. andAve .. ......... ................. under Preliminary Ordar 687 4 aD ..._`�fr-e d r11,-8 1826.7 ........... 9� _'rum Or�N.�.�• A ................................... w..Cl ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... x87.94 ............... approved..APrI2. &,..19.25• ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is0.QUAtr.40. A.AtA.f.4ot oement Alls.sidewalk.an..the..eaat..ai.da.of.Sh@1don.A�tfi to . Lake..Como. and. 2ha3en. Ave..,. e$aept. where. good..and. suff3.Gi.ent..ai.deRalks noyq..@?4jp t,............................................................ ............................ ........................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.1o..P@x. Xront f oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 3rd........day of ....... ame............ 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 2B19 Adopted by the Council.. �1P....ti.........�'�........, 192...... r........ ........ Approved.......................IJ2."1192...... ity Clerk. ti. ... .. ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Cotmcilman71 i mmt Sudheimer Councilman SUA= Hodgson Councilman Wenzel Mayor IitOCp= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 59134 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. AQAQArA0AP9. A. A i, . OO.t . A9merit..ti] o..e7 dawalk.on. both..... sid9a,of XRkgmA . Ave-froln,Qtto.Ave.•.J.Q.MQntrQ0A.AvQ•. grid..on.bQth.Aides QP..VQta. Av.Q.. �xvm.P.l>3aaaAt.Ava...to..RacQ.St....................................... .............................. C. F. No. 59199— ... ......... .. .......... ..... In the Matter of constructing a six foot cement the eid—lk on both 'aides of Pleasant Ave. from Otto Ave. to Montreal Ave. and. on both al as of ............................. Vista Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to ................... ......... ..............-4=TF? rarove'...i:-,�.i _E rY. Orde.. Race +Bt., under Prellmina a'....•.....•..•......•....'••...• under Preliminary Order..... �8.7J.2...............approved ...ApY'il, 7,„192}5,.,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.C.QX1Atr'4q,t, A. Aix, f 00t Cement.. tlla . aide�ra lk. nn..bath.. A3.das..o>? . Pleasant . AQ a.. >; r,om .Oita .Aue.....to. . Montreal„Qve. AM. sides,of„yX;sta,Alve:, from.Pleasant.Ave... to, Race St.�„except where„good and sufficient sidewalks. now.exist# ............................_.....................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.,10,pe;` .front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .Ard........... day of ........... TIM9.......... 192,,5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City H�11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota l cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... AP -R- Z $ -19d ....... 192..... . APR 2 ° t92 I` . ............ ..... ......... Approved.........................192...... Ci Clerk. .. . .......... .... ... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 22M90x Sudheimer Councilman Smkkx Hodgson Councilman Wenzel Mayor xxagum Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 59135 COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. By.................................................. .......... ...... .... ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..o.ona.truoting..a..six...foot...o.ement..ti.le..Sid.ew.alk.. ion..the...s.outh side...of..IIilea..Stree.t...from..Cleveland..Avenue....to .Cret.in..Av.enue .................. I.......... ........................... I ....... ......... . ... ......... _......... C. F. No. 69136— .............................................. .... _ In the 1Viatter of cone[ructing a aia foot .cement the sldawalk the ........................................................ ...th .1de of Nnes street from on Ciev...................................................... .and Avenue to Cretin Avenue,.ut. reliminary Order 65763 apps.. ......................................................... _.._. Aprtl 7. 1926........................................................... -TheCoxrt�[l. of the Cltp ................................... .................... ............................................................................................ .......... ............................ under Preliminary Order..__ . ,.58753__ ...........approved ............... April ...7,...1925.................. I.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..O.Ona.trl3Gt...1k six... f.00t...c.ement.. tile sidewalk on..the..south.,side ....Of.. Niles ...Stre.e.t..from._Cleveland Avsnue...to..Gratin..Av.enue,. except..share ...good..and.. suff.i.ci.ent..sidewal,ks...now exist........................_.................. _................................_._................................ ......... _........ . ................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. -- . l..10...per_front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....�rd.. ..... ....day of J.une...__..._ ...., 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............A....PR....2 8 ..............1925................... 19 .. APR2 8192 .................. . ....... ........... Approved ........ _....... .......................192........ ity erk. ......... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Yx= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59136 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. cons.truot.ing. a. aewer..on. Macaleatev. Avenue• •Prom •Sohaff.gr Agenue , t o e„ point. 60 feet„north„0 ..4.tt,Q. AgeMe...... ....................................... C. V. No. 69136— ............... ... ....... Ia the Matter of constructing a sewer on..Macnue to Doter from Schaffer venue tou a under 60 feet north of ” ' " " Otto Avenue, underP�rellminatp� ���������������� 6375nc11 of tb A +n 7. -le yc. ......................................... a.-.;:Ie�etvea tr-:._. - :..:j ....................................................:t................................................ under Preliminary Order .....WMI , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved . ,A Ar11.7., . ],825.................... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.1;matT'upt.A.Aew.er. on Ma oalester.. Avenue. tram. Soheffar. Avenue.. to. a. point .6A. feet. -north. of..Otto. AganVA ,...................................................................... ....................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.,785..00.: . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... Al?d....... day of ...... .Tune ............. 192.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. ,APR . , , , , , . 192..... . APR 2 8 192 Approved.........................192...... ty Clerk. ..�....... .. ..... . . Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Stalk SudFieimer t/ Councilman Wenzel y Mayor ixdgma Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 59137 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... ...... By...................................... ....................... __ ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.grad.i,ng..Alley...in..Blodk..3.1.,...Anna..E.....Ramey 1.a...Ad.dition...... Enlargement -of.,...from. .Ham line .Ave. ..'.to...Syndiaa.te..A.ve..,................................................. C. F. xu. ssiav— ............ In the Matter .f grading Alley In L ...................................................... ._.. _.. -.-I .............. ..... ..... . ...... . Block 31, Anna u- r'?v;. .Ion " ""' ............. Enlargement r - -c r�'..c- - t syndlcat < [I ................................................................. - LU1 i'a:l''.. .................................................................................................................................................................. I..................... under Preliminary Order .......... .58470.. ..........approved........ Mar.Ch..1.9,.:.1925..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 'I* That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grads, ...A.11ey...i,>u.... BiGC.k .3.7,..AnnR E...amsey's Addt,ion.. Enlargement.,oP,_ fpm,.Iiamine,..Ave, toy syndicate..Ave, ......... ........ _ .... _ _ .............................. ................................................................................ _................................ _ ...................................................................................._.. ................ ................. ......... __..... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5....6.59.33 _................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......3rd................day of J11ne.................... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......A..PR ..... `2 .....8..��25................ ...., 192.. .... APR 2 e t9a5 ....... ............................... Approved .........____ ........... .. .........192........ ity C rk. ... ............................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman PK%xx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 p�I 59138 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ....................... By.............. .............. ............................ I ...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.c.ondenning-and taking -an ... eas.ement..in..the...Iand...neo.esaary or.. .0.1ope.a.,—for outa—and.fills in -the gradlAg. of -Alley Rams qY.'.P..Adc.li.tJO.n..Erap.L.rgem.en.t ... of.,_.fr,Wml -Ha ine—Ave to .. ;4yndjc.A.t.o...AV!q. C. F. No. 69139— ............................................................... ad tak ........................................................... eseement land =ry for.ulopes, for cuts and fills in i tll' grading of -Ul6Y tiln .$ lock I ............................ ........ f A... E. R-caftY's A Block 31, Addition nla e . ....................... .................................... —ent of, from Hamjjon .................... .......................... .... P ............................ ............................................ under Preliminary Order.. ... .......... approved —Nar94 .......... I .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...,condeziln. and take grading of.A1 ley in..Baook...32,... Anna.. Ram ey.. 1. S... Additi on..En2a.Lrgemen.t .. of., fr.am..Hamline.. Ave... to -Syndicate. AV0.-,--.in ... a0cor-danoe—With-the bluje ..print.. hereto. h0c.h9d p.orUo;1.1P,..showjAgjhe cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, ............... .... ......... - . ....... �. �. I . . .... I --- ..... ....... ..... .... I ..... I .................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..25-00. ............... . . ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 3rd........... day of June ...... . ...... 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Api? �.8_1.925 . . ........... 192 Adopted by the Council. ............... .. ........ ............. .......... Approved ........ 8, iwf 192 ........ City, lerk. .... .... .. ....... .. . .............. .. .... .. .... ... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald PUS �1 Councilman frxx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE By---- -._..----- --.._.._.._ 59139 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In.the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Alley in Block 2, Den E. Lane's Homesites Plat No. 2, Block 1, Ward's Subdivision and Block 1, Midway Park, from Pascal Ave. to Alb ert Ave. _ APP80VIN0 A98Z39=NTS. C.F. No. 69139- In the matter r , --ent or ne8te.�os•���'� -'.v- under Preliminary Order ......_.._...._.._.._5.6447.._....._.._..._., Intermediary Order ...............5.6849 Final Order _......_ --- _.5.Z3.6.6_..._ ........................... . approved.....__..__._t an...13..,.19.2.5......._............._.xx90_.--- I The assessment of .._beneflts_,costs._and.._exp.ens68.-..-..__.._..___,_„___,...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 26.th........ _..... day of __....--- -May..i_];9.2f)...._._._......_., j8i...... .... . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed APt 2 3 1925 Adopted by the Council ..............._.._ .............._............. .....................191._._. -.............._..............................._....-. ................ ity Clerk. APR 2 s 197 ...........:9 ..........-......._......—_ Mayor. _....._..._—.11......... _........ Councilman FaTnS&5i1%h0lanCy tka-K Ferguson b1ftnd Hodgson lkaiber McDonald f4&V1 Sudheimer =&TakhWenzel Mayor7jxft Nelson Form B. B. 16 4 ZI COUNCIL FILE NO....._.__..._ 59140 By.._.._... .... ............... ................ _.............. ............_......_._.... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Haldeman's Addition, from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. to conform to the red line on the profile - hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley to said grade when establi hed. C. r. No. 69140— In the Matter of the'assessment Of benefits, damages, ca and enees for. changing the graostde of eapAlley in Block s, Haldeman's Addition; from 67,3 under Preliminary Order ...._..._.._....159$'7_.c _._. �,_.. +..............................._....._....... ............. ' _...., St. t Final Order .................. %. .......... approved . _.. An..- .6..... IAM ..... . ......._, � _ The assessment of.b.eria.fil..S..,..... e.08.19..._&.-_eXp8A9.98 .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... ....2.0h. --day of my_,._..1925.................. XM......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APR 2 8 1925 Adoptedby the Council .__.._.._........_..._ ................. _............ _..... ............. 19 L...... . APR 2 a 92 !. ................. City Clerk. Approved......._.__..___..._.._�..___....................191_....... ,� _................_._.....__............... __ ....................1Yor. Councilman FARM90oft Clancy Qki1Kx Ferguson 1#yam Hodgson f xix McDonald ALtkxx Sudheimer ]E:9f,SA689tt= Wenzel Mayor IMOD Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO...____.._..._ a9141 By...... -... ........ _...... _.._.._.......................... ...._............_.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages,costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, E.A. Phinney's Addition, from Oxford St. to Lexington Ave., to conform to the red line 'on the profile hereto attached and made a. part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading and paving said alley to the said red line when established C. F. No. changing'the g58141— - Inbe e8ts, do g •- aoste and sexpenaes for rade of Al1eY In from ock I om Ox[ord St. . poi Lexingtopdnior to conform to the red tlne•. ^' -- nroale hereto nt•,r��•' �- ^• .._ t n, under Preliminary Order .......... _...5 5.6'...:tt::...W;heuen elrmediary' Order............_..S_�8`q............. ....................._............ Final Order............._... ..__, approved..__...__. __Jan -1.3-,.1.9.2....._................, The assessment ofal.4....Qx.p..ena_es.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............_..2Fjt]�.-_......day of �e May.,.192�� ...........................I Aft ........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. in in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total _post thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .................ARR2.._$._t8'�=­­.. .._. APR 2 8 192J . _......._1 �� .... City Clerk. Approved....... _...__.._.._....__..__._.._........_......_....191......... ................. ...._....._............._........ _,.....or. Councilman FaPrifsWFJff>Ei Olancy GLE Ferguson Hdmd Hodgson KMAx McDonald Mtl�ja]!t Sudheimer 1dith Wenz el Mayor Ixib Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE 59142 By...... ... ............................ ...._...__............._...._........._........_...._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of alleys in Block 2, St.Olair St. & Short Line Addition Plat No.l to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading alleys in said block from Osceola Ave. to Fairmount Ave. and from Dunlap St. to North and South Alley C. F. No.-59142— In the -matter of the aseesamdgt- o[ benefits,. damages, costs an8-amn nae.' for chatiging the grade -'.."alleys -in Blk, 2, st. Clair st. & Short I.ine-Ad- ,1Co di ion Plat No. 1 to conform to thy 2� under Preliminary Order 5.x.9 red ]lae oo-he profile-hdreto attach- _.__._,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_-.._, ry _._..._.__......... .. _g.'....._... ed and M i part here— rhe rarer Final Order _......_..._..557.03.._.......... approved .......... _.... .......... .......... xpm_— c The assessment of...._b2n..Pr.flti.s..,..Cl IIa$ejP QO".s...._ ._.._9xpenses........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. 26th..__......day of ............ .......)T..1�12��...._....._........,hC........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. APp2g Adopted by the Council_._....._......._................_.._._._._.__....._.._.191.___ _. ................... I........ ..........-........ ......... ................. City Clerk. APP ?. 6 192 Approved...... _.... _.... ........... _ - _...... _._..................... 191......... Councilman 17fifeifd6ffi$ 0 1c no y 9AAX Ferguson H1)R%Nd Hodgson KW& McDonald &IkisH Sudheimer VJb'dx1'xh Wen zel Mayor IPXtp Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... ____.. D143 By... ..... ....... ...................._._.................................._..........._..._.......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, Costs and expenses for ohanging the grade of Oliver St. from Western Ave. to Gaultier St. to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said Oliver Street between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, under Preliminary Order.........__.5!18.05..........._.._..._.._._..__ , Intermediary Order ..._J.Jr................................................ ..... ....... C. F. No' 69143— Ia the matter of the assessment. of 924 Final Order.........J.QO__......_......_......._....._..._ beneats, damages, eget. and. expense. •._........_!.._...___.57(x__ for changing.th. grade - of Oliver Sc. ..:.from Western Ave. to Gaultler St. to izqonform to .the red line the The assessment of .b.enef.its.,.... _<-her3 g�attaghed.:,'y„ .`tP;,Fu:ytSnS.9.&.__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ............_...`U.tb._._...day of May i ..... 192..5_......_ ..... .................. I x».........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ,'4 Adopted by the Council ....._........_._...............................fid....._..... ......... ... 191._..._.. ........ .._ ...... ...... ........ ..... ... ................. City Clerk. APR 2 0 1925 Approved...... _.... _.__._.___.__._._.__..................... 191......... _._......_._..._.__.............._.._.__........._..:.._..._..--'—-.. Mayor. Councilman MOUR SAItClancy CK"X Ferguson btxbm is Hodgson bikxx McDonald AMx( Ak Sudheimer " xWx*dudrA Wenzel MayoryX&X Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO...—__ By_...._.._.....------------ ..._.................... ............._........__......__._. 59144 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Alley' in Block 59, Desnoyer Park, from Laurel Ave. to Dayton Ave. O. F. No. 59144— I, the matter of the -assessment of benefit s, coats and eaDensea for grading Alley In Block 69,-Pesnoyer Park, from Laurel' Ave. to Dayton. P Ave. under rellminarg Order 664V Intermediary Orde; 66837. Yrinal-.t t...m: '-. .iii. .... under Preliminary Order .............. Intermediary Order.........._...__._5.-6.4.37....._....__..._._.....___...._.., Final Order ...__........_......... 5.73361._._.___._....._....., approved7.�_ell.,.1.92.5...__............. ]t9t1._..-- The assessment of................._bene_ it_B.,_..._coats„_aI1d......expe.Bs.e.s._.._._....._.._..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. > RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... 26th ..... _...... day of May,.1.92.55...._...._._......., 14rbe.........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............_....PR2 $ 1925 191....._. ....................................... A PFT 2 8 1915 ......_. ................ ...._....... City Clerk. Approved.._..._.._._. .... __............. ... ... .............. ........... 191......._ ............ ..................... ._..... ............... .........._,....._.. ..._ _. ayor. Councilman Fazat94idt Glancy QDMM Ferguson HOuct Hodgson , x1ft McDonald T&CU Sudheimer M,13h Wenzel Mayor Ifxj* Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE By............ _................. 59145 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of 'Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, edsts and expenses for grading alleys in Blook 5, Elmwood Addition, from James St. to Falaoe St. and from the Easterly alley to the Westerly alley, C. F. No. 59146— in the matter of the assessment of beneftts. sts and =.eal grading alleys In Block 6.. Elmwood ' Mitfon, from James St. to .r'`h�.r.. 1,ed from the Beet- y.'..terly a1 17"; ,r....,s ,.; :r 66444... 0,%, - under Preliminary Order .............. .......... Intermediary Order ........_5x6 1_......- ........ _ ................... __.... _..... Final Order ..... .......... approved.._.. The assessment of .......... ..§..,..._o..o_sla— And .._BX.pB.T)aes.....................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... _26t11 .... _..... day of Mayr 1925 ;E;M........_. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........_........__..AP.P1.2_." :9125_._... ..... ...191........ .APR 2 S l92_' "'" / e�jjJJ.' .._.........._..... ........._..... City Clerk. Approved........ .... __...-----._.... _.................... 191......... _.......... ....... ..... ........ _............................ -......._.._..._.._..__ ..__ ayor. Councilman &MM09=1 Clancy Gxacx Fergason kxbmt Hodgson V dtaxx McDonald S Kla tk Sudheimer ydGixteym Wenzel Mayor IdWddcx Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO...... o By .................. - ...... ------- - ........... ... . 59146 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost's and expenses for grading Alley in Block 3, Jefferson Park Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, F. Nb. 59146— In of the assessment of the costs -.and expenses for er "' Alley In Block. 3, Je[Cerson Park: Addltlon,. from Pascal j Avenue to Albert Avenue. under Preliminary Or 63I9�naI6, Iatormedlary Order +QZ',_FOM_er ,jb729, nnnr,yi:; 34. under Preliminary Order ............... ...?1v.16..__...._................_. Intermediary Order .......... 553.Q6......._........_............_____'— Final Order .._ ... ........ ....__...._..5�1..729...__...__.._....., approved_....____OCt.,2,192........_._._.... -........... benefits, _costs aPC.. eX eI..... ..............for and in connection with The assessment of ._.........._.._... __. - ......_. .P___.. . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_2( t_ ._..... - ..... day of __.__..........._,_...)Sftr..r.1,�.Fj.............. j8(I.....__�.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. R2c .. Adopted by the Council .._..._....._... ____ .................................. i3___._...._...191....... l .... ......... .......... ................ _.... ._.. City Clerk. Approved...... - ..... ---........ - ....... _------ --.._............. _.191......._ ..... ...... ............ ...................- Mayor. Councilman FxwXmxdh 01ancy GATX Ferguson p &KX Hodgson &tx MQDonald Itackll Sudheimer Vwau6N&x Wenzel Mayor IX*K Nelson Form B. B. 19 COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... ...... _ 5914 By..........._....._ ...... _.... -............... ..-..... ....... ....... _....... -_... ........... , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Block 1, Lane Hospesl Addition, from Duluth Ave, to Lane Place, and from Jessamine St. to East and west Alley, C. F.'No. 59147— In the matter. of the assessment of benefits, costs and eipenees for grad- ing alleys in, Block 1,Lane Hog% -- Addition, [rem.,Duluth Ave. to T�.na Place, and from.Teseamine SL to East. -West Alley_ � filer iPrelim=' under Preliminary Order h ................._......._...56.53.7...................., Intermediary Order _ ........ .57U6 ....... _......_........_.............. _. _-.. Final Order...-__.........._...575.7rL..............___. ___., approved_._....1�I--.-- The assessment of benefit_B.r....cost_8.._aIlCI_.__eaCp_gnQQe...._,.,..._.__..,.,for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. .` 6.th.... ....... day of day.. r_19 5 ............._......, $M............, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...._.............. AR..2...C._{g��n..................191... ...... .......... .......k'�: ..... City Clerk. Approved ..... _....___...____�f F i ; 19...._..191.._..... _..............._............................ Mayor. Councilman F a>A Olancy dam Ferguson pipmyac Hodgson � ~ Wlim McDonald �"j xW&Zoll Sudheimer WxKd&tr& Wenzel Mayor bMi t Nelson Form B. B. 16 - COUNCIL FILE NO...._.____. 59148 By ................... _.._..... _..... .... ...._..... ...._...._---- --...._.......__.._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costa and expenses for grading Alley in Block 2, Louden Park, from Cretin Ave. to Finn Ave., C. F. No. ""8— Ia the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses -for grad- - T�1"' 'g ABey fn�"%,%, 2 Lduden Park, m cretin Aqa to undep rellminary Order 7ntermedl- ';ZrOrder- 666e+ -er -66264, ..A • COste under Preliminary Order ............. ---5 .M..8..._._.................._.__, Intermediary Order..................5-M..�......... _......... ._..---.----., Final Order ......._....rJ626.8....... _...... ...................._, approved...... -Nov .•..... 5.. ..... ISS24 ........... .........$ZRDL..._.. The assessment of ...._benefits,, coats and e-xpenaee for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ......... _.... 26th__ -day of M$.y.s.,...1,9`�n�? ....................._........, Z%XL......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council......__...AP-R-2..{,._IM: .._.....__ __......191..._`. . .............................n---:ayor. .. City Clerk. APR 2 8 1925 Approved......_..._._._.........._.__._.._...__.._..._..........191......... _...:................---:....._....................._�.._ ayor. Councilman &MOVAJOL Clancy x4mx Ferguson xxjmmK Hodgson *dkxx ' McDonald 9QtWA Sudheimer xx%iYrami Wenzel Mayor]d%= Nelson Form B. B. 16 VMUSIiED - COUNCIL FILE NO.._.__..-. 59149 . . . By ... ........ __._..............-............... _........... ..... ..__....._......._.__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exoenses for grading Alley in Block 6, J.A. & W.M. Steest Addition, from Oypress St. to Earl St., C. F. No. 59149— In the matter of the assessment of benefits. sts _d aspens.. for grading Alley in Block 5; J. A. & W. ffi. lees' Addttlon,from Cypress -.$t, to Earl 3t., under -1 110 I.or - 56534, Intennedlary order` under Preliminary Order .... ...._........56.53.4___.._........_ ___ _., Intermediary Order ...... _... SZR.35... -........... Final Order ........_......_.......... 5.7.48Q...._.__..__..._........, approved..t1an.,.2Q., _....... ..xm The assessment of .............. ...._bem.elit.6..,..co_Ii.t.gL.._anS1..._QxP.-e..I1.$_.s..................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 26th........-_ .... day of ...............May,. 192.5........_...._........ its.-.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed A.PR 2 g 192! Adoptedby the Council............................................................. ...__................191........... ........ _..... ._ .._........._._ ..._..... ...... City Clerk. ............ APR 2 8 192'„ Approved......- -- - -- - - -.._._._..........191......... _.._._ ... ......... ..._............... ... .. .........._...t_._. _ Mayor. Councilman FXIbTmffmh 01 ancy " 749M Ferguson bdalxtxk Hodgson 4 K&KIX McDonald -d WMAI Sudheimer PlJ81AST�p uAAMM Wenzel Mayor ky; R Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO ................ By...... ........... _... _.... _...... -............... ........... _............. ..._.......... ... 50150 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expensesV for grading Eleanor St. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to Cleveland Ave., C.F. No: 69160— --_ In the matter of the assessment of tone" % coats and expenses for grad. Jug Eleanor 8t. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Omer 64021, Intl --diary Order 66829,E Final Ort= " it, aDProved Jan. .13, 1926. " The asaesamr - - under Preliminary Order ............. _......._..._.__......_....___, Intermediary Order ...___5j.68X39........ ..... ..._....... ...._......... ..._........ ... Final Order.._......._..........._5735.5._................._......, approved........ __.jan...13...,.1925._._..........5$�1.- The assessment of bene_fit_s.,..._co_st sand ._._eap 6n@es".."."......._........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............26t,11......_......day of _ " _.". may_,}92.5..... """."...... " at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Q ►92 5 __........_... Adopted by the Council....__....._.._....ARR 2 ............__............__._....... 191. _../.._ ............................................... ................... City Clerk. APR 2 8 11�2F Approved......._..__._..._._._....__—. ...... _...... ................ 191_....... Mayor. Councilman F71=m9Ah Clan Cy CrOXF Ferguson Izyukl Hodgson qAW McDonald 14AcfM Sudheimer •• yj�hl9enzel Mayor Ixvxa. rel son Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO . ........ ........ _.__ Jf1 1 a By_.- .............. _............ .......... ..... .............. ...... .... ......... ......... ......... ..... X71 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Cots and expenses for changing the grade of Frank St. from Magnolia St. to York St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Frank St. from Magnolia St. to York St. under Preliminary Order .... .._.__..........._5.29.51..___._ ............. Intermediary Order ..._............_5.43_6.$_. Final Order ............... ........._.-5.4924..._....__. _......, approved........ Dec. 17.z�924. ....... The assessment ofs benefits costs and expenses _ ..............._..._........_._ --._---� �.—.._......... ..for and to connection with the above improvement having been subr C. m, xo. s9I6t— cil having considered same and Ia the matter of theassessment of benefits, costs and expenses for found the said assessment satisfactory, thl changing the grade of Prank 9t. from '[: to York St. to conform �`1'line Lerhe8 profile hereto RESOLVED, That the said assessment e a ,nd made a part hereof; the 'especta approved. •t4 bliahed grade being. - blue tlae thereon, also RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing c=; rank t. b ,ngn - It on the ............ _2.6th...__....day of •Iq.mediarny Order a.1ge Dp .:: __..__......iay.r.1925 ....._... x I'm at the hour of I 0 o c�*6 "'" +RV+` Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directe*PR 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council APR 2 a ±g< z Approved ....... _... __._.— ..... _____.._--- ----------- ........ _.... 191_....._ Councilman 124T aTARK olancy am Ferguson Hxbmix Hodgson Ramex McDonald bfte dl Sudheimer V(d K&akah Wenzel Mayor k9fix Nelson Form B. B. 16 ........................191.......... --'—----- ._.... - - - - --------- ............ ............ City Clerk. _............... _... . . ........ ..................... I ........... --'---. yor. piJFiL I COUNCIL FILE NO ... ................. _ By ...... ....... ...... ...................... ............... ............... ......... ......._............... 5152 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving , Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Michigan St.from Webster 9t. to a point 60 feet east of 3t. Albans St. under Preliminary Order ...._..___........._��9_1....__..___.........., Intermediary Order . .......... ._...._..76._.._ .............._..___............ Final Order .........321approved......_. Sept .�i.a.�=9�1..-- The --- The assessment of..........._benefit_e_,_Cost-e.._3II— Bx�_ene... ...........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been C. F. No. 69162— ouncil having considered same and ,,..the matter of the assessment of found the said assessment satisfacto bene.ta, costa and eapenses for sun- ry strutting a sewer on Michigan street from Webster Street .to a point 69 feet east of St. Albans St.. under RESOLVED, That the said asse -Preliminary Order 46941, Tnter^ t all respects approved. ary-Order 47644; Final or appreved SeDt..B, 3923 RESOLVED FURTHER. That 4, ,:: aseoymeny Z nab on said assessment on the ............ _.26th ... _...... day of .............._......__pi<ay,..1.921-5-........, Imo . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...........A__PR.2r...H...j}`a1S...........................191........ �....... ................ ... ... ................City Clerk. APR 2 e iq-c Approved............ ____._...._._._—._........ ..................191......... g Councilman F1d3 Qlancy . Gpgae Ferguson Hy1m& Hodgson KFeMW McDonald Ng m6K 8udheimer V"MilahWenzel Mayor>l*VNX Nelson Form B. B. 16 V - JZ 59153 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.eondemning...and.. s.king... the ...la nd.............. ...neoessary...for....slopgAa... oT.-,Cllt,s..and...fills---in-..gT.tding..�-1 .�X-.. 1I ........................ B1ock...41, AcademyAve ...... to...Ke' eth..Ave........................ Ander Preliminary Order .57.+..15............ approved Intermediary Order...54.39 F. ---•-•-, approved .......... T•dar-10q.1_s-.5... i O In the Matter of condemning and tak- Councilman iMbm& Hodgson Ing an easement In the land neces- eary for elopesfor -cuts -and file In McDonald Councilman M7[4h]il grading Alley in Block 4, Academy heights, from Cleveland Ave. to Couneilman NAMI&'34ot Wenzel Kenneth Ave. under Preliminary Or- The Commissioner of Finance havinj der 5741b, approved Jan. 13, 1926, Ia- termedlary Order 68304, approves matter as to the amount of Afar. 10, x926. The Oommlaelonor of Finance having damages awarded for the taking of the lal submitted hie report In the abovemat- ter_ as_ to the amount of aamn:e; .d for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having sBinitted his assess',; <:-t of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..................25th............ day of ............._M04Y.13-25.....-._191......., at ten o'clock A. \f. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.....A.P ..................... ---------------------- Fo 2 T, su, / City Clerk. Approverr---.._................._..........:.`.:.:..... 191........ , r ..-_................................................ ..........................-`------------ Mayor. Councilman F Clancy Councilman 19affi Ferguson Councilman iMbm& Hodgson Councilman BEIYeB McDonald Councilman M7[4h]il Sudheimer Couneilman NAMI&'34ot Wenzel Mayor IX5ij Nelson '� -' 59154 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.condemning.__and__ taking --- n_..qae.gment-..131ths,..Ia,zldIaTA ...................... necessary___ fu_. slopes ,_ -_for_.. cuts.._ and fills___in..&r.ad ng-.�7 ey,-.-� ........................ Dollege-Par,-Block1-,._.Ex.....................................lrr ______________________ Rearrangementfrom Pierce St. to ............................................................................................... ................................ --.............................. ander Preliminary Order. .....5-2419............ approved tL?in.,13,.19.25......., Intermediary Order.5630.6 .......... C. F,No.,69164_... I March 10 1 2 In tha g talc approved ............................. ).-.......� Matter of condemnin and Ing an easement in the land- necra carp -.for gge, for cute and flils'Ya Park Blo ko 1, In Block 2, College gQnatte,e " Ezoemlefor Park and Rear. r Pierce 8t.'to'Fryrom' The Commissioner of Finance hab5tw order ray, ore caport- rnf:�u: above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore he it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........-26th.....................day of ............My -,.1.9-25-_-.. ... ...XW1-..-----, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council......._�P-......��.. ....................... APR 2 �� „ ......_ .....3 ........ - City Clerk. Approve[,................................................. 191........ ................. ....... - . ..... ....L�f(Saf Y Mayor. Councilman ftMvmKxW Olancy Councilman doom Ferguson Councilman and Hodgson Councilman ljelkK McDonald Councilman B003 l Sudheimer Councilman WAR& ekat Wenzel MayorIamimt Nelson i 59155 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In, the hatter of.-condemninG and taking an easement in the land necessary--fo.r.-slopes, for...cuts. and -_fills -in grading..Alle-ys--in_Block 6, Lanele Phalen G -rove Addition, from Clear St.. -.-to- Cotta e St..and fxam.. Mendota ..S.t.—.ta...Noxth...and...South..Alley,....-.................................................. _................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- --- - -- - under Preliminary Order........ 5.7.023..._....., approved .De-o..i..6.,i924...., Intermediary Order 5,1300 q C. P. No:. 59156- - - - approved.......... Ma:r..J0.,-!W5_ In the Matter of condemning and tak- tng-an easement in .tete landneoes- e�ry for slopes, for cutaaadflne in grading Alleys In Block 6,.. Lane's Phalen Grove Addition,. from Clear St. to Cottage at, andMendota - St to North and South Ail[rpmey, 'ander The Commissioner of Finance having. fs Pua Order4. $ °oca °j matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easemenfs'fSere-iii appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................. a tii..............day of .............Zay-,1. 25} ----------- SSS...__., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............... AFR.2. 3..1925 ......-- 19 /f A PP. 2 2 1125 City Clerk. Approves..... .-.........................._._...., 191....... ..................... _............ _.........-..... -...................- Mayor. Councilman FE2=o3%h Clancy Councilman GTAX Ferguson Councilman H§ M8 Hodgson Councilman fdIFer McDonald -- '�`-- Councilman DEW Sudheimer Councilman Waxterlill Menzel Mayori� Nelson 59156 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of e?,s.ement. in the l.and .............. . ...... .. ... ....... necessary for slopes, for cuts a -n -d f 1118 in gvk0AAg..A!1u in .. .. ..... .. . ..... . MPPX Addl.tion,.fxotm --- 0.reAin Ave . . .... ta ... F.im..A.me . ........... . ...... ----------------------------------- - ................................................... ............................................................................. I ---------------------- under --------------------- under Preliminary Order 5774 . approved Teb.!-3,1995 Intermediary Order..5.630.z approved........._..March 10,1925 C. F. No. 59166y ................................. In the Matter of condemning and tak Ing an easement In the land see.- sary for slopes, for. cuts and,fills in grading Alley In Block S. -1,ouden Park Addition, from Cretin Ave. to Finn Ave. under Preliminary Order 57788. apprdoved,Feb. 3. 1926,; Intar- matter as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance havin "rj (114� ora 58302, approved March damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropAW6d for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and file same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the --------------------26th. ---- day of .............. YsY.-,-l9-25--I= at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ........................ Approves..-----------------------------------.. , 191 Councilman FWrTJYToTf& OlanCy Councilman 45ss Ferguson Councilman EgMW HOdgSOrr Councilman Z)Mr McDonald Councilman 9604-1 Sudheimer Councilman Ntmilm-Nd Wenzel Mayor ldij Nelson ..... ....................... 191., ------- ------ . ......... - .. .. . .......... .. ...... .. City Clerk. .......... ......... . .. ..... . .. Mayor. 59157 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. condemning. -_and. _t_aking_ an._easement•..i.n the -.land ...................• for cuts fills sin gradiglein Bloc -. _, ___.- —1 — 9, Si nson!,s-.Boulg.VAg4._Addition._and-..Block-.2•,..-Joh}�...j,t--.W�lsgn!s__Wggdc• -- f rom._Gr igga -- 9t.,-.- t o.•-$pnd i cat e•_Ave .., under Preliminary Order......... 57$Q.6........., approved Feb_.4,1925.........., Intermediary Order5.310 ar.10 , 19 2 C. F. No. 59157— BpprOVed....iL......._..........._......5......... In the Matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land neces- enry,for-slopes, for cuts and flus In grading Alley In Block 9, Stinson's Bm�leva.rd Addition. and Block 2, Wilson's Woodcrest, from The Commissioner of Finance havin su: m�syndleate Avss., under above matter as to the amount of g - d 57800. v RDroved f •r 1. nn. _`"L damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..................2_6t1;............. day of ......._Mays 395.....___----491........, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .....A.PR.2..e..r925------- -------------------- 191.. ' - s City Clerk. Approve([..... ...-_PR.......`..-1 g%`'.....: 191........ ............................. ......................... I ..... ......... -- -- ..... J Mayor.' Councilman !W5&1gohth Olancy Councilman Gmxx Ferguson Councilman $FAM Hodgson Councilman ICK"X McDonald Councilman Mix Sudheimer Councilman Wndall 4. Wenzel MayorIxdm Nelson 59158 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In'the matter of condemning 3nd..taking..an_easement._.in.,the- land,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„-_,- necessaxy for slopes;, for outs_ and... fills.._in..grading._A],ley._in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,, Blo ck..-7...... HAdd itio n,...................................... r ' n5 ............ e ............................. k r o ot..--51.71 a t-+-----------------1................................-- ..................------------------................... .............. .................... •-- .....................------..............._..................------...............-- under Preliminary Order 5.V . �'............... approved 44. t; ' 1.92....,. , Intermediary Order.56.29.8.. 1Rar.1C lQ2 C. F. No. 6916&— i approved ...................... �....�?.5........ In the Matter of condemning and utak- Ing an easement In the Ian d•neees eery for elopes, for cuts and fills a` grading Alley 10- Block 7. ware & $Daps@= Addition, .from 9t. Albans Street -,to Front Street, under Pre- 11,-", -' OI lermedlarya Order d6 j The Commissioner of Finance h ung st- lsfs. ne above matter as to the amount of of Tame - he .` damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements tLorein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -------------- 26th .............. day of ..-....-..94Ya-1-92-5 - - -- = - at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of Said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council..............R� 92 ..:_1$.....-........- P 19 APR q �.� - - .. .......� _ ........... ...f25, 15, City Clerk. Approver............................. .................. 191........ _.... ......---........................................:.......... Mayor. Councilman Whezmift Qlano Councilman Dr erguXon Councilman Hjxmw Hodgson Councilman ;c McDonald Councilman No= Sudheimer Councilman WJE&#k1Wenze1 ��. �•+_ Mayor Nelson 59159 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...condemning _.and taking an easement in the land ........................................ necessary-_for_-slopes.,._--for.cuts and fills in grading Hand Ave. from .... I .................. Nebraska Ave. to Idaho Ave. ............._......_...._------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ...1769 .............., approved .. ran. 2.1.t.�9:2........., Intermediary Order..5�31s Har .10 1 2 C. F. No. 69169— approved...........................a...g... rJ..- m the matter of eopdemning and tak- ing an easement in the land necee- -7 for elope., for cute and fills in grading Hand Ave. from Nebraska Ave. to Idaho Ave., "nnder Praumin- cry Order 67649, apDroved Jan. 27, The Commissioner of Finance hal 1926, Intermedlary Order 68316, ap. P1926, Mar. 10, 1926. "- !have matter as to the amount of ��-Cnm-•+���^F--nf .Finance bavic damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements ffrbyiv appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............... 26t]7.---- ----------- day of ... .......... ..-.MaYs192.5.-...$1........, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.....°25 . F 1 .... . ....... ...... -/ - ...... APR 2 S 1925City Clerk. _ Approver.-...._ ...................................... 191....... ......................... ..... Councilman PeMMM Olancp Mayor. Councilman OW Ferguson CouncilmanA3Y= Hodgson Councilman 1 McDonald Councilman WdUZR 8udheimer Councilman 19%n AM Wenzel Mayor kxWx Nelson 59160 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.....condemning_.and.._taking.-an,.easeme�lt....J.i1...t.kie....l.=d ..................... neces_sarY...for elope.g.. for..cut.q...AGA ._fills ... in,..grading.............................................. _... ............. - ......Kenn.axa._pt.a...from...xaxgaset...S.t.....ta...Third..8.i........................ ........................... ...................... aet... ki,ft.Yl.._$1..._irom.._Germskn.9t- to ........................... East Fourth St.from Germain St. to Kennard St. ............................................ -----...........................•----..----............................... ---- ..................................... .... ........... ............................. .. .-- ..................... ...................... ........................................................ ................ -.... under Preliminary Order ....... .......... , approved JAA.r_21.419?5-....., Intermediary Order-5.a.3.i-4 ......... 10 1 25... c F. No. 69160- approved..........Mar ._................�........in H10 Matter of eondemninsI. ana tax- I Ing ah easementthe 1-4 for cuts and fineInt 'grading slopes, St. to Third at.` East LR[th 6t. �rom .Germain st-.td Ke... nd St and East The Commissioner of Finance ha� n rd�s8tun,erGPreamin St. to fie�above matter as to the amount of 67696 app, d As 2� damages awarded for the taking of the land ox easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................ ?61rA............... day of ............... Yg. V ? 192.5........�i-- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council................PR.2..e_194............ --- 191 1 PR 2 3............... City Clerk... 19x� Approver,.................... ....... •.................... 191........ Mayor. Councilman FAtx9NWh Clarity Councilman Gass Ferguson Councilman A#lUd Hodgson Councilman lEgilx McDonald Councilman Wift Sudheimer Councilman 3ppAftlRc1 Wenzel MayorIwixx Nelson 59161 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.....condemning and taking en ea.aement„ in.the land ,,_-- ne.Qess.ary.-...fox...51op-M.) for....cut.13 and...fills ...in...gra ding..Maw., a.0 ....................... t.Q...S.I.Way--.9.t..-................................................. ....................... _....... under Preliminary Order ........5.1�J26........ approved 4R99,19252. )�termediary Order.5M6----....., C. F. No.b9181— approved .............Xazo]1...1Q. 19 2 1m tha Matter of cond-1111; and talc- ► 5 ' ing an easement in the land ne-es nary for eloped for Cuts find fills ip grading Montreal Avenue from W. enth at. to Elway at., under Pre - 'nary Order 67628, approved Jan. 1926; -Intermediary Order .68296, The Commissioner of Finance having sui:ir'c tun ,el T2s. knee havlpo L matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.......2 -th.......................day of .............M' ay,192 5 ...........19070....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council...........APR 2..1925___ 19 .t..... J� .......... APR 2 6 192E City Clerk. Approver,................................................. 191........ A - ... ................................... f..) . Mayor. Councilman bkmmmildholanoy Councilman G=K Ferguson Councilman Boma Hodgson Councilman 1ialbm McDonald Councilman fudhemer �F el enze Councilman Mayors Nelson 59162 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of qqpgepp,in and taking an easemetrt in the land necessary ........................ ............................... .............. cuts and fills i ..gp��i4nROral e Street from Arcade .................. .......... Orange .................. . Arcade St.to Forest St. .......................................................... .......................................... — .......................... I .................................................................. ............................. .......... ..................... ............................. under Preliminary Order 5.79.99 ......... ........................................... ------------------------------ ----------------------------- aunroved, �P9--L;�9�?5-- Intermediary Order approved Mar .11 ....... ...6—Ing and tak- 1.9. a.m.. 1. the lead ....a- .,.'_.�fjr cu sand fill. in gr.�if Street -from Arcade nlr Or.... St. to Forest St.. ad,r PrOlml n.ry, The Commissioner of Finance -h Order b7"" .. d Feb.'19, 1925, jtprme,d1,a,r2y. Order 58�44:, appll*ved 11 5. �.bove matter as to the amount of The GomrO.10,r damages awarded for the taking of the i�,� .'Zr easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ----------------- aftii ............. day of ....................May. 19.2.5. -.-= at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .......... AFP..a-a.-iq25 .... ... .............. 1 191. ..... ...... ....... .......... 401erk APR 2 9 1925 city Approverr.. ......... .............................. ........ 191 ..... . ............................................ Mayor. Councilman FMW41arl0y. Councilman GM Ferguson Councilman Rylm& Hodgson Councilman Kdkr McDonald Co Sudheime uncilman XWOM r 7 Councilman JftxdWKc1Wenze1 _„x MayorIftz Nelson 59163 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Cc emning-.and taking an ._easement-.-in._the land.................. nece a Bary-. for-.- slope s.t-..for-. cuts - and fills , in..grading......................... ,.......... .,,.___._. Scheffer _Ave, from_-.8nelling-.Ave-.....to .Underwood _Ave. .... -.......... -.............. ..... Yacalester Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Scheffer Ave. and _.__._.................. --------..................................................-----------..... ---....................--•--....,.......•-- ........_Underwood._Ave-'---fr4.m._$.Rheffer...9Ve ...to. HW tford.:A.Y.e.x...................................... under Preliminary Order....... 5.659.4.........., approve4!0— Q.r-.4........., Intermediary Order.501?-........, approved....... rch 1J-,_1 25 In Fhe No. 69 r of condemning and tak-' Ing an easement in the land eces- Bary for elopes, for cuts and 011e in grading Scheffer Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood Ave. AlTleater Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Scheffer The Commissioner of Finance havin Ave. and Underwood Ave. frnr;,Jve matter as to the amount of Scheffer Ave. to Hartford Ave. tu.' Preliminary Order 66694, aPr-_ Nov. 20,. 1924, Intermediary - damages awarded for the taking of the In The2Comml elonMaroi F, 1 propriated for the above improvement Ing eubmitte' y,. ,eport In matter as and to whom payable; and also having 'a uis assemm"eiit of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................ 26.th.............. day of ............. May, .1.925-.. ..... .JS at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR21� Adopted by the Council....-- -- ............ ...... §.. 19 .... A Pe t A % " / %� City Clerk. Approvet,......_................. ....................... , 191..---- Alayor. CouncilmanRlRh 01 an cy Councilman ( tma Ferguson Councilman A�IRW Hodgson Councilman Zd1W McDonald Councilman 1Wagill Sudheimer Councilman Waa¢kidickWenzel Mayor Ir#�p Nelson 59164 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..eondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for...aloge.s,....fox...aut.e}....at�d..f,,.i�.l-la--•� _Josephine..8.t.....tP..Fairview. Ave-..,...................................................................................................... - ............................... .............-- ................. -- under Preliminary Order ........... 5.7.764......., approved Tel?...11.192-5.......... Intermediary Order.... j0 ......, approved ........March ...1Q,.1925 = — C. F. No. 69194— ad tak- IninheM matter L't in e the land neces- The Commissioner of Finan( grading eloyee, for cute and etre (n grading 6tanford Avenue from los the above matter as to the amount of ghine at. to Falrvi Ave..''rnn ..;,pretimlasry Order. �,'._.-,. damages awarded for the taking of u comm( sie cements tbefein appropriated for the above improvement '-tedohilhr•, and to whom payable; and also having.or-..!ed his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................. ?4tb.............. day of ........... MaY.al.Q.25 -------------- M.......-, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. A PR z e Adopted by the Conned. .......- -.... .. . ........IW5--------- -- ................, ...... n A PR 2 g 1525 City Clerk. Approver.......... .......... ..... ............. ....... , 191........ CJ ) ----- ...... .--...................................................... . Mayor. Councilman FWN144igh 01 ancy Councilman (fib Y Ferguson Councilman 1141und HOggson Mc Councilman lam onald Councilman ANI Sudheimer Councilman NRmIalld Wenzel llfayorlxig Nelson . 59165 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... g 4ad . ,and,pavi.ng-the,MissisQAPRI,Riye,>ti-HQt}1AYpx4L,,,,, .from. the..FRxt . snella.ng. &xi dge. A-= aaa..to..W., . Reventh .8.t ...including..... ea�es,..watex..and.gas. nonnact.ions..fxmatxeet.=i.na.to. onaperty.li.nea.. alaQ..ouxbing.and.pa.Ying.dri,vaway..... and alley,, apur�aches,.???F.6..pAessliY ............................................... ..................................................................................................__... under Preliminary Order.......... F14 36. ......... approved .. ..................... The Council of the City of S c a No. sstss— of the Commissioner of Finance upotl�, the above improvement, and hay, rn the Mauer oc- sramng p a P-" s' resolves: 1. That the said report be : from thtesForla-tp�Bnelltng srBtasa�Av proach to W. Seventh sr 1. cmamg nd adopted, and the said improvement ' is hereby ordered to be proceedea Rrwer, water ana gas connect oo: street mains to props t•, " : 2. That the nature of the imprui ece wqT trecommends isgT4d2, and,Pa4e, the ??k9aiS.siRpz.Riv.er..Bcaul.e.vard. �rnm..the..�axt.:Sne119.ng. Hsir3ga . Approach. to. W...Seventh St,�..i,net.tl�i,1,r,�.pey,:�Fo-.??a:�@x.2�Si.ga�Q..Qonneo.tinna.�xolu..6tSeAt. grains to property linea, complete,,_where„not„already. made,,, also, curb}ng and paving drinerray„and alley„approacnes,,,�shere ............................. ..................... :......... .......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. RQ .3 7.0 40 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 9th ......... day of ... , , . , .. , June , , , , , ., 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.APF? 2 Ty ......... 192...... Q -57 Approved...... v"a................ ..192...... i Cle Mayor.., , JCouncilman Clancy °€ ✓Councilman Ferguson ✓Councilman ml�sam Hod son Councilman Wenzel Mayor 123dgmix Nelson.�� 59166 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...t.Uing..q?? . case sent, , }r}, ,tete ,land, necessary for,aiopes,,,cuts nd,fills„in,the. grading.and..paving of the Lfississinpi River.Boulevard.fro.m the Fort Snelling Bridge Approach to W. Seventh ........................ Street c. F. No. ss>es— In-tge Matter of condemning and tak . .. • . lag an easement In .is and 111. neces- sary for elopes. for cuts and nils in , the grading and Paving or the P'..:: ”""""""""""""' ""'pp' River Bohlevard_- Eort spelling BrldgpAppr,' ................ .................... ......::. 4t., under PM11.:.................................... .-add March 11 J-pr`'h. C,' under Preliminary Order ............ 5 3 ..7........app.r, ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemer is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. cQjldem;i ,1n�3, t3kE, an easement„i<Z,�MB. IA40,ngPessQ;r.y„icX, sjones,,,;C.QT„cuts. and, dills„in. grad— ing,enci,p2,ving, o„tl��,�¢sgj,gsipl��„Rl,p,�F„�ou� ev,��d,.rom„the. Fort Snelling Bridge„a�proach.,to 4;,Seventh 3treet,.in accordance with the ..................... blue print,hereto.attached„and..ma.de._a_part,hereofr..the hatched portions showing the cuts old the shaded portions showing the ..fills ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s.25. -QP ., , , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 9:44...... day of June. 192.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That:the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. � u :�2` ....... 192...... !J Adopted by the Council ........ . .......... . .. I.....`� . �.a�.. L ........192...... / .. 'ity C rk. Approved ................. Mayor. 59167 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ...... o� tA. si de..Qf..A=A A. Avenue . dram. White. Boar, Ave... to ..west..si.de..o.f.......... Lot p Block 1 Hazel Park, AdditiionC. F. x. 69167- ....... /. 7...... ... ... f........ .... .. ...... t .. .f... 1n the aMatter of constructing a .1. ..........• foot cement the sidewalk on the •. north aide of Amos Ave. from White ................ "ear Ave. to west side of Lot 9, Block 1, Haae1 Park Addnjon,.under PrellminarY Order 68860, ............................ April 14: 1926. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Counr':of the latY o. Y. `r e"1, the report I; ............................................................... —r .. h•- ...................... under Preliminary Order .......... 56.$60 .......... approved ..... APXLi.14.,19.25 ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... Co11StrUCt, A. six. fost„cement„tile, si. ewalk, pn„the, north, side, oA.M.9A,Ayenue, from White Bear Ave: to west side of Lot. 9x Bloc? 1, hazel Park AdJition, . except, where, gopd..I?a. su.1 e? eAt..gde.�swl k.4. AgSr.. exi.Qt......................... .............. ............................................... .......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 911a ....... day of ..... June, . , , , , , , , , , , „ 1925..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...? , .'`..":9 ......, 192...... Approved... aiT. I.':�4 ......192...... �... City k .. ....... . ... . .......... Mayor. L--touncilman Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson r-,.._.,:,_., R v Councilman MMT Hodgson v Councilman Wenzel _MayorIZKWWB Nelson Form 59168 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofcondemning and taking an easement--.in-.the._land..-„- necessary for -slopes, for _cuts and.. fills in.._ grading._ andgrayeling;--.-.,.,... ..of...Quincy..gt....frm.... ave.......t.Q Q13.age.-.at......aX1.d..0gage...,St—from........... Quincyst to...South.._St..................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .........57..}11........... approved .l3i) .20.1925....., Intermediary Order........�jLSll2�--, RBHOLIITIOF -OS WUNCIL APPgob� approved. --------Marg 17 1 2 -TNIMEM ABBE99MEFT .ApD BIS"T a--• T.ON OB'�BaIARINOIN, CO-42IFA. TTON PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No, 69168— - m tee matter of Condemning and tats- ve matter as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance havi fang au easement In tb6 land ea nec-. ary for aloyea.tor cute andflnr:- "�g and graveling } damages awarded for the taking of the land oic.1 argente„ n .i, n klip6priated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .......... ....2nd- ................ day of _._..-.. J11ne,192__.........._M----.... at ten o'clock A. Al. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. APR z Adopted by the Council .................. . . .............. .................... 19 --- ;;� Approveo..... .............................._ _..... .. 191....... V Councilman BUamx'nntk Clancy 'Councilman C@Ecx Ferguson Councilman EKM -Gotmeilmau OPA Hodgson 34Oae33®3cL t Councilman TIMM* Wenzel Mayortxipx Belson J City Mayor. PUBL13kl',dD �15� �z 59169 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....condepinin2,-,end..t-�k.ung,_1A easements,,,, R.,,t.] �,_a d,,,nec,�sa xy for--_slopes-,--_for.. cuts__, and__.f ills„_in_:grading-.,and,,,paving„ o f„Alle,y„ in ,,,,,,••-•-„• Block,__ J 23,..- Summit,,, P_nrk., Addi t i onan d -._o s_enb...P ..-,- Dysart,!,s -_R�arrangement•,,-- from Milton St.to Victoria St. and from Victoria St.to the klley .................................................... .............................. in Block 23, Summit Park Addition ............................. . .. - ............----- ............ under Preliminary Order. ...-....!±9924......... a roved _D 04'27.1923--- Sot rmediary Order...51695--....-, March 11,1924 i thexo- sslss— matter of condemning the I and tak- approved......._ :..... ..................__..... Ing an """'1 11 the load necea- .arr In: atone.. r.r tc and-dn.an sradlnsana vnrfbg of auer fn sfomr 22, summit Park Addltlon and jc%e p P. Dysart's Rearrangement, from Mfl-- torla St. �thelalley81n-Block 2 matter as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance having Summit Park Addltlon unser Preum (nary Order 49924.-aDPrgved Nov. 27 .-':•'24. Intermediar.'-order 61886, damages awarded for the taking of the laud or°1 ed Marc I ,tiers gted for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............ 2.nd...................day of ............Jl a ,.1.92.5 .......... 1......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .................................. ..'..................... .. �p I �aPR G Cit Clerk. Aroyen..---.............._.......-..._......, 191......-. pp , ........._.....- - ...................... Councilman FOlanc Mayor. � agr$ Y Councilman GAgz Ferguson / Councilman >gy(tH1Fd Hodgson 6'6kHYili&ate-SY-�r ••Tin rl aiA �/ i+Jt/ Councilman NV49445A Wenzel /'MayorIK*k Felson 39170 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter ofcondemning and -.-taking_8n_easement...for, oonstuQ.t.7 Ag.......... andmaintaining a public aewer_.on.,._, under. and.acros.s..-the...right-nY-way _of__the_Northern Pacific Railway ... on_.the..liaerof..Magnolia.-Stre.et...between . Aurnquiat Avenue. and Pro sp.erity..Avenue,.. ............... under Preliminary Order... _57473 _ ._ , approved. Jan -15,.1..925, Intermediary Order...... -57956----- , Feb .1 1 2 approved............._.......7.s. ..9..5.--....-..I RATIFYING ASSESSErC N o DIDpIRATION PDOOE®DINGS• A public hearing having been head a -9170— bion of the lands or easements therein, er of for the above improvement, and thethere"YSi snd also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved furtho,r, that the said assessment of benefits, be, and the safne is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the_District Court for confirmation. Be it furthei Resolved that the ajd assepulent be and it is hereby ,determj4efl to-be'pay ble in y --- equal installments-as'to eachr-parcel(of land describ d therein. APR 2d486 Adopted by the Council ------ --.--._.._---------------------_................ ......, 192-.--.-.- A �c: a i;1 ' _ ���, r. � ", ity Clerk. Approved ...................._----_ ............................... 192.. B I- V'Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson /Councilman Hodgson C ou n c i lm m r-Sudheirner r Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson ) Mayor. i atTTrIsiit G`%�-5 j v 591'71 C. F. No. be171.-y_ In -the matter. of condemnlag and tnk l.g. an..enaemeaa for ,ad tlag aad.malntalntng: ayvbllo newar..ov.' Under. and across thv rlght_a' may ot '4he Northern pact a Ra11 ay -on. the,, floe o[ Magaoan at...between Born- -67968 approved Feb:017�YVII;OCEEDINGS. FINAL ORDER I ed Jan 16, 1826, Informs ' .Reao,v - In the matter of._CODdeIDa1.A9.- end_ tPkiTl�.-_{tII and m ainj .-zf-way— of the" Northern PaoiYi4•_.Ra les9 q #� J.l,.ie_of Magnolia-atreet__—^_.— betareen Bnqu$t_s�l�l]e_aAd__$acS?lLe�C.lty.AFenue.,------------ ........ __.u_ under Preliminary Order ...... ..... 5747.3._._, approved_ tri •15-,_.19?.�Intermediary Order -5.7256 ........ ............ pproved..__Feb-17,1925 a_._ ...._._......_. ........ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__ -_.__--.- ,r, condemn and take an easement for aonetruati and main t_ain_i_-g a publio-.-sever-.on, -under&_ across the ri9ht_Q1_—W,-ef-the_ Northern Paoifia Ra11iR�_Q�}��1i>lae_Qf-Magnolia._6.trset._betse:ea-�urnquflt_-.------ _.�-, Avenue and (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:__._ ............. ................... __.—.__ On under and _aeroas the _ag#�f-A8V Of tl�e�iosChe�Paoifio_Railwa� on the line of Magnolia Street-bA-bm a Bmjnauist Ave- nd--Pxoep T (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein have been ratified and confirmed. APA a s 1925 Adoptedby the Council _...... ,.-.,._... _........... ....................... ............................ 1_._.. APR 2 8 1925 ............. ._ ..... __-:....__ 'ity Clerk. Approved _._.............. _............ _........... _....................._. 191 .......... -t �)o Ma o Clancy 1✓C947(9640:ffi1lPerg1180n ]CtBsa 'Hodgson NMms 9ditdl Wenzel ✓ Mr. President, 3tIdtaw Nelson J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. ..eondemn ng__and..taking_ea...easement-..fos.._onnatxuating----------- and.. maint aining__a..-Put?.1.j ..--.e a_W.er... on,.._under...a ad..a oxaaa._thQ---right.-aY--------- way.. of... the-- Northern.. P.ac.i, f 1 c.. Railway... ox -the ...11mEl.--of-.Magnalia...8treet..... Pot sen...Burnquiiat...Avenue._and..Proaperity-..Avenue,..................... .............................. under Preliminary Order....... 57473........, approved JgAJ5,.1-9.2-5--.-, Intermediary Order -----...57�-56- approved ---..._Z0 ..17.,192.5.. . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissione of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO ....... . . ................. By... FINAL ORDER 59172 In the Matter of ... . changing the grade of Griggs St. from St.Olai r St. ... to, the .red -line , -.on.the..pZ Ofil.e.-here-to. -att.a.che.d-and. made apart hereof., the .... present shown by a blue line thereon, also grading .......... ..... ................................. St.Olair Street to Fairmount Ave. to said .......... ......... - ................................ ..red-line-wh.en established,.,.,.,., under Preliminary Order ........ ...... . 11 .57789approved ........ ..... . Feb -3,1925 ................... ....... Intermediary Order........_ ...... ........ .. approved.... .- - ................ . ............ A public hearing having bee t due notice, and the Council 0- F" N-- 5i172— In the Uatter of ebon, !Ing_th having heard all persons, objection) Ggg. St. fr.. St clat 0 gado to, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Loi . t r r St. toot upon e or O..e d -I- Ave.' r I. or, 'In. - th RESOLVED, By the Counc rt ere. a, ..d. tieinggrade shown _ resent t . aie precise nature, extent and kind of ere I.. In I In. line IrGrigg.I. improvement to be made by the to e Ir . to e Fairmount.. of Griggs .... St from. ..... .-.e I H Ave.e. .. .. I. - . .. .. I .. . . . St.Olair $t. to a poi: Preliminary e e67789,' 1 sole, Ave. to conform to u its 1 25. e ........................ C above I n vIag be. co ro a T .the 11 de a part hereof, ur the red lin t 0 e n ..he., pr hed and ma -i3jections d VI the present established grade being Lown by -a blue line thereon, .......... .. present ............. - - . . ........... . ..... ... - ......... also grading said Griggs Street from St.0lair Street to Fairmount Ave. .-- ......... ............ ................... --- .. ........... - ................... - ......... . ..... . ..... to said red line when established ...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR 2 0 1925 Adopted by the Council ............ .............. 192, Z ................... Clerk. e r kk.. Approved 192 ltayor. / Councilman Clancy /Councilman Fergus'on o 1;f"tR@4,ffl"" Mew"elel V/Councilman WipilHodgSon IT ouncilman Wenz'l­ Mayor Nelson F—n, 11. S. A. S-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF MANCE REPORT OF COM. } IR'SIOIVER OF FINANCE ON PREL n ARY ORDER (A) In the matter of changing; the prrade of Grii s St .frons St .Clair St .to s, point 03 70 ft. north of Osceola Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a oart hereof, the .present established p•rade being shown by a blue line thereon, also gradin& said GriE-,,s Street from St.Ola.ir Street to Fs.ir:nount Ave. to said red line when establishdd, --Feb. . under Preliminary Order approved--.--.-- __ ,12-_ _--- -- ..---- -- ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 52,221.56 front The estim Lvd cos4r t for he a ove im o nt ' - - - - - - S 1.47 Insnec`ion �+�.g° F�ronageY"j i'i. — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION St.Olair StA Short Line 375 Add .to City Of St -Paul 175 Plat 2 175 do 175 do 200 do 225 do 175 do 150 do 150 dd 150 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIPNE&OF FINANCE • ON PIRELIM1IRAW ORDER . (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BL.- ADDITION VALUATION 5 6 St.Olair St.& Short Line 150 6 6 Add.to the City of St.Paul 150 - 7 6 Plat 2 1225 S 6 do 225 15 6 do 300 1 2 John L.Wilson's Woodorest 3150 7 2 do 350 23 9 Stinsonts B1vd.Add.to 275 Eaat 1/2 of Lot 2 & all of 1 12 St.Paul 400 30 12 do 225 1 13 do 225 30 13 do 375 TOTAL — — — 9000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -192 --_.. -- ---------- -- - - - Commissiona of Finance. F-. H. B. 12 St. Paul., Minn.,...,&', ...... +lZ 192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: AM. Aaoe. to.. ....... ....... .............._........ 3F Ave. Z.--.--� �"�"xzz • • •• • r /r i s Z.--.--� �"�"xzz 3.Y2., S.E.14 SEC. 3. T 25 R. 23. Scale /'- 300' - GOODRICH AVE. > FAIRMOUNT 0 5CEOL A $9 FGE NT lo Z (7, —6 CLOW f? 12L. Curh.-'j Tfari4 (-)+Ioff FI-. I ( -7-9-19 Office of the"Commissioner of Public r Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 171986 Feb. 16, 1925 ............. ... _...................................... .................._...._....._192.__--.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No57789..__.._........ approved —.......... _Februery 3, 19292......_..., relative to ......._._._ changing of grade of Griggs St. from St.. Clair 3t. to a point 90 Peet north of Osceola Ave., also grading said Griggs St. from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... .... .. ...... _......... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 1.47 per frpnt £�4t $ 2,221. 56 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._ .................... _..—............, and the to a cost thereof is . ......... .............. __............ __, Inspection yP43.56 montage 1,513 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ _... ._....._........ .... --................................. __... __............ __.__..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ .... _.... __..................... --- ................................... _.... ....... -....... __... __............ —.................................... ....._._ ............ _—_....._.__—�_.._� 5. Said improvement is ............. _........ ...... _.............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. a) p�epa01OLDit Opo `u b'®lic " o,rks JOHN H. MODONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENGINEER M, 5. GRTTBq K. B OGC ENclrv[cR WM. N. CA—. SU". OP CONSTNYLTIDN AND REPAIR A. R. SHARP, SYPTRO G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CIT, PurvNINO ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. Sl—oP WORRNOVSE February 14, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of Griggs St. from St. Clair St. to a point 90 feet north of Osceola Ave., also grgding said Griggs Street from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Ave., under Preliminary Order G. F. #57789, approved February 3, 1925: Batimated Cost $2,221.56 Per front foot 1.47 Inspection 43.56 Frontage 1,513 ft. Yours truly, J* C 1ef Engineer. 6 - Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ommisaioner of io of—rka. QJ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -UNC,L No ------- 591-73 April 28, 1925. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the' grading of Griggs St, from St. Clair St. to Fairmount Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. j57521, approved January 20, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58553, approved March 24, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement smentet for eslopes, outs ts and fills, in and upon Griggs aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 28th, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof.- . C.iF No 68178 --BY J 3L Ciancy le the matter aL bongemning and'tak ing an easeU In tLe land necee tlarY Sor elope for CUTaila.ln ( •the grading aL 6riBBa st from• sl.; i �ftalr st [o. 5'alrmoant Aya, nuder Proilminery Crdet' Q. -F tic. b7b31. • .approved Jan sz0 19Afi: anfl-raterme •.3t�A qc,. "�F No 58668 a➢proVed�. 21 a f or oL pn'blic Wo Ian e,t � sport an Ian lan: � �2gi92�% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�l.�................................. ...192-•---- Yeas. Nays i Clancy •--- .19'2a L v Approved--� - - - - - -------------•-----------192------ ✓Ferguson .,Hodgson In favoryy. i --• "' � MI1YOa z; ctin �– Against � Wenzel / Mr. President To'the Council of the City of ;it. Paul: The Commissioner of Public '.forks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public ',Yorks. Dated April 28, 1925. �pe�p�aLr�hrneRh `�blic E-A Vflf V, �WT ,, c3' -- ---..- JOHN H. MCOONALD. COMMISSIONER - - THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CM4 M—N=R M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDoa WM. N. CAR—. BIIPT. o. CdOTRUCliIX1 wND R6PwIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. ENDIN[ER OP BwNII'wTION G. H. HERROLD. O.TICa AND CITY PLwIMiNo ENOM®. - - -- G. P. BOWLIN. SNT. W Wmu x - REPOR2 TO THE COUI4CIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Gtiggs Street from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. 2. 457521, approved January 20, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58553, approved March 24, 1925. To'the Council of the City of ;it. Paul: The Commissioner of Public '.forks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public ',Yorks. Dated April 28, 1925. Griggs 5t. .Clair 3t. to Fairmount AVP. GRIGGS ST. ST. FLAIR ST. fo FAIRMOUNT AVE. SLOPE PLAN 3urn. If i�clj :0,!925 scale I -!N50N'5 'l3)0LlLl:V,-'Z AMMON uj LLJ > 12 W 92 > ru, M50N' Z8 28 3 2 1 c) 29 22 7 1� S- T cy 30 r 1 < 30 LL - ?E c4� 5T. u4GGS -7 IS 41 oe CY J 3 <U_j 14 13 5 4 I CITY � ST. PAUL DEPART F FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary CJt _ for slopes cuts and fills in the grading of Griggs Street CIL— . CII from St Olair Street to Fairmount Avenue, C under Preliminary Order approved Jan . 20 ,19 29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ �•�^� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT iBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION 1 3 St.Olair St.& Short Line 375 2 '3 Add to Oity of St.Paul 1751 3 3 Plat 2 175' 4 ,3 do 1751 5 :3 do 200 6 :3 do 225; do 175i 2 '6 do 15011 -,3 6 do 150 .4 �,6 dd 150 Form B. B. 10 I TOTAL, i� TOTAL - = - 5000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby J submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �_192�6_ _ Norm B. B. 12 Commis oner of Finance. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL " - DEPARTMENT yyO,.,FFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISST*ER CW FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 6 St -Clair St.& Short Line 150 6 6 Add.to the Oity of st.Paul 150 7 . 6 Plat 2 225 8 6 ego P25 15 6 do 300 1 2 John L.Wilson's Woodcrest 3150 7 2 do 350 `23 9 Stinson's B1vd.Add.to 275 East 1/2 of Lot 2 & all of 1 12 St.Paul 1o0 30 12 do 225 1 '13 do 2�5 30 lj do 375 TOTAL - = - 5000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby J submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �_192�6_ _ Norm B. B. 12 Commis oner of Finance. CITY O ST. PAUL DEPARTM d'FNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A In the matter of—changing the grade of Jessamine St from Frank St to Duluth Ave, to conform to the red line on the rorofile hereto attached and00 GI made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown Q by a blue line thereon, also grading said Jessamine St.between C the aforesaid limits to'sa.id red line when established under Preliminary Order approved Feb.19,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - front $ 2,515-07 The estimated cost erhoot for the above improve ent is Inspection 1}9,32 $ 2.12 Frontage 11S$ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCKADDITION ' ASSESSED VALUATION I' 16 5 Cloverdale, St. Paul, 350 17 5 ! 11inn. 375 18 5 do 3275 19 5 do 2875 205 do 3575 21 5 i do 3 75. 22 5 do 375 i' 23 : 5 + _ do 350 , 24 5 do 325. _ j 25 S do :, 425:...._ , _. Porm B. a. 10 I _ TOTAL _. !I d CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI J 4 OF FINANCE + r• ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' - DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 265 Cloverdale, St.Paul,Minn. 925 �7 5 do 3�5 28 5 do 325 29. 5 do 325 30 5 do 325 15 8 do 4475 _ 14 8 do 13 8 do 375 12 8 do 350 11 £s do 350 10 8 do 325 9 6 do 325 N do 625 7 8 do 750 6 8 do �7� 5 8 do 100 4 8 do 75 3 8 do 50 2 . 8 do 50 1 8 , do 50 TOTAL .-- 22600 _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 0/ 0'1 _192— vorm B. B. I] Commie Ker 0 of Finance. St. Paul, Minn._ 6&4 -5 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followi improv meet to be made: y LIAIA-4-M St. from_—!G— St. A= to _..._.._. ......... _...............—_._ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ✓' If - >f X �f �Ors►�rr�r.� a���co.�` P- rs oiPseo 28 7- 29 R ZZ N - z N. L- .5 -S I , - - - — -#�,4 • RSL-r4—,°J �- - - — - - - —3—�- — - — - --�- L — � LQ Q z x ROSE ST I \ C - -- GERANIUM Y 5T• I~I I. Z ` j _ Q -71cr — r — — MAG NOL/A f 1• CUr /SJ JlCi •i .41/ - Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance "'IR 6 1925 Mardi, 4,_-1.9 5_-_-_-___-191_-__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 57;x$4__ --_approved Febc_ i4,_-192,.5_--_191___, relative to Cha of_grade and grading of Jessamine St, from -Frank _ ____ St. to Duluth Ave. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $______---_-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ Commissioner of Public Works. pep;a�r;hrnen�h of� L(Jub`It�c�C1�/vr�k • JOHN H.MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH PARD. CNIEP ENciveew M.BS. GRYTBA H. BR a ENe�rv[ea M. N. CAREY, SUPT. ov --Rucriov nrvD Rsvwlp A. B. SHARP, Suer. ov SwrvlTwnoN G. H. HERROLD. 0 1 wv0 C— P— ENDINEER G. P. BOWLIN, Suva, ov WopNNousE March 3, 1925. Hon, J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade and grading of Jessamine St. from Frank St. to Duluth Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #57994, approved February 19, 1925: Estimated coat 02,515.07 Inspection 49.32 Coat per front foot 2.12 Frontage 1188.4 ft. Yours very truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance: iisaioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL' C — f COQ NO 59175 (OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM // _.i/. /3 _ ,.__ April 28, 1925 V � V In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Jessamine Street from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57995, approved February 19, 1925, and Inter- mediary Order C. F. #58551, approved March 24, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Jessamine Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 28, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hareof. . COUNCIMIEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counc,S..2 5!-�-192---------•-•-192...-.. ."Clancy F Ferguson Approve ---------------- 192___ _XodgsonIn Favor �`vI//A�'✓ ..............� .r!-rIIIr MAYOR ..- tmer L --..._Against {,y, �enzel Mr. President VVY IWAN A I V1, VFI V L l��hvi�e b I i I FV - RG> JF Liu \ `Oj Si ' JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O�CONNEiL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Cwd delNeeR WM. N. CARL BGS. -R- ANG R- M. S. GRYTBAK. SRI- ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. GP --- . G. H. HERROLO, OImm AND Cm P-aw dGi— G. P. BOWLIN. SUIS. or WGRNRGUee - kEPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Jessamine Street from Prank Street to.Duluth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 457995, approved February 19, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. -T. X58551, approved Iilarch 24, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvr-ment showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public corks. Dated April 28, 1925. CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF`.FINANCE REPORT OF COM IV5S1015"�R OE- FIK#ANCE , ON PRELI 1SIAlFiY ODER 1NV11�� In the matter of condemning and .talo aa n easement in the land necessary,for LTi slopesj cuts and fills in the grading of Jessamine -Street 00 from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, fj under Preliminary Order approved Feb.19 ,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 11 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - i The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, - parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC i ADDITION i ASSESSED VALUATION II { 16 i 5 Oloverdale, St. Pauli 11 1 S! 5 , do �1� '.375 I 19 5 i do i 2$75 i P 20 5 j do a 5 I do 221 5 ii 23 i 5 1 do {:24 do i� ' . 1 .s' 251 5 1 do E' ., 1 P.�a H to TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT;QF FINANCE 4§EPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON. PRELIMIN Y ORd R DESCRIPTION LOT e�ocKl ADDITION VALUATION I I 5 1 Cloverclele, Bt.Pmnl�Minn«' 925 2T 5 do 325 325 . do _.. 325.. a i5 $ dot � : T5 1 2 % do do , 121 S do 350 11` d* _ 350. 10 do 2_. 9 d ! da _: 325 g do 625 i I 7 �8 do ti 6 d : do 175 5 . d I do 100 4 d do 75 do 5�? . .': do 50 "... _ 1 8' do.. i i , - --- - " -.---- --- V TOTAL �Y_22600 '^ — Commissioner Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby The of submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192 — — Commiss er of Finance: Furor H. B. 13 CITY 01 g -5T .'PAUL - DEPARTMENtfbF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI1�twS10NER OF FINANCE . ' ON PREL M114ARY'ORDER =' grading Lucy Street from South $obert Street to a roint the In matter of 540 feet East of East line of Hall Avenue Cil 00 under Preliminary Order approved_ Jan. 27 1925 To the Council of the City of fit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 5,506.47 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - t$ 3.44. iro�}t $ The estimated cost pei foot for the above improvement is - - - - - Ins-oection 107.7 Frontage 1,600 £t. The Pots or parcels of lad that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION DESCRIPTION 1l LOTS B�oc�C I� y1 ASSESSED VALUAT ION ' jpi j0orrected Plat o£ Auditors 100 it �'. Suod.o£ the N.2 of Lots 9�I Add..to i 100 1311 !10, & 11,Bidwell '_s i iWest St.Paul 321 ;100 �{ a 33i 1 ; .: do _. ;loo I M� j 341 . do 100t I. t .35 i } do ! ' 100 11 � I 100 1 ! do r.: 36 . i I ( ; do 37 10 -II do , r i100i !, 1� 1. I �100i ....:� i-39� � d0 1 TOTAL Form H H 10.. .. 'trnrorsT• 1u�, .�� bBPARTMffNT.O3 (kINANCB CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFF INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM111MQililY'ORDER (C) .� DESCRIPTIONS LOT'B-Kj ADDITION :�VALUATION ASSESSED 5 42 fiornsby's Subd.of Lot ,Bidwell'e Add ao W.6t Paul'! �.,.6 ,275 & that _part of Blodk a -;.Te st. St:Pau7 _..ProP e r South'.. , !of ho.line of Belvidere St',. 32 Auditox's.Subd.of.Lot 6, 225 ry _... _ Bidwell's Add.to w.St Paul; (Exc.I,ucy Street] 3l i do _ _c. ..50-!_ 1t_ do _._._ 39 ; _ _ do , . 3300_.:. .'.....'; 29 do : : i i j k y TOTAL 14075 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that -he has investigatedall of the aforesaid matters, and hereby`` submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �— Commiefiioner of Finance. F.— D. B. 12 393 - S. t4lX* SEG 8 7--,18. ? e 2. j r Office of the Comnniss oner of Public % VV_' $ 23 Report to Commissioner of Finance VEB M 1286 Feb. 16, 1925 —192-- To 92_-To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57644 January 27, 1925 Council, known as Council File No...._.,._..._...._approved__.._..... _._....... _.................. —_192_.__..., relative to grading Lucy Street from South Robert Street to a point 540 feet East of East line of Hall Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things•referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 'Said improvement ie..:...— __—___.necessary and (or) desirable. 3.44 per front foot 5,506.47 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.......__ ._. �___.._, and the total cost thereof is $ ....._. Inspection $107.97 Frontage 1,600 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._._.._... ........... ___.... ...... _... .................... ___— 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ......... ..... ........ ....... ._.._....... _._.......... _............ _........ _ b. Said improvement ............ ... _._—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement: Commiaeioner of Pablia Worke. 0°d F r CITY OF ;', JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. WCONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARR. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BR—C ENGINEER WM. N:'CAREY; SUPT. OF—.TRU—.N AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANIT—ON G. H. HERROLO. OFMC. ANO CITY F ARNIN6ENGINEER - February 14; 1925. " G. P. .0-MSUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Hon. John H. McDonald; Commissioner of-Rublic Works. Dear Siri I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Lucy Street from South Robert Street to a point 540 feet East of East line of Hall Avenue; under Breliminary Order 0. F. #57644, approve& January 27, 1925: Estimated Coat $5,506.47 Per front foot 3.44 Inspection 107:97 Frontage 1;600 ft. Yours truly; /ft - Chief Engineer; Approved for transmission to t o issi ner of Finance. mmissloner of Rublio Works. r GOUN91L9177 ..' CITY OF ST. PAUL' rl. NO... ...... ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ev; /�Jj%�/,/,�_ April 28, 1925 COMMISSION _�..(�G/L�.=� DATE _ RESOLVE In the matter, of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Lucy Street from South Robert Street to a point 540 feet East of the Best line of Hall AVenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57645, approvedJanuary 27, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F.,458549, approved March 24, 1925i The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in th4 above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the 'City of St, Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon h3ioi.5tteet between the point aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of ,Public Works in the matter dated 'April 28th, '192§'which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 8170 6917 gv ;< + CIgH°F^ In a"Tnattaem6 �t d�,4�b°ynbanaSfgd necba - earyt j'nka �a 6k$�wqta. �o115C � X� I�ge�ax Eae,eF: - - °{ ttiG. get'Un� aR a�l Av dt x67g�B . d pre7it�1n1n 3" •Oder�L" ,�' 17474 i7 d98� anB�InCer�ma : - _ ayyAk°vbd^erG` n�,'1Q'o: b8B19 apyraveil diary `1986 !+ 9 °tbominfset°aezrs'Rutu° vvarit' h6Mng g4')mRLBd bi# YaLai'Y4Wt4' plan �2so1 dI;'�'M $it6b aSt�;ge Sranf ¢L� y9 d��oe�,nam'e4' aand•t4 'ham^�41cat7� t i'oi °tSObee . ImDrgvemertb b#, -6w eage7°n 4 :opts A A A. n$NAOi�7 s5' �swe°d Lheaintq a[ara a d P2gd44�, .LapL #13PsvR''" 007F -he t#R°rt"etx tlt4, s�,ifi�?'d�4ed. ' �blfa W�frkp �n ta3r,g{��r¢7porY - 6'ptti+"d'Bt�TAaSr areba�41uT°rr a� yar o tddY a co}u+�ggc��l kyr s� 1, COUNCILMEN APR 2 8 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .... ..........................:.:.....192. ---•- Clancy Y Ferguson Approved ... P 2 8 ----------192 Hodgson _.dln favor �:.:. .Sadhefincl -•' _0/ / ..-..Against AC ]ng MAYOR V5/enzel v Mr. President CITY OF' SA 11Y rh%i3 L ��� epar,merah o f ( iiblicjcrks JOHN H. MCDONALD.COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O•CONN".. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ' OEOROE M. SHUARD, MW EN[INK�R M. S. ORY K. BIBOO[ EH[Olmt WM. N.CAREY. SUR. OP OGN[T111RTIM AN R AY. tft � A. B. SHARP. SUPOP EANRAI m O. H. HERROLD. O.AC[ AND CRY PLIWNIN[ ENOM[u O. P. BOWLIN, SUR. OP W- REPORT TO THE'"COUNCIL = In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Lucy Street from South Robert Street .to a point.540 feet East of the Best line of Hall Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57645, approved January 27, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58549; approved March 24, 1925. To the Council of the City of it. Paul: The Commissioner of PublicWorkshereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be I LUCY 5T. !ndicufes Cuf. Irdwufes Fill I - - SO. ROBERT ST. fo$4O1AfE.LINE HALL AVE. r;,,', ' '-Oho' SLOPE PLAN iy, r•, u e Ilse Gne ;hove" 3ureou of Engict=rs :ire. Feb. II. 1525. Lucy St. .'. ir.nce fe o-+;uci s;c pe: exlmld XIX -;8210. - e. So. Robert St. to540'E.of E. Line of Hall Ave. oc 3ook 209 I _ I a D 1 w VO \� O� Q 33 `N -- 29 30 31 32 33 34 35_ 36 31 38 8 6 �S 12 II 10 9 8 1 — Q „ 32 LUCY 540 LINE HALL AVE. �� _ _•, .� IN Hm — ST. '13 CY u {: w 9 m 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 9 r\- _ N 1 2 3 5 6 ._ _ O LY LOT A 3 Z 2 28 o I > � U) _ .4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COLSIONER OF'FINANCE ON PRELI I A( ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for v� slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Lucy Street from FP South Robert Stz<eetto a point 5110 feet East of E� t Line of Hall Avenue " under Preliminary Order approved Jan -27,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: . The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: =:— — DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCk APDITION II 1 t ASSESSED VALUATION II_ j30 Corrected Plat of Auditor' 1 1 1001 ! _ - - ) 1Subdivision of the North ! 1 31 i !of Lots 9,10 & 11, Bidwell '.;a lOQ { l Addition.to West St.Paul i 100 ' JI i 32 / . _. _ _ _ ...: r-- I do ! 100. u 34 � I_ do loo I 35 ` do , 100,_ I do ; 10,0136 �i 37 1 dol oo, i, .: _. 1; 3 8 I do ! , 1001. _ 1 do I }_ I 100 1� Porn B B 10 TOTAL I — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COMMLV&PNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIN ffORDER - - ASSESSED ` i DESCRIPTION LOT` BLOCK ADDITION IITION VALUA p 40 !Corrected Plat of Auditor1 �_ 'Subd of Nortli-- 1E1 9,10 & 11,lelidwel1 s Add toj, 1 _ -_ _ .______ _._.__, _ _.. r i-- - - - est Bt Paul --._ 10C 4 - --- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - : --- - - ---3 43-- l - - --aO — - - -D- II { 44 I do pif 45 do 't2 1 I 10 ---- --__ _ -- - - 146 - �- -- - as Lljoa I (A strip between Lot 3B of colrected let of Auditor's Su i I and Lot -8 B1ook l of St Pierce &I -L- ton's Addition" 9�( I I �Lo_ pBlock2- of _St3Pierre Ltor's Addition)."_" ---__I ........ I 1 �A�t9' between Lot 9 of Corrected Ilat of Auditor s Subd & 1 1 St.Pier-re & Lawton's 1 97 L �- 1 Addition to _St Paul 12 i-_ ad _ I 1. 1. --- - - A-- 1 �-- _ ... _ 12 11 Hornsb s Subd of Lot _ ... j C �- � i Bidwell Add to West lI { I T I 11 1 + St Paul &that part.. of h_"_ Q ! �. - _ 110 , 1 � Block G,W St , .Paul Proper .- _ _ _;--S-o..of__No. line- Belsidexe t,. a_ 1.: 1; --- -� do I I 8 1o ( I I I d 1+ 1; 2 I do 3..-12 do { V If2 do �I I 1 j6 �2 do �! �q1Y R� t TOTAL �.. p IA: t ir ir r .:- CITY OPeT,PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPbRT OF COMMFUWNER ORi, FINANCE ORDER d ON PRELMMITAMY _= In the matter of ft ter of p. Tb JrA St to �Oonfa= to point 5AO nortbwesterly I the red line on the profile hereto attaches andMaga a n rth the.xeon�_also rreaf� .ham- nrAgatit astablished graAa'being shown by a bine -line said Hancock St from E Third St to Terry St to aid red line grnAina when established and the p*agent established grade where not changed the necessary Changes in water mains and app=ten rices including under Preliminary Order approved 5AP79 Marsh in, 19P5- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ A- 45c), 95 front The estimated cost pe f foot for the above improvement is $ 3-76 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION SLOT OLOCK I ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 20- 21.- A. Gotzian'e Rear. of 50-j - Sigel s..A�ddition I � 5.., ' ` _.I. 22, 211 ,-- I f 23 ' 21;_ do _ _ 100''; 24 21 _ .. do _ 125. ii 25. 1 21 do_. . 2'�2�j I t_.. _.... 26 21._ __ do 4 i ...__ - .. _,.. 27 1 _211_ do. fbOl _28... 211 d.0 ... i r.�--__--- ----- ------------- -- �- 1 -21�_ i I F B. B 10 � TOTAL. __ _ Nl _ — _! `.IF _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM SSIONER OF,FINANCE ON PRg3lWRAlRY ORDE y i St. Paul, Minn. —192. To The Honorable, The Council, ' City of St. -Paul, Minn.. . Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement toobbe made: cv- bV, 1, ..� "•,. _.. – _ _ St: Ave. from.- t.--VPW. —C7'. St. A-ye. - j' NAME ..LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ki ( r J 7 1 t ivy 1•, �.� - XS , Z-,-"9 E F_ /F 7 H E. FOURTH __-_ .. --- --- --- - - -- -- H --_ FREMONI Z`-- S/GEL y � E, 7HIRD S GO/✓lNAY--- S�--- '� r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 58299 March 10, 1925 the Council, known as Council File No._____approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to changing the grade of Hancock St. from E. Third St, to a point 5807ft. Nw'ly from the center of E. Third St., also grading said Hancock St. from E. Third St. to Terry St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_____ ____necessary and (or) desirable. ' (See alternative estimates attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:___-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---7777-- -- --2-- --- Commissioner of Public Works. ublic JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER E THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEPUTT COMMIEEIONER GEORGE M. SHE RD CH— —1— N. WM. N. CARET 5 Or Cow. U IDR wN R -w G. H. HERMarch 18, 19E5. ROL•G O - E w D C TT PUNwIN ENDINEER Hon. J. H McDonald / Commissioner of Public Works, St. haul, Dear Sir't I transmit herewith preliminary estimate -of cost for changing the grade of Hancock St. from E. Third St. to a point 580 ft4 NWtly-from the.oenter of E. Third St., also grading said Hancock St. from E. Third $t, to Terry St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #58279, approved March 10, 1925: Estimated Cost 06,450.85 Inspection 126.48 Cost per front fo6t 3.76 Frontage 1,716.15 ft. An alternative estimate might be considered for changing the grade of Hancock Street from E. Third St4 to a point 380 ft. NW'ly of the north line of E. Third St., also for grading said Hancock St. from E. Third 8t. to a point 410 fto west of the west line of E. Third St. The preliminary estimate for this portion of the work would be as followst Estimated cost 869,75 Inspection 17406 Cost per front foot 1407 Frontage 814 ft. Yours truly, C e ng neer. Approved for transmission to a ommis inner of Finanoe. mm es'over of R6115 Works.' ,wIDGE ENOINEEw .7Or SnNITwT10N -. ;1. Dr wowwwDDEE CITY OF ST. PAUL F°�N°I` NO. 591`79 l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i}�„ATF April 28, 1926• COMMISSIONER ==-1 'RESOLVE In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hancock Street from E. Third . Street to Terry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58280, approved March 10, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58555, approved March 24, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it�� RESOLVED, That the d termines thea ount of land. o be taken fo the a ve named imp r vement ea an cement for pea, cuts an fills, in and Pon lianaoek S rest between the pointe afo esaid, to the tent shown up the plan a taohed to t e report of th Commiasioner f Public Wo a, in the m ter dated Apr 1 28t 1925, wh h plan and report are h eby referred t and made s pa t hereof. be sad the mme a» lwnb7 ftwA d, aaedlM, sad eel6ri>>dald wmd Sh Pffeceedbgs in said tna#,er be �C TYrthN82 o 579 8Y T` KVCP .. _:.. ” ... no matter qt condomaa�{n8 aad tqk 1 . G enr-A t0r`a1dVe& auto artd %811e )n 2aitdtdi 8rad{n8 oL �dncoclEtit, team � .i. " - tit-r'ty T4rr9 rqG V" 7GfafndeF;'1'xeWavy Ordet ytl6. F No b8888 ,ppprovkd sr.. F No 68[;68B11Dr071d'2�ah Bti 2886 TNe Commieetoner o[ 41c'�gor1(e aa`¢(a8ngbmltted' rile report sad 'plat {n`"the-eboYe �?stter be I,t•"". v 3na iadYesme�areae°ernni'�Ve oe�i;a asn°i Win af-Asn&'S•eeciad't� ead gt1 btaCbBd Ingrp;fn{gaTd *„.ttex dfsoodtfauedq j -. . �fop ed'fiS ta� CohNMl, hyt 881,886 `I. 'bprgved Apt+ EB 1886, n (MakY' 81986) t ;.„I COUNCILMEN APR 2 8 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council­ ...................................... 192..- .,Clancy Pfd 2 8 192 % ,,,Yerguson Approved.. ....- ...... ...........192 _,Hodgson �..... n favor 114eHeL�aid---- ................. MAYOR Sudi2ei»teF'”— ....... -•--Against NNNiiet {7y 7zel . President CITY ;I�Sl311YT F3 V L `119 V�V, rhrnae r� of PhMk WIVovs JOHN H. MCDONALO, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M SHEPARD. CHIV E—.— M. R GRYTBAK, 8— P zmzz! ISM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OP CauUlUGHa+ Arm RPNR A. B. SHARP. S—. OP SANRATKH O. H. HERROLD. OPPIeE Arm CRY P—a— ENSW®r G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. O WduB10USS - BEPfljiT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts amd fills, in the grading of Hancock Street from E. Third Street to Terry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58280, approved March 10, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58556, approved March 24, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 28, 1925. e j�9.6�•/ /vor�rlaJ� cel a r ec- F19uies be/o.e ',ha .////C A17OW a""O/!Ce wh.c}i S/apes er}e.-..' .6'v— 1,17e Loi Eioo.'r 19.7,9 - HA NCOCK STREET FROM EAST THIRD STREET TO TERRY STREET. Hv'?4'UC1i Sheet fi u,; J E✓S r 7h—d.51-1- to Teri y Xf -. SLOPE' PLAN. ''urea' of E119ineel-s. it-/ol-ch 7 1,92.5- Scale 92SSca/e XIX W50 6 OT Z 1 A N'S IR ! OF� 5 1 CIE � AC� DI i T 29 ,Jo ✓l I J2 .rS I J» JS J6 -.1l 38 19 I 40 41 42 i0 ' � b N '� ti N p •.I o N i '�Iv '•ah y,� _ 'V° 'J N � p I,ti `ice _. i'N E �R \EL P A R KA /D DPsi ..j L-ITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE :y R OF FINANCE REPOT 6F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Th the matter of---Czndenning-an&-Iaking-an-eaamam+, i n +.hA 1%vnd nogetAggary f,n'r slopes outa and fills, in the grading of Hancock Street from E. Third Street to Terry Street. OCiOt %Jr under Preliminary Order approved 99290 March 10, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ Its for such improvement, and the assessed The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: T LOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTIONVALUATION 4. ASSESSED SO A3, A. Gotatanfe ReaV. of 0i M-, 21 -ftgGVs-Ad(1Lt1= 75 it 2 21 75 it 21 do 1001 J, 24_ 211 do 125. 1 do- :2725 7 21 200 A ------ — -----ai-- ----- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY oP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE r REFORT OF COMMWPNER OF FINANCE ON1PRELIMl 4Y ORDER (A) .--.- - - --_- -- In the matter of changing the grade of Victoria Street from Orchard Streetto Union Street and of McKenty Street from Victoria Street to Barrett Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a mart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line=thtreon,Q1_ alsorg ading said Victoria Street between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established. _ under Preliminary Order approved Jan.27,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedm0laiit of the assessment for the above improvement is - - g a 2414.63 The estimated cost yrhoot for the above improve ent is - S 0.91 Inspection 27.74 Frontage 1,M -3a1 (Inc.Railway) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ,,....... -. - :. - I ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION- ! LOT BLOCK ADDITION II VALUATION II 111 7 I, Royal Oaks _500 !! t 12% 7 do 2509 ! do 13 7 400 �I !s 14i 7 1 do ' 3075 _1 I it 15 % 7 375_t 16! 7 do 375 , `I it 1 17, 7 1 do i 350 �I g 7 do 350 i 197 do 325 -- "20 7 do 300 I Form B. B 10 TOTAL, I I if CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSION�� OF. FMANCE �; ON PRELIMIN DER (C) -- A33E$SED I -• DESCRIPTION LOT: BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (A strip of land 150 ft.wide being, Lake Como Villas 4500 15 feet on either side of the `center line of No.Pacific Ry.ae i_ located over & across Lots 9 &'.17 (Exc. E.95 ft.) Lots 1,2,3,4 &;5 3 Como Add.to st.Paul _ 5725 E. 45 feet of _Lots 1,2,3,4, a 5 j Ramsey Co., Minn. 625 (West 50 feet of E.95 ft -of '5 '3 do 4150 Cote 1,23,4 and South 295.161 of;jl Lake Como Villas 3000 (North 147 . 91 of Lot 31 (Exc.; do 1000 R/W of No. acific R.R.) 31 (.A strip of lana 150 ft.wide being' do 31000 75 ft -on either side of the,center' line of.No.Pacific R.R.as laid. over Lots 27 to 40,inbl. out & across 4 5 The strand Add.to saint Paul 150 5 5 do 175 (Exc.st.) 6 5 do 4950 1 7 Royal Oaks 3900 (Exc.-oart to City) that part south of R/T of No Pacific Ry.)' 17 Lake Como Villas 2750 TOTAL - 71575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together With the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated4��-192�T- -- Commias� er of Finance. Form B. H. 12 - ... .. St. Paul, Minn,February...�l� _1....... To The Honorable, The.Coudcil', City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gradirg of. ....:........ _ _ .......................... fir.............................._ ............................................. _ ...... _............. _..................... '-----.---.... StAt=to 7 ''iiJ74--�------ from... .. ....... . . _St. Ave. " NAME LOT: BLOCS ADDITION /3 A 0 T � 0 9_1 Jr -1 Ll o tN12 � as :111 Ll�� .�� � � 6, 6- *, I i v Office_ of the Commissioner of Public Wei. ro Report to Commissioner. of Finance i. 4111111` t Feb. 25, 1925 FEB 26626 ........... _.... _:_............ _..................... ...................... ........ _..._192..._ �S To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57640 .Jan. 27, 1925 ^_192._..._, relative to Council, known as Council File No.-_-.____-__ .......... approved ..... - ........ ........_......... changing the grade of Victoria St. from Orchard St. to Union St. and of McKenty 3t. from Victoria St. to Barrett Ave.. also grading__ said Victoria Sti between the aforesaid limits. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _....__ -.....____.__...necessary and (or) desirable. dd ��gg gg 0.91 per front foot Wei 1,414.63 2. TheTrispeationth g�7.�/4 I�rbnt t etgtal_go� Weo(�no Ra lweyl and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ... ......... ......_..._ ....s... ............ ............ _._.............. �._�.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ___ —........ _..... _......................................... _...__........._.........-_.-..-................................................._...__._......_.. -- — --- — 5. Said improvement is_ ...... ................... _..... _.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. S Commissioner ofPublic orke. ' r ITY %qik,, gtI�J'`i' pa �Fri%e n h CiF GAU92 � cr4st� JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMIS510NER THOS. G. O'CONNE4. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. -1-NO.-II 'WM. N. CAREY, SUPT., OF CONSTRUCTION -.-IR G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE ANO CITY BANNING ENGIrIEER February 24, 1925 Hon. John H. MoDonald, Commissioner of Publio Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWL... SUPT. OF WO7-- I transmit herewith Preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of Victoria Street from Orchard St. to Union St. and of Mcgenty St. from Victoria St. to Barrett Ave., also grading said Victoria St. between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order O. F. #67647, approved January 27, 1925: Estimated Cost 41,414.65 Per front foot 0.91 Inspection 27.74 Frontage 1,563.38'(Ino. Railway) Yours truly, (��Z . Y4"� ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. aia�sUHerofc Wor s. St. Paul, Minn., April 24, 1925. To the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. The following property owners respectfully protest against the grading and improving of North Victoria Street from McBenty Street to Union Street for the reason that there is no public demand, or necessity', for opening up. and improving North Victoria Street between Mcgenty r Street and Union Street, and it will in no way benefit property in that vicinity or serve any useful purpose in opening up the street. Owner Description of -Property b Northern Pacific Railway company 150 ft. right of way of the 1l. P. Ry. Company. By)ght of :lay Commissioner. 1s ,.nY zMttxav +r +., s4 The G�ouYiCiT of `'he`City o3 St. Paul, We, the undersigned Droperty owners and other residents in the immediate neighborhood wish to pretest .again®.t the opening and grading of Victoria Street ---- -- between Union and McKenty Streets. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION le- ec& 13 t: RESOLVEDv ° In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Victoria Street from Orchard atreet to Union Street, under Preliminary Order C. F... #57647, approved January 27, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58547, approved March 24, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the d termine the amount of and to be tak for the a ve nam d improvement a an easement f slopes, ou s and lla, in and upo Viotoria Stre between the poi is afo esaid, to the es nt shown upon he plan att ched to the report of th Commissioner o Public Wor ` in th matter dated Apr 28, 1925, whi plan and sport a hereby referred to and made a pa t here f. he &vd the ewis en hwbY eendedM WM On preewdlugs in said nwttrs be div.,adaned. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Vdancy vFerguson ''Hodgson -In favor —MCDO"aw, -2 BadLefnjur. ... ._.......... Against ✓.Wenzel Mr. President APR 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council. ...................... APR 2 a 's9z ApZrov--- ---------------------- 192 ....... MAYOR Actfng \CI p� Die�pa��R h �Ju b l i c Jas JOHN H. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SWIMS M. SHEPARD, Oo0 ING— WM. N. CARRY. SUR. or EonsrnoonoH um R— O. H. HERROM. 0— AeN CRY PLNlNINo ENomm� REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 1�1 M. S. GRYTBAK. BR.—. — A. B. SHARP. SUR. or 6— G. P. BOWLIHI. SUR, or w— In the matter of condemning and takine on easement in the lqnd necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Victoria Street from Orchard Street to Union Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. X57647, approved January 27, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. &58547, approved March 24, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Public Works hereb;, submits and makes a part of this, hls report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts tQ be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the fi urea opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 28, 1925. D + In C//ca{B5 60 ma Fill 7ypico/ NO101ion +3'0 F1,q"e5 abo,e line show Cul or JCI -11 a/proper/y //;7dFqure5 bolo— hne show V1 CTOR /A 5 T. dlslonce to which slopes exlc d beyondproperly hire OrChard St. Unlon St. _ Book 1116 i h V) VICTORIA ST. Orchard 51. Union Sl 5L 0 PE PLAN Bureau -of En9ineer5 feb 20 /925 scale r" - rao` XIX -/8296 COMO ADD.} R C Y A L O A K S \ 1 2 -33 4 5 35 — 35 4-06 1 lV 20 � � 3265 19 45 le 17 1G 15 14 13 12 /1 - �� � � z71 - s5 h ^� (-`l • •0 m w of « .,� e . _ .� , .._. ...-.-.� t � vo 1 .. QcL 120 4a 37 5 5 THE STRAND ADD. L A K E C O N/ O 0 M1PAUL CITY OF ST. „ DEPARTMENT OjatNANCE REPORT OF COP s10NER OF *INANCE " 'ON;PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary foy CJ( slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Victoria Street _00_ from Orchard Street to Union Street Fig - ander Preliminary Order approved Jan.27 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _. DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOC ADDITION Ij ASSESSED VALUATION i I' 11 7 Royal Oaks 500 u } 12 7 I do µ 2900 II �3 7 ! do ii uoo I, 14 7 do I j 15 ! 7 do ;� 37,5 II 1617 1 do _ 3;75 �7 ! 7 do 350 11 ' 1817 do � 350 I, ,1 � g 7 do 3,25.h } ! . 20 7 do 300 f F— B. B 10 i - TOTAL, 11 . ..CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT 'OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$IONP-Ift OF FINANCE ON PRELIMl UftY ORDER (C) --_.jjj.ASSESSED DESCRIPTION i� LOT�8—K! -ADDITION ' �1 VALUATION A-strap. of land 150 ft.avide being ( 75' on either side of the center i-ne of No.Fac.Railroad as laic out over &across Lots 9 & 17 1 Lake Como Villas ( . 4500` ., (Exc._E.9511)_Lots.1,.2,3,1+ & 5 3 Como Aad. to-St. aul 5725, Ramsey Co., Minn. South 295.16 ft-of 31; Lake Como Villas 3000 (Exc., R,,W of No.Pacific_Ry.) - North 147.59 ft.of Lot 31 do 1000 (A, strip o£ land_150_ft.wide_being, do 31000- :75 ft.on either side of the centei! line of Northern Pac.Ry. ae located .over and across Lots 2 to 40,ino1. i 4 15The Strand Add.to Saint Paul 150 5 .5 do 175 (Exc.st.) 6 15 do 4950 TOTAL - - - 59450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner off/ Public Works. �Lnit r �i' -192 A_. Dated — Commisai Form n. H. Il r of Finance. �, .�" �� i �,.,���: No.-�E3fr CITY OF ST. PAUL Coo „1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t �.PRE$ENTED COMMISSION 'DATE _ RESOLVED In the matter of opening Widening and extending a'street to a width of 66 ft, w#64-from Osage 8t: to Como Boulevards under, Preliminary Order C; F4.#57518, approved January 20th, 1925, and Intermediary Order-0.:P. #58554, approved. Naroh 24th+' 1925: The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter; beit REBOtv";_That the City of St. Paul fined and determines the, amount;of land to'-be taken for the above named-Amprovement to be so-follows The center line of said street being the eouth;line of 3,ot6 8 and 4, Blook 30 and the south line of Lots 8 and 4j Blook O9 * Como'►. `4 rvx' 76, IX' IXifZr%aIa f xae MAP COUNCILMEN819 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. ft.---... ...._ ......192... ✓Clancy 'VFerguson Ap roved....... AMR 2.t� ..................... _192._... `Hodgson ........In favor f McDwnald.. Y y........ .._.._._ : i-' U)Agalnst MAYOR v".Wenzel /Mr. President COTTAGE ST. Osaa� Ave. CC177030u1? O PEN/NG COTTA 5 T. Bureau of En <oeers 9 -GE 05c ge Ave Curn0 5ouN joll. 29. /925 5co/e /" = loo' XV/11 -/d237 s ' i I Jl I 3 30 4 30 29 4 W > - N Q .0 W O v O Q z z N p w 6 5 O' G .5- 0 O C Q � � - � p J:. V N COTTAGE 5T. 1 'CITY OF ST. PAUL l - • DEPARtMENTOF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI3ISIONER OF `FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of opening, ,widening and extending a street to a width of 60 feet _- wide from Osage Street to Oomo Boulevard,' the center line of - _ said "street beim thesouthline of Lot 3 and 4, Block 30, and C3.i the south line of Lots 3 and 4. Block 29 1100moa C3i �- Ff,., under Preliminary Order approved Jan . 20 ,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S.2 / a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - S The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED �I VALUATION _ ------------ 1329 Como I r I —,—' ,450, t do 4 i �QO� �29 I j 15 ;29 do ,9 0� I 16 129 ' do j ; 14�q (Except Como Boulevard) i3 30 f do 1�(0 ,4 j30 ! do s _. 6Qo 11 X.102 1°/3'� of Lot 6 & all of - _ 5 130 do (I7401 -. �_- - 1 I L I _.. _ -_ TOTAL. _.-.. . I! L 2.9Qo! The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has inveset gated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together -with the report made to him in reference to I said matter by of Public Works. �tth}ee �Commissioner Dated - Com ydrisioner of Finance. Farm H. B. 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCItr 59183 . , vas NO •---.....----•---- t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM y y PRESENBY April 28111 COMM 1 ER..� �._ �.,� DAT E.__.-SL.2._ _._...._.__...__ RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of 20 ft. in Blook 1 >tli Hobert P. Lifts' Company Subdivision, under Preliminary Order 0. F. X68422, approved March 17th, 1925] and Intermediary Order M. F. X52593, approved March 31st, 1925i, The Commissioner of Pablio Works having submitted hie report and sketoh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED,That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows : The rear 10 ft; of Lots 1 to 30 inclusive. COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays 'Clancy -Ferguson Hodgson ....—. .In favor McHamctd— (� Sudimimer— ........... .... Against ✓iWenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council R 8 19 A",Ap roved..l" r'R 2 _5 zo ---------------------------- �192�.%---- MAYOp C�e�a hrRelnh �Jublic/orhs JOHN H. MCDONALD.. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O•CONNEIJL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GSORG6 M. SH ARD, CH W UN.INSES RM. N. "REV. S . OP GOHBTRUQIIDN AND RVNR - G. H. HERROLD. OPFICS AND CRY PIAKAN. SHS.- i --t-REPORT TO.TRE COUNCIL--- e9� M. S. GRYTSAK. SKIM B WS.R A. 0.SHARP. SI-. OP S -A -H G. P. SMLIN. SUR. - W--. In the matter of opening widening and extending an alley to a width of 2d ft# in Block 1, Robert P. Lewis' Company 3u1)div1sion, under. Preliminary Order 00 F. #58482, approved March 17th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F: #58593; approved march Slat, 1925, To the Council of the City of st. Pant Th® Commissioner of Publie Works hereby submits and makes a part of this; his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, Which land is accurately described as follows : The rear 10 ft. of Lots l to 30 inclusive. —M es' oner of Fabild workei April 28th, 1925. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 00 COMIjMFIONER Or,�FINANCE ON PRELIMMRY ORDER (A) In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of 20 ft. in Block 'l, Robert P.`Lewis' 0o's. Subdivision by t condemning the rear 10 ft. of Lots I to 30,inclusive. under Preliminary Order approved March 17,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be -assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION -S-SED VALUATION 1.11 Robert P.Lewis Oo.Subd.,I. j 275 i _X7 2 11 do 3 do 2% 2QO t 4 do A �2 5 jj do r!250' I do !2501 7 do 125O� 8 do it X2501 9I 1 do !I i250' 1 110 11 do 1 250' 11 1— B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMlf Y ORDER r a (c) DESCRIPTION-. 6LocK LOT. _ ADDITION .A ASSESSED ;! VALUATION 11 1 Robert'P.Lewis Oo.Subd. 250 12 4 1 do 250 1311 do 50 14 , 1 do 250 15 1 as - 350 ' _ 16 1 do 350 171 d° 3925 ._. _. _. 80 325 _ 19 1do 325 20 , 1 ' do 3900 do 275 +; 22 1 do 275 23 1 do ' 3475 24 : 1 do 5075 25. ' 1 do__. 275 i 26 1 i do 275 27 1 do 4275 7. 28 1 _ do 275 w..: 29 1 275. do 30 1 _' dO 300 E TOTAL - 77 27.375 ^The Commissioner of Financefurther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and: hereby, submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report' made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__&AnX-X 192 5 _ Commis ' ner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public}health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity anVgeneral welfare by providing for the olassi- ficstion,,iegulation and restriction of the location of trades'and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for speoified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1833. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended so as to sone all that area lying westerly. of St. Paul avenue, between Montreal avenue and Cleveland avenue, in the Light Industry District; the easterly side of St. Paul avenue between Montreal avenue and Bohland avenue and the north- erly side of Montreal avenue from Highview avenue to St. Paul avenue in a Commercial District; the easterly.and westerly sides of Argonne avenue between Montreal avenue and Bohland avenue in Claes 00" Resi- deuce Dlstriot;<,and all that property on the easterly and westerly sides of Elwood avenue, the southerly side of Saunders' Drive between Highview avenue and 180 feet, easterly of Argonne avenue, and the northerly and southelly sides of Coolidge street -from Highview avenue to within 130 feet of Argonne avenue, in Class -IB" Residence District. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the ,public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shalltakeeffect and be in force -- _ Q F. No. 69184 --Ordinance No. 6496— F BVH. C. Wenzel— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. -. 5840, entitled: "An ordinance for tfi of promoting the pub!;n, p, safety. r . Council File NO i ave le;�' Ry and a. for By ";' i re is Ordinance No An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public}health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity anVgeneral welfare by providing for the olassi- ficstion,,iegulation and restriction of the location of trades'and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for speoified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1833. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended so as to sone all that area lying westerly. of St. Paul avenue, between Montreal avenue and Cleveland avenue, in the Light Industry District; the easterly side of St. Paul avenue between Montreal avenue and Bohland avenue and the north- erly side of Montreal avenue from Highview avenue to St. Paul avenue in a Commercial District; the easterly.and westerly sides of Argonne avenue between Montreal avenue and Bohland avenue in Claes 00" Resi- deuce Dlstriot;<,and all that property on the easterly and westerly sides of Elwood avenue, the southerly side of Saunders' Drive between Highview avenue and 180 feet, easterly of Argonne avenue, and the northerly and southelly sides of Coolidge street -from Highview avenue to within 130 feet of Argonne avenue, in Class -IB" Residence District. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the ,public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shalltakeeffect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAY 1 3 1929' Yeas Nays Mr\I Clancy Hodgson McDonald ✓ Wenzel Sudheimer Mr. President proved MAY 1 31925 Mayor Attest Oi��e rk a C. J. MCGLOGAN ^- _ HAROLD J. RIORDAN _ e n < uE •rro. *222yyT * Q ,/, 1 c v —K— CLERK corA,AUEoeu <r ReaiereenoR �i4 AT l aftl7' ;Pau CLARENCE A, STORMS i4 Y44 3V N`+�i lu`NM c CLERIf-RWIRMitON DIME of (Ing (61trIt �8 April 23rd, 1925, dl Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u l l di n g. My, dear Mr. Stewart: Attached, herewi th are all papers in connection with the petition to rezone the forty acres bounded by Cleveland Ave.,Bohland Ave., Montreal Ave. (said forty acres being laid out along St. Paul Avenue). Skis matter was referred to you by the Council, for the proper form of ordinance rezoning this property as requested. Very truly yours, City Clerk. f41tg of fit. Paul �epatfinent �oyrf y�acks. �tsaygcaunas GEORGE 'L- NASON. .a�(1 ^ ublic $utt�ittg N S-. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, IRVING C. PEARCE. OWWU COMMISBIO S—. W ,UYOR88tlne FRANK X. TEWES. _ OFFICE OP MMMISSION— CrtY ASBXrteCY .218 COURT: HOUSE March 23, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir In the matter of the application to ezone the forty acres bounded on the west by Clevela d Avenue, on the north by Bobland Avenue, and on the outh by Montreal Avenue (said forty acres being laid ut along St. Paul Avenue) the Board wish to report fav rable. The entire re-7oning of this tract is entirely n accord with the views of the Board. ' 6-V yu,,�,f �j%zinc %-t This provides for zoning St. Paul( AV ue and `the area we to Cleveland in a LightiIndu trial District, the east side of St. Paul Avenue in a Commercial Dis- tract, the east and west sides of -Argo a Avenue In a BlassC District, and the balance of t forty acres in a Class B District. Yours truly, �retar, Zoni oard. GHH..0 L= i tC" i �{rnealluE #trlpa to 91Eke Drtin Q[flfar119 S` C. J. McGLOGAN - HAROLD J. RIORDAN cnv el.tlllc um 041 cOMNIttltNtll O!RNItTUTON 04 1 of„ Oaiut 11Tut CLARENCv An. tlSlTKcOinRrMnStR R cwv cunwRwnnunox Mfut of (Lug Xterk �8 March 16th, 1925 Mr. F. X. Tewes, Secretary, Zoning Board, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Teves: We enclose herewith all papers in the matter of re -zoning that property lying westerly of St. Paul Avenue between Montreal Avenue and Cleveland Avenge in a Light Industry District, and other changes as listed. If Will you kindly bring this matter before the Zoning Board at its next meeting for recommendation? Very truly yours, City Clerk. C. J. MCGLOGAN - HAROLD J. RIORDAN CRY. CLQK AND ♦ A ,��`` CgOCl.W4CRY CLQIK COMM16t1DNa 01 K[OIBTMTON Titu of ontnt IJUU1 6 11LV� a`• CLARENCE A. STORMS uDv. CL�IK•K[OIRIN1noN Me a (91tp Tlerk C-lizu, gI March 12th,1925. Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Comaissioner.of Finance, Bnil ding. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith all papers relative to the petition to amend the zoning ordinance so as to place all that property lying westerly of St. Paul Avenue between Montreal Avenue and Cleveland Aveme in a Light Industry District and other changes as listed on petition. The Council has fixed the first day of April,,; 1925 as the date of hearing in this matter. ' Will you, therefore, kindly send out notices to the property owners of this hearing? Respectfully yours, City Clerk. ' # K N I I \ j WE the undersigned, being more than fifty per cent (50%),of the owners along the streets and two thirds -of thi'-owft'ei-s- -within one hundred (100) feet of the -prop arty affected. respectfully petition your Honorable Body UMidway ther zoning map in Highland Park as follofre: Placing all that'area lying Weate;ley,of St. Paul Ave. between Montreal Ave. -and Cleveland Ave. in aLight Indu stry Die - ,The Easter. iy'side of St. Paul Ave. between Montreal Ave. and Bohland-Ave. and the Northerly side of Montreal Ave. from High - view Are.* to St. Paul Ave. in a Commercial District. The Ea tet:fy and Westerly aide of Argonne 0 51 / Ave. between Montreal'Ave.. and,Bohliand.Ave.' All that-proPerty on the Eas terly and. West-_ :erly aides of,31wood Ave; the Southerly aid* , , - of.,paunders-11 ' -Drive between HighvisirAve.and,.; 120 ft. Easterly of Argonne Ave. and the :Northerly and Southerly, sides of Coolidge St from Highview Ave. to within 120 ft.* of Ar- gonne Ave. to a Class !B" Residence District. 31 7 Lot Block Addition Midland Highland Park,. (2) (S*�-17) (2) 7V N I I t!,Tc.,? - c, 'F r j* T,.- J !'T .� T ' IuIq J1" I- '­`- T "I r. * [7f1]" 'Ac _06'!'.OGU -.011f T.1 ft 01 All that part of the NW -j of SE -j of jqw-f of Sec. 16. T. 28 R.23 described as follows to wit: Commencing at the SW. Corner of IM -of N�acAg--m/ of NW*; thence B. along the S. line of above described tract of land 131.80 ft.; thence N. parallel to the. W. line, of above described tract 33040 ft.; thence W. 131.8 ft..to the W. line of:.above described tract of.land; thence S. along said W. line of said tract of.land,330-50 it. to point of beginning containing one acre., ,! 'Zi{r�AA-*�.n �' f tit (2) ' l t) �D ( 7_ ,�j . 7-3 (U t . r W4 aze, 13 AT 0P IMMMM 8 0 T unty of Ramsey being -first duly sworn,,, deposes Afnd says that he isAhe.perzon who circulated the within petition; that the -parties desetibed'above are the owners respectively ofAhe lots.placpd immediately following each name; that 'this petition was ignedby each of said oZners in the pros - once of this affiant,.and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and the artie so described. Subscribed savor efore me this of A.D. 1924. --lBbVary Public'. Ramsey. Co=W Minnesota. My Commission expires t Y� RESOLVED � r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN' No..--- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' ---..__.._ oa•r�__April 28�19�26 ----- WHEREAS, The Land o—ittee of the Council has reported that the property described in Ordinance H00490, approved April 26th,1926, being Lotss14 and 16, Block 2, Hard4nbergh Heights, can be purchased for the sum of One thousand two hundred dollars ($1200.00), free and clear of all incumbrances, as,46 this date, RESOLVED, That the offer of the owner of said property is hereby accepted and the purchase of said property authorized upon the terms above set forth, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to take the necessary i steps to complete said purchase, IC F N4 i$918y-89'J M. Clanc9 WheNEae The 7nnq Comm(ttee of the. � (Ceuncll hue reppcfeathat the p�opertq.' de9cr14,ad-7}l Or8(R�no�eL°��S�lo �.=899 s1�= aAd. X AypA a5th 1996 being, Iota 14 Bkeoiq'eq,'1;haL�thgPalterOttheoWder,•- of e5id,.�mp6rLY ie-her8byy'' ce¢tedand' / the u+.r auie Dr¢�tt�=atlYllof liege dyon cpa Setans abpve aet:lRrLfi:. andthe,yroper ntiy:dlOd�be1r,s ace:herR'by- auth9riYla and ingtrdeteattR i8ke the', 8eaeee� eCODe tb+dbiq}}letg egYd Dar nhaledeuptg,`ti by #hd,CdnnCil�ADc 3�6 ty.$26r£ / 6�ArRVe$ ADr 98 '1995 ,. (Meyl�.1996y COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson-----:57In favor ir€ed— ................ Against ;'Zr.el MPresident fl Adopted by the Council._�'�----2 -------- 1925-_-....-. ... ..192._ cL- f l�a - Ap rove..It�.l�_. - ------ 192 D. W. AUBTIN.;PurcLnt Agnt �A e' B. A. DANZ. Deputy Par ha" Agent .. �urrl��i�itus �r#��rtmrnt �ktiditepfa ��� ' jiril 28,1926. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAULe TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL; The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has under- taken to purchase the following described property, known as Lots 14 and 16, Block 2, Hardbnbergh Heights, in accordance with Ordinance 6490, approved April 28,1928, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the sum of One thousand two hundred dollars ($1200.00), free and clear of all encumbrances ars of this date. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above set forth. APPROVED : COMMITTEE ON LANDS d/ � 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou" NO.------ � ~' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU GENERAL ORM .PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DATE_._. .- RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Red B oil Company-to�erect and install ten 15,000-gallon up-right gasoline storage tants at 460 North Cleveland avenue; said per- mission being granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, -who istobe notified when the tants are installed. Said storage, tanks shall be installed in accordance with the ordi— nances of said City; the construction of the tants meet comply with the building regulations of the City and with the specifications of the National Board of Fire: Underwriters and be fire-proof. The plans and specifications shall be approved by the Building Depart- ment before this resolution becomes operative. I�It'ed, 'that vebmlea�on `and sd U ; thpr Y are hErebg gTante t0 [h�Ra�¢, / F1L5:M=01]01anC$9 oaDn4SfN^ktiotrrleogrrh xe ethat-�98na$eo iutosb i4YOT= F aire� -Av4'. ee16 yerta�e 10` 11.e F- t f"W"..aDp5' a aT ep`"Coas�7�tlrone! 1 / - ot PubUC HatetY wha fe to da tap� 1aotlped LJJ� e» th6 a are �geta ed Haid erprasd aha11bainat�ed"'ta � G Cerdaa tha ordinaaeee tbgbtYyaloa %ut the otton a iqhe Own, on ,toria of 'C", n41',*1 h ihd.1wap; ; olti6tion, tjl [otipS`$Cprd nC B'1ria;. Vaderw}•4� lie, ¢,ra r8otm�:.Qhs; � 'b. .v1eaa anQ. dna tt4ne ahDilll "tatr .vyTOYed by„tA'e IPB':�1�Ddrt/saa b�9 ,fpre tbtp.'reaallttlen 11ea0 ea orierattver -AdoDtad bY-the,5CaanaCl MaY b 3$36. � C..OUNCILMEN - .MAY 5 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-. ......... ........... 192 ✓ Clancy 5 tS�' Ferguson Approved -.�Y - - _192...... ,i Hodgson --7Z)­ in favor McDonald AYOR 8udheimer ....... _.---_.---.--Against Wenzel , /Mr. President Mr. C. J. MDOlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - The applioation of the Red-E-0il Company for permission to instal ten 16,000 -gallon upright gasoline storage ' tanks in addition to the present storage of 62,000 gallons at 460 Ho. Cleveland Ave. is returned herewith; also report of inspeotion by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and approval as to fire hazard if installation is made as feeommended. Yours very truly, Commissioner o-lio safety • fpatttl Paul (ou OWEN Ce CDUNNN. E. J. MURNANE. OF ►GUE[ 'of aaa MIC"M GERHARDT, HAM GUSHAROT, • !W part ent of Public fis fe'*v 1 1 ilTw, RL LANDER. OSCAR LANDER. IV H. A. VALL. WILLIAM BARRON. CIO- INaRet M PIR[ PRNIX'ION W AIN OF. DRttTrv® J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER H. BARFUS G. S, IxsR[c'ae OF FNJC[ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CNppLES C . WILLIS, SUR'. OF AFRAMT A. L. EGG I LIODn[ IM-[C'OR 2H COUIR NWa[ DR. B. F. SIMON. HULTH OmOaa1 A. E. NIC M. D., CHARUrS L SEGREH. Suit. MUNICIPAL G— Oe If OPneeR �® MA TI. JOHW-HIewLTH JOS.MACAULAY, EIIIr. a c. & FIR[ A—M IN.R[C'ow April 16,'1926 Mr. C. J. MDOlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - The applioation of the Red-E-0il Company for permission to instal ten 16,000 -gallon upright gasoline storage ' tanks in addition to the present storage of 62,000 gallons at 460 Ho. Cleveland Ave. is returned herewith; also report of inspeotion by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and approval as to fire hazard if installation is made as feeommended. Yours very truly, Commissioner o-lio safety E. J. MURNAN9, QtV of Oaiut • Paul OW�F.R[CwvN• _ ' CWW wPOLlejt GRO M ICHAeLG®HARDY, D9CAR LANDER. L . A.R. OP POue[ ' ��}}r.y.}, ��8}} �}Y}i yy�,# ��}} ` X87/' ■Y, Department YL Public.._, Safetp AR PIRG H.A. VAIJ_ WILLIAM BARRON. CA .IN OP O[IR Wn PR .PevT CNI- INR. FIRE ��ORlal 6. H. BItRFU93. J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L WILLIE. Inn[cl.R w P.ueH HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER eOPr. OF A,, ­ A. L. EGGERT. DR. B. F. SIMON. Ue IN.P[c[ae BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION Omen HOmem CHARLES SEO OaNm um NIMaa.rA m. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. G BUR. MU.— AMO[ W 1LLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INS— DOVTY v.. TN JOB. MACAULAY. JOHN MARTI. ft-. POMC[ & PIR[ ALMN -4010-@ CMv H— I— April 15,1925 Hon. j.11.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Red E 011 Company for permission to install ten 15,000 gallon up right gasoline storage tanks in addition to the present storage of 52,000 gal- lons, situated at 460 North Cleveland Avenue. We have inspected the location where applicant desires installing these additional tanks. I believe that if all tanks containing orude,petroleum or other liquids of equal or greater hazard, are surrounded with a proper dyke for protection of neighboring property in case of any accident to the tanks, that this additional storage would not seriously increase the fire hazard in their vicinity. Dykes to be of sufficient size to hold one and one half times the capacity of the tanks and at least four feet in heig&t. Dykes to be built of brick, concrete, or earth from which all stones and other forgein matter have been removed and to have a crown of not less than three feet an slope of at least two to one on both sides. xespe tfully yo � o�nW C ohief Inspector. RED E OIL COMiMANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - 0 April 4, 1925 J'r. C. J. Mcalogan, City Clerk, at, caul, Minnesota.- Dear innesota.Dear Sir:— This is an application for a permit to install ten 15i000 gallon up right gasoline storage tanks in addition to the present storage of 52,000 gallons, situated at 460 North Cleveland Avenue. Awaiting your convenience, we are, Yours very truly, R l3ulbranson-nV8 RED � ' r a s��... CITY OF�-n--- * ST.-PAUL NO.. y� wuaca PILE -••-•� - V.$7 OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OL TION—GENERAL FORM G ' co ISSIONER _ OATF WHIRRAS, The: sum of-Fifty-Dollars ($60.00) was on April-8th, 1935, deposited with the Clerk of the Nunicipal Court, as bail money to secure the appearance of Norman Blatt in said Court to answer a charge then pending against him, and whereas, the case of Norman Blatt, a minor, was transferred to the Juvenile Court, without the knowledge of the presiding Judge and the City Proseout or, and the bail forfeited; and WEMAS, The Judge of the Municipal Court and the City Prose- outor have certified to the above facts and have recommended the refund of said bail money to said Dorman Blatt; therefore, be it _R>g8_CL"D, That the proper" city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor 'of, said Norian' Blatt for said am of Fifty Dollars (=50.00), payable out of the Refunds and Repayments item of the General Fund. Ln1P Nd; b'6d$4 �Y 1 7iL L`Iatirsy +� SPileibea. the said 3PittI dollars fS6006 i-w9d rut,SLb�.Yl8ae.. poe3Le�-v6ltti,.�the rClerlc'OY.,`RlierMt4al; Ic7pa1 rCutd'tr, ap'�tdtl lmldlip's'J'tcaadilyd U1e8pA4a7�1ICabt-NO n BlalbIa gat$ �Cdurt.teenaw4�s�:r>b�f$E'lhe>M'pdn Ingg agafaBY-h'1ak ad '1PbI,MeapE ihdaiea'oi`. NODalad'^B,lat�In tptao g'ngta}�f !% rda Yd L1Lp T Ven3ta.t'o ck��aW3EGagt tfie l' �7cp6wtedga b� 6,gteelald�-7Us -tfie, +CI uthz 4qa aCflo7c+ Nd t] ;— �4i'?a`n T�"ie tY,iiB�e dY Lhg=:Maa1 paT CatiY.fgR7t xR40ttY p,yaeouto C@rgpea--LS the aGove ,T' P - recUaltot��aeaYigA[axuad alolieTy� mta B � ^IteaolVOdr %lhht sew marAeXeRY,., �fd . COUNCIL3tEN ✓ 18aLv1a Hlat fhe Fr. ` �pR 2 9 1925 i 1)OI 'tase>LSSO 9 01 the d` Yeas Nays xaaar$g��aYLe _ .._--..--------------------192.----- 'Apr, . 'Clancy Iy � p Y4'ove(L�dti c. Ferguson 1 _- A ed..— PR-2 192 ----..-....192.----- Hodgson .-.-.._--In favor � • MAYOa Jad�ellner-- _-.. Y....Agamst - Wenzel -"Mi. President Fr C. JJ MCGLOGAN CNY CLeRI( ANO - HAROLD J.RIORDAN ,(/� `CMIHF CLGK{OY -K OMMIBHIONHII OF ReOiBTKATION ■ 1 �T � F�A ,�1�r1. ■♦ ■Y■ NM �■1 ]MN ■• CLARENCE A. STORMS CHI@ CLHHKRWIHTIIATION o t e of (Ing (QICCk 1 ���f,/� April Edd, 1 2 9 5 Mr. A. 1. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i 1 di ng. My dear Mr. Stewart: We enclose herewith petition for the refund of $50.00 bail money forfeited by one Norman Elatt,'through a misunderstanding. Rhe Council today referred this petition to you for the preparation of a resolution granting such refund. Very truly yours, ((// �' City Clerk. Fr PFTTTION. TO THF H)NORABLF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Nos comes your retitioner 1 Blatt, and retitions your honorable body to return to sour retitioner Blatt, -'50.00 bail, forfeited on April 8th,'1925. The bail -..,,ias forfeited by mistake under the following circumstances: Blatt, a minor, was arrested on April 8th, 1925, and charged in Municipal Court with petit larceny on the same day. At that time he was transferred to Juvenile Court because of his age, was tried in that court, 13nd placed upon probation by the Hon. Judge Grier M. Orr. The case was called in Municipal Court on the same day, and as neither the Hon. John W. Finehout, Judge of the Municipal Court, nor Thomas Walsh, City Prosecutor, knew of the fact that your petitioner. Howard Blatt was transferred to Juve- nile Court, the bail was duly forfeited. As this mistake was in- advertentiv made throuuh no fault of your petitioner, I petition your honorable body to refund the forfeited bail, which was paid into the city treasury-; said refund to be made payable to your pe- titioner, Fd Blatt. '7 Dated April 6 1025- I, Thomas W. Walsh, Prosecuting Attornev for the City of St. Paul, having read the above retition, state that I know these facts to be true and do hereby recommend that the said 850.00 bail money be returned to the above petitioner, ff�fl Blatt. Dated April 1, (,1925 - Attorney. I, John T. Finehout, Judge of the Municipal Court, having read the ahave.-retition,do hereby recommend the refund of the $50-00 bail to Howawd,- Blatt. Dated ApriLm, '1925 - Or -114ZA I > t AAXI fAA­141<\ Vu" nici5alf Judge. 011tW31S MIMS EM,=M&%MAWIWAILIMAIL=AML�M=�i=M VIEURLISE INS CITY OF ST. PAUL FILIZ No ----- 4J._#:L$8. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE -SEN). BY COMMISSIONER --- SATE-- RESOLVES t the offer of settlement-of.One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) 'by--toot-8ohul$e & oompany for damages to an ornamental light post at the southeast corner of Twelfth and Robert streets, on April 18, 1823, be and the same is hereby asoepted, and the proper city officers are authorised to execute proper release therefor. COIINCILASEN APR 2 819" Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ................................. .....192. ---•- `Clancy ✓Ferguson A provedSr........192 -Hodgson _75._.In favor 14ieHoaaid /\/ - ... xA - V MAYOR sum--, -'— ................Against Wenzel /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL =UN °1' No. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ' oev C. HODGSON April 28, 1925: Eq�..Y.....: ....»... _..Y....._...._........._....._...... ._..:... _..w_......_........._. DATE.»_.. ...... ...+.. mum p CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ----- J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK * 60.0 CIL RESOLUTI -GENERAL FORM c f PRESENTEDBY �CUMMI8910NER 22DATE__A,ptej,l-.28_ 1925------- RESOLVE That Application No. 2089.for conducting a Soft Drink Parlor at 807 Jackson Street issued to Jamas Gill be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation`of the Bureau of Police for the reason that this place has been raided and arrests: made several times by both Federal Agents and the.Poliee for violation of the liquor law and it is a place where bums and giLestionable oharacters hangout. Ckia. 9 ata +7 NMI,.n `4�apc3 t qq i1P°r<y8 ,kT1i:8. S [or ao411uddng 1<'�Ai.•ktt a , ;.807 dBWcpOb. 6t, Isenp¢. 91"4 filll be gbd36eraa �}e ;tiisoby poplo0.:�IOop; - :.} mBtldBtfbrtY oj,ip PeB'cP[ Pw- _ ao otald d dAaur [n m9d$1laa4eeg@or8{: ' - �ritMeh bS. aoHr,FddoraL ABelti4-4A¢ 1Re.: :pRllee et?,Wolafi n-,ar.2ti,w.nnn:.w. ra.e COUNCM. IEN - A R C 8 1725 ;. .. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._ r ....... ....... 192._.... , Clancy APR 218 192- 192__._.. Ferguson A proved -_....... . godgson in favor / NAYOR Sndh_ d yr._..__ W el ' -.-. [...:Against r President r L r . CITY of Si. PAUL F�ROIL No -------- ----•-OFFICE r OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .`PRESENTED BY ...DATE:. April, 28 1926 . COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED B. Solomon, 197 E. Indiana Av. Orooery H. J. Whitings 600 Sherburne-Av., Jensen & Falkenberg, 96 W. Winifred St., Twin City Amusement Trust Est. 635 Selby Ave., Motion Picture Theatre Geo. Paulos, 297 E., 7th St., Confectionery John Eurist, 600 JBokSOn St., Soft drink L. M. Rollins, 181 Western Ave., arooery Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street. Poolrooms are 1000 feet from Schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas 'Clancy (.-Ferguson --'Hodgson Wenzel Mr. President i Nays rJ...-.In favor ._..Against Adopted by the Council APR R -- $ 1925 ... ..... 192 Approved. 14PR 2 8 1925 ---..... ------ 192.--- . ..... .........- ........... )...-....._...... . MAYOR 77 .t 3 CITY OF 'ST. PAUL cCOunca NO._.._'a = �iS OFFICE`r"OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL Rk4QLUTION—GENERAL FORM .'PRESENTED BY .:COMMISSION •'���� ......�. Anwf� 9II-�: 1096 CITY OF ST. PAUL FNa` No ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL R OLUTION NERAL FORM PRESENTED"BY C COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Standard Oil Company of Indiana to Install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast 'corner of Dale street and Thomas street, the tanks and pumps to be Installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. and44 C411' ax ee Jkk'� quy"or 8i. ;ff o7 OP. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy ierguson -"' Hodgson ::C ln favor -Sudbab=L - — -----(„�..Against� "enzel Mr. President JL Adopted by the Council. .............On .'j n 1925............ ............ 192 ...... APR 2 8 192 A�,ovedd .......... 192 ---------- * ----- - - ------------ ...... . .. . ..- . ......... ... 1).11 .......... 1-0 and applicant so notified by letter dated' 19_` Ac Of Saint Paul, Minnesota Duplicate MIT OF SAINT PAUL - This application to be For License to Operate and M itits, in (In Compli nce With Ordinance 5266) x) z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made in duplicate andsubmitted to the -Crty, APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. At AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION " Form No: Application No, and applicant so notified by letter dated' 19_` To the Honorable City Council Date Of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREIADE By S ?&_7Wa W, 7 Name of Flom IndMdml For License to Operate and M itits, in (In Compli nce With Ordinance 5266) A AUTOMO $IL_E I LING to be located �A/TI At Y6 Number and ff m t Number of NutiMber of Gas Capacity of J�~(S Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be I Tanks—; Received at office of City Clerk �.✓ t of Apyll--(GGG�' J `. r-'','''✓:..^ `Y'" �'G=`'`z'a`p _ • :^.�, BuNnex Add— Received From City Us& Re -pro r City Clerk Received From City. Clerk Dat - "Ir Data f 3 r ' 1q�.$ - Date - 19_ Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds .and Public Buildings Departm t of bHe Safety _ Department of Public Works BY^ t� By B - Received From Dept. of Public. Safety Received From Dpt.of Public Works Y - Received From Department of ' Dare 19_ - Dates 19— Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk -. Office of the City. Clerk By Received.From City .Clerk Received FromCity Clerk Date Date Passed 19—. 'Office of the Corporation Counsel 19_ By - Approves 19_ Received From Depar P artment of Ordinance No., By Received From Office of Corp. Date 19— Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated' 19_` E. J. MURNAMIL CNI V M FOLIC[ MICHAEL GMHAROT, ' A..T. CNI V N FOuc[ H. A. VALL. C—.. W D[i[cTIVO G. H. BARFLIES. • Ixv[Gro11 M POUG6 A. L. EGGERT. LI—ItarO:r011 CHARLES L. SSOREH. eurr. MWOGFAL 0— JOS, MACAIILAY. UR S. -- & FIRS ALARM Mr. C. J. Mc0logan, City Clerk, St, Psul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Herewith is returned the application of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on the northeast sorner of Dale and Thomas Streets, and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Ccmmissioner of Publio Safety '-1 i"tJ} QftttPaul QWa .Cw-N !{` Y of f lublic OSCAR LANDER. AR L FIR[ CIRV JVL -Saftft WILLIAM BARRON, CRIw Iwr[cioR, FIR[ PRNeIm.N J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Surf. DFAmAMiD. - DR. B. F. SIMON. iH COIIIYI' HOce[ XGLTN Omcmt A. E. NICHOLS. M. 0..4 DVMY XGLTH OrFICDI �® JOHN MARTI. CNI- H— I— April 13, 1925 Mr. C. J. Mc0logan, City Clerk, St, Psul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Herewith is returned the application of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on the northeast sorner of Dale and Thomas Streets, and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Ccmmissioner of Publio Safety '-1 E. J. MURNANE. Cwv v P.Uc. MICHAEL G®HMM. MR. C,— M.A. , VH.A. VAU.. CwITMN Dr D.icTVO G. H. BARPUSS. Ixv(CTpI a. Pace. .. A. L EGGERT. UaOI.. NI.v.CLaR CHMLEE L SEGREN. ewr. Maw— G— JOB. MAWULAY, 811rt. PaUC. 6 PIR. ALARM (�itm of taint Paul Department of ?Public Safetp J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTIbVW DaNm wrm NlNraaarw m. "' WILLIAM SARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR '® OWEN C. DUNN, PIR. -- 09GLANDER, A.— FIR. Cwv WIWAM BARRON. Cwv IN...CTaR. PIR. PRN.NN.N CHARI.ESL. WILUS. 5-- AroAMTa. DR. B. F. SIMON. N TN O—c- A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DQUir'H lHO—c- JOHN MARTI. ' ewv H..LLTx IluveeLOR April 11,1925 Hon.J.M.Clanoy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Hinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Standard Cil Com- pany of Indiana for permission to install and maintain a gaso- line filling station at the northeast corner of Dale and Thomas Streets. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. x;i"ing. syatiivn ati-:yna a QK UarJanti; QUE110K and Th,ome,e street. If unable lto attend, king undersigned, in writing, whetheryou ars opposed to .the issuance of said permit`: 6'� )f Dahe Street . -`"' ly notify , the in livor or. COUNCIL CIL .!CITY OF ST. PAUL FE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL' RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM CO . missIONER; L , . 7. DATE,_._` CITY CE SAINT, PAVL CITY OF ST. PAUL G UENQL 59.L.e�L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONEER .._... DATE__—.__ RESOLVEDUnat the ,#U -use of the Auditorium Is hereby given to the Memorial Day Association for the Memorial Day program on May 30th, 1985. i C 'D' Nu 89196—SY 3 �' a°Y a- IIleeolte hereby B�ba to LhetMe+u e LDa� ;Asa6uieLEoa i°SO h° 1986 �rCoP� i /� I to to ygCsad wentR'uPd. ° be' C7�aza}'edl / the; Couactl AbT 88 1986 II Ado9ted i�Y , SH y996 _ _ - ll, ADDroved AD�r-� a y986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson `Hodgson ......�In favor MaDeeeld- elmer ....... .Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CouncilAPH-9.—PJ �.rJ....._...-.192..--.- pR2 G192 Approved ----------- 192 - .............Cit.Q.ow✓ Actfnq MAYOR Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE _ No ------- --- 96.- ti PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Purcha"eAgent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, two MoHiernan-Terry Pile Hammers complete, at a total cost not to exceed $566.00, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge P.I.R.- 3001- L 2203- Belt Line - B - COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson _ ,/Hodgson ...........In favor Mr17nnAlrl 9%4ue'mau' .........Against i Wenzel l Mr. President APR 28 192,4 Adopted by the Council ... ---------------------------------- ---192.---.- Approve192..-... -- ---- eting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FlOfuE"`" ND ------- r7.9197 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESCAUTION—GENERAL FORM oATEApril 28925 RESOLVED That .the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, in the open market without advertisement or competitive bids, 400 trees at a price of $2.25 per tree, as these tre•ee were recently advertised for and no bide were received. Charge P.I.R.-Tree Planting Edmund from Dunlap to Grigge--So side Minnehaha street from B.Seventh to Forest St. Churchill Ave. from McKenty to Cross St. A a �. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci...2 8 1925 .............. ...............192 w ,/Clancy ,/Ferguson AAM................... 192----- ,IIodgson _�.........In favor MrBoaal&— ....&r............. Rri�lll� MAYOR -Bxdheiraur.................Against / Wenzel /"Mr. President Yeas Flu CITY OF ST. PAUL wUNCILNO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 0 �e Abri 'I VA i o 9R ' That the Purt5pfng Agent ate, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ingersoll Rand portable Compressor without advertisement, for the sum, of $287b.00, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge P.I.R.3001-Belt bine "B" L2003 COUNCILMEN Nays ✓ Clancy ✓Ferguson _,,-McDonald 5.–.In favor .ASatsea– pokT � ....... P. I/ Wenzel ,/MMr. President APR 2 4 Adopted by the Council.. _ ........................1925........_.192._... Approve -.. .o-'?�.PR..2-a 19a� 192----- j� d� �efing MAYOR -59199 CITY OF Si. PAUL Fae NO- -------- ------ -- I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONUW� 1925- G RESOLVED RESOLVED: That the Department of Public Works, be is h -*"by authorized and directed to sink borings along the line of the proposed St. Paul -Ave. sewer and South gleveland Ave. sower for the purpose of determining the nature of the ground material which will be encounteredI A In the construction of the said proposed sewers, and that the.Department of Public Works Is directed to do the work of boringe by Cite Force Agcount at an estimated cost of $979.00 and,'belt FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above work, not to exceed the sum of $979.00, be and the same is herewith appropriated from the Sower Bond Fund, Code 2301. COUNCILMEN APR 2 8 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council- ................... ................. 192 .Z616ney Approved APR 2 8 1929 -------192.-- -/Ferguson gson In favor --------------- Against h6ting MAYOR ; /w"I Mr. President i CITY OF ST. PAUL cou" NO ------- 592110 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rF COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY -_ April 28, 1925. CommISSIONE OATF RESOLVE , That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 1, 1924, between John A. Sandquist, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing of Zafond Street from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 21st day of<April, ;1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amenement'to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Cofttroller. v " COUNCILDIEN APR 2 8 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-----------=------- -------------192-- --• "lancy PR 2 s 19,245 -Ferguson Approved 1 -Hodgson �In favor Manexe3d— ��� ..-.. .... (� MI1YOfl 9edheimer-- -..-..-......... Against tIng Z•/, enzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COMRCa�Ol No. -- . /�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0, RESENTED BY owTE—._Aril 2 1 2�,,,� :OMMISSIONE L- ay, _�-3.L_ �._.._.--. i 2ESOLVED . That the Commissioner of Public.Vorks be and 1 is hereby authorised and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: Balace at. from Prior to Fairview Cretin Ave; from Nile to Randolph SU st. Clair from Cretin to Prior r -isal. o 10. 69281—B9 T.0 f0elonr ed'Th otI i Reeov,&t'the' Ankle Wlth Wa-_ Pub11a Works be and la heteoY t thor- 3zOd. and directed tP eD irvlew.` I tePalace 1tp 194 from Prlorr to T>tan Cret{n Ave.- from N1e Ran Clalr from Cretln to Prior i the1 Coanai] APt Adopted 28. 1826%( dliy APr. 28, 1926., Approve7i1 (]IaY 8-3926) APR 2 8 19Z COUNCILMEN Yeas Nuys Adopted by the Council------- _---- ----_-.--------•-----192,---- ✓Clancy 1'i% 2 8 VFerguson Approve 4--------------------- ------ -----------192----- /Hodgeon .---In favor MAYOR . - Sxdkeimel'–• ..... ...---.-..Against Ac in 9 % wenzel /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No ----- -E 59210140- April 24, 1926 ......... ... .. . . . . ..... .... In the matter of constructing curbing on the I north side of James Street from Prior Avenue to Sue Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. jf415170, approved April 17, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #51847, approved May 21, 1924. RES&VED, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..............__.-.--------_--...-_192-____APR 2 0 1925 ,,i Clancy .Ferguson App ...... .......... rov -------- 192 Hodgson in favor ................... & .......... sudheilffer . ....... ..MAYOR Agedrist V Wenzel Mr. President a CITY OF ST. PAUL FRENcn. NO ------ –59203 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . �ff 1.- .,,,rte April 24, 195 Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. $39845,, approved May 24, 1922, and Final Order C. F. X43807, approved January 24, 1924, described as the paving of Hampden Ave. from University Ave. to Raymond Ave., W. A. Patterson and Ganley Bros. Company, Contractors, have arisen and necessitate the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Lighting. Moving cable at PIE corner of Hampden and University Avenue "x'3.56 IJow, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost not to exceed the sum of -j3.56., which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's contract L-2158, and the said amount of $3.56 shall be paid to the Department of Public_ Utilities, Bureau of Lighting. �C. R No. 69203—By T. M. Clancy— 'i tron�r`e ontract, 1,-2166; mount of $2.66 ahall be DepaYtment of Pubilo In COUNCILMEN of L1ghting. Adopted by'tbe Council Yeas Nays Approved Apr. 2&z 1926 (May 2-1926' 1/Clancy 'Ferguson ,Hodgson ..-.�.In favor Slldheifnef— ..........Against /Wenzel e"Mr. President: 11- hereby -.done; un - An of, the 'orke;j- the 1- of:'$2.66 a: an extra as 'Comp - l. the sold A to :the :s, Bureau %PR 2 13 925 •i 28; 1925:1he Coune----------------------------------------- 192---..- Approve .. . ..... . ....._.'..---'-----'---192--'- f!(i�I%1� MAYOn RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -------- vf•,7T74 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 28, 1925 0 That the grade of Kenneth Avenue from Bohland Avenue to Bayard Avenue, in accordance with the red Frade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade - Y '•l1• CI L Kenneth�' O'g solvSOIL, the t- ed .Bohlend pvethe Ted Brea 1 Ave..ln a cordonce with rdflle and •. pve.,.on the, aced by thenCth efesioned lot O' bit- v' t as as-pnd Lde eetegllah. rec the e.doP . 29:1926. hereby Hell APT• 6T APPr° ed Apra; 2µ192b) COUNCILMEN APR 2 8 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council_........................................192...... Clancy IP'k� � ,Ferguson �--� Approved_ ._ ._ - -.-. --192 ................192...... -Hodgson �.-_!In favor �� McDonald- ..............................................------ ------- Su�31eimE1' MAYOR Against Acting Wenzel Mr. President RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL F""` NO ---,U���n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 28, 1925. That the grade of Sumner Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying porifle end as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade.- IC. P No 69 $T4k6—ny J. y J.DT. Glancy- Avenuevfom att the enue to HayarOf d A Avenue, In accordnnce with the .redsl," 'yam grade tine: on: the accompanying pro - me and Aof Public BWo ke, beed by hand the eome le, hereby.,adoyted- ae.. the estab Ilehed grade. - , Adopted by the.-Coun.H Apr. 28. 1926. Approved Apr. 28. 1926. - • '(6iIIy 2-1926).. COUNCILIMN Yeas ✓ Clancy Ferguson Hodgson N rperrald•- V Wenzel V/ Mr. President APR 2 s i925 Nays Adopted by the Council--------------- ------------------192------ 2 8 122-'' l Approved - 192. �In favor i • // G✓=-t/L Ctl/1 MAYOR ....-------....Against 9 RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL 0006 CITY OF ST. PAUL — NO .....................:... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 28, 1925 That.the grade of Woodville Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No.. 69206—By,T.MClan Resolved, That the.gride of -cy Wood -1 vole Aye. :',from -Otto 'Ave; ;-to Bayard Ave.. In accordancewith the red grade' as on the accompanying proale and- Of I as Public o ed by the . Commlesloner+ he Putillc. Works; be and, the game fa, grade. adopted: 'as tho ee[sameis: grade. - Adopted by the Council Apr. 26, 1926.' Approved Apr. 26,- 1926. {May 2-1926) COUNCILMEN APR 2 J 1925 Nays Adopted `Uy the Council ......................... 192..-... ✓Clancy ✓Ferguson Approve -� - 192 Hodgson --- —------- ..In favor �4e�onlslS"' adhe . ! ...Against curia MAYOR ✓ Wenzel Mr. President L� ' 5907-- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.---. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 24, 1925 RESOLVED In the matter of installing service lights on West Seventh Street from Seven Corners (so-called) to Tuscarora Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. J28068, approved January 29, 1920, and Final Order C. F. ip33415, approved March 31, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public +forks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. y COUNCILMEN Peas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson Ar .D., ald 8udheimer— /Wenzel ✓ Mr. President APR 2 Nays Adopted by the Council_ ............... ---------..._-.--...192...-.- n: ! Approved ��c 192 ... In favor Against Ictrng MAYOR i .. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Sy.2o�% In the Matter of.. gI`adng ,Be�v� dee,,$xreei • •x0iti .iNa AA1D>q.IIY.eY1t19..tA . $�S1W6�1 Streat................................................. . ;, C..F. No. 68207ay In the 71 elow AV.. g�Belvldete 9t -.,from Winslow Ave. Oto rder 5Weil. st............. .under Ptellminar9 Order 6865y '. - Droved April 2, 1826. The Councll'of-the.: City of 8t. P .......................................................... 11, ' g recplved the.reDoS. th............... ....................................................................`.................................. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... $aJQ-5;5 .............. approved .... 40,9rUl . 2 it • . 925.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to belmoalPR a6cadacoritinued. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... i4l 2 tt 10 Approved.........................192...... .... ........ ..... ....... .. ity Clerk. oolf ,Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ✓Councilman 14I7 Mmx Hodgson V Councilman Wenzel /Mayor2DNtg=x Nelson ,... / Mayor. FUBiASIED Form B. S. A. 8-6 - Office of the Commissioners of Public WorJ L---- CEIVED $' l,. . re..• Report to Commissioner of Finance -3. 4 aPe�is isas/ - April 1,b, 1995 ---_191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.58653 _approved_ April 2, 1925 _191___, relative to __ the- gra-ding- of Belvidere Street from Winalow Avenue iwell ---------------------------------------------------------------------to----Bid----------------- Street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 6.73 per front foot 2,019.52 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________ and the total cost thereof is Inspection $38.62 Frontage 300 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. u°d GEORGE M. SH -0. CMV SNO.— WM. N. CARE . SOI L. OF fbMTnVOHON wpm ftVwIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFI= w CRY PL.WNIHO P11YMml BIW "� IIrc,CJ`ce'�sis f� JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER April 11, 1925 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBA K. BRI—. — A. B. SHARP. SOIY. OF SwNRAT1ON G. P. BOWLIN. SOIY. OF WORSHOY.E I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Belvidere Street from Winslow Avenue to Bidwell Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58653, approved April 2, 1925. Estimated Cost $2,019.52 Per front foot 6.73 Inspection 38.62 Frontage 300 ft. This order was instigated at the Council meeting last November when the matter of condemnation of slopes for grading Belvidere St. between Winslow Ave. and Livingston Ave. was being considered. The estimated cost of grading the additional block is so great in comparison with the benefit to be derived from the improvement that we anticipate the order will be discontinued. As the grading of the remainder of the street for which order have been passed is being held up, and many of the property -2 - owners are anxious for it to proceed, we would request that action be taken on this order as soon as possible. Yours truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ommissioner of Public ',`orks. I ........................................................................................................................ 09208 is r Y'N .-... ■ ■,.., � � ..-•�■■�.lt �� ti o �fAM�i�a�R7�Al�.�I�..ea• In the Matter of ... eondemning..4nd..taking. an.easemsn.L.in..the.'Jon d..4P.gPAVArY .�9JC..&�APRSa..�:42'..4}?1;A-. a>ad,�.�7,7Q..�A. tie.6r.'aa�6..4�.Belq�dere,.Street,.from ............. C:: F: No. 6�a08— In the Matter of eondemning -1 ink ......................................................... Ing an easement In. the 'land Bary for s1oPe for cute I. --d fll�n the grading of Belvidere 8t.- .................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. N�asln ¢a Ave. tO .Bldwen 26. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... ?8654 . . . . . . ....... . approved ...Agir.1.1.. .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pxamewdelxAft discontinued. Adopted by the Council .... A? R A .$ .a4 -Ft , , , , 192..... . Approved y. PP .....192...... y Clerk. i Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy `✓ ./Councilman Ferguson PUBLIS:I1 D ✓Cpo�u..�nc�ilm�anfiuK�iMX Hodgson v/\' Pf{Ir■r..t}■�ww�ai.4� C....SL.e.J ......� "'Councilman Wenzel /Mayor HadP= Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-6 . .. V Office of, the Com ner of Public Wor IVED Report to Commissioner of Finance meg'` a, �,. 0C S��roEH of APR 13'192b April 13, 1925 --- ------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.58654 approved___ April 2, 1925 191___, relative to _____ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Belvidere itreet from ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 69inslow Avenue to Bidwell Street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_____xxx------ and the total cost thereof is $---- xxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------- - - -- ----------- ---- Commissioner of Public Works. u'b ■ J L 'Qu PLICATE .FILE NO. 'OFFICE OFCOMPTROLLER. . . . . . . . . THE�, crrV. Lumpc RES. NO 3 4L AUDITED, CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED' THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ; CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT V R 7 - ROLLE CHECKS NUMBERED__ --TO —f INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS'ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - R OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TO AL RETURNED CHECK IN FAOR OFBr NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD • I I C. F. No. 59209— Ro-l-A that oheeks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate a.. lbnllllIl,133-59, -11.9 chee numbered , 6654 to 16705Inolusive, a. II Per�h­k... file In theoffice of the Ci,,Comptr. it. . Adopted by the Council Apr. 25, 1925. it Approved Apr. 25, 1925. (May 2-1925) it i �W IFORM 034 CHECXS.. NUMBERED_:.=y26 BY___ _. __ .__ _., ___ .. • � T_ROLL 'NECKS ON FILE IN - COMP ' INCLUSIY E.,'AS.PER C E IN THE CITY COMPTROLLER. . li TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - TRANSFER CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 111 7171 16654 John nerico7i.tz 1665 L.C.Hodgson Comer. of Fin. 16656 American Railway ?,xpreos co. 16657 American supply Company 16698 Automotive servioe Company 16659 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 16660 Central suniply Company 16661 Commonwealth ?lootrio Oonpan 16662 Dentrborn Chemical Company 16663 "' J. Dyer & nrother 16664 71e0tric Blue Print Compnny 16665 alk Linen Supply Company 16666 ^Tie `seam shovel company 16667 rederol-';ober company 16668 Coodyenr Rubber Company 16669 Hnrnishfel;er Comp�.ny 16670 'Theo. 0. Tells Comp,r,ny 16671 J. Hulme Company 16672 Johnson Furniture & Carpet Co. 16673 L. ­". Jordan Company 16x7 F Joy Brothers Motor Car. Co. 16r75 J. n. Lippincott 0onpany i6rjG melady Paper Company 16677 Nickelson 16678 Noble P. Noble 16679 IT. ?. Olson 16650 Pollocklo Clipping Bureau 16651 "uayle & Kelley 16682 -uiek ^ervioe Battery Company 16653 The C. Reiss Coal. company 16"s !iemin„ton Typewriter Company 166135 Robinson, Cr, -Ty & :sande Company 16686 TAlton Rosen Tire Comrzny 16"87 c. ,. Roesbo Sign Company 16685 J. c. Rowett 16689 't.p'ul Gas Light Company 16690 ” 16691 " 16692-t.Paul Letter Company 16693 "t.Paul tamp 7orks 16694 rr-nk she and Comp^-ny 1669 To --hers College 16696 Villaume Box & Lumber oompan 16697 ",ales Adding Machine Company 1698 A. J. ",rampler 16699-ashington roundry company 16700 H. 7. --edelstaedt Company 16701 "eot ]Publishing Company 16702 ''extern Machine, mfg. Company 16703 -'hito near Press 1670 `asconsin Maury 16705 '"illet 2,4. Spooner SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I of 717 Ce �MR PRES ; NELSON - o (,�) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 1 RETURNED _ DISTRIBUTION _ I . -��-- MAYOR - RY LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST "PUBLIC DISBURSEMENT �I BANK GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS FUNDS A ,OUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING 11 FORESTRY BUILDING CHECKS Ii REVOLVING 366 lbl 4a 421 613,_70 275 3?�: ffi_ _ 93 759 126 _392__605 .92 239 299 76 ' 3- - 2 021103 ? 776 13 138 25 8 123 i 41.00 -3 D17 46 8 46 so 47 3 47 34 1' S 6i o4 65 75 61 0 I 47T322 2 257 36 106 go 1150' 11 50 44 50i 64 50 93 14'' 61 00 32 14 26 18 66 91 3 87 37 52I 32 35I 1 019 051 1 55 3 29 75 3 751 300 00 124 oo 22 00 4 21 2 OO 26 50, 25 50' 98 05'' 203 42''. 29 50, 8 10 2 3782.3211' 115 99 82 01 10 OO 183 00 3 50 180 g5 35 16 10 006 15 75 10 000 M 555 15 40 1 019 05 . 16 3 55 40 13 120 oo 24 21 2 00 1 00 55 55 50 05 48 oo 20342 29 50 69 94 2 77 372 32 337 '29 211 54 115 99 70 37 1000 00 183 3 50 3 00 180 95 35 12 10 00 1 88 1 50 15 75 11 64 10 000 00 695 05 427 131 '32 M' 474 �64j 93- 759 X02 6i lu 16 95 22 45 79 28 8, 399,6311 28 50 4 39 24 75 log 00 I SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 3 '75 299 7611 341 00 3 542`30 2 dog 53 7 799 13 3 138 25 8 257 nl 3 .... COUNCILFIIENO. CITY OF SAINT PAUL T&ARL4VGATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER __192 CLANCY, ��-_ __ RES. NO------ 124__ ' __._IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE q� UNCIILIA.I� a ERGUSON. - CIT ERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS ,BE DRAWN ON - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PPR �j F , �; , HODGSON, _ 192 .- .vfi-17,9533-5-91 1 ED__ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT CF 1Ael7CCIAL�1' A O DA 5-_ 1 ; i 4 s 5--17,9.33 5-9 —_ ..VERIL. ME,? - S -_�__-AGAINST � Z .1 CHECKS NUMBERED ____•16�• .--TO-___1&7% /WENZEL.----- CHECKS __ -- -- - __ TMJ BY -- _ _ _ -------- ___— ._ -. COM PTROLL INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF:, I �MR. PRES., NEL501! - ��r IYI COUNCILMEN NAYS Q OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -- -' -- -- .... --- _ DIST IBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS TO AL rT aaeD - ,. LOCAL PUBLIC SUNDRY BUILDING SINKI v T UST REVOLVING CHECK ['� �� IMPROVEMENT AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY ACCOUNTS IN FAVOR OF BOND FUNDS q_. UNTS GARAGE NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT i, LAI K GENERAL WATAERet G L ACCOUNTS GHT FORWARD CHECKS 421 811-_ 2 .275 770,..___. _ 93 759 ,2St 3.92 -.60.5,.92 239 299 76 2 021!03 7 77 123 26 3 75 CHECKS BROW 81 717E6 366 x61 813,12 41;00 3 -01? 3 6 $O 3 13S 25 166x4 John Berkowitz _ 2' 8 I,' 46 80 28 1665 L.C.tiodgson 00mlr. of rine 90 24 75 16655 Amerionn Rall=y !?Xpress 00. 4 3 47 34 1;5 • 16657 Amerioan Supply Company 9 65 75 61,0 16658 automotive servioe Company 61 of 2 50 i log 00 166m9 Burroughs Adding Meohine Co. I 2 5 257 36 106 g 16660 Central -,upply Company 4 261 16661 Commonwealth flootrio compan 12 95i, 12 95 11� 16662 Dearborn Chemio:al Company ill 50i 164 50 16663 " J. Dyer & Brother 16664 Tleotrio Blue Print eompnny 93 1 61 31 33'17 I 16660 �.lk Linen Supply Compsny 26 18 66 95 16666 "rie ^,tesla Shovel Company 66 95 16 95 52 16667 roderal—nuber oompany 3 52' 'I 16669 Goodyear Rubber Company 32 15 40 35 1 019 05 I, 16669 Harnishfoger company 1 019 05 1 16670 Theo. G. Aelle Company 8 35 1355 16671 J. `"e Fiu1lme company 63 55 j 63 166 2 Johnson Furniture & carpet c . 29 75 29 75 24 45 I 166773 L. Jordan Company 3T 85 13 40 2 75 16r,P Joy Brothers Motor Car. Co. 2 751 16r75 J. no Lippinoott Company 300 00 300 00 16676 malady Paper Company 124 oo l 124 00 I p I I 16677 . 7- Niokelson 22 001 22 00 RI jl 16678 Noble & Noble 4 211 4 21 166 9 Tt. ()Icon2 001 _ 2 00 1660 Pollookls Cli ^inry Bureau I 1 00 55 1 00 l 16681 ^uayle & Belley 55 55 I 55 � 28 50 16682 ^uiok ^ervioe Battery comnnny 28 501 16683 The c. Reiss coal Comp^ny 25 50 I 25 50 16:9 Izemington Typewriter Comp,-ny 98 o5'il 50 05 48 00l I 1668 Robinson, Cnry & sande Comps 203 421. 203 4211 x! 5 I 16686 L'ilton Rosen Tire Com --ny j 29 50i 29 50 8 10 1 d ic'97 .^e �. Ftoesbo sign Company 8 l0'11 li 16688 d. C. Rowett 68 7�I 68 7 2 09 I �I 16689-t.P»ul Gas Light Company 2 77 16590 FI y 077 9F1 372 321 372 321 II 398 63 28 50 !� 16691 975 96� 337 29 211 54 II II 16692 ?,t.Paul Letter Compn.ny 115 991; 1l5 99 I� 11 64 16693 ^t.Paul 9tnmp 7orks 8L 01'' 70 37 16694 rrnnk and Comp-.ny 10 00" 10 00 16695 Teaohere U01109e 1 501 50 16696 Vlilaume Box & L,umber Comnan 183 00, 183 00 'II 1669 _�aies ryddinLrnwhine company 3.50 3 50 1 u 3669 m :ampler 3'00' 3 00 c i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO. _____ TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , n^ 2z CITY CLERK • RES. NO.__ _�._. j� AUDITED CLAIMILRESOLUTION FORM DATE RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE Ifs CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 'iI� ______// //--�_______��.77&f7/Vrr��ERING ' I, BY -----J COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED __146QfJ__TO�i.SL. _.._ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PE R/__ ___ _______ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY f i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK S CHECKS CHECK u BROUGHT FORWARD Ij o I I I ,I u i •-- CHECKS NUMBERED-J.P-VUV__'_:TO 118HE1ML}i- ��.. WENZEL '� CTSIhP7ROLLER - ��� _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF - _._ _ ------- --M -- a -_ - -- -- - , Avon " OF THE CI4Y COMPTROLLER. - - - ' - - R. PRIES., NELSON.. 1 I COUNCILMEN NAYS ( V) - _ ✓M E TO AL DISTRIBUTION ' CHECK IN FAVOR. OF NUMBEa DISBURSEMENT" CHECKS A�,K TRANSFER CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST -,COUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING I FORESTRY SWILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHTFORWARD _42 937 10- 61 80 390=832'.22 259-704-0293 759 26 340 675.51 341-i ae -223' ? 3 1 j2g 93 5 566 13 3 138 25 8 1 3'26 3 75 — 16600 C, F. ^oulle Equip. 000 4 615 od 4 615 00 , 16601 Tracy Printing Company 70 0 0 00 Company 16602 Capital City wire & Iron ';ors 33 13 275 q 33 13 275 00 1660fF Contrnotors Equipment Supply Company 196 I 1660 United Lead Company 981' 489 g 196 98 4.89 go 16606 Knrdex ilea Company 11 11 166o7 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compan 359 50 359 50 166o8 tteystone View Company 351 75 351 75 166o9 nndrew Koehnen 26 90 26 go 16610 L.?mpland Lumber Compr>ny 142 cg 142 89 16611. Lavallee Law Book Company 6 75 6 7,5 16612 tibrnry Burow 254 55' 254 55 '�- 16613 B, Max Mehl 2 ON 2 00 16614 Mayer braving Company 21 25 21 25 0 1661 Minnesota dining & Mfg. Co. 10 63 10 63 1661 n. n. Moeller aompeny 6 o0 6 o0 16617 National Gas Governor Compare 1661 National Regulator Company 71- 75 16619 Northern Auto r:ieotrio Comp y 10 9 15 7 '' 10 89 6 50 3 48 5'76 16620 17. a. ^leotrio Equipment Co. 1 322 01 1 322 01 16621 T-Torth,aestern Health Journal 1 25 1 25 16622 Northweatern Tire Gompnny 10 00 10 00 16623 Noyes Brothere & Cutler 81 38 81 38 I I II I I it �I II II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 42 937 10 070 123 151 393 458 '99 _f 259 772 t+1 93 759 26 345 290 51 I� i 341 00 2 277 2 1 329-3 _5 566.. �.3 3__ 138 a5 _ II 8 123 59210 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILENCIL 'NO. TR*M WATE To ES. O._ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ✓CLANCY, t t __ _____192 CITY CLERK � RESOLVED _____ __ THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON. ----- IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___..--- -- -- -- LL CITY TREASURY. DAT4-23---._192.5 ON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT -� ,HODGSON. � t.{eDG1faI.ALn, _ - "? {u '� 792.._ APPROV D.-- S --6,315c,92 ______ ______, COVER' '.. - ,Q�� (� /� / CHECKS NUMBERED -6012__ -_-TO __16623 g // 1d8ftEtM eFY. � V WENZEL. __ _ - .AGAINST �rt ' CDP1v7ROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF (,/M R. PRES., NELSor! -; r- (�I) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) / OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - - - - TO T AL f -LOCAL SIS IBUTION -'- SPECIAL FUNDS _ PUBLIC SUNDRY C NUMBER IN FAVOR OF — SEMENT TRANSFER " I CHECKS RCHECKS I11 ` / GENERAL WATER BOND BINKIt;v IMPROVEMENT NTSFUN❑ 5 UST _ LINTS AUDITORIUM GARAGE w Lr ,,, ACCOUNTS SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLDVIJNG - - BROUGHT FORWARD 42 937 10 61 7.5 390 832,22 258 704.0 93 759 26 3 675 5511 41 00 2 271'3 1.329"93 5 566 13 3 138 25 8 123 26 3 75 16600 C. F. 3ou11ey rquip. CO. 5 0o 1 16601 Traoy Printing Comipnny 76001 70 00 <. 16602 ® Borohert—ingersoll company City *71ro 33 13; 33 13 275 00 1660 Capitol & Iron mor a 275 00 1660E Contractors Equipment supply Company I 196 196 98 I 166o5 United Lead Ompany 9g 4t9 8 489 91 16606 Rardex nles Company 11 7 11 77 16607 xennody Brothers ArnoCompenj 359 50! 359 50 16608 xeystone Viers Companq 51 75 351 75 16609 Andrew Koehnen 26 90 26 90 I 16610 Lampland Lumber Compnny 142 89 142 89 16611. L-^.Vn.11ee Law Book Company 6 756 75 16612 Tibrnry Bureau 254 55, 254 55 II I 16613 B. Ilan Riehl 2 OQ 2 00 21 2 , 16614*.oyer braving Company 21 25 � 6�3 16615 Minnnoota Mining & Mfg. Co. 10 63. 10 6 oo i(61 7. A. Mooller Caaapany 6 OQI. j 16(>17 Nntional Gas Governor Compan 751 75 li j 16618 Uationnl Regulator Company 10 89 10 89 5 76 " 16619 Northern Auto rleotrio Compo y -r. 15 74i 6 50 348 l r II 16620 N. riectrio T;uipment Co. 1 322 O1 1 322 01 j 16(2.1 ':Torth,,estern Health Journral 1 1 25!' 1 25 16622 Northwestern Tire Company 10 001 10 00 I I IIl 1((23 Noyes Brothers & Cutler 81 38, l I I 81 38 11 III I I I, 1 I l • ORM D94 1000 7.24 4 d � i J f j 7 f I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FELE No. ----5921-1- To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERIC r RES. NO._7.R6___ __A� AUDITED CLAIMSe-ftOOLUTION FORM � RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE -An? -7192-5 CIT�y{7TREAScu�RY O THE AGG'R/EGATE AMOUNT OF ' p CO TROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED_________ __. TO__ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE i��% OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK TOTAL -RETURNED IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER II TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK it CHECKS CHECKS (I .BROUGHT FORWARD ►1 j ! I I I I 'I Y'I F � .59211 �R Bolded th t h k be draw th. aggc egate I II. the Ci[Y Tre.tsurY. to or mount t $51,119.26. In6 hecks IRlceslYi, I mbered Ifi72 Oleo In fiche 0 the Per checks o Dtller. City Comt-11". bS' the. Co Il Apr' 27, 1925 �j I I i I I! I Adopted AP Pro v ed Apr. 27Z_1925. try 1 Ij I • ORM D94 1000 7.24 .. ... . r T. CHECKS NUMBERED. ----- __ :. -TO _ - _ __ .. - _ __ .___ _.._ _. _ Y • - WEN �-. �. - •. MAYOR - � COUNCILMEN NAYS (V� 1 - - � � ----� '� Cp I'TROLLER ... INCLUSIVE, -AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE` OF�ICE � ' �� MR. PRES.. NELSONI � I / OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ DISTRIeUTIO. - --i SPECIAL FUNDS TOTAL rr.'�,r:cD - LOCAL PUBLIC SUNDRY CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER IIY F MK �/ SINKING IMPROVEMENT �UNTS AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS j GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS GARAGE REVOLVING TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS FORWARD 437 225.04 277 487.14 5 D0 411 59.56 239 299 76 341.00 3. 542.30 2 34+.16 _ 7 79 .13 3 139 X51 5 257 01 3 75 BROUGHT 61 717 4 O 3 o6 90 tV16 16 766 16727 c. Thomms Guthrie Cons. o. 76b'700 29',20 l9 2705 16725 aail Abel 16729 rT. osoar Olson & Anna n.olso 19175 1 266 37 III • 1673o oserr Liljebled 1 26637 907 35 16731 907,35 16732 Charles ? Xuether and Marie 57 6 ?5 576 25 II ^. Neuther 16733 "rs. x. Tle-Is 33' 90 33 90 5 00 � 1 16734 John C-irlson 5 00 43 92 43 92 1673 rhiongo, ,t.p�nl, tapas. & o. y. 22 00 22 00 11 1673 ?. Clen=an 16737 Tienly plumbing & liernting Co. 35 00 7 50 35 00 j 738 John L. mn.c9enn 7 50 50 50 95 167 9 Nimia & Nimis 167i�0 3^mee R-!smus^en 00 50 00 47 16741-t.P^ul Gas Light Compnny 247,47 9 4F 2 7 300 90 y y 16742 'tnndn.rd -,tone Comn?ny Tel. & Telg. Co. 300 bl b�j+o 2 7 61 16743 Tri—'an.te ._. hall " goner 41 �I 16744 "'Olff 939 40 X39 9 167485 ne:.raff 3.02 50 II 1674b Charlet A. Anderson 16 47 F0r'vell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co. 7 21T 373 02 667 27 I' S0 6 55 1F.,�j4 T TT. T. rarisaher 16748 q.t-`..Tlollinghsead Compriny �0 56 26 l0 33 '+5 16790 Ttunz oil Coma^nq 16751 M nkato 'hnstruotion Company Fuel Company 59 55 395 30 12 516 11 395 30 12516 �1 II 16752 northwestern 11 4g 11 167533 pioneer riootrio Company 935 00 935 00 1675+ odergren & Lofquist 300 00 300 00 I 4 6 5 30 1675 tandzrd stone Comnnnq 16 -' ate Tel. & Telp;. Co. 3 43 35 253 451 167ti7 near^ff .olff 25 (I I • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Bi 717 46 440 157 15 452 156 76 277 527 1 110 877 11 416 495 2 �39 29917 341 00 3 5469 2,33,41 7 79 13 3 13 2 257'01 _-. TMRW RATE CITY TO RES. CLERK NO.__126______------ DATE RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 27792.5 CY TREASUR^ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF BY _- CHECKS NUMBERED- 16767 _TO.__ 3ZiFRI-- " CO PT LLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ON FILE IN THE OFFICE C11ECK TOTAL NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 16727 BROUGHT FORWARD 81 .„ 7}6 ,j C. Thomas 403 Q6. _, 9Q Y111b Guthrie Cons, o. 66 7�9 16728 • 167'9 -nail :%be1 N. Olson nnna D.Clso 20 18 16730 nxoso-arLi Oscrx Liljebled 37 1 266' 16731 FI 907 35 16772 Charles T. Kuether and marie ^. Reuther 576 28 1(733 16731: ?*rs. x. t'. i3e is John C�rleon 33 90 00 1x735 Chic?(ro, 3t.r^_ul, ,'.ria. & 0.. y. 213 16736 % ^. Clert.rmen I� 22 00 1r737 Tie -1y Plumbing; & He^ting; Co. 35 001 I 738 John L. MncBc,I 7 j0 16779 16740 Nimia & TTimir J^me4 11camur3an 50 95 167211 "'t. r^ul 01 13 Light Comp . ny i 5 7227 47 7tnndn.rd 16742 -,tone Com^.,ny 16743 Tri- ante Tel. ti Tell?. Co. 300 90 297 61 1674 trener 1(74 1674^, neriff "olff Charlec 40 09 839 41 16747 A. nnderoon Fnr�oll, 3 50 1672lt' Ozmun, T7irk & Co. TT. T. rariGcher 73 02 IS 667 2 16749 R.M.Tfollinghsead Com-,-ny I 50 56 16750 Tcunz oil Com; nny 59 55 16751 'm-nlcato Ionstruotion Com-nny 1398 30 16 52 167f53 Northwestern Fuel Comp-ny 1 Pioneer Tlaotric Com—my 12 X16 11� X11 491 1675+ ':odergrren 2 Lofquist 935 001 16.752 16756 'tandard atone Comp^ny Tri-^tate 300 00 16757 Tel. &. Telg. Co. neoraff r3 330' 253 45� REFURNED GANK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM '/'CLANCY, ---'FERGUSON, -_J---- -IN FAVOR ,IiODGSON, _. \ ._.. .—f T4 'E'1–••. �WENZEL. __L/ --.__AGAINST /MR PRES.. NELSON. T' -, I �.1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTIO FILEENCIL I No. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.-.-��yl/g�i�. --`i��u/4.✓ CA.i"Y'. _. _.®192 __ APs - MAYOR LOCAL SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FI'UST FUNDS ACCOUNTS I A.__')UNTS GARAGE 11 AUDITORIUM I SPRINKLING FORESTRY 37 2229020 277 467.14 93.754. 26 411 569,56 239 299:76 341.00 3 542.30 2 34+,16. 7 796.131 3 136 16 766 00 16 75 j 33 90 43 92 22 00 7 50 '50 00 247 47 247 9 0 09 839 41 373 02 26 10 396 30 12 516 11 11 49 43 35 5 35 50 95 300 90 1 266 37 907 35 576 26 667 27 i 355 3 451, 935 300 ooi� � 4 651 5 30 253 451 PUBLIC SUNDRY BUILDING REVOLVING I ACCOUNTS 6 257.01 3 75 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ,. QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO._ To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE. DRAWN ON THE DATE_ _25-192__5 i ^ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S___l�.j.% 7c.�.8 �/ ______.' COVERING O PTR CLER CHECKS NUMBEREO._1�}7t�g----- TO____� J , / { INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE I�PER },y L t -----t — - - - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �4.— —_ NCHECK UMB R IN FAVOR OF N TOTAL RETURNED BY II TRANS RA SFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK I BROUGHT FORWARD i II 59212— Resolyed that checks be drawn on theI�c City Treasury, [o the aggregaee II mount f 519,37285, covering hecks numbered 16706 to 16725 Ineluslve, as City CO_ On file in the ai Ice of the Adopo(ed by the C unc Aper Ved April 25, f1 Apr. 25, 1925, ' ("lay 2- 925) 1825) � I I � I I � I� 6 COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ✓ 'WENZ EL.� %- MR. PRES., NELSON. `^r AY _ i v OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - > ✓ - UNCILMEN NAYS„(V) MAYOR CHECK TOTAL REli FN O DISTRIBUTI N - -- -- IN FAVOR OF NUMBER t �r - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS - Ih1PROVEMENT SINKING A �;T _ GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD ...81 167o6 D. nugge, p 71'7 h6 f L393 0- o- Q9} 6 - 427 131..32 277--474 93 -759 .26 402 617, 6 239 299 76 341 n j 3 542; 3 ----2 049;-563 _ 7-798 13 3 138 25 ' 8 257 �ol 3 .75 ,. 16707 r. G. cnrf ©on 24 3 16708 county of Ramsey, Minn. 1 0 6 3 768'9 91:07 3 768 97 I 16709 Archie G. !?mart & Company 16710 H. R. Fuller C Company 5y 7 5 55 85 7 16711 Ooodyerr Rubber Company 14 3 14 34 6'3 6 37 16712 Inter City Paper Company 16713 355'1 355 140 xiibourne 4 54 4 16714 '.'laic] ;°. ,hawe i 60 00 1671 3trnde.rd ;tone Company 5 111 9 5 111 96 l 16719 Victory Printing Company 83,5 71 00 12 5 II 16717 "m. II. ie ler ComTnan ' g Y 6 90 5 5 6 590 50 16712 4uren ^. Crrne 40'l, 0 40 00 16719 7cDigrd ;ngelking, Guardian 20.7 20 76 16720 Joseph :.regor 28 8 29 80 16721 Christine Iianson 4 3 4 32 16722 -kum.iat T.sohempf, Guardian for !)oris Hanson 16R !a-mie 'laison, ',rviow of s.Ir.',. 24 9 24 92 16�j24 N. V. ?engerle 26 1 � 26 14 � I 16725 Ontherine Lynaugh 2 811 3 2 811 39 16722 oatherine Lynaugh 188 61 I im 61 j I � I li II I I I i I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 81 717 46 403 067 90 437 225 04 277 487 14 93 759 26 411 589 � 239 299,76 341 00 II 3 542 0 2 344 x6 I �I II I;I � 7 790 13 1,3 13 25 8 257 01 3 15 TO" R1 NSA TIE Goodye;^r Rubbery c mp�ny 14 TO 16714 CITY CLERK RES. NO.125- DATE _ ILyY 9 ' •;/�- '� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN pS THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AM OU11NNT CIF BY __ • r 5.�37�`�(^ ------------- -_______ 7lotor Printing Comn,)ny ".m. n. '.iegler ComT _ _ _ COMPTROLLER ----------- CHECK'S•NUIMBEREjD" ___. COVERING -7_06 TO ____ INCLUSIVE. 1�7•t-_ PER " J AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 00 6 594500 --- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF -- TOTAL : RETiEl nuf;uet L. sohompt, Guardian for poria nansen ,' 4' 3 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT Y/ CHECKS CHECKS - - BROUGHT FORWARD 2 6 16706 16707 "-. D. Dug�-e, Supt. I,. G. 81 71,7 R� ii �r 3�3 94! 0 16708 • Carfeon county 16709 of Ramsey, tlinn. �rohie G. 1 0 lino T,,rtCompany 3 7 � 9 I 2 `1836 5 1 ii. ii. "tiller a 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL WATER 427 131.32 277..474 16711 1671332 Goodye;^r Rubbery c mp�ny 14 85 7` 1 16714 Inter City Paper Company rilbourne ' Z al a 11. 6 3�5r 1 36 is 16 r 16 1� :,have '.tn-ndnxd atone Company 4 I 5 0 1671 717 7lotor Printing Comn,)ny ".m. n. '.iegler ComT 5 111 9 �3 5 6 0 16718 16719 y n.uren % crane 7d,7��rd "ngelklrl-m', Guardian G 5 520'571 1}0! 0 00 6 594500 16721 Christineefinn eon 28'7 29 9 0 20 76 167<.2 nuf;uet L. sohompt, Guardian for poria nansen ,' 4' 3 29 90 4 32 16 2 1672 eliZnie '^ileon, "Adow of .�r. zengvrlo 2 6 24 99 iF725 Ontherine i,ynaugh 26 11 C.-therine Lynaugh 2 911 3 26 14 188 61I I 2 `1836 5 1 12 BOND CLANCY. - ✓FERGUSON. L/HODGSON. -- -IN FAVOR ✓ WENZEL. - --.AGAINST MR. PRES., NELSON, YI UNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBU_TI N LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FILELJNGIL 5921` PLE NO. _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILAP R e e i 90 .__._.192 ._ r APPROVED .192 --_ MAYOR TR_sT - - --- Accourvrs Furvps SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUMPUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BU SUNDRY ILDING REVOLVING 11 ACCOUNTS 93 759 26 . 402 617,56 239 299 7 341 n �q5 35423 2 3 7798131 31382 9107 294 ; 63 i! 5 9 257 01 3 75 3 769 97 5 111 96 • Waft F'Ate lww'-! CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO, --[J 4G51 To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK RES. NO. ----1-23--------- AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE CITY 'TEASURY. TO THE -AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF BY-- I. ---- — ------ ---------- ---- s-33 --- ---------- g111RIN1 COM ROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED --- !W -Z TO -1-653 ----- - INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ------ — ---- ---- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTALRNEI CHECK TU IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT By NUMBER CHEC K. _j CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 59213— Resolved that checks be drawn on the C11, Treasury, to the aggregate amount ,g oloek. of $334.8.11 .. r11o oven53inclusive, as —mb,ed c_1t .1114 I. I be per be a fl I n Ill- of the City Comptroler. L Adopted by the C—gll Apr. 24, 1925. Approved Apr. 24. 1926. (May 2-1925) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7.24 L __j - ---------- BY COMPTR LER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF �E / .r-- _ .______ VWENZEL. - _ " OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - �f MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ---------- - - -`-� --- ' ---MAYOR PER CHECK I TOTAL RE-ruRNED - - DISTRIBUTION - - -- -- LOCAL SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS IN FAVOR OF -I' BY ' �� NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING I FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROU�HTFORWARD 42 93T_ 0.1,. �5i 772_.41 93-7-59 96 _3 51 341_x- .-2 277':12 _-1_-329 93 -5 566 13 3 138' 25 8' 123 .26 3 75 1662254 L.",. od- 3on Con r. of D'in. tt ^ , I 2070 0 6016 6 '91 200 19 40 519' 166 (( „ 16626 O'Neil & Preston 34 241: E25 263 5 146 2 202 17 16627 J. "7. Kelsey, oonl. Supt. 1 17 5n 000 000 00 17 04250 16620 L.C.Tiodgson, Com1r. of Din. 39,790 36 0011, 30 780 36 16629 Paul G. Ll curer 4 891 o3 4 09103 16(,30 L.C.Aodgeon, Comir. of Fin. 9 9 69 16631 Eloa M. Obst, County Tress. 219 28'! 29 20 16632 Coloman J. Conroy 1 000 0-1 1 000 00 16633 American steel & :tire Co. 645.25; 645 25 16634 Ca-Atol City Transfer 80 0() 80 00 16(,35 The Chapman Valve Mfg. Co. 3 54 00! 3 54 00 16636 Chicago, Burlington & ?. Ry. 1 196 90' 25 1 196 65 16637 ChiogZo, Milwaukee & st.paul y. 2 oo5, 4'�, 11 50 1 993 04 16630 Chicago, 3t.Pau1 Upls. & o. y. 2 323 7'! 11 23 2 312 44 16639 Coohra.n-Sargent commmy 10 93' 10 93 1664o R. T. Gerisoher 26 on! 26 00 16641 Thrikina-Willis Lime & Cement Co. 360 5,! 360 55 16r42 mple. 3t.piul & s ult Ste. Marie !ta.ilway Company 1 374 511! 1 374 51 16643 1.1nner-o11a & st.Louis q RIAlroed Company 16644 Tdationr.l Lettd Company 1 OR V; 2 1 351 1 011 95 2 1 4 35 1664 Northern ^tates Power Compnn' 1 513 351' 96 76 725.x+9 691 to 16646 Northwestern Bell Telephone 23 �! 60 23 95 11' 16647 Pyramid Oil Company 1 262 524 729 20 8 50 16648 L. V. 7epke Company 2 15j 4 70 22 45 16649 zopibllo Creosoting Oompa�ny 1 071 97j 1 071'97 166x0 7hielde & nuva3a 1�0 00; 150 00 16611 Tri-Itate Tel. & Telg. Compare 70 40! 47 40 16652 reyen Construction Company 16653 Thornton Brothers Company 33 gg70 001 14 �t50 3 5 450 0 00 �I 14 I u I 11 1i li I I� II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 81 717 46 366 161 46 42l 813'72 2T5 9Tijh 759 6 392 605;92 I 239 299 7 II; 341 0 3 oi7133 2 021 03 7 776 s0 3 130 25 B 123 ;26 _ 3 75 - _-_ _ ,93 r ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ��/ J _• T✓@I R4 tO.9 E FILE NO. �O I RES. NO._12 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER l/ cLANcv. �- ... 3--. _ CITYL/{ RK 'Ap RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE 'URANlYN ON ;,�.s AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM (% FERGUSON. _ _�___IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 'APR 2 r 192 DATE- ._2 i— CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGRIkGATE AMOUNT cF / HODGSON, 0 G. 5-____'�.3�,�.__ _ _____ _. COVERT':.-, ^ l 19 y,�r,n:el n APPROVE __ 2._-_ 1 // AGAINST CHECKS NUMBERED - Yf---------- � BY- - - - ib624 TD ---16653 COM PTR LER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF - WENZE L, _. MR. PRES.. COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. NELSON. YES (V) PER CHLCY. TOTAL -TURNED DISTRIBUTION _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS IN FAVOR OF NUMeEa By �/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS � GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS I ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING n BROUGHT FORWARD }2 937 V- 16624 L..,.ITodgcon, Com yin. y r� 70-..5 .51: .. 393-459=99- 259..772:41 93 759-P6' 345. 290.51 I 341 0- .. 2 277:12 _1 -329 .93. _ 5 566 13 3 139 25 9. 123 .26 3 75 r. of 200 0 5 200 19 40,16625 II _34 0 '.Tell & 52F4 E'q 26 5o6 16 6 146 91 2 202 171662& P estop 17 17 042 50 it 1662 J. -' Eels y,. Cenl. Sunt. 900 001! 900 00 1662 L.C.TlodgG , ComI.r. of yin. 3S 790 36 39 790 36 16629 Penl 0. bI user 4 991 o3i' 4 991 '03 16'30 L.C.TTodgo n Comer. of yin. �_F 9��,1 9 69 16631 'ao-i Ib. 0 s , County Tress. 29 2g1 29 29 !I 16632 Coloman J Corfroy 1 000 0„I' 1 000 00 16633 Amerionn tool & M re Co. 645 251! 645 25 16634 Ca-itol C tai Transfer gp 00, 90 00 ! 16x3 The, man valve Mfg. Co. 3 54Z 00� 3 547 00 � 1663& Chioego, Burlington & ?. Ry. 1 191 90 25 1 196 6 I �, 16r,37 Chiaego, Ifil:vaukee & 3t.Pau1 y. 2 005 42' 11 59 1 993 16639 Chioago, 3t.Pnu1 Uple. & 0. y. Somn-,ny 2 323671 11 23 2 312 16639 Coohrn.n..Sara©nt 10 931 10 93 l II 16640 TI. T. Oerisoher 26 00I 26 00 I I! 16x41 Flunkine-Gillis Lime & Cement o. 36a 5,' 368 55 I 16•'42 mpla. qt.p ad & fault Ste. p Mrtrie IbIlway Company 1 374 51! 1 374 51 16643 Minnelnolin & 9t.Louis �! Rallrond Comn•�ny 1 071 951 1 071 95 166101 ITation.,l Lend Company 2 12 35!j 2 124 335 1664 Northern "tntes Po7or Comnnn 1 513 3511 96 76 725 F+9 691 to II 16646 Northwestern Boll Telephone (J:). 16r47 23 q��1 23 95i 9 1' Pyramid oil Company 1 262 fy61 524 69 i 729 29 50 ,I 16649 L. V. 7epke ComnnnyI 27 15 4 70j 22 45 II 161'49 rza lblio CTeosotlAf< Comp -my 1 071 97i 1 071 97 166r-0 hielde & Duvr 1 o 00 150 00 r 16611. Tri- ;tate Tel. 8: Tn1g. Comma401 47 40 Pi 1.6652 Feyen Construction Comnm.y 16653 Thornton Brothers Com)^ny 57� 00 70 00 1'+ 450 00! I 14 450 00 imp I 7,. 17 A W". CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL AORUPLICATE FILE NO.__ 92 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS'—__ MSOLUTION FORM RES. NO._____ - ------ - -- 4- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON, THE AT - CITY TREAS RY.j THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Y - — ---------- KS 4 ---- -------- — ----- — -- — ------- — NUMBERED- De75 ---- TO—___ MP ROLLE CHECKS---- -- O-----INCLUSIVE. INCLUSIVE.AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE R --------- ------ ----- _____T___—___ —_ ----- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT , CHECKS _' CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 59214— T that checks thR-gl'ced a e III Treasury, to th t 56 76, 11-b "'d " ring heck- I 8' to I"' Inclusive, as .or check -II Comptroller. - . ".c Jn the offlee of the Adopted "Y Council Apr. 2, 925. App_. d 1pr. �1. 1925. (May 2-1s25) it li � ISI Ii I 1 ii �I ; SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ____'vCBM D34 io6O 7.24 INCLUSIVE. AS PER' "ELKS ON FILE 11, THE OFF _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK TOTAL I> NUMBER IN FAVOR OF • �I I I 21 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 01 367 59 450. 162'';r 47 Fl, 71} 009 TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT .., CHECKSGENERAL DISH IBUTION --- BOND WATER BROUGHT FORWARD ',t6 92 4 717. �I .10 157 151 .,452 106.76 277..527. 16755 J.^.�Iolt Plumbing & Heating Co. 877 �, ! 119 20 --3.54,95 119 16759 John A. Burns, Attorney for 3 135 25 5 257.01 3 75. J^cob Krnjewski ® . 2 500 00 1 375 00 16760 ,t.Pnul Real ';state Board 299 00; 125 00 255 00 16761 Peter Haugen 4 422 00' 4 422 00 16762 Bored of "later COmmiseioners 916 `j0 916 70 16 7 n94 575.43 94 07 23 74 16765 +� 1 265 1 108 12 355 49 16766 J. n. Clanoy, Comer. of P.S. 2 0 2 00 1 00 7 5 16f 69 922 R 922 79 16770 556 6 741 2 16771 L.T1.9.Pergliron Comer. of Ed o. 1 3 5 143 25 16772 L.C.TTodgeon, 02P.11.F. 3�2 5� 69311551 16773 John Ti. YoDonaid, Comer. of 0 ."1.1131 7o 9 16774 to 165 10 165 70 16775 Gen. 0. .-udheimer, Comer. of _ Public Utilities 50 73 50 73 16776 T1. C. 'Fenzel, Comer. of rarkn, rlayrrounds and P. Bldg. 3 0p9 310 09 16777 II 2 3 4 76 �' 2 156 29 16775 ellen-?ualley Company Harry ^,. Brunson 30 s7! —6 00 30 57 00 16779 r,n-itol company 63 3 63 3 16760 Laundry 16751 Commonwealth lootrio Compare 71 59 9? 71 59 7 ` 16752 Theo. C. Hells & Company 236 iFj 226 Z7 16753 Maendler Brush Mfg. Compriny �7 7 16 5 11. . ^leotrio b;auipment Co. 5 6 299 2? 299 22 16 Joseph D. Plaeohko 1656 ^tnndnrd Oil Company 23 001 23 76 16757 Twin city B i k company 159 16756 T -T.,. '^. 7-7ileon Company 53 21 53 27 16759 �.ebster Unnufaoturing Comp3nj 1 510 00 1 510 00 - • �I I I 21 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 01 367 59 450. 162'';r 47 Fl, 71} 009 374 99 4' 2 61 0 73 ii q 175 00 15 00 126 64 49 4o 54 oo ll 43 47 159 2'457 2i s 124 53 3 30� 36 a_44 bi 3 `t5 9 _ , � _ 00 3 651 13 z ?77 65-9-',11iio 577 -22 i6 - – - – 7 70 239 299.76 1466 MR. PRES., NELSON�: � .I �� I COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - MAYOR _ DISH IBUTION --- BOND LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT ST ACCOUNTS FUNDS hf'Ll NTS SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AU OITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 877 �, ! 416 495.26 239 299 7600 --3.54,95 2 433'47 _Z ?25 :113 3 135 25 5 257.01 3 75. Leiv. . 1 125 00 4 422 00 575.43 to 6 23 74 374 99 4' 2 61 0 73 ii q 175 00 15 00 126 64 49 4o 54 oo ll 43 47 159 2'457 2i s 124 53 3 30� 36 a_44 bi 3 `t5 9 _ , � _ 00 3 651 13 z ?77 65-9-',11iio 577 -22 i6 - – - – 7 70 239 299.76 1466 T7iilalfOA TE \ 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL M (� TO 3 RES. NAP -7 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER j COU NO CI CLERK ' - CLANCY. ^ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON , - AUDITED CLAIMS—TRES&LUTION FORM ✓ FERGUSON. _ ���___.IN FAVOR ' -�PR 2 5 ADOPTED BY TfiE COUNCIL CITY Toq EAS RY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT HODGSO N, D E 9----'�-1�-5�5e-75 _ L� --_'92 ._ - APPROV __. - Sx.((S-ir )-E-•--__ .._-_. 92____ .. __ _ C__0 CsgV ER / � - 167_.L4�Q � ,.�.�.-.�-.::rcrr-- __AGAINST CHECKS NUMBERED____ _ -TO _ 7 M PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF WENZEL. OF THE THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �1 R. PRES.. NELSON. < S 1 �-) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J ) -- ---- - - MAYOR PE ' CHECK TOTAL - IN FAVOR OF DISTRIBUTION - _ --__-- NUMBER —6-- ♦' LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS _ TRANSFER OISRU RSCMENT GENERAL WATER BONG IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST - CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ;.;COUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD _ .. 452.186. __ _ .2Z ... 46 2 4 4 13 - 91 71.71 46 440 197,15; 76 277 527.14 l o 877. � l 416 495_ B 239 299.76 /41 00 3 5 95 33 7 7 79 3 139 25 257 .ol 3 75 16758 J.^.Ttolt Plumbing & Heating o. 119 20 119 20 16759 John A. 13urn3, Attorney for Ple Lev. . Jacob Krajeaski 2 500 00 1 375 00 1 125 00 16760 "t.Pnul Real !:state Hoard 288 06 288 00 16761 Peter Haugen 4 422 00' 4 422 00 16762 Board of eater Cormisaioners 916 0 916 70 7 84 84 07 I If 109 12 16766 J. M. Clancy, Comer of p s 1 262 1 355 49 875 43 io 6 23 74 1. 16 67 ", 1 00 1 01 2 00 175 00 16769 �� It 922 740 9 92 78 26 64 �j 741 2 18 00 1 16771 L.R.G.Ferguson�y Comer. of Ed . 153 25 1 3 05 16772 L.C.Hodgeon, C`P.R.B'. 342 51 1 4 0 49 16773 John Tt. MoDonnld, Comer. of ."x.1131 693 1B 9 374 99 401 16777 " 10 165 0 10 165 70 16775 Gen. 0. 'udheimer, Comer. of _ I Public Utilities 80 73 80 73 II 16?76 TT. C. ':'ouzel, Comer. of Ij 1 P-irko,. PlayF;rounds and P. II I II 310 og 84 ooil 43 47 16777 " B1dg.s 2 3�4 76 2 156 29 81 0 1677£ Allen-''ualley Com -pr -my 79 marry 30 97 �� 30 87 16 �l 7 ry ,S. Bruneon --6 0d 3 00 3 00 1671-'0 Ca"itol Laundry Compnny 63 711 63 11 16781 Cormnonwealth Eleotrio Comp. -n 89 97 89 97 16782 Theo. G. TTelle & Company 236 . X36 5 16783 tdaendler 13ruah Mfg. Oomprmy 50 t. 40 97 7 3 167834 17. 71actrio Equipment Co. 16785 Joaeph D. Plaaohko 299 22 299 22' ;I 16786 -,tnndard 011 Compony 23 76 23 76 189 00 16787 Twin City Brick Comp?ny 18 00 16788 TT. 'tileon Com- any 9 27 27 �� 16789 '.abater 2ianufnoturing Compaq 1 510 00 1 510 0 II f , jCouncil File No.-._...���"".L� GjDk"' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct relay and repair the sidewalks at the following location where.._ necealarx.............. .....................- ---------- ------------_............. ..... - -------------------------._...-- sotltkl._.A ida...Myrtle..A4e-.beginning...at--Pelham South side Territorial --aoad-beginning.-at_>sostia__M—the..nce.._ae,e_t...12h--ft._.-. West 69 Hamlin Ave. beginnin 34 ft. south of Como & Phalen Ave. thence south. ---------- Dated this.._._._..28th..day C6)�is at Euety ` Ave. '*Y, - PRELIMINARY ORDEI(is 81S'' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reeonstruet,rele, and re ir_ the -_s idewalks._at .the_Pollowi g..-3,Qeation.-Maere...necsaaarg.•... .. South aide Myrtle_Aye.---be-ginning._at.-Pelham St,_...tbenoaenst--l2h:.ft............... South side Territorial-.Road_be$inning.-at-_Ettatis__$t.....tkietnoe...Haat..l25..ft... West side Hemline Ave. beginning 34 ft. south of. Como & Phalen Ave. thence south-..18--ft.---beginning--all ft. --fee:ther-south---thence south 830 fits ------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... .............................................. ....._..___....—....--- ----- therefore, be it RESOI.VFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ape 2 8 1925 Adopted by the Council .................... YEAR NAYS Councilman CLANCY APJ? 2 l3 FERGUSON " Approved ................................. ........................ i IIODOeON MaDw*• 4 �_ V WENZ _------------------ -- ✓ MR. PRESIDENT PUBLIS . Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) / y/ ffJ C, Council File No ........ 5.9216 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz Macon .truot-•--- e�ag----ems----mir...the...ai w )k9s---at---tk>e__ ��]axirl�._�Acationa-.- +here necessarryy: North ...sida...Cnr tics._ St.beginning...10f]..2't....we_s.t_..Brawn.._then ca.. wast---7A...f t. ------ West side Mount Hope St.beginning at Midway Ave. thence north 70 ft. South-si-ft Bunke-r-'Sti 'beginningatHarvard... St: then-ce--esst ioo rtw --------------- North side- Midway Ave.___beginning--Oakdale--Ave_..-thence--east._90-_ft.----- _--------------- C:--F, No: @9218— ' . ,; Dated this... 28th......... day of ........ .....April --1925----1 -- - _ <abee L PRELIMINARY ORDER.' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay, and repair the sidewalks at the following locations,mhere neeesse Nortli-> 1"M Curti id St: bekirinin --I00--ftwest... Bi; t'fiende'west SIO P£. South side Bunker St. beginning at Harvard St. thence east 100 ft. Nort t: --side Midway ... Ave -r... beg-inndng ... at Oakdale ---Ave--' thence --east 90--fti------------- ---- .. . ...._ .._- ---------- ----- ......--- -- ----- ------.... -------------------- ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------ a------------------------------------------- ----- .--._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �,..q 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1925 Adopted by the Council ..............A......_... YEAR /NAYS Councilman CLANCY /FEROORON /HODGSON WE� NZEL — ,� MR. PRESIDENT Fom CA 13 OM 3-26) J A ° R 2 8 192„)4' Approved.........----------------•------------._...----------------------------- 4,00 ................... .... .. _. .... ....�.... .... Mayor. G] y 7 Council File No.-.-- t�9(t.1-,-/- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruc t,-.-relay.. and-.r-ep air-..the-aidevalka--at---the-.-f0ll0w1-ng.--locations..-where necessary: Bast s-ider Sylvan-St beginning -at Geranium St-; ..thence--north--56--Yt:------------- East-_side._Wood bridge beginning at Cook St. thence south 200 ft. ------- a- North eifie hose St. beginning.at ypress St, thence west 285 ft. North--alde--Hawthorne--U.-beginning---at--Earl--S-t.---thence west --160-.ft.-------------- Dated this 27th-day of....--.A;MU -.1928------- - -- --- ..-..--... AhatrsoL----.------- ore a; A written DrpDoeal Lor the Cllman. Yollowing lmvrovemen4 onetruct, rolay sand. repair,the :i+elks` at ,the following Iocatlone� UYyie neee9eaiY .8 set aide Sylvan SL 'beginning at1 . IumSt.'thoace 'north 50 it. PRELIMINARY ORDER:.r aide {Vooflhrtdge beglnntnr [hence.eouth E00: ft. %� Ifle'Roee St h " WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Iml 'i eery we "fieconstruct, relay and rapair._the--aldewa_ lks- at the_following-_1 oatiYi _q+here nacesearys Beet side 9y]van St. beginning at Geranium gt. thence north 5fi ft. Bast--aids--Wood--hridge--beginning -at---Cook--St.---thence--.south--200-_ft..---------- -------- North side Rose St. beginning at Cypress St. thence west 285 ft.' North-s-ide-Hawthorne St: begimxing.-a-t-Barl St: thenOW-VOst-lZa--f`t ; `:_--- ........................... --------------------------------------------- .--- ----------------------------------------------------------- ............. ----------------------.----- .- -- having been presented to the Council of the City.of St. Paul ---- ------------------------------- ............ -........................... ._------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. p 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V Adopted by the Council........................R2_8_1��............. YEAS NAYS APR Councilmalf C,t� LANCY PR a S 191 ✓FERousox Approved--------------------------------------------- ......................... -'Honcsox WENZEL-.---._---------------- --- --- ---------- -- ----_. --.--..- ;' MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) eUBL1SBKD_,� . Glib • ''�Y�y�`� '- / X9218 Council File No_. ..................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Recon:trod_,.-melay..and._rapsir_-where...neaessarq.---the-_aidewalks-- at. -the ... fallow= ing locations: East---side---Fa3rPiew Ave: beginning ---at iSi-nmehaha 9t� thence south ---130 ft-. West side Fairview Ave. beginning at Iglehart_ Ave.thenge-_north_-to_alley- Dated this ........... 2$......day tnd •repair wh PRELIMINARY O st Mlnnena n tg.�nn' WesA .ido>: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo owmg Improvement, viz.:Reounstructi relay >ind repair where necessary the sidewalks at the f ollowing locations: East s#ie gairview Ave:--beginzing at--Mmuehaha--S : t1snoe West s_ ideFairview._Ave.-- beginning --at-- IgleYiart---Ave."--thence_. rton'�-.hh-_,to _alj:oy South side Fairmount Ave. beginning 130 Pt. east of gsnelling"Av 'thence - North side Stanford Ave.beginning at Fredericka Ave.thence east 340 ft. --------------------------------------------------------...---------------------------------.....-------------- -------------------------------... -- ------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether pr not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. APR2st925 YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY V" FERGUSON j,"HODGSON 30ICtZrA n _ '�WENT.ETHlf r'WEW"�. MR. PRESIDENT F.— C A 13 ( IM 3-25) �J APR 8 Im Approved................................. ---------------------------------.--------- ................ MZ.. ..._./'.....�.a Mayor. PUBLISEW1 Ae petition Council File No... ............._ ��21o PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct.-ourbing..on--both..si!AAA-of_-Jesaie_St..-._Prom- ar�land. Bra.inard_A.Qa. --------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._............... ..........._........._.........___._...-..-..-.._-------_-.-- .__-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----------------- APR -2-$-.14`x----------- ................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLAxey A 8 10�5� ,,-FERGUSON Approved ..................... ------................................... ............ I/'HODGSON V' WENZEL-.._....._...... ... ..._.&A -It...,.. .... MR. PR _ ESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 0M 3-25) �� PLMuSiED f Petition/'O`b PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: from Eleanor St. to Seheffer Ave. to conform to the red line on the -----psngile-.-her-eta--at-tach-edd and--made-.e..-gart--- hereof; the present ----------------------- established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading -- Mount---- Cnrve---Poul-evar&... frofff--?ord-'BJ06& --- t'd i" point" 6GG "feet ---south of Randolph Street. ---------------------------- -' - w R----------- Dated this ---- 25th day WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvdffidnt, viz.: Changing the grade of the west curb of Mount Curve - Boulevard ......... "- Fratii �IoeYiOr'"Bt:" to Solie�fer gve: to conform to the red line on the _.proYile"-heret4....attja . e.d..and...made---a--.hart..he.reof,...thE--- present ------------------------ established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Mount---Gurve--- Rozlevard ftom-Ward-Road--to-a point 600 feet south ............... of Randolph Street. ----------------------------------------- ----- ............... - ................................................. -.... --------.....:- - -• having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------------------------------------- .------- ------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thbreof- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR28t_� Adopted by the Council------ -------------------------...-- �`'t'►._.-- .......... YEAS NAYS Councilma;WtLANCY ,.,FERGUSON _,,HODGSON II WENS 7.E �•- MR. PRESIDENT Garin C A 13 (INI 3-25) \ APR 2.8 i Approved.-.. ................ .. ...... ... .. ..... .........M- Mayor. t,UBLISh Ai (� (/ Council File No 59M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ---------- --------------------------- ------- ----- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Mount Curve Boulevard ----------------------•-------------_-------....------------------- - - from Ford Road to a point 600 feet south of Randolph Street. -- -- ...................... • 2bth Aril 1926 Datedthis------- ----------------day of,------------------- -p--------'- - ---- 192-----• Whereas A proposal for Rha t puncilman. C F. No 60221— W liter making of the following, ntRrovamentG !Condemn, taking -an easement ,Condemning and to the land eceeea' for elop de. Lor - PRELIMINARY outs and fills, 11 lthe. grading oL Moune ,Curve-. Boulevard> troi5 Ford. -Road to a pomt:'600 Leet, south oL Randolph WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the „lgng been present a to -the C dt.: hCTfC Conde -- •g_and_-taking---an_ea@-ome>lt-_) .t�, �t ] &7�d.:G#s-8ary ----- -------------------------- - main -- for---slopes. cuts--and-_Pills,--_in--_the---grading---o3_Mount---Cur¢0-.-Boulevard from Ford Road to a -point 600 feet --south _of_Randol-pit _Street.-- ------_---._ ------------------ ...................................... been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2 81426 Adopted by the Council------------ ----M. ------------ YEAS "NAYS Councilman CLANCY ,,/FERGUSON /,"HODGSON ALD I/ WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Fom C A 13 nM 3-25) APF; 2 8 19 Approved-------------------------_--------------------------------- Mayor. ruBLISIED Petition No slope order .' Council File No 459222 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Woodville Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave. - --------------------------------------- -----................................... -------- - - - -- -- -------------- - and Kenneth Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Bayard Ave. _---_---_- ------------------------ --------.. ......-- ...... -........... - ------ -. ..... - ------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------------- -' .--- -.---. C. F No. 6S Dated this.. -._28th day of 'I 1925 m wve of 'I , '�A ==emenaeatl PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Woodville Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave: ................................------------------------ -- --- -- -- ------------------ - ----- ---------------------------------- and Kenneth Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Bayard Ave., - --------------------- ----------- ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ................. .......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters.1to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Pv.' 2 8 18?6 Adopted by the Council----------- - ........................... - YEAS NAYS 1/ Councilman CiLANCY .., ' t/FERoosox Approved.--------------$-.-.-.--------------------------------•--------- ,,HODGSON V—WEN7-EL ----------------------------- ---- -- - -' -. ...... �,. MR. PRESIDENT _ Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-2b) 1'LJBLISHFD �' " Petition 592 c� 6 Council File No........5 i+ ?23 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makin&of he following rubliie imaproovepett ¢btb� fitynoff Sttttau��iz.: Construct sewers on Woodvil e Ave. I p O or Ott-o---Age.---to--a---Point--60---ftp--.sou th--.o3_-BayarB--�y-e........ on..Zenneth.Av.e1..--3XOm a. point 60 ft. north of Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave., on Sumner Ave. from a" "pts"iYit 60 `ft: --north of -Otto '-'xve.... to Bayard Ave-: ; ---and---o-n--E3eanoT--------------- �t• from-_Clev_el nd-_Avg. tO-Y�oo yv 1.1e Ave.. - - - -- - --------------------------------------------------------- Dated this.............. ..day of........ April, 192b IC F No.6982 ansiraoe PRELIMINARY ORLiit a }e Ara having 'been present Q i - n'uncp of t he Cltroe St. Paull WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imp. ,.,::men mteetone Construct sewers on Woodville Ave. from a point 600rth of --- - .. Otto Ave. to a point 60 ft. solzt]i of Dayard Aver;ori"Keriraetii""-Ave:"-from Bayard-..Ave-..,...on---Sumnex...Ave-.---3rosn-- a point 60 £t. north of Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave., and on Eleanor St:±ram--D levalsnd Ave : ---to- Woo-dvi lie - lever----- --- -- -- ---- - - -- - --- --- --- -- ------ --- ------ - ---- ..................................................i - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............... ....................................{.."--------------.--.----•----- -- -- therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓` _ Adopted by the Council ....... ------ ......--- ------ YEAS NAYS ^^``P n Councilman CLANCY ,,FERGUSON Approved ................................ -............ -----.......................... ✓IIIODGSON ✓ WENZEL........ ... .. ... ... .. ....... / MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. roan C A 13 GM 3-25) no slope order v petitio - /Council File No.._ --9224 --• 5 ------ - .. N PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Arafla__PirierAt._AV.», frsam..Qxlaoe4..A.ve..sne.�liu6--Ave. and- .__.-Hillcrest---Ager-4-r-cm--IIndersnod--rya.-._ta..-8nalling... ve- ...... -----------..----------- - -- . ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dated this- .._._..24..._...._day of WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imjir 'vihdt, viz.: A9A,..- end- _.--.--.-.._.__.....S3rado_. iue.]xuxst111MA4 _WQ asne l ng .__gillcrest...Arpe.....Pram__U.adez�raod._.Ava.._:_t9..gn ----------------------. - --------------- having been presented to the Counl;il of the City of St. Paul..................................................................... -------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓Adopted by the Council .............. AM a 1 YEAS/ NAYS CO1lncillml CiLANCY VFEROIISON ,,�HODOSON .�"BFFtiiIfCR WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Corm CA 12 UM 0-25) i&1P� 91_.. SII Approved -elf".......... - ----------•---......... -------------------- --- f' Mayor. ^UBLIS�.��L I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL. OOD-VANCES. C. F. 140. An ordinance iending Ordinance No. 5711, entitled "An ordinance providing that employes on work performed for the City of St. Paul shall be residents thereof," approved December 6, 1921, and repealing Ordinance No. 6362, approved October 28th, 1924. This la an emergency ordinance.rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5711, approved December 6th.. 1921 be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 1 of said ordinance the following: "Before any person shall be employed on work performed for the City of St. Paul, the Contractor holding the contract for such work shall obtain from such person an affidavit and the affidavits of two freeholders who are residents of the City of St. Paul and who own real estate which is situated with- in the limits of said City, which shall affirm that such person so applying for work is now, and has been for a period of six months prior to the making of such affidavit, a resident of this city. Any contractor so performing work for the City shall, on Saturday of each week, file with the commissioner of the department under whose jurisdiction the work Is being performed, the affidavits of the men so employed by him during the preceding week.* Section 2. That ordinance No. 6362, approved October 28th, -1924, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAY 2 61925 Yeas Nays Mr ./Clancy "Ferguson Vkodgson *099SWIMb, ✓ Sudhelmer /Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Attest City C101'k Approved President A'w, MI PUBLISH rly� � 2nd. Laid over 'to— pt -1� °l7V 3rd. &app. Yeas✓ Nays 1"ca� Nays Icy J Clancy Hodgson 1'er,�uson / .�/l/rguson i Hodgson � Hodgso° �� O i bonald \Icllonald 'V udhcuncr Sll chn S _ NFcnxcl - 4V \N�enzel NIr. fres. Nctson \�Ir. Yres. Nelson `Qb➢Y, (/�_1 EWI51_.AN OER SON P, HNE Ni. O'NEI LL F TNOMW.IISLSH •ror nss,TAnr LAW DEPARTMENT. Pss sr f !)� April 25th, 1925. c� To the Council. Gentlemen: - I hand you herewith an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5711, which will replace Ordinance No. 6362 relating to employes on city work. In reply to your request for an opinion as to the validity of the original ordinance, I beg to advise that I am of the opinion that the ordinance is valid and that it places the responsibility of employing residents of the city on all contract work, on the main contractor, and it is his duty to see that all employee employed by his sub-oontraotors are residents of the city. However, I do not believe that the sub -contractor himself would be covered by the ordinance, and as it now stands, it will not prohibit or prevent the main contractor from letting sub-oontraots to persons who are not residents of the city. q Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. EMO -U!` 2 O:r�r /f r� r� r'�`' C. J. MCGLOGAN V Q y HAROLD JC.SP RIORDANCeK e CL11K All corm oven OF R—ST11nov �• A 1�7t4Y}tT 1 CLARENCE A' STORMS (gull i�.i� ice' aint wev ewe v-neasrR�nov (Office of TULI Tlerk .W May 7th, 1925 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, H u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We are enclosing Council File #59226, being an ordinance providing that employee on work performed for the City of St. Paul shall be residents thereof, Rich was before the Council today for Third Reading and approval as to form. It was again laid over to May 12th for I approval and referred to you for your information. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. 5 9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...._.. RESOLVED Yeas ~t COUNCIL NO.....-SI-J,��27 �- CITY OF ST. PAUL "FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM In the matter of opening, widening and extending Harvester Ave.to a width o3 60 ft. from Ruth Ave. East to approximately pprto mately 1090knowfes IvatA Nebbithe West iproperty, ne of a iunder tracaneons Preliminary Order C. F.58111,approved February 26th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58603, approved March 31st, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and the above mnamed timprovement he amount ftoatakennd to be be as follows•for The South 30 ft- T of 221 4 of the NE 1/4 Sec. E6, , , C. F.. No. 60227—BY 7. M. Ch"eY—By Request— " Tn the matter of opening, widening and xtending.Harveater Ave. to a i width of 60 ft. from Ruth A*e. Past having In the APR 2 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---- -------------------- - - ---------192...... Kaye �� Clancy y ',-`W ---- 192 / Ferguson Hodgson......In favor - ------- ------- - - MAVOR ()-.....Against Acting ✓ Wenzel /Mr. President CITY p�F� A I lmy ti pe -p a r,h V nit q,_F Vu JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BR- ENa1Na[R GWRGE M. SHEPARO. OeR¢i da1N[m A. S. SHARP. SUPE. OF SANRwTIaN WM. N. GAREY. SUPT. oP OnIeTRURioH ARo RFswiR G. P. BOWLIN. - oP WORNHdN[ G. H. HERROLO, OIPIC¢ wN0 CrtY PLARRIRa da1N[ol ------REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ----- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Harvester Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from Ruth Ave. East approximately 1090 ft. to the West line of a miscellaneous tract of land known as Eva A A. Nebblt property, ander Preliminary Order C. F. #5%1.11 approved February 86th, 1925, and Intermediary Order 8. F. #58603, approved March 31st, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul :- The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows : The South 30 ft. of the 3w 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Seo. 26,T-29, R-22. Commissioner of FUbllo Works. Dated April 29th 1925. __ - , - 'ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of open widen and extend Harvester Avenue to a width of _ 60 feet from Ruth Ave East aaproximatelY 1090 ft. to the West line of a miscellaneous tract of land known as the Eva A. Nebbitt property. under Preliminary Order approved Feb- 26, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last' reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .. -_ -- - �. - '..i DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOC ADDITION i ASSESSED �I VALUATION !7 1 Den E. Lane's Nokomis 501 ! Park 6 1 do _ 50 5 1 i do 50 1 do i 50 V3 1 ; do 50 do ,501, { 1 1 do i 50 if ;6 2 j dopy • TOTAL I—B H f0 , `DEPARTMEN IFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY` ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION— LOT �eLocK ?" ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION ; 5 2 Den E. Lanese Nokomis Pk. 50- 4 2 _ _ do _ _ _50 ,3 2 do 50 2. 12;_ do . :.1 2 do _ 50 _; . _do b 3- _ __ do _ _ 75 5 3 i - - ..ao 50 4 , 3 do _ 50 3 3 i do __, 50 . i.2 3 do__ ._ 75 - a _ 13- do 75 ; 1 4{ do _ 5"0 Government._ Lot_ 2 Town ,of._ 29 Range 22 15180 4..; ii The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by thy�e Commissioner of Public Works. Dated At _19229_ Cornmissiorpeof Finance. 12 .... • C. F. No. 69228—Ordinance No. 6497— 0tff• 28 By H. C. Wenzel— ZAnordinance ,1.n ordinance mending• Ordinance 6840, entitledAn o dt encs for thepurpopromoting healteh, ,4ng c.alaeaifi a am and 'Ordinauee .5840, entitled. ' , "An ordinan a for the purpose of promoting the r public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regu- lation and restriction of the location of trades and in- dustries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of build- ings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for,said purposes," approved July 7th, 1982. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation_ of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES" ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5.840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to.zone Grand avenue, between Finn and Cretin avenues, in a Class 00" Residence District. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 5840 be and the same A s hereby further amended so as -to place bot 16, Block 1, Uhitney's.Subdivision, In a Oommeroial District. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. - Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAY 1 9 1925 Yeas Nays Mr.✓Olancy ✓terguson '1 /Hodgson U / McDonald iSudheimer f'Venzel Mr. President (Nelson) Ur///fes OUR• • 4 MAY I s 1925 A oved Mayor pL7gLIS _ 1 HAROLD J. RIORDAN C. J. MCGLOGAN «. tdt# n ftut f au1 con,w�u�a+u w Rawmun(�� CLARENCE A. STORMS cwa c�.K.nao�ariunox office of (Ong (Clerk Too, April 28th, 1925 Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, Building. My dear Mr. Stewart: We are unclosing herewith all papers relative to changing the zoning ordinance so as to place hot 16, Block 1, Jitney's Subdivision in a Commercial District. This matter was referred to yon, by the Council, for the proper form of ordinance. Very truly yours, City Clerk. April 9, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, 0 City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: we are returning herewith all papers in connection with the matter of changing the zoning ordinance so as to place Lot 16, Block 1, Nhitneyts Subdivision (which is on University Avenue between Park and Rice) in a commer- cial district instead of class C residence, and we recom- mend that this petition be granted. Yours very truly, Se etary., Zonth�.'�,B6ardi FXTewes-U 8rarallon %tips to asst Or"" efli2rn9 .. 9 (4119 of ot. paut �` 'Iaggtinanan �e}�actmeui of-16ko,. sud 16blk sutlbing GEORGE L. MASON. - v� 'OSP' HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNE4T W�NDe IRVING. C. PEARCE.. OMNU COMMISSIONER PRANK X. TEWES: O"m O! CAMMISSIONM CR'r ARrMreGt 219 COURT HOUSE - April 9, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, 0 City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: we are returning herewith all papers in connection with the matter of changing the zoning ordinance so as to place Lot 16, Block 1, Nhitneyts Subdivision (which is on University Avenue between Park and Rice) in a commer- cial district instead of class C residence, and we recom- mend that this petition be granted. Yours very truly, Se etary., Zonth�.'�,B6ardi FXTewes-U 8rarallon %tips to asst Or"" efli2rn9 .. C. J. MCGLOGAN- tt HAROLD J. RIORDAN CM uanu+o �I'^@ zzyT r cwa cuwc<m ^, .nn carr�amaxm ov ngo�aauno �`4 Pau l CLARENCE A. STORMS 4 v.� cwa c-news*iunox OftCP Of (Ing Clerk 1 March 27th, 1925 d Mr. F. X. Tawas, Secretary, Zoning Board, B u i l d i n g. My dear Mr. Tawas: We enclose herewith petition in the mat - tar of changing the Zoning Ordinance so as to place Lot 16, Block 1, Whitney's Subdivision from a Class "C" Residence district to a Commercial District. Will you kindly bring this matter before the Zoning Board at its next meeting? Very truly yours, City Clerk. l,l " J� JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. RYT—.. RalocE DIOInEEa GEORGE M. SHEPARD. OHIEF ENOInEER WM. N, CAREY, SUPT. OF CONETPUCTIOn —D R.—A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SwNITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE wnv Cm PLw 1— E--Ea G. P. 00WLIN. SUPT. OF WORnnaLEE -SupMU 0-p CITY PZAiI ING March 24th, 1925. Hon. Lo C. Hodgson. Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir Attached herewith is petition to rezone Lot 16 Block 1 Whitney's $ub•dlvision from Class ^C* Resldenese to a Commercial District. on the attsohed blue print the area snolosed by the red line indicates the property to be reclaseifled. owners of Sol, of the frontage on the streets as marked by the bleak line and C? a should sign petition$, thin the yellow Yours very traly, city'Flannin? g n©or, Approved , M ss oner o c ar s. 3H-RSH Hos. C. J. MCGLOGAN 1 HAROLD J. RIORDAN Paul —_ eu _ _7 cowwwna+uN or aa,crMnox Tygi'1 Ti CLARENCE A. STORMS CNIV CLo1KxWIRMTON (office of (8ttq Cited ®'e March loth, 1925 Mr. Geo. H. Harrold, City Planning Engineer, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Harrold: Attached herewith petition to rezone Lot 16, Block 1, Whitney's Sub -division from °Ce Residence Dis- trict to a Commercial District. Will you kindly advise the Department of Finance what property will be affected by this change? Very truly yours, o City Clerk. NO o, tauE MINK, •eso To the Honorable Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone Lot Sixteen (16), Block One (1), Whitney's Sub -Division from "C" Residence Classification to that of Comrmercia T Classification", as provided for in the Saint Paul Zoning ordinance.. We are the owners of Lot Eighteen (18), Block One (1), in this addition, and the law provides that at least two- thirds of the owners of property within one hundred feet must join with other property owners to make this rezoning effective. Respectfully 'yours, IV 09 BECWLTARY Fi St. Paul, Minn.--.--192— To inn. _._-192_.To The Honorable, The Council, • City of St. Paul, Minn. being at least 2/3rds of the owners of property within 100 Ft Gentlemen: of Lot 16.21ock 1 Whitneys Sub We, the undersigned property owners,/hereby petition your Honorable Body torezone Lot 16 Block 1 Whitneys - Sttbdivisioa,.mmax = °Q° $esi--dense Clasaitioation to that Qt °Cq�ercial C�nseiticatlon° as outlined in the Saint Paul Zoning Ordin�Icei._._--. —_-- 1,.:i. Yours very truly, Mwk .. t :x !_ Ana ., - - --- 41 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 r � ~i DO L1J 18 1 Do 13 1 DO 0 t. rth 12 1 DO / SOUTH 12 1 DO 01 10 1 DO 9 Be – — --' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAMSEY ) T. F. Young, being duly:swc=, daposes and -says.,:. that he signed and circulated the foregoing petition, that the signs tures thereon are genuine and that each petitioner signed as his or her - free act or deed for the purposes therein expressed. r 7 " err Subscribed and sworn to before n1e ~ r- J. sR_ n) Oct. �r pnbl s °..eiies �h s ., Notary J- �— /9 /8 /7 /S _ 2 CO/✓/O AVE. :l'. ',� .,• 4 7 a/S ? `1 /O 2 S 8 9 /3 y 124 J 2 20 /9 /6 /7 / 16 ,tit / 12 b 6 VIOLA ST_ 4 9 /O ` 3 � 4 /.3 4 9 I I / /EV / /2 / • t SNE R B UR/VE AVE. ,. P+... °• ,t 1 3 I 2 2L�i •• /9 /8 /7 /6 /S /9- / 2 3 -4 S 6 I I " n UN/ VERS/7•Y _ 'AVE r 41I 1 CN I I J I I , - � ._: I \\ _ 'gid - - -- - -,I i-- - - - -I•: I I + 1 i 1, - - n —iso- / 28 2 I 27 2 27 3 ; � 26 I 3 � 26 •� , \ I ;I S Z4 24 � �--- 23 � 6 � �L3 - 7 22 7 22 _ I , I 920q20 :a., I w gb .; - 1 ` - c , G O E' C I�(/ /90 / D IIG ft' S j Y. iY a AUA0/TORS SUB. /j/O. 6 M/l Lf.PS; iROCST iPE, ti N I I V 6N��I� Fy Y -9N l.�l_ 12.^9 .. i 2S'2o •� 2or�-Sb I. L. ��. _ .. _ �J in 'i•. e I .. 2s. _ _ _. _ .sai- 1 'S6_ w CC. In 21C;1-�.M2 .. 41.. ,., j (••. -1_.". l 2.25 � - - ' • - -_ ._ _ _._ _. —_ _ .- _ n' ., .. ., .. .. :�jl" _..—_�__-." 40 6O 90 ., ..... 1 a:� -n.�m Sq f _-� .. .• i- "n / ",i 9: ' f —__. __—_ i._.so „ .SC) --' PS a.9 y \y• T o, tiCD � �o I O ru I w -fa � � � � o to o ru Y ., � ��• /ti i � ! �' V .SPETER .S'T, oz pf ',T T. � I Co rl� 01 -tri- � � -- i i i \ P - I I r+•'. OWD RA N I I i 1 I (•ol i \ N N N R N V I_ 1 I i - - I "° 1 r -o ( •,,. t .- i._ _. . r L. 8`•. I-. '�' .� _� '• _�� _ _. L..... L -. -...J t'�-.. s� i - ----I _... .i. • ti i RK PARK �. p n �� F� • !fie} i F A L L S P A R K A O U. i /038 'S s vMAf r- A VC. - `�. ar#.mwntro uer..:.:u-'.+.udr+•ma.-'.-r•+-T� 17 pC) 21 27 23 nA vE. h N L- jt]jtF I 53 2 5� e 0 7 fEy j ,5 c/ 5. a LINCOLN AVE. fir. 6S 6y. E ` M 7t %7 76' 79 L40 91 B3 69 83 96 87 88 - 4GOODPIG ,, AVE. _ , J ...� •• 3F �•i X70 - i- .r .: , /4 /3 /:' /Ci > 8 l 6 5 9 2 / "�/O3 /G4 /03 ioz. /c,/ ;uo 99 98 97 96 9,5 3 9-A 9 : 20 :. 2/ 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 3/ 32 33 V .,x/06 /07 /08 /v9 //o %// //2 ;/3 /' ` /is //6 //7 /6 � til v I QFA / /til C UAI7- AVE- CCI I- Sr: ..i ;: _- ,. 1 _ -„-_ -.� ... .• .'i'� Y/ - „ ,. , .. . ., r 7 6 5 4 3 2 / /3/ /30 /29 /28 /27 i�/�S I — - I •. a /O // /2 /3 /4 /S /G ? 4/ /4Z /73 '/44 /4.> _, /46 /47 /4B `N/36 /37 /38 /39 /- /7 /8 � ;lo / /2 /,3` /4 /� 4733: 40 .. •. .. Jo - , - - - -- - a o 6 5 4 / /3 /2 // /0 9 6 7 6 S 4 3 I I. — - -- — -- i,. /4- /S 76 /% /£i `! /6 /7 /8 /9 24 2/ 22 c"3 24 25 26 27 28 /S /G (7 -, � /3 I I i f ,• I I J5 - G 1 �U sGA 36 N% ' 2 / :a , %: 9 8 7 6 S q- 3 2 / li & J 4 3 l 2 / �. (,. s l /AF /44 /4•: 7 i _ f } fl• ' m Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel. B u i l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: We enclose herewith all papers relative to the petition to amend the zoning ordinance so as to place Grand Avemie between Finn and Cretin Avenues in a Class "C" Residence District. The Council has referred this petition to you for the proper form of ordinance. Very truly yours, City Clerk. Mr. C. T. McGlogan, City Clerk, Court. House. Dear Sir: We are attaching herewith all 'papers in connection with the appeal to amend the zoning ordinance, chang- ing the zoning of Grand Avenue between Finn and Cre- tin Avenues, from commercial to a Class C Residence District, and we recommend to the council that this petition be granted. FXTewes-U g1b,b Yours very truly ecreta�{y, 20 g 'Board. armottoo ad" to fbkr BNtrr VtWn$ C. J. McGLOGAN ,, HAROLD J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (.NDCNIEF CLERK -CITY CLERK COMMISSIONER OF REGISTRATION (fttu '�{i� J MSaint Pani .aN i CLARENCE A. STORMS �Y CHIEF CLERK -REGISTRATION (®8'ire of %U9 (4terk April 7th, 1925. Mr. F. R. Tawas, Secretary, Zoning Board, Bui 1 ding. My dear Mr. Tawas: Attached is petition from property owners to amend the Zoning Ordinance, by placing the property facing on both sides of Grand Avenue between Finn Avenue and Cretin Avenue in a, Class "C" Residence District; together with report by the Commissioner of Finance. The City Council at its regular meeting this morning referred the attached to you for recommendation. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. YS 41 4 r. CITY OF, SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' 'J'OHN H. MCDON.ALD,'COMPMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, 0-- COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIW ¢NCINEEk M. S. ORYMA.. a oe ENGineG WM. N. CAREY. 6UPf. OF COneikucTlm+'ANO R -A - A. 6. SHARP. SUP I G. H. HERROM OFFICE AND Cli% P NNIM @InIN¢ck. G. P. 60wlIN, Suit. W Wwu[nw.e i' April 4th, iron 1 9 2 b. V\\\ fion. L. C. Hodgson. Cocanrtiasioner, of Pinnae. Dear. Sir :- Herewith attached is petition to amend .the. zoning ordinance by ahaming the ;olaOt"'cetlon of the Property f901W, on both sideB.of (band Avenue r between Finn -and Gratin from a Comme�aial District: to Ol,aes "C" Residence. ,. On the atteahed biue,P.rint the ores enlaced within the red line indicates the proParty which -is,petitioned to be reclassdtied. i . Owners of SO of the frontage on that portion of"Grated Ave. as marked by the black line and 66-2A% Of the prOperty owner B within the yellow i line should sign the petition. Yours very truly. y ;. atul ng neer, Approved' h omm is oner of VTOOkksa GH -RSH G^ t�f C- J i J I � 1 looks ra sJAY 4 � � �.:. f MW r •e rl . 1 4 y TAT OWMAY, 1 � = Tb THE HONORABLE, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. We, the undersigped property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to amend the Zoning Ordinance by placing the property facing on both sides of Grand Avenue be- tween Finn Avenue and Cretin Avenue in a Class "C" Residence District'indtcad of a Commercial District as now zoned. NPM LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lit— A,4 0-0—Ado'r? kA 'E 66666666 ppqq 4d cu,", Pak *St. a a Woo, 0 k. 6_6�.�, oa,�Y, State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey Allis Mae Darling and Laurs, L. Thedbald being duly sworn, depose and say that they signed and circulated the foregoing petitions con sisting of two pages, that, the signatures theieon are genuine, and that 'each petitioner signed the same as his or her free act and deed for t uses and purposes Vierein e2Tressed. do:se wu;n to before me Oji April, 1925' public '2-77 C.. 17.,' k:t �1c�[lc oeaGpy State of Minnesota) —� County of Ramsey ) ► ha - 'circulated the foregoing petition; that t e signatures thereon are genuine and that each signed as his her frees act and deed or the purposes therein expressed. Further effiant saith not. Subscribed and sworn to befora me '"'7 Z /9 I ST. PALL, MINN ., � � �' 192s -fl No. 2I24 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn., April 24, I925. Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance, My Dear Sir; In the matter of restricting the block on Grand Ave. from Finn to Cretin I beg leave to state I am opposed to the restriction. I own lots 3I and 32 Summitt Flood on the corner of Grand and Finn with Duplex built on them. There is room for other improvements on the.,vacant property under present Zoning. The corner across the street has -a store and two flat buildings under construction which would place me at a great disadvantage if a change were made in the Zoning. Respectfully yours, Thomas P. Foley. /(AID 6T�-z St.Paul, Minnesota April 25, 1925 Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of April 18th regarding the changing of zoning Ordinance of all property facing Grand Ave. between Finri and Cretin, from Commercial district to.Class C Residence"district, will say that on the 11th of March 1925,7 I purchased from T. Frank Norton and wife the Westerly 20 feet of Lot 44 and all of Lot 45, In Summit Wood, being the southeast corner of Cretin and Grand., It was at that time, and still is, zoned as a Commercial district.. I paid several thousand dollars in cash because it was a Commercial district and because I thought that it was zoned 'for commercial purposes. T., Frank ,Norton, who sold this property, recommended it highly and said that it was commercial property. He was paid in full and now I understand that he is one of the persons petitioning to have it changed. Under the circumstances I am, of course, absolutely opposed to this rezoning or changing or attempting to change the conditions, and because I have already leased the property for a long period of time and a permit has been granted to start the construction of a commercial building on this point, involving the expenditure of perhaps $50,000. The changing of zoning, if valid, in my opinion would reduce the value of my property by fifty per cent. This would be a great injustice to me and would naturally discourage other persons from making investments in your city. n I therefore hope that this matter will be considered carefully before any change is attempted. Respectfully yomre, �7 -t e� a �� � ��/' THE SAINT PAUL SEMINARY fl. • pale, I �iiayir Crud G. ea- Aeu 4, e -4 16. "7 4av XI V4 / '5�t, I am? 6, q qt'r . r THE SAINT PAUL SEMINARY St. Paul, I:tinne sot a . Apa i 1 20, 1925. t,Lr. I. 0. Hodgson, Department of Finance, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of April 18 I beg to state that the Trustees of The St. Paul Seminary desire that all property facing Gr .nd Avenue between Finn Avenue and Cretin Ave- nue should be cinnged from a. Co=rcial District to a Class °C° Residence District. Very truly yours, President. t COUNCIL NO--0- CITY / /lr CITY ST. PAUL FILE aa��'i`.I29 OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK L TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'R. C. 1enLe1 COMMISSIONER --------- "'--- RESOLVED Yeas Whereas, The Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment: Therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Frank Drassal, Supervisor of Playgrounds 6 hours ( .92 COUNCILMEN Nays Vclancy ..,'Ferguson /Hodgson ................In favor McDauakl- -984heim -- •-----{%./.)....:..Against enzel /Mr. President the Council .-..AP-...X.2--...9190 192. ... 1 f � Approved p 2 9•x ..............192. sting MAYOR cou CITY OF ST. PAUL Nm cls No --.5 --- - .., . UN IL RESOLD N—GENERAL FORM 4 k RESOLVED: I C 1T{, .�928b--Hy Iw R. BD'�'ergaBon ecttng poles and stringing wires thereon for the That the St. Paul Gas Light Company le here y ords ed 'ti,'By, 4neetr _ transmission of electricity -road In the follawing ail ye noaelved. That the �A'4,6,n1 Stay 7lghE Company Is here$4 Rt: a .bad tltrectiBsd te' xt .Its >§}e4ttlanl op iby er8ot tag._ offik and.aBtringtng wtrea ,thererts- 4 —20-25 tones t1'9namt8alea of( eleOttdglt�,a� anec.id pbo toU rr148 sULyH::and n .stall: t nq ob Ehe noT, MIdWBy betd'r :r BL8 aRF , Two poles- one on the north side of Louisa:, iFireet midway between Arcade and Mendota Streets, and one on the north side of Lawson Street midway between Men- dota and Forest Streets. Municipal lighting. Your poles- two on the north side of the alley south of Vassar Street, first d second west of the alley west of Hazel Avenue North; and two on the east` de of the alley west of Hazel Avenue North, first and second north -of Montana.` Avenue East. Commercial Lighting. n All all Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Wtazd Mr. President favor If ennu eo arae ed by the Council. ... .... .. . Adopts_— ueluue! of`eucb height .laced under - CITY OF ST. PAUL ;r ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - U NTE. BY / • .'�� c/? ' RESOLVEP: Q g poles and stringing w re _ Th T� Two poles; one on the southwest corner of hyacinth Street and Walsh iStreet and one on the southeast corner of Hyacinth Street and Weide V/ Street. 1 (�— S - i v ✓ _ IJ 19he C: MV JE— Municipal Municipal Lighting `ane pole on the south side of the alley south of West Fourth Street /� about thirty feet west of it'ranklin Street. W Commercial Lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All such extensions, Poles and wires shall be erected and Sioner of Public Utilities and to constructed under the dlrectton and suPervlslat of the the City lawful ordinances and resolullone of the Clty of SL Paut. all things subject to the Provisions of Ordinance No. 2424, All should be set In such location In said alleys and and of all other streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities ebull designate, and shall be of suchheight wires Placed -under- Poles shall taken do� nd removed, and each Interest Boll such PPO, land whe. shoten 1t shall o order. ground whenever the he Council hgnittdeem that the nubllc Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays ,(g " Clancy Adopted by the ✓Ferguson / APR l 9 - JAQU.-_W , In favor Adopted_-_-..__. _ 192__. C Ah ' Hodgson 0- __.Against (/ Wenzel ------.` ��• AReYOR ll Mr. President y(]BI,jSD �� 592-31 CITY OF` -. PAULA No r "'C/ FILENGIL --- . :. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE—. April `L8, 1925. COMMISSIONER. _ " – _ RESOLVED WHEREAS, The application of the ahioago, lAiiwauxee and St. Paul Railway Company, for permission to dredge in the Mississippi River near the South City Limits, has been approved by the Department of Public Works, the Corporation Counsel and the Land Committeei therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Major C. F. Williams, District Engineer Officer, be advised that the City of St. Paul has no objection to the issuance of such a permit. C F.No 8923} •BY 7 it C14voY ,SY_�L. ReVueet .. " VPh¢reee. the �apDYloatloti" of the i - Chtos64 SHtlwryulcae an¢ 9t 1iaiYl +1;811 `..1 . wap QomlpaaY for'pvermieitort'Eo dredke, fn Sha�M1ne1It 6Atpp1F8tYer At"-t1Ya 8o}i vaA by he 1me�ictroa; to the te4uanCe of aueh�a por : ` - –Adopted by thb Covnotl Api 8B 1825 Approved Apf 2B� 1025 . (MnY-21926) E APR 2 9 1925 COUNCI 1,MEx Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. --------------------------------------- 192..---- VClancy APR 2 9 1 vFergusoL i— AppXd 2 /Hodgson In favor �j MAYOR —8ndiieime�. t/..... Against Acting f Wenzel �Mr. President �e�a�hnaen��Fx�u lic � c,�r4s�-s7 JOHN H. MCDONALD.: COMMISSIONER .. 'NOS. O. O'CONNO.L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M: SHEPARD. CNIO ENGINEER SIM. N. CAR". EI.'. M �GN AHD R-" O. H. HERROLD. O M AND CDY PW.GNG ENGEIEUI April 24, 1925. M. B. GRYTBAK. MIM OIG IGER A. S. SHARP. BIIPf. W SANRA- . G. P. BOWLIN. BUPI. OI WG NGIEIE To the Honorable the City Council Gentlemen: The Land Committee has investigated the application of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company for permission to dredge in Miss- issippi River near the south City limits. The area to be dredged is approximately one hundred feet outside of the harbor line, Con- sequently the City Levee property will not be undermined or interfered with. The Committee recommends that permission be granted the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to do this work. tr Yours very ul ys LAND COMMITTEE lcparttttent of Eam CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F: MCNALLY ' 'COS.ORATIW CANY[i. ;4'• ' nurANr A.TaRNCTs ARTHUR. A. STEWARf,. . EUGENE W &NEILL REECEJ:NI GEE LEMS L ANDERSON John H. McDonald, Esq., Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: Attached please find correspondence in connection with the application of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- wathe southncityrlimits, referreit to detontheeCouncilsbypthepi lver near U. S - District Engineer. This is probably not a strictly legal mat- ter, and it will necessitate some action on the part of the land committee. I understand that there is no objection to the grant- ing of the permit, providing the city property is not undermined or interfered with, but these are property matters for your Com- mittee to consider. Yours truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. EMO -IB '/�'}I' RRQi �}*N{� HAROLD J. RIORDAN TUU at Jam' ahtt lit tut Z e STZ cueK CLARENCE A. STORMS cwv c�v�xoeecianunon Office of (alto Clerk April let, 1925• Honorable Arthur A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel,' Building. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attached is communication from Major C. F. Williams, United States District Engineer, relative to permission to dredge in the Mississippi River. The Council at its regular meeting this morning referred Ithe above to you and to the Lsnd Committee for recommendation. �:xrru#iur �9��txrfxiu�it# .. ARTHUR r.NEL80N,MAYOR April 1, 1925 Mr. 0. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. My dear Mr. MoGlogan: Herewith commoaication from Major C. F. Williams, United States District Engineer, re- lative to asking permission to dredge in the Miksiesippi River. Will you please present this to the City Council and reply to Major williams4 pe truly yours, yor. ai s, (V vL Lp��p`ah��f'�(J�bli� so. w JOHN H.-MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - M. 5. GRYTDAK. S E ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUPF- OF SANDATION WM. N. EAREY. SUPT. oT CorvsiPULT10N ANo REPAIR G. P. DOWLIN. SUPT. oP WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO EITT PUHrvlxc EnoIrvEER March 27, 1925. Hon. A. D. Nelson, Mayor, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir; The attached communication to you twmm Major C. F. Williams, District Engineer, relative to permission to dredge in the Mississippi River near the South City Limits, has been referred to me for report. I beg to advise you that insofar as this Department is concerned, the City of St. Paul has no objections to the issuance of such a permit, I am returning herewith the original communication. Very truly yours, q. tFr g neer Approved; mm es oner o 0 ori.^ AGDPfe! POLY TO ' DISTRICT ENGINEER WAR DEPARTMENT •.0 UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE .. ST. PAUL. MILAN. SIB BREMER ARCADE BUILDING ST. PAUL. MINN. March 25, 1925. Ron. Arthur E. Nelson, Mayor, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of an application from the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company for a permit to dredge in the%Mississippi River near the south city limits and to deposit the material between the rights ofwayof the St. Paul Bridge & Terminal Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. The work in question is shown on the inclosed aet of three blueprints. Before acting on this request I should be glad to know if the authorities of the City of St. Paul have any objections to the issuance of such a permit. It is requested that the blueprints be returned with your reply. Sincerely yours, C. F. Williams, Major, Corps of Engineers. District Engineer. 3 inclosures. CITY OFrST.. PAUL COUNCIL NO.___.tj FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM Cq� - G(L.K.. DATE......_...._.. _. .... ....... .».........._ OMM SSIONER�' ..---... � —. __......... _ RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers be, and they are he authorized to.enber into a contract with Emil Straka to furnish the music, consisting of an orohestra of twenty (20) pieces and the director, for the sumer season at Harriet Island, said contract to be for a period of eight (8) weeks, consisting of seven:(7) evening concerts and one (1) Sunday afternoon concert each week, and an extra aonoert during the afternoon of July 4th; the contract price for the eight (8) weeks to be Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty ($6,720.00) Dollars, plus the cost of the bond, said simi to be paid in installments as follows: Seven Hundred and Four ($704.00) Dollars, plus cost of bond at the end of the first week, Seven Hundred and Four ($704.00) Dollars, at the end of the second ,week, Seven Hundred' and Ninety-two ($792.00) Dollars, at the end of the third week, which shall include the extra `Fourth of July aonoert,, Seven Hundred and Four ($704.00) Dollars, at the end of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth week#. C'F.' Nd. 5 Tiiat$ilyd, PL4D�er City OLY fiber's pq end t1ltey are- hereby anEhor-, .1ged'ts enter, iRtb a conjract witA ptufl': dtrslte to ,Lnrn�ah t)�o ,mlie'i0. �'onelat-, COUNCILMEN Yeae Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays W 0 COUNCIL NO.---- J4t-x3. CITY OF ST. PAUL F ­ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENED BY COMMISTSIONE RESOLVED That the propsA.0ity officers are hereby authorized to pay to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 4, 1922., the sum of Seventy—two Dollars ($72.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim agaipst the City, being for the period up to April 28th, 1925. 77777777777=_` COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ..............In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Recgmmended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. APR 2 9 1925 Adopted by the Council_,,,,,, -.• 192 Approved.-... .......... ___192_.. .............. ; •... .. ....... . MAYO R oting � r c�q COuCCa '- CITY OF ST. PAUL rae 2.34-- ,y� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES SLOTION—GENERAL .FORM RESOLVED that the proper city officers 'be and they are hereby authorised to pay to Zdwerd Brandl, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured June 21, 1924, the sum of Bitty Dollars ($60.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to April 25th, 1925. n;u COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ...............In favor McDonald 8udheimer ......Against Wenzel Mr. President iiecommended for passage. Commissioner of public Works. APR 2 9 1925 Adopted by the Council--------------- ---------------....192.--- APR 2 9 19 i Appro/e�-_.... (/ Acting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL viUNaL .59235 No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ,,,,7a1QQVNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers'be and they are hereby authorised to pay to Helen %appes, nurse, the'sum of One Hundred Forty Dollars ($140.00) oat of the Workmen's Oompensation Account of the General F>otad; for services rendered from March 29th to April 26th, 1925, to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, Injured October 4, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLV$D, That the proper city officers pay to St. Joseph's Hospital the sum of $375.40 out of the workmen's Oom- pensation Account of the General Fund, for services rendered from February let to April let, 1925, to said Peter Meehan. 0�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Recommended for passage. Oomm'r of Public Works. APR 2 9 1,925 Adopted by the Council .......... ----------------------------192...... .. 9 1�r " Approved...... ....-------192 "" C�`/ng mwron CITY OF ST.. PAUL `cc"ea NO--Ij _ b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the p4per_city officers. be and they are hereby authorized to pay ts`Harman Bahr, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured March 21, 1984; the sum of Seventy-one Dollars ($71.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Pond, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to April 84th, 1925. V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Recommended for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. APR 2 9 1925 Adopted by the Council ............. ---- --- ............... 192....._ Approved...... AY. ..... 192...... --- - -----------------• ---- •- -------........---- Acting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL , + wUNCILNo.. 5.c72A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / I COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM (1^ ,J PRESENTED COMMISSIONERER e RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to, the Sperry Realty & Investment Co to install and maintain a drive in filling station with four 1,000 gallon tanks and pumps, at the southwest corner of East Seventh Street and Johnson Parkway,on the property described as Lot 12, Block 3, Lorena Park, Plat 2,ezoept the eas+ teriy 30 feet thereof, and a part of the land formerly included in English Street; said tanks and pumps to be installed in acoordanoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direc- tion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. t%, �it/ -1LLI.t,� r77777 n RebgiVeQ �,That perm(ealol�,. U/! LLOp(Ly are bei'nM' 6tvea 'CO the ByOrrY Really Bc.IhVeetme�L iCbi_ tb irptall etid� rgalataln a::drttp )a aijing-etatlontvl3h^ Yonr 1900 gai'�gd taaka6and pnmps�=at� the '96ukhWeqq11 Coraer Ot Rae[ 9gv�prtth;j 9tr8e�. agd••3hhnboa Parkways On•.tka`-. �•�eoPpQrty fleearlbe$ sa _Lot 1ffi f,HiooJs., ; INXea., Hark Plat'E etcceyt .thb.i ea4hii-I a0 i6r t1VI e a D6tt' of Lhe lam torl�terly lagluded ]1a4 Street Ras a attd Pum 4 to be2ingtalibdirtrt4 peooYdapee with ihe. dtbinaneef };h'e Clty tl oof su Penland G'� un$er fhb fllreetloh anfltto th0 ea'tiptac _ tfon -bb thki'Comnitbef@per of Pnbllc Barely 1tll,ab per la'pb on 81e:,1a I the @Ifice a6Y Fns c8owml@etyner _ q:=� Parke PlajrgCgfiafla & P61Ai0-Suildtag8an ,)d/ -AfloPt@d bytyfl CotlaCR APr E9, Y9E6 :i / ,3 'APProye3 „qyr '{P 1886 , COUNCILMEN APR 2 9 196 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council........................................192.----- ✓Clancy ✓Ferguson Approved ....._err._......192..._.. Hodgson ................In favor - 'MeDollald– ...... / MAYOR -Sudheimer ....... ....Against /{Gong 7nzel . President DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lot twlpve (12), Block three (3), Lorena Park, Plat two (2) --an iw addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; except the Fastnrly thirty feet (E'ly 30) thereof --also that portion of the land formerly included in English Street deacTibed as follows: Beginning at a point on the section line between Section twenty—seven (27) and twenty—eight (28) on the South line of Seventh Street; thence East along the South line of Seventh S+reet thirty (30) feet; thence South parallel to said section line one hundred fourteen (114) feet; theme West parallel with South line of Seventh Street 30 feet; thence North along said Section line --to plane of beginning. Q Originrgl i CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Thie application to. bei. made in duplicate and OFFICE OI+ THE CITY CLERK • submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE STATION % 1 _ Application No. P No. To the Honorable City Council Date March 3 1925 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Contractro r m By ° e Nmmof arm or Indrvf ani For permission to install and maintain q A An Automobile Drive In 7 Station ]t1rtS�9i1<rE on the ST aOr of aide of East Seventh and L,hnsO Parkmay St. Ave. between nesoriotion of ramd attw ed ar. Ave. known as Street Number and Street tanks four t$��,..t. Number of -M-M— Number of tR Received at office of,, City Clerk . 8i,mutum of Applicant By_�- .. .� ' Bueinoa Addrm Approved LApproved pp Passed 19—as as touse of street Approved 19— Date— Date 19— Ordinance No.Permit No. y. Commr. o/ Pubbc W -k.. Remarks r [VA Offr (7 �PAWWFIN WT raw JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S:GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEEa WM. N. CAflEY. Suri. of CONSTaucFloN AND gEPwIR A. e. SHARP, SUPE. of SANI—TION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY— ITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN, SUPE. OF WORKNOGS6 April 3rd, 1925. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir Engineering Report Drive-in Filling Station, Sperry Realty & Investment Co., S. W. corner E, 7th 3t6 & Johnson Parkway. Entrance to this filling station should only be permitted from E. 7th St. The curb returns should be constructed on a 26 ft, radius: The attention of the Park Department should be called to this location on Johnson Parkway. Yours very truly, city lanning E g ne�e`r`—_ APPr vec� ss oner of Public Works. GH-REH E. J. MURNANE. , otv of Oafnt Paul cHly of Pauu MI AEL EBHARDT. .Department of Public $afetg -As—C.--c. H. A. VAST. CAFxAIN p. G[T[CTrvn J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. IWP[CxM o. PWC[ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. W.—INeP[pTOR xIx eauRx Hous[ CHARLES L SEGREN. EYPx. MUNICI.AI GAMp[ ®O JOS. MACAULAY. Burt. Pouc[ @PIR[ AURM April S, 1926 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Peul, Minn- OWEN C. DUNN. FIR[ 0M OSCAR UNDER- A­ FIR[CHIV WILLIAM BARRON. CHIC. IHeP[G , F.R. PRNCITIpR CHARLES L. WILL18, SyFT, p. A— DR. HB. . F. IMON, A. E. NICHOLS. M. D., DVIrtv HGLTH Omen JOHN MART.. CH_ ",—I I— Dear Sir: - Herewith is returned application of the Sperry Realty and Investment Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of East 7th St. and Johnson Parkway, together with report of inspeotion and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. yptrs very truly, Commissioner of public Safety '" Hon.J .S.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir: OWDI C. DUNN. Pine CHI. OSCAR LANDER. NBT. FIRE OMV WILLIAM BARRON. CMIV IHSPacicR. PIRG PRIV - CHARLES L. WILLIE. SSPi. OP APP wM>rlle DR. B. F. SIMON. H_ OPPIca A. E. O¢AI-TH 0MR A� — H JOHN MARTI. CH1W HU "IHVtROR April 7,1925 In regard to the application of the Sperry Realty & In- vestment Company fpr permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of East 7th Street and Johnson Parkway. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, ---------- Q� Chief Inspector. 7t J. MURNANE. ` �. R ��� Paul of E. CHI Po cc MICH {fir }�} �}�■L {� ■L {P SNfPiig of flubfir CGHI®v of Poucc Ni�i{lP{`i H, AIVAIJH or 0-J..M. CLANCV, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER I ---- `.. NCP- cP `O .. GGET. A. L. ER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION uwnn III.P6cTM - noHrH wrm MiMu.orw m. CHARLES L. SWREN. SUPT. MUHIGP.U. G_. WILLIAM EARRON, CHI INSPECTOR JOS. MACAU" BUPT. POUGc 8 F_ AWIM �O '" Hon.J .S.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir: OWDI C. DUNN. Pine CHI. OSCAR LANDER. NBT. FIRE OMV WILLIAM BARRON. CMIV IHSPacicR. PIRG PRIV - CHARLES L. WILLIE. SSPi. OP APP wM>rlle DR. B. F. SIMON. H_ OPPIca A. E. O¢AI-TH 0MR A� — H JOHN MARTI. CH1W HU "IHVtROR April 7,1925 In regard to the application of the Sperry Realty & In- vestment Company fpr permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of East 7th Street and Johnson Parkway. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, ---------- Q� Chief Inspector. DESORI^ M-1 OF PnOVERTY Lot twl-ve (12), r -look three (3), Lorena. Park, Plat two (2) --Rn addition to at. Paul, ramsey County, minnesotn; except the r-asterly thirty feet W IY 30) ther602--als0 that portion of the land formerly Included In Engliah ^treet deseTibed as follow $ �?egieaninP at sa point on the section line betweon Section tmenty seven (27) and twenty—eight (28) on the South line of leventh !-treat; thence nest along the South lice© of 'Yeventt ,rept thirty (30) Peet; thence.loeeth parallel to said eeotion line one hundred fourteen (114) 'feet; thence Weat parallel with South line of Snventh Atrect 30 feet; thence North along smid ;action ling to place of beginningm r Original - Form No. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ..This applicationto be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. .Q. i4+' kation No. Z dh To the Honorable City Council Date 19_RS of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Contract r m By V..—,.f Firm or and .• dans For permission to install and maintain 1.T An Automobile the its Service Station . on the SV 40T O:r aide of Aagt 3aYBnth find Jobn8OD ?'S?kWLV St. Ave. between rjososiptton Of ground qW. St. Ave. known as Strcet Number and Street - Am>�tt! Number of wsXimrC�gs+YlOU6 Number of a • Vis„ � � ... •. _ Received at office of City Clerk -- 9iannturo of APPliennt By � ➢usinm Address Approved Approved Passed 19— as to street traffic as to use of street Approved—,19— Date--- pproved 19— Date— — 19— Date 19— Ordinance No.— Permit No. Commr. of Public Safety: Comm,. of Publlc Work-. Remarks (41tg of ot, Paul Department of faxko. flaggcounbo GEORGE L. NASOH.� anDuklit Sutlatug S rt. W •AMS HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. IRVING C. pEARCE, D,,U COMMISSIONER Suver. of FIAraRal _ FRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Cnv AROa — 219 COURT HOUSE 1 I l April 15, 1925 O ; l,I 1 AV Mr. H. c. Wenzel, Commissioner, office. Dear Sir: With regard to the application of the Sperry - Realty & Investment Company for a drive-in filling station on the southwest corner of East Seventh nd Johnson Parkway. As far as the Park Department is concerned I do not see where this filling station is going to injure the parkway. The parkway is fairly wide at this point. I therefore recommend its approval from a park stand- point providing the plans show proper landscaping from the curb to the building. Yours[ver t uly, asuperintendent of Parks. In i Rrmeatton itdps m ask, 161tta f6it12rn>I « T C. J. McGLOGAN C TY CL[RK 11NO 1 WMMIe[ION[,1 OP R[O�[TRRTION Tttij 'nf ftrni Paul office of (Qitg (Iterk .6�0-8 April 13th, 1925 HAROLD J. RIORDAN cx�� cL Kw W -RK CLARENCE A. STORMS CMV C­R[AT.- Ron. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P. & P. Bldgs., B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Commissioner: Attached herewith application of the Sperry Realty & Investment Company for a drive-in filling station on the southwest corner of East Seventh and Johnson Parkway. As this proposed station is to be lo- cated on a Parkway we are-ief erring the matter to you for investiga- tion and report. A hearing on this application will be held April 21st. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. DESCRIPTITY OF P?CPE?TY Lot trl^ve (12), nlock three (3), Lorena, Park, Plat t7o (2) --an audition to. St. Paul, Pamsey County, Minnesota.; except the Fasterly thirty feet (Elly 31 thereof --also that portion of the land formerly included in English Street described as follows: Beginning at a point on the s^ction line botwe^n Section twenty—seven (27) and twenty—eight (28) on the South line of Seventh Street; thence cast along the Sooth line of Seventh .S+re^t thirty (30) feet; thence South parallel to said section line one hundred fourteen (114) feet; theme West parallel with South line of Sevens'., Street 30 feet; thence North along said Section line to plece of beginning, Cm bF S khNr PAUL Thin application to be DuphcAte' ' `. Tnh& in duplicate and OFFICE OF THL;CI7 Y cLEitsubmitted to the .City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT . 016� p eation No. ,. �. Form No. To the Honorable City Council Date March 30 193 of'Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By Nama of F rm or I of usl For perinission. to install and maintain An Automoblle Drive IIIService Station t xvesrslmio4x y gag Cor o f side" +t, ., a Y h lya rlcvaa on. the , , St. Ave .of oi_grn,tncl a}itt� 4} d �t.,A' between Tleseri�tinn knQWII as 9—t Number and etr t ' tanks foLr-4atliiCTivri i l nra gpiir Number of Number of aT4uxm[asy� P�>z e Received at office of City Clerk :"lly?#iYl rt� ADDbmnt.. -; s By nudneee A drm - Recei�ftoVMYerk Recel ed from City Clerk Passed 19— Date�19�...' Dat 19 Approved 14- By B9 _ Received from Dept. of Public Works' Received from Dept. of Public Safety Ordinance No. Date 19— Date ' 1OL - `Permit No. Office of city clerk office of City Clerk' By By Remarks GEORGE L. NASON. g-. - PM 'ERNEST W. JOHNSON.m SaP[. D• plAxprtpula FRANK X. TEWES: CRr AR9MraGr . (Attu of ot. Faut. Depact:aent of Vasks,��Jgcnun�a and'Pukitc 3Butldings HERMAN C. —N -L.. COMMISSIONER IRVING O. FEAR-' OEPUTT 0 0 MMIaS1ON. O,,KU OP MMMISs1ONER 219 COURT HOUSE Mr, C• J. McGlogana City Clerk, B u i l d i n g June 6, 1925 .' Dear Sir: Commissioner Wenzel has referred to me, sketch pian for filling station at Johnson Parkway and East Seventh Street - ?,t be granted for this I recommend that a p except p filling station with landscape pl =s shou dobe 20 feet �c y that the driveway into Johnson ea weabelieve a 20 foot vVVII rather than 36 feet, as shown, and as only a 24 drive will be ample for the purpose, IS Shown foo drive the tanksthe Seventh Street side, which is ose We have indicated roughly a line to which we think they might build the paving. As the alley is 16 feet it willbethem ecess tary o have an ordinance prepared allowing the additional four feet of park property end such o turn into their station close property as they need t to their property line. With this ordinance there should a maintain agreement that they are to develop a �d plant same as dir- parkway east of their property, ear - acted by the Park Deparrtments�jThe toctgeeapprovalpof the once of the building to City Architect. yours very tr ► Superintendent of (arks. Approved: Commissioner. M..td191% MCIPS to oa4r WtUrr (MUMU9 Nk AV, A 1.A -TS. 41 / 7-/ 7/7/77 J4-0 (Attu of $t. Paul Bepaxtment of Nacos. plaggrounds U. andlttblit aBuildings GEORGE 1– NASON. 8L. -F. OF P_ - HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER - ERNIST W.SON.-IRVING C. FEARCE. DEPUTY (.OMMISSION— FRANK X. TEWFS. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER C I1RCISTRT 2i9 COURT HOUSE 1 June 5, 1925. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Off ice. Dear Sir: I have examined the attached.sketch plan for the propos- ed filling station at Johnson Parkway and East Seventh Street, and hereby beg to state to you that I believe that the landscaping of this property will ast e credit, to the district. It is amply provided shrubbery, and trees. Mr. McGloganis letter, however, asks us to pass upon the (. architecture of this building but we are unable to do so at this time because no architectural details have been approv- al This report, therefore, only covers my pp al of the landscaping. Yours ery truly Superintendent of Inspection. HSB..0 atrrratiau HAPS 10 MAC 16MI'r t6itt:eua C. J. MaGLOGAN COMMIBBIOMfR 01 P[OIfiMTOK (Ii#il ,af otttnt fanl (9fce of (lug Clerk .gw,&s June 4th, 1925. HAROLD J. RIORDAN M-'- CL[KK CLARENCE A. STORMS CTCV CLG14K[OI,TMliOM Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P. & P. Bldge., B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioners We enclose sketch plan of the filling station at Johnson Parkway and East Seventh Street. Rhe Council has asked that your Department pass upon the landscape and architec- ture of the filling station. Will you kindly return sketch plan to my office with report? Respectfully yours, City Clerk. 9 I COUNCIL 59238 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIeE NO------------------•----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M –, _ � COUNCIL � LUTION ENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the epplioation of Jameson Hevener Company for_..permission to erect and maintain a public garage at 35 E. Chioago avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner og Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,/Clancy ,/Ferguson ✓ Hodgson _U......In favor 3udheimeer— .--- -...Against tWenzel Mr. President APR 2 9 1925 Adopted by the Council -_ .....................................192....... Approved... - . ' .. 9 4 ........... r i f, ilAg MAYOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sectifn 674j ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota application will be made on 'V/ 7" 7-- 19 2 to the ity Council of the ty of Saint Paul i3innesota, by for pe ,ion to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ransey County, Llinnesota, to wit: Lot "� „Block Z % •� Addition Sai t Paul, Minne- sota. On th side of t. Ave . between St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA, sa Cout►ty of Satasey. } INoticn gI ApplicatWn Tor Permit to j Erec! 9 Public Gangn , - ; .K .. 4U_0141. 0141. pf b thir lain ra o4ap M iv sem. [ ma ht. f B I t I•LLUG MI N nppllatlm �y1t'I tti 14 la Temu:ltn saaN��Aa1 liermW Inn In ,p,11t a op0lid ¢Ilrgye•'dn tfi V-1;9� lea•. dMttlbed Mt eeM(a allaatr in 12apt•'; T- C b. )ib a to Mt rn R ((t1M1k iT nnglfmtl' n a!1 ,4.t�nenfe. �.". �,T a[Ipb eon, " Op tfip r7a�L b! being duly sworn deDo and says that ^bele clerk for the Dle ,Printing Co. which now is and during ses g�ail alba times hereinafter mentioned hes eDpe pT1ntD,ed land published !a the cer of the� of ah St. Paul Pioneer Press, a dally` r Paul, in said Ramsey County; State of Minnesota. That -she has knowledge of the factsandknows personally. that the printed ..... . .:'.tau• r�•�•. .. . ��E�� ,r . "• of. .. .. s .. hereto attached, cut from the eolmm.e said neco<s was inserted, printedsnd mai published In said newspaper «tee-Lo-•4aah�k for.,-.?.,•-.mac-k&, and that all of said. publications were made. in the English language. That said notice. was fisat inserted, printed and Published o9Z6_ ihe..y of • • • • • / "' :...... • 1924f and was Printed and Dub - .,6416[a ' 1lshed in said newspaper thereafter on.l,717. untilandIncludingV�Uft the. 'of. . .. 382,✓.. That during all thteeaid. said newepaer as 4ualtfled, e8 a mediumof official and legal I bllrequired 6y eeetions 3 and 4 of chapter 484, 8eeatoa; Iawe of Minnesota, 1921bas complied- with all the requirements that con• stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of thefirstpublication of said...�l - .... ........................I..said newspaper has been`. •.(1)Printed-.from the place from wL1ch it purports to beissued1a the Eingllsh, language; and In column and sheet form equivalent in apace to at least eight pages, with- efght Columna to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. _ (2) 'Issued daily from a knownoffice,.established in such place for'pand P nt- andequipped with skilled. workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- Ing the same. (3) Made nD to contain liand laufnd not entirely opaents, plate wholly duplicating any eyubcatio,. - - matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. - (4)" Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty. copies regularly delivered to,pIeying subscribers, and that prior to the, :.J,.� .: .....: date of the flrstPublication of said........: . /............ ... �i�<�/! "wr the Publisher or Printer in charge of said newsPaper having knowledge of the fact., filed in the office of the county allditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Mia- nesota an affidavit showing the name: and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions'constLtuttng its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of ehapter 484, Sessioncopy of the torcue1921;1p . That the following Is 0 Prir copy of the lower case alphabet g and to ic both inclusive, of the size and kind of type.. used in the comDosltion.:priaiing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: - ebcdefthtlkimobOGntbrWifa: Further affiant salth not save; that this affidavit is made Pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Iaws•7Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bili Tor the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement a p,/ da .. Subscribed and sworn is before me this ... of. �•0 Notary Public, Rams y County, Minnesota FORM 141 aM 6.28.21 Pse My Commleaioa expires. • • • - J_ JI.TWEED, Notarri'ubiic,k2rmnoy County, t4 in.. "j?, 1[L,O1TIm366tnn Ca^Jr}lRMt. J__ STATE OR MINNESOTA, aB co of Eatnsay. } being duly sworn deptieea Notice of A00116atitm for Permit to nting Co. which now is and during all the and says tsar She is clerk for the DisD greet a A�uhlle Oarags.. ' times hereinafter mentioned h th e. publisher of the St. Pagi Dispatch, ` ]9oace L' hereby d eh IhK nunu■K `'to' e• o ... a. - -- *+---- ly n r, printed and Published in the city of St. ' sues at —OW .am ve.1sm. oy the CUP r semi Pau4 wmea■t.:onus on +u Paul in satel Ramsey County. State of Minnesota. oo ads oe ♦ a 2D , 1223 t p �ty u u r m. �itr of soot pant That,yhe has knowtedge of the tecta and knows personalty, that the Printed Rota. b7 Ameage 8eneret,�na. for wan+e eton' to eeeat'.• ooban.aataia oa the Nltew•., les a re■1 aft4tq...At4■te !o Ram-' - ��E� • awnty -Mlmeaet■. to It Lot ��.R �:r ....... . ock ItY �Lettfue Baall'�6 nub - :� j/�� ,//Q hereto attache , cu[ [rota the columns nelppaper, was use published in said newspaper for.-r� . �= k tbat all of said publications were made In the .English language. 7 0 That said notice was fiast inserted, printed and published of........: ......., 192-57—and�i�•'wias •Printed and Dalr: Itehed to said newspaper thereafter onS(!. ,ty— • •G(% /' �� : until and including6l a .the. 'X qday of.... That during atI hetimeoresaid, said newsPape .was qualffied ee a medium of official and legal Dublicst as required by sections 3_and 4 of chapter 484, Session's has complied with con- Law. tt to aof Minnesota, 192L that legal newspaper . deRnedt in said sections 3 and �4. toit: tth��ei fothe r8moret than one year last. Past from the date of the first publication of said ..... ;e .. • said newspaper has been •' (1) Printed from the place from which it Purports to be issued: in the F.nglteh' language, and in column and sheet form equlvalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. - s (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication andequipped with. skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print - Ing the same. (8) Made :up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicatingany other publication, and not: entfrely made up of patents, plate - matterand advertisements, or any or either of them: - (4) Circulated in and near its piece of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to. Paying subscribers, and that prior to the. date of the first publication of said.......'..... ..:.. •--,,,•....... the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of We - the .facts, filed la the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Mtn nesota an affidavit showingthe-nameand locatloaof;said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting Iia qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and ;set forth in section S of chapter 984, Session Laws Minnesota, :1921. That the followingis a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used In the composition, printing and publication- of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: . -.-. :•.. •.. 'e6rdef klmno0antarwi/... - - Farther affiant saith not • save that this effidevit. IB made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Minnesota 1921,. and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal( a�dvveertisement. .. f�G�� lace Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... lopo, 2Latpp . •d/a/yy� of. • • • CQ ` V.....-... • Notary Public, R Bey County, Minnesota FORM 141 aM e28•2+ Pae -Ay Commission expirea...a • • �• �• •F�- it. a. TWEW; Netary Public, RarnwY County, Ttirinn Ccrimi. _r • x-:ir.- : Sept. 2..2. IM ':i CITY OF ST. PAUL j°e"C1L NO.--.--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. p PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — - RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendstion of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Elizabeth Street from a point 75 feet east of Robert Street to State Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Lametti, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the Bum of $493.60, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby'instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $610.00. F.B. #6671 C. y' NO "58288—H9 J bi :'1�9AOY � 89. +`Yte4ueeL ;`R¢eolsaQ ' That trig-iLronnalY betbbx �onoure In kris yrec o" i6ki ,-,awa ij' 'the cont of Colnlnlitea Sud. awards tha:: contract iaV41t a aopeft lroW o6 a t;16' .er an j}llli bf -j ateat- Js r" a point q6- Loek oast 'ot 8dtinewftitreaL to .a, a' 9tkeeL, in-.aoaoFdanae �ctth Diana. and. aDBolac4tl4nafiaret0 8t�gched L6'?eter: -7�amltti ,h@ .DolAg thy-.IoW,eee r - pl la bidder for trio dutq, of349 488 be an8 the Corpokatloh Counpel la hereby, / Inatrycked To dram uD tris LODer Yo1`ID� ✓v oL contract ther4tdr En�ngeYe HHLI ' � � / J mate 1418 dQ[ D' B3i'o.;;86"73 " ;Adopte8 by jUa Couaon ADn.98 iQ26; ApDrovad . � @9 7.885 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy -Ferguson ,-'Hodgson in favor SudkeiRaer-- ---1�--------Against �) Venzel Mr. President Adapted by the CouncilR. ...... 9.1--.------ 192------ ?� 2 9 Is, Approve 192...... MAYOR Aeting ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Four"ca NO_ ---- 59240 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1J,DATE_Apr11—nT-.19 ,+.5._-._.._..__ That the 0ounoil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Lexington Aveuue from a point 15 feet south of Edgcumbe Road to a point 40 feet south of Juliet Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Lametti, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $673.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $890.00. F.B. #6672 CALF No 69$;O�;ip J'?f• Ctaarp-B9' �Reeol4e�,- That fps ::Cquricll he{ebg; conenre }a the reg9mmend0.tlon of .tbe�. Cgntract, Coinml tee Audi pwaeda "ib0; coatraet tar' the. mnetruefton.oR` A• eewer, 'on, Leangton Avenue frnfii•a 1A.a point of Edgcpm�e Road; Cao. a Roinf 40aebt a0nthgt ,Tu1tOt 9tr9et<; . 1n, accordaaoe;telth plane and eDeOldca-� ttoaa.heretoattaehe ;r Peter. yamet-n of he being the IoweeareeDoDl,- der for -Lho �;anm ot:;878.00 and `they �Cozpnralloa UP is herabp 1a,. eCt' cit c trap aD ibe prapet term. af: gontract therefor HriggFReer's IDst}'. , / m♦Ete 4880 F 8. 3io."5078 r t(f /� >AdoDted bpthConnell ' §LDDToveB Apr 89 1986 (Map 3 168f) COUNCILMEN yeas Nays '-'Clancy ✓ Ferguson /Hodgson // ...In favor S -•a -•-. L✓-.... Against j Wenzel /'Mr. President ` � 1 A tt �% 1 APR 2 9 192: Adopted by the Council- .-................ 192...... A\P? 9 1W Approved//(...,,•�---••-►-•-........... 192...... � (/ cling MAYOR COUNCIL No...._59241 CITY OF .ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a.. S- X2/6_ 1-1itrLt�__---- onre.-P--Til 23,#_1925-------------- RESOLVED That0ouncil hereby�n'ITS in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Van Buren Street from a point 70 feet east of Griggs Street to Lexington Avenue, in accordance with Plans and specifications hereto attachedbe being the. , to Herman Huebscher, lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $39.675.001 and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,880.00. F. B. #6670. van au�fi Strg9t'!{Ipm p point ZO feet ea§t sof tirlBgal g8treet ttk Lo 7 eaington Axbfine ..ta aocordpfiea wL%�y Plans gn# epeefRmt{oas hereto the h inched _to Hermaa>Hsebeoebe r� he � ' ttoreeponeible 8414. r nflCoi}aeelaje ���Yd7u�Btt'�votredgrlo�I draw,ap th8�vgper toFYn of^ontttrgp;, "thorefok' H deeN6 Eetimate.�8860 I00 il'�B; No 6670 Adopted by the Conaoll Apr 86 1926,! '(///��/l\ ADDroyed ADN 2B � 1686 - � r {May 2=18t6) att - APR 2 9 1929 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... Yeas Nays7,R J 9 !"M "Clancy VFerguson ._. AppZd---------------•-•---------192 ,,Hodgson_. -----.In favor •...•.-•...•...• iiCtt tlj MI�YOR !-.-;....Against V��Ven ael C/ f Mr. President WUNC,L N.. 59242 CITY OF ST. PAUL cas O ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 70�UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �Prl sY 0 iii% �, a.wd �✓ ./S��O�t ;_ onre._rAB.7C1�23_,._1925 _......__.._ That the Council he eby approves the action of the Purchasing 0ommittee in awardi contract for furnishing approximately 700,000 gallons of ad Oil, Grade "B", to the Department of Public Works, durin the season of 1925, at a price of $ .0621 per gallon, to the . H. Barber Company, they being the lowest0 responsible bidder, total amount of contract approximately $43,470,00, to be delivered as required in a.000rdanee with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. 46579. COUNCILMEN Yea Nays L - Clancy ✓ Ferguson ,-Hodgson --- In favor ' litHonaid—"' 644heimer^ .....(......Against L Wenzel Mr. President APR 2 9 195 Adopted by the Council.. ................... .................. 192 Approve .... ..... �_� 192.--- ..... - • ...... MAYOR Acting cOUNC,L No. -53243 CITY OF ST. PAUL ras OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION FORM -FORM eowaENTED 6 /Y A —M //,L/ /LO/moi/.�:1/ DATE ApriL21,.��.82 _-:___._..---- f v oves the action of the Contract That the Council hereby appr Committee in awarding the oontraot for oonstruoting, relaying. and repairing cement sidewalks during the year 1925, in the entire city, as shall be ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Counoil prior to the first day of November, 19259 to the Standard Stone 0o., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of approximately $699025.00, in aocordance with specifioations, their bid and award of contraot hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contraot therefor. Fs B. No. 6664-A. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I/ Clancy Ferguson i Hodgson .. In favor MuDonaid �Mr. �•eeident \\ ,,/'Mr. A=4 - Adopted by the Council..A..........PR .2... 9 4 ............ 192 Approved - _.192----- [tet • -- --- ,9giing M„YOR CO .. CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLeUNCIL NO ---.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 29, 1926 PRESENTED By --DATE' - OOMMISSIONE - -- RESOLV In the matter of changing the grade and gradin Stanford Avenue from Josephine Street to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57783, approved February 3, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #58693, approved April 7, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays "Clancy ✓Ferguson (Hodgson ------.In favor AieBeeald Y Sudhehm,r — -...L...Against Wenzel --"Mr. President 4%PR 2 9 1825 Adopted by the Council ............................ ----------- 192.._-. P q •91 Approved.. �ms'•................... 192.----- Aging MAYOR -PRESENTED F COMMISSiONi li RESOLVED CUH M NO------------------------- OFFICE 59245. - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE -------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM April_29, 1925 In the matter of changing the grade and grading Montreal Avenue from West Seventh Street to Elway Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 457525, approved January 20, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #68766, approved April 8, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner oaf Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays f Clancy VlFerguson ' Hodgson -..-j.......In favor Reimer--. ---------------- Against enzel President APR 2 9190 :. 1s2.. Adopted by the Council --------- --------------- - . Approved. 4% PR y 9 1192--- L449-411- ."OR 92._..- -Mwron eting • - - COUNCIL.No-------- V V N� CITY OF ST. PAUL . PILE._-.._.__ OFFICE .OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 29, 1925 PRESENTED 13Y DATE_ - 'COMMIgg10NE RESOLVED the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, College Park, Block 1, Excelsior Park and Paquette's Rearrangement, from Pierce Street to Fry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57418, approved January 13, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #58754, approved April 8, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities`as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. APR 2 9 192 _ Adopted by the CounciL ------------------------------------ 192 APR 2 9 IM, 192 Approved --- ---- ................ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays !/ lancy ✓ Ferguson /Hodgson !_......In favor ona , - ,i Wenzel ✓ Mr. President ----�---Against APR 2 9 192 _ Adopted by the CounciL ------------------------------------ 192 APR 2 9 IM, 192 Approved --- ---- ................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl�wUNCu. No -----5 [- OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ;'.I PRESENTED By - DATE--__kPril 29 1925- _ COMMISSIONS _ "---' RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 7, Ware and Hospes Addition, from St. Albans Street to Front Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57464, approved January 14, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner e of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓t"' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,.Glancy ,,Ferguson /,Hodgson .....In favor ,;vAheirmer— ...4��....Against "Wenzel / Mr. President APR 2 Adopted by the Council ........... - ------------------192.--..- APR 2 9 1901 Approved--- - -----------•-------•----192--•--- ting MAYOR INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59248 In the Matterof..grading,Alley„in,Block„2,,,Academy„{i� ghts,., xQln.•••.....,, Kenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue,,,,,,,,,, —___� „• ....... ' a ,F x : bsatg rn the Matter. A aPgradd ebeK.. .. ..... •••••••••••••.••••••••...••• po,etaodeP10 t59938A�re.'Utd[p1,6daethi • i_ml enB`'e eoe1925............ •......._.................................................. lon r of a '� A , ILnprovewent ��� `r�'�+u .r.� f•r tenor.. ............................................................. .^pw l: ............................... under Preliminary Order .......... 5743 ..........approved....K0A7.t.19?5...............A.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received thereport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ZXQA9. All ey, in, , , , Block'?, Academy HeiF,4Ae,,.from.Kenneth.Avenue.to.Prior Avenue ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.55$.65........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... R6.Al?........ day of , • . , .jJay............ 192.. Fj ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, staring the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilAPR 2 9 ,1925.... , . , , 192, , , , , pp APR 2 9 imp ... ...... ....... Approved .........................192...... Ci Clerk. . .... .. ............... ....................... Aoting Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson '���oaa __ wr n u _ ,/Councilman D MWP Hodzson Councilman Wenzel Mayor TlUffiM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 � �)� 09249 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemning , and itak ing , an„gasemeni , , , tt}e„� and , agcgs,$y, . stu.t e..aMA..fill e.. ia. tba . grading . of . Alley.. in. Bln ok . 2, ........... Academy„ Heiohta, from, genngth, dyenug„to ,Pry or Aven e,_,T, ..... ........ ............................... In the Matter. of condemning and ihk-: .... Ing an. esaemenC In' land ecea- n eary-ra ng of Cyr .Y . lu.1s Sn; ................................................................ 'the. grading dt Alley to Block .2d .... Academe to y Heighta- fro Kenn. h Av ary Ordy under Preliminary Order....... 579.4P ............ approved .... � 0.4 7.,M 25 , , , , , , , ; ............ . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gondemn„and—take , gradin&,of,Al.lgy.. n.B1RQk. a.QFaciemY.. �81��ie.s. I4AI..KeAB.B�k4.�yenue..... to, Prior,Ayenue,,,in, �qcQ�dance,frith„'the„t�a.}}e;,prink, 1�eretQ„�ttaghg3,,,, and made, a, part, hereo.L..14je..�1t.R3��a..PP.ZAIM3..9hQMP9..1-#A PVt.B. aaa..... Al;ig .shaded. Rortiona . abaving .the..fills........... ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. AQP .OQ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 2%1th....... day ,of if,8 ........... 192.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time aad place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... APR a 9 1g25........ 192...... APR;R 9 1925 mow✓ ...... . Approved.........................192...... � City Clerk. .. ........ ................ ...................... Aetiny Mayor. �Eouncilman Clancy PUBLI m.. Councilman Ferguson councilman NutRzi Hodgson Councilman Wenzel �MayorJp= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO ENCIL NO.____"�925 t -- QUADRUPLICATE L[.l.l�iiLL�../ TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - - - RES. NO._12p--------- CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—R�SOWTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE TE— _,� J ° CITY TREASURY. 7 1 91iE AGGREGATE AMOUNT COVERING.. C LL��.. _ Y ----- - -_ _ ___-- _..L_— CHECKS NUMBERED 0 TO — 10$16 COMPTR ER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE "07 A#OOF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ER' :. I' TOTAL RETURNED ICHECK IN FAVOR OF �� BY I NUMBER ! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK j CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT. FORWARD i on II s,250— �'I R Iyed. That checks be drawn the City Treasury, to theeate nh ri9 ck. amount of $257.777.94,ov numbered 16790 to 16816n a. !� percheeks o file In the office of the ;i City Comptroller. un !,! Adopted by the Council Apr. 29, 1925. ! Approved Apr. 29, 1925. I !I .. `SHEET. TOTAL, FORWARD - NRM 0341000 7.24 .__-____.. CO ROLLEINCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. R IAAR. PRES.. NELSON. TO AL RETURNED MAYOR J CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER By BANK GENERAL WATER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 101 367 59 45o 102, _, 474 009.69 .277 659.1 1670 J. ?. llis .4 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 10 00 540 59 SPRINKLING 16791 andatone 'qunrries Comp -my PUBLIC BUILDING 548 73 ACCOUNTS 16792 J. ^. ua.ynes 16 3 T•,dwin H. Lundie 9 125 0 33 2 16.Qo 3 651.1 2 457.21 6 91inneiota Highway DepartmerA 3 308 36 i 6 446.01 3 75� 977 11 422 167.70 1679 federal Traffic bureau g. 49 73 25 7 I stringer, Inc. 16796 Dunn & s 15 000 0 1 06 0 125 00 16797 r rutin " !underlich 600 0 16795 ^nna 'robber 16790 :"rank 0. O(3borne 1 120 5 5 eight 16900 Lorenz rintnr 2 024 fas.25 71 16501 Charle ; II. "'inter 100 0 9 li 00 002 Goodyear Tire & Rubber. 16 C 16003 L.C.tiodgaon, Comer. of Fin. 7 i 595 3 000 I 44 197 59 26 653 ' 164 o00 16504 7.6805 Melady Paper Company 164 10 2 10 16g0 N^tional Lead Company boo oo 16807 "illiamson Agency 16808 Clara Aamold, ',idow of A.A. 5 46 „O 1 120024 554 40 00 40 00 168o9 rmn T,. Campion, "idow of D. 11.00 17idow 10 0 30 0 30 00 2 46 16910 Helen Sullivan, of Li. s I 16911 iooiety for the Prevention o 100 00 200 200 00 Cruelty 16812 Atlas Amu90ment Compsny, Ina, 10;0 I 10 Oo 16813 Nick Floyd 16811} David Johnoon 10' 10 00 16915 L. ,,. Jord n Company 9 S �5 50 �0 16516 Tri—Mate Tel. & Telg. Co. 40 0 450 00 9 25 I 67 1111 0�4 04 442 B32 '70 239 299.76 1 491 71 3 768 70 2 457 21 9 574 53 3 309 36 5 446 01 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3` 9 7 7 7 3 0 540' 41 19 629 6 46g- 12 66, 3i IAAR. PRES.. NELSON. VES (1') COUNCILMEJ NAYS (1, 1 Cgp MAYOR J DISTRIBUTIQJN - LOCAL•? IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 16.Qo 3 651.1 2 457.21 5 124 53i'j, 3 308 36 i 6 446.01 3 75� 977 11 422 167.70 239 299.7 g. 49 73 I 125 00 33 20 eight fas.25 71 li 00 I o67 boo oo 1 120024 554 I I 2 46 I 100 00 I 29 9 743 75 s;a 10 2 40 4 6 5 450 00 9 25 I 67 1111 0�4 04 442 B32 '70 239 299.76 1 491 71 3 768 70 2 457 21 9 574 53 3 309 36 5 446 01 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3` 9 7 7 7 3 0 540' 41 19 629 6 46g- 12 66, 3i TMMVCATE 'O CIT CLERK RES. No.._ -12$- -- ------ RESOLVED THAI➢ CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY^TREA1bURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S --- 57♦73Ir-_94---___.. /---- . -... COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ..16790 -._.TO ...16816.-. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. %FSR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TO AL TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 101 367 59 450 102 4 X6790 J. llis FILL NO. OI 16791 andstone ?uarries Company -CLANCY, 40 5! 18 7 16792 J. ".Haynes 16793 "di.�in ti. undie S'Q2 125 0 33 2 167911 ,Sinnpsota TTighway DepartmenYt ----- IN FAVOR 25 7 1679r� Federal Traffic Bureau AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 15 000 0 16796 Dunn & -,trinrer, Inc. _ 9 124.53 13 30 36 1 16797 rnrtin .1underlich ✓.,_nnr�nl n 6007 C 16 98 "nna 'robber 16799 T'rank 0. Osborne 792 - 1 120 a 2 024 �1 16906 Lorenz Pintar ------ ----- -- -AGAINST 100 C 16501 Charles Ti. "'inter MR. PRES.. NELSON. 2 C 160502 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Comlr. Fin. 71 595 ' 16803 L.C.Hodnaon, of 50 164 000 C 16 1650 LSela.dy Paper Com*T^ny 10 33 i 16506 N-.tional Lead Come. ny 46 16507 71llirMoon Agency ':idom E 40 ' 16505 Clare. A„mold, of TT. r. '•i.TT.C. !} 168o9 !,,nn r. Cnmpion, i�Io. of -1dow II 30 16810 Helen Sullivan. of LS.:> 16811 ^oeiety for the Prevention o Cruelty 200 1 16812 Mine ,Imueement Company, Inc. to 16E13 Nick Floyd 10 16514 Dnvid Johnson "'. 94g 1F,915 L. Jordan Compeny 16916 Tri -':tate Tel. & Telg. Co. 474 009.69 277 659.1 110 577 ii 22 1 1.1 3 - 10 00 540 59 0Bd9.45 73 CB. 125 00 reight OB. 33 20 fdB.25 71 15 00077 00 1 60b oo5o 2 024 46 100 00 44 197 59 26 653 75 I 743 75 164 000 0 40 00 40 001 30 00 !i 200 00 50 00 I I1 10 00 410 001 Co �61 9 �5 29 310 46 450 00 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 3 75 COUNCIL 59250 CITY OF SAINT PAUL TRUST FILL NO. PUBLIC BUNG OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -CLANCY, A� SPRINKLING FORESTRY S'Q2 BOND BANK GENERAL WATER ACCOUNTS FERGUSON. ----- IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL •APR.z __. -192 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM vHODGSON. 2 IF57.21 _ 9 124.53 13 30 36 446 ✓.,_nnr�nl n gf;PR VE 792 - ER. ------ ----- -- -AGAINST - -- - - MAYOR 57 MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTIO------" -- 474 009.69 277 659.1 110 577 ii 22 1 1.1 3 - 10 00 540 59 0Bd9.45 73 CB. 125 00 reight OB. 33 20 fdB.25 71 15 00077 00 1 60b oo5o 2 024 46 100 00 44 197 59 26 653 75 I 743 75 164 000 0 40 00 40 001 30 00 !i 200 00 50 00 I I1 10 00 410 001 Co �61 9 �5 29 310 46 450 00 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 3 75 SPECIAL FUNDS RETURNED -_ LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC BUNG BY V IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REV OLDI NG BOND BANK GENERAL WATER ACCOUNTS 4 6 0 2 9 299 7 1 466 00 3 651 1 2 IF57.21 _ 9 124.53 13 30 36 446 474 009.69 277 659.1 110 577 ii 22 1 1.1 3 - 10 00 540 59 0Bd9.45 73 CB. 125 00 reight OB. 33 20 fdB.25 71 15 00077 00 1 60b oo5o 2 024 46 100 00 44 197 59 26 653 75 I 743 75 164 000 0 40 00 40 001 30 00 !i 200 00 50 00 I I1 10 00 410 001 Co �61 9 �5 29 310 46 450 00 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 3 75 i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL•' RESOLUTIIOeN/—/GE_N'E, /RAALL FORM nec-avNTFO HV Y /G% ��ii /1!/ � /LLL/.J— DATE_....—AArll 29,_1925T__._ RESOLVE/d that the Northern States Power Company be granted permission to set - No. 513 one (1) pole on Wood St., east of Starkey St. 514 Three (3) poles in alley south of Jefferson Ave., east of Cretin Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays '/Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ..............In favor �—' ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President I., " -� f, -- , , , , , . 1; 1 I I - I I '— CF: No.; 69861:.—By J k Ciuncy B7;i n.eolve -,He'r Co any the Noed-per-8tatesi t ,power Co . n% --'he glanfeolo on Wood � 948east a! Starkey 6(1)No ,61 Tfi-m6. (8), poles In .alley south of Jefferson �AVe••-seat of c-tia Ara AdoDYed bF. the Couucll Apr 89 19$6: ADDrdVed ADr. 8$ 3986 (May 8 1986) APR 2 9 19Z Adopted by the Council_-----_._----------------------- --192...... Approve -------- 192. ........ ................................. MAYOR Acting PAUL FluxaL 5925 CIT OF NO.-_59252- PAUL OFFICE HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO—GF.tiCRAt F9RM C F No 69869—Sy S.M Qi.ncy� T�� I' whereas oa khe day Of PRESENTED BY ACrim.; , pn ..p qpuEust.y0 of ..._.._._.__. .... .. COMMISSIONER_.__.— .- _..__._.— ._. the D.Paxtmant a[ Pullll0 86(0fy at the �dlty of 8t Paul whllo In tho perform-G� ance of his%dutl'do As a--golloe ofttoer.`.: en8ttrenlelta m taAd steric of loetng.hltl'A• Create, WHEREAS, on the fifth day O, :,.Wnareaa, ort cba zsth say ot.N rem= an employe of the Department of Public; N�stB,tTclkyoRynae as'c$lat,i St* Paul, while -in the performance of his do �16e as apo officer, was injured to the extent of losing his entire left Yuen, and WHEREAS on the 25th day of November, 1924, the Sit* Council by Council File No. 56,627, authorized payment to the said employe -in the sum of $4,000.00 as compensation pursuant to Para- graph 14, Section 14, Chapter 82, General Laws of 1921 as emended, and WHEREAS, said authorization was to the effect that said employe should receive the am of $20.00 per week, payable every two weeks until the entire amount of $4,000.00 had been paid, and WHEREAS, it now appears that due to said injuries the employe is handicapped in earning a living, and could, if he had the balance due him from the City of St. Paul, enter into a bus- iness of his own, and TI EAS, under Chapter 82, of the General Laos of 1921, the city may make a lump sum settlement with said employe, and under Section 25 of said chapter -,make certain deductions for said lump sum settlement amounting to the sum of $290.50, and WHEREAS, said employe has up t and including the 25th day of April, 1925, received the sum of 1760.00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby au- thorised to pay to the said Auren A. Crane the lump sum of 52949.50, in final settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul due to the above said accident. 0/) COUNCILTMEN � Nays Adopted by the CouncilA-�F?-.3_4..1.---------192----.- ✓laney argum— qApprov I-------------- - - .192 �Hodgeon............... In favor {-in Il �C4 9 MAYOR ... sudha;.*---.---.....Q etgainst Wenzel a uLISEIED� =Nirriz:.-eidefftr Mr. Viae Prea. Ferquaua 1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ci°e"ca NO ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION ERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of Cochran -Sargent Company for permission to erect and maintain a public garage at No. 191-195 E. Fifth street, Is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. CiOUNCILIMN Yeas / ✓/Clancy Nays Forg V Hodgson --.---- -- -In favor .....t -..Against V el— Wenzel Adopted by the Council-APJK3.0-_j .......... 192— /,)rr%i � i G 1912" Approved .. ----------------192.--'-- - ` u--.- eting MAYon C. J. MOGLOGAN corr�enoKuor Odut Paul tf faits (Iter& 'Offijp�B Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P. & P. Bldgs. , B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Commissioner: April 29th, 1925 HAROLD J. RtORDAN CHIa CLHrt1[{IT' O.tKK CLARE CE A. STORMS cwa e�.wonm�munan We enclose herewith application of the Cochran -Sargent Company for permission to occupy as a public garage Lot 7,9,9, Whitney & Smith's Addition. This matter was laid over one day to April 30th and referred to your Department for investigation. Respectfully yours, WISAW NPI #010VIA VA City Clerk. dC�i /mac 14Z.,.::.-,GE.e�f/ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERI:?IT TO A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sectt ft 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of S int Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on � -1-9 192 to the ty Co oil of the ity of Saint Paul, Ninnosota, by for permissionublic g 49c on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Bl olr Addition 9� Saint Paul, Minne- sota. On th Al side of Ave . between St. Ave. and?-^�"'°4✓ St. Ave. Number St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, A 192 GITy CLBRK'S OF�;;�F r�� W, STATE OF MINNESOTA, lzs -Vouaty of Ramsey. Jf ..,,,being duly sworn deposes and says that •s'lfe le clerk for the D Printing o. whnow Is and during all the le�lt h times heretnatter mentioned h n the publisher of the - St. Paul Pioneer Press, a dally n spaper, Printed and published to the city of fit. Paul, in said Ramsey County, Slat of Minnesota. ThatShe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the Drintedllf-r-v �x hereto attached, cut from the columna said nevfpaper, was inserted, print d - published In said newspaper tor. -....and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published the. /,�/. l!!day Of.... 4 % • • • • • . • • . . • • •. 192 and was printed a LO nd Dub- Ifehed in said newspaper thereafter on r ��,,.,, until and including- y..e..C.Y. y of.. .. That during all the time aforesaid, said newspaper as qualified 8a a medium of official and legal publicatim aas regOfred by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and . at it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as. defined in said sections 3 and 4. to -wit: that for more than one year lest peat from the date of the first publication of said. �. • _ ............... thep ace fr..... .....................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be laeued_g the English lith eight coluand in mns to column en each et formoequine and in arter at least eas ugght Hager. with (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with Skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Print- ing the same. (3) Made up t contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, Late wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, D matter and advertisement, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near it place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the /. date of the first publication of said ......... /•t-• . .the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the fact, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence fof orth Insection3 tofuchapt its 484,qualifications Session Laws Minnesota 1921r required and set That the following is a printed used In the lower case ca enalphabet p a t f om A to d publication both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type of said legal advertisement hereunto attaclm�d.lvizz: Further affiant salth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws 'Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill !or the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. .. ....(��. Subscribed and sworn t before me this .. day of. . .... 19f. ryt ......... ........... Notary Public, Ra eey County,- Minnesota p y'( �• P FORM141 JM 8.20.21 PAB My Commission expires • - • ..... L. B. TWEED, Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn; My Commission "P r- Sept. 22, 1928 STATE OF MjNNEsOTA, 'County of Ramsey. '..being duly Sworn, depeees ,{�f21..... •� rintin6 Co. which now 1s and during all the h Aer P and says that he fe clerk for the Disp the Dub labor of the St. Pael Dispatch, SL Notice pf; App • times hereinafter mentioned hes er printed and published in the city Oeeupy:. Present -.Building As • a daUtyily ne P Publir Garags. State of Minnesota. that the Dtdnted�li�"�� x u cy°O1t°t iu Panl, to said Ramseknowledge of the facts and knows personally CItY That be has �.d X11 u. .. el�p-��D Pvel.itt 8t.ag fti,mi�j'eer tfeea en'ulcwetrinit,•rde.'i .ae. -. '�L.a• de6.4, 1[1meeDta ..Wnf esd asugts We Col dnev6PaDer, Is t n1ocY 0 iedltioa° tne, tcort Ji k. �Bt Ptub Bt"t- ette1 cut�fzom the columns atnnn atteee tatwdee sin%t, pe i8ut Piro hereto attached. _��that all of dros. st[eet. barna 3eY1 AD[U 1114,: 1, ,ved[ for. .... `BlRet. paper e- I1V.ted et �t PBut: HleDuaN... may,[ .ed nv.,'dntlt 1&11'i6.1 published in said newspsD Bald Publications were made in the English language• That said notice wes Oast Inserted, printed and published on., C/r............. 192 ui and was printed and Duo-. , liahed in said newspaper thereafter ��i f/,.. , .. 192L*_ �I; Y of.... he.... qualified as a medium until and inclas udl �1- esad. Bald newspaper That during all thaired by sections 3 and 4 of chapter ist, Session of official and legal I.1921,4Laws of Minnesota, 1921,has complied with all the requ[rements that con' 1,awse a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and t. to-wit: that for more than .titut one year last Dast from the date of the first publication of Bald. - n bee ................................................. said newspaper gen ulvalent in space to at least eight pages, with "' • "' �1) Printed from the Place from which it pure°ria to be issued in the nB language,. and in column end sheet form ne for publication to the Paga, each twenty-one and onetluarter incheB Ion6• eight o Mons established in such place Issued daily from a known office, material for Preparing and print- _ and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary comment and miscellany, not fie— .-- local- news, made up of Patents, Plate —• (g) Made UP to contain SerieiaYa5t1I- and not entirely ,holly duplicating any other publication, matter and advertisements, or any it either of them. (t) Circulated in and neat its Place of Publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that Prior to the date of the first Publication of said ........ aper having knowledge Of ,..the publisher or printer in charge dicer of said county of Ram ey stat' Of Min- the name and loeation of said newspaper and the existents the facts, filed av the office of the county legal newspaper as required and set neBota an affidavit tutingShowing Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. of conditions co 3 of chs its qualifications o tahlower case alphabet from A to Z both forth in section 2 of chapter 494, IB a printed c°ed in the comDositlon, printing and publication That the size Ind rte• inclusive, of the size and kind of type used of said legal advertisement bereeUUtot�nlmc Further affiant salth not as that this affidavit fa made Pursuant a section 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill _ 1 advertle of chapter 484. Session IAwe Minnesota. ?or the Publt°atton in Bald newspaperofththe aforesaid lege y of 1 Subscribed and sworn m before me this. !. -... • .. • • • . . • ^ - -.7sey County, MinnesotaNotary Public, .LyComnflssfon expires FORM 141 BM 6'2e'21 P&O L. B. TWEED• - Notary PubEc,Rsmsey COunty,MiM ;,,,., INy Commission expires SePL 22, 197E Form 48 2-24 600 6883 STATE OF, MINNESOTA, l; ss. TM VIU %{.Ramsey 1 Affidavit of Publication �I�647pA@t.#.a..`Se.Bp...................................being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein men- tionUL DAILY NEWS, ed has been in the employ of the printer, and publisher of the newspaper known Be "THE ST. PA" and during all said time was, and now is, principal cleric of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still Is, a dally newspaper printed and published In the City pt St. Paul, In the County of Ramsey. In the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, that the annexed printed notice of VQt ,Q.0..4f..ApP3A?w. ia�Garage.................................:... . ........................................................................ hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns for of said newspaper, and was printed and published in Bald newspaper ........three .............. dnya `1F]Q9=gWXZWXM`X—that the said Sat rcdey..... notice was first printed and published In Bald newspaper on Zl..th.......... day of April ........... A. D., 192.5 and was the ...... . thereafter printed and published in Bald newspaper on each and every suc- until and Including .... Tuesday • • .. • . the ceeding,......dH.y...... ....... ........ Y4th.... day of ..Ap2'�i.......A. D. 19.8 that said newspaper all the me In and oof egenn Ca reading atter induring olumnsilandTsheett form, the mat ter cionslst ng literary Items, printed and oral and local news, comments and miscellaneous in the English language at an established office, and known place published of business In Bald city, to -wit: Nos. 66 to 03 East Fourth Street, equipped with the nspaper pressm'and skilled workmen for preparing. ecessary materials, new the whole thereof, In said city; that the. printing and Publishing the same, and newspaper was, during all the Bald time, and still fe, dated in St. Paul, and said generally chenated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more the date of the firet publication of said notice, than one your next preceding during all the time of said publishing, was printed In whole, and published and andcirculated in said county; that during all the Bald time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four being not teas than pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column long; that during all said time said printer seventeen and three -fourth! inches "ST, PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and ublisher of the said p delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete and copies of Bald newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of said time, has never been, and or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. patents, That heretofore, and prior to March 313t, 1901, the publisher of said news - it settln, paper filled with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit Laws oC the forth the facto required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General State of Minnesota for the year 1593, a! amended. Affiant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case In the of the alphabet from A to Z Is the size and kind of type used publication annexed printed notice: , ic ed , f g h l 7 h l ,n n o D g r e t u v w x Y v That affiant knows personally all the facts Bet forth In this .affidavit, and that each and all thereto nre true. Subscribed tad Stvora–to before nle this �)O 7�� f. - - - A• D Fee, $........... ......... Received Payment. THE AILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. p� J/ F... .. , Notary f(aa~ltE, Romsey County, epnnceeta. Date ....... x..........19... Per ......................... L. McC.00r, f - "tvotar�.Pflblia Ratnev CottoE�, \Sr Emmis=_ivn L>. pir Dec. 15, 1929 rorm /9 2-U 696 6983 STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey J >ss. APR 15 1925 Affidavit of Pu lidaion-- Jsannette.Steen .... ....--..::....-.:eetos anly-- sworn, deposes and my$: that he now Is, and during all the time herein men- tioned has been In the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all Bald time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the Bald newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published In the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, that the annexed printed notice of Application.Tor•. Permit .1c.. Occupy ..Present.. Building.. An. A.. Public Garage .............. . .................................................................... .. . . hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns of sold newspaper, and was printed and published In sold newspaper for ..............three........ dayBxlfrt`JiiA d6Ko=XMX7�=—that the snid notice was first printed and published In said newspaper ort Saturday • . . . l.l.th........ day of April ....... A. D., 1925 and was the ........ ..... thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on each and every suc- ceeding........ Clay ........... until and Including.... Tuesday....... tic ........ 141411.... day of ..April....... A. D. 19.25 that said newspaper during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still is, a collection was, of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- literary items, and eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous printed published in the English language at an established office, and known place of business In said city, to -wit: Nos. 55 to 63 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, the same, and the whole thereof, In said city; the printing and publishing said newspaper was, during all the said time, and still Is, dated in St. Paul, and generally circuated In said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date bf the first publication of avid notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and Is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said news- pper filed with the County Auditor o[ said Ramsey County, an affidavit settin, a forth the [acts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws o[ the " State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. Afflant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z is the size and kind of type used In the publication of the annexed printed notice: a u c d. c f g h 1 1 1t i u, n o p a r e t u v w z r I That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all t ere are true. qP Suhscrlbedl�nd Swoya to Uefore IIIc this ........ Fee, $....... . Received Payment. CO. L� ;tom G_' THE ILY NEWS PUBLISHING -�✓ ....N�,t •Pun nnn,acy ceantr. nnnneentn. ....19... Per ................. .. Date ........ .... CAW) u„'ollc, R._m=ec..>unt4,1�'M1G„ CITY OF ST. PAUL wURca NO._ -_.5.9254 -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM 0 e.fCGCMTFI] RY /l_ �� R68®f7UiaD yMBEAS, Harriet M. Barkley, 254 Farrington Ave. has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Auburn auto oar, Motor No. 54665, State License B-200-280, covered by Standard Accident Association Policy No.655175, dated Feb. 13, 1926, and owned by said Harriet M. Barkley, and WBEREAs, Harriet M. Barkley, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the, Corporation Counsel; therefore, be.it RESOLVED, That license be issued to said Harriet M. Barkley to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of at. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas / /Clancy Nays ✓Hodpon—^ .--.----In favor 41epmmm-" gkmileimer. b ................Against v/ Wenzel AM D7r. Vice Prne Ferpaeon ��� 3 1715 Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------192..._. Approved-/.,- .........192 ting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ---...5255 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED V That the applications f6s,-lioenses of conducting businesses at the addresses indloat instructed to issue such licenses upon the pay of the customary fee: Jos. Griffin, 139 W. Central Av„ sofa alna : r'carz,�i 011ie Ahlf, 1215 Randolph 3t., pool tables Sam Rossi, 605 E. 3rd St., Grocery Dofa Sinesky, 239 E. Fairs eld Av., Second hand dealer Freiheit Lodge #34, - Sons of Herm8n# 774 Arcade St., Public Dance Hall I James P. Duggan, 606 E. 3rd St., Soft drink J. E. Ellis 118 Eaton St., Confectionery Joe Nannia 499 St. Peter St., Grocery n Jos Carohadi, 179 Rondo St., n Olga McHenry, 334 N. Chatsworth St., Haseltine & Staples, 974 Selby Ave., Bakery West & Evans, 1520 Como Ave., 1156 university Ave., Grocery confectionery R: J. Horgan, E. A. Thom, 1105 Selby Ave., Grocery H. A. Goldberg, 307 Sibley St., Second hand dealer M. E. Wertz, 852 E. 7th St., Restaurant Frank Angelo, 644 Jackson St., " H. D. Williams, 139 W. 7th St., a Mrs..Anna Reed, 503 Asbury St., Roth Hotel CO., 359 St. Peter St., Hotel Edward Lazewsky, 35 W. 3rd St., Restaurant Fetch Bros., 349 Rosabel St., " " Florence Swan, Hackney Bldg., 4th & Jackson Y g•+ ► " Jas P. Duggan, 606 E. 3rd St., A. D. Darge, 404 Robert St., Hotel Lee Martin, 2316 W. Como Ave., Restaurant Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools COUNCILMEN YeasNays Clancy e.aa-. �a— Hodgson................. In favor -114e�eeeld—"' Sudheimelr— ------------- �t'W';e'�n��z'el yden r1;� V7on 'rea. 1'enr� Adopted by the CounciLAP-R..A..Q..} _..--..192...... Aft 3G19� Approved ..... .-......... ................. 192..---- ------------- (f'0 ing MAYOR U CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE cuAmupucATE To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERKRES. NO -129__ -_-- AUDITED CLAIMS-fts"'MiON FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE I- 4=N-1925_ CITYgE�SgW. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,, S 2 -C' "R CHECKS NUMBERED-Uat�---,ln- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE II ('c/ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. E TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 'BANK CHECKS CHECKS HT FORWARD ORWARD li II Ii II li II C, F...No. 592Thj, 6�, check. be drawn on the .....ry. to the r 11 R .... d . ;g.".g.- : amount of $296.469-89, Cu"7n.I.ei-,t-:; numbered 16817f, to I -n. pbr "'"k. on le h of h CRY C--P"'1""V Apr. 30, 1925. Adopted by the Council oun Approved (May 925. (May i-1925) IT SHEET T6TAL—FORWARD 1000 7.24 A J U CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE cuAmupucATE To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERKRES. NO -129__ -_-- AUDITED CLAIMS-fts"'MiON FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE I- 4=N-1925_ CITYgE�SgW. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,, S 2 -C' "R CHECKS NUMBERED-Uat�---,ln- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE II ('c/ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. E TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 'BANK CHECKS CHECKS HT FORWARD ORWARD li II Ii II li II C, F...No. 592Thj, 6�, check. be drawn on the .....ry. to the r 11 R .... d . ;g.".g.- : amount of $296.469-89, Cu"7n.I.ei-,t-:; numbered 16817f, to I -n. pbr "'"k. on le h of h CRY C--P"'1""V Apr. 30, 1925. Adopted by the Council oun Approved (May 925. (May i-1925) IT SHEET T6TAL—FORWARD 1000 7.24 �C PTROLL-H INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE .r.. R• AGAINSVED- ° = /_ _.., PER ' � I ,_`-� i.\'� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � WENZEL, . ,. .. _ __ _ -. -. - _ ^.. - ---...192 YES 1 v) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --• -K�------ __ •• �. L�. MAYOR CHECK TOTAL RETURNED - - - NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY DISTRIBUTION LOCAL - CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS - _ i 9 ..-.. ._..-. '-..16017 16818 ..-'anitor Con E3trl1Qti011 company c BROUGHT FwOwRWAowmsp Board of control 'd 101,367 101 367 09 _ ((() 707. 9/{"0 4 �VV -. .. - - ._..._.519 ---e1 GARAGE AUDITORIUM - SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING _ -628. 67 468 312:.8... __ ill Offi4 04 442 832....0 - 2 2 t 39 99.7_ �� 1 491 71 3 7 68 7 � 2 457_2_ 574.53 16819 L.A.Itodgson, Comer. of Fin © 3g 6 7 33 7 33 004 66 366 _ _, 3 30� 36 446 1 16820 I) 16 004 lb 956,1 363 38 16822 u 1 1 956 10 1682 a 122 269; 122. 00 it 5 269 72 1682'g 16626 Il 1 192,I 9118 913 80 1 192 6 16828 �� 77 53 316 2 1 8 12 840 31 16628 214' � 4 37 1 239 5 16830 16831 �� H6rtgage 3eourity compan7 of 175', 5 456' 3 175 5 458 7919 16832 1683 itinni, ota, Ino. L. C. Tiod9son, Comb. of Finan a 5 516 2 140 594, 1 14o 594 16 5 516 22 J. T. Brasted rm. V.-irtin 86 '' 4 96 86 40 168334 g 16836 -7 ?rioo, agent a 86 40 00 16837 Review Publishing Company Tri -,tate Tel. & Telg. Co. 615;5 399 695 53 1 16838 I 16 l, Western Union Telegraph Co. 36 50 9 96 iOOLxoasaon. 00m sx.po P'in. 742j 5 645, 50I 100 O • SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 3.75 II u f SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .101 367 99 974 310 30 - L799 473 971 39 75 8 574 53 3 306 36 9 2�7`l [449 648 92 2 2 - 99 76.1 491-;71 4 961. • _ ,,__ , 57 111 08 04 3 96 ;. 1T TO"RUM TE ' TO - RES. NO.: 129 -- CITY CLERK RESOLVECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TR Y TH AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE 4-30,925.' 4�°0 ERING . !_ --------------- J_____9� .9 ._. _. yfO� - 165 7 TO CHECKS NUMBERED. -]�65�40---_ BY - �.S COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. eODGSON. McB6t`MetC" TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS ARD 101 367 9 i 7077T 333 4 'rmitor Conotruotion 0BROUGHT many FPO WENZEL, 1691 16615 Board of Control 36 ' 6 a , ' 16619 L.C.TTod9son Com r. of ri e 6 4 1 00 5 NAYS (V) Mi FT:SYS 16821 " 19561 " . 0 tl 16522 5 269 II SINKING 19 5 16822 ' 840 2 fADITORIU BOND 51 FUNDS ACCOUNTS 15 2f4 6 16527 3 16930 II � 5 4" 16931 moTtP;�go :'c3ourity Company of 2 457- Minn—ota, Inc. 5 516 2 16532 L.C.Tiodpon, Comlr. of Fin -m e 140 594 1 1633 J. L. Arzetad 86 4 16834 -m. I.rgrtin 86 16635 '^. ". ^rioe, N7ont 55 0 IC9-,zG 7enie« Publishing Comp -my 61 5 39 16537 Tri -,tate Tel. & TelQ. Co. 9 16538 "eetern Union Telegraph Co. 1659 ^'erat Publishing Company 125 5 -(tg to L. c.Hodgnon. comer, of r1n. 742 5 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER '//CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS–RESOLUTION FORM Fzz-RQ"6^_^L— ----- IN FAVOR RETBY URNED IIS I GENERAL WATER 51977 625'167 465 312. 16 004 56 363 36 1 956 10 122 00 5 269 72 913 80 57 540 25 12 137 31 4 433 23 3 175 37 5 456 140 59415 86 4o 56 4o 85 00 615 53 36 50 9 96 645 50 5 516 2 1 192 1 239 COUNCIL FILE No. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILAPR 3_Q 1925----. ----- 192 P VED O` - -_ ------- 192 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS N II 11 PUBLIC REVOLVING II SUNDRY M SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS 21 6 574,53 II 3 305 36 II 5 446, olll _3_,; 751 eODGSON. McB6t`MetC" ___ ---- -AGAINST FPO WENZEL, Y _ YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) Mi FT:SYS Ti 1Ll'L LUL!���L - . DISTRIBUTION ---[- LOCAL SINKING TRUST GARAGE fADITORIU BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS 111 o64 o4 442 632 0 300' 239 299 T 1 491';71 { 3 7651.7 2 457- 5 516 2 1 192 1 239 COUNCIL FILE No. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILAPR 3_Q 1925----. ----- 192 P VED O` - -_ ------- 192 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS N II 11 PUBLIC REVOLVING II SUNDRY M SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS 21 6 574,53 II 3 305 36 II 5 446, olll _3_,; 751 COUNCIL FILE NO ...................: By........................................... ....... 502,57 j i i _ In -the Matter of...constructing a.eix foot cement tile sidewalk on ............ ............. both sides of Brimhall Avenue 'erom Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue, ................................................................................................................................................. ._.except. where.,. good.. and, Pufficient,:sidewalks now exist .....::............................. .............................. ........... ............. ............... ................................ ............................................... ...... ................... ............ ..................................................... .................... .......... ...................................................... under Preliminary Order. ..._...5..939.. approved..,. Feb.24,1925 Intermediary Order .......... .......... ........... ..........approved.. ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind, of improvement to be made by the said City is...0.0.1;110T.,10t,..a..e. walk ..on,both,. sides..of.,Brimhall..Avenue from Randolph Street to gartfo.zd..Apenue.,,..,except _,where...good,.and suf.ficient_.sidewalks now exist ..................................... .............................. ..... ................. .__............:................ ....................................... ... ........ ...................... ....................... ................ _...._._.......... _.....__..... ........_._...................... ........................................ .................. ....... _ . .......... ............................._................ .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY - 5 1929 Adopted by the Council...._.................................................. .... . ... .. ..: .. .. ....... ..... Vpy 519 D City lerk. Approved........ .......... ........... ...... 192........ ...... ................ ...... �.... ............._... .......... - Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy ,Councilman Ferguson pj�+ ✓Councilman McDonald '//Councilman FAMIX Hodgson ,fiouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ZMayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i.;. q CITY OF ST- 6UL L - I DEPARTMENT 0 ,FINANCE REPORT OF COMM 'TONER rOF FMANCE ON PRELIM ARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a six foot oement tile sidewalk on both sides of Brimhall Avenue from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue, i under Preliminary Order approved_ Feb.24,1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ frgnt The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 1 1 2 1 ADDITION Koenig's Addition do Haley's Addition do do do do do do do TOTAL, CITY OF ST. RPAUL �� - .. DEPATMENT OF FIN%/�iCE REPORT OF COMMISSICQJER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN ORDER _(8). -. DESCRIPTION I -I LOT (BLOCK - - - _ - ADDITION ASSESS VALUATION I� 3 ',1 Haley's Addition_. 275. _ 4 1 do �75 I 1. 5 .1 do 075 - -- 6_.l do_._ ?75 -a 7 1 do ?75 g 1 do 275 , r 9 l do 250 d, 1 2 Russell's_ Addition 259 2 '2 do u ?50 , -' k_ 2 do 250 4 d° 250 - .2 5 2 do 250: 1 l do 275 I - 2 1 do 275 '1 do ;I 27� 3 1} ,1 do 275 - I� 1 4 Otto Hunt's Addition 75 ; 2 4 do ?50 !; 3 4 do : 250_: 4 4 do 250. 1'. 5 4 do 250 , 6 4 do 250 7 4 do ' 50 2 S: 4 do 50 ! 9do _ do t 775 17' 3 do 250 - Y _ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F REPORT OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM[-YORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 16 3 Otto Hunt I s Addition 250 15 3 do 250 14 3 do 250 13 3 do 250 12 3 do 250 11 3 do 250 10 3 do 375 TOTAL - - 13,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -__,e-- JZ ----_192. Norm n. B. 12 Commissipffer of Finance. " St. Paul, Minn192-4— To 92-To The Honorable, The Council, , City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property, Vwners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod�y to cause the folllo/wing iQmpprovemen / t to be made: 1 nAAAD— St. Ave. v 11 ml�jl �. 1 .'.3;.8.0'2 1. .. _ 3 , Z. kt i : I' ✓' Offi the Commissioner of Public WorkesceivEp Report to Commissioner of Finance.,,,,,,, .1114 19 $S ----Karoh-;,►-]..$?5-------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.§8039----- approved- Feb. _24: 1p25___191___, relative to ___ construct_a _six-foot_ cement tile_sidewalk- on -both -sides- of -------_-_ Brimhall Ave. from Randolph St. to Hartford -Ave ---------------- ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $l..]Q_P_e_?' --, and the total cost thereof is $-_-_---_----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. v°0 Mimi 5J258 SL the Mettthe sesta anectola8am COUNCIL FILE NO...... watk' on; PI sten'ave.: "" "' Ave Lrouflsntre Coma & the`Weet, :. !o ComoFAvepns West on '� stde from Como Avenue W Stand By ...... .............................. . ���vAi��ORDL�R In the Matter oE.construct.ing._a..eidewalk.;Qn..the,,.e.a t...s�de...of..Hualue........ Avenue from Lake Oomo...& ..Phal.e.n....Avenue.,.to...Oomo...Avenue, West.,....oi}...tkie............. West side from aomo..Avenue..West. to.,.Breda_Street.,..except..w here.. good:.:..... and suffioient sidewalke..now..exie_t_, ..........I......... _............... . ............................ ... ... .................................................. ...._.................................... .......... .......................................... under Preliminary Order... ................... 5777§9............... approved ......Feb ' 5r .1.9.x.5.. IntermediaryOrder.................................:.`....................approved....... ........ ... ......... I-- ............ ....._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...00nstruot a sidewalk on the .east. side . of Hamline Avenue from Lake domo & Phalen Avenue to..0omo . Avenue .West.,_ on the west sidefrom Oomo Avenue West to Breda_.8treet,.,.exe.ept_ where .... good..and..su io.>h.@at..sidewa,10.noW....egi.et...... ... ....................................................... ... ........ ........... ........... .......... ..................._.............. ...... ................ ......................................................................................... ...... ............ ... ............... .._......... .............._._.... _..._...__.... .......... ....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed withthe making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY .-_5 19Z - "' Adopted by the Council ... 1 .. ...... .. 1925 ity Clerk. Approved.... .. . MA.: .........._.........., 192.: Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson ✓ J: Councilman McDonald ,Councilman 2 mmx Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer v/Councilman Wenzel ;Ilayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. under Preliminary Order approved n Annrnved Feb—TY 3, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front 1 10 The estimated cost perXoot for the'above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �-( ASSESSED ;. DESCRIPTION ;LOT �LOca ADDITION VALUATION' y 9._64 acres of th 11 I The Southerl at part west of Clfton_Dale _ _! 7 ,4OQ _ ._.in.the-Northeast-_4_and_all of Ithe;Southeast-4 of-.Section 22, - 1 -Town 29, Range 23- Como_ Place,St. Paul j 8390 121 Q { __ .1. 1, _ _ _ _I I 13 1 Minn. j015 1 n elude cit er pro�e ty I i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by t/hye, Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commi aer of Finance. F.. B, B. 13 I �w H- 5259 - G F Nd: b9869— to the Matter= of � gradfag Ailey 1a- Bloolt 2 BerkyhlkLPLtte, from Prior:. COUNCIL FILE NO.......... . Ave ,to Bue 8t,,. Vader PrellmInary "'order -67999 ,approved Feb,h1? 'I986J A Dubuo hearkng, having 9a,� r,. a,,. nDoa tlte.a'bpve lmyr8vemef� , BY.... Online, -end khe Conholk pesonnaa,, n -j- .e na ;elaNge_ ther SER In the Matter of .... ..gradng,,,p]aey., in'.:Block,.?,.,.Ber.yhi.� .. PeCe.,_,. f xppl.............. Prior.. Avenue -to -Sue.. St.reet.......... ...................... ............ ..:.............. ............... ................... ................. .............. ....... .......... ............. ..................... I ............ ....... _........._................. ........... .......... .......... 11 _....................................._............................................_.............................................. .......... ..................... ... ... .......... ... .......... .................................................. ..................... .............. ........... ... ...................... ........... ... ............. ....._........... ..._..__................_................... ............... ... ................................. I.............................. under Preliminary Order ............. 5.7.939 ..... ..........approved... Intermediary Order ............ ..... ..... ........... .. ...........approved.. ............... ........... ....... ... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....gr$de Alley . in;.BlopK...?,,,,BerIZYAA ....... P] ace,...frQA►..px�.Rr..Ave.nue...t.a...9ue..Stree.t.,........................._.................................................... .......... ................... ..._....................... ........... .......... ... .....__......... ... .......................... .I......... ................... ........................ ... ........... ......._................. ._.......... ........... ................ ........................... .......... ....... ........... ................ ............... ......._....... __..__.... ........__.......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAY _-.5.192rs..................... . 1 .... . . .. ............. ... ..... . ity Clerk. Approved_. _.. ...... 192........ MAY . _. 5199x! / ............ iQ!11✓✓.... ,Councilman Clancy Mayor. n //^—'�_ ,/Councilman Ferguson V j'(J�LIa;IIrD ,/Councilman McDonald !/Councilman awx Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer ouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE under Preliminary Order approved 57939 Ap»rnvPd Feb. 17, 1925_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $506.33 front The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is s -43 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Berryhill Place, St.Paul, .1275 2 2 Minn. 800 3 2 do 900 ; 4 2 do 900 E. 10 ft. of Lot 6, & all of 5 2 do 1000 :;E.10 ft. of Lot 7 & (Ex. E.10t) 6 2 do 900 3.10' of Lot 8 (Ex.E.10') 7. 2 do 90G (Except East 10 ft.) 8 2 do 900 9. 2 do 975 _ 10 2 _ do _ g00 TOTAL. CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 27625 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 0U_/-- 31 tga2 7 Com loner pf Finance. Form B. B. 12 REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER QF FINANCE I r M ON PRELIONARY ORDER ` (C) -.- - - ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ASSESSED VALUATION 11_ _ 2 _Berryhlll Place,St.Paul-- _.686_.__:_ ;---- 12...2 . _ _ . . do - ._._ Minn.__ .. 600.._. - __13_ 2.... _ _ _ _ do.> -- 142 _ do_ _ _ .600:__, __. . (_15 _ 2- - - do - - 6750- ._. -------- - 16. 2 _ _ do 17 2do do- 700. 19_ 2 do 700: r _ 20. _2 _ do _ 700 _...__:. '_._... _ 21 2 _ do _ 700_ 22 2 do 700_ 23 2 do 709 . 24. 2 do _ 700 -._ . 25. 2 do _ 700_ 26_ 2 do _ 700 _ west10 ft. of Lot 26 & all of 27 2 do 1175 _(Except Past to ft.)., _29- _2 _ do 95d 27625 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 0U_/-- 31 tga2 7 Com loner pf Finance. Form B. B. 12 57939 St. Paul, ___192 To The Honorable, The Council, � City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �zj Ls --------- ...... St. Ave. .... ....... frc NR m& x ar E e-_- St. A-". to_4� Ave. ;NAME LOT BLOCK I —A -1-3 ff'jhwx�'W"d 4'M= MW EN in�I■ ADDITION J79la 'gni-Al S. 11z Sec. C- �;,Ozv, 4 -5,q R C--l-,47- 7--r Z- AtIR 49&014, 0 k- I Office of -die Commissi6ner of Public "Works Recerveo ' Report to Commissioner of Finance ye` , , BAR g 1925 March 4,_-1925 ---------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.57939----- approved- Feb._ 17_1$2,5--191___, relative to - -Grading oP alley in blook_2. Berryhi11_P1aee_from_Prior___---__-- Ave. to Sue St.------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary.and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $_____-______- and the nature -and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of 'three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. lTY DF� f�,hLnzsenLF coFj �CJublfi»\cks JOHN H...MCDONALD.. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMM ISBIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C-1 EnclxeeR - A. B. SHARP. SUPT. aP ENIT/,T ION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. o COxsTRYCTIUx A U REPAIR, G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. aF WOxxH — G. H....R.I., OFFIce ARD CITY 1—— February ENGINEER February 28, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 2, Berryhill Place, from Prior Ave. to sue St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #57939, approved February 17, 1925: Estimated cost "$506.33 Per front foot .43 Inspection 9.93 Frontage 1,188.42 ft. Yours very truly, )'),) . , Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of F3ihAce:- e4issioner of Publio Works. r CITY OF ST. PAUL !'— MUNOIL No - J2GO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL "FORM PRESENTED BY DAT -May 5 1925 • - COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Berryhill Place, from Prior Avenue to Sue Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57941, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58602, approved March 31, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted,tis report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, Bot cuts and fills in and upon the Alley in Block 2, Berryhill Place, between the aforesaid points, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 5, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made apart hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. t)Clancy ✓Ferguson ✓Hodgeon _----.In favor ✓McDonald /Sudheimer ....... 1 -..Against ✓Wenzel ✓ Mr. President MAY - 51929 Adopted by the Council-- --------- ---------- -- ------- --------192•--•-• MAY - 5 19`2% Approved------ ............• 192._.-. ..r--... _:. ._...._...R-.. MAYOR -. e i Ip a a�rnierth o '�ublic vrks �f G� �� JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C— ExoINOu WM. N. CAREY, Sort. or OONcrnSIm — REPMR G. H. HERR=. OM= Atm CRY P—`— ENSMABI REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - v,2f� M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOSQ EIMIr®e A. B. SHARP. SW 1. OP SAI -A -IH G. P. BOWLIN, Burt• M WORK I" In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Berryhill Place, from Prior Avenue to Sue Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57941, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. ;58602, approved March 31, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of rublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. misaioner of Public LNorks. Dated I:tay 5, 1925. CITY OFAOT. PAUL DEPARTMENT.,' F FINANCE j \ REPORT OF COMMISONER OFIF'INANCE i _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In\the matter of Condemnin¢ aid taking an QCI28TOrt in the a silapgg r�iira a, nA filla 1n tbA grAding of Alley In Bl.,nb 2y Berrvhill Place, from Prior _Avenue td Sue Street. under P#eliminary Order approved 57441 Approved February 17, 1925._ To the �ouucil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: !, The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ oo � lr stimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -�! DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLocx ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Berryhill Place. St -Paul, 1475 . 2 2 Minn. goo 3 2 _ do 80Q 11 2 ; lfa ! 800 S. _10 ft. .of Lot 6, 8 all of 5 2 do 1000 . E. 10. ft. of Lot 7 31 (EX. 9.101) 6'', . 2 do 800.. Is.:100 of_Lot _8 (Ex.8...1of) 71.2 do 800 .; (Except Eaat 10 ft.) 8 2 : do 800 9 2 do :875- 10 2 do TOTAL. F— B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIvSSfONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ,DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION AS VALUATION 14. 2 -- do 800 -- 675© 1 do 700 _._ . 1$. _2_:_ - -:. :700',. __.:_.:..._._ 19-._ 2- . _ do _ .700, -- -do--70b- - - do __700 - - _ - ?1... _ a . _ _. a0_ - 700 70D _... - - . 22.2 _ . do 23, 2 40_ 700 24_ _2 : _ do 704 _ -- - - -- 25 2... _ _ _ .. _do_ _ _ - 7QQ ---.. --- 26i 2 do. 700 ..-. '. _._. Waat.10_._gf Y+ot-.2g,dr_a11-.oi27. 2: do _ 475_ (T�mflPL-Wsfit_.10. _tt..}__ Y 27025 - _- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the of Public Works. yCommissioner l Dated___?—� }_191 C miasiooer of FioSace: Fm D. B. 12 - R j ©f6►ce f `the Commis oner of Public W rks RECEIVED, � 11 Report to Commissioner of Finance Y \� i� �4f IfN MAp 5 1$25 cs_ ----------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of r the Council, known as Council File No._579_43,___'_approded_-?,-tb7-aD ___-___--_191__-,relative to ---------- c ------aA_? an-gasemgnt�__Irhe sl_tke_45@@a74_4r-=-- slopes, cuts and _fills _----------- in the grading of alley In k_2t bloc_ ___ --$��tEC�1- P284Q�_;�rom Prior' _AYea _4- S�5 5--------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- --------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and _-___- --_-,and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ________ __________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4 - ---=---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more, owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. C P'.'No 69861 r 1 Atie In 3faiter -02 Brading. yy Bloch' is Wintor'F AtPdtEton Etom�. "Arun, etreat to [grotto etroat to� .`�8�e ehoyvnM1un 9Etaehed bluq �' _ , D� cppna gtinB % drain on the,,;,. COUNCIL NO ..:... ........: 1 trpm?rthe aat ''t :sem p'ca�twt sv .c Y Urdor� X67 ,� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...grading Alley in Blocs It Winter's Addition; .from Avon. Street .to..Grotto..$treet...... to..grade.,shown on attached blue.,p#pt, . and,,conetruot,ing. a.drain. on. the east,erly.B,..feet..of Lot.26., .in said Block...., .from..the..,said. alley. to the ,sewer,. in Capitol. Ave.r :............................... under Preliminary Order.............57935, .........approved..:: ........Feb 17,1925 Intermediary Order............ ......... ......................approved.:... ..:..::.: ......... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....gTe..ley In HlOok 1.,: Winter 8 9ddition,:.fzgm.pvga...$treet.: tp..,C�rotto..8treet,,,:,tq.,grade:.shown :on :............... attached„blue .prInt ,,.,.a}nd..00nstructing..a..drain.:on the.,.easterlq B ............ feet, o.f. L0. ....26,...in. ea3id. Block.. 1, ..f.rom.,the.. esid,..alley._.to„.the, sewer.,..;._. in.:.O.epitol.. Avenue........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......AY 1.2'�925 ............................... ..., 192. ............ P 1 2 iqqq city k. Approved .... ...: _:.. ........... ........ 192........ ...... J Io uncilman Clancy Mayor. ncilman Fergusonuncilman McDonalduncilman Pgt�gt Hodgson uncilman Sudheimeruncilman Wenzel yor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. :0177 OF BT.,PAUL MAIDEPARTMENT OF FI ' NCE REPORT dF-COMMISSIQIVR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) s In the matter of dine Al'I rs3[. j,n Al r1rI Wi ntar l a AAAI + o M, f -COM AVOA StraPt to Grotto StrPPt--,tncrRdc+ ehnt n an Att^ched Mile mint* and nnnatr»nting A Amin on_the easterly A fr t of Lot P6r in said block 1 from the said alley to the sewer in Capitol Ave. Preliminary Order approved—Yebrunft 1 7 19P5 ander To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 735-47 front The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is 62i The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation, of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 07- )1 1 nt r6.feeteforet fa (Exc'- th 3 Y winter's Add. to-St.Paul- 1 200-' G-- $Ex.eNorth allay) 1 :__. _ do _!1875 . do 3 1 do _ _ 2 22 5 i. do !} 1 do 2j25 ' do 5 1 ! do 2925 6 ' 1 doI do 2925.._! a . -do 7 _1 _ do y do_ 8 1. _ do 2425 do. __ 9 '. 1; do 1025..: .: do 10 1 do 275 - - TOTAL, ii F B B 10 i ' - CITY OF BT. PAUL,.. DEPARTMENT OF F.INANCF� RE166RY' 'OF COMMISSI ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION- ILSOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex,_.north-A--feet...for_alley)- 11-, 1 :_._Winter!.a:_Add.--to-St.- Paul- _. _..ddo. _.__.------._ �3 da _ 14 1 . - do -- b .30P, do- _. - 15_ . 1- -.do - _ . _.. _ _ .325 ._(Exoe.p.t__So. .6 -ft. for allay) _ _16... 1- _._ _ _ _ do _ _3.50. do 17. 1 do 325 18, 1 do - _ -325.. _.__......_.:` do __ _19: 1 _ do- ._ 325 - - do_ _ West of -20 1- -- _ --do. do -East of (. 20, 1 do 175Q .21. 1 _ dao_ — _ do . _ 22 1- . do- 725 _do __ - -23 1 - do_ _ _ _. _. 325 .... -do - 2+ --.1. ._._. ._._. do- __ :.. _25.75 .. 1---- do___ 25_ _ l _ do do 26 11 do - 3010 5 do 28; 1 do 1:52.5 .. r ao. _ 29' -_ 1_ dA _ ..... --_3a-_.. 1- - -- do - 350 ..._...._ 3:7575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the, Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ Commie ' er or Finance. - -FormB:B.12 P � St. Paul, Minn. 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul,Minn. �. Gentlemen: _ We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: i St. ve St. Ave. to 4--s==— r eve. a —St. _ r. NAME - LOT BLOCK ADDITION t� P !� r k..� WAI�y , �gTG✓AT� F� '' Tom._ I i I I -7 v J lu I � kti I& o . 01 � ..j t� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works . RECEtvE�FF' .- l Report to Commissioner of Finance a ,4 .,�leas March -6-. :1995 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 57935 - -- approved ------Febr ar ----- 17291192 ielative to grading of alley in Block 1, Winter's Addition, --- from Avon Street ----- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- to Grotto Street and constructing -p --drain -on-the- E'ly-8 ft. of ----------------------------------------------- lot 26, in said block 1, from the said alley to the sewer in ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------- --- apitol Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 6201 per front ftO�t� 735.47 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and Ehe o a cost thereof is $------------, Frontage 1188 ft. Inspection $14.42 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ - ---- - ---------------- --- Commissioner of Public Works. V% V + J � G e%a1riF�rrz�en�h of JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. B.GRYTBAK. BRIDGE Ee` GEORGE M. SH ARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. D —.TR.-I..nrvD gEPnlfl A. B. SHARP. 5 FSnry G. ......OLD. OFFICE AHD CITY PUNHIH. EHDINEEfl G. P. BOW LIN, 5 �. D P Waw1-1v.HDcsE March 5, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Comm. of Public works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith the preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 1, winter's Addition, from Avon St. to Grotto St. tnd constructing a drain on the easterly 8 ft. of lot 26, in said block 1, from the said alley to the sewer in Capitol Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #57935, approved February 17, 1925: Estimated cost X735.47 Inspection 14.42 \ Cost per front foot •62 Frontage 1188 ft. Yours truly, GMS:AB qf Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Comm. of Finance: issioner of Public works. s PRESENTED BY RESOLVED Yeas 4 CITY OF ST. PAULCOUN` No.. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 5, 1925. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Winter's Addition, from Avon street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57937, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. yp58598, approved March 31, 1925. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the Alley in Block 1, Winter's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 5, 1925, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson /Hodgson VI/ McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel /Mr. President Nays -.....; In favor /6. ----Against 1925 Aoopt;eo uy the uounctt....................... ----------------- 192 MAY -1-2 195 Approved.-------- ---------------------------- 192--... ....... .... MAYOR VP - Ift 10 _P,rpeAh�eRh v- P *bli vw(h JOHN H.. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNO.L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CSO EN-Ntew M. S. GRYTSAK. wwlp¢[ ENGIMODt WM. N. CAR".6YPI. oP CONSiwurnoxAHO R-AI. A, S. SHARP. Su.T. oP SANRATMN O. H. HERROLD, 0— A— CDY PtAM1IN0 EN6M� G. P. SOW LIN, S11rt. CP WWCNOUiS REPORT T0.THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easer_+ent in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the F-radinF of Alley in Block 1, Winter's Addition, from Avon itreet to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57937, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. 458598, approved March 31, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched•portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. mmissioner of Public "'orks. Dated May 5, 1925 GOA C'A3TY11W LAIR Y3�JA .TENOVA ".TZ OTTOAE) 990J2 Mk - 'ir,Iro�L`- Fia 7u, : . NO SII 1 - •2l9'Jnl[n3 y u... b u if;qe,,�c,cw I CSeI,C F , r JeE' . Alley B�k.� WINTER'S ADD. C� 'JS be r._ ShGw _ _OF''Lalo�2 n- c h s!cFes GROTTO ST,- AVON ST. �SE81 XIX -oc.3ook e61. I 6 17 I8 13 2C 21 2: Z3 24 '_5-7 Z8 9 30 U) syee FR e;,ut✓.. tea.FQ.' —_��.. ..-._.... �.� ........... + — sa 5 ED "a EC IF 6 C CAIN v. ' u SAQa Gea. �x FO •• � .. ,. .. .. 79.E O Z 4 7 3 ° 4 O S MINNEHAHA 5T. under Preliminary Order approved 57937 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is v The estimated cast per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by. the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK i ADDITION '. ASSESSED VALUATION ;'; _(.E%oept Borth 3 feet for-alley)1 1 WintOTO s Add. to st,Paul . Cita. North 6 feet for. alleg)-. 1 2 _ .1-; da 175 - do 3 do22 I do 4 1 do 2�5. do 5 1 do 2ig25 !. ^ 'i do 6 . 1 do 2925 do. 7 1 do . 300 do 8 1' do 9,425 do 9 1 do do 10i l do 275 _ ! Form B. B. 10 I----------- TOTAL. i CITY OF ST. PAUL ;�. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OFCOM MjfSS%gNoE�D -OF (FINANCE ER ON _--_. -. --.— LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED �- VALUATION _ DESCRIPTION��- _ North lb-if3®t--for--alleys 11 1 - - .9[inter-a ,Add. to -8t. Paul- 39 7 d4 3...- -- do .._- _.300. ,_..._- do do 15 1 - _ _ do � 6xcept. So. 6_ ft. for alley � :. -16 1-• _ da- 35 _ 17 _ do 2 3 5 do _ Ao do 19. L_- do . - do-- 10st-i. of - 40 - ae�t of 20 - do 175a d� 21 do _ - do 22 1- do 7-25 do_ _ . 23 1 do. 35 _ .. 24 1 do R575 do, _ do 82 ._ do. ___-25. 26 1. __ _ .do da _ -. i do__ - _,.2825_- - l do _ do 48_ 995 .' do do - do_. do _ -- _350 37579 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �fj Dated—' i msµ'—`=�_" 3 t9 yof Fi Commissiooe nawn Form B. S. 12 Office of the Commissione4 of Public r +M 43 Report to Commissioner of Finance t� , M�" 7 1935 March 10, 1925 ---191---- ------------------------ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 57937 Feb. 17, 1925 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved_______________------- Condemning and taking. an easement in the land necessary for -- slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading -of Alley in Bloak_l, Winter's Addition, -from Avon St. to Grotto -3t_______________ ________ __ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof -is $__--xxx and the total cost thereof is $___---xx___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----------------------------------------------------=-------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. l-% v CITY OF ST. PAUL' �� ca ,NO --N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 5, 1925. 'PRESENTED BY DATE_ COMMISSIONER' RESOLVED In the matter of taking and condemning an easement to construct and maintain a public sewer on, under and throuo , the Easterly 8 ft. of Lot 26, Block 1: Winter a Addition, from Capitol Avenue to the alley in rear of said lot;Preliminary Order•C F. #57936,.approved•February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order 'C. F. #58596, approved March 31, 1925•: The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his reportandsketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED. That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above "named"improvement to be as follows: The Easterly 8 feet of Lot 26, Block 1, Winter's Addition, from Capitol Avenue to the alley in rear of said lot. Ib't'ibyt�bb di:q8 M$"abnaettln+ ins an easoV t o d+?natknon Sad aV/ tat$ a ypdiib sbpror dfider E ' � .•-a ONE �3>ipAMd�Y't Qt. .iML n P , to Ktf°1anda ` - Ih,+r6dr o eai roQ dda '�i tn� \ 11 eeulh 79a b�bap . gliprovQ" �. 1ir4rpK b3 YB,t$a to 1ylb CoriHhlbtito d� Pnp7#Q Wbfi}ltr#` IilbmJtte,tf4b ropoPt ¢t#d, \ s. cptip'btbx aLtive mntCgr;_UA hb>!e�gyva� Tlyt, iAb `ix� Qt gt•�Pant hy::: bfp tliy�,,, d a8lr tpl.. amonua G 7t{nd o �,�Qa` to tbp: - nbLgq rbvndlen� to '� 9b; - rb a a�nateyr p tt uori YUO '2-Ir RAC'tij"'�laak 1 %vintbra Addtolm Cas ear Z�epinA�to-'tiFb. `4UbY iq r$tir -att7 �a.. AtLoyiba ti �2 �C3paclr i<ray is 1§ab Approvoa .SiaY`3a 18a6.� COUNC Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Council:!.i 2.�W .-.___1tJ2. -•- ✓Clsney SK ✓Ferguson Ap roved... �: `. ...................192 Hodgson ....._.In favor AMeDonald ............. Meroa isudheimer ...... .._.Against Wenzel �/Mrr President , CITY 94IJS I lYT PeparhM pVRFOIf FAMJ war WV JOHN H. MCDONALO.. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER . OEOROE M. SI SWARD.CISv.INSINS— - M. e.G RYTDAK. DR.- ISIS— SIM. N. CAREY. Burt. a. CnITrnVCTInN AND R-- A. B. SHARP. Burt. OP 8111RYATCN O. N. HERROLD, Oman Alm Cm' Punrallo. @qm� O. P. DOW LIN. S—, 01` WORRNausE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of taking and condemning an easement to construct and maintain a public sewer on, under and through, the Easterly 8 feet of Lot 26, Block 1, Winter's Addition, from Capitol Avenue to the alley in tear of said lot, under Preliminary Order C. F. 57936, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58596, approved March 31, 1925. To The Council of the City of cit. kaul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showier the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: The Easterly 8 feet of Lot 26, Block 1, Winter's Addition,.from Capitol Avenue to the alley in rear of -said lot. ommissioner of Public Works. Dated May 5, 1925. under Preliminary Order approved Feb .1 j- 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ •� "0 . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: h DESCRIPTION LOT rLOCKASSESSED'I ADDITION VALUATION iF I (Except South 6 f alley). 26_L 1 'Winters Addition -to - - - i u St.Paul t, -- +-�- TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and. hereby i submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated d. /4b Co ssioner of Finance. Fo B. B.13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wwkww Report to Commissioner of Finance FE8241! 25 Feb. 24, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......._57936.—�..._.......approved_....Feb. 17, 1925 :.................................................._.........._._._192......—., relative to taking and condemning an easement to construct end maintain a ........................_.._.........-...... ......_.__........ -- public sewer on, under and through the Elly 8 feet of Lot 26, Block 1, _._.__Winter's Addition. from Capitol Ave. to the alley in—rear of said lot. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......... _....... _..... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. XXX XXXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._....._...----- ..._.__............ I and the total cost thereof is $... _................... _ ... _.....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... .._ ............................. __..... ........... ..__..____._�__—..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..:... _ ......... --_...................................... 5. Said improvement is................ .........._._..._..._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................. _................ ..... _� Commissioner of Public Works. A" b 64 COUNCIL FILE NO....... .................... By......... .......... .......... .. — In the Matter of ..... 9.r�a4' P9, and PAVAP9 4!ey- in.. -A! 9 R'..Palace.., 41.. U on., from Avon Street to G, ott.q_ St.rpjpt .. ... ......................................... ........... ... ............ .................. I . ..... .......... ter Of Hey in, JM'i6k- a ng -"d -paving u.de� Peiiruper, from AV,. P, G��%OtjAdeufoa . .......................... to 14(er -0 -L' SmOved PI'l, .. dT' ..... ....... ....................................... ... . .............. ..................... ... ...... ........ ............... . ................................................................ under Preliminary Order....... .57943 ............ . — ...approMPALW5.............:.................................. IntermediaryOrder_ ..... --.- - .. ...... .... . . ........... ..... approved ......................... .- .................................. A public hearing having btren had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fullyconsideredthe same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pzeGke-ft&ture,-rxtent-a-nd-kind of P1Q!Pk..2.. ............. Palace Add tion,.1,roln-AVOU ... St.r.eet to Gxotto.. Street ...... .... ...... .................................. ..............................ba W id.th a, oie... W4 .1 M.- Qbj- 4.01. W. i, maw W.- .4 .......... ........... ....... ... ............................................................... .. ...... .......... ................... ...... I ................. I ............. .................. ................. ..................... ..... '' .............. and theouVncilDhereby orders sat improvement to be ma E, E RES VED FURTHER, T\hathe Commissioner of P blic Works be and is he by instructed and repare directed plans and specifi tions for said impro\veent, and submit same t\the Council for 1, � r it officials are reby authorized and dirokted to proceed approval; tha upon said approval, the roper city o maki g of lit with the said improvement i accordance therewith. MAY I C, 1925 Adopted by the Council .................................................. 192 MAY 1 9192 ----- - .............. . ... City --Clerk Approved......... ..... . . . ..................... 192 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman F -MA Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel .Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. y-� CITY OF 8T. PAUL' A ( DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + 1 REPORT OF COMMISS.IPNER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Grade and nave alley in Block t Avon Street to Grotto Street. 8 "bA`-- under Preliminary Order approved—/- % ! y To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby, reports as follows: Paving. Brick Laid Flat Asphalt or Asph. Conc. AsphaltConor. 2" top 6" 5" base' --- cone. otal bq.yd. .55 2-71 Total $6,039.00 $4,694.00 4,207 .00 3,596.00 (a) front foot 5.03 3.90 3.50 3.00 1 2 : Palace Addition to St.Paul 72500 2 2 ci0 3 . 2 do 375Q 4 , 2 ! do 7550 5 2 do 3850 6 2 do 5350 8 2 do ► 750 _ 9 2. jo 4600 10 2 do '3550 . i.. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. --- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s1" ► REPORT OF COMMI§PIONEk Of' .FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Vol. , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 . 2 _ Palace_Addi*ion.to St.Pa,ul_ _ 3550-- -.. ___:._ 12. 2 do 8500 13 2 do. 4650 14 2 do 4600 15 2 do 5600_. 16 2 do - _ 6150_ - _ . 17 2 do 6000 . 8 do 2750. (Except East 7 ft.) 19 2 do 2950 _ East_ 7 ft. of. lot 19 & all of._20_ 2. do _ 29.50_ 21 2 do 3050. _.. :. 22. 2 do 4 5600 _ 23 �t do 5050 . 24 2 do 10950 25 2 . do . 5350 _ 26 2 do -5900 -- 27 2 do _ _ 1400- 28 2. - do 1400 29 2 do 1400 30 2 do 1550 1992.,00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by theCommissioner of Public Works. Dated_- Commise' er o[ Finance. F— B. B. Iz i St. Paul, Minn.,....................................................J92...... To The Honorable'�iThe Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod o cause the following improvement be made: 1J11,1�,,,' _......._/�(�l/. .....� �GF7�L0•...............L.�% L.......StA Ave. + a 0= X� from....................v ......................_....................................................St. Ave. St. Ave. 4fW22 +•4 • • D• • _ ".4i will X El WIN if +1 M / f r 4fW22 +•4 Office of. the Commissioner of Public NVockam Report to Commissioner : of Finance •Ls MAR 4 19 25 Feb. 28, 1925 192_.-___ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57943 . , 1925 Council, known as Council File No......._ ----_............approved---.... Feb......................17........................-.----.._.-- -- 192 ...... .... relative to grading and paving of Alley in Block 2, Palace Addition, from Avon Street to Grotto Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_.__....._. necessary and (or) desirabl 73ee estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... .................. __-------------- and the total cost thereof is $.................. ...... __------......_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................................._.._............. ..... ...... .......... .... __.._..__._ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __.._.__ ............................ _............ .............. .............. ....... ....... ....._....... ....... ..._------ _......... ............._......_.....__._....._._.—_._.._.._ --- 5. Said improvement is ............................. _.— ------ —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- ...................._._..._ Commissioner of Public Works. 'cI`T,Y VF,��FswilYT1'�VL. �pe�palr F eLr�ih ;o; unib I i c �o,rk`y a .IOHN H .' MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEI,L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M, 5. GRYTDAK. OwIDnH QIDI... R WM, N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CON.TPUCTInN Awn PEPAIw A, D. SHARP, SUPT F SANITATION G. H. HERROLD,'OFFICE AND CITT PuwNING ENGINEER G. P, DOWLIN. SUPTODF MAI ­ February 26, 1925. iron. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of alley in block 2, Palace Addn. from Avon St. to Grotto St. under Preliminary Order 57943, approved February 17, 1925: Paving Brick Laid Asphalt or Asgh.Conc. Flat Asphalt Concr. 2 top 6" cone. 511 base Total Sq.yd. 4.55 3.53 3.17 2.71 Total $6,038.00 04,684.00 4,207.00 3,596.00 (a)front foot 5.03 3.90 3.50 3.00 Yours very truly, • �n-A 94"� C of Engineer. Approved for transmission o Commissioner of Finance: �mlssioner of Public Works. w: stab of Minn;'-- --On this 12th day of May 1925 personally appeared befor me'a"R6C Public3tiand for Rahusey Co Linn 'v-y � 5 .L Vt O��,cJ« _ Y'ho by me duly sworn deposes abd s , she circulated thc- pet�i1 and that tl-z names herein are true and genuine end were obtained for the ptiM>oses herein'expressed" - this 13th to - — -- h day of May 1925: Q, Sworn & _"j' - SILM E., FORE ; , Notary Pu611c, Ravnwy C*U*o YYIn. My CommifdOn E,"Jw W.1MI z P'TT 1 MUNCIL No ..... -2 5- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM May 5, 1925. PRESENTED Byx" COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 2, Palace Addition, from Avon Street to, Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57944, approved February 17* 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #58600, approved March 31, 19254 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the -9ity ;9 U "-"3 glffe$ a de t mines the amo, land o be taken for he ab a named improv-et:'0tf'.3.n a sement for slop 3, cuts and Vi d u n the Alle in',Blook 2, Pa ce , Addi ills, tA poin a afo essid, to the a tent on t shown the plan a, tached to a report of the Commis 1 oner of Publi� Works in t a matter dated May ,5,\1925, which bl and report are hereby refer d to n de a part he of. be "d the ane on boor 41111110111114 saw" to WA all lia�jn .9d mmtw be dow0mwC 0 be he a a 9 cu' i�j -\e - c a 'fo a a tent 'o the .' t ad "ort refer r e' -d 11UN; in the tinder preniiiiitry, ;raIT-7.886 and.=Intorinddlery'- oM rdmrx er Mikrch31 18�8d6p ? Ott 'e 19001,,eihTbit ", COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson ... In favor McDonald Sudheimer ------ Against /W...el ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. W . I . AY - - - 1 9 IM •---.-.-........--•-------192..---- MAY 1 911915 A;� roved.--------- ----------------------------------- lit ..................... .... ...... .................. . ....... MAYM Ft, 10Wne 11h o f GPuflblic` —r1j JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDBi ENGIR[EII cR GEORGE M. SHWARM CMv ERO- A. B. SHARP. � OF BwMrtwTWN WM, N. CAR". SUIT. OF CO-- u+0 R- _ G. P. BOWLIN. fl OF WORK-- - O. H. HERROLD, CMCE AM) CIT' PEAIwINO F BiM� Report to the Council - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the P7radinp- and paving of Alley in Block 2, Palace Addition, from Avon Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57944, approved February 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. X58600, approved March 31, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. missioner of Public "orks. Dated May 5, 1925. AW 3: . Fj�v/PS otl0{C' I/lfG JL. O/ fi// nT PiO��i7y �7. - be%ss� /.7c slvw dr P A L A G F A D O Ij 14 13 1 I't i! 10 9 8 AW 3: . Fj�v/PS otl0{C' I/lfG JL. O/ fi// nT PiO��i7y �7. - be%ss� /.7c slvw dr P A L A G F A D Ij 14 13 1 I't i! 10 9 8 7 b A CHR 4RR. I. GA I� Ci A R ^ t p) I • _ —�T yA4 I �Ci 4aR Iv AR I t' i ll.4e fAR. CAR.._ IA.P J yAP .Ae !- II I I l I I6. 17 I 1g p A 19 i- L A 20 21 C g 22 I 1 2; I 2.7 1 2; �c z 2b 19 3� A D D i CITY OF ST. PAUL D¢]F RMIUENT OF FINANCE " ` OR's 'OF COMM1,9IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI1RARY ORDER -- (A) :-- !V3 In the matter of condemning and taking an.easement in the land necessary or C1 AY1G M1+m f�' fil1C i„ 'I'1'1n grading and paViAg of Alley tnr Block 0; Palace Addition, from Avon Street to Grotto Street. under Preliminary Order approved gebruary 17.1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 2� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -. i� ,LOT BLOCK . DESCRIPTION ADDITION S ASSES ED VAT -. - 1 2 : Palace Addition to St.Paul 72500 - 2 _2 ! do 3 2 '_ do 37.50 '. do 7550 . 5 : 2 ! do 3850 _ 6 2 do 535 0 7 2 do 350, _ 8 . -2 1 do 4150 2 do x+800 10_1 2. do _..355Q ._ F m B. B.10 NOTAL, 1 CITY OF 9T. PAUL , DPPARTMENT-OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMW. SSIONER OF FINANCE , ` ORDER ON PRE (NARY DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION A556SSED VALUATION g Pa2r►ce-Addition_.La-BUr:3LU1 -3550. -do_ - - - ,_139OA - do -- - - _4bgD do -- - - 16-_2._... _ _ _do - -- -17 2.__ .__ do 6000 . 27130 EExoeut East -7 -it.} 19 2:- do 2950 -- _?956 -, 21. g:_ _ do _ 3050 -. 22... -2.. _ _ _ do - - 5600 23. I do _5050, 24. i3 _ do 2: _ do-- - - 53130.. _. _ 27- _ 2:_ - do _ _ -1400- 2� -2- -do 2 at, 1400 19 2.06, - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that'he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby' submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference'to said matter by the Commissiionerr of Public Works. Dated ---!d _.L191?3-'a- Co seioner of Finance, Form B. B. 12 ` e By ,'cDonald� An/administrative ordinance relating to the Department of Public Works, and increasing the salaries of C. F. Dolan and J. A. CothelcostHofsfurnishingrain sandtors -for operatingthe automobilesose otodb�rased� in the City service. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That the salaries of C. F. DoIan and J. -A. Costello, House Drain Inspectors, Department month, ofthubsic WoVkS is creasehereby% increased Fifty -Five (5b.00) p used for furnishing and operating an automobile in the City service, and such increase snall be paid only during the months of April, Lay, June, July, august and September. section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas -,'Clancy / Bays Adopted by the Council . � MAY 2 0 Igo 1925 Hodgson �_In favor JcDonald Sudhe-imer /1Y Against i� Q 0 1925 1925 -"rienzel Ap oved int Mr. viae Pres Ee�eon Payor 12 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. &app. Adopted Yeas ✓ Nays Yeas Nays, Clancy erguson ` Clancy< Ferguson s' m�od son e" Ison t�`NcDo"nald McDo ald Sudlteirn r " Sudheimer Wenzel ': Mr. Pres. Nelson Wenzel'' lIr. Pres. Nelson . WUNCILIvO.--- _5J268 CITY OF ST. PAUL FRB OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE`_ ---------'---"--- REsolvEo Ths the assignment by the Security State Bank of the following desoribed bonds: 6,� City of St. Paul 4ir Park bonds, due June 1, 1943 " " Waterworks bonds, due July 31, 1943 X000 " St.: Sewer bonds, due June 30, 1943 3'000 " " 4*% Permanent Imp. Bonds, due Aug.l, 1936 811,000 ". " High School bonds, due Oct 1 31, 1940 to the city of St. Paul as security for the deposit of not more than $30,000.00 in said bank, which said assignment is approved as'to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy vFerguson2 Hodgson _.-In favor e . McDonald ((( ✓'8udheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President b -51920 Adopted by the Council.] pq -..- -•--------------------192._-_-_ log s MAYOR 4 WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul, Minn. has designated the undersigned, SECURITY STATE BANK, of the City of St. Paul, as a depository for receiving and holding as such, funds and moneys of the said City, including the funds of the SpecialSc of 14� District of the City of St. Paul, and has fixed the sum of en Thousand and no/cents (30,000.00) Dollars, as a maximum to be deposited in said Bank. NOW THEREFORE, said SECURITY STATE BANK hereby transfers to the. City of St. Paul, the following described bonds: - $1000 CITY OF ST. PAUL 41,% Park Bond, due 6-1-43 1066.18 $6000 CITY OF ST. PAUL 412% Water Works Bonds, due 7-31-43 6394.05 $1000 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4j% Sewer Bonds, due 6-30-43 1062.80 $3000 CITY OF ST. PAUL 44% Permanent Impvevemebt Fund due 8-1-36 3062.90 $1@,000.CITY OF ST. PAUL HIGH SCHOOL 4�% Bonds, due 10-31-40 11105.47 The said bonds are transferred and assigned to the City of St.Paul as security for the City and School District Funds deposited or to be deposited and above described, and the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul is hereby given all power to sell said bonds at any time the said Sinking Rind Committee wish to realize upon them for the pvvtection of the City. This agreement is executed in conformity with Sections lla-A, 189 and 190 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, which sections are hereby made a part hereof. ' SEC SIGAN�]-,...:'�� Wi tne sses: �o wt-`Y�vL STATE OF MINN7ESOTA) ) SS COUNTY OF �RAMSEY ) On this so day of c 4 ' 1925, personally appeared before me Tom J McGrath, and J. H. Brogmus, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the President and the Assistant Cashier of the SrCURITY STATE BANK, fl CITY OF ST. PAUL cceNca 59269:. No ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY DATE' liaY 5. 1925 ' _ COMMISSIONER III&REAS, S. W. Crosby, 587 Rondo St. has made' application for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1� Case auto oar, Motor No. 9N-37361, State License Via. -201-740, Bulldog, Insurance Company Policy No. 601411-T, and owned by said S. W. Crosby, and MIEREA8, S. W. Crosby, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866, has filed copy of inaursrtas policy with the City of St. paul, and said policy has been,approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That.lieense.be issued to said S. W. Crosby to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. - � I'C S No t988>k:+HY J Efi •blenoy ;;.� et'wJteze4A .8. ; W _CrpnbY: i84 7Eoq�b< to d tl88ra ��n�pUoeYldn; Yot ltoenee i5°Y'79teepw rcLe r'No9N 8891�6WtexL[enetq0 tla°ivo tI �aii��oaswao�si�1tl0 gaa°nwCOne�`uy� � eald� W C gb an8 � y WPe*�8e ��"e�byto aowf�:` saee.� td Or qce d, 3898 IChad:.BntLteL41�t1Cs-s'Lth the Doeff a trove' arl$�eWB:"'iSbnny-, hqd" - ��.— P11 „ d_:qe. to torm•fiYYhe.Cbt!; COUNCILMEN Nays �Claney Ferguson ,Hodgson -__-._ -_..In favor Adopted by the Council_.--MAY__--..5 1925 _..192:_-_-_ Approved - �A,i-- / ... 192 cDonEua----7----- r r MAYOR Sudheimer Against Wenzel /W. -President CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL No ---- rn.e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE D BY C08M1�. � .LONE _ - DATE___uR�5y 1ii26 RESOLVEo That application No. 2202 for license to duct a Restaurant at 247 East Fairfield 3t. issued to Sidney Nelson be and the same is hereby denied upon r600mmendation,of the Bureau of... lth for the reason that " the building and plumbing are in a'poor state of repair and restaurant in this building in the past has been operated under improper conditions. C S p�yyx. - ,j,Thkt$:Yau ;YorWeWie to%p0adI�iTcetGCo�Lv1riNtiyo 8805. a 8�blaifraat-af: 847 'Hast L'alsfleid :kt• )eened Ftp 91da4Y' aied Don FeoQmin8nd8N4d$; tthe 9du-;' reptl .0 .1 tg8goe�'tt�at the- - - bvlr - an}t DInVpdg61aop69e are ih6 Ddpr 'i - bl��ln�'tvDtha pSLf, hdeb@eaaloP ratod' - pxlder �i6��rnpyr aondlponbY 1ldoD, e b ha CouaoU I♦YaycE I88� 9DDNl4d 8 7886 ' imp', 5 1925 Yeas CouxcmuEx Nays Adopted by the Counci........................................192 -Clancy 5 , , 4erguson Approved -jAg - ...... 192---- ✓Hodgaon In favor ✓McDonald •--- / 1» - MAYOR i/$udheimer .1{rC/- wnet /Wenzel - i/Mr. President 'k 2 :iF - COUNCILMEN Yeas ` ---��2`71 y wnRcn. No eea,b�fdlb DD]�Di{Ane xAr ft1tABd,m s6Aaf5r.I OFF \ Atfiaf�AllpWJn6''U CO114CILianndUo�D¢iXew 9Y�a adereBpes.1 toa+oata4 a nn a Ma1ne mfW hejFebY. SS inBtrti}'t-r PRESENTED BY'[.�R ipd and ltd" ,Mbkx A•",�A�dtiC7F�P�e nDA'crttltle nrt-� ` } 6 1926 COISSIONER MM ATE '-_„ . ,D—�LaY /McDonald RESOLVED That the appl iona'for licenses of the "following persons for i - conducting businesses at the addresses dioate'd be'and the some are hereby granted and the oity clerk is instruoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary Pee: S. L. Trudell, 892 11"ion'at., Grocery William Wondra, 884 .Randolph St., James Rauchy 180''E.,7th 8t.! Soft drink Birnberg & Parasol, Groce 399 Noe Prior Ave., 1Y James Bruno,. 1087 payn0Ave., Soft drink M R Walter Mergens, 624 Lee Ave., Peter ,J. 4iiakel,de Son, 219 Bates Ave ; Grocery phalen Park Grocery {Gust A. Edberg, 1196 1pcoade 8t , R. F. Hoffman, 192 ng�$akery Capital City Bakery, 332 Front,$t.; Dominiok Ferrazzo, 539 Decatur Ste, Soft drink David OtConnall, 939 Co`mray Sse, Confectionery W. A. Cameron, 39S 8eiby Ave.,, -Motion Pasture Theatre Colbert Bros., 2019 Ts. Yinnehaha.8t.,. grocery Colbert Bros.,2019 8:•3[Snnehaha St., 1, Butcher John Dornfield,1896 8. Maryland St ,Grocery 719`Pelham St`,-9c�rY L. Roberts, .Sam .Ales", . _ 82�Jtokson Bt a._ �I eotionerY James Zanoveoky, 1200 Gault., � roaery prug-Cone. 8d J. Fuchs, 1316 Foret.,8t.,; Arthur Shaw, 513 Yiesissippi 8t., Grooery Nola P. Pehrson, s, 1202 Payne Ave., L. P. Nissen, 381 Fuller 8t , .= Butcher R. H. Owen, -33 W 6th8tw Confectionery W. A. Reem , 2118 Grand Ave:, Grocery �a John Maohinick, 847 Woodbridge St., R Mrs. Dan Sullivan, 1201 Ccrtland St., Al J. Mayer, utcher 304 N. Snelling Ave., Baker M. Lucker, 647 Candda St., Bakery akery Mrs. J. H. Thomas,: 1361 University Av., Grocery Chester Rioe, 902 @rand Ave., Delicatessen H. 8raushaar do E. 0. Bigglestone, 243 So. Snelling Av. Butcher 0. A. Fraser, 420 80. Snelling Butcher W. F. Smith 1752 Selby Ave.,' Butcher - COUNCILMEN Yeas ` Nays ✓Clancy ,,Ferguson -,Aodgson In favor /McDonald 9 d�hcii�;nec.,Y .....: ..Against Mr: President Adopted by the Council--- -----------------------------------192..-.-- MAYOR - CITY OF Sr. PAUL '�' COl1NCR•..�-f 17� NO.__..__ -T-- - s, rim r' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO}9NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.PRESENTED By .. 'COMMISSIONER DATE M6V_.,._�--6. RESOLVED -2- M. J. Scoville, 2190 Como Ave., Grocery Villelli Bros., 1694 Randolph St., Butcher Fred Cowing, 1306 Payne Ave., Confectionery E. A. Schmidt, 329 Concord St.,, Butcher E. R. Howe,, 1171 Cortland St., Mrs. R. M. Stoffell, 859 Thomas St., Grocery. Colbert Bros., 498 Thomas St., . Peter May, 1090 T, 7th St., Confectionery L. V. Swenson, 1102 Rice St., Grovery C. 0. Johnson, 722 W. 7th St., Confectionery A. G. Far zley, 483 St. Peter St., Grocery J. C. Hunt, 1465 Payne Ave., Wn. Bosohe, . 805 Psyne Ave., " L. P. Miller, 263 Norris St., ° W. J. MoCaoon, 390 W. 7th St., , 4 pool tables Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from.street. Poolrooms are 1000 feat from schools-. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councl.MAY---.S ii� ----------192._... Yeas Nays `--Clancy `erguson ./Hodgson � In favor Approved-- "y -.... 192---.. MAYOR /Sudheimer ... _........... Against ✓Wenzel -,-,"Mr. President COUNCIL No.----5-a�+ r" CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V CO CIL RESOLUT N --GENERAL FORM !RESENTEd 5 DATE_._._ COMMISSION '" RESOLVEDI That permission and authority are hereby given to the Joico Ran000k Oil Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Otto avenue and liver Boulevard, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Be it TURTHER RESOLVED, That Council File No. 58488, approved March 20th, 1925, granting the same permission to the Pure oil Company, be and the same is hereby repealed. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays vlancy Ferguson V Hodgson ..... ..........In Favor McDonald �) I/Sudheimer I/.. --.Against ✓ Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the CounciIMAY. '?.5.142 ........... 192...... Approvedt+jJ, `�.Y..-- -`E'---•-•--•-••................... 192------ V F :; - �awaww� orrlcu,cowr.eus, ow�o NORTHWESTERN DIVISION GEORGE E. DYER IFF. N O R R I E MORN.T MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. Aoril 13th, 1925. -'R 8 N4 68188 --Hy 8, C�'eosel— - �tho�rlfs ar8�a��"hetaeBY .$lveti�Yy'�,tnHD$Pure,� OH ComyaxYJ:O lnetall'and �panthln a drive iR'Y1Dlilg g;lAtC�Rt,'t(1 nolrctio u- cornee'o Ott¢ Av�upe� ad 7�v f�$ou-. aevarp a=-t,uttcp nn� IY�rte xy¢ staltia� n `{�ceoxTtgnee wi{hh the ordin- apcoq.ot LLe C(qF ot,e.'; P.a'Stt dnu4er' tha' Wjreo uw,3 4 to�ixh e¢�ati`etton' To the Honorable City Council at thB cormtRe%per oivb7t� saTety.. -: AdoDtec2='by {he•Council "MUY 8818$6:? _ _ � ;` A¢j�rpved MAr 80.1896 of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota., Cent lemen : The undersigned, The Pure Oil Comnany, resnectfullt,, oet9-tions and recuests ,your honorable body to transfer to John Hancock Oil Company that certain permission or authority F,rented to us under Council Pile No. 58,486,,anoroved March 20th, 1925, granting this Comnany permission and authority to install and maintain a drive-in filling; station at the northeast corner of Otto Ave. and '.'aver Boulevard, this Colnnany hereby waiving all rights. it may have under said Council Pile No. 58,486. `?esnectfu y ,yours, THE, PTTRE, COMPANY By G ranT:ansp,'er W7T:AIT f. y r FRANK E. CLINITE LAW OFFICES 510-12 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING - - - MINNEAPOLIS - April 20, 1925. 0 Jr., Mr. P. B. Walker, 207 Builders Facchange; Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Walker; I am enclosing you herewith the authori-: zation-of transfer by the Pure oil Company to the John Hancock Oil Company of the license on the'part of the.City of Saint Paul for permission and author- ity to install a drive-in filling station at Otto Avenue and River Boulevard, the property recently purchased in Edgeoliffe Addition. Will you be kind enough to sea that this matter has the required attention of the City Council so that by resolution of that body, or otherwise, the Council permit will be transferred to the John Hancock 011 Company in aocordance with this ins:ttu- mant?:: Thanking you for your attention in this matter, I am Very truly yours,^- FEC -ACJ F. E.CAnite. Enc. i NCIL . CITY OF ST. PAUL rqa NO. CO�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! PRESENTED BY O" COMMISSIONE /"._._' ,t. DATE -- C.^t QST 5a$t$� 41-1111T RESOLVED: ' �t410%,<°ae' That the Bt. Paul Geo Light Com ma wyttps electilcal linea by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for th0 b=. transmission of electricity on and in T. 3�y Y►1rM: - ��, lanaa�f* wwins +r: 1 4-23 25 I n yAIN he Went` Install:- F31"4��° rn'°�►'T}�w =r poles on the vest side of the alley east of Snelling Avenue, first and second south of Niles Avenue. Commercial lighting. wo poles on the north side of Idaho, first and second west. of Chelsea Avenue. Municipal lighting. o poles on the east side of Marion Street, first and second north of Milford St eet,. Municipal lighting. hree poles- one on the north side of Fauquier Street,third east of Mendota treet,'and two on the north aide of Case Street , first and second east of ores.t Street. yN- IV),HYr"H,9 Mauicipal lighting. too pp ei on the west side of Duke Street, first and second south of Superior ` Municipal lighting. 'i D poles on the south side of the alley north of Carroll Avenue, first and second east of Oxford street. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys nd anchgfe. elkl All such extension% pole. and wires shall be erecled'aitd constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things sub]ect to the provleions of Or3inance No. 2124, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. All Doles should be set in such location In said alleys andstreets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of each height and character as he shall designate and approv m thae, and any and all such poles shall .be taken down. and removed, and such wires placed under- ground -whenever the Council shall deet the public interest so require., and when 1t shall so order. Ye&(, J ) Councilmen (J) Nays .: Clancy.. - - Adopted by the Counci4___.__l_Y . (/Ft:rguson MAY - 5 e90 LAMcDonald ._ Ia favor Adopted,.._— 199 (Oudheimer jjkodgson __.-Against _ ./Wenzel - LL7�++a`� %� MA r. President - �$ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLUGNCIL L►ll27- -- NO----VValY3y�j 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL •R OLUTION—GE RAL FO IMMI�5SIONEY /--- DAT EsowE hat the sum of One -T sand Dollars ($1,000.00) be and ithu:nds7f6ir is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Oontingeat the purpose of reimbursing the Auditorium Fund for costs incurred in entertaining conventions in St. Paul, Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ':sum of One Thousand Dollars ($7.,000.00) be and it is hereby transferred and set aside in a separate item under Code 147-A, to be disbursed upon audited claims presented by the Auditoriums COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClaucy 1/Ferguson (Hodgson ..---In favor McDonald 'Sudheirner ..........Against Wenzel' /Mr. President MAY - 519Z Adopted by the Council--. --------------------------192.-.... q Approved -........................2n 192 COUNCIL V�!"� r CITY OF ST. 'PAUL'' ' vlLe No•---- r 2 t- - ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -- May It 1925• COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED OMMISSIONER —__— DATE_..... --- RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated Marob 26,1925, between H. T. Gerischer,'Contractor. and the City of. Ste Paul, for making 7,- 6" house ;drain connections on Otis Lane from westerly line of lot 9 -to Otis Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 23rd day of April, 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in. ' accordance _herewith; provided,.however, that this resolution shall not have any force and' effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent therepo and file.such consent ,in writing with the City Comptroller,`'"'` 7topb 688 B+-�y s Mcl7one td �'I .. .metybl3or+d'altee. oF-s od_ter, ed Etaroh 86 2981; s Ix ooatraoti i. derftloher Contratotoat r��ACIt� otn� Elona oSfmD as 7,p'B {rLpA4p4'aralal ly Une _of .1bL 8 for ONae +tYmen'aSee"be a3rd da .9.)Idrebs `oezztteaded tonitiq . olnY-of A,Pr)1i ie267;$dgdn the DroDor. p ezeenta ao°'8 p�g6RC to 6a1 4fl nonti'-,t[: i ,ln, accotdatl'eb hpel'ewlih„ptevlded, bow:' ever that ftreeoIStlgn t :i1HYD $h9 to4,.ny $n eSert nale/9'j)�; . f-Vt400a-;he eon r toYh,bo d bon•. treat= tgere(d-:.aad ti each, tin wrttln8 1b thb CIL Cpnt fio Beat. io. . 4AD dvg8h7 t4.IC B'i pfigE1F M4L y.�68 1�2G,; MAY - 5,1925 CoUxCILMEN - Nays :Adopted by .the Councit................................ ....192...._. Yeas ✓Clancy y MAY - 5 1925 ✓Ferguson Approve .._-...... 192._ Hodgson -__In favor ✓McDonald ...... . MAYOR /Sudheimer ................Against /Wenzel /Mr. President St. Paul, Minn. Ayl--%l ,Z a 192 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: Would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completinq contractforthe O-eww To be extended to Owing to it was not possible for u,,, -to finish this contract within the time specified, hence 9, desire to ask that the time for com- plctinx same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very t ly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED., SuptV of Constr�, P& epaire Commissioner of Public Works Chief Enr-ineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL mu" No -------- .1 -- OFFICE OAF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM y May 5, 1925. PRESENTED BY v-r'-�aDATG COMMISSIONER---y---F —"--" —" RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August 7, 1924, between Christensen Brothers, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Holton Ave. from Capitol Ave. to a point 25 feet south of the north dine of College Place East Division, and on Taylor Ave. from Simpson Ave. to Sheldon Ave. and on Hewitt Ave. from Holton Ave. to Sheldon, be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of April{ 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment -to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however,, that this resolution shall not have any force and 'effect unless the sureties on the oontractore bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. aa IK xD;' �esze—sy,':i s. at'cAanata=� I the perf4rmence oL rsot date qad' ? Y8$f":DOtweeq aDr7ateri-;� sea •Ilrot ere. C�oritraotorE. aaA the; Cley at. Qt. >?a�fl tor,Yhek,ooaetxnctloa_I .ot a §ewer ori Ho><toq Aye f:rdm.-Caps+ 7 tolrAde ito'4 polat B6 feet eoufti bL'the - 1 north llHe of College Elaoe Raan Df-. vUfoa sad on Taylor qve front;Ptip�p-. sen Aye.+te• SheldonAye and ogq�88w- � .` 1tt Avei Stam Holtoq qqe trt„ heiabA Ave ire,: sqd the eadle 1d hetebY' eY= tended LO thy t8th:;dnyy pt ApL•�1. Y886� � - _ and the-propey oltyaBHcei7s Bra<he by � . aathorlspd � aze6ute an amendTaea�;t6 bald oo trract In aedgrdanee--porewltE proWde�;.�ho9eydt'thattple'#odofu(Lgs ehatl hbtihnvy any fo�,antCettect un, - 16sa Yhgiegrntiee Qfix the ,coa&oi8,rp 6ogd con'Itent tberefa,and flId Ouoh con- oPrit 3n 'wriaifg with `L1je ally: •.Comp; teoiler' =,� - ,iWoAtea Dy the awncit Idayi6 1888. Approv8d*Ma, y 6 1885 s , i f ye;YDsB> _ COUNCILMEN MAji _ cJ 19r� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._. -.----------••-----------.192..._-- ✓Clancy \ MAY 5192 ,,,I�erguson ` pproved--- -------••---- ----------------192._.-. ,/Hodgson /.-_.__..In favor ✓McDonald ........... MAYOR ✓Budheimer ................ Against /�Penzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL. Cent lamen: Would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completinup contract for the 5�� S{lo2fon�� S.cuyo aoaz, �¢. t Sia P�d..-nl a.� � 9✓c+ <� c� .�.4 CLv,,. Ctu[. r.P.;eJtdon CZu �. To be extended to ¢ za 192.E Owing to it was not possible for um to finish this contract within the time specified, hence oe.desire to ask that the time for com- pleting same be made :s hereinbefore stated. Yours v' y truly, Contractor. APPROVED: mmissioner of Public orka There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. Supt. of Constru o & epairs Chief Enain er. mu Ne'-No592 CITY OF ST. PLAUL F��..---....�7 OFFICE OF TH1EkI*i*, LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ��aENERAL FORM, May 5; 1925: COME TI ONER _ DATE ---..— RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 3; 1924, between the Standard Stone Company (Gust Nelson) Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the construction, relaying and repairing of cement sidewalks during the Year 1924, in the Entire City, be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of April, 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an smendment"to said contract in accordance herewith; provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any.force and effect unless the,sureties.on the oontractor's.bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller: C R=Na E94$T�31Y J '$-.Dt+nnid �� ?r Resol{ve phaYthetlme�eoi��,go rt 1t Coytvr° asatdorrgm,ahdtiedd- tohf¢ ba etOweteten tSe gtan- 1date ui'Nelsou areaCy'Tst Pau l,toT. �t6k ConatzGtotion. tb)a9a nffd th' yalTinB 84 �4-the eopntl �kcityh amend _.. 4eat, 199 y �p=t­.6A;t6=the .,;•._ _ ._._. - rh°lagmpaot�l➢xp H$96 Yt]d. 6'04'aD et Het p fears e;re to hereb9'anfhoYlosnetdr== . etieolatEe sn a>tlggAdmen@-tbisat� 'hU e dn>a.eordanop�,herewlth. 9 ahyu sot ever.,that -this, reaolatf4, tilive ans ;!otice and, elteccn41tia6� ipa �sas•e41eY on.ttle+°4mB hA�aMtt t i sent #p9reto aa{I Comaaoner tvf tris O6 �Aydy ov d�8t►�y 6�t98tic 6 IIr�Y 6 1�SG COUNCILMEN 5_1_92.$ . Adopted by the Councd .�'Y ---•• •--•--•-192 .-.- YeasQ Nays MAY 51°25 ✓Clancy ,/Ferguson In favor J /McDonald MAYOR Z'Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President 'l cam" St.. Paul, Minn. 192-5— TO 92STO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlamen: Would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing- contract for the _ ,Zia--2 tiro '-/ To be extended to—e 3 0 192.v Owing to it was not possible for 1h2 to finish this contract within the tire specified, hence 2 °desire to ask that the time for com- platin same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours y trul.6��. Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. WUNciL No 59278. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL •1� 1n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y�( COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM pg PRESENTED BY __ _ DATE_. M8V-leu-'�•---•-_.._...._._.. COMMISSIONER._—_— — ---- RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 1—ton Graham Bros. Dump Truck at a cost not to exceed $2093.92, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Oharge Paving Plant— ll—D-152 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy % Ferguson ✓,Hodgson.In favor %McDonald /Sudheimer ................Against ,/ Wenzel /Mr. President MAY - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council --.•--- ------•-----192.---.- MAV 1925 Hsz. Approved.--- ............................ COUNCIL 5J279 CITY OF ST. PAUL c¢.e NO-----------------------•- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEri - DATE—MA=-�...y 5-r-1.9- _.._---.....-...--. COMM�SSIO R ---- RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Oomptroller, 300- i" inverted key, curb stops- stop and waste, at a cost not to exceed $450.00, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to tho,best interests of the city. o /Oharge Water Department. COUNCILMEN MAY ' S 1925 Adopted by the Council. ---.--------------------------------192...... Yeas Nays ✓Clancy 5 tG ................. 192.--.- Ferguson Approved ---• YAM. . •-----••- - /Hodgson In Favor .. • l •. McDonald .. � --- pL1YOp ' ,�Sudheimer ................Against / Wenzel /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...-..__----- . 280 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENERAL FORM I.T SSIONBEYR—,�'S-::.0 �—Z'Ite oATE—May 5, RESOLVED• That the Purchasirld Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Oomptroller, 2104 loads of earth filling at a cost of 450 per load of li yards, or a total cost of $946,80, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the beat interests pf the o -ty. Oharge Public Yeas COUNCILMEN L/Clancy Ferguson Hodgson /McDonald /Sudheimer /enzel /,.-Mr. President Nays Adopted by the CouncilMAY ------ 5 1925 ............ 192 ...... . .. .... .. kpproved .......... 51925.......... 192 In favor MAYOR ..).Against cOu" NO. --.---59291- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ----------- .COMMISSIONER—__.__ __ RESOLVED That the offer of the Twin City Rapid Transit OOMPBaY to settle the Claim of the City of St. Paul against said Company for the ffm of $37.26, being the cost of repairs to Car No. 73 damaged by street oar No. 1529 on March 18, 1925, at Maryland and Mendota streets, be and the same - is hereby accepted, and the Proper city officers are authorized -to execute proper release therefOx- COUN61LMFN Yeas Nays Clancy ,/Ferguson flodgsonIn favor /,-McDonald I )_ ,Sudheixner .........`....Against /,Wenzel ,-Mr. President MAY - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192 Approved c..........192. Approved ...... ........... ... ..................... .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL __ • p—uNCIL -592 .�- OFFIC9.OF THE CITY CLERK CO 1 ESOL N—GENERAL FORM PRES61im BY COMM IONER RESOLVED That the proner'oity,officere be and they are hereby author - iced and directed to enter into a renewal of that certain contract entered into by the City.of St. Paul and the United States Govern- ment on the 18th day of February, 1915, for the maintenance of the lights on the bridge crossing the Mississippi River connecting Fort Snelling with with the City of St. Paul;said contract of renewal to be in form approved by the Corporation (3oynsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L -Clancy ✓Ferguson /Hodgson _......In favor /McDonald ) /8udheimer�� ./.Against -Wenzel "Mr. President MAY - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council........................................192...... MAY - 5 jQr.5- . MAYOR �¢}1Mi#lit¢tt# IIf �l�UI ' CITY OF ST. PAUL .. - ARTHUR A. STEWART . COR►ORATION CO Sm ASSISTA.T ATTORNEYS EUGENE M. O'NEI:.L R.E J. MC1 EE -j LEWIS L. ANDERSON THOMAS W. WALSH May 4, 1925 To the Council: Gentlemen: On April 29th the question of entering into a renewal t of the contract with the United States Government for the light- ing of the bridge over the Mississippi River between. the Fort Snelling Reservation and the City of St. psul was referred to this office for investigation and report, accompanied by a nor tioe of renewal of the contract on the part of the•United Statbs Government. ' Article 4 of the original contract provides that the contract may be renewedyeaxlyv'by mutual conssit-so long as the needs of the public service require it, but not toeale pre- tend beyond the 30th day of June of the year 1950• We have pared a form of resolution authorizing the Renewal ofthe contract. Yours very truly, G� bba_IB Assistant Corporation`Counssl. FOH6i H0. 2 ` COUHOIL FILE H0. ds o SUBJECT$ C F No. 59283—By G. C. Sudhelmer— Whereas. The Commissionerof Pub - cc Utilities has reported in accord- cc ccord ce with Section 53 of the City Char- _ thexiatence of n ergency en dared neces dry themploy- ertaln empl e e of his De r r+ eight hour, Date Presented i 1926+ dd -1 so , Wfuums; The Com®lseioaer-,of Public Utilities has, reported in accordance with seotion 52? of the"City.Charter* -the existence of an emergency which rendered necessity.the employmeat.of 'certain employees of hie Department for more than eight h.oure` aper, day, and on Sunday, said e*loymen't being more -than their usual hours of employment, therefore be it Resolved, That the proper, city offioers are hereby, authorized to pay the following named employees ,at`:ehe'rate otherwise fixed for extra employment. for the extra time hereinafter.jet :forth': TITLE • BAY RFWU _LAR RATE OF OVERTIME A. Flipp Malut.laborer 2 .50¢ G. L. Glancy Uty. laborer 16 .55¢ Thomas Sarsfield Maisit. Laborer ` 8 "1 .b5¢ This. F..Connolly Uty. Laborer .zBo Geo. allivan Uty. Laborer" t;.3 John Abel tJty. 1¢ 1, Wm. Boody IIty lq .6b¢. ROY gene FTty� iaboeer Paul G. Manske Com. laborer. 8 Feter-Ghilezaa Bldg. Laborer e 6 .B0¢ P. Del ''Piaoco • 4 .60 A. bi. Fiorito Uty. - 6 : .G Ed Kordell IItyr 8 g '.Bf Sam Ranelll IItii+ 6 J. P. Sohwebaoh IIty! g .b5¢ A. AAseVine: Ditch Dfgger S .55¢ Joe Grappalie Diitoh Rigger i6 .4¢¢ Pad �4Briea Qom.Iab. 60 Len Vanelli Ma1at.Lab, 16 Q. C lsonMaint.Laborer •16 Maint F. dames .laborer 16 .50¢ Mat Roberti1. Aitch Digger .55¢ D: Vinoelii Ditoh Digger.8 .65Q 3. T. O0000 Ditch Dlggdr .55¢ Joe Cook A1toh Dagger .55¢ D. Mayer Ditch A�BBe= 4 .5 John. Palma Ditch Digger Borenen 6 b Carl Anaereoa g 2 utyE 5 . S. Tnmiaello Ditch p#g6er 1 Wm. 10►nA 26 .68¢ Herb: Bneohner qty. 24 A20 J. Hawkins, -Jr. IIty. 8 Peter Horn IIty., 16 3 .65 16 3.3.Ea+ 1.10 Otto'..Winkiesky g 1.02 , Mige Carpt.Foreman Edw. Anderson Laborer 4 45 Frank AnthoOey B1dg.Laborer 4 5S j J.Hocasroll B1dg.Lab. 16 2 ,Jews E. Qampbell B1dg.Laborer 16 5b .55 Prank r Frank Fleming _ IIty.Lsborpr 55 Hole Fredrickson B1dg.Laborer. B 5 Iges Glancy B149.1abs 16 9 Fred Gran B1dg.Leb 6 8 Mao* BadA B1dg.lab . Mao*4 `Y7 5 Andrew Haider Bldg.lab.t� `b ri. Mc James Harrington B1dg.Iab,' r2r Jr. SAME f TITLE SODAY R � Frank Heflin Bldg.Laborer 8 6 •54: J. Hinderke Bldg.Laborer 16.55 Elmer Johnson Gust A. Johnson Uty. B1dg.Iaborer 8 4 55 Wm. F. Lindstrom Bldg.Laborer 8 .55 ` Julius Miko Bldg.Laborer 4 .55 �1 Joe Mitchell S1dg.Laborer 8 4 .55 Bldg.Laborer 16 .55 },l`1[e�lenkamn� ,i Harry Oas - B1dg.Liborer Emil PrensloR Bldg.Laborer 2 .55 \ Ohris Rauer. Bldg.Laborer 8 10 .55 Wm. Robinson Bldg.Laborer 2 .55 J. H. Steinbrenner 'Bldg.;aborer 2 .55 A. G. Wallen -Bldg.Laboner. 8 Frank Yost B2d.Laborer' 16 .55 . M. Alfonso pitch Digger 2 .55 Mike Autonelleg Ditdh Digger 4 .b5 Ayes. ,Oonnoilmen HAYS l/Slanoy �esgaeon � Adopted by MAY - 5 1925 1926 ;McDonald -the �Sudheimer MAY ;.Weasel Approved 1925 (J /Hodgeaa ;'- -Mr. President'.,- — Nelson / MAy°Vol J r,i May 4, 1925 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Phblio Utilities Bureau of Rater, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Trucking.# Install— ing hydrant Hatoh and Dale ,#i lsEi�ii�Xi3�s Ohan i—UZ meter at 280E 9th.0 Firing •• Lowering main unddr 308 main in Great H rthern R.R.tr ks."*' This emergency &Jose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #Taking men to Mbssiseivpi River conduit._ #H to shut off main 00ouldnIt shut off water during bushouiness re **Keeping up fire under steam shovel ***Had to shut off MMISSI ER OF PUBLIO UTIL TIE - \ `1 C RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL 59285 CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO._.__.,,._________..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .._.._------- MftY 5_th.-.l9.23........................ That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following street: Marion St. from Oliver to Geranium St. C•,R¢eol0. B�ThatBnd fe be eby Rutllort Pup11CaRG�ra tested to e➢%tnRRftt with sed or o1_ w1nB atteeY., Manor st. tova Oliver,to Gerantnm st'Adop,Ed by th", a926I1 DIaY 6..1926. Approved D�aYy. 9.1986) COUNCILMEN MAY - 5 1925 Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192 [ \.Glancy }sy _ 5 1*9�% Ferguson ,/Hodgson .....In favor Appr ved-------.....__...................------.....192----- F McDonald / - - _ ���"'_ / An... I/Sudheimer L----- Against MAYOR / Wenzel Mr. President n I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. QUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C' LmKvLA1MS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO. --13 — ' RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE —192 CITY T EASU Yy TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF. B_ 4,+11.0 — T -- . c G Y— -------- OMPTROLL CHECKS NUMBERED--q--- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK 11 IN FAVOR OF ev NUMBER ii TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK � CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD it j I I SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 11 094 1000 7 24 _ t ,71AL, I li i C.59286— . Resolved that checks be drawn on I the amounntt Treasury to the aggregate of $4,41196. vering becks numbered 16914 to 16970 inclusive, s per checks on file to the oftice oP [he C1 ty Comptroller. 'II APAdOppovedted b by 6, the 019251 MaY 5, 1025. (fay 9-1925) li I I it j I I SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 11 094 1000 7 24 _ t ,71AL, CHECKS NUMBERED -164:L-- TO 6970--- B ----' MPTROLL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - - - PER --___ TOTAL. RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND NUMBER p - CHECKS CHECKS - - _..- - - - - - - - - - 1 nq Ike . _ ./� ee�� G eI C BROUGHT FORWARD _. 2 .891 0`._.._142._97,2 251 _—_ _— 115 608 �50 21.939 .32 -- Abbott rduoational Oompm'iy 12100 12.00 2 69 Addressograph Company I 2169 1 Ahiberg BeaTIM OamPany 120 American Auto & 9(tohine Work,k 2 mp7 Amerioan Blue Print 0oany 127 12'150 12150 American hoist & Derrick Co. 2 10 l American Library Asaobiatiori' 0 16 00 1600 Amerionn Paddle Tennis Aaeoo., �7 Amerioan Physioal Fduo. Assoq, 1 17 76 04 9'57 Amerionn �PP1Y Company $9 0 7 Architectural Book Pub. 00. T 55 16 100 Arohiteotural Forum 216o 21160 G.A. Ashton Company 491 75 Austin machinery Corporation 4'91�Z5 Baker & Taylor 0ompany 220 00 220100 The Birrett Company Beebe Laboratories. Ino, 11100 11912 John Belseel Company 13+1 4 i} S. Berglund Lumber Company 1 �53 10 Boak Fish ComPSny 1510 Boeringer & Con 17'00 'O X5198 H.C.Boyeson company. 00 S. Brand Coal OcmPAnY 170 135 F. J. Brings & Company 1 9 17 The Bristol ccmPany i 1291131 60 00 Brooks ftotbers Lu aber Compampsy 10 i 0 10150 Brown Instrument Company 26 49 Builders Iron Foundry Company, 261 51182 49197 1 85 mb Burns•Luer Company 88125 Campbell Coal Company 412254' nnntwell Press 14,31 143 i Capital City Lumber 00o sx►Y 33 jP6 26 196 6 50 Cr: ital %�,avelope Company 281 � 28 00 Capitol '.gelding & Mfg. 00•7 �00. Central Auto Top OamPW 1132150 113;50 Central scientiflo Oomp9,ny 1375 1375 Central Soap Company 11;71 1171 The Century Oompany 33g�103 335100 Champion Animal Food Company ! 98103 Chicago, Burlington & 't. Ry. o•2 00 42100 concrete Steel Company 1=j Consolidated Eleotrio ComPsn 11165y 1' Carol Cox Book Company 100 i0 881.4b crane ComprmY 112115 Del Auto Radiator Camn33'iy 401140 401 ',40 Denoyer—Leppert 0aaamtppany j Dep-rtment o4 superiritenden0 ! 2,,00 2';00 of the National Education A� . 11100 1100 16961 c. C. Dodge Stove Rorke 2.00 56j00 16962 ^leotrical Trade Pub. Compan 15681 2 175 16" Thos. J. ?arJgel 178192 16964 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 116' 166146 16965 Farwell, Ozmmm, Birk & COMP 16966 4i2a 279 291 27162 169672 t 12 ,40 taxon oomPany 131 0 5 16969 Finch, van Slyok & Lf000nnill 1319 y 16 8 F. i� 190 16970 Fleisohman Company 147 3 5 _ 118 797,39 22 57411. - - -- 2212 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS (d) M _ DISTRIBUTION LOCAL II u SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST II PUBLIC SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE jj AUDITORIUM u SPRINKLING 11 FORESTRY 11 BUILDING II ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS o REVOLVING i �I i i li ,I 11 200 i ji 69 31 4! 11 'bo 1 112115 j I 161,95 13 97 10 ',60 -.. I I --. ,__2s ios. 13 $7 , X76 % -1301 p2- - .'I TVA TE RES. No.] _ CIT ER DRAWN ------THE �Q('J RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE /• CITTA 7 EASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DAT _ ___1 J'2._ Y6y________/T� _ '� C� QVER/I�NG BY CHECKS NUMBERED__Y_ To ... MPTROLL INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. '.; PER _----- _--- _____ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL FERGUS ON. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD ✓SUDHEIMER. ----- ___!_------- AGAINST /WENZEL. l/ 16914 Abbott Educational Company YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 12 00 16915 Addressograph Ca 1691 Ahlberg Bearingcompyany ! d 61 16917 American Auto & Machine work 20 American Blue Print company .. !27 .16918 16919 American hoist & Derrick Co. 11 12150 16920 American Library Aseoplaticul 2 10 16921 American Paddle Texans Assoc.'16 --- 00 16922 American Physical Edu0. Aeeoa' ---- . 1 13 1692 Amarioan supply Company 171_ 0 I �� 1692N Architectural Book Pub. Co. f 55 ur 16925 Arahiteotal Foram 16926 C.A. Ashton Company 21'60 16927 Austin Machinery Corporation 491 75 16928 Bn1cer & Taylor Company 99 11 b, 16929 The Barrett Company 5'20 220;00 16930 Beebe Laboratories, Inc. 1',00 16931 John Beissei Company 16'132 _% Berglund Lumber compare y 13424 169333 Bonk Fish Comp^.nq 16934 Boeringer & Son 15 10 16935 H.C.Boyeson Company 13 42 4 8 16936 7. Brand Coal 99 Company 16939 TheJBriistool Comp an 00 1'"ji75 16939 Brooks Srotbers Lumber Comp 16940 Instrument 129!31 Brown Company 16941 Builders Iron Foundry Companq� 10',550 26'xF8 16942 Burns -Lumber Company 51',82 16943 Campbell Coal Company g 2 16944 ci?mtwell Press 4 2� 16945 Capital City Lumbar Company 143 7_ 169 } C3it a.l ?dsvelope Company 3- 46 1694TT Capitol '7elding & Mfg. Co. 28 00 16gU Central Auto Top Company 12;25 16949 Central scientific Company 113,50 16950 Central Soap Company 13 75 1051L.," The Century Company 1:71 RETURNED BY N/ BANK ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL II WATER 9 181 4127 1250 210 16 loo?7 766 x554 00 21 160 9, ',6, 220 '00 1 DO 13Z 24 14 10 . gB 45 00 17035 1050 499 �5 126 ;6 28 00 113 '50' 13 75 1:71 938.37 2 69 E 9'57 491 75 60.00 26 48 1'85 6 BOND COUNCIL FILE No .___��__pp-59286 __._____.______..._ ----- 1� _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ AY --- ---_i9----.__ _ ____192____ APPRQVD._______ _ .1, I ` _____ _________792____ MAYOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FERGUS ON. -------------IN FAVOR . �MV ODGSON, cDONALD, ✓SUDHEIMER. ----- ___!_------- AGAINST /WENZEL. l/ MR. PRES.. NELSON. / C. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) SPRINKLING DISTRIBUTION COUNCIL FILE No .___��__pp-59286 __._____.______..._ ----- 1� _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ AY --- ---_i9----.__ _ ____192____ APPRQVD._______ _ .1, I ` _____ _________792____ MAYOR 11 V2, 4 69 31 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TS ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY .. 11 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 5_514_I,33 --- ---- — -- - -'f ---- - - 9 19 171_ 0 1601 2 _ f 5'20 13 42 11 V2, 4 69 31 -SHEET TOTAL-: RD :. B CHECKS NUMBER E O-¢ ___TO.1�Q(�(� COM INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE `OFFICE .E F THE CITY COMPR. LLER T' UDH EIMER, ____ AGAINST AP WEN.EL. - MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) ---------- ----- ----- --- -- _ MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED-- _ - - - - - DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST - SPECIAL FUNDS - CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS _ FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD _ __ - � -_ - - _ : _ - - -. 1 601 16967 Edward Brandi 63 0 00 60 00 . 02 16969 Helen Ka,�pes I- 140 00 140 00 I00 I I I S , ® 16969 ;Peter eehan72 00 72 1690 "t.Josephts Hospital 169rj1 Columbian B -ink Note Company 3%% 40 2f 375 40 252 � ! I 50 � ,. 50 0B,(77 50 i6 72 L.C.TiodgSon, Comer. of Finana 35 766I4b �4Y,51 35 736 43 r xos. o (97 �j ICB 767 #1!F ! 169 Review -111bliehing Company 1 1 74Z 1 �1 169 Allen -(')...alley 0ompcnty 1697 contr•-.otore supply Equip. 0 . 3 itF1 7!35 36 7135 16977 r.. D. ^lls^rorth ''�. 9 07 g 107 �332 ! 16979 J. Goodman 16979 R. Hruby 30'3 9 �45 30 9 I 97 41 !45 41 1.6980 J.F.Kain, Cashier Depet. water Company 96 ! 96 97 ,16991 Krembs & 3 3 16992 Lynchburg Foundry Company j 19 52ffi122 18 529 22 16893 Bt.Pau1 :bite Lead & 011 Co. F Company Z 66 78 66 64 55 16994 pecialty minting 1699 >tsndard 011 Oomp>�ny 69905 2 912 10 2 912110 ! 4 0 1 I 1688 ^. J. Stilwell Paper Company 16897 superior Printing Company j 9 70 69 5 9170 68 15 j i .16898 7illaume Boa & Lumber Cmpan, 16589 niillamaon Agency 171 50 1'jT Oo I 137 00 i 171 50 16590 L.C.fTo- coon Caen':., of Sin._ !� 11616;1 Jim Berkow z � 8 00 28 90 929 00 29 90 !112 ;Otis H.• Godfrey, Guardian 36 00 36 00 16993 Marle Katherine Haakert ! 33 6 oo 36100 j 16994 Arthur Haessig 1699 "Catherine Lyneugh '; 1699 Hazel M. Stegner, Guardian 31,69 36 00 3169 ; I o Dorothy L. Sterner 24 130 24 j30 1699 Arthur Nenzel 1�g L.O.Ho son, Oom�r. of Finana 16499 Board o� Control 341'00 90Q 620135 32100 6 00 16 16 620135 16900 Victory Printing Company 70!50 70!50 j I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 136 977 7 I 114 62265rig49 _ 94 244 9 52 i33i� 1 6 �_ 1 &A TE 6A T T RES. NO_2,32 -- - ---------- C Y LERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT Or D jD_ CITY ----------------- - ------ - -- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__16S67 ----- T---JOW ----- B- --------- ------ -- --- - - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE C��THE CITY COMPTROLLER'. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ,CLANCY. 17ERGUSON, ___________IN FAVOR HODGSON, 7 -DONALD, �P:UDHEIMER, -- ----- -------- AGAINST 'A WENZEL. MR. PRE$_ NELSON. YES (%I) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) COUNCIL 5287 FILE No. ------------------------ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 5 190 - -- - -------- ----------- 192 ---- AP OVED ------ MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY V, LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNT NUMBERSINKING TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER F BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS BROUGHT FORWARD 57 7W -55-- -9�E _'246 ------3-79.15 599- 133- - i 6oi 02- 00 1.6867 Edward Brnndl 16969 Helen Xrtnpea 16969 Peter mee'hnn X�00 2 � 0400 140 00 72 00 I 'Joseph's Hospital 16970 :It. 16971 Columbinn Dink Note Ompany J5 4 375 4o 252 610 B 77 50 7150 I 10. 50 Hos:W 50 165 L. C. "odgson, ComIr. of rinanco' T2 35 73614 '67 V, 35 736143 169 169 Review -ublishing Gompnny 1 I T4 1�1 I 1 74Zi 1 A IOB 767 169 Allen-Q.urilley Compmy 31, 1 31 169 Contractors Supply & Equip. OD. T35 7;35 168 -.. D. r"'llsTorth 1"7 1697 J. "7. Goodman 787 9 07 30 32 9i07 30 2 45 16979 R. 7'. Hruby 16980 J.F.Kain, Cashier Dep't. "late r 9 45 97 41 9 87 41 16891 Krembs & Company 96 3 96 16882 Lynchburg Foundry Compriny 19 521 22 18 529 22 1688Ot.Paul 'jliite Lead & oil Co. -Ipecialty 66 198 Z9 66 4 4 16mZ Trinting Company 05 55 5o standard Oil Oompriny 2 912 10 2 812 10 70 1129'882 E. J. stilwell Paper comnany 3.6897 superior Printing Company 70 699 15 89 6 15 16988 Villmme Box & Lumber CoMP-snY 26999 771211aMeon Agenoy 171,50 1 00 1 137100 171 50 26690 L. 0._H*,d(s8o21 COMIT.. of vino 16892. -!1 i6lux Berkowitz 00 28 so 929 00 28 80 16992 Otia H. Godfrey, Guardian 36 00 36 00 1689 Marie Katherine Hackert 36 00 36 oo 16994, Arthur Haessig 36 oo 36 00 16995, Catherine Lynaugh 16996 Hazel M. Stegner, Guardian of 31 69 31 69 Dorothy L. Stegner 24 30 24 30 16997 Arthur lenzel 32'00 32 00 16938 LoC.11od son, Comb. of Finanom 9 13on.rd 15 Control 56 00 96 oo 0 16 62t) 35 16 620 35 16900 Victory Printing Company 70 50 70 50 OF THE COMPTROLLER CLERK A omFORM .- UD ACLAIMS-CLAIMS RESOLVED:THAT CHECKS BE D N THE ATE 92 C11 V TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT I C, 16841 UM CHECKS N BERED---- 77 INCLUSIVE. AS PER'CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER., TOTAL. RETURNED CHECK� IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DiStIURSEMeNT CHECKS CHECKS 13 -. kNK I BROUGHTFORWARD 7T777--7 C P. NO. on 'drawn Resolved that checks beLt. City Treasury. to the aggregate "Fai."'cl I the Of $41661.72, .0-11-9 jamount ve' as i numbered 1684'i to -16848 lncWglva' 93 f the 'Per checks On file JU the office of the ro 'h; Council May 6, 1926. t Approved Approved May 5, 1925. (May 9-1925) Y 77=77 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TAL—FORWA . ..IR cHECKs MBERED ________. ___ ro._a. _ _ ____ SUDHEIMER.AGAINSTc INC IVE. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE /W ENZEL,o CITY OMPTROLLFR. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V)� UNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR _ TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY' LOV SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER TRUST i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD I _ 99- 73-971 57 111--054-- 4,9-645.- 2 --2- 299 I -1-4 1 I� ---4-_961-4-3 . —'3 _0961 _ 101-367_ 9- 1}--31Q 3t� -_ .. I _ - _ --- - � ' 771-509-} j I !9 39- 9 -� i �i� —� _574 53 3 309 36 9 ..227 ;5r 3 75 16541 Albert S. Cowen & rvalyn • M. Cowen 3 345140 3 345140 I j 16542 Investment Service Company i 1 354160 t� 1 354160 1 1 16543 ^xcavating soreen & machin j f ti company 39120 39 20 16544 L.C.Hodgoon, Com1r. of Finanai 200;00 200;00 I 15545 Ray Todd 9 345150 j 5 345 50 i! 16546 Meyer D. Stern, trustee in - bankruptcy of U.S.I. Realty Company 10 135129 10 139129 16947 Auren A. Crane 2 949 50 2 949'50 j 16949 L.C.Hodgeon, Comir. o8 prin. 15 279 24 5 ?3699 1 413 �61 5 129 64 1 i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD iol 367 9 015 9-6-21-02- 703 396149 473 910 77 111 094 4 -473-246'31 239 299 7 1 491;71 961 3 3 .69 75 13 703117 3 -369- _ I___ - COUNCIL NO..__._._ �. '.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �tFLgNCY, TgpryN TE - RES. O.iD-_---_----- OFFICEOFTHE COMPTROLLER y S .._IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY - 5 X915 -------- tg2 -.. CIT CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECK BE "DRAWN ON THE OF AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F/ERGUSON. FIODGSON. r PROVED{v�`i _ - -' �21� __ 7g2____ ' ZZ T. �n SURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ) b_61�72 oYj&E$RRI NG �{(gpDONALD. ✓/SUDHEIMER, -_ -AGAINST pA -._ 1 __19 .- ._L 41 __ -_ - ---_• -5R_____ /WENZEL. ____ - - _._-__ .__ _ -1_ .. _ g®Tye --- --- MAYOR --- -' "- -. CHECKS MBERED_ TO._ __ �v _ __ ----- "' --� COM PTROL R INC IVE. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --� O CITY OMPTROLLER. _ -------- P --- _ - -- ... -- _._.. _.__ -- - DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS 1 TOTAL RETURNED BY - - �I LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC REVOLV NG SUNDRY ACCOUNTS CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER eor+D ACCOUNTS - NUMBER - CHECKS CHECKS -y. ..._-_. :. � 192 -239 299 _.. _-._.... 1 �+91t 3 7 96113 3--696 75 e 4 57 53 3 308 36 9 22 51 3 QTS BROUGHT FORWARD i _ 9 ? 3� 30 - _.101367\ T71--50%-199 -473-471, 57 111 o844 -444--644&1-92- i 16841 nlbext s. Gowen & rvalyn 3 345140 GO -Mn 3 345140 I 11. 4 6o 1 354-60 16842 Investment 9ersrioe company1 35 J t 16843 7xoavating goreen & Mn.ohine 39 20 39 20 Compnny 16844 T.c.Hodgoon, Comlr. of Fin(tino 200 00 200 00 �I 8 345 50 5 345 50 15545 Rn.y Todd 16846 ,layer D. -,tern, truatee in b-uMkruptay of U.S.I. Realty 10 135 2ffi 10 138 28 I Gomprtny 2 949 5o 2 949 501 5 128 64 I 16847 nuTen A. Crane 413 61 16845 L.c.Hodaaon, Comlr. of Fin. 15 279 24 5736 99 ' 7 7� To RETURNED CAU01irgo, CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM. IN FAVOR OF RESOLVED THAT BY CITY TREASURY NUMBERTRANSFER: .:DISBURSEMENT BANK rOMPTRgf.LER CHECKS, NUMBEREC INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS E OF THE CITY COMP? 7 7� TOTAL RETURNED CHE IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBERTRANSFER: .:DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECK S BROUGHT FORWARD N., 1". b, d1S C• checks t checks 116 Resolved '"ury. �0 ... �,j�g se tb� City Tr 7.70-4 i"JUS, $5 t ,�U.t 0 16849 t 16861 Vice .1 -b a Inthe-}flee -br"' q 4 nu m 'n tile eCcoMptroller. 1ja1r ter, "ll Or Adopted ly tb. C", 1-d PB. J, l.0 a 9.1826) e (may c SHEET TOTAL— FORWARD -7-777 -- + 1 7 777 =7.24 ,77 2 q V, CHECK! BY..__ _ _ _ ___ - _ _-LEA---- COMP OLLER LU - 0 HE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CITY COMPTROLLER. BROUGHT FORWARD 168l►9 Hermon Bahr 16850 Dr. Zdward I. Bemis 16851 r. C. Bl-inohett 16952 uormon Blatt 16653 City Lime 8 Cement C 16854 Ida Dickson, Administratria �/ " the Tl.state of Peter Dickson 16655 John J. Hennessy 16856 L.C.Hod6son, Com4r. of Fin. 168'57 to 16656 m. Ii. Pulford Company 16659 r.J. rurnane, Chief of Polio 16860 -,penoer P. L. Olson 16861 Rochester Cermioide Company 16862 ',t. r>?ul -7hite Lead & oil Co. 16663 John %. andquist 16664 ;. C. siooumb 16665 "rik 9trradloff 16866 vacuin oil Compeny • _. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD NUMBERED_____ _TO.____ __ SUDHE - '- VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CITY COMPTROLLER. WENZEL j��_____ \� MR PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J) _ ___ �--- --- MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION BY �/ " LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ` TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER pONO IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GAflAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY 'PULLING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS ± I 73.1 71 00 St. Inn. S Paul Rg.CI 1 601102 I i 1 6o1 ;o2 6711 0C 67 00 50 50100 j. I 1 „ 5881 0C 588'00 1 f 143133 143133 30 00 30100 ?7 156 79 27 156!,78 I 27 1521 54' �7 152; 52 1 ' 101 7 i 101 70 I 123 3 123j39 1 77 775 Si812 8162 731 5 73 5 445! 0 445 oo I 281 0C 28100 1 45!, OC 451 OC 6661 6ol 6 ! a it - I i i I it � I i I i 57 753 46 55 384 96 179 1 586 3 �_. T(RjRj+W6TE TO " RES. NO. -131- ------ CITY CLERK RSOLVED THAT CHECKS .BE DRAWN ON THE f S (.. , 1 CITY TREA7SU RY, �TOt THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DAT E.5 _ 1925_ 5-----r17i-1-53.46------- �/ ___, SCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _a6II4�._TO____-JM66-_ ._ _._-..-.... _________ ------ COM OLLER LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE O HE CITY COMPTROLLER. - ,A - 7 - CITY, OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM a. CLANCY. -YYY/ ERGUSON. ___ _ ________IN FAVOR HODGSON, - MCDONALD, SUDHEIMER, ___ _________AGAINST ,(( WENZEL, •� Mfi. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) FOUENCIL NO. - - 5s9 --------- - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. MAY 5 1920----------------------- 192---- PRov ME;Y 5193 ts2 MAYOR TOTA RETURNED u DISTRIBUTION - GENERAL WATER SONO LocAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY' TRANSFER DISBURSEh1ENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS �i GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS I BROUGHT FORWARD " - 1681tg Hermnn Bohr 71 71 i � Inn. Sti. Paul R}i. C 1 601 2 � 0 16850 Dr.. dward W. Bemis 1 601'02 � 6T00 671100 � 16851 v. C. Blanohett 1695 2 taormon T31att 50,00 50m 16853 Cn+)ita.l City Lime & Cement 04. 588 0C 558 00 16854 Ida. Dickson, :�dministrotriR f r,stpte 143 33 143 33 the of Peter Dickson 16855 John J. Hennewiy 30 00 30 00 16856 L.C.Tiodgson, Comlr. of Fin. 27 156 78 27 156 78 16857 11 27 152 5 27 152 52 16858 ?I. N. ;Pulford Coma^.my 101 7C 101 70 16859 T -.J. murnane, Chief of Polio 123 3S 123 39 16860 ipenoer F. L. Olson 7 7 7175 I 16561 ''oohester Germicide Company 8' B 9'82 16562 ^t. Paul "?hate Lead t, oil Co. 73 5 73 5 I 16863 John �. Sandquist 445 OC 445 00 16864 C. sloonmb 28 00 25 00 16665 ^Pik tradloff 45 0 45 0 rf _ 1 J �t ` � �t G � � ! F 1 � � { � � ' zjj �" 111 f I � � �� � � � � � � � {} L j !i �, �: �`: � �� � � 1 � � 1 .i r `� � �; � S � �: � � � � �; f� , ` E' � � � � � F: ri t' e � 1� ; {� i{ �� t 4k � €`'. _ _ By _. _t�__f_ CHECKS ENZEL.. COMPTROLLERINCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PRES.,NELSON. YES (�� 7 COUNCILMEN NAYS (�) mpvoR _ti OF THE clry COMPTROLLER. MR. - TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY I LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING -__- ..._-:. SUNDRY ACCOUNTS _[— NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS ppNK GENERAL WgTEq BOND �� 22 57 00l IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD �. E�91 09. 4 _ 221 7.3-- yet y 118 1 5 [[ 241I — .__ 24 103. 13 97 ._ )� 276_,43 _: V�e� l_.9QLKL. - - _ 169771 Foamite-Childs Corporation 14690 _ _ I • __ 10, _ _ .._. ..-- __. 10 _ - _ _ __. __ _. _ .._ —._ ___—_ j - ._ ___— .-r _— __.__._.._1. ,I --1-�__ 169 Triodma„ne 16973 Chas. Friend & son Gaylord 5' 6'S 50 1}120 ; 4120 65 50� 1669 4 Brothers 6;0o 6loo 7. r. Germain 16 Ginn & Comma 169 7 Gophar stone Compzanp 29121 73 106 29121 732106 166 8 H. C. Grey 00 6ioo 1 'Keough Bwothers 1 323 j ao r 4 1 323,00 16950 DeOraff Wolff 230!00 I 3 230;00 16981 martin "underlich 16052 Abbott -Miller Company 4 5 50 150100 150100 ' 1 435,50 16983 American Surety Company 96157 96 56 57 16984 Geo. Benz & sone __, 501 350100 1698 Clear Ty Ae Publishing Compare T15 957'15 16996 a. B. Gibson 16987 Gorher Printing & stat. Co. 3t�1100 5t 30 ooj CB 5 !75 16998 Geo. Hetzneeker 2i 2137 16959 ttorriganes Grocery 16990 McNeal & Camp 8'03 III 8;03 ! 1 101 �, Jones Comn^my 1 5� 12'14 40 I 16991 Maclellan. Paper 16992 0. R. Hiokelsenis I N 3 53 7 1 16993 Minnesota highway Department 2 ' CB 24 5 - 699 ilh 0fft 4 1 SQ L 1180 1 C. Petaxoe _. _....._ ....,,,. r, 99 z 16996 J. F. Poirier :dam -+ 1 00 59 ` j I i I 24 3 �77 ___ ._._ _r_. _.:�.:. i 59 16997 St, Paul structural steel Co. Company 243 1 14''54 14154 �i I i 16995 ?oheffor & Rossufn 16999 Seth Thomas Clook Ccmtnrany 611 1 17000 Standard oil Company 1 92419 1 92k,1194 4io 17001 Sterling Printing company 39;00 3 00 51 j 117002 Superintendent of Documents 7 51 17003 Thornton Brothers ocmprany Donnan 1 027',1 57' 6 1 02 1 5 17004 villanele Box &Lumbar i 11 '' I i ` ------------ --- --1' 2 891. l ---- -- L X59 163' 7 -- -- 124 267 93 I 1 —-- -- 8 22 678 999 it t 8 11 0i 3 ----; - ----- �3 26 03 -590-1-20 601; _. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD1i I 1 --_-- -' CITY OF SAINT PAUL TQiRlJN99TE --- -__ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I' - _- To RES. NO._1.�------- _ OLLER CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM DATECJ—S_._L9Z.r.5 CITY-TRHAS. J TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF NG .; �?'_ 5—______L—_1_._52___ _____'_1_____..___. `ICOVE CHECKS NUMBERED—__1_5971__TO____1__7W---__ _-_- COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE i -. �`,�-���F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER SPRINKLING FORESTRY REV TOTAL TOTALIN -- _ - RETURNED CHECK FAVOR OF NUMBER ( BY I DANK N/ GENERAL WATER I',ii BONG _= _ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS - - _ - 91 P4. BROUGHT FORWARD _ aoxporat�on 2212 147 3_ 15;,0 _16 1005 0 _22 574 00 I 958 — 169tmCehilds + 5144 169 9ha,s. Friend & son 65 50 1 65 50 ® 169 Gaylord Brothers 420 4,,20 . F. Germain 6i00 6100 169 Ginn & Company 16g 7 Gopher Stone Company 29129 73 ;06 29 7321 16978 H. C. Grey 006100 16979 7rn13Qh B90bbers 1 323 00 16980 DeOraff "lolff 3 230 00 1 43550 16951 Martin "underlioh 16982 Abbott—Culler Qomp-nnq 180 00 180 00 16983 Amerioan -surety Company 66 57 00 6657 00 1698 Geo. Berea & Sono 350 350 1696 Clear Type Publishing CompRn 957 15 00 957 15 00 16996 C. B. Gibson 16987 Gorher Printing & .Stat. Co. 30 5 ?5 2 2 30 OB 5 75 16988 Geo. Hetzneoker 37 37 16989 11orriganls Grooery 9 03 8 03 16990 Jones MoNeal & Camp 16991 moCleilan Paper Comp-.ny 1 10 1 19 54 12 14 1 10 7 40 16992 C. R. bliakelsenls 3 - 53 3 53 24 1699 VInnerota Highway Department I 24 95 OB 95 99 ;i -3112h. Offs _ lii 1:60 16995 1. C. Pearce 16996 J. I�.. Poirier 1 00 1 59 I 1 59 16997 st.Paul structural steel ao. 243 11+';4 14 54 16996 'cheffer & Rossum company 16999 Seth Thomas Clook Comnonq 6.17 6 1? 17000 standard 011 Company 1 924,94 1 924;94 17001 Sterling Printing 0011wmY 17002 Superintendent of DOOMente 39 00 1 05 ':67 j00 1 05 17003 Thornton Brothers GomponY 1700V1113u1me Box 8. Camber Own= 13 6 I 7LANCY, RGUSON. --------- IN FAVOR ODGSON. cDONALD, /UDHEIMER. -- -- --------AGAINST JW ENZEL. R. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS I V ) DISTRIBUTION COU ILENCIL NO. __.---_ 9 ` – a NIHY - 5 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL __ ------------- 182 ---- MAY - 5 190 PROVED- _.__ - _–___ __192____ -" _ - --- -`-. - MAYOR 1323100 3 230'00 1 435 50 4 243 77 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 1-&41-b-2_ SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST P' IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REV ACCOUNTS -- _ - 03 13 97 - I 1323100 3 230'00 1 435 50 4 243 77 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 1-&41-b-2_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL' 'F0 ENCIL r IL QUADRUPLICATE TO' 4. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES: CI,AUDITED CL'AIM$-RES&UTI6W � FORM ,ter 1 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD��' i'FORMMGa`•.f000 7.24. � ': '." `M.;--.. ...-. :. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS: BE, DRAWN OINTHE,ah; ATE �� 92 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT h CHECKS:NUMBERED INCLUSIVE. AS. PER CHECKSON FILE IN -THE OFFICC -. ER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.. TOTAL RETURNED ':;,. CHECK': IN�FAVO .OF ::.BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BR GHT FORWARD 1 � `.C. F. No. 68291— .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury. to the aggregate 1 amount of f3,823.86' coyerin8 checks numbered 76883 to 16913 lncluslve, as cka on Ill. 1n the off(ce or the per cbemptroller. City Co Adopted by the Council MAY 6, 1926. Approved M.v 6, - (May 1926. 9-1926). '. I, ,ter 1 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD��' i'FORMMGa`•.f000 7.24. � ': '." `M.;--.. ...-. :. DATE' ----192.. ":y 9A3a ________ _. COVERING ii , L 1691 CHECKS NUMBERED TO---- 15�I 16907 Curtis 1000 Inc.' _'- SUDHEIM ER J - __.____AGAINST - - - .NCLUSIVE. _169 --__ -------------- __ ___,I _ ---- COMTRO 'R AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. J WENZEL, MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) MAYOR -_ PER.__ _.._ - '-__ --- ___ ..--_ - ___�-.—. ___._. '—._— _-_-.-.-._.. .-..-.. . DISTRIBUTION i i I -- --- -- — -- TOTAL RETURN 2 091 p9 142 91O SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF 1 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK �/ GENERAL WATER I BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNT$' CHECKS CHECKS.. — _ _-_ - _ __ _ ____—_ _ 4 50 - - -. __ -_ _ 1711501_601. . _ -....- , __ BROUGHT FORWARD - 114 622165 19 047'2911 942 5�� 33 I —}-- -- — - - -- —� -- --- ---- ----- _ i - ----02 I— _1_3_�rti — ---- I + 16901 D. K• Birnberg, Attorney tot'' Ammexmeri 1751 of 175 00 j • Dora 642 100 1 i & Hinxioh8s Ino. 42 6 00 16902 Koehler 3 666 69 i 16903 Christian R. ROPM 3 6661 i i 16904 251 I ?5100 I i 16905 minnespoee� ie & L4et 1233 i i i 1 131ang 1 I i i 16906 Amerioan Radiator Company � 15�I 16907 Curtis 1000 Inc.' i 5 16908 Louie F. Doss CwPny 4 i 16909 Kleotria Blue print COMP"ny 'i 16910 '�. i.a.xocigeon; oom+a`-Fin. ,', 2 1991 16911 Jos. Praniioek 551 16912 E. It. `-,heldon. &Company 10211 16913 Iienry r. wedeletaedt Companny, _ t i i I -- --- -- — -- i --�-- ---69109 i 1 - 2 091 p9 142 91O ----- - - -- --- i. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1586 1 OB . 5 t75 i CB 4 i7:7 OB 510 2 89110 50 99 102 00 I 1 CB 2 11 i I ' I ,.. 59291 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO - �. dHRkF/AOTE ((( - To RES NO 133 ___ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER V/CLANCY. CITY CLERK ✓FERGUSON.---�-IN FAVOR - MAY - 5 1925 ---- 92 RESOLVED THAT CHECK$ BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM `" ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ - -- ,,.� ''11 - CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGIGREGATE AMOUNT OF AiODGSON. Y DATE.TT---_192. !A, 3.�6L_________________—____. COVERING ✓McDONALD. _ to ✓ APPROV D__ _____ .. ��'Y __.------- 792____ SUDHEIMER. CHECKS NUMBERED--lU9a�� --- TO----- jR27�-- — -------AGAINST ` 1 BY__________ ____------- ___ COM PTRO R NCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ,/ WENZEL, F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .►._ .y MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MwrOR PER ------ -- ____ - ___ TOT L, RETURNED ; r• DISTRIBUTION CHECK i' BY LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IN FAVOR OF V I� SINKING TRUST NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLING IC SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS I ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLDV NG ACCOUNTS ---_ 601 �2 4 50 171 50..1 - -- - 1- - - --- - -- --- -5 -- - - ------ 16901 - - -- 33 i _ _136 _9 7 ---d — - ---- - ----- - - , BROUGHT FORWARD 114 622 6 19 C4 28 42 586 16901 D. K. Birnbergo Attorney for . Dora ziMOTMan 1751001751 16902 Koehler & Hinrioha, Ino. 642, M 64200 I 16903 Christian R. Haggett 3 666; I 3 66b 69 i 9 j 2 i j j I 169o4 25100j t 5100 16905 minneapolia Savings & Loan � 234132 13 j � 1 2�4j31 Ae®ooiati 4! 16 6 American Radiator Company 151 g 15 86 90 i } I I I 16907 Curtis 1000 Ino. 5j7 CB. 5'75 li j i j 16908 Louia F. Dow COMPPny 4177 CB 4 i I`7 16909 Wleotrio Blue Print COMP';ny 5 2 CB 5 20 16910 L.C.Hodgaoni Comer` Fin. 2 691 09 2 691 0 16911 Joe. Pavlioek 55.6 50'99 -4.66 16912 . H. Sheldon & Company 102; oc 102100 f 16913 Henry P. Iedeletaedt CompP.ny 3 CB 132 i 1 Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Council File No..__...s7(�� iv PRELIMINARY ORDER. .The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of Hartford Ave. from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretlrl --Are-i end -Mont-rose Lane---from--H-aTt€ord---Ave-j t-oa pont 5-55 fti� north of Hartford Ave. to conform_ to the red line on the profile hereto attached aril made --a part' --hereof, the greseiit-- esta'[ileTi-eiT�-grade being- eliowii by a' --blue th-exaon,_..a1so.__grading..Hax tfox d _.Ave ---from ..the .._Misai slip pi_..Hiv-ex.--Hlv3. to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to a point 600 ft. south--of-Ranaolph-Straet-:------------------------ ---------- Dated this......_.30till .-day of ------- ------------- April.... -192-7.. ----------- ....A..., 192.. d "r No LN No s4aa;r—w' b . 4 w Is�e�p y7 o�et`:or the PRELIMINARY ORER Yp �IclaK o; the ;oilQvlpg lip�rq�emea6.l Chengip6 Bel WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the folldfv(n ave cram aneeta BQ�n�u�lvra to Changing the grade o£ Hartford Ave. from )!&9a' e,�°�i T Creti-rri AveY---and Montrose- Lane --f-rom Hartford -A e-.----5 t;r,�Soint 25� £t.-; l©r5h.. of Hartford Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached ---------. ..... _*-_-__ �-es+ehr�arax...prAA teirii --§hewn 6yv -a blue 1iAe- �ilereon.. --- 61-uu ).r--A.A.k V---........ -•---- --- ._----_._---------- - to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to a point 600 ft. ...St"ree4Y...........__�_......... ...... ..........------------------ ......._............-----------------------...__.- south- a€ Rando-1-p13 - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- ..----------------------- -............ -------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ MAY.._ _5 19251 ----__.__--.._------...---- YEAS NAYS Councilm, ,FERGUSONANCY F ODGSON ✓/MCDONALD /SUDHEINER WEN7.EL MR: PRESIDENT corm C A 13 (1 NI 3-25) MAv - 51,)Z Approved---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....._..,.1 / ¢ Mayor. t (,11LISIIE� � e� Council File No..-..at�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------ ._Condemning---and---taking---an-_easement ---- n---theland--nec-easary--dor.............. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hartford Ave, from the -------------------------------------------- -----............ ----------------- -.................................------------------------------------------------------- Mississipoi River Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from------... .........................-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hartford Ave. to a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street. .............................---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30th April, 1925 Datedthis..... ---------day of-------------------------------- .........--------------------------------- 192....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemenf,-4 i Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hartford Ave. from the .-- -- ....... Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and Montrose Lane from HartfordAve. to a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------- .......................... ................_....-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directod: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. - r 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner V)f Finance. 74'1 • MAY - 5 192.E Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS ✓/.% NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON .HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHE•'IMER WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT form C A 13 OM 3-25) _ N -AY 5 l� Approved-----------------------------------..........................-------------- kt-V4� )v ........................................ '. Mayor. Council File NO..5'9291- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and lI , PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement.-tile--.sidewalk--on---the--. osth---------------------- ---­-------------------- ---------------------- -- -- ------------------------------------ - side of Jenks Street between Earl StreetailQ Frank Street. ______________________ ............ ... ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -------------- ---- ............_.._-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------­---- ------------ ------------- .... ... -- .... - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- --------------- Dated ------- Dated this 50th ----- of---------- April'- 1925--------------------------------., 192.- - - ----------- - --- - --------- Councilman. wath�t PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveifflit°'viz.: Construct a six foot cement_--tile.--sidewalk._on... the... .Qrth----------- -------- --------------- ..------------------------- side of Jenks Street between Earl Street and Frank.. -Street-.----------------- ------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City o: St. Pau -------- ------------ --------------------------------------------- - ------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council ------------- ------- ... -- . --------------------- YEAS % NAYS ✓ MAY E)2 Councilman CLANCY y ' FERGUSON Approved.-----------------------------------------------------------------_---- I/ HODGSON /MCDONALD �.)�ayor SUDHEIHER j WENT.EL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (11%1 325) Council File No 559295 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of ..................................--------------------------- ............................ ....... -- . --- ... - ---- ------................................................. Chatsworth Street from Charles Street to Edmund Street. 28th April, 1925 Datedthis .............. ..day of --.....---_...................-----------------------------------------1 192....... or tinamw• PRELIMINARY ORDER ';^hom mcearv:i n n p}r •:.on WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of ....... .. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- .......................................... -. Chatsworth Street from Charles Street to Edmund Street. ------------ - ------ .................... ................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................... ------- ................. ........:.................. .. ----- therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directw d:_' , 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY - 5 192$ Adoptedby the Council............................................................... ------------ YEAS /NAYS Councilman CLANcx MAY - 5 124 ✓FERGosoN Approved---------- -------------------------------------------------------------- / HODGSON ,�`MCDONALD '/SUDHEIHER MR. PRESIDENT ENZEL WXL............... .._n................._.-..-.. Ma / WIDENT Mayor. r.— c A 13 nM 3-25) 1sHED— %� 5� Request of Aroade-Phalen Commercial Club. _ Council File No.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following, public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constructa six cement tile sidewalk on _the .. .on -- - - _- -_ side of Earl Street from Ivy Street to Maryland btreet ----------------- -- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...--- 5thMay' -1925------------ - -------------- 192...... Datedthis ------------------------day of----------------------- -------- - - --- an. etrn ATot. - Wtiortu A wrlttan proyoeatYor tise:- igtakl-ng of tha lollopintt liYlproyemsn4� Conetroct a el: loot cement'tfte ef8e+�.': bAlk:on rho wgntetderoi EaklBt rNgm. PRELIMINARY ORDEIf �;.�Ae mhy>s" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constnuet a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west .-......--------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------ - side of Earl Street from Ivy Street to Maryland Street. --- ------------------------------------< -------- . -- . ---- ----------------------------------- ----- .......... ----- ..... ---........----------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......_.------- .---------------------------------------- - - -------------------- therefore, ------ ---- -----therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the. total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -51925 vAdopted by the Council- ........... #% .................... - - YEAS ,(/NAYS CouncilmaA.A6LANCY ,% FERGUSON HODGSON ,'MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT roan C A 13 (IN 3-25) i MAY - 5 wa Approved. - - - ......---..... - 1e- Mayor. Petition. Council File No. ....... .'62.() PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open widen and extend a 80 ft. alley TTO.M_Hoy Street to the Wit Zine - of the 'e5iietiiog -s11ey -In Blook I Soman" H. Hoyt .................- ........... Company'-a--Addition,--.the... onth--line:---o3 the --- North line of said Blook- Dated this ... .......rjth ----- day of 192.-5. � � poen widen and eatenQ $; 0 2E. a1=_- PRELIMINARY ORDER , ray; In �rfi n d'o e�m- v.a. ,•nay, y: nr.. . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, QU ------ - - ---------------Open, widen-s-nd---fiend--s---20L--Yt.---allay---moa--Hog--- Street ---------------- to the East line of the existing alley in B1ooY 1 Rwer---H. 'Hoyt C-dmpany*8... Addition � tare Santh 11ae et --------------------- 1�_.___.___--_______________edid--_alielr being_the._North_--line of_eeid Bloak 1.,--------- --------....._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................:............._ -----------.------------------------.--------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. vf"�3 . MAY - 5192 10 Adopted by the Council --------- ......................- -- .............................. YEAS NAYS CouncilmanCiLANCY MAY - S 'GW' Vt'EROUSON Approved ...................------------ ---................. ------.-.. CDONALD J WENZEL..............._....... .............. -s......-.. ........-------- ..---- ...--....... / MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) Petition Council File No......-- r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C..onstruct-- . a six - foot - - cement -he sidewalk on the east side -- ...... - - t - - o£ Snelling -Avenue from Nebraska. Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. --------------------- - - - .......... - - - ---- ----- -- - ........................ ....------------------------------..........---...-------------------------------------- ..........--- ... ........... ------------------------------------------------------ 5th May, 1925 192------- Dated this ...................... .............. .--...-day of-------------------- - - --------------------------------- - - -- --- , { n. A�6etraet. PRELIMINARY ORDER �euraexn Ac'e'to 8oyi wve nev=' •^fin preeeateF� O the C �?"' I'Ml ( Y.Ot Bt v't� ete`�t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following lmplo 6- rrw oM • u Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of-.-knelling--_Avenue £rom--ilebraks _6venue to Hoyt Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St.-Paul....-..-.._.......-_._...-_........---<--------------- ------------------- -- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓7^ �^4MAY- 5 1925 Adoptedby the Council.........................................................I...........---- YEAS ,�cc//NAYS Councilmali'CLANCY- S 192a ` V�TERGUSON Approved._WIAY --- ........................................................ �,/{lODGSON // CDONALD SUDHEIIIER�� WEN7.EL ........................ 6"'�� ....... ........................... x. MR. PRESIDENT /J Mayor. Farm C A 13 (12.1 3-25) Council File No.......�.7 j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct _ -8 sewer on -rS.tZ'-e..e.t-..aQ.-...-_........-. a point 85 ft. south of Isabil Street. ---- - -- --- - ------------------------ .......................................................................... ........ - ................. --- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------- Dated this -------5th ---day of.._.... ....N.sy, 1925 ------------------------------- 192.. 01 .... ......... --- --- - .---------- ------.. Councilman. C.`..F No b9389— Abatriaa6 - Wherein, A writteh' p oeel for the' mahtng of the 07"- "T, T pmePG PRELIMINARY ORDER. Conatr6et s sewer on tiPl"ow eve from Congress Bt. to aDotnt Bfi ;ft'. month of Seahel Ht. having bq WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improC ! t i*P encu of tpe .. ?tahelCo- Conatruct a sewer on Winslow_Avenue-._3rom_.Congres.._._;�*'.t.Q.................. --------------------------------------------- - a._point-._8b-it' south ° JS4Lbe�, --- S -t eet------...-----------------------------------...-------------------------.......-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- __...........--............................._------_-- _------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '��'~� • MAY - 5 1529 Adopted by the Council .....--- .......... .................................................... YEAS NAYS Couneilmar`iCLANCY MAY - 5 7;W l FERGUSON Approved .............-.......................... ---------- --------------------- /HODGHON // M DLD4 l ' UHEI.MHEI1fER ,/ WEN7.EL .....--.-_.............. .....-..-..-..............-..-- MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. form G A 13 (IM 3-26) 'x/ t� Council File No._... --u3.00 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pdblic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstrat, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: Soouth--- side --- Selby -Aye baginntlsg---at * d-tna St-. thence"-we-st 1746 --- ftp --'---------------- North side St. Anthony. Ave. _-_beginning -_42-_ft. tae_st--_oP-_Flerschel--Ave.thence-.west 60 Seutii si a Laurel 3►ve. beginning 92 ft.east 'ry 3t. thence^east EO Pt. ------...da ..., 192..5.. Dated this.... �t�.1. Y of ----- ��y------------------------- -- - - --- --- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay.-and..raPa.jr._Where following-.s_idowel-kA:---.--------------------------- -------- -- South_eide... Ulby--Ave..b-aginning..,o t ---Aldine ----S_t..theaca--- wast ---146.._1a.--------------------------- NorYl..aide---St,.Ath4AY._Aoe+be8-irk?ng--- 2---t.WQ.st---9._. are.Ghel._Ave,.tbflnce__N9st 60 ft Snnth aide Laurel Ave. begl;p.#ing 92«ft.east�Fry St. there a east 20 ft. aan 'P*--------------------- hav�hp been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------.....__...._. -__.................. ---------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mgking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MM - 5 1925 Adoptedby the Council-................................................................ YEAS / NAYS CouncilmaK CLANCY N Y i 9 FERGUSON Approved ---------------------------------- x HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIIIER WENZEL ___. MR. PRESIDENT \ Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 8-25) % 1 Council File No._.-..t�JLld. S PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i The underalgned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: t"­i,relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalk: 8outiz eidR Plum�--St:-­54-..54 ft-. east--Bates--Ave-: -thence- east 34 -ft. V7eat 81d9 y�Iound- St. -beginning 120 ft. north of Mclean 3t. thence north t. -. ............... North side Ty3er 3t. beginning at Livingston Ave. thence west 102 -N-0r h s1de..Zaa¢son ---Ste---beg1nn-1ng--Fit-.-ft. -east-cY Ar-lsa6right--.St--thence--east 80ft ;:a' Bast side <'6th St. beginning 30 ft. south Iglehart Ave.there a south 30 ft. ' v - Dated this `_ 5th day of.... May.._1925 --- ----- -------------------_- 192 . ......... ......... an. i t C F No.: 6989i AbetrdoL 'Wherenp, A written, prdposal, for the,, wak ps or the ronowins improverpen' t ff Recopetruct, rela,, and p 'r,;r PRELIMINARY ORDER eegP'';J Lha WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: iflCAxlsjextl I}r..x6ley ansl re pa1r...wlI __r :tecesaery the-.follQwirlg..sid@wa� I- ;ASouth aide Plum §t. beginning 54 ft. east Bates Ave. thence east 34 ft. out side Mound t.beginning 120 ft--north Qf McLean St.thenee--- nQrth 90 ft. North side Tyler St. beginning at Livingston Ave.thence west 102 ft. Norih side '2;avv"s"on St:�ieginning 62 ft�*east of Arltvcrigl�t Sty thence ea"s"t 80 ft. st.-..heginning_.30_.ft.....a.outh..Iglehart.. Ave....thenGe...s.Outh-..30 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------- --------­-------­------- - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be aad.is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. G 'Adopted by the Council-- .........PrY... -5.192..5. ... .... ......... a YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 5IS%j FERGUSONApproved.------------............................ --------......................... "HODGSON MCDONALD ✓ SUDHEIMER WENZEL -- a' MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Corm C A 13 (IM 3-25) Petition Council File No.. ----- 5- 302 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides --- --------------------------------------- -- - - --------------------------------------------------- .--------------------------------- - of Shields --Avenue- from - Pierce Street - to Snelling Avenue. -- -- -------- - - -- -- -- -- -------- - -- -- -- --- -- -- ---- -- - - ---------------------------------------_------------------------ ----- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------ ---------- ------- -- - - - - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1925 -------- 192.- Dated this - 5th-- ---- --.day of----------- --- - - - -.. _ - ...>- Councl man C F No. 68808-.. • _ Abs trdaG ia�esea4 A_wrlttea VT., sl.for eh. '�netruct a st. - ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. h- -'k:on hr WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vii Construct a :ix foot cement bile sidewalk on both si9es -------------------------------- --- ------ ------------------ --- .. _.... of Shields Avenue ,from Pierce otreet to Snelling Avenue. -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- ------ --- -- ------------ ---------- I --------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- --------- -----...----------------------....-..-..- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..... ------ .._------------------------------------ --------------------- --- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement., and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregAAng rrtoSto the Commissioner of Finance. V �`�do Apted by the Council.----------- -------------------------- ----------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCx FERGUSONApproved -------------------------------------- ------------ -......................... HODGSON �. MCDONALD SUDHEIAII.R WENZEL...... .... ... � Mayor. r MR. PRESIDENT Farm C A 13 (12,13-25) I L Council File No 59-3(-)3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct the following driveways: south ... sider Ross St— beginning--86-+---West-Duluth &ve-;;thenee--- West --14 ft-- East.. ide_.Sixth--St...-------N'-----------72�---nnrth._8urrunit---Avs- °._...--nQxth---lf...ft.--- Sputh_side--_Pleasant_Ave._--°----....78�.-west_Western_Ave.--._-n_.-__west 12_ -ft.-- ...South..s3de._Sa1hy--Ave.---'-------"---------96-=---west-_Heraehel...Ave-.._."- __.west --14---ft.--- Dated this---5.th.. -day of..__..-.MMY 19` `J---------------- ----------- -- --------- .., 192_ ._. - .._. IC F.. -No. 59303— j Abeten tking r,: A written prooppowl.lor the _ m►klna of the tollowlnit-itaDrovemeat. ---_— _— tit: .' � ... Reconstruct the. following drl6e- PRELIMINARY ORDER. -.I( ;u „c ­'"; '.z, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: RecoIl9truct the follofollowing drive S. wing .-_beginning-.$fi_.f t .-..West_ Duluth.. Ave...thex>aa---we st...l-. ft n ,7.2_ft,_.north_Summit Ave._-.--"-.._-.--north_16 ft. _East aide Sixth. St..----- __... 78--ft-.west Western.. -Ave --"---- west -.12_... 8nutb_. lda sed.bY--Av@-'-----------n---------96.ft. weat...He---A having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------- -------------------- -- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improyement.is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of,the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council ..-------------MAY---- '--------------------------------------- YEASII NAYS MA'i - 5 :J C.uncllmAn CLANCY - FERGUSON Approved ---------------- MCDONALD 4 E- - SUDHEIMER —r�"/ ---- - Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT form C A 13 (110 3-25) COUNCIL FILE NO.............— By...... ................... __....__............._.................._........__......__._. 5304 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 2, Macalester College Fddition from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave., eppgOV7Nli A88E88E[8FT3. a__ -v;_, 593ter04— ,.--ssment of �. c. under Preliminary Order .............. Intermediary Order ..............57563 l Final Order..._..._..._....fiB.0.06....................__.._._._ _, approved_..._.. Feh_...24......192.5.__-... _..... _xb6l-0S The assessment of_....b.anefi.t.s.,.._..c.os±s...Arid.....exp.en-ses._........._.....__......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ..RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............. _.... lrtl-...... day of ,.June.., 1925 ..-.......- ....... ......... E9tGG.... _..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council._......_.MAX..._ .-cy-L$ ..._._...._.__.......191'. _.._.. ....... ............_............ .__... ......... .... City Clerk. Approved......_....__._._.___...__...=._ ....... __._.......... 191......... ............ or. ._._. _ or. Councilman MffiNv4WClarity +r. dimxx t, Ferguson hdxbm*x V Hodgson gCaQax McDonald Dda Ak Sudh er woM, :+enzel Mayor bM=x Nelson Form B. B. 16 1 COUNCIL FILE NO._...__.._..._ By........_ ...... ...... _...... _........ ........ .... _............1111_._._......._........._.... 59305 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Arundel St. from Lake Como & Phalen l.ve. to Nebraska Ave. and Nebraska Ave. from Arundel St, to Cumberland St., C. F. No. 69306 the of — the �beaedts,atoo tst aad ospens snt SOT _ & l St. fro PhBten Ave .eto Nebraska Ave. and 1 Cumber�ndNebr.v St., underT Prel St el(mlaary Order 66968, Intermed1 � v �'*�"''r. .- 768„ Final; n� a, 19. 56956_ Intermediary Order .. .57.6-58 under Preliminary Order .._........ _............. _.................. ..... ................. Final Order ................ 5$119 ... ......... _.....__......._ , approved._...._.idarch__3-,....192.5......___........ �L�Bt_...--- ' The assessment of.__...benefits. .,......c.ost.a...and._expenses..__.__.......__ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ........... _. 1.6.th.._......day of June.,...._19_25._...._,_,._......_,._._.,x=x.._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. W.I. - 718Si� Adoptedby the Council _............ -....._........_ ....................._.._......I - 191 1111 ..... _......./ ..... .... ........... .......... City Clerk. wit Y Approved............191---- ... _......__.__.._ ....................1k.................. ......._...---._..—. _1111 ayor. Councilman Imma coed, Clancy �✓ 20acxx ✓ Ferguson pUg�,��ri. A*Axcdx Hodgson 1 &&Kx j I1IcDonald rambix Sudheimer U�iSdFAbi9K 'aenzel Mayor Irrim Nelson :1 Form B. B. 16 z. COUNCIL FILE NO . ..... ......... __ ��: r q f , 3016 By..... ........ _... _...... _............ ..................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Block 3, Groveland Add, from Finn Ave. to Lincoln Ave., and change the grade of North and South Alley in said block, from Goodrich Ave. to the East and "Test Alley to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a. part hereof, the present established grade being shoran by a blue line, also grade said North and South alley to said red line when established, 306— In Fihe°mgt er of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs .e rd ex - 56381 penes for grading alleys in Blocic 3, under Preliminary Order .._....................._ Groveland Add. from Finn Ave. to J7037...__._..._--..,_....-...__ ... ...... Lincoln .Ave., and change the grade of North and South Alley in said from Goodrich t,Ave.nfto; . Final Order � AT$............_..........__......_.._....., apprt:k n d west Alley to .._r iG%.:._........ X-- :+.,: the i,^" The assessment of _henefit�_s...__.daTriages:L_.QP. te-.&expensd_s,_.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ a 6th ....... _...... clay of JLlne , 1925 Xp$aX...._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. -AY lit Adoptedby the Council_.............._M............... .._..... _....... ......_.....____.._.....191..... ... .............. ............. .............. City Clerk. Approved............ __.._.._._.....___.__._ ......................191......... ........... —.._ or. Councilman iGtii Clarity XydWX ✓ Ferguson rt Riit..G�if� A*AfWx ✓ Hodgson 7ltreilffiatx / McDonald ividx ✓ Sudheimer •• �&tmi�d11��%lenzel / Mayor Ivomx Nelson Form B. B. 16„: COUNCIL FILE NO.._..__ ------ — r{ . By....... ........ ............._......................._..........................._............--.... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs £c expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Oak Knoll, Riverwood Fark and Plondkets Rearrangement, from Cretin Ave. to Finn we., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said alley between the aforesaid limits to said red line when established, C. F. No. 59307— under Preliminary Order 55487 In the matter of the assessment -of ....____....._$5.13.6. _. bedeats,- damages, costs and ex- ------ -------------..... ......... Denses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Oak Knott, River-. yvood Park and Plondke's Rearrange - Final Order .....__....__5.5951 ment, from Cretin Ave. to Fenn Ave. . _........,Xi f%..__ conform to the red- ^ntUe The assessment of,.xp.QnQ..e-9-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...:........:_1.6.th..._.._..day of June..,. 19.2.5.-- ............................ fix%...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAY 5 1925 Adopted by the Council _-------- __....... _... _...................... Approved ......_..._..._. _.191 1�L Councilman F�fi8dif6IKk Clancy d=xx /Ferguson bbbtook ✓ Hodgson *Abcacx hicDonald rAmC4 the % Sudhe imer apg&jbvr&x Menzel Mayor bmbxx Nelson Form B. B. 36 Clerk. dayor. COUNCIL FILE By....... _........ ._... ............... ............_..................._.........._......_._.... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of Clear St. from Payne Ave. to t -ie east line of Denny Hill, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Clear St. from Fame Ave. to Greenbrier eve. according to the red line on said profile when Ate+ I.ished, C. F. No. 69308— In the matteerr�off the assesandsrse t ea� benefits, r�67r( Den9e6 for chansing the wade o[ 57335 under Preliminary Order ..............5 -......._.. clear St. fro_ Payne Ave. to the __ .............. ............ ..... _ ., east line of Denny Hill, to conform------- - to the red Ilne on the D,oale hereto attached and made a partAaereob"ih" Final Order ..__.............577.45. _ ........_ _.. Bob a The assessment of.1].e-nef.i..t.s..}....damiLge9..,_...CAS.#.3.....&-expense.s....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............ 1.6t.IJ....._......day of June,_,_._19.25...................._....__., R'W....._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..........._ ................................_.. MAY 5 itis ......... _191 Approved............_..._. __...___.........._. Councilman DWW9NffiA% Clancy &asex ✓ Ferguson " 633cbax& Hodgson Iksddvxx idcDonald l rx9dk ✓' Sudheimer }1i5on6dW7enzal Mayor hcsdxx Nelson P- B. B. 16 ' ...... __ _ 191 ___ ..... .............--........ City Clerk. ........................................._... .._11.M'ayor. _........_._._. COUNCIL FILE NO . ............... __ By......... ...... ._...............................__............_...._.........._......._....... � Mog CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and exrvenses for constructing a sewer on unster St. bet�,%,een Davern Ave. and W. Seventh St., C. F. No. sss 'In the mUtter—of the seresement of bene tflte, coats and eaPenses for coa- ,.. ructing a rawer on unster BA.be- ^en Davern Ave. and W. Seve+4� •f°;'•ader Preliminary order, t`-' ��. under Preliminary Order....._.._......5j.5rj'.3.3....._.._........._....._.__. Intermediary Order ... ......... .... .5-bfr.14....._...._............... ...._.._....._..... Final Order ................ ---approved.......... Jan- ...._.13--r....-1-9.2.3... ._..._, ulux-- The assessment of ........benefits_=..._Cos. ..............._.._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_16_ th......... _..... day of June._,.._ 192G,.....- .... .....__, A tg._..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _.Mf+Y._._-._5._......�.. _.........._....._......._......191.._ ............................. .......... .._.......... _..... .. City Clerk. Approved............ _---.._......_._-.._..... .....................191......... _..__........ _............. ......... ..... lL......._._._.-_ Mayor. V Councilman RAtifSGtbM1 Clancy emb Ferguson tux" Hodgson i x&xx 11cDonald pU=k su3:,,eitr,er Yaflsrwk& Wenzel Mayor 6csde[ I lelson Form B. n. 16 COUNCIL FILE By------- ---- ..._........_.....................__......_...._....._._.....__------_....._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing % seiyer on Tordsworth Street from rest Seventh Street to Edgcumbe Road, c. F. No. 69310— Inbthee eats, acosts. and eapea esof the s Porn cont tructing a sewer- on Wordsworth SL from Nest Seventh St. to :Edg- cumbe Road under Preliminary or- der 62610, Intecmedlar1oae Teialy6666, Final order 64617. 1924. 'rad ,eP•jr. - tie+..'. .tea..: under Preliminary Order . ... ...... ...52.G.1.Q...___.._.._ .....__......., Intermediary Order ............. ......... _6)-3ZOE...._........... .._............ .._..... Final Order .............. approved .._..___July .._3_Q..r....1.9.;A...._._....... ..,xmx--.. The assessment of ..bzn.afi.t.s.., c.o.s.t.s.....and _..e.xpanse..S.............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ......... _16ti .... _..... day of __....._ ,25 .............. .., 19dC.......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed agaipst the lot or lots of the particular owner to wl t the notice is directed., Adopted, by the Council ._._.............. _....__...._....... ... ...._._.......__._........191 .._: Approved 191......... t� Councilman 1 G70h Clancy 6aGYx Ferguson F#ctf Hodgson Iais,K uc='crald Asa=xx . Sudhe imer WomdaAlek !fie n:: e 1 Mayor hNkix- Nelson Form B. B. 16 ti... .... ........ .... _........... . City Clerk. .........................---...... ........ r* ................. ayor. PUBLL%IMLml C COUNCIL FILE NO.... — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.construeting..a...s,i.x.. foot. cement...the„.s, idewelk...o.n both..,.. sides.:of. Texas. Street. from-Sta.te...Str.eet... to. Minnltanka..St.r..eet.,................ .. _ INTERMEDIARY 08DSR9. ..................... . ............ ......... .. ...... .. ... .. C. F. No. 69311 . the bta[ter of coostructing &bs-• -n�ewa�k o n'l i .............. .. ....... .... —:- ems,:; ................... ........ ...... .. .. under Preliminary Order.. _ 5.8788 ..._.....approved.........APril..%....l9$.5.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....0.0nRtrtl.Gt-A...S.iX foot _cement..tile. _sidewalk on both _sides ,.,pf Texas Street..from_Stat.e. Street to MjpAet.pnka_St.re,etp except where, good and _sufficient sidewalks now...exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.10 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.... 16th - - ....day of ._ Tune _ _, 192. 5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _-_..MAY ..-. MAY Approved__ 192..___ City Clerk. f .%.. ....... Mayor. -'Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson�n„ za„' Councilman McDonald ,/Councilman f»R Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. •S. A. 8-6. - 393.12 . COUNCIL FILE NO... By........ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..construe ting ...a...aix..foo.t..c.ement...til.e..sidew.alk..on...the........ .... ..nor..th.s.i.de..of_Ottc..Ave. from ..Syndicate ..St..to... Griggs ...St..., ........................... ... ................. _... ___..__ _. ....., C. F. No. 69312— - ' In the Matter of constructing a .eta north cement the efAve. fr on. the _ north' St. t of Otto Ave. from -8ye- .... _..............................__ _........... ..__ _..._: dtcate 3t. to GrIBBa 9t., under. Pre- . ............................................ 1f1nindry Order 63914 approved April 6. ......................... ...... ... ...... .... ..........: r-.;+ ... .:.... nY she 'City of Bt. Paul ....... ............ .... ........ ......................'...:.......................... . ............. ..... ... ..... .. ....... under Preliminary Order 58914 _....... approved .......Ayr.l..1...15.,...1.92.5.............._.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..c Ons.tr.uc.t...a...six... foo.t..cement.ti.le_sidewalk_cin. the ..north..side.of...0tto-Ave. from.. Syndicate _.St....to- Griggs. St.,- except . where good andsufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S- 1.10 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . 16th _day of June ..... ...__...., 192. 5 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAY - S i92l MAY - 5 •e;^' Approved__ 192__ _. ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy t/Councilman Ferguson �� ,/Councilman McDonald PUBLISB ,,CouncilmaXZMMX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... constructing.a.six . fcn`...cement..tile..sldzsvalk.an-the ..... eaat..side..o.f. Qnalda..Saxe.et."oaginning.25R. fQat..sou+b.nf..St.4..41.alx..... St...,..thence..s.4utb..120..fe.et .............................................................. ........................................ C. F. No. 69313— conetructinB a eis In the Matter ;, toot cement Lila sidewalk on .the ..... ...••.. •,,., ..., east side of Oneida St. beBlnnln6 289 •.. _: ••,... •••.._..• feet south of St. Clair St., thence ... ...... south• 120 feet, under Preliminary ,,. ��M •r 58916, ap. ^ved .April 11 ;.�.�. ............................... ... _.r"r �'ity of isr:fi...:............................. v:: .. r .` i,. .:.... �, under- Preliminary Order....... r}�Sj.15 ..... • • approved ....April.. i5,..1C2j.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..e.onHtr.uc.t.a.Six.. zo.4t..camani..tila. aidel<alk.nz�..the..east..s� d�. oi. o??eida..St.reet,,beg ...... ... 26,q.1ee.t.A011th.nf. �+�...G1a1x.St..,..t �ence..snuwh..12.0. feat,..exo.e.t,wherz goad..and. Al fficient..ei.del7alta.nolo..exi.at.......................................... .................................................................................................... ............................. ...................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1..7.O. Mex. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... W%4 ., , , , , ,day of Jupy ............. 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. V' . , ..: . i ......., 192..... . Approved..... Kv, . :....192...... C' Clerk. A ........... �'&�° / Mayor. ✓"Councilman Clancy �� /Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald Councilman ]§Li 94K Hodgson 'Councilman ScA tcc Sud::^.eimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor lkal aox Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 5`314 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By................................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..constructing..a. -rz1x. ;Cont..eement..t�ie.. a.idcc�a�?c. or�..i h.�...... SQuth.qlde..e .HuIt&fid„St> het„ ,@ when, Syndica+e, Ay�nue. a.nd...... gs Street.. .......................: ....... ........................... In the Matter. of constructing a .1. foot cement the sidewalk on the .south side of . 8ubandbGr1Knrd e9eLSt., between"""""""""""""" Syndleate'Ave Prellminary: .nr' s under, .... nrll 14. I".:.... .r�• .................................... ...;. -!,.. ......................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 5M5.6 ............ approved ...April 14� 1 2 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... c oSls.truc t . a. a.ix.. foot.cement.tiJ e..sl.de�¢aJk..on.ille..s.Quth..e� dfl..9.#. Hub>J�r ,G greet ,between., Syndicate Avenue and Griggs Street, except wh.ere..good .. ani ...suffic.....ient .. .................. . .................................... 0N.P.);I.5t.............................................. ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..�-.•.�Q...�i..r .�.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... le of ........June.........., 1925...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncIgAY..:.Y.i?::a.........., 192...... Approved:4l�y.... c.t:ft .........192...... City Clerk. .................... . ....... Mayor. PUBLISHED_ ✓ Councilman Clancy Vtouncilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald /Councilman Wxtm4¢ Hodgson ,/Councilman Smkkx Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mayor ww Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 59315 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. constructing„six foot„cement„tile sidewalk on both sides, o.,Frga„$treet„xgm,zndign@, .�venue,to, Cnip��Q ,Avenue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, matter of ....................................... In athe .Matterid constructing bot eis ................................. cement the sidewalk Ave. to sid Eva. Bt. from Indiana Ave. to C --__-_— ___.___—.................................... a: ,.�der Frellmina- - ....................................................:................................................ under Preliminary Order ..... 5A44 approved ...... MaT .18 1925 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..RgRStXm1..@A-T...... foot, cement, tlle,.$�clew�lk„on,both, sides, of, Eva, Street,,from.Indiana... Avenue to,Ohicago Aqenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks ................... now exist ......................................................................... ............................ ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1.,10. . Rqx• . fzgnt ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 1305th ..... day of dune........... 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counj#,Y..: 5.' ............ 192...... Approved... ....... ...... �ty-Clerkq. ......192...... ... .... Cr . Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy P(ggL1SE)!w ✓Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald /Councilman TAMon Hodgson Councilman SrmWx Sud'neimer councilman Wenzel Mayor i>PX#Mx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 09316 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. c ons truc ti ng. a. six. f oat . c ern ent..t it e.. z t dawalk - on. .the ...... }?eat.s�.de..of.Ruchesa..S.treet.fxom..Ca e..Street.to.1':e11s.Stree.t............ C. F. No. 69316— .......................................... In the Matter of .constructing a six ........................... foot cement the sidewalk on ..the west side of Duchess St. from Case .......................................... .st. -to Wells St.. under Preliminary ........................••• Order 68861approved April 14, 1926. The Councli.'of theClty of st. Paul having recelved the report of the Com- missioner of Finance ..... .. ... .. .. .... .. .... ... "'•'� •nt, and t. hcre.>`ro } ..................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 58A62 ...............approved ... Apria..14,..2.925.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the paid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.c"s t ruc t . a. six... _,foot, cement, ti,�e„s,i,�ietyp,ll�, grl„tth,�, }r6�tr„� ici�„p,�, Ll, cl}e,�s„StrzQ �,. from,,,,, Case, Street, to„L`,�lls„Stre,��,,, except,}yhere,gQod, and.,�uffiQient. sine-., ,........................................................................... . ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 1,.IQ.PQT..f;!ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 1f tth ........day of slime..........., 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. MAX • E..-924 • • • • • •j192• Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. j Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy PUBLISH ,/ Councilman Ferguson ,,,Councilman McDonald vCouncilman M=mc Peter /Councilman Stal B Hodgson (Councilman Wenzel Mayor%MNM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �93.17 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... qAn&tT.uc.ting.a..sav9P.I'.-On .CleltAn. Averiue..fr.om.Ciayland... ....... 4X@At1C..t.Q.A.rOlnt..anPzoximately.6C..feet.�=,A }lrgd..On.the..o.enter.... ��ne.l.nvrth�rast.erlY..o .F.alxviesv.Avenue......................................... C. F• N"o. 69311— - - ........................ • • • • " " " " " " " " I. The Sutter of constructing a, sewer ........................ • • on Che ton Ave. from Clayland Ave. .. ... ... ..... ....... �..o a Ch; lnr approx1rn.WY. 60 feet an-'anon the doter line) north . .......................... :"y rf F :• .................................................... ':G:j:.............................................. under Preliminary Order ........... 59276 ......... approved .... 34areh..1R, ..19.25. ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is -hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..GgA6t,TµC„q„$ewer .._,,,on.Chelton„Av,;,Jiuq„frgpl,Clay,�.gd,Apenuq„icQ„�„�olnt,annroxima*ely„__ � ......6R.f et.IzaasuracL.on.the.xentex.line)..northiteatexl.y.af.F.aLrv.1cv..... .... Avanne ............................ ..............................a........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 969..OQ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........115A }....day of , , , , , , , ,,June..........., 192. 5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impAovementt3nd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .............. 192...... MAY ;?Ya . . .. ... ..... .. . ....... ........... Approved.........................192...... Cit Clerk. . ................. ..... q.. ... .. . .. Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy WWI, 3€ LIMM ✓' Councilman Ferguson ;Councilman McDonald Councilman li>taetX= Hodgson ;.Councilman Scditoc Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 'MayorJfttg=X Idelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /J 59,318 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..gradingr.T.exas..Street.irom.�State.Strse.t.;o..: nnet.on�a... ..Street.a.............................. C. V6.11.111111 --i . NG. 59318- - ............................ `t In tha Matta, oP-grading Tesae Street from State St. to Minnetoka Street. ........................................... under Prelitnlnary Order 58788 ap............................. proved April. 8, 1925. •o the Council of the City -• - ............................................L.I.ng received the report _<Y::c-:.rr............................. ner of Mr., ; p . „ uaa hr,,• ............................................................:........................ .. .. .... .. .... ... under Preliminary Order....... 5.8726.............approved ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,:the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repott be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gxade..Texas.Street \ faom. State -Street .ro.:El.amataxika.Street.............................................. ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ?,.11.Q.42.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 1&til .....day of 17U.118 ............... 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, ;stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 5 19Z Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... MAY r 995�, Approved.........................192...... /Councilman Clancy ,,'Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /Councilman XxMWx Hodgson ,Councilman Skifft Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel /Mayor IJPft= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 / j KRUPJ, owwk /�.: PUBLISHED-cf� 5931-9 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemning. and. taking. an..easament..ln. Abe..lAnd. n0A@a.*Au. fax. slopas., .> oT..cut&.and.i:ij..is..in. tkts3..grak. .9f„Texas„tree t,.from,,,.. ate..§teat..t9..tsinne OnK .s. Teet........----_......... ............................. �Yn th Matter of condemning andtak- Ing an easement la tae land neces- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bary. for slopes, for c is nd fills in u a . • .. the grading of Tesas St. from State ;: St. to. Minnetonka St.. under Pre- ............................. ,'1minary Order 58727 approved April °26: ................ ......... ... ...... .. .. ......:30 .: ..:_s of the„hits [ftae Caul............................. a above under Preliminary Order ...... rj4747.............. approved ...A_ , dered 5• The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends take„ an.aasettent. in .the..land.nAC! ssar.X..#9 . s1R zg,..?Rr„cuts and..fills in the„Qxa i,?g, off, Tzxa ,Streit, from„State ,.Street,.to Minnetonka Street, .in.accordanca.igl:th..the.blue..xrint.beseto..�t,iraehe d, and,made..a„cart..,.,.. haraof.,..the.hatoh.ed.ir.ortlA>}9..ph0} InE.thC, cuts„and„the.shaded..c.ortions... ......... .shoring.bA. fill's .............................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.00...0...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 16tki • • • • • •day of ...... June ............. 192, 5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 5 i926 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192.....^Q _ —Z MAY ".'..:9.f'�......192...... Approved ............. Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /,Councilman MQZm Hodgson ..-Councilman Ssmhit Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mayor NoggKotx Nelson Form B. S. A. M CityClerk.. .T.:...... V.� ......-...-....-r.......... . Mayor. �i'UBLISHET�Y 9�as J 59320 COUNCIL FILE NO..... By...... _._....................._. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... gr.ading.. and_.aurfac.ing..a ..service. noadw.ay...boulevard ...Aad. _.,.sidewa7k ar.ea,.on the $outk;..si.de.,.of. Midway..Perkvray..from,.Arona_ Street to,_1?eac4l Avenue, C. In t No. tier of � In the Matter: of grading and surfao Ong a lk at roadway 'boulevard and Sidewalk area on -the South side ... .± Midway Parkway from Atone St I+ ...... to Pascal Avenue, under P Order 68446 approved , 1826. - ' .. - ....... ......... .... .... ........ .... ...... .... a +nnclt -. .... ... ..... ....:. ....... .... .... ........ ....... ............ ..................... ...................... ............. ........ under Preliminary Order. 58445 _ ... .. approved ....MAr.Ch...181 .... 792.5....._ __._... .. ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....gra.de.. And....quf .aoe a.cervi.ea.roads¢a.y._bo.ulev.ard_and, sidew. alk _area..on the south side oP.... _.Midway ... Parkway...fr.om_Arona..Street.to.Pascal.Avenue,_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s 1p850, 96 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ 16th_ day of dune..... _._, 192...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAY S 192 192.. MAY 5 ......... Approved -.. _.... _192_...... C ity Clerk. ....... Mayor. /Councilman Clanc% ku"L 41UA4 l/Councilman Ferguson 11 Councilman McDonald /Councilman X=X Hodgson ,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. i� COUNCIL FILE NO...._ By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59321 In the Matter of... condemning and_ taking an. easement in. the.. land.. necessary ......for... s.lopes.,..for..cuts.. and. fills... in the.. grading...andsurf acing...o.f...s.ervi ce ......roadway.boulevard.and sidew.alk..area...on...the...s.out.h side.. of ..Mjdway Parkway frm.Armw Stre 0 t...t O...Fas cal.. Avenue... . ..... .................. C. F. N. 69321— ................ ... . ......... In, the Matter of c..demnl-Lgh`d`d.e`cek�- ng an easement in he . ....... . Por cuts And fill. In eery for "*""h nrfael ,he rudiri, an of service roadway boulevard ff ...... ard and -.1dew.11 . .. ..... ........................... ea on the south side AT'dw� aY f under Preliminary Order.. 58446 ... arCk " 1925..... ....... .. .. ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having reedited the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and -the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn ..and...take. an easement... in, the,, land neces.s.a.ry Cuts and.fills.in the .,gra.d.i.Rg and surfacing.of service roadway boulevard and, sidewalk area on the south side of Midway, Papkwqy f om Arona Street to Pascal.Avenue, in Arona. ..... .. ......... .. accordance..with.the blue._ print _he reto.. attached.. and.. ma. de_a, part hereof, the hatched portions.. showing the...outs.. and.. the...shadeA portions. showing the fills, 25 00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, . 16th.....dayof ..... June. — 192..5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the, Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the Cityof St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of 'hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilMAY . . ............ Approved C' Cl k Mayor. ''`Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ,,Councilman McDonald _XCouncilman*C=x Hodgson /,Councilman Sudheimer "Councilman Wenzel "C ­' Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 1 59322 COUNCIL FILE NO..... ..... ..... _ _. By.... ..__............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. grad.ing.and s.urfe.aing...the...s..e..rvice,.road .,on,.south side .._of...Midway..Parkw.ay..from_.Pas.Qal. au.e.... t.o...,liamline..ave...,................................._......... C."' . . . . .. ....... the ae..... road on 0, r ,Mdwad, y I.H .. t ... ...... .... .... ............. [o Ha U1. Order 66633 appro, + Tha Councn of. ...._. _—Ing cecelv.�d L.`•................................................................. ............ ......... _. _...._ _.... _ .._ __ ...,._. _, er n, under Preliminary Order. 56533 ........ ..approved......NOv. _18,.. 1924. .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....grade...and...surrAce the...s.ervice. road .on south.,side, of.Midway Parkway from Pascal Ave. to Hemline. Ave., with noattteernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,128..17. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th _ _,day of June. ...... 192.5......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY Adopted by the Council 1 Approved_ AY. ... 192., .... Ci erk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy PIIBLISHEDo a ,Councilman Ferguson ,,Councilman McDonald Councilman bb= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer -'Councilman Wenzel ./Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 9-6. D9323 COUNCIL FILE NO........._ By.... _ .............. ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. changing .the...grade...of..Fra.nk...Stree.t...betw.e.en,..Roa.e..S.troet ......and..Geranium_Stree.t_ to aonf.arm.. to the..r.e.d...line...on..the...Profile ,..hereto ......a.tt.aehed and made .a _part her.e.of,.. t.he....fixes.en.t...aa.ta.bl.l9.he�l..grade,.being ahotivn..by.e_.b.lue..line. thereon,.,alao..grading..said Frank Street from Magnolia Street to Maryland,_.Street........ . _. C P. No. 69323— -� In the Matter bt ,.., ... f Frank G-anlum ct under Preliminary Order._ ._ 58784 1', wash';a The Council of the City of St. Paul hay.::g"re& the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ischange...the ...grade. of Frank .Street -between Rose ..Street .and -Geranium Street to conform_.t.o.the ....red..lineonthe profile hereto ...at.t.ac.hed and. made_ a.. part. hereof,.Jhe.. present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading -said Frank_.Street_from,.Magnolis.,Stre.t,to Mar.yland_Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....1,81.0..90.. _. _.... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -16th-- - -.day of Tune. _.., 192.5_ ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc,W 5 1925 ..................... . Approved MAY -.�_I1:•.- ..... _..192._..... "Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald �Councilmanft= Hodgson � ouncilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form A. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO.... — — — By.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59324 In the Matter of.. ..Qondemni ng -and— taking. ..4kn ... ea.s.ement in t1w..IsmO nQjo.pappry for.. slopes, for outs -and fills in.. the—gr4ding of Frank Street—from Magnolia ..S..tra.et. to Maryland... S�tree-t.,_—. . .. ..... .. . ..... . F. No. 69324- d ing and tak- .............. In the Matte' " condemning ' "'. Ing na....t in the land nate s - 'a f, ! I.pe., f- not- ad y for - ld­ t"`,.dln9 of Frank St. f,�O ................. nolleSt. to M.r-; . .......... Prell w1nary 00— AprJ1 '-!— ........ ............ under Preliminary Order... 587.85 .........approved .. ..... . ...... ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report Of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 00ndeMn. Alld tA XO an. eAs.ement—In, the _land foroutsandfillsil.1 tlie— gra ding. ..of.. Frank Street from -Magnolia -Street to Maryland-Stre.et, b.140. print a_ part hereof, the.. hatched portions.. shoning-the—cuts.. and.. the a haded—port ions. Qhowing the filial.- — with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th -day of June. . .1 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in,the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAY 7-5.19C. 192 MAY 5 ;az Approved- Cify lerk. Mayor. oror . Councilman ClancN ,/Councilman Ferguson Z Councilman McDonald /,,Council man,,&Jmx Hodgson ,.Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel ,mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59325 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. gTading.!La .StT�� .f.TPID. �A11ana.4�YeritL�. �o..Gi11414........ .4iR@A14Ax...........................F: No.69326— .............................. In the Matter of grading Eva 8C from Indiana Ave. to.Chicago Ave., under Preliminary Order 66441,' approved .............'................. ........................ ...... ....... .� March is, 1926. -.;The Council of the City of St. Paul ,,.g received the report: of the Com. ............. ........... ........... .. ..... 'er of Finance upon the -M,v.. ............... .. .... ......... '[ -..Finance ha ...................................................................................................... c under Preliminary Order....... 5S4.41.............approved ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gxade. Eva. EtTeat. ..fron.Indlana.8xenue.. to..Clilcaga.A4enue,............................................. ................................................... :..................... I............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1,.71.9.72• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 74th ...... day of JAXIV ............. 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the COunciL MAY .:. 5.. y2:......... 192..... . ........... . ............... Approved.........................192...... City lerk. .. .................. . Mayor. Councilman Clancy HED t/Councilman Ferguson ,/'Councilman McDonald ,,Councilman Afoxam Hodgson ,/Councilman 9¢edgxx Sudheimer ,-Councilman Wenzel //Mayor lMgwxx vVenzel Form B. S. A. 8-6 �r 59'326 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.., condemning and taking an easement .;in the land ....................................... necessary for slopes, cuts and. fills in the grading of Eva Street from Indiana Avenue to. Chic Avenuet ...... ...................... I C. F. No. 69226— ......................................... f In the Matter oY condemning and tak- ....... ..................... Ipg an easement in the land eces- nary for elopes, for_cn•s andltidi in ..... , the gradipg of El- 'rnm ................................... Ave. to Chicago s,-. n.a.. .: ............................... liminary Order 1926. ............................................. Counctl............................................ ch under Preliminary Order .......... 5$444 .......... approved .......iP.... 1631925,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isCOndemn and take ................ ?..@s�4�Aif ilt..lA. fil�s;.JflAd. ri�ri�s$l�fiY.. QF..9� OAeB.s. Rµ s..sud, fills, in....... the,g3;A4ing„of,Eye,,N9#�reet,from,Ind ana,Avenue to,,Ghicago.Avenue� ,,, in„�.ccofiaallce, �'ktk�,,t��„l��,t�e,p;i�'�.,hefiei;o,atta.ched, and,nade, a,nart,_,. hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded ........ ..................... portions showing the fills ......... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..10.o.QO........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......7.6t13 ...... day of June ........... 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearine, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.MAy.: F iso.,''' Approved.... M?.. ................. 192 ...... ✓ Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 1 Hodgson ,Councilman? Mlh Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / Mayor alt Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... .. .. ..... ... ..... .. . ............ Ci Clerk. /%C�/ Mayor. PUBLISHED.9 Lam-_ 59 TV COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. V adin g, . ae-eding -and . iMP-r Ovi ng- .tha . are a..be.t ee.e en . the ..... curb end nro�ertx. line .on the south„side„of. Como, Avenue..fror..Rice....... Street, tq, hestern, Ay@nUee.... C. P. No. 59327— ............................. In the Matter of grading, seeding a— Improving the area beween the•e- and the proporty Itne 'on the '•.;_ ........................................ aide of Coma Avenue from Ric' ........ ... ... .. ...... .. r...... 'o Neatern Ave., undo•- n ••der 6321s, up, _T ........................................... rCoun N: z':.................................. ...................................................................................................... r under Preliminary Order ...... 5U15 .............. approved A4r.gh . 5, ..• 1925 •..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..grade...seed.and.. imxrove„the„area,betcveen„tne, curb„an i,.�ro erty,line.on the south .side of. �PP?4. A.�2711�e.. r.4lq.RlC�. S r9.�t..rR.1':eS �.�A.AXYZ341e...... ....................... ......................................................................... ........... I................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... :..................................... :............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....6.,5G1,.03... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 7 Qth.....day of .... June ............... 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 5 1958 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... kil Approved.......p t Clerk. ..................192...... Mayor. ouncilman Clancy XWWO& �s, c-- ,Councilman Ferguson ��Q Councilman McDonald Councilman WX16mx Hodgson .Councilman Smbft Sudneirre= /Councilman Wenzel Mayor$k�dgwt Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 '328 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..o.oD.demnj.ng.and. ta"Dg. 1.4nd.nepggAq Fy ..........j OT..6.X01?.5,..Rx..olltl3..�SId.��$..�n .t?le..g?�d�g„qf„the,.south side of, Como ,Avenue ,from, Van, l3urzn _ St, to 17estarn ,Ave; , ...... In th, h tNo. 69228— e Matter`of coademnina and ft . Ingan easement in the land. n;- .. ... ...... ... .. .. .... ...... ... 68ryfoi 010Da0. for Cute an,_�'' the grading o[ the aouth ,• Como Ave. from Van Bur_.,;. , , , , , ....................................... Western Ave.. r undeP -.:. (',der 68F^ rive%' s :9 3 Ce. ..........................................:..3._ ..:.................................................. under Preliminary Order....... 54520.............approved .. TaTgh„ 24,, 1925•.................. The Council of the.City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Candemn.dDd.tak Q- ..........ail.easem�nt .in..the.Jand.necessaxY •jos .e19ea,..#or, c >ts„ani„fills .......... an. Buren. St.,, t,o, lye,stzrn, Aye,.,,,,in, accordance,}git'a„the blue print hereto .......... attaahad. anr3. made. a..raxt..haraof, ..the. hatohed . port i.ona . Sb Q.NV .ng .. „the,cu s, and:the,ehade3.portions,showing the„fills,.................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... ?0.00, , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... l6th,,,,,day of June, , , , ......1 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OAY - 7 19VI Adopted by the Counci....'....................1 192...... .... k-YOr. .. Approved. ..'1AX..• :?.;-::......192...... . r, ................ .... `Councilman Clancy s— ,/Councilman Ferguson ,Councilman McDonald Councilman M&9” Hodgson , Councilman-%cdtKx Sudhe imer Councilman Wenzel Mayor*Wgsanx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 % 1 'i COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Add...fr.ou,..... Zanaeth . Ava...t o..Pr1Ax..Ave... =..09 . ..w.q omFanyi ng..p r.o f i la . and. cons tzunt..a.:dr:ain ..on..an . eas.e:re zit ..o..�?�........ . „qb� jjig d„gn.the„eag;,t�rly„1,0, ft.,,of„Lot„j, in.,saidlC.0 ... .from.the..._.. ales. �o..kairmaur>t.Ave ..................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 54524 ............. approved ..... P4arah..2!+> .X925................ The Council of the City of S T lof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and hav resolves In the Matter of grading alley Input., - 4 Undemood's 3rd Add. from �..'n-.'nd adopted, and the said improvement 1. That the said report a neth Ave. to Prlor Ave. In • P P is -hereby ordered to be proceed':- 'nee wthe geed' V.- �nmlthyingpanprofile and •n easement -' 2. That the nature of the improvemei.._1,; terlr + ouncil recommends is. .grade • alley.. in.... aonordanae..wLth.the..gxade..S4nVn. QD..the.ACA =)=Y.i�Rg_. Pr.4fi,le.. and ........ pQrl$t uqt a,d��,fin„p ,fir}„gQsemP}�t„t�o,bq, o'Jtained.,on.the .....sterly 1C it...nf..Lat..j.in .said.Hlo�k.4..fr.om.thhe..allay..ta.Fe7snAurit. Av.@............. ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..,l,2l?•.5$.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... sth....... day of z1uAe ............... 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the � improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounLRf:Y .- ?.;? ..........., 192...... 'ri Ci.. . .. .. ...... ...... ................ Approved ...........:... .......192...... tty Clerk. ................. Mayor. U Councilman Clancy iCouncilman Ferguson -Councilman McDonald Councilman DQ== Hodgson Councilman SMtdx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor FDi9I3lom% Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 n 09330 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _....____.. _...... By....__...._ ............. _ _ .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.c.ondemni.ng..and-tak.in-...a.n-easement in._.the-land..nece.s.sar.y for s1ope.e., ,.for...c.uts. and -fills -in the.. grading... of-Alley..in-731oc.k...4.,...Underw.ondl.s 3rd Add ......fr..om_ Xenneth Ave._ to Prior .Ave... ........................... .....__........................................... ........ ......- _- . ......... __..._.-- .......... under Preliminary Order._ _.5.525 ...._...__.approved.._..Uarch 24, 19.2.rj.... The Council of the City- of St. F. No. 59330— ' A —= the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havin n the Matter of condemning and tak- solves: _ tng an eaeement in the land necee- 1. That the said report be and eery for slopes, for cute and fills in �do ted, and the said improvement p the Brading -of alley in mock 4, Un- p p is hereby ordered to be proceeded derwood's 3rd Add. from k 4. Un - Ave. to Prior Ave., under Pr, 2. That the nature of the imptlsvar order 53526 approve� ll recommends is...e.ondemn. and take an east dent...j,.n...the _.land ...necessary for .s.lope.s.,.. for....cu.ts anti. f.ills.. in .the grading of Alley .An_.Block_4.,.. Undertvood'.s.. 3.r.d.Add....from..Kenneth. Av.e.....to. Prior. -Ave.. , in accordance with the ..blue ..-.rin.t.. hereto -.attached -and made a -'Part hereof, the hatched. por.tions...showing...the..cuts.. and.. the... shaded..uortions..show.ing .the.. fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $100,.O.O. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th . .....day of _,Tune --.____..., 192.5.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 5 190c Adopted by the Council ___ . ........... .._.._.............. ......., 192.. .. Approved..... .. __......192........ Cit lerk. ....... .... Mayor. 1l' Councilman Clanc% ✓Councilman Ferguson (Councilman McDonald t!i1f!T,iS[�II ,Councilman RMXX Hodgson councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6. �� 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ..... .... .... ..... _ _. .. By.. ......................__.._ _ _ _ _........_ _ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .condemning..and...taking..,an..e.aserrent...in...the ...land ...ne.c.es.s.ar.y ..to.. constr.uct._and_maint.ain a...pub.li.o.-s.ewe.r...9n,. udder...a?7d...across...the..........,. .easterly...10...ft......of. Lot_7, _B1:ock...4.,..Under.w.ooA.!.a..3r.d...Add....fr.am..Fai.rmpu.nt .Ave.....to...the...alle.y...in. rear of—said—Lot. 7, .................. _................. ._..... I ................ ........... ............ I..............__....._..._.................................... ...........:........... ......................................... under Preliminary Order ... __...58560__ ..:........approved ........ .1AzuCh..24..... 1025.. ..............................._... The Council of the City of S'e. F. x . 59331— of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ha 1nIng annex e— t I, the1 hind , o y resolves: ?Lt 1. That the said report be public �sewertr pct under aaiw�a?s� nd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceed the Underwood's [3rd Add. trrom - 'nouat Ave. to the a:I^ In. re• 2. That the nature of the itnpa.rot 7, under n ,._.,•c. cd recommends is....a.an�,�•,.e.mn..and... te,kP . aDProved 7.'• ••, an..e.as.ement_in the. land.. necessary to..cons.tract andmaintain a ubl c._. sower—on. under_.and...across..the .. 4l3t.er.ly IQ ft. o.f_Lot _.7,_Blook-4........... Underwoo.d!.s .3rd ..A.dd.....from .Fairmount. Ave, . t.o...t.he..all,ey..,in, .r.e.ar of, said. Lot ..7., ..... .........._ _._ _ _ .......... ......... ..... ......._ .. ........................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.__1.00. 00 _ _. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... .16th day of _ June._ . _____, 192 ..55 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ..MAY 51 1 Approied M/AY ');_......192..__.City Clerk. .. ... Cly S Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy vCouncilman Ferguson [/Councilman McDonald --Councilman B=x Hodgson ,/Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson DForm B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO ...... .... __ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructing,. relaying. .and.. -re pairing_where...ne.oe.s.stlxy the—following sidewalks.: _.... I ...... 1 ...... ......... ...... .I.. ....... ......................... I ... I. ... I.......... North—side .Qf_Rose St., beginni.ng..117 feet,.v+est of_1Jeide .Ave„. thence west 135 ft., North. side of ..Brainerd. Ave., beginning at..Arkwr.ight.St..,..thence ... mat ... 9.0 feet,. South side of Brainerd Ave., beginning 46 feet west of Burr St., thence .............. ....west 80 feet, .................. - . I.. __..:..I ............ I. . East side of Arkwright St., beginning at Brainerd Ave.; thence north 16 feet, _. ..._........ ....... _ _... _......._.... .._......... ...._ _._..,......_... __.... ........ under Preliminary Order_ _ .. 5 —_.. -- �no�d Annil-18.,..1925.,...... __ ..... ................... The Council of the City of 5 c. F. No. 59332— of the Commissioner of Finance upon p 1, the Matter of reconstructing, relay- resolves: the above improvement, and ha In and repairing 'where necessary,y, . S7 following sidewalks: 1. That the said report be a jort i aide of Ros ct i TI nd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeds. .at 135 feet, e; North at,' ,r 2. That the nature of the impit wt the Council recommends is ... reconatruct,...r.elay and, repair_where_. neces_sary;b7Se ._i011 m.';3. —sidewalks: Nort.h...si.de..of _Rose _St., beginning.117 ft-. west of y{eide. Ave. , the.noe west 135 ft., North side of Brainerd Ave..,..b.eginning.. at. .Arlmright..St..,..thence.east ..9.0 feet, South side of Brainerd Ave., beginning 46 feet west of Burr St., thence _west 80 ft.; East side of Arkwright St., beginning at Brainerd Ave., thence north 16 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .07 -per sq.,. ft.' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. _17th__ . ..day of June... ____... 192...5., at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. S i Adopted by the CouncilAY.. ......._._............_......., 192........ Nd A”' Approved_'192_ ..... _ r�6..C'_Clerk. _.. /y Niacor. (/Councilman Clancy�t�'T—�� ✓ Councilman Ferguson VCouncilman McDonald ./Councilman 5=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. i COUNCIL FILE NO..... _... ........... ... By.. . ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59333 In the Matter of.. reconstructing., .relaying, and..r..epairing.hhe.r.e.. r,e.ce.s.gary the_ follo.ing sde..wal..lcs; Past -si.de_of..Cedar St. from.Summit.l?ve....to Centra7..Ekve...,.............. ...................... South side. -of _13th.. St....from_Jacks.on. St.;..t.o...Robert.... St. _......... ................ North..s.lde...of...Cayuga...S.t ._ beginning...140...ft.....e.ast...o.f..'iJes.tminst,er.. east..75 ft.,_ _ _ __ __ ...... _. _ ........._ .._. ..._. . under Preliminary Order5_8984 ,�.-,• `i�il_18,.1925.. _... _. The Council of the City of c. F No. 59933 Ajit of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ha rR the matter of reconstructing, relay- 1y resolves: Ingand- epalrlhg where necessary' 1. That the said report be . the foEasi ung ded l SL from Sum— is hereby ordered to be proceed mit Ave. to central Ave. South side of 13th St, tram Jack- i 2. That the nature of the i, sono t. talRobert'—'tile,V , :ti recommends is...re.c.Qas.truo.t.,_relay -'ax in - .. and. repair the following r.idawalkz, where necessary: - -- - East ..side ..of_Cedar. St._.from.SummIt.- ve.....to.Central_Nve...._ S.outh..s.i.de of. l3th.St...from Ja.ekson....St._.t.o..Robert St.,._ North..side._of_Cayuga _.St... beginning. _140..ft.._east_.of_'ifestminster St..,.thence east 75 ft., . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s.-.07 per. sq.. ft.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th .__ _ _ .day of June ...... _.__.., 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof -as estimated. MAY - 5 I Adopted by the Council_ ................ 0192 M" Approved_._ _.._ .... ...._._... ....192........ .lty erk. .. Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson I'IJ�LISHEO an ,/Councilman McDonald /Councilman Px=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6,i G' 59334 JL ALD MY COUNCIL FILE NO...._... By.........._........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..recoristructing..relaying.. and..re.pairAng_w.he.r.0 .necessary the. following sidewalks:_ Both.side.sof_.?urr St ._betMaen.,Jessamne St.. and Geranium St., iVmst...side...of...Burr..St..,...betwesn._Geranium..St..._.ansi.. o.}e....St....................................... South...si.de...of..J.essamine_St..,_.b.eginning..at ,Ar, cade,.St...,.thence..West 90 ft., de.st..side..of..Payne..Ave., befinning.at_. eaney,.St.,_,_.thence north 140 ft., tinder Preliminary Order.._ ,._.58953 ........approved. The Council of the City ofa r xo. ssas� rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h�Tu the Matter of reconstructing, relay -by resolves: 1. That the said report bf the iitowingieia walks a necessary and adopted, and the said improvement - ------ i> hereby ordered to be proce aoth s;aee ot. Snrr st. be,,- -- - jeasamine St. and Geranium 5� ., 2. That the nature of thd. ..' -'de of Burr St., t recommends is....reaons.truct�.,...reIay �^d Rose and repair •.vhere_neceSs :y tfi ng.sidewalks: Both..sides_of Burr. St.,_bettiveer. Jessamine St.. and Geranium St., ':ve.st..side. _of. Burr_ St.,...b.etwElen.Geranium..5.t• and Rose ...St•.,.__.... _ . ... ........ South..side ..of Jessamine St...begirning... at. Arcade _.S.t., thence viest 90 ft „ iest-s.i..de.of Payne Ave,,_ beginning at Reaney St., thence North 140 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S .07 per sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ 17th _ _ __day of . _ June_ _ ......., 192. 5 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY r iM5 Adopted by the Council 197..__.. Approved...... nrliY_. � '. x.......192.... _.. n City�Clerk. IMayor. Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald Councilman 17 XMX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6- % , - ate-- COUNCIL FILE NO...._____ .... By.. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. reconst rue ting,..relaying...and..r.epa iring. ..whor.e...ne.cees.ary. the... f.o.11o.Aing...sideviallcs:.. ........_...............°................................... ..................................... "fest ...side. AeSo.to .St.. from Col.line.. St..t.o..Zafaye.t.te .ave...., ...................................... ^est...side., of_hafayettp-Ave.11ins from OoSt.._tQ.De.Soto..St................. \ .r C. F. No. 89335— In the Matter. of reconstructing, relay- ......... ....... ... .. Ing and repairing where necessary .. .......... ......... ..... . the following sidewalks: west side Desoto St. from Collins ............. ....... .... ........ St. to Lafayette Ave.. - East side of Lafayctt n, _ .,olltart S[ t DeSoto - under PreliminaryOrder.58987 ,4 .pxi1 .18.,....19.2.5.. ....... __ . ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:___ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...re.e.ons.t.ruet.a...r.eJay and. .repair _where_necessary the, f.ollow.i.ng..sidewallcs.: _ l+le t side.. DeSoto St.. from Collins St. toLafayette, Ave ......... East...si.de..of .Lafayette.Ave.. from. Collins. St.. to..D.eSo.to _St..,... __.. ._ _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..07. per ..sq. _ft.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th ... _ _ _....day of ..June... . _- , - ..., 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncM.AY_ -„5.,190. Approved ......... f`��1.. .''x:.......192. _..... i%Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson )Councilman McDonald /Councilman PA]mx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer '/Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -G. a' All / �L s COUNCIL FILE NO..._ . ...............__. ................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of, construeting...a. six. .fO.Ot..ceme.nt...t.ile...si.dewalk...on. .the..,north of,.$t....Clair Street .from..Clev@land Avenue t, oFinn.Nvenue.,. ....... .. 69330— . L the , Matter of constructing - a the ........ ........... ............ ......... .. foot cement rile .etdewnllt on the north aide L -&t. Clair St. front. Cleveland Ave 'to Finn Ave., and . ... -� Preliminary C-;-,` 58989 approv d(""" '+ . ^'Ity of St. T'�.i Ynt of the.`.. ......... _. ....... .............. ....... ............... __._... 'M1„ f -:J' ,� the "-•> .. under Preliminary Order- 58989 ..approved. ..... Apr13._.1.8.,. 1925.... ....... _.___......... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....construe't -a...s.ix. foot c.ement...tile.sidewalk on the north ..s.ide..of_St. Clair Street from Qleveland Avenue.. t. a.. Finn Avenue, except. where -good and. s.uff.ic.ient _sidewalkts_.nQW-Oxist, ................................................... .................................................... ................ ........................ ................... .... ............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1..10 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th _ _. _day of June... ____ . ., 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner -of Finance give notice of he a i g, the nto the persons ature of the improvement and the total cin the manner ost stating g the time and place of thereof as estimated. MAY 5 Adopted by the Council_ Approved . 192........ Clt lark. PP --MAS z .7 r ... . _ Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy Pwi� -"Councilman Ferguson -"Councilman McDonald -'Councilman B=x Hodgson _,Councilman Sudheimer .Councilman Wenzel Nlavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59337 . I. COUNCIL FILE NO ... .......... ..... _ By...._....__ .............. __ _ _ _ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. constructing...a_ six. foot...cement.. tile ...sidewalk—Q.T.1..bo..th... sides...of...Mendota _Street_ from_Sv.y.Street t.o...La1ce...Camo...axfd..Pha� exp..! venue_, I F Mater In the e Matter of constructing a b six toot cement rile s(dewalk on both... sides or Vend.' St. Ecom Ivy Bt: to bake -Como and Phalen A,. undbr Preltminary' order- 68988 approved I April 18. 1825. ... ..... ............ .. t The Council Qt the City or. St F-": + having eceived th pot under Preliminary Order. 58988. approved.. April . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adoptW, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.onstruet...a...six foot cement tile -sidewalk on. both .side.s...of... Idendota.Stre.et from.lvy Street.to Lake..Como..and Phalen .Aver_ue,..ex.c.ept.;he.re.good.and sufficient sidewalks now. exist, _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S - 1.10_ per_ front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th day of June._ I I . _ _, 192. 5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY Adopted by the Council 1 FI.` i ... .... .... ... .... .. ......... .. ........ .. .... Approved__. C__ ity C . lerk. ` Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ,t,ouncilman 2=x Hodgson .,Councilman Sudheimer A:ouncilman Wenzel ✓Mayos Felson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59338 COUNCIL FILE NO.... ..._ ....... _ By......_..._ ........:......._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..c.onstructing..a...side.walk...s.ix_fe.e.t_41ide_on...the....eagt,,,si,de of Cathedral Place between Nelson Ave. and Swmnit Ave., �C. F. No. 69829— ' -" -- - In the Me ter of constructing a elde -. iwalk six feet wide on the east eide of Cathedral Place between Neteoa . .. .............__.. _.. _................. ___.... Ave. and 8nmmit Ave•. no or re- liminary Order . 68946 aPDroyed ADr.� ���������-�-� 16, 1926.'ne City off the Bt Paul The Coun it ^.' _ „e. _ o ............ ......... ........ . having neei ..... .. above. _...____. .. ......... el under Preliminary Order_ 58946 approved .......APrY' 1,.16.,_ 1925._, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby- ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..e.Ons.truct...a..,.sidewalk six feet_wide on the east side of Cathedral Place between Nelson Ave. and Summit.Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist,.. .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 1.10 per front foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th day of J.Un9.. ... _._... ._ ., 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.' Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council MAY..- 5192,15 .__ . ........ 19 .._ Approved. ___ ......192.... Cit Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald RED +� /Councilman ka= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. �' t7,yr)39 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... .... ....... _ _ .. By..........._ ................. _ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. grading Duncan_St...from ltutwnn..lave......t.o._Lake.... Cpmo... &..fklalen eve.., in accordance vaith.grades shown,on the profiles hereto attached and made.-.a...part hereof, C. F. No. 59339— In the Matter of grading Duncan St. from Autumn Ave. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave. in accordance .with ..............._.....__.. _......._.._.... _..._ _.. ..... :' grades shown on the profiles hereto _ ........................................................ attached and made a part hereof, under Preliminary_order .-68833 ap- ............................ .. ... proved 5farch 11, 1936... The Cc 11 of the Ctt9 of 6t. Pani =wing ,.. ' the report of the Com - •nee or ?"e under Preliminary Order_ 58338. approved.(_ ...March. ll.,...192.5..... ___ __... _........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommedds i§:.:gracte_.Duncan..St.. from_Aixtumn Ave, to Lake Cgmo.. &. Phalen, l.,ye.., ,in accordance. with grades.. shorn-on..the profile hereto attached And made .a part hereof, _. _.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 5.,110.75_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th _ ..day of _.June„_.._......,,.. __ 192.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of, St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 5 1925 Adopted by the Council _.__... ..___......... ....__..., 12;?5;r Approved A92.._ _ I Cit erk. Mayor. -,Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson ✓Councilman McDonald PUBUSEIED �Councilman PA=x Hodgson iCouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. 59340 COUNCIL FILE NO... .. ..... ....._.. .... By..._...... _................ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemning and.. taking.. an. easement -in.. the -land ..neeeasary for slopes, for cuts .... and, fills.. in. the .grading.o..1)un.cazl...St.....from..��utwnn A4e.,...to_Lake Como .& Phalen Ave, In accordance., with grades, shown .on._.the prof..ia.e.atta.ched_and,made a part hereof C. F No 593to— In the Natter of condemning and tak ..........."' Ing an eaeemeat In the land necee .................. aary for slopes, "for cute and Rile is the grading - f Duncan SL from Au ....... ...... ..... tum. Ave. to Lake Como & Phe'.,.. _ .. 've. in accordance grr z on the profile - -" under Preliminary Order. 58339 _ api;�part ne r niaX.Ch_ll.a._1925. .... _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... c.ondemn.and...t.ake an...easement_in. the .land...necesaary..for-slopes.,-for c-dt.s and. fills_ in the grading -of Duncan St.. from Autumn..P_ve...to Lake Como & Phalen Ave.. In..... accordance_ Kith. grades shown _on_ the _. profile_. hereto,.atta.che,d_ and ma -de part„hereof, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th.. .. _.day of June. , 192..5 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ MAY_- 5 i99_°_:-........._.. MAY .. b r=f .... �.. . ... .. .. . .... ......_... Approved .192........ City -yClerk. --Iaor. aor. Councilman Clanev / ✓Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald �Councilman=mxx Hodgson councilman Sudheimer / Councilman Wenzel -,)4ayor Nelson Form R. S. A. 8-6. j -� 5934-1 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ....... ..... _ .. By.. VIV : 61:40)F1114We) N0)0 In the Matter of..grading._Alleys..in. Block _2..,Coma..Park..2nd..Ad.ditio ,..fmn Oxford. Street .to Argyle. Stre_e.t,.and-from_Laskt.ancl.'Lest..Flle.y..t.a...ixa.'tch_.5treet, C. F. No. 69341— .,.,...___._..._. tha Matter of grading AlleYe is Blk. 2, Como Park And Addi"t—, from Ca- " "' " ford St.. to Argyle St and from Eaet and Weat'Alley'to Hatch Street, u¢- """"-"'-- -'-- - der Preliminary order, 68918 approv - d April16.1926. The Council of.[he Cu, of St. ................ ...... __. _.._._.. _; having_ received the —p—t to .......... missio .._.._..... .. .... _.. ..._ __ .... _.._....._ �......... ... _......... _.. _.. _...................... .__.....__. ............. under Preliminary Order.. 58918 approved. _ ._ April -15, 1925.. _ _.. ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the'Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natul4l'of the improvement which the Council recommends is....grade...AlleyS...in Black._2.,._Como..Park _2nd.Additi.on, £x.vrn...0.xford,..Str..eet to Argyle Street and £rom.East..and 'Jest Alley to-.Hatch—S.tre.e.t.____. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .401.22. . . _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th __day of ,xttne... _- .__ ., 192..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY Adopted by the Council__._ _...__.,y_. ...__..._...., 1 ........ rr`n,_ ..... . . . ..... ........... Approved ..t ::.� x•:.__.192...__. _.... ...ity Clerk. 4 roved....... �.. Mayor. /Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ur4tn _/Councilman McDonald ✓Councilman $9tt= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson i Form B. S. A. 8•6. i COUNCIL FILE NO -- By.. - .. O.....By....._......_................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 113934.2 In the Matter of. condemning and._taking-an..easement..in..the...land...raeoessary for. sl.ope.s,.. for. cuts..and_fills.in..the..grading Q.f...Alloys....i,n. F319ck,.22._.C.omo Par'. . and_Addit.ion, .from.. Oxford„ Street_to..Argyle. Streetand from East and Via at -Allay ...to, Ratch -Street, c. F. No. 69342— In the, Matter of condemning and tak-,.........._...................................... tnrry for slopes, for cuts land .ckfine 2 . ._._.... _._. _..........__._. .. ._.. ._.. _..... the grading of Alleys Jin Block 2, ford Park End a St. anon,d from U Hast ford St. t Alley St. and from Eaet -... ^nA West Alley to Hatch i - under Preliminary Order.. _._ 58919 ... approved.. . . ..._..... ..: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. — 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....e.ondemn .and...talfe an easement -in the.. land. ne.ce.ssary-for..slopes.,,..for cuts and fills in the grad- ing..of...Alleys_in.Blo.ck 2., Como.Par1s.2nd.Addit1on,.,from txford_Stre.et.,to Argyle Street and from. East .and_11e.st.Alley.t.o.Hat ch_ S.treet, in accordance with..the..blue. .print her.etA._a.t.ta.ched..and made,a.,part hereof, the „hatched portions .... shoring ..the cuts and the,., shaded .,,portions,shoriing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....50.00--...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 17t4 _ _ _day of ___..JW?e ...... 192.._5., at the hour of 10 o'clock=A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 5 1925 Adopted by the Council _._''...''....... .I. — Approved__ g r. f' .......192....... /I ouncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ,,Councilman McDonald „Councilman ii!ncXXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer JCouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. PUBL1SdbR4 L92 i 59343 COUNCIL FILE NO...., ... ...__ By., .................__ _..... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.grading. Alleys__in. Block. 4,..St-.,.Cla.ir_St._.and...Shoxt. Line Addition. Plat No.. 1,.. from Dunlap. St.. _to_Oak ...Gr.ove..Pla.ce. and_lJest Alley to Osceola 9venue.1_ Matter of grading Alleys 1n --' " " - -' ' mock 4. St. Clair St. and 9kort Lina ... ........... Addition Plat "i 1, from Dunlap 9t to Oak Grove Plsee and trom Eaat ...................... ..... ....... and West Alley to OsaeolagAvenue, ........ _....... .... .......... under3 preeu rninar,.' � •- n• under Preliminary Order 58.920__....__approved.....A.pril_15,...1825..__.__. _.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.grade-Alleys....in... Block _4,,_St. Clair St. and Short Line Addition Plat No. 1, from Dunlap St. to -Oak Grove Place and from East and Hest Lilley to _Osceola Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S. 740.88 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th _ __ __.day of ,JIli1.9.... _.- _, 192. 5 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` - 5 ! 925 Adopted by the Council _...... _.... .__ . .___.. _...., 192...... - .Approved 192.......J.it Clerk. L,�Councilman Clancy V%ouncilman Ferguson ,.,Councilman McDonald Councilman R=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel 'Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO-- . ..... ....._ _ _. By......... _...__. .... _ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59344 In the Matter of,.condemning and -taking -an easement _in-the_.l.and... necessary for _slopes,,.for'cuts-and.fills__in..the grading of Alleys in Block 4, ........................ St......Clair.St. and Short, Line Addition Plat No. 1, from Dunlap St.to.Oak ...... Grove.-Place.,..and_from East and-Ite.st. Alley. to. Osceola _Ave..,.... __. _._.............. C. F. No. 5 934 4— _ In the Matter of condemning and tak. . ... -" - Ing an easement In the land neres- eery for elopes, for cuts and fills in i the gran ding of Alley. In Block 4, s[.' .... ............... . . .... ......... Clair St- and short L1ne Additio....... ......... .......... Plat No. 1, front Dunlap St. to Oak I .Grove Place, and from East and` under Preliminary Order_ 58921 west Alley to 0.ceola Ave.. nnderl925 I �r Preliminary ", i;.. 58921 approved The Council of the City of St. Paul h' _"'.°oune92 th '' e r ` Z-1 i P,. -, 10mmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consider .- . 'i report, hereliy:_:,lt'ves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. -- - -- ,- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.c.ondemn..and...tAXe.. an -easement. in the land neces.sary_for_.slopes, for cuts and fills in the gradi.ng_.of Alleys. in Block 4, St. Clair _St._and .Short Line t.ddition Plat No.....1,...fr..om Dunlap. St. to 0.akr_Grove... p�ace,,..and_from East and -Vest -Alley ta..0aceola..Ave.,_in acc.ordence...vlith._the_.blue. print hereto attached and mad..a.part. hereof. .the hatched portions shoving the cuts and. the shaded por ions showing te fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....20..00 . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th., , _ .day of June. . 192 ...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ MAY. .-.S.; ........_.___, 19 YixNa .......... ...... _.. Approved- .. 192...... it), Clerk. Ma r. Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ROXX Hodgson 'Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Q Mayor Nelson Form 11 S:'A. PU9LISHIIS��LL'�� o � 3 r;. o 'cIS_ Council File No....-............ _, 4 RAITIFYING AsBEBBMRNTH.. By ... _....... .._._........ _...... _.......... _.._..—__......_— shvNo. 59oetalaYtnB 'XP ndBeiePa(rin4 1 F. No. 69546— and Ia the matter of the assesfor con- sment of Cement 6ldr, lk9, -Estimate se -Under contract 3,766, for the season � '•x[1924. _ ' rig TAs' sessment Resolution'`. 65744 =y g ' -n(r In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for- it orsand D8l4J►iT 13 sldaaYa,: getiatste 1�o.1i, van 0001 sot 37 1 os' the +leeurnt► ofd'? . --Assessablo4-- P.O. 53744 Nelson Avail., south eine, beginning at Western Ave. thence East 6D ft. D.O. 52390 Thome St., north aide from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. 7:0 5025 Oapitol Ave. '15. south Bite from Oxford 0t.to East lin* of Lot 22, H &;j *rote u Addition 1r.p. ' � Oross at., south eide, from Ohurchill Ave.tO Argyle St. Lake, Coco rand 8h U ltvls., north aids, frotir Hilton Aver to s.,ay. Hemline Ave. P.p 51W-33 'Nebraska Ave., south aide, from Helaline Ave.to (Huron Ave. Huron Ave., both sides, from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Homo and Phalen Ave. F.O. 51509' Shailifg'Ave., not side, beginning 24.5 ft. north of Bair Place,thence north 45 ft.. r.0. 511095 Albany at., south side, beginning at Pascal Ave., thaaoe East 200 ft. F.O. 54229 Ninth St., south aide, beginning at Jackson St., thence W00% 16o to. F.ti. 5362{3 Euolid St., north side beginning at Forest St. thence West 120 F:O 536£2 East 7th st., nostia Side, begiAning 343.5© ft. Meet of Haselvo" ave,. thence Boot 160 ft. F.©. 92 8raa St. south side, from White Baez Ave. to-Flawrau at. 1c .0. 4 ltspolla At., south olds, upas Frank St.to Atlantic St - F.04 Serrthorae At. south aide, from Earl 9t. to Forest St. F.O. g24 5 Lake'Oomo A Aelen Ave., north aide from Payne Ave. East to Cast lane of Lot 26 Block 13 Hafrlson A Hatndy's Addition P.O. 40032 Payne Ave., east Me, beginnW 10 ft. south of South @ids of Ross St. -;;tended, tbanoe North 5o ft. F.O. 5409 Jefferson Ave., north Bide, from Oneida St. to Webster St. P.O. 2 Advain St. north aide from Alaska Ave. to Albion St. F.O. M Juno St., both sides, I Ma`tamorth St. to ililton St. F.O. 98gcumbe Road, meet tilde, from RaZdclrb St. to Jews St. A.O. 4 Viles 9t., north side tkoniri$�s'St. to Syndicate. Ave. 1r`.0: 3664 Hartford Ave., both olden, from clViggo St. to 8Y°ndit&tn Ave. A.O.14o4d Pascal Lve., east aisle, from Jefferson Ave. t4 St.01812 St. F.0. 14227 James St., south side, frosffi.1taa3s3as>lter Ave. to Voorerood Ave. Underwood Ave., east aside, betiqeen Haandolph St. and James St. -Son•a$asseable•- .U. 54(393 Oroeso 9t.0 edit► aide, from Churchill Ave. to,Argyle St. F:0, 54?33 Nebraska Ave.;, south side, from H=line Ave. to Huron Ave. P.€3. 54233 Hur+on.Ave., both aidea, from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Homo & i�sl*>1< Ave. F-0. 54046 lsdgo=be Road, went side, from Randolph St. to Jame$ St- ip . 54048 1,ascal Ave., east side, from Jeffearson. AVO. to ot.Olalx 8t. F.u. 54227 James %t., south side, from Mac+al0st0i Ave- to Underwood Ave. Underwood, Ave., : Gust side, betlaselt ,fIa � Vit•., 'l A 131•' un�i�4�S8���FYreT�•.....__.......... ............. F1flTd�..._..._..._...._.._.__.._........, E i8�e8Z ——...—..._.._.._._........ ---129Z — A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _ in__,-.__ .._...-..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. _ — _ ..L� 192 ............. _ _..___._............ _......... .............. City Clerk. d/..a Approved..__....—_- !NMA ..... 192 ..... .. ... Mayor. aorm B. s. as CITY OF ST. PAUL o(ya. OFFIC7 OF_THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.i REPORT OF'tOMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .......................Ap.ri_l-.1.,_1.925.._.._, _....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs & expenses for tom.._ ....... .. ...._ S Constructing, relayi and repairing Oement Sidewdlks, Estimate No.4, " Under Contract 3756 for the season of 1924, --Assessable-- F.O. 53744 Nelson Ave., south side, beginning at Western Ave. thence East 60 ft. F.0 „ 52390 Thomas St., north side, from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. P'.0. 54228 Capitol Ave., south side, from Oxford St.to East line of Lot 22, Block 15, Winter's Addition F.O. 54093 OrOaS St., south side, from Ohurchill Ave.to Argyle St. F.O. 54231 Lake Como and Phalen Ave., north side, from Huron Ave. to Hemline Ave. F.O. 54233 Nebraska Ave., south side, from Hemline Ave.to Huron Ave. Huron Ave., both sides, from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. F.O. 51509 Snelling Ave., east side, beginning 24.5 ft, north of Fair Plaoe,thence north 45 ft. F.O. 54095 Albany St., south side, beginning at Pascal Ave., thence East 200 ft. F.O. 54229 Ninth St., south side, beginning at Jackson St., thence'Weet F.O. 53620 160 ft. Euclid St., north side, beginning at Forest St., thence West 120 F.O. 53622 East 7th 8t•, north side, beginning 343.50 ft. West of Hazelwood Ave., thence West 160 ft. F.O. 54092 Brand St. south side, from White Bear Ave. to Flandrau St. F.O. 54232 Magnolia 9t., south side, from Frank St.to Atlantic St. F.O. 54230 Hawthorne.St., south aide, from Earl St. to Forest St. F.O. 52455 Lake Como & Phalen Ave., north side, from Payne Ave. East to East line of Lot 26, Block 13, Harrison & Handy's Addition F.O. 40032 Payne. Ave., east side, beginning 10 ft. south of South d$aDe of Ross St. extended, thence North 50 ft. F.0'. 54095 Jefferson Ave., north side, from Oneida St. to Webster St. F.O. 51921E Adrain St., north side, from Alaska Ave. to Albion St. F.O. 52639 Juno St., both sides, from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. F.O. 54049 Edgcumbe Road, west side, from Randolph St. to James St. F.O. 54047 Niles St., north side, from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 533691 Hartford Ave., both sides, from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. M 48 Pascal Ave., east side, from Jefferson Ave. to St.Olair St. F.O. 54227 James 8t., South side, from Maoalester Ave. to Underwood Ave. Underwood Ave., east side, betlgeen Randolph St. and James St. --Non-assessable— F.O. 54093 Oross St., south side, from Churchill Ave. to,Argyle St. F.O. 54233 Nebraska Ave., south side, from Hamline Ave. to Huron Ave. F.O. 54233 Huron Ave., both sides, from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave. F•0. 54046 Edgcumbe Road, west side, from Randolph St. to James St. F.O. 54048 Pascal Ave., east side, from Jefferson Ave. to St.Olair St. F.O. 54227 James St., south side, from Macalester Ave. to Underwood Ave. Underwood Ave., east side, between Randolph St. and James St. i i so Fi. 4. , ... T } G ��• I ra s y t r)ti i . Crf i 3 '.Ytii a �J Air +, 1 i� Ci• r ,� i1 +t i-1 C•"r J i t i . % -r T, s psi -� 11 -( ', rJ � a :I� : �. �� �' uJ •' UJ}F ETuk >F•*� �r vrJF.`$r• ' *ITT, o rn r 4 h ! v s1V_ r r f i 1 - vl Tp .�ja• �f!. .a 'r1 G• .r �W„3ir2. -�- � �t E o : J' Vc i _ s - ,.� U . r Ei y .• J r , o 581'7BEiEsii•�i'8�t' ......_............_...... ... ....... .... ....... _., IdE'��Ts�9Ef• ____.... . __...__..... ... ... ..... .... ......... __ _. ........ _..._fix. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - _ . _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $------ .._35A5 - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $---......... ........... 7_x_1.7..... Inspection fees - - - $...-„._1,082.j8 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $- - -- Total assessable - - - - - - - - --11, 85.0 Totla]„ i nop-Tassessable •- - - -- - - - - $__ _......._ . 2.... Total Expenditures $ 12 5082 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total' amoun as above aseer- 2 508.42 tamed, to -wit: the sum of.._..t_...............__...._.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the: case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissi9der of Finance. Form B. S. A. P-9 Council File No ..... ................ —... _ .... dr b934G G F.'No. figw ' In the: matter of Ithe aeaeeement of. beneats, damages, "06 an and expense&] 2orchanging the Brads of Bayard Avenue -from Cleveland -Avenue: to Cretin Avenve`and Hartford -Avenue _. from Flno Avenve to Crettn conform to the red line. on th^.� Resolu tionvstate attai fh' D*h�r`dilssessm en t In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, and Hartford Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading Bayard Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., Hartford Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. and Cretin Ave. from a point 300 ft. south of Randolph St -to Ford Road in accordance with said red line when established under Preliminary Order___53.73- ............. Intermediary Order.543.86...................... , Final Order_549..9..5....,_......_.__, approved—_— Aug_26__. 192.4 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessor#nt for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby oidered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FII R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in___5_.._..__equa1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the ... . ...._..................... .City Clerk. Approved.._. ................ ... .... .... ..... .......... ......... 192_...._ ......_......_._.. ___._., yor. corm a. s. to PUBLISHED I� CITY OF ST. PAUL. �8q8 OjF'IC_WtF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ Apr_il. let,192�, 8911___ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, Costs and expenses for tW changing the grade of Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, and Hartford Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading Bayard Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., Hartford Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. and Cretin -Ave. from a point 300 ft. south of Randolph St. to Ford Road in accordance with said red line when established �1jB�._......- ......._._—._. under Preliminary Qrder-.S3L�----------- —_....Intermediary Order __.._..._.... i Final Order ...... _........... ;:._'4995..- ............... ...._. approved_..._....._..._Allg.r26.,_1.9..�.�_.... ...... 7tX4�C---• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.5.,.9.93 W._......... 21.15 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - $.._.......__._4.2 .......... Cost of postal tarda $....... -...._.....-_._3_..._...._ �$......._119 86 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - 21.15 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $- - - -' -- Total expenditures $6'1.59.'.9---..—.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as.above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_6 159-13.9_..._...._.._____..._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. G�.- _�..._...-__._. _._._..__............_ ..........._. Form B. B. 17 Commisai ner of Finance. Council File No . .................... . 59347 By.._..__—_.__.........._....._...._._r:_.".. . - of 199. Resolutio r, p, ,77�,ings At' sessment `4 �r for In the matter of the assessment of it7 efitA, odeta and expenses OV446sot at 92 v tint" aftWaivt 37451.1 ?.Qo ggS99 Belvidere St., South 8140, from Oakdale St. to Harvard ft. 7:0. 4,;6 UWy 3t. boas 81408, from Oakdale Ave. to Woodbavy Sys. 7 2 =ta 6.0 north side, from Stryker Ave. to Sidwill 9t. P.0- 52452 cc St. south Sides from South Robert St. to Riverview. T.Oi $1439 south Robart St., Watt "do, beginning '126 ft. South of Belvidere =e south 42 feet -0- 52453 W66% 9-11saheth St**, both side$, froa Bidwell St- to Ave. F.O.,#7444 Rt., South sides 10 ft. Wide from 102 ft-taft of ft, pator St. then* Cast 45 feet ' .O. 51058 Rauddlph St., north sides beginning at Clifton St-. thenoo %set 130 feet P.O. 52640 Roger* Ave.$ both sides, from qcGt Seventh Ot- to Middlet0A ATSWAO 0 3 -15"dolph St-, north side, fXOM Prior AV0- to gennoth &V0 F:O: 5 311 Sargent# Avenue, south sides from rim Ave. to Cleveland i 5 4 Goodrich Ave., north aide, Bronffe. T.O. 5 503on gFinn Ave. to Cleveland Ave. F.O. 1Princeton St., south aide, beginning at Bus St. theRGS, ivest 4o foot r.0. 5105,9 Portland AVe.s'AOXth sideo, beginning at DONOY St., thence Beat 256 feet Pieros, Street, West side I* F-0- 52391 , owaing 52 feet South of Dayton Ave.0'.thoUce Scrag 6 feet P.O. 51059 Holly Ave=* north side, beginning WO ft- West Of AVOU, *110400 vast h5 fast F-0. 53343 "St Minushuhn at', north side, between Chatsworth St. and Oxford O'k, 10.0 ;3,334 SyrAteate AVO -s WOet-Sidej, troa Sepb= �3331 Voberd at." Soulh ajdat jM M*bU 0 Hodins,k0e. to Syndicate Ave. .0 53339 Rho6look P&JIkWar* north ,side, UOU SOUOtit Uveatt.thon", r 0: M1 0004,118 P19460 both Sides* frostStAlair St. to at ford- Ave. 9 Valley Stg6uth 81490 beglW4ag 100 feet W00% of Univorsitys thence WeA,80 iso P.O. 50914 out nth St., Soulb Old*# between L409loat St. and Broadway F-0- 53690 XUYISDA St., 60"11h Bid:, begWAM9 at Mgfttoft St- thOnOO Sat 1691. ft., and begin AN feet fRTthGV East# Bast 30 toot at P.Q. 49 4 ModoU Street Wth 01444f "IS, WOUS dto� ted "�50 W4 F.0. 53 PRO 964 Zit, ,Uijj1;AQ if 14vabli lit. thence south I ft., 62D LaWO04 at. south *I b MADS at,-# thQi4 90A 62 -9 F.A. 1 do U0, 46 , , at of Bates AT** F.O. 52033, a' Sealaning 240 art. U IN, N: Council File No . .................... . 59347 By.._..__—_.__.........._....._...._._r:_.".. . - of 199. Resolutio r, p, ,77�,ings At' sessment `4 �r for In the matter of the assessment of it7 efitA, odeta and expenses OV446sot at 92 v tint" aftWaivt 37451.1 ?.Qo ggS99 Belvidere St., South 8140, from Oakdale St. to Harvard ft. 7:0. 4,;6 UWy 3t. boas 81408, from Oakdale Ave. to Woodbavy Sys. 7 2 =ta 6.0 north side, from Stryker Ave. to Sidwill 9t. P.0- 52452 cc St. south Sides from South Robert St. to Riverview. T.Oi $1439 south Robart St., Watt "do, beginning '126 ft. South of Belvidere =e south 42 feet -0- 52453 W66% 9-11saheth St**, both side$, froa Bidwell St- to Ave. F.O.,#7444 Rt., South sides 10 ft. Wide from 102 ft-taft of ft, pator St. then* Cast 45 feet ' .O. 51058 Rauddlph St., north sides beginning at Clifton St-. thenoo %set 130 feet P.O. 52640 Roger* Ave.$ both sides, from qcGt Seventh Ot- to Middlet0A ATSWAO 0 3 -15"dolph St-, north side, fXOM Prior AV0- to gennoth &V0 F:O: 5 311 Sargent# Avenue, south sides from rim Ave. to Cleveland i 5 4 Goodrich Ave., north aide, Bronffe. T.O. 5 503on gFinn Ave. to Cleveland Ave. F.O. 1Princeton St., south aide, beginning at Bus St. theRGS, ivest 4o foot r.0. 5105,9 Portland AVe.s'AOXth sideo, beginning at DONOY St., thence Beat 256 feet Pieros, Street, West side I* F-0- 52391 , owaing 52 feet South of Dayton Ave.0'.thoUce Scrag 6 feet P.O. 51059 Holly Ave=* north side, beginning WO ft- West Of AVOU, *110400 vast h5 fast F-0. 53343 "St Minushuhn at', north side, between Chatsworth St. and Oxford O'k, 10.0 ;3,334 SyrAteate AVO -s WOet-Sidej, troa Sepb= �3331 Voberd at." Soulh ajdat jM M*bU 0 Hodins,k0e. to Syndicate Ave. .0 53339 Rho6look P&JIkWar* north ,side, UOU SOUOtit Uveatt.thon", r 0: M1 0004,118 P19460 both Sides* frostStAlair St. to at ford- Ave. 9 Valley Stg6uth 81490 beglW4ag 100 feet W00% of Univorsitys thence WeA,80 iso P.O. 50914 out nth St., Soulb Old*# between L409loat St. and Broadway F-0- 53690 XUYISDA St., 60"11h Bid:, begWAM9 at Mgfttoft St- thOnOO Sat 1691. ft., and begin AN feet fRTthGV East# Bast 30 toot at P.Q. 49 4 ModoU Street Wth 01444f "IS, WOUS dto� ted "�50 W4 F.0. 53 PRO 964 Zit, ,Uijj1;AQ if 14vabli lit. thence south I ft., 62D LaWO04 at. south *I b MADS at,-# thQi4 90A 62 -9 F.A. 1 do U0, 46 , , at of Bates AT** F.O. 52033, a' Sealaning 240 art. U er..__----------- -_..... ........... �EdS�r fir................. - ...... , P�ID]�SEr....._........................... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the .said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FII WHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__.___4I._._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council MAY - 6 I92'Z &... -........._... .._ ............... City Clerk. Approved–___—_......_.._..............._................._......_....192...--..._._...�........_._.............. ayor. - V :f y .,.a - � r Sy - 4`c er..__----------- -_..... ........... �EdS�r fir................. - ...... , P�ID]�SEr....._........................... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the .said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FII WHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__.___4I._._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council MAY - 6 I92'Z &... -........._... .._ ............... City Clerk. Approved–___—_......_.._..............._................._......_....192...--..._._...�........_._.............. ayor. -------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE. OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANQ REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . April,ls_t.,19.2.5_, ollta _-- In the matter of the aaaeaement of benefits, costs and expenses for tba Oonstruoting, relaying and repairing C went Sidewalks,.Estimate No -3, Under Contract 3756, for season of 1924. --Assessable-- [� F.O. 52529 Belvidere St., south side, from Oakdale St. to Harvard St. F.O. 51435 Lucy St., both sides, from Oakdale Ave. to Woodbury Ave. F.O. 51432 Augusta St., north side, from Stryker Ave. to Bidwell St. F.O. 52452 Ourtiee St., south side, from South Robert St. to Riverview St. F.O. 51439 South Robert St., west side, beginning 126 ft. south of Belvidere, thence south 42 feet F.O. 52453 West Elizabeth St., both sides, from Bidwell St. to Stryker Ave. F.O. $7444 West Fourth St., south side, 10 ft. wide from 102 ft.East of St. Peter St. thence East 45 feet F.O. 51055 Randolph St..,, north side, beginning at Olifton St. thence East 130 feet F.O. 5264o Rogers Ave., both sides, from West Seventh St. to Middleton Avenue t•0. 53337 Randolph St., north side, from Prior Ave. to Kenneth Ave.. F.O. 53335 Sargent Avenue, south side, from Finn Ave. to Oleveland Ave. F.O. 53333 Goodrich Ave., north side, from Finn Ave. to Oleveland Ave. F.O. 51055 Princeton St., south side, beginning at Sue St. thence West 40 feet F.O. 51055 Portland Ave., north side, beginning at Dewey St., thence East 156 feet F.O. 52391 Pierce Street, west side, beginning 52 feet South of Dayton Ave., thence South 6 feet F.O. 51059 Holly Avenue, north side, beginning 200 ft. west of Avon, thence West 225 feet F•0. 53343 West'Minnehaha St., north side, between Ohatsworth St. and Oxford St. F.O. 53335 Syndicate Ave., west side, from Seminary Ave. to Hubbard St. F.O. 53334 Hubbard St., south side, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 53339 Wheelock Parkway, north side, from Sehletti Street, thence East 135 feet F.O. 53690 Oeeelia Place, both sides, from St.Olair St. to Stanford Ave. F.O. 50914 Valley St., south side, beginning 100 feet West of University, thence West 50 feet F.O. 50914 Fourteenth St., south side, between L'Orient St. and Broadway F.O. 53620 Maryland St., south side, beginning at Edgerton St.,thenoe East 165 ft., and beginning 86 feet farther East, thence East 39 feet F.O. 49204 Mendota Street, both sides, from W@lls St. to Maryland St, F.O. 53620 Earl St, beginning at Lawson St. thence south 150 ft. F.O.53620 Lawson St., south side, beginning at Earl St., thence East 62 f F.O. 52933 East 6th St., south side, beginning 240 ft. East of Bates Ave; thence East 120 ft. F•0. 53344 Kerwin Street, both sides, between White Bear Ave. and Hazel Ave. --Xon aseessable-- , F.o,;.524ri2- Qurtiae 9tre�'t_.'sentk. eider_ Prnrn An„t� RA'ko;.+ a .,. Tl M ,j:.. -• L17 2�r tf `2 7J I �- .. r r0 �., ,r r• J ^ I n r .: UY J T -� •_ ,. r �, ,. P C 7_ .�. ^ i cn 4.7, o w rrrG r�F; 7 6� T h r0 -I •� .; J -C• t f > -*..� r,•, Y r �.t. Fil'-�' ' ,�� .0 ^t -r; ._£T ?ih.f.;• �. Ttt6 1'• ?� .{n - a0 rT a 0), TESL X:r cT.i S r GGS7? 7� -- �t.l`,TI •'-51. Y, •1 r �f .'0 '. ^ T� _A '?5l._^ T.td JT' ^. �+, �. rS.ln�'21 QJ ,Gr.�• tori YyiT':,3 '' :. .r�' irt^ `';CE a c. L 7C'.;Tr 1:•Y y�.i { •Hr:�.� TT �y, � )'fPli �G f;C• +�)ty1 ..S �r � Vii. E+ .:E F> V(,]; n n rJt.�O� �r H9a CJI JJ r 6�TCG HG:i P C� Q 2 xST +> T72 Gp17 G^ i H w y E, iZ, i J • • c 'Vv 3SIC' t ° i FJTk i Jr Y. } JJ� V. �i�•, 7T^6yng{ °CyS�lr )'78� it�llG--F[,fi�5�tr p� '� tjt Y.'1�i c �_ j17'X S?•r �i`h� �. ,.j'r rC 7C6I7y tY I.t4 �il'G�• 'r 't t-o ,n*f _6.P, PY Trt' ?•aa r2``'!t r- ., 6 81iG • n v,�.L G5 '' a.- t-B J eLfC; 3?fir �'GO,ti rTs• 04- TO r • a r ^ u ,-� 77 CjTGo¢C`.hC CG' Ei3C8 77S fp .. Jq 4Q pS.t. U 7]'J ;r f T� t, O�L t i,Ttl TC' p5Ta u \F' r 0LT "T%'•` a • C;q`T - Tt` _� �0 :, a ,.'(_'' ` � F r"G - tjSGTCF i Lcr•� 20 aG• ncT�{i% ,r, o.rpn -rl 7� <T[i6• C J r+M' rf y �• > �I .oT i '%s`s,`6,7r art p ; �,�� • YQ.. t._ �•� ..r�7J.c$F �. *Tr5 �ni7 �fA677;fr' • :I N ;:0 O 5G c TJ l� J.. C 31 �,� :>';•.� 1 - Hon YC,c .;G rr • P,c ^ TG,S� 7G1[7SdEx9ts�iG3ir�eE............-- ..... ---'----....._.... dbltSgeT2F..................... -....._......_........._...._..._........_........-> 36 t ads_........ .... .._..... ----- --............ ..._.....__..._._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in*connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $11-s�-4-•-1�--- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$........ -._..... Ji5._&5.......... Cost of postal cards $.................. 7...:11......_ $__1.t19414.._.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - Amount,of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ .. -_.---35!.':5%5-- - Tot assessable . - - - - - $ ji.,.25 Tot t, oat•ssWeesable . ... Total Expenditures - - - - -.- - - - $14,479.97 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of 0,4.,_47.a..•9.7......... .......... _......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may beconsidered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissio r of Finance. r Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of-condemning.-and._taking.an_eas ement.._in_the_land- necessary slo_pes_,-__for cuts, and _Yills...in...grading_.e11ey-.in_.Enar-..T- ..Schuletad Subdivision from Griggs St. to Syndicate Aver __ .............. IN ........... - - RATkFYING DEffiP6TI.OFPsumms N Co1q. C. F. Fo; 69349— �. the matter or condemning and tak- --_ `'�B an easement In the land neces - ---- - - - --............................ .. _-.__ - _- - ti ". and flus -,'_-c .............. .. - n sep� ate; -................ .......................................................................................... ............................ ..... under Preliminary Order_ ._.5616_- __..., approved.DeC,,.9:19.24.-, Intermediary Order.....57.667..-__...., approved... ..Jan.27,1925._. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Bei further Rea th�theoi�assessm;, nt be a esebyn_..alnstallmeLlae described therein. MAY o Adopted by the Council.. -__-. ----- ------ -.--- .-.----- .. ---.-- ------- 192------ Z-—.1— .....................- ----- •.....--- .......... 6 '1925 City Clerk. Approved.--------- .................. ........... 192.... ..................... ..... .`---..... .- ......- ---.. -.. Mayor. �Councihnan Clancy PU� Councilman Ferguson /councilman McDonald /Councilman ikkit Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel j- Mayor Nelson erNeL- 11"M IN Ct101YI)OKIVATION rnoossunrae. -F N 69249— o. In the matter of condemning and ta._ � !ng an easement ta� the land necee- X69 6 ap eery for, slopes for cuts and nue Yn jary Order....__J.�R4{._._......__, under Preliminary de . grading suer mLsom EtI T acto nuietaa 9'efon 6rlgge sc syq approved -_.__.J_.__..__ an.2.7.r.1 9 5 A �'5_ . Resolved: (1) Tthe following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:..__...__......_ condemn and take an easement in the land neoe��sary fnT alnnea_ or - cute and fills in grading a-1gy__&Ylax.-T_.._8chu7sts3.-Rubsliv!aion _from Griggs St_ to Sy-nd (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land abuttinR priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:—..__ __.._.._ upon alley in dinar T__Sohuletad's Subdivisg41�.�riggs.�tl�.to.----- Syndicat e Ave., to the on the pjsa attaghelL_t t_..._he__- reportth o asioner- o3 Pl�hlic_3�oSk R i n ire mati.ed.-dated.---- --- _.. Me,roh �'-a-122.�----�.�.._—_.-----------_.._._.._..__._�...—...---- _._.--•---_.-------.__._. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified• and confirmed. Adopted by the Council-IMAY....'..y...i9 191....._ . .... _...... _.. ..._—..._—_._. Ci y Clerk. MAY 6 ?9 Approved----.. ...... -...... ... .............................. 191 ............ .... . E�._. _ .�.'1. x�n Mayor. ✓ Clancy', - mseilSr c nal�d " �Sudheimer Wenzel o M. vice Pres. Fergasoa REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of.condemning- and. -taking- an--.easement--_in_.ths---land--necessary for slopes,. for cuts. and fills in grading alley in Einar T .._.__...._....... ... Schulstad Subdivision from Griggs St. to Syndioate Ave. ------------------------------------------........... - ... _............................ _........... _............. _.. ...................... _-- ---------------------- under Preliminary Order......... 56916......., approved.-DE-C..�.�1�24...., Intermediary _Order 5.7-6.67 Jan.2 2 approved. ........... 7.,.1925 .. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissiop6r of Finance. DMO Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of...condemning. .end. -taking. an..essement..in_.the..land...-...---.-....-..-.. necessary___for-..slopes,,._f or, cuts_. and ._fills_ in. _gr.ad.ing..Alley....in...Blaok. 8.,. Eastville Heights Addition. from Arcade. St ._to M�ota-.8t _,.-..-.- -.-_..._.. --- _ C. F No 69960— __ _ the matter of copdemning sad ink - In n the laud nOce ..-__. - _- .._. .._. - ;adingelleY (n i rBlock 9, de88ti to .• ins for a -!se ea for tura and 811s 1n edeighta AdU.11y1 tream. PreIImina ,:.___-.-... - ..... _---. -- _.--. __.__.-.... _._ .. z�tendo% ,=,-filer 67 p� .............................................-..-..-... - •-.....-- .- --------------- I—— ........---.--..-...- .....--........----....... . under Preliminary Order.....57025. ___-., approvedDe9_.16.,1924, Intermediary Order.._ 57730.._.__.-.., approved Jan.29.,192.....__ .. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and. the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation asset forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed., Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fur er Reevved, that the said assessment be and it 5s al iv( nsta`llmeats as to eat ce of nd descr Adopted by the Council..-.._ MAY__ �.- �+�1.......__...........--- 192..----- NiAY - .. Approved......................._................ `/ .Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald Councilman brat Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. Ne payable in ......... .. ..... ... .....------.----- Cit lerk. - ...., 192. ^.... - Mayor. 59351 41f , FINAL ORDER IN --CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of-_condemning._and_, taking _an easement._ in„the 1 nd...... .......�w neoessary f9.VL@A-fQL__c­ata-_.aPA...fi22fi_.;11LZxfd .n€_ Block•�5,,�Eastnille.��Ie_i.�.hts Ad.�tion __t:�Rfi _TMa?z-dQt.a_Stj_ - — 0. F.6836!— In the matter of condemning 'Imes. ---- Ing` an r eaeemeat 1n rhe land mee- ...___._—_.._.—_.--�--__.--.---------' eary for eloyeg, for oute'ane�ana ln�' gradln6. AIIev In Block B,.;EeatvtI a Heights .Addition from Aroade-.8t to. `'” ••— —"J •- bT J9f�8t. Under preliminary -order' ' 000 ���'?-�gaed Dec i6 191, c •r r � 5?02�_ approved.Le�7m sfzao agpku � ae ary Order_�,>�.� Q -.- under Preliminary Order._.__ .. _.. _. ___ ....... � �Pp�ovetL s�s�..?l•_..2�,>`�.25.. +'�cd:c. - Resolved t _ (1) That the Following imprdVement be and -the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:-, - - •- i condemn and take an ea;6ement.in the land necessary for s14p�-s- for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Blook 8. _E st,-11-1g Hsi ahtg Addition from Arcade 3t_.to Mendota_Sti (2) That the following land, IanTla or easements thrin be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements viz.: the _18T1d ablitt illg upon alley in Blo i. _j2etween._the-point8 aforesaid to the extent_ahown upon the.Vlan attacb&d-t +he T6UO�t 9f ale _Q9IIIYIIlfl9i onar ..Df.. �1D1iU si41 �_jn_ tbA._m tt_er.5d&t£d Burch (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council....MAY ...=_.0. 9 .... _............ __......... _, 191..__. . rrfis i� -7­4� ­­­ I - CityClerk. Approve...3�1,�1 Approved- __....._.-. ...................... ............. 191._ ........ 9�< ...._..-._- Mayor. /Clancy FAMUO1yoMoDnald gudheimer ==au im*enzel _ Mr. President, H6i Mr. Viae Pres For$1a0013 A_ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement-_-in---the_-.land.--necQggaxy for...slopes-,---.f Gx...G.lxt.�....aSld...f ng:. Al l ey.--1_>� _�IQ..r. 1e. -- Heights Addition, from Arcade---St...-to---Mendota---St.-,............................................................. ............................................... ..._..-------....__......._..-------.._.-..__...._--- ----__-------------------- under Preliminary Order.570.25_...._......,approvedD2C.16,1j2�F_._ Intermediary Order57-7370.............. approved ............. J—. •29_,.19 -25 ----- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �— ........ _......... ..._.....__............... ---------- Commissioidr of Finance. -- — --------------- 59,1a2 9,152 I es n ung Ut r Filtinore Ave. to t bridge �','bya�king and0 , L �6 v adjacent to In RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIMMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Fillmore Ave. to the C. G.W. bridge by taking and condemning a strip of lanii adjacent to the easterly line of Lots 7-t ... ... and -10-17r 20,ft. wide lying easterly of and Lod 5-•affi-d--10- R n 9 in d 10, in Block le" and in Lots"3K4,5,6 and 7, Block 9,,in'Lots 6',7,8,9 an Block 1-7-i Bazi-I & Robert -'--s kddi-t-ien to Weet,--.S -t-; .... Patel: A,-1-ee ft a-trj-p- f land 14 ft.,wide lying easterly of and adjacent to the easterly line Of SO- Lat 3.,—in B1.00k a5,---,B&zU Robert StTeet,-.1-n-Lots. kat St. Paul, in Lots 1,2i3,4, and 5, in Block 3, Robert's Addition to e Lots 6J s:A4 in Block 9 and Iots F) and 6 in Block ........... Eaton & yorri.Bo ... n's .. .... ..... ....... . Addi";Ef6fi to West ... 8 . ai - Saint P- aul ................................................................. ......................................................................................................................... Order. 5.7113 .............. approved Intermediary Order -.---5•7539 aer Preliminary approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having49h� considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking . and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furtherR'&qlved, that the said assessment be =4-4,t, is hErrety, dete-rminO& \to be„ahie in Be e, a, iusfq� ants to "chp cel //o;`la`dd-4e ribed th.i.\.-,/' ...................... JUIN Adopted by the NN - 3 1925 V/C,ouncilman 7a kmMm” Clancy V! 'ilm M=x Ferguson Z-:-ilm: DO.W. Hodgsonn- ouncilman Xa0*X Sudheimer oune, *hnan Wxxkjdkk Wenzel ,C /Mayorftim Nelson ........... ........................... 19 .... . -...-.....--- Clerk. ............Clark. 191 ................................ .. ... .... ........ ........... ... . ....... Mayor. I o r G'l3- �� ems, 2111,1094u- 7-0 1,109� '�J �.•-.,S ... 7 - D V o fib 0.0 LAW OFFI E - STEVL A. RYAN 331 GLOBE BLDG.SL - ' ph"tMay 27th _I925 Hon. A.E.Nelson, Mayor, Hon. C J McGlogan, City Clerk, and The Hon Commissioners City of St Paul Minn. Gentlemen --- The Undersigned owner of the property known as no 442 and 452 South Robert St. Between Isabelle and Congress Sts respectfully objects to the proposed widening of Robert St on the ground that I am unable to pay the same and have no visible means or income to meet the proposed payments. I am an old man with a wife to support and no income except the rent from one house o4 I7.00 dollars per month. Therefore if the assesment is levied I will have no means of paying the same. Resply, COUNCIL t// CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl E NO...�l_-'.s--------L.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___.._.__...___.._._—, ._.._.._._.._.__...___...—.______ DATE.__.______..___.._______ .............. RESOLVED MERVAS, The Chic990 Oreat Weetern Railroad CorVany and the Commline"ner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Finance have mads a tentative agreement as to the acquisition of certain property of the Said Railroad Company for the widening of South Robert street and the construction of the bridge on South Robert street, which ©aid agreement to Set forth in the memorandum Of agreement on file In the office of the City Clerk, and which has been duly executed by said Railroad Company; and VMEAS, it appears that said agreement to for the best Interests of the City; RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ised and instructed to execute said agreement on behalf Of the City of St. Paul, and to carry Out the terms thereof. Sc� COUNCILMEN 'SAY - 9 1925 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .............. ..................... .._.192..--.. Clancy fApproved . ----------..192 ,/IIodgson.....-In favor /J1' Fdhei7m.r..... 1.1..._. Against MAYOR el ✓Mr. President 1 � St. Paul, Minnesota, Pay 19, 1925. To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul, Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. aentlemens f WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has entered proceedings for the taking and oondemnation,and is about to make a award of damages for the taking, of the west twenty feet of Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Bazil-le and Robert's Addition to West Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, there was a mortgage of $75,000 issued in the form of bonds secured by said property, which mortgage is now in process of foreclosure; and WHEREAS, the District Court of Ramsey County duly appointed the undersigned as the receiver of said property during foreclosure proceedings, and said undersigned is now acting as receiver; and WHEREAS, all matters pertaining to said property must be reviewed and confirmed by said District Court of Ramsey County: IT IS, THEREPME, necessary for the undersigned, as a receiver, to object to the taking and condemnation of said property and to the amount of damages and benefits awarded under said proceed- ings by the City Council. R e o e i v ar. W i NG MA(1 9 umUll 111HUrrn199umm ONE -3S-3 1 In the Rutter of the opening and Widening Of south Robert street Prom Fillmore Avenue to the Chicago nrent -,esters Railway Company 'Rridge. Clain of the Cosmopolitan -itat'-e -Ra-ft-iar-dameges arising out of the condemnation of a portion of lot eight (8) Plock eight (e) ".21116 4 a4a Roberts Addition to rest St. maul - TO the nonorable Counoll of the City Of -St. raQl. yinnesota. 6 7 Coyme now the undersigned. Cosmorolitan State 11ank, the owner of Tot eight (8) 'Block eight (a) TtasIlle'and ,Robortt Addition to 8 9 West St. 'Padl. rinneeota. and objects to the award of damaged made on 10 or about the 3rd day of April. 1925. by the Commissioner of r1nanco ."p'. 11 of the City of St. paul, yinneadta for the taking and.condemaction by the 12 City of ,;t. caul of a portion of Tot eight (8) 49look eight (9) 'RazillS 13 and Roberts Addition to West qt. 'Gul. Ifinnesots. and for damages to the 14 portion of the said lot not taken for the widening and opening of South n 4a Robert Street from Fillmore Avenue to the chloago meat western11IM&F 16 - Companygridge on the -following groundst. 17 is That said oohdoir-nation is unwarranted and unwise and not for the is best Interests of the c1t7. 20 IT - 21 That the assesemnte o4 dar jages for the portion of the lot taken 22 (and Improvements thereon) to Inadequate and far below the fair valuation 23 of that portion of said lot (and ir-Trovemonte,thereon). 24 111. 25 That the uAidersigned Is the owner of the whale of said lot and that 26 said award Is unfair. unjust and Inadequate and the amount Y.-warded:'Is 27 oommensurate with the damages sustained by the undersigned by reason 28 of the taking of the part of srAd lot condemed and the damages to the 29 remaining portion of said 10. 30 Iva 31 That the amount, awarded as dar.1agAn to the Impraverients and, that por,U,on of the lot not taken Is lnvAeqaate and far below the mount of the actual damages that will be sustained. V. 2 That said condemnation and assessment deprives the undersigned 3 of its p'roperty without due process Of Ism - V1. 5 That the award of damages to the undersigned objector Is unfair, 6 and was not had as a fair and Impartial investigation by the parties 7 who fixed the amount of said damages as objector Is informed and 8 believes. VIT. 10 That said oondemnatlon and armrrla were not made under and per - 11 suant to the provigsions of the laws of the State of Vinnesota, and 12 are not In conformity with the provisions of the City Charter. 13 V111. 14 That the awards as made were not fixed at the amounts of the actual 15 damages as aotaally determined by the Commissioner of Finance. C, 16 17 C05YsOT0I.I T ATE BOK 18 BY 19 STAft op rinuSOTA 20 Co.ui;TY OF RAYSh-f 21ei , josqph Blls. being duly sworn says that he Is the cashier of. thead in the above matter; that he has re 22d Cosmopolitan State Bank. objector knows the contents thereof and that th the foregoing objections an f 11 same Is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein he believes It 23 tated on information and belief and as those matters 24 to be true. 25 Subscribed and sworn to before 26 this 3rd day of Ju,,;e. 27 28 rotery Tublic Ramsey County. Minn. 117commission exriree 30 31 IN91111M,H110111 111=11 I In the Matter Of the OP91IIng.and*w1dening of South Robert Street from pillmore Avenue to the Chicago Great Western Railway company 'Bridge. 2 - Claim of the CosMOPOlitan State Bank for damages P-Tloing out Of the4on&6izA&t40o,'Of a- portion Of Mot eight, (8) 'Block eight (8) '86ikillg d� Robiit's Addition to West St. - TO the Honorable Council of the City Of St_- ?aal, 1XInne sofa 7 COM99 now the undersigned* Cosmopolites State- -gAnk. the owner 8) Bazille and RobertsWAddition to 8 of Lot eight (8) tlook eight -(. 9 West St. peal. Vinnesota. and objects to the award of damage$ made on 10 or about the 3rd day of April. 1925. b7.ths Commissioner ofFinaneq 11 of the city of Stpaul. 111nnesota'fOr the taking and condemnation by the 12 City . of St. pawl .of a portion of Lot eight (8') plock- eight (6) B&Ikilii 13 and Roberts iddition to West St. -paul, yinnesota. and for dgmages to the 14 portion of the said lot not taken for -the widening and opening o4 South 15 Robert street fr I om-. I , ijlj more Avenue t o the', Chicago Great 1,jestirn Railway .16 company 'Bridge on the -following grounds: 17 18 That said condemnation is umviarranted and unwise and not for the -19 best interests of the city. 20 IT - 21 That the assessments of damages for the portion of the lot isks.n 22 (and improvements thereon) -to inadeqaate and far below the fair. valuation 23 of that portion Of said lot. (and improvemints thereon). 24 25 That the undersigned is the owner of the- whole of said lot and-thatah, 2s said award is unfair.unjust and inadequate and the amount awarded-, is 27 commensurate with the damages -sustained by the undersigned by reason 29 of the taking of the part of said lot condemned and the damages to the 29 remaining portion of said lot. ao TV. 31 That the amount awarded as damages to the improvements and that portion of the lot not taken Is inadeqnste and far below the amount of the actual damages that will be sustained. 6 1 V. z That said oondemnation and assessment deprives the undersigned 3 of its property without due process Of law - 4 V1• 6 _That the award of damages to the undersigned objector is unfair B and was not had as s fair and impartial investigation by the parties who fixed the amount Of said damages as objector is informed and s believes. s VIT. 10 That said condemnation and awards were not made under and per - 11 avant to the provissions of the laws of the State of Minnesota and 12 are not in conformity with the provisions of the City Charter. 13 VIII• 14 That the awards as made were not fixed at the amounts of the eotnal 16 damages as actually determined by the Commissioner of Finence. 16 17 _ COSIIOPOZ ' T STATE BANK 1& By 19 STATE OF YIIIiiESOTA ) ( SS. 20 COUNTY OF RP_MSE7 ) 21 Joseph Bellis. being duly sworn says that he is the cashier of the Cosmopolitan State Bank. objector in the above matter; that he has read 22 the foregoing objections end knows the contents thereof and that the same is true -of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein 23 stated on information and belief and as- to those matters he believes it to be true. 24 26 Subscribed and sworn to before7,e7 26 thi dayJOf Jrqylie. _ 27 28 Notary ^ublio gamsey Ccun 9. Minn.29 - try commission expires Z� (Seal) 30 ,._ a1 -- - - ----------- d- �� h tq No 5988{ • - 4'n1$ttar n gand 59354 41 8 d Yg 9Ai]e�n Y a o h anHlla _ e'� A4�,,atao nefHhg Ave: In the NorVvr`r`- lsgnn fid Resolution a Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of ..... oondemning_and__taking- _8T1 --easement_ in the land _----- __ __necessary_.for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block - ..... - . 2, Summit View Addition and Grand and Snelling - Place, from Shelling ... . ........ . Ave.to Saratoga Ave., also in the North and South Alley in Grand -. ... ..... .......... _.. _.. . and Snelling Place, from Grand Ave.to the East and West Alley ------------------------------ - .._- .....__. .._ .... ._- -.._ _._. _.. - ........................... ........ - under Preliminary Order..... 5.69.22....-_....-, approvedDec: %%1924 Intermediary Order.........r1766� ...._, approved ... -k '27.,1925 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f her ved, t t the ssessment be ti its• hs� ereby.-dete ne e pAyg�len qual installments as to each and described therein. Adopted by the Council ..... Y- 0..192 ......... ..... ....... 192 ... .............. -- -- • ---- ................ MAY 2 0 1924 ty Clerk. Approved- ......... ........................... - ...:......... 192... ............�... ................. Mayor. ouncihnan Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson ouncilman McDonald Councilman &= Hodgson /-Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson ll i REPORT- OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...condemning-.and--taking.-.an,.easemnt....in.he-..land......................... necessary --_f or. -_slope s,---. fo:r..cut.s-.snd-__fills-_in--grad] M. A.-11ey---,in-_B1QgX--.,.- ion..nn.41...GXand...and...$ne111 -..P� a.C.e,....tTom.............. Mk 9ne11ing..Qge to-..Saratoga-_Ave.-,--.also.-.in--the._North.-and-,.$Q>lth__Alley............ in Grand and Snelling Placer from Grand Ave. to the -East and West .-- .. _911 ey ------ - ----------------------------........ approved .�-,-1. -24__ Intermedia Order... 66 ....... ..., under Preliminary Order . 9 ry7--•� dan.27,1925 approved-----------------......--...................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. p Commissi er of Finance. r / J .Laid over to 3rd. tY app.._ Adopicd Yeas " Nays Yca Clancy ,/ly Clancy %' Ferguson �7�Pcr n Hodgson c7 or gson 'McDonald :1cDonald Sud6eimer Sudheimer iVenW - _ ent Y \'Ir. fres. elson Adr. Y 11 "By 52-356 An ordinance approving the project of erecting a refectory stand by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the parkway near the High Dam, and providing funds therefor. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public✓ Buildings having reported to the Council that in his opinion it is advisable to erect a refectory building, costing approximately $3,188.05 on park property located near the High Dam, and the Comp- troller having certified that there are funds available in the treasury of the City for the construction of said building, the Council herebyy on park propgrrti oyothe isvorrosidee of tthe Iva 'd ata point 200 feet north df Ford veny approves the projec$°10 cons`J'ractng sad refectory,Aand hereby orders and directs that the same be built. Section $. The Council, being of the opinion that the build - and several Weeks time oa be saved, Ing can be constructed more economically by the City,/,hereby directs the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and,Publio Buildings to con- struot said building by force account, and hereby directs that the cost of such building be paid out of the Park Fund (Capital Outlay 18-N-1), and so much of said fund as day be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 3. This ordinanceis hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for tL!� preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ection 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force fromer its passage and publication. s d by thoXC until Yea __ / Bays Ferguson j Hodgson McDonald \ Sudheimer v j Menzel / Mr. President (Belson) Approved Attest City Clerk (4itg Df fit, gut _ Department yyof/ Forks, 111uggrounas GEORGE L NASON, and ^ nblir a6uil�ittgs 'OF Fw9rca HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. IRVING C. PEARCE. OEI` T MM -1 -81 -NM V �. M PtAY99O9N91 ' FRANK X. TEWEs. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER • 0m AweloiuT 219 COURT HOUSE 4 April 29, 1925 Mr. Arthur Stewart, Corporation Counsel, Court House Dear Sir: We are experiencing considerable difficulty with peddlers on the Mississippi River Eoulevard, which is park property. No business of any kind is permitted along this property. Nue are of the opinion that a refectory build -n ing should be erected near the High Dam, so that we may serve the public with refreshments, and therefore desire to be authorized by Council resolution to r proceed to construct a refectory building costing approximately $p3,168.05, to be charged to the Park fund, and the work to be done by force account on account of the fact that this is an etgergency, En we would have to lose three weeks time to advertise for bids. Will you please prepare the necessary res- olution authorizing this, and oblige? Yours very truly, Commissioner. w/m Netetalla9 helps l9 !Hake Seller 911(2190 HAROLD J. RIORDAN C. J. MCGLOGAN - cwv c�exaci,v gena �„r�oM ,8 yen oa Reo,erR.nan (fit# Dftttritttul CLARENCE A. STORMS corer e'ena.ReasrnwnaR (Office of TU11 Tterk omo-8 May 5th, 1925 Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: We are enclosing a letter from Commissioner Wenzel relative to erecting a refectory stand on the parkway near the high dam, at an approximate cost of $3,168.05. This matter was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper form of resolution or ordinance allowing the erection of this stand. Yours very truly, City Clerk. This department has experienced considerable difficulty with refreshmeatpeddlers along the "'Ississ- ippi River Boulevard, and are of the opinion that they should be kept off of the River Boulevard and the different approaches to it, on account of it being a parkway. However, it would be advisable to erect a refectory stand on park property near the high dam in order to accommodate the public. This work should proceed immediately, and therefore I am suggesting that the Corporation counsel be instructed to prepare a resolution authorizing this department to proceed to build same by force account at an approximate estimated cost of $ 3,168.05 as per per plans attached. Yours very truly, Commissioner. m p. s. - Cost of construction to be charged against par s Fund - Capital outlay 18-N-1. ` / Herceati9n Hdp9 t9 Mohr lurtlrr f6ftinn9 (ug of Ot. Paul Etpartment of Parks, Plaggrounba Hub Public 7lufflituo GEORGE L. NASON, suFr. - I.— HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNES. JOHN SON. IRVING C. FEARCE. OEFUTY CA MMISSIONEP FRANK X. TEWES. Cm'AlleNrtccl' OFFICE OF COMMIWIONER 219 COURT HOUSE May 4, 1925 V ° To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: -` This department has experienced considerable difficulty with refreshmeatpeddlers along the "'Ississ- ippi River Boulevard, and are of the opinion that they should be kept off of the River Boulevard and the different approaches to it, on account of it being a parkway. However, it would be advisable to erect a refectory stand on park property near the high dam in order to accommodate the public. This work should proceed immediately, and therefore I am suggesting that the Corporation counsel be instructed to prepare a resolution authorizing this department to proceed to build same by force account at an approximate estimated cost of $ 3,168.05 as per per plans attached. Yours very truly, Commissioner. m p. s. - Cost of construction to be charged against par s Fund - Capital outlay 18-N-1. ` / Herceati9n Hdp9 t9 Mohr lurtlrr f6ftinn9 ARTH RA.STEWART q�PaT ctl REECE J.MOGEE COR`V, I', LEWIS L.ANDERSON ON COUNs U THO A55 W.N BLSH EUGENR M!O'NEII.L srA FIR54 a55�5TAN LAW DEPARTMENT May 16th, 1925. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Replying to your request for the opinion of this department as to the legality,of the proposed ordi- nance authorizing the Park Department to erect a refectory building on park or parkway property near the High Dam: I beg to advise that I find tt Section 418 of the City Charter provides, among other things, that the Commissioner shall have power to provide either directly or by lease of privileges approved by the Coun- cil, such conveniences, accommodations and entertainments as he may deem proper for the use, enjoyment or recreation of all persons visiting parks, parkways or playgrounds. I am of the opinion that this section 1s sufficiently broad to authorize the passage of the proposed ordinance, and that the same would be valid if passed. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. EMO -U 4 _•T, 4. .r a 7771 • rt. { W E. �.%i .•, i-io'� d-'38. �/-9z .� d.,�,�• �'dt ;. ?. rte. � _,�z ��• Ajp LiJ 1 J. • ` ✓'./.. /, ✓.-..: ate.../ ./i/�• ✓.,✓y i p . ie f,1LB 0A - � • i1GP>. /.�Lr./- ;D�Ay4Lco•.fi�J � :we � c 8'✓6 O.in. j -- - -- i 06- 13 4..r ' r. i Sir.?c LoS - I . �. � I 2: 6" lel.✓>e C',re.a, �- eo,. `,� � - / / / � / � ^Ga r I .s..Gar � _ I ;. j arG L.. f/ - I O -� -� � - �.S p.✓ALr ✓.1�/.✓G/LG �' • - L4 - A– L •C- �% �O A C. GJ .. � i I �—.._ .. _ _.. •_ r_.–. 'ter _ -. - _ – _ _ x o ✓. err« _ w , .. ,� '-'ter., I ./ol I _ __ _ �–_— Z��4.. �/f"Y. /G a.✓ �1 / T U _ + I r \ �G—CaAG N�! CJAJG .O I Ue �'rG' IJ ��yGJ aJNO.t' / �c o `Z-1 �,i rot_ iweli. �---' \ '�--. >y,. '�'---^•. �._ .: ,�,. _ - ✓.✓.H6 - �t CjJ oX /JJJPP/- VA P.LG'J �,�rG�o✓.✓lJJ ¢ �✓OG/C—�,COc��J.� �;2G/ I /' J (_I'I•NV�/GQJ I. I /j 1 i ADAM• _- j�•1/__ �/GSL-'J .'ji/_GA T✓�/L, .,r, �� s . 1 /. h - .. Zw�•• _. ?.r 4^�oK o✓YJ /i. •'O.C. - _>C - 6 C��et/Tie.✓ SAPS s '. �^J'/ A .G j �/CCo \ i ! �� �'/ .� - __ _ �i. ZL, Z.. T— a J!E ' I OQG.✓ V<1•bw✓/�✓G ' ��F /,3F• LG L�r<GA / / –� _ �'- a. Ac <-- . C6 nJG� Uesf� - ._.-_. -. �._X _.•d: �ls o �� p as H 4 ZZ 7 o X e \ I i CJO 71 IN . ... . ... .. . .... • C. F. No:69867—Ordinance No.. ! n Ordlnance ayDroving caulring. the real oetate known ae FORM l/3/•�t'�'"p �{/ (f ^l COUNC/t.'` S.to 8a fncluelve, Block 8, Un- it _ ,.k May 6,1925 RESOLVED An Ordinance approving the project of acquiring the real estate known as Lots 3 to 22 inclusive, Block 83, Underwood's Addition to the City of St.Paul, according to plat thereof on' file and of recdrd in the office of the Register of DeedsII, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as a location for a public playground: A ea4 The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordain: SECTION I The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, having reported to the-Oouncil that the real estate known as Lots 3: -to 82, inclusive, Block 8, Underwoodts Addition to St.Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re- gister of Dgeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, is required for the pur ose of a public playground and that the estimated value thereof is 16,666.66 and the Comptroller 'having certified that there is money alrailabie in the treasury of the City for the acquisition of said property, the Council hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, oonsisting in this case of the Mayor, PPurchasinublic gdAgent , andif tthe he same Commissioner o£ Parks, Playgrounds Com— can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Com— mittee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, that and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted pro— pertyunder the and that then cost and expense of acquiiris of the Charter of the nt gsame, whether o Becure said y purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the fund hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. SECTION II This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_.i 2..1..---- 192_._ Clancy MAY 2 i 1� ✓Ferguson APP ed .... _........ :...._..... _._192_ ..... _.-fIodgson In favor -Lia. ..._..:.._----- -- mepe ['l,u' __..._--_..._. MAYOR ym}hriffle," _Against PUBLISI�'D1`�1 Wenzel ,A4r. President Laid 3rd&ver app Yeas Nays iClancy Fcrguson Hodgson -,kDonald �udhcimer noWenzel r. Pres. Nelson 2n1. r AdolSicd / Yeas �/ Nays // Clancy ,crguson Hodgson McDonald udheimcr Wenzel . mr. Pres. Nelson a Ctg ]of -,-saint Paul (gomp#roller's (Office RM. B'.9DDT1'. C=w..n u�i.n B. j. D.e�rr Ce..er no��zn 11r. H. W. Austin, City Purchasing Agent, City of Saint Paul. �a Dear Sir: may 6, 1925. In reply to your letter of May 6th, in which you ask, that we advise you if there is money available in the proper fund for the purchase of playgrounds in the Groveland Park District, I wish to state that there is approximately e18,000 available for this purpose. Yours very truly, % Comptroller. of l 1st. r1 2nd.__ L YV Laid over to___ 3rd. S app._ _ —. Adopled _V (,' . / " Yeas Nays Yeas Clancy Ferguson /1-Iodgson McDonald Sudhcimer % \Venzel �1Ir. Pre. TeLj2n s Clancy y J t.,crguson / Hodgson ✓ McDonald 6udheimcr Wenzcl Mr. Pres. N4d§on C. F No. 69368—Ordinance No. 0601 Q By J H ESeDonald— /D / p granting toi Holm to Ordinance No. By C. F. No. An ordinance granting to Holm & Olson permission to install and maintain a fuel oil tank in the boulevard on Erie street between Superior street and Pleasant avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Holm & Olson to install and maintain a 3000 -gallon fuel oil tank In the boulevard on Erie street between Superior street and Pleasant avenue, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said licensee for said oil tank, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from,any and all liability, judgments, costs, dgmages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said oil tank. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the aorpo;ation Counsel, shall have such , surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Said oil tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (3) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. , Passed by the Council GARY 2 1921 Nays Yeas Na Mr. rClanoy y ergo Hodgson ✓ MAS' 2. t 19Z Wenzel / Mr. President (Nelson)VApproved Y m CITY ,Five A IIYT' A L� ?ne�arrh�vl�en�F o ublic���clrl�7 f JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH—ARO. 00- EN --- WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF C.N.iSUP�N AHO R- 0. H. HERROLD. OPPIce ANO Cm' `—OM -- May 2nd, 1925. Mr. 0. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- cl`a M. S. GRYTSAN. BRIOOe Ex.IR8f1t A. B. SHARP, SUPE. OF BIWRATMMi G. P. BOWLIN, SWT. OF W— Re: Feel Oil Tank 3000 gallons, Holm & Olson,. Erie St. between Superior & Pleasant. This is an applioation for a fuel oil tank in a Class WBW Distriot for use in heating the greenhouses. This tank has been installed in the boulevard at the dead end -of Brie Street immediately adjoining the smoke staok of the heating plant. Yours very truly. --aann ng lig neer, Ap ov d omm sa oner of Pabl marks GH-REH D. ' DupliFote CIT.y OF SAINT PAUL This application to be " made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date A=n' 146,---19-i Of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE ByZ11 Name of Firm or Individual jl FMr t0.WZ*," Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) Yf ' A_FUG, ei 1 t1w1c in 7ib1t�l17i%Yrd ',Drive In" or "Curb' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located or anire Number of Number of 3. oil Capacity of Alin Rn1 � , Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be nstalled Tan Received at office of City Clerk . &ana-m of ADPheuat By mm— Received Aaa em Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From. City Clerk Date 19_ Date 19_ .Date 19— ` Department. of Public Safety Department of Public Works Department Pub. Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By By BY ,. Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works' Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs.. Date .. 19_ Dat 19 q—Date 19— Office of the City Clerk - Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By BY I By. - Received From City _Clerk Dat .Received From City Clerk - Dat —19— Passed 19_ Approved 19_ Ordinance No. - : No. office of the Corporation Counsel By BY - Received From Department of Date 19— Received From Office of Corp: Counsel Dato 19_ Office of the City Clerk BY- Office of the City Clerk By Permit License No. - Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of Holm & Olson, Inc. for permissionto instal a fuel oil tank in the boulevard on Erie Street between Superior and Pleasant Ave. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. Yours very truly, "mac==��'= Commissioner of Public Safety *i int Paul owEN ¢cDuvN. E. J. MURNANE. ON of CNIeF of Puce MICHAEL GEOHARI-. DepartmentPublicSl a OSCAR LANDER, AseT. FInn CM4 Ac.—I--- o z WILLIAM BARRON, H. A. VALL. CIIIV Ix[Fmon, FIn[ PnavvrtlaH GFrA1N OF Dei[errvo J, M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L WILLIe. G. H. BARFUSS.Suer. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER of ­WS_ INWmD11 of FOLI- DR. B. F. SIMON. A. L. EGGEAM HGLTR.—C- Ll— I---fN cauar Roucc A. E. NICHOLS. M. D., CHARLES L SEGREN. DO•UrT HeM.TN 01— EYPT. MUMCIFAL GAIUO[ JOHN MA1. UAY. JOS. MAWL CMV- HCLLTN I-- SUFI. Fou- S: n.c Aunts May 4, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is the application of Holm & Olson, Inc. for permissionto instal a fuel oil tank in the boulevard on Erie Street between Superior and Pleasant Ave. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. Yours very truly, "mac==��'= Commissioner of Public Safety w V 2 �t � FTIxi Paul E. J. MURNANE,_ CHIeP of POYC6 j• j Tftitltt$ILt II11LT12bML'l 1 MICHAEL GEDHAROT, ASST. CHIEF OF POLICE �iY69E[ 2I± QZD9C:I99fE H. Jur .OFDETEcrrveE J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER Geo. P. DAWSON. J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER LICENSE INEPECTOR JOS. MACAULAY• O EVPT. P . & FIRE ALARM CHAS9PT. MUwC PALEGARAGE BUREAU OF FORE PREVE TOOK 14ay 2,1925 Hon.J.M.Clancy Commissioner dfi Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; OWER C. DUNN OSCAR LANDER. AEST. FIR. CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INSPECTOR. FIR. PREVHNTION CHARLES ; WILLIE, RUPT. OP A— ­ DR. B. F. SIMON. .--.0—.- JOHN EALTHOFFICERJOHN MARTI. CNIeP H—H INSPECTOR in regard to the application of Holm & O1son,Inc. for permission to install a fuel oil tank in the boulevard on Erie Street between Superior and Pleasant Avenue. Capacity of tank will be 3000 gallon. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great3jy increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector.. Duplicate'' - - - ..'CITYAF SAINT PAUL This application to be and OFFICE OF TIM CITY CLERK . • aubmitltedato thlicae City'. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Potm No. Application No.. To the Honorable. City Council Date April 15-I 19.10+ of Saint 'Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By Hjdin IL^ni>don�Tna Nsmo of IF'— or Individual F9AA4w" to.Qpryato„s A Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A >.uel oil twik in boulevard _ - - "Drive In" or "Cmb AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located it. on R«xa fl -timet betme- sty *r nil T�]eA�g�+b eraet xnmber ma stroot Number of Number of just .Oil Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed i Tanker 3000 Gal. Received at office of City Clerk - � � p (3igoaturo o[ ADPI mDt .. By Iivainmr Address Received From CityClerk Received From City Clerk. Received From City Clerk. Pas 19— - Approved 19— Ordinance No. Permit No. License No. 192t Date19— Date - 19— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings 7artme t of Public Safe - .Department of Public Works l B i By By pnj . ceived From D of Public Safety Recelved From Dpt.. of Public Works Received From Department of On te 19_ Date 19_ Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19' Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By ' Received From City.. Clerk Date Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Pas 19— - Approved 19— Ordinance No. Permit No. License No. Office of the Corporation Counsel B Received From Department of Pei' Date 19_ Received From Office of Corp. Counsei Date -19— Office of the City Clerk gy Office of the City. Clerk By and applicant so notified by letter dated 14_ \ `\ ` - ..I z | ` ' « � . / c^ ,,~-,°,, "~, �� ~ " � L � '| os� s r� CORPORATED ARCHITECTS SE1 NO DRWG. ENGINEERS Am ST. FAUL, MINS. TRACED BY SCALE M ^' �.� � = - � | | 14� � �r)[�(�� \ _ o� _- . . � - - ~ Lc- � ` | � ( | _ . 7 � ' ^ _ ,.`= "°= ," �,^"` \ � - - � � `. - `,=*~� � =*°`"� .^ 0 ` . - |` � ', �`" .== ` / ."`^��'"" `_ ~ ( | ~^ ° / ,,.", "~~~ '` "°" � _~`,, -`- '-=-- - ` ' ~m." ~ ' CORPORATED ARCHITECTS SE1 NO DRWG. ENGINEERS Am ST. FAUL, MINS. TRACED BY SCALE M �.� � = - � | | 14� � �r)[�(�� \ _ o� _- . . � - - ~ Lc- Y�^ Co"cA I/` = �' CORPORATED ARCHITECTS SE1 NO DRWG. ENGINEERS Am ST. FAUL, MINS. TRACED BY SCALE M t... ,,4 RLE No------Ij t"r CITY OF ST. PAUL COU r• i. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cu _RVAnLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEoThat the application of William Salisbury for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on bots 7 and 8, Bloom 14, Terry's Addition, being at No. 1034-1030 Bast Seventh street, is hereby granted, and the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. Adopted by the CounciVaf...'.6-t99........... 192....-. A proved pu ke . ... ---192------ 1 , I C '- I MAYOR COUNCILMEN yeas I^ 1 (/ Nays ✓Clancy y� V HodgsonQ,J...--------------In favor ✓ McDonald 6�1Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel / M'. Vicei pme. Leerqueon Adopted by the CounciVaf...'.6-t99........... 192....-. A proved pu ke . ... ---192------ 1 , I C '- I MAYOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOFt PERMIT TO EREdT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Seetiibn 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Mintiesotaj application will be made on to the City, Council of the Ci y f aint Paul, Minnesota, y for b permission to erect a public garage on the following dE- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, blinnosota, to wit: Lot — D Block Addition Saint Paul, Minnc- sota. On the side of `St, Ave between St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number U 3 St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Hinnesota, 4� STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Romsey. } � being duly sworn, deposes and says t' ,G ho Is cls k e llisPatek Printing Go. Which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St- Paul Dispatch,) St. Paul Pioneer Press, X daily newspaper,,4 printed cad published is the city of St Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Thatdhe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... hereto , cut Prom the columns of said nowspaper, was attachedInserted, printed published in said newspaper it that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was-tlrst inserted, Printed and published on.... the � ^: f•-oay Of. ........... 192x5 and was pri nted and Dub- Hshed in said newspaper thereafter on....../.�./.�........ until and including.//fj•�4L�4+� •-the. vat --•:day.. 192 That during all the times aforesaid, said newsa medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1 m 921, and that it has co a plied with all the requirements that con- stitute legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said.... ace from .........................said newspaper has beet (1) Printed from the Place from which it purports to be issued in the Engilsh language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter Inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled worinnou and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them - (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said... .. ........ . ........................ ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit sheaving the name nd location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its. qualificat ns as a legal newspaper as required and set , forth in section 3 of chapter 48.1. Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. - That the following is a priutrd copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both !ncl„•i•�e, Of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attach^d, viz: n�Nc(zLlJi:lmnmure [nvazyz Purthei afflant saith not savo that this affidavit Is made Pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws •Minnesota, L921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspape r Of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.........t�.`� a / P.. ...... 92.1) .... ...•:••........ .......... Notary Public, R sey County, Minnesota. FORM 141 3A 82921 PaB MY Cemm'at:{ntt expires ....... .... .. .. ¢„ B. TWEED, Minn, NatoryPublic,RamneY County. My Conuniacion expiroo Sept. 22, 19213 coUNca NO.._........Q360 CITY OF ST. PAUL Y' s FI-, + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_BY RESOLVED That the application of the House of the Good Shepherd for permission to erect and maintain an over -size private garage at 931 Blair street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. C esoly 68x het', $. C Wenael Resolved t, t the Oheratioa .r., the H8ouse of tbA; gooQ aAegqhord for; p'orm(9loa to ,erect .and ;iaaiutsfn an 6W�b so pr S%r4eL,Aorarebg;'g gr= at-8yBa3r°$laeis`CoalbslaeloTrko. Plaonnr. thor-$,Ublle 1'i411dInBe 'Ys', hereby ; au thorlse End inst4uctgd to ,leEpe, aper-: Adppted d'b by tbe-Qobneli MaY 6 _YB26.` ADFxoved,May :8; 1826 - 614. Yeas (iOUNCIL11EN iN►A Nays Adopted by the Council ---------Y ----------------------------192...... Clancy -. APP oved........ ............•-----.. -----------19... i/ Hodgson -- -----'----.In favor j +�,rh✓ h fNlcDonald __------••--- ------ - .,won „�Sudheifner ..............Against 1. ..,-Wenzel 1�denL- ` �03r0 NOTICE OF A22LIC:TION FOR 2BR IE T TO !:RECT AN OVERSIZE PRIVAT GARAGE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 674, Ordinance No. 5680, of the City of Saint Paaul. Llinnesota, application will be made on------ ---'�`..-------1926 . by The ,,Hoouse of the Good Shepherd r permission to ereot s4--r-vs�e garage on the following desoribed real estate, situated in Ramsey County; Minnesota to wit: Lot 16,Blooks 1 and 2. On the right side of �Bllair St. between Uilton 6t. r and Chatsworth St. Number f/ St. Dated at Saint ;aul, Minnesota, 4-1— Z- z--, 1925. CITY fuAdld'6 CFl10E ST, P,iUL, RA SEY CO., MINN, _ Tn..nak, io•try.w.t ,.w. corvao .Ma Fi:3c .t to 4 •m.e. O. J. ti•e C.O U, O y J *,k. 1�1i Q STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. Counfy, of Ramsey. } . ng duly sworn, deDow ® and says Wa ,'filo Is clerk for •• tch Printing Co. which now Is and during all the time hereiaatter mentioned as been the publisher of. the w Paul movatch,91� Notlee o�A ppIlcaflotrtorPermlY to? St. PanIPioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the: city of SL PaN, to saidRamsey County, State of Minnesota HYect '¢1r alsaF fivata Garage:. ThaJlJ he has knowledge of thee fee and knows personally that the printed •.•• 1nP de er-l6ed +etA edt Le It ted i n/� —- ./ •er Co r MIM M,i t It I„t ]fl - ........... ........... •••• ••••• icock 7 end O the dight f --.al 1t =. I'. at betpeeu t Met St `ehd Ch t—rth st.: hereto attached, cut from the columna of said newspaper, was Inserted, .printed 1- I h bed Ani Ir at. ., f 5ted st:8 Int P1W, An to, APT11 25,�i i f_ p?rea� wn Db. ePm 2a:4:6); ,...,..h published In said newspaper ,and that all of said publloations. were made in the English language. . Thatsaid notice was first Inserted, printed and published on.. /. n- the:cg�y of..... �/.p7.......r.19S.hand was 7printed /and pub - limited In said newspaper/ creafter on4./.��...... O ..1!� s�R � �•"rs' until and Including. ,,the.-24�...day of..... That during all the .1—P imaforesaid,' said newspaper was altded as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: : that ler more that one year last past from the date of the first publication of said. r-1.: CiP`:3:'1:�4-�..1 _...........:.......................................-....:...said newspaper has bees (1) Printed from the place from which It purports to be issuedin the English language, .and in column and aheet form equivalent in space to at least eight Dagen, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long:.. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in.such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the -necessary material for preparing and print• Ing the. same. (3) Made up to contain General and local. nawe, comment and miscellany, not whollyduplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them.; (4) Circulated In and near its place of publication to the extent of at least.two. hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the .. date of the drat publication of said.... .. . .... .. ............ ...........:. the publisher or printer in charge of maid newspaper having. knowledge of facto: .ffied In the office of the County auditor of soldcounty of Ramsey,state of min• : nesota an affidavit showing the name and'iocation of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constitutingitsqualifications as a legalnewspaper as required and act' 14th in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following 1s a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclu,1ve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: - abcder hlfklmtwonretorwxra Further atflant salth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws 'Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advert iaement. - ' Subscribed and sworn to before we this.... .,day o�, .........192 ................ .. .... Notary Public.66C ounty, Mlnnesof& L> (-q, IORM 141 3H 6.26.21' Hd,9 My Comm'.smon expires. ..... :latWVubHc lt8 . I Cemn. +tv'mh Mp Con,=imfen expim" Sept. 22,.192E ��`3_ • CITY Ods STHFT. PAUL ;O�NCIL NO.._...--- `.-' - _ - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION—G�EpRAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of R. B. Sutton for permission to ereot and maintain an over—size private garage at 8187 Marshall avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings is hereby authorized and direoted to issue a permit therefor. MAY - 6 194 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... 192 --- ..,.-..1--------'- Approved �dhY....... ...... ................................ . MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy V/ Hodgson � ------- ; ---In favor McDonald 'v ....Against Sudheimer Wenzel _ ,j Mr. Vtoe Yves. Nnrgnson MAY - 6 194 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... 192 --- ..,.-..1--------'- Approved �dhY....... ...... ................................ . MAYOR STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. Coutlty of Banfaey. } ..... Ing duly awora, deposes and �ayys thel6t le clerk for the ch Printing Co. which now is and during all the Umee heroin er menUoaed has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch. '-• St. Paul Pioneer Press, kdaily newspapers printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That,4he hes knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed../.... G/• �'''� h✓�•�r.. ...was inserted, Drinted and hereto attached, cut from the comm t said nevipaper, published in said newspaper and that all of Bald publications were made in the English language._ That mid notice was first inserted, printed and published on the.o.F7,Rrf!t1aY of.. ... .... 192,457and was printed and pub- fished in said newspaper thereafter on........ "� `-��• • • .. until and including...the? Y of.... .. 192..$ That during I �ili�maforesaid, said newspaper was uafLHed as a medium of official and legal publication as reVulred by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session laws of Minnesota, 1921, and .that It has compiled with all the reQnirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said :sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than -.- one year last past from the date of the first publication of said..... ... ... ...........................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the plaoe from..... rom which it purports to be issued in the English language,. and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight. pages, with eight columns to the "page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material -for preparing and print. Ing the same. (3) .Made up to contain general and local news, comany, ment and miscellnot wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. - (4) .. Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred, and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ...... ....... ... ... .................... the publisher or printer In charge of said newspaper having knowledge of " the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence fof orth intsectf n 3tituting its of chapter 484. qualifications Laws Minnlesota, newspaper1. required and set That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z bell, inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the ecomposition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, aocaat nlftlantwuntsnr:n - Further affiant eaith not, save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bin.- _ ,or the publication in said newspaper of -the aforesaid legal advertisement Subscribed and sworn in before me this......j of • • • • ��j �p�Q'`� Notary Public. Ram county, coyunntlyy, Mliinnesottta. �. FORM 141 aM 6.2821 P&B MY Cbtsmisslon expires• • • - •pP>Kp�'• • • �• •" • 1 "� . L B 'ftVE • - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNca �`/�'-r� • FIS No- ---------------------- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY —._------------ ......._- RESOLVED That the application of A. B. Sutton for permission to erect and maintain an over—size private garage at 2187 Marshall avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheiraer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President _7 Adopted by the Council ............................... .........192.. Approved - -- .. ---- --- ------ ------ .192... MAYOR J NQ�tGE b' APPLICATION FOR PERD4p ERTsCT 'C GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul., Minnesota, application will be made on to the ty ounc of the City of Saint Pa , Minnesota, permission to e:r agarage on e following de� scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County; MinnestktJpv tt w r Lot ,2 3 Block ,Addition, City of Saint Paul) Minneso the side of Ave. between T�_St. Ave, and, St. Ave. Number St.Av T Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, i92'S� 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FC.'OUNCIL No.__5�..9_ O OF THE CITY CLERK r L R _ Tiom—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 75 coils it' extra strong lead pipe in approximately 230 lb. coils, at a total cost not to exceed $1875.00, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists cohere failure act promptly would work a hardship to the ibest interests of the city. Charge !dater Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Nays Hodgson — ...../..�-....In favor ✓McDonald ,_....Against (Audheimer /Wenzel �Mr.Vierµvson Adopted by the CouncilM 1; .— 6..i$,1.cj-__........192...... proved +` -192to MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL M CIL No.____.. r e3�) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ]//C//./� /��/�%J/�J COUNCIL R SOLUTION�ENERAL FORM IONER_._,^r..J '-(l.,j' ... __-------- DATE_.._..____.____.____..........__. RESOLVED fiat permission and I�hority are hereby granted to the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Company to install and maintain two 1280 -gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline, on the south side of Tenth street between Minnesota and Robert streets, said permission being granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, who is to be notified when the tanks are installed. Said storage tanks shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of at. Paul, and the construction of the buildings and tanks must comply with the building regulations of said City and with 1 the specifications of the National Board of Underwriters and be fire- proof . COUNCILMEN Yeas , / V Clancy ✓ Hodgson Nays j' —.,:_...In favor Adopted by the Council ....................._........._.. ... 192...... _ li ,•; ,t` Approve "Wk McDonald Sudheimer ' ..........Against ... ...... .�------_...._..___._...M--..._ YOR ^ - r PLOa h e nth o,F �PAU lir "Nv-vJ JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL. DWUTY COMMISSIONER 6EOROE M, BHEPARD. CMV EKo1Nev1 ORTTSAK, BBID4. WM. N. CARRY. BI VT. or Co­OR /gem R- A. B. SHARP. BUR. G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. E/IDW.OI on B�xrtATwN M WOIUCHOU.. G. H. HERROLD. OAIC. AVID CRY PtANxIN. DI.Wm. April 30th, 1 9 E 5. Mr. 0. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- Re : Two storage tanks, The Tri -m -State Telephone & Telegraph Company South side of Tenth S�. between Minnesota and Robert Streets. There are no objections to this filling station from the standpoint of zoning, and as it is for private use of owner and situated in a Light Industry District a public hearing will not be necessary. Yours very truly, �eG .K- & Esc, 01 -Gy n nn g neer. mm ss oner o c Works* GH-REH D. �-A CiC.OB ST PAUL + This applicationDuplicate. made iduplicate tobe !8Cd OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ubmitted to khe f r APPLICATION FOR LICENSE�Clerk n ^a AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. es To the Honorable City Council Date A', 34t 1 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION ISHEREBY MADE By IM ': kUWATH MMMO= AM THLEM AM O—QVA W - Nemo of Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) �O. T1Q73'PAi.L Tf�C3 t:�, T9o14LV3 HI�f M PIrft QALLOII TAMW '�t90 iAQ 34. A wtis rlEr<eritiae aarneNni� nw,Krangl t�i!'hIA'1'$LiBi$ Drive In" "C b" ` - .. b .a AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATI to a oca , At SOUTH SIDE OF 1At!!S'YfiL&'4` MWN 9=1502 AXW I'tMtl= f ENTS - - street Number and Stmt ,.G. Number ofFOUR Number of Gas , Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Capac Tank Received at office of City Clerk % TRZ.�TA'r8. PFAM- 4 TRIZORAPH 00. �7 sisnaeureot Aoaumnt By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel By Date 19 i C$TfAR 31'• S'1'•' BAtSrf�sQ, A, ., ' Buuneae Addrem' Received From City Clerk -: Received From City Clerk Received Frons zity Clerk Date.- 19_ Dat ' • - t9_ Date 19_ Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings '.'. Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By By Received From Dept. of-Publ-c --fety 'Received From Dpt. of Public'Works Received From Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbe Bldgs. Date 19_ Office of the C[ty Clerk„ - Date 19— Date_ '. 19— .Offices, of the City Clerk ,Ogice of the City Clerk i BY By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Paaeed 19— :`. .. Approved 19— Date— Date 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of - .. -Ordinance No. By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Dat r 19_ Date 19 Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By - By '. : License No. 5 Approval withheld on `account of and applicant so notified by letter, dated 19— Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, o. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - The attached application of the Tri-State Telephone Company for permission to instal two 1250 gallon tanks for gasoline storage on the south side of Tenth Street between Minnesota and Robert Streets, has been approved as to fire hazard inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention as shown in their report also attached. Yours very truly. Commissioner of Public Safety ' Qtv of 'ittitt flAUI oRap .SUV N. E. J. MDRNANE, . CHIHP M Ponce MIC.—c.1BHARDT- Pahl}f Safetg Public OSCAR LANDER- Msi. FUU,BAR A.eT. Corer Or Pauc[ Pe»u ar}ment �l ,F t�{{l� Li ON. WILLIAM BARRON. K. A. VA", Cwv IwIPKfOR, PIR[ P11pORION cAnAIN or D[T[cirv[. J• M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIB- G. H. BARPUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Sun. or pPPAIMTvs I --W Pauce - DR. B. A. L EGG H[AFiHSOPncaa 1— LlceNee lN.PecTda Rr Naus[ aH cou . A. E. NNIGrAI CNARLE. SEGREN, ' OQU(Y1C H—OPPD01 Sun. M OARAo[ �® JOHN MARTI- JOB. MACAULAY. Cwsr NwLTN INePO:a.R Bcn. POYG[ B PIR[ ALMM April 28, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, o. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - The attached application of the Tri-State Telephone Company for permission to instal two 1250 gallon tanks for gasoline storage on the south side of Tenth Street between Minnesota and Robert Streets, has been approved as to fire hazard inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention as shown in their report also attached. Yours very truly. Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. S, OF [, ' CxI[r or Pouet MICA.— C.--1 Pouc[ H. A. VA". CwFTAIx or D[r[crrvu G. H. BARFUSS. INv[cTOR w PaLIC[ A. L. EGGERT. CHARLES L. SEGREN. BUrT. MUNIGrwL OwRw6[ JOS. MACAUUIY. BYrT. POYc[ S FIR[ ALARM aptu elf ftiat.,•r aul • owEN �FinCDYVN, Department of Public fiafetU m �"F D.- WILLIAM BARRON. w, CNIerWere—R. FIR[ PI—I" J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L.WILI.IS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUR._APPMwTIe DR. B. P. "MON. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION X[wLTN OrrleeR A. E. NIC OLS. M. D.. WIWAIM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR DD•vTY H[wLTH OrRcve JOHN MARTI. -49�0® CN H[ALTI I— April 27,1925. gon.J.M.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir; in regard to the application of the Tri-State Tele- phone Company for permission to install two 1250 gallon tanks for gasoline storage for -private use on the south side of Tenth Street between Minnesota and Hobert Streets. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Oriel . - - CITY OF SAINT PAIL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF TER CITY tv.LERK­ ;". • submitted to the City • < APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form Nc. - - - Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date APRIL 16, 19 25 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICA'T'ION IS HEREBY MADE B THE TRI-STATE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY - Y Name of Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) TO INSTALL TWO (2) TWELVE HUNDRED FIFTY GALLON TANKS (1250 GAL) EA, A TDRrA4()rnTT+ 4ToBAny gin Ti9(1 f 1 rTu Tk rtcenrn agTIDN 1= nTr merar�o (5000 GAL) OWNERS'R31VATE USE ALL UNDER SIDIn" -.,C�b. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At SOUTH SIDE OF 10th STREET BETWEEN MINNESOTA AND ROBERT STREETS Street Number and Street Number of Gas Capaci Number of FOUR TWO �� GA, EA. Pumps to be Installed . Wanks to be In tailed Tanks 0 of Fuel anka to Received at office of City Clerk be installed TWO C�i�n�Ce 5000 Ga, TAE TRI-STATE PHO &TELEGRAPH CO, Es,' - Signature of ADvboant By, v a #369 CED ST T asenem Addreee Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk t9_. Date 19_ Dat t9_ Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works and Public Buildings By By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From 'pt. of Public Works Parks, Playgrounds e layg ounds anrom dartment o Puibe Bldgs. Date 19_ Dat 19— Date t9— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk passed t9— Date_Date--19— office at 19_Office of the corporation Counsel By Approved_ t9— By Received From Department of Ordinance No Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date t9— - Dat. at t9— Permit No Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By - By License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified bq Tetter dated 19_ ORIGINAL To CITY OF ST. PAUL . • mu"NO _. V�.�.•�- `m CLERK A �R ION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM CHARTER SECTION 208'. PRESENTED B , COMMISSIONER ...................:I,. C. HOdgB.On.......... ....................._ DATE ...._.�gg..6.,....1 2..rj. ... ------ ,. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE 1 APPROPRIATION ITEM TRA-FEREO FROM TRANSFEREO TO 31 Z 1 Mise. Unforeseen 533.00 31 I 1 City Officers Attending Conventions 533-00 AIM 4'ro I�� xh V YES (%T) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILMAY. 6J925 19 t/CLANCY lyi/-+1 - �j APPROVED......-.- ..--... -------- ---- --IB.__.__ IMCDONALD _.._.. �.___.IN FAVOR @im@r &OMMI—. .. a MAYOR /H dgson/ ......... .....AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY...... _-_.__..__.__ �.. .. CITY COMPTROLLEN T F.RN ON cR t vice Pt m F-ff-w- 0 COURCIL No X9365 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the transfer and assignment by the First National Bank of St. Paul to the City of St. Paul of #1,700,000 13. S. 4j% Treasury Notes, Series B1926, dated kugust 1, 1922, due September lb, 1926, as security for the deposit of city and school district funds, which said assignment has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clan,,cyy IF -9-96. /./ Hodgson 4r:...._._In favor /McDonald /6udheimer C :!.....Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council._MAY..c..b_1� ...-..-..192.....- A proved Ll 92 =`----,...... .. " � MAYOR - ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNo.---- V-f�6 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED TIIat the Chief of Polia(s'rbe and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the Police Convention to be held in the City of Hew York, from the 12th to the 16th day of May, inclusive, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Chief of Police in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) to defray his expenses in connection therewith, said sum to be payable out of the Officers Attending Conventions Fiend. COUNCILMEN Yeas' Nays ✓Clancy Fxxgu- ✓Hodgson --- -.r -.In favor ,-"McDonald / L. Sudheiraer Against Wenzel .M1 . 'Pio. P.e,e (rprQOROR MAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the Council ................. ------- --------------- 192_...- Approved ... ..192 hd4-41"" MAYOR REC9VED AT a Thb is a Ja Tekir—nlYwgl / olha number i[ald p6yi— = LV Earl 'Q (Nlfhr 'v dor •jyju' (N: e¢rmn -6 nu S 35 N.L. 9 EXTRA GET ANSWER I F— 16 Dbl BS NEWYORK NY MAY 5-6 X936'6 JOHN M CLANCY COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY, STPAUL MINN INTERNATIONAL POLICE CONFERENCE MEETS NEWYORK MAY TWELFTH TO SIXTEENTH FORTY FIVE NATIONS REPRESENTED OVER FIVE HUNDRED POLICE DEPARTMENTS UNITEDSTATES YOUR ATTENDANCE IS ESPECIALLY -DESIRED PLEASE ANSWER RICHARD E ENRIGHT POLICE COMMISSIONER NEWYORKCITY ,PRESIDENT INTERNATIONAL POLICE CONFERENCE 634AM wuec�� NO...s59 61.--- CITY OF ST. PAUL n� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _J/ / O RESOLVED hat Mrs. Minnie A. Moor and she is hereby authorized and directed to attend the policewoments Convention to be held'in Denver from the 7th to the 9th day of June, inclusive, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in her favor in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) to defray her expenses in connection therewith, said sum to be payable from the Officers Attending Conventions Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy ✓Hodgson _ / -...-In favor McDonald Sudheimer,.:..-.Against Wenzel �— =t / Mr. vli Past+. A'erp'Rarni" a Adopted by the Council. `(.._t.6.1 ----------- 192 gay Approve.-�-- --- - ----- - --------- --------------192---.. MAYOR M • COUNCIL 59368 CITY OF ST.,.PAUL ,w` NO._._, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDByL. C. HODGSONDATE COMMISSIONER --...._.....-.._._-.M_ ----- -.....-.v.--_._.__.._---.___-...�._.- .._-.Y...--_......__�.........._. .._.-.-.. RESOLVED; `•4 That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check in favor of Alice Kuether in the sum of $13.28 being a payment on Ah- assessment on the wrong description of property on S. 25 ft. of Lot 28, Block 14, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, Receipt H4412. Charge to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Improvement No. L1802. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,✓Clancy Hodgson In favor ,-I&Donald -4udheimer �ZjAgainst ,,"Wenzel Vim Pre erlIa"', 1,AAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the IAy - 6 1,2n Approved......................... _.._.............. _....... _.192----- MAYOR ...:COUNCIL 5936.9.. CITY OF ST PAUL FILE NO. -----•- . - ---- OFFICE OF THE C17`S'CLERK CI OLUTION—GENERAL FORM P17ESENTED - Comm RESOLVED WS_.,R:�As, The Commissioner of Education hue reporta.d to the 0oun6il in accordance with Section 5::, of the City Charter the e:cistance of an emerg3nc,,i which rendered necessary the.employment of certain c,rlployas of his deaarbtent for more than their usaz:1 hours of employ- meAt'theirefor, ba it;, RESOLV30, That'the propar city e"fic3rs tt'e hereby au- thorized-to u-thorized to pay the .foilo ;ing r�y33 ">Ec4�loyes, at-.the . rate otheri.dise'fixed for .ex ra @tp; 0%*611t for the extra employment *for extra tire:, haret,nuf ter set. forth,: NADA TITLE TIME TOTAL, O'Donnell, Jaynes Mtoe Lab 19 hre .50 9.50 Paulson Peter Mtee Lab 29 hre .59 14.50 Yeas • , ''.,'� . I OF S . PAUL F�°E"`"-NO........ �tl'CJt69 OFFICE OF c CITY CLERK'S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED .1} COMMISSIO:R. .................. _. DATE..........u+,eye.._..F...�.7�...�_._....__._...._ RESOLVED WH 7, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53; _9_,F�--tt% ity Charter the existence of an. emergency which re ecessaxy the employment of certain em- ployes of tmquZ f6i more than their usual Hours o£ emplo fore, be it, RESOLVED, the proper city officer hereby orized to pay the following named a es, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emplo e44, for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Peter Hansen Jan, Eng. 24 hrs .72 17.28 Robert Beokstrom Sty Fireman 22 hrs .72 15.84 T. Watters Hd. Janitor 2 hrs .72 1.44 Joseph Gobeil Janitor 2 hrs .61 1.22 COUNCILMEN Yeas � / Nays VClancy � McDonald �" In favor l Matson ✓Peter _i,...... r.Against "-,"Wenzel Mr. Viae Prey VorgaBOU MAY - 6 1925 , Adopted by the Council._ ............... ----------_-- .... 192 ...... App ed..........,. n ..--"-"---192.-'--• —,•--i, rer � MAYOR FOFM NO. 1. Play 5 192$ An 3m:3rgancy has arison in th.: D3partm mt of 3ducation, Huraau of Schools, r.:ndaring n.3cassary th:: smploymint of car- tein omployos of that da-?artm;nt for mora than eight hours per day, in doing tha following work: Cleani;g schools This amargoncy arosa by mason of tho following facts and circumstances: Substituting for janitors who Are ,jl]_ _ This raport is in accordance with Siction 53 of tha Chartar. . k -. OR -3 k'0. Z. may _6 __-19PS :cY ris n i:: th rts'� it of of c r- Burt;^.0 of 3ccools, raid rir::r :r c :s cry tho ilo}Jl:jn t tc.in employes of ti..t d -- '-rt ' jr.t for aor th..n ai;ht hours per dcy, in doini the follasin;I- This e -r rg:ncy -ros; by r,�-.son of th,: foilcwing fccts <_nd circumstcneas: Substitutin This report is in ..ccordmca 'with Jjction 53 of tho Chartur. OF ST. PAULc�o�Rca No... =70 OFF1 E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED ByDATE— COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to G. B. Cav- shaugh to install and maintain a drive In filling station with two 1,00ep, gallon tanks and pumps, at the southeast corner on Cleveland Menus, between Marshall and Dayton Avenues, being on the property described as Lot 7, Blook 6, Merriam Park Second Addition; said tanks and pumps to , be installed In a000i"zoe with the ordinances Of the City of St. Paul and under the direotion and to the satisfaction Of the Commissioner of Public Safety. V IA. 141-� 117 Yeas COUNCILMEN /�Cl.ncy Ferguson Igson✓In favor ---------------- CDonald S dheuner ..........Against enzel President MAY - 6 190, Uy the Council_-- -----•-------------------..192.. Approve ..................... 192 Original F :! CITY OF SAINTTAUL This application to be _. . ak tr 'Kt - ade in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSElerk AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. To the Honorable City Council Of Saint Paul, Minnesota n (�: APPLICATION Date 3 19e 3 HEREBY MADE N—e —.I.fflidai or Licel<jeo Operate an ainta& (In Co iance with Ordinance 5 va In.. m, ..Cb,. AUT JOBILE ING STATION to be located O �- It .. 4 i�uti•.� lumber i umber of Gae Capacity of 'umps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk � 8igmtura of Ap llrap 3 - 3 �-- By-i Bud Addrem. Received From City Clerk_ Received Fronk City Clerk\ `_ Received From City Clerk Date 19_ Date 19— 19_ Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By By By ' Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Opt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Ridge. Date 19— Dat -19— Dat 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By ReceivedFromCity Clerk Dat -- Received From City Clerk Dare 19_ Pass I f9_ Approvrd_ 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel By By ' Received From Department of Date 19_ Ordinance No. o Permit No License No Received -From Office of Corp. Counsel Date iq_ Office of the City Clerk By office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of Iand applicant so notified by letter dated -19— ,A , ol of T, -T- -7-c- ip�e�p c o F. r JOHN H. MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRI ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C-1 EN 1—P A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SU ­OF CONSTRUCTION AND --'R G. P..—LIN. SUPT. OF W RK..— G. H. HERROLD. OeFICE AND GTv PLANNING ENGINEER April 3rd, 1 9 2 5. Mr., C. J. McGlogan, APA City Clerk. Dear Sir Engineering Report Re- Drive -In Fiiling Station, G. E. Cavanaugh, S. E. corner on Cleveland Ave. between Marshall & Dayton. This location is within 80 ft. from an intersection which requires four beacons to control the traffic. Curb returns to this station should not be c.cuptriictsd on less than 26 ft. radius: The amount of traffic on Cleveland. Avenue and the close proximity of this location to the intersection is such that it will not permit a location of a curb air station at this filling station. Yours very truly, City Planning laigineer. Apve .2 sa oner o 0 or a. JGH-REH _ r Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- OWD,I C. DUNN. PIR[ ...- OSCAR LANOER. ABET. FIR[ CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIRP INEPECroR. PIRR PweVeNTICR CHARLES L. WI—S. S"". OF APP AMTSa DR. B. F. SIMON. —OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. — HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. C.- H[M.TH INEFEI.TOR Returned herewith is applioation of G. E.Cavanaugh for permission to instal a gasoline drive-in filling station on the southeast oorner of Cleveland and Marshall Avenues being the rear of lot 7 Blook 6, Merriam Park Seoond Addition. This loostion has been approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of publio Safety I .. t f. E. JCMURNANN. Q v of ftfut Paul .... ■• * Paul ■A■ MICHA`� .CE $ufetV CHIR Bepartment of Public H. A. VA . GO,— of DET[CNVn J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BAPFUSS. I-I—oP PouCe HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. LlcweE INEFECTOR xN couRr Hass[ CHARLES L. SEGREN. BUR. MUNIGPAL GAME[ JOB. MAGULAY. . BUFF. Pone[ &FIR[ AuaN April 8, 1926 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- OWD,I C. DUNN. PIR[ ...- OSCAR LANOER. ABET. FIR[ CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIRP INEPECroR. PIRR PweVeNTICR CHARLES L. WI—S. S"". OF APP AMTSa DR. B. F. SIMON. —OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. — HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. C.- H[M.TH INEFEI.TOR Returned herewith is applioation of G. E.Cavanaugh for permission to instal a gasoline drive-in filling station on the southeast oorner of Cleveland and Marshall Avenues being the rear of lot 7 Blook 6, Merriam Park Seoond Addition. This loostion has been approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of publio Safety April 7,1925 Hon.i.M.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FM[ CHIP OSCAR LANDER.. A.aT. FIR[ CNIP WILLIAM BARRON. CWP IxaP[cTon. PIn[ PRNwT1aN CHARLFJI L. WILLIS. SUPT. of APPAINTUB DR. B. F. SIMON. Hw.TH 0— A. E. NIC 0L5. M. D.. DPUIT HEALTH O—M JOHN MA TI. CWP H— I -- In regard to the application of G.E.0avanaugh for permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner on Cleveland between Marshall and Dayton Avenues. Lot 7 Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that this • station would be looted on the rear end of lot occupied by drug store on the Southeast corner of Cleveland and Marshall Avenues. Such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. / Respectfully yours, G� �GiY7 .�lit/f 6�-9 Chief Inspector. r E. JCMURNNAPNOELIec 1•■ Ov of *tttnl* Paul 01 MIGA.—CHIPN.P 3offt P.uCa Department of Public H.A. VALL. CARAIN -a—— J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER, G. H. BARPUSB. IHaP[.Cr.n W PCUCE HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L EGGERT. LIC[N.[ I— BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION CHARLES L SEGR@ . SUR. MUMGPAL GMMa[ v.HTH AND M NHc.oTA .T.. WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR JOB, ATACAULAY. SUR. I—tc. 6 Pinc A_ April 7,1925 Hon.i.M.Clancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FM[ CHIP OSCAR LANDER.. A.aT. FIR[ CNIP WILLIAM BARRON. CWP IxaP[cTon. PIn[ PRNwT1aN CHARLFJI L. WILLIS. SUPT. of APPAINTUB DR. B. F. SIMON. Hw.TH 0— A. E. NIC 0L5. M. D.. DPUIT HEALTH O—M JOHN MA TI. CWP H— I -- In regard to the application of G.E.0avanaugh for permission to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner on Cleveland between Marshall and Dayton Avenues. Lot 7 Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that this • station would be looted on the rear end of lot occupied by drug store on the Southeast corner of Cleveland and Marshall Avenues. Such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. / Respectfully yours, G� �GiY7 .�lit/f 6�-9 Chief Inspector. IOriginal Form No. i c t f CITY OF. SAINT -PAUL This application to be A r made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ,. submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE _ clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. i the Honorable City Council Date 19— of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE " -- Name 'u' For License to Operate an aintain (In Co fiance With Ordinance D I." w "Curb"AUT'1 'OB VIi .LING STATION to be located ti � ff ff j At w f; i Ar A a r xr ere .,..pp Number f umber of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Received at office of City Clerk w.- cu P By f Amm� A.lelrewa Received From City Clerk Received Frorp City Clerk - \Received From City Clerk Approved 19_ 19_ Date - 19— - t9_ Ordinance No Permit No License No DepartTent of P. Parke,. Playgrounds and Public Buildings Office of the City Clerk By - Department of Public Works Dat Department of Public Safety ByBY —Publ.. BY,� Received From Dpt. of Public Works Parka, Playgrounds anrom dartment of Pulbc Bldga. Received From Dept. of Safety Date 19_ Date 19— pate 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By B I BY Received From City Clerk - Dat Received From City Clerk Dat —19— Passed 19— Approved 19_ Officeofthe Corporation Counsel By By Received From Department of Date 19— Ordinance No Permit No License No Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Office of the City Clerk By - Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19 C-0NEItAC[BlltgqMhhWMlllll[ ,• ¢IIIIIIIINhttIIIIl011AR71111111flfl1t•;• RAN po R UR EON j- /gyp �� '.• e�• 0 PRIVATE OFFICE. �•�• ]I'vul"MI Hon. J. M.Clncy, Commissioner of Public Safety, City. Dear Sir:- jpk, May let,1925. •:'•I�IiIIItII1N1m�i'inn�iul�ill�i'['1111Mlliflh'p N. EMOC HRRN 0 I am informed that a second hearing relative to the proposed drive-in Gasoline filling station at the corner of Marshall Ave.and Cleveland Ave will be held on May 5th. Unfortunately I will be compelled to be absent from the city again when this hearing comes up,therefore I am writing this letter to you to ask you to vote against the granting of a permit for this station,I have been informed by several of my tenants in the Cle-Mar Apartments at the corner of Marshall Ave. and Cleveland Ave.that they will positively refuse to remain ;rith me if this station is installed,this is a very buisy corner now and if a filling station is put there it will make it a dangerous corner for pedestrains, especially childred of which that neighborhood abounds, therefore I an very dtrongly opposed to and again urge your support in keeping this station away from that corner. You aTsr Y, Ov�ner CLE -RAR Ap�ments. We the iina property owners living in the vicinity of Cleveland and Marshall Avenues in the city of St. Paul hereby acimowledge to the Honorable City Council of the city of St- Paul that we have no objections to the erection of a fire proof, tile and stucco gasoline filling station on the rear of the Southeast corner of Marshall ; and clevefT nd Avetues.. We have been informed that this station will cost at least Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3500.00) and will be of white stucco with red imitation tile roof, and we be- lieve that the erection of such a structure on the rear of this lot would considerably improve the appearance of those premises. AT AMM RESIDEI,ICE r #Cpartment at Iinance etty of 6t. ]Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER - K. L. FIESELER. DEPUTY.. LEONARD. C. SEAMIER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS - 116.17-18 COURT HOUSE , r April 11th, 1925 Ida M. Behling, 2059 Marshall Ave., City. Dear Madam:- A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court. House Building, on the 21st day of April, 1925, at 10 o'clock A, M-, relative to the installation of a drive-in gasoline filling station, located at the Southeast oorner od Cleveland Avenue between Marshall Avenue and Dayton Avenue.' If unable to attend kindly notify the undersigned in writing, whether you are in favor Or opposed to the issuance of said permit. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Fia anod. - . o" �. 9�, I ti1U) .0 SZ, ain# pact r--Serlttivr �nr";cxtmrnt JnL ,C .�RTIiISR E.NF.L90N, Mwvon f� �, i April 21, 1925 City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am handing to you herewith original cosma!:Ication from air. Frank E.Turgeon,Proprietor of the St. ?rands Hotel, objecting to a fillinS station on the Southeast corner o" Cleveland Avenue between ',4arshall and Dayton. Very truly yours, 4 Tlqs� Il4�r.' PRA 'Ha E�TUR�a6EON . PRIVATE OFFICE. �IIllt. April 20th,1925. ]6NHYW49tnBNN7M�ulu�•:' mnmunrz,nnl..uc�mn•. H. E. CO H AN Hon.Arthur Nelson, Mayor of the City of St.Paul, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: -- I have been informed that a hearing will be held ob April 21st,relative to the installation of a drive-in gasoline filling station,located at the Southeast corner of Cleveland Ave. between Marshall Ave. and Dayton Ave. As the owner of the Cle-Mas Apartments on the corner of Cleveland Ave.and Marelmll Ave.I want to voice my objections to having this filling station installed,its installation would be detremental to the beauty of that corner and would surely cause a depreciation in the value of my building and concequentally force a decrease in the income from rentals. I am forced to be out of town to -morrow otherwise I would be there in person. wont you please vote against the granting of permission to build this filling station and greatly oblige, Yourt y, Prop.3mran=ic�tel. 6nwea.uvlouwm� •yvnunanrznnnwiarnmnlgm�F FRANK E TUROEON PRIVATE OFFICE April 30,1926. Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: - I have been informed that a hearing will be held on April 31st,relative to the installation of a drive in gasoline filling station,loca.ted at the Southeast corner on Cleveland Ave.between Marshall Ave & Dayton Ave. As the owner of the Cle--Mar Apartments on the corner of Marshall Ave.and Cleveland Ave.I want to voice to you my objections to having this filling station installed,its installation would be detremental to the beauty of that corner and would surely cause a depreation in the value of my building and conoequentally force a decrees in the income from rentals. m�ew.wwlln�®Itlnrtv mm�nnnnm mcG H. E. COCHRAN I am forced to be out of town tomorrow otherwise I would be present in person,will you please vote against the granting of permission to build this etation,and greatly oblige, Yours ejeyer ruly, Pr"o .3t..Frof P H U!" 4 a 41 Cite o '�;axn# JI` Unt KS.CtLtfIUC 4�1'�taYY12It1'It# ARTnl:R E.NEh90N,M.— Hay 5, 1925 City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am handing to you herewith original communication from Mr. F. E. Turgeon, Owner Cle-Mar Apartments relative to the proposed drive-in Gasoline fi111nP station at the corner of Marshall and Cleveland. Very truly yours, 9NMNOIHIRNNQHmNIAIIt•:• •QIIOWINiIIIIIIII1111Qf1.NIN1111•} FRANK Ko p UR EON A. • 4 PRIVATE OFFICE. Hon. A. E. Nelson, 14ayor, City of St.paul, City. Dear Sir: - 1975. •:•I�IIIIIII�IIIII�f 1]II®IIIIOIIINIIIM'119NXQ�N['9• H. E. COCHRAN r.• I am informed that a second hearing relative to the proposed drive-in Gasoline filling station at the corner of Marshall Ave.and Cleveland Ave.will be held on May 5th. Unfortunately I will be compelled to be absent from the city again when this hearing comes up,therefore I am writing this letter to you to ask you to vote against the granting of a permit for this ststion,I have been informed by several of my tenants in the Cle-Mar Apartuents at the corner of Marshall and C'_eveland Ave's that they will positively refuse to remain i7it�3 me if this station is installed,this is a very buiey corner now and if a filling station is put there it will make it a dangerous corner for pedeetrains,especially children of which that neighbor abounds,therefore I am strongly oposed to and again urge your support in keeping this station away from that corner. Yo s ve truly, Owner Cle-2ia��Apa.rtments. COUNCIL FILE NO. ---- By 5937"l CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, under contract 11o. 3756 for the season of 1924. F.O. 48264 Selby Avenue, both sides, from the East line of Nina Ave. to St. Albans St., C. F. No. 69371- Ia'6e. matter. of.. On asg... sent of Ueneflts. Cost. andngexanas=epairr .Constructing, ang cement. eida t o. Estimate No: .under.20 cont;aft No. ,3756 tar Ih_e. RtAiIB9xh'Wf�[PylC�IC1C....................._...._......_....r. :.a..cJ.x.-,.:"., -$dE8r2SiEK�iaX_............_....---_..._._...._._._...............�_._.�, _...._........_........ _............ _................. _... _...... ..__.......... MK$-- The assessment of .-benefit-s,_..:.e.ostH__and,._expans.e.s .............. .... -_.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... lrlth....._..._day of 7t7S1e.:__ 1925._....._...._.._.___....., _._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... ............ .................191............. __.... . .._ ... ..... _... - —._... City Clerk. my - Approved .._..__..___ _.__....—._..__191......._ / ..... _...._ ........ ....- -- .. ayor. Councilman PAMMESIX Clancy UAmxk ✓Hodgson "Kw1bmx zMcDonald mix �Sudheimer j V Mayor$1gdI7C�.,4� lea gers�oH - Form B. B. 16 59372 COUNCIL FILE NO....__.._ ......... . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... changing. the..grade...of Kentucky. St.. from. State. -St ...to... Xi=.Pt.onka...St... to.canform-to. the...r.ed-line-on-the profile ... hereto attached and. made..a.. part.. here of,.. the -pre -sent. establ I shed.. grade..being.. shown-by.a. blue line said.. Kentucky St.....between the-afore-sa. Id limits lne.luding...the..ree.ons.tr.itetijon of existing s_idewalks,...watermains...Qr .............. applartanances-to the... said ..red. ..line.. when.. established .. ............................................. under Preliminary Order....7.!><,...1925.. C. V. ;o 372,— using th I a grade he Commissioner of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. " state 'St. to i 11 tbkgatlar, It 'he the improvement, and havi az tu.k Ir. - the above improv - resolves: the eart'hereof, th.hereto a e opt 1. That the said report be and k.,'.had and inAd- ad d, and the said improvement Jar established grad is hereby ordered to be proceeded i i q blue line;;, "- � Ker.' 2. That the nature of the improvemiii�t'�—,i�til;��'iiie'CounciI recommendsis....change...the..gr.a.d.e of Kentnck7 St..... from State.. St. - to 11innetonka.-St....-to conform.. to.. the ... re.d..line on -the -prof ile hereto... attached and.. made...a.. -part.. hereof.,. the present establish- ed...grade. being ... shown by. a blue. line thereon,.. -also --grading-said Kentucky St. between. -the af aresaid ..limits inpluding. the -reconstruction. of . eiisting side- w.all,,.e.,...wa.t.ermains...or..app.ur.tanane.es..to...the ... said..r.e.d..-llne...whe-n..e.stp-bli.shed, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 4,703.32 .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1(ith-_ day of ...June - ........... -1 192.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1W Adopted by the Council.. MAY .... ........ I ........ - ....................... 2........ .... ... . . .................................... Approved. ........ _MA:,[ EW .......192........ City Clerk. ........... Mayor. /Councilman Clancy C........:1....... gond—_ Councilman McDonald /Councilman Pcvotx Hodgson ,,,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman ,enzel P_ r. foe Pres. Ferau Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO ... ... ......__...... .... By.. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER 593"r3. In the Matter of ... o.ondemning.and...taking...an..eas.ement...in..the...]al�d...r._.ecessary for ..slopes -,f or... cuts. .and.fills ...in. .the. .grading. of...Kentucky...Street..from.... State..Street...to.Minnetonka Street,,,._ .......... .,.... ......... .... _.............. . I C.:F. N F9A04� I 58868 approved Apill 14, 1825 ,the Council of the City of at ha-v_lnir received t report of. the I'_J"" """ """ "' -r;� r of pYaenco hupon 58859. m r6tia ase b T`IS...�.4.a...19.245...... under Preliminary Otder.. _. 21p qL.., z.L,n ry'" The Council of the City of St. Paul having received th,d'ieport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...o.ondemn. and...take an easement. in. .the .land ...necessary:.for...s.lopes,...f.or....cuts... and. fills..in...the...grad— ing...of...Kentucky... Street._ from_.St.ate...St.r.eQ.t...to...l� nnetonka.,Street.,..,in,.,s.ccordance with ... the..blue...pr.int..hereto .attaahe.d_and... Made ..,a.",paxt...hereof,,..the, hatehed p9xtipns...show1,ng.,the...cut.e.,.and..the..,shaded..,portions..showing_.the fills,,, .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...100.•00.• .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... let ................day of ..............JuIIe................1 192.... 5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of . said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the Council... ......... ........................................ 192........ .. ......... . .. .... Approved..... .. 6-!N ........192...... CiV Clerk. ^^11 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vice Pro& Fri � Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO..__.._. . . _ ..... By.. . .... .... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59374 In the Matter of.,.gr.ading..Bayard...46ve.....frori Underwood Ave..Ac..Fa;Lr.T!qW..Ave., ............ Scheffer.. Ave....fr.m..Underm cod. -Ave -to.. Fairview..Ave .. ......... ............................. _Eleanor. at...Xrom. Underwcod..Ave ...... ....... , - _ Fredericka.. Ave.....from..H f9-rd..A_V_0 .................................... p. No 59374- 1; tfi6 Ratter of grading pa3mr. Ave. ......... .. . from T.Tndemood Ave. to . ...... ......... .............. Ave 11,h I Aye, 110 U- I r -o t Ave. to K1 lea r fro�l UndirwooAve.....f to ad .......... Ave., Vredericka r. r Ave. to Otto Ave under Preliminary Order..... 58.912 ary or6r 5891 .......................... 1925. 4! The Council of the City of St. Pau �-,Th� CO=CU report'k the Commissioner of Finance Upon The the above improvement, and having condkk! 64- __ . sreport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....................... .................... ....... .... grade..Bay.ard..2-vd.....fr.om...Under.w.o..o.d,...kv.e to Fairvlex..Ave ........ ............. ......... ............................ ...Ave....,...................... ........... ................ Ke.anqr ... St ...... from Vnd.e.M.oPd...A.v.e to F.a.i.ry.ieM Ave . ............. . ................ ......... ... ......... F. reAler...i.c. ka AV e,. .f.r. ... o.m. ...... Ha.­r...t.. f­o..r. d ..... A V.P. t ... 0....0. t to.. .......... ... ................. ................... I ........ ............................ ­­_ .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _17th ............ day of .......... j! .me .....................192...5..,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the Council .............................. I ............. .. 192 .. . . . ........... .......................... Approved ...... MAY :7 5 19 ......... 192 1 City Clerk. ........... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PMVSIH10e. 4�� V�Councilman McDonald / Councilman i'J= Hodgson (;e`Councilman Sudheimer (Councilman Wenzel �Amr. �Vj- Pres. La""C10 Form B. S. A. 8-6. COUNCIL FILE NO... By....._._.._._.... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. condemning.and...taking an..easem,ent in the, land.. ne co s. s.ary fo.r...slope.a. f.Q.r...cuts.and.. fills_ln..the grading of.-.. ............... . ................. _ _ aayard.. Ave.... from. Underwood . ............. .... . ................... Scheffer Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave., of Eleanor ..St... - from Underwood Ave to. -Fairview-Ave4.V ..Of Fredericka Ave. from Hartford LiveA _to Ott . ....................... ............ . In the Matter o 'Ou"runing Rua tak Ing -an -easement in. the ).ad .... I -,- for out. and fill.. .1n from t 6 o: ' e , Ave.Underwood Fairview e., of f n erWood . ve• under Preliminary Order.. ..5.8913... of Elwin- i '. ­ ................... lrvl e. to Fa v ew The Council of the City of St. Paul from CommissionerFinance upon the above improvement, and having con i Iiresolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is candemn.and ... take an easement...in-the land.. -necessary for...slopas.,...fnr...cut.s and. fills...in.the grading of: Bay.sx,d..A.v.e.....frm..'Underwo.od. ............................ .............. Scheffer Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave., of Bleanor—St.i. from Underwood Ave.. ­ to -Fairview, *Ave,wj­ of . ............... .. ... ...... ..... Fredericka Ave. from Hartford Ave. .to Otto Ave, is--a-c-cordan*ae"-"I,vrith**t,he "blue "print "hereta part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions shoving the fills' I....... . . ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 25-00 ....................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th ...............day of I...'TImp ............... 192 5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the Council..._ ....................................... ....... .......... .................................. Approved..........Mj, 192 City Clerk. Mayor. ,/Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ,Councilman BEZRx Hodgson ,,.Councilman Sudheimer I.Councilman Wenzel ML VIOG PrM VWW-n Form B. S. A. 8-6. 2=amg�,__ 59376 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ _.._.__ By.................................... __.:. ._ __. ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....grading Lucy..Stree.t..from..Sticlmey... Stree.t... t.o...Vlater.lop... StrB.et.,_........ _. In the Matter of grading LDCY Street) . ........... C. F. No. 69$78.- from St3okney Street to Waterloo .street, under Preliminary Order- .... .......... .............. 68980 aDDroYed April 18, 3926. The Counetl.of the City ,�11 St. Pool " -' ----' ..... ._.. ..__. _.. _. ._._. _.. _........_.. :..'r- ...... ............... _........ ..... _. _.. ........ under Preliminary Order_ ..._58980 __......... approved .......April ...18.,...192.5.. ..... ............._.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having, received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consideredsaid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade.. Luoy_.Street £rcim..Stiokney. Stre.et...to. Vlate.rloo...Stre.e.te.............. ......_ _ _ ... ........... ........_. __.... ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-. 21619-41. ......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 17th.. _ _ _.. _..day of .......... ,June ................... 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _..MAY... , 6 191 „,,,,,,,,,_„_ 1 ;nAY r g� .. ... . .... .... ........................................................ Approved ......__..... _......... .........192........ ity Clerk. ayor. Councilman Clancy ""'Councilman McDonald ,Councilman jig{= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel _-Atalsen M66 Vk* PM& 908900% Form B. S. A. S-6. /' _ �•_'� COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ...... . By. ... ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER ( Dj 17 3 t In the Matter of..ocndem nIng., ana_talang ari aasernent.JA..the land necessary. ........... ................... I ........ for...s.lopes.,.X or. cuts and. fills..An..the grading O.M.. Stckne7 In, the Matter of Condemning and juk- Im;e4:0 In the land hee..- ...�n fora. I=t for cuts and fine .. ... ....... ..... . In the grading of LUCY Street from stickney Street to Waterloq_ Street, -under Preliminary Order 5g981 sn- ......... ..Droved not 8 1.12 S. .......... .................. havingimceiv.0d - 1h- U d U..of . .... ..................................... ..... ......... .............. tinder Preliminary Order..... .58981 . ......... approved A Arl I 18.,. .. 1.9 ?-. 5 . . ....... .... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner Of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..c.ondem.and..take an ea,s.e.m.ent in.. the. land necessary for. slopes, for. cuts and fills An. the _grad- ing_of ..Lucy. Streat..f rom Sti.almey..Stre.e.t..t.o,.Yil.at.ex-.l.o.o Street.,..1x.i..a0Q.Qra.gnce rith.the...blue..print hereto.. attaAhpd.,and_na. 9_4 pArt.,herepf,the hatched portions zhowing..the ... cuts and the shaded pQwtions .... .. .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s......5.0-00 ..... ­­­­ . 1. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ... 17th... ...day of ­ Zune ..................... 19 2_5_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 6 1925, Adopted by the Council........... ........... ............... 192 .............. . ............ ........ Approved ............... .. . . ... .. ..........192.... i y Clerk. .. ....... ............................. .... .. . ..... .. Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy -C�etfrreillafk ) 90frusam'— ,.,Cquncilman McDonald ,-,Councilman Faloc Hodgson .,,Councilman Sudheimer ,.Councilman Wenzel F�/Mr. V100 Pres. Ferim,90t _rm B. S. A. 8-6. , INTERMEDIARY ORDER 59,8 In the Matter of..paving Eva Street..from ..F.airfield_Av.enue...t.o...Indiana ...Ave.., including..seviar.,...water ..and. gas -connections.. from street mains t.o property 1lnes..o.Omple.te,...whe.re.not already ..made.,_.als.o.-curbing..and...paving...driveway and -alley. approaches,-where..necessary,.: ......... ... ..._:..... I(�e:F Ido .58378- .............. .......................... ..... ........ In �khe DSatter -of Raving .Et.va. street .. ... .. frdm Falyde1 .0, ee w Iadland including sewer, water and ......... .. ___... ^ae; connections from street * PFoDeecrtY .linea complete: _ wLei'e.. .......... .... .............. -E-t already-maile,.alao-curbing and under PreliminaryOrder. _. 58447 {+ inq ;arivewaY and: suer. aD- rtheoeeearY. uaderi1925............ ..-... ....... N.4-, nprovee_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having recewed thv, sjrt u� ,x,;ommissioncr of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..pave...Eve—street. from..Fairfi.e ld_A¢enue..to.Indiana..Ave..,... including..sever, .water and.. gas_.. c.Q.=e.ot.ions...fr.om...street.,mains...to...pro.perty...lines...complet.e, _.where,..no.t...already curb:Jng And...pavi.ng...dr.1ve.way.. and...al1ay...approaches , where..ne.oessary., .............. _.................._ _ _ _ ... . _........_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....5,990..00 ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......17t.h .............day of ...............June..............., 192...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. IMAY E 1925 Adopted by the Council __ _ ........................ ............ 192........ ..... l`. ................ Approved- ....... ._ ..........................192........ ty Clerk. ... ....:.. Mayor. —"'Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald ,,.Councilman >AJ= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel n . Ffw Pier. Fovallon —_ "Form B. S. A. 8-6. l'U13LISf�_��� r �l COUNCIL FILE NO .... _... _ .... _.. By.... _ .................. _. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1 In the Matter of...constructing..s.ldew.alk..... except ...where ...s.jdec?a�k.. s..already aonstructe.d,....on...both...sides. of...Ilfheslo.c.k..Par, ;may..fr.om...Qomo..Ave.....to..Wgatjrn Ave.,......Sidevialk_.to.. be.. constructed cin propert.y.. line .... .................................................. F. No. :69679— .................. ..... .. ,. In: .klh[, Xatter .of constructing side ......... ........... ........... -:-wan, :eseeDt where �etdewalk Is:,a]_. - zeadp -constructed, bn. both bides. of .Wheelock -Parkway -from Como Ave. - .............. to Western .Ave. Sldemaik to be'con-.� - etruoted on property' Iine, under' lPrenminary order 68!64 approved ,,.,,, .... _... .._._.... ..._......... ._. Nov 19 1924 _.. ... ... . '—The. Cannon of fh y Bt. - under Preliminary Order.. 5.6484 _ .,. ' °g race(° x D�top nb 3 i; J24 der r =tl m _': The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imprgvement which the Council recommends is....construct ...sidewalk, @xC.ept...?h@re. s.idecial..k..is.already..:constructed.,..on both sides of...j{heelock Parlty{ay..from Como_.Ave. to llestern Aye..... Sidewal1c,. to be constructed on Pro.PQrty_line...... .................. _. . _.... ......................... .................................................. _.......... _.._............. ................... ......._..._............................ ....................................... ............ ......................................... _....................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.15... per..front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 17th.............day of _J.ung...............1 192..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY - 6 1925 Adopted by the Council_ .................................................. 19 ....... 6 > Approved. ......... ................ ......... 192 ity Clerk. Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy /Councilman McDonald /Councilman P=ccx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Yog rm B. S. A. 8-6. a", tl : ` t r. tt ii Ji LJJ il— C I 5 9MW CITY OF SAINT FILEOUNC PAUL L QUADRUPLICAT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER TO RES. .'Crry C AUDITED CLAIMS�RESOLUTICN FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE 9 CITY TREASURY, TO THE'.AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING YCHECKS LER NUMBERED---- COMPTR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK ,NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD___ r CF. No. 69399— checks be drawn on Reeolve t'..gg,hg 'I •1•}easury. to c.cktea the C1tY ,.,I,g •t file I. the offie. of he e1r... er , o t,, C.Mptr011e". Ad C._ej, Mey 6, 1925. Adopted by '% APprove d , , 1925. (,,y 9.1926) it ill - Ii '1 it I FORM SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 034 1000 7-24 F�- ,7 • • U � CHECKS COMPTR ER INCLUSIVE. NUMBERED AS PER CHECKS _ . TO ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ___ /SUDH / WENZEL.` EIM ER. AIiAIIJSTBY F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. `J 1yj�-ON. VGS (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR P V _ TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - - BY BANK -- Loc AL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER CHECKS - DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER, RONO GARAGE AUDITORIUM .SPRINKLING I FORESTR'/ PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING - SUNDRY ACCOUNTS - BROUGHT FORWARD - 2 9l Og 117 12 2 793 22 b7S.00 98}•15 11 Sao�43 � � 128: 1 26-03 13 97 520-20 1 60I '02 1700 TI.C.Hodgson, Comir. of Fin. 17006 Curtin X0p3;}' g 1 46 17 907 24' I underliob ;0 1 462 00 17007 Raymond Tberhard 382:5 392 50 17009 L.C.Hodgson, vomer. of Fin. 13 277',9 9 7'75 179 52 3 35771 17009 I.. Gerbel 15 15 75 17010 Gras3e111 Chemical Company 8'0 S!09 17011 Griswold '3nfety Cignal Com; 149 14:90 17012 Grossman Instrument Works 33 33'25 17013 Haokett, Gates, Hurty Camnpen 216 6 135 59 13 20" 5 5 5 63 33 17014 ?uinoy A. Hall 12 I 12 00 1701 Ham Brewing Company 30 19 30 18 1701 Highway Supply OompnW 173;1 1 10 � � 1701 F. Ti, Hildred & Company 90!10 0123 69 97' 1701 Horton Publishing House 1,00 1 00 17019 . Hubbard Electric, Oommoany 90 80 88'80 2 001 17020 H.P. Huntt ing Comp say 17021 International 3 ; 00 Y 00 Harvester Co. 51;25 51.25 17022 J�meaon, Hevener Company 492 50 492i50 17023 C.I.Johnson Company 3'35 3135 17024 1I. .A. Johnson & Con 1 17025 Johnson Purniture & Carpet 0 1702 Rel3oga-Mackay Company . 131' 1&62 1331100 So 12 10 1 027 Kennedy Brothers Arme Comriazn, Kilmarnook Books O 44 94 52 5017028 17029 ^m. Kline 1100 16 44 1 00 Ilt 17030 Andrew Koohnen 9'30 8,30 17031 Reehring Compan 21 75 21 75 17032 Kremer Auto ,-Spring Company 14 92 8' 32 6 50 17033 Kroohie Int. Book store 4 69 469 17034 Lamprey Products Company, Inc.6'125 6 25 17039 Lasalle Company 11 53'2 53 2 17032 Lrivallee Law Book Company 3:75 3,75 17037 League of Minn. Municipalities 1 50 1 50 17038 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Company 2,50 2,50 17040 r. G. Leslie Paper Company 69108 68 '08 040 Library Book House 3 80 T1, 3 90 '20 � 17041 Library Bureau 2 20 274 17042 Library of Obngrese 134,67 134 67 17043 Lindeke Darner Company 5105 51 ;05 17044 LorAmnn; 3 Green & Commpnny 1 91 1 91 17045 Al J. Loins 3 7� 3 75 1704*6 McClain & Hedman Company 9 7733 90 17047 . 0. Lloclurg & Company 14777 00 14?100 17049 RoGill-'1arner Company 14'50 14 150 17049 Maendler Briish Mfg. Company 35 19 18 '98 16 20 17050 Mahle "lag= & Auto Company 69 17 69 17 17051 Helady Paper Company 20,15 20 15 17052 Mleyer braving Oompnny !.71per 4 17 47'7 17053 Milwaukee waukee Comp,�any �� 152 2 53 152 17054 T:S1nnesota. By Products Coke vo 16 64 16 17055 Minnesota ?:fining & Mfg. Co. 31 17056 btinnesota Hews Company 77'1127712 105Mitsoh & Heck wagon & Auto Coi' 101;20 101 20 17058 C. A. Mosao Lraboratorien 6 6 75 17059 H. rueller Comna..ny 15 30'41. 30 41 17060 Yurnhy ,tora.ge & Transfer Co. 75 75 17061 ?"usio-.l .4m prioa 4 00 4 00 _- .4 109 25 1974 3 953 34 1 601 02 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 $91 09 195 190;93 136 591 29 40 7ffi4 93 9ffi9 18 13 709 46 13 • CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RES. No. -136 ------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY.. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-36,017-16 ------------------------- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED .___1.7005__.TO---17061___ N LUST VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE F 11L CITY COMPTROLLER.. TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS RD 2 891 D9- 117 I 22-679,od 9g9 19 -11-930-43 1700 II.C.Hodgeon,RComlr.00fAFin. ''underlioh 906H 6 ', 0 12911 tiartin 1700% Raymond -herb and 1 392' 5 17005 L.C.Hodgson, Comlr. of Fin. 113 2T7';9 17009 a.. Gerbel 15' 7 17010 Gras3elli Chemioal Company to 17011 Griswold 131,,fety Signal Come y 14'9 17012 Groaema_n Instrument Worke 33 6 39250 17013 H,-ckottI Gates, Hurty Compere 216 1701 '?uinoy A. Hall 12. 9 740,75 17015 Hamm BrerAng Company 30 19 17016 Highway Oupply Company 1731 179 52 3 357 71 17017 r. Ti. Hildred & Company 80;10 1701$ Horton Publishing House 1:.00 17019 Hubbard Eleotrio Comnany 90'g0 17020 H.R. Huntting Company 300 17021 International Harvester Co. 51,25 14 go 17022 Jamocon, Hevener Company 492.50 17023 C.I.Johneon Company 3 35 17024 •a. h. Johnson & .3on 3 00 17025 Johnson Furniture & Carpet C . 131 80 17026 Rel'! ogg—P3aok:ay Comnrny 106 62 -0 1 12 00 17027 Y.nnnec�y Brothers Arms Comrnn 71 44 17025 Kilmarnock Dooks 17029 -3n. Kiine 16 1 00 30 1ffi 17030 AndrAlr Koohnen 8 30 17031 Koehring 0017119-iny 21 75 17032 Kremer Auto Spring Company 14 82 17033 F.roohl3 Int. Book Store 4 69 17034 LaJnnrey Products Com. any, Ino. 6 25 69 97 1703 Ln_.4a11e Company 53 2 41 1703 L.ivallee Lam Book Company 3 75 17037 LAague of Minn. runiolpa.litiec 1 50 17039 Lee & Hoff Mfg. CoM),-ny 17039 F. G. Leslie P^per Compnny 2 50 68 08 17040 Library Book Hous© 3 80 17041 Library Bureau I 2. 4 201 17042 Library of Congress 134 67 17043 Lindeke arner Compsny 51 05 1 Oar 4 ongmanl J. a Green & Oonps,.ny 1 91 405 51 1 4 *c0lafn & Hedcnnn Company _ �� . . 71 i CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL jld��() / FILE No. ___(J.lO ��ll__..- _-_...... ... YCL.... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ANCY. _ IN FAVOR i �I --v ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ---","" ADOPTED By THE couNCIL--- - -- -- -------------- 182--- HODGSON. .. JM.DONALD, APPROVE _. y,.--�. H--+--------------19 ---- /SUDHEIMER, � ____-AGAINST �1ttF WENZEL. Mg,BRGG,�'-ON. YES (l') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR V DISTRIBUTION _. LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS I MPROVEMENT PUBLIC SUNDRY GENERAL WATER i� BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS i 124 267;93 I 22-679,od 9g9 19 -11-930-43 12911 26.03 13 97 520'20 1 601',02 17 907 24 11462 oo 39250 9 740,75 179 52 3 357 71 15175 9109 14 go 135 59 2:2 201 -I 5 55 63 33 1 12 00 30 1ffi 173 10 10;23 69 97 89 8o 2 00 255 51 493 35 90 I 131 I 12 10 94 52 ii 4 I� 9 30 21 78 9 3 650 4 69 I 5 53 1 50 I I 1111 69 09 3 80 20 274 134 67 j 51 05 I 91 I QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK PATE 5:�t-6 1925 Y----- ER-- ----- — ------- CHECK NUMBER r i4 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES. No. --A3-7----,- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CITY TREJU F SOS � COVERING 0 FP"TR CHECKS NUMBERED---l—MK --- TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE — ----------- — - — -- — --- — -- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARID 0 693d be That cbeeks Resolve a to t b City�rea,MrY- I gb.,rIrg��beo amount of $25,498.85, 0's'0 Incluelve. ae numbered 17062,111,0 In the offlee of the ebeeks on o per City C..ptr.Ille, 6, 1926' Adopted bYe C.mm.11 31 M 6 925 Approved (may'y, 11926) N it SHEET,TOTAL—FORWARD M, D.34 .1000 .7-24 08 i SUDHEIMEH. ..-., .\L+AIIJ�i _ �u ✓l/CHECKS NUMBERED -_-170�2__.TO._.�73iOL---- ;� L. I 6Y. - - COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE I WENZE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) MAYOR �y J TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION" _ LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS —.LIC SUNDRY CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY V/ NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BONb IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY �-.3 �3 LOING EVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD __.2 891 :09 195_.. 136 591'11 28 .. 40 764.8 959:18 _13 709146 ..136,, 4.. ; _. 109.25 197 -2� _ 953.3. 1 601.02 170f2 Mrs. 1dcirrQarels PurBq 1 11 i, �-� 11 496,75 1706 L.C,11odgaon, Com'r. of Pin. 46 5 • 1706 4 IT. I:oldman xamm Realty Comp-iny 164 9 164190 17065 �� 17o66 F. hurley, went 17067 ''.B. Pcnil Motor Company 1 Old 0 1 010!,00 �= 17065 1IRSIGRu P per Company 7 7 EI 17069 National Conference on City i planning 2 0 5 6 2 00 55 4' 6o = 17070 N_tionn:l t:ducation Assooiati„n 17071 N-tional Lead Battery Compan 3. 5 31, 50 17072 Nrtional Probation Assooisti 1 0 1] 000 17073 flew York Ten Company 15r 7 5 214!66 131 1 17071E Pi. °'. electric Equip. Compan 3 11 59 5 11;56 17079 Northwestern fuel CompP.nq 9a 99',053 17076 malton Rosen Tire Company a = 17077 D. "'. Taylor 73'li 17075 Twin ,,^it Brick Company 7� 5 9 9 96 9 17079 vacuum Oil COmp211y '"'bite 6' �5 17050 Auto Supply Company i I i 2 891 69 220 679 7 16 7 166 - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD r 0 24- 0271 1 661 02-- L TMMM6 TE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL (' COUNCIL TO RES. NO. -137 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F'�E CITY CLERK CLANCY, ramal - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �GAJ&Q v, N FAVOR DATE5+_(�-- _� � _ CITY TREASU RY)TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF � ADOPTED BY THE:: GO U NC f _ _ - - — ------ 192 --- f, r - It s ---2-5,4-M-95 iHODG501N, t. I T M%E._____ covERlrvG )McDONA 170fi2. _ ] 7II�11--- - - - - - - - - 192 __ CHECKS NUMBER Ep ___ .TO.__ __ ___ � SU DH EIM ER, .__� _._.AGAINST APPROVED -. COMPTROLLER � INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE + WENZEL, y OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER � !' _ _ M�SON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS,-- _.--- cHecK TOTAL RETURNED __ DISTBUTION NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY LOCAL RI TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ..... SPFi:I AI FIIN i--�� BOND 989 ;1s i 19 1 SIJ 3�LtC R =V OLVII 3 953 73 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 1 6o3.- 02 CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BROUGHT FORWARD 2 891.09 195__180-9 _ ...136...59 28 40 704. 17062 tdrs. tdc�rgarex Purdy 170 T:.C.Hod�aon, Comer. of Fin. � 71r00 .___ 17064 TT. Coldinon • 11 11 49b,75 06mimm RTiurleyi�A 17066 i6 164 . v.nt 17067 7-9. McGill g0� motor Compmy 17069 Naoom 1 010 � 1 010 00 P. -per Company 7 17069 N-tiona.l Conference on City Planning 17070 NfAlonal Education Acsooiati n 25 6 4 25 00 4 60 17071 N,tional Lead Battery Compr?ny 5 3 50 � 17072 Tt^tional Probation Aar.,00iati n 1 0 1 00 177 Now York Teo Coma^ny 1707F N. ". ^leotrie ^quip. Com 157 7 1 j I70 -+an 3T+5 214.66 131 17075 Northwestern Fuel Comp,my 17076 Milton 11 898 5 11 999 6 90 01 Rosen Tire Comprmy 0o 0 17077 n. -,. Taylor 8 93 1707b Twin city Brick Company 73 g 17079 Vouum 011 Comp.,ny ­hite 96 9 96 17080 Auto supply Comp any 6 2 1 6 2r,11 BOND 989 ;1s i 19 1 SIJ 3�LtC R =V OLVII 3 953 73 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 1 6o3.- 02 �s PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._. RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCIL No------ Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e -�i }day 6. 1925. That the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to employ non-reaident underground miners and mine timber framers for underground work on Contract "B", Belt Line sewer;,00mpetent resident miners and mine timber framers not being available. COUNCILMEN MAY 7 192 /Clancy Nays 'J Adopted by the Council----------------- ------------------192------ Ferguson Hodgson-_-In Hodgson / Infavor 92----- Approved [Q1f1`! ^ :-.;-J^'ti-----•--------192-- J McDonald / 8udheimer Against MAYOR�( JWenzel Mr. President PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL F�Ne" NO., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. . ................... ....... ....._............. ._.._........._........._......_.. t Council File No. 42446, being a resolution providing for the compensation in the Ungraded and Common Labor Service, as provided for in Sections 7 and 8 of Rule I of the Civil Service Ordinance, be amended as follows: That there be added to the compensation rates for employments in the Ungraded Service the following titles and rates: "Gas Shovel Engineer . . . . . $1.10 per hour." "Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 per hour." "Mine Timber Framer . . . . $1.00 per hour." "Overseer, Sewer Construction $1.25 per hour." MA Nays Adopted by the CouncilY . _7_19__....__. 192--.- M 92~ _._ 6,,y PProved..._..................._._......._......._..._.._ 192._._ In favor (� Against MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy �erguson %Hodgson ✓� Mc Donald (/ Sudheimer Wenzel /Mr. President MA Nays Adopted by the CouncilY . _7_19__....__. 192--.- M 92~ _._ 6,,y PProved..._..................._._......._......._..._.._ 192._._ In favor (� Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -••-- . � RESOLVED b I CITY OF ST. PAUL OUNCIL NO.-593M— COUNCIL ~ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .lCO�UNNCCIIjL/RRESSeO-L.U�TII�O.NN—_GENERAL FORM • DATE............_.----------- ..._----------- . ....... ......._..._ in accordance with subdivision' (b) of Section 7 of Civil Service Ordinance No. 32501, as amended by Ordinance No. 5892, there are hereby added to the Ungraded Service in Section 7 of said Civil Service Ordinance the following titles: 11Miner9 "Mine Timber Framer" "Overseer, Sewer Construction" Shovel Engineer" Service rules. COUNCUMEN yeas Nays /Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓Hodgson In favor ✓McDonald /Sudheimer Against Wenzel /Mr. President by the Countil the above-mentioned amendment classification, as/provided in the Civil Civil Service Commissioner MAY - 7 1925 Adopted by the Council ___................. -.» .................192......- - 7 1%`. proved.__.Y..____...._,._......._...___.192...._. oe vkoo .. MAYOR - 9�ISOLPT{olf/. - 59335 -- eoDace L ,; NO.-..- - I a 1n No tg as, r uE wanes~— OCO &. n gjF1,0aLlOA, fBt" C kRK a nc.n0.n�o� ttb to exams fi.�,o s tor, dIIMaOn,.p.tC th.-aah°r.n,es '•� xhOrOji NERAL. FO'RM _ a48'tD0 - h o{tp Clnia Btt pop.-tIM D p ' PRESEN BYpPne. RESOLVED 9pPlisatioas Thtt the'. =OrilioenaBs. OP. the following persons for oonduoting bnaiaoeaos at tho'ad�tnsses.indi$ateA be and the same are hereby granted aad;the city oltrrk:;inIinstraited to issue suoh licenses upon the psynont into ths;oity irsasury'of *he customary foo. 1f. H. Flaimgan, 819,W. Marylgad St., Grooery Olson A Anderson, 599 ;Ctiss 8t., Conf-drug J. A. $atter 671 lf. Snelling Ave., Conf-drug Jobsaon Bros., 1899 Stiliimto� Rd., 0rooery 4regory Candy. Co., l A John Muakelrrits, 51- Prior -Ave+, Groseotionarq 1080 $arl Bt.;, t}rooery Raiolo h Frisoo, 861 Bradley , t., Loaf -drug Claude 2 'Fhitlook,, 4&3�;Broadusy I Cohen, 208. Stats;. $tw; Orocery Frink Dreohlei, _ 127;%f. 1[intfrbd St., aonf-drug Anderson 4 SanSam lo :9.,ty� ltthony AT., Bakery E tables Alesso, Mu -tin Y. ifangenatsen, .2 pool 624 ywsMa-..., 247 8. Sao1 'Um AV., Bakery �., Wry Holinsky, Clara Sorbin, 418,Conoozd arooery 249 B. lairY�eid St., " Mrs. J. Breen, 4111e11L Boos. is Co., 217:State t., 1698 St. Oust Also, 24M4 j. Say+. ing Av. Fruit 6 vegetable Stora Lon Altier, 7b1 �oLbtLelia gt., 8 0. A.Olover, Slb.Sbe Pet St., of hand dealer .._ ..- - How tament . itmes Bnuch, - . 18D 3. 7tlt. _ , " S P. Sellsic". 2284 bat ays., " Jack Apaainn:. Frank Lor=4i bSB:RioO St, _ 83$'$iiiley.'.8't., " Alfred Johnson, .; -473 *ab= St. Hotel' R. H. (anon If.,6th 8t., Restaurant H. D. gennody,129"!llth St., Hotel tins Swanson, 2366 IIaive sity Av.,;; Restaurant iNllinggaim Hotol'00. E94�1�+Zw St., Hotel Peb pstersonj.,. 2W.1,. Boc nth St„ Restaurant Mrs. Mats PaulBous 614 Portland Av., Julium Losohiuski, 1896 Ames Avo, Hotel P. M. MurpW, 67 W. 7th et., Restaurant L. C. Florae, 836 liabasha Bt., COUNCMMEN Adopted by the Council.1-..::11225 M Yeas Nays •' VOlancy �ergumn iY APPr ved:. - -............192 JHodgeon...In favor /J/{� t---&m;4YO1o,,%— CDOnSld.�. /sudheimer .... c .Againet s ✓Wenzel ✓Mr. President a 5938 a CITY OF ST. PAUL FloEwea NO. -•----•-- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 606UTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTEO�BY . DATE_.______-.......-_.___. COMMISSIONER ._.._---.. ----- - - -- RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to L. H. May to install and maintain a drive-in filling station and bulk storage station on the north side: ,of Como avenue between rarrington and Pir ginia avenues, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of 8t. Paul and under the direction and to the" estisfaotioa oe' the 09mmissioner of Public Safety. -4- "" a__" to C�CILMEN Yeas Nays �/ Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ........ ....... In favor McDonald Sudheimer 52.....Against ,,,,Wenzel ` Mr. President MAY- _ +42� Adopted by the Council.._. — — ---------------------192...... 7 r 9? Approved----.-` ............................... .....192------ -...- .... y....-... MAYOP CITY �J�S� N I'�trlL J11e�-1010 ��grrh JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O•CONNMJ-. VMUT COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CMV EHSlaml i M. S. GRY K. Balm[ ENSW..R WM. N. CAREY, 6Y.T. OR C.N.TaIA'flw ANo R®NR A. B. SHARP, BYPf. OP SMIRATMN G. H. HERROLD, 0-- um CRx PLROONO EN.WDeI G. P. BOWLIN, SUT. OI Wamlw.E May End. 1 9 E 5. BD+. C. J. MoQlogan, ,City Clerk:. Dear Sir i Re : Driveoin and bulk storage station, L. H. May, North side of Como Ave. between Farrington and Virginia. This location is in a Light Industry District and, therefore, no public hearing will be required. It is on the North side of Como Avenue, a'%main diagonal artery to the Northwest Section of the city. The volume of traffic will be such as to demand the elimination of traffic interference as is likely to occur' at the entrance and exits of filling stations- E6 ft. radius curbs should be required: Yours very truly, z CiTy elan-Ingnig neer, APPr d M� se oner or Public or a. Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Attached hereto is the application of L. H. May for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station and bulk gasoline storage tanks in eapaoity of 30,000 gallons on Como Avenue between Farrington and Virginia Avenues, together with report of inspection of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in which they approve this installation as to fire hazard. Yours very truly, 6fi Cosunissioner of Publio Safety l D� J. MURHANL. s (�t`y of *at'is Paid , GWEH C. DI1NN, E. CHIV of Fouce „ ��� III TTMww FIRS Cx�v GER MICHAEL. GEBH.1 yR� OSCAR LARDER. AAM OF PUuce a� L� {► Department of Public Safety A.R. FIRE CNIO H A VALL WILLIAM MARRON. GULF IxvLeTUR. FIRL PRNWIION .. - CAPTAIN of O[T-ES J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. [--[--of Pouee HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. M­AMTI[ App A. L. EGGERT. ..—L INSFeeiae iH caum NUua[ DR. B. F. SIMON, HW.TH OFAcOI A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. CHARLES L. SEOREN. SUFI. ­_GAM6L O_ H[ALTH O_'_ BOO JOHN MART.. JOS. MACAULAY. SUR. POLlC6 &FIR[ AL CW V HUI.TN INLP[eicw May 2, 1925 Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Attached hereto is the application of L. H. May for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station and bulk gasoline storage tanks in eapaoity of 30,000 gallons on Como Avenue between Farrington and Virginia Avenues, together with report of inspection of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in which they approve this installation as to fire hazard. Yours very truly, 6fi Cosunissioner of Publio Safety l D� E. J. MURNANE. MICHAEL GEBHARDT. AE CHIEF Ow Ponce H. J. VALL. CAPTN. Ow DET 'V_ GEO. DN uCEN EE`INSF.CFOR JOB. MACAULAY.. SUFI''. PoLICE IN FIRE ALARM CHARLES L. SEGREN. SUFI. MU1111 L GARAGE 49i#�r 'af 04niut Paul ptPrtintnt of PUITtir 44fatg �ilaam 27h QIaact �iiaaee J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FPRE G°PREVEb40®b Hon.J.M.Olancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Pdinn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN, FIRE CHI. :OSCAR LANDER, A. ET. FIR. C...' WILLIAM BARRON. CN— IIRPECTOR, FIR. PREVEMION CHARLES L. WILLIS. BuwT. OF AFFAMTOe DR. H—H OFFICER JOHN MA 1. CHI. H.AI.T. I—E-OR May lst,1925 In regard to the application of L.H.may for permissimn to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station on Como Avenue between Farrington and Virginia.Avenues, also a bulk stGrage. Total oap4city will be 30000 gallons. Wd have had the foregoing investigated and report that we -have instructed applicant to place dykes around tank, this he has agreed to do. With the above recommendation carried out we do not believe that this storage would greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. i Original. Fmm No. CIT7C.-OR S4INT PAUL This application to be e inlicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK suubbmitteddto the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. To the Honorable City Council Vale -- of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By r I Name of Fum or Individual For Lice to Operate, and Maintain (InCompliancepliance with Ordinance 5266) A .� •'Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FI LING STA�T,LON be to ed ell, t�n�nlf'e."�ftC� f ✓ , street Number and street Number of Number of Gas 2 Capacity otii ava Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Install Tanks Received at office of City Clerk Q o Applicant By . Of& Bosimee Addrew Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk -Dat 19_. Date 19_ Dat - 19— Department of Public Safety. Department Received Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Passed t9_ Approved _ - 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel By - and Public Bu -Department of P. Parktids, inge Playgrounds Received From Department of Date t9_ of Public Works- By By By - Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19_. Received From Dept. of Public Safety Dat - 19— Office of the City Clerk Received From Dpt. of Public Works - Doti* 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By - By— y Received From City Clerk - Dat - Received From City Clerk Dat 19— Passed t9_ Approved _ - 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel By - By Received From Department of Date t9_ Ordinance No. Ir -Permit No. License No .. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel- Date tg_ _ Of6e of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL w�"ca NO. ----59381__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL�FORM PRESENTED BY M2 �G No'•aAa84 a3b �prijgald -UIQ%reB T Oa018d UONJ - COMMISSIONER grbvlded-lar ttL tLe mAkt4 DP xbe Im onrE—_._M_e$: 6.r__ 1925 rg94dmept ugdeC.B'lna� Or et a. 8 . �+➢IH gPOrOve4 .jtu Pt 0 188 y dode ornled :ea the aarblae of both �, atdea. RESOLVEDRobBteoq.$tre.x 4ro1¢IDt1,1a„%AYo �ic.a,i Ari 6,9apue ata b. �Y�1 (2'agy .h41 Whereas, ilnforaeen obataolee not provided for in the making of.the-'impxovement'under[:Final Order C. F. #54918, spprooed;Augllet-20;'Y924,'described as the curbing of bo, h'sides'gf Robert,son:Street from Indiana Avenue,to Chi4ago Avenue, Standard Stone Company, Contraetori l_a,.6 ari`sen-nec`essitatin the followingextra work-and,`A, rgesr 31.40 ft. Radius curb. at 70¢21.98 Less 24.50 Stiagh ". " hOg! 12.25 T o t a l V 9.7.3 Now therefore, be Iit aSOLVEB,,That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of §9.73 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-2113 for the making of the afore- said improvement., The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractors, The Standard Stone Company, that the sum of $9.73 is the reasonable coat of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. vounticru iguea: o ptrol er'r • COUNCILMEN ' "Yeas Nays V/Clancy, Ferguson ✓Hodgson 1$4.33o.ald �udheimer �t�._.Against /Wenzel /Mr. President on rso or Adopted by the Council.MAY7--1W-192 Approved :--.:G} :1 ----192---.. �' MAYOP 59388 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fly Ca NO.. ---------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 11Ra`9 7, 1925. .COMMISSIONER.. DATE-_ RESOLVED In the matter of the construction of the BELT LINE;PHALEN & HAZEL PARK SEWER SYSTEM, Contract "K", under Preliminary Order C. F. J53600, approved June.13, 1924,,and Final Order C. F. 454399, approved duly 24, 1924. RESOLi1-D, That the plans, specifications and estimated qua.ntitieu as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. •. COUNCILMEN, Yeas Nays moi! Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson1....,}..In - favor McDonald j/. .Sudheimer ..........:Against Wenzel Mr. President 11 Adopted by the Councily,,t'•,,`-..`_...:..i.......................192...... Aproved......_...----------•------------------------- 192--.-- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 01 PRESENTED By DAT COMMISSIOXR— 5�4 RESOLVED 6x COUNCM No.. -----593=.79 May 7, 1925. In the matter of changing the grade and grading Seminole Avenue from Belmont to Sydney 8treet*. under Preliminary Order C. F. #57919* approved February 17, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #58995, approved April 21, 1925. RE , SOLVED, "'That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby, approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Planey v/Ferguson ,-'Hodgson --In favor /Mcl)onald ,/Sndheimer Against .,-'Wenzel _/' Mr. President glib 64°ydY°0 Adopted by the Council -MAY 192 _71 [YIAY - 7 Tm,-" 4pproved.... .................................... ......192. .... . ...... ht4--ww/ • J Cj IL r UNC CITY OF ST. PAUL P1L6 No--_-- •Jci OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 7, 1925. PRESENTED BY-- COMMISSIONE — RESOLVED In the matter of constructing concrete curb, and grade, improve and seed boulevard on the north side ` 6f Osceola Avenue, from Oxford Street to a point 200 feet east of Oxford Street, under Preliminary Ordet,,C. F. 455057, approved August 26, 1924, and F1 nal Order C. F. #57294, approved January 6, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public '4orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. IioAa0Qn_ C F No. 69880. -BY J' }� rove Sa tba rpp�tteY ots canetrdctnf6� creta coth and grad .atreet� seed boulevnrd oa the aorord�de o1 paceol P9 or en�°� dO 5 \ I SEreetD: uadeti±, p,,e11m1aarY eV F xg6'F7nai,POrVe d r C F Ho 67884; \ 1884„vd Jana�,rp,:a 1886 ' ' -_e acs- \,� o➢RF° '1h9.t #the D�'ae•as soh- "f tioe$Sndeeptbnn�ed`� hdntitte4 p b11o: �0}ke;=4rt�he�ah°oym}ea�FBi°e'he}.�eU9.'ap' A�°Aao(�lSed by,the C41B861 dY89,7 1886..1 L$pUr4yad �eYY 9 1980 COUNCILMEN,Yeas % Nays Adopted by the Council -7--1,925 -------192...... - V .Clancy �Fergueon APP Ve4.1 S,G «•--------------------192 ✓ Hodgson _ .._...In favor V McDonald ---------- --- •-••------- - -..... n -I ••-�"-�Y" / MAYOR ✓ 9udheimer ..:::....Against %Wenzel Mr. President i COUNCIL59391 CITY OF ST. PAUL Pafi NO... --• --- �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .May 7 , 1925► PRESENTS ___ `y��J`.+✓/` - ` .DATE COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade of Griggs Street from St. Clair Street to a point 90 feet notch of Osceola Avenue, also grading said Griggs Street from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 457789, approved February 3, 1925, and Final Order C. F. -J59172, approved April 28, 1925., RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. TnOYrhIBR�° gtei 106V oith o1 'afle+rt$6 w e °edo$ QS��aYr v+4$e�yl .$troOY liegngY�Un gbtg8r C .Np 6Ai39� a Or'Paed A rn ey��tsn -� mist- �nq u �ilueu � . ons8 Rnddi'eNmsYaA � �one� n1 �ovn IlcrYel�Rsiar#� Cme 8ira8D4`I .ffY"�A e� gaby_.fbe�� 826 M6�` COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Adopted by the Council .... Y_..:.TIM ------ 192 ..-- Clancy ,% Ferguson Approved.... - 7-m --• ----•---192--•--- Alodgson _ -.-...-In favor i/MCDonald / 1 ........... ................ MAYOR Audheimer................Against Wenzel Mr. President COUNCIL NO.-----D�--�z CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the' recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and paving Wheelock Parkway from Payne Ave. to Arcade St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, with the exception of resetting of trees, to Hanlon & Okes, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $49,488.00, using oil asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $49,728.00. F.B. #6677 COUNCILMEN 7.. .............192.....- Yeas j Nays V Clancy Y V Ferguson /Hodgson f/..In favor /McDonald j 1 8udheimer ..r:....Against Wenzel „,Mr. President III Adopted by the Council. MAY -..........',9....- 7.. .............192.....- G°fir>,Y - - • A roved -- - ......-~--- ------....192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Ri_uN` `---------------��c2�)c3 No-.------ (1�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the ,recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improve— ment of Denny St, from Greenbrier Ave. to Arcade St. and Walsh Ave. from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached,(this does not include paving and curbing) to Wewers & Mielke, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $4,800.00,'and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $6,400.00. F.B. #6679 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy — Ferguson Hodgson _,:...In favor ",McDonald 1 Sudheimer ...-............. Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ..._MA...._.._t4aS....--192..-... Approved7--LCI ra.".......... 192-- MI1YOa wuuca-93--34 CITY OF ST. PAUL alp No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J_ 7JIav 7- 1925 rs in the recommendation of the RESOLVED That the Council hereby concu Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alley in Lars le View and Miscellaneous Tract, from Prior Ave. to Kenneth Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., they being the lowest re'sponsible bidders, for the sum of 0494.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $760.00. F.B. #6682. IG' -.F itP 69he864':--BYJ g'-Doaaid ., lteeolved TThat tqe Cauncfl hdroti h concare9n- Lhe:<roSAmmendatioa Qt tY: 1111 doittraet Commlt�[d'o $ ld .semynDL�I tract for er48!KIeK g¢�pcouaaeous' !'„lley !rt Leah eor Aver„to an pct' 1= aceoc�R1tA 8$.i to IIsi {H .Me 1 ereto gb1aS tastI I l t e ppthdY e Iooetre w' 4pi 04 oatiet tLa&CoWoratlAP Couaeel uurgyAr°qr Sps te;3769: ffiatrTneeYd Eetlma1790'.90 -AM1dopt9A by -t14e7 1986 01926., StsY 7 192b . A soY Msyy - .,. Bp � (2iaY 9 19261 / 1 COUNCILMEN i---'1�"'."'"" Adopted Uy the CounciL....��---�--•� Yeas Nays 1,,Clancy Ferguson Iroved. i r `v1r 192--- -- m .----. _,,qp, -- -- ' Hodgson ....... In favor McDonald ...... ......... MAYOR Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel President ",,.Mr. COUNCIL 59395 CITY OF. ST. PAUL 'Ou NO... --_.---------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER4 FORM so RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improve- ment of alley in Block 8, Eastvil]jd Heights Addition, from Arcade St. to Mendota St., in accordance wplans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidders, for the sum of $905.00, and the Corporation Counsel.is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1042.00. F.B. #6681. Yeas � �' $es Nyedy8SlUat�Y�.he CntlPce�DP9k �°bY _I °��°� � C' mPn�Yt4e and a'WPTse coa tFBOA tOT gt9!QiPB Hnd HtDrOYfTn°IIt'9}. I'slleY.16 814olt 8.�> tivuje Ad %,, ilddlU°b Tetitii �yroada'. 6Y., Lo Men ot8. sS:.ingaoorQA�°a-avitAgiyie.g4 'xPeot-< p Ylohs .here a PtY8D low" 8 Ybe1t be1n6 6.s qpyF { p GI a tietR CounP�°I td d h89iehy a' gYrPAtad }0 drAv W? rop , ne° 1,042 LOYm o1:wR,i1}°setae a g. t04� 2 8i �^ lj& Condctt DAISY 7� 1$88 `, �d94Cnv4 7 1986' r �, DV{K�v� oy a }986) elt COUNCILMEN MAY 7 19�� Nays Adopted by the Council ............ .--------------------------- 192-....- 1 Clancy ?+a,AY - 7 1925 Approved.------ ------ - - 192. p Ferguson - ---------------- -- Hodgson 7 ...In favor McDonald -------- ................. MAYOR Sudheimer a_. -Against Wenzel I",Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � 396 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j4 (1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q� L PRESENTED RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Sibley St. to a width of 86 ft: from Fourth St, to Fifth St;, Wacouta St. to a width of 86 ft, from Fourth St. to Fifth St'. and Fourth St. to a width of 100 ft. from Sibley St. to Wsoouta St.• under Preliminary Order O, Fa. #58589 approved March 31st, 198ge RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled! annulled and rescinded and all papers in such matter discontinued. - y .71925 Adopted by the Council.- .............................. . ................_..-..192...... Approved- -- ... - ..........192 _..�_ OR MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy Ir Ferguson Hodgson In favor j McDonald / 1 / / Sudheimer l ....(....,......Against / ,Wenzel -MrrPresident - y .71925 Adopted by the Council.- .............................. . ................_..-..192...... Approved- -- ... - ..........192 _..�_ OR MAYOR Council File N-...-59397 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz-: Open, widen and extend Sibley St. to a width of 86 ft. from `FiY'Oh St:. to within EO ft, of the' Northwesterly line of Fourth St., and Waoonta St. to a width of Waft. from Fifth St. to within 20 ft. of the Northwesterly line of Fourth St „ by taking and condemning the lands lying between the building lines, established by,0rdinance #6465, approved�F'ebruary 25th, 1920 and the existi street o-' lines, separate and distinct Froin the buildings thereon. Y This property is more particularly deboribea se follows;;,,, i All that part of Lots E, 3, 4, 5, 6 and �,i :61xd3tcr's $alp $82 lying Southwesterly of '•a line drawn $B .Stf. frt)m and parallel to the present Northeasterly lSibley the southeasteray:90ft. and,,a that part m '. St. esoepting of Lots 1 and 6, Block 1,6 Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul lying Northeasterly ..of a line djmvM 26 ft. from`''and rallel 'hpith' the px *sent scathwe4irry 13n� . of Wsgoiita 3t ezoept ing the Sout0erllr ?.Q ` . ; thgreof. This property is more partioularly described as follows 3, 4,b All that Dao of Lots thwesterly,ofal drawn 26 ft. from 6 and 11 sand X32 lying parallel tonnttghe present Northeasterly line of Sibley theBSoulockhlbs�9hltney St.of yexceptiots I ng &tSmith'slAddition�t lying Northeasterly of a line drawn 26 ft. to St. Paul li from parallel present Southeasterlyh20sft.'ly f. WaooutadSt. except inghtheethereof Q';, .,U : I!' },frit ,�' � � :ii';. -�G .1';36: - C ? T:c. G u •� 7vTTJ Ei (�r�E�d'�T3' uC -i,.C' C Q, stE- `) - J T. iF6� r',YJ 7•^tI t 7L IGS" uCi 11 10p,X 7jIJ'.£' T t}7^n3 17.c�'7n i` rZ, rti ,u`3 C.3rl11 oz r:) J3 ) JJ �;n r8 TT t': , .�U'r .�. C�c. iU1' j� 7s ;' ,J� .? i.'y T1 f7iTj1',Qr it3 S;ISp 17 C, .i.G 6;'irtiy'J .:'S:('2`L T� fjf3HG1.,T,i1 CT 4 a TGTT ;(Til r^_uI cl t±)LT. y}.� 'TJJ� �7"F: jlxL� u+.Gi11 nij.0 1JT j( TLr<c? .!rT is?spTi' ,a.o,n `r :soPz "rl: Fa'. J>;ue f�sm �•}Fr3 sxr'�d7 T=�, � _h [`E'3T4QT-Lj 7J.I7t.-ii lSU,� G'tJ 7Itr C� �774?'lt. .f'}i r... �:ijJli: Dated this --..7th ... day of ..............................- -•--s i------ --- -----, 192E5-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R r t :u�9s tL Xrom soca : mac. c x+'90 tL of ;;th NM�lWeetel WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemewi viz.: Open, widen and extend Sibley St. to a width of 86 ft. from Fifth St. to within 20 fte of the Northwesterly line of Fourth St., and waoouta St. to a width of 86nft. from Fifth St. to within 20 ft, of the Northwesterly line of Fourth St., by taking and oondemning the lands lying between the building lines established by Ordinanoe #6465, approved February 25th, 1925 and the existing street lines, separate and distinot from the buildings thereon. This property is more partioularly desoribed as follows All that part of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 Auditor's Sub #32 lying Southwesterly of a line drawn 26 ft. from and parallel to the present Northeasterly line of Sibley St. exeepting the Southeasterly 20ft. and all that part of Lots 1 and 6, Blook 15 Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul lying Northeasterly of a line drawn 26 ft. from and parallel with the present Southwesterly line of Waaouts St. exoepting the Southeasterly 20 ft. thereof. - ----- E - �N7EI. MR. PRESIDENT _ Fo C A 13 W 6-22) - - Mayor. u VUBLIST �� 0 IT 0 1C f", X, 1, 1 %,3,) I.P' 41 Ij a 1.004' TT' T ol ",I ':17o :r !',w-,oy,e yqT�.T "p, 'FT jm 'car . u j:q-;j6 P. 0JSQ }X 1AG a G T, 'rA 0; '1� (ILZAIV Be–,�PY0 laLq ' VJs P 'T 0y, r % iiq !ijj 1, -lT e TI ... .... T,. I J- I:, j' PC) 'U(; -1.Q110 I Vf ,.l I J. T-, '.011 1 0 N L .T .1, filvP bf-jp U�, jJ1 T F. 7.17 Q 'J GL 1: 79 W0 X.f, G:) 'DP 4L ("4 P 1.0 -f j f!!.' 1 I-TG,9 F r"J)'.TL-') r 0, ssjy q s 1JI:;,p ;IjKa -Pjj9T-fjC1- G TTK79 01 ',,CKT-L{PY '?V" PX j!U!C-j7f& -u}'C having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .............................................................. ----------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... --------MAY '--7--199x:......--•---•.... ------ YEAS NAys COUnCilloaIVICLANCYMAY t-TERGUSON 1 Approved ................................................ ............................ jI /McDONALD /WENZEL ........... ......... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. I— C A 18 (SM 6-22) Council File No..----i}J:U PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT (�Q and 59398 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned- herebyproposes the making 14e following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------------------- -------- East F___onrth St: from Sibley 3t: - - i to_ Waoouta St: by taktng and ooiaemining a strip of Land ----------------•--- $0• -.-.4-n--w-idth-- off •:6;Y--- the ---Na th>Beat-01y--e ide._ther-aot.------ .. ---- -------------------------------•------•----..--............--•--- ........... ........... -------------------... --- ........................ ------------ ...... Dated this----- ith-.::. day of -- -----------------IFAS ------------..................... 192....ES. Councilman. .ar.rra bpAs,6- A ��W4er°aa A wititta�0a--yroDo°°{) !Or R6a� R1ABt 0� tLe 1G�19�aB 7}pGroyem�nt, � ' l� PRELIMINARY ORDER, y� e�°*°, "� a a y WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follywing improve i Vii extend East Fourth St.. from Sibley St, to Waoonta St. by nganaond�ning a ship of: isna .W It* in--width---o f--oY---the-Forthxeaterly side--thftrg-Rt.. ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._ ..............:..--------------- W! �--_---------..--.-----------.-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------ .......................... YEAS ✓ NAys 'Councamag CLANCY MAY - r 192f ✓ FERGUSON Approved ............ ........... .. - ....... -- ---- -----..--..-.. - ✓McDONAL., ! 1 ,-'Pawpa ':.,fes"=,'-rfritr _-, J / WENZEL '! •- --- jo - J % Mn. PRESIDENTyy+y yN Mayor. - - Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) "YU ISL1J� City- Planning. 59399 . ^ Council File File No......................... ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ` Open, widen and extend Concord Sto to a width of 80 ft. from South Robert at. to State Street, by taking and condemning a strip of land which lies Southwesterly and Southerly of a line line Street, to and 20 ft. said 20tft.�lineof the present p produced In Loth4asterly Block eo to its intersection with a litre 5 ft. Northerly of and, parallel to the Southerly line of Lot 4 Block 90 vfest St. Paul Proper. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: is open, widen South a Robert Stnd . oeState nd ncord � Street,by taking to a tand foond80 ft. o emninga strip of land Which lies Southwesterly and Southerly of a line parallel to and 20 ft, Northeasterly of the present Northeasterly line of Concord Street, said 20 ft. line produced in Lot 4 Block 90 to its intersection with a line 5 ft. Northerly of and parallel to the Southerly line of Lot 4 Block 90 West St. Paul Proper. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of mance. ✓" Adopted b}the Council... - MAY - 1925... - YEAS /NAYS Councilman CLANCY .-. VEROIISON , . Approvedl:.<. _............... .... .........- - ✓J`n i Yw ✓ WENZEL .. . .. .................................................... MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. Form C A 13 OM 0-22) City Planning. 59309 Codnoil File No: Ea P$Olb, FOR'I14tl�lt�VEMENZ' »a .� -.0 T F 4 ............................ ..-....................................."' ) fro 59S9B— . Abntraot 7th z6Arene d wrlttea p ohoeai sor tesi----------------------- - ---- Dated this - day of ... .... Iia$ is """ mprovemanf d Co cord St ,eth Robert ; i , and .con '. .... - '- '- -„.: Lqh :nae. Councilman. � •i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement .vii.: Open, widen and extend Concord St. to a width of 80 ft. from South Robert'St. to State Street, by taking and condemning a strip of land which lies Southwesterly and Southerly of a line Parallel to and 20 ft. Northeasterly of the present Northeasterly line of Concord Street, said'20 ft. line produced in Lot 4 Blook 90 to its intersection with a line b ft. Northerly of and parallel to the Southerly line of Lot 4 Block 90 West St. Paul Proper. 4. To state whether ornot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted b�Ahe Council ------_------_-- YEAS ----_-•-- _--YEAS , /NAYS Councilman CLANCY VFExaysox Approvedlt - - ✓M/ aDowALD ✓WENZEL - ,� Mx. PRESIDENT - ........... ........... 57 -.... Mayor. orm FC A 18 RM 6-22) '- - 'Pub r' - • ECKS NUMBERED-- _ ------- __. --- --- ___ B --- C PTROLLER I LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE THE CITY COMPTROLLER. P TOTAL RETURNED I _ CHECK IN FAVO OF BY %/ NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER i CHECKS CHECKS d (� BROUGHT FORWARD 10 591 09.. 254,VYo�3 ..-165 o96. o9 ....41.306, 17141 Christensen Brothers 3 J 17142 II. T. `aerisoher 9111 1714 Chicago Great '7estern Rd. Co' 4 303'',63 4 29� 171N� Chioago,,Milwaukee & 5t.Paul Railatuy Comreny 729'0 729 17145 Cnioego, ote Paul, Uple. & 1 gffi 7 c 2 16 1 BZ�S Naha. Railway Compnnp `I 1 0701 17146 ;,anoral Chemical Company 1 372' 0 37 17147 mmkina—'7illime Lime & Ot. C 2 1714 The Uathieson Alkali " rke, no. 331! g 331 17149 melady Paper Comp nny 375;8 3751 3 17150 }tinneapolis & st.Louis Ry. C . 1 6?7' 1 677 17151 P'libriao dointiess i'irebriok Company 41.2 75 17152 Albert Rehbein 17153 ^t.paui Blue Print Company 5 3 4 star►dara osi Company 1 g5 1 85 1715 United Lead Company 17152 L.C.Iiodgson, Cant'r. of }Fin. 2 3 9 7 2 366 Z0 17157 n 10 2 6 10 627;66 n 125' 2 125125 17159 J. r. Carroll 25; 25;00 1710 _ 7.1:t. & II.I'. Ware 501' 0 501; 06 SHEET TOT -I WENZEL. " j MR. PRES., NELSON. YES IV) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) MAYOR DISTRIBUTION BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 999 .16 6 43 2 7.21 _ _ o 3�7+ _ X6,55 113.15' 197 24 4 027.1 1 601.02 2 643!00 97114 57 1 �4 113 15 197 4 04,2 1 6010 Tia R14NZATE JY TO CLERKa7----- CITY OF SAINT PAUL - All FILE N0. RES. NO.___L39 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f CLANCY, RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 4 FERGUSON. ------ IN FAVOR - CIT TR EA Y T THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF r HODGSON. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--__ _ _ 192____ pp 2bw8� _T y qtr - - . 5_______ _ _ _____ coX(�ERING MCDONALD, - ECKs NUMBERED_h�__.__TO.171"0______ JSU DHEIM ER. APPROVED ---- __- - _------------------------------192____ ____AGAINST - __Itilil 1 LUSI VE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE 1 WENZEL, THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - - MAvoR- TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION ' CHECK IN FAVO OF NUMBER BY LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS r TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS _ BROUGHT FORWARD 2 891 A9 J3 252 43 3 165 086 , 09 41 306';, 81 989 l$ 43 267 21 2643 00 _ 3$7; 0 '+6.55 113 ,15 197 24 4 027,1 4, 1 6oi 02 17141 Christensen Brothers 17142 FF. T. ' Ieri eoher 97.11 97 14 1714 Chioago Grep.t 7estern Rd. Co 1714E Chicago,, Milwaukee & St.Paul 4 301;9 3'63 4 298 211 Railfty CW-,)ny 729 Of 729 0 17145 Chicago, ^t.Naas ipls. PA ch:nha Railway Company 1 987 7 2 16 1 985 6 17146 General Chemical Oompany 1 070! 5 1 070` 5 17147 FFunkina.: `,Mims Limo A Ct. 06. 372 0 372 0 17148 The Mathiewn Alkali 'aorta, no. 331.4 30-4sJ' 17149 nelady paper Compnny 677 9 375 93 17150 Minneapolis & St.Louis Ry. Co. l 1 677 2 17151 Plibrioo Jointless Firebriok Company 774 3 74 3 17152 Albert Rehbein 75 2 75 2 17153 ^t.Pnul Blue Print Company 14 otandard oil Comtp,:ny 57 53 5 4 57 1 17155 United Lead Company 1 g71- 6 1 874 6 I 1715& L.C.FFodgson, Com r. df Fein. 6 7 2 36g 0 ZZ 17157 a1 G 10 627 6 10 627 66 17156 " 125 2 125 25 171xa9 J. r. Carroll 25 25 00 I 17160 7: F:i. & H.F. mare 501 0 501:00 I 1 p I ' I - 11 SAINT PAUL. OU CITY OF S FILENCIL No. 'To—L;-bFFlCE OF THE'COMPTROLLER. " R , , N�MS�RKSOLUTION. FORMES. , RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE, CITY TRE SURV. 0 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -3i CHECKS NUMBERED—L7TO=-7 COMPT INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE If , t OF THE ,CITY COMPTROLLER. RETURNEDTOTAL IN'F BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT TRA CHECKS CHECKSBANK BROUGHT FORWARD —7-7 69401— ..s. That drawn on' , ;theto the City T— amount -Ve n Cho cks numbered 17081 - �7 to ,0 jr.folgusive per checka on file Mo. t. City Comptroller.in the f,th"e Adopted by the Council May 7, 1925. Approved May 7, 1926. (May 9-1925) Z: g 4 ' • • CHECKS NUMBERED_. __17081 ..TO -_.-1714G--- BY -- COM PT LER CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ✓WENZEL. ._.- - ._ - -_ -_. - - MAYOR / MR. PRES., NELSON. f �Y.E9„(V l COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) -” -- DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS TGENERALWAT BONG ACCOUNTS REVOLVING _ 2 951' 32136 5 5 02 g 999 1 - 13 09 46 a 4 461 log 2 197 24 4 027 1 1 0l, 2 386, 37 79 35 920 00 7 790' 73 77 200 0 374, 65 60 122! 9 3� 1 39; 69 19 9 170' 06 141; 9 71 101 99 397' 6 4 5O 6: 2 71. 2 324; o 15Z5 1 is 9 1 0 203' 25' 2 941 3 0 S 1 17121 Publio school Publieh nC o TO AL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVO OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS 2 -692L 09 220-6 BROUGHT FORWARD TebO 17091 Joseph If,. 17082. Julius V. Greenwald 3 776 9 . 1708 Frederick closer L.C-HodgsoComer. of Fin.7 2 3001 3 3 17064 9� 17068 Fran1. 0. 018% Poppet 62 15 17^JoEae-h -ffi 7 790 17067 �.tandard Stone ComPviy 1 17089 Christ P. Christensen &Hol! 200 0 Hransine Christensen 17099 Allen-''ualley Company 500 17090 rtustin-wastern Road Mach- 00 31' 17091 Pater Belaea 6 0 17092 Bucks. Brothers 1708 Continental Hotor Parts corp' 3l 0 110 9 1709E rjearborn Chemioal company 3 1 17095 neoatur Meet Market 3 g� 4 17096 ^lk Laundry Company 23 4 i7o97 M_, G. rosmw & Company 25 19; Goo. L.`"Orenville 17095 6 17099 hazel Park Grooeify 1 9 17100 Kane Grooery COMPanq 1 17101 r.,. P. Lundeen 125 5 9 17102 Miohaud Brothers 10 ct 1112 C. ^ Miller CoMany & Grogg 1 9 340 1T7�10 Nlools. Dean 1221 1710 1710 Nielsen Brothers 2 9 d 1 17107 Nolmn-Irons Compnny 6 2 17106 North Amerloan Telg. COmpany 1 2 17109 Northern tdalleable Iron COap y 3 $ 17110 Northern St Fetes Power Compran 3 3 17111 N. '.7. Copper & Brass r4orks 1 17112 N. Y. r'tiel Company 10 155 17113 Noyes Brothers & cutler car Company 22 17114 D. A.Odell "Sotos 2 171.15 oriental Laundry 2 891 09 0 17116 Osgood & Blodgett Mfg- OOMP q 41 306 88 17117 A. N. Pnlmer Company 4 1 17116 PaPer;-• Calemsnon & Company 7 5 17119 Park 2taohine Company 17120 Pence Automobile Compalny O ✓WENZEL. ._.- - ._ - -_ -_. - - MAYOR / MR. PRES., NELSON. f �Y.E9„(V l COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) -” -- DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING ACCOUNTS TGENERALWAT BONG ACCOUNTS REVOLVING _ 2 951' 32136 5 5 02 g 999 1 - 13 09 46 a 4 461 log 2 197 24 4 027 1 1 0l, 2 386, 37 79 35 920 00 7 790' 73 77 200 0 374, 65 60 122! 9 3� 1 39; 69 19 9 170' 06 141; 9 71 101 99 397' 6 4 5O 6: 2 71. 2 324; o 15Z5 1 is 9 1 0 203' 25' 2 941 3 0 S 1 17121 Publio school Publieh nC o q 175 2 17122 Pure oil Company 365 2 • 9 17123 Pyramid Oil Company 1712 iailw3y steel Spring Company 52 16 1712 Ramsey }Sotos service, Inc. & Company 3 q 6 3 62 15 1712 *land MoNellq 1 1 R 17127 J. B. app & Oompany 1 17129 John Rasohiok 500 TIa 17129 Raymer hardware Company 3l 0 17130 The Rialto Company 17131 C- V- Ritter 3 3 23 4 25 17132 J.C. Robertson 3 6 1713 N.C.Robinson, G. D. c. Cary & Sands Co. 12 125 5 1713 Robinson, Roe-Jzznee Glass Company 2 0 1 9 17135 17136 Ctto ''1. Rohland Company 26 2$ 1 2 9 17137 Tholman '". ROehOlt COmP'.n9 4 2 1 2 17136 C. Schulz 3 3 3 3 17139 Van Buren Meat Compsny 1d 7 10 17140 m. rl vaughn SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 891 09 = 254,..130,39 - 165 096 09 41 306 88 199 3 76 5j 1 90,11 ;97!021 - 46 551 113 15 11 197 ?4 11 4 027 1. 1 �oLC22 TBdRI+KbATE To RES. No.130- -------- /5/w--T, RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE D_CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5_ _-3'3450..61_______ _�_f_�___ ______. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED____ 17081_.TO__..17l4Q___COM PT LER VE. AS PER CHECKS �CTHEIC TY COMPTROLLER ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 0 JCLANCY. ///FERGUSON. ---- ----------IN FAVOR ✓HODGSON. ` ,M.DONALD. VSUDHEIMER. ____..S/ ---.----AGAINST ✓WENZEL, / MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) A l COUNCIL ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._ - AT -7 f 925 192_ APPROVED____._____ _. _'______________________192___ ----- --------------- ------------------- -------- ---- -------------------- ------ _______ __ MAYOR TO AL RETURNED - DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVO OF NUMBER • BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS Y/ GARAGE _. AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 2 991 09 220 6 -,- 161 741 66 41 012 --- . ._ 989 lg 2._.-959 - 13 09 -32 -_-.. _ 136 4 ... ,. 46 5 109 25 197 24 4 02 1 1 601 7 02 _ _ 1 081 Joseph r'. Tebo 1T082 Julius P. Greenwald Loser 2 J'.. 3 � 6 9 2 3 96 2 3�6 3� 17093 Frederick 094 L.0.I1odgson, Comlr. of Iain. 7 6 3 1 17085 Fr^_nk 0, Osborne 92 77 920 00 4 505 00 17x86 Jona h Poprel �T9� 7 790 73 17087 "tandard atone Comp•^ny 7 17088 Christ P. Christensen & Boli 2Qt 0 200 0 Hansine Christensen 17099 Allen-5211a;11e7 Company Co 20 77 374 b 20, 770 374'b5 I � 17090 Austin -postern Road Mach. 12 16 17091 Pater Belgea. 0 0 17092 Bunke. Brothers 17093 Continental Motor Parts Corp no 7 110 7 1709E Dearborn Chemi0 al COMPP y 22 9 2Z95 3''1 1709 neoatur Meat Market 3 1 5� 4 39 6 18 8!. 17091 "?lk Laundry Company ^ossum 9 9 9 9 17097 M'a G. & company 10 10 06 17099 Goo. L. Oremrille 17099 Hazel Park Grooeky ? 6 '7]+ 17100 Kane Grooery Company 14� 9 17 1 17101 ". P. Lundeen 3 �I 17102 t3lohaud Brothers 1710'5 C. r•,. Miller oomnrmq 0 ld 5 101 55 347 17104 Nlools, De.n & Gregg 329 65 4 2 7 9 2 10 1710 Nielsen Brothers Comp- 50 140 9 5 0 140 9 17107 Nolan -Irons ny 6 2 6 2 17108 North Ameriom Telg. Company 17109 Northern Malleable Iron Comp y ] 2 1 2 17110 Northern 3tatee Power Compaan 314 0 376 O 22 17111 Ii. "�. Copper & Braes -�orke 17112 Pd. �. Fuel Compsny 15. 1 155 1 1711 Noyes Brothers & Cutler ?03 2034 88 1 0 1711 G D. A.Odell Motor Car Company 8 I 17115 Oriental Laundry 25 2 25 2 - 17116 Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Compaly 90 0 90 o 17117 A. N.; Palmer Company 3 0 4 1 3 0 41 1 1 !_ a.• 17118 Paper;., Calemenon & Company � � -.,. 17119 Park tdaohine Company 7 5 17120 Penoe Automobile C any Ordinance No. C. F.211102______— I:i'*oduced by A ordinance amending Ord ce No. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250j, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor."' ^OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OBPAIN: � C F No'6940$—Ort7lLaace No -;6608 'i sp x nr Clancy SFCTIO14 I. .dn Ordlfiattee aMeIIdlnB Ordtaen0� No ' b898 r,yseeed October 14 18'28 en `aioi frau �° 4ia°nOtd4'dcemN� azfio3d4,'�ce No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same agprbveit Aq$ttek 8d YB3,+k, ae a� ndea',., is ire t��ntitleau ended by adding to Grade 6 of Section 6 of said ordinance the ;title of "Multigraph Operator'and Typist." SECTION II:' t, „ , PRESENTED BN COMMISSIONEF s CITY OF ST. PAUL cls NO.......=1."' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 8th, 1925 DATE Resolved, That the plat of Cushing I's Second Addition as recommended by the Plat Commission and anproved by the Commissioner. of Publie works, be and the same is hereby accepted. a e 77, C $No E8�04—Hg 7}}ll Motionus 8ee�e}t $lid`t89 '1'eCOnnllNnB� p lif' A aCommleeloq and qpD}cued by ,tbe CommteeloneY!. cx Publlc.�4oric8, Ne and the=same is perebyacnepted. Adayted by the�Counctl May 8 iB88.' $pprovefl Map'$,:1886 - (May,1B 3886) V 11AY d 11 5 Adopted by the Council- ........ --_------- ---...192.-- - Approve(MAN"-_j��..................192....... w -_. ......--.. - moron yv i� r. N COUNCILMEN Yeas /Clancy Nays rs l� Ferguson Hodgson .7...In favor, V'McDonald /Sudhehner /:......Against Wenzel ./MT. President V 11AY d 11 5 Adopted by the Council- ........ --_------- ---...192.-- - Approve(MAN"-_j��..................192....... w -_. ......--.. - moron C,'p NO Se06'—HY'J H.D 015010 IA.:•.: COUNCIL S!-1J...Lil it F7hereae: Slptoeaoen :gHataotee aot, F�� NO. yiOilded for In the mskla6 p Cthe. OF provement Uhler Flpol order 68687 a)iprove° d ,jnne';.19. 1984.. dot coUNCI ,e1crluo "1 eat�t'bvenue isL"akeeCom.; and kha nit" Yema 7opn ,gnndaufet.. ' PRESENTED BY Contra'ctbr �paYe arluan6,neceedtatln8 PRESENTED COMMISSIONER tba te11ow1n8 ertra pork. and C �aaee�h•.� _ May 7. 1925. -- — - 167.Q Yh of rndlda anrb-iat 701: RESOLVED Mhereas, Bnforseen'obateolem nat,provided for in the making of the improvement ander Flim Order Co' IN #68689, approved J=02S. 1984* deaeribed as the ourbing of A3,beit Street from Fraakeon .Ave%nie to stake Como and fteleu Avenue, John Sundquist, Cont3re6tor* have arisen neoeesitating the following extra %as3t andiche et 16l! .0 Sts of radig# ovarh . at ?Od $109.90 Lose 101.8 " "t straight' " " �!¢ 60.96 total59*30 . now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done ander the anpervision of the Commissioner of Public corks, and in accordance, with the specifications therefor, the cost not to ezosea the gutta of. 4 59.16 and to be allowed se an extra under the contract knOwn as Comptroller's Contract L-IM09 for the making of the aforesaid 1UP"vei1ent& 1 The Department of Public 14orke bee agreed with the Contractor. John sandgnist. that the suof 859.16 is the reseonable cost 6f doing the extra work rk and anAplying the extra material specified in the fording reaolation mm as ones Or n Oountersigned: / o� a2GGof contractor ply; r COUNCILMEN�• Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. ...-M AY_71_1994 192....... , Clancy t, 'Ferguson ;? Ap roved.... - K $ F , 192.7','. \/Hodgson . In favor ''McDonald ..... ..- MAYOR. V sudheimer ...........Against Wenzel PUBLISHEi� Mr. President Ra A PRESENTEDHY COMM RESOLVED COUNCIL NO-- ?I-�4 �€ Mr. President _. _, '�tlosrtn >uamnu WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public13orks has reported to the Council, in accordance 'withSectio:l 53 of the City Charter, the existence of .an emergency ahidh rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more then eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city offioer6 are hereby authorized to pay the- foilo-sing named'; employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment 44r the Ortho time hereinafter set forth: Name Tile Hours Rate of ..---,--- --- .. .�8 Barry,—T. W. Lo. Im, Insp, 6.09 da Birmingham, J. D. " " 8 6.o9 Boesel, August 4 6.09 Davern, Wm. A. Sewer Inspector 8 6.09 Sleeger, W. H. Lo. Im.'Insp. 8 6.09 Barr, Frank Ditch Digger 3 •55 .hT Bowers, Clarence H. A. Shoveler 4 .55NW Brown, Edw. J. SS -Engineer 12 1.10 Brygicki, Gregor Ditch Digger ,, Julius Mtc. Lab. $ $ .50 Carlson, Clinton, J. M. Kettle Pireman 17 .62 Dursensky, Aug. J. Stationary Engr., 39•69 Faraci, C. Tamper 24 .6o Gaultieri, Antonio Common Labor5 .45 Harry, Herman Pipe Lsyer 3 .63 Hauk, Andy J. Roller.Engineer 7 •90 Hennessey, Frank Kettle Piremaa 2 .62 Hoen, Carl 0. Tractor Driver & .64 Tagger, Russell " " 8" .64 LaBatte, Frank Utility Labor; 8 •55 LaBatte, Harry F Tractor Driver 4` .641 Ia.valle, D. J. utility'Labor' 10 •55 Lilly, Grove A. Tractor, Driver _Z1. 64j Lynch, Joseph T. UtilityLabor' 8 •55 COUNCILMEN Nays. Adopted by the Council -- --------------------------- ---192------ --1 �-- Clancy Ferguson �" — proved ............ . .�_...........� 192 McDonald ..--.......In favor Matson - ... Peter ................Against Mr. President . . /_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ,�l.1Le NO..... ---fff OFFICE OF THE;• TY #CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y 0h COMMISSIONER-___- — -- - ------ - - - -- - --- - - ............._................... ............. _..... ..... RESOLVED I.M. REAS, The Commissioner of Public `'forks has rep t unoil, in accordance with Suction 53 ity Charter; ci�ence - of an emergency .v rendered necessary f the, employment of' oei°$dIl. is Department for more than eight hoard:.•per day, sai o more than their usual.. hours of em ent: THEREFORE BE`I OLVF.D, that the proper city officers are ` hereby au zed.. to pay the follc:ring named employes at the r&tts rwise fixed for extra employment for.the exth time Wafter set fortht Name -title Hours Rate of w_Stilne. - -._.-_....___ --_______ McDonough, James Utility labor 5 .55 hr McDonough, P. J. Mtc. Labor1 .50 McKenna, P. J. Tractor Driver 4 .64-j McKillipp, Alex. Ditch Digger 16 .55 Maidl, Francis Tractor Driver 86 Maloney, D. T. 8 .64 Maloney, John E. Tractor Driver 4 .64-1 Martinson, M.. Roller Engineer 2 .90 Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 12•55 Mullarky, Hue Pipe Layer 3 .63 Murphy, James F. Tractor Driver 30 .69* Pearson, Nels Utility Labor 2 •55 Peltier, Amie 0. Tractor Driver 8.64 Pertranton, Michael Sub -Foreman 10 .62 Plumbo, Anthony Ditch Digger 3 •55 Plumbo; Domanick Sewer Labor 10 .50 Plumbo, Joseph Ditch Digger 10 .55 Plumbo, Michael Sewer Labor 17.50 Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman 29 .62+ Reinhardt, E. L. Tractor Driver 16 .64 Resler,:Lloyd W.. Sub -Foreman 8 62 Scott, William Roller Engineer 4 .90 Shaw, James Mtc. Labor 7 .50 Shea, To$ Utility Labor 16 •55 Simmer, Ray. Steam Shovel Engr. 20* 1.10 Co—CILMEN yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .............. -----------------: Clancy --` Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson r PeterAgainst President ( - 192 CITY OF ST. PAUL., eoMXNca NO ---------- -_. OFFICE OF THE+•EITY�•CLERK .P rte. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN$RAL FORM PRESENTED BYO' rr,,th 1 2 RESOLVED 'i REAG,.-The Commissioner of pub�h.5 k reported to the Co in accordance with Sectof the City Charter, the a enoe of an emer rendered necessary the employment'Of o in empl of his Department For more than eight hours per , • employment being mora than -their usual house of Gym THERE'F'ORE BE ESOLVED, That the pr city officers are hereby r1zed to ay the followingname '.. es at the •Nate erwise fixed'ror extra employent for the! ee e , einafter set :forths lqame •Title Hours Rate of Simone, John pipe Iayer 18 .63 hr Zechmeister, John Common Iabor 8 .45 0-tte %i''G Aa.. _A,.d if U �z � �/. /a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy (Ferguson ✓McDonald In favor meewan'%� 9�u !, ✓Pelsen� S. h ,N.1 n /� ......-(-; ...-.AgalIIBt 1/Wenzel /Mr. Mr. President 41AY - 6 39S Adopted by the Council ............. :...... .--- ...._-_-----.192...... Apps ved.... h0AY ---�PPF //..-.. 192. - `V'- r •� / wwYORi o -<,S ` 69406 An emergency has arisen in the Department 03 Public WO rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, :Lu the doing of the following work: Repairing sewers; repairing streets; sprinkling; inspect-in`g d- n ac work -making minorrepairs ai`Paving plant and oiling equipment for paving�kee�ing fires at Plant on Sundays. Tris emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Rep airing_ sewers in all emergen- cies; completing work started immediately prior o c ose or 8 -hour day; tractor qp i�nklina on�3undays; iBID V ins contract work on contractor's time schedule; minor repairs at Plant and equipment, and oiling equipment after hours to prevent delag during regular course of work; keeping fires on Sundays VxmpzmmA=W so as to have equipment ready for use on Monday morning. ss over of Public Works 0 RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL IOuR°I`NO55 11440 r FE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK QB iWCiL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 7 1925. DATE-.--_----__- WH EAS, in the construction of the New Hayden Heights School, it is desirable that provision be made in the Coaching Room on the third floor for connection of an electric hot plate, and as this was not included in the original plans and specifications, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommenda- tion of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with the Commonwealth Electric Company be amended so as to provide for this additional work and the contract price be increased in the amount of 055.00 to cover the cost thereof, COUNCILhSEN Nays Adopted by the Council___ Y._:: 8 19`.25 ------ 192 /Clancy I.Nmy VFerguson A proved - ..... .................-192-- /Hodgson ...............In favor \,-McDonald ....... MAYOR V Sudheimer .......:1.....Against v Wenzel �"Mr. President RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL LO�NCIL No..____ X4(0.8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VWHEREAS, In the construction of the New Deane School, it is desirable that provision be made in the Coaching Rom on the third floor for connection of an electric hot plate, and as this was not included in the original plans and speci- fications, THEREFOR BE IT RESOZVED. that upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with the Commonwealth Electric Company.be amended so as to provide for this additional work and the contract price be increased in the amount of $55.00 to cover the cost thereof. CC.OUNCILMEN MAY ^ 8 1995 Nays Adopted by the Council .................. 192....._ /Clancy txFergueon j i Approved._ &j1 = $ 1 � .............192 VHodgson /C ....In favor McDonald lMAYOR -Sudheimer .... ;'-.,!-..... Against ,/Wenzel fir. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO......59_"O9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OI,I�SCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_._._...._. fty 7,._.1.425..—_.._.......: RESOLVED WHEREAS{ in the construction of the New Taylor School, it was Pound necessary to install additional cement pilasters as the 12 inch cement block wall was too long to stand without additional pilasters, and as these were not shown on the original plans and being highly important in the opinion of the engineer, TH--tEFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with J. S. Sweitzer and Son be amended to provide for this extra work, and the contract price increased in the amount of $75.00 to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy ✓Ferguson f Hodgson ................In favor - 'McDonald i/ I ✓ Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President MAY -S 1026 Adopted by the Council ......... ------- .........----------- 192...... Approved' _ ' ---------tusk - ..192. .. MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas ' �ouN�l� 59411 f: 1►b CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO RM --.._.--_.._....._.._ __suy IY evV --Z-1S.L411�� _.... ------ 7R--- A./V - VIHEREAS, in the construction of the New T41or School, it was necessary to grade beyond the property line in order to eliminate a pocket around the already excavated portion where water would be retained and make the grounds unuseable, and as this was not provided for in the original plans and specifics- tions, THEREFOR BE IT,RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with J. S. Sweitzer and Son be amended 90 as to pro- vide for this extra work and the contract price be increased in the amount of $150.00 to cover the cost thereof. COUNULMEN Nays ✓Clancy ✓ Ferguson (/Hodgson /--•In favor ✓McDonald �Sudheimer Against Wenzel ✓$6. President 8 1925 Adopted by the Council-.._�'�`�----- -----------------192------ Approved - ---192 - -- MAYOR 4� f 0g of of vain Department of Darks. 11180rau09 o andu6(it wilding . GEORGE L. MASON. . ooPr. of P�wKb HERMAN C. WENZEL,. COMMISSIONER "ERNES--W, JOHNSON. • IRVING O. PEARCE. OP.PU COMMI881GNGR 6aPT. W PuvonWNOY - -' OFFICE OP COMMIBSION�i :FRANK X. 219 COURT HOUSE March 10, 1925* Hon. L, R S. Ferg+nson, Departsaerit Of Fdue titin, St. paul, Minnesota, Rl3S 9S. TAYLOR SCHOOL. Dear Sirs 7�e are attaching herewith bills fx`Qm J. S. Sweitzer & Son for extra. Work done on the_,$, S. Taylor, School.: The asnuusit of $150,QQ �6' tor, grAding eurp�ue arbh;-and this work was requested try the Department of Tduastion. The cement pilasters were ordered by this Department, as the wall was a 12" cement b2oak gall and was too' long to stand without additional pilaFterss. They wcere not shown but were 'brdered to be ixistalled by this an our plan; Department in the onurse of the work. Both of these items have been oareflrlly chocked and we find the asnounoval twill jro 'Lkindlybe rintroduce the neoea- with your app eery resolution authorizing the 070lent of this amount?. Yours very'trulyy City ArphltBQ./l Mewes-II Approved by <O,�ipsioner� t.- ,. 3grrreatton 3[dpsta Slake ilnter Llttio no , r A CITY OF ST. PAUL P, NCa No ------ M-i-1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tSAYbWPIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ELATED By ER f- r (�G.i(l ✓� _ _— �._�_. ll����� _ DATE._.._._. -.`.. --------- _.._.._ N ISSIONER__ _._�__.....�__.._ — RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the construction of the retaining wall at the New Franklin School, it was necessary for the contractor to go around some trees, thereby necessitating additional work and extra concrete as these curves were not shown in the original plans and specifications, =--1EFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications and the con- tract with the Standard Stone Company be amended so as to pro- vide for this extra work and the contract price increased in the amount of $50.00 to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN 1d1A� $ I7ri7� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-------....---- ----------•--------192--..- J Clancy 'Ferguson A proved...._.-.���....-. r? -a9-- 192 Hodgson........:.......In favor McDonald _...... .. .... ...�.1......-.....MAYO'/ v Sudheimer ......(.L�.._Against ✓ Wenzel /Mr. President April 27, 1925. Hon. L. R. S. Ferguson, DepLrtment of Education, Court House. Dear Sir: RL;,FRANKLIN 8CH00L. vie a;•e attaching herewith'a copy. of a bill from the standard Stone Company for extra work on retaining wall at the Franklin School. This is necessitated by going around some trees. our inspector finds that this;viork is okay and in order to Close this account, it will be neoessary to have a council file on this. Will you kindly introduce the necessary eounoil reso- lution, authorizing the payment of the '050.00? Yours very truly, it -��� - y Arch t9c . ,- FXT ewe s -U gv b .d b" loner. at""1188 stip. to Auk. NeUrr 6111e." Gjitg of St, Pent -r- j l itpattnunt of flicks. f laggtow GEORGE L MASON. anti Pnbltc $nilbing 9uF—r— HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. YIR,. W PIAY.9WIm. IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMIMNWI9N FRANK X. T ES. ORFICE OF COMMIMIONM CRY A.ewYCY 119 COURT HOUSE April 27, 1925. Hon. L. R. S. Ferguson, DepLrtment of Education, Court House. Dear Sir: RL;,FRANKLIN 8CH00L. vie a;•e attaching herewith'a copy. of a bill from the standard Stone Company for extra work on retaining wall at the Franklin School. This is necessitated by going around some trees. our inspector finds that this;viork is okay and in order to Close this account, it will be neoessary to have a council file on this. Will you kindly introduce the necessary eounoil reso- lution, authorizing the payment of the '050.00? Yours very truly, it -��� - y Arch t9c . ,- FXT ewe s -U gv b .d b" loner. at""1188 stip. to Auk. NeUrr 6111e." RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCiL No...._...-_-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��,,��IQQ�� _. _-'.�✓....,.....__....._..____ DATE ------ M'-' .r...192.5---. _ .. ....... � w 1,1MREAS; in the construction of the New Harding Junior Senior High School, it is necessary to change the roof slab and furnish the necessary skylights as shown on the revised drawing in order to comply with the require- ments of the State Department of Education, and as this was not included in the original plans and specifications, EFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommenda- tion of the City Architect, the revised drawings showing re- -vision' in lighting be substituted for that originally specified in order to comply with the requirements of the State Depattment of Education and the contract with the Lindau Construdtion Company be amended so as to provide for this extra work and the contract price be increased in the amount of $477.50 to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Clancy / Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer i Wenzel /'Mr. President Nays Against GEORGE L NASON. wn. v rMnu ERNEST W. JOHNSON. Wrt. 4 NAYB.wMP. .. FRANK X. TEWES. CO'v A.eaRtcr 44tty of St. Paul Department of fachs. 1118ygrounbs and Public 3ulldtng HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVINO. C. PEARCE. 0IMMY COMMI"JOK9R OFFICE O9 IMMMI"101" R 219 COURT HOUSE -4®®1b.@ oN `a ti. April 27, 1925. Hon. L. R. S Ferguson, Department of Education, Court House. Dear s%r.6 REe HARDING HIGH SOHO OL. you will not -fin the correspondouce between the Depart- 4mant of no for the 4tate Of Minnesota in Mr. Challman's letter to You of the 23, he advises that he has approved the Harding High School with sheets attach- ed for additional lighting'. This matter has been taken UP with your Departmenttreviouply and we are now pleased .to submit a price from the: Lindau Construction Company of $477.50, to make these ohatiges. e'v,e are advising UP Lindau, as per the attached copy. 111111 ydu kindlY introduce the necessary rnsolution covering this change? Thanking y , wO Yours very t,rrCuly, C��Archil;6d� FATewes-U Approved y �'� poMissioner. �rnntiaa }Irl,. m 9194r �tttrc tSitkra9 CITY OF ST. PAUL coUN` � ---- No. -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i�iCLL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Fo �i6Idi 7 192b. ��."N_+!__✓_.--.._--.-- DATE__.__..._._t-_._....................... RESOLVED YII3ER US, in the construction of a retaining wall at the Roosevelt Junior High School, it was necessary for the contractor to go around some trees, thereby neoessitat- ing additional work and extra concrete as these curves were not shown in the original plans and specifications, THEREFOR B3 IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommen- dation of the City architect, the plans and specifications and the contract with the Standard Stone Company be amended so as to provide for this extra work and the contract price increased in the amount of $20.00 to cover the cost thereof. Yeas COUNCILMEN 'Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays _....In favor ...... Against Adopted by the MAY - 8 1925 April 27, 1925. IiE: :jooS%.V'u� JR. IIGH SCHOOL. Hon. L. R. S. Ferguson, Department of Education, Court House. Dear Sir$ ;o are attaching herewith a bill from the Standard. Stone Company in ,.hc amount of $20.00, which oovers extra work on the retaining wall at the Roosevelt School. This extra was necessitated by going around some trees. Our inspector has checked, the work and finds it is okay. In order to 01006 our records on this account, it will be necessary to have a council file. rlill you, therefore, kindly introduce the necAthe ssary council resolution, author- izing the p ym lour very truly, ,� // b �I�rchit�0t FXTe,aea-U Approved by com,.issioner. arttntisn 11.1ps to MA, SHUT 0[1113,11% F . �-• (Qitg of St, Paul atpartment of Parks, 111aggrauubs nub 1jublit $ullbing GEORGE L NA90N, S­•O°P— HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JO�HANSOM IRVINO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMI.BIONER FRANK X. TEWE9. OlFICE OF COMMIS.IONEN CITY •nCll!lfCT 219 COURT HOUSE April 27, 1925. IiE: :jooS%.V'u� JR. IIGH SCHOOL. Hon. L. R. S. Ferguson, Department of Education, Court House. Dear Sir$ ;o are attaching herewith a bill from the Standard. Stone Company in ,.hc amount of $20.00, which oovers extra work on the retaining wall at the Roosevelt School. This extra was necessitated by going around some trees. Our inspector has checked, the work and finds it is okay. In order to 01006 our records on this account, it will be necessary to have a council file. rlill you, therefore, kindly introduce the necAthe ssary council resolution, author- izing the p ym lour very truly, ,� // b �I�rchit�0t FXTe,aea-U Approved by com,.issioner. arttntisn 11.1ps to MA, SHUT 0[1113,11% COUNCILMEN Yeas ' / Nays / FILVCOUNO. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae ICE OF THE CITY CLERK O RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM x % Wenzel ee2055;., 9 PRESENTED BY �' - ........ ....._...._ DATE... ......_ Y.._ .Yt a-..�J»...... Y?� ..... �. _. _._....... .v ....-. ...._.v.._�...__.. COMMISSIONER- ...._.._ RESOLVED That John I. Farley. be and he is hereby eleoted a member , of the City and County Board of Control. b911 BY T EL Cldfney ,y,. C H�Sana li, Q We'fiael Buabeimer--: � hey! a p�rCbY elea[ad a a aimamber or:Ynd cltr ens cy a by'^•ttie �� Adopted CounMl�Mya9 01886.:1 .Approved Mag 8. T8Y6 r• - <�A �8 T8Y6j Sll COUNCILMEN Yeas ' / Nays / !/Clancy Hodgson In favor +✓Sudheimer _,___Againat Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council -m? K_= . RMOAS-----• _-192-._ Y r 7d-':1 _.192..-_. Approved.._...._---,-.c.•----......._....._......_ MAYOR Lx a CITYF ST PAUL Flunev NO x , '4 k r r OFFICE` OAHE' CITY CLERK ZI L RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY —_. •COMMIt;g14DNER �-----__._�..— DATE___.. _-------- RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Chicago Great Western Railroad Company and the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Finance have „ made a tentative agreement as to the acquisition of Certain Property of the said Railroad Company for the widening of South Robert street f, •�a and the construction of the bridgO on South Robert street, which said"agreement is Bet Porth in the memorandum of agreement on,file in the office of the City Clerk, and which has been duly exe ted by said Railroad Company; and WHEREAS, it appears that said agreement is for the best interests of the City; RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author— ized and instructed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paul, and to carry out the terms thereof. \V n' � C .F. �Io 58426—BS',.T.. R ti. ,]6'FerKuson, J\` ' Jy` Whereatl IAhe Calca$9 Grent WeAtel'n' Ranroad Com9an3" and ttre Cetaml9 !r (f r- atoaler.Rf Public Worlfa and tb m mlaetoner of Finance have mflde a tbn�, i� � '� 1,,.•� tettlYe;s$t'eeagant ss to the acvulelttea '( of oRrlafn DroDetNp rohe N f the said Ratl-. 1�1(,// road CeinpaaY fort'WIQealntC ol V , ry 1�• y South Rdbert $t @t anti the co oR6bej rt UL' tlon tlf_ thtl tart gA n South I Robertt / - • - l a �� �` ntreet tvhlch.."naR2� s6reemeRt !a e0t � U torch in• the tnamorry¢of- the * agreement 1 `, r tib alo to tha , e d M C 0p." l rk , $> ` and t6til11 has been nnip exeovtea Np `e eald:IRi44flropd Cempanq and Wltoreae+'IC aPDeate that 9atd fl$Tee�' �`\t`' Qatn�t ie.-Xor -the befit iRteteata dt tha'. Itee9iYR�. �jlat ttlav'PtoP9r -City ofl2 cera "01 aarebp-anthorlaed. trnd In �,, h� atrucfea to D1Foantq ala agreement on f /" behfllt,,of rho Cita pf�,cSG Pau! snd to warn but. iha'terma thereat:) 7tdpRRtad byyttre'Codnefl MaY 8 3886;, APOtg9ed SdflY•9 2986 CUIINCILMEN MAY -9q Yeas/ Naye Adopted by the Council.... -- ------•----------•-----•-----..192..---- t/Clancy MAY I 9 % ........... ..192-- Ap roved----------------------- -----•---- Hodgson ........ In favor Heid - ... R-�..�.I ��Y1 MAYOR J Sudheimer Against Wenzel fMr. President f THIS mzy()RAxLUV OF AGRE:ELWT, Rade this my or 19884 by and between the City of Eft. Paul, hereinafter nailed "the 0ity," and the 0hicego Great Western Railroad Company, hsrainafter called "the Railroad company," WITUSSETHI FMUAS, The city of St. Poul desires to widen South Robert street over the Hississippi Auer South to concord street, and for this purpoee desires to acquire the nee of a strip of ground twenty. (80) feet wide adjoining the easterly side of South Robert street between the.south line of Indiana averue and the north line of Plato avenue, upon the terms hereinafter stated, and also to &OVI e a strip of land fourteen (14) feet vide adjoining the east line of South Robert street and extending from Plato &Tenue to the north And of South Robert street viaduot over the railway tracks of the Rail- road Company, and 81.80 to acquire an underground easement for the toe of. the retaining wall, as more partioulasiy described in subdivision II hereof; and REAS, The City desires.that the South Robert street viaduct over the tracks of the Rallxoad Compsay be immedistte3y re -built by the'Railroad Company and that said vlaftet when re -built shall be eighty-two (82) feet in width instead Of sixty (60) feet as raw eon stmoted; and MAS, In widening South Robert street as aforesaid, the city will grade, pane and cwtb Sold street between Indiana avenue and Wood street and oonstruat therSOA necessary Sidewalks, retaining wails, raii;ags, sewers and other improvements; and erTMA8, The Railroad Company is willing to construct the now viadnot on South Robert street over its rallroad.traoks to the width of eighty-two ('88) feet, all in aocordance with plana therefor, Copy of wbioh is hereto attached, marked ExbibI MA" and made a peau hare - at, and which have been approved by the Signatures of 00790 M— Shepard; Chiet:Rnginser of the City. JOhn H. hoDaus d, Commissioner of Publie torkS of the city$ 0. 0.. Delo, Chief Rn tne" of the Railroad COmpany, Sad: George L. Milson to; The fat. Panni City Railway company. NOW THERMS$, The parties hereto do mutually covenant and agree as follower The Railroad Company shall execute and deliver to the City a contract in writing, of which the paper hereto attached, marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof shall be a copy, which shall grant to the City the right to use jointly with the Railroad Company the following described property situated in Blacks sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) of Bazille and Robartle Addition to West St. Paul, vis: Commencing at the northwest comer of sock sixteen (16) of Bazille and Robertte Addition to best St. Paul; thence southerly along the easterly line of South Robert street to the northerly line of Plato avenue; thence easterly along the northerly line of Plato avenue a distance of twenty (20) feet; thence northerly parallel to the easterly line of South Robert street to the southerly line of Indiana avenue; thence westerly along the southerly line of Ind Lane avenue to the place of beginning. -II- T1s Railroad Company shall convey and grant to the City, a permanent underground easement necessary for the construction of the toe of a retaining wall which shall be entirely underground, in the property described as fcllowst Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Plato avenue fourteen (14) feet easterly from the northwest corner of Block 34 of Bazille & Robert's Addition to rest St. Paul, thence southerly We - 1281 to and fourteen (14) feet from the easterly line of South Robert street as the same now eiists northerly from said proposed viaduct, to the point of intersection with the east date of Robert street as the same now exists south from the proposed viaduct; thence due south to the northerly end of the viaduct aa it shall be completed in accord- ance with the pians on Exhibit "A" hereto attached; thence east three (3) feet, thence due north to a point twenty-one (21) feet easterly from the easterly fins produoad on South Robert street as the same ku (3) now ezists between the location of the a& -id proposed viadnat and the 111selssippi Rived thence northerly in a3 direct line to & point on the south line of Plato avosaue sixteen (18) feet eaoterly from the northwest corner of said Block 24 of 8agiile A Robert+e Addition, thence westerly 81M said south lite of Plato avenue to paint of beginning. The Railroad Company shall also oonvaay to the City by Vassanty dead the following described real estate, vias All those parts of Blocks twenty --four (24) and twenty-five (36) 9f Sssille mad Rdbertfs Additiou to gest 0. Pawl, and all those parts of Blocks three (3), seven (7) and eight (8) of Katon and MorrisoAl s Addition to hest St. Pahl, which sate bounded as fellows, vias Ceamsnoing�at the northwest corner of said Block tWGnty-four (24) of Dille and Robert#s Addition to pest St. Pard., thence south- erly along the easterly line of south Robert street to the internee - tion of staid line with the northerly end Of the viaduct as it sha311 be cos►pleted according to the Pians shown on $shibit "A" hereto attached= thence easterly to the easterly 'lits of South Robert street, thence due north along the easterly line of south Robert street to a paint which is fouteen (14) feet easterly from the easterly line produced on South Robert street as the Sams aaow exists betwesn the location of said proposed viaduct and the UissiseiPpi River, thence northerly along a lite parallel with said easterly fibs Of South Robert street to the southerly lits of Plato aveMec thence weeteriy fourteen (14) feet to the place of beginning. This last described Strip Of land shall be conveyed sub3olA W all street, Salley and VUbliO rights now existing over easy part thereof and the R&Ilrcad ComPW shrill reserrve and have the right to remove the .railway tracks WN excisting on said last described property. Sue track shall be removed t+y the Railroad Ccmyumny within thirty days atter written notice to remove the saw shall be received by the Rail- road a mpany from the city. (4) -III- The Railroad Company will construct and complete without Un- necessary delay the Viaduct over its railway tracks on mouth Robert street in accordance with its plena Dumber J 1871, cop sf which is marked Fathibit "A" and made s part of this agreement. -V- The Railroad ComPW shall Construct and complete said viaduct xith its abuttsents, piers and concrete crib wails as shown Won said Plan and they will,°if ineoeasary to a proper conatruotion, construct as additional oemorete esaib mall on the northwesterly end of the northerly sbuttment of said bridge- -V - no City will do all the work to Complete the widening Of Borth Robert etre®t, including aeceasasy grading, paving, sid4"mU es retaining Walls, filling,, railing, sewers, curbs, gutters and street lighting of the character of 'lighting naw in pisco, and aW other pork mhioh may be required and which is incidental to the widening Of swath Robert street between Indite swesme and Wood street, +other than that wbich the Railroad ComPOW agrees to do. -VI- As a couaiderstion for the easement sad Conveyance to be granted and msde to the City of the P=Perty as hereinbefore Provided, and as oaapensstion to the Railroad Compatgr for damages to its other properties by reason of the taking of said proPerties from the Rail- road CompW, thw'City agrees to pay to the Railroad CompW the an of Thirty-three Tbo isand, YOU RVAdsed Dollars (033,400-00) , which represents the sma'etttt that the des for the taking Of said Property &=sod is benefits accroing to read Properties along the line of the move dss"ibsd mpro'vemstat • no Railroad COUPMY sgaesse t° Pay all eiesessmsnts arising OUt of the above borovememt, levied against its PoPerties abuttPg on the line of the above described Imprcveeaent, the t©tal of which shell not erred the am of Right Thousand, 1POUT Pendred Dollars (",400-00) 0 f (5) -vu- 4 dtWhed h0"to, corked grhibit 00" and mads a Pett heteot, is be a bl48•-VAM showing iu "d the P"Perty in whloh an e+saoment is to gnmted, speoified in Mihir ag" hereto stUQhsd, and on said bflbit "Op is sbown in yell0e Us land to be oonveyed by the Reilsoad Cow - VW to the City, eta hovolubefOte IUVVid0d, and on said Exhibits is sbM in black the VAdeu9rMd easement fox the toe of the retain - jug wall described in SubdivisiM II of this agreement. Y* WITUI SS wRgpj0F, The puttee hereto °have Caused 'thsi* news to be herowte, set anal they 60812 hesstc etf'"d the day and yeer first above Witten. IN 1'AJ�S�t� fib' CMTfAb' ST. 2IALif„ BY VVV7t;�7 Mayor Attest �� 'e"u i� Clark2 4 CMCAQSiOREAT =9i,s RAID COMPANY, By Form si t ,%ppreved as to .....pan®�81 sotieitor Attes$ Secretary v nMIT "BO TMS INUM 1't1 M, lade this 17th day of bt Wh, 1826, by and betwetz the Chic&► West Weston Railroad Comp, s corporation Of the Stene of Illinois, authorised to coo business In the State of Unneauta, party of the, fire% part, and the City of St. I"aul, a amioipal oorporatioa of the State of 4une00tra, hereinafter called the party of the seaond part, n1vMS I That the party of the first part, in consideration of One DoIJAr and other valuable acnsi&rations to It lin hand paid by the party of the second part, receipt at which is aotnowledged, does here- by pant unto the party of the second part and its aue:cesaors the right to forever rise, jointly with the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, the property hereinafter dssoribed, situated In Ramsey County, zdiaaaasotas viffis All Chase pests of Blocks sixteen (16) and seveanteen (17) in aamille and Robertse Addition to West St- Paul., bounded as follows, visa Commencing at the northwesterly line of said block sixteen (16), thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of South Robert street to the southwesterly corner of said. Mack seventeen (17), thenoe northeasterly along the northwesterly line Of Plato avenue a distance of twenty (2o) feet, thence northwsetorly parallel with the northeasterly line of South Robert street to the aonntheas%ex- ly line of judianes avenuet thence southwesterly a distance of twenty (20) feet to the place of beginning, all described according to the plat thereof on file and of record in th© office of the ROGis#er of Deeds of mosey Cmtyr Dlnneaota. The gi4tt herein =40 is of the right to use said property for street purposes only, and such right shall be sub3oot to the fright which is hereby roser"d by the party of the first part, its suocsse- ors, losses* and assigns to use said property for a driveway and tot standing teams, trucks and other vehicles on the acme while serving or being %sod in COMW UQU with such other ptoparty now owned by the party of the first part in said Blocks eiZUSA (16) and seventeen EXHIBIT "B" - $ W). nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the psxty of the tiret prxt', i tee snaecesegre. pend aseig", froom. uUn6A tame, tr as w sud either Vehicles on seid proporty for etWh PWTOBseo no pasty of the o"ond. VeXt end its ataCOW03 +s 9bal2 eOU- atsuolt egad foretaear manftft a Pwvt'd TON&V exp $ad strip of Und testy (M) feel wide eboye dos+artbodi lrftoA aht,,l be the COMO Idud SO t,bO pavement which LzhaU be p4nVtVWt0d On the 181On4e Of-Wbe£s't Stn*t e_d� o4m'G to sold pjvpsr�yr &Ad sueh PBTU9 sh„al.1 be na 007=1-mOt" and masistainerd th t it TUI z&t interfere with the "OMP of t"AMS, *sucks t*r a,ther vebicles eavar tnd P.07088 enid twangy --foot -0trtp of 1=6 to the bal nut a of the prop" of the party of the first part in said Sucks- IS =+d 17& The grade of esid P&TI S On said S"1t; -100t Bftip :lz.11 be +0nstTuCteed (Ind ma,A' ntslsad s.t suhotei "a.1?y the salre el tiatn tAjLt the game is ad,$ in, p"per aUovame, being gav,ie ter Suttaa and ft±it2Cci �3tn oBQAa ?Bt:$ 11:t ?tis�etrt1k sh+�.�.� aoust tedl �o't-- t�lM �i%11 pavgmeet wbiesb > ban form the rt ! of slid aures*• nOtbuzz be"I:► caatainod shall 'bei Cor:etzued ft eaeMzt 'Alae IVAUe►ad C*WAY from nssatsamasts for Mure pear after a period of fifteen years from the, $p -,to her6cf. IN WITV-2F 242?T'RVOT, The parties hUOU ha" heTMto set their Dads and 0644 the day and year fire* ebssve vtLttea. PAM F of {MGQ -"1m'' �-'?Ki ?tallFsafiJ r eC:-TANY', Approved as to Form ;���//))'. Secretary iieneral $oilc�tot QITY O $T. PAUL, BY city 016ft y� 'KAKI 6,�.Ar/Yfr�cPa �P�PCo ---- - - --- zyY17, �OGdlyOG' - - ---- -- --`� / FDI ,9/, ✓ �� � i if Y'� ��%C✓ r7 LDC /; ----- �o��refell9. '`"n n Ir II'[�lDl' �✓4.,/%l✓�/ID/'' .r A/7//. �`, ''< --- �f�✓LOIDF�I'P (9�/-- � __� - -- _�_._ riirn�,+/��iOCc_`/ �'��_ - ' 6"G,✓rilet' ,f }� 70 _ .-�ieoso;�c' �'✓od d/©�1 arEi���i;. �� ✓ H V U L .. ti� 4 J J . a > a J° •. i I � � �; r'•� ". :I1: �. ,-:Q J .,.J �, pi .i�JU _QJ JO V .J.JD .� J� r UQeJJJ J S 7. �� � ��J -- • - - 1 r e C/gra �/e lirr2 •� � _—�+-_----_—_ . — -_ _ —_ -- -- : ; K - - - - - - - - - - - - kaler 1 I i i C= T -c--, �f/Yf,PA� /YDlf - /cadiil fpfflfi�aAdAJ-'- 999/) - of /9I3. yo%19, Paas /SI. [IOJI F. 91//IPJ rl{ lr lLw 7111,*gl10e.I 0%�n 0/'����0/f 1, f&VO f/ m� /7// Mrd 0/16/a/, jf,11/1 /n?Z1 Of iF! ��OUrl/d OI`�Ol' 01//fz E /0// Jl.� Malefic% lyroaahr /ror� a���or. /'�foar. Prluco fa. 2J/91.f!'er/i�c/C/orvo�erff�i/mcl�n/�a: Porri�q; �Poi�ihq. FEVISED 7AN.14-1925 - RA`LING, END S?AtiS, GRF.D6 F.ND CURB. fH/IAGO 6,P��Il /yffTf/1/Y. pow ll,Pffl AIM Tf/YIAI/Uf �lF/Y fW &0/YrllIN71ii SCALES AS NOTED, AUGUST 21 ISLA -- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER.. APPROVED. �afl. C"i" , f s/,Ytfe aiIAw r Seo/Cg -/-0 S/ �Oes�u poi' E n m m i 71.` 7�- --6. n� o I �o C/Poion�e li�e� S/ �Oes�u poi' E n m m N, s 7M 1\ ti o ��5 \11o�,s T of �ood�oq �o26%Giod� I 12, 6111111P 1• J•9 � L� I �. I jI I I, - - �-�-�-_ 9�,g• .��; �g�ti - --- — � ILI�fl,Pffl I 1 i r I . n ukJ II j \ f51 _ 0 1041ZON-AL, i,LE P.R Mk. E J GN h-, EO BY X -o aE TC- LESS THEW g' -o'• o - I I I D 9 .0 0 10., ro Q 00 D I 1 MR VJSLL BOTH ;;-i0E? U 4-'K=. .h I � � I 1 I 1�•� X41 .., h�,•� �•� %'al�fY O�llf�%JO,PI� Or�ead ofd6afi�Mi 1 117r11711 °'o� f/ii//,�X' s /7/117 TO/J/0%�G/60J0/, J/��f4Od faioi�fi�dordr��ilofai�.r ��✓t.�Y�� � " � ����� h i i I U,� ��.•'.: a: ).p � � fit, 101.9`' 87./S' -� ��.-6F.�S' IE ,5�/S� ��°� �-?�75� � -19,�� �-iio�' •��' o ° .,00D.n J01911 X APKfT yT5\GNhT ED BY ..%.. a p 8E r t -Y'-- fRMA/V A02SX li - •3 t • I ' i I �''o. — -Pelnf�led�0 ^ i I � oD \ - N I J _ _ . `�" , • , , 7 G�� r,G�. JU 5.; gg. .�'J.'1, GJ' �• + 0 � po � •�"1.�. Lig\ Ql � ;,� D G.: --- — — ----- I 1 I 1�•� X41 .., h�,•� �•� %'al�fY O�llf�%JO,PI� Or�ead ofd6afi�Mi 1 117r11711 °'o� f/ii//,�X' s /7/117 TO/J/0%�G/60J0/, J/��f4Od faioi�fi�dordr��ilofai�.r ��✓t.�Y�� � " � ����� h i i I U,� ��.•'.: a: ).p � � fit, 101.9`' 87./S' -� ��.-6F.�S' IE ,5�/S� ��°� �-?�75� � -19,�� �-iio�' •��' o ° .,00D.n J01911 X APKfT yT5\GNhT ED BY ..%.. a p 8E r t -Y'-- 4 IN 17 22 \ PTO r4o EA TON - AVENUE ��� r / h G\°� �� 16 r Coc, -J 23 24 /^' 17 fy ICE 16 I IC. 2 `V ~ 24 5 /rrrch Paving - I CHICAGO GR .\ f.T WCSTL HN R. R. tHf.IGHr HOUSE. - .. __ _ __-._11 ,(� )[- /-X0.7!//II - — _ •�.1. \�/ J - - - ---- S ROBERT - - -- - - - -- - e -- __ ---- - - --- - -STREET -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- _ _ _ Trak �a ba� raK .. _ • Poper S r .% �-77 10 IY::_IrFst/e T— -I—A-- r;•so isof—Tt3 1V l0 Io 9 8 v to 9 8 17 2 L / V/NGS TON - AVENUE a 1 W COUNCIL NO- 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILR OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM P EATE—Ray-11-119@5 L . . . ......... lo RESOL ED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Electric Monroe Calculating Machine, at a cost not to exceed $400.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General- Purchasing Dept. m Adopted by the Council.. ... 192 Approved .................... 192 a .......... "- COUNCILMEN Yeas /Clancy Nays //Hodgson favor -..-..]---:----In 44ep"Traid- /'Sudheimer Against Z �/Wenzel V'mr. President m Adopted by the Council.. ... 192 Approved .................... 192 a .......... "- UJt 17 `-FINAL OSDIM& i C �F. No. 69417— .., = COUNCIL FILE NO ....:............... :IDof carbboon°si Mom a�seliubm eig`to¢a j iolc nformotq �twhee •edB+'ade l no,oa,i By...... .:.......................................... the pro file'hereto attaohed.and: made f a part hereor tae ➢resent �.oetab 111 A.h.d.gr -de being Showa by a blue tine thereon aleoBradinB sald Car- bongt.Yrom Dale,$E to Mackubla St.: to the said red lino'when established and 6. ➢resent aetabnshed;Brdde _ where ,not changed vq Ier Prel min Ch& in aTy Oeder 57981 atiDroved Feb 17 In the Matter of.............g. 199s..,:" from .MaCkubin•,9t.,•..t0•..a A pvbllo In In be y npoa th@'ab0 a imprne aotiee ane.the connoi - Ali or no oblecU deUona relative on. ;thg,•profile••hereto..a .`. edeL d••made,,:a..•part..•hereof,.•the•;.p,resent.•... e.stabl:i.ekted:..grad.o being..9.hawr►.?2y...0-flue..? i1e...tk�exean,...a1so...�xadz.Ag:..... ubxm::at......to...t.be...sa�d..xed..�an@...... when-est•abl.ished.•and..the •present,.eatabli•ehed,,grade.where not. changed i. under Preliminary Order ......... 5.792.i ........ ................ appdbved::.:..:F.eb...1,7.,.1.925.. Intermediary Order .................................. ..............approved :......................................... .......... . A;public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recom_ mendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is:ohauge8tf ., the„grad@•;Of•.Oarbon•• ,.•: rgm4_14okubin al.;Q_. feet west,..of„Ma.c ubin•••St.....to,..conform to••the red...gral” 1•ine;•on...the.••pro. Yile•hex e. t.o a.t aohed.,and.•made .a.part,.,bppZ oF.,...the•.prepent established •grade.. being, shown by, a._ blue.. line ...thereon,... also •grad.ing.•said Oarbon :$t Prom..Dai a •.9t .,, to.. Mackubin•.•9t•.... to.. the ••.eaid._red.• line when..•.. eatablaah;ed :apd...the...present.• e$.tablished...grade...Whexe. nqt . chan$,ed... , , .• and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That,the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorii:ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 1 S 190 Adopted by the Council..............................................:.......... ,MAY 1 ° 1925...rk.. Cit C e ` Approved..... ....... ............:.�..192­ .... ..... ..... . o- •'Szouncilman Clancy YLIBh.I t1I/Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED -i 1 5 Z rrCouncilman McDonald 'councilman $eiv Fjodgs*on ,����//// °uncilman Sdaheimer f %[:ouncilman Wenzel ✓✓✓ Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. r , Y�' ... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEt0" OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI INARVIII6RDER In the matter of C�_�I$ing `the arade of Carbon St. from Maokubin St. to a aoint 240 feet west of Maokubin St to conform to the red grade line on the from llaie St_ to Maokub n St to the said red line when established and the.,present establiahed grade where not changed under Preliminary Order approved Feb: 171, 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S 3,208.10 The estimated cost pAdo%lor the above improvement is - - - 1.43 S Inspection 062.90. Frontage 2256.28 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Pkaorth 521.21 ft.)& (Ex. Cottage Homes 2750 East 30 ft.) 34 l:(Except �"aqt 30 ft.) .35 do 5050 24 Mayhamis Addition to Saint 175 23 Paul 1450 13 9chletti's Third Addition 250 is 14 do 150 15 do 150 16 • do 150 171 do 1200 11 TOTAL I i CITY OF ST. PAUL 1200 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1350 RESORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .3700 ON PRELIMIN MV OFPER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT S—K ADDITION VALUATION 18. Sohletti's Third Addition_ 175 31 Floral Addition 100 1 do 100 .(Ex.Railroad Right of Way & Ex. West 30 ft. for Maokubin) 37: That part NW hof RF- of 38 & 39 .(Ex.Wheelook Pkwy)W-d of 31 (-l'x.W.132 Ft.of East 165 ft.of ..South 400 ft.of,„North 460 ft. Ex.Wheelook Pkwy.)E-j of .31 i Cottage'Homes 1200 do 1350 do .3700 do 2850 20800._. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ _192d�.. Commissioner of Finance. Form R. B. 13 57921 St. Paul, Minn. JL7IM8fJ 192 4 To The Honorable; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _GradIng. of.._ ...... _..... _...___—_._-- _... ------ --------- St. from ---St AUM to Nackubin / St.31M jMSIM .....:i , Office of the Commissiond of Public Woitcsmw A Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 5 taroh-$.s_182&------- 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 57921 ----- approved_ Feb=__1_7_1925 __191--_, relative to - Changjx-oi_grad0L vL-n 8gad ►g_of _Carbon St --Prom Dale St_ -t°--- ------ Pfia¢kubin_5---------------------- -------------------------- --------------------- ------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to thereit hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $____-___-___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property,_ subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 4., St. Paul, Minnesota, Iky 19, 1925. To the Members of the St. Paul Council,'. St. Paul, Minnesota. t3entlemen �- 16e, the, undersigned property 'owe►ers ' hereby, protest the grading of.Csrbon Street between Danforth$treat and Dale Street and aboveall. the changing of the grade of'same. We have been assessed.for the;;grading of Danforth Street= are indebted to, the :city now; end this additional burden.would'.be a hardship on us, as we are the ownere of the :entire block on the north andsouthside of this street. 7 t� B ter,= r l 1 �/ 9418 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNea NO.. K----'--•-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN—GENERAL FORM p' yy PR9 NTED BY *ay is, . 1925, COMM19910NER TP' RESOLVED In .the matter of bondbmiling end. taking do easemenlliia, the isail neoeeeafy far siopes,, outs and fillet i,n the grading of t#arbon,_St• from Data Street . to Yeokubin StreAt, unsereiimiris'ry Ordes ,. G. F.., 61$2$, approved,'Pibruaiy 1,01; 1925; and Inter, mediery Order t3► F. #b8863,opprorred April la,.:i92b. The Oommiseioner of Publio Works hewing submitted his report and plan in the.Obore matter, be it RESOUND, That the, Gity. of $t: l'aul fixes and df►3eriminee the amount oP iand to.be..taken for the aboyo named impro emenf as,an easement for elopes; o,ite Slid T111s, n,an8 upon Oarbon,street bet*6Lad the ,poihte .aforesaid+ to the:eitent a, own,f4pon the plan attaohed to -the report of the Gomide0loner of; }+,0116 Works iii the matter dated May:lt" 19,25; thioh plan and report ore hereby referred. to eiid mage it part hereofc 17 �c,` S �a, g��xtls,,71Rv7�eTM" y�q gieAd I�,7PRp'mUdt oft l�` � a�eno, tD ilrn ��$' � 7��' gi. 41�ip�� Gra�saaaaqq>�kk- �sar •4OM z fi sl!ny'Famad ia6 rAv A�� - e9aet6P 3 i'. lmvrovew t r ; e1,0pA Pil &'uN }ag�'E�1Pa[E jID#:i4. ......... '". nbs _S �� OeY9btsa s / mar'd AI lawdofi,b 3118 �bU�°� e 111 COUNCMMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-.-MAY--1...L..192S-------- 192..--_ ✓/Clancy V FergusonApprove ... MAY i 5 19255 1fl2.-.... ................... Hodgson -:•In favor McDonald _ ...... •--- --•-__ 71 Audhemler .....-Against MAYORroe /VGenzel President .' CITE VF' ysAINT r�l'�F3VL �peparhnienh °� blic VOWS �91� JOHN H.MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNKLL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONM OEDROE M. SHEPARD, CMO EIMWQR M. 8. ORYTSIIK, a-, S"" 11M. N. CAR". EOR. OP Cgq}Rlp M A- "W-M A. R. SHARP. S-. OF.BANRATpN. O. M. IIERROLD, QT- AND CRY O. P. BOWLINI 1;-..OP. W- REPORT TO THE COUNCIb In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes. cuts and fills, in the grading of Carbon Street from Dale Street to Veokubin Street. under Preliminary Order C. F. $57922, approved February 17, 1925. and Intermediary Order 0. F'i j588630 approved April 14. 1925. To the Council of the City of 9t: Pauli The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, hie'report, a plan of the above improvement showing.'by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plaid. se one! o csorks. Dated May 12, 1925. I- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. - 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREU�}{M,,,j�ARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the sand neeessaa outs and fills in the grading of Carbon Street from for'slopeop Dae -hr!eet to maaokubin S rest cc v under Preliminary Order approve To the Council of the City of St. Paul: P The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: q� Oo The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S6 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- '= ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION I _ (AL'North 521021 ft*)da_ (Ix« jCottage..iior�oe � I b0 . ! � i !. East ,30 ft.) 34 i' li do l4Xoopt--6aet 30 ft*) 1 _ 5051: 1! Lleyhanito Addition to Saint !Paul !P _ ldFi0 �! _ Third Addl..UOU 250do 13 j �ahletti'.o i :I 3$0 i, � � 1 do_ xs da 1, X50! !t _! -'-" 1 -- TOTAL,I I CIT* OF ST. PAUL .. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ::-_ --:_ _. - - _._ -. rte:.. _: •- ..:_:— _ __ _ jI LOT 16L.e'K'1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I� 'DESCRIPTION i 18 5 hlett214 Third •addition..; Sl: Floral Addition 100. 1, do _. _ . 100 «RaSlrbad_rdght...of Vag & ; 1 , Tso_ Oest 30, ft. for ARGkubrini i_ 3�? � Wattage, Homes._, _ . _ ._ _ 1200 �i -- TWA,- part B7_ of Ry. _ of 38_ ;._gl. do 3700 S 7�ast_165 ft.o .,awof . Santbt 400 or, North, 460 ft*.: i _ Rx. �►hefalock Pkwy.l�i of 51 do _ 2850 _ .. i I i i 080 -. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together wit the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- 192 Com iseioner of Finance. .. Form B. B. 12 <.. m Y 1 �Piy,,,� CITY OR ST._ PAUL iDEPARTMENT '*iNANCE 'REPORT OF COMMIS!&NEROF FINANCE (A)' 6NPRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Sarver on MngnnI i w StrHPt 4rnm Prna ap nits Avenue to Bu Quist Avenue and across the Riaht-of—Way of the Northern Pacifie Railway on the line of Magnolia St.. and on Burnquist Avenue. from Magnolia Street to jessamine Street. 00 _ CG under Preliminary Order approved 57472 apbroved January 15+ 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $---3 5 406.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is Conneoted With Pelt Line Seater. The lots or parcels of land, that'maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,' are as follows: DESCRIPTION I]LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,i ASSESSED { VALUATION - r u Lots- 1 to _ ! 4., Kiefer._ark I 2.P 2_ part -of the.. SW.­4c-0$ the _�?ortbwest _y . of Seo_r._.. 27,T.29, I 22,..-lying.-north-of Oo Innings Aild,_ and._between.. Prosperit. Fdr. Johr�sgn_!.' . -or �.... a�?d the .West. line._ of said Cgrn�}gs Add oduced north to ipr ay" a 1 4,-;;Thnt.trao t__ bounded on the north by Magnolia St on the East li i -by Johnson_Pkwy..on..the-:Sou�h_.ksy the:_No ,line. of Cornin s Add I -. .. g- i, :produged weSterly and on the West by the easterly line of thel .._-_27 and 2S, T 2,9Range 22. 11100 N P RY ri ht of way beingIin Seo , __ _. _ ..------- TOTAL, _. . .. _ . TOTAL T CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMETOP FINANCE '� ��. REPORT. OF COMMI SIONEh OP FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • - DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK ADDITIA I- ASSESSED VALUATION - A 1 Hillsdale,._ S_t_..Pau 1' Minn 109. DO - -- - -!-le - ... -.. - I 3-- ---- --do. o_ 21_ do --- P-4 z4.; 3 - do -- --- -125 : 5 -9-- - - aO - - o9 - - 10 _. _. _4._.. .--do r 100 -- , do - ___.__ __ ._ _ - - ---12,4 -do -13 --4 _- .._do. ------ do_.. do--. -' 7 00 .. 2 3 75 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_`=Z� Com aioner of Finance. .Form B. B.12 - Office' of -the Commissioner of Public W RCie Report to Commissioner of Finance EEB 76192 ............ Feb.. -.._25..n.__19 2 5 .........._192. .................................. To`the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57472 Jan. 15, 1925 Council, known , as Council File No........ ........ _...... ........approved_.__ ..... ...... ..............................._ .........192_....__., relative to the construction of a sewer on Me . .gnolia St. from Prosperity Ave. to — .. _........__._.............-- ---_.._.........__._....._....-._........................_.... Burnquist Ave. and across the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific --......._.._._.._..._...__ ....__... -- -- .._ ._........... _........... _._.._.._..........._._._.._....._.._.._.—� Railway on the line of Magnolia St., and on Burnquist f Ave. rom Magnolia 3.t.'to..._J.easamine......St.......................... ....... ................... .............................................. _.......... __.-........... -:_..................... — _--- (Part of Belt Line, Phalen & Hazel Park Sewer) and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .._..:.... ...._... necessary and (or) desirable. (Same as Belt Line) 55,406.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._-------- ..--- ...------- —_.........., and the total cost thereof is $ ..................... _.... ........ .—., Inspection 0694.00 Frontage 2,051.7 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ............. ......... ........ ................ ---._..__.._- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... .... ........ ......... .............. ....... ....... ......__._............ ........ .............................................—.......... __.__......_.._.—� -- —_ 5. Said improvement is ............. _.............. _......... _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... Commissioner o4 Pnblic WoTke. t T� 'CITY CE,� j A I lY`i I�H�V l'�elp�airlh,�+er��h o;f i�J,u�b��i;'ca\{o w-rks. JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENGINEeR M. S. GRYTRAR, B cE EvclvEEa WM. N. GREY,'SUPT. OF CONST11CT101 wv0 REPwIR HAG. D. SHARPS p ERR.LD, SANITATION ROWLIN..— OF WORKHOUSE February 24, 1925. -y,, Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost 0 for the construction of a sewer on,Magnolia St. from Prosperity Ave. to.Burnquist Ave. and across the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway on the line of Magnolia St., and on Burnquist Ave. from Magnolia St. to Jessamine St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #57472, approved January 15, 1925: This is a part of the Belt Line, Phalen & Hazel Park Sewer System. Estimated cost $35,406.00 Per front foot (same as Belt Line) Inspection 694.00 Frontage 2051.7 feet Yours very' truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission To the Commissioner of Finance: C64issioner of Public Works 59420 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ..... In the Matter of ... plant.ing..and..pxc.t.ect.ing..shade...tx.ee.s...... on..b. o.th...sid.es...of. C.harlos... $tz.e.e..t fr.om.. L.exi.ngt.on..Avenue...t.Q...ChatsWant.h..s.tr.e.et................................ ....... ..... C. F No. s9480— In the Matter of planting and .pro ...... ..... ..... .. denting shade treete on'bo[h shies o;.7.. ................. .. ........... Charles Street. from.-Leaington: Ave- 1 'nue to �ChatawctrtA:-Street. .under. Preliminary Or$gl+-,sB002 approved . ........... ...... ...... .. ............ ........ .19.'..1926 _ .. ..... ........................ . . "Abllrhr^*err havfng-been had _ :. - �s "Hent--uDoa dve - ria.-t-..:::..�:: .:.......... under Preliminary Order .............. ..58002... ... ........... ..-approved ........ Feb....19...... 19255 ............ ................... Intermediary Order .............. ....._..................... .................. approved .................. . ..................................................... A, public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having -fully considered the same; therefore, be it D / RESOLVED, By the Council of the' ity of St. Paul that the 4awioe nature, evei-it and kind ef be rviftde 1-- the plant.. and ...pr.ot.e at... shade... t.r.ees... on...b.oth. si,cies....of....Ch.arles....St.r.ee.t....r.o ..Le.x�ingt.oxl...Aye.nue...to...�bat.sWorth..str.eet.,........ ................ lie rind ffie ip�me hat�7 iiiiiiiii . ►tmri4rA; .w rimed 11old W! ............... ................ co dings,.ia.wAd..matterbedSeantllmsed. ................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ .................... ............ .._.... .............. _...... _........ . _.............................. . ......... ..... ... and te Council hereby ders said improvem t to be made. SOLVED FURT R, That the Commissioner of Public Works a is hereby. instructed and directs to prepare plans a\�dspecifications for id improvement, and submit me to the Council for approv ;that upon said avalthe proper cit officials are hereby authorized a directed to proceed withthe aking of said imvement in accordan therewith. MAY 1 2 1925 Adopted by the Council .......... .................... I .................... ....., 192........ Approved.......... _ MAY. 2.192i_a ouncilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson ouncilman McDonald /Councilman bmax Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer //Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form A. S. A. R -i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMkW-OF FINANCE^ j r Y�. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. r.. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Punt and protest shade trees on both aides of Charles Street from Lexington Avenue to Chats vaorth Street Qi under Preliminary Order approved Feh 1S, 19 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S 693.00 front .31 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is Frontage 2.235 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may % assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BI CK ADDITION VALUATION ' 9 2 Pecks Addition 1200 10 2 'do 3800 11 2 do 3750 12 2 do 3750 8 2 Oxford Addition to the City 150 9 2 of Saint Paul, namsey Co. 150 10 2 Minn. 150 11 2 do 375 12 2 do 2250 13 2 do 3625 Form S. B. 10 I SII ,I TOTAL, dtl { CITY OF ST. PAUL ADEPARTMENT yyF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSfONER OF FINANCE Aw M ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION �.. LOT !BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West Q of i 14 2 ;0xford_Addition to the 1975 ' East of ! 14 '; 2 City of Saint Paul, Ramsey; 1925 Co., Minn. 10 2 Leffmann and Haas' Addition 1900 i' 11,2 ,to Saint Paul 1500 12 : 2-, do 400 13 , 2 do 2350 i 14, 2 do Q 400 15, 2 do y 500 : 116 2 do 2675 17. 2 do 1500 l 18. 2 do 1950 _I 9 ?lcDermotts Addition 300 'I 10, do 300 do: 500 II 12: do 300 C;- 13, do 300 �I 14, do 450 _ 15. do ; 450 I� - ji 16: do 500 -- --1 1 University Subdivision of 32.00 ;! j ;2 1 ;Lots 1,2,3 & 8 Hyde Park ;1950 , _ .3 1 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2000 4 1 do 5' it 18 0 5 11 do 1900 i .6 1 do !1000 _.do _ _ .2900—— 2900 TOTAL i , TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 6 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSODNER OF FINANCE s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 44W (C) .... ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 1 University Subdivision of 2975 Lots 1,2,3 & 8 Hyde Park Ramsey Co., Minn. 1 American Building Co. Plat 3850 2 # 1 3850 3 do 3750 4 do 3680 5 do 3850 6 do 3900 7 do 4075 1 1 Simonitsch's Subdivision of 1000 2 1 Block 11 & 14 of Hyde Park. 5150 3 1 do 4900 4 1 do 4300 5 1 do 3650 6 1 do I 3150 7 1 do 4200 8 1 do 5800 9 1 do 2400 10 1 do 600 11 1 do 3750 12 1 do 4300 (Ex.Lexington Parkway the North -A2 feet of Lots 13 and 14 ) 1 do 6060, 136725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to , said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ 192 Com si ' oner Form B. B. 12 of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:, b-ath a-1-das . . .. St. Ave. ... . ....... . .... ...... ....... . . . ......... . f -*t. Ave. to__r_�' Ave. NAM Stu. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works moEtygD .' 0. "ice Report to Commissioner of Finance o MAR 18 "25 March 18, 1925 ----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ 58002___approved__ Febr. 19, 1925191___, relative to planting and protecting shade trees on both aides of Charles Street from Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth at; and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. q - 593.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ 0.31 per an��a to ac st thereof is $____________, Frontage 2,235 it. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- ------- Commissioner of Public Works. v°� �Dtie�pare_ SOF: Luibrlic �wrk�j JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEIL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF -.INFER M. S. GRYTSAR. ORIOLE dOINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR A. O. SHARP. SIM OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PUNNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SIM OF WORKHOUSE March 17, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Comm. of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade" trees on both sides of Charles St. from Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order C.F. 58002, apprw February 19, 1925: Planting American Elm Trees $693.00 Cost per front foot .31 Frontage 2,235 ft. Yours very1 truly. M v Ch f Engineer. Approved for transmission to., Commissioner of Finance: 44ssioner of Public Works. ,r- (Ang of "f8t. Paul arpartmeut of Packs. 11tawrounbs GEORGE L MASON. dud fluhlit Bu}la[ng _ g; R. P_ HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER n ERNEST W. JOHNSON. IRVINO C. PEARCE- DEPUTY COMMI9SIONM eu'Y. a n..vauwNos - FRANK X. (EWES• - OlPICE OF COMMI8810NDi CRY AwEMt[a'. 219 COURT HOUSE March 12, 1925 Hon, J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House. Attn: Mr. Gayton. Dear Sir: Referring to Preliminary Order c. F. 58002, planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Charles Street between Lexington and Chatsworth. We have estimated the cost of this work at 31V per front foot. Yours very truly, Supt. of Parks. M Approved: Commissioner. Arlington, Minn., May 5, 1925 - To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Your notice of May 2nd is received stating that you have under consideration an order proposing to to plant trees on both sides of the BDarles Street from Lexington Ave to Chatsworth Street. I am the owner of lots Five (5) and six (6) in Block one (1) University Sub -division, and I most strenuously object to this order, and am opposed to causing any extra expense to the owners of the lots In that above named district. Yours very truly, d'. .1004, Ch F.'�.t:.`J' "'•; :�3.t... ?;. 'l7li C�gJPJ b" e'. i'd�.r.. ;?,G CJ- fe; t7a 2°ivy _°L off S):,, .!• i? by a 'Pj7o U+li3&k C12.(07 ;IC09 23?ih 'O Oity W -) �soj1 in the M£irte c: t1,1.A:?Y;�.I'4 'e",T.,y,1c ,a;.3, kho , zt3- w"'sCloln, bot", oz Chf"—Soo 10,'i,roek% ZeE-1Y:ias, on "ha t.1S'...:.t th&t d �= 1 r►• / 1 St. Paul, Minn., ,,fay 7th, 19C5. In the matter of Preliminary Order No. 56002. To the Honorable Body of Commissioners of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned property oviners of the City of St. Paul, having property in their title situatedon the north side and south side of Charles atreet betw%en Loxington Rvenue on the west and Chatsworth Street on the east, are in receipt of a notice from the Commissioner of Finance to the effect that there is a preposition before the City Council to plant trees on the Boulevard on both sides of' Charles Street as described above. The petitioners do•hereby protest against and object to the execution of this proposed order, principally for, the following reasons: 1. Excessive price. 2. Unfair method of assessing cost. 30 gnn�cessjr$_rtmoyal of or disturb f trees ow Amid o eva r ou evar s ue a ex cuto o s cyder. ,e, wherefore, respec t subm t e aebove o ,your honorable body, with the request that this order be rescinded. f - Name Of OWr P.r G19ai ti nn RT nntr T.-+- / f 64 F 7 t /w LY � Y lrW� �' At r' Sheet' No, 2. In the matter, of PreliminarV Order No. 58002. -'6f... it •,{ rln ego A /2 .. —•�� +�W�F,�..di .gyp / sLNY'"'Tw1.yd.7�� V -29 MAW # 1 - 59421 COUN41L FILE NO ....... By... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... planting .and_prot.eot.ing. shade trees_ on _both,.s. ides_ of... Gotzi,an. Street_ from Third Street to Fourth Street, 0. F. No. 59421— in the Matter oP, Planting ing shade tree¢ on oth deldeae t- GotzianStreet Prom Third Street tof o - ._ Fourth -Street. _ _..._ _........._. .. _ .. ........... ............. under.. Pr Order 11,11 approved Feb. 19 n192,5"" A public b'a pipg. hayln� been had i.. upon the _.. _.... _. .... ... ...... _._.._... .. due. not t^*tont p ........... .._...... ......._. om.y_ ,i. haupon1 and. il I under Preliminary Order._. _ __5.6003 __ __.__ ..approved.... Feb.'.1.9-x 1925,—' ....... ........... Intermediary Order. _ .. _ _ ___approved.............. ........................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.p.lant.. and_pTote. Ct..shade,tree8._on..both, .. .._sides_of.,Gotzian Street from.Third..Street„to Fourth ..-Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the propioity officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council—MAY..1..2..f9,�F.,�- ................. _... .................. mkii'S 2 Vto-1,; City Cerk. Approved .. _ _.. 192........ . ............................. . Councilman Clancy Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald PUBLISHED "Councilman Mx(xx Hodgson �.✓ /Councilman Sudheimer (ouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. R -i. i'') CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME#r OF FINANcrp f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER S (A) In th. matter of Planting and I)roteeting shade trees on both sides of Ootzian _ Street from Third Street to Fourth Street r under Preliminary Order approved Feb 19, 925 To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The. Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 242.00 pnt .19 The estimated cost perfrfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - Frontage 1,275 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 21 A.Ootzian's Rearrangement 300 59 21 of Sigel's Addition 2600 58 21 do 4500 North i of 57 21 do South J of Lot 57 and all of 56 21 do 1500 55 21 do 400 - 54 21 do 2150 53 21 do 2400 52 21 do 2125 51 21 do 1350 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - OF COIVIWSS'bNER OF VINNCE - .WEPOkT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER «� (C) ASSESSED DESQRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 50 21 A.Ootzian's Rearrangement 50 49 21 of Sigel's Addition 50 48 21 do 50 47 21 do 50 46 21 do 50 45 21 do 50 44 21 do 50 16 27 do 100 17 27 do 150 26 do 125 7 murphy's Rearrangement of 200 8 Block 20 of A.Obtzian's 200 9 Rearrangement of Sigel's 200 10 Addition to St. Paul 200 11 do 200 Lots 12 and 13 do 2500 21550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— --- -- ----- -192 . _.._- ---- --- — Commis ' ner of Finance. F„•m n. B. i� f Saint Paul Minn. January 31,1926. To the Saint Paul City Council, Honourable Sirs:- rd We, the undersigned,owmers of the property listed after our names,on Gotzian Street between Third and Fourth Streets do hereby respectfully petition that you order the planting of shade trees,by the city S forces,on both sides of the mentinted street. Inasmuch as this is the only street in this district which is not so adorned,and we represent the great majority of the property on this street,we trust that this will meet your immediate approval. D- ' r-- i -��._...._ -- - _ - 'I/ VED 406. Report to Commissioner of Hnance VY onic r : ' MAR 281925 March 18, 1925 -------- 191____ -------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 58003 Feb. 19 1925 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved -------------- _------ Qlanting_and_protectip shade -trees o- n both_ --------Gotaian- - Street _from Third `Street to_ Fourth Street. --------------------- . --------- ! -- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- r...,,, and having investigated the matters and things referred to'therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, --------- necessary and (or) desirable. 0.19¢ per fr�rit foot 242.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, an the tot. cost thereof is $___________-, Frontage 1,275 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. l v'p CITY DFtA1011 V t�1L �e1P hr�neR co (7i u'bli� No WD JOHN'H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSION-- GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CON STwUOTiOn ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CDT PunnlNc ENOINEEw March 17, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOOE ENciNEER A. B. SHARP. SUPE. OF SANITAT G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF YlORKNOUEE I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of Gotzian Street from Third Street to Fourth Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #58003, approved February 19, 1925: Planting American Elm trees 12275'0 Frontage .19 Cost per front foot Yours very truly, C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: mmissioner of Public Works. 7 February 20, 1926. Hon, H. C. slensel, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Door Sir:' Will you please give us preliminary estimates of costs for the following orderaY C. F. #68002- Planting and ,protecting shade trees on both sides of Charles St. -from Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth it.. C. F. #57315- Planting and•proteoting shade trees on both sides of Hamlin Ave. from Randolph St.. to Otto Avr. C. F. ,$57934- Planting and protecting shade trees - on both sides of Hawthorne at. from Barl St. to Forest 4t. Yours truly, ommissioner o Public Works.. (Aug 04t. Paul 3hpartalent of Pads, Plaggrsands sub Pu6ltc sullbing HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVINE C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMI9910NER OFFICE or COMMIMIONER 219 COURTHOUSE. March 10, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House. Attn. Mr. Gayton. Dear Sir:. Referring to Preliminary Order C. F. n58003, approved February 19, 1925, for planting and protect- ing shade trees on both sides of Gotzian Street from Third Street to Fourth Street. 199� per front foot is our estimate for this work. Yours very truly, S 1p tendent of Parks. m ie[Te9g9a ildpe to i1t11rc f6llleenp GEORGE L. NASON. SHPT. W PAI— ERNE ST ARKSERNEST W*JOHN SON. ON- ,-. ,. W PL11Y9RWN09 FRANK X. TEWES. CITY "CHRe- (41tg of Ot. Paul Department of Parks. 111890rounbs unit vubltr fulldlao HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. DEN'" COMMISSIONER OFFICE OP COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE ®O February 17, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner, Department of Public Works, Court House. Attention: Mr. Gayton. Dear Sir: Attached please find petitions for the planting and protection of shade trees on Gotzian Street between Third and Fourth Streets and on Charles Street from Lexington to Chatsworth - Yours very truly, f Su riendent of Parks. irrrentio. Helps to Aukv feller tnllEewo In accordance with Preliminary Order C. F. #58003, approved February 19, 1925, for planting j end protecting shade trees on both sides of Gotzian I Street from Third :street to Fourth Street. will you please prepare a preXiminory estimate of coat, and. oblige Yours truly, commissioner of kuol c �iorks. --------- -- EL_ 684 59422 � In the Matter ai pavlag Falrvlaw. Avenue from ilnlverefty Avenue -.be- a point 440;11. ,eou,R of the eoath 11ne ofThom9e 8t.`,. inc uding eeWer, Wat' one from street . er andcdnaectla mein' oto • proDerty:S ea `. complete, ll where not Alreadyy made, aleo:cuth- Ing ond':yaWng drtveway and'alley COUNCIL FILE NO.......... approact ee, Where aeceasaTy,-under Prenmfnaryy Order': s$a7i__anpce--r..' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.pavi?sg..Fairview Avenue from University Avenue to.a......... po.int., 440ft... south. of , the._south.. l ine,,,o, f .,Thomas., St:.,...ano7 tiding. s.ewe.x,. water and gas connections from street mains to property lines1. complete where-no.t...already..made;_.also...ourb.ing. and„paving., driveway,. and.. alley.,,,..., apvroaohes., where necessary ... . ......... ................. ........_.................. .................... ......._......._._.................. :........... .............._................................................. under Preliminary Order.. .._......_54271...... _.......approved........M4K94 N,19?5............................. Intermediary Order........ ... ............................. ...........approved.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be mage by the said City is.p8ve...bairvlew, dvenlle . fT0ltl..jjIliverai.ty......., Avenue..t9....a...p.Qint ...430...ft....squth .of... th.e....Pouth......... 3ncluding..sewer'.wat.er_.an.a-gas gonneoti.o..ng.1Tom. strep t..maiAs- to. property ...l.ine.s...c.ample.t.e,._where...not...already ..mane,.... als.o...Curbing ...and........ paY.ng... drxv.ew.ay.... and ... al.le.y.. ap>_.oarhes......whe.re...ne.c.es.sary................ ....... _. Material.,eha11 be..re.inforced concrete.,. -,40 foot. roadway,._._ ..,_._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. MAY i 1925 192... .. MAY 1 9 1925 I if Clerk. Approved ........ ........... 192../ T Al IiXN(../. .............. ......... councilman Clancy, ,, " Mayor. t • =- � " ouncilman Ferguson ' pjJ$jD �4S ouncilman McDonald I ouncilman Ratsl''Hodgeon � unciIman Sudheimer / ouncilman Wenzel Vnlayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ARTM c�Tr PAur DE CF FINANCE REPORT OF OMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the matter of Paving Fairview Avenue from University Avenue to _a point 4A9 ft, _ south of the south line of Thomas Stt., including sewer, water and gas where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved --------March 0.._19.25s -_-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Length 700 ft. width of Roadway - 40 ft. Frontage 1244 ft. is go Street .100 ft. PAVING: 3,gl" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or 7" Rein. Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 5.85 4.84 3.72 3.15 City Share $9,576.45 $7,923.08 $6,089.64 $5,156.55 Property Share $9,719.30 $8,024.72 $6,167.76 05,222.70x T o t a l $19,295.75 $15,947.80 012,257.40 $10,379.25 (b) Front ft. 7.53 6.19 4.69 3.93 (Curb extra) Add for concrete curb where not in 55� per lin. ft. 6000 on west side 6" Sewer connections t3a. 0 it east " each 3/4"Water " to 52.50 c 19 do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, ..� ♦ `CI TY PAULFI DF ARTF NANCE REPORT OFir8hZISSIONER OF'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) yy��O In the matter of Paving Fairview Avenue from University Avenue to a point 49@ ft. _ south of the south line of Thomas St., inoluding sewer, water and gas aon-neotions from street mains to property lines oomplete where not already made - also Ourhi na ani—^�-- 4 ;p -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A Diokerman's Rearrangemen,l 648000 Parkway on North aide of University Avenue. 13 Hughes',Midway Addition 2050 14 to the City of St. Paul, 2800 15 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2750 16 do 10500 17 do '18 do 18500 19 do �' Roan B. B. to TOTAL, � (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT 01FOII.ANCE REPORT OF COM44ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 20 �1 2 23 24 25 Lot 26 and East 'i of 27 West J of 27 and all of 28 29 30 East 50 feet of N.130 ft.of 26 (2. Hughes' Midway Addition 2000 to the City of St. Paul, 6900 Ramsey Co., Minn. do 1750 do 975 do 975 do 2800 do 1450 do 1625 do 1725 Merriam'�s Out 1 ots 2925 do 151325 859050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together h the report made to him in reference to said matter by the �Commissioner of Public Works. Dated'—) 7 ------ 1925— F.- 92 Form B. B. 12 C.MILTRONg OR S. A.. HEO.W.GRIGGS, R.R.WARNE R,AR[sls xi. M.W,GRIGG svR[slo[xr. H.W. MANN. "'R-AR' ws_R[... R[R. GRIGGS,COOPER & COMPANY MANUFACTURING WHOLESALE GROCERS s.N,wILENc q«7GR. J.L.SCHNIER. 1. A� J. MO GACIR[c�OR ST.PAUL,MINN. January 20, 1925 fir, C. J. 'MiGlogan, City Clerk City Hall St. Paul., Minnesota - Dear Sirs We are about to construct a building to house our wholesale grocery business upon our property located at the Northeast corner of University and Fairview Avenues. :We expect to spend approximately $500,000.00 in this im- provement which, we believe, will be a valuable addition to the property values of the Midway district and St. Paul. our property extends north on Fairview Avenue a distance of about 800 feet and our new grocery building will front on Fairview Avenue. In order to take care of the trucking from our business on Fairview Avenue, it is neoes- eery that this street be paved for a distance of about 710 feet north from University -Avenue. We respectfully request that the City of St. Paul pave Fairview Avenue for a distance of 710 feet north from University Avenue with a substantial concrete paving suitable for heavy trucking. It would be an aocomodation to us if this paving could be done between August let and September 1st, in order that there may be no conflict between the operations of the building contractor and the paving contractor, as we expect to have the major portion of the building done by August 1st. We will appreciate it if you will bring this matter before the proper authorities for action and will advise us as to the action taken. GRIGGS, COOPER & C0MPANY C.ffi.G.sEB j''� Chairman of Board of Directors C. J. MCGLOGAN �.c COYYIe010N1IR�N IROIKIIATOY 7s office of (Bitg Clerk .Moe HAROLD J. RIORDAN m"­ CL[MK CLARENCE A. STORMS . ewer eimxa,ea,munoY r' January 21st, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 l d i n g. My dear Commissioners We are enclosing~ herewith letter from Griggs, Cooper & Company requesting that the City of 9t. Paul pave Fairview Avenue for a distance of 710 feet north from University Avenue, at v&ich location they are about to construct a new building. This matter was referred to you today by the Council for investigation. Respectfully yours, Office of the Commissioner of Public Work@E Report to Commissioner of Finance ,,,, •+ MAR 181995 - -- - Maroli 18,- 1925__191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 58271 approved__ Mareh lOL the Council, known as .Council File No.___________ 1925191___; relative to ---- paving Fairview Ave. from University Ave. to a point ______ 440 ft. south of the south line -of -Thomas -St, ------ -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_______ --- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is --------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---------------------- _____________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A, plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of I property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. V ' . Lpep�erF,�enhlc�f��bl�c) "��%v�ks� • • JOHN H. M20NALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNML. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHHIF ENGINEER - .M. 5. GRYTBAK. BxIOGE ENOINEFR WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONETRII—ON wNo REPw1E A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFl ANO COY PLANNING ENGINEER March 17, 1925 • G. P. BOW LIN, SUFI. OF WOAKNOVEE Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner.of Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Fairview Avenue from University Avenue to a point 440 fti south of the south line of 'Phomas St., including sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines oomplete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. FL J58271, approved March 10, 1925: Length 700 ft. Width of Roadway 40 ft. Frontage 1244 ft. " " Street 100 ft. PAVING 3}" Creosote Hriok Laid Asphalt or 7^ Rein. Blocke Flat- 6e1)halt Conori, O.onoreLe Total Sq. Yd. 5.85 "4.84 3672 3415 City Share $9,576.45 $7,923.08 $60089.64 $5,156455 Property Share $9,719.30 $8.024.72 $6f167.76 $5,222.70 T o t a l $19,296.75 015,947.80 $12,257.40 $10,379.25 (b) Front ft. 7.63 6.19 4.69 3.93 (Curb extra) Add for concrete curb where not in 55V per lin. ft. B0.00 on west side 6" Sewer oonneotions n . " east ^ each _ 3/4" Water W Yours truly, le:r z5gineero- 0. omm ae oner o u o or s. In the Matter of....plant.ing..and. pr.ot.eo.t.ing.,Shade...t.r.ee.s... on. -bo t.b...e.i.de.s...o.f.._ Hawthorne...Str.a,e,t,,,fr_om...E.ar.l._,5treet_ to Forest,..Stree,t,....__ ............. ... _.... ..... .... E. No. b93— -- - In the Mattes42o[ plantiag'and Dtoteot ing shade, tra98 on both aides ,ot Haw;horae'Str9at Srom -Esar.1 Street -'- - ""' ""... Forest Street;, under.PrellminarY r 57934; approved : -Feb. 17, 1926., hearing having been had. above. improvement upon due' t 4 the Count « I .IPa;dy ............. .......... ................._.....__........................ __................_........................... '...'.............. ....... .......................... ........................... .... under Preliminary Order ........ ...557934........._ ........... approved ............ Yeb.....17...... 19.255 .................... ...... Intermediary Order.._ .................... ....._..,._............... approved ............. .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St—Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...p19Mt„and._prgteCt.„Bhady.,,trees..On,.bot.h sides., of,. Haw.thpine, .Str.e.et,._ fr..om ..Esrl_..Street„ ......................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................. __.._............................_.............._.......................... ... ........ ........................... ......... ............ ... ............. ...._............._........... ...................... ............ ............................ .............. .................................................................................................................................................................................... _.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.....Mky..}..2..jt)25........................ ...,. rt. .................. .. .. ......... �A� Z . °'� ty Cl k. Approved. ... ......... ...... ..... .......... 192........ j... Councilman Clancy 0 ”. Mayor. —/ 641 � Councilman Ferguson � Founcilman McDonald /Councilman Zm=x Hodgson %/.Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. t CITY OF ST. PAUL + � + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE)— .,A* REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,. ON PRELIMINVY ORDER (A) In the matter of Planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of 4vithorne Street from Earl Street to Forest Street -�' o Cf under Preliminary Order approved Peh 17 1925- To 925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - $ 455.00 The estimated cost pi toot I'or the above improvement is S .19 Frontage 2.396.ft. The lots or parcels oT land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7 J.A.& W.M.Stees Addition 650 2 7 to St.Paul Ramsey Co.Pdinn. 2900 3 7 do 325 4 7 do 325 5 7 do 325 6 7 do 325 7 7 do 325 8 7 do 2825 9 7 do 2225 10 7 do 3225 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE E -.aEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR"t,lORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 7 J.A.& W.M.Stees Addition 675 12 7 to St.Paul Ramsey Co.,Minn. 325 13 7 do 300 14 7 do 300 15 7 do 4950 1 .8 -- do 475 2 S do 150 3 8 do 125 4 8do 100 5 8 do 100 6 8 do 1575 7 8 do 75 8 8 do 75 9 8 do 100 10 8 do 150 11 8 do 2700 12 8 do 200 13 8 do 225 14 8 d5 275 15. 5 do 2300 16 5 do 6750 17 5 do 325 18 9 do 600. 19 5 do 5025 20. 9 do 150 21 5 . do 225 22 5 de _ n. v TOTAL 8... F 250 CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF F`INAiVCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • •, �► (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 23 5 J.A.& W.M.Stees Addition 275 24 5 to St.Paul Ramsey Co.tdinn. 275 25 5 do 300 26 5 do 300 27 5 do 8725 28 5 do 4975 16 6 do 2950 17 6 do 4425 18 6 do 1825 19 6 do 1425 20 6 do 325 21 6 do 4425 22 6 do 3125 23 6 do 825 24 6• do 2325 25 6 do 3875 26 6 do .325 27 6 do 675 South 80 feet of L.28,29 & 30 6 do 4450 83275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----------------- _192. ---- -- Commissi er of Finance. F-- R. B. 12 t " (9` 4 �St. Paul, Minn. .% :— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Al f\', t ......:_ -- NAME BLOCK ADDITION /L/OT sy �!J . aim• r -2 tl c t H / Ir — b k_.1 M Office of the Commissioner of Public WorlisEeEmm) Pv 31 Report to Commissioner of Finance., , MAR 181995 March 18, 1925---- 191____ ------------------------ To the Commissioner o&,Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 57934 Febr. 17,__1925-191__-, relative to the Council, known as Council File No._____--approved___ __plantin�_ and_�rotec ting_ shade_ trees_ on_ both_ s ides_ of_ Hawthorne____ Street- from_Earl 'treat to_ r'orest_ Street---------------_______________--__ ----------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 0.19 per front foot 455.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, Frontage 2,396 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________ _____________________ f________-________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a Commissioner of Public Works. JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER. THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER h GEORGE ..EPA... .—I ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBA K, PSI— EUGI-1 M. N. CAREY. SUPT. or C v o REPwIq A. B. SHARP. S F SANITATION G. H. HERFOLO. OPPIte nvovClTT PURvivG ENGINEEfl G. P. BOWLIN. SUPiooF WORNHOVSE March 17, 1925. Eon. J• HiMcDonald, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of Hawthorne St. from Earl St. to Forest St. under. Preliminary Estimate C.F. #57934, approved February 17, 1925: Planting American Elm trees $455.00 Cost per front foot .19 Frontage 2,396 ft. Yours very truly, C eP Engineer. Approved for transmisaio to Commissioner of Finance: asioner of Public works. (Qitg of ot. faul Department of Farkst IllaggrounAa GEORGE L. NASON. mid public louilbing SSFv. or P- HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, Suri. of PuvaRWxos IRVING C. FEARCE. OEF CAMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Citi AACNITEIT ' 219 COURT HOUSE March 12, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House. Attention; Mr. Gayton. Dear Sir: Referring to Preliminary Order C. F. 57934, planting and protecting shade trees on Hawthorne Street (both sides) from Ecrl St. to Forest Street. The estimatedcost per front foot is 19�. Yours ver truly,- Supt. of Parks. m Approved%-��— /C-cj- (/ Commissioner. at"Catfon NOVO to Mohr 6.11(6f1f2ens END IIICROFIL14 CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business b � / /j N , in accordance with the standard and appro d techni es orit a Record microfilm machine, I-lode1 of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 196_ by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: . n�n Aa I' 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: n r s 9 3 After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the •last document. Signed: Dated d17,- k,,, 5'-- 19 116 Operator IN � �� �tl 1531 n0i1n1053tl AdO�Otl]in SoetloNtlls jo nv38ne IVNOIIVN r IIIII sZlllll zz 111 0.1 IIIII U oy � mos .. �"__•��'� \\ lb ////� �o �\iA �O 8�� I j � tido?ay5 /,� Ax%� yoaa z j\\ y �\ " s -47 0ONN Milli - 5