50432-50902_12-20-1923_01-22-1924is saavaNvls d0 nv3une wNouvN - - 9'1 I i11111, Z•T I II . 8.111111 �;� .�, • o z����� 7 I6 �1 Z•ZI - a s.�lllll a.=11111 '� 1 + 1 a , yo y' ao`Yae \ \ le� // AS Nk Y� START o Serial No. of Roll /o e Department C,' I=_l sk Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION . v LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date Microfilm v C014TEITS Number or name of first document of regular contents By L` _/iX Operator Operator l By, Supervisor 50432 1Y PAUL rap Q•--------- - ,CIIfY CLERK . )TION—.P�NERAL FORM •, PRESENTED BY' _ _...._...� [MTE....._,.Dec. 90. _.1923• ......... COM IsslofSER.__ .. ✓ - - " M RESOLVED " tl .In the matter o3 condemning and taking an eaeotaent in the- lend necessary for slopes, for cuts andills hs grading ,of Alley in Blo' k 2,•,;bin l e Maplewood Addi ionfrom Princeton'Ave. to Goodrich Avenu.e,°under Preliminary Order C. F. $49357' approved Oct. 26, 1923,, and Intermediary Order C:; F. J4979,7, approved November 20, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Llorke having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for t}ie above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in gild upon the Alley in Block 2, King's Maplewood Addition, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public `3orke in the matter dated December 20, 1923; which 'plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. r: No. 60432 -BY W. 7.'Peter— Inthe naeasement In lnnd Hetes- -' - arynfor elopes, for cuts and flus' 12. Ing 1 the grading of Allev' in 'Block - King'sI,Inplewood Addlt" en perncPrellminary OrdeilcCn. F. No.I - j 49367,, pproved Oct. 20, 1923, and ,T ..d Order C. F. 14.. 49797, ap- proved Nov. 20, 19230. The Commlasloner [ Publlo Works hnvin6 submitted his report and ldnn _ _ .. ,..,....,atter. be It / - er .: Deo. s an ease...;....... ••• 11 fills In and Upon IT Allay ddl- , King's MnplewooA n the pointe ofor.q.ld, to e. by theCouncil, Dec. 20, 11 d, DecDec• .229 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays \ \,-'Ferguson — vir _..... _.In favor v Sudheim-6 w ✓ Peter _.. _.-..Against W' nzel >/ Mr. President Adopted by the Council._pE.G. .0.1923° ..-_192 ®EC, 2 C 192 ....--.1rJ2..... App ved r . ".. .... MAYOR William & Peter, Towmissiamr 0, attH GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CARET. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER .�Irie �it[lrttr, �cput� (IImm�lissianrr ilu Pant � M. S. GRYTSAK.BRIDGE ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO THE: COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for duts and fills in the gradi\ng,of Alley in Block 2, King's llaplewood Addition, from Princeton Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 149357, approved October 26, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 449797, approved November 20, 1923. To the Council'of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 136rke hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portiion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the ease'tnant to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Workw. Dated December 20, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE) REPORT OF COMMISSIOdtk OF FINANCE dN PREL114INARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking edl ent in the land necessary for nlo,Tea for nuts ramd fills in the ,grading of Allev • F� in Hlnnk�2 ging'AMAplywood Addition, from Princeton pa amts t0 Goodrich Avenue. miymi under Preliminary Order approved Oo#Oher-2t a 1923 923'To - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: SAA The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -0— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S-0 .The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 King! s U p1dW00s 1100. -- 2 2 ao 1000 S 2 do 1000 4 2 do 1000, 5 2 do 1000, All of 1, 6, & N. of 7 2 do MO SouLh_1/,2_of_ 7 2 ., do 540 S 2 do 1000. — -- 10 .: 2 coo 10 o i Form B. B.10 TOTAL. i ; — CITY OF ST. PAUL '. ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE EVt OF FINANCE - + '' r - REPORT OF COMMISS18 " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED` VALUATION 11 2. Ring's Zlaplewood 12 2 do :2400 13; 2 do 1504 - 14 2 do 15 2 do - 1500 e 16 2 do 1500 17 2 do 1500 3z 2 1500 19 2 do 1500 20 2. do 1500 21 2 do - 1500 - 22 2 Bio 1800-- 800-28950 28950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—LL-� O.3-fift1_-.__ C mmissioaee of Fia�ace. Form B. B. 12 -----Nov. _9 , 1923 ------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of , the Council, known as Counctl'File No49366 __________approved____Oot- t. 26 1923191__-, relative to___________ gradin$ oY alley in Block ?, King' ilda- lewood- Addition from -_----_--- Princeton-Ave.--to-Goodrich-Ave -- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ XX�___-_, and the total cost thereof is $___ ------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. __ U\ --------_ ------------ Commissioner f Public VOR.. FINAL ORDER 50433 In the Matter of laclll, ar and—gas cLonnezt1Gna--:f Tom ---------- AX 40 . ......... straet mail 3 -to pt��91?2�!rtY . ..... .................................. ...... . .......... ileo curbing--�:nci- necessary ............................................ ........... .............................. .................. ................. f .............................. e 1 46344roved........ ------ ............................... under Preliminary Order ..................................... .. ........ app Intermediary Order...----- ------ --------------------------------- ------ approved.----....................................- .......-------....... , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due noticeand the Council - having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully c6sid ered'the same; therefore, be it ul that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. P-1 Hamline tv8- from H e.A.it t Ave .. .. .. .... ....... -!t ........... be made by the said City is V�T-3 ..................................................... improvement to to Univ Ave... .............. ... ............................ street mains to�,.property lines complete, where not already fromstr ..................... ........... ........................ . —1 ...................................................... . ......... ...................... ................... paving driveway C1 all a rohes, .................... made, also curbing and vellay an ........... ac... .................... ............................. ............................. . . ................................. Uh.tiprial qJ q oadway frm UZ1v.0 --opno.rolo 40--fQ01 r r e ]log and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and,directed "said improvement in accordance therewith. to proceed with the making of -VAY 9 tION .................... 191 ........ Ad pted by the ounci. .... .... .... .... -ty Clerk. MAY 2 61925 .............. . ... .......................... .................... ................................ Map -C i. 21 1 Fxmxxwd // . . ...... C an b Clancy Ferguson 0 oilman Gbh i Co oilman GWW HoD-)nald Co oilman HVRW Beftlr- cilman Meftit SucLneizrier �0- Councilman V4 lman NffdfiMd& 11V Unz e 1 Mayor HUG r, S. A. 8-7 Mr. Shepard recom!nended that material be sheet asphalt and brick along the street car tracks. The owners present were unanimously in favor of concrete. The Council decided to put in concrete at the owners request. 6 - 0 40 foot roadway frr University to Minnehaha; 30 foot roadway from Minnehaha to Hewitt Ave. ° 76,906.00 63,610.00 49,663.00 42,364-00 Total [ib) front foot 3 4.' 4.00 3. 3 3.35' it 5.25 street ear,3 - between Thomas and Minneheiha Stis.. onl�**curb extra _ Add for ceinent curb where not in 600 lin.ft. (60' St.''$60.00 y6 in 3g4uar oonnactions aach (SQ' ;'water eonueotions each - 6o' St. 39.00 (60' St. 45.00 a-. s q - -' •___ _•'`f North 37 ft. of 4 13 College Place, East Div. 475 S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft. of 4 13 do 475 - . S. 37 ft. of N. 111 ft. of 4 13 do 475 -- -S. 37 ft. of N.- 148 ft. do do of 4 13 TOTAL. . . 475 - 7,77-7 . 61rY OP •' DEPARTMEI-0;ffINANCE W' REPORT QF';-=MMISFLONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMI ARllfORDER f [a tha maitee of ave Hamline Aven a fwC, y }z; 1 G V � �fi.•�T•µ. ifi N �..i .�$��'rr�..'T' i ' ( G. t m3+ri=".,^r� d i lines com roaches s .: .. ... ', 1. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: :... laid Asphalt or >>,t,.•<APlt Asi�Y_ult Conbrete Blecks —� n Tete Puvin :mentis nmoun: of he a,s •TCTt for the above• imyr� • ..-.-- _ _ 3.25 1uc to;[u estmtataj 'TOTAL 5.9 4'88 �/'"`` _ sq yd. S___ .•.lri pPT :�)n.. {r �_nc� uhn'-,. •aetvro •emm�l. is Intersections 30,462.100 .. 25',195+00 ". 1y, 671.�J0 TB,'7ES0.0o wh3elage a) -Property 'sltdre j2;656.()0 27,011.00 Pi 068.00 s,904.00 17'899. 0"*' 7,5.5 N44 " �3,7gg•oo 11,4o4.co ••with car line i ,,j Without car line 76,906.60 63,61o.oa 49,663•a� 42,364.00 Total t 4. 6.ao 57 3.83 3 (a) front loot 7 b 4 " 6.44 5.25 4.00 .., 3 35 (b) ;.street cars - between Thowas and liutiehaha Sts. onlw••curb extra _ Add for cement curb where not in 60¢ lin.ft. ,6 in. sewer connections each bU' St. sa`Ei0.U0 80' St. 60.00 �60' j writer conr.eatians each St. 339.00 :it. 45.00 (80' a ° •~a ---'4 13 College Place, East Div, 475 North 37 ft. of S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft. of 4 13 do _ 475 do S. 37 ft. of N. 111 ft. of 4 13 _ 475 ".. , do .-.--S. 37 ft. of N. 148 ft. of '4 13 To�L 475 to il . CITY OF ST. PAUL •• DEPARTMEKal71NANCE �,r , r REPORT �FCOMMISOIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARV-0ROER (Al " — Y Pay:[ Hamline ANenue In the matter of NMI a inolud in sews e ,r ��� 'x n � liner"COm 19 y ,y a xF yL•yi' y, ... 4 Y'*' }� r G•i1._. r approaches = athero �' oeaery - . { T 7 ?'T 1"l• ,1'�^,;1Ln :Sj[r: V; L•Oi T-.7 W TA.?•" p' 3l L' — D^.i/dOSIl �ta;r'3 Lf' 7T;t. T !11r � �7 1 "- C 104"TT ciOr- oo P)'f?70'0r 00 -cc T,3,OTt-00 ^u - (3)Y iI 7?,. q •<'0 :1ftoTt'x) f '801+•00 :'t�d�'GO.., C:V}t��oliSLt ` 3i,rr.., i5'P,�o• 0 5.S'�'- ,',n .`iT'G �'Us:t `�'v�+A•,^n. pareel u lest reporte y e ssessor, areas o ows: B LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 1 St. James Addition .3,000 2 do 2,850 'do 3,125 3 4 do 2,875 do 3,•350 .5 do 3,150; 6 4 13 College Place, East Div. 475 North 37 ft. of i. S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft, of 4 13 do - 475 - 5. 37 ft. of N. 111 ft. of 4 13 do 475 S. 37J ft. of N. 148 ft. of 4 13 do 475 - 11 TOTAL. - �� F-B. B. 10 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL / - - �;" _ DEPART*F-NT.OF FINANCI,!!>t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER Z7F FINANCE ON PREL&INARY_ ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION , N., J,j.v". -street adj.arid South 33 ft. of 4 13 ,College Place, East Div. 700 S. a vac. street adj. and -all of Block 16 do 15,800 15 7 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 3,875. ,.9 14 7 do 1,475 13 7 do 1,300 12 7 do 1,900 11 7 do - 400. - 10 7 do 425. - .. 9 7 do 400 8 7 do 725 1 Pamian Addition - - 100 (Except East 40 ft.) 2 do 325 (Except East 40 ft.)3- 4 do 750 East 40 ft, of 2-3 4 do 3,625 5 do 425 6 do 3,025 7 do 2,675 9 do 3,675 9 do 425 15 do 725 16 do 25 _..- 17 do 425 18 do 25 19 do 25 20 do 50 21 do 1,475 ' TOTAL " o1TT OP ST. PAUL - DEPAR1MENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER q0F FINANCE ON PREUMINAARY ORDER 4 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 8 8 Gersey-Noolsey Addition 425 9 8 do 1,575 10 8 do 42r,- 2511 11 S do 425 12 8 do 425 �3 8 do 3,125 (Except South 44.25ft. 14- 15 S do 700 South 44.25 ft. of 14- 15 8 do 1,650 16 8 do 3,175 17 8 do 3,100 18 8 do .500 19 8 do 2,775 20 8 do 2,700 21 8 do 500 - 22 8 do 2,300 23 8 do .50C s 11 do 3,350 9 11 do 2,500 10 11 do 2,700 11 11 do 2,900 12 11 do 1,600 North 50 ft -.of i3-14- 15 11 do 3,575 S. 42 ft. of N. 92 ft. 13-14 15 11 do 3,450 South 42.25 ft. of 13-14 15 11 do 4,000 Lots 16 and 17.11 do 8,675 Lots 18 and 19 11 - do TOTAL 4,625 CITY Or BT. PAUL I DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE f R - REPORT OFCOM?#ISSAONd OF FINANCE ORY N e DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 11 Hersey -Woolsey Additioh 2,575. 7._ 21 11 do 2 875 ' - 22 11 do 2,175 _. 23 11 do 0 2,575 8 12 do 3,025 9 12 do 2,9�5 10 12 do 2,175 11 12 do 3,125. 12 12 do 2,550 North 50.23 ft. of 13-14 15 12 do 4,100 South 42 ft. of 13-14 15 12 do 3,000 _ do South 42 ft. of N. 92ft. 13-14-15 12 3,100 North � of 16 12 do 2,150 _ South of 16 12 do 2,450 �7 12 do 4,100 18 12 o do 2,200 �9 12 do 3,050 20 12 do 3,500 21 12 do 3,900. 22 12 do 3,100 23 12 do 2,900 " 8 2 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 575 9 2 do 650 10 2 do 575 11 2 do 1,275 _ 12 2 do 6�5 _ TOTAL OITT or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEIB• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER •F FINANCE . ON PRELAMktgkRY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUEATION 13 2 Syndicate No. 5 Addition :._North 1.,875 1/3 of 14 & 15 2 do S. N. 2/3 of 14 & 15 2 do 1,600 South 1/3 of 14 & 15 2 do 1,875 16 2 do 1,600 �7 2 do 3,450 18 2 do 950 19 . 2 - do 1,450 _ 20 2 do 550. .... 21 2 do 2,750 22 2 do 550 23 2 do 4,250 1 3 do 8,175 2 3 do 2,525 3 3 do 2,375 4 3 do 625 5 3 do 625 6 3 do 3,125 7 3 do 3,275 East 35 ft. of 8 3 do 3,350 23 3 do 2, Soo 24 3 do 2,500 . 25 3 do 3,100 26 3 do L 3,750 27 3 do 2,300 28 3 do TOTAL 2,1225 r CITY OF ST. PAUL '— - DEPARiMENTr.OF FINANCED - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIIARX`ORDER L _ ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLocrc - -AS6ESSED . VALUATION 29 3 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 2',5.50 3D . 3 do 2,250 . . __. 1 6 do 625 2 6 do 600 3 6 do 4,100 4 6 do 4,100 5 6 do 4,100 6 6 do a,92-5 - 7 6 do ,100.8 3,100- s 6 do 3,100 - 23 6 do 575 24 6 do 575 25 6 do 2,525 26 6 do 2,225 2.7 6 do 575 28 6 do 2,07,5 29 6 do 2,975 :-= 30 6 do 4,3�5 8 7 do 2,325 a 7 do 500 10 7 do 450 11 7 do 450 12 7 do 3,950 �3 7 do 2,400 14 7 do 450 15 7 do TOTAL 3,575 - CITY OF ST. PAUL " .. . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMTSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELAINaa.I�xY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAASLUATSESSED ION __-.. 16 7 Syndicate No. 5, Addition 70G.`,,' 17 7 do p3,650 18 7 do 3,350 19 7 do 3,150 20 7 do 3,250 =- 21 7 do 3,350 22 7 do 3,150 ._i_ 23 7 do 3,250 North of .vacated alley 15 l0 do 3,650 adjoining & 9 to s 10 do 2,��5 S. -i' vac. alley adj. & 16 & 17 10 do 1,150 do lg 10 do 550 . . - do 19 10 do 11 050 _ do 21 & 20 10 do 32,500 do 22 10 do 500 - 23 to do 3,975 1 11 do 600 - - 2 11 do 575 3 11 do 3,175 - 4 11 do 575 5 11 do 575 6 11 do 2,075 - - 7 11 do 1,575 _._. s 11 do 1,775 _ .. 23 11 do 2,875 24 11 do .5 2'97 TOTAL - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIt4SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN Y ORDER (B) i; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 11 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 26 .11 do 2, 25. _ - 27 11 do 2,775 26 11 do 2,775. 29 11 ado 575. 30 11 do 625. 1 14 do 625. _ .. 2 14 do 2,425: 3 14 do 975. 4 14 do 2,025 5 14 do 3,075 6 14 do 3,275 7 14 do .1,925 8 14 do 575 23 .14 do 2,525._ 24 14 do .2;850 25 14 do 2,goo. 26 14 do 2,500 27 14 do 2,150 28 14 do 2,600. 29 14 do 3,300' 30 14 do 2,450! _ _ a 15, do 2,150 9 �5 do 2,400. 10 15 do 2,675- 11 .15 do ---- TOTAL 500 . CITY OP $T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN Y ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 12 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 525 13 15 do 554 14 V 15 do 554 15 15 do 600 16 15 do 750 17 15 do 600 18 15 do 1.,375 19 15 do 575 20 15 do 575 21 15 do 575 22 15 do 575 23 15 do 1,575 .8 18 do 2,375 9 18 do 2,375 - -- 10 18 do 2,175 11 1S do 3,225 12 18 do 3,375 East 30°ft. of 13 18 do 925 (Exc,ept East 30 ft. )13 & all 14 18 do 2,250 15 18 do 3,750 16 1S do 4,225 17 18 do 3,100 18 18 do 3,40o 19 18 do 2,,000 20 18 do 2,350 21 18 do 3,350 TOTAL CITY OR ST. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELJAIN/ARY ORDER (B) _ ( DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS VED ALUATION 22 18 Syndicate No. F Addition 3,i50. ._ _ I� L.. z3 .1s do 3 5o 3, - _ 1 19 �ao 11,700 Lots _2 and 600 3 19 . do 4 �9 do 1,9Q0 5 19 do 2,250.. East of 7 & all Of 6 19 do 2,150 west of 7 &all of 8 19 do 3,750 23 19 do 2,100 24 19 do 3,050 �5 19 do 3,150 26 19 do 1,925 27 �9 do 600 zs 19 do 2,100 29 19 do 3,325 30 19 do 3,100 1 22 do 650 ' 2 22 do 3,100 _ 3 22 do 2,800 4 22 do 3,500 5 zz do 3,600 6 22 do ?,950 7 zz do 21100 . ...,_ B 22 do 2,475 23 22. do 3,100 24 .22 1 do 4, leo TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTUENT 9F FINANCE • FINANCE REPORT'OF COMMISSIONER OfF ON PRELIMINAky ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION END A 25 22 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 3,300 26 22 do 3,200 27 22 do 3,325 29 22 do 2,300 29 22 do . . . 600 30 22 do 1,900: 23 do 129,500 9 26 do 2,575 9 26 do 2,575 10 26 do 3,175 11 26 do 3,275 12 26 do 2,175 13 26 do 3,550 14 26 do 575 15 26 do 625 16 26 do 650 17 26 Vo 600 19 26 do )600 19 26 do 6co 20 26 do 600 .21 26 do 600 22 26 do 600 23 26 do 600 1 27 do 650 2 27 do 3,300 3 27 dl TOTAL 1,650 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSLONER OF FINANCE ON. PRELIli41NA Y ORDER -- (B)ED — _ - DESCRIPTION LOT rBLOCK ADDITION ASSES VALUATION 4 27 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 2,900 - 5 �7 do 6o0 . .6 �7 do 1,550 7 27 do 1,900 6 27 do ?,350 23 27 do 3,50 2427 do 3,200 _. 25 27 do 3,159 _ _ do 26 27 boo _ 27 27 do 4,400 26 27 do— �. 3,250 29 27 do 600 30 27 do 1,259 1 30 do 559 _ 2 30 do 450 3 30 do 675 4 30 do 400 5 30 do ?,559 630 do 2,559 7 30 do 2,75P .. 30 do 400 23 30 do 210o0. 24 30do 2,000 _ 25 30 do 3,309 26 30 do 3,800 27. 30 do 15,300 TOTAL .. CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t. • o OF COMMISSIONER tF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION 29 30 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 2,000 -- — — — _ 29 30 do 2,100 _. 30 '30do 3,000 g.. 31 do _ 575 - 9 3 do . 575 _'.._ 10 31 do 575 . 11 31 do 575 12 32 do 575. 13 3'1 do 5 75 _ , 14 31 do 575 - 15 31 do 6�5 16 31 do _. 17 31 do 2 ,100 18 31 do 2,000 19 31 do 2,000 20 31 do 2,000 21 31 do 2,000 22 31 do 2,000 _ 23 31 do 2,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mutters, andhereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a Dated ___.-�=e% Q-=�: ----- Co miesioner of Finance. F— D. 13.12 7---7— tzg 7q �� ti'v M. j - uy'%S "iol , It•(J7 St. Paul, Minn.,_ ........ 1923... To The Honorablel'The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 7---7— tzg �. ... _ ,i Ln/ / B11 3 /L/ s C/ossin - 7,. I �9 ��z3. w N/ni /c • _ .rc��E 300' ro /' Lcf z •• •' Mirs Mni•1/io C/o�•iC. A>it /?oss/rrnn W 19 e �FSLE✓ � - II Z Q - Cif'/ r�� _ f/,/c • I � W b � W Office of the Commis9iofier of Public Works mew p Report to Commissioner of Finance B 1938 ' November 5th 1923 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -A.0 -NI ___approved__dW1e__131b --------- 1923.., relative to Paving n.aescer�mtar._and_�s--oonnact�i-cn�_fsom etsest_Mains_ Ave, from liewitt Ave. to University Ave. ------------inc]ading r - to property lines complete whereal e already mad e,where ------------g]LCb�.IA& a3lrl_1ying. drtgeway_ anct--- 1- - pPT rhe$ ----------------- necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ^ 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (er) desirable. See estimate att 66hed. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the to al cost thereof is $------------- .' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of s6d improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon -petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L � ---------- --- ® Commissio r of Public mss. tlliam 31. peter, Tanunisetow 31rieullrtfr. �cpnrtg (IIpmmis�ianer -�F�1Mx#11tPri# of li�t�tl . rirks (jug of estat �uul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGEM. SH[PARD. CHIEF ENGINEERI A.'B. SHARP. SUPT. Of SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORKHOUSE ' O. H. HERROLD, OPPIC! AND CITY PLANNINO ENGINEER November 3, 19,83 CVim. J. Peter ommissioner of J'ublio forks. Dear Sir: of cost I transmit herewith preliminary estimatenlversitq Ave. for the paving of Hemline Ave. from Hewitt Ave. including sewer, wester and gas oonnections a alssoeourbiinnsg and property lines complete where Oa88he8TeW ere necessary, under paving driveway and 'allay XPp approved June 13, 1923: Preliminary Estimate Front n� Roadway Street Ave.to Thomas St. 38486 30' 60 &ASO$ 4,151 gianeh�a St. to Hewitt -Ave 1,418( 10'x,003 Thomas St. to Minnehaha St.- brick laid Asphalt or 7° concrete 3j creosote let As Oonoret P v n flocks TOTAL sq. yd. %9O 4.88 3.81 3. a6 Intersections &19 671.00 16,780.00 liheelage 30, 462.00 25,195.00 , 088.00 17,989-00* (A)Prcperty share32,6M OO 2?,011.00 8,804.00 7,595.00`• B . • 13,788.00 11,404..0., •*a h car -line *without oar line 42,364.00 76,906.00 83,810.00 49,663.00 Total 3.83'•• 7.36 6.00 9600 4.5? 3.35*** .(a)frout foot 6.44 5• Sts. Rjb Between Thomas and Minnahaha Sts. only extra strest oars - ft - Add for cement curb where not in St. l8n.00 6 in. sewer connections each 60' 8t. X80.00 Sol St. 80;00 . j_• water connections each ' St. 39.00 8S60M St. 45.00 Yours truly, Approved for transmission C f Engineer To the Oommissioner of Finance *h ; commnissioiier tKio r COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. BY.......................... FINAL ORDER Y -)434 In the Matter of...pay.ing...Thoma.s.._Stre.e.t...from..Aics...SLr-e.e.t...1a..,Lesing#an.aluenue, ino.aua.i,>;?gAlad..z✓.5...conxlect.i.ona...f.r.cn...s.treat.. ma. ins... ta................ pr.oper..ty...lines...c.oraple.to.,...w.here...not....lrea.dg.. made.;...alsa...including............... curbing.. and.. paving..drivew.ay..and allay ..a.pproachas.,...w.here.-necessary,........ PP 26:. ............. under Preliminary Order ....................... .........45.4..x.6approved ........AP.X'.1.1.. �- -a.9. ..R.......----....... approved ........................ _.....------.......-------......---..... Intermediary Order............................................................ pp -..........--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is..mAs... Str.Q.%t ..j .rjo 77:...Om0...Av.erlue...ta...Lexiz>gton by e nue.,...inc lading...s.ast.er.,...w.at.ar... a nd..gas.-.c.osnne ctians...f rom...s.tr..e.et..mains.. _--to---pro.party-..lines...c_ornpleta,...where not_..alseady-.-made-,_..also.-.including.-----. curkl�ng...and...Sax.iz�g...dx��.ew.�y..az�d...a� y...api?r..oa.G:aes.....w.her..e...ne.cessary.......... r� ....... _..:............................................._.. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is)hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. __. pEC..2 0.1923.. _ %...,:. /- i f) EC 2 01991, Approved.... ...._..__.._..__... ._..._....__..........., 191.. Councilman A0kiSd6 &'M "6-- ' Councilman 61o1cacX t -Ferguson f Councilman AbtMAX ife686ia��d p Councilman "Peter Councilman 112 ZKMX '-'Sudheimer Councilman Nftudx&1x-Wen7el Mayor lt=x, is on Form B. S. A. B•7. 1 11 It - t t� 41 tt. J '✓ No 66434= FINAL ORDER Y -)434 In the Matter of...pay.ing...Thoma.s.._Stre.e.t...from..Aics...SLr-e.e.t...1a..,Lesing#an.aluenue, ino.aua.i,>;?gAlad..z✓.5...conxlect.i.ona...f.r.cn...s.treat.. ma. ins... ta................ pr.oper..ty...lines...c.oraple.to.,...w.here...not....lrea.dg.. made.;...alsa...including............... curbing.. and.. paving..drivew.ay..and allay ..a.pproachas.,...w.here.-necessary,........ PP 26:. ............. under Preliminary Order ....................... .........45.4..x.6approved ........AP.X'.1.1.. �- -a.9. ..R.......----....... approved ........................ _.....------.......-------......---..... Intermediary Order............................................................ pp -..........--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is..mAs... Str.Q.%t ..j .rjo 77:...Om0...Av.erlue...ta...Lexiz>gton by e nue.,...inc lading...s.ast.er.,...w.at.ar... a nd..gas.-.c.osnne ctians...f rom...s.tr..e.et..mains.. _--to---pro.party-..lines...c_ornpleta,...where not_..alseady-.-made-,_..also.-.including.-----. curkl�ng...and...Sax.iz�g...dx��.ew.�y..az�d...a� y...api?r..oa.G:aes.....w.her..e...ne.cessary.......... r� ....... _..:............................................._.. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is)hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. __. pEC..2 0.1923.. _ %...,:. /- i f) EC 2 01991, Approved.... ...._..__.._..__... ._..._....__..........., 191.. Councilman A0kiSd6 &'M "6-- ' Councilman 61o1cacX t -Ferguson f Councilman AbtMAX ife686ia��d p Councilman "Peter Councilman 112 ZKMX '-'Sudheimer Councilman Nftudx&1x-Wen7el Mayor lt=x, is on Form B. S. A. B•7. 1 11 It - t t� 41 tt. J '✓ �r= G�� J46 lui, McCLUSKEY CLOTHES. SECOND FLOOR, BREMER ARCADE BLDG. ST. PAUL, MINN. December 20, 1923. City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Re: PavinC Thomas St.: I an± owner of property at 419 Thomas St. I favor ��;•, i'. C;- '.C011:.:'�'te :;t. w� i>j :'• "::'r,::'S ''��`5, 0 proposed under ,our prelimin;.ry order ;'o. 'L_ I e-:: not in favor of pa vine s.t any of the nronosed higher Costs. Very truly hIS'4`gm 41C T? crae street. ' f 'Vi To the Honerable Commisoners of the City of St. aul Gentelmen:— We the.under§igned property owners adjoining Thomas Street protest against paving of Thomas Street from Rice St. to Lexington Ave. This Street has 2 Street oar tracks in�it and as the Street car company has consistently refused during thelast 3 or ` 4 years, to do.any paving, we can not expect thu Company to do j Sts share in paving Thomas St. The rest of the paving woue3 not stand up because the street is quite narrow Besides this we consider the price per lot too high and almost confiscatory under the present conditions. Thomas Street has during the last 5 years been absol- utely neglected and would not be in horrible condition it is in, if the Street had gotten onty part of the attention we taxpayers are entiteled too. —/� r; - rY,`I w,� �9 fJ ;'OO�LL�GGcGQ G'(tt 11,E j/ ^i YN a goY io ,2 e J s /* - Jz t�_ �3 0 �t�r ;I l 2 Cl— lo (L ell C. C- r . - 1 3 I%ry' / — --------- v), o add -- I%Y 4) 'j- 110 2, Jll f 07;2,01, C "P t 1.�'tit�'-�- �� II Ila-ez %V . A� �/ a� l`n.< .a t,�.-. / M O /r0 �/ ill•. ,�� :�.[ fisc Gc �J�e f /1 � (� � 7.�,�e-Yriy� ,moi . ��Lt;^,!u-� ,.J�•/' o/ �tyr-�v� if a u cE- /0 LZI I, f . '.! i! AV �� 2 �� 75' 75 77 7k4l w <N C -t 7dl 7,21 72',6 /� a i, I I I �I /� a IJAfi- kkL lt:51- /� Y-� 4 V -e ,S- 0 ? f: t � ;4. .r, Gr id <.�• I t, �/ `% � ', P' G� off` � �5-� 0 .,,�'��- • .� 671, YWYY1IIl �r� ��( yl2i'r' �`Y' �•Y�i'�,�,-.•°�t.^- � "��,Y. ^� Jc � �� �'��"``� 1 t 4 r'Jf%jd4�F-�?(-�'j �:"✓!'i�'2v� '� ^i�'�" _ �'�`�'~ — _, . _ , ,+-,�t, '.s*�, "3k .re-,—,.rfiy� ,r-��'�a�,�s;,.,4.t;'<: ` 1�,..rc�wC�*°+.'w'?^• -- . _. _,;.=•t,_ �y j i :%C7 r ' � .. IV Je ;ot,,, 617 J 1 1-7 t All ted., �i((iera �. deter., (dorantissianer � � �al(rtte. $s}� �ouuuiasianer Mq of ftd Itud GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. ORYTEAK. BRIDGE ENOINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. Or SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. NOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 31, 1923. Mr. WM. J. Peter, Qo mniesioner of Public Works. Dear air: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Thomas Street from Como Avenue to Lexington Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property limes complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46416, approved April 26, 1923: Length 10,122 ft. Width of"RoaftaYl 46 66 fn. Frontage 18,031 ft. 3" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7" paving-Blooke Flat Asphalt oonor. Concrete Total Sq. yd. 6.90 4.88 3,81 3.26 Intersections) $ 46,926,00 37,986.00 29,667,00 $ 26,298.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share 141,889.00 117.369.00 81,627,00 78.169,00 T o t a l 4187,816,00 $166,346.00 $121,284,00 $103,467,00 (a) Front Ft. 7.36 •6.00 4.67 3.63 (Curb extra) Note: Ficial order should read from Como Ave. to Lexington Ave. Add for Cement curb where not in 60V er lin. ft. R 2"Sewer connections each 80.00 7 374" Water " " 40.26 - Yours truly. Approved for transmission to the Cow. of Finance. hi Engineer. Oomnd'1`e�iP�3io Qlorks. letUtmn 31. Peter. MMUMtsstaner 1� �allettr, Btpvdy (IIMMtsidoner �P�tMrYlltPttt o rka (Etta of *aid VMd GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF'ENGINIIM WM. N. CARET. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, . Commissioner of Public Works. M. S. GRYTEAK. FRIDGE ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. P. NOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE' October 31, 1923. Dear air: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for *the paving of-Thomaa Street from Como Avenue to Lexington Avenue, including cower, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #45416, approved April 26, 1923: Length 10,122 ft. Width oY Roadway 46 ft. Frontage 18,037 ft. " " Street 66 " 3" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or Paving-Blooke Flat Asphalt oonor. Concrete Total Sq. yd. 6.90 4.88 3.81 3.25 intersections) $ 46,926.00 $ 37,986.00 29,657.00 $ 25,298.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share 141.889.00 117.359.00 91.627.00_ 78.159.00 T o t a l $187,816.00 $155,345.00 $121,284.00 $103,457.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.00 4.67 3.83 (Curb extra) note: Ficial order should read from Como Ave. ta'•Lexiugton Ave. Add for Cement curb where not in 60� er lin. ft. " 2"Sewer connections each 80.00 n 374" Water " " 40.25 Yours truly, Approved for transmission to the ��ClIo��m��r. of Finance. hi Engineer. Comadi`aei i P40io Works. f , CITY O► "T. PAUL 1DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMh%(ISfSIOi�IER FINANCE x ON pgWMINARY ORDE13 4.,��. The paving of Thomas Street from Como Ave, to In the matter of Lexington Ave. under Preliminary Order approved April 26, 1923. r To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Length 10,122 ft. Width of RoadwaStreey 6 ft. Frontage 18,p37 32" Creosoted Blocks Brick laid Flat Asphalt or 7" - Asphalt cont. Concrete Paving Total Sq. yd. 5.90 4.88 3.81 3.25 Intersections $+5,926.00 37,926.00 29,657.00 25,298.00 & Wbeelags Property Share 141 :ts nn 111,359. 00 78.159.00 Total 187,815.00 155,345.00 121,284.00 103,457.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.004, i�5577 3 zrb extra) Add for " Cement curb where not in 600 per lin. 080.00 ft. 2" Sewer connections each 3/4 Water connections each 40.25 12 30 do 38900 ( 11 30 do 10 30 do, -' .0 P.rm B. B. 10 TOTAL. --+'- .. roved April 26, 1923. "JO - pr PreliminarxOrder app To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The GommlaB►one> oftl�it�snce hereliy repotta de follows ; w. S to 12 31 Hewitt's Subdivision oY u250 Block 31 and the South Half of Block 23 Lafond's Addition to St. Paul, Minn. ( 15 30 Dawson's Third Add. 1700; ( 114 30 to the City of St. Paul 13 30 Minn. 12 30 do 38900 11 30 do ( 10 30 do A . Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO'MMjSSFONE.WF FINANCE. t ON,F RRELIMINARY ORG.R DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Middents Rearranrcement of 29 1750 i5 - 2 Lots 1 and 3 of Block 3 of. Lafonds. Addition to -- 00 St. Paul do. 1 25. _ 5 Commencing at a poiht on the .North line of Thomas St. 150 feet oY Gaultier St: thence East along Thomas from the East line ast f omtfeet thence North 67 Yt, the ce West feet thence South of Sec. 3g, Town Z9, Range 23 also 2100 7 feet to beginning part 50 feet of Lot 3 Block 29. Ufonds Add It Ion -- -the.East That part of the North East t 17ing So. of Lot 3 Blk. 29La-1525 Commencing on the North line _ ponds Addition described as follows: -_of - Thomas -St. 100feetEast from the East line Gaultier gt. thebee- West 50 feet thence So. li East 50 feet thence North 67 feet thence to begin Ing.in'Sec. 36, Town 29,.Range 23._. -67 Feet That part of theNorthEast:4 lging_South of .Lot 3 Block 29 .. follows Commencing the North line 2625. -- of Lafonds Adiition described as" thence It St. 50 feet East from the East 11ne of Gaultier . - -Thomas - to South 67 ft, to rth beginning in See. 36 Town 29 Range 23enee --NO - That part of the North East � frying South of Lot 3 Block as follows Commencing at the North Easy - „ 950 lafonds Addition described as --corner of Gaultier and. Thomas St. thence East 50 feet thence North 67 feet thence West 50 feet thence South 67 . to > -beginning in Sec. 36 Town 29 .Range 23. (Except Eaat 50 ft.)2 Lafonds Addition to St. of South of 3 9 1450 Paul, Minn. --(Except East 50 feet) No. j of 3 29 do 1450 . 12 28 do 1230 and h 3 feett of •Ea stof 1100dith South 3of- 5.) South 100 feet of 11 28 do 2000 . - lo 29 do 2550 9 28 do 3650 - East 25 ft. of So. 135 ft. of g 28 do 1450 West 25 ft. of South 135 ft. of 8 28 do g00 ......- TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF, GOMMISSIONE14OF FINANCE 4 ON �FJRELIMINARY ORDER k, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A VALDDITION ASSESSED UATION South 100 ft. Of 7 28 Lafonds Addition to, 1275 ----So. 35 ft. of No. 50 ft. of 7 28. St. Paul Minn. 1700 No. -15 ft. of- 7 & 8 28 do goo . 12 27 do 6550 1 Jones Subdivision of Lot 1900 _ 2 7, 8,9,10, and 11 Blk.27 1900 3 Lafonds Addition to 1400. _ 4 St. Paul Minn. .2050 -'_ - - 5 do _. 6 . do 1275. East 91 feet of 9-10- 11 E. Wallrick's Sub. of 1200 (Exc. E.91 ft) 9-10- 11 Part of Lafonds Add. to 1575 12 St. Paul 1+00 �3 do 1450 g do 800 7 do 1750 6 do Boo 5 do 2450 4 do 3575 (Except North 2 ft.) 16 15 Kuhn's Sub. of a part of Fonds Addition to St.PRul 1675 2300 also North 2 'eet of 16. -. 14 do 3650 13 do 3250 12 d_o 3450 1 do 2625 2 do TOTAL 2556 CITY 0 I /T. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1SSMONEWF FINANCE G)ON fl 'rLIMINARY ORDER i ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 Kuhn'$ Subdivision of a 2550. - 4 Part of Lafonds Addition to 2700 _ 5 ST. Paul 2000. r +; ---(Except part toCity)do 8 1 1700 - (Except Como Ave.) E.J of 9 1 do 2800 4;(Except Como Ave.0 W. of 9 1 do 10 1 do 2200 . 11 1 do .3800 . 12 1. do 4200 13 1 do 2800. - .14 1 do 15000. East 34 feet of 15 1 do 2075 (Except East 34 ft.) 15 1 do 4175 - (Except West 33 ft.) 16 1 do West 33 feet of 16 1 do 1450 . - East 30 feet of 4 - 5 3 Robertson and Van Ettens 1500 W-30 ft.- of E. b0 ft. of 4- 5 3 Addition to St. Paul 1525 East 30 ft. Of W-90 ft. of 4- 5 3 do 1525 East 30 ft. of W. 60 ft. of 4-5 3 do 1625 - West 30 ft, of 4-5 3 do 1575 North 90 feet of 12 4 11 4 do do2000- 275 000 - North 90 feet of North'90 feet of 10 4 do $75 (Except North 90 feet) 12-11- to 4 do 9 4 do 3300 - _ 8 4 do 5000 7 4 . do 3300 TOTAL " CITY OF IT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCK REPORT OF COMMtSSPONE F FINANCE 1` ON PRELIMINARY ORD MR _.,_... _...._.ABBE DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 88ED VALUATION 12 5 Robertson and Van Ettens 6050._. 11 5 . Addition to St. Paul F45Q 10 5 do 2000. . . East of 9 5 do 1775 West of 9 5 do 2075. East of 8 5 do 1275 West of S 5 do 1875 . 7 5 doj 100. 12. 6do - ." 10 66 6 do 2450. 2 2500 6 do 1800. goo 8 _ _ 6 io0 7z �( do "All of 11 and East 1 foot of 10 do 3975 (Exdept East 1 foot) 10 7 do 1850 10 7 Warren and Rice's Add. 2125 to St. Paull 4 8 7 7 7 d do 100 4600. _ (Except Thomas St.) North 60 feet of 9- 10 8 do 2850 fNo.60 36-25/100 ftfeet.i 8 do 1650 9 10 South 36 feet of 9 - 10 8 do 1650 8 8 do 900 cEast 26-66/ 00 ft: of No.*of 7 8 do 1025. No.j of No. * of 6- 7 8 do 3300 (Except East 26-66/100 ft. of No. of thereof�- 7 8 do 2625 .. .So. No. of So. of6- $ do R So. ' of So. of 5 _ Smiths Subdivision of .11700 R8. 13 8 8 ( 2-6-7- and 8 of Stinsons Division of the N.W.* -of 1 26 8 Sec. 36 4Town 29 N.Range 10 g, 23 West 1750 do 2050 9 8 do .2050 ro TOTAL - OIT11 pP {T. PAUL ¢ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMMSIONER,r(�F FINANCE ONO ELIMINARY ORD R (B�> DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADQITION VALUATION 8 8 Smith's S bdivision of 1850 Z 8 Blocks 2 -o -7 -and 8 of 1300 6 8 Sttnso4s Division of the 29N. 2150 00 8 N. W. *of Sec. 36 Town �3 West 650 Range S 050 8 do No. 55 f t . of 59 - 60 9 Smith's Sub of St Ins ns the N. W1 4�j00 Except West 38 feet of 59) Division of of Sedt ion 36 Township 29 R.23 West 38 ft. of No. 55 ft. of 59 9 (Blks 9-10-15-16-) 4500 So. 70 ft. of 59 - 5000 9 do 2J5500 do 1975 56 �54 9 do West o 9 do 025 do 0 5 1 9 22 5 0 9 do 20 200 4 49 9 do 47 do 466 do 4250 . do 95 7 do 94 7 do 2250 7 do 1900 4100 do 91 7 800 do 400 29 7 do 400 g 7 do 4Q0 8Z 7 do 2b00 400 g 95 7 7 do do 1100 all of 84 and (Except West 83 7 do 1750 West 10 feet of 83 and all oS2 7 do 1750 9 TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' - REPOF2 - OF coMMfSSFONER*GAF FINANCE ON IWLIMINARY ORDI=R (B;) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 81 7 B. Michels Rearrangement of .100 80 ` 7 Blk. 7 and the So. half 00 1100 79 77 of Blk. 2 of Smiths Sub. 300 78 7 of Blks 2- 6 -7 -and 8 of 7�Z 7 of Stinson Division of 400 76 7 the Northwest quarter of 1500 75 7 Sec. 36 Tsp. 29 R. 23 1 00 So. 65 f t . of 74 — -7 73 7 do 1 75 (Extent So. 65 ft.) 73 7 1 Thems Rearrangement of 325 22 Lots 59 and 60 of Smith' 1 00 Sub. o� insonsBDivision 15-& 00 5 do 000 58 10 5Z 10 Smiths Sub, of Stinso Division of the N,VP.of 225 2 2 10 Sec. 36 T . 29 R,23 Blks. 222` 56 10 9,-10-15-16) QQ 5 5 ioo ao 6 0 600 10 do 51- 10 do fflo - 49 10 do 2450 4� 10 do28-50 4 to do 1950 41 10 do 47500 50 2 1 1 do do 82 1 ddo j400 150 1 do 2750 7 1 do 1 do O Zo 0 I0 1do 11 1 do 2100 - 12 1 1� 1 do do ���"jj 0 �5 i do Oo - 1 Smiths Subdivision of Blk. 2350 2 12, Stinsons Div. to St.Paul 23250 do 21 28 000 doi b do TOTAL 5 -?D •. , CITY Or ST. rAUL - / DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE - - REPORT OF' CONIMtSSFONEF*qF FINANCE OM / ELIMINARY ORDER ". (B) DESCRIPTION - LQT -BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 77 Smiths Subdivision of Blk. to St. 120 24;;0 - S 9 12 Stinsons Division Paul, Minn. do 2650 zo 11 do 20 j450 ' -1 do 1 do 1q 13 50 . 15 do 4575 So. 23 f t , of 1 Ej 14 6 SI!h s Sub, of Blks . 400 2--7- and S of Stinsons t of So. 63 f t , of 1 S — 14 6 Division of the N. W. v rf 1700-. Sec, 36 Town 29 N.Range 23,7, sa . 31 f t . of No. 61 f t . o 14 6 1700 NC) . 30 f t , of >_— — 14 6 do 17050 6 dao 1550 123 11 6 do 2250 10 6 ddi 1450 6 do 40 $ dao 6475 5 6 _ East 20 ft, of 6 do 25 V,ca. alley ad j . on NO . &W _ 3a 5 6 do 6 5 Vaa. a.11ey ad j . on No. & 4 6 do vac _ al ley ad j . on N. and vac . alley ad j . on No. and 3 2 6 6 do do 152050 vaC _ al ley ad j . on -No . and 1 6 do `E. SO ft. of 289 30 2 Michels Sub, of Blk. 5 St,Paul 11 West 40 ft. of 2829-30 2 Stinsons Division to 3�� 256 2 do - 319950 1950 2rF 2 do 22 2 do 6556;;0 21 2 do 115Q 20 2 do 9 2 do 16850 . East 35 ft, of 112 1Z16 2 2 do do 1850 2600 We s t 55 f t , of 17 and al l o � 29 2 do Chute Brothers Division 6250 4 So. 4ft. cf 30 No. 4 Addition to the City Sc:) _ 40 f t. of No. SO f t _ o 7::t--30 - - 29 of St. Paul, Minn. TOTAL - 3300 ._ CITY OF *T. PAUL DEPARTM(<NT OF FINANCB REPORT OF COMMMSFONER,#QF FINANCE ONiELIMINARY ORDER a- (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - No. 40 ft. of 30 29, 28 21 2 25 24 2� 2 21 East 2 feet of 20 -West 13 ft, of 20 and E.14ft.of 19 West 26 feet of 19 last of 15 West of 1S 1 �0 2$Z 2; 2 25 2 2� 2 21 East 30 ft, of 20 W.10 ft. of 20 & E.20 ft. of 19 W.20ft. of19 & E. loft. of 18 1Z 1 So. 44 ft, of 30 29 - so. 40 f t . of No. 54 f t . of 30-29 No. 40 ft. of 30 - 29 2 21 2 25 2 23 22 21 20 1 1S 1 -z0 2S Chute Brothers Division No. 4 addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. do do do do do do CIO do CIO do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Chute Brothers Division No. 12 Add. to the City of St. Paul do do do do do CIO do do CIO do do do do Chute Bros. Div. No. 13 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. TOTAL 8 ASSESSED VALUATION 11 33 0 12500 1650 1300. 6 100 66Z50 2100 3AJ5 DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 101 REPORT OF COMMISSIONERF FINANCE 50 ON ftR LIMINARY ORD R LOT BLLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 Chute Bros. Oiv. No. 13 Addy 53322 2 26 to the City of St.Paul, Minn. 25 do 312 2 do do 4350 2� do 2 13 5 21 2 20 do X125 1 do of St. Paul, Minn. 2325_ d do 5 1 3175 1 Chute Brothers Division 2000 2 No. 3 Addition to the City 1400 3 3 of St. Paul Minn. 16.50do 16 1000 2450 do do 15000 do 1350 East i of 9 do do 77j 5 West of I9 TOTAL e do J. 101 50 1233 do �� o doD 1�F 1450 15 do 4350 1 Chute 25 Brothers Division 7gs 2 No. 6, Addition to the City 3 of St. Paul, Minn. I+ do 5 2 5p do ° 1900 7 do $q 2200 0 0 do 1350. 1 do 1350 11 do i$50 do 1950 do 3150 12 do 15 dp 1266 1 Chute Brothers Division Noll 2,2 2 Addition to the City of St.Pazl 242; 3 I+ Minn. do a50 3250 do 3 5 TOTAL e CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIISSIONER,QF FINANCE ON ,ELIMINARY ORD R i �B� 7 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION all of and East i of Vest -j of 4 and all of 7 Chute Brothers Division No. Q50 g 11, Addition to the City of 000 Be. Paul, Minn. 2900 1 1550 2 112 d do 600 do 322 10 1 do Chute Bros. Division No. 2 2 14, Add. to the City of 1 25 3 st. Paul, Minn. 172 4 do212 do 212 do412 do do 1do 8 11 222 246225 5 12 do 6 1 1 do 3575 15 1 Victoria St. Add, to 1300 2 1 St. Paul 40 3 do 4 1do 2 1 do 2550 1 1 Van Doren Addition to 3750 2 1 St. Paul, Minn. 2150 1 do do 2150 1 3 Joseph R. faides 5th Add. 2650 2 3 tc St. Pauldo 1500 35� do 1 1 John J. Ward's Add. to 1g0 2 1 St. haul, Minn, 00 3 4 l 1 do do 1750 18 Thomas St. Add. to the 550 1Z City of St. Paul Ramsey 1500 16 County Minn. 2 2 1� do 2500 1 1 do 2400 1800 1 11 do 2500. 10 do 1625 TOTAL CITY OF !T. F^YL DEPARTMENT OFFI NANCE REPORT OF d-*OMMiSSIONERQF FINANCE ` ON `fiR LIMINARY ORD R DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A 5D ADDITION VALUATION 1S 1 JosephsR. Weidel Sth Add, 1859 1 1 to St. Paul1300 do 500 16 15 1 1 do 14 1 do do 1 0000 00 11 - 11 1 1 o 18050 10 1 do 2000 17 2 do do 16 2 do 1050 2 2 do do do 150 33 12 2 do 4175 East of 11 2 do West of 11 and all of 10 P do .295.0 JS 2 Chatsworth 8t. Add, to 2850 1I 2 St. Paul, Ramsey County 277700 2 Minn. 280 165 12 2 do do 2700 1 2 do dodo 450 11 10 2 2 do 4 1 1 Franklin Add tion to St .Paul 500 2 1 1 Minn. do 450 2200 1 do 1 1 University Ave. Addition. 7 575 2 1 1 do do 1 55 300 1 do 300 1 1 Elder Addition St. Paul, 250 2 1 1do Minn. 3 00 300 1 do 300 g 4 Weed a nd LawsendeIs Add. 215A 4 to St. Paul, Minn. do 3950 4 do 5002 Reoar Emils do lz„ 225 do 4 C. C. Van Dykes Add. 250 5 do TOTAL 5250 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMiSgIONER�QF FINANCE QN , ELIMINARY ORDR Ir (B) -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 C. C. Van Dykes Add. 32 71 1 leffmann and Haaass Add. 2� 2 1 to 8t. Paul 400 l do do 2650 1 do 1450 1 do 11000 40 do l $ 1 d 400 o $ 1 1do li� (Except West 40 ft.) D. W. Moores Addition West 40 feet of D 12 do 4400 11 do 10 do 4 0 do4. 0 do 4550 do 4.50 East 4o feet of do 1 450 West 120 feet of B 16 2 John A. Cokoe l,soAddit ion to 225 15 2 St. Paul p�5 134 2 do do 200 2 12 250 d 2 l do 300 11 10 2 do 322 1U9P, 2 Fitzhughs Sub. dof Lot 17 3 $ 2 Halls Add. to Hyde Park Ramsey 3450 (Except West 20 ft.) 16 & 400 West 20 ftlloff 16 & all of l; 2 Co. Minn. do X350 00 last 64-25/100 ft. of 14 13 2 do East 64-25/100 ft- of 12 2 do 3850 East 64-25/100 ft. of 50 1l 2 0 East 64-25/100 ft. of 10 2 do �5 1 Sally's Rea. of Blk 1 Oxford �� 0 2 Addition. 51 do l 5 e, do oo 1S 76 do TOTAL - CITY O r- 'SGT- pAVL - • GEPARTIM 7E'� GF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMi�i NONE•pR•�,�,,OF FINANCE r OH pF2EL= Jr./dW -MW --Jor--i ARY 4C>F;Z13ER JL -_ -`- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ^ - 1- 1ec3ss Addit ion 400 2 1 cio 400 3 Z ao 400 _ 4 Z d0 1200 5 Z ao 1100 - 6 Z do 1100 1296651 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports tl-iaJt $as investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the, foregoing as his report thereon to the tggether with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dated--/ / - e O '?.�— ----- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 s C @I N4, Iy I h i j -� j i . �� i Office of the Comx�, issioner of Public ��rkf z6gi Vim,, a _a G Report to Commissioner of Finance ,,, �hFR OE t�. Nov = 198 Nov. 1, 1923------191---- ------------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Preliminary order of 45416April 26, 1923 the Council, known as Council File No.___________ -approved ----------------------191___, relative to the paving of ThomasStreet _from_ Como_Avenne _to _ yeaiagtoa Avenue. _ ----------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate' attacshe(l) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____-_____-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement.ia as follows: -------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��� may% ---------------- Commis ' ner of Publics. I OOUNCR.50� r CITY.,OF ST. PAUL f,� NO.-_----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rwn wv oarE---'- ----- _----- -- RESOLVED That the Boa.rc7.- of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to enter into as agreement with Walter Beisang, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time a s he shall be totally. disabled by reason of injuries received by him wkML1e in the employ of said Board on the 24th day of October, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Walter Beisanout of the Water Department Fund, the sum of $70.40 in final settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period uo to November 21st, 1923. C�_ COUNCILMEN yeas Nays ✓Clancy V Ferguson iMcDonald ---------- In favor ,� Sudizeim� Peter ----------------Against ✓Wenzel I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preslt, Board of Water Comml s. DEC; 2 1192a Adopted by the Council_.._ -------- _.---- ....----- -------- 192_.... DEG 2 1192-S Approve ------- -- - 192-...._ ting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL eouMn� ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVES That the Board of water Commissioners is hereby 4horized to enter into an agreement with Michael Strub, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board on the 27th day of ieptember, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, _ the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said Michael Strub, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) in final settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to October 22nd, 1923. on xne It .' n Octobor�22 1923 e ( J ' be by the Councll, 'Dec. ?.1, 1823. ���JJJ"`••• Approved D- 11. 1923. (Doc. 29-1923) I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, Board of Water Commers. DEC 2 11923 Adopted by the Council.. _---------------- -- __.._--....-192...._ A�C4 Approve ._.. - 2_yow-r-1'----......__.192--- �I R9 MAYOR COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays ✓Clancy j Ferguson f McDonald .............In favor Sudheilnor �� ✓ Peter ..Against ,,,"'Wenzel . b"V4 tEsll2I7w Preset, Board of Water Commers. DEC 2 11923 Adopted by the Council.. _---------------- -- __.._--....-192...._ A�C4 Approve ._.. - 2_yow-r-1'----......__.192--- �I R9 MAYOR COUNCILNO.-_.. j5nAEY'�".--• / CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLs OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Th t the Board of Yater Commissioners be and it�i�s hereby authorized to pay to John Palma, an employe of said Board, injured November 3, 1923, the' sum of Fifty-seven and 12/100 Dollars (#57.12) out of the hater Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to December 8th, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy L., Ferguson 1/ McDonald _.-.. .._.In favor C/415,fM Sudhoun /�1 Peter .....-(.._._.Against v Wenzel 17fr' of I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, B=df date�CO yrs. DEG 2 1 1923 AdoQited by the Council ............ ..... .................-.192...... DEG 2 1 )92 Approved 192 ... ..-_._._G`. _........... _..Ac g Marna CITY OF ST. PAUL cc�ricallo...-5JEj43K---- _ -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM I n � i RESOLVED That the proper oity officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Lewis,H, Olson, providing for the pay- ment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board of Water Commissioners on the 4th day of October, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said Lewis H. Olson, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of $220.00, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to December 20th, 1923. I recommend the above resolution for passage. preset, Board of Water Co ers. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy I/b'erguson McDonald In favor ✓� Sudheimar V Peter _.... .....Against _ Wenzel int _ 192-.... Adopted by the Council...DF�C . E2 11923 -,.... Approve , - - - 192 Ac lff ranrna / oRICIKUYo CITY OF ST. PAUL Coe L[RNCIL No ...... . C TY CK APPk0PF� I A'T I ON TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM - - 'CHAF2TER SECTION 206' PRESENTED BY --. COMMISSIONER___ / DATE. .......... ---------- - 7_ • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLf_OW l NG TRANSFERS B -- ^,,: MPTROLLER E{ c. F xo:-��soaas=sy�'4V S rater-_ .s 1,; d.- That the following frena' WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICf Sera be—made on the books:ot the ET BY SAID Com troller. whenby sos doing an un- av l able:4e0clency fn one Item mny ba THE ITEM -- TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK 1� met by:seld trnnafeRwlthouthamper- a ing the work Provided for by the money --in tris It from whlch the transfer in, FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MAGE. made- . , Appcovi CODE I A P P R O P R ■ A T S O N ITEM - 103-1I City 01srg 33xp4axase Sa.Zari As 1 z a YES ( %T) COUNCILMEN J� NAYS FERGUSONFERGUS MCDONAL13 ---------------- Sud heliv _______________Sudheim er d '✓ PETER ________________AGAINST I/ WENZEL .AAv PRESIDENT n Iq) W) L92H) '. �R�NSPEAEn TO 646.16 646.16 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ._2_1__1923______,,9..____ -_- DEC 2 1 1929 APPROVED._._.. ..... `.___._i_`_� ----- _ i )ng MAYOR l COUNTERSIGNED BY ...........:................. CITY CO ROVER r 50440 COUNCIL FILE NO..._ ...... .............. By............................. ...... ........ ....... .............. ........ ing Avenue to of puvin.� J.a.Y.e.r.. s . o . n A..........................................................veniir 0 S m n e .......................................... In the Matter ............ Hamline including Sewer, water and gas connections from ............................................................................................................................. y ....................................................................... street mains to propertylines complete, where not already made., ............... ........................................... .... .................. ................. .................................................................. also... including qg..b..ing aq4..pging at ............... Includingnier, ...................................................... .............. . ... oeotions from street I :)Ilfr mo '!: '191" luno 26s!�23 *ty IWO c9p, 11, 46 ............................. r . .� V Order, '53 approved ................................................... .......................................... .............................................. ,yublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, Rnd & NO I having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered, the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the Jefferson Ave.x.�u.e fKam fte..11.=z- -njade-br-thtr-raid 6R� i pave --------------- ................... .. ... .. . .— -- .. - Avenue to Hemline Avenue. iiieludinge . ..ga.... ..R ........... s q q. :from-srheet mains to property lines -complete, where not already made, ......................................... ............... ...... ......... .............. .............................................................................. also including .............................. curbing, a...n...d.... paving driveway and alley ap ........... ... WIAPL.PePeAA gy-A ................. biaW-thw'k"'M-T*W-djii6fti'bd a- bi' n" � �'' �T an rescin (' -1-d-41 zn] an .proceedings In said matter be dlWntInUe& ........... .......... . -1 .............................................. ............................................................................................................................. and the Council hereby ders said improveme to be made. berk instructed T, Is Public Works be a I HIE That In SOLVED FURT,\ the Comm s oner of submit me to th long nd improvement, and submit me to the C01111 - ,and di ected to prepare plans nd specifications for sa improvement, I cil for proval; thatupon sai pproval, the proper ci officials are hereby authors directed I t prose �ing of a nee therewith, o proce with the making of id improvement in MA Adopted by the Council.... .......Y.... Approved ..............M....AY 131924 .... V councilman'Fly*"th 01WICY ✓Smwilme ko Donald ,/Councilman Mer Peter U Councilman MCEIR Sucilielmer ,/Councilman MmdeWicla Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7 Jsarxanry ?4th. 1924. Hon. James M. Clancy. Corrcnissioner-or Finance, B u i 1 3 i n g. Dear Sir. I enclose hsro-Ith Fina} Order :+o. 5.^.4210, rnd other papers in the matter of paving Jefferson Avenue fr an Snolling iiveinxe Lo Hsanline Avenue, also Petition or Remonstrance ageinst said iaprove:nent. The above matter was laid over to February 5th, and referred to your Department for ehec'a. Yours vary truly. City Clerk. t H EGR� O =-or ANO �'t YT of ifttnt PauHAROLD J. RIORDAN V �J AIIBT. CITY CLERK COMM SONER OF REGISTRATION /per /R /� L CLARENCEA. STORMS l7Wlpy f /R" 'Clerk CHIEF CLERK -REGISTRATION January 24th, 1924. Hon_ James M. Clancy, Cozxxmissioner of Finance, B u 1 1 ding. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith Final Order No. 50440, and other papers in the matter of paving Jefferson Avenue from SrieI1ing Avenue to Hemline Avenue, also Petition of Remonstrance against said improvement. The above matter was laid over to February j th , and referred to your Department for check. Yours very truly, City C k. (_ - - DIP, bP PINANC< R1ORT OF COM is Q,F FINANCE �.` ON PRELIMINARY OR E . In the matter o ---",nn avenue zrom ane ung s�vsr, �d inols���i� s server, water and gag connections from street mains to prop�rt linea complete, where not s.lre"dy made, also including our bir>.ss 8.rzd paving driveway and alley approaches where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved JAine 26,1003 ---- To the Council of the City o£ Wit_ Paul: ti 3� creosoted Bric" laid Asphalt or Paving blocky flat Asph. conc. 7" concrete ,-Total squid. - 5.46 4.44 3.37 2.61 Inter$3Hctio11s r a } 21,704.00 17,649.60 13,396.o0 f: 11,170.00 Wheelae,e Property share 31,772.00 25,636.00 19,610.00 16,352.00 To tal 53 ,476. oo 43,485 - 00 37 ,006. oo 2-7,522.00 (a) Front fu-> 7.26 5.92 4.49 3.75 Tlila strhat z — =bed with rcadway widtlis as above. 6" server eon -z c eai9 each (60' street $60.0o 80 , " 80.00 3/4" water �' " 60' " (180' 439.00 " 5 _ co --a-- - �_.._. _ ___ _ — _-------• _ —2750.. 12 ., 15 4 Vernon:; Re4:t. of tLe E.t of 550-, 14 tE Slk.4 Lot s 4-5-6-7-6-9-10, 500 13 IE 11-12 of 31k. -s E. J of .31x. 500.. 12 4 5 & E7.• -'k of 131 k.6 of 500. 15 3 Sylvan Park. Add. to the 5�5 14 3 city v f St. Paul 4025. " - F.— B. B. 10 ' TOTAL. ESC R! 2-117-10N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 Evergreen Rearrangement 550- 14 do 500. 13 DEPAI� k bF FINANCE do 3000- 12 REPORT OF .CC IdS[ONE t, F FINANCE 2750 - l5 ON PRELIMINARY OR EIS^, Vert>on3 Rett.of the E. of 550-- 14 4 Blk.4 Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 500 13 4 11-12 of Blk.j E.4, of Blk. 500-. 12 4 5 & W. J of Blk.6 of 500.. 15 3 Sylvan Park Ada. to the 525- In the matter of �� Jafferson Avenue from Snelling Avenue n Harriling Airemie 4025-' - - Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - Lx -I=— sewer, water and JMB connections from street mains to pra��:--r-ty lines complete, where not alrecsdy made, also including cu b iris t.nd paving; driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, ESC R! 2-117-10N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 Evergreen Rearrangement 550- 14 do 500. 13 do 3000- 12 ao 2750 - l5 4 Vert>on3 Rett.of the E. of 550-- 14 4 Blk.4 Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 500 13 4 11-12 of Blk.j E.4, of Blk. 500-. 12 4 5 & W. J of Blk.6 of 500.. 15 3 Sylvan Park Ada. to the 525- 14 3 City of St. Paul 4025-' - - Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - Ij�I 6T. PAUL - INOF DEPARTENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSION R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY' 3 R (B) - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - A66E65ED VALUATION 1� Vernons Rea. of the of 2775 . 3 12 3 Blk.4 Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 400 _.. 11-12 of Blk.3 E. of Blk. 5 & W -f Of Block 6 of Sylvan Park Asci. to the City -.- Of St. Paul 13 6 Sylvan Park Addition to 4550 _. :,-r-: T ;i the City of St - Paul 14 6 do 500 - 15 6 do 1650 ;i �5 7 do 550 14 7 do 500 13 7 do 500 12 7 do 500 16 7 do 550. +- 17 7 do 500 18 7 do 500 19 7 do 500 15 8 do 550 - 14 8 do 2950 13 8 do Soo 12 8 do 2000 - 16 B do 2800 . 17 S do 3150 L_ 18 8 do .4450 19 6 do 5001._. TOTAL r OI'yi OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE DEPART ENT -,,4. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 6RDAR �p DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION 16 7 Jeffe]7BOI1 Park Add. to the 550• City of Saint Paul Ramsey County, llinneuotu. 17 7 d0 500- 18 7 do 500- .19 7 do - 500- 20 7 do 500- 21 7 do 3950- 22 7 do 700. - 2J 7 do 500- 24 7 do 500. 500. 25 7 do 2050. ' 26 7 do 2500. `.� 7 do 500. 26 7 do 29 7 do 500. 0 3 I do 550 6 d do `925 7 S do 25U- 375 6 6 do 315- 9 g do 10 S do 3-15- 12 4 Sunny3icte Addition to the 4c� •. City of St. Paul, Lunn. 45c•. 11 4 do 3sc�. to 4 do 9 4 do. 500- 1050. y ao TOTAL A98ESSED VALUATION 600 550 550 500 450 550 4450 400 2$75 275 4100 4950 goo 400 2075. 550- 3650. 500 4000 3525 2625 3000 3300 3300 500 "Q -or ST. PAUL r ARTi i`NT OF FINANCE DE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ,bAVAR DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 4 Sunnyside Addition to the 5 4 City of St. Paul, Minn. 4 4 do 1 12 Svlvan PLlrk Addition to the City of St. Paul 2 12 do 3 12 do 24 12 do 23 12 do 22 12 do (7xcept Ea:it 41 feet) i, 2 11 do Eajt 41 feet of 1, 2 11 do 3 11 do 1 IkLbly,tion Plat One 2 do 3 do 4 do 1 10 SV1VILn Park Addition to 2 10 the City of S t.Paul 3 10 do 4 io do No. 2 ft. of 29 c nd all of 30 10 do (Except North 2 feet) 29 10 do 140.1 ft -of 27 ILnd all of. 28 10 do (Except North 1 root) 27 10 do 1 9 do 2 9 do TOTAL A98ESSED VALUATION 600 550 550 500 450 550 4450 400 2$75 275 4100 4950 goo 400 2075. 550- 3650. 500 4000 3525 2625 3000 3300 3300 500 yy,, e r or sr. CAUL DEPAR�ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY' WAR (B) ADDITION DESCRIPTION � LOT BLOCK _ VALUATION ....__ 3 9 Sylvan Pork Addition to 2400 the 01ty of St.Puul 4 9 do 500 30 9 do 525 �9 0 do 825 28 9 do 475 27 9 do 475 15 2 Lanes Manor St.Paul,11int:. 2700, 2400. 14 2 do 26cc. 13 2 do 12 2 do 2100. 4 24CC. 11 2 do 21CC. 10 2 do 9 2 CLO22CC. 24u0� 3 2 do 2100. 7 2 do 6 2 do 22f -C. 5 2 do 22Cc. 4 2 do 2100. 145c- 3 2 do 23cc 2 2 do 265c- 1 2 do 5 1 do 26:25- 625.4 2375- 41 do 3 1 do 2125. 2125 2 1 do 2475. 1 1 do TOTAL �• �r. �G, II?Y OP ST_ PSA IJ L DE�/4RR+IENT OF_ Fi TiANCE i/+ REPORT CW C40MMISSP'1C> I ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF2Y"`�R��R (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION S11T1TT y 3 1 c3G Plat 2 St _ P3u� 11211)1. 15 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do - 1s 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do Z ASSESSED VALUATION 300 300 300 375 300 2800 1125 2 76675. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. togetll?ar with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.-- - 191 - C lnisaioncr of Finance. Norm H. B. 12 EI{ tja St. Paul, Minn., MIV..............3 3. :o the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition f+ Yd Ti ,H Ch your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be wade: .. .....>,... ...... T from .ne,� 11q ............5t. Ave. to ........... - ...............St. Ave. H g OT BOCK_DDITIOIi .Olc....... ........ 4th. ................." /....... 'G� � •........as.-...I... I . ....... .(' . • t-- f r Office o�Mthe Commisio ner 4 public Workmcmvao ,. Report to Commissioner of Finance 060 of Nov 6: togs __November__5th,_ 1923,191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._4 b5A-___approved__duna_20i.h,1328-44l --, relative to Paving of Jefferson Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hamlin ave. including sewer, v_rater and gas connections_ from_ street -----_--_. ---------mains f— property --- complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley -approaches, -----------roriZ�re-Yle ce�sary: ---------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and ter) desirable. See estimate attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto a ached and made a part hereof. ---------- -------------------------------- 5. .Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. „lL------------ Commissio r of Publi. f �iliixm �: �rtrr, fQummissiuner .�rir �Ixll�ttr, �rputg fdmnmissianrr 3��rttr#ttuut of �'uh�lr-..- urh� (Situ of eaw Pa GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOVBQ November 3, 1923 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Publio Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimateOf00st for the paving of Jefferson Ave. from Snelling Ave. to line Ave. inoluding sewer, water and gas oonneotions from street mains to propertyllines oomplete, where not already made, also inoluding curbing and paving drivewayand alley 3Paod r0hes, where neoessary, under Preliminary Estimate June 20, 1923: Length 2,559 ft. Roadway 30' Street 601 Snelling to Pascal Frontage 4,364' • 32' ° 80, Pasoal to Hemline 34 oreosoted Brioks laid flat Asphalt or Paving blocks flat Asph Conc. 7'oonorete Total sq.yd. 5.46 4.44 3.37 2.81 Interseotions and 21,704.00 17,649.00 13,396.00 11,170.00 Wheelage ) Property share 31,772.00 25,836.00 19,610.00 16,352.00 Total 53,476.00 43,485.00 33,006.00 27,522.00 (a)front foot 17.28 5.92 I 4.49 3.75 This street is ourbed-with roadway widths as above. 8 in. sewer oonneotions eaoh( O' street $60-00 0.00 -i• water oonneotions esoh 601 at. 39.00 180' • 45.00 Yours truly, y, , Approved for transmission of sneer. to the Commissioner of Finance. � commissioner� . �. f .y. ,. ... ....... .. _.w .., _.._. ..__.. ...v .. ._: _.. - .._:._.. ..:,.�_ ("' AS•\ :. ":iC`X'`air3..'''�.K..b��:" v�mT'nr .�.x... 4 ., �"'lii..i ..w v...... s�'.wa .. .. •.. ,.. .t .. ........ .....a v.�T...�.. .•...- - + LOT + BLOCK ADDITION TO SAINT llDL + ADDRESS OF OWNER + SIGH OF OTs= OR AGENT RD OWTWER E erlain 113 14 151 + — er een Barr ems + 350 nelli ve + _ 1 12 t + 1 346' lli ve t • a or 15 + 4 1 tVernonearn. lean Pk 1 881 ton ve i e Vernone a 114 1 904 Sincoo or Simcoa t1 n1son 0. teufel er 11 11 3 t i rimhal Jefferson t '� v + 11 350 rimhall Ave 1 a W ohnaoa 1 13 1 881 Dayton Avenue 1 gif end cka n + 1 1 3 1 1 357 S Saratoga 3t actrdell + 13 1 6 t 1 1 353 S Saratoga St 1 v rt + 14 1 6 83 Ss, $a_ratoga $t_ - --- pompe 1 15 1 6 t - - - - - - _- _ - - - - 4 H. Heinz 1112-13 1 all + 1 265 Dayton Avenue t f t 14-15 + 7 1 Henry B & Gertrude & t t 1 t Bullard Bros, Pratt 1 17 1 7 + 3 a I 3l Luv 1 ?O1 Randolph + tart Y Olson s 1 18 1 19 1 7 1 1 533 W. 7th. at, as ellie u r t 15 1 g t _ lyan ark dd to t. aul 1 1614 Saint tho "ter P tter a 1 354 SO Brimhall 1 ---f/ po1a21ek et al 1 14 1 t 13 1' 8 8 t e e me same 1 532 -- eanor W cheal + Same le Mueller 1 12 1 8 1 --- H.ame- ------ 1 357 9 Pascal d 1 16 t ! 1 same 1 1 3 57 S. Pas cal -� oz: amu• -1_ i .� �( Be ie-- `eodore Trantanella 17 1 4C! 18 1 8 E 1 1 same game i. - c 1__606 Jaoksoa t _ j ss ..."•. �tnnie Searamusso 11 19 t t+ 17 1 7 _ 1 1 game Jefferson Pk Addd to-St. 1 P 1 127 8 Cleverland ed 8 Yeller W. Brown 1 lg 1 7 1 same 1 136 Warwiok 1 gay sr•"•. �Arry amen Brown ► t —� l _ 7 1 1 game _ - 1 802 Merchants 1 Plaines_311 1 I'! ees9Cto j�arolyne Lehman 1 21x22 1 9 7 1 game — same _Des 1 1439 Jefferson 1 ✓ idolph RobaCher _ l 1.2 3 1 7 1 same �-' Karr 23 1 7 t Same t 802 Yerchanst 1 J Y. B. Jamieson lbett 1 25 1 7 1 same 1 464 lee t t Wank Y W Sydow 1 26 1 7 1 same,',..: + 1417 Jefferson Aveu 1 WOO sham 1 26 11 1 game 1 1415 Jefferson 1 - • ancig L Schram_ ' 28 + 7 t same � 1 Oppenheim Bide i. 1 Rratsohvil 1 29 1 7 1 same Iy07.1�� ts4 R t C r Stewart Otto W. Farrell 'I 1 29,130 1 7 t same _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1403 ,jeffergoa Xt Poser 11 6&7 1 g 1 same 1 1397 Iefieraon 1 mel a li 1 8 1 g 1 ams 1 605 No. Snelling 1 y' art roll ezton 1 9 1 g 1 same 1 790 Dayton Avenue 1 -1k 4 _. . Yyi .• (9'5t.. ............................ E. �.�.:�,.....,...,.lC f RD WM t LOT + BLOCK + ADD IT�H TO SAINT I= + ADDRESS OF 07NER + SIGN OF QUA OR AUR ¢, line + 10 + 8 t efferaon Park Add to Stet Rush City Minn C. lien t 12 + 4 + Sunnyside Addition to St P t 218 N Liberty Salem 0.1 . Ganick d A.O. Jensen + 11 + 4 + same + 9)4 Pioneer Blda + ian H. Schulz + 10 it 4 1 _ _ _ _dame _ _ + 1371 Jeffersoni t ✓ S. Brea= t 9 t 4 t 5=8eant t er. t 70 + 4 +same + 1375 Jefferson tt ✓ 1 . Dak Dist.Evang. t 50 + 4 t same t Synod of Rise -atc.1 t + ttUpla, Minn tt ins on t 4 t 4 t name 580 Selby Avenue i le t 1 t 12 sylvan Park Add to St. P t ret a nnn t 0. urow t 2 t 12 t as same 2130 Grand Avenue t J. del t 13 t 12 t same t 626 security Z. p 4 3 2t 12 same t 1552 Jefferson Avue garfinzton Y., + 2 is 11 + same + 1546 Jeffer8on dt/ yj4wellyn Jamem t 2 t 11 t same + 620 Guardian Life t r vick + 3 t 11 same + Trust & Say of at, Paull �u old nne 1 2 tHabitation Plat One t 367 S. Saratoga at + iaabeth A. Cranolinet t same t 1525 Carrol St _ IU A. Schuldt + 4 same + 1815 Ashland AV + t + + �liaabeth A Hardwick 1 10 Sylvan Park Add to ,fit Paul + 953 Oakdale Av. !bane Josephine Winter' 2 + t 10 + Same t 462 Sherburne _ nner,ota H, ponnelly, 3 + 10 Same t 311 How— t I hn ackson t 4 t 10 t I!2 same 1 228 arwick t s r. bar + t 9 all30 of 10 + same t 363 Warwick + A--'z:r alis E. Mo shier an in eon t 29 t 30 1 same t 363 Warwick t �/ odore 7. Thiene tpt 27� ally t 10 t same + 371 Warwick t ✓�'-` E. Mulcroms tall 27 ea lft..10" same t 375 Warwick tt _ ✓ ^; verside lds tt 1 t 9 t t + same t e araaw t t 1985 ton Kramer t 2 9 same Portland- arlas + 3 t f tt same t 356E Cook Street t is Greggt 4 t 9 t same 1 1620 Hague Ave t les E c amara + 30 t 9 tt same + Minneapolip - )Unnn ! �' n T. golf t 29 It 9 t same + 34 V lley Street t d C. Groneman 1 28 t 9 1 same t 354 S Warwick t ✓ 4 Marks t 7 t 9 1 same t 2240 innehaha t hn artness t 15 t 2 tLanes Mawr to Bt. Paul t 1458 Jefferson ve t aneis . Haavarty t 14 t 2 t Same t 1454 Jefferson Ave. t t 13 t 2 + Same t 1450 Jefferson Av.t _ „•._^�-� ter 1. McGuire t 12 + 2 + Same.. 1992 Lincoln Avenue ederick GMann + 11 + 2 + Same + 1.4 Avenue t k 1 LOT ' BLOCK.,.' ADDITION TO SAUT PAUL ' ADDRESS OF OMIER SIGN OF OWER OR AGENT ✓ MER 10 1 2 1 Lanes Manor to Saint Paull 1438 Jefferson on 1 ' 1800 Goodrich t onatockl 9 1 2 1 302 Charles ' Keller 1 8 1 g 1 Do1 -St. er atl ank . nk 1 7 ' _ 2 8 1 1422 Jefferson – ✓ 1 6 1 2 1 611 Cehtral Pk Pl. Boyle ' 6 ' 2 1 1 mmerce Bld ' tah nv1 4 2 0 1048 alb ' ' ' 2 1 0101 1406 efferaon ore °�— — 2 11 1 2 1 Do 1 645 Charles Street ' 1 1398 Jefferson r I S 1 1 1 t ✓ lisabeth scherl 4 1 1 1 Do Do — – — 1 1396 Jefferson gelina V Mills 1 1386 " ' ✓ jj it Anna Halvoraon 2 �1 ' 1 " Do 1 10th 1 °.7 l-. Klein 1 1 1 ,rz Kabot 1 14 1 1 1 gunnnyside Add to St. PauPlat Two 1 598 St AnthonyA' - Ashby1 15 1 1 1 a� 1 256 Rondo Street 1 o h dman t / 16- 1 1 t am. ' 194 14th street rich 1 17 Same ' 826 Charles Street 1 140 Baldwin Av. ! nobbina '18 ' 1 t Same 1 Avenues toh 1 19 1 1 tSame 1372 Jefferson 1 1-c Same 1 16 eneverof t ame 1 371 amline 1� i 3--T 1 _ B'am FIfi8'P DULY SHORN AND ON � oath deposes and says that he is a resident of the city of saint J (: Dual. oounty of R,mssy. State of Minnesota and that he is a tree- V g.� that he has read the !' holder and oe.ner at toreRoinP, petition. signed the same as his free sot ane deed* and nd that eaoh petitioner thereon read that he ciroalated the same a and signed the same as his free aat and domed. I 5abecrjlL-,d (�^ s.+orr to e' prejbe� this n`s/day of nary, I iotar; ^ablic ,� *qty, 7n ssota. My ,NovV th 1?29. c^,�•m. a.criras J ,N.W) Yubbi. I,, �) COm(Nxwu k.a M,r, tiu.uuGu li, IS.+ 11 it I 'i i ,f .r tv Lj S M A PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE This Is a petit:on of remonstrance addreeeei to the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul and the city.00unoil thereof. by the property holders of a certain district; to wit,, JeRer- son avenue from Snelling to Hemline Avenue., objecting to 4,qerp�is orilA will Dame up for final heagg Q the E$r8.'8ay of J1nnu"ah , 1924 wherein 1t is proposed to m&e certain improvements on Jefferson urenue from ifamline to Sutilling -venue Li; follcws ........... pavirg. server, water and Ras connection from(fii�ie•#--#e-reTer#g-�3sea-wie�n- ; ubb-h3w�raA�r-sea. �e6®i utreet mc:ins to proi:erty lines eom- plate, whore not already made, oleo including curbing, and paving driveway and alleyv4y approaches where necesa&i* ." SulAd !Iain orf er Lo be be-eed on prelimiiiark,- orter 46653, approved Juno 2Gth, 19?3. nFFIUAVIT .)F CI3CULATIQH St'te Of Yinnaeotal as County Of Ramsey � Thomas wl Farrell, boin8 first duly sworn and on oath deposos and . says that he ie a rasidant of Ramsey County,Minneanta aria s tree holderf reelding at 1403 Jefferson Avenue. in the City of Saint Paul, that he has read the foraging retition, that he sighed ani oirculated the same and that each p9tifloner signed the 0629 as i his tree act and deed.* Subsori.be9 and betora ne44 ?��f ? Me 3;y Cormn.ra r v. 17th., 19.9. r: S• / � i S• / � i To M MjVA or San P41UL AND M DITI OWMZU MjM TO T4 I potmon diro*bod tom attatim by tbO WOP"by :Ois,ue du abr4ot, to wit at SpAwt 00 P"ing 200atId lu at- MAWp ot*W off mum"*t" trft ISMUIng AVOMM to o ✓ 0 0 0 0 0 I Al I TO HIS HONOR THE MAYOR OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL THEREOF' -ed to your attention by the property petition direot min streets to wit - This is a against the paving of a oertl loonted in Is Avenues owners protesting from Snelling Avenue to Hea"ll Jefferson Avenue eye State of Minnesota* Pauli county Of gainsays h city bfSaint n' 6-3 0 'ell 4 141 li. 4 Y � . 1u''RID:.4'X'T dP' , ^Ii�C'JI.ATiO� }innesoto� ss statof e oboe Snd 1 rnuntY of Ram"eY wean and on oer,'' dep ,� Farrah , b::Ing ir�t duly s �iinnasota ,.na a Free— Thomas r ,,nt that Ii.i 1e x3'ia int c4 R --.,soy C.�- Y.L Bays ;h3 Cit oP 3�i t 9r;nLe. in r.3,i�ir.3 =t 1=C' Jeff re,0n and holdor ;tit,�n, that he si3d Paul, th-t hno ro d d the same as oiroulatac. the at-M,snd that each pot3i3enex �.iLxne his free aet and deed• t snb�oribad :�7sd ;y df i . beforo M,l t,r Jwnnasr , f/ �`z'Gi✓�tds�l4; lib -I msey 4ountY o ar: a 199. ! 2 i S f �v z . i A YgTITICH p gged�HB nn of remonstrance addressed to the Mayor i This is a petit by pal and the city oour_oil' theredef�es- Ssint to Witt of the City °}fioidorI of a Certain 8letriatt objecting to the propert, Snelling to Hamlin Avenue•, wring on the order which will Dome up for iine.l aon avenue from ro gsed to melte a Certain 1924 Qrhexeinavanne Prom'Hamline-later gird. day oY Jto anuar,. J,fferson paving, 3e ver. certain improvements °n } ass-uhere- Sv nue ce, fcllors " �e-$pepert3- 3n;:11IG� ronerty lines com- s�n8 gee conna�tinr fro�tseetemains to P curbing, sndn xeb-�}''eae�-eemir}e�.ei nada, '10-0i.�aludin4 -plots. sh,:ra:pot -- -- - y appxosbhes whsrnecessarJFY flriaeRay 46653,• Paving xeliminary order gatedpprovefinal order to be basod on p ad Jun £6th, E I MR 4l �Y f ' e r i 1 ' e r I , JeS o + + 37 off r r 11.4 t t t C (� ✓ �• -�' * rn� M. a , , , o -T --T ter -T- 364 3 ' ((, 1, `. --- r--- 11eT B. ller , t 9376 -m a' -L .. -, 368 ' 376 3 Sara%' z p. sohaYer �, • ' ' 346 3 Warw.' �J, . 0 B. Clewet t -; j r----�� 14 E e Y. ;. t ' ' t , t ' 6 ' s. 1 I {{ � �, � �. F. ((, 1, `. f , }�•,; 4.• �i -, t. .: � --- H��~~ uoo���z�: =,=�~ Saint Paul, County of Ramsey) State of ioowooM. � ����` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � � �� � � �� � � � � � � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - - _ --- — __. ____ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ \ ------------ ---- . ______-_-____-_____ � ___-_-__-__ ` ____________ - _ - _ -- _ _- __ __ - - --_ _- | _ _________________-_------------ ' � 11 A PETITION OF RWONSTRANCE This is a petit on of remonstrance addressed to the Llayor of the City of Saint Paul and the city council thereof., by the property holders of acertain IsiAvenue.,tobjecting o wit fto t son avenue from Snelling for final hearing on the a certain order which 1924 wherein l come up it is proposed to make 23rd. day of January, J;fferson avenue from Hemline to certain improvements on paving, sewer, water Snelling avenue as follows "•n-where- and gas connection froml��ek--ke-��e� lines COM- BO gek-S}aa��-ee�g}eke) street maalinto cludingycurbingand „ plate, where not aalready made, approaches where necesearjY paving driveway Saidd, final order to be based on preliminary order 46653, approved June 26th, 1923. ! i f s � � � i F Er` 7 � • �� yFFID.VIT OF CIRCULATION State of kinnesota( ss County of Ramsey i Thomas "/ Farrell, being first duly sworn and on oath deposes and says that he is a resident of Ramsey County,Linnesota. , and a free- holder residing at 1403 Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Saint Paul, that he has read the foreging :)etition, that he signed and circulated the same and that each petitioner signed the same as his free act and deed. Sub-cribed and wo, n to before me this day of J nuary, 1924. Notary Public Cou�ity L4 Comm. a res ov. 17th., 1929. NW -11 Public. iA•I tur Ic an._. r Ml Cum.nixion Fziir�e \uvn..t.. 1, i,_h 1 �1 1 t ' I I rBMWr 3.it, kyr ifj f. �. � � � %fit' � '; !� tl .. �j �� �• ; �. I M"S�#�Y;*.s, i 1 r• ,'"'M„m^^."•.^'o-x', Lot ' BLOCK _ 0 0 tAEAT �lUt. � 350��as11� ►rtameat 4 881 tlovtAA a1! -2 353 B. v � � saz a. ttarato� s eJoha A, b • • • + a • • 3 44 3EEz"H; f- • e • — —= • 117 2 • -- :4 504 o r. F.. No. coaai— the Batter of Paving Pillsbury Ave. .prom Myrtle Ave, to the rth line Territorial Road Te and .Territorial ad from Pillsbury Avenue to . COUNCII. PILE \0 ...................._._.... easterly line of Vandalia 'Ingsewer, mater nn' tions from street ' lines rompletr, By......... .................................... ........_ de. also I•'et . ?rive,- _ FINAL ORDER navin illi buryA'-.a.._I.rot.,, "'Ir.�1.z...A'>.a....L�....th.t*...I'v'.�G.h......._ In the Matter of...._."......u...- . line �i...T ..n u,l.,._ u... e:rlt._ri_?a...ti;t.i..."=� ................... to the ea..._.i..t_.�-_r...l..Y........_1.?..:..a.�f VuSt. :.... ....._for zn4-Ca3 ... —..... _......_...._....... CU111:�3t1U:: :i fret% strict Cih1L 8___ to__. Lr.�l._art-y_.1_ir. �s___eoir; .i tat��..-}YlleTE--. :C-t..___ ......................._.._............._...............,.. -.... .. ciir ;�.Ly ll:x.td,i.. e,' i. :b ctl:t:i::� un'1 pu`tir-' .....rivets'ay...`.: r...a_ .ey......... ....................... ------------ i.t....................... ar;:roc caes, ..Care '__ ys •wry _._._ .............................._.-----._---- -----------.....---........_. ...... .................... ............................. .. - b5 _..._._....-. bu: 0 under Preliminary Order,aPP _..... ............._... 1......_- ..... approved _......._.......__...._..... _... — .... Intermediary Order...._.._... -.. - --- A public hearing having be In had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objccsions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is hate pl sbt rY tive . l rcL, :nlrt 2_ ti`�e.to ............ theCf---ar',i lti�riul Hca:=� _ y torial _kig- l i_ i.rutn .._.... ---.. n rtn 11 e _ P1_ sJurY (V a 4. t',G C' r Y 11 :e +.Yat a.lvl uct3 t:LR o��l Z3 frOL. ytrG t T.ii_t 3 G }%ri,yi is rty ilau 3. CUn,t. _l£.t t:, 'lot dll_a 11d 1 Ij c', LI—so 1 J Ilr C. L,r 1�.Y_.. eA3 h ,J. ana a_1_,y...�rur�.p..c.lc:...-= tieca. �a .r ...... t and the Council hereby orders1said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, 'that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of D`E`C im l r192 veilent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- _.......... City Clerk. DEC , Approved ... -...... ..... 191....-.. Councilman $AAa>fa 6tv ,'_L11,CY Councilman 9&4 t e rt5u 3cn Councilman MAfic5 V 1Le Dj.n ' 11 Councilman Kates ✓ peter Councilman mbeot1 Sudheii^tar Councilman 'W[ wenzel Mayor Hui Form B. S. A. 8-7 /� v a . �.✓ Mayor. I f ' CITY OF S . PAUL DEPAR-r&g j?F FINAN^E REPORT OF COMMISSION - ,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) .. r In the matter of T —'iV 12jF:-_PillsbUr A'/c from 1S�'rt 1 e AVB to 00 '_erriitcrial ljoact t.ccl T,:r, Lturit:l R,;Eu fror., Piiiauury Avanue t0 the aa:st,�rly li„e ui Va::ia_,u :;t., ic,cluding 3elver, Water u::d-ga:s 001ind_c,- tion] iZJM 3trect ::::ins t0 pr perry li:.es comylete, •xl:ere !.tet mala t'so i clll1LI-I c:ruac;t c,r.ci i:c.'il:b drivu,rc:r_and s1iBy apl.rc ci:ea, under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: j2" crec 3c t6 br. is i ici Ase: F -1t or ncret Totd1 5.,. 5.65 4. c� j . ; 6 .20 ) 812,032.00 810, 240.(2C U.. r Property sl.or;; '�1,J_-0 ,, r,0 1 1; _��_,.. li 65. i0'0?.QO Total J57>''b •JC cGr •:y0,Jd.,.. 82j,62C.O0 YP.O,2 2.00 (zi) 'rent ; t, j,4,, ci.(i4 4.61 (Curb 3.87 xtra) Iv ;te• iL_, ia.car cn '1---3bury : rom Myrtle tc ?errit•�ria1 Her, i. Acca for C -men t Cc:rb ;cT.e.e not in 000 per iin. ft. Ei6.CC " 6„ ;,agar con..ect: ens crcl: (AP atrea�t 00' „ 60. CO " j/1411 W&ter " " f.L' „ oC' " 4':;.25 45.x„ .,__ _.... 1611' (At:�citt Out Lots, Firbt an,.1,, ,. -, _.4700: 62 13,-c_c,_t DiViLiicn (I,'ts 1 TO ) ) 11450- 63 ( bj 24600. 64 28600. 65 TOTAL. 21600, Form B. B. 1O CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART*2;Ijj0F FINAIV-E & REPORT OF COMMISSl ON --bF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof INIVIN, Pi113bury A, f �arrj.T(;rjztl. un.1 H,;zd from Pillibury A.Vanuc to the aLL;jt,j-,,jy i111(3 of Vw.da-iu :it., iliCluding -3e_Kgerj IvEtter W,;d - _g.a3 CQTI:kt!C'-- tiollirrui-r, jrelt to pr perTy 111,e, Go(rj:Jete, -,vl,.ere r.,,t ",nd lilkL Ir _jvc-,t'kj-, Etj-,d 31jey — -J, ---- — -, - — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 50 It. cit 61 jie,,jt-,3 otit 1.( -s Firit and) Xa it 17 t - Q f 66 6-t 66 69 so 611� Out Lots, Fir ;t art,.i 02 Djvi�3i(,il. (Lc is 1 to (-)3 b*t 64 65 F— B. B. 10 TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 54350. 28550. 2870C. 54300. 2170C. 24-(00 . 11450. 24800. 28800. 21600. r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMI~ISS10ftR OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- r ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION 29 Eer;itta Cut Lots, Fir:lt > ) jC 6ec(na Div. Luts i to 67) ) �1 do j)) 44 do ) 45 do l) 329875- 46 do 7 CIU 3 Rounins r, Oti,ers l e4rrai.,,,einent 122700. ur T�rr�tc rL l lt,ad VL:C. Wnd c_u jk l.:llth 6 2 uu 291525. iV. of T_rf 'itlifli.l Roht vac. a:li:: u.djoiniI1G 8 1 ao 52900, ly j- W'Ir,r;esota .rtr,3iar A,1,i.L : n 3050. St. Paul, bi 12111 . 16 3 rdo 3900- 1082900. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid natters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. LJ1'r,411 Dated _ _.._____l91 (wl r rsioner of Finance. Form Ii. I5. 1'L I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ftceiv- r Report to Commissioner of Finance --- — Noy 6 19?g lloveriber 5th___--_1g)W) _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.4B7BB-----approvecl_-se-pt._-2&th ------- 19123_. relative to Paving of Pillsbury Ave. from Myrtle Ave. to the north line of ,Territorial iiond and_' erritorial_Ror d_from_?ills?2ury_Age_•__ to the easterly line of Vandalia St. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines conplete, -- - and- paving ----------- fiHd e -noa t li e . T6, --lso including curbin€, driveway and a11ey approaches, w here necessary. ----------------------------------------------- ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (-er) desirable. See estimate attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---------------------------- ------ ------------------ -------------------------------------------- --------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 1' Commi oner of Public Works. a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works "Bee,VE� - Report to Commissioner of FinanceJJ NOV 6 )gag November 5th, _19P._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of elative the Council, known as Paving of nPillsburcil File yBAve. from Myrtle �Ave. ato the northr rline to ______ o _Territorial_Road and_Territorial_Road_from_Pillabury_Ave.__ to the easterly line of Vandalia St. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, ----------- driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. ------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. See estimate attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $___________-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvements hereto attached and made apart hereof. -------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ( -------------"-"��- - ------5----------- �f Commi�y���jjjoner of Public �KS�iks. ittixm 31: pt�r� ffLnmrnissiwncr �Iric Mallette. 13epUtg (¢mamt90tVnrr --A �r ttrtmrn# of t1uht r 39orks (Jitlt• of !&atut 11aul GEORGE M. SHEPARM- Ct; 3 EF EN6[N EER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT_ Oil GON3TR(ICTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OF'=1CS �2D CSTY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Nov. 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J Commig=-w -_-rz3io2ner of Public Works. Dear Sir 4 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving vX Pillsbury Ave. from Myrtle Ave. to the north line of Territ;c3�-:2_s1 Road, and ,Terri torial Road from Pillsbury Ave. to the eastsr _� 11_3a8 of. Vandalia St. , inclti.ding sewer, water and gas oonneotioszs from street mains to property lines complete, where not alreac3g msae . *Liao including ourbing and pavining driveway and alley �proaahes, where necessary, under Preliminary Order #,&8 "51' 68 approve d Sept. 28, 1923 s Length ::ML- --5V 9 %t. Width of Roadway 82 ' Width of Street 66661 ** zu- F'rozz� �8 * Territorial Road -a ** Pillsbury Ave. Pavi 3" Creosote Brick I.a.3d Asphalt or Seven inch Blocka Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete Total % 00bb Interse O t: :S ©izs 3 8o Wheels.g4g3w ) 18,720.00 $ 15,456.00 12,032.00 $ 10,240.00 Property S =R'^e 18,340.00 16.142.00 11,788.00 10,032.00 T o t a 1 $ 37,060.00 $ 309598.00 $ 23,820.00 $ 20,272.00 (a) PrOn --Blkt . 7.40 6.04 4.61 3.87 (Curb Extra) Note; hiv $6w6r on Pillsbury from Myrtle to Territorial Road. Add for Gement curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. sr 66, street $66.00 6� �38wer connections eaou--gay o .80.00 WELter " ° 66 * n 40.26 '�'a � 7 45.00 Yours Vuly Approve c3 mor tranemleaion Pg to -the CT omr . anoe.gine Works. C<>23== i �i`36n o t f i^'„V�TTtt : :.t1AMCA3ACO �� ss_ - y .�vu o a'aR sr. roe n/Yt cir+ow si s�-s• n[u ~ - , �� Mnr�— WS Y - MAN UFA CTU RERS OF THE YUREFIT SHEEP LIN EO LEATHER MACKINAW VNDERWEAR ANO SPO RTS MENS CLOTHING-PANTS p"&.,MIIIIIi SZM December 13, 1923. Cofnmissiouer of r'inance, Cour -t mouse' S- . Paul , Iinn. weaX Sir = — Attention _::r. Lennard C.3eamer. T aLM in receipt of your valued letter of even date , and t iaank you for your very' pr3mpt reply. I am encl os-irng ijn a separate letter as suggested by you, a pr ote st in the matter of paving Pillsbury, which would be osa no berie=i.t to our property. You state in your letter, that lot $89 standing on record in my name, would be affected within the center o:E t tie b-LoclK policy, i" the event that Pillsbury Avenue Is ordered paved, and you further state, that this lot was assessed _for the paving of University Avenue, and nit assessed mor tae paving of Vandalia. = cio riot understand how you mare this statement, as we are �oa�7in .for recont caving of teat street on 310 lee-, and t ime lot will not stand any further burden at the present time. After looking this up, you will find this s-atemen- is correct, and that you assessed us last year on - tie paving of Vandalia Street. After investigating this, kindly write me and o'b'L ig e . Yours very truly - - 1..AG/A SNOW O DR. i. fo CHICAGOUT ULHe�oR. SEATTLESAN FRANCISCO ` ANA T91 M ANCfFACTU REBS OF TME SHEEP LINED LEATHER MACKINAW YUREFIT AND SPORTSMENS CLOTHING-PANTS UNDERWEAR ftMUTN=L.N1NNff1M December 16, 1926. .ir. J.0 clanci, Commissioner of Finance, court House, St. paul,Ltinn. Dear Sir Attention .dr. Leonard C. Seamer. In the matter of paving Pillsbury Ave. from :Ayrtle Ave. to N. Line of Territorial Road & Territorial -Road from Pillsbury to E. line of Vandalia St. etc. your notice dated December 11th, I wish to protest against this paving, if it will affect an assessment on lot X89, as it will be of no benefit, and this lot is now taxed to its full capacity, having only recently been taxed for paving Vandalia street, and it would be a considerable burden to have further taxes on this property. Yours truly, LAG/A �� i'=Lrd}n86Ce :N szas-' 1 'aD r rlatliig ttae`'e u;,. mCOUNCILM10--....�".i. 2!d ✓r,1 N' tIJ tHnnea° nouara tssoo coy t balance remainlAg of tIie;: OFFCGI,Ii Ol= ,86 010 00 { apDDroDr4ted. by'. 'I� 11100, proved Dooem CIL ry" M COUNOLI.c 777 !' 0 reeoaetruotlon Iellle sewer"outlet. .or 6e r - , i i e-.Dayment Art ' - PRESENTED BY .,'COMMISSIONSOATE__...Y: An ordinance appropriating the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) out of the balance remaining of the sum 'of $25,010.00 appropriated by Ordinance Noe 5500, approved December 20, 1920, for the reconstruction of the Somerville sewer outlet,'and ordering the payment of said sum to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Pund Por the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of 'construot'ing a sewer on Jackson St. from Arch Ste to Pennsylvlania Ave., also lateral connections at Arch St. and Pennsylvania Ave. from said sewer on Jackson St. to the easterly line of Jackson Street, designated as Improvement L-1770 and L-1270 Be This is an emergency ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of at. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars 0800.00) out of the bAlanoe remaining of the sum of $25,010.00 appropriated by Ordinance Noe 55000 approved Deoember 20, 1920, out of the Sewer Construction and Repair Fond 34-1 for the reconstruction of the Somerville sewer outlet, and the said sum of $800.00 is hereby ordered paid to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for the purpose of paying a portion of the coat of constructing a sewer on Jackson St. from Arch Ste to Pennsylvania Ave., also lateral connections,; at Arch St. and Pennsylvania Ave. :from said sewer on Jackson St. to the easterly line of Jackson Street, designated as Improvement L-1770 and L-1770 Be SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health Y and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon--_,"_ its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN JAN ` 5 1924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council --------------------- ...... .192._._ Clancy JAN -5 1924 ✓' Ferguson Ap cued... --_----- . .-- . ✓ McDonald �......:_In favor l/ sudheimer -------------- --------- — --- ------------ - ......--- .—ON Peter ..........A Sin % Wenzel Mr. President ,',>: x�,ti.. RESOLVED COUNCIL NO..------ - `kms FILE MH3RZAS, The Commissionar of 3ducation has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency vihich rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth: NAtAE TITLE TIME 4 RATB TOTAL MAINTENANCE FRANK BONIECKI LA9 107 11 HRS 503 $ 5 50 JOHN BURKE MTNC LAB C 11 HRS 50 5 50 J P OROFOOT C OMM_LAB 464 26 45 11 70 JAMES FALBO MTNC LAB 1086 8 50 4 00 HARRY FAV I LLO MTNC LAB 1075 10 50 5 00 JOSEPH GELBMANN GARDEN LAB 1256 8 50 4 00 NARCISO GHILONI MTNC LAB 1282 8 50 4 00 0GCAR JOHNSON MTNC LAB 1814 7 50 3 50 ALO -IS, KUB ITSHEK COMM LAB 2014 11 45 4 95 G LUCIA MTNC LAB 2301 4 50 2 00 GEORGE MAYER MTNC LAB 2585 7 50 3 50 JAMES 0-DONNELL MTNC LAB 3150 11 50 5 50 COUNCILMEN DEC 2 1 1.923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council........................................ 192 ja DEG 2 1 19n Approve .- _ - .....- 192...... ___.-._.-_-In favor �� - - -- -- - v C ting MAYOR --- ----- ------Against l PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...: (r 4� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM R S FERGUSON - 2................................. - DATE ........... EC..._21..-.....1.9.23....................... DAVID 0—REGAN GARDEN LAB C ROLLIN A TODD COMM LAB 4957 Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays 1/Claney Ferguson / McDonald (� ......In favor �$ Sudheimff. .......Against {r Wenzel {14s..1-'eeaideol voew aw s•ao 6 -HRS 50d S 3 25 7 HRS 45 3 15 Adopted by the Council n��..71... 19__..... 9{x—'----' - �'EG z i UP Approve._ - -19._.- }z -2,()AI0. 1. s. c; DEC 15TH 192 3 1n em-!r„eney h,.a risen in the D3, c.rtriont of ducation. Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of car- tain employes of that dapart:aent for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: GRADING This eraarg ncy ^ros3 by roason of thu following facts rnd circumstances: PREPARING SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS BEFORE FREEZING WEATHER - v This report is in .accord^.nee with Section 53 of the Charter. fUNCILNo._..---504.44 " CITY OF ST. PAUL rae. OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rte' ._oATe..._..December. / RESOLVED . 1.'!HEREAS, The Commisjiuner of. P,.lbl is I'loxks has reported to the Council, i.n aucocdan �. -alth Si:aticn 53 of the City Chaster, the existoncc of an eme_ganQy rrbVh rendered necessary the' employment of ce-•ta•in employ( -:s of his Pepartr..ent for more than eight hours per da'l, said emaloyrren, being more than their usual hot'_r9 of e rployment < TUREFORE BE IT RESOLGFD, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the foil.o:ring name8 erl:nlcyes4 at the rate otherwise f4 %.ed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Fame Title Hours Rate of Overtime. Brown, Wke Mtc. Iab. a6 50 Durseriky, A. J. Sta. Eng. 2 ,63 55 Elliott, Ed U• Iab• 16 .6360 Taraci, C. Tamper 16 Sweets, Wm. Mtc. Lab.Schmidt, 16 ,50 John Kettle Fireman ,62j• -- I C. F. No. 60444' By WJ: Peter,- Whorens.,Tho Commissioner of Pub - lie Works has, repnRed to the Counaie. in ae..rdacp with septlon 53, or the n City Charter. _thei-idstenco.of an _om-, erg. -Cy YhjCh rendered neoeseary, the his.. employment of Cnrtaln'employee,of department for: more: than 019 t hours ..i andtheir usualmhours of'smV10ymenf • . Therefore R-;'ItRoeolved..That', the' I n. �Itv'Ricers are -hereby'. author aorto r,,a....... ltere_fte-Sro sot t Mike 'B Y A C:7.-Durgerrveralf 03F11.'77lllott U:I C' Taraol. Tam {v'm+sweets• D .John ;BChYntt- tire.,, 62%& Adopted by the Approved. D"". COUNCILMEN yeas Nays I/Clancy o/ Ferguson 'McDonald - .._._-.In favor 6*'� Sudheimerb Peter __.._.._.Against 1/Wenzel 1Fre., 60 1 Ir.m n, 186 Dec. 21, 1923. III DEG 2 1 1923 Adopted by the Council --- '-------------------------- -......... 192...... D E' 2 1 3192. - Approve, .... - ---------------- - - -- MAY L An emergenoy has arisexn in Vhe penartmen ti of Pttblio Viorke rendering necessary the employment of certaip employee of that $epgrtmerit for more than eight hours Per day, Stu the doing of the following work: — - To rush. t4t-g9InpIQt"n 0'r A sP1''- I t 1'hie emergency arose by reason of the following facts and cirouMstEnoe$: — Necessary to complete work before freezing. co.."'NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL _.-_.�.i7-3:JS.f_-- FILE OFFFICCE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION —GEN ERAL FORM DEC 21Q -1.- 2- PRESENTED BY L fi S _FERGU_S_ _---- MATE__......_.------...._.------_.._....-..._ _�......._._._....... .... COMMIS"$TONER.___......_...____-_______ .__...__......_. _....._._.___...__..__...__ RESOLVED wH'R as S C]aa C.`OTnm:jSSiOner of �,ducation has reported to the Co -uracil in accordance with Section 53, of the Cz t:9, C2-iarter the existence of an emergency which r-endered necessary the employment of certain em- p�oyes of his department for more than their usual izo�ars of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLV�D� T' -.::7,t the proper city officers are hereby autYiorizad to pay the following named em-LlOyes, at t2ze rateotherwise fixed for extra employment or the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth: NAIAM TITLE TRAM TOTAL ANTHONY SCHADEGG F i REMAN 2 HRS 660 31 82 R BECKSTROM F IREMAN 16 HRS 68J $10 00 H SPR I ESTERSB AC H ENG I N EER 20 HRS 82J $1 6 S5 C. F. No. 5044b -73v •7:., R. S.. Ferguson— _ Whereas, The Commisatoner 'catlon:'hna:'reported:to -the Cov ncl3' is accordance wiih Sectioia 63Ni the City Gliarter..the. exlatence of ati -emergency ' which rendered necessary the employ- � xaent of -certain. eMpi.yes -af his - de- pariment for more •than their: sssual j"hours of-emoloyrr�ont> thorofore. bye.. it Ykesolved. That the proper Olty 'fn cars are-fiereby,'authoriz,.d-;to-paY: the followins timed .e'nip3oyea, at .the-ra Lherwise. flxed-for, extra-emplotaying t1t for; tn. extra emDlo went .for extra . tlme horeinattar aet fothe A thoay. Schadegg Fireman at ss¢, S1.Sz. R. Becltatrom�+q,remaa, 16 hra,.68.J g, F.10�00Sprleatersbach, Easiness, 20- -ht'a-,�J Adopted by the:Cou c1t, Dec, 21,:1923_ F Approved Dac. 2I 1923. " i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Adopted by the Council -._DEC 2 I _1923 192- .... VClancy ✓`Ferguson Approv - ® C 2 1 23 .192 ...... ✓McDonald In favor1- ��' Sudhe�iea� _ .. - ..... MAYOR Peter Against j 9 v Wenzel (59, FORIj NO. 1. r_ DEC 21- 1923 _1n em-rSency h, -,a ..risen in the Dx),-.rtmant of due, tion, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of car- tain employes of that dapcxt:aant for mora thcsn eight hours ?er day, in doing the following laorl:: F RING This enc:rgLnoy ^rosj b.V reason of the following facts and ciroumstcncas: ACCOUNT OF COLD SPELL - This report is in ._ccord^nee with Section 53 of the Charter. �3 . 1t11ADRUPUrATE OTTS 01 �T• PAIIF t - TOCRYcumK t[(xJ,(�,QQyy 50 1 J aIIII=au No.�---- Form D44 IM IR -77 II • i -fA }1�I ev �/69 s' AUDITED....... _ .......... ... 102....... __ --- _------ _......—.— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ._5x097 rib .......................... covezvw checks numbered- . -19.640. ............... to. ----•--- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Ctty Comptroller. Yes ( if Councilmen ( J) Nays. ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............ .-SEC 2 1-1923......... 192 n� ....In favor v/McDoneld, Approved----' .. ...........DEC_2.11923--------------- 197 - "'Mats" Sudheimer "'Peer, �.Ageinat �V7enzel. -� cung �C F No-68l�6— zT + Rleolved That, ohacRe ba drdiva f no the Clty>Ttea§ury •.to tha ,aggreEnta %amount .of i6087:�8% coverlhg:Schecka5 umbereQ:-146f0,+io;,�e678. Ineluetve,.flasl Olrr OP .r. PAUL i .ONIGINILLTO "TM"eAK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ioasc=L p=1)•34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIHS—RESOLUTION FORM =L= NO --- 938 ` BY...... ............. COM �....... AUDITED ..... _ .1.2 ._...._ - r ..............................._._. _.... __ 5 097.16 • Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of �..---•--••-•--------•-•••• checks numbered .-..--19640........... •---to_-.-.--............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City , • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. � DEC 2 1 1923 ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council ........_------------ .---------_----- .......... 192 L,,-Ferkuson, .-.6.In favor !/McDonald APPro 'a . rs ...... . .. ....a90. -- ............191 �fison; $udheimer Cy _�% / •' (/Peter, 1'Af( _. (/VJenul, f1Ct117 stAYos sy b y-- .............................. 19640 A-1 Stenographic Bureau, 37.00 Bureau of Engineers 19641 Allen -Quinlan Company, 111.27 Workhouse 19642 American Railway Express Company, 36.52 Arterial highways 14.14 Schools 11.09 Library 1.79 11 1.35 t1 .95 n .64 " 1.01 n 1.54 u 3.01 Lighting 1.00 3� 19643 American School for the Deaf, 2.30 Schools 19644 Architectural Book Publishing Company, 9.00 Library 19645 Augustan Book Concern, 1.28 Library 19646 Badger Auto Products Company, 210.00 Bureau of Engineers 0 Res. 938 Page #2 83.08 19647 CoCpa The Barrettn St. R. (Pay.) ,5.00 1 ; 19648 N. J. Bartlett & Company, 106,.23' 19649. Bazille & Partridge, ¢4.90 Schools Sprinkling .33 10 TOTM 29.86 , 19650 John Beissel Company, Health 1,043.80 19651 Brooks Brothers, Bureau of Engineers 100.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 10.72 L 1737 423.04 L 1836 125.14 it 264.00 Water 120.90 1, 3. 500.00 19652 M. Burg & Sons, Schools 19653 Burns LumberCompany,482,00-1. 15.05 Fire 6.50 Health 12.75 St. C. & R. 262440 Workhouse 49.60 Schools 116.00 P. Bldgs. Revl. 19.70 19654 Cameron Transfer & Storage Company, 17.29 Water 19655 Capital Envelope Company, 40.22 Police 19656 Carburetor Specialty Company, 12.50 13.10 Fire .60 Garage T3=. 19657 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, 200.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 19658 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway Co., 2.47 329.65 Schools 327.18 Water 329*65 19659 Close Tite Auto Top Company, 42.69 Health 19660 Co-operative Laundry Company, 9.87 Police 19661 Co-operative Photo Supply Company, 46.52 Police - Res. 9i8 Page #3 19662 Crane Comp Fianyre '" , 3.00 19667 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 4.74 Bridge Bldg. & R. 19.30 u a 17.47 19668 P. Bldgs. Revl. 116.00 Police 6.75 19663 Crane Company, 6.70 Oster 5.00 19664 ! Electric Blue Print Company, 3.50 19669 Bureau of Engineers n 2.80 5.92 ® +� 15.90 n 6.40 19671 Schools 1.75 it 3.55 19672 P. Bld s. 11.60 Fire 1.00 19673 it 94.00 P. Bldgs. Revl. 3.43 An= 19665 Field, Schlick & Company, 84.78 Purchasing Department 0.00 200.50 Fire Library 7.8019.44 Water T;". 4 • 19666 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, Pol. & F. Alarm 19667 Griggs, Cooper & Company, Schools 68.56 Water • 3.80 2.36 19668 E. W. Honsa Printing Company, Police 6.75 Schools 6.70 Park -Adm. 5.00 Water 21.40 5970 19669 John Hopkins Press, Library 19670 Irvin & Beard Company, Schools 19671 Lee Elevator Company, Library 19672 Axel Loftus, Fire 19673 Lyle Culvert & Road Equipment Company, Police 14.13 Arterial highways 84.78 St. C. & R. 27.00 125.wl 160.51 383.62 149.85 r 237.74 268.69' 'I 72.36 39.85 23.74, 219.30 25.00 34.00 125.91 _ ORIGINAL TD CIIy CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER /. 7 COUNCIL 4-7 ' Foam I3•34 1Df. I2-22 R AUDITED CLAIMS—ESOLUTION FORM >_:: NO..._.__LJ i 1 _ r � , 111 BY.MPTR. ......._. PBR .. ..... -._ .......-..__ . .. _... ............. ..... 227 878.1b rt, Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--•---•••••t_---.. .. ...... --...--. , cove ng checks numbered ----19.8.74--- -----------to . • ---..----•-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Clty '- OComptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 2 1 1923 ltn (Clancy, Adopted by the Council . ..... .......... .. ... .. 4/Ferguson, dEC 2 1923 In favor r ' t McDonald, Approved ---- _------ --- --- --_..-------------- -- --------------- —192 t vMsestm-eimer ✓ Peter, Stidh .-Against enzel. " --------------------- - ctiag •C;; F No -'604( z t .Resolved Thnt checke"be drnwq ion' the,Clq Treasuryry to,..che ngBreB.ata`. 'ameunti227 675.36, .cbvering •.checks -:numbered 19674 •to -19699 lncluelve,�es--------------------------- peT raslotWr of 01%p.checks oa'ale;.tn the, office i)f the C1ty Comptroller - + - Adopted by the Copncll Dec li 3925... `'Approve :Leet 21 198 •' - � n, ORIGINAL TO .. CIT4 CLERK Form D•34 1M 12.22 II 939 OITT OF T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED ..........U.V....._..._`__._.. _I"..'........_......112........... OOVTOIL T7 TILE 1� ..L.ILZ W � .._.._`-' 227 878.15 covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amountof $--•-••------ -----------•-•---•--- checks numbered. --. ... ..... .....to...... wm -• -. ------inclusive, as per retister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. Glancy, Adopted by the Council. ............DEC'_2 1 1923 192 -_• ,,Ferguson, _..._..In favor oo$fcI)onald, A A.4923; ....................192....... �Xw&r Sudheimer _ �L ✓Peenzel, Q.ABainstpl�/ kii.1 19674 ......... •..........-•----......----.............•-----•--.............................. . J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 1,116.05 Sewer Bond Fund 2301 (Credit Bureau Engrs.32.1) 19675: J. M. Clancy, ComIr. of inane 164,305.60 Schools 19676 Electric Supply & Construction Company, 392.59 Schools 19677 L.R.S. Person, Comer. of Education 17,505.31 15,000,000 Bond Fund )Bond) 19678 Alice Greenwood, 12.00: Library 19679 S. 0. Hartwell, 96.80 Schools 19680 Christ Johnson, 652.50 L 1859 19681 Geo. Julian, 6.60 Wheelage Tax Refund Res. 939 Page #2` 19682 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 3.50 1,111.22 St. C. & R. (Pay.5 Bridge Bldg: & R. 2.00• u u 1.00 Schools 351.44 333.12 n 72.88 329.28 Water 18.00 1,ITr.'Z'Z 2.40 19683 Chas. F. Korfhage, Wheelage Tax Refund 3.00 19684 L. H. Lissner, Wheelage Tax Refund 2.40 - 19685 J. J. Ryan, Wheelage Tax Refund 19686 C. R. Telander, 2'40 Wheelage Tax Refund 5.70 19687 Geo. W. Vore, Wheelage Tax Refund 19688 W. T. Wakefield, 0.00 Wheelage Tax Refund 19689 Fielding & Shepley, 42,660.58 L 1718 60449—Ordinance No. 8227 5udhelmer— Anordinance nmending Ordinance No. 6963, entitled "An grdinance ICcenaing' # and regulg persona riving and aperating atinmotor vehidcles carrying, laseengera for hire, and prohibiting, f, ., t rsons, Orme and corporations from', 'oying unlicensed chuultours to to such cars, This is'" An Ordinance mend ingrW laAnce, rPnd;;o5953, entitled "An Ordinance licensing and regulating persondriving and op - orating motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire, and pro- hibiting persons, firms and corporations from employing un- licensed chauffeurs to operate such oars. This is an emergency Ordinance, rendered necessary for the presetvation of the pub- lic peace, health and safety," approved December 28, 1922. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1.- That Ordinance No. 5953, approved December 28, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section 3 thereof, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: 400tion AnY pylon 608ixinl a lioensa U101 this Ordinance shall file a written application therefor with the Lioanse Inspector and shall accompany the same by a oer- tifiea4 from the Chief of Police stating the applicant to be a person of good moral character. Upon the filing of the saialLpplication and certificate, and upon the presen- tation of a receipt from the Commissioner of Finance show- ing the payment;of the license fee herein required, to - ether with a certificate showing such applicant to be licensed as a chauffeur under the laws of the State of Min- nesota, the license shall be issued by the City Clerk to the applicant therefor. All licenses issued under this Ordinance shall be for a period terminating on the First day of January:nest following the issuance thereof. The fee for such license shall be 81.50 - Section 2.- This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3.- This Ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN 10 i924 Yeas Nays Mess s, Clancy Ferguson Peter Sudheimer Wenzel President (Nelson) S: City Cl k. j��' JAN 101924 or. n License Committee) I No.60449—Ordl oases No. 622C— By W. T. Peter— do dlnance granting to the -Craig Oil Company permle9lan to Install a air station at the northeast • i of Tscarora avenue and West.2101///�J� ' , d, The tjoi ncll of tho An ordinance granting to the Craig Oil Company' mission to install an air at the northeast corner of Tuscarora avenue and West Seventh street. TTM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Craig 011 Company to install and maintain an air station in connection with the filling station at the northeast corner of Tus- carora avenue and West Seventh street; and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or remov- al of said air station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN ' 1924 Yeas !/' Nays Mr. Clancy 'ifeBo� Z/ Peter 1 Sudheimer Wenzel JAN Mr. i„�,�;ae + 4&elsaa) Approved (t/ -Wr, Vice Pros Forgnson Attest Mayor City Clerk ARTHUR E. NELSON. M--- C.u.Mua J. M. CLANCY. CO.. w M—. L: R. S. FERGUSON, Com. ow Eoora J. H. MCDONALD. Co". OF Pwue UTI M W M. J. PETER. COM. M PO.Ue Wo... 'GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, OM C. a P—,. S.— H. C. WENZEL. COM. - Puna. Puro.ou.oa — Po.Uo BnIlo1MW GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRr E.oIM— W. T. MARCH. Sort, or Punt. C. F. MONALLYI M. E• CoMrrnN CR oue. the -eq . panning �attra of Saint Paul, fainnesuta 301 Vtp hail GEORGE H. HERROLO. Mu..,— D_ M E ­.— Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. B U I L D I N G - Dear Sir : - December 21st, 1923. LOUIS BETZ. V.- CIMI.MA. MRS. P. N. CARDOZO T J. E. CARROLL A.C. FLOAN H. J. HAOLICM E. L. McADAM C. A. MAGNUSON M. G. MUELLER MISS BESSIE PEARSON P. M. REAGAN J. A. SEEGER A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. J. VON o WEYER With regard to application of the Craig Oil Company for permission to install an automobile air station at the Northeast corner of Tuscarora and West Seventh Street: This is accessory to the existing use of the premises and is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. By direction of Commissioner Peter. Yours very truly, �yann ng ng nee GH-REH a_ Ii IT a BUREAU OF POLICE POLICIE r OFFICE OF �.•rn ^� � M[H1CR .w IOMLL W.[AY D[.ilI1C.TIOM IWw1MIM.TOM FRANKW.S0MMRR Saint paul)Minn. D.C. CHIM December 15, 1923 George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Craig oil Company for permission to instal and maintain an automobile air service station on the northwest corner of Tuscarora Ave. and W. Seventh St., you are advised that Captain Gebhardt made this in- vestigation and he reports that this station will not interfere with traffic. Very truly y s, � W.Sommer, Chief of Police S/W ?- - .Thio application to be odginnl - --- - _ CITY OF AF srM1r PAUL- m2 in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY GZ-ERK submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE kjM AND WATER SERVICE STATION • r«m ea Application No. To the Honorable City fSouacii Date / 19— of 9of Saint Paul, Minaesat*k ApPLICATIOIV IS HERESY MAD By ' ` / ?7smc of Firm Ind d.� For permission to install and rrklmiataia An Automobile on the 1y � of known as--'/ .0 Number of air connections Received atoffice of City Clerlc w.� a 'W_ Service Station t;2 --St. Ave. Wit. Ave. Fcacec Nvmb�r az.d scaect Nurrstser of vvater connections n I - a/ �A 0— Approved APProve:d Passed 19— as to street traffic ns to use of street Approved 19_ Date 19 Ordinance No. Permit No. r Qaa _ of Yaab� Works. 11 v V -- Remarks --- _0 I COUHCIL 5 V 1:,i�----- CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��a NO ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�ENERAIF'ORM / 1 — I RESOLVED 'Afat t— Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorizecL enter into an agreement Ri-t1i Perry Gibson, providing for the pnz3cLe7=3.-b of compensation to him a. -t- -the rate of $20.00 per week during -T_- Mme as he shall be totally <3-1- sabled by reason of in juries received 3=3L. iza while in the employ of said Board on the 20th day of November, X23 ; be it FUR -.L:- RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the said Board a =C, Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said X=w Gibson, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Eighty Do 711 s ( $80.00) in partial settlement of his olaim against said Boars being for the period up to December 18, 1923. C--_ T -v b04b0 gY "d:�8 DLoDonnld $'.I CoUNCILM•M STT YeasNays t/ Clancy Fergus- �+ _.-..........In favor v Svdheimer Peter ------ Against Wenza� Mr. Pr�sadent commezlcl the above resolution esaRe sit, Board of Water Commis. DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council ------- ---- ----------- ------ ---.---192-..-.. Approv DEG 2-2--1923 ...............192...... ........... MAYOR owro�MA>_�o - - CITY OF ST_ PAUL F,i,eR•• NO.__._:_S/5. CITY u w APPROPRIATION TRAfVSFERS--RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SEC'rIOtV 20B' PRESENTS 8Y - p COM M ISSi Otislill ____ DATE__DHOw i!_. X923_________________ eT----------- RESOD- VIED THAT THE FOLLOWINGTRANSF ..THE COMPTROLLER 4� C B'=r I�:'o `50461 By Olr 7.Peter—'� IL �RBsolvaH That-6b following tram ",4( BE MET BY SAID W ]EH gY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE tars be �rr>,ad$ oa Uio boblce of the Comp _ iro21ex7 �Phea by-ao, dolne a+t'uaavolda',� - _ - bla daHciaYicy fa::�oae Item�map De met' NEY IN THE ITEM T iVSIFEF2 WITHOUT HAMPERING THE b3r.sa3a-traaszeg:wiwahtDamparingthe' woi1L yf=o, cl d for Dy the,.;monep 1a the--Steza_-,from, whlch the transfer le. F M WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE made_ - o0., from Code N6­34,0V,',`Sewer; obniat=-uC7Yoa snd.;repalr.Yuntr4ctid: to CodIl - No:::.34—Sa-1. Sewer>.nonaoR and re= - *2,000 00 , Lrom 36=0E gtrestsnd S!w.er'. g p p R O P R 1 A T 1 0 N C3E:aIISIIg `.: �ltIId.COdO NO 36 snl,' OM[—A Streeta-ad Sawer:Cleanlnm Fund°55:CedeNo. Sd•OII StreetCoassd:epa,,::.1�--Street:-Coaetructfoa and Repalr:Cl, Dec 42 1a43..4 384943) [,�f34- Sewer construction 34 •35 Street and Sewer 0leaaing leased2,000.00 3■r33 �� Street' donstruction & Repair 5,000.00 5,00.0 33 8 � 23 DEC 2 21923 Yt='= E J �►OUNCILM EN (%T) NAYS AOOPTEO BY THE COUNCIL _ _ _--------___ ____________•__19_-.__-_... �i�aNC,r I)EG 2 21923 APPROVED.___ _________________ __ ___________________I9-_..___ --iv:'Ci70NAl� _________ ______IN FAVORSudheimej O 1 d J ................................. MAYOR PETER ________________AGAINST GOtJNTERSIGNED BY--- ----------- _----------- ___________________.__........ � - J jA%ENZEL CfTY COMPTROI.L6R R. PRESIDENT •e.a.c� as C/c_ s--a) r_. 'CITY OF ST. PAUL Oumc1 .. ORI .INAL T'� APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS --RESOLUTION FORM l •CHARTER. SECTION 2D0' PRESENTED SY /I- IieO.. Get_. 1.:+/- '.. eI DAYE _. [ COM MISSION Eta ____-__•. RESOLVIELI. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFEF25;��tT1�.�,ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER r XF r1V 1N 'ONS ITEM.. MAY, BE MET BY SAID WHEi�l SY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEF• GI - TF2ql�IS)FEkZ VV ITl- <DiUT HAMPERING THE WORK PMCWIRIE4 FOR Bj(' THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FF20r_.l VV"lc--" THE TRANSFER IS MADE. „•:1`"._�;;`^;, ,� � -, g11ROPR1AT10N ITEM GOOE TRANSFERED FROM I TRANSFER® TO 321. p 84swsr sonetruatioa and Repair Fund 1,700.00 x.,700.00 34 Sam " p 35 2,000.00 e= Sw=eet and Sewer -Gleaning rand p s 2,000.00 35 w p 33 Stzeesr 0onstruction & Repair 5-000-00- „ 000.00 5, 33 S8 1 s3 -._- - - .- I -.. DEC 2 2 1923 ........ 9..--.----- AOOP-TES BY THECOUNCIL. - _.._._..__... D EG 2 2 1923 .9._-•---- APPROV ED._...._.. .. ........................MAYOR ........................... COUNTERSIGNED BY_.._ ...................... clrY fAMPTROL1.E11 I YES �� GOIiNG�LM EN ��� NAYS �i.saNcv ✓ FERC:"7JSON �_�lG�yALa IN FAVOR ✓`/ SudheiTReJ V PErE�2 ................AGAINST r R_ P,2ESICENT voRrw oa (ara s -a> • COUN(-i CIL No..__J.i�W - - CITY OF ST. PAUL c+� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY ( / _ COMMISSIONER._.. DATE......_..._.._...........__._..__�..__.�. RESOLVED That -Yz� Depar-tmenIt/o£ Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings 3aa7r have the use o£ the auditorium on January 4, 1924, £reP of c--J--Large, :Cor the purpose o£ putting on a free Municipal rogi-am, except that said department shall pay the cost of op erring the building, such cost to be charged to Parks Furmc3 COUNC1LMEh Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Ferguson MVB,1�117 ------ Infavor v su,asze;�r=�' Peter ___________-___Against Wenzel - ✓Mr. PresidBnt C F. Plo 6c452==8Y L-. R- S H'e'i•g�teon— Resolved That tha-DeparticmeBnntild-o.-i �.ParRtr: :Y1aYKrourids _and Publf� r e �>: .the, etudltot'1 im on.,.Jaauery.-4. 1924; lrae ofOhargo++', 'for. the ` purpose^rof ' puttia19 On. a' free Munictpal DFQB't'a�. escept`that; Bald �.:depariment, ghall DaY"'the cost of open- j ing .- the- =' building. such c et'. to be �.chargedto Par1Cs'�uad'-62 12'B-4 1921.; Adopted by''Lh,B, Council Dec.:22 1923_ ADProved; Dec: ,22.':1923 (Dec..,29-1923) DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council --- ------------------------------------ 192_..... Appro ed-- QEC_2.2..192 --------------192...... ..... -- . - ---'....- MAYOR r RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL wENc�� No ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --� r—,. -v. I29--nWT1oN--GENERAL FORM That the action of the Committee on hands on behalf of the City of 3t. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6164, for the purchase of Lots 18 and 19, Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition, St. Paul, Minn., for the sum of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars each, as as an addition to the Cleveland School site, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby au— thorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to the $3,000,000 School Bond Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson v' - ona d ....-In favor ® Sudh 'imT V Peter ---.-. ----Against -,'Wenzel ,/Mr. President DEC 2 2 1923 1x2 .._ Adopted by the Council .. .... ------- ..._------ ----- Appr ed -- pEG- 2..`x_192- ---.-192 Q..._. ;11 W -- ------ - MwyoR A w A D The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul agrees to pay Mr. A. H. Meyer. 423 Fry St., St. pawl, Minnesota, the sun of Four Hundred 0400) Dollars each for Lots 18 and 19, Block 12, Arlington Hi1113 Addition, St. pawl, Minnesota; subject to all of the oonditions set forth in their acceptance of his offer under date of OotoberlUth, 1923. This property is being acquired as an addition to the Cleveland School site under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6164. The cost of said proppx-tiy to be charged to the $3,000,000 School Bond Fund. Committee on Lands. P eyor iissioner of duoation .1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY .............................._....._.............._. DA�T�F COM WUNOIL No ..... .5.(1,1 4 - December 22, 1923 RESOLVED That the applications for 1lcenaes of he following indic persona ated for handling and selling Foodstuffs saat the the addresses d resserkiislli�tructed be and the same are hereby B ent into the city treasury to issue such licenses upon the payor of the customary fee: A. W. Anderson, Harry Abrabovich, George Allan, W. F. Anderson, Peter Belgea, Broeoker Bros., Frank Bueller, James Crowley, Peter Contos, Wm. Hogan, A. Wm. Johnson, Emil Rurvers, Jacob H. Lehr, Al Lewis, Rocco Lucisano M. Momillan, John Rordland, S. Rosenblum, Leo Stein, COUNCILMEN Yeas (/ Clancy / Ferguson ttUDotrntd Peter Wenzel _.//Mr. President 1121 E. Minnehaha St., 670 Canada St., 410 Jackson St., 75 W. 7th St., 893 Rice St., 1116 Rice St., b12-14 Selby Av., 395A Wabasha St., 119 E. 5th St., 6999 E. Minnehaha St-, 499 FrontaSt., b10 Wabasha St., 459 Broadw3 Front ay., 545 RioeSt., 992 Payne Av., 175 State St., 139 W. Central Av. Grocery a Confeotionery Conf.Drug .Grocery Bakery Soft drink Confeotionery n Soft drink 11 a Confectionery Soft drin4 Grocery 11 Soft drink Bakery Soft drink by the Council... DEC 2- 2.-1923........192...... Approve -------- ---------- ------ p4 .923--.........192 COUNCIL504.55 ;. FILE No ----- -__.._------ ... CITY OF ST. PAUL , I TH CITY CLERK C I �O 1•I ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -- - ---------- RESOLVED -RESOLVED Th%t t#e application for license of Walter 0. James for conducting a Dance Hall at 423 Wabasha Street be and the same is hereby granted and the 0ity Olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. 6 C. F: No 60466,—Ey Gr.,C� Suflhelmer �. Resolved That- the nppllCatlen Sor Ilcenee; of Wal r C Tamea. fo con„. fdnctlna; ud,t oi;8a11' at 423_. Nnbaaha"`. 3ttuet•bo n..Cm I la, -hereby Brent .i ed,°and Ah.. Plt City';,lOtk to`.taetructod'; .fo,lesoe euh6 lit tr upon,', .the pay meRRt: into tho city trensuryof tho ede toptary tee � ' Adopted by the-Covnci] Dec 22t 1828. -. � Approved, Dea;22 1883 - (DOC.. 29 1883) i, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson ................In favor Sudheiimer Peter (rt ---------Against Wenzel Mr. President DEC 2 21923 192...... Adopted by the Council_. ................._ ouncil_................... // DEC 2 2 1923 Appro�ed.:_...- - - ' -' .. ............----192..._.. COUNCIL NO.. ,51L4,5 W CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE E OF THE CITY CLERK U IL R TION—GENERAL FORM December 22, 1923_._ ._.........___....._.___ PRESENTED BY .. . ................._ ........................ DATE__....._.. � ,. COMMISSIONER.—...___.___-.-------- - RESOLVED That applications for licenses for handling and selling Soft drinks at the addresses indicated issued to the following persons be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for reason shown: Walter Bronk, Sam Siler;, 42 E. Indiana St. 992 Arcade St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson _l.............In favor M;g& Sudhel6r Peter -------------Against Wenzel Mr. President Application 144593, Soft drink.yLieut. Gates in charge of Ducas station recommends denial of license because this place is located on a dark side street and undesirable people hang around there.Apnlication for same place was denied last week for this reason, and liquor had been dispensed here. Application 4553, Soft drink. Applicant was arrested and convicted for violating liquor law in 1922. His partner at the above address, Walter Hehsikomer also was arrested and convicted for gambling and possession of liquor in Sept. 1923• DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council.... pEC 2 2 1923 -. _192...... Approv d.....-- --- ......... ............. MAYOR RESOLVED o>� sr_ PAUL U""`rvo..._5sr�7 of TF! E CITY CLERK CE:�9s ) TaOTi E:NERAL FORM COUNCILMEN Yeas T7nat t2se a�c�licatioris for licenses of the Illowing persons for cozmciuctiazg Hotels or Restaurants at the the addresses indicated 0ity (clerk is instructed be and time sarne are hereby granted and into the city treaeully to issue such 3 i ceps e s tipo31 the payment Wenzel of the custozaary fee : J. F. Nol z 3-19+0 ce St., Restaurant Ziaskas S=�af turas 2 g E 7th St. Frank Lowery 5f+5 YabasYla St. Miss May Mi13-s' a-2aBruer Arcade, " Mike 558'. Broac3w2.y " Angelo Bruzzi 321 Peter St., Hotel Walter 0- 3a -me s , 1+23 ZYabasha St . , Restaurant Frank Guilbau3t, 473 Wabasha St., Hotel Frank Losigen, 637 10- MA:2.-nnehaha St. Restaurant G. J• S-toclswell 4+12 .7ac>ssan St. Sam St. Aohi1 a Te s cY1e s 21-1-6 VW - 24--t. St - H. J- Brandon, Oso T1Qabasha St., " Fred Casper X92 R� ce St. Frank Me-tz 2S7 Robert St-, " John Grazier 319 Robert St-, " " Theodore ?3 �- 6tim St., Strengli r- Bro s. -4-6el-24-70 St. " COUNCILMEN Yeas 1`.Ta ys Clancy V Ferguson 4%fcH132S� ------------- S-LXC i 3XL 4�-- r Peter -------------. Wenzel ,,�Mr. President Lys 1-'0458 CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL - FELE NO.---- ----- -------- .E OF THE CITY CLERK , !c-4auTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the. applioations for licenses Of thollowing per s= oas mor conauoting the Butcher business at $$pe addresses incite catecl be and the same are hereby granted andYthe Oity 01en=— -Ms i s instructed to issue such lioenses upon the payment intim -b2se city treasury of the customary fee: J. �. gnderaon, 172 E. 7t11 St., Bem-x s a�: 'dirovsky, 383 Michigan st., Josue -x>i-i 3i- Celski, 219 Charles St-, Jul. u:= Hernsier, 309 Duke S — , 2065 Palace St., CreC> The 01TIG er, matazynaki, 61 W. Winifred St., J. --=======L _ Melamed, 133 state St. CouxCri.r.= v Yeas N ays ✓ Clancy L% Ferguson c _.-.._In favor 1F471r��� g-�dl�eimer Peter ---- - ------ Against V/ L/Wenze2 /1�Ir. Pry—si3ent DEC 2 21923 Adopted by the Council ----------------------- ---------------192...-.. DEC 2 21923 Approve - _.... -----------192 - OR 50459 COUNCIL No_ _-_ - --------- CITY OF ST. PAU L_ roe OFFICE OF THE C17V CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14 e December as 1923 PRESENTED BY — -------­­--------- — ------- - - CoMMIssIoNER—­ RESOLVED -NrL--cL that the plat Of Peck e3-7.1cl Daniels' Addition as recommended by the Plat COmm:jg3ga:1on and approved by t- IML 4—_c:>YnYn:ji3Bioner of Public WC":r1c'3 be and the same is I -L e n= Eby adopt ed. '2LU!xt_ 13iL�- _X-k­t�t ed, by th, Plat the Com.,�A., 6 ':Adopted APProved.. Yeas Nays _----------_In ------------In favor !i Sud heimerb Peter -----------.Against E)EC 2 21923 A,c1<:)jat,ed by the Council--------------------------------------192----- DCC ouncil ----------------------------------192 App( - d Miitttam 3. litter, (dummisstoner Jrrir, fitgttette, Mrpi tg (llommisstoner Orpartumut of Iluhlir Utnrks x, Mug of *aint runt 1' j'- GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIPOK ENGINEER WM. M. C REV. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. 6HARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION 4. G. N. HE:RROL.D. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWL.IN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE j December 21, 1923 To the Honorable the City Council: Tha attached Plat of Peck and Daniels' Addition has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. COUNCIL5 60 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. -.---..--- V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` December aa, 19x3 _ Comm t 551 ONER._.._..�_ ir�.-....._...._...................___.............._._. DATE....._._.__.....__...�.__�_...___._ _ RESOLVED _ Resolved that the plat of John Gaarden Second Addition as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yca9 / Nays Clancy Ferguson -Mammld�_ __.__------ In favor gNM Sudheiinew, f Peter ......Y-. ... Against V Wenzel /Mr. President C. F. No., 60460—By W.'J. Peter- - :Resolved. '.That the 'plat, of Joha, Gaarden Second Addition as recon.. emended by ;the; Plat 'a a. `and'. ,.approved by-.taeComm -stoner.-o[.Pub-,' :..1 a OLorke„be'and the'pame la:hereby accepted. Adopted,by the 'C 11. Dea 22, 1988: �Approved.Dee 88 192a DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council--- --------------------------------- ---192...... proved...D ..........EC . ..- 2 -- 2 ' "-'- 1923--------- 192 - ' MAYOR illium J. etrr, (Qommisoionrr 3rte mgllrttr, jD,,Vutg &mml st nrr Br.Vttrtnwnt of puhf r Works (Aug of paint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRA. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G• P. DOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 31, 1933 To the Honorable the City Council: The attached Plat of John Gaarden Second Addition has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. 4 resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. Chairman. a-. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLPTION—GENERAL FORM IeTs er 325 1923 _� Resolved that -the plat of John Gaarden Addition as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted. C F *Ive ., !r Bp W. JPlatnr ;I Resolved That- the Dint of Johns 'the Pl t.Addition ase' ndi apj ended. by, . the Plat ,CommtaRlof and4leppr_o rk. b7; I .the Commleetoner� er Ynbllo orke bei and the same 1R hereDY adopted. Adopted by the Covncll ,Deo. 22 19231' Approved Dec. -22 1823. 26 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy uson Ferg�4cDet>sl d _.._.'_-.---- In favor Sudheimer Peter ----------------Against Wenzel (/Mr. President Adopted by the Council......DE.Ci..2..2..l9----- 192.._-.- Appro MAYOR 'Stilt= a. �rtrr, fQommiasianrr �rfir �allrttr, MrVWV Manua otoner arpartutrut of Vuhar works Mitg of Oahu raw GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENOINEER M. S. ORYTSAK. !RIDGE ENGINEER WMRUCTION AND REPAIR . N.CARRY. SUPT. OP CONST G. N. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUPT.SANITATION O. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 21, 1923 To the Honorable, the City Council: The attached Plat of John Gaarden Addition, has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. ' A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. Chairman. CITY OF ST. PAUL C.umcm 51J�17 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " DENTED BY //r Y ...................... DATE..__ December, 22,_1933-_._....._ RESOLVED Resolved that the plat of Beyer's Subdivision as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILUEN Yeas Nays / I/Clancy / Ferguson l]'' -4&O Z01- ................In favor erb ✓ Peter ................Against ✓fWenzel Mr. President C. F.sZNo. 88188 t c pl%t e .Resolved, That- the plat: of l3eYers as; reoommeoded by.-th Plat Commission and appproved .by a. hs Commipeloner of -,Public' Works be and, the same is Vereb9 accepted. Adopted by the'.Copnen Dec ES ,1888.1 Approved, Dea .88 1828 Adopted by the Council ..-.AES-+--2.2-]923 ------- 192....-- Approved.....--DEQ-22.-1-92.3 A799�2.��- i...... 1 OR Willtam 7. f rtrr, (llommtsotoner 3rtr Mallette. OrpoU &mmtsstoner Departumut' of .1uhltr arka162, (Aug of 6awt Vain -, GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER - M. S. ORYTRAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CANEY. SUFT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. &HARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEEN G• F. NOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 21, 1923 To the Honorable the City Council: The attached Plat of Beyer's Subdivision has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Oti&ffYt't a e. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson 4LCD0nn1& __. --------- In favor ✓ Sud heime Peter ------ 0 ---_Against //Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._�E�'. 2 x`14;# 192 ...... VEC 2 2 1923 Approvd---------------_----_- -----------------192------ -- ............... .. --- - .................. --------------- MAYO - CITY OF ST. PAUL UNCIL FILO �� - . CX ---%. 0_46.W . OFFICE OF -THE CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL- RES0LUT?U1N-4GENERAL FORM :PRESENTED BY -.-..,...;-.COMMISSIONER.__.._..:..___—________.�� - -- RESOLVED Resolved that the plat of Moses Zimmerman's Rearramgement ap recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C:�F.. No. 50463—By- W J.' Peter= - Reeoived, - That. -.the, plat -..oi Moeesll 'Zirame msa•sRearrangement as recom= mended, by.aha .Plat- Commission- and pproved by'';the--Cornritby-' � ]ic -tiVo ica be'. arid= the same';is horeb aceeVtad .:- -- Adopted by- the. Council D¢c 22 i93ai , proved. Dec. 22:; 1923 (Dec 29-19235 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson 4LCD0nn1& __. --------- In favor ✓ Sud heime Peter ------ 0 ---_Against //Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._�E�'. 2 x`14;# 192 ...... VEC 2 2 1923 Approvd---------------_----_- -----------------192------ -- ............... .. --- - .................. --------------- MAYO itlium �. rettr, (IImnmissianer 3rtr Axltrttr. EtPdU Tnmmisstatcer Bepar#ment of rubdir Works fQitg nt' �xiut �xu1 ���'�� GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H.' HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER _ O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORKHOUSE December 21, 1923 To the Honotab`le.the City Council: The attached Plat of Moses Zimmerman's Re- arranwement has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. Chairman. El COUNCIL FILE NO........... • .. . '`IiRFq Ft. -V tlt�rl( *Fs,"hateprArl:h t n .Pie titr v �ilq g4inCo, m t h a p}lies On 1 A pkofltee hgre�b� tido p tibsAd �ma�effpa�t�hbr+sbt,ttep§e11,,. :� BeRttbllp ed��r�11e> fA��.A fiwn b. s lti�btgg�111tet torr',.-;�eo�ggt�t;} �„�s ASC Wrth',} ;sgr tooy iq tin By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of., ohan�ing the grade oY Ohatsworth St;froln Randolph Street to Pleasant Ave. to oonYorm to the red line on the profile hereto �tliaQj�Qc},a}nd, made,a,part•}}gr@a,$,,,t}}g„prgsgnt, established .,grade, being„ �t}q1�„>?y,a,b],pe„�i�R�„y�,Qrf3on,, a�fpo,grading, eald,Chatsworth,$treet,;,,,, rLN, teen �� a aforesaid limits to the said rad line Shen eatab��shed� '11111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111,,fill ii11i11i101lllil� 11001,i��tttit��tti���i ��,�����,��,����������111111'111111 U 1111111111111111111111111111111111111116116111111111111 ti��1111111 under Preliminary Order ...... 4.7726 .... . ......... approved .... , ......41,18 11 t IM ........ , ...... The Council of the City of bit, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement y proceeded with. is hereby ordered to be proc tl ph86ri 8 the �Pa19 2. That the nature of the limp rovement which the Council recommends is.. oP ohateworth,Sti f rom, H,ando4h,6St,6 to66Pleaeant Rvelto ooniom to the 411 464446/46,4 le hereto attaohed and made a red line on the yju�ro i part hereof the 46 t�i11i111111,111111111111;111„ 1111,1 111111111,1111111111111146416liiti iti, iti,ii ii t, t, it ti 11 i11ti said red line when established, ................. .............. .........................._........................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3.755.'9...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 23rd .... ....day of tT�I}p$xy........... 192.4— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....EC 2 2 1923 i 192 . DEG 2 2 19231 ............... ..........%. Approved.........................192...... erk. ........... ................ ......... Mayor. L Councilman Clancy ,,,- Councilman Ferguson 6,e- Councilman McDonald P9ter V Councilman NUMgudheimer V Councilman 9 41'�flr Councilman Wenzel V Mayor 33409M Nelson Form B. S. A. M /v!// ` 51 }t► � tea gtEeme tgaattn1Ia�a:, 9LLrl•'rf r s[pp2 f��o,raatt�1rt4 e t4e�Kr�idtas �o ui�eanrngr•..h;j; r�'fRa t�minhar drdet �{7787 SDP' , I b/ iT6e"-C'o.4db�lyyZ�;hb L9tY o£r`�.. _,,,. havinBcr( � . e'reRor4 0£.. e. r FILE NO ...... . ....... . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. Q4A4.Q=ip$. A ft • tt4}Gi`A$. •bA .e>�eaDtdnt • lA• fila • 1i3Ad• A849ABaTY 4 .A]Gps39s.. RT..411#R.PAO,1.1 10.AA.tk39..9-3Z@L5%3A6••Qf•413+��S63YQx��..gtc�egt.. from Randolph Street to Pleasant Avenue, ••••••„••••••••,•••••.•.•••... ............................................................................... ............................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 47..7 V ............... approved ....... A:1g r. •; 1 +• •�9 U • • • • • • • • • • • • The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..00ndemri• AItd take an easement in the land neoesssry Por slopes, for cuts and fills in theradin� oP Ohatswoith Street from Randolph Street to Pleasant Avenue''in accordance with the blue print hereto attached E:md made a .............................................. . part hereof,. the Matched portions showing the cuts and the shaded ................... portions showing the fills, ............ ........................._.................... 2000 . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.................. d Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 93X4 ...... day of J¢x�}1gFy• • ...., 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... DEC . .... • •, 192... DEC 2 2192 ... .. Approved........... .........192...... t erk. . ..................... . .. ... . ... ............. Mayor. Councilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald /CouncilmanSUM Peter h Councilman 7 Uiii SudeimeT / Councilman Wenzel Nelson /Mayor 1;%W Form B. S. A. 8-6 In the Matter of. f11-448jA6• •ChQ • g rs �� . QS..G&rTAll . AVa...STaoa .OxY0.rd . St...tA .. . Gh�tslPart�..St...tv..vq��or�a..tQ..tbe..rad..l�.ue..on.tba.txro.tl.7.e..h.eratv..�txa4hed and, made, a„pare„)tiQreof,, the,presQi}t, egteb}isl�gd„glr�dg, being, ehoyn,by.a blue line, also grading said Carroll Ave. between..the.points aforesaid in a000rdanos with said red ling when established, .......................... ....................................... . ...............................49os3................... a roved .... OCt.16,192j under Preliminary Order.............. pp ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the -above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. oh8nge ,the _grade„ of Carroll Ave. from Oxford St:to Chatsworth St -to conform to the red 1 ine . P.tl..WiQ . R �RSJlk9..ha Ffl Lo . lit ta.g}}�ci. aA� .1q�@. A. g�x t..1�er eQ$.a .the ,present established.gracie:being„ahotgn.by,.a, blue,line�„also grading. ,said _:.,,, Carroll, qve,, bet�RQen„the, points, aforesaid, in, j49.09rdanae, with..said .red., line when established, .... ......................................... ..............................�.......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th ereof is $. ,1216 . fi0 .... , Resolved Further, That a Qublic hearing be had on said improvement on the .... � Yr ........day of Jf1Ilt16 ry. , , , . , . '.192....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. s DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192 ..... ...� ........... .... ....`..... ......elk, , Approved.........j).EC 2 2.19Q�.192...... ty ..... Mayo r. / Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ✓ Councilman McDonald /Councilman ildxm= Peter /Councilman $sish Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel /Mayor l o5x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /�./' - - � �• �h st to c•{ �� 1n; - � e a pn 5( 4f�b COUNCIL FILE NO ............... I By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. f11-448jA6• •ChQ • g rs �� . QS..G&rTAll . AVa...STaoa .OxY0.rd . St...tA .. . Gh�tslPart�..St...tv..vq��or�a..tQ..tbe..rad..l�.ue..on.tba.txro.tl.7.e..h.eratv..�txa4hed and, made, a„pare„)tiQreof,, the,presQi}t, egteb}isl�gd„glr�dg, being, ehoyn,by.a blue line, also grading said Carroll Ave. between..the.points aforesaid in a000rdanos with said red ling when established, .......................... ....................................... . ...............................49os3................... a roved .... OCt.16,192j under Preliminary Order.............. pp ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the -above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. oh8nge ,the _grade„ of Carroll Ave. from Oxford St:to Chatsworth St -to conform to the red 1 ine . P.tl..WiQ . R �RSJlk9..ha Ffl Lo . lit ta.g}}�ci. aA� .1q�@. A. g�x t..1�er eQ$.a .the ,present established.gracie:being„ahotgn.by,.a, blue,line�„also grading. ,said _:.,,, Carroll, qve,, bet�RQen„the, points, aforesaid, in, j49.09rdanae, with..said .red., line when established, .... ......................................... ..............................�.......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th ereof is $. ,1216 . fi0 .... , Resolved Further, That a Qublic hearing be had on said improvement on the .... � Yr ........day of Jf1Ilt16 ry. , , , . , . '.192....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. s DEC 2 2 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192 ..... ...� ........... .... ....`..... ......elk, , Approved.........j).EC 2 2.19Q�.192...... ty ..... Mayo r. / Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ✓ Councilman McDonald /Councilman ildxm= Peter /Councilman $sish Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel /Mayor l o5x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /�./' 56-407 �,No�bpU4G1 rqY f Mt ytS,.fit a„�a�teltatFebndpmpitl� nnA SsR' y o a tasaihegt (t the IgnS a�ceV J, landiie 9arY itotriBiAf{iit3Carf Ave m tr�ouuaisvF'1`' thaPDFOVend PC�Pl`il Coyncil. oi, the COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. aondemnint � and taking an easement in he land; necessary for elopeg,outs,and fille,ia.the,Viand, neoe,�sary,,for„�rading,Cesroll.. from Oxford St., to„Chat,worth-MIA.................................................. ......................................................................... 49 o84 oot.16,i923 under Preliminary Order.......... .. ......approved .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. i?QA40M. A§Ad, ,V8;4e an easelaant in, the ,land,l}eoeaQary„for„slopesA, cuts, and, sills, in, the„ „land neoessary for grading Carroll Ave,„from Oxford St. to Ohatawortia St:;`. �, ,.�4oQxdaa4e..w th. tha.bl�s.pr=.her.eta.attaahed.and.Made.a.Put ..... hereof,,`,t4e„4.00e.4.pOxt.WA6..9bAW108..tha.vita.e showing the fills, ................................................. .................................................. ............................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...5,0.00, , , , , , , - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... �3rd....... day of January, , , , , , -,1 192, � — at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 2 2 1923 lye Adopted by the Council ......................... `- .. . am DEC2 21923 ...... ................. .... .... y ty Approved.........................192...... Clerk. .............. .Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy /councilman Ferguson /Co uncilman McDonald /Councilman AM I Peter 'Councilman SUN Sadhe imer ;/Councilman WenzNelson f Mayor WYW Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO....'.......... . By................................ t `R dld1g a*nda"< 83pa dg of I}z lity rr:oZ 50408 3.,qg' $ummif }fir zAddltlon fCoaG Lei ; ;>ington eve t�Oxford8y, under Pc }� 1 tithlanry OrderrA�984 ap�{ovod If kl ;Thi Coynhll b ibeoltf pf $t, bi<ving r�a�iv d thn roborent nil4elonet��,t�'►aafibe�gqyy6n,ff � Edi lmprpVomdn,t c`. �nItIX[nA+ a!1 BaidFrPpOk�,'h��'ek� r$gg1Y69 :� ' 'r. ,� TbAt fh'e sa d repoEt.,bn;t "y+la3A�rpi sp4i?%'in2,,i( `,'�s'<,ealdi iznrce' t -ir INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. RkteAglTtg..the. $Tads,. g>~ading •and • paying. nY. Allay. ia...... xoa►.kexiugtRu.Axenue..ta.Oxf.oxA.Atxeat, ................................................................................................ ............................................................... ........................................................................I.. under Preliminary Order ..........4.9934 .........approved...........Not7.2].,194............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and .having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be`and the same is hereby $pprbved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...AbAAg9..�11.9.910.0i grade and pave Alley in Bloak 37, Summit Park Additions from Lexington Avenue to Oxford••Street4................................................................ .................. .................................................................................. .................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,76549..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 2%ld...... day of Afutuary • • • • • • 192.4:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council, Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That.the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. DEC 2 2 1923 192• Approved, , ..... DEC 2 21923..,192. , .... .... Clerk. 1�-, .................. Mayor. t Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson ✓ Councilman McDonald /Councilman ItSMM,, Peter /Councilman S[odldt Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel J Mayor HWIMN Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 56469 ' � 0 AreLI»t^AL ObLdRRIA1R$' ARd1 tBrC ', an ms»ement 1R Rh�b�7rd Rsy I vs" rRPti&�A11R� RirT.j 34 ,0.d�a1[ m i.E7riR6FbR e_:' ..ii »Pk 1Y /1 ed No�rt» r 1 t �a sttrz»ra COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.................. .. ... ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. aQA4�amAing ,and , taking, an„ea$emeat• , in ,the , land_ n eo eaeary for grading and paving Alley in Block 37, Summit Park Addition, ............ ... ................ . from Essington Avenue to Oxford Street, ........................................... ................................................................:........................ .. ............................................................................ under Preliminary Order .......... .9935..••••••••approved i .... Nov. 27.,l. 92 3 .... ........... ••••• The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... ooAdemu and ,take ' Alle „ n„Qasement„#?,:thessa ,�and,neoery,for„grading and paving, in y "I..... �lnck. Summit. Park. Addltian...Ysom.bexington.A'wvo.t9. Q;IX9Xd Street, in ac o7rdance with the blue print hereto attaohed and made a part ...................................,.................. 1}�,r9of, ,t�}� ,l�atol}ed. pprti,Qi?g„r}1?QWing, the,ute, and, the, ashaded. portions Showing. the .f ills:....................................................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...20.00. , _ , , , , Resolved Further, That a ppblic hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 2rd....... day of January, , . , , , , „ 192, „, ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the -persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. pEC. 2.2.1923• • • • • • •, 192• • • • • . ........ Approved ........ DfiC 2 2.1923..192...... fr oc C y Clerk. . ......... .... .. Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy, ✓Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ✓ MAN AN Peter xCouncilman SNOM Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor 1Rid6 Nelson \ Form B. S. A. 8.6 U 4 ,8i3LVb 40174—'' vtt t 1XR 564 f 0 . IR gFhe;,Mattor ,ate oPR�7eaiR'• 1aAd,abPcoyrf4tlpg toY 14c° Putpo.ea,Lote 1•,to i6lReii<�. leaWwyReRnt �ltvead �Albtor .n - Dolrit,aPDFoz1¢iatalY,.F" L'° � ot��ter RortliartY ]laey�"''� –ABg76 syDro4b,��No�c.0r + COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. 40Ad1@tDR]rig...'I:4)aUg-AOCt-0PP=1W"-%1ng.sox.put11A..80b0A1. Purposes Lots l to 15 inoluaipe,, Block 22, , west, End, to„St.. Paul, ........ bounded,by, Pl�aeant Aqe;, and,A],bi,on,3.,,to,a,R90t„approximately,,,,,,,,, p 143 Yt. northerly of the northerl�l line of Rest Seventh St . ............... s ` . ............16,1� 23 ............... under Preliminary Order.......4��� ............approved Nov The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon,. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report a and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proled with, 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.0011de1>1r1�„ta$8 and incl sive Blook 22 `'� Rest nd to 9t. Paul, bounded bar Pleasant Ave. and Albion St. to a .............. point approximately 143 ft. northerly of the northerly line of !feet seventh St. , ................ .................... ................ ................... ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..45QQ + QQ....... Resolved Further, That a pyblic hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 2rd......day of January , 192, , , , ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.DEC , Adopted by the Council...... 2 21... t192 DEC 2 21923 .. ........Approved.........................192,...,. lerk. ....... Mayor. ,/Councilman Clancy uncilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ✓Councilman id>a0x Peter Councilman St khj 8udheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nel son f I y Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FII'.E NO...... 5647.1 By ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. reogAst;}}Qti;tg,,•reXr}g,$Fad..x�s�r.it8+•.�hBF.9.A�QSR81yY, aidsrralke.at.tQ.:fql}orlt?&.�491sLQA$3................................................ ~. South, side, of„Valley„ St .,,beginning, 100!„gest, oY, University„thence„1lfest 80' '4 South side of Fourteenth St between L!Orient„... and Broadway] VPest,81d8,0,�, Gaul,�iQT„$t.,begipning,at„)�µ;gQ�,�;r�'�,•,t�??1Qe.1�4utp,tq,alley j .................................. Novt 0,192 under �r�liminary Order The Council of the City of St, paul having received the roport of the 5MM1191 ar of Fluou 000 the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves, 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement `is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends iix oQ119 ;?Agti, e.1#y and repair, where necessary, sidewalks at following locations: South, tilde„gf,Vallsy„ $t.•l�egr}tying,�,QO!••yp$t,.q�•Ur}yersity, thence, West SO' South side of Fourteenth St. between L' ent St. and Broadway, •..•..... .................................... �• {Pest,sida,Gau],tier,St.,,beginning, at,$urgesQ,St,, thence„south, to„alley, ............................. A .................... .......... ....................... .. .... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0.:....07,per,equare foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ?3A..... • •day of Ja1D1d81'3( • • • ..... •, 192. .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated DEC 2 2 19-3 ., 1 Adopted by the Council....................... DEG 2 2 923 ..... .1 ...�.. ... .. . �. Approved.........................192...... ty Clerk. ..... ................ .......................... Mayor. /Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson F /Councilman McDonald ✓Councihnat1-Mat”:a Peter /Councilman Smith+ SU(L`teimar ��EEoouncilman Wenzel Mayor 'Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �' /J COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ........ ......... ...... __._� By .......... .... .:_.......................................... ................... _............... .... 50472 CITY OF ST. k't:vx Jti Si 1 M^ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a storm water drain on Chatsworth 3t. from Union 3t: to Lake Como, 43224 _._I Intermediary Order ........._ :................._43940_._........_____, under Preliminary Order .............:........................ ` 44247 Feb.24,..__�9�3......_........., v4 _ FinalOrder......................................................_........_........._, approved.......... - The assessment of ......... ......... .... @EP@A088.............for and in connection with the above improvement having been eubmllfed to fh e CounC�l, �►�d the Council h��ing mild 11M Ind found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the4......... _...... day of iialluary__,19.24...._......._......, :IlgdL- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of :the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 2— 19 2 3...... .......W 191........ Adopted by the Council ............ .........._.............._. . ... City Clerk. p EC 2 2 1923..._..._...191 _....... Approved ._.__..___.._......�___ ......_........ Councilman �I'� Clancy, „ .1 ✓ �9x�19Q� � ✓'�oDOnald >�gg��V�enze Mayor %/Nei eon Form B. B. 16 777 01rY-Or 11T' PAUL ' CUADRUPUCATH To CITY CLERK coos me o.._ Form D -H IM 18.88 PER........... .........._.-. rt Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the eMrep a amount of $.•.... • ►����� - checks umbered.............19781,,..,.„to,.,.....197..'.1..A.............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Clty Comptroller, yes ( d) Councilmen ( d) Nays. DEC 2 21923 ancy, Adopted by the Council .................................. 192 uson, . -......In favorF ✓ McDonald, Approved ..--e.. ...DEC 2.2 1923. ______ -192 -�-l&fflgou,— Sudheimer / Peter, - '� Wenzel. ... .. ---Against Mt!I'resident, Nelson c' Y % T ROsolvld ThAt ehecke'be diawp pa, '. ✓?hd ��yyfp •TreaeUrtyyto t the aHHreHate, - .p ' AmonhE' oL S6i'190.J6 covenclu chs.' :r . 44nimeed. 79..of,- o':+1R77S�Jncluelver ae - q'Dernra�tlflter of 4I checks on�Ale 1d r the'ottl-i bt a City Combtrcller� vAdoDtef{-bX tho Coonoll� 01 OTPPVWF�71N� 1 L a.. MIR; WIMP Mp►vmmmil •P. 9.43 a� AUDITED._..._ a Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....... ,186 a y5 ..:. _.. covens$ checks umbered.............19761 to 19773 ............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City';; Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen Nays. DEC 2 21923 ` �lancy' Adopted by the Council ...:........ •••••.•• Ltd' uson, In favor 192 VMcDonald, Approv .................D.0 195• k/Mewsor Sudheimer j ✓deter, ......................................................................................... sola /Wenzel, Mr, President, Nelson • r 19761 199\762 19763 19764 19765 Bethlehem Steel COMPAY, Water J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Bridge Bldg. & R. Docks, wharves, etc. Sprinkling L 1775 L 1802 L 1836 A L 1836 B L 1841 L 1847 L 1851 L 1858 Eng. & Insp. J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Schools Herman R. Ebert, Water Commissioner of Education Schools 10,8�3�32;� 16,288.95•: -' 3,855.34, 1,192.17'' 2,802.99 1,301.68 46.80 512.12 6.00 45.00 11520.65 27.12 1p273.04 712.56 832.56 531.20 - 1� t ' 10,241.48 1,453.17 - 1.04 • Res. 943 Page"4 31.67 19766 Grant Storage Battery Company, Schoolsy 12.00 19767 J. E. Lameyp Library J9768 Carlton F. McNally, CoPp6 Counsel 25000 Corp. Counsel 19769 Spencer P. L. Olson, 7.25 Civil Service 6.20 19770 Walter Salinger, Civil Service 19771 Supt.of Documents, .90 Schools 19772 Victory Printing Company, Debt Service Exp. 10.50 Y05.40 Fire 14.75 Schools n 10.00 17.00 18.75 Library u 19.90 14.50 19773 � Co��xo1 Board o i 14964;77 ,��` Board of Control Resolved that checks be drawn on the arty Treasury, to the aWtcbaW nuwu,,. • T- VyU checks numbered...... file in the office of the City 107774..............3...................................lnclnsive, as per rehister of et chocks on Comptroller. Yes (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. rk , dEC 221923 �Clency, Adopted by the Council..........._..... 192 v Ferguson, ..... ....... In favor McDonald, Approved.....................QiG-.2.2.1923 192.. Sudheimer �igrsort� Peter, 9, /VJenzel. ....Against Mr, President, Nelson a l S '4G ReeolvCiL T C Che eg the asB6SetWW a: " tha CItY ,'rteeeuTF nrnouat of 811 �p0a8 49-CCYeb�p6 q ahePk on}41e� fn lthabptSk oL ttie CItY' ,`., GgfnotTotler Che�Goanoni�reC' f�' 19�E' AP , iA proems A T IM. U. ER=E otzr or'az. roc. '� �OUADRUPLIGT[ TO City CLERK Domoan 0._.w_ 50 1� >F. I}94 Uf 19-rt - - . r , y S ` fI COM Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£--alai a ........ ........ COVe17Ag checks numbered.................�Q�% i----.to.-------7SX1------ '--.......inclusive, as per :eti ter of c file in the office of the Ctty r ' Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 2 2 1923 t/ Adopted by the Council.. ............... .... .192 Clancy. Ferguson' McDonald ! Approved. ........... . ......EC ................... �l�t'son 5udheimer Peter, I Wenzel. President, Nelson I' ' �., F,teeolved. 'SMC `dlieoke ,be:dea'An out - it t4e..Cit7j Tressnr� - toltds :a66!'eeaa_ x 'agloont, ol,� 11.9$0;.001 ooverintn%:cDecY! - r nutpbered 39760 {as+tror regtetar o! °ftyj " i LeClce�e ,qts In the oRloe otfLe. t GT' � ComOti011er � yn is [ �, ` t � Adopted b>•�ftle Connell (.Dec, 32 I99� � Pvnroyed. (D ¢ie�isulr»,1 i ORIGINAL TD '. -: '• �_: 61TM �"R OFFICE OF THE ..COMPTROLLER COOTCILNO ...._.5Q�'�..� Form AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM D•84 1M 12.22 aL. 942i� CO fRRd-LER..... AUDITED.......... .� ►At..._.._ ... ... ._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of E ..UO-,--••-••- covenn8 19760 xxx -----• -----.-inclusive, m xe$ister of ci checks on ffie in the office of the City checks numbered --.-..._...... ................ to -- ty ° Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nuys. C 41923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council----._p ----� 192 Farbuson, In favor pEG 2 [ 1923 McDonald, App ed-_- -- -- - 192. •• , �— Sudheimer —Peter,.-Against ' )WORWenzel. - ... Mr. President, Nelson ...----...---•...---- ••----.....-•--•----- j 19760 Grant-.9Deborne, 1,986.00 Water s ry. I � sY o1r: of IT, riuG ..,� r 1ILt ay'I : i FAV EJGM..... n AUDIT[D... _................. _........._.......lit.....__.. I Resolved that checks be drawer on the City Treasury, to the am"abate amount of -•ZJ+� �� �°�Ag ' checks numbered.........._1-�V-......... w.......a Q'151�...............inclusive, as Per iEblatar of city checks an file in the office of aha City l; Comptroller. Yea ( ✓)Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ✓ClencY, Adopted by the Council..........p f.0 2.2-19?3 192 - v Ferbuson,�.In favor ; 'McDonald, / ..: Approved. ............. . -DE�1.22.1923 ---- -- - ---- p1mr, Sudheimer v Peter, ....4sinat /Vill,dm�,Neleon a s s ✓ vxt A C >3ptLl�oc int--tHE k U.arawa en 4s]lesiltved�u4� e�;$tqe a6sr� tii tee r� Yr di" ofi -amo nt= of -k iT 6169 baT4 - 4iniun rid; 11496 to"ihhxkan:on 1epatOr o! at y �p�ptcoiler ' ` na� ce o�'L6e' {then,?Des-if n9it. r r� Agprp�tedDec, fi aaiLw c3 K ,,�• t r tit ,f • Rea, 941 Paget 211.94 19702 Minnesota News Company, - Library 19703 Minnesota Pattern works, 14«88 Fire 19704 National Bureau of Economic Research, 3.10 Library 22.50`: 19705 H. G. Neal# Schools 19706 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 203.30 Fire Fire 66.00 52,71 rial hi hwa s ��� g � 6;69 St, C. & R, 28,76 Bridge Bldg. & R. 11.00 n u 3.08 19707 North Central welding & Vulcanizing Company, 44.00 1 Lighting 19708 Northern States Power Company, 33.06 2,645.07 Munic. Emp. Bureau 69.53 Health Schools 224.15 Library 1,759.33 Lighting 7.92 Auditorium 551.08 19709 Northwestern Collapsible Carrier Company► 42600 Library 19710 W. S. Nott Company, 26.40 Fire 19711 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 162056 Poliee 3050 ++ 16,05 Fire 1.75 .54 +Health 1.80 n 10.50 u 9.90 n 5.85 5 n 112.67 162055 19712 Noyes Brothers & Cutlers 45,13 Schools 11,25 ++ 2035 ++ 4.08 n 6460 Playgrounds 170 Sprinkling, 660 Water 7 { t' r i14 Ress 9J1 Page 16172 '� 19713 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, Fire 9.00 19714 Ohmam & Lorenz, Library 19715 Orange Judd Farmer, l'oo ' Library 19716 Oriental Laundry 22.85 24,56) Health Schools 1.71 e 19717 The Papr Supply Companyi Library 19718 H. Peltz & Son, Partic. Certs. 7.50 222'50 Acct, forms, etc. 15.00 u u 71.50 Police 44.50 Bureau of Engrs. 8.75 St. C. & R. 22.00 Sprinkling 12.00 Water 41.25, or 19719 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 32082 Park Refeotorlea Water 12,00 19720 R. L. Polk & Company, 336.00 City Clerk 12.00 Corp. Counsel 12.00 Purchasing Department 12.00 C.P.1r,-Gen. Adm. 12.00 Police 96.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 24.00 Health 12.00 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 24.00 Schools 24.00 Library 72.00 Park -Adm. 12.00 Yater 24.00 TSM. 19721 Powers Motor Car Company, 7.62 Garage 19722 Pr att's Express Company, 100 Bureau of Parks 19725 Pure Oil Company, 65460 19724 Purity Bakery, 988 Sohools 19725 Quayle & Kelley, 120.60 Water 4 `p Res. 941 Page #4 : a 19726 F. W. Ramaley, Library 33.20 19727 Raverty Brothers$ Water 71.21: ; 19728 Raymer Hardware Company$ Eleotion Expense x'34 Fire 7483 Arterial highways 1,20 Bridge Bldg. & R. 4.70 n n 3.10 Schools .75 Sprinkling 2.28 • P. Bldgs. Revl. .48 .69 L 1836 Nater45.88_ -7%ri 19729 J. H. Rhodes & Company, 31.01 Schools 0 ' pp IV� 19731 W�tar Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 5.00 Health 19732 St.Marie Cigar & News Company, 326.10 Library 19733 St.Paul Auto Laundry Company, 6.00 Fire 19734 St.Paul Auto Top Company, 5.95 Sprinkling 19735 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 420.03 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. .72 Police 3.47 Health 16.20 Bureau of Engrs. 3.60 St. C. & R. 10.50 Schools 2.20 " 1.91 Library 44.05 n 96.21 ++ 99.56 ++ 9.00 n i 70.62 ++ 2.76 +� 37.90 Pla grounds 1.50 1.60 Water 18.23 88.00 19736 St.Paul Bumldera Material Compeay, 57.20 Arterial highways Forestry Revl. 5.80 L 1683 25.00 Res. 941 Page #5 12.25 `. 19737 St,Paul Carriage Works, garage' 19736 2t,Paul Eleotro Plating Works, Fire 19739 St.Paul Foundry CompanyPay. 12.0 R. t) Sewer R. 5160 Bride Bldg. & R. 29.00 7.20 L 1688 23.10 L 1763 6.00 78.00 1847 l5 ater 314.49 ` 19740 St.Paul Gas Light Oompallb 204.81 Fire Pol. & F. Alarm 109.68 314* r' 19741 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 22,93 351.65,`- Fol. & F. Alarm 31.17 Health 21.10 2.16 u „ 9.83 n 12.24 n 5.70 Arterial highways 89.75 78.07 Workhouse Schools Library 1.47 7 19742 St.Paul MachineFie Works 4.20 41.70 St. C. & R. 37.50 41 .70 19743 St.Paul Milk 9.50 Schools lsany, eho 119744 St.Paul Paper Company, 4.64 67.94 Bureau of Engra. 63.30 Schools 19745 Scott., Fore sman Company, 228:.35 r' Schools 216,10 19746 A. p. Smith Mfg. Company, Water ' 19747 H. C. Struehen, St. C. & R. (Pan.) 14.40 19748 Taylor Instrument Compgay, 82.67 Water 19749 Seth Thomas Clock Company, 8.81 Schools Res. 941 Page #6. 19750 Edward Thompson Company, Corp. Gounsel 19751 University,of Chioago Press, Library 19752 University Extension Division, Library 19753 University of Minnesota# Library 19754 Vermont Printing Company, schools 19755 Volkezeitung Printing & Publishhn 6panh Now Webstsr SA001 0nd 19756 Wanderer Printing Company, New Webster School(Bond) 19757 Washburn -Crosby Company, Workhouse 19758 Wood Craft Company, Sohools 19759 Jozeph Zoohp Water CSF No 60478-6rdinance No. 62263 �p(� ''.,O By N J. Peter— An ordinance granting to Henry Mllne permission to Install a otirbJ pump at 1330 JVhlte Bear avenue The Council of the Clty of does brdaln; / SECTION 1. That permission and . hereby granted to F Install and malnfei,,i / IuAl11ng p - An ordinance granting tV Aenry T. Milne permission rto install a curb pump at 1330 White Bear avenue THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Henry T, Milne to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline fill- ing station at 1330 White Bear avenue; and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said curb pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions; (1) The said curb pump shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspedtion, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the Cit of st. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00, conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said curb pump. 8 aid bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed .with the City Comptroller. ,(3) Said curb pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. JAN 101924 Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Fergusond -Mca P eter Sudheimer Wenzel 4 v 1 t Mr. President (Nelson) A rov Attes Mayor City erk COUNCIL FILE NO.. By.......................... FINAL ORDER 501147 In the Matterof....P�>ving St.C1+�1r .at Yroro..,E4.1.a.1.o;�...Axe .....to..0.1-ay.eland..Ave, incl�cii�}.. ... dna...;�...S�.Az3��t3.G.i.�UUIi...x'.ram..atxeaL..rnain�...tQ................. '{Rye {jp,, �(rIrI1` (( �ytj '1M nryyV V r iiffiiri.if i ................nn.,,,,.,,.,............... .,.„ ....... ........uuu......W.... llllll IIII�������IIIII .pliVl�l ..�T1V8W ... C:(1C11�9.�....�Yh8x0,,.n.ao s r��................................................... under PreliminaryOrder ....................�+5 ... 4 ............. approved ............�x-2e1�21..--------------------------------- )I ........ IntermediaryOrd gt................:............_.................... approved......................................_.................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all �ersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it • RESOLVED By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to a made by the said City is..F`we_ St.C'_fir...St...Pr�r�...Ftp>. v.�.eyy..Ave............. ]m ro ^ d..A.v..e.........i:+�.JuJing...seer.,...squ.te.x...l�ud..baa...cannec.tir�ns.......... atraet main;I...t�...k�ro�. ,rt.Y;.l ri s...�ouplate.,...rt�er4...cue................ and .......... .r ..............._..._ ..... - ............................................ ...................... . G, .. : .................................the Co' ............._............:............... and the Council hereby orders said im ro� ......... ement to be de. RESOLVED FURTHER, That mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to Prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEC 2 61923 Adopted by the Council ............................................. ........ !. ....... .....T•.•".� City Clerk. Approved..191 ........... ....... ........• .... .................... --/ ......................... - Mayor. � Councilman FgSAg ,,ciur:ay 'y �� Councilman MW ✓f r 1,1 / • - Councilman yj r-1,611- �f c " r Councilman l; ✓Peter CouncilmanMUM Sudhei:rar Councilman ]PUMA !�enzel Mayor 1Ws Nelson Form B. S. A. 8 'IHo ,60477 t'ie Matter oi' y� �! m P'alrvleW'A ' 'ctlon '7. EF ,11d ede;�aleo'cur A BUyroa, ," W �•IzoQ .T' ,, FINAL ORDER 501147 In the Matterof....P�>ving St.C1+�1r .at Yroro..,E4.1.a.1.o;�...Axe .....to..0.1-ay.eland..Ave, incl�cii�}.. ... dna...;�...S�.Az3��t3.G.i.�UUIi...x'.ram..atxeaL..rnain�...tQ................. '{Rye {jp,, �(rIrI1` (( �ytj '1M nryyV V r iiffiiri.if i ................nn.,,,,.,,.,............... .,.„ ....... ........uuu......W.... llllll IIII�������IIIII .pliVl�l ..�T1V8W ... C:(1C11�9.�....�Yh8x0,,.n.ao s r��................................................... under PreliminaryOrder ....................�+5 ... 4 ............. approved ............�x-2e1�21..--------------------------------- )I ........ IntermediaryOrd gt................:............_.................... approved......................................_.................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all �ersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it • RESOLVED By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to a made by the said City is..F`we_ St.C'_fir...St...Pr�r�...Ftp>. v.�.eyy..Ave............. ]m ro ^ d..A.v..e.........i:+�.JuJing...seer.,...squ.te.x...l�ud..baa...cannec.tir�ns.......... atraet main;I...t�...k�ro�. ,rt.Y;.l ri s...�ouplate.,...rt�er4...cue................ and .......... .r ..............._..._ ..... - ............................................ ...................... . G, .. : .................................the Co' ............._............:............... and the Council hereby orders said im ro� ......... ement to be de. RESOLVED FURTHER, That mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to Prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEC 2 61923 Adopted by the Council ............................................. ........ !. ....... .....T•.•".� City Clerk. Approved..191 ........... ....... ........• .... .................... --/ ......................... - Mayor. � Councilman FgSAg ,,ciur:ay 'y �� Councilman MW ✓f r 1,1 / • - Councilman yj r-1,611- �f c " r Councilman l; ✓Peter CouncilmanMUM Sudhei:rar Councilman ]PUMA !�enzel Mayor 1Ws Nelson Form B. S. A. 8 G1TT Or /T. PAUL �'�-�, ra��pARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORTMMISgr ICOER OF FINANCE Ole RY ORDER PF2Et.IMIN�► Pavin€T St Clair S� - 8 P- �- from Fairview Avenue to Cl6velaxic3 P venue, In the vaat�er of r a s connections from street mains t. o property rn i �-; c ludins� sewer water a T -s c3 JU 1 Z18a COMp10te where Z10 - �:3L3: made, also curbing and drive-___ zv $v apvroaC.hes wher6 rn*-- c g s ary under Preliminary Order approved ilia- 2 3-s 23. — - ---- - -- To the Cozaacil of the City of St. Paul: Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ss follows: 'lh3ie total estimated amount of the -Ssweat for the above improvement is IR T 3 Crg o s o Brick laid ;.sphalt or e Plat Asphalt. Concrg -t--e Seven in. Concrete. paving F�10 c 1�� --- 2.36 4.99 3.92 To �.a1 6q. Yd. E3 _ ©� 2,306.00 , 3 , 273 . 00 j 4 :,; 18 O O _-3�ei-sections 5 , O ,167.00 18,546.00 s 27,534.00 `j 21,631.00 p;-aperty Share `} 33, 1e� 00 ;> 21,346.00 24 j31,701.00 s904.00 ter- o t a 1 a38, 182. O O 2.34 - �• r opt- ft-:-- __--�--=---� d For Cement curb t� he �� e �o -t in 60� per lin. ft. each 1,170.00 eo .-APs c--_ �� 6'Sew-r— - c-Tc2i�or--L - s 7� _..140: ZS_-- 3 c3 for 3/4" waterc-tons each - -- 9 2 do 400 10 2 do 400 East 3 ft. of 13 Sc f 14 2 Salet Addition 575 475 - 13 2 do _ (Except East 3 ft Form B. B. 10 CITY OF •T. PAUL ID6PARTMENT OF FINANCE • �° REPORT O_ F COMMIS ICER OF FINANCE O • N PRELIMINARY ORDER 1k In the matter of Paving St. Clair �traet from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, including sewer wat P and gas connections from street mains to property 'lines complete, where � o t already made, also curbing and paving drive- way approaches. ecaSsarY. parce as rast 'reportea y t e Assessor, follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4• 2 14acalester Place 3,675 5 2 do 2P925 6 2 do 75© 7 2 do 400 8 2 do 400 9 2 do 400 10 2 do 400 East 3 ft. of 13 Sc aL -739 =1- of 14 2 Salet Addition 575 (Except East 3 ft 13 2 do 475 Porm B. B. 10 TOTAL, cgT OP !r. PAUL, �•- UEPARTMMMIr OF FINANCE t( REPORT 01= COMMISONER OF FINANCE • ON PRF -L-A AjR Y ORDER (B)• O ESGRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,.A M- O�t 12 2 Sa1et Addition 525 11 2 do 525 10 2 do. 4 375 9 2 do 525 8 2 do 575 28 2 Berrykllll Place, St. Paul 600 Minn. do 4 00 27 2 26 2 do 400 25 2 do 400 24 2 do 400 23 2 do 4 00 22 2 do 4 00 21 2 do 4 00 20 2 do 4 00 19 2 do 4 00 18 2 do 4 00 17 2 do 400 3-66 2 do 8 50 Lots 15 and (except Prior Ave.) 24 8 Unc3evwood's Third Addition St. Paul, SOO to the City of 500 23 8 Ramsey Co., Minn. - - - --- -- ' 2Q 8 _.-.- do --- 500 21 8 do 500 20 8 do 500 - 19 8 do 500 18 8 do S 00 17 8 do TOTAL = 500 c�ry of sr. r^IJL --'� - OEPARTM ENT OF FINAN GE � �1 )F2�PpIF=2T 0>` GOMMISS_IONER OF FINANCE ON PREL[�A�N Y ORDER UESGRIPTIOs�t LOT BLOCK A��ITION Lots 13 to 3L E5 8 7Ur3.c3erwooc3' s Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, ZS 8 Ramsey C o , Minn. 14 8 do . 13 8 a o 24 7 d o Z 1 Auditoris. Subdivision ISo� 58, St. Paul, Minn. 2 1 d o -5 1 do 4 1 ci o 5 1 d o 6 1 d o 7 1 do 8 1 do g Z do e 10 1 do Z1 1 do 12 1 do 13 1 do 14 1 do 15 1 do --- --do- -- - -- 17 1 do 1S 1 do 1-9 1 d o 20 1 do 1 Lanes View - TOTAL yAL�cc � AVON Soo 500 500 500 a'000 1,975 2,400 1, 900 1, 900 j-'900 400 2,400 400 400 3-'900 1, 900 400 400 5,250 3-,900 400 400 1,900 400 525 650 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j F2 FORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIIGIINYa'RY ORDER LOT BLOCK ' ADDITION V/\St.S.0 ATION IDESGRIPT(011i 2 Lanes View 400 do 4 00 3 d 4 00 4 o do 400 5 do 400 6 do 400 ' 7 do 400 8 do -100 9 do 400 3-O r 400 - 11 do 4 00 1 2 do do 4 00 13 4 00 14 do pl parcel of ��- =tea ��T� n� yJest of and Adjoining Lot 14, etil Lanes Vie:W -- boui�c� d cn the =^rest by t,:e:: :.ve. on the south by the on t e 110ri _� _-� -- - r S''� - Clair St. , and £ Sec. 9, Town 28 Range 23. 825 north line c> �� Z �-ey part o 1 1 Robert L. -ware's Addition 2 300 4 00 2 1 do -100 3 1 do 400 4 1 do -100 5 1 do 4 00 400 7 1 do 4 00 8 1 do 4 00 9 1 do - 400 10 1 do TOTAL GtTY O>= ST_ PAiJL _ - CEPA RTM ENT OF FINANCE , � REPORT OF COMMiSSIbNER OF FINANCE • ON PRIII= IL ORDER (c) v DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 1 Robert L_ ware's fiddition 12 1 do 13 1 do 14 7 do 15 1 do 1 �� rl�g ley Place 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 3o 0 ASSESSED VALUATION 400 725 400 400 r 400 1,000 625 625 6-25 625 625 2,325 6�7 7�r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has iavestigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to, the Couacil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dated-- Cormnissioner of Finance. Fm B. B. 12 ` d ]► fi i S _ baud Minn. �.'<..........192: To The Honorable, The Council, — City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ri rs, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to b c �—� ade: �G ..._�'2 - ......................... from......... ��:��............------------------------------------------ zo---............ .......... .._._...._._. _�( L_-t £. �L— r- iF. Av c NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION p 9� � �1rCL�tiLr� /c' � - > •, rr � rr RECEfVE Office of the 'Commissi4nei of Public Woxks not s/ Report to Commissioner of Finance ocr sl i9ae --- 0ot. 30+ 1923. -----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46604 Yay 2+ 1823 _191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.________!_ approved________________ the av of St. Clair St. Srom Fairviea Ave. to Cleveland Ave. - - -----p--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and - -and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is------- ---necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attaohed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______ and the total cost thereof is $________----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------- 5. Said improvement is____________ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / / - - -%__---------- ---------------- - - oner of Public V- William 3. f rtrr, eammissisaur . t 3 �E r m�tci of public (situ of Saint Paul M.S. ORY ISAK. SWIMS KNGINm A. K. SHARP. BUR. of SANRATNNI D. P. "OWLIN. SUR. W WORKHOUSE October 29, 1923. 'OKDRGK M. SHEPARD. CNIV MMOOMM WM. N. CARRY. SUR. DP COHSMUCr1 AND RQAIR GL H. HKRAOLD..prIQ. AND Cr" PLANING KNDMR Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commisoloner of Public W0r7c8. Dear sir, ]tic SUM, $rgatu (Lem' ' wiOn" �QtitB I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for %he .paving of 3t.. Clair at. Bram Fairview Ave. to Cleveland Ave., from street mains to I including Bower, water and gas property lines complete, where aonneotions not already made, aleo ourping end paving driveway approaches, w?slere neoeeUary, under Preliminary 2, 1928: Order 0. F. #46504, approved Iisg Length 2666 ft. Width o: roadway 40 ft. Frontage 4780 ft. " A atrest 66 aj- Oreosotea Brick laid Asphalt or seven inch can or. Concrete PavinB Blocks Plat Asphalt _ Total 84. Yd. 6.01- ----4.99 8.92 8.86 Intersections 6,018.00 * 4,167.00 81278.00 $,806.00 Property Share 83.164.OA * 27,534.00 21.631.00 18.540.00 T o t a l 88,182,00 814701.00 24,904.00 21,346.00 Front ft. 6.42 - -5.24 3.99 - __2.84 - (Ourb extra) Add for Oement curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. "6" Sower oonneotion8 8 soh $70.00 IS 40.25 3/4" Water Yours truly, Approved for tranomiesion the commissioner of Fiasaae. er 1�ngineer. to h // �� Gomm nor oY gn-bl:LQ Works. ty'4R a ip s FIN a • I+: t TO THE -COMMS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PALB: Whereas, the material to be used in paving St. Clair Street from Fairview to Oleveland is rather indefinite. we the. undersigned owners of property on St. Clair Street petition your honorable body to'use brick as the material with,whioh to pave this street. This being a ear track street with grades and a narrow roadway, we feel that a substantial permanent pavement should be laid* We have given thie matter of material serious thought. and have finally decided on brick. dd �. ea � . ......... .... . ...... . . . . �adLLs«B /pOd -W �uit�to t/ .: f C�A t 40 ... , . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ;. 1 4` t` .Co 7V/ no 44 f i3 -L l . � aff . / . ! . kP p8 a� / //-1 � �. D� r Yla". .J � 0V � � i ' I f1; Cpl. ✓ s44 4Tf i .kY a C" J s ,��-� S vax i'�tT �5 3�'^•� .yyc !'J ,A�>f W1 i� . r yr7��ie s .C.. AID' r'q{'�,1 'w rpm •.a}`�q,4 �itiu �ti •Y}• rC�_ai w u�+4F1iS'?E`%J�.�t �,pi"7 >. k f 7 t ;t�f .1 J lid 7nµ Sl`i¢tf? ail �Ji e r'.i 41'7 t+y", xt`� �� '��4 Yisrwc fit, Fs' +l4 rpt.j4# ¢!}��_ i v`�+u�v- I r Ityltl ttlf t�,�, � I.S`•'f1.� ]��a .fin%,. a. '�,u��, ��'.� a}'3 n TO OOMON MOIL OF THE OITY OF STo PAULt I whereas, the Materig to bi alld"in Paliq 9t# 016ir street from Fairview to Olevelend is rather indefinite, we the andireignid. owners of property on St. Clair Street petition your honorable body to use briok as the material with which to -pave thts straet. This being a`ear traok Street with grades and a narrow roadways we feel that a substantial permanent pavement should be laid. We have given this matter of material serious thought, j and have finally decided on brick. New AddreBe ................................... 1 1 I I 1 �I�I�Illlllllllllllllllillllll C April 3rd, 1929• Hon. C. J. McGlogaa, Commissioner of Finance. Building. Dear Commissioner: A letter from property owners on St. Clair Street petitioned the Council to reconsider an order passod necember 25th, 1933 for the paving of S t.Clair Street from Fairview to Cleveland Ivenuos and amond the onid order to provide for a 54 foot pavement rr„ instead of forty foot. The Council ordered an informal hear- ing on the matter of reconsidering the final or"i"gin En;*it as suggested: and requested that you send oat noticea to property owners. Very truly yours, City Clerk. To the Hon. Mayor & City Council-: Gentlemen. We the undersigned property owners herewith petition your honorable body to reconsider your order passed Dec. 26th. 1923 for the paving of 5t. Clair $t. from Fairveiw to cleveland Ave. and that the width of the paving be measured from the 40 foot to the 54 ft. line and that the work be done during the season of 1928. Respectfully yours 0 SPR 2 9 az AM IrEI CITY' CTE V :";i: Pp. ul l EMERSON 1910 'EM ERSON 3900 , REUBEN L. ANDERSON PLUMBING AND HEATING WAYNE HOME EOUIPMENT SON. OP OURTO LARGE PLUMBING w ^�OpR ^ON V RACTORMECHANICAL OIL BURNERS REFRIGERATION RECENT INSTALLATIONS. 1034 ST. CLAIR STREET WATER SOFTENERS ^ BROWN 6 BIGELOW BLDG. ST. PAUL, MINN. ALL GAS APRIANCES PENCE AUTO CO. BLDG. LOWRY HOTEL, 339 BATHS COLLEGE MBT, 31st. 1928 MACALESTER DORMITORY To the Hon. Mayor & City Council-: Gentlemen. We the undersigned property owners herewith petition your honorable body to reconsider your order passed Dec. 26th. 1923 for the paving of 5t. Clair $t. from Fairveiw to cleveland Ave. and that the width of the paving be measured from the 40 foot to the 54 ft. line and that the work be done during the season of 1928. Respectfully yours 0 SPR 2 9 az AM IrEI CITY' CTE V :";i: Pp. ul An ordinance granting to Henry T. Milne permission to install a curb pump at 1330 White Bear avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIZd: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Henry T. Milne to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline fill— ing station at 1330 White Bear avenue; and the commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said curb pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said curb pump shall be installed under the supervision'and direction of said commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspedtion, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the 01ty of St. Pau in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (010,000.00 , conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property, on account of or arising from ofasaaiidt urbtipump.mainaid bond shalltbeninpsuchnce formrasemay1 be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said curb pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pasge.ge and publication. Passed by the Council 'Yeas Nays � Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald P t W er Sudheimer Wenzel Mr."Ptesident (Nelson) Attest +,y City Cler Approved Ma�'or ARTHUR E. NELSON, MATO.. CNMAMAN J. M. CLANCY. COY, - PINANC[ ' L. R. S. FERGUSON. CON. w EOIPanOH J. H. MCDONALD. COM. M P,— Lh—.. W M. J. PETER. COM.O PV UC WO.a. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. COM. w P—C SALTY H. C. WENZEL. _ — PO.UC Bu1LGwTO �w�O GEORGM.EM. SHEPARD, W. T. MARCH. SGPT. — P— C. PCOIaO.AnaM Caws E. M. SKIPTON. Cm COMPrnsL.A the CUM f lanning boars of Saint Paul, flinuesota 301 UP gull GEORGE H.'HERROLD. MwtNO1Rp Dl.mtal Alo ENOINmI 9 December 210t, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. B U I L D I N 0. Dear sir :- With regard to application of Henry T. Milne for'permission to install a curb pump gasoline filling station at 1330 White Bear Avenue. This is accessory to the existing filling station for which a two year permit was granted by the Council on March 22nd, 1923, and may be granted as part of that permit without another public hearing. By direction of Commissioner Peter. Yours very truly, City Plang neer. GH -M 11, LOUIS BETZ,V—V CIIAI.MA. MRS. P. N. CARDOZO J. E. CARROLL F A. C. FLOAN H. J. HADLICH E. L. MCADAM C. A. MAGNUSON M. G. MUELLER fY1 MISS BESSIE PEARSON P. M. REAGAN J. A. SEEGER A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. J. VO.— WEYER Dear sir :- With regard to application of Henry T. Milne for'permission to install a curb pump gasoline filling station at 1330 White Bear Avenue. This is accessory to the existing filling station for which a two year permit was granted by the Council on March 22nd, 1923, and may be granted as part of that permit without another public hearing. By direction of Commissioner Peter. Yours very truly, City Plang neer. GH -M St. pawl, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson; - Returned herewith is the application of Henry T. Milne for permission to instal a curb pump gasoline filling station at 1330 White Bear Ave. This location has been inspected and anditis therefthe Bureaus eerecommended by this Department Police Departme t that permission be granted. yo s ery , commissioner of Public Safety a BUREAU OF POLICE POLICE FFI C£ OF now 0 wcnecN - - NATIOM/L .Y.LAu ID[MTIIICATiON FRANKW.SOMMER sairil� Paua,Min-n. w"s D.L:.roN CKISD a December 14, 1923 George C. Sudha-Inzex-, Commissioner, of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Henry T. Milne for peranis s ion to -Inst a1 a curb gasoline pump at 1330 GVhit e Boa ar Ave . , you are advised that Captain Gebhar- t, w3zo made this investigation, re- ports that this pump vwi11 not interfere with traffic. Very tx.U17 yours, FLX-axzlk w Sommer, S/W Chief of Police ' RALPH CARNEY WILLIAM C. BARRON ASST CHIEF INSPECTOR CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GEO C. SUDN EIMER. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Deas 7, 1923. gon. C_- eo _ O. Sudheimer, Com. c>z Pubes Safety, Court Hauser CITY. Dear S :3- s In regard to application of Henry T. mlln6 2330 V.rhite Bear Ave.,for permission to install and a curb pump filling station on city prop gr-t.,;5T at the foregoing address. I have investigated this application in regzrcl to the fire hazard relative to surrounding props— �y ar_d recomaend that permission for station be gra'1 -t; e3 as no serious menaoe would be created by its inert Respectfully Yours, WB/ 3 CHI BF Iz?S T OR. 'Original - CITY OF SAU%rr PAUL. application to made in dupueste and - - OFFICE OFTHECITY CLERIC -submitted to. the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. For p For AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION A nt;oe m• a ..cam.. Application No. • ! ., .:.. , . Form No. 1 3 3 -z� j. i -., t� 19; '. At street Number d Setces. To the Hoao��bl.: City Council Date Number of Gas of S - of Saiat Pass4� " Minesota n APPLICATION IS HERESY MADE ' .. BY—o1 Firm or Individual - .. - Licease -to 4ZP ate and Maintain ( n ompliance With Ordinance 5266) For p For A nt;oe m• a ..cam.. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located 1 3 3 -z� j. i -., t� At street Number d Setces. Number of Gas of S - Number of Tanks to be Installed TarCapacity Pumps to be Install Receltved at office of City Clerk .. s,Cas APPH t • Buaieear Addy— ` APPROVED APPROVED �pYROVED � I A3 TO FIRE HAZARD' ;wA'S TO STREET TRAFFIC % -Z 7 193.3 Dat Date - ojzPubuc Safety. ubtic Safety_ Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. 1PPROVED PPROV ED PASSED 19— APPROVED 19 .19— Date _ 19_ Date - ORDINANCE NO. - PERMIT NO.--- O. —Works. W—k—LICENSE NO. Approval wztlzlzeld on account of -i 19 and applicant so notified by letter dated \ Department of 9:aw GITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON P. McNALLY cow TaN CAwsR e ., wplfTAwT wTTowfJIIYs _ ARTHVR A. S WART E{_JGENE M. O'NEILI_ ' REECE J. MeG EE LEWIS L. ANOER30N December 22nd,°1923. '— Mr. Henry 0180n, City Clerk. Dear Herewith I transmit for presentation to the Council, ordinance granting permission to Henry T. Milne for curb pump at 1330 White Bear avenue. Yours truly, orpora "U�`�ge� v fi dj - '' "�� ? , i >'t � t Y c - � _ i� �° _ .. .. ,,.,�.�r.:�` L�� I � ��%�W✓ �..�... ��� � � � , . :, 5-� �� i J� II ..r WApRUPLIGr[ "�'. 504"19{ f I— D-31 Lit 1127 I /{ 1 ... .. .;COM..... .... AUDITED-. ... _. .:.: :.._ ..__._:..._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _------_------------ checks numbered 39809 .............. to.:_........................__.inclusiveas per register of -city checks on file in the office of the Ctty • Comptroller. Yea (✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. DEG 2 G 1923 LY Clancy, "s f Adopted by the Council-------- _---------------------------- ------ -- 192 vFerguson, favor McRaftd ; Approved. ----------- - ---.:..tj c�'i 2 �'i}�� 192 iVM-t-- Sudheimer Wenzel. L./Mr. President, Nelson ✓ �Reaolbed Th4x c�feekB be dr4l�wa on� �- �- Lhe CItY Treaeurp x0 "iheYcaB eQat§. A. ,r. gBtr amountvf 5140 90. eoverlgg eheck'nuin n bared 39809 -es ger a gglacer of blty .. Aecke"on dle:la he OC(1Re of the i/ny • Comat;oiler {�'}1doDted by t'Ie Con 11.�DOR SB 1988; - 1 ADDSoved,iDpo. 88923 fI } ig �RIGIRILL. TO CITY CLERK Form. D•84 1M 12.22 n , 948 gco........ AVC,I7EC _....... .._._.__... ........... 192......_ � (j///\py /� ✓ '. ... ..... _....... .. ....._ ».__ ...... 140.90covering.:' Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Tmasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ------ _-------------------- --------------------- , checks numbered.. -...._.1..9$119 ---------- ...to ........................ ....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. b DEC 2 61923 Clancy, / Adopted by the Council ------- - ----- ----- ------ --------- --- -- 192 .....: I/ ✓Ferguson, 5(/ -....In favor // APPT d-- ---- 0E8 }923 1/NteT udheimer ,Peter, 1/ ....._... .0Against ------------ --- MAYOR . �. / Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson OITY OY .S. PlOL , •'jA OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f OOYSOIL NO. __ AIIDITED CLAIMS—Rk,SOLUTION FORM 19809 L. V. Repke Company, Acet. forms, etc. 140.90 QUADRUPLICATE i aixS DP K. PADL TO CRY CLERK :F—D•34 1M 12-72 I BYCO O R _ r .... ...... .. AUDITED _.l_L___ ..._ ._..... ._. _102....._. /`-. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $:..3.,474.18-......... ..... covenn$ checks numbereaU77-6 .................... -to•••U807-----• ----------inclusive, as per repAter of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. V -Clancy, / Adopted by the Council....... D EC 2 _6192 --....... 192 "-Ferguson, V/ --In favor61925- - Approved .....------------------------ .......SEC2 --- ---•-- •-------- 192 Sudheimer Wenzel. Q....Against Wen ✓Mr. President, Nelson j V 0 i O..r, IAO. ORIrlwL TO Ca CLERK - .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ■//`■ F. 1D-34 tM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM r[zs No.. 946 =T...w 4 cc -.. ...... ..... ..-...... D Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._31474.18--_-••--- ...-:, covering 19 -7 19807-_-------------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered....%. -�-- ----- �o•-----• - • Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( I) Nays. L/Clancy,Adopted by the Council...--- .QED-2.b..1923-------------- 1/ erguson, ....1 - .-..In favor mebull id' Approve / as....._._---- -i92.3........................192 VVAQ ,Sudheimer .. ... ...�eter, ..... .. . _.✓ Ag;nt .......... ... ............... Wenzel. .._. MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson ..............................•.......................... 5.38 , 19776 Aiken Delicatessen, Schools 19777 F. N. Amundson, 26.60 Schools 19778 Peter Belgea# 5.46 Schools 19779 Elk Laundry Company, 28.60 Police 25.85 Library 1.25 Test. Labs. 1.50 . 19780 A. D. Ellsworth, 11.25 Schools 19781 Ed. Erickson, -2.53. • Schools 19782 ',1b:.Gl• Fossum & Company, 11.55 Schools 19783 SF. W. Goodman, 28.15 Schools 19784 George C. Het2neoker, 1.28 Schools Res. 946 Page #2 19785 R. W. Hruby, Schools 25.10.E- 19786 Kane Grocery Company, Schools 19787 J. A. Malmquist, Schools 37.79 19788 Michaud Brothers, Schools 8.95 19789 0. R. Mickelsen, Schools ® 13.04 19790 C. E. Miller, Schools 19791 Montana Meat Market, Schools 19792 Rohlandts Groceries & Meats, 32.13 Schools 19793 Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc., 19.00- Schools 19794 Carl Schulz, Schools 19795 J. L. Shiely Company, 1,398.55 Arterial hieways 8.50 n 7.00 it n 8.50 n n 7.00 St. C. & R. 58.10 » 11.25 " (Pay.) 77.65. U u n 64.30 15.60 632.70 218.40 Sewer C. & R. 30.00' Bridge Bld§. &tR. 201.25 8.30 n n 7.20 Schools 4.55 Bureau of Parks 23.50 It 14.75• i-�98:55 19796 Roy F. Smith, .93 Schools 19797 Snelling Avenue Meat & Provision Company, 3.20. Schools 19798 G. Sommers & Company, 1.86 Health n .79 Schools 2.25 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 4.10: Water5.38 —I�38 Res. 946 Page #3 19799 Sperry Office FurnitPxe Company, 8.40 121 70 Comer. of Finance C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 15.00. 67.00, Schools "30.80 Water 1,032.00 19800 Transit SupplyCom 12.00 & FP Ay, 600.00 Schools P. Bldgs. 120.00, Inv. P. Util:. 60.0,0 240.00 Water 12.00 Company, 35.29 19861 Tri-State CeorlepphCone�Beielegraph .70 Munic. Emp. Bureau 13.20 4.59 Police 3.20 Workhouse Park Refectories 4.96 n u 1.30 Auditorium 7.35' 19802 Van Paper Supply Company, 272.50 Schools 18.16 19803 M. J. Vaughn, Schools 19804 John J. Verstraete, 33.03 Schools 19805 Waterous Engine Works, 10.00, Fire 19806 Henry E. Wedelstaedt Company, Com1r. of Finance 5.40 229.35 Civil Service 6.88 Election Expense 2.46 Police 2.75 Bureau of Engrs. 67.52. 11 1139.00. n n u 7.00 n � a 22.25 u n u 3.25 St. C. & R. 22.40. S. & S. Cing. 4.08, Schools 16.00 � 4.50 n 3.50 u 4.00, Library 10.20. Park -Adm. 8.16 5 19807 Western Electric Company, 19.19 Schools 01'/S. VA' ^n�3 '' aowrc= ' �. ran No..._....�.—. Harm D-U IM 12.22 t4 t,z y i eY M it...... .. AUDITED ........ .... �. pER._..._._ ...... ........... _._____..... ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o€ $.•.MQ-00 - covering checks numbered .-•--•-•-}9808--.........x....................... ...- ......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 2 61913 `Clancy, % Adopted by the Council. .......... _.............-......................... 192 7 1/Fer$uson, - -. --- ...In favor .. MCDOU0141�' b 891 -------- --- -------192 Sndhe imer Approved ..............y t .�.. �Mi,Tsafr,- Peter, O-Agsinst �✓/wenzel. President, Nelson RdeolvelT That ahecica be ,drawn o'li--' tha;,CltyTreasury to .Ute a agate amodlit, of 5800.00 loVertngg ohealc Bun " fisted 7,18808 ".1pay ize8leter of cicy ohee,s a flue !n�'tha o¢loa,ot tha C)ty � Comptrololer „ %• t t 1 Aaopted by.the CobnWl Lea 8 18EE � ADproVeb Dec 88 1928 a s1 1 " 1 , _1NAU TO " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ooaama nim D-34 M 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RgsOLUTION FORM �= NO......... 947 AUDITED.._. 1.,I...l !...3 jrs.. _....... 102....._ ....... .. ... .... ,y .., ------------- ......._.._._ _.._.._. __. 800.00 ..., Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-----•-••---•---••- ----••.................. coverin8. checks numbered- -------- 19SU8---------- -2M .................. ............ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 2 6 1923 Clancy.Adopted by the Council....... _ ........................................ 192 . ✓Ferguson, ---...In favor 261923 - ----- 192d, Approve ......................... ... &/14steoB- Sudheimer �J ✓Peter. / /-...Against - -- VV......... .... .... ...... .. .... .... ........... .. -MAYOR "-Mr. I" Wenzel. ... Mr. President, Nelson a'�.P✓ra��yti,'� - Oxy.-�{,•,a� Rggg NO. x . Fes, naa rnl ia-aa ,., r u _ y r „ vR wuolreo___e.j: P-a...1..}-.. ....luz.._.._- V� r; Resolved that checks be drawn on the.City Treasury, to the &Mwtate amount'o£ $—QbO.�......... -- ....... cov . & checks numbered---- SSM...--------•---to---•19M...........•.,.inclusive, as per retister of city checks on file in the Office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. t/ Adopted by the Council...-.--- ----R.� .2_6-X923---,.......192. ... Clancy, I-Te*uson, In favor C 61923 t—�6aDe:es1� Approved. ..-----------.......... ...192 ✓Matson. Sudheimer �eter, -Against Wenzel. Ir. President, Nelson _ - Aeeolved %'Lat ctieckg/ bei dr`aa¢n oe: aUmtierpdm0uhtlafYi 600D; tcoVBHjlagg choc =ae•ks;' n3963x, Y0 _}JSIB 1nci5slve - ' Der+regi9ter oY clty.;checka';OU aletn' - the=oGlce of TZthe�.ComDtColler - 'Adopted b th a0�1 -�D -' wDDrogtltl�DeCa'88 �u'38B�, (. :$a7 3B'" I . t r; �s <DOc �29"3�88j �''� �� • rY'p.tRK m D-ef IM 12 Y2 7, V. -?T oxxr os er s�vr. �� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER' OOOSOS[. 50482 ALTDITED,CLAIi1I8—RENOLUTION FORM 949 COM ... ..._.... ..._102.....__. -.......... _. ....... � .._....... __....fLY- ..-__..'_.._...._--1. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.---2r'���ar.- !-,_....coven' ng. checks numbered.... 19$7 Q -,• .............to ---_19812_..,- _- •inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) . Nays. DEC 2 61923 ✓.lancy, Adopted by the Council ...................................... .... 192.m ✓Ferguson, - '- - _�d► In favor ✓Mursert; Sudheimer APPro ed_ DEG 2 61923 --_... ........2 ........... ..................... 9Z....:.. ,epeter, ! Wenzel. .. Against If .... .... ................. ..----.............-----` -- ... .....-... _ 64r. President, President, Nelson MAYOR 19810 Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer East End Junior High School (Bond) 19811 Frank Dittmann, Egst End Junior High School (Bond) 19812 John, Peter, Elias, Maggie, Mary and Agnes Dittmann and Katy Morris. East End Junior High School (Bond) r 82.11 164.23 QUADRUPLICATE - d TO COY CLOCK �.. Form D-34 1M 12-23 FTROtt$R .%) AUDITED ..... ...... `...�. 1 _ ;."....J9Z Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ••••1-r2 3.A�---- --., coved; checks numbered --------1981$--------- to. ---.19815- --- ---------•-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in theca of the G' Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nsys- p t� 2 01923 t/Clancy, Adopted by the Council-...---. _----- -------- ------ -- ------ .----- . 192 - ✓Perguson, In favor .DEC -2 6 ........... 197-- �.��,�;- Approved-.. .-- - - ------ - - ✓ 11, Sudheimer Peter, _-�-Against _ v Wenzel. 6o -1f&. President, Nelson 6�V • 0 oxxr oz• .:. roman aa1GINALr cm CUM" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ...SOIL NO . Form D,%IM1Z-2Z AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM l� Y 950 �-- /'"`�,°•,J wuolreo. _. .......isz...... _ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to rare--------------- ._...._----- --- _ _... .....---- -------- 1 183. . coveA-, the aggregate amount of $.......�-..........�------- ; on file in the office of the Gtq ® checks numbered.. 1981 - 19Blrv............inclusive, as per register of city checks - -'3 - -..to Comptroller. Yes ( ✓)Councilmen ( J) Nays. Clancy, DEC 2 61923 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ ............. 192 Ferguson, In favor rMcl)nnddr 23 APprov .......... A..EC 2..� ...... _..... •. 192 vId—on, Sudheimer ✓Peter, %! .......... .. .M .._... ..._..._..... --------------- ...J.1-_.Againbt --"wenul. .............. MwY08 President, Nelson 19813 E. w. Jordan Company, 975.00 Water 3.00 19814 John B. Munro, Health 19815 Twin City Fixture Exchanges 185.00 Schools nIri OP T. PA -L �OUADRUPUCA-M TO CRY CLXRK - CORBCIL - Q� PIL3 No.—. -8orm n -s+ IM 12.22 a iicrt 9T - AUDITED.... :._...... ._.— •. y PER_..... to the aggregate amount of t-14-tl..•..........., CO e City checks numberedesolveajhat chi be drawn drawnto_ thW.M6Treesury. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Yes ( ✓)Councilmen ( ✓) Neta Comptroller. UEC 2 u 1923 Adopted by the Council ............ ....... .......................--..... 192 Clancy, DEG 2 61923 G. --Ferguson, DEQ favor . MeRmt815" Approved.. _----. _.................................-..... 192 j �/ lvt�tstnt- Sudheimer ✓ Ctr, ��Q✓enzel. --Against tl r. President, Nelson i4i i. %0 &G61VC3 That C !u athe3n,09 at0 tae CItYb, el , 7i' coverin6.phecka - - • - =amounts numD?igg'6d 18sls�;tq%18828 igclus,�e as i[heofffc0 oiiL9`CQIC�' Co Dm mol et'�0 in A13D➢I'P ed yl]9co 36; 1923 DecE+88 28: : S (Dec ,89.188s)r ; F � ORIO�NAL •ro - _ t cmctc== OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Fwmuss /� 12-22AUDITED CLAINS—IRESOLUTION FORM No... 5U�84 951 Bl• ...CM OLLCR.. AUDITED. ......_ OR. ------------- Treasury, _' _ m 34a8 ::..43 ...................... coverin-g Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ab$reBate amount of $•-•---- 19816 19826. _.---........inclusive, sa register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.:..--- - -...—..•---•-------to. per _• Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEG 2 61923 V" Clancy, Adopted by the Council- ----------- ....--------•-- - 192 vP In favor APPro6 D C 2 6 292x...._ ---- 192 �lPf ansa, Sudheimer ✓Peter, -- Wenzel. -..Against ... MAYO& President, Nelson ------------ •--- •............. _...... 39.20 19816 Brooks BrotTiers Schools 300.00 19817 C. J. Conroy, �. New Vocational Sohool(Bond)<: 19818 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 40.60 Schools 19814 Fielding &Shepley, 25,638.92 L 1766 B 1 19820 Goodyear Tire & Rubber company, 8.82 Garage 19821 P.R.L. Hardenbergh & Company, 8.58 Garage 19822 Peter Lamettis. 5,710.00/ L 1804 355:00 L 1856 5 355.00 19820 Lee & Hoff Manufacturing Company, 285.00 Schools 19824 Allen Metcalf# 153.00 Schools a .:f':,. .. � ` .. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi°Ec"NO.----5V4!_.753____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BK —i G/lG P,- G%?rl __.'� �L_._..._.__...__. DATE__....__..____1/____.._.___._.___.—'_' WAS,. on September 12, 1923, a oar belonging to the Golden Grain Belt Brewing Company ran into and damaged a lamp post at the northwest corner of Wabasha and Exchange streets, which damage amounted to $47.27; and WHEREAS, The Indemnity Company of America, insurer for said Golden Grain Belt Brewing Company, has offered to settle the claim for damages in said amount; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to accept said sum in settlement and to execute proper release there- for. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson {4 .............. -.In favor V Sudheirn Peter .......Against Wenzel Mr. President DEG 2 � 1923 Adopted by the Council.- ----.--_---.-..._----- -------- I)EC 2 2 61923 192 Appr - OR --""- MAY .N COUNCIL50-4,86 CITY OF ST. PAUL cis NO. r eFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDecember?'26 192 COMMISSIONER .. . .......... - - - -----------...____ DATE......_. -.......___......._....._....___L—..... ... r RESOLVED persons That the applications for licenses of the follow�g p for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses #ndieated be and the same are hereby granted and the city Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: L. J. Aberwald, D. B. Arons, John Bies, Geo. F. Gunther, Jos. Ha.vlick, Mrs. Gail Karl, John J. Knoedl, H. Peterson, Plahn Bros., Mrs. M. Poe5z, E. A. & L. Schnittger, Frank Schultz, Ed Steele, 0. M. Taraldson, Tews & Divine, John Woodward, Roman Zielinski, COUNCILMEN Yeas Blaney ✓Ferguson Mona d ✓ Mmm ✓ Peter (/ Wenzel 1820 Grand Ave., confectionery 571 Forest St., Grocery 12 W. 6th St., 2nd floor Cnnfeotlonery 980 White Bear. Av., - Grooery 1553 University Av., Confectionery 1041 Osceola Av., Grocery 228 Front St., " 640 Sims St., Confectionery 385 N. prior Av., Grocery 1143 Albemarle St., Confectionery 42 S. Snelling Av., Grocery 949 E• 7th St., Soft drank 121 E. 11th St., II 1670 Selby Av., Grocery 2175 St. Clair St., 244 S. Cleveland Av., 1059 Western Av., " ,"-'Mr. President ................ _V..... by the Co ciL_p' —' Z3-1923 .-._....192...... pEC 2 6 1923 -- -- ... - - - - - ------- MAYOR couNCn-NO.---..5048, f CITZ. OF ST. PAUL Fae FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. CIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 26, 1923 PRESENTED BY ..._....._.........__... DATE...._.........._.... _ ... ........ ............__._._.._.__......__....__ ..___._........_..........._..................... i 1 RESOLVED That The Associated Companies Automobile Policy No. Apt -17533 ern; expiring December 19, 1924 issued to the American Auto Transit Company covering buses operated for;.public hire upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby submitted to take the place of liability policy which expired on December 18, 1923. j'd. $. lv. 60487 Sv' C}..Cqe 3udhelmer-+I Danioe Auto.00b11eh8Po716oc1¢tefl Com- 1T8h.Ailrinit.DAc dr,18I24, :-4D1- to,the g, b Oan Auto.Tranel Issued �covering, buses oDoratefl Yorp bllo hire .b. ,t a attests of ahe'Clty oL. Bt -P Ire the same- Ia<harobv ubmltted whI hkextlr 'Place of liability Do11.Y AdoPt, D don December 3B; 3928. , fl by the Couaoll. Dec. -8;1927; ADDroged�,_Doc 26,,1922; (Dec: 29-18.8) COUNCILMEN — I Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson ,A4eBmIEf1 ..........In favor V IMWA Sudheimer V Peter ......Against V'Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ......D-EQ.2--6.1923....192...--- ....... 192. J1[ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO.--....(((�(()) �Z OF OF CITY CLERK N RESO N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY.........._...._._............................._.................l........... DATE._......._D�Oember 26, 1923 COMMISSIONER ._......... _____..__---------------- RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the follo)ing persons for conducting Poolrooms at the addresses indicated be andthe same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; George Allan, 410 Jackson St., 4 Pool tables Joe. Havliok, 1553 University Av., b A. Wm. Johnson, 9(8 No. Dale St., 2 Over 1000 feet from school Oeorge Allan, X10 JmkHon $t., pool;, [n6100.r ,. Joe,-Bavugk `1663 Unlversl.y e '..,.8� Pool tables. A. olVm, Johtl ton; 978 2 Pool "tables .Over' -logo feat fr`um school Ador.,v,e lthe Cggnen 7>ec':26,, ,1 920. Approved,. Dea. 26'-1923, ''(Dec. 29-39E3) COUNCILMEN . DE` 2 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ... .................................... 192....-- ✓ Clancy DEC 2 61923 Ferguson roved. -- .192...... -Mcnon^la - ..:..In favor MW9& Sudheimer MAYOa Peter ..... .... ......Against (/ Wenzel 4"' -Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO....... FILE F F TH CITY CLERK C I ESOLU —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 26 COMMISSIONER.___._.__ _.__. ................. . .............. _........ _....................................................._. DATE._............_._.......__...._.__.tet_ RESOLVED/ That the applications for licenses of the followin persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses ndioated be and the same are hereby granted and the pity Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; H. Backman, 117 W. Central Ave., Flie Boran, 994 Rice St., D. Gantman, b45 Canada St., L. A. Hetzneoker, 926 Aldine St., E. G. Klett, 0903 Rondo St. W. E. Otto, 1057 E. Maryland St., M. H. Skweres, 2019 E. Minnehaha St., C. M. Taraldson, 1670 Selby Ave., John Woodward, 244 S. Cleveland Av. C.Ro Na. 60489 t t Ci• C. Sudheimer-1 Resolved. t . 11 UOPlle mons for d llcereea .oL ,tho Lollowing persona Lor' � bonductl.' the Butoher`bu d the asame addresses' Ind lc ated'.be and the l.'W are here ct graill and"the censeCity .lup- le:inetructed to..lsaue such. llceases up on. the payment Into iheYclty treasurys of'the cus4omarY fe - H.,Backmau, 117 W. Centra3 Ave.;' �Fne'Boran.:894 RIca.Bt. "D Oan etsn, er, ' nada Bt• L A. XIOM,cker; Rondo t. 94. E O , Oto;_10 Rondo a TL E. -Otto, 1067 E. Matylnnd 8t.,` I - M. H ,ekwerea 019 E.; M nnehahn St. � ;,.C. M..Tnralde n 1879 ,8elhY Ava::".... 1John Woodward 244,. 8'.Cloveland AAdoptedby-tha CounclL Dec 28, 1929: s Appr. ved, Dec. 28 1929 (Dec 291929) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Clancy 6/ Ferguson McDauald _ .............In favor v MW Sudhei,�ner ✓ Peter ------ -- (/ Wenzel Mr. President PEG 2 ; 1923 Adopted by t e Council...__.................................192...... 0 EG 2 6 1923 A proved. ... ...... ._...--........... 192 _.._._ ._.... ---- -_---- - - -.... MAYOR COUNCIL 5-0-490I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.-------- OFF 00 THE CITY CLERK C CI RESOL ON ,GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_._.__......_._......._.................................................._. _. • 9 RMMNED roved WHEREAS, In c19p2, permission randaauthority8wereagranted September 5 1922, to Axel Cardelli, Application No. 3810, to operatePaa�' public livery upon the streets of the Oi'ty Of and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. AP -1508050 was filed in compliance with said ordinance, Axel Oardelli appearing as principal and the Zurich General Accident and Liability Insurance Company as Surety; and whereas, the said Axel Oardelli has discontinued the operation of said public livery, and said Zurich General Accident and Liability a notice cancellation of Insurance Company has providfiled ordinanceoNo. 586b, therefore, said policy, as ed by be it RESOLVED, That said permit and liability of icy be cancrelelled; ed and the principal and surety be and they Y liabilitytfor any daccident awhich tion smay lhave occurred not affect hprior els to the elate of cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4, -Clancy ✓I erguson iYrcii�N— ................In favor Sudhei;er Peter ................Against ,-Menzel V. Mr. President DEC 2 6 1923 .192...... Adopted by the Council. _...................... 6 197:.5 .............192 - - MAYOR '' /v�I►t it }fit (1��1,� HENRY OLSON W l�p O L µ J)}�^ur H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK (office of CiN tQ trk W •SDecember 18th, 1923 Hon. Geo. C. Sudhelmer, Commissioner of Public Safety, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith letter from the qurich General Accident and Liability Insurpce Company, Ltd. requesting cancellation of Policy No. AP -1508090, issued to.Axel Cardelli, covering auto oar, The Council has referred the matter to you for investigation and report. Yours very truly, CITY C enc. L HENRY OLSON C`tp of 64int Paul H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK (office of ((�i}„ Oak VIJ �•SSDecember 18th, 1923 Hon. Geo. C. Sudhelmer, Commissioner of Public Safety, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith letter from the Zurich General Accident and Liability InenrVice Company, Ltd. requesting cancellation of Policy NO. AP -1508000, issued to Axel Cardelli, covering auto car. ! The Conncil has referred the matter to you for investigation and report. Yours very traly, one. CITY Claw jOHN A.D$EMAND A...--' ARTHUR Z'co" ZURICH General Accident and liabilitylnsurance Company, Limited OF zumcu. swrrzanimoom UNITED STATES HEAD OFFICE: INSURANCE EXCHANGE, CHICAGO YORK.WILLIS AGENCY GENERAL AGENTS Sol.aoa PIONEER BUILDING SAINT PAUL. MINN. Drc(:mb,r a , 'i ty of -'t- _n-_, Court -ouzo, ".t. - -cal, Liline-ot Deur •sir: c COV. riz:� p'uulic Liv::ry veai3le in "Ir r -n -c '-doiii illi yo'l please -,"t i1 .,:'A poil 2"' as of :'ocem-..'c-r o busino-'s. 7 T. THE: DEPENDON ACCIDENT POLICY. T IS NOVEL.SIMPLE AN. COM "RATE COST . WRITE OVERS ALL ACCIDENTS AT MODERATE WRITE FOR PROSPEC CITY OF ST. PAUL ME WUNCIL No -------- 5-0.491 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WHMMS, The Council on the 22nd day of November, 1923, after -ring all persons present interested in the matter of paving Suellk Ave. from Randolph St. to W. Seventh St., including sewer., water and , gas connections from street mains to property lines completes where not already made, also ourbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 472840 approved July 24, 1923, and Intermediary order 492879 approved October 20t 1923, laid this matter over to June 4th, 1924, and WHERE68, property owners subject to assessment abutting along the osed paving ohave petitioned the Council for a re -consideration of p 'ietion taken on the 22nd day of November in postponing hearing to June 4th, 1924, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby reconsider its action in postponing hearing to June 4th, 1924 and hereby orders that a public I hearing be had on said improvement in the Council Chamber of the City of . St. Paul on the 23rd day of January, 1924 at 10 o1olook A. M. and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and instructed to mail to every known owner, at his last known address, or to the agent of the property -subject to assessment therefor, a post card notice stating the time, place and date of such hearing and the nature of the improvement proposed. Yeas COUNCILMEN ClancyNay L__ Ferguson wrn7mmrd - ® Sudhei Peter rat ..._......_Against Wenzel vo" Mr. President R DEC 2 6 1923 192 by the Council ........................ DEC 2 61923 App192_ G r� ..' .......... ............... ;iw;;R CITY OF ST. PAUL %BCR lal0------------' _A4, __ � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK {, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM ISSIOWER._-- ---- ------------- .......... _.............. ....... _..... ....... ........ Z6RZx=x WHEREAS, the Council on the 22nd day of November,1923, after hearing. all persons present interested in,the matter of paving Snelling Ave. from Randolph St. to We Seventh St., including sewer, water and gag connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, Where necessary under Preliminary Order 472849 approved July 24, 1923s and Intermediary Order 49287, approved October 20, 1923, laid this matter over to June 4, 1924, and WHEREAS, property owners subject to assessment abutting along the proposed paving have petitioned the Council for a re -consideration of action taken on the 22nd day of November in postponing hearing to June 4th, 1924, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby reconsider its action in postponing hearing to June 4th, 1924 and hereby orders that a public hearing be had on said improvement in the Council Chamber of the City of St. Paul on the 23rd day of January, 1924 at 10 otelook A. M. and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and instructed to mail to every known owner, at his last known address, or to the agent of the property subject to assessment therefor, a post card notice stating the time, place and date of such hearing and the nature of the improvement proposed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald...... .... ---- In favor Matson Peter ---- _--------- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------ .--A92...._ Approved.... MwYOR DEN. ']E- DANE REALTOR THE OWN YOUR HOUR MAN M..CNANT. DANK ■UILOINC SAINT PAUL December 11, 1923 0 Honorable Mayor and City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Honorable Sirs: The undersigned property owners request that you reconsider the paving of Snelling Avenue from Randolph Street to Seventh Street, as laid over at a recent meeting until next June, in view of a misunderstanding on the part of the property owners, and with the understanding that the paving is not to be laid until.water sewer and street grading is done, and that paving is the last item rather than the first. We are heartily in favor of a program to develop this seotion, and would ask your honorable body to reconsider with a view ofhaving it paved immediately. Respectfully yours, G~ 1-3 L No.._ ...... ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 211AV ( PIM ecember 994`?1923 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasibg Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to thef Department of Public VlorkB, 1100 feet of . 3611 D.S. vitrifi6ld clay sewer pipe, to the Blackmer & Post Pipe CO., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of X4.93 per foot, or a total contra I ot price of 45423-00, f.o.b. cars, their factory, .:,y;i th freight allowed to St- Paul in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw UP the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #6014 `tF'-.1jbSolVe%That ',?, th 6, Council,- hereby 5 Committee 1n a—rdl., thh,,dOt1aat1i-1 apprqv9s't o� action � of,_,tjjO;rru*rchaa1 ng '4firulhblug,to tine,,D. 'tu''110nlVorke,.},100 teat , ont,of� 'Of'SAII . SZvi rl- Jied,el.y. sewer pipe the lac or ing't In ;9 p3. Price at V.021 tt'gr foot, o>< pr r &.total, contract' tt,O� Of ,..olrJ,1to.', *lLh,frOJght,ljowa4'toj1t,,?- n cGordanCg:Vjth'.�!h at CIYRPecl = ,bfd M It con r t acl hereto attached d , h_C ..l., are Iucted to 6taW up Or. tar a :contract 6014 t, a'Council Draj26, Apnrotied Doc .6: 1893 a COUNCILMEN DEC 2 6 1923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council...._........................... /Clancy Ferguson erguson A 192 In favor SIM Sudheitn V Peter ..........._...Against Wenzel `Mr. President RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIT * ' CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.....condemning ...and...taking..-en...ease,Want.-.Iii ... the... 1and...nanessary for.-s1QP.�.s.,...for....G.u.ks...an3....fill$....l.xl...; xaa.1IIF �.l?..ex.._in-RI-Qck...1 Subdivision-..af..:nlocic...,...S.tinsaC-l.s...Diu-ision,---iXom--.rs.l-e... St.----t-a•-bent.. under Preliminary Order......... -.. a Au 4....1923.., Intermediary Order 48472 47 0.........., Pprovedg--- , approved..SaPt ....14.,....19.2.3.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also up6n the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Reso at the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in „ ..............................equal installments as to eac cel of land described therein. DEC 2 1929 ISL....--- Adopted by the Council............................................................... j SEC 2 71925 Approved----------------------------------------------------------- 191.. ... Councilman I�a14i6tma Clancy Councilman)0=X 'Ferguson Councilmandx ✓111cDonald Councilman>dfVbM Peter Councilman X"lix �Sudheimer Councilman Wxmie7di*x/kenze1 Mayor Inoirxx/IIe1son c�..'.... City Clerk. Mayor. F1R�7. OiW�O IDEAIIYG&HliNA'MOR t � X0406— . In theMattar of rd tem el ledd neck. - In�.an easrr r,; %a.sad ADe.= gRradiar tine } 17uhdlyn �elm . R u.� u ' FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION P40CEEDINGS. In the matter of.condemnl.ng.__ajld.._takirLg-an-E&aemarit-l3i-'�. e.•-..� •d� CBs.$_8.r_y for ate_-n�Pa�-,-fnr n='tS anti fil la i_ n�praiina AII�V_.j)1.�#a.QC)S •�,. Subdi vi B____.___i on ef—1�1oek F - St.izIB.QA'_a->1�Q�k'' from Dale St. to Kent St�,L 1 ' under Preliminary Order.--4-75M... approved'11L;' +.4'•a•-.15E'3 Intermediary Order; 4i 4.72_.- approved-_Ej pt.-.1.4.,._.1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to,be made, viz.:--._--.- es. for cuts co + n hale anan paaPrrent in the land neces� Y fox-glop-off—for and fills in Qg Alley is �s-look 1, Miche radinl's Subdivision of Block a t. Stinso4f's Division, from•le-S- (2)'f That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro .:.t- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, vizhe..-1a-?d-abut-tillg upon +he Alley in:Lr -L, Subdivision of Block_ Stineon, s_____ DiViainn b tween- the j�nin+e af oresaid- $n_.+Ya Artant ahnwn non__z_n +hP pan attached to the r��q_r_t�_of the Commissioner of Public forks he matter in t (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the erein, have been ratified and confirmed. above land, lands or easements th DEC 2..-..t9.2391_._.._... Adopted by the Council.__._..----�.��--• ......... .........._......._.._.__ City Clerk. DEC 2 71923 .._.._..................... 191_ ... ........... _................. _.... ......_..................-. _ Mayor, �. 'Clancy oodilX/F'er son ,/ i (� � tow% Peter. Xmftft Wo k mhx'V. nzelmer Mr. Presiden , 1AgAgM Nelson T ' FIN6TI.�08DIDIlS�1N OOlifDH61FATION7 p800EEDING9 .'t i ..v, C 'F N-10`4 I Cha-31Cntter o[ fdn tem of taa� nee fa(;;nn nnCi d wan dlaR - - I {inbd(vl Ic tine • ` Irinn .«I � FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of�.oniiemning_and-taking._an_eaaament-in-the_.l.axls�- cuts and fi la in a�adinom_dl1By_tn_z1QAk-1.• Micl'1_@.�.�.8___ fOT_H�Op2Sr-SAr Subvifli on o� nrk F, Sti neon' s DiviQU,_� frim Dale St. t o Kent :1 — 2 Intermediary 0rder_44'72 -_-.—, under Preliminary Order--_4.7-57CL-..... _...... approved -AU. approved__-98P1.--l4,--'x•9 23 Resolved: - (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:----- f fO SBI OA 8 for cuts CO - a1 an paatmPnt in thP_land__Zte4�egars .�.-- and'Pills in grading A11eY in Bloak 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 (2) That the following land, lan'dS or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- - priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz..tha_land._ab_ut_ting B1ockS,_Stinson's.� upon the Alley ink,-M�1�3 Subdivision _T' Divi ainn bPtwPen th�noi nts n_r��said +n....ths_ ahn94n—fin the a attache_._d to the Teport�f the Commissioner of Public forks in the matter dated On (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the City Clerk. DEC 2 71923 Approved_._.___._....___.._ ................... ..... - ...... ., 191_........ .. . ........ 41-.................. ....-...._....._........�.._ ............._.......... _. Mayor. xanxx. 'Clancy . 1 e'er son / i 0 Bt-er4tas6:x ifpp M cx . �Sudhedheimer 7pnnftfthx�4 enzel Mr. Presiden, RgAgggplC Nelson 7n the Matter of condemnlna' and tak Ing an,:eaeeyymentn lh 0496 the lend.nen. gradingIlfolnl6Avef romrPcl.f Yon Sh+.to ppyne We under I fgarg,(Ordet i768T;'a�ptrovM .1923„Intermedtnrv” de, Droved,t - ' eat�.nitbllc ., RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..aandemning..and...tak.ing...an...easamant ...in...the—land ...neaP,aaar.Y for ,-.slop.e-s_,for.cuts...an3...fills__.ingrading._California Ave..... from Edgerton St to...P.ayne... Av e. tender Preliminary Order 47.5-6.7 .............. approvedl)llg.....4,.... 19?,3--, Intermediary Order. -.-49000.......... approved....D).ct ...I -C f....192 -3- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, t e said assessment be and it ereby determmed be payable in ....-.......................... equal i tallments as to each parcel nd described therein. pEC 2 71923 Adoptedby the Council................................................................... 191.... DEC 2 7 192`1/.....1�.Z�'� .__City Approved........................... ........................... 191 Clerk. 1" ................................................ -------------------------------------- -- Couucihnan)89xmavarttt' Clancy Mayor. Councilman? XMX ✓Ferguson Councilman H�adx 16cDonald Councilman I31moC P e t er Councilman i atioAX ✓Sudheimer Councilman �Vtenzel Mayor lflx,/ elson MayorRd@ /In/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..AIInclemring...a.n.d.-.Laki11 ...an-..e-ls.em.ant.-_it.--t-h.@...1- n_d_..necgs a.ry for .slopes., -for c uts an....ills illley- in 310c 1' iche s -- ...... .__. Subdivision ,of tsloek-.5,...�*ireo 1, s Divisicn, _f -r rr Dale St. to Rent 6t: , .............................. .------------------------ ........ _..._...... __............-------------------- -------------------- 47-57 _ under Preliminary Order47-570- . approvedA.Llg..4,_19.23 ..., Intermediary Order..... 4$472........ ........... Q approved.....s_eL TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to propellty, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i ................. ommissio r of Finance. In the dfatter, of cgndetnnins, an ta>`�, 5(� � ing nn easement )n the Innd nem' v .nnrY r: :e]oPeef•lor puts µad 814-.,, ;srndlnS.C611fornin- ^tort -t o-PayneAve:.:pnderjPr,,6, ,: in4rY; Oider 4Tb8T <,.[v 1 f., x:1889; Inteitnedls - -pproved %ResMe nit (I) FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PI;pIiE0INGS. In the matter of_0.andemnJ nX _and.-tSk1IIg. an easgmen+ in +h lend._naaeszajTy for al Ilnc s To en+s and fi l l l a i n �s"�1_? n.a CalifoTril.a A3.�s_��..oIIl E da�erton.. St Au l�Qtermediary Order__ 49_000 under Preliminary OrderZ16Z_—._..._., approved____._gr_.— ,._.... , t approved__Q10.r_1923. Resolved: (1) ..That .the following improvement be and the same is' hereby ordered to be made, viz–oondamn and +ake an easement_in the land necessar for slopes for cuts and •fills in_grading California Ave. from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:–the leing up=_Ca a Auanua,-betau,e the-peint8-aforesaid,-tea-the- t t -shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, 3n (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easementstherein, have been ratified and confirmed. DEE 2-.7 1923 Adopted by the Council_..___.__.___ --- —.------ --- ----------- _......._._ City Clerk. DEC 2 71923 • ......... _..... Mayor. rkm=x ' z lan�udy.: �s —�Fda�ana� emx Yeter. iyyk�ftltx k enzelme��r ffi_5i eisident, HWhMle Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_cnndemning.-and_.taking ...an-aasement...lr_.the... land...n.ea.essazy for__slopes,-_._for cuts and fills in grading California Ave. from Edgerton .... ...... .. ---- . - ----- .._... St,_IQ PAYAO Avg.?_ ........... - - ------- ............ ................. ....---....-------........----...------------------........------. - . ---........ --. .............._...._- ........ -... ....... ._... ..._......... - ............... --- .............. ---..... -------------------- under Preliminary Order....... 47567..._..... approvedAug.._.4,._1923., Intermediary Order._.. 9PPP..._....� approved .-.--Qnt.....10.,...1923........ TO THF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature. of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. . .....Commisai er of Finance. In the matter of.....c.ondemning--- and ...taking—an ...aaaement...in...the...land..nenessarY ... ......................_ for .s-lopes,__-_for...cut.s andfills in �radinK Alley in Hlock 1, Wilson's Rearrangement.-.of--.pert-.-of-.tdarshail's-__Subdivision,.-.block 27,--_?!�ackubin ...gar.shalll.s...,A.ddition... and ... Audi.t.ax'.s.._SuktdiYis1911.. ?.9.,----3.1�---from------...-•---•--....... Mackubin...St.....t.o...Kent.- B.t....,..... under Preliminary Order73............ approved—Aug -4... 19.2'3, Intermediary Order -4640.5......., .-......... 475. approved....Slat....1,.--192..... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnatio%,as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it itnther R lvgd, a t said�a�9esam.�nt be and it is hereb determined to be payable in ___....... .....equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. a pEG 2 , 1923 Adopted by the Counci..................... ----.., 191........ l ................... ...........•--- ........................ ""../.............................................. ty Clerkerr. Approved ---------------------- 191........ ..................-.............-----•----------- ,/ Mayor. Councilman lancy Councilman M=X % erguson Councilman-v4dlmtc cDonald CounciimanXB(em- //,:I et er CouncilmanxmQax Sudheimer Councilman -/Wenzel Mayor elson /;� 60498— z f ci, • �, 50498 - C�P' 2to t,,; in'thtr 1linitet•;pf cotidemnlntl.ayd;-,; - Ins nn easement IrAwt rlgnd-.n teary for•,eloDea;, foBloa sand m -. i ;laerrngetneyii Block 1 Wlk`n neYrnnHeTnent o[ p" hlpaeb+: it • 'Subdlvislon,Bloek A4,.8�ok C�IY - >;71(areh lla •Addttlon and �S •nf _a.bdiviatou-1q 81 j. St. to F nt_ der _ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.....c.ondemning--- and ...taking—an ...aaaement...in...the...land..nenessarY ... ......................_ for .s-lopes,__-_for...cut.s andfills in �radinK Alley in Hlock 1, Wilson's Rearrangement.-.of--.pert-.-of-.tdarshail's-__Subdivision,.-.block 27,--_?!�ackubin ...gar.shalll.s...,A.ddition... and ... Audi.t.ax'.s.._SuktdiYis1911.. ?.9.,----3.1�---from------...-•---•--....... Mackubin...St.....t.o...Kent.- B.t....,..... under Preliminary Order73............ approved—Aug -4... 19.2'3, Intermediary Order -4640.5......., .-......... 475. approved....Slat....1,.--192..... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnatio%,as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it itnther R lvgd, a t said�a�9esam.�nt be and it is hereb determined to be payable in ___....... .....equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. a pEG 2 , 1923 Adopted by the Counci..................... ----.., 191........ l ................... ...........•--- ........................ ""../.............................................. ty Clerkerr. Approved ---------------------- 191........ ..................-.............-----•----------- ,/ Mayor. Councilman lancy Councilman M=X % erguson Councilman-v4dlmtc cDonald CounciimanXB(em- //,:I et er CouncilmanxmQax Sudheimer Councilman -/Wenzel Mayor elson /;� 5041)0 C F lNo •60498 , - ;In the Dfagt r of condem in6 andtek� - log Ra�aapmpnt.ltha land apMy, r 'a118Y aln Hn, 11ek 1n Wlleaj�;rt �� .Rearrnngempnt qk,=.t of MAra�. aubdivislon Block n, l land in �farehatl'q Addition: -and eubiitvialon Grp ¢t,.lrom .,,�1 at xnm FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PgOCEEDINGS. In the matter of—condemning-.and—taking-an s j-e_land_neaeas.axy fps slcnes,.— + nd f i� i a i n a2 d o Allev i�B1cc.k_l.,-.1Yilstan=.e-- �In,t,i R f a r+ o f M r ah a l l �.s _S11bd1Y16.i 33 mak•-Z7 an�a,1C1,Lfina —SuYiainn v o 3 3 fT.OID Ae-Qk rin gt_o en v . , ---- - ---- — - ---- ._. -'---ter �5� ...._, a PP rovedAu&�. 4�_ 1�..2 Intermediary Order"—f- under Preliminary Order_ __ approver --DP-t ...._L,.-_1923 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:Coridemn i l nd ne^carv_ for a1 npps,a for cLta and__fil�s i�grading All ill Block 1 Wil-sQn's Rearragment of Hart of Marshall's Subd v si�il,-k a_=L-a &shall's Additipn and auditor's $til,diyi ai on No �1 _- from Uacknhin S't.-}4.�ien ---.fit -- (2) That the following land, lants or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:-the--land-abutting upon the Aiieti in n_-�00-� i �Viiann's Marshallelfi�lddition, and Marshall's Subdivision, Block 27, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition, and Auditor's S upon the plans attached to the report be tbP ext. of the Commissioner of Public Works', of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appro ting the 7 .(3) That the assessments above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. _. _ Adopted by the Council DEC 2_7192 9 City Clerk. DEC 2 71923 Approved-.__._____._:._-_........._....._.._._...., 191 ------- ... _....... ..._. _-..... - .... __....__ _... ...._-._.__..._ _- / Mayor. eblano q mcSx V erguson , U darx V/McDonald, M ✓Peter. _Sudheimer yonder •enze1 Mr. Preside, Xwdg= Nelson RtPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...c.ondemning..and_ taking...an...e.as.emant--in....tha...land...nac.essaxY for -.grad i ng...A l le<Y-..-11?._UP.1k...1-,---@`-i 1..4.n.:s. .ea x.angem.ent....of pax.t_..o.f...Max.shall'-s....Sul7.divis.i.on,...k�lock..2.7..,--a�ackukin... c�._PQarshall_'s....&Lji t ian.. and.. Audit.o-T.'.-s....Sla.bdiv is.ion..Iia_....31.,...fr om....................... MAQ.kub-In5:tA...to._Kent .... t...,....................... ...... ............... ................................. .......... _..... _.............. .....------------- under Preliminary Order....... 4757,3 - - approvedAtlg..._4,.L9273.._, Intermediary Order...... 4.8805........, approved..... c.t......1.,...19�3............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the laud, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. " Co /mmissio er of Finance. U� . 2 �� ate` 4y In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills Fi98ll6fl r i iuCradmg A11e�ia..8look__1, Ri1Qon�o....-g��t..a�.M1Rt�xS�ut_..lt�x,.��� t �SubdiVision, Blook 87, riuokubin & Nurrahail'e Addition and Auditor SubdivieioA,V0.31, iron Maokubin 5%. to Hent St., Intermediary Order.__. under Preliminary Order -......4�7;...----, approvedAug-4,1923., _�! --------------, approied...0Gt.1#1-ic�ji - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . + ill be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, Notice is hereby given that a public hearing w in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the.___..r..... - 7.ti11- _.. -day ' Of_ ............ N ognb*r....------, 192.3----, at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report�f the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or eas ents therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and Sled with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated 192-3 r JAMES M. CLANCY, Commissioner of Finance. i By..--- . . ...... . . .. ..... Deputy. gg- Fl }� 50wo e:"M,gt ic'aGb pdbdtti[n p¢1na crottia,Bt. team rmlta �d:'Phalen hvg." tb�8outh�8t. 4 ppI/tp_11 OMer� 43181 ; apP h AnR4 33981 ...48615, ppppproyed:$ppC 3t :;'p RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING` CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....c.onumai-g..anti...t.ak.i.ng...an... eaaemexit ...in...the...1and_11ensasaXY for...filo,a.ea.,_fo.r...auta...sncL..fills...in...grading...Grotta...Stsest--.fr.om..Lake..... ..Ph4lsra.._Amenue....tn.._South._Stx.e.e- .......................... ----------......-- ......._..._ .............................................. .. ...I.................--.............---'---- ...... --------.. ......... _........... ..... . _.._.............------------ .............................................................................-- .................. ----..........-----•---- under Preliminary Order ............ approved... A119•----�I--.•-.192 Intermediary Order.........4 approved ----..Sep t.---18.,.---19--3 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, - f r the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of. benefits erefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it y Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further, 4es6Wed, that the said assessment b d is hereby determined to be payable in herein ......-_ .............equal install enta as to e�rk parcel o€ and deet tit ,_....i DAC 2 i 1923 , 191........ Adopted by the Council........... / DEC 9 iQ23......................% City Cleik. Approved................. .......... .-•--............., 191.... / J �.....Sn.,.� ayor. � � M 1 Councilman E9Ct7c1�farldtY Clancy Councilman 930OX ZFerguson Councilman RO=d:8 ✓ cDonald Councilman jSxi>' = ✓ Peter Councilman amok ✓Sudheimer Councilman atidxdt4enzel T Mayor "Kx elson jv M - 5050 • C. F. No. 50501— lninge Tota "Ment Inethel land deeen- aryntor lopep, for cute d fills In grnding Grotto St, from Lake Como d Phalen Avn. to South St., under PrellminnrY C . approved Augdla 48' _ � FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIN1. ... under Preliminary Order__.._._411.1.... . ,app roved ,Allg, ..4,...19?antermediary Order.._. -.....853.5.---, approvedS.eFt....... lr` __J_9.23. Resolved: the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.. �nT.. (1) That the following improvement be and r t8 4 4ri$amnsn +Alt" An Pa4Pman±_in_tlie.__laRCL._TLP.C.a.SS�Z�t-- and rl Sough_St-x_ee.t--- ---------- —._......_...---......-_.._.----- .._...-....__ ___....__..-_......--- .-- - .--- .-.._–..._....-.-.----.–.--- ...--_----------------_-----_—" -- --- ----- -- .... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_..the_...1and._ahutl:.in9 L7pon (`rnt+� St...y__hetR.een-t�-�o�ts.._.afnr.esaid,--t-o_.the--..ext.eat--ahatiszi-- < f +ha —34orka in +hP mat-xe.a--dared.-.gat-.-...-15,..._ �..X23----------------�----------- � . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the _ above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.. 2-7. 19.2.3 . % ....6 _........_' " ' City Clerk. Approved ....................................................... . 191..._....._ ___...._ ... _ ........ _...... _......_......_ . Mayor. Clancy - 2y PMUSI Lo ---= Eiro�xx ucorldlc✓Ferguson 1FhaeBxx /McDonald ,; I s;r,y �ie}iwx /Peter x /Sudheimer mmiick iFVeiizel Nelson,�' HWIAoxx n Dir President, i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......c.nndemning...and..taking..an... ea.s.ement...in....the...land............... Qtt.s�...S.tz-e>rt.- ....... from-Lake.._Como._ ..Pha1.6n..Avenue:_ Stre -to South...p. ..,............................................................._. .......................... .......... ...._----------------.....-----.--•----............•..... Y ........................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order........ 4_i121........, approved--Aug-.....4.,....192 Intermediary Order ............ 4$&5- 3-5--, approved.....SCO.....1$.x...l .? .t TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed,, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. <.:...... V11 � ............ ........... Commissio r of Finance. 5' ir':ShA'rDtnitbx.bf opeAtA$�paHl�Widealn fins; -egtApldlAg':7;IAdoln Ave: -,a �•, ana�• 11Qd ry� $And ebr >+m�ng�:e} �t#Inga] Pleep of . r.a� d ttie]. .notthesatprly Corr- '1` ";'er Terrace*Fn �>ppba the;Tih - ea ana•::AA •�.. - �$Preltmin�- 50 502 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNITION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND 4§SESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....apening,...1v.1.daning-_&L34i...frx_ ending -_Lincoln -_Ave_.-- at --_Oakland Av..e_._-,-_.by---taking.__and__con3emning._a triangular---piece--_of ground in the _ ___ northeast.ex.�Y.-_Coxliex...Of L4t.._1.,._nlock._6,--_Terrace.__Park__Addition,___as___;-_...._ shown..ngan .th-e... blue ...pzint...11OX-M.-th._at.t. Qhed-_and.-made--_a-.part__hereof,__-._--._ under Preliminary 0,der...... approved -'rune �x---1%.23, Intermediary Order..........4899— ...........8 approved ...Q.Q.t:..._1Q,.... �� v1 ~ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for a above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, d the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resol d, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll identified by the ignatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of a lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the s come is reby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be subm� tot Ihstn urt for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the aa' essme t e it hereb`vy.dL mined to be pay"Is in ........... _................... equal installm as to each parc6–of land described.Zerein. DEC 2 71923 191 .... Adopted by the Council :................. ...... tlk4 2 7 5921 .. ... ........... ....... Approved........................................................... 191 .... �✓! '9 Councilman wmftx✓Clancy Councilman dowX ✓ erguson Councilman HAM& }dc Donald Councilman $edlexx ',Peter: City Clerk. Mayor. . FINAL ORDER IN �x 50503 5 7 a attached and mad�a_n�*# hRrAnf_ _—_._ -- (2) L -That the following land, lanais or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated''end .condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:A l-th€-t--RaT-t---- Oi LOt 1. H10C$ 6._—TPTTaoe_Park Additinn�y..1n�ltna- described as follows: Bleginning on the east line of said lob O ft._ B point 4.54 ft. west and 20.51 Pt. south of said corners -'hence northeast corner; thence in a straight line to a point on the north side of -se ld—let 29.01 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratifled and confirmed. Adopted by the Council pEC 2 7 1923-....................1 1.. .... ..._. _... - ..... _........ _ ... _..-. �Citsy Clerk. Approved ._._._ .--DEC-2 Ll. 4...—,-•}948._....__....., . ...__. ._ _.. Mayor. '- 01mjcx Clancy' �1 D PUBLISIjEb ra>bm/_.S _� lai4/Ferguson I i 1� yy A[9" /McDonald �atlax /Peter xxxom -)udheimer xX9Fsxdmetimb'Wenzel Nelson 'Mr. President, H %Mk REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..openi-ng, widening..-and-.extending...Linaoln..pve.---at...Oakland ,...bY....t.akin-..and.._c.pndemnin-_a_,.triangular.__pieee,,,of...ground-•_in--,the..--,-, no.r.theaat.e.rlx...Sanrner...of.. Lo.t....7.,... ilock...5.,-..T.e.Frac.e._PE&r t---Adalt.ionl -.as.......... ....sho.�cn..upon...the ...blue ...print ...h.er.eHit.h..attached..ansi .zaade...a...Rar.t...he .eo-f-�•--• under Preliminary Order -......462.76........., approvedJune....9.,...19,23.., Intermediary Order.A$51$.-........., approved..... Gat ...--y2,,...-19.2,3........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereoh,) and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. n ......................... Commissioner of Finance. U r a 50504 Coencil File No . ............ f. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, coats and expenses for charging the grade of Aliey in H100k 2, Walton's Sunny Slope, from Saratoga Avenue to Pascal Avenue, in accordance with the red line on the profile hereto attaohad and made a part tereof,the present establisihad grade ueing shown by a blue line thereon, also grade said alley to the said red line when established,with cinders under Preliminary Order_41�.....lC......–.._..._, Intermediary Order .......... 4 _... _....... , Final Order..__459_3.9 _—.._. A r . l l 14 2j "nix4l�Aa�' approved ---......p._._. _._.. s..._._._ .. M1 ;f SIo p 9. "tIN thm s . A public hearing having been had upon the assess Mli attae,a ze e 5€medi o $nd said asaesa- b6Fta4r?a�nn tLasgrsba:at'4atre atisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, cnR �e8 y ftqns Bunny atone c taro 8arat 8>t,,gare'to s eve therefore ka ,�cEoraaneosigatp tne3 Bne oz€,. ¢ oart4 x A � t vblf RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the ti}ta�af hereby dietified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court f, he County of 12aIn or confirmation. BE 1T RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......_..Q):Ci.2-7..]923.. %/ r.'I �..City Clerk. DEC 2 71923 Approved..... _....-._____.._..._._......_._.._._.._.__._-191.._..._ Form B. B. 16 ....__..__._._.__—._.._ A PUBLISHED__ r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT �vu.,ceu tlar._.27-th>-1523-, 2M -- In the matter of the eases out of uetidi.it_s,,¢# f4_a..}.,g.S7.;i.t..9.....ra._.d%P trio grade of Alley -in Block 2, 1Palton's Sunny Slope, from Saratoga Avenue to Parc l_ AvaT w ,- n accordanc�eitli_ ._9ii...thE �n3�1$_.haxexo attuohad and mz-;ie a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue_ --line thera�rj_-._so_grade Mild._u+el._.t.Sa......Gla�_aa.id-_x.ed_..1ins._.............. W_ ostalilis'..od, ,viti: cir.�ers 44464 under Preliminary Order __---- 35�C- ; Intermediary Order _ ._.._... _.... - ----- ------ — ` Final Order —_._._4539 ____..........._.._, approved ,_.____._�.._. .._A r. 11 t_ 122......__, SIX - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Council the following as a statement of the eapendi- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: 4 00 Cost of construction - - 4 50 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $! . go - - - 14.90 inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $-_--__.._._.._........ 4.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-------- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $...769 • SU .-- Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_Zl?4-_b0 _ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. A ��4 % � � Commissioner of Fiaance. From B. S. A. 9_9 �� Council File No . ........ ............ ........... ._._._.__... By 50505 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, dayliatjes, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Snelling Ave. from Hartford Ave.to a point 125 ft. south of the south line of Juno St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grade said Snelling Ave. between -the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established and maxing the necessary ohanges in the watermains and appurtenances and relating or reconstructing celtent tile sidewalks, 4651fs 46 66 ............._......, Final Order.._:.b. Q_..—..._. under Preliminary Order...._.._.._.....__......._..., Intermediary Order469-66 � S - approved ._._.__..._AL;&t 2L;M.._...--- -'-- A public hearing having been had upon ment having been further considered by the therefore and said assess - satisfactory, be it ttl_e' gldeA'al va RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and k�i tlng-0 snt, Rrdit+ll unary o,r �r •4s61a1 .I � �er,ects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court ;61 the l ount'vjttr.,, yrn':y for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......_...__......__....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. t DEC 2 7 1923 .........._..19 t _......._.. Adopted by the Council .._ ................_ ...... _......_........_............_. . .. City Clerk. -DEC 2 1923 Approved_..._..._.._._...._.._.._......_.__...._........_...._....__..191......_ ' _ _._._..._ .�.._.. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits,dumatlesp costs UUa.P.XP ........... the grade of Snelling Ave. from Hartford Ave. to a point 1251ft.souzh of the south line of Juno St. to conform to the red '..Lne un therofile hereto attached . ...... p... ..... . : . . . .......... ... ....... and toads a part heraof, the present esi b lahed grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Said Snelling Ave. batween the aforesaid limits to the said mak i rig tie red linden as f changes in the %quierma3ms and appurtenances and relaying rgoonstructing cement tile ill under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order --..._.._._7f?__._.__a ?................ Final Order .— approved .--.--._AlhLl__?21.1923._..-.._._...._..... To the Council of the City Of St. Paul: The commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.51$.7..()0__-..... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - "9-5 -5 - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103 74 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Balance to Owner DULNe 29.55 Amount of court costs for confirms on - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures j tARy riDpx iat Ion - - - - - - - - $5.66 Net Assessment 3672-89 above ascer- tained, Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as to -wit: the sum of $jL7-Z_bq._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited T by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified, by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and they a -which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action Yther n s may'lie considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S., A. 4L9 • Council File No . ..... ....... ..... _.__............ __. 50io' 6 By._._...._......_......_..._.__......_._.. _.._..._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment`. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving Alley in Block 1, [King's lAaplewood Addition, from Woodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, 466b under Preliminary Order......._............_....._.___.., Intermediary Order _.771.2.;- � - 48� ....... Final Order....._......_- •--..._. /' approved ...... ........ S gpt ._l1..a.a: Q.._ ....... $J4 _........... r A public hearing having been had upon the as;N doeps—� '[?'�' `ent, and said assess- Al.tdtter@setpan! a ment having been further considered by the Counctj .b�x�'taa c'he¢D+`doste and eariene5s for#rad ll satisfactory, be it inaR gn,,pavine At}ey tn?liloelr 3: y ry• ;iii 7flpg•sy.;3IsPlewood%:1tftlon '.iirom,•.... AWe therefore WoAdlswa Ave to„Cre n ,un , dflr .Prellminary °Orden 40688 Inter . r medtary=:Order °41768 r 81naf.'O[dor.: 3988 RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and !8483 .nDDraved 9 );".t H ss�� �'A PuDLd hearinl above SN11 u➢on th aReggePdnsF<tu>nt,ysv l� ratified, and the bX tDej � - same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Districoy{n�"t} Y R��,"en vrtBP ysret� , x` r Coun n7 nnetgdd or confirmation. Pa-W�9s +Fere 1` - �� dmen•c� BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said is e assessmpl�be sad it Esso eby +( ermined to be payable in...._.__....._._ .._..___...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....._..DEC_2...7..1-923......_ ....................191....._..... ._...._........._......_................ .... City Clerk. Approved ._..._....__2_7_1923 ............ _..... ..... 191....__ 0 Mayor. Form B. B. 38 1, PUBLISHED — S 7 ----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Novalfiuer _?Z:�h,_L � _, W - In the matter of the assessment of o en e f i t s, C c s t s d a xPen e a for tM -10-4d_ini;_af}.�...__..._.. e �uvir�_Ailay ui 31ock__1,__ifin�!�_L'�ap1��z24.G1..../1a�li.L.lon.,_from_-}YoodlfteYn.._........ A�anue to Gratin Avar.ue, 5 4k(;9 2 Hader Preliminary Order _...._....�_—.__......-_ Intermediary Order ____. Final Order _ 7_._. 484 23 approved ......._.. -.-- -- irlt_ 1�., yc ? .— .._-.--------.__...__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the maldng of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-49-91—C-0 . . ...... . Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - -"""" Cost of postal cards - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $- --- .-- ---- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....101. Said Commissioner Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-5-L0-1-'1-1- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said dasessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for each action thereon as may be considered proper. 1cG: — —— — -------- Commissioner of Finance. Fwm B. S. A. a- • 50507 Council File No . ....... . ...... ...._._......_.__.._..__. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa Arid expenses for. grading Alley in Bl:;ok b, Phalen Heights Park, from Frank St. to Duluth Ave., and resurface vritl, cinders under Preliminary Order..._4J21.2......-...._.., Intermediary Order .._j)6... _.... _....... Final Order77, .._.__�� _..._. Jan. 17,1923 approved ---- _..------- .n _ 9 a �4 eet#, obat40,1 bt 'ot tab a�a�`gament oC¢. dbna and e3dbnaea •for " jog nttey ttt B1one cK a PhaJen Iie ghW)vement, and said aeaeas- A public hearing having been had upon t�n�?4k8�na ° st. to D�tSth ave " yymtna�y orhlb�i9a°Iro y'ndB 'I finally satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Counct?pV�er40ss6 llagt Oid$;8g s1, a-da0gOryirp therefore s., o b Fel n9.t-] Ing t?eatt_,Phsdl. 1 sY1s �,tte Casa, ibhaatd6reaFtes ects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and t e K 3ba tt t`ttih'gr¢forbj, ; P same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District C � ,d �°°Ao,°4Emsey for confirmation. ,.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......-- .....-_...__.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. pEC 2 71923 Adopted by the Council _................. .._-------- ...... pEC 2 O2y Approved ......_........ - ...... ............ ..._...191. - Form B. B. 16 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ._!41Qmexah.Qr--27th-.1G23-, -- In the matter of the assessment of henBiits cc^t u_ ,_-e e�ei:szs for t$g_ r ding All„e_y_., In Block t;,.._?y,"len Iiai�htis- Park,from_Frank _St. _`o Duluth..A�e_,...._._......_._... and rasurfl,ce with oiuders ander Preliminary Order _._._.__ .__.. 4012 Intermediary Order �.....___.—__. Jan . l , l 23 lOZ Final Order _._...._369 ._....-........ — approved --- - -- -- --- y 23 Final , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ,S The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Coat of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-- g0 : 25....._....._..... Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $— — Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $_-._-- 4' �U_-_-.-- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._397_76...__ ._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-29�* upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the r signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may b considered proper. Lpmmissioner of Finance. form B. S. A. 8-9 50508 Council File No. __..._..._.....__._...__.._____----- By.._..._..._........_._..__..._.._....._.-.. ----- --..._-...__...__.. r CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, COST.s and expenses for gracing Alley in Block 7, Jefferson Purk Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue under Preliminary Order ._4�690... _...... __., Intermediary Order ._47_=_45._ ....... _....... Final Order ....._47-X15—__.. u 2 approved .._.......... _.A....�... 3,1 9_2 .... . `�GI.n(FtANtl Da48d_0a.40e8r—a,tti rhe���{as {e!am(Zeats%id 7g• : nd said asaeas- A public hearing having been had upon the ;°;eenetacobaaryd-,vent, a jine Alley o nle k- 7 Llpr.91 Park rladi4lon *fiom+'FanmYlAvs rtu-AI F o rtr meat having been further considered by the Council, Zv@ lffend sry olrlA�tuaiac"-dally satisfactory, be it X1916;.>aDDr yea, say zs �sas� therefore ilia°aeoiemant YOY,„thaiabn4``Im, °ltts�.�enda a1d asaeeament�a✓ xY'� inrtHer zanbld da.,2/p titay. »ti °,aavtae bse enmtdetea:,cta ratified, and the RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the =;tact y-hy;�,tc ip ret4re.'� a -T aeeesemeat•Z.. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court•ai Y rti„ourfL + mbfor confirmation. ment be and it is hereby determined to be payable BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assess in . __-...-__-.J--_.—...__._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC Adopted by the Council ............ ......._ 191 ............ ......_.....2..2..1923 �r� -.•=-"--.`”' City Clerk. PEC 2 71923 Approved....._........._..........._..._. ...... .................... _...__...191.-- ........ _.._ . rorm B. B. la �� PUBLISHED J —✓r—� '�j CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Idc, yahbar... .Ztr2.....19.23-, M--- In the matter of the assessment of i2eIi.e.3 L+.s .S �. 3L3-Ys_...expt� iaas for tkec. 6rtiil' e1.=�.Y-_. --in 31ock..2_._Jet_ferson_Yar>__�lSit_I.51:. Lti._P._$sQ.�l.fty.an _...L�-....._.._._.......... Albert Avanue,_--....... _...__...- ........... ....... ....... under Preliminary Order _....__...._____—ry Intermediary Order . ..... ..............._........_, Final Order._ 7915.._x__... ..._... - approved _.. - -- --�u.k _ 2 '-1 Z .._..........---.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be inenrred for and in connection with the maldng of the above improve - meat, viz.: :ll Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - -$—`��..�.'...---...._............. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Y '50 U Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - a 11.7: Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ ---- ------ - Totalexpenditures'- - - - - - - - - - - - 14. o0 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied 'he total amount as above ascer. tained, to -wit: the sum of $-2:43-4. '$ _ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo ae may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. & A. R-9 Council File No. By.........._ ................ — CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 505- 09 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oc sts end expeilses for construoting a se',var on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Charles Street to a point 65 feet south of the south line of Edmund Street, 69 46719 under Preliminary Order 4.54 45 .-6_._._.., Intermediary Order..............9._....__.__._..._:....., Final Orde r............_____. ___.._.• June 29�1923 approved ___.__.__. — _tom. orn itChe toEta6totstsrs `t , the r fieeeaBmgnt oC: be° d Aoetb, na3,-e5ryeng6airtor cOn>Y th aeMa.,r An Wa. Aatbt.atde ot-. �;.Tiq�dasroh ava irrym tcns�lea st to; A public hearing having been had upon tlt' }:j°bf�Ed�nad 13s�R.un oeT thq�aghttr vement and said aesear Order'�46998� .1'roltrgln , Ir Intetmed��try Oder finally satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Co �96s6a Sjnal-:Or$er 98118:. ,,aDDroved, rsne tb rias x= s t . , a "Wt fikaFlns UAvtagI'ben.-}.fiad therefore npon;,the*s.abeebtuenGfor toe-�abdveh�m yrovemeay dnd.aslr assess Ont 1nK"tie a inrthar etdered by' the OQnecl }�nd� h :-t bnya'o'Qe ¢d^ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be e8 1°Yen79e es I%r tAt4gyg�aamyat�pects ratified, and the b6, spM1,'=l 1 .� ntit� same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the °�,r2ourt of the frgin s.- `h.nsey for confirmation. 7 J%iiRri`"� BE ITJRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and�'if is hereby determined to be payable in ....... - ...... _,--rL/..—_.—....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. EG 2?_1923............................... 91...._.._... Adopted by the Council ........ai_......_...... C>4D�-.... Clerk. Approved t92� _....__.....---._..19t---- 111l �M F.— B. B. 18 SI MBLISHED-// _ A7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. -REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT liu.vemOer 27, 1! In the matter of the assessment of for t §PAex_L-:r,1n9--al sa,sar on the east side of Lu ;ington-_tivettue a oint. b feet south of.__tha under Preliminary Order ..--- Y� `—`6-------- Intermediary Order . ..... 46719 Julie ZU 2 - Final Order____.----�-'---.__...._._...__....---, approved -._..._--._.--__---- -3 .---'--....__., 191. -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ,,The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ _—"- --' .12 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—.._.__.---._----- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- twined, to -wit: the sum of $—tg2.57 __ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, anal which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 I Council File No. By............ _----- --.---- .--- ....__..—....._._..._------._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. 505101 Resolution Ratifying Assessment... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing h salver on the east aide of Lexington Ave. from Thomas St. to a point 120 feet north of Edmund St. under Preliminary Order_46917...._...___.. Intermediary Order _4.-04J`.._.......__......., Final Order._.._fi�.l.�---•-- approved t'`'�tio LAB•"c ;�p�neaespment dtdpt, A public hearing having been had upon s Ian &acaeis nn eXpenseni htag df :rovement, and said anaess- at{d5etn&nsewfRbnt 1111-6 ua . ment having been further considered by the 3 p ztasl�Q `°u �rfh`r r< S o4 r d finally satisfactory, be it otgE. therefore znPairorden.'4161ba . Baa' t -' at?��rdved"80pt• yeap, ba'i} 4p ptuet easmtoe,�n,tar� berms°enti.ptue - RESOLVED. That the said assessment bevy °p a turrthhe[$ const bare ccn (gorse �especta ratified, and the ?�nLntd _ er sswent' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dista Sar[vt Ea t� qs�!��t pe paaey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is herebydetermined to be payable _....._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 2 71923 Adoptedby the Council ...._.... .._..... .__........................._...._.........._ ._ l 91 _.._..._.. ............. . ity Clerk. PEC 2 7 1923 Approved_...._..._._._.._..........____..._.._...__...._.___.......191 _.-- &gs _ Mayor. Form s, B. to' YUBLISIiED CITY OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT. _._...__l4ovetnber 27,1923W. In the matter of the assessment of _ vetiver or _eavt_y_ de.._of__L.ax n�;ton.__Av_e.._ point 120 feet north of Edmund St., "4347 645 under Preliminary Order ._. _� ____......_._.._._—� Intermediary Order ___"----..._..._...._.........., Final Order —_.._.. 4 X11 .... ......... ..___.._, approved _..__...__.-Sep.t_d_i92j._........... __,181_.... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - meat, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4.7_'-j ..__._..._.._. 1.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ $--- -' '--`---- r Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._...__.L9- ------ - 10.95 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $------..-_..... ... Amount of court costs forleonfirmation - - - - - - - - $-........-- 47 -.--- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - 559 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $5_�4 __ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may b considered proper. 1 - IL - I/ - - ___..... mmisaioner of Finance. Fmm B. S. A. fL9 _ a � Council File No. ................_...__..._._._—_ By 50511 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. benefits, costs and expenses for In the matter of the assessment of constructing a newer on the west side of Lexington Avenue from Thomas Street to a point 2C'O feat l:oatii of the north Zine of Thomas Street, under Preliminary Order Intermediary ___, Intermediary Order 4!+.�.3kz"...._.........._. Final Order.... -.A5.252--.--.. Apr.20,1y23—...19I_._..._... approved..... __._.._......... — ........ _........ ........... _ e ,F xo sdsii?,.e improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been had , tho Mtte4 of the tapas a en . ot, ?beaeflts ;Gbete and expenses for cdw meat having been further considered b,-4tvr iimnjil.n zvee te0>g Thomtes�Nte,{laidered finally satisfactory, be it polnt'2002pet north_ f tbe`borOt'; therefore ttne or Ttignuab Bt upQgr Yreum/a Ordent4402'4.r- I termedlarr Order: pe" FW 11 der 4Iss8 npproce{i' �Il ao Iesa y obit hparina havyis been hap: RESOLVED. That the said assessment F �.BtaAees mgar roma® bovetm to all respects ratified, and the #t. �$nd sald .aseesela� t hav same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I ipither constapred br ..ttAe't of Ramsey for confirmation. itd : bs Ing been conalde W', BE ITPJRTHER RESOLVED, That the aaid'asae n oe eD°}°rczi"hereby determined to be payable in _...... _.. "! equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. pEC 2 7 1923 Adopted by the Council .................... ......... _. 91............. City Clerk. pEC 2 19 Approved...... _... ..... _- -- ..._. 191......_. Form B. B. 18 /U pUBLISITCD Ly i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT november 27,1923 In the matter of the assessment of bei exit .,c�sts_8�_,.exaengesfor _ c nstruct_ing_-a sewer on the west side of Lexington Avenue from Thomas Street -,to a uc,int 200 feat north of ti:a north line of ThomasS�_reet,_._._____... _._.- 44686 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ____._...... Apr . 20 ,19 23........__, 1 . Final Order _—. --x+5252 - ................-, approved ...-- - ..-.......__....__.._..-...__._....._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the,above improve - meat, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--.....�_,,_ .77_.....___ Inspection fees - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-•-,-3- 5-- .__._. amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....�.g , aid Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the earn of $_687 - 67--- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefitm. conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for-suah action ther7n as may bit considered proper. I / Crr �ss�oner of Finance. F- B. S. A. R-9 �'� /V/ s Q. F. By - 50512 i An ordinance granting to the J: C Vander Bie Compan9, Ine� permission to install and maintain a set of publie.scales on the north side of Partridge Street just east of Bronson Street, £as- of Lot 7 Block b Bronson's Addition. The Council of the City of St. Paul dose ordain :- Section 1. Permission is hereby granted to the J. C. veder Bie Company, Inc. to establish and maintain a. set of public scales on the north side of Partridge Street just east of Bronsonin front of Lo Said scalesWs eet shall be erected in such manneeroasomay bedition. directed by the Commissioner of Public Rorke and under his 0 C: Vander Bie Company shall supervision, and said . the cost of inspection, it+ an The City of es said reserves the right to order said scales removed at any times J: C. Vander Bie Company,, by the acceptance of. the Priv leges hereby granted, agrees to remove said scales whenever directed by they Council 110 `tp dot and upon such removal shall put the portion of the street occupied by said scales in the condition it is in at the present time. Section 2. Said J. C. Vander Bie Company shall execute to the City of St: Paul s bond inbe appro approved rive theThousand Corporation (5000) in such form as may Counsel, and with such surety as may be approved the Mayor, conditioned to indemnify and save the City harmlessss from any and all damages, claims, suits, costs, loss or liability that may arise either to persons or property by reason of the erection, maintenance or removal of said seales. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be inforce thirty days after its passage and publication and upon filing of said bond by said J. C. Vander Bie Company, and a written acceptance Corporation ordinance in such form as may be app by t Yeas Councilmen Nays ancy FeVgdWOR- 4wDona3� in favor Peter Sudheimer L% Wenzel against Mr. President ✓ C) Adopted by the Council JAS! 1 1 1924 1923 JAN 1 1 1924 1923 Approved mayor* .U7BUS!!cDD 14 U MANUFACTURERS OF 102EC—M--1M1,0FEK5 ST.PAUL,MINN. Dec. 17th. 1923 - Mr. . J. Peter, Co sioner Co Hof Public Works, ouse, St. aul, Minn. Dear Sirt- ae have been recently advised by Commissioner Wenzel that we cannot expect to procure our ice supply of 10,000 tone from IAke Phalen this winter. Therefore we have made arrangements to have some out at New Brighton and hauled in by the Soo Line, which necessitates the erection of a ten ton pit platform scale convenient to our ice house. The only available location is on Partridge St. wholly in the street now paved with brick, opposite our barn at the southeast corner of lot 7, block 5, Brunson Addition. A plan of erection is attached hereto showing location of platform, pit and beam. Depending upon weather conditions our ice harvest generally begins shortly after the let. of January,and it is desirable to take advantage, of the present mild weather to pour concrete for the scale pit and we ask your immediate consideration in the matter by notifying us if it will be possible to have an ordinance drawn and placed before the Council at the next sitting. If the Council passes an ordinance permitting us to erect this scale, we will comply with ell the provisions of the law, covering bonds, etc. and all ordinance. provisions pertaining to gutters and retaining walls in pit. Thanking you in advance for prompt action in this matter, we are, Very truly yours, J/ J. C. VANDER BIE CO. WWD:ID B ".Mgr - o�m,o P$B. FAIRBANKS, Ix q%RSE & CO - SAINT 1P/AAUL SAINT . FOR n� Sul 1s / ORDER NO - 1: �rvn.ton l�dd'n I ! AA w q_ x•11 .:. � � �"s p i i r. //• ^ `G/ v �������fti � � �� �� � ���t'iz� ---- ---- _---- __ _ � _�J� �� J . 4..,s ..... i... il FilecNo. - 50513 CITY OF ST. PAUS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERE COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Presented by necese 5y a:cuv > - Sondult with.neceesary:manholea"aad Date Commissioner 1$teral plpeS; connecting;:the latereect 'Ing streete•and alleys on -Aha follow-_ _ IrtrtR named"Streets. ,- •- - o :"nUst Side of Lafayette Ave ,frotri Vdnpdw rd Ava to Groye SL' and'-- ,---------------------------- 'ty� t l4 f LafaYStte Ave. 'ne .,,Fr^ nod. tllrouBh La[ny-: RESOLVED: er thg n That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. to make the necessary excavation, lay underground conduit with necessary maUholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alloys on the followibLt named streets: East side of Lafayette Ave. from Woodward Ave. to Grove Street. and on the east side of Lafayette Ave. as proposed to be opened thru Lafayette Park. Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the "Commissioner of Public Works", ithe Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engineering and publication. i I r l Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays DEC 81923 ✓ Clancy Adopted by the Council , 19_ 0" ✓ Ferguson i,1(/ McDonald In favor / 3udheimer Approved DEC 2 8192 19 ic2 l/ Peter LAgainst V19en zel Mr. President ayor . . yl� PUBLISHCD-5 y , Filea8 . 50,513 O ITY OP ST. P AV L OPPICE OP,THE CITY CLEHg ! COUNOIL RESOWTION --- GENERAL POKY i Presented by Commissioner Date -- ---- S RESOLVED: That permission be and is hereby granted to the }'I ! Tri-State Telephone k Telegraph Co. to make the necessary excavation, lay undergroand conduit with necessary manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys on the follodb$,named streets: lost side of Lafayette Ave. from Woodward Ave. Io Grove to De opened on ethru Least sidete of Ldfayette Ave. as proposed Work to be done under the direction and to the Watiefaotioh of the "Commissioner of Public Works". the Telephone Company to pay the coat of inspection, engineering and publication. Yeas { ) Councilmen (j Nays DEC 2 81943 Clancy Adopted by the Oounoil 19— Pergaeon McDonald In favor Sudheimer Approved DEG 2 81928 19 Peter Against' Wenzel Mr. President yor. HENRY OLSON of *atnt Vaut H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK Offiee of (9itV Tlerk ASST. CITY CLERK December 27th, 1923 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Utilities, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith resolution granting permis- sion to the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. to lay underground conduit on the east side of Lafayette Ave. from Woodward Ave. to Grove St., and on the east side of Lafayette Ave., as proposed to be opened thru Lafayette Park. This resolution is referred to you for your approval. Yours vary truly enc. CITY LIM. I COUNCIL No. --..5 p�."�R CITY OF ST. PAUL File (•JTJ ----RR ,E O THE CITY CLERK .�� —rj—rFNERAL FORM DATF....._._Deoember RESOLVED That applic4tion NO. 4624 for handling at�d selling Soft drinks at 118 Eaton Ave. issued to ?Juke Ritefte be a# the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that thiVis a very undesirable place and is frequented by a bad element of people; the former proprietor is serving four months in the county jail, having been convicted for violating the'liquor law. Lieut. Gates in charge of Duaas station is apposed to granting a license to this place as he claims that it has caused the police department considerable trouble. Present anplieant has never been arrested or convicted for violating the liquor law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald ___.:._.._In favor Sudheitr Peter--------- ------- Against ,/ enzel Mr. President J pEC 2 7 1923 192....-- Adopted by the Council .......-..- pEC 2 71923 Ap roved ............. - — .... - 192 l? ......... . ........ MAYOR COUNCIL 505.5 CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO._.....:_.___--- N OFFICE OF,THE CITY CLERK NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o PRESENTED BY.,. DATE..__.D. Bm-ber .27.,.-1L,-z-3 _.__— COMMISSIONER.__.._....—___....._..__.......__._..__._...._.......... Rge'`7Eb That applications for licenses of the followi arsons for handling and selling Foodstuffs at to addressesity Indick is tetruoted ed be and the same are hereby granted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 381 Rondo St., Grocery Morris Blumstein, 1576 Portland Av., A. H. Oarson, 253 w• 7th St., Bakery G. H. Dahl, 930 Raymond Av., 0onf—drug Fred J. Harms, 933 Payne Av., Grocery Augusta H01m, " Godfrey Ji crF� 1157 N. Snelling Av. " Roaolvo t632 N. Snelling Av-, n Mark A J ansae of i 7$ Front St., phas. Ke l handl ns a an Soft drink addreeaesaf df nd Lhe Cl Y 3 0ollins St. , Max Kruc are herebyB!atL confectionery ie inatructed.to Issue euchiliceqq��,, University Av. , Midway 0a oa•;the ysyment in=00tho clty t-id, s79 Grocery ¢r-the ouetomarr. 381:: g ndo 1 Fuller Av., II Lawrence r,e ,Rlum an: ^St. Ol air St., Rap» & Witi\b r}V Curleon, 1626 Portland AVe. " A. J- so wieq Dnm,'3caw What haltery. Forest St., " r, xarme 839,.Raymo¢d at, �W. Univereity AV., n Edward SPies nerr-d ug West &Evans,,` to xolm .e. tOz 0omo Av. W. , , " Major Wilson, 500 University Ave., " John Wondra, 814 W. 7th St., soft drink Michael Lemak, 555 Broadway " J• Perkins, 51b Jackson St. " Philip Mauer, 823 Mississippi St•, " 3g1 E. 7th St., John Schaeffer, i}t}4 Broadway " Tom Kerns, 495 Front St., " Adolph Rauohws,rter, John R. Simon, 1005 W. 7th St;; " 11 Nick Vonicka, 619 Van Buren., COUNCILMEN DEC 2 7 1923 Yens Nays Adopted by the Council.................. ............1.�J2._... Clancy ,Ferguson App K,.d .. .. 2 7 192 ..............192...... ✓McDonald ............In favor rti Sudheimer - MAYOa y� Peter 0........Against (/ Wenzel TIM ,/Mr. President n COUNCIL 50,51`. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ........ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L R)9/0LUTION-rGENERAL FORM ' uv 2�iG�_27s-_1923-- ........ ..............._.............._.......................... ...._. DATE. _Teoem_:.. �d WHEREAS,In compliance with Ordinance No. 5866, approved September 5, 1922, permission and authority were granted to the Red Top Cab Company, Applications 1480 and 2786 to operate a public livery upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, and WHERFAS, Liability Policy No. APL -17209 was filed in compliance with said ordinance, the Red Top Cab Company appearing as principal and the Associated Companies as surety; and whereas, the said Red Top Cab Company has discontinued the operation of said public livery, and said Associated Companies has filed a notice of cancellation of said policy, as provided by Ordinance No. 5866; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha said permit and liability policy be can- celled, and the prinOipal and surety be and they are hereby released; provided that said cancellation shall not affect the surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays � Clancy' �- rergu oIIi McDonald ... ... ._.In favor /AxA&?c Sudheihner / Peter ................Against /Wenzel % Mr. President I ptv 'L A fy4O Adopted by the Council -------------------------- -------------192...... DEC 27199B Appved.. '-" - ---- -------------'.........192...... --MAYOR NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 1 t December 19th, 1923. City of St. P-1, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:- RE: RED TOP CAB COMPANY. Under the terms of Associated Companies policy NO. APL -17209 the companies give you notice of their desire to cancel and does hereby cancel the said policy, including any and all endorsaaents or certificates attached thereto, can carcoma effective as of noon of the 25th day of December, 1923. The companies will arrange to make, through their - authorized representative, whatever adjustment of premium is called for by the said policy. Countersigned at St. Paul, Minnesota this 19th day of December, 1923. GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY, HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY, LTD, MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY, • THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD., STANDARD ACCIDENT INSURANCE UNITED STATES CASUALTY CO MPANY;PAN1, -_ Countersigned hy.`��. Re trar. 3-2223.1500. - couNCIL No--- . -110 5-1r-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE% FIC OF THE CITY CLERK CIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM De ber 27, 1923 PRESENTED BY..... DATE ............. _._. ....._.........._.... COMMISSIONER._ ........ .. __....................... RESOLVED That the a^plications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Hotels or Restaurants ted attthe he 0addresses ity Clerk isdicatruated ted be and the same are hereby gra to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 445-449 St. peter St., Restaurant is i Soh H mes, 1935-37 University Av. Siebenthal &Barrett, Il Vincent Yost, (by Wabasha St., " 618 Como Av., Minnie Clausen,L. " 50 W. 5th St., ny.M•C.A., 1963 University Av., n Midway 364 Wabasha St., L. K. Liggett, 425 Wabasha St., L. K. Liggett, - ymond AV., II Ed Morran, C. r_ No' 60617-8Y G C. Hudhslmer— bert St • , That the apPlicatlons'tor " C arling lg; Resolved. Iiceesol of the fou—nag persons for 'rllttl conducting Hotels or Restaurants at 7th St•, and toe 0 11 Ohn indleated he J the addresses FinY a aro ssesay granted and toe Clty 9th gt• , sameareII- 0 M. J. inatruetsd to lasue such grank Buea censor upon the Itayment Into;th0 ell lby Ave., " W. G. Neus sephla Himesc445-449ryStsPeter St.. 7th St., " - aurnnt. peter Oonto:ii�yeA�e �aautr'ano. 19x6-ai vnl- 5th $t., Mary Johnsoi inc nc Yost.769 R'nbaaha Sj., res- bndo St., " pf Indian Mounds, Hotel A• J• Sass, nia Clausen, 616 Conte Ave., re.- i ce St., Restaurant M. Carter, gn.k. 60 µ,. r,. ...' o t-00. �t8 N. Prior Av., Bert C. McKee,.,,',;,•",' M.J• Lundeen, 20 E. Isabel St., 1 " C. J• Lundeen, 928 Payne AV. C. II Percy gazarchien, 3871 Sibley St., " J. Tsohennel & T. Gallagher, St.-, 110Er, " University nve4 " A. B. Oxman, 7 9 Mississippi St. Jas. P• Zeiler, COUNCILMEN UEC 2 7 1923 Yens Nays Adopted by the Council- 192...... Clancy ,�rcrguson Appro d.._ _SEG 7 lgrl _....----192...... McDonald In favor � Sudhe ilge r - N��On U MI�YOR ,d Peter Against Wenzel PU BLISTrpID % - S 9 41 /Mr. President r ORIGINAL TO U COUNCIL NO...,_50-15 CRY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FUE ...... 0-15 L APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 200' PRESENT E BY /)�G%J' - DQQQ��� • 2 7th, 1---- COMMI551 NER._ .---.f...-(//./%�.�_.... -- - ---- ---------------- DATE.......... .._....--.-............ RESOL , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRA O 1F. No. 60618—By S •L Cla Py OF THE COMPTROLLER ISe a belmade onthe,of the C mp= WHEN BY 50 DOING AN UNAVOIDgtretter when b so; doln MAY BE MET BY SAID fable' deflclency, In one It n may be met TRANSFER'WITHOUT HAMPERING Thby said t—ker wltkoft hamyerlag E MONEY IN THE ITEM PrF Yided for by the money In the Itemfropl Which the trnnater"le FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS M�mad.. I i60q.00 from Code No 736, 00'lalal Publlcatl n, �,. i300; 009frPm Cn'�- ,I ,qr CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANS- FROM TRANSFERED TO 125 Official Publication 500 00 127 Debt Service 300 00. 146 Water for Wilder 58 70 149 Ramsey Vier Record 1 00 163 Engineering & Inspection 1 000 00 164 Non-Assessble Improvements 217 62 108 ISun. Court 150 00 124 Accounting Forms 375 00 144 Workmen's Compensation 1 552 32 122 Armory (Taxes) 266 36 122 R ( Exp ens e) 265 36 f: DEC 2 7 1923 /ES ( %7) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL............_..................19.......... • ./ CLANCY 1D / FERGUSON APP OVED ............ p C.2.2.1923 ............. ✓ MCDONALD .-..... J.. -....-IN FAVOR MATSON u MAYOR ✓/ PETER ................AGAINST J WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED TY COMPFROLLEfl BY...........................C- I......... -O- ............. 15 CT MR. PRESIDENT "- rys • am os ar. a�aL: - RIADRUPUGT6 TD CRY CUMK 50 7'19 oonrom porn D.0 1M 1722 /��%�✓ Kms` `�i ........ ... MPTR,I.I.ER n ' AUDITED . ....... .192. _...__ PER_ ... _.. .. wvermg., , Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4che,,�fl:le •-••••--•---------•- - checks numbered-.19aaQ......- ---' ----- to.....19888--- ---.......lnclnsive, as per register of citin the office of the City' Comptroller, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council PEC.2 _> ------....- . 192 Ferguson,f In favor 192 -/ McDonald, � Approved ----'-- r�--r-?.. - � - -. ;. p 33- . � 3----- ...--- P4—r Sudheimer Peter, Against Wenzel. .............. Mr. President, Nelson Re olved, That checks .be drawn on , be'Clty Treasury, to the -aggregate amount o4 38,So3.41, covering, checks - `numbered 19880 Lo. 11 h on file as 'or r" gieteyy, Qt city :a ecka ort 81e I. �tDe otnce of the City Comptroller. ` Adopted bythe Council Dec. 27, 1923. Approved,' D—.27.11923 (Jan. 6-1824)l.. t ORIGINAL TO ' errY CLERK 'Forty D-34 1Dt 12-22 II 955 aTSY 11Y .Y. P�TIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM e,L rr0.......50: _. •- .... MPiROLLER AUDRED...---- .--- _._.----------- ...-------- _`:..`_......182...... a l cov ng Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ -_8t --- ...� 41._ ..................e o the City checks nu -1989 mbered.-0.----_-- to. ----- 19896 ............... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( T Nays. PEC 2 71928 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ---------- ----------------------------------------- ....:192.--.... ✓ Ferguson,0 E C 2 71923 .... ------.In favor �_- .192McDonald, proved.- ..............---•• ---------- - Sudheimer Peter. .Against --..-.-.- stn --- - --- Mr. President, Nelson 19890 J. I. Faricy, Water 19891 Michael Gebhardt, Chief of Police Police 19892 J. F. Bain Cashier Water Department dater 19893 Kalman Steel Company, Water 19894 A. Rehbein, Water 19895 The C. Reiss Coal Company, Water 19896 United Lead Company, Water 50.00 226.50- 102.04 4,977.32 176.53 2,162.97 608.05 Oiii OP /i. P�IIL OUADRUpLIGTa TO CRY CLiAK MLZ etL No...::._tr�US�U_ Form D-34 1M 12-22 ----- ...... .. ......... AUDITED........:::..-. t::..._.. _::-.._....._x............._192........._ PER_. ..... .......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-... z ? r 5 --- ....................... covering checks numbered.19834_----_------------- to......_19881__.--..--....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. �EQ 2 7 1921 t/ Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............. .................. ....... ... --- ----- ...-192- Ferguson, 7.1n favor 2 7 1�2_',McDonald, D Approved............_------ .------ --- .--..------ ---- -----------• ..192. Sudheimer /Peter, enzel. ------------Against "Air. President, Nelson C.'iteaotved.. F. No. 60620-- Thnt check&bq,draten. an' 'amou lty Treasury, to: the aggregate °amount V 323;683.19, coverh�g :checks. `numb'ered'1'934 to 19881'Incluslve: ae �ver.'leglater f-clty cheaka. 'oa file 1.- the o¢Ice of -the City ComytrollerI - !Adopted by the Council. Dec.;27, 1923. • -'Approved, Dec.:87., 1923. ,(7an.: 5-1924) y, }, a tCm CLrAK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 000a.,n 50`, �2�yll0 Form D-34 !21 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM nn: NO..._ ._.._ 953 • n " i7 GflY , R' t BY ................ ... ... AUDITED.i�L. '.:!. .............192..._._.-_ .. _. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.....`Zwt ..... ....................... covering checks numbered _...1,9.$.34 ................. to.-..-.19881...............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( I ) Nays. E-..... Clancy, Adopted by the Council .... ---- .----- p. --•--C ---- 2192 ..............192- 7 5Ferguson, In favor DEC 2 7 1923 McDonald, / App owed ....:.... ....._.... ...--.-...-..............- --....-......---192.-----.. X11- Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. Against - . ---------- .._._..... ....................-ntA'r -- Mr. President, Nelson 19834 --------- - '------'--- -- --------------- - ..._.-.------------..-.... -- . -. - .. American Linen Supply Company, --- ---------- 4.65 59.78 Manic. Emp. Bureau 2.80 Police Eire 3.15. Schools 31.18 iter 18.00 19835 S. Berglund Lumber Company, 12.00 35.73 Schools u 4.70 Lighting 19.03 3 37.50 19836 Coal Com an S. Brand p Ys Schools I 19837 Capital City Lumber Company, 53.55 Bridge Bldg. & R. 19838 Capitol Laundry Company, 56.26 ® Schools 19839 Citizens' Ice & Fuel Company, 6.25 Library 42.60 19840 Cudahy Packing Company, Library 61.20 5.66 109.20 147.96 325.00 54.86 66.76 132.08 259.95 Res. 953 Page #2 19841 Daily News Publishing Company, School(Bond) 60.48 New Webster L 1763, .72 19842 Deegan Supply Company, Schools 19843 The Dispatch Printing Company, New Webster School(Bond) 19844 Louis F. Dow Company, C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 4.00 Police 2.00 • Health Bureau of Engrs. .20 33.73 .50 Schools It 70.56 ++ 7.43 u 4.00 + 6.75 • Park -Adm. 9.54 P. Bldgs. 3.60 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 1.50• water 4.15 19845 C. A. Dunham Company, P. Bldgs. Revl. 19846 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Company, Fire 19847 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, Police 16.46 Schools 8.70 Bureau of Parks 41.00 Markets 60 66.76 19848 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Armory 6,25 Police 4.40 Fire 18.00 Pol. & F. Alarm .69. �+ +� 2.40 Health .80 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 14.51 Bureau of Engrs. 9.00 St. C. & R. 1.36 S. & S. Cing. 57.70 Bridge Bldg. & R. 7.44 ++ it 8.15 ++ �+ 1.38. 1� 19849 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, • Schools 61.20 5.66 109.20 147.96 325.00 54.86 66.76 132.08 259.95 386.55 348.74 51.66 240.00 8.00 44.46 6.50 163.19 4.00 61.75 485.03 26.88 22.38. 5.65 73.70. Res. 953 Page #3 19850 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Library. 7.13 Bureau of Parks 3.54 u n n 7.80., Garage 64.70 Sprinkling 62.06 P. Bldgs. Revl. 226.58• L 1763 1.61' L 1847 13.13. 19851 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Water 19852 Fenstermacher Auto Supply Company, Fire .19853 Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Fire 19854 Chas. Friend & Son, Water 19855 H. B. Fuller Company, Police 1.30 Schools 34.00 Mater 9.16 44-.46- 19856 Chester W. Gaskell, Playgrounds 19857 General Motors Truck Company, S. & S. Cing. 19858 Fritz L. Gienandt, Library 19859 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, Schools 19860 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, Police 3.25 S. & S. Cing. 14.58 Schools 201.10 " 23.33 " 56.02 " 97.89 " 4.25 Bridge Bldg. & R. 14.25 Garage 4.61 L 1836 A 20.75 Water 45.00 �3 19861 Hamm Brewing Company, S Health 19862 High Speed Brake Service Company, Garage 19863 International Time Recording Company, Water 19864 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, Fire 50.00 Garage 23.70 -7-3 . S 386.55 348.74 51.66 240.00 8.00 44.46 6.50 163.19 4.00 61.75 485.03 26.88 22.38. 5.65 73.70. • r: Res. 953 Page #4 19872 Linde Air Products Company, 19865 J. Kaefer Mfg. Company, 2,25 Garage4.65 Schools, 19673 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. 19866 Kardex Sales Company, Police Yrnter C.P.'N.-Gen. Adm. 19874 Nassau Paper Company, 19867 William H. Keller, Inc., + ++ Schools Bridge Bldg. & R. is 19868 Kellogg -Mackay Company, 4.75 60.92 11.37 P. Bldgs. Revl. 8.23 19869 Lamph�.r, Skinner & Company, n 3.18 Schools 17.28 1987v F. G. Leslie Paper Company, 15.75 Schools 1.77 n 4.14 Library .90 Park-Hdm. 5.75 28.31 19871 Librarian, Library 19872 Linde Air Products Company, Test. Labs. 2,25 Garage4.65 -Z. �� 19673 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co., 2.50 L 1686 Police Yrnter 68.09 _7679- 19874 Nassau Paper Company, 8.35 Bureau of Engineers + ++ Schools 16.48 is 31.34 Library 4.75 60.92 19875 Nolan -Irons Company, Garage 19876 Northern Pacific Railway Company, L 1617 12.54 eater 98.10 110.64 19877 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company,1 Police 01.19 Fire 13.46 Pol. & F. Alarm 32.00 + ++ 3.66 it 3.00 Arterial h4hways 345.08 it 11.37 Schools 8.23 n 8.26 n 3.18 n 17.28 16.20 31.47 2.66 23.76 6.00 28.31 50.32 6.90 70.59 60.92 120.93 110.64 546.71 Res. 953 Page #5 19878 Northwestern Electric Equipment Uompany, 4.65 926.90 Bureau of Parks 315.00 Lighting 151.19 n 202.50 Garage 36.31 1Sprinkling .60 216.65 ater � 2 U 19879 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 17,947.42 Lighting 19880 Specialty CiityytClerk ing Company , 26.65 P. Bldgs. Revl. 4.75 2� 19881 'Hebb Publishing Company, School Book Puna • 204.00 A QUA RUPLI"= ,oCRY o K V_ D.34 jsf� 12-22 0 0 naT AT. PAUL ti NO -50521- .... ..... . Resolved that checks be dray on the City Treasury, to the sm-egate amount of. $--Ag! -- --------- coveriuj� AP Ppi- checks numbered ...... inclusive, as per register of, city the on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes %r Councilmen Nuys. ✓ Clancy, Adopted by the Council-._--------VE.;-�2--; ----------- ---- Ferguson, ----- In favorDEQ27 1923 ............... 197 McDonald, Approved ------ - --- - ------.--................ ... Meamr Sudheimer Peer, Wenzel. ........... Against _A5. President, Nelson C. F. No. 50521— '50 Ved Che.C, 4 That checks be dMwn on 'Y Truss" • h .mount of $38.051�i3!0�.v.�,ln.ggg�h�.gc.k'- numbered,, -19882 to 19889 10-tva, Per raglater of city; onfile In t h the City C ft oniCe-of t rapt .1 "Opted bY the CGUn.ffD.a.r271, I ApProVed, Dec. 27, 1929,� 6-1024). Oiti OP Bi, PMOL ' IGIKIILTO ryC K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aa,L 50521 —D-34 int 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ;: NO.. ............... __.. 954 BYPTROLLER {Ill ....................... ._. ...... AUOIMO ..... ... - ....... ._...... - PER .... _. Z.. .._... f Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of a.... #0-92..26 --------------------- :, covering checks numbered ..----- 198!ag.............. to --._19889----. ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the -office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 7 1923 LI/pEC 2 Clancy, Adopted by the Council - --.... --- .. ............. ... . ..........192....-.. �11Ferguson, ..In favor DEC 2 7 1923 McDonald, A v $p n, oved--------- ----------------- 192 Sudheimer Peter, MAYO. R - Qenul. . .....Against -- ---- _/'Mr. President, Nelson 19882 ..... - J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 30,558.25 Interest 27,538.75 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 349.50 11 -Red. Certs. Ind. 400.00 Water Department Fund - Int. Acct. 2,270.00 19883 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 2,200.00 P.I.R.F.-Official Pub. (Credit Off. Pub. G.F.-123) 19884 F. E. Compton Company, 312.00 Schools 19885 n Corrugated Bar Company, 103.48 L 1836 A • 19886 Eliza F. Grout, Bureau of Parks (Battle Creek) 650.00 19887 Arthur A. Meckstroth, 1,825.00 1 Bureau of Parks (Battle Creek) 19888 Republic deeosoting Company, 213.50 L 1858 19889 L. A. Straight, 2,190.00 Bureau of Parks (Battle Creek) 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I SIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR RESOLVED COUNCIL 50522 F �e No.. - - December 4F, 1923. In the matter of paving George Street from Ohio Street to State Street, with necessary sewer connections, under Final Order C. F. $48281, approved September 7, 1923. ?3SOLVED, That the plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'ilorke showing sewer.connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F No. 66622-13Y W- J. Peter- Infrom Ohl. Street tolSt_te street. witb r zessary' sewer 0... aB i II, .doz 'Final :Orden O. F. Nor oVec September 7, 1923. 'Resolved That the Plana and sssion call... ubmitted by the Commission j er of Public Work. show) -6 se 1 aectien. ; necessad the sums are aereb said _Crest, be _!Proved. - I „pd r.v. by _the Council -Dea 27, 192 Approved, -:D c 27. 1823. (Dec 29-1923) -4-4. COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays -"Clancy -"Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudheim Peter .. �..;,. _-Against Wenzel President DEC 2 7 1923 Adopted by the Council _..._..----- ---- ._..._.--- ------ .192 --.--- DEC 2 71923 Approe ------ ...._._.--- ------ ------ 192_.... -- - - --- ----- "-'-""-'--- - MAYOR caueCIL No_ ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - �// ATE ........... PRESENTED BY .......... COMMISSIONER.__.._._.._:_ , RESOLVED In the matter of paving George Street from Ohio Street to State Street, with necessary Gas Connections, under Final Order C. F. J48281, approved September 7, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Co,_missioner of Public ViorkB is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plan, upon the St. Paul Gas LiEht Company - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy / Ferguson ✓ McDonald _. _In favor ,­'gEj= Sudheimer ✓ Peter _ Against Wenzel / Mr. President pEG 2 71923 ........192...... Adopted by the Council ................. Ap roved...... ---------- 192 l.�' .....r\ .... ...... ......................... 11 CO°R`" NO....:_511,524 CITY OF ST. PAUL F.- -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---- Ds�c. 27, 1923. PRESENTEDBY ......... _.... ..................... _............... ... RESOLVED In the matter of paving George Street from Ohio Street to State Street, with necessary Water Gonne_ ctions, under Final Order C. F. #48281, approved September 7, 1923. P.ESOLVED'i That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Vrorks be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. C_F, No. 60624—' Introm Ohl. treeta to State,9 necessary water Connecttor Flbal OrderC. F. No. 49281 September 7. 1922. cn�tionaseitow ntgthwnt.rs an necessary to be mode herebYe be; and the suma.o nd the Commissioner r Pub recbe and hetCe� Account. tsd dl wont bY, Adovted by the Council, De APOroved, (Dec.229 19281 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ,/Ferguson ✓McDonald _. _..._..In favor Sudheitnt Against Peter Wenzel Mr. President `�Llr'k �" q 4j-,,- ULU 2 71929 192..---• Adopted by the Council .. __............................ Appro4d- ---- - ... ........... ... ... MAYOR / - - =UNCIL NO...... r, � NUJ [/� {yam CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ..... ....... Dec_emb_er_ 27._...19..2.3_....._ RESOLVED In the matter of pWving Raymond Avenue from Hampden Avenue to 150 feet North of the North Line of I:ianvel Street, and from Blake Avenue to Como Avenue fest, with necessary '+Later Connections , under Final Order C. F. #49805, approved November 21, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissloluer of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. y�. COUNCILMEN Teas Nays --'Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudheimer Peter __ Against Wenzel Mr. President �,A a v,ua q- �V c Adopted by the Council13EC 2 7 1923 192...... App r --- 192...... ............ ...... ..... MAYOR rAUNO�L J[t4�� 0"50� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE J4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — =canIAITtnN—GENERAL FORM ember. 27, 1923. In the matter of paving "Raymond Avenue from Hampden Avenue to 150 feet North of the North Line of E noel Street, and from Blake Avenue to Como Avenue ,jest, with necessary Gas Connections, under Final Order C. F. 149805, approved November 21, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commission�iorer of Public 'ks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C. F No. 60626—BY W. J. Feter— Sn th atter. of paving Raymond Avec rr m 8nmbden Alan ue to 160 feet North of the North Lina t Manuel Rtreat and fr m -:Blake Av.6 a. to Como Avenue heat, with necessary f at Cn FCNo.049805, ap9roved'nalNov mlier 1 6 21, 1023. Resolved, That tlio; annexed plane and �if.ht Company adol ted nY th Couuatl Doo. 27, 1923. Approved, DeeDec 21, 1923 " (za-1923) COUNCILMEN yeas_ Nays ✓Clancy -,"Ferguson / McDonald __.. In favor ONEM Sudheime1 / Peter (�. - Against Wenzel /Mr. President DEC 2 71923 Adopted by the Council... ------------ 192 F- ...-.- .... A proved........ �-¢7-9�2� �j _ n 192_ '� - .... ...... ... ........ .. MAYOR COUNCIL No ....... FILE CITY OF, ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- ----m—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED In the matter of paving Raymond Avenue from Como Avenue West to Scudder Street, Scudder Street from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue and Cleveland Avenue from Scudder Street to the North City Limits, with necessary sewer connections , under Final Order C. F. j49805, approved November 21, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public iiOrks showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved. C..F• No. 80627—nY"Y' J.nPylnond Ave. :In the Mutter of pavinWeei to Bcumdu er from Como erenlle Avenue and ry� Street, Scuddci• Str°0L fcom Rst Avenue to Clevalnnd Scuddor St. Cievoland Avenue from with nece°- C1 the " th City Llmite. under byn%1 I art sewer connection°, roved T^oV. I Order C. F. No. 4B806r nOD .lane and 21, 1923. Thet the nnnezed.D t I Resolved, to s -Com- I miselon ti... .Pub a 3Vo h °bowing 1 be and t e same are I ae .t onneCllone nOCo..a[y LO be in are upon anid ,attest. I -1o. 27, 1923. hereby approved.- . pdor o by the Coo 392a De Approved, LUeo. z29-1B2J) 4-4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Q McDonald _.___7ln favor ,2d Sudheimet d / Against Peter !� Wenzel /Mr. President 0 9€U 2 71923 192. ----- Adopted by the Council. .. ........... — - DEQ ouncil................-- DEG 2 71923 ----- 192- Pproved .-.- - - - ....-.._..._.......... MAYOR RESOLVED ✓ -4. .,.w CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM muNl,L NO.....50528 FILE DecembM,,27, 1923. In the matter of paving Raymond Avenue from Hampden Avenue to 150 feet north of the north line of lefanvel Street, and from Blake Avenue to Como Avenue West, with necessary sewer connections , under Final Order C. F. X49805, approved November 21, 1923. }}LVED, That the annexed plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ./Clancy •Ferguson McDonald In favor ��1D'Tatsoua' audheizam V //PCter ................Against ZI1�CZCl r. President I Adopted by the Council... DEC 2 7 - . 19 1923 192 proved.... M71�.. __192 ------ - Lam` -6L.(/---- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- =Mril [ITlnnl—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No......'= -sl i1 FILE Dec em,b er 27, 1923 In the matter of paving Palace Street from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, with necessary sewer connections, under Final Order C. F. #49542, approved November 7, 1923. kESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public 1Xorks showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 68629—By W. J. Peter— I.In the matterof paving Palace Street from Farr'vlew Ave... to Frederick. pVea... with meas saary sewer con- etlone. under Final Order C. F. ` No. 4964E, approved Nov. 7, 1923. I! } Resolved, That the annexed plans and apeclncatlons ubmitted by the 'Comm aefono of Public Works' show- Ing sewer co¢nectlone n.Cesa.ry to made upon said atreot, be and the enma nre hereby approded. Adopted by the Council Dea. 27, 1929. I Approve d,. Dec. 27, 392. . .(Dec. 29-3828) i COUNCILMEN Yea, Nays ✓ Clancy �Perguson McDonald ___...In favor SudheiDlor U Peter _.__-_ Against. Wenzel -/Mr. President t DEV 2 71923 Adopted by the Council .----- -------- ----------- ---- - ----192...... ®EG 2 71923 192-----. Approd -_ -----..........---- -----�- MAYOR RESOLVED 9 c Urvca50530 >, CITY OF ST. PAUL n� MO•-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU`NCIL�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q DATE .......... ��9.b@.�.....e�.._9.�al.a._ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Elizabeth Street from a point 90 ,feet east of Humbol t�Ave. to Livingston Ave., and on Livingston Avenue from Elizabeth St. to Louisa Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48839, approved October 2nd, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #49949, approved IZovember� 28, 1923. ,iESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted b� the Corrmissioner ofd;" Public `forks, for the above named improvement, be and the w same are hereby approved. 14Q F. No. 60830—Dy W. J. Pater In the matter of constructing a sewer 0.. on Elisabeth Street from o. Dotnt 90 feet east of Humboldt Ave. to Living- 'A feet l� , $ton Ave.,. and on Livingston Avenue from Elisabeth St. to Loulea Street. I' Preliminary OrY.-. C. S. No. 48838, approved net. 2, 1923, and inal t Order C. F. No. 49949, approved- Nov. { 28, 1921 Resolved, Thnt the Diane, eDeciflca I 1 done and ee Imated Quantities as hub_ .nd the same are horsey aD- d,yDthe ee. 27 u1923: Dec. 27, 1723. (Deo. 29-1922) COUNCILMEN Yea$ Nays Clancy rerguson McDonald _.__ _.In favor -ANIM Sudheimer / Peter Against ✓ Wenzel ZMr. President Adopted by the Council.. DE -C -2...7_j-9.23__.._192.. Ap ved...._.- - .. .. ®E�' 2..1923.....192...... ............................ MAYOR COUNCIL No 5- 31 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 27./1923. PRESENTEDBY . .... ...... ........... ..... DATE .... ................ . . ........... ---- ---- 00MMISSI0NER.___..._-­----- RESOLVED In the matter of constructing'a sewer on the east side of Lexington Avenue from a Point 80 feet north of St. Anthony Avenue to a point 35 feet south of Fuller. Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48954, -pproved October 6, 1925, and Final Order C. F. 50178, approved December 12, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner. of Public I-7orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F, J. or 60631 -By tie ter— .,r in thwe attof con on the easter side of Ls.j.gt.a Avenue from a Point so feet north of-8t%A-- thonv Avenue to a Pat t feet -huth of tuiier street. u roveOct. 11. No. 49954. _d order C' a, C. 6 1923 and Final 0 P 50178, ipproved, Dec. I act a- .s6lv.d, hot ',In tj es" ub.- h, to t�11.11,is and eatt it. Itted b to rove Works for the aboveore I wot � . a. the ra, -re y PPrt"T I Ado Pted the. - 1. on. 27119z 3. P Appr ove 27 ea 2 e. 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �Clancy ✓Ferguson McDonald ­ -.In favor _-'SWM Sudheim-/�� ✓ Peter - ---- .Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Coun6L.P9P-1.7.19.F1 192 DEQ 2 7 1923 . .......... ---------- 192 Ap p ----- ...... NCIL C17Y OF ST. PAUL \ FILE, 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 DA-rE ........... Dec. 7., ._] 9.��3_......._....... ..._.._.... .-- . RESOLVED - In the matter of constructing a sewer on Denny Street from Payne Avenue to a point 122 feet east of Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49353, approved October 26, 1923, and Final Order C. F. $50224, approved December 13, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Coy,missioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C- t No. 50522—BY111 J• fetor— In fro- P-Yne enue on Danns Street topoint 122d.r Prellminary o6do, I F. No. 49363, approved Oat' 26. , V- and Flnal Order C. F. No. 60229, ap- 1923. - _ /I ; �1 �' proved Dec. 13. tanR.�apoelaon- goeotved, That the P ,I tl 6 of no r t Iftae py tha Comm4aelonere Work. bforthe the bdamo neeherebyap- proved : Adopted by the Councl[, Dec. 37, 1923. Approved. (�Dec.2a9 COUNCILMEN Yens Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor ✓AgmSudheimer ✓ Peter _...Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. President DEC 2 71923 1s2.....- Adopted by the Council..._: ........ EG 2 7 192' _._-192....-- App ed.........- ------ ............ ........ MAYOR WUNCIL No CITY OF ST. PAUL FiLS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (%///—) _-__ Dec. 27, 1923. RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a serer on Lafohd'� Street from Hilton Street to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48794, approved Sept. 29, 1923, 4nd Final Order C. F. j49950, approved November 28, 1923. - RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 1'iorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Droved a aad'tho Sam are hereby ny- .'Adopted by. th CoUncill Dec 97, 1923. '+Approved; De 27 1923: (Dec 29 1923) ✓—.g COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _.._...1.._In favor Sudheimer Peter _....._._Against Wenzel LXMr. President DEC 2 71923 Adopted by the Council__................._..........._...192.---.- Apprved............__..................._-'----'--.192.- '-... DEC n-...- ------' '-1 "'' MAYOR Petition �. Council File, N6:'---. +iT PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and / PRELIMINARY. ORDER. 'The undersi need herreab�8roopoosesstthbbBTngot.efol lowin iexingtoneAve by the at point a164Zft. Changing t� g St.--.to-...the-._Great----- East-ot...Chatswox-th---St...---Chatswo-rth---St.---fxomS am nasY7� ft. north of Hubbard Northern Ry., and Oxford St. from Seminary Sty;''°ta--- 0-onfurm--tu th-e --- red--ii-ne,' on --- th-e profile hereto attached and ma8e e onrtalso grathe ding Hubbard Sttairoms-hIrex ngtonbAve ---t---o-- taworthuSt1 to therBF sail-- red, --- 1•#ne•-when eatabli$hed........ ----------------------------------- - -_ _ Dated this ........... 26.th..day of_ - 923.. .................. ._, 1s2.. _.-• _ - PRELIMINARY oRnERs. Councilman. C. E; No 60634'' -Dy w. 7. Peter— . "' AbstrI' FVpereae A Written DtoDoeal for the (g;aking of the fotlowingImProvomeR PRELIMINARY ORDER. Chenging the,grade of Hubbard SL [ro �I.bzin6ton AVe to a`polnt 104 Lt. Eae:,5f Chatsworth 8t, Chatsworth St. r. m(parr 8t tote ar at N y f% the ma ng of the following improvement viz t0 8 point 104 ft. Oh�� mrnd C)- to 8, from 8'' uDbard at from Lexingtt ... Chate�o.rth_-8t....from..Semi-nax--at_ --the --.Great._... Plast..Of--tis.,_:_'_..,•, •,.F Northern Ry., and Oxford St. from Seminary St. to 130 ft. north of Hubbard. St: ; to o-onfurm--to'-the red' line_on th-e--profile---h-ereto sttaohe3 "an'd »ale a part -_hereof -, t -,-he._.present established shown by a blue line .-grade being -._-- thereon, also grading Hubbard St. from Lexington Ave, to Chatsworth St. to the---sa-Id: red---1in-e---wheal---eatabl.l-abed........-- - -- - .. -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..............._....._......---..---.-------------------- .......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �$,�,� DEC 2 7 1923 v Adopted by the Council --------- .--- ......... ................... .................... YEAS -I"AY6 DEC q 7 192 Councilman CLANCY FERGIISO x/B_ Approved--------------- --------- _------------ ---......-- -'1 Sudheimer /' CDONALD - PETER ........................ .....�YO....-..... ./MR. PRESIDENT PUBLIbIILD %— J fo Form C A 13 (31.16-22) 1_ / �� ` 501535 Council File No .................._ ---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning. -and taking _an epsement in the land--necessary-_Tor------------------- ------------------------------- .............slora.as.,-.%Qr....avts...ar�d.. ��a-..in tis gxad�xtg-.off...&ubbard...Stre.et -- -- from Lexin ton Avenue to Ch.... p th St. -- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------- December.r1923 ............... .. .......192 Dated this---.-.- 26th---. day of------------------- ..............-- .. ... -._.._ b:.F.., Ho. sos3bn ni,t. 7. Peter— Councilman. In the land necessary -.Ior elooyee. ror bard st froim Lexington Avls In the -d e to Chats- worth st: PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved, That the . haf.bsiorde of ed obit¢ Works be and le hereby ordered nil a r."Itna: or the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1. To 'desirability t the necessity Lor 'e; r,vo enty of,. Lhe m¢kln6_ of eala _ tmDrov¢ment ' e - g BS1 easement in the land necessary or----___.- mture extent ---------------------------- 'l T.R. .-..: • •xe. tt. slo es for ctt arl fills in the grading of Hubbard Street n, of ....--- ...._....................-- .......................-------------------------- -------------- - from Lexington Avenue to Chatsworth S . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------- ..........----------------------------- -- ------" therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------- ----------- DEC ..2.7.19-Z-........ - ... ----- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY ECr 2 7 1928 ­'FERGUSON Approved ............. ............ -----.................................... ........ / MISM Sudheimex - _McDONALD // ETER WEN7.EL Mayor. /MR. PRESIDENT ^ PiIBL1SH[ D Few c A 13 cam o-sz) / IJ CDimissioner Peter. PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - Council File No.... W .3-6 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Pave--South---Y7abasha-- Str a et_- f rom..the-_south..line _ oY-- wat er... St-.._ tq..-tkl-a.- south th fl...S/abaab a_.Str.e.et_. Bridge ...oy.er....th-e.-3rlieaiasippi_Bis.er.,..3nclud ing _-aei4er,,-_water and.-gas_conn$otiona--_Prom--street--.mains.. to.. -property.. line -s -com- plete, where not already made, also including . curbing-- and--paying-----_- driveway ariil,alYey approeohes, where necessary. Dated -this day of_.._..._.... 192-..---• 2Eth-- Dao ember.�...1923-: .. ................. ..... c. F: xo �bo63g—be.�' ( Councilman. '.Atraek. .:i PRELIMINARY ORDER. where ioplre j y ins Mina a I ybin I for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave`Soii•�.r'4."� ��i of°tnof.treet from the south line of V1ater St. to the south t...::::. ... . ... _---------...... _......... end bf the Wabashe, Street Bridge over the ISississippi River, including ----••-•-----------•----...:..--------- ..........................._........._............. -.............. -- ..... ....... .... _gewerr..water and gas connections from street mains to property lines COM— ............. om— ......---•- -..............--•-- -............ _ --- ......................................... ...- ... Qlete_,-_where..not--_already-_made,__._. also _curbing--_and.-pAyk:gg--_driveway.-.ax>d.- alley approaches, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of t. Paul L ----------------- -------------------------------- - --- therefore, be it * RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. pEC 2 71923 Adoptedby the Council..................-------......_...........--...........................- �v YEAB NAYS Councilman CLANCY ®EC 2 7 1-% ✓FERGUSON Approved ..................... ...........----------------------...._..---- �/IVIWM971 Sudheimer -/MCDONALD `PETER `/WEN2.EL..... ,MR. PRESIDENT MAyO[. Form C A 13 (3M &22) / / �/ PIIBL1SIILD Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.......V...S?! Ar - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --Gxade._ana..PaYB .eJ e r..em..------------ to Syndicate Ave. ---------- --- .................... --- ............................................... ................ ......--- ..................--- ......._.............-............ ......................................... ----- ..-- -- ............ .................................................. 24th December, 1923. Dated this ..... -......day of.--..._..._ ...... .......................---.... -- _.., 192..... ..................................._-..............................---........ _......... --.................. -....................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................... .......................................... _...._._...._------_-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 2 7 1923 / Adopted by the Council ..................... ........... v YEAS- NAYS Y ✓ Councilman CLANCY ✓ITERODSON -"� Sudheimer -"MCDONALD PETER WENZEL ✓MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) / I ///���" 0 DEC 2 7 )923 Approved.............. - ........ ..................__................._----- ...................................... ...................................................... Mayor. �^ PUBLISI1i,DI) ---'---............................._...--......_. _............------....__------------- Councilman. C—F. No. 6063= rAbstrpct. yVI eas, A w pronooal for We making of the [o110 llowing mprovement, vl Grade and yava allay In habitation Plat 2'froI hamune Ave. to syndicato PRELIMINARY ORDER. I Ave. hoving Ween., procreated to tho cne cuy, of se. taut there- Cn uncl'v sal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: loo ••ed mho the Commiseloner-. ot. x.iAAaaehe:ecreraeced aley_-n-- 2famline9ve, t 0 eesityfor mnkI of said _..m ..b ..ro - .to di.'o ...................^-... ..... ... .................................................. ----------- ...................._............................I............... 1 ........... ................ ................ ........---------------- _........... _............-...._............._.............-.......:..............................-......------------- ..................................._-..............................---........ _......... --.................. -....................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................... .......................................... _...._._...._------_-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 2 7 1923 / Adopted by the Council ..................... ........... v YEAS- NAYS Y ✓ Councilman CLANCY ✓ITERODSON -"� Sudheimer -"MCDONALD PETER WENZEL ✓MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) / I ///���" 0 DEC 2 7 )923 Approved.............. - ........ ..................__................._----- ...................................... ...................................................... Mayor. �^ PUBLISI1i,DI) . � Council File Na..;.....5,0538 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking' an easement in the land -necessary.___-_--__-...._. ............. ..............I ----- ... - Ox ;114Zea.,_ for_etlte:...a_ngi..;Eille ib....the ...grading ...and paving.of........... ....... .......... -beat-iv>..P.lat...2.,-�rOla..eAl�ixl@...Ave..---to. zndioata..AYe. - --------------------------------------------------------_ -------'---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------- . - ._.. ....------......-- Dated this -..--24t4 ----..day of_ ........ ...December...... 1923.....-__._.------ -- 192.__ . C'F' F. No' 60538— � . - ---- .... .... ..... .. .. .__.. _---------- AbCouncilman. horses. riittenpro rthe! the mproI jA—min; Avo. to 8yndlcate Ave. hnving PRELIMINARY ORDER. been. presented to the Council of they City' of �.at.. Paul therefore, be It Resolved, That the Commle.loner of he making of the following improvement, viz.: ,tRubll'a Work be and Is hereby ordered g g p 'e.nd'directed. - ' 1"r, T. tbveIt, eatti" andItty for all easement -..in the_. lsand neoe-Geary .. ............. _. -------- br deelrabllltY.o[.....1.--.--.---- f eats --�- Improvement.' D Tf• veyr.f _Bs! .e.'b�e�-...Por..cut$'°:_d_f_i1�s...ill.tkl@...Pis}.diz...and..�avinlr-.n�......- - --- _.......alley...in.Sabi.taticn.Plat....2,--from.Ramline...AYe.-...ta.- rndi-aceta Ave. -........................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- --------------------------------------- ......__........_..___...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessl for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ex ent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. EC._2 7 192.. Adopted by the Council- .............Q...... --------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY DEC 2 7 1923 --'FERGUSON Approved.......------------------------------- ------- ..--------- ..------ _.. /� Sud eimet,�'J /McDONALD U /PETER��� WENZ.EL .............. ...... _- _,-'MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form c A 13 OM 0-221 PUBLISIIi;D /� goc Davern - W. 7th Sewer. 5053. Council File Not ...............e...... c PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT // GQ and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement on the land necessary for constructing and maintaining a public sewer, the land to be taken and condemned being a strip 20 feet in width extending from 7th St. to the Edgecumbe Road across miscellaneous tract bounded by W. 7th St., 3dgeouml tOe Addition and the north and south center C. F. No. 60619— 28, Range 23, the center line of Aittenee. n a point on the northerly line of .1`. 7th Said 9t Wherpne, A written Dropd.al for tho $t. 8b making of the.fonowmg mprovement, south center line Of Said Rection 15 .yl Condemning and taking an 'easementl measurij on the land necs..ery'.foncon.tructinb e Of 7th St.,and a point On the and mnlntaining n ublle sewer, the north 1� land to be taken and `�e..d.mned h.hmg tio15, 232 ft. west of the northeast corner AV. 7th St. 20 °io'the Edset"Mba tnro a on 115. 'ncrona mleceTMuaneoue traact bounded by ....,.,,.,, a mea_ xentucky of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and' tna'sDw:J'"e rs°9:I's ement on the land necessary for constructing and ma Yitaining a public sewer, the land to be taken and condemned being a strip 20 feet in width extending from rr. 7th St. to the 3dgeeumbe Road across miscellaneous tract bounded by 7th St. �dgedumbe Road, Kentucky Terrace Addition and the north and south center line of Section 15, Town 28, Range 23, the center line of said strip being a line between a point on the northerly line of ; 7th St. 86 feet from the north and south center line of said Section 15 measuring along the north line of 7th bt., and a point on the north line of the SFS, SW-,, Section 15, 232 ft. west of the northeast cornar of said Sr^r, SWQ, Section 15. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓�" �' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters'to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...................D.. .EC.. - ................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY . 2 ti ` -/FERODSCN Approved------- _n ......` --------._....------------------------_..- Sudheimer '-'MCDCNALD PETER ................................................. �WENF.EL 1 ---. .................Mayor. NIR. PRESIDENT - 1 PTJBLISIII? Form C A 19 (9M &22) jai w 50� I� CITY OF'ST. PAULA"c't NO --------------------- __.-- 1_" .OFFICE;QF THE CITY CLERK w COUNCIL, REEjSQLUTIOW GENERAL FORM , a P9914TED BY d David RESOLVED p,eald'dtoRthe,Council.from the Order ,ofrthen CommissionerofParks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings dated November 13, 1923, order- ing the removal of certain sheds located at the corner of View Street and Armstrong Avenue upon Lots numbered Addition, Four o(), Five (5) and Six (6) in Block numbered Five (5), AND WHEREAS, a hearing was duly had upon said appeal: RESOLVEIIp. is Ne.10641-Bs H. C. Wend- . said Commissioner of Parks, Wherrm Han. O Norman, •Harry Playgrounds an�erg and navld,8allta,-appealed to a described be an the same rm Couell from the Order of the Com - 1s herebyaffix„esloner of Parka Pin yysg ounds and ants, within thirty j0) days :nuc.,BulialnBa•dated.Novemberl3, eke the Said premises safe from the passes' =,3, orilering .the removal of certain Armstrong by removing ent;'aut'and ,Arman on6�Avenue upon Ktending pawl t0 Avenue along thi's(n mbered,"0no.Dered Av- (5,pid premises and remove that part Of the builna"ddunm. a hearing wa. anly Tanning parallel to View Street situated Reup.. Mid. the : 4r "`„Se said de of said premises, within Forty (40) feet publo 'a0`f P1' Yin? meadsaid Armstrong Avenue, and makingall neoej,d aad the;eamr Ira to A,,,..y, Femaining part of said last descried buildC)...h ser,°;& it is agrebti when repaired may remain upon said premik,,; ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said appellants are hereby auth- orized to do any and all work required by this Resolution, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby instructed to issue any permits which may be necessary for the doing of said work. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy i Ferguson McDonald In favor ,j 8udheim Peter _..__.. _Against Wenzel Mr. President DEC 2 L1�'t3 Adopted by the Council_ ®EQ 2 81923 Appr ed_._. _...._......_. _192---- _.. MAYOR PT'rli.Tci?Tn HENRY OLSON C i l p of 6a `n t - K ul - H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Office of TitV Clerk � ASST. CITY CLERK X55 December 27th, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally. n Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith Dismissal of Appeal made by Foley Realty & Securities Company from the order of the Depart- ment of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings condemning two frame sheds at View and Armstrong Streets. The Council has referred the matter to you to prepare resolution directing the owner to tear down the building on Armstrong Street at once, and to cut off forty feet of the north end of the other building within thirty days. Yours very truly, enc. CITY LERK. // IMINE t DISMISSAL OF APPEAL. To the Council of the City of St. Paul and H.C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings: of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota: You, and each of you, are hereby notified: The undersigned, Foley Realty & Securities Company, being the fee owner of Lots Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (S), and Nine (9), in Block Five (5), Clarke's Addition to the City of St. Paul, does hereby DISMISS its appeal to the Council of the City of St. Paul from that certain order of H.C. Wenzel, Esc., Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings, dated the 13th day of November, 1923, which order is entitled "In the Matter of the Condemnation by the Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings of two frame sheds said to be owned by St. Paul Cabinet Manufacturing Company and located upon the following described real estate, to -wit: Lots Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6), Block Five (5), Clarke's Addition to the City of St. Paul." This Dismissal is without preiudice to the appeal r or to any other right or course of action taken, or to be taken, by Hens 0. Norman, Harry Berg, and David Salita. Dated December 26, 1923. FOLEY REA Y SECURITIES COMPANY 1 B y Attorneys I� � ... TRI' T Y lTMine+✓.'+� �'--"•' ---------- -------- _1z. et -a-4 'e" , `- di -Ilk 4 41 .... ... .............. 14, e No H. C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY OF ST. PAUL / ARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA In the matter of the condemnation by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, of -W" tVO ift= S218418 said to be owned by St. Paul Cabinet mt nuraett2ring Co. and located upon the following described real estate, to -wit: ol Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 5 ,, Clarkes addition ORDER WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, upon the inspection of the Iva PV=0 f31:6d8 wd and described as, Corner, View and Armstrong Straots and situated upon above described property has found and determined that: Sheds are dilapidated ane] beyond reasauable repo-ir. i.lso the one an lot 4 is illegally located and vias moved without a pemi.t. �j i�by reason of the above facts said two iI'6:fle sheds is unsafe and dangerous ���•�" to life, 11mb, and adjoining property. l�`� el ' t7 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority conferred upon the said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, pursuant to the laws of the Stale of Minnesota and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and particularly Ordinance No. 5550, entitled "An Ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to, or affecting the construction, alteration, repair,removal and maintenance of all buildings or structures or parts of buildings or structures erected or to be erected within the City of Saint Paul." "Approved April 18, 1921, said Imp.. shed8-.,--...._....._.._... ._.... .._... ..._.........._..._.._..._............ _._....__........_. is hereby condemned and 'it' ordered that it be made (ante—taken down—removed) and the materials therefrom removed from the premises within .......... .._....-----.i..---.... days from the date of the service of this order and notice upon the owner or occupant thereof. In the event of the failure of the owner or Occupant to comply with the terms of this order within the time aforesaid, the said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall cause this order to be complied with, and the expenses thereof charged to and made a lien against the property above described. IN- WITNESS WHEREOF, the for i order is made and jsi�' ed by the Commissioner of Parks,. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, at St. Paul, Alinnesota, this.... -. --- -day .of ^" °s ro ed by law. CoAmion of Parks, Playgrounds Public Buildings. NOTICE St. pawl Cabinet I?,Flt ufactll.rin(;...Cl.. ft3'L'18trong,_ W._ Viec>r Bt8_s_--.Owner To.... - ---- - and to - Sf3SO _..- -.. ____ _ __...__.Occupant, -.-.. .... ........................ ---_...... ._..__. _ . . . Please ta$e_ o ice that the fort . g orders as issued by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and PublicOBuildinga on the ------ --------- ­­ ................... day of- --- ..............f. ........... _ ............I9e.'.y and you are hereby directed 1 rowPly d:erewlth, that in the event that you fail so to do or that you do not file any answer, objection or appeal, as required by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of St. Paul, within. --_..._._..._�?....................................days from the date of service of this order and notice upon you, the said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings will proceed to enfo said order and s• ,d pro rty will be charged with the expense thereof and the penalties prescribed by law. ,,,,,„• ..C.,,n:,:i".,�.m.•r •.r task ri,,.,;c.,,,ua. nun I' tic Isuildings. WM. T. MA H. SWT. OP.PMK. 'a ERNEST W'JOHNSON. 9UR. OF PtAY9NMPM FRANK X: TEWES. Om Aw9YacY r- g.. N_ Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: Attached herewith ,you will find a petition and corres- pondence on the case brought to our attention by the property owners in the vicinity of Armstrong and View Streets concerning the storage shed on this corner, which they desire to condemn. ` I made a personal examination of this structure this morning and find that it is a one story shed 20 feet wide and about 115 feet long, and enclosed only on the View Street side. Contractors are now working on this building which work consists of changing the pitch of the roof so that it will pitch away from View Street instead of toward it as it does now. This is in com- pliance with our demands to the owners, who are the St.Paul Cabinet Manufacturing Company. The building is not a very pleasant looking structure being coated on the street side with sheet metal painted red. It is located in a B Residence District, but has been so located for approximately fifteen years. In this connection, I respectfully refer you to section 8 (c) of the Zoning Ordinance which allows such'a building, if necessary, to be reconstructed or structurally altered to the extent of not greater than fifty per cent of the value of the building if no extension is made to it. In this case, our ordinances are being strictly complied with by the owners and they strenuously object to any con- demnation action by us at this time, as they insist they need this shed for the storage of their limber. In my opinion, we can not legally condemn it at this time, as it is not dangerous, but if you think that I am wrong, I cer. (Hitg of St. Paul Department of Packs,flailgcounas ana Public Builbings HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVINE O. p RCE. OFPUT' COMM19910- 1' . OPRICk OP COMMI8810NER 219 COURT HOUSE November 8, 1923. WM. T. MARCH. E9.r. 9F F�RIu .• ERNEST W. JOHNSON. E9R. 01 I ---- FRANK X. TEWES. CRY - (11th of at. Paul Bepartment of Parks,'PIaggcounbe anb Public Vullkings HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. FEARCE. OE COMM16910NER OFFICE OF COMMIUIONER 219 COURT HOUSE .0001® tainly would appreciate it if you could view the structure yourself sometime when on an inspection trip. Yours very truly, Superintendent of Inspection. HSB. iJ ` ELKMURST 4118 eyatq'e. epresctued by ri. O. NORMAN, ST. PAUL CABINET MFG. CO. GENERAL MILL WORK STORE 9 OFFICE FIXTURES 542-556 VIEW STREET ST. PAUL. MINN. I (jug of $t. foul Department of fatks, flaggcaunba aaa'pahlic Isuflaings WM. T. MARCH. lftivr,�FMuv HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNESF W. JOHNSON. - IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMIBBIONER SBFT. BF PIATartaulm0 OFFICE OF COMMIBBIONER FRANK K. TEWES. Cm ASCHRBGT 210 COURT HOUSE October_22, 1923. 0 Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: You submitted to me recently a long petition from prop- erty owners in the vicinity of the old frame building on the southeast corner of Armstrong and View. We have inspected this building and find that it is an old shed 20 x 115 feet in area with the roof pitched to- ward the sidewalk as is stated in the petition. This makes it dangerous in the winter time, and I have, therefore, notified Mr. H. 0. Norman of the St. Paul Cab- inet Manufacturing Company, 542-556 View Street, that if he does not either wreck the building or move it away from the sidewalk by Friday, the 26th of this month, the necessary condemnation would be issued on that date. Yours very t 3f �� ndent of �Inspection. Supe in HSB..0 \� v _t, caul —inn . eotober 1428 . ae 'ieesaorable aymr, and the members of the Aty .ousaoil V the Aty of of . Paul s rooting s We, the undersigned rroperty owners , on „rmstrong Ave speotfully petition your honorable Body , to oendemn and have romeved, the old frame building,-•01'tuated on ,the ..out �. soot earner of „rmstrong Ave k View Street t \, Will Bay that it was built several years age ( oontrary to ..aw ) As the roof pitches toward the Adowalk, and extends out ever the same s _ho roof is 20 n 115 feet, dumping a large quantity of water c on the Adowalk, causing it to freeze in oold weather to the depth of several feet, and remaining there until about the first of une ; making it very dangerous to both life and limb s ..he people who reside on that side of thootreet, are oempolled to cross ever to the ether side or the street to avoid getting hurts gusting that this will r000ive your kind attention., and favorable action s We are very truly yours . /f i �• , Armstrong Ave . / J , ,_.✓ .��� �(� % /vim /f 1 �., . - ' ; J;i'.�9 Z�1 L, 1146y LQ 14 Ij / 14 / AM15trOng "0 14 -1 L Ir L 211 )we ,/ 3 _f2-- 'it/ 1'2 No , Armstrong Ave . T4, t_ A, 4-- � To the Council of the City of St. Paul and H.C.Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings: of the City of St.Paul, Minnesota: The undersigned Foley -Realty & Securities Company and Hans 0. Norman, Harry Berg, and David Salita, the owners of Lots Four (4) Five (5) Six (6) Seven (7) Eight (8) Nine (9) in Block Five (5) Clarke's Addition to the Citi* of St. Paul, do'hereby appeal to the Council of the City of St.Paul from that certain order of H.C.Wenzel, Esq., Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings, dated the 13th day of November, 1923, and sent by mail under date of November 19, 1923, to St.Paul Cabinet Manufacturing Co., which order is entitled "In the Matter of the Condemnation by the Com- missioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings of two frame sheds said to be owned by St.Paul Cabinet Manufacturing Company and located upon the following described real estate, to -wit: Lots Four (4) Five (5) ' Six 6 Block Five 5 C arke's Addition to the and i ( ), ( )� 1 City of St . Paul Dated November 28th, 1923. ' FOLEY R Y & SECURITIES COIGPArY BY Attorneys HAMS 0.0 HARRY BERG, and DAVID SAL ) • BY. qjr A torne s ir .. t A - i ' COUNCIL NO.... ... ....... ....... . ORIGINAL ro CITY OF ST. PAUL F_ Cn `LeAK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM - � 'CHARTER SEQPAON 209' rj�,� q PRESENTEDey , DATE .�k.RG r...F�..7./...1;R9,3................. . COMMISSIONER..___....H..... "-..1lle21Zel .............................. h LLOWING TRANSFERS B�E1t'IADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER RESOLVED, THAT THE FO • NE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN O TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE. ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. l� CODE I APPROPRIATION ITEM 55 Public Buildings Salaries 55 Public Buildings Other Expense Comppo ]tor wharf by eo doing un un- avoldatrle deftclency fn one, Item mnv'. be met by Bald- tranate without ham- poring the work provided for by the , money Inthe Item f om which the, tr n efer le made: '60 R;307.34 t m Code ¢�•b: Public ufIdlnas--.4nlnrtea to Code No. 56, Public 33.Ildinge—Other peneo Adopted by the; C nfici!HzDec 28 1923> Approved Dec.Dec-28 19 1984) 00 Z/ V– Io/II YES (1r) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS ✓CLANCY FERGUSON MCDONALD ............IN FAVOR ✓ ® 3udheimer /-�/ V PETER ... .l.l.-- -----AGAINST WENZEL ✓ MR. PRESIDENT rents on (m wn) TRANSFERED FROM I TRANSFERED r 307.341 307.34 DEU 2 ;,1923 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. .___ ._-- 81928 APPROVED....----------------------------------------------- 1R9 ..................... .................. .C MAYO.M...__. COUNTERSIGNED BY --- _..------•--•---•---•--�� coMFrRotLER COUNCIL NO...:_.5..0649 ORIGINAL TO - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE `j" ELERN APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 200' p PRESENTED BY DeC. 2S 1923- .... DATE.............................R...... .... tl COMMISSIONER.....................:...........� 'BP i RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE. WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. g P P R O P R I A T I O N ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM TRANSFERED TO CODE '- 31Sal Gen. Administration Fund 27.50 31 of a II 27.50 JJC. F. No. 00643 Syy w5 J. Peter 24.49 n 32-2 Sa City Planning I4.e . aba�omade aon' theIbookog f nthe 24.419 n R iCompptroller when by'tio, doing an un- 32-2 0)� avpldable;tleflclency in-one' Item may bo met I Raid transfer without -ham- oerinYgy the or, DrovI ad for by they - , tnA A. In. madetam. fronj which. the 7'] 2.52 32_1 Sa Engineers Fund g1.co frem Cnae xe 31 Bat., Gen: 732. 52 R „ •Inletrntlon Fund, to Code No. 31 3 2-1 0E )en. Admin[airatlon Find. 49 from Code No. 32-2 SaL; City .'aing,-Food to Coda No: 32-2 OE; Planning `Fuad. .2 6aFtr^m co^, a°e 32-,1 snl ' 100.00 32-1 Sa Engineers Fund .M' oll 100.00 31 OE Gen. Administration Pund 351,100.00 1,100.00 35 pE St. &Sewer Cleaning Fund R II tI II Sal DEQ+ 2 L1923 FV MEN (%V7) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ......... ._ ..19.......... DEC 2 81923 APPROV ...................... -----....19-•----- ONALD ...............IN FAVOR ... ...... .. 4�7�( OR ' J PEfYle lmeT ................AGAINST .............. COUNTERSIGNED BY._----------------------- -..........--�-� ' W ENZEL cin COMPTROLLER ✓ PUBLISHLD MR. PRESIDENT roeM ou (m ..ss) wuNCll NO. 5Q5.44 ORIGINAL m CITY OF ST.. PAUL W `I� CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM - �SECTIoNPRESENTED BY H. gr1Ze1.'... Zl,f 192.................. VWV" ��C�7,:ER� .................... DATE. -Rel . COMMISSIONER... _ ......................................... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER ® WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM I TRANSFEREO TO CODE 54 Salaries playgrounds 85.81 54 Other Expense playgrounds 85.81 I. C, E. No. 60644—By H. C. Wenzel- Ae..Wed, Th.' th[heo booag of the fedi be made on no dolag� f. on - CO -P' Iter.when bYla one item msY / avoldablO deflclency v rias by..Id t_..f) forbythe work provided money In a the Item trom which the trn fer ie mod - gy6 rlundento Code No 6�40th�er Ea �P1nYB ht °undo penes 1t Yby the Council Dec. 28, 19E3. Adopted.by 1833.. tppreved DeC 261924) (Jan._ YES ( %7) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS • ✓ CLANCY FERGUSON MCDONALD.......-------..IN FAVOR MATSON ^ V PETER ................AGAINST WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT FORM Oxa (m f.u) DEC 2 61923 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.. _....—_... ............... DEG 2si923............I9.- --------------- _. !_- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED B ---------------------------- G --- ---- CO-..MPTR...OLLER..O -- - n'Y WUNCR- No ------ LIMAJ5---- CITY OF ST. PAUL raE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK POUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - v WHEREAS, Permission was given to use the Auditorium for the Harding Memorial on August 10, 1923, free of charge, except the cost of opening, which was $215.82; and' -- WHEREAS, Permission was given to use said Auditorium on November 11th, 1923, for the Armistice Day celebration, free of charge except the cost of opening, which was $158.50; and WHEREAS, Permission was given to use said Auditorium on November 29th, 1923, for the Thanksgiving Day celebration, free of charge, ex- cept cost of opening, which was $169.60; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $563.92 be and the same is hereby appropriated from the Contingent Fund to be credited to the Auditorium Fund, to cover the cost of opening the Auditorium on the above occasions. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy n V Ferguson I McDonald ....... ...... In favor ✓ � Sudheimer U Peter Against Wenzel ,/Mr. President 0 Adopted by the Council__PEC 2 Ej923 DEC 2 01923 App owed - ... ....... _... — ..... ............ ........ MAYyOo R ­ NC%L No. -5_0546------ CITY OF Si„ PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - `r COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM F" WHEREAS, In the construction of a sidewalk on Minnehaha street, authorized by Council File 47230, approved July 21, 1923, through mistake-, material was used which h have acontract tfurnish was furnished o the Standard ame;Stone and Company, which company did not WEEREAS, it appears to the Council that the reasonablevalue used of the material so furnished by the Standard Stone Company n by the City was and is the sum of $7493.50; and whereas, it further baars to enefit whicheCouncil t7�amount the City hased receivfrothe sum of $7493.50 thefurnishingfaid material; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to pay the said Standard Stone Company the sum of $7493.50 upon the filing by said Standard Stone Company of a bond; approved by the proper city Officers,insinthe a sum msofo$7labor0, con- ditioned to indemnify the City age. material arising out Of the furniave fhuirng of nishedsaid material, and to Com- protect all persons who may h pany with work, service or material in connection with the furnishing of such materialil �I COUNCILMEN Yeaq Nays `Clancy Ferguson McDonald __In favor SUM Sudheimor Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President 2 G1_.......... by the Council_ _.. D 923. 192. ._... EC ._._... . . DEC 2 01923 A roved...... 192...... ......... ......... MAYOR '�illium �. deter, (IIammi.�sianer �Irfie l�allette, �e#►utg (ltnttuni� ner �e orttttritf ofuhlir orko y (jug of Odd Fain m. s. ORYTBA BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER A. 8. BHA . SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G, P. B WLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER December 22, 1923 Mr. Wm. .J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Attached is a resolution prepared by the Corpor- ation Counsel's office, relative to the payment for certain materials which have been used in the construction noccveriside- walk on E. Minnehaha St. A copylegal the payment mentioned is also attached. As stated in the legal opinion the job, under which the material was purchased, was duly authorized by the Council during 1923 and the work was done by City force account. Thru error the material entering into rom the the work was without being Properly authorized by Standard Stone f the Purchasing St- Paul,Agent. An accurate count and measure of all materials furnished for this work was kept by City Inspectors and complete data covering all of it is on file in ourofficeasonhe unit prices charged for the material are in every ease able ust and ae the se as materialsjpurchasedrunder competetivesbids abyethe osimilar City this season. In view of the legal opinion given and the correctness of d that attached resolution authorizing Payment es made it is efor mthe ematerialse be submitted to and passed by the City Council. Yours very truly, Wm. N., Supt 19NC:AB Construction & Repair St. Paul, Minn., Dec. le, 1923 Mr. Wm. N. Carey, Supt., Construction & Repair. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of Dec. 5th, regarding the construction of a sidewalk on Minnebaba St. As I understand the situation, the construction of this sidewalk was ordered to be done by force account. Thru some error, the material which went into the sidewalk was fur- nished by the Standard Stone Co. and wasnot purchased after competitive bide. The question now before us is whether the City should pay for the material so furnished. In my opinion, the City is liable for the amount of benefit which it receives. The rule of.law seems to be well established in this state that where a city makes a contract which it has power to make, but the contract is void because not made after competitive bidding as required by law, or for some similar reason, the city is obliged to pay for any benefit it receives tbru performance of the contract, not because of the contract but because of the general obligation to do justice. (Fargo Foundry Co. v. Village of Calgary, 148 Minn. 273) In the particular case, the City had authority to make the contract to purchase material which went into this sidewalk; that being true, it seems to me there is no doubt but what the City is liable, not necessarily for the value of the material but for the amount of benefit the City receives. In this particular instance, it would seem to me that the amount of benefit the city receives is the same as the reasonable value of the material which went into the work. What I have already said applies with equal force to the claim of Christ Johnson for work performed in finishing up a job originally let to Frank 0. Wicker. In my opinion, how- ever, the Council should pass a resolution finding that the reasonable value of the benefit the City received is the amount of the bill. The bill can then be paid. Inclosed is form of resolution herewith. It is my opinion that before any money is paid to either of these contractors, they should be required to give a bond similar to the bond they would have been required to give if they had actually had a contract with the city. Yours truly, signed - Arthur A. Stewart, C 0 P Y Asst. Corporation Counsel 0 - COQ. ' NO.---.4.lfla.i7..... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' n COUNCIL RESOLUTION . GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, By Council File 42702, in the matter of ,railing and improving Hawthorne street from White Bear avenue to therrig11 &zel avenue of the Minneapolis, St- Pal HawthornebatreetRaand Vee DykellwaY yavenue from from Marg Maryland street in Hawthorne street, the Council directed the Commis— sioner of public Works toDdo� said —work bqforce �ed in thenuntspring ofand s1923,ork was started in they °,-' C.F No 60647—By W- and J- Peter and Christ JohnsoII t *iieere"' ayg nam sla d imPr4VinR �ent were Tented for. said work, through eTTO Hawthorne Street from White ha men engaged in said Work in Venue to the fBht-Of-wayj- the year 1923; and +"PneaDolle. at *Pa19 ul inael- AVenuei ' mwayigr CMP st eet to 'Hawthorno et, ane Maryland ;rhe Avenue 1"Mm that the reasonable value Of WHEREAS, It 0,=�ytand street to Hawthorne street. nil the equipment rented from the labor so pai1923+'frceblio orka a azaazfa aoflh h dif $4322.81; and Whereas, it him 1II the ye ain�fnsaofalltra r� n 8y� rohn , o f $4322.81 is the amount of appears to the Counoil 1Oo� °r:eoeivid from the labor so paid for by benefit which the City Christ Johnson and the (,e.1pment furnished by him; therefore, be i RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to pa.81 y the said Christ Johnson troved bye sumfthe3pr 22per n the filing by said Christ Johnson of a bond app city officers in the sum of $4322.81, conditioned to indemnify said ad in said City against rang olaime for labor otfurnishednsaid contractorowith and to protect all persona who may have work, services or material in connection with said work. ✓T s COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Ferguson ✓In favor McDonald Sudheim4 I% Peter ---_....._...-Against Wenzel Mr. President T44', DEC 2 61928 .... Adopted by the Council ___...._............. ...- - ----A92. DEG 2 61923 Appro ed ..............._. - 192. ' illiumm �. peter, (jmnm dssiutter w �rfie }Aislleue, Town, Department of puhlir Wnrko mite sf quint taut M. B. ORYT BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD: CHIEF ENGINEER A B S Rp. SUPT• OF SANITATION- WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O, p OW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOU, O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER December 22, 1923 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner. Dear Sir: There is attached a resolution prepared by the Corporation Counsel's Office covering sertain labor and team charges made by one, Christ Johnson, covering work done by him on the grading of Hawthorne St. from White Bear Ave. to the right of way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Ry. Cc; Hazel Ave. from Maryland St. to Hawthorne St and Van Dyke Ave. from Maryland St. to Hawthorne St. A copy of a legal opinion concerning the charges covered in the resolution is also attached. As stated in the legal opinion this grading job was properly authorized by the Council in 1922. The work was originally let in 1922 to & 0.: Wicker, a contractor who defaulted his contract. During the same year after the default of the contract the work was ordered done force account; Presumably due to the fact that the city did not have a proper grawere plant sufficient y the former to handle the work, certain arrangements City Engineer with Christ Johnson, another giading contractor, to do the work. It is presumed that he was to do the work with his forces and to bill the city for the cost. No record of the arrangement made between the City and Christ Johnson can be found at this time. Some of the work under Mr. Johnson was done in the fall of 1922 and the balance was completed during the season of 1923 after which time he sub- mitted a duly authenticated bill .for the Bum due him. This bill is now on file in the Legal Department. Our inspectors were on the work at all times and have checked as O.K. all of the amounts claimed by Mr. Johnson. The charges made by Mr. Johnson covering the grading work mentioned above are entirely reasonable and just and are in line with grading costs on similar work done dur23. in andithethe season correctnessfof9the chargesWmadeof the it is al opinion recommended given recommendedthat the the renderedcbydChristuJohns nztberizing submiittedmtotandrpassedservices by the City Council. Yours very true, wntC: AR �nclo. 7m. N. Carey,'' r.,,,,atr,lction & St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 10, 1923 Mr. Wm. N. Carey, Supt., Construction & Repair. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of Dec. 5th, regarding the construction of a sidewalk on Minnehaha St. As I understand the situation, the construction of this sidewalk was ordered to be done by force account. Thru some error, the material which went into the sidewalk was fur- nished by the Standard Stone Co. and was not purchased after competitive bids. The question now before us is 'whether the City should pay for the material so furnished. In my opinion, the City is liable for the amount of benefit vi law seems be well estab�ishedinthis cerule f state that where acity makes aocontract which it has power to make, but the contract is void because not made after competitive bidding as required by law, or for some similar reason, the city is obliged to pay for any benefit it receives thru performance of the contract, not because of the contract but because ofithe general erCalgary,l obligation liga ion46 rdto do2justice. (Fargo Foundry Co. v. g In the particular case, the City had authority to make the contract to purchase material which went into this sidewalk; that being true, it seems to me there is no doubt but what the City is liable, not necessarily for the value of the material but for the amount of benefit the City receives. In this particular instance, it would seem to me that the amount of benefit the city receives is the same as the reasonable value of the material which went into the work. What I have already said applies with equal force to the claim of Christ Johnson for work performed in finishing up a 0. job In my that the how- ever, reasonable value of the benefit the City received is the amount of the bill. The bill can then be paid. Inclosed is form of resolution herewith. It is my opinion that before any money is paid to either of these contractors, they should be required to give a bond similar to the bond they would have been required to give if they had actually had a contract with the city. Yours truly, signed - Arthur A. Stewart, 0 0 P Y Asst. Corporation Counsel 5U4�__.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.___ -...-..-t-...--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLU.40N—GENERAL FORM ro De ber PRESENTED BY �� ......... DATE-- DATE__._^ ---- COMMISSIONER._._...__ —�--_...._ RESOLVED , That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. C. B. Teisberg the sum of Two Hundred ($200.0,0) Dollars out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Joseph G'iegor, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured June 21st, 1923, in the course of his employment. C F No. 60648—$y H. C,wenzel Resolved Thattpe proper cityctrl- J e1a19 aro;herepbyy authorised to Dap to Tefaberg: I, sm of Tw Hundred., ,Dollarsu%l of the.o Workihen•a Compensation .Account of the �eaeral Fund, for prdfesslonal aer- ylces rendered to Jeseph, Gregor, an employe of ,the- Department of ParlIn P1aYgroundg and Public Bull dinga, In-' .cured Tune421, 1826,�'.ln the course of Is employment. - Adopted by the Council, Dec. 28, 1923. Approved, Dec. 28; 1923. (Tan. 6-1924) W \ v COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ M.2..&.1923__..._192.__. _,Clancy DEC 2 81929 ,/Ferguson ... 192 / McDonald .......... In favor Sudheimer � _. ".`MAYOR a. Peter _.__.Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM DATE—/ 0 December 26 19 77. COUNCIL No ------- 5V54 7___ RESOLVED , THAT, WHEREAS, Joseph Gregor, an employe of the Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings Department of the City of St. Paul was injured,on the 21st day of June,- 1923 while in the course of his employment, ANDi WHEREAS, by reason of said injury the said em- ploye has lost 75% of the use of his left hand, AND, WHEREAS, under paragraph °C",} Seotion 14, Chapter 82 of the General Laws of 1921, the said employe is entitled to compensation at the rate of 414.40 per week for 1121 weeks for said injury, or a total of. 1,620.00, together with a healing period of 10 weeks in the amount of $144.00, or a grand total of $1,764.00, AND1t*HEREAS, the said employe has already received the sum of 4388.80 for said injury, HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City offi- cials be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said Joseph Gregor out of the Workmen' Compensation Account out of the general fund, the sum of $1,764.00, less $388.80 already paid, or the sum of $1,375.20, in final settlement of his claim against said city, said amount to be paid at the rate of $14.40 per week, payable every two (2) weeks. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓Ferguson v ✓ McDonald .. -'Roam Sudheimer v Peter ................Against Wenzel I/Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL piou Nc;L NO.. 5U���.!- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5QCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM cNTED BY L. R. S. FER 80_/.....-----..._. DEtfL@LL12er 27.r--192. .............. RESOLVED That, WHEREAS, The Disabled American Veterans of the World War have petitioned the Council for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of giving a dance on the 5th day of January, 1924, and, WHEREAS, It appears expedient that said request be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said Organi- zation on the said date, and that the cost of said service be charged against the contingent fund. C l6 No;`60668--ny he; ; F - Resoed, hat. {Vhereas,, IIbd_lv.TAmertean; Veterahs 'or dca. on the. 6th o:pedtent that - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Ferguson ,./McDonald __..;_._...In favor Sudheilne� v Peter _..._...Against Wenzel /.o"Mr. President DEC 2 51923 Adopted by the Council .. -------- ............ ._......... .._192. DEC 2 51923 Aproved... .... .......... ............... ` -- 192...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ­NCIL <' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTI ZZA WUNCIL Z --GENERAL FORM !:�� December 7 2 __4923 comm PRESENTED. NBY L. R. S. FER ON: . ... ......... . .......... . ......... ........... DATE -___- EF,. RESOLVED THAT, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Fanciers' Association ve petitioned the Council for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of hold- ing a Poultry Show January 17 to January 20, 1924, inclusive, and, WHEREAS, It appears expedient that said request be granted, Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said Assooia- tion on the said dates, and that the cost of said servioe be charged against the contingent fund. De- Whereas e- Held ir ­ ­ _­ ­­ Md" 'V1 jb.',",Ph art: . e'.V Walt that Now ,Therefore, Be It nb.pl.Wd. -That, t. Use,ot th-AUdit.r1unr be ..d the =,a 'hereby b'", granted 'to the said -the`a �'Ada-tla- N'��`ba"C-U-. Ded�. 28, 1923. PPr?vied.'Dec. 28; 1923; (Tan. 5,,1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy L/I'erguison I/ McDonald In favor /®Sudheimu� Peter Against Wenzel I/Nil. President J)EQ 2 81923 Adopted by the Council_ --------- -- ----- --- -- I)E(; 2 81923 Appro red__77, - - ---------- --------- .....----192...... .... -- - - - - ------- ---- ------- 'i-OR :THE CITY ', OLUTION—GEN RM PRESENTED BY . • PCr.....- ................._..................?.........._ DATE........_DB COMMISSIONER......_....___ _.___.__..._—.._.__....................._...._. RESOLVED That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of Two Thousand Seventy & 42/100 Dollars ($2070.42) from the Sewer Bond Fund - Code No. 2301 to the Department of Public Works - Engineers Salaries- Code No. 32-1- The above transfer represents additional engineers and surveyors on special sewer work employed from December 16, 1923 to December 31, 1923 as per detailed list on file in the Comptroller's office. This is in accordance with a ruling obtained from the Corporation Counsel dated August 4th, 1923- C F. No: 60662—By w. J. Petm— A( aolved That there bo nnd:le here- by apppriated the sum of Two-Thou ro nand Seventy nd 48-100 Doliara x'($2070.42) from the Bower Hoad Fund, Code No. 2301 .to the Department of jPublic Werke—Engineers and Salarles -Coda Tae o.bove:tranefer rveyors o adMsPe- Lienal engineers and purveyors m Dei sewer work employed from ,lie ember 18 detailed 4I December .31.In the s per92 detallad list on ala In the j Comptroll'it oQlce. Thle Ia to ac-. I -ardente with ie iing`obtalned from the Corporation Counsel dated AUBuet oeh 4 1923. Adopted by the C until, Dec.13, 1923: !tDprov d, Dec. 28 3823. (San. 6 1924) COUNCILMEN DEC 2 81923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council --- ------------------------------------ 192 yClancy DEC Q 81��� ✓Ferguson Ap ovecd -.. - -- ......192.. ✓ McDonald __........In favor ...--...... nM.YOa $ d}heimer - Against ✓ e r /✓Wenzel Mr. President lottlt '_ Peter, (IIvmmiss , i CITY CI`,.. , L NO.._. OFFICE O . :LEIiK �tijlPtiP, fie; tnmmissintcrr 3C�'Y'�IL.,Pii ttt 11 tt YRAL FDrks t II (litg of Gaunt PInd GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE _ i1_CNGINEER, sewer *Rngineering and Surveying Servloea 4cr the month o4 Deoember 16th to Deo. 31,1923• chargeable to the SEM B01M wn - Code 2301 Spencer 50% of time 10095 188.22 25 Colastook Tiewitt Taggart 100% a a �0� 112..50 33 25 0� a a 96.80 Symonds von Ripple 100% a a 115.00 102:50 Forsberg 100% a " 80% e a Sb:oC Cowling Carey 20% e e 40: 50- 42:00 Johnston Rodman 30% " " 10095 a 180:00 26:00 Rlueprinter �a Clerical 100 a a $6:25 Knowlton 9975 Dedolph %: 50 R. 1A4.se L'c�Iair Ga ton 100%« n 30% 625 2'25 Mill "e 08is t9� 6 1 :0© May Hazelton 100 « 100 e a a 71:00 %1:00 B fines Frantz 7.009& a 100% « a r a 56:80 :00 7 Rodman 100% Total ........ �2,pq©,42 _ i1_CNGINEER, F CITY OF ST. PAUL OOUNCaNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13Y December 28, 1923• COMMIssioNER._!.l .._.l tts-. -.--. ATE._......._...._...._.___.._._.�.._._��_....._.._._...._ RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the ;raking of the improvement under Final Order C. F. 946427, approved -June 15, 1923, described as the paving of Cleveland Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Randolph Street, Thornton Bros., Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Addition C IYhe as sUnforeeaen o6.tl t,,—not' Drovided. Lor in the making o[ the Im-, pr vement undor Flnnl Order C."F No. 9826 Lin. ft. '18427, ,appy vod aeae Is 1923, do - 6 rtbed: as the paving of (:t9veland 392.64 steejAYantis -from Marshall Avenue to Randal Thornton Broti.. Con 314.5 Lin. ft. ear io'ao ho iotowing`eArLL work: 125'80 518.44 Additions h ^ II Deduotioe 9322 II_ ft (6544 lb..) rein[ rcl g steel at 1 314.5 Lin. ftj 3146 11s.'f Curt" .' . set sit, .ght curb alD P"— ai 55¢ 172.97 385 Lbs. reinforcing steel 06V 23.10 196.07 Net Additions IV71'322.57 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $322.37 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1757 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. r CiOUNCILMEN Yea: Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___.._In favor ✓mil Sudueiu.cu (� ✓Peter Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President e. Adopted by the Cou/n�cil-DEQ 2 892- -.--.---192 - DEC ...... 2 61923 r -C, �K� MAYOR r RESOLVED (� �K�/� COUNCIL NO--5Fli.J54 CITY OF ST. PAUL vile V 111 ...LLL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —� December 28 1923. ____.... DATE.... .... ........ _.._......_._._..__..._____.._ That the time specified for 16, the perform nethefRoiae a certain contract dated Ilay + Construction Company, Contractors, and the City Of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Breda Street from a point 160 feet west of Sne111ng,Avenue to Winston St., and on Winston St. from Breda St. to Como Avenue V1est, be and the same is hereby extended to the 27th day of December, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance hetewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. m le by the C8,- 192. Dec. 27, 1722. oved, D. 23. 6-1924),_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓('lancy "Ferguson X McDonald _.....In favor Sud heimw(J /Peter ...............Against '/'' enzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. �EG 2-_8 19 23-------.-192..-... DEQ 2 81923 App oved........... 192...... ............... ............... .... MAYOR TO TIM HpNORPME CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minn. C� </-192 Would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body J cause the time _of coompletinc contract for/the '-/41 ��/ /�/",E/J9wst/4d To be extended to Oviing to it was not possible for _ to finish this contract within the time specified, hence ` desire to ask that the time for com- platinJ same be made as hereinbefore stated. Your 7atruly h Contr c r. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. %YS APPROVED: up of Const �nnRepairs Commissioner of Public Works Chief Enrineer. wUHCc No: + -- - CITY OF 5f. PAUL F"E - FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + NCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ... _.........._.._....._..........._._.:....... ..__._....._.........._.... DATE.._....._D._......... .COMMISSIONE .--------- ------- ... RESOLVED That the apnlicatlons for licenses of the following nersonB for conducting Poolroomsatathe nd the rity addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted erk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the,payment into the city treasury Of the customary fee: earl W. Ashaubr, 676 so. Smith Ave. 5 pool tables G. J• Margellon, 174 E. 7th St., 4 " II Over 1000 feet from school. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays V Clancy ,Ferguson / McDonald __.........._In favor /,,MIA 8ua he imet� /Peter -.._...Against Wenzel "Ir. President Adopted by the Council. _P EC 2.8 1923 192 DEC 2 Il IV98 .., App r ved . ... ........... cOUNmLNO.---...� �+-t56 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RV$OLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applications for licensee of the following persons berandnthehadlinsameaarelling hereby grantedsat the addsses and the City Clerkis instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Carl W. Ashhauer, 676 So. Smith Ave., Mrs. E. A. Badore, 935 Case St., Barone & Hoover, 932 W. 7th St., A. W. Cannon, 623 University Av., Mrs. E. I. Oharpentier, 224 N. Western Av., William Ohernov, 741 W. Central Av., Wm. Dietrich, 1573 Randolph St., H• B- W. 7th St., DullC F. L�'b. 60660-13y G. C. SudhelPur-- E- 7th St - The Empo1pon;the It... 1-d, That -the application. ter, cenaos of .the following Pereon.� far , Ro label St • , Fetsch Bandling'and ..ling Fee tuffs at the sob St. , ddros.es Indicatod b. and -the name, Wm. I(ey8re hereby granted and tie City Clerk oh St., . Instructed tollspu such li-"" Jacob K Payment into tha,.uit tr - Aury,of the c.etamnry foe: N. Franklin St. J • MCE1V earl, w tshbauer 671 So smith tye: aonfactl.n.ry - Selby Ave 0. L. Mc ure. E A Hudera 636 Case St.,con- 7th $t. G • J • }da faaActacoae ,Dover, 933 W 7th St.. E • Miss M• F °w. +f:, 623Unt—ralty Ave:: Forest St., R. 0. Peter eTs,y ,pentler, 224 N. zsest- Courtland St-, D, S. Rane Maria Av., �.; ov, .741 N. Centr.O prosperity Av. H. Sandberg,'" Fi ndolph.k5 Robertson, M. Sigal, L. Willis, 142 Endicott Arcade, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓Ferguson ✓McDonald I_ - In favor ✓ mz4m Sudhe ilu r ✓ Peter _ _..__..Against 7enzel Mr. President Confectionery n Grocery n Grocery n n n II Confectionery Grocery n n Confectionery F1 Grocery n 11 n Confectionery D ..... Adopted by the Council- ...... EC 2 ..............81923 192........ A rovedChi..' 5 1973-- - - ----...__.. a�_ .- - ... ---------------- A -..._. . ----- MAYOR PIJBLISIII"a � s-`- y CITY OF 5i. PAUL p°.""`NO._.50-55 _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM PRESENTED,BY..................... DATE DATE.._._.I�.PtO.�.{RM�%%._4n_V_i—*.9_-_....._ commISSI OIIVVER_......_..AtUN4CRESOLUTION—GENERAL .................................. RESOLVED That the apolioation for license of Charles Marks for conducting a Motion Picture Theatre at 389 W.�eventh Street be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C. P. No 60667—Hy G, C. Sodheimer- .Resolved That .the DDilcatien ,for licenee o[ CharleaMarks for conduct• vi Bev nth 8treetfure Theatrq; at a80 horeb be and the -gismo.!. P grato I. -U d the lice,Clerk in tnetraI to Iesgo each Ilcens�up�t�.' the �Dayment lnto� the city treasury of the custoary. tae.: Adopmted by iha.0 unci] Dee 28 1igi: Approved Dec. 28 19Ei r (Jan. 6 1824 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V16ancy ✓Ferguson (/ McDonald....In favor v gAWA gudheime6 VPeter _.._......Against 6/ Wenzel '/Mr. President Adopted by the Council DEC.-2.-E?.192S----------- 192 DG2 Approv _...._..sls2�........................ 1412...... MAYOR MDRUPLIGTe l Oril OP Ri. PAOL DwrYCL K m DrL No._._._5U�c5$_ Im D44 IM 12-22 1}I,I BY.- ....... COM LLER...... - - AUDITED......__ -........ 30 15 08 covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $........._!........ ................ _.. , checks numbered .....-.��------------•to-----�� - ••inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City . Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .........-._.-.j2EC..2---------- 81�2t-------- ----192 --•--- Ferguson, .....In favor b 1023 'McDonald, ��� Approved ...... .. ... .... ......................_-- 192. ✓Msesetr, Sudheimer Peter, 1/...Against / ✓Wenzel. v Mr. President, Nelson (C F �1No b0668-1 Resolved That checks hedralvn an the City T anaurryy to the aggregate �, mberedr798Y8 to�181884�1 eluet eeCse 'para.;eg (atdr o['cltsy chI, n Dle aD the-'oIIlce•o[,the Clty ComDlroller BdoDted by the Counoll •'Dee. 28 Isis. Approved Dea.::28 1822. 1 (Jan.6 Y824) 9[1 s paIC.INILL'f0 CrrV CLERK Farm 1).34 IM 12-22 • C aITT OP .T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM n,°: °" .50 ,58 _ 958 ! , BY ....... AUUiTED ......- _.. .._...192-. ...__ " PER.... �. ... .... -. .._.. .. co Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-.... 3._ ! 54.08 veriag .....4...._._.._.:......-- - checks numbered_.._....19.9`�8.............. to.... inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 2 81923 _ ... 192..:.-.- '/Clancy, Adopted by the Council .----- .-----.--------------- Ferguson, --- ..... In favor t�EC Q $1923 V McDonald, Ap tpr ov d ....._.- - 192-......_ 0 /�- Sudheimer ' Peter, r/WenuL Mr. President, Nelson 19928 Board of Co. .ntrol, Board of Control 19929 The Bond Buyer, / u Comptroller 19930 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 4 Interest ,735.00 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 472.50 " -Red. Certs. Ind. 1 000.00- 6 19931 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Schools 19932 W. E. Hustleby, Inv. of St.Paul Street Railway 1009 19933 Thomas McDonald contracting Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) 19934 The 0. Reiss Coal Company, Schools 6,567.70- 15.00 6,207.50 .L 3,351.50 182.70. 103.150 13,728.18 . pTTY OP /i. P�nL QUADRUPI-IC4ra To CRY CLXRK nDpscrr: No.... 5 ' nza -- FOM D-33 1M 12-22 • 0 .. 13Y... p . ..... ....... M..... OLIFR....... , ' ..192.......__ AUDITED._ _._.. ._._....._. ._.. .... FER Resolved that checks be drawn on the CityTreasury, to the aggregate amount of $---2-' 7.05_-•4l ------, covering checks numbered: -.ams - ----------- ---to•• ya h -- --- --•• inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in tY office of the City Comptroller, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 1/Clancy, Adopted by the Council... --- DEC 2 81923- ---- -192 Ferguson, .-1. favor DEC 2 81923 McDonald ((( App ved------------ ---------- ------------------ ------ ---192 1�rLsor% $udheimer (/ Peter, (/ Wenzel. v Mr. President, Nelson C.Z 31 60559— , Ii of ed. That check/:be drawn _pn� l .the Clty� Treaeary to the aggregate "ambflnt 'bP-S24347•b6;-'c".ring cheeks numbered 19898 to 19927.Inctuslve;; as 'Der. regleterfof ells checke on file In 'the otfico of;�'the IIY.'Comptroller:- :pdoDted by the Council;:Dea- 28, 1923:' ';ApprquGd,-�Dfe ORIGINN.TO '°ITM CUMK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoux..z 5Q" AUDITED CLAIM$—RESOLUTION FORM na: NO FormD•34'1M 1R•Z3 ........... ..a. 91- ' 957 - 7 ; �1 L^ 2 AUDITED ....... PER... .. ....._ ._.. .... - __._.. _192._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $. 7.w 05_ ..................... covering ' checks numbered --1$888----------------- to -------19-92.7............ndusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council..--------_SEC-2 81923--------------192---.--- /Fergus, DEC 8 Ferguson, In favor 2 1923 _..... � McDonald, -proved Sudheimer rcter, ........ .......... • ----• 192--�--- � -- -...... .. Wenzel. Against �76 �Mrt'President, Nelson .................... - 19898 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company, Water 19899 R. N. Brooks, Water 19900 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Comer. of Finance Purchasing Department Water 19901 Cochran -Sargent Company, Health Water 19902 Steve Ethier, Water 19903 John Graban, Water 19904 Mrs. M. Hogan, Water 19905 H. F. Satke, Water 37.19 4.46 1.00 42.65 60.39 2 02IFIT- 11,725.00 5.00, 42.65 2,089.51 5.00 5.00 4.11. 5.00 Res. 957 Page #2 19906 A. M. Lawton, Water 19907 Frank J. Lorenz, Water 19908 E. L. McAdam, Water 19909 D. W. Moore, L 1729 19910 Niullery Paper Box Company, • Health 19911 National Lead Company, Water 19212 Axel Newman, Viater 19913 North American Telegraph Company, G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 19914 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Water 19915 Pollock's Clipping Burequ, G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 19916 P. P. Portel, Water 19917 Postal Telegraph Cable Company, G.F.-Misc- & Unf. 19918 N. C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Court, Carp. Counsel G.F.-Misc. & Unf. P.I.R.F.-Court Costs 19919 St.Paul Paper Company, Health 19920 H. Sandberg, Water 19921 Sanford Company, Water 19922 J. L. Shiely company, Water 19920 Erick Strandlof, +ater 5.00 5.00 25.00 386.00 26.63 4,095,12 5.00 11.93 41.62 7.76 5.00 .63 416.05 30.25 60.15 325.65 5.36 5.00 1.15 1,157.14 10.00 Res. 957 Page #3 19924 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, Comptroller, 10.00 purchasing Department 28.95 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 20.15 Health 4.60 „ 2.00 „ 4.00 Water 50.43 1y925 Clara Webinger, Water ® 19926 ,estern Union Telegraph Company, .92 Purchasing Department 3.91 n u C. H. & C. H. 18.75 Police 65.93 Fire 2.71 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 3.01 Schools 4.29 Markets 1.44 1oo.96 19927 The White Company, Water 150.43 5.00 100.96 4,000.00 COUNCIL No... -.--Y 0.560 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE("%�,,y NCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR'Vt PRESENTED BY L :._.....__.._._..... ._.. ............. DATEUT ZBIy ........_..._ COMMISSIONER.___........ RESOLVED That applications for licenses for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated issued to the following persons be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health: Isaac Fremland, 329 Kentucky St., Application9 Last year Grocery store. license was approved with understanding he would but sewer in the building To date he has not complied with ordinance. 988 Rice St., Application No. 4584 Nelson & Erickson, Grocery store. People living in rear of store. Have not made changes requested to comply with ordinance. 0.Reaolved store 06ThatB uppllcnt Dune 11- censes for handling and sent. Food- turts at the addresses indicated Issued to the following persons be and the same re hereby denied uG om. tof the Bureau o[ Health: - Isaac Fremland, 329 Aentuky St., Application NO. 4429, Grocery etor . Mt. ye¢>• license was approved with understand"F he would put sewer 1. I the bullding. To date he has not gym- '. piled With ordinance. Nelson & Erickson, 888 Rice St., Ap- pplicatlon No. 4584, Grocery store. r Pe ple living In rear of store. Havu not madwithe ebanges nance.requested W com- plAdop ed byord�the Council, Dec. 26, 1923, G (Jan. 5.1 924) Approved, Dec. 28, 1923. IANI' COUNCILMEN DEC 2 61923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------- ------ ---___.---..__102...... ✓ ClancyDEv 2 81'23 ✓ Ferguson proved.._ _ _ _. n102.._. !/ McDonald _. In favor ✓ Mx Sudheimer / R- J Peter u......_Against Wenzel VMr. President CITY OF -ST. PAUL °OeNaLNO.G!-.a[: f!./ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 30,-1924 ^_ %� .._.._._..... _..__.....___.._- DATE'— . ATE...�. In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width. of 100 ft. Mount Curbe Boulevard from Hartford to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #48669, approved September 22, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.P. #49909, ,approved November 27, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: . l t.. COUNCILMEN J Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓ McDonald._ .In favor �MWM Sudlmet' v Peter ...-.0-Against V Wenzel V Mr. President I O- F No 60$61—By W. J. e role r rn the -atter of oP ning, wide Inn';and m tae ,.00..: •,..,...,.. _.. -_ B ... Wed. That the City of 8t. aVl' dxe. ad determine. the amount of land to be takefl for the hove .named ith Provement to -be as follow.: The we.t X20, ft: of Lote I6 and 16. .0r. L15 ¢nd thowo.t. 20. Lt, of Lot. I6 and 16, Block'6. Bovlev6r4 Addltlrm. nl- .o that part of the .buthwoet not the — ed by tho'dounell Mar.-4:`IP24 —A - Mar 4.:1984• - (Mhrch8=1024) ...f. �., a-. Adopted by the Council.._ Approved- - - .!;:: .. .- -...- 192--' a��e�''� �------ ------ -- enc-�---- ��;C�MAYOa illium �l. defer, (IIauy�nissianer Arte fitallefte, PrWtt (IIammisstaner Brpartuwnt of Puhlir Morks (IIifg of quint Paul �b GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CANCY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION p. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE January 30, 1924 REPCR T TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of opening, widening and extending: 1.4ount Curve Boulevard to a width of 100 ft. from Hartford to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #48669, approved Sept. 22, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #49909, approved Nov. 27, 1923. To Abe Council of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: January 30, 1924 4ommsoner o blit Yorks o wok 9vA�� TM , a \A \)A A ese� is AYPOUNT CURVE BOUL4 Har/ford Ave. O/io Ave: 44 D Dz ,o Q 4 p. I Quo A ,� \v z, _.. I 1p.. ry rJ R W r �n _ oZ. P i .10 - -- E 3 IdRANy .� /3 19 ry /4T .. N p', . V� /20. - - o 4 V ? s 'a LOT (_ _ Z - r R ° 14 h n .�_ _ I is ' rs 'N 60- �/25:75 241.1 - MT— r5�/J1 r. -o MT— /8 - C U R V E B o U L y, 00 co M I 55 � o 2 MT SCC//11/E BQ(/LL? O I o- -- 3Lo.T 4 1 F i ; ' CITT OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,,,I'��N�CE REPORT OF ; COMMJSSIGR�ER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " In the matttr of ening and exter"dirig You"t• G�ifrve, Blvd. from opening, wid Hartford Ave, to Otto Ave. C.� Sept. 72, 1525. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is �1-0 - - - S_XXx The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or `# parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED '•t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 5 Riv::r Blvd. Add. St. n:�ul, 125`* 16 5 .1inn. 125 15 6 do 125 16 6 do 125 ( Except pa~t t�l,n for i,Fissiaain;li River Blvd, Ido, 2) T' e North 4800 g cf t' ^e So. Test ; of t e East i+0 Acr,S of Gov. Lot 4, In pec. g, Town 28, R?rpae 23. 750 (Except Otto Ave,) T!�e E:_3t 132 ft, of So. of the Scut` nte:a v -of the East 40 7.crei cf GCv. Lot 4 in Sec. 9 Tovrn,28, Ban=e 23• TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONtR OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Otto Ave.) The West 132 ft, of the�t 26- fejt of the 75, Sr;,t z of the South '9eat 4 of . Ea;t 40 ac"es of Gov. Lot 4, in Sec. 8 Tc.vn 28, Rin -.e 23- 1 3 ar ?lace 2 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do 7 3 do 8 3 :10 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 3 do 12 3 do 13 3 do 14 3 do 15 3 do 16 3 do 17 3 do 18 3 do la 3 do , 20 3 do 21 3 d07 22 3 do ?� 23 3 do TOTAL 550 5 c 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 _c0 500 504 500 500 500 500 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT O INANCE - REPORT OF COMMISS NWER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . (B)! .. t "- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 3 Ryan ?lace 500 625 25 3 do (Except Part to City) 26 2 do 5$:0 (Extent P -Art to City) 27 2 do 400 28 2 do 400 29 2 do 3200 30 2 to 400, 31 2 do 4c0 3-- 2-.; do 400 33 2 do 4co 34 2 do 4c0 '35 2 do 4co 36 2 do 400 37 2- d0 4co 36 2 do 4c0 3a 2 do 40C 40 2 do 4CC 41 2 do 400 42 2 3c 400 43 2 do 4co 4:+ 2 do 4CC 45 2 do 400 46 2 do 400 47 2 do 400 48 2 dC 4C0 4CC 49 2 do 50 2 do TOTAL 500 CITY OP ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT O -INANCE RSPORT OF COMMISSIB ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) s DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 15 1 i,'d7ecliff Addition No. 2 2000 14 1 do 1200 12 3 St. Cath-rines Park Second 175 13 3 Addition 140 14 3 do 175 ' 15 3 do 175 16 3 do �25 A 4 do 1000 14 3 St. Cather{ne -ark 100 15 3 do 75 16 3 do 75 17 3 do 75 18 3 do 100 14 7 do 100 15 7 do 75 16 7 do 75 17 7 xo 17 10 1 uo 100 12 do 2375 13 do 2375 1 4 do 75 2 4 do 75 3 4 do 75 4 4 do 75 5 4 do 75 6 4 dc TOTAL 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RgPORT OFC OM MISS06 E OF FINANCE - LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION 7 4 Saint Cat:nerine P rk 75 75 8 4 do 75 9 4 do 75 10 4 do 75 11 4 do 75 12 4 do --goo 6 do 51215 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f i Dated— D. ated -n. B. 12 r. ffice of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 27, 1923. _191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of ___ Se t. 22_,__1923.191-__, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.__48669approved- ------ opening, widening and extending Mount Curve Blvd._from ___________________ -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- --- - Hartford Ave. to Otto Ave. ____ -------------"'----'--- --------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__�-------- and the total cost thereof is $_ ------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------- --------------------- --------------- -------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------- - 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o - *k --- ---------- ---------------- Commission of Public NVartts.-- PRESENTED BY COM M ISSI ONEI RESOLVED �.r CITY OF 5r, Pni�4� FCOUNCIL � No.-: -. 4 t OFFIdrC'`�%F 'No 59d6R�—H �_?v,den,na sad: IL December 29, 1 In the matter of opening, widening and extending Bayard Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Fairview Ave. and enlarging the intersection of Cleveland. and Fairview, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48667, approved Sept. 22, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49997, approved November 30, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land off of the south side of Lot 9, Reserve Park Garden Lots described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 9, 30 ft. north of its southwest corner, thence east 30 ft. north of, -:and parallel to the south line of said lot 9 to its east line; also a strip of land off of the north ends of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Reserve Park Garden Lots described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 ft. south of the northwest corner of Lot 12, thence east 30 ft., south of and. parallel to the north line of said Lots 12, 13 and 14 to the west line of Fairview Avenue. COUNCILMLN Yeas Nays '/ Clancy �in L,/Ferguson !�_. _.._ favor Sud. -611U01' ✓Peter _..___....Against NVenzel /M r. President Adopted by the Council.'JA.N-...' 192¢----. ---- 192...... �Aia - : ,ass Appro d.... - - - - --- -----------_.192 ` .......... - ...... . - PUBLISHED MAYO '�iutam if. litter. Tommi s r , 3rie milVite, arputU (IInmmi.Osianer urpartumitt of public Morks (99tH of oatut Vanl GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE E NEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G• P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPOitT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Bayard Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Fairview Avenue to a width of 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Fairview'Avenue, and enlarging the intersection of Cleveland and Fairview, under Prelimi- nary Order C. F. #48667, approved Sept. 22, 1923, =d Intermediary Order C. F. y49997, approved November 30, 1923. n To the Council of the City of 3t. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 7orks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, shor;ina the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan which land is accurately described as follors: A strip of land off of the south side of Lot 9, Reserve Park Garden Lots described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 9, 30 feet, north of its southwest corner, thence east 30 feet, north of and parallel to the south line of said lot 9 to its east line; also a -strip of land off of the north ends of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Reserve Park Garden Lots described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet, south of the northwest corner of Lot 12, thence east 30 feet, south of and parallel to the north line of said Lots 12, 13 and 14 to the west line of Fairview Avenue. C o m r. i s s i o n e r. Dec. 31, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� f i; I-DEPARTtjWyF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) i the matter of Open, widen and extend Bayard Avenue to a width of 60 ft. from Cleveland Avenue to Fairview Avenue and enlarging theintersections as of at Cleveland and Fairview by taking and condemning P off of the south side of Lot 9 heserve Park Garden Lots described g at a point on the west line of said Lot 9 as follotivs: Beginnin 46 ft. north of its southwest corner, thence southeasterly at an angle of 45 degrees to a point, 30 ft, north of the south line of said lot, thence east 30 ft. north of and parallel to the south line of said Lot 9 to its east line, also a strip of land off of the north ends of Lots al�a ,l3}lnt 30 and Ssouth erve aof therk dnorthwestten Lots ecornerd as ft follows: Beginninp' Po of Lot 12, thence east 30 ft. south of and parallel to the north line of said Lots 123 13 and 14 to a point 216 ft. west of the west line of Fairview Avenue. thence southeasterly at an angle of 45 � ees to the west line of I•,airview and a point on the east line of degr Lot ee measured es ft from its northeast corner ; also a triangular niece of ground off of the north"est corner of Lot 22 Block 2 State i Park Addition Plat Ir4 measured 16 ft, on Cleveland Avenue and 16 ft. on said Bayard Avenue; also a piece of ground off of the southeast corner of Lot 7 Block 3 State Park Hddition Plat #3 measured 216 ft. on i-'airview and 216 ft. on bayard Avenue. pup,�oayp�,xao>isoe cne=aooveamprovement<is-W- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except forth 7 ft. taken eserve for ,widening Cleveland i,ve.) 9 Park Garden Lots 7,200 iaest 2 of 12 do 3,750 Bast of 12 e do 3,750 ,Vest e of 13 do 3,750 Fast z of 13 do 5,250 :lost -�- of 14 do 3,750 );est w of 14 do 4,000 TOTAL. under Preliminary Order approved 1 L. 24 X 92 ? -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports es follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ z 94a.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Except 'north 7 ft. taken 7,200 for widening Cleveland j'.ve.) 9 i:est.2 of 12 East of 12 ;Jest s of 13 East 2 of 13 nest � of 14 East 2 of 14 Por. B. B.10 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION heserve Park Garden Lots 7,200 do 3,750 do 3,750 do 3,750 do 5,250 do 3,750 do TOTAL. 4,000 • CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTM NT OF FINANCE V1, �'rd4 F V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)- - - - - ASSESSED DESCRIPSION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except .rest 7 ft. for widening of Oleveland Avenue) 22 2 State Park Addition Flat 4�. 100 7 1 State Park Addition Plat 3 100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. j Dated_ Commissioner of I+inwce. F— B. B. 12 �� �� ♦.,,, r► �� �r , 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works CE[V,ED.;� �. Report to Commissioner of Finance °ryes OCT To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 48667 9-2E, 1923 -191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.________ ----approve ---------------- widening and extending Bayard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue -------------------------------------------- -- opening, ------------------------------ - ----------------- to Fairview Avenue._ - ------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---------• and the total cost thereof is $____---__---. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------- --------------------------- ----------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improv -------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------ Commissioner Public COUNCIL FILE NO. By. ........................... d V lI :agrL1G111_..r... `'---.",°'°---'"...a.�.........---___..._.------- In the Matter of ................ ........ _-----._P+rscal.--Agz.---•-to GrQ.tta...St.....mi-th_.th.e...neo.aasury--sevres.,---si r--and-----.------- as ccrnections from-straet...mains-._tg_.,property._line9,.gw6i&tos,.............. lrlxK.xa...na4---ti, Xaalij!._la"-e.}...also ...aux?�.irat;... d..paving..driyattay--.and................. .........elle.Y..._!�P.Froacaes.,...where-.i}eceas-r.Y.A_..................................................................I..................... ............. .......... ................................... I...................................................... under Preliminary Order -.- .(t3Py... -- .. approved... ........A3?1 a .. - IntermediaryOrder........................................................... approved .................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....P..bYe.-. SrsTshtil.l---Ave,-.-- -FC21A...a...P0.1at...--.---•----- 160 faet gest of Pascal Ave. to Grotto St. -with the neae3edr-y.............. .......ya;rar,-..yeter--er,ci--Za.a...cunneotzons-..ixnra..stre.at..mains...ta-.-pr-ope.r.t- ------.---- _linss.-cuniplgta...._??ue.r.6...110.4...Plz.ef11Y....tika�Ya,'.7.d9._9.urb.int;--.end...pa41ng-... -ciriVe}yry.._F�nd.€��..eY.-..4P-12xQ_4.Qhed....rrli0re...ne.cas Y.......- ...—_.. - Material from 160 feet west of Pascal Ave. to 300 feet west of Syndicate St. shall be -reinforced concrete, 27 feet wide; and shall be sheet asphalt from ';:' •'300 -feet east'oF'Syndicstb St. 'to 'Victoria , 52 foot roadway and from Victoria -St. `-to Grotto`5ti•, 32 fdot-roadway,, except where there"is' a gide" Mgr cant: When brick shall be Used. " -al-torapprovat-trr5t°'vpon" d-aPIn-1, me prt4 -«•r- - -- --- to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEG 2 01923 Adopted by the Council ----- _.... ............................... rr ^ 121 Approved...................... ........./../................. 191....... Councilman-W2WkMMXd ,// � lar.0 y Councilman G&M V/Ferguson Councilman Ctmcg ✓ McDonald Councilman ID4X= ✓Peter Councilman 11li ER / Sudheiner Councilman=WUNd—Nohc,�Wei zal Mayor 1140 xo ,06laon Form B. S. A. 8-7 169 Jr ' CITY OF 8T. PAUL_ A DEPART ME NT OF FINANCE J4rrt REPO OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ;* ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterofpaying Marshall Avenue from a- 'POI nt 160 ft west of Pascal Avenue +,, P."n+.t.n street_ with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains under Preliminary Order approved August 21 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 32" Creosoted Brick Laid isphalt, or Seven inch Blocks _ Flat _ r.sphalt Concr. _ Concrete Total Sq. Yd. (City Share 108 061.00 68,859.00 68,715.00 a , 58,172.00) 45 890.00) (Property 85,245.00 70,097.00 54,206.00 , *Section from 300 ft. gest of Syndicate to Grotto. City Share 16,890.00 16,890.00 16,890.00 ft. 161890.001? west of -:--.:Section from 160 ft. west of Pascal to 300 Syndicate, estimated 271 concrete. 210,196.00 ?175,846.00 X139,811.00 ?120,952.00 T o t a l ; (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.00 4.57.v 3.83 !:dd for Cement Curb where not in 601 perln 01 Stieett. %100.00 Add for 611 Sewer connections each 661- 11 66.00 1001 Street 52.50 Add for 3/,411 .iat.or connections each 661 " 40.25 northerly line of the C.11.St.P. R.R. Right of way thence South- the intersection of a line easterly along said hight of Pday to ft. of and parallel to the aforesaid 4 section line 23,450 345 west thence north along said line to a point 175 ft. south from the etc. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10..- ' CITY Or ST. PAUL (�f � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .x REPOff ; OF COMk4ISSIONER OF . FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I In the matter of�.i v;arshall Avenue from a point 160 ft. west of Pascal Avenue ^ water and gas connections from street mains +n GrottoStreet,;th sewer, curbing and r... ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS 21 4 ,,acalester View Addition � 300 to the City of St. Paul. 325 22 4 do 23 4 do 325 ' 24 4 do 3,075 25 4 do 325 26 5 do 500 hall Commencing at the intersection of thofSthehNaine thence.swest to Ave, and the East line of the NW. 4 easterlyline of alongsaldhRighht of wa' t-of-Payxto-the'intersection ofeaJline y 23 450 ine 345 ft. west of and daline to ahpoint r1751ft. southtfrom ion lthe , thence north along -- etc. TOTAL. i F. B. B. 10 .... _ ... ->. CITY OF 9T. PAUL •� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP(RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 2 Griebie and Brewster's 425 Addition to the City of 8 2 St. Paul. 400 _ 9 2- do 400 10 2 do 400 11 2 do 400 12 2 do 400 (Except East 62 ft.) 15 Kittsondale being Auditor's 24,500 - Subdivision No. 27, St. gest 30 ft, of East 62 ft. of 15 Paul, i,Ann. 2,250 East 32 ft, of 15 do 2,350 (Except Easterly 230 ft.) 14 do 13,400 (Ex.Ave.)N.2 vac.alley adj.& 15 1 Boulevard Addition 750 do do 14 1 do 750 do do 13 1 do 750 do do 12 1 do 750 do do 11 1 do 750 do do 10 1 do 750 do do W.I. 6- 9 1. do 1,125 do do E.2 6 a117 1 do 1,125 do do 6 1 do 750 do do 5 1 do 750 do do 4 1 do 750 do do 2 & do ,l.2'of 3 1 do 1 do 5,125 do (Except warshall I:ve.)E.38 ft -1 1 do also 'i._ of Albert Ave. vac. & N. I alley vacated & adjoining 950 said East 38 ft. of Lot 1 (Ex.Ave.)N.2 vac.alley adj.& 7 20 do 1.225 do do 6 20 -do TOTAL • 750 - CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RE...11P(JRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ff ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEb VALUATION (EX.Ave.)N.-;1a vac.alley adj.& 5 20 Boulevard Addition No.2 750 do do, 4 20 do 750 do • do 3 20 do 750 do do 2 20 do 750 do do 1 20 do 800 Lots 1 to 7 P.lbert I. Seiter's Add. 9,85,0 to St. Paul, ]Minnesota. 14 John B. Hoxsies Rearrange. 1,225 of Block 4, Enna E. Ramseys 13 Addition to City of St.Paul. 825. 12 do 850. 11 do 4,025 10 do 900 9 do 4,4.50 8 do 4,350 S.` vac.alley adj. & Lots 16 to 3011 D. W. Ingersoll addition 66,100 to St. Paul, Minn. Blocks 10 - 5 and 4 do also vacated alleys in said Blocka and Griggs Street vacated between Blocks 10 & 5 also Dunlap Street vacated between 715,250 Blocks 5 and 4 7 John B. rioxsies Reai�r. 900 of Blk. 4 manna E. hamseys 6 add, to St. Paul. 4,600 5 do 900 4 do 4,600 3 do 5,300 Lots 1 and 2 do 5,950 - TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE tq ♦i OF COUMPSSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ORDER ON PRELIMINARY (B) - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION Ave, & Ex. East 18 ft.) s's fddition 14 3 tontheCity of St. Paul. 6,275 (Ex, 5,250 (Ex.Ave.)E.15 ft. of a of 13 3 do 4,750 (Ex.Ave.)E.'2 of 13 & of 12 3 do (.Ex,I,ve.)E.20 ft. of 12 & do 11 3 5,700 rrest� 30 ft. of 5,000 do (Ex.ilve. )E.10 f all 10 3 t. of 11 & 4,700 (Except Avenue) 9 3 do 4,450 5 3 do do 3,600 7 3 do do 4,850 6 3 do do 600 5 3 do do 950 4 3 do do 16,950 3 3 do do 800 2 3 do do 4,525 1 3 do do '7,125 (Except-arshall Avenue. 14 2 do 52600 do 13 2 do 4,500 do 12 2 d0 3,900 do 11 2 do 4,700 do 10 2 do 5,500 do do 9 2 6,500 do 5 2 do 1,000 do do 7 2 4,90o do 6 2 do 4,200 5 2 do do 4,550 4 2 do do 1,000 do 3 2 do TOTAL CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE�l ► REPCrT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLoeiC ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - `2 (Except 1+.arshall Avenue) 2 Anna E. i<,amsey's Addition City of St. Paul. 1,000 to. the 1,875 do 1 2 do 1 Varney cc i+:ci,,anigals hear. 5,,700 do of Blk. 1 of Anni e amsey's Add. to St. Paul. 625 do 2 3 do 325 do 3,950 do 4 do do 4,�J0 do 5 do 4,750 . do 6 do 900 do 7 2,950 - do 8 do do 900 do 9 do 4,550 do 10 do 5,200 do 11 do 7,600 34 5,350 _ Borth 47 ft. of 1 - 2 3 Bolton Place do 4,725 14.46.80 ft. of S.9340 ft.1-2-3 4,675 South 47 ft. of 1-2- 3 do 7,650 . 1 Lexington Place Subdivision do 1,350 2 6,250 3 do 11 2 itogera Addition to St. 4,425 (Except P,arshall Avenue) Paul. .4,675.. do 10 '2 do do 4,.625 - do 9 2 7,275 - do 8 2 do $75 do 7, 2 do do 6 2 do 17,775 TOTAL ' - CITY OF 8T. PAUL q ji DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COR MISSIONoERR OF FINANCE REPCrT OF OELIMINARY N DER (B) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION Marshall Avenue) 5 2 Roger's Addition to St. 4,675 (Except Paul 4,525 do 4 2 do . (Ex.Ave.)T-4C ft. of 32 all 3 2 do g75 (Except MaTBhall Avenue) 2 2 do 3,725 1 2 do 5,250 do do 3>500 (Except West 40 ft.) 32 2 600 (Except Marshall Avenue) 14 1 do �3 1 do 450 do (Ex.Ave.)E.40 ft. of 15 all 12 1 do 500 (Except East 40 ft.) 15 1 do 350 600 (Except Marshall Avenue) 11 1 do 10 1 do 4,250 do 1 do 3,750 do 9 825. do S 1 do 7 1 do 4,575 do 6 1 do 825 do 1 do 3,775 do 5 925 do 4 1 do 3 1 do 725. do 2 1 do 725 do 1 1 do 1,150 do 32 1 do 700 (Except South 56 ft.)17- 1g 2 A.B. Wilgus Addition to City of St. Paul. 10,300 the 19 2 do 1,100 South 56 ft. of 17 - 3'650 19 2 do 20 2 do TOTAL 4'450 ' CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPOT OF COMMPSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - ji DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ g 21 2. A. B. Wilgus Addition 5,050 to the City of St. Paul. 22 2 do 3,650 , 23 2 do 3,800 24 2 do 950 25 2 do 3,900 26 2 do 4,350 27 2 do 4,000 28 2 do 4,250 29 2 do goo 30 2 do 241200 16 1 do 3,925 17 1 do 3,375 18 1 do 3,500 19 1 do 800 20 1 do 80o 21 1 do 7,300 22 1 do 2,950 . 23 1 do 3,00.0 24 1 do 3,600 25 1 do 800 26 1 do 800 �7 1 do 3,500 28 1 do 3,000 Lots 29 and 30 1 do 21,800 (Except East 8 ft.) 15 A Marshall boulevard Add. 9,750 to the City of St. Paul. E.8 ft 15 & (EX.E.4 ft.) 16 A do TOTAL 7,850 CITY or 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e MISSIIONo OF FINANCE REPOORT OFCOR OELIMINARY N o ' (B) - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ''A ft. of 16 & all of 17 Marshall Boulevard Add. to the City of St. Paul. 7,90.0 do 5,250 - All 18 & (Ex.E.30 ft.) 19 A 7,450 E. 30 ft. of 19 & 7J.1, of Z0 A do d° 21 A 5,$50 E. "i of 20 & all of 6'850 All of 22 & l'`. � of do �3 A 5'350 E. '� of 23 & all of 24 A do All of 25 & IT. i of 26 A do 6,250 E. of 26 & all of 27 A do 7, .50C 28 A do 6,100 g 2 Fairnank's Addition to 4,950 (Except Alley) the City of S+„ Paul. 3'°�5 2 do 9 do do 4,225 do 10 2 4,325 do �"�. � of 12 & all of 11 2 do do East i of 12 2 do do 5,100 All of 13 & West � of 14 2 500 (Ex. Alley) East I of 14 2 . do All of 8 & T. 20 ft. of 9 4 Stone & Rogers Adlition to St. Paul, Uinn. 7,525 E.20 ft. of 9 & V. 30 ft. 10 4 do 7,275 E. 10 ft. of 10 & W-30 ft. 11 4 do 6,275 E. 1C ft. of 11 & all of 12 4 do 6,675 13 4 do 4,1�5 14 4 do 6' 65° 4 1 Division A 11,000 Test 50 ft. of j All of 2 & E. 2 ft. of 3 also do 4 1 9190.0 E. 40 ft. of IN. 92 ft. of 3'950 E. 40 ft. of 4 & all of do 1 1 TOTAL CITY OP !T. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE I REPG RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I - DESCRIPTION ASED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATSESSION 11 1 Smith & Taylor's Addition 3,800 to the city St. Paul. 4,850 10 1 doof 9 1 do 4,650 8 1 do 5,000 7 1 do 6 1 do 4,900 5 1 do 7,250. 4 1 do 4,650 3 1 do 4,700 2 1 do 5,,600 1 1 do 6,325, 4 1 Sanborn's Addition to also (Ex. S. 1.50 ft.) the St. Paul. 5,175 west 41.16 ft. of 5 - All of 3 & W. -�. of 2 1 do also (Ex. W.41.16 ft. & S. 1,750 2 ft. of E. 123.48 ft.)5 1 1 do 1,500. E. z of 2 & all of S. 1.50 ft. of eu. 41.16 ft- 2 ft. of E.123.48 ft. 5 1 do 150 & S. do also N.18.50 ft. of W.82.32- 6 1 (Ex. 11. 18.50 ft. of 'iV. 6 1 do 175 82.32 ft. thereof 4 1 Haller's t:ddition to 4,400 Lots 1 - 2 - 3 - St. Paul. 4,400 5 1 do 1 Berryhill & Davison's Hear.- 3,775 of Lots 7 to 11 inclusive 5 ft of Lots 12- 4 300 , 2 & the N. 13-14 of Block 3 of Ninninger 4,4'00 3 & Donnelly's I:dd. to Holcombes Add. to St. Paul- 3,800 4 do TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL 0 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ¢r 4. _ REPCfT OF CORiMrSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION - - 5 Berryhill & Davisons Hear.- 3,550 of Lots 7 to 11 inclusive _ 6 & Lots 12-13-14 of Blk. 3 )Except Triangular piece in Ninninger & Donnellys Add. to iio�cPaul.onbes Add. to St. the Southeast corner of Paul. 4,125 Alley. 3 biininger & Donnellyls Add. 3,550 1Qorth 110 ft. of to6 Holcombes Add. to 150 South 60 ft, of 6 3 Saint Paul. 5 3 do 4,950 4 3 do 5,400 3 3 do 5,400 2 3 do 5,100 1 3 do 6,815 22 3 do 3,600 (Except South 23 ft.) 9 2 do 2,575 10 2 do 4,200 South 23 ft. of 9 2 do 250 8 2 do 850 7 2 do 4,050 6 2 do 950 5 2 do 5,150 4 2 do 950 3 2 do 5,175 ' 2 2 do 6,275 1 2 do 4,975 _. . 22 2 do 4,050 10 1 do 6,500 9 1 do 3,500 •ons .... 8 1 do TOTAL 900 .n i j �j .. CITY OF ST. PAUL }•• Q` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOJRT OF .COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 J Nininger & Donnelly's 7,500 Addition to Holcombes 3 400 6 1 Addition tdoSaint Paul ,. 5 1 do 2,900 (Except South 40 ft.) 4 1 do 900 3 1 do 900 2 1 do 900 1 1 do 4,650 11 1 do 2,.900 South 40 ft. of 4 & all of 24 1 do 3,250 (Except Alley) 10 4 Edvlin Dean's Subdivision of Part of Smith & Lotts 4,750 11 4 OutlOts to the City of 2,700 do St. Paul, Ramsey) Iv:inn. 4,350 do 12 4 do 13 4 do 3,650 - do do 3,200 do 14 4 do iW.38 ft, of 14 4 do 3,750 (Ex.Alley)E.2 ft. of 15 & 16 4 do 3,200. (Except Alley) 17 4 do 3,600 18 4 do 2,525 do do 3,225 do 10 5 11 5 do 900- do do 4,400 do 12 5 13 5 do 900 - do do 3,700 do 14 5 15 5 do 6,800 do do 5,800 do 16 5 17 5 do 3,900 do 4,400 do 18 5 104a -- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OFCCMMISSAIO E OF FINANCE ON I(C) -- - - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 5 6 Edwin Deans Subdivision 6, 525. of part of Smith & Lott, 3,425 - 6 6 Out Lots to the City Of Co. I+linn. St. Paul, Ramsey 4,425 7 6 do 5,025 8 6 do 6 6 Scribner & Crittendens 8,550 . Subdivision of Lots 8 & 13 1 100 7 6 of Smith & Lotts OutLots , 1,100 do g 6 1,950 _ t East 162 ft.) (Except do 9 6 4,800 East 162 ft. of 9 & all of 10 6 d° The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-_ _-_ _- _ Comm'. 'inner o[ Finance. _ � -- "� `- Fmm D. D. 12 a .7'a ,:,' �kk s`� ���� r rJ`.6L BY ` •7q✓6 s z 5. 77777 L"• ` i! C t. T 1 R �` l.aN. r 1sT• � �yI Nr►� uE x HY x F 5 7 Is 4 t y L ti k t' s 5EL r_ f{R � - o t h o rl Office op the Commissioner of Public WW�r :u Report to Commissioner of Finance NUv 9 No_v_eg�bgr _$,_ 1.$$ ------ 191__ -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having 'had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. A7864 --_-approved Aug. ?I. ------ 191---, relative to Paving Marshall Ave._ from a point_ 160 ft. west oY Faecal_ Ave___to _ __ Grotto gt. With the neoessary sewer, water and gas aonneotions from street mains to property lines oomplete, where not already made, also =:rbinrg-Ind 'paving-driveway-�'t-agrrey--apFr=Ch-es;--wtrerW-nUoWsxry:----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is•$ ------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part'hereof. --------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --�,xk-------- Commissioner o blic� Gilliam 3. Vrtrr, Mommiq Wner )rte matirttr, BrVwU ftommisstaner " Ervartmrnt of Pnbtir Work, (Quo of oaint Fain tiEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OP CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Pim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works• M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGIN [[R A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. DOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 7, 1923. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for Athe vennevtogof GrOttorStreet, with the nell Avenue from acessary sewer, water oint 160 feet west and agaacsal where no t connections from street mainsto propertyroline and complete, approaches, alregdy made, also ourbing 4n P approved where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. t�. #47864, e August 21, 1923: (E7, )100' from 160' west of Pascal .1 Width of(62! Width of) to 300' west of Syndicate Ave. Length 788 Roadway (32' Street )100' from S 5001wes west of Syndicate Ave. to VictoriaGrotto St. Frontage 11,138 ft. ) 66' from Victoria St. to " Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inch Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd (Cit Share 0 108,061.00 $ 88,859.00 $ 68,716.00 b8 ,172.00) (Property 86,245.00 70,097.00 64,206.00 45,890.00) e *Section from 300' west of Syndicate to Grotto. City Share16,890.00 16,890.00 16,890.00 16,890.00 *est Of Pascal ** 3ecSyyonndiYcate,le es , 1601 timated ated 271 concrete. west of T 9 t a 1 240,196.00 0176,846.00 $139,811.00 41200952.00 (e) Front Ft• 7.36 6.00 4.57 3.83 Note: Part from 160' west of Pascal Ave. to 300' west of Syndicate Ave. to be paved with 26 concrete only. No assessment figured against this property frontage. mm Preliminary estimate paving Marshall Ave. Cont. Add for Cement Curb where not in 6100Per lin. ft. Street 100.00 ft " each--B-Cr 6" Sewer connections esoh—T 62,60 100, it 5/4" Water " " 40.2b yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved:for transmission to the Commissioner of ftnance. �—M Comm c &'r o lic +orae. ,i iZ 63; �-p•� iG 6 a, d a� n ,����. H.C.CONYERS 1118 MARSHALL AVE,. ST.PAUL. U �l- I9 2 3 � is -ss //h Q�/ O / Am,.l9J ��G✓17N U -f/�/M JLC �fN. (/ A/%,. 0 l � . �� G� ��%i�' �„a� i1s�. Zd� ��wpsa �s�� •�-. ��-i� �cc.�,,,,i%�,� yli:� ✓o � ,%o��a�rd �tse UOy,P 1r�."i/�i � dGulfiYJ Pr 4-rP �lht`� filftrll%nt i l ��I I It I J 1. 1 J. 11- H.- 1 -11111-1- -11 APP�tm50564 C a rma,,Lioenae Commit t�ee/ p inanoe No An ordinance regulating the. dates o• tir pertain f'ration fo es and re ealing all ordinances or. parts of• ordinances,,. , Classes of licenses P i•. V. No. o I'll 4=-0rdtnance inconsistent herewith* sndhehner— An otdinanc reguleting'the dates of'. f iraxlon for certain class¢ o[ 149; f The Council of the City Of Saint Paul dDes a c 'l ora^neie[n�'`{� SECTION I That hereafter the following licenses for ee.rrying on the bueinesseso following the trades,, occupations and professions, or using or carrying the articles hereafter mentioned, within the City of Saint Paul, shall expire ore year from and after date of issue; unless revoked for violation of srdinances of this City License to Maintain Gasoline filling station wholly on private property. License to maintain Gasoline filling station in a garage and incidental to garage business, License to Maintain Curb pump on the public street, alley or on other public property. n License to Maintain aoperate a motor omnibus on the streets of Saint Paul. License to Maintain or operate a Roller Skating rink. ' F: . yidense,to carry concealed weapoi;s. License to engage in the business of Junk dealer. SECTIOW II That when the above mentioned licenses are renewed, the renewal license shall expire one year from date of expiration of the preceding license. SECTION III That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are—hereby repealed. - SECTION IV That this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and aty. SECTION V .� That this ordinance shall take effect snd be in force immediately up z e and publication•_ —_ phA1 i .COUNCILMEN '3i JA.N 1 192 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councl .___--.--.--... --- Clancy% I 5' -?- 1 192 ..-...._ 1 APP ved........ ... - Ferguson McDonald `. In favor y♦ (` ^ " "'" MAYOR Against � FWD> ltiW—� Peter � '' - Mr. President TITMIa - DKV�G� - ntST aP�T..PAOL cIIY BEAK r, + oaaarL q:D-81 1M 12.22 AUDRED.. _.........- __ .._..._ . .............1.2 ........... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._._----- *9i ...................... covering r checks numbered 19936 to....i89bi_-.-- --. ----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 2 91323 (/Clancy, Adopted by the Council...... 1�23- 141 A3EC2 9 Ferguson. . _..In favor -McDonald, Approved- ._.- --- ..----- ..--- ----- --- - ------------------------ 92..`-- 1Matsolr, Sudheimer ,/Peter, President, Nelson CF.'Nb: 60686— Reaolved. checkstl be the City Treasueasu ry el aggr ; amount of 193,823:99, ring c\ . numbered 19936 to 19961 Inclusive, per regtater o[ city checks on ale lh the office of tke`.City Comptroller. Adopted by the Copc ull Dec. 29, 1923. Approved Dec 26.192) GRIGINAL T CRY CLERK F— D-34 1\i 12-22 o5rr or ex. e.oL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oGosGSL 50566 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AU DIiED............::...+'....t.:..:....._.... _.._....._......182......_.. `.. PER ............................... ....1_$ityc _. 959 C/ �o �rRDUER .................... ... .............. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount ..................., covering checks numbered - 1-9-9536 .................. �.�.�`21..._. --- --..--•inclusive, as per register os on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. pEC 2 9 1923 r/Clancy, Adopted b e Council ....------- ._--------------- ---------------------- --192 ----- ✓Ferguson, In favor DEC 2 91923 - 191. ✓McDonald, roved..-- ----- ----- - -- Nfs on- Sudheimer peter, --- -•--.. ✓ ---Against attvox Wenzel. ,,,/Mr. President, Nelson 93.60 15.57 49,863.00 683.14 605.00 79.20 41,867.55 --------------- --------------- J. L. Brastad, C. H. & C. H. 19937 Central Soap Company, Viorkhous e N 19938 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Water Company, 19938 Commonwealth Electric C. H. & C. H. 623.89 II 41.25 Schools 12.00 n 6.00 19940 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, S. & S. Cing. 23.50 Schools 581.50 bas.b� 19941 01of Hansen, C. H. & C. H. 19942 Merchants National Bank, Debt Service Exp. 33.80 Interest 13,536.25 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 18,752.50 Watbr Department - Int. Acct. 9 545.00 41,867.55 93.60 15.57 49,863.00 683.14 605.00 79.20 41,867.55 0 Res. 959 Page #2 19943 Mill erburg Auto Electric Company, 26.81 Fire Sprinkling 2.25 2� 19944 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co.,22.18 B4lreau 6f Engineers L 1775 24.72 L 1802 19.30 n 45.43 �3 T=3 19945 Jos. Pavlicek, 53.28 Bureau of Engrs. St. C. & R. (Pay.) 1.70 Sdwer C. & R. 16.08 S. & S. Cing. 3.59 L 1847 2.28 7b'?33- 19946 Pioneer Electric Company, Sewer C. & R. Schools 19947 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Sprinkling 19948 St.Paul Printing Company, p. Bldgs. Revl. 1 19949 Scheffer & Rossum, Workhouse 19950 Shanley Paper Company, St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. 19951 Tierney & Company, Fire Workhouse 14.02 55.88 �b'9795— 12.25 12.25 141.08 46.50 , 187.58 29.06 111.63 76.93 69.90 83.50 13.00 14.83 24.50 187.56 QY"RUPLI"m oirT o► !r, riot To CRY CLERK . .onset. 50at) Nona D-34 IM 12-22 _ "1 I BY CDLLER ..... AUDITED.... ..-.. ...- .._.......101.....__ PER...."�"' l ._..—_ -. _ .— _. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..._6Q�546,• __ ................. ..... . covering checks numbered ...-._..>..4�$Q............ to.......�.�.aa�l�-............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. �. V EQ 2 9 1923 ✓ Clancy,Adopted by the Council------------ ---------------- -- --------------- --.192--`-- (/Ferguson, ._._.023 .....-In favor DEC 2 91 McDonald, Approved----- ----- -----.. -------- _.-...------- ---------- ..192....-- ,/Matatm- budheimer h 4/Peter, 11..A$ainst ^enzel. r/Mr. President, Nelson Cit, 1r 7Tnt etlecka he drown on the Clty '1'reasurY. to the aggregate amount of $60,646.93. overing checks numtiering, 19962 to 19969 lncion file. in 'the-rttice .rot thetCltYe�mPtrolaler,fa 1doDted by the Council. Dec. 28, 1925. gPproYed, Dec. .29. 1923. (Son. 6-1924) , oil aITT Or .T. PAUL ' ORIGI,,AL TO cm C=RK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aGOKa.L 50567 —D -ss 1111T t I2-82 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ,L: NO:..__ __ .-............__..... 960 r s g 19'- f LLER AUDITED........._. ......Resolved that cheeks be drawn on the Ciry Treasury, to the aggregate amount of � 93';: coveringchecks numbered..........1995 ....._......to..._ _19959 -____....inclusive, as per register ocity checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. `Clancy, /7 Adopted by the Council- ----- 19`1 ✓Ferguson, In favor /McDonald, Batson- Sudheimer Ap owed ..... ........9E .. 9 i ........................142......- 6' Peter, 1 Against - - - - Wenzel. -----------. -. __. .__ ... .... ......_... .-... MAYOR 1-114r. President, Nelson a 19952 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 13,896.82 City Officers 3,083.48 City Clerk 553.50 Election Expense 246.69 Cor.-ounsel 1,025.34 Com r. of Finance 708.13 11 778.40 Partic. Certs. 242.82 u it 1.20 Comptroller 1,282.UB Purchasing Department 1,173.95 Municipal Court 2,654.98 C. H. & C. H. 1,630.25 Armory 257.50 Art Museum 258.50 3T�6'Z 19953 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 340.00 S C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 19954 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 1,650.45 Pol. & F. Alarm 19955 J. M. Clancy, ¢omtr. of Finance 1,061.45 Garage Res. 960 Page #2 19956 J. M. Clancy, Com'r: of Finance 4,567.07 Health -Adm. 617.33 vital Statistics 322.50' Food Reg & Insp. 766.00 Quarantine Insp. 1,186.87 Tuberculosis Div. 686.25 Dale St. Infirmary 72.50 Workhouse Hospital 323.50 Laboratory 257.12 P. Baths 165.00 p. Comfort Station 170.00 4, 19957 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 13,532.07 ® C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 516.82 Bureau of Engrs. 6,102.19 It it it (Auto) 357.50 Bureau of City Planning 353.12 St. C. & R. 183.75 �+ 1,386.00 " (Auto) 111.70 Sewer C. & R. 449.65 S. & S. Cing. 1,932.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 275.37 Workhouse 663.65 Crosswalks 72.50 Sprinkling 786.32 It (Auto) 7.50 L 1836 A 144.90 11 (Auto) 7.36 L 1836 B 77.40 it (Auto) L 1841 83.47 " (Auto) 5.47 19958 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 20,090072 Schools 3,817.82 r - t1 8,962.37 Library 6,205.13 Auditorium 1,105.4U 19959 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 5,408.35 Park -Adm. 588.65 Bureau of Parks 166.67 Playgrounds 288.88 P. Bldgs. 3,364.15 " (Auto) 275.00 Gorman Addition (Bond) 71.00 Franklin School " 71.00 Groveland " " 71.00 Jackson it " 71.00 Ames " " 71.00 Tilden " " 71.00 Mattocks " " 76.00 Longfellow " 73.50 Gordon " " 71.00 . Greenwood " " 78.50 5,408.35 TO CRY CLERK F—D-34 IM 12-22 0 E e.' Il ----- .. .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ checks numbere'19960 -------------- ---------to---299-71------ inclusive, as per register of city chec Comptroller. Yes ( r ) Councilmen ( tr ) Nays. N-1. No 0 r6- ............ covering file file in the office of the City L-" Clancy, Adopted by the Council - -------- ---- ----- ---s.9...... ------ --- -- _..192------- --- 1912 -------- L/ Ferguson, In fav�r 7i -'-Q 2 'j - ,,' McDonald, Approved - - ---- - - - -- - -- ----...- - --_.........._......_...:.192.----- _ - -- ------ ------------- 191 ✓ Mats= Sudheimer 0 Peter, ............ Against Wenzel. .. Mr. President, Nelson h..ks be drown on thqty Tt—ry.,t. amo- of $6,9u98.1 , C- numb,red 19960 to 19971 Inclu.1— "I per resister-.ckti,' to theo¢'t`foottytchecks hC'.M',tr`oner Adbpted ythe Council. u'""" 29, 1928. Approved, . .. 29. 1923.' (J... 5-1924) T" OFlIGINAL TO C" -MK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oo=a,r. 505t�--8 Farm D-34 lA1 I2-22 AUDITED CLAIMS' -RESOLUTION FORM ,z,= NO..-_....- ----- .--- 961 BV { ..COM . - AUDITED...... "... .................192......_ ........ ...................... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--_g t.89 .�- g---------=•------- -- covering checks numberePW--.---------- _------- --- to-_19971._.............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. pEC 2 9192 ✓Clancy, �% Adopted by the Council..------.......-.._ -----....- - ....192 ....--- Ferguson, j/ CSC 2 9 .In favor McDonald, proved ................. - ..............192-- .�Jtdmn- Sudheimer Peter, ....._ .._..Agelnst ... __ ... ... ... _..... .._..........._.....-. MAYOR � Wenul. - Ar. President, Nelson 19960 W. D. Bugge, Supt., 322,93 Auditorium 19961 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 789.53 Mayorts Office 208.33 Civil Service 58 19962 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 1,006.84 Fire 743.97 L 1802 34.21 L 1847 228.66 19963 L. V. Repke Company, 65.50 Municipal Court 9.20 11 N 27.50 Acct. forms, etc. 7.20 Police 10.70 . Fire 3.20 Schools 7.70 19964 Review Publishing Company, 1,439.18 • Official Publications Res. 961 Page #2 57.68 19965 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 6.30 Fire Bride Bldg. & R. 3.30 17.08 Schools 13.00 v 1J 0 118.42 19966 Jack Stark, St. C. & R. 63.84 Sewer C. & R. 2.35 1.57 S.�& S. Cing. 50.66 158: 19967 Tri-State & Telegraph Company, ' 110.01 ' pity Cl�rk 10.60 Fire 60.10 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 30.81 Bureau of Engrs. 5.90 Workhouse 2.60 1TU=. 19968 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, 132.31 302.97' Police Pol. & F. Alarm 170.66 19969 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, 256.95 Schools 19970 Victory Printing Company, 23.75 163.15 Municipal - ourt G.F.-Mise. & Unf. 21.00 Election Expense 30.00 S. & S. Cing. 11.00 Schools 77.40 m Ir- 19971 Webster Mfg. Company, 2,265.00 Schools • COUNCIL (5(���yy_g� ` ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL in" NO.___.._._VS,Y.r� CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION I..' PRESENTED BY D@cA 29, 1923• COMMISSIONER_ DATE......... .[... .. ....C..,yr �. • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOJLI OWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET 8Y SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE A P P R O P R I A T I ON IT EM TRANSFERED FROM I IRA—FERE—TO 107 PurchEsing Agent Expense 107 Salaries C. F. No. 60669—By J. Df. Clµncy— Resolved, That the following trans- Ifers be made on the hooka oI the Comptroller when by so doing un-, avolda'ble, deficiency in one it may be met by said transfer without ham, paring the work provided for by thea �.. money In the Item from which the I transfer Is made. $41.01 from Code No. 107, Purchasing Agent—Ezpense, to Code No. 107, Pur- chasing Agant—Salorlea. Adopted by the Council. Dec. 29, 1923. Approved, Dec; 29, 1923. 'I (Jan. 9. 1 2) YES J) COUNCILMEN ( %7) NAYS /CLANCY -"FERGUSON 1 1 LXMCDONALD ................IN FAVOR V/MATSON f\ LI/ PETER ......(..........AGAINST �Ll WENZEL I RIRM v MR. PRESIDENT OD (m sv) ¢1.01 4.1.01 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILDEC.2..x_19.23....... 19.......... 1)EC2 9 1923 APPROVED/. -------------------------------- 19 OILi(d .. _..... NAYO �.............r...`K .................. MAYOR 17 COUNTERSIGNED BY............................................................ CRY COMPrROLLBR m CITY OF ST. PAUL ylaa NO........... Y7p�CXPr6?� QqV N IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1.. fAp SE .A1 .......... ........ .. DAT .. ...... ....... .. ....... No. 60670.—BY S• Poter ";t: dlvdd; That the. Bf.: Paul baa RESOLVED � PfinrDany 1a hereby ordered and: ' d to extend to electrical lines: That the SL Paul Gu LI¢bt G piing Poles �d stringing wires Island its electrical Imes by eractin¢ poles and etrio¢i� wnea thereon for the transmission of elle trinity on and in the followin¢ • n for the transmiesfon of etec- .....tpp. nlleva ;i said" city: _ ___ __ •,. -.11b st, car - 12 -22-23 1'.,Dit. Curve Boalevera anu ,.a. Install: '^er Boulovard.it tt Mt�_Ten poles; one on the northeast corner of Iyt- Curve Boulevard and St. Catherine Avenue; two on the east side of Mt. Curte Boulevard, first (and second south of Otto Avenue; and seven on the north side of Otto ,',venue between Iit.Curve Boulevard and Iiississippi itiver Boulevard. b')CSix poles; three on the east side of Kennard Street first south and first and second north of Orange Street; three on ti -.e *forth side of the (y/Galley south of Hyacinth Street, first, second and third east of ISennard Street. "COne poi.e on the east side of t ,e alley west of Canada Street, midway oet::een Thirteenth and Grove Streets. Commercial lighting. C1COne pole on t:,e northwest sid.e of Exchange Street, first northeast of Ninth Street •iest- Municipal lighting. ;'ith necessary guys and anchors. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy /Ferguson 411 / McDonald ...............In favor Against 5- '_.'Wenzel L/Mr. President J)EC 2 9 1923 Adopted by the...... Council _.........._... ..._ ................_ 192......... [J EG 2 91�� Ado' . ; _..._..............._.__................_._......192.......... PUBLISHL,D�� 76, All such extensions, poles and wire. shall be erected and constructed under the di ... limi and am—immi of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin¢a'subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. ¢121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be set in such location in said alleys aad treat, u the Commiasionar of Public Utilities shall deai¢nate, end ¢hall be of such hel¢ht end hmacter n he shall delete ttaaateao res end when itnad a aoorder.hpoles shall be taken down and rem— end each wires olaced under round whenever the Council shall deem that the public Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy /Ferguson 411 / McDonald ...............In favor Against 5- '_.'Wenzel L/Mr. President J)EC 2 9 1923 Adopted by the...... Council _.........._... ..._ ................_ 192......... [J EG 2 91�� Ado' . ; _..._..............._.__................_._......192.......... PUBLISHL,D�� COUNCIL 50571. nCITY OF ST. PAUL tae NO . ............................... ` + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �+ PRESENTED BY —�SI,2 _.._.... DATE....i.„�........_......._....._......._._..._.............:....... RESOLVED: endo¢ toles and strin¢In¢ wires thereon for the transmiasioo or elen- That rhe boPaul in iti inflow ne all enc d tree s *,,d f Baia cord directed to extend h- electric-] lines by erecting trio 12-19-23 Install: d7G One pole on the north side of Autumn Avenue, first vest of Germain /— Street. 61-1GOne pole on the north side of Maryland Street about two hundred and seventy-five feet east of Mississippi Street. a.LtrTwo poles on the north side of the alley south of Gates Street,first and second east of Brovm Avenue. ��One pole on the south side of the alley north of Ashland Avenue, ✓ second east of Herschel Avenue. 4"L1I(One pole on the south si :e of Robie Street East, first east of Clinton Street. - — Commercial lijht irg . I C. F. No. 50571—By W. J. Trtor— `,{Iith necessary guys and anchors. ght C.eu, hat the sc. ran] Gas; Light d to extend Its ay ordered and] I dlrectea to ortend its hereby' lineal the erecting poles and --stringing wires' 4 �.- �, �. .1�ti (thereon for the the foeelon of slay- ~_ tad Irr ea and In the following alleys: +sod arcate of said city: Inetnl One Dole on the north aide of Antumn 6 S[re t. /{ Avenue, fire[ west I of 1 -fit k-4�” arms n e One polo on the north aide L Mary- 'Ind Street about two. hundred and v.nty-five toot east of Mlseleelppl`, the north vl% of the r /� A lill such cara Drovisiovasotns, "I oeenNo. Y/Y/hand o! all other lawful ordivancas evs, he direction and .1 d resoluuens of the City ut SL Paulhe Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thiv¢- subject to All Poles abould be set iv...h location in said -lleya and atreeta u the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall desi¢n.to, and shall be of such hei¢cl and harp h n he shall de-i¢vate sod a be "', nod am and -II such Doiea shall be Taken Jowo and removed, ad such wires Placed and er¢round whevever the Council shall deem that the Dublic Interest ao reuuires, and when it shall ao order. yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays __`Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor Va... Sudheimer..O Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Court 2 9 1923 ....._.._.... _....._...._............192......... 9 j9r13 Ad op d..__...___ 192 .......... ......................................... . PUBLISI-R.D = S y CITY OF ST. PAUL Firma CG..CIL NO ---------- 50572 ------.-..__-__-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,^.IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RODGE1114".. 1% AREAS, Bids received for the furnishing of band music at Como park and other parks during the skating season are all in the same amount, namely, $31.00 per evening for a band of ten musicians, including the leader, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, it is RESOLVED, That the said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be authorized to employ bands from week to week for the purpose of furnishing music at Como Park and other parks in the City of St. Paul during the skating season, at the rate of $31.00 per evening, said amount to be paid from the Expense item of the Park Fund; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the total amount to be so expended shall not exceed the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00). 60572-13Y H. C. tVenxel— ``-"- Whereas Rids received for the fur- . nlehing o[ band ...In at Como .Park I �� and other parks -during the skating .¢aeon are all In the same amount. of t namely. muelclnnar Including the lboada r, upon the recommendation of the Cemmisslpner f, Parke, Playgrounds and Public IIulMinga, It hl 'ResoWed,.That the sald`Commlaslen- i of Parke; PlsYggrounds and Public Buildings be, outhor1. d 'to employ Do, - hands from week to week for the Pure Pose of furnishing music at Como Parka @ ether nark. in the City of "9t. Paul during the skating season, at 'the rgte of ;31.00, gr 'evening, said nmouht' to be paid from the Expense Item,ot the Pork bund; - Resolved Forthor, That the total amount to be so expended. shall not xreed the of FifteonHundred Dollars (;1600.00). , Adopted by the Council. Dec. 29, 1923.. �Approved, Deo. 29, 1923. (Jan. 5-1924) COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nnys -.- Adopted by the Council -DEC -2..a 3923 - _ _192 .... L/Clancy _ Ferguson Appr ved____..�E�2 9 1�2�.__. _192.__. fi ,/ McDonald __........_In favor /I/) -; Iw " sadheinter 1 _.....- Peter _ __..Against Mwoa - Wenzel Mr. Mr. President ITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE THE CITY CLERK NCLj- UTIION—GENERAL FORM _�l/_._._-�(_.��... ........_........ .. DATE. PRESENTED OY _ __.......r. _.... / COM M Iss10NER.___.........._ r license of Eileen Eckwall for That the application fo conducting an Employment agency for men and women at 319-320 pioneer Building be and the same is hereby granted and the City clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. N G) COUNCIL No ----- - FILE I\ RESOLVED C. F. No. 50573-8Y ti. Qi 8autd not Tr_ ll - That the aFP auet- Reaolved, flcKwnll for {or men cenee of Ell joylvent agency er llulld- lnR .an etPP at 319-. Plane rant - and wo Via. the anI r la horatt ueLed to Ing the CILY Clark la fna n mart ed 8n uc c 11"t a anon otth the cuato- 'tesue It1• LreaevrY 1923- t g23- popted by tha Council Dec• 29. APDroved, Dec. 29. 1925. (Jan., 6-1920 Y COUh� CILNIEN Yeas, Clancy -/ Ferguson I/McDonald _ In favor ./Ma" Sue e i r / Peter _ - .-Against. Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CouncilpEG.2- y 1923 LPI -1 PE f{/_... ....................'MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 - NCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t Deoember 1 j 923 PRESENTED BY ... _........_.._........__..... DATE ............ ................_..._...._...2 ...... �.......... .............. ...... COM M ISSI ONER.___..........____.. RESOLVED That the Associated Companies Liability -poli & No. Apt -42290 issued to W. 0• Lofgren covering Auburn Sedan No. 34617 and operated under City License No - .98 be and the same is hereby submitted to take the place of Aetna Life Insurance Company Policy No. JA -3303603, which was cancelled on December 17, 1923• j C. F;.NI. 60674 —By G. C. 8udhelme­ Rebolved, Tint the - C. S ateddhc Com - Liability policy C\7e. AD1-42290 -teeued [o W. C. Lofgrencovering *Auburn Sedan No. 34637 and operated ':under Clty License No. eB d and the ,enure-laherdby submitted to. take the -piece of Aetba Llre Ineurence Com- panypallcy-No. JA -3303603, which was can celled •on, Deoember 17, ]923: 'Adopted by tha Council. Dec. 29, ]923. ADProved, Dec. 29, 3923. 6-1924) COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays Clancy Ferguson 1 ✓McDonald I In favor ✓lq ;t Sudhei ler '/ter -.._._-.. _.Against J�Venzcl Mr. President pEC2 91923 Adopted by the Council. --.-.................. ............._192.....- 192 ' MAYOR .50575 COUNCIL NO ---_ _'--__-- CITY OF ST. PAUL rae I`t ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �.RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r� PRESENTED BY --......._ . DATE..._.._M..P[CeII1beT..- 9J 1.9.'1........ COMMISSIONER--------------- -- .....................................__...................................._.._...__.........__....._...... RESOLVED That The Ooean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Limited Liability Policy NO. U0 914413 issued to the 'Red Top Cab Company and covering auto cars listed on Applications No. 1460 and 2766 be and the same is hereby submitted to take the place of the Associated Companies Policy No. APL -17209 covering said taxicabs which was cancelled on December 27, 1923 by council resolution. I IIIq�� I C Reaolved06ThatB thee Ocean Aecc d n (1� II and Guarantee Corp.. 911413 1 erred llllll ll' LlabliltY Policy No. m n and cov- R" 1 "Ing the Red Top Cab Ca pa Y V No460 auto a2789 listed and the 1B mee le r. Mohr submitted to to In the lace- . 1 i the Associated Comgva itaxf P. wh ch. 1p1-17209 covering s was enncelled on December 27, 1922 by council roeolution. Dec. 29, 1122. Adopted bthe Cou 17. I Approved, Dec. 29.. 1922• (do 5-1924) y --- COUNCILatEN leas Nays Adopted by the Council_..QEC.t2..9-192------192_._. -,'Clancy Ferguson I proved.._ ..;.t:` y�q 192...... / McDonald In favor ,/M , Sudhe lmeF ..... `1! _- '------------------------ MAYOR Peter _.- _ -.Against / Wenzel �Mr. President FO ENOIL NO...._... 500 7G CITY O S-L-PML FFIC F THE rITY"CLERK . O CI ESOLU —GENERAL FORM If ' ?....._......... DATE .......Il4.G�`:rnbex..._29-1.923..... _..... ....... .PRESENTED 6Y,......._..__...._.._......__.... . COMMISSIONER...----- _.......__._...._....... RE9MED -337 W• Seventh WHEREAS, The American Auto Transit Company, • has made Of.St. Paul, the following describedoerate llnon tstreets auto buses, oftheCity Make_ Factory NO. State A_P• Seating Oapacity 40-132 40 19 passengers Mack #3 2 B-31435 B- 40 19 passengers, Mack #44 A-37291 B-171-951 covered nd ownedrd bysaiddent and AmericanlAutonTransitpCompany,Oando• 17533. ' WHEREAS; The American Auto Transit Company in accordance with Ordinan oe No- 5566 has filed copy Of the formpolicy ith 0byytOf St- Paul, ad said he CorporationnOounsel�;otherefore, licy has ebe en itproved as to 'RESOLVED, That license be granted to the American Auto Transit Company to operate said auto buses upon the streets of the city Of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. 'C. F. No. 39676-By C. C.`9udhefiner= whereas., The. American Auto Tran-' sitCompany, 337.w• seventh St., has made nppneatlon for Ilconee to o er- ate Don the street, of the City a St.. - Paul, p the following described auto buses: Mack No. 32.,Factory No. B-31433; In. c Licenso, B-49-132; H. P., 40; sent- .'inR-capacltY,'l3,Daeaengere;: black No. 44; Factory No. A-37291; 9tato Llcense: B-171-961; H.:.P., 40;'. SBatInR Capacity 19 pa9aenger - - coverby .Hart{ord Accident and, In- r. gemnlL)`ConlDany Policy No J.I6311 ..d wnmd'-by.'aald: American AutoTranalt Company, and '•.. whereat, The�Amerlcan, Aato�Tran In- "It In accordance :with Or- ,VILeurance No, ftg. 6, has algid cony-:of i t. sumac, ,m ld eolith. the can in ov: ad ae , t Bald policy has beena,.ti.n "ed .na'.ta form-by, tha,.,Coryoratton. Counsel •thermform, be (, Resolved,. That. llcanee be'graatod ' to .the,- imerfcal Auto Transit Com- �f pang to operate said auto buses upon the streets f, the.cltY of St raui, UUb- lect to. the provle�o one of sold ordln- Ad6pted by the Council. Jnn'11,`1924: i� Approved (Jan:an.,_li 1924 COUNCILMEN-....-.192...... Yeas Nays / Adopted by the Council- ...............- ,H�n APPro ed_. Icfe'PJi7tfttfr- __In favor ✓fin Sudheim r -`- ................. ... - MAYOR I/Peter _._Against Wenzel VMr. President Y Y V J O If 1 �e�par,`hirz;eRhv.�' �Vublic�f hil��e�s Bureau of Water JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER J. W. Kelsey, Gen). Supt. THOS. G. O-CONNELL. D-1 C—.1— ... R Bureau of Municipal Tenting Laboratories ` 1924.Victor H. Roebrich, Chemist January 9, Bureau of Public Market. Otto P: Anacker, Market Master Bureau of Lighting H. C. Streich, Supt. - - The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I herewith approve of Resolution NO.50576 granting permission to the American Auto Transit Company to operate two busses on the streets of the City of St - Paul -These two busses are to operate over this Company's present Minneapolis route which is as follows: From Bus Depot on Fifth Street to Robert, to Eighth Street, to Wabasha, to Exchange, to St. Peter, to Summit, to Nelson, to Farrington to Dayton, to Fisk, to Selby, to Fairview, Marshall to fake Street in Minneapolis. I would recommend, however, that this route be changed from the one in use at present to read from Dayton Avenue to Selby via Victoria. This company originally used Victoria Street from Dayton to Selby and changed to Fisk Street when the present mushroom light was installed on victoria and Dayton. I find that it is possible for these busses to make this turn with this light in its present position, se Victoria Street. and for that reason recommend that they u tours very truly, ISSIO `UBLIC UTILITIES r+l�.-'rl COUNCIL NO f,1 �1��_1_j_rJ CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK RESO ION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY 9 3 1 2........._..._.._........_._.__..._....._......_. DA ..........__..._.....COMMISSIONER.__....._.....____.ejNC .. _........_..... . RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the f lowing persons for handling and selling Foodstuffs atathe tad reCisses indicated, be and the same are hereby g a payment Clerk is instructed to issue such licenseomaryeeupon the p ym into the city treasury Of Adolph J. Faschingbauer, 961 Rice St., Soft drink Hilzinger, 998 Rice St., Confectionery J. .D• McIntyre, 923 Arcade St., Grocery M. 1199 Courtland St.Soft drink Frank A. ntvreMuszYnskl, 1087 Payne Av. Harris T. Trepus, IC F.No 606That t d C 11-tjomar—; Resolved. That the appllCutlo s for licaneea o[ the toll wing persona for handling and selling FaodatuKe At the addresses Indicated,. be nd '[he same are>hereby granted 'and tha'CItY Clerk . . le Instructed to leeuo euh licensee up- on --thee payment Into -the city trea- sury, of the ustoma 0 tee: Ado1Ph J. cFaschingbauer, 961 Rice -St..-.eOft drink. J. Hllsinger,- 993 Rice tlonery. 6t., conloc; grocN, D. 3iFIntyre, 923 Arced, SL, ery, Fr¢k A. 3luszynekl, 1199 Courtlad St., soft drMk. Harris' T- Trepu I, 1037 -Payne. Aven., soft drink. Adopted by the Council: Dec. 29, 1923. Approved. Dec. 29, 1923..:;. (Jan. 6-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas. Nays ✓Clancy I/ Ferguson McDonaldf... -In favor CMN Sudheimr % Peter _ __Against I/ Wenzel ,VIr. President DEC 2 � 1923 Adopted by the Council._..--------.--�-._.......-...----192...--- DEG 2 9 1923 Pproved - - - - -192 --- ------ . ".-- ..-... MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas FOUNLIL J\�5 / 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE NO......._..__.-..---� PNCE OF THE CITY CLERK L RES&UTION—GENERIAL FORM DATE .. ...... ...... e c emb e r?3,_._.1923....._ That the annlication for license of J. Hilzinger1he or conducting a Bowling Alley at 999 Rice St., be and same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 4 Bowling Alleys. Over 1CU0 ft from school. C. F. No. 60678—By O. C. gudhelmer— Resolved, That the application for Ilcenee of J. Hilsinger for conducting, a Bowling Alley at 998 Rice ;St. ,_be and the same Is hereby granted - and the City Clerk 1e Instructed to Issue ' each llcense'uppon the payment Into tae city traa9ury f the customary fee: 4 Bowling Alleys. Over 1,000 feet from school Adopted by the Councll. Dec.°29, 1921. Approved, Dec. 29, 1929. - (San..6-1924) I Nays t,/Clancy --Ferguson /McDonald In favor Nidi Sudheimer Peter u___..Against �/Wenlel 1/�Ir. President Adopted by the Council_. SEG 2.9-19L3 _192...... DEC 2 9 Wa Approved..._.. - _.... ....._.......192..... r lff� M/.YOn Yens CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FOENCIL NO—L-505 iEd,Tl:(at the depository boil -gam iven to the City. of St. Paul by the Wabash National Bank as principal, and the New Amsterdam Casualty Company of New York, as surety, in the sum of $25,000.;0; dated December 20th, 1923, approved as to form and execution by the Cor- poration Counsel, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, be and the same is hereby approved. No. 60619—ny J. DL Clancy— .1-d, That the depository bond to the City r sC Paul by the sh Nationnl .Bank- a Prinaipat, , the New Amsterdam Caaaulte r� COUNCILMEN d the came Is hereby Council. Dec. 29, 1923. 29. 1923. 6-1924) Nays --Clancy ,.,'Ferguson McDonald _.,..__._ In favor -l"HWIRMSudleu� i/ Peter ..____......Against Wenzel / Mr. President Adopted by the ' until_ _pEC 2 1_1923 .. 192 ._. A proved-.... OEC 2 9-192.3 . - 192 - 1 N7 !� MAYOR 41 t � APPRO-NG Ag9R99]t i COUNCIL FILE NO.............. _._._.__� , .. BNxs J(1 (1 By ................ .............. ........ .... ... ....... ......... .h !f tt— of th Bes met7� of. n at to -and e ....... f CITY OF OF tiaitn tlolph at fr went e e tn, ' har.ion�. Rtvar.nomevar:=. Resolution of Council! 4�� --o nr �aa ssment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Randolph St, from Snelling Ave, to the Mississippi River Boulevard, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order...._..._...4526.9 .... -, , Intermediary Order .. 4.5.515 .............. ............ ............. _........_..... ..._..... Final Order ............. 46119. approved..._...June__.6.,....192$.......... ....._............ X?s99x..._.... benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with The assessment of ._ _ ......... -- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. day of Jazlua.ry.,......1924...._ ......_X>........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directe6.EC 2 1923 Adopted by the Council __._._..... ..... .._.......__._...___..._. 191__....._. .-.....'..:�+�ity Clerk. -E6 2 9 192,' Approved......._.. _...__.._....._ ......................191......... ............._ _...r..... ......... ........_....... _......................._�..__ ayor. Councilman FiLlWaNNAlk"Clancy. aasxx "Ferguson hlylm& / McDonald PUBLISHED L —�— � �y 92MXX 'Peter 1150tiiix L/Sud he imer y wi Wenzel///111 I Mayor AM IK Nelson f v Form B. B. 16 C. F No 5ab81;7 r5054 6 COUNCIL FILE NO..... .............. ...- In the the Ttatter of, ',aseesament;oC benefl[s,' caet6 and, ezppenaes for; re B I "'yavtnB'S1z[b 8treetfrom �S:Hbsshti- y .........._ ............. ........ ........ . Street to- jlbley.. Street, lncludln6� cewer, water and ' gae;oonnsctlana from' street malne! to. propet'ty.:llnee CITY OF 8`t—. 1'1'" 'here not nlreadr'"msdl curbing Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for repaving Sixth Street from Wabasha Street to Sibley Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, except intersections of Minnesota and Robert Streets, under Preliminary Order ...... Q112.._.._....___._.._.____, Intermediary Order ........_410$f3...............__.............__...._..._.._- Final Order ....__.. 41536._ __..._, approved_...._A9r11 24, 19.23 The assessment of ..be.n.e.fi.ta, QQ8,t8 and_ expenses--- ........ ... .......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..............Nth .... _..... day of Januarys 1924... - - 2$QCx_._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __.._.._pEC..1 v ` City Clerk. DEC 2 9 1923 � Approved...... _.... _....... _........ .....--.. ...........................191..._...- ............._........_......_.........._/..........'�_..^�..-_ ayor. Councilman Fmm%*KKbil" Glancy d4wxxx " ?erguson bm oXk McDonald X&AIv sec Peter rdX3tilx ✓ Sudheimer fpr&Kx Wenzel i Gl MayorlmaaK Nelson Form B. B. 1C Constructing, relating and repairing Cement :.idewalka, '%stimat.e No. 4, Contract No. 3551, for ;oaaon of 1923. --r.ssessable-- F.O. 46291 Blair -'t-, north side, from Dunlap :;t. to Grirgs I.A. F.O. 43801 Van Buren ,t., both sides, from Syndicate :va. to Griggs St. I'.0. 44823 syndicate ve., both sides, from Van Buren A. to Blair 1.t- 1,.0. 45045 Como ,vo. est, south side, from Eustis :_treat to r, est City Limite. ir.O. 47206 Osceola eve., south side, from Lexington •ve. to Oak Grove rlace, Oak Grove Place, both sides, from Osceola ,ve. to "It..Clair St., :t -Clair .-to, north side, from Lexington i-.ve. to Oak Grove Place. 1..0. 45250 Grove t-, south side, beginning 324 ft. east of Temperance :it., thence 3ast 30 foot. r.0. 46749 Thirteonth.st., north side, beginning at the west side of Tempornnco It. extended, thence east 164 fact, Cedar 5.t., west side, betneon :summit i.ve. and Central i,ve. F.O. 45400 Thirteenth St., north side, beginning at Canada ::to thence west 78 ft., Tenth A., south side, beginning 130 ft. gest of ."A. Pet -Or at-, thence west 346 ft. 1I.0. 43839 Fisk :A., east side, from .3t. i-nthony i.vo. to Rondo St. :.0. 4,f3,95 Brand .,t., north side, from Hazelwood : vo. to oast line of Germain !A. .0. 46396 Yrospoet tvo., north side, 1'etwecn iuth -ve. and Du rness i.0. 46288 Helen bt., north side, from Ruth r.ve. to �;hite Hear 'vo. F.O. 46745 Sherwood `.ve., both sides, from tihite Bear r+ve. to Hazel (,ve- ',.0. 46297 Sherwood f:ve., north side, from Curve i ve. to Hazel ILvo- F.O. 46747 Pleasant e.ve., north side, bet -inning at Ramsey it. thence north- easterly 450 ft. Hawthorne St., north side, beginning at Payne ,,ve., thence east to alley. .0. 46743 Victoria St., .vent side, beginning at Lincoln vo., thonce south to . lley. 1,.0. 46744 Payne :.ve., east side, he, -inning Lit Iiarlthor•no . t., ti-lence north 164 fact. F.0. 46948 Denny :,t., north side, from Payne i.ve. to Greenbrier -ve. i..0. 50225 hyacinth st., north side, from i.roade :.;t. to i�$endota :-t. r.0. 47919 gendots 1A., east side, between Sims Lit. and Case St. P.O. 47689 .:ells :.t., north side, from Mendota St. to Iorest st. i.0. 46842 Clarence St., west side, from Burns lava. to Pacific A- --Non-hseessable-- F.O. 46845 Syndicate ive., east side, from Minnehaha St- to Blair 3t- F.O. 44823 Syndicate I've., both sides, from Van Buren St. to Blair St. 1..0. 47206 Osceola eve., south side, from Lexington Ave. to Oak Grove Place. F..O, 45045 Como i've. Test, south side, from '_ustis St. to ..ost City Limits. I.O. 46396 Prospect :vs., north side, between Ruth l.va. and Furness P.ve. :'.0. 46288 Helen 3t., north side, from Ruth :ve. to .,hite.Bear !ve. 1 .0. 46745 ShorNood f ve., both sides, from ,:bite Bear rvti. torlazel P.ve. 1,.0. 46297 Sherwood ,ve., north side, from Curve t.vo. to Hazel i;ve. '.0. 46747 Pleasant ;va., north side, he innint± aL Ramsey `t. thence northeasterly 450 ft. F.O. 46948 Denny St., north side, from Payne i.ve. to Greenbrier i,ve.. F.O. 47919 MSendota St., east side, between Sims St. and Case St. F.O. 45400 Thirteenth 6t., north side, beginning at Canada St., thence west 78 ft. 111.0. 46743 Victoria St., west aide, beginning at Lincoln Ave. thence south to alley. F'.0. 47689 Wells St., north side, from Mendota St. to Forest St. COUNCIL FILE NO ........ .._.—_— C. F.'�No. 66688 +'1� 1 '� ": m the ,matter of tpe aeaeaavtent of IN � )4 50582 _....... baneftte, costa andexpemes [or con- , atructing relaying�'and IrepalrinR.. .cement sldewattta Estimate. No 4;. By ............... .................. ... ...... .. .. ,Contract No. 36bL for-S0of 19;3.: CIT F. -O. 4 6 20 9 1— 131ar St., deo�n:-+ - " " ing Assessment.Resolution of Coun F.' O. sides, O In the matter of the amesament of benlStr. s, costs and expenses - for Constructing, relating and repairing Cement :.idewalka, '%stimat.e No. 4, Contract No. 3551, for ;oaaon of 1923. --r.ssessable-- F.O. 46291 Blair -'t-, north side, from Dunlap :;t. to Grirgs I.A. F.O. 43801 Van Buren ,t., both sides, from Syndicate :va. to Griggs St. I'.0. 44823 syndicate ve., both sides, from Van Buren A. to Blair 1.t- 1,.0. 45045 Como ,vo. est, south side, from Eustis :_treat to r, est City Limite. ir.O. 47206 Osceola eve., south side, from Lexington •ve. to Oak Grove rlace, Oak Grove Place, both sides, from Osceola ,ve. to "It..Clair St., :t -Clair .-to, north side, from Lexington i-.ve. to Oak Grove Place. 1..0. 45250 Grove t-, south side, beginning 324 ft. east of Temperance :it., thence 3ast 30 foot. r.0. 46749 Thirteonth.st., north side, beginning at the west side of Tempornnco It. extended, thence east 164 fact, Cedar 5.t., west side, betneon :summit i.ve. and Central i,ve. F.O. 45400 Thirteenth St., north side, beginning at Canada ::to thence west 78 ft., Tenth A., south side, beginning 130 ft. gest of ."A. Pet -Or at-, thence west 346 ft. 1I.0. 43839 Fisk :A., east side, from .3t. i-nthony i.vo. to Rondo St. :.0. 4,f3,95 Brand .,t., north side, from Hazelwood : vo. to oast line of Germain !A. .0. 46396 Yrospoet tvo., north side, 1'etwecn iuth -ve. and Du rness i.0. 46288 Helen bt., north side, from Ruth r.ve. to �;hite Hear 'vo. F.O. 46745 Sherwood `.ve., both sides, from tihite Bear r+ve. to Hazel (,ve- ',.0. 46297 Sherwood f:ve., north side, from Curve i ve. to Hazel ILvo- F.O. 46747 Pleasant e.ve., north side, bet -inning at Ramsey it. thence north- easterly 450 ft. Hawthorne St., north side, beginning at Payne ,,ve., thence east to alley. .0. 46743 Victoria St., .vent side, beginning at Lincoln vo., thonce south to . lley. 1,.0. 46744 Payne :.ve., east side, he, -inning Lit Iiarlthor•no . t., ti-lence north 164 fact. F.0. 46948 Denny :,t., north side, from Payne i.ve. to Greenbrier -ve. i..0. 50225 hyacinth st., north side, from i.roade :.;t. to i�$endota :-t. r.0. 47919 gendots 1A., east side, between Sims Lit. and Case St. P.O. 47689 .:ells :.t., north side, from Mendota St. to Iorest st. i.0. 46842 Clarence St., west side, from Burns lava. to Pacific A- --Non-hseessable-- F.O. 46845 Syndicate ive., east side, from Minnehaha St- to Blair 3t- F.O. 44823 Syndicate I've., both sides, from Van Buren St. to Blair St. 1..0. 47206 Osceola eve., south side, from Lexington Ave. to Oak Grove Place. F..O, 45045 Como i've. Test, south side, from '_ustis St. to ..ost City Limits. I.O. 46396 Prospect :vs., north side, between Ruth l.va. and Furness P.ve. :'.0. 46288 Helen 3t., north side, from Ruth :ve. to .,hite.Bear !ve. 1 .0. 46745 ShorNood f ve., both sides, from ,:bite Bear rvti. torlazel P.ve. 1,.0. 46297 Sherwood ,ve., north side, from Curve t.vo. to Hazel i;ve. '.0. 46747 Pleasant ;va., north side, he innint± aL Ramsey `t. thence northeasterly 450 ft. F.O. 46948 Denny St., north side, from Payne i.ve. to Greenbrier i,ve.. F.O. 47919 MSendota St., east side, between Sims St. and Case St. F.O. 45400 Thirteenth 6t., north side, beginning at Canada St., thence west 78 ft. 111.0. 46743 Victoria St., west aide, beginning at Lincoln Ave. thence south to alley. F'.0. 47689 Wells St., north side, from Mendota St. to Forest St. Kffi=rd€a._.. .._ _..__ _ The assessment of .........b..0110fiL.9.,.....co_ata -BxpeT19e8.....__._. __ _.,. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............. 3_0e.b,...... ...... -day of January,.._._ 1924 ._ _"XXat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ... _ D . E.0-2. 9-19.121.3-1-1---v ..19 L. City Clerk. . nor7 ^ ........ Approved ........... _.._...._....._......___.. . __._... ........191. I `l Mayor. Councilman RALNOWWAX elancy, XZ&;Kx -Fergus on kkaoxct / me Dona ld PTMT.TSHI:D �— kxb= —Peter tax vSudheimer uz:,7�RJenzel Ji Mayor Cwiit N/elson Form H. H. 16 i FI I ty -. F, No... --- )... — COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER S ION 208' PRESENTED BY]l,2.3_„ aa t COMMISSIONER el .................................................... DATE...A�C...__ f..- _-- ✓ W ENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY -------------- .--------------------------------- c My COMPTROLLER ---`MR. PRESIDENT rash OO (sn..) RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID WHEN BY HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM TRANSFER WITHOUT FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO — 53 Refectories Other Expense 2205.00 760.00 52 Parks Salaries 1235.00' 52 Parks Other Expense 210.00 52 -1 Battle Creek C. F. No. 60683—ByH. 1C enzel— Reeolved, That the PolloWwmg trade [ere be a on the book. of the CaomptrolNed hen by so doing an on- • bIdnble deflclency In one Item may e met by anldtrnnePer it ham- pering the work Provided for by the ' mon.f In the Item from which the trane[er Is mode: 1 J I I } 412.206.00 from do No. 63, Refec+ tomes- Other Expena arI.E.0.00 to Codc No, 62, Parke sal- I 7 413.236.00 to Cade No. 62, Parke— S Other Expense. I �`I Cre 10.Oo to Codo Tb. 62-1, Battle tF- �. � t t Adopted by the Connell Dec. 31, 1923. Approved, Dec- 31, 1923, (Jan. 5-1834) VFG 3 1 19c3 YES � %7) COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY T COUNCIL ........__...._ - -------- --- ...19. ........ 1 1923 ✓ FERGUSON .✓MCDONALD ................ IN FAVOR . ............ ✓ MATSON _, ................. .................................... MAYOR ✓ PETER :Z --AGAINST _-- ✓ W ENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY -------------- .--------------------------------- c My COMPTROLLER ---`MR. PRESIDENT rash OO (sn..) �.�?4 F ­ OFFICE OUNCIL NO..-- 5(� CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 OFFICE O,F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P1tESENTED 9Y ... DATE..._Januflry.....2nd1 ._ 1924..._..._....� COMMISSIONER .___.........._ ./ ....... .... .......................... RESOLVED Resolved, that the plat of H. Til. Elmer's Subdivision; as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Viorks, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. F. No. 50584—By. W. J. Peter— Resolved, That the plat of H. M El- mer's Subdivision, as recommended by thePlat Commission and apprdved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and -the same is hereby accepted: Adopted by the Council. Dec. 31, 1923. Approved, Dec. 31, 1923. (Jan. 5-1,924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson (.,McDonald :._ .- In favor Pe Sudheirller t Against ✓ Wenzel ,._.Mr. President l DEC 3 1 1923 Adopted by the ouncil_- ------------- ---------- .--- ....192.----. DEC 3 11923 Apo ed....... ---- _.---------- - - 192. ........- ......... ._... .......... . MAYOR 3�illiam �1. �rtrr. (IInmmisainner �Irir l�ailritr. �rpntg (IIoinmissiniur Urpttrtmut. of Ituhlir Works Mtu of eaw Ilaut k� GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CANEY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. .OF WORKHOUSE January 2nd, 1924 To the Honorable, the City Council: The attached plat of H. !:% ElmerIsSab- division, has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accented by the Council. Chairman. In. RESOLVED 50585 ceuNca No----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL - Fac ---"'" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK wy�, CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ) , Resolved, that the plat of Igleston's Sub- division, as recommended by the Plat Commission add approved by the Colmnissioner of Public Vlorks, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. F. No. 60686—By W. J. Peter— Resolved, That the plat of Igle- ston's Bubdivislon, as recommended by the Plat Commission, and argoved by the Commissioner of Public pVorlce, be and the same C her accepted. Adopted by the Cou no I1 Dec. 31, 1 23. Approved, Dec. 31, 1923. (Jan. 6-1924) COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Clancy i,/Ferguson McDonald __._ In favor Sudheimer Peter Against Wenzel "r. President V - Adopted by the Council_. _DEC 3 t 1 y Lj -192...... Approv ....... DEC- 3.,1.1923 ----- --....192...... .. OR Milltam T. Teter, Mnmmtsstaur 3rie Nanette, Brputg Tommisstouer 3hpartmrnf of ruhiir 38orko fQttg of eaw veal GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD; OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE January 2nd, 1924 To the Tionorable, the City Council: The attached plat of mgleston's Subdivision, has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accented by the Council. jCh VOr n. PITS O! �T. PMOL RUPUCATE RY CLERK • _ co—, 5QJ nzn No:_..____... D-34 IM 12-22 BY .. ..... OLLER AUDITED............ .....:.._ .�..._ ..192.. - ...._ ... {I A , /, PER 1 1�, .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the R$&e8ate amount of $...67) . ..... ......._........-____, covering checks numbered....... U975-------------to........19-OBO............. inclusive, as per retister of city chec on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays, pEU 3 11-1 Clancy, Adopted by the Council -_--------_---.---------------- ------------------ 1� ..... ✓ Ferguson, __,..In favor DEG 3 11923 ,,-'McDonald, Approved_.._...-------- -------------------------- -----192.....-- ,ilvfaesdt(-, Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. ----Against /I Mr. President, Nelson L`_ A M C.F. NO. 60686— ' Resolved- That checks be draWn on ;the' City Treasury, to the aggregate amounb of ;67.481.68,. covering checks .nuDerlreggrsi ter9 of city! ch&k.. onsifl a In the Office .of the City Adopted by the Council, Dec. 31,1938. Approved, De. 31. n 1823. 6+1824) 0 ORIGIN.L TO em CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ....... 50586 F—D34 int 12-22 AUDITED CLAIM$—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED-... ... _... .._.......I92. BY. ..^ PER-�'\ ...... �........._.._� ... .. /'t�/Ly^'�"""..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._6 ,491.68\ -------------- covering checks numbered ._..--- 19.9.7-6 -------------- to....... -199$6____ ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. office of the City Clancy, Adopted by the Council. DEG 3 1 1923 ...... _... 192 ------- /Ferguson, In favor DEC 3 11923 ,McDonald, A roved._............ .............. .. ......_.. .. ...._.... lggM17 Sudheimer _....192 /jf d.. --'Wenzel...... -Against ..............................................................................__MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson ----------------------------------­--------------------------- --- --.- --------------- 19973 Board of Water Commissioners, 326.71 C. H. & C. H. 50.40 Armory 25.95 Police 20.50 Fire 33.19 Health 63.33 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 16.11 S. & S. Cing. 1.17 Workhouse 13.17 Schools 13.52 11 6.71 Library 59.84 Bureau of Parks 15.74 Park Refectories 7.08 19974 Board of Water Commissioners, 722.42 Schools 19975 Board of Water Commissioners, 1,828.44 Playgrounds 23.47 Garage 5.01 Auditorium 16.30 Sprinkling 2.25 L 1686 412.01 L 1758 39.00 L 1763 30.71 L 1817 1,287.00 L 1867 12.69 Res. 963 Page #2 19976 J. M. Clancy, C.P.R.F., 343.92 Wheelage Tax 16.00 Com'r. of Finance 10.03 Comptroller 21.76 Purchasing Department 50.15 G.F.-Mist. & Unf. 97.92 11 50.00 C.P.S .-Gen. Adm. 23.76 Police 3.54 Health 31.76 Workhouse 4.00 Schools 10.00 Library 25.00 19977 Wm. J. Peter, Com'r. of Public Works 48,849.15 Health 170.46 St. C. & R. 351.50 " 393.78 912.76 216.72 6,043.63 19,043.61 16,244.75 16.10 ( aP ay. ) 473.21 Crosswalks 1.30 Lighting 46.27 Sprinkling 7.22 Water 4,927.84 19978 Wm. J. Peter, Com'r. of Public Works 6,760.15 L 1686 520.20 L 1763 -2,359.84 L 1775 83.53 L 1802 24.92 It 257.77 L 1813 2.80 L 1836 90.17 L 1841 73.02 L 1847 16.47 it 5.03 L 1867 136.25 it 145.56 L 1869 586.43 56.30 47.00 261.74 L 1872 2,093.12 19979 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 1.00 Water 19980 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 410.61 Com'r. of Finance 29.42 Comptroller e0.53 Police 360.86 Res. 963 Page #3 19981 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 503.85 Pol. & F. Alarm ,208.95 Health 187.98 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 3.00 Bureau of Engrs. 26.90 It " City Planning 28.49 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 8.73 Sewer C. & R. .50 Bridge Bldg. & R. 39.30 5� 19982 Geo, C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 1,049.32 ® Bureau of Parks 4.88 It 1.38 Park Refectories 39.67 Plqygrounds 90.44 P. Bldgs. 40.70 it 141.66 Sprinkling 630.27 Forestry Revl. 100.32 1,�. M 19983 Herman C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs., 1,681.05 C. H. •& C. H. 19984 Herman C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs., 1,383.41 Armory 27.41 Health 32.93 It 8.00 St. C. & R. (Pan.) 6.55 Schools 41.50 it 37.01 Bureau of Parks (BC) 25.09 (P) 15.36 u n u (C) 13.40 Playgrounds 3.15 It 4.00 Forestry Revl. 687.00 L 1710 482.01 ,383. Z 1 19985 Herman C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs., 484.26 Greenwood School(Bond) .32 " it it 19.30 Franklin It It 11.78 It " it - 30.79 Ames " " 9.69 n u n 21.17 Gordon " " 21.05 Tilden " " 17.33 Mattocks " " 2.65 244.75 Longfellow " " 5.25 17.23 Humboldt " " 251.36 it It n .90 Gorman " it 7.47 " " It 21.17 it It It 3.05 4 r4 Res. 963 Page #4 19986 Herman C. Wenzel, Cam'r. of Parks, Playgrounds 3,147.39 and Public Bldgs.; No. St.Anthopy Jr. High Scho¢1J (Bond) 1,132.88 Webster "'," 253.24 Adams it" 203.78 E. End Hi: " 29.97 Jackson " " 59.82 ++ 19.20 It ++ " 83.25 Taylor " " 11.73 Groveland" " 19.20 Riverside" " 302.93 S Johnson Hi. " 518.2u Central Hi. " 65.92 Hancock Sdhool " .81 No. End Jr. & Sr. High School " 200.80 Lincoln Remodel " " 245.68 3;i47.39 0 0 1cR CL x rm D -H 1M 12.22 • • p1— Or M rA-- .................OLLERW AUDIT. ... ......... ...-..._...-._. ... ...-_...... 1B2R. _. ._... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $......3.8 iLm-------------------- -- covering checks numbered.... -...--20000 ------------ to. 20(911 ----- ------.--inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City, Comptroller. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. DEC 3 11923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ....-....1� 1/ Ferguson, DE�i-3 - i'1923 In favor .,,McDonald, Approved ------ .------- - ---------- -------------- - --------------- 192....-... ✓idetson, 'Peter, W -.--Against enzel. I/Mr. President, Nelson 'tic+ 60T t ReeoW lved;-Thep checks be dbavm-oa the :Clty'TreaBary,'to-the aBeTeeate - - -ampnnt�: of -S38,", , covering, checks f 3u Ive, ae �: fi ifumbered 20000toa0011 ye realeter of city eh pk o ale 1a' the M. of the.Clty. Comaatroller. ISec. 31': 1923... _ Adopted by Sue Council .Approved, Dec: 31,' 1823. .,. . iTan. s-1saq. 'tic+ ORIGINAL CM CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - eoo=a,z 5058: Form D•34 lTi 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM r,z: NO....._._.._.__ ................... 965 J�w ezv�e By n -R AUDITED......___. - I- ..........I.2............ PER _ .._..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....................... covering checks numbered ---------- 20f0QQ._.......-to----LQ011......_ ..._..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. DEC 3 11923 .Clancy, Adopted by the Council ._.........-_---.--------------._-----------_- ---.192 --�- ✓Ferguson, _ --_------In favor ✓ McDonald, roved...---- .. DEC .. 11923 ._..192 v' Matson, Matson, / Peter, -----Against ✓ Wenzel. _....... ...... .. ... ... .. - -v --- I/Mr. President, Nelson 20000 W. D. Bugge, Supt., 58.03 Auditorium 20001 Central -Metropolitan Bank, Assignee Federal Construction Company 1,823.11 Ames School(Bond) 20002 Federal Construction Compare , 4,521.89 Ames School (BorliT 20003 J. M. Clancy, C omir. of Finance 21,707.52 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 137.50 it -Test. Labs. 372.50 -Markets 195.70 -Inv. 548.62 " -Lighting 1 45� 3.�u 7071 bG 20004 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Water 5,342.00 5,369.50 " (Auto) 27.50 5,369.50 20005 E. M. Ganley Company, 2,400.00 L 1449 1,400.00 L 1450 1,000.00 2,400.UU Res. 965 Page #2 175.00 20006 tdinnesota Lime & Cement Uompany, 1,849.31 ,. 20008 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 446.13 157.79 20007 Pioneer Electoicc Company, 64.43 e 61.46 Police 5.76 Fire 1.30 - Library 10.87 891.51 13.98 if 17T7 — • 1,849.31 ,. 20008 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 446.13 Armory 273.31 Workhouse 222.20 Library Bureau of Parks 891.51 Sprinkling 16.16 19,340.24 20009 Gas Light Com an St.PaulLighting Company, ^ 2UOlU Society for thePn of Cruelty,. 200.00 rtSociety 43.90 20011 Tri-State TTel.& & 1Fg. Company, 7.30 C 3 Library • DIST O) ai. PMOL QUADRUPLICATE -rQ C"CLEaK Fann D-34 1M 12-22 '_ AUDITED....._.... _ ..._. ...... ....... .. ..i92.... PER............_.- ......._.. ... Resolved thati�be drawler the Gity Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....--... .- covering --------- ,fj ---...inclusive, as register of city checks on file in the office of the City • checks numbered ---- ------- ---------------------t° -- ...... ....- .......-. Per 8 ty Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 3 11923 (-/Clancy, Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- -- -------__.----- ---.192 ....... Ferguson, �.In favor DEC 3 1 SSM ✓ McDonald, Approved ----- ..----- ------------------ --- -- ----1 92 1/Matson, Wenzel. _.O...Against �v1r. President, Nelson 0 C. r:. No, 60668— T' Resolved; That Checks be drawn on e CI[y- Treasury, 'to the ggregate amount f {13,200.89, Cov rtna-:oheZ n bared 19972, egl9 r of olty beak file-ln the Wrlce of tbo,Clty --.ecomnvoiter. - Adopted by thDaoe Counoll. Dec. 31, 1923, Approved, . 31, 1923-. (Jan, 6-1924): F 0 balblaAlLTD - aarr or ex. PAoa. 'CtTV e K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (� Q Form D-34 IM 19.22 AUDITED CLAIM$—RESOLUTION FORM nz= :a. .. 5058 BY ^ ^ COM LLPR AUOIx ..... j _ 1 (Ilt - t`\\v`tn\. 1/\/`...`I\\1 .. .. - �...._.. ..............102......._. PER... ........ _..-....... ............ ... ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $......15 j2- .-_ _84_•.... __........... covering checks numbered...... 997 .._---------- ------------ ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. ' Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 3 11923 1 -Clancy, Adopted by the Council .................................... ._.....-......._...192....... / McDonald, .........In favor �G 3 Ap roved ...... _.........1 - 191 .-"Matson, Peter, . 6 ✓Wenzel.---------. -Against .....-_..... - ... - - MAYOR ,/Mr. President, Nelson ......... ...._..._. ........_...-- ..._......_....... ........----------------------------- 19972 White Construction Company, 13,200.84 L 1793 Petition PRO 'II Couneil File No...-..�....:. The undersigned hereby proposes the mal '. uiv a eriti g public improvement by the City of St. Pau], viz.: anab1a(rer �s Fkent...pnd_proteot---shadeth sides -of Breda -street -- --- - - from Hemline Avenueto Sr _ rn� Avenue. ........................ __ _----- ..-------- ............. ---............................................................... ................... .............. ---------- .._.... ........._----- -- ------ -------•---------••---- . -'---------------------------.........---------------.....--------------------------------------------------------- ---- - 29th December s 1925.---- ........ 192....... - Dated thisd ..... ny of ---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Plant and protect shade trees on both s. -ides of Breda ............................... .............--------------------------------------....---------------------------............ -- ...... - -- ................. 5treete... Fom-_xt�mline-_Avenue tO._ nellin venue........._...-- .................--- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ..... _................................. ................................. ------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------- .------ ------------------------------------ ----- ---------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. T9investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JC.N - 2 1924 ,Adopted by the Council ............................... ................................ ............ 2 1924 YEAS V -NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGuSON(� Approved----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ✓ S Le'er ItUDQ*M-a V PETER v WEN&EL i�71f ............. ...... ..... ... v MR. PRESIDENT // / NiayOr. v Form C A 13 (3M &22) PunLls=�v / Ina nce COUNCIL 50��1� - Y CITY OF ST. PAUL wLa NO ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v' C 2—GENERAL FORM SENTED BY //(�"�"� — COMPREMISSIONER.___ •C.... _.._ ..._..._.___.__..__.._......__......_.�._—._.._._._-- OATE_.------ ._._......__.. ........___._..—,._._._ 'RESOLVED L AN ORDINANCE, emending Ordinance #5404 entitled "An Admin— istrative Ordinance fixing scales of prices for the use of the Public Auditorium and determining to what uses it shall be devoted. This is an emergency ordinance and is necessary for the preservation of the r public peace, health and safety. This is an emergency Ordinance and is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,. C F Nb 6Q6B0—gBOrdlnapce No 8P�2-� A BoWinno '�nmending`Ordtnance;lJd THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i 'v L406^entitled tbyAdmfni.trative Or., 'dinsnce„flYI �i 11pe of'prloce for tpe uao.pf1 , Publld AudllorlUm and SECTION 1: de[erm(n(uR t what ueea It .hall be detoted ,Thisi Atn omarseney:.or. i dlnance find I.` �lecea'It. forth. yrs-: #55404 approved September 10, 1920, be and the ! a.rvatfon o[ the PUb11C peace, health, J nnd'eately.' Thls ,e un,amarg.bey: changing paragraph One, Section One lender 8 Ordlnanci�: and la n.ces.ggry, for the, resor4at on of"the public Peace; .dale of Fees Charged For Use of Auditorium* t TAo tCouq 11 o[tlhe, Clly of 8t. -Raul' g t does ordaln; -/ -SECTION 1. • gs where expenses are paid by the City from "That Ordlnonce N ,`6404 approved; 9eptembdr to 1020 be and the same' provided by the Charter, cost Of opening end' + Is hcrel'Irgy amended by chan6lnR Para Rr nn...One, • Sectl n one upder..lhe the use Of the building Or any part thereof .hegdlne i5•opo.ed 6chedule, ot.'Foe. chnrlad tor,Uso of Auditorium" to read)at Of opening and operating same, permission dns follows For Puh7ib saeheringa_wh.r use shall be Obtained from the Council, upon V421iff'&n applfoation filed with the City Clerk.” SECTION 2: This ordinance is hereby declared to be an ewergenoy ordi— nance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. _.JAN 22.1924 ...-192._.-. Clancy I/Fer aeon g Appr ed ---.. ..� A�_ 2 ` �-.^.�.. ...192.... _MeBetrs1T1 . ....... In favor Sudheimef /l / MAYOa ,,'Peter ..............Against Wenzel / Mr. President t0 y >i No.------- �o���l� x0590 M CITY OF ST. PAUL rae --- y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTEDBV ................_.......................... DATF _....._....___._.._._._._......_. RESOLVED AN ORDINANCE, amending Ordinance #5404 entitled •An Admin- istrative Ordinance fixing scales of prices for the use of the Public Auditorium and determining to what uses it shall be devoted. This Is an emergency ordinance and is necessary for the preservation Ofath public peace, health and safety. This is an emergency no nd is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE couNCIL OF TRF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN SECTION It That Ordinance #5404, approved September 10, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by changing paragraph One# SectiUse on one under Auditorium the heading *Proposed Schedule of Hees Charge to read as followet •For public gatherings where expenses are paid by the City from the contingent fund, as provided by the 0harter, cost of opening and operating only. Where the use Of the building or any part thereof is requested for the cost of opening and operating same, permission and application filed nwriawith theoCitynClark.* ed frothe Council, upon SECTION 22 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the -preservation of the public peace, he&M and safety. SECTION 32 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN � 2 2 1924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councl __ A _.-------------..._ _.__..._.192..... Clancy Approved ... 192.._.. Ferguson PP � N, n 104 - McDonald .......... _. In favor Matson Mnron ---- Peter __....Against Wenzel Mr: President e*e-_ ' _ � ^ ' . ' `� �r�� �"`� - - . =^-� . .�/� . _ ' ~` � ./- ~' ' ����� ` __ -- " � �� ��y�'y ./ � /� ' v" -` /,4 ~- `�' �-- ' / ' '- %�.= '�� ~^� -~ �v��'���~o !� / 7'-�^ -- _- ~ ~~-~ '--� -_ ___'________ �-_- ' (//>� ~ ^ -- =�'/~,' ~^� '` / � '-~ /' /y - -_-____ // --~-___�___ .� ---'-_-' . '|� ~ ' -- /� '�� ` zz_� ve- V C, "F. No. Ordinance Noel An Ordinance authorizing the ereotion and construction of a New Adams School, Watson, Tuscarora, Milton and C1Asworth Ste. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preeer ttion of the public peace,. health and safety. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has reconi6ended to. f_., the Council the erection of the said school building and has re- ported an estimate of the cost of such improvement, together. with sketch plans and other data giving in full detail the natufe such improvement, which proposed improvement meets with the ap proval of the Council, therefor, — = UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: xo sossl--o8 uii„a e x-`szaa- tN Ordf authorliln�th 'xrdams. Section 1. J nnd',00nat uctin. udtar\ew Adams School.#; tt at t Tueca l.. Muton ' nd Chntewo [h ,St. Thl.. is an e e ¢ nev al rendered necea- erection of said building at the approximate cost �..nary i then eroan c the n b- ,, n nae ;n alzh aa: t tr. -Forty Thousand ($"140,000.00) Dollars, in the manner e:--th C lesions, of Eduk ppc8tl n n - sed tto cean- by the City Charter, is hereby approved and au— VIA - tl c th . '.aid a h lbuild- 1 g a nan n t ae� ti ate oI [h t f .uhf p v L t getpp Section 2. WJth .k tth yylait a d th d to glv- Q - i g In t 11••det ll Lhe. at e"of s ch ! improvement` avhlchpropo d Improve ment meets with the apprpvat of. the constTnotion of the building as herein,,authorized + .Co tncit�theret = fir❑ pr the oux of St. Paul contingent upon the submission of a statement r �Ve 'Tioxl. a Comptroller, of the funds available to meet the _ a- -on of said building at t of the $5,000,000 School Bond_ Fund', as trans pat of One Hundred aide for this purpose by the proper resolution.� x.11 0 000 00)- Dotlara. _ - Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediate- ly upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays ✓Clanoy ✓tierguson i' Adopted by the Council ✓Peter : / 2 2 1924 1923 (� P/Sudheimer Menzel 1923 �Mr.Pres.(Nelson) Approved _ JA )� yor i ty erk. I hereby certify that there is available in the $5,000,000 School Bond Fund the money indicated in the foregoing ordinance. Dated 1.4. 92 City Uomptrrollero \a COUNCIL- 502 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO--, ---- .--•--..... OFFICE OF THF, CITY CLERK _ NCIL RES9l,�L1TION—GENERAL FORM ,LvEat the following depo� ry bonds given by the Rational Ex- change Bank Of St. Paul, viz: one for $50,000.00, dated December 20th, 1923, with the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Raw York, as surety; one for $50,000.00, dated December 21st, 1923, with the Con- tinental Casualty Company as surety.; and one for $50,000.00, dated December 21st, 1923, with the Continental Casualty Company as surety, which said bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Commi7—, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy V Ferguson In favor V U �Sudhetmer,,\\ .. Peter Against V Wenzel /Mr. President JAN -2 1925 Adopted by the Council.. ----------- -------------- - ------192..... JAN Appro ed - 1{ 19 ..-... -................... -- . ..... MAYOR RESOLUTION. WHEREASs The National Exchange Hank of Saint Paul, Minnesota, desires to make application to the City Of Saint Paul to be designated as a depositary of city funds, and WHERWs The City of Saint Paul requires that the said Rat- ional Exchange Bank of Saint Paul, execute to the City of Saint Paul an application to be designated a City Depositary, and agree that it will well and truly nay to the Treasurer of said change, at any place in said City desired by him, all moneys belonging with said bank by the said T't6}s- urer of said City, and that it will pew interest thereon at the rate of two (2) per cent per ansmm, reckoned upon daily balances in the hands of said bank and belonging to said City, at the close of each month, and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul further requires that the said Nat- ional Exchange Bank of St. Paul shall also execute to said City of St. Paul a bond in the sum of not to exceed Two Eundred Thousand Dollars (200,000.00) as may hereafter be agreed upon, or in liey thereof, shall execute and de- liver to said Treasurer and his successors in office, a proper assignment of bonds as provided for in chapter 3629 General Laws, 1909, such bonds and deposit being to the end and conditioned that said National Exchange Bank of St. Paul shall well and truly pay to said Treasurer, upon demand or order free of exchange, at any place designated by said Treasurer within said City all moneys belonging to said Oity which may have been deposited with said bank, together with interest thereon at the rate of two (2) per cent per annum, on daily balances, at the close of each month, as in said printed forms pro- vided therefor. DE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That said bank make application to said City of St. Paul to be designated as a City Depositary and that the President, Chas. Patterson, Vice President, F. A. Nienhauser, and the Cashier. C. S. Diether, of said bank are hereby authorised and empowered in behalf of said bank to make and execute, acknowledge and deliver to the City of St. Paul, and to the City Treasurer thereof its application to be designated as a de- positary, and the said officers are also authorised and empowered in behalf of the said beak to make and execute, acknowledge and deliver to the City of St. Paul and to the City Treasurer thereof such bonds as may be required, and said bank according to the printed forms furnished and provided to said bank by said Treasurer and his successors in office, a proper assignment of thA bnnda hArainbefore referred to. Vioe President. President. r ■{�• Y�/@�."W, � RCEJ MOG BILL C-ON F-NALLY @�e✓✓ AY� Y^ "II U AR TIIUR A?STEWAR fF` ctt LEEEWIS L.ANDERSON 11— ­515TANT LAW DEPARTMENT Assm rANrs December 22nd, 1923. Continental Casualty Co., 1204 Pioneer Bldg., City. Gentlemen: - I am returning herewith bonds of the National Exchange Bank without my approval, for the reason that the resolltion attached does not authorize the bank officers to execute these bonds. It simply authorizes them to make application to be designated as a city depository. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL / FORM L" T COUNCIL PILE RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to A. L. Rich, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Fifty-five and 38/100 Dollars ($55.38) .in partial settle- ment of his claim against said Board for injuries sustained by him on November 7th, 1923, in the course of his employment, being for the period up to December 26th, 1923. �. No. J. Peter— osolved. That the Board of Water tmleafoners be and It isoby au- er rized to pay, to A. I. R ch, out or dgl{y" aveand 33--100 D.Grsh(65.38) partial settlement of his claim m inst id Board for Injuries sus - toed by him on November 7, 19231 In course of the Dorlol up to Dec -y26. 1�23.ein6 Adopted b ed, Jtane 219241. Jan. 2, 1924. (Jan. 6-1924) - V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1/Clancy V"Ferguson __....._....In favor 51111M Sudheimepl ✓Peter ................Against Wenzel �Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. PresIt, Board of Water Comm S. JAN -2. 1924 192 ..-. Adopted by the Council -- ------------_ _--... JAN -2 1924 Appro ed...-._ -- - .._..... _..... 1�92�--.... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISS1 ONER___.........____......... ............ ......------ ....... .....__._._._................. ........... ..._....... COUNCIL No __... FILE �`� RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the New Adams School, ''datson, Tuscarora, Milton and Chatsworth Sts., as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commis sioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be eid the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized end directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays [/ Clancy t-Terguson (� __In favor dheimer0 v"Peter ___ Against Wenzel Mr. President - 2 1924 Adopted by the Couneil..JAN.. - 192. JAN -2 1924 Appro 19�� l V—YOR COUNCIL 50595 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL ca.e NO ............ ... .... __,-.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �i�( ,-L// (RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY llaTF Deeember_8_..... 1923.,__..__. RESOLVED That One Hundred Forty Thousand ($140,0(10) Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $6,000,000 School Bond Fund for the purpose of constructing a New Adams School on the block bounded by Watson, Tuscarora, ?Milton and Chatsworth Sts. C. F. No. 60696—By L. R. 9. Fergusen— l. Resoived. that One Hundred Forty Thousand ($140.000) Dollars Is hereby trnnsferrcd and set aside from the $6,000.000 School Bond Fund for the purpose ofonstructing anew Adams, School on the block bounded by Wat- son. Tuscarora. Dolton and Chatsworth Sts. Adopted by the Councll. Jan. 2, 1924. Approved, Jan. 2. 1924. 4Jan. 6-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays LxClanoy v Ferguson .._In favor v Sudheilnerd Peter _..__ _.Against v Wenzel ✓ Mr. President 2 ;^,24 Adopted by the Council.. 192 192 _ I ^ 2 1924 Appro ed _.. _ _— _ 192... Nt;Fc- - _ MgYOH ► . �50E N ' wuNCIL _. FILE O._... - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D "mbar 31st;': .._ DATE.._......_.._ ._..._.__.._—..---" . PRESENTED BY ...... . IJI .... .... ....._.. COM I,SIONER._.-..... Resolved, That the sum of $150.00 be appropriated out of the Contingent Fund for 1924 to assist in paying the expense of the George Washington Program given by the George Washington Club on February 22nd, 1924. That the proper city officers be authorized to craw a war ant jp favor of the George Washingt on Club, therefor. // `,. C• ebj o No ThatEhe sum of 1ontingen I II /^ "Und rlo.t1924 to n elsthln Da.ln.gto 1 9 Fundtor Wash xPanee of thebY oL Geor6ellWash Program 6 1924 +: i , A — PI 1% It i Loq Club on Feb. 22, }(1 arc be -U- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t"Clancy Ferguson . ..In favor Sudheimer t/Peter D -Against (-'Wenzel Mr. President 923. 9 4t the-proper'cltyarrant o thorized to draw — ingtonn Club �ot .the George therefo. AdoDrtod by the . Connell. Jan- 2. 1924. Approved, Jan. 2, 1924. --- (Jan. 6-1924) -2 1924, Adopted by the Council. _.J -A.------•- ----....:---- 192...... AN -2 1924 �92 Apprav .I---------- 19�r 9 'T'"�.. ........................ .. MAYO. CITY OF ST. PAUL F,°E""LNO.._.5..(�-`7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rr_,nrurn arcnl IITInN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / '�n DATE___.D.Pa.C.e.TIIblL.�.9y__J.��.s--___ COMMISSIONER___._._:.__ ._ _.._ __ ./..... ................._.................._. 1 RESOLVED That the ouncil hereby concurs in the recorudendation �f the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of I, sewer junction between the new and the old sewer tunnels on Somerville five., about 1420 feet from the Mississippi River, and lining existing new sewer from a point 920 feet from the River to proposed junction, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 69300.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontr:.ct therefor. Engineer's Estimnte X12-000.00. F.B. 1)6046. V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays j/ Clancy Ferguson mKtHonaid"' _............In favor 3udnel _,,Peter Against iY -Wenzel t- 11 -4r. President �,C, 11 Mo. 60604—By W. J• Petor— Itosolved. That the Council Hereby, ;concur. In -the recommendation of thej Contract Committee and awards con- tract for the construction of a Bewerl 'junction between the new and the olds sewer tunnels Or, Eomcrvllle .Ivo., Rfeet : bout 11 d Iminggt existing new leaked ,River, aapnolnt 120 'toot from the River' to proposed )unction. In accurdance,. with plane and specldcathme her attached , to .the royen Construction Company. they being the lowest ro- sousible bider, $9p30000 and-ths Corporation Counsel 10 hercfty Instructed to draw. up t,Is Droper'form of c tract therefor En meer's Estimate $12000.00. 1r n, NO - Adopted I by the Council, San 2, 1B21. Approved, 2, (J -- ' (Jan 6-18241924 ) Adopted by the CounciIAN----.2..192 ..._.....-192...._. Appr ed -li ...2..192=....- .......192...... a, - ....... .. ... ......... ..... . - _ MAYOR -`' CITY OF ST. PAUL C UeNCIL X No.------ Ll1� l YY)8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COILINCII, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // Dec eIgber 29, 192$_ COMMISSIONER.__.._.._.--/- -....._...........__...._........_.........................._...._.._._.............. DATE...:__._...-_..._..._._.. _...__.___.._.._._._._. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and swards contract for the construction Of a sewdi- on Charles St. from Fairview Ive. to a point 15 feet west of the east line of Lot 22, Lierriam's Outlots, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of ;1783.00, c,nd the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Enginuer's Estimate 62025.00. F.B. 76045. C. F. No. 60688—By W. J. Resolved. That That the Counell hereby Concurs In the recommendation e[ tha ontract Committee and awnrdR c tract for the coneI "tlotf of n sewer I Inn Charles St. from Falrvlew Ave. to point 15 feet west of the east linerof 1 Lot. 2$. Dto a Ops . , w •o nee Ith plaanane speIII and caeat Construe - tion atmched, to the being Construe - tion Compp nyy they for t the lowest � eaDoneiDlea Uldder, for tho sum oL � {1788.00 and the Corporation Cnunael,� Is here{ty Instructed to Iruw up the proper lnoede Eetinucte $2026 therefor... Un- . N-.! Ad .80 Adopted by the Coup Il, Jnn, 2, 1 22. APDroved, Jan. 14 t %4. (i.e. �-1824) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "Clancy ✓ Ferguson McRe[tsld- ................In favor VMUMSudheimer Peter -Against Wenzel VMr. President ...... Adopted by the Counell.3AN __........ ".2......19 _..`�?._......192 A ro(ed.....PA- - - ------------------..192...... --- - .............. .............. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BY • DATE December. 29� 1923 COMMISS1pNE ._.. ...._ _. --RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of from a sewer on Somerville Ave, St. Anthony pve. to point 30 feet north of Doane St., in accordance with plans and speci - fications hereto attached, to Martin I—eberhard, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of X1650.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dray up the proper form of contract therefor. :Engineer's Estimate 11874.00. F.B. J6047. `Y 60609—BY-W. J. Peter— t" leaolved, that the Counell hereby \ ,cure In the ecommandntfar of the �- ptrnet Committee and award* war f/ v .et for the c etruction [ a sower Somerville Ave. from St. Anthony c. to h point 3o feetorth of Doane ,.In .accordance with piano and eciacations hereto attached, to..Mar- \ Eberbari he befog-th 1, ICot.re- onafbla bidder„ for the u. ei 960.00. -and the Corporation Conned oyer formn.1 Contract therefor.p �En- neer'. Estimate *1674.00. F. B. No. l 47. AdoptB I by the Council' Tao. 2, 1024.E APDroved 924. (Jan %611924) 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L// Clancy vFerguson -------------- _In favor Sudheimero y Peter ---.-----.-...Against l% Wenzel "r. President Adopted by the Councig. A.N.............�..�--.--- --192...... I - 2 1924 Ap oved---- -------- ...192---- --... _...................... ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL con. m N 0. ---- qQ51 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY.'_�V/l ------ - . ..... . DATE__ 1? 2, 2 COMMISSIONER --- 4L RESOLVED That the Council hereby UP- oves the action Of the rurchasing Cormaittee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department approximately 418 tons of reinforcing steel rods, to the Clinton Bridge 77orkb, they being the lowet responsible bidder at n total contract price of ;;-26,400.00, f.o.b. cars, Belt Line, Minn., in accordance with specifications Of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #6048. c. r.'l the &-nail Jan. 2, 1924, 4,� 2, 1924. an. . 5.1024) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1,1 Clancy `Ferguson m4DOnald In favor vauso V Peter Against ,XWenzei I v4r. President Adopted by the CoU.,jIJ AN - 2 ', 192 ...... ........................... AN 2 1924- 192 Approve,A ---------- - - MAYOR Robert street Bridge Approach. wri-s[rnrt. 14. wn,•rn:,A, a nen nrnnn.11r for u,eCouncil Pile No. _. ,nkln}f of the follow n); lmnrovl men[, a.: PROMun..� „•m.•n .,oa cslrml soon, aoL- erl Sl- Ly Inkinu' nil comb ening strip of lural YD f. �,t „'i.l. all, [hc •a v)orly vi.lo l,.. limy Io ` t•rt ". in Itlocl- - _ gnrsigned l,pen. „'Ids Z/ PR rr ,n sn,nL-Y ORDER. L)'Lc,: ,rinThhereby proposes the malnng of the following public improvement by the City of St.. Paul, iz.: Open, wL ' _i and extend oouth F.obert ut. by taking MnA condortming a strip oz land 20 ft. wide adjaocut to the easterly side of sDid street from the levee line+ to ttze east line of Fobert street in Block 1 llest St. rhul Proper• Open, Aiden and extend Concord Street from South Robert St. to Curtioe Avenue by tr,kinF. and condemning the property between Concord Street and the following described lines : A line 20 ft. from and parallel to the northeE:s;terly side of Concord Street beginning on the easter'7 side of South F1'obert Lt. and running to the north line of Lot 4 Block 90 hest St. Paul Proper, thence in a straight line to the northeast corner of State and Concord L>treet intersection. A line cw=enoing on the easterly side of State Street and running 20 ft. from and parallel to the southerly line of Concord Street to a point opposite the northeast corner of Anita and Concord Street intersection; thence in a straight line to a point on the east line of Lot 4 Block "A" Bells Addition 10 ft. from the southerly line of Concord Street; thence in a straight line 10 ft. from and parallel to the southerly line of Concord St. to Bancroft St. A line beginning on the easterly side of Banoroft St. and running 7 ft. from and parallel to the southerly line of Concord bt. to (" Andrew Street; thenoe this lin produced to its intersection with the southerly dine of wnoord Street. A line beginning at the northeaat -corner of the intersection of Anita and Concord bt. anlerunning easterly to a point on the enaterly lin of Lot 19 Block 10 prospect Plateau 10 ft. from the northerly lino of Concord Street; thenoe easterly 10 ft* from and parallel to the northerly line of Concord St. to Bancroft street. A line beginning on the easterly side of Bancroft St. a.nd running 7 ft. from and parallel to the northerly lino of Concord St. to Andrew street; thence easterly to its intersection -with at line rurnzinu; is ft. northerly of and parallel to the northerly. line of .;onaord street; thence •.ions the last described 'lino to Arthur ~.venue. Block 26 A le beginning at the norttsuest corner ndioat�etpclditi n f.•`2 Ixndtrunning, in St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement sv, southeasterly in a str>,ight line to a point on the lot line between Leta 8 and 9 F31oek 1 Paul yartinls First Addition 14 ft. from the ht line southeast line 0f of LotrStreet southerll IIlockl,nd nce in 6 Pau1 Martinis let Addition. to the dition. Also those parcels of land, except streets, lying between the following described lines : Beginning at the intersection een of the easterly line I Concord tit. and the lot line produced; Leets 6 and 7 Block 1 Paul Uartlu'sterly side of cFirst oncord St. thence southeasterly r line of to its intersection with the southeasterly bounds y Paul gtartlnine Lorne intersection with theewesterly lineid boundary oP the present right -of -Way line of the C. & G. W. thence southeasterly along said right-of-way line to its intersection with the easterly aide of Stiokney street; thence south 64 ft. to a point on the easterly line of Stiolntey St.; Uhs thence in a straight line to a point on the nand I lyovement of Lot 6, Block 43 West St- Paul Real Estate and Imp~ Syndicate Addition No. 2 60 ft- from the easterly line of Concord Stllojof Belp°videre St•a90ht line ft.fromothe easterlypoint on line southerly e of Concord Street; theme in a straight line to s au n on the northerly line of �ioatelAddition ock 41 eNo S2. 94uft* Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate from line toeae point lonithe easterly ine Of rline rofLCothence ord Street s32ft- southerly from the northwesterly ootv►er of Loth Block Addition oa West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syn No. 2; thence southeasterly on the easterly line of Concord he northerly Street to its Streetl thenceoeast tontline o the northerlyline Aof ly Annapolis street to its intersection with the thencenortherly right-Ofway line of the G & 0- 1 R. R.; on said right-of-way line to its intersectiPaul Real Estate on with the lot line between Lot 1 and 2e lock 3 NoWest 8;•thence northwesterly and Improvement -' point of beginning - in a straight line to the he from teasuo".Ly e of Concord Street 32ft. ���•� " line to u point on the easterly jlin southerly from the no corner of Lot 6 Block 40 Test St. Paul deal listate and III:prover.ient syndicate Addition Tic, 2; thence southeasterly on the easterly line of Concord Street to its intersection with the northerly line of Annapolis Street; thence east on the northerly line of Annapolis Street to its intersection with thencevie snortyerly right-of-way line of the C & G. V.. toR. R.; on said right-of -waHYirzd 2e Btocit431WestsSt. Paul iReal hEstate line between Lot 1qo_ 2, thence northwesterly and ImprOvement Syndicate Addition - straight line to the point of beginning - in ®� S ' .... _.........____. _......... _. -.. __ _... _ Dated thic........let-.-_&IN of November ..__...--.. _ _ 1923.. Counc•dwan. PRELII" ARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A a-ritte" proposal for the mal, I of the following improcomeut, viz.: Open, v'iden r,nd extend ooutlr 1,obert Lt. by takin;, r nd condemnins. a strip of 1._nd 20 ft. � ide adjacent to the etist, rlg side of s id street _`rori the levee lin(� to the east line of F,o:,ert )tre-t in Block 1 , est -�t. Paul Proper. Open, riden and extend Concord treet from c,outh i;obert St. to Curtice hv-nue by t< kinE: nd conderanin- the property- between Joncord Street nd, the follor:inr: described lines : A line 20 ft. frog: and parallel to the northea: t(,rly side of Concord Street ber_inninr; on the eastcirI,.y side of South F�obert St. and running to the north line of Lot 4 Block 90 Best St. Paul Proper, thence in a streis:ht line to the northeast corner of c;tLite and Concord street intersectior_. ti line cora encinl, on the easterlir side of State Street and runninE7 20 ft. Iron and parallel to the sotitherl- line of Concord Street to a point opposite the northeast corner of Anita and Concord Street intersection; thence in . strai;*ht line to a point on the east line of Lot 4 Block "A" Bells Addition 10 rt. from the southerly line of Concord Street; thence in a strai-let line 10 ft. from and parallel to the southerly line of Concord St. to Bancroft St. A line beginning on the easterly side of Bancroft St. and running 7 ft* from and parallel to the southerly line of Concord St. to Andrew Street; thence this line produced to its intersection with the southerly line of Concord :,treet. A line beginning at the northeast corner of the intersection of Anita and Concord ot. and running easterly to a point on the e�.sterly line of Lot 19 Block 10 Prospect Plateau 10 ft. from the northerly line of Concord Street; thence easterly 10 ft. from and parallel to the northerly line of Concord St. to Bancroft otreet. A line beginning on the easterly side of Bancroft St. and running 7 ft•,. from and parallel to the northerly line of Concord:,St.xtc%ArlBraltt2�eet, thence easterly to its intersection with a line running 14 ftp O`o'rtho, g of and parallel to the norther,lj;.;line of Concord Street; thenoe alonp, -the --last-.desoribed line-i"b Arthur Avenue. t A line be �✓ :f2 nd running finnin at the porthro+ee`entr icti cn t©triddltioI st. raul meal "estate aryl Im131ov point on the lot line between southeasterly in n straight line to a ition 19 ft. from the Lots 8 ane 9 relook i Paul r.,,,-,ints First Add southerly line of Concord Street and thence in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 1 Block 1, Paul martin's 1st Addition. Also those parcels of land, except streets, lying between bed crideslines Beginning at the intersection the following; described oe lo_cord �t. and the lot line between Of the easterl; produced; j;e+s �; s,nd 7 aloclt 1 eauI i..� rtie sterlst sides of Concord Lt.� thence southeasterly a1on:' the n. ea to its i intersection i-ddition;Jt'ncnOutvce`northeas edrly online Paul a bounder;.; line to its intersection tirith the westerlyG.1liYe' of the present ri ;ht -of -wag line of the C. t: G. thence southeasterl;; alon: said ric;lit-of-' .; line to its thence intersection with point£ on the easterlyrly side Of Sline Of Stic'.:ney St-; to south 64 ft. oint on the northerly line u thence in a strai-ht line to a p of Lot 61 Block 43 F+est St. Pal Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate A''.dition iio. 2 60 ft* from the easterl;r line of Concord lStreet; ofthence in Lt Belvidere St.stra90hftlifromne othepeasterly oint on tline southerly ht line to a nolnt of Concord Street; thence i b straight kg4l +est t. Pau]. Real St- on the northerly line of Lo state and Improvement Syndicate Addition then 2 94 ft. e e in a from line ttraight heaeasierlonline easterlyristreet; t ineofConcord Streets32ft. Lot 6 ck 40 southerlyP ul veal statehe eandrly ImproveeentfSyndicateoAddition West St. Ifo. 2; thence southeasterly on the easterly line of Concord ortherly h the Street olis Street, thenceolastt11 the nnortherlyllineine oof / Anna p terly Annapolthe C & G. W. R. R.; thence is Street to its intersection withthe right-of-way line of t -of -way line to its intersection with the lot on said righ line between Lot land 2 ndicateBAddition lock 43 l,eot 2t thencenor and Improvement straiGht line to the point of beginning. in +� strait ............................... ................................................................................................................................................ ... ................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council --------- ....... ._ _...._._..__.........---- YEAS DAYS L Councilman CLANCY FEnGusoN ' Approved ...__ _ __...._ .__.. Sudk eimer _ PETER D ✓j/ /�,r ! V LY v WFN7.EL ...............r.-... ........-......-1.... ...-....-............--------......."� MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. roam c A la (3!1 c-zz) PL'BL.SIILD I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: _0ven,...,7idaii =d...e-ctand..Larn-eiLtaur.-.Ave....fr.am..Dale..S.t..--.to-..quincy-.St- by..n�...a,?? Gondelrin n.,r,_to.� z1Q> 11. _'3. ...f2e.t Q.f.. t.hQ .NM%...Q - IP...., C.C.. 2- 'e u _a..�3._t ncl...the_:nnr-th.-S..feet---oi...ulo.cks...l,._2._:_nci.$...Como.-. _- f.ddition. Dated this...... lad ---- _._.day ol.____.._........:.January.... -._.... __-. _ .- -....., 192 4. . ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Ia .h.ex!. ett�-,'tve.._-fnoza-Dalo. it._ to 'co-inc;- .t._ hal taking and conllerm�inr: ti,.e north feet of the 1;):; of f'ec. 23 und. 3 - _dditinn.......... _... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul . ...... __ - ...... _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Conunimioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. lA - 2 15;:4 Adopted by the Council .......... ....................__._..---....___.---_.... YEAS NAYS COuncilma'n CLANCY FERGUSON Approved_---..--- Sudh'em1e1- t c_ PETER itrEN ELI t"' L(/ /....-. �.............�. �_w.`. MR. PRESIDENT Alayor. F.— C A 13 (3At 0-22) - Pl'Rl Sl Tl'p / - / -j- -�? / 'uncil Nile No. PROPOSA mwahBeat the tot o mains Imnr _.. .5 ��.i1.S- � , A wrl tten ❑ro PoaBl tPr the 'I p'areanf.r th. oPe .ad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: _0ven,...,7idaii =d...e-ctand..Larn-eiLtaur.-.Ave....fr.am..Dale..S.t..--.to-..quincy-.St- by..n�...a,?? Gondelrin n.,r,_to.� z1Q> 11. _'3. ...f2e.t Q.f.. t.hQ .NM%...Q - IP...., C.C.. 2- 'e u _a..�3._t ncl...the_:nnr-th.-S..feet---oi...ulo.cks...l,._2._:_nci.$...Como.-. _- f.ddition. Dated this...... lad ---- _._.day ol.____.._........:.January.... -._.... __-. _ .- -....., 192 4. . ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Ia .h.ex!. ett�-,'tve.._-fnoza-Dalo. it._ to 'co-inc;- .t._ hal taking and conllerm�inr: ti,.e north feet of the 1;):; of f'ec. 23 und. 3 - _dditinn.......... _... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul . ...... __ - ...... _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Conunimioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. lA - 2 15;:4 Adopted by the Council .......... ....................__._..---....___.---_.... YEAS NAYS COuncilma'n CLANCY FERGUSON Approved_---..--- Sudh'em1e1- t c_ PETER itrEN ELI t"' L(/ /....-. �.............�. �_w.`. MR. PRESIDENT Alayor. F.— C A 13 (3At 0-22) - Pl'Rl Sl Tl'p / - / -j- -�? / C. F. No. 60603 Abstract. Whereas, ,, written pro nl far tha as A � ak;ng of the following improvement, melt File No. ..t L vie.: PROPOSAL Curbing both .ide. of Sn"ph ave. from St. Clair St. to Rnndol ph S[ree[ i.a having been presorted to the Council of the Clty f St. Paul therefore. be It Resol`Vorks be That the d Is herebylordn eerod ¢n PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing both sides of Saratoga._Avenue.-.from.. St..__Clz?i� Street to nandolph Street. - ------ . -- - - --- - - ---- _..... ........ ------------------------- .... - - ......-.......------------ .._.._..--- ....._. ... ....- ...... ........ -...... ... Dated this ---------- 29th. --(lay of _ deg-eMb r -...-19.x.3.. _ - __, 102 . ... _...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: curbing both sides of Saratoga. venue- from .-it...ClaiT_ ----- .... .._.-..._....... ......._ dtreet to :.andolph Street. .- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- _._.... __... _ _.. .....- -- - --- ---------- -. -- ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._ _..-------__ --- ------..._.._.......___-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. jz -3. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------ ---JAN ---2_.142.4__.. YEAS NAYS V Councilman CLANCY � FERGUSON i (' APProvetl..... ...__ +�.%-��.��... -.x..1.�_ :.__._...._........ _._.. PETER i WEN7.EL ......... ................. ..............1.... ..-.-............................ ........... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 Old 6-22) —9.z `�9,(�;\ An ordinance settling the claim of Elizabeth R. Magoffin against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S ection 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Elizabeth R. Magoffin, the sum of Fifty-three and 75/100 Dollars ($53.75) in full settlement of her claim against s�nid City for sand and gravel taken from her property on McMenemy Road during July and August, 1923. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take. _effect and be in force 1'. N ­ thirty 5000a-1)rv)innnce \o. 633t— thirty days after its passage and publican'* ilr tnn. d. I•etr — A. s11.19. io ltt i.st the it u[ 't I'nul. City of Sl. Paull Tho 1'ou null if thr Passed by the Council do"s -Iain: S..I'T Yeas Tint the proper t•ity .11k rs Nays are nereh. antti-i Ito par. out of the Jnd;.•mcnt arui Conpromise Fund• ti, r� 107iza heth It. Magnllin, the s of Mr I Clancy Fifty' -three• and 75/100 Ilona- (E53.75) / 1 n fall ,-ttlinte nt of her claim against Fer son Id or aan<1 „n,t ara,•eI taI<t•n aom h,•r pr„prrty� ,,,. ltoaa urin, Iul. . Peter $enme� i�ie#mer Mr. President (Nelson) t� Approved -- ��r�d Q . _ _-tom,_,• Mayor 1` Attest City Clerk. Department of Tow CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. MCNALLY ARTHUR A. STEW ART�opN�c EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON January 2nd, 1924. To the Council. G entlemen:- Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Elizabeth R. Magoffin against the City of St. Paul for the sum of $53.75. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, � O orporation Counsel. e 6 CITY OF ST.,,PAUL ....--- +..... i1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM O"C VA / DATE- ..... ..... ... _......_......41 ........... __ ................... _.........._ That the compensation of Judges and Clerks of Election, serving during the Suring and Fall Elections of the year 1924 and also during 837 Special Elation that WW be held in the year of 1924, be fixed at the • aSum nd the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit said claims on said basis, upon cdrtification of City Clerk, C. P. ',W;. 60888—BV'A. E. Nelson— Judgesl nti Clerltstof he Elect, n88serving -during the Spring ¢nd Fall- Eloctlonh of the year 1924nnd also during any Speclal Elections that al' be held In I the year of 1924, be Axed nt the held In ✓' , Seven Dollars Der day. and -the City Comptroller Ih hereby authorized and;! directed to Audit held claims on e¢Id ;i f baslh• Open certlacatlone er City Cleaidrk. 1' • f Adopted by the Council, Tan. 8, 1924: Approved. Jan. 8, 1924. [ I (Jan. 1271924) i r V ry� 1 _COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "'Clancy / McDonald _ - ___.._III favor ✓gjVfM Sudheimpro I% Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President J AN - d 1924 Adopted by the Council. -- ----------- -------- ----------- ---- 192...... ,I AN -- S Approved- //.SZ....�` 192.....: ---..... ~----------- -----. ... - A MAYOn Department of Kinw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. MCNALLY ARTHUR A. STEWART���6 EUGENE M. O-NEILL RMCE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir: January 4, 1923• Your favor of January 3rd with reference to in - creased pay of Clerks of Election is acknowledged. I beg to advise that in my opinion money is not available in the budget for the payment of the proposed increase and that money could not be borrowed for that purpose, as an emergency measure. The question as to whether or not the money is available, you can take up with Mr. Skipton. Yours very truly, "panofins CFM/omw- COUNOIL NO.-. 000 CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE --. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,J ^� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1924. ov__.......-.._.._.._.... .... .... ..... DAT ................._..... , That the compensation of the Clerks of Registration, serving at the special Registration Days during the year of 1924 as provided for under the Permanent Registration Lae, be fixed at the sum of $7.00 per day each. and the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit said claims on said basis, upon certifica— tion of City Clerk. C. F. No. B0607—By A. �plpeennHon of Resolved. Thet the the Clerks of Regletrn. on. serving t 1 n. the special Reglstra'looA I'd far ri dc der the year of 1924 s 4 [ration 1. , bs the Permanent Reg j7p0 per dnY rich, dried t the In' If troI er le hereby au - d the City Comp thcrizcd n d directed to Cevaft ntiou claims ons id basis, upon of City Clerk. Adopted by the Council.7nn. 2. 1924, Approved Jan. 13.6924. (Ja COUNCIL\SEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ .-In favor Matson Peter _t . _ _..Against Wenzel Mr. President -.x.......... Adopted by the Council _ ..a.QN---�- 1924.192. Appro (;d.--- t----- . ---....... .. l CITY OF ST. PAUL F21LE""`NO.._._cl.L/ 1T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ DATE....._.__LT1 uu rY..... .Fll..._F.3 �!.....__._.......... RESOLVED , That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to direct the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to construct, repair and equip, and thereafter maintain by City Force Account, without letting a contract therefor, the polling booths at the locations in the several election dis= tricts hereafter to be designated bythe Council for the Primaries and general and special elections for the year 1924 and for such purpose, said Commissioner is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill, and purchase the necessary tools and materials, the cost and expense thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense Item of the General Fund. C. F. No. 50608 --BY N. C. Wenzel— bynautlhoraedthat tohdi direct the Commie - 1 [ Parke. Pin ygrounda and Pub- 1 Ile 3"'Idingn to true[, repair and equip.and thereafter tnaln[nln by city [Erect therefor. Iheh Pol llettibooths ont thedistrict. thereuflertto be doeignnted election ea by the Council for the Primaries and gen- I an,1 peoinl lection. for the year 1924 and forsuch Purpo.e. a id Com mlanloner is ereby thorized too the necessary labor and skill, and pureh-so the necessary toots and mate- r, a,.' ateria,., the cost and e Pense thereof to be paid at f the Election Expenso Item 0f the General Fund. Adopted by the Councll Jun. 3, 1934. APP—ed Jan. 3. 1924. (Jan. b-1924) _ I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald -In favor Matson /I Peter __.""..__.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council- JAN 3 1924... __..._._..._.__.192._... Pp - 3--192 1 ........ 192.. M�YOa r '( C CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENC1LNO.._.._�`�-`�e� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " I (TION—GENERAL FORM DATE ..... ......... JIM .... 113a..19Pi4.._._------- ---------- --_ , That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide for all of the necessary stationery and supplies, also hire the necessary help required for the Spring and Fall Elections of the year of 1924 and any Special Elections that may be held during the year of 1924 - The cost to be paid cat of the Election `Expense account of the general fund. C. F. No. 50609—By A. E. Nelson— Bepolvetl, lhat tM1e City Clerk ba sad he Ishnso n doprpvlkh ed and for all oof dto the noo te ry elotlone ry d supplies. also hire sthe necessary helpr qui red for j the Spring 94. and any Special Elections year may be held during the year of 1924. The capt to be paid out of ttfe Elec- tion Expense account of the general fund. Adopted by the Council Jan. J. 1924. Approved Jan. 3, 1924. (Jun. 6-1924) (�OUNCILNIEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council -JA-N----,3--,^24- -- 192..__.. Approv -.-- I SAY...:,.3_.].924._-....- 192...-.. MAYOR • r 1( Y/, . COUNCIL NO..------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF,THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RPOLUTION —GENERAL FORM That the followingo s given to the City of St. PaulI'delity iz; One by the Capital National Bank as principal, and the & Deposit Company of Maryland, dated December 31, 1923, in the sum of $200,000.00; the other by the National Exchange Bank of St. Paul as principal, and the Southern Surety Company, as surety, dated December 31, 1923, in the sum of $70,000.00, both approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, be and the same are hereby approved. C, F. No. 60010 [Bthe 'tolfowin �YLonds i , Resolved, Thn I I Uv cher Cnpitall NntlonallRnnit..ns one cl➢n4 and the FIdoI1tY & DePosft Co.- ,IV vunY of m-Ylnum otteEE00.000. OeT the 11923, In tri° th r h9 the Nntfonnl Exchange n tb of St. PEW us Prinetpnl. and the Seated rn SuretY Co 923 n� thossumtYatdE70,� �A Decettlber 31, roved ne to form and 000.00. both aPD { 0necatlon OYto he Corporation Co Fanl'd Kele• 1 d ns to ant by the Sinking Committee, b1 and the came ere by approved. - 3, 1924. Adopt veS YJsne 3�39fl/�Jan. APp*o (Jen. 12.�1I(9,2t1�) w COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter __ _ _ -Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council,�Ei%i--=3.. -_192- _.. Approved 3 1924 192-. . ..,1P,N /�•�/�/ .,, f r G RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorize to enter into an agreement with Charles P. Johnson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 9th day of August, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles P. Johnson the sum of $16.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to August 24th, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to said, Charles P. Johnson, out of said fund, the sum Of $5.00 to reimburse him for amount expended by him for medical treatment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. C 'r of Public Works. �Y1 OUNCHt 1111,NA Yras CILNays Adopted by the Council. SAN - 3 1924192...-. Clancy Ferguson :\pprovet ..... j...-.3. 1924...._ .192... -. McDonald In favor Matson j\ Peter V Agninet. as - Wenzel P[IBLISRED ' /Ma. Mr. President cour+ci�NO•_ 506 1. e. P- A'o, 60G 31= By W. J. Peter— ripe --....__..._. , That the Rear. OFF he prober elty olfi- to an a hereby uuthorizoa to enter ln- son, greemant wlthCAarleb'P, John= Providlpg COUNCIL :NTED BY�" / }} ISSIONER.... _4 :. _ for tha aymoat o[ com- P¢nentl¢n to hlm, nt the rate o[ j18.00 Per week durinEE auoh time ae he shall be totully dlanbled by renaon of Int Junes recel red by hlm emPir, nartm­wh1i0 In the RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorize to enter into an agreement with Charles P. Johnson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 9th day of August, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles P. Johnson the sum of $16.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to August 24th, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to said, Charles P. Johnson, out of said fund, the sum Of $5.00 to reimburse him for amount expended by him for medical treatment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. C 'r of Public Works. �Y1 OUNCHt 1111,NA Yras CILNays Adopted by the Council. SAN - 3 1924192...-. Clancy Ferguson :\pprovet ..... j...-.3. 1924...._ .192... -. McDonald In favor Matson j\ Peter V Agninet. as - Wenzel P[IBLISRED ' /Ma. Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. -- ------ ------ ---`- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE__........ __.......... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Helen Kappes, nurse, the sum of One Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for services rendered from December 9th to December 30, 1923, to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured October 4, 1922, in the course of his employment. C. F. No. 50012-13Y IN, J. Pelet--- Resolved, That the I—Per ity o 1 c are hereby authorlaed to to Helen Kappas, arse. the ..'an oof f One Hundred N`�ve Dollar. (5105.00) out of the of the an ',ernl Fund, tfor aer- �vIces ndercd from Aseae 9th t, � December 30, 1925, to Peter ➢teehnn, 6n mPloye of the Department o[ Pub - 11. Woeltt of the 199 .olnstthea course oured October 4, f hl. p10Yment. A I to by the Covnen, an. 3, 1924• \p proved. (J:tn. 31211924) I recommend the above resolution for passage. Ce7rf Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN -3 1924 Adopted by the Couneil _ ... -.... .... ... 192 - _9 1924 _ Appro etl 192 _ COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM. i V RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorize to enter into an agreement with Harry Hagen, providing for the payment of com- pensation to him at the rate of $18.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on September 24, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Harry Hagen, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of One Hundred Forty-four Dollars ($144.00) in final settlement of his claim against said City, n eVy r •Pet to C. F. No.6o61?,ut Yn I"r ter nexoived. ,r,e y uutaor.H� ro aBen, ot Pttuon toBhlm ato the rete of of In 1rinn 11 aehe / I recommend the above resolution °seek dortn6 suclpt'ianoi (�l for passage. uisaoh YN,hio ton `\v Orlin �. � wtnnY uulW 1 recni�ed lieP0.rtnient ibe tt {,j` . oeVteinuer Y4. to Ca'.�tai tii ne{oPn� tw... Yd' _ �n,llrtner ,tenotvna, ept, the P c•LY oKtcern aro re �Y on,itouttot tot's nca wttn sola PBr Dunt --F '. tae tto gea ate ho CV u e,om of Ono ; e�t. rat Funu, nnolaym f.ob) issioner of Public Works. urea rrortYtunt o[ h. e unnt. eeuiemn art• S, 7921• naAdoP ed. by the COSNL�I , 1 � nJvtoved. Jnn. S•, tnzl) V COUNCILTIEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council AN -3 1924 -192 Clancy 3 1924 192 Ferguson /� Approved - JA -M. McDonald In favor Matson GM�.on Peter ..Against Wenzel Mr. President COUNCIL ND. -----.'"�J --.- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac -'-' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ::IL, RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM f v RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. F. H. Alexander, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty—one Dollars ($31.00) for professional services rendered to Harry Hagen, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured September 24, 1923, in the course of his employment. I C. F. No. 60614—BY IV- J. Peter— se Sbe nndTa tYut th ro hurobY inuther izeo to pay to Dr. N'. 1i under. out I. - of the a to, Compe...no. fla- unt of the (}nnernl Fund, the Sum of "fa�r[y-ona Douare lEaerea ro- to rHurry [eee�onnl eervmes ren the Department HaSen, un e[nplo Ye I.,ured uepetemb.r oa Pjtolla 1V orkc. 24, 1923, t[[ the ourne o[ hls mp[oY 1924. ,�ppnoved, Jnne 3,0192411, Jan. 3, ,,la.. 12-1924) i l4!/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Co r of Public Works. I In favor G Against Adopted by the Couneil_ JAR -7 3 ;^24 .192 JAN -3 1924 192. Appr 41 -Il - - CITY OF St. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL-RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � r coul+aL NOL.... f.P- ` -- - r FILE - --- ----- RESOLVED That he proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 4, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Seventy- two Dollars ($72.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to January lst, 1924. C. F. No. 60616—BY W • J• Peter— C Rea'I,ed, That tho proper o p y to cern a harebY author<e t) to payto sleehnn, n emP�°Ya of th0 partment of Public W or a. r 1° ,a I. uctober 4. 1822. In tho •course mp,oyment, the su u the Norkmeti e Do. are 1S/2.Ou1 —unt of th t of ehle IvomPen mtl;pBrClnl t�lemon for tha ciF°Wm agatnat the CltY lebeliy. ' 1924. period up to ]anuarYncll, Jnn. Adoplyed Jon Co192{. AP d, [Jan. 12-1924) I recommend the above resolution for passage. ,0 6t22��� Co of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays Clancy Ferguson I McDonald __ In favor Matson Peter _ Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Counq#AN. -.? 1714_ 192 App r ed . :11_.- 3 1924. _ 192_. .U­L5(D : CITY -OF ST. PAUL rite NO.__-__.---.----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ::IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be .and they are heyeby authorized to pay to Dr. Arnold Schwyzer the sum of Four Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($425.00) out of the Workmen's Compeneatiom Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured October 4, 1922, said services being for the period up to December 26, 1923. G F, No. 60616-8Y W o ortcltY oRl- Resolved. That the prop cera be an heYDr. are r Jor Se^wYi rri the to pact Four Run dred TwentY-flve Dollars (2426.00) out of the \York seal Compeasatlon Account of the �nren� Fund. for pro[eeelonnl eorvlcpeloYe o deredDeDarLmenCl o[ Publlcel'�brke of the f St.. Paul. In)Ured: Lo°r°Lha the CItY ° 1923. 4• �8d2 aD to Decemberb26�g 1924. De Adopted by the CO19e 1 Jan 3 ACproved, Jan. 3. (Jo.n. 12-1924) I recommend the above resolution for passage. �r of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _. In favor Matson Peter _. ..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ ._A h I� ^4 2 - JAN -3 1924 App oved_ ._. - 192..._ CITY OF ST. PAUL mueaL 5001.7 F to No ....------------------ O OF E CITY CLERK N RESO 'ION�iENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER.-__............__........._.........._..._.._......................._....._...._._....... DATE____...._.........._ .......... _..... .._. --- ................ .... ... . RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authored to pay to Frank Lavacek, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, injured May 14, 1922, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, to reimburse him for amount paid for artificial limb. C. F. No. 60617 -Ry O. C. 9udhlty otfl Resolved, That nrthe proper uthortzed rs be and they ,,.,,by n I Pay to F -al, t vof"wUblice S.'My i( the Deparl41922 the Bum of Ono nlnred May . out -1 W Pdred Denatnpeneetion AccountOf the General Fund, to elmburee him for dopted by the fCouncn' Jan r artificial 12mb'J24' Approved, Jan. 3, 1924. (Jan. 12-1924) I rec d the ov esolution for pa Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILME,N yeas Nays Adopted by the Council N 3 1924 .192 Clancy Ferguson ) 1; - 3 1 °4 _ 192 J� roved _� McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President WCITY OF ST, PAUL CIL No. / / v OFFICE OF H E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE. TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�r� – COMMISSIONER—_ ._.._.____. DATE __........................... ..._................... ........................ RESOLVED Th&t the pr er city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Mose Bertrand, an employe of the Department of Education, injured February 10, 1923, the sum of One Hundred Twenty-six Dollars ($126.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to December 31st, 1923. I recommend the above resolution for pass 'a. CommIr of Educati C. F. No. 60618—By L. It. S. Fergu~— Re ived. That the proper city oRl- o 1 / ere be ad they are hereby authorized tpay to Mose Bbrtrand, an employe of the Department of Educatlon, in- )ured February 10. 1923, the sum or f' One Hundred Twenty-six Dollars ($126.00) out of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settic..ft of his claim against said Clty, being for the period up [o December Stat. 1923. 1 f; Adopted by the Councll Jan. 3. 1924. Approved, Jan. S. 1924. (Jan. 12-1924) (-,0 UNCILIN I EN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __- Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council JAN. 3._1224 . - 192 - \ppr ed. JAN -3 1924 192 In favor Mn.oa Against C QTY OF ST. PAUL cOUrvaL NO.--_--5(}(�--- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION �E RAL FORM .__....._. DATE_.__........._ ..................... _... ............_.._._....... ....... ....... . RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. S. E. Stinnette, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) for pro- fessional services rendered to Forest D. Varnam, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured October 6, 1923, in the course of his employment. C. F. No.^60619—BY 11'• C- Wenzel— Resolved, are herobYt t thorizedrtoitPaY Rto., Dr. S. E. Stinnett,, out o4 the Work-' - men's Component on Account o4 five -set - Dollars (1145.00)"ofP o[eeslof onnlBurey sere vices rendered to Forest D. V.—cre.: an etnPloye of the Department 4 ngs, ild- s'InjuredroOctobern G,1922� oP the course 4 his employment. Approved, Ja a Council. Jnn. 2. 1924. (Jan. 12-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy I recommend the above resolution for passage. i rergnson McDonald _ _ In favor Matson Peter . V Against Wenzel Mr. President Comm'r of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub* c Buildings. Adopted by the Council_ JAN -3 14_'4 192 /// JAN Isz._. Approvec}�.. -3 �"'., ... - MA.on CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No ----- 5(Yi1iiILE --- ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK )COU//NCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM / . I / / O ��. v-7 RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authoriz7d to pay to Forest D. Varnam, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the sum of Eighty-one Dollars ($81.00) out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, to reimburse him for that amount paid for hospital and nurse bills. C. F. No. 60620—Hy H. C. Wenzol— eRvolved, That the proper city ottl. rs re hereby authorized to pay to Forest D. Varnam, an employe f the Department of Parks,, Playgrounds and tPublic Building the sum ofl Highty-one Dollars (581.00) out of they Workmen'. Compensation Account of, the G—ral Fund. to reimburse himi for that amount paid for hospital end nurse bilis. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 3, 1924.; Approved, Jan. 3. 1924. (Jan. 12-1924) - I recommend the above resolution for passage. /! Commir of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. COUNCILTIEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter ._...� Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the ConocoAll -3 1924 -.---._---- - ---. _ 192. Appe.d _ JAN -3 1924._ 192_ „i Mn os 'FiRm Fl. F Y ......... .. ............. .... ...... - - ---- --- -- -- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 88,= 98 ...................... checks numbered ............. I .................... to ---------- 7 ........... ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Oity Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen ( i ) Nays. JAN -3 Clancy, Adopted by the Council..._....._ - ---------- ---- Ferguson, -------------- In favor McDonald, proved.---..------_ ------------- --------------- -------------------t&r,mjr,- Sudheimer Peter, ----------- AMinst Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson C. V'No Resolved. ea T1; -.' e d t checks bIawn th0 City ty.f Treasury, to the ggfkkte amount overing%ehecks numbered I to 7 Inclusive, as p.,rcg- "ter,- f city checks an, file I - the office a the MY Jan. 3, 1924. Vd.pted b�Thp.trCO-2"n%I1 Appraved—Tan. 3. 19247 (Jan. 12-1924) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 Iii 12.22 • ...T OT T. - OFFICE OF THE CO1tLPTROLLER �^ R AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1 n �sorr No .......... .QFb�� r BY w COMPTRO :......_....192._ ... -.. ......... .. r. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...._88 225 R.9$_ .................... covering. checks numbered ............. .. ------------------ to ----------- ......_......._.......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. JAN -3 1924 Clancy, Adopted by the Council............................. ........................ ....1` 2 ------ Ferguson, McDonald, - ''In favor bfalmr Sudheimer Ap roved ------- ---------- JA.N.....3 1924 ....... . 191 ` Peter, Wenzel. - - Against.......... - - ........... .......... ..... - - -- - -- - ... MAYOB Mr. President, Nelson 1 Capitol City Transfer, Schools 2 Central Soap Company, Armory 3 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Police 24,858.84 " (Auto) 197.50 4 J. R. Johnston, Bureau of Engineers 5 Plant Rubber Company, Playgrounds 6 Sinking Fund Investment Committee, Red. of Notes 60,000.00 Interest 2,317.92 7 Victory Printing CompanT, Health 42.00 16.66 25,056.34 10.00 289.06 62,317.92 494.00 DUADRUMIGTE -- Oirr 01 /S. PY.1JL To CRY CLERK C, n- r7 Form Alf 1M 12-22 MP7R0 R..._. AUo.......... _... J�1 N...3....N4 ar ... _._. .... .. - -- - ...... ._..__._::....._._ _ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$..41*813—M ------------------------ covering checks numbered ....----------- --............... to -......20 --------------- .------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council- ---- p:N... - 3 1924 192 ... Ferguson, ---..-...In favor JAN -3 1924 McDonald, Approved.-------------------------------------- ... : -------------------- 192 - I.fttEom- Sudheimer Peter, ..Against - Wenzel. ..-......... Mr. President, Nelson - �C. F. No. 60622— Resolved. That, checks be', drawn on the City Treasury, to the-".rhg:t: amount; of $41,911.os, covering chocks numbered 6 to,201nclustva as.Ver_reg= later; of=city checks on flle•1A tna oR�ce of the City Comptrolle s Adopted by the' Cou cll J11n 19244 -_Approved,-Jan: $. 1924 aF i (Jas. 12-19N? _ Oe1GINAL TO CITY r1ERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 C J OPTS O1 • L OFFICE OF THE -COMPTROLLER 50,322 aoo<afL No......._ ....................:...... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �_ --. i. CO .TRO -, TED..........�AlY...........1.1G=1.._.......192.._....._ 5 BY ... - .. ........ .... ..... R AUDI II`PER .................... - ............. `.�.._ �'...... _......... _. ........_..._.-.._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--- 1�811e08---------------------- - covering checks numbered_ ----------- .._6 --------------- -to ....-...2Q.. ................... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council JAN -3 1924 -------- ---- 192---.--. Ferguson, _...---,...In favor McDonald, .....................192-------- 1(ataea, Sudheimer SAN Peter, -.------...Against -- - - --..-.. Wenzel. - -- -- --- -- ... �- MA Mr. President, Nelson { n --------------- Carnegie Rock & Fuel Company, Water 9 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, Water 10 A. M. Dealer, Assessments Rec. L 1610 (P.I.R.F.) 11 General Chemical Company, Water 12 Henry Lee, Wgter 13 O'Neil & Freston, Water 14 John Palmer, Water 15 Ramsey County Public Health Association, G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen 16 H. J. Riordan, City Clerk 2,051.16 302.11 9.14 3,293.05 100.00 385.00 100.00- 5.00 5.26 Res. 2 Page #2 17 F. J. Rose Company, Water 18 Standard Oil Company, Water 19 George W. Wyeth, Water 20 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Fire it (Auto) • • 34,770.72 27.50 TT . `22 24.75 637.45 100.00 34,798.22. QU" UPUCA= atiS 04 aT. TO CRY CLERK F—D-34 IM 12.22 nna otn No._._ SQ By AUDITED–. lY. :T .. _ -_.-.192/' . v... ......_ , .. -. .._.._ ._._.. _ _... -.... 15,576.3.1 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--.-. ----- ------------ ---------------- -..-..-----, covering - ® checks numbered --21..... ------------------ ---- to.._95..--.-------------- --.-...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( r ) Nays. N -3 1924 's Clancy, Adopted by the Council ------- JA --------------------2- ------------ .---192'------ Ferguson, In favor McDonald, ----------- 192 eimer Approved------------- 3-02Bt_.:.------..._-T.. r Matsatt; 3t�h �-AN-- Peter, Wenzel. ---------- .-.Against Mr. President, Nelson C. P. No. 69625 Hesolved,That checks bedra n oni the City Treasuryy to the- a66regate amount o[ 34,$78.11;covering ahecka; numbered 21 to -23 laciuelve, ns -Der re.ieter " Ity checRe on ale In the oalce o[ in,' City Comptroller. 2 4 Adopted by. the Council; Jan. 3, 1924. Approved, Jan. -5,.39E4:- fJaa. 12-1929) e OIIIOINN. TO clTTc K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ....... 50(;23 F—Dsti IDM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS— SOLUTION FORM .In= NO....................`_.r......____... II3 !/AAAA iii?/rL 21 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance - L 1449 11,490.28 L 1450 3 864.75 r 355.03 22 Gilbert & Gilbert, - Assessments Rec. L 767 (P.I.R.F.) 23 H. P. Seller, Judgment & Compromise is 15,355.03 174,84 46.24 1, hip 1 p ._�H_/Y__1.........I.Il.�....._.......102.__..__ AUDI7E0.._. ... � - !/tl7 .. .. ........................ PER...... ._._........: ._....____`P'_LN......_...._..._. . "� •., � .- J ......MPf'RO .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_._15y5%6� 11-------------- ---,--.-, covering checks numbered ....21 .......................... to.... 2,5 ----......----...........inclusive, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. 3 1924 r Clancy, Adopted by the Council --- ..._- - --- -- ---------- --.192---• .-- Ferguson,--------------In favor -3 1924 McDonald, APsonP ed ......._JAN - - 192 - -- Mat,- Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. Against ----.....• -- ........... ---- .--.....--... - ...... . - - Mr. President, Nelson 's 21 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance - L 1449 11,490.28 L 1450 3 864.75 r 355.03 22 Gilbert & Gilbert, - Assessments Rec. L 767 (P.I.R.F.) 23 H. P. Seller, Judgment & Compromise is 15,355.03 174,84 46.24 "Belt Line -Phalen and Hazel PRELIMINARY ORDERS. I LV hernns, A welltr,.,t, osnl sur the '���� •, i c. E'. �e, coca_-- Counci] rile No. ... '-6 PROPO@maklnc et the rnuowmr sero„ot'emt,l. vlz.: t:unstruetinl; ng the "1". erty f llie tit. I'uul nrldge e Terminul Itullwn y, the ,'hicubu. Mil- :' wuukeuIh,ul 1WHII'ny, the Chl- .engo. I:urllnkton fi lluiue)'. [hu Stale. PREur Atin naso W. the \sansei pall Furest of si. r:\hl. n 1 leeeS-t,ty- !: [ Seetiun d, Turn 28 n.l the ti \\' The un icrsigned hereby proposes the ranking ot11Se fo ]owing P. " "` = "' nt by the City of St. Pan], viz.: +,.n •, .,.r\•rcr r .-n;r- `ham - ,+c' ^f +,ha ;t. r,=-1 7rid c u erllillSi:l _U2.-Lvay. Lhc lhio"o, leilwaukee and it. laul--il',way, the Chicago, Burli11L,tell and ::;uillcy, the State OC :'i:.Ihesota, the Lunicipal sorest of :;t. _Sul, • nd miscellaneous tracts, lyin, in the, L%., of .lection 4, Town 28y',.(Wi-e 22 vi. and the till., -it;;... Jeation 5, 'i'o'.;n 28, .aiiie 22, on a line described as follows: Con" encing at the intr,rsect ion of y_he north .,id a; nth quarter line of Secti-n 4, Tov:n :;6 :i- .,all, e ::2 with the joint i,,*ht .;f „ciy line of the Chic..: o, Jurli,i-ton a uinc/hey. and the 'rr_ic -o, :.il,aukee ,_nd .,to 2aul hy. 1576.46 feet south of the .1ortih line of :,aid erection 4 thence southeasterly uloiithe joint rd. -ht of way line of the C. ity. and St. z. .y. makin,; -n an, -le of 70 de sees 45 :.incites .✓ith the6�:id quL:rter li,-e 851 m .45 feet to ail iron ,,oliuent, thence on last desoribedline produced a dist'nce of 476.60 feet to 1 point oil the sever line. 2rom this point the sez:er line runs 6outhraestlrly ;"t �l u.l,, le of Gu degrees, 51 minutes, ,with `r.e 1L-11 df;scribed liihe to the r and northeasterly at the same uI le a distance of 199.85 feet; I p Is Thence to the ri ht by 1h ahs le of 59 de�rces, 11 I::iuutes, } a distance of 420.68 feet; {{ Thence to the left by ail angle of 61.> decrees, 02 n.inutes, distance of 721.92 feet; =hence to the ri ht by G1h a -i le of 20 de roes, 01 :::irlutl_s, a distance of 992.90 feet; 'hence to the ri=ht by all ;ah_ le of 30 de, r' es, 05 ;:inutes, a 1- dist=nce of 309.00 feet; Thence to the left by ash an le of 47 (le - i- 24 ,inutes, a distance of 340.50 feet to a point on the cent,lihle oi' the roint Dou las :-ioad 863.1 feet fron, the intersection of the center li._os o burns Ave. and the Point Doul -las --.o--d, -::ensured aloe the center li-e of the Point Douglas =.oad; Thence to the left by an arr,le of 20 de6rees, 03 minutes, Jistance'- of 754.10 feet to a point on the center line of Burns .'ve. 260 feet ?� east of the monument/at the intersection of EtnL. -t. _Izu ' urr_s ..cc. ; ~ Thence northerly dcross iscellaneous _'racts lyin_. between Etn;. 3irmineham .)t. and Burns Ave, and Conway St. in the 317Y of Section 35., Town 29 N..ange 22 to a point 135 feet i.orth of thr norlie th th of ..akefield Ave. alIT k8 feet east of the east lisle of _tna. thence east 100 feet; thence northerly to a point on the center lis e of Co_r: a✓ it.. 328 feet east of the center line of Etna :it.; Thence northerly across Blocks 18, 13, 8 and 3, )tinson's _'rances t. Addition, Lot 20 and Lot 5, Block 3, sirn:in,ham's Addition, Lots 5,6, 19 and 20, Block 2, Birmingham Addition and the wrest part of Block 6, Homes for the Homeless, to a point on the center line of :.:innehnh a it. 287 feet east of the center line of Ltna Wit.; Thence northerly across Lots 6 ' nd 7, Mock 14, Denslocl's `'earren, cn:erit of nest of Cruikshank's Garden Lots, and Lot 5, Block 8, De franchy's Division, and lots 1 and 12, clock 6 Lorena Park, to a point on the center lisle oS Har,.z>dy +- fit. tst u2 �ta c: ue3t 11,re U:l' L•'t:ttrl .t. ; to a point on the center line of=auquier -t. 177 feet east of the ee:et line of Etna St.; Thence west 102 feet aloe, the center line of iauquier St.; Thence northerly across Lots 5, 6 and 8, Block 6, Lorena Park, Plat 2, and Lots 7 and 6, Block 1, Lorena Park Plat 2, and Lots 10,11,22 and 23, Block 7, Fairchild and Howard's Rearrangement of part of Tracy's Outlots to a point on the center line of Kerwin St. 212 feet east of the east line of Tracy St. Thence northerly across Lots 9 and 22, Block 6, Fairchild and Howard's Rearrangement of part of Tracy's Outlots, to a point on the center line of Brand 6to 217 feet east of the east line of Tracy St.; Thence across Lots 6, 7, 8, 23 and 24 Block 5, Fairchild and Howard's Rearrangement of part of Tracy i5 Outlots, and lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Fairchild & Howard's Rearrangement of part of Tracy's Outlots, and the right of way of the C. St. P., M & 0. Ry., and lA scellaneous tracts lying between the right of way of the C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry. and Stillwater Ave. and Phalen St. and Duncan St. to a point on the center line if Stillwater Ave. 950 feet from the center line of Phalen St. measured alon-- the center line of Stillwater Ave.; Thence northerly across :._iscellaneous Tracts lying in the S'h4 of NW4 of Section 27, Town 2911, Range 22 W, between Prosperity Ave. and Ames outlots to a point 100 feet south of the center line of. Lechanic St. produced, and 240 feet west of the west line of Ames Outlots, thence northeasterly to a point on the intersection of the center line of Mechanic St. and the western boundary of Ames Outlots, thence egsterly on Lechanie St. to Duncan St.; e Thence easterly across Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 1, Ames Outlots, to a "point in lot 9, ten feet west of thefELast boundary and 20 feet south of the north boundary of said Lot 9, thence northeasterly across lots 10, 3 and 4 Block 1, Ames Outlots, and Yiscellaneous Tracts in lfd-y of Section L7, Town 29 N., Range 22 W., bounded by Maryland St., the north and south 4 line of Section 27, Town 49 N., Rgnge 22 W., Magnolia St, and the east -boundary of Maryland Heights Addition, to the center of the intersection of liaryland St. and Hazelwood Ave.; Also sewers on Kennard St. from ::aryland St. to Vassar Ave. On Lake Corso and Phalen Ave. Prom Pennard St. to -::hitt 3ear Ince. On Autumn it. from i:ennard St. to iihite rsear :_ve. On L"aryland St. from Duluth rave. to ,mite ."ear Ave. Gn hite Bear Ave. from a point 660 feet south of the center of 'Earyland St. to the north city limits. Also a sewer from the point hereinbefore described as 100 feet south of the center line of Mechanic St. produced and 240 feet west of the west line of Ames Outlots, West 200 feet parallel to Lagnolia St., thence northwesterly to a point on the center line of Lagnolia it., 190 feet east of the center line of Prosperity Ave., across Liscella.neous Tracts lying east of Prosperity Ave. in the SW4s NW4 of Section 27, Town 29 N., Range 22 Thence on Magnolia St. to Prosperity Ave.; Thence on Prosperity Ave. from 1+:agnolia St. to Jess&Liine St. Thence on Jessamine St. produced to the west side of Phalen Creek, thence on land owned by the City of St. Paul in a northwesterly direction to Maryland St., thence northwesterly in Phalen Park and adjacent to the western boundary thereof to the line of Ivy St. between Earl St, and _rank St. produced; thence west on Ivy St. to Earl St., thence north- westerly along the boundary of Phalen Park to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., thence west on Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to Payne Ave. Also sewers on Greenbrier Ave. from Lake Como and Phalen :eve. to Hoyt ,ve. On Hoyt Ave. from Greenbrier Ave. to Payne Ave. On Margaret St. from the main sewer approximately 190 feet west of Birmingham St. to Hazelwood Ave. On Hazelwood Ave. from Margaret St. to Beech St. On Beech St. from Hazelwood Ave. to .,hite Bear Ave. On ',nite Bear Ave. from Beech St. to :innehaha St. On i.'_innehaha St. from Etna St. to the East City Limits. On Hazel Ave. from Linnehaha Wit. to Yargaret St. On l:argaret 5t. from Hazel Ave. to a point 626 feet east or the east line of Hazel _eve., thence south across Lots 7 and 20, Bloc'.: ::Obert L. -are's Bas tern Heights to East 5th it. / Gn ..heelock Iar},-way rom :reenbrier Ave. to -ayne -we. n heelock Par -Way from he Co�:o __r_d , lcn T. to ..alsih ..ve. :n iuluth :✓f, fro:a a point 83 feet south of the center of ;._4r;l.nd I uc _ .hr _ro�perity �io:.i �c:;;;a::.i.Ie �� ._.cl,• _ 'err _iL;her it._from rro„perity -.;e, r to _:ary -1 did fc and ., r._.�_lcn .t. o ;;.e main sewer approzirsately 220 h Jt east ,r he e . � line o_r_:c✓ Ave. n Hal:til.%rne 't. rro:a wrath ..v.. ' o the slain sever in Zi--al en en =rl- CIe<,cribed .,hove. Gn Or Iirre Wit. fro:: ... c to the L -in server in escri',ed auove. Phr_len -Park Gu 'sera: .t. from Hawthorne St. to Ivy St. to�nYv _it. from a point 660 feet ;✓est of the center of Earl 3t. -lso constructing gulley drains and catehbasins at the followinc street intersections: Earl Street and Hawthorne Street 1 1, 11 Orange n Ivy If I? Hyacinth " it if it ?orest 'r Clear" Is Lendota IF Forest 11II 1 " Co11L&'' " . E. " Mendota St n rr u DeMendota rr nny IT IT Forest r1 " n Mendota It All of the above to be known as the "Belt Lin ---e --Phalen and Hazel Park Sewer System". r I - 1'nunriluuw. PREUMINARY ORDEIR. II'IIVUEAS, :A written proposal for t I w making of Uu• f, -11-%i119 11 -1-1, wiz.: Constructing a sewer crossing the property of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, the State of Minnesota, the Municipal Forest of St. Paul, and miscellaneous treots, lying in the NE6 of Section 4, Town 2811y,Ra1ge 22 W. and the NIYs-NWI, Section 3, Town 28, Range 22, on a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the north and w uth quarter line of Section 4, sown 28 N, Range 22 W. with the joint riC.ht of way line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. and the Chicago, L'ilwaukee and St. Paul Ry. 1676.46 feet south of the north line of said Section 4, thence southeasterly along the joint right of way line of the C. B. & a. Ry. and C. M. & St. P. Ry. making an angle of 70 degrees 46 minutes with the said quarter line 864.46 feet to an iron monument, thence on last described line produced a distance of 476.60 feet to a point on the sewer line. From.::.this point the sewer line runs southwesterly at an angle of 63 degrees, 51 minutes, with the last described line to the Mississippi River, and northeasterly at the same angle a distance of 189.85 feet; Thence to the right by an angle of 59 degrees, 11 minutes, f a distance of 420.68 feet; Thence to the-3eft-b7'an angle of -66 degrees, 02 minutes, a distance of 721.92 feet; Thence to the right by an angle of 20 degrees, 31 minutes, a distance of 992.90 feet; �- Thence to the right by an angle of 30 degrees, 06 minutes, a distance of 309.00 feet; Thence to the left by an angle of 47 degrees, 24 minutes, a distance of 340.60 feet to a point on th8 center line of the Point Douglas Road 863.1 feet from the intersection of the center lines of Burns Ave. and the Point Douglas Road, measured along the center line of the Point� Douglas Road; c 20 degrees- 0S anoe ari.st or tLa wnasst nt the int ore cot los oY taw-+ ' t_ na Buz'zim a Thence northerly across PSisoellaneoue Traoto lZi et -OW -4 "ofeSeptiona34,`�na Birmingham at, and Burns Ave and Conway Town.EBjAT% Ranged W• to a point 136 feet north, of the•:,north line of IN Is d Eve. an¢ 2�g ;�eet� seat of..the; eget line of Hina St., thence ea> t lfl.4r e+� � hen s@ l�Ort e'rXy d a point ,On the center line 6f Oonway St. $28ee$' esgt o th6 ae?0.tpr ine: o Etna St. i 8xld- 3 stirison' H Frsnces St.. Therag b �': a4 loo - r' b $lp'� Birmingham H Adfli Jo�ti8it. Lots. y6�adit, dot 2E� soil . * Addit on end the ;treat pa#�F af::Blook 6 Homes. ' 2QBloa]C $, Binitghem a of adianeheha st f Yos the �ae%eps, tit a paint Ott 'e aetea� east of a desAter, eB r r Lois b ani ;' $loRk` 14 Denslotr B $eaaaem@ ^apenfthe� R d OaFaeu 7!R. and kPt b.loa3c��, �e i�ranohy s.. a lata wad, tbEs psiht'On,the yentex rt b1-vii�,�oio►, sY} Bloblc 6 :.�d��a �aAX xk, ��. �' 3yne o3��Hda �t�'E2Q feet east g the oast"line Ilt�da t+� 'i'84 e nar or v,serQeB "LRts $. 3 ,dna 12, Block 1, Lotena:'Tar&, to a fi��le tt6nt8r ]ane of Fatlquier St.• 79 set" -eget O the east �� ,rrea:� 1qB teat a1.� tho; getiterj lino;•of �augvier fit. i ThenoB�itorth+�7F1 ° aorosB rZots S, .6 end �► lotlk 8, . ane � .. � .>2+ tH t k $lat,Yr ane+Ots` 10r71,F.8? Saa •�3, sna �¢i s n 6, Block. U orens. , Af '1'raay' a' OutTots 'B3 abhs" siichilti' dna �awaxa� s.:8earraogemerlt of pert tRLp417tt�on the Qellte� 7aie o$e=wlri 3t,7 fill, feet east ofRthe east l 11ne�,of Tracy S ;, Block 6 'Fs-irohliland a t. Howaid' H r '�h,eias �Iuirther7.� aoxoeH��ats 9 '8]l$ 2$',' . Eearxemei3t of part o.Trapy'a Ont3otB, to s oiTit on tb$ oei►ter line =feet. eget b_ the":east line`. ogra4 Thence across Lots 6, 7, S. 23 ana 24Block 6, Fairchild �L;snda t` Howatia o Her - g \Tk q.tl Bl �1i a 'YE�� +Yrs ata 4in8F c ' att&'thR xtt 0:• r a't o ��teoeue nit ���.� op,`tha center Dhnoaa 3t, to- 8$it, etfl�tr8ter•:AYe%. Phalen' 2�aa ,,. , l'9Kl� et 1`Rm the vaitIet',l a o3 PX>glea Sty line of S'ti131tgater Ave., meaeied along the center line of Stillwater Ave.; in the SW* of Thence northerly across Misoellaneoue Tracts lying _f of a¢ation 2�1,' Town 29N 'Range 22W. betwed,11- eperlty, qe. aric Ames�ntlbts-to a point 100 Peet south of the aenoer�l se0ntlo ehathence St: produced, and 240 feet west of the west 1tiI f, ► ;noxsheast9�'l,Y +to ;H' point orr, !$9�eertiv?�t` P� the a?e€'e �►f �[., Qp r nlie.I ee tlots3 -throe e�sterjrg$�r TTi a $, abrola$ L6tt .pnt3,etg, to s po fid :S, # s ,baun8rar�adea l8 ` boY sai Let,, ` e;gg4,1korthear3ter ani 03 the b bounna� �i dna st: , the of seat�bl i'otrli 29'x,, age+f, �; I�aga6lia nortt-41 exld .doa�h line. of 'Sectson{fifi: ,Towne' 9 N. Sty::ane the east°,boaar� y sYid Hei 'ts`,^'Addition; to.the.: center of o''Mar 1 l "O-DeII2"-- TO. Oa--TB'988.r Zr;;' :rw m'SeaaBra' On Lake conic nae Phalen ave from Kermard St. to white Bear Ave. On Autmna St. from Ilennara l ,a to White BBar $ve On MSland 3t N;. tttb - s.� a4t teV'$Bear Ap�R dal. eek' `9 ►c K m4 sr pddnt B ee ' eotCbh d tlteA ovntel' •, r tm�tB�i • r ttif $' fit. 't'e the x10ih f`"ao s eoeiox f bm frh# la�f tS a ie�lo�cii�od +x04'feet soil Of Afd0f6h"+ a34gbtla ESQ �96t IAn ,O� t)te v t •4 E. v qR '$t r , y ea lis fir. 1�0 thezYa �o�dne s� ltagaa Of lr.,ld;W VZlanehtk TtaOt eaB: O'"0v�KrinO'sett'i0n xaAiRi''.B�J .J Y venae OS CI.Hi S . Theriaea oliY Prbtt ins •e�ityn Oveeio�i Stt to .de>asau}st , TTiene aid aegsmine st. p3a`4.`. d stiVr et stile g# Phalen`Creek,, thence ' _hiAter�peption tp . on Sazt�ilq bar the o a. , Yat eaA adC�aaent tat t]> q., * 4 $ (4tht west" � i��s�.'@R r �''�i�&,' i� •Bt• 1iRttUeeu Hart St. FoIi to �,ono anis jha On on Lake Conic a^h��si A.'.:to gayue Ave. Ave. ta�1,.y�IIer ,��G'ear $nom �&�@ ei�,;na Bila Phalen APe, t0 .HQ,�'t . .. 13n ` `$ ,`Avera f;rom bx+ae�lb*ior Ave, to Payne ASR•' fln �Sa3k St"s from the m$n setter appxo�cimate�y 190set 'weat ai BiiCm�am-st. to Haselvoo�AAs, swsoi! Ave. ,From Idarg&=`et st. to Beeaii spa Bee a tt ,:from $eli9lwdod'Ave. to shite Bear, Ave. pn I9h1 est Ave. 3=om"beech 3t. to MinneHaha 9t. On IS1 St. from EtiiB St. to the East City Limes. a on Hazel Ave. from Minnehahe, St. to Margaret St. On Margaret St. from Hazel Ave. to a point 626 feet east of the east line of Hazel Ave., thence south across Lots 7 and 20, Block 4, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights to East 5th St. on iheelook Parkway from Greenbrier Ave. to Payne Ave. On 'Wheelock Parkway from Lake Como and Phs.len Ave. to Walsh Ave. On Muth Ave. from a point 8 a 3 feet south of the center of marylnd ot. to 'aryland dt. On Prosperity Ave. from Jessamine 9t. to Fisher Wit. qn-Fisher St. from Prosperity Ave. to Maryland St. On Brand„3t, from Phalen St. to the,main sewer approximately 220 feet east,n:f the east line of Tracy Ave. On Hawthorne St, from Duluth Ave. to the main sewer in Phalen i'sr esgr.¢hd4 above' E - Gn range '3t from Dalutha',q she main Seiv`in'�Ph Park' decrib • On �' tFjYhoxTl�:..Bt;w -� to �°Stn. ,. AikY Jt� t�ti�ar T s g alt Sf net t o the ae�Ater o:Earl St, etc hb$rlixl@ at the fo] leaving Bar 0�: altrn�l P S'r r a $treat ilser+aeR#fit �e stn �i . •.�`8ax1,;Street "sad ��aA��? _ .;, ' oft ' at + a �.� earJ' 'YM 4 apove to be �alotru ha tho n8e1,--Phelea All pf tkCe ., ., said SasAI ork'8ewe�r 3ya en►"• L Y t uq 0 zu t 0 T'. r .7, --M3 17 11 GT -0 E, - , �-j -- YJ V BTS 34 7 ----------......................................................... -- - ---------------------------- ............... ........ - .................................. — . ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pilot therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to tile Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN -3j 9- 4 YFAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Approved J. A N 3..19- 4 MATSON McDONALD PETER WENZEL------------------------- �/ ........ .................................. MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) 11 TERMBDIARY UADER9 0 606E6 �� tructlne a new14 '••••••••••• ...... ­In It, 'th'"0,a'...... , ' k 31, ;St. -Paul Proper: the West iTERMEDIARY ORDER .heeouthenY' line of .the We ' Levee and-•tppRRa openln6 sad dth oL ei�Atyh(30) ,feet tromtthe ter1Y line.bf'tha Weat Side I.e�ee. o northoilY'llne of�Fillmore. .............. `Ihn dernnini; and [aking a H............................................................. ;:ht easemet in all. land an. - '.aents'thereon neceasgr) natraauaa a�eiof a a�ahse C0118t;. v wl�,• abert Street Bridge extending from the So utherY l line of a v, , alley''° a+d aina extending St. Paul Proper, southerly to the southerly line of the u rh ;nei f sf 11, nd n the opening and widening of South Robert Street to a i+e 5,ty,..1 nhaw' n e[t, .�xsa�-� la iea-ane seas. `t0) Peet from the southerly line of the West Side Levee to the il. cues er,;'te of Fillmore Avenue and and taking a permanent easement in all land and improve- ments thereon necessary for the construction of a new Robert Street Bridge including the land occupied by the piers and pier foundations and extend- ing from the southerly line of Second Street to the southerly line of the West Side Levee as shown on attached plan colored in red and described below under the heading "Permanent Easements for Construction of Robert Street Bridge"; also condemning and taking the land and improvements thereon necessary for street purposes and stairway, as shown on attached plan colored in yellow and described below under the heading "Condemned Land for Streets", also Condemning and taking a permanent easement in all land and improve- ments thereon for the Construction of Retaining walls as shown on the attached plan cross hatched in yellow and described below under the head- ing "Permanent Easement for Retaining 'Walls", K Permanent Easement for the construction of Robert Street Bridge. A strip.of land 81.33 feet wide extending from the southerly line of Second Street to the southerly line of the West Side Levee, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Second Street - 10 feet westerly from the old center line of Robert Street between Third Street and Fourth Street extended f to an intersection with the northerly line of Second Street, and ending at a point on the southerly line of the West Side Levee - 10.1 feet easterly of the present center line of South Robert Street, also a five foot wide strip of land on either side of the above described 81.33 foot wide•strip adjacent to the north abutment, Pier #1, Pier #2, and the south abutment, all exclusive of any present existing city property and rights within the above described boundariesi Condemned land for streets. Ah,that part of Lots 5, 6, 9 and 10 in Block 1, Bazil & Robert's Addition to St. Paul, which lies between the present easterly street line of South Robert Street and a line 20 feet easterly and parallel to same. Also a strip of land of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision 18, adjacent to Second Street described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Robert Street - 6 feet northerly of its intersection ,with the northerly line of Second Street, thence westerly and at right angles to the west line of Robert Street, a distance of 15 feet, thence southerly at right ,angles to an intersection with the northerly y Second Street. Permanent Eae'ement for Retaining Walls: A strip of land 13.33 feet wide of Lots 6 and 9, Block 1, Bazil & Robert's Addition to St. Paul, adjacent to the above described con- demned land for street purposes, also that part of Lot 10, Block 1, Bazil & Robert's Addition, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection'of the above described neer easterly line of Solith Robert Street with the northerly line of Fillmore Avenue northerly 23.8 feet _ thence at right angles to the right 10-33 feet, thence 42.56 £es to the ''er3jji zfd'parallel to South Robert Street, thence at richt enKles deft to the intersection with the nely easterly line o£ South "� s.. ne Of Robert Street, a u���o��_ -- ..right angles to an intersection with the northerly line of Seoorid'Street. Walls: Block 1,Bazil , maiient.Easement for Retaining A.atrip.ot-land 13.33 feet wide of Lots the aatiove described con- atreet purposes, also that part of Lot 10, Block 1, &' Robert;' a Add�ltlon to St. Paul, at the demned•land for Addition, sazil'&`Robert's A t described as follows: line Seuth Robert intersectio of the above described new easterly 23.8 feet Street with he nor' rto line of the rights 10.33 feetllmore nuthene I ceh42158 feet north - thence at r ht ang thence at right angles to the erly and para .lel to South Robert Street, left to the i�tion with the new easterly line of South Robert St. .................................................. approved ... 1.82.3..................... 024A.............approved ..R6A...J,�,.. under Preliminary Order.......&. ort of the Commissioner of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the rep the above improvement, and having considered said repos; roved and adopted, and the said improvement 1. That the said report be and the proceeded with. same is hereby approved is hereby ordered to be .............. h' h the Council recommends is............ 2. That the nature of the improvement w c line of southerly to the southerly line of the Construct a new Hobert Street Bridge extending from the southerly alley in Block 31, St. Paul Propering and widening of South Robert Street to s West Side Levee and the opening width of eighty (80) feet from the southerly line of the West Side Levee o the northerly line of Fillmore Avenue and Condemning and taking a permanent easement 'in all land and improve - the piers and pier foundations and extend - including thereon necessary for the construction of a new Robert Street Bridge including the land occupied by f the ing from the southerly line of Second Street to in red and the southerly Nest Side Levee as shown on attachednt plan co lfororedConstructiondofcRobert ts below under the heading �� and taking the land and improvements thereon Street Bridge also condemning as shown on attached plan colored. necessary for street purposes and stairway, in yellow and described below under the heading "Condemned Land for Streets', also and taking a permanent easement in all land and improve - Condemning walls as shown on the menta thereon for the Construction of Retaininand g, walls as under the head - attached plan cross hatched in y Walls", ing "Permanent Easement for Retaining from the southerly line Permanent Easement for the cide onstruction of Robert Street Bridge. A strip of land 81.33 feet w lineeofathenWest Side Levee, the center of Second Street to the southerly at a point on the line., -,of which is described as follows Beginning from the old center northerly line of Second Street - 10 feet westerly and ending line intersection with tween Thir northerlytline ofreet dSecond hStreett extended o also a five at a easterlynofothehPresantecenternline ofSouthRobertide evgS�tr et;0al feet aide of the above "soribed6l.33 foot foot wide strip of land on either the wide strip adjacent to the north abutm�eS8ntlexistngicity 2and Property and south abutment, all exclusive of any P rights within the above described boundaries- azil & Robert's Condemned land for streets. 9 and 10 in Block 1, B street All that part Of Lots 5, , and gra resent easter y Addition to St. Paul, which lies bli oe20 fnei� easterly lineSouth Robort st: oot azd a a a scan line Ot' S � oint, on the•. atr P o an ° ° Beginning at a P same. Also a follows: of•its intersection described as — 6 feet northerly and at right to Second street Robert Street thence westerly feet, thence wepterly line.o line of Second Street, a distance Of 15 line of the northerly Robert Street, with the northerly With the west line of to an intersection les t° at rig angles gaail epItherly:. ht n6 Walls: and'9, Block 1, con- tredt. staining Seoondgerme�nentIEasemant for R wide of Lots fi above described and 13.33 feet to the t 10, S strip;of,l Paul, adjacent art of Lo Block , I ddition to St• also that P at the &t Robert a A street'PurPoses, as follows Beginning bert d for ddition, deserlbed ew easterly line of South 8 feet 8ernnedlan described n Bazin &"RQbarofsthe above ore Avenue northerly intersectio ther7.y line of Fillmore thence 42.58 fegtto the hg nor the right 10.33 feet, at right angl Street with les to thence South Robert St. thence at r ht aeasterly line of arty and para;,le1„ South, aiththe new easterly ,EM ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..31.05.5..67... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....26t1i........ day of Jarivaxy.............. 192..4.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN -3 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... 19 . .... i JAN -31924.. k:'.r%..�: ............... Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. i Mayor. Councilman Clancy !� Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED '1 Councilman McDonald Councilman 22a2m[ Peter Councilman AMXXX Sudhe im er Councilman Wenzel Mayor bladg= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 I 5, ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..31.05.5..67... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....26t1i........ day of Jarivaxy.............. 192..4.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN -3 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... 19 . .... i JAN -31924.. k:'.r%..�: ............... Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. i Mayor. Councilman Clancy !� Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED '1 Councilman McDonald Councilman 22a2m[ Peter Councilman AMXXX Sudhe im er Councilman Wenzel Mayor bladg= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 560327 -s COUNCIL FILE NO............... .............................................. �r By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..grading. And -P&VArXg•JArPAXIt.@=.AYfle..f1"gil RkLyne, AVe.,,t0,,, �gertrgp ncluding,aewert water and has connections from street ula7uS..t.4.&xRPBxt.Y..�ries,egmp}ete,, where not already madep also curbing apd,pay,ing,driveway,apQroaches� where necessary, ..__........................................................ : F No*f e i `teye n the Natt ter of rfrm Q Qy ........................................ ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... IarpeAve. fro,,PdEdterton St.; lnel tjand gas connecon. ar _ �5Z6� �{ ril, ZQt , 19Z3. mains to property linea ............approved ....P..... ................... where. not already made, nlao. And paving dr1, y npD here necessary, ander Preuri. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner o mance upon order +ass e. approved April 28, havingconsidered said report, hereby resolves: The .Council o[ the Cl of fat, I having received the-roDort of the Com, "ola.loner of Finance upon the above�le and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement llmprovement. and_having conafdei�(eded with. me� Is: Th'hereby approved an as � the im rovement which the Council recommends is -grade. a . PaXe.... �d"-the eafd Improvement fe f. p dared to be Draceeded with. - That the nature ofIR 0 , ,fxom.�eY.X}e,�,ve, to,.Ed erton St. includingp sewer, fitwhlry.• nuncil reco l R t ... ..g ............. }.............. P....... .. on on St.. 9` c.ohne.Gt�on9.trot<1.9.txeet,mans,.to.Propert.Y lines complete, aar iia. . where. riot. ali'@a$e..iRade,, also„ctung. and paving driveway approaches, vrher.e. neAog15ArY.,.......................................................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 7.U7r.18.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......3.1St...... day of ..aw1mr$.......... 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..JA N . -3• -0924 • • • • • •. 192..... . -..i. Approved.......JAN -3 1924 ” .......... .....:`. ..................192...... ity Clerk. .... .. ... ..................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy MLiSNED_Z1 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman2kK9= Peter Councilman SMIMX Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor DbWUM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 501'28 M COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..eondemning..and..tsking.an. easement . An. .the..land. nacesaar.Y .... for.. slapes,..far..Cuts..and..fill.s. in .grading. Larpanteur. Ave...fr.OIO. P.4LY.I�B dQe...t P..dgert qn , St r.a.................................................................. ........................................................................... .order 45867.;. approve v Y'........................................................................... Council of the.'Clty' t St. Pahl reeelved tho .report of th Com- pp 2 emenpa dchaving ouseia red •4h2fz4............... approved ....6 RX:17... Q,..1-9213, ................ hai�'the ea a resolve tie �'LYty of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon e hereby . provnt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: e pafd InDrovq„ to Dreceeinat-the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement hat 1* re y ee ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..eondemn.and. t.ake. an ..... easement.An.the..lansi.neAesBary..far..$Jop.QS.,.f.QF.cpt.$, and•filis„in.... gra¢Mpg,j,a}2pSX}t�µ,Aye�„frgm,Payne, Ave.•,to,Edgerton• St., in accordance Iq1ti>.xh6.. Jufi.•print.•OretQced ..... partiOng. •show ing. the . cuts. and. the. ahade.d..portions. .showing. tha.f.i1,18, ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....2.5 ..00....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......; W......day of .... January .......... 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. v Adopted by the Council... U.N. •- 3 F92e1 • • • • •. 192 . . Approved......... A N .:.x..1:::.:192...... YClerk. ........ !c!.1 .................... i Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBI.ISHM — Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 122taM Peter Councilman Swift Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor2Xtg= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 50(129 .-J I COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. grading.and.paving. the..dri.vet¢ay..in..Phalen..Parlc.around. the ... southerly..a.nd..eA$ter.ly..shoreA . nP..Lalce..P.114].en. fxom.14Q. .... ttike.l?Pfit�?.City• Limits,.....................................................7............. �. C., F. No. 60629— :In the Matter or V riading and yavim[ -,the dveway In Phalen. Park around ................................................... the and easterly ahoree or Iske -Phalen from the nath House to •,•.':.2the-North CI[p Limits, under Prelim- ............ .. .. ...... .. ..... ,;-l Order •16283, approved April 20, """" •' • • .. • • • • . • 7 923. V.IU,g Coonoir'of the tory f st. Para .........a roved 6. ri1.20 192."x. ................. having-reoefved the report of the coin- ..45283. • . • . pp • • • P r miealoner of Flnsaca upon the above 1m• Iprove ntnt, and having considered said f St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon hereby resolves: g. p p -ora Tbat the said r&I-be aad the having considered said report, hereby resolves: same 11 he approved dad adopted, d the enld lmnroveme., v hereby or - an he proceeded with' be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement r t- h- r-bire f the improv.- ceded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. gr€ d9..4nd..PAVA , t e .... driveway..in.P.halen..Pork.er=deasirerly,ahoree of .... Lake.Phalep,frpm,the Bath Hpuse to the North City Limits, ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ............................................ I...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1°rl. .J9Qs.QQ.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 3.18t ....... day of 14nV,qu ........... 192.A.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i Adopted by the Council ... JAN. r.3. 1924......, � .. Approved......... JAN... -.3. 19 `.Y92...... ity Clerk. ........... ......... ..................... ....... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBL sum S Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 3scmx Peter Councilman ga$hx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Xmipm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 15Wit--10 �z COUNCIL FILE NO ............... `a)p By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..cons.truc:Ling. a. six. Sont.:cement..tile..sidewalk. nn—the. Meat $l de . A#..CJ eva]and. Ava.. Xrom .8a>adQ1Ph. M.. A-0 . �daQI -,kyp- 0 .................. ...................................................................................................... C. F. No. 60030— constructing a al- �In Moot cement the Slattale o[ sidewalk on tboi weet -alae of Cleveland Ave. from ........ ...... .... .. ... Randolph St. to Easel Ave. under (" • " pFellm+nary Order 19992, approved V-_ao. Isza. pp ..... NAV....3Q,..1923.......... I........ 'ha Ing � eelved the - ort otfthe Com 9992.. """"' • • approved missioser. of Finance upon the above St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon IImprovement. and having. "aaldered leald renor. hereby resolves: �ed ng considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said ^sport beand thei1,y d adapted,and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement _ with. ' of the• lmnrnv- 2. That ' .'n -'tffre of the improvement which the Council recommends is. a0nStrUQt..ft..$JX.;Coot • , ,..c,Q�@11t,..t,�.�,Q..��.deW�.lk� .QA. the• • w,e st • side, •Qf • Q�ege•],aI}d• Ave.• .from .Randolph St...LQ.�d&6].AYf3.,..9XC@PSS.W.1}pCp..gQOd.at}d.p.u#.fjcLe�it•sidevralks•,now exist, ................................ I.................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..I.Q.5—por..;'ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 31sL..... day of • •.....m1filry......... 192A.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. JAR.- A AWA ....... �w j . . Approved......�.AN. ..192 ...... Cit Clerk. ....... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PTftBUMIED Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 11MFt K Peter Councilman Smkltx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel MayorliotigMM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 5061' 1 D 'W. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By....y.......................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... 0=81MC.ting..4-AiX. 0At..C9J09I1 ..tib@.6. .dQw811{, oTl, the, West .....8i.dfj..o�. Ha�bl��ray..Sxxeet..#'r.4m .Wei t , Sev,g}�tp ,Street , tq, Adrian ,Street ,and .....on . the, . n,orth..s id e.. of . Adriala..Sixe.ei.. f;"om . �a tt�aygpy, SLF.Q et,, .6 0, ,Itlas ka ,Avenue C. F. No. 50631— In the Matter f foot cement the i side of Hathawa Seventh Street t n the north eh from Hathaway lvenue, under %ii60363.approvelf 7 Council of having received the lelouer of Finan Ifm -emen".heand Id report, reb, 1. That the aali �.IR hereby aD l5 hefeL�^aid imp " prof R Rlx..................................................................... west Next .t and..................................................................... oide�J 823 i. 5.0358.......... approved .... Il9.C... 7.$ e.. .................. 'St. Paul! he com- Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon e above neldered considered said report, hereby resolves: and the d the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement adopted, .hereby with. teria uImpreovament ip2. Thit rovement which the Council recommends is.Cons.truct.a.s.i7,.f.00t .....a6o18tlt..ti].e..Si.dsyl��,k.4A.t,1}e„west,aide,of,HathaWay Street from lYeat Sevantb .Str>3e ..t.G.AdI �l�t�}..StR4et„and„on.the„north, ai...._de of Adrian Street ,,.,,#;rp>Il,j�at��way„Street„to,p,ls.,ska. �yenue�..except where food and sufficient ..... ai dewa lks..naw..exi s.t 9 ................ ................................................... . ......................................................................................................, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... I.R5..Per.front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......3.10A ....... day of J8>t lory.......... 192.4.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN : 3 Adopted by the Council........ ...... 192a ....... 1 �. ✓> JAN -3 1924 ... .. ��..� Approved ......................... it Clerk. ........................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 2samxx Peter Councilman gffdtkx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Xadp&K Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ftLISHED 50,32 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..00n9.trueting. &. A1X. f.Ot1t..0@Tt19rit..ti1A.S.1d@@.alk. Ata. .i kl@, fest ....s3ds.nf..SnuLh.;Saratoga.Av.@riue..YF.om.&t�ar}f,Qxd,Ayenye, to,.St.,.Clair_ Street, ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 'C F. 47o.56652 -........................................... :. .:. �. ... .. .. .... ...... ..: In' the Meter o[ 4S rak'a.A a e x I foot cement to e, , a at o o , A— ag. 50359 ] $ 19`3 . side or south sa enue va ue ,.,,,,,,,,a roved DS.Cs .. �.. ................: from st r rd r n e ue - to -. r i . PP Clair Street. approved Dee, 19, as oraer<soass, npprovea pee. lfi, tssi 5t. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon The Council or the Citr of 8t. Paul . �misc ae elyed1 cee Ideon to the com. Ang considered said report, hereby resolves: provement, apd bavtns considered said and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement .report, DereDy' zeeolvesi t. That the-.eatd,reDort ba and the ed with. e is hereby approved and adopted.. .Veto a'la�'o a flea wits to heragr improvement which the Council recommends is.AOX tr.140t.e-.43A „foot - .)or the Improve- „ cej�ep#,, le„ si�9tacta lk,on, the East side of South Saratoga Avenue from $tallQ7c¢„Qv,Qpive„yo St, ,lair„Streett except where good and sufficient 9 ideyialka .now.. axis L, ....................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................ ................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.I.Q.rj.S0P...f3?pnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 31$1......... day of ......January........, 192.$..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN -3 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 .... .... ........... .. Approved........i.A.N..: 3.? z!�..192...... t lark. ...- .............. .. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson TIT, InT 17rr Councilman McDonald Councilman 2tJt]rMx Peter CouncilmantW tAx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hsau Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... T r By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...reeons.tructing,..relaying.and.repairing.xhere.neaeasaxy., s idewa lks, a a . fo 110IRs:.................................................................. . North.s;WA.Cortland.P.va...bAgLIUU11g.At..Dewe.s•St...tk>�nce..east..l fi'.... ..... North . a.i.de . RandalRb. fit... heginning..at . Alt�'ton .fit...thence.. east . J.34'... rSOAth.$�aQ. P.>' 0�@t.Ot�.S....be6f.ni Lam. ......... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ......4.99.93..............approved...N09.. .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul c. r No. 50633— 'ommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and Navin con m she Metter oU reconstructing. relay. ' p $ In R and repatrin� where necaesarY. aide 1ka as follows: 1. That the said report be and the North alae, Portland Ave. begin- ;ed, and the said improvement nin a[-Dewe3' St., thence east 166 f[. p is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . '`d gat Clifton St.nthence east b -Nn South Ids. Princeton St. begin - 2. That the nature of the improvemi ning at SU..st., thence weat_4o ft., ; ;s.. Y eCOnat1 Uct., .relay under Preliminary Order 49993, ny- proved Nov. 39, 1923. and,rep 1i !. A ter e, nQ cess a The council of the CIrt 1 St. Paul NB.:...... ... •, •,,, ,,_ ,, ,,, ulna received the report of the Com- �T } `gre of Finance upon the nbove ••.••.iQ.Y�•. •. •.•••.QZ.+�•n•••• f, and- having eonsldered side P Y a d Ayef, beg}23.; rebY rBeeivee: thence, east 156 aid vrreport °arann sa ci ae. .....North.s.ide.Randalph.St...beginning. '. :.i,bn•St...thence.aaa.t.J3Q�.. ?4Ath.5.ids.P.r�KlR@t.OZ�.S.t....begll?A FSB. t..SRe. St,t, thence, weat..4�......... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....0..7.Rer..sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......318t ...... day of .....January.......... 192.4.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... 4AN.r9.19a4....... JAN-3 19^., ................. ......................... Approved.........................192...... Clerk. Mayor. Councilman30=pKx Clancy PUBLISIiEp f — j — <� Councilman Ferguson --------- Councilman McDonald Councilman 2=9cm Peter ! - Councilman 296= Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor NNdggmx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 50�i 34 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..reaonstruntlug..re.la.ging. and. repairing. where. .necessary. ka.P$.XQ.11.QVA:................................................................... Esst..e�da. Snalliag. Ava...be.81nni,ag. 24..5l..north.of. . FgL1.r..F14P.Q. .tA1.PUAQ. i=t h. 45A..................................................................................... Wkir.re.4agle. Add. ................... . Np> th..�Ide.. al]y. aoe...b.agix�n l�g..2A.Q.'.??eet..o.#. AVQz�.tk�ence..weat. P4.:. under Preliminary Order....`?�� the Me The Council of the City of Sr.lwa% the above improvement, and havingl';al ' 41 1. That the said report be and tt fry is hereby ordered to be proceeded wi `in 2. That the nature of the imprc ,V. Coy c reg ..... and..rapair..ehere..naee Ver East side SnellingA, ^h .. ....."" a+ NQS! /. 3 0x..1923. trotting, relay- .................. here necessary t of the Commissioner of Finance upon Ave. beginning ,resolves: Place, thence a and s, Block I and adopted, and the said improvement is X'6�tOn9 t.L'RG1;., . X:6a.�y e she'sLQ11ow6............................. aeidsred . and the north of Fair Place thence ................................... .:�. .pprovedand adopted. I........ ....................... rovee_nt i, shy, t !,17 PRxtl�.f#5............................ ...................................................... 1p},Pxorlt„Q ,�gts}, 2,,,3.,aZtd, 4,,,B1pck,6,x.AJ Lprendale.Add ..................... :.Nnrih .s id e..Hnlly_..Ave...bsing.2Q0!..east.nf.Avon.thenca.e.es.t.22'. with no alternatives, and that the estimateit thereof is $... .Q7..ppT.gguare foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 3.lSt......... day of .January........., 192..4., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of. Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. 4 A N 3.1924. _ . . , 192. JAN -3 1924 L . ... Approved. ........................192...... t Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman » Peter CouncilmaniftHM Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayoras Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 PCTI;TISIiGiS I — s _r- IN fd^ .%ti .I r .. CITY OF- ST. PAUL �OaOUNCILNo._-_soli $ty y . l�e • ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY L.R.r ✓-.._..... D� Jan. 4th, �;9• 3. ;STONER_ ............ ___....._......_R....._'5....___I''er(�U6......._._._. _. .__....__..............._.. ATE_........._....__................. . RESOLVED WH:tEAS, The Commissioner of 3dueation has reported to the Council in aceor6.ance with section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an eneroency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set"forth: NA1'� TITLE TI10 RAM TOTAL Ralph Caliendo Maintenance Lab.462 8 Hr£. 509 $4 00 J, P. Crofoot Common Lab. 464 16 45 7 20 George Mayer Maintenance Lab.2585 2 50 1 00 Charles Waldo Building Lab. 5436 2 55 1 10 C. F. leo. 60676—ny L. R. S. Ferguson— Whereas, the Commissioner of I.du- clion hes reported to the Coun- •11 In accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary e employment ocertain enep Joyce, of his department for more than their': ual hours of employment; therefore. CQ It. Resolved, That the proper city offl- a e hereby authorized to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise 0xed In extra employment' fi for the sten employment far extrn time hereinafter set forth. Ralph Callendo: -Malntenance Lab. 462, Cr 6 bra. at 6015—$4.00, J. P. ofoot, Common Lab. 464. 36 hell. at 461$7.20. George Mayer, 1lfrUm enance Lnb. 2665, 2 bra. at 60,--$300. Charles Waldo, Ruilding Lab.1136, 2 hr.. at 660—$1.10. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 4, 1024. .Approved, Jan.4, 1624. j ' (Jan. 12-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Co cil_. JA.N...-.4 1924 _ .192._... ✓ Clancy / 6Perguson Appro e 6' McDonald- s1.aN '.4.-r.'°.1'!�:-- --IMcDonald�� In favor - � Aide ()✓�C _. _.. .__._.... _ ...... --....__ ✓Peter _Against c Meson �e14eel•- [! Mr. President r rr POR!d 110. I . r 4th 192 3 .Ln er.ierSeacy h --,s risen in the D-_>r.rt :.:nt of ::aucation, 3ureau of Schools, rendering necessary tho enployrjent of car— tain employes of that for more then night hours per day, in doing the p1lowin6 work: Cleanin Schools This u,a-�rg::ncy ^.rose by roc.son of the follcwing fccts aid circiastmcas: Suo::tituting i'or janitors mho are ill. his roport is in ccord:.neo with Suction 53 of the Charter. �- J QUADRUPLICATE T Cr- CLERK F— D-84 IM 12-22 0 0- enosern No ........... 00 36' I B CO... AUDrMD 1924 192 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMregate amount of $ .................. covering checks numbered ........ 2a ---------------- to ----------------- ..-.-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ; ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, In favor w,McDonald, t6nmr, &Mdualmea— P,Peter, we"rd_. 1_._�.ApIainst Mr. President, Nelson Adopted by the Council - ---- . _gj2 ... . ... 4. .1924--. . j . .. Approved 4.1924 ............192.....--- M ........... 192 -------- C -F,e_I, T I checlta be drawn On the 4CIty Treasury. �gl Tre ats urytO the aggrhgak mount bg numbered 28 In Inclusive, s pxeOr all— er the lClty Comptrollere in the Adopted the Connell .1924 . Approved, n. 4. 19 4. (Jan. 12-1924), M I Form D-34 1St 12-22 • • OFFICE OF TH CON'TROLLER AUDITF,D CLAIM RPS LUTION FORM P1LE 7 JAN 4 1924 93 I BV.. CAM TR .....R PER— Resolved ER.................... _........... _.. _ .... 42 965.09 .. covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$...........l.------•--------•----------•---- ... checks numbered- ...........2$----------------- to ........ ..... _.4J..__..._...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. e JAN — `+ t924 Adopted by the Council.----...__..---.-.. -----._....--. —.192..----- JAN —-� t924 App owed.... - ..._._............. ------- ..........._...........-..........._MAYOR 50 ------- ------------- 28 The Berger Manufacturing Company, 87.95 °Schools 29 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company, 3,690.78 Water 30 Consolidated Electric Company, 370.50 Schools 31 General Biological Supply House, 37.61 Schools 32 J. i9. Hulme Company, `iClancy, 453.06 . L., Ferguson, In favor ✓McDonald, ,-Peter, to 87.20 _.... .....Against _Wwtad— ✓ Mr. President, Nelson 1t JAN — `+ t924 Adopted by the Council.----...__..---.-.. -----._....--. —.192..----- JAN —-� t924 App owed.... - ..._._............. ------- ..........._...........-..........._MAYOR 50 ------- ------------- 28 The Berger Manufacturing Company, 87.95 °Schools 29 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company, 3,690.78 Water 30 Consolidated Electric Company, 370.50 Schools 31 General Biological Supply House, 37.61 Schools 32 J. i9. Hulme Company, 453.06 . C. H. & C. H. 99.90 to 87.20 1t 240.00 Police 11.28 Schools 14.68 ! 33 Geo. W. Keys, 140.00 Water 34 Minnesota Chemical Company, 16.17 Water 35 Patterson Street Lighting Company, 12,270:51 Lighting a Res. 7 Page #2 36 Pittsburgh Plate Gls Company, Schoolsr 37 Ransoms Concrete Machine Company, Water 38 The C. Reiss Coal Company, Water 39 St.Paul Cement Works, Schools it Bureau of Parks Water 40 A. P. Smith Mfg. Company, Water 41 S. S. Spencer Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) Water 42 Thornton Brothers Company, L 1757 43 Williams Box Lunch, Police 0 505.00 188.60 247.50 6 1, 10 15.40 163.48 179$0 118.38 80.00 957.73 1,009.10 7,927.00 178.88 15,305.42 322.00 QUA RUMICATE W CM MMK No. TILE 50 33-7.... Form D-34 IM 12-22 0 0 AUDITED._........ 3 BY .. ..... .. ... .............. verin Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMregate amount of 2,,jD-qQ-73.... .. ................ . . checks numbered -------- 25 ---------- ----------- t3tx ........... ... ----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( if ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. !-Clancy, '<\ ,,-Ferguson, -V In favor G, -McDonald, MwCtr- Sudhal Peter, Vhqrml- �.Against V`Mr. President, Nelson Adopted by the council �.A _N__- 4 .1.92:4 192..----- --- Approved-. - . ------ JAN -4 1904 -- --- --- -- .....192- C. ---- 192 --- C. F. No- 111,1;T, checks b? Revolved,the CI[5• TreaeurY• to ' c a g, heling check c."i.tel 0"0""' of city amount0 'a, per r19 numbered 2 in the office of the City 1� 'h A 1-1` oner. 3. 1924. C,re trot i Connell Jan. p ' in "J A Pied Ad. roeed. N PV ORIGINAL TO C- - F.- D-34 BI 12-22 E • OFFICE OF TRF. COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIM S—RE SOLUTION FORM 22"" No.... 5 eel_' JAN 3ij44 By MPTRO -1 AU A92 MR - 73 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ........................ covering checks numbered ------------------ .-..tom ........ ......... .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( V ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. - 4 1924. __ LI -Clancy, \ Adopted by the Council. ...... JAN ... ....... -- - - ----- ----192--...... '-Ferguson, ----- �-In favor JAN -4 1924 McDonald, 192 Appr ed..-- .j'fwM,r'- v" Peter, ............................................. W�T6 ..Against . ..... V41- President, Nelson ------- ----- ------------ .............. .... . ------------------- 25 H. P. Keller, Attorney for Loretta R. Rolph Mattocks School(Bond) 1,090.7;5 50638 ooun�i;e)No Ordinance No•-� =u=1— An administrative ordinance relating to the yepartment of Public Safety and increasing the salary of instructors bf school police for the purpose of defraying the cost of an automobile to be used in the City service. C. RNo. 60638—Ordinance No. szaa—� Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: BY G. C. Sudheimer— •An.adtninintrative rdinnncb relating to the Department of Pee lc Safety and Increasing the salary of In- struclors ofschool Pollee for the SEOTION I _ '....'purpose f defraying the cot of I•;�"aulomoblIs to be used In the City fdp,r0— The council of the City of St. Paul the salary of Instructor of school Police, Department woes ordain : fety, is hereby increased Fifty—five Dollars (055.00) secTlox 1. xch increase to be used in furnishing and operating an That the salary of Instructor f the City service and such increase shall be paid School Police. Department of Public Safety. ie heeeby Increased Fifty-five time that the incumbent thereof uses such automobile -Dollars ($66.00) per month, such in. j `crenae to be used in furnishing nndIeTViCe. pperauog n utor' a SityI 'earvlce and such •-- 't Only -forth. thereof ur..• SECTION II city ser;:: This ordingnee shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. SECTION III This is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered -necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Adopted by the Council JAK 22 1924 Yeas Nays Councilmen 70lancy , V Ferguson / udheimer eter / 17enzel !� Mr. President, Nelson Approved JAN.2 2 1924 Attest: Mayor City er aunbiSHED b� i ti ........ ......coUNc L No.-----_ --- CITY O� GT. PAUL FILE �, WHEREAS, The Council, by Ordinance No. 5885, approved October 4, 1922, authorized the issuance and sale of $1,000,000 of school bonds of, the City of St. Paul; by Ordinance No. 6080, approved June 25, 1923, authorized the issuance and sale of $500,000 of sewer bonds; by Ordinance No. 6081, approved June 25, 1923, authorized the issuance and sale of $500,000 of waterworks bonds; and by Ordinance No. 6179, approved December 5, 1923, authorized the issuance and sale of $500,000 of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds; and WHEREAS, The proper city officers, pursuant to said ordinances and the laws of the State of Minnesota, have duly caused to be advertis- ed for sale $1,000,000 par value of school bonds, $500,000 par value of sewer bonds, $500,000 par value of waterworks bonds, and $500,000 pax value of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds, and said advertise- ment required bids to be submitted on January 4, 1924; and AREAS, Buds were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, d and theipernt� bidJafof lythe Wells -Dickey was found Company, Eldredge and Company, an be the highest and most advantageous bid for all of said bond issues; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said bid be and the same is hereby acce i ted, and said bonds awarded to said bidders at the rice named, viz: 00,000 par value of school bonds at the rate 4 per 500,000 sewer par value of school bonds at the rate of er annum; bonds at the rate of 4�% per annum; $500 000 par value of waterworks num; and 500,000 ar value of Permanent bonds at the rate of 4% per an Improvement Revolving Fund bonds at the rate of 4 per annum; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in fixing the number, denomina- tions, date, place of payment, and form of said bonds, and also the notice to bidders thereon, and also ratifies and approves each and every adesa t Sinking boobeenconnection the offer other and isueofsaid ndsforeorafterthe adoptionofthis resolution. COUNCILMEN J AN - 5 1924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council . __. -_ __ _ 192 Clancy JAN - 5 19:4 ✓ Ferguson 1ppr ved 192_ ✓McDonald _... In favor Z OEM Sudheimeq� ✓ Peter Against. 4NUBLISHL13 Wenzel / Mr. President RESOLVED AF CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"E'`'NO.-------���I40 OF TH CITY CLERK ,FRnl IIT,t GENERAL FORM January 5,1924 That avblication t1o. 4547 for handling and selling Foodstuffs at 319 Rondo Street issued to Abe Rosenfield be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health for the reason that he has two families living in the rear of his store and the living quarters open directly into the store. He refuses to comely with the ordinance and they have had considerable trouble with him the past about other places he has had. _. .r" C. P. er— esolved9640—ThatBappli ationNo d m 4547 for handlingg and- selling Foodstuffs at '318 Rondo 8treal Issued to Abe Rosen. " field be and the same is hereby denied upon r mmendatlon of the Bureau Of Health for the reason that he has. two families living In the rear of his store and the living quarters open dl- octly late the store. He re[uees to comply with the ordippnnce and they have had considers bib trouble R. him the past about other places he has had. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 6, 1924. Approved, Jan. 6, 1924. (Jan. 12-1924) Zeas (SOU NI;I L\i 1:N Nays Adopted 1)y the' f uncll _ V' A.N-. - 5 1928.-.---A 92.."-.- lane t Ferguson A) )r ed__ . AN ' S 192 } ,r y NIellonald - _In favor r R�2tlstin Geo. C • $udheimer �' �----- MAYOR Peter - Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 50641 F- No_ OFT4CE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL RES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.___..._..._'-'_ ... ... ;� ............. e_ .. ..... . . .. . ....... ..TE ............ Janut ........... 2 RESOLVED That the application for license of the Y. M. C. A. for handling and selling Foodstuffs at 475 Cedar Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license unon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. COUNCILMEN I'l'lsNays (11ITIC3' Ferguson McDonald In favor AM�A Geo. C. Sudheimer Peter Against I/ welizel Mr. President C. p No 50641-13y G. In t CIiT C. C. mer— 1Uirej ReS01-d.. That the A. for .d. n for license of thevy6dziuii t45.Cedar and eellin6po I, hereby Street e tho 1erkle Instructed togo .dh:ll -.1C UP.n the Pan pent Into the city treasury of [he cus- tomary o.t. 'ry fee. : the Un.11, J... 6. 1924. Adopted proved, pted byjoo. 5. 1924. . t ( 2 .1924) Adopted bythe tin ell JAN . ..-_51924 192 5 101121� AP1*54ved...'. 192. V I ...... .... MAYOR (��a t COUNCIL No.-__-__-(� C1,42 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �`I IIN�� FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - DATE.._..__.._......_..._ ... .------- .---- .._.--- ........- PRESENTED BY H. C. wenzel COMMISSIONER___. .._... ......... _...... _...... _ _.... _. _.... _... _.... RESOLVED That the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, may have the use of the auditorium on January 71 1924, free of charge, for -the purpose of putting on a IRunicipal program, except that said department shall pay the cost of opening the building, such cost to be charged to Parks Fund 52-12-B-4, 1924. C. F. No. 60642—BY 14 C• lyrt 't Resolved, That the pub It. Bundt Poike, Playgrounds, a Inge, oty have the uae of the udl[or- Ium n January 7, 1924, tireeoo[acM nI- r the Purp, et putt ng clpal Program. xcePt t ostn Bald de- partment hull P¢S• the t t Den- i d [o eParkel Fund c62�12 �B �4U 1924,rg Ie Adopted by the Counen, Jan• 6, 1924' Approved, Jan.. 1924. (Jap. 12-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor � audheim / Peter ✓ -Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Coune"SA {.__-a.-?c'4 -- --- 192...._ J n n = t32a Appr ed_- 192._.-- -...- l ... J - ...... - MAYOR 6 ' C. R. \o. 50643—B, T. 14 -1 Donald-- whe Lr ae. the l'unLml.c�ioncr of I'ub- 'ti Iic Utillt'tee hay rCVni led t0 [he t�nun- ell. In a -dance n'Itl, SCctinn a3 of $� bieot: gy ,hCltyeci,a ter. u,e •>l..tene�.:,.`nfaAn ,. er�ener ..�nlo�, [ne r o,rtaln i,nlo>e4 f 6 I a nnhsment hiu r1,Part m�•nt •1� th., eight �r .athlan' ­1,1 1. h h ��!' 9 ur., mentdul,efnndr: :al hours of vn,lln5r�,•nt, thrrl—� '♦ gsolved, MIERFaS, The Commissioner o hC it �ed, That 1h,pruner it C 1-0, nuth�.: I�..' - ... n.•d ,n - tnas reported to the at. il, in accordance With Section 53 oi� r �.ty Charter, the existeSoe of an emergency Which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday; said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore be it .Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the folloWing named �+ employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time.,x hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SIINDAY REGMAARR RATE OF OVERTIME-" Julius Strcntz Building Lab. 8 55 regular rate Alfred Schauer paint. lab. 8 5¢ r " L. DeBruyaker Oiler a 4 4 S.W. Fitzgerald 16 n Bart Maidl' n 16 1 41 " 65¢ Roy Munson Utilitymsn r 1 n n P. Scott " 1 565¢ n 9S¢ „ W. Davis John Olson Ditch digger 1 55¢ T.M. Woodley Utilityman 3 64¢ n n JL Ditch Ditch digger 2 55¢ L. Milani „ 355¢ • " Sam 9ardtoci 50 Joe Vignali „ 2., 55¢ A. Vinoblli A. vinaelli ' 2 55¢ . n " McKinley Bruce Haggerty 2 Utilityman 5 J.J. 13 54; {I.. QoQQQ Joe Cook Ditch digger 3 13 55¢ n n T..Cutrone " 13 „ n 12 55¢ 55¢ n r 12 55¢ " L.. Gan# „ n 3 12 55¢ " ZWasoiotto 11 „ rr D. Msy} ar n n 12 55¢ n n A. ASOollo r 12 55¢ r I;, WCPerna L. Barrow Utilityman- 1 Del Pladoo 8P. ig*d n „ Thos. C. Disanto" 8 it 6 John E. Haemins ° 8 1 70 " n , H.A. Mennen 3 62 Sam Ranelli „ 6 " `t ,� &, v. AlexBnddr Ditch digger I 55¢ n 3' dohs Carlson o 1 55¢ " A.: 'Ch 1&t r, n 16 55 ¢ n do_#'markin ;rhos: Devine. Utilityman 16 50¢ " n „ rF ai1 Diers Ditch digger i 55� Gonshorowski „ 1 55¢ 70e v=appalie " " 1 55¢ �TeY` Kent " " 1 n 55¢ fat Johnson . 1550 Maurizio 55¢ Solbjor xq', • tLo H. Reiahow Foremen 8 n " 70¢ aper P. Cordson Ditch differ 4 12 55¢ 45¢ Manzke Common lab. 28 7 1 55¢ „ 1 •"Valento Ditch digger 5 n n e_o..C. Peterson Utilityman 8 13 65d 6. Fahey „ 8 1.16 „ 1.' Heary 3oaelin S. S. a,;r. „ J.P. Schwebaoh Utilityman 9 55¢ 50 0. Carlson Ditch digger 16 P _. FOR1d N0. 2 T ITLE SUNMY RQTAR FATE OF OOE11T_IME RAM Tiench filler 16 50¢ re;ulartate F.O. Fenton Ditch di„ger 16 55¢ J.C. a"asson 13 70¢ Carl Anderson Foreman B#Oek-d#;geruty. 6 2 5 2¢ „ S. Tuminello 55¢ "Valter Blodgett Ditch diger „ 1 55¢ ” P. Companario „ " 1 55¢ „ „ Frank Dielke 6 1 55¢ John Distler55¢4 „ „ 1 H. Kane „ „ 1 55 Wm. Keating 1 55¢ Amour K91U „ 1 55¢ A.A. Manthey 1 55¢ S.N. Oak n 1 55¢ 11„ Mike Walleri „ 1 55¢ ” Johnson 2 62¢ n n __:Swan Ed* Bruce Utilityman i 55¢ " OustRunquist Ditch diger 55 Jas. Hawkins " 1 24 55¢ n Ea. Kordell „ 1 55¢ „ Ira Andrews 1 55¢ " F. Lawrence1 55 R.D. MoCammon 5 Mike Alfonso Utilityman 11 20 13 5 11 " Joe. Branner " 3 5 A.M. Fiorito20 5 70¢ O. Iosne Foreman 3 59$¢ It I J. Saporito Utilityman 3 5 55¢ " Jas. Conley Ditch digger 3 55¢ Christ Grundtner 3 55¢ " 2i. MCDonous „ „ 3 3 55¢ " A. Newman " 3 5 55¢ „ Mat Roberto „ 3 D. oelli vin taint. Lab. 8 50¢ " Harris Lavellee 16 Thos. Peltier „ „ 16 50¢ „ Eugene S'ourville Utilityman 16 5� „ ' Jaok Hennessey e 5 " R. vanderhoff 16 5 ' ,Vm. A. Wolter Laint. Lab. 8 50¢ " Philias ballet , 16 50¢ Sam Popora„ 16 50¢ ” Thos. Sarsfield Building. lab. 16 55¢ „ " Chas. Phenegar 8 6 9� Jas. Dowling Foreman 1 5g.0 n ' J.H. 311stad utili„yman 8 5 n „ t Peter J. Hors =ggerling t Finisher Cement 4 la 2.00 1.00 2 ts. regular rat regular rate Chas. Frans Corey Building lab. 24 16 55¢ 55¢ „ John 1 " Oeo. Ingeldew „ „ 24 8 55¢ Jas. Kennealey „ 4 55¢ s. Sauro Otto winklesky " S•S• 'r'Sga¢pA¢ ® a 1.30 Reidar Nordquist mixer-Ra;r. Uty. 8 5 ¢ n Steve Martin Utilityman 12 55¢ " Fred Oran Buildin-3 Lab. „ 24 8 55¢ " H.R. Gillette 4 55 " VIM. Robinson Herbert Bueohner Uti3ity 11 13 5 "¢ 590 " Robt. teary „24 50¢ Joe Harkness „ 24Q 65¢ o. Peterson 1 � • Frank Davis John Aschenbrenner Christian Raver Raymond Schnell Oliver Wethern Anton Mollenkamp Ayes Counoilmen Naps I/Clancy c -'Ferguson lJ McDonald Peter .Sndheimer Wenzel /Lir. President - Nelson FORM NO. 2 TITLE SUMUY RMULAR Buildin; Lab. 3 n n 5 r 18 1 n 16 5 n n 8 n n 24 8 aaTa. OF OVQT= "On,, r 55¢ regular rate 55¢ " 55¢ 55¢ 55¢ 55¢ " Adopted by the JAN - 5 1524 1924 ! A N -5 1924 1924 , ,approve PUBLISHED 07" RESOLVED 50 44 COUNCIL NO.----_ Q CITY OF ST. PAUL vaE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cn11NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of opening, widening and extending blacelester Avenue to a width of 60 't. from Otto Ave. to Randolph Street under Preliminary Order C. F. 47170 approved July 19th, 1923. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson McDonald _-..._-__In favor 5udheimerG v Againat. Peter L/ Wenzel ✓Mr. President Adopted by the CounegAN ..... 5---1.924---__....192...... ......... ApM. ed.....JAN-.-- 5..1924..-----.192---- ...... ................ ....O......... 1 i"AL; s iLIJ ki i11 -1,11 y 1? !,Jl 5 I] ` � ti _ y t QUAMRU►LIGtT, parr or •r. —.1, TO CRY CUM Fotm 1)49! 1M M22 - { „tImi-m ,._.......JAN..5..,_._ a4 .; ......... _......... _............. —"....-.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--231.# J L - 6------• •••-•-- • coveri4 checks numbered..........J.�Tt.................... to......_ 5..%.......---- ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ` • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 'Clancy, Adopted by the Council ........ - .- .r. -- ^ --------- ------ ----192--•--_ 1/ Ferguson, .-In favor JAN - 5 1924 McDonald, Approved ....................-- ------------------ _..-----_------ 192-- .. gt_ audheimer '0 Peter,V -zel. -------Against President, Nelson / 4 a • 6 C. F. No. 60646— / Resolved. Thatchecks be drawn On the Clty Treasury. to, the aggregate amount f $11.930.66, covering checks gq numbered 63 to 67 Inclusive, a per cRla tet thea CltY Comptrolldco In the - --' o Adopted yJ the 6 the Jan. 5. 1924. _ (Jan. 12-1924) ) pIST OH .i. PMOL pa1GINAL TD ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoo=a,L Nt F— D-34 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIM$—RESOLUTION FORM HILs 9 AUDITED......... .. ........_ ...........192............ .... _ PER..._....._......._............_........._-...._.........__....:.. ............_.._ .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anretate amount of $._1119 •66 , coverinA ® checks numbered..........`�3.................... to......_5?. inclusive, as per resister of city, checks n file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. i JAN - 5 1924 ✓,Clancy, Adopted by the Council- ---------------------------- -192....... j/FerAuson, In favor AN -5 1924 ---- 1/ cDonald, _Appro ed---------- . . -. - 192 ✓Mvumt- Sudheimer Peter, ,/P✓en2Rl. ----1-. ----Against ........ .......--------------.._..-•------•--------•-- MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 53 Campbell Coal Company, 675.80 Police 187.00 Fire 488.80 675.8 54 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 4,925.79 Schools 55 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 6,194.57 Bureau of Parks 2,594.38 11 (Battle Creek) 361.20 Park Refectories 248.80 Playgrounds 555.50 / Forestry Revl. 1,489.57- P. Bldgs. Revl. 945.12 - ,1194..57 56 Mrs. Geo. Kowalske, Assignee of H. D. Sims Water 9.50 57 8t.Paul's Methodist Episcoal Church, 125.00 Schools 0.1.1—To uW C K F— D-34 IM 12-22 12 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESCOM-h[ON FORM CGUNCIL No - ------ 50646. 7'. 7 . ........ 1�?A M� .. . ............ ........... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the an_,�ute amount of $....71.969-- -87 ........................... covering in of the City z • numbered.... - ---------------- to ----------------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on a the office checks n Comptroller. Yes Councilmen NOY& .61—ey, Adopted by the Council -71924 192— At.4 ---------------------------------- ---- --1Ferguson, ............. In favor 7 1924 pproved---- - ---- ----- ---------------.__-------•-----------...192 A4.t.wt, Sudheimer WenTelz.............. ...................... .... ....... ............ ............... /11r. President, Nelson chock, be dr... oaI the City Treasury. to the aggregate `mount of $7.969M. covering - check, 444 numbered 73 to 76 Inclu-1ve per fil register city checks 0� e in the It � the City Compt.,ro Ier. office of 1.1 Adopted , the Council' _ 7.1924. b d jon. 7.1 24 Approved (Jan 1991924) .19j, ....................... --------------- 76 America, Book Company, 7,119.00 School Book Fund 74 Capital City Lumber Company, 451.87 Bureau of Parks 439.70 Yr P. Bldgs. Revl. 12.17 75 Midway State Bank, Assignee J. E. Travers Company 175.00 Schools 76 Minnesota Lime & Cement Company, 224.00 Schools . . . . . . . . . . . ► JAN 7 X24 . .. ....... ' ev a Mrrno ............ 7 969 87 co Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$..-...2.--.._...t__......................... checks numbered..... 7g------------------------ to------7.-----------------•inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. - .. Adopted by the Council ---------- JA 7 1924.. _ ......--.192.-•.-- ,,Ferguson, /-....In favor_ % 19`24 McDext�d, Approved-------------..�.AN -..........................192.- ✓,Maontr zudheimer ./Peter, --_ -. -----Against ✓Mr. President, Nelson / q 1 RM } T.ty ,•50- R #w2 i# OiTT OT aT. p�On OPIGINI1L 70 - eITT.CL6"K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D.14 1M 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RES(A-19*ION FORM 10 nza eiz No. ......_5064' 58 J. M. Clancy, ; omlr. of Finance 20,308.15 Water • Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.......20,308A13 -.-,........ covering checks numbered ............... r�$...............to...........................--------inclusive, as per register o£ city checks on filen the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council...._ JA- " 7 1.124 ................. -..192 . In favor JAN - 7 192 192------- , ma Sudheimer mar APP --------- .......... --- ........- .. . -4 --------------- ✓Yater, r. President, Nelson ..... -........ Against ............._....----------.... -------------.---.---.------�--- ------------------ MAYOR C. F. No.80647— Resolved that. check be drawn on the Cl ty Treasury to the amount of $20,308.13 covering check numbered 68. eper register of city cheeks mu file In the tilde t the CRYComptroller Adopted by the Count,l Jan. 7, 1924. ,-Approved: Jan. 7, 1924. '(Jan. 19-1924) 58 J. M. Clancy, ; omlr. of Finance 20,308.15 Water • GUADRMICATC To CRY CLERK 1 Form D -e4 12-22 a;F .— — T. PADr. 5®647 aovsaR 1.. BY ..... �+mr AUDITED ............:! .-'.. i............_.. ....... 192..._....... ........... PER..._ ......................_._.._..._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $........ `�O �,3Si$ ....... covering checks numbered ---------------- 58 ............ ..to ............................. -...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file 'n the office of the City Comptroller, yes ( If ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. / _ 7 1924 Adopted by the Council.....�AN------------------------------------ ---- 192------ .. Ferguson,----_..-In favor _ 7 1924 �_ ----..... ..........................192-_- i APProbed-... -- .... A.-- ✓1S'~°t'' �udheisner /Peter, 1 .......... .---Against -4Ir. President, Nelson Oa101N�L TO atiY os aS. n�02- OFFICE OF THE C:OMpTROLLER � _� ` eoo=ern lvo. - U Form 11-34 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM R== -- ---.------ • 11 JAN 7 1924 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of --------------- --- covering checks numbered._.. J9...._...._._.._......to--.-..72--------------------inclusive, as per register of city checL on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. _ 1 1924 _ j J Adopted by the Council------------ --- .------------ _-- ----------- --..19 ------ ,-Ferguson, -------- In favor JAN - % 1924 DQcllonald; �p�pveil---- -- ----------------------192Marsolr Sudheimer /Peter.---.Againsteter,i'-.... ........... 1 MAYOR it President, Nelson C. F. Nb. 60648— Re.olved that checks be drawn o the City Treasury, [o the aggregate amount f $ 16,110.00, covering heck. ulnbered 69. as per regl.ter of city later of city checks on ale in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the -Council Jan. 7. 1924. Approved Jan. 7, 1924. (Jan. 19-1924) 59 The Anoka County Union, Water 60 F. G. Carlson, L 1868 61 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Schools II it (Auto) 62 Fred Diesslin, L 1740 63 Fielding & Shepley, L 1457 L 1465 64 Great Northern Railway Company, L 1763 65 Theo. G. Hells & Company, Fire Schools n it 22.50 648.00 10,468.18 145.00 10,213.18 110.00 10,468.18 5.00 2,200.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 10.00 531.50 1.50 12.80 128.00 54.85 3 Y • Res. 11 Page #2 393.59 66 J. W. Hulme Company, 30.85 Schools It 15.84 Bureau of Parks 50.40 $5,000,000 Bond Issue (Bond) 296.50 � 226.98 67 The Kennedy Valve Mfg. Company, Water 68 Kenny Toiler & Mfg. Company, 5.12 521.70 Fire 2.00 Schools 52.38 n 6.37 „ 371.52 Water 231 1.7 180.00 69 Peter Lametti, L 1804 70 Minnesota Roofing & Cornice Company, 91.55 Schools 71 Stiefel Material Company, 70.00 L 1869 72 Union Water Meter Company, 741.00 Water • OITT 01 Tv�P� , -, gYADRYRJGTC T .. TO CRY CL K - t No-- 50648 JAN 7 192 I AUDTED 192lllBY .. .. ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.---1Ci�11Q.OQ,,•..................... covering me per register of city checks on file in office of the City checks numbered.-... sr2g....------------------- to...-.79r --.. -- . --....-. inclusive, as tY r ® t Comptroller. Yes ( ✓)Councilmen ( J) Nays, JAN -7 1924 -Cl—ey, Adopted by the Council-_ ----- --------- --_----.:.----- ------ ----192 - L,-ferguson, ---------...---In favor ¢ aQeBeneld Approved._-...- --- - - -- 7 192- 192.-.. t/�jeesem— Sudheimer l�� ---- ✓✓Peter,-----.6 ABainst W4aael- ! Mr. President, Nelson 0' C7 P1 Install: ,0-19)ne pole on the south sic -e- of the alley north of Como -Phalen Avenue,first 01<vIest of `d'estern Avenue. Commercial lighting. &Irgour poles; one at southwest corner of Carroll and I£ilton; and '-i'see on the , tamest side of Milton street between Carroll and Rondo Streets. 6gf-Five poles; one on the east side o1 Fisk Street, mifivray bet,aeen -u-rora. and 'V Fuller] one on the northeast co_ner of risk and Fuller; one on the east side ,,-4oi Avon Stieet, midway between aurora and Fuller; one on the northeast cor- ner of Avon and Fuller; and one on t'ie c -est side of Grotto Street, midway between Aurora- and Fuller. Yunicipal lighting. :'litlti nenessary guys and anchors. _ r . All truth este I,n . pole. and wires shall be erected and no...... ad e.der the direction and sue-r'iso. Of rhe C'reen" loner of Public Utilities and in .11 thing- subject to III provisions of 0rdlo—o No. ts,s. and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution, of the City a d;;irn:ia .bnal cvea�4iond =ni and.11 —h poles b. I be lskeoadowCommissioner and scion a �t a such whe.s o aced 0S1 ae around swtiene er the ltCoutneil shall deem that 'be vublic Ivtere.t an require., and when it shall so order. remav ye, (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -C4&ney-- ,/Ierguson/-f AdoLbealr4 In favor 7 Against ✓ Sudheimer L% Mr. President Adopted by the Council ........)A±`N..'..�...1924,........... 192..,..,... JAN ' 1924 Adopted... I92.......... PUBLISHED >.. AWL pUNC ILE - 60649 BO*" Peter OLIN C F No Resolved: a nheD trdared ind Thetny �o J,ectr�nQwlree RM BY�" Licht Comn .. Cat' linea if direct DATE �y� y� ................... PRESENTED COMMISSIONER... ...... ..... ..................................................... .. RESOLVED: directed to ..tend its electrical linea by erectins poles and ,trineine wire, thereon for the trausmtssiov of else. The, the St. Pao! Gu Lirbl C y la trielly On sad in the tollowiv {ays and hereby ordered and ,treats of ,aid cit9 1--'�-'3 Install: ,0-19)ne pole on the south sic -e- of the alley north of Como -Phalen Avenue,first 01<vIest of `d'estern Avenue. Commercial lighting. &Irgour poles; one at southwest corner of Carroll and I£ilton; and '-i'see on the , tamest side of Milton street between Carroll and Rondo Streets. 6gf-Five poles; one on the east side o1 Fisk Street, mifivray bet,aeen -u-rora. and 'V Fuller] one on the northeast co_ner of risk and Fuller; one on the east side ,,-4oi Avon Stieet, midway between aurora and Fuller; one on the northeast cor- ner of Avon and Fuller; and one on t'ie c -est side of Grotto Street, midway between Aurora- and Fuller. Yunicipal lighting. :'litlti nenessary guys and anchors. _ r . All truth este I,n . pole. and wires shall be erected and no...... ad e.der the direction and sue-r'iso. Of rhe C'reen" loner of Public Utilities and in .11 thing- subject to III provisions of 0rdlo—o No. ts,s. and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution, of the City a d;;irn:ia .bnal cvea�4iond =ni and.11 —h poles b. I be lskeoadowCommissioner and scion a �t a such whe.s o aced 0S1 ae around swtiene er the ltCoutneil shall deem that 'be vublic Ivtere.t an require., and when it shall so order. remav ye, (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -C4&ney-- ,/Ierguson/-f AdoLbealr4 In favor 7 Against ✓ Sudheimer L% Mr. President Adopted by the Council ........)A±`N..'..�...1924,........... 192..,..,... JAN ' 1924 Adopted... I92.......... PUBLISHED r i p � •' 5840 entitled ordinance An ordinance amending Ordinance No. , for the purpose of promoting the,publio lth, d�(fety, order, convenience, prosperity and general C. P` No' 600'o0=0;dinance " we by providing An urd n ace amending Or• ' we restrictionOflooationaoPitradesoand regulation 6610. entitled "An ordlna health, safety, order l .,n �.�1�uatries and of buildings used for human habitation prosperity and .general wetr piles and the height, and bulk providing for the clussiflcatlonll t for Spe0lPied purposesand ulation and restriction of the„i� . tion of trade, and Ipdus[rleataatjialuildings, hereafter erected or altered; of buildings uildi gs sedftedrpv p e a a.� Mating and determining the minim�un size of lot height,and bulkof buildings, 1. ,atter erected or altered; and rhe courts and Other open spaces, and establishing latinit and determining the min"° size of lot line court, and eta bounda22ries of districts f This or ais id an emergency pen ,paces, and establishing ,Droved July 7th, 19• boundaries of districts for sold pq .leo es emergency o Y 7tnce922. I &lance rendered necessary for the preservation of necessary for the 9re,ervatlon of Che )ublie peace, health and safety. 'Dubllc peace. health t safety. The C oT ity"of St. Paul ter the City of St. Paul does ordain Section 1. That Article III Section 16, Ordinance No. 5840 approved July 7th, 1922 is hereby amended to read as followsl: Article III. Set Backs. Section 16 a. In"A11 residence, "B" residence and "C" residence districts, no building shall be erected or altered in any block whose street wail does not conform to the provisions of this section. No building shall be erected whose Atreet Rall is nearer the street line than a distance equal to 20% of the depthaverage Of td residence districts and 10% ofthedepth Of the lot In "C" residence districts measured to the nearest foot. Provided that along the side of a corner lot which pis latofiknown dwin thehofficetline Of thelRegisterr accwith ordance orRegistrar of Titles, and which is in the same block with a of rbc is whose street line is the front lime, o erected chose stiN ofthedistaneehofsthee t line than a distance equal too established building line from the street line in the block, measured to the nearest foot. And further provided, that where a street wall line wall line xem provisionsofthis section, lstrthesadj adjoining streetewalltlinemfore the nearest 75% of the frontage and not in excess of 30 ft. in any case, may conform to the provisions of this section as they apply to the less restricted or exempt street wall line which it adjoins. b.ThML-street wall, for the purpose of this section, shall be deemed the wall of a building or poroh, or that part of a fence or other structure, nearest the street extending more than 31 6” above the finished grade, provided that cornices, belt courses, and an entrance canopy having not more than 20 sq. ft. of roof area, and steps below the level of the first floor and provided that fences not obstructing vision to an i from the restrictio s0pabove a hirovided by section.t of 316n shall be exempt i I 14 c. Whereupied or occupied treetwalls by buildings, et frontage of the promises, nexclusive gs, as moftside ed lstfeetnear e of walls of buildings on corner lots, existing in the block at the time of the passage of this ordinance, measured to the nearest foot, from the street line shall be the established building line. d. Where any existing bVdiding erected prior to the time of the passage of this ordinance has its street wall nearer to the street line than the building lines as established by this section, then the street wall of any building hereafter erected or altered on that 75,% of the frontage and not in excess of 30 ft. except as provided in paragraph."P of this section, measured to the nearest foot, of the adjacentlot adjointed ing the premises of the said existing building may be nearer the street line than the street wall of the existing building. e. Lots occupied by buildings designed for uses permitted in "A" residence districts shall not be considered where located in a "B" residence district, and lots occupied by buildings designed for uses permitted in an "A" residence and "B" residence district shall not be considered where located in a "C" residence district for the purpose of establishing the building line of structures erected or altered after the passage of this ordinance. f. where a commercial district or industrial district or districts oocuRy part of a block with an "A" residence, "B" residence or C" residence districts all street allt of line provisions of this section shall apply P ch commercial district and each industrial district within that block, except that the provisions of paragraph "d" of this section shall apply to the entire frontage of a commercial or industrial district in the block; otherwise the provisions of this section apply only to and "Ca residence districts. Where a "C" residence district occupies part of a �� block with an "A" residence district or B residence district, the street wall line provision of this Section shall apply to that part of the "C"' residence within that block. I g. Lots separated by an alley shall be deemed fences, adjoining, and accessory buildings, temporary buildings, retaining walls, or similar structures shall not be considered for the purpose of establishing the average of the distances of the street walls from the street line. h. The premises of each building existing at the time of the thereof which amay ga hereafter be occupiedby b buildings,remises or port additions to existing buildings, and a vacant premises shall be deemed a lot for the purpose of this section. i Where in any block or portion of a block there are lots not of uniform depths, of irregulars apeon r peculiar ecullia than one proportions, forms or topography, or street, and when clearly the general purpose and intent thereof will be better served thereby, the provisions of this section shall be relaxed to the extent necessary to prevent undue or or peculiar hikrdship. Where owners of all properties in a block petition in writing for the establishment of a building line within that block, which building line differs from that which would otherwise be established by the provisions of this section, the board of zoning may, after due notice and hearings, recommend to the Council the adoption of the building line proposed by the petitioners. The form of the petition shall be prepared by the corporation counsel and upon it shall be diagrammed by the petitioners, the building line of the buildings existing in the block at the time of the passage of this ordinance and which are in existence at the time of the petition; the building line proposed by the petitioners and the building line as established by the provisions of this section; all measurements being to the nearest foot. Seat on 2. That Article ec on 20, Ordinance No. 5840 approved July 7th, 1922 is hereby amended to read as follows Section 20. Meetings and Procedure of the Board- Meetings of the Board shall be held upon notice from the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner and at such other times as the Commissioner or the Council may determine. The presence of four members shall be necessary for a quorum. All the meetings of the Board shall be public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon every question. Any person dissatisfied with the decision or application of the provisions of this ordinance by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, may appeal to the Council by filing notice of appeal with the City Clerk. This appeal shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning, who within ten days thereafter shall hear the appellant, and shall transmit in writing its recommendations to the Council, together with of athe reasons therefor. The Council, by publishing or hearing the appellant in the official paper at least one week before such hearing, may in a specific case by resolution passed by a majority vote, after considering the recommendation of the Board and after such hearing, determine and vary the application of the provisions of this ordinance in harmony with t he general intent and purpose as follows : a. Where a use district boundary line divides a lot in a single ownership, permit a use authorized on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot. b. Permit the extension of a non -conforming use or building upon the lot occupied by such use or building at the time of the passage of this ordinance. c. Permit the erection of an additional building upon a lot occupied at the time of the passage of this ordinance by an industrial establishment and which additional building is a part of such establishment. — 1 . • d. Grant in undeveloped sections of the city temporary and conditional permits fnr not more than two years for structures and uses in contravention of the r1girements of Article I of this ordinance. The grantee to gide a bond of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) to insure the removal, at the expiration of the time limit, of non -conforming structures and a return of the premises to the use the property is zoned for. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. e. Where the street layout actually on the ground varies from the street layout as shown on the zoning map, apply the designations shown on the mapped streets in such a ways as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan for the particular section in question. f. Permit the erection in a commercial district or the extension thereinto of car barns and electric central stations, substations or power houses where such uses are in the judgment of the Board, necessary to the public convenience. g. Permit the location in any district of a public or community utility building, reservoir or £tre station where such building is in the judgment of the Board necessary to the public or community convenience. Ii. Permit the location of an air-drome in any district provided that the use of said air-drome shall be in harmony with the intent of the use of that district, and further provided that such permission shall be consistent with regulations, ordinances and laws existing or hereafter enacted to control navigation of the air. i. Vary any provision of this ordinance in harmony with its general purpose find intent, where there are practical difficulties or peculiar hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of this ordinance, so that the public health, safety, and general welfare may be secured and substantial justice done, provided that a change in the boundary of any district except as permitted in this section or a modification of the height limits or buildings intended to increase said limits shall not be construed as being modifications permitted by this section. J. Establish a building line which differs from the provision of Section 16. k. Recommend for adoption from time to time such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the administration of the provisions of this ordinance. 1. Permit the erection of a four family apartment or duplex in an "A" or "B" residence district on a lot adjoining a non -conforming use in existance at the time of passage of the ordinance, or for which a building permit has been issued at the time of passage of the ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance Cendhealth necessary and safety, the preservation of the public peH Section a.. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson in favor McDonald -Peter against Sudheimer g Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 1923 Approved 1923 1 t7 n ; yor Hon. H. C., Wenzel Commissioner 0. Office Dear Sir: I am returning to you he' 'th the proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance. oh you submitted to me recently, and wish to state f in my opinion they should be adopted. These amendments take care of certain oondi- tions not now provided for in the present zoning ordin- anoe, and if they are adopted,I believe the ordinance will be improved and made more satisfactory, not only to this office but to the public. Yours very truly, Supt. of Inspection HSB:S eup of $t. U1 �^ Be¢edmemof parks.Pgaggrouttae WM. T.. MARCH. ]� aab YUblit EU[IaiUgS wrt.wFAmu HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER --ERNEST W. JOHNSON. IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMO.10— - PRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMIWIONEII CM ARCH — 219. COURT HOUSE -Oslo.® December 31, 7923 ' Hon. H. C., Wenzel Commissioner 0. Office Dear Sir: I am returning to you he' 'th the proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance. oh you submitted to me recently, and wish to state f in my opinion they should be adopted. These amendments take care of certain oondi- tions not now provided for in the present zoning ordin- anoe, and if they are adopted,I believe the ordinance will be improved and made more satisfactory, not only to this office but to the public. Yours very truly, Supt. of Inspection HSB:S �; / / . , ..1.. , ITY OF ST. PAUL CO—CIL No --------.50-651 FILE dFIF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK J•M.alaQWNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM L•R.S.Ferguson COMMSSIIONER. .............__......................_.... DATE .......................... __------_._..______........._._. RESOLVED that the sum of $1,000.00 be and is hereby appvopriated and set aside out of the Contingent Fund for theypurpose of reimbursing the Auditorium Fund for costs in*ed in entertaining conventions in St. Paul. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,000.00 be and is hereby transferred and set aside in a separate item under Code 147-A to be disbursed upon audited claims presented by the Auditorium. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I/ Clancy a / MMcDo d __ _ .. In favor lbjA4d6 Geo. 0. Sudheimer Peter .... 0. -- gainst Wenzel /Mr. President .t @ Adopted by the Council_ JAN ._ _e.11924 -192 2 ...... Approved.... ...J .... ^_l/.. �---....192 -..... -- . . - -- - - ng MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 506152 � piLE No..--- �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J. M. 01 CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L.R.S. Ferguson PRESENTED nL1F] r ..— COMMISSIONE:ER.-.A....._.Ge.OT-gE....A.,...,.Siidhe.i7AEr........._...._...............__........._....._. DATE._.........J�.,_. y RESOLVED That, Whereas, The George Washington Club have, petitioned the Council for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of holding the George Washington exercises on the 22nd day of February 1921+, and WHEREAS, It'apnears expedient that said request be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said organization on the said date, and that the cost of said service be charged against the contingent fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ll--0ancy FeIgnson ✓ McDonald _ - In favor V=js;V Geo. 0.!� Sudheimer --"'Peter ..... Against -," Wenzel "'Mr. President _ Adopted by the Council.4 A!�1924 .-...._..._ ................192..._- AN !924 Approved- 19 _....-- ..........-- cting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OOURc'iNo.....-50(353 ' Ay VILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M. OlancyCC OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L. R. S. Ferguson RESOLVED That, Whereas The Fourth District Minnesota Frderation of Women's Clubs have petitioned the Counoil'for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of holding their Midwinter Reception and Luncheon on the 22nd day of February, 1924 from nine o'clock A.M. to 5 o'clock P.M., and WHEREAS, It appears expedient that said request be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said Organization on the said date, and that the cost of said service be charged against the contingent fund. COUNCILMEN Yea.: Nays Clancy I -'McDonald In favor ✓4&W Geo. C.Sudheimer ✓Peter __Q ...Against ✓ Wenzel ✓Mr. President 19z..__. Adopted by the Council.... JAN............ - © 192x ... ... nl 8 1924 Approved... ... ...------------------ 192 ........ .... -. .......... Acting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL CO ENCIL NO...-..--5-06al- `' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ..........._....... DATE_ ..............._._. ------ _._---- ..------....._.._---- __------ COMM ISSIONER___.._....____......_._..__.____._....._...._........_.____..__.._.._..............__... RESOLVED That the following depository bonds given to the City of St. Paul, viz: Bond of the American Rational Bank, dated December 31st, 1923, in the sum of $100,000.00; bond of the Merchants National Bank, dated December 31, 1923, in the sum of $2,000,000.00; bond of the First National Bank, dated December 31, 1923, in the sum of $200,00022 bond of the First National Bank, dated December 31st, 1923, in the sum of $1,300,000.00; and bond of the First National Bank, dated December 31, 1923, in the sum of $500,000.00, all approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to amount by the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy -'McDonald _. -. In favor -"� Sud.mmol' ) Peter Against / Wenzel "Mr. President the same are hereby approved. �d- Adopted by the Council.192 81924 Approv -- -- -- _192-_ - L� _......_ gctrng M,,.ow r CITY OF ST. PAUL `v°cn°��NO.---. .0655__ _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /`7//�) o-§ PRESENTEDBY ... _./�..�. �_.'.i.__.._.........._......_.._...__..__.._.._.:..__.......... _. COMMISSIONER._ DATE__.................._........._._. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with F. M. Dugan, providing for the payment of com- pensation to him at the'rate of $20.00 per week, during such time -'e he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul on the 7th day of December, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said F. M. Dugan, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $26.67, in final settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to December 24th, 1923. ,-'Clancy / ✓ McDonald ..-- .... .___In favor Sudueiuwtb I./ Peter ..Against --"Wenzel ✓bar. President recommend the above resolution Seaga. "aommlr of Public Works. Adopted by the CoundAN_-' 1924 1�J2..... Approved-/ - .�'{��$............192-- cting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COFILEN°"NO.--...50� "__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s� RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to pay to St. Josephts Hospital, out of the Workmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Four Hundred Thirty and 45/100 Dollars ($430.45) for services rendered to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works Of the City of St. Paul, injured October 4, 1922, said services being for the period up to January 1, 1924. Yeas I recommend the above resolution for passage. CommIr of Public Works. COUNCIL5IEN JAN - C 1924 Nays Adopted by the Council.__.__..... ._....._...--.--- _192 _.- ✓Clancy AN - a 1924 Approves -. _... 192 v McDo McDonaa ld 07 In favor /� Sudheilnel l Peter . _Against Aefing MAYOR Wenzel '.�Mr. President CITY OF' STS PAUL -UNCIL NO-J-5-06,17---- OFFICE O ��II//�.�.�//�. ii((''j�� ((��//jj PILE `^-06,17-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._-.... ..__.._......_..__..............__......._........_................_._._._..........................._......... DATE_..... .......... _._..___......... .... ..... ....... _..__....... WHEREAS, on April 25th, 1923, a car belonging to Abraham Engler ran into and damaged an ornamental light post on University avenue, near the west end of the bridge, to the extent of $126.25; and WHEREAS, The International Indemnity Company, insurer for said" Abraham Engler, has offered to settle the claim of the City of St. Paul for said sum; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer of settlement be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute a proper release therefor. Yens Nays ✓Clancy /'McDonald In favor dud hetme` Peter lJ _ Against enzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council..4AN B 19.'24 . 192 JAN - s 1924 Approve /I-��192...... c _ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEr+ca NO.-------5Wt5{`}-- ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL tFORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be'and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Fred Teed, an employe of said Board, injured 'September 13, 1923, the sum of 'Seventy-two Dollars ($72.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to January 3, 1924. C g SIp 30868-9s J �- M on_4 Rq-solved �ThaY tpe Board of Wates Gpm'ni1 onere be --and �t /eiharabq an thoriapd tD D6 $onrd r ln)utiAd' geDtem'" yleve ,ol eaf� �:per.. 13; Y98S the •eclat of Seventy ttvo. 'Dollard 07200) oyt of the Water Da Dartmeel�m aQBatnpG eaAdaBoard. belnB.l t. hie 4 t,.AdoDtad by the Coubcll ,Jsn 8 188 41.E 'AT+Provet� Jan.�6 3824 f COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Fergneetf 1-12 t/ McDonald _-....- -....In favor ✓ WOM 9udheime0 Peter ____...Against Wenzel _,/Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, Board of Water Commlrs. Adopted by the ConnstI -JA---- NI -8.-1-924 _..192 ..-- JAN - C 1924 Approve .. . _.192./ Acting "" �" CITY OF ST. PAUL Po¢NcaNO.____.!]Ll.i�iLji�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED ,That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Lewis H. Olson, an employe of said Board, injured Ootober 4th, 1923, the sum of Forty and No/100 ($40.00) Dollars out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settle- ment of his olaim against said Board, being for the period up to January 3rd, 1924• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy l V McDonald __.,.� In favor —10 ® Sudheimer ,�l ✓Peter _ (/.. Against -�' Wenzel VMr. President Adopted by the Council. `.A.N...- 8 1924 Approve .. ................... . 13 4-._192...... ....---.... MAYOR 7grtinl CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCILNo.__....51i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , THAT THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Be, and they are hereby authorized to pay to St. Paul Hospital the sum of Seven. Hundred Twenty-nine and 15/100 (0729,15) Dollars out of the funds of the Board of Water Commissioners, for services rendered up to December 23, 1923 to Michael Casey, an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners, injured on the 2nd day of January, 1923, \ 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓MoDonald __.....-.-.Infavor Sudheimer /Peter ...Against ✓ Wenzel VMr. President v- Adopted by the Council- J.A.H.."-8..1924_....192._-.. Approv - -- --- ...192.-.... / ........... ....... .........:... .. .................... eting MAYOR f NCIL 5066. - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..,------------ --_-' _-- OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEIhat the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is h by authorized to pay to John Palma, an employe of said Board, i jured November 3, 1923, the sum of Sixty-six and 64/100 Dollars ($6.64) out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to January 2, 1924. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ✓Clancy c� D� ona d �� -In favor ..Te ter //./- .Against ✓Wenzel I/b4r. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, Board of Water Commlrs. Adopted by the Council..1924---..-192..-- 8 1924 Approved--... _.. ._ CgwV''✓ 5. ... .... _. _-....raeron._.. Acting CITY OF ST. PAUL r1LE a 50 h2 No------------_- - -'---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author-. ized to pay to A. L. Rich, an employe of said Board, injured November 7, 1923, the sum of $36.90 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to January 9th, 1924. COUNCILMEN I recommend the above resolution for passage. Yeas Nays L --Clancy McD onald d I/N....._In favor V udhe"ua `) "Peter (/. Against V Wenzel V Mr. President Preset, Board of Water Commers. Adopted by the Council_._ AN... -.8.1924._192 _.. _ 81924 Approve . .- ...... __..._ ----192.._.. ,T;�itilg M..oa CITY OF ST. PAUL F°e"CIL NO------ .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM— CCFCFNTFI'1 RY RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it Is hereby author- ized to pay to W. D. Davis, an employe of said Board, injured October 23, 1923, the sum of $19.04 out of the Water Department Fund, in final payment of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to November 28th, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓McDonald In favor ✓,� udhrlwr� Peter ._.Against ✓ Wenzel --Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commir of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council __j.A.N..-..8 1924 _192... d AN .81924 Approved __..... ..... ----- -.... ... ._192...... ......OR Acting CITY OF ST. PAUL c NCiL_�0r1fA_- No - t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be'and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. Leo A. Hilger out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Forty-three Dollars ($43.00) for pfofessional services rendered to the following named employee of the Board of Water Com- missioners, injured in the course of their employment, viz: Howard R. Gillette, injured September 27, 1923 ($25.00) Arthur Damegaard, injured November 13, 1923,($2.00) Cy Ba ash k, injured November 20, 1923 ($2.00) Mike rasc>>t}. in jured November 3, 19232.00 Frank Madia,.injured November 14, 1923 6.00; Irving Fischer, injured October 29, 1923 ($4.00) Joe Cook, injured October 31, 1923 ($2.00). `e� COUNCILMEN I recommend the above resolution for passage. Yeas Nays L. -Clancy r �McDonald N....In favor Sudheiiut3r rf Peter ...Against ;/ Wenzel ✓Mr. President Preset, Board of Water CommITs. Adopted by the Council,JAN_- 8 1924. .... 192._... 1924 Approved- r -- _192...... -._...r_......._ ............. „.. /r/1 �d1 ii2I JII� MAYOR �COUNCIL NO.-.�35___FLc- OFFICE Council File No. owir�"approved August 26, 1922, being a resolution vacating Ciescent Court from Lexington avenue to Benhill Road, and alley extending from Lexington avenue to Crescent Court, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following: "(2) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioners, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000.00." and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: 11(2) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioners, is hereby fixed at the sum of $500.00." RESOLVED FURTHER, That said Council File No. 41450 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom the following: "(4) S aid petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1800.00) together with the costs of this vacation proceed- ing." A• and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(4) S aid petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum of Fifteen Hundred Sixty- six Dollars ($1566.00) together with the costs of this vacation proceeding." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓lancy / Warge— (b 1%McDonald _In favor ✓� Sudheimeu /Peter ___... _'_Against ,.,Wenzel —"Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. JA.N..-..8--19.24-- --192.._. Approve 1924 9 __......192.__. 1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"cI'- 5-0f;(.;6 E OF, E CITY CLERK - IL RES ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJanuary 1924 COMMISSIONER.___.._.._._ _................................ . __.__..__..._.._..:............._.._._...... _............ . DATE..._ . . .... RESOLVED That the 1�Ircha.sing Agent be, and he is hereby auflhorized to purchase, pith the consent of the Col.;,;troller, 127 Lambert Automatic Safety Signals at a total cost of. *2774.95, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these <,re nc,tented articles and ho :dvuntage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Safety-jr26 Arterial SiCns COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays *Clancy n I k— McDonald _ __.-_....In favor Sudheimer ... _ _ /, _V _.Against Wenzel ,,--�Mr. President I Adopted by the council-AM1924_._.192...... Approve .... . 924......192 - c Act;�lg MAVOIi coUN` NO.-- 5.V(� f f t, 6 {ry CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OFU T CITY CLERK -U 1 RESO U N --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY H. C. Wenzel �.� 1, DATE._..........._........ COMMISSIONER...__.---......_ ....__....__ --- .__._................._.........._....._._. � .1 RESOLVED Resolved that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($30J.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Park Refectory Fund No. 53, to H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, to defray the cost and expense of making a trip to St. Louis, Mo. Indianapolis, Ind., Chicago, Ill. and Milwaukee, -,ise. for the propose of investigating steel locker systems contemplated in the Phalen Bath House to replace the old wooden lockers; also for the purpose of making an inspection of other equipment for parks and playgrounds. The unexpended balance thereof to be credited to the above mentioned fund. 0 COUNCILMEN eas Nays V-- Clancy Law'— McDonald a McDonald ....... In favor ,4600 Sdh. Peter _........._.Against Wenzel r. President JAN - a 1924 Adopted by the Council ------_ ..........................192...... 24 Appr .. ............... ...192. c �y✓ ................. Acting MAYOR I CITY. OF OFFICE OF T NO.,, -----5066 8--- PRESENTED o.,,-----50668--- PRESENTED BY Z --y COMMISSIONER.__-._.._. . RESOLVED MIBREAS, All of the papers in the transaction for the acquisition of Lot 16, Block 3, Jefferson Park Addition, in arfor called for the aCQUiBition of Lot 16, Block 2, Jefferson Park Addition, and, 1,1H?RP-AS,; Lot 16, Block 3, Jefferson Park Addition, is the description of record for the lot which has been acquired for the purpose of Vocational School instruction in the building of a house, T -?LTV THEREFOR BE IT RESOD, That Ordinance No. 6186 authorizing the acquisition of the lot, Award by the Committee on Lands as approved by Council Resolution No. 49988 under date of December 8th, 1923, be amended to read Lot 16, Block 3, -Jefferson Park Addition, instead of Lot 16, Block 2, Jefferson Park Addition, as erroneously drawn. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy -'McDonald An favor --� Sudheimer -- Peter tiAgainst --Wenzel -'-Mr. President f � .4 - 8 1924 Adopted by the Council IAN . .............. � 192.. Approved 192 ,e RESOLVED Yens CITY OF ST. PAUL poENca a NO....- OFFIPE OF THE CITY CLERK H ZIZC NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM LNfI R7AS, C. F. No. 48453, approved September 22nd, 1923, authorizingcertain extras in the contract with IN. S. Idlathieson for the heating and ventilating in the new addition to the Randolph Heights School, it appears that the units of cost and extras were properly indicated but a typographical error occurred in ascertaining the total; TIER.EFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That upon the recommenda- tion of the Commissioner of Education, the aforesaid C. F. Yo. 48453 be amended to read $255.90 instead of $225.90, enabling the payment of an additional $30.00 to the contractor as per the agreement. COUNCILMEN Nays ./Clancy Tergesefr- 1� ✓McDonald In favor -101� Sudheimer o /Peter Against Wenzel /Mr. President AN Adopted by the Couneil..-....d.._7-8.1924 _1924..__._ ..._192..... Approve 8t192.4 - _192./.._. Acting MAYOR CITY �xCT P coUNCILNO._...5_W7«..... OFFICE OF���'sib 3�J87y'Au II L�.7{l9 FeiBuepa`E'' Whe�as n thnhaPbne Fflbctlbn br [,pe; :y C R OLI, 8errnenpttn�j l,CRntk9bh°wlthr,�Lovoelpg t %�� zoils�otnn� cronranv�a'a<rcoeasaFv:: � kb keLlbvO gyp beerin p er6581td.clay = mead? pFbv de 'L.'ilibfe IN"aCilex�"thal: u �3T__7..—.1.924,` _._ RESOLVED WHEREAS, In the construction of the ne7H• addition to the Tilden School under general contract with Lmbering Longbotham Company it is necessary to remove two bearing piers and instead provide a lintel in order that metal. doors and side lights in the connecting corridor as shown on the plans and specifications may be installed, and as this extra work was not anticipated nor provided for in the original plans and specifications, and as the same is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Architect, THEREFOR RE IT RESOLVED, That upon the recommenda- tion of the Commissioner of Educations the plans and specifications be so amended as to provide for this extra work and the contract price with the Lovering Longbotham Company be increased in the amount of $175.00 to cover the cost of this extra work. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. _.AAj,J...-.-C..IS24--..192 .... ✓Clancy 1ulsgateerr� Appro .. . . .. ..... , _,_,..L,.,.._..19922..-... V McDonald _....--__ ..In favor ✓1 Sudheftnct /Peter _D_ -Against , rl Mprow ✓ Wenzel PUBI.ISIIED/ — 2 y / Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAULCOUENCIL No-------- 5 +-+-� �_ �4 2 OFFICE -u., �r.,;,`";wic.A - T�C F N&,-6667 '8y �' c a ' COUNCIL RESIT �'hgs'epa Thq Cgtp,mlagtoae t-.Pub�,� RESOLVED ?"HEREAS, The Commissioner of Pubis Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Sc;ction 53 of the City Charte:c, the axistenco of an eme_ganQy abi6h rendered necessary the employment of certain employes cf his Departme= for more that right hours per, day,- said employment being more than their uoual hours of employment: TITREPORE SE IT RESOLGED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the follo-:ring named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of -- — — — — ——---------------0v—_1e. See attached sheet. COUNCILMEN Nays ✓Clancy / ✓McDonald _.--._....._In favor yAN@Mft Juu.,e....or 0 /Peter---- ---------- _Against Fenzel .,,,Mr. President JAN - B 1924 Adopted by the Council.._ ------------------------------------ 192 App...924 ------.192 Approve ... i Acti nq MAYOR PT TRLTSTIrD wIRa-t'e o Name - Title ours _ Ove ti-�ne_ Pryzicki, G. D. Digger 10 55¢ Barr, Frank 10 55¢ Eckburg, A. Sub Foreman 1 6212.g Kruse, Gust A.T.Chauffeur 8 63-W Kuhns, J.D. Ut lityman 1 59 3AX Lattin, C.J. Itc. Lab. 8 59¢ Lund, Geo. H. r8 5O¢ Lindbom, Fred U. Lab. 8 55¢ Michaud, wm. Bdg. Lab. 1 50¢ Morrissey, W.H. Sub Foreman 8 62-W trantom, M. D. Digger 22 55¢ Plumbo , M.:' iter. 'jab. 20 50¢ Radican, Thos St. watch 16 37V Simone, John Pipe Iayer 3 62-W Sullivan, John Utilityman 12 59 3183e Schmidt, John Mtc. Lab. 16 50¢ Dursensky, A.J. Ste. Eng. 36 63Y James, Frank St. watch 8 37-W Capistrant, R. Mtc. Iab. 16 50¢ Mullarkey, Hugh P.& B.Layer 10 62 ¢ Putnam, Fred-' Sub Foreman 40 62-¢ Pearson,.Nels U. Lab. 8 55¢ Reiling, R.H. A.T. Chauffeur 8 63*¢ Schmidt, John Kettle Fireman 16 62-x.d weigard, R.J. Lo c. Imp.Insp. 8 75 1/8¢ NO, f N Au emergency has arisen ill the Department do'r" o3 Publi-c Works, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more then eight hours per day, iri the doing of the following Work. _ to rush completion of Asphalt Pavement and to take care Of emerg_ency,calls_for broken sewers T"a emergency arose by reason of the following facts and ciroomstEnceat lmmUd weather allowed the pavement work Broken sewers could not be helped. omm e o r o u is or s Commissioner Peter Council File No........-.. G./ 2 The undersigned hereby proposes rg o1 jof the following Public improvement by the City of SC Paul, viz.: ............. -._-,..•_have_Coho.--�ver}ue ... 11.Qxtb...:f0m---tki.a---euSl--a --- h ...pr9s.9At...paV.ing.----------- at Union Street to the Wheelock--Parkway,-_.including--s ewer,_.. water -.and---. - - gae.._o9lIAeCt 4z]a...frQ>?lproperty--line.8... c-omplete,.-.wher.a--not already made, also including curbing and paving of driveway and alley -�-'approaglies, inhere rieoeasary. Dated this ........... 4th ...day of.. _......�1anuary.,-.192-4 --------------------- 192---.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Como Avenue North from the end of the present paving at .......... Union Street to the Vlheeloek Parkways inoluding s:ewer,.-.tivater--and_•gas._ connections from street mains to property -.linea __complete,--.where-.not----- already made, also including curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. ------ --- --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.......................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -// 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Y b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance., / JAN - 8 1924 Adoptedby the Council- ........................................................ ................... YEAS ,,�NAYs Councilman CLANCY &ww fflsw Sudne i.. ✓MCDONALD ✓✓PETEZ _ O WENEL ./M'R. PnESIDENr F— C A 18 (3M 6.22) Approved...- 8 1524 . ---------------------------------------------- -......... - _...... �Mx� Aotlflg Mayor. ! F" Nd'R B_bgbt,,..( Petition wnere4q, A rtttrmprp pgnl Tor t5e i5-0473hrafttng oLthe foltayingsimASovgn?9°�%ICouncil File No....... � Gotibtrucll 1A PRELIMINARY looCi cementY' PROP` 14*Aflc�o) a116tb gtdea•ot Rober ori: Stafro1/1 Yn�lann Ave to;Chicago �{°yo.;; 714Xing beYp-nregented.'to the ()oil[)cli. _ / �� oC�t,� Cltfh�,tl1 -9t. Pn�nY.herefbre', �tie„1[� ; PREE olVVerU �Tllq,t 1 ,.... lgglnnqF% (; LIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ______________Conatruot_..a.-six.__foot-_gement--- tile---sidewalk-,on-..k.9 h...�.�-das..-.a.�............ Robertson Street from Indiana .Avenue to Chicago -.Avenue-. .................... .......... ........................... ........ -........ ------------ .....----------------.....------------..................-------- ------........ --------- ---------------....- -------------- ----------- ----- * ....... ----------- --------- ----------------- .----------------------------------- .------------------------- --_--- / Dated this -5th- day of. .................Jai1??AI3i-.-1 �.-.tet........._.... ....., 192 .... ................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on both aides of ---------- I.....---- . ..... .............................. _RQli-ert son-.Street--.from---Indiana-._:venue--t o_, Chic ago-_. byenue-,.................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comr> issioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate thg nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............J -AN -'•-$-4924---------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CC.LANCY �awe�o)r Sudheimea- 'u MCDONALD PETER �(/� WENZEL 1 `� MR. PRESIDENT 6 D Form C A 13 RM 0.22) Approved........ �.� ° r '---�. ---................ ! _ / ;qt:Ili7Q Mayor. PUBLISIIED_ f — �,-L — 1� ............ �FRMPTROLAR AUt),Tw ... .. ......... .192 ... ........ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ------ ----- ....... covert ) - ------ -------------- 0 checks numbered .......... 86 _---__-------- to Sa ................. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file the office Of th7a Comptroller. Yes il Councilmen Ways. 924 192 1�/Clancy,, Adopted by the Council- ---------- JAM -::.-S . .. .......... 6 -In favor JAN - 1924 ti L,,�McDonald, Approved -------------- ----------­-- ............... . ...... Sudheimer ✓Pcter, enzeL O --VAgina -Mr. President, Nelson i//%�//'� - IM e 10Pcheclta- be drawn Trv", 'numbered lj,of �hle_�klnA490e. 4w: per "City Wdf the Compfrollar :' 'A &!Ptedjl!� A 2 TF��7le .... . .. . . Li M e DITS.OP .i. PDL a:. g101NAl TO OFFICE OF THE �C`01&HOLLER : ` DODSDIDNo_. S V n-s4,int 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM' N= 16 n COMPTRO ,.:. �t�� Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ... .-.---., coveria checks numbered ---..--.$6..-•----..._..---to---- _9Q ............ ......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in t office of the Cit • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. .. - ✓Clancy, �..I. Adopted by -the CoanciL_'--JAK81424------- •------- - favor JAN - 8-19. 24 . woo'UcDonald, Appro a 192:: /'iKatsorr— Sudheimer /Peter, ! v Wenzel. ...------..--Against ........ - ---- - -- -....... -.............. ... nstvo$, Mr. President, NelsonCtRPtf ,aN� 86 N . Gilbert, 16.00 Armory 87 Gottfried Kull, 2.40 Wheelage Tax Refund 4 88 St.Paul Abstract Companyls 5.00 =. Corp. Counsel 89 Clara M. Schleh, 3.90 Comtr. of Finance 90 Standard Stone Company, 7,493.50. L 1684 .,v--' 50075 In the Hatter o[ gradlpB Algonquin; -Ave. ft= '•.1he.Weet 11proggpp oY Nech Bt: ',to the':Btlllwater:Road(�tlnfler, Prolim- `<Inary Ordep 49719 apved Novy}i6; 1923 -A public-liearing"having baen=lwd. COUNCIL FILE NO...........................�on the above fmyrovemeut uponCdue �`hotloe and+the Conno111baving heard all Deraon«' elSjecd0ne and ro lda n ..._..:�.grP „ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......t3rz�ding.Algvn- tiin Avanue from the vazit line ........... of ---_.._--.-..- ........... eeha S�reat to .he Stillvaatar Hoad, ...................................._............................... ......_...._...--.................-------.......-----...---.......•----................................. ..----- ................... .............................................................................................................•---.........---...:............................ .......................-................................-........................_ . --..............--------........•-•----•------•---......•••............---.........--............... .......................................... .............----..........---.............---......---.........................-----...---------....----•---••--....---............................ ----------------•.................................................................................................................. --....................... .................................. !} 1 .... 1` ....?S?3...................................... under Preliminary Order........---�7...�............................ approved -......7� - IntermediaryOrder .....*................. ............ ........... ........... approved ................. ................... ........................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommaldations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .................... zast: line of iieche Street to the StillMater Road,.._......_ .... .............-.......... ---- .... -' ----- ......._....... ....... ......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and" directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 192a Adopted by the Council........ ' JAN ....... :......... ...... 9 -- �.d.,�... l ^ 1924 7 City Clerk. Approved...................... ................................... 191........ ..........................................Y......... Mayor. Councilman E m[a urdk .Clancy ! _ 2 _� Councilman qy• g ✓FerdueonL1gj�D�_____ Councilman 91antEA Councilman Ralkw ✓ eter Councilman MW&r.' Sudheimer i) Councilman r4%KAenzel C/ Mayor IM&M-f/11alaon Form B. S. A. 8-7 lam r sr. rAUL A t DL�'ART. T O� FINANCE REPORT OF Comm SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER JA� In the matter of gradini Algonquin Avenue from the west line of Neohe Street to Stillwater Road.: under Preliminary Order approved November 15, 1923• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,590-93 The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is S 1.60 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 17 Beaver Lake Heights 25 2 17 do 50 6 13 do 1,175 1 13 do 75 16 18 do 50 Lots 14 and 15 18 do 350 13 18 do 50 . 12 18 do 50' 11 .18 do 50: TOTAL. Perm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - a�EPART ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C01510NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CCI , DESCRIPTION •� LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 18 Beaver Lake Heights 250 9 . _ i8 do 50 8 18 do 50 7 18 do 50 6 18 do 50 5 18 do 75 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- 10T), _ Commissioner of Fin.ace. vb.m B. B. 12 ;Y',;� SU✓. % SES. 26. _7-29 R22. . - � -__ __. � _ . _ Nilq✓E.STE�4 ---- - -_---_- - - - - AYE. -- - - -- -. _ _ - - _.- - _ - � - �. - I RSA � /fERW//V P _ I Office of the Commissioner of Public W orkrecFr�� b Report to Commissioner of Finance q Ot 60 140. _-b1SLY,_ 28Y_].823.----- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._$MM---- approved__ A4Yt_1b,__191___, relative to the grading of Algonquin Ave. from Weet_line -of _________ Stlllwet�@S J39AG ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---`------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $1.60 1,590.83 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is Inspeotion $31A8 Frontage 1,057.6 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ rr 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. yrs ------------- mmissioner of Public Works. i�itluun 31. Eder, (IIouimissinnrr s =:. �. 31dr MaKeM, lrpufg (fammissinurr' Orval -intent of Puhlir 10orks .GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S.. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CARLY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE,,,.. November 28, 1923 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Algonquin Ave. from West line of Neohe St. to Stillwater Road, under Preliminary Order C.F. #49719, approved November 15, 1923: Estimated cost. . . . . . . $1,590.83 Per front foot. . . . . . .. . . 1.60 Inspection . . . . . . . . ... .31.18 Frontage . . . . . . . . .1,057.6 ft. Yours truly, ')111, X�, ' qie�f Engineer. Approved: -1_ i c� 676 FaX c L CITY OF- OFFICE F ST PAUL cnE OFFICE OF THE:CITY.`CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION PENERAL RM ,Jan. 9, 192,4. .P.RESENTED BY DATE-. -- COMMISSI NER i RESOLVED' ` In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land.necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Algonquin Avenue from the west line of Neche Street to he Stillwater Road, under Preliminary' Order C. F. 0, approved, November 15, 1923, and Int-e-rmediary Order C. F. #50165,'approved December ll , 1923 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Algonquin Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of th'e Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated January 9, 1924; which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. inner thd"graHlns ot-,tiglsoaqu}nyAgbnnd. Lromnthe x� t line 0(3NP-ehbSBR to thb Stl7lwata� liOnd Under ^'Ps6lltllgii. - ary Of'd¢r C,1'„'ii NO'S,4RSO�aDDrgvel(', . - Y �Nnv� 6. 1028-.ana-,intettn(!`dlerY...Ot r COUNCILMEN i Yeas / Nays ✓Clancy --"Ferguson McRwMt f -_ ...:.........In favor Sudheimer U , ✓ Peter Against ✓ Wenzel -/Mr.. President Adopted by the Council. JaN '..x_1924--..---192.....- JAN - 9 1924 Approd-... ---......._. ...................192 :.. .................................. . ............... ......... MAYOR NOR= 3!. �rtrr, taopaiiisointur $i�e 'ttllriir. i�cputg fQnmmissianrr ' �e�rttr#tttrut of ruhlir Works v01 ^�f,' laity of paint jtMd -v GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER W14.H. GREY. SUPT. OP CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Algonquin Avenue from the west line of Neche Street to the Stillwater Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. Y49720, approved November 15, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 450165, approved December 11, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 7lorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made, on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and t�e'estent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �u C m m i s s i one r. Dated January 9, 1924. 1 ALGO/JOu/N 4 v S!i/; we?er Rd- Nokomis Ave. SLOPE PLAN �`,' Bureau of Engineers - r :.._ A L G O N Q U.l N A VE. -� Jan. /3 /y23 Stillwcicr Rd. Nokomis AVe. ` x /x - /6538 lw 5U8. of BtocKs 3 �u 1-7 w 16 > /6 /7 I /8 I /9 24 51 y P- Q 3 V\ 2 Q ` es.ry so I 5o s7 11. 20 _ P Iz d � •_, _ _° , ° �h ,� I'' to °�� °' ° oti alp P ]f 00 Jq. w 2 /6 S G 7 8 y /a // /z !! /3 /4 is i7 Q 4 w 046 •. - G H T k! under Preliminary Order approved .f oyember 15, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 .2 c7• o -V The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED C�i DESCRIPTION VALUATION 3 17 . Beaver Lake Heights ;r 2 17 do 50'. 6 13 do . 1 1.13 do 75'. 16 16 do0! i .. Lots 14 and15 i16 do 4350, 4 13 t 16 do0_ . _ 11 lg ! do 50:_ ji TOTAL. ! i� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DE`ABTM�NT OF FINAN rv. j°s tom., RIEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCO ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSES SEDTION DESCRIPTION LOT IBLoeli — ADDITION VALUA � 1 t j 3.01 -T 181 Beaver Lake Heightsdo dO- - ?_........_.. do 6 is do IF f jl l 1,1 i , a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated— omminaioner of Einance. ...•- Form B. 11. 12 ,. fid Office d the Com missioner 'of Pub, c .Work Report to Commissioner of f' inance ' �t �eJ � NOV 8019a8 ------ November 28, 192g ------------------=781---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of Nov, 15 1923 the Council, known as Council File No._49720 ___ approved- relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------t---- for outs and fills in the grading o3 Algonquin Avenue from the -we-at line of Neohe Street to the Stillwater Road. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ ------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ ____, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and __________-and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of saiO improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -----=-------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /�/ ------ -" - ----------------- mmissioner of Public Works. k _ ' 50677 :,1 - 1 ` a3tCe MattAr- "-t4 Ara �trom�aat?olDb atW.o :thea nfti IIAa �ut gtat Dort= oGOpWO weet bf*;¢Aamlfae Ai!b`�} !SI ''•✓t " teewar �water and6a8 conneatfoAp'.. �ttam etrR'dt: ntalae`LbRyroy6rty':l1aEp _ cotAh�p m1<erb-�noti�atready made# ' . hRludlnB cilfbtsg Pnd ro eti it Y, COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. aY i;:<qn3-c..y;a1Te�y'a B FINAL ORDER } In the Matter of___P �?ing-_H2lyliAeAve..___3ram- Rundolph.:St....to-:the- south- line _af...tha>:.P.QrS..Q11.._Q._Q.99.fio13- Ave-.lyin4--tint._-of;,fiamiine sewer a __•_•,w•••ter. nd gas com ectious 3rota .street mains to :roperty lines complete, there not already made, also "including c>, rbing and paving ........ ....___................... ...................................... _............................... ...... •................................ ............................. drivevjay and al�*ey approacaas, vrl.ere necessary, ............................ -.............................................. ........................................................... _.......... _..... _..................................... ................................................................................. .................. __....... ................................... r^ under. Preliminary Order ............... !�9533.......... ...--- approved ..................... �Iov.6'-1923.............................. ..'- IntermediaryOrder_ ...................................... .... ......... approved... ......----•---............................... :.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard, all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it 'RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ,improvement to be made by the said City is....l?ave Hemline Ave. from Randolph _St.ao_ _the gouth_ 1_ine-_of.. thtt--portion._o- Osceola. Ave-.-_eying-_Hast- of ............... .,,....including..$etYeT,.... er.._4r�d...g ...00nnections Yrom street mains to property lines complete, where riot already madey .._. ..................................................... ...............-------I---..........•----.......•---.................----- also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, ...................................------.. ••--Material-Asph-aitiu--ComCr*t9;- 32 %eGwid�r i2'txa"O�tse0I8"Ave there necessary - to St. Clair 3t. and 30 feet wide from St. Clair St. to ..............— _................................--.......------..................._...._.. --_-- ................ 8eado]B1T ••St. t -- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Conn cil, for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. J/�PJ 91924 Adopted by the. ColmciL......-----. ........................ .. 1....._ l ` ....................... .......___........i --•------..r . City Clerk. JAN - 9 1924 m Approved....................................................... 191.. ✓ .......... ....................... :..... ................... ........... Mayor.. Councilman 21xnYm Wk Clancy Councilman 959h ;;Ferguson Councilman =Kwsy / I/ PUBLI13HED Councilman Mdt.4 ."Peter Councilman WWI3udh e }mer Councilman iJ enze ,,op" Mayor Hadpaq elsbn moi' Form B. S. A. 8-7 iia+ acr r " r ander Preliminary Order approved Nov. 6, 1923. '.To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: hength 3,247' Roadway; 32,and , ;.St,reet 60� andTrontage 5165.4'' 701 31 creosot-.ed, brickslaid,.AsphaTt or r, Paain� blocks flat Asphaltic Conor. Concrete Dotal sq ;':qd.. 5.52 4.50 3.43 2.87, [ntersectons)' 29,538.07 24,079.95 1.8,354.27 15,357.66 Wheelage Property share 28,017.34 30,992.4o 23,623,10 19,766.26 Total 67,555.41 55,072.35 41,977-3735, 123.92 .(a) front foot 7.36 6.00 4.57 3.83 'Added in the above drainage $611.91 `Street curbed under contract 3267 in 1921 add for street curb where not in 690 per lin, ft. 6 in sewer connections each $60.00 3/4 in water connections each 39,00 -•— __ ._..._ ... 3 { - do - - I 2800 p Tors.. � '4+ Fa _BYc1p_-__L�-�_ I 'CITY OP 6T��PAUL $ /';. - DEPARTM1r FINANCE' REPORT Oik CISSIbNER OF FINANCE!!: y ON NARY ORDER 1 n the matter of Paving Hamlin Ave. -,.from Randolph St to the Soutn line of that portion of Osceola Ave, lying west of Hamline Ave., incliading sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines' complete; where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. Cri tmdex PreLminarYP ��:o 4 x s arses �A e""5."i'..`�,v.;..��'�`.....�.....i_s._..,...,...'4,Z..�'�_�5:,.u, !s.f...?..,�.,...r.�... ,� a�..r�'vv's�....[,..s.:: 1 5 4 do b100 6 4 do 50 _ 7 4 do 1 3504- do-- 280 91 4. - do 6001 is lo --4 do _ _ 1500 ...11 -do-_ -32001--+- - 4- do 2800 .. i -r TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL . 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFC ISSIONER OF FINANCE .pl ONS Ll MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT BLoeli i i. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4i Sunnyside Plat 2 St.Pai1 100 2p 4 dodo o h , 1450 Except West $ ft: of Lot 19 & a111 19 : 4 4 do _ .. do 2 q0 West_5 ft...of __ .. _ 221 M, _� 1 �+ a _ 't ...... _ , _ ... 3' 0 5 4 3 3. d0 _ do -- p _ 33 _ 2 3 .." 3 do do - i 3 do 7350 --- - ._ - do 5 k--- _do_.. - _.. _270 •_"5._ft, oi'_ Lot- -l0_& all of 3 do. _ 2925 l Except_ Eazt- 5.ft. 10 _ 3 do 4�5 do -...3000: : 20 3 do 2425 ._East -35 ft-- 19. 3 dQ W.5 ft. of Lot. 19.4all of .: 11 ; 3.. do 825 17__ _3 d0 . _ ;_3075; . ' +:__. 16 3. _ . a4 _ :...475 _ do _ _ 4700 5. 2- do :900. .._ 4:2. do 5501 3 2 do- 2_' .2- 400 1.. 2 . do 7., .2.. __do. _ _ 450:_ 8 : _ _ 2 do _ _ _. _ o_ _. 9- 2.___ __do. 450 10 2 do 350 - ,--� -- I — TOTAL �. . , CITY CFS *T. PAUL ' DEPARVEN; OF FINANCE - r 1, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEt a ON.. UMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT �BLoeK ADDITION VALUATION 11 2 Sunnyside Plat 2 St.Paul 2350; _. E. 15 ft. of Lot 7-9 & all of 20 2 do 900 .. All Lot 1S & W. 25 ft. of 19 2 do 1125 17 2 do 1025 16 2 do 475 61 do 600 . 1 do _ 2550 1 do 9 3-- 1 do 43550 . _ ...1_ .._ 1 _.. _ - _ do 450 -East 7_.: _1.. - __ do ___._ _ 500 1�j00. `- 35 ft of 8 1 do' _Fact. E. 35 ft. Lot_ $ & all _ 10 -- 1 do 40Q 111 do 400 20.. -1 _ 12 do 2 00 3'00 - 1 1 _do 1 1 do 00 1 do 00 _ 1. 4. 4 Chester Park _ 700 8500 _. is do 2� . 4 . do - - .100 00 4 22 do 2105 0 . 13. 4 _ 1 4 . do do 7�0 3555 5_. 13 4 do 2450-' _ io 4 - do__ 05 9 4 .' - 2725_ Except East 1 ft 8 . 4 do 2 75 _ .-I$-- 3 _ do , _ 50 1 . do z5 , tl0. _ �42 20. _. 3 _ 21 3 . do do 425 -- 23 . _ 42 3 d 5225 .-.�. �_._• .-.--,•.- ,_ .___._ a-".. --, _-«�.. -_"-r:. �,... _ _- __ CITT Or -9T. PAUL. DEPARIWENJ OF FINANCE - REPORT -OF C£,O ISSIONER OF FINANCE l 6 / ON�., ELIMINARY ORDER (B)� ASSESSED -DESCRIPTION _ — - VALUATION ADDITION I OT (BLOCK b � 21 ' _-.3 � Chester. Park. 5 - I 2� 3 do 35 3. do - 13 3 - -do _ 75- 3 do 550 _ 12 ': __j.: _ _do3255 11 3 do � do 3375 ... i_ _ - - �i do _ '_ _ 11j � -10 ft. of _E, -10 it, .. do9 5 1 - 2- 18 2 do 7 1 do x+75 . 1 2 do do _. -100 - - _ _ r- - - 20 2 do 225 l 21 _ 2-- ----- -.:do- _ .00- . -- - 221 2 do . _135 3 1-- 2. 2_. do 0 - - ----- _ $� 2 do 0 310 0 - 1. 2 _ do 2. 0 � _ 1� 2 do 5 1 ..._.2._ do- - a - - _ 1 - 11 2 do 10. 2 do 2 do . _ _ 600 2_.do _._. 2.150 lg 1 do 5 do - - _ _ ,.-,-500 -- 1 1 do 220Q0 19 1 . _ do {, 20 1 do- -- -- 22 1_- do 1J75 -- 23 . 1.... _ 2 75 1 1 do N l - 1 do ;_90d r 13 1 do 200 , 1� 1 do- - 250 r - 10 1 do 25 1 do 26 - 1651-01 n~' 6 4 Sunnyside Add. to the City 600 4 of - Stt.-- -Paul; Minn. 4 � 4 - -do 6050 �l `. 60 ft. of Lots 1 & 4 do W i -Except -West '60- ft. --'Lot _1 do _ Exc W 60 ft. Lot - — TOTAL �_+-- CITT Or BT. POWL DEPAR'iENy OF FINANCE i REPORT OF GOIS$IONER OF FINANCE �� t . ONA E IMINARY ORDER (B) - :DESCRIPTION i ,LOT BLoeK - ADDITION �i VALUATION _ 4- I S S Ida .._Ada._.to. -the_ - of St. Paul Minn .l --do _ - 5 3$00 - - 1ffi 4_ ------- i� k do do_ - - -. - - �5 4- do — - -- 400 56 _3 .. _ do - -- 3 do3-650--L 650- - -- - -- - , 4 o - - - -- 6 0 -- - -- - -, 1 - ... do , 65a - --- - do-- -- - -'- 3 do .- 5bb - , 39 �6� I 1 do r Y �. -- r' -15 1� do 2 1 _ d0- - - _. _ 2650 1 do _ do 1100! -- 2 ', do a l X00 - _{ . _do. - 4 'i_-I - - __ _-- -do-._ - -- - —500.1 -- 1 50 } Y- 1 do --i ddo 3 00 250 _ o �'_;Excs ,,_ 65_ tt.- of Iota. 18-_& 1� No-ff of Lots 18 i9 1 do _r_....— 5200 ,11 y - 'CIO .d0__ - do - - ddo 1 o 4751 { ,. -- 1 do - 5 St�nsons_.HamlineAve.5- -.Add Wj I to St. Paul -Rob�rao Lea¢is Oo. __$ubd 2 5 - k3457' South � of -Lot . _.. _ . - So. 3/4 ft. of Lot 15 & No. of Lot � _-I --=�- 455 2 _ _. 15-- 'Lot 1]� of Lot '5-'&-all I d RNo. _ -- -- j. � ( TOTAL IO11 • 1 � �-1j CITY OF ST. PAUL -,DEPARWENZ OF; FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE V 4-A OkAI&IgLIMINARY.ORDER.; . (B) J DESCRIPTION — �T IILOT BLOCK ADDITION — it ASSESSED VALUATION + iI t fi 13 2 Robert P1 Lewis Co i1 Subd. i t _... - 2 10 0 i i 20 do 20 00 122 2 do ---- g2 . ._ _2- . _ " _._ -do-* " " _ . _.-". - - - ; 300 ---- 1 2 do 11._." -2----- _ . ---do- - - - 200 1 i - - 200 _ 10 2 do _.. _ 2 do_ _ 2 do 200 ?00 1 pp :1 __2 Haupt' Ad. t ion -to-St-.Pau1 ; 265Q _.. -•--.. 2 do X00 200 22 2 do 20 2 do __.2r ,-2 _... do _ ... 2 2 do ----- ;2-i5 7 2 -- do- -- o -2 do 2 r,58 5 _ 29-;- -2 -do _ . 277� 30 2 do00 .. 2 do 1 -do- 2; 2 do 2; 2$ Is 'tion 50 S 4 Sargent Add r 2 do g ;_ _ "_ _._ .__ _do_._ --__._ . 4 do _..'. _. 1 400 ._ #000 2 ;ce 9 i ( 1 4 do... ( 2 4 do5),M. y - ad _ . 3800 ,.L- - 4 4050 P 4. do.. 55 6 4 do _ .. 600 4100 dO._.. _ do -1000, i 75 I 2 1 do .." _ " 475--'- 75 '2 4755 _ 21 do 24. _._ 1 _ _._ do k � �3 1 _ .._ do 22 1 do _ 0 - � 1 1 I n ,F ,I' � TAL i I t ctt I ., ____..—.__ —. ...�.,.�.. � �6..,-_•-_-.TIm.�,o3-_-rh�ecirvm*c�a..�.-:u CITY OE'sT.PAUL DEFARW,gIV ?F FINANCE ,M REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE •L Z4i O0MALIMINARY ORDER r� (B/ - -� BLOCK ADDITION VNLOT ALUATIODESCRIPTION I� , r 2 1 Sargents Addition _. _j.1 do a ( 350 15:5`1-11- i 1. db 1 do1495 ! N' 55po-, i 400 ' 17 do -3 50r 1. 0 20. _ .. __ ___ __ __ .___ �� 21 _ do --22..._ __.. - do 24,00 ; - -1-200 r - 2 do _ , 3 - x+00 -- 1365 -- 7551 - .__ do 3. i -+ --- - - - -- 11, do - .. --- - _ 1 1$ -12 ........ do __.----:. I i 5' --] 15 , do 16._11 Stinsons Boulevard Add. -fit: Paul 1425 : -115 -- - �-- 17 ; 11 Addit3-on to �9 i iil' _ _ _ _.__ __ do .. _ .. _ _ _ ._ 105; 5 ._ 21 11 do 25 315 do 23� 11 do 75 475 F 11 _ do 1 11 do 50 1 '47-00' do 4900' 12: .11, . _._ __.__do____. 11: _ 4001 I � T ' 1 250 - - -- --- -- _ ._._ -- 8. .111- _ ... - 400 i - - - 10; - de_ '±�7.._,+__._' 1 7.1. 465 10.__.__ ...._.__ _ ao___ 4300 -- i q0 r CITY of aT. ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE :. REPORT'DIF idomiMUiONER OF FINANCE - 4014 NARYORDER C -DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLoeIC �11 ADDITION �I ASSESSED VALUATION: 20 10! .Stinson's Boulevard Add 141? 0�� 101 to St. Paul 4 '_ �2�04 22, 10; do 49 I I:.: _ _. 231 x..... lo' do t 50i { I ; 1 r ; 5 VU 1i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Co miasioner of Finance. ' � V— B.B. 12 %oV 27 yypz November 27 1923 - - -- - -------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Stt Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the.Council, known as Council File No._M3$---- approved- _Hoy _$r_192a___191___, relative to Paving_Hamline_Ave R ndcl�$_9t._ tQ_tjiQ_13911>Lhline- Slf_ b&7i-------- portionf" -oOsceola ve. lying west of Hamline Ave., including sewer, water and gas oonneotions from street mains to property_ ``" 'IiYlee-b6nii'i7ete; �9fisie roti-aZieady-ma3e;--also 7no7u�ing curbing ani paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------- Commissio of Public Works. Eiltiumm 3. Itrtrr, (IIommissioner � � �. ,grip flnllrttr. BjPV*g ,(IInmmiasinnrr arvartutrut of ruhlu lVarks eity of ontut VMd GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CARRY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H.'HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 26, 1923 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Hamlin Ave. from Randolph St. to the south line of that portion of Osceola Ave. lying west of Hamline Ave., in- oluding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and 'alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C.F. #49533, approved November 6, 1923: Lengh 3,247' Roadway 32' and Street 60' and Frontage 510654' 39' 70' 31 creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or 7^ Paving blocks flat Asphaltic Conor. Concrete Total eq.yd. 5.53 4.50 3.43 2.87 Intersections) 29,538.07 24,079.95 18,354.27 15,357.66 Wheelage ) Property share 58,017.34 30, 992. 40 23, 623.10 19, 766.26 Total 67,555.41 55,072.35 41,977.37 35,123.92 (a) front foot 7.36 6.00 4.57 3.83 Added in the above drainage $611.91 Street curbed under contract 3267 in 1921 add for street curb where not in 600per lin. ft. 6 in sewer connections each $60.00 yl in water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, -)7-7, YXr'4 Approved:for transmission to /-h:"Lef Engineer Commissioner of Finance: C �oner. !� �� pL 1� ►�7° Ekj. � St. Paul, Minn-, January 2nd, 1924 Hon. W. J. Peters, Com. of Public Works, The Hon. Members of the City Council, avthe City of Ste Paul, Minn. Sire: In re: the matter of paving Hamline Avenue from Randolph Street to Osceola Avenue, etc., under pre- liminary order No. 49833, approved November 6th, 1923: We, the undersigned, as residents of the district to be affected by the aforesaid proposed improve- ,ent, and as owners of property against which the cost of such improvement is to be levied by special aseesement, here- by object and protest: That the cost or any part thereof be not assessed against property not abutting Hamline Avenue, and that the cost thereof be assessed entirely against the property abutting Hamline Avenue. SIGNED,- Name IGNED:Name Address ,��,.,'t ;/' :;•" {��,.e`;. Lit, 0 - t. -- C J�. y: SIGNED; Add x 70 i r 69 ;��� ' SIGNED• i �r + Name Address 02 f X CJ i I SIGNED-- r. 50678 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....�5 wing Oakdale Ave. Pr 3oo t -c St. -,__to- Aiinapol-l.a•---_•--- St_......A th...ae.mar,...341,er...and...g, &a...comi.ec x ans :4rum...atra.e t...me.ins....to............ lines complete, _where not ulret:<iy made, as so or, rbing and ravin;* ........ -Q driveNay appro..ches, where..neeessary............................ - ...... ........... - .................... ........... .....---.............- .... . . 4 29July 24,192 under Preliminary Order ...............7......r�...................... approved......................-..... ..-.......... .......... ..................... IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved.............................................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon tie above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it 2"� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the p 've Oa.cdala Ave. from Prescott St. .......................... , s..... ..._..........._..................- ............. to Annapolis St. ;vith se,vor, iv�ter euid gas oonnections from _ -----..._- - -------............................ . scraet Trains to property lines complate, where not alraady made, ...................................... ......................... ............. - ...............- - - ........... ......... .......--------........----...........................---- also curbing r-nd paving drive vay aperoaches, tiihere nace9sary, - - - - -.....................:- ................................. be W the same-e*e_h el?X_ n4ellad,..atmnlled,.and.rescinded-and •e1F-------••••-......---• -. -Proceedings in azfd matter he discontinued. -.............._...------.........---..........-----...---........................-----........_..............................-------......----................................................ and Council hereby orders said i provement to be ma e. LVED FURTHER, That the ommissioner of Pub 'c Works be and is he y in;ecte ucted and direct to prepare plans and specifica • ns for said improve ent, and submit same to oun- cil for appro ; that upon said approval, the roper city officials a hereby authorized and d to proceed wi the making of said improvem 1 in accordance the •th. Adopted by the Council...... MA. -2- fl.1g24..... 1-......- City Clerk. Approved ................. MAY 2 01924........, 191........ Roil. Call to Discontlnue, • ................................... .. .. .- .......... ..................... ayor. n, ,.. 1SHED Councilman GAS Fer iaon ✓Coun�li�$ Pater ]{� /Councilman 9�66$ S«d iei�aer Mayor Hadgsm ila!son Form B. S. A. 8-7 r j' CITY.OPST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF-„ ISSIOENE2 OF FINANCE '*b' r ON PRffL INARY ORdER (A) ;under Preliminary Order approved Jii l ir— °1=, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The .total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S pavind 3 " Crec3QteU Brick laid Asphtlt or Bl,:ck flat Anhalt Cc ncr_ — Concrete Total Sy. Ya. 5.6,'� 5.02 5.75 3.16 Intersectiuns ) Wheelage ) t 25,620.64 22,336.86 i 16,409.50 £ 15,611.26 Property Share 37,75�Os — - 2�iF65.50 24,255.00--------20,59.66 T o t a l 66,375.72 i 51,502.66 a 42,694.50 t 36,204.94 (a) Front Ft. 7.34 6.27 4.57 3.62 Add for Concrete cLrh where not in 60j; per lin. ft. Add for 6" Sesser corv.eotions each 860. o0 Add for 311E" P�t,ter connections each 39.00 u N.E. corner to the SW. corner -of -said Lot ( Ex. So, 5 -ft) - - (Exoept EaL3t 7 feet) That 4 . do - 1425 ppart of Lot 5 lying E. of a r; -- line- draion from -v, point on -the _. No. line 46.50 feet from the ttE. ,.orner-to_.the S,TT. comer _ of said Lot Farm n. B. 10 TOTAL. a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. E. 6 ft.)110.128 ft.of 6 4 Woodbury & Casio Aad. to 2550 North 128 feet of 7 4 St. Paul, Minn. E. 6 feet of 6 4 do 75 That part cif lot'5 1•iing W. 4 . do of a line iram frog, a poirVt on the -No. -line, - 46.50 1'0e-6. cuka f N.E. corner to the MI. corner of -said Lot ( Ex, So. 5 'i (Except East 7 feet) That 4 do A25 ppart of Lot 5 lying L. of a li3ie drawn from a point on -the No. line 46.50 feet froLl the _NE. :o-rner c) .the-S,T.T. -corner- of said Lot 1, TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORTQT 6lMMIS11ONER ZLIMINARY OF FINANCE, ON., ORDER DESCRIPTION ^LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 5 4 Woodbury & Cases' Add. to 3625 4 4 St,. Paul Minn. 3 4 do _ So. 5 ft. of 6 and 7 4 do >750 No. 1/2 of 8 and 9 4 do No. 30 ft. of So.- of 8& 9 4 do 225 (Ex. No. )0 ft.) So. 10 of 8 and 9 4 do 2625 10 4 do 1350 11 do 2750 (Except alley) 6 9. do 5500 _ (Except alley ) 5 9 do 450 do 4 9 do 1800 do 7 9 dL 212358 do 8 9 do 2925 is 9 9 d0 425 PTO. o f �. O_ .,G. .^_UO ft, 1 10 do 125 E. 1/2 of No. 48 ft. of So. 150 ft. f 1 10 do 1400 Cozz..encing at a point on -che we:3t line of Oakdale Ave. 102 ft. from the So. line 1 10 do 1475 61.09 ft. thence So. 1/2 ft, thence IV. parallel to So. line aforesaid 12.34 ft. thence So. 50.59 ft. -�henoe E. T;arallel to said So. line 84.50 ft. to aforesaid {lest line of Oakdale Ave. thence No. 51.45 ft. to place of beginning. TOTAL CITY OP 8T. PAUL 3 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT CZE CRMM'S TONER OF FINANC, Fy• O XELIMIPTRY bRDER {{, (BJ - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except the W. 1/2 of So. Woodbury & Cases' Add. 25 f t.) The So. 50 ft) of 1 10 St. Paul, Minn. Also No. 1 foot of So. 51 That of E. 84.;C ft. of 1 to do 1800 4 Y.ilshavv's Rea. of Lot 975 3 2 Blk 10., Woodbury and 1225 Cases' Add. ECSC - 1 do 2', 5 1 1 The 'lest St. Paul Real North 3 feet of 4 1 Estate and Improvement (Except Ido. 3 faet) 4 1 syndicate Add. No. 1 350 5 1 do 3200 - - s 1 do 1350 9 1 do 375 12 1 dc, 400 13 1 do 400 16 1 do 1900 17 1 do 1700 7 Bryant and Minea's Rea. of 1400 6 Block 13 of Woodbury and 6050 9 Cayes' Add. ,o St. Paul 1700 10 11 i nn . 2080 11 do 400 (Except So. 6.55 ft.) 12 do 1275 So. 6.55 ft. of 12 do 3500 :13 do TOTAL 4 CITY OP !T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE {+ MMIS REPORT OF- OILIER OF FINANCE .ply.. ( 12 ELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 1 Cher. F. Heyer's Subd, of 350 2 Blk 14, Woollury & Cases' 2000 3 Ad:i. to We .t St. Pti;51 1050 4 do 1550 5 do 300 6 do 3100 (Ex. so. 7 feet) 7 do 1900 - - So. 7 feet of 7 do 1525 5 do 7 5 The West St. Paul Real 3450 6 5 Estate and Improvement 1500 5 5 Syndicate Add. No. 1 250 - 4 5 do 200- 3 5 do 200 2 5 uo 200 - - 1 5 do 200 3 6 do k 6 do 5 6 do 2300 6 6 do 400 7 6 do 2400 That part lying; No. of a line drawn from a point on Pest line of Lot 6, 35.63 ft. from No. line of Gates St. to a point on E. line Of Lot 9 47.66 ft. from aforesaid tlo. ling of Gates St. of 5 & 9 6 do TOTAL 2450 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 5 ,! REPORT Qi jQQMMIS IOI� ER OF FINANCE ri r , - ON`FAE41MINARY ORDER 0 . DESCRIPTION •LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That cart 1ying So. of a The West St. Paul Real line drawn from a point on West line o. Lot 6, 35.63 ft. Estate and Improvement p from the No. line of Gates St. to a point on Ea:;t line of Lot Syndicate Addition No. 1 9 47.66 ft. fror.: afore3aid I10. line of Gates St. -,f 6 & 9 6 245o 2 7 The West St. Paul Real Est. 1656 j 7 and Improvement Syndicate 300 4- 7 do 300 5 7 do 300 _ 6 . 7 do 350 7 7 do 350 S 7 do 350 1 5 do 300 4 6 do 250 5 6 do 2525 6 6 do 2675 9 s do 2375 12 6 10 2925 13 5 do 350 7 11 do 250 6 11 do 350 5 11 do 350 4 11 do 175 3 11 do 175 2 11 10 1;5 1 11 do 175 14 12 do 1900 �- 15 12 do TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL 6 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Chi +G MMIS IOtIER OF FINANCE. ON� RELIMINAY R ORDER tt (B) DESCRIPTION •LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAT N 1 16 12 The N. St. Paul Heil 200 17 12E9tate and improvement 200 18 12Syndicate Acid. No. 1 200 19 12 do 200 20 12 do 250 1 1 Belvidere Park Subd, of 850 2 1 Lot 2 of Bidwells Add. to 175 3 1 Wcst St., Paul, Hinn. 100 No. 45 ft. of 4 and 5 1 do 50 (Ex. No. 45 ft.) 4 & 5 1 do 75 11 1 do 250 Also No. 41.80 ft. of Lot 1, Blk 1, Belvidere Park Subd. of Lot 3 of Bidwells Add, to W. St. Paul 6 Adam's Add. to Nest St.Paul 1325 5 do 1325 10 1 Belviders Park Subd. of 2675 9 1 Lot 2, of Bidwells Add. to So. 82.80 ft. of Lot 1, !gest St. Pawl, Minn. Blk 1, Belvidere's Park Subd. of Lot 3, of Bidwells Add. to West St. Paul North 1; 2 of 6 7 1 do 50 So. 1/2 of 6 & 7 1 do 100 8 1 do 100 3 2 do 100 4 2 do 100 5 2 do 1175 (Ex. West 55 ft, for alley) A row.... .. a 2 do TOTAL 25 .. - , ,......, CITY OP BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 7REPORT Vµ QW A MMIS f0 ER OF FINANCr,,.44 NY J ON FR 1-1101 ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. W. 15 ft. fcr alley) 6 2 Belvidere Park Subd. of 200 do 7 2 Lot 2, of Bidwelle Add. 200 do S 2 to 14. St. Paul Minn. 225 (Ex. p&.rt for -alley) q 2 do 100 (Ex. part for alley) 10 2 do 100 1 2 do 50 2 2 do 25 2 1 do 1350. 3 1 do 150 - 11 1 jo 75 1 2 do 850 4 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1675 3 22 St. Paul, Minn. 1075 2 do 925 9 do 300 10 do 1325 13 do 1700 14 do 400 17 do 2525 18 do 250 19 do 1300 20 do 75 1 3 Belvidere Park Subdivision 350 P 3 of Lot 2 of Bidwell -9 Add, 2000 3 3 to Neat St. Paul, Minn. 1100 4 3 do 300 (Ex. W. 30 ft. of so. 10 ft) 5 3 do 275 ro.... .. a TOTAL ._. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT C9, QQMMISSIONER OF FINANC 4,4 Y, ON TAELIMIN RY ORDER �CI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Y. 30 ft. of So. 10 ft. of 5 3 Belvidere Park Subd. of 3275 5 3 Lot 2 of uidwelle hid. to 7 3 beet St. Raul Minn. 1025 10 3 do lr•0 9 3 GO 1100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.._ Commissioner of Finanee. F- B. B. 12 s ; Office of the; Cor'imissioiei of Public Wor���vD . Report to Commissioner of Finance r . its U�r C R Ot- t i NOV 271828 N.omemher_37-,__1223__191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The ,Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._9c.?AM.___approved__, UJy_.a.4,__1923__191__:, relative to _;paving Oakdale_ Ave._from_Prescott _St. to Annapolis _St. _with _sewer. ___ __water__and_�ae_aonneotione_ from_street_m�i�@_�.9_&To�S�TY__l�Q@._9_OJP =__ ', plate where not already made,_ also _ourbinm_and paving dri------ -------------------------------------- ----- -------- approaches where necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------------------=--------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of „ , property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- AM----- -------- r w" Commissioner of Public Works. �F t St. Paul, Minn .,...... 1)e.c......31._..................192.3. To The-lonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvements not * be :: de. P:::. .[t..:...�'.....D6Jret 1, ................... St. Ave. from_................_.........................................'. .......... ...._... _St. Ave. to_._...__....._.......__.....-- ... ......_..._........._........... ...........__........._.._......_ St. Ave. :3 1 1){j •BLOCKD• • :3 1 1){j DE11N9T10NRPROCEEDINGB�N ' 506 ( 9 G atter o[ condemn! g nd tak- � , �; easement In the 1 nd eces- ,a,�6ven for cuts and -alta. In q t ,-, lA Grotto., St. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. c�ule:r,nin t l t�i;ing .ur. ca;c,;..;:;t in t21e lwnd r.eceaeury Inthe matter of ........................... -- ............................... --------....................-_ _— for slopas,for out, ,:::,i Yil'is in the ';ruing of Ai a -i. Grotto Streat ...................... .- --.... ..................._...............---......----......................._.................... - .........----- ........... --.........---- :-1C11LionL;o J-� i ............................................................................................................. _........... ............ ................ _....---------- .--- .....------------------ .---- ------------------------------------------ .......-......................----------------------....... under Preliminary Order ..._..`}7515 ......... .., approved.Auk-"4-.-SiZ5......., Intermediary Order........ 4. 01....., Oct. 1,1923 approved....------ ................................ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fureE-Resolved, that the said assessment be and itxvcs hsreby`"deteFm ed^te-v is ............. - ...... -.-........equal installexe.Gis'as to each parcel of land described therein. JAN - 9 1924 Adoptedby the Council....................................................................... 191........ t�.,� - X12 •-- .. AN _ 1yL4 City Clerk. Approved............. I ..................... ........................ 191........ .................._.....................----.......------ ✓ Mayor. Councilman F*z9"ttti'• Cliincy Councilman ffyige ✓ roruaon Councilman R�fthd Councilman Ssliet ✓ 'e t e r Councilman Mic6ollt ✓ S_, :L,, iffier Councilman a))2e1 MayormtAd a-3cn "jj 1 FINAL ORDER IN GONII (1)�Thata The gollow'e In the matter land .............. .... _._._ nacessarl for slopes, for cuts and fills in the 9radin�, of Alien _ .In Grc tto Straat AiultlUIly Z).`Ota Avon ;, to Grotto St., x+7575 a roved �!�aL� ��, Intermediary Order—_�$�t�.____ under Preliminary Order .._...._...__....___...... , PP approved—_Oat 1 192', Resolved: (1) That.the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._—.._._ condemn and take an easement in the;land necessary for slopes, a for cut's and :ills in the rhiill9, of A11ay in Grotto Straet Addition, from -Avon- 9t -to .GrottC,_3t. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..___ ,he_. le nd • abutting uron The .._Additinn Th.. tweRn the _ points aforesaid, to the extent sliolvn upon the plans attaohad to� the rerorl g Works in the--3IIU"at— dated October S 1 19 2i __ _-�---- _—__—...__.-.-.---------•-- '. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN - 9 1924 --.--._.._. . ................... _...... Adopted by the Council- .............. .tAN - 9 1924 -- -— City Clerk. Approved—_____ . .. . . ..............._........., .......... ...... ... _......... --............... — �. Mayor. Clancy R&4Hnmth Ferguson v PUBLISHED aTrn&49nz e� irver udh President; $Hdg8Ga3beA ![j,' 50680 �FINde7i OADEA9' IV �OlYDEBfNATION PROOEEDING9: /+ In_tha mutter of condemning and tak- , l Ih Yo. 1W of In an euee,itent in the load nets --'I sary for slopes, for cats. andYfillai-ln FINAL ORDER IN GONII (1)�Thata The gollow'e In the matter land .............. .... _._._ nacessarl for slopes, for cuts and fills in the 9radin�, of Alien _ .In Grc tto Straat AiultlUIly Z).`Ota Avon ;, to Grotto St., x+7575 a roved �!�aL� ��, Intermediary Order—_�$�t�.____ under Preliminary Order .._...._...__....___...... , PP approved—_Oat 1 192', Resolved: (1) That.the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._—.._._ condemn and take an easement in the;land necessary for slopes, a for cut's and :ills in the rhiill9, of A11ay in Grotto Straet Addition, from -Avon- 9t -to .GrottC,_3t. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..___ ,he_. le nd • abutting uron The .._Additinn Th.. tweRn the _ points aforesaid, to the extent sliolvn upon the plans attaohad to� the rerorl g Works in the--3IIU"at— dated October S 1 19 2i __ _-�---- _—__—...__.-.-.---------•-- '. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN - 9 1924 --.--._.._. . ................... _...... Adopted by the Council- .............. .tAN - 9 1924 -- -— City Clerk. Approved—_____ . .. . . ..............._........., .......... ...... ... _......... --............... — �. Mayor. Clancy R&4Hnmth Ferguson v PUBLISHED aTrn&49nz e� irver udh President; $Hdg8Ga3beA K. w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS c (...s..1:.1... A� A T w : c il:1S; . :i.t...ui...he..? to i. .. In the matter of..'.:.>;--:.,'�,:.=l.> 1 ,,... ... ------ ...... neu zs.i-..ry icT 610 p-,.3, ur�...L'.i-3...iti...`he...d 1 n;� �. --.{'-•�....e�............. .. ....... .... " ir. rotto 6tr•,.,t AL i Czrot,,vcn - to ry c r_ ...................................... under Preliminary Order .....t75.!.5.._._..., approved.Ali6s.4, `.i:j......, Intermediary Order.... }adU.9.........., approved............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------........ ................. mmissioner of Finance. cJ".ld.::l.in�-_i^_:i to};ink--_fin.-_I sc,cent in ttla land I,Gce_ ry In the matter of.........--......... ----- tli.. ............. r - :'or sl ,��s.:....-or cu -.3 c11a .`'�_:� in ,tri aulr of Allen in i;'_ock. i ............................................. G..............1].........-....... ...... ..................--....... ....7................_ 3erry_;1 _ ^ from _1ziur Ave. ,o S`aa ...................................... ...--........... --- -- - ............ - - - - _................_ under Preliminary Order 48.L71pproved.A34il�-21x1-2%...,Intermedia17 Order ...... 4c283 .:- ------� approved............. -................ --------.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fu er Reablved, th4 the s$ul�ssment; b� it-is"-heined'11 11 - � .'equal installmeiita as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..................................... 9 1924 `•.•, 191----.... ........... ..... JAN - 9 1924 Approved........................................................... 191........ Councilman FiklieiSm°th` Clancy Councilman &nee F:&Vson Councilman N Ikdd - Councilman KPT4 ' -Irt the, matter ot'condemningnnd Cnk-- Councilman BfiMrl ..Inaanieaeementin�the.landneeea- eary',tor 93aDea, for -cote and:elta In .gradin& at-Alleyy irntockl,'Bprrr- hill Placa Councilman V66AWAa� . from Prior pye..tq Sae'at., _`under Preliminnry Order Mayor bainx`-N-cism, -98171; np- �=Droped ,Aug. -51, ,1825, Intermedinry ,Order 49283 aDDrovadOct. 20,. 1925. upon Phe'takingiald hc,,demnstlon lands or ea' RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND ,the elle manta therela, for -[he, above Improvement, qnd the awards of asaeaement`ot beneata: therefor. Q °an °gee therefor, and also DDaa the ATION AND the Council having duly- consld —me, how..therefor e. b_a,,,(s Reaolved,,That.� AWARDS OF DAMAGES A' ahs eSESSMENT THEREFOR. cJ".ld.::l.in�-_i^_:i to};ink--_fin.-_I sc,cent in ttla land I,Gce_ ry In the matter of.........--......... ----- tli.. ............. r - :'or sl ,��s.:....-or cu -.3 c11a .`'�_:� in ,tri aulr of Allen in i;'_ock. i ............................................. G..............1].........-....... ...... ..................--....... ....7................_ 3erry_;1 _ ^ from _1ziur Ave. ,o S`aa ...................................... ...--........... --- -- - ............ - - - - _................_ under Preliminary Order 48.L71pproved.A34il�-21x1-2%...,Intermedia17 Order ...... 4c283 .:- ------� approved............. -................ --------.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fu er Reablved, th4 the s$ul�ssment; b� it-is"-heined'11 11 - � .'equal installmeiita as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..................................... 9 1924 `•.•, 191----.... ........... ..... JAN - 9 1924 Approved........................................................... 191........ Councilman FiklieiSm°th` Clancy Councilman &nee F:&Vson Councilman N Ikdd w Councilman KPT4 ' iia td T Councilman BfiMrl ��d'_.d11a2T Councilman V66AWAa� "lana 11 Mayor bainx`-N-cism, ° City Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHED—.L— _/;2 — -�2 �1/ C. r. No. 0088:.— - ( {IniWit- ng in de'he necea- - anaemement lnnd eery for slopes, [or cute and fllla In' l'hill Sof Ailey In Bloclt 1, nervy- : Flace from Prlor, .tive:.to Sue.6L,' and -.under Frellminary Order 98171. 'ap-; Vroared AUS. '31, 1923, Intermedlary� - Order 49283, approved Oct. 29, 1Q23. Resolved:.. (i) That the toll0wln6 Improvement• be and the same Istherebf I"ef"gd to be: made, viz: .' - Coli emu and to p, DINGS In IHlls Indceasai FINAL ORDER IN GO�nnd e 1, Berryhlll gFradl Sue"St. (2� In the matter andtrzkn� an—g¢@XY for slopes gor cutis and fills in V3 7.1sk. in -i i9ok—]-►----- - Berryhill Place from Prior Av3, to Sue St., kr A'41!31? is 2� Intermediary Order 49 —__--, lender Preliminary Order-48171 approved- approved— Oe�-20-I-i9z3 - Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:—_— ll condelen and take an ausement in t1Le for cuts and fills in grading of Alley in Block 1, Berrvhill Place from Prior "'Ave. to "Sde St. ' (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_.________ abutting upon the Alley—in B.1ock 1. ger he points aforesaid to the -extent shown upon xhesan a+tacl;eij—to the rgc��t_9� the Commissioner of Public 6Park_e.rl_t1Le 1nat�z1St=ov 22 — (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, Iands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. ` JAN 91924 Adopted by the Council—__....___.—_.__._..._ City Clerk. - APProvedJAN 9 1924 1 ...... _ ........... ..... ----- ..........._.........._ �.___ Mayor. Clancy41 rsk Far son � �j�/ (� ->✓ M ill SudLaimer W=d alieh W enz e 1 Mr. President, IM91 I ;iombsels REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS cr.:,�..s .�^ tis in at :iq.: ici :ie _-'.A ukOk�3hry In the matter of.._..........._..............W _.................... _...E.. `err......-- ............. :.:�r 3i .--- i�n,c.oi. _-......_.... ..... . to. oCc3 0 , ............................. ..........................................._................... _........... ...._.._....................----------------------------- - - :i_. , )", Intermediary Order......2..under Preliminary Order7app rr'c2s........., � t t.' ,- 1- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. . . ............................................... (,Commissioner of Finance. V RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES 50683 C F; No. '0683 I •the matter of. condemning and takF,� Ing an eaeement in the land ncces- j Bary for slopes,. for cutsad aIle In the gr ding of. Eaton Ive.'trom In. dlnnn AveIc . to Chi gn AYe under I An- 4. 19_ Or 7ntcUaediaErnprev-d 49280, approved OoE. 20,.1828. A public Feo..�__.. _ Order, THEREFOR. AND In the matter of «nl t'A;AnE;--__n--e. for s_ope;a, for ciito all -i fi is ill the 6ra:., ing- oz Elltoll Ilse• from . _................... .................._......... ..... --•- --------......--- -- -. In uuc.a Ave. to C lica';o Ave. , under Preliminary Order.. +.75fz') ..............approvedIntermediary Order 49.4$5 Oot.20,1923 approved...................................... -.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it, farther Resolved, assessment.-be-ea&-it'ls hte ereby derm a pays le In �- ............................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. JAN - 9 1924 Adopted by the Council ............. •- .........--....-...............--------......, 191 . -' /.°-tel/ ...................................... 1.d N 9 1922; City Clerk. " Approved....................................-.............._...... 191 ............ ............................. ...... ................................................ Mayor. Councilman F%M*drih 0La.T1Cy Councilman GTW Fee r� EUBLISi- M Councilman ATE d Councilman Ktlgr Councilman Mc= Swill e in e r Councilmanm'Foachuliek Wenzel �� J Mayor k=x -;;o " FINAL ORDER IN 504 {,= IC. -P Zia UBSi-- CC In the matter; of ondemning and talc - i In6'an.ansetpentt ln,tuts ndfllldefn nary Por slopes. ora ,. A,,, t tEatan:;Aye�, er ,tender ' -diheeneg -Ave• ].o Chicago Y ••: _ Prenml' aria Td,IntermedlnrY a()1'q T =pAaqct a0; 1923.., i928"o. nPProved O, . That the tollon•1ng 1mBTaYe- � ment be nd:tha same ,ls hereby�ar CONdercd to bblmade, .Condemn and take an egnetdeat-. Itt the -land necesnry -tdr, elopes taT eutAl INGS. -nnd a13e1n-the grndln frInTiana••t - In the matter of_=j1 ietnn1W -1ind1 land __,,,,__..._. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Eaton Ave. from Indiana Ave. to Chi�Eo under Preliminary Order__�7 566 approved -1i13,.. E , l�_'�i Intermediary Order— _A9.5.$.__ approved— Oct. 20 1923 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, eondettsn and take un easament in the land necessary for slopes, for Cuts and fills in the grading of Eaton Ave, frIndiana Ave,__to y: Cfiicat o Ave. -. (2) That the following land, lanils or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:-- the 2 -and abutting uxon Eaton Ave., bet tan the oint-_aforesaid. to the extant shown upon the plan attachad to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter ciflte' Nov. 22, IQ23 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the. above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council �r CityClerk. r Approved JAN 9 1924__._,191____ _...___..... _............... Mayor. Clancy xWdUW4A& Ferguson /j s Pe.tet�rHvra��- v PUBLISFIEp _/�=_� 3kgoak dhe • mer t a�tsh W=Aze Mr;P.resident, F3dgeam UaaeCli N&,a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of at—AL ...:,.ilB....li;.:,;1....................... _�0r..01 t.s...Ka1fit. ...xz1.._riza.._xz❑.zu�;...03................................ Eaton Ave, from 1-diri:u, Ave, to C'Liea.zo Ave. ....................._..................---........ .............................................._............_.. .............. -- ........................----................ .. ....................................................._....................._...................--..............._............----.......... -- ..._................----....... -- under Preliminary Order.`'.Z2PJ2..............I approved�la e.4,. 4.t' -J...._., Intermediary Order4.928.5 ............... . 2C, approved........ - Octi*25 ....................................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. U%'✓to .................................... Commissioner of Finance. ----------------------- w 1 Council File No .. ...... .......... .... ........ BY......._.._.._ .............. _...................... ........... ......... __. CITY O Resolution Ra ' ------------------- 5068, No. 50685— he motto,u + t the asseserodrt of In thematter of the assessment of oeaefits, costs and of ensee for constract:n6 :,torrn jvLt .er relief sewers on Mendota St. from ueech St.to . the Ri,rht-of-way of t2ie C.SI.P.�:.& O.R.R. rand on an easerr:ent to be oota_iia,i a;ros.3 the ra,lroad Rig':t-of-way (;n the line of klendcta St. produ,;ad .o the 11.ulen Creek saw3r, also on Mir;tiehaha Str:.et from n iota St. to .:,rc tt Si., On 11,e,3ch St. frc r, 'Llendota St. to E. Seventh St., t:nd on E. Seventh from 3,eoh St. to LL��de ,t., under Preliminary Order....._4.5..260......._....., Intermediary Order. ..........471.._F12..... , Final Order........_43205__._.._.. approved ------------ 9t.2C,1923 .... Nix'.. .......... ........................ ............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, 'and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.... ..... ........ . ..... . ........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN - 9-1924 Adoptedby the Council ............................................ ....1 ..... _......... .............(..191............. Approved......__......_.'`._`...... ...... ......... ....... ........... ... 191 Form B. B. 18 City Clerk. PUBLLSRED / = /;1 — [� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT f t In the matter of the assessment of _.�_ , A!'_ 2 , ;Itc rl.-, wzl-cr relief oil _11,-_ndvz� S-,. from Beech -�o the 11i.-ht-of-wity of tile C.SZ.P.1,1. & O.R.R. unci on an ez..3-3m­nt to be ol,'ained uoro6z the vLi1r­.,d . . . . . ................. . . ....... . .. . ...... . ... .. _.— -r-_.._.. ... 0'. ;o the Phulen Ur?ek selvez, also on 'Alnnel-uhu 3-,r3et from !Lanuota ST. to Furast S-- , On Beech St. from vy, �ver,th St -from B,_ach ';t. :it., under Preliminary Order ------ __ 4 5 2 60 Intermediary Order _... 117412__._._._..___...__........, 48205 3,aj-t . 2 0,14'3 Final Order approved .......___._.._....._...:____........----=----_---.--._...---., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the maldng of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.__.. ------- ...... Total Zxptjnd1,'i,.r_,a 2432j.46 Lee su r n the app o.ol" fflgiwar Bond A/C) Net Ass.S.-M.". 108 ,49 Said CommissionerI further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the gum of 49upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be consideied proper. mmissiy..r of Finance. F- H. S. A. 11-9 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No..---- OFFICE o.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cni1NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 8th, 1924. DATE__...__.._.._.._._._-------- ------ ---------- _.__- ------- Resolved, that George M; Shepard, Chief Engineer and A; B. Sharp, Supt. of Sanitation, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed to Cbiomg,Illinois, to attend the Road Show to be held January 15th to the 18th inclusive, and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver to them a city warrant in the sum of One Hundred Dollars eaeh($100.00) for the purpose of paying their expenses on said trip, said sum to be payable out of the Officers Attending Convention Account, and the said George M Shepard and A'; B. Sharp shall, upon their return, file with the City Comptroller an itemized statement of their expenses and return to the City Treasury any balance of said moneys advanced, not expended by them for the purpose of said trip.- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _.,Clancy -,Ferguson ID 9ZLO 61 - ....In favor L,4Sudheimer s' Peter ___. Against .,,.,Wenzel A6a�Breeident Adopted by the Cc cil......... ...... ._._ ._..... 1924.. Ap oved.....1924 Mwron COUNCIL CJ��1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL F&X No-------------'`'_ E OF THE CITY CLERK U IL R TION—GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY -� January <j�1�24__ COMMISSIONER __.._...-___._._._..._....._._........__....._..___...._............_....................................._.._. ......_. DATE.. ....._..._. _ ..__ RESOLVED That the applications for license of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; J. Oottingham, A. H. Heinsohn, Holm & Moline, 0. F. Isaak, Ernest E. Lares, Wm. Offt, John Rieger, A. J. Schlukebter, Sam ward, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 244 Rondo St., 928 Arcade St., 1754 Van Buren St., 458 Maryland St., 407 Buffalo St., 937 263 University Av., FrontSt-, (26 Oakdale St., 146 state St. ✓Clancy 1/ Ferguson J dTTona ..._..._ ....In favor IMW&n Geo.. 0. Si dheimer 11-1 Peter ................Against ,-Wenzel lOiT-Peeeideww Adopted by the Council- J.AN C 1924.....192..---- JAN - 9 1924 Apoved...._.. -------------------------------- 192...._ - - - R MAYyOR CoUNCIL Uc CITY OF ST. PAUL )88 FF F THE CITY CLERK 1 ESOL N—GENERAL FORM T A�rp PRESENTED BY Comm ISBI ONER.___..........____.. RESOLVED That the application for license of Maurice W. Stof er, doing business as the Office Employment Service, 493 Endicott Building, for conducting a Male and Female Employment Bureau, be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. COUNCILhIFN Yeas Nays 1/ ncy �`hererguson ..%C Ay� _---_.......In favor *Xulm Geo. 0.-8 dheimer i Peter _.....Against Wenzel r l Adopted by the Council.���.N..-.--. 9 -- .. 24------192...... JAN - � t92n proved.... ...._ ........_.... .................192----- . _...._.... -- --- -•- --------- MAYOR COUNCIL NO....... 54680 OFFICE RESOLVED�i I.� That the applications for lioenaea of the followipersons for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicted be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Andrew Aronson, S. B. Barnett, Wm. Boehn, Benj. C. Breslaw, Nathan Brodsky, J. W. Bridges, John Bulera, John A. Dahlstrom, F. Doneshevsky, D. Davis, V. Del Flaoco, A. G. Dietrich, Jos. H. Eichler, Mrs. Esther Ellis, John Froehlingedorf, Theo B. Geisert, E. L. Gage, Rudolph Getzke, �M. J. Gilbert, B. Goldberg, Emily Gydeson, John Hemfling, 0. F. Isaak, E. Johnson, Alex Krokker, Jacob Kafka, Joseph Kouba, F. J. Kriha, Anthony Kostohriz, Tony Lamanna, K. S. Lee, W. 0. McKee, Miss May Mille, Alexander Moses, Yeas 1124 -Payne Ave., 282 Rice St., 1217 W. 7th St., 144 S. Robert St., 149 E. Chicago St., 379 Carroll Av. 469 James St. 1038 Marshall Av. 424 State St., 201 N. Cleveland Av. b64 Burr 8t., 419 S. Hemline Av., 1099 W. 7th St., _ 1543 -Payne Av., 454 Broadway St., b4Q,.Bedford St.,_ 562 Blair St., 875 Arcade St., 1837 Randolph St., 311 Rosabel St., 101 So. Wabasha St., 422 So. Wabasha St, 458 E. Maryland St., 954 Payne,Av., 354 E. Lawson St., b84 -Western Av., 1658 W. 7th St., 287 Oolburn St., 725 W. 7th St., 361 Upper Levee, 886 Woodbridge, 902 Grand Av., 124 Bremer Arcade, 35 So. Robert St., COUNCILMEN Nays ney ..i Ferg son _...... ...In favor /A9�%&I o. C. 3adheimer Peter _...__..:.Against Wenzel Oonfeotionery If Grocery If If n n If n it It n soft drink Conf—drug Grocery n n n n Confectionery Grocery H n Soft drink n Grocery if Confeotioner� Grocery - 9 1124 Adop a Ie Council- .......................... ........192...... 4 Approved----------- JAN f' ------------ �- .............. y/-/ /-//.'.................................-... MAYOR CITY OF STS? OFFICE OF THEE", CI LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM------ .................._........--- .--- ..._...... ..... ....... .... .... .._...... ._. RESOLVED -2- COUNCIL No ------ . 50.689 FILE J. A. McMahon, 959 Rice St., Grocery Charles Moe, 254 E. 7th St., Softdrink Charles Mosebrook, 992 E. 7th St., Grocery McGowan & Engel, 1933 University Av., Confectionery Charles Monsour, 125 So. Wabasha St., Grocery Oharles Monsour, 127 State St., Marshall & Wark, 569 Arundel St., " A. J. Miller, 929 Jackson St., Soft drink F. A. Nord, 329 E. 7th St., It Christ Nelson, 472 S. Robert St., Confectionery A. Natvtzeny, 500 Laurel Av., Grocery Nelson & Erickson, 9925 Rice St., " Victor Niewinski, 1045 Arcade St., Confectionery Ben Prasoh, 464 Wabasha St., Soft drink P. J. Reilly, 199 N. Snelling Av., Confectionery J. Silberg, (f3 Cortland St., _- - u. Grace Sullivan, 292 Rice St., Grocery John Schmitt, 204 Carroll Av., it Jos. Sofie & 114m. 0ossetta,340 Main St., Confectionery Sam Selbin, 649 Jackson St., Grocery A. C. Sohabaoker, 376 Maria Av., It Urban Schroeder, 120 So. Robert St., Soft drink Otto Schmidt, 317 Selby Av., Grocery J. J. Thomsen, 993 Randolph St., " Kate Thomssen, 5bb Broadway St., Confectionery Robert Varley 12 W. 6th St., It R. Walderson & F. Brix, 313 Rondo St., Bakery Louis Wigen, 390 Thomas St., Grocery Walker Williams, 554 St. Anthony Av., Confectionery Frank Wirtz, lObb E. 7th St., Soft drink E. 0. Young, 21 Thompson Av., Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson favor -AluAerMI& _......... __In NFd4>W Geo. C.udheimer Peter _.._C_Against 1- Wenzel Adopted by the Council... JAN -- 192_... APP -- .............192-- - 1�D� coUNCIL No.... --- 50139 OF Sr. PAUL FILE THE CITY CLERK _ 1 -- flnoNGENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms or Bowling Alleys at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted anti the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment unto the city treasury of the customary fee: Frank Wirtz, 1066 E. 7th St. 1 Pool table P. J. Reilly, 188 No. Snelling AV., 15 McGowan & Engel, 1933 University Av., 6 Walker Williams, 554 St. Anthony Av., 5 " P. J. Reilly, 198 No. Snelling Av., *" 6 Bowling Alleys � Over 1000 feet from school, excepting P. J.., Reilly, 188.N. Snelling Av. apniication-foi Poolroom Ll: Bowling Alley i✓ Clancy / �agesotf C/�%, �rylcDowald--.....In favor &3if Geo. 0.f�Sudheimer %,/Peterla...Against /Wenzel Mr. President JN z , 19'24 Adopted by the Council... -_...A --- .------------------------- 192.---- ` N 2 �; `) 24 r, Annroed.....------ --- - ---------------192...... • CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNC1LNo------- t�1' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CODU�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .__..... DATE—. RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the National Surety Company, as surety, and the Northwest Auto Training School, Inc., as principal, dated November 11, 1913, in the sum of 0,000.00, covering two coal holes and areaway in and under the sidewalk in front of 344 tp=.350 Exchange Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. IIFSOLDTIONB. '. I� . ty Company; uy �eucety.'and•th Nnrtl5!.I .woet-;Auto .Trdlning $choo5 Ina, ae, , ' yrinolpol, datrld-Nov 11: 183 1n ,tho: ' hu e1118tnnbile thelb r1n IDal oared lsu etX: `,•x-• g tWo co d thgroon releaped, no new bohd ,has ' heed ,:. turnlehec�. provldie�,;; however.:, N 1 192-----.----- Adopted,by the Council.._..JA..s .192- ..................... JAN s 1 192 Appro ed......0'4... .. _................ --192...... MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (Clancy (/Ferguson (/McDonald ..............In favor v0WWSUdh61MW0 /oPeter ....Against "✓We zel �Preaident E. A. ST. V O H N, PRE51DEll COUNSEL MITCHELL, DOHERTY. RUMBLE, BUNN & BUTLER I WM. B.JOYCE, CRAIRMeN JOEL RATHBONE,—..—R— WILLIAM J. GRIFFIN,GERE'.1 COV R$Cl CAPITAL�AND SURPLUS OVER $14,000,000.00 W -N/1 -Ii -JOYCE, c IY 'Y iNc. NORTIINVESTI:RN NL%Nk(;ERS W. S. MC CURDY RESIDENT C. M. B E N D, Isr V. PRES. H. E. BEFIR EAU, V PRES. L. A. GREE N.SECRETARY E. J.WE STLAKE, V. PRES. K.V.ROTHSCH ILD, V.PRES. M. J.FAHEY, TREAS&AUDR TEL GARFIELD 1831 A01-708 1,IR12CIIAN'I'S NATIONAL B,kNK BLDG. . PAUL , MINN. Jan. 8th, 1924, Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Pear Sir: In re: Northwestern Auto Training Sohool,Ino. On November 24th we sent you our petition for release on permit bond of the above. Just as soon as our netition has been aoted upon we wish that you would send us your usual form of release, and oblige. Yours very truly, NSM, B. JOY & CO. By T -J - WE BOND MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD HENRY OLSON Citp ryryof 6aintVaur H. J. RIORDAN CT CLERK (Office -of YlStT Clerk ASST. CITY CLERK January 9th, 1924. Eon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works, Bull d in g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith Council File No. 50691, cancelling the bond given to the City by the National Surety Company, as surety and the Northwest Auto Training School, Inc. as principal, covering two coal holefj front of 344 to 350 Exchange Street. I also enclose letter from the National Surety Company relative to release of bond given the Northwestern Auto Training School, Ino. The above were referred to you for investigation and report. Yours very truly, G� 4 /. one. CITY CLERK. CITY OF ST. PAUL iU"c" 5002 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/��...DATE....._.._January. 2. _1923.x_._. COMMISSIONER._ ... _ ... ...4_._ .................................. . ..._.. ..._............--................ RESOLVED ` That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity &.Casualty Company of New York, as surety, and Christiana Wolf, as principal, dated September 16, 1922, in the sum of a1000,00, covering driveway at 401 North Dale Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released; as workhas been completed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation Of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson < ,111�T)a-rld In favor 4 puuub....W . Peter __._.Against Ivenzel Mr-Rm,4ent Adopted by the Council., Alq _.� .1924...... 1924 Appved.... - - ........................192...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. ,PAUL WUENCIL NO.:.. � . 93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York, as surety, and Chas. E. Engdahl, as principal, dated December 5, 1922, in the stimm of $1000,00, covering driveway at 884 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as work has been completed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. lv)V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �laney/ _.,-Ferguson S INfeLlWASId- ------ ------ .In favor Sudheimep Peter .Against Wenzel #AN-preeideat- JAN-x1924 Adopted by the Council ................... ................192.-.... 1924 proved-- .. ...... -- �. ............. . ......192- - MAYOR `.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCI`- NO..-.. 5Q60 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 2, 1923. RESOLVED That'the bond given to the City of St. Paul by Vie Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, as surety, and John Pregler, as principal, dated May 7, 1921, in the sum of "$1000,00, covering driveway on Ohio Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as work has been completed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy I/I'erguson / j nR n _......_.....In favor V� Sudhe'ra ✓ Peter ..... . Against / Wenzel Adopted by the Council... A N ... ..1924 ................192...... Approved- JAN - 9 1924 - - - -------------119922.''-ice ---......_............... - - --I MAYOR WUNCIL 50695 CITY OF ST. PAUL No.. ----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J ,�`__ __ DATE_._....ri,,d -___.._._..___.._. COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED t the proper City 0 ers are hereby authond instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of the St. Paul Real Estate Board in the sum of .5100.00 for services rendered in appraising the following: Blocks 1 4 and the park Division No. 4,nexcept orth nLots 15 ande-alf of 179Block 5, and Lot 15, Block 5 X25.00 Lots 15 and 17, Block 1 and Lot 15, Block 5, Hazel Park Division No. 4 (Three separate appraisals) 75.00 same to be payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C,,*�Clancy C,--Verguson ibfeBennld'^ ..._........_.In favor ✓� Sudheimer %'�Peter--.Against 'Wenzel ML2.W deeb* Adopted by the Council._h7 ............./.......192 �.. --- 192. Appr d........... ... ...................... ' ...................... MAY00. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL No ........ D -- FILE OFF — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK z-) _-jCOUWIL JRF-SOLUTION —GENERAL FORM DATE__._._Januar'v—e . . ..... 19214.._._....... That -upon the recommendation of the City Comptroller, the petft cash fund of the Public Library be increased from $60.00 to $100.00. -d. n'�' bttlytU"i�-fu.! 0 nth fR�m` Vted�W06'C Jan 4`1924. '1,4pproved.' Jan; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `- Clancy --'Ferguson M.�� �-�avor LAIRM Suclheiuw, 0 !Peter Against Wenzel eA4r-9pniftnt Adopted by the Councd.A.' 1924 4 — . 192 4 _...-..._._..._..192.- "'I'm NO.._._50159-7 ONIGINA TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FRS `m CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION ZW .. n..u...$...1-•.Y..__.8.. , ...1...9...2..4PRESENTED DATE_.fg COMMISSIONB_ ....... .............. ` at r-- 1S OOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOVII C*lF�bjved-897 SY"o`:0 trans �} r.Resotved Tbat the tollawtnl.' WHEN BY 30 DOI N UI`ier.bema�@:anthaboti�asntunavoda 4EYTEM MAY BE MET BY SAID �troll,er wben. by Eo dq 1+ a bOmaC. "tllo dedoleligY n oa6=1t outmbRm9grin E t, ?sat�k roW�ed tor�jt - ` r iR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM TRANSFER W"OUT HAM P iSth t6 Q item, 1r FROM WHICH THE TRANSFEy $S made ingS' COOE APPROPRIATION ITEM - — — -- TRANSFEREO FROM TRANSFEREO TO — 32-1-C1 Drafting & Blueprinting.Supplies 700.00 y lies 700.00 32-1-C Surve ing Supe ME], pay. plant Equip. Machinery _A paving Plant Salaries -B R " Services' _C R B Materials & Supplies _D It Repairs & Renewals V�- YES \ J! COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS \---CLANCY / —"'FERGUSON (� ......�..,./...... IN FAVOR AS`udbeime. O I ✓PETER ........... w...AGAINST ✓WENZEL /OIIM On (Rf W) 20,000.0 5,500.00 500.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIj.A-N- •9-- 2!4. ..... . -19- ....... : JAN 9 1924 APP RO D._ ......... ..... ..... 19 .._. _...........- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY..._ ------------------------------------ * ............... CITY MITROLLER YUSLts MD . CITY OF STPAUL 'OLUENCIL C ORIGINAL TO NO..... �����`•-+ = CITY LLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLJ�ITION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' V \t PRESENTED BY Fes''/T'- 'January 9, 1924' COMMISSIONER...'......G�./'�/--.'.:: ......�^...'�1C:L�' DATE . ............................. • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR -BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. • CODE I APPROPRIATION 1 r E M TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO 125 Official Publication 1,835.00 131 Miscellaneous & Unforeeen 139.34 146 Water for Wilder Baths 1,695.66 I OL r3 �`'°6Y)zb YES ( J) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS I`CLANCY FERGUSON C� meearxEr, ...............IN FAVOR `"IZNRW Sudheiimev /'PETER ................AGAINST V WENZEL IMr IDENT JAN - 91924 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. ..........._.. ............... 19...... --.- JAN - 91924 APPROVED . .......... ...._............._........._.........I9........ I� 1 ........... .............................. MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY...__ CITY COMPTROLLER PUBLISHED -2-- /,--- 3-L/ ,TY O.ERK CITY OF ST. PAUL_ F'oluENcll. NO.!_ 506. c} ,TY NAL Y APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY p�-///,-�--_7--�-/------ L1 Ct . t No 68T88—♦ $tY; c�' J RTatseix F„"LIQ. .I` BTl4r,924 -------------------------------- .....--COMMISSIONER-�------...- • Dat4hg the morJt "piovided [or the:! - .montrY is the fie iron) whlc they RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWIN Txane erda made gOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER f6 088�.tlr ixhm Code No 3S OH BtreeL Conatrueli nand Repair Fund to Code'..I WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNA No LS -sat Street Coaatraatlon and,jTEM MAY BE MET BY SAID Repo r Fand - 'iii ' F30 31 trom�Code 3To 84 -OE 9eme-r;, - TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERI CopstcuoUonnrt�;Repair' gM10-SrPftY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM •�eoalar'P�uatC�'�'wA1` _, FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER 5"'NIPIU'LR• Ac CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM TRANSFERED TO 33 OE Street Construction & Repair Fund $ 5,065.46 ---FERGUSON 33 Sal " of of to n $ 5,065.46 34 OE Sewer Contruction & Repair Fund 307.34 FOAM On 34 Sal n n u n h 307.34 35 Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund 325.28 35 S$Fr- .IP, n n n n n n 325.28 36 CIL Bridge Building & Repair Fund 391.32 36 Sal. n of n n n 391.32 32.-1-Sa Engineers Fund 816.95 32 -1 -OE 0 666.95 31 -CIE Gen. Administration Fund 150.00 rE BY THE COUNC$AN--.-._9_}9$4--...----19.-.-.----- APPROV D------------ --------.-.,9------ -----------------_----.---. --....... --- .... MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ... _................................................... rusr:rstEn is "R ,9 y YES ( V) COUNCILMEN (17) NAYS t/CLANCY ---FERGUSON dt1CDOS— --.-.---�N FAVOR � Sudnelma PETER................AGAINST WENZEL FOAM On rE BY THE COUNC$AN--.-._9_}9$4--...----19.-.-.----- APPROV D------------ --------.-.,9------ -----------------_----.---. --....... --- .... MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ... _................................................... rusr:rstEn is "R ,9 y 11)rLIGT[ - Vr oP •s. PAoy i )•Ef 3M 12.22 aovaou 1�7 �pn� „�. No..._. 5t�� - wuo,Tta........ JH hh.9.--1pG4............. ......... Il Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of..... ............... -•, covering ' checks numbered .........124 ............. Jiro ------------------------------------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City' Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. - f Clancy, Adopted by the Council ......_JAN - 9 1924 - -- In­­. VFerkuson, In favor M��. - " 91924 �Mststm- Sudheimer Approved.-----_-------------SAN.................... ............ ............192....... ✓✓ Peter, Wenzel. --oAwst r. 1 on dQAYOR. i-C. F._'Ab.6LL700— . ResolYedl That cheih cks La; draw- on- - - the .Cltx f'%4,476t90tocoveringg Ch ce x'1' "amount oL'-f19, -1 'numbergd 324, ns Per aegistortho.CltY e I :checks on aln the ottice o[ _ Cq Xtroller: 1924: Adoptedbythe CounCli Tan. 9. proved."j-11; 9. 1924 :._ �1E-1924) - � �����. _ � � .: .� � � � `\©� � � /� � � � � \ ��� +� � � .: � � \\ . d � " � � � �\ . \ � \� � � : � � �5 � ;� �� ���.� 6z� �' u 4 OITS O! OS VAX OelO1NAL TO emaealc OFFICE OF THE CROLLER ao�a.z NO..-- . >Formt>3ftst;tz•za AIIDITED'CLAIMB—RESOLUTION FORM PSL= 18 jt� ✓.79 e' I^ loZ *�......... .. .. .... ..... AUGfl•ED_._..{j.M.LY. 9...._1924.._.._._ _.. __ aY Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $,--. 15 r 699 'S5 •_:_____ coverira checks numbered ...------117................ -to--._uJ.....................inclusive, as per register of city cheeksbn file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. - 9 1924 l� Clancy, / Adopted by the Council.. -_- AN ---------.......... 192 •• : . /Ferguson, ---In favor JAN - 9 192 3deBenslQ"' --.Against Appro.. 192 Sudheimer ✓Peter, ...................- —VVenzel. sur-- , ................. --------•--_-...._..............._............. _............ --------......----- _ - 117 Blackmer & Post Pipe Company, 4,294.34 L 1836 118 Evens &mHoward Fire Brick Company, 1,884.89 L 1836 119 Christ Johnson, 988.00 L 1845 120 J. F. Bain, Cashier Water Department 175.19 Water 121 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, 790.61 S. & S. Cing. 122 N. W. School Supply Company, 6,772.50 Schools 123 Joseph A. Rogers Agency Inc., for Martin Wunderlich 794.00 L 1846 �p. TD CRY CIOIK � oovaom /1 � Botm D-8! 1M 12-22 NO—A e . y -»�'i-,: arnz ).L.0-1�d :..,. AUMIrMD—JAN3 D214 ,o:.._...__ Resolved that checks be dremaan the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of -$-.4 s.8.%9 e.�! ._ ....... - . .. covering checks numbered.........91 ................... _to....116 .......................inclusive, as per register of city_c�tecJcs+91i.£d n the office of the City- Comptroller. Yes Q Councilmen ( J i)303ays. -Clancy, Adopted by the Council.........JA¢J.r...9..1924- 192.-- ✓Ferguson, .__..- .-.,..In favor j A N 91924 Approved ................ ------ --192...._.. Oudheimer . ..... ------------- �w� --..--U.A$ainst mAro C. -F 88702= - - Re No lved-That checks be drawn ithe' City Treasury, to tee aggregate ampunt .of'"87917:- covering .Checks_+ numbered 9t to ", lncluelvo." aa. per - - "rel -,.r: of. City -checks on file �In they o¢R ,'the --'I --troiler. _ 1 Adoyted. by the-0ouncil. Jnn. 9, 3924.' ADDroved,Jnn. 9,-3924. -tJan. I.'s4) I. a ORIGINILLTO °ITY cumx .Form D•34 IM 12.22 °xrr oa ex, a�vn, OFFICE OF THE C I OLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM m O1L NO._.511702- 17 AUDMEo..._.._a�Q ti . 9 _ 924 _. _._ua.._. �`..._. ... ... eoM' ..._. .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of g ...4.,.879.. 17 . covernt; °• checks numbered ..... 91..._._.................to...._ 116......... .......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file it the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. r t9'2a 'Clancy, � Adopted by the Conncil..........._....JAN .....-..... 9 .......:...........-----_-..192. v4erguson, _--- ...... In favor JAW - 91924' �4eBeleldd - ✓idatsmr,- Sudheimer ApprO - - - - 192 ✓/peter, /) .I " wen2:e1.---_�l".Againat .......---- --- - --•---------------....... MAYOa of 91 American Steel & Wire Company, 389.26 Water 92 Brooks Brothers, 256.82. Water 93 Cl#yton Mfg. Company, 173.95 Schools 94 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 13.84 19.50 ; 1,079.44- ;&.40 25.60 Schools 8.16 Water 5.68 1;5 84 95 Frederick Hotel, Municipal Court 96 General Chemical Company, Water 97 Mrs. M. Hines, Wheelage Tax Refund 98 E. F. Houghton & Company, Schools 99 K. G. Kaupp,, Wheelage Tax Refund 19.50 ; 1,079.44- ;&.40 25.60 Res. 17 Page #2 100 W. J. Mergner, Wheelage Tax Refund 101 Dr. N. G. Mmrtensen, Corp. Counsel 102 Northern States Power Company, Art Museum 103 O'Neil & Preston, Water 104 Republic Creosoting Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) • 105 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Art Museum 106 St.Paul Stationery Mfg. Company, Mayor's Office Corp. Counsel Acct. forms, etc. Police n C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 107 Shanley Paper Company, Water r, 108 Standard oil Company, Fire Schools 109 Martin Steiner, Wheelage Tax Refund 110 M. A. Stevens, Wheelage Tax Refund 111 Arthur Swanson, Wheelage Tax Refund 112 Vacuum Oil Company, Water 113 C. L. Van Orsdal, Wheelage Tax Refund 114 Victory Printing Company, Municipal Court ,Bureau of Engineers Schools P. Bldgs. Water School Book Fund 115 H. Von Hippel, Bureau of Engrs. 116 The White Company, Water 1.20 12.50 8.00 12.50 1.25 2.50 6.50 Tom' 48.03 5.27 �a 19.75 4.75 32.50 23.40 15.00 17.50 "72,30 185.8 .60 426.28 937.00 1,023.75 38.04 44.45 4.66 53.30 2.40 2.40 1.20 35.08, . 1.50. 185.30 15.00 100.00 Foon Ds4 IM 12-22 UZI---------- ... .......... .......... . . .... ... ......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$ OQN.O.Q -- - — ----- - covering",:, checks nuraberea -------------- 77 ------------------ I= --------------------- .... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City� j'--�" Comptroller. Yes v' Councilmen t' Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council. ...... JAN..91924192 ................................. . ... .... ✓ ✓Feituson,favor MeBMIM.— Approved. ........... ,IAN9.1.92.4 ............ . .......... 191 ,-+fimvr Sudheimer Ape-, wMenzel, O.Mainst IT 1 ----- ------ ------------------ AIAYOiL C. P. No 5 vos— Resol"d: That e6eks. i drawn. on Ahe"My'Tmasury; to thee egate, M"t at $50-00, P�erl.g'cg or bared M as k auce- par register or. city. checks 6.41e in the Once of the.�Clty Conap. troller. A1*111d by JI '�.�OV.� Jj.%7, A 1924 (Jan. 12-1924) ORIOINM. TO - - - CITY on T. FAVL CnY CLERK- - OFFICE OF THE COMP'I�12�OLLER oA—F�nss inis-zs OION FORM ]_J wucrrEo ----JAN 7----._].32,q.... - ........ ......... _ eY ... .... ...... ...... .�tt... ._.- - - ------ - - ---........ ..: Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.50100 ^- covering checks numbered—---_' .7.._..---.-- -...1W--- ----------- __......... .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. JAN - 91924 L --Clancy. Adopted by the Council - -'----'--------------------------------- -192.------ ✓Fergnson,-..-.-In favor - 1xW2onal�— ---- - APP ved------- ------=➢-AAq-- --9-i�2 ------•---------------199--- ,, '%msm audheimer ,-Peter, , (... j. Against ,Wenzel - ---- ... MAYOR ----------------- _.........-..-.---.---_--.-.-. _...---_.--_----.--_.-----.---------.--_.-......-....-._- 77 Martin Matykiswiczp 50.00 Schools 'Form D44 IM 12-27 • orrz os ■r, r�oL - meQierL No._ O7(9—; LL „I,o,Tm ............ ... t1.A.N_..7.._.....1924..._.,.....__ B ..._ ........ .... ....,... ;'. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of .._ ----- -------------------- covering' checks numbered.......74..............._�.................................. inclusive, as per register of city checks Jon file in the office of the City , Comptroller. Yes (✓) Councilmen Nays. 1116e1ftcy, Adopted by the Council ......... 91924 192. VPerguson, ..In favor JAN - 91924 - - mer - Approved- --------- --- ---------------- ...... ...............:.....192....... sudhei ,,,,,Peter, 7 -- ....Against enzel "_"_'- ---•— ---- ----------- ------------- MAi6i :C F No- 60701— Resolved, That checks be drawn on, . -. the Ctty'Treasury, t mo the 11 'egate,, [amount of 510.00, covering check' nam beted 78, ae- per register of city cheeks {'. ';.on''dle In the office. of the Cty Comp- troller- �: Adopted by the'Coaoctl. Jan. 9.1984. ,pv-ved, Jaq. 9; 1924 (Jnn., 12-18x4) ........................... .................................................... .......... ....... 78 Mike Ritette, 1.0.00 Refunds & Repayments MIGIN11LY0 - � CRY cu x oirr os er, P�vL � - OFFICE OF MPTROLLER iomss ts12=22 AIIDITED CLAIi8—RESOLIITION OVOSL FORM No 5.0-704. _4 14 -71 `, i 7 1924 AUDRED..._.... ........_.........._.._ .1 i2........ .....coM o...n . `-- BY.... . .. ....... ....t W -• ` _ ...--....-., covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£ $.--10.00 _. ' •` checks numbered.. -78 ..............— ................................... Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. as per register of city checks on Elle in the office of the City `. L -/Clancy, JAN - 91924 cY, I'Ferguson,\Y� I Adopted by the Council........--•---•---•---- _---- ............. 192---.-.- JAN - 91924 �r^wriuui�+'r►� v'2ifsf�tmr JPeter, In favor Sudheimer App r° d--------..................................-................-...--192....... :.. enzeL....O.—Against - �. MAYOB-� ........................... .................................................... .......... ....... 78 Mike Ritette, 1.0.00 Refunds & Repayments CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.-....-50'70 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Yll•. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEE._..._Jt nuarjr 91 1924._...__..... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recormaendation of the. Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Lawton St. from the north side of Pleasant Lve. to Harrison I:ve., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff Wolff, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sura of x1,4113.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. �ngineerls Estimate $;1,380.00, P.B. #6062. Yeas C F No 60706-' 3#Y W J ;Pn til h iconcaa[o'eYtn;LhT4eecommanda on of thp:� Contract Committee aoa%"awacda "fho �Cgetract fop lha'coastructlon.ot n sewer, on ntCnAvt,,,,-fr. fto liarrleont Ave,, Sni Please accordance wfEb plana and apeci8ca: Ilona hereto attached to I)@Orad: Wolff ,I I / be 1>elnB fhe loWetlt eeepopalble bidder �j fonchc aµtn ol;f� 418 DO.".nd the Cot Dor8it10P Counsetl itl hereby Inatr, to 1 { to draw We pDroper at pt 'con tthey for Eng In2.1 .. F•ietI ". , j1SBObe re F B"310 606E "o a Adop[ed bq We Council .Tan D 1824 �I dpprtSved I tJnn 12 18Z4j r:;, 3 Y COUNCILMEN Nays --Clancy / ✓T'erguson MILID—Dna .✓..........In favor Sudheun Peter ---- ...Against Zwenzel �i- - 024 Adopted by the Council........................................192...--. JAN .��� Ap4red----,...... -- ---............ ... ...._..192. --- - .... _.. ... -- ................ .. M�YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCILNo..... . 10 FMX OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Th:;t the Council hereby concurs in the recomrnendati.on of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction cf a sewer on Park lve. from 71abasha St. to Como Ave. and on Viola St. from Park 1-ve. to Capital Boulevard and latercl sewer on Como Lve. from the sewer on Park Ave. to the east line of Park r.ve., in accordance rrith plans and specifications hereto attached, to Huebscher & Ryan, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $10,584.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby inotructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $11,466.00. F.B. 146059. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ,--'Perguson A�In favor ✓ Suduetww Peter __...__..Against ,/1Venzel e1GIP" i' sI e—nt ANAdopted by the CouncilJD - 1924 192. __.............._.._........_.......... proved... ._...._ _-----------....192.. _. ----- ------ _ ---- .-- --- --------------- ------------ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE COUNCIL NO..-....-.�0q-__.-.0 --•-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on the southerly side of Pleasant Ave. from Lisbon St. to point 15 feet west of the east line of Lot 71, C'hitacre, Briobine & I-Jullen's Sub. of Leech's Outlots, in accordance v:ith plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff %9olff, he being the lovaest reE_ onsible bidder, for the sura of $637.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw un the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's ystimate $697.00. P.B. #6058. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson p¢ ..__.....__.In favor Sudheimer Peter _.Against Wenzel -Mr.-PrMidenti 7/ �t' /� L' -1924 Adopted by the Council_... J --------- --------------- -192....-. CITY OF ST. PAUL - COONCILNo.._.-...11J-� 08 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ( n. INCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL• FORM PRESENTED BY ............. ................... _...._._. Dn-rE_..__JanuarY...._9 __1924...._......--- COMMISSIONER._..__ _ .� .....LGA...._ .............._.. RESOLVED 'Th"e Council hereby concurs in the fecommendation of the Contract Committee and cowards the contract for the construction of u sewer on Davern Ave. from the 1'ississirpi River to %Vest Seventh St., on 71. ,Seventh St. between Stewart l.ve. and Parmer St., on Stewart rvC. from Davern lve. to ',lest Seventh St., all of which shall be knc;.-n as the "Davern-',`lest Seventh Sewer System No. 111, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Company, they being the lowest re- sponsible bidder, for the sum of X206,587.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw un the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's sstimate 4,200,065.00. F. B. x,6057. qv,� pte4� C � COUNCILMEN JAN `10- 1924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ... .......... ...... .... ..--- ........... 192.....- -"Clancy (.I --,Ferguson Yergason / App ed...._....J__....__................... 192 ]9ePmm, ' .. An favor VMIMO Sudheimer - - - - ------------------------- ------------- -- MAYOR ,i Peter //......Against _.-Wenzel .�6r.-PreBIQtR[Z' rauNca 5(�` 09 CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE No.- ---- _.._-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM January 9, 1924 DATE......_._.....___....___._.._� RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in tho recormnendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the Instruction of the Portland 1ve. Outfall Secrer from the 'Yississii'pi River to a point 990 feet east, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff Wolff, he being the lov)eE:t responsible bidder, for the sum of $25,780.00, and the Corporation counsel is hereby instructed to draw un the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate ; 30,685.00. F.L. 1;'6060. iC F. No 60709='By tiPtJ 7, @tlr R0soltled. 7'hBt the, Councll''}�ecdby, I, concurs In th6,'MVOmMen_, tion ot, thea Contract C.rnvtteo � a.."a _rda ,the; euntiae[ Tor tithe 001 tru.u, qt ,the; 'Portland Aye. Optfnl-eewer rom.?tko?: LMlealeslppl, $Iver to_ a''.po1nL 8901ieet• - ieoetrin,accordanoe A7th,: ls. and spe-' `cfacatlona hereto a[tacked, to DeOrnff fM1Volt( he ;being -the lowest reeponslble• kidder>for •the"Fguma of.i?6 760 00„'and' =..tho.,,r,oretigtt- Caunee&l uy �biCrm'. tracts to draw -uD t qr of contract therefor E B�neer'e Estl / mate S30 666 00. F g Adopted kYthe Council -Janes 9 1921: n / I Approved Jed' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy /Ferguson S _........In favor L/njki,W Sudbeime f Peter _--------------Against /Wenzel en J0 9 -1924 Adopted by th ouncil.......................................192.....- JAN pved .........._......_.................�../.J..�19�2- ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILcnuncE -"•-'aNO._--t711A W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -11 RESnLUTION--r�ENERAL FORM DAre........ JanuarY.....9s RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recorrriendation of the Contract Commi-ttee and awards the contract for gradin;- and improvement of a boulevard across the Narrows in Como Lake from Driveway on the west shoreto driveway on the east shore, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,443.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. e'ngineer's Estimate $5,000.00. P.B. J;6056. C L of 60' T t Sv3�:7 racer '' w nure-I d; the; re om :'Council heieby. concur. In .th �retee recommendation -,1 d..w. a, of„the.; c o frac 'lQrl nmlttee„:find award¢;, ttio , ;contract `for`gr¢ding >iP h gprovemene -ot 4 boulevardtho Nart'PWB In "Como U0,6 from Drivewayan t weet• chore, to.drlvewaY"on `tho east ecehoro ,fl In accordance with plan. an$ Bplaca long hereto�attacheiI 'to chrl.t,john .dn he-Wng the,.�owe.e reeponay(e�, bldde fdr,`a a sum -ot 13 44344,4 anfl,. the Cornompon C4unsol .,'h4Lef;y "L. etructed t4: dtpar•upr If Prober„form- of contract therofor Engfnber'B Ea - mnte 38 OOP.00 L' 8 No 60b8 e. Adopted ., th Cohncfl Jan. 9 193,4 -. APProve$^Jdn�O 18E4 y •. 1 jjJJJ))ff(��� / t ::(Jan 1E I>•E4) % //! ,� �/%h /�l I //n/i �/(({/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,_Alancy %,—Ferguson _........_.In favor ,�/ )�tliRA�il �udheinneri� „//Peter _” . :.....Against ✓Wenzel .PtfI-pleeiele(rb” - z � AN - 92 192 - Adopted by the Council. _. S_........_._..-11 . 4 PProved.... �.....192.....- MAYOR r WUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......-.-.__ "... OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............._.._...._...._........ __..- DATE.__ ------ Js1XItt€il:'y—.9..F19. 4._-------_ RESOLVED That the Council hereby .concurs: in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for, the construction of a sewer on !lest Seventh Street from Parmer Street to Llbion Ave., as bids received zrere in exce:_s of the 'Engineer's ristimate c-nd the Purch-sing l:gent i� hereby authorized to readvdrtise for neer bids on same. F.3. 7-r-6061. CiOUNWLrIM Yeas Nays (Clancy V,�Perguson _21y14vffffld+ _ ._ ___. In favor Sudbeimeto �P ter _..._.___...,Against �/ Wenzel �.P!l9tE�flL"' %lI Adopted by the Council...192...... proved....192 ...... }s • — v— >-�-----��--.- MAYOR 1 50712 rIQTARMED7ARY OADS'I{3 L Ino[ Rohert 6t from tfie soutbp �r 'rI COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Thlyd st to, the rth un ' more Ave and:,th nit rr.r, i ,Cioty 96 tm_of at. Paul Roba BY ' - ,cq ................................... N. .'et,.7• .. I feet' seat of : R,+_jl line ,p nem - INTERMEDIARY VRDER 'In the Matter of.. ahanging. the . grade.. of. Rohert. St... trnm..the. a outh. line..Qf Third. St... to..the. noxth.line..of..F1I)AWA.AYP.. AM. .tk.q-A11gy,,&n, block 31� City„ of, St. Paul and Auditors Sub. No. 35 from Robert to a point 180 ................................................................... feet east of Robert St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto. attached.and.madA.A.A>}rt••hPrQQr#.th0•pxQ•$Q •:g�tial��7�shed,grade„being shown 'hy. a. blue..line:,................................................................................. f under Preliminary Order.... ``5Q54Q...............approved IAC 27 1923 The _4Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon 4e above`improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: t 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is,hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.41 A99..�A9• 994 of gok@ry St,;., xpm•,t e• sQut line of Third St to the north line o.. Fillmore ' aQa rid: ttr+e._. Alley..�A. bQa_ 9x.1 To' <<. from. Rob ent• to,. s '`. goisa t .180. feet .east . bf..Rnbart.. St.. to . c.oaf oxut .tQ . tk�� .T.ed Sin .oa the.;.proEile..hereto..attacklad.and..m0.d9..Q..pgr:t..klexQo ,•.ths••present e.Qt�1?����Qd..gi ade, being. ahown,by a blue liner ..................................... With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..40 7•.QQ.... f Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... btht.......day of Fgbruatty.............. 192...4., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting'to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... JAN.:.9.1924....... v Apprgved.-JAN .-.9.1924 ........ 192...... ( tyClerk. ................................................. Mayor. ,/Councilman Clancy ,//Councilman Ferguson %Councilman a kT= Peter ,,"Councilman 82Litkx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-6 RATIFYING ASSE9aDENTa AN OON DEJ1NATION FROOEEDjNGa r ,. _ c�ti`71�� b0713—r •- {the Matter of orsnlag �r teading,ao �{ 3, F RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND. AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter Denny St. prom Wulsh Avenue to hrcule St. ..............................................------........---........----•---.....................-----.......-- -. .. approved.Al4.i1.t..ti.4'.°,_ ...., Intermediary Order -.-. 46610 ........... ander Preliminary Order......�C�76--........., 2 � ary approved. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furtb,r-solved,'tha,t the said- assessment be.—and.it is hereby--determined-Au-bo-4mya is eq ail ifstallments� to each paioei of land described therein. Adopted by the Council........... f.�. ...1-0.1924 .................................... 191 ......... ..... .. --......------........--......---........ ... . Ci Clerk. Approved..................$............191............................. M'syor. Councilman b'AtM*acth LG lu nc y Councilman z4bb FdrEuson CouncilmanjyeLB n Councilman Vblk ✓ i, -ter Councilman McEdIE jsudheimer PUBLISIlE� - Councilman ,� �.,{�fenael tel` Mayor'/" '1 son 10 .�. B7NAL ORDERe I11T COND •••.. ••••• r _YAOCEL+•DffiGB �1nYATION 4 .� , 507147 titL..-fdE tterlo[' •: este dlp6 t9 Peni,ldth a 6Ddr Dena et. c d eHttr-�undWnlPreliminUe p eor. ?n aa6 yro �1ng.:a8�. Is20;Jnt. �y - eer t. iszs. -arae, *sato, ybrovea xe.m ya• ,.- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. open inGa__Ni leninl;�ali�i._�.Xt�i14�iA t.O...Fa�sidth_oz.._.SQ._..fe�G, . In the matter of Denny St. frcm Wa1Sh Avenue to Arcade St..� under Preliminary Order.__ pproved_Aug..26..,.l9.2Q Intermediary Order_.... 4.86].0_..___., approved— �ct_1„lo2j Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:-_._ open, widen and extend to u vidth of 5C fait, Denny St. from Walsh Avenue to Arcade St., (2) That the following land, Ian& , or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- Lmmenta viz.: _talon and condemlY priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said trove p strip of land 50 ft.•vide across the East 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S.E.1/4 of ing a Section -2 0-.asG�ibei�b�_fnllnus:--�rini,;nr+-a_}a' rth a.114 South 1/ -1/4-1/ lin titr u h the 1JE 1/4 of SE 1/4,��l.lj f,.S.of the 1� se tion line on Luke 8oraohalen Ave. e c �treixh to e sac ion line on rca e t. at a point, 331.49 ft. south of the 1/4 section corner of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, -(3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. JAN 1 0 1924 ......_ 1.. ..... Adopted by the Council___ ............._.._...._........ .......... ..... ......... .... ... _... _........................ ...... -.. - .._....... _._ JAN 1 0 1924 City Clerk. .................. .......... __.._...._..... . ...... .......... ....... _.... _ Mayor. Clancy Zm Wgth ✓ferguson :Dju:Q36 terji VRi£i4%;inz3lmer { Mr. President, HU1182 Ia19ori REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS [n the matter of---.-•;pa::i:i.f3�...- ?.i.it:i: i:i{; :::� dx t :;:1_'; ---"- ... u..-,� lst....... Den y St. from &L131,Ava:.,d-,o.......................`teeSt..---------........ ................................ ........................._........_......_............ ..._....-- -- under Preliminary Order... a.P'.6.76__........., approved -.A4. A.2..E7...jq 45 -w�..., Intermediary Order .10 0„t.1, 1923 approved................................................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �A ............................................ C missioner of Finance. --------------- - . LIT'50715 -=.. [tA'iRB'YIAtt AB9699MIDNT8 i Council File No ........................... . Q. F. No. 66716 the ffiatter 'the aeeeesm nt of h. it IIn B y ..__ .__.._...__._......_..._._._._.._._—_._. b ebets and structlnR 1 a„n CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a storm sewer on: Blake Ave. from Langford Park Place West to Raymond Ave., on Raymond Ave. from Blake Ave. to Scudder St., on Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., a' under Preliminary Order.......�}.7'�rrl ...____, Intermediary Order .......47.9.1Q. ........ ........ Final Order....._�1 approved._.Q.IIt....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......__..._._S_1...__.... _...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN I o 1924 Adoptedby the Council .. .................. __...._..............................._...............191....._._.. -..` _....ity Clerk. N 1 01924._........._...__191._.._ Approved _...._.._JA..._.... _. _.___.._.._..._`....... 'Mayor. Form B. B. 18 . tl:t '.tvvr CITY OF ST. PAUL.. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tbM constructing a storm sewer on; Blake Ave. from Langford Park Place West to Raymond Ave., on Raymond Ave. from Blake Ave. to Scudder St., on Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., , under Preliminary Order ........... Intermediary Order...._`.9.��.,...__...._._..._....______..... Final Order ......-A"78-.- -__ approved_Q.Q.t....rp,.....1-92_%3....... _._...... ... __ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and 'in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 191-X7-'-00 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - $, .... _......... 30...0[1.." Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $........_......__._._6..001.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..... ._..._..... 39 er�4.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $• Total expenditures - - - - - - - $......2Q,-35.0._7 Less the sum of - - - - - - - - - - 14,967.16 Appropriated out of Sewer Bond a/c - 5,383.58 NET ASSESSMENT - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$--_3,.5?.._•T..Q....__._.__..... _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action t r n as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 � Co missioner of Finance. COUNCIL �� \' CITY OF ST. UL ME NO...-..... ii �.J.l-{- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUN�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY fjf--. COMMISSIONER.__-!.r<......._........... ._.... ............. _........... _........ I RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Cross St. between Oxford 'St. and Chatsworth St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 450020, approved December 1, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #50218, approved Dec. 12, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and kketch in the above matter, be it�� RESOLVED, That the �yixcs-erd de rmines the amu and to be taken._ z9 ire— e nam improvement to be as lows: T at part of Lot 1, Block 7, Warrendale lying no therly o a line drawn from the orthwest corner easte y to a poi t on the easterly line of said lot, 40 ft. no therly of is southeast corner. lso in Block 6, Warr dale that part of Lot 27 lying south rly of a line drawn f m a poin on the westerly line of said lot, 27 ft. rth of its uthwest corner to a int on the south lin of said lot, 7 ft. west of its sou heast corner; all of lot 26 that rt of Lot 25, lying ortherly of aline drawn from a poin on the northerly li e of said lot, 33 ft. east o£ its orthwest corner to point on the east liL said Lo ,33 ft. south of it northeast corner; al Lot 8; at part of Lot 7 1 ing southerly of a li describe as follows: Comm ting at a point onsterl y 'lot line 26 £t. north of its southwest corner, theasterly to a point 40 ft. e st of the west lot lnd 9 ft. nor h of the south lot line, thence easterlapoint on e east lot line 9 ft. north of the sost corner oft aid lot. p 6o arid-the same a a hereby- cantlwued, nunulled, and rescinded and sll proceedings in said matter�be diacontlnu.% In the matter 6copt IdOning•and'� ertending Ctea6 St. between Oxford 8t, and. Ohnteworth 8L under $re roveY Order rC li` iso 50040 an pro or. 1 3BS� -and Ioterm0flfary_ OWor'C. F I'lo 60318 approved Dgo� Roll Call to llisc9nt"I", la =gas. ,The Commicelonor•rot I?ubllo Wprlre' �,havins•euromlttea •.hlat report>, nnfl MAR 1p q COUNCILMEN s sketch In'the agove inattOr b@ It:••t 0 1.7L4 +ReablvI That the above older be L Yeas ✓ Nays nndgtha enure le horeby cancelled an; he Council........................................ 192 'nulledreaolnded:A p11 •proceed Iaea-ln,Jafa matter, afnbdhtlnped i�aR 2 0 1914 Clancy adopted by the Coitnoil Mar 20a:, 'B84. w1DDroved Drar ad 183 Ferguson ` tMa yra5 3@=lttia4)} v +' roved 192 - zc. V' McDonald �._.In-Tavm—°-�^�"—'--""—`� �� Sudheimer Peter / -Against ln9 MAYOa ,/Wenzel VMr. President illiom �. deter, (Qnmmissintter i�.�j Irie Mallette, Urvidu Tommisstour �rp�r#mrnf of tluhlir Works Mig of OdW Vain GEORGE M..SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CARLY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. 8UPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER 0. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Cross St. between Oxford St. and Chatsworth St., under Preliminary Order C. F. rr50020, approved December 1, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. j50218, approved December 12, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'corks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the gbove improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: That part of Lot 1, Block 7, Liarrendale lying northerly of a line drawn from the northwest corner easterly to a point on the easterly line of said lot, 40 ft. northerly of its southeast corner. Also in Block 6, diarrendale that part of Lot 27 lying southerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of said lot, 27 ft. north of its southwest corner to a point on the south line of said lot, 47 ft. west of its southeast corner; all of Lot 26, that part of Lot 25, lying northerly of a line draim from a point on the northerly line of said lot, 33 ft. east of its northwest corner to a point on the east line of said lot, 33 ft. south of its northeast corner; all of Lot 8; that part of Lot 7 lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the westerly lot line 26 ft. north of its southwest corner, ,thence easterly to a point 40 ft. east of the west lot line and 9 ft. north of the south lot line, thence easterly to a point on the east lot line 9 ft. north of the southeast corner of said lot. C o m m i s s i o n e Y. Dated Dec. 10, 1924. CROSS Sr - UN/ON ST. Oxford St - KiYburn S!. . OPENING Bureou op Enyineer$' S ep. / • /923 .. - - sco/d --V/// - 17.537 - 4 • is j \ p \- 3 -Ile 17 i .\ - 4 —3 3 I - /G I I S-0 1. I/ 11835 .7n - 110,35 QOS u99s S h h / cy S 57-- y r z7 6 h O { n Z-1 !STORE 7 . jl 3 4 /H 3. j�j24 91 S Q, - 17 'W 4 E NQ 23 D UNION ST. - - --- - --- � a A /6 R R S A Z 22IS E 14' 13 12 _ 7 h /S 6 h M 2/ - - 12 T H£ 5TRX—N Dm A D D. e P/1U"�L� DEPAR, ,F IF ANCE - - REPORT OF COM LONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) --�— In the matter of Open, widen and extend Cross St. between Oxford St. and prope—dromrty: That part o Lot 1 Block 7 Warrendale lying Northerly of a lire of said lot, 40 ft.'Northerly of its southeast corner, Also in Block 6 point on the Westerly line of said lot 27, ft. North of its Southwest corner lub of tt-SouthzaUt r all of Lot 2 £hat part of Lot 25 lying�Northe-ly of a line drawn from a point on tile Nortilerty 111113 01. bILIU. LV "'to a point on the East line of said Lot. 3 ft. south of its Northeast cornett all ow Commencing at a point on the westerly lot line 26 ft. North of its Southwest of tn Wast lot line d"U. MITI 9 ft Berth of the South lot line.thence Easterly to a point on the East — i -o North of the Southsaz5t Corner of sald lot. IY a; under Preliminary Order approved@oember 1, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 17.600. Q( The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S xxx The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or „parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: jDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I 1 7 Warrendale 35501' 5 25 6 do 2900; n_. 26 6 do 3850 27 6 do 009 ._ 7 . 6 do 19}50 j a 6 an 3750' t n 9 6 do 150 TOTAL. �274�0 i / ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public `Yorks. Commissioner of Finance. - Farm a. n. 13 b'l Office of the Commissioner, of Public Workg Report to Commissioner of Finance Deo. 5, 1923. lsl____ ---------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -60020 ---- approved _____D908mber_� __19�a_, relative to __oPening,,_widenin�_ and egtendug_ CrosQ_ SreQx__b�t>saerl_Qs3arsi:Straat __ and Chatsworth street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______— ___, and the total cost thereof is $_____ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------- 1\ �` -`F""V--------------- Commission of Pu Mork.. IL e eance,Lf PX7 /yo cHffTksWoRTd Sr -- 1113 r-.- 1113 - 44 &W 12-111 7-- 1 v - . Au ?;' .. k .. I •��+' 3 __ T .. _ ,�. t) `�:'�lric�l7Ai�l a RESOLVED } CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL -5-0-7-1-7 No... FILE In the matter of opening, widening and extending Wynne Street to a width of 66 ft. from Snelling Ave. to the west line of Aldine St., under Preliminary Order C. F. j49931, approved Nov. 27, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. }50166, approved December 11, 1923. The Commissioner of Public ',,,orks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the 0 }_ - - termines the unt of land\te tai n for the ab ve named impro ment to bello� The North 33 t. of thaof th SQ of NEI f the NFr4 that 1'ea betweenwest 1'ne of Snell'ng Ave.- and th west lit. produc d south�lso he soutt. of th t part of the NE of the NE4 o the NElies bet een the wes line of Snell ng Avet e east 1'ne of Lot 1, Blook l of V� e's n produce south; a 1 in Section 28, Townang 23. be and the same ^re her,l— co -celled, annulled, and roocindod and all --proceed-1,19s in uiid L1.Lwr be l.'.:scun,inued. c. No. 90717-8y Wm T•"Peter— In the' matter. of 'opening. widening; �and extending Wynne Street to :a'j width' of -00 IL. from Snelling Ave- nue to, the went line of Aldine Street, under Preliminary Order C F: 981 No, >49approved Nov. 27. 19E2 and I Intermedlary`.Order CL- , o 90100,-_J nonr ved nec-1— 11. 1622 , Roll Call to Dlscontlllue. Adoptedby•tho Coto COIINOILMEN Approved Mar.' 12, G•1 � ( roh 1 Yeas Nays 1��lancy /Terguson ✓McDonald _.In favor • ' Sudnetu. eter _...�...-Against W zel X. President NOR= 3. litter, Mommisdoner ���xllette, �epttt� (lommiostaner �e ttr#tnpzt# of Publir Works ` TUB of O'ghd 110nl r. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HER PI.D. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE EPOFT TO THE COUIJCIL - In the matter of opening,. widening and extending Wynne Street to a width of 66 ft. from Snelling Ave. to the west line of Aldine St., under Preliminary Order C. r. 449931, approved Nov. 27, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. P, #50166, approved December 11, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public or ks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The North 33 ft. of that part of the south z of the NS4 of the NE4 that lies between the west line of Snelling Ave. and the west line of Aldine St. produced south. Also the south 3M ft. of that part of the IIQ of the NE -i-, of the NE -4- that lies between -the west line of Snelling Ave. and the east line of Lot 21, Block 1 of Wymie's Addition produced south; all in Section 28, Town 29, Range 23. C o m r i s s i o n -er. Dated January 10, 1924. Z2 I'A `A f W 'Y A/ A/ E S T.II oo\ a A Snelling Ave - W line of A/dine St. 40 i o 1 ��o° 4�-- _ a Q Zo, Z/ -1 23 24/ v25 26 27 Z8 29 30°, Z /4 /S 16 /7 /8 /9 20 2/ h ioo' 3 I 5 E C. 29 29 - 23 � C7 4C 1 _ GL d � 2 cc vea _n•t: - ---- - - - - - -W YwfvE ---_------- S�: - - - - -- - -- - - - .-•�-- I " S E C. 2B - 29 23. :oo i Y� V1- 11�f l m CITY OF'ST. PAUL .. ' D*a*JWENT OF FINANCE - ,A. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER :n the matter of opening, waidening and extending Wynne Street to a width of 66 ft. from Sne111nf Avenue to the West line of Aldine Street. C under Preliminary Order approved November 27. 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except East 50 ft. for Snelling Ave.)All that part East of the �.oint right of wayof the G. N. & N. P. Ry, of the South i of the North of the Northeast + of Seo.28 T.29 R.23 (Except the North 50 ft. of,the,East 199 ft. & Except part taken for Snejling Ave.) The Sou$h 150 ft. of the East 290 ft. of the North$ of the Northeast! of Seo. 28, T. 29, R. 23 21 .1 Wynne's Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota 20 1 do 19 1 do 18 .1 do .17 1 do TOTAL. Porm B. B. 10 66,000 4,650 250: 250 250 250 250 - CITY OF 9T. PAUL O'eIVRTMENT OF FINANCE 'I+' s REPORT OF COMMISSiONER OF FINANCE -44. ► , • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) aE,'CRIPTION 4 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Wynne's Addition to St. 250! 15 1 do 250 _.... 14 1 do 2-5q. 30 2 do 29 2 do _ _ 250- 29 2 do _ 250. 27 2 do 250: 26 2 do 250; 25 2 do 250 24 2 do- ''' 23 2 do 250. . _._.. 22 2 do 250. - 21 2 do .250 20 2 do 250 19 2 do 250 19 2 do 250. • 17 2 do 250 16. 2 do 250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— __Jz--- Co missioner of Finwce. F- R. D. 12 (/J/ , L C. SEAMER. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU Of ASSESSMENTS' GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES Deportment of 3f inunre (sun of OL Fod JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY 118.17.18 COURTHOUSE oejb.e March 82 1924. W. O, ADKINS. CHIMP CLERK. BUREAU OF RECEIPT. C. M. NVSTROM. CASHIER. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS To The Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: I have checked over the Petition of Remonstrance annexed hereto, filed in the matter of opening Wynne Street from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Street, and report that the petition is insufficient. I Yours very truly, Commissioner of Finano .. ...I .. e: vA, a H[WRY OLSON Tifil of �•V nii►4 ,Paul HAROLD AS CITY oto K N CIT' CLERK AND COMMISSIONER OF REOI6TRATI0Nu CLARENCE A. STORMS N�LIL{Y j{ �tl CHIWCLWW_IMOIBTRATION February 28th, 1924. Hon. James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith a Petition of Ramon- strance from the Duluth & Virginia Realty Company, and the Rapid Transit Real Estate Corp., again6.tthe opening', widening or ex- tending of Wynne Street from th Sae 1 e of inston�o the west:; line of, Aldine Street�Z- S The Council today referred the matter to your Department, for a check of the signers. Yours very truly, Ci Clerk. In the Matter of opening, widening and extending Wynne Street to a width of 66 ft. from Snelling Ave. to the west line of Aldine St. under Preliminary Order C. F. 49931, approved November 27th, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 50166, approved December 11th, 1923. The undersigned, Duluth & Vir J�n Re��a((lt Comppaan�y, a Minnesota corporation, and the, Q�/G/liGvK/'- y -, Company, a Minnesota corporation, do hereby petition and remon- strate and make this their petition of remonstrance against the above improvement and against the opening, widening or extending of Wynne Street from the east line of Winston Street to the west line of Aldine Street under Preliminary Order C. F. 49931, ap- proved November 27, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 50166, approved December 11, 1923, or otherwise, and represent: 1. That they are all of the owners of all of the property abutting upon the line of Wynne Street between Winston Street and Aldine Street, and that there are no houses or resi- dences situate upon Wynne Street between Winston Street and Aldine Street, but that the said premises there owned by the undersigned are used for industrial purposes which would be seriously interfered :rith by the proposed improvement above men- tioned. 2. That the property owned by the said Duluth & Vir- ginia Realty Company __is the South Half of the North Half of the North- east Quarter (S -11i NE„) of Section twenty-eight (28), Township twenty- nine (29), Range twenty-three (23) in Ramsey County, Minnesota, sub- jedt to a certain railway easement not here of interest; and the, property owned by the said Company is Lots sixteen (16) to thirty (30) in Block two (2) of Wynne's Addition to Saint Paul; and that each of the said under- signed has a lineal frontage upon the line of Wynne Street of six hundred sixty-six (666) feet between the center of Winston Street and_the center of Aldine Street. j b/1 DIY l' 1 MNNE 3. That the undersigned Duluth & Virginia Realty Company is a Minnesota corporation having its principal office at 1200 Alworth Building, Duluth, Minnesota, and its agent is J. L. Pickles, its Chief En eer, residing a�tt Duluth, Minnesota; and the said undersigned, 't� is a Minnesota corporation having its principal office at No. 1 South Eleventh Strs t, Minn, p lie Minnesota, and its agent is the undersigned whose address is No. 1 South Eleventh Street, M nneapolis, Minnesota. The undersigned do remonstrate against the said proposed improvement for the reason that the proposed assessments upon the property of the undersigned are excessive and confisca- tory and greatly in excess of any benefits to the property of the undersigned; that the estimates of the price to be paid the under- signed.for their property to be taken for the purposes of the said improvement are inadequate and confiscatory and far below the value of the property so proposed to be taken, and because the said proposed improvement serves and would serve no public purpose and is wholly without justification in law. DULUTH & VIRGINIA REALTY COMPANY, By By "" DO � '8 C. F. No. 50719— J.dtp. 11-t— of 6,Poodrl,h A�., COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... By............................. . . . . . ...... ..... . ... FINAL ORDER -V ....................... In the Matter of Cyay. uta ........................... ill r7......C, ........ . ................. ............... ................ - ---------- ............................................... 1'r IT ;U 1........._. At r, t ::. Ll 1173 r t Y31� ................................................................... .------- ... .... ..... ...... ................. - -- --- ...... ........ -_sc curlbinL :-nu nuv'11(2 Ufi"­,�-Y LlTla - -- ------------------------ ------- .......................... .............................. - .................................................................................................... ..where naca-3-;z.ry ...................................................................... .................................................. .............................................. - . .................................................................................................. 22j under Preliminary Order 4.9..2.7.3 approved ........ ... - -------------- ----- .. ... IntermediaryOrder.:....._-- .......... ---------- ............ .... approved................ .. ---------- --- - - ---------------- ----_..._..------ A ------- -- ------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... TaYe....(­- odr2ch A­a"uc �r, In P1.1or .................... ........................................ to ;.:.,! s ............ ........................................... .......... ......................... .................................. ---------............................z- -- ------------- Ztr'�_'t L� TIa y -- --- ------Ut ---------- ---------..... .... r...b.. i..:.:!i -. ... . C ... ... . .... ....­... ,vLore �a,:ry, ?_ ----------------- ..........---------­---- .. ....... ............................. ....... ................. .... ---- - ----- ..... - --- - ---- ---------- ------------ .......... ........... . and the Council hereby or trs said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. J U L 81924 Adopted by the Council ­ . 1 1191----... . ...... . .. .. ... .. ...... City Cie'r* J U L - 8 1924 k. Approved ....... ...................... - - ---- 191- .................. ......... ..........I_`..1_.._............... ayor. Councilman PWW;�Tff C!-ncy Councilman Cuss Tdrt7_30) Councilman QaLMWkC5r "I'll Councilman ikAlu Peter Councilman Wabal S,dl-dilrdr Councilman wyatidettiely. W" Mayor Kadgl= 4,/ Form B. S. A. 8-7 t CITY OF ST. PAUL y L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMWS91ONER Oo r INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the clatter of paving Goodrich Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland evenue. T including sewer water and gag connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also_curbin� and.Qav-ing_dri-veway___ and alley approaches where neoessarY. - under Preliminary Order approved October 22 1923 --- - -- - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is PAVING 3 " Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or concrete Blocks Flat Asphalt Coner. Total Sq. Yd. 5.51 4.50 3.43 2• �s7 Intersections )4,646.53 ) 4 81920.69 4 7,255.50 4 5,553.17 � Wheelage Property Share 17,946 07 14 655 50 11,171-51 9,347-52— 5 26,566,76 $ 21,942.00 16,724.68 13,994.12 To t a 1 (a) Front it. 7.34 6.00 4.56 3•+52 Add for 6" Sewer connections each x60.00 water connections each 39,00 Add for 3/4" East of 13 & all of 14 ' C,S,'Smith' s Subdnosedale 1,375 of Lot 2 Blk. 6, West of 13 & all of 12 Park. 4,775 East 32 ft. of 10 & all of 11 do 6,500 (Ex -E.32 ft.)10 & all of 9 - 8 do 6,050 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 t CITY OF ST. PAUL L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ''rr REPORT OF COMIV�tSS�IONER OF''_FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the clatter of paving Goodrich Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue,__ lines complete, where not already made, also ourbing and_pav_ing _driveway_____. and alley approaches, where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved October 22, _1923- DESCRIPTION 923. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Except Prior Ave.) 10 East 25 ft. of 8 & all of 9 (Ex -E-25 ft -)s & all of 7 6 East of 13 & all of 14 West of 13 & all of 12 East 32 ft. of 10 & all of 11 (Ex -E-32 ft. )10 & all of 9 - 8 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Thomas Dunn's Subdivision 5,550 of Lot 1 Blk. 6 Rosedale Park Ramsey Co., Minn. 1,475 do 1,250 do 5,125 C.S. Smith's Subdivision 1,375 of Lot 2 Blk. 6, Rosedale Park. 4,775 do 6,800 do 6,050 TOTAL. Form B. B. Io i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PINAN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER Or FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 13 and 14 Savage's SubdivisiOr, of 6,775 Lot 3 Block 6 Rosedale 12 Park to the City of St. 925 Paul. 11 do 2,525 10 do 4,475 9 do 4,675 8 do 5,025 Lots 23 and 24 Scott's Addition to Rose— 6,600 dale Park. 22 do 4,200 21 do 5,375 20 do 1,575 19 do 5,325 18 . do 3,550 17 do 850 16 do 600 �5 do Soo South 80 ft. of 14 do ^600 South 80 ft. of 13 do 4,000 (Except South 80 ft.) 14- 13 do 9,600 (Except Prior Ave.) 1 & 2 1 Underwood's 3rd Addition 12,900 to the City of St. Paul, 3 1 Ramsey Co., Minn. 1,050 4 1 do 1,050 5 1 do 1,050 (Ex.W.48 ft -)7 & all Of 6 1 do 11,000 W.48 ft. of 7 & E.25 ft- Of 8 1 do 10,425 (Except East 25 ft.) 6 1 do 525. TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- J�/ 1�16,1,,OMA /goal mivvioaer of Fi..nce. F-. B. u. 12 CITY OF 9T. PAUL - > DEPARTMENT OF FINANC ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER Or FINANdif � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 1 Underwood's 3rd Addition 1,050 to the City of St. Paul, East of 11 and 10 1 Ramsey Co., Minn. 2,075 West '� of 11 1 do 525 12 1 do 1,100 1 1 John J. Kenna's Rearrange. 5,325 2 1 do 5,400 3 1 do 5,350 4 1 do 4,100 5 1 do 4,150 6 1 do 5,050 7 1 do 3,6o0 6 1 do 4,450 9 1 ado 4,450 10 1 do 4,850 11 1 do 950 12 1 do 1,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- J�/ 1�16,1,,OMA /goal mivvioaer of Fi..nce. F-. B. u. 12 K K •_wo St. Paul, Minn .,....... SeFtamber„10,.......792._3. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable' Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..aX.e.._wi.t}1....9.he.9.t...A.;ha1t......CSO.0.ix1..rh..Av.a=6._................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................St. Ave. from-........ P.r..ior..................._..............................................._..St. Ave.-- _.---................................................................................... St. Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ry �Sal. ,/ 4., h, �, 5 Ifo % 3 / 770 110 -90 •'ti rva L 'All._ _ of l'� �. f.•. ,_ ... . �.l., / , , /frG�?•"YJ^.A"Z� J �JuLr: _L- BU3EAU OF Ei«if;kCi' =_ .. " Office of the Cgmmissioner of.. PublicV-011fMCEIVEID Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 2419a8 Nov. 23, 1923.____191 ------------------------ To 923.___191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 49273 Oct. 22, 1923 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to the paving 'of Goodrich Ave. from PriorAve. to Cleveland Ave. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referresl,.to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------- necessary ,,aannd (or) desirable. rd attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. q ^, \1 '` Commies er�PuWorks. puliem 3. Peter, (IMM&aain M • t � 34,0 ilette, 11twg eommlooto ter y �r�t rimpnt of uhlirWorks y t6it� nt �uiYtt �mtl M.B. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER 'I ti WM. N. CARET. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 23, 1923. Mr. Wm. J.,Peter, Commissioner of Public 'dorks. Dear Sir.: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Goodrich Avenue from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alle approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. 149273, approved October 22, 1923: Length 1317.5 ft. Width of Roadway 32 ft. Frontage 2443 ft. Street 66 3z" Creosoted Bricks L&id Asphalt or Concrete PAVING Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Total Sq. Yd. _ 5.51 4.50 3.63 2.87 ;k Intersections) Wheelage ) 8,920.69 7,285.50 5,553.17 { 4,646.53 Property Share 17,946.07 14,656.50 11,171.51 9,347.59 T c t a l 26,866.76 21,942.00 16,724.68 13,994.12 (a) Front ft. 7.34 6.00 4.58 3.82 (Street already curbed) Add for 6" Sewer connections each $60.00. K H 20" Water " " 39.00 Yours, truly, -v ie Enginee . Approved.: � 1 M -Zommion v 7— c. - In the dinLtRr Of plunttn$nnd ry[ny Ing treeB oh both.eldea oL.Fry, . COUNCIL, FILE NO.. from-Uotveratty:> pvenve -,�. ........................i-,..�rot..�Ander LrellvYr a' , yo �.hpproved' Nov. 1 ",• nc hCaz1oF�ha: �. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._plas. ting and protecting trees on both isi•ies of ........................ ................................•... Fry.Str ..f om University Avenue to Blair Street, ...................................................... ............. under Preliminary Order.....................37249 11ov.18,1q21 --•---.................. ........ .. approved .................. '.......---...........-... IntermediaryOrder ........................................ ...............---.. approved ....................... ..................------............................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is alcl..urutact,-_trEes.-un.._b�......................... sides of Fry Street from University Ave:iva to Blair Street, . ..................................................... .................. -..................................................... .............................................. ............................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN 1 0 1924 Adopted by the Council .................................... 9 ........ -- - ...... ..................................--- City Clerk. pAN + 1924 ✓ Approved............................................ __......, 191..... - 4- - ........ - �� �� Mayor, Councilman $t*X93vidt�f61ancy Councilman Gs3 ,/1 erguson I Councilman ISIMMy jv Councilman I M1K ✓p , eer Councilman wimbil Sudheimer Councilman jWanzel Mayor elson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL s - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r 1 REPOP OF COMMISSIONER OF NICE �� J W- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of planting and protecting si7ade trees on both sides of Fry Street from University Avenue to Blair Street. eft under Preliminary Order approved November 18, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 540.00 front .15 The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 .3 1 3 15 4 .14 4 (Except West 11 ft.) 1 2 14 .1 also NP. 90 ft. of Lots 17 & 18 blk. 4, Stierlw, McConville & Seeger's Midway Add. 27 3 26 3 Brightwood Park to St. Paul, Minn. do do do do do Stierle, McConville & Seeger's Midway Add. do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 4,100 1,950 3,600 . ,18,675 2,250. lg'450 375 375 CITY OF 9T. PAUL AAL-5, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE __% i REPORT OF COM(9.ISSIONER OF*_t.NANCE .�; ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .� -.. (C1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION Stierlel_MoConoille and 450: --- $eegerre ff: dway Addition -,(Ex W.l ft.)29_& all of 30- 2 -do _ _5,325 -- also 1 _ 2 Geo. J.dAndersen's Midway 400 Addition St. Paul,Minn. _ 30 1 _to_ do 1,400 1 1 do _ 4,525 19 4 Stierle, McConville and 8,400 Seeger's Midway Addition. 18 1 do 550 19 1 do 150 14 2 R. B. Thompson'B Add. 1,925 22 1 do 3,225 21 1 do 2,375. 7 5 Midway Plaisanoe,St.Paul. 33850 6 5 do 5,575 _. 17 2 do 2,550 'Territorial Rd.vac.adj.& 6 2 do 4,200 2 4 do 275 1 4 do 300 2 3 do 300 South 50 ft. of 1 3 do 275 r (Except South 50 ft.) 1 3 do 225 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated -----1=// 2.;_ ! i ommiesioacr of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - October 10, 1921, Grade Street, Boulevard and plant trees on Fry Street. from University Ave. to Blair ;Street. Name Lot Block Addition add. W. F. Moritz u 4 Midway Plaisance f Charles Olson 30 1 Geo. J. Anderson Add. 1641 Edmund St. ,a Hans P. Skottegard 3 1 Midway Plaieance Add. J. D. Williams 30 2 Stierle, McConville & Saeger Christian & Missionary 1&2 3 ✓ Alliance of Twin Cities 17, do e J. D. Williams Chairman 18&19-4 Pr J and Dist Supt. 1 3 14 1 Brightwood Park. ✓ Geo. A. Smith 1 ,. 2 do - ' to to Office i the Commissioner d Pubic Wo 11141 FD Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov �� or X18,88 Nov. 21, 1923. ---------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 37249 Nov. 18, 1921 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ------------ ________ the planting and protecting of trees on both sides of Fry ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- Street from University Avenue to Blair Street. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot 1* for new trees 540.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- Removal and resetting trees additional. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \`\ ------ _ = --- Commissioner of Public orks. iUiumm �l. Peter, , Tommtssioner Jrie fil te, ue}iutg TW=tssWner of Iluhlir Mark (Iitg of Quint �sut 6 M. 6. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER .GEORGE M: SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER , WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 199 1925. Mr:.Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear 31r: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of trees on both aides of Pry Street from University Avenue to Blair Street, under Preliminary Order C. p. $57849, approved November 18, 1921- 70 Elm Trees at $6.25 $456.00 Removal & Resetting trees 104.00 $540#00 Cost per front ft. lbs for new trees Removal and Resetting trees additional. Yours truly, 1 near, Approved: JAMES M..CLANCY. Coxnsiibeert ,� # - � q�E. CORCORAN. Dirurr COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of parks; plaggrounas . nnk public Builkinp OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 218 COURT HOUSE -02" Nov. 26,1921 Mr. Q. Claussen, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Court House. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of Nov. 23, concerning C.F. 37249, allow me to estimate total cost at $540.00 or approx. fifteen cents pet front foot. Yours very ]tly, City Forester. G i November 23, 1921. hire, Be Le Pinney, porester, citePnHldgs., yof t. 2=14Ulm* Bear sirs Tbie department is in receipt of c, y, 37249, approved BeVember 18.0 1921, being a preliminary order, to -vita "Planting and proteatisig trees on both sides ofFry Street from University Ave. to Blair 3LreeL+" Will you please +send me the estimated cost of this work, end oblige Youze very truly, 1 chief Bngineere ccs/mh ` 1 L' a 50720 :In the ELatter o["D!<41tig .Robertean b't. I -+' ,3 team Fnlrlfe}d Ave ito ]ndlaoa-Av¢ •1no]uding neiiovo�. Water and gaabon-'I •�naetloaa�-SL'om street: dsaiad' io: Dro•;: - pe�ty,11p9a CoplDletei where*TOt;ffi'- r8s y<Tmade aleo.carblag'and :;Dav-�� 1ng •driveway and 3altey-aDPtosoheo where:-neceeaaty, .vpddtt ne, V vj.g,i it Order48681ve ,•appro A'-Dub1tG'hearing`haviag.. b4'1- { ' "upon-the`above-imprn^?�^--•-- COUNCIL FILE NO ........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter o .. having Robertson St. from Fairfield Ave. to Indiana Ave.; ................................................................................. -.......-------.-..-......-.....----.....---..-.....-..........------...---- Snclutiing---toile r,--•-vlat er--n3--bus-- conn ect ione_-Yrom--_st rest --_main s•• to -_--.-._------ :rqpa y lines complate, where not already made, Llso curbing and paving driveway and alley arproachas, where necessary -------------------------------------------..-.-...................... ---............................. .:.-.................... ---....------............--------....------..........-----.-....--... 46.6.5_4 June 26,1 2 under Preliminary Order ................. ..................... approved...............- u --.- ---6, --9•--............................... Intermediary.Order .................................. ............................ approved. ................... ................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ave Rooartsan Sz.......................................................... from Fairied Ave. improvement to be made by the said City is......k..-._....................._-.........---...-. _--_to--_In3ituia Ave..---inc ludin.dr.s3r?ex, water and'gus --connections --from ..-.... street plains to yroperty lines complete, ;vhere not already made, ........ ..................................-- .....-......-.....---- -- .---............--..............---........-..--.......-.I--.....-------.......----------...... - .. also curbing end paving driveway and allay au? -roaches, where .......................................... ......`- J.....--.�-----.............-.. j.-.-..................,.�- ...........-......-.--.-......-5--------.-%.�....--r/------..-........-.... :....----.-.---.. .......................................................................................................................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...JAN ...LP 924 ...................... ... ............ ...................................................... City Clerk. JAN 1 019241 Approved...................... ........................... 191........ Mayor. Councilman 7eHW4MiNK Clancy Councilman lines ✓Ferguson 1 �� Councilman Ghuxg lde•Bertx3,d CouncilmanAieiler /Peter / Councilman M Sudheimer ��t / Councilman �?i�effi¢t��>nzel r � v Mayor Hole= lson Form B. S. A. 8-7 d �4 CITY OF BT. PAUL R DEPARTMEBI" P FINANCE '►� I Yti* RE T OF COQ j1 STONER OF FINANCE 3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C In the matter of paving Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue Including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property �= lines complete, where not already made, also ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved June 26, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 3P Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Asphalt PAVING Blocks Flat Concrete. Concrete total Sq. Yd. 5.86 4.05 3.77 3.21 Intersections ) Wheelage ) 6 1,172.00 970.00 754.00 642.00 Property Share 4,688.00 3,850.00 3,016.00 2,565.00 T o t a 1 4 5,560.00 $4,550,00 3,770.00 $3,210.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.34 6.00 4.56 3.81 Add for straight curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. Add for 6" sewer connections each $60.00 Add for 3/4" water connections each 39.00 9 11 do 2,050 10 11 do 3,500 East of 11 11 do 2,87.5 Porm B. B. IO TOTAL, ._ r P CITY OF BT. AUL { i' DEPAItTM OF FINANCE T RET OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Paving Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, C inoluding'sewer, water and gas Connections from street mains to pr1. operty lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where neoessary. DESCRIPTION East of West of East i of Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5 11 Marshall's Addition to West Saint Paul 6 11 do 4 11 do 4 11 do 7 11 do 8 11 do 9 11 do 10 11 do 11 11 do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 1,250 9,200 1,100 11, 650 , 4,750. 1,750 2,050 3,$00 2, 87.5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- /41L:- Z2—_ ___ Commissioner of Finance. Fn B. B. 12 CITY OF BT. PAUL s,„/ RORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMM' )§STONER OF FINAN"Ek r�aM ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ` �I DESCRIPTION •' LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATASSESSIED ON West of 11 11 MarshalV a Addition to1,675 _. -_ West- Saint- Paul: West of 1 - 2 12 do 5,000 East of 1 - 2 12 do 4,000 West of 3 12 do 1,900 1. East of 3 _-12 do --- 15 12 do 2,050. 14 12 do 2,150 13 12 do 850. 12 12 do 1,100 West of 11 do 2,175. -' - East of 11 12 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- /41L:- Z2—_ ___ Commissioner of Finance. Fn B. B. 12 !4A,, • St. Paul, Minn .,........ ....... .�1.._..�.�192.r Ll Th C '1 v To The Honora e, a ounce , City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 3..... .--..____ ..... ............................................ ......._............................................. _....................................._..................,............................St. Ave. from...............s�N:r1�:�!1I:-:.......................... St. Ave. to — --------._.....-- ..........St. Ave. V LOT BLOCK ADDITION ice!. �. �. ' • '— ` s... � � Ursa PA 0 �p •• ens G L P✓E \�M 0R D �Ar - CrugT /C 6r5 Tf.+rYAq]/-s3 � \ - v� 4 u Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ---- Nov_ --23 t-1923 .-----191---- k To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46654 June 26, 1923 the Council, known as. Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191---, relative to the paving of Robertson St, from Fairfield Ave.--to-Indiana- Ave. ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. ( See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --' ---------------------------------- — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or -sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \ k-A Commissi of Public Works. ittiam 31. ever, A10sivner ild&tte, Be;mtg (d,ammWibn r Department of Pubitt Marks (ditg of odd put GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Comuissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 23, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Robertson St. ,from Fairfield Ave. to Indiana Ave.,' including sewer, hater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary; under Preliminary Order C. F. 46654, approved June 26, 1923: Length 300 ft. Width of Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 600 ft. If " Street 60 " 3" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or PAVING Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 5.86 4.85 3.77 3.2:1. Intersections ) Wheelage ) 1,172.00 970.00 754.00• 642.00 Property Share 4,688 3,880.00 3P 16.00 2,568.00 T o t a l � 5-,86�0.00 °y�4,8 0.00 3,770.00 5p3,210.00 (a) Front ft. 7.34 6.00 456.00 381.00 (Curb Extra) Added in the above Curb 0351.60 Drainage 50.00 Add for Str. curb where not in 60t per lin. ft. 6" Sewer connections each 060.00 Ir Ir 3`4" Water " ^ 39.00 Yours truly, 2-r7, (� C e f Engine . Approved.: 11 -UHCR5U'�21 . CITY OF ST. PAUL Fig No ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED. V C-- - That the sum of $150.00 be appropriated out of the 0ontingent Fund for 1924 to assist in paying the expense of the Municipal George Washington program given by the Mnnioipal George Washington Club on February 22, 1924, That the proper city officers be authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Municipal George Washington Club therefor. NPPRC / Adopted by the Council..... J A N._!_. 0 1924 192..:... MAYOR �t \J COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ...............In favor Am Geo. 0.3udheimer Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President NPPRC / Adopted by the Council..... J A N._!_. 0 1924 192..:... MAYOR MUNCIL 50-7-2-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL rae - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T " PRESENTED BY . _ '/�=�3� DATE.—M anUar�T 1Q 11 c . COMMISSIONER— _—f- s .... �..-....._._..._._. A RESOLVED That, Wher, Association have petitioned the 0ounoil for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of holding the Abraham Lincoln exercises on the 12th day of February 1924, and WHEREAS, It appears expedient that said request be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said organization on F the said date, and that the cost of said service be charged against the contingent fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ........"......In favor AAM6 Geo. O.Qudheimer Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ----- JAN ...1...4.-1ZM....-.192...... J A tv 1 J 1924 192-..-- / roved--------- ---------------------- ----........ -- ...... MAYOfl .. CITY OF ST. PAUL coFILE Nc"NO-------- ��-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO Nlp&–RESOLUTION—GEN RAL FORM -------- RESOLVED v WHEREAS, on June 1, 1923, a truck belonging.to the Pure 011 Company ran into and damaged a light post at the southwest corner of Lexington and University avenues, to the extent of $147.76; and WHEREAS, The London Guaranty & Accident Company, insurer for said Pure 011 Company has offered to settle said claim for the full amount; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said sum Of $147.76 be accepted in settlement of said claim, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute proper release therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson a d _...In favor Matson Peter .............Against Wenzel Mr. President I JAN 1 c lu24 Adopted by the Council __.....- ----------.....192...-. 0'AW 1 U 1:426 Approed --------------- .................................192------ -.-........� MAYOR s CITY OF ST. PAUL �"`"NO...-..5.(1'7.24 AOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.nI1NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_.-Januury 10, 1924 -._._...�._.. .—...-- RESOLVED That the Purchasing bent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Baker Snow Plow, 10 foot blade, at a cost not to exceed $295.00, without asking for competitive bids,. as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Sanitation 34- 11- Cl COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Clancy Ferguson A ro" Me,T)nn,I _ .............In Savor Matson Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr. President 0 k *�...I - � 19233.........192. MAYOR t '.I.iy�• 6r' �. COUNCIL NO.._.5(J7Wj_.._ CITY OF ST. PAUL T' rlLe; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^rOUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM - �..�..��.. RESOLVED That the application 019 the�Piper Drake Company f1jpermission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 63, Irvine's Addition, being at No. 209 Smith avenue, is hereby granted, Parks, Playgrounds and the Commissioner of P and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays 1/ Clancy Ferguson 1cDonald ........ In favor //Matson Xeter 0......Against �enzel r. President p 1924 Adopted by the CounclL :,JA_. - .......192..... 0_1924 Appr ed....... l AN - 192... MAYOR W 50'25. OF 6 W PAUL ... =UNCIL NO._. ----------- •-------- FNR FORM RESOLVED the amus 4 Of the viper Draks Compmy for pey111lssidn to 0;10% `md mj 44m ain a public gars" on Lots la, 13 and 14, $ioog 83,, Lrvinb*e Additi4n, being at NO. 808 Smith avenue, is hereby grantedy and the 00011e9iMer of j?rke, playgrounds and public Buildings is hereby authorized and. WtrmOtsd tO issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald - Matson Peter .-- Wenzel Mr. President ......In favor Against JAS: 1 � 1924 Adopted by the Council .. .............................. ...... 192..... Approved - ....Ji:AiL- --C; -192_; --- ......192...... z • dye. beanie paa0 ef.SxitdmpNytad ii �-c_,� M . y •�....d.Lea•n'+�+�;,cIork .. . .. _... beisthat(.%hfor the Ispatch Printing Co. which now 1s sad during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the Hublishe r of the e4—+nw 9t Paul Pioneer Press, a dally newspaper, printed and published to the ally at SG'. -Paul, in said Ramsey County, state of Minnesota 4t. Thatfahe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed -7-411, h attached, .cut from the colo ns of said n spaper, was inserted, printed and: .. ��.fGAw &X–C published In said newspaper Gaeb week fop and that all of said publicationswere made in the English. language. That said notice; was first Inserted,. printed and published on/. - %% ��j 192.A and was printed and pubo the°?7- day of. - limbed In said newe(D�/per thereafter on.. :?:�:•• •'•�" until and inclndinP�l4� e •��,Pday o / 192..3 That during allthe times afresald, eaidnewapaper -was quallfled'es a medium of official and legPublicationsan required by sections 3 and d of Chapter, 484, 9eaeioa Laws'at Minnesota 1921, and that it bas compiled, with all the requirements that eon- ' stitute alegal. newspaper as defined In said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for mon that e year last past from the date of the first publication of Bald. ••••• on m ,,;�„ said newdpaper bee bee (1) Printedtrom thOHmco from which -!t: pnrporte'to.ba issued intbe Eng1U language, and in column and shoot form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, wl . eight columns to the page, each twenty-0ne and onequarter taches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publleation `•'moo and equipped with skilled workman and the necessary material for preparing and Dr Ing the same., (8) Made uptocontain general- and local news, comment and miscellaay;. IIOG 'wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made .B Of.peten*`plot a r matter and advertisements, or any or alther.of them. (4) "Circulated in and near its place.of publication to the extent of at least two hundred aid forty copies regularly delivered .to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first Publication of said..h ...'-•" . • ............. •' • • •. r' •.....the publisher or printer In charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts,, filed in the office of the county auditor'of said county of Ramsey. state.of Min nesoto. an. affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper one .the existence .. of conditions constttuttng its quallficatlons as legal newspaper as required and est forth In section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Mlnnesota;.1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2 both IncluAre, of the slze and kind of type used In the composition, printing and publlcatlaa of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: h�f64 lwnoper•tvrw•:rs Further afaant salth not save that thla affidavit is made pursuant to Semite. 4 Of chapter 484. Session Laws 'Minnesota, 1921, and is tateuded to accompany tbe'biB .or the pnbllcatlon,in said newsDnpe/Ir//,,ee,,II the aforegaiSle advertisement Subscribed and sworn to before we Chia -..' 192 ..f .• dor •' "`e'�• ....... �.-..1.`!.... .... . NotarY Public, ense y County, Mlnneeota eau My Comm'.ssion exptre� 7"Y� /9 L a• TWEED Notary Publio FtamaoY Cm t. aiY �atydon expires amP STATE OF MINNESOTA, as County of Ramsay. ........::':.k:4N-'.. /... ..... ...... ...........6etn6 duly etvorn depmee ' and says th¢t�he is clerk for the Dl patch Printing Co. which now ie and dntiri6 all the iliacs hereittaRer mentioned hos been the publisher of the 9t Paul Dispatch, - a daily newspaper, printed and published 1n the city of St - - Peal,in said Ramsey County, state of Minnesota a on qh Prnt tt, That�ha has k¢owledga of the facts and knows personally that the Drinted. otleec '{Oy,`xatym�wilt.M;, •D•... ... .. ..,t�• _ ` •. .. �?S 7 fleMG.'Pa1a,:YD��ny�1,,�.YLe CC1lb Cuno-,. lode we epK r'idr�'_�feinC f'�aot Y�nlbeeata`�Sa{;: p, '��. ...... .... .... .. .................. - "e=me1ti �^"➢"'� telteeim elw�e(; .. ............./,/Q ... eeile.�,r]��. hereto attached, cut from a columns t said news n er, was Inserted, printed and >h.ou te. P cr�.nrsYaanot+°�i rc.,.tn published In said newspaper cue¢ In eaeb week for.---reeks, and that all of ..S et N 7d0 amltn d e:• said publications were muds in [hottglleh language. ` r .. PaaasDbsJ�� That said nottiiicccee� was first Inserted, printed and published on .. the -.l lUday of tt..... .... ..... ..., 1921. and was printed and pub• Ilsbed In said newspaper thereafterf�`-.(.�.:l.J. :.'-.Z/Q.. until and lncladlng$ .H0.v�9�day ot. 1A•..5 .. . . 192.3. That during all the times oresaId. said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has compiled with all the requirements that Pon- stituto a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit: thatformore than .,. one year last past from the date of the first pabllcation of ...... .............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established In such place for pnbl}carioa--�-�^; - and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate - matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated In and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two _ hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said...!...Q ............................... ..............the publisher or printer to charge of said newspaper having knowledge of -- the facts, filed In the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Mo. aesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 434, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A. to Z both IncluAve, of the sizo and kind of type used in (he composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, vlz: ntrcaefnLak Imo W entumsn abC¢efGi�t9ct•••^•••••• Further afflant salth not, save that this affidavit 1s made pursuant to section 4 i t of chapter 484. Session paws Mlnneso 1921, and is FrIlonded to accompany the bin 'or the publication in said newspaper o th aforesaid l / a ertisemenf. ...... .......... ... ... . Subscribed and sworn to before we this... -day of .}l..;.�...�..192.,.� .w.... Notary Public, Ram. y County, Minnesota. I �oltulst aM 5.20,21 ran My Comm'esion expires.....`I�"•>!'•�•,y�;,(.%/.17 L & TWEED Notary Public RamocY Coun, Ming„ ty. MY Cen,mh Wan exalree SepL 22, UM Res. 24 Paget ' 175 F. J. Spriggs 54.88 Water - 176 White Eagle Oil & Refining Company, Water ? '_ 4 )4 Am Res. 23 Page -#2 �"�► '.. 147 Fournelle Auto Company' ` '75.00 Schools 148 Dr. Leo A. Hilger, Corp. Counsel 149 Iig Electric Ventilating Company, 31 45 P. B1dgs..Revl. 15o Journal of Infectious Diseases, 500 Health 151 Kalman steel Company, 72 82 Schools 152 A. F. Katke, 24.00 .` Bureau of Parks 153 Lee Studios, 36.06 Corp. Counsel 154 Macalester Park Garage, St. C. & R. 155 Merchants National Bank, Partic. Certs. GS 156 Power Plant Engineering Company, 2 00 ` Water 157 James Rasmussen, 55.00 Library 158 Schleh Brothers, 2.00 i St. C. & R. 159 J. G. Schmidt, Bureau of Parks, 160 Chas. Soribnerts Sons Company, 5.00 P. Bldgs. 161 A. R. Thayer, L 1558 - 162 Trap Rock Company, 362.02 L 1775 101.14 L 1802 260.88 163 Underwood Typewriter Company, 744.75 Water 164 U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 7.50'` Schools w { b16 in the $3,000,000 and p indicate in She foregoing,.: CITY OF ST. PAUL CORR`I`No. 50:732 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .Q!} �DATE.,.'T�iISI!2'4----- COMMISSIONER_.._.__ ��. , RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the action of th*Contract Committee and hereby approves the award of contract to the St. Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing gas, posts and connections of posts to gas mains to the City of St. Paul for the year 1924, in accordance with specifications and their Formal Bid No. 6012, at a price of $10.50 per lamp per year, without use of ,ilot light. Total amount of contract approxi— mately $26,250.00. F.R. No. 6032. iN gyReav°et Caunetl hpirs�ct, �/ {' R88olvedi '>'hBaUctlan ai the6CaM the... ,V l conblirem�h and hereh'" `aPF° aat t4 1 r gWa�tof�AP adso�Coe iae oba�g to g°as; L16ht3+COonn86;ICne of yoal-tor tl'a`. I� 40 1psal ath¢ CIt9(: t c�- telth 8P b0. xtion8a OL f196Q 9m91I& ip D 0E�ati. ja 6-'1n .. Uso 04 Pllto, t,. t16bt'"✓ .... . '0'ltiouat� °t lQe t.Lyu�cU. Jg'492y c�„$e ¢oP39d by h +Hb 1926 K rP4xuvoilr (Jan12 1924)f�` 4 r r,.af // l I i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Tia4=04 S� mtaRewdd---------..In favor -�■ Slldheimer Peter----- ..----- .--- Against ✓�W�enzel ✓Mr. President JAN 1 1 1924 Adopted by the Council .................... .-.---192...--. JAN i 1 1924 Appred----.....-------.---_....-------- - 192 t n ----------------•M---AYYOROR N 6RIORIGINALC TO CITY OF ST. PAUL ..OU`5-073.3, 5-07331 CITY . �K APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 1. 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTEE, BY January 11, 1924 COMMISSIONER... .................................. I .............. - COMMISSIC . . ...... A RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TR NSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OFT ECOMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE, CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM 103-1 City Clerk Expense 103-1 Wheelage Tax Expense 0 - YES Y COUNCILMEN %7) NAYS 1-6-mcY -F&MIQueem— MQECIMfM� ................. IN FAVOR ✓IPFTFR .............::.AGAINST —'-WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT TRANSFERM FROM TRANSFERM TO 45.00 45.00 JAN 1 1 1924 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.._...._.._- ................19...----- J A N 1 1 1924 APPROV �d -------------------------------------------------- 19 ........ . MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY._- ---------------------- . ....... Em .oleiairuL To' CITY' OF' ST. PAUL., o ------ 5073,11 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION WS' PRESENTED BY DAT. —118,MaMy— a4 COMMISSIONER._ A - AA��- �ZC2�1< --- -- "", . , &... ", Z....... . ... �RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN rHE1TEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. cock: APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERS FROM TRANSFERM TO 41.2 Bureau of Schools Outlay 08,000 41 Bureau of Schools Other Expense $8,000 q tern': 41e made e'on `t1le ;d oli9 of the' CatriDv'o1lernwtren4fiY no o awb doliblOnCY1,n� tido Soh r ofqjchooji� , YES (%r) COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE 90 NC.4AN.Ij 19g4 ........ ...... L111CLANCY , JAN t 1924 APPROVE . ..................... 19 .... ... 7 /- ........... ................ IN FAVOR f/ Sadheimel ------------ -- --- ---�- f - MAYOR /PETER.... AGAINST ...... . I 7MENZEL COUNTIERSIGNED BY._ ....................... ....... ....... R. PRESIDENT CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CILRESOLUTION—GEN ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONEP­.01� 0 RESOLVED ao�NeR. NO.----"-�11.-l..CtI.--. �iaarF-•11.--1924.-•- That the plans and specifications for the Hemline Junior High School, $lair, Lafond, Pascal and Albert Streets, as sub- mitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the di- rection of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education,, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. of bo786=?Biba �f ane and+F ec[ poatlon`. for tdot'Haiallno Junior JghY Sch0o1 Hlnik hatond� Paecnl and At.' be(t 9 4at6, ., an, enbmlttedt heraWl% itiepolrectlorttot the commfee onerao[� =P6Yka PlaygRoun�,da and.Pubiltr Hullq `:� ,IngeIbe nna;tlieleame ere hereby ap .pr@Vod thoaapiebeingmtle[acto(g, tdj ;tlje3 puretiealnoape6B nt'H� °h reby �au•,.� thorlaed 4nd•;+dfl'0eted�toradrertlee foF:i bldg tha(obn la the +maanec Rrovldad� tn'aad by the CSW Ctiarlor ;� x t �Adon[nd p the Cda trli San. ih 1984 r pproVad Jan. 11. 1984 f \\ l�an.e COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (/Clancy Faxglleen M.eamct}II– __.In favor V-'djWN Sudheimer J Against Peter ✓W nzel . President JAN 11 1924 Adopted by the Council .. ..... .......... _._.......__._..192._... AN i 1 1924 Approvd ................................................ 192%..... .. ......... MAYOR t t gttu ai'$t Baal , e��fti`y� �cgactattM uf,�ecks; �laugcuunae 'aaD abbe Builm, p WM. T. MARCH . HERMAN C. WENZELr COMMISSIONER'. - OUgST W. JOHNSON:' IRVING C. PEARCXf 6..mRY CpMM1681OI1O!(' - - - tom.• ' ..' '.. FRANK K.TEIMESr 0"IC6 O'COMMISSIONOt - '.CrtY AweMTLCf' - 219 COURTHOUSE , January 10, 1924. lion. L., R a. Ferguson,' Qommisaioner, Department'oY Education. Dear sir: We are submitting herewith a dopy of the; complete plans."and; specifications for the new Hamlin Junior , High school for:'your,aons ideration, 'and approval:' Yours very truly, Commissioner: FXT..U*. i v J; ` COORO . 'CITY OF ST. PAUL F,� �O•-----5-------- --073 ---- w- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a oorcrr,�rrn av J _ ✓C�_v_ r.,,,,e,.., -1-1 �a�a.-._----- RESOLVED ' That Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $3,000,000 School Bond Fund, and One Hundred Ninety Thousand ($190,000.00) Dollars is hereby transferred and set a- side from the $5,000,000 School Bond Fund, making a total of $390,000.00 for the purpose of constructing4.&Hamline Junior High School on the block bounded by Blair, Lafond, Pascal and 9].bert Streets. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L-0—laney jv[eE jIntjr— \ \..In favor ,/ auuue"ar !/Peter Against r/ Wenzel -Mr. President Adopted by the Council..JAN 1 1 1924 ......... ...........192.._. JAN 1 1 1924 Appr ved-....._._ .......................... .__.-...192...... x� MAYOR An ordinance granting to the University Chevrolet Company permission to install and maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 496 Marion street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST'. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Dhiversity Chevrolet Company to install and maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 496 Marion street, and the Commissioner of Public Yorks is hereby authorised to issue a permit to the said licensee for said filling station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said gasoline filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of at. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), conditioned to save said Oity harmless from any and all liability., judgments, costs, damages or expense that may accrue to persons orraproperty on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Oounoll shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. passed by the Council "PIAN n�+o�4. Yeas Nays -'_Peter Sudheimer --`Wenzel Mr. prels _,+ (Re, eo„) Approved Attest Mayor ity Clerk. R)78 �� • C F. No S07a7—Ordihanea .� '^ An ordln brand.. to the fel- ty Ch J P t r— II t> Cha)rolet Comp nY permlexTo A/ (X/ It • f- i stalland malntai curb gaeol+- diling e[atlon nt 496 Dlnrlon 6t• (� U un The Ceun cll of the deor,'. "o- An ordinance granting to the University Chevrolet Company permission to install and maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 496 Marion street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST'. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Dhiversity Chevrolet Company to install and maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 496 Marion street, and the Commissioner of Public Yorks is hereby authorised to issue a permit to the said licensee for said filling station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said gasoline filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of at. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), conditioned to save said Oity harmless from any and all liability., judgments, costs, damages or expense that may accrue to persons orraproperty on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Oounoll shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. passed by the Council "PIAN n�+o�4. Yeas Nays -'_Peter Sudheimer --`Wenzel Mr. prels _,+ (Re, eo„) Approved Attest Mayor ity Clerk. tt`p of *K6nt -Vain HENRY OLSO,- N. J. RIORDAN CITY A—,.RK ,. } .le �q�.�� 1 /�7 /,� ASST. CITY CLERK ' WY111GC Ul �lALi� Vl�� January 11th, 1924. I" Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith application of the Chevrolet Motor Company for permission to install a gasoline pump at 496 Marion Street, Which was referred to you for fte proper form of ordinance, by the Council this date. Yours very truly, enc. CITY LE2i{. 1 Yours very truly, y Planning Engineer. ARTHUR E. NELSON. MA—.' LOUIS BETZ. .�f�G., CIw.rArl VIe. CM—N . Car. d! PIruNCt L. R. ! �� the scup Hanning Iattra CON... FAIGTlCr '�5'r` V�i{=r MRS. P. N. CARDOZO J. E. CARROLL M DONAL . J. H. MODONALD.'�a,. Cor. a• Puale Uti � A. C. FLOAN HADLI H. J. HADLICH WM. Jr PETER. Car: W P— Wa.t.'{ of Saint JIM, Mfuttegata E. L. McADAM bSORGE C. SUDHEIMER. C. A. MIA GNUSO. C— `F OF— $"""' 301 (1#9 31a11 M. G. MUELLER mH. C. WE 4213— Cor a P—. PUY.ImIFm. MISS BESSIE PEA SON Arm PU BIALDI GEORGE M. SHEPARD. GEORGE H. HER ROLD. P. M. REAGAN CNr. kyr®1 MAwwlw 0maCTa1 Arm Eroaamr J. A. SEEGER W. T. MARCH. A. H. STEM SUR. W PA J. CLAIR STONE C. F. MONALLY. C-- ISAACSUMMERFIELD E. M. SKIFTON. Cm C— H. J. Ven Dm WEYER January 9th, 1924, Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- With regard to application of the Chevrolet Motor Company for permission to install a gasoline pump at 496 Marion Street. This is a Light Industry District and is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. From an engineering standpoint there are no difficulties involved. By direction of Commissioner Peter. Yours very truly, y Planning Engineer. �a " BUREAU OF POLICE POLICP OFFICE. OF •.1 M[NO[R NATIONAL .YNCAV FRMKw.s0MMSaint Paul Minn. W CHIM January 3, 1924 George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Chevrolet Motor Company for permission to instal and maintain a curb pump 'gasoline filling station at 496 Marion Street, you are advised that upon investigation I find that this station will not interfere with traffic. Very ru�' Uhief of Police WILLIAM C. BARRON CHIH'INBPECTOR� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OEO C. SUGHEIMER. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Dec. 27, 1923. RALPH CARNEY ASST CHIEF INSPECTOR Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com. of Public Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: Referring to application of the University Chevrolet Co. for license to operate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station and two 500 gallon gasoline tanks at 496 Marion St. We have investigated the foregoing and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard in that vicinity and therefore recommend that permission for its installation be granted. Respectfully yours, wal j CHIEF I2tSPECTOR. r1 L.I n LJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION This application to be made in duplicate -•and;" submitted to the City Clerk. Annlicatfon No. Deoember 17th 1923 To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By 11livers ity Chevrolet Co Name of Firm .r Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A Curb- ^Um'c In" .r ••Curb•' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At_ 94 6 Idarion_St. _ _ — St—t N—L— and 8t 1 Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed—_ one Tanks to be Installed—_two Tanks 500 Gal ea. Received at office of ity Cler ilniversit_y ChSZLrolet Co /t Sianuturc of Aprllvnt f i By 215 Uniyel�iity Ave., nu.i.— Add— Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date ___ 19— Date__________ (9— Date_. 19— Department of Parka, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works pa Y P and Public Buildings Public By___By— -- By ----- Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Park Received From nd t of nds Department PlaygrDate19— Date-- 19— D 19— ofate___-- office the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed_ 19— Date _ Date_ 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel .Approved----19-- pproved __ 19 -- By Received From Department of De art p Ordnance No. By— By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date Date 19— Permit No. — ----19— Offlce of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By--- BY License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 9— P- T 7`7 Original - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application"to ba `.' Y,CI,ER made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CIT submitted to the City 'APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk' .' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION • nerd. Ne. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date December lilt 1923 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By Noma d El or hdividual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A Curb "Drive In" w "(,5,rb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At 496 me -'on Street- s�t xamn. ,aa Bt -1 - Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps t a)bv Installed—QI—I8 Tanks tzha Installed two Tanks 500 G &l Received at office of City Clerk ilni Vera_ity Chetrrn i Cn eucaewm aG 2 fl r 3 By - 215 y 215 University Ave awiome Ad Approval Withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 9_ PROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Dat.. � 2 7 19� 3 Date_ / -t9 x'� Date_ 19_ W _COrr f ublic Safety. f� K� _fl . o� ublic Safety. tel' Cement. of P. P., P. and P. B. PROVED APPROVED PASSED 19_ APPROVED 19 Data _19_ Date 19_ ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. 11 LICENSE NO. Cement. of Public Works. Approval Withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 9_ CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. MCNALLY c..�c��n.ri eawnn ,• NT ATfOIw{Y. ARTHUR A. STEWART EUGENE M. O-NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON January 18th, 1924. Mr. Henry Olson, city Clerk. Dear Sir: - Herewith I transmit for presentgtlon to the Council, ordinance granting permission to the University Chevrolet Company to install gasoline filling station at 496 Marion street; also ordinance granting to J. H. Car- penter permission to maintain gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade street. Yours very truly, "Orpor tiEin Oo 1. C. F. No 50718—Ordinance No. G t• "�� '� ^�f I R N%. J. Peter— An ordinance lonnto,, to J. H. Careen- tar rmtsslon tt �aln[nin 11 dale 8treet�ltng stn rico at 100" ! The OoanM .1 the Clty .1 c doer orv�ntn: ' An ordinance granting to J. H. Carpenter permission to main- tain a curb gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to J. H. Carpenter to maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade street, upon said licensee's compliance with the follow- ing conditions: (1) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (3) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. .,04 passed by the Council Teas Hays Mr.'6lanoy pergae"7 * d et ✓Sudheimer teazel ✓,� b icy Rr S_ . =rte Approve P, 3 Attest A(3V►i�, Mayor cl- ity Clerk -HENRY OLSON �I t� of *dint i0au "µ CITY CLERK _ (Wire of (litu (91Erk January 11th, 1924. Mr. C.F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith the application of J. H. Carpenter for permission to install a curb gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade Street, which was referred to you for the proper form of ordinance,by the Council. Yours very truly, one. CITY CLERK. H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK r� WMM Vr Yours very truly, �p city Planning ng neer. GH-REH E. NMAI—SON. M.Y Y. n LOUIS BE Vle[ C—MM.w.r ARTHUR C11V.1.Ar J. M. CLANCY' z�. ' R9. P. N. CARDOZO Cow.—FMIUC[ L. R. S. PERGUSON.lea Cor. o. GUSOarr �y My +"`{♦. l�l� FLOANLL J. H. MCDONA4Dc A4 "yC{♦ - H. J. HADLICH COM.- PuuWW Un�lm WM. J. PETER. {� * tt y� }x fillitti �Buttl 41RitttteSII�K • E. L. Md,DAM COM. - P c Worn. II , C. A. MAGNUSON GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. + Cor. — P— S.— 3Q 1 (MV. Mail 30 M. G. MUELLER H. C. WENZEL. MISS BESSIE PEARSON Cor. - P— PUIY6lwllna. P. M. REAGAN Atm PI . BOILOINa. GEORGE M. SHE RD. GEORGE H. HERROLD. M.waIMO 13— Nat E—'— J. A. SEEDER Cm EraruIDl A. H. STEM W. T. MARCH. Sort. - P-Ot. - J. GLAIR STONE C. F. MONALLY, ISAAC SUMMERFIELD COba..Tar Couru¢ E. M. SKIPTON. January 8th, H. J. Von om WEVER Cm Corrr..L�m 1924. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir With regard to application of J. H. Carpenter for permission to install and maintain a curb gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade Street. This involves merely a transfer of ownership of the filling station which exists there now. , This is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. By direction of Commissioner Peter. Yours very truly, �p city Planning ng neer. GH-REH GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER 1. IR JOHN SON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Ctu of *aftd Paul Peyartmnt of Ilubfic *d January 3, 1924 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk; St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson:- Returned herewith is the application of J. H. Oarpenter for permission to maintain a Curb PUMP gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade street. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard and traffic and it is recommended that permission be granted. yo 8 er Ocmmissioner of Public Safety r• George C. Suclheimer,, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of J. H. Carpenter for permission to instal and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade Street, you are advised that inasmuch as this is an old location I believe the application should be granted inasmuch as this application merely covers transfer of ownership. However, I am of the opinion that no new applications bhould be granted for filling station on Arcade Street. Very trLqy yours, Chief of Police G/W ,.,,did „� +�► a BUREAU OF POLICE pouC'E OFFICE OF NA ONAL Y°NCAU FRANKw.SOMMER Saint Paul,Minn. IOCNTIIICATION ~^ qC TON cHi January 3, 1924 George C. Suclheimer,, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of J. H. Carpenter for permission to instal and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at 1007 Arcade Street, you are advised that inasmuch as this is an old location I believe the application should be granted inasmuch as this application merely covers transfer of ownership. However, I am of the opinion that no new applications bhould be granted for filling station on Arcade Street. Very trLqy yours, Chief of Police G/W WILLIAM C. BARRON - _ - RALPH CARNEY CHIEF INSPECTOR -'� f A55'T CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GEO C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Dec. 27, 1923. Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Referring to application of J. H. Carpenter for permiseion to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station and two 400 gallon gasoline tanks at 1007 Arcade St. This application is merely to cover the transfer of ownership and no new installation was requested. Respectfully yours, 44CB/j CHIEF IITSPECTOR. er'x ab sp�ss_ = 50739 /� +� initha hfatter ot,openldg•:wldenfng'an3� wy idethr 9oJndf8O-',fir fartur ves vppO�t4evSelm,itnoa1=1a to RuthAV,nm-Hazet Aveno ey lntermediayOrd,,r -4n _111 11, Ao �S3923: : : RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.:opening,...nidening..- and ..estanding..Hex aster...A.Yennufk to--a- width.. oP...60.-ft,..,...from--Hazel--Avenue. to--.Ruth--Avenue,.....................____... __...... _. ..................................................................................................... .................... ......... ............. under Preliminary Order.... 48692.. approved..SflgL..25,1923, Intermediary Order..... -.4928.Q...-.., approved ...Oftt ...2R,---19m— A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is h eby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �. Be it er Rpsa that the said;aeseaement be and i�hereby determine& to equal insta�lme as to egch parcel of land described therein. l� n 1 9 70^. n 191.... Adoptedby the Council......... ................ ...................................... j .... ...... ................................ _ ... 74 City Clerk. Approved ....... t n, ...!... ..........., 191..... . .......................................................... Mayor. Couicilmlin7WC4b7c�� lanoy Councilman §W= ergneon Councilman YQa,m¢i[ z DoAQa4— Councilman ifedielcxZu Councilman Ddl�tttbc udhedheimer / Councilin 3* [AWJM c_Vienzel Mayorson l 4%k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....._OlMninge.--•P.t.donixig.. a.A:d...Q.xte.nd ng...Hazy.ei lar._ mennEt.._tA...a widtkt...Q.r -60to...Ruth-_AMAM—Pi...................... _................. _...._....._ under Preliminary Order .....48&92........... approved.Sapt:.25,1925, Intermediary Order.......49284......., approved... QA t *:._2Q.,...1923. a........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that be has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. / Co. isaioner of Finance. PUBLISMID C F No -07^F-P i Ia the -Matter of soade_npning aqd tak fJ Ing an_esaement in the w land. nedba-5 ffe�rarrvIn aloDyyea,;tor cut andfaitb In'% Vlend froB1ock.HAda�aM',Ad �onr m Aabdry Ave. -2o Paeca7°; Inf:m under Prell�lnary Order �8<`� " aroyed. ugy $8 1988 7 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of ondenwliag...and._tRki11&..isn...e.&a.emen.t in the laYld...na08gzarY for elo-peat for cute and fills.. in grading Alley in.B2ock 2� Macaleater View..and__.Block..l.t---Adam!s..Addition,,-.from Asbury._Ave.--_to-..Pastia-7 ,.Ave.•,..-._ ................ ................. ......................... under Preliminary Order.......' kBO5.7.......... I approved-AU9-2.6.PA9?. ---, Intermediary Order....'�9�$1........., approved.NOY......lt...19------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ^ Be it i rtheti.ata ole , th t th"I'd sessment be d it hereby determined�-to• be pa�yable-in ':elhnen as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .... A!�...!......i924 .......... , 191........ ..................................... ...... `a... q 2 i924- 'eCitty Clerk. Approved........................................................... 191------- ............................ .... ..... ........ :... - Mayor. LI -1- Councilman lA tz mDV& 91ancy Gk Councilman E= r/Fergus on Councilman XXbL ak MCBeaaTT— Councilman >31:AJ= 1 Jeter Councilman ➢sic Sudheimer Councilman J5QXdnCk0"enZe1 MayorE9UVzT,,X8180n �f PLTiST_ISR"E-l� t' � _ 50`742 C F No 6044E .. tna r•tntt r of coademning aiy3;;telt iag, an a"Tnt-.la tha 1 nd n ce as y.fo louse, foY pts d fill In gr dips IleyY to 91ock E wSa�nle,ter p Vl sv, dnd ffio A" from-Aebn y Ave t •i�"!' under Prenwinery Y " � F�I"".�"�� . FINAL ORDEQ IN•:GONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of OGridemntnd ting-sn_aasement.,-in.-th�land 7tt�_4_e_8._ea9 for slopes, for outs and Pills in grading Alley in Block 2, Macalester V{ew and Bloc chi Adam1a Addition, from_Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave., w _ - anderPreliminary Order__--4$.4tr2'L__._, approvedA_1�s2$_r 19 , Intermediary Order—_— approved—NGy _ 1s-1923. Resolved: (1) - That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:—.—.— "Q ",n_and take an easement in the land necessary Por slopes, for cuts eya:'fiiia in grading Alley in Blook 2 Maealester View and Block 1, Adamla AdClitiong from Asb_Lry Ave. yo Paeoel �@ _-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz .:--the-]aDd Eih{at#tjng; lipen the_A13ey in Block.." M"Aigster View and B oak 1.,A,dam's Addition, bgtween thepnints aforesaid., to the��en+ shown ugQn the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated 'NOV. 28, 1923 — -- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council--_JAN._1_2_1924_._._.._...._-.__ - City Clerk. JAN1 2 1924 .. ` Approved _. .... . _._....._.._....__....__.__._._�-- Mayor, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.... oondem.ning...fknd ..Vaking...@7C e.a.s.0ment...in...the ...land..nezaasasy f9r.. a 1pgjmj� .fQr_.gUt:3__and._fUl(s....la.Brad.I ng--.A.11ey...la. Blo.Gk..2,...�8acalasxer Viea_.and_._Blook 1,x..Adam's..Addition,...from..A>3bury_Ave.___to,..asGa_�__A.yg ., _.,-,- under Preliminary Order 48.057 .............I approved..AU9..2801923.., Intermediary Order........43481......, approved....tiay....1,...1fl23............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commis oner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND 50743 ••v ca CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.aondemning...and..taking...sn._easement..Sn...the...lansl...no esuary for.. slopes,...for...out~a..and--- fills ...in..gr-adi.ng..Hun.t kla.o.e from.Merrit.orial. Rnad...to...Huat...Street ............... 7............ ------........--- under Preliminary Order.4.7736.................. approved-Allg.....11o....19.2 Intermediary Order ....4.9.4-7J............ approved.$oV .---].-r---1823-....... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it urt� solve ha the id—Ewleaement a -and,, it is hepDby-�determined-t'`­b�p a in .................. ..........equal installmen as to each parcel of land dead therein. JAN i 21924 Adopted by the Council--- ------------ ----.....------...................................., 191 ............. .-- --���' City Clerk. Approved .................. 6i-IL...1.2 1` 25..........1 191........ ................................... ....................................... . : .......... - ....... Mayor. Councilman �lanCy Councilman 11 R8 ✓ rp�ueOn_ Councilman H92 Councilman XMI*Xzz Peter Councilman ➢mac t/iudheimer Councilman �Toxd lso `�Yerizel Mayorj PIIBIJSHhp_�y/72'/�!j Mayor I 190II ( f-�7�- mb- i '9, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ']n the matter of..condemni.ng... and ...taking--*.knaasamamt.---in...tha...land..namazzaxy Por_--slopes,�.._for..outs-_and-._Pills-.-in--.grading..Huat .Place Prom Territorial Read.._t o...Hunt...S Lr e e t.,..................................................................................................-----............._.._......._ under Preliminary Order ....... 4-7.736 ........., approved&U9.11�1923..... Intermediary Order....' 9435........., approved.... 13x4.....1.,_.1923.. ......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That be has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that be has also feed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 41-1 --- Co-ik ............................... mmi ner of Finance. C l� PUBLISHED Council File No. By CITY Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 50!45 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Grotto St, from South St. to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order...__..411$0_.__., Intermediary Order _..4.8.rJi3.4........ ___., Final approved _006 - -le A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............. -.---_---_equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ ...... .JAN ....t ._.2._ ...1._.9...2....4_......._.._..._ .191 ..... -.. _...... _1 ............. ... _.._..... ... ._`............. .................... -Xity Clerk. jAN t 2 1924 Approved____...___..._........_.---- ..._._._........ ___._._...I91__.+1� Form B. B. IS CITY OF ST. P OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIOOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 19hXx In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for JMX grading Grotto St. from South St. to lake Como and Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order._.._.. �cw'.Q.__.._..____.. Intermediary Order .4853.4_._... Final Order_.___._48?Q4..._..---.---................ approved---GB.t..._1f3.,._..1.823.__....._._..xmx—. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $..--3_,253..25_._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $... -...... .......... 2..$5.-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $......._.......___._....5'7_.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $........... _........ 75..08._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--- ----..�...$•- - Total expenditures $...__�3s.'..�-e.� �.._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascec- twined, to -wit: the sum of$_..s'f,.J.a.�Q............. _.--- --- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for uch actioonn tt"rre n as may be considered proper. L....�C/' ... — .. Form B. B. 17 PL)BI.CIg ssioner of Finance. 50746 Council File No � tt r f Lh asseesm at f t 1 r By_.... ............ North .to;nto[to atte t;: IITp• t e-Proa18 he eio-attached.' de a`P8rt 8 reoL`.uTderd�['rr. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costa and expenses for grading South St, from Como Ave. North to Grotto Street, to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order..... AYB65........... _., Intermediary Order _......482. ...... _....... Final Order......_!4 approved --Oat . ..... 3-,-1.923. 211= ....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _..JAK-1.2..19.9........_..................... 91___...... - --Q'r= .f':Y.... . City Clerk. JAN 1 2 1921 Approved._.__...___..____..._.__.__._.._._.........._.._._.191_..._. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 RIBLLS#iED - CITY OF STri• OFFICE OF THE COMMISStyiVER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ D@St.__ ] 1925— X3" - In- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tiLOC7C grading South St. from Como Ave. North to Grotto Street, to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order _------ Intermediary Order _....._ _.._4 Final Order - A$. ................. approved_.._....9.C�t....__.3,....19.7..3._-......----- ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures, necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: $._.._., 8.Q5...5_.... Coat of construction- - $ ..... _............... —05...... Coat of publishing notice - - Coat of postal cards - Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costa for confirmation _ - $ ............ 6 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- cel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $-- ..... 3�8 � 70,.....".' -.-_...upon each and every lot, part or par benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with ent has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- the benefits conferred thereon; that the said ay,essm tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo such action tlierefln as may be considered proper. 4si oner of Finance. Form n. B. 17 Council File No. ---- -- e F xy:`6o7s7j ' 50747 -- ,Ta de.Eiatter nte Landhe asae.ame¢t or'. Qedta:' co , eiyen.ea for;. e IM I Como snd Epalen: B oue ,wes Dale Atreat to s:yolnL, By.._.__ __.__.—._._.__....___._.._........—_.__. l deet' Weet oC Adhls; $t and a' rla0; heaef�.erly,bouadau oL.Coms+ r ark to.�BhraDrat-te t -r yg. tkr' �rWwesterlydlractionr. :.ti.'�.vRbb't00t.:,more 011' CITY OF STL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Lake Como and Phalen Avenue. from Dale Street to a point 336 feet West of Adams St., and a Service Drive from this point along the Northeasterly boundary of Como Park to Shrub St., continuing thence in a northwesterly direction a -. distance of 365 feet, more or leas, to Lake Como.Drive. Also grading Adams St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point 202 ft. south thereof, -also grading Grotto St. from Maryland St. to South St., under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order ......_38963._._-___.. Final Order...._...3_��.�.�_._.. approved __$- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _._.._..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1924 Adoptedby the Council .... _...... __..._...._.............. __._...... -.._................. 91._....._. City Clerk. 1924 Approved ---..._._ y�1i�1._._........_....------ --'_--191.-.— Mayor. Form B. B. 18 / CITY OF ST. W6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for d= grading Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Dale Street to a point 336 feet West of Adams St., and a Service Drive from this point along the Northeasterly boundary of Como Park to Shrub St., continuing thence in a northwesterly direction a distance of 365 feet, more or leas, to Lake Como Drive. Also grading Adams St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point 202 ft. south thereof, also grading Grotto St. from Maryland St. to South St., 3 —• under Preliminary Order ._...__.—..8151 _—_._�----------. Intermediary Order __._.___'��6�—.---.- Final Order _.._ 39491.-........._...._ ......................... approved_ MRy_.._4.__19.22 To the Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.......... -..._...... 1.0._50. Cost of postal cards - - - - $- `L.:_1-0 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.......... ......._43.f3s_5.9_ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - _ - _ _ $___22,.391s92 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-22,.3.9.1._02_ ......... ... ..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo such actio thelreon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 CoSt}tnissioner of Finance. 50748 Council File No. _ ................... ... _._.__.._ v ^: ,IQo 6074b— Matter oL'Sho aseeasmant' 04 By ;trticting=.eewer on AnnaPolte.88t.r. m South ;Rober4,Order d 4R7410Axn- J' Preliminary'. -r.7nediarY"Oider 4!<708• P7na1 order: :YO; aPProYed Qct Yl' ndes Vit• og61t4'-AearinB havlg R - CITY 0:�.,te, apaesstnent Cor�the shoe • Resolution Rati6r 's essment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for oonstrueting sewer on Annapolis St. from South Robert St. to Hall Ave., > under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order.......48.'x.9.4._..... _....... Final approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........_._._. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land describeAtherein. 4AN 1 2 =14 Adopted by the Council ..... . ............. -.._............ __......... _....... ............... 191 _..—. ..... _-------------------------.------- ------- - ....... -_.._._----_-.._... ity Clerk. JAN 1 1 101-2 Approved --...----..._..-'-'--- '--_ 191 - , Mayor. Form B. B. 19 (/O „CIT:*ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for *i constructing sewer on Annapolis St. from South Robert St. to Hall Ave., 8799 - - ... under Preliminary Ori^.r..........._4r1��..Q...... __......_.._..._..--- _.., Intermediary Order ...... ......... ..._ 4_.....__..... _.....-..........._.... Final Order _...A.9123__ ............ . ................ ........_......, approved __-_OC.t..-_..3.1y......1923....... _......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Coat of publishing notice $---------3...'.5 Cost of postal cards $............_ ............. *.!Z§ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..-.._.......167..00...._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......._._.......... 3...75........ Total expenditures $......8.,.52.5..25..._... Less the sum of 6,357.79 Y (Bond Issue Appropriation Code 160) NET ASSESSMENT $2,167.46 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....2.,.16.7..46.................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefice conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed y such action,fhgreon as may be considered proper. b him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council f� /I Form B. B. 17 7 mmissioner of Finance. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXpensee for constructing a sewer on Lexington Ave. between Palace St. and Juliet St., under Preliminary Order _.__.__476D2, Intermediary Order ......_47961....._$.fi......, Final Order_...._2—__. approved �e_pt.-2.6.,-1323_._—tt�CX_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT1FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council _.._..-...._._ ......... ................... ......................191. --.... ._..._..._.._.___..._ ..._..._®.._._._...._` ty Clerk. JAN 12 Approved ___..._..___....__.._._ ..... ................ _...__.191 _...__ !Mayor. Form B. B. 19 f 50749 Council File No. — _..__.._._._.. _.__.______ .-- C F No 6074,9— '._, r ; .•, � In tha'Mettprr o; -the assa6emant"or By .1 Avebetwpea Palace 8[ ea¢ tJullet 1 St. und8r Preliminary Ode 47604, - Intetmedlary., Ordea�.47881,' Fiml Or- ' ' - oder:"4878Y,Y8➢DroV d 8e➢L Y8. 1886_;` -liaarina' :-'�tinB'b. ,,Dn tLlfo CITY Resolution Ratifying Assessment, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXpensee for constructing a sewer on Lexington Ave. between Palace St. and Juliet St., under Preliminary Order _.__.__476D2, Intermediary Order ......_47961....._$.fi......, Final Order_...._2—__. approved �e_pt.-2.6.,-1323_._—tt�CX_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT1FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council _.._..-...._._ ......... ................... ......................191. --.... ._..._..._.._.___..._ ..._..._®.._._._...._` ty Clerk. JAN 12 Approved ___..._..___....__.._._ ..... ................ _...__.191 _...__ !Mayor. Form B. B. 19 CITY OF ST. F41 -P OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Daa...._16, .1928. .......... 'UXx_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ftx constructing a sewer on Lexington Ave. between Palace St. and Juliet St., under Preliminary Order ............ __6.4`2,a ..... __.......................— Intermediary Order ..._........47.961---- _......_.............__._...__._... , Final Order ....... _.... 48_7.02.._ ........ _....... _............ __......, approved._..._aSe..pt......2.6.,......1923_...........x6@dx......... To the Councii of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $.-...6.63-0.0 .... _..... .... Cost of publishing notice $-- ----1_ Q.Q _ - Cost of postal cards $....._ ...............18-.............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$...._.__1.�3.......`Z..S ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.---......-...;3.8 ............... ' Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...........3.7$...84 .... ............. ......._........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actio th�reon as may be considered proper. i Form B. B. 17 Crbmmissioner of Finance. �M- Council File No . ..... ............... ..__. �__ ., . ,r' ,_ —_ 50` (150 C. aF Ho 6D760- ' 7n' ;he AIatLar. of the aeeeesmant ot. . henaHte coats and eiDeneab tor' COhetrLLCtln ', !ewer O. 9L...Alhat. By _.... _____.._._. ___...__.___._. _ —.___ 9t. from MarYlend,t3t., to Pheelock" `P.atkway`[or_ sanitary'. Lee on1Y 'bu - storm w$ter= to De'�ezcluded ;'. same, undcr'%,,lminary O,rder_� 't%s / IntermedlarY;`Order•47899 1:de�f8299,:'aAPmved. A Public :.hear CITY C.r- the'.jog Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a sewgr on St. Albans St. from Maryland St. to Wheelock Parkway for sanitary use only, all storm water to be excluded from same, under Prelimini ty Order. .._.. 46835 _...__, Intermediary Order -479§9..._......__.., Final Order ._._...._4M-9 —. In approved---Sflgt,._2fi.,._..142.3----_.7D8X_... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in installments installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....._JAN 1 2 1.924 ..............................I I........._.. j/j/�� g���{ ...........__................... --_._ .......�r.'.__.v'S�....... y Clerk. JAN 1 2 1924 Approved__...___.__._.,.._.._._. ___._......._.____...19 L.._ ......_...._....--- -- '- - .. tiVlayor. Form B, B. 19 I' t H/fC1'Igt CITY OF 56 PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for jhm constructing a sewer on St. Albans St, from Maryland St. to Wheelock Parkway for sanitary use only, all storm water to be excluded from same, under Preliminary Order .__.....—�'L►S. _....__., Intermediary Order___...._.7�'.`.__...___......._...—___..., Final Order _...—_4828. ......__...._ ......................... approved_.._.._Se.pt—.._2fi.,.._.19.23....._.., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$........... ... _:...'Z...3.5........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $.-.....-..._...__1..�_.__ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $- .--------7-.SS-- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $---5s7 .aO.— Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__5,7.85..8Q.._._.—_._.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo such action a eon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 , Cmmi65 ioner of Finance. /. _ 50751 07r S�4ha atatted of tha• aseesemept p[6 Council File No.------ ------- _........ w :costs pad, emnsns a i. Yor, —"'— f30odrlehvlVe:,trom H1alrVlew' k�YR •.•to Prlor ve;_IIiCludipgdaer p• �f�reet`melns gto�prd °ne0tlo_n} It . CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Goodrich Ave, from Fairview Ave. to Prior_ Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property linea complete, where not already made, also including cement curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary, under Preliminary Order.....+3.9-4-4 ,...._—., Intermediary Order _._4.113.0.......__...., Final approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._..._._.__—[....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._.___jAAl....j....2--1a24....... ............1 1 ............. _....----- ........City Clerk. JAN 1 2 9924 Approved_....__._.__._._.... --- _.._._........_._---------- __.191..._._ _.._... -- --._. _...._.... Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COM ER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLE�N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expanses for lb;x paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior tive., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including cement curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order........3.9.442_......_._......_.......... _.., Intermediary Order ...4113.0 ..... _..... _...... _............... _.......... . Final Order .......4.1642__.._.............. ............ ................ . approved _.._..__Se.pt......_6.,..... 192..$............., :13= To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_15,�624_,,i3,._.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-----------7- 2.0 Sewer Connections 405. Cost of postal cards $ .......................1a.. _ ........ Water Connections 442.75 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $............_3.22.._55........ Driveways 97.87 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... ............ 7•.2.0_ - Total expenditures - - - - - - Le(WheelagemTax Appropriation) 4,769.39 He sesame t $ 12,]39.11 Said Commissioner u er reports t at he has assessed and levied the tote amount as above ascet- twined, to -wit: the sum of $.._._1`�.a.139+i1........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Councilfor vch action fltereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 ommissioner of Finance. 50`.752 Council File No. ... _............ ... _ .._. 12 Matters et tae ��eneea L 10!° i. tieneete jffltv By.__._...___...._......_._..___._._......._._._...�___. paylnB Patd_Frederle:,.IDalitIt�tret�DroIs 91 Pncl. bingro&Dewr '. n CITY vF ST. PAUL. " Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expensesfor paving Palace St. from Snelling Ave. to Fredericka "vs., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary., under Preliminary Order 3..9.285--.-, Intermediary Order .......40221._ ... _....... Final Order .......... 412r1.58____. approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....._._.... __ ...._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .......... JA.111....4._2._1924..........................1 li91......_..... JAN 1 21924 Approved_.._._.____------ _....__..._..._...._..191_..._ Form B. H. 1Q 1 1(/lC—J -lerk. layor. CITY OlW1' PAUL.. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for th*x paving Palace St. from Snelling Ave. to Fredericka Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including ourbin$ And paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order _...... _._3928,5 ----------- -_., Intermediary Order Final Order . -.-_.....407_9a---...---......_......_...., approved_ -_.........July_._, 3..._.1922.._..... ]adxx_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $--224.93..09 519.17 SpweonaeCtions $ 12.60 u Cost o pis ng notice - - - t - - - Wger confections Coat of postal cards _ $....-_--..--812._2_ C}trling 2,032.26 Inspection ees - - $ .........................576...99 Driveway approaches 77.99 66. Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - -$----------.12. , Totalexpenditures - - - - $26,, 777.68 7,381.00 Le s the sum of - - - - Wheelage Tax Appropriation) _ Net Assessment $19,396.68 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of$a+3¢---------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actio t ereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 ommiseloner of Finance. Council File No. By Resolution 50753 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street east to the bridge, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches where necessary, under Preliminary Order...___4%42—_.., Intermediary Order _....._410-9_ .............. Final Order_..._._415_4_._. approved —.—..—April 24.1p A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory; be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby- in all respects ratified, and the same. is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council _ ...... ............ –...... __..... _................ _..... ....... _.._ Clerk. JAN 1 2 1924 Approved_._.____._... _...._.._.._._._._.....____.__...191 __._...--.--.. �—M-y or. Form B. B. 18 / CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for CbXx repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street east to the bridge, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order......._4``_._..__.................._.__.., Intermediary Order ................_41059- ....... .... _........... ............ , Final Order ....... -.... ' 1,53_`..._ ............ ................ ..._........., approved.__...APY'i_1-.._94:x...._1923............, Mxx_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $.....-..6.1,476...07 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $--...... - -.9OD- 925.88 Nater connections $1..86_ Cost of postal cards - - - - ........ ............ pyb n Ins Ge ion e - - - - - - 221.35 - - $._...._...1,254...03.. Driveways Amount of court costs for confirmation - - 1,004.31 - - $.................. _........ .9.•.3..0. Total expenditures $........61'.9.02•_18. t 37 106.82 L?BondhIssue appropriation) ' Net Assessment $ 27,795.28 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...._..27..,.795...2a.......................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, ,is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action t"r9on as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 CopytRisaioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rn Rc4OLI (TION—GENERAL FORM^ PRESENTED BY COM M ISSI ONER.__.._.__ 7 RESOLVED WUNCIL NO.-... 0754 __. FILE January 11th, 1924, whereas, On the 30th day of October, 1915, a certain lease was entered into between the Chicago, St..Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company and the City of St. Paul for the leasing of a storagertion of and toolBlock ho se3purposes, andoper, for Whereas, said lease has been from time to time extended,and its present expiration date is October h the dated December l 6 3th,1923asa0. F. Nodopted g il 50232, be it Resolved, That sild lease is hereby cancelled at the request of the Omaha Railway Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy G-lerguson pq ........... ..In favor Sudhelme. 1/Peter .....--......Against Fenzel r. President JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council .........---------- ------ .---- .__--- 192.__. Approv..._...,IAN ..1..219`4_...._192...... _............. �7. G-i--r"-�-.�— M.�VOR PUBLISMS"� ' ORIGINAL TD CITY OF ST. PAUL. - COUNCIL NO..•.5V751. CRY C K CCC APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTIO BY 'i COMMISSIONER._]F'7^".!'_......................................... ..... DATE..fJiii!!� ,%y._ 01.._.��.I.4 ... C8eso148d8,Thg HY iW 7 PeteY=+� s RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS OMPTROLLER tare ba Ike totlowing trans made OR .-In oke of ffiF WHEN BY SO DOING. AN UNAVOIDABLE DEF -0 odOable� doBClenaln �no�ga" �� MET BY SATO h�yO� gm$e_;J m' n said t V Its ,. TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORFCPPROVaD�Ch •`YSi`{'•}�N., I E MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS 'MADE. com 11-2e 4=2� 15-2-C1 APPROPRIATION ITEM Repair Parts and Sundry Supplies Miscellaneous Services ---&---- Repair Wheelock Parkway Sundry Tools and Supplies Foremen and Inspectors Tools and Sundry Supplies YES ( fl COUNCILMEN (%T) NAYS -CLANCY , ,"FERGUSON ................IN FAVOR VaNial SU'Weimeer• 6 ,//PETER ..._ ........AGAINST U yIIENZEL MR. PRESIDENT FaeM w (w w) TRANSFMM FROM-.NSFER- W 200.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 n ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..�.AR. 1-2-19-2. 19 .......... APPROVED. JAN12 1424 .....................................19........ _l�rl.._........... ..........::.... MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ... _....................................................... , o CITY COMMROusA 5056 CITY 4 Ix %i0.- "C. 60466— � sYdl5ilh9�laet�--. O E OF S�` h @ Th6 kDf14 EBfetY aal•Comyaay'ha u de'9a oged-to:the ,IIltg t 8t' Paul to faeta}} .tba Amort U ii an a .Daaer 9l ai at Sha-ce��' .noaatL :imlth Ave // .ti„ir7ii: 4meYlcart�i3oh TtaE�o Sit i4E�CtS'CD _ i - MMREAS, The Griswold Safety Signal Company has made an offer to the City of St. Paul to install the "American Bobby" Danger Signal at the corner of Ninth street and Smith avenue, and an "American Bobby". Traffic Regulator at the corner of Sixth street and Broadway in the City of St. Paul (the same being patented articles), for a ninety -dap test, and has further agreed that if the same prove to be unsatisfact- cry, than the company will remove the same and restore the street to its original condition to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pu6lio Works, provided that the City of St. Paul will pay for such signal and regulator the sum of $150 and $U5 respectively, in Case the same prove to be satisfactory; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer be accepted and that said Company be and the same is hereby authorized to install said signal and regu- lator at the points above designated, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with said Company for the purchase of said signal and traffic regulator upon the recommend- ation of the commissioner of Public Safety that said signal and regu 1 `fir ^\ 9 COIINCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council-'��!.N.. �_ X24--_._--192- --.. ✓ Clancy 2 1924 Ferguson _ Appro d---------- ---- -192..-..- A4eBenald ._....... __.In favor ................ Sudheimafb'-......... . _..-... - M�YOa Peter _-_._.Against Wenzel Mr. President e F. .. III lit \linncal";li,, Ilk, r cI ;rthcI nnnuril'alin, ha. I"I'd alm, .t cc,I\ u.Ifli, &cicc 4" the :n.nl.rt. I h,-� 11.11, 11"'1 n�aAir .i_na ,, c ah::r:uc n���cr,, n -A1, n�><u1,o,w, ,wh ni utnc,l h� n'ahii, ut}iicr,. I)clauuncnt nt.:dc ihr ,t,ncn:rnt th:u :h, Amimric;ut hh� ": , -,� r,.. - Y ,r:,n ii �� rr.il u:• lh, U ��i: �,u/t. l liar /)r�;drUurul , r t .1,(, .. gill ,11-, AlINN, : %114)TAS .1OUR AT, Snnilay, Ovi,dwr ^_R, 19T;. Motorist Who Narrowly Escaped in Crash Invents "Accident Proof" Traffic Signal i 'i,ilr S:nint; Pust." In,Lillcd at,' : - - •, '. ':-.�: 7\cn Street Intcrscctiuns, Palk ONer A\hcn Struck ho Anlumuhilc I i r4D/AYAGOL/$ HAe 22 AUTOISTS CRASH INTO SAFETY ZONE LIGHTS w f r �, , r y rlClnn -0 R k�fl 1:, n 'I .•, ' rlcnl. �„1 ur, rrrinc. l I , ,If s> The \Inerirnn Rnhh,v Dam -our tii-inal srdr rurJ l://ir irnr i� :� .. r .1%.. 1� \I It l t lA I v. h h.l. h ii, I h 1 !h' I lI, r. ,1! 1, t, 1 .. , I,I I,Icnl L •II II I•I,n I ,-I_II,I n II Inn I ill," • Il r t.l,lrt �, 1 1. t cl i, t�. •ar nc" .I„ I. lo, �I� n.t .Irrt llli— Iht tt utr„I 1111 n. t, I,.li.r 1,I,i1_ I,LIII ., ,• ,hi .Int'..I,l,l v.• ,t�•h„ul �utll .I I,.L1 a In 1vI,�..,. �,(.I„LI .1•� vtln,ll �,.•In ��1-v TWO HUN i AZI Au i u HITS TRAFFIC SIGN' Somerville Men Taken to' Cambridge Hospital i 1.<lwcrd .1 Solan of Ede Cola m'hu■ av � :1n r.r<n :lir. wl,ilr oe,•ra tlnR a lou rlr.Q �I • n:l�rlrt v. �t. r'amtrcld Rr. nbnu' !Ia-ur�l�"•t. rtn, r :rtc babe lraf-• �rRn „•:th t Ir CGh[ nn tOp nn1 n llr twat ,hcl t ,tn turnd In to tProtr .p 1- f r t Ip,nre at w n't hh r�nmltr dbe 111tunlc�l htahl IIr„•+rItJ lr ntmcnt �olnn yu= Ir th,, Inne nP the kelp t ,rle� r J. Wnd to In a ",. rtt:a �ondltlon. e 11, I'll about tt,o . h1n Ille condi lloA I• -. 5: rroutl es �olan's. Safety Sign Injury Brings Belated $2,750 pr•nrd t h ,` ,. .. nut arnnhM thrr ,th tt. P r t.. f r i k. Griswold Safety Signal Company 414 Plymouth l3Uilding Minneapolis, Minnesota 0 Policeman Inyu' i; Bullets Halt Pair Two Jailed After hive Iilncic Chase in Loop -2 Others Ar- rested on Speeding Charge, in e War on Reckless Drivers ,. L,.r � .• I 1:111.,1 d. r.-. .o, h I, , I .r.• I 1, 1 I ., r. 19 ,ff, 1 :1 I I 'e� 1 - tF. .rin G I I,e t P� ',i .,r. .tn nt:.,l ltl• Lunt n.,n wl. 1:11 r3. AUTO WRECKS SAFETY SIGN Co,-:•cte Baee Werph,n9 ron crus, bled by Impact d r h•' 1 I i pr r Ie r f rrtl L„If�,l rrl„ rhr tvl,ur 1 , n,l u,l,� � �II,. „h•nr In:l�•+. .\ I.r .It ,r .,nr tt 111 Ir I” ['he American BtIbb.x '1 ratLe ReQl11;t11II' Ihun'• in rlrr IJ of I ou", _ II 1JI, tri The "American Bobby" Traffic Signal T111. �lctclncnt ��t Iiia' r n�:ulic ha, I�:,nr�ht alp-uit ��nc ��( IIIc m�,.t tlitlirult plc I'( the .trcct hunk ��ccnc�atl IIIc% arr nI�I �ccn anti r:uunI IIcr(�nnt the trim ;1:1d11cni- lliat rite c\ccuticc• haec Cvtl h;ttl III (acc. I he incrtalin; hand ani IiIIII f"I v%Illrlt thcc tccrc in>tallctl. unnl,t , t nt� t : tchirle1 ha, uratic it ncrc..;U� h, rc--ulatc nadir at m�r�c antl nt��rc I Ili' .Anic-irut Il��l,l,� t�rcrr�nnc� MI tlii'.irtilttc- nntl rcnticr• •ate :uui (ttiricnt I�� X)d the c�,,�rn�c � (tictailin, u:utir „itirc:-� at ,�� m:uti, intcr>cctiIIn, i, IIcr��ntin irc at a mininnim cu>t Int imtallati,In :un1 ul�:cch. c i I ,ii - .It i, in tallc11 at it I„�int t\hctc it r:uunrt tail t.. IIc nr , tltll, 1lIld II a rit II C ittk Ilii- �ituati��n 11 ;t, I•,n�ught t��rth n ani hiIII ..t nn•ch:nIical lIitIilr rc_'ulat����. ticnrtl run cr it, n.. .('I (I• tl;tntit C ran Inc t1 enc cithtI' I it „r the .iIIt, IIIc -t -i^nal II:nc rcv(.Jt d t�k u. dctcct�. I.ikc the tain''u, I I ILII Its I)IIInill III k iitI II atter the car ha - I I,lartil in tIIc ,;i„cII Acer rcntc� Lit (ht -t:ttt, ill( \ I IIc,c Ilualitic., a• III I1\cn arr iIII, Ili iilhk IIuntl,cd iu h\ arnial it It hate Icll rite r:ni'im, Ihcin t1c� c�crtiti�c� t�� I�n'nlunrc it nit( ti��nandlIic. :1111 the lira 1L%1 1:d L' anti coli n.�Iant. richt itIItIIitI I :ttiir rc•_t cr ,n l: 11 ph, td aI t III I,it r. It a Oft I Ow ax ""16 1 *�, 4 Alp 4m 11 *4 9F $ V* %N. Aw- ' f F TIII. \nc lrir;ll IL hht I):ul cr �i nal >clna d,'rtlt like Ii'h[hInc a l'nd tier l\> it c"l Iitrc Jircrtlt at tht-' L- tIt t nu rt, I ri>t. It rcndcn >at'c and clliticnt rc t- ctc1 "lit,that Ilzi—c'. Ilut it the tits cul'rrnt *h uld ntt i r ant rc:l.nn c.II t IW,c;l tncna:c trI ctcrt cchicIL' that tr:ncl. Inl the ln-CLt. .A hlindinq ,IIt 11 dIIe" 111It th:ul c it I IInt it Inca n. nt >atctl t I I it hint �It lu•til. \\ hen �rrutic it \ icld, t, IIIc III IItt and tltc rit Iii 'C. �tcr it uninju:ctl. A c��lli�i.ul tchith tt��lilLi ynla�h it �rltTIA nal tiredV the cit and I Ii 11'.-CIIIc' III i'll II it II I t I rte IIII I Ic tt hen the -� nIU111 it IF.�h Iv iI1n - lad �'cctrc tt'that-c• \hint II that it cuui it l t 1,f 1 t ,h trcatIII cnt. I:cc! hart ))it' hccn ta1L'tit t dc"i ncd I it ( 1, nl 1)ct ctlt C 1 _1nct r. All (HI it I c\i)cn-c ha, hccn 'hated t,I �I In:t1,c it -fit! I\ and I):�„I. the �tn�n� �iull)Ic g i x lI, til n I- It,tt II III the rcatcr k tlI\III I:ath 1 it t II:I� I(.,. it dcI1�nul t I I t it 1\ t'i c 1 t the N It k it i- c,luirtJ t'I I uld it lark— IartI �al(It Iii hccn hhe \ntcrican linhh� I)OW-IC Si"nal �ulr unJ F:llii irnt T HI I I TL:I I: nuchani\nl tt hick c mn' h t he *i nal\ i. >nrll)Ic Mid cdit icnt. It i1 :III -\etch h nucd in a >tccl tahinct at the eutIt, ;roll c n\i t\ l ( a Hit'll •r 'inlilar tl this a>cd i rr lI\cl- tttentt tc;n> in clertrir;ll �i,�u�. I he I:et�� I la>her ha< been th >cn 11n the .\puritan Ii, hht hc- rau-c it cnth nlic\ cccrt dc�i1-;lhic (c:tturc 1\ 11 ten t cicct iLit cnI_,iIIccI I.Ikc' all c,luillnlcnt tchich ha, IM"Cli the IC -t I I t tine, it I rcarhell IIIc l,I.i 11 vt hctc tt crt ttlpnuv anti fia..11C Dart hal hc(n Chilli nstc,l. Ilrc Allicric;ln I; hht ha, hccn tc-ted fw* Necky lit :t time snll h:I\ I'ctt 'Ancil t\\L.11t\ (�Ilr h,�ur�a J;n tt ith�nit it I,rc;ll:. I I;nin., tilt- rl:in, part, in it :It(' h��.iti��n, Il,'c' im.1 AAfill the d;ul c: ..t ;hc >i nal ficin lilt I'M t —11 I Ill' \\ i.l l\In_ Imi-1, lift( I\ un It11111,1 tt hctl the l) "I IviIf, III it. --h N0 W n''thltl, II;ld hill,I)c'pttl. LE`; I.,� \\ ht it III( till" lla- pil—cd nil clic I), -t h 1h\ nl) ;Ind t -n J 11 tinuc� it� i,n:Ilv a> hc(�uc. �? tt I. 1 Griswold Safety Signal Company 414 Plymouth Building Minneapolis, Minnesota H hl I a. - The Allicrican Iiubll} 'I'l-Abc Re tilatl,r It r. in thr Li nr of Iisinn 4 �4 t{alO1NAL Tb atir or An. x` - e'}7Y CLERK r OFFICE OF THE Co"UPTROLLER 1 .4 rr Pormn•34 lid 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM nz=erLNo 31 JAN 11 Iy24 AUDITED ...... _ ...._.._...182_....__ BY ......... ................... �'.�. M.. .._CEGB..... .........-. PER..._............_..._._---..._._..–_` ._........_.._ ._.........._-....-_....t. - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...._7r8� 976•*32-__-- coverinb _'.1 checks numbered .......... 198 ................. to..._201.------------------- ...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ✓Clancy,Adopted by the Council_....--JAN:J--2.1924 -...----......192.- 1/ ---• ,: �ergusc _ _..In favor Q 192 ✓Matamt – Sudhe imer "pr.vdJA .. N 1 :--- 192------• ✓Peter, Wenzel. Against --_-• A4.tY08 Mr. President, Nelson C P. No. 60767— Resolved, That checks be drawn on the Clty Treasury. to the aggregate - ' amount[ 519,976.32, covering checks numbered 198 to 201 Inclusive, as per - register [ Ity checks oa ills In the office of the City Comptroller. .. Adopted by the Counen,-I 12,1924. Approved, Jan.' 12, 1924. (Jan. 79-1924) 198 .'.� Centra - etropolitan Bank, Assignee Federal Construction Company 10,179.4$ Groveland Park School (Bond) 199 Federal Construction Company, 172.50 Groveland Park School (Bond) 200 Central Metropolitan Bank, Assignee Federal Construction Company 5,000.00 Gorman School(Bond) 201 Federal Construction Company, 3,624.40 Gorman School(Bond) QUADRUPLICATE os ■T.�PAVG °?.'}I To CRY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-71 nn wuotrED.........J.AN_1..1...IyL`l //7�i ..... 4. .. ....... t92 . . PER .-------. __ .... fr'3i to the ate amount of checks ----- Resolved hat checks 8-be drawn toon the City Treasury, inclusive, as$per register of city checks on file in the office of they C tt' ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. r C1lancy, � Adopted by the Council...........! Ai,}. �...�.::�:%:•............. .. _192....... Ferguson, ._""....-... In favor �4amnald, /j .._ 192 ...Approved......._._a........-:............ ;..I tA"emc, Sudheimer teeter, Menzel. -------------Against Ir. President, Nelson s —� -, -----•----- - -- OLIAIrt Z0.14 • ORIOINALM errT o ex„P�a'L em CLERIC OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 5U`i.... 2p4;z' W__ 9 _- f -t AUDITED............... .._ ..... .......192..... _... PER_ .......... ..._......................... ..._... ........_. _'......_ �...._ - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $= ........_1 53.24 covering checks numbered ------------- 195to 196 -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. t1-1clancy,Adopted by the Council.1..2-........ _ .1924 _-__ .... 192 _,.F rguson, --- --.In favor <1� t/loj&L33H; Sndheimer PProved..-- Ja---------------------_.:.-•------------------192.....:. Peter, vwenzel. -- ------A$/inst----------�----�-----�-�---------------. . President, Nelson No. 60768_. Resolved, That. chdeks be draU-n on nuthe City Treasury• to the aggraS on mbered f2 5 963.24. covering eheck0 register of �6 to 196 Ine]ue1Ve, vapor oKice of the Cit checks on ale la the Adopted by the Co mDh'oJner. i ADproved, Jnn. 1$ 1924. o. 12, 1924. (Jan. 19-1924) 195 Den E. Lane, 199.00 Non -assessable improvements 196 Elinor C. Russell, Irene E. Russell & - Joseph G. Russell 1,654.24 L 1865 0 is QuA urucG= V... W CrrY C K OUIIIIUIL 50'78'' nzsNo...__....._._.___----- F— D-34 1M 12-22 .... ...... . .. AUDITED ........... ��H Ask ...... ..... 1,853. 4 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ............................... . ................ coventa.1i" 5 196 he Ci checks numbered ........... 19 ----------- to ----------------- -- --- city checks on file i the office of t . ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file i Comptroller. Yes ( V ) Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............ JAN -1-2 19.2-4 ...............192....... --'Ferguson, In favor Sudheimer Approved- --- ------ - --- - - jA4.1-2-1924 .................. 197 - ------- )-Akainst Lo,""Mr. President, Nelson MAYOR. ORIGINAL rD Crrr CLERK Form D34 IM 12-22 • • exr: os er. P.pc OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 50759' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMn = No.- ........ ........... ._...__...:.._ 26 C J Aj'V7 AUDRED......_....._._..._. JAN ...1 0 1924..... __ ..........._ ...................182.........._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, PER........_..._..........................._._..............._................._..........._... to the aggregate amount of $...._4 t 6`r9!!•.P!........................ covering checks numbered 1. ............... ?F.... -._ - .....................inclusive, as per re8ister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ✓ Clancy, 192 Adopted by the Council -)AN 1 2 .-.......192- 4 -._- ---------- -.--- ---- 192. ------- ,/'Ferguson, favor 1%4—am j41argam Sudheimer V .... .In proved --------------1.g. .--f-.-'•�2 -----------------.192---.... Iter, ---(,Against .....------------------ ------------------ -- -Mr. ...... ---- - ------ --- .MAxo ,,/�Wenzel. President, Nelson C. F. No. 60769— Resolved. That ahe.ke be drawn on theCity f r 34 860 UO0 he t� covering heck numbered 188, as Der register of city - hecka on ate in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council. Jan. 12, 19E4. I Approved. Jan. 12. 19E4: - - ......._.......i 19aE4) ............... 182 Thomas R. Hill, New Webster School(Bond) 4,650.00 F- D-34 IM 12-22 AUDI -.....__ 111 -11 -19? -4 ......... . ....... ... ............. .. . ....... - -- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$hxeAate amount Of t.— 4 coverin2� .69MA40 ---------------- ( checks numbered ............ 11M ............... M --------------.........__......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( v' ) Councilmen i ) Nays. `Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............ JAN 1 2 1924 ------------- ....... .... 192 ---- --- Fertuson, In favor 1924 f0/4M4a.2Mr.r*1;'1udhe ime r Approved ------------------- - -- -- ------------------..192........ ter, enol. 0 --Against 'r. President, Nelson --------- ------ ---- ------------- ---- — ------------ MAYOR. PUBLISHED-, ORIGINAL TO cn r1EnK Form D-34 lM 12-22 • • u Ori" OP a. P r ' OFFICE OF THEPTROLLER eouxc- 50' io AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PrzK NO...._............__._..__,...._ 28 1 AUDITED. JAN 1 1 l y 24 I coM BY .... ...: ..........�.. '..... -. CLLER PER...........................'..........._V .......... ._._.._.. ........ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-_3 p 151.85 covering checks numbered ...187--- -------------------- --tol94--------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( if ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. / JAN t 2 192. ..... _.19z ---.--- y Clancy, Adopted by the Council ----------- _.._..... ..................... VVerguson, 6n n favor '+ ppr�-edJAN 1 2 14`L4 ..-... ...192 ✓i�nroa- Sudheimer -- - ✓ Wenzel. ! .Against - .... �-MA- President, Nelson C. F. No. 60760— - Reeolved. That check. be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate l amount L Y3.161.86, covering check. numbered 187 to 194 Inc1U , as per register of city check. on ale In -the office of the City Comptroller: Adopted by the Council, Jan. 12, 1924. ApProved.(Jan. 19-1924) .--_------------------- ------------- _...-...................-. 187 W. D. Bugge, Supt., Auditorium 188 Central Scientific Company, Schools 189 Electric Blue Print Company, Schools Water 190 Massey Concrete Products Company, L 1836 191 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, C. H. & C. H. „ n 1, Police n Arterial highw II rays It n 184.20 _. 98.65 80.15 52.00 28.15 c 1,,843.20 388.37 134.35 48.77 90.94 7.69 3.88 81.25 5.35 10.74 2.70 2.70 E$877 11 228.43 147.93 M706 16.50 1.44 4.86 30.66 2.46 5T. -M 376.36 55.92 125.00 Res. 28 Page ##2 192 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Schools Water 193 Jos. Pavlioek, Bureau of Engineers Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Eng. & Insp. L 1836 . 194 St.Paul Real Estate Board, Deane School(Bond) 11 228.43 147.93 M706 16.50 1.44 4.86 30.66 2.46 5T. -M 376.36 55.92 125.00 QUADRUPLICATE TO CRY CLERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 OrL) O) ■T BUIL N naa 1Y 0 AUDITEDjll (fjG PER.....__......._.____._......_.....___......_._.............__.._._.. ... _ _ ..............._..........................., covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$231151- 85 checks numbered187 ---------------------- tol9fi...__. ---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. PClancy, ergnson, ��[-.-n-v--, S I� J13Ci118 iII13 P Peter, -'/Wenzel. -- - __-In favor 0----Against - - JAN 1 2 1924 192- Adopted by the Council .................. 2 192...............------192------- Approved .._..--.....-.__.J-AIJ..--.-..-._... _. ✓Mr. President, Nelson 0 ORIGINAL iO axiT or ai.PAO `m `�K OFFICE C T$E C ROLLER 50761 aooacxx. 11� e F—D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM .xxa NO. .......... .... :........... ._:._....... 32 eA:' s \ AUDITED...__-_�1.AN.._Y..4-...4 i.-._........IY2........._ 1-...-... .......... COMPTRO. ... �.-. PER ........... ....._............ _.................. ................. _... ....... _ .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount, of $...51,581..71........_............ covering checks numbered .......... `1rQ2------------_--to------217-------...---....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the ce of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. .)AN 1 2 1924 1__' lancy, Adopted by the Council.-........._ .......... ........... ........... ... ._ Ferguson, ..In favor2 19iK lAN t �M✓ gtsmr- Sudheimer A roved - .... - ..... - I`n - Peter, / Against..........- --- Wenzel. _........- .... - .............- .._.... - MAx President, Nelson C. F. lib: 60781- Re'City react ,, to, a drawn on e ameounitlof $61838171. erlm; checks. numbered 202 to 217 Inclusive, as per register of city checkson ale In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 12, 1924: Approved,.Jan.: 12, 1924. (Jan. -19-1924) ,ILUSIJSiiED�,� 202 Edward W. Bemis, 3,152.50 Investigation of St.Paul Street Railway 2U3 Edward Bjorklund, 7,430.70 Jackson Sehool(Bond) 204 Commonwealth Electric Company, 510.00 Mattocks School(Bond) 205 James Conroy, 1,514.92 Richard Gordon School(Bond) 206 David & Bailey, 425.00 Schools 207 A. G. El,icksen, 8,032.50 e Longrdllow School(Bond) 208 Lindstrom & Anderson, 5,043.05' Franklin School(Bond) 209 Lovering-Longbotham Company, 3,952.50 Tilden School(Bond) 210 McQuillan Brothers, 1,912.50 Franklin School(Bond) 1,U20.00 Ames it it 892.50 0 • Res. 32 Page ##2 �# 211 W. S. Mathieson, Randolph Heights School(Bond) 212 M. J. O'Neil, Mattocks School(Bond) 3,485.00 Gorman " " 598.40 4,083.40 213 A. J. Pirkl, Franklin School(BDnd) 214 Edward J. Snyker, Greenwood School(Bond) 2,963.95 Longfellow " 595.00 Jackson " " 263.50 '7,822.45 215 Arthur A. Stewart, Investigation of St.Paul City Railway 216 Perry A. 6wenson & Hakanson, Mattocks School(Bond) 217 victory Printing Company, Corp. Counsel 8.50 Acct. forms, 11.50 Police 5.75 Health 55.00 Schools 121.25 It 5.00 207.00 315.99 4,083.40 562.70 3,822.45 123.00 10,2y93.50 207.00 QUADRUPLICATE DITi DP ar, P�CI T CRY CLERK eoII.a,i No.. 50 F— n-34 1M lx-xx ....._...---- JAlV 1.. ly ........ ....Iex_.___ wAt otLen AuD,moo.__..._.........._... j ....__ _...._... ...�::_....-_..... -'------- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--_S� te581.71_____•.___............. covering checks numbered.......... 20.9 ................. to_ ..... �L17...__._._...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller, yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. V ancy, Adopted by the Council......_ J.ILNl...1..2.1.924_______..._... __19�----_- v Ferguson, -A_.In favor 2 1924E . • ------ ----.iez...,... Approved. _.�-'8`1\i--3................. Sudheimer eter, r Wenzel. - ---.Against Mr. President, Nelson __— pfAYOR. ORIGINAL TO CRY CLBAK Form D-24 1M 12.29 • • 33 °ITTO1 .i11. lq. crL OFFICE OF THE "WMPTTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO......tAV762.: •� CDM OLLER ... At o ._._ JA.N_..1._2...-1.924....__.._192 _....... BY........ ................ .... ... 'tj IV Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount ofBte i�.......................... covering checks numbered .........218 ---------------- ..to -218_ -------------------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( IT ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 1 2 1924 %.0011Cflancy, Adopted b the Council --- .------ ....---------------- ....--- ..--- .--------- ----I9 .... erguson, ..In favor ✓�tilludheimer proved ----- ---------- -+.2..- 192 ?.tern 1/ ..Against ............- ---- Wenzel. -_._.._........... _..........._..... .-.... _.YOIi .. Mr. President, Nelson C. P., No. 60762— R ' esolved. T, t check. be drawn -"the",.City Treasury to the agaraea[e, hmount [ j7.606.�7. o ring-: nhecke numbered 218 to 219 inclusive;- a.Der r gleter o[ city checks on file In the .ince of .the CityComDttro)ler. Adopted by the Council, an. 12. 1924. Approved. Jan. 12. 1924. (Jan. 19-1024) 218 71. S. Mathieson, Randolph Heights School(Bond) 219 J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Richard Gordon School(Bond) 527.97 6,978.50 4UADRUP1.ICATS - OITZ O) /T. PAC& .. TO CRY CORK CDo)o.z 507i� F— D-34 IM12-22r:T.: No..............64" AUDI�D. 12 1y24..........._.._.Ia2 _....._ COMoR Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $... ZAP!6 rl ......, covering checks numbered .----.-;48 ------------------- to2.19--------- ...............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 1 2 1924 'Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............. ....................................... ....192......- / Ferguson, In favor IAN 1 2 1924 T-enoze"7 —udheimer Approved ......................._---------------------------------------------192 , --------.Against Mr. President, Nelson C F No(k 80763—By`„6 Q,8udheimer x / {n RBaolved That thBdlcenaea to�� hand-< � 7 /) C�TYIih B dB 1t1A¢ FOBdatUQa AL th0 Ad-' FI E NO•--'- - ----6 L DATE ......... JFaT.iUaTX--._ .!n.a..._ 1�'?:............_ RESOLVED That the licenses for handling and selling�Qodstuffs at the addresses indicated issued to the following pe ons be and the same are hereby revoked for the reason that these proprietors were arrested by federal authorities for violation of the 1lquor prohibition law and were convicted in the December term of Federal Court: Licensee Location Nick Petrushek, 540 W. 7th St., Florian L. Nicolin, 446 Wabasha St. Morris Orr, Ernest Soer, Michael Grealish, 378 Jackson St. 359 7th St. b02 Jackson St. Christ Bauer, 173 W. bth St. Disposition License No.15bO Soft drink parlor, Fined $400. License No. 636, Soft drink parlor, 3 months in jail and fined $400. License No. 463, Soft drink parlor, 3 months in jail. License No. 1223, Soft drink parlor, 3 months in jail and fined $400. License No. 1235, Soft drink parlor. 2 months in jail. License No. lb�O, Soft drinx parlor; Restaurant License No. 348, 5 months in jail and 25 days. 5U (a3 fro....- - -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FF OF.T E CITY CLERK ESO N—GENERAL FORM CI T (� 11�4 ......... DATE.......... M.u3TY...:12.,_ PRESENTED BY .... .. _.._._._.._.-_.._............_...._- COMM ISSI ONER.............___--_-.----- of these present licens RESOLVED The following names are the ime raids and-. rests at hinteach the attender places, and were the proprietors case were made by federal agents, although has been convicted: Dieyjosition Location LicenseeLocation License No. Soft drink Balli", 35`3 Rice St., parlor. Nick Ballis bartender patsy 3 months in jail b9 W. 7th St., License No. 1532, Soft drink Zagaria, btdE Frank Fero, parlor. .TonY 1 year & 1 month in jail. Fred Rathstook, Btdr. Philip Massa, 104 W. 7th St • Soft drink Parlor 0LLicense 44- No. 746. Fined 42 3 Jamee St. License No. 1316, Soft drink parlor. Franths•in Joe. Fisher, Fisher, btdr. 3 jail. 22 8 'Y• Fairfield Si• License No. 1298, Soft John pregler, drink parlor. John Pregler, Jr. 3 months in jail, fined $400. Cour— JAN 1 2 1924 . ---192....-. Adopted by the Council.__..-_.......... -- .. .- Nays Yeas UClancy � JN N 1 -- - l— erguson � Appr ed.... _. , � In favor V pK ane Sudhe�mer ................MAYOR Peter __Against Wenzel PuRI,ISIILT�_/� 7_ + 7 ��/ Z1111- President 5071}4 CITY OF ST. PAUL ao¢N01LNO._------ --'-------- OFF OF THE CITY CLERK C�,/'f NC RES ION—GENERAL FORM �. PRESENTED BY '%/ �Janll3ry_� 2 1.424__-__._ COMMISSIONER.__.........._____.,.. - - "..............._........................._. DATE........._.__...._ ._._. RESOLVED That the annlication for license of Burch, Woll & MOBS doing business as the St. Paul Loan Company, to conduct the Salary Loan Dealer business at 112 E. Sixth Street, Room 411, be and the same is hereby granted and the City Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (/Clancy ✓Ferguson ,Mal;lonald ___ ._ In favor ✓TAMn Sudheimer ✓Peter ..._.__...Against [/Wenzel ✓ President Adopted by the Council JAN t 2 1924 ................. .. .......... -....192...._. iAN 1 2 1924 Appro d...... '-------......-----..- .__ ... ...... MAYOR 70 e�F. COUNCIL JO + ` 5 J CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No•--..._.- •--••• OF OF CITY CLERK N RES U ON --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .... .. ._ ....._._.. DATE._......_January 12, 1924 - - COMMISSIONER.__ ....... _.. ---------------- RESOLVED That the application for license of Sam KOpilOvi�hIfor conducting the Second Hand Dealer business at 153 tit Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filin,7 of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C Reao ved �7Thdt they a D1.dhel efo .I j¢gn[he 3eCond Haud Dantoe'imineea; nt 163'�V: 3evoath 6treet be "and the. 01osKtle fe atructged nty t dfne setouch he lII- cenea upPn th dung o[ bond end the payment) to the city treaeutY'of On , ouatomary fee Adpted by the Cbu ell Sen.�12, 1924. o I App[oYed Jnn. 32. 1924 (Jnn. 19-1884) ,' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy l ✓Ferguson IdTpo"LL- _ ___ .In favor ✓WWA Sudheir (�er ✓Peter .- .. -.Against ✓'Wenzel _--Mr. President Adopted by the Council._ _ iA_N__l-. _2- - -'--192....-. AN 1 2 1924 Approve _ - ......_.... -- -- .192..' - .-- --"""-.--�-' MAYOR AAA COUNCIL NO.....�J�� / CIT OF ST. PAUL FILE ,gp0'FTITY CLERK �.(rl f:cNERAL FORM RESOLVE That the applioations for licenses of the following persons for handling and sellling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 239 Carroll.AY•, Soft drink Gus Finatad, Mrs, B. Gaba, 600 Canada St., Grocerygof t drink Dave Goldoerg, 831 Payne Av., Arthur Hefferman, 173 Concord St., 11 GIt Wenzel Lunak, 1284 W. 7th St., Confectionery W. L. Pendergast, 937 E• 3rd St., .nvra_TW G. C. 8uA'InI = he' customary ree: -Gus pinatad; 229 ,CarroII Ave., ,86tt bink. Gro- hira.; B:' Gab'n. 690 Canadn9t., BDavo.(Soldberg. 821 Payne Ave.; nott drink. ` ' .,145 Concord 'St•, .Arthur✓Herterman,_ sott drink. ' -AVeaaet,;.Lunak. X1286 W. 7th 9t.; gro- cery. . \�,- U "Pender6nat.92r E. Srd.,. 8t., contocttonery. �-Adopted-by the Cou1924' Jnn.. 12. 1824:, Approved, Jnnc i2, 192.1. 19-1924) COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Clancy / �Perguson p,14ponnW In favor V'4m"x Sudheim r -"Peter .---..._._._-Against ,Wenzel U>e. President N ' 2 lgga Adopted by the Council_. ------ -1 - --------...----------192...... JAIN Approve ...._._.. _ ..._...._ - .._192..._. . ._...... �umcm No.------ .lil76 OF ST. PAUL ` site THE CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FOR' DATE_Z anus_ jy _ —_192 — RESOLVED That the applications for licenses"of the following indicatedfor beconducting sameHotels are herebyRestaurants g anted andthe theaddresses City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Carl A. Johnson, 405 NO- Washington St., Hotel (Euclid) A. S. Murphy, 156 E. rd St., „ ((Arlington) G. Wohler, 197 W. 4th St., 0. K. Blandin, bg E. 4th St., Restaurant James Dukas & Chris Spence, 4�5 Jackson St., a Bacon & Elerding, 551 St. Peter St., E. A. Elmgren, 447 University Av., Pete Felice, 1568 University Av., J. Gardner, 1062 Arcade St., Charles gedoian, 241E E• 7th St. Paul Konavaluk, 97b Arcade St., Adam Leezinski, 91 S. wabasha St., n John Miller, 315 St. Peter St., Charles Moe, 254 E• 7th St., Christ Nelson, 472 So. Robert St., K. H. Nymon,834 Raymond Av. n Ernest uinlan,o�152 187 E. I J. R. Q th St., Yea -- t, V V L JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council --- ------------------------------------ 192...... JAN 2 tn1;q Approve 1 - .... _.... .192. W, ------------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL M.768 tollF T ITY CLERK'` GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; John Bulera, 407 James St., C. E. Gallagher, 418 Concord St., Swenberg & Lundeen, 955 Rice St., John P. Schroeder, 323 University Av., John Lichtcheidl, b27 University Av., John Daubenspeck, 718 N. HamlYne Av., H. F. Hasenzahl, 1503 Hamline Av. N., M. A. Boggie, 1158 Thomas St., F. J. Oamnbell, 232 No. Cleveland Av., Frank Szybatka, 1110 Arcade St., Edward H. Weber, 381 Edmund St., Wm. Bass & Co., 725 Snelling Av., B. Shapiro & Son, 500 Rondo St., John Zimmerman, 858 Thomas St., Handlan & Sullivan, 492 Jackson St., W. P. Spangenberg, 688 Selby Av., John Muraski, 659 Western Av., Emily Gydesbn, 101 S. ivabasha St., Wenzel Lunak, 1284 W. 7th St., Stasney & Zaoher, 1053 Western Av. Yeas V t-'mamL Sudheimer V Peter ....------ Against l/ Wenzel. --"Mr. President Adopted by the Council._..�AN .... 21 .... 924 .........192.-.... 1924 Appro d-- - - -- ........192 - -h/1/1C;- M-----YO--R- A #ftrTS[-I17r r couNen.No....... i.(� CITY OF ST. PAUL a,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' v Y / 1 S. RESOLVED That the Council h eby approves the action of the Contr)t Committee in aviLrding the contract for installing Heating, Ventilating and Plumbing in the New S. S. Taylor School, to Elmer R. Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, at a pxice of 46,987.00, less 0100.00 for the use of 'rneyers Deep Well— Pump ellPump under 11 ternate "B", making the total amount of the contract ,$6,887.00, in strict accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, his bid and avrard of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. I-Tchitect's ;,stimate X7,800.00. P.B. #6044. �rj' k+ -w-, vy I �-aYl� CauhSe� COUNCILMEN Year Nays Adopted by the CounciL.AAi1 X...`1..1924--.--..192...... ✓Clancy ✓erguson / /� JAN 1 2 1924 Appr ed....... McBenaid- _iiivvv........In favor - ...................--------.192. ,y�inutluurl. .......................................................MAYOR..... Peter ................Against ✓We zel PUBLISHED r. President - c IIiT�H1[EDURY RRDEIi8.3' In tbn r7V{4ttnr of t.�[adth a114y�Jri, I .H1ooU 3 r$oioombea Sd�tloh,�,tro1'.{`_ 11a1a bt`: to ,p7bantl 6ty yRng1 �sPrellmla�� YKTrd 4"'� 1+�§ i Oet, 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 50770, In the Matter of. Bloak 5,;,Holoombe'B,Addition .,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fmm,Dale, -'.t0AAA'. Albans.A........................................................ .............. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .............................................................................:......................... ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 49 7pp Oot.16,192 .............a roved ......... ..........� ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul havingreceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon theA ,baTeimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: rY .That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement tsR{lerebyordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. HKOA ,alley! " in,Block ,�Holoomba',$,Additioa,,,irom Dale„3t.,to„St. Albans 9t.,,,. ..................................................................................................... -1. ......................................................................... ............................ .................................................. .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...9Q6163...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... l�'Ch day of FebTu&Sy ,,, 192. 4— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... 12z-,./. 1 3 2 1924 .. ...... ....... Approved........aN ...N 1 ....192...... Cary Clerk. .......................... Mayor. l%Councilman Clancy 1/Councilman Ferguson ,,,,Councilman 2ftlm = Peter Councilman 21*k 3udhe ime r VCouncihnan XMA Wenzel �*Yor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6” a -:In thfl arattflr of dondemning pndtak .. 50771 -.Ids art esement la ;tao'lapd a eeee rgY_ilope0. for.cuta aad,nUs.ln: ,tho 8radln of allex'6i Hloele a Ioo , i comae e;;�ditloa"trom Dale: Bt; ;to:. 8t.. NaBne $t a iy Ptelfmin a2ry �% � Ordec ;f8p86 app%odeH Oct, 18 '1923:x- r:' Tagf'Cgpncl�`of the:Clty o[ 6t.'•P: �E , ..lea-meelved�thaTeyore ot,}he?? :r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof..Q4A48A1T1iT4g. 4A$. �>�}G1i1g..eA.easement..in..tha.l&nd.naoessary ' � r for elopes, for„outs and,fills„in,the.g.;g4� Ag..4�.PAleY..IA. 91RGk.5........ _ Holcombe's Add. from Dale St., to„St. 6lbans„St=�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .................................... ................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.......... 9Pg A.........approved ........ �S�r�9Pr3.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.oOndemn and take . �..�s4F1Qnt..iR . xhe..l&ASi . A94esaeT.Y. �o.r. alnpss., . £o x .cute . and . f.111 s..in .. . the..�ra31n�• of,a11eY..??i..Block..S,..Holo4�be'a.Ad�ti. fF4m .��,3. Str..'kR...... St. Albans Stt,,,in a000rdance with,the„blue ,print here7;p„#t,�c}gd,,,,,, ,and, made ,a ,part ,hQ�@@;�,,,the. h&tched. �oxt�.one..sb.Qw,ing .the . out.e. and ...... the shaded portions�shovling„t�}�9.f�.6.................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 100.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....13th .......day of February......, 192.:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of -' hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. lf1 N . z, 1924, , , , , 192 AN 1 2 154 ......... ....... Approved.........................192...... Clerk. ............ . ...... . ... .................... Mayor. '/Councilman Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson �� v to/Cmmcilman Peter ,,,"pouncilmanSam sudheimer V Councilman VVei=el ,/Mayor xsrgim Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,�- E 4 �8 No 69775=. � � :-•- �In?t4e Mattes of Kradfp¢-8herwobH� A°iheoD AveA 0.�ii Ber Yi071minoap �.gdor 48A78...aD➢sovedOckrRB 3988 �[ •`�.;Tha Couaallx�ot the QtY�ot gth$gp ,havlTq recalved:2he re orb;o[the-'Cor•�%- mmOYB eT��n�te �UDDIt thO�Rt�:-' L_ 'uL reporo �'SraDv i eoltvea cone :. �That tkte eald're➢ortr— COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Prove.-..:-�,�:,.,-,,. By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 50'7'72 In the Matter of... ZT44A49. rA0XW0.9d.AYln1;ks. ;(r01P. R>af .Ao9RµQ . V ................ WinthTRP..Avenue a.............................. .............................................. ...................................................................................................... ........................................................ .:............................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 4i933. ........... approved ..... ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and.adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 9;90... 151A. .99.4.... Avanus„fro111.?4t4.AVA4146..MAT.4t X4P..AvenAQa......................... ...................................................................................................... ................................ .................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0539!96 ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... �3 ......day of 1,' Qt.1ZtAry........... 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imp`r'ovvN 2 9and 24e total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 JAN 9 2 9924. ...... Approved.........................192...... erk. .......7�”- o............. ....::, Mayor. , ✓ CCouncilman Clancy „/Councilman Ferguson V'Councilman Va blop Pet er Vtouncilman Smtidat Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel 1--1Mayor3Mff= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 44 PUBLLSiJ)E7f'IZI 5f3 - ---- ---- .. Co..... COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..QQAq1A=UX9. .............................................................. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... 4993.4 ......... approved ......9 x,.1.8.x..19.43.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. oondemn and take 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... ., aa,easement, in, the, land, neoessary„ for, slopes,_,Yor, outs ,and„fills,,,,.. Sh QxW.Q0' f ImIPJAk-th Ave... ..tg. MInth PQP. AYQ,. ...... hereof, :the . ortiona showing tpe fills ........... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..P.Q#QQ ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... ........day of el?9.4pLxy ......... jkN4...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... JAN. 1. P, 1924 ..... 192 JAN i ......... ..... Approved .........................192...... Clerk. ........... ........... .................... .. Ka*y**o? VCouncilman Clancy j..-6uncilman Ferguson 1/Councilman NW” Peter VoCouncilman SLIM Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 7- 50774 onafpee4 Eqou 7 having race mlealoaet=�E eat -I ar6 x Ifol aving cat I I COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. .t..tx.Q]A. atria et..to ........... goAt# .................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ................ i ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .......... 4.75.76 .......... approved ..... AuK-.. �?Am .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..9AAQ..QP.3MA9AA;!.eet W j4A1AYAt.T9.0.j ........................................... .............................................................................. I...................... ......................................................................... ............................ .......................................... ........................................................... ..............................i..................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.9.60.-.92 ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... l,3 t4 ......... day of ......... 192..:i ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... A W 1 2 1924 192. _ . AN 1 2 1924 .... . .. ... .. ... ... Approved .........................192...... Clerk. .................... .... -Nay or. -- --- - - - - - - - - 50775 ji, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..9pnAW4ing and taking en easement, An.. the. land. . nec.qs.qa.ry .... .. .... ..... .. . .. . Por .pj6Pe.s,.for ..au.ts..and..fi.1l.s..in..th.e..gr.ad.ing. of..Sp.ru.oe..S.tre.et.. f.rom.... K".pRraRqA.Street to ..Sibley Street. t. I .................... I ............................... under Preliminary Order........ !1:7577............ approved ..... AWj-..4.�.9?3 .................... . The Couni*,of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above impi'6vement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.AR40�(?= and take .............. An—oasempAtAn.11m. AA4. AA4. Xills.#.... in acoordano .................. A.Wlt )4. fir.ixxt. h exelo—att&ohed. and. mada.s. -pa, rl ...... hereof, the hatched portions showing . .................................. I ................................... .the ..qj�k.and the shaded portions showing rhe fills, .. .................... : ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...25. t o0 ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ljth ,,,,may of ...... Fsbj=ry ...... 1 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided b the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost by as estimated. JAN 1 2 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... I 9 1924 ... . ........... ........ ............... Approved .........................192...... i Clerk. .... ............. ....... ... Mayor.- uncilman Clancy 'Councilman Ferguson V&Q—Cilm. gjtW ' Peter t/bouncilman Mik Sudheimer ,00r'Councilman Wenzel ,.odayor 1%ft=z Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C as raacavl,lvanu .�ituiidee�PralWlaarY Order7 - 4'1,, gf III,,u Thq d6 .. ay -City "r4peSvod bite roper[ a' ve dare the' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 0"776 In In the Matter ........... ................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .......... e ..................................................... t ..................................... ................................................................................................. under Preliminary Order......... 47.333........... approved, .... Al'ay. 26.A9Z .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends .................. Stanford Avenue from Snalling..AXqRRq.Aq.Pasca1 ..Avenue ...................... .......................................... .................. .............................................................................. ....................... .................................................................. ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................ a ........... .................... ! ................................ I ................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 13.Vh. ....... day of Februar ................ x. ; , , , ,. 192A.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAN 12 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... 19,2../ is JAN 121924 ... ... ............ Approved .........................192...... ........ .. .i Clerk. .. ........... ..... .... ............ Mayor. 1,4--uncilman Clancy ';6uncilman Ferguson Petax //Puncilman-4MYGME tjZo. uncilman �EMfh Sudheimer ouncilman Wenzel Mayor n Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 I>ing 9n eaeome.,r [pn!rajef mt�hheinIggaadntdietcaetsty < 50777 m v7Jamm eMk'Eh carp Yo alopea for`cute nn 011e to `She:radlaOtatantordAvenue [rom ! ,9ae ling,Avenuef to.-i'aseal AVenn '=under Pttslimrnaarryy Orderi47J 4,_�- - rrroved JnIYp:8�: 1988 The Conao1lsot'Sh8 Ctpr oY, Bt. 4aviagaeoalved'.;tho rpporNot g,:' i'mi.etoaer. of 1Flnance Up�n�r- . •wemenq'r:and 'ha91q'C COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Matter of.. oondemping, and taking an easement, in the land necaesar�* for slo�es,..for outs and fills in the �radin� of Stanford AvQnue , ;P>:Qm, Sn ell iltg, Apen�}e„too„1?a �ca7 , Avenpe.. , , , , , , , , , , 1...................................................................................................... 1 under Preliminary Order....... 4733 ............ approved .... , , July 26, 19 2j The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. R944em11„aA4. t&ke .an, easement, in„thg, land,negesssry, for„@lopeq,,,for outs,and fills in the grading of Stanford Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, ...................................................................................................... in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part ..................................................................................................... `.,here4�a..'GhQ.liatsQh@S�.RQF.tIRaa.l313P.WlIlg..th@..41t�s .aRti..t�@..@}>:a�@d .pQrt,iQns @.......................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ?5! 00, , , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... l3th. day of Feb A;y ........ 192. .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting:; to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of,the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council..., AN.1.2.1924....... 1 ... ....... — Approved ....... :.l.�n.�n�,......... C Clerk. .................. . ................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓Councilman. Ferguson t/Councilman'Vajam Petter I�Councilman SMAN Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel _Alayor xx;pm, Nelson Form` B. S. A. 6 6 ” _. IR<tLa'MaRte�oA co4eCr�uce�Em »Ro tyil' xnn..�a IceY sAv4u+i 1" . i.^Aventla to,.`.s,9pint•9'SO�,teerpuzeh_oc>.0778 `0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.., oonstruoting, a_ s NM. on, DAVFP3. 4y@wu9„ X1!oip..lkgl ,yp,,,,.... AVAnte...ta . A . po in 1..2.30. Xae t..no rth .oar . Roblyn . Avenue.......................... ................................................................:..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 593.56 ........... approved ......... AqQ.-.1.8.,.19$3................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. QOI19tru0t . .. e. .............. ,,,_•sewer• on•,DMvey, Avenue, from •Roblyn,AgAPIA. to, A„poIp1„ 23Q, YQAV,,,,,..... .... north, of, Rob ,yn.AyQAVe.,........................................ ....................... .............................................................................I....................... ...................................................................................................... .................... ......................................................................... I........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...975,QQ....... Resolved Further, That a�1ublic hearing be had on said improvement on the....�th........ day of .• Febrttxry,,,,,,.. 1927..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..,) A N .1.2. J 924........ 1 ....... , ...... Approved ..... AN. a•2.182x4.... 192...... 7)Vfflerk. Mayon Councilman Clancy ,,/Councilman Ferguson+� i/Councilmant Peter (Councilman AN& Sidhelmer /Councilman Wenzel ayor kF94W Ne160A ✓ / i{//�/1 PtTBLISFTED Form B. S. A. 8-6 '1. jIn tho 8tdtter d egetruotigg &alit.! 1 tA50779-t9ot Cemggry the pofdemlk on -tha north alde'. of Tu'deat AYeanh tram` '?C1hvolaLd, Avenge to-Rtger 9oular vara d reUmlggry Order 4811ggI ; ' aPPgogvpd,Nov,Pr8p 1828 ti'Thos;Cpuacll ot,tha Cftp or sL Pati+ dgfng;nc"ived �hesenor. M tha Cn COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..4onstruo,ting,a„six-foot.,cemQnt , tile, aidQlvalk, on ,the,,,,,, I1Qrti�I.9�.$�.A 9@ .f►?�... FRtA. C7,6!�dlaP .�19ft,..#4.?i3?QT..$PLi7Q Fd.......... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... :....................................................................................................... ................................................................................................ Order........ 9991 ...........approved Nov -30, ... . . 1923 under Preliminary The C6nncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..,QOIlstruot B six—foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Edeel Ave. from Q.�eve�aR41. A,v,9:..xQ. R�RQJC.�41�i.�.F4•�$.,...�Fi?@pt�.3t�etQ.I;QP.�..�d. $t�Yiicient.... sidewalks now exist, ........................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..., l3th........day of ...... rQi P.4}r=y........ 1924..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....JAN ...... 1 .. 2 . 1924 i . .. .. ... ... ... .......... Approved....... � �1,h,T..t .2. j9.24..192 ...... ity Clerk. i ...... . .. .......... ... .... . Mayor. . Councilma' Clancy I/ Councilman Ferguson 6oaofriif®ne '`^ -^eta t/Councilman MUM Peter W-Councilman Varly1h Sudh eimer /gDilman Wenzel Aay.r*3W Nelson fir Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED4_�#A -ter— 50780 r o.`sozio 1 Iqi sfDe-�2Sntter of 0!cpaatrocting cc°ent.. ell HsseIwood AVa fro6e� �E &aVeatb pf. to"�Brand 8t..-apd? of f nfe 7bouf6 aide ofi8rand at."-, [tr' 8aselwood Ave td �meat•lfpe o*�"�. ' 7 Hlock 1 Bc6ocq a ReurRn U Ser Prenmlm Ordez;.��y�.�� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Constructing a six—foot cement tile sidewalk on the ................................................ yves,tt, side, oP, Iiazellgoo ..Ave.. from ,E. Seventh.St....to.. Brand St. . ,. and ....... .................................. on the south side of Brand St. from Hazelwood Ave. to west line of ...................................................................................................... Lot,_7.,_Block 1,..Sohoch.'.s..Re.-arrangement., ........................................................................ ....................................................................................................... v, ._..;under Preliminary Order ........ "9 99 ...........approved.....OOt.30.,?923.................... The Council'of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... six-foot cement the sidewalk on the west side of Hazelwood Ave. from ...................................................................................................... E. Seventh St. to Brand St. ,and on the South Side of Brand St. from :..................................................................................................... H8zelwoOd,Ave. to west line oY Lot 7, Block 1, Schoch's He-arrangement, ............................................................................ exagpt where good and cuff o.ient sidewalks now.exist. ............................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1, Ocj„per,Yn on Y00 t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... UAL .......day of ...... F.elxr"17......... 192.4:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... JAN . . X2.4....., d 4 � ...... .. ......... ...................... Approved......2 1924 ..192...........ity Cerk. ....................... .. . Mayor. t, /Councilman Clancy ✓✓Councilman Ferguson (/Councilman NUM4M Peter ./trouncilman�ft'lit8 ' Sudheimer �iyor itan Wenzel / ayor HEdgim Nelson. Form B. S. A. 8-6 5�1 A. k O - ...p.w.z ..o ; t 6ection 2, Before ,the acid Commissioner shell pros semo¢e ,the;;- same, .or abate succi auisanoe, he shall serve, cause to be served upon`the owner of the abutting propeCt written motioe . ordering snnh ,gwner,to remove suoh' snout ivy twelve hours thereafter., and ,iY the said owner fails" to `c twith'the said natioerthe Cpmmiesioner shah xemove the ee provided in Seo_t.on 1 tereaf, 'provided that no aucl notai'q be served"where _the oprner or his agent cannotbe found, a Section 3 The eafd Commissioner Ysl%a71, after moval of abatement of such,, nu eanoe, determine thecostt dnA'"nhdre�a'""' thw `eavner. Af `. the.'.tireriii'aea. ,the`rewi'khi tared nos' .'amount so chargee against the°aoutting property,-cogetner with 'a deaoription `thereof,=;snd .the name;',;of the.- record; ownexy F aad'; s euch.charges shal'1 beecollected and,;the oolleat:ion enforced in r the.°same,m¢nner. 'aa Mases against the premises Such charges shall be a perpetual lien on`such abutting:property i3 s 9eation 4Thisis an emergenoy,ordliance rendered } necessary for the'preeervation of the pu�iliejpeace, health and safety f K.E='-� 'Seotim, 5 This 6rdinanoe nHei7 s :effeot„and be /y in foroe Yom and a;ter.itafpassage aaKdlioation �g,�.�,y.� l x rR Councilmen Y. Nays fidoptt progedv / 1922 r Hs f/ Clancy R ,p Ferguson 3 � k � z ayor MoDonT, in f ald avor r#m7er - � Pre'sident; ATTE9T iiliima 3J: I[rter, fgnttunis111purr �Irir utirttr, �rputg (IIouimisoionrr oppartwitf of ruhlir Warks (dito of 088 Put M GEORGE M. BHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER I / M.8. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 1`/( A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION 6. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER \ O. P. BOW LIN, BVPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 28, 1923 Ron. A. E. Nelson, May or. ,. Dear Sir: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of November 27th, forwarding us a copy of a suggested new ordinance, which we are returning herewith. An ordinance which would enable the City to force property owners to clean their sidewalks of snowy and enable some Bureau in the City Government to remove the snow and assess the cost against the property, in case the owners do not take care of it, would serve a very good purpose. It is understood that this ordinance authorizes the Commissioner of Public Safety to remove the snow because of the fact that the Charter provides that the abatement of nuisances comes under that department and that the snow must be declared a nuisance before action can be taken. Undoubtedly this department would do the actual work, upon request from the Public Safety Department: Section 2 provides in part that "and if the said owner fails to comply with the said notice the Commissioner shall remove the same,as provided in Section 1 hereof; provided that no such notice need be served where the owner or his agent cannot be found, or if he is unknown." It is not believed that this is sufficiently, specific. There are pribably very few plats of land in this. city where the owner is, unknown or where the owner or agent cannot be found, for example, much of the property whioh would be effected by this ordinance is owned by pec*le living out of the city where it would.take possible three or four days to serve a notice upon them and even then we would not have evidence that notice had been served. It would seem that the Ordinance would be better if a provision was inserted to the effect that no notice need be served where the owner, or his agent,' oannot be found in the city of St, Paul within a period of twenty-four hours, after the snow has oeased to fall. Yours very truly, JP: AS Cf10 A i"o n e r. Enolo. eftj! a fi§ aiuf paw `'' r;xcrutine rgxrtuun# � . ARi71U R E. NE LSON, Mwvo n January Eleventh 1924. To the Council Gentlemen: In order that the matter may be presented to the Council for its consideration and dLsdussion, I am handing to you herewith an ordinance prepared sometime ago relative to the cleaning of snow from the streets of the city, together with communication from Commissioner PeterIt�q h some suggestions. I am supplying copy of the L 4� ordinance to each member. v' Y ur very truly, 0 AP Mayor cite of baiut 3paul Office of CCU Ifflerk January 12th, 1924. Mr.,..C.F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held this morning, the ordinance relative to the cleaning of snow from the streets of the City of St. Paul was'introduaed for first reading and the matter was referred to you for investigation and report. I enclose the above ordinance, Council File No. 50781 herewith. enc. H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK Yours very traly, CITY CTMK. "� :i 1: r'+� 'xt " rod'�S?Y•h asvv 4x' �5 QhadY^p'a" S A fAUNCM1 IVO .. :1r41naA opr - CITY OF 57'. PAUL nae. - r sr'3, hndkdu reoVeatrtheeetx' r ,uarax't;Isa7a.4s rr c OFFICE OF"$THE CITY CLERK - m. n- jlecsawe$oAdan' //A r 1Shri�v*R UNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM jr,r l PRESENTED ON +'t COMMISSIONS An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Fifteen Thousand�Two } y Hundred "Seventjf�three and 55/100 Dollars ($15,273,55) from Code 2301, �Sewer`Sond'Funk)',,to the Peirmanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code �y 3001, for."the purpose' of paying part of. the cost of constructing a ' v^ sewer on,East side of Snelling Avenue from"Minnehaha St. to Capitol Avenue;`and on`dapitol Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Sheldon Ave.,. designated a"s Improvement Z J870. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health II and safety:, The Council'"of-the City'of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Hond;'Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving;Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred Seventy4"three and 55/100 Dollars ($15,273.55) for the purpose of paying'" a," -part, of the Bost. of constructing a sewer on East side of Capitol Avenue and on Capitol .'Snelling'Avenue from Minnehaha St. to Avenue otn Snelling Ave'. to Sheldon Ave., designated as Improvement" h-1870 z : SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva.tior_ of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN 3 o1924 Yeas � � Nays Adopted by the Council .........._..........192...... ✓Clancy 3o=4 APprov -• 192...... McDonald - ...=- --.._In favor Sudaeiulet -- - ...... �on..... p✓ eter ._./......Againat �" U ✓Wenzel / �S le[r.'Pioe Pres. FerRawL T7 NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /-� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �9?,TI'� PRESENTED �,- REsoL P That the sum of 6�0-00 be appropriated out of the Contingent Fund for 1924 to assist in paying the expense of the Annual Exhibition of Classes of the Turn Verein, St. Paul, given under the auspices of the Department of parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings on April 25, 1924, That the proper city officers be authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Herman 0. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks.. Playgrounds and Public Buildings therefor. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays vClancy t,/Ferguson / ✓ McDonald ................ In favor ✓ ]L Sudhelegr j, Peter 1. -----Against dT eaz— V Mr. President Chairman i�! 1 , Adopted by the CouncilJA '0' ...............192...... ,{A ? 51924 Aroved ........ ................................... 192 ...................................... ............................... MAYOR PUBLISFMD1 „ CITY OF. ST. PAUL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK NL R LUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _—.--- DAT —UNea. No ...... 5S. 718A---- RESOLVED WHEREAS, It appears that an emergency has been created in the Bureau of Health, in the Department of Public Safety, due to the large number of cattle coming into Bergman's Abatoir, neoessitat- ing the employment of 0. A. Kenneberg, Veteranarian, for 11i hours over and above the regular 64 hour week, AND IT FURTHER APPEARING, That said 0. A. Kenneberg is paid at the rate of $1,321 per hour. THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the proper city offi- cials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said 0. A. Kenneberg the sum of $15.20, for said 11i hours work, due to said emergency created as above set out. COUNCILMEN Yea$ ✓ Nays Clancy \✓Ferguson ✓McDonald ............. An favor l Suduvlrner . /Peter . _Against WemidV ✓Mr. President )AN 1 51924 Adopted by the Council.._..............t..y...-.._..............192.__- . AP,d---- , c)4.-----_.192.- MAYOR PUBLLSiibD �� f J`- U�ry �'21 CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU ROOM 4f 7. COURT OV86 H V , J. B. PROBSTV CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA January 12, 1924. Hon. G. C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety,' Court House. Dear Sir: Your pay roll for the Bureau of Health for January 1 to 15 has been certified as correct with the following exception: 0. A. Kenneberg,_ Veterinarian. No report of overtime. Very truly yours, CIVIL SERVREAU x.. COUNCIL •�O p o, CITY' OF ST. PAUL PILE. NO•-----------• -•__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _. ,,, OATE______� t?.i:.I.La-•r.Y COMMISSIONER-. _ _ �-�------ . RESOLVED That the Purchasing lgent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 5 Buff & Buff Engineers' Transits at a total cost not to exceed :1566.801 without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Engineers 32-1-E1 O.L. COUNCILMEN 1 5 1924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Concil..-..J.AN.......................... 192..---. l/ Clancy 5 24 ,,-'Mc uson Ap o ed--- - I............ - 192 I/MeDonald ................In favor ....... --._................................... L'MMM SILUneiiner \ M�Y00. Peter _-.._Against A�nzotr-- ✓" - President ORIGINAL ro- CITY' OF 5f. PAUL_ COUNCR. NO..-.-- Sd.1.l.J..cS6 CITY ARK APP PRIATION. TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM 'CHA SECTION 28R' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--- .. ... .......... ......... -"'.'T-__y-.14:.. -19-2----------- DATE-1 - RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOID C,Y�' xo 60488--Br G C.xevahelmec--- MAY BE MET BY SAID -RB.oIY.d );That the Lol10wW6 tran. fepa be madbwa the?book.•-';pi .the; TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING T Cemlletoiler:whea br eoydoinaIanJ>inr, E MONEY IN THE ITEM - q'.Iq deflctenor, Sn:,one ttetq'me7,. 'pe inset th `9stOr ttanoVld4Y Ll ou hatha FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS p�eting �>ti4; hetiiemv2dom whl' come APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFER FROM TRANSFERM TO 22-R Revenue 150.00 22-5-0 License Inspector (Sta..& Printing) 150.00 22-6-B Motor Vehicles (Auto Allowance) 660.00 22-5-B License Inspector (Auto Allowance) 660.00 23-R Revenue 660.00 23-2-B Fire Prevention (Auto Allowance) 660.00 22-R Revenue 4000.00 22-2-13Electricity Traffic Signals & Mushroom lights 4000.00 25-R Revenue 100.00 25-8-0Sundry Supplies m 100.00 22-R Revenue 100.00 22-7-B Miscellaneous Servioes.(Hauling rubbish etc.) 100.00 25-R Revenue 50.00 25-2-B Miscellaneous Services 50.00 25-R Revenue 100.00 25-11-12 Misoellaneous'Equipment ( 100.00 25-R Revenue '. 50.00 25-1-Bl Miscellaneous Services 50.00 YES Y COUNCILMEN.(J) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILJ.A.N._i ''.924.. 19-----.---- I/C:LANCY • ye'ERGUSON APPROVED..........JtN..3..S..Iy.S..:.............19........ �VICDONALD ..... ��..... IN FAVOR ✓ Sudheuner ........... ---_:...... ... .. .., ........ MAYOR / PETER ......: ...AGAINST COUNTERSIGNEDBY._...................................................... .. V -- cIn wMPrRoueR MR. PRESIDENT ORI'GINAL TO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL I�U C� CLERK . No APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLIPTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PR�E Ell B COION ... .. . ........... E ........... —2A • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMP*R -ER, WHEN BY SO DOING 'AN UNAVOIDA MAY BE MET BY SAID ReaoiTRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING 4E MONEY IN THE ITEM pn the hooka pt ;lthe,: Comptroller whbn by eq �doln an ua,< FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER 1: CODE I APPROPRIATI 54 -3 -Al Bureau of Playgrounds 54-3-A Bureau of Playgrounds YES %r) COUNCILMEN (%T) NAYS L,1'16LANCY CDONALD ....... b-3. FAVOR Di D) FROM T"AlIFIRED TO 400.00 400.00 ADOPTED By THE couNcmJAX.-j..a.192,4 ..... .iq .......... APPROVED// ....... - J . AN 51924 . Vehum", Sumieu"tu•......`.:...r f .............. AYOR �ETER AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY.__ ..................... ......._ .._...... CRY com"ROLurm L,� MR. PRESIDENT NCIL ORIOINA TO - CITY OF. ST.. PAUL FI- No -- 0788 cm,.e�RK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM. • 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTEo BY T ty. 1924 COMMISSIONER.._...... .. .. ......:,!' .. DATE- .... .TAUXA�'Y._5 �...F.4j...._._.._e RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWIN 4P I WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNA TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERI FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER `.I. CODE I — APPROP f"i.6 OKS OF THE COMPTROLLER - the'" .- .e rp' uRe;, TEM MAY BE MET BY SAID; A1the, !Y'YY THE MONEY 4 THE ITEM :ahe '>:ce,111i k FROM I TRANWMM TO 31-01 Printing, OPPice� ; �'°" x� 1Ba*I� 100.'00 to - 31 -B4 Miscellaneous Services_ 100.00 34 -11 -Al Foremen & Inspectors 800.00 to - 34 -11 E1 Snow Fences 230:00 E2 Snow Plow 300:00 E3 Sundry Equipment 270.00 �a .I i' YES.�.1�1COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIJAKA_51924 19 ---------- yc.LANCY / NM1Y 1 51944 4 J' L.--FERGUSON////'1 APPROV ._......... .............................. , - MCDONALD - IN FAVOR �t ASUIIIIeimer .....-.-.- .....................MAYOR .........AGAINST . COUNTERSIGNED BY._......................._.MPTR .. ...._-_.. ----- --------- � _�_�y���P_CRY COOLLER MR. RESIDENT PUBLISFIED ryJQQn(� No....... CITY OF ST OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' OU7CC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the 4=0 use ofAhe Auditorium is hereby given to the IIiske Testimonial Committee for a testimonial boxing d&o on January 6th, 1924,,said Clommitte®'to pay only the cost of open- 4 "Sto ink ^ he buildi COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClancy / ✓Ferguson / lei McDonald ......_....In favor bu0uelulero VPeter ---------------Against WQM,dl ,--<r- � r- President Adopted b the Council_ ...�.�._i 5 t52q ---- SAN Appro d ........... ...... ---.192...... . ..%.. ............................ MAYOR lio-,spirited ionizens or the Ivy;,o� aL• tkie bereaved ,family: �6uch of 'the usual expense . iuourrecu, ' , A 6 - wuRcm NO ------- 507.=fQ--- CITY OF ST. PAUL • q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `CO#CIL RESOLUTION—GENEIALFORM _ I - — i B a truck elonging to Louis Maas WHEREAS, On. June 18, 1823, ran into and damaged a light poet at Lexington and Dayton avenues, to the extent of $44.80; and WHEREAS, The Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York, insurer for said Louis Meas, has offered to settle said claim in the full amount; therefore, be it RE8OLYED, That the City ecoept said 8= of X44.80 in full settlement of its claim, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute a proper release therefor. COUNCILMEN 1 11924 _ ..... 192- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci140, ± A!, ........................ (Nancy 1924 ✓-Ferguson Appr ved...... ..5...._............_. 192..._. ,"McDonald In favor _ ................ MAYOR d Peter ................Against �ra�1 PUBLISH) D President V � a o set ssventeeri (17,) "po' e3- on the' north'side of'.St.'. Ant .honq `Ave. ', Res. 35 "Page #2 232 Northland Ski, Mfg:, .Company 106 92 Bureau of Pa s..vow< 233 North Star State.Tobacco Company, 65 40 - Park Refectories 234 Clasen Candy,Company,' 324341 Park Refectories , 235 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 188.44 < Schools 82.88 Sprinkling 22:00 :Water 83.56 • ISSN 4� 236 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 223.45 Bridge Bldg. & R.- 237 Scheffer & Rossum, 21.61 Park Refectories -238 Shanley Paper Company, 56-35 Health 239 Superior Printing Company, 58.50..:'', Civil Service 12.00 Acct. forms, etc. 26.50 Schools 20.00-- O.00240 240 Twin City.Hardwood Lumber Company, 291 06 , Bureau of Parks t- _ 241 J. M. moy, Com'r. of Finance 8,5,43 19 Mayors Office 208.33 City Clerk 482.25 - Election Expense 115.44 Permanent Registration 800.87 , t+ �� 8.00 Corps. Counsel 1,030.10 Com r.of Finance 645.05 778.41 Partio. Certs. 225.33 Comptroller 1,285.19 Civil Service 618.02 Purchasing Department 770.95 C. H. & C. H. 1 575.25 tney, ComIr. of Finance 343.13 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. - Lney, Comir. of Finance 1,85.0.45 - Pol. & F. Alarm R Lney, Com'r. of Finance 1,0'61 45 h: . Garage Res, '36 Page #2 245. J M.:6laney,:;Com!r. of Finance 4,Q69 09 Healtb;-Adm*. 75.70 Vital -Statistics 324.33', Food Rej. & Insp. 75.70 ;. n " 572.28 " » u 156.70. ?! Quarantine Insp. 1,190.00' Tuberculosis Div. 686.25 Dale St. Infirmary, 72:50 Workhouse Hospital 323.50 Laboratory 257.13 P. Baths 165.00 P. Comfort Station 170.00 246 J. M. Clancy, Comer. of Finance W.40, Workho-4se 247 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 7,271 92 `- Library 6,596.64 Auditorium 675.28 248 J. M. Clancy, C r. of Finance 5,470.33 v Park-ddm. 360.45 Bureau of Parks 247:36' 3 Playgrounds 288.87 P. Bldgs. 411.66 r, " 1,466.31 " (Auto) 275.00' " 1,695'.68 Gorman School(Bond) '71.00 Franklin " ° 71.00 Groveland " " 71.00 Jackson " 71.00 Ames " 71.00 _ Tilden " " 71.00 New Mattocks " 76.00 Longfellow " 73.50 Richard Gordon " 71.00 Greenwood " 78.50 5 4 249 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 2,741.99 - -G C.P.U. en. Adm., 137.,50 " -Test. Labs. 3MtO "-?darkets 195.10 " -Investigation 548.63 " -Lighting 1•,487.66 N 1oQw. To - .. ,Oa2T O4 .S,P QL :. a e `e�anK OFFIOE' OF THE :COMPTBOL�."EB n a� ini '12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLIITION. FORM •, �. NO0-7.17 •"r y i%tt cDM. :sa'd 151924 ..__.fYL_._ ••� .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMrebate amount of $..-I [ 599.69 wvenng : s checks numbered.--_-_25Q----_-- --------- to.-.—.:252_.. _... ._inclusive sa per roister o£ city checks on file in ehe office of the City ; Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays. :. -"Clancy,_ lancy, ter8uson, Adopted by the Council- ---------JAN i 5 1924 g ...:.... ........ 192 ' .,. . --- .... .In favor L'McDonald, ,tea,- SudheimerWk �Pruv.'_-- N -4 51'124--....,. Peter, ifJeiezeh 6—Main3t .. _...... _.. — .:. ..... Mr. President, Nelson aiiro i x PIJi1LISFIEI9_,__�.r =s 1 .......................•----. 250 J. L. Brastad, 79.20 C. H. & C. H. 251 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 2,441.29 Schools y 252 Olaf Hansen, C. H. & C. H. sA a .f- ". s�•w�uNc,, N --- O ... - --- I C17 �exx e k2Qo 9070 OFFICFa?�r65 r COUNCIL RESGra vµ Bbg� a dat 11 b 91 a ,ald 4 PRESENTED BY l +rFd. 1DSti:lfebM1�l`iJ' x 4e sa d'mA DATE--- - ' COMMISSIONE '— --' 7^elle �rA•pY unMf? ••'� GiiMOW:D _ WHEREAS, A final order was heretofore, adopted for the paving �of"arand avenue between Milton street and Oretin avenu®, being Ooun- el file $0..:11803, approved Julp,87,`1916,'.and said final order specifies that the material to be'used in -such paving shall be 3" yellow pine creosote woodP.paving;blooks;on"a:.conesrete foundation, and further provides that, the oadway:from;l[i3ton to Fairview shall be 48 feet in width, and .the roadway from aairview avenue to ©retia avenue shall be 40 feet wide, end' WHEREAS, Oortain iinterest¢d.property owners have requested the Oounoil to re -open said matave— ter and reooasder the dethe of Oonnoii meat to be used, and the width• of street to' be; peg be by resolution approved DoIoember.1h,1 typa'yagementaand,.ohangiearinng the had upon the matter of changing, ecifiedin the final order,, wi"dth of the street to be `paved, as siTeli to .property owners affected and'notiee of such hearing was"duly g thereby; and AB, A hearing was duly had on the 18th day of January, S 1984; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the final 'order heretofore adopted ea►d herein- before described be and the same is hereby amended by striking oat 0-1 said final order the following words and.flgures: "Material to be used to be * yellow pine creosoted wood paving blooks with oonorete foundation. ' The roadway from Milton street to Fairview avenue to be 48 feet inoadway feetfrom wideFFairview M And by inserting in lieu of said words and figures, the following words and figures: "The material to be sed 'to' be 3" vertical fibre brick laid flat on So Portland cement oon- rfoundation. roadway hall be paved to awidth Y ur (54) C'iouNOILMEN JAN 1 51924 ' Yeas Nays Adopted by th�yCouncil...._...... ...... .:............. t! Clancy JAN 1 5 19 24 " ✓Ferguson Appr ed ..... ..... .......................192.- v, McDonald In favor l/ Sudnewla ........ - •.. ...... •...".. MAYOR -Peter ...... ...-.Against �iPresident PUBLISIDiD_,���ly CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER--------- f UFNGL No..FIL ....... .RiF.•F- PIH . AS* A final order Was. heretofore adopted for the paving of Grand avenge between Milton street and Cretin avenue# be 04un+ oil File No -P,' 17 3, �►gprov0d duly 271 18181 and said fjiva MOV, , spetaifies that like rA erlal to, be Used in such M14K4114A 00 * ysxldw mpine creosote wood paving blocks on a vcnarete foundation# and furChar provides that the roadway from viltoni to Fair�tiew shah be 48 feet In width and the roadway from Fairview avenue to O�Cetim avenue shall be 40 feet wide; and WMMUg,'oattain interested property owners have requested the counotl to re -opera said matter and reoonsidev the type Of ppaave- ment to be used# and the width of street to be paved# and the 00un011 by resolution approved December, 18# %8831 ordered that a hearing be Md upAn the xsat#er pf oh the type of pavement and changing the width, of the street to be ► + specified in the final Draft# the bytoand such hearing was dt;ly given to Property owners affected 1f1AS, A hearing was duly had on the 13th day of Jannesys 19241 thereforep be it RF68OLVICD "at the final order heretofore adopted and herein- before deedariboa be and the sama'ie hereby amended W striking out of said fiinal odder the following words and Ugwrest "1Eat6irial to be used to be 31" rel�,w�in� ore+ersoted good pavinlacks with convrete faumdation. Ther` roadwaym 1X#7. street to Fairview ave to f tIn iidevand ev0feefdFalreweveMetoo"tnemw to b40ftlN And by inserting in lieu of said words and figures, the following worlds and figuxest Kfhe materiel to be used to be 3" vertical fibre briok laid flet oA a 8" Portland cement oon- ovets foundation. rhe roadway shall be Paved to a width of fifty+-fou'r (84) feel%•" COUNCILMEN JAN 1 51924 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council...._..............................__192..... Clancy son JAN 1 51924 L/Fer gu Approved .......:.......... ...-- ---.............192...... McDonald .....In favor ,­} Sudueimer Peter _ _-.Against MAYOP _Wealed' �Mr. President l .Pari Lota 1� •2, and 3y liacssiaa�ter`: squaare. s ti PITA phis" Ry"S No f 1 Y { dotal wnerissignirig.Yor 154�` Peet'-" -signed Por brick; 16 5 12 of a 1, in b -n -A I ofSnelling, .zw -, U,UIE,, � PjZ) I U. t;Ewit';oP, �P Snelling, 2s fee -1- ',.6- 10 N, 4- t4 tom. ti Ak STATE OF MINYM-30TA DISTRICT COURT County of Ramsey Second Judicial Distract In the matter of the application for judgMent for the•oonfir-iation of the assoasrrent for paving (brand Avenue between l-111ton 2treet and Cretin ,venue, including seller, water and gas connections, eta. 1 •nswer and Objections of the following Pro a (a) A. C. oeiime; Mary .lice Dewe; Arthur td. Dell; Jeanette No Frantz; Wllhelm3na Vert; Anton Sandhol'nexr; p%rtha 14 rauahaar; Vona Jormstsd; aonws Ii. ;7a? lace; Ooorge F• and Louse A. Yriokboldt; Herbert Vi. Jm`moon; P. A. Kett; Bary IS. and 14oille Hoffman; izo=ie Fortmeier; Bnrnett and Rosc Greenman; Margaret Monroe3 hitir(,eret Be Andrews; Polish !Most - mint Gompany; alter 2_)rl.-naer and Anna J. S_7 irq-,or; Iara Jam Kerney; Maria G. Curran; :Award H. Pooch; J. L• Graoo; Turner J• St'arics; aw'ilca t: Toin, Ino.; Anna Be 10 app; Lizzie 110 rgarj J. J. Tauer; Albert Be Smolick and Joseph galla; James lie Stoltz; John 29 ,md : hilip Bnol a; Charles H. •l libtt; Limy Lick; George A. Franois; He Le Coleman; John rynoh; Miry An- derson; S. J. 010ara; :>usie urns; i$sry 3, Rents; Thom!:s P. Foley; Miry E. O'Brien; Ida E. Homa; T. F. Nortons, Laura L. Mieobald; ; sn J. vkwphy; istrgar t A. James, I.ouisX A. Wis- soniere; Clara A. Todd; Jennie 0• Yorka; Rose Olson; Fred A• Olson; Valentine R. 7,ppel; Clara Ovmns; i,lsie F. Aufang; Ida A. Carlson; Be J. oSherry; L. J. Aborwald; Jaoob and Augusts A. Haas; Capitol City Realty Ca^nraly, Ilinerva Be Llevrollyn; Bessie Burns; D• Myers; Abraham Peterson; Beatrice P. Bloody; George S. Warner and idabol IItumer; Frank Witt,an; Howard E* Hodgins and Viva Be Hodgins; James es Cowie and I•Iary Cowie; Joke Banish and Adolnide Banish; Albert Jac! -mon; A. H. Xxons; Frank Sahlgren; Anna If. Lasherr; Charles A. Ilichols; Louis P. Gates, John 3. 3ucka; ?hilip Buolcn; Btargaret Johnson; S. J. Zinteen; McDermott -Realty Company, a corporation; (b) William Po Waterous; O. A. Nelson;'William A. Reem; .'Lary 3. Hay, — ma Be SwVson; John Iiu±•phy; HeZTM J• Draheim; Fred A. Parsons; Joseph W. Nolon; Leo Be Goggins] Hubert R. Tyle; Bessie DeCoudres; n. :l. Connolly; S. 6. Stoltz; B. D. McDonald; Sam Lipschults, W. E. Wallace; A. Coopormin; Moalestor :ar% Garage; Minnie J. Bonner; Now come the persons, parrtnershipo, and oorpora- tions above named, listed under (a)# and being the owners of —1— the properties assessed In their names respectively in the assessment roll filed by the Commissioner of Finance horsing on his application for confirmation of above assessm©nt, and also come the persons# partnorelApsg and corporations named under (b) above# and w,o are the owners of the properties net Opposite their names respectively in the list markad E�&ibit A hereto attached# and for their answers defenses, and objec- tions to the application for the confirmation of the said as- sessment allege and state as to each and every of the parools of land described in said assessment roll, and assessed in the names respectively of the owners listed in (a) above, and an to each and every of the parcels of land listed in said Exhibit A and not opposite the names respectively of the per- sons mentioned in (b) above, as followas (1) That there is no valid final order for the said improvement; (8) That the assessment for said improvement is fraudulent; (3) That the said assesoment is made upon an erroneous principle of law; (g) That the assessment is made upon s demon- strable :mistake of fact; (5) That the Council of the City of St• '�aul had 0 jurisdiction to ruuce said Improvement# or to make said assessment; (6) That the cost of said improvement is unrea- sonable and excessive# and far in excess of the reasonable benefits to the property assessed; (7) That said assessmsnt is arbitrary# and is not made in accordance with the bonefits; (8) Mat the said assessment as to each and every of the lots and parcels of land assessed in the name of ..gm T these objectors or scheduled herein `e unequal# partialp un- reasonable# excessive and oonfisoatory; (9) flat in making said assessnent the Com- missioner of Finance and the Council of the City of Ste 'aul did not Nice sold assossrlorit in acoorna:ico 1vit11 bonefits# out -ade said assez;anor_t ? arV?y on ti.o basis of the cost or use improvement as to each :�areel; (10) Flat in r1akinr, said asses3L1.31t the Cor- m? ssionor of Finance -^<nd the C0•_�ncil Of the CS uv of 2"-*- 'R11 did :lot tubo Into consideration -I.o form and position of the said several parcels of land Wit" rec_)eot to said irrdrove;gent; (I!) fiat said irmov=ont was initiated In the year 1914, and a form of final order passed in duly, 19166 t;iat tine said imrirovo,iant me not ew-ried out or atte.rptod to out be carried In con os^1it:y attn says_ fi .al ordor, or as one imm ,rovezit#mtaic:r the :)r,,;1aG, was not lade llili it 1024, and no atte-lpt to .:klice it 17.1c rude in tile leantime, mit the ,;nk;�1G of said Iprovonorlt was abandoned, and ttint ti city Citf o£ .t. .'au1 lrf reason of laches and lapse of tlx.10 las 103t all2'"F,ritt# p017or and au• tl:ority to make said :!xTprovomont, or to 1lalm Fury assesar_ ant therefor; (i2) 2 --it on said Grand tavomle bOtween the ter.lini of said improve,lont there aro double tracl*s of street railwa,, -x)on-,-:-ACl1 the it. 2111.11 City Rai1^tay CO'"T;)iU1°f OpOraatea Its cars; that the said St. ?anl City Railvmy Gaimpany under and pursuant to certain ordinances ;passed by the City of 5t# Paul and accepted !rj said Raill7ay Co11Mny is re(1:t?1 ad *-crslever a street is ordered paved by the City of St. 'null iron which it has street car tri)ckas to pave the space between the tracks# and for a distance of two (2) foot on the outside thereof ;pith the same kind of 1.aterial as that with which the reminder -3- P of the street Is paved; that notwithstanding that the City of st. Paul has the right, potter and authority to enforce oomplianoe %rith the provisions of such ordincuzoes, and to require the St. maul City Railway Company to pave the said spaces it has not exercised such power, :aid the said 3t. ?aul Cit.! Railway Co:zpany has not paved such spaces, and the space now remains %tjolly unpaved; that it is not the intent - Ion of the City of St. ?aul to pcve said space, or to require said St. Paul City Railway Company to do 303 that the failure to pave said space renders transportation on said street and access to the properties of these objectors difficult and dangerous, and access from one side of the street to the other difficult and dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians, and that by roason Phorcof tho said ?anprovenont is Of no value, and no benefit vAmtsoover to the properties of those objeo- tors, and these objectors further state that it is not the intention to pave said portion of said street, 17ut to allow and permit the same to remain in an unpaved, dangerous, and untraversible condition indefinitely, and not to complete or require the completion of the aforesaid improvaiont; that by reason of the failure to pave said portion of said street tho pavement on the other portion of said street will remain un- protected on the outer edges thereof, and will be easily broken and destroyed, and the said inumvewnt practically ruined in the course of a few years, and that the naC:ing of said improvement in such manner and the failure to caxapl0t017 pave said street renders the said alioged improvenent of no benefit to the properties of these objectors* V11MR3FT E, Ziese objectors pray that the said assessment be not confirmed, and that they have and recover their costs and disbursements heroin. At -ora oror said �eo� t es 610 an Life Building, -4w 3t. Paul, L9innesota• I 'T_ � JOU., Exhibit A. Name Description of Property William F. Waterous, Lot 24, Block 1, Groveland Additiv G. A. Nelson, Lots 25 w 26, ,Block 1, Groveland Add. William A. Reem, So. 60 feet of Lots 16 and 17, raid So. 60 ft. of W.-.' of Lot 18, Block 1, Groveland Addition. Mary E Hays Lot 37, Summit Wood. Emma B. Sampson, Lot 19, Summit Wood. John ':,. t;hrphy, Lot 22, Summit Wood. Herman J. Draheim, Lot 20, Summit Wood. Fred A. ?arsons, Lot 36, Summit Wood. ' Joseph W. Nolan, Lot 42, Block 1, Rosedale Park. Leo E. Goggin, Lot 20, Block 4, Rosedale Park. Hubert R. Kyle, Lot 14, Block 4, Rosedale Park. Bessie DeCoudres, Lot 13, Block 3, Rosedale ?ark. D. M. Connolly, Lot 9, Block 4, SummitView. S. G. Stoltz, Lot 19, Block 2, Summit View. B. D. HoDonald, Lot 16, Block 1, Summit View. Sam Lipeohultz, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 5, Elmer MorrisonIsRe-arr. of Dart of Macalester Pk. W. E. Wa_laoe, Lot 2, Block 2, Eimer & M&rrisonIs Re-arr. of part of Macaleater Park. A. Cooperman, Lots 1, 2 and 3, dacalester Square. Macalester ?ark Garage, Lot 13, Block 4, Elmer & Morrison is Re-arr. of part of Macalester :'ark. Minnie J. Benner, Lot 6, Block 3, Elmer R. Morrisonis Re-arr. of part of Macalester Park. C. F. 'Nb. 60798—BY W'. J. Peter— CI Whereas, A final order wn, heroto- FILE NO•- -'--""-"- "-- fore adopted for the 1,Rving of GrAnd OFFICE %,enue from onklantl Aveaue to the - t line of \f Ilton street, Oe Ing Co.. RESOC.?''ile xo. 14483. approves JAauP. ,+7, and said Final Omer spec. �A Pavins ,hello See. . ' r -•.ovate„ i ,.,,. ' Al DATE ................._.... ....._... WH3Rka?S a Final order nas heretofore adopted for the paving' of Grand Avenue from Oakland ::venue to the lest line of I,iilton Street, ':eing, Council :File 14463, approved January 20, 1017, and said Final Order specifies that said paving shall be Swithern Yello,v Pine Creosote Bloc}a on a Portland cement concrete foundation and further provides that the road:vay shall be paved .to a :ridth of 48 feet and 1r.sPL'=_S certain interested property o,,me �s renuested the Council to re -open said matter and reconsider the type of pavement to be used and the .width of street to be paved and the Council by resolution approved approved December 16, 1923, ordered that a hearing be had upon the natter,of thanking the type of pavement and changir_;_; the width of the street to be paved, as specified ir_ the Final Order and notice of said hearing was duly given to the property o,iners affected thereby, and AH iR3::S a rearing, rias duly had on the 12th day of Janiiary, 10,24. H GGL`;aD ti?at the final Order heretofore adopted and hereinbefore described e and the name is hereby a:''.ended by strikin. out of said r'ir.al Order the follo,vir: ,lords and figures: "the r--aterial to be used to he 3'" Southern Y Mori Pi-: e Creosoted P,loc':s on a Portlard cement concrete foundation. The roadway shall be paved to a -width of 48 feet" and inserting_; in lieu of said words and fir -ores the follcwing ,'lords and figures: The material to be used to be 3" vertical fibre brick laid. flat on a 6" Portland cement concrete foto?Cation. The roadway Shall I— paved to .^_ -•iidth of 54 feet. COUNCILMEN ,IAN Foal \ays Adopted b}' the Council_ .__...._... _ _._.____192-.-- l/C9alwv Ferguson Appr wed_... 1 2_ _. —'A4cllonald In favor ���� MAYOR ✓Peter Against b[t•. President PUBLISHM _19 .... -, COUNCIL No.. .. 50 1 V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE -----•--' -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Junu:ry 1.�, .. I ..._.._._..... DATE.......... ............................ ........ .. ................ l/ RESOLVED That ti.e •':OUr.u11 1"i2r c,,,, Cu1:Jla^C in Cr_.. r`�e0l .triendut ism Gi ti7e ',.ntrr:ct ^it ec lid Li,. d:: tir, curtrrct :'ar ty:c cl�tructi( n of u sewer on Luc;, Utreet froua a _soint CIU fuet a._st o: "t ll .venue to :',ubert tr::et, ir. reccrd.:nce with pl:.ns ;:t:(i si,eei:ie:..tions uttuched, to Peter L.a.Ietti, 110 I)eint tl-:e lowest rus;.on,-ible loidder, io: tj,_ su; of 114,695.10, z:r.d the Jor_)or%tion '10�ar:-cl is her --',y instructed to dray u_� tho .:ro or Con! o� contract there -for. nr;'..neer's _eti,. • to „b, 32' 'G 6067 C. r. Xo. 60799—nY NN" the. ,ntnnet for the ......... Luc; Street front n pOinv .11I n"i of Hall Al­-,lnns nod 5t r' rn nccordanc ut[nehe . to Pe[ zp tions hereto the loo est . he ha1r f {4. 76f bi [or the um theder. the Corp p the ram Counsel r 4 +no,� �ti•de I, draw ntri uci Lhereforu F.nginee =fi.3 me, P. n. moo. 69611, unn,- Adopted by the Cou192/ 119.192 a❑ d ,\OProYMI, l]an. and .� Uo�p,: ( 'OIIM1CILMEN' Yens \;q•N ('lhnry ✓' IierFusoI, '_.. In favor I,., McDonald / I'Mer - Aplins( 'WMT'"+— Mr. Pre sidrnt. Adopted by theouncil ...._ ...... - .._:._ 192 \p ovrd .....- � .. - ..MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (2 1 1 IAV — — __ J; nu:,ry 11, .......... RESOLVED That Li. _1c),,jIaci1 hereby ,_rov U the action of t.-Ic !,urclr-, ,in[; ,0!:jj,jittea in :,rd i nir- contract Cor Uurnici..inf t, the ,_rt,rtm_,nL oi, 1'Ubji- -n iL_ hul L --,I: lit, to lz.rren L_­()thers loi- n2uny, Liic,y beini- the iowc:.t rec. onoibl,-, o.;dd(,rr_ : t tot l contract rice of f.o.b. cur;;, ity -::virL 11Lnt :;ith -,,ity : �ciic,,tiol.s, their''id :nd awz----(t of cuntr„cL hereto :Atachc6, and tiic is cereby instructed to draw u-,. the 'or::' 0-* 1201i',­nIt therefor. i,6063, C. F, No, ""'—BI ihNN'- J. P`t"_ R .. Iced. That , the hereby I ppr,vel the action of tie Purchasing ,7,mmittee In sAmrilhin contract for furnishing to the Department of Public paving plant to "�'rh:. T`rAh'�' . y Ware It C.minin he being bidders. a the lowest respo—ibl,-22 0 t of � �8,86-0 . I ac- tal .tract price Paving Plant Siding, In card, ­ CT' I, Id' "' I, I the, r It 'a"' with C "' 'P"' 'it bid and Award or contract hereto -l- inched, and the Corporation Counsel Is I hereby Instructed to draw up the pro- per form of e—triket therefor. V. B. N o " - the Council, Jan. 15, 1924. idcpi�d h, App -11d. Jan. 1a. 1924. Ilan 19 -1924) , A Fi V COUNCILME, Yea, Nays Adopted by the Council 192 L/Clane y API rovred ... 191. ✓McDonald In favot- t"IbutwJ-1 —YOR Peter Again't President 50801 CITY� OF ST. PAULw�nca NO.-----------•-•---- OFFICE o------ ------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM I "I-- -: �� i , ---- -- DATE�-- Janua __I)W _924�-_.— proves the ,otioj'of the Purchasing RESOLVED That he Council hereby a Committee in awarding contract for furnishing to the Water "inneffota, 8000 lin.ft. 6011 diameter Department at Belt Line, 5 special steel bends and 11 expansion sleeves, to steel pipe, Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, James Mcbeil & Bro - at a total contract price of $128,pith ,900.00, in accordance revised specifications and blueprints of ,later Department Drawings No. 16-2811, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. X6073. 44` COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays p,"Clancy VFergUSOn --IMeDonald ............... In favor Bud heimer ✓Peter.............Against President Adopted by the CoyaCilJAN---------------t 5 - 1924 - . 192 5 1 PRESENTED COMMISSIOI RESOLVED W, CITY OF ST. PAUL - `FALeNa�No--- ---- O V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �j C NCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1��CLiG ..__....:. ........ January 1924 ._. _....__........__._. DATE...__ _..__....._._........._._...__.__.�_�_._.._ In the matter of paving Grand Avenue between Milton Street and Cretin Avenue,'with necessary water connections , under Final Order C. F. #11803, approved July 27, 1916. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ! ""-Ferguson ✓1GIoDon'sld . ............... JAN 1 51924 192,.---- Adopted by the Couyc�L.-....------------------------ .,COUNCIL 51803 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FILu NO._.._._..__.____. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 9, 1924. PRESENTED BYE .- COMMISSIONEfZ_ __ . _ �_.._.._...._._...__..._.._..._.._..._.._.__.—.._.�._. ; DATE._.___..._...._�_.� �_.__..._ RESOLVED paving In the matter of avi Grand Avenue betwee� Milton Street and Cretin Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order 'C. F. #11803, approved July 27, 1916. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing gas connections to be made on the above named street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plan, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy L--Perguson McDonald .............In favor iMs■� S.dheimer (�eter ................ Against �PIr. President tis 19?� Adopted by the Coun _................... ..192 .... constructing a sewer on East aide of Snelling Avenue from Minnehaha St. to Capitol Avenue, on Capitol Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Sheldon Avenue, ender Preliminary Order.....................37.342.............................. Intermediary Order ......................1�4 .__.....___ F.O. 49207 Final Order ............ _....... _.387 ..__...._........... ...... approved.__......_.._.__lulY._?J.A..._192 ...._._...... 7t9K—Approved 10/25/23' The assessment of.....................__._1?elfe.feXp..enae8........... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 14th day of 1eb_ruary..,_1924.____...., tft6[..._._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the CouncilJAN 1 5 1924 ._.._..__......_..._.._.._.............. _........ _..... .. ... 91........... _--—...._..._....._'! City Clerk. Approved JAN 1, 51929 ___.. �_................. .__..... ..__.._._ ......._............._— Mayor. Couneilman)BG mKbtl61anoy •• f3d68 ✓Fergaison S gty c/MCDC nald Xmi, !/Peter rdoC-a ✓'Sudheiner , WEnrdeA* 1yefte•cY Mayor hwfircyeKalson Form B. H. 16 PHOV3NIi'A88»BMIDAT9 t COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 G F No 6060 '- BY Sa; Yt1e matter of Lhe aeeeeamentort , � i �Geneflta. noels dad nEm fore East side —------- 8,n_ -- etNcttvgr-a eewet_on= Salt Salt, - `Saeiltng Avenu. from�Miaaebah& L to Capltor-Avenue Rtol P 1e ;- CITY OF trom Saelllng Ave.014-eld' uadgr�Flr�llnt q � Resolution of Council rp'coving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on East aide of Snelling Avenue from Minnehaha St. to Capitol Avenue, on Capitol Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Sheldon Avenue, ender Preliminary Order.....................37.342.............................. Intermediary Order ......................1�4 .__.....___ F.O. 49207 Final Order ............ _....... _.387 ..__...._........... ...... approved.__......_.._.__lulY._?J.A..._192 ...._._...... 7t9K—Approved 10/25/23' The assessment of.....................__._1?elfe.feXp..enae8........... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 14th day of 1eb_ruary..,_1924.____...., tft6[..._._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the CouncilJAN 1 5 1924 ._.._..__......_..._.._.._.............. _........ _..... .. ... 91........... _--—...._..._....._'! City Clerk. Approved JAN 1, 51929 ___.. �_................. .__..... ..__.._._ ......._............._— Mayor. Couneilman)BG mKbtl61anoy •• f3d68 ✓Fergaison S gty c/MCDC nald Xmi, !/Peter rdoC-a ✓'Sudheiner , WEnrdeA* 1yefte•cY Mayor hwfircyeKalson Form B. H. 16 �rlO(�� COUNCIL FILE NO.. + tuq: m w ut: th a n samea4 of 080 unn.uL...LueLn isnu_nxywLtleu v- .Lud.s_-� �e1'uhnn A e un Irual Snuth- -nuo to oak,r.atrnktand uaXer By ............ .. .................. .... I ... ........ . . .. ... ...... ._....... z—, u.. .LPC Oa tl Axe—. LU a '.o.utl�u a el -Wk [ is LjLn`�tJea[ Llan Y UrLaware:Avenue,'`iitcluaLng. a wnt aoh4- Iry aau uunuticuoup. ,t ew CITY ' m�LinbLu.:.urnu=n+.� y. etliCL Wae1'n-AUL al, tlant , Resolution of Councir� Ak Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Cherokee Avenue from Smith Avenue to Baker Dtgest and Baker - Street from Cherokee Avenue to a point 125 feet west of the Rest line of Delaware Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order%59. __...___........._ ...................... Intermediary Order 46 ...__._....._141 .. .. .............. ............ Final Order ..._..... 46740 _.__._...__...._. approved............ July 3, 1923 ............... �aLl[....__ The assessment of henefi_ts.,..__costs_._and .expen_ses .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........ 1_3$h .......... _...... day of .... Feb'ruary.,__.19-24........., III......_...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN_1 5-1-9-2-4-.- . 1924 1 1........ Adoptedby the Council.............................._................................. o _....._.._.................. ' ...........V.....` .t�'T "...^.:,City Clerk. !924 l/ Approved........ _..— --- -_.------ ............... .......... ...191..._.... _.........__._....__........- ........... .... _....... .�............__...__. _ or. Councilman 6SaTxejAlut vClancy L+UBL►JHEDJ- - cam ✓Ferguson W>ti;ca ✓McDonald I!g4k* Peter xit6 gx* Sudheimer �p6Tti,liAt •WeRI691• r� Mayor ]fix eelsonJ 101. D. B. 16 rZ C, COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... ........... of: beneflte.and expeneeago!�Vay.-Ro. est. By ........... .................... .... ............... .... ............. d 9" c9 ob properly,n ..... 4 ainr no, already,!L- C) g.= Resolution of Councilf -'Aene-p" r o v'i -n'gu Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Hondo St. from Dale St. to Western Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order ............._......._45.27. , Intermediary Order - ............ #5-$12 . .......... Final Order 46.428 approved June, 15 j1.9.23 ....... .. ........... The assessment of ........... . . ...... qo.. g I -t,. a An.d.....expen-sea .......................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 13th __day of —.1a.bruamy 19.24..., 1®C]Gat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council N. A ........ - 1 5 1924 .. 20 ... ................................. . .... \ . . ....... City Clerk. Approved....... . ... . . . .. . . . . .................... 191 ........... . ... . ........ .................... Mayor. Councilman PUBLISHED.,/. (Y'Alt 'Ferguson t;g&Y v McDonal d lamr (/ Pe t e r moon L-/Sudheimer \Wmmkod" Wan of Mayor IXft Nelson repaving Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Smith Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to.rproperty lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 40111 Final Order ...__... 4153.5_._..__._. Intermediary Order .... ............ 41060 ................... approved....... 'Apr.24, ..9.23......._.,F.._..._.. The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with ...._................_..._......_._....................... _.... ...__.._....-.-_.. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ......... _.�3 th.... ....... day of February.,..._1424.._...., M ............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN 1 5 192.4 Adoptedby the Council ... .......... ........ _... .............._........_........._........... 91 _. _.._. ........... .._.._..........-.........._............ .T'...:_�cr%: ,... City Clerk. Approved......._..___..._ {_` 4 __1r2.i...._...._19L........ _..._....... _... ..... ....... _.................... ........_......_.. .— poi! Councilman MEWA 6aRN"t 1arl SY am L'Ferguaon •• pg4�,yd[ V�cDona.ld .. K74lot ✓Peer war- ✓ SLdY eimer o..� .% Mayor IBX v.leon Farm B. B. 16 7- C F No 60807 -- Ea 508 COUNCIL FILE NO.. --- --------- iiia= -matter oE:aha assessment _otj t f ,•„benefits, costa and eYpensee:for re=:' paving Slzth-Street: from ',Summa' ....__..................................._..........._...... By$..........._ 11%2.29. - .Avottue.-'to. Smltli- avenue, -Including ...... - sewer; .water: and, gas.�.connectloas from street mains to property llaea complete, where :noalready t ' also .ncluding curhlr' R" CITYI "alley and'. �.drtve•• f� u Resolution , Where. 40113IIrY :" of CouncW` nYvdng Assessment. , In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for repaving Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Smith Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to.rproperty lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order 40111 Final Order ...__... 4153.5_._..__._. Intermediary Order .... ............ 41060 ................... approved....... 'Apr.24, ..9.23......._.,F.._..._.. The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with ...._................_..._......_._....................... _.... ...__.._....-.-_.. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ......... _.�3 th.... ....... day of February.,..._1424.._...., M ............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN 1 5 192.4 Adoptedby the Council ... .......... ........ _... .............._........_........._........... 91 _. _.._. ........... .._.._..........-.........._............ .T'...:_�cr%: ,... City Clerk. Approved......._..___..._ {_` 4 __1r2.i...._...._19L........ _..._....... _... ..... ....... _.................... ........_......_.. .— poi! Councilman MEWA 6aRN"t 1arl SY am L'Ferguaon •• pg4�,yd[ V�cDona.ld .. K74lot ✓Peer war- ✓ SLdY eimer o..� .% Mayor IBX v.leon Farm B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE By.................................... CITY C., Resolution of Council A In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ousts and expenses constructing a sewer on Carroll Ave. from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St., F08 for under Preliminary Order. ...._6112_....__......__...__... Intermediary Order 46965 Final Order ......_...4.7.6$5........... ............. .........., approved....___ _ The assessment assessment of .. .......... beASf._tHs-::4..QS.riS__mid.....B..Xp9I1S88_.,_._.,_._._,__for and in connection, with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 1'3_x%1 ......... — ..... day of Z.ek2.111 y,..._.9.,2..........:=..........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _. JAN J...... 5 ig;q......_._._... 191.........._ t .......... _...._.._--- ................ .... City Clerk. Approved ........ __ ......._.....191......._ o Councilman fiitifti(iWAA OlanOY A)W VFerguson 1109ad i, -`McDonald M&,,'Peter ,Audheimer )IM& 6 m, wauaei— / Mayor IA4W,-Irelson Form H. H. 16 ^Ur3LISi�FII1 ` 69398-Q�09 7n the matten•.ot the 'aeeeeemen! o[�. COUNCIL FILE NO.. __. .-_. _ benefits .costs and expenses Lor eon etructlagg a 6e Wer on',Cjlarlee $t1'eef "from Falryfow Avenueto _a point lb - 'tset. west oi:the-easCllne of Lot. 83; By ....................................... ........... .......... .... ......... .... ........_........ Merriam's`Outiots,.under,Prellmlaary ° order 48062.. intermediary Otder_ 48803. Ftne1 Order 49419 approve - CITY O$ Oct 31 1939r ...-'ehe aseessment of b .eats c Resolution of Council A1,07 pTh iig Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for oonstructing a sewer on Charles Street from Fairview Avenue to a point 15 feet ,vest of the east line of Lot 22, Merriam's Outlots, under Preliminary Order..............._4BO52...__..._.__..._._.__.__.. Intermediary Order ....._....__...._ !3...... _......... _....... __..__..., Final Order .......... ___"419 .......... _____._...... ... approved1.9_?3_ _ _ ........, t71 The assessment of ....... __benafits,__costs-and expense'.s__..._....._..._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............_.1..3.tih........... day of Eebruar.y,.1-.24.... b9A........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .......... ._..A . 1 5 1924 91. _._. ..................................__......_. .. __.. _....__._....._............_._.._:..-��. City Clerk. JAN { s 1444 Approved....... _... ------ —•---- ...... _ ...............I 91...._._ Councilman f�tYL6" t6wn)r tilanoyGZA .. ,-Fertrason .. fdz<hrnd ✓!dcDonaid t a r McCtd.l. ^udheimer •• �OG4titi4�rT+7lh� , '�� Mayor XXX Nelson Form B. B. 16 -1� Tn the matter, of the aseea`ement at- V 8 COUNCIL FILE NO......................___� benefits costa and ezyensesr for c . on-. retructfng,'s $ewer on .Soinmetvllle "Avenue. from: St. Anthoay'Avenue to, a°yolnt'30'feet north of'Doane St,,: By ......... .. ............ ..... . ........ .. ............. .. ......... upder Preliminary Order..48123 Ia= �p '.,ter'medlary. Qrder 49001, -Final QrdW 49837; approved,NA 7 1928. _, CITY'^Z aaseeement of Ewe^earn, rnptid"+:A i ..ea for' a ' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Sommerville Avenue from St. Anthony Ave. to a point 30 feet north of Doane St., under Preliminary Order ..............._......._ 81_21...._.___._...._.., Intermediary Order ...................._4.....001 _ Final Order .............43.53.7. __........_, approved....._ N.o.v_..7.._.1.9.23 _....._., 18S_.._.. - b n.__.__its.,.._......o_s_ts._.aAd_... enaes.._...............for and in connection with The assessment of ................_8..__ of _ C eX}7. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... 13.th. .......... _...... day of Yeb.ruary,.....19-24.._., I$ft............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directeJAN 15 1924 Adoptedby the Council __-............... ...... ____ ...... _................._...._.........191 ....... ..... }AIN ; 5 192- J------ .................. ..__.._.`................�..`..'.... City Clerk. Approved......_....___..__--_ V..__. ------------------ ...191......._ _......__. _............ ................ .................... ----'------.... ayor. Councilman PWYeivif At f1TMLISHED � G&V arguson RMW4 McDonald v #>diat Peter Mgm / Sudheimer \7A9 Zahe •We -Z 0* Mayor NiTA,4el son Form B. B. 19 jIn Wn-�att r'ot; tbo aeseseinent t� �811 COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ bens its. costE and expeneeaaor.paO ing-?Ple¢es AVo ;troth=-(7grneld-SL AtoUsceola'.Ave: ;, molddlgg.. sewer,: water and, gap _';connehtlons .rrom By __.__.�_....._.__.____.T_...�.�_..___ ,atrG0 mains. to property lines.. come Were, Where -.nor -a reaay. mans, 44• CITY 'including curWng and p4.v1n9.dri wnr.'_and.. AtneY -npPr ,,,., � - Unser L,7-, InI Resolution of Council Appir rAg assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Pleasant Ave. from Garfield St. to Osceola Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, ender Preliminary Order.............._......_.__277_-......._.._....._..Intermediary Order.............._.._..........._`E`b. Final Order _................... _...__461.x...................._.... approved. Jllne._.�_._lt�_23......._..._........$ The assessment of benef_its_1..... co.ste&__._exUen8ea.................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........14.t11...._..__..day of ...... - 'M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1S14 Adopted by the Council ........—j.fjt.._1...:....__......_.._........_..._.__._..... l._____ �JAiJ 5 1�� _._.--City Clerk . Approved......�.___.__._.r_�_—..._.__._...__191_....._ .._.................._.............. _......._._.:........._...__..__._.__ o . Councilman >iummmicd" lane y ggx ,"Ferguson PUBLISHED..( , Wxbvxd —*�McDonald xd#aasdkx --'Peter Mma d1 ✓Sudheimer /f ) Mayor3bWtn /Nelson Form B. B. 16 By • •�� •.—. .�,.a s sewer o Leztna[ Aa f om W Leon ;:qve m Iflld;�ouC eou[ti O Q� f-iFountaf Park tb DPtnt 186. o feet eauth f Reud01Ph SL,,. oa Wa[. otr'-Ave from',�;eatn$ton�,Ave...S, Pleneant Ave.,.on Pleasant- CITY ecaroear A.xo ;.runo be, 19, ,:.. . - AVe.� u, -.. Council Resolution of AP6'r' 's11f 'Asessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Lexington Ave. from Watson Ave. as laid out south of Fountain Park, to a point 185 feet south of Randolph St., on Watson Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Pleasant Ave., on Pleasant Ave. from Tuscarora Ave. to Juno St. and on Juno St. between Pleasant Ave. and Lexington Ave., ender Preliminary Order ----------- .........._46.906........... .................. ., Intermediary Order ..... _........... 4.7_Z54 .... _................ �___, Final Order _......._._4. 3~�__....._..._........__........... approved._...__..._ Sept..'. 12, __19.23_...._.._...,�4_..._._ The assessment of_....._._...b.finef.lte.,..... C.Q.ats... and ..... exp.ensias...............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 14th.......___ -...day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council -....... JAN 1 5 1924 _...................... 91........... JAN 1 5 192 �' i City Clerk. Approved ......_..___ ___.___.___.._ 191 _._.... ... ........ .... ............y:.._._._. __....._......_....----.. ayor.t Councilman PWfeit$ A ianoY PURLI=L'�' Gan 1/Ferguson ldxUKd ,-McDonald KaMx _-Pater 9d>&9dl,-"Sudhe irtier .. 7�6iSdc14K2i,X` / �� Mayor 1xyPg,,K�lson Form B. B. 16 - 50913 Sr ING -ASaE8 1UENT A1,& FMxINO- 7r OF REARING Ili CONDEM .� NATION PROCEEDIN08 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APItH>�;�°;n° AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. a.nd S-.... �....... In the matter of......�.....-gmnn and..,takin. an _easement.,in-.the ls,.nd-,neceasa- fgr,_slgp-t;�,..._for-..cats-_and_..fills.,_in.,grading__Alley...in__Block- Maplewood..Adclitlon,...from.,Prinoeton..Ave.---to Goodrich Ave.--..-,•„- ---......... approved OC.t.2(i_,.19.2j-„--,, Intermediary Order...._�9.79.%._., under Preliminary Order 4935.7 . Nov. 20,1923 approved............................................ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .................... ................day of........February,1924.-pg;ex_..- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JAN..15 t92a is1 Adopted by the Council .............. _ .--••--- a-+ City Clerk. Approves.............1A.nL...l.`..1Q.24....., 191........ ...................... ..._...... . Mayor. Councilman M Xh�l-ancy n pU$L SBED Councilman t Councilman3flAwd -'Mc onald Councilman 12M& VPOUr Councilman aam LSudhaixner, Mayorkein Na-i9on Na, 699If= 'tu ]tha mattar:of wndamning aad'taR-;; -!ng•an e$aemeat . the tand,.aecas- .earp for eloDea for„cuta and alle'In, No of ellep In< loch S dlacal :ester Plnce:nnd $loc2 ,9alet Addl- or ... l - argent 6t..to St Clntr,$t._ and from. so St to the north an' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APP rs� �s6oe pQ��edPsat�8=`AND FIXIN medlary Order!ak...- 9 19ES TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMI��;'°�i-A PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..... a9.n.a.mingr...$AGl...ttaking...an. maemeSlx.._3F1....til7.A...1.41ad...t7.a.Q.e-awry for...slop s.,....gor..cuts...end..-fIlla...in...grading...of-Alley .._iil.._$1"k...2,... .._ Macalester Place.._..and i3loak...2,.__Sale.t Addition.,from-.,$argQ St.Clair8t. and from .Sue. 9t..to___th.e-_north. and,._south._a11gy,__.............. under Preliminary Order........ 506.........., approved ....J'ne...l$.r.1�23, Intermediary Order ......_496k4_,, Nov.13,1923 approved............................................ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.............13th day Of ........... y, l Februar-- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he .................... i ..2- is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JAN 15 1924 Adopted by the Council .................................... ..........r—..... 191 City Clerk. JAN i 19`2'4191........ Approveo............. ... ................. •....................................................................................._._........ Mayor. Councilman Stl Clancy �` �q Councilman GM,, -Ferguson PUBLISHED`� Councilman gpm.McDonald Councilman H*S* Peter Councilman L%M Sudheimer Councilmen NVAARM Wel!' / Mayor son i _ C. F.'No b0816—'" A4 5015 7p,the�:m tier oi.ao demnlag sad tak-- - Ing an easement In t6e,land e a - eery Yor e[ooee: foq cute. and tale. In' 'srading .alley�9n $lock ,,3.i IUgg'4- blaDlewggd Addll�nn cram Wpadlawn AND FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL API:Ayeaae to .M"""t Cur"° $aalevard under �reliminary Order °�4R61 a•; pC'oVed, O�� :8r- y., l TIME OF HEARING IN CO1�1;I All` d PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-.---O.oACjeIIWaAg.. &7RC1...t&{1X1E3... A..-Ra.&.dRlel7ti.._?I,l...tkl6...1a?1Sl..nQ ugLgAry _for -._slopes_,. Yor outs -.and fills in grading Alley in Block, King's Maplewood Addition, from Woodlawn Avenue to Mount Curve .......................................................................................................................__.... Bouleva, -----------.....I..........rd . - 4 ................................................ _.... .... under Preliminary Order .... -._'9351 approved Oot.2_(t1J2j , Intermediary Order.._�97-95 approved.......... tuov-. 20,12 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it E Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.......... 1}t'h...................day of ........ FebruaTyAlg24._ppX.- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner•of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council........... JAR..t-5.4.9-24...r ....., 191........ Y o r �Cit er Approves...........JAN 1 ................................... 191........ .....................................................................................yr. ....... Councilman liiS�Yd40K lane Y Mayor. '� � �� �� Councilman 9=—Fer6ruson Councilman HWAN& -'MoDcnald Councilman Kx1br V Peter Councilman M WO11 f SudL a ime r 1 Councilman W>ap&OW tY '' - Mayor Icodat,( I olaon U IG S'.No 66816 5091 I f t In the mutter ot`oo."ste" pg and tnk"7 t �. ,Ing -•an easement In the land neces- •eary for slopes;: -for cuts epo lile'lu' erpoingdoalley,-ln Block`,q I{Ing'e' Maplewood Addltlon tropy :SC Clalr SL to Princeton Avec, under Pre=. liminary Order `49466 approved Oct.; ,,,"�" Tntermedlary Order 4979x:; AND FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV11�G1':�r,�rynp „�ea� TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 1n the matter of...00ndemning-.4Ad...t.Ting...axl...easament... in.. -the.. -land .......................... necessary Yor slopea.xforcuts.-.and-.fi11Q•_-in-••grading-•q���y...-in-•-•-----__-.--. Block J, King's_. ldaplewood-.Addition,.--from•_St•.Clair••St-,•---V.Q.................... _--•---- .......... Prixa4.e.ton.. Avenue.�......................................... under Preliminary Order X9........... approved Oct -._2,192 -„Intermediary Order.97-93 ......... approved..-....... Dictl.-20,1.93... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .-....--._.. 13.th.................day 1 ofFebruary, 1921+ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he ............................................ is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. )AN 1 5 1924 Adopted by the Council------------ ----------------_- ....... ..-........, 9 -...---- d A N t 5 19 ' City Clerk. Approved-------------------- ------------------.--.., 191...-. --- ....... `-- .............._---...... - ..----'----...-....-........-----••........ / Mayor. Councilman XVMx G r& Clancy Councilman Owes ✓Ferguson Councilman MAW L,_WODonald Councilman 1? VPet er Councilman WSAI v, t dhe ime r Councilman 4MR&M mer” MayorffAN `!'11-1 son �i ` RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL j TIME OF HEARING IN —In i -7w. t 4 508.17 14A AND FIXING DINGS. In the matter of 99A4 941BA1flW1 1A. -the .... LEInd. ................ . .. . .. f0r. -.9 1 Q.p.a-s,..fo. Z.. C. iLt z and—fIlls. in the &rading of ............ Magnolia St. from Cortland $t. to!�_.Ag�� ........................................................................................ .................. ... .....................................................................................................................................................................................-•-----.-------- under ........------- under Preliminary Order ............ approved Intermediary Order..9.6?9 approved I The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of 1� benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............... .. th ................. da; of Fe..b ru-&.r-y ...... 192 - - - 4 at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he .. ..... .. .. .... is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............ d A N. - I ........ - -- ------ ----- --------- I ... ..... ........... ------ ---- Cit Clerk. Approve( ................... ...................... ..... 191 Counci1man%5htx=oz%C4Byer. fancy Councilman =M I�Ferguson �2 Councilman ):HAAS ,.,McDonald_ Conneilman.xYAkx Peter Councilman NoM —Sudheimer Councilman WZffdW= ZLaL12*e*1— Mayor txtzmeson 8 A 1P81 Rlever, Betw �__. _.. - �— p.1ef(dn heli and gtiesaai ... �..ry//.•J N.,'eilc trnvel Inet6e � ' RESOLUTION Memodalizing the Congress of the United States for permission to construct a brides cronanthe Mlas' mss•{pp+ river,between the cities pf jStimnesr -1-mend P" '. P:tuL- 1lhereas Lha,neoseaities of businessend,p,u Ila travel in the cities of Mi eapolis and St.Paul,Minnesota,demand and require the construction of a bridge,acrose the Mississippi river,between said cities of Minneapolis and St.Paul,extending from Edeall avenue in the city of St -Paul and along the lines of said evenueestended due west across the Mississippi river into the city of Minneapolis: 12 Now therefore, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or m That the Congress of the United States be and is hereby requested to grant permission and authority to the city of Minneapolis and the city of St.Paul,Minnesota,to jointly construot.maintain and use a bridge over and across the MissiesIppi river,between said oities of Minneapolis and St.Paul,extending from Ideal* avenue,in the city of St. Psul,and along the lines of said avenue extended due west across the Mississippi river into the city of Minneapolis, in such manner as not to impede or hinder navigation in said river at the location above stated; i H And that the Honorable Dr -Henrik Shipstead,and Honorable Magnus Johnson,senatore from Hinnesota,and Hmnorable Walter H .Nowton,representative from the 5th congressional district of Minnesota,and the Honorable Oscar E.Eeller,representative from the4th congressional district of Minnesota,be requested to present this resolution to the Congress of the United States,and secure permission as soon as possible for the construction of such A -a- bridge as aforesaid;and that the city clerk be and Is hereby instructed to forward a duly certified Copy of this resolution to said honorable Dr.Henrik Shipetead,Honorable Magnus Jobneon,Honorable Walter R -Newton and Honorable #soar E.Heller. �0 1-7 AN ACT To authorize the city of Minneapolis and the city of St.Paul,Minnesota,to jointly construct a bridge across the - Mississippi river between said cities. HE IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND ROUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, Section I. That the city of Minneapolis,in the county of Hennepin,Minnesota,and the city of St.Paul,in the county of Ramsey,Minnesota.municipal corporations organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota,be and they are hereby authorized to jointly construot,maintain and use a bridge and approaches thereto over and Across the Mississippi river,between said cities of Minneapolis and St -Paul, extending from Edsell avenue in the city of St.Paul and along the lines of said avenue extended due west across the Mississippi river into said city of Minneapolie,in such manner as not to impede or hinder navigation in said river at the location above stated,in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable rivers," approved March 23,1806. Section 8. That the right to alter,amend,or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved. HENRY OLSON cite of 6at "t V a ^t H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Wire orf CHU (glerh ASST. CITY CLERK ••5 January 15th, 1924. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. W V i Dear Sir: I enclose herewith communication from Meyor Nelson, together with resolution recently adopted by the Minneapolis City Council relative to the so-called Ford bridge . The Council has referred the matter to you for a resolution similar to that attached hereto. It was sug- gested that where the names Minneapolis and St. Paul appeared, that St. Paul be placed first. Yours very truly, one. CITY CLERK. Chi# of,;Uiuf Pan[ �x.ecttttur �9r�sttx�mrMt' ARTHUR E. NEL S ON, MAve x To the Council' Jamuary Sieventh 1924. I am handing to you herewith a resolution recently adopted by the Minneapolis City Council relative to the construction of the so—called Ford bridge. I see no objection to the passage of a similar resolution by the Saint Paul Council. Yours very truly, yor ( 4 V RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL c UNCI'NO.... .--�il . 9 tI " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DArr—�.._Je7lusr� 16.,_1924 That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the a000mpanying sketch plan, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner ot.; Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for a six room addition to the present Farnsworth School, be and the same is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to prepare or cause to be prepared, complete plans, estimates of cost and specifications therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy ✓ Ferguson pL _In favor 11606see-SyPHi, 'en .-) �Peter, ,„,. .i) ._:Againet .- 1” Mr. President JAN 1 6 1924 Adopted by the Council .. ----------- _--------------- ---....-192....- Appr ed_.......... . ...... 192 } MAYOR RESOLVED COUNCIL 50CITY OF ST. PAUL 820___ .. ------ -- ----.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/OJ�J IG1L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM '^..._..__._..._.._._._.._.._--- That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the accompanying sketch plan, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for a six room addition to the present Linwood School, be and the same is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to prepare or cause to be prepared, complete plans, estimates of cost and specifications therefor. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays (/Glancy !./Ferguson `7/y 1140Bonsld-- ................In favor ,,-'Peter ........V... .-.Against euz2i-- ✓Mr. President 6A� JAN I Adopted by the Council......._ .............___..___ .192.__. Appro ed.._..=iAN.:i. QQ.19��2...... PVL. MAYOR 'CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ..... ._ 50821 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION �—GEANEERRAALL. FORM RESOLVED That the Boar*ester Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Leo Hilger, out of the Rater Department Farad, the sum of Forty-eight Dollars ($48.00) for professional services rendered to R. D. Davis, an employe of said Board, injured October 23, 1923, in the course of his employment. COUNCILMEN Yens "Clancy ancy / ✓�erguson in favor ✓Pe-■te- Against Wenyg �Ir. President I rsoommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, Board of Rater CommIrs. JAN 1 6 1924 Adopted by the Council .. ..................................... 192...-. Appred ........................._ -..................192...... _.....-.._.....-.. - ..._.._........... .... MAYOR COUNCIL NO.-.._- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - a RESOLVED That the Board of Water 001&jissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Leo Nonnemaoher, an employe of said Board, providing for the payment to him at the rate of $20.po per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him on the 20th day of December, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of pater Oommissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Leo Nonnemacher, out of the hater Department Fund, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to January 10, 1924. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy L-- erguson iVEcHo7R .........:......In favor Peter ..JAgalnst r. President I recommend the above resolution Por passage. preset, Board of Water COMMIrs. PIAN 1 6 1424 ._ _192..... Adopted by the Counci ....... Approedf.r;-1 424 -- 192 ... � a.N....-.._._...:- ----- MAYOR .. COl1NCIL NO._ -_...._.f m CITY OF ST. PAUL c21cOU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Mrs. Catherine Brown the sum of Twenty-six Dollars ($26.00) out of the Oorkmenls Compensation Account of the General'Fund, to reimburse her for amount expended by her for hospital service rendered to William J. Brown, an employe of the Department of Publio Safety of the City of St. Paul, injured December 3, 1933, in the course of his employment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --idlancy ✓Ferguson /Y ,,A _...._In favor D Peter I- .....---.Against we+:eei ✓ " r. President JAN 1 5 1924 Adopted by the Council_ --------------- ---.----...---------192----- ..............192...... _... .. ........... ... ."""'" MAYOR CO 50824 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fou NO.---..-----.---.--.__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Louis W. Peterson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Eduoatio the City of St. Paul on the 22nd day of December, 1923; be it FORTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Louis w. Peterson, out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) in final settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul, being for the period u. to c r xo 5oaa{—�g r•7 ie s ierRuson !Iis January 12, 1924 • ep e�¢rae ho ebv suthoelzed lo� BPt�ee j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1/Clancy L., erguson 41-00=9 _..In favor -moba +r L.�Peter ...__....__Against ✓Mr. President I rocommend--118 Tit ,a-aocara �riutiaon ,; nept the';�PrtipAr; , for 8 w avtharizrt '. CommIr of Ed#dation. JAN 1 � 1924 Adopted by the Council.._....................................192. _-- JAN 1 61924 Approv......--------- .................................192...._ PUBLISHED M - ,OR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -4L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 50825 COUNCIL No.. FELE .................._�..... RESOLVED That the proper city offier� be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Henry Hinkel, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $8.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul on the 6th day of December, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the . proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Henry Hinkel, out of the Worlmegle Compensation Accoubt of the General Fund, z.� the sum of Eight Dollars (8+A0) in final settlement of his claim .against the City of St. Paul.' r ' ��� 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy ✓Ferguson * ................In rR.r — favor (.,�eter l./ _.._._Against Mr. President I recommend the for passage Commissioner of Education. JAN 1 61924, Adopted by the Council -.............................. ._.....192.. Apo ed ................. -- - .._.....�_..._B19Q2-- ........................ MAYOR PUBLISIM /o I CITY jVF1```STj PAUL RLE -- -` i OFFICE OF .tk CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT N --GENERAL FORM �__ RESOLVED That the application of J. G. Bartell for permieeien to erect and maintain a public garage on the west half of Lot 5 and all of Let 6, Block 13, Woodland Park Addition, being No. 408 Ashland ave- nue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor O'Ar_ -�C Vim^ l COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor sudbeiraw 0 P66{ .........---....Against L Wenzel V Mr. President JAN 2 3 1924 Adopted by the Council ...................................... App ved� A. . 192._... 3 1 ...-------..192... ._. ... MAYOR STATE, OF MTNNMOTA, J9 County of Ramsey. } -(40tiee o�J Naaee It .Z S r�samt pial ,m8 CYry,'ot:,p -Borten, 1or.r ;181 t+ien.°t ' 1'naaemte ,ubp :laerA .t�ntu Dttea�t+6a'. N� 1Y ti u!vt�� bele; duly sworn depem and says thnt�o ie Clerk for the Dispatch Printing Co. which now Se and during 811 Cha,:� "' times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch;; a daily aewspaper, printed and published In the city of SLI, Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota' TharQlte lies knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed.!S-?.c,� hereto attachod, cuttrom Jthe olumna n eweDaDer, was Inserted, Drinted anC published In said newspaper waft in eseh-weekfor...--:-weeks, and that all of said publications were made In tho Anglish language. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published tke.f. .:.day op.... ......... .. .......... 192..7.- and was Printed and pub• .' hafted in Bald new per thereafter a ......:�: g �^"- until and including!.!.r., fie.. 3h'�llay ofJl„( `.'. 192.j That during all the times storesatd, said newsDabtfr_ was qualified as a medium of official 'Ind legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session I.. of Minnesota, 1921, and that ithas complied with all the requirements that son- stltute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4. to-wIV that for more that, one year last past from the date of the first publication of said..... ......................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which It purports to be issued in the English language, and to column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least eight pages, wltlt eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. _ (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication. and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and priaR fog the same. (3) Made up to contain general and 10=1 news, comment and miscellany, I not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of Patents, plata matter and advertisements or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in ami near Its place of publication to the extent of at least two ` hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying s�ubscrlbera, and that prior to the,. date of the Brat publication of said... vI.4.: `.! CX ......................�........ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facto, filed in the. office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Mtn• nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence. of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set:-. forth to section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alpbabot from h to 2 both. Inclu-lve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication -. of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: .xaerrnutimnoiwnenr.vs rdrther affiant salth not save that this. affidavit is made pursuant to seetlon 4 of chapter 484. Seselan Laws Mtane 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill-� for the publication in said newspaperU0=0 ai�'le advertisement, - . ........... Subscribed and sworn to before me this... ..Y.Y. /.,d[py o . ...(.J....192".(• .. � 1J... .... G....... Notary Public, y County, M/innneefslota. QaN 141 aM 628.21 Pe.B My Commission expir .4..,1... • ..4. 1.�.b(j' L- B. TWEED WE County, Minn N� kwon m cox m1a "pu 22.19M STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss County of Ramsey. } CZj�j being duly sworn deyesee and Bays the he is clerUteDispatch Println6 Co. which now is and durin6 all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the m. SL Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published In the city. of SL Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota Thatrahe has knowledge of the facts and /knows lDersopally that the Drtnted.cs��-.-cy . .. .. ..�:a .: •G .. �Jp. .. .. hereto attached, cut-fr,a fhe columna of said newspaper, w inserted, printed and published in said newspaper onee- in east► weekweeks, and that 'Ali of. Bald publications wore made in the Anglish language, That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on.�' �°`•'`� the. day of.,lcb ....., 192. -J -and was printed and Dub -` Ilahed in said newwss//DD(pp/Der •thereafter on. .. . • r+'rr• 2•u`� until and inoludingl. .4 the. 3-.t ,-of.-day gl:jl; (/ •• 192..T That during all the times a oresald. said newsy- r_ wee qualified a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 192L and that It has complied with all the requirements that son• alltute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that ter more thea one year last past from the date of the, first publication of said.'S.+P:C...C.•.r`„Q..... ................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which It purports to be Issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least eight pages, with. eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. . - (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and tl)e necessary material for preparing apd print- ing risLmg the Santa. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate . matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said...N ........... .......... ....... ..............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, flied In the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state'of Min• nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth In section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. . That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z.botlf Inch,lve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: ,1,�artRnu►1mo.roo�mrn:r: - Further affiant with not save that this affidavit Is made pursuant to settles.4 of chapter 484. Session Laws • Minneso 1921, and is Intended to accompany the blfl for the publication In said newspaper (the aforesaid�eLgaaer�Bemeln.............. . .. /, .... _. Subscribed and sworn to before mm this....... .... ay o . ... .. 192. Notary Public, Ram sVCOUnV, , Minnesota. 'ORM 141 ]N &26.21 vee My Commission expires....7• l • •�/•',� L_ B. TWEEd N1)OoeaCapntyiMinn. �W1atrana ° COUNCIL NO. CITY I&-*. PAUL FILE- ...•-'-' -`-------- c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED "Mt the application Of J. G. Bartell for peission to erect rm and maintain.a public garage On the west half of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Block 13, Woodland Park Addition, being No. 408 Ashland ave - me, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _--- .... In favor Matson Peter _____Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CounciJAW-_2.a..i�tS.a...... -..--.192----. Approved.:)-...:;..."-`-- ..-..._---_.192.-...- P CITY OF ST. PAUL ; FOUENCIL NO..----'----•--- - j08 2 --^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P ESENTED BVg�.......... V That the plumber Is bond given to the City of St. Paul%y Thomas F. Shea, as principal, and the Globe Indemnity Company of Now York, as surety, dated September $0, 1919, in the sum of $1,000.00, be and the same is hereby oanoelled, and the principal and surety thereon relieved from further liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as re- leasing said principal or surety from any liability that may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClancy ,_Ferguson G/ mawan ..�...)....In favor V . t, --Peter Against Mr. President JAN t � 192a Adopted by the Council......._................_...__..._192..... 6 Anroved._....._....... -- .........................192....._ .................... 5082PCITY OF ST. PAUL � '� vieNcIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM _ ,,,,,, DATE__......_..._.._ ISSIONER—_._.—.._—..__.___.._.................____..__-._..__.._.........__.._.._.._. RESOLVED %Ut the plumberls bond given to the city of St. Paul by Thomas r. Shea, as principal, and the 82abe Indemnity company of Now York$ as suretyy dated September 30* 1919, in the sum of >$1,000.00, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the principal and suretY thereon relieved from further liability under said bond{ provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as re- s- - leasing said principal or surety from any liability that may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond, COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy rerguson McDonald .......... -In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President JAN 1 6 1924 Adopted by the Council .. ............................. .SAN 1 61Y.a Approved -------- .. ...... ._............ ...192 I _ '-COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..........._....0.....l . •I ,_5..! Q _.._. COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BV //�///—,�"—' DATE.................................. -L........................................... xv- ......... .... .... .......... O MMI5510NER............. co" ......................................................................... RESOLVED: That the SL Paul Gu Light Co piny 1• hereby vWgin wires therefor ordered end directed to extend I.electrical Iive• by erecting voles and atN¢ the tranemise[m of elee- tdelty on an.,.,be following alley and .treat f oWd Ehr: c F xo> soazs�sv�iv s mac''e `°=fir 1-11—'L4 Install: we Eager n Street una ne on the �aL�treet, f irst lana second east Three poles; two on f alae oc'ur auey`: oast or iEagertoi S reef grist north of Ivy Street of the alley east of Edgerton r ��of Edgerton Street, ar, ryree.Dolea o tie south aide of the Street, first north Of[ Y4 j Lrvlew &tidkTosephlnen8treate t Lighting vov on the orEhenat , Af(lhree poles on the south side o`i � nna ti ao a° m� _orth of Berkeley AveIIue, oe- !/ ,,qLj rleen Fairview and Josephine Stree c ; r Co=eivoial lighting. ,gCNine poles; one.on time northeast corner of Avon ana Grand,; two on the east. side of Avon, first and second south of Grand," one on the northwest corner Wof St.Albans'and Grand; two on the west side of St.Albane Street, first and second south of Grand Avenue; one on the southeast corner of Dale and °q,Grand; two on the east side of Dale Street, first and second south of Brand Avenue. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All such eatev.lovs, poles and wires .hall be erecmd and eooe,rueled under the direction and supervision or the Commi•siover of Public Utilities and to .Il things .object to the .—Woes of ordinance No. Rtes, and of all other lawful ardinaneee and resolutlova of the City of St. Paul. All vole. should be vet to .rash loeatim in aid alleys and s[reeta as the Core.h.joner of Publlc Utllitie• shall designate, and shall be of such height and baracter he shall to.­-,.1...It er les •hall be rd a down and removed, and such wires placed noderground whenever the Council ahWl deem that the vublte o. e� .lid hand en it and dtaill so interest ten and Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy ��N � 61924 Adopted by the uracil....... ..........................................192......... (/ Ferguson Infavor ) X11, 1 6 192 pled...._..................................................._.._..192.......... Ms..' _ P� {� cSatOSi D xv- ......... .... .._.. MAYOR isme. �r. President Vr.0U Yes (✓) Councilmen (d) Nays JAN i 61924 . �PAESkNTED 8V COMMISSIONER ........ ..... ........._1....1' ............ RESOLVED: .Braid. That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered m: trials on and In the following alleys and street° of sold city: NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - niIfr9 NO . .......... .._... NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM lines by arecting poles and stringim. wires thereof. it the I—odsaionof aide - 1 -11-24 Ins tall:C I L n` aa'o C tgll x s elva polos alna onttho south ilft ttldgewood Avehuq betWeeaCress, tLivrelve poles + nine not b O: Court and Roebe Streoft, three on idgewood Avenue between Crescent da¢t aNe of-:Rpe12e BC dra a.lcCourt and fioei a Streea°d terra oprth otrxlagewoi� side of Roebe Street, first, ✓ seoond, and third n0;d: role on'tha moutheaet come of ue• neth and Sarggant Stregte " Ira lig, Ilghting r> 'i cpold on,thesouth atde""o[ Jenkq / a4,60ne pole on the southt drat weet`of Pnyae .Avenue dCth and Sargent $treete • {+ Ch Municipal lighting. P il east ade-of`Bd• tween' DearDnr Lrld3ne pole on the south side or Jenks Street, first west of Payne Avenue• e�<One pole on the east side of Bidwell Street, midway between Dearborn and/," George Streets. Afefhree poires on the north side of the alley north of Nest Fourth Street, !/ first east and first and second west of Pleasant Avenue. n{COne pole on the west side of the alley east of Earl Street, first north of r% Case Street. Commercial lighting. With necessary ys and anchors. All such .....arcs, pole. and wire. shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the P...I.lons or Ordinance No. 2014, and of all other lawlnt ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. All volts should be set to such location in said alley. and atreeta w the Commbalon.r of Publlc Utilities .hell desloome, and shall be of such height and character as he .hall dustiest. and approve, and any and all such poles shall be take. do— and removed, and such wi... placed underground whenever the Council sball deem that the pubuc Interest an require., and when it shad so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (d) Nays JAN i 61924 lAClancy uson �F�e'�g1d--• ,iaar•• - n�� In favor t. � Adopted by the Council..............................................................192......... A do ed,..._......��(� (i' 192d /1 192.......... .Braid. ......._�..Agtuast __........ ............................... "...... MAYOR Preiideut "(MT,TS'TWV " 6" s t 5U83� CITY OF ST. PAUL io�nett. NO ..................... .._.._. r y 1« . �,4 UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES NTED BY COMMISSIONER...............................................,.................................... DATE.... ................. _............................................ ............. RESOLVED: That the it. Peel Gu Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend it. electrical lines by cfi,s voles and stringing wires [[*don for the traesenhCon of else- tricity on and in the following alleys and street of sl � R eo vee, xh *nih� et Peal a�!� 1-11-24 . Install: �y:d•. e sotre'eotsr ,tgcjty on anaodht;tsnat,.tdhec.i-following followsnB f eeljletroye+5i1 ' Install vttCne pole on the north 9 .^Oot,,xola on the north alp of doDojvldway between Kent and hale streets. �steQet midpay(betweea%entnndDale'1 ate ' ro Poles 'bne oa o eoutheae C, t_ East%FI[th and �lraade 6t o-iaiwo poles; one on the Bouth�eTettweetoi sea Flast L'ifth ana Arcade Streets; and alcone on the south side of East?;?o„l'gz a"� at,eiae oe; ,, first west of Arcade Street. Municipal lighting. �etS,. , t VdIdo' 4 .y -fc9ne pole on the east side of Atlantic' Street at southeast corner or alley k south of East Seventh Streets Commercial lighting. A-K-TWelve poles; four poles -on the ea6t side of Cleveland Avenue,one at Bos- well, one at Buford, one at Hendon and one at Dudley; two on the north side 0140f voswell, first and second west of Cleveland; one on the south side Of t-t:13ut•ord, first west of Cleveland Avenue; one on the south side of Hendon, first west of Cleveland; two on the north side of 1Azdley, first and second o-/gest of Cleveland; two on the east side of the alley west of Cleveland,first and second south of Dudley Avenue. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All such ext alone, volae and wire. shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and In all things subject to the proWalov. of Ordinance No. 21121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. desAll ignax should be — ate and -Prove, lansuch any andiall gush voles in said alleys hall be taken down anet, at the Commissioner mission f d such Utilities plachall ed underground hallsheneve,.. Council shall deem t and character hat the vvbnc interest so requires, and when it shall so order. removed, Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays JAN i C 194 ✓Clancy Adopted by the Council, ................................................._...........192......... t/ Fergmoo Alegeee{d Adopted i 6 .. t?2`.. T92.,. �:In favor .................................._................. ....... Seim. MAYOR VAe"*4_ TUBLISFIEII 1, ---'Mr. President Council 5053 File No. CITY OF ST.PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM Presented by ���� Date Commissioner_ RESOLVED: p east slde'oLCohOr 1W aheaY it'll permission be and it is hereby granted the m:weaC edaxat LCumber7anA.. m eou[l aide ofkT-STATE TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH COMPANY, t0 set poles Ava.rnae. at that�.`F string cable, with the necessary anchors thereon t and :ohs ate the<e want_ cau the following named atree as 2 poles on east side of Cohansey St. from Como & Phalen Ave. to Nebraska. 2 poles on west aide of Cumberland from Como & Phalen Ave. to Nebraska. 2 poles on south side of Lake Como & Phalen Ave., one at the alley meat of Kent St. and one at the _ intersection.p_f-Ahe west line of Cumberland_, St. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to,do so by the Common Council. Said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. Yea ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays v�tlancy V'erguson In favor Peter e+.. .�ffi"'' * Against Mr. President a r Adopted by the Counci 19�9— Anaroved, thw 1 1(f CM7n��1 ,{{Cn%•,1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX WUN IL NO.-....-..-__.--.---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ♦ aR PRESENTED BY /vO24--DTE__._nr�r 16, 19z - RESOLVED That License No. 15 for conducting the Butcher business at 393 Wabasha Street issued to W. A. Marin as receiver of The Morris Meat 0o. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health for the reason that the basement and meat room are not in sanitary condition. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L -Clancy L -T, e-rguson -11 ,Nf"Pp tlrlrl" _`_..._..In favor mX �, �cter ..------------- Against President F AINj 61924 Adopted by the Council.-- ------------- --------------- 192...-.- 6 1a t4 Ap roved..... �. .__.-........ ----192 .. ......................... -AY;- OR R* M CITY OF ST. PAUL CAUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_..__!TanllaT�l6. 1924 _.._ RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the nayment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Henry Rosenbaum, Sam Selbin, COUNCILMEN Yens Nays ✓ Clancy VPerguson � N�Ia—, _.....In favor AMA V peter X ..Against l/Mr. President 644 Jackson St. 648 Jackson St. Adopted by the Council._JAN ...--- --- ---------.------192...... t ........... M 11YOA CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILE L 'J`/\ •3..R No----------- --=-..... v' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ._.......... January 16, 1 24 -- RESOLVED That the application for license of L. N. Scott for conducting a Theatre at 196 East Sixth Street be and the same is hereby granted and the 0ity Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C F "r'b 68824 By "�m J Poter by, reuuest—; ' r $eeolypdt That the' aDPlicatioq ;fof ;liceneo ot;Z.. N Scott for cgnductl p a s�h rand%%tha:=Hamas ler by tBra¢t dtandl lithe Citp;,Cleru on ttheruDoyment.�lnto Bauch°llcensar D aL tha custo tressury mary Yee. the it -t Adopted:bY tho Council Ja¢ 16 1924 } ApproYe{t Jnn 18 10Y4 (den 28-18245 �, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClancy L, Irerguson favor �A�e16�oi+ ✓Peter .... ........... Against I, AZPresident .IAN 1 61924 Adopted by the Council ... ................................. ...192...-.. (�,'oed...... -i ' u '-6 MAYOR COUNCIL1_ 835 CITY OF ST. PAUL. PILE NO.- --- W----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M11lil_ .6 BY , DATE._.._,Lanuary.---- RESOLVED That the apnlications for licensee of the following persons for handling and �'sixe doAac Br tv'rn J re4arf%r a addresses e City indicated Clerk is in- be and the same structed to issue hdato payment into the city treasury of the cu' a°sena sin 4aateud�no°anal u�oIIh0 nnfl the;ia°neCItY Clerk' nra hereby granted Isetle 2dvohe�uDYj la InatruatedaW:1-000'291, 0. A. Anderson, 'onahe °aYment Into tne.acY a r =; ;.{1 the customary Lb° Bakery ,°t p p, Andergon 180 "[4astern�Av+. Anthony Balsimo, Av., Bn bonyBaletmo eE8 lv OCCT Grocery 0 By rY Mrs. Justine IS. kve Orocenr BYrne•`1oz3 alae Confectionery Blanas & Taseos sire Justine n Julius 0. Christians�ia"- Soft drink tianarY1 Jos. DeBarbieri, hUueC Christlansen371 Confectionery victor Desh, drink DeBs.rblerl 306'i:a $t., S oft drink J. B. Hagland, i1!°nq* z'=6e' St., -5.44 Cedar St., Grocery Confectionery Tom Henry, W. C. Jensen, E. llth St., Grocery John Karcher, 368 Minnesota St., Soft drink J. F. Kelly, 345 Wabasha St. upstairs, Confectionery E. E. Lares, 807 Buffalo St., Grocery John Lichtseheidl, 625-627 University Av., 'I un Lindquist &Nelson, 599 No. Snelling Av., S. Mayer, 988 No. Dale St., Schuneman & Evans, 40( Wabasha St., Confectionery John P. Schroeder, 323 University Av., Grocery Herman Studiner, 592 No. Grotto St., Soft drink 5!. J. Sattler, 2757 W. 7th St., Grocery Union News Co.Drug Store, Union Depot, Conf-Drug John Zimmerman, 858 Thomas St., Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1� Clancy t, Ferguson Y er In favor s Peter ....--Against ?fin Mr. President - JAN 1 6 1924 Adopted by the Council. - - -------------- -- - ------ 192 6 1921' Appved..... ... _........._..._...- .......192.. ... . ........ . 1 '`t ......... - MAYOR 61(ULtrO :gI .'tr P IIL OFFICE ;OF THE -CbMPTROLLER; m.n s4ist taxa AIIDITED 'CLAIMS -RESOLUTION. FORM : .NO ldC�tp 43 �. AUOM...._J.A JAN -LD .Inc ._......192..-.._. � ... .... ....... COM... ' R" Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ._3, 741.. w checks numbered ......._Z i ................... to....._282 ..................... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Ctty Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ��, (/J 619241`n Adopted by the Council..... -------• ................... .. on, favor ?4eBott>tid,JAN 3r4etsear v, Peter, 16 192 Ap ved--------- ---- •-- - - --------•----..--- _--------------------- 192 - --Against -- -- .-•.......... YOE.t: Mr. President, Nelson k 266 Allen-Qualley Company, Park Refectories 267 P. J. Casey, Munic. Emp. Bureau 268 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Armory 269 Commonwealth Electric Company, Schools 270 Dakota & Great Northern Townsite Company, Schools 271 Goss, Gourley & Company, Health 2.20 35.88 Bureau of Engineers 15 272 Justice U. Haley and James F. Lally & Wm. H. Devine L 1865 280. OQ- _i Rea 43 Page #2� 273 E. Be McGill 'Company, 41.155 P. Bldgs. 33.50 Garage 8.05 �5 274 Geo. We Nelson Motor Car Company, 34.32 Garage 275 Olseen Candy Company, 142"06; Park Refectories 276 A. M. Peterson Company, 475.86' Schools 277 Pioneer Electric Company, Health 3.30 St. C. & R. (Pave) 6.70 Bureau of Parks 41.70 278 C. J. Smith Company, 251.01' Garage 279 Sterling Printing Company, 14.00 Comptroller 1.00 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 1.00 P. Bldgs. 10.00 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 000 T47. W 280 C.A.P. Turner & Company, 131:55 ' Water 281 Webster Wheelock, Librarian 30.71 Library 282 C. J. `'ender, 69.75 Schools 44.25 Bureau of Parks 24.00 Playgrounds 1.50 i a ORIGINAL TO - CITr os T. P—L - CITY CLERK a$SI OFFICE , 01 ` ftE COMPTROLLER ; F.A. D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED .CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM, ni= °�''- NO 45 ,� t AUDITED......_..ILA-N 1.1 9i .......... ......... t .... . _ �... D ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the abbtebate amount of $ .....JL4.it796i ........ ................. covering ' checks numbered ............ `285..._-...-..._zt ..................................inclusive, as per rebister of city checks on file in the office of the City, '- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN t r Clancy, /In Adopted by the Council..------ ---------------------------------------- 192•------ :. VF'erbuson' favor J A N 1 51 M4 hfeBmaid Veter, ///� oved.... - •----- ... - •---------• ---------•----- 192 Waneel, Mr. President, Nelson _Ll.....Abaill5t -- -Ap ........................... ..... ............_............................... MAYOR' ----• 285 J. M. .........- - ................................. -------- ---------.... . ........ Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 24,796.87 Police 24,069.37 " (Auto) 197.50 " (Motor) 500.00 (Horse) 30.00 OUADRUPUOATa nlrr 01 O2, PAD _ \4 •1'O CITY G.OiK Form 1134 1M 12-22 JAN 16 iJZ4 ' aY AUDITED..._------- ._............ .... __. _..__182.._.. . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._.. Q-.798..----------•----•-, covering checks numbered.------....- g ............... t�._............................inclusive, as per register of city cher on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes -- ✓) gnncilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 1 G 1924 Glancy, Adopted by the Council ---------- --------- .....-- .................. 192 rgnson, _ --In favor d Approved....... ..._1-- --i G1 ................192....... 149eaon, 6fmQT- ✓Peter, -------- Against President, Nelson SA Y" CP No 6 0837 Reeolved 'That checks ba drawn'on Ithe CItY TreaeurY to.ctventn�g�Dheck �amonnt .of •.;24796 87, o -numbered 186 as Der r e6,of, :city' ,aheclis'nn+'.91e in the o®ce of, the •C1ty.; :`Comptroller:., , .1924.' AdoptedliTY n the Council Jan 16, �1DDroved a 16 1924' til-- .T n 28 1925) lr' �ORIOIN/�1. r0 - - �OIri O rA.L CITY CLERK 1 - OFFICE OF TiiE COMPTROLLER n ,M iz-zz - - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM: =NO._..39 0 SJJaneel- 44 ......... ..... ....... .....�° .. �...... Resolved that ------------ checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the %Mrebate amount of $--_ -- a 6Q .esr2$---.-----•_......... coverinb, `- checks numbered- - - 2$ ---------------•-to----`28 ...-... - ......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ✓]ancy, J /� 1 5.1924..--- ---_:--- ..192...._: Adopted by the Council ---••............... VFergnson, R2etkStr In favor APP vel.... -------JAR-1 5 ....................192 ...., Peter, Against ...... ......... - -- r. President, Nelson 283 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Bureau of Engineers It " (Auto) " City Planning St. C. & R. if it Sewer C. & R. 11 It It n „ u n " (Auto) n " " n S. & S. Cing. Sprinkling " (Auto) 580.58 4,486.15 1,669.00 363.00 353.13 239.83 76.00 213.25 337.50 258.50 280.00 72.50 648..25 2,357.60 72.50 65.70 65.70 20.00 27.50 55.00 275.38 792.33 7.50 13-,3-16—. 284 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Water 5,271.18 it (Auto) 16.50 7,-2-8'7-,-69- 13,316.90, 28 ,6 13,316.90 5,287.68 QUADaDPUCAT6 D1SS'nI PADA r TOC rry cLCiK Form D-84 IM 12.22 . �_.... ..... - ......... . .......... ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ..1$ y£t44i of -._ covering checks numbered .... -:-M ................... to-----.254..................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the of&ce of the Ctty'' ' • Comptroller. Yes -( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 1/ JAN 1 0 1924 �.IatteY, Adopted by the Council --•-- --------------------- .-- ----- -- 192 ✓- Ferguson, f-..-. 1 n favor JAN 1 6 1 h-A1,164MA + � Approved--- --- ........... . ................... .192 Peter, ---Against t/ Ms- President, Nelson — '—=-------- -- - ------- MA MAL C 1` No 6os88- 3,leaolved .;The.t checks6e drawn on. _eq City Treaearyy to the a8eregate. 'amount oG 518,60Y,68, coveplag checks: numbered. 283"to' 884• inclPalva 8a Per reggleto --of:;ctty: nhecke-'-on els In the o111ce oC the C1ty C,otnptroller � pd0 ted:hy the•Cohncil:Jan 16 1924. j4pprave d Jan 16, 3924. ' - - (Jan 28-18243 T, i a �� o:xi ower. r�IIt ;ATO CRY CUK 'r-13.84 IM 1172 + i ' COM ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $----4,.5.7.!]..31 ------- _.._._......... covering'•. j checks numbered ..........2.5Z ................to..`... ` 194.. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City.. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 1.6..1924 Clancy, Adopted by the Council- ------- _............. .........:........... . ✓Ferguson, JAN 1 61924mea"aid". - ---- --......In favor ` . v P l..a .�..A Against Approved. -.......................................192 l VJiwael+ Ir. President, Nelson r MAYOR C F No -60839•— _ Ct lieaoivad That checks be drawn on' th. - y: Treasury to �Lhe-aggregate; i amount, of ;467031,:-6-.rjnW;cheake`- num�ered'253 1.+264--inclue(ve,�ye reglater. of 'eity'checka on ftle `1n-;the- oflflllce'ol;tke Cit7. �amDtroller , AgoDted-by -Coancll Jan 38;1824.' Approved Jan 18 -1984 Council File, No. 50840 F� CITY OF ST. PAUL. ion Ratifying Assessment. as reoisottiessacne4taeetenII Bn°� -`.- � be�dtt-s�iown,r_ixer �t"�e anaeeament of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for Changi 4bfi6 grades of Robert Street North from the Southeasterly line of Central Ave. East to a point 2701 north of the present north line of University Ave. West and of University Ave. West from a point 1201 east of t"/'bast line of Robert Street North to Capitoloulevard and of A1.o%.Ave. from Cedar Street to Robert Street North�in accordance with area 11ne&_on,the_'profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the xx,:=present_establiahed grades being shown thereon by blue lines, also grade � Robert Street, University Ave. and Aurora Ave. between the aforesaid limits' and the curved connection between Robert Street and University Ave., in aocordance with the said red lines when established; also the building "'oP resting walls and protective railings where necessary along and on the Vides of the aforesaid streets'as opened and widened and the rebuild - 14 or -,a Underpinning of walls on intersecting and adjacent streets where that -:changing oP-grades or connection with other walls makes it necessary; also 'Q, 'the relocation, relaying and;reoonstruction of the watermains, sewers, gutters, curbs, oatohsastns manholes,._sidewalks.and._other struoturds on i the aforesaid streets to" conform to the neesitiee of- th6lihid grades' whexCestablished, also building sewers'ro`n University Ave. from Capitol Boulevard to Jackson Street,. .and drains behind bridge abutments and �rata3ing walls; the building of a reinforced concrete arch bridge with is including the paving of bridge and approaches at the intersection. -varsity Ave. West and Cedar Street; the building of a sidewalk on top of the north wall of University Ave. between Capitol Blvd. and Cedar Street and the building of sidewalk and steps on top of the north wall of University Ave, between Cedar Street and a point 1251 west of the west line of Robert Street; also including the protection, underpinning and changes of buildings where necessary, and where required to rebuild entrances to same; also paving or repaving, boulevarding, planting and protecting shade trees, installing ornamental lights, sodding or seeding s;and building.sidewalks on Robert Street North from the south- easter`ly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of University Ave. west, University Ave. West, from the West line of Robert Street North to the East line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert St. and University Ave. as opened and widened including curbing and paving all alley and driveway approaches where deemed necessary and making sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property line complete; also replacing macadam and surfacing on streets not paved, the adjustment of all adjacent improvements on the aforesaid streets..or on.streets intersecting same and'the reconstruction of private sidewalks or steps to the extent necessary to make proper connection with the improvements herein contemplated, and any other work incidental to carry- 1 Ing out the above improvements, 3 M T AM— under Preliminary Order-. ­.37 -521--, Intermediary Order x....._37.4.51....._.........• Final Order ............ approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - went having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it 4 therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the syne is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUj 7 THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. in JAN 1 -' 1924 Adopted by the Council . ... . ...... . ................ . . ................. . .. .............. . . City Clark. ... . ....... .. ........... . . ......... Approved 191 Farm B. B. 18 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, Costs & expenses for �iXx Changing th3 gVadso of :.obort titre©t north fVW the zAmthoostor3y liner of � hanginral ;:vts. :aQt to u point 270 north of tho prosent north lino CC uluvers'_ty t,vp. ':eat G*nd of Univorsity :vo. Bost from p point and oust of tho east lino Of i�obcart �tretit IIorth LO ciapitol .i3OUJOVard atxi oSoit21 i urara :=.vo. Prost oadar 3tpoet to !art :MrOcit Norah in accordance of h 1 the red 11WS on the profiles Jwpoto a€tachad and bidO 01pa , beroago fao tbS present eotabli3hod Sratdos b0.rC, ahagn boreon by is©bort stro+zt, {?niversiLy +Va. and i-.urora ;-vd. botileen the aforesa2d liMlta and Lfmfr curved connection robart avast and Ianivureity rvo" in otSoor�oo viol the said red lines whoa eatabilshod; t l— - the build iM of 1 ataining gulls and protectivo roiiinV whore nocesoopy aloes and an tho a1doe of that aforesaid stroots Be opened and v:doaed and the robuild- Ing or uuderpinaing of wails on lactrsoeting and adjacent streets sihOM the ahaMing Of WQdO8 or conn©otlon Qlth Othor walla rakes It nnoessary; 0380 that VO;,00atIOn, r0laying and reconstruction of the 'vatarminal sower" gutters„ W, catehbasIns, im&uO1os, aldesaalks and other structures On tho arorosold stramtc to aonfora to the necGesitieO of LftE; 8eid aradol st an n aetsh3ished, eia0 building covers on University =.vc. fro Land e obutmente gu{tvard to tolls Uso built3 Of a reinforced cancr-oats �fid drains behind ato as brit with abutments t� �vx. of br4dge rMd ROMaches at the _nt€arsOOtioa a�bpa Etta ante 2.nc�s} vo, and `� treo f 141 lk 1N '�+T"v�'�:�t�I t:��i1 ]iQ�t aiW �ir J4i-VVL= L� building � �i $SV��aii6 oB trip of ers north val3 of University tme. betuoen t c:pitOl Blvd. and ^odar =6p, of and tYtt3 bull Aing of sidevaik and Steps On top of the north :.531 or un voraity ,ve. b0 croon EOdar itreeLttao d a point ntn ' cast Oft he st lists of fdobo `t 3tr oet; also includingr eo inningd Obangt� Of buildin�t mhot�s nooOsasry, and afters ovardreci urstt acus to samo;• also paving or, rapavl bot;iavardi:. , pl ti protootim shade trOas, installing- osna�xtn rel ligisLa, ao�icii ; or sat ng syopas and building sidwalks Ori rwWrt atroot north fVOM the south- oasttorlr' lista of Control ;-.vs. Sunt to the nee Barth UnO of Uavcrsity ;,Va. nest, Unlveraity ;xe. "OGt"tho l Icst 1100 of Robert F Obert oSt. Ziorth to tho iH::t line Of Parkk V . and M21VOrsity ; vats. as opened and eidanca'<od Ina .Ading- curbing and paving aa, alley and drivegay asppzroach0s where dooned rsecaOsat'y and taking acnes-, onto- and so replacing maoadeat and surfacingns frW tbD street ins to oon strnootts�not pavyed, the dju stmt also replaacen i s on they a fSresaid atrcotc or the adjustment of all adjacent -�P On gtrt2t9t8 inti sBcltit ; ©ate and LY3O •aAE90 o;urtco�x ot3 n � tauS•uo a or stem to tho 0-ntOnt tomplated 4t u+t3w * its haroln Contcsrap3rited, oa 0"17 ot::.t}r rre7^l� ..:1Oic3t3=:tui to ;:e�Y�;~„- Ing out tit wbovv �xYrJ© ttfl, by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for uch actionhheieon as may be considered proper. ......:........... ............ _..... ....... ....... . Form B. B. 17 missioner of Finance. under Preliminary Order ............. .... 3'I52L_........... .............. _., Intermediary Order..............3..Z.r.51..... _...... _.... .:...._.._..___.__....., Final Order ..._._-..-381 $..-......._-...._ ---------- approved.---_.. .......... sTBn......30t..._1922.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $.......19-0.,55.9..48 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-------- 41•40 Cost of postal cards $......... ........f3.28 Inspection fees - - - _ - -- - - -$......._..-.-r3.._s..r�2..1,8s.:/.9 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ . ...................41..4.0 Total expenditures $.......194,.16.9..33 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$........_1c34.s_169.33... _ ..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council ,for u ch actionhhefeon as may be considered proper. __..._..... .................... _....... ............ ... Form B. B. 17 missioner of Finance. t, -#4fi ,-+.m. ..-,.. ,m.,. ...- ... -- .f, — In'the iilatter cf the Assessment of Benefits Arising from Changing the Grade, Grading, Paving and Improvin;;, etc., Robert Street, University Avenue and Aurora Avenue. HOW COKES G. L. Bisenius and alter Bisenius for themselves and on be- half of and as agents o£�:P':'"Ar.yzy.�,r,.,ry:,�.�'`Zy.... . �:.::. /... co-owners of Loot Sixteen (16), Bloch Cne (1) 4ihitney's Sub. of Blocks 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and pt. 17, Brewster's Addition to the City of St. Paul, and objects to the proposed assessment of '„272.74 aSainst said premises for alleged benefits, to be^.:ade by the said council on the 16th Day of January, 1925, pursuant to notice riven to the subscribers hereto on the 5th Day of January, 1924, upon the follo'aing grounds: (1) Said City of St. Paul has no authority or jurisdiction to matte said assessments; (2) Proposed assessment is unjust, unfair, unequal mad inequitable; c (3) Improvement is general and should be paid for out of the general funds. The undersiSned fury-cr represent that the property owned by them as hereinbefore set.fortj:, has not been bellefittec' to the e::tent of said proposed assessr::ent, or to any extent whatever, but that in fact their property has been damaGed by said improve;.lent to an extent far beyond any benefits which can be assessed against same. Dated this 15th Day of January, 1924• . for themselves'as co-owners and on be__alf of and as agents of R. other •co -s+••• Attorney -or o-,,inersl 711-712 Piopeer 1`v_ L. St. Paul, . State of AnnesoU City= oP :St'Paul - • in vas' atter of the assessment of -penalties m - arising from changing the g�ra�aade*grading,patring', and 'itnprovingeta. Robert Street*University Avenue* aud-Aurora Avenue* - - - - - w e: -' . To ;:the Comnon'Gounail,City of: st.Pault.. NO. -V COMES W.T.M6iiurran owner -of the tollovdng described premises situated in the City,of at- Pauloldinnesota*to-vit:- The Soutriorly ninsty(90)feet of*the Northerly one hundred eeventy(170) feet'of the East 0116 -half of Hlogk.Seven(7): Rearranget:oflooka; Six($ -and Seven(7) Central Park*eaoept east twent7(2O)feet thereof0 ;and obj,Ots to the proposed assessment of Six Hundred sixty+ -tea and'7()A ($862*70j,Dollars against said premises for benefit9 .to tie madCe by;, the';eaid;ooundil on the 16th day of January 1924*pursuant to'notioe given.' to the 'stxbeoriber hereto on ilia "6th ;day. oP' January .1924 upon the Toil Wing ' graun@s.-nsmelya» . (ij The•City Counoil'-of the City of st Pe=.i1 ha¢ no authority or jurisdiotion to make said assessment. (2) The proposed assessment is unjust+unfair and unequal. '(g}.. Thu improvement for which said assessment"is proposed to be made isnot ioaal In its nature but, is Of general benefit to th,e: whole `city of St Paul in;_ihat .thi itaprovement ryas made for ; the purpose of areating an arterial highway:through the said City of St Pauj; krom the City ,of' Sotit'h--St. Paul to the 41 Y" Of Tdinnespolistand' "eai'd imp�roveme'k should be.. paid, for out of`. the geieral'fafids of,"the city an not, as upon the properffy abutting. upon said".street,; (4) Thu property ,above° diasorli 4, td ha's-been assessed within the past.. Pew'years Por r;provesientat-as folio ws:+- Grading Robert,Street;on the 12th day of neaetber_ 19161; Paving_ Robert`6treet on do. 29th day of March 1918= . Sroadway�sewer October 15"1921; l7idening..Robert street Apri l 22 19221 and, in., thereto,one•slxg-of the total area of said premises was takeis-by the'city of St Paul for, the widening of said;:: Robert stroetowithout,allouing,anyr damages to the, .. Owner of sad.$ preni eest Any further assesements,ugainst this property will be .00nfisoatory. Dated at St Paul*PJinnesota,JAnuary 14,1924. ResgUy Subidtted� ClT .. n. w...... eec non BREMER ARCADE BUILDING , SAINT PAOO. MINNESOTA IA - MANAGERS' fIhMANAOERB' OFFICE SUITE 422 •^ 'J January 16, 1924. To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul,, Minnesota. Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that as agents of the Lessees and of the owners of the property known and described as Lot 14 and 15, except East 20 feet for Robert Street, Lamprey's Subdivision of part of Block 11, Roberts and Randall's Addition, St. Paul, we do protest against the levying of the assessment for thechanging the grade, grading, paving, improving, etc., Robert Street, University Avenue and Aurora Avenue. Our objection being based on the fact that the assessment is not properly levied, is not equitable and the amounts charged against the above de- scribed property are grossly in excess of the benefits accruing to said property from this improvement. Yours very truly, JACOB SCHMIDT BREWING COMPANY, By \ i �c /, �. Agent. ]j.-r.j,ar- 15, 1924. To the Cit-,- Council of Vic Cjt,- of St.Faul: r—ec, ormer r P r t of cc': (31) el' St - Pa" 1 1—:�IS s -.t t,)e So,itheast onrner ef Rcbcrt a. E. :11 -'rC Streets *.r C4, t-, rrct,st st gin' cd asr•ee� f 1,62.52, '.,Icbcrt Street fro..,. Uni- versit- Avcrne tc A':jncr- Av=ac 1,1,c-,-. sai,--- cf 1 ted to an,,, c>itert, ,r t- lmprcvc:-:erts v.rc,rc r� a -rc::i1scs caf-,` -�ssses2;:ient -�Ie3 ()n, �i-- V01-0 0_-. acco-nt thercof. Dat:,, 7ani;ar,! 15,1924. Sc-ohlc S BREMER ARCADE BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MANAGERS' OFFICE SUITE 422 iITYCLF.Rh'11. ; January 15, 1924. To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that as agents of the Lessees and of the owners of the property known and described as the Northerly 5/6 of Lots 1- 2-3 except the East 20 feet in Block 4, St. Paul Proper, and of Lot 4 except alley in Block 4, St. Paul Proper, do protest against the leving of the assessment for changing the grade, grading, paving, improving, etc., Robert Street - University Avenue - Aurora Avenue. Our objection being based on the fact that the assessment is not properly levied, is not equitable and the amounts charged against the above described property are grossly in excess of the benefits accruing to said property from this im- provement. Yours very truly, ST. PAUL ARCADE COMPANY, Manager. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................... .............................. FINAL ORDER t5(� 41 3g�9 — ��) 7 / In the Matter of......a.hanging... the... grade ...of..Alley...in...Block..15,...Houlavard..Addition Na....2-..anal..Hlock..2,...B.oulavard..Addit.imn.. PIa....3.,.. Prom..A]barL._�±ssnue...to........... Hamlin._+ve...... to...oonform...taozl.the ---aroflla---hereta...attached and -made ..-a... part... hars-04---Lha... present ...aat.ablishad...grada...being...ahown.-by..... a...blue... line ...Cher.can,..................... _ ................ . .... .........._............................................................. _... ........ arxnr oxnEas _ ...... ..... ................. er xo sos�I 'k99l.6 ............ approved .Nc1v...27, ..182.3. ................. ......._... In ih Ltntten oL ch ging ih grade - .z of nil r i¢ BIOCX IB -Honl and Ad ..`... .... . _- approv4.1_-- .................... . . adWnn N`o •2 and 81 ek.3 But vara .- --- _.......-------------------------- ..... ............. ;-.-..- -.Addtttan d tr m<,Nb rt -n n - ta aiaws�ne nva so Dont rra t -ah :. sen had upon the above improvement upon due nonce, and the Connell having � lice. ;oa th V,ro91e •hetet t-.. P P .._ hdd ,and ads D%rt $ sent eetabushed',- grade ; bel—an recommendatiOne relative thereto, and having"iully considered the game; Wn T. p�b II _e--thec n.unjT, -.L�`;.re�OlseJ-se,r X49936 nvDra" RESOLVE 7"IY ke''Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind`of improve-, meat t;Ve made by the said City is...C$cage....tbe...grg.d-e _of....A1.16y..-.ili.. B.1.0-0k.1.4-�o-Al0.Vkrd Addition No. 2=. --and Block 2 Boulevard Addition No. 3; from Albert ........... .. ...... . -- ---.......° ........................... ......................-- Amanus...t a-Hamltne---A.va.....t o.-..coxo.Y.orm...t.o...tl►e...r'Qd...J�jne:..An---t}a9---prmfl.le:..hereto at-tanhad...and. made ...a-5-j:r't.. Jae r'eofs-..the-.present.._estabs$shed---grade--_bQ�rtg.... shgwn._by...a-_blue .-line thereon.r............. ............ ............................... ................................................. . ..........................................................................................................................................................._........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;,thaf upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said im rovement in accordant . therewith l „ 1324 Adopted by the Council ........ _................... ... ................. .... 19 -....... City Clerk. -SAN 16 1924 Approved....................... ..... ............. ..............,., 191_...... a Councilman IDowma0dx�-/C larioy ��,�.,..... %` �li Councilman A=x L4erguson Councilmanjjgiwwix 3I6B933e}d-- _ Councilman $mac /Peter Councilman J*99k &aftetmer- Councilman Wan-Z631 MayorIIwExVP1son Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF STZAUL - DEPARTMEN REPORT OF COMMIS -OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAr. RDER (A) In the matter of Changing the grade of Alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No.2, and Block 2 Boulevard Addition No. 3 from Albert Ave. tm Hamlin Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Nov. 27, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ��--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 15 Boulevard Add. No. 2. 800 9 15 - do 650 10 15 do 650 11 15 do 4250 12 15 do 2150 13 15 do 3990. 14 15 do 825 7 15 do goo 6 15 do 650 5 15 do 2500 - Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. __ DESCRIPTION CITU OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMEN OF�FI JCE REPORT OF COMMIER OF FINANCE ON PRE LIM6 ORDER ' l LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 15 Boulevard Addition No, 2, 650 3 15 do 3450 2 15 do 4400 1 15 do ,850 8 2 Boulevard Add. No. 3. 650 g 2 do 650 10 2 do 650 11 2 do 3650 12 2 do 4250 13 2 do 3050 14 2 do 3650 7 2 do 4350 6 2 do 650 5 2 do 3600 4 2 do 3450 3 2 do 5400 2" 2 do 3450 1 2 do 4650 68625 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- - -- 191 -- ---- Commissioner of Finance. F— n. IS. 12 Office of the Commission of Public Works M . vEu Remport to Commissioner of- Finance s DEC 8 1428 Deaember 5, 1923i91 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ 4926 --approved__ No9._ 27_, _1923 _191___, relative to _ohanin thegrede _oP A11e�_ in_ alQok_16,_ Bo>zlecsr�i_�dd� and Blook 2 Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Ave. to --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ - Hemline Ave. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (No expense) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-__-_-_-_--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ----------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ /-f'-r z -`----------------- Commissioner of Public Works. tb 0 NO= 3. litter, aammisstaaer Mallette, BrpatV anmmisstantr �P�JMPfIttFllt D ,.atl Maths klitg .nf �einf haul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. e. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. H. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. D. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 3, 1923. Ear. Wm. J., Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: in the matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block lb, Boulevard Addition No. 2, and Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Avenue to Bamline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49926, approved November 27, 1923: There is no expense attached to the proposed change of grade. The alley was recently graded and is now in conformity with the grade herein proposed to be adopted as the official grade, according to the unanimous wish of the property owners. Yours truly, r-. ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Coamieaioner of Finance. —0 16 Df m i as i o n e r. COUNCIL FII,E NO ............................. By........................ FINAL ORDER '50842 2 In the Matter of......changirag..the..gr..ede...ot';Ln..Blaalz... 7A.--.Marriam_Park. Third --Addition. from Wilder- AvenuO4to Moore AvA..nua to,,.conform„to-_the ,,,-, rad -line ...on -the ... profile ...hereto...a ttaohe.d-.and..ma de...a...part...hereof.,...the....._.. present established..grade....being...show.n...bg...a...blue...line...therson,.......................... .... ....... ........._............I................ __......... _..............._............................... ..... ..................... .............. ..... Matteram¢kanfflnLaerrlam Pa�rkl .49925 ..... .......... .approved .,Nov.. .... 22,...1923.. .................................... .... • ��al meat Par - the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the .................................•-..........-------------......_...._......--'...... '--............. .... -------...........--------................""--........•....... ... 'pr QQe}�teatabliahedgrade._.being..shown__by a blue line_..thereon� °,it reto ......................... . .---................. approved .............._...... _......... bef¢6: nnaer •been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ipprpped`. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the eau' rpon `or' the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - :.he said City is...-.CAA$e...the..gX'Ade....Q.f.. A1JIL6y r1t to nn _ frmr Wilder Avenue_ to Moore Avenue_ to_.co fQ_rM__tQ.. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........ 1..x...1_:..., ;.24_ 19 .....v: �i .......... _.........4__ City Clerk. Approved ..................:' `` i`'' _i..:....:.'.. 191......_ ` ayo ............................................................yor. . Mr. Councilman CilanC Councilman 13=K Fergus on Councilman lVzt= 12eR&wk_lt Councilman7I1§0= Peter Councilman Akf= Sei°— Councilman jffmgdjbt Wen.03: Mayor $9QII e'lson Form B. S. A. 8-7. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.... ................_ ...-----..------------------------------ --.......- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......changing..the..gr.(4.de..-Qfalley...in..Black...]4....Marrlam..Park.. Third__ Addition..._from_ Wilder_ Avenue*to'.Moore.Amenue _to _conform,_to.the-,•,• red...line.--on.. tha...prcfile....her.eta...a.ttac.hed..and..made...a...par-t...hareof.,.-.ths........ present ...ea tablishea-grade... being...shown ...by...a...blue-line ...thereon ,.................. _..._........ _................. I .......... ..... ..... ...._ ....._........__ ._........................... ........................ ...................................._... _. -. -...... _ ....... .... ..... ......... amcF�rn,�ru i4glMerelnm Pa°dix ..49925 .... ..............approved _HOA.a ...24., ..1923................................ o ai :•,led a n, me aro9le oar ta.ac- � .............. .. _....approve ----------------------- -............. ................-.............. ;thea ana.m ae Da+'t oar at. tris -- y seat established _'.grade being bq:ablue one thereon anger` •been had upon the above improvement upon doe notice, and the Council having mjnary-* Ordar, 48826 aDDroved- �}ilc 8hearing heviag bees "� and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the eange.; '-,j .D,liove;improve= eat'uyor i_ -°ins Connell ,navlaX�:�� .atbjaotl n 'and 1v :aereto:-:anaeihe Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - .y d the aa,. -r, went to U D°r °elsc°'he said City is.....Change,-,the.,gi`Qd6. Qf._A1 6y-.- Z1..�a GC. ..7!ks.-.-mr-rigm . tmDra; P.ark...Th;;i�a..AsiditiAn,---i?eam:. Wi:�de .!►Y,� uQ.: tg...R400re. AROAMe.....to....cenfQ.xm -AQ—. the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the ...................................................... ............-•-........................... ............... ....----....................... .. gxQeeet.,,establiahed.„grade-_.being-._shown--by__a blue line_..thereon.......................... �p and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper flty officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ Adopted by the Council ._...._.i.n.N -'-..;.3.Ga........_... ... .. �yry � ................. ...... ......._. �.....................�- '� City Clerk. s. Approved ..................::. 191......_ _ . _.._.. _......................... .---....................M.....ayorr... ay -or.” . CouncilmanRuOm]¢]Nc3ancs 23MCouncilman 23MvLgFergus on Councilman Councilman$7eltw@C Peter Councilman Akk= Councilman jWbxyfljdibd c -Werlae i - Mayor b=X,,,Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITT OP 8T. PAID. DEPARTMENT OF Pit QE. 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIb R OF FINANCE -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J^ (A)f Changing tine grade• of Alley in Block 14, Merriam VarK In the matter of inird Adxition, from Wilder Ave, to 4Aoore Ave. Nov. 2/, 19'3• under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby keports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is � XXXx The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is xxxxxx The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except East 5 ft) 1 14 Merriam Varx 3ra Aid. 1475 E. 5 ft. of Lot 1 & ?11 of 2 14 to the Ulv, or St -P=1 4975 3 14 do 7 500 4 14 do 4900 5 14 do 1100 b 14 do 5400 all of Lot 7 & West 5 ft. of 9 14 do 6225 -- - East 50 ft. Of 9 14 do 7275 9 14 do 16000 1925 East 35 feet of 10 14 do TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT_r,NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CCI• DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION E.25 ft. of 12&W,5 ft. Of 10 Merriam Park Third Add. also all of 11 14 to the City of St,Paul (Ex. E.25 ft , of 12 & Ex, W.- 5 ft. of 13 14 do E.5 ft. of 15 all of 14, & W. 5 ft. of 13 14 do West 35 ft. Of 15 14 do �16 14 do AS ESED VALIATION 1©175 2625 2625 17725 89625 a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. __._— ---lel—_.. Comm Datedisioner of CinAnce. Pmm D. D. 12 -' � Public Works Office of the Commissioner of Pub ` Report to Commissioner of Finance December b; 19% 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 4R?2b __approved___ NoY. 27_i_1923191___, relative to Changing the grade of A11ey in Bloak_ 14,_Merriam dark_ Thj�d----------- Addition, from -Wilder- Ayn! a to Moore_ Avenue=______________________________ ---------------------------------------------- ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (No expense attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-----, and the nature and extent of- said improvement is as follows: ________ --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------- 5. ---------5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. �illinen �1. �rter, ((Lnmmissinner brie �allettr, 3�r}ratp fQnmmteamner �p Mx#11tP1t# II Itixf Iu Works (Itto of Outut jimd M, 0, GRYTSAK, SRIDG[ p[OgG[ M. EHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER lNGIN[ER WM.'H. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. E. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION p. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. EOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORKHOUSE Deoember 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commiseioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: In the matter of changing the grade of Alley in Blook 14, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Wilder Avenue to Moore Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49925, approved November 27, 1923. There is no expense attached to the proposed change of grade. The alley was recently graded and is now in conformity with the grade herein proposed to be adopted as the official grade, according to the unanimous wish of the property owners. Yours truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. r. 50843 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the matter of.-..-eonatruaLing...a..B..eA9r...Qn...fty-nfl-..-A9.e6 ..kfQ.tLfl-0-6X1...H&W-thQI.Kt-@------ St.t...and Maryland.. St.-.r...................................................................................................................................... ................. ........................ ............................................................................................................................................. ........................ ... ........... .._......................................... _.-..._...._._........................................................................ ............................... ..- - . _......._....._...._..... ..... _............................................ ...... .............. __ . _... . ..... ._.. ........... ........ _........ ..... _. under Preliminary Order,;.,L ...... .......... ....... approved .......Noy-•....27r-.._1923-�.................................... „thorue as¢ T'.. >. r •Prelim 6888& apDmved Nov.:3T ..... .. ....... ..... ........ approved ......................... ..-..... .....-..-... ..----............-.. .......... ravine ,been' paabeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ike, strove improvement uDoa due - e, 'snd the- Cou¢etl, having,heatQ ereona oblectione� and:rewmmen :and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly considered the same; ttolved By tfie Connellot-the " "aul that Yha precfee natures 4Auneil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- nd kind or 1mDrpvemeat tc - :*'�yepid gty`la conatins menttgbt �a dt34an2L;dCityis._..9onatruct--_a--sewer Qn Payne-_Ave.------e-ween........... _---_-- ira ' said 8aaxarsyy: �,:.' and...Maryl@nd...St.. s ....... .................................. ..................................................... - .. ...................................._..........--............................._..............-....................... ............................•----.......................... ... ............................................................ ........................ ............................................................................. ..................._ ....................................................... ...... ............................... .......................... _.........................-............ ..................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN Adopted by the Council .._...._.......... i u 1924 .................. ..... ...... �-:r' h A, •-• ,. City Clerk. Approved........................................................... 191....... _.tib ........................................... .................... ..... � Mayor. Councilman 3bp�tk4' lancy / / �� CouncilmanXkMKx VVergtlson G{ PUBLISHED— Councilman 1 C 4e&ei erl-- Councilman 990M= �,Feter Councilman _ Councilman VXtgD0= We"s"t— Mayor k]dax ijCels on Form B. S. A. 8-7. OITY OF 8T. PA DEPARTMENT OF. �'f ' `t`• REPORT OF COMMISSI R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)_ . _. In the matter of The constru'tic I of a sewer on na ne Ave. bet;veen Hawthorne St, and Maryland Street. under Preliminary Order approved 49933 Nov 27 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 1,345-00 345.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3.38 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ' LOT BLoca VALU ADDITION Al.. DESCRIPTION h - , 1100 �3 4 Stone and Morton s Aad. _. 14 4 do 350 15 4 do 325 16 4 do 175 �7 4 do 100 18 4 do 100 19 4 do 100 20 4 do 2.50 4 300 21 ao 22 4 do 7900 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. I i CITY OFer. DEPARTMENT .NCE A 41111 REPORT OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE ON, PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) -ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 13 4 Stone and Morton's Ada, 1100 14 4 do 350 15 4 CLO 325 lb 4 do 175 1t 4 do 100 18 4 do 100 �9 4 do 100 20 4 do 250 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 7900 15800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----- l91_.__ � Commissioner of Fin�ace. Fmm B. B. 12 4l/WT K41411\D /,�q/.yTHdpr�E s �V /,�q/.yTHdpr�E Office of the Commissioner of Public Wa ' Report to Commissioner of Finance OF ]D6U. b, 1923- ----------------- 191---- To 923.--------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 49933Nov. 27, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No --------- ____approved_____________________ the construction RY_a-sewer-on_Payne Ave. between Hawthorne_________-- Scree and land street. ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__ ---- ____necessary an (or) desirable. Per front foot 3.38 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_ 1�34b•00 Frontage 400 ft. Inspection $25.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof - 4 - ereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ommissioner of Public Works. aiUinm �. Peter.. GIsmmisstoner Tommisstoner iBr�ttr#then# of �nhlic nrh.� , �S of 0awt Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER , U. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLO, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 4, 1933 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner. of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary eatimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Payne Ave. between Hawthorne St. and Maryland St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #49933, approved November 37, 1933: Estimated cost . . . . . . . .$1,345.00 Per front foot . . . . . . . . 3.38 Inspection . . . . . . . . 35.00 Frontage 400 feet. (see working profile) This sewer to be built in advance of the proposed paving of Payne Ave. Yours truly, Approved: ief Engineer. Vm, Comi kn - JAN 15 W4 BY...: ., AUOI7ED............... _. .782 _. .. .• ' . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._-_58.03 covering checks numbered.... ...264................. :rtX............................. .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City, i. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ancy, Adopted by the Council ---------- ._..-JAN 1 ----_ .... 1924 Ic----.. . erguson, In favorAN j �¢eDs+eeid - Pete81t — $k�3lbf�dl� inst pproved........ - -...................... Peter, l/ 3ST..�al. "o Mr. President, Nelson y j 264 Thomas R. Hill, 58.03 New Webster School(Bond) {q ,r betel] 864;- as• -Ter gists,city `check, onfilo In the -oftlne of the',City Comptroller Adopted by the Council Jan 18..:1924x. Approved Jan 16 1924 -- (Jan 26-1984) WIN .0 nE7e oi1$Sr H �} R..°dguaoP r�^"5-fR°y r�' fr l r ordipaaoe aatAorlaidg^'kUe et4 rst�o seµ egnatrugttqd .Y' -a -}Ne ;/v Ritiln dr.,:Hahgbl�Anya�e,� pzo➢ / /. - Lquna�� Lgrea.aat:'3•$mto ana,,a,,., Ye �nets'�su t,xgie�g an ,mels^,-. .. Qrdinanne :NO, +?taaasb�S:rA." MDf D..aarY -: DL.A9tVati P th,�pnb1J LJIn Ordinanoe,authorizing=the erection•and struotion ,; l of a New Riv$rside Sohooh'on the property bounded easant, Albion :. an VP ' Seaenih 'Ste,. This is an emergeacy, ordi auoe , rendered neceeasry for the preservation of the:publio peaoe, he"slti and safety.; . Whereas, the Commissioner of Eduoation,hae recommended to the, Council the -erection of the said school building acid ,. has'zeported',an estimate of the post of anoh improvement, -to- gether with'sketch plans and other data giving in.full .detail tie nature of such improvement. which proposed improvement meets -'with the apprbval of the Council, therefor, THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1.' That the.ereotion of said building at the approximate l coat of Eighty••Thoueand 080;000) Dollars, in•the manner pro - cided in'and by the City Charter. is hereby approved and au thorized. Section 2. That construction of the building as herein authorized and approved, is contingent upon the aubmission of a atStemenb certified by the Comptroller of the`4nnde .available to meed the'ooat thereof -out of the tb000,0.00 School Bond Fond; as transferred and set aside for thia;pnrpose by the proper reao�, .lotion, Section S. This .ordinanae is herebydeclaredtb be an emergency, ordiiianoe rendered neoesasry for the.publio peace., health and .eaiety: Seotion 4. This -ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage, approval and publication.' Yeas Councilmen Nays //Ferguson Adopted by, the Council. ✓McDonald U FEB - 1 1924 1924 :Peter , ✓Stidhemor Vweaael FEB - t i�Q� 1924 . /W, Pres.(Nelson) Approved / 0 ay, r 7 MW lar I,hereby certify that there ie, available in ;the $6,000.000 `r 3ohool Bond Fend the money di the a the foregoing.-ordinano.e. Date' b' 1924 _ 1'y`... ompto ler . ++.-V �.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.. 3Qxg56,t ........ .... _.......... covering`. checks numbered....._.`.Z.B$ .............. .... to.__`z9b-....-.----.... ------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City` Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( t) Nays. Clancy, JAN 1 71924 Council 191.......' 5 Adopted by the ............ ....................... <. , ,- ✓Ferg on, .. .......In favor ✓�.Iatstm- Sudhe infer .t q 71924 F�� 9 no "ov.a'...............................__ 1----_.•Against ........•. •.......-.... -• ..•.1dAY08 ' President, Nelson " 286 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 147.001=< Schools 287 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 34,146.79 =;•. Fire 1,765.33 n 664.17 " (Auto) 27.50 } 2,727.17 " 2,660.82 " 2,690.01 22,695.21 n 916.58 *79 288 Finch,Brothers, 172.20 L 1836 289 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 127.30 Water Company, 1,274.60, 290 Roise Construction L 1691 291 St.Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, 7.11:,;`',` Water 292 Sheild & Duva, 1,686.06 . L 1828 COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL F' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LdZI-IL—RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Eighty Thousand ($80,000) D011PXB is . hereby transferred and set aside from the $5,000,000 School Bond Fund for the purpose of constructing a New Riverside Grade School on the property bounded by Pleasant, Albion and W. Seventh Sts. 4 and :eat 0.elde SroM S the >)6 080 008 8choo18ond„Funl for r or conetruotlhg erb do "Schook bounded -,-.Seventb Adopted Council n.,17 3824. I 3Approved5Jnni 17 1924 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (('Clancy' ✓�4 erguson mope„ m4d In favor Sudbeimw C) Against ,,-Peter *A;n=CL ✓ -Mr. President Adopted by the Council -JAN --1-T-)224 -- 192- Ap192 M AY OR RESOLVED CovNC1L50849 CITY OF ST. PAUL vas. NO--------------------------- ;E OF THE CITY CLERK IESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TT At,, n That the plans and specifications for a New Riverside school on the property bounded by Pleasant. Albion and W. seventh sts., as, submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby au- thorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays ✓Clancy ,,,Ferguson ona In favor xjQkWWsudheimex ✓ Peter O.Against / WrTlI i V Mr. President Adopted by the Council ..JAN ....... 7 1924 ............._--- 192...-. App _ _.................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. --..:.:... FFICETHE CITY CLERK C NCIL R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 16,1924 COMMISSIONER._.._.__-_..__.:._. DATE.__.....__.__-..._�....___---- . RESOLVED That the Purchasing rbcnt be, and he is hereby a uthorized to purchase, with the con;:ent of the Oom)troller, one bnder:on TourinE car at a cost of 61350.00, without adver- ticement or competitive bids, as this is a pt:tented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Ohcrge Public Safety -Police lire Alarm. q F Slo' k086d-BY 6 Q 8udtielmeT=:. ileaolY€d That •tho PurohaRing Agent )be ,`nitd>he Is-hatbby apthoClned: to-' �tiurahaee wlth,Etie Conaent,;iof the' uLmptrpllbr one'pndereoti ToutlnKK Car,' a; coat o[ il'380:00. without, adver-1 tfeement, or compatltiye lode,; ns thfe t I n •patented nrtlCl Land no advantage, could.,; b0 ftiairte* ctheropy Ck6rga: Public"tlafety�Yole"Fire Alarm: Adopted by the Qounet3. Jnn.?17 i Apptaved Jan••;7,.1D2{ (Tana 26 1824) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy V4erguson _......... In favor audbeimer f 1 ,/Peter ----- ........... Against Mr. President Adopted by thunc-IJAN 1 71924 0 i... ........... .... ... .............. 192 t App o..5 N- 1--7-i4,f........... 192... _ - - - yr �I -----�--------�� .................. . MAYOR OR161NAL TO, CITY OF ST. PAUL fF,IONCII. No.__,,. ciTr aERlc APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 1 299' danuar s /tqr // .PRESENTED BY yl F%tb') 1924 COMMISSIONER........... ... L.. DATE ........... ....... ......... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE I APPROPRIATION ITEM 34-18-E Miscellaneous Equipment to 34-18-B Truck Maintenance � F'�rTe 6b961 -8v Wm df'Yetor . .Reaolved� That the folloaving trathn` b° t°°de on theao 8@Lnls'an lmaY•� 6 "tr d when b ,ytn; one itewm Choat; avofdablol b4 �ppfi°d ;tr rovidred for bY' ba:>.met reWDril b 1ch the. \ hnrnPeing th e It em from wh th.-Tft0neY_1n th tranet@r ° fmade ,Coils._` Ery*�yblecelta?+eoDe ECntpment to 1' 3#�lg gE t TnucMnlnt@Hance 1T 19Et \ Q pdoDted bY.he OeuncU pian ,1( A9Droved 7(Jan1��61182 YES (%r) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ✓_LANCY �ERGUSON 'M6BCNM�D- ................IN FAVOR Sudhekw -6 ................ AGAINST ,.-PETER „ .DENT FORM ON (W W) TRANWMEO FROM TRAN FFREO TO 200.00 200.00 JAN 1 71924 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ........... .................. 19 ---------- JAN f 7 112 APPROVED. ------------------------------------------------ 19 ........ ;� . ....................... ....... ..................... MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ;::-_c......_ .............................................. CT' COMPTItOtlER ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILIZ NO...._J QSit a .. Cm CLFAK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM i 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY • COMMISSIONER ._�--------------------------------------........................ DAT ._ ................ .------------------------------ .._.... RESOLVED, THATTHE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM .. TRAN-JID FROM TRANS- TO 66-H Pub.UtilitiBs- Lighting-2ievsuus 500.00 66-3-E3 Pub.Utilitiiis- Ltg.rw9&dity�= Equip. 50-0-00 Ammeters, eto.) YESi'�COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS / CLANCY FERGUSON **L-WRALD ................ IN FAVOR 1 Sudheimer D ,/PETER ................AGAINST ,---MR. PRESIDENT Pa1N oa (RI.a) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIJAN-.I..Z..19.r!q_....... 19........, APPROVED _....._.J.AA)_. S..!.. ............. 19 .............. .."_..__...._.--------- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY___........................m._..------ .--- .---------------- cwMFrROLLER Cou.C,L50853 CITY OF ST. PAUL - n� NO...--......---- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,7Cgjj�FSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants in favor of the following vendors for professional services rendered incident to the injury of Karl Rust, 1383 Thomas Street, at the Galtier School playground during the session hours thereof on September 12th, 1923. Arthur W. Ids $25.00 Northern Pacific Beneficial 8.67 Assoo. (St -Paul Hospital) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (-"Clancy 4,,,Ferguson _ _._ ...... In favor V SudheimerO /Peter Against -WWCCd ,-,.-Mr. -Mr. President Adopted by the Council JAN. 17-192 - - -192...... N Approved -Ike.i . -.__..__...192----- ._` ..-- -_ . M�.oa u CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO�um IL .__.-•---•- .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CJI/�L//_/Ry��/$JQ�L�,�.JTIION. G_ENNEERAL FORM p r� DATF�_.._J,.a .y._ 4 -- RESOLVED That the Council hereby,,//aproves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor abd material and erecting, less mechanical equipment, the New S. S. Taylor School, to J. S. Sweitzer & Son, at a cost of $25,41C.00, in strict accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purch:_sing Agent, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dray up the proper form of contract therefor. Irchitect's estimate $24,000.00. F.B. y6044. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy APerguson ��id _.___In favor V ® Sudheimer / ✓Peter ................Against A{ S� ✓r. President Adopted by the Councile.AN . 1.7 ..................... Approve f �...........192- - C •- ........- --• - MAYOR L. JAN 1 81924 �GlencY, Adopted by the Council------------ ------- -- -------------- . 192 Ferguson,In favor JAN S 1924 Approve-------------- . �itf rAffl,, Sudheimer---- --•-------.... 192 b--Peter, = xi—Wen"L _ .......Agsinst //Mr. President, Nelson !t .. 1rr1Y0P.f C F `No 50866— • ' Rea lved That �checka ,drawn on `+�• , the CStY 7'+'easorY, to the'.'eggregate :.j cnmoant of if.Qoo.0e covectug check , nppmbered 303 aetiyW reglaten `ot city - che0ka.on file !n 'tt�e Ot9ce bathe City < Com troller - 4 r 1.$�opted by theCounc(1 Jan; 38 183x" ADDroved Jan 18 3s' �y(Jan^381834) t Oe1G11UL TO OI22 OP e2. _ _ - CRY CLERK v.' OFFICE OF THE CP��PTROLLER P>tai� F- D-34 Int 19-32 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM mz>< NO _._ JU$56 'AAA B 48'.- - JAN 17 W4Br....... ..... AUDR'ED__...... _.._........... _ ._..._..192........__ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._3,338 ^ covering checks numbered.-....... 3.0.'x................. TCT as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. JAN 1 1924 ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council- ------ ------------------- 192....---. Ferguson, In favor JAi31924 4 APP ove3-- ----. --- ------------- ----------------------------197..... - --Peter, Sudhe ltIler /.�.inst ..................................... ................ .. . � I/Mr. President, Nelson �f ........... ..................................... .......................... ....................... 302 Merchants National Bank, 3,338.32` Debt Service Exp. 3.32 Interest 2,097.50 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. '1,237.50 ' iTO GRY G.61tK S �. _ Foran D•24 1M 12.22 - aotnratn PfL,° No. _�flo cri k.1-424 "" .... ..,.., C-- ... ...... , < 1 320.00 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the abbre$ate amount of •-•-. covertna' ; checks numbered--.--._._.3Q4c------------------t�S.------.......-................inclusive, as per rebister of city checks on file in to office'of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. V�± lency, Adopted by the Council..---_JN._}--b 1924---_-_--, - 192 -- ergnson, �In favor1 All 4 $ �2 1 jMetnonr Sudheimer Approved ......................... ------.....-. 192 (.Peter, D �3✓eftselt-- ............. f/Mr. President, Nelson MAYOR. b088f- .---� ' of 9 S'� c¢acke De J�rsw¢'.on kha City' T 7ry to the ' ggrageta ' moq¢t t (1320.00 Yerlag heok,� ' n number d 204 -ve gl tar i city, - checkb on Sle to Ehe ice of the C1tY _ - _ - - ComPttolle 4.198 Adopted y tb Tan 18 1824 ^. (T :-'261824) •• 'I - Oa1cIKAL TD .- �' � olxx os ex. 1.aUL '- •�' . `. •�. crry r K ' OFFICE OF THE MgPTROLLER �+ /�]•r�� Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION. FORM { s° 50 AUo„FO...-JAN._1_. _1..�4.._.r.�.._.._ ........... ... ......... ..�M. y 1320.00 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-._-.--._....:._.__-•- covering checks numbered- .................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City.- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. /JAN t 61924 'Clancy, Adopted by the Council . --... -........... ..... . .........._... ...192....... 4jPerguson, _Sn favor McDonald, JAN 1 e i -24, App oved- ---------......... ........... ------------ --- 192 titsem 5xdhe 3mer I— - - ).AAainst ..........- . .. ....... ................. __. MAYO$ r. President, Nelson i -,i 304 St.Paul College of Law, 1,320000 L 1703 eRV CLEPK a sS oS�t P�oL "- OFFICE OF THA 661TPTROLLER (�Q F-13-34 int 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM • 77 51 JAN 18 1824: 60M AUDITED...-.-..._.._. ........... 182..._.-_- ..... ............. ... PER..- _ . --___. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a `L34.94----. cov. , ggregete amount of $---•--_-! ._. ....., checks numbered 3.05 .................-to...._....32G-----...------ -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City `. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 1 s192A Clancy, Adopted by the Council ----------- -------_-_-_ ------------------------ ----192...----` ,-FerBnson, In favor A' N 1 s 11924 !L'Fiauatr,-- Sudheimer A ro ed.................------------------------- ....... 192 PP 1/"Peter, ................. .... .....-.......... -----`----------------`--- -- --- --m-r. President, Nelson a --- 305 Ameri------------------------------------------------- can Mtiltigraph-Sales Company, Health 306 W. J. Baldwin, Schools 307 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Municipal Court 308 Vincent & Julia Darabos, Non -assessable improvements 309 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools 310 Great Northern Railway Company, Bureau of Engineers 311 Himes Cafe, Municipal Court 312 National Surety Company, Comtr. of Finance 313 N. W. Blaugas Company, Health 314 M. J. O'Neil, Water 315 Pioneer Electric Company, Schools J 4.20 60.14 ` 24.00 15.00 380.50" 10.00 13.00 318.75 22.05 199.62 - 31.17 I IF • Hes. 51 Page #2,,. 316 Charles H. Riffenete*.' improvements 15.00 Noi-assessable 317 Supt. of Documents, -23.25` Schools 318 Universal Carloading & Distributing Company, 3.35 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 319 Waterous Fire Engine Works, 63.91' Fire 320 York -Willis Agency, 51.00 Municipal Court I IF • CUADRUPUCA C orrT or r. PAUL 4 To c1TY O K - Faem 1}34 1M 12.22 _ coaaaa. 50859 h - s 1 N 1 g1924 _`°.. AUDITED ........ _.4J_Q---,ii....... _ ....... Ill.....- ----= - Resolved that clteel4s be drawn on "C, i Treasury, to the 6 158--•_ _--_-_......... veriag " - LY ry. $gre$ate amount of $......_a-..- -•71..., co checks numbered.....:_3BI.................. _to ----- 32.36 ...................... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Citj. � Comptroller. Yes ( ✓)Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. `Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............ ..... 192...... In favor 1 rr— Sudhe3mer Approved ... - - - ------- T� a } L� lk ` - 192 vPeterr J...Against r . i.. President, Nelson ^�-^------- ------­------- k ---- 60169— Resolved That checket'be graven 9 1 the Clty Treaeuryi.. to he ag6regate- amounC of 18,168.71 covering chgckat numtiereti" 321-£e 383' innlnelve; ae Der! I;, -register of"city. check, on-llle lR the: Iotace;of-the' Cityy. Comptroller:. .. - ' Adogted.Dy-the Council Jan.?12, 1924. 124 1 ADDroved Jan. 46: 1924. , ' - 'Y 7. t, fK ... .� _:ire �•. .�.....:. .. _ - «.'. � �. t.. ,fie. MfOIW,1L TD � { T2Z Opti. l�OL' CITY CLEaK f OFFICE OF THE: COMPTIiL- kLER oTan34 to iz-zzAUDITED CLAIMS–'RESOLUTION FORM z: NO (I 52 A; n - JAN 1 8 1924 .-._... AUDITED.._.._..___.._...__ .._ _ 102 .....^ ll PETi...._ .._...._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.-.... gl..–Z , co $' ' checks numbered ..-...._30..l ----------- ....._to--_52.2.................inclusive, as per register of city checks qu file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN t fi 1924. 'Clancy, Adopted by the Council ........... ................................ -- -..........197- ..... �rguson, _.....In favor JAN j fi i92 -McI]—Q4 Ap roved ...... -... 192.----- ' �/Matsotr– Sudheimer - ✓P 'aiet[ZEt' _ .....--Against _ �r. fix President, Nelson . 321 Allen Metcalf, Schools 322 Nassau Smelting & Refining Company, Water 323 8(Neil & Preston, Water 141.00. 5,562.71:-'' 455.00 PRESENTED BY L R S F COMM RESOLVED I COUNCIL50860 CITY OF ST. PA)JL, FILE No .......... OFFICE OF THE CflY'AERK ::1L RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM WHM421AS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which �Iartain rendered necessary the employment of em- ployes of his department for more than their usual hours of enj)lpyment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, Thatofficersar a hereby authori ,;:fDwing named employes, at the the for tmpl extra employment '.. m"'& 4�'� "'I, br extra for there time herein- of after ace hereby- avtjorlse td pay fr&a or therwi-la em p, WuhewRzedTio i ployment td! NAME RATS, TOTAL J P CROFOOT COMM LA, -rgtiogb - 3111,FIRS 450 $28 80- 0 0 RUTLEDGE STOREH LAB55 1 65 ALBERT BAHR STMFTR HELPER 11 62� 6'87 HARRY FAVILLO MTNC LAB 1075 30 50 15 00 0 A FREDRLI CKSON STEAMFITTER. 7 1 00 7 00 JOS "LANGENBERGER MTNC LAB 2336 23 50 11 50 WM H MANUEL STEAMFITTER 11 1 00 11 00 FRANK MEIS STMFTR HELPER 11 62j 6 87 THOS J 0 -NEIL PLUMBER 7 1 00 7 00 CARL ZACHARIAS STMFTR HELPER 8 621 5 00 j "I iN COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays VClancy G' Ferguson 11tL175—n-ard— -In favor '�� Peter Against "emel ,/ r. President JAN' I, Adopted by the Council...._..........._ .... ....... ...... 192 JAN A p o � I ved 192 MAYOR VOIBLISHIW'L� FORM SIO. 1. JAN 1 TH 1924 9n imirgancy has arisen in tn, P,.i�:�rtmsnt of �duoation. Buraau of Schools, r.;ndjring n3cass,7XY the amploymant of car- tain amploy:ss of that ds?artmjnt for mor : than :right hours per day, in doing tha following work: CLEANING SCHOOLS AND FIXING PIPES This amergancy arosa by reason of tha following facts and cirournstances: SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITORS VH A EXTRA PLUMBING This raport is in accordance with 3::etion 53 of th3 Ohartar. CITY OF ST. PAUL FoeNca --- , - No.. - - • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIUTION--GENERAL FORM _ 7 ED that the depository box"ven to the City of St. Paul by the Citizens State Bank of at. Paul, as principal, and the New Amsterdam Casualty Company, "as surety, dated January 12, 1924, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same As hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Nancy / ✓terguson r( _MoBeaald.. — In favor Sudheimer ()/ Peter .Against A�eneel— / Mr. President Adopted by the Council.... .�...... l924 ... ....._192 .. : " N 1 P 1924 Appoved.._.----.._.__.-------.._._192.---- MAYOR nouHca No.--!-) ..i. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF 4 01TY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM �V ��„�'.N�lr�-✓ DATE _........ 7gT111.L►--Z9Z RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and purouant to Ordinance No. 6100 for the purchase of Lots 1, 3, 9 and 10, Block 6, Lorene Park Plat 2, St. Paul, for the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-five ($2,926.00) Dollars, free and clear of all encum- branoe, including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not, as a site for the New Deane School, is hereby approved and the proper citv.afflner++ ra,hereby authorized and empowered to Q F<No fi086TrHy, 'L R a -Resolves xxn ,;ths ant .lrchase price in favof of the owner of draw 8 Commletie oaxIsade on haW. Cltyof 9t. Pnvl und.rnnd Ordinnnno No 8100 for tha-D4'. rbte;"1 S vN ah$ :30 BloOit di said la phr):zplat t at runt, for td j seed conveying same, approved by the Two t �Thoueand 'I71ne -and ed T,pgnty eXe Cf498600) it COrpOTa; ing Btl�tarltooa and amenia „ rave been delivered to the City Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue, r'und Item No. 2041. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays ✓Clancy / 11-11'erguson <� 11¢cBmtatT. ......... In favor t/ audiwiw r ,,--Peter ...Against �ileezt t �r. President JAN I C 1924 Adopted by the Council_ .......... ._._--- ....._......_192..... J A Appro ed......... - ` . r _...._ .......... _192...... MAYOR r ) AWARD The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay the Aarrook Security Company, 506 Globe Building. St. Paul-, Minnesota, the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-five ($2,925.00)Dollars for Lots 1. 3,•9 and 10, Block 5, Lorena Park Plat 2, St. Paul. free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not. This property is being acquired as a site for the New Deane School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6100. Cost of said property to be charged to Bond Issue, Fund No. 2041. ( or Committee on Lands. 03m3jssloner o ducation chasing Agen PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED CITY OF ST. P4 A%' COUN` No --------508- 63 —E - OFFICE ' OF THE CITY ,$;ovpV5IU-RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM DATE — - ---------- That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6027 for the purchase of Lots 24 and 25, Block 7, Summit Park Addition, St. Paul, for the sum of Eight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrance, including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the proper thereon whether due or not. as f.solved, U.. bebi,",j. an ad L. rohool site, is hereby approved and a4 grid t6 Blook�� Sumrpft'yark the p t OU n q' Sraq and alear. ht au an r-uhdr r.'o hereby authorized and empowered in ia :ow aeaegged' to dr I A In,-, chase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper dead conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue, fund Item No. 2049. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L-<Iancy L--Ferguson Alopenald ------ - - In favor t,,-JjFAjM Sud heinier� L, -Peter .'..Against President Adopted by the Council_J ANI 81924 ...... .......... -- ... -- 192 - JAN 1 App 192- MAYOR AWARD The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay Mary K. Posoh, 755 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Bight Thousand Two Hundred ($8,200.00) Dollars for Lots 24 and 25, Block 7, Summit Park Addition, St. Paul, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not. This property is being acquired as an addition to the Irving School site under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6027. Cost of sdLd property to be charged to Bond Issue, Fund No. 2049. ��, ( l v 4�- Committee on Lands (dmmmtssioner of sil Eu-oation ( `.tprylan�cerarnntln�Fta: eaniri� IIlfmPna Pe ..- mas�eI, A� fa b o - c,?yIn(ebion dolvx'S9tt¢eChAtween �Oeaeyldr' Av� 5, u � and."1Pr9nto'�r Ave 15, - iThQ Qatatpl.Pf tett dot S r;�� - An ordinance ;greeting, to the �� ib eagle; 03� & 'R®fining Oom= v a - puny permission to install.aad maintain"an aSr stat Ion on the north side of!Read0lpk.street between Osoeola avenue, and Toronto avenue'.: THE COU$OIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby' granted to the White Eagle 011 & Refining Company to maintain an air station on the north side of Randolph street between Osceola and,�oroAib-ave nues;.and- the 'Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to' issue a permit`to-the said licensee for: said air station;, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (,1) The said air station shall be ,installed in :a -manner- satisfactory to -the Commissioner `of'pnblo, Works. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the 0ity`of St. Paul.in the 'snm of Five Thousand,Dollars (#5,000:00)., conditioned - to save laid,,City harmless from 'and, al liability, judgments, costs, "damages and ea- pense,that. may, so person9 or property on account of or,'arising from the, maintenance,. operation, presence or remoidi;of ;said air station. Said bond shall be in.. Z suctli formas may :be" -approved by. the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as -may be approved by. the Mayor, and shall. be: filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said: air station'shall be removed by said lioensee7:whenever the Council shall so order. (4). Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax .;that may,be required by nay ordinance or 1•sn, of the City of St Paul. 8®otion 3.: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force „'. thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by. the Council FEB - 5 1924 Yeas 01pperguson NaysMr )))l ✓YoDonald. ✓Peter ' ✓Siaheimer Xan- Mr'1!President (Nelson) Apprcv Attest" Acting Mayor City Clerk H[NRY OLSON, 'f imitij of ftint , laut CrrY AND CMlNER OF FKAI RATION (ice of iQity t1[lerh January 17th, 1924 Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: HAROLD J. RIORDq A"T* CITY OLARENCE A. STOR CHI[FCLPRN-REGI ON Enclosed herewith the application of the White Eagle 011 & Refining Company for permission to install air stand service station on the north side of Randolph street be- tween Osceola and Toronto Streets. 'ilia above was a erred to you erred to you fo e proper form of ordinance, by the Council. Yours very truly, enc. CI T.ARR. �i% January 15, 1924 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson; - Returned herewith is the application of the white Eagle 011 & Refining Company for permission to instal and maintain automobile air stand servioe stations one on the south side of W. Seventh between Osceola and Daly Streets, and one on the north side of Randolph between Osceola and Toronto Streets. On inspection the Bureau of Police find that this location is known as 1022 West 'Seventh Street, and not 1022 Randolph Street and these stations have been in operation for about three years. They also find the station on the south side of Seventh Street to be a traffic hazard, but there is no objjeotion to the station on the north side of Randolph Street. Therefore, this Department recommends that permission to maintain the air stand on the north side of Randolph Street be granted, and that permission to maintain the air station on the south side of Seventh Street be denied and. station ordered removed. Yo ve y, Commissioner of Public Safety P. r atsi •Dr ��L �� �� ��� 9 4a BUREAU OF POLICE POLICE �+ OFFICE OF IDs~1in1.11o. Saint Paul,Minn. w^a~ ~°•°~ D.C. CNIV January 14, 1924. Mr. George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am returning herewith the application of the 7fhite Eagle Oil & Refining company for permission to instal and main- tain an automobile air stand service station, one connection on the south side of 17. Seventh between Osceola and Daly Streets, and one on the north side of Randolph Street between Osceola and Toronto Streets, which was forwarded with your letter of January 11th. I am advised that this location is Imown as 1022 W. Seventh Street, and not 1022 Randolph Street. These stations have been in operation for about three years. It is recommended that the station on the south side of Seventh Street be removed as it is the belief of our Traffic Department that it is a traffic hazard. The one on the north side of Randolph, between Seventh and Toronto Sts., does not in- terfere with traffic. Very truly yours, M. Gebhardt, Chief of Police - MG -Wo CITY OF SAINT PAUL Thio application'to be - -- Original,,,.- - - mado in duplicate. and - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIb,itted to the City APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION Application No. Form No. To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE `��-„ i c tAGLE UIL Mi\I+ riLrlid!YG GU. By N— of Flan ar Individual For permission'to install and maintain Service Station An Automobile � — Air er on the / - c side of �^ St. Aver- p-o���� �, ct. Aue.- between— A,. known as -- Number s— Number of air connections >/ Number of water connections Received at office of City Clerk "Vr•; U,al.F oit_ AND s"gpntare ut Annurnnt BY ./ Nu°ineae Address Approved Approved Passed as to street traffic as to use of street Approved I9— Date �S 19' ± Date 19— Ordinance No. — �iv Permit No. Pawtr wort. Commr. of P Ic SO Remarks 1 'M January 23rd. 1924. White Eagle Oil Refining Co., 606 Vandalia Strost; St. Paul, ilinnesoth. Gentlemen; Referring to your application dated January lot, 1924 asking permission to install air stations on the east side of Congress street between South Robert street and Livingston avenue; on the north side of Concord street between Congress and South Robert Streets; on the south side of West Seventh St. between Osceola and Daly streets and on the north side of Randolph street between Osceola and Toronto streets, please be advised that the Commissioner of Public Safety recommends that permission to maintain the aik stations on the east side of Congress str^et between South Robert and Livingston avenuo and on the north side of Randolph Street between Osceola and Toronto Streets, be granted and ordinances are now being prepared to grant such permission. The Commissioner also recommends, however, that permission to maintain air stations on the north side of Concord Street bet -eon Congress and South Robert Streets and on the south side of West Seventh Street between Osceola and Daly Streets be denied and the stations ordered removed, for the reason that they interfere with traffic. The City Council accepted these recommendations and you are haroby notified to remove the said stations. Yours truly, City Clerk. C. F. No. 60865—Ordinance No. 62{8-- Haar V. n. Peter ­ An An din granting to the [White Engle Uel & Relining n Company Der - [o Install and side oflC n ' airaetntion on tw enet aide aR. !� greae �[reet be[w een South Robert (/Y tree[ .n 1 of the on Avenue. The Council of [he l'Ity of J[. Paul does ordain: - SECTION 1. An Ordinance granting to the".WIiV'Qe Eagle 011 & Refining Company permission to install and maintain an air station on the east side of Congress street between South Robert street and Living- ston avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the White Eagle 011 & Refining Company to install and maintain an air station on the east side of Congress street.between South Robert street and Livingston avenue; and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any..and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and ex- pense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, oper- ation, presence or removal of said air station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. FEB - 5192-? Passed Yeas Mr l-" Clanoy L' Ferguson McDonald ,� r Peter Sudheimer Wenzel Mr,- President Nays (Nelson) Approv Attest Acting Mayor City Clerk 26!2 ,:D HENRY OLSON Tt YT o FIiri � `, HAROLD CITY CITY CLERK AND ��// '- 1�` N ►s A56T. CITY CLERK ( l COMMIW1014ER OF REGISTRATION l � PrP of fQlfy (Qlerk CLARENCE A. STORMS CHIEF CLERK - REGISTRATION January 17th, 1924. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith the application of the White Eagle 011 & Refining Company for permission to install and maintain an air station on the east side of Congress Street between South Robert and Livingston Streets, which has been referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, ..AMI STONER - HWA'7Jl1. JOHNSON. D!PUTY COMMMIONER (fitV of ,Saird Paul Pepattmeut of Public infetU January 15, 1924 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson;— Returned herewith is the application of the white Eagle Oil & Refining Company for permission to instal and maintain automobile air stand service stations, one on the east side of Congress Street between South Robert and Livingston Streets, and one on the north side of Concord Street between Congress and South Robert Streets. These locations have been inspected as to traffic by the Bureau of Police anc they recommend that the station on the north side of Concord Street be removed as it seriously interferes with traffic; that there is no objection to the station on the east side of Congress Street. Therefore, this Department recommends that permission to maintain the air station -0n the east side of Congress street be granted, and that permission to maintain air station on the north side of Concord Street be denied and station ordered removed. yours tru VVV Commissioner of Public Safety CITY BUREAU OFi11 POLICE POLICE OFFICE OF J� • np - [nB[a Saint Paul,Minn. January 14, 192114. Mr. George C. Sudheimer, Cor.-nissioner of Pliolic Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; I am returnin, herewit"I the application of the 'cihite Eagle Cil & Refining Co:apany for permission to instal and main- tain an automo'Ale air stand service station, one on the east side of Con„ress St. betwee;7 So. Robert .nd Livir.L;sto": Sts., and one on the north side of Concord St. bet:^een Con-ress and So. Robert Sts., which was forwarded ::,._ your letter of Jrnuary 11th. It is reco unended that the station on the north side of Concord Street be removed, as it is the belief of o-,= Traffic Department that it so ::Laterially interferes with traffic as to constitute a traffic hazard. There is no objection to the station on the east side of Congress St. Ver;; truly 'Fours, ;.1. Gebhardt, Chief of Police. MG -Wo Uri inns CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'rhix application to be K made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ublnitt,,d to the City APPLICATION FOR PERM IT Clerk. AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION • Application No. Forru No. To the HDate Honorable City Council _—,-- of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE For permission to install and maintain 1% Ch L of Service Station An Automobile- a, utomobile_G- ----- ------ �. w, on the -- 7/� side of- - " �� . - --- --St. Aos._ between-, �-- !- St. Ave. --- _ -_St. Axe. � - _ known as ( ¢. - --- - - - - . rrn r v­d,cr „tea srr:•,•, Y Number of air connections_Number of water connections. - `- _-_ ._—__.--_ - — - - Received at office of City Clerk By-,- �a Aadr- Approved Approved Passed__-- ----- --- .19_ as to street traffic as to use of street Approved_---- --- -19 Date-._ Fe mi -t Date— 19 Ordinance No. _ - _ 19—_ - �qp a�iywsl((i� Permit No. — -" cc.oa,u, . r Fumm sanry. < ruarc Tiunii�wons. Remarks _._ - 11 ORIGINAL TO CITU CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 • —.4 4 vL ' 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 966 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM woe:"` NO. '��� r ._. 54 AUDITED.-. JA..N.._I...a.. 7724.. ..... .....182 ........... ........... .. �1 _ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ................. covering checks numbered......B..-------- .....-_ _to ....3..34..._......... __...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council. _---.:`__....._...... . _........ _........ Ferguson, In favor ✓tftmur,, Sudheimer O Peter, ... .Against __ _.-......__...._...... �- - - ` ..... -- ......_.._.........-� ----'=----- ilfAYOR President, Nelson ................ _...................... -- ----- - 328 W. D. Bugge, Supt., Auditorium 329 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance Interest P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 330 Minhesota Lime & Cement Company, L 1802 11 Water 331 Pioneer Electric Company, Lighting 332 L. V. Repke Company, Acct. forms, etc. 11 n Bureau of Engrs. Water 2,827.50 450.00 3,-677�6 11.80 4.70 187.33 --OT.-95- 15.90 11.00 16.2U 18.50 7.45 103.70 3,277.50 203.83 977.96 69.05 Res. 54 Page #2 333 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Health 27.44 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 9.28 '6 334 Victory Printing Company, Schools 29.20 " 127.00 Library 3.00 " 5.00 Playgrounds 3.00 , Water , 81.4U �� • 36.72 248.60 QUADRUPLICATE ro CRY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 0 • aI2T�D � PApL pDOTp,n No......_f,_0 66.. cl.A,-N__ 1...9...)127 i BY AU0.1= ....._._..192 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aAAregate amount of $......4,-9.17-36------ ------------- ------ covering checks numbered..__ A28........__---------to.....'"_A _._"_.._ ._---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. `-Clancy, 1( y -Ferguson, _In favor I,' Sudheimer // Peter, (� sir ._._ __.Against Mr. President, Nelson 60866— ReaolYed. That check. he druwn o the CRY Treasury. to the aggregate numbered f3264,91to73 Inelmd_. Cseek per reglater of city checks on ale In the aflice of the CRY Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1924. Approved Jan. 19. 1924. (Tan. 26-1924) )p.N 1 Adopted by the Council..._... ------ ----- -------------- .. _-_.. --.-.....192...._ . Approved.....----.....--- _.------.... ...-.--...--------192-'----- -.m=fr l i ORIOINALTO O[TY Or B CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE OLLER Form D-34 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Pz><`[L NO._ --_r 55:J"/ BY CO OLLER AUDITED..182 .... 11.... .. ...... `PER ...._. ..._.. - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---.2.4i. -4 ------------------ - covering . checks numbered.__._. X35--- _------- --to_--_-337_.--..__--__.---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. U Clancy, rAn Adopted by the Council._ ..::.::. __......... ... - ........ _..192f%Ferguson, favor -D4eDmmfd- Ap owed._. 192----- _.-44vtsea, Sudheimer Peter, �Wermeh..... .....Against ....................------------- -.---------- .-..-------......-..-.................MAYOR _. t/Mr. President, Nelson ------ ---------------------- --....I ...................... --- ------ ----------------- 335 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 4,468.64 Schools 336 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 19,952.05 Water 337 Plain Dealer Publishing Company, 15.80 G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen is QUA RUPLICAM TO CITY CLERK aoo pr No..1, 0111 111 6 F— D-34 IM 12-22 co 0 R AUDITED....... 9 i 9MY .......... .............. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....2A0,436 a.4-9 ....................... c ' overin8 checks numbered ---------- 335 ----- ---------- to _ZZ7. -_ _._..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen Nays. AN L", Clancy, Adopted by the Council- . --- - --- --- --- - -__ _.__ .___.....192._._.. Ferguson, In favor �udheimerApproved ------- - - . ...... ............192-...._. -,Peter, • Against Mr. President, Nelson C F. No. 50967— Resolved That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to t he aggregate amount 0 f $24,436.49. covering checks numbered 335 to 337 Inclusive, as per regieter of city checks . n file In u ' ],a 0 fflee of the City Comptroller, Adopted by the Council, Jan. 19, 1924. Approved Jan. 19 1924. (Jan. 26-1924) CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No.- OFFICE o• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ._...... ...._" ..... ........_ ...._........i...__...._...... RESOLVED Th t tr.e Yu- chc,sin(' 'CCmL be, ;Ind he is l,.creby ;atthori. ed to ,urchase, wit!: the consent o> the '.o 2;tro1lcr, on:: :iflitce:Ib -ton 4soline locoinotiv.:, `:4" genu,, e, Cec,r driven, at cos � riot to e; c_ed .,r25G0.00, less 5j0.- 10 days, '. itl.Jut ; skim. for co:mretitive bids, Ls tni� is z. i,cttented ;�rti.;le :-nd no Ud;;,nte e could be !'wined ti.ereby. C'r,;:rUc :;;,ter �jc_:wrt::lent Fund. C. .. No. 50868 --Ry fpm. J. Peter by ROOOlved, That thepurchasing q b0, "" he Is hereby autharizedg11, pUOt chase, wlhh the consent of the op troller, one Whitcomb 1.ton gasoline locomotive, 24^ gauge, ear dr] vert nt a-10 cost not to .cacti $2,00,00, lee. At hive bad. as l thl.tle n 1¢g for om Pet- and no. advantage oaten ted articlo. thereby. Charge Wnterd be Department) Fund. Adopted by the Conncll, Jan. 19, 1929, Approved Jan. 19, 1921, -Uan-. 2'6-1921) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t- Clancy Ferguson - �— In favor Peter --_Against Mr. President. YAh ` Adopted by the Council_. _ .....__._.____._.__....192._... Appr ped. \ ".._::..:... . . . . .192..... NCOUNCIL NO - ORIGINAL TO O NALCLET CITY OF ST. PAUL OaE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRES TED BY/�(/ _/.. / COMMISSIONER -....-..-.v ............. • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER 111 WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. • CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFEREO TO 53-R BUR=iAU OF'.',' F':iCTGRIrS `:750.00 52-12 F1- L;U::1C i,II1J L:;JTKRTAI?1L!J,'JT (".quipnent) ,,;750.00 i t F YE§ (%) COUNCILMEN J) NAYS "CLANCY ✓/FERGUSON ­` ....../........IN FAVOR PETER ................AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Fonts on (u1 Ixx) C. F. No. 60869—By L R. S. Ferguson B r quest— by "'ved. That the following tr¢na- fers be ads on the books of the Comptroller when by so doing an un- vold¢ble deficiency In o e 'item may be met by sold tronafer without hamp- ering the rk provided for by the Oney In the Item from which the transfer Is made: $760.00 transferred from Code 62-R. Elreau of bl Music R andEnterCode(F.qulp- megt). AdoPd 19 tedtheouncil Jan. 19, 1924. 924 (Jon. 26-1924) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL! t•1tT--4- 49- Is---IT-�----�� APPROVE._................................................I9........ MAYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY -------------- ................... ................. ----- CITY COMPTROLLER ,. Sob eot: •- C. F. No. 60870-By L. R. S. Fe rguson W .q set COMMIS11 of Pub- y - lic Utl11 is couton , ..,.�'� t 5" In accordance __ [o the Counn [he CItY Charter,Section FILFi H0.- .,. [h er encY which rendered :.., g the xlatence of an hfa s nloym t of certain necees of- �y"y," our aper[dy and more thanoyeeght _, +".•_ the Comioil,.^ uthan'their Rsaolf►ed,'WBESTAS, The Com us.. Yhllntent being morn urs of hue raper in accordance Wit) be it employment; the, tore, ter. the 1109 of an ems Whioh rl,ce eeare here6hat the proper el[y ofry- nt of.oertia3n..emplagea -110wing xed .oi [o PflY the namedaemPlo his:departmeat for _ -lee fixed for yes fit the rate � and on �,�p�� 881d 9m,• ' S�11{; ployment <tra time herefXtr. mpioymwnt employment; therefore be its being more t) �7 dennelregul. tregular ' - Wa eateymah, 5 •' Re801ved, That �jy 3trunx, Building----Laborer, proper 61_47houe. 8 regular hour% mori'Zedt;o pay the following a- ... 550 -"'for . .. n8111ed... employee at . D 11ruYeker, extra employizent for the - • `� Oiler , x extra time here •egular hours, NAJM:sal tl�Rama ATE OF.OVF9TIMB " H.A Me11ne11 IItilityman 5 70¢ regular rate Julius ttranta Bldg. Lab. 8. 6 55# L'. DeBruydkei _oilelr 8 B 47" n n P. 'Anderson Utilityman 3 65¢ " UPT.-'Tlioraon' " 3 65¢ n n T.0 ' ,'Woodley^ 2 6 ^ OF J J "Aeggel�y 16 John Palm9 n 3 5, ". n M. Amur! Ditch- digger: 3 55¢ fiam-Csaaloed n n Tow, v 3 55¢ n n ,'Cntro118 S. Coli ilo " n 3 58¢ n ^ B. Daano " " 3 bb¢ G.' (3agl1ardl » n 3 55¢ M. Masoiotto n n S• 3 3 55¢ Sent Perna " n 3 55¢ n " Joe `Cook _ n n 3 55¢ "• John a. Haskins Otilitymai g 6 J.P.'gohpebaCh " 3 59 ¢¢ n " Sam Banelli " 17 6 n n Id* Kordell ' Ditch digger 3 5b¢ Vat,44kneei At Hobdrto a n 3 55¢ ^ " Tony Roberto " " 3 54 n n H J Ooniad. Utilitymen, 21 5 " ^ JOhn Abel` � n • ° , l* Paul G.'Meazke Comawn-Lab: 16 10 ,Hoy Brace Utilitymsn. . 10 5 S'. `Tumiaello n 6 3 5 " ^ Me A2fonao ' ^ 10 5 Jos. Brunner " 10 5 n n P. Del, Fiecoo " 10 5 n " f Owen Geraghty " 10 n n G. IoeAe Foreman, 8 11 70 ^ " I( J. Saporito Utilityned 14 5 A.1 ,;Fiorito " 10 5;9 n n James Conley D1toh digger 7 55¢ ^ " Christ'4kundtner " " 7 M.:MOiiono4$)1 7 56¢ ti n A. Ne n n 7 55¢ n " ;Roberto - ° " 10 55¢ n n Mat D,.Vinoe111- " ". 10 55¢ n n Harris level-lee -Maine. -lab. 6 Boon " Thomsa Peltier " " n n BagenQ:,Totuv1110 ,° 5� R. VandeT)ioff . Utility= 16 ii 5 Wm., A Wolter " 8 5 n n Philias Ma116t Ahint. Lab. B 50¢ Com on Lab. 6 45¢ n n s Thomas Sarofield Reint . Lab. 6 50¢ Otto Win)clew St earu Shovel Bove; 6 1.10 { AMM :W.0. Peterson Herbert Bgeohner Robert Geary Steve Martin Fred ooeaier James Sennealley Anton Mollenke Oliver Wethern Joe Harkness Edw. Anderson Frank Sohadl John Corey Ayes COunoilmen Hays t/ clancy L/Ferguson -doDenaitt` �j Peter V Sadheimer •t10zmvt— c�Mr. President - Nelson ��m 1 m Utilityman S 17 6regular rate Utilityman 10 5 Utilityman 9 5 Utilityman 16 51 Bldg. lab. 8 65 n n 6 86 n n n n 8 55¢ n n Utilityman 8 50¢ Bldg. lab. 2 55¢ 8 4 55¢ " 8 55¢ Adopted by thej %^ ,-q i - ; 1920 - p Approved if it 'IJ ''•F 924 --• - ---I q�, - - VOW tn;E�c.ts�'D� ( 0r, COUNCIL '.�`:�t�.� CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE No.- FICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCIL R UTTIION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMM I SSIONER.____........___ _..._..._.._.... RESOLVEDeeoived, That the anplicatione Vo. 60871—By G. C. Sudhelmor— That the appllcatlons ror for li. a °°° or the [ollgwing persona ror Ig persona for handlingand sellingFoodst +dung and selling Foodstuff. at the ' asses indicated be and the ams 'indicated ' hereby granted and the City Clerk be and the same are hereby granvnatrueted to Issue such license up- I is instructed to issue such licenses upon the cne payment Into the city treasury 'he customary rce: ; treasury of the customary fee d Banholzer. 448 Nnbaehn St., '^Ink. d. Bergen 700 Beauty St., Ink. Fred Banholzer, 446 1,9abaBeyer, 373 University Ave.. Gro-'t drink Frank J. Berger, 700 Rean IIk Blaiozynskl, 1080 Front St., Y. Carl Beyer, 37� K. Howell, 371 N. Franklin St., Univ bink.' eery Frank. Bialozynski, 1080 Fro.^' Brands, 1091 Payne Ave., Gro- w. 1, Bowell, 371 N. Fi' Brown, 321 Burgess dSt., Gee- . t drink G. A. Brands, 1091 paynb ter Bros., 446 University Ave., )eery Mike Brown,r3, 21 Bur ge E.dG%like Capetz, 238 S. Snell-. Bruckner Bros., T45 Unive .'Carr, 449 W. 7th St., snit ,f Geo. & Mike Canetz, 2 S S. S1. Y.727 Randolph St_ R. W. Carr, 4.9 w. 7 ,Inberg. 369 Nvabasha St., Conrec- t drink Hath Eigenberger, ru %27 Randcs_ annon, 12 W. Ninth St.. Con- eery A. Finberg, 359 lVabasha dden, 1663 Sherburne Ave.,if-drug C. L. Gannon, 12 ':9. Nintl—, 749 Blair gt.. crorery. pfectionery J. A. Gulden, 43z cnse st.. croeery. 1 63 Sherbn C. H%t. 1296 W. 7th St., peer y Haas Bros., 71+0 Blair i ,ny, 441 University Ave., S, i1 C• " F. Hanza, 432 Case St :,so Payne 3 n, 1320 Pa n Ave., Harrison C. Horst, 1296 It. 7th, " Tony Irony, 441 University a,v., Soft drink A. G. Johnson, 1320 Payne Ave., Grocery A. M. Johnson, (10 N. Dale St., " L. Kamman, 317 Carroll Av., " John Klein, 1017 Front St. " 0. J. Kuhn, 229 Rondo St., " S. D. Maoent, 2513 University Av., " Emil Marquardt, 602 Jackson St., Soft drink C. S. Liayer, I-57 E. 7th St., Grocery C• Monahan, b79 Mississippi St., Confectionery Joe Montemarano, 183 W. 7th St., Grocery 0. W. Moore, 12175 Summit Av, 11R.Peterson & palter Neval, �2 So. Snelling Av•, Delicatessen Abe Rosenfield, 318 Rondo St., Grocery Jos. Santhofer, 173 w. 6th St., Soft drink Charles P. Sattler, 1189 N. Snelling Av., Conf-drug Frank Schafer, 359 E. 7th St., Soft drink COC Yeas nays Adopted by the Cou cil_......__..._._ _ ....------_1�2 __. ✓Clans.v ✓Ferguson Approved_ 'f.-. ._..192_..-. YFr}9QttiTi �� In favor 0R _. MAYOR Peter Against. 13LerrLtR', � All. Xresident �auRuLNO._. i�1}S CITY OF ST. PAUL �e ------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'PRESET 5EIOD BY NER DATE',I .anuary....1.9....._1924 _._... COMMI RESOLVED (Continued) -2- H. F. Schmidt, 618 Edmund St., Grocery Walter Schroth, 234 Rondo St., Soft drink Mrs. A. Schultz, 419 So.Cleveland Av., Grocery Otto M. Schulz, 909 Rice St., Confectionery Tom Short & H. Ledy, Edward Tallarico, 106 E. 4th St., 255 E. 7th St., " Soft drink_ Theo Trantanella, 606 Jackson St., Grocery John Tschida, 909 W. (th St., Confectionery Ttivir. City Bakery Co., 576 Charles St., Bakery M. F. Vaughn, 420 S. Hamline Av., Grocery Josenh A. Wegler, 1579 17. llinnehaha St., Confectionery Thos. F. Young, Guardian Life Bldg., It G. A. Zonfi, 1112 Rice St., Gr11 ocery Har.y Kolinsky, 981 Fuller St., COUNCiLNILN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ ...-... _---....... 192 V Clanev � Ferguson � Appro d. -- ?.i. _ _ ..... -_1rJ2__- a,�.. - 1n favor ✓ XpX44 Sudheimer _.. _ _- ` .... ...i`'..... ... .. AYOR � PC1Cr Against �AL. President ', % CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCILNO•- .�I .I-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :;M RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE......._...... januaTy..._1/.f...._�9_2 ......... RESOLVED That the annlications for licenses of the follow ng nersone for the honducting of the Butcher business atathe nd t addresses are hereby granted e City Clerk indicated be and the same licenses upon the payment into the is instructed to issue such city treasury of the customary fee: Arthur Anderson, 866 Payne Av., Carl Backmann, 499 Blair St., Frank Bialozynski, lo11­g Styt. ,Av., Bruckner Bros University Geo. & Pdike Capetz, 238 S, Snelling Av., Geo. Damian rg �, 7th St., Edw. Erickson, 6 26 Bedford St., A. Goldberg, 195 F. Indiana Av., Haas Bros., 7�+0 Blair St., 854 Rice St., Handlon & Sullivan., F. Hanza '486 432 Case S$•, Rice St., o l H. 19• Jansen' A. W. Jansen, st�the epp1j otbns for 00 Rice $t. , ,ng of,the s�� persons sneea; 3 dreases Leo Kisch, indicated be and the 565 Hall Av., hereby granted and the City instracted John Klein, 101 7 Front S t to isaae ueeasP- �the ay at mate the city tre J C. ?deader, u 57 Collins St -1 Char Anderson. 6c Payne .• • H. F. Schmidt, 618 Edmund St. ,'rank Ala ozynskl 499Blair 7ruekner Fr', G. A. Zopfi, 1112 Rice St•, Bros., 445 oni— ee. and Mike Capetz, Ave. o. '.. Dnmlanl, a.._o COUNCILMEN1,j2 4 r. t Peas Nays Adopted by the Council_ .._...__-----------......---192.__. V Clanev ✓Terguson S Ap •oved---..._.T -,. ___.-----------._..---192.- .IZW4 {�^ - __ - In favor Imi$Kiac Sudhelmer MAYOR ,/Teter __ __. _Against .. - . _. /—/,ice- i �r. President CITY OF ST. PAUL Fa "`No... j FFI OF T E, CITY CLERK C I ESOL 16N GENERAL FORM T � 1' PRESENTED BY L" '" " Jan�lar �. 192`F COMMISSIONER. _._._... _ .............. ....._. __.. _. ..._..__ DATE._ ... ..Y 9f._ ._.. .. ......... RESOLVED That the application for license of H. W. Small and 'N. K. Berger to conduct a General Employment Agency at 712 Oommerce Building be and the same is hereby granted and ti,e Oity Olerx is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the na}mlent into the city treasury of the customary fee. 60873_By G. C. Sudhelmer— heeneele, i the_ lie I, I for ser to dl,,%SG nle Rid m. x. Ber_ Ren¢y`II�duct >;mnlo me the merce same Isoh Bulldlnq be, the CItY Clerk Is Inst, eted stud each llcenee upon lesue tho fllln and ohs payment Into the et bond ury t the cuat,t Ity tress - Adapted by the Counell Approved TIIn. 19 1924. Jan' 19, 1924. / i 26-1824, L COUNCILMEN yeas gays :Adopted by the Council. 192..... L Clancy .' /Ferguson ( Ap olvd_ ...._.._192__.. X 444mr } t— _ In favor ---- — 7M 4 A, Sudheineer. Deter "_.. _ _ _A ga111JI MAYOR / NTA•. Presidelit COUNCIL � !! CITY OF ST. PAUL riga NO._.. -_.. i OFF OF THE CITY CLERK - F NCI RESOL N GENERAL ORM A PRESENTED BY ._... DATE_ ..... tJ anilary.._1'! i... I9_ ... ....... COMMISSIONER -_ ....... - ----- -"'--" RESOLVED That the application for license of L. F. Martin to conduct a Poolroom (4 Pool Tables) at 1013 Front Street be and the same is hereby granted and the Oity ,jerk is instructed to issue such license upon_ the payment into the city treasury of the cuatomary fee. Over 1000 feet from school C Resolved 08ThntRthe apP i anon etor license of L F. ,Satin to conduct a Front Street Poolroom 4 ool be and hTableac Ie he -3 by granted and the City Clerk Is In- structed to Issue'such license upon the payment intothe city treasury of the customary fee. OYor 1,000 feet from school. Adopted by the Council, Jan. 19, 1924. Approved Jan. 19 1924. (Jan. 26-1924) COUNCILNIEN Yeas Nays I, Clancy ,Ferguson 4444ffn-n— In favor � Sudhe mer v Peter J \lainst w"Mr- Mr. President JAN 1 19t,; :\dopted by the Council __ __.... __.192---- In�, Appr r _- Me.na COUNCIL •� f j NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL rlLs. ----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE48Y .iJ/l/✓ /G' DATE. u�uar.y 19.....192 ........._... COMM I SSI ONER.___........_--. "-----"'- " RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenzes upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Earl McInnes, 481 ',`laba.sha St., Hotel (Empress) 30 Rooms Nicholas Ullrich, 430 lyabasha St. Hotel (Stein) 14 Rooms J. Weinberg, 473 1gabasha St., Hotel (Jennings) 25 Room Julius Christianson, 279 E. Third St., Restaurant 540 Cedar St., Perry Ennis, � yVabasha St., A. Finberg, 35,1 F. A. Jackson, 36� 1- Ninth St John Karcher, J. B. pdcCormick, 117 W. Seventh St., Clareree Meyers, 151 E. Fifth St., " Michael 2titzuk, 896 Mississinpi St., Sam Nemo, 200 1N• Third St., Geo & Leo ParasY.eva449 Jackson St., 2s, 8 Earl St., per y Zoukos, 3 50875-11y (l. C. S11111"I'e n�•nrnlve:P the��following llPeraons for i�l u��tinR Holelx or Hoetnurnnts naa�n.��a In<urucea oe nna . harv•b>arunc�a nna he urv��'nxlrn�c�a 1n Ivu.• w. u,.• nnym�mc inf �ic; nr n,P tmm�rr � \1clnni�a, 481 \\'nnnnhe ore's) an r 9 e llllrwh ^ 430 � n) 14 1 u COUNCILMEN ��ry Yeas Nay's Adopted by the Council. _._.-------__ _..... ---192_...- V Clancy � 192 Ferguson � Approved ---- V4LW I��L--- _ __ In favor 1 9udheime2' �.-�---Mpyo hcft�l v l'etcr Against ;/ \7r. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FC OUNCIL NO.- -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY(J; n vry.17.. COMMISSIONER /7,!'DATE......... .... RESOLVED the "ouncil h:-eby :, _rc,.,_-s th, ;,,--t-()n Oj' ILi!3 urCh!:Olfj[" -onriittee in rdin - ,3n,,r%ct ,or 'ur.-­s1.1rL to t:.e T: ter 1690 1:i-f,)ot : PctionS 13-1b, com fete turn- Outs, :2 curved sccti�rs, 2 ri;:r_t-hz.n(i :.nd, 2 1 _ft-h: nu Sv1itc",.e_-, to T,1. 21. ',ie,,.Ier _o. , 'L:.uy being; ti_c lowc-, t rc. . on.�jble bicld,,r, at total ccn,rbct rice Of 1 cure, .,'cit ,in,., innecotz,, in ;_c,:ozd: nce ;riti, c-- 11!:C --'U 2z'U of :ote- , their 'Lid and awazd L). CunlLr:,ct h-r to :,tt: checi, and the 'or_:or:. Lion oan,,el ic, Instructed to (11:,,aw iz tl;,-- Ire or fo­,i,i of contract th_,j:e,or. C. F. No. 60876—"y Wm. J. Peter byl gq.urst- . .Ived. That the Council h.1cbY —or.— the. action Of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing the water napartment II -Vq I.r ,80_ -feet I ' ­0... 20-1h. ran, c..,I,te turnouts 2 curved sections. 2 right-hand and 2 left-hand switches, to W.. H. Ziegler Co.. they being the lowest —ponsibl' bidder, at.. b. tcotr-al t, r.'t prlrP of 112.162.00, f. a Bolt Line. hfinnesota In accordance with specifications of the Bureau Of Wait r. their bid and na,ard of can- tract hereto attached and the Corpo- cut '*' is hereby instructed to draw up Approved Jan. 9 .p form of the proper on contract therefor. F No 60,11. B. Adopted by the Connell, Jan. 19, 1924 r I 19S4 (Jan. 26-1924) COUNCILME yeas Nays Adopted by the Cillincil ....... 102 L—Clanev ✓ Ferguson All r ea-, 192 III favor Intron Sudiltilmer . .... Peter Against WniZ['1'— President C. P. No. 608;1—Ord innnce No. 6244— By W, J Peter-- ortlinance granting to the Golden ` [ •, J R91e. n corporatDermiealon to [nil a lank I under the sldewai} `he eIIst side f I.nPnye[te AVS. 1, oune ward St., and reDeri' ]inance No. e Council of [he City r. ordain. • SECTION l ^misalon e An ordinance granting to the vn,'�te� Rule, a corporation, permission to install a tank under the sidewalk on the -east side of Lafayette avenue, near Woodward street, and repealing Ordinance No. 62191. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Golden Rule, a corporation, to install a 1000 -gallon tank under the sidewalk on the east side of Lafayette avenue, near Wood- ward street, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said tank, upon said licenseets compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said tank shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the city of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars 1$10,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, mainten- ance, operation, presence or removal of said tank. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the city of St. Paul. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 62191, entitled "An ordinance granting to Golden Rule Company, permission to install and maintain a gasoline pump for private use at their new garage building at Lafayette and Woodward avenues," approved January 4, 1924, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be 1n force thirty days after its passage and publication. �_ 0 r Passed by the Council Yeas Nays MS Clancy perguson I MoDonald Peter 8udheimer � Wenzel Mr.,President (Nelson) i Approved EEB-J !Y2f Actin Mayor Attest City Clerk � ' � � i' O- �' �^ .f _ ._d � 1 -� -� ,r 1 ' ... .. ��__. .. ., i.. .... '�9V::'S .^a .. ,._•. \ F. .. RESOLVED F COUNCIL _ _ t�i�l, j CITY OF ST. PAUL rile No - "-"-""-"'-"-" -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE1.._.l.Z.�..'2....... ......... That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the accompanying sketch plan, prepared by the pity Architect under tho direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the con- struction of a new unit in connection with the Cleveland School, be and the,same is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to prepare or cause to be prepared. complete plans, estimates of cost and specifications therefor. C. R No. 60818—By L. R. S. Fer�uson— tlon off etihe Comatl nI.ner e leof Eduncn- tlon, the acc panytn ketch upilen. thepdirection tof the} Cmmilxaloner dot Pnrke. Playgrounds and Public Buud- InRa. for the eonatruction f a ^ t in rtinn With the Cleveland School, be n nd the some is hereby np- nroved and the Commigloner n( a In Parks Pln'grnu nda n d Public Bulld- Iniga to he directed to nrepnro or no timategl ofp ooa ren mplete plana, therefor, t nd o speclflcatlon. Adopted by the Council .Inn. 22, 192q. AP roved Tan. 22, 1924. (lan. 29-1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Clancy v00-rerguson In favor V V Deter vl�ven2.el Ir. President 11-A, Adopted by the Council JAN Q 2 '"4 192 _. _ Approved ti! ? r ia'2'i, 192. non 1 )� ��' , �► CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p C�OLUTION GENERAL FORM .•.... PRESENTED BY ,(�/.._. DATE.. ­T . �.1.✓ .E%l1 L1.�..��- ...... 4� COMMISSIONER.___...... ---------- RESOLVED 'Chat t,.e i-urciut.sini; . : nt be, and lie ip 1,ereoy antro i.ql to purCi;rse, •�it._ tiie car,cent of the _ �,:ycr �.nd the Co:aptrol7-�r, 2'10 steel loc'�ce:c at a total cost not tc exceed ;6-4.0':,, on inor....a co:.r1,atltivc bids vritl:out advert r n e;:.e:, e,.cy exi: er, ;ailuro to act ro,n.tly Would ;mr' hard:,1 i_. to of the city. C'tiurl_ e crool _,unJ 41. C Resuson— olved. ThatBthe Purchasing Agent l� he. ad he Is hereby out sell to purchple, with theonsent of thel Mayor and the Comptroller. 200 steel. lockers at a total oat not to exceed', $664.00, o Informal competInve .bide ¢ith an xistsa where rfnllure to ne[ Dromptl} would work hardship to thebeat in-� teresta f the city. Charge School Fund -41. ) Adopted by the Ceuncll Jan. 22. 1924. Approved Jan. 22. 1924. (Jan. 26-1924)_ . I i J' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L� Clancy ✓Ferguson mellonann- -_ 1n Savor ® Sudheime_-. Peter _ .Against Wenzel mr. President Adopted i)y tlw CouneilJ.AN..Z-2..1.924._ -.---192.__. Appro -.-...---- MAYO CITY OF ST. P+ALYL� coueCa No. +)1 ? . 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - FILE IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY L R S..FERGU .. ..... DATE_.....JAN- 1.5TH.-.1.924..._................_. COMMISSIONER.__......_ ... 1....... _ . ._.. RESOLVED WIi:2,t'AS, The Com_ issione-r of Education has reported to `the Council in accordance ..iith Section 53, of the City Chartar the e:>:istenct; of an ecier�;ency uhich rendere ant of certain em- ployes ore than their usual hours o be it, C. F. N ' 50880—Ry L R. S. Ferguson— r Whereas. Tho Cnmmlealoner t Ed RESOLVED, Th UC6"°^ nan reported to the c°^"°"• ers are hereby In n rdnnce cIth Section 53. of the, author -5, Charter. the exlstenee of an emer-R J named. er-Tployes, wne n •y hich on.....ry the I at the rmPloyment or certain e^oyen fir extra employment , department or more than their�xtra time herein- afterthe L'n hours of employment; therefore. after Set ,,IvlF That the proper citayy oal rate of NAVIE TITLE TILE RAT.: TOTAL -- CHARLES BUNDE JAN & ENG 10 HRS 62j C $6 25 WM T GILLET DO 24 5?3 10 40 J E GLASS DO 24 55 13 20 SAMUEL GRANT DO 20 622 12 50 P M HUETMACHER DO 8 574 4 62 E MANSKA DO 40 5-�' 23 10 H O-DONNELL DO 6 62� 3 75 OSCAR P SMOLENSKY DO 53 51 27 03 CHARLES SORENSON DO 15 62� 9 38 J WATSON DO 13 62j 8 13 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓Ferg11SOn /� -A'Iepo"afti — ... 111 favor Sudheimer ✓Peter 1/ AFainsL -Wenzel /MI-. President Adopted by tho C'ounYAN_2 2 !92.1 192 ApproY J !', I`: 2. " 192 r) / eUBLISHF,L7/� - - ��U -//i!• C�•4c 1 C1�i/ FORU NO. 1. JAN 15TH- 1924 An 3;njrg3ncy has aris•m in tial D:!L,art^q:nt of ducation. Bureau of Schools, rsnd3ring n3cass,..-ry the amplov33nt of car- tzin employes of th,:t La- for nor.: than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: EXTRA FIRING This amargoncy arose by r ason of tha following faots and circiLmstancos EXTRA FIRING ACCOUNT OF EXTREME COLD WEATHER AND NOT ENOUGH FIREMEN - This r3port is in accordance with 3;otion 53 of th3 Chirt-,r. v ocAl To CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NORIGINALORIGINALi1LE . O...�� ..... ......:.:. r - CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION. TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 268' PRESENTED BY - IL COMMISSIONER.____.. .............. .. DATE__..SIL:nu..'-I,TY_._GZ $. t..... �-1.2. 4..... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS,OF THE COMPTROLLER • WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO 35-1-A1 Rnuineers & Foremen �� 200.00 3>-2-D6 Shop 1,,�.bor t 200.00 32-1-A1 Engineers, Draftsmen, Calc. & Clerks 1500.00 ?2-1-F1 9%0 ; Equipment 1500.00 t` 'C. F. �No. 60881—Dy Ree Ived. That the following trans-{ fere be mode on the books of thecc Comptroller hen by eo doing nn un- f avoidable deflclenc}• In one Item mny' )� I be met by said transfer without hamp- I sting the work provided for by the ro- money In the Item from which th••transfer is made:3200.00 transferred from Code 36-1-1 At, E gln ere & Foremen, to Code 36-2-D6, Shop Labor. E3.600.00 transferred from Code 32- } 1 -Al, Engineers, Draftsmen, Calc. & i Clerks, to Code 32-1-E1, Ofllce Farn. l{ & Equipment. Adopted by the Council Jun. 22, 1024. • Approved Jan. 22. 1924. (Jan. 26-1924) YES ( J) COUNCILMEN J) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNOipI�gilN_`.2_2.1924.._......19..-.------ f^ • 'LANCY JAN 2 C 19?4 i D _ . FERGUSON APPROVE...........................yy......._............I .....__. IN FAVOR br - DUU LLL'ill1 E'.r MAYOR ,`PETER .......... AGAINST 1WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY. ---------_--­---------- CI...TY ....COM.....PTRNo -E-....-........... R /MR. PRESIDENT FORM un (In" u) ORIGINAL TO CRY CLERK 3 OFFICE OF T$E COMPTROLLER Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 000so>•L NO........: � 56 N.. -.j.._1924 ...............192...._..... BY MPT LLE_ PER....... .... ....... {._. ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_14 951.12------------------------ covering Ochecks numbered.__.335-.-_.---__-..------to----_ 486 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the CityComptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JAN 2 2 1924 t/Clsncy, Adopted by the Council.. ---------- - -- -"Perguson, ouncil................-..---Ferguson,V// ,In favor na 2 2 '?24.- ...................192.---.... / MCV=7 Sudhe imer roved.-- ---...----. AH- -------------- -- '/Peter, /✓1lgatnst Wenzel. anYox ,,Ar.President, Nelson 338 Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, 3.45 Library 339 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 8.10 Fire 340 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 1,028.91 lVater 341 American Fountain Supply Company, 74.00 Park Refectories 342 American Law Bonk Company, 7.50 Corp. Counsel 343 American Library Association, 13.09 Library • 344 American Railway Express Company, 12.47 Arterial highways 2.22 Library 4.71 n 2.67 II .76 it .71 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.40 T=. Res. 56 Cage #2 49.50 345 American Ribbon & Carbon Company, 2'0 Bazille & Partridge, 3.00 Police Schools 356 Johh Beissel Company, 59.47 346 American Supply Company, 357 Biebighauser Electric Company, St. C. & R. •42 Fire Bridge Bldg. & R. 6.00 Dean F. L. Bishop, •75 u n 1.08 359 Workhouse 7.35 Garage Schools 27.80 360 Blue Book of the Screen, 5.00 If 1.20 Library it 1.50 3.50 _ Water 14.12 362 Bohn Refrigerator Company, 29.49 Schools 347 Joh% D. Anderson, 6.58 Schools 348 Austin -Western Road Machinery Company, 60.00 St. C. & R. 349 Auto Engine Works, 24.27 Fire 350 Automotive Service Company, 13.35 Garage 351 G. A. Baker & Company, 5.25 Library 352 Baldwin Transfer Company, 18.58 Schools 353 The Barrett Company, 618.30 St. C. & R. 94.81 Bridge Bldg. & R. 523.49 618.;5U 354 G. Bartusch, 49.50 Health 355 Bazille & Partridge, 3.00 Schools 356 Johh Beissel Company, 22.87 Health 357 Biebighauser Electric Company, 3.40 Fire 358 Dean F. L. Bishop, •75 Library 359 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company, 63.42 Garage • 360 Blue Book of the Screen, 5.00 Library 361 Boeringer & Sona, 3.50 _ Bureau of Engineers 362 Bohn Refrigerator Company, 29.49 Schools ' 1 yyy t i kl CN I t Res. 56 Page #3 363 Borchert -Ingersoll Company, 3.17 Water 364 Allen Born Dist. State Boiler Insp., 9.00 ire 3.00 Sprinkling 3.00 Water 3.00 TJ. b� 365 Bowen's Art Store, 1.08 Playgrounds 366 The Bowen Engraving Company, 12.00 ® Mayor's Office 367 H. C. Boyeson Company, 23.25 Mayor's Office 2.25 it u 2.75 City Clerk 1.50 Municipal Court 2.00 Police 7.26 Health 2.50 Schools 4.99 -715 368 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, 66.20 Schools 60.00 Library 6.20• 369 Stewart R. Browne Mfg. Company, 24.73 Schools 370 Burns Lumber Company, 585.lu C. H. & C. H. 2.50 11.80 it 47.00 St. C. & R. 70.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 17.75 Workhouse 13.25 Schools 186.00 It 33.75 Bureau of Parks 108.00 It it it 48.50 Water 46.55 �BS:Iif ' 371 Burroughs Adding Machiner Company, 48.06 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 7.79 Library 4.46 Water 35.81 372 John W. Cadby, 3.00 Library • 373 Canson & Mantgolfier, 15.47 Schools 374 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, 80.50 L 1775 Res. 56 Page ##4 375 Capital City Lumber$ Company, 24.55 Bridge Bldg. & R. 7.44 11 ° 9.41 Bureau of Parks 5.9U Water 1.80 376 Capitol Laundry Company, 12.62 Schools 377 Capitol Welding Company, 98.90 Lighting 378 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company, 69.00 • Fire 379 Geo. B. Carpenter & Company, 180.00 L 1836 38U C. N. Caspar Company, 1.86 Library 381 Central Auto Top Company, 82.58 Sewer C. & R. 11.50 Garage 71.08 87.598- 382 Central Garage, 6.05 Fire 3.79 Library 2.26 383 Central Scientific Company, 23.82 Schools 384 Central Soap Company, 40.00 C. H. & C. H. 30.00 Armory 10.00 TO= 385 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 15.26 Schools 386 Chicago Apparatus Company, 192.46 Schools 387 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, .25 L 1662 388 Chimago Pneumatic Tool Company, 0.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repr. ` 389 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway Co., 24.22 Schools 390 Arthur H. Clark Company, 6.00 ® Library 391 John Clark Company, &.49 Library Res. 56 Page #5 392 Cochran -Sargent C&par{y, 575.35 C. H. & C. H. 23.40 Police 14.27 Fire 1.58 .47 " 5.23 Bridge Bldg. & R. 25.23 Playgrounds .76 P. Bldgs. Revl. 76.92 Water 427.49 -575:35 393 Columbia Tool Steel Company, 92.48 Schools • 394 Community Service, 7.92 Playgrounds 395 C. H. Congdon Company, 25.15 Schools 396 Contractors Supply & Equipment Company, 3.82 S. & S. Cing. 397 Corning -Donahue Brick Company, 1,168.25 Schools 14.00 L 1710 11.20 L 1737 13.20 L 1763 125.10 L 1789 56.00 L 1841 T,36�5 948.75 398 Cotton Goods Supply Company, 57.75 Schools 399 Cracker Jack Company, 20.25 Park Refectories 400 Crane Company, 404.46 C. H. & C. H. 20.02 Fire 15.38 It 24.21 Bridge Bldg. & R. 22.81 P. Bldgs. Revl. 322.04 401 Crane Company, 298.33 Schools 402 Crane Company, 125.36 Water _ 403 Crist Book Shop, 13.85 Library • 404 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company, 7.74 Water 405 a Daily News Publishing Company, 24.48 Civil Service 5.58 McKinley Schoal(Bond) 18.90 _74_.Tg 406 Day's Prest-O-Service Company, 23.70 St. C. & R. 16.25 Garage 7.45 . - -t' - t rr Res. 56 Page ##6 2.48 6.00 . .80 4.50 76.50 20.00 5.30 1.38 5.00 .35 41.68 5.60 4.20 1.40 153.45 38.70 34.65 X66 1.75 .90 1.75 3.00 4.20 18.20 5.40 9.86 6.80 2.25 2.00 49.20 570.00 25.09 1.60 2.56 52.00 .35 1.40 6.00 76.3I 29.95 1.47 12.00 3.25 1.25 8.50 .6U -57-D7 163.99 10.05 2.78 .52 238.00 764.31 57.02 407 /,� Adam Decker Hardware Company, C. H. & C. H. Bureau of Engineers St. C. & R. Bridge Bldg. & Repr. Schools n it u Forestry Revl. Water • 408 Del Auto Radiator Company, Garage 409 Devoe Twin City Paint Stores, Schools 410 DeWolfe & Fiske Company, Library 411 Dispatch Printing Company, Civil Service it It it it Election Expense n n McKinley School(Bond� 412 Louis F. Dow Company Finance Comer. of C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. n u n u n n Bureau of Engineers u It it n n It it n It St. C. & R. (Pay.) Schools u n u it Garage Sprinkling 413 W. J. Dyer & Brother, • Schools n u till Library Playgrounds 2.48 6.00 . .80 4.50 76.50 20.00 5.30 1.38 5.00 .35 41.68 5.60 4.20 1.40 153.45 38.70 34.65 X66 1.75 .90 1.75 3.00 4.20 18.20 5.40 9.86 6.80 2.25 2.00 49.20 570.00 25.09 1.60 2.56 52.00 .35 1.40 6.00 76.3I 29.95 1.47 12.00 3.25 1.25 8.50 .6U -57-D7 163.99 10.05 2.78 .52 238.00 764.31 57.02 419 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, C. H. &rC. H. 28.79 S. & S. cing. 8.40 Workhouse 25.54 Garage 4.20 Sprinkling 66.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 6.50 Water 65.21 7 . 420 Rea. 56 Page #7 ti Lighting 414 Eagle 011 Company, H. E. Erickson Company, Armory 422 415 East Side Grocery Company, Schools Schools Eversharp Shear Uompany, 416 Electric Blue Print Company, 424 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Bureau of Engineers 26.10 C. H. & C. H. 27.00 13.51 16.25 it 19.00 Police 21.17 11.10 6.25 Schools 2.40 .75 P. Bldgs. 11.60 ® St. C. & R. 22.65 83'Il it 417 Electric Maid Company, It 47.1U Schools 32.42 418 Elk Laundry Company, S. & S. Cing. 2.74 Schools 4.03 3.58 " 4.80 It" Library .50 Workho#se 1.77 Test. Labs. 1.50 Garage .46 Water 5.80 419 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, C. H. &rC. H. 28.79 S. & S. cing. 8.40 Workhouse 25.54 Garage 4.20 Sprinkling 66.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 6.50 Water 65.21 7 . 420 Thos. J. Engel Welding & Mfg. Company, Lighting 421 H. E. Erickson Company, Water 422 Jacob Esch & Son, Schools 423 Eversharp Shear Uompany, Schools 424 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, C. H. & C. H. 27.00 Armory 16.25 it 10.80 Police 21.17 6.25 Health .75 Bureau of Engrs. 4.70 St. C. & R. 22.65 it 14.90 It 47.1U Sewer C. & R. 32.42 it 17.,34 S. & S. Cing. 2.74 Bridge Bldg. & R. 3.58 11 If 9.72 It" 2.89 Workho#se 1.77 242.W 12.66 34.06 83.71 15.00 17.09 205.14 49.70 5.00 6.87 300.00 242.03 Res. 56 Page ##8 4 425 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools n u u it n it It n n 1 Librgry • Park -Adm. Bureau of Parka n u n Playgrounds It 426 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Lighting Sprinkling Forestry Revl. P. Bldgs. Reyl. L 1686 • L 1737 L 1802 L 1836 L 1836 427 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Water 428 F. W. Faxon Company, Library 429 Fenstermaeher Auto Supply Company, Garage 43U Field, Schlick & Company, C. H. & C. H. Schools u n Library Lighting 431 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, Schools • Sprinkling 432 Fleischmann Company, Workhouse a 433 The Foxboro Company, Water 9.60 228.73 30.00 1.16 11.70 16.20 4.25 1.15 3.36 .28 36.00 13.00 4.75 156.00 38.76 74.81 41.80 67i. 8.16 1.75 54.20 28.26 7.80 .92 10.44 1.60 39.60 _T=. 4.40 12.78 6.50 35.70 82.50 12.83 2.30 3.40 T97 �T 9.25 8.8U T87r_ 671.55 152.63 463.41 40.69 25.76 160.41 18.05 11.70 11.75 St. C. & R. (Pay.) Res. 56 Page #9 1*, 4 434 Chas. Friend & Son, 57.25 L 1774 4.75 Water 52.50 37793- 435 Gaylord Brothers, 27.18 Library 436 General Motor Service Catpany, 8.00 Garage 437 Golden Rule, .9.69 Schools 7.15 Playgrounds 2.54 • 438 Goodyear Rubber Company, 149.81 Fire 16.50 Sewer C. & R. 69.00 L 1847 48.78 Water 15.53 T4- 439 Grasselli Chemical Company, 2.00 Fire 440 Greenberg Iron & Metal Company, 40.00 L 1836 441 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 449.62 Workhouse 24.30 116.92 15.70 Schools 66.93 P. Bldgs. Revl. 6.40 Water 219.37 442 Grossmann Instrument Works, X0.00 Bureau of Engineers 443 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 304.44 Police .57 Fire 3.39 " .65 Shools 12.10 c 11.30 Bureau of Parks 17.79 L 1858 83.50 Water 175.14 IM -4-."47 444 C. S. Hammond & Company, 22.00 Library e 445 Handlon & Company, 386. .13 Workhouse 281.15 Water 104.98 'r$-6=. 446 Hanlon & Okes, 24.80 St. C. & R. (Pay.) Res. 56 Page ¢#10 t � 447 Hanna Coal & Dock Company, Bridge Bldg. & R. 16.35 Lighting 47.08 L 1836 A. 8.75 it 16.35 _M;S - 448 Harcourt, Hrace & Company, 88.53 10.00 4.50 57.95 5.04 12.00 .45 81.65 51.80 229.02 2.25 6.94 99.00 465.01 Library 449 William Helburn, Library 450 Theo. G. Belle & Company, • Schools 451 Helps Carpet Cleaning Company, C. H. & C. H. 452 S. E. Hendricks Company, Library 453 B. Herder Book Company, .Library 454 Highland Spring Company, Mayor's Office 2.25 City Clerk 3.25 Corp. Counsel 2.25 Comptroller 12.75 Civil Service 4.50 Purchasing Department 2.25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 3.25 Health 4.25 it 3.25 C.P.W.-yen. Adm. 7.00 St. C. & R. 3.25 Schools 4.90 If 19.00 Park -Adm. 9.50 M.O 455 Highway Trailer Company, S. & S. Cing. 456 F. T. Hildred & Company, St. C. & R. 4.34 Sprinkling .89 eater 223.79 779.= 457 Henry Holt & Company, Schools 458 Horrigan's Grocery, • Schools 459 Houghton, Mifflin Company, School Book Fund 460 J. W. Hulme Company, Sewer C. & R. 17.00 Schools 53.12 56.31 258.08 5.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 75.00 88.53 10.00 4.50 57.95 5.04 12.00 .45 81.65 51.80 229.02 2.25 6.94 99.00 465.01 Res. 56 Page #11 461 George P. Humphrey, 1.70 Library 462 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company, 254.26 St. C. & R. 463 Indppendent Oil Company, 3.01 Pol. & F. Alarm 464 International Correspondence Schools, 1.00 Schools 465 Irvin & Beard, 64.70 Schools 466 Arthur W. Isca, 1.66 Schools 467 A. C. Jefferson Company, 5.69 Police 468 Jewish Publication Society of America, 1.60 Library 469 L. W. Jordan Company, 17.44 Fire 5.39 Garage 12.05 T7 -.TF 470 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 16.00 Garage 471 Keasbey & Mattison Company, 27.58 Water 472 Kee Lox Manufacturing Company, 90.79 Corp. Counsel 5.50 Com r. of Finance 3.52 Health 1.44 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 32.00 Bureau of Engineers 9.33 " " 28.00 Sprinkling 11.00 -70-.79- 476 Kellogg -Mackay Company, 1,046.12 Schools 109.39 Water 936.73 ,iSz. lei 474 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 1.50 Workhouse 475 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 16.00 • St. C. & R. (Pay._i Bridge Bldg. & R. 5.40 12.60 _T9_.0 476 Keuffel & Esser Company, 34.13 Bureau of Engrs. 477 Kilmarnock Books, 35.09 Library • Res. 56 Page #12 L' J 478 Kremer Auto Spring Company, Garage 479 Lamprey Products Company, Police 480 Lavalle Law Book Company, Corp. Counsel 481 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Company, C. H. & C. H. 482 F. G. Leslie Paper Company, C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Health Schools It Library 483 Linde Air Products Company, Test. Labs. Garage 484 London Publishers, Library 485 Longman s, Green & Company, Library 486 C. B. Lyon & Brother, Fire 0 3.88 12.68 150.00 27.11 24.00 7i9. --6'f 2.50 9.3U T= 13.63 11.00 12.00 37.68 217.67 11.80 2.00 1.32 4.13 QUADRUMJTE TO—CLERK I— D-34 1M 12-22 nLs No. AUDI�D OA N__2.1_.14.24 co' 0 Ill ME Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ......................... I covering checks numbered ------__....._----to...... ----------- to ......... ... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller, Yes Councilmen Nays. JO 2 2 1924 v"Clancy, Adopted by the Council.. -------......._......_.._ ,,'Ferguson, In favor � ;-� -',2� 9 , � f! 4, -VZZ=Wi- Approved ..........._----..192 .............. iftimnyr,- Sudheimer Peter, `Wenzel. ------- . Against Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 50882— Resolved, ;hat checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate ....at . " 514,951.12. covering checks numbered 338 to 486 Inclusive, as per register of city checks an Ills In the offl.e of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Jam 22, 1924. Approved Jan. 22, 1924 (Jan. 26-1924) 0 /i;_ Form D-34 121 12-22 • C] 1 axrr or .r. 4vr.R OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER /l [� AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM 1V O. `.�t38/8c? 57 n Y BY � � LLS AUDITED 'JAN COM ROLLS .�� Y ���...... .192.. I51 - � .. .. .. .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._....2-1.fAQ`L...:g.0.................... covering checks numbered.. --._.._4137_ ......... ------ to..... -491 .inclusive, as per register of city checks on fila in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, ✓Ferguson, _.__In favor vfis Sudheimer I, Peter, ,,Wenzel. _ ...Against President, Nelson JAN 22 1924 Adopted by the Council._ --- ------....----..._.-_.. ... .............. _.192-..... 2 2 1924 192. -- - A- roved __ J_AN ---- ----------- AYOR - ... ----- ------------------- ---------- ---....-- -- ......... - --...... -- ..... - 487 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of r'inance 8,720.63 Bureau of Parks 59.48 " 16.00 440.75 244.20 " 3 5.00 " 58.80 4.20 " 43.25 532.15 " 177.45 " 60.00 275.00 145.73 " 20.00 " 28.00 " 42.20 60.00 Park Refectories 75.70 262.70 96.00 Playgrounds 186.25 1,828.12 70.00 " 51.35 " 385.65 627.15 " 271.50 Election 150.40 Forestry Revl. 818.20 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1 685.70 8,720.63 Res. 57 Page ##2 if 488 J. M. Clancy, Comer. of Finance 10,610.41 Schools 489 Frank J. Hunt, 1,508.50 L 1865 49U Leo J. Hunt, L 1865 510.21 491 Helen Stone, 53.31 Assess. Rev. L 1168 L` q QUADRUMI�M TO c— -snK 44 F.. D-34 IM 12-22 C7 0 AUDITED JAN 4 c Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ..................... covering checks numbered -457 ---- ----------- t ....... 49 - 1 _ .inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. ­Iclancy, JAN 2 2 1924 L,Per�uson, Adopted by the Council__....._...... ..... ...... .. .. .... - M-DO"0141— ��..Irt favor L-'Uw—, Sudhe ime r Approved.— 9- �4924 ....... .. .. ..... 192 vTeter, _-Wenzel. Against �fr- President, Nelson C. F. IT-. -0883— Resolved, the cM3�edirc.s`,t checks be drawn -of '2'�, he aggregate ,o,sr'. $21,40 6toc0tv ri n ch..k. ;F,,:ter f4g�j to 491 jo,jo.j office 1 C !Y checks on file -s per 11 the In the Ad.,tc, , C"Y Comptroller. approved by the Connell Jan. 22. 1924. Jan. . 22, 1924. (Jan. Y6 -1924) ORIGINALTO r,.i. p1Q I CI CLERK Ito Off. o y OFFICE 4 F THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM °°°�°:` NO.. _ `�`�8 ` F- n-34 int tz-zz :.n: _..... .................. . • 58 AUDITED .._......JAN _.2.2....:1924_...._.._l az_- j Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $............... , covering checks numbered_..__ 49G to508 .inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. JAN 2 2 1924 V Clancy, Adopted by the Council. .._ __192....... Ferguson, In favor a-- JAN 2 2 192A sotr Sudheimer -..._ pproved.__--------- ...-. _..192 - -_ -. ---- eter, Wenzel. ,,Ar. President, Nelson -'ox 492 ....... .. ---..------- ..---- ---- - ---- .---- --- ----------------- The American Multigraph Sales Company, 195.43 Schools 493 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 82.10 Water 494 Colossus Packing Company, 22.32 Schools 495 Feyen Construction Company, 1,524.05 1875 496 Fred Jost, Director 155:00 Bureau of Parks 497 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 143.00 Sprinkling 498 Wm. J. Knowlan, Wheelage Tax Refund 2.40 499 Nels Larson, 10.00 Non -assessable improvements 500 P. E. Lilleberg, 2.40 Wheelage Tax Refund 501 H. K. Mulford Company, Health 377.27 lRes. 58 Page #2 -0 r 502 Arne P. Nord, 3.00 Wheelage Tax Refund 503 O'Neil & Preston, 1,742.50 L 1831 504 Mrs. A. H. Osterlund, 2.40 Wheelage Tax Refund 505 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 4,960.9U St. C. & R. 26.26 Water 4,934-06-4 • 506 Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, L 1814 , 80 2,040.00 507 Secretary of State, 35.00 Garage 508 D. W. Taylor, 17.49 Police 9.92 2.17 Pol. & F. Alarm 5.40 "7'7.0 • 11 QUADRUPLICATE TO clry CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 • Olrr OT Y. PAUL Of + coOSCxL t-it,$()f-. nLeNo ...... ....... . .............. _..... _ I J AUDITED.......... ......... . .............192 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ----------------- covering checks numbered --_....499 .................. .to ....----- --- _.._..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. / JAN 2 2 1924 tAlancy, Adopted by the Council .................................. -..192.-..... VFerguson, /MepltfOSte �'_.In favor Approved 1 ..._.---.._. 192 atsm-- Sudheie r ----..- ,SAN /Peter, /Wenzel. ---- --Against �i/Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 66634— be drawn on th. eCi tye Trea url;h to sthe aggregate amount of $31.315.26, covering checks iinj rtgmMt.red t49City heeks 2 to 508 conBlMe in the ottice of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Tan. 22. 1924. App—ed San. 22. 1924. (San. 26-1924) ORIGINAL TO CITY -RK • OFFICE OF THE OMPTROLLER F.- D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO......__) 59 ��� y� ,- JAN -92 1924 AUDITED7 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMrekate amount of $ 1,421.35 ................................................. covering checks numbered ---------- . ....... to --- -- - -- -- ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. lancy, Adopted by the Council JAN 2 2 1924 -.-192.-- - - ---- --- - -- --- V Ferkuson, JAN 2 2 1914 Noe= -= In favor qproved -- --- ------------ .............. .. . .......... ....... 192.- .1 "Untson, --,Peter, �Wenzel. ----- -Against --"Mr. President, Nelson ........ . ..... ........... .......................... ................................ 509 W. E. Hustleby, 91.35 Investigation of St.Paul City Railway 510 O'Neil & Preston, 1,175.00 Water 511 A. L. Snyder, Director 155.00 Bureau of Parks E QUADRUPLICATE DiTT os TO CRY CLERK NO.- .. . ... . ...... ...... . .. ..... Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED 192......... BY . ......... 1 d- 0. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 11.1Mw.35 ........................... covering checks numbered 509....................to-----A11--. ----- — —inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( tT) Councilmen Nays. jA'-,4 2 2 1)' —'Clancy,Adopted by the Council.. ........................... -- L"'Perguson, ------ 6.In favor Approved....--......_ - ... ....... 191 Vyatson, I/Peter, �Against L/Wenzel. President, Nelson J I C F. C. 501111mt eb-k. 'Ira'-a on - nesolce'I be ---ty, to,,t,h,e la`g"'h�gak ttoU't , ' 4,,,,5, -,—, . P_ in the au-b—d 509 tO becks —Iet— f it, �heek ioatee f the City Comp 22. 1924. 0' Adopted by t"22 Ign,4 Approved Jan. (Jan. ji; 192�) Peter by Councila That the in. -f th� y-`` trace Jan. 22, 1924- COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy .,'Ieerguson -mq;e�>fiIn favor `�I� Sudfieimef3 ✓ Peter Against ✓ Wenzel / 'Mr. President JAN 2 2 1094 Adopted by the Council_ .. . ..... .... ...- _....------192_._- -"^ t Appr 4 .... .- 192.-. .... . ------ ----- - ---------- MAYOR COUNCIL No. jo CITY OF ST. PAUL rae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . 17 . ..... 1 F J f.rY . ..... ....... . ............ PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER. --- .11 ......nu.. -il-l!;t t.' -e action of t';, -e Purcli-cinf; RESOLVED In the �,(j et "orto tile .-k t, -r t, �3 290 hub r r,)), I to-, to tie ;;ej�ltli r',- -oundry & T, 1,-; b in:' t}: lot:c. r,s on,- ible -Gidd _r , at y tot,,,, contr',ct )rice o, 1,7,685.60, in z,cco-,dztr,cL,, Wit" CIAiDns of tlic! -)Urc:�u ?Ater, tl?ej.-r, 'r)ij and 0 cc) tract hu,- ;,tt�.ched, and the orpor-tiull lounsel I-, Hereby instrilicted to dru.., u)tir ro-,e, for:,. of contract there 1,60b, Peter by Councila That the in. -f th� y-`` trace Jan. 22, 1924- COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy .,'Ieerguson -mq;e�>fiIn favor `�I� Sudfieimef3 ✓ Peter Against ✓ Wenzel / 'Mr. President JAN 2 2 1094 Adopted by the Council_ .. . ..... .... ...- _....------192_._- -"^ t Appr 4 .... .- 192.-. .... . ------ ----- - ---------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE......... ............. �1:?.Ly........__.. RESOLVED Ant th- •,?)incil he -by -o :res the ,,ction of the . u_ ah. sinf; b::_iittee in ,..:a_uin cont_L,_t ,' ,'.trr::shin to the :late_ Department, .O..'. cars, Jt, -aul., 39 hub end nut o;c-rat.ed l.s' Late valves, to t'.ic',h-apraan Valve :_1,aiufacturin[, Jo., they i:ctr:r• the lovrer_-t ra::"cnNibl:, bidder, at total contract rice of ;,7,235.0(,, in accordance ;ith s_)ecification:, of the Luraau of ',i, ter, their bid and. �:vrard of contract hereto z.ttached, i nd the ;or, or: .tion Jo,-tn: e1 is hereby inztriicted to drug u-,' ti.c rr..,-)er forri of contract there;for. C. F. No. 60887—BY Wra. J. Peter by queet— Rrovea d. That the therCouncil hereby Committee the action f the a contract Committee In warding the Depart I for furnishing care, the water 30 hU- t mednt.uFt.oPeratedI. R [gate "1 30 to tha Chapman Valve Manu[ncturing Co.. they being the lowest responsible bid- der t a totalcontract price 01,41k: f 57,- 226.00, in accordance withEpee lticn- tions of the Bureau f water, their ". bid and award o[ contract hereto at- tached and the Corporation ConmmI proper hero form 0fucontract there to revr for. the El. No. 6052. Adopted by the C.—ii Jan. 22, 1924. Approved Jan. 22, 1924. (Jan. 26-1924) COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Clancy � Ferguson 4r,m,., a 1 _ In favor v - Sudbeimev v Peter _ ______ Against Wenzel President 2�- Adopted by the Council __�.AN..2.2_192!4---...192 J AN 2 2 1924 A xovcd 192..- .. I MAYOR OUNCIL ♦! CITY OF ST. PAUL FCILE NO.__ '�.-�..,.11-1..' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan. 22, 1924 . .._. _.._.. ... DATE......_ ._......... _............. _ ... .... RESOLVED In the matter of paving HUI110nd Avenue from Como Ave. '+est to Scudder Street, Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and Cleveland Avenue from Scudder St. to the North City Limits, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. $49805, approved November 21, 1923. RESOLVED, Trat the plans and specifications snowing the water connections to be made on Raymond Ave., Scudder St. and Cleveland Avenue, between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Pubiic Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. I I C. F. No . 60888—Ry Wm J. Peter— i In the matter of paving Raymond i Ave ue from Como Ave. West to,I , Scudder Street Scudder Street from I Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Ave- and Cleveland Avenue from Scudder Street to the North City 1 Limits, with necessary water con - No. 49806, �a ppro edderalNovember 21. 1923. Resolved. That the plane and speci- fications showing the water [lona udder Smade on Raymond Avenue. /1 Scudder Street nd Cleveland Avenue, n i between the pointe aforesaid, d and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he fe hereby authorized -,-_-_ and directed to do the work by Farce 0""•"�`�' "--� —- - Account. Adoptcd by the Council Jan. 22, 1924, Approved Jan. 22, 1924. { V I/ (San. 2. 1924. Peas Nays 'Clancy v/ Ferguson 6 (el3efrt}d— In favor V Sudlwuv.t. i Peter _ __.Against Wenzel �1Ir. President _....._.. Adopted by the Council AAN..2 2 1924 192. .._. . __. JAN 2 2 1y24 App__......___._..192..--- CITY OF ST. PAULFILENOL NO.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CPU. CIIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /l/ X Jan. 2, 1924.' RESOLVED v _ In the matter of paving Raymond avenue from Como Avenue West tb.Scudder St., Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave, and Cleveland Ave. from Scudder St. to the north City Limits, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. #49805, approved november 21, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas.connections to be made on Raymond Ave., Scudder St. and Cleveland Avenue, between the points afore- said, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans, upon the St. Paul G s Light Company. C. F. No. 60889—By Wm. J. Peter— - In the matter of paving Raymond Avenue from Como Avenue West to Scudder Street, Scudder Street from I Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Ave- ' nue and Cleveland Avenue from Scudder Street to the North City Limits, with necessary gas connec- t nose- tions, uder Final Order C. F. No. 49806. approved November 21, 1923. r Resolved- That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas c - tions to be made on Raymond Ave - Scudder Street and Cleyeland Avenue. between the points aforesaid. be and the name are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works Is hereby ordered and directed to serve V 1 copy of this order togetherwith V 1 said plans, upon the St. Paul Gne Light Company. S 1 Adopted by the Council Jan 22 19R t. Approved Jan. 22. 1924. (Jan. 26-1924) "- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council192...... Clancy2 i4� ✓herguson...-_192.-..-- Ar_t -a.:<-nertaie'r— __� In favor �® 3udbeimer _.... _ ...... - - /Peter _._..--.--_Against MAYOa t/ Wenzel /Mr. President. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`I �✓P :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE. January 22, 1924. - _.............. In the matter of paving Palace Street from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, with necessary water connections, under Final Order 0. F. j49542, approved November 7, 1923. RESOLVED, -That the annexed plans and specifications showing the water connections to be made on Palace Street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. '. F. No. 60890—BY W. J. Peter— In the atter of paving Palace Stree! from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, with necessary ester on- ections, under Final Order Cc F. No. 49642, approved November 7, 1923. and spec flcatlone showihe ng the water connection.. to be made on Pulse. Street between the points aforesaid, be ,ad the a hereby upPp roved and that the Commissioner of Mile Works be and he I. hersby authorized and dl reeled to do the work by For— Ac- count. Adopted by the Council. Jan. 22, 1924. .%pproved Jan. 22. 1924.. (i.e. 26.1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L 'Clancy A erguson .. rte .. In favor / Sudheira, O t/ Peter Against. /Wenzel -//Mr. President �I � jvLL C i SAN 2 2 1924 Adopted by the Council_. _ .......... - - ._._._ -192... y, App/.w,1 .. 1,3h _....._............ _132_... - _.. MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cn RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM ............... ..................... DATE 5W91 COUNCIL NO... FILE ..._....-.: Jan. 22, 1924. In the matter of paving Palace Street from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 449542, approved November 7, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Palace Street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Lip -ht Company. CBBNCILMEN Yeas Nays Z( ney b'ergusoll}- In favor vfMataon. �dd1,� ,,G Peter Against v Wenzel //1Ir. President ,IAN 2 2 1924 Adopted by the Council_. - -- .....192 App ed.... '.._--. --...._` ... ..___192___ .................. .....J ...... MAYOR C. F. No. 50807—By X�% J. Peter— inlace Street from Fairview Avematter of nue tong o Fredericka Avenue. with necessarygas c Final tions, under 49542, approved 7. 923.0 1 Resolved. That the annexes plans and specifications showing the gas Palace connections to be made on bd the PoebY 9tri ethe esnmen pproved the Commissioner of Public Works Is jhereby ordered and directed to a ve together Irthnid copy of this order plans, upon the St. Paul G— Light Company. Adopted by the con il. Jan. 22. 1114,' Approved. 2 i I Jan.26-1924) i CBBNCILMEN Yeas Nays Z( ney b'ergusoll}- In favor vfMataon. �dd1,� ,,G Peter Against v Wenzel //1Ir. President ,IAN 2 2 1924 Adopted by the Council_. - -- .....192 App ed.... '.._--. --...._` ... ..___192___ .................. .....J ...... MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... ... ........_...._ .... DATE COUNCIL NO_ X17 FILE Jan. 22, 1924. In the matter of paving Hamline Avenue from Goodrich Avenue to the south line of that portion of Osceola Avenue lying west of Hemline Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. #45722, approved October 3, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Hemline :_venue between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy Of this order together with said plans, upon the 5t. Paul Gas Light Company. T C. r. No. 60692 --BY W. J. Peter— I{ In the atter Y paving Hemline Ave- I from Goodrich Avenue to the snueou Osceola south linethat portion I i� d 'Avenue lying west of Hemline I iAve- ons nue, with al Or my gas connections 45722 -under Final Order C. F. pNo. 1672E, approved October 3, 1923. Resolved. That the annexed plana and 9peceacations showing the gas connec-I Hemline Leone to be made o Hamne Avenue between the point, ereb aforesaid. be and he the some are hereby Approved and the- I ere= CommissionerIs her.-- by ordered an of_tPubed tic serve by[o servorh'o n copy by r t getherd ofthis with Co plana. his order upon the St. Paul Gns Light Company. Adopted the Connell, Jnn. 22, 1924. Approved,, Jan. 22, 1924.�'i_i ...._.......__.....-..,.........._.-...____ .y�...._..-...,...,,�__..,.-.._..,_.___.._. --- (Jan. 26-1824) COUNCILMEN Peas Nays L"' Clancy / ✓4 erguson Mr"MTTtd_ In favor SudheimfrN Peter �- Against. ✓/Wenzel Mr. President JAN 2 2 1924. 192.--.-. Adopted by the Council_ � Appr ved.... 192.. _. ----.........- ...__..-__.. .. - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan. 22e_1924t ............. .............. DATE............................. ....... RESOLVED In the matter of paving Hamline Avenue from Goodrich Avenue to the south line of that portion of Osceola Ave, lying west of Hamline Ave., with necessary water connections, under Final Order 0. F. #45722, approved October 3, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the water connections to be made on Hamline Ave. between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. / C. r No. 50693—BY W. 7. Peter— In tee from Goodrich Ave uefnt Athe south line of that port on f Oto Ave. lying west f Hemline A— ve, necessary water connections. approvedinal %.her r3 C19 , Nb. 45722, Resolved. That the annexed plane and specifications showing the water connections to be adsb Ave. between the pointe Hemline baforesaid, e and -the me are hereby approved and that the Commission r of Public Works ..,.,., .,,.,,,,,,,,, „r_._•� be and he Is hereby authorised and +. directed to do the work by Furca Ac- count. Y Adopted the ol, Jail. 22. 1924. , APproved,by Cunci Jan. 22• 1924. ' ~� (i.e. 26-1924) ('OONCILMEN. J AN 2 2 1924....-..-..1112-.-.-- Yeas Nays Adopted by the C011nell_- _-------------_... l/ Clancy N `12 2 I14'�a 1Ferguson Appr ved_. "-- 'n In favor f sudhaime.F --- Against Peter M�Ir.ze Pl r. President ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.-.. `- .._..-_... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _Cniimrn RFROLIITION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED an. 22. 1924 In the matter of paving Payne Avenue from Maryland Street to the North City Limits - Contract "B", with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. #31142, approved August 1, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Payne Avenue between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public ',forks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a cony of this order together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. n Fh = ier ff paVing Payne AvPeter—e_ I One from Mntyl nd street to the North City Llmit_Contraet- tth epee Y gas o ections, tut 1! tier Final Order C. F. No. 8114np• 2, proved August 1, 1923 Resolved, That the Xeg plane ((( ,� 'f r, L,, 1(`/ `✓ and speclacn e m showing the gas c - between t be made of Payneld. Avenue 1 between the points npprovld. L and the same are heicbY approved Ind [he'' bYmmdereder oa lrderibectedetloce Is her,. plans. of upon the -St. Paul rOnethl fight Companrovey. Tnn. 22, 1D24.I Adopted by the Council, //�� D Appd. .inn. 22. 1924. () -26-1924) ....,.�..................+—..�..-mss,.....-.......,.......... .... _...,.....�......_.._...._�.... _._�.,...,,..-_...�_.._- r. P� COUNCILMEN Yea.' Nays I/Qlancy - /r.1guson ,11Lt�33e (f _ _ _In favor' / Peter Against AVenZel _/Mr. President JAdopted by the Counml .. --. p4.9- -- .. 2 1924.._._ - . ----..192...... Appr vett..._ _.:. __ _..192-_- � (� V!---------- / MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL .vile No— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM j//� /j Jan '22, 1924. 'RESENTED By VED In the matter of paving_ Payne Avenue from Jessamine Street to Maryland Street, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. #49543, approved November 7, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the water connections to be made on Payne Avenue between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commiasioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. C. F. No. 60895—By R�. J. Petcr— In the matter of paving Payne Ave -I ue [rom Jessamine Street to blary- land Street, with eceasary nter connections'under Final No. '49543. approved Novemberl 1923. Resotved. That the • nnexed pinna n �,. rr'�.M1�.!•) and specifications showing the water Ave- I Pnesaid, 1 done to be made aforon yne corm between the points be hereby approved andy and the aa , are that the Comm!ealoner of Publle Works be and he " herebythorized nd directed to do the work by Forco Ac- count. adoptedby the Council Jan. 22. 1924. Approved. Jan. 22. 1924. i (Jan. 26-1924) 1/ V/� �,'OUNCIIAIC.N ens Nays l✓ Clancy Ferguson 4gCbMr!It(t In favor ✓dM= Sudheimer 1 1% Peter Against t/ Wenzel /b4r. President 2 21924 ._192_ -- Adopted by the Council ._JAN_... _..._.._. p ��... ..192-..-- _ _.. ..... .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL F;tUNC O_---•)�) 'ERI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // // _ \ Jan. 22, 1924 COMMISSIONER.___.......... __ ., ..... C_.. ...)..__...... _................... DATE. ......... ..............................................._.. ...... RESOLVED In the matter of paving Payne Avenue from Jessamine Street to Maryland Street, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. $49543, approved November 7, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Payne Avenue, between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public :`Forks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C. F. No. 60696—BY NV. In the matter f paving Payn Avenue! from Jessamine Street to ilfaryland Street, ithcessary gas c nnec-; tions, under Final Order C. F. No. 49643, approved Novontber 7, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plane and specification. showing the ga. con- ections to be made on Payne Avenue. between the points aforesaid. be and the same are here byppraved and the Commissioner of PuUlic Works Is here- by ordered and directed to serve a clan of thirear together with aid pians, uponpon sal the St. Paul Owe L ✓/— Company. Adapted by the Council. Jan. 22, 1924. Jan. Approved, Ja22, 1924.- .t (Jan. an. 26-1924) _'("�-'j[v'/tiv ✓fi COUNCILNILN Yeas Nays tl/Clancy ✓Ferguson l• y=Lk0ft&k+_ _---_.._..In favor MUM audhumor t/ . 1/Peter _- _ . _..Against. ✓ Ivenzel I/ Mr. President Adopted by the CouncilJAN 2 _... - ....._._ 2 -__ 1924 ___.........192...... Approve-.L.S.:._2 - ........192...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.-... ,FILE " .... .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C 1 R SOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .... 1 ..... DATE. ...... ... ..... JAXIII.._.I,i.Ii_......1.9E a ... ........ COMMISSIONER ._...._. ... ... _.. .. ..... ._. . RESOLVED 40 In the matter of paving Payne bvenue from Maryland Street to the North City Limits - Contract I'B", with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. #31142, approved August 1, 1923. RESOLVED, Tnat the annexed plans and specifications showing the water connections to be made on Payne Ave. between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. C. F. No. 50297—By W. J. Peter— Tn the Anter of Payne Avenue from IlTaltsa C tr e t It the North Street City Limits n 'tio with der ter c n Finala l water .connections, under Final C. F. No. 21142; approved Augustt 1. 1, 1923. n the planeand . Resolved. •That showing specification.ctiotobeadd the water. con connections to be mhdb on Payne Ave. between the Pelnte aforesaid, be tand the enure are hereby approved and trynbt the"Gonad-loner Works of P4bllc e // and he is.hereby authorized and direct- ( [� ed to do the work by Force Account. Adopted by the Council, Inn. 22, 1024. Approved, Jan. 22. 1024.-�'- --- 26-1924) .. _`Jan. v� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson INIQLW ,M4.. .__ ...... In favor 1 Sudbeimeo Peter _..........Against ,,.,'Wenzel YIr. President 2 2 1.924 Adopted by the Council_�{%.i`�.--------------------------192------ J,4N 2 1 1a2� Ap�vcd..... .. ._.... - ...._...,4 - 192- MAYOR Request of Riverview Commercial Club. ti 1�I Council File No.....`....4; ....... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT fand PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave Livingston Avenue from Concord Street toIeabel street,. _-.-inclnding._aeaer,--water.-.and--$$e_.conneotione._from._@treet...rrai .Q..t.o.,^ :... _-----property..1inea_.co.> pl-ete,,.--wbere.-. not -alrp-Ady._mac�.e.,...a�s_0 J.Re.ltlding.-.ourbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary....__ ...............................-- Dated this ------- `I8.i...... dav0L_. 192___. ------ ...... ...............:..... _ PR8ILIMINARY osnERs. Councilman. c. F. No. 5o$98-- hetraet Whereas, A written proposal for th' tanking of the following Improve— VM Livingston Avenue fri^ PRELIMINARY ORDER. cord Street to reabel street. sower, water and nos co,nr tten proposal for the making of the following un rovement,-viz.: street ry-' P P S g P p'""y^ Pave Livingston Avenue from Concord Street to Isabel Street, �,h . including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to .... ........ ...--_.. - ..- _. property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and having alley and driveway approaches, where necessary.___.__.._____.._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.......__..... _____.-.------ ._........ ...... -_.... ....._._. _...__.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. N ...................................... 2 1924 Adopted by the Council---------- -------------JA.. YEAS / NAYS Councilmanl/CLANCY FERGUSON � �Suuut:twrl' 14Ia➢ie�xlra� / PETER WENZEL SMR. PRESIDENT Farm C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved. --.-J/ N.2..:i.. `-�'M....-......... .........._...... ................... ...... .; :Mayor. #bBLLSHED -�lo —�° Petition Council File No. ...... r�.�lA��� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2l and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gude and---eurface with cinders or_gravel_Harveater..Avenue__-.-__ _------ from._HAA-el Avenue to Ruth _-Avenue..._ ... ... ..... .... ---------- _ ..... .... .... ------------------------ ------- ------------------------ ---......... --- _ .. __.... -- - - ... ...... ... ..... -...... Dated this.... -24d ------day of.. - Januar 1924. ._ ._ - ..__., 192_._.. .......... - ._...... -.. - ..----- Councilman. C. F. No. 69399— Abstract, Whereas. A written jr—p-1 for the making of the following Improvement, ----- _-_-- --"' -- VIE: Grade and surface with cinder. or gravel Harvester Avenue from Haset PRELIMINARY ORDER. Avenue to Ruth Avenue,`.aving been presented to the Council of the City otReso ved' Thatethe Comore, bemissioner ot'for the making of the following improvement, viz.: de Pubed and orks dlrectedsnd la hereby or -ace with cinders or gravel Harvester Avenue 1. To Investigate the neceealtY for ---......... ---. ---- ---- --- - - - -- -- ----- ---- " '- "'-"'. ""' -" or desirablllty of, the making of eeid Improven-int.. 2. T1...._� , J,. _.. �i n...... b .t0 Ruth- Avenue.. ..... .._-- - ---------- ----- - - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._..._ ..... .._____---------------- ----- ----_......._ .._...____......- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------------- --------,AN..2..2__I ................... YEASi NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Sudk�:;inw PETER WENZEL f'TVIR. `PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 9-22) /\1 .J /J Approved— (A pproved Ii9.r--..._._.....- ............................... .............................................. .......... Mayor. Council File No. -...-!)09.(-)() PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �� Gd and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and - fills in :the grading of Harvester ............................ -------------------------... - ... - AY�?lAe.._4m._Hpzel._9venue_to._Ruth-.dvenue. - -------- -------------------- .................. --................................... ........------------- . ............. .------------------------- _....... --------- Dated this day of __.. -- --_January-*-1924.-.....---..__.._ .._., 192.. -.. , Councilman. C. F. No. 60900— l Abetrast. Wherene, A rltten pro oval for the making of the followlas PmDrovement, asement Condemninand takln6 an e to the land necessary far elopes, for nuta and Alla In the gr. ding of Hnr- Aptly Avenue. ha ins been Presented j PRELIMINARY ORDE the counru or the Cuy 0r st. Pnut for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,.fore, be it .elv.d. That the Commleetonerof Works be and 1s her-* r taking an easement in the land necessary = a o................................._......-....----......--.-.....--.....---.......-...........--..-....--.....--- -...-. - - and..f.ill.a._in tki.e....l�radit; 0...H.&.rvest.er...... _.. Avenue from Hazel Avenue to Ruth Avenue.-- --------------------------- ............... -------------- --- _ ..----------------- having - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._....__..... _------ ..------- --:__-._....._......_....--...-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. N 2 2 1924 Adopted by the Council..---------... - jp - - - ... ... YEAS Z NAYS [� CouncilmCLANCY 2�FSud PETER ✓ WENZEL L/MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) / t.' i� „6; 2 2 ! 5 2.;. Approved----------- -------- -------------------- -- Mayor. rUSSIASU sD___ Petition' Council File No........... .a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St, Paul, viz.: .......................... QQxlsfi.r.0o..tA;LAg..15...A.9Yf.40.r...QSJL_TQC'Q.II:t9._Ania ia_h tw4on....--... ............. J. Et 479AA_A..Ve]al?( -and...GTaQ.e...Stxeet............................................... ... Dated this. 22nd.Aay of ...... Januar.V.e...1924...................... 192 .. Councilman. C F No fi0991 Abet 1. t Wheieae, Alon Drooyyoeal for the 4mkfng. oL,the fell. lowing:.lmpmvemeet. Corietrvcting a -;'power on.. Toronto. 6raca stieetw, ha ng 3een'Avenue-and, PRELIMINARY ORDER. Lhe _Connell of ; Llie C1ty Of St t PavY'; therefore - ,Reeolved the Cpmmleiloner o[al for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pvlili¢,�.a11.IF +•.reDy oo-" Conetr =e^y fora sewer on Toronto Avenue be ween _-._.. _ , .-----. .... .. .__. JefYereon Avenue and Graoe Street. -------------------------------- -----------------•-.................................. ---........................ ...._..... ................................ - .-; having:been _presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ...........................................................................----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2 2 1924 ................... Adopted by the CouncilA--..............----------- YEAS i NATa Councilman ✓CLANCx l� FERGUSON ,§jNWSudheimer ✓PETER I— ENZEL ✓ MR. PRESIDENT - Form C A 13 OM 0-22) JAN 2 2 1424 Approved..................................................................... ....... .' ..........................................--------- r. Ma or. P LISIIED petition --- • Council File No....... :5-0t. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: construct---curbing._ on__.th e_.north.--side--of - Cliff.- Street.._from-------------------- .......-- G-nodime...dvpnu.e to...Smitll--Avenue------------------------------------------------- ---_------------------------------.._.... - -- ..................--- ......--- -----------------------------------------...-------------......------------------------------------------------------- --------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ------ ---------------.......---....-------- 7 th Janus y l 1924 -...... ..... 192.-- -- ----. Dated this - ..............day of... &F.1-1,k--i 50802 - Councilman. Abstract. Whereas A written probyoval for ter making o[ the foitowing ltevrovvmenl., <7onetruct cur,Di g on,the north- aide of Clitf street rom.0oodhue Avenue to ytulth Avenue having been present- PRELIMINARY ORDER. ed' ;to the Gouncu of the ' Jty of st,, 'PaulPthorefore,- be it - Resolved - Thht the Cotnmlesloner^'oi for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pubho W directs and he to d,e eby or- proposal g g P derbd and directed: - - `�-IEipte the necessit for f the making of.efor curbing on the north side of Cliff dtreet from _..-. ----- -----..- . ,. ---- -- -- - -- ...... "t3bdtuitw 'Avenue to Smith Avenue. ................................ ..-----------------............._------------------------- ....................... _....... - - _.. - ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................................................ .------------- __------..._...__------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the n8cessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN 2 2 192a Adopted by the Council................... - ................................... YEASNAYS ✓'�"�'' CouncilmCLANcy an Approved ------------------? 2 192.4 Sudheimer /4AeB°t A%-V- /PETER / WEN7.EL ................. ............................... y...-. ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 18 (5M 5-22) / / 6 L/ !!^/ PliBL1SII:D � 1 a �. END IIICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of y .y— c • y i M��r� 1j ap7 in accordance with business b the standard and approved techniques with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model, MryLs of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on S �i�7 /fL 19 � by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is /'f fL/Q 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: O/�=�.->-✓ moi= ��-�� �— Operator Dated __ 19 _. END !1ICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by, T{cry /►1 «�.�h, A� pT in accordance with the standard and approved techniques with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model MN f _4_ of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the 'roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: n 0- d �h OCC.E.Lt H r L+ u n m 4 m-- 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: C13090a�aV:. After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated �� 19 H01101053b Ad000tlJ111 sOaVONV1S d0 ntl3ane VNouvN od 9•IIIIII �•jlllll SZ•jlllll 8.tlllll �� , 0z 1 23I • I VIII s ZT1111 s-[ Rii S=zIIIII a=ZINII 0.1 11111 It. �a 1 s