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`$OHVONVIS d0 f1V3i1f18 1VN011VN - -_ r` _ 9.bIIlll �•TIIIII SZ•illlll - � g • I VIII ., I oZlllll • NZ 11111 s�-elllli �-^ s z ll O •i VIII X1 <� QI 1 2 f d bpy u 6 r Ys �a a m r 2 4 R Ak c'\c�/ \\ 0 o c,N� %% yoy r START PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP Serial No. of Roll ( en -94 Department (l (f Z! k Offic—e Date to be' destroyed If limited) Date Kicrofilml-111) f-47 , [g fir,_ CONTLNTS Pk A/<<D Number or name of first document of regular contents o - By Supervisor By Operator Operator M c.r, : No. saose- 0946 Introm thi MniterEtnn o[ pavl g neh¢h¢ Sk-.I 6t. t Ea [Y Limlta, lncludfng eewer water �'$ gg e n- necflp¢s Yrom s[ et mat -iia to prop- erty' hues cQtupl te, .where not &1:. ready made, ale curbing and pnaving drive ay apyyro Chea, whe 4726641111 -ea, der Preli I ary Order vr' 'oyed;July24, 1923. - o ' .�. ring havin6 been -o COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. •.ement ups' ' haviA•- By................... ..----------------- .......... --------------- -----__. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...pay.ing_ iinnahaha...St....iroln Et.na..St.....to. as -t Ui-ty-..Limits-, inl ludirlg...s sw.er.+...yv e t er....an d...gas.---c.ojune.c.tio.ns....£r om...at r e.e-t...maias....tn...pr o.per t y ],fines.. comnle.tei_7rnere_. ot_a_lready-.made,_..a_lso_-curt, Ing --.and,,,.Ra3.-iY.1p;...dniveway .. a ppnoaches,. _:alter.e...ne.aessar.y,............................... under Preliminary Order ..............4.7.2 i; 5....... ................ approved _...July ...24,....1923. .......................... 4.._.... Intermediary Order ._.... _...... _............ ..._..._.....-approved ........... .._._.._-----------.------------ .__------- ..._--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - meat to be made by the said City is..._P..aV2..Iean1?.ehahat-Xla....S.t...._t.0....1.as.t...4i.t *.. _S imus,...includi.ng...sew.er_.water., Emd..Eas_ c..onus.a.tions...irom..s.tre.et. mains._ ...t o....propent.y...linas....cam.ple.t.e.,...31b&r.e...not....a.lreedy. mads,_..a.1s.o...aur.hi.ng...and.. w.her e. _ ne c e s sa ray,._........Material...shall.-he..asphaltic concrete, 36.'__11 w1Ath., from.,Etna. St._, to, white_ Bear Ave.-,_-,and--j0,!_-in. width from-.WLtite Bear Ave. -to the City limits, except where grades exceed 3)6 where brick shall be used, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLD FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same Wthe Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ _ t 1923 _..._ 9 ...._. ........ ```.."..�..�... City Clerk. Approved DEC, _192"".___.......... 191.._ _. Councilman) [sfu�4i9� J�lancy Councilman741�scx Ferguson Councilman andSllcDonaId CouncihnanzYwthhmr \//,Peter Councilman=d= iSud'neimer Councilman 1Kxw1ezbQKx',venze1 Mayorink,X Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. f Mayor. eUBLISITTr4TD--' ,t 3 a l �/T f �-�L*�4• iso '� �. CITY OWST. PAUL DEejTIQQNT OF FINANCE - REP(*iT . OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter ofpavingMinneraha St. from Et n City Limi tp including se:°rer, water and ga connections from street rjains to property lines coma lete, inhere not already•made, also _—_ Curbing and paving driveway approaches where neceesArys____ under Preliminary Order approved duly 24,10s23 -- --- To the Council of the City of St._'pnn1 PAVING " Creojoted Brick laid Asphalt or i1u ?-ait Ccncr.7" reinf. c ncr. I3�ocku �__�-- --- Total Sq. Yci. 5.79 4.96 3.7C 3.14 I1.ter3eciiei)8-4 P64,147.35 1' 47,659.70 ?:4C, 46.34 56C).4() ) 132,764,'j0 114,11.40 84,841.00 72,CUU.20 Sham T r� t s1 1 207,3115.69 175,336.75 132,50c-70 112,4=-6.54 (a) Fror t ft. 7 z6 6.27 4.56 3-�1 (Curt A:i(iitional) A E1 for Ccn.;i -te ourb ;hare not ill EGy" per lin. rt. 5'6C ^',` (e�o.li.9ear to ''edarsol: 575. CU) c}: S V tlU , j .. ..._ IlI�6 dog 2 5� 12 6 do 2 5 6 14 Danslo:v's I?earrangement of 2 5 Lots 5,6,7,5,9,10,11,12 5 14 Blk.2- lots 9,10,;1,12,13, 2 5 ' 14, 15,16 17,18,1q Blk-3 4 14 and Lot 11, 13100k4 2 5 Cruickshank'a Garden Lots 3 14 do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. ' "pITY OF ST. PAUL OEM,1TMENT OF FINANCE ` REP(*2T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE T ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a� (A)e Io the matter of paving M 11u e' ' i a St frorn Etna to East C, Limit s iuoludino server, water and gas connections from street mains to property ling -s corJl_lete, inhere not already made, alrro ourLii.[; and paving drivuivay approaches ivliere necessary_.___ - wThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Improvement, ann cue a- parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i SSED VALUATION 7 6 Lorena Park, S+,.Psul,Mnn. 2 5 a 6 do 2 5 9 6 do 2 5 10 6 d:, 2 5 11 6 do 2 5 12 6 do 2 5 6 14 Danslow's Rearrangement of 2 5 Lots 5;6,7,8,9,10,11,12 5 14 Blk.2- lots 9,10,11,12,13, 2 5 14,15,16,17,181114 Blk,3 4 14 and Lot 11, Bloek 42 5 . Cruickshank's Garden Lots 3 14 do ? 5,: _ Form B. 8.10 TOTAL. . _ -,_... ... CITY OF 8T, PAUL DVPARIrMENT OF FINANCE RFJORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION 2 14 Denglo,.yls RearranF;ement of lots 5,6,7,6,9,10,11,12 1 14 Blk.2 - Lots 9,10,11,12,130. 14,15,16,17,18,19 B --k-3 11 13 and Lot 11, Block 4, (aruicksh✓Lnkls Oar -en Lots 10 13 do 9 13 do a 13 do 7 13 do 6 13 do 5 13 do 4 13 do 3 13 do 2 13 do 1 13 do 5 12 do 4 12 (10 3 12 do 2 1'2 do 1 12 do 3 11 do 4 11 do 5 11 do 16 10 do 17 10 do is 10 do 19 10 do 20 10 do 21 10 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 2e 5 4o 5.0 50 5 0. 50 5a 5.0 5.0 50 50 50 75 150 150 150 i50 2 0 0 1 5 0.0 1950 2 0 0 3150. 300 250 2 0.0 :1 0 .0 . 5.0_ CITY OF BT. PAUL gEPARI MENT OF FINANCE RECORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION sy . ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 22 10 Donslow's Rearrangement Of 5 0 Lots 5,6,7,x,9,10,11,12 23 10Bis.2 - Lots 9,10,11,12.13, 5 0 14,15,16,17;15,19 Blic.3 _ 24 10�and Lot 11, Block 4, 5 0 Cruioicahank's'G,.rden Lots 25 10 do 5 0 26 10 do 5 0 27 10 do 5 0 26 10 do 5 0 29 10 do ) 7 7 5 30 10 do 3 16 9 do 375 17 9 do 3100 16 9 CIO 1650 �9 9 do 2 1 0 0 20 9 do 2350 21 9 do 3 5 0 22 9 do 3 5 0 23 9 do 1 7 5 0 24 9 do 1 4 0 0 25 9 do 2 1 5 0 26 9 do 6 0 0 27 9 do 350 26 9 do 1 2 5 0 �9 9 do 1 9 0 0 30 9 do 1 1 7 5 16 4 J.N. Rogars 4tli Addition 3 2 5 to St.Paul 0 0 17 4 do 3 16 4 do TOTAL 300 CITY OF BT. PAUL CIEPARIrMENT OF FINANCE RWRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 4 J.N.Hoge re 4th Addition 9 0_0 20 4 do 3 0,0 21 4 do 2 1 0 0 22 4 do 3 5 0 0 23 4 do 4350 (Except East 20 feet) 24 4 do (Eaat 20 fact ;,f) 24 4 do 25 4 do 1650 26 4 do 3 0 0, 27 4 do 2 5 0 0 2s 4 do 3 0 0 29 4 do 5 5 0 3o 4 do 3 5 0 16 4 Kuhle 2nd A,tdition to 4 5 0 St. Poul 17 4 do 4 0 0 id 4 do Q 4 0 0 19 4 do 4 o o 20 4 do ) 4 7-o o 21 4 do 3 22 4 do 2 9 5 0' a3 4 do 350 24 4 do 3 0 0 25 4 do 2 7 5 26 4 do 2 7 5 27 4 do 2 7 5 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL _ RIZPARITMENT OF FINANCE ' RECORT OF COM ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER; - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION j ASSESSED „ VALUATION 28 4 Kuhle 2nd Addition to St. Paul 29 4 do 3 !� 2 2 2 5• 30 4 do lb 7 Auror&. Audit ion to St -Paul 3 0 0 17 7 do 2200 18 7 do 1 5 0 19 7 do 1 5 0 20 7 do 1400 21 7 do 1 5 0 22 7 do 1 5 0 23 7 do 1 9 5 0 24 7 do 400 25 7 do 1 5 0 26 7 do 1 5 0 27 7 do 1 5 0 28 7 do 1 5 0 29 7 do 1 5 0 30 7 do 1 5 0 16 8 do 4 7 5 17 8 do 1150 is S do 1 5 0 i9 8 do 1 5 0 20 8 do 1 5 0 21 8 do 3 0 0 22 8 do 1 5 0 23 8 do 1 5 0 24 8 do TOTAL 1 5 0 i CITY OF 8T. PAUL � CKPARTMENT OF FINANCE RECORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 25 a Aurora Addition to St.Paul 26 a do 27 a do 26 a do 29 6 do 30 a do 7 30 Braver Lake Hei,,hte 6 30 do 5 30 do 4 30 do 24 22 do 23 22 do 22 22 do 21 22 do 2022, do 19 22 do la 22 do 17 22 do 16 22 do 15 22 do 14 22 do 13 22 do " • 1?_ 22 do 11 22 d0 10 22 do 9 22 do a 22 do TOTAL 1 ASSESSED VALUATION 150 550 1 5 0 1 5 0 150 a75 75 1775 75 1325 75 75 75 2075 1225 75 75 7 5 5 7 5 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 3 7 5. 91 CITY OF 9T. PAUL CPEPARfrM NT OF FINANCE - RF,°ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 22 Beaver Ti6ke Heights 2 2 5 6 72 do 7 5 5 22 do 7 5 4 22 do 7 5 3 22 do 1 2 5 2 22 do 3 2 5 (Except Eaat 40 ft.) 1 22 do � ) (Sant 40 feet of 1 22 do 7 5 16 5 do 825 17 5 do 2 5 16 5 do 2 5 19 5, do 2 5 20 5 do 7 7 5 21 5 do 7 5 22 5 do 2 5 23 5 do 2 5 24 5 do 2 5 25 5 do 26 5 do 3 7 5 27 5 do 28 5 do 29 5 do 1 070 0 30 5 do 1 0 0 16 6 Ila tts Purk St.Paul,min-i. 1 0 0 _. 17 6 do 350 18 6 do 300 19 6 do TOTAL 2 5 (B) CITY -OF 9T. PAUL MPARJrMENT OF FINANCE RECORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 6 Wa tts ?ark ut.?all1,P2irlil. 2 5 21 6 do 2 5 22 6 do 2 5 23 6 do 2 5 24 6 do 1425 25 6 . do 2 5 9 26 6 CIO 2 5 27 6 do 4000 28 6 do 1 0 0 29 6 do 1 0 0 30 6 do 1 0 0 16 7 do 1 0 0 17 .7 do 1 0 0 ltd 7 do 1 0 0 19 7 do 1 0 0 20 7 do 9 0 0 21 7 do 7 0 0 22 7 do 1 0 0 23 7 do 1 0 0 24 7 do 1 0 0 25 7 do 1 0 0 26 7 do 5 0 27 ;' do 2 5 28 7 do 2 5 29 7 dd 2 5 30 7 CIO 2 5 TOTAL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL CIEPATMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI UATION 16 ES Watts Park,St.Paal, Minn. 1 4 2 5 17 8 do 1 2 5 18 8 do 1 2 7 5 19 8 do °1125 20 8 CIO 1 2 5 21 8 do 1 0 7 5 22 8 do 1 2 5 23 8 do 1 2 7 5 24 8 do 1 2 5 25 8 do 1 3 7 5 26 6 do 1 1 2 5 27 8 do 1 2 5 26 8 do 1 4 7.5 29 8 do 1 5 0 30 6 do 1 5 0 6 1 Sohoch's & Althen's Subd. 1 0 of Lot 5 of Homes fjr the Homeless 5 1 do 7 5 4 1 do 5 0 3 1 do 5 0 2 1 do 5 0 1 1 do 5 0 6 Howas for the Homeless 1 2 0 0 10 1 3rou6,hers 3ubdivision A 1 0 9 1 do 1 0 8 1 do 1 0 7 l do TOTAL 1 0 ' CITY OF 9T. PAUL CWPARfMENT OF FINANCE RE; ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION 0 1 Broughers Siabdivision A 1 0 5 1 do 1 0 4 1 do 1 0 j 1 do 1 0 2 1 do 1 0 _ 1 1 do 1 0 12 1 Hocks Division 5 0 11 1 do 5 0 10 1 do 5 0 9 1 3.0 5 0 e5 1 do 5 0 7 1 do 5 0 6 1 do 5 0 5 1 do 2 6 2 5 4 1 do 7 5 3 1 do 1 0 0 2 1 do 1 9 5 0 1 1 do 150 15 2 weed and Halle's Addition ) 1 1 2 5 14 2 do 13 2 do 2 1 7 5 12 2 do 1 5 0 11 2 do 1 5 0 10 2 do 1 5 0 9 2 do 1 5 0 e9 2 do 1 5 0 7 2 do "' TOTAL 1 5 0 CITY OF 6T. PAUL n • 4EPAFJTMENT OF FINANCE REKORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION u 2 Weed and Halle's Add, 1 5 0- 5 2 do 1 5 0 4 2 do 2 2 5 0 3 2 do 2550 2 2 do 250 1 2 do 1 200 15 1 do 3 0 0 14 1 do 300 13 1 do 2450 12 1 do 3 0 0 11 1 do 4 8 o o 10 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 $ 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 '6 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 4 1 do 300 3 1 do 30 0 2 1 do 1100 1 1 do 3 0 0 15 1 G. V. Bnoon's Add. 3 7 7 5 14 1 do 3700 13 1 do 2 5 0 12 1 do 2 5 0 11 1 cio 1 750 10 1 do TOTAL 250 CITY OP ST. PAUL ,nPA1�TMENT OF FINANCE RECORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CBI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ? ' 9 1 G. V. Bacon's Addition .2 5 0 8 1 do 2 5 .0 7 1 do 250 g 6 1 do 1 2,0 0 5 1 . do 2 ..5 :0 4. 1 do. 2 1 5 C 3 1 do 17 S0 2 1 do. 250 .1 1 ado. 3 50 15 2 d0 'of (west 1/2 14 2 do East 1/2 of 14 and all of 13 2 do 2 6 .0 0, 12 2 do 4 o c 11 2 do 10 2 do 3 10 0 9 2 do 3' Q 5 8 2 do 550 7 2 do 4 0 0 All of 6 al.d gest 1/2 of 5 2 d� 2 9' 0 w Fast 1/2 of 5 2 do 4, 4 2 doy 335:0. j 2 do 400 2_ 2I do 4 c o 1 2 25 2 Robert L.Wares Eastern Height3 1 3 2'5 24 2 do 3 0 0 23 2 do 1 5 0 TOTAL s, {B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL LIEPANTMENT OF FINANCE RETORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 2 Hobert L.'Nares Eautern Heights . 1 50 21 2 do 1 5 0 2v 2 do 9 0 0 19 2 do 1 7 5 16 2 do 1 1, 7 5 17 2 do 17 5 16 2 do 1 7 5 15 2 do 1 7 5 14 2 do 1 7 5 13 2 do 1 7 7 5 12 2 do 1 7 5 11 2 do 1475 10 2 do 3 1 5 9 2 do 250 8 2 do 1 250 7 2 do 1 750 G 2 do 1 0 5 0 5 2 do 250 4 2 ao 7 5 0 3 2 do 1000, 2 2 d6 25 0 1, 2 do 7 0 0 25 1 do 3 2 5 24 1 do 3 0 0 23 1 do 2 2 5 0 22 1 do 1 0 5 0 21 1 do TOTAL 8 0 0 - CITY Of 8T. PAUL DfPAIITMENT OFFINANCE RETORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 20 1 HoLert L.Wtiree Eastern He4hts 3 5 0 19 1 do 2 0 5 0 16 1 do 300 17 1 do 1300 16 1 do S00 15 1 do )) 9 5 0 14 1 do 13 1 do 1 3 5 0 12 1 do 9 0 0 11 1 do 2300 10 1 do 3 0 0 9 1 do 3 00 g 1 do 1400 7 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 5 1 do 400 4 1 a do 3 0 0 3 1 do 1300 2 1 do . 3 0 0 1 1 do 3 2 5 10 2 Robert L.Ware's Eastern 2 00 0 Heights Acre Lots 9 2 do 1 7 5 0 8 2 do 3 5 0 7 2 do 1 1 0 0 6 2 do 3 5 5 2 do 3 5 4 2 da TOTAL 3 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF �--OMIIIIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION t4est 1/3 of East 2/3 of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 2 Robert L.Ware's Eastern .7 5. Heights Acre Lots 2 2 do 1150 1 2 do 1 1 0 0 10 1 do 4 5 0 9 1 do 600 6 1 da boo 7 1 do 350 6 1 do 3 5 0 5 1 do ) )) 4 z 5 4 1 do 4 1 y do 275 3 1 do 350 2 1 do 3 5 0 1 1 do 350 W 2 2 o,4 6 o. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ l91ZA Commissioner of NinAace. Farm B. B. 12 - 1 a%-T�,9 N �C'f1LE:.i00 TO�-. ,Qoss sT FAt/4U/�R- ST fi',EA.✓�r Sr- 3 - I P 0 7-29—/f 0. c5%zJ SE/�, c5 _ SCALE: 300 T /.'x E SEVENT// STc .. Al •-" fc'U55 � y I � I y -- FAUQ U/LR Sr -K.Y*f- r I i I � I dyli P� �/ r.�A7'i/CES S HN .ATL A3'. •. .. � �.!� *.': Office bf the Commissioner of Public Works nua� Report to Commissioner of Finance o�T °"Fq or � isa8 ;Oot. 29, 192x. -------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of , the Council, known as Council File No— ------- 47265 --- approved --- ----- July _ 24 1923 191___, relative to ___________ the av of Minnehaha Street from Etna St. t- E---- -City Limits - ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------=------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the totalcost thereof is $---- ________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. IL Co' issioner of Public Works. Willfam J. Peter, (dammissiaaee � ; . * !Iris 4tllalletCe i�eput� (�smmissisuee Department of ~ ijublic Narks CUP of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUIT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SAN -ON G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUFI. OF WORKHOUSE Oct 3, 1923. llr. "Im. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. > \I Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost -for the paving of blinnehaha at. from Etna St. to Bast City Limits, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not 'already made, also curbing and paving driveway approsohes, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47266, approved July 24, 1923: .Length 9461' Width of roadway 36' from Etna St. to White Bear Ave; 30' " White,Bear Ave. to City Limits w Width of Street 60' Frontage 17,200' PAVING 3" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or _Blocks flat Asphalt Conor. 7" reinf. oondr. Total Sq. yd. b.78 4.98 3.70 3.14 , Intersection) Wheelage } (4,680.99 $ 64,147.38 $ 47,6b9.70 p40,446.34 (a) Property) Share ) 131,764.70 114,191.40 64,841.00 72,000.20 T o t a l 207,346.69 178,338.78 132,600(70 1120446.64 , (a) Front ft. 7.36 6.27 ,66 3.81 (Curb Additional) Add for Concrete curb where not in 60Q per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections each w60.00(Bxo• W. Bear t"o Pederson 076.00) " 3/4" Nater " " 39000 Yours truly, , C e gineer. Approved for transmission to the Corpm��� VAblic `inance. eF corks. {— 6n4rom �Dumfb lAve hice -seaa•�: VB tnclufllnR Aesvel.'wTter• - P ! 9 n0rt4,"lin fa �0omDleteL �nd4�maee, aleo. ouebiag a d .A ' �r(Vewa4 'aDDroa he =•�^' .. r.'U d0 Pr,�IWnan l4v. roved Jul COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. ............. ...... ............................. FINAL ORDER In the matter of......pay.ing..ldaryland...S.t.._.fx.om..IJulut.h..Avs.....to...ki'hita...l3ear.:..Aae. , ine.luding.,.s.aw.er..,..,w-at.er-...and..ga.s...nnnnections... from...s.tree.t ms.ins.._to....propar.Ly lines.--eoryplete,...where-_not.-.already made.,_-_also_curbing...and--.paying__driveway appr.oachea,...where...ne.ceasary,....__............ _....__....._ ._.......................................... .................:.... ....................................... .......................... ........................... ..................... ..... ............_........................... .............. .......................... .... .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Under Preliminary Order.......4.72aG ..............................approved _.......JLlly...24.,...192.3.......----•-.................. .... Intermediary Order ..................• -- ..... ..........__.: approved ............................................ ........................... - A public hearing having been JmT_upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections-lCnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it / RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is....paVIe ldgry).a17.d-...S.k.....f hoz[1..Pk11uth..AV.E,_..to...lihiteL..Bear Age....,...An.G.luding_..tQ....... Pro.Rarty...line3.._cnmla7ete,.,_where not -_already _made -i ---also curbing and paying driye>9$y.-_a,R-Rxgaehes,, wnere neceasar - 7p g along-_present.or future street car tracks and 30 feet in width alon tile...>?alaace/ ................................ .................... ............. ........... :............................ ...........------------------- _---- and- the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and direc ed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the Couneil..,. P 1923 ..E..Q5 . .. .... _ ...... ..,, '..................................... .... PEO, 192 ........ City Clerk. Approved.......................................................... 1911 p.+ 3- ....------- .....'^�%... '. .................................... -`.Z,h �. / !� �1 / Mayor. Councilman lfti i.'A �'!lanc �,�I� d - Councilman domcx ,V�Ferguson Councilman Ii fxdCX V cLonaId !� Councilman K dieax "Peter Councilman IIiXlTo81x % Sudheimer Councilman Nlaadramb /4Venzel MayorAxft_,,ldeison p Form B. S. A. 8-7. 71 «'or 7 17ai CITYTPAVL 3� DEPARTMFINANCE 4 REF12T OF COMMISSIONER :OFA FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of ging Maryland St. from Dulr�th Ave to White Bear Ave , ina ing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also curbing and paving drivewLy_- C� approaches where necessary. ___—_—.--1— under Preliminary Order approved JulY 24. 1923 — --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 'didth of roadway 271 with gutters and curbs additional on grades exceeding 32% Width of street 66' 32" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 711 PAVING Blocks Plat Asphalt Concr. Concrete r Total Sq. Yd. 5.85 5.03 3.75 3.19 Intersections) heelage ) 46,371.25 4w 39,862.75 4 29,718.75 25,280.75 Property) Share ) 95,331.60 81,968.88 61,110.00 51,984.24 Total 141,702.85 121,831.63 90,828:75 77,264.99 (includes Park Property) Front Ft. 7.36 6.23 4.56 3..$1 (Curb not included) 11,033.10 9,486/58 7,072.50 6,016.14 (Park Property) Add for Concrete curb where not in 60 per lin ft. Add for 6" sewer connections each $60.00 Add for 411 water connections each 39.00 18 10 do 19._10. do 225 _- 20.. 10 do 200 F— B. B. 10 21 10, _ . _ TOTAL. do 950 ' OITVT -PAUL l DEPARTMF 'FINANCE 1� "Wu RET OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of >,avina MaT�land $t fTOm DulU''' ""� to White Bear Ave ine ne sewer, water and gas oonneotions from street mains to property lines .,n, int:n- whara-nnt+alrzadv:made. salso-ourbing and-p8T1n8-driveway Is, W ere'rieeasawrv. — n7 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 10 Phalen Heights Park 325 12. 10 do 300 13 10 do 2300 14 10 do 300 15 10 do 275 16 10 do 275 - 17 10 do 2375 is 10 do 250 19 10. do 225. ... 20 . 10 do,, B. a. 10 21, TOTAL. do. Form ,10, ,259 ___: AISDEPOF FUINANCES"PORT OF COSIONER OF FINANCE 4 - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION( VALUATION Government Lot 5 & that part of the S.j of S.E.4 lying Elly of Phalen Heights Pk of Sec. 21,Town, Range 22 ,,. 45425 Except N.P.Ry Co's ppart, the North 990.20 ft. of that part of the Northeast 1/4 .lying East of the West line of the Waterworks right of way, Seotlon 2S, Town 29, Range 22 3575 Those parts of Government lots 6 & NE}, of Seo. 26, Town. 29, Range 22, included in a strip 100 ft. in width, being 50 ft. 4975 on either side of the center line as located A strip 100 ft. in width,being 50 ft- on either side of the center line over and across the Southwest 1/4 of Seo. 22, Town. 29, Range 22 10025 Except Fisher St. & right of way of Northern Pacific Railway, West J,West j of Southwest � of Sec. 22, Town. 29,Range 22 6300 Except the North 1/2 Acre, also except Maryland & Fisher Sts., the West + of the Southeast j of the Southwest k of the Southwest 4 of Sec. 22, Town. 29, Range 22 500 12 Woods Addition 75 11 do 75 10 do 4275 South 3/5 of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the South- west 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec. 22, Town. 29, Range 22,etc. 2400 3 5 Roger's & Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 1050 10 NilssOn's Sub. of Lots 9 & 101Blk.4 of Roger's & Hen— drick's Acre Lots No.2 50 11 do 50 12 do 50 13 do 50 14 do 50 15 do 50 16 do TOTAL 250 ITY QP ST. PAUL DEPA&I&T OF FINANCE' >:,, FORT OF COhMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 Nilsaon's Sub.of Lots 9"'& 10,Blk.4 of Roger's & Hen- drick's Acre Lots No. 2 50 East 1/2 7 Roger's & Hendrick's Acre 450 East 1/2 g Lots Numbarro 2 West 1/2 7 do $25 West 1/2 8 do 12 do 225 11 do 350. 10 do 350 9 do 200 The West 234.26 ft of the SWI of SVC} of the SEI of Seo. 22,Town.29,Range 22_ 1710 Except W.223�426 ft the tthe fHansgeel23f 90% 22,Town. Cj2 1695 , The SEI of the SWI of the SEI of Seo.22,Town.29,Range 4200 22, except Maryland St-eto. Exc. E.90 ft,2 acres square SE the SEI in the cor.of of the SWI of the SEI., Sec. 22, Town, 29, Range 22 500 The East 90 ft of 2 acres square in the SE cor.of the SEI of the SWI of the SEI of Seo. 22, Town. 29, Range 22 240 West 1/2 26 Gerardine's Garden Lots 2350 East 1/2 26 do 1225 West 1/2 25 do 375 East 1/2 25 do 225 22 do 3650 South 1/2 21 do 2350 South 1/2 20 do TOTAL 16�5 n. per. PAUL - DEPA T OF FINANCE � A FW PORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION West 1/2 of South 1/2 19 Gerardine's Garden Lots 975. _ East 1/2 of South 1/2 19 do 975 1 do 425 _ - 2 do 2300 1 1 Lane Hosper Addition 200 2 1 do 200 3 1 do 200 4 1 do 200 5 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 1 2 do 25 36 2 do 25 37 2 do 100 14 1 Kiefer Park 75 13 1 do 100 12 1 do 100 11 1 do 100 10 1 do 150 9 1 do 1150 8 1 do 1150 7 1 do 150 6 1 do 100 5 1 do 100 4 1 do 100 3 1 do 100 2 1 do 100 1 1 do TOTAL 100. ITV f,P BT. PAUL A DEP T OF FINANCEf . '.. Y FWPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE •. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . .... - - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION East 1/2 of N* of the NW} of - Seo. 27,exoept Prosperity Ave.& exoept West•33 ft. for Fisher St. of Seo. 22, Town. 29, Range 22 2295 West 10 acres of the NEk of the NWk 1245 of Seo. 27, Town.29,Range 22 5 2 Maryland Heights 75 4 '2 do 75 3 2 do 75 2 2 do 75 1 2 do 75 10 1 do 50 9 1 do 5e a 1 do 50 7 1 do 50 6 1 do 50 5 1 do 225 4 1 do 50 3 1 do 50 2 1 do 50 1' 1 do 50 The W.1/2 of the NW}, of the nj of Sec. ..27, Town. 29, Range 22 4500. The W.1/2 of the NEJ of the N* of the NEJ of Seo. 27, 1245 Town 29, Range 22,.,..1 TheEast 1/2 f the NE+, of the � of2�heRNE 052Seo. 27, 5955 Exc. the E.326.66 ft of the N.952.49 ft. also Maryland & Rd.&N'ly of White Bear Ave's,that part lyingNE'-1y of N'ly R/W of the C.St.P.M:& O.Ry Stillwater of the E.} of the NEy1 16770 the most of ec.27 Town.29,Ra4ge 22 uc.E.66.24 ft fit. of 161,98.72 ft of of NN..E.t. of above, N.jtra"r7$ above, ,-- ITY OF ST. PAUL # DEPAIT OF FINANCE*y WP.ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Exc.Maryland St.,The"-E`66.24 ft. of W.199.72 ft. of N.361.78 ft of the NE+ of NE} of Seo. 29, Town.29,Range 22 60 The W. 40 ft. of the E.295.69 ft of the N.156.19 ft. of that part of the NE}, Ave. of NEJ lying S.of Maryland St.& W.of White Bear/in 27,29,22 50 The W.90 ft.of the E.255.76 ft of the N.156.18 ft of that --art of NEµ of NE+ lying S.of Maryland & W.of White Bear Ave.in Seo.27,T.29,R.22 150 Exc.the N.33 ft for Maryland Ave.& the E.33 ft for White Bear Avenue, The North 189.19 ft of the East 208.26 ft of the NE* of Seo. 27, Town. 29, Range 22. 950 Alk 152915 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ Commissioner of Fins— Farm B. B. 12 152915 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ Commissioner of Fins— Farm B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ec�jvD 11, 1? o= - A, a s 8 g Report to Commissioner of finance o: QCRor<" T �0 19$8 Oct. 29, 1923.-- 191_ --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.47286 -approved_-?)qY 24L_1923-_191_--, relative to s the having o� Maryland Street -from- Duluth_ -Avenue -to _White_Bear --_---_ Ave. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached: 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. e 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------9' =----------- CommiWk.. er of Public Works. « ° Lie=Aallette, Degutg eNwIvner �ill4am �. �'d�tei, (lLIImarissi,�tte[ . Department of Ouhlic Warks (Liiu of Saint Paul, GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. S. GRYTBAK, BRIOGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SAN"A-H G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AN" C- PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUP[, OF WORKKOUBE Oct. 3, 1923. mr. 51m. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Maryland St. from Duluth Ave. to White Bear Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47286, approved July 24, 1923: Length 6676' Width of roadway 27' with gutters and curbs additional on grgdes exceeding 3-1.0% 10,807 Private Prop. Width of Street 66' Frontage 1,416 Park Property PAVING 3g" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7" reinforced Blocks flat Asphalt concr. Concrete Total Sq. yd. 6.62 4.80 3.63 2.97 Wheelage ) h Intersections) 0 22,811.68 0 19,463.20 $ 14,328.27 12,066.23 (a)Property Share 91,683.62 78,220.80 67,624.88 46 399012 (includes Park frontage T o t a l 114,396.10 97,704.00 71,863.16 60,464.36 (a) Front ft. 7.36 6.26 4.66 3.81 park Property) Share ) 10,699.32 9,062.80 6,667.68 6,601.42 No curb figured except where grades exceed W/ -- Add for Cement curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections each X60.00 " 3/4" 'Water if39.00 Yours r�u].y, Approved for transmission Ch of engineer. to the R"Ubf& Commis Works. William 3. )Beter, emamisAmer hie ffiallette, Deputu f�ammissisaer Department of fduhlic Warks (c tv Of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPS. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. M. TB S. GRYAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUIT. OF SANRATION October 4, t�PmWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOU.E Dear Sir • I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving o3 Maryland St. from Duluth Ave. to White Bear Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already maudederalso curbing ryand paving driveway approaches, where necessary* n Order C. F. #47286, approved July 24, 1923: Frontage Length 6676' Width o3 Roadway 32' 10,807 Private Property Street 66' - 1,416 Park ftn oreoeoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7 inch PAVING blocks Flat Ae halt concr. Concrete' Total Sq. yd. 5,86 6.03 3.76 3.19 Intersections) Wheelage ) Property ) share ) $$ 46,371.26 0 39,862.76 $$ 29,718.76 $$ 26,280.76 96,301.60 81,968,88 61,110.00 61,984,24 T o t a l 141,702,86 121,831.63 (inc90, s8Park Proper6t4y)99 6 23 (a) Front Ft. 7,36 '(Ourb not inc3.81 luded) 11,033.10 9,486,68 7,072.65 (Park Property) Add for Concrete curb where not in 60y per lin. ft. it 6" Sewer connections each x;60.00 " 3/4" Water 39.00 Yourlotruly , t ��Chiefngineer. 6,016.14 Approve& for transmission to the Co/�� c Comm;er o Pablic Works. a2 a 10 — 3 .ley Al Z41 - Z � 41- ,//ey�e CC11''o/���w�-u9/L(-c,�C Guc .✓.r/�.i..e ,w�o��i a�¢Ecc�C�f �i+-c�aET a4,t IeAwge ,� litvt y0" �-�c- �itn'aQ � N 2 CK2 � A-(.tL1 /�YloP2Cc.�VK.fc �fl�tf' �iJ v►t_ 7�i � �f. Y, A z w"& 1 �. -PG,v ,f� ga.PG� �1,vi,��Fiv OC�l�L! �`i e�ir.,�lnj�` 1902 Q,vt.�2�u�o ��ppGC '. a 6 iC.✓�.I �W'e OT.t.E'� O .GC/l �ctsit -- - �-7-�/�,s�Bz� GzitQ �'-��J .e...cJ �G 4+ticaw�..,lc� �j ,��.�/jWa. ��(/✓✓ .�j CO-•�-+� /L�, � �'!Gj/LGJ-ta,L•�//,�i�[`,-�L-�ON�CO O/ i���G�Q-�y l✓n.��i� .c.crz�Ltit �ei.v-u�z.�v � .a�" L/l21A/ �a-uA�",w-c-P-i>�e cLu. .r.�`v�, �. Q�-C¢ u� ���a-c��[/,) r��_—� d�L///1 �hh�Pi► R...�a,..��o��wa �6 vz��¢l�«-.��.r1 � aiu��-« Gc�a.lJ� •Qn.�cC w1.c�.�-�-C[.1i6� c� — — —� Y•riuu,O .w� V-iw�ais.cC�Q 4�Gce �G�Gu t c� 04,vte N au Al! i - a�X L�-e� pa'-CUP29 Lzov eo_zlc;al�lll--���Z2�� al-� 13.0 .wv�, i 4 4te LIPA t C C64or� 0 n8% as Pyolpevrbw Owo'pe% �V 0 tl Oibe, Co uu�"tie�pwc at 'A � L Alj'6)jl �O w� ae fMOA 0 wv ivvv �db �O�ltiti�C� 'lIlqpoA Gori, still titi,.G 110-d 111, -UrUC4 almC), 0 r % 'Re4),IAc;ur rnee,1i,1;1,01 l -uf vb % �%-c e A ear s A )z -LAL-W6� 0,-ue �,t 0 na. alo zict my� Ov)jt - C" -L CL A,�, 01;t IA b " & t� a-"& %hA *-%).)-V),-6ea OvL1-nouvAU"'i %,, V�Jjtt ),,,p wluia �,Iu cvvtiti -1, oL A 0%e 61 oto co � tiv, �O ��mwt6L Lt rletiLcc �O o leu'L a�a tt )UJ 0 06 �s? 0 06 �Ctitie aPPL, cO'Votl o- 1aa.tixtes o bi L�� a -t LA L o. -V", -t o -UxL CLv e. ' o Lu lei. to T eo,-u a -b e. 1,L'Lgr `%000smLs �"vvt Vtv,& to LLS ti111)ht CMLtee Ghoco'e ' Iu cosi, o f P atietitioa Iso � 0� ltiti a t -L awoal-tal bS 1�,�,o�e titi�tiC��oved, a�L�. �a��;, c�titi� a 5�otiti� oa � v,S e, S I U 'cn 11-n �5 Zvi, ce L'�L o��, i,titi q mrL ol, v e;xw s a �ti c; e a titiLa�c e,�c v i,ce �lti eei.ititi q v us wv�titi �ti� eek. C a� s ai, � u.LtiLtiL�, O�,tie ��otitiy �tati� a L�ln,;�,e bear Outi e a��, c�, LCL a�vi Lati-�r�L��, u, titi 6�tie�b�titie u,a�ti��bS; 1bYeA Gob -t% vnS eou& o� btitiSeS ous proposes). S-Go"-L� L �LIn. Q,ve o--ILa,z'L&St To l�e,�c�.�cc�. �� ,�� etitic. e a U a� o -v -u lie tiLck,'voL st oL bcx. Imo' bG�,Ge o �►esvdet a L �ti�er�,L �see9 ��oti,l.a,a r 141 J =JM L �,� ,:.moi. �.-,. s ... ,,:, -- • � :� i►- St. Paul, Minn ----- ----- 192.8__ To The Honorable Council, City v St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, t =� a undersigned property owners, hereby petition our Honorable o cause a rQ -hea� 3 n. in- of o,.zciy-'13e =50047 Body to cause the following: i YIDG �ffS8e being a 7'irta3 - mer for t1ric nasin; of '?aryland _street frro:n ---il ztjx to ":mite Bear—�-�nuas �'th a vie.• of elirnino_tin_�__ _iRt n:;.moi, �f__t,-1e ----- _ _ -� — - - ---------- - -- ---- ---- order nro-rl�_t ^- -� �o,r >avin -. -i'-aryland betneen ?rosper; r a " zel- wood-- - - - _-------------------------------------------------------------- ys�= i37E_ 11 pYojD� - t,� otvr+ers to be assessed for the. portion -if --------------------- improvenleat v7e request stricken fro:i the order, ,i -_2otu -- ra - ------------- - - - - - — - - - 0:: IN 0 • •ADDrrION / doWAV 1� ( .LCL -WPM I ' _ ',ice, ii -I - 1��aa/�� 44 PM IN 0 �, �' - "- I I - NEW YORK OFFICE 130 WEST315TSTREET 5l11NIT P T l, July 10. 19 28 Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Parke & Playgrounae City Hall, St. Paul, Uinn. Dear ?irt The merchants of St. Paul understand Marathonanoe Exhibit is soon to be placed in this ity- We understand that permission will be applied for is some Chicago gentlemen who were the promoters of t -e recent Minneapolis affair of this kind and also unde=et R 3 t2i at the St. Paul organization, the 40-8, are also d08i cszzs _0-r permission to hold such a feature. if you.- are to ve p e=mission to either of these parties we wish you. I-- 3c21ow that the merchants would favor the 10091 organization o-mQr- - = the Chicago people. We also understand that the 40-8 arca --Qc3jozisi8ering holding this exhibition at the hippodrome on tho --Lw- sir Grounds. We have taken this matter up with the 40-8 a9 -m- --3 have told them that we very much favor the down town distrix either at the auditorium or the armory, in preference to ta2c:i - it out to the Fair Grounds. We believe that the interests of the hotel and restaurant men, and others in the cl town district will be much better served by having this exhibit — axr doRvn town. We are writing you this letter beaus - e we believe you would like to know how the down town bueinese na :Eee.1 about such matters. The more people can be induced to co a to the down town district the better bi:sinese should be Por a2- _ of -ULB. Y =_y t rtizl v yours, JBF:HS 10 .0 To the Honorable, the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, do strenuously object to the paving of Maryland St. between Prosperity Ave and Hazelwood Ave and petition your Honorable Body to eliminate that portion from the order calling for the paving of Maryland between Duluth and White Bear Ave. In objecting to this proposed order we call your attention to the fact that this property has been heavily assessed for improvements in the past few years and that to assess the property for this paving will amount practically to confiscation da the Property. Owner._ lot block addition Al vv P ` V J y000 V COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ...........__.. By..... _ ........................................... ............. _... :a. a a F. No. -60048 �1. fb M+tr^ of pavinir Wesley. Ave.. !. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave. _.Including sewer, water and go. con- !I pectlons from street ma1n8'to Drep- erty ]lnes complete, where not al- ready made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway. aDDroaches, where necessary,. under Prellminaryl order 46111 approved June 2, 1922. FINAL ORDER X01 In the Matter of...PAY.ixlg_ t@S.lsy...4iY.6. u@...f.XO.m...size3.7.1.1lag..�i.V..8z7u6....4...k_a�X.X..�Yt..... ...�1Y.6.B,ue.,...inc.lud ing..,s.ewer.,... �vater•..and-..gas....connections__.from._s treet.. ma;ns._ to..pr..Q.p.ext.y...Iipp;. cor7.plete,,_where,.not al.ready_. made,...also...curbing..and.• paving.. alley_ .and . dr..lYeway. a.p.pr.oa.cnes,... rl.here...lleG.ess.a.xy.,..........._._.........+............... .......................................................................................................................................................................... . .......................................I.......... tinder Preliminary Order .. 46111 .................. approved 1923..................... Intermediary Order ......... _....... ...._. _..._ ..............__...---....approved ............_- ----- -------- ................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...pay.efxom..,Snelling,...F.Yenlle....tA------------- _Fairuiewr..AY.enue.,....iz.1.9.1 ing..seYrer_,.vra.ter_and.,.gas...c_onnections-..from........... str.e.et...mains...tn...pr.a.PeQrty...Z.ix?.es....c.omplete,__.y+here... __curbing..snd..paving..alle_y and, driveway approaches, _.iwhere _neces.sary.,._..- r:..Material shall .be rainforeed..concret.e; .30 .... ... _._...... ........ _....._............ _.................. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council, _ DEC 5 - 192= O ...... _.... ....___. ...................... . ^ City Clerk. -approved ................._ a • ....;y 2, Mayor. Councilman MVMX orClancy 1 Councilman 1mx ,7 Ferguson Councilman 4M ✓ D'iCDonald Councilman KX V%; Peter Councilman 1CSWX V Sudheimer Councilman et id9/Vu enz e 1 MayorIM nelson Form B, S. A. 8-7. CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '£ AN REPORT OF C091MIbSIONER OF FINANCE `� 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter ofpaving Wesley Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue including sewer, waiter and gas connections Prom street mains to ria property linea complete, where not air made_ eadY also_ sorbing and paving alley and drivewe.yma,�) nreaehea, where rkeoegsary._ 33 under Preliminary Order approved JIMA 2- 192; To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Paving 31 creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or 7" blocks _ flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. yd. 5.46 4.44 3.37 2.91 Intersections) Wheelage ) 30,008.00 24,402.00 15,522.00 15,444.00 Property share 34,360.00 27,941.00 21,207.00 17,653.00 Total 64,368.00 52,343.00 39,729.00 33,127.00 (a) front foot 7.29 5.92 4.49 3.75 Note: This street is curbed to a width of 40 ft. 6 in. sewer connections each $80.00 4 in. water connections each 45.00 17 1 do 4400 16 1 do 2625 15 1 do 4575 East 2 ft. of 13 & 14 1 do 3000 Form B. B. 10 - TOTAL, .CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPA T ;NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C0 ,,NT OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- In the matter of 'DaViag Wesley Avenue from S=11 Ing Avenue to Fairview Avanna including sewer, warter and gas connections from street m8.i7ia to DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Savage Subdivision 4500 2 do 3600 3 do 2075 North 1/2 of Lot 19 1 College Place,west Div. 900 Except North 43 ft -of is 1 do 825 ) _. North 43 ft. of 18 1 do )) 17 _ _ 1 do 4400 16 1 do 2625 15 1 do 4575 . East 2 ft. of 13 & 14 1 do 3000 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL E�RTMENT OF FINANCE al REPORT O F GdMK4ISSIONER OF FINANCE Or-�& PRELIMINARY ORDER (S) DESCRIPTION LOT BL_ocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 1 College Plaoe,West Div. 3906 Z 2. do 925 Blk.2 Lot 4 & North 3 ft. Of 19 -z� 24=2I 2 Innis Re.of 1 & 2`oollege Place, West Division 2000 _._ Except North 3 ft. Of 2<=� 2 College Place, West Div. 365j0) Except North 3 ft. of 19 2 do JL g 2 do .4550 2 do .4975 Except West 20 ft. 1 4E& 2 do 950 Test 20 ft. of 16 2 do 850 ) East 20 ft. of z 2 do 3 Except East 20 ft. of 3 2 do 550 124- 2 do 4100 z3 2 do .4650 Z 2 2 do 3150 �':3L 2 do 1975 South 130 ft. of za 3 do 700 Except South 130 ft _ o g 3 do 475 ::L- 9 3 do 2750 a_ g 3 do 4300 -2-7 3 do 4550. s 3 do 4650 5 -3 do 555,0 Z24- 3 do $50. 33 3 do 3000 South 136 ft. of West 2t> it Z2- 3 do z450 S^uth 136 ft -of West 20 =:M�t _ a 3 do TOTAL . i- • - CITY OF ST. PA LTL {" REPORT OF W--JE IF2 OF FINANCE T I ON PRELIMIl�1AS2Y O ODER �B� s DESCRIPTION LOT OU. a c ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S. 136 ft. of East 39.70 ft.12 3 Collage P1aae, West Div. 2425 _ S. 136 ft. Except East 20' 11 3 do 2875 Except S. 136 ft. of 11 & 12 3 do 1525 1 1Pap3w--e : Z-- Addition 300 2 CIO 4525 3 clo 350 4 cao 350 5 do 925 6 do 725 7 cio 425 16 4 0a3.3-gg4emm� aoe, West Div. 4450 15 4 c3o 650 114 4 c2o 2500 13 4 clo 600 E.1/3 of 5.126.12 ft. of 12 4 cio 350 E.1/3 of S.126.12 ft. of 11 4 do W. 2/3 of S. 126.12 ft. of 11 4 do 375 Ex0.S.126.12 ft. of 11 & 12 4 clo 75 East 2/3 of s.126.12 ft. of • 12 4 clo 350 10 5 cio 700 9 5 cio 1200 s 5 do 3000. East 1/3 of 7 5 CIO 3450 West 1/3 of 6 5 cio West 2/3 of 7 5 clo 3750 East 2/3 of 6. 5 cio .4050 E. 1/3 of 5 & W.1/3 of 4 5 do .3-800 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - `I R�POF2T OF C6NWISS10NER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION West 2/3 of 5 _East 2/3 of 5 a 3 6 2 6 do W.39.70 ft of DT_ Z32 ft Of 10 East 20 ft of N- Z32 ft; - of 10 West 20 ft.of BT- 332 i -t . of 9 Except DT. 132 f t _ oY 9 & 10 _ Except W. 20 ft_ of m- 132 ft 9 8 West 440 ft. of 7 N. 126 ft. of E_ 19.7 ft -of 7 N.126 ft. of W. --x-So-7 it of 6 Except X. 126 :r -u- tlae East 1q2� 7 ft of 7 & Eas . Z�Torth 6 1ft.of W.19.7c> ft of 4 Except East 10 it: _ 3 East 10 ft of 3 & West 1/2 of 10 -1I:-- 2 Except West 15 :E -t-- _ o f South 10 ft) the S. 55 o f Lot 1; & N. 5 ft. of S _ 55 --E* of East 20 ft of 10-t-- 2 Except South 55 ::E' -u , F - 24-5 ft . 1 Except N. 4.5 ft of S- 55 ft the W. 15 ft of' iso t 1 � Eac . N.4.5 ft of B-55 :IC -U o f 3C.20 5 College P1aae, West Div. 5 do 5 a0 5 clo 5 do 6 do 6 clo 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 CIO 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 do 6 clo 6 do 6 CIO 6 do 6 ,'...1 ASSESSED VALUATION 4050 31500 65o 650 725 2825 2825 ) 2900 ) 2825 $50 1825 1675 ; 3100 3900 3850 2200 2400 ) 2075 . 3050 2700 . CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF dOWWISSIONER OF FINANCE . +, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)+T ,. DESC:Ft. t 'PTIO VV - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED. VALUATION West 39 ft i »orth 136 ft. 10 7 College Place, West Div. 2775 Except W-39 ft oY N.136 ft." to 7 do 265o�i __. Except 11.39 ft _ of x.136 ft. 9, 7 do Except N.13 ft; of Lots 9 & 10 7 do 2700 East 39 ft f zw _ 136 ft. 9 7 do 2650 West 39.9 g - oLot 6 7 do 3150 West 18.70 t o _-�E Lot 7 7 do 2725 ) & Except W_ 39 _ !E� ft of Lot 8 7 do )) _ West 8 ft a 6 7 do 2875 & Except W. 1S _ -7 ft of Lot 7 7 do ) Except West S f -u 6 7 do 3225 5 7 do 3900 4 7 do 3300 3 7 do 2975 West 50 ft _ 1 2 Auditors Sub. No. 50 2525 East 67.46 -b _ 1 2 do 3150 2 2 do 1550 8 1 do 3725 7 1 do 1500 Hancock Bola 02 6 1 do 64625 The Commis goner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the for goirn� as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by he Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.-- - -- - — - ---- —191 Form B. B. 12 - Commissioner of Bin.nce. ' St: Paul Minn. y' -Z..y ......192.-x-. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ---- . - -.................................. --._._...... -............................................................................................... .............. %�h.....l._�i/•7..........................................................V.V...._r.�-. Ave. nn// p/ p d ,p ,.. from._........... .f Y.. I �Y -J...........................S Ave. to -Y-11- —V� � �.J/_.............._._ __......................_........_....................._...... - --St. Ave. ADDITION rN• Il, . St. Paul, Minn.,... ... .............................................192...... To The Honorablc. ----Yhe Council, City of Wit. Paul,- Minna Gentlemen: We, tlz — undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause "the fo-X— 3owirzg improvement to be made: I ----------------- ................. St. Ave. from-------------------------------------- - - - - — --------------------- -......-----------.......St. --------------------------------- - -- — Com,/ • .ADDITION ME til 4 Com,/ Office of the Cbm issioner d Public Work o' Report to Commissioner of Finance J ocT 3Q 1923 oot 29, 1923.- ____ 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: b The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46111June 2, 1923 _191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No -------- _____approved___________- the paving of Wesley Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview -Ave. -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------;------ ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attaohea. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____-____--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- A asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ,0. --------------- Commissioiarr of PuW,�,Works. Estimate "A" William 3. Peter, CtLa issiunrr L art a Mm ette, 39rputg (famudontaner i �P�t�i�IltPltt IIf �1tltXtt �IIr�i76 (ility of £Paint Vaal GEORGE M. SMEPARD. GMIEF ElV O[Ti E1ER M. Y. 6RYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER VM. N. GAREY. SUPT. OP COHSTRiJ GT{ON ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. NERROLD. OFFIGC AND GET! PLANNING OM431NEUR p. P. BOWLIM. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 25, 1933 Mr. Wm_ J_ Pst er,' Comma ss i oxer of Public Works Dear Sir = T transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paviasg of Wesley Aide. from Sne&lixag Ave. to Fairview Ave., izzc3uc3iag Bawer, water and gas con-necstions fro#i street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also - curbing aac3 paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Pref lmixaary Order C. F. #46111, approved .Tune 2, 1923: Lengt h S � 9-5 Roadway 40* Street 80 It Front age 4,7201 Paving 34d creceoted Bricks laid. Asphalt or 7" blocks flat Asphalt Concr. Concrete Total Sq_ y c3_ 5.48 4. � 3.32 2.835 Int ers8 ct i oxis Wheelag6 30, 008. 00 243P-402. 00 3-8,522-00 15, 444.00 Property share 34,360.00 27,941.00 21,207.00 17,683.00 Total 64, 368. 00 52,343-00 39, 729.00 33,127. OC (a) front moot 7.28 5.92 4.49 3.75 Notal✓ This street is curbed to a width of 40 feet. 6 in. sevw6r connections each ,$80. 00 4 in. Wat er csonneotions " 45.00 Yours truly, , h Exigineer Approved mor transmtusion to tha Coa3missioner of Finance 0omm t s S 6Y Public Works '�_atjmate "B^ �illixm �. �r�er, ftI _ --_ — $iuxsrr ♦ � -- .�rir �allrttr, �rputg fIInttttttissinttrr - �r�rttrtmenf of �uhtir 3�nrr�,s ' (IIitg of �sint �� GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF E:NG1f H>FER WM. N. CARL -f. SUPT. OF ANO REPAIR Gi. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY Z�LA ZDV V i 2 -1M ENGINEER October 25, 1923 Mr. Wm. .T. p4a- t-- *-:--r " Commissiorner cs ::L� Public Works Dear Sirs M. B. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT, OF WORKHOUSE M transmit herewith prelimiziasy estimate of cost for the pav ag of Wesley Ave. from Bne113ri4gr.7 Ave. to Fairview Ave., i3aclu4c=-Li3r3L-9�:! sewer, water and gas coaaAED 4=-- ions from street mains to property lines complete, where nom already magie, also ourbing aacl p aviag alley and driveway aper ©aches, where necessary, under Order d_mia cry Order C. F. #46111, June 2, 1933: Length 3,545 Roadway 3C' Street 80' Froaatage 4,720' T, Paving creosote Brick laid -Aisphalt or Concrete blocks flat Conor. 7" Total Sq. p3- 5.84 4.80 3.75 3.19 Zntersectioas_)1 Wheelage > 16,410.00 13,544.00 3.0,537.00 8,964.00 Property sri— T -e 34,598.00 28,179. 00 21,445.-00 17,931.00 Total 58,909.00 43,624.00 33,884.00 28,786.00 (2) front Foot 7.36 5.9S 4.52 3.77 curb extra Add for curb where not in 60 per 3- —mt=L_ ft. 6 in. sewer otions each $80.00 wat em if 45.00 Yours truly i E� � sneer Approved -Vor emission to the Conazz3ss =1L-,c>aer of Finance �s�i/lam Co T�`ll ngv o�Publio Works To The Honordle }Mayor and Council of The City of St. Paul, Miresota. We, The undersigned property owners, residing on Wesley Ave. have agreed and are in favor of having 1,7esley Avenue', between Snelling Avenue and Fairview Avenue paved with concrete. --- r /G 1'3 - -- ---- - --- ----------- /7 i er rA IV) 1 P E T I T I O N the undersigned, property owners on Wdslsy ATe,._ _ S U Paul, be- 1�ROOn Snelling Avetuo and pairview Avenue, do urgsrst3.y -: - c �ae�s! that the ptaYi g of thie part of Wesley Avejue be postponed For ts. .aW years.. The "S on for this request being that most of us, especi&M�� y on tine West extd of this Aeenue, are new property ovnors in dais dL-L Q t,, and are tryi ng. to pay for our homes and we 4o not feat tha t wvw :3 -s1 d be bard enedavith this additional expense. a't least Por a fevv ra_ IFAUB 17 7 4-1 -- 77 12, ---- - i' (! l/-% °V .Cl l �-�/✓ r Lam' Ji�� - - 1 a �; 0, A No, 60040-a In the Matter of Copatruoting'a oeiver do alio HotilW4 oitlo of Ploalaat A � 148 dub, d Loth 60106 0110r Preliminary Order 48066 approve' oet. s, spas, A puLe hearing havingbr - upon the above im$tovement e, and the Counall ha,'' ,*eons, object ^P: • relativr " COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... _..... By............................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....c.nns.truc.lid.ng...a.._sQwer...on..t<he...S.a.Ll'hla.ex].y....S..d.Q...AX...P.I.Q..kaE lt.. i�vs.opl,Osp_p_feetv{est..,ofthe_,eastlineof ,,._..,fteen._._... _ Sub ._. of_Leech's... Qut.lots_,................... under Preliminary Order..._..4895.5...............................approved ............O.o.t.....fi.,....1923---............................... Intermediary Order ......... _.......... ............................approved _... F----- ------------- ----- .... _......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by .the said City is....c.ons..tr.Llo.t...R..Seyr.@l?.. on. .the_.southerly--side..of............. Pleas.ant _AV.e....from...Usbo.n.St. ..-.to_a_.poin..t_._fifte.en, feet...west .of. t_he __-... �hitacre, Brisbine &. I;,ullents Sub. of Leechts O.u.dots.,.......... ...................�........... _..... ....__.... ............................................ ............._.... .... ............ . _. ..__....... .. _....... __..... _... ......... _ .............. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__ DEC 192....._ 1.._.. ........................ .......... .. ............... ........... 11 EC' - City Clerk. �✓ Approved _........................ 1.91....._. G , PP ................... ............................... . Mayor. Councilman iR 1wir,6t?fixVClancy PLBLLSfi'L'D Councilman QMX FerpuSon i C> Councilman R3dxmkx `' McDonald Councilman RoBex Peter Councilman ?AgfkJix Sudheimer Councilman YrAZYel5MX ''WeTTMl Mayor ,'Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITYUL DEPARTME INANCE REPORT OF COMMI NER OF FINANCE N PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Constructing a sewer on the southerly side of Pleasant Ave. , from Lisbon St to a point fifteen feet west of the east line of Lot 71, Whitacre, Busbine and Mullins Sub. of Leeches Outlot s. under Preliminary Order approved October 6, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 714-017) The estimated cost per foot}}for the above improvement is S 3-96 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL. 450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— Commissioner of Fimmee. Farm B. B. 13 _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Avenue) 69 Whitacre, Brisbine & 2300 (Except Avenue) 69 Mullen's Subdivision of 500, Part S. E. of Pleasant Ave, 70 Lots 1 & 2 of Leech's 1100. (Except Street) 71 Addition of Outlots to 950 the Town of Saint Paul TOTAL. 450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— Commissioner of Fimmee. Farm B. B. 13 _ �1 i St. Paul, Minn.,_...._(-._ ................... ..............192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following ism/Jp/rovement to be made: e_•L7""1........_._rz.)'".........."..a`'t....v......./-."'-..-.---.... �...�.L.... i ,�1Sv- Ave. -firnn........... ......... ....------- .--- .--------- --........._.._..----- ._St.�4Vsrts__._-._..._.-.-.....-.......... ......__...._..._........_...... v4 EE=G:-�• r. �^' - ..... -$t: Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION � ryi 4qt 04�e 3, �'i.-L/::.,^.. 46 RIIRFAU OF ENGINEERS 4: ^' | -z� | � ------ | '� | � |^� ! . � . | ' | ! | ! � Office of Cornmissioner of Public W RegQrt to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Financ of the City of St. Paul: OCT 261988 Oat. 26, 1923. - - 191____ The Commissioner of Ptzlic Works, Having had under consideration the preliminary order of 48 955 Oat. 6, 1923 the Council, known as Council= 3e No_ _ _ - ---------approved ---------------------- 191---, relative to the oonetruotion_ off_ mevr6r on the southerly side of Pleasant Ave. from Lisbon to -s point lb feet west of the east line of Lot 71, Whitacre and Mullins Sub. of Leeohes Outlote. and having investigated the rcz iters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ necessary and (or) desirable. Per Yront. cot *3-86 714.00 2. The estimated cost -t--=ereof is $- -----------_and the total cost thereof is $-_----______, Frontage M_ 5 2't =nepeotion §14.00 and the nature and extent o£ mid improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sire Bch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessmar� for said improvement. -----------------�� �- --------------- Commission of Public Dls. William 3. pgter, (Commissioner �� >Irie Mallette, Peputg (Commissioner Depavitrxwent of I Mir Marks' 4QF—ritp of -Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINRER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONBTRUCTION ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING E=1VG 1l�iEf32 G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 86, 1988. up* Xne 1e "tieZ e Oaoalesiom+ss o�C 10--A=Mft-■ ie vorks- Doer air= t�eae�it �$ preliainasy estimate of ooet for to on "0 eentieriy side of Fleaeeant Ave* flea biebaft S to a point titde4 n felt vest of tS east line of bot 91, ih3t4rar w '. --leommmabiaoe am Imlliaa, sub. of baoLee Outlets, TAUT PreCe !e #48958, approved October 61 1990: Betimated ltssa lb — -- - - - - - - - - - - #914,00 Per front toots — - - - - - - - - - - 0.86 p"Utage - - - — - - - - - - - - - - leg fte 14.00 yours truly, )n ins or* Approved for t -- Amwass3©n to the Co®m%ssi of pinanaee apt" Q sRib :3Y97�=vie Workee h COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............................................. C; D', No, 60060--. In tho matter of ppavlag Churchill from Cross St; to Van Olyke Av; Horton 8Iroet from Van 81ke N Como Lake Boulevard,.lnoll seNor, water and gas conn, ,rom $`,let mains to prop,,, )"11)),where not, i,,' ...............I FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. frnm...dr-ass...S.t.....Lo....V.ala slyke...kue•., ...Hor.tnn-str.e.e-t f.rom...Van...S.1yke...Avs.....t.o..-.Uamn...Lake...B.oulau.arA-,...inc.luding.--- seyier,- aater and gas connections from street mains_. to. -.pro, perty._lines_. c.omgl.et.e.,...yher.e_.-7.o.t...already. ..M.Oq-....a.l.s.a....eiArbdn� and ...powing_.driv.eAay........ --and...a11e.Y...flP.proaches...... {'Here...necessary.x........................... ...... ...........----- ... -----... -- »rider Preliminary Order ,,,,...,.,..150.5.5..........................approved .....O.c.t.►...4.r... I ...... ..,...... IntermediaryOrder............................................................approved.................................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City pf St. Paul that the mpr 42rton_--Street from Van Slyke Ave. to Como Lake Boulevard, includ- and,...gs.._c.onnectionfrom street.. Operty.--lines .s... „ samp1et.e,....w.her..e...no.t....a1r.eedy_ made,... ala o..cur..bing...an.d...pexi.ng..drivew.ay.. and a 11 e.Y...aPP.roaches,..�l.here .necessary,__.. ...... ...... ..... ................_....................................................... k� ^rd t`r , r-- r,^ p,.. ,. �� .,,.� ,,.,.,..n,a .,, , -� .'.l .. ..... _. ftAQthe Council hereby or ers said-improvement•to e made•. V SOLVED FURTFIE That the Commissioner o Public Works be and is hereby strueted and directed top are plans and speci8 tions for said improveme t, and submit same to the Co un 1 for approval; that upon aid approval, the prone city officials are hereby a thorized and directed to prose with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. _ 1 2 1913 Q t� City Clerk. DEC', , ✓ ty<_ t Approved ... - 1 / I Councilman 3%Yd= Kk`�Claney Councilman moncx Councilman iAX 'M.T. Councilman mddmxx /Peter Councilman ZKM Sudheimer Councilman ,x rd.'v1ienZel Mayor habnx Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. OA of the Commissioner of Public Works LI). Report to Commissioner of Finance = ` ; 4-1 3 IR -- ocr,90 gas Oct. 29,_1923 ...... 191.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 48885 ---- approved -__OOt. 4� 1828 __191___, relative to the paving of Churohill Ave. from Cross St. to -Van_ $ly-ke-Av_e._nd --_- -- ------------------------------- - ---------------- - -- -- - Horton St. from Van Slyke Ave. to Como -Lake -Blvd -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necess a dd (des'rable. �1s'imaoe a�taohed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-------- ------, and the total cost thereof is $________-___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ----- ----------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property; subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- -`� .- ------------- Commissioiier of Pubh'c Works. CAm AUL DEPARFINANCE REODRT OF COMONER OF' FINANCE !F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving Churchill Ave— from Cross St to Van Si yka AvP , Horton St from Van Slyke Ave to Como Lake _Blvd. y-inrl11ding seater, water and gAs nnnnPe-tinng frfrom atrpe-t mains—ta-property- lines com-plete, where not already madam, also curbing -and_— paving driveway and alley =proaches,'vim-n�2-B-sary— under Preliminary Order approved October 4, 1-23.--- To 23 _—To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Length BSO' Paving. Roadway 36' 31 creosote blocks Street 60' HVick laid flat Frontage 1497' Asphalt or Asphalt Conc. Concrete Total sq.yds. 5.92 5.10 '3.93 3.26 Intersections Plheelage 10200.16 9757.30 6599.99 5616.98 Property share 11916.32 10179.60 7644.69 6506.96 Total 22016.49 19966.90 14243.77 12123.97+ (a)front foot 7.34 6.25 4.56 3.90 curb extra Add for straight curb where not in 60¢ lin. ft. in. sewer connections each 60.00 V" water connections each 39.00 ...a.,, .. D J ao- ., J 7vv 5 3 do. 3950 4 3 do 3600 3 3 do 3025 TOTAL. Farm 6.0.10 mPIS PL .• DEPART F FINANCEAU REI$ORT OF COMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving Churchill Ave from Cross St to Van Slyke '-Ave_ Hnrtnn St from Van Slyke Avg, to Comn Lakn Blvd,y—incl„ding sewer, water and gas connections frnm Rtrggt.rnajx>gto-proper*y lines complete. where rnt or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 3 Warrendale 875 11 3 do 2900 10. 3 do 3900 9 3 do 1700 8 3 do goo 7 3 do 3800 6 3 do 3500 5 3 do 3950 4 3 do 3600 3 3 do TOTAL. 30�5 Form B. B. 10 �V: •1 (B) DESCRIPTION BT. PAUL DEP{' .NT OF FINANCE F -PORT OF C . ISSIONER OF FINANCE r ► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 2 3 1 3 9 4 9 4 7 4 6 4 5 4 That part of L.4,lying So. 4 4 of a line drawn from the No. 'Hest corner of said lot to a point on the East line thereof 13 ft. So.from the Northeast corner thereof. That part of Lot 4, lying No. of a line drawn from the Northwest corner of said lot to .a point on the East line thereof, 13 ft. So.from the Northeast corner thereof. 3 4 2 4 1 4 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 And part of Como Blvd.vac. adjoining. 11 1 And part of Como Blvd. Vac. adjoining. 12 1 Warrendale do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 5925 975 4025 2700 800 6050 3300 5700 1000 9250 1150 875 5300. 750 3400 650 6375 1700 C ST' PAUL DEPA' t OF FINANCE F�PORT OFC SSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �G) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _._ And part of Como Blvd. vac.. Warrendale adjoining. 13 1 do 8450 And part of Co zo Blvd. vac. adjoining. 14 1 do 1375 27 5 do 4475 26 5 do 5800 25 5 do 800 24 5 do 3150 __. That portion of Blvd. vac. adjoining. 1 5 do 6100 -.. That portion of blvd, vac. -. adjoining. 2 5 do 1750 That portion of blvd, vac. adjoining. 3 5 do 4650 _ 123425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ -- ---IJl IF-. B. B. 12 § Commissioner of Finance. i n� William 3J. Peter, To misstanpr j 3rir Mallcttr; Druntu Tammissiotter 38r�ttr#tnrttt of �uhlir nrh,� " (liitH of 6aint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEFENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. Of CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. 1. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PI.ANNINe ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 8, 1933 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Pub110 Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Churchill Ave. from Cross St. to Van Slyke Ave. Horton St. from Van Slyke Ave. to Como Lake Blvd. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order O. F. #48885, approved October 4, 1933: Leh 880• Roadway 361 Street 601 Fronts gRe 14872 Pavi g 3-j creosote Brick laid Asp or Concrete blooks flat Asphalt Cono. Total sq.yda. 5.93 5.,10 3.83 3.36 Intersections Wheelage 10300.16 8787.30 6599.99 5616.98 Property share 11818.33 10179.60 7844.68 6506.96 Total 22018-48 18986.90 14343.77 13133.94 (a)frout- foot. 7.34 6.35 4.56 3.80 curb extra Add for straight curb where not in 60¢ lin. ft. in. sewer aonneattons each 60.00 " water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, )'" , v . hief Lngineer Approved for transmiseion to Commissioner of�Ftnance Commis�o/// Y f'ubZi0W works dlPW! i�ittiam �J. �rtrr, (IInmmissinner ,�rir 9Ulattr#r, �r{�utg fIInmuiinsinnrr Departumut of Ituktu Morks Tug of Oand jiaut GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAR EY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 8, 1923 Mr. 'Wm. J. Peter., Commissioner of Public Works Dear SIT: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Churchill Ave. from Cross St. to Van Slyke Ave., Horton St. from Van Slyke Ave. to Como Lake Blvd., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C.F. 48885, approved October 4, 1923: Length 880' Ro0way 30' Street 602 Frontage 14972 Paving 3* creosote Briok laid Asisnalt or Concrete blocks flat Asphalt Concrete total sq. yd. 5.97 5.15 3.87 3.31 Intersections Wheelage 1 6787.79 5855.55 +4400.19 3763.47 Property Share 11916.12 10279.40 7724.52 6609.76 Total 18704.01 16134.95 12125.71 10370. 23 Front foot (2) 7.36 6.26 4.56 3.81 curb extra. Add for 6" con. curb where not in 600 lin. ft. 6 in. sewer connections each $60.00 in. water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: Comma /// r of blio Works C t No. ter a• I the Matter f p Ing Dale 8t. f > Coding ve t wLas.ter 'and 'to' asecon ert[tone from street raIns to propp- " Ifnep to plat" here t al - In dart sada also c bingW and P' av- g y npproachea, here y. under Preliminary Order 47290 ppro..d " ll, 24, 1923. pthalle bhear. n. hnving been had p r_ment upon due _ C.o el' l_l heard ^otloas and r COUNCIL FILE NO ................._.__..... ana having - tnererore, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....Favi_nE---I 1.d...;>.t.,....d.xQxn..Qoj.A.o...Ave...---t.n-.Lazp n.tzur_w.e.,.--------....... Wer...ww..6&.5...coluie.c.tiflnr3.-3r.oc--.str-e¢t...uaias-_ta....---- proparty lin_- colcplete, Ivhefe not already cure , ---also --curbing..___.__..... and...i,Y11?..lrivepr&Y..alc.ryEc.hz.@. evti.~1.�...7izc. s.�I1zy ........__.. .... ........... - _................. ................ -...._ .-..............-......................._..................-................................... _................................................. ...................................... ............................. ............_-....................... -................................... ......................_- under Preliminary Order 4.7.�,:�........_........approved. .........Juiy._ 4,-y2j........................ .... ...................... 0. . IntermediaryOrder............................................................. approved.............................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it �) 11, 1aCil f lac �tif' of �f� PI���I lh�il the ii�ccisc ��i�tu��c, crlc�al �a�d hind of ��SO(aVl,►I � t � Coo o t improvement to be made by the said City is....W .. Dull ....................... Lar,,alitellr ft . ino, 1i119r, utM113 cell;t .....................e . . from dtrdvt 1':alri3 tC property .Ines coi.-, idle, where i0t...a'rca...Y......... ................... .... ..... made, also ourb-ng and -paving driveway apuroicohes, where necessary .......__............ - _.._........._................ - ........._......._.__.................__............._.... ........ - ......--- Pbaterial brick, :46 feet..widex�from..Como-Ave-,-to-,Whe®-]p-cif.Pas Trey-;--.Eeinforcad...... concrete 46 ft. wide from Wheelock Parkway to Como -Phalen Ave, in two 13 foot outaidl strips.-and..center,,..20_,feet,---to-.be...temgorar y..-.. aloin.ppaving,-C.amonPhalen..Ave....tpp and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. City 2imita reinforced Concrete 27'widi RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__®�. _..._................ .... ......... --•---------------------------- D E C City Clerk. Approved._..._ _.._... ............ 191........ Councilman mlc>t;roxtlw::c11 Councilman -IG6& �'e xgu son Councilman t:&w -` /laoDonald Councilman Killer/Pater Councilman 3%6511: //Su4heimer Councilman KTA Mayor &64 ilelaon Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 C6 4 2 Mayor. 4� fC 1 LA 3 ;.1 l Ai - REPORT 011= (A) Paving of Dale St In the matter CITY OF BT. PAUL 11 �_ O � Q�RTMENT OP 'OF COMMISSIONER OF'%NANCE - �K X�i2ELIMINARY ORDER, �e� t Y rom. Com; Ave. to larpenteur Ave. under Preliminary Order approved `T�" y 2 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby re r = as follows: Length 7853 ft. Street 66 ft. Frontage 13,599 ft Fstimate ^A* For pa_ = 3 rig 46 ft.. from Como Ave. to North of Maryland St.. {Dot3s C;�.r track) and 36 feet from 100 ft. Ncrth of Mary- 1anr3 —t = to Larpenteur Ave. Paving 3Y^ C ���ted Brick laid Asphalt cr flat Asphalt concr. Concrote Total_ Intersect ions) Wheelage ) 369 57,949.00 45,268.00 38,684.00 (a) Property Share 107oo s9 , 209.00 69,808.00 59,654.00 Total 17-7 _ QO 147,059.00 115,077.00 98,338.00 (a) Front ft. _ 1+9 6.13 4.71 3.9( (Curb extra) 5 do goo 6 d0 3600 7 d0 4000 Form B. B. 10 10 do TOTAL. 500 - _. GtTY OF ST_ >P � L �n ! �EIF TM I- -T- 03= -31VAM C --k REPORT OF COMMISSION VEF2 CW TINANCE ON PRELiMIriAF2Y ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving of Dale Street f rom Com Ave . to Larpenteur Ave. Cz. .r "t. A under Preliminary Order approved Ju 1y .214 , 1 <�2----- DESCRIPTION LOT E3_ — ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 li4a= •8 aria Hospes R e rrasigement "A" St. Paul 500 2 do 700 3 do Soo 4 do 3400 5 do goo 6 d0 3600 7 d0 4000 10do F— B. B. 10 TOTAL. 500 CITY OF ST. PAUL D*PARTMENT OF FINANQE ., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFONNANCE M1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 3 Ware and Hospes Addition 425 to St. Paul, Hine. 3 3 do 450 4 3 do 950 5 3 do 450 6 3 do 450 45 2 do 500 44 2 do 450 43 2 do 2350 42 2 do 1550 41 2 do 2600 40 2 do 4450 1 2 do 500 2 2 do 175 3 2 do 175 4 2 do 175 5 2 do 150 6 2 do 150 7 2 do 250 6 1 do 400 5 1 do 300 4 1 do 300 3 1 do 300 2 1 do 625 1 1 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL k O$PARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER CW NANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADE3ITIOry 10 14 Como Prospect Addition 9 14 do 8 14 do 7 14 do 6 14 do 5 14 do 4 14 do 3 14 do 2 14 do 1 14 do 11 13 do 10 13 do 9 13 do 8 13 do 7 13 do 6 13 CIO 5 13 do 4 13 do 3 13 do 2 13 do 1 13 do 15 12 do 14 12 do 13 12 do 12 12 do 11 12 do 10 12 do TOTAL 3 ASSESS E O VALUATIOfV - 7550 600 450 400 24o0 3700 400 400 40o 45o 6650 3000 400 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 6425 C 1Ty OF ST. PAUL A=======w IE�PAF2TMENT OF FI►1ANC€ REPORT OF-OMMISSIONER OP INANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LO" t3�oCtc ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 12 Como Proepeot Addition 4M 3.2 do 7 3.2 do 6 3.2 do 5 3.2 do -14- 12 do 3 12 do 1275 2 X2 do 275 � 12 do 275 — 7 do 275 3- 7 do 250 7 do 450 a 7 do 1150 Z 7 do 250 lcc:==:t 7 do 250 7 do 150 7 do 75 --77�;' 7 do 75 7 do 50 --� 7 do 75 7 do 75 7 do —� 7 do 50 7 do 75 6 do 25 =r 6 do 25 6 dTOOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL ,y t DEJPARTMENT OF FIMANC€ F REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF*1NANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 6 Como Prosneat Addition 11 6 do 10 6 do 9 6 do 8 6 do 7 6 do 6 6 do 5 6 do 4 6 do 3 6 do 2 6 do 1 6 do 34 2 do 33 2 do 32 2 do 31 2 do 30 2 do A strip 150 feet in width being 75 feet on either side of center line as located over and across the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Town 29, Range 23 29 1 do 28 1 do 27 1 do 26 1 do 24 1 do 23 1 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 75 75 75 75 75 3600 100 200 2700 200 200 850 CITY OF ST. PAUL + DWPARTMENT OF FIpIANCW- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 0 JF=' * 11"ANCE 6 ON PRELIMINARY 012ME F2 g) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASO 1< -Ir EON ASSESSED VALUATION 22 1 Como ProspacS Addit ion 200 21 1 1600 20 1 2600 19 1 al 0 350 19 1 c- Q 450 35 cottage homes 4475 fEx --tet North 263.10 feet ars =��aept South 73.25 feet o r th 409.66 feet) 34 Som === 73.25 feet of North 49!=�>6 feet of 34 - - North 60 feet for lai3a Sock Parkway and except Ea 3-47 feet ofthe North 26 30) 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 ,t do 2500 do 500 do 7900 Taylor's Adder ion to St.Paul 375 275 6750 250 250 s� 250 —� 250 vW 450 250 250 250 T OTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL . 00ARTMENT OF F44ANC+E REPORT O COMMISSIONER OF*-INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 7 DESCRIPTION !_OT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 1 If Taylor's Addition to St.Paul 250 3 z do 250 3 3 do 250 3 14- do 3+50 3 5 do 225 3 6 do 175 3 O Hendricks Subdivision of 75 Lot 12, Cottage Homes' Addition to St. Paul, Minn. Z X Cottage Homes 2500 Except part taken for wi d exi — © Danforth Park 150 ina Lake Como and Phalen Ave _ 54-9 do 100 5 do 100 57 do 100 �j G do 100 5 5 do 100 do 100 3 do 100 5 2 do 100 io 100 J do 100 23 9 do 100 2 t -S do 100 14-7 do 100 24- 6 do TOTAL 2 750 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL 6 DFW.PARTMENT OF FWJANC4I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION German Lutheran ( Z, _; ET-ILi.rgad) - ,.2 Duffey13 A x.11 t1Ji1 5 n 4 ^ That part of Northeast 1/4 of North east 1/4 of Section 2AE> Town 29, Range 23, lying, South of Right of Way of St. Pain La Northern Pacific Railway (Except Dale and McKenty Street.) (15.31 acres) A strip of land 150 feet in width being 75 feet from eit2aer side of center line as located over and across Northeast 2/ s of Northeast 1/4 of North east 1/4 of Section 26, Town 29 Range 23, ASSESSED VALUATION 16750 13450 10250 5425 1 4 Dale Street Garden Lo - s 3250 St. Paul, Minn 3 1 1575 2 1 ^ 2400 1 Ritchies Addition 300 2 " 550 3 " 250 4 3050 5 8 Rogers and Handrio 6000 4 S Lots do 1000 3 a do TOTAL goo CITY OP 8T. PAUL y _ REPOF2T DEPARTMENT OF FIVANCig 411C=M10 If-- COMMISSIONER OFA-"INANCE 9 41=>"PRELIMINARY ORDER <B> DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSES VALUATION 2 S Rogers and Hendricks 2900 3 S Acre Lots 2500 South 50 feet of East 120 S 5 do 2600 Peat of (]Except South 50 5 5 do 900 oP Fast 120 feet) 4 5 d0 2275 3 5 do 1500 6 Coleman's Subdivision of 350 5 Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, . Rogers 625 1+ and Hendrick's Acre Lots 3�5 3 do 1300 2 do 150 2 Slaytons First Addition to 350 1 Saint Paul 200 (]Except, Parkway) 24- d0 125 33 1 Warren and McDowell's But— 125 32 1 division of Block 4 of 125 31 1 Rogers & Hendricks Acre Lots 125 O 1 do 125 9 1 do 125 S 1 do 125 7 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 5 1 do 125 4 1 do 125 3 1 do 125 2 1 do 125 1 1 d0 TOTAL 125 (B) DESCRIPTION T G=TT O1F 5GT_ PAUL a PARTM ETV T OF FWdANr*E ..... REPORT OF-' C©M M ISSIONER OF-0I-INANCE 10 Ori PREJL—i[wRINARY ORDER ASSESSEII (Except West 10 feet (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 fee -t) (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 feet) (Except West 10 Peet) v,Except West 10 feet) 125 .0 1 L_OT BL.OG tC ADDITION VALUATION 1IIE& 3. B&_ Rogers 5th Addition 150 :L- E5 1 do 125. 113 2 do 125 3 3 1 do 125 2 1 do 125 i :X_ 3 do 125 3 4=3 Z do 125 .0 1 do 125 5.1 do 125 -7 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 f5� 2 do 125 24- 1 do 125 3 3 do 125 2 3 do 125 z do 150 i3 Z-. Sao rthern Pacific Addition 100 2 g t o the City of 3t.Paul,Minn. 100 3 g do 700 �E? do 725 9 g do 125 g do 525 g do 125 6 3 625 5 g do 125 g do 125 TOTAL 239 670 The Commissioner of Finance further reports ti3 a was investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the 4UL 711=31Lciil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works _ Dated__/-�?-- C mnissioner of Finan— r— B. B. 12 C 2 Tey OF ST. PAUL - * HEPAR INO-i -AE7= 3�iT OF FkNANJE I 00 FINANCE REPORT OF COI!/ V% X !r=—=.!EIONER 11 ON PF2—" X I NARY ORDER (C) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSEE> VALUATION (Except West 10 feet) 3 g a them Pacific Addition 125 (Except West 10 feet) 2 g © the City of 8t. Paul, 125 (Except West 10 feet) 1rsn. 125 (Except West 10 feet) 13 Z do 100 (Except West 10 feet) 12 1 do 650 (Except West 10 feet) 11 3 do 100 (Except West 10 feet) 10 1 do 475 (Except West 10 feet) 9 do 775 (Except West 10 feet) 8 do 1 ?_5 (Except West 10 feet) 7 do 125 (Except West 10 feet) 6 do 1425 (Except West 10 feet) 5 do 125 (Except West 10 feet) 4 = do 1225 (Except West 10 —;met) 3 do 1325 (Except West 10 feet) 2 3_ do 125 (Except West 10 feet) 1 do 125 North 46 acres of the East 23 _ 19995 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 of 239 670 The Commissioner of Finance further reports ti3 a was investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the 4UL 711=31Lciil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works _ Dated__/-�?-- C mnissioner of Finan— r— B. B. 12 S. - l I I I \ \ 3 11AT HIZ i - IN 411z 111Z. /9:012513 n - y o -NF - ------------------------ 0 i r i _9 ` \ ibik ion H fol S - i S a: r lii irz AIL emll L Q a: r lii irz AIL emll L Office cA -- ,e Commissioner of Public Woiks �vc Re ort to Commissioner of Finance 007- 19 P_ _25 C7.1923 _------- --191---- To the Commissioner of Firza ce o£ the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner o£ ubZsc Works, having had under consideration the preliminary- order of 47290 Jnly 2q 1928 the Council, known as Cour�czl File No__ ---- approved _____________ :_______191__—, relative to the paving of Da16–= -sir@et from Como-Ave.--to-Larpenteur Ave.---_ and having investigated the atters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement –mss_ – – _ _ _ _ __-necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attachedl 2. The estimated cosi thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $– – — and the nature and extent e> ---- said improvement is as follows: _________________ _ 3. A plan, profile or etch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a par–— hereof_ 4.-----------------—–––––----------------------------------------------- – -- --------- 5. Said improve merit mss_ --_--_______asked for upon petition of three or mare owners of property, subject to assessrz � in t; for said improvement. W_ ---------------- -----1�__ --Commissiub orZ�s_ William 3. Peter, Commisrz 0-a • 1 • �r Mallette, Deputq *--partment of Public Warks Ctu of -aint j)aUI GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENG1-«R M. S. ORYT AK. BRIC.G=7E 3i�i>Eg2 WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCT- �OTi REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT_ C'>F SATiTT 1TiO7r�s G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE ANO ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT_ OiF WOE. a-CHO� `>E October 26, 1923. Mr. W. J. Pete Commissioner c* -- � b110 Works. Dear Sir: X- -t_---$uamit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving oY —� s Street from Como Ave. to Larpenteur Ave., inoluding eevrs -vv��ter and gas connections from street mains tc property line mw is ,x=wmp3-ete. where not already made, also ourbing a= c's- paving alley approaches where necessary under Preliminary 03c,--- �� Ca- F. #47290, approved July 24, 1926: Length 7865 =0 -&-- s Street 66 ft. Frontage 13.699 :Et. BSTIMATE "8 For paving 46 feet from 09mo Ave. to Borth of Maryland at. ( Double oar track) e 3c3 c3._ 36 feet from 100 ft. Borth of Maryland S �� Larpentsur Ave. Paving ss*r" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or - $].00ke flat Asphalt conor. Co13c3rs #S Total Sq. Yd. 6.94 4.92 3.85 3W 0— IntersectIo3mew Wheelage 9BREEr 69 X843.00 57,849.00 $ 46,268.00 38 s684r. (a) Property Share 3M �v ,704.00 89,209.00 69,808.00 69 , 6Z4 .W� 4C==Wn4C)k T o t a t M--77 X546.00 147,059.00 116,077.00 98 ,3r38 s C3 -fi (a) Front :Et 7.49 6.13 4.71 3 . -siaw ( 01zrb @ g�B i r -2- ESTIMATE For paving 46 ft. from Como Ave. to 100 ft. worth of Maryland St. and 27 ft. oonorete from 100 ft. —==m-xorth of Maryland St. to Larpenteur Ave. : Paving S11" Oreosoted Brick laid Asphalt or Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete (1) City 26,664.30 18,813.60 10,838.66 9,274.06 Property 56,276.02 29,269.04 22,947.11 19,643.67 (2) City 9,433.62 9,438.62 9,438.62 9,488.62 Property 36,209.68 36,209.66 36,209.68 56#209J68 T o t a l 97,678.62 88,716.84 79,428.96 74,660.92 Note: C cost pa=- Note: Add: ]k� 3a for section between Como and Maryland Maryland and Larpenteur, andisfigured for 27 ft. concrete in each case. aont foot --� bra 7.48 6.12 4.69 3.96 Q sewer in street except storm water sewer from Como Ave. - = o Simon St. and eanitary sewer from Maryland St. to --3k=Leelock Parkway. Qom-- caement curb where not in 60 cents per lin. ft. 61* sewer connections each $66.00 '3/4" water of 40.26 Yours truly, S Ci ief Engineer. Approved fo]e•�-snsmiasion to the Qo --X- s3ioner of Finance. Co �TLof Public Works. e 500,52 C. F.' No. '1" '- Ib the. Mntter of paving Van Buren St. from Fairview Ativnter.and gne to con COUNCH. FILE NO ............................. incini ng sewer. nections frometreet mains to prop- erty lines complete, where not al- rendp-`mnde, also including curbing By ............................................... d n ing driveway and IIrY u^. wtiare ne fess i FINAL IDEA In the Matter of.........P.dvng--Van.,B, ren... itreet--.from„_F_irvieiq-_AY..�u9...GU:..........._. i3amline Avenue includinr server, .nater and gas connections from 1 ..... ..... ...................... .............................. ia.. . .............................. lstreat mains to Pr,perty lines comlilete, where not already made, ................................................ . .......... ?hare...neceus° TY......................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ................... 450U................ approved ............. Y...nth.:.l�2................................. i ,Intermediary Order............................................................ approved........\'.........:........................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council )Jarving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having' fully consid ered the same; therefore, be it f' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St: Paul that the precise nature, extent and kinirof + improvement to be made by the said City is.......V4yen .._Vi.Buren,.5tract ,f ro►g '�ilrVi ...,, Avenue to ZELWn ..............:...g.................................. Avenue including sewer, �:na gas epnr:zcticns irotri ytreet mains to ..p .o..p.e...r...t.y lines completa.... wgere " 1nR.. uT1Vu.X.........._.. .............. and_,,.._....:,, ,.:,nPrnsches,..,:shero necessary,..:Material_:ehall:be.aaphaltic.._... concrete ".base -- j2foot roadway...................................................................................................... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in.accordance therewith. MAY a' 61 Adopted by the Council .......................... .. MAY 2 6192; Approved....................................................... 191. Councilman XM04M Irlancy Councilman Fwmee ll Councilman 61>#t�g � Councilman lF Councilman 1 Zt('�04� UPVeel dhimer Councilman Olsson Mayor M4 e / Form B. S. A. 8.7 [is 10 L CLUB r�aY--�I, C-,U.I .t 6o -d J. O. JONHH. PYaa�---� 'C � � p�$g� :r. — A. O_ OAHHIHON. c NR6D I_ PA6S. T r /�- C- � ��N• Dir.at.r Fdaastioml Saint Paul Cit y C Saint Pain i,iTin. Dear Sir= -� Tifo rzn; tion has reao us th hearings r� a 4 hand on pe tit.ioT3s �_sKi=ig the paving of VanBure treat an Avenue. r� order to refresh your mind, will say -� - P� �3tions for pavi T= the following streets are now before t'ie ourzc 31c Hevaitt Ave. f rozri -A!%- 1diTie to Hamlime; Hamline from Hewitt to versity; Wesley Av� sue i rom Snelling Avenue West three l Avenue .*• ;dinriP-==-a �-t reset from from Fsi r 3evv -to (or ^heeler) Hamline Ave.; Prior to - gton (re -submitted to change caving ra—r— ri�-- 7-) Vanuuren Street i r -o== "sem �-eler to Hamline Avenue, ' talked •orith CityEngin��i tee; dorder and he that d -- o agreeubm:j-t oday the writer �a draft of the above program of a Zr-- Y1s> a� thz different th•: F3onar CD2. e, ouncil 'gould have a clear idea of E-- � hearings � T -e r.4aa.ohed. Also. Midway Club will submit a petitio=i - ":'%r -�- ti ^z saving of Fairvi e :r - veizie from r . minnehaha to University =- zhia Cluc bald advertised public hearing- maize above plan t i z en' s ri ght is the �> groom_-Tt h of such hearings, ?:'bile it is eg didio y'ST c- to ob j E-- <-- o ari im_irovement, still if they s `-�� � ar1-1 ys�airsfor held in the community, it - of the ��-otic na.set'.ngs �� to defeat this plan, by :� misstatements them t o -� o •.; e='2d.e%vor 11i of otherwisei. whet ae r - _1 _- both by =aniline Commercial The sbove plan has been endorsed The of a y streets from Clio axx the =='idwa;� Club. withdrawal defeat �_ 9oe1�x'• t h a imll i -- ver.z=lt %could in all probability Yours very truly, PRESIDENT J CJ -A Pmtdeni'. OIDm, 9^_1 Metropolitan Bank Build:nd. 'Pham Cedar iB-�2 Searet.ry-, Ofrm. 735 6nellind A— North. 'Phone Xstot- 3L -A= ICITY 4FJL OEPARTMEINANCE ,4REPOF2T OF COMMINER OF FINANCEON PRELIMORDER (A) In the matter of Paving Vara Buren Street from Fairview Avenue to kiamZ =2- Avenue- Avenue, including sewer . water and gae connections From s — et r«� mains to property lines complete, where not._already me..c s 3so - X37 including curbing asci having driveway and alley where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved Ma -3E S s 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul Paving 3--3L-^ Creosoted t33-o(--ks Brick Laid Asphalt or Flat Asphalt Concr- given inch oncrete. Total Sq. Yd. 5-57 4.55 3 - 44-25 2.91 Intersections Wheelage 39,280. 00 $ 32,087.00 $ 24,541.00 _ _ 20,521.00 Property Share 68, 516. 00 55,969.00 42,508. 00 35,796.00 1 o t a 1 $107,796-00 $ 58,056.00 $ 67,349- CO = 55,317.00 (a) Front ft. 7-36 6.00 4-57 3,82 Add for cement curb rskaerE- not in 60¢ per lin. ft. " 6" connections eac% sewer) $66.00 " 3/4 t' ft•, (water) 40.25 CITY or T JL a —� DEPARTMEN' INANCE �M&REPORT OF COMMI NER OF )�I NANGE ON PRELIMIN 'Y ORDER In the matter of P v3ng Van Buren Street from Fairview -t;o Hamline Ave=Mm inoluding Sewer, water and gas eonrsec---1-- ::2-cnI3rLs from street mai as -1t; o property lines oomglete, wh6re not a S"ga dy made, also i nc ZZZZZZZZ==L--z�- ar curbing and wing driveway and` . a3. S y ap-o roa.c he s �. whex-e necessary -- - "3'ii�-3oisro - -=di 3an�-that�mttq•oe°assesses dEnenss•Torsuea-ttnproveraerr�, �zsa �e parcel as last geporta - by the Assessor, are as follows: E:kE=r= —Z I PTION P.— B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK A O rmb I T a 0 rV ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Syndicate No _ -AL ciditi.on. 2250 29 3 ao 2550 29 3 clo 2225 27 3 c1<=) 2300 26 3 cZo 3750 25 3 cio 3100 24 3 cio 2500 23 3 clo 2800 22 3 ao 3600 21 3 coo T OTA L_ 3625 IL (B) 1 DESCRIPTI !C=� tai CITY O' . ?AUL DEPART.I )F FINANCE DEPORT OF COMONER OP - ON PRELI ARY OR01EF2 LOT BLOCK A1:),171T 10 i' -i 20 3 Syndioate ISO. 19 3 ca -c> 18 3 cio 17 3 ao 16 3 aQ 30 4 clo 29 4 ao 28 4 d o �7 4 ac 26 4 do �5 4 c3 c 24 4 cio ?3 4 cio 22 4 ao 21 4 c1 0 20 4 c3<--> 19 4 a o 18 4o 17 4 ao 16 4 cio 1 6 c1a 2 6 cio 3 6 <5-<-- c4 4 6 c3o 5 6 do 6 6 C1C> 7 6 do TOTA L. F=-IIVANCE it f ASSESSED VALUATION A c3ci i t i on. 3450 3625 3600 3600 3200 3250 2050 3200. 3050 3250 3025 3225 2725 2600 3125 3 000 3550 4100 2700 650 625 600 4100 4100 4100 2925 3100 - ST. PAUL -AST. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMAR'SIONER OF FINANCE J q ON PRELVINARY ORDER _ :1 CB/ F DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 8 6 Syndicate 140.5, Addition 3 ::L CD 9 6 do 26C34C::k 10 6 do 3 C: C�I, c::) 11 6 do 12 6 do 222 13 6 do 2aUC� 14 6 do 3 �C 15 6 do 3 C- 75 1 5 do 23 CC3 2 5 do 3 a -OG 3 5 do 6 C3 C�) 4 5 do E5 7 C3 C3 5 5 do 24-7C3C3 6 5 do 3 5 5c:� 7 5 do 3 CC1C S 5 do 3a-2�j 9 5 do 6cQ 51-1 10 5 do 6C' -C3 11 5 do 14- 2- C3 C> 12 5 do l4 -;E'.' C3 C--- 13 13 5 do 7 24-C>€3 Exa. W. 6B ft. of S.36 ft. of 14- 15 5 do 2— W. 68 ft. of So. 36 ft. of 14 - 15 5 do -7 E5 20 1 MoCc_skey's Rear. of Blk. 1, 3 05 19 1 of the Hamline Syndicate 3:3L 18 1 Add. No. 1. 3 1 p C3 17 1 do TOTAL 3 1 o C3 CITY OFAT. PAUL DEPARTM OF FINANCE O i REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE l ON PRELI GARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 McCaskey's Rear, of Blk.l, 2600 15 1 of the Hemline Syndicate 3000 14 1 Addition No. 1. 3900 13 1 do 3 450 12 1 do 3400 11 1 do 3350 16 Dobner's Rear. of Blk.2, 3650 15 Hamline Syndicate Add.Wo.1. 4000 14 do 2950 13 do 3100 12 do 4100 11 do 2700 10 do 2600 9 do 2950 1 3 The Hamline Syndicate 3850 2 3 Addition No. 1. 450 3 3 do 450 4 3 do 2250 20 3 do 2775 19 3 do 2975 18 3 do 2075 17 3 do 8000 16 3 do 1075 15 3 do 1875 Except North 8.5 ft. 14 3 do 1825 All of L.13 & N.8.5 ft. of L.14 3 do 6700 1 Hamline Villas TOTAL 3650 CITY t * 9Y. PAUL DEPARTN IT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE j ON R �BI DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2° Hamline Villas, 2100 3 do 3400 4 do 2500 5 do 3350 6 do 3200 7 do 3 700 . 8 do 3450 9 do 3300 10 do 3150 7 5 Hemline Syndicate Add.# 1. 3150 6 5 do 1850 5 5 do 2550 4 5 do 1650 8 5 do 2875 9 5 do 3225 10 5 do 2425 11 5 do 3 750 12 5 do 2050 13 5 do 2450 14 5 do 2700 1 2 Lindemann Place. 3850 2 2 do 3750 3 2 do 3400 4 2 do 3 400 5 2 do 3750 6 2 do 2350 7 2 do TOTAL 3100 CITY Oe 8T. PAUL DEPARTM T OF FINANCE COM REPORT OFIONER OF FINANCE do 4225 O N PREL R NARY ORDER do • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 8 2 Lindemann Place 875 1 9 2 do 850 & E. -21 -of Vac.Alley adjoining 5 1 Hopkin's 2nd Add.to St. 3200 & E.2 of Vac.Alley Adjoining 4 1 Paul. 1200 3 1 do 4000 Ex. W. 15 ft. for alley of L. 6 1 do goo & also i of VaQ.Alley Adj.on do 3475 3 2 east. 21 2 do 7 1 do 4225 8 1 do 4900 9 1 do 3650 10 1 do 4100 11 1 do 4350 12 1 do 3575 The E.3.685 ft.of that strip lying West of & adjoining L.13, also all of said Lot 13. 13 1 do 3050 1 2 do 10325 2 2 do 3475 3 2 do,'10000 21 2 do 3325 20 2 do 7650 19 2 do 3475 18 2 do 7750 17 2 do 3175 16 2 do 2350 15 2 do 3 6o 14 2 do TOTAL 60o CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTME OF FINANCE 1:` REPORT OF COM IONER OF FINANCE (B) 1--i b ON PRELI 4ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Exo. E. 3.695 ft. 2 1 Woodlawn Park Add. to St. 7 2 Paul, Minnesota. 6 2 do 5 2 do 4 2 do 8 2 do 9 2 do 10 2- do 11 2 do 12 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do 15 2 do 16 2 do 17 2 do 18 2 do 10 3 do 9 3 do 8 3 do 7 3 do 6 3 do 1 6 do 1 5 do 2 5 do 3 5 do 4 5 do 24 5 do TOTAL 4325 650 550 550 550 4350 4400 2500 3300 2100 1800 5275 3350 3350 675 3400 3150 3 650 3075 3900 3900 4375 575 2725 3350 1725 3000 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTM T OF FINANCE -y REPORT OF COMIONER OF FINANCE ¢ ON PRE -T NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 5 Woodlawn Park Add. to St. 3900 22 5 Paul, Minnesota. `a 4000 21 5 do 2600 20 5 do 3425 19 5 do 3500 19 5 do 3125 17 5 do 2b00 16 5 do 3300 15 5 do 675 14 5 do 2750 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining. 1 4 do 2900 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining. 2 4 do 3650 All thatpart of Territorial , Road vac. adjoining. 3 4 do 3150 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining. 4 4 do 2400 That part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining. 5 4 do 2625 19 1 Gillett's Add.to Woodlawn 3475 17 1 Park Add. to St.Paul. 2675 16 1 do 575 15 1 do 575 14 1 do 2175 13 1 do 575 12 1 do TOTAL 3075 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTME T OF FINANCE ^i REPORT OF COM IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI ARY ORDER i► (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' TOTAL 11 1 Gillett's Add.to Woodlawn 3475 10 1 Park Add, to St. Paul. 1075 All that part of Territorial Road vac, adjoining & Lot, 4 do 3325 W-56 ft. of L.2,& also all that part of Territorial Road va.c. adjoining & the w.56 ft.of L. 5 do 4025 All that part of territorial Road vac. adjoining & Lot 1 2 do 10600 All that part of Territorial - Road vac. adjoining and Lot 5 1 Forest Lawn Add.to St. 2025 All that part of Territorial Paul. Road Vac. Adjoining & Lot 6 1 do 3275 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining & Lot 7 1 do 1675 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining & Lot 8 1 do 1650 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoing & Ex. So. 121 of Lot 9 1 do 725 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining and Lot 10, Ex. South 12 ft. of 10 1 do 375 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining lying bet. Van Buren St.& Lot 1, also all of 1 2 do 800 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining lying bet. van Buren St. & Lot 2, also ' all of said Lot 2 2 do 600 TOTAL CM OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTME 'T OF FINANCE v REPORT OF COMIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE LI NARY ORDER A DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of Territorial Forest Lawn Addition to Road vac. Adjoining lying bet. Van Buren St. & Lot 3, also St. Paul. all of said Lot 3 2 do 600 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining lying bet. Van Buren St.& Lot 4, also all of said Lot 4 2 do 575 All that part of Territorial Road vac. adjoining lying bet. Van Buren St. & Lot 5, also all of said Lot 5 2 do 575 All that part of Territorial Road vac. vao. lying between Van Buren St. & Lot 6, also all of said Lot 6 2 do 550 All that part of Territorial Road vac.lying bet.Van Buren St. & L.7, also all of said Lot 7 2 do 500 1= 3 Maywood, an Addition to 4325 2 3 the City of Saint Paul. 525 3 3 do 2325 4 3 do 525 5 3 do 1250 6 3 do 3600 7 3 do 0 1375 6 3 do 2150 South 1/2 A Gillett's Add.to Woodlawn 200 Park Add.to St. Paul. 1 Searl's Place No. 2 450 2 do 1525 3 do 525 4 do 1525 5 do TOTAL 1525 CITY OF ST. PAUL• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI NARY ORDER (C) 'it DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Searle Place No. 2. 1525 7 do 1825 S do 525 9 do 525 10 do 2275 11 do 525 12 do 1275 13 do 1525 14 do 1925 15 do 2400 657000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 0 Dated. L 2_._ ommivsioner of FinAnee. F— B. D. 12 z;. F d St. Paul, Minn.,... R Y.. 23rd...... 1923.. To The Honorable, The Council, 1 City of St. Paul, Minn. ;i Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable ;x Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .. ................ EAYZNO.................................. ....................... ........... ..................... x k� on. Yanburen_. ..... . £ l ........................................................................... t i �..p-<.G'7r t z.o ,r f' {` from. ......................... F4rYi.9x _.. 89Ave. 1AME LOT "'BLOCK ADDITION Af WIVII F T J 22 Y 11 f Office of the Commiss4ner of Public Woiks REcEtvaa Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 31 Ifts ------- Oo_t._ 30.1923. __191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- ------- 45660 ____approved___________May _ 8, ____ 1923 ______191___, relative to the paving o3 Van Burean St. from Fairview Ave. to Hemline Ave. -------------- I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ -------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ___\m% AQ M�----------------- Commissi , r of Public A4U. iitilliAllt �. �Ctf[, (L�,inttissianec � '. Deptttinteni of 'uhlic City of mint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CCAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: 3rie lflallettc, deputy Commissioner t . �� I 1 M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 29, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Van Barean Street from Fairview Avenue to Hemline Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including cundern� exyd �fsv56& driveway and alley approaches, where necessary., U b , approved May 8, 1923 Length 6113 ft. Width of Roadway 32 ft. Frontage 9226 ft. it if Street 66 " Paving 3" Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inc. Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.67 4.66 3.48 2.91 Intersections) Wheelage ) $ 39,280.00 32,087.00 24,641.00 20,621.00 Property Share 68,616.00 66,969.00 42,808.00 36,796.00 T o t a l 0107,796.00 68,066.00 67,349.00 661317.00 (a) Front ft. 7.36 6.00 4.67 3.82 Add for cement curb where not in 60 (Curb Extra) per lin. ft. " 6" connections each sewer) $66.00 if 3/4" IT " (water) 40.26 Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Com i s ner' n Public Works. Yours truly, _ ,, Chi,ef Engineer. iftliam ii. 13eter, T'Vnnissioner brie 4-Rallette, Drpata (tQlnmissioner s Department of luhlit Warks CtU of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 29, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Van Burean Street from Fairview Avenue to Hemline Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property linea complete, where not already made, also including cur ,bin§ d p� v g driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. • �f4 approved May 8, 1923 Length 5113 ft. Width of Roadway 32 ft. Frontage 9226 ft. if if Street 66 " Paving 3$" Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inc- Blooke Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.67 4.66 3.48 2.91 Intersections) Wheelage ) $ 39,280.00 32,087.00 24,641.00 20,521.00 Property Share 68,616.00 65,969.00 42,808.00 36,796.00 T o t a l $107,796.00 88,056.00 67,349.00 56,317.00 (a) Front ft. 7.36 6.00 4.57 3.82 Add for cement curb where not in 64 per lin. ft. (Curb Extra) 11 6" connections each(sewer) $66.00 it 3/4" " 111 (water) - 40.25 Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ��,,, v Co i a ner'�f ublio Works. Yours truly, (J (/Chief Engineer. t Department of Ainance c¢ug of Ot. Fmd JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER L. F. SEA ER. CHIEF CLERK. J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY W. O. ADKINS. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS BUREAU OF RECEIPTS GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE C. M. NYSTROM. CASHIER. PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES .rS BUREAU OF RECEIPTS January 3rd, 1924. To the Council, City of St. ,Paul. Gentlemen:- I have checked over the petition of remonstrance, annexed hereto, filed in the matter of paving Van Buren Street from Fairview Avenue to Hamline Avenue and find that there are 227 owners of which there are 72 fee owner petitioners against 33 petitioners not of record against 14 fee owners, record petitioners, in favor 3 non -record petitioners in favor making the total percentage opposed between` Fairview Avenue and Hamline Avenue 32 per cent. I have also checked over the petition between Snelling Avenue and Hamline Avenue and find that there are 134 owners of which 61 fee owners have signed petition of remon- stranee, being 45 per cent, 16 petitioners not record owners, presumably contract holders 6 fee record owners in favor. Petition as it now stands is insufficient. Very ttrul?ofFinan ur , i' CCommissionerce. i State of ?dinnesota, ) County of Pamsay.- ) Be. 4illiar.,� Behr :ne, aces hereby certify thal he szcured the signatures to -.he hereto attachad 1�atition r-rotestino 'he Paving of fiarr,line Avenue. frcc. ''^4dsitt Avs., to 'Jniv--rsity Avenue. MOtUry Public, Remy C", OHfe. Aty commission expires May 17, 19134. To the `Ioncrable Counci-4 of St.paul, Minnesota. the owners cf the properties affectad, respectfully make, petition to your henora.ble body that we are opposed to ant hareby f-i,.e our protest against the mattzr of paving of Hamlina Avenue from Hezritt Ava., to University, Avanue . This list of petiticnars is to be adaea to the list alraaay plat a on fila recamber 20, 1923. �i -- i To the Honorable Counoij of St.Paul, Minnesota. We, the owners of the properties affected, respectfully make petition to your honorable body.that we are opposed to and hereby file our protest against the matter of paving of Hamlin Avenue from Hewitt Ave., to University Avenue. This list of petitioners is to be added to the list already ppplaced on file December 20, 1933. L. C. REAMER. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF AEBEEEMENTE GEORGE P. DEAN. CABNrtR. PARTICIPATING CERTIFIWTE. Department _Pf Ainance (lug of ft 11W JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY 118.17.18 COURT HOUSE M . To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - December 28th, 1923. W. O. ADKINS. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS C. M. NYSTROM. CASHIER. BUREAU OF RECEIPT. I have checked over the petition of remonstrance annexed hereto, filed in the matter of paving Hamline Avenue from University Avenue to Hewitt Avenue, and find that it is insufficient as it does not contain the requisite number of signers as provided for by Section 243 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. Church of St Columba, 1327 Lafond St May 2bth 'i4 - Honorable 24. Honorable Arthur- E. Nelson, Chief Executive, City of -St Paul. My Dear Mr Mayor.: In reply to your kind invitation for an expression of opinion regarding tfit paving of Hamline Ave between University Ave and West Minnehaba:St,permit ms to say that I am very much in favor of this improvement. The present condition of this street, despite some rpoent half-hearted attempts to repair it, is positively scandalous. The shock experienced by Certain pglitioal theorists on Mkiy'7th ( in the wee sma' hours), was.aspothifig in comparison with the jolts_ they would receive in the seat of their intelligence if you weis to turn them loose in a jitney along Hamlin@ Ave. Yet bad as the -street is,it can be made woreebsoause made more daugerous,to the children of both the Galtttr and St. Columba schools,by a job. that 1s only half done. If you pane the sides and leave the center of the street untouched' you will expose the children to the reokleseness of moon-orazed truck drivers and delivery men. Despite the warning school signs and'the deep ruts, most auto -drivers persist in speeding along Hamline Ave anq as the main-entranos of the St Columba school is only a few feet from the street and faces north,the speed -demon would be upon the child befoss either the one or the other would be conscious of the danger. By insisting on paving the whole street • your'hodorable Council will give the automobilist@ more room and thus ensure to a certain extent' the safety of the school children. on this conditoon,distinotly understood;I,(as otie of the Principal property owners_along this strest),am in favor of the projected improvement and I trust that it will prove at least a minor note, as the new. Hamline Junior High is a major, in that charming sympbony,now at last swelling into Hall orchestral power,the City Beautiful. Believe me, Yours. very faithfully, St. Paul, Minn . . ........ 192.:;� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body r4 22 ............. ...................... - ........... St. Ave. .................. ........................... from........... -m. Ave. to.. fir. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK i ADDITION OF7- AA) 1 30 4 0 45 13 0 . .. I/ /N ��;It7XV ......... Ile W -- 131 k 0 0 ca , 'w X - S' I r4 22 1 St. Paul, Minn ......... *��..../. ........192.. To The Honorable, The Council, Tit f St. Pa*, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable against Body towaam4he cello r• gimproveFfle-at to be Fnad--. .... ...............................................`St— Ave. from......�..................................................................................'St.Ave. to.._.........._.. _. ...........-St Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION r u._ d d1,9—C a 4V l3 �I i iIS- ell The tmdersigned, John D. MCMaLna b ing dial 7 sworn aC oraing to law, deposes and saps tnat the foregoing petition b are owners, the description of which pi operty tragi sign Le set tares of the property to tliQir names. Signed Sabscrib(d and sworn to before me this 20th day of December, 192344 f-- 44- !: 3 HENRY OLSON Vtp ryryof( *Aint Vaut H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Offire of (QItV alerk ASST. CITY CLERK December 21st, 1923. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith all the papers in the matter of paving Hamline Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to University Ave. which have been laid over to January 4th, 1924 and referred to your Department for check of the petition of remonstrance. Yours very truly, — (/ l a, ziCITY CLkJiK. �ep�rtm�eni ��f �jit��nte (ang of OL Fain JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER L. C. SEAMER. OHIEP CLeRK. J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY W. O. ADKINS. C.— CLERK. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS BUREAU OP ASSESSMENTS 1 18-17-1 B COURT HOUSE C. M. NYSTROM. CASHIER. GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES �S January 8th, 1924. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - Supplementing my report on the petitions filed in the matter of paving a van Buren Street from Fairview Avenue to Hamlin Avenue, would say that there are seventeen petitioners who have signed both petitions for and against the paving. Very tr ly yours, Cois oner of F ance. fiW-ORABLE AYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: We the undersigned, propertyownersand taxpayti�° _7h-, will be affected by the proposed paving of Vair Buren Street fronf"HAmline Avenue to Fairview Avenue, firmly believing that the best interets of the community and the city at large will be best served by first paving Minnehaha Street from Lexington Avenue to Prior Avenue both of which are already paved, h e"by protest against any affirmative action as to Van Buren Street at this time and respectfully petition that the matter be indefinitly postponed. Az/ 4" a f t `yv L/6, 7 eit 7 Y. -YV GG G t! G J �z v �� �,� -�-�� �� 71 C jel Now_-- o 4ZI Tc, the Y yor n��r f, SOL!-,ci 'a "L of 0: dill re, ::aundarsigqju rOPdfQ Owns I -- fj,M SC.11iAVA re ng or-Osed to Al paving Of 7-n 0 1, Ims ^v a o until suc 1IM2 n - W iS1U� Y'Vdu nexirgton zo V V fI V' To the Mayor and City Council; we, the undersigned proyerty owners cast of Snelling Avenue, are opposed to the paving of Van Buren Street from Snelling Avunue to Hamline Avenue until such time as it w%11 be "paved throuF?h to Lexington Avenue, (J �- r- Z,, ' J � J tl r -0 the !?'qyor -gid Ci y r:O":cil: RP4 or-caac to thoAvan- 10 qn0lim AV3-ue — il y_-0._ "M2 can V; w 1 ( T, # To the Mayor and City rouneil; We, the undersigned pro arty owners east troSnelling nen ing Avenue, are opposed to the paving of Van Euren Stree: to Hemline Avenue until such a time as it will be paved th ough to Lexin on Av nue. �r h i, I To the rRayor and City Council; P.r:, the undersigned property owners cast of Snelling Avenue , are opposed to the paving of Van Buren Street from Snelling Avenue to Ramline Avenue until such a time as it will be paved thro,.ph to Lexin,gt o n Avenue ICI St. Paul, Minn.,--Y-10 inn.,. ...... .............192...�j% To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .............................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ /..............U.�.... G2.s.............................................St. -vc- from..............CLfi`C/L s.-.................... ........ SE Ave. to..._.... f....f2....._..__..._._............_ n— ..........-____........................................._._._.................._...... Ave. • •ADDITION IN S,, MW 7W lig � � �! _ :-_, hi► •MUM -4 St. P 1, Inns_. ..................................... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pro erty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the fol ing improvement to be made: ,' cc„ �� .L.—w•� JAY f?::.::...._ .............................._::_.........._......St. Ave. ................ fJ Ave. to_...............__..l.—._...._.... 7 _.._._....._........................................__- .....d.............................St. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION v IL f, i 1 _►—Fly* A � St. Paul, Minn......................................................192.....: To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. from..................................................................................................St. Ave. ....................St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION "`'jilfirt;' a St. Paul, Minn., 192.... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. r Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following impgvement to be made: ......... .._..... . _............................_.�.at:'..-:........................ I ...................... ... ..................................... -- ........... ....... y i . -r St. Ave. from.��-..^,tr... ...........<..........._.....:� Ave. to!..............._.._l �.:�_:w k ' ...._.............._......._.._ ......_............................_.........................................................._ft Ave. NAME - - LOT BLOCK AjDDITION J % —/co 9 +- 8 l / 6, (3 ��d'ALA4 — v —met /Lt.cLaaaC asz j� 16D/ J. l yif j� 16D/ Ile r!%, 0,1,E 4 P A i (/ St. Paul, Minn--W-At.b,-.-192J5. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body t -m. IT.02-IQ HAYE-23E FULOVIKI IMPROU12MT-2.0 BF—TAADE . ..... -PAVING...-02 VAIT all-Im S.IMT .............. ... . ........... ...... . . . . . . . ................ St. Ave. from ... . ........ .. ......... . ........... .... . . ,S�. Ave. TTnml ij3a.. Ayt, ---St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION JV 2-3 3 JJJIK-,, JI -15-J- A�I 0 Z11t Z, Paul, Minn.._ ___192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: =-Ve, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the fo wi improvement to be made: ....-�iL...._.........`..._....._ ._.. ...._................._......._...._.e.Ave. from_ _..............._...._ ..__..... .... ... Ave. to_.__ IWA St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable s Body cu''Re %'ICo�m 't�t3�5>tb�'�4fifiC 1"d"13 itf'd'd�! a_.eve IIlt;z from _........ ---–...._..._.... _._. _ Si'. Ave. ..........._._.._................._...--–. r _.....:._...._......._..._._—...... __-St. Ave. .. NAME LOT BLOCK 7tflHYYY92i 19 FFF 4 A, St. Paul, 192-& To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body -M ibe- riffi-dLI: r"'T tj . ...... ..... •...... . ........... . .. . ....... ....... . L 4 "'w v;. ' OUMV . ............. . ...... —St. Ave. from.._.......- ... A _ ----- ------ - . . .................... . ...... __ -9t. Ave. ..-V*,** Ave. ADDITION CC. JJ St. Paul, Minn.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body; `to causIlowing improvement to be made: ........... .... . ........... . ..... . ..... . ..... Ave. Ave. \N0 St. Av-w NAME LOT BLOCK -APGFHON- 'Vj 6", Y 216! Ir St. Paul, Minn./ ! _192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body,to caus following improvement to be made: t t a - -.. - — St. rev from_......... ._..._........... ._`..........— 'St. — Ave. to------r%t= __ Ave. i G, Nr St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: o We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body -to 40 Jaa mad0 .R10T-..TD.....4AT4'.- THE ....F-aLLO -M.Gs . Q.L''1�i?t'Nm °rt.Li.....IM-?-`fila.'4.r ...... — ....... .. --...._....--'-- YiU_.._—..--- ................. - —St. ABC. from_......_. 3se3jJ ag...._......_.__.......__........------'-A. Ave. to.._._-._.—s"Ml.SxtAIM — _........_.._.__..._�_St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �AC_47 (.0n ✓ &Ct 'ir7 P' 1, 0 ;7; rJc rt L E 41 St. Paul, Minn._f'10 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body I& .. . ... . ... . ........... . .. — "" Y ' .11 1 'j� ��' �� " � � " r i .- I I I � . ...... . . . . . ................... ..... --St. JrTt from._. ......... ...... .. . .......... ....... ..... ............ . ................................ ..St Ave. to ...... . . ...... ---St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION tl St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body ato cause the,feiigwing improvement to be made: It" 1 /1� G_......_ _._.... - -..._— St. -A-.-c—. > `l� Ave. to-_.._ ' ---..._.. _...... _.— ......................... ......... _............... __......... _............ -.... -S- Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /Oe - �� / 3 AI qp d p5 �7� ECE f ` — - Olt I)I\\\CNS Yui 'S-0 o s hl,allll S11 .f. H. ]Icll.nnld— r�linnn:a� nV{, rai 1, ri:itl nt;' Ll: a• linl- ' , thy l'oln m�nslun- '� ,if rl'ublli�nUtllaltles• Lund ut tlia• end of tl:e Scor tU.:3, :after ull nUli- ;utlrn:Ind 1:n'4 :"'' !tl hthlchl thn - fun� :'Idcd fci r. '1'I:ia i tin a-ncrh hey r<lin"i:`c r n:lered :r: c.v yl+liu ' 1 eaU� � / C.F. I34. c� Q f}S. : n�1,� a Ordinance btu � alth i nd vn{r q'. SECTll a 1. By John H. Me Don: An Ordinance appx•opriatii* tae balance remaining in the Commissioner of Public Utilities' Fund at the and of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sect ion 1 That the balance remaining in the Commissioner of Public Utilities' Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of repairing docks, wharves end levees and paying salaries during the year 192¢. Section 2 This Oxdinence is hereby declared to be an emergency, ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, heslth and safety. Section 3 This Ordinance shall t..•ke effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Cou7,cilmen: c Clancy Adopted by the Council DeceWber)._j1923 Ferguson Me Donald ? In gavor ' Peter Approved December a ` 1923 Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) 9 syor Attest _ (L•�- ity = erk 1 I: J�In H \Iclonall— _ .\n rilln:inca:l+Nrot>:'lu tine Ltie Lalance - 1 1� f t - t 3 •i1cT 1 I 1 O.F. No. I "I, ` . Ordinance No. /V By John H. Mq�Donald f" An Ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the 'f Lighting Fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obliga- tions and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary dor the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I That the balance remaining in the Lighting fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing rpaterials and supplies during the year 1924. SECTION II This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. DEC 2 1 1923 Adopbd by the Council Bdeevabew __1923 - Councilmen: 'Clancy McDonald _in favor "~'Peter Sudheimer __against Wenzel ML Vice Pres. Fergma C 2 11923 Approved -^_ 1923• Attest: s o � f185— .�n ordinance an Vrol,rlati n{; the MI- fal`i`nF ir'. 11,ala�'ty[e`f . of f`,i Vli�c F fen:' Fiend L [he end of [h, -11110" i, :i tl it all oLlip'atiunv and Ian rpn�e� C. Y. No. (If � 5 Ordinance No. By Geo. C. Sudhelmer An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety, Fire Real Estate Fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Real Estate rund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing real estate for fire purposes. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Nays C lancy Mc Donal d Peter Sudheimer Wenzel A --_went n AIr. Vice Pres. Fergueon DEC 2 1 Adopted by the Council DEC 2 a 1923 Approved �,— G -- yo eLj:i.l: iiD Attest: 1 City Cil rl�c. lam"' " c'. r. �'�. SonFfi—nr,li n:m ce N,, G190—( 0 l�,in,l :,lt [�t ncl'u111i�e of n(lncl�ir.� A'nr , n:,�,• n�,n n�„�-i,n•ai'„�. C. F. No. Ordinance No. / By Geo. C. Sudheimer. An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police & Fire Alarm Fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes.for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, i health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in. the Department of Public Safety Police & Fire Alarm Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies and materials and paying the salaries/ of the department during the year 1924. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby dgelared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the CouncilDEC 2 1 1923 Yeas Nays '.,f Glancy _ Fe3'gtt�iSYi McDonald Peter b Sudheimer Wenzel MEEbmEtw t -'WAV” ®EC 2 11923 Mr. Vioe Pres. Fergmm Approved Ct.t. u May r. Attest: PUBLISID /�2 City Clerk. C. P. No. nnOSS—nrdinnnro No. 6191— B3> Geo. C. Sudh'.Imer— Ap ordlnn ace xpproprithatlnF Iho ha In are mnlnlnF in e De nu rl meat of Pub- lic Safety, H1,11th t*und. nt th, end of they r 1923, after ull ohl it`Itlons nrl purposes for „'hl,h (h,• fund hll,r h—n pros i,' ' for, This t.p a ap proprinted4a: r." '`7 d yl I " I � iE Wenzel / 9 / Ordinance N By Geo. C.Sudheimer. An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Depart- ment of Public Safety, Health Fiend at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety, Health Fund is hereby aperopriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies and paying salaries of the department during the year 1924. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTI©N III This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council DE(' Yeas Nays Clancy Fergason McDonald Peter Sudheimer Wenzel t. Nabmm. Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson 1923 Approved �� C. L- tj `�-:Ger �✓ Mayor Attest: d ` 5 PUBLISHED City Cl k i► F. No. 50058—ordinance Nro. 8192 Tay (:en. C. S,,dheimer— ordinanrc app -printing thr halanc " n the Department of Pn' in re rand at the end 1'J28 after all obligati, p er nn,c r. fur „'hleh the fund 7 Orin tcd h�'- b i, C.F. No. Ordinance No. / By Geo. C. Sudheimer An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Fund at the and of the year 1923- after all oblige, tions and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Fund is hereby appropriated and sat aside for the purpose of pur- chasing supplies and appliances and paying salaries of the department during the year 1924. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted bythe CouncilEjFC 9 1 1913 Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy McDonald �_-Peter G.. Sudheimer Wenzel PLC, G 1 1013 Ms Vice Pre& Ferguson Approved Mayor. Attest: G' PL'BL1SH� �a �Citycl.r C. F. No 50059-0rdmna No. 6193— \It nr:ll n:n,'c 1111:: 11 �e li �i rte. t ht t1I'u l:e i Ind ' 1 L'n '�t il�,� en:l of tli,• � r 1903.afr :i l' 'iliµ:�llnn. :�I I: ii rl�n..•. f::r v fund � :n ii I•r:., �,il h:�, � C. F. No. Ordinance No. (% By Geo. C. Sudheimer An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Arterial Signs Fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendred necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Arterial Signs Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing and installing Arterial signs for the year 1924. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald Pe ter ' u SU dheimer ✓ Wenzel Mr, Vioe Pree. Ferguson Attest: _?_fi �Ci-r Adopted by the CouncilDEC 2 1 t923 , t9� Approved DEC 2 Mayor. i r ,., Rr .. J '� xt��%/ Cis. � �l��//�yJ�'/�tsj �1 �y.n. �.. i/�, _ ,e�... ,.., .. + � ,1. ..,�.t � -� `'"Y'�'F Irl/�S4i�"��y,,, f.� ;,''r �M+/ :Yid �/�'' . ,��_ � ._ �, s,, .,. .. .a2 fel... .,, _. .....,,i __ .......... .., ,_ � .."'ti:li � .... �4.7 ... l:.. ._ •: .•.fin. _ Nr; ,.. *�:I J .. _�,� Orta?`. ,-. r'Z .... 't.a... ., . 64 - a N. 6194— L3 Geo. C. Sutlhe'mer talointn' 'lppropri, tiny; th° nttla nir. SA fat T"'11" L•'nin drl Inco[ In of 11ni ,,rr ne ei r' 70?.7, rte C r :tli tnli�a I7 n j rot wmin°toe C. F. No. P-nrl n r rttt.a- Tni.ti By Geo. C. Sudheimer ;;' Ordinance An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety, Police Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of paying salaries of the department and purchasing supplies for the year 1924. SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the CounciiDEG 2 1 19 - Yeas f Nave : i Clancy McDonald '} Peter ) Sudheimer yd Wenzel t_.»a EC 2 1 1923 Mr. Vioe Pree. Fergawn Approved #I- y� dyer. Attest: a PUBLISIIL D a City Cler G. F. No. 5l/06.1_ / �— Ordinance No.�� B) Geo. C.Sudheimer. An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety. General Administrative Fund at the and of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety General Administrative Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies and appliances during the year. 1,7 2-,/ SECTION II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION III• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Teas Nays "Clancy w' McDonald ._-- Peter Sudheimer Wenzel Cdr. Vioe Pres, Ferguson Adopted by the Council®EC 2 1 1923 M DEC 2 1 jp�w Approved 9c - A,1y Wor. l' Attest: PUBLISHED,l�i City Cler t-jqct f�. L e,, P. No. 50062-0rd1na No. 6196— �. B,v L 12. S. rerguson— u u _ �, 1n, cn�nu,18 Fu.da C. F. No. ( Ordinance No. (� 3y L. 3. S. Ferguson. An Ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in th, Commissioner of :ducation's funds at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was ap- propriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ANlth and safety. Section I. That the balance remaining in the Commissioner of Education's -Funds is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of providing for certain maintenance, and repair items during the year 1924. Section II. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserv,_tion of the public pace, health and safety. Section III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage and publication. ,DEG g1piad> Adopted by the Council ler 1923. Councilmen Clancy -Ferguson., McDonald Peter Sudheimer Nenzel ( �e3astsn'1` M,, Vioe, Pres. Ferguecu I _ in favor against Approved Dwaomtew DEG 2 1 6921 1923. Mayor. Attest �' _. i�lr !'•' �j/ City Cl 60063—Ordinance No.'619i— an the s[oner Public Safety i. to t, Y,,to erect and automatic . signal d - ,icesin the City,of St. Pau,. This 1: K1, emergency-or-41—ce re darn .sscr-,the- An ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public tafety.- to erect and maintain automatic traffic signal devices in thb,-City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nece obty for ss the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to erect and maintain automatic traffic signal devices upon the streets of the City of St. Paul at any point where the traffic conditions necessitate the use thereof. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necesBgLry for the preservation of the public peace, health and safet1V--1-.JV-». Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEG 2 11923 Yeas Nays Mr!�Clancy is Fazgwsan— L-' McDonald Peter a. Sudheimer v Wenzel xma��w t Mr. Vice Preil. Ferguson Approved� DEC, 2 1 1923 Mayor Attes 1,12 City Clerk �� �, �' .' � \� r . `_ , �,p \ �. /" fes..:. 1 � / . .� ��� t _ .._ ��/ _ -� � r. -i,? .. .,. F., �':' _, � _ ... ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUNCIL No.-� .-" _64 OFFICE OF THE.,CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY �c f2ej"u - ...r_ Deceiabcr 4, 1"923 the 1'u.rchasinr' l.gent be, olid he is hereby authorized to _urchc.se, pith the consent of t!ie ':Lyor a,nd the coin_ troller, 12,000 oonds r.t ;n ar)roi:imate cost of 0,...00 on infori::l L_ Liv(' bids ;iM, ut � uvertiseerlt, ^,I) e..:er- ency exist,_'. n.er IaiJ.ure tc ;.ct _�romy,tly ';roula %io2lc h;.,dshi_, to t1le best intcr:sts of tee city. J7.ar�.;e General _,'und- _jebt-,ervice code 127-1 C. F. No. 60064—By A. ID Nelson— rteselved, That tho . Purchasing Agent 'be, and he Is hereby authorized [o purchase, Ith the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 12 000 bonds at an nppro.lmate coat f without advertisement, omas pelatny emerbid9 gency exlata where fallure to. act . promptly would work a hardship to the beat interests ,ot the city. Charge General Fund—Debt Servlee Code 127-1, Adopted dopApproved tedby the 6C792& 1 Dec. 6, 1923. (Dec. 8-1923) ` COUNCILMEN Yens Nays -'Clancy / ,i Ferguson I/KJ 1, McDonald In favor Sudhelrewl Peter Against. ,j Mr. President DEC 5 - 1923 Adopted by the Council.- .-.. ........................ 192 Approd...__....__---_..... ---------------- 92.-- mnvors CITY OF ST. PAULcoUNC'No.___...°�4•'.WY¢IS5--- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 2139, approved September 15, 1900, t permission and authority were granted to J. A. Posey and W. T. Calton, doing business under the firm name and style of the Vulcan Boiler Works, l to use and occupy for the term of twenty-five years, for the purposes described in said ordinance, the southerly 130 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, 1 Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said ordinance; and WHEREAS, The rights and privileges granted by said ordinance were, with the consent of the Council of the City of St. Paul, by ordi- nance No. 2499, approved February 23, 1905, tramsferred and assigned to the St. Paul Boiler & Manufacturing Company, a corporation, subject to all the provisions of said Ordinance No. 2139; and WHEREAS, The grantee and the assignee of the grantee have failed and neglected to comply with the terms of said Ordinance No. 2139, in that they have failed and neglected to pay the rental or compensation r fixed in said ordinance; have failed and neglected to keep employed upon said premises the number of persons required by said ordinance; have failed and neglected to pay the taxes assessed against said property or the buildings thereon, and have failed for a period of more than thirty days to conduct the manufacturing business provided for by said ordinance, upon said premises; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby declares its in- tention to terminate and forfeit said lease, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and instructed to give thirty days written notice to the said St. Paul Boiler & Manufacturing Company of the in- tention of the City of St. Paul to so terminate and forfeit this lease. COTINCILME! Yeas V Clancy v Ferguson nlcDonal i ✓ Peter ,,/ Mr. President a Adopted by the Council DEC.5 7_1923.__ _.192 DEC Appro d -- — — — .192_ .. C CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO '5'00 li FILE .... .� ........ ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTLON—GENERAL FORM NTED BV_,.._G2._. DATE....i1ov 28, 1923 ISSIONER._ ..... _ .. . .. ...... .._. .. _............ ....____._. ......... .......__._. RESOLVED 41 That the bond given to the City o3 St. Paul by the Earyland Casualty Company, as surety, and L. A. Papke, as principal, dated October 24, 1922, in the sum of V1,000.00, covering driveway on Portland Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as work is completed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. C. COUNCILMEN Peas Nays ,.Claney / ., Ferguson � - _. In favor �tMcDonald y� J I.4g1jI.i Suo,. -. h*.x Peter _ _.� � .Against WeTz ,//Mr. President 60066—Sy R'— V. Peter— 1 That the bond l;Ive. to �t St. Paul by the Maryra.d "-pany, - as surety, "d L. s prtnclpnl,_ dated Oet.ber Dee. 6, 192K :Adopted by the Council UC.. to^� _ 192 - Atroved ���' - 192_ c�� _ �/;� �� ��' _c��-_ HENRY OLSON Citp of taint .'Paul H. J. RIORDAN (Office OI l'Yt CITY CLERK � �1 (dlCrh "7L1�� ASST. CITY CLERK November 27th, 1923 Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Ienclose herewith letter from the Maryland Casualty Company requesting release of bond issued to L. A. P#Vke 4 covering a driveway license, in October 16, 1922. The Council has referred this matter to you for 'investigation andreport. Yours very truly, one. ' CITY CLERK. CHAS. D.MATTEBON J. D%MOND H.N.MAITEWON NAAiIYJVBBAHt .. a attgool� C® ....,. Established 1881 Hngsuram Coo 310 Capital Bank Building _ is i: ., Gy I i, uv r •':: Nf,tl f_fil ri GAj„ IoV�Y C)il7pF�lb'Y /�i r �✓c/ �% /. Attpmby.•;n-Feat RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No.-----�..l�rl----- FILE Nova 30. 1923. That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and Arcade Garage, as principal, dated August 10, 1921, in the sum of $10,.000.00, covering curb gasoline filling station, 1007 Arcade St., be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal ane surety thereon released, as new.bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. C. F. N..'50087—By Wm. J. Peter - )ona. :Adopted the Couoetj Dec. 6, 1923.: .Approved Dec. 6. 2-1923. ': (Do. 1923)-, COUNCILMEN Yens Nays ✓Clancy / ,,' Ferguson rl(lT_ ,,,'McDonald In favor / RAWM Sudbeimerj� Peter .against Weneel— �Mr. President DEC 5 - 1923 Adopted by the Council..___..._..- >>( C 5 iRO', A proved._ _.. _... _ _ 192._ -. CITY OF ST. PAUL c NCILNO._-._.---'500.6-8-. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL„ RE50LUTION—GENERAL FORM , Lv That the depository bon gi en to the city of St. Paul by the Cosmopolitan State Bank, as neipal, and the Northwestern Casualty & Surety Company, as surety, dated September 29th, 1922, in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), be and the same is hereby can— oelled and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability thereunder; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal or surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said 1wnd. j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Vtlancy � v Ferguson /McDonald - In favor SudbeimNb V RPe_%terr. _ __ -_. Against A d I/ Mr. President Adopted by the Council..._DEC 5 - 1923 - 19 .....192 ._. App�/// DEC 5 - 10118 ved.... _ ........_.__.__...192..._. MNYOF CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNCIL ,9 No ... ... F— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —GENERAL L GLUT FORM PRESENTED BY COMM DATE� ISSIONER ................. . �co RESOLVED That the application for license of Snelling Lodge I.O.O.1p. for conducting a Dance Hall at 2710 17- 7th St. be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee. No., 60069 ROODIvej, Th' F O. Sudhel000,-�- 11ben.e of 13 ot' the foo C nelnUg L d"Pljmtlon for --dU01e, D L 0 p 7th St, be.g 9- o H411 �t i7l� g 4ra1n4e .sAug stu, Pyy Mo.t jtete1, tut- - e Cit oeAi the �aeUr of-t.Ad.to t. Council Dec. 6,,19E3: Dec. e COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson L� McDonald In favor NM" Sudheimu Peter Against L" Mr. President DEC 5 - 1923 Adopted by the Council.........-.-..._- -_-......_192..--- FJE 5 - ' �' 2 B Appro YQ -------...._...--1992_... MAYOR - ---- - --192- MAYOR . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"cI�NO. O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK C L R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ........._. DATE COMMISSIONER.___.........._ - ..._.............._.. .........._._.. ........_.- RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of ins following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Sam Ward 146 State St., Joe Biglow, 452 Jackson -St. .i C. 'F. No. 60070 -By G C:-Sudhelmer=.I -Resolved, That the a, application to,'. licenses of thea to11op f'ng pparsons for' conducting the Butcher :business- at-� snmeaare herebyngrsnt d and the Ity' qp+� ,olerk . I. d..trueted; to`. !esus : Bucti' 1lceneee upon the paMentItnto the city. treasury of thecustomary •fe . -Sam Ward, ", State 80., Joe Blglow,:-462. Jacksoq St.' Adopted by the Council. Dec 6, 1923r Approved Dec. 6 1923. = a COUNCILMEN DEC 5 -1993 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_. _......_-------------------- _._192..._.. ✓Clancy J EQ 5 l E /Terguson Approv __.---._......__.192.... ✓McDonald _..-__In favor M Sudhelber ...OR MeYnrs Peter _-..-..-Against 331epr2L�'-.. wIr. Presid.W C R eolYed;adThatB ihe`' applicetton etorl� COUNCIL��� 1� ` Cllcansee o[ithe tolloWingg peresns for. FILE No. ---.— t andllPb and aellingFeod stu4e at tied ,J OFFICE,haddreeeea andtcatI, be and the some, .;Fra bereby' aranted and the Clty :Clerk NCIL , ^s lu'strpctea:eni1PERIC tha city trP. 1;i. p the peyra ' t�'ihe customary tee: PRESENTED BY heo Busch O6 Stryker Ave„'Hak p COMMISSIONER _......___ _._._._.._... _- -------_ _ . d:_Mtrovelf,Y. 883 Michigan Bt ,, .fl-a.Tilb.i. ---.- 1-1-/23'p'^-'— ':'�-bhaea& 333 'Kentucky St:; ?'— , rt St Grocery:.'' RESOLVED mea ac; a Joat the applications for licenses of we ns ollowing persons dor handling and selling Food stuffs at the add yz'ses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue, such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; Theo. Busch Benes & Mirovsky Henry Chases, Sol Cohen, Enkel Bros. F. J. Eret, E. E. Fuller, R. P. Gruber, G. D. Gustafson Alice E. Hanson, M. J. Hartman Hedman & Johnson Kiess Bros. Fred Kastner, Kuues Bros., S. S. Kresge & CO., Henry J. Milne, Geo. Mattiani, .M. Marschenke, North & Langer, Louis Basch, Wm. Primeau, Chas. S. Perry, J. Powell, PewTvrs & LaBracha, P. Rosenberger, P. Hoseuoerger, Mrs. Anna Hihiivx Wolf Saba J. M. Sutherland, A. F. Sorenson, Wm. F. Stute, Sr., F. Tatelbaum, John verstraite, F. W. Woolworth N. G. WefYNrNCILMEN Yeas Nays 554 Stryker Ave., 393 Michigan St., 332 Kentucky St., 115 S. Robert St., 739 Thomas St., 979 Stryker Ave., 65 W. George St., 442 Banfil St., 923 S. Robert St., 234 River Blvd. Apt. 591 Stryker Ave., 1197 Payne Ave, 191 Concord Sr—, 192 Concord St:, 693 W. 7th St., 57 E. 7th St., 1550 77hite Bear Ave., 90 S. RODert St., 717 Concord ST., 190 Concord St., 542 Stryker Ave., 149 State St., IM w. Minnehaha St. 454 Robert St., 1931 University Ave., 411 S. Wabasha St., 65 W. Winifred St., 123 S. Wabasha St., 170 S. Wabasha St., 3(y Concord St., 611 5. Smith Ave 397 Cherokee Ave. 237 E. Fairfield St. 5b( Hall Ave., bl-65 E. 7th St., 1579 Selby Ave., ""Clancy ,jFerguson i/ McDonald In favor immxob Sudheimer �eter .._.--_Against ❑zel i/ Mr. President Bakery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Soft drink Grocery Grocery Delicattsen Grocery Grocery Soft drink Bakery Grocery Confectionery Confectionery Confectionery Grocery Confectionery -Drug Grocery Grocery. Grocery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery. Grocery Grocery Confectionery Conf@ct�}onerdy Adopted by the Council_ ._-...._..5....L 2R-. -.-.192...... Approv d....-....�19�2------ - - - - MAY _.._-... mnvna COUNCIL 54j(f r� q CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No -------- �. - OF THE CITY CLERK !E,OL ION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following people for conducting ]lotion Picture Theatres at the addresses indicated, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Summit Amusement 00. 1055 Grand Ave., J. M. Velat, 1195 E. Seventh St. 60 Th BL a 4PP scat on9for Re Bo R, of the -following -People. fer .'conducting Motion Flet.,. ThCntrea 'at thit o nddreeses'Indl'fted be-nud-ehe -enure arn. hereby gran cd and: the GItY licenses upon then D@Yinefit slnto�the . City Treasury It Summit;Amveelnent ;CP., 1056 Grand. .. 1185 E. -Seventh Sk Adopted by tho C192�i1_Dec. 6. 1323.1 APDroved,D c to c.'s-132a1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ - In favor W&& -6x Sudheimer / Peter b......_...Against zel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _ _®EC 5' - 1923 -... _192.._.. saEQ 5 }92? Appred.._ __ _ .... -.....-.._._.....192...... .... .-. -. . ..- ...__..._. MAYOR QUADRUPLICATE oITS OY YT. PAIIL :i TO CRT CLERK !!11 rryyc 12.22 FotmDat Int m °IL No._...... S J: g /_ ... .. R /6—m OLLE F �1' E ..' AUDITED ........ __......192.._....._-��{//Ji / PER ...._.._ ......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $......_``'1..►..mjtTI ----------------------- covering checks numbered ---------- 1 914_-----------to-_--_18919 - -..---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen (T) Nays. DEC 5 - 1923 --Clancy, / Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- --------------- ..--192 - - ,ferguson, vj DEC 51- 1923 McDonald, --- ----- favor ✓ elsetr— 6UdheinieP %) Approved------------------------._... 92 1 / Peter, v z1auzalr ___.......Against 41y President, Nelson • C e Cityed60That cheeks -be drawn -on � .the. City Treasury. to the aggregate amount t $3.747,77, coverin6 checks numbered .18914. to 18919 ring l h as per register of city cheeks n file la the othco'of the City Comptroll¢r Adopted by the Council Dec. o� 1 . 923. APproved Dec. 6, 1923. (Dec. 8-1923) CITY OP Y. PAUL OR161NILL rO CITYCL.MK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (� - Foion•as tut tz•zz AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM T[LE NO.. 884 BY ..J. .. - .... ...'RD"�+ AUCOMM .. ....:._.---- . �-, .......182.... ... .......-.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-----.--;**147,07............... covering checks numbered ...__...18814 ------ ....to -------- 18919._., -,_-_--•inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 5 - 1923 ,,,Clancy,Adopted by the Council....----------------------------------- - ....192. - - VFerguson, In favor DEC `-' - i92s McDonald, ✓ APPr d ....-- - -- - ... ... --- - ......................192.------- -Mwmem, Sudheimer ✓ Peter, .. Against ----------- ............ _.. .... _.... .. ............MAYOR_... _...... ✓ Mr. President, Nelson 18914 --- ..._ -- -- ----- - --- - ----- -- ----- - ------........ - Durabilt Steel .Lo-cker Company, I T14.62 Water 18915 Gauger-Korsmo Construction Company, 1,955.00 Greenwood Sehool(Bond) 18916 Great Northern Railway Company, 1,037.57 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 42.00 Sprinkling 958.00 Water 37.57 18917 Minnesota Lime & Cement Company, 356.61 Schools 72.50 L 1685 84.00 L 1773 186.11 i1 14.00 356.61 18918 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Company, 3.86 Schools 18919 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 280.11 Pol. & F. Alarm 7.35 Schools 128.13 + 132.75 11 6.56 Garage 1.32 Water 80.11 QUADau"tcArE aix>t os er, nAvr. ro CRY CUMK DDDHern No.. _..-..�..X09.._74 Form D•3f 1M 12-22 - rrss ...... gy COMP AUDITED ...._.............. _...182........... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-- --- 4_x94*Ai.............. _.._. covering checks numbered. .�§8 -------------- ----------------- ..... ............ .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. 1923 -'Clancy, Adopted by the Council ....... ..... --------------------- ................-----------------•1�'------ �Ferguson, favor ✓McDonsld, ---- -- r1:i:' r Approved.__....-- - - ----------------------------------------------- 192 .. -...._ -' - ..... '- ---'- ----192.. -- Ma"am 8ndheimer .�Fettee3�-' ....-'----....Against /'�"Mr. President, Nelson �- � n� R -solved, That checks b d a the CityTreasury. to the aggregate amount f $4.86180 --F •check mb ed 18920 per' gster f fity heck o ate I the ottl a of thel City Comptroller. - Adopted'by -.th Council Dec.6, 1923. Approved Dec b, 1923. - (Des. 8-1923) • ORIGINAL" cln CLERK Form 1)-34 1M 12-22 II • OITY OH B'lPAOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 885 BY. COM .. R AUDITEDA s........:.:.::_... -- ._._ _.._........ ......_. ..... -.. .. .. ' to the a$g 8 $+4�a$0 ----, covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, re ete amount of $------- -+-- - -- - - -------•---'----"""" checks numbered......189G0.............. id -------_--.---.._------._......-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays' DEC 5 - 1923- ....... - - 1`n ------ -Clancy, Adopted by the Council -._......_...__..-_ . ✓Ferguson, In favor 01 0 5 » f 92.-..... --McDonald, App ved - - --..................... ✓Mstsatr Sudheimer Peter,O.- -- Against - - - unxox /eezel� - - - t/Mr. President, Nelson ......- -- - - - - - --- - - 4,851.80 18920 J. T6. C1ancY, Comtr. of Finance .40 702 Bureau of Parks 2,702.40 Park Refectories 556.5870 3.70 Playgrounds 951.22 Forestry Revl. 477.90 P. Bldgs. Revl. 0 . rf7 F H. 6p0T6—Ordlhanca No. 6202—. By H. C. Wen2e1— r_ r An ordinance Pi oatlarkag 'R he bgiance „ / . remainlag to the Pa Refeet1 vv =(63) .Fund, enlarles -and g1het Hr`s y,fM.. Items, At. cI ena oL i* = � �• 023, ; after all obllgAtion -07 er for: .h.the fund -_- C. F. No. mq'5 Ordinance No. An Ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Parks Refectories (53) Fund, Salaries and Other Expense Items, at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appro- priated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1. That the balance remaining in the Parks Refector- ies (53) Fund, Salaries and Other Expense Items, is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of repairs to Phalen Bath House, Phalen Golf House, Boat docks, Phalen Beach stand, Como Pavilion, Phalen Shelter house and repairs to boats and canoes and the purchase of equipment for new Phalen pavilion during the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section.3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council'b23 , 1923. Councilmen: t✓Gllancy McDonald in favor Peter, Lr^'Sudheimer 7J against to''Wenzel went Mr. Viae Pres. Fer9MIL DEC 2 1 1923 Approvedsr 1923 �� !1 I ayor Attest it!ye r r U1;id � � _l/\ �__ / �� 4 ,, � -�-' ��- i ,., e- __.. _ _..v�-- _.. .� l i �� .::� Y �;� • C. R.`No. 50077- Ordlnance No. OZOG—. C(}��'/ 50 By G. C., 9udhelee-7 An ordinance amendtng ordlnance`Y"' l► V5,ct entitled 'An ordinance regal low and lice Sir, r etauranta vlctualing on.... Th1, 1s an ; &�Vo t .ncv ordinance rends ed nec: Ir the 1pr 7th std n fet the yt An ordinance amending ordinance No. 3524, entitled ".An ordinance regulating and licensing restaurants and victualing houses, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved July 26, 1915. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3524, approved July 26, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom Section 5. and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 5. The annual license fee required by the provisions of Ordinance No. 5244, approved January, 31, 1920, shall be deposited with the-:.City'plerk TZ3at the time ,of the- filing of, the application for a license." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 2 2 1923 Yeas Nays, Mr :Clancy /Herguson f Peter udheimer Wenzel ,Alu. President (Nelson) Approved, DEG 2 2 1923 " -E�' r�—� Attest3Mayor PUBLISi�D � City Clerk C. F. No 60078-0tdina ce No 6206 - BY- O C eudheimer-- n -n • n ordinance amending Ordlnanes No— 26, entitled., An ordlnatea reguly VVV ,gig and llcenei g hotele. This V- rgencY ordinance n- .1 .. th^ di etce `^in:eP th .P. CY A ©rdinaace amending Ordinance No.. 3525, entitled An ordinaz?e regulating and licensing hotels. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved July 26, 1915. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the r public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3525, approved July 26, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom Section 5 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 5. The annual license fee required by the provisions of Ordinance No. 5244, approved January 31, 1920, shall be deposited with the -0=- City Clerk gggx�q:r�1t at the time of the filing of the application for a license." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas DEC 2 2 1929 Bays Mr. Clancy Fergueen 4 r' Peter Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President (Belson) F_', EC 2 2 1923 Appr ved Mayor Attest City Clerk • HENRY OLSQN Cttp of 6aint -Paul H. J. RIORDAN CITY,CLEIRK OASST. CITY CLERK {iLEE 0{ �tig CIIPYI2 December 6th, 1923 � � _ Hon. George C. Sudheimer, Chairman, License Committee. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please note Council File • Noe. 50077 and 50078, being ordinances amending Ordinance Nos. 3524 and 3525, regulating and licensing restaurants and hotels, respectively. The above ordinances were laid over one week " to December 13th for Second Reading and referred to the License Committee for investigation and report, by the Council this date. Yours very truly, 2 enc. CITY C GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER situ of grin# 1jttu1 PEparhnent of ]Jublu December 14, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith are amendments to Ordinances Nos. 3524 and 3525, regulating and licensing restaurants and hotels respectively. These amendments have been considered by the License Committee and their passage is recommended. your yr Commissioner of Public Safety. Chairman, License Committee. ( � WHH8E 8 it aypeerg�'fr m0ihe 're- 5101) i�1 v Dorte oC t1fe:. Ctty ComptT011er nhd�M UommleelonOs oL P7nebce that � IC" 18 rtec8senry to replenta4-the POrmaA-As ;ImprovameaC ReVolvlag, Fund, tn' tbe. i,� Iiful um at 500,000. rHER FORE, '33 -.`IT RESOLVED < < e bonds +horlaed by '& i inF WHEREAS it appears iron the S' 1 ffL '� th9 the 4N %Oompt roller and the Commissioner of Finance that it is necessary to replenish the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund in the sum of $500,000, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bonds authorised by Ordinance No. 5;79' be sold in the manner provided by Law in the amount of $500,000. Said bonds to be in denominations of $1,000 each, to be dated January 1, 1924, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding Four and Three-fourths per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on July let and January 1st, according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds. Said bonds shall run for a term of Twenty Years, maturing January 1, 1944, and said bonds shall bear numbers 1770 to 18285 inclusive. That said bonds shall be in the following form which has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel i of said City and is hereby approved and adopted, visa UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL PERMANENT nffWVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BOND., No. $1.000.00 INDW ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to BEARER the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of January 1944, together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi- annually on the first days of July and January in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed' -interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are ppyable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of said City are 0 hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting -in the aggregate to the am of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) issued by the City for the purpose of creating, preserving and replenishing its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. This bond is issued pursuant to an Ordinance No. %j>:, passed by the Council of said City and duly signed, attested, approved and published in the manner required by the Charter of said City, and under authority of and in all respects in full compliance with Sections 217 and 278 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and as amended in and by Chapter 53 of the Laws of Minnesota, for the year 1915, approved March 22, 1915. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFTED AND RECITED, That all things, acts and conditions required by the constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the.issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City includiing this bond does not exceed any constitutional etaiistvVio8icbArtdrnUmitatione. « IMSS WBERHOF, The said City of St. Paul, oits 06uneil=kas -->5 caused this bond to be sealed with its corporate Beal, to be signed by its Mayor,, attested by its City Clerk and countersigned by its Comptroller, and each of the hereto Interest coupons attached to be executed by the lithographed fac-simile signature of said officers this first day of January A. D. 1924. Mayor. Attest City Clerk Oountersigned`_ Comptroller COUPON No. July on the first day of January 19 , the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer at the office of the Commissioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, Otate of New York, for interest due that day on its PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BOND, distad Janaury 1, 1924, No. Attest City Clerk Mayor Countersigned Comptroller RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, up to 10 o'clock A. M. January 4, 1924, for the sale of all or any part of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Review, the official paper of said City. Each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two (2) per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after reeeiving said bide, present the same to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, and at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding Four and Three-fourths per cent. Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Pop MccDo ald ___�- In favor ✓ Sudheimer ✓ Peter _ Against ll Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.DE(%6.-_1923.__ _.192 Approve/' PEC 192... ' 1 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIbN--C'ENERAL FORM COUNCIL No NI FILE ...--.--4 Upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, reciting that special circumstances exist rendering it advisable to employ special counsel to page upon the validity of the issue of $1,000,000 of School bonds, authorized by Council File No. 49778, approved November 20, 1923, upon the validity of the issue of $500,000.00 of sewer bonds, authorized by Council File No. 49800, approved November 22, 1923; $500,000 of waterworks bonds authorized by Council File No. 49777, approved November 20, 1923, and $500,000 of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds, authorized by Council File No. 49769, and Ordinance No. 6179, approved December 5, 1923; be it RESOLVED, That the Sinking Fund Committee be authorized to employ Ambrose T ighe and 0. E. O'Neily of St. Paul, and John C. Thomson, of New York, as attorneys to pass upon the validity of the above bond issues, at a compensation of not to exceed Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00), payable out of the Debt Service Expense item of the General Fund. COUNCILmrN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ti McDonald ✓WQWM Sudheimetb V Peter Wenzel Mr. President DEG 6 - 1923 by the Council ...---- ------- .__.... _..__.._192 _.. DEQ 6-19" Approv _.. - ....._._ .192.. -_...._.... ___.moron Pepartmestt of `Naw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. M?NALLY wD.I.TANi ATroSHt ARTHUR A. STEWART EUGENE M O-NEiLL REECE J. -E -1. L. ANDERSON To the Council. Gentlemen: - December 5th, 1923. The Sinking Fund Committee advises us that a much better price can be obtained for the following bonds, viz: $3p00,000 School bonds, authorized by resolution adopted November 20, 1923, $500,000 server bonds authorized by resolution adopted November 22, 1923, $500,000 waterworks bonds authorized by resolution adopted November 20, 1923, and $500,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds, authorized by ordinance approved December 5, 1923, if the City first obtains the approval of said bond issues by recognized authorities on municipal bonds, and that the increased price which can be obtained for the bonds will more than offset the attorneys' fees. We therefore recommend to the Council that Ambrose Tighe and 0. H. O'Neill, of St. Paul, and John C. Thomson, of New York, be employed to pass upon the validity of said bond issues and render their opinion to the Sinking Fund Committee. Your,a, very truly, u4aka Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL -N-NO.. OUNCIL 5-09 '1FILE NO.._._.__..'-----.::__----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, On the 31st day of October, a truck belonging to the Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Company ran into and damaged an orna— mental light post in the amount of $60.55; and WHEREAS, The Royal Indemnity Company, insurer for said Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Company, has offered to settle said claim In said amount; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer of settlement be accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute a release therefor. • DEC 6 - 1923 V __ _192.._ - DEC o - 192B COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy r/ McDonald _-....._ .-_ In favor Sudheimero Peter _.....__. _Against ✓ Wenzel ✓Mr. President • DEC 6 - 1923 Adopted by the Council -.....------ -__- .- __ _192.._ - DEC o - 192B Approv al.__.___....__.__ --__1992._. le—L COUNCILlr1 IlJM CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ---- ------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FARM ESOLVED�at the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is. hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. N. G. Mortensen, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Water Department rund, for professional services rendered to A. M. Ayers, an employe of said Board, injured October 13, 1923, in the course of his employment. 8. McDona Reeblyed, Tha4 thaw nlrtd, lst haWereby:. ,Commleelonere ;be ortAN anthorieed to,➢aY Te4-.��� (j10) ,en; �thetb0 stex, De➢Prtmenta In ut,..ot, I Board; }AorMp Aga B•oan�einDloyda oirea d Fe urea Itnlured Octobor;}8'1823, lmtho o paavted bYY d pOaundl Aec., 8. 18 23:1 pyproved Dae. 8 1823. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy ate McDonaldIn favor ✓'� Sudheimer%� 1/' Peter V . _.Against Wenzel ,/'Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preelt, Board of Water Commis. DEC 6 - 1923 Adopted by the Council..... .......... ._..... ...... _. _192. r MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.... W. • FILE .....C,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of water Commissioners be and it in hereby author- ized to pay to the Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory the sum of $35.00 out of the Water Department Fund, for services rendered to the following named employes of said Board, injured in the course of -^their employ- ment, viz: Bred Teed, injured September 13, 1923 ($10.00) R. R. Gillott, injured September 27, 1923 ($7.50) A. Mallenkamp, injured August 9, 1923 ($10.00) A. M. Ayers, injured October 13, 1923 ($7.50) Tea4, 1pjured', September ; 13. �I fait ott, Injuped September 2Y. - Sallenlcamp, 1n)nred Aug�uBt e, - :-Ayare, fn3ur., 0 Ober 13, 1923 tedby the Covucll Deo. 9,,1923:. oved �M.. 6.8192& COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays ✓Clancy McDonald w- In favor L/'� Sudheimer Peter ...._ _Against Wenzel Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. presot, Board of Water Comm+rs. 7 Adopted by the Council[)EC.�_-_1A2.._ App r ed -.DEC r.192...... 084 CITY OF ST. PAUL .1e IL NO.__-.---_�-_-_-.---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C" RESOLVED That the Board of hater Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. G. D. Brand, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Water Department Fund for services rendered to the following em- ployes of said Board, injured in the course of their employment, viz: W. J. Culnane, injured July 20, 1923 ($5.00) C. J. Born, injured August 30, 1923 ($2.00) A. Mallenkamp, injured August 9, 1923 ($3.00) W. J I..lnane )nJured. July.20, 1923 (56.00) Yplured Avguat' 30,-1923. ($3.00) -. A Dfullenkamp, injured Augvety 0,. 1823- (53.00). Adopted. by the Covncil Loc. e, 1823: ADProved,.Dec. 6; 1923. ,;.DDec. e-1933)'' Yeas Nays ✓Clancy r� ✓ McDonald __. In favor i/ Sudheimer Peter __ ./ .Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commtr of public Utilities. pEC - 1923 Adopted by the Council_ ...------__............. ....192. _. SEC r- - 1�Z3 App r d.--�__. ....._.------...._192.._--- __. ... - mnroa CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO FILE �`� _ YYY--- V 3 Ji OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of hater Oommissioners'be and it is hereby author— ized to pay to Dr. Leo Hilger, the sum of Thirty—five Dollars ($35,00) out of the Water Department Fund, for testifying in the case of 4AIR. A. M. Firioto against said Board; and the sum of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) out of said Water Department Fund for professional services rendered to the following employes of said Board, injured in the course of their employment, viz: Earnest Auge, injured August 23, 1923 ($6.00) Desmond A. Kieron, ($2.00) G. Giosue, injured October 27th, 1923 ($4.00). Des" ond A. I{leron, (y8.00) G'Gloeue. lnlured. October. 27th, 1923 (54.00) Adopted by 4tie Coon'oil Dec. 8, 19M Approved Dec: 8 1923. 8-1923) V COUNCILMEN Yen Nays ✓Clancy / McDonald �- -In favor JOB= Sudheimer V Peter - Against V' Wenzel / Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Preset, Board of Water CommIrs. Adopted by the Council _D,E0--- 1925 _192- -. Appro d-... DEC, 6.'..19V-1 192 ...- oR CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"c"'NO.__------r�.-----�8`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and At is hereby author— ized to pay to at. Joseph's Hospital the sum of $14.43 and to Dr. Lao Hilger the sum of $24.00, out of the Water Department Fund, for ser— vices rendered to Chauncey Barrett, an employs of said Board, injured October 2nd, 1923, in the course of his employment. IF xe sooao-B, a.H: uDeaaia—' I recommend the above resolution Resolved. That the Board of 'Water�for passage. Adoyted by the Council Dec. 6, 1923. !LDDroved. Dec. 6, 1923.... - (Dec. 8-1923):. I CCIINCILMEN Yeas Nays --Clancy 1/ McDonald In favor V Sudheimer� !/'Peter _! -- . Against ti Wenzel Mr. President preset, Board of Water Commirs. Adopted by the Council1923_ ._.192. DEQ 6 - 1923 192.... _ mnvoa CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No ------- el -5 0187.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be'and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. E. F. Murphy the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) for testifying in the case of A. M. Fiorito against said Board of Water Commissioners, said sum to be payable out of the Water Department Fund. 6. I recommend the above resolution for passage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald _... In favor Sudheimer I/ Peter _ Against ✓ Wenzel /Mr. President Preset, Board of Water CommIrs. DEO 6-1923 Adopted by the Council .. ............... ..._ . _ 192 _ Approyed .. f) . Eo G - iNs _192.... MnroR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENo.- - NCIL 90 J N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED '.t the Board of Water Commissioners be and it/is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. H. A. Molander the sum of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Solomon Johnson, an employe of said Board, injured September 20, 1923, in the course of his employment. i C,•F. No. 60Th -1B ' Board o4 Water 1 Resolved,it Commleatonera boto_Dr. -H. Ae'Mel— authorized to Pa X . 1 00 er the'sum"0 EiEhte°h Drt— o (g 3. ) ..11t e['the Water :Department Fuhd; ,,or profes§Sonal aervteee ren, to Solomo 1RSured°9eptembor 120e 1923,ain 8 ard, �th course f hie.employmenti .Adopted by'the Covnen Dec. G. 3922., Approved D(Rea ec. 6 1923. I recommend the above resolution for passage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t" Clancy rTe>:Cusal� ✓ McDonald __ .__In favor v' ® Sudheimer V Peter __._ .._.Against v Wenzel v Mr. President Preelt, Board of Water Comm2rs. Adopted by the Counc In EC- 6..-. - DEC C - 1921 Approd...-_._----......_.._._.-....---._ __..192...... Mayon CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.-------- -���.1�. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEa-That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author— ized to pay to Dr. A. F. Plankers the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) out of the Rater Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Nealis Plankers, an employe of said Board, injured August 10, 1923, in the course of his employment. C: Y�'. No. 60089--BtheiEo d of -Water Resolved,' That ' Qommleslanera bo .and A. is hereby 'the to pay to Dr. A. F. Plankers :the aura of Fifteen Dollars (516.00). out ;of the 'Water DepaYtm at Fund, for �Pl nks enal�s -"1P0' cels- of said 'Board li inlu ed AUBust 10 1923 1. Iha course' of hi employment. -. Ad' tod •by the Coun 11 Dec. 0, .1 . Approved De 6. 4 '1923, ---- --- v COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ear � McDonald _.....__-_In favor "' Q201M Sudheimer ✓ Peter _._ - Against ✓ Wenzel J Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Pres't, Board of Water Commirs. DECD -1923 Adopted by the Council . _.-_ .._..._.- ....__.__ _.192.._. DEC S 19'S Approed ._.__.... ....... __.192..._. YOR 5(�09ft .CITY OF ST. PAUL _._......_.._._._..-mur+caNO•---"------------ -- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n CO UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Fred Teed, an employe of said Board, injured September 13, 1923, the sum of($36.00) Thirty-six Dollars, out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to December 6, 1923. I recommend the above resolution for passage. preset, Board of Water Commissioners. Adopted by the Council AFCt..6..7: 1923 .192- _.. QEG6-192W Approv _ ..---__............. . _ ___ _x_..1192.---- J\ COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald _ __In favor ✓ Sudheimer ✓" Peter _.__ _ .Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council AFCt..6..7: 1923 .192- _.. QEG6-192W Approv _ ..---__............. . _ ___ _x_..1192.---- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - n COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to R. L. Rich, an employe of said Board, injured November 7, 1923, the sum of $36.90 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to December 5th, 1923. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Pres+t, Board of Water Commissioners. DEC 6 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ..----------- - ------ ------ _.-----.192. -.-- DEC G-1923 Approv.._---_._.._...._....._./.....__..192..---- CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓McDonald ....... - _In favor Sudheimer ✓ Peter ._ _Against ,/ Wenzel ,,�4Ir. President DEC 6 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ..----------- - ------ ------ _.-----.192. -.-- DEC G-1923 Approv.._---_._.._...._....._./.....__..192..---- RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENL,LNO.. _ 50092:E OF THE CITY CLERK �`� !E26_LUXf6R--CdSNERAL FORM Dee. th, 1 2 . DATE._...._............._........__7_...._.........._... ......... ......... .. Whereas, on December 5th, 1923, the LeClairs Motor Company paid into the City Treasury the sum of $15.511 for two curb pumps, under License No. 333. and as it appears that said pumps are combined and should have been construed as one pump, Resolved that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Le Claire Idotor Company 1114 n the sum of Seven Dollars and Seventy-seven Cents ($7.77), the amount paid by4Wwfor the extra pump. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,"Clancy / V M�cDonnald'\ In favor ✓ ® Sudheim.{ Peter _Against �' Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_.......... -----.._ ..._ ...192 Ap roved_ ..7_ .----. ._.... ../.).192_... RESOLVED n CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLe COUNc1I NO ----- ------- =-.--�. �-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. b, 1923. That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company, as surety, and Hamm Brewing Company, as principal, dated July 12, 1915, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering trap door in front of 103 V+. Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy — McDonald _ _ In favor Sudheimer 6 V Peter Against ,/ Wenzel L,, -Mr. President. Adopted by the Council ---DEG_..-..19.2.5_ ---192..--- Apprc ed G - R- MgYO C. F. rio. 50094-13y 7. si \fcllonnld- 11'hereas, The Com misslo ner of Pub- I, llti li Lice hue reported to the Coun- elj, i ordance with it.. 53 of Sub j act: the In hatter. the = �t<n1e a COUNCIL c eg ;ncy e'htch ndered �a'. ii.e nloyment f cert m oe the em FILE NO. 5.09 7^ plc yea of hla di•Part ment for ', V 1 [hun ei b'ht hnu rs per 3u )' 94 and on Sung-i In— da, '; uid Pinou , belag —_ than their n al hours of a mpo }'meet•' - _ _ tm•retore be it city olti- ftesot['ed, That [he pre p'r e herehy nntheri,ed o atmey the DATE PRESENTED 1823 �lo o'ng namlo ed empyee t the rate s e fired fur extra em Ploymen[ x� the n�tra time herelnu[[er sec Resolved, WHEREAS, The- Cone oiler, a -90- 1" Utilities has reported to the Council, in acoordanve )n 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency whioa'rendered necessary the employment of certain of the employea. of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday; said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized tc pa! the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name L. DeBruyoker M.R. Fitzgerald Roy Munson T.M. Woodley Len Vanelli A. Vinoelli N. Vincelli Joe Cook Joe Daddario John Danca M. Farinello Joe Farraro D. Mayer W. Smith Joe Romanelo J.J. Haggerty W.L. Barrow P. Del Fia000 Thos. C. Disanto Jno, E. Hawkins H.A. Mennell Sam Ranalli J.P. Sohwebach G. Alexander John Alfonso' John Clarkin Thos. Devine Emil Diers F. Gonshorowski Jay Sent Mat Johnson A. Maurizio John Pendoli P.E. Solbjor Mike Fritz John Abel 1 Wm. Boody L. Christiansen Paul G. Menzke A.T. R6illy Geo. C. Peterson Henry Goselin 0. Carlson J.C. Masson N. Nitkowsky F. Spangenberg Carl Anderson S. Tuminello Walter Blodgett P. Campanario Title Sunday Regular Oiler' Utilityman a D.D. Laborer x w • Codmon Lab. D.D. Lab. ■ a x r x Utllitymm Utilityman w R w w w R D.D. Laborer w x Maintenance Lab D.D. .Lab. a w • w a • w Utilityman " R Common Lab. D.r. Y,ab. Utilityman Steam S. Engr. D.D. Lab. D.r. Lab. D.D. Lb. Foreman Utilityman D.n. Lab. n 8 3 12 la 12 is 3 la 12 8 8 8 4 16 16 11 16 4 16 16 4 16 la 15 12 12 8 8 3 8 8 8 3 V1 3 16 11 la 11 7 6 11 Rate of. Overtime 5 8 5 55¢ w 59ir� " 1.10 • ° 55¢ 550 55¢ 7040 5 " ■ 550 55¢ W -2- F—e Title Sunday Regular Rate of Overtime J. Coliardi Jno. Distler D.D. Lab. ■ 125 Regular rate Felix Gangl ■ 12 55¢ 55¢ •lar Martin K*n ° 13 m55¢ • " Amos Kelly ' 12 5 55¢ W#i. Keating, Jr. Common Lab. 12 5 45¢ Swan Johnson D.D. Lab, 12 5 55¢ " ■ Wm. Keating A.A. Me they " ■ 12 12 5 55¢ ' ■ Joe Morello • 12 55¢ 13 Leo Nonnemacher Foreman 8 70¢ " ■ Geo. Kelly D.D. Lab, 3 55¢ " ■ F. ;,Kenzie " 4 55¢ " ■ Dan Plumbo " 3 55¢ W.B. Lego" 5 55¢ " ■ B.W. Oak Common Lab. 12 45¢ ■ e Henry Kane D.D. Lab. 12 550 " e Wm. Spangenberg Maint. Lab. 16 8 50¢ ■ ■ Pat Vacco D.D. Lab. 2 55¢ John Gos,iak ' 6 55¢ ■ " James Gray " 12 55¢ " • Frank Deilke • 12 5 55 ■ " Alfonso Utilityman 3 5 C ' • Roy Bruce " 14 5 ¢Mike ■ " Joe. Brunner " g 3 5 ¢ ■ " A.M. Fiorito ' 3 5 ¢ • " G. Iosue Foreman 16 11 70 " ■ J. Saporito Utilityman 3 540 MC.W. Hoist. Engr. 22 90¢ Ricelle 14 90¢ a Ernest Benson D.D. Lab. 2 55¢ James Conley ' 3 55¢ * ■ P.E. Murphy «� 20 55¢ ' • Otto H. Rei,how an 7 -zoo Ira Andrews D.D. Lab. 4 55¢ Richard Bruaae D.r. Lab. 4 55¢ McKinley Bruce ' 6 55¢ Tony Defrenzo ' 1 55¢ Casper Hughes " 4 55¢ A. Lundbled " 4 55¢ ° ■ J. Roney" 1 55¢ Robert Barett Maint. Lab. 8 50¢ " ■ Thos. Peltier ' 8 50¢ Eugene Tourville " B 50¢ Ralph Juatre Utilityman 8 5 ■ " R. Vanderhoff " 8 5¢ Wm. A. Wolter ' 8 8 540 " • Thos. Hennessey Common Lab. 8 45 Philias Mallet Maint. Lab. 8 50¢ " ■ Sam Popora " 8 50¢ " " Melgin Hoiberg S.S. Engr. 4 1.65 1-1/2 to. reg. rate Edward Anderson D.D. Lab. 4 55Regular Rate Ernest Auge Utilityman 4 62 ¢ • ■ Julius Johnson BTB: -Labs Uty. 4 5;10 Paul Magnuson Steamfitter 2z 1.00 I. Bumashniok_ Electrician 4 1.00 J.F. Eggerling Cement Finisher 14 1.50 1-1/2 to. reg. rate Fred Fennern " " 25-5/6 1.50 ' " " ■ Chas. Fransen " • 14-5/6 1.50 Frank Heflin D.D," {sb. 4 55¢ Regular rate Jake Hunt 16 8 55¢ " ■ Art Damrose Bldj. Lab. 8 55¢ " ■ Harry Oas 8 55¢ a e G. Waldron " 16 18i 55¢ Ray Burch " 4 55¢ " ■ John Corey " 16 8 55¢ Edw. Knight " 13 55¢ Sam Olson " 9 55¢ " ■ f)tG.,/ iC Name Title G. Sauro Bldg. Lab. Jas. Kennealey " Frank Schadl " Steve Makin Utilityman Geo. BlOddo Maint. Lab. Fred Cormier Bldg. Lab. John P. Kruse " W.O. Peterson Utilityman 01 A A Louis Larsen S.S. Engr. A A A Herbert Buechner Utilityman A A A Robt. Geary " a A A Joe Harkness " Mike Kranyak Carpt. Foreman A A A A M.J. Davern Bldg. Lab. A A A Christian Rauer " Raymond Schnell " Ed. Cavanaugh Trench Filler Anton Mollenkamp Bldg. Lab. Charlie Zink Utili4yman A M a N, Pendy " Frank Fleming Bldg. Lab. Chas. J. Fritz Maint" Lab, Julius 8t•runtz Bldg. Lab. Tony Pliaskt r Glen L. Glancy " vClancy 4 ,izergaern pEC 1923 v McDonald Adopted by the v Peter „'Sudheimer Approved Jam_`,`' 1823 ;Wenzel /Mr. President - Nelson -3- 1o. Sunday Regular Rate of Overtime 4 55¢ regular rate 16 8 55¢ 4 55 � 1 5 ¢ 8 8 50¢ 2 55¢ a 55¢ 65 " " 5-1/6 9710 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 16 6 1.10 regular rate 4 1.65 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 3 5¢ regular rate 1-2/3 8 ¢ 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 8} 5 ¢ regular rate 5 89 ¢ 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 16 38-9 50¢ regular rate 4 2.05 2 ts. reg. rate 5-1/31.54 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 16 16f 55 regular rate 4-1/3 82t¢ 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 16 8 55¢ regular rate 16 55¢ 16 8 50¢16 a A A 16 8f 55¢ " " 4-1/3 Bat 1-1/2 to. reg. rate 8 58'.0 regular rate 6 550 8 500 " a 8 55¢ 8 55¢ 8 5.5¢_ A A vClancy 4 ,izergaern pEC 1923 v McDonald Adopted by the v Peter „'Sudheimer Approved Jam_`,`' 1823 ;Wenzel /Mr. President - Nelson CITY OF ST. PAUL CousciL 91115 vma No. ------` =-----9-- -- -- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCiL R LUTPN-" GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L R S FERGUSON.._...._......_................./.."/....._......._......._................ DATE.__0_ESi.......R_._STH.....1..9--..._....... RESOLVED NtH_32,_OAS, The Commis6ionar of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53,,of the City Chartar the existence of an emergency Which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes his department for more therefore, betit their usual sof RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at forthe therate extratherwise employmentxed forfor extratra timemhloment erein- after set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL i P CROF00T LABORER 464 20 HOURS 45 9 00 DAVID C REGAN LABORER C 16 HOURS 50 8 00 C. P. No. 60096—Dy H. C. Ivenzel— By requeat— N'he,ne The Commissioner of Edu- �ntlon has reported to the Council In inent of Portment certain n ore pthns their luau.] on es of employment; theefore, be Resolved. Tha t [he rproper I city o - e hereby .uthorized to ty tfd he following med em cloyea, at the rate otherwise fixed for atr. employment ,for the xtra employment for extra time here/n¢fter t�forth: J. P. Crofoot, Lnbocer 464'20..dtoura at 460 ($9.00) at DD41 C..00) R.9or. .00)egon, Laborer C. 16 hours Adopted by the Council Dee. 6, 3923. Approved Dec. ." 1923. (Dec. 8-1023) COUNCim. irN Yeas Nays I/Claney -ori o" ,/McDonald __ .-_ In favor /� Sudliel Ge%fes Peter _-- .. Against Wenzel (/Mr. President - Adopted by the Council DEC E 1925 -- - -- 192- ti Appy J _Ye .. r min IT 0. Z. DECEMBER LLE -1911 .1n er!.r�L�ncg h;.a risen in the D,_,r.rt7air.t of Lduea tion, Bureau of Schools, rend -,ring necessc.ry tha enploy,ient of car- tain enployes of that dapart-i:nt for nora th:.n night hours per day, in doing the followinf; worm: CLEANING SCHOOLS This e--a,�rg-ncy ::ros: by roason of thu following facts Mrd circu-:ist,.ncas: REGULAR JANITOR SICK This report is in ._ccord^.nce with Stiction 53 of the Charter. W CRY CLERK ^ / COD. CIL No.. Form D-34 1M 12-22 COMFT O R AUDITED _......... .... ..-182 .......... .. . � � %(n Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..__.-°,�8,M4 06 ------------------ coverinb checks numbered .---3-Q,his'5$--- ..----------- toinclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ✓) Nays. 1923 - �lancy, Adopted by the Council ---------- ............. DEC C, .----...----._.....__ __192....... _4✓....In favor�r McDonald Approved..... _....- ------------ _---------------- --- --192.. VIMstmx; �udheimer r1 t/Peter, _Against hlr. President, Nelson C�' c. r•. so. soosc— n Resolve Treasure. teheeles he i 6 gree to the city [ 538,82 08. r mbered 18938 t,t Y18„ell"cluslflee ?t per r g,.[ of c c L. ytroller. n thAdopted b he Council Dec. 6, 1923. Approved D_ 6, 8-1923) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rrll`` ((�� a... �, No. __5l/i 96.. ro—D-34 1st 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESQLIITION FORM n P,zs 888 LR�-"R BY 00AUDITED ... .. .......192 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---------- -- -, covering • checks numbered. -._189 8.._.__- ------ to.__18941._...- - ..--.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( r') Councilmen ( T) Nays. - - ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council DEC 1973 192 _-.........In favor F(' %-f2 1,/McDonald Ap owed t .... 192 ---- ""-r- Sudheimer ) 1/Peter, Against ✓Wenzel. -- ) / MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 18938 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 8,426,50 Schools 18939 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 29,632.89 Water 18940 Himes Cafe, 13.00 Municipal Court 18941 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co., 772.67 L 1716 114.44 11 27.20 L 1763 29.23 11 82.03 i1 73.95 11 121.46 I1 114.46 " 135.42 • \ L 11 25.75 V n 7777 QUADRUPLICATE To CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 • 0 000a¢rx, 150097 D d gy COMPTR R � ' AUDITED ........... .. ... ...........182 ... / r� /-\ 319 72 cover n8 Resolved that checks be drawn on the Cit Treasury, to the}a$$re$ate amount of $....--..._..'.-__------------------------- --- -- 18921 182. .. .....-inclusive, as per register of city checks on fife in the office of the City checks numbered..._.. ----------......._.......to-.---------__.- . Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( T ) Nays. --Clancy, -FIn favor McDonald, ✓2Eetset� Sudheimer Peter, ✓`Wenzel. Against s Mr. President, Nelson ICg¢so vedb That checks be dratcn on the City Treasury. to the aggregate areount f 8319.72, numbered 18931 to 18924¢Inclusi e, a per register f city checks o file 1n the Rce of the City Comptroller. `dopteddbyDe heC. 6C 192311Deo. 6, 1923. PProve (Dec. 8-1923) 192- - .... ..192...._.. Adopted by the Council-..........�E- - --- - Approved......._.... _._...- ------ .......... .. _ ----------- -----192........ V C OP I. PA— ORIGINALTO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F.— D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAAMS—RESOLUTION FORM v0. 50097- 886 ay CO ROLLER AUDITED As. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the &Mrekate amount of $..._3-19._7`x..__.......-.___../.-__- covering hacks numbered 1891--l__........to__..____._....__.- 18924 office of the City ----- inclusive, as per rej�ister of city checks on file in the Comptroller. Yes Councilmen ( v' ) Nays. c --"Clancy, Adopted by the Council ZEC 199? -192 ....Z.In favor 9!23✓ McDonald, A -192 V Istsurr, Sudheimer ✓Peter, V' Wenzel. d-Abainst .......... ..... 14AiF6i—. 11M1. President, Nelson 18921 Chicago, Milwaukee -- ----- ---- & St.Paul Railway Company, 89.76 Arterial highwq7s 36.46 Water 53.30 18922 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co., 14.01 Lighting 18926 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 64.81 Schools 18924 St.Paul Blue Print Company, 151.14 P. Bldgs. Revl. 0 0 f. 'y y AUDITE. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ZSS.-25 ---------_-----_ ----- covering checks -- ---- checks numbered-- _to ------ . .. ... .. ----- -----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes %7 ) Councilmen Nays. DEC 1923 %,"Clancy, Adopted by the Council v"McDonuld, favor DECApproved ..... . .. ...... .. - ----- 192_ v Mqtsmr Sudheimer v' Peter, /Wenzel, )Apjainst Mr. President, Nelson C. F. "o .. Tcherks be drawn "'.Iv�d "Th. the �RY i�raasury. to the aggregate amou at of $365.25, check . umbered 18942. as per register of city checks on file In the effirs of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1923, Approved Dec. 6. 1923. 92, . (Dec. 8-1023) r QUA RU� .1 YT, t'... MCITY C K (0) 0) ....LILs... No. F-13-34 IM 12-22 0 f. 'y y AUDITE. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ZSS.-25 ---------_-----_ ----- covering checks -- ---- checks numbered-- _to ------ . .. ... .. ----- -----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes %7 ) Councilmen Nays. DEC 1923 %,"Clancy, Adopted by the Council v"McDonuld, favor DECApproved ..... . .. ...... .. - ----- 192_ v Mqtsmr Sudheimer v' Peter, /Wenzel, )Apjainst Mr. President, Nelson C. F. "o .. Tcherks be drawn "'.Iv�d "Th. the �RY i�raasury. to the aggregate amou at of $365.25, check . umbered 18942. as per register of city checks on file In the effirs of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6, 1923, Approved Dec. 6. 1923. 92, . (Dec. 8-1023) ORIGINAL ~- CLERK "rrzoo OF THE CoMrzno^LEo . ~.~.50098 77r O.L.L.ER AUDITED .192 PER 1. - I - 1 :.1- J Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 3��*25 ............. .-, covering hecks numbered.... 18949 .......... t . ... ... .. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes V ) Councilmen 17 Nays. %.,"dancy, Adopted by the Council DEC,-,-.- 1923 192 In favor p r 192 'Wenzel. MAYOR President, Nelson .................. -............. .......... -........... ............................................... zaa4m Otto Maudour" 365.25 0 QUADRUPLICATE To CITY CLERK ♦ oopsam Form D-34 1M 12-22 COMPT LLER AUDITED............ .... -.._........192......... 7 �. PER ..... ....._. 5. R28.fifi-------------------- covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-- e - checks numbered..--- ---� 8 '� �------- -- ---- - --- --- -----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ✓) Councilmen ✓) Nays. DEC 1923 ..... .192 C ancy, Adopted by the Council - - -- F Au'..'s^^- --Z In favor I}A.0 G- --,A0 _-- - ._._ 192- -- McDonald, Approved-.- ..- Mststm- 5udheimer / Peter, V .._Against L Wenzel. �Mr. President, Nelson C. ' 11' a Th.l Resolved. Tha[ checks be drawn oD Ithe City Treasury, to the aggregate amo f $6,728 p ring heck ,111berel 18943, as pe, egisoter f Ity hecks file In the Rice P the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Counci] Dec. 6, 1923. Approved Dec. 6, 1923. (Dec. 8-1923) 0 ORIGINAL CjW C ERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 • 11 orrr or er, rear. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 890 AUDI�D ...... . . ..... 192 - I -.V PER__ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the &Mrebate amount or $ AJ28.66 . ............................. covering 18943 checks numbered.__...__------------- - ---------- TSx ----- inclusive, as per rebister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. DEC r - 1923 L,"Clancy,Adopted by the Council_....--_-................ -Ferg�, (:2 In favor DEC 1925 w"McDonald, AV(proved 192 -------- "Motem, Sudheimer 'Peter, Wenzel. that .......... ........... ................. MAYOR ,/11r. President, Nelson ------ ------- - ........... .. . ................................... 18943 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Schools 5,728.66 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL NO.. - 550100 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 5, 1923. DATE._....... _ .............._............._... ....... _....._........ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Somerville Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to a point 30 feet north of Doane Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. ;-48121, approved August 29, 1923, and Final Order C. F. 71--49537, approved November 7, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated (,uantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public "6iorLs for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 60100—By Wm. J. Peter— In the matter f constructing a -Sewer Somerville Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to a point 30 feet north of Doane Street. under Pro - ,ha, nary Order C. F. No. 48121. ap- proved August 29 1923. and Final Order C. F. No. 49637, approved Nov- ' ember -7, 1923. Resolved, That the plans epecldca- tlons and estimated quantities ae ub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the bo Ve-named lmproVe- ent, be and the same are hereby ap- proved Au pied by the Council Dec. 6, 1923. Approved Dec. 6, 1923. (Dec. 8-1923) COUNCILd11:N Peas Nays L- Clancy -F-9 McDonald _ In favor Sudheime7) Peter -_ Against Wenzel Mr. President .. ham. Adopted by the, Council DE t9` 192 Approv d _ 192._ . QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12.22 • CITY OF OT. PAUL + 1 COUNCIL 1�yr FILB N I�1 , r C9....( BY ROLLER AUDITED........ ......... ... ...... ...... . ........-...._192___...... i ................. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..--].y-996-.G1.......................... coverink checks numbered 169.95 ............... to.... -..18937 ... ... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 6 - 1923 ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council._...........................___..---..._..........192------ -Ferbassn' In favor D EC' 5 ' 1593 McDonald, Approved--- ............._.... - - ------_.... - ----------- 192 -------- ,61.won, ---- __...192----- ,✓1.woar Sudhe3mer ,/Peter, ✓Wenzel. J -Against /Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 50101— Reaolved, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of E1,996.61, covering checks numbered 18925 to 18937 inclusive, as ,per the office register the cCltyc Coreptrohecks ller.e (n Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 19>k. Approved Dec. G, 1923. (Dec. 8-1923) ORIGINALTO CITY Or - PAUL CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F.1211 '' F- D-34 IM 12-114� AUDITED CLAIMS—RE.S- OLUTION FORM NO. 887i�� i BY MPrROLLER ..... AUDITED.....-....' ... .192 .... yl .... -•////�/ Resolved that checks be dravm on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....-�s+�86 .-�2�-------------------- ---, covering checks numbered-.... 18825 ............... to---- --18837 _..-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes (v') Councilmen ( i ) Nays, DEC C - 9923 ''rClenc , Y j Adopted by the Council . ..................._ .192.-. -.. _..i� L....In favor` ✓McDonald, ✓Wstm- Sudheimer.....-. __......192........ Peter, ✓ --... ..Ageinst a _ / Wenzel. __ -9-._..........._.............._......_.......MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 18925 Baldwin Service Company, 16.18 Garage 18926 Mrs. K. M. Beals, 33.80 Civil Service 18927 Samuel S. Breed, 8.00 Water 18928 Bureau of Statistics & Reference, 8.56 Schools 18929 Frank W. Cunningham, 9.60 Schools 18930 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 177.53 Schools 42.82 11 4.37 If 83.25 Bureau of Parks 3.33 P. Bldgs. 4.66 Water 39.10 T1'TT" 18931 H. B. Fuller Company, 94.29 Schools 84.15 Library 2.63 " 7.51 Res. 887 Page #2 18932 Fred Landmark, 2.00 C. H. & C. H. . 18933 W. P. Nevins Company, 924.01 Water 18934 Pioneer Electric Company, 683.81 Schools 18935 F. Ratzloff, 3.40 Suver C. & Rr 18936 F. B. Rowley, 9.50 Civil Service 18937 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 28.93 Schools • 4 i COUNCIL No CITY OF ST. PAUL rILE ---- -------'. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1)ece:::ber 19 3 RESOLVED That the Council hereby cr_.lrovcs the :.ction of the lurchasinE Coi::mittee in t,wurdin{ contract for rnanufacturinL: and deliverin[; to the ,Tater De ,Lrtment, f.o.b. cars, C.L. &- L;t. P. i?v. spur, Distribution Yard-, liarnline L Carroll :.venue:-, 6- 4811 981, sluice c.t e, [ e,te stands a,nd one electric raoto.• c:er...tin[ devise, to the '-lichi(,bn ✓aloe i,: 3oundry Co. , rhes .._ l::[ the lowest re- soorlcibl'_ bidd(-r, ::t totc.l contract ,rice of ;3,61:5.9 in ccordcnce •.itli S,.;CificL_tierlS of tyle unreal? of ;'iter, their bid and :ward of contract. heri.to 1;tr<ched, aid the Cor,)oraticn Couns(.1 is hereby instructed to dr_'vi up ti -,c ;.ro_.cr Coir:: of contract therefor. .--. 7r6G17. C. F. No. 50101%By J. H. McDonald— Resolved, That the Council hereby - approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in arding contract for nuPac to ring , nd delivering to the Water llepar tra f. o. b, Car x, C. if. I Ry. He-noan,d ur. Carrollbu[I Avenues. 6-4 8"x48" sluice gates, gate stanand y electrle motor operntids ng deetso, to the Michigan Vnlve & Founldry Co., they being the ]owest responsible bid- 1 f ter, at a total contract price of (- -�,- `�. $8,613.92, In accordance Ith specs fl- / _ tions of the Bureau of rWater, [h1,1r bid and s d f contract hereto - l tached, and the Corporation Counsels In 1 hereby instructed to drawp the proper' -form of contract therefor. F. B. No. 6017. Adopted by the Council Dec. 6. 1923. Approved Dec. 6, 1923. (Dec. 15-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_- ......._... ......................192.....- Clancy / (P - \ App oved.._ 4......192..3 In favor Peter .. .. _-..---..Against mnvon Wenzel nt l :. F. No. 50102—Ordinance No. 6205 BY W. J. Peter= ordinance amending Ordinance 6171, enti tied .1n ordinance ggrnr" � to McCarthy ai Dowdle .arm si.' nstall and maintain two curb n at No North 21,Smith Avenue:' f November 21, 1928, 51! 1109 Al An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6171, entitled "An ordinance granting to McCarthy & Dowdle permission to install and maintain two curb pumps at 436 North Smith avenue," approved November 21, 1923. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6171, approved November 21, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof the following words and figures: "Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00)" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00)." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 2 6 1923 Yeas Naps Mr . laic*' ..-"Ferguson -MeEenaTT- Peter Sudheimer Wenzel ,--ir. President (Nelson) DEC 2 6 1923 Appr ved Mayor Attest ity Clerk 21 An ordinance providing for the issuance of One Hundredkirty- three Thousand Dollars ($133,000.00) of the bonds of the City of Ste Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of erecting a building for treating contagious and communicable diseases, and also erecting a building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the hospital maintained by the City and County Board of Control. WHEREAS, The County of Ramsey, Minnesota, and the City of St. Paul, a city within said County, now maintain and for many years have maintained a Board of Control by funds applied in proportionate parts by said County of Ramsey and said City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The said Board of Control desires to erect one building for the purpose of treating contagious and communicable diseases and one building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the public hospital maintained in the City of St. Paul by such Board of Control, at an estimated cost of $399,000.00; and WHEREAS, This Council deems it advisable to provide funds for the erection of such buildings for the purpose aforesaid, to the extent of one-third of the estimated cost thereof, this Council being advised that it is the intention of the County of Ramsey to provide funds to the extent of two-thirds of such estimated cost; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of St. Paul issue and sell the negotiable bonds of said City in the amount of One Hundred Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($133,000.00) for the purpose of providing funds for the erection of a building to be used for the purpose of treating con- tagious and communicable diseases and a building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the City and County Hospital main- tained by the Board of Control of the County of Ramsey, in said City, as authorized by Chapter 398 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1933. Said bonds shall mature serially as hereinafter set forth, shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and countersigned by the Comptroller, and shall have the corporate seal of the City of St. Paul affixed there-' F. F. Ifo. -0103—Ordinance No. 6208-i By llq. eClancy— 4 An ordinance pro.tlding for the iss� arcs oP O e Hundred Thl ty-thr _ _ Thousand Dollars fE133,000.00) f bonds ofC6ty of F Paul, Min.+ MI.— i -tfor for the purr bu�ldlng 1'or ectinF 'v/ An ordinance providing for the issuance of One Hundredkirty- three Thousand Dollars ($133,000.00) of the bonds of the City of Ste Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of erecting a building for treating contagious and communicable diseases, and also erecting a building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the hospital maintained by the City and County Board of Control. WHEREAS, The County of Ramsey, Minnesota, and the City of St. Paul, a city within said County, now maintain and for many years have maintained a Board of Control by funds applied in proportionate parts by said County of Ramsey and said City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The said Board of Control desires to erect one building for the purpose of treating contagious and communicable diseases and one building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the public hospital maintained in the City of St. Paul by such Board of Control, at an estimated cost of $399,000.00; and WHEREAS, This Council deems it advisable to provide funds for the erection of such buildings for the purpose aforesaid, to the extent of one-third of the estimated cost thereof, this Council being advised that it is the intention of the County of Ramsey to provide funds to the extent of two-thirds of such estimated cost; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of St. Paul issue and sell the negotiable bonds of said City in the amount of One Hundred Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($133,000.00) for the purpose of providing funds for the erection of a building to be used for the purpose of treating con- tagious and communicable diseases and a building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the City and County Hospital main- tained by the Board of Control of the County of Ramsey, in said City, as authorized by Chapter 398 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1933. Said bonds shall mature serially as hereinafter set forth, shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and countersigned by the Comptroller, and shall have the corporate seal of the City of St. Paul affixed there-' ! . ( 2) , s to and shall have interest coupons attached to said bonds, which may be authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers litho- graphed, printed or engraved thereon. The said bonds shall be in de- nominations of $1,000 each, shall be dated February 1, 1924, and bear interest at the lowest rate at which the bonds may be sold at par, but the rate ofi t shall in no case exceed four and three-fourths per cent. Sai s and said interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance of said City of St. Paul or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in New York City, New York. The interest on said bonds shall be payable semi-annually, and the bonds shall be numbered from 20286 to 20451 inclusive. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in substantially the following form, which form has been approved by the Sinking Fund Committee and the Corporation Counsel, with the necessary variations as to numbers and dates of maturity thereof: 'No. $1,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL Hospital Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknow- ledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) on the ...... day of 9..., with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of . per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of ........... and ...... of each year, interest to maturity being represented by appropriate coupons hereto attached, each for a semi-annual installment of interest, both principal and interest payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in New York City, New York. THIS BOND is one of a series aggregating $133,000 par value, and is issued for the purpose of providing funds for the erection of a building to be used for treating con- tagious and communicable diseases, and a building to be used as a chapel and auditorium in connection with the public hospital maintained by the Board of Control of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, and is issued in strict conformity with the Charter of the City of St. Paul and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, and particularly Chapter 398 of the Laws of 1923. 6 L ._ (3)� "It is hereby CERTIFIED, RECITED and DECLAREDthat 11 acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen d be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that this bond and the issue of which it is a part is within every debt limit and other limits prescribed by the Charter of the City of St. Paul and the Constitution and Laws of 'the State of Minnesota. THE FULL FAITH, CREDIT AND RESOURCES of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond as they severally mature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of St. Paul, by its Council, has caused this bond to be sealed with its corporate seal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its City Clerk, and oountersigned by its Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signature of said officers, this first day of .......... 19..... i Attest City Clerk Countersigned Mayor Comptroller." Section 3. That each of said bonds shall have attached to it appropriate coupons representing the semi-annual installments of interest to the maturity of said bonds which shall be in substantially the following form: "No. ......... $........... on the .... day of ... .. .. 19..., the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, will pay to bearer ............ Dollars ($........) at the office of -the Commissioner of Finance of said City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in New York City, New York, being the interest then due on its Hospital Bond, dated .............. 19... No. ........ Mayor Attest City Clerk Countersigned comptroller.,, Section 4. When said bonds have been so duly executed, they shall be delivered to the Sinking Fund Committee, which committee is hereby authorized to deliver the same to the purchaser or purchasers upon their paying into the treasury the amount of their bid therefor, which shall not be less than par and accrued interest, and the moneys { ( 4), so received shall be credited to and placed in the HospitalKcount of the Board of Control Fund of the City and shall be used nd em- ployed for the purposes hereinbefore expressed and not otherwise. Section 5. That said bonds shall mature yearly as follows: DATE OF MATURITY BONDS NUMBERED AMOUNT OF BONDS Feb. 1, 1925 20286 to 20289 incl. $4,000 Feb. 1, 1926 20290 to 20293 " 4,000 Feb. 1, 1927 20294 to 20297 " 4,000 Feb. 1, 1928 20298 to 20302 " 5,000 Feb. 1, 1929 20303 to 20307 n 5,000 Feb. 1, 1930 20308 to 20312 " 5,000 Feb. 1, 1931 20313 to 20318 " 6,000 Feb. 1, 1932 20319 to 20324 " 6,000 Feb. 1, 1933 20325 to 20330 " 6,000 Feb. 1, 1934 20331 to 20336 " 6,000 Feb. 1, 1935 20337 to 20343 " 7,000 Feb. 1, 1936 20344 to 20350 117,000 Feb. 11 1937 20351 to 20357 " 7,000 Feb. 1, 1938 20358 to 20365 " 8,000 Feb. 1, 1939 20366 to 20373 " 8,000 Feb. 1, 1940 20374 to 20381 " 8,000 Feb. 1, 1941 20382 to 20390 " 9,000 Feb. 1, 1942 20391 to 20399 " 9,000 Feb. 1, 1943 20400 to 20408 " 9,000 Feb. 1, 1944 20409 to 20418 " 10;000 $133,000 Section 6. That the Hill faith, credit and resources of said City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and of this Council as such, be and the same are irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said bonds at maturity. Section 7. That all bids for such bonds must be unconditional and the Council of the City of St. Paul reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Section 8. Delivery of these bonds will be made to the purchaser at such place as he may designate within the United States, free of charge, and the purchaser will be required to take and pay for said bonds immediately upon being notified of said delivery. Section 9. That the City Comptroller of this City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to give two weeks published notice in the St. Paul Review, a weekly newspaper published in the City of St. Paul, which has been heretofore designated as the official newspaper for the printing and publishing of the officia proceedings of this Council and notices required to be given by law,of the meeting of the City Council to open and consider bids for said bonds. CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�e""`NO.-._5�W---% ,p M1 OFFICE OF THE C117 CLERK \ / l COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' GENERAL FORM - TED 9Y L/� /, li> _-__ December 7, 1M3 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recossnendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract or the construction ` of a sewer on RESOLUTIONS C. F. No. 6010 t—Ry Peter— I' Resolved. That the Council h,reby _ Contract Committee s In the dawn --tract forchetf the construe! I - n.Ber Id in accordance with plans .:nd specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Company, they beinc the lowe::t res,,oncible bidder, for the sum of 1J44,987.00, using; segl:L�nt block 3011 and over, Z.nd the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed Lo draw up the ,rojoer form of contract therefor. �nCineer's 'estimate 1.175,600.00. F.B. 11 6023 COUNCILML Yea. Nays Clancy -I'C9g on McDonald _ _- -__In favor ® Sudheimer L. Peter -__ -.-Against Wenzel �- Mr. President DEC 7 - 023 Adopted by the Council .-..................... __.......... 192..-... iy Y'W fui9 Appr ved _....Lr_ _ -__ _n192 - MAraa PUBUSIR 05 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No- �]i-�. --- ILE / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mt:SENTED BY (Tvy!-li� DATE. D e C e:RU E r .J , COMMISSIONER. ..-__. .. ..................... RESOLVED 'Phut the Council hereby a.prove;s the s.ction of the :urchasinE Corvnitt,�e in az:ardinf, the con tr..ct for furni..hil-.L. to the ;'-ter DuJurt;:ent 400 tons o!' e.lu:.tinu:a sulphate, to the General Chemical Co::g;any, they; beim; the lo:r;ast recponsi',�la bid(t.er, t , '.:rice of ,1.d25 p, -,r 1Co pound:;, or f: totcl contract _:rice of $yIa,600.00, in %ccor(iance with srccific;,tions of the Buret,u of ater, their bid and aerard of contract hereto attached, and tire Cor oration Counsel is hjor,-,ry instructed to dr.avi u tb.e pro,;er for?a of contract therefor. R. B. n6015. C.11, P. No. 50106-33y dat . H. MCDonnld— pprovesetdheThtion of he Purchasinil g ,o ttee In awarding the contract for Pu rnlshin8 to the Water epartment 00 General f ale Insulphate, to the Chetnleaal C", pant. 3 In,ny the ewpst porel be bidder, $1ct per 100 pounds, or torn] contract price f E10,000.00, In Ca corance With sPeclflcat Ions f the 13u_ 'can of gter, their hid hnd a, -a d contract hereto trached d the trucnedtlto drawnup ]e hereby In- :. o[ co tr¢ct [here Pore F.eBP Nre 6036rm Adopted by the Council Dec.' 7, 1923. Approved Dec.3923. (Dec. 13-1923) COUNCHAIE Yens Nays l% Clancy �r McDonald _.._ _ In favor SudheimelD I- Peter .._...--...__..Against �f f/ tr Wenzel Mr. President -mv, DEC 7 - 1927' Adopted by the Council. .......... 192 Appro ed--.. _--.._._........ .192 ._ -- r T, 11 _ 1 I �f f/ DEC 7 - 1927' Adopted by the Council. .......... 192 Appro ed--.. _--.._._........ .192 ._ -- 501.06 "I'l—Ry W. J. Peter— COUNCIL NO ( __ Resolved, Thn[ the Counetl hereby In the mmnnd¢tfoh of the f.. Conirnet Comml[tee end nivards tl, con[r¢ct (or the cons r COUM sewer n Otto nve. Brom the Mfn-''FORM 0 slppl Rlver to the a n, line of I•" stna nva. on rtnsn•. „r ^^Tr ML Curye r..�.d,a �j December 7, 19ti3 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a se'r.,er on Otto Ave. from the Mississippi itiver to the east line of Cleveland .ve., on Pinehurst hve, between i,lt. Curve Blvd. and Cleveland r.ve. on St. Catherine -ve. from ':1oodlawn .=_ve. to the east line of Cleveland :.ve., on Vloodlawn i.ve. frog„ St. Catherine .se. to Otto 1.vc., on lilt. Curve Blvd. between St. Catherine l.ve. and Otto Ave., on Cleveland I.ve. between St. Catherine :`ve. and Schef_'er :.ve. , e.,ith lateral connections from the center of Cleveland i-ve. to the east line of Cleveland :.vu. at Pinehurst .ve. anu- Eleanor St., all of which is to be known as the Otto Mme. sewer system, _f in accordance with plans and specifications hereto z.ttached, to 'iankato Construction Company, they beinC. the lowest res:onsible bidder, for the sura of ,,114,984.61, using reinforced concrete pipe 2411 and over, and the Corporation Coun-el is hereby instructed to draw up the _,proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's :-stimtAe Sr121,500.00. F.B. W6024. COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Adopted by the Cou DEC 7 - 023._192.....- ---.. ✓ Clancv r Approv d _ _...__. _..._..___r. _ ------..192...... 1/ McDonald _:_ __ In favor A r Sudheimer -- __..._....f - - Peter .... _....._Against / . Wenzel p(j�#[dSIiTi) �'03 V'Mr. President .e Yea, CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL NO...___. 5��10-7--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ♦ a DATE_-.... De c_..._ Ps 192.13, _ .......... Resolved, That the plat of Ldward D. Langen's Rearrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and ai,proved by the Commissioner of Public "forks, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. F. No. 60107—Ry W.J. Peter— D.RIesolved, That It - angan's Rearrangement. s l Oml ended by the Plot Comml -lone d approved by the Commissioner pt Pub - Ile Works, be and the samo is hereby c pled. a - by the Councn Dec. 7, 1923. Approved 923. (Dec. Dec 7,1 1611923) COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council DEC,1923 - 192 Clancy xap$—r:App oved � `_.- 192 V McDonald - .__ III favor L-- Peter :A{;�tinst Wenzel (Ten Militant 31. Peter, (ammissinnrr brie fallette, OrputU (amW' sinner Urpartnnent of Pnhlir Morko 01f Titg pf *aint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 6, 1923. To the Honorable, the City Council: The attached Plot of Edward D. Langan's Rearrangement has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. a rman. A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ....- OFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :ESENTED BY , Dec.5 1923 ..... �cci.-. r.�ro / ... �- .. ....._....... .... DATE._...— .... t ._ _... ... -.-- __..._...__ RESOLVED That the plat of Koerner's Rearrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Norks, be and the same is hereby accepted. 0-F esolved.0n That the pint of Koe ner's ne rran the nPnt Commission andmmended by the Commissloner of Public W rks, be nn 7 the a Is hereby accepted. Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1923. Approved Dec. 7, 1923 (Dec. 15-1923) I.0UNC1➢hnln DEC - 1423 Yens bays Adopted by the Council 192 ✓ Clancy Terartem- ? ( +. :\p roved ")EQ �. - 192.- L it cDonal l 'd In f:Vol. � ���---�" `'�•; ROOM Sudheimer ✓�/�✓ �✓j L �.,M1 R Peter Against Wenzel Mr. n Milliam 31. Parr. Tommissionrr kir Mallettr, Urpntg (IIommissioner Urpartmrnt of Pub-tir Morks a Titg of itIttint Fain GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 6, 1923. To the Honorable, the City Council: The attached Plat of Koerner's Rearrangement, has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. 11 � l 1 � Cha' •man. IIOO�• RESOLVEC Yea= CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. iit�i FILE - ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;IL RESOLUTICeN—GENERAL FORM December 5, 1923. DATE._....... ..__......... .... _. .............. That the plat of Brand's Rearrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner o3 Public :forks, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. F. No. 60T let W. d. Peter— Resolved, Thnt the plat tofnd dn�bY Ren'I ngement. the Plat Commissl �n reeom`p Proved �Y the Commission r0 1,h of erebubllc ep or s. be nn �doptedn by the Council Dec. 7CCcd. 1923. Approved Dec. 7, 1923. (Dec. 16-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays j Clancy McDonald _ In favor vMAW Sudheimpr Peter :Agrainst ,."Wenzel ent DEC 7 - t92? Adopted by the Councill92 App ved 192_ Niilliam 31. rrtrr, Tantmissioner 3rir Mattear, Urputg Tommissiourr Urpartmrut of Puhlir Marks ra�l (IIittl of faint Vsul19 y GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H.HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 6, 1923. To the Honorable - The City Council. The attached plat of Brand's Rearrangement has been examined and approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. C irman. df � M RESOLVED Sias CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No..g ripe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 DATE- - .December.. 6_ l923. WIE'R''AS, In the electric wiring in the Maxfield School under contract with the electric Supply and Construction Co., it is desirable that two stereopticon receptacles and one receptacle at the piano be installed and as tnis work was not providod for in the original plans Lind specifications; THI.1t�F0:i B_; IT i3.rMLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, this extra work be authorized and the contract with the Electric Supply and Construction Co. be inereased in the amount of $51.00 to cover the extra cost thereof. C. r. No. 60110—BY H. C. Wenxel— wherens. In the eleetaor �ve..troct the Mnxdeld ric U Iun d Construc- Iith the Electric Su Po Y Llan Co., It is de sfrnbledthnt t.,epi-le op Bron eCCD tCles nn na d C0.9 tor- I...; his at tke Pfnno the rin �dede for fn the r IRingl plans and a nlifaVeI That n n Thereforee Be I[ R pp the dation f the Cammiss r n4 Fdm ntlon, this tract wtr or It kthe El- thorizrd and the ctrlc 9npPly and Conetruet1oE63.00 to Inerea the In traeco9tt Lhereof. o cop�7npto by the C 923.11923. Approrod Dec.. 1923. (Dec. 16-1923) COUNCILME,N X11., DEQ , - 1923 Adopted by the Council 192 t, Clancy �° I)EC 7 - ?`� 192.. ap t McDonald ._. In favor rovod._ I L rSU(111 �'I; YAIttU / - nvoR L-- Peter Against V Wenzel idr-7iiesident RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL coueaL NO..... �'i�l. 11FILE ......... ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �UN�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v �. / r R."____._ __ ..... ... ... .. .. ............ ..............._..._. _._... DATE...__. _... .. ......rJ..e.C,.w.. 7.L.at....l3r�.u........ ihaL tl:le Commissioner of ;.ublic •.encs is hereby authorized to enter into an agreom^nt::ith the Bepartnlent of rublic Utilities, Bureau of 'rater, City of St. Pcui -:hereby said Bureau of rater is to ,aso one of the city's sprinkling via;ons, ap,,rcxim�-1tely one vree''c, ;--nd pay a rental of ,,;1.00 ay for the use of said sorill_lor fro -.1 tae; tir,:e it is delivered to the Bureau of 1,ater until tho time it is returned to this depart^-,cnt. Said money to be paid into the Sprinkling iicvolvin- Fund. Said sprir>l.lin c: a, -an shall be returned to Lais dop-:rtlaent in as ,good a physic^.1 condition - riucn ta.cn out and any repairs r.tade neces ,iry ttarou-h 1Ls uze by said :3ureau of later, shall be paid for by that 3ureau. l C. F. No. 60111—Bv W. T. Peter— the Com miseloner of 1 Wonns le lyre e, thorl>ed to e'n tr� Into went with the DC - t y..s„r „t'o. h`yr. In I of water, City of St. Paul whereby said Bureau of Water's to use one f the Ito'. sne prinkling wagon., approxi mate - Per dnY for the usay f gaid aI Of SI.00 from the time It Is delivered to then Biu- turned' Vater until the time It Is re- ey to treo Paid ntoath. e9 prinkling Re- v Iving Fund. So d sprtnkling wagon i mall ba .turned to this do 'go' when t Ink ou phys�cal ,condition s neceweary throughnIt. nyerbyal ¢Id Hue f Water, shall be pals for by ' that Bureau. Adopted by the Council Dec. 7, 1923. Approved Dec. 7, 1923. (Dec. I6-1923) COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy on V McDonald ___ - . In favor NORM Sidduetmet Peter Against i Wenzel N4i:_1 LQ-. v,nl DEC 7 -1923 Adopted by the Council__ _____. 192 Appr vcd 192_ �STPAUL FILE NO._...r-' `���2 ripe -'--.'.1I E RK OUNCI� C. F, No. 60112 —By H. C Wenzel Whereas, The Commiseloner _ie... f Edu- i eatiOn has reported to the CcIn accordance with Section 63, of the City ESENTD BV -- Charter the existence of an emergency MMIS�o NER.___. - Iwholch rendered necessary tha em_ ICUABER.....7.ZH_._1_g23. .......... ..._. ... ... ... .. _................. P Yment aP certain .... _.. depart oente Por m mPl°Yes oP hi= hours P mployementha th their OLV salved. That t' ' Leh WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, T,..at the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following; nailed employes. at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employilent for the extra employment for extra time herein- after set forth- NAP'S TITLE TIME RATE. TOTAL ROBERT BECKSTROM STATY FMAN 23 HOURS 68 3-4 15 81 JOHN 1j1C ANDREVV DO 1 2 60 3-4 10 94 JOHN MC ANDHE4 DO 20 60 3-4 12 15 OMTD- L RL ANTHONY SCHADEGG DO 18 66 11 88 H M SPRIESTERSBACH ENGINEER 18 82 3-4 14 90 NIC BERLIN JANITOR 12 60 3-4 7 29 R J DYER HD JANITOR 8 55 2 4 44 COUNCILMEN Peas Ni ays Clancy +tmsm-' V, McDonald -. -__ -. In favor Sud heimer o Peter _ _Against Wenzel �Frri'rt'Sitlent DEC 7 - 1923 Adopted'hy the Council _........._..._....... _......... .192...... 0EL 7 - Aro,v_ed.... ..... . ..._ --.192----- rasion FOAM, NO. 1. __ DECEMBER 7TH 193 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the ibmploymant of certain employes of that department f or r.nr- than e'_.ght hc:,.rs #er day, in doing the following work: EXTRA FIRING AND WATCHING SCHOOL This emergency arose by reason of the following f---cts and circumstances: COLD SPELL AND WATCHING CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Chert-. /i ,r;C. F. No. 60113—Hy W. J. PeteN ,��i NO,... (�//J/nAv+ t whereas, The Commlaeioper �OF ST. PAUL L ilio Works has [ed to the n accordance re%nr secttpn a THE CITY CLERK I�i[r Charter, the derednce• -.r m-.�>UTION---d ENERAL FORM ertrency which rendered n ce ary the loyment of ertain employes of � =nartment fer m ee thr� ' nr ' PRESENTED BY S %//` � �J(, O 9 PRF -S NTED �cw.-...... .... ... �i'� .. DATE._.........D$G.. ...V.tYl._�..--23.............. VnEiRIv^_S, The Commissioner of public :'forks has reported to the Council, in accordance with tection 53 os the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of oertain employes of his Derartment for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the -,Dro_�er city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rz.ce otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. Ae per list attached. Yes (✓) Councilmen (t) Nays Clancy �^ /McDonald ......._..q__......In favor l�(�SuahBllRtli`._v..._......Agaiost Wenzel DEC 7 -1923 Adopted by the Council _......_.........--..__..._ _..___..-19_...._ DEO 7._1923 Appved._...---___..___..............._.__...__-----19......... rwvoa .t Name Title Hours Worked Per Hr. Ed Brown C. Bitner J. G.Cau1 eld J. T. Carlson Dave Collins A. Cassello J. M. Clinton J. Devine P. 14. Dempsey A. J. Durensky W. T. Enick A. Eastrom C. Flemmer C. Farici A. Gaultere A. J. Hauk F. Hennessv P. L. Kabitz Gu Kruse J. Lavalle T. Linnan Frank La Satte D. J. Lavalle Wm. Michaud P. E. Magnuson W. S. Morrissey -S. Monteau J. A. Maloney C. Peterson M. Petranton Ant. Plumbo M. Plumbo Fred Putman C. A. Paden A. Rasmussen Thos. Redican R. H. Reilirg John Simone Wm. Smeets L. Schrinkler John Schmidt John A. Schmidt Joseph Slanina L Voyer C. W. van Dyke }s, P. 'Velsn M. Itieinand R.& S. S. Engr. Paver Paving Finan S. & C. Finan Paver Com. Laborer Paver Paver Mtce. Lab. Stat. Eng. A. T. Chauf. Mtce. Lab. Common Lab. Tamper S�yt. Lab. R. 0. Engr. Paver A.T. Chauf. A.T. " Paving Finan. Cone. Finan Utilis. Lab. Utility lab. n Stone Blk. Paver Suf. Finan Ditch digger C. & C. Lab. Mixer Eng. Ditch digger n SwE. Lab. Ditch Digger A. T. Chauf. Uti]ityman Watchman A.T. Chauf. Pile layer Mtce. Lab. Ditch digger Kettle fireman Mtce. Lab. n n n n Utility Lqb. A. T. Chauf. Utility Lab 20 25 8 8 24 8 16 25 44 8 7 24 24 8 22 23 4 8 8 8 10 6 8 4 8 2 22 47 2 5 18 29 8 3 12 8 2 19 2 16 24 36 7 8 8 8 4 1.10 62' .914 .75 . 621 .45 6 . 62 .50 . 63 62 .50 .45 .70 .50 .90 . 621 .63 . 63 .911 .75 1/8 .55 .50 .55 .70 . 621 50 .50 .90 .55 .55 .50 .55 . 63j .59 3/8 . 37, . 631 .621 .50 .55 .63' . 621 .50 .50 .50 . 55 .631 .55 Ali emergency has arisen in the De�artmQ7Dt of public G1oYke, rendering noceseary the employment of certaUL eIPgIOY90 of that depaxtmeht for Mor® than eight hours per clay, jZ the doing of the f011o"ag woelt, Oleanin an rea'_ ing bgLler _Tg_nd' ng bat chea - of in as halt on Thanksgiving. Opperating machinery at s hilt deter ergenoY arose �y rR paoxl onf tTeerers. Keeping up fres. T following facts and cixcumstencesc after hours to avoid delaying crews. Turning out rassphalt attoall hours to have it laid taef4fr_iAg, Y��-.T tLa paving work before freezing. Necessary to keep machinery running at plant in turni ut asphalt.Trucks worked Thanksgiving as i necessary to keepcinder pits cleaned six days per week. Repairing i emergency breaks n sewers. �pmmies oher- o u Zc or tTB CITY OY ■T. PAUL QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CL K No.. -Q ot,ose.L r 114 YILa . Form D-34 1M 12-22 ' By CO M,j�rROLLER <.. .. AUDITED.-.. . ........... .................192..__..../ PE Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--..... 9ta7fiaQ ------------------- - -- covering • checks numbered ....__...18966 .......... to----__. ------- ..._-- — __..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. OEC 7 - 1923 Vlancy, Adopted by the Council- - --- -- 1- -- - - -Fert __,In favor �/ . I 192 � McDonald, Approved......... - - - .------ ��r - < f���- _ iohtsmr,, budheimer Peter, 'Wenzel. - -Against 1: C. F. No. 6411'1— ehecits be drawn on I'e ived that the nggre Cate the Citvo(r$9A87461 to t ring heck ;tmm„nt covering of ty bared 1S9n6, ae Per nherks Rte in the Office of the City Comntroll er. the Connell D.C. 7, 1923. Adopted by Approved Dea71511923) • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK F.T. D-34 111 12-22 UITP OP eT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No... 5.01.11 895 By AUDITED . .. ... �m Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ............... ........... coverink checks numbered . ........ 1A9§6 ---- --- --- to ------------ - --- ----- --- ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( If ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ___CI..Cy' -Bert-M—, ... -In favor u, McDonald, 1&nmr– zjUdheimer Peter, 1. Wenzel. _Mr._Preft&_TTt_,� DEC 7 - 1923 Adopted by t a Council-. - - ----- ApedAp _......... r.(,- .......... I ------- --------------- 18966 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance Schools J92 MAYOR 9,874.07 QUADRUPLICATE CITY o8 9T. PAUL TO CITY CLERK ,req .......NO- U.d...15 Form D-34 1M 12-22 nLa .....t. .. ...... BY C MPTR R AUDITED......._ -...� i... .. ...... ............. 192 .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.... 410, 51 ------------------------------- covering ® checks numbered ------------- I _---------------- -_--- - -_- ..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. /Clancy, / Adopted by the Council ._..... .__p EC-_ /-_i92�__--,__ _ _192._.. . - On, ___.-In favor b' McDonald, Approved..... _....DF.0 7.::.1�'...--------....._192- htatsbn- Sudheimer Peter, ,,-Wenzel. -' Against C. F. NO. 50115— ro no ate Re Ivc� "" checks he drawn the City Treasury. to tverinhe g check P Silo.51. o register f Ity mmhered 18965. av Per re City nhecl+e „n file in the office f the C Adopted by the Council Dec. 71 1923- APDrowed Pec. 1929. (pea 15-1923) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 I\I 12-22 • • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 011111 r �, �� AUDITED CLAIMS +-'RESOLUTION FORM r=== NO•- - 894 - gy COMPTROLLER AUDITED....... ...... .-.......192.......... 1 .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate41- amount o£ $.-.-..--._---..-.-..51 .._----------------------- --- covering checks numbered _._Z89Sa--.....----_74-__.... .-.__..._... _......... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. U- Clancy, !� M d -In favor cDona Marsar, Sudheimer Peter, / .A enz 1. ---gainst Adopted by the Council- -2 t92.___....-..-.. -192 - --- proved......---192.--- MAY OR -MAYOR 18965 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, Schools dater 363.91 46.60 �� 410.51 QUADRUPLICATE TD CRY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 DDD�exz .()116 .1r.x No ...............................:.... BY ......................c .... P'rRMLL R AUDITED-.......... ............. _....._._........182..._.._.. � / % , / ( jPER ... .!..._ �:...� - �... �'.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.......-X1..125.9.7_-_--_---- covering checks numbered .-._._..1Q9.4.4 ............ to..._..2B95.9------- -----•inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. t C/Clancy, ! Adopted by the Council__.._.._.p� __.In favor t/ rMcDonald, Approved.... ---. __ _. _. _..192..---- - ... ._ _ _._.._......._ .. �- 3dstsrnr,- Sudheimer (/ Peter, �j Wenzel. Against J C. F No. 60118— on ReeolYed thst checks be drawn the f ItY f 12 97 to n, Eiing 9rhecks ame+nt f mb—d 18944 to 18969 inclpslve as n the ofCity C mptroller.le in he 1923. A depter by the f'e1'ncn Dee. 7, Approved DDea 16-1923) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form D-30 IM 12-22 OITY on .T. PMOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUYCIL r=L,. NO...... 891 ..............192 rl�:f ffiiBY/OM 1ROLLERAUDITED......... ',(/ ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $-_-_--3,125.97 ....... covering checks numbered. _ __ --- to 18959 _ _- ._-..--inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC7-1923 VClancy, / Adopted by the Council __ .............. __192..._-- �`�lEC favor L McDonald, Ntegbr- Sudheimer - ..In APP wed -- _.. „. 792 Peter, / Vp ✓ Wenzel. _i . -Against / ----- -- ------ MAYOR Capitol-_ _......... - ------------------- ------------------ 18944 City Transfer, 144.00 Schools 18945 Harris Machinery Company, 5.50 Schools 18946 Christ Johnson, 652.50 L 1850 18947 Wm. Kline, 2.60 Election Expense ✓y' 18948 Linwood Grocery, 6.20, Schools 1 18949 C. E. Miller Company, 17.58 Schools • 18950 Nash Meat Market, Schools 1.25 18951 Phalen Park Grocery, 12.11 Schools 18952 Pyramid Oil Company, 60.76 Schools 18953 H. Roasch, x.00 Schools e p 6 G i r. Res. 891 Page #2 18954 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 1,846.77 Bridge Bldg. & R. 28.00 Schools 24.48 r 56.00 r 20.00 Auditorium 68.94 Water 1 649.35 1:846.77 18955 St.Paul Electric Company, 120.03 Schools 18956 Superintendent of Documents, 1.00 Schools ® 18957 Peter Van Schaack & Sons, 35.28 Schools 18958 M. F. Vaughan, 10.25 Schools 18959 Dan Young, 208.14 Police 82.32 Fire 125.82 2�. i r �i QUADRUPLICATE TO cu, CLERK Farm D-34 1111 12-22 • 9 ....... No. _ 0.- .1 ...... COM OL.ER AUDITED........... ...._... _... ........_.......192........... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..--.-1.,901,79------------------ - - coverinA checks numbered ...._---- 3MS0----------- to._ -18161- -. ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. (/Clancy, -.In favor 1/McDonald, `1 , m tem-, Sudheimer (/Peter, ill -Wenzel. -.V Against 44�a wt t P Adopted by the Council._ C: F. No. ....At checks be drawn On ReP^ ° Trea°nry to the agRchecks the �i�� o91.'f9. rover cl as fl 13961 inclusive numbered -3f OCt ch°cps nn file In ner eel°°Yet the° tv "I De �7 T1923. rn„�^ AAnptaA b Tee. 7. lo9A. APnroved (Dec. 16-1923) Approved- OEC ............. ..._....192 -- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 OITY OP BT, T11L OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS--2RES'OLUTION FORM crol.111, — No. MIN - 892 AUDITED .192 BY 07M 7�DL7.LE R Ra ', . ...... . . . . . . . . . . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMregate amount of $...-.1, 944,79 checks numbered. 18909 .... ...... to 18961,._ ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ) Councilmen ( i ) Nays. Clancy, Eiarboasn'. McDonald, An favor SUdheimer Peter, 4�enzel. -Against �— �j Adopted by the Council . ........ PEC -t--_1923 _192 DEC; A 9 28� _ -1 A92 ... ......... � ----------- MAYOR ------- ------- ........................... 18960 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, Water 18961 J. F. Kain, Cashier Water Department viater 1,822.85 78.94 RESOLVED Yens n�7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.-_-_�.t`-d-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCII,-RESOUdkIOjJ--SpENERAL FORM t V il"^' 1 Wi/i _I _ &rE__.._Decersber...8...__1923.x_......... That Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Five Dollars and T_2irty-one Cents ($17,505.31) is hereby transferred and set aside from the Five Million Dollar School Bond Fund for the purpose of remodeling lighting systems in the following buildings: Gaultier School Hill Smith " Davis " Eastern Heights " Schaffer Ericsson " Neill " Garfield H>a ri son Baker Douglas Drew Phalen Park " Sheridan 'faxfield " Maxfield School. Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1923. Approved (r,",p-1888) r 11 COUN(;ILNN'N \aYs Adopted by the Council DEC S - 1923 192 Clancy 0EC', 8- 1142s Ferguson- piovld _ 192, McDonaldIn favor Matson MnvOR Peter Against. Wenzel Mr. President C. F.. N.J 50119 --Ordinance Ordinance No. 6209– inance a➢➢roprintin� the bats➢ t the remaining A.By.rd1n the Arterial Street S ' fter 1311 obltgntions Yand the }➢ArP Yor which the Puyyd was a➢➢ropr' ave been ➢rovided Yor. Thie -' •r —Y ordinance re4dered ^ the Pr..er— a oY C • ��• � hral[h „ Ordinance By ! e r ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Arterial Street Sign Fund (39) at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1. That the balance remaining in the Arterial Street Sigih Fund (39), is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of the construction of arterial street signs during the year 1924. Section 2. Phis ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the prese'rv,tion of the public peace, health and safety. ection 3. This ordinance shall tale effect and be in force immediately upon its passage m d publication. Adopted by the Coiuicil es�txbar DEC 2 0 191 1923. Councilmen v Clancy V.serguson iBarrc3d ;a in favor %. Ye ter V Sudneir2er (..- against d Wenzel President (3delson) AI :i -roved I7eeewb" 1923. C F. No. 50120—Ordinance 0 L0 Ordinance' No. 0210—i :,a ordinance appropriating the balance remaining to the Bureau of Croas-I walk Fund (ae-3) at the end Of the 'ear Fun atter 11 6ligatlona a :rl)oses for which the fund w' - iPrinted 'hnve been Proved •en,.y ori.. C. F. T By lim. Peter. t Ordinance An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Bureau of Crosswalk Fund (38-2) at the And of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1. That the balance remainAn the Bureau of CrosevialL Bund (38-2), is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of labor and material necessary to construct crosswalks during the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council Dodi tber ��. -' _ ' � 1923. � r Councilmen ✓Clancy -Ferguson -Me@entrizt- in favor L' Peter j Sudheimer -'Lagainst / Wenzel v`LIr. President (Nelson) A}:proved Attest \� G;ity Clerk. 1923. Liay o • � LISiIGA .� �' � � I .O. F. No. 60120—Ordinance' No. 6210— By Poter— 1 ting the balance :an rdinince n the r a remaining in the Bare¢u ad of es- waik Mn,(is-z> t the e a of ibr r 1923. atter Il 1,119-iona a e:rPoses Yor hi.h the Yand - ,Drlated have been p,,,Id By ++m. Ye ter. i` Ordinance ,= cv ":�: U An ordinanoe appropriating the balance remaining in the Bureau of Crosswalk Fund (38-2) at the dnd of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1. That the balance remai4n the Bureau of Crosswale: Fund (38-2), is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of labor and material necessary to construct crosswalks during the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. i 2f) Secticn 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council ➢@gY3s�r 1923.��' ip Councilmen /`Clancy V., Ferguson -R;e@eas3-d- j " in favor L' Peter j" Sudheimer _against Wenzel Mr. President (Nellson) Av.proved Deena f 1923. Bayo Ittest y Clerk. C. F. No. 60121—Ordinance No. 6211- By W. J. Petter— o \n rdinancepPropriating the balan mnl ning in;[ha bridge Building n+ a.ir Fund t the end of the y rail ol-t+grt+a-.t. and pr • hirh + a d for.pI I . •le 0. Z. J �rdincnce it •2 �-= � � 3y (,im. J. teter. ren ordina*ice appropriating the balance remainin` in the Bridge Building, and Repair -und at the end of the yen -r 19u3, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ."hat the balance -remaining in the Bridge Building cnd Repair 7und, is hereby apprgprieted and set aside for the purpose of purchasing bridgd, repair material during the year 1924. 2 This ordinance is i ejreby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. i'his ordinance scall take effect and be in force im!iediately upon its passage and public--Aien. A -- ted by the Council Se er DEC jai 1925. Ccuncilmen (Clancy f,• ✓'Fe_uson '.1 in favor F Peter ^ Judhe imer i t ;ienzel _a,.-ains ,,,Lr. President (iiolson) A -m -,roved De;u*mber �Q _ httc /'C ty Cflerl.. F n Ordinance 3y rrl��inance appropriating the balance remaining in the Street and sewer Cleaning Pund at the end of the year 1925, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 1. T at the balance remaining in the street and sewer Cleaning Fund, is hereby a,,.prop-riated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing material and supplies needed for the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public T eace, health and safety. Section 9 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force i_,Tmediftely upon its passage and publication. t?dcpted by the Council DEC 2 `x923 Councilmen C. F. No. 50122—Ordinance No. 0212- '.'d Peter— An PrStreet Clancy , ordin'nge'n th ondb Sea' _'erguson C1eanln, Fund at the end o[ the Y+ of meter 1923, afoter 'i';n'nd 9 and Oudheimer hichn 7, poses a " a �ifor. enzel prlated have been provided on C. P. n Ordinance 3y rrl��inance appropriating the balance remaining in the Street and sewer Cleaning Pund at the end of the year 1925, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 1. T at the balance remaining in the street and sewer Cleaning Fund, is hereby a,,.prop-riated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing material and supplies needed for the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public T eace, health and safety. Section 9 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force i_,Tmediftely upon its passage and publication. t?dcpted by the Council DEC 2 `x923 Councilmen Clancy / _'erguson i, in favor of meter Oudheimer _a„ainst enzel Ur. rresident (ldelson) };proved-09a=iM - '-.'::.Y or l,ttest i City Cier',:. — 19.5. PUBLiSi?fD�3 � i._ � �. C. F. Nn. 50123—Ordlnan ce So. 6213— Peter— y 4 An ordinance appropriating the balancr r malning In the Som en`ille S_w Fnnd (34-1) t the enrl of the a ]923 nfter 11 -Ti [lone and pu 11, h th., fund n1s app- _ ,'pro,'ided for. T` �� �� - nuance n•n 0rdirance _1 By Y7m. J. Pet r. ordinance a\:prcpriating the balance remaining in the Somerville Sevier Fund 134,1) at the end c_' the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund wes a prol:riated have been rrovided for. This is an eme-rloncy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 1. flat tLe balance remaining in the Somerville bower Bund (34-1), is hereby appropriated and set aside for the i u-rpose o3 fu1• ther construction work on the Somerville Seiner during the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordii,ance rendered nocessar;o for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. • Section 3. This ordinance shell take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the t'Ot..icil De4awber D F C 2 193. Councilmen �- Clancy I� - Ferguson in favor Peter Sudheimer against ',7enz e1 Lr. President (Ilelson) Approved DU*M%Pftl 1923. I ayor Attest City C1erY.l� f, � i r , � i ! `f j .— I \,� �� _ �— f'.`,?'' .i i I r � _ . ,rte ,.' , __�_ �.: � �: '�' 7� .. .,. �_ i „�, I3v R -.T.' 124 ora l n nn ce Sb. 67 0 ora inn nce ter._ emninin� in n[he �Rewer CInon=tthe lr� and Rennlr Fund •t the " � rear 1923. after 11 bli Ra tl�n " , for nh lch the fond Ordinance 5r �`: o'dii.ance ut_�ro��rir�tin;; tine bea�nce ra:::�.inirz in the ae'.•rer Construction and _-�epair fund at the end of the year 1923, after all obii atione and purposes for vihich the fund ,,,as ai,prolria.ted have been l;rovided for. Phis is an emergency ordinance rendered necess:_,ry for the reservation of the public peace, health and saety. Section 1. That the balance remaining in the Sewer Construction and repair Fund, i.s Lereby al--propriated and set aside for the purpose of purchesin„ sevier re_:air material durin; the ye,_r 1924. Section 2. This crdi.ance is hereby declared to be an eraer„ency crdi_.ance rendered necessary for the preserv:tien of the public l;elce, health and safety. section b. TLi�; oidi ance -._all take effect and be in _orce iL..:ediately u",,on_ its pcssc,.e and l.ublic,tion. idopted by �hc Ccu cil > oenrber C oai,c ilLlen Cl,ncyin favor i rer:Fuson . Peter Sud.Leimer _Tageinst :ienzel /I.:r. !:resident (nelson) provod 4AMSWAWx Atte: t j 0_ty Cierh � -_-_ ;� ---- .;; . r � � _.__ - - / .: 4, of .: .. / ` _ / .... t ,,� , . Y ,, �' F�..G . � .��"". -- f' � . f. C. 2. No. Ordinance No. _i T A.n, ordinance appropriatint; the balance remaining in:°the Street Construction and _',erair Fund at the end of the yeax'1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated haute been provided for. This is an owerncy ordinance rendered necess-I:ry for the preservation of Ae public l:eace, health and safety. Section 1. t� That the balance remaining in the 6treet Construction and hair fund, is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing street repair ae terial during: the year 1924. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neces54ry for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section' 3. !Lis ordinance =^11 tc're effect .end be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopt dd by the Ccuncil - pEC2 61923 1923, Cotu:cilmen \\�� Clancy Ferguson `+tt, i,_c7o%iald _4iiq avor Peter `•. Sudheii;ier a�LAnst ,ienzel r. iresident (Belson) A,.proved 4WMsvzbwCiE.0 ; _ 19u3. liayox t;ttect City L'1er1 . t J,i ; Gi.. F. Not • . Ordinance He. By 1fim.J. Pete�� - Ati',ordiIIancB,appxopriating the balance remaining in the. S#eet Conet%rdotIgn and 3iep"air PmA at the and of the year 1923, after all:obligat#ond uad-purposes for, whivh the fund wasappxopxiatel _hava been prcv3.ded ford Thin is as emergenoy, ordinance renders_! nsoessaryfor the. preservation of the public peace- he"O pad safety. Section 1. That the balance re-0-1ag in the Strest Conetruotion and Repair b'rind, is hersb appropri ad and cat aside for the purpose of purphas"ing street repair as terial during the year 19PA Section q '. F No.. J.50125 _oral nonce affection Ze %r tvm. s Peter— \n oerdl emulnl nr,propriatmg the nal - Thi ordinande is hereby deolar.ed ndttuf°n and tl'Reuul�he undet Con - p ry,. fOr the prq, 1111— the `I,ur 1923 atter all to the 1 +orinaaoe renddr. ! neoessa M L t- u�o�ldedauu oP istfar wnten the 1.. a f d for. Thin i save been peaetl, he8'1th and safety*' ordinanc11on nd ere!. necessary ea a forbg [h �u,,d ,tiuf�t1' the public• p, t f Section 3e er t This otdinsnoo skull take effect and be i.1 fore a` immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council December, 1923. Councilmen f, .,clanoy Ferguson J aDifis,14-- v in favor ---Peter, �budheimer egainat ,.-Vlenael .!tlrr� ='resident (Nelson) Approved December zor Atte.. r��c; ✓` 'City Clor 1�/- C. F. No. 50126—Ordinance No. 6215— Lty . 7. pe[cr— .1. ordinance appropriating the bal.— fining In the Commissioner Public Work e's Fund at the end the Year 1923, after all obligait find purposes for which [hn appropriated hart b Thls Is n e An ordinance appropi•iatin+; the balance remaining in the Commissioner of Public :lorks's Yund at the end of the ye^,r 19�-3, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund Vias appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre:ervgtion of the public peace, health end safety. 6ection 1. That the balance remaining in the Co::.missioner cf Public ,iorks's Fund, is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing office supplies and equipment during the year 1924. 6ection z. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an ererCcncy crdin,:nce rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health ind safety. Section __ ordinance „fall tale effect cnd be in force iinmediately`uLon it: _ e and publication. Adopted by -6he Council hex I)kG 2 " ,12 1923. Councilmen [`Clancy Zer„uson ((( 4k�. _Vin f<VOr Peter Sudhe imer i_` _ r- ins t iienzel !.,r. iresident (I?elson) i:y-pr cved y - Ci.ty Cle-1:. 1923. No. 50127 -Ordinance No. 6216—I ,7. M. Clancy— •dinanesappropriating the sum :000 in the General Fund, Tnaer Id Library Account, at the e - Y 1923 1023, after all obll,.ti, ses for �vhlch the fund .ted 1�' h���, .vided C.F. No. �y� l y�,. .edinance No. ie By— . A. Clancy An Ordinance appropriating the sum of :5,000 in the General Fund, Taxes on Old Library Account,at the end of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1 That the sum of y5,000 be and is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of repairing, redecorating and cleaning the interior of the Armory Building during the year 1924. This appropriation is made in accordance with a recommendation made by the Armory Commission and approved by the Comptroller. Section 2 This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for thepreservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen: DEC 2 6 1923 1 Clancy Adopted by the Council Bgve er 1923 Ferguson In favor Peter — E)EC = Sudheimer _Against Approved _ _ 1923 Nenzel Mr. President (Nelson) -- Attest: ity - k. Meeting of the Armory Commission held December 7, 1923 at 1:30 A.M. In the office of Mayor Arthur E. Nelson. Presents Mayor Arthur N. Nelson, Commissioner J.M.Clancy and Colonel T.W. Hammond. On motion of Commissioner Clancy, duly seconded and unanimously carried, the Board passed the following Resolution: Whereas, the Armory Building is in very bad condition and needs many repairs including painting, repairing of gutters, pipes and walls, and, Whereas, the cost of putting the said Armory in good condition is in the neighborhood of ,$5000.00, and, Whereas, it is necessary in order to prevent rapid deterioration of the building that the repairs be made mediately, and Fhereas, the Comptroller has reported that an amount of $5000.00 is Bailable in the unexpended general funds of the city which can be re-appripriated for the purpose of making s mh repairs during the ,year 1924, and Whereas, it is possible to proceed with said work at once and to use from the Building Revolving Fund a small amount which fund may be reimbursed on the appropriation of said $5000.00, and Whereas. it is necessary to proceed immediately and without delay In the doing o4 such work in order to protect the said building Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Building Department of the City be and it is hereby authorized and directed to proceed immediately with the repair of said building under the direction of the City Arohi- tact and the Superintendent of said building, the cost thereof not to exceed ~5000.00. ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CITY NO. CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY Dec. 8, 1923 COMMISSIONER.. .. `.� �_. __. _. _. DATE___ _. _. .. ____.._ ..... __. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. 33 ,3tr. 0. & R. Other Exp. 3,000.OQ 33 It z3a.laries 3,000.00 C. P. No. 50128—By W. J. Peter— Resolved, That the following trans- fers be made o the books of the Comptroller when by so dome an o'dable deficiency In o m Itemay be met by said transfer Ithoot hen, ing the work provided for by the money IT the item from which the transfer Is made: $3.000.00 transferred from Code 33 Str. C. & R. Other Expense to Code 33 . Str. C. & R. Satariec. . Adopted by the Co,,nril Dec. 8, 1023, Approved Dec. 8, 1811 (Dec. 15-1823) G II Iq fi I' YES (V I/COUNCILMEN VNAYS ADOPTED BV THE COUNCIL. . 19 I �i—FEftCOSQN / APPRO ED........ __.__ .1 J..... _.. ww n �Z IN FAVOR//I ` V m. c-- 1_------,� M ATSON - PETER .J _. ...AGAINST mnvoR A/ILEy1.;=E6 COUNTERSIGNED HY...-. CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT ,� voRM on (n s zz) 11 • ORIGINAL TO COU L clTv CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL No. FILE FILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ++ 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRaENTED BY L/J/// //J Dec. 8, 1923. COMMISSIONER. T� .... ............ .......................... DATE.---.-..........---.--........--.... ..-...........-. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION T 36 l Bridge Bldg. & Rep. 36TV C. F. No. 50120—BY AV. J. Peter— Resolved. That the following trnne- fers be made on the books of the Comptroller hen by so doing an un- avoidable de flciency in a ttom may be me[ by said transfer ithout hamp- ering the work provided for by the trn ne i isthe item from which the made: $2,000.00 transferred from Codo 36, ` Bridle to I &Rep.. Other )ixpense to Code 36 Bridge Bldg. Salaries. 1023 Adopted by the C011nCll Dec. 8, Approved Dec. 8, 1023. (Dec. 16-1923) yyI I YES ( I,') COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS {� ✓ CLANCY t� ............ ..IN FAVOR MATSON �I,(1I PETER ... �[ ....-..AGAINST __W 6"LZE1- , % MR. PRESIDENT F Mov(R sn) ITEM 'I Other Exp. TgANSF FROM 2,000.00 TRANSFEREO TO --........... -.19 -------- Sal (ori as MwvoR 2,000.00 a J Ill I I e III F ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIPEC-6-1.923 I9 APPROVED . ........... .. .......-_.::.`.. V --........... -.19 -------- -- - MwvoR COUNTERSIGNEDBY ...................................... ... . ............ ------ CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. _- I.).:±. f�Sl.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK File COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGERAL FORM v � r PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER........... _....._. _..._....._... ............ _.___.. ...__. _._ DATE _...... . _..__...._ .... ..... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Joseph Gregor, an employe of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, injured June 21, 1923, the sum of Eighty-six and 40/100 Dollars ($86.40) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to December 6th, 1923. C. P. No, 60130—By 11. C. Weasel— se, '1'ha[ the proper city offi- e hereby au thorl-d to pay Le Jos9phr Gra For, an employe of the Do-; - partment t' Parks. kls)'Froun ds and Public Buildings of the City of St. R. injured Juno 21. 1923. the sumf Eighty-six and 40/100 Dollars ($86.40) ut of the \fork men's Compensa[lon� -n• • .• D,.• (;•neral Fund, In par I recommend the above resolution tial settlement of his claim again,[ ..d � �r the period p to for passage. December 6th, 1923. Adopted by the Councll Dec. 8, 1923. Approved Dec. 8, 1923. (Dec. 16-1923) Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. COUN(•ilaDa 1-rvta ,/ Taney ✓ \Iats(rtt Peter Wenzel Mr. President �;1�•.,LCL - 192 \clnlNr(I L}� the Council 192 proved 193 _ In favorr - r � 1 :\t;nl M�yoR �Yh Noa, On the .0th AV' o[ Oc•lo- C her. 1910 the National Sureq' corn -i E --No. Pal Oled a la—ty bond for the , to na nce of mnln- E:tE -- - -------_._ OFFICE E C. Jerabeck a,p, at no smith annenriny and the NlaLionnl Soret C, v>aa COUNCIL RE curet y; and \\ h :e It mu' f 1 .ora fhat d C J b a PR EStTED BY ^/// J�/j� E of COMM SSIONER __. ;(/✓ -�• jh DATE...... WHEREAS, On the 20th day of October, 1919_�--the National Surety Company filed a surety bond for the maintenance of a canopy at 710 Smith avenue, E. C. Jerabeck appearing as principal, and the National Surety Company as surety; and WHEREAS, It now appears that the said E. C. Jerabeck is no longer the owner of said building; and whereas, the said National Sure- ty Company has filed a new surety bond in the sum of $5;000 for the new owner, Joseph Briz; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bond of E. C. Jerabeck be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability thereunder; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal or surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. X11 t'NI ILM-S Novs Clancy � .-Adopted by S the (n1111(. EC.- 3 i923 19� - .Ap rent I 190 V 1Ltt-on V 1>I,1 t, t. :\g:uua a.on WCIIZPI [ `r.q/ Mr. PresidentPresident Hs_,3AS, in order to offer facilities for adequate training in actual building construction for the students of the 3t. Paul Vocational School, it was found desirable to purchase a lot and construct a five room dwelling and under supervision of instructors of the School, have the students do as much of the building work as our courses included at that time; and, 3-:i3, The said frame dwelling has now been completed and as the Department of education has no further use for it, ]+da 3, 5.;'.1:v_.D, That upon the recorraendatior_ of the Commissioner of .]duc5 tion, the 1-urchasing -'gent be and he io hereby directed to sell this property known alid described as Lot 8, Block 3, Jefferson Park Addition to St. Paul, or further described as No. 1428 Berkeley Ave., which includes a five room frame bungalow and garage. The above described property to be sold in the manner pro- vided in the Charter for the sale of condemned material. Proce:,ds from,the sale to be credited to the School Fund, Capital Outlay Item. No. 41.7v, which is to be expended for the construction of another house under similar conditions. (b17 Nt9 un:N Seas - Xfip.� Adopted Ip- the ('dune - 1 SCC'. :323 t92 Ilpruaed _ 192 MncDoald In favor i\4atson t'Mer Agsin't Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 60132—NS' IT. L. Wenzel— 70132 whereas, In order to after facilities ?F ST. PAUL cou"ci� No. ng adequate h,, °fa theacWde cllor THE CITY CLERK nPaul F1LE _ __ the St. Vocational School, It was - rouaa desirnble to purchase ]of TION—GENERAL FORM i ns trnrt n five m d_..h,,, a unt u n ter supervision of Instructors or PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONFf2 School. have the students do a of [he bullalnp' work as our cou 'Indea nt that [i me; and . ......_ .. DATE__.,.-eC9mber - 7]_923 ....__.__.__ RESOLVED' Hs_,3AS, in order to offer facilities for adequate training in actual building construction for the students of the 3t. Paul Vocational School, it was found desirable to purchase a lot and construct a five room dwelling and under supervision of instructors of the School, have the students do as much of the building work as our courses included at that time; and, 3-:i3, The said frame dwelling has now been completed and as the Department of education has no further use for it, ]+da 3, 5.;'.1:v_.D, That upon the recorraendatior_ of the Commissioner of .]duc5 tion, the 1-urchasing -'gent be and he io hereby directed to sell this property known alid described as Lot 8, Block 3, Jefferson Park Addition to St. Paul, or further described as No. 1428 Berkeley Ave., which includes a five room frame bungalow and garage. The above described property to be sold in the manner pro- vided in the Charter for the sale of condemned material. Proce:,ds from,the sale to be credited to the School Fund, Capital Outlay Item. No. 41.7v, which is to be expended for the construction of another house under similar conditions. (b17 Nt9 un:N Seas - Xfip.� Adopted Ip- the ('dune - 1 SCC'. :323 t92 Ilpruaed _ 192 MncDoald In favor i\4atson t'Mer Agsin't Wenzel Mr. President QUADRUPLICATE To CRY CLERK i noDs� .! r r No. T.�...� Form D-34 1M12-22 riza BY y� i• COMPTROLLER AUDITED .192 .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $----_1.40.0-GS. .7 .................... .... covering checks numbered.- .--.1.89.67..-- .-. -to ...1$975.__ . . - ...inclusive, as per re8ister of city checks on file in the office of the Gay Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. t%Clancy, / Adopted by the Council QEC S - 5523 192 .._ _.In favor -�4eBe:ea�d, Approved. f.r; "_' 192..._.. ✓-Mgrsson- Sudheimer Peter, J Against Wenzel. rl Mr. President, Nelson V4 C. F. No. 50138— Resolved that Checks be drawn o _ the t'ity Tr :,snry to [hr ay:Frel;nle = _- at of $1.06887. col Briny; checks r.ammber d 18967 to 18:17:, incluai.'c. per r Riater of c'tc Checks o file in thtroll Adoplted by tthhe CouCitncil De, 8.x19'_3. Approved Dec. 8. 1923. (Dcc. 15-1923) • ORIGINAL TO 1-Y oP R'[, PAUL CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,t F.— D-34 Ist Izsrz AIIDITED CLAIMS—LRESOLUTION FORM .=zs NO..-.-.. 896 gy omi'T PLLER AIIDITED.......... .... ..182 ...- � ..� / lis, / - L, PER . /. -... .._..... ... �i Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---..-!a O68q-$7_--------------- --__, covering e checks numbered.__ _18967- ---- -.-__to_ 18975__..- ..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ( Clancy, Adopted by a Council__ -DEC -08 ----19.2 -- . _. -_ .192 -- ... r _.. ..._In favor DFj - W .....192 A oved- - �tr; Sudheimer p��� , V Peter, % Wenzel. /...Against _. ... - .I -- --- � Mr. President, Nelson 18967 .............- Commonwealth Electric Company, ------------ 13.05 C. H. & C. H. 18968 Corning -Donohue Brick Company, 582.12 L 1710 18969 L. V. Repke Company, 116.80 Acct. form;, etc. 19.45 Schools 6.70 " 90.65 ` li6-. 8� ". 18970 St.Paul Stationery Manufacturing Company, 110.90 Bureau of Engrs. 8.50 it 11 ❑ 2.75 Schools 7.15 11 87.50 Park -Adm. 5.00 ® 18971 The Secretary of State, IIZJ 96 50.40 Wheelage Tax 18972 Sterling Printing Company, 17.00 Schools Res. 896 Page i#2 18973 Victory Printing Comoan1y, 88.60 Acct. forms, etc. 24.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 7.70 Schools 10.00 " 46.40 86'6 18974 J. A. Viger, 30.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 18975 Andrew Hansen, 60.00 Corp. Counsel • is CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -IUNCILN0 --------- 5 34 FILE Nov. 23, 1923. RESOLVED Resolved, That the plat of 0. C. Burgner's Rearrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Vlor,,-s4 be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays �att.y' , r-- '7-9— ..-6 In favor V/ Peter --.-._-----._.Against L/Wenzel /MI. President to _Adopted by o" � APD7ovad Deo. 8, 1928 (Dec. r16 1828) Adopted by the CounciDEG.B-1929-------------192..--.. App 1,92, ,/oved DEQ 8 - 1929 ---------- I - ----------- • ;J", , og'k"� i 3MiUim J. peter. Tommissionrr �Irir 9�tallrtte, urputg (aommisstaner Urvartment of rtthtir Works aug of Oatnt veal GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. H. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP,.SUPT. OF SANITATION O, H. HERROLO, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE IIII -December 7, 1023. To the Honorable, The City Council: The att4ched.plat OY C. C. Burgner',e Rearrangement, has been examined 4nd approved by the Council Plat Committee. A resolution is attached hereto that it be accepted by the Council. rman. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 8, 1923. That the plans and specifications for the construction of a sewer on Lawton Street from the north side of Pleasant Avenue to Harrison Avenue, be and the same are hereby ordered returned to the Commissioner of Public tilorks for revision. -- C. F No 60136- "By 7 Peter,� Re oYved,;;That;tha Dtafia and aDecl=i Soallons for. thq ebnetruntton oBe oron y:a tori StreetA olp.tha, Borth ' aide of Pleasant Ave, to 73arr1son Ave.,; be -and 'tho'. name ,are hereby ordered '. returned to` the, Comleafonen.oL.P,ubllo. Worka'for"reytalon; Adoatedy the Cauncft Dec B,i983.. ADcroved.Dea B 1083 .fDeq ffi=1983) u—i`-� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy I- --------------- In favor MaV taon0 Peter --- ...Against ✓`Venzel ✓Mr. President Adopted by the Council. DEC 8-1.92-3 .......1 92...... DEC 8 - 1929 Ap o d ........ --- - - ........192 - _..... -. .................... —YOn ---- 5�.r C. V \u. 30196 Or Ilnan ce No. 6217— All . a nnn o PPron' ' ne the el - If 01,0L In the General Pund Taxes or Ola I If til Properly ,\ernun[ n' / a / the l end nP the ,e.,r 1423 after Z' 0. F. N0. �i,�i�«<rn` nna nnrnne�a car � Ordinance PIG. ,nronrintn hne� pr �I.led for. Ph , 1� n " rrh annornaerea n v f - _ By — An Ordinance appropriating the Bum of 410,000 in the General -Fund Taxes on ad Library Property Account at the end''of the year 1923, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided.for. This is an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 1 That the sum of X10,000 be and is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of providing rented quarters for the School Administrative Department, during the year of 1924, therebittbeibg understood thatetheespace vacated city build:i,ng, �' - by'the' chool Department will be occupied by other.city departments. Section 2 This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. DEC 2 b 1923 Councilmen: Adopted by the Council 1923- " Glancy ,_-Ferguson In payor 3�C!'Eorte 3- v Peter p ✓,.Sudheimer li Against r�Wtel r. President (Nelson) DEC 2 51923 Approved Deeemhex 1923• Attest:_ y erc '7!x �11 v -1: Q ul biv 3. qi;f 01..ei lot, 7P rI 9TD Ti, 3 ^,;f Ll 0 j, 1 M., co CITY OF ST- PAUL NO. OF CITY CLERK Co L ESO ION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By E)A-rE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED T:a - License at 52.0 St. Peter S-recis: ,-;.e3 to J�^' s be a --d the cal:le is hereby revoked unon reoornrne-.(f.ati:Dr- of z'n'.. D, Police for rl .on a - :e an, r,_oi--ae is Joan ?,:s is no: we a"D'D-ue -,-zicc n,:)r ;c c) weeks nlz--ce, yr�-,s rle-red cl-)sc,-!- C. F N.. .50139—Ry C. C. Sudhr-Imcr— Resolved That or, ndn•tl n1; ' 9('f' Tarim, Parlor at 529! St. Peter, 'trl" to Joh, rbl), --o, —d"i oo o h that the 111111 h 0 naythe d ll'ho gJohn l., T�, —there'bl), 1, "t ot the above hy past . placo Cavo a eels lot btI' for and place'— ordered cl"d Ador-1 by tj,pD— 11, 1923. Approved I — 11. 1923. (F'-. 15-1923) D,,,-; i 1923 Adopi"d h.v the Council 192 Approved 192 In favor 1110R Dec 7 1923- 3 PIA Chief: °T®a I wish to inform you that I received the com:)laint fre:a the License , Inspector's office statin_ that the Soft Drink Parlor, located at 529 St. Peter a>' St . was open an.: doin,, business, th,-t the .ian aho had the license and %hose name is John Ebbs was not at the above place, nor ham. he been there for the ast two ::ee}cs. I went to the above address to Wince inquiries and found this to be true, -,:hereupon I ordered the place closed. kt 55:15 PM yesterday I returned and found that these orders had L,:en carried out, as the place was dark. Re s^ec tfully, Jack ';.'alsh. i C. F. \x,. 60132 -ny ' C. Sud heimcr— a 1 S Resolved. That the, applications ror - ` veen,ey nr the a,uo,,,la NO.. -- ---- CITY OF s p-1— for i and ncti ng Soft manic n, rlrs. Rrs-'. FICE TH taurants and Rotel. be and ?1, A 'o i a hereby denied upon , endo LUTIf iron nr we rw, . of Poii-, for ,. CIL Indicnlcd: rcArtbar ); bcrt. 42 E. Indian PRESENTED BY __ __ DATE....DeCember lad h, --l';23+ COMMISSIONER ........ .._........ .._.._.. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following r,ersona for conducting Soft Drink rarloE, Restaurant and Hotel, be and. the same are hereby denied urmn recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reasons indicated.; Arthur Ebert, 42 E. Indiana Ave., 0 peter Valente, 782 Rice St., Louis E. FCOshe, lj. t7. gth St., f <J— Peter Peterson, Helen Grey, (_U1'VC11A11_S Application 4201. Anolicant is a switchman but the real owner of this is Al Mercure, who on Dec. 6th, 1922, serv— ed 30 days in jail & naid $100.00 for po:;session of liquor. At rresent he is indicted by the Federal Grand Jury but his case has n -t come up for trial dis:,osition. Aroiican- formerly ran a Soft Drink pi�rlcr at 30r E. 7th St. «nd when he anrlied for his license X0011 it out under the name of "Jac" Scott." He oncrates «t the above address & ap— rlies for this License under his true name "Peter Valent -0.11 Applicant :as arrested and nleaded quilty to vamblin7 at the above ad— dress, Oct. 10th, 1127. He together with several other were cau-ht in a palice Raid conducted by officers 11cNeely, Cullen and Hughes at the above address. 147? 17. 7t'- St. This place has a shady reputation and is frequenter. by women of that sort. 61'. '.V. 10th St. This is tw:o story Brick Blcil. and has '5 Rooms. This place was raided on vr�_/ Nov. 26th, 1;23, and ",.Irs. I.Iathieson charted with runninz. a disorderly house at -chis address. \acs ('lance I"elglison .� �' VfeUnnald A4�rrpi Sudheimer I'rtrl' Wcuzel /Mr. 111-csidrnl. I� Ag:lm-1 DEC 1 1 1925 2 - .Ad,gilyd by the Council _Apl»Iov(,1 ,: __ 192_ . 'r .LL MIYOR r-rr CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCtae It NO.. •'• 3.�j. -f.,, 9 6NC F THE CITY CLERK '/S{O(�LLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESEN". ED BY '%DATE December l$h, 1°.3COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED That license No. 115E issued to Sofron Kaniuka for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs in soft drink parlor at 823 Mississippi St. be, and. the same is hereby revoked upon recor.l::hendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that; on Dece:o<r 7th, 1;27, the Purity Squad raided the soft drink parlor of one Sofron Kaniuke, locrted at 6 — llississin,,i —, sn' found there 4 gal- lons of Itmoonshine''I and 1 :-)t. of Ilmoonshinell t•,is be.in- concealed under the floor where there was a tra- door, which eas covered ri-h :-_itchen lincleum. The nroorietor ;:ac arrested brnu ht t_:e Police Station ane, charEed with tt,e above violation. - Or, Dec. 6th, 19:'3, :nc:ab„rs of t'se Police Departrsent, toMether with Mrs. Oli:_,er, rai:ieI the a Stairs of Ltississipri 7t., and arrested two women, who later on stated that it wa.s a aiso.rderly house and that the drinks '7ere se.ved by tae nronrietor of .h saloon oelorr at 25¢ a drink. - I h,'d a talk wit.- two of the loo:. -,en and later on we arrested a tA,-icab driver na: ed Ray Br-nkola and Lis v;oma n, Pearl, and they all ad:.iit- te& to me that theJaloonkcener, Sofron Kf.niuke, furnished them ur.stairs with Ilmoonshineff at 25:; a drink. - In view of tie above statements made by these pec -,le and of the liquor found in the saloon, I respectfully re- comm.end that„c licence for this place 'ce promptly revoked. R'aoo. lved 01T1 ntRliren ae Sud 11154 le - it ,ed to lRo D111nF of I11 Foo1:1dstatre or el, ban ling and le . t 823 TSI sslsslppi St. he. Drink par ora r�rit nmhm nriatlnnnne s of thel Bu,can ofu Pon lice for the reason that: On D-r.ber 7th 1. - thuritY of 5nten Sol— dICnlnluket.t loon ted at parlor823 Mlssisslpid St. and found there 4 gnl- . of �mo nshire'miWisnbeinq end lal it tan d, -r the floor here there w ilp Iinoleumlie h1ClTas covered or `vias lame sol pro pr h, Pol ed and brought to the ice St.Kion d 'harg,it 'ith the efItlatIo- 'l On Dec. 6th. 1923, member. Ileo Deportment, tm ether with Ill— Olinger, raided the alio—Irs of 823 ¢stied two � Miaaissippl St., and art m - who later o stated It n dia- o ,d , y hnuso and that the drinka 'ere ed by O,�• proprietor a the saloon below at 250 a drink. I ohad talk with r ,a of the women d Int am taxlcubn dr ver named Iia, 13ron1<ola and his w and they all admitted to me that the saloonkeeper, Sofron 1Cuniuke, fur- 'sh,d [hem upstairs will: ialne at zsc a armk. m low Ioe ine abavefedhtee uenta fauna Ynl baso people (' fw”' I'i I'll rV o cruor n non, lnrespectfullY ecommend that the 1t- 1-ra: for Ods I,I;L— no p,-mnpt.y re- volted. \d<rp ted by the Council Dec. 11, 1923. Approved Dec. 11. 1923. (Dec. 15-1923) L'i-igus,it ' Mcl),mal11 In TaII❑ x[;22vfiil 3u c:h e is �: e r I'et .I .AgnII , WeIIZ, I / AIr. PIvsltle III optf'tl Le the Council 1) E,-, i 1923 102 .-- \pprucad . _" -_ 1022 C. 1, No. 50140-13y O. C. Sup ieltner— Itusolvr<I, Thnt the npOeotIone for licenses of the following persons for onilucting 1'501 Rooms nt [he nddress- s Indirnteil h�• anil the . e hre- hY 6'run[etl llntl the cl [)n cicrl< 1v In- thi���il to I.sue such li crows ptuym nt into the ci it, LiC ¢suru}'poonC fh• � �stomurl' fee: Tnbir. A. . ltausc h. iJl li. 7Lh SC.. 1 L'ool 379 Carroll Ave., 4 I'uol '1'a hies. �n�urlrr 1�.•terson. I�av B. an st., z tool 7•ublrs. Orrin \\'alrl, ]tub H. 7th 9t., 8 11001 Tn files. Atlr ]Of10 feet Crom school. ee by the l:ounrll Luc. 11, 1923. APDr.... I _(Iles. t5 -1U.3) (NWNI ILM EN DEL ) 119ta }-ruy Nays .Alloptotl Lc thr, Council --- - 192 _... (uncc I4�rKuron Apel 4t -ed 192 \� MI. Dona111 In Yy? n Sudheir:er i c; Mn.ow Peter .ApAtut WI• W NIT. Preaidont CITY OF ST. PAUL raeCOUrra�� NO• ---••----- -� r CITY CLERK FORM Daa .;•l%e'- 1 _Z PRESENTED BY -f DATE....... COMMISSIONER _..._ .-_......_.,!.il RESOLVED - - - That the a -1,_c; ,ion: for lice":sus Of the 1 ---o�:�i..- -m`sons for conduc ir. Pool roo:::s at the addresses indicate3 be an the Suse are :-:erg by F"r tcd and the city c' e-.'*.- _ - _ c tea to "ve e ci, trcas=7 Of . 1Ch .. .,,cc -u L'^ U' -on zhe aarnent into h -- ihe cusiomu f ea : 7i- 7zh S t 1 no a table '' A. J. Bausch, 4u u 1_ J• Bri�_-es, 379 larro xve. n u naurice re tcrson, 937 '. 7th St., 27th Orrin aid, St Or ., Over 1-) '� ft fro:7 school. C. 1, No. 50140-13y O. C. Sup ieltner— Itusolvr<I, Thnt the npOeotIone for licenses of the following persons for onilucting 1'501 Rooms nt [he nddress- s Indirnteil h�• anil the . e hre- hY 6'run[etl llntl the cl [)n cicrl< 1v In- thi���il to I.sue such li crows ptuym nt into the ci it, LiC ¢suru}'poonC fh• � �stomurl' fee: Tnbir. A. . ltausc h. iJl li. 7Lh SC.. 1 L'ool 379 Carroll Ave., 4 I'uol '1'a hies. �n�urlrr 1�.•terson. I�av B. an st., z tool 7•ublrs. Orrin \\'alrl, ]tub H. 7th 9t., 8 11001 Tn files. Atlr ]Of10 feet Crom school. ee by the l:ounrll Luc. 11, 1923. APDr.... I _(Iles. t5 -1U.3) (NWNI ILM EN DEL ) 119ta }-ruy Nays .Alloptotl Lc thr, Council --- - 192 _... (uncc I4�rKuron Apel 4t -ed 192 \� MI. Dona111 In Yy? n Sudheir:er i c; Mn.ow Peter .ApAtut WI• W NIT. Preaidont C PRESENTED Bye OUN NO.. CITY OF ST., PAUL F C FIC TH Y CLERK C1 ESOLU -GENERAL FORM .1E RESOLVED licaziors for licenses of V " fallowinp reySOTAS ThLit sae an 3 a: the ad!2 sTes indic tee' o cordae in, a ,,,be vranjs3 ard the ci,, clerk is ins tyunted licenses "On " naymenz "zo thec" to inne vKA 1— ':_�.-''_ fe,:: 2?y E. indiana Av., Jere. mmumsk" 820 'MansvI 97. I — r R�•.solvrd. 'Phut the upplicatlons Cor i'_4 Id Is Invt r�i� lid to .__ —AIlse i the i I�aSment Into t- cityt"ay, 239 E. Indiana A1111--d 1()j�. 11j511j1�2'1_" COVNI 11,M]IN Yea, N:!�, Adopted by the Council 192 Appl."yed 192, Mvi)mudd In fnr RI a:tiMt SuAheiqer mer— C, in No. fi014 % m C. Ran"! [or Rcsolrca, That the 'Ipplicutlo ns In,eluus ins COUvcll r'�E No.. --------' CIT' li`"1-1- " r oesiu res ni ha m E ( naareeee.inamnten ne a the cierh e nrrehr granted and 11 ciZ.." netr acted to issue ch 1ceCsu rS'y EShe lmrment into uie city rn9to Y 1 _ Ick 31 hire fiL, , h 791 I:. 7LJATE..... DfJCe:1Y'.er PRESENTED BV - " _.__. COMMISSIONER ...........64�� RESOLVEDlicenses a-)" l cations for of t folloc:in�_ :ersons That ;e O'Ou8-:` fn al.;a' ;:.d; r•', li . - F fn SSS 1^.:AS.CA"_ed -acted for ha d in_ a s •e and t:1e ci- , c�_cr': is i te e s .:.e 're . e y grant - t:_e n- n� ci - r r_5 of to iss ses upon .,.yme:, in, xnmooafy J. v Ba eke, Rice Si., ^riceiy Soft drink. soh A. J. BWWA v'g1 T 7th S_. X12 St., r ..ce_ F 3�lrnick, ;rims J::claon S'. • , J • B srelov, 3 -? Edmund S _. H '' B .•r. Soft drin - 21^ th St. P •,-- _rvo, 257 R,.'znde, St., Grocery It Isa.c Cohen, C0cc'1ore_-0 So=t, 77 De0l��yar Bairy A,=senoer7. �° � � Rondo St•, Grocery Eng e.l'oery. Wed Fin'-(, 0?7 "'v" Soft drin:c J• 111 R_oe S" liqHague vlf: wSt. 31a,r S-11 srocer• Ct 0 Holton, ;.Se'b; H. C. Flo.ter;r von, Av•, q`, . -' Cr sc " L %. rotil, l ] �3 Payne We. , Grocery S q Rice ot•, , join 'q. L'IX, lbo Shelli:> Av•, John W. L'x, R Confec`io^era Chas Lans ewiscn, St X76 Rice , St., 3 , :er,1. r Litschhe, 1"„ Concord ;,•Deer . Joh:_ LAne, 7'7th SL" code, Confectioner;; MIS S er „ 7;' P. th St., aro, �e.. Nelson, Bake_'_; Wn N ''_ 3'7PSt.e0la.i'. S- Confectioneyy F. Oe ier 1 Sots cher �; ':9inslow St., It A. 79. Olson, 62Z Como Bivd, Soft drin'.i 3.:0 E. 7th St., Fred Prie:e, 7 E. 'U, St., .eter,on, Ma�frioe _ A. `. Peterson, �Q7 ,•r, 10th S`., 1 P _er pares, 31- Lnfvers: Av•, Grocer_, J. = point-n,, - ^; h 3; Con.. = 7 '1 Ed,ie Red, y, uhxir. "on „v )5 S. Le - ro. era H. A. o-ra'nn, ( VUNt MMEN - \do ,Lid by tho C aril Porgll it Mc mmld :1p h3 Gtcnr �f2F?Faih Sud,er ..Ifl_'..... -'XMAYon mor Against ,Cruzol ; l i r. I'ro>4, o n t TY OF ST. PAUL FC ofLU E — No. - CE OF E CITY CLERK L R s TION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By TE 7,cc...ber 1-- COMMISSIONER DA RESOLVED Joe SJ.. -non, 953 Rice S, 7r Dccr-,, 7�.icon 101- 7-,h S-., 11 C. -s,-:anscn, 71) (1 1�tr�,l-� e.1Al". , E. -L. Te-�el, 0 1, R,: lon�ec- i bne-. 2r1j uleman, 59 "T. 7-,h 3-- , U_in' J. ILJ,,,)er, I 7 . uth 31 H -L-11", K. Vcf; York S'- - Fred "!i t -er 36G ,,jinne. sota S-1., Sof-, drink Fran,'es ". 7011ny, E"-. 7_ S-,. , 1'r oc e y "'itke,2 9 AV. J. zaies',Iyl 0 -.rese—:, Year NaN,DEC 1 1023 1( .) Adopted Ly the Council 44ww ApprowId 192 /McDollald In favol. - Sudheirner '7 V, Peter Agaill't President couNclL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE ICE - THE CITY CLERK CE UT,., E! OPUTION- -GENERAL FORM 4,L �R jj,�, rer 1� 1 PRESENTED By DATE COMMISSIONER..... RESOLVED Thzt_� Z )I ad r be f "-)-n t`:c '0 SL H) el it H. A. 3"v - x S Fr rl.: 1, n 3e , "cKe" �h 31.1 •r'•):,_i._.._2S)r-, 7-�h S - 1. I Hotel L:! j,!r s 7i, s 0 n 907 !Ync A"', 7 T T:lc ' 5'7"-: s IT . !eoe3�, r) �Lyne_ AV. y,!Cu!:, J 7th `t Fred pf iebe, 3 t - , r 'S S' j . 3. 241 HO -�C! jo,m 71� e .:r • j. soynou'r, C. F- No. tions Resolvod, That [he aPPlica .u.—ts for' 'l itestaunln ducttng Hotelsrthe indicated be TV addresses ti- CITY ti- bN, ue sli—Im. .1-tt- oty t- u Pun the T. bT,,_bt "y - 189 W. 4th St. A. ()benLeSS_b. Ho el. C. U11H.11, "o W,b,.Il. St., Fr nlc J g. 350 (-,dal St, Hotel' Hotel' 1674 Grand Ave- IIL'-- M,,X tnurant. Hotel. 25 th St., 1,.r..n.5 H.tO,- I'l, Erickson, 907 11.y— A— Resta.. Tao, 11.Y. 7 1]. 6th St, ll-'u- r.nt. Webr. 1579 Solby Ave., Res - N. C� t_r—t Ave.,R ., brtle, yLj, 922r -Y t,,,r '' Restau- Frrj Priebe. 880 E. 7th St., llest— ',)VNcil,.M I.N rant 1, B Vi,,11, 50 NV. 4th St.. R Mr 192 t,, & Co.. 413 Robert St n— 0 olinvil Clajicv Tahn F-witt. 241 r 7th St.. 11-t— "'t -t- S, 312 Robert Hotel j. SAy,..u,-, W. jl`Lt by the 0— 1923, 192 1-'ergun Adopted Appr—d D", Mcl )mlald d 1'. e i - Pt,trr A ga i Wenzel Mr. President COUNCIL NO OF ST. PAUL vi OFFICE OF,3,4E CITY CLERK C 12 _1 I S91e:6TION.1/1 ENERAL FORM 7 DATE PRES&TED By COM SSIONER RESOLVED for i.s C. —13Y G. C. 1;Ndhrl—r— ,r.,No "I' I ,�"i I, o,plicat on for llaenso ol, "N", fN, -ndUlti- of 11-n I"n", at "i 1111,-tt city clerk u h—bl on twos n Icted to 1 -en -pill Ir - I11, ,f i),n,l and th�', ront ory too rity tr—,rry of t fe^Cornell D_ 'j. 79 23 --ptra "y the 2 CI)l N(ILNII.N A(h,ptc(l h}' Ow Colliwil Clam..N192 Fclplsou Mcl),wild MAI OR NWIlzel i"("idcTit CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FM +OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL SOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE _.Iia.9 1....__1..,1.:_.-;... COMMISSIONER___....._ ...... ..__ F96 i&James _ Y, 5 r r T,?ale 11 So. : hatsworth Street hae maa.e an• lication for a license .,o orer:.te u• on ne s-reets o- the City of S-.. paul, One (1) d -iliac a.: ,o car, l ac -ars H.P.33, Tucr)--y No. ll572"0, St-.te Lic.nse No. B-�1-27, coverer: y ae-na Life insu'ance Od ra y ,;icy No. � - Ja 12' n os'ned is J�.;1es L;.le;t, ana R 'AS J:'.mec i^ale,, in accordance :vi ,h Ordinance No. 5'`u� has file; co -y o.` 4_ns1J.rL'nc'. -oli,y i St. p:tul, _nd sal -i i rod Cc". rove t-, _�_.:1 } h Cornora.t- ;n Counsel; be R :SOL• -=, tha over ,t, s �._ .. o �,..� u-c-.-.:e�s�ree __ .,:c ci y 5�.--�u1 eon t7 rov-s=0--._ sai- nrcinanc^. C. Ic No. 50145-73y G. C. Sodheimer— Whereas. James Male)'. 145 South chalxwortb St. has made aPplicallon for a liocen se to operate Upon the [aceta f the City of St. Paul, One (1) Cndi'nllae auto c r Sea[Ing Capacity' 5. Paxxenbers, H. u'P. 36, ractory ho. 115;250, State I.icen ee No. L3-41 No c—cled by ,lctna Life Inxu ru nc1 l'om- byPolicy No. JA -3280122, and o12m by id Jamex Maley, and 1Vhereas. Janes Maley, In acc d- tb Ordinance No. 580E hastiled St o[ insurance policy witty the City of S[. Poul, and I,aid policy has been aPproyed a toform b}the Corpora- tion thereof, be It Mesoly d, that license be —uniod to Jam s illaley to operate aid auto c u Pon the strcelx of the city o[ S[. Paul vu bjact to [hc provi+ions u[ said ordln- aniaupted by ilia Council Dec. 11, 1723, ApPrayed Lte c. 11. 1923. (Dec. 15-1J23) ('tl Ii' I LM 1:N }'ear — - -- Nay, Ad"I'trd hp the Cmill'-1 PEC 1 192= 192 -- ('luucy I or;ruwm :1PlirncoyJr -. - 192 \MII:thl In f:i%... Prtrr 1 .\t"ni—t PUBLI51 \1'r11ro1 ,� Mr. Pre'idenl ILO CITY OF ST �C PAUL ILUNE CNo.- T' Y CLERK RESO ON -GENERAL F -1 - PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER F?296C-VED-r 7th S-1 - -0 a cn stfc.'ts of'.!c c- S— c - c 7� ' Fr.c e on.0 c -x " 1 , I- e, B—, JT'o. s i, r La oo- i-ol-iry 'I"o. e n1. - 7 roved 5tIl St.. h,� h.dO upplb,Oti--d� fOl '0 OJO,rat, the --Ls Of the CitY .f St. 11-1 Upton N-11 Ol— 101, SO-tM9 " P. atv Ili` �r,,lt, 7 pass,1191- H . 35, F, 1,1c,-- NO. I:-886:.1. 179252 Stat, 1.1.-d b, General �k—lb',Otj' "0 "� &- I- N. 7181 3. alO ed b y d. and \\h erects, Dumpier -Laird In a ord- llith ordinc0 NO. 58GG hast bl"I ,opl,.f POUCY 'it the City Of S.u pp "", bOd _i,j p.1 i ��y h��' Leen ZL� 10 f—n by tll� a el: solved he It I that lin- I'L g"I'll—I Therefore't" ])ampler—1 "i", I, `pelf - the ei[Y —11 aul. .1ul0"u ) .113 lll� lt—t. St. Ilaisect tu the PIO- Of suid Adopted by t" COO— Approved 0". l'i5' 23 (i,- M3) Ad"pted hy the Council 192 Folgil"m Appr oved Mcl)mlald In hl%ol xF4 X74 Sudheinex L MpYCR Peter Agail'�l r" T) XNI I . President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F.— NO.. '''-------..-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r ,)c.oergber..._i.. �' _._1:.. .......... ... DATE PRESENTED BY -. . COMMISSIONER.._. ._ ----'- F1�Ets C TT9 lt�-lti lica.tiOr, S. W. e ;'l ��. S 61111 'or li e o�r -tin:-. One ( A-:.arn ;o. B-1]-_ .v ree L ; :ti ;.S i11e0- CO"`," �uns,2I relc - are, c t thiI 1 _. c. P. Nn. 50141—\\'BY C:. Clurk.i C. 2 i1he m ereus. s. . sec enst., has at d uPl: r:, tion fur li- th ope rule upon Lhe 'Crests of O,s ci Y of st. raw unu I1) uburn sedan, serial Nu. 35989, motoraKu. seating Capacity 7 Vaseen�ers. 3-,Fg, H. P. 50, state I.Icen so Nu. It -11 0:1:4, Cel by Thi• \ssocl a ted Companies b)' l� f '/�. � Policy No .uin1 -11632. and owned \V hereaa, s. \\'. Clurlc, In ace dance cYlth Ordinuncu No. 5966,1h,,", died .'up1' ul •' I JI ./ .. I =\ u[ nsu 'ane polio' tcity st. Paul, and :uld Polio' has Vrovcd as lu form n>' the i..�r .•-L - counsel: lhcre(ore, a Heaol.ea, o,at neeate be gr::nted w s. N'. Cluck. to opentte said auto ca tot the spro�laion,Y uff said�orl su,j,,, d lnance. thel c(,bn 31 Dl ]1, 1U28. APpruvice hY 16-1923) L ('UI'S11 C i I T92: 192 _l.,AII.N Lc illi . C'ounr- - - - .Ailuplrtl ('lalwv 192. --approved -. Prr�,u�nu . McDollalll gft7-Nit-...MAV On Pour :ARninsl \Fonud \L'. Pro.,iclent u COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE No �F T/ CITY CLERK ?Pqnl I GENERAL FORM DATE RESOLVEDa ,Lc Dn f027 johnson 7-12" 7 —le'rit --c c A 41 sucll _.,ons i' in Oi s and r. - C. F. No. 50148—BY G. C. Sodl,ci,ne- 1, Rc-1111ed, That the nl'Pli,Lltlo, for ""'e of�.Io . Je.... for ..n. dotting jo ]mmJohnson llu,,,,. .halo 1o;jIt r"the In.l.. at 312 13—no, d be same le h,rob.�- 9,anted anth, !'it, IA,,k In,t,,I,t,,] to iUe -11 we— up.. ttl, filing of bond and the nament int I the citY tr,as,ry of the '�t' ' r— 1'0�1t�'Iyf by the Council Approvud Dec. if, , .,2,1 Dec. 11, 1923. (Dec. 15-1923) tNCI LM 1: - N 192 \tloplod b.v the Coull"i, Clalwx I 192, /N I vI )m I: III 1 In favol _,dhe i i,-iC r Poter Agni IIA President PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER RESOLVED T -ILL -1 t'ae ar I ov license 0- IQ theJit; e. is insti cted -1c Lreus"a-L.-, :)f jicencs,� CITY OF ST. PAUL roftN C I NO.. CITY CLERK CI fOL�fUTION- GENERAL FORM DATE Cill" C R 11%d' That "Th� . llcah'i','n for llcenso of for eon - d _"n' the Posting . ting .'"a at i4:jj sL. Clair 1', and th,, —o I- he,eb, granted and the City Clark Is , tr� t,I to Issue such lirena, a101 th"Iya,at Into the city treasury of the •u fee. Adopted y the Council Dec. 11, 1923. Dec. 11. 1923. (IJ,- 15-1923) Na Fergil"'ll L", Mdh ild In J,:I\ m Sudheinie�p Peter All. Ple'idellt Lj 1923 Adopted hY the Colillvil 192 Approw(l 102, CITY OF ST. PAUL F— COUNCIL NO.. TPE��,Ty CLERK co I SOL --GENERAL FORM DATE. jjr)\Tembe7 /1� 'At RESOLVEDj':)SL Sof T h a, '.?o1 he s S c --0 h I gee. C. F. No. 50150-13Y C. C. S.dhot000— 'ho a,,Ibea,t,�n f t I Mll.,Ol IT,11p1h So", ! 1� to .�. , . C."'.tt d t a �, oller SI -ting Ri at, at 310 Main be, nod the .'a to , I e hereby 91 and the city ("J,rjc Is Inatrnc ted to i—o toch 11 co—o upon the Palal- Y-t Into the cityL [r "a., u ry or the customary tee. e. o. Adopted by the Cooll-ll Dl- 11, 1923. Appr .. �d Dec. 11, 1923. (Dec. 15-1923) I Yeas 'm N, 11"ll-N Nav, AdolAt'd h.� t Ito Council C)L.; 1923 192 Clalic" Pel-gli,m) Approved 192, Nlcl)(Illald In raves - d, eL Agai—t mAvoa W(I,zcl QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK r>Er No. "'o Farm D-34 1Tt 12-22 BP�� I // co", n AUDITED _. .192 .... t / ` l f - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anregate amount of $.. 430,79-_--------------- -- \` covering checks numbered.. -- ---19007 - to -19009 - - ...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of he City OComptroller. Yes ✓) Councilmen v) Nays. t Clancy, Adopted by the Council .192 _- Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved �r ? _._192.._ Mau— Sudheimer 1 Wenzel. Against/-1.� Mr. President, Nelson r. r•. moo. ao3st— ,,,, Itol�'el th.tit Iheclev by esdry«".Fate u,e cus Treasllry, u, the ��aE.�,.E,Kg $I78LiST�A of W0.9. `O IG O'Jclusive. n111 red 1560; plc l� - :,Iter of ,.II'::' m [he o(t L',• I,f the ('It'' Co mlrtrolje r. \I,I, j�c ri. db thel l,c 15281 Ilei'. 11, 1723. (Vee. IS -1933) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK yuan llsA I]1 12-22 902 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—IZESOLUTIO FORM IO. ��.¢- 51 ... ..... . 19007 Thomas Cullen, 27.00 ,ater 19008 Stewart Specialty Company, 252.50 'later 19009 United Lead Company, 151.29 Water • nuolTEo ..,Rz .... 1 �. �{ ( L�tn i , 430 79 coven Resolved that checks be drawn 19007 on the City Treasury, to thza$$re$ete amount of $----..---- 1yU09. _. .. _...inclusive, as per register of city ----------------- -- checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered _ -_to-- - Comptroller. Yes ( I, ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. PEC l Clancy, Adopted by the Council. _. _. ..._....... _._ _. - .192 Ferguson, McDonald, _ In favor- '-� 192 MmTme,- Sudhei:ner Peter, proved - --- - _.. .... — 1 /1 �t ✓tij�C�� �.�`� Wenzel. _._.$ainst .._ _ .. _. _... -- :..... ... _ __. _............. MAYOR Mr, President, Nelson ... ..... . 19007 Thomas Cullen, 27.00 ,ater 19008 Stewart Specialty Company, 252.50 'later 19009 United Lead Company, 151.29 Water • 1 QUADRUPLICATE Crit oP ei, PAUL TO CITY CLERK Co vFCIL w Fur. D-31 1M 12-22 r BY COM PTROLL6R AUDITED _.. .. .192 .. ` PER - .......... ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._-..2.14253.05 ................... covering checks numbered.-___ 1898.3_... ...to _. _ 1a992. _ .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. ��v 1 i tgL3 Clancy, Adopted by the Council. Ferguson,° - -In favor ' McDonald, A _.192___. PP l ifersem Sudheimer Peter, -Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson (`. I'. No. FW,2— ,hcrlc� he ,lra..'n n ttecnl�'�"1 th�c till. yKfire Fa to th.• Pity' Tre�lr�ir U•, t<r ,.rinF check. :r,nlo, l��n r��rl 18'i 8'f `>J�163hec1<�� yn i`Iln In t Lrer rcFist er t '�C" c O v,l�troll.r. h r`aulttc�l hythee c't it y'll lyve. ll. 1J23. :\I, I,rorid 1(Dec1115-1923) "--�.,-✓nP. • ORIGINAL TO �ITs or sT. PAvt. CITY CLERK OFFICE OF TIIE COMPTROLLER g AUDITED CLAIMS—ESOLUTION FOI1M Pun,,D-34 1M 12-22 RPt NO..i 900 qt a CjoM.LAUDITED..... .192-' �._.... PER 2 423.05 ........ -- covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the Qggregete amount of .---..---� ------��- - -- checks numbered -- -. 189.8,' - . . .to-- -- 18992 .._--.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes i ✓) Councilmen ✓) Nays. DE'- i 11923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council _ .- -192.... Ferguson,In a _.192- favor McDonald, A( -d - %) Mgtgbr- Sudheimer / `Peter, _.. ...Against -.. Mr. President, Nelson .......... 18983 John Antl, 35.00 Schools 10'38 18984 Peter Belgea, Schools 18985 P. J. Casey, 280.00 Munic. Emp. Bureau 18986 Minnesota Boiler Compound Company, 26.40 Bureau of Parks 18987 Minnesota Lime & Cement Company, 447.18 Schools 85.16 L 1802 267.02 L 1847 95.00 447.19 18988 The Picard Laboratories, 42.38 ',Yater 18989 Pyramid Oil Company, G2.05 Schools 18990 4alter Salinger, 5.00 Civil Service 18991 The Speakes Company, 159.93 Schools 51.00 L 1661 22.80 L 1662 17.40 it 2.40 Stater 66.33 159.93 Res. 900 Page #2 18992 Thompson Yards, 1,394.13 Schools 56.43 L 1763 1,337.70 —1-3 711-- T3 0 QUADRUPLICATE a,Tv or RT. i'�nc To CITY CLERK �QDR.,.. No. _r3o.l-c- . F.. D-34 1M 12-22 BY CORIPr OLLER AUDITED ` PER \ .' Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---22 Q-.70 covering checks numbered. .,189.77 - . -- --inclusive, as per register of city chec on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes r') Councilmen J) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council. _ 192 Ferguson, .In favor McDonald, 7oved _...--.192.hfetstm- 3udheirler Wenzel. AgainstMr. President, Nelson c. r''. No. 50153— Iha the`City Trilstu rt�l1c tto9 [lte .lg�lri l;a[ �nlberer' tA9; �n ;,� I„ti reKis [ern c't hriI<.v file i [he Pfi�e f tllet t�i[YI ,ntr,nlle r. �.[ by the ,I, -1 11, 1 Co,inrll D"'. 11, 1923.1 (Der- 15-1923) • ORIG INAL TO cTY oY RT. �.o. CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER g No. -t 9 F F—I 11-34 1 N 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOMI % YILE 898 eY co Rouen AUDITED ...... ... .....192. ... PER " t. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMre$ate amount of $..... 2i.. 0.!70-- ------- -- -- -- cover n8 checks numbered18977-- .. -- - - -- - - -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yes ✓) Councilmen J) Nays. DEC; Clancy, Adopted by the Council -192 Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved __ Ju ----_. --192_.. --- Ntgs6n7 Sudheimer qq I Peter, Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Nelson 18977 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 22.230.70 St. C. & R. 2,298.86 11 735.50 17 117.37 Sewer C. & R. 844.98 S. & S. Cing. 3,202.39 Bridge Bldg. & R. 1,711.72 Docks, wharves, etc. 46.80 Sprinkling 589.17 Eng. & Insp. 2,279.36 L 1617 192.78 L 1763 1,925.61 L 1775 264.16 L 1802 6:59.87 L 1813 2.00 L 1836 A 1,661.12 L 1836 B 352.5-8 L 1841 1,274.04 L 1847 3,123.42 L 1851 810.56 L 1858 102.51 L 1763 16.00 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoERca 50155 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE. December 11. 1925. That the sum of Three hundred and fifty nine and 89100 dollars ($369.89) be and the same hereby is appropriated from the Wheelage Tax Fund and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, to defray the cost of placing new curb, repaving and enlarging the southeast corner of intersection at Prior and University Avenues. C. F. Ho: b0166-117:: W Peter— Reeolved That "Cha num -4L Tlmee ` hundred and 51ty acne and 89/lOD doI-i, � lara (3569,89) aeeaa the ama hereby i IIs appropriated from the, Wheala6el Tan Fuad.and traaef rredto-'the Per- manenZ-.Imptovem8nt RevolJln6 Fuad.' to defray tae cast of DDlaaing,new curb: reDaKngg aad':ealarging the southeast I corner :bf intetpeap[oa at P;tor and Ualverslty Apenues - Adopted byy tha Couacll Dea:ll 1993 ADDroVed Dea 1 36 19ES) ' i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson ✓McDonald In favor Matson ,Peter. _.....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CounciP..E.C'...j_-1--1923--. -.---192 .... App ved-- - ` ..-._.._.. - - - --192- ..... - ....._..- --.-_. _..... -YOR VN CITY O`O wF'heria 5U7fii$¢Y8 h da.Y eof y7u7Yk�ca No --------- !ply ""`�� issa n� I ewis-$anaoaacsHo Dloi the 4 OFFICE OF WHEREAS; On the 30th day of Ju1y, 1923,- one Lewis Hanson, an employe of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul, while in the performance of his duties, was is jured, from which in jury he died on the Sth day of August, 1923; and whereas, said deceased employe left surviving him a daughter, Doris Hanson, mho is of the age of eight years, and is in the care of a duly appointed guardian, August L. $ohempf, of Granite Fa11s, Minnesota, and a de- pendent mother, Christine Hanson, of the age of seventy-three years; and WHEREAS, paragraph 20, Section 15, Chapter 82, General Laws of 1921, provide that actual dependents in the case of death shall be entitled to compensation not to exceed $7,500 in the case of a de- pendent wife, child, children or orphan, or continued beyond three hundred weeks in the case of any other dependent; and WHEREAS, The Industrial Commission upon a petition of the employer awarded the sum of $15.84 per week to be paid to the said Auganduthe sumchemVf as of 92.16 perrweek torbehe sa:Ld paid t mtherchildDoris an mother, Christineson, Hanson, the said $2.16 to be paid during a period�W three hundred weeks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the said August L. Schempf, as guardian for Doris Hanson, and with Christine Hanson, providing for the -payment to the said August L. Schempf of the sum of $15.84 per week for, the said Doris Hanson, and the sum of $2.16 for the said Christine Hansono during dependency in the case of the minor child, and for a period 41 r rhe 300 weeks in the case of the dependent mother; said payments to be made from the Workment s Compensation Account • the Of tthe Geral Fund, to and. to commence on the 30th day of July, ah20, Section 15. of said the sum of $7,5000 as provided by Paragrap Wit; said payments to_be...made every two weeks. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy J Ferguson 1, - McDonald `..%_... In favor —,"Matson L%Peter _.. -.Against ,,�enzel J Mr. President Adopted by the Couneil')' LC -1...1..9.922 ----------- 192..-.. Approved ------1)-C }--1 1923_..../.1992..... `C.... 'MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NQIIIL NO... `CE F THE CITY CLERK U 1 LOTION—GENERAL FORM _ WHEREAS, On the 6th day of February, 1923, one William F. Wilson, a police officer in the employ of the City of St. Paul, While in the performance of his duties, was instantly killed; and WHEREAS, Said deceased police officer left surviving him his widow, Minnie Wilson; and WHEREAS, paragraph 20,8ection 15, Chapter 82, General Laws of 1921, provides that actual dependents in the case of death shall be entitled to compensation not to exceed $7,500 in the case of a de- pendent wife, child, children or orphan; and whereas, Paragraph 6, Section 15 of the above act provides that if the deceased employs leave a widow and no dependent child, there shall be paid to the widow 40% of the daily wage at the time of the injury to the deceased; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the said Minnie Wilson, widow of the said -William F. Wilson, the sum of $12.46 per week during dependency, said payments to be made from the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the total amount not to exceed $7,500.00, as pro- vided by Paragraph 20, Section 15 of said act, said payments to commence from the 6th day of February, 1923. \' COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson 14cDonald Matson ✓Peter zel �er. Pr r. President l� ..... ... ........Ei g31IISt 1 by the Council___.9-.._.EC 1 -.._ 1923 .....----_192 Appro MAYOR - CITY OF S -r. PAUL FOENc1�No.----5 1t5�----- I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - r. COLI1�iCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM PREONTED BY (/� � COMMISSIONER__....._._.__.____.____ GATE—_--_________ RESOLVED That the proper csty officers are hereby authorized to pay to Helen Sappes, nurse -blas sum of One Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00) out of the Workmea s s Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional servic e S Brom November 18th to December 9th, 1923, rendered to Peter Ewe ehaa, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October 4, M.922, in the course of his employment; be it FURTHER RESOLV7M3C:> , That the proper city officere be authorized to pay to Mildred Beres . zv.rse, the sum of One Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00) out of sacci :Eursd for professional services rendered from November 17th to December 8th, 1923, to said Peter Meehan. Yeas Nays -Eleea;� MccDo na d= n favor / Peter ____.____-___�_ �galIIst /'Wen"81— Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. CommIr of Public Works. DEC 1 1 1923 Adopted by Council___._-___-._...__--.--.192....- DEC 's 1 1923 proved-- ---- -- -- - - - -- 192 - MAYOR Install: DATE ....... .------------------- and ---------. and stringi— wt... thereon for the transmission of el,c- i2- 7-23 1-kone pole on the southeast corner of Lafayette and Woodward Streets. P7LOne pole on the northeast corner of gent and St. Anthony Avenue. Pj(Two poles on the west side of Western Avenue between Geranium -and Rose .Streets. 01( -Ten poles on the east side of Snelling Avenue South, between the south- east corner of Otto and Snelling and the southeast corner of Hillcrest and Snelling. Municipal lighting. u-1COne'pole on the east side of Thi -wick Avenue South, first south o _.. -----A, St -Clair Gtreet. HGTwo poles; one on the east side of Lexington Avenue, first south of t t"rNettleton.Avenue; and one on the west side of Lexington Avenue,first south of Nettleton Avenue. Oommercial lighting. Witkl necessary guys and an ors: /6 Ali ... h —cosines, poles and wires shall b .ted sund constructed under the direction d .—is'o f the Commi.si... r of Public Ualitice and in all things subject to the provision. of Ordinance No. 4141, and of ail other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All pole. should be set in such location in said lleys d streets —the C -1—i ... r of Public Utilitics sha11 designate, and shall be of cb height and character a he shall deal...,' and approve, sad any and .11 such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wire. placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the public Interest so require., and she. it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the CouncilDEC' -- 1923... 192...._:.._ M✓ .Donald Adopted..... �� ( ; a9 ...................lo favor ........._.........-..192.......... /Sosidr'k2/tU�nGA �� Against MAY VIA"Eala �Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL r RESOLUTION -GENERAL; PRESENTED BY �LCOUNCIL COMMISSIONER.. Ltre t Company 1s hereby ordered.a RESOLVED: 'directed- to extend Yta ,. eIeotrlral 1i1 by orecting Doles' and ,4triaglag 'vvi t7^ton;' for the tranemisefaa, of ,et That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is tricity on and in the following alleys and hereby ordered and directed- tc �;on-and.-l-, the fouoring a1.' streets of said city: %'A of tfad elty,_� - n the eputhen Install: DATE ....... .------------------- and ---------. and stringi— wt... thereon for the transmission of el,c- i2- 7-23 1-kone pole on the southeast corner of Lafayette and Woodward Streets. P7LOne pole on the northeast corner of gent and St. Anthony Avenue. Pj(Two poles on the west side of Western Avenue between Geranium -and Rose .Streets. 01( -Ten poles on the east side of Snelling Avenue South, between the south- east corner of Otto and Snelling and the southeast corner of Hillcrest and Snelling. Municipal lighting. u-1COne'pole on the east side of Thi -wick Avenue South, first south o _.. -----A, St -Clair Gtreet. HGTwo poles; one on the east side of Lexington Avenue, first south of t t"rNettleton.Avenue; and one on the west side of Lexington Avenue,first south of Nettleton Avenue. Oommercial lighting. Witkl necessary guys and an ors: /6 Ali ... h —cosines, poles and wires shall b .ted sund constructed under the direction d .—is'o f the Commi.si... r of Public Ualitice and in all things subject to the provision. of Ordinance No. 4141, and of ail other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All pole. should be set in such location in said lleys d streets —the C -1—i ... r of Public Utilitics sha11 designate, and shall be of cb height and character a he shall deal...,' and approve, sad any and .11 such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wire. placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the public Interest so require., and she. it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the CouncilDEC' -- 1923... 192...._:.._ M✓ .Donald Adopted..... �� ( ; a9 ...................lo favor ........._.........-..192.......... /Sosidr'k2/tU�nGA �� Against MAY VIA"Eala �Mr. President PRESENZr.D BY CommisQbNER RESOLVED: That the St. Pool Gas Lizht ComPaPY I, hereby ,,d tricky on and In the following alley, and streets I said city d : COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No . ......... 5.011 ,IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE and stringing wire, there,, to, the transmission of else- otreets of ea7d elty 12-6-2 tau q 3 Install: 67LOne pole on the south side of Iowa Street, first east of Payne Avenue. `4 - ,J`-7, One pole on the north side of the alley north of Texas Street, first west of Wyandotte Street. ,0/e Two poles on the south side of Twelfth Street, first and second west of Cedar Street. A -Z One pole on the north side of - t.he alley south of Midway Avenue, first ,,,,fest of Mt.Hope Avenue. Commercial lighting,', with necessary guys,and anchors.'_ CIA All such ..ahna, Poles and wire. shall be .,noted and .,.,n-u d ..do, the diriction and sxivetvj.juc of he co,ourol..I.— of Public Utilities and in all thince subject to the Pro,islon. of Ordioune. No. 2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and -I' If the City If St. Plot- ar.r .. be hall All Poles should be set I. such I... to. in said . d streets a. the C..mi..i,n,r of P,bli, Utilities shell designer,, and hallCouncil It ht and ch tiny. and taken do,, and rera—ld, and such P,bu, Placed nderg—nd �hernr C.P'. it hall ties. that the public and sey and .11 such Put- shall he I Interest so requir-, and when It shall a, rder. Yet, (V) Councilmen (V) Nays McDonald In favor 4&ton — 01T" W.411"ret- -,,/MI. President DEQ t 1 1923 ... ... .. .. ... Adopted by the Council ... ..................... 192 Aclopte�. _ . I .... ............... .......... — 19 2 .......... KIBLISIffa) - ---- -- t INTERMEDI:IRY ORDERS, 62 C. F. No. 60102— X- the Matter. or paving Oakdale eve. from Prescott St. 'tog from street^nlls With sewer, water and none m- linea comm.. made.._, -- waY: COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.F'::'V14.:;;.i,le Ave. Irom Prasoott St. t� :ea:nlls ............................................................ St.-aitu se,,var, .vatar an:i has con:izetions irora stra . t I ins to ..................................................................................................... r .> cgla�let ,••irl.ere•.not•,&1r...Ay. r LA9,..0 sq, curbing and l CtYJS:E;.'� �lvC v$Y..ikyi%.�Os:C:'.OS,..Y:i@F.@.710�03as iY.................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 47295 • • • • • • • • • • • • approved 'J=+=X . �.�+.1 '� �.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. !-�u ye, •C', • 9e,. from Pra>octt St. to Annapolis SI. with se,var, wiLtur .nd 6ue .....................................................................................I................ ..... RI r;�1c.3t.Y..��11Y.�i.cclml�l,�.s,, •,yt_art� not ilr:a. ...........i1cY0SIA ....... ........•„,yy, H},ire necesac:.ry ........ .............................................................................................. ............................_........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. ou1 j75. . t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 9 kl day of Ju:,uary 192 � ,-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 1 Adopted by the Council.. ......... 1.1923 ............. 1 .. I.. ..... ........... ... ... 4�0.. .... .... Approved .......Dr.,'.. 1. 1.1943...192...... ity Clerk. ^� ..................... ............................. Mayor. 4;eaneilman-Fergu3on-. U/Councilman McDonald V Councilman ?"danh P gar ✓Councilman Sinith Sllaliei:r;er - 6eu i1=2z_We=LeI ✓Mayor RP "i hbii• '1;aIson Form B. S. A. 8-6 J nrmr C, V. No. 60163-- In'the•ffiatter of paving Hamline-Ave. 'south r�l� (i from Randolfh'St. to the line uY olive., -inolu of thnt port on ingSC Ing X -t of Hamline Ave..-Jnotuding ewer, water and gas conn-tlonl mains to property_ll7-' from :'-eet rcpt wherenot a' " dr -"• j t nm.r �A- .. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...YE:. XxG.rn. Ii:lici i} h..S ...io..:he..SGu: h........ :..ce..�f.t':.ut purtion•�f..0 1'?.Ay .•.lyind.:'/ 3t, •of•Iiw; re..M,v, :.,........ .. including ses,r r, crater Lind gas connections from e treet :. , n to ...................................................................................................... property lines complate, where not Lilrz�tly WU1c, t-eo••fc1o.. ling•••••••.. urcin4 :.:nd ru.ring drive auy And iii=ay Liplrorc'r.a:a :tl:cre neca�3Liry, r............ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........49753 ...... • . • • • • approved ............Ito X. C., J,9 23 ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingconsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. I:: •vd• fittm iris; • A•ye•. frurc ,r)�n olpn••St. •tg••}•'.,a •S utn iine,•yf tYi ;t Ho rtiyii•c•f O�c� lu Avz. ly ia� •�zat cf iiacnl ina Aa,;., inciudine a;; -.r --r, wutar an'i ;;aa connections ........................................................... :.................. ....................... rola t-r=et ;r.Liir.� o r_r•o i�.• li c�fl �.,.tri:a�3•ngt••alr•:t�_a�•l�;,:.�•, oi}_.re••necz aur.Y.............................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a plic hearing be had on said improvement on the.....5 tiI......... day of Januar . 192....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... D A .1. 19?3• • • • • •. 1 ....................... ............ Approved.........................192...... 't lerk. ........... ........ ......... ..... Mayor. eo -'Councilman McDonald Councilman MWMn D e t e r V Councilman Sx*b Sudheimer (Mayor PIWM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 J / 601650164 ne of Nei $� InpVOe fromtthe weetrl t -the Stillwater Road, under Prellm- Nov. 16, o . lnary Order49719 approved 1923.Poncuy The 'C '0" of theofst Cor^. oc thehreort D qF -ll"''" ofFlaance upon the _�„, t nd havin6 cons;,. resolves: • no ' on, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Carwairo..A'-.b l::�t in Aya ue..?.4m..ti?1�..'tv4;t.l.i;.�.c.i............. ......:`zche...... .vL..rR..tre..5.t1 �:;lcl.t4x.i30f4d......................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ �(,' 7.15............ approved ......... ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... 11T :le ................ Alcoa. uin Avanue Frain ,he s�_.line Vis,,;+; c;,e r; o tire,,,,,,,•, ............¢... �................. , .......... Stiilrrater„R,��4�............................................... ....................... ................... ......................................,............................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... yth day of January • . • • 1924..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... E...�..i. �..... • • • • 192 DEQ 1923.......... Approved.........................192...... it Clerk. ....................... ... Mayor. �ytitcilma:r-£ergueen- i, C uncilman McDonald VCouncilman Wumi P-ater ✓Councilman SR* -4 S_ l]'eicoer ,,,,Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 e _ C. F. No. 6016 ? 4 N 6f f I In the Matter a demnl- g 8nd.tak- mf Ing ea a ent in the 1—. necea- y for lopes for cute nd fllle In tha gradtnwg 1 AlltonQLin Avenue from the eat Ilne of Neche�6t. to the snuwaeernoxa, nndn« .eum- in8ry Order 49720 appr,r- 1923. � The r� r. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. coudeunin ana t4 rii„e& �eiii lit , }p, k}le„ .............. necai:ar x"or slooas icr huts uni iili .................r....t.. ...................�. �..til.�. rt.axue.o............... Al;ong,. in Aveni:a from the Ere3t line of Neche„Str,��,t,;,p„*�,a@.............. ...................................... :�tvat ........................................................................... .................... ...............................................................................................I...... . under Preliminary Order ....... ?9720 ............. approved .........`ov... 5 ` 1 ,.. .2 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends t.nd ,T,Ai e, an euaaioant in the land neca33ar-1 for elope;s,,,;;cr.cut, nc}.t.i�.;a...... .................................................. St r; tJiuae.:ji.th..the..bLue..oxint...... herato atte,xhed and ..................................tae a part,iie„ecP,, i;z„iltiych;��..I;S�.�t. the outs and the 31'.Fidod Lortlons ahcrrir, tha iiils ............................................................4......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. �i:: ��......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... � th ........day of Jarilary....... 192.4- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Call Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and pl ity Hace of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 1 1 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... .................. rr 11923 ...... .... . Approved .........................192... / i erk. Mayor. Gouncilmarri laMT mailman. -Ferguson i/Councilman McDonald V,Couneilman MaLsrm Pater ✓ Councilman Sxdtla Su(ih e imer PVDLIS11171 C-e�eiei}aten-�Nenael ✓161ayor Idtddg4an N el son Form B. S. A. 8-6 , _ C. A No. 60166— 6� -- `�� In the Matter of open(ng, vvldening and extending Wynne $t, to a width fo 66 feet from Sne111ngT Ave. to the Nest line of Aldine Street under Preliminary Order 49931 approved Nov. 27, 1923, 1110 GOanell rt thq City of At. Paul heving receive , . Pr ,.,! , Com 9sloner of mr +ovemeni t, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER LL In the Matter of.... ?:�::??? - „.+i,ianinr, lila eXtd!,altlt; .... S... ...t� .. width ..o:�...'.` -it. from (11el1ini Ave.nla to t1,2 7e:lt'1116 f ° ...... _. CilnB ......C.J................................................... ...... ..... .. .... .. ....... ...................................................................................................... }Clc 1 " v.2 J .2 .............. under Preliminary Order............ i 7...........approved .............: ..:..Z The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... .0..Ia:ltfn ?� tcn3,lS'sP,iz,.Str:vt.4.u..iii�h.o...4f..?.tie..?41a.?.dei in6.I;.�z?110 to the t7e.3t line of Aldine S i:u,.t, ........................ ....................... ...................................................... ..................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. l0 th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................day of Ja ;Uv. Ty 192.1 „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and tJW total cost thereof as estimated. J)E�, 1 1 1924 Adopted by the Council ......................... i9,— ... . ..... ......... ... ... .. ... Approved....... .;.1.;024..192...... i Clerk. .................... ............................. Mayor. n 1 Councilman McDonald ,-Councilman 1Ql&AW peter ,,Councilman 9Rth Sudh e i me r , , ;ayor #lAgsaB Lie 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8-6 a C. F. No. 60167— _ -- / In the Matter of paving Goodrich Ave. A � �� from Prior Ave. to Cleveland- Ave:, iJJJ Including sower, water and gas coa- nections from. street m.Ina to prop- erty lines complete, where. not al- ready matle, also curbing and pav, ing driveway and alley approaohas necesanry, under Preliminary ?73 approved 22, 1�4. ^.Ii' of the City Oct.t. fit,,,. ' Ived the —%- 1 ,. , ,. 1222.17 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.T �oin�r G..rie11, riot rom„Prior !t_r ue .t� Cleyalund Avanue, including ys.v r f ,vatar anal gas con:: ections f r,�c streat .......................... 2222... .................................................. Inai:ls to property lin:+s ocrplete, where not alreudy made, IAlso ..................................................................................................... + ...41,�'r.?�i; • .y'}+� . ilii y,? llo . ;X F.? Ys�. St4X. e3Lli4 . &+n d S:. 5��1I:. C.v 9A zYl, ..lY,-.•v �.� . Il4' A V,; ${=.. Y., . . .................................. :................................................................... Oct -22,1923 under Preliminary Order ......... .9.2273 ........... approved .......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...nk�V0, G�;gdrich... AY.::u�..?.:Q{�.p.=:�RT.?�`?4I1.U�..tf:.> Y4�Si11;4.A�@7;4 ,..1; 4iL .1C .Aq—':gF.,..... ;eater n(i gas con: c cticns from 0t.r.;;.et..trains....tc I,. rcj a. . ... qty l.ines .................................................................... ..... C01n71 . a, 'Thiers [lut al re ly ILa.iB, ais0 l Llr�ln , c n.j 4 uViIl C1r1V8WarY ....................................................... ......... ....}.... and al ey u,,; Vuuul:es, ,vi:era necessary .......................................... ............................................. ......... .............................. i .................... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... .'866.76 .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the... 1Qth.........day of J411u;4.IZy, . , .... „ 19-4...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. PEC 1 1923 1 Adopted by the Council ............... ......, 3 1 ..........iv .. 2222. 2222. Approved ....... .....:...........192...... It r . y 2222 Ma or. -eaffctffl�y -'*"Councilman McDonald V' Councilman IbtaWn "I e t e r !,Councilman $fll0 Sud -,.dimer Geaneilmall VARsel• ,.-Mayor HWIM Nal son Form B. S. A. 8-6 i C. F. No. 60168— In the Matter of paving -Robertson 9t. from Fairfield Ave. to Indiana Ave., `Including sewer, water andgascon- neetidna from street mains to prop- '.erty'llnes complete, where not apl- ready ;made, alsocurbingand'pavinp driveway and . alley approa& i' where necessary,. n0er PreAmIT ...?F. COUNCIL FILE NO.. , .. , ..... • . • . By................•••......••••.•...•..•......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 501.68 ����villi; Anat;rtoun,t. �'c;�irt l�i�ir�iald pve, to Niall 1, Avt ,,,... Inthe Matter of..................................................................T is ei�;;l ray;. e;ver, yt�t T toi l baa Cir, r��tion8 ir... 3....... I..... . t0 Nlrz .ay ...... ...... so.curbing and.... pav,nr 1riv�say c.a.i s-'-ey c ,ro: cil , rri;e re nece39u rYs �........................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 4bo 4Jt-;ne 26,1923 under Preliminary Order..........................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is, . ;Qa�4, IiOu t Tt' 3UI1 St, fromalrfiel.l Ave. to Indiwiu ;ive,, inchuil:g seaer, ly�te7c ................................................................................. ....:.} .o.r'..:.. :i✓"'t.1.4r.$.....:... ...: .'...a:i113 �o Crok:;r�;',. in... .....:".3uo, .......:.......... a;l A+9U.�.UT�.I,.L. II�.l?ttyir. iriveV y,und......... Ailey..a�:rg ycr.sy+..,;1 ra necesarxry.................................... ... ;.............................. .................................................................................................... � C with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... .,..2SEi......C..Q.... lOt1l Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................day of Janua ry 1924, , , ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 192.. .. Adopted by the Council...D....EC 1 .... 1..192.3........ 0 E Q 1 . .... . ....... ..... .. Approved.........................192...... Clerk. ........ ...........�...: .......................... Mayor. Cetineiltiran-Gift-Y- on V' Councilman McDonald ,i Councilman XY666K Pate -7c Councilman Sd KK 3uyh a inie r �"Mayor FJft&h IJelson/ Form B. S. A. 8-6 QUA INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. lun ilii .1 rot;otin tr-'a on uoth ii L..3 ei Fry Straat frcia Univarsity Avenue to Blair Stra--t, ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3 7249 lov.l?,i; 21 under Preliminary Order ........ ................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... I -tnt and p.rgtejt traes on -o-.h siaas of Fry Str �t frox Unive:^sity Avenue to Blair Stre:t, ....................... .............................................................................. ........................................................................ 511e,c with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. ... ......... lO Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... th day of Januaary 191 ,4,,,,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveDment;ndlt,�l��total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 _ ............... .... . .. ........ ...3 Approved.........................192...... Stferk. ......................................... Mayor. Ee+xte'tknan-Glancy. -Courtcilmart-T-esguson Councilman McDonald v Councilman Matson Pater Councilman SMUSu•ii;dilna r GmfieilWMV-W=ZeL VAayor KagBM Nolson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �'� F1111 I �- ��/ * --? C. A No. 60169— �A C$ 6� In the Matter of P'4'1 Ing and D ,,1- Ing treee both V on sides of F`ry St. Crom' University Ave. to Blalr St.. under PrellmlaarYOHer 11211 ap- Droved Nov. 18, 1931: - The Council of the..Clty o2 St. Pao` —Ing received. the report of the t•.r' Jor - ,tr. }i'tnart^� aDr� r .hr COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. lun ilii .1 rot;otin tr-'a on uoth ii L..3 ei Fry Straat frcia Univarsity Avenue to Blair Stra--t, ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3 7249 lov.l?,i; 21 under Preliminary Order ........ ................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... I -tnt and p.rgtejt traes on -o-.h siaas of Fry Str �t frox Unive:^sity Avenue to Blair Stre:t, ....................... .............................................................................. ........................................................................ 511e,c with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. ... ......... lO Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... th day of Januaary 191 ,4,,,,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveDment;ndlt,�l��total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 _ ............... .... . .. ........ ...3 Approved.........................192...... Stferk. ......................................... Mayor. Ee+xte'tknan-Glancy. -Courtcilmart-T-esguson Councilman McDonald v Councilman Matson Pater Councilman SMUSu•ii;dilna r GmfieilWMV-W=ZeL VAayor KagBM Nolson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �'� F1111 I �- ��/ * --? ------------------- -------- I COUAPPROVING ASSESSMENTS. NCIL FILE NO........_........._._. _—.— BY.._I....... .......... C. F. No. 60170— .............._.............................................._.................. In the matter of the assessment oP ,.benefits, coots and expenses for on. CITY3tructing storm water relief sewers on Mendota St. from Beech St.. Baa Right-of-waY of the C. St. � � ) R. R. and Resolution of Council ":p ��o r rng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of beticf 1Ls, Coats Cnd e:ipe:.3d3 for coni r In 3 s ru t r 3e -ars ou ' r,dotu S ,ha Ri C `-i ,_y 0-f a�.t -,d on n e:. ._ Cyt., be r ob ainedt:.OtJ 3 1e _ ._. ['Il.delt-OI-'•t'u.'; i;n a;c iiia' ::I"y--....,lO tL• :jt. _ :O..L..3d LO ,h 2, :=1an it 30.vt33r, !1130 on .-1._-...:ilttht. tl::et f—rr _o FGr._3, S. "rI 3a cn Iu, .` n,_i;..a .tc —d on _ t f,om Beech S .',o Arya:ie �t:. Intermediary Order .._.._._L...r12 under Preliminary Order _..... _ - - " " "" 4 2::5 ,, �t )c,?� .......__, int........ Final Order _. _.. _ . approved........... ` . beach;3_,,..0.O.3t_3..,.:-Iia.__6_:C C;:__3.... ,_._._._.._.for and in connection with The assessment of _..._........1.11..1 .................. . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .........._ c.'_L±............. _...... day of Jtsnll:.r� ,. _ 1�'?4 _.__...,_..Q7p._._.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court --_. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ___..._�1._E nri._ 1....1_.1923__... _..191......__.. ..........._.._.........._................... ity Clerk. '.....'.._t...................191......... Approved ............._._.................. _................. _..... ............. _................. .... �-ayor. unFirm- an 't - K -61e; ?e e r aEtbetjlelx PUBLISFiI D -' 1 &c Mayor4i 'ialiion Form B. B. 16 RESOLUTION Op COUNCIL "PROW ING. ASSESSMENT AND SIRING . TION P OCEED NGS. HEARING IN CONDEMNA- C. F. No. 6017condemnng 1— RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL Iningyan easement i ^hal sn."10MENT AND FIXING b.<TInK-.nf AIIeY TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �• ti[;tl �ui.l f. ....._.._ ..„_...................._ in 61"t in __...._,.......... ............. In the matter of ... .... ............. , b.v....a.1.u;,'2:3,....�i.i3:....:.::.:3...i.+l]ii._1.1..L..S...1n...X&.::...i..ae1-- ........................ y,..,c - ............. J........................... .............-....._........................................................................................................ -1 .........., approved A:ric .?.l.a. [�1....., Intermediary Order.?Ja..... , under Preliminary Order.._a.-........ J... . approved ....... .. ..._... r..+:.<....%-.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of G -�l! benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................... ......._............day of ..J4= uu r;! , 1(124 g�....._._ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ^� )sG 1 1923 Adopted by the Council _..... ... -- ................--.............. ........... 191........ © JJ` 1 tORB�City Clerk. Approver...............................................1 191....... / s -T'. _ 5► / i1/ /% �% •6otful°itfIISII"> - �-��--- -- Councilman HvAU4✓ :cA:a:a_l Councilman IgOii& ✓Pc,t t Councilman 119W611 ✓S : •:'. e? rr.t3 r ' Mayor f e'_ acn Mayor. RESOLUTION OF COUNCE TIME OF HEARING i ,5®1 7 2 AND FIXING In the matter of. .4"-f—hi—ay .................. in •jroT..... - .......... - ....................... -�c Addi'�IW1, ;-7in '3" tY C'rot-.C -� .1 ...................... .............. ........... . ................................. .................................... .. ............. .. -- ............ ........................... ............ ............... ....................................................... under Preliminary Order 1'23.......... Intermediary Order4.��2�0.9� ......... ............ approved ... ......... approved 0,-, t-..... .il�1., .?j ..... . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of 0 'h benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. ....................... day r y 1-5- -1 of at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he ................ is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ljtL; , ... J.. 101 Adopted by the Council......-- ................ 41) .......... ...... .................................... 9 - --- ------------- IQ City Clerk. Approver ... - - ............... ........... 191 . -- .. ........... ................... . I ./,I,,-, - ------ * ... ....... M a'yor. Councilman d- /:4 D, Councilman Killer Councilman X)&011 e, m Mayor Lvbx,,icei son ()1 7 3 C.. F.N.g o Oli3_ In th tter fillstnL end d k- ` tng a ea em8nt to the land recce- y for elopes, for c tsand in ae grading of > ntnnnA�e., from In- MENT AND FIXING RESOLUTION OF COUNCat AUSim9,aT1023, aI'nf 47med1 itoraaa aDProved Oct. 20, Finance TIME OF HEARING INV c' i.he Pam antria,ti�JN PROCEEDINGS. Oo11;1 t; titP,lI1 F�Iia Li_ilall c,21 2t1 'Gr "11„1n t_l'........................ ........o............................lr..... ' .. �...�.......... ..... 4.....:..:.e In the matter of_......._ .... __.....--.--- .............................. Pre. to Caicu_o Are. atcn / .,0 1 ,...,., Ir.l_ ;..4 ..................... ------------------------ ...._...._........-----.........._........................_..-.....- ^ .. _. ... --....... ..... ..........- ------------------ .... - ._. ....._......... ---.... . 4 .......... a roved ..:`.;.. • ....... 1...... . Intermediary Order........5zb�...-, under Preliminary Orden........ ---.. PP Oct. 2C,, i'; 23 approved............................................ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the --------------- 9th ...................day of ------------- Jan,,. y, 14 24 1�1......-, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he - ...... - is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. DEC 1 1923 Adopted by the Council ....------------------ --_........---- ........ ............ 191........ City Clerk. Approver .... .................------- .--- ...--- ., 191-- ........... ....... ........... `....._�... I (i ..2��C Mayor. Councilman idglead: �cD-nE1 i1 i Councilman-K&Ie'f V. Councilman ll? ONIC 3LISIIE?3 Councilman W=Ao lid 11unnel 1J1�� q Mayor Imt"N :l son C. F. No. 60174— o Innndeez[ehding fo a width of 60 fee t Denny St. from waleh Ava, to Ar- cade at.; under Preltmtnary Order 30676, approved Aug. 26, 1920, In- termedinry Order 4s816. approved :t. 1, 1923. RESOLUTION OF COUNCILie�t amh'r.Wj - Ie ar eo SSMENT AND FIXIN TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ar:in> ri ieni �_.:i est�.,��n t0..�.......i itk:..?f...1� -C ' Inthe matter of....:.'_k'_..........o.z................................_...._......_..............._..._.... ..- - ulah Ave aq tc A'::wie St - -'-_..._Lis.....15_.._. G....._..:.CS.111'i...:.._....................'....... .:_.. -.........-....._.... ......... ..............._........_......._............._....._........................._...._..........................I............. ....................................................................................................................................................................... .... ........._.......-- ....................................................---------..._..... . ................._..... ........._............... . -.................._................................_............... ..................................... ............................... ....................................................... ander Preliminary Order approved Al?,...21z,. « 2.G......., Intermediary Order...415.:�.4......, approved........_ ................. �.:` -:.Y ..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the............1Gth ..........................----day of........_.sl.ia.x..ZX,+y-u---- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. .. Adopted by the Council...............SEC l l 19 .... - ...._..1. 3 ... ..... ...... .......... 191. ---- --- -- -------------------------- ...---- City Clerk. Approveo.._.......-----�-Er,..._..i-..'�-.., L Mayor. Councilman IJAand- Councilman liefr&z VP 3!tor / / Councilman 11'f 0011 �t:Sl.air..eT�✓,. .LSI;Z,-i3 Mayor dip Al �1 .30: F, No. 50175— the matter of grading .alley '3lock 6; Capitol Addition,. fr.' Aontgomery Street to Men Ave:.' onform to. the, grade shown 11- COUNCIL FILE NO. ................... rea n ....- .. n= an the mr^.nyfn� By........................ ........... .............. ............. . FINAL ORDER 501 d 5 In the Matter of5,10-P.4 ... Addi-tinn-_f-tom------------------- A4Qrac9ame-ry--..,At r-e-a-t...ta...F.inn...Ave...-.-to.-..cQLlfO-rm..-tQ---.the---grade.--shalm..h-y----a-.... rad line on is c t�ccompar,ying profile, also constructing a gain-----_--._- ...................-..-----•----- ....._............-.......... __..-..... ............ frr,-..the...s&Ad Alley---to.._St.-Anthony_-Ave.-..on-..tin...epQerr_znt----tQ---i1�....- ................. aa14111,a-d..-urs.._:�h-e..._s.out.leeas.1erlY--.12_.-fe.e-t.._n3...Lot...2�---in--= id..-Slo.cic-.�.,........ under Preliminary Order..................... .k -92%P. ------- ------ approved .................... Qatobex...2?r,-1.92-3................. IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approvea------------------------------------------------- --------------------.-- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul at the iflageeve sf+ h j2v the said ito�.._ sz '-7' 1•.ey....in...Alo.ok..5......Gap1.ta1-.Addi-tion from liontgomery Street to Finn Ave.,-_to---conform--to-t11.e gna.de-_shown ..................................... ........... ........................................ .. .................................... .... IU Mad... line.... un...-the..a.eanrapeu drain Troia the s iid Alle% to St.Anchor-y_-1we._-2n-._an--esss..ziit_-to--_be-. _.. - obtained on the southeasterly 12 feet of Lot 25 in said Block 5, ...................................................-.......---.` ........,__ ...--^'^ . ._............. •----..... --- ................._....--...... -- ........... ....-..... 'to nrd t' and r:_..: ed a_ld all ................................... Fr..; -., _............t .-._.,.._ ......_. :. _.-....-... ................ ............................. an the Council hereby\ofsai uprovemen o be made SOLVED FURTHCommission of Public Works a and is hereby strutted and ' cted to prepare pifications for sai provement, and ubmit same to th oun- cil fo approval; that upval, the proper city cials are hereby uthorized and dire ed to pro ed with the mamprovement in actor ce therewith. Adopted by the Council......DEC 12 1923 _.._....... ..._....----.-- Approved ----------- 191...... Councilman F?rr6drtFf �lancY Councilman Qi7fe8 �---er--�^ Councilman 6ffifdoiq , McDonald Councilman Falkg : Peter Councilman 1%C -o" mer Councilman �%A8nze.L +!Mayor XMWK Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.7 g City Clerk. ................:..............}......` .. ..................................... =...---..'"""" a f V f. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART' FINANCE REPORT OF COMW��JIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROER (A) • - C9 In the matter of grading Alley in Block 5 . Capitol A idi t s on , Yrom Montgomery Street to Finn Ave., to conform to the grade shown by a red line on the accompanying profile, also constructing a drain from the acid Alley to St.Anthony Ave. on an easement to be obtaiii ed_on the southet�sterl-� 12 feet of Lot 25 in said Blook 5,_______ under Preliminary Order approved Ontober 22nd1923— --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 937.28 fnt The estimated cost pcjfo0.59 oot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 5 Capitol Addition to the Yarm B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 650 725 625 625 625 1625 2525 2675 3075 City of St. Paul, 2 5 Ramsey County, Minn. 3 5 do 4 5 do 5 5 do 6 5 do 7 5 do g 5 do 9 5 ao TOTAL. Yarm B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 650 725 625 625 625 1625 2525 2675 3075 (C) DESCRIPTION CITY of 9T. PAUL DEP""S�4�T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM77M ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER v (Ex.W.10 ft.for Cretin Ave.) • 'i `t, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 5 Capitol Addition to the 3125• 11 5 City of St. Paul, 2175. 12 5 Ramsey County, Minna 625. 33 5 10 1425 14 5 do 2575 �5 5 do 2225 i6 5 do 5750- 17 5 do 2600. 18 5 do 3600. �9 5 do 600. 20 5 do 2550- 21 5 do 2300- 22 5 do 900. �3 5 do 1900. 24 5 do 2600. �5 5 do 2100. 26 5 do 1900. 27 5 do 2200. 29 5 do 600. 29 5 do 2300- 30 5 do 600. 32 5 do do 650. 58950. 'Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---�f`-<�'-�`--- _ Commissioner of Fin►nce. Perm n. B. 12 Office of the Cpmmiss o er of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 00 6 w Nov. 3, 1923. ---------------------------- 191 ---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 49278 Oct. 22, 1923 191___, relative to _______ the Council, known as Council File No._____approved______--------------- thegrading of alley in Blook bt Capitol Addition,_ from_ Montgomerg___-_ Street_to_FinnA_v_enue. -also--o one St. 9nthony Ave. on an _easement to_be _obtained_on_tbQ_ Z&!ly__l,✓ _Y ------ of Lot 26 in said Blook b and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $0.69` per front foot 937.28 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-____, Inspeotion #18.38 Frontage 1616.6 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- ---------------- Commoner of Public.*g�• N1111am 31. f rtrr, Tommisstaner , Jer fflatirtte, Eeputg (ammtostnnrr �r�r�r#ticen# of �uhlir nrk� (IIit� "nf Inuit �xu1 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Oommissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 1, 1923. Grade Alley in Block 5, Capitol Addition from Montgomery Street to Finn Avenue, also constructing a drain from the said Alley to St. Anthony Ave. on an easement to be obtained on the southeasterly 12 feet of Lot 26 in said Block 5, under Preliminary order 0. F. #919248, approved October 22, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - 4937.28 Per front foot - - - - - - - •69 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 18.38 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1616.6 ft. Yours truly, aYl , h Et►ginees. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner, of Finance. VIII Commi iii df 4 e. RESOLVED — OOON°IL NO OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM De o.._la.s..._1923_._.._..._........... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Capitol Addition, from Montgomery Street to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. -y49296, approved Oct. 23, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49620, approved November 13, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Ylorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the ^' r _ --tat— mines the amo of land to be tak for the above ed improvemen easement for es, for cuts and—JtI3,s in the grading o in Block Capitol Addition, betty the pointe aforesai , 0 the ext t shown upon the plan ched to the report the Commissioner of Public Vlo in the matter dat Dece er 12, 1923, which plan and repor �r� h rah: referre to d made a part hereof. be and the ^me re hercbY c^^celled, ar.^.:,Ped, and rccc:.d: d !1d all I nn�� COUNCILMEN Yc�rfA'Cr.i�ioi N/ s �# �-� Clancy � °w.V✓ �,"•✓ 8�*gam L -'McDonald p.._ __. In favor Peter - ......Against Wenzel i Mr. President Adopted by the Council. DEC 24923-- 192 _.192.._ tCkL 1923 proved __._ _ MAyo,oa 1411iam 31. rrtrr, ( ammissiunrr 3rte Mallette. Brputg Tommisstonrr Department of Puhlir Murk, � AittitH sf _faint Paul GEORG/ M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M.B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COU14CIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes'for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Capitol Addition, from Montgomery. Street to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. x}49298, approved Oct. 23, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49620, approved November 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made un private property, and by the hatched portion the,cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan C o m m i s s i c n e r. Dated December 12, 1923. - L ' DEPARTME FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON rRELIMINARY ORDERI In the matter of Condemning and taking a n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts.and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Capitol Addition, from Montgomery St. to Finn Ave. under Preliminary Order approved October 22nd.1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is S �' 0-0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 1 5 Ca>,i;itol Addition to tree 65o, 01ty of St. Paul, 2 5 Huausey Cot;Htiy, Minn. 725, 3 5 do 625- 4 5 do 6P.5: 5 5 do 625, 6 _5 _ do - 7 5 do 2525' g 5 do 2675, 9 5 do 3075' Form a-9.10 TOTAL. t}j PAUL DEpAi, �F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERJA N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION lU 5 Capitol Addition to the 3125• 11 5 city of St. Paul. 2175. 12 5 Ramsey County, Linn. 6, 25 13 5 clo 1425 14 5 do 2575 15 5 do 2225 ax.;V.10 ft.fax Qratin Ave.) 16 5 do ,5750- 17 5 do 2600. 18 5 do 3600. 19 5 do 6co. 20 5 do 2550• 21 5 do 2300- 22 5 do $00. 23 5 do 1800. 24 5 do 2600. 25 5 do 2100. 26 5 do 1900. 27 5 do 2200. ad 5 do 600. 29 5 do 23ac. 30 5 do 600. 31 5 do 6fio 32 5 do 650- 58850. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ _ Commissioner of Finance. Norm B. B. 12 r Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance 'TUV 5 1988 Nov. 3, 1923.____191__-_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.49296 Oot. 23 o----------- approved ______________+ 1923-191_--, relative to ----- the- condemning_ and _taking_ an_ easement_ in_ the_ lend neoasesrg_________ _-for slopea, for outs and fills in the grading of-Alleyin Blook 5. _ Capitol_Addition. from Montgomery St. to Finn Ave, - ------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ------ and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ---------- ___asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - i -------------- Commission of Publice V'\ S .Fr,.ul Vinnrsc tr,: I)Acembt-r fifth: 19k;3 To The ^.-,uracil ;;f The pity Cf St.Y'+ul to the urdersiL.;ned respectfully petiti:n your cnsra�le lardy tc econsider the natter ct' fir, din the x.111,y in r Block five Capitol A:dition fvom To Finn avenue an are T€llmwiri n3intn: 1)'Tlta.t tre n11ey ie nr,�w i �;ocd ,ha.pe n.nd is trz,veled by oec'ole *,l o vn ❑c chllne ^3t� vr_t'naut difficulty. .) '1'h'it the ar2uc re a.tl e.t ')rege-It ''^ttin� in aeco, ..iince +a . tlhe.,.,T)TFSent hei F!,ht ,.f t". la1`1ey nn'} 'vre,uld t -f. n.11ry �?e ra{gPd t%e1q� ;r'iF. � wauld lits- to bp rnl--rl nccardtn�l,y.. 3} i. a., tre n-•on�*•ty +n b1:,rk fi 1.1, rrrnaed to rsi�l,,t of .y,P tra^rnt nl1e,V .;•,A Gti,�,�lri t".e ��,.,�. by r�9Ad it wc.ula ..n„n t P ncoli.rR' of ,,,,it -r in the re'tr of ra^t r.� tt:� AT. 7n t;, mnio-'ty of the nu4idinaq " -fare 0- trot. *Y t vry•ap - To th, nro- tl�nt' tY'Py vrazzld have a p,e t. cr_.curb. hAfc. P ter. y cauld be i 11e t}9m^{p^ t Cvmer hat. 11,-1 BLL-cic E J a �G Jr PF M RESOVED CITY SOF sT: PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L.1 fRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No.__.__.��{�77_-_ FILE J Dec. 12th. 1923. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement 121 wide for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on'the southeasterly 12 feet of Lot 25, Block 5 Capitol Additionunder Preliminary Order C, F. No. 49279 approved October 10thi 1923 and'Intermediary Order C: F. No. 49618 approved November 13thp 1923; The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the abgve matte it RESOLVED, That the tinea the oP land te-ba..3.� en for the above Hemet +ovetnent to s follows The south terly 12 Pee of Lot 25� Bloc Oapitol Addi n. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy K -9- -'McDonald __.-__._In favor i Peter ._....... .-.Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. President be and tl.c s ^e err, Lc:•e`•v crrcellcd, annulled, and rordisid�d tti�d all be di -o nt:::led. Council._ .... ........... Gilliam �. frtrr, Tomadostaner. Jrir Mallette, Btputq Tammisstanrr ' �r�anr#mrn# of �uhiir �nrks ��,�� (lLit}I of Baud 'GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M: S. ORYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT.. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER. O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 12th, 1923. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL* In the matter of condemning and taking an easem6nt 12 ft`: wide for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on the southeasterly 12 feet of Lot 26, Block b Capitol Addition, under Preliminary Order C;.F.. No. 49279 approved October 20th, 1923 and Intermediary Order 0. F. No. 49618 approved November 13th, 1923. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8T. PAUL : The commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and -makes a part ofs, his report, a plan of the above Improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows : The southeasterly 12 feet of Lot 25, Block b Capitol Addition* Commissioner of Public wOrkso CITY OF ST. TAUL DEPARTMENT OFfINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINOWORDER (D) CP In the matter of ermdau¢,ing and taking an Owsoment fOr *he Purpo88 0f constructing and maintaininga public Sewer on the South- easterly 12 ft. of Lot 25, Block 5, Capitol Addition, from the alley in said block to St,Antllony Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved October 22nd 1923 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: gg� The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 50 .x o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCa ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 5 Capitol Addition to the 2 .1 © 0 Capitol of St. Paul, Karasey County, Minn. , TOTAL, - � ? it i0 ,0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby subaits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—, mmissioner of Finance. F.. B. B. 13 Office of the CommisM er of Public WorksRza ✓J ,0 Report to Commissioner of Finance >- j igeg ----- 191__ -- To the Corr missioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tl -ie Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Courzca I , known as Council File No.492 7 9 ----- approved _ _ _ Dat •_ _22 V_ _ 1925 T-191- - -, relative to end_ta2�ingL an _easement_ dor the_-pur-pose of _-----____-- coia � t=7a0tiug and maintaining a public sewer on the sontheaaterly -------- — —------------------------------------- 3 L of Lot 26, Block 5, Capitol Addition, from the alley in -------- —-------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ea: c3 block. to at. Anthony Avenue. and havarz investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1_ maid improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. ta_ Tine estimated cost thereof is $---73:K5------ and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________ ------------------------ 3_ A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. =57_ Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property-_ subject to assessment for said improvement. Commission o£ Public . 501 N d In the Matter ,under Preliminary Order................449.54................... approved......._.OotobzT...E? ...1q.2 ........................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of to be made by the said City is....UUTAeS.x>XQ1...ky...3t;°1.e.>'...on t-le....aust...aide...-......... - .......... o......P.y.int...35...ft,....r rof...Ful].er...$.t.►. .................................................................................... t................................................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, DEG 121923 Adopted by the Council............................................... ........ ..........................'--.............. DEC�, � .off, ... ... ......... ......... . ........... ........ City Clerk. Approved-' .................................................. 191........ ..-''............................................................... ...... ........... Mayor. Councilman 3NAFAW& Clancy Councilman CA&I Councilman rJancy "C Dc:- cid Councilman IKEH& Peter Councilman MMH SLdheiuer � .►1Ht,i) % �� �� Councilman NKMT eW& 1"enzel Mayor wddgtbfa 11e1Bon Form B. S. A. 8-7 C. F. No.b0178-- �•� - In the mutter of ooaatrueting. a.aewer on the east aide of Lexington -Ave. betweed, Fuller, St. and St, Anthonyy COUNCIL FILE NO ................. ......... under Preliminary Order 49969 A l,'.%ed October 8, 1933, A Aublld hearing having been t5 'Pon the taking a •condemning of - By............................................................................. ande�.or eaaeal' �h rein, for . owq'�mprove] '-d the aK0` - z - , ._...,.. i TN' AL ORDER In the Matter ,under Preliminary Order................449.54................... approved......._.OotobzT...E? ...1q.2 ........................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of to be made by the said City is....UUTAeS.x>XQ1...ky...3t;°1.e.>'...on t-le....aust...aide...-......... - .......... o......P.y.int...35...ft,....r rof...Ful].er...$.t.►. .................................................................................... t................................................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, DEG 121923 Adopted by the Council............................................... ........ ..........................'--.............. DEC�, � .off, ... ... ......... ......... . ........... ........ City Clerk. Approved-' .................................................. 191........ ..-''............................................................... ...... ........... Mayor. Councilman 3NAFAW& Clancy Councilman CA&I Councilman rJancy "C Dc:- cid Councilman IKEH& Peter Councilman MMH SLdheiuer � .►1Ht,i) % �� �� Councilman NKMT eW& 1"enzel Mayor wddgtbfa 11e1Bon Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPART""i�NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of The construction of a sewer tin the east side of Lexington Ave. between Fuller St. and St. Anthony Ave. -- �41�t1.Q-T. �� +L�n �rin �C-.e�t..�.t�L•t� 2•Q 47✓i"iiiYl °Y1na sit l� r� oct, 61 1923, under Preliminary Order approved -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 1426, oo 3.90 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 65 2 AmericanBuilding Co. 650 Plat 2 do 675 3 3Z 1 do 250 6 1 do 350 1 do 375 1 do375 3 1 do+50 (Except Blvd.) Part South of Aurora Ave. 15 Hyde Park 2000 TOTAL. x+25 I I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /Z— / ' ? ttt7— Commissioner of Fiaanee. Form B. B.13 St. Paul, Minn.,_: ..................... .......... 192._ a� To The Honorable, The Council; City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body ,,,to cause the fol owing i rovement to be made: :f_.,, -..................---------------_..'�L. Ave. .. .... ... .:........ ........ ..... ... _...- ...--.._...._.. - - .................... ... - 22 3, Foo ST f Office of the Commissioner of Public W6089 r... o Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov onEa o 1 ig, Bov. 1, 1923 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 48954Oat. 6, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------- --- --------------------- Hca, the aonstruation Of -a sewer -- the east aide of I,esingtonU�- Ave -------------------------------------------- -betwe- -- -, - -------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1428.00 i $3.90 per front foot and the total cost thereof is $____--------. 2. The estimated cost thereof s ----------- ---• inspection $28.00 Frontage 366 Pt. _________________ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ______-- ---------- -------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----------------------------------- -- - --- ----- -- - 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. p 4\\ _ 4--'-- -A Commissio b is r� illigtn 31. Peter, fQommtastaner t— p �riP l altette, aP}rntq fbnmmiasinnPr Department of puhlu Warks (lug of suint ruin M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER ' A. 0. SHARP. SUPT. Of SANITATION WM. N. CARRY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE 'G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER October 81, 1928. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost dor the construction of a sewer on the east side of Lexington Avenue between Faller Street and at. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. p. #48964, approved October 6, 1923. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $1428.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - 3.90 inspection - - - - - - - - - 28.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - -- 366 ft. note. Final Order should read: past side Of liBOi north Avnue of at. Anthony. Aof*to aFaller Point 3b ft. St so Yours truly, hiet Engineer* App0 muni eionerfor aoff smission o the Finance. �`�r� 0ommiis l oOKU"M Works. In he matter of Installing $ewer con- nections from street mains to prop• Arty lines Complete, where not a - ready made. in the matter of grad-. tog� and pavindy, Boulevard around + Lake capprovedm7u1Yr Preliminary Ordr9 ,-17881, A public hearing havtnr bar, t - COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... ,n the Stove r ': FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...lua.t�slliSl .. d e.x....QSJn'1 4 u1Qb1.9...►SSL[A...;9.:G.T..tid-�r...WAtk 11.5 tQ................ perty lines complete, where not already raade, in the mutter of pro uleya:l..ore...nci..L Luke C��no..................................................................... .....................................y,...........................................................--- �.....,............................................... .,,�,��,,,....,, ................... 1 ...................................................... .�.......,. �.....,..,,,,,, under Preliminary Order ................. 4.728,1................... approved ................ July ...2. lkh,19-23 ............... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.... ilistal___sewer oonnac .ionsf row s.treat..__, trains to property lines complete.,..where not. slreedy-.ma3e-,-_-in_the..._.......-- matter.of. jrradinb.. end puvinr...Hc�.i>levur.d urp.und._Lptke_Como........................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval;, that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. A ' 2 .............. 1 1 ... Adopted by the Council ..............EC ......... 1923 .. ..- --------- ................r) F -_ ....... .................City Clerk. DEC 1 21923 191....-.-• Approved............. ::..................................1 Councilman 1I.M'Mil c Clancy Councilman Oft Councilman Eb xqc ✓ , dDo Tald Councilman RAM CouncilmanI�7E6adk sudheirter Councilman K Wenzel Mayor Mo Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ............................................... .... ..................... ...... Mayor. IMM"J?/ � cgT OF BT. PAUL - -- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS9VdOM-zR OF FINANCE „ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Gra.dkg and paving ok boulevwrd around Como Lake. In the matter of under PreHnai>zary Order approved To the Council o:E the City of St. Paul: The of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' Le3gth 9(392 f t . Width of roadway 30 ft. Frontage -- Not determined. j-I"creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or Asphalt cone,. 7" Reinf Concrete Paving Blocks O plat S-1= yam= - -- - 6.16 5.14 4.07 3151 e 229 190,694.00 1-)0,997.00 130,221.00 a 1 ,536.00 t f0T r connections each #50_00 South St. to Como Ave. N. North 102-1/3 ft. of 6 6 30 do d0 1700 1100 (Excep t Como Blvd.) S-100 ft -of 30 900 14 R1 1 Pavilian do 1 do Park goo 1000 all of and No. of 10 2 do 950 zouth 2 of 10 11 2 do 2 do 900 - 00 ,West we st o:E Quincy St. vac. & 4 31 Como 3100 ad j . 8= {�E-Excep t Como Blvd & Excep t part taken for So. St. Form 8- B- 10 -..- TOTAL, In the matter of CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT 43F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMMAJONIZR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Gig and paving of boulevard around Como bake. under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St_ PE": The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Legth 9992 f t. width of roadway 30 f t. Frontage -- Not determined. Paving 7j"creosote3 Brick laid 0' Flat Asphalt or Asphalt cone,. 7" Reid Coner�te Bi oCk� - -- - - - Total Sq_ yd_ ffi 6.16 5.14 4.07 3151 22S 536. 00 190,694.00 150,997-00 130,221.00 T o t a l , Add for C " SEr��r connections each#50.00 South St. to Como Ave. N. - - - - -- - --- - - y-- .., - L.LjUV North a-02-1/3 f t . of 6 30 do 1700 (Excep t Como B3ve2 _ S. 100 ft . of 6 30 d0 1100 14 1 Pavilian Park 900 15 1 do 900 1 b 1 do 1000 all o:ra.nci Nc _ 2 of 10 2 do 950 out la -a!- o f 10 2 do 11 2 do 900 west z of Qu1mey St . vac . & 4 31 Como 3100 adj . 8-- (IF.xcep t Ccmo Blvd 8c Except part taxer for So. St. TOTAL. Form 8- B- 20 ' G�TY OF ST_ PAUL DEPA RTM E#VT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OF FINANCE ON PF2EL1M1W^"Y ORDER In the Gradtg and paving C>:&boulevaYd around Como Lake. ms�ter of q under P3r—�31miaary Order approved To tine Council of the City of St. Paul: T_e Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ss follows: Legtla 9992 f t. width of roadway 30 ft. Frontage -- Not 3ete=mined. Pater i �� 3'a'"creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7" Rein$ Blocks O Flat Asphalt conc. Concre=te 9 6.16 5.14 4.07 3151 2 30 coy,0 2000 { rept Como Boulevard) 3 30 do 11900 o rtYi 102-1/3 ft. of 6 30 do (Ex��p -t Como Blvd.) S. 100 ft. of 6 3Cj dO 11100 100 14 1 Pavilia i Park 900 L- 2. do 900 a. a- :a- :rand No. -g' of 1 10 1 2 do do 1000 950 outh z of 10 2 do . Wg s 2 Quincy St. vac. & of 11 - 4 2 31 do Como goo - (Except Como Blvd & Ex�ez3 t part taken for So. St. Farm B- B_ to TOTAL. CITY OF 9T. PAUL OEP.4RTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF GOMM{PSIQNER OF FINANCE OtV PRELIMINARY ORDER 41 C DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Exch t Como Boulevard) 1 5 Como Heights Addition to C141:3 2 5 the City of St. Paul cio 3 5 do do 5 do do 5 5 do do5 do ao 7 5 d' cio S 5 do p do 30 1 5 do c% 11 5 do c10 12 5 do c3o 13 5 do 30 1 5 do -IJO15 5 do dc> 1b 5 do c3o 17 5 do ca<3 18 do do 19 5 do ASSESSED VALUATION 3020 112;; 900 2000 2000 1000 1000 1125 1200 - 1300 5A 1400 1600 1350 3550 1�+ 5 56625 Tine Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby s z bm4ts the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to =d matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ .---- Cominissioner of Fin—. Office the COmus rrsi0iier of Public Works C , Report toCC) 1YXX Z Issloner of - Finance Oot. 29, 1923. ------ 191-_-- ---------------------- a- the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order o�r e Council, known as Council File No. _ 4 28 2 - - - - approved_'nhp grading and paving of bov.le1wVt -a around _Como_Lake_________________ z+d having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1_ Said improvement is_________ -necessary and (or) desirable. ( SeS estimate attaahed� 2; The estimated cost thereof is $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, and the total cost thereof is the. nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3f( A plan, profile or sketch of said is=iprovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof_ 5. Said improvement is_ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - - d for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said ianprovement. MINIM= Commis ' er of �illiarn �_ teeter, Q�iummissinner li BepArim>enlL (Utp- GEORGE M.. SHEPARO. CNIFF ENGINEER WM_ H_ C_f►REY� SUPT_ OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR 6_ H_ �-I>EF�ROLO� OFFICE ANG CITY PLJINNING ENGINEER 3rie Alallette, Devutu eLommissinner P .0 of Vublfr Warks of IiiAint Paul 3W.- mao a. voter* w�o>e�ielSoner of �Ziw �o�'tCss was slrs d1_ S_ GRYTBA K. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G_ P. BOWLI N. SUPT. OF WORKNOI/SE ootoDor $8. 1923. I traozwwlwwzt Amus-awd.aa 1iwiAu"7 oot*a " os 40ost 3!�l tbo gra�3ag a� gw'�r3slt� of I rmre;= w♦ge+ouna Como &Mao liter mor. water aewoa iss s s� 2s4M g$Z4W* NOS" to t3 2.3.10Lss oowlol a. v svo aatLeads UWAS, "so !s& 3psl3ag iri., Et�r+lar t7t. �'. i�l� ,�Sgy Vii' • lows rou gth 94M 1*0 #1it w of wommomew io !to oroatoge mor eatlets33si. YAVX" evooMtwa 3iae31#r�t 1as�i t or Too 8alsat. imooftO A""S 2t cow• 4�rato mos ta7. Sq • yw1. 0 "10 r -FWI .-Ir-7 ds8* 5.61 owm,4", OO om. INW.00 .21.00 J M SSW 6~ 8W=' GQWWsti.O=s OM& f iO�oa SMtt. , St. to $o<ure twt1� s .iplwovoi sow tromMLOweSOM to tiro / 0 es. : Wem Works. C. F No_ 6x•180-Orgiaanca No - 6218-- i BY J M_ - laacy- An df aPP P iat�.,g the xS�? of , - - Fourt e TYi usaad S. 'it. 3EE.. s.aY- a ar.a io-loo etC r.�i NO_ ($14,967.16) t oP the Se Fun,a cone 2ao1 aaa d -ITY GLERK ment payoP sena - m to t �: Y---GENERAL FbRM PRE�ENTEO BY _ _ _ �...... _... _ _ _ ._ . .-._... GATE----------- _ _______ ______ _ ___ . _ ._..... 1Aa orde.t inance appropriirs� the sum or Fourteen Thousand Nice Hundred al_m%7-seven and 16/3-00 i>o:3L3ars ($340967.16) out or tine Sawer'-Bond 'find, Code 2301 ;and brc36riug t`he `payment of said- sum to tY1s_ Permanent Improvemerit gBv0lving Bund for the purpose or paging a. portion of the cost of caz�strueting a' storm sewer one Blake Ave _1E'x-4*m Langford Park ;P3.acsa Wast to: Raymond Ave., on Raymonci AQA- . - Prom Blake Ave. to 30vc3c3sr St. s an Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. -Lo Cleveland Ave., desigxiatad as Improvement L- /S6 6 This is an emergency ordinance rexxc3ered necessary for the preservation or the public peace, hea3.t33L g}ac3 safety. 'Mtia Council of the City off' Sty Paul does ordains Se ct iaa _ l. . Timt there is hereby appropriated the sum of Fourteen Thousand MA-meek-Hundred Sixty-seven szsd 1.6/100 Dollars ($34,967.16) out of ti�8 _Sewer .Bond Fund, Goc14EP Za- C301, and the said sum of $34,9617.16 is h8reby'-ordered `paid to t%8 permanent:-Improvement Revolving- 2�� d for the purpose, .ar pagiz a portion of the cost or con- straxeting -.a storm Sewaxi oxo; 1B3-ake Aver from Langford Park Pl.aae Bsa to-RafcdondAve. �- on �a-_Vmaatd Ave:` Prom Blake Ave. to Sauddar rpt_ - on 3csudder St. frn ssyyssond Ave. to Cleveland Ave, designated ss Mmprovement L- SBction 2. This;ordiaance is bereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for -tkse graservation of the public peace, health aril Safety.''_ This ordinance shall. tale of fect and be in force ihmnediately upon its passage and publican ox3_ Ycs < .T 3 t'ia wm=ihnen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ----------1.9--' J✓ : Fag n Y i j'E�1 7 LD9 ' ✓McDonald Ia favor Aaed-- Peter �/ =4i••tis Sudheim+°ElL•".---Asainsc- - - _ - --- - --`-- _ r wvon 1Vi=.president moose.. ar//a-moo °- v —AC"N - --- — - �. _ w CLERK C¢1JNCIL R,ESOL'uTION GENERAL FgRM � PRESENTED'- t3Y :.......... 'DATE ... ....... ... :.... .. -. ---- -" An or finance appropriat ng -the sum 'of Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred- Sixteen and 97/100 Dollars ($1,6,216.97); out of the Sewer Bond Fund, . Code 230., and ordering the payment of said sum to the Permanent Improvement Revolving ii'und for the purpose of paying a portion of k the cost of constructing storm water relief sewers on Mendota Street from Beech St. to the Right-of-way of the C. St. P. I:;. & 0. R. R. and -2 , on an easement to be obtained across the railroad Right-of-way on the r"r line of Mendota St. produced to the Phalen Creed sewer, also on Mninnehaha Street from Mendota St. to Forest S , on Beech St. from Mendota St. to E. Seventh `St., and on E. Seventh St. from Beech St. to Arcade St., designated as Improvement L-1856. This is an energeney ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of -the public peace_` health and safety. - The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Sixteen `thousand Two _ Hundred Sixteen and 97/100 Dollars ($516,2* 16.97) out of the Sewer Bond Fund, Code 2301, and the said sumof $16,2,16.97 is hereby ordered paid to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for the purpose of paying a portion of the co9t of constructing storm water relief sewers on .",Hendota St. from Beech St, to the, Right' -of -way of the C. St. P. M. & 0 R.R. and on an easement to be obtained across the railroad Right- of-way on the line of Mendota St. produced to the Phalen Creek sewer, also on Minnehaha Street from Mendota St. to Forest St. , on Beech St. from Mendota St. to E. Seventh St. and on E. Seventh St. from Beech St . to Arcade St. ,"designated as Improvement L-1856. • SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon ` its passage and publication. Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays ✓ Clancy Adopted by the Council.___ DEC 2 71923 ___ 19— Z Ferguson ✓ McDonald In favor' pproved DEC% 192 —19--.- ger �; J. iheimer NMI-- Agaioat — — ---- YwYOR { ' Wenzel - ✓ Mr. President IOR4 DY dII0 Y' l � ; CITY OF CILNO.......J0182 OFFICE OF Ti:.C. F. No. 60182—By J. M. Clancy— FIRST lancy FIRST WARD. COUNCIL RESOL�ITION—G e —Y� that the Fln'. ward of the` A r Paul be .and th same le PRESENTED BY J' / ;.ded tato tw I i COMMISSIONER -77 ._Y -'rt t ...... / ARD Resolved that the First ward of th6 City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby divided into 'twenty election districts or precincts, as follows; District No,1 Bounded on the north by the center line of minnehaha St, iproduced westerly, on the east by the center linea of Burr St., Collins St., De Soto St., North St, and Brunson St., produced southerly, on the south by the center line of Grove St. produced easterly and on the west by the center line of i miseiesippi St. District _Io,_ 2 Bounded on the north -by the center line of Minnehaha St., on the easNy %Ayorthorn Pacific Railroad Company's Right of Way, on the south by the center lines of Grove St. and Grove St. produced, on the west by the center line of Brunson St. produced southerly, and the center lines of North St,, De Sota St,, Collins St. and Burr St. District No. 3 Ilse f MAID WNE OF Bounded on the north by^,Iauqudntier'�t. I on toe east by the" Northern Pacific Railway, on the south by��itff@'a4Y fit: and on the'west by the main line of the Chicago, St, Paul & Omaha Railroad. + District No. 4 ' Bounded on the north by�e� "VVi°f, on the east byADe Sota 8t., on the south %�`Ikil'lft'gr St, and the main line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad and minnehaha St. produced, on the west by�s3�i St. District No. 5 t ce mrI �--// IIIter e�ol I, Bounded on then rth b ec&s t�.� . �" , on the east er ori St., liwi �Aj4. on the south byn 4�t. and,on the wean by�°03£: District No. b aa�� ,,�� aeU4 het Bounded on the north by deeu`Cs g6f, on the east byIGtitireenn Ave., and,�,h�e main line of the Northern P fie Reroad, on the south by^finc ?V. and on the west' by^ °� t. District No. i �o0ater line./ 10-i tenter lines/i - Bounded on the north byr\Jenks 1t.,._on the east byAArcade St., on the south by the main 1ilie of the Northern Pacific Railroad and on the west by^Greee$$`i Ui Ave.-/ r ft onter line/01 DIa tester Imes of District No. $ Bounded on the north bynFast Cook St., on the east by,,Forest St., on the south by themaiin ��i�,q, of the Northern Pacific Railroad„ and on the west by`Arcae—S, r . District No. 95 ' Cho ceAter leap Of Bounded on the north byjAst Cook St. and Cook St, produced, on the east and south by the cent, Inst of the Northern Pacific Railroad and on the, west by ores. il -. District No. 10 Yh'o center IWe� f w0 "rater, R..,/,f Bounded on th enor�t) o i�East Rose St., on thleea t bynDe Sota St. on the south §yAlenks St. and on the west by,, issies1ppi St. s District No. 11 the cent IIneA n Ae center Ilnee sof Bounded on the north byWAst dose fit., g�i�j'e,ie t byrEdgerton St., on the south Vj eikl St. and on the west by�De Sots St. District No; 12 11'.24, "r'12"', .4 Bounded on the north by the center line of Jessamine St., on the east by the center line of Greenbrier Ave., on the south by the center line of Jenks 9t,, and on the west by the center line of Edgerton Ste ' Ward 1 - Cont. Yeas COUNCILMEN ays �ncy ,,McDonald I-IMatson Peter ,^enzel Mr. President LIn favor --Q._.-Against Adopted by the Council .. -- - -- ----- 1, - -? 174 y; Approv -- ...... 19 y L O� Jessamine M, District No. 13 Bounded on the north by the center line of east by the center line of Arcade St., on the south on the by the center line of Jenks St., and on the west by the - center line of Greenbrier Ave. District No. 14 Bounded on the north by the center lines of Hyacinth St. , the east by the center line of De Sota St. and Ivy St., on the south by the center line of Rose St., Edgerton St., on and on the west by the center line of Mississippi St. District No. 15 Bounded on the north by the center line of Ivy St., on the the south by east by the center line of Greenbrier Ave., on the center line of Jessamine St. and on the west by the center line of Edgerton St. Distrtat; No. 16 Bounded on the north by the center line of Ivy St. , on the by the center line of Arcade St., on the south by the east center line of Jessamine St. and on the west by the center line of Greenbrier Ave. the east by 3�uoe,ra District No. 17 Bounded on the north by�Easst Rose St. , on thesouth byn s ook St., and on the west by^Arcade St. st., on h ao tr District No. 18 Bounded on the north by the center line of Ivy StA, on the east the south by the Center by the Northern Pacific Right of Way, on easterly and on the west by the center line of Cook St. produced line of Earl St. tvr IIRNO •# District No. 19 Bounded on the north: by„^L rpenteur Ave., on the east byAArcade S•t., theivvy St•, De Sots, St. and Hyacinth St., on the on west byKMississippi St. / District No. 20. uw sm� uaedol Bounded on the north by�Larpenteur Ave. and Larpenteur Ave lire of the Northern Pacifi�SB1 produced, on the east by the main by"pi4W-5't' 'end Ivy St. pr�du e }Railroad and on the south Earl St. and East Rose St., and on the west byRArcade St. Yeas COUNCILMEN ays �ncy ,,McDonald I-IMatson Peter ,^enzel Mr. President LIn favor --Q._.-Against Adopted by the Council .. -- - -- ----- 1, - -? 174 y; Approv -- ...... 19 y L O� HENRY OLSON (city of 6aint Paul (W— Of (gag (11-1k Dc-,-,c:--ber 11th, 19217'. a,�ointcd to c -D–,�C' n --t 2 its r."C'rt m s nev.- JZC�-'onrhich — H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY G"RK J®1 CITY OF ST ,. y $r F. Vo. b0183-8 T. M. Clancy— . OFFICE OF THE OSECOMD WARD. COUNCIL RESQLUTK N —1—d. d, That the Second wad of. Clty f St Paul be fid th Is= �'y 4o d into wenty el -1— recl-��" fell., PRESENTED 1 — PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___. --- Resolved, That the Second Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the r~" same is hereby divided into twenty election districts or precincts as follow . �eceaterlmge%f St. District No. 1 Bounded on the north by t�inne2 , on the east by„ �.�e na e4 Cable Ave. and Maple St., on the southerly byh�eas$`5'1 St., and on the west by the main line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. G4 District No. 2 Bounded on the northerly bq��"apt°ii i St. , n the easterly,nn ceate llnesJ sobs Maple St. , on the southerly bye, I Y. ,,St. and on_the westerly by the Northern Pacific Railroad. M P10 N Lt District No. 3 Bounded on the northerly aide by the center line of Third t, N,` �Me�mEP St., on the easterly aide by the center line of Maple S on the southerly side'by the center line of 11 St�F waa�y and on the south and west by the Bu4iagton ea Northern Pacific' Railway tr=ks�PND Irnissr S5t.PPt P'we-R _- _ •LT 7c: FY t"-�T: - ]fc-moi- 1T a=_ `L^—�3s - m :L.a P SECOND WARD -- Cont. :.n cents/ nner. m .,e .,.,r linea nr District No. 13 Bounded on the north by,Hastings Ave., on the east byAEnglish f St... on the soutj'by^ur Bns Ave. , Johnson Parkway and Thorn St., and on the west bynba$WW sSi'.`; McLean Ave, and Forest St. tbn eenx fines of District No. .14 Bounded on the north byLarpentgg ,#V& jon the east by Hazelwood ��`: ; on the south t r.Re�ane� $-, Atlantic o E gNE Seventh St., and on the west bye'Fran t. and the^Nor ern Pacific Railway tracks. tbrt Cent_ Ane8 N iiu. CtnMr flocs n, District No. 15 Bounded on the north bynReaney St., on the east by Hazeli6od Ave. , on th6 south" by^Conway St. and on the we st ` y �Iz`� uI St., East Sixth St. and Duluth Ave. the center line. d District No. 16 Bounded on the north by^Conway St. and Conway St. produced, on the east by the East City Limits, on the south by Section line between Sections 2,3,10 and 11, Township 28, Range 22, and on the west by Mississippi River ane��etr"montn°St. , Thorn St. and Johnson Parkway, Burns Ave. )and English St. District No. lj Bounded on the north by Section line between Sections 2, 3,'10 and 11, Township 28, Range 22, on the east by the East City Limits, on the south by the City Limits and on the west by the Mississippi River. the sevecr (ince d District No. 18 Bounded on the north by j arpenteur Ave., on the east by the City Limits, on the south by the.main line of thuC -MO." St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway tracks andidaryland St., on the west byrHa2efwoA°6e. !bn caatu linox N District No. 19 Bounddon the north by^Maryland St. and the main line of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis.& Omaha Ra iw racks, on the east by the City limits, on south by^ illw,ater Road; Saael Ave. and East Seventh St., and on the west by^ Hazelwood Ave. District No. 20 Bounded on the north by^East Seven;th St., Hazel Ave., and Still- water Road, on the east by the Eset City Limits, on the §p,4t4k ^wee.nt^ 0'Conway St. and Conway St. produced, and on the west by�Iazelwood Ave. �iOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �ney I4441 >Z ,,-McDonald In favor Matson v✓ Peter ._._..Against L Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council. _`- �............. Approv d - -- _..... .-- - _ .. MRYOR COUNCIL No..........0-181 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE __-.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE Sf,LUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -- %'�'.:...- .. .:�L.G[.-i.LL.-� - DATE._....___..___.....__...... COMMISSIONER.__ ._---i C. F.. No. 60184—By J• M- Clancy— `� THIRD WARD. Resolved, That 11,qThird t - the City of St. Paul bF .•,�! ., hereby divided into trlctF, ,C —XIlry . Resolved that the Third Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby divided into two election districts or precincts as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the north by the center lines of Tenth St., Broadway and Grove St. produced easterly, on the east by the Northern Pacific Railway tracks, on the south by the Mississippi River, and on the west by the center line of Jackson St. District No. 2 Bounded on the north by the center line of Grove St., on the east by the center line of Broadway, on the south by the center line of Tenth St., and on the west by the center line of Jackson St. C oUNCILNIEN-----"-" -- --LW: Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ -__..._......__. Clancy Vic^ uJ^ App v;d.._ ..-. - - ._"" ..... M ' McDonald ---------------In favor MAYOR Matson 0. -.---Against Peter d Wenzel �' Mr. President CIT' OFFICE ( c. F. No, 60185 -Ry J. M. Clancy`— . FOURTH WARD. d of to le dle- B.. 'F:. .... . .............. _............. _... _.._....... COUNCIL NO. -_50M5 FILE LftK WhRO RESOLVED, That the Fourth Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby divided into seven election districts or precints as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the North by the center line of Seventh at/, on the East by the center line of St. Peter St., on the South by the Mississippi Rivee, and on the Nest by the center line of Eagle at. District No. 2 Bounded on the North by the center line of Seventh St., on the Fast by the center line of Jackson St., on the South by the Mississippi River and on the Test by the center line of St. Peter St. District No. 3 Bounded on the Northerly side by the center line of --v--Tenth at., Cedar St., Minnesota St., Eleventh St., Robert St., and Thirteenth St., on the F,asterlyside by the center line of Jackson St., on the South side by the center line of Seventh St., and on the West by the center line of St. Peter St. District No. 4 Bounded on the Northerly side by the center line of Summit Ave., Wabasha St, on the Easterly side by the center line of Robert St., on the Southerly side by the center lines of Eleventh St., Minnesota St., Tenth St., and Cedar St., and on the West by the center line of St. Peter St. District No., 5 Bounded on the Northerly side by the center line of Summit Ave., on the Easterly side by the center line of St. Peter St., on the Southerly side by the center lines ofTenth St., and Main Ave., and on the `.Westerly side by the center line of Ninth St. District No. 6 Bounded on the North by the center line of Tenth St., on the Easterly side by the center line of St. Peter St., on the Southerly side by the center line of Seventh St., and on the West by the center line of Main Ave. District No. 7 Bounded on the Northerly side by the center line of Summit Ave., on the Easterly side by the center line of West Ninth St., on the Southerly side by the center line of Main Ave., and on the Westerly side by the center line of pest Fourth St. COUNCILMEN Yeas mays • Adopted by the Council_L).Ec. -19 --_ 132 Clancy Tia omw App oved J ` ' �^ _Tg�.. l�.ca McDonald _ __ In favor ✓ Matson Peter . Against MAYOP �✓YenzeI Mr. President . wsi:**�_ I_1�`f CITY C FiFrx wwxv. ' OFFICE OF .; That the Fifth Ward oL St. Paul be and the same COU:CI�LRESQ UTION---��, laed I t e este les❑ la t as. r uYIct N 1PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. S`"t.`L"' - aid. LZ ..✓..., . v j o.%. . AP.� 4 w ?iUC �J�_..•,:� _%rt`er'-- side by the c�i-`,r inc o; Ave., on�the E<^tcrly oido by the center lines of sort__ St ndle St on the ' - ,r,_v�e_ -eby the center ii_^_es of s";il'x_in um cwnr this d District No.Z Bounded on the Northerly side by,ITvine Ave. mEasterly side bv. e°s�"5�°t94 St., on Southerly side b7eS lt'a'fYe., Forbes Ave., Douglas St., and Lisbon S on the Test^usComm mt�mc4 bf'Testern Ave.------------iAMnPaEASnni r _ h d. ceotx line. or District No, i Bounded on the North bvALisbon St., Douyla:e St., orb��aleru,,.a,e Lve., Smith Ave., =n,! Ra*isey St., on the East b7, M -in W St„ the South bvnGo i . , on 77c. -t by W_ wilt— a rve. Ilk ND PLEFFSRNT iivE. District No. 4 Bomlded on the *forth by the center line of G.icarich Ave., the Southeast by the Chicago, :ii1—LL.ee & St.P.rul tr.. s, 2nd on the `,"est by the center line of 7estern Ave. District No. 5 Bounderon the Northwesterly side by the Ohico' , ':i1r:a1_-Lee & St.Paul tracks, on the East by the center line of Eagle St., on the Southeasterly side by the I:Sississippi River, a_nd on the Pest by the ednter line of P ..tern Aver A,v D wgs mN ANS PPLO DITCED, I District Ido. 6 Bomided on the North by the center line o Pleasant Ave., on the East by the center line of ?;uestern Ave., on the South by the center line of 17est Seventh St., and on the gest by the center line of Erie St, produces. Northerly. District No. 7 Bo-ended. on the Forth side by the center line of Pleasalit Ave., on the East by the center line of Erie St. produced. Northerly, on the South by the center line of West Seventh St., and on the '.lest by the center line of Osceola Ave. 0. ante, fine, d ' District No. 8 Bounded on the Vortlaerly Gide by JK West Seventh St., on the East bA�," s°'EaL1i`Ave., and 17estern Ave. , uroduced, on Sout,,erly by the 1.1ississip_i dyer, 2nd on the hest bryrbeenaterm..ai of Drai.c and Randolph Sts. No. n ,d I h T R!!� LI NE District r:o. Bo•�_ ed or. th1,, iio_t_ by the Cni. o, ;:ilwaukee ,- st.Paul Ry. trsc s, on the Ens; by she center line of Osceola Ave., South and on the Viest by the center 1_ne of Victoria St. the mg. pap w the seater psee ui District 'INTO. 10 Bo•:hlded on th I r" .b 'ta.nr..olph St., or the Fast by Drake .%r.I �n tn- the i I+i� St., on the Sout by _ stroa: Ave., and ?^est Selieri �i°fSt., lk _ c_nd. on the '.','est by Victoria St. 131 rq % sbe caaw He" d District No. 11 Bounded an the PTortherlyA�.i_,'.,72�Le t5 St., nd Arm- strone Ave., on the East bvt\Drc.e St., and on the Southerly side by the !,iissi__i'R_.6_ COUNCILMEN' Yeas 1\ ays Clancy -y;,w9'eeest_ McDonald _ _ In favor Matson Peter C... -.Against. / Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council _ -:,=--7--.:.192 ---. ��'--- ' Appro-.. ..-......... ---------- _-""--.'_--,�/ / MAYOR •_ Y y r the —wn L'— of D strict :To. 1" Po._tt-ed on the "ortherJ t b Gt Clr.__ .. '::., Yn _..', ?lec:o- o-nt Ave., or the Eart bynOcceolc 1..- South, rr_a on„South "est by the ChicrLo, ilz:o }_ee St. Pcn1 ”, rr•cl-c. TA Pti N LI N k • Dict^_ct ITo. 1 Wuu— Bo-ml'.o' c_. "ie 'by the ftemow t t naa�m o, tha r_,,; b K'_r r- c! on li^bif J� 4 . the O -D:l the 7cct - _- -0. 1,: 9o_„ -e: on the "Orth b• nc center lzne of _io on the `.._ 1_ne pig ctor_..7 Pc:..t b1' the cenT . vc•- ._ - On tl'' 'jC ;a':b`), C'- tor 11.... �.J._ ... , ., ..- ,.. '^.e'. b— t,..� ccent=1l.__ _T:^--t.11JO.g_-.., ., tin crn:nr itam at It ' �.. "t. `n^. •C?:.c: : ^.. cc-!, P n... ,, , r- Ave. • :. tbo t I•�:ca M _ Wit. nic1„_ct ',To. lc - or the 70_ 1 b- tt T?C b �Lt6 t�{ rsRt 'n the MS _fvlri. Aft __ ..11- -. t!'p .c. rr by^HC, 17 Bo, n'c ; opt the _ thb ^^` t' sr .r tita.Yrr 2 ^' _y -... COUNCILMEN' Yeas 1\ ays Clancy -y;,w9'eeest_ McDonald _ _ In favor Matson Peter C... -.Against. / Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council _ -:,=--7--.:.192 ---. ��'--- ' Appro-.. ..-......... ---------- _-""--.'_--,�/ / MAYOR 0--P. No 80187—BY J. M. Clancy— 8 p�g CITY C ENea N0._.. --11111 .SIXTH WARD. OFFICE OF olved, Thst the Sixth Ward of *-v of St. Paul be and the came COUNCIL RESOLUTION-; y dtvtded sato fifteen eleeuon ' ,or, recincis, as follows: P 'RESENTED BY //- ....�-....,ts— -,L- r ,, - :OMMISSIONER. _.....J_._(. .. ._ . 0 _ .._._.__Fx,c...... �•.�-:...,�_�. T� Resolved that the Sixth Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby divided into fifteen election districts or precinct$, as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the north and west by the Mississippi River, on the easterly side by the center line of $o. Robert St. on the southeasterly side by the center lines of Plato Ave., Wabasha St., Wabasha St. Stairs, Prospect Terrace, Bellows St., Ethel St., Ohio St., Cherokee Ave., Top of Bluff Line to Chippewa Ave., to Belmont St. to Top of Bluff Line, to Annapolis St., and Annapolis St. to the Mississippi River. District No. 2 Bounded on the north by the Mississippi River, on the east by the center line of State St., on the south by the Chicago, Great Western Railway tracks, and the center line of Wood St., and on the west by the center line of So. Robert St. District No. j Bounded on the north and east by the Mississippi River, on the south by the center lines of Delos St. produced westerly, Nicholas St. produced westerly to -the Chicago, Great Western Railway tracks and on the west by the center line of State St. District No. 4 tl,e `a,;er Imp llpws 9t. sad Pro peg, Bounded on the north bq Ethel Pros i`B "" °P `� `tha south byhGeo d` Terrace, on the east by inal°pi,�g 1l Street and on the west byWh SE: District No. 5 Bounded on the north by the center line of Prospect Terrace and the So. Wabasha St. Slairway, on the east by the center line of So. Wabasha St. and Humboldt Ave., on the south by the center line of George St., and on the west by the center line of Winslow St. District No. 6 Bounded on the north by the center line of Plato Ave., on the east by the center line of So. Robert St., on the south by the center line of George St., and on the west by the center lines of So. Wabasha St. and Humboldt Ave. District No. 7 Bounded on the north by the center line of Wood St. and the Chicago Great Western tracks, on the east by the center lines of Ada St. and Dunedin Terrace, on the south by the center lines of George St. and Concord St., and on the west by the center line of So. Robert St. District No. 8 0., Cca}pr ,inn. Bounded on the north and west by^Cherokee Ave. and the top of the bluff and Chippewa Ave., on the east by the center line of Ohio St., on the south by the center line of Morton St. District No. 9 Bounded on the north by the center line of George St., on the east by the center line of Stryker Ave. otthe ut11}} ttr�y the cotter line of Curtice St., City Limits ails bo8e er°Yine of Sydney St., and on the west by the center line of Ohio St. Yeas Cou N C I LNI EN �RVy -N-9 -- ,,McDonald N 9 -- ,,McDonald ,,,Matson `1 -Peter 1_�Venzel , Mr. President In favor ----_------Against a Adopted by the Council..V=. Appro ed.-.- SIXTH WARD -- Cont. le District No. 10 ��4cn,iiaded on the north by the center line of George St. 9 tb oa tams east by the center line of So. Robert St., on loath by the center line of Annapolis St. and on the .d ,s►e rs t by the center lines of Bidwell St., Curtice St. eTY S tr3►2�er Ave. d District No. 11 Bo-azxadeci on the north by the center lines of George St. line of Page 9t' G czzc ord St., on the south by the center ors the west by the center line of So. Robert St. District No. 12 73E3�4=,-ax3Lded on the 'north by*the center linea of Nicholas gtpe procivaed wMsliy and Delos St. psvdaeed"w 'f9, mt1 tgt gest by the tGississippi River, on the south by the cen�ei lse, :2_3=L6 of Annapolis • St. , and on the west by the center o ::E' C orncord St., Ada St. , Danedin Terrace and the Chid Gr sa.t Western tracks to the State Street Bridge. 00 District No. 13 �o-ozscied on the north by the center line of Morton St.t bJ the south t3sg east by the center line of Smith Ave., on to➢ t3i6 center line of Annapolis St. and on the west by tbBnlol o £ ti -le- Bluff through the Cherokee Heights Park to Bebe —T-- Chippewc► St. 0 District No. 14 ::3aozAsscled on the north by the center line of Mort On St-�11" CPO. by the center lines of Ohio St., Sydney St. and o" S L _ on the south by the center line of Annapolis St• -t3se west by the center line of Smith Ave. the District No. 15 T30=ct+ded on the north by the center line of Page St., scene' �y the center line of Concord St., on the south by thenBo, by the center line e o Armapolis St. , and on the west St_ Cou N C I LNI EN �RVy -N-9 -- ,,McDonald N 9 -- ,,McDonald ,,,Matson `1 -Peter 1_�Venzel , Mr. President In favor ----_------Against a Adopted by the Council..V=. Appro ed.-.- CITY OF C. F. We. 60188—By J. M. Clancy— 'NO._.. --5 OFFICE OF THI, - SVENTH WARD. COUNCIL R' ES TIO�1—r7&�• Th t the Seventh an Ward of Z// of 9t Paul he and salad to - ✓ 1-Ylded Into. thirty-four elec Ms or. preclnets, as follows PRESEN D BY e 1 COMMISS ONER —.__. " --L--- ./ (–�- Diatrlet No. 1. .._-__-. _.-.---..._..-----._ byuta WARD L RESOLVED, That the Seventh Ward of the City of St. Paul be and same is hereby divided into thirty-four election districts or precints as follows; District No. 1 Bounded on the North by the center lines of •, ., Marshall alley, Louis St., and Nelson Ave., on the East by the center lines of west fourth st., and Selby Ave., Summit Ave., on the South by the center line of and on the West by the center line of Farrington Ave. District No. 2 Bounded on the North by the center line of Selby Ave., on the East and South by the center line of Irvine Ave., and on the West -by the center line of Western Ave. District No. 3 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., on the East by the center line of Farrington Ave., on the South by the center line of Selby Ave., and on the West by the center lines of Arundel St., Marshall Ave., and Western Ave. District No. 4 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., on the East by the center line of Western Ave., on South by the center line of Marshall Ave., and on the West by the center line of Kent St. District No. 5 Bounded on the North by the center line of Marshall, Ave., on the East by the center line of Arundel St., on the South by the center line of Selby Ave., and. on the West by the center line of Kent St. District No. 6 Bounded on the North by the center line of -Selby, Ave., on the East by the center line of Western Ave., on the South by the center line of Ashland Ave., and on the West by the center line of Mackubin St. District No. 7 Bounded on the North by the center line of Ashkind Ave., on the East by the center line of Western Ave., on the South by the center line of Portland Ave., and on the West by the center line of Mackubin St. District No. 8 Bounded on the North by the center lines of Summit Ave., Mackubin St., and Portland Ave., on the Fast by the center line of Western Ave., on the Southefly side by the center line of Pleasant Ave., and on the Westerly side Duke St., and Oakland Ave. District No. 9 Bounded on the North by the center line of Selby Ave., on the East by the center line of Mackubin St. on the South the the by the center line 6f Ashland Ave., and on Fest by center line of Dale St. District'No. 10 Bounded on -the North by the center line of Ashland Ave., - on the East by the center line of Mackubin Ot"on the South by the center lime of Summit Ave., and on the}Wbst by the center line of Dale St. Seventh ward Continued District No. 11 Bouon ndedhe,thetcenterthe ei.,ionAthe linecenter onn the Etby OaklandfA line of Lincoln Ave., and on the South by the center West by the center line of St. Albans St. District No. 12 Bounded on the North by the center line of Lincoln Ave., Oakland Ave., and Duke on the East by the center line of the South by the center line of Pleasant , St., on and on the West by the center line of St.albans St. District No. 13 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., Kent St., on the South on the East by the center line of line of Marshall Ave., and on the West by - by the center the center line of Avon St. District No. 14 Bounded on the NorthbThe center line of Marshall Ave., the South on the East by the center line of Kent St., on Selby Kve., and on the West by the by the center line of center line of Grotto St. District No. 15 the the Daleline the South St. onbtv linecenter by theNorth onuthedFastcenter line of Summit Ave., and on the West by the by the center center line of St.Albans St. District No. 16 Bounded on the North by the center line of Selby Ave., St.Albans St., on on the East by the center line of South by the center line of Laurel Ave., and on the the 'fest by the center line of Fisk St. District No. 17 Bounded on the North by the center line of Laurel Ave., St.Albans St., on the on the Fast by the center line of center line of Summit Ave., and on the West South by the by the center line of Avon St.' District No. 16' Bounded on the North by the center line of Summit Ave., St., on the on the East by the center line of St.Albans Lincoln Ave., and on the West South by the center line of by the center line of Victoria St. District No. 19 Bounded on the North by the center line of Lincolnn�l1??Ave.,� Stb, na oth on the East bthcentercenter Of PleasantaAve:'vaans the lineline `n^the the South by West by the center line of Avon St. District No. 20 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., the East by the center Avon St., and Marshall Ave., on ofnVictoria line of Westsbytthe centereline e., andson,the Selby Ave., St. District No. 21 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., line of St., on the on the Fast by the center Xictoria South by the center line of Selby ve., and on the West by the center line of Chatsworth St. District No. 28 Bounded on the North by the center line of Selby -'ve., on the East by the center line of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of Ashland Ave., and on the 'Nest by the center line of Dunlap St. District No. 29 Bounded on the North by the center line of Ashland Ave., on the Fast by the center line- of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of Summit Ave., and on the West by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul, Ry. tracks. District No. 30 Bounded on the North by the center line of Summit Nve., on East by the center line of Oxford St. on the South by the center line of Goodrich Ave., and on the Wept by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul ry. tracks. District No. 31 Bounded on the North by the center line of Goodrich Ave., on the East by the cdnter line of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of St.Clair Str., and on the West by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul Ry. -tracks. SEVENTH WARD CONTINUED District No. 22 Bounded on the NortD by the Center line of Selby Ave., on the East by tlenter line of Fisk St., on the South `D by the center line of Laurel Ave., and on the West by the center line of Chatsworth St. District No. 23 Bounded on the North by the center line of Laurel Ave., on the East by the center line of Avon St., on the South by the center line of Summitt Ave., and on the West by the center line of Chatsworth St. District No. 24 Bounded on the North by the center line of Summit Ave., on the Fast by the center line of Victoria St., on the South by the center linesof Lincoln Ave., Chatswvuth St., and Goodrich Ave., and on the .Nest by the center line of Oxford St. District No. 25 Bounded on the North by the center line of Lincoln Ave., on the East by the center line of Avon St., on the South by the center line of Fairmount Ave., and on the West by the center line of Chatsworth St. District No. 26 On the North by the center line of Fairmount Ave., on the East by the center line of Avon 6t., on the South by the center line of St. Clair St., and on the West by the center line of Chatsworth St. District No. 27 Bounded on the North by the center line of Carroll Ave., on the Fast by the center line of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of Selby s°ve., and on the West by the center line of Lexington Ave. District No. 28 Bounded on the North by the center line of Selby -'ve., on the East by the center line of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of Ashland Ave., and on the 'Nest by the center line of Dunlap St. District No. 29 Bounded on the North by the center line of Ashland Ave., on the Fast by the center line- of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of Summit Ave., and on the West by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul, Ry. tracks. District No. 30 Bounded on the North by the center line of Summit Nve., on East by the center line of Oxford St. on the South by the center line of Goodrich Ave., and on the Wept by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul ry. tracks. District No. 31 Bounded on the North by the center line of Goodrich Ave., on the East by the cdnter line of Chatsworth St., on the South by the center line of St.Clair Str., and on the West by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul Ry. -tracks. SEVENTH- =)WARD CONTINUED District No. 38 Bounded on the North b th centar lie f Mars hall A e., on the East by the cen�er line of Lex ng on ve., on The South by the center line of Selby Ave., and on the West by the center line of Hamline Ave. District No. 33 Bounded on the North by the centerline of Selby Ave., on the East by the center line of Dunlap St., on the South by the center line of Ashland Ave., and on the West by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Ry. tracks t4 r;, dh and.Hamline Ave. District No. 34 Bounded on the North and East by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.Paul Ry. tracks, on the South by the center line of St. Clair St., and on the "Vest by the c enter line of Hamline Ave. Frl COUNCILMEN Seas Nays (Taney McDonald In favor Matson Peter -_. __ Against jWenzel ` Mr. President 61 Adopted by the Council-, ouncil . ._-------}------------..---- Appro......19�— f Resolved that the Eighth Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the districts or precincts, as follows! CITU C. F. No..60189—By`J. ES Clancy— coE ca NO.-.-- --- EIGHTH WARD. OFFICE 0 lt",s,�o�l"d. That the 'Elghth- Ward .of COUNCI RFy�O le b y dlBdedatlto twentvhleacfon dl tHcts or p e i is as foil , District No. 1 Bounded on the north by the center line of Carroll Ave., on line of Cathedral Place, on the south Resolved that the Eighth Ward of the City of St. Paul be and the districts or precincts, as follows! eams is hereby divided into twenty election District No. 1 Bounded on the north by the center line of Carroll Ave., on line of Cathedral Place, on the south the east by the center by the center lines of Marshall Alley, 'Louis St., and Neon Ave., and on the west by the center line of Farringto- District No. 2 Bounded on the north by the center line of Central Ave., on the south by the the east by the center line of Rice St., on Nelson Ave., and on the west center lines of Su>md t Ave. and ® by the center line of Cathedral Place. District No. 3 the center nun nt the curter line' ai Bounded on the north by Central Ave., on the east byAbythe,ue, 1 Place, on the south by,e7 i�il��^Yab:, and on the west by center lures bt Western Ave. District No. 4 Bounded on the north by the center line of Central Ave., on the by ke center line of Arundel St., on the south by east the center line of Carroll Ave., and on the west by the center line of Dale St. District No. 5 Bounded on the north by the centerline of University Ave., the south on the east by the center line, of Maekubin St., on on the west by the by the center line of Central ve., and center line of Dale St. District No. b Bounded on the north by the center line of 'University Ave., line of Western Ave., on the south on the east by the center center line of Carroll Ave., and on the west by the by the center lines of Arundel St., Central Ave. and Mackubin St. the center Iiae' od District No. 7 the center It— of Bounded on the }forth b..U�iversity Ave., on the east by Way St., the enter Jinn of es ern Ave. and on the west by on the south byhCentral Ave., i e rents, uan w ' District No. 8 ythe center ❑ne' d ice_ Bounded on the north b University Ave., on the east by,�R d • /,erne Ce r t� eve. and on the westNi"Y toss• St. , on the south by„�entra9 , District No. 9 me .eater imn er the center sn_ of Maekllbin St., Bounded on the notch br.,Wond St., on the east y� and on the west' Die `St. on th south byAUn�`versity Ave. , urn r.«,tec Imes nt _7 .� assn V fond St., on the east by^ estern Ave., District No. 10 Bounded on the north,by,J,at sjj`ty Ave. , and on the west ackabin St. Eby^t on the south byn,Jnivel No. 11 he Thomas St•'a ,.Gaultier St. Bounded on the north -by ?Nod onteb Ave., an thewestbA,f*stsrn Ave.. District on the south by ,nversity she curter of 1 the'Ont-Ream theaeas y on,wedt Como Ave., h9Yq ,st'e a�ty d on nd Ave., antie by Bounded on the north byATRice District No. St., on the south byUaivera Gaultier St. EIGHTH WARD -- Cont District No. lj Bounded on the north by -the Great Northern Railway main line, - u s .nom hen on the east by ce SSE., on the south byhdo"neemo Ave., and Thomas St., and on the westtAve. District No. 14 Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the center line of Western Ave., on the south by the center line of Lafond St., and on the west by the center line of Dale St. District No. 15 the cerNer nnee o' ins cemer nnee o! Bounded on the north bynLewson St., on the east by,,Marion St., Atwater St. and Gaultier St., on the south he main line of the Great Northern Railway, and on the west bgIN ®stern Ave. m- District No. 16 Bounded on the north by..Maryland Stf,._eapd the Northern Pacific 1-1 Railway tracks, on the east by^Western Ave., on the south by nr the main line of the Great Northern Railway, and on the west^ by Dale St. District No. 17 Bounded on the north by the Northern PgLcific �Rai,,lway tracks, on the eastn�8�9ZAS,St., on the south byt;;son St., and on the west byxie's-e'rn Ave. District No. 18 Bounded on the north by^Larpenteur Ave., on the east by ^nce� t" on the south by t)tie Northern Pacific Railway tracks, weand\?�sryand St.I and on the s�"`�e St. CHS C¢[ttCt 14".0 enter IincR of District No. 19 Bounded on the north by�Lawson St., on the east �by ,Tice St., on the south b�e:main line of the Great Northern Railway, and on the west bye aultier St., Atwater St. and Marion St. District No. 20 Bounded ons*nggrtfil,,by the Northerij.P_ G}dig Iailway tracks, on the east by&Rice St., on the south by.,Lawson St., and on the west nbV !clarion St. COUNCILMEN Yeas N ays Clancy r ---@— ✓McDonald v_ In favor � Matson Peter V.....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. _ _------ ----- - ---._._.__79TH--- AP ved...... .. ......:..: 4:.ti}....-....lAf?. wrors ®� f��-� CITY No. -69199—BY J. �f �lapCY'— FOENCIL NO..------ — — — NINTH .WARD- OFFICE OF 1ved, That the'Ninth Ward of COUNCIL RESOLUTC3Y dl8 dedaUlto .twelve etectlon or pr `t., ae follow.: -...................�'_.i�.�1.., ...._._.._-„. - . OAS£ - -------- f� ARD RESOLVED, That the Ninth Ward of the City of St. Paul Me and the same is hereby divided into twelve election districts or precints as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the North by the center line of Central Ave., on the Northeast by the center line of St. Peter St., on the Southeast by the center line of Summit Ave., and on the 'lest by the center line of Rice St. District No. 2 Bounded on the Northeast by the center line of Wabasha St., on the Southeast by the center line of Summit Ave., on the Southwest and West by the center lines df St. Peter St., Central Ave., and Rice St. District No. 3 Bounded on the North by the center line of University Ave., on the East by the center line of Jackson St., on the Southwest by the center lines of Thirteenth St., Robert St., and Summit Ave., Fast, and on the West by the center line of Ydabasha St. District No. 4 Bounded on the Northerly side by the center lines of University Ave., Broadway and Mt Airy St., on.the East by the center line of Mississippi St., on the Southerly side by the center line of Grove St., and on the Westerly side by the center line of Jackson St. District No. 5 Bounded on the North by the main line of the Great Northern R. R. Co., on the East by the center line of Mississippi St., on the South by the center lines of Mt. Airy St., Broadway and University Ave., and on the West by the center line of Jackson St. District No. 6 Bounded on the North by the main line of the Great Northern R. R. Co., on the East by the center line of Jackson St., on the South by the center line of Univer- sity Ave., and on the 'Test by the center line of Capitol Boulevard and of Capitol Boulevard produced Northerly. District No. 7 Bounded on the North by the main line of the Great Northern R. R. Co., on the East by the center line of Capitol Boulevard and Gapitol Boulevard produced, on the South by the center line of University ave., and on the Nest by the center line of Rice St. District No. 8 Bounded on the North by the center line of Manitoba Ave., on the East by the center line of Sylvan St., on the South by the main line of the Great Northern Ry., and on the West by the center line of Rice St. District No. 9 Bounded on the North by th cent r line of Magnolia St., on the East by the center �ine o Cortland St., DBxMw Cayuga St., and Mississippi St., on the South by the mdin line of the+Great Northern Ry., and on the West by the center line of Sylvan St. i/ v NINTH WARD CONTIWJED jp District No. 10 Bounded on the North by the center line of Larpenteur Ave., on the East by the center line of Mississippi St., on the South by the center line of Cayuga St., and on the West by the center line of Cortland St. District No. 11 Bounded on the North by the center line of Larpentedr Ave., on the East by the center line of Cortland St., on the South by the center line of Magnolia St., and on the' West by the center line of Rice St. District No. 12 Bounded on the North by the center line of Magnolia St.. on the East by the center line of Sylvan St., on the South by the center line of Manitoba Ave., and on the West by the center line of Rice St. COUNCILMEN Yea, / Clancy ays / McDonald In favor / Matson i Peter _._ Against Wenzel ,/ Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ App ved 1 .a CIT{ 0. P. No. 50191—Bp G. C. Sudhelln — COUNCIL NO 50191 FILE..................__....� OFFICE d TnNTH WARD. {_,-Resolved. That the Tenth Ward ot. OUNCIL RESO�;yo Cif _ of St. Paul. be and the snme ' _ ' �iplded into Cts, a follows: orpreclncta,ae follows: PRESENTED BY COM MISSIONER__..........._____........_...._._......._.._.._........._. rict No. 1. . REs01 ' WARD Resolved that the Tenth Ward of the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby divided into twenty-one election districts or precincts, as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the north by the center line of Thomas St., on the east by the center line of Lexington Ave., on the south by the center line of University Ave., and on the west by the center line of Hemline Ave. District No. 2 the coiter line of the center line of Bounded on the north by Idinnehaha St., on the east by Lexington Ave., on the south by the center line of Thomas St., and on the west by the center line of Hemline Ave. District No. 3 Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the center line of Lexington Ave., an the south by the center line of Minnehaha St., and on the west by the center line of Hemline Ave. District No. 4 Bounded on the north by the center line of Thomas St., on the east by the center line of Hemline Ave., on the south by the center line of University Ave., and on the west by the center line of Simpson Ave. District No. 5 Bounded on the north by the center line of Minnehaha St., on the east by the center line of Hamlin Ave., on the south by the center line of Thomas St. and on the west by the center line of Simpson St. District No. 6 Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the center line of Hemline Ave., on the south by the center lin of Minnehaha St., and on the west by the center line of Simpson St. District No. 7 Bounded on the north by the center line of Thomas St., on the east by the center line of Simpson Ave., on the south by the center line of University Ave., and on the west by the center line of Aldine St. District No. 8 Bounded on the north by the center line of Ven Buren St., on the east by the center line of Simpson Ave., on the south by the center line of Thomas St., and on the west by the center line of Aldine St. District No. 9 Bounded on the north by the center lines of Wesley Ave., Snelling Ave. and Capitol Ave., on the east by the center line of Simpson Ave., on the south by the center line of Van Buren St., and an the west by the center line of Aldine St. District No. 10 Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the center line of Simpson Ave., on the south by the center lines of Capitol,Ave., Snelling.Ave. and Wesley Ave., and on the west by the center line of Aldine St. District No. 11 Bounded on the north by the center lines of Minnehaha St., Fairview Ave. and Wesley Ave., on the east by the center line of Aldine St., on the south by the center line$ of University Ave., and on the west by the center line of Prior Ave. TENTH WARD -- Cont. District No. 12 Bounded on the north,;' the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the east by the eenter-Ein of Aldine St., on;the south by the center lines of Wesley Ave., Fairview Ave. and Minnehaha St. and Minnehaha St. produced westerly, and on the west by the Minnesota Transfer. District No. 13 Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Railway tracks, on the the line of Minnehaha east by the Minnesota Transfer tracks, cenEer St. produced West, and the center line of Prior Ave., on the south by the center line of University Ave., and on the west by the censer lines of Raymond Ave., Bayless Ave. West, Bayless Ave. and Bayless Ave. produced north. District No. lu Bounded on the north by the Great Northern Hailway tracks, on the east by the center lines of Bayless Ave., Bayless Ave. west and Bay- less Ave. produced north, and Raymond Ave., on the south by the cen- ter line of University Ave., and on the west by the City Limits. District No. 15 Bounded on the north by the center lines of Langford Ave.q Como Ave., West and the North City Limits, on the east by the center line of Prior Ave., on the south by the Great Northern Railway tracks, and on the west by the center line of Manvel St. from the Northern Pacific Railway tracks to the Great Northern Railway tracks. District No. 16 Bounded on the north and east by the center line of Como Ave. West, on the southeasterly side by the center lines of Langford Ave. and Manvel St., on the south by the Great Northern Railroad tracks, Main Line, and on the west by the westerly City Limits. District No. 17 Bounded on the north by the center line of Doswell Ave., on the east by the center line of Cleveland Ave., and on the south and west by the center line of Como Ave. West. District No. 18 Bounded on the north by the northerly City Limits, on the east by the center line of Cleveland Ave., on the south by the center line of Doswell Ave., and on the westerly side by the center line of Como Ave. West. District No. 19. Bounded on the north by the center lines of Como Ave. West, Snelling Ave. and Albany St., on the east by the center line of Hemline Ave., Northern Pacific Railway tracks and the center line of Lexington Ave., on the south by the Great Northern Railway tracks, and on the west by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 20 Bounded on the north by the City Limits, on tMe east by the center lines bf Pascal Ave., Frankson Ave., Bison Ave. and Midway Parkway, on the south by the center -line of Albany St., and on the west by the center line of Snelling Ave. District No. 21 Bounded on the north by the City Limits and the center line of Ham - line Ave., on the east by the center lines of Lexington Ave. and Lexington Ave. produced, on the south by the Northern Pacific Railway tracks, and the center lines of Hemline Ave. and Albany St., and on the west by the center lines of Paeal Ave., Midway Parkway, Bison Ave. and Frankson Ave. COUNCILSMN e .ry YeasNays Adopted by the Council............... r..�gI -.. T // ancy _ .... APP ve -. F '�J i - let, - ✓n' cDonald ......._ In favor ,.,Matson ----- ,,Peter v. ---Against -'Wenzel ✓lair. President51 r'' • _-- _ tip1y2 C• F. F. . _ N No. 60192— $v G. C. 8vdhei{ner-P- NO ..... -- ---- ••--.. CITY OF s RLEvz NTH WARD. tt' OFFICE OF THE -, hal ed'y' That the Elevonth Ward ,• Sl- to Is reby div divided dntoa thirty— (� NCIL RESOLUTION eleatlov dlatrlete or pmec.eta, ae PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___ ...___.�__.. ._.. -'. AlstrictNo: 1, •--- --' ----- ...... ..__...0 ..._ _.. __. .. ... -. t the north b -- — — a can n 'y t the Resolved that the Eleventh Ward of the City of St. Paul, be and the eams is hereby divided into thirty-four election districts or precincts, as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the north by the center line of University Ave., on the east by the center lines of Q,eveland•Ave., the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway tracks and the center lines of Montgomery St. and Cretin Ave., on the south by the center line • of Marshall Ave., and on the west by the Mississippi River and the westerly City Limits. District No. 2 the ce ter li Bounded on the north by $niverafiy Ave., on the east by the center line of Dewey Ave., on the south by the center line of by the center line of Cleveland St. Anthony Ave., and on the west Ave. District No. 3 Bounded on the north by the center line ofT Lversity Ave., on the east by the center line of Herschel Ave., on the south by the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway tracks, and on the west by the center line of Dewey Ave. District No. 4 Bounded on the north by the center line of University Ave., on the the south by the main east by the center line of Snelling Ave., on line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and on the west by the center line of Herschel Ave. , District No. 5 south by theon the ofLexington'Av. of University center dby eastBounded thethe centertline lineiof Marshall Ave., Hemline Ave. and the maifi line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and on the west by the center line of Snelling Ave. District No. b Bounded on the north and east by the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, on the south by the center line of Selby Ave., on the west by the center line of Herschel Ave. District No. 7 Bounded on the north by the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, on the east by the center line of Herschel Ave., on the south by the center line of Selby Ave., and on the west by the center line of Fairview Ave. District No. 8 Bounded on the north by the center line of St. Anthony Ave. and Milwaukee & St. Paul Railro". on the main line of the Chicago, the east by the center line of Fairview Ave., on the south by the center line of Dayton Ave. and on the west by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 9 m Bounded on the north by the center line of St: Anthony Ave., on the line of Prior Ave., on the south by the center east by the center line of Dayton Ave., and on the west by the center line of Cleve- land Ave. District No. 10 Bounded on the north by the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & by the centerline of Cleveland Ave., St. Paul Railway, on the east on the south by the center line of Iglehart Ave., and on the west ery bq the center line of Cretin Ave. and MontgomSt* _ District No. 11 Bounded on the north by the center line of Marshall Ave., on the east by the center line of Exeter Place, Laurel Ave. and Cretin Ave., on the south by the center line of Summit Ave. and on.the west by thamississippi River. ELEVFNTK -VV ARD C ONM SNi7� District No. 12 Bounded on 'llas 'WF43rth by th8 �ezater 1 izas oS 2glehart 3iras o CleveiRnd Ave., Ave., on tttS east by the caatsa- the souLLa _-T=Fz5V' tise cenLesr 2ir3La oAve. a d on on the west by t-rz$ center 12a.4M$ at �_`� � gve� s Laurel Ave., Exeter Place gm=r c3 Edars{ha11 Ave District No. 13 Bounded. on tYae North by the ceratar l iris or- Dayton Ave., on the East by the canter 1ir3e o£ Prior Ave., on the South by tYa@ center line o£ Summit Ave _ , and on the West by th.a c ester line o £ 6' av4ft3-0La4z3 Ave District No. 14 Bounded or: t las North by the c ant gr l iae or Dayton Ave., on the East by the center line o£ Dewey Ave., on the South by t3ae center line o£ SL***r++it Ave _ , and on the West by tYse c tenter line of Prior .Ave _ District No. 15 Bounded om tia-E� North by the c Brit er 3 ins so P Dayton Ave., Fairview Ave_ s and Selby Ave - ora t2ae East by the center line o :E' Wheeler Ava - , ora tYie South by the center line of Surn_rszi t. Ave., and on the :est. by the centerline of Dewey Air e — District No. 16 Bounded ora t.l-1-e North by tize cer2tar '3L ins of Selby Ave., on the East the center lirxe o£ Fierce St., on the South by flee cent&re line o£ SEzrnrma_t. rive., and. on the West by tkie ceriter line o£ WYaeeler Ave. District No. 17 Bounded ora tYze North by t3$e ceriter Brie of Selby Ave., on the East. bs the center Brie o£ Smelling Ave., on the South I::D_Vr -t-lae center 1in.e o£ S�-JLt, Ave., and on the West by tYae c crater line o£ Pierce St . District No. 18 Bounded ora tie North by the c Brat er 1 irae oP Selby Ave., and main liras of the Chicago , & St.Faul Ry. tracks, ora tl-ze` Mast by tYae center Zine or Hemline Ave., on the 6oa2tla by the c ant ar 1 ime o Ashland Ave., and on the Vies the center lime o£ Smelling Ave. District No. 19 Bounded ori t73e North by the center line of Ashland Avd.; on the East by the center Brae oi' Harmine Ave., on the South by tlae center lima o£ Stammit. ave. , and on the West by tYae center line oi' Sae3_2irag tike., District No. 20 Bounded ora t ase North by tYaa c Brat er 1 ins of Summit ave., on the Eas-t_ by the center 1 im6 0 :r' Hatn1 ins Ave,, on the South by -t- center line oP GoodricYa Ave. , and on the West by tlzq� c enter line o £ Sne11 irate Ave . District No. 21 Bounded ora t.tae North by tYae center line of Geodrich Ave., Ave., on flee East by`' the cemter lime of Hamlin on the by the cerate=• lime o:r . St.Clair St., and on the the center liras o:F' Smalling Ave. 3 ELEVENTH WARD CONTINUED District No. 22 Bounded on the north by the center line of Summit Ave., on the east by the center line of Snelling Avr., on the south by the center line of St. Clair St., and on west by the center lines of Amherst St., Lincoln Ave. and Baldwin St. District No. 23 Bounded. on the north by the center line of Summit Ave., on the east by the center lines of Baldwin St., Lincoln Ave. and Amherst St., on the south by the center lines of Goodrich Ave., Fairview Ave. and Fairmount Ave., and on the west by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 24 Bounded on the North by the center lines of Faitmount, Fairview and Goodrich Avenues, on the East by the center 11ne of Amherst St., on the South by the center line j% of St. Clair St., and on the West by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 25 Bounded on the North by the center line of Summit Ave., on the East by the center line of Prior Ave., #*d on j' South by the center line of Goodrich Ave., and on the West by the Mississippi River. District No. 26 Bounded on the North by the center line of Goodrich Ave., on the East by the center line of Prior Ave., on the South by the center line of St. Clair St., and on the West by the Mississippi Riveer. District No. 27 Bounded on the North by the center line of St. Clair St., on the East by the center line of Prior Ave., on the South by the center line of Randolph St., and V, on the ?lest by the Mississippi Rkver. District No. 28 Bounded on the North by the center line of St. Clair St., on the Fast by the center line of Snelling I've., on the South by the center line of Jefferson Ave., and on the'West by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 29 Bounded on the North by the center line of Jefferson Ave., on the East by the center line of Snelling Ave., on the South by the center line of Randolph St., and V" on the West by the center line of Prior Ave. District No. 30 Bounded on the North by the center line of St. Clair St., on the East by the center line of Hamline Ave., V on the South by the center line of Jefferson Ave., and on the Rest by the center line of Snelling avd. District No 31 Bounded on the North by the center line of Jefferson Ave., on the East by the center line of Hemline Ave., on the South by the center line of Randolph St., and on the West by the center line of Snelling Ave. 4 ELEVENTH WARD CONTINUED District No. 32 Bounded on the North by the center line of Randolph St., on the East by the center line of Hamline Ave., and Edgecumbe Road, on the South by the center line of Montreal Ave., and on the West by the center line of Fairview Ave. District No. 33 Bounded on the North by the center line of Randolph St., on the East by the center line of Fairview Ave., on the South by the center line of Montreal Ave., and on the West by the Mississippi Rivdr. District No. 34 Bounded on the North by the center line of Montreal Ave., on the East by the center line of Edgecumbe Road and the section line through the center sections 15 and 22, on the South and West by the boundary line of Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,-'Clancy McDonald In favor Matson Peter -. ....__Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council:..__._-...------ta�_--- rtkll, 11-4 _...----------- . MAYOR d �� X is C. F. No. 50133—By G. C. Sudheimer-aN0. CITY OF TWELFTH WARD. OFFICE OF T!,,R solved. Sto That ne and the ss,noe CO NCIL RESOLUT '' h' divided Precincts fourteen follows; _ - v or Frecinc o hs tolio.c! PRESENTEDN8R..........._...... ..._........_.-_�...... ..._....._�_.._._,- "" •• ......._ IS510Comm._........ .__...... ,. RESOLVED, That the Twelfth Ward of tho'City of St.Paul be and the same is hereby divided into fourteen election.Districts or Precints as follows: District No. 1 Bounded on the North by the center line of Central Ave.,_ on the East by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the center line of Carroll Ave., and on the 'Nest by the center line of Avon St. District No. 2 BedPastthe by theNorth centerthe linecenter Avonline St.,00nCentral South, onn the y by the center line of Carroll Ave., and on the 'Nest by the center line of Lexington Ave. District No. 3 Bounded on the North by the center line of University Ave., on the East by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the center line of Central Ave., and the West by the Center lines of Avon St., and Aurora Ave. District No. 4 Bounded on the North by the center line of University Ave., on the East by the center olineAvon ofSCentral ave., and Aurora Ave., on the South bythe center on the West by the center line of Lexington Ave., f Edmund District No. 5 onuthedEastthe by theNorth centerthe linecenter Victor0S Victoria St-, onthe South by the center line of University Ave., and on the West by the center line of Lexington Ave. "#ict Np#r;unded on the North by the center linea of Charles St., -Won the Fast by the center line of Dale St., on the South `may the center line of University ave., and on the 'Nest by the center line of Victoria St. District No. 7.jj� ounded on the North by the 'center line of Thomas St., y,on the East by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the center line of Charles St., and on the West by the center line of Victoria. District No. 8 Bounded on the North by the main -a, line of the Great Norther Ry. tracks. on the East by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the center line of Thomas St., and on the West by the center line of Grobto St. District No. 9 Bounded on the North by the Main of Line of the Great Northern Ry. trahka, on the East by the center line of Grotto St., on the South by the center line of Thomas St., and on the "fest by the center line of Victoria St. District No. 10 ryt . racks,d on the on theth by the East by thein line of center linehofGreat VictriatSern t. on the South by the center line of Edmund St., and the Wes$ by the center line of Lexingtoh Ave. TWELFTH WARD CONTINUED. COUNCILMEN DEG' 12 1923 Yea. Nays Adopted by the Council __..__.._.....----._....__...�.--- Donald_ In favor -- ���0 /�/✓_' ---------- --- - ,-'Matsonn- -�---- MAYOR Peter ... Against vwenzel 101. President /�� z � District No.kl Bounded on the North by the main line of the Northern Pacific Ry. tracks, on the East by the center lines of Victoria St., Front St., and Chatsworth St., on the South by the main line of the Great Nortfiern Ry. tracks, and on the West by the center line of Lexington ave. District No. 12 Bounded on the North by the main line of the Northern w Pacific ry. tracks, on the East by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the main line of the Great Northern Ry. tracks and on the Wester by the center lines of Chatsworth St., Front St., and Victoria St. District No. 13 Bounded. --an the North by the center line of Larpenter Ave., on the Fast by the center line of Dale St., on the South by the main line of the Northern Pacific Ry. tracks, and on the West by Como Ave., and Como Blvd, along the East Shore of Como Lake and the center line of Lexington Ave. District No. 14 Bounded,&Q the North and East by the center line of Como , Blvd., alohg.bhe East shore of Lake Como and the ca&ter Maln line of Northern Pacific Ry. tracks, and on the West by the.center line of Lexington Ave., and Lexington Ave., produced. COUNCILMEN DEG' 12 1923 Yea. Nays Adopted by the Council __..__.._.....----._....__...�.--- Donald_ In favor -- ���0 /�/✓_' ---------- --- - ,-'Matsonn- -�---- MAYOR Peter ... Against vwenzel 101. President /�� ®� --•• - COUNCIL NO y4 ,I FILL ....... -�-- _.......- CITY' OF ST, PAUL , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM" I D �t /J� RESENTED BY Glt �l�y' `"`! ..cQ. �^1... DATE _9(S.8Dlb 6r._ZZx 1�Z. ._ ... soLv00.00 be and is hereby appropriated from That the sum of4 the General Fund Miscellaneous and Unforseen Expense for the purpose of sending Commissioners McDonald and Clancy to Detroit to make a'study of the Ford traffic situation'? dge at the new Ford plant and repo rt and the .proposed bri to the City Council. Be it further resolved that the proper oity otEicers be instructed to draw two city checks in the.amount 6f $200.00 each, payable to J. M- Clanoy and J- H. Mc Donald a for the purpose of defraying their expenses to Detroit amd return. .b. bo194 13y A' E. Nocls$40 _ .l F nm. f y400.00 C Resolved. ort the pp igted f and 1. be and Is h rend 2x119 ell ascus or the General Funsee for thepur'Id a Unforseen E P Donald and sending Commysstonors M c tb D t olt to t.`n" a studyppro- C1anF d traffic situatio wn Fo dePSant the For at tC�tynCouncll• potled bridge the gad reportre tricResolYed. that.. g 1t Further tnetructed to D P r eyty anicere b risount of d aw tw city the ble tt CJ8' urp la {20000 aMoDon ld for the P ` and J H• their expenses. to Detroit dofrsytng tl Dec. 12. 1923, a, rotor return. t10 Covnc APPpa ed D C: 12. 1923. (Dec.. 22-1923) Yes (✓) Councilmen (V) Nays DEQ 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council-------- --19____ Clancy DEG 121923 McDonald In favor Ap cued-- --- --- — — ,- MatsonSmith -Against { _— YIIYOR ). Wenzel :.' Mr. PresidentLISI— -- ryxY aY e•ao ,. — e t� CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1N61-►�jp �V� 5 , FILE �Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R!'SOL'7Efl '� WHEREAS, In the matter of condemning land for the extension sof the waterworks system of the City of St. Paul, appraisers appointed - by the District Court of Anoka County to appraise the land to be taken in Anoka County have made and filed their report; aad WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners • by resolution has recommended the payment of the amounts of said awards and recommended that such amounts be paid into court in the manner provided by the Charter, together with the fee of the Clerk of Court prescribed by law, amounting to one per cent. of the amount so paid; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the amounts of said awards, together with the fee of one per oent, thereof, be paid into Court is the manner pre- scribed by the Charter. C'Wherens60I. the matter Of Coonde., Ing land for the extension of th Y St. oY tenvorka system I dCby tha'Dla- Paul, k' "Yaera M pPo n e AnOl� L/n�Anoka Court o be of !, praiseCthe taken and filed their re- - - County have made . Dore; and Board oY R'atar Com- I Whereae. The miesioners by rosolutlon has recom- of tme amounts I mended the paymedt intthe such amountsbe paIdeinto court Tided by tohe Charter, to- C the Clerk.ot Imanner vpro r;ether ith the fee by law. amouotingnitlO Court prescribed one per Cent C the amount eo P therefore, belt- - R he. fon ee of aid rds.ytoi;ether with per thereof' aid nt Cothe brescri cent . bud by In the manner ,Pr j Chnrtar. 1923. Adopted b, the CouncilDec. 12, ApProVVed_ lay - _. Doh -1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya DEC }'2 1923 Adopted h the Council_ 192 .- Clancy Fetgl}eea- FaC j 1923 McDonald APPro ed In favor - Matson Peter _......_....Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President C. F. Iyib. 50196—By Wm. j1, Peter— (�96296a. of'..`edr June 013 r1923, de -1 FO ENc'L NO -.if, �# - Nh reaa, 5016—BY obstacle. not appl o[ the i ty OFFIC scribed as the paving. o[ Front SR,4 Dale SL- to Leaington Ave, W-4 .1� ` COUNCIL R'Okes, Contractors,. haw art• Inc g itr ce ry t .put. in f )ng extra work pr1 PRESENTED BY l DATE_ ..._De O,,. _.d ...,....1923..- -. ........ r - COMMISSIONER.__F../ � '-� RESOLVED ylhereae, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #46285, approved June 13, 1923, described as the paving of Front St. from Dale St. to Lexington Ave., Hanlon & Okes, Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to put in the following extra work: Additional work: 18387#" reinforcing steel over sewer and water trenches at .06 '1,103.22 57.55 cu.yds. concrete over trenches 8.00 456,80 57.35 excavat on for concrete .70 40.14 1 Standard manhole #1 with manhole 60.00 frame and cover 1 C. B. rebuilt to depth of 3' with 25.00 M. H. frame and cover - 7 -'Lin. ft. straight concrete curb .55 3.85 §1,691.01 Deductions: 46.50 ft. 3 x 10" wood headers 18 8.37 10.50 radius curb- at 80V 8.40 16._77 Now therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public 47orks, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of 01,674.24 and to be alkowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's contract L-1747 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. COUNCILMEN DECD 1 2 1923 Yea, Nays Adopted by the Council. _...__.___.---.._... _ ...192. ... Clancy J)EC21923 �ergt:smr Appr et 1 ✓ _ _._._ .__.192.. McDonald _..._.. In favor Matson mnvon Peter _.__ _..Against Wenzel Mr. President ORIGINAL To CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNo. COUNCIL CITY �LERR APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' 1P PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. DATEDec. 12, 1923- ......-.. Dec. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS -OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. 143 163 144 APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM I TRANSFERED TO Widows and Orphans pensions Engineering & Inspection Workmen's Compensation 180.00 700.00 .60197—By S. M. ClancyT ' d, That the following trona- nadan the books of the or when by eo doing an On-: d""' ncy In o e Item may . I said transfer without hump- workprovided for by the. the Item from which the' —^ le made: transfercrd from Code. 143 ted Orphans Pensions to -Code Lmen's. Compeneatlon. transferred from Code 16S Ings. & Inapectlon to Code 144 s Compensation. 1 by the Council Dec. 12, 1923.' ed Dec. 12, 1923. (Dec. 22-1323) DEC 12 1923 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . - .._.-.--..__ .................1 9.....----. DEC 1 2 1923 APPROVED_------------------ --------------------------------1 9-------- INVv,MAYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY. ------------------------------------------------- k `_- CRY COMPTROLLER ^WR(� _ YES Y COUNCILMEN (17) NAYS CLANCY USO MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR MATSON PETER ................AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Fonts on im mss) 180.00 700.00 .60197—By S. M. ClancyT ' d, That the following trona- nadan the books of the or when by eo doing an On-: d""' ncy In o e Item may . I said transfer without hump- workprovided for by the. the Item from which the' —^ le made: transfercrd from Code. 143 ted Orphans Pensions to -Code Lmen's. Compeneatlon. transferred from Code 16S Ings. & Inapectlon to Code 144 s Compensation. 1 by the Council Dec. 12, 1923.' ed Dec. 12, 1923. (Dec. 22-1323) DEC 12 1923 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . - .._.-.--..__ .................1 9.....----. DEC 1 2 1923 APPROVED_------------------ --------------------------------1 9-------- INVv,MAYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY. ------------------------------------------------- k `_- CRY COMPTROLLER ^WR(� _ Yeas COUNCIL NO - r��r3 p'/��y "Jpy 9_8 FILE--.-u`-"'--^'.4J1J ._.. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Water, City of St. Paul, whereby said Bureau of Water are to use one of the City's 10 ton Tractorefor about three days and pay a rental of $30.00 per day plus salary of chauffeur, for use of said tractor from the time it is delivered to the Bureau of Water until the time it is returned to thLs department. Said money to be paid into the Street Construction and Repair Fund 33- 0. 1b0 Said tractor shall be returned to tlIts department in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Bureau of Water, shall be paid for by that Bureau: COUNCILMEN C. F. iv o. u — -. ldhe ed, That the Commie Public Workn is liereby autb enter into to . City went, P., eau id Bu or, Of to t: Pat by .said Bureau of Water -ai i one cit the Clty's 10 ion Tre bout pereo days and pnY a $30.00 per day Plue salary o[ 'I for use of said tractor from t Is delivered to the Bureaug uunr the time it ns department. Said �imoneyr to into the -Street Construction pair Fund 33-0. E. Said tre good returned physical htsond�tionm talten out and any repairs, as e .Y through :its uaa by ea of Water, shall ba paid is Bur"' by the Council De Approved (Dec. 22-1923) DEl% 1 2 19'13 Adopted by the Council -__----._._......_...._ _ 192 A proved . DEC 1 2 1923 MAYOR Nays Clancy McDonald _..._..- In favor Matson Peter __._. __ .Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM 7", 7 i, �) PRESENTED PRESENTED BV COMMISSIONER.__..............___.......... oo y/ ..._I_...[.�i.V.8S.1..._..................................._...._..................._..... DAT RESOLVED -- Yeas COUNCIL NO - r��r3 p'/��y "Jpy 9_8 FILE--.-u`-"'--^'.4J1J ._.. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Water, City of St. Paul, whereby said Bureau of Water are to use one of the City's 10 ton Tractorefor about three days and pay a rental of $30.00 per day plus salary of chauffeur, for use of said tractor from the time it is delivered to the Bureau of Water until the time it is returned to thLs department. Said money to be paid into the Street Construction and Repair Fund 33- 0. 1b0 Said tractor shall be returned to tlIts department in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Bureau of Water, shall be paid for by that Bureau: COUNCILMEN C. F. iv o. u — -. ldhe ed, That the Commie Public Workn is liereby autb enter into to . City went, P., eau id Bu or, Of to t: Pat by .said Bureau of Water -ai i one cit the Clty's 10 ion Tre bout pereo days and pnY a $30.00 per day Plue salary o[ 'I for use of said tractor from t Is delivered to the Bureaug uunr the time it ns department. Said �imoneyr to into the -Street Construction pair Fund 33-0. E. Said tre good returned physical htsond�tionm talten out and any repairs, as e .Y through :its uaa by ea of Water, shall ba paid is Bur"' by the Council De Approved (Dec. 22-1923) DEl% 1 2 19'13 Adopted by the Council -__----._._......_...._ _ 192 A proved . DEC 1 2 1923 MAYOR Nays Clancy McDonald _..._..- In favor Matson Peter __._. __ .Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FO NCILNo..--..rg .on ---- a OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK .. 7� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgfounds and Public Buildings desires to lease certain lands in the City for use as playgrounds; and whereas, it may be desirable to purchase said lands in the future; RESOLVED, That the said Commissioner and the Purchasing-Aqpm \ are hereby authorized to negotiate for the leasing of such lands as may be designated by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and obtain options to lease said sites; and also negotiate for and, if possible, obtain options to purchase said lands. Com all -T e e The said Commissioner and Purchasing shall report the cost of obtaining such leases and all other information to the Council, and no leases shall be made without the authorization of the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald ___ _ _In favor Matson Peter -._ _._ Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council__- pE� . DEG 1 2 1923 Ap roved.... PF323I3Si)� COUNCIL NO.. FILE ...-..._.._�_._.. C. F. No. 50200 -BY 1V. J. Peter 3\'tiereas, On tho 10th daYof NoveiK be 1923, o J mes D LYnau6h, FORM co a p1oYe oP th D pa tment f P, `_ �// 1 Iu "_Is of th CItY oY f Paul, wa• d ed white i the ni ri ce 'I PRE4 ED BY �y dutle . Yro which. Int (, d „ ff ll same dnY nd DATE --------------- __..—._. _... _... _._ _ ..—_..._ COMMISSIONER_ - --- — thwherens Paid ucviv o •,t LYnay Luc1• WHEREAS, On the 10th day of November, 1923, one James D. Lynaugh, an employe of the Department of public Works of the City of St. Paul, was injured While in the performance of his duties, from which injuries he died onthe same day; and WHEREAS, Said deceased employe left surviving him his widow, Catherine Lynaugh, and three minor children, Lucille C. Lynaugh, aged sixteen years; James W. Lyneugh, aged fifteen years, and Donald C. Lynaugh, aged seven years; and WHEREAS, paragraph 20, Section 15, Chapter 82, General Laws of 1921, provides that actual dependents in the case of death shall. be entitled to compensation not to exceed $7,500 in the case of a, dependent wife, child, children or orphan; and yP�REAS, paragraph 8, Section 15 of the above cited act, pro video that if the deceased employe leaves a widow and either two or three dependent children, there shall be paid to the widow for the benefit of herself and such children, sixty per cent. of the daily wage at the time of injury of the deceased; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to eater into an agreement with the said Catherine Lynaugh,.widow- oP the said employe, for the use of herself and children, providing for the payment to the said Catherine Lynaugh of the sum of $15.84 A said payments to be made from the Work - per 'Week during depen ency, and to commence men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, November 10, 1923, the total amount not to exceed $7,500, as provided by said act. RESOLVND FURTHER, That in compliance with paragraph 18 of Sec- tion 15 of the above act, the further sum of $150.00 burial fund be paid to �g.dslei-&3re",' out of the Workments Compensation Account of the _--ral Fund. 0 I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy t� McDonald_ ..___..In favor Sudheimw6 Peter __.....Against v Wenzel ✓Mr. President Adpktcd by the CouncilpEC_1.2...1.823---------- Ap roved..... % ` 1..2 192"' 1 — RESOLVED COUNCIL IOU l' CITY OF ST. PAUL riL, NO________________ __ __.____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ;1 / R&SOLUTION--GENERAL FORM DATF._.............. 4t41 12th; 1923 That the Commissioner of Public '{Yorks is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water, City of St. Paul, whereby saidLBureau of Water are to use one of, the city's sprinkling wagons, and pay a rental of $1:00 per day for the use of said sprinkler from the time it is delivered to the Bureau of Water until the time it is returned to this department; Said money to be paid into the Sprinkling Revolving Fund, Said sprinkling wagon shall be returned to this Department In as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Bureau of Water, shall be paid for by that Bureau. --, C. F.: No.60201-By W. .7.•Petor— Publlc1Work. hls.hereby a tihortzed'. to enter Into an agreement with the De- partment of Public t7ti11 ties. 'Bureau 'o1 - Water,' Cfty'of: St.: Paul,: whereby. eatd Bureau or Water -are - to: use one of the citl+, oprinklingwagons, and nayo rent1 dal. f $1.00 per.. day ..Ior the use - of l, rtokthe . 8uresu e i ' Na'" uagl the ttm- Ir�le returned to thta depart- mrnt.. said money to •.hepald Into the h5. Sprinkling Aevolvina Fund. .9td p lnkling wagon shall be returned to /Yeas Loaepartmentto good a phyafeal condltlopnawhenaut'andayrepairs made neoessnry tut ad 'fts bsaidureau.'.of Water:.,hall be pnld forby Ihatr.ppre u. Adopted by tho Cou cn Dec. 12, 1923. Approved Dee. 12, k923. (Peo. 22-1.923) COUNCILMEN Nays DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council .... _..._.. ,-'Clancy DEC 1 2 1923 Pproved............. ....._......... - - ._192------ - ✓" McDonald _In favor Sudheimer Peter - --- - ... _........ ✓. ...... . Against MAYOR ✓ Wenzel 4/"Mr. President - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,°°E"`"NO------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " P FSED BY! L .:.....____._......... __.. DATE__..._.......__.._..._..._._.._...._...._. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has recommended the sale of the south five feet of the north half�or twenty-five fee of Lot 11, Block 20, St. Anthony (Park North, to Alvina A. Lewis for the sum of One Hundred Seventy-one and 65/100 Dollars ($171.65); and WHEREAS, It appears that said tract of land is not needed for city purposes, and the price to be paid therefor is the reasonable value of the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute and deliver a quitclaim deed of said premises to the said Alvina A. Lewis upon payment to the City of the purchase price thereof, namely, $171.65. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy McDonald In favor LAMM Sudhei-19 _,-Peter ...___.._.Against ,/-Wenzel I -Id'. President DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council .......................... ..... DEC 1 2 1923 Ap oved..... - 192....-. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION L R. S. FERGUSON, CWM -10- ARTHUR E. EGGERT. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER S� December 6, 1923. Mr. H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am attaching hereto condemnation covering the disposal of the SO. 5 ft. of the No. -k or 25 ft. of Lot 11, Block 20, St. Anthony Park No., which is part of the property recently acquired as a site for the new North St. Anthony Park Junior High School. u In explanation of this, wish to advise that a Mr. Samuel H. Lewis owns the property adjoining that re- cently aoquired on the south and when bu.ildi#g his home which, by the way, is a very beautiful structure, the plan provided that it be constructed practically up to his north line which makes the north side of his building practically adjoin the school property. As this is not desirable from his point of view nor from that of the school, we believe that any future difficulties can be avoided at this time by selling a five foot strip to i�Ir. Lewis who is very anxious to obtain it and as the disposal of such five feet does not materially interfere with the building proper on the existing site. The estimated price as you will note on the con - damnation. of on- demnation.of $171.65 is exactly pro -rated on a basis of what the North $ of Lot 11 cost us, namely $858.33. If this meets with your approval the strip is to be deeded to Mrs. Alvin A. Lewis, wife of Samuel H.Lewis and as soon as the papers are ready biro Lewis will be glad to give his check to cover the cos -thereof. Please give this your attention and oblige Respectfully, AEE.PS Comeii�'ibriex` of Ed at on. CIT'iOF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -----s --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -2--�, ;W9 WHEREAS, One Frank M. Curran is the owner of Lot 5, Block 32, Como Addition to St. Paul, upon which there is a large amount of gravel and stone which the'City of St. Paul is desirous of obtaining; and WHEREAS, The said Curren is willing that the City remove said gravel and stone from said property without the payment of any money to him, provided the City shall reduce the lot to the street level and not below, and spread the black dirt .which is now upon the lot when said lot is leveled as agreed; be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the said Frank M. Curran in compliance with the terms of this resolution. C. P No. 60203 BY W.P PCte rnn to FL'6n - �Vh rens. One i the owner f 1-1 Hl.ck 32, Como I 1 ddl large 'amount n0f SIa'ul II[ d atone f-St.P ul Is desirous which th CItY of obtni 1.B:a d Cu nn is willing Whe as, The said that the CIty remove eatd g nVel d atone fr m saki Dr Dor' to htm. PrbvUt lfl pay tentof any mon Y the lottocha C the OILY shall reduce rt whlchbieP own Do he the bincicedirt ]ot when .said lot Is .leveled as agreed: be it & Resolved, That the pr per ut.o ffi- 9 era beand.theY are hereby nut"Ithorized with to C.te DLn to Curranntnacompli�Itance the terma'of this "I'llton. Adoo.kPted' by the C0 923 Dec. 12; 1923. 12, 1923. - APPceved Dec. £ (Dec. 22-1923) leu t COUNCILMrN Yeas Nays % ✓Clancy o] L ' McDonald .:..........In favor ✓ Sudheimerrr Peter -.. \ ..-.---Against j Wenzel 4-I'Mr. President :4 R EC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the CouncI ............. _-_........... .192-__ pEC 1 2 A proved __.. 1923 ._----- ... _.... ...192------ RESOLVED Yeas \V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENOIL No ------- 50203--. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • _ _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 10, 1923. That the sum o3 Eight hundred and twelve and 18100 dollars ($812.18) be and the same hereby is appropriated from the V[heelage Tax Fund and transferred to the Pdrmenent Improvement Revolving Fund, to defray the cost of repairing and repaving with asphaltic concrete the intersection of Pleasant 9ve. and Garfield St. I 1 W --Jt Poo t C. F. No. BUThotR the.' sum.1100 d UsrB� geeolved, vvelve nsa hereby is 19 hundred a�e 'and M. t the aWheelB6e T BPProPT) from to the Perm lBtedtrnneterred nd, I Fund rovem RevoAc 'and de4raY�he cost t rePolrin aCe the 6ai: teBraec top o4PFlenennti Ave. sn 2. flaAOnP. hYDt .1 i923.Dea 12. 1923. I Approved 4co 15-19231 ,� / Nays✓ Clancy ✓ McDonald _.___In favor Sudheimer Peter -_ ___-Against Wenzel L' vMr. President DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the il_ _.._......__._._ _..__....192 -. . DEC 1 2 1923 A pr ved..- __._ ... �..®.1992. ` MAYOR pgUpLIGT6 ... _ ........ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the e$$re$ate amount of $-99#1M............ ... -•• covering ' checks numbered_... -_W--..--- ..... to......_Z9��Q-- ---. rn$i ---•inclusive, as per ster of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. CCC y 2 1923 Clancy, �-lu Adopted by the Council favor f q f ✓McDonald, Approved.... _-- --- 192 ---- - I,1'MatsanC Sudheimer 4"Peter, ✓Wenzel. /---Against President, Nelson C F. No- 50206 to the . dM11- ate Resolved that checks be drawn on til. h -It r L r 99 g00 39, covertnt:.-19gchecks amount, o E .els. to numbered 19012 -to 1904e01cs clustvu n Per egglater of ctt o.12, 1923. - -- the r[f,e d .tiYtY a Cotu `Il Dero_' AdoP.e APPr v d Dec. 12. 1923. r (Dec. --22-1923) 9 ' OITY OP 8x. PLIIL - OPIOINN.TO cm E1.ERN OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 502 Y I OOIISOIL ,�(� (�Cj F.—D-34 1M12-22 AUDITED CLAINS—RESOLUTION FORK P,Ls NO........_:,,�.'�F.2.1-+f.�'- 905 l l .:� BY .... �M...... . .R... yyryry AUDITED ...._.� - .:...; _._ ._......-192.......... PER. .................._._ ... ...__...__._5...:......__......._...._ 1 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$.._._99�8Q0.=9-------------------- - covering checks numbered ...-..-.1901ti__---......._to------_19040-_----------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Neys. DEC 121923 '� Claney, Adopted by the Council--- ----- - .... -- - 1� ......In favor EC � 2 �gzj McDonald, Appro d ---- ------.-...... - - -- 192 /n- Sudheimer .,-Peter, � 'Against "- -.. - - --nieroR ✓Wenzel. - --- -------------------------- ------ Mr. President, Nelson S. & S. Cing. .................- ...................................- - ---- ---- / 19012 Miss Mathilda M. Aspalg, R. N. 57.14 Health 19013 B1aw8Knox Company, 18,982.50 Water 19014 Central-Metropolitan Bank, "ssignee Keough Brothers 2,053.00 L 1755 A-) 19015 Central -Metropolitan Bank, Assignee Federal Construction Company 4,694.63 Groveland Park School(Bond) 19016 A. G. Erickson, 6,375.00 Longfellow School(Bond) 19017 Feyen Construction Company, 2,890.00 L 1835 19018 S. W. Goodman, � 31.38 Schools 19019 Highway Trailer Company, 1,595.00 S. & S. Cing. 3,083.50 1,086.00 61.32 2,805.00 170.00 2,550.00 1,950.21 4,147.15 150.00 468.75 55.00 879.15 7,184.00 288.00 30.00 8,674.85 7,013.74 95.61 Res. 905 Page #2 19020 6hrist Johnson, L 1772 2,361.00 L 1834 722.50 19021 Kolar, Electric Company, Schools 19022 Kremer Auto Spring Company, S. & S. Cing. 19023 Peter Lametti, L 1856 ® 19024 Wm. F. Lindberg, Tilden School(Bond) 19025 Lovering-Longbotham Company, Tilden School(Bond) 19026 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, L 1763 19027 M. J. O'Neil, Tilden School(Bond) 510.00 New Mattocks " 3,637.15 —1 'T. -M 19028 O'Neil & Preston, Water 19029 A. M. Peterson Company, Schools 19030 James Rasmussen, Library 19031 Thorman W. Rosholt Company, L 1710 184.15 L 1763 607.50 L 1789 87.50 $'Tz375 19032 St.Paul Foundry Company, Bridge Bldg. & R. 19033 St.Paul Sanitation Company, Schools 19034 John Sandquist, L 1560 19035 Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, L 1814 4,080.00 L 1815 2,290.15 L 1816 2,304.70 • 19036 J. L. Shiely Company, L 1686 1,147.10 " 316.25 46.1.65 Water 55 U88.74 7,U16.74 19037 C. J. Smith & Company, Garage 3,083.50 1,086.00 61.32 2,805.00 170.00 2,550.00 1,950.21 4,147.15 150.00 468.75 55.00 879.15 7,184.00 288.00 30.00 8,674.85 7,013.74 95.61 Res. 905 Page #3 19038 Edward J. Snyker, , 161.60 Longfellow School(Bond) 19039 Standard Stone Company, 16,339.69 Cement Walks 1923 L 1627 19040 Utton Construction Company, 5,928.17 L 1725 • • oxrr or ex. P� QUADRUPLICATE TO CRY CLERK 50206 Fone D -M 181 .. MLXnu,rrnxLNO r .... M OL1 ER By... .. .... ...^�... AUDITED_........ ............ .... ............ .. ....... ::... PER......................_.. . 111 �--(L Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$..--.1.7.,5a%ai•---•.•--.---"-- ---r covering ® checks numbered ------------- 19010-------wx ----- ------------------- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( IT ) Nays. — inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the. office of the City DEC 1 2 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council._.. --------------- -- --... ... - - .-Ic --FMbft- 1 �MeDonald, .-In favor pEC 1 2 1923 Approved--. -- -._ --- --- -- --- -- -- ..... 191 sudheimer er, /' ✓Wen / (� .Against ✓el. Mr. President, Nelson 'C. F. No. 50206 n: R salved- [h t heck- b drawn th C"3r Tre Dr Y , thcovering `Chock, amount f 577,596,00; .numbered. 19010, as per register-ofcitY ehecks on MO'in the office of the CltY ('empiroller.. Adopted I; the Co 19E3. Dec. 12,1923: Approved Dec, -12,, - -(Dee. 22-1923) OITY OP 8T. POI. O=IOINRL TO °1TM'D-VtK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No .......... (� /I - 000som 5.0206.: F—D-34 1M12-22 : . AUDITED CLAIMS-'RESOLUTION FORM 803 BYMPI'RO R AUDITED .....:.... -.... .- . ... P .. ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.---_17,595.00------_-;-----_-----, covering checks numbered -------------- 19Q1Q......--iro-----------------------.------.-inclusive, as per regster of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. pE � 1923 ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council. - ......................--------------192 -----..-_.. In favor j)EC Q 923 V- vMcDonald �> APPrv 191 udheimer 0- --------------------- .. ........ .... --- ✓w - MAYOR vfr. President, Nelson ----------------- .................... ........ ..................................... ............ 19010 Gauger-Sorsmo Construction Company, 17,595.00 New Greenwood School(Bond) ;9: �, OITY OP OT. PMOL QUADRUPLICATE To CRY CLERK C.7...No.. -5-020 - Form D•24 IM 12-22 _ By COM„ v r ... .. .. AUDITED ......................... .. .. ?_. .... Resolved d that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$.-.72#Or22..9s?t------•-----•--------- covering checks . Reesosolt 18Q41-----------•t49.052-------_---..--_----•.-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yea ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council _-------------------- - - --- ---- ------ 192 .-...• M j Clancy, -... ..._In favor Approved.... ----- _ .:..?�.1.���-. --- -- - -:.192..... t-'W*u n, $udheimer Peter, ✓Wenzel.0--Against "r. President, Nelson 60207— Resolvedchecks be drawn on the City' Treasury, -to the aggregate. amount- of 472,062.93, -covering . checks numbered.19041 to.19062 1peluslve, as. the otfgcetofthe Comptroller.l-.I- ..t, Adopted. by the: Coon cllDec: 12, : 1923; Approved Do2Do-.122 1923) i ' OITY o PMOL ORIOIN/�L TO eln aEalc OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F. n -as int 12-= AIIDITED CLAIEiB—RESOLUTION FORM nn>a 1V0. .....tp... 0. 906 jlll I AUDITED ......_........... ....... ........... ...-182 ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.....70409&93 ---_-_-_-------..., covering checks numberedl ---------- 9041..-,-..:..xWPM .. ----.---.- --•inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 3 `-Clancy, Adopted by the eil---QE.CC.-.i_. ...2---...-......----.-- ----192----- 4 e on, _.In favor McDonald' APPr v d. -- - jjEG_. _ 1923- - ....192.. ��tatcam. ;udheimer peter, / Against ..... - - - - - - / ` Wenul. MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 19Q 41 - - - ---- -------. - -- -- --- - -- ----- -- -------------------------- Federal Construction Company, -- - 2,550.85 Gorman School(Bond) 19042 Hanlon & Oakes, 29,227.25 L 1766A 19043 Inter City Paper Company, 426.50 Schools I 19044 McClain & Hedman Company, 29550.00 Schools i 19045 Merchants National Bank, 7,614.96 Debt Service Emp. 2.46 Interest 1,890.00 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 407.50 " -Red. Local Imp. Cts. 5,000.00 Water Department Ftmd- Int. Acct. 315.00 7,614.99 19046 Midway State Bank, Assignee J. E. Travers Company 193.39 Police 1.33 Schools 187.50 " 4.56 T90-79 Res,. 906 Page #2 190'47 The C. Reiss Coal Company, Library Water 19048 St.Paul Cement Works, St. C. & R. Water 19Q49 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Schools ® 19050 E. J. Snykery Jackson School(Bond) 19051 Thornton Brothers Company, L 1748 L 1752 L 1761 19652 Trap Rock Company, L 1686 L 1710 L 1763 L 1789 106.56 2,916.26 ,3 Oly.dE 1,621.83 202.80 �e 3 13,493.95 2,403.22 850.00 16,747.17 2,865.18 554.55 2,272.62 270.90 ,963.2 3,019.82 1,824.63 1,209.01- 736.10 16,747.17 5,963.25 GUADRUFLICATC To CRY CLERK Form D44 1M 12.22., CITY Or T. YIDL �U208. - risn om No... .. - 7�A« AUDITED BYcoMPrRo R . ... ......... ... . :' _....... .....-_ rn+ ' i be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_........�_._.._._� ............... ....... .. Resolved22 371 ©5 covering illat checks checks numbered. __...._L90" ......... to ---------- 1905-5 ............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC, 1 2 1923 ✓ Clancy, j Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- ---- :..--- 192.----- (c%*x.111 favor 192.-_--- /"McDonald 1 /Maomr Sudheimer -----......' Approved..... ._-.................................. v 1'' 'v V✓enzel. Mr. President, Nelson ----Against c - C. R No. 60208- .- Resolved that cyheck� be =drawn on ameontyof Els s .O6t�novering cheeks numbered 19063 to 19066 inclusive,. as. per. register' of city checks -on flle in the office of theC[tYComptroller. Adopted bythe Council Dee. 12, Approved Dec. 12 1923. -(Dee.. 22-1923) 9 • OISY OP BS. P�aL ORIGINAL TO cm —RK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ao sa,L r� Fom n -s4 tat Ix-xx AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P.L> NO.208. ......_ .. . 907 - ,i AUDITED -.._ ,..._:.... _._ . .....IB2 ....__ - PER-.. ..... ...._. - .. ...-.- . -- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of -------------- covering ® checks numbered_ __ 1Q5-----93----.,--to---_..._ 19055_-. _-.-.-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilman (, ✓ ) Nays. ✓Clancy, �Jn Adopted by 'e Connci]-....-----...--------.-192McDonald favor ✓' Sudheimer Ap owed - .... .... - 2- _ - - - 192 - - �Peter, /Mr. President, N Agatnai - - ------------- ------ - - Wenzel. .....--' ...................__------------- MA O V/elson --------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------- 19 i 053 --------------------------- 19053 Allen Metcalf, Schools 1054 Superior Printing Company, Municipal Court Schools 19055 Perry A. Swenson & Hakanson, New Mattocks School(Bond) 14.65 239.90 144.00 254.55 21,972.50 I OITY O8 BT, PAOL gUf\ORUPLIGTE n] CRY CLERK _ gl eD rPelr No.. 50200;, Form D-84 IM 12.22 Pars ...............__..._...__...._. i • • Z: 7.i1 I t 1 BY COM LLER 1. ... ._. ... ._...... ... AUDITED ._--- .. ...._.. _........192 .. _ PER. .__...�.iFY-��-----,�/— --- � - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-___AyS7- zft- � _____-__. covering checks numbered -----.----_19011 --toA _--_-----__-_--------------inclusive, as per register of city checks oil file in the office of the City - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. L)EG 12 192 - Clancy, Adopted by the Council ----------- _------------------------- --In ------ - - - __In favor DEC 1 2 199-3 pmt- ------/ Peter. / Approved------------ - 192------- Wenzel. SudBe imer - - -- -- -- - - -- - _ . McDon ' VMr. President, Nelson - L, to. the aB��gate; g¢e it Trt at eaeurY ecks be draw heck i amou it tyof 34,227.SOr' coverins numbered 19011,..aeyar regieter'of city hecke onflle in the office of the 1 23 Oomptrolier. the Oouncll Deu- 12, AdoptedbY c ov922. ADDxed De 12,21 ) (Dec:. a ' 1922 ORIGINAL TO cl— CLERK r.—D-34 1M 12-22 O i OTST OP 82, PAOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ((fi�nn AIIDITED CLAIM9—RESOLIITION FORM P=zs ° L No......... _ .t1-�7_ 904 BY M LLER AUDITED .......-: ...-..... .........102......._ .. .. .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMre$ate amount of $--....� 887 X50----------------- ---- covering checks numbered ------------ 19011 to -x ---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 12 1923 Clancy, Adopted b the Council.---.-------------------- ------.-....------- -...192 ....-- _.In favor f DEC 121923 McDonald, / Sndheimer proved.-- --r-- - - - --- 19 �/ 1t21iL�S1T v Peter, / /Wenzel.----..ABainst - -------- ---------------- --------------- - --- (/Mr. President, Nelson 19011 J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Richard Gordon Sehool(Bond) 4,887.50 i OITS OH OT. PAIIL QUADRUPLICATE - To CITY CLERK RILE Form D-31 lAf 32-22 • AU DITED.......... ..__..:.. ._...-...192...._.. S (/ff�t .. .. Resolved ihat checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount Of $--_ fiAM ---------------- coverinb checks numbered ......... 19056 ------------- to ---19057----------------- --inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC i 2 19 23 Adopted by the Council---------------- ---- ------------- -- .............. 192. In favor �/�IcI)onal�, Approved------------ --..------------ .- --------- _... /Fiacsetr- Sudheimer Peter, i✓Wenzel. -- - -Against VI/Mir. President, Nelson I ' 1 } ;C. F Nm .tY 60210 � checks be drawn ° o 'the sols _ rth..ury: to the: a6STegate g¢solved that covertnc Checks ,amount of-S9.023.319067'tncon lSle-In nvinbered- ]50o6t city Comptroller• PeY ,reSCetoI 1823• hAdoDitedbyDeC. la� 19 3.Dec. Approved (Dec. i OiTY OP OT. PDL QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - � Form D•34 1M 12-22 • AUDITED.._.. .. ._. '.: ._......-IBT. ....._.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--_9AMRL ......................... covering checks numbered'. --------19056 ............. to -.-19057------ -----------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. �JEC 1 21923 Clancy,Adopted by the Council----------- --------------------------------- ----192 In favor ..--.._ ✓�cl)ozm-------------- S- Sudheimer Approved -- ------ ...------------------------192. v Peter, Doneldl Against ✓Wenzel. ', "t✓✓✓ g President, Nelson h C. F., No. 503tT Ch be dr% -- the eeolVed t Bthe-' B6 tato number d 90663t 34•coverl niSle in 19O61inc1 e L city checks per reCCe3of the CCo nc111 Dec1112, 1OE3z. ttie btti 1923.. - AdoDted - Approved.➢ec• 12• 1923) knee. 22- i 6 ORIGINAL" 'CRY CLERK r— Dao IM 12-22 0 is '' OISY OB BS. PAOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (� AUDITED CLAIM$—RESOLUTION FORM 908 { -� 97. I BY AUDITED co .. . .. �. ...... ............ ..._... _.IB2......._.. ..... .. ...... .... .. ... ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..._9,023..3 covering checks numbered --:Li ._....19056._......--.to....19-05.7._................inclusive, as per register of city checks on fife in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ✓ Clancy, Adopted by the Council ------ 1923------ .. .... 192.-- _ -.-In favor DEC 12 1923 cDonddPProvad--.. -- - - ........ -- - _...192 I' P1eFson; udhelIDer Peter, S Wenzel. L/.._AgelnSt .................. _ ..._ ........._.-.-_...... ........................._MAYOR /Mr. President, Nelson - -------------------- 19056 ----------- 19056 Theo. A. E. Nelson, Clerk of Dist. Court Anoka County, Minn., Water 19057 Theo. A. E. Nelson, Clerk of Dist. Court Anoka County, Minn., Water 89.34 8,9'34.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou.CIL- No ------ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,/yC Z/V — December 12. 1923. RESOLVED That the portion of the intersection of Pleasant Avenue and Garfield Street, which is not included in the 1923 contract for paving Pleasant Avenue between Garfield Street and Osceola Avenue, be and the same is hereby directed to be done by Force Account under the direction of the Department of Public ?lorks at a cost not to exceed Eight hundred and twelve and 18100 dollars 0812.18). C: F. NO. 60211-13y Z[!. J. Peter tereectiona of PleaennPo Avon, Of the In: --field Street ; -which Iat A . andeGer. the 1923 contr.et f not 'n Pleasant" Avenue between. �arfloav Streetaand' Osceola Avenue, .he and the same le hereby directed -[o be done by Force F Aocort under the .direction of the iDepartment bf public or ata coat j not.. to eaceed Eight.. hundred ,.nng'; { twelve and .18/100 .011 rs. (ig12. (3), Adoptad by the Councll.Ilec. 12 1923. Approved Dec, 12, 1923.' (Dee. 16-1923j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / lMcDonald _ ..____..In favor • SndhellL Peter _...._ - _ .Against Wenzel (/Mr. President DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council -----........ _.--- ._..._ ---- 192 . k7EU 12 1927Z App owed..._._..__...-.......__ ._...... ..192.:_. MAYOR ' r1N 1LA�. COON C F ho 50812 -By 4� a s� ,t Whereas Unfors rnh obstf t of - "FCSO N provided [or In the mhkingg n[ the im- Fi -„ overlent under Flnn1 Oraor r.S24 n provod. APrll 20; 1A23. andel= nmtt c. F. No 4saa1;' approves Cember 1923• PRESENTED BY ✓ 923, described ae the paving: DATE ------ -- COMMISSIONER_ "+-.,,� - -- .- v%rkway from the Lake v: En.rl and-Iyy�ts^ - RESOLVED Vihereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Preliminary Order C. F. $45284, approved April 20, 1923, and Resolution C. F. #46831, approved July b, 1923, described as the paving of Phalen Parkway from the Lake Drive Junction',to Earl and Ivy Streets, Fielding and Shepley, Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to put in the following extra work: Addition Extension from Lake'Drive Junction to City Limits 1003 eq,yde. concrete base at 01.472 $1,479.43 1075 ou.yds. excavation It .70 752.50 1003 sq.yde. asphaltic concrete - surfacing' " 1.40 1,404.20 400 lin. ft. concrete curb, " .55 220.00 3,856.13 Macadam paving at intersection of ^ Phalen Parkway with W1 & Ivy Stl. 106 ou.yde. crushed rook at 2.90 304.60 labor — 50. ..50 00 __ 354 i Miscellaneous 28764 steel at .06 172.56 300 Lin. ft. old sewer removed35.00 10 cu. yds. extra concrete " 8.00 80.00 20 ft. - 12" V. 0. P " 2.00 40.00 310 " - straight curb 1! .55 170.50 498 06 Deductions ,708.6. 21754 steel " .06 130.50 $9.2 ft. radius curb ° .80 71.36 2 cu. yds. concrete " 8.00 16.00 1123 ft. wood header "- .18 202.14 420.00 net addition. 4,Z88.69 _ Dow Therefore, be it o RB50LVLD, That the Council hereby -orders the extra -work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $4,288.69 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1117 for the viejing of the', aforesaid improvement. ed COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays , Clancy ✓Mc�d r...`... -In favor m Sudhete Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council..__.__..... ...._---- _._..._192._... DEC 1 2 1923 Ap cued.___ yon ",�Mv �3 `" FOEvcu r11213 - C. F. No. 60212—By Wee. S. Peter.— Whereas, Unto�¢en obstacles not - OFF[,. y�ov4ment�under Final Order Ct P. No.. UN 48148 approved June .8 1 -tan I, - �� ` �/ ---- ,serlhed ras the Paving - f Randolph 1 g -lb fr— Snelling Ave. t Cieve3and a••••. Tb—t— 33r¢a., cent actor, gave` December f 3 0.,- 1923 PRESENTED BY arisen, malting it necessary to Rift 1n t COMMISSIONER.__..... -.._- the fol lowing. extras: Additions. 72, sq Ydebrlck pavement at RESOLVED 14• radius curb at 804... 27,106 lin. ft. % reinforcl g - at 888. lbs. pe —18 062 '- .lbe. at:8f .._„t,082:12 i ,. ...x2,26' Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #46149, approved June 6, 1923, described as the paving of Randolph Street from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave., Thornton Bros., Contractor, have arisen, making it necessary to put in the following extras: Additions' 72 sq. yds. brick pavement @ 4.30 309.60 14'radius curb .80 11.20 27,105 lin.ft. J" reinforcing x.666# @ .06 1,083.12 oer foot -18052# 9 8.00 243.36 30.42 cu. yds. concrete total $1,647.28 Deductions: 3,000 lin. ft. curb reset @ 200 600.00 2,775# -j reinforcing @ 6¢ 166. total $766.50 difference $880.78 Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the above extras to be put in, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specfications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $4880.78 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L -1701-A for the making of the aforesaid improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / ✓Clancy ✓ McDonald ...- _In favor ✓ Peter U -- . Against ✓ Wenzel �✓ Mr. President ®EG 21923._ Adopted by the Council _192- ..__-___.�..__. - 4JEC _1 2 1923 Ap i�1;1 - 99 -is -�23 m COUNCIL oo"^ 1. -1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fire NO..___--.---- ---- ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_......_...... 23 ................._. . RESOLVED That the grade of Hester St. from McLean Ave. to Pacific St. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. Na. 60214—BV Wg. d. Peter— . 5tRtrom McI.aan Ave. tooPac f`tin cordabce'wlCh the red Grade line o- omomendedp byYYlnLheprCommis lesloner Bof by ndoptedl as tho established BreIII, Adopte 1923 Dec: 12, 1923. .4pp'syDeC- 12, (Dec: 22-1923), A� COUNCILMEN Yea, Araya I r Clancy r V McDonald _..In favor j Sudhelmerr Peter .__....__._Against �enzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council....DEC...12 1922 ..192 _. SEC 1 2 1: Appro 192. ed__.. _.. -- ._ _. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL couHaL NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r -IT =C4nl IITTON—GENERAL FORM C DATE___Xd.oemba r_._....._2...------ RESOLVED That the grade of alley in block 8, Drake's Rear. of Part of McLean's Reservation from Earl Street to Hester St. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 17orks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grader 0. F 11 . No. 60216—Sy Peter=: Resolved,. That the grade oY.alley in 'block 8,Drake's Rear.. of Dart o; Vic` Leans Reservationfrom Earl street to Heater St in accordance with the: red. �ero- on ledand, as -recommended by the Com- mleaiono of Public Works be ane the -I ;same .Is hereby adopted as the eelab- ,lished grade :. Adoptedby the Councli Dea 12; 1928: APDroved: Dea 12, 1923 . (Dec. 16-1922) le - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy son McDonald In favor Sud,.e..... . + � Peter ..__........Against (' Wenzel v1 Mr. President. 1 _. Adopted b , y t CouncilPEC 2 19k3 192. pEG 1 2 1923 A proved..-_._.�_.'I .. A92-- s <— ' PRELIIIINARY ORDERS. �• „! - Council File No.......5--04 -6 C. F. No. 0021G-1" Ahetarct. - r, h written proposal. for tris P ""ea i making'of She fotlowing,lmpory meaty Changing the gnd oR. Brsdley•St, .'',, from. Whitelf SLtoC - St. to con- form to t'. / 11 the proflto �!- / Ztcreto.... v oIh tr LIMINA{tf ORDER. , pp. The undersigned hereby proposes thi `risaking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing._.the--grade---of--.Bradley--St- ---f.r-om--qhita7.l--- at. ---- to--- Case --- St.---'t-o---cnn- form to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof ..... t-he---pr-eGent - estab14-Bhed:• g-rad- e --being shown by -a blue --- Brie;---a2-sc grading said Bradley St. between the pointe aforesaid in accordance with gai'd""YBtt"""TSYi"8 tViSeYi B"sCaYiTi"eH"e3:. '------- Dated this -------11th .day of ------ eQ_QAIb@r..192es'?................................. ., 192....... --------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing r-grade_of.--Bradley..St.frpm_Whitall..-St._-to-..Qas ..St.---to_-CQ..n.- form to the ed line on the profile her attached and made apart herEoi,---the--nr.ee€ut---- establ-ished---grade--- being --shown- -by a b3u'e line; al -se grading said'Bradley St. between the points aforesaid in aocordanoe..... with said red---Bine--when--- estab3Yahed: - - -- - - - - _---------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------ _.._....___......_....__.._------..._.._------ -----_- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �� 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEG 1 2 1923 Adoptedby the Council----------- ----- ....... ................................................. YEAS NAYS CouncilmaSf CLANCY Rehr Approved..---' DEC 1..212= ........---- ---- -- - - - - ,/MCDONALD „.-PETER _ _- ✓WENZEL ..... .. MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHED %Z - fZ .J Form C A 13 (3hf 6-22) t Abotr"'- - Whereas, A written proposal for the li'. .ng of the following tmvrovement5-02.17, Douneil File No..... - Cofid coning . d tni g an easement Sn the land ne s for elope for-. PROPO ots an j ( 1 P` jV un of Eradley, i Sot. �t r -ase f� G� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - - -......_CondemnIng .._and. -W ng---a,..easem@ 0... ...tth9 �.>i�d.:zxfla6Rflrxy:dor------ - slopas....3ax_Qnts...and... 1118 ---in ... t1w..zrAL.din&---a3---Bradley-35IT-0t_.frcm--- -----WUtell._Stre-Qt .tQ...C.gee._Strr6dbl............................... ---------------------------- ------------------- - - Dated this 11th ---_.. day of_........_Deeember-,.-.192. 192_..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking -_an easement --in -the land-neoessary_-Por.---..-. ........................... - - - _slope e-,._Por._cut a-. and ---f ills.._in.-the--_-grading---o f, -Bradley-- Stree t -.-Prom .......... Whitall._Street...to._aaee._Street.e....... ... -- ...__.....-.-.....--..............._---------------------- ............. -. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........._..._.....--- ...._-- ----------- --------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. le5. To repo14 upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council...... -- ......... -- . -- ..... ----- -- ........ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCYJJJM Sud' w -b ✓McDONALD --'PETER ✓1VEN7.EL PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) p 2 1913 Approved.....---------- --.... ---.............----------- .............. Mayor. PTMT,ISTWD /_ 1__�� o� --9 3 CL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER -0218 Inthe Matter of... / .............................................................................. Opening, widening and extending Cross St. between Oxford St. and Ghatsworth St., by taking and condemning the following described' property: That part of Lot 1 Blo 7 Warrendale lying Northerly Wa of a. line drawn from a orthwest corner Easterly to a point on the Easterly line of said lot, 40 ft. Northerly of its Southeast corner. Also in B1 Warrendale that ^�„* �� r..,t �n lying Southerly of a 1 ne rawn from a point on the Westerly line of said lot,, 27 ft. North of its Southwest corner to a point on the South line of said lot, 47 ft. West of its Southeast corner; ail of r.ot 2A: that a lying Northerly of a line drawn from point'on he Northerly line of said lot, 33 ft. East of its Northwest corner to a point on the East line of said Lot, 33 ft. South of its Northeast corner; all of Lot that art of Lot lying Southerly of a line descr a as o owe: Comment ng at a f point on the Westerly lot line 26 Pt. North of•its Southwest corner, thence Easterly to a point 40 ft. East of the West lot to a�dhof the ulf nthence l point on the East lot 1 ne 9ft. North otheSoutheastcorner E of said lot, - pa , warrenaa7e;y�iig AortherT`b drawn from the Northwest corner Easterly to a point on the Easterly line of said lot, 40 ft. Northerly of its Southeast corner. Also In Block 6, Warrendale that part of Lot 27 lying Southerly of a line drawn from a point on the Westerly line of said lot, 27 ft. North of its Southwest corner to a point on the South line of said lot;, -,:47 ft. West of its Southeast corner; all of Lot 26; that part of I;et 25, lying Northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Northerly,,line of said lot, 33 ft. East of its Northwest corner to a point,on'the East line of said Lot, 33 ft. South of its Northeast corner;`aU of Lot .8; that part of Lot 7 lying Southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Westerly lot line 26.ft.North of its Southwest corner, thence Easterly to a point'40 ft. East of the West lot line and 9 ft. North of the South lot line, thence Easterly to a point on the East lot line 9 ft. North of. the Southeast corner of said lot, ............. ..y ......:.....,.....� Mayor. Councilman Clancy ? Councilman McDonald PUBLISHED ✓CouncilmaPeter v Councilman 9UDWXX Sudheimer `Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Httgm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 E2.18 ............ . . . .......f " " .. ............................... 1 ......................................... . I?e6..1f..1923,•................ under Preliminary Order.,: 30024 ............... • • .approve ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... open, widen and extend Cross St. between oxford St. and Chatsworth St. by taking and condemning the following described property: That part of. -Lot 1j. Blook 7, Warrendale, lying Northerly of a line drawn from the Northwest corner Easterly to a point on the Easterly line of said lot, 40 ftt ;hat o loLot In Block 6, t27S1yingaSoutherly ofst corner. ABao line drawn from a point on the Westerly line of said lot, 27 ft. North of its Southweat corner to a point on the South line of said Wotft. bleat of its Southeast corner; all of Lot 26; that part oft 25.lying Northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Northerly,line of said lot, 33 ft. East of its Northwest corner to a point, on'~the East line of said Lot, 33 ft. SoSoutherlyits o Northeast corners sU of Lot 8; that part of Lot 7 lying described as followat Commencing at a point on the Westerly lot line 26.ft. North of its Southwest corner, thence Easterly to a point'40 ft. East of the bleat lot line and 9 ft. North of the 9oftl. lot Northiof•,thence the Southeastrcornerto aofoint on said lot,he East lot line .. ,...... ......Mayor. / PUBLISHED L Councilman Clancy emmeftaa ✓Councilman 14cDonald ✓Councihnatt4S'X8= Peter ✓Councilman 3MWXX Sudheimer ✓Councilman WenzelNelson ✓Mayor Ids Form B. S. A. 8-6 a Fnin�q miawn 1oat rdd. 1�•Block�T.. Warrendale lying North - e ly of a lin drawn fro the North . i w at c rneL Easterly. t a Doinf ' th Easterly llne of said lot do feet No therly of lts Southeast corner a Ate In Warrendale _ z' rs� - - art of LotBlock : 27 l6,ying Bo l ........................... ..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 3-7,fi0Q.00.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... IQt- 4.........day of �g gy+7 . • • .. • ...., 192 ..4 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imper rovolfelt, l total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... DE.0 1 21925 ......�`-ti`.. Approved.........................192...... .. .. � Jerk. ...........::..... ........................ Mayor. PUBLISIMD 2 ---93 Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ✓Councilman7d6iriomC Peter ✓Councilman e22dsx Sudheimer vCouncilman Wenzel ✓Mayor IkdP= Felson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... _..... .... .� By... ............. ........ ..... ............. ................. ........ .........._._...__......._:_.... CITY 4 In the matter of the nses for beoeata.. costs and expenses for con n - • • Oct. 16, 1923. Resolution of Counctespeoaeesto�a,o:b° the'abo- on to U9 ler;, ed -asment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a storm sewer on: Blake Ave- from Langford Park Place West to Raymond Ave., on Raymond Ave. from Blake Ave. to Scudder St., on Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Order _....__..... , Intermediary 47.9 4RZ.'�4.. Intermedia Order ._._......4_ 1Q ..............._.........._....._...._......._.. Final Order_._....44......._..._..._....__..._._.....__.., approved...__ The assessment of.....benefi.ta,.._..c.oH.t3.....and.—expenses..__... ........_.._......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._......._1 11........._....day of jallugm, _19.24_,.__.1 ]{]A7(_........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessedfagainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. assessed( Adopted by the CouncilDEC 1 2 1923 ...._.._..............._..._.._...........___........__. __ I..___..... _ . ........................... ................ Clerk. hFC j 21�� Approved............ __.:._._...____...—._............ ........... ....191......._ j.... ........... ......... ::.............. ..........."........._.__.._._'"------. ayor. Councilman JXMXKdHb Clancy PUBLISHEDJ� ltdoud --McDonald 2*ibmc 'Peter �t:E3o3i '�Sudheimer _ •• �chc Wenzel Mayox*)= Nelson Form B. B. 16 53 0220 C. F. Nb. W220— In 0220 ' lnothMr gnolla *8t Street hanging Co tlandi Street to Agate Street, to conform: to the red line on -the proille-hersto at- tached aad. made a Dart�liereot, the Present established grade being r' shown -by `a .blue line thereon, _also. t-ading+eaid Magnolia Street. to -the. COUNCIL. FILE NO . ........................... id red line when estabileh litninary: Ord' ..90e'• FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_oh?I34n9...t.11e...;xadr{...n�-_g>3S7.1i�...S.txsat..snm...Gor-zland--......-- _S.txyeL....tA...Agat conioxm...t-Q..ha...red...lina-ion..:aha-..pruf11.0- . hexafo.._tll.Gs.C.t�ad..k.tzd---mt d ...r�._l.r.t.:hareQ3.,....the...Ilx-eaent...estab-1-1-shed.......... an�...41s0 ................... ?dagnolia Street to the said rad linewhen established ............................................................... under Preliminary Order .................... 49967 ............... approved ............ QC-tQ$.Qx...130-1.9.23..... ............-- IntermediaryOrder........................................................... approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...Change-..tYie_--gTt i9.---Q-�...e$no7 1&_.S-tg.•Qt-......... from Cortland Straet to Aute Street, to conform to the._re1... liue _......_on_. tne...prof ile--hereto...attached-_tend_ ide.. a..-gart_ tie. a.gt....iJle........::.......... prasznt -4l.t vlipl�zd...grcutl...p . al;,._tia9ec�..1�J•............. t...to....Che...st}5d..rad..lina_mhen - e s tabl i sh ad.-..................................................... ......................................................................--- ..... ...................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said. improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cillor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. REQ i 3 1923 1..-..... Adopted by the Council.. ---•-- .........................--•- .. - - City Clerk. Approved.................... - ............,.,..,......... 191.. .................................... - Mayor. Councilman lUt']f84tiMM Councilman frost[ Fargn=n PUBLISHED —1 a ��3 Councilman 0IMPY�}d t. Councilman Wkit e t e r Councilman )�ftt �Sudheimer Councilman � 1/IY enz el Mayor elson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINArICE y yy REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ~ In the matter of The abasige of grade oP-Magnolia St from Cortland St to Agate 1"D under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 13. 1923. —_._-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1200.00 The estimated cost pegi`oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 1.20 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 2 Magnolia Division 525 10 2 do 325 9 2 do 975 8 2 do .1475 7 2 do 1475. . 6 2 do 325 5 2 do 325 4 2 do 325 3 2 do 250 ... _ TOTAL. Form B. B. 11 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOINEA OF FINANCE Y —, I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �•,« (C) . DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 Whittier Division 1150 10 2 do 325 _. 9 2 do 1525 8 2 do 325 7 2 do 325 6 2 do 325 5 2 do 3215 4 2 do 275 1 2 do 250 .._ 10825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ .P- Commissioner of Finance. Fnrm B. B. 12 1 �� .. 7 �. St. Paul, Minn., .....�....L........_................192,3 To The Honorable, The Council$' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ....................:...^..,.......................................................................................------------- ....................................... St. Ave. �'at,+a 1r_:f'....................................._. St.l"*- to_......_.� from..........:. - ................. _............ C ADDITION •. s�i�Ti . ��i IL , INIMENIkv,9.8 1 I� r e Office of, the. Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov 1 19A8 Nov. 1, 1923 To tie, Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of t. , 2 the Council, known as Council File No._49067 ---- approved ----- Oo1319 91relative to the chane_ 03 _grade _oP_Magnolia _St. _ 3rom_Cortland_ at,__to Agate _St. , ------------- also grading said Magnolia 3t. between the points aforesaid - ------------------ - ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $1.20 1200.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-___-____--_, Inspeotion $23.63 Frontage 999 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. -------------------------- - -3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CommissofP Will tam 31. Peter, Tommissioner ° - grte ljallette, Deputg Tautmissta uzr �e#►ttr#ttcet'# of P" brlir Works tIIit of 13+xitbt Ilmd GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: October 31, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of Magnolia St. from Cortland St. to Agate St., also grading said Magnolia at. 'between the points aforesaid, under Preliminary Order C. P. #49067, approved October 13, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - $1200.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - 1.20 Inspection - - - - - - - - 23.53 Frontage - - - - - -- -- 999 ft. Yours truly, �11, nginear. Approved for transmission to the Oones�Noo f Finance. Gomm eebio Works. l� RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No -_ _ _ _ FILE �\ Dec. 13, 1923. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Magnolia Street from Cottland Street to Agate Street, under Preliminary Order C. r. #49068 approved October 13, 1923, and isteFmediary Order C. F. .49629, approved Ilovember 13, 1923. The Commissioner of Public '+forks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Magnolia Street from Cortland Street to Agate Street, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public `Norks in the matter dated December 13, 1923, .ihich plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCIL51EN IJ, P. No. s6�t61i0¢¢221—By W. a. Peter 1nInE° , agement lne he land deces- e ry for lop eo: for cute and fills in the grading f bfagnollu St.. from Cortland St. to AKnte 8t., under Pre-' proved 906 8 OcCtrdl3. 192er C 3 and Interni ved aro v Order C.. F. No. 49629, npPro Nov. 13, 1923. The Commiesloner of ort11and plan having submltted'. bis rep in the above matteIt r, be t Resolved, That the the of St, Paul axes nod determines. the amount of land to be taken fOr the -above for 1 improvement asin lopes, Por cute and fills rtland3 Stp to Magnolia ..St. from Co Agate . St., to,.whn 1. the r porta.£ the % Yeas Nays 1�1_` YIc nald - In favor Sudhelmnr( Against %Wenzel /Mr. President art hereof.': 11923. f, by the Council Dec. 13.. yV . De. 13, 1923. Idc (Dec: 22-1923) DEQ 3 1923 Adopted by the Council-..........._._ .__ __ __ 192 3 192" Appro ed_�19(/2J..----- MAYOR illium 31. defer, (llammiooioner &ir Mullrue, Urputg Tq%misaioner �rttrfmrnf of Puhlir Morks (Mg of mint Fad GEORGE M. SrHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. e. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N: CARFY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - RBIORT TO THl COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the 1_nd necessary for slopes, for cuts and ,fills in the grading of Iviagnolia Street from Cortland Street to Agate Street, under Preliminary Order C. P. $49068, approved October 13, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49629, approved November 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatdhed portion the cuts to be made o ill private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Pu is 'llor s. Dated December 13, 1923. CITU AUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM SSIONER OF FINANCE (A) z ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an ea sement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills inthe grading of Magnolia Street from Cortland Street to Agate Street. under Preliminary Order approved / 5, / 9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 2 Magnolia Division 525 10 2 do 325 9 2 do 975 _ 8 2 do 1475. 7 2 . d° 1475 ; 6 2 do 325 5 2 do 325: is _ 4 2 do 325:- 3 . 2 do 959 ' Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, ,.I 10825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- L - /_3 = ? —tom ._. Commissioner of Pim.". F— B. B. 12 k DEPREPORT AS;sIONER, OF CO OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11.2 Whittler Division - _ . - . _1150. 10._ - 2 - do 325 --- 9_ z dO 1525 - $ 2 CIO 325 7_ 2 do 325 6 2 do 325 5 2 do 325 4 2 do 275_. 1 2 do 250 ,.I 10825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- L - /_3 = ? —tom ._. Commissioner of Pim.". F— B. B. 12 k 10825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- L - /_3 = ? —tom ._. Commissioner of Pim.". F— B. B. 12 k E Office -of the Commissioner of Public k E Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 1'1988 -----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 49068 Oat. 13, 1923 the Council, known as Council File No.__-_________approved______________________191___, relative to oondemnin� and taking an easement in the land neceeeary__Yor___________ _alopee�-for -cute _and fills in_the grading oP Magnolia_Street__--_--__-- i'rom Cortland Street -- --to Agate street. ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_--------- and the total cost thereof is $_ _TF!______ - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -----------WjL,-- --o ----------- Commission of Public mss. - {222 of chan�lns the s rade In bile mutter All y i Bloch 2 1lhaculester from -oP - I and 33wUh 2 I Atlditlon, Sargent Ave. and .t. -S[ Clair St. to - 0 Pio S.4 St. t th n til a d south Ifne a 11 y [O a C m t til- ed tl[e P Ills tle tD t- ed deet b4 it pr t part her,- til P o by a blue' 11sh d graline the-, de les Ch•. Eley U t ;l tr tabu s.te-,. COUNCIL. FILE NO ........................... t b ' Pell-' Y By............................. ........................................... AU up 1V'1) AL ORDER In the Matter of..._Q}?an6irig-she..-brae..-oi._A11ey._in._Bloek_ 2.,.._tlaole3ter._Place and._Bloc z..,2,_.-Salet•._Aiidition.,frim-_St..Clair--_S:t. to_.Srirg ; .....Ava._._and_.____ .......... fzGmu8...t...tst..ae.._nor,h--end..south__ali@.X.._tR...confc�rrg..to.._the...red...I-kne __-_.on_the_.y�ro ilz..horeto_.attao� ci aiid__made._s..rart._h.ereof,,_aha__prz ent .......... stabl siigd-- gra3e,, b e ng ...shown_._Uy,. a _blue_._1 in e_., th.er eon,.._al so,_ g raging line when established, under Preliminary Order ....................... 4.7-7-73L IntermediaryOrder.. ..................... ------------------------- approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon,duenotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is:.Qki#IIzg.Q.._tile..g.rude-..c.L.A=idy.--•ia Black..2,..... 11acalaster Place and Bloch 2�-_.Salet Addition,_frCi St. Clair-._St.tO_- ...........................----.................---............................... �lsez?...Ava�t3nd--.Is.9.1.11...Suz...St.n.to.._-k1�...n4.stb...l s�-.-acuth...all.ey...gin---ccn3nrm to,the rline on the...ProYile_herato.attachad._anci....... .. . _hereof.e.._the..P..rzznt.._eptat�yiuhed..� rade. being...silolYn..12Y.--blu0...i11.0. thereon, also 6raciing &&Ampamiale said allays between the aforesaid limix.s---tn-_fila .said..s eti..lina...wh en--.eatahlisced....ta_ha...alufaaad .wi til -.cindery; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEG 1 3 1923 �-/�/ Adopted by the Council .......................... .... y ................ --..... - -- ---- ------------------.........---....--••---_...---....- City Clerk. DEC 3 i92 Approved . / Councilman MM*6AK Councilman Cho —pergmsm— Councilman Qknw -Mem s "", Councilman $eft ',-Peter Counollman KKQQ& 4- Sudheinar Councilman nzel Mayor JhdgwDXR lson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ..................-----..... .... Mnvnr. PuBldSHE D. w/, � i �,' � / �` ,�I , St. Paul, Minn .. ......... ........................................... 192...... r To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bodyx�4aess)setaaai�gtiaa�xomeosamtasb°'tlxa thatre gpposed to the following mp ovements ing made- o ......` . ...... ................... 2.�- ....... - ........................i _ , w ___ — — Q-- �✓ a.. _ St. Ave. OFFICE OF _ EC(iMMISSIONEfl OF FINANCE PaOI. III�4 December--� y hri rade a . A1Tey n g _ from In t e -m r- �acal un� reljmma Order—�`Approvedllgll — -moi �-�;— Youare hereby notified that a City of St. Paul prop$ses to make the above improve - NAME •T ADDITION i?F •r /1 /iii: � �>� fir, i 0..44, CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI&ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)_ In the matter of Chanaa the—grade of A11eY in Hihol mFins este,. Plana and Block 2, Salet Addition from St. Clairlft_. to Sargent Ave. and from Sue St to the north and south alley to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made apart hereof, the present established grade being shwon by a blue line thereon, also grading and_paviRgsaid alleys-_lae_tAee- the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established. under Preliminary Order approved ----Aug. _ 14, 1923 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 31n Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven Inch Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.09 5.27 4.25 3.23 Property Share $ 9,171.54 67,936.62 9$ 6,400.50 $ 4,564.35 (a) Front Ft. 6.38 5.52 4.45 3.35 -- ----- -- 2 2 do 675 3 2 do 675 _. 4 2 do 3 675 5 2 do 2925 6 2 do 750 _ 7 2 _ -do 400 . S 2 do _ 400 ._ .. 9 2 _ do Form B. B. 10 10 . 2 _ do TOTAL. under Preliminary Order approved a�4*' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Macalester Place 37.75 -- 2 2 do 675 3 2 do 675 _ 4 2 do 3 675 5 2 do 2925 :. 6 2 do 750 7 2 _ _ __do _ . 9 2 . - do 400 9 ..2 do 40o. . 10 Fo B. B. 10 - . 2 do TOTAL. OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE N ry N" REPORT OF COMMI89IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I .. ,.. -. _ _.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKS ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .11 2 Macalester Place 400 12 2 do 400_ 13 2 do .400 14 2 do 460 1 2 Salet Addition 425 do 425 2 2 do 425 3 2 4 2 do 425 do .425 5 2 do 425 6 2 do .475 7 2. S 2 do 575 2 do 525 9 le 2 do 4375 11 2 do 525 12 2 do 525 (Except East 3: ft.) 13 2 do 475' (Except West 37 ft.) 14 2 do 575 E-3 ft. of 13 & W-37 ft, of 14 2 do 26275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_./_uat-"--- - Commiecioner oI Fiu�nee. Form B. B. 12 I J 14 �: 4- z4 St. Paul, Minn ......... / .�..1 1923 To.The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Tf r g Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby et'fion your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: p `9 ti. _ — ice' �;7.... u,- - Ave. /c3� .---C....""'.."'--..._........................_......St.-`rto'---......_......----...._..-- WorksOffice, of the Commissioner of Public RE�g1�ED e e Report to Commissioner of Finances a Y Noy ------- 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._47773---- approved- _AUSUS.t_ ]4th ---- 19P.S-, relative to Changing grade, grading and paving of Alley in Block - 2 ----------- ------------------- -- --- - - Macales---ter Place and Block 2, Salet Addition, from St. Clair St. - to Sargent Ave. and from_5ue_5t._ to tl�e_north P-_nd-snuth_a1le_g. ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and ") desirable. See estimate attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ --------------,and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comms ' ner of Public s. Milliam X Vrfrr, Tommiasionrr F ,$rir MallrM, DeWLt (Sommissioor Orpartwitt of-11:61ir Works • 1ifg of esint haul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Bovember 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade, grading and paving of Alley in Blook 2, Maoalester Place and Block 2, Salet Addition, from St. Clair St. to Sergent Ave. and from Sue St. to the north and south Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. -147773. approved August 14; 1923: 462.46 ft. 20, 20' Length MT.T' " Width of Roadway TV Width of Street IS' Frontage 143.77 ft. 3g" Creoeoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven Inch Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.09 6.27 4025 3.23 Property Share $ 9,171.54 (a) Front Ft. 6.38 7,936,62 6,400.60 $ 4,864.38 5052 4.45 3.38 Yours truly, )7-7, Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. a!� I Commieeio e f u lio Yaks. ( f CITY OF ST. PAUL 57 022,1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ." COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� , Dec. 13, 1923. . tESENIcBY •� DATE _ .................. ... ....... ................ .......... _........... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Idacalester Place, and Block 2, Salet Addition, from Sargent Street to St. Clair Street and from Sue Street to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. J'46506, approved June 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49624, approved November 13, 1923. The Commissioner of Public '+'forks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it F.E60LVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the alley in Block 2, I,Iacalester Place, and Block 2, Salet Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 'Jo_-ke in the matter dated December 13, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays lanc / Fer�usonn McDo^aid _... In favor Sudheimer (/Peter )Against v' Wenzel I/Mr. President 60223-13Y W- JiPater— [n tho matter of condemn ng and tak- 119 a easement In the land neces- sarySor.siopes, for cuts and din in ithe grading of Alley in Block 2, Mn- calester- Place, and Block 2. 0alet Cl it 1 SL: and from Sue et. to to he north and eovth alley' under Prellm- inary order C. F. No. 46606, aPDroved June 181923, and Intermediary Or- der C. jr. No. 49624, approved No- mber 13, 1923. V�, Commissioner of Public_Works APProv d Dec. 13, 1923' - LDec a2-1923)-- UEC 1 3 1929._.---192 --"KaUIILCn P tne'uoiincll.. -' PProved U.LC ; 3 V l_, MIYOR NO= X. Peter, Tommisstaaer .rte Mallette, WputV Tommissioner Urvarttnent of Ilu61ir 30orks tai TUH of 0�abd VMd GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M.E. GRYTSAK, B DOE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, EU SANITATION O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN, S T OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, hiacalester Place, and Block 2, Salet Addition, from Sargent Street to St. Clair Street and from Sue Street to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order C, F. #46506, approved June 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49624, approved November 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public V9orks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated December 13, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTN jOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIMMIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) .. In the matter ofCondemning ta$�g an easement in the ia,nd necessary _fpr R'Irnnogr. 4nr D11ta and fills in_oradino EL],1in Bek8jL -2a Macalester PIRce and Hlk.,—P. qgllt Arld from SargentSt., i:e St C'laj-p- t.�-_"Ind--------� �J from Sue S+- to the north and o11 i'}1 L[\ under Preliminary Order approved Lina IA. 1923- - -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is g The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is �- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Mt1calester Place 3775. 2 2 do 675 3 2 do 6-75- .4 .2 do 3 675 5 2 do 2925 6 2 do .750 .7 .2 do 400 - _ 8 2 Cin 11.00 .9 2 do .400 10 2 do TOTAL. 1M Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP A ,TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COI�ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 Macaleoter Place 400 12 2 do 400 13 2 do 400 14 2 do 400. 1 2 531et Addition 425 2 2 do 425 3 2 do 425 4 2 do 425 5 2 do 425 6 2 do 45 do 475 7 2 8 2 do 575 9 2 do 525 10 2 do 4375 11. 2 do 525 12 2 do 525 (Except Paat 3 ft-) 13 2 do .475 (Except Fent 37 ft.) 14 2 do 575 E.3 ft. of 13 & W-37 ft. of 14 2 do 26275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. A Dated_ .!1.13 - 2�z____ -L 24 - Commissioner of Finance. F- U. B. 12 y► -1b Office of the Commissioner of Public WAREQeiv� Report to Commissioner of Finance " p 3s S Gr: • ? p i ` 00V a 1929 - Nov. 6, 1923___191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consider4tion the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._46b06__ June 18, 1923 ... 191___, relative to _______ approved__ _________________ condemning and taking aneasementin the land necessary � Por______ ------------------------------------- ___elopes,_ Por_cute and_fille_ in_•grading elle_y_i;l�_�ocjt_2_,_�utacale$�er__ Place and Block 2. 6alet Addition-,__from_Sargent st._-to_8t._Clair_St. and from Sue St. to the North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ �X_____-__, and the total cost thereof is $_�-------- , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. g ---------V— ' -i ------------ Y Commi ner of Publics. k-�' G COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. In t Nm. - In the atter66224— oP rc.nstructing a sekverl on Danny'9t. from.Payne Ave. .to a potnt 122 -:.feet east.[ Edgerton $t.,'. under'Prelim.nar3e Order 49363,'ap PAr.vedlOCtober 29, 1923 a❑ llc hearing.bavi g been {,had&. uP the aboCe improveem f upon. due,I Inco heard ='t'i"d there nvtngJ FINAL ORDER 50224 Matter of..._Cgn- ,�sµcS.7ilg--...s8sxar...G.R....Aeuny....St.....frcua FAyne...Ame----------.--- a noint 122 feet under Preliminary Order ................. 493.5.3.................. approved ........... QQ..tob.a.r...26i.,.19.23 IntermediaryOrder ............. _............................................. approved -------......-------------------------- ------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully, consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isoil ...NI:tLIy....St...._: Som--...... a...uoint.-.122 -feet...east...nf...Edg.erton...St..----------------------------------------- and the; Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... D EC I.3 1923 91....... .................-.................................................. .... City Clerk. 192 Approved.................................................... 191........ - - ------ -- - - --------------� Mayor. Gouncilman ZXYa=Qztb -!:tcY' Councilman Gmo>mFd� MUZHED Councilman fkmmcX =n d Councilman Z211M ✓p et e r Councilman 3RMOH /Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor wdq elson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT O�, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) " 4 _ _ In the matterot The construction of a sewer on Denny Street from Payne Avenue to a point 122 feet east of Edgerton Street. under Preliminary Order approved oat 26 1923 — ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1734.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost peq footr for the above improvement is - - - - - - 8 2.5-0. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 8 32 31 30 . 29 28 #Ik East 27 West of 27 and all of 26 25 Form H. D. 10 Speiser's Addition 500 . do 175 do 1,75 do 175 do 1.75. do 175. do 95 do 265 ,do 175_ . TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL . d DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE —_ 4. +I REPORT OF COAM4SIONER OF FINANCE l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOTBLocx ADDITION VALUATION (Except Edgerton St, & Payne Ave,) The North 412.50 ft. of 11675 the South 933.20 _f t. of the West of Northwest u of South- east of Section Z9 Township 29 Range 22 (5.48 acres) 13575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- Comnuasioner of Finance. Porro B. B. 12 q- k St. Paul,, Minn-, Oct.., 16th 1922. To t�of theoCityeofhSt- Paulouncil s of property on Denney Street between Gentlemen; The undersigned, owmer in the city of Saint Paul, reepectfIlly Payne avenue and Edgerton otreet -Petition#Xyour Honorable Body to have a sewer constructed on said verny Street between said Payne _venue and Edgerton Street._ Tam RIIr�EAU CF L."G1NUP,` i� �i I T��nin� y S7' Al 5 t k �� RECEtV�D Office of the Commissioner of Public Work io r Report to Commissioner of Financen_ _ i l' NOV 5 1928 Nov. 3, 1923. ----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 48363 Oct. 26, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No _--approved the construction oY a sewer_on-Denny-Street from_payne-Avenue__-------- to a point 122 feet east of Edgerton -Street- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:{ 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) pdeesirablee. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___2_'_bO per an the total cost thereof is $___ 1734;00 Inspeotion $34.00 Frontage 702 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ___` ------------ Commis ner of Public Gilliam �. rt¢r, Tommisaianrr n I. )$ .3rir Mallrtfr. �r}�utg f�auimiseianer 33rVartucru# of Puhtir Warks fQit}1 of smut 11aul GEORGE M. BHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CARLY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H.-HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. Of WORKHOUSE November 1, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, commissioner of Public Worka. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the construction of a sewer on Denny Street from Payne Avenue to a point 122 feet east of Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #49353, approved October 26, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - 01734.00 per front foot - -- - - - - - - 2•roo Inspection - - - - - -- - - - - 34.00 Frontage - - - - - -- - --- 702 ft. Yours truly, hi EngIneer. Approved for transmission to the commissioner of Finance. 3 % Comm a r b110 e. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. 50 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......ions.trMct.ant;..a...alxe.foo.t._G meet-...tile...s.isiezvalk...on................. the north aide of Hyacinth St. between 1Lendota St. and -. Arctzde__,_$t..-,--.@x..cept-_xiie.re---good-_and--_dui f is i ent,,.3id gslk,__navy....................... under Preliminary Ord er- --------------- 4$995.....--.----------- approved .......................... IntermediaryOrder........... -............................................... approvea................ ...............---...------...------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isQarmi lt...tile....-..---.... e e�s�7k...9n -?i.Q -amort. a i9._�i.._Hyacin.#h -St..< ..tl. .ceeri...kiHxiU.ts..4zt... - and-_Arcade--_St-.---,-,_excert rk�ere---good--andPic ient-..ei and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEG , 3 1923 Adopted by the Council ............... - .....:..................9 ......................... ......----...........---..... --------• City Clerk. pEC t 3 1.29 Approved........................ ...................._......., 191........ ... ..................... Mayor. Councilman Councilman 96iisx �8on1�dSI3EI)—c�-� Councilman YkWZyIdo DSlp.el-d [y Councilman �Tfex 1/PMP Councilman MdWx Sudheimer Councilman :q*jghVWW en z e 1 Mayor$ipftxm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY.O -PAUL. - DEPART M �F FINANCE REPORT OF COMNWIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) - Inthematterof onnstrnetinp: a six foot oement tile sidewalk on the north Bide of Hveointh St. between Mendota St- -_and Arcade St. under Preliminary Order approved OCtnber 10 192,3 r"• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is g 1-05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED , VALUATEON D (Except Arcade 3t.) That part of.S.W-k of Section 21, I I, Township 29, Range 22 lying between Hyacinth & Ivy Ste. 1890© 1' I �I &00 TOTAL, I j I' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report -made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Form B. ated FormB. B. 13 f Office of the Commissioner of Public Works R i o. Report to Commissioner of Finance, OCT 131923 Oot. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 46995 ---- approved_Oot'__10, 19X6 ---191___, relative to__ ----- the -oonatruotion--- of a--eis -- - foot cement the--- - - sidewalk on -the ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- north -side --of -- Hyacinth Street - between -Mendota St._to_Aroade St.____ ------------------------------------------------ - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 01.06 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____---_____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Vn-,_ -----------------i `'5---------- Commission% f Public . A14.H, . FINAL ORDER M2,26 In the Matter of....laving Ainth-_Strzst_.irem-_t9111ius-_S- reit,-,yu--.L.9"jat....3.1Xeet, including sewer, Yater and #a s_._connaetions from street in to .............................. ...................................................... .. pro rty lines oo:ni:lece, ai_io in .....tu._aurUing,_and_-paying-.alley.,.---- BT113..Sa.xly.a:vtiY•--3p� oa4.h.es-,-._where -necc �arX....................... ............ •.............. *................ under Preliminary Ord er--------------4aQ54----_-------:---. approved ........... IZUO:t....2(41923..............._..........-- IntermediaryOrder ............: ................................. approved ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is P-0,10 ilfzth...S1 a Cel~ -..x rQ •-�lllilzs•••;;_ xaa-t.. cluding__seiner.,.-_touter--and,-,eus--:cuiu_ectigns,_%rm_ jtre-_uwiris.to__;?r_ertylinescomplete, xlso-includng-_curbin_and p..a g pwv ing_ al la y -_and.. ctrl vz�gay._app roackre 3.,_ -_.fie re-. nec a ta.. e brickEtrow.... ......----- ................. _ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council----- dAN - . 3 .. ... 0 ........ 1924 .................... .. Caty Clerk. Approved .......... k41y-..3. .192A ............. 191..... ...---- -H(t6iiJe,,( Mayor. Councilman Emmmmalb Clancy Councilman Glxwy McDonald ✓Councilman Hmtler Peter' a ipilR_1;iS_fIF17 Councilman MaOW Sudheimer t -/Councilman Vbzda cbWenzel r. Ti Free. Fergaeoa Form B. A. &7 Clry 'AUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COM �DNER OF FINANCE ON PRELI RfORgER (D) - In the.matter of Paving Ninth'Street from Willius Street to Locust Street, and driveway approaches where necessary -- under Preliminary Order approved Aug_ 28, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Paving 3�" Creosote Mocks Brick Laid Flat Asphalt or Asphalt concr. Seven inch Concrete notal Sq. Yd. 6.14 5.12 4.05 3.49 Theelage $ 2,600.00 2,335.00 1,647.00 1,591.00 Property Share 1,676.00 1,398.00 1,106.00 953.00 T o t a 1 $ 4,476.00 $ 3,733.00 $ 2,953.00 $ 2,544.00 (a) Front ft. 7.67 6.31 4.66 4.13 (Curb Extra) Note: Lafayette Park frontage put in Wheelage. Add for Cement Curb where not in 600 per lin. ft. 11 6" Sewer connections each $66.00 11 3/411 Water 11 " 40.25 d a � I Southerly 19 ft. of 9th St. \\\both va. & adj. said Lot 4 16 do N.._19 ft. of Ninth St. vac. j &_Adjoining and all tslock 9 i do ' 6 25 TOTAL. 15142 I _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 6 DEPART F FINANCE CITY AUL NCE REPORT OF COM nNER OF FINANCE ON PRELI RVYOREJER (D) Inthmmatterof Paving Ninth'�Street from Willius Street to Locust Street, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L,1, also N.i of alley & So. Kittson's Addition to I 19 ft.of .9th St.both vac.&5�I 0 adjoining said Lot. 1 18 St. Paul. L.2, also N4 of alley & So. I -. i 19 ft.of 9th St. both vac.& +f adjoining said Lot 2 19 do L.3, also N.z of alley & So. - 19 ft. of 9th St. both vao. & adjoining said Lot 3 19 do - i L.4,_ also N.i of alley & Southerly 19 ft. of 9th St. both-va. & adj. said Lot 4 18 do i I - N, 19 -ft.- of Ninth St. vac.. & Adjoining_ and all t3look 9 do -V iii TOTAL. 562 1 2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby _ - submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / / - / 3- F— B. B. 13 'A Commissioner of Fin.— Office of the,Commis of ner of Public W816EIVED to Report to Commissioner of Finance J �•t R-Ot �.. ~ NOY 8 198 -November 5th. 1923._191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -43054 28th-_---19>?-3_, relative to Paving of Ninth btroet from Willius Street to Locust Street, --------------- inclauiing-seven,__w"er__and-_g"-_.onxQ.0_tJ ne__frSun__atFeet------ mains to property lines complete where not already made, ajo_ inrludinp,_curbing and _paving alley_ ______ and driveway approaches where necessary. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (er) desirable. See estimate attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-_-___-_-___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. &_U--------------- Commier of Publi. k v le VA Milliam 91. Vrter, Tamudssinner Trip fll atirtte, Uepufg Mommissinner 3�epttr#tnrnt nt" b1�c urk� TUB of ouint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H-HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Devember 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: 1 transmit �herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Ninth 'Street from W111iue Street to Locust Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to prgoerty lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where nece_seary, under Preliminary Order C. F. &8064, approved August 28, 1923. Length 206 ft. Width of Roadway 32 ft. Frontage 410 ft. if " Street 66 " with Lafayette Park. 3" QQreobote Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inch Paving B18oke FlatAsphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. yd. 6.14 6.12 4.06 3,49 Wheelage 0 2,800.00 $ 2,336.00 $ 1,847.00 1,691,00 Property Share 1,676.00 1,398.00 1,106.00 963.00 T o t@ 1 6 4,476.00 $ 3,733.00 0 2,963.00 2,644.00 (a) Front ft. 7.67 6.31 4.88 4,13 (Curb Extra) Note: Lafayette Park frontage put in Wheelage. Add for Cement Curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections each $66.00 " 3/4" Water " " 40026 Yours--txuly, h Engineer. Approved for tranmission to the Commise;-W nance. IMO Comm10 'fie. I� �p 0r CITY OF ST. PAUL CIL. NO.--..- u2_Q22 FILE '- ----•-_ OFFICE O E CITY RK �C�OpUNN�CILAR UTI E FORM JTED• BY WHEREAS, On or about the 18th day of November, 1923, a motor bus belonging to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, ran into an orna- mental light post in front of the Ryan Hotel, breaking one globe thereon; and WHEREAS, The United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, in- surer for said Motor Bus Company, has offered to pay the damage to said globe in the amount of $3.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer be accepted, and the proper city officers are authorized to execute a release upon payment of said sum of Three Dollars. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Qua— re Qu v 114e�enald ..In favor � Sudheint Peter _. Against Wenzel L.. Mr. President DEQ 1 3 1923 Adopted by Zthevuncil. _..._..----_ __ 192- _ Apedo. DEC t 3192.A 192...... C. F. No. 50227 -BY request Geo. Sudhelmer_.= ' ' R�horeas, On or about 0- be f November, 1923, a vot[ rSbue longing the Twin City' Motor .Bus to' Company:an into an ornamental light Hotel. Coat the .Ryan front a globe thereon; and - r nkingIn one Whereas, The United States Fidelity &'.Guaranty Company. Insurer .for sold ..ere U Motor Bus Company, I the damage to.sefd globe in. .the pay amounting 53.00.; therefore. 'be It Resolved, That said oRer be acceCt- ed.the Proper eltY ottJeers aro au- Chorizefi io execute a release Con pa• Dollars. t of said sum of Three m Adopted by the Council, Dec. 13, 1923. Approved DDec.122 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Qua— re Qu v 114e�enald ..In favor � Sudheint Peter _. Against Wenzel L.. Mr. President DEQ 1 3 1923 Adopted by Zthevuncil. _..._..----_ __ 192- _ Apedo. DEC t 3192.A 192...... OOpHCIL No. ------ - P;0-2-28 ----0228 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -iv-Prgr)vi1 iotP`--GEDI2RAL FORM RESOLVED jhd the action of the Board of Water Commissioners in paying one Grant S. Osborne the sum of Sixteen Hundred Thirty-two Dollars ($1632.00) for an easement 1n certain land or lands in Anoka County, and the payment of $354.00 for the lease of certain lands in the same b county from the said Grant S. Osborne, be approved, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby instructed to pay the said Grant S. Osborne the sum of $1986.00 upon the delivery to the City of St. Paul or to the Board of Water Commissioners of the proper deed and lease for the property. C. F: No. Ing one Sixteen COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In favor 1/ Sudhei-10 Peter ................Agalfl9t Wenzel -,--Mr. President By O. C.�Sudheimei the action of the ornmisslonerm 1. pay- Oeborne thesum, of :Thirty-two :Dollars easement in certain Anoka County,. and 64.00 for the le¢so oY he -same county.: from Osborne: be. approved, city'. officers be and nstructed to pay the 1 rne--the' mum of $11- " Ivery 1,-livery to the Citytof Is Board of Water ti the'. proper deedand If tarty, Council Doc. 13, 1923. 13, 1923. 16-1923)' DEC 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council.. __--.---_...._..._......._...-192.._. DECD 3 1923 ApprAved_-.. . __.._.._.....192._.-- -____(_.�-- ...... ..-- ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - FotEuca 0229 No.-----; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM so4That the d p4AOryond gilven to the City of St. Paul by the Minnesota Transfer State Bank, as principal, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Xi> ryland, as eii;±ety, dated December 7th, 1923, in the sum of $25,000.00, approved as, to form and execution by the Qorporation Counsel, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, be and the same is hereby approved. �. F. No. 60229—BY JE. Nson— Resolved. That thA. el e depoalb bond given- to the City.. of 9t. Paul by the �MianePata_undger State 33anit, Fidelity & Depo II. �. primpany nclPnl, the Coof Dftl, 1121 ns surety, 1 d Docembe,. 7th, 1923, In o the sum o[ 1$26,000.00. ,.Proved the VO orp r [orm and ex - by the. Corporation .Counsel. and as to amount by the Sinking Fund .Committee, -be. and the same fa hero -i byapprved. Adopteod byAheConnell Dec. 13,1923. i Approved, Dec. 13 1923. ^� (Dec. 22-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r—_ In favor —A4ePvnM it Sudheime( "Peter Against ✓Wenzel President Adopted by the CouncilD S _}-3-.1923___._..192_.-. DEC 1 3'9" Approved_ .. _ .192__:. AV Mnroa v. CITY OF ST. PAUL FL ENOIG NO.- -._.Si 0:TM0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE. --....-._December RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, on Kardong Power Bar Bender, at a cost not to exceed X900.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C. F. No. 50230—By. WV J. Peter by nuest— e olved, That the Purch"Ing Agent be, nd�. he is hereby authorized to purchase : -with. the consent of the Comptroller, one Kardong P.O Bender. or Bender, at a -coat not to exceed E900.00, without asking for competitive bide, as this Is apatented.article and no ¢d - vantage could be gained' thereby. Charge Wter Department. Adopted by the Councll Dec, 13, 1923. Approved Dee. 13. 4923: (Dec. 15-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "Y erguson onatd _.L:......_In favor Sudheimer Peter Against Wenzel t_Ar. President C 319_is2 '13 ...---- Adopted by the Council _._._..pE...-_l. DEC 1 3 1925 APProved. - _ _ --- --------- -- ---------------192..-..- ----- .....•.... MAYOR RESOLVED fug V Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL Foe ciLNo------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —�, Dec. 12, 1923. That the Commissioner of Public 'Norks be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, Contractors, whereby said Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company are to use one of the city's steam shovels and pay a rental of t25.00 per day, for the use of said steam shovel from the time it is delivered to the 4,ement F. Sculley Equipment Company until the time it is returned to the city, said money to be paid into the Street Construction and Repair Fund. Said steam shovel shall be returned to the city in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company shall be paid for by that firm. COUNCILMEN Na; --C:lanev �Ljlayuiei In favor Peter _ ........- Against \1 Wenzel ,,,-Mr. President DEC 1 3 1923 by the Council .. - ___192. . OLC 1 3 1923 Approved-) _ 192.---- _ � s OACiing "prow e X CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"cILNO..___b.,.2-- ., _,r/S 023 / OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK _COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, On the 30th day of October 1915, a certain lease was entered into between the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company and the City of St. Paul for the leasing of a portion of Block 37, St, Paul Proper, for storage and tool house purposes; and Whereas, Said lease has been from time to time extended, and it appears that it is necessary that the ( A! City continue the use of said premises, Y and that said lease be further nenewed; now therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper' city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute a renewal of �%A, said lease from the 29th day of October, 1923 until the fes 29th day of October , 1926; C. F. No.. 50232 -By. Wm. J. Poter— Wherea�:.On the 30th day of Oc 37, A 3 tool I .. /I fromrn Y ,pears rson- W/1 ed; OW,therefore, ee It Rge�.olved, That thect� prodper city off d t0 ex a eba.renewaltoYanald lleate. rom'' the 29th -day of October, 1923 into the 29th day of Oct be 1926 I , Adopted Do the C uncll Dec. 13 1923 Adopted . 73 1929 Der.18' �7•��7•-.77 - 22-19 (Dec. 23). e� jY [tVRE COUNCILMEN Yeas Nfys filaasy--- T \...In favor ;—::rS(r-dbeimer V er _Against yzel President Adopted by the Council G 31923 Approved �� .___ 192.._ MTYOn OI2Y OP BY. PAOL QUADRUPLICATE TO -CITY CLERK _ DPO[LLnf80IL l� O _....er23 3 F YZA 12.22 A7 BV COM OL1E 4IIl ...s .. .. � AUDITED......_.._ _.. ..... ..........192 ... .._ ..- � PER..... ... ..... ..... .l ..... .✓ ..... _._...'� checks numb covering Resolved 2that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ .-..--..6.46 ------------------------- ,�;,_ er�d......9179_.._........---to.--- 19184---- -_-- --illusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DE� c;.. l- Adopted by the Council... --------- ------ .....--------- .. ......191------- @8RjAn favor . laic➢oneld;- ` y ; Approved -,. Pzt.`------------------ 192..,-.-.- V-Mamatr,- Sudheimer F /Peter, - ..._Against / L- V✓enzel. C"I'Mr. President, Nelson 1\T :60233--� be drawno" ' C gesolvodT That check ggregate urY. to th is ch eke. the 'CttY of S9S2.46, CO'q.. y _ -amount s file numbered�e city 91of B hC ptro'Ie8e - per-reg19 { theCitY m the Cc the13012813.1923:.. AdoDTOV,te ed Dec:9 -ADD(Dec- 22-19231 i 01116 INILL TO CRY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - c� oa>rs�.z iV0 ..._ 50��S7 Form D-34 IM 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM mz= 91x5 j AUDITED..._ ...... .... ........ ............_.192.. ... .... BAR _. �....... 1 Resolved that 9 9be drawn on t 191Ei4 reasury, to the aggregate amount of $.--------63x2.a4 ..................1.:..._, covering checks numbered..._..:_ --- ...................._.to-------- ---..._------ --- _.... _.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. meq` Adopted by the Council.- EC 3 1923 192 In favor - DEC 31923 -' Approved. --------- .....................------ - - ----- - ----192..-- te,,rMvw r, Sudheimer ."'Peter, ---Wenzel. .............Against --- -.- - --- _ /,.f - President, Nelson 19179 19. D. Bugge, Supt., Auditorium 19180 Harry H. Fletcher, Munic. Emp. Bureau 19181 Dr. Harry Ghent, Corp. Counsel 19182 National Geographic Society, Library 19183 Jos. Faviicek, Eng. & Insp. 11 - L 1763 L 1836 It L 1841 11 L 1847 25.92 .84 2.80 1.86 1.10 2.88 1.74 48 37.62- 4 a 346.84 85.00 35.00 3. Q0 37.62 19184 St.Paults Methodist Episcopal Church, 125.00 Schools WADRURJGTE TO CRY CUEaK Form D-34 IM 12-22 T BY COMPI�tOLLER �... ;/ AUDITED .::._ ...._._ 192......_... {II` j Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anregate amount of $._..a y.grg� rf�q....._............... covering • checks numbered -.....191$ ------------ ...to ...............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. 'Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. -G1eM9, ' Adopted by the Council--------- -PEC J-3 19�°e........ ---- 192 Ferbwesk r MeRen".:..__In favor Sudheimer / Approved ... ...... ��O 1_3..1923 - 191- -------- i,-Peter, � ✓Venzel. �A$ainst ✓Mr. President, Nelson C. F:' No. 6134— F: ggeotved, That checks be:.drawn on . the -0tfy Tre... -111. to the ag oh-te . amount of 'E32779.73. covering checks. numbered .19169 to 19178,. inclusive, as ,per register oY city ci kstrall.1 ink c the -face of the City Comp Adopted by the'Council Den 13 1923. Approved Do C 13. 1923. (Dec: 22-1923) ORIGINAL TO oIx .T. PAaL , cIT`• cLXRK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �aaso=:P Foim D-34 1M 12-22 - AIIDA ITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM n:: NO........_s�'�. 23 912 AUDITED........ _...___...182........- i -.....--_-_]..1 �._........... .�-'V"'""""�. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $----_a2,-729-.-7-a...................... covering • checks numbered --.....19159------ --------- to. .--.-.19178-- -- -------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. DEC 1 3 1923--- 192------- Adopted by the uncil - -------------------- ----- -- on, . ...----In favor pEC � 3 1923 Appr ed----------- ------ _... - -192 - �/ t anw,, Sudheimer ,/Peter, ------------------- �Ren.l. /-Aginst 1 r. MAY-OR- -- President, Nelson 19159 - --------------------------------------- Aiken Delicatessen, 7.62 Schools 19160 W. J. Baldwin, 50.83 Schools 19161 Barber Asphalt Company, 44.14 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 19162 Edward Bijorklund, 3,897.25 New Jackson School(Bond) 19163 W. F. Brettschneider, 20.00 Bureau of Engineers 19164 Capital City Lumber Company, 43.5.2 125.58 Schools 1t 77.00 Bureau of Parks 5.06 1� 19165 Commonwealth Electric Company, 243.95 Schools 19166 Donovan Construction Company, 729.27 Schools 19167 John E. Holt Plumbing & Heating Company, 300.00 New Jefferson School(Bond) Res. 912 Page #2 19168 J. R. Johnston, Bureau oP Engineers 19169 Wm. F. Lindberg, Ames School Add.(Bond) 19170 Lindstrom & Anderson, Franklin School(Bond) 19171 Geo. M. McGeary & Sons, New Greenwood School(Bond) 19172 McQuillan Brothers, Franklin School(Bond) 913.75 • Ames " " 1850 2:724.25 19173 Jos. Pavlicek, C.P.W.-Geri. Adm. .40 it It It 3.69 Bureau of En§rs. 37.44 it it 20.10 St. C. & R. 18.42 2.16 It (Pay.) 1.00 Sewer C. & R. 23.28 it It 8.40 S. & S. Cing. 4.72 Crosswalks 3.36 19174 A. J. Pirkl Electric Company, Franklin School(Bond) 19175 Pioneer Electric Company, Library 19176 Plant Rubber Uompany, S. & S. Cing. 29.11 Water 15.50 19177 Edward J. Snyker, New Greenwood School(Bond) 19178 Tierney & Company, Health 9.4u " 10.50 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 5.75 Workhouse 30.25 Schools 2.25 L 1836 B 11.65 69.80 0 10.00 127.50 15,657.85 5,270.00 2,724.25 122.97 518.50 40.36 44.61 2,775.25 '69.80 QUADRUPLICATE TQ CRY CLERK UIL No._.Q;)4 Form D -M 1M 12-22 • • L, i BY.... ..... .... .. _ . ... ... AUDITED ... ....t ..i.. ........192 ........ PER ....... ... �' .. _ ..... ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of20-1674059 ........................ covering checks numbered_ ------- P 86 to_- RX1---_....-_._.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Ci Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. li..In favor Sudheimer E'`_i�fatatmr, - - .ter, ..-_`� Against We. L /4 r. President, Nelson DEG 1 31923 Adopted by the Council ------- OEC-------------- ---- -19 ....... Appred -------------- -- ....... -------- --- .... 192-------- _-_._.-_.__�, C. F, No. eOtY TreasurYh to sthe e.gSbe d-7- theeget � amount of $20.674,69: covering ch.ck. numbered 19066 to '19166, Inclusive, as peri rep'leter ,of city checks 4n flle in j I the Eflca o4 the City Comptroller. �. Adopted by the Council Dec. 13, 192 Approved Dec. 13. 1923. (Dec. 22-1923) r OAIGINIIL TO i OxxY oY ex. i.Aaz clTM `Ls`I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ao.mn-sa 1M tz-z$ AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLIITION FORM 0 • 910:+ AUDITED....... _.......... ........-- _.._... t.2. ..._. ....K ., r ....... ...... ... ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $----ZQ*074-5-9.......... .. covering checks numbered ---------- 19066to 19156 ..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEQ 1 3 19�� neo^ Adopted by the ouncil---------------------------------------------- --1`2 .............In favor cD Appr ed - -D C -3 .. ..._.... 192------- ✓bftsat� Sudheimer /fes, /Peter, _ Wenzel. ----- ...- --- - - --- -- -------------------------------- Against��-........................MAYOR 1/Mr. President, Nelson ....................... ---................ . -------------------......----....-....................'------ 19066 McClain & Redman Company, 177.07 City Clerk 8.95 Corp. Counsel 67.72 11 �� 3.08 Comtr. of Finance .48 G.F.-Mist. & Unf. .60 Police 5.18 11 3.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 8.92 Schools 28.00 Garage 4.80 Plater 4 177.07 19067 Mack International Motor Truck Corp., 141.21 St. C. & R. .63 11 8.00. S. & S. Cing. 128.64 Garage 3.94 141.21 19068 Maendler Brothers, 121.85 S. & S. Cing. 104.64 Schools 3.43 11 9.42 dater 4.36 31.01 33.68 8.60 112.35 77.50 6.00 16.24 161.29 37.03 231.78 Res. 910 Page #2 19069 Melady Paper Company, Schools - 19070 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Company, 32.98 Schools Water .70 73."Ur 19071 Gus D. Messinj,Comgr. of Finance 3.00 Comptroller .95 Health .65 Schools 1.00 ++ 3.00 19072 Mitsch & Heck Wagon & Auto Company, Fire 29.15 L 1737 35.00 Water 48.20 lI� 19073 M. & M. Auto Top Company, Garage 19074 E. A. Moeller Company, Health 19075 H. Mueller Mfg. Company, Water 19076 Nassau Paper Company, 2.80 City Clerk Comptroller 10.45 ++ 14.25 n 2.35 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 23.20 Health 9.10 Schools 73.23 Library 9.05 Water 16.86 19077 Newell Electric Company, ire 21.75 Garage 15.28 =.73- 19078 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Fire 18.20 n 2.59 It 24.57 ++ 35.09 + 1.90 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 3.92 S. & S. Cl 15.16 it ++1 4.83 Schools 10.10 ++ 20.25 It 2.25 ++ 38.02 + 14.07 ++ 33.45 Playgrounds 6.83 Lighting 55 27r.-79- 31.01 33.68 8.60 112.35 77.50 6.00 16.24 161.29 37.03 231.78 Res. 910 Page #3 19079 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 221.09 Garage 30.14 Sprinkling 117.72 L 1740 15.20 L 1763 5.47 L 1763 1.20 Water51.36 '�I-.a9 19080 Northern States Power Company, 4,472.92 Schools 70.83 Library 638.90 Bureauof Parks 1,U58.76 • +1 Lighting 124.33 7.02 Auditorium 75.68 Water 2,497.40 4, 472. 19081 North Star State Tobacco Company, 33.60 Workhouse 19082 Northwestern Broom Mfg. Company, 16.00 Schools 19083 Northwestern Copper & Brass Works, 32.03 Schools 28.69 Garage 1.14 Water 2.20 --79=3 19084 Northwestern Stamp Works, 16.60 C.P.W.-,,Gen. Adm. 6.50 Schools 2.50 " 3.10 Library 4.50 A= 19085 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 133.26 Police 64.26 " 1.10 Health 2.13 it 21.70 it 4.65 4.00 .51 S. & S. Cing. :35 11 4.00 Library •90 Park Refectories 1.80 L 1686 4.53 Water 23.33 u3. O 19086 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Schools ti 49.68 19087 A. J. Nystrom & Company, 17.25 , Schools 19088 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, 279.97 Fire 19089 J. E. Olen Company, 14.50 Fire 9.92 Garage 4.58 Res. 910 Page #4 19090 Oriental Laundry Company, 36.61 Health 17.68 n 18.43 Schools .50 36.61 19091 Paper„ C.almenson Company,47.40 Schools 14.40 Water 33.00 �6 19092 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 186.00 ire 180.00 Library 3.0000 • T 19093 Perry -Landon Agency, 69.50 Water 19094 The Pioneer Company, 23.00 Acct. forms, etc. 19095 Poor's Publishing Company, 60.00 Library 19096 Albert C. Price Company, 253.00 Schools 19097 Pyramid Oil Company, 96.75 Armory 12.75 Schools 84.00 19098 Quayle & Kelley, 443.26 Water 19099 Quick Service Battery Company, 51.40 Garage 19100 Raymer Hardware Company, 40.77 Election Expense 1.75 Police 4.88 Pol. & F. Alarm 4.80 Health 1.30 11 6.00 Arterial h*gghways .59 Bureau of engineers 5.00 Sewer C. & R. 15.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 1.45 19101 Raymer Hardware Company, 626.59 Schools S 19102 Raymer Hardware Company, Library .54 100.32 it 5.50 Playgrounds 1.15 Markets .45 Lighting 1.00 Garage .44 Forestry Revl. 20.75 L 1685 •24 L 1710 34.00 Water 36.25 Sb 2 47.88 113.49 20.20 5.25 2,018.70 2:5.21 158.32 84.92 Res. 910 Page #5 19103 Reinhard Brothers Company, St. C. &r R. 4.88 Schools 43.00 47.88 19104 J. A. Rogers Agency, Health 101.66 Ivater 11.83 19105 C. A. Rossbo, .i G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 2.60 Garage 17.60 '2=2 • 19106 St.Paul Auto Radiator Mfg. Company, Fire 2.75 St, C. & R. 2.50 -5.�S 19107 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Schools 5.68 ++ 68.13 + 4.73 ++ 601.33 345.36 + 31.50 ++ 1.08 �+ 436.00 + 11.20 +� 8.64 ++ 4.22 ++ 4.00 ++ 12.98 ++ 3.85 School Book Fund 480.00 2 ;ST$.76 19108 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, Schools 16.56 Garage 6.65 19109 St.Paul Machine Works, Police 3.25 Fire 3.75 St. C. & R. 21.66 L 1789 58.00 Water 71.66 1'SS. 19110 St.Paul Of6ice Equipment Company, ity Clerk 26.50 Corp. Counsel .40 Com r. of Finance 1.25 Comptroller 1.90 ® Municipal Court 15.30 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 3.80 Police 7.00 + 1.25 �+ .72 ++ 5.25 Health 11.60 11 1.65 ++ 2.80 �+ 4.25 +� 1.25 47.88 113.49 20.20 5.25 2,018.70 2:5.21 158.32 84.92 Res. 910 Page #6 19111 St.Paul Office Equipment Company, 6.75 70.08 C.p,W.-Qen. Adm. It it it 14.00 Bureau of 33n*ineers 2.20 u ,1 IT IT n 6.90 Schools 10.80 it 2.00 if 5.00 Library 6.75 Park-ydm. .90 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 1.00 Lighting 1.75 Water 6.90 p 4.49 19112 St -Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Company, Schools 19113 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, 375.59 4.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 9.00 Schools 15.00 Lighting 13.80 It 17.35 Water 316.44 19114 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company, 260.5288.79 Bureau of Parks P. Bldgs. Revl. 22.08 Water 149.65 78.18 19115 E. H. Sargent Company, Water 117.90 19116 Frank J. Schaaf & Company, 113.40 Schools Water 4.50 T19a 19117 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 17.64 Health 14.06 n 1.00 Bureau of Parks 1.50 Test. Labs. 1.08 17.64 19118 Scott, Foresman & Company, 15.12 Schools 6.50 19119 D. B. Shotwell Company, 3.25 Fire 3.25 Water 0 6.50 71.07 19120 Singer Sewing Machine Company, Schools 19121 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, 605.43 L 1686 42.00 Water 563.43 19122 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 23.93 Schools Res. 910 Page #7 19123 Speedometer Service & Accessories Company, 3.17 Garage 19124 Sperry Office Furniturepany 25.95 Qitur Unf# 1.30 Schools 2.15 Park-Adm. 22.50 �5.95 19125 Standard Oil Company, 1.49 18.65 Pol. & F. Alarm Sewer C. & R. 10.64 Schools 1.20 eL 1740 5.32 19126 Standard Spring Company, 21.20 Fire 2.20 19127 F. A. Stokes Company, Schools 19128 Strickland-Doolittle Company, 93.60 Park Refectories 39.00 19129 Swift & Company, 7.50 Armory 7.50 Police - 12.00 Schools » 12.00 �33:'ao 19130 Arthur H. Thomas Company, 28.68 Water 1,703.23 19131 Thompson Yards, Bureau of Engineers 100.50 It u It 100.20 St. C. & R. 86.00 Schools 256.82 L 1661 6.80 L 1763 203.45 Water 949.46 1;%03.x'3 19132 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company, 75.45 Schools 19133 Typewriter Clearing Association, 14.50 Corp. Counsel 2.50 Comptroller 1 2.00 19134 Ullrich-Kennedy Company, 108.24 • 19135 Fire U. S. Bedding Company, 120.00 Water 19136 U. S. Salvage Company, 312.00 Workhoffi e 72.00 Water 240.00 SI�'6 19137 Vacuum Oil Company, 230.96 Water 1.80 4.79 8.43 1.50 T9757 4.00 30.00 22.00 115.00 i7I. 27.36 35.00 2.50 30.00 55.61 50.49 40.50 12.50 118.50 'd 7r. -T6 8.40 .60 1.70 2.40 8.20 31.20 2.25 8.90 5.52 4.50 30.00 .32 5.00 Sae-." 16.62 171.00 15.68 12.00 1.33 190.50 372.46 105.56 91.80 108.99 154.86 288.751 1.74 Res. 910 Page #8 19138 Van Paper Supply Company, Municipal Court C.P.S.-Gen..Adm. Health Schools 19139 Villanme Box & Lumber company, Health n S.,& S. Cing. Schools 19140 Volkszeitung Printing & Pub. Company, Site (Bond) Adams School 19141 A. J. Wampler, Workhouse 19142 Warwick & York, Schools 19143 Washburn -Crosby Company, Workhouse 19144 Washington Foundry Compqny, "ire St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Schools L 1661 L 1710 L 1763 19145 Waterbury Button Company, Police 19146 Judson T. Webb, Schools 19147 Henry E. Wedelstaedt Company, Com'r. of Finance Municipal Court C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Police Bureau of Engrs. n It u _ Schools 11It s u „ Water 19148 Chas. Weinhagen & Company, Schools 19149 West Disinfecting Company, Schools 19150 r'estern Auto Supply Company, St. C. & R. 1.80 4.79 8.43 1.50 T9757 4.00 30.00 22.00 115.00 i7I. 27.36 35.00 2.50 30.00 55.61 50.49 40.50 12.50 118.50 'd 7r. -T6 8.40 .60 1.70 2.40 8.20 31.20 2.25 8.90 5.52 4.50 30.00 .32 5.00 Sae-." 16.62 171.00 15.68 12.00 1.33 190.50 372.46 105.56 91.80 108.99 154.86 288.751 1.74 • • Res. 910 Page #9 19151 Western Badge & Novelty Company, 61.25 Police 20.00 Schools 41. 70 19152 Western Machine Mfg. Company, 748.46 Police 27.25 it 31.25 Arterial highways 9.08 S. & S. Cing. 92.00 11 9.75 Schools 423.17 1t 47.33 it 3.79 Bureau of Parks 10704.84 19153 W. J. Westphal, X1.25, Fire 19154 R. B. Whitacre Company, 37.61 Schools 12.19 Water 25.42 19155 The White Liompany, 58.68 Garage 19156 White Eagle oil & Refining Company, 2,823.79 ... St. C. & R. 497.69 11 426.25 It 262.67 It 406.00 " (Pay.) 207.95 11 70.38 Sewer C. & R. 117.05 it 11 53.64 S. & S. Cing. 623.48 n 11 158.68 2,, .'Y9 petition IWhe A' ritten proposal for tha Council File No.. -..- a � , 1.6 making of the: following. improvement, .(7rudo alis, is bl ck 1,. Norton's Ad - PROMditlon fr m Ca bon st. to South'.$t.,_ i having b n.pre ante •r.., ti Council Of the City of St Y e afore it d TitaPubllo Work,• derl. anan d d Pair, ov.'•1QARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------------------------------- Grada_.alley ..-.in...hlook...l,.._N9.kt-4??.�.s._Addit-ion-_-from-- Carbon.----- ........ St. to South St. - - .... ----.........------------------_...........................-------------------------------------------------- ... - -- - - -............................. ---------------------------------------- ......----------------------------------------------------- .— ...... -------------------- Dated ------- -----Dated this day of.....Peeember...1923----------------------.-.-...., 192_.._. ............. - - ------------ ........ - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------------- Grade ... alley Am--b-lo ak 1> N-Orton'.e...Ad�litiQll...fxom._Cagbon-St. t° - .. ---------------- South_.St'----------- -------------------- ----------------- ----- ....... ......................... - - - ............... ... __.... --------------------------....---------------------------------------------------------------._-------- ------------------------- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... --------------- ..__---------- .------ --------- ....--- ---- -------- -.--.---- .--. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 3 1513 ./ Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman Gteemy— DEC 1 3 1929 h1flReBedF Approv i Ld ............... .--/.._..-- --.-----.------------- 'PETER ..............-.-._----------------- WEN7EL ✓MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Lq Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............ Qondemning...and... taking _- an --- e_aseme-nt--- in__the__. land..:nec.eaaary.-- for ------ ------.---- -- -slopes, -outs--and Pulls- in_.th.�.._grading Qi--. I _0Y_A---b14Qk l -.......- ... - -Norton'$--Addition-from-..Carbon_..St. to South ---------------------------------------- Dated this!:W!__day of......December---1923--------------------------------.-- 192. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----..-_. Condemning.-and_.-t_aking---an---easement -.in_the._ land ...ne.c.e.eaarg._f.ox:............._-- alog-e,e,---_outp and-_Pill-e._.in...the..gaading._of...a11.eY-..in--- block --.l,---------_-_..-- Norton's Addition from Carbon St. to South St. - ------------------_ -- ------------------------ ------- .....------------ - ...... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. .- ..... --- _------- .__- ---------------- .-------- ..--- ....__._....._........_.-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . Adopted by the Council --------------- --------------------------- 1 YEAS NAYS Councilman Gbmte* — FEnowoor— Sudheimis, L PETER v-'" WENZEL .� MR. PRESIDENT .. Form C A 13 (3M &22) G 3 1923 Approved----- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----- -----S.%'._... .................. ----------------- ---- Mayor. PUBLISHED L-9 —2 —�3 r. N...50237— Council File No. ' - Abel.. -horeae,:A —W..proDo9nl dor the. PROP Ing of the. following improvement, Z ,j dem ing and taking an ea h the land ecea y P r slow .uJ s /�A S . at. fl11 in tho-grndl g ••f in t Additi PRELIMINARY;•!Ih .DER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............ Qondemning...and... taking _- an --- e_aseme-nt--- in__the__. land..:nec.eaaary.-- for ------ ------.---- -- -slopes, -outs--and Pulls- in_.th.�.._grading Qi--. I _0Y_A---b14Qk l -.......- ... - -Norton'$--Addition-from-..Carbon_..St. to South ---------------------------------------- Dated this!:W!__day of......December---1923--------------------------------.-- 192. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----..-_. Condemning.-and_.-t_aking---an---easement -.in_the._ land ...ne.c.e.eaarg._f.ox:............._-- alog-e,e,---_outp and-_Pill-e._.in...the..gaading._of...a11.eY-..in--- block --.l,---------_-_..-- Norton's Addition from Carbon St. to South St. - ------------------_ -- ------------------------ ------- .....------------ - ...... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. .- ..... --- _------- .__- ---------------- .-------- ..--- ....__._....._........_.-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . Adopted by the Council --------------- --------------------------- 1 YEAS NAYS Councilman Gbmte* — FEnowoor— Sudheimis, L PETER v-'" WENZEL .� MR. PRESIDENT .. Form C A 13 (3M &22) G 3 1923 Approved----- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----- -----S.%'._... .................. ----------------- ---- Mayor. PUBLISHED L-9 —2 —�3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I -------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------ ---------------- Dated this.....I' day of_..._. -------------- --- ou n ci I in a n PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------ G-radeJ-effeLre-on--.A.V-e.-..-fr-0M .11.0t QZI& ... 5t '- --t-0 -M Ito5t ------------ -14 -- - ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----------------------- -------- -- - -- ------------ - -------------------- - -- --- --- --- ------- ------------ .. ..----------- ........... - ---------- --- -------------------- - . .... ... ............... ---------------------------- ................................... ----------------- ----------- .......... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ....... . . ............. ---------------------- -------- ------------------------ ----------------- ---- ---------- - ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- - - ------------- ------- - -- --- ---.............----- therefore, ------ - -------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability Of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DF -Q I B Adoptedby the Council-------------------------- -------....-......--------------------------- YEAS ouncil---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman E 1 3 1923 -Fmnee'Mr Approved..... ..... .... ............. _ ------------------------ Sudheimer A4QDQ"".D PETER it" ............. --VENZEL ....... �ayor MR. PRESIDENT F.— C A 13 (3M 6-22) aMLISMD C. N. No. 60239— 'Where... 5093 A 4011.. plop—I for the Council File N& malting of the following irrip rjo ment, VIZ: Grade Jefferson Ave. It — Vit.rl. It- to Muton St.; h,l,g been r -ant - PRC petition dto th.��I.fthe City of St Paul; C.r.-16.10' rl.b.ia Work. be and he I. her d.r�d da. and dir-t 1. To 1 at gataiale nem or, d.81'abiRty J.t t to.1IJ I 11 "2P1oTo1,1.Z16tie-t. 0- the "'d "t"'t"joilowiiiig public improvement by the City Of St- Paul, viz-: front, -nd,,,,-e The undersigned hereby proposes t Milton St----------------------------_....-- - P _ .2 q -------- ------------------ . .. ............ J aon A --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ............. .. L ----- --------------- -- --- ---- -- -- - ----- ------ -- ------------------------ -- ------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I -------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------ ---------------- Dated this.....I' day of_..._. -------------- --- ou n ci I in a n PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------ G-radeJ-effeLre-on--.A.V-e.-..-fr-0M .11.0t QZI& ... 5t '- --t-0 -M Ito5t ------------ -14 -- - ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----------------------- -------- -- - -- ------------ - -------------------- - -- --- --- --- ------- ------------ .. ..----------- ........... - ---------- --- -------------------- - . .... ... ............... ---------------------------- ................................... ----------------- ----------- .......... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ....... . . ............. ---------------------- -------- ------------------------ ----------------- ---- ---------- - ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- - - ------------- ------- - -- --- ---.............----- therefore, ------ - -------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability Of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DF -Q I B Adoptedby the Council-------------------------- -------....-......--------------------------- YEAS ouncil---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman E 1 3 1923 -Fmnee'Mr Approved..... ..... .... ............. _ ------------------------ Sudheimer A4QDQ"".D PETER it" ............. --VENZEL ....... �ayor MR. PRESIDENT F.— C A 13 (3M 6-22) aMLISMD C. E. No: 6723 hbatracto jAuneil File No. ...-...5��/-9.'-39 Wherene, A -written proposal for pet itition PROPOS mng of the following Pmprovemen4 v1z.: 'Condemning and taking ensemie and ' the land neco9eary.{or slope . f flile 1 tbe-grading. o", lett reo Avp:. Dito 9t, il hnvir:-' J ,� ! ,�' been pr a nted td the CouncoP f ry y of gt T. therefore b it PRE 1hC 1 ed� �Thnt tYn.R."'fls .Oor,.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C-QDdQmning---and---taking_-_Qasement--.in.the.--land.necessary_for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Jefferson Ave from Victoria ....................................... --- - -------...... .... -- -- -St • t a-_hilt—m-_St.-........_........-----_----_------------....._.--------._-------- -- --- -- .... ........_... - ------------------------------------------------ - - _.......-- ...... ... .........I........_...-- Dated this.l.2iteh----------- day of..._.Decemb_er.._1923.-------------- ........... ............ 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning -_and taking. easement in the land necessary for -.-8--1-- O---Pes, - ---- ---- --- --- ------------------ out.s...aald._-f1.11s---iz t-1ae._.gr,%ding._o.f_.Jefferson...Ave,:._trom._yictoria- ------- ------------- St... --t o Mil -t -on at • - -- ............-_..... --................................. -- -- ------------- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._.-...._. ......... ..... ................. ..-------------- _.... --------- - - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DLQ 1 3 1923 Adoptedby the CounciL.-............................................ ............................. YEAS NAYS Councilman G.ealcY---3 1923 pEC 1 SudDean,, _-PETER / {/MR. PRESIDENT ! i /J j Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PUBLISHED%2 Petition C. F. No. s0233Ab— Council File No.......�. D etracf. - _ Whereas, A Written proposal for the nun making of the-fol]owing. improvement. t street having be presented to the o Council f the- City f s[. Paul; there - /i fore; b tt i P Resole d, That the he Is horoaer o1 i -ti bila Worka�be and hele hereby Or, 'i ^d and directed To lnveetlea[e fhe neoeaeity for _j The undersigned hereby proposes the making oumrl?+trs mg ptttring of Baia tnent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .,. ;%tent ' Grade Alley in Block-_8.,-__Drake'_a-_Rearraug!event-_q!_part_QX---.-_........- ._..--------- ----- --- McLean's Reservation, from Earl Street to Rester Street.-----__-_--_-_._--.--- ---=---------------------------- Dated this - llth December, 1923_,- ............... 192....... . -. -- ...... . .day of. .._ ._.. ----- -- --------- - ------------------ ... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley--in-_Block--8-,.--Drake'-s-.Rearrangement-..01_part.. o.�....._...._ . ........ . -- McLean's Reservation-,.--from_Earl---Street--.to_.Hes.ter--.Sere-et,_._.._._-..--_----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- ---------- _......------------------------- .....___-- ---- --- _.-..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, - 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 3 1923 µ�pAdopted by the Council .......... ---------------------------------------------------...---- �Q' YEAS NAYS Councilman Gb* e -r-= THRWesur Approved -"EC 23--------------------- ----------Susudheimer l" PETER /WENZEL /i'� �........... .MR. PRESIDENT fff Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PEiRL-iSFIED--4Z--:2-2 = 3 50.244 F, i o. so2a1- i Council File No.....SR. . a+ Abetrvet. king of. h wrl Iten proDoeal for the king- of the follo ,In g.improvelneat, PROB;on and ningnee any-tn.l ing essemen ate 1nnU ecessary f r slop 9.'fo cute 1. 1' flus i the g adlas [ All. In f � .yMcLeD a]< Rs Re y anr: tr 't P part t t Hest ,r PR:,t�a to ■Ri J1tE11 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - Condemning...and__taking--an-_easement---n_the_-land-neo-eeBary--------.- Xox__nuta._and...filla.,.--- in._ the ---gxading_a ..Alley in --- ----------- .Block--8,__Drake-! a--Rearrangement-_°---part---o-.ZdaLean' e --------------- --_.--.-..---...-....-- -----------...Raae L.M tion,...3r.om..Ear1.-S.tr-e.e-t.-.ta.-Hes-ter---Stye-e G. --------------------- -----------. _----- Dated this day of- --------- 808IIlber.�---193------ ----------------- --- 1 192... -- .... ---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __-----Condsmning-.and-..taking-_an_,aasement----fin.._the._.land--neoe.q-sa y..__..... for slopes, for outs and Pills f in the grading. _o£ Alley. in------------- _...-..._-..21-00.c-.A.*_Axakata..Roa-rangement.-.o.f--part----of-.MoLfianla---_------.._-- _--------------- tesarYatiQn, 2x.Rm..N�axl_. txeat t-4 Heater &tras.t.-------------------- ------------ ----having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........._._.........._....................._ --......___------_------.._.---.-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.......__.. ��C..1.-3-19-2� YEAS NAYS Councilman,&b*r:cic, FIBUu— Sudheimer PETER I✓WEN7.EL A /l V MR. PRESIDENT ) Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) l 3 1923 ------------------------ ----------------------- / Mayor. PUBLISHER l2 3�-1;2 3 �;: Nn 60242- r Ab trnct3 + -aereae n write Council File No'� ......' ,.,� petttl0ri ng of th, f,. PR OSA 66ROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grads...alley-- An...b.1.ock._.4..._?�i� t.on.'.a_Add� t.i-nn...�rQm.-------------- -------- t-0...M11.11 RAL—St'................................................ _-------------------------- I---------------------- --- ..... - -............................ .._... Dated this.... 12thday of.December 1923 .... ...--- ....... ..._-_........., 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade -.-alley .._ln-_block_-4,._. Milto-! s-_Addie-onfromctoriaSt. ---- --v _- to-Milt.on.Bt...........--- -- ..........._.......__......-- ...... ----- - -- --- --- .......... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------- .------------------------------------- ......_.._.------ _......_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 3 1923 Ado ted b the Council ---------------------------- ---- p y --- ....... ...-. / YEAS .�NAYS Councilman I�}�LANCY `� 'Sudheimur "PETER .--WENZE1, ✓MR. PRESIDENT Y // Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) Ec 1 3 15:- Approved. - - .... -- ..... - ------------------------------------ ............................ *4t ......... .................................................... Mayor. $UBLISHED,2 ^ '� 4 --1 .3 C. F.'No: 60243Abetraot: Where", written Droyos cuYemenG'I r /� .axing or the,followtng imy Council File No....._t� viz ,demning ani takin4 ;an'ase o tai PROPO" •'. ,Jit IMPR'OV�14I1�ri9' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gondiemning--and-_taking ---en-.-eaeemen:t in—the land ne.o.esaary...for ---- .----- -- - s�a9ee► oute...and...fjj.l.e-..i.n._the... gr-adin.g of &J-1eX....in...bIQWC 41-------------- Milton'e Addition from Victoria St. to Milton St. ---------------- ------------------ ---- ------ .......................... ... ..............-. --- _--- Dated this ._13th -....-...day of._.... December_.. -.1923 --- ------ _------- --------- --- 1 192..__. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning--&nd-_t&king.-&n_-ea9ement._in .-the_.land--.neaeseary -------------419R.fle,. ent-e...and....f�lla...in..the-..grad ng °i all.@X...1&_-41.4.Gk...4,-------- --------- Milton's Addition from -V i et o* 1 a_ St_.-... t-0 .Milt on_ -St.-_-----_----_....._. _-.__- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- --- ..... ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .-------------------------- --- ....................__.___........._.._.___..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 3 1924+ // Adopted by the Council-----------------------------------------_...._------------........--- ✓ YEAS NAYS YY �� vE 1 3 1913 Councilman 16&AwQ* — soApproved ------ ------------------- ----------- -----------......- ...._.. t Sudheimer ,DQcI]uss� ✓''PETER ' ,1;-, %...-....--..._..--.- ,/VFNZEL -..........................._... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. -�\ Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) RN IIED )�� — 2 Council File No..... 2414 i 'PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u ersigned hereby prsposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: In the matter of constructing a new Robert BtPau1 Bridge extending from ars southerly --line of alley in_Blook 31, t. pe to 6� southerly line etof tto aswidth ofwest deightq (e Leiree 80 Yeetthe oYrom theaoutha�rl of oath line oUthe Weat Side Leasee permanent sement in all iland and vimprove- Condemaing'and taking menta'theraon necessary for the construction of a new Robert Street Bridge emit-ihbreon land occupied by the piers and pier foundations and extend- ing Isom the thesoutherly line . o second ed plan colored ooredinhred endine Of des_orib- the fleet Side Levee as show PermanenthEasements for Construction of ed below vender the heading Robert Street Srid�;'I also oos>dtlmning and :taxing theselshown oniattaohed to thereon necessary,, for street purposes and stairway, "Condemned plan colored in yellow and described below under the heading Bind for Streets," alsoin land and OoSd6hminB and taking a permanent easement wsllslas shown oamth®ve- ffiQ�g -th'eTg,On- or the CoAetrnot oa of Retdia ng attaoh!od pian cross hatohed'in yellow, and described below under the heg EPermanent Easement for, .Rets ng Walla,".- perm�angnt 'Esaenia'st 'for the aonstruo. ion 'of Robert Street Bridge. strip of laiid 81.33 feet wide extending -from the levee, tiI6,cen 6U. ppnd Street to the southerly line oBeginningtstatia point On the eater 6 Which. is described 'as 'follOnt/. from the norther�4 Kiri strsep - wean Third Street and Fourth street oextendbdr lineR'.of y. t1 he iaotherly line of Second Street, and ending �ckion with t Che. sou }q line of the 9Feet Side Laved 10.1 feet &J paster3y ofo=hi preop r aide oYof hthe�abovetdescribed 81.33 also & 169t vtid+p e1tri8 Pier #l, Pier #2, and :the �iide ;;BtTlp. eA�;acei►t to: the north abutment, tmeat; all ,exclusive of any present existing city propertq and southebu rights within the syboundaries. ova described s igdtrmin'ed lead for streets. Q&90_GeslQa n BIo : Bazii & . Robert's 4xat part :of lots 5,, 6, 9 and to`St. Esul, which lies between the present easterly street ins.°Of 'south Robert Street and a line'80 feet easterly and parallel to sod. -g+ - 'Also a strip of land of Lot 16, Auditor's Ss%ia3p4ia to. second Street described as follows:, �trgyil ., of its tater Westerly line of.'Rotiert street, - 6 fest not ase est Orly and at right with'the. 11ortherlp line of second Street, a enceyroe of .15 feet, thenoe angled to; the" vires, . Tine of Robert Street, southerly at riggt angles to an intersection with the northerly line o second 0qtr4ot• B"11' Permanent Easement for Retaining Wa ls' g� and 9, Block 1, A strip of land 13.33 feet wide. of described 1, & Roberts Addition to St. Paul:, ad aoept to the, art cf°Letdl�criaook 1, deemed 1t the d for street purposes, als _10ed�aehfolat lows* Beginning. SazlJa& 4herts Addition, eest,arlq line of Robert ----_., .,.,. of the above desorib_ _. -- ; I ,_ .��ft norther 8 -fast _ ...� _ _ - IT3o 0 4X BSG' R,p , �o�gsmz; Erb � 4;':ZGG�P STM * J 13' S,0 .�' 7<T o7 Th <9 bs? T5TT 33 40 •n�3Tc}r T; or ire+'<r.^;aa3 ;.;; .,s.i6rv�: ,>�i3�c�&7T. hg�Gsg T•0 :7 Cit el C.j .{C: lG Tv Uj O,'; j' .b'°T^TJ v �dOAZ�`�,e �0'i. t3j L09j!? e-°.-�-'rrc=-a -�' •.�r:f-Yrs; ' 0AG y©,oT.1fJ G tmss-; r T t'0 ^,Ga poZpS3 '?'jJ13j ?GUC' .,OZ !' Y, , i'la3 ?rsl ircaa�;;;1 ��tYyiF.;rUBTSr } x�C,.,�u$ �O� �G}oxi7TUf.: ru�T7g' u s�� Qvgcr :,Tsu czoaa cvGg Tv hGTT0Nq, auq JGabLTPqq palc.:t rrL az r . rsz.gs :?cxsou zc� pa v ^r�crsos G3 s3eFt?��" cs-TT& apc:u c:T ge �OiT::Et:7TTJ 5L'•y Ta� r'..,J gC� aT •u CO} OZGi i rJ iiG T TG,: SJ = q4 iacz p$q _ eyo.a f 7 197 ^j7^ U05'(TTU& a-ouq G _aq .PPGZ3oII yr¢3ac'=za -az arzUs.� .:rr r'�o2c;e-c';Tq. � �-;s_k' .,� a;.To::LJ ou a.�r:.cprq gapea..g ugze_u,ZT;'r?G:,, ..Teo otingor,n5arr7!.crr.or3rav�a Gq p6Tcd rrvgGm ,:rs oz ;PG aLG24 '$Tqo pGAGa 3B FUC-I r d;J-�.�t�i�%ScT YJ�'s"'",� Co, Cm,,q Tv iia .J q ';880ZTP- TUR ou? fps aorr�T azT1, ; T -UG o; 2G -o` rc; �:41G'4 co ecrrr;;szTN ITXY:- 01 TUGTtiCfTAEi!Tv J -,-Z oCcn'L,3 Gtr X11 J£ ,T =Za S7C? J ; z,•vf UCjJ;TrJ:38 SSTS G1rvsJq- 17Gu,.s ppr.Z40I z ac�:a<:ar.2 zoi bus cov^;rrrc�T v o vasaBopsz¢ 5pzas+ BzFq A 001TQGMUTUe aUI T:.::.qw: s.:�sSusuo:U. _:?s6i_rc3v.�` TU :? T TMJTJf :M!? TiAbLOAG- cTy i'° .90 •, a rc. ,T� T;v OT, LTTT;}oz.6 -Az.,7s,azq Or u0CI7$2,fJ.1]'L�,7 &j.'. '�R'Gf=$ vv - .i�.grFi 07 'v.T `Ofi'1: 18i) 4Q�^^ -ZdIIT PJTG . EOfi"j763.T1! co rps eoAFOLTA TTUG ox. L- =^ .3'yO - b zTr* rvn ca:c —j� ,,u;1 ;.;:raiJrnR Dated this----8th-----------day of.._....D.e.cemb.er_.19.23----- ------- ..........._.._ ....., 192_..... - ...... .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: In the matter of constructing a new Robert Street Bridge extending from the southerly line of alley in Block 31, St. Paul Proper, southerly to the southerly line of the west Side Levee and the opening and widening of South Robert Street to a width of eighty (80) feet from the southerly dine of the Fest Side Levee to the northerly line of Fillmore Avenue and Condemning and taking a permanent easement in all land and improve- ments thereon necessary for the construction of a new Robert Street Bridge including the land occupied by the piers and vier foundations and extend- ing from the southerly line of Second Street to the southerly line of the west Side Levee as shown on attached plan colored in red and describ- ed below under the heading "Permanent Easements for Construction of Robert Street Bridge;" also condemning and taking the land and improvements thereon necessary for street purposes and stairway, as shown on attached plan colored in yellow and described below under the heading "Condemned Land for Streets," also Condemning and taking a permanent easement in all land and improve- ments thereon for the Construction of Retaining walls as shown on the attached plan cross hatched in yellow and described below under the heading "Permanent Easement for Retaining walls," Permanent -Easement for the construction of Robert Street Bridge. A:btrip of land 81.33 feet side extending from the southerly line of Second Street to the southerly line of the nest Side Levee, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Second Street - 10 feet westerly from the old canter line of Robert Street between Third Street and Fourth Street extendsd to an intersection •.vita the northerly line of Second Street, and ending at a pointe oir'the' Td—ith� y line of the Pest Side Levee - 10. 1 feet easterly of the presenV„ ne of South Robert Street, also a five foot wide strip of land on either side of the above described 81.33 foot wide strip adjacent to the north abutment, Pier '#1, Pier #2, and the south abutment, all exclusive of any present existing city property and rights within the above described boundaries. Condemned land for streets All that part of Lots 5, 6, 9 and 10 in Block 1, Bazil & Robert's Addition to St. Paul. which lies between the nraaent Anatarlv_atraa+.,: f, Bazillo& 4Roberts +Mdition, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the^,'above desoribed new easterly line .of South Robert Street with the h.." herly line of Fillmore Avenue northerly 23.8 feet thence at right angles to the right 10.33 feet, thence 42.58 feet north- erly and prallel to.South Robert Street, thence-at-rightangles to the left to the intersection with the new easterly line of South Robert St. +^ `. 7 .,p +iii .;r,#cca:f*� ws, 3•=!�' �. 1/ 0.f ,��lk�.,tw`^�'t•3iit� ��b"6fCi4�` ��� ���� sri3gp `: , `,I ''7• "�17+gt1AbSY.TMiklftpf 3'`0�.�ai7#:!CTjTtyxi�i '"i B` T71 !�" b.at � ., 'i -- T 7Tz a o .gclrrp�J o�sL o xraTT�?u gsG'ts,s .eJx�o�i ,�aTtt�Tv tea, q c OLx g �o t -a �i�sl�oa B c? `Avg 'ra rxC OL PC4 70' ATcox: T, p C tr9gT Toxt o �{ b 3 ; c� rcb�tF .. FQ ' peaa gr 3OTTO-,q cou- ,r s�yi OT �clATCt T4•'at3 Ta$61rxg g' AToct T ...111�p µ,TpGl�s;Yp oz �rs:�TUTsrsl� j. 7 AgsTJ FlnfT rt; w.T ri: �••n r�•&?ren .ixi:3 .-�� ..� .-,.s. .r.,.. �,.,.. ,...•.. _.___ .. _ .,.. Tsb4 po a�FzjGaa,ceaL*ggp� FzSTTypr es. TPoo'Tov Tarvup O �Tue cy.2on.fF BO -PGL; 24 . zzsT?v-T- T r2 Fps -T 4!0 20fTPU topsz.P - TEru T epO p us ,er +' .pNsz es u AB hasp uexpF- � zs>� nupp.. RFs aoL^ LJ:1 l r! G ;01 , TTTfinLG q•lG1Jfrs .TJgY;p6.LTA ;319.8 zGsp SAp6ZBS4p70Ii O� CPG UPOAa g SGLTp q UoiA 0o2p LJ1 TT JS '?'ti. GotTpF. ZCpGLp A s7Ii „?EtoIJSspa .dqqTproz;' gascz.Tprq FP IrOJJo,A2: ,ei Tuu u � psi ysmrrsq 7 zra, Toz ,e�LsyL-'gL�oaG2' SrTeo, -PPS'-9 z:•gLp Oz Pop TO BTOOK T gopGzpa'.VggTpTou -PO &;' E`'ajI sg7GrcG..Up po j.'pG ;:saOLTps cGzr- y•3pzTH O:L TgJg 12'23 ;"s uTgG 0:f 10p3 g' filla C' gJOcIT T' AsS,TJ: �Gzu;usu' LaeGXGup SOL 9>sTUTu sT7a; t�s'conq a�rzssp' aufrp_;�szT7,.s� LT�p� '^uEjSe pc 'u Tzrp L�,cpTev �Tpp .^_pr, ;J01p11GL71L 7713s oT gz;uJea pO ppm A a JTuG oT Ao,^,-c� ag�,_ Ta4sucb T2 6as+' pFaucs kupp -PPGaoLppGLTA TTus oc �Gcou gpza;^' p TGUOs .aG'+GLT1, Burr ---9 LT'6&' rasepGzTX TTuG of P0n5Lp LpL':,Gr - A TGRp L'OLpueLJX 01 rpa TupszI.gGO;zaLr` ot;0�.00ug 2pzssp 7Ga LTpsq Gra :�OTTOme: gs TauTuG ep '� ] oTup 019 Pbsl .. •:�'TgO cry-. gp LT O�,f Ts A�'- OT. Pop TQ' tlggTAoL,a g7pgS ATeTOU a=a•' - - rTQTs LI gog4P BOpaLp gpzrsp guq TTus g0 eop G -3G 94 G:1 gli-GL bsL�^TGGS po yggTpTOU 00 24' b3gT' XPTCp TTaa pap�AGGv ppG ..Lea> Gse4' 1 a LSs� VTT ;Fgp bgLp OZ pops g' A' N aJJq TO TU ATOCK T' Bas?`T T LXOOGL9 a CcLlgewusq TgUq ?os a�Lss�2: r :aeea� a �� n• LTa.pppl ;ATpe7u pjjG CrPOAG ;rGaGLTpGq pogUgrMTGa' TT IXC Tg� 1' 0 rj;� -�?.^ -'+-1 ;Z'=, -Iq J:'' >T ;,T TSL TT --LG TTUG Ob BOnQz4 a'CLG �s eau 'L n+T1 -T ^zp fs ,xpJUT6q voLppGLTA TTrG 0: 2GCOUq TO s^ epesT, zT' TT -U-' OT .>._TcJ Te q ec ,ps xa �oTTOIAs 'T:1IIT'J p OTr+ ou pus or �,SGOUq r)4LGGQ LJ pPJG aCTT:P':3IT2L TTJJG Or. ppG .103-c gJ7s rG-'LGG PPG CGIJp GL 3 epLT:a o:c 7aUq c,7 ?^ Zs =p ',Tqe aspsJgTu> �Lc1v pps aonrc aL7A TTud ,szlcszJsup E=13s:reup iOL pps coos+zncpTou oF. rsopsLp gpLasp LrgaG UGS.TUQ uhSLIASUGu; FgeCWGUp SOL yyiG43TIjTile +:137Te' u spp.a'cpsq bTgU GLOSS p3pcusq TU 1eTTOM ova sGacLTcsq OGTO-'A rfz;gGL t:;G IDGUpe CPGT.GOU hoz +JJs Go13ep LIICp7OU OI uG4=9rTUTuF1 7SrTT8 ge ePO"413 OU 4PG f;ougGmuTUa suq payTUa s b=Lm=vsup 98'eGlDdi?p TU 3TT T3Uq guq TObLCAG- P Uq TeLGpLG=pQ'„ :.TTec bTTu COTOZSQ TU ?,GTTO't +JJi gePoLTOG'T OC-TO;A 1,-;-qGL 'JG jGSgTTh ttC0U7G1US7 p jJSZSOU L'G0Gu83Lr. IOL ep LGGp':n'J9 2i;0'i;j OU 3pp30 PGc: aua TmbLonaa� upa i4OpsLp gpLGGV gLiy s'„ :TeO c0ugsmuTIJ suqp"yTu=pT3-T sg sTox, nU'TGL p�' ^-Tz> u -'T- uo p 4,=725it•SU�2 -::L roue LncrTcu o pc)srb.ssp gT7s Pens < ar rAU oU appsc c '-U COTO 'T Tu L 7 uq ?GS L? - T; _ xTocc pts aor;pc M72, TT , --G C= -,GCOtq .P L G ,Q +0 ?cr, Tn TTJ of 7UOTf7•f7u CuG 3;1'. OTr 5Gq CA ':J �= i7 Ze di.;^ ._7.'- r";J?'r701:3^3J.'_f G:UGTJ'- �o a �9 GLp �pLGGp gLTq�G L7GU4a �•.>CU Z-;0GALi e , TOL 4: -.ti ^ ecuspL.7cpTou CO;JgG"'UTJJ sI:,T p�tTTU_. a LGL)�,:�Usvp �3sst�G.:T Tr _.T7 TsTJ; auq r�ni_Loas- JTue OT, ppd ;,sap �raG eAes po p73 UOLp�GLT:1 TTrs OF 1,TTTIUOLG VASUg6 GTq Tint ��np t5LJ1. 0'F, GOgpU i{OQ�Lp �CLG"p pC ,j 'A7�L" Cr 7 Jp; ��'��� t - )^J p0 pUG SOgL"J=:.TX T7L; OL S 7: JA`I aUT I ILOI'c C;i^ ?C`,^„"t�LTil jT•1^ C', '�A T,„ -T �_!i c�' _ 'lj ^byOFdL' eOgtU LTa having been presented to the Council of the City of. St. Paul _.-....._...--..--- --- .-------------------------------- ...._....-_---------_.--.---- tberefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. pEC 1 3 1923 �.�$Adopted by the Council----------------- ------------------------------------------ 1a YEAS NAYS Councilman” 31923 Tsaeasex•- APprovd.. - --------- I, NIM Sudheimer I PETER WENZEL/`) ------------------------ - ---- ------------------------------------------- --- -- .;-' MR. PRESIDENT /' / Mayor. Form CA 13 OM&22) /// G z pp _^q 1q3 nrwAS� -i--= OUNO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILNO._---_.--�-04215 ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Dec. 13, 1923. wo Ry X� i G/ ___-- ___.... DATE.___........._ ............... ............. ...__.............._........_.._.... RESOLVED In the matter of the construction of a server on 'Meet Seventh Street frcan Parmer Street to Albion Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. ;47514, approved August 2, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #49650, approved November 23, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I C. F. Nb 50245—By W J P to } In the matte f the c n tr cthm of . sewer on West Seventh Street frog Parmer St to - Albion Ave under Preliminary Order C F No 47614, _ i approved Aug.. 2,-.1923, cad Final Or - er.. C. F. No. 49850,' approved Nov. 11' 23. ,3923. Regolved. That the plane,-. epaciaoa-'',, [tone and estimated yyuantitiea ae eab- mitted-by the Commissioner of Public Works' for the above namedimprove- men[. be and the"same are baraby ap- prAd pted.by the Council D_a.. 13, 1823.; I Approved Deo. 13 1923. (Deo. 19-19231 - I,v ✓ l ` ✓� Y uta 31923 COUNCILMENYeas Nays Adopted by the Council._..... ---..._ _.__ ..._ 192 ...- °Fergeaeff— App/,ed 192.. In favor - MeroR er _ Against v Wenzel rr. President IL CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"`"'NO.._.-w2`i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM i December 13, 1923 DATE_ ..... .........................._.......__......... RESOLVED In the matter of grading and improving Boulevard across the narrows in Como Lake from the Driveway on the West Shore to Driveway on the East Shore. RESOLVED, That the plans, specidications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r r Nn 60246—EV W. J. Peter to un -My m—ol uy o ..... -- Workefor the -above named itn- provement, be and the gamer,,hereby approved. .. - Adopted by the Council Dc. -13. 1923. Approved Dec. 13 1923. d _ (Dec. 1�-1923) ✓CrY'r� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � In favor '0MM� ,. ,Peter ._.�_ _...Against �/ Zenzel Mr. President DEC 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council _ _._ _.._.__ __ __ -: _ 192 -. LI, 31923 Approv __ _._ ..__. .192.---- RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"c�tNO._._.rz 47 --•- OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 13, 1923. In the matter of the construction of the Portland Avenue Outfall Seaver from the Mississippi River to a point 990 feet east. RESOLVED, That the revised plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 60241 -Ry w t; Peter— actlea I ttoh'� ander of t e efellsewer ofrom . tha. Mlnsleeippl River to:_ a point 990. 1 feet east.. i epe IPca ions and estimated aunnLltlee') n: eubmltted In the on miselo er off.. Public Orbe fond the. same ar.'h.r gyu:approvnd. . Adoptedby the Council De 13, 1923. Approved Dec.136-1923) ry \_ll COUNCILMEN Nays f� Fees n �"I ona-1 d' ... In favor SudhUitllt yo Peter /.-....Against V�zel "Mr. President YE(. 1 3 i., _ Adopted by the Council._ . ._ _ _ 192 DEG 1 3 1923 Aowed . _...._..... _ ........._....._......192....-. n - _. _ ..7-.... MgYOR RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCILNo.._..5024' FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE.__....._De C ember....12x_._ 1923. In the matter of the construction of a sewer on Lawton Street from the north side of Pleasant Avenue to Harrison Avenue - RESOLVED, That C. F. '7{48106, approved August 29, 1923, directing the Commissioner of Public Works to construct the manhole and catchbasin by Force Account, be and the acme is hereby cancelled and rescinded, and the Purchasil* Agent is hereby directed to readvertise for bids. CouxCTLIMEN Nays In favor Sudhei EY y �eter U,Against Wenzel Mr. President A Adopted by the Council..........._......_ .__.__ _. 192 Apprved_ _1�92 _ . RESOLVED (l Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEnci� No'----%�--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Dec. 13, 1923. In the matter of the construction of the following sewers: Sewer on Viola Street from Park Avenue to Capitol Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49302, approved October 23, 1923, and Final Order 0. F. #49951, approved Nov. 28, 1923, and Storm sewer on Park Avenue from 71abasha Street to Como Ave., and lateral sewers on Como Ave. and on Viola Street from the sewer on Park Ave. to the .east line of Park Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47273 approved July 24, 1923, and Final Order C. F. 148480, approved October 20, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public V'lorks for the above named improvements, be and the same are hereby 19 approved. C. -F. No.. 60249—B9 W. J- Peter— In th. M.ni Of: the. construction of the followlna sewers:. a_ on Viola St. from.: Psrk.Ave. Oct. 23, 1111, and Fill' "' 49961, approved N v 28, 1923 and Storm sewer o Park. Ave fr... Wa- tiaeha St. to Com Ave.. a d lateral Y sewer. - n.Como Ave. and on .. St.. j ;,from the sewer n Park Ave., to the East line of..ParkNoe•';7273or pproved i lnary order 'C: r. July 24.-'1923 " and Fi ct.-200rd132 C- F. No. 48480, approved Qc Aeeoived. VIOLt the pl ti I epedaca- tions 'and estimated 4uantlttea a. -sub -I muted Works for tthe abohe C-ve named lviproveC �ment, be and:the .ame;sTo' here by,aD- prAdopted by the Council Dec, 13,-1923. Approved Dec. I3. 1823: (Dec. -16-19231 COUNCILMEN Nays F-9mrn l f. ._ .. _.. In favor )�i Sud h c., i, itsr ✓/ eter .... -._Against Wenzel /• lr. President Adopted by the Council ............ pEC 1 3 1923 192._.. _. .. ^�:C 1 31923 A roved . 192._ RESOLVED COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �7 ��/ OUNC— /IL RESOLUTION FORM (/f/ Dec. 13, 1923. In the matter of the construction of the following sewers: Sewer on Viola Street from Park Avenue to Capitol Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49302, approved October 23, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #49951, approved Nov. 28, 1923, and Storm sewer on Park Avenue from 'tlabasha Street to Como Ave., and lateral sewers on Como Ave. and bn Viola Street from the sewer on Park Ave. to the east line of Park Avenue, under Preliminary Order C, F. #47273 approved July 24, 1923, and Final Order C. F. 48480, approved October 20, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public `llorks for the above named improvements, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 60o Bihevc neP ution of I In th< - thefollowingsewers: , m on viola 8t. from Park Ave: ery 1991 S ,.bas sea No Eee s ane Adopted by the Council .pEG_1 3 1923_ 1921.._. 31"923 A roved .192_ proveAdopted d.1823. yD theil Dc. 13, }13, Approved 1923- (Dec. 15-1823) / COUNCILMEN Yea= Nays ,.___... In favor uI 1iC?7Suduu'1 /)Pet _._.._Against Wenzel ."Mr. President Adopted by the Council .pEG_1 3 1923_ 1921.._. 31"923 A roved .192_ RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL cFELEour+ca No........ 0250.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R Dec. 13 1923 ..::........._...._.................._................__....._....._... DATE _..._....................._........_....1........... ... ............... ............ /- In the matter of constructing a sewer on the southerly side of Plegsant Avenue from Lisbon Street to a point 15 feet west of the east line of Lot 71, Whitacre, Brisbine & Iaullen's Su clivision of Leech's Outlots, under Preliminary Order C. E. #x48955, e;,,proved Oct. 6, 1923, and Final Order C. Z. #50049, approved December 5, 1923. RB50LVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities ab submitted by the Commissioner of Publie .4o-rks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 50260—By 1l'- J. Peter Inothetfie teoutherlq naldectofgPlea ant 'Ave: from Llabon'9t. to a point 16 feet west of -the east line of .Lot 71, Whitnere;. Hrlebiae. & DSulle¢'s. Sub- divlelon 0Y Leach's Outlote, under PrellminarY- Order C. F. No. 48866, approved Oct.and Final Or or C. No. 60049, nDPrc,.d Decem-, berb, R.aolved,: That t 6 lana--,specific'- tioneand eatlmatedgqvantitfea;as sub- Works fortthe abomesniamad mpro lloe ment, be and the eame are hereby aD- f pre -d. Adopted by 'the Council Dec, 13, 1923. Approved Dec. - 13. 1923. e(Decals -1923) COUNCILMEN Yens Nays M7ncy -A4eBerfntr In favor ZaudneuR Peter _ _ _._Against Wenzel -'Mr. President ULQ 1 3 192:s Adopted by the Council _ ... _ _._ .___._. ____192._ G 3 Appr 192 ved.. --.._{ . .__.__.._192....-- •. MIYDR RESOLVED 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO ..... -t`-------------02 51---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM De 13, 1923. ::..._..............................................._................_..................... DATE_._..............__...._._..............,..._.._....._.._............ In the matter of constructing sewers on Davern Avenue from the Mississippi River to West Seventh Street, on West Seventh Street between Stewart Avenue and Farmer Streej, on Stewart Avenue from Davern Avenue to West Seventh Street, all of which shall be known as the "Davern=+lest Seventh Street Sewer System No. 1't, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47513, approved August 2, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #49952, approved Nov. 26, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. J. Peter- 1``0• constructing. ewers In. the m atter o4 on Davern Ave ueatr sa en h StreeIdiss t.. elppl est . Street •,b Street; o Not Seventh Davern Stc, g. watC nAv nuc Partner L r ! on weat'Seventh street, the Avenue to own . as Of which -shall ;be kn Sires �r I Davern Prelim An�- An - System C F' Ngng�Flnul Order C F• ' _ Order gust,2. 1923, 48862 aDDroved Nov. 28. 19 Iden- 'f ! No. Resolved. That-gthe plans e d..auantit{ee a ahb�' /! I ment, h- ••" proved. tt D e neec: 13.1923 A,,r. ed Dac1.16-1923) 922. (De., 1 COUNCIL _ Yeas Nays 'Eipllb� In favor Sudhelmu Peter ...-._. . Against , AVenzel .-Mr. President DEG 1 3 1913 Adopted by the Council........._..__ ....... _.... _ - _-192.... 192_... V � MAYOR RESOLVED le. Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _Z_ Dnre............e_ _Dcember ll_:_._.1923_........ COUNCIL I.� ri0252 FILE N o------ �.--.._--_ --- That the grade of alley in block 4, Milton Addition from Victoria St, to Milton St., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. X. P. Nb. 60262—By W. S. Peter Resolved, That the grade of alley in block 4. Milton Addition from Victoria St.. to Milton St., In accordancewith the red Frade lino on the accompany- ' !-ing profile and as recommendedby. the i Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same Is hereby adopted as the es- tablitshed grade. Adopted by the Council Dec. 13, 1723. Approved Dec.13. 1723. (Dec. 22-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays r In favor Sudl,elrner J /Peter __ . __ _ Against -'Wenzel W �'Mr. President V Mr DEC 1 3 1923 Adopted 4pved ouncil.......... ..._- _ .-192 ._. DEC 1 711993 ._ __- 192_.... N RESOLVED /�. V Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE-......D.e.o.emb.e-r -18,._..19.23...,-.... COUNCIL No- \ Ib;1f53 FILE ��''�I-----�------ That the grade of Jefferson Ave. from Milton St. to Victoria St., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissions of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F.. No, 60263 By Wm. J. Peter—' Re.l1%d; .That the. grade of Jetter- aon Ave. from Milton St, to Vlctorh,l lune innntherdanc nccemP 'nXlnee red Proale rflnd ecomtnended byy She Commfaefoner -oC Public Works; be and the aflme fe horeby .adopted. �9s .the eetnhllahed grade - AdopteQ by the Council Decii 13, 1923. Approved Deo) 13. 1923. EDae: 221923) COUNCILMEN Nays Ferguson � s, _._ In favor t-- Su llelun ",Peter _-..-._._ Against Wenzel Mr, President Adopted 1) the Council aa. :' -...1.. ` . __.192 _ r vedMA YOR _ - '..RATIFYINGASSESSMEENTS'.IN CON. DEXNAT;ON PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 60264— In the -matter of condern and taY.- Ing an eagemnent. ln�the land neces-1 sary for slopea, for qut and fill.1.the grading - of Alley i B!nck 21 Denl U. Lane's 2Iomeel-� rf '..-from • 8naIll.. Avenue under -P-Hiniq- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AN preyed- Aa:ct�IING CONDEMNATION AND Order 48464 A puh;- M1 upon,tho't2 thednnda :' AWARDS OF DAMAGES. a ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. the C, eame. Ri dere tty g - In the matter of..---aandemnin-.and-.1. akipg...an.-.eaaemans---in---tile -..land ---------------- ---- necessaryfmr slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of .._... ............ ........................................................................... Alley in Block 2, Den E. LaneiB Homesites Plat No ....... 1, from .............................. -_.................. -----........ - -----............... .......................... - .... Snelling Avenue to Swriltoga Straat, =_ ............:....._.....---......----.....................----....-------...........--------...-------------------....._------------ - _._..... _.. .......................................... ...... . - .......................... . a rovedAug-#- 023+ ......., Intermediary Order--._48�k64........, under Preliminary Order 47-16V PP - 6 Z 11 j approved ....BP.t.i.14.a�2 -• A" public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, gnd the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owneN' of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. _ Be it further Resolved C•iiie said assessment be it is hereby dete to be payable in - ----------------------------- al installments as to each a of land deaeri erein. Adopted by the Council .. -..---.-f - 1. ..--.., 191........ .SEG- -�'1��---... ---------...... p} - -- - -------------- l: c_ City Clerk. i� ..--...- Approved.. ... - ...- .............. - 191T� �� C.a 111— / ....... .............................••-- Acting Mayor. Councilman Wfi��" — C&meilnan ]SRN Councilman :Uyksad Me Jesret�eN iCTBLTSfiE� Councilman K%kW L4at er Councilman 'DII ✓Sudheimer Councilman? Fwndw;bek1.Venae1 Mayor Favi} ctj�jl3or. 7 7- _ -- -- 50255 FINAL ORDERS IN CONDEMNATION: PROCEEDINGS.'. C. F. No. 50256— In the matter of c demminr ,_i easement in the - ^� Yor slopes S FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ oondemnir.lg.-: and -._tailing..... aR _.. R .dnl4x?.t_....in..._ k3.ei...._a a1�51..........................._........_ necessary fox slopae, for cuts_and fills_._in_the grading _of___.__..-........_..:__ ._ __ Allay in Block 2, Dan E Lane's Homesites Plat No. 1, from _...__ nealing__A.vane_.--tn.. - ---- ... - ... --................................... _-..___.___............._.._._._....._..._-_ 45464 under Preliminary Order.-._.-_..: Zb2.7 ._......... approved.Aug.j-$.>-j9.23-.., Intermediary Order......................._..._........- approved_..__Sept.14,1�.2j' Resolved: ordered to be made, vitt::__._ -I)-. That -the following -improvement be --and the same is hereby condemn and takean easernent�in_.the_land for outs and fills in the.rading._of._Alley in_Block__2,..--....... Deli E.Lane!s Hoc�esites-,Plat..No..,_l,__irgrp__.Ssl)ing--R.uanua.._4.0--- ---- ------ _._._.. Sarato Streat,_.----------- _ ----- ----- .._ _.. _._ ..........._ _.. ..... ...... - ._..._...._ (2) That the following land, Iaulls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land abutting prd and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:-... .... upon tha Alley in Block 2.Z._._Dan.._E,.Lane!;s_._Homgtes. «the points aforaea4d,to_._h3 ektent_shoypr► u4pn t iQ_plan_.att.�911.ad. ts� the report of the Oomc:iseioner of Public EYorka_in__t)le_ matter_ -meted October18,1923,.... .............. _.... ............. _....... _._.-. (3) That -the .assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. nFC 1 4 1923 , ,1 ..._................... _........._. ' = City Clerk. - ............._............................._.__..._...._...... "'Mayor. Aoting PUBLISMn 1 - '�'g - J:3 _ 9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS L, the matter of ....COAd8t1iIl1Ry ,UT1(1._t44j )I;_-.ktTl._Bc_ 3L 6I1L---1S1.-•th8.-.13Rd............ _.•........ nec........... _..._..._............. in...Block... ...... Den...E�.._1a1e_'.s. Hous:;ite3..Plut.._�g.,.--.1.,... .r.0 Snelling._.---• ............... Aven "I.Q...-t9....Sz+ ry toUa...SS.re.et.,.._......__._.._...._............._ ----- -----------------------....._------------------------- .................... .....- .._..._....-...........................-------- ...........---------------------------- ...... .......... ..... . ------ ..................... _..... ---- A . r 19:. Intermedia Orde?4.84b4..._.:_..,.., under Preliminary Order .......4.7.62%_...._., approved_ ..... uF,,.._.r. �j., 1T approved. - - 9 spt . li+,...1.. 9 .3... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: 1 That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also #f ed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 J >� ...: :. % Co�ssioner of Finance. C. F. --No. 6026 In tbe,matter of candeme ,and tak- earYnforgel Pees [orheutsnande ffite in:.the grVaooleeyfe pAddrtlo In 810 from HSTSey Syndicate Ave.. to G i66sStreet un- der. PreriminarY - 1923, IntermedlarY *oved Aug. �4. Sar 48468. ,approved Sept�een 1923. to r takinandhaA,^�_ _ easema> RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRNi1NG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of._C.S:S1.Cj.CiGI,I].TJ. --k1Z1d.._t.flKlag-. �?.Ti....k#:slue.. 'Lt ...7.Il-.-ZI1e...1ii11d..SieIIt3HisFir-y for slopes, for cuts and fi11s in the grading pS All ey in Block_- -+- ... __-- Hersey Woolsey's Addition, from Syndicate Avenue to Grigi ------------------------------------ ........ ..... _..................... .........-....................-------- 4 80 At .1r 1_,_2 _..__. Intermedia Order..---...._4FSt{6 -.. ...., a roved.. '. .. a G - under Preliminary Order --- ......_......_...-. PP 1'y approved ......S.e..14..112�1. A public ]rearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Cleric, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of suchlands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Zthat the sai sesament be ands hereby dete ' "ed to be payable in _-_--_------- ents, o each parcel of land dem ribed there eQ OE 1, 4 1923 191........ Adopted by the Council ...----------------- .----------------------- >z'"• . r'L3 1 City C erk. Approved ............ .......... ---------------------- 191......-- . ---- ................. Mayor. Acting Councilman EMMEtk rt+3ttt1e9--- 1Pi1BLISI� �J Councilman Oita — ( -b _ �,® 3 Councilman >K > et e rdaad v�_. V - Councilman Councilman l�rODR gudheirner Councilman Wenzel Mayor 8r761GNe 1 son 50257 C. F. No. 60267— In the matter of ondamningd t¢tc- Ing ah easement In the la do sees - 5. Her- ,.t, err .eery for elopes, for cuts a d the grading'oP Alley in S.Her- aey woolaey's Addition, �rom Syndi- ^catealve. O to Grigbe .Sat.: under. Pre- , 'iml ary Order 47680; pDroved Aug. Y71 Intermediary Order 46468 ap=- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.._.c.QndBmning....and .....taking .. L-888eA19At' in_4ha....land..........__'.. _.... neoessary__Yor _slope ,.__for_cut�_aBd 3 � 8- A ..Gh4.�r Ag_.4.f.._A.1JAY........... _ in Block,._.Hersey 19oolye�r's Addition,-_ from ....._...... _....._.- — Au 4 1 2 4S469 under Preliminary Order...._._ r7 F' ... _......_..... approved... -..........-t..._9.....3...., Intermediary Order ...................................._. _. , approved ------- Sept .14,19 23 Resolved: rt1) That fife following improvement be and the same isherebyordered to -.be made, viz_ - oondemn and take an. easement _in the land naoeysar _ for.�lope_ �-- ' for cuts and fills in the_grading oY._Alley._. ..... ck 5_,.-Herse CP�ol�ey's _. _ - Addition, from Syndicate Avenue to Gr%;gs Street.,_._..___.....__....____.._..__._ ...___. ------ (2) _ That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land priated and',condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz .:... ............. .__................. _.......... abut .tin u8gil between the points aforesaid u 4�xtezLt—She• l.�lzsn.tha-plan---- —attached to the report of the _Corr nissioner_oY._Publia._Works__in_the.� matter dated April 18,_.1923 ..... ..... —_....... _....... _-...... -._..._....._-._...__....._.._._._____.._.----- (3) That the assessments, of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. L)EG 14 1923 Adopted by the Council .......... ...... .. ........ ................. _._ ..._.._. _. �EC , 4 192City Clerk. Approved. .._......... .... _....... ................ ............ 191............ Acting Mayor. T9mc a�dh�ergtrae�s - %�i' D PUBLISHED !'� - 25 `I7 5 =r a'Peteer 11 4e8udhe ' yne r lir.3 �]inie�[h�MVente 11a�eon Presider�.f ifotlY� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS condemni and *akin an a tsament in._the...lai.,-d................._.... �......_._.._..._..- ........................ [n the matter of..........__...........�.................. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley _--.____ - ................... in Block 5, Hersey woolsef's Addition, from Synciieate Avenue to _.......-- ................. GriggsStreet, ............. ... ----........._........................................................ ... -.........................................._..-__.__...................._ ...................................... --..... .............. ................._.........___..._. _....--__.._........._.----------- ........................... ---'-.—...._._........._............_........-..........-_----......_............---- under Preliminary Order.._....4.%5°�......., approved.AUi;._4.,1�2j-..-. Intermediary Order' b..-.... --- approved.............Sep -- ..14 a 19 2'1.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �: Commissioner of Finance. i t ine he' land necea-.l .A he a°°va `�°ravamaar..--.aa �JEMNATION AND RESOLUTION RATIFYING AN awards oL damamgae tbereLor,-and also yanebe e t t taneata-t6ere- �i ana tno co cion°.."^.t-,;$nl� ' ald red ed am T neeolved. Tb11 t AWARDS OF DAMAGE°ha annesaa;i0_S SMENT THEREFOR. Iby theeign City -Clerk, sad tae a In the hatter of...conuermlin ;- i�nd---taping--tin...easerren-&....1n--_the.._llanst UO.G.eA:aaxy for slopes, for cuts rind Pills .in_the _-Exradin-.of--Al _ey__in--.I31�ck_-6, Jefferson Park Addition, from PtlsCal Ave. to Elbert Ave., ..._................... - .........................._....------ .......................----- -- ----- ......-- ------ ---- ...- - ..............._ 47Z6Z au --11+ 1�z3-- Intermediary under Preliminary Order ............... ......... aPProved_......t5.'.......t--- ..-- Intermedia Order..._._...._-.--.. approved___... SBpt A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Bei�therResolveil, t the said assessme a and it is hereby rmined to be payable. i�lments as to-bach parcel of land deet ' ed therein. \ DEC 1 4 1923 Adopted by the Council ................ 191........ E� 4 12 - ._.... -'�— City CI Approved....._...._........................................... 191..- , ------ ------... g Mayoo r. Councilman Councilman am / 2' g �� Councilman NiffA td PUBLISI�D_ _--- Councilman 1VAk E Councilman =4§(; N I-SudL e i rr er `"Councilman S�i4id41t1VeI:La1 Mayor7d yim 1.1.-7_ son FINAL ORDER IN GS. aonderaning_and__taking.._an..._eesement.__in.___the..._lan:d........._....._.............._ _ , In the matter of.__ ........................... .. necessary__for slopes,^for cute snd _f ills..in._,..the...,gr[ cling.._of.._Aile.y.._..._.._-_.— in_Block Albert•_Ave.._.__._.......----'-'--'- .......... __........ --------..__............................ _...... ___.__....................................................................................... 47767: Aug.192 under Preliminary Order ......................_........_..._...., approved...........br_�_........__..__.......3 Intermediary. Order_..__....._..__70.......... approved---- ..--- ._SBP_t.r_l.x_l� 23 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement, be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ..................... aonde�mn alL�.x.€eke_an—eN.,PF'PT�Sn_ane.--..].x�.nd-Ilec$asa.S.�-�or._.slapsar fir ParlL---- Ad,diSinn,--frt�m_.Ees.cal_��Ave .... _..... —----- -..-------- ...---- .--------- - -- (2) That the following land, lanais or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.__..._thQ....tnd.-._BU.µ.tt.lrig u on the Alle in Block 6.,_._Jefferaon_.Park-.-Addition,..,_be.twzenthe_............ points aforesaid, to the extent shorn up -- ....-'--- ----- --- on the plan attached to e report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated Oct -18,1923 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or,'6sements thereii)n,ha'e4 eee2Tdatified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............. p�, 14 199� Approved-_.... ... ...._._............... ....... ............................... . 191............ x krPetter Ddxaatl +..$udheimer Mr. Presiden nIQelson ...... City Clerk. ...... a� ting Mayor. PUBLISBED REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..... ondeuin .ng...€L.lid...takizib...an._ea.3euznt...in.-.. the ---land .......... I............ n.a.c.assar.f.-- fur ---»1cF.as.,...for...au.ts..kuli i...Yil.l.s...in.. *-e...p;sadin$---ai---Al-le-y----------- in Hiocix b, Jefferson Park Addition, from Pa:3cal Avarnie--_to................. ......... -------------------------_ ------------------ _... ..._........_._........_._ ._........... - ....... .......:t. .. .Albert Ase. -- ................... ...-...------........ ............................................. ............................._.... - ................................. .... _._....._............--..._ -- ------------------------------------ . under -- - ---------------------------- under Preliminary Order 47-7.67 approved.._ Aug,..14.,1923, Intermediary Order_...._4�47.Q.._.-, approved....---... S aPt-.14.,.�.9-23....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ,--,:..z:�`..r........_.::........_......... Commissioner . of Finance. Wsma6as Ptheretar, and also upon •' RESOLUTION RATIFYING A�ae�o nctl havin6.�tM�` CONDEMNATION AND '�Reeolved.t Thata AWARDS OF DAMAdahee \shAtuTQBeFASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of......con3erc?}ing-.??d..taming--an__ea3ement-- in.. the.._le nd......... _._.... __ necessary for slopes, for cuts and, fills in the grading of .-.................._............._ .........-- ............ -- -• ......-----...... Robertson Streit from Indiana Avenue to Chicago Avenue, ................................................................................................... ........... .......................... .................. .. . .. tinder Preliminary Order ....._ Y7-564 ............ approved.AuEi-•_4� lg�3.-----, Intermediary Order.._4$2 � sept.5,1923 approved............-- ------------•-----......-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B 't further Resolved, t e .aid assessment be and it ereby determined to be p le in -----,------egpgl_installments as to each parcel of land described there DEC 14 1923 Adopted by the Council... -------------- ---------------------------- E---- -------------- EC 4 19y ...-. f _..... -- erk. Approved....................................................... `.... 191...-.... � j J AoUfigMayor. Councilman �'ai7i99tET_� . _ ` 3 Councilman %� >za Councilman N �„ Peter Councilman N eUBLISHLI) ,,.-Suter im er Councilman MWI Sudhe1 Councilman Mayor Ii%ri[•1✓,Ne1son ------.--- - 50261 C F No: 60261 Ithmatt r f d m ing and ;ak- '." .lar an ace t-In the land. neceS ry pes, for is and fills In the-giadt g 1 Robe t St. from 'I diana Ave. to Chicago hi g Ave.:' undo, Prallto y Order. 47664. , approved. Avg.. 4, 1923 Intermediary :Order 48246, approved -Sept 6 1923. -. Resolved - s h d(latiThbtdt.d fohe llowing lm..-�'. n. FINAL ORDER IN G thdla", thgmien-e g fd1 39PROCEEDINGS. St. from Sndi Avr� (2) Themeatt LLh' or n In the matter of__aoncleltlning.--.arsi Oaking---an-8ement:._iu.__thfl_.lantl._. ..._ . necessary for slo es, for cuts and fills the grading oP _ Robert son _Strut from -_.Indiana Aven�}e_.to;._Cn#,oag4_A..y�nl,1,.4.,------- _-------------- _... _......... _ i under Preliminary Order .... _....... 47.J6 ... ---, , approved 171;., 4 �9. � Intermediary Order...__ approved=.____�eP_t.r_ r%..►_�9�3 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: .... .... .... .... - —_ aondezmi and take --_a eL,%=.ent__in__tbe land nacassary_Y.nr.-s1npR�, .. __.._..._._- -_...._....__......_..._.....__..._........._. _ _�-Indiana_,A�r.enua....tn-.Ch10 1►uonae.,-.-._.....__.__... -------------- (2') That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:....._ U&.1.,]and,_4blltrt n9 upon Robertson St the points__aforef3aid,._to_.._the---- extent,,._... _---_____ -- ---- ------------- - - shown upon the plan attached to—the report of the Commissioner_ of _ Public Works in the matter dated.October (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Councll..........QEQ. 1.4...1923.... ... ......... ._ ..... 1. ...... DEC: 14 1923 City Clerk. Approved.--- ..... _.... _...................... 191......... ..... _ ... _..... ' Cting Mayor. PUBLISHED �Z --/ .Q —oGJ3 eter enZe mer enze Ilr. President, tbd= Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...C931bniL},;. nd..,_ta$ni;..an...edsagent.._in---the,.,ln3...-__----_._.------- necessary for slopes, for c u t s said Yills. in th..e gr..uli...ng oY .................................................................................... ............._........._..........- - - .......... . Robertson Street from Indiana Avenue to Cnicaido Avenue ..... ......... ................... ............._....._................._......._........ ...._.................- --------------------- ........ ... .......... under Preliminary Order....... 4.75-6.4........, approved.Au6..4x1923..._, Intermediary Order......4 2 ........, 5. ... approved.- ........sept. ._-........ , . -.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 4 -`�I 1.YU1/v.`..............................---..... Commissioner of Finance. C. F. No 60282= In the matter of ...demalaS and tak- .a. a easement in the land neces- sary for lope., for cuts -and fills In the grading of South Street..from Como Avenue North to Grotto Sreet under Preliminary Order 47868, proved Avg: 21. 1923, later.•" --ler 48260',,npprov*d Sept. VP rtheic bre apt b RESOLUTION RATIFYING ewe CONFIRN NG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...condemnln .. idllx...taking ...4,11...ea.9aiA6Ilx...iX1---t11.5_..l.c ua1 ....................... necessary for slopes, for cuts trod fills in the . gradin . . .. - g of ....................----------- --.-.....--------------------------..........------------------------------.................... South Street from Como Avenue North to Grotto Street,........-.. .. ............ .... ...... .------- ....... ...... ..................................... .......... .....--------...........--... - - .... b ............ a roved...Au .21,123- Intermediary Order ...._ 50 ,....-.-. under Preliminary Order_.......�..�.... pp approved........... Sept •.r2� �.� 2. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further esolved hat the id assessor t be and i is hereby dete fined to be payable in equal ins lments a to each pare of laud desbed therein. Adopted by the ®EG 141923 191. DEC . 2-1 191. 4 .... ...EC ....--..... ....... Councilman bGA=00116d"sSICy Councilman 19NX Councilman &*%Ad Councilman XXM ` Peter Councilman 1f79=l "Sudheilner Councilman w'U342I2C•xdr W enz e 1 Mayor IIN't Nelson City Clerk. Acting Mayor. PUBLISHED 50263 C. P. +Aro 60283 I the. m tt of condEm I g oa d t k ing a went i th land c - ary'[ lOP "f r opt and It in ' - - the 'g adl g of -S th St from COMO AV.::North to Grott St': and Pre--� limina y Ord' r. 47866, pproVed Aug. 21: 1923. Intermediary Orde 48260, i aPproved-SePt..' 6, 1923. Resolved. (ll That the- -fO, pY++ingimprove ment b and thy." "�+r�..herebY ror= deTed'to he mere- - Conaemn r" n the land ne FINAL ORDER IN CO fran<sYnT,AATION PROCEEDINGS. om Co or . eaeey}. oo1?._...d and traking an eae01.4 r in the,_land..... ............ .... ....._ In the matter of._..........QIAI? --_31ag —ar3� �lA.Aag._.�9T_.S]lt�_ 115 _. � �H_.31�_:th esa —$0 t 1 est ?gym Gomo Avenue _North to_,Grotto Street under Preliminary Order 47666... --. , approvedAU �_Z1..a 19.23 , Intermediary Order. --48 250__ ._..-.._-;. approved_—._Se.Pt.�..5..._l�_3 c Resolved: " (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_ ._...._ condemn and take_.an easement in the land nacessary�or slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of South Street from Como _ Avenue_i�orth to Grotto_Straet..,,.__._. __ __...__._.__.__.._.___.._..._..__. (2) That the following land, lan21s or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land _abutting priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_...____..._.......__._—.—.__.._......_ upon South Street, between _theointis aforesaid, to the extent shoran upon theelan attach_gd#o;_the report of the Conor=issioner of Public Works in the matter dated October (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. DEG 141023 Adopted by the Council .._.._................... .._......_............_..................._.y_Clerk. 1) EC 1419x3 �- Approved _........... _..._.......... -_.................................. ... _... 191..........- ���/ .. —._. Ivfayor. Acting mon 1 pUgr.Istn /2 -.ai ��13 ,_Peter . 11 dhe mer em�S nNelson : President, Ems *= REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..condeuen.illg..i asci..-t.a. iTxd_ n._.ea,3:!mxit...in.... the -..1�'n1.......................... neceeaary for slopes, for cuts and fi11s in grudinv South Street .... _.... .............. _.................._......_ ------------------_- .__.......... .... ----------- ................................ ......---... from Como AVenUa North to Grotto Street, ._.__---._ ......................._.. _.......................... .............. -- ....... - .._. ... .. --... ....-- -- --------------------------------------- ....... y under Preliminary Order.-- 4-(666 approved. Au . 21 ,19 23 , Intermediary Ordlc ' Q......_..-.....,, approved_.._..--._ b apt • 7, 19.2j TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. C. F No. 60284—�%�,� Ih the matter of o➢ening, wldaning nd j eztending Pedersen Ave. to a width 'to'.. y. d., feet; from Fifth street to theHudeon Road, .under Prelimin- ry Order: 47868; --approved Aug. -21; 1A21 TntermeAlnrJ• Order 48633; .a➢- proved:9eDt. is. 1923.. - RESOLUTION RATIFYING A.4 jANFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.. In the matter of.op.�? -7}?1��---=x-ldl%rin�;--rand...atu-auding...Fedex.sen...9uenue--ta•-----..... a width. o-f_silt.g.-._(6: �....deet-x---frora---Fi .yh...S.t.&tzt...t,_Q tho Rucienn...Raad.s-- _..._....._..........._.....::•<....... .......... .................................................... -..... ._----- tinder Preliminary Order .....AT95.9............ approved..AgZ,,-2j,,-j.9.23..., Intermediary Order. ._4 rj3 ........... Sept.18,1923 approved................................ ............ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, t the said assessment be and it ' "by determined to be payable id equal ' stallmcuts as to each parcel of land described therein. G 25.... .......,191 Adopted by the Council------_--S.E......../... <-: W .............. 191Approved................'--11d� G - Councilman if'sOmxc -4ittSC'jr'"- Councilman 6M councilman N�Wfid "\ Councilman K4914 %'Peter Councilman` 17P6gg1—'Sudli a ime r Councilman NVAHA&TWI-4eil7el --Mayor bmdx Nelson City Clerk. / 11/1 ting Mayor. C F. �No, 60286 • II ! _ In [he matter ed opening, widening and dth 4' iextendl>ig Pederae¢ Ale. to a width ✓hJ it Y of eisty (6tl feet'aa from IPltth 8t. to, V the -udaon Road, under Preliml arY'.. 'order `47669 'a roved e Aug 21 1923 -i Intermediary Order 46633: approved.' - sePt. 18, 1923'--� • Resolved: (I) That the r rrient be•and the :(-Dwy■'*ATION PROCEEDINGS. FINAL 0 A... be made lN, iNlMN Open, be rn .Ave. to a width.,, - Fifth.st to `�+ In the matter of__.npen.ing_,v denln$-and-.extending_..Pedexasn..Auenue tD..._._= a width of sixty (60) est.- from Fifth Straet to the Hudson Road, ... _.—.—.__..__.._...._..._.._.._. ---------- .._.. .... �+7859 ... a roved Au9.'-21P 9�3 Intermediary Order_.. ..__ _ �3 l .. under Preliminary Order ..:..... .. pp se t 1 1a 23 PP-L_.._...a_....... h 4 .kx� a roved_...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and- the same is hereby. ordered to be made, viz.: _...__._.. _. omen, widen and extend Pedersen Avenue_to_ s_width _Of _...sixty_.•_�_fest. ;from Fifth Street to the Hudson ,Road, —W (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are, hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for, the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: - The 14est 30 Yeat of E.J of_the S. __..... _...-._...._....... ____ Town 29, Range 22, and a strip of land sixty (60) feet wide.inthe S.E.k of said Section 35, extending from Conway Street to the Hudson Road,the center line of which strip-ls_.the North___and.__So�thcenter.,_line, oi—tTia-i�: of tis 35, (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. i DEC 18 1929 AA. +.a 1— thn Cmineil.................. ....-...... ........ ........................._............,. n9x,, .', 7p3i{4£ a Cr ydl hsimer � . Wenzel Nelson fir. President, 3MVAX r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ _..°.pdning,,Ticldnin�_and_e.x_Lending-. e3er n--Av-anue._.tD..._..... .Fifth._Slu.ag-t.... I—Q the._IIU42lzn...Foai. ................................. under Preliminary Order ..._4 8. approved Intermediary Intermediary Order_....Z-$.�jj)........, approved.........5.a�1 1......1.8..1 23...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. l 1 !� ....................... Coihmissioner of Finance. C ,1, Council File No. nATItPY1Xa Ass$ssmeatTs. C. P. Xo.-60266.— ' B In Ah matter of the assessment qt y _.. ......... .. ... . _... . _..._.. .._ . .. _. b'emfits, costa and aspen s for con- . e. i,... a . .. ,.., ave CITY Resolution 50266 In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses for constructing a aewar on Aluaka Ava. from Vista. Ave, to Otto 46401 under PreliminatOrder _ 4717_2_..........., Intermediary Order ...4.55jg.5...._...._......, Final Order. .._..._.._............ ................ .. approved ............._`june..._1.4.,_1923......_..._..IAl<.......... . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. .........___(....__L.!:........... ....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...............®E.. y 151s.......... 191............. .................................... :..,_lY'b..�.t� City Clerk. DEG 1 9 w2_3, f Approved..__._ ......... _....._....._._....._.__..._......._..__.._..........191._...... —..... PUBLISHED—_22 ISiiIJD.....J_.._......_....v.__...: ayor. l Form B. B. 18 /,2 p{ — _ ,q3 December 14th, 1923 J Hon. J. M. Clancy, V11" Commissioner of Finance, Building. \� Dear Sir: t %U I enclose herewith Council Bile No. 50266, w being a Resolution Ratifying Assessment in the matter of construct- ing a sower on Alaska Ave. from 9istiC Ave. to Otto Ave. The above matter was, laid over to December 19th, and referred to your Department to check up with the property owners Yours very truly. one. CITY CLERK. n .1� -o ,fir 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSiONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.._NQv�m?er..._14s_l.�_ In the matter of the assessment ex11Et1_sgk forte coati Gructing_ a. _eavar..on...Alaska Ava.•......frote Vista ....Ave. ...._tq..._Q. t4._A.:7e_ �.._._.................. ....... ................... ....._...._........... ander Preliminary Order .._.........._ 45.1.(2_ ............... _.... _ Intermediary Order ___ . ....F_.........._....___�.Fj95.._..._............_......... 46401 Juas 14,1c?2j-__. yq ; FinalOrder ..._.._._._..._..__... -- .........._. _......-, approved.........._......................................................_..il .......... fAx To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve - meat, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - i. UFS Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$----............. _................. 84.34 ......_... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._,._4 i 1� .22 _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. C6mmieaioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 50267 ' awmrn�vraa wsa Council File No. _ ........ ...... r i fi c%a • v er o� B CITY OF ST. PAUL. resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,damages,00sts & expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 61 Bryant'.s Addition and Block j, Bryant's Addition from Victoria St. to Avon St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present eetabliz3hed grade being Bhown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley to said red line when established, under Preliminary Order— _4.�9.______, Intermediary Order -�4.Z2..... ........... Final Order... approved ------- .4 .�-.......--- ..__..... A public hearing having been had' upon the assessment -for-the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ... .....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. - DEC14 1923 Adoptedby the Council ....__....._......_..... ----...__........_...._..___........._...191._.......... w ,� � .._............__..._..._ i Clerk: B 4 logs o Approved......_..__..._._....._....--........_.............----..._.191......_ GC.Q/A,O�r�t� .. _ Mayor. Form B. B. is ZIBLISHED i aw-.-'----- CITY OF ST. PAUL. / OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 119-Y ax_ 1?�,.._1923 tat.:_._ In the matter of the assessment of benef its,daraages, coats & expenses for " changing the grade of Aliey in Block 6, Bryant's Addition and Block j, Bryant's Addition, from Viotoria St. to Avon St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part -hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley to stsid red line when established, -.Z2..... _..... _._....... .._.. under Preliminary Order ................... 45Q�j1_......._........._...._... Intermediary Order ............... ...... _.... t... Final Order - .................. ..1F approved............_. i.flP.L.......6..,.....1g2 .........., l Ak'........... ......_.. &25.9 ............................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - $........44 x.9.0.......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$..."..... """".'...'-3..'_9.......... Cost of postal cards $...._..........._......_'7 .......... 68.90 Inspection fees - - - - _ - - - $............... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ Total expenditures - - - - - - $.........'J122.r_i......_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .... ....... vj5.22....4.8............. ...... ........ "".upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for 1 such action t ryon as may be considered proper. _....... _... _. ................. .. ................ _... . missioner of Finance. Form n. s. 17 !T268 Counc}I File No . ....... ............. ....... ........... ..__.._ .By n0reor, [ e:ryrr c} CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 7, Woodland Park Addition from Dale St. to a point east of Dale St.to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and mode a part hereof, the present establishad grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said Alley from Dale St. to Kent St. to said red line when established 1:71+71} Final Order......_....li$261_._.. under Preliminary Order ......._�%610.7.._....._, Intermediary Order ............._...................._. , Sept. 6,..._1923 ...14+ ............. approved_...__.._.._..._.,.__...._... . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said'assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT?RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...._.... ....... ..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEG 14 19P Adoptedby the Council ..._................... ....................... .............__................191....._...... �Ety Clerk. SEG 14 tga� Approved__ __....__....._._..__._._.191 .... _.-Ad' MM.. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 1 `�V nBLISBED 3 �r CITY SOF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter o4 the assessment of bane£_1 ted_aleeu:y„e„@."4.9_z3?.&_{;:oxpeX18_..3_...Y.9.S._..._._....._.._..... changing the trade of Alley in Block 7, Woodland Park Addition, from Dale St. toa._goinea 3_t oi__-_Dl_ St.....__t.p..-g_�rlZ..4..._ta.._'rv._.:Md_l.ina__on.._ths..._prs�.f.il.e hereto attao::ed ar.d made a part hareof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also gradin __diid. -.pyin sa_id_Alley...... -.'rom Da la St. to Kent St. to said red line When established 46107 .__._.— Intermediary Order __ ................__14.74. ander Preliminary Order ......._._..---..._._..........__._........................... 48261 approved...._...__.._......._''_apt_...._6 ......_..— ..z_._l9_2 ..._...._._.., P9F...... Final Order _..........._._.._.. ............... ..... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2.1..7.7.. !.9Q. ............. _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $--- _j*75 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $------------ _ 7%'_.........__ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s_._55_54 .. ....... ..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $- - - J._*75-------- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ---- ---_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $�. _79 _....- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the=eon as may be bonsidered proper. i r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A_9 l I 0269 Council File No. ............ ....... ........ ... In 4he matter.ofdhe assessment oL bene- lite wets and expenses .for cutbtng'.- both sidos of":Roy 8t. from 9[IAn-- derny 611 easy ivede, t. -14 6a X er IN. - der, Preliminary Order..42486, Inter By .......................... .. ._...... ....... .- ....._- ;_)aedlarp Order 42288, F1n11 Order: y3R?, appproved Uec. I 1822 blid. heaj�,ing ha,tn_, been had usb_;j h .t,for.'t'6 bo,.1.- r. �1 assessment hav-: by., the CITY OF ST. PAUL. eared; Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of.Roy St.,from St. Anthony Ave. to University Avenue, under Preliminary Order. Intermediary Order .4.27.9..6.._....... Final Order.....'t.3189................. approved .........._Dt C_,_1 j.X 19.22 ..................... Mh........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT yRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ... 6 equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 1923 Adopted by the Council .__....._...... ._..__......._ DEC 1 4 1923 Approved._._._ --------- ._.. ..._.._....................191...._... Form B. B. SR 1 19 I ............. ...._.___.._...._._...___....__...._...__.._.ha_City Clerk. J. �' _........ _.... .......... rr Mayor. CITY OF ST. -PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLE'T'ION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter o4 the assessment of..._Qxrensea. for AM._...Ctlzb.ing..__............._._.... under Preliminary Order .—..._._._._., Intermediary Order _.___ .............._4279.6._._._.._......__....._........., �+1169 ._....... _ approved _....__..... Dec._1�.,....1�...?�......._..........__.,E�i.... Final Order _.___......_....._......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $..0_..�?.1...._...._.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - $----U.aJ9....-_._...... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._...... o . 30................. 6.90 Amount of court teats for confirmation - - - - - - - - --- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.10�C_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to -wit: the sum of $100.1:6 __ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon)a may be considered proper. % COmmuBlOAer of Finance. V.— B. S. A. a-9 �, � Council File No . . .............. .......... By 4 In the matter o1'th aaeeagmeat oLDane-; fits coats and exppepsee for grading- a11eYe'la Block -1. ESacalaeter Place, aad:.Biock 7 Salet :Addttlon, Lrom ^:6 nceton Ave.. to Sargent AvA and -Sue Street. to the North ana _ Alley 1 ':accordance` wuit :the thetuts D rt CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 502'x0 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading allevs in Block 1, Macalester Place and Block 1, Salet Addition, from Princeton Ave. to Sargent Ave. and from Sue Street to the North and South Alley in accordance with i,the grade line shoran on the blue print attached hereto and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order....._44.7................ Intermediary Order _459_64 Final Order ....._4.71......_._...... July 11 ,1923 _._MX approved .._........_ Sy1............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ......................... ......,._............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 12.._3 Adopted by the Council..9.... ........ ..............._........ 91_..._. _..._.._....._..._......._._.....__.. .......... ity Clerk. DEG t 4 1923 Approved....._....._.__.... ..._..__......_..............._................191.._.....�' i Mayor. .............................. Form B. B. 18 111 y/ I PUBLISHED_ 2_ � � - �3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ldoTeraber 14.1.__1Q_2�_, NY----... In the matter of the assessment of111.9ne f_ _y_ .,uQ. L&..._elS �n.s.e9.. for ti1Se7C_.gr3d; _all.e_ 8 in Block 1, 1&,ualester Place and Block 1, Salet Addition, from Princeton urE; t.._A'Lg.-.._rind_.. rvip.....31.a_B5.1re.e.L.....SQ._ he.._iio.r_th._aad....South._.A11e.y-.__. in accordance with the grade line shown on the blue print attached hereto :end mule a part heraef,___........ ..... ._...----._.._.____._..._.._....___....._.. under Preliminary Order .._..........fid.–yam._........_.___--, Intermediary Order __........___4.��..9-------- Final - _ 46' 61 ___ y approved ...._._._.._...._J.1d3X_._31.,......1. 2 .._........_..__, mm Final Order--.-- 1. _...._......._ __.. p � 3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--9-15_._4...........__... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $—----- 4.. -20 --- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-----_._ _94._......_...... Inspection fees • - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $-............ 942 54 Total expenditures - - - - $ .............I ............ .... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_942 5�L upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Conneil for such action th eon as may hie considered proper. Cotdmissioner of Finance. Fo B. S. A. a_9 L,. Council File No. ..... ..... . ....... ....... ---- By........................................................................................ hegn consWered.I retore CITY OF ST. PACE."'—`,'gym Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of beIlefits, [costs and expenses for ;trading the Alley in Block 1, Macales$er Villas Second Addition, from Fr.dericica Ave. to Fairview Ave., under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order 597.$._......_..._.._._..., Final Order}671....._................. approved................ .... _'T111y.....3_t...._19Z..C.................. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... .... ................ __/.._......_.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEG 4 1923 Adoptedby the Council...............................................................................191............. ...... ........... _........_......... ........._�-."�....... tY Clerk. PEP41923 Approved..............................._.__.._........_......_............._.......191...._ Form B. B. is / PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF. COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ldovember 14,192j...__....,.._. In the matter of the assessment of ti wne., .. t.s_,c;l.sts.�.....ex1:,t:nz.es. for ft ._..grading_._ the ............. Al4ey.-._in_._DloL:.._.1.,.._.Pd..ale..t..-...V1.1.1c•.e_..5�_kn....A�lci.a.t.19n....._..Y.Om....F:rasl.e.r.i_cist� Avd. to Fuitviaw Ave. 44 ._45.9.7.8..:.._.........__ .............. ander Preliminary Order ........... __.____....__.._.is.7____—�.., Intermediary Order ..........._.. ...__ ...... Final Order ...... -_--_----_-_�'6-7.5-1._..._..__..____.._._, approved .... ._................. .duly.....j..,.....19.?_j_......__......I Is1sC... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice, - - - - - - - - - - - - $--- -4-�------ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.—....__._.... J, ............ Inspection fees -- - - - - - - - - - - - $- - _6. nn ............. 4.20 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.......... -- ------ - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._.....3.15_'._x_ ....... .. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ 3�5' z---.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be cousidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 �'% grading Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition, and Block j, Midpay Park, from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave. in accordance with grade shown by a red line on profile hereto attached and made a part hereof; also building « drain from the alley to Sargent Ave. on an ease:rent to be obtained on the westerly 10 feet of Lot 115, Block 2, Sargent's Addition, .......___. Intermediary Order ��.�} ., ......... 2.6 .................. Final Order.......47ii.li...___.__.. under Preliminary Order...._�'6051 approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IYURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....- .//.... ...... ............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. pEC 14 1923 Adoptedby the Council ........... ......._._......................................_................191............. _.....ity Clerk. CEC 1412 i 191._..._ Approved_.........._..__..._.._......._.._......._...,_--------' / y; G(.. A9 Mayor. Form B. B. 18 L:!n r � PUBLISHED-- -' 5022 ` Council File No. c"F. No[,Soa7a •; otbeae- fot .6radfn ats,;_P,osta and eapeA9es Alley/n BlD¢k ,a,%8areent's Addition., 7 d and Blo .� A1De� AvePf Pas Sl? le.shown b a ¢dpado By..._........ ..... ._.............. _............. _.... _.... _.......... I anc.:w oA ,Prtr a t> gat 1 i3 ; 1 rsin� CIT"F, ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition, and Block j, Midpay Park, from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave. in accordance with grade shown by a red line on profile hereto attached and made a part hereof; also building « drain from the alley to Sargent Ave. on an ease:rent to be obtained on the westerly 10 feet of Lot 115, Block 2, Sargent's Addition, .......___. Intermediary Order ��.�} ., ......... 2.6 .................. Final Order.......47ii.li...___.__.. under Preliminary Order...._�'6051 approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IYURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....- .//.... ...... ............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. pEC 14 1923 Adoptedby the Council ........... ......._._......................................_................191............. _.....ity Clerk. CEC 1412 i 191._..._ Approved_.........._..__..._.._......._.._......._...,_--------' / y; G(.. A9 Mayor. Form B. B. 18 L:!n r � PUBLISHED-- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT I9ovember ll+th,192j In the matter of the assessment of el1nYltstL`O st �_ F.._�. on 3! Q_ forte _%raging Alley_,..in Block 2, Sar --ant's Addition, and Block j, Hidtvay Park, from Pascal Ave.to Albert Ave. in accordance with t4rade shown by u red line on prcfilo Hereto attached ..rd made a part hereof; also building' a drain from the alley to Sargent Ave. on_an easement to be obtained on the .}westerly 10 feet _o_f___. _... _. Lot 13, Block 2, Sart,ent's Aliition, 46051„ Intermediary Order ._ .......... .526 under Preliminary Order .._ _. _. _ . Final Order _._._...... 47_U...�._.... _..__.. _n_, approved......................-July...._lt5 ,...._19 2%...._...._..._.._AML To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malaug of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--514...!?D__._....._. 4.2c Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $-------_.___......___.. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....... ....._..5 ----_-.- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—...1.b..2ii_._..._...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-------PO-------- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has .assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_9%3a. .2.__._.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and Ahich is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as ma- be considered proper. 11 / in) lI .�_�-L P. _k1Li4L.� _....... I .._ . ......._..___ .. Comm>ssioner o� Finance. Form B. S. A. a-9 l f'• F No 60828 , Council File No ..... ..... ...._._.._._.._ noynattfferorithesaeeeemen�oEhene- cosfs and expeagee for grading leY'tn Slook lo, SY}van Park m Yrom Palace et• —It _t t ve,accordei with. By ... ..... ... .. _ .......... ......... .....__.__. shown by tl•..e;'A fae on•tEe- 'hereto sjt ?l Bg"s, are- d+ meat CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading the Alley in Block 10, Sylvan Park Addition, from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. in accordance with the grade shown by the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, also constructing a storm Crater drain on an easement to be obtained on the northerly 10 fast of Lot 6, Block 10, Sylvan Park Addition, from the aforesaid alley to the sewer in Saratoga Ave. for the purpose of draining said alley, under Preliminary Order.4.2557.............._..... Intermediary Order .4.3.39_9 ............... Final Order ..._ 43M_..... ...... ... -• approved .......... ..........Jan..•....._24.E_1�.23.........?RfFc........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........................ ._......../.../._......._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...............PEC. _1...4..1923............... 191............. .................._..... ...........I ity Clerk. DEC 14 Approved....... _... _........_.... ......._......_.._......... ........ _..... ....... 191......_. i• t, _...... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ( /- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT NovemUer 1419.2..., Pt In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXpenSe8 for tlYdC grading the Alley in Block 10, Sylvan Park Audition, from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. in accoraanee with the grade shown by the red line on - the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, also constructing a storm cater drain on an easement to be obtained on the northerly 10 feet of Lot 6, Block 10, Sylvan Park Addition, from the aforesaid alley to the sewer in Saratoga Ave. for the purpose of draining said alley, under Preliminary Order _... ...... ......._...___45.5,7 ._.._._..._, . . . -433-9-9 ............ _ _.... _ _..... , Intermediary Order ._........_....__..... approved._................ Jan. 24--,12' ..................._ 9 1................, P4. ....... _... FinalOrder......._......_1ijd05......_.................................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $-..747-.-n0---__..._.... Coat of construction - - $"'...."'- 4:05P ........... Coat of publishing notice - - - - - $9....... .... ...... _ Coat of postal tarda - - - - ................. 14.94 Inspection fees $ ..._........._ 4.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation $-..... - ... -....... _................ M $ 771'.."n- ....... ...... ... Total expenditures - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_?7_1.,..a4......................_......._...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such'action thereoT as way be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 C ommissior{ , Of Finance. N b0274 �a cavi LoLDe¢ e`` 1-0274 G .P d1n6, Council File No. _.. Tndn eLa aacxiia BOs'u�a vtg+�q _ ..._ ...-_. _- ,,e. fl 1.:. An ,.PerX PIa.0 b• d, rosf n6Loto 3Yndt sL A� •_ -. .. 1 +L m7tlnlnY:Y Oii�x #2490 der... 4 By CITY OF ST, PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Hackett's Subdivision of Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 5, from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., 4!F 524 ---- under Preliminary Order 4247.9--- Intermediary Order ......4.438.1 .................. Final Order......_...... ldar. 1,192........._. 3 ..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........... -.-..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council D EG 4192..........__............_191 ............. ....................._._.t. _......_... . ............. ._.......... itY e DEC 1 4 9923 _ Approved...__..._.__._......_..._......_......._._........ .......... _.... 191._...._ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 �4 FMWEn / �3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF 'COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT November In the matter of the assessment of�enG_f-i.t3.�c. . _tai ..._. 6.D.en.sea_ forV* r-4-4ing__A] .@y......_. —in._Hac;ze_tt.:.s..._Stbdi_v3.,_3.4..I1_.9:._B.lo..ck....4.,...... LLaxing-ton.._Park....P-.lat--5--------- I ...... _...-.......... from Ilamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., _..._......._.... 7. __._. _ _, Intermediary Order —_.....__..._._._ ._ 91_...__..........._ ............... ander Preliminary Order ........_......_._44�... .. .. _ - }� 44624._.._._ .. __ ... _-....._, approved ..... ...._...._........1?ai....._y1.,.19.23.....�.., Ilk .... Final Order ___—.........._._._..._.__.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._..._�44_a.�p.............. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $---._.._4_. �Q.._._...... .a0 Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—.. _.......... 10.59 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.—..__.....- 4.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $----..................- ........ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-.....-5?5_'-29-___..._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-!65 29-- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered troyer. 1 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A_9 c :�, Naf�soarR �_T 50175 Council File No m,tbe metra a assessment ot,bene-? ......._.. ._._... ........... its. coatr spea6e9 .for grading .1lseka, B 1 -Otto Ave, `:to-vistn. - Interim ' .,iff �FdPi 4u21d; By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Alaska Ave. from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave., !+6 IF , Final Order........_4fij52__....,. under Preliminary Order...._4r?210— Intermediary Order..............�5..............._. approved --- .-------- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT% FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......_._...._.../ .. .... ...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEG I a 1923 Adoptedby the Council .......... ............ ........._..... ....._......_ ....................191..... ... �.......-. -ty Clerk. Approved_.._._........._......_C....1._4............. ........... 191_...._. ... ................ -.... ... --......... ....... ....._............. -...--..RCS+... MaYor. Form B, B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT November 14,192j In the matter of the assessment of bLS;11 1 t3,, ci t_ &__exyen e,�3, for 1 ._ ru in _ Alasicu.. ave. from Otto Aye. -___to Visna Ave. _.......__._....._...._.._..._ .... .... ._.....__... ____......__..._ under Preliminary Order _....._._4_52_10 ----- --------- __ Intermediary Order .__-.... 4.63.55-......_.......... -------- _.._......_.__:., Final Order _..---.........._........_469- 2..._._. _......_, approved ...__................ _...July___.11.,19.23......._.._..., Iffi-_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, vis.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......_9'1_.-65 .............. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - • - - - Coat of postal cards - 1.08 18.43 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$--._._.... .... ............. ......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $--......... 5-' .................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_......9.71t_a6...__._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $295146.—..._- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the. signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered, proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. e-9 I tFh'ernstte�QP ease Bement oflieae-, 50276 Council File No. ..... _....... ............ data;: ceata End e8P ne a for grnamg CArbon $tt SYen7 Rlde . Bt.- tq PATk Avenua .under: Prellmldse �OYder 44664 Intermediary '".order 46764, Flnnl Oraer 96377 HPProvea Juae 14; -, By..... ..... .. ..... ....... .. ............. 1923 A PubAo heartpg,havtag. -bees had upo-rl a asseasme t Por the, above Im pro.'!i t,and':',�atd asseaement h Y 4artneg r"' �.y 'ted!. N-- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Carbon St. from Rice St.. to Park Avenue under Preliminary Order. "6-5 .................. Intermediary Order ...._45.7.04.._........--_, Final Order...._ZF.f]. u..........._..... approved......._......_.__jun .8..._1._1?.t.........i�.........._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...................... ............_............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 192---191 ............. Adopted by the Council ...._.........................._._........__..........___.y. _...-..._.....__...'._. �4ty� Clerk. DEC4 1923 Approved.._................._..._____. _..._._..._......__....._..........191.._..... t�i�' ...........a....._............_......_.................._ t4gMayor. form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLE'T'ION OF ASSESSMENT benafits,costa & e:rnensas for b'�._�r`_`_dinE. .......... In the matter of the assessment of_.........__...__._......_..._.�..._.....__..._..e,'-...................as Carbon St. from Rice St. to Ptlrk Avenue _.._.._......__—_, Intermediary Order---._..._..__.7�.......-----_.___..........._.., under Preliminary Order _ ................__4.._.46__..5 . 46377 June4..,...1-9 23 17I FinalOrder.----.._.......----.._..__.._._.....__ _ ......_� aPProved_....._..............__.........._...._..._............1._..._............---'� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - $._._...6o_r_QC........... 3. co Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $........ ....._. _. __.._......... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $---...............� 6Q._._.__ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - - - - O--- --- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and Ievied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.j8l4!_..__ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. l /If l Commissioner of Finance. V form B. S. A. 8-9 r0277 C F.,x 60277 .""..- Council File No ........ ....... --------- _---- In the natter orMne aseeaemenp o4.... costs and.ekpenses for grading Ruta ,Ave. from., Stillwater: Road to; Manitou Ave..` under ProllminarrYY Or-' ilq :46660..IntermedJy Order96011,. By ....... ....... .......... _......... ..._............ Order. 46SS6.:approyed July, 6.; • l- h'rr ring ha r. � 1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Hutt: Ave. from Stiji-N .ter Road to Manitou Ave., 46011 ...................... Final Order......_468j6...._....._.. under Preliminary Order.... Intermediary Order ............_......... approved ..................4 ZY....5..i...... I9 23 ........... I)w........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...............,. .................. ._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC4 r.........._..._........191.._...._... Adopted by the Council......................._........�. ............... _................_................._.............................:.................... 'ty Clerk. Approved ...__.........._D.CC._t 4 AW. rorm B. B. IS b Aayor. —'9 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of U.an. fit_ 1..,.gS�;Lt.�._Yc_..0 {llenaes for tLK_B.K i -Ing._...-_ ..............._.... Ruth Ave. from Stillwater Road to Manitou Ave.. 4�; ..'0 46011 ander Preliminary Order ..........._.._—.._ �� ......—_..__.._—, Intermediary Order _.—......._....._. _. _. _. 46t��6_........--__._.__._,approved--......----..__Ju. Final Order --....._. __....__ _.., 5�...._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--.��.-7.•-�)n._............_ Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - _ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 2._........_.._ 10.14 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ --—... --......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-- - - --- —__.. Total expenditures - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-521.76.__ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may boueidered proper. I ... 1 Commissioner of Finance. Foam B. S. A. 8_9 (. — 50278 -C. s• No 68278— �. Council File No., ........ ---- __. ___..�._ ,Lj ihe,ne.tter. of Rhe aeaea6ment o4 hens%, - '. �..Hte ,¢oats�;arrd'expmnsea for Bradln8; - Milton r -nnt{� ynY1aS Alley Sn. $lo¢k 24,' 6va�-' BY _I glfr pored So is 8n F92been: a%a nrrdeT Praltmtnary Ordei �861I In p, arinB ha* B -1-1'for'. the above;j CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs wild expenses for grading and paving Alley insBlock 24, Summit Perk Addition and Lincoln Terr,ce from Milton St. to Victoria St., under Preliminary Order........_4b 11 __,,.,.-, Intermediary Order 47.6.5 _ ...................... Final Order .......... approved_..._...._....$.9.p_t......_h.r.....19-23_..--- ..19;1............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FJ' dRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... _.............. .,--.......... ._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ............ %_c..._.....;.C:::.a......_......._......_191...... _..... ............ -............ _..... ...._.._?'''u....-..- �..�ity Clerk. Approved _...._... _.._. L --_... _.__} r -------_.191..._._. ..... _.... -..... ---_--.-... +,gtwg Mayor. Form B. B. 18 f / U Pusrl&M, n -� 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of b n.ef..i y,lc: at_s _.,.- , tt,Q.n5.._5 for tlieC_-�T.C??Si1.ng.-and__- paving Alley in Block 24, Summit Park Addition and Lincoln Terrace iron ail wn St. to Victoria St. 4b5.11._.__. _. _ Intermedia Order ........._....__. lk b...4------....._ ..................... ander Preliminary Order ......_.�__. ..-, Intermediary - � 5 4Lt 1 _...._ ..................._,approved ......_......__..... -.....__S?P.tr._?�a.._1i2_..._ ...... Final Order----....-.----.._�� 9. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the maldng of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $........ .....5_ p0 _....... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._— �.•..�___ _. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-... ......... --'-%�V------ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $._....306_24 _.__ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of'$.!!QE?.a.i ._.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered groper. . Form B. S. A. A_9 ��.. / Commissioner of � Finance. ,J� (P Council File No. . ...... .____.-- rntjeSGatterz thesas�se8 LQroyaQFng' dta costa -and a RSummit Park Adu :[Is17eY inr ohm4af¢rd $t Ko Cti'=Otr: tdtttoh der.47663,. =worth gcreet •under. PEeUmin 8eyt..., 8, By ..........._..._.._......_---- --------------- ___...__. ';der 46ri°46 OB aa4 Dyed CITY OFl 'n ?AUL vtns orE r b—' Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Alley in Block 33, Summit Park Addition , from Oxford St. to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order._ 610 ................. Intermediary Order._476.5,3...................... Final Ordet........ approved .._.._Sed C_ t...._l9.Q........ -- ............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, apd the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey foz a nfiit$tation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............ .- ...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1923 ...191 ............. Adopted by the Council _.......___._..__.._._ _ Clerk. Approved .... _........ 0.E_Ct_.1-.41923......__..--- ..._--- 1 -1�... _...... ..:'..... — 4G Mayor. P•¢rm s. a. is ,\ PUBLISFIED — —� 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of�_gnef J-13 cc, _sts_Yc_._garl se_s for -B. - xIL_.?di.tinn.,:.__ixnm...0 fcsci.. SL. ---to....._......._._.._._...__......_._..__ Chatsworth Street, _. ...... ................ _.._........... under Preliminary Order......_..____.— �+_fa1.C. _ Intermediary Order Final Order --___..._._4 30_�'__..._...... ... .... ...._..._, approved ..._..__............_ zP.S._.3$.- �.Zj._.........__.__—, 18TS... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....3-Z2CA_QQ_......._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $--....__...._.'_25._.......... Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—_.._........_:.&...... .... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.__.. �?4._4Q Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - - - - $--- -4'-� Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - $--a te.} 1. ......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. j Commissioner of auce. Form B. S. A. 8-9 50280 Council File No . ........ ............ .._..... __..___. C F. No b8888 en,ent of Tn the-?mAtter t' the ass@B . benefits costs and exp9nseQ�tor Da��: inr• ,! ltey� ln,.$lock 40 6umffilt park, By ......_..._...._.... ............ .._----- -------- ._. __ .___ from cOxtocd ^6t;. Lo tao on LexinF'� n AsenUe ung. ' ni. m! Y.17 �M6id Iater-:. CITY OF ST. PAUL: Resolution Ratifying Assessment. ; In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for i paving Alley in Block 40, Summit Park Addition, from Oxford St.to the pavement on Lexington Avenue, 46 10 7 5.2 ..............._......:, Final Order.._ 0 __...._.. under Preliminary Order.................tl..._..........._.., Intermediary Order �. E? � 7.-- S S 1 2 approved .. t . . ......__.__._ 9 _. . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.............. _....._......__--------- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 1923 Adoptedby the Council ......_......_... ....................... .........._........_.............191..._..__.. __..................._....._. City Clerk. D>C 1 41923 Approved ...... _.... _..._....._......_........__._...._.._............. 191._.__. Mayor. _..._...... .__........ Form B. B. 18 ; ruBrlsHEn /�� - a� CITY -OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Ilovereber llith In the matter of the assessment of _1z.eti.efl.t. i,.Co.3.L.�._iz....flspen8t SforEite.�_ln._Al_'gy_,_ l,} _-B-look._40__.S..rw;_r_it...._P�rkta._t.h0-4) 611-t.._.011. Laxirq,tcn A,r;1nue, _.._........-........................ ......... ......__... under Preliminary Order .._.._..._.._, Intermediary Order .— ..... _...... 47 i.552.........._...._._......_.._........... 4 "O ... X441.._.. Final Order __.—_........__�2._ 7_._ ...... approved ._..........._._.....__57�...� .....__.a...._l�_23._...... --, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council 4he following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $-- 3Q_25.0.).Q..-......._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $------ _._..j1..3.Q......_.... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..-............. ,.66. ......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $----60L50-- ---- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $----.- -1'0- --- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--3992!-6-......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount a -s above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_3D9.2,7L--- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for each action thereon as may be considered proper. I , ... . ............... 4111 1/f Commissioner of Fi � nee. Form B. S. A. Council File No. By CITY OF Resolution Katitpng iAssessmem. 50281 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving the following streets; Berkeley Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. Stanford Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. Wellesley Ave.from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. Jefferson Ave.from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. including sewer, water and gas oonnections, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, 400SS „ Intermediary Order -41914.._.-..-:.....-.., Final Order._ 2491_....-__.._..._. , under Preliminary Order..........._...........__......_ approved....Oct. Oct. 26..x...._1922_1 __...... _...._............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................._..f _......_......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1 9 ...........191.....- _... Adopted by the Council.._..................._....D.E..4 1 ....._.........2........._.. ..... City Clerk. !SEC 1 4 5923 Approved......... ..._..._........_...._.._--- ...._..-----_..._.........._....191_....... ; ✓ a e�r^� Mayor. R Form B. B. 18 V PUBLISHM CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OE THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT No_v_1 r.r 14 19E�' IA*._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses. for *X paving the following streets: Berkeley Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. Stanford Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. Wellesley Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ava.to Fairview Ave. Jefferson Ave. from East line of Fredericka Ave -to Fairview Ave. including sek7ur, water and gas connections, where not already mace, also curbin6 end paving driveway ap;�roachas, where necessary, 41914 under Preliminary Order ......... —_...__...400fS .........._., Intermediary Order .............. ... 42421 Oct.20 1 2. FinalOrder .................. ._..__._.._..-- ... .__...................... approved._......:..._......_.......................t....9.....i2_............ X94....... _.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $._._...'Q.2'3_ sewer connections 2.1 00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $....... -- ....... __ water connections 3.15 QQ(Qj $ Cost of postal cards ...._......_.._.__.._9.x115_ Curbing 2,6 14 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $._..._ ..............._5..60. Drivelapproaches 2�g wY Amount of court costs for confirmation $---------- 1 0- _ Total expenditures iheelaCe tax appropriation 8,536.28 Net Assessment rb,3 .Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.__ 26.,.338.• 24—_. --.---..-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said -assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thq on as mayXe ponsidered proper. Form s. B. 17Commiaeioner of phanca M282 Council File No . ......... ......... ...... .... _.._.. C,'g; Nn. sozsz= Inbeneftte6costs: and esDnrieis forn[oa � :°etruoting a'seWet bs Vliet aAv enue8� f,,. Race' Street % By ........ �......... . .._...... _............................._. _... ;':under PrellminarY Order � nal In- - termediarY°Ord:704 4C; 1920- Order- '-27966, lic hearing. Feb vi%, ylic :hearing havinF been {m--. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sa•,ver on Alaska Avenue from Face Street to Viata Avenue, under Preliminary Order ....._26779 ................ Intermediary Order27�.........................., Final Order ...........27..16.& .......... . Feb -5,1920 moi ............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... _... !_..._....._........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ............. Adopted by the Council ................D....._.EC_.. 4 1923 _................. 191............_........ 5 City Clerk. DEC 1 a 1923� Approved ......._.... _............................_........ ...191_....... t� 1 � ActingMayor. __..:._..... ....../. G Form B. B. 18 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of form a sewer on Al..3ica Avenue -.from Hace Street to Vista Avenue, under Preliminary Order _ -------- ____?�.77g.._....-------..__, Intermediary Order .._._........_.._..------._2. G40 ............. ...... _..... Final Order-_.._.._.__�1 6b ..-._......... .....__.._.._, approved ..........__........_FeU,._.._x,..._1920....._.._._..._._, X31...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - $---------1_....-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-._.a...... _.... _�_�Z�....__.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - $..__._._?_•.............. _.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $- ---..._1---- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ (lU 2_.._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 Council File No. . .... . ... ..._. —...__ By_.._.... _...... _... __... _._.................... ____.___ Resolution 50233 'Ib the matter :oL the asaeeameat oC:' ben,flt ,,coats ,aad_ex0�_nsae So con-. Avenung 8 .ewer oa `8' rr:agion Avenue b [w0e,n I.awsonBCreet and- Cook'Street.,'under Pcel1. err 04 dPr, iRa 9e k ter :dna :+oraer axles;, >r 47938, approved Avg. ZS. 'r'. earinB h 1 g -gib A had sament L the; eb t fm - d -said ase am nt fiav= " CITY OF ST PAL3�:: ,� ,..e � the: - Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bernefits, costs grid expenses for constructing a seiner on Farrington Avenue between Lawson Street and Cook Street, 11 • under Preliminary Order 46659--- Intermediary Order 4.7149 Final Order..._479-1$_.___....... approved ._..................... .... _..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............... -_------_....._......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 1923 Adoptedby the Council ..................... ........ _..... ..._.............. .........................191............. ....._..._.........._...__._ ......._._`itY Clerk. EG 41923 191 Approved ....... .....1� ..._.....,._.._.._...._�............_.__........__.......... / �. .(.tem✓ _...----_-' Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.14ovember._._I4 1923__._ F�.. In the matter of the assessment ofti@Iiefits,_Coste & expen acs fore constructing -a ,sewgr on Frxrrinton Avenue batwe enlawsou tretcndCo.................Street _............. ....___.__._._._ under Preliminary Order ........_.---_._141165.9--...._ , Intermediary Order __ ------ _----- -F_a4.q................._....._.__..............., Final Order ......._ .. approved ...._......... ............. .... _..... AIR ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._99.7.,_90.. .... .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ......__---- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $�--74-._-......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $......... _._�.r.__...._.._.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner farther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 101,..,__ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for sneh action thereon as may be considered propfr. L Cmm�asioner of Fingnce. Fw D. S. A. a-9 " CouncilFile No . ................ .... ....................... ..._ By................... ................... ...... __... Resolution C. F. No. 60284 Iri the matter of the �-..."re-, of <-henetit&.costa and. espenaes. for cUn- atrucEing'a; sewer on -Lvov '9t: from -Stryker Ave. Yo a point 80 fQet weer �oY`HalI Ava under0, CITY O < '::der i4b808, rIniermediery Order 48007, Flna, Order 4,,,^,. v] July c, Ratifyii-'" , Assessment. 50284 In the matter of the assessment of banefltB, costs and expenses for constructing a salver on Lucy St. from Stryker Ave. to a point 60 feet wast of Hall Ave. 4600 46846 under Preliminary Ord er...._45BUg............._, Intermediary Order......._.........7......................., Final Order..........._....._._ ................... _. approved ..................... 44Y._.�.i_1S_21�_....._._IaRc_..... .... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT((��FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. .............. ....0..._... ............ -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .._.........._....1._ }._Ihc..'...._.............191............. �� �, v' L�:p?".�City Clerk. 0EC g 41923 A Approved..........................._..........._.........._......._........_......191._...._ �� �` ... ...._C i e �D.1;.l ig.. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT November 14. 1923_, In the matter of the assessment of S. S__ 102 s.t3__P<_e;._:pyn.y 33 for sawar on Lucy S t. from Stryker Ave. to a point feet west of Hall Ave. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order..—._.._.ibQA..-.__...._...—.._...._................ 46LO46 ,rtsy _5,1 2 ...__..., .. Final Order ------._.—...---._.-.._...__._...--> approved ._..--_.-..._._..-.._.....__. _ . _. 3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $__006_._00........... 1.55 Goat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -$--_........._....-__..._.___... Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z... -..--- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.—._-- 20._16_- ..... .. Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - - - - $- 1. 65 .._....-.-..-.__.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......1.0.�a.,29._..._---- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.101�v�..._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper.. r ........................................ . mmissioner of Fi nce. Form B. S. A. 8-9 50?85 CouncilFile No . ........... ..................... ....._......... C. 19. No 6A286-.'-� $ ._ ........ ...... .._ .._._.. y '' '"" '' "-" In the matter of the aaeeesment . of beneflis costs and eape� t structing a storm water reileY..aew- gLexington-.Ase. from Lineoln' wer to It Ave.,. RI80.8 lateral 60-0! _�ycro»s I.exinP•ton Ave. :Pram above' CITY OF ST. PAUL.t the Eust ime oL Lextngtom �a efts ashy fn Block 89 Bum- Resolution Ratifying nder PrelfmInsry. Assessment• m6A2 ry �m�•' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for eonstructil.g a storm hater relief sever on Lexington Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to S=i,.it Ave., also a lateral server across Lexington Ave. from above sewer to the East line of Lexington Ave. opposite alley in Block 39, Summit Park Addition, under Preliminary Order.421.13.................... Intermediary Order ...._4.2..65.................., Final Order ........._435Q2..... ....... approved- ..........Au4 * t..._l.t_15.2?3-..i .......... A public hearing, having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IThhFU�THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... ....................✓/_................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 192' Adopted by the Council ........_.......__. ............................... DEC 1 4 1923 Approved...... - .......... ............_._. _........_................................191......... Form B. B. 18 .191 ............. ..................._......................................._.............._.......................... Clerk, �,�/ / ....__.._._---.._._...._ .. ayor ��V� i PUBLISHED "z.2- 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _No v_gmb In the matter of the assessment of UP1i.e.f.ii.s,.c:a8.L8_&.....e t euze_q- for fb89.�2I1 storm .vuter reliof server on Lexington Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to Summit Ave. , also a lateral sewer across Lexin ......._.......... ..__.. _.._...._........ .__....._._...... _._.__... __.. _........_. __.__ ...._. _ sewer to the Eust line of Lexington Ave. opposite alley in Block 39, _$UW,Lt.._F. xk..� ldit.io.n,---._.......................... _. _.__...............__...._.............._...__..._._..._.._......._._..._......_........_............_........... _.. under Preliminary Order ---4-211-3......... ___, Intermediary Order _.....__._4? -9-6 Final Order ..._._._..........__.3.�2o2..._.._........_....._,approved_..... ..... _----- _....._Augu9t__1.,1923- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - --- - 36.45 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--..-._ _..._..._ Inspection fees - - - 132. QC- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-....... ...36.4•....... Total Exnai.diti_res - - - - - - - - - - 6812.19 Wax - e sa _the _ sum- of - - - - $.......j.4CL-09-.•._.-. ��ro� t out of Server Bond, Fund 3406.10 Net Assessment Said Comm�s�ioner ur er reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $--- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper., � .. r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 "0286 Council File No. . .... .......... ....... . . 60888— BY bene9 -.t. ad expeneea for Con °t' a mer on -Snelling 4-1rh',Bk to a mtpt 810` f of Randolv'' St. ander-: mrd r 4P^ Int rm.df CITY OF ST. PAUL a `� rs r ` sass: Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of banefits, costs and expenses for constructing a serer on Shelling Ave. from Randolph St. to a point 810 fact south of Rtsndolph St., under Preliminary Order ......._6347 .............. Intermediary Order ..................... Final Order.........1i�3�$................ approved .................._Jul.`/...._2.7.,_1923........... 119-T ...._... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT �PRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in . ..... _..-....t ... _._.............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC 1 4 1923 Adoptedby the Council .......... ............_..........._..........................._......._.........191............. 7� DEC 1 4 1923 -.......... 1 City Clerk. Approved ..... ..... 191......... j/ l -.._ `' vL ✓Cit?1QMayor. Form B. B. 18 '� � PUBLISM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of .0013.d.X I-13...csza.t.�_2s....es}�i ties for ffia con st ruc t ing__s_ _-...4._p..Q1_11t.....z314.. o f Rando 1,011 S t., ._... .............. ._................. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ..._....... 46.625..._._. ------ .................................... Final Order ______ approved._._._... 27.19?5'.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, via.: Cost of construction - - - - - - _ _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -"' 3-�.95" Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $i------'"7-5'---.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._...46.20 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $- -- 3'-25.--" Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.......:.�....3�._�....._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $236:j__45-__ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be c nsidered proper Commissioner of Finance. t Form K S. A. 6_9 % OIxS oa er. a1RL - ,e�T�" OalG1,NAL rG 07 CL K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROT" R -:oov=axx.�o- axx= NO..... Form D -3L 3Ei 12.27 / AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 917 I. -.... R J J COM •; - .. ...... .... , to the aggregate' amount of $ ._22x095 71 : --•_- - - , covering, Resolved that cheeks be drawn on the City Treasuryv " checks numbered ..----:-19189• ------------ to - -.19344-,---_. -_--inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller.' Yes (r J) Councilmen ( it Nays. VEC 14 1ID23 Adopted by the Council------- -_ ---- -•• •--- ---- favor pEC 141923 -_,-- -in ivlzBelt d- /� APP ed------ J . 197- eettesron, P,Sudheimer nieYoa Wenzel. President, Nelson _ . 1 -------------------------- 19189 -.------•----- A. H. Abbott & Company, 38.10 Schools -19190 The Abbott Educational Company, 15.36 Schools 19191 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 21.87' Fire 19192 AlemiteLubrieator Company, 1.85 Garage 19193 Allen-Qualley Company, 13.35` Park Refectories 19194 Allis-Chalmere.Mfg. Company, 504.69 Water 19195 American Book Company, Schools 150.00`- 19196 American .Geo graphical Society, 3.00- 'Library 19197 American Hoist & Derrick Company, 22.65 Water, 19198 American Insurance Agency,, 28.95 Com, of Finance Res. 917 Page #2 7.50 19199 American Law Book Company, I Corp. Counsel 19200 American Library Association, 18.00. Library 19201 American Linen Supply Company, 182.94 236.96 C. H. & C. H• Armory 24.45 Schools 25.27' Garage 4.30 2 19202 American Medical Association, 3.00 Schools 19203 American Steam Pump Company, 20.30 Schools - 19204 American Supply Company, 175.36 S. & S. Cing. 4.75 Workhouse 3.25 Schools 1.20 :r 86.40 u 2.60 L 1763 1.25 Water 75.91 1738 19205 F. N. Amundsen, 87.65 Schools 19206 D. Appleton & Company, 15.00 Schools 9.00 Library6.00 16.00 19207 Armour & Company, 65.45 Water 19208 Austin Machinery Corporation, 196.45 Water 19209 Auto Engine Works, 22.09 Fire 19210 Automotive Service Company, 28.64 Fire 10.52 Garage 18.12 19211 Badger Meter Mfg. Oompany, 340.00 Water 19212 Barrett Battery Company, 1.58 . Garage 19213 The Barrett Company, 164.29 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 83.51 L 1773 80.78 164.29 19214 John BeisseliCompany, 5.92 Health Res. 917 Page #3 21.90 19215 Walter G. Benz Tire Company, Fire I 3.50 19216 Berglund Lumber Company, Schools 40.59 19217 C. C. Birchard Company, Schools 515.00 19218 Blaw-Knox Company, Water .59 19219 T. L. Blood & Company, Schools 30.60 19220 Boeringer & Soni St. C. & R. 19221 Borchert-Ingersoll Company, 73.20 Water 12.00 19222 R. R. Bowker Company, Library 16.28` 19223 H. C. Boyeson Company, 1.35 City Clerk Health 1.75 Bureau of Engineers 5.88 Schools 1.90 Library $ i6.219224 S. Brand Coal & Wood Company, 50.00 Schools 19225 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 548.73 Police 5.22 Sewer C. & R. 38.00 Bridge Bldg.. & R. 61.90 - Schools 150.00 It 39.00 L 1763 29.00 it 37.20 L 1773 12.88 L 1841 169`.00 Water 6.53 548.7.3 19226 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 36.90 Civil Service 1.10 Schools 35.80 19227 James T. Brown, 4.00 • 19228 Library Brown-Robertson Company, .40 Library 19229 M. Burg & Sons, 5.00 Schools 19230 Bureau of Educational Research, 4.00 Schools Res. 917 Page #4 68.40 19231 Burke & Jamesp Schools 2.50 19232 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burns, Municipal Court 369.70: 19233 Burns Lumber Company, 11.00 Police St. C. & R. 37.25 Bride Bldg. & R. 45.60 12.55 Schools n 19.50 19.50 28.80 u 36.00 n 26.00 n 7.00 n 98.00 n 25.00 n 5.50 434.10 19234 Burns Lumber1Company# 29.50 u 32.75 n 8.25 L 1763 48.00 it 57.75 L 1802 26.75 Water 231.10 sem. S 19235 Business Furniture Company, 7.20 55.68 ComIr. of Finance Municipal Court 8.35 Lighting 1.75 Water 40.38 19236 Cameron Transfer & Storage Company, 1.64 Water 15.00 19237 Capital Auto Parts Company, Garage 2.70 19238 Capital Envelope Company, Health 61.30 19239 Capitol Laundry Company, Schools 1.38 19240 C. N. Casper Company, Library 19241 Central Scientific Company, 423.72 Schools 19242 Chicago, Burlington&QQuity incyRailway Company, 4.94 Bureau ning 19243 Chicago Flag & Decorating Company, 12.50 C. H. & C. H. t; Res. 917` Page #5 Cox Book Company, 1.89 4' 73.60 19244 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, 60.50 Bridgd Bldg. & R. l 19252 Crane Water M 1,39.48 19245 Chicago, St Paul Mpls. & Omaha Railway Company, 1,255.84 Schools 5.14 n 24.66 Water _.15` 1"1 255.$ , 19246 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company, 60.00 Schools 69.52 19247 James B. Clow & Sons, St. C. & R. 42.01 Schools 19248 Cochran -Sargent Company, 19253 136.84 Company, C. H. & C. H. 10.34 Police 1.21 19254 Fire 47.71 65.06 u 2.06 Water Bridge Bldg. & R. 3.52 Qrane Company, Schools 18.14 P. Bldgs. Revl. 14.28 L 1763 11.23 Water 28.35 19249 Co-operative Laundry Company, 4.60 Police 19250 corning -Donohue Brick Company, 2,938.85 L 1624 683.10 L 1710 80.50 L 1738 428.68 It 200.37 it 249.13 L 1740 277.20. L 1763 178.47 L 1789 840.90 ` 19251 Carol Cox Book Company, 1.89 4' Library 19252 Crane Company, 1,39.48 C. H. & C. H. 6.80 n 24.66 Fire 30.00 n 69.52 St. C. & R. 8.50 19253 Crane Company, 643.67. Schools 19254 Crane Company, 65.06 Water 19255 Qrane Company, 42.58 Water Res. 917 Page #6 289.10. 19256 The Cudahy Packing Company, Schools 10.40 19257 Day's Prest-O-Service Company, 2,60 Fire - Garage 175.40 19258 Adam Decks Hardware 1.70 Alarompmany, it It 2.75 Health 13.65 Arterial highways 5.50 Bureau of Engineers S. & S. Cing. 4.70 1 .50 Schools 72.00 n 7.10 Bureau of Parks 1.49 Lighting 1.25 v 2.20 Auditorium 13.72 L 1836 3.97 Water 44.88 19259 Del Auto Radiator Company, 31.75 Garage 19260 Diebold Safe & Look Company, 4.50 17.00 - C. H. & C. H. Schools 12.50 19261 Dispatch Printing Company, 10.80 202.25 Civil Service u It 1.05 ,t it 4.55 n 10.15 „ It 6.65 n 2.10 u u 18.55 Schools 1.40 L 1763 1.40 Jackson School(Bond) 145.60 19262 Louis F. Dow Company, 9.27 271.98 Wheelage Tax Civil Service 10.20 Municipal Court 23.00 u u 3.80 u n 3.40 Pollee 2.16 Health 1.25 Bureau of Engineers 26.40 Schools 2.25 Park -Adm. 12.75 Water 177.50 271.38 19263 Drake Marble & Tile Company, 11.08 Water 19264 The Drama League of America, 1.20 Schools Res, 917 Page #7 5.00 19265 H. A. Dreer, Bureau of Parks 67.75 19266 Dux BrotheG.F.-Disc. Unf. & o 93.83-.. 19267 W. J. Dyer & Brother, 26.83 Schools 12.00 „ 2.50 n 40.50 n 9.50 Playgrounds 2.50 East Side Grocery Company, 91.10 19268 Schools 19269 Electric Service Supply Company, 138.32 Schools 37.59 19270 Llk Laundry 0ompany, 25,04 Police 9.80 Schools 1.25 LibraPy 1.50 Test. Labs. 7 19271 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, 45.06 213.07 C. H. & C. H. 4.26 23.70 n 11.65 n 83.40 Fire 6.35 it 9.00 Workhouse 17.02 Schools 3.50 Bureau of Parks 5.80 Garage 1.13 Water2.20 19272 Thos. J. Engel Welding & Mfg. Company, 29.60 Lighting 19273 Martin F. Falk Paper Company, 13.50 0. H. & C. H. 19274 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company, 73.74 C. H. & C. H. 12.65 it 1.44 It 1.20 If 23.10 Police 2.34 17.91 Fire it 6.10 Pol. & F. Alarm 7.20 Health•80 If .57 19279 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools 19280 Farwell, Ozmuh, Kirk & Company, Water 19281 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, Schools 19282 Fenton -Rosso ompany, Q.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 19283 F. K. Ferenz, Schools 19284 Field, Schlick & Company, C. H. & C. H. Health Bureau of Engineers Schools It 148.29 924.53 29.00 17.90 8.95 8.95 _ 17.90 106.00 54.16 10.78 13.30 1.25 2.16 26.67 Res. 917 Page #8 334.12 19275 Farwell, 0=4, Kirk & Company, 8.40 Burea-d of Engineers u n 13.50 „, St."C. &"R. +, 15.05 u 15.08 „ 213.09 n 5.43 Bridge Bldg. & R. 28.64 u n 24.00 10.41 „ „ u .52 19276 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 128.66 Workhouse it 1,12 15.57 Bureau of Parks 74.15 5.75 P. Bldgs. 10.70 Lighting 2.39 it n 17.09 u 1.89 'T28.6fi 19277 Farwell, Birk & Company, OFo estri 21.88 153:34 Revl. 33.60 P. Bldgs. Revl. 70.02 L 1710 13.80 L 174U L 1763 n .87 1.20 L 1802 7.67 L 1836 4.30 153.34 19278 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 314.93 Schools 19279 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools 19280 Farwell, Ozmuh, Kirk & Company, Water 19281 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, Schools 19282 Fenton -Rosso ompany, Q.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 19283 F. K. Ferenz, Schools 19284 Field, Schlick & Company, C. H. & C. H. Health Bureau of Engineers Schools It 148.29 924.53 29.00 17.90 8.95 8.95 _ 17.90 106.00 54.16 10.78 13.30 1.25 2.16 26.67 Res. 917 Page #9 19285 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, Comptroller Purchasing Departmen Fire Health Schools u n n Water 19286 The Fleiscbmann Company, • workhouse 19287 FoleyBrothersGrocery Company Water 19288 M. G. Fossum Company,, Schools 19289 H. B. Fuller Company, ComIr. of Finance Municipal Court Bureau of Engineers Water 19290 Gamon Meter Company, Water 19291 General Motor Service Company, Garage 19292 Golden Rule# Schools 19293 Goodyear Rubber Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) Workhouse Schools n it L 1737 L 1686 Eater 19294 Gopher Stone company, St. G. & R. (Pw- ) 5 1929 R. L. Gould & Company, Bureau of Parks 19296 Grasselli Chemical Company, Schools 19297 Griggs, Cooper & Company, Workhouse Schools n n Markets L 1847 t 206.25' 5.25 5.25; 39.60 45.32 6.00 6.00 12.93 26.25 59.65 206.25 12.60 48.75 16.04 5.10 2.50 .65 .65 1.30 700:,00 .90 19.65 669.02 5.70 180.00 31.92 26.75 . 37.50 88.88 216.55 81.72 637.48 3.25 5.00 258.92 79.40 58.50 58.00 58.52 1.20 3.30 25.1 Res. 917 Page #10 Theo. G. Hells & Company, 19298 Grossmann Instrument Workss 3.45 Bureau of Engineers • -T_ 9.85 19299 Haag & Manke, 45.74 Sewer C. & R. H. & C. H. 19300 W. J. Haas Mfg. Company, 19309 10.50 Fire 19301 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 415.33 Schools 3.25 19302 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, Corp. Counsel 96.00 Lighting 1.62 Civil Service 2.25 L 1710 27.05 11 L 1763 9.47 L 1836 12.06 � 4.05 2.25 Water 41.75 Health 3.25 76 SO 19303 The Hamm Company, 13.75 Park Refectories 4.25' 19304 Handlan & Company, C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 170.35 Workhouse St. C. & R. 19305 The M. A_ Hanna Coal & ]lock Company, 40.35 Schools Lighting 19306 Harper & Brothers, 19.00 140.55 . Schools Park -Adm. 9.50 X83 19307 Theo. G. Hells & Company, 385.30 Schools -T_ 19308 Helps Carpet Cleaning Company, 45.74 H. & C. H. 19309 Highland Ding Company city 74.85'_ Clerk 3.25 n n 3.25 Corp. Counsel 4.50 Civil Service 2.25 11 2.25 Purchasing Department 2.25 G.F.-Mise, & Unf. 2.25 Health 3.25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 3.25 Health 4.25' C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 7.00 . St. C. & R. 3.25 Schools 5.35 u 19.00 . Park -Adm. 9.50 X83 19310 High Speed Braker Service Company, 19.65 Garage 19311 F. T. Hildred & Company, 12.78" Sprinkling 6.18 Water 6i6 19312 Hoeft Electric Company, 42.00 Schools Res. 917 Page ,#11 41.40 19,313 Holm & Olson, Schools 37.00 Bureau of Parks 3.50 •90 19314 Horrigants Grocery, 13.66 Schools 25.79 19315 R. W. Hruby, Schools 267.27 19316 J. W. Hulme Company, 27.50 C. H. & C. H. ++ 33.55 Schools 30.55 ++ 116.57 ++ 56.40 Sprinkling3.25 "'i 57 19317 Robert W. Hunt & Company, 45.28 Water - 19318 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company, 491.24 St. C. & R. 12.98 ++ 12.52 1+ 42.62 Schools 375.00 Water 48.12 . 19319 Inter City Paper Company, 203.00 Purchasing Department 8.10 Municipal C ourt .60 Health 17.00 = Bureau of Engineers 3.00 Workhouse 2.80 Schools 170.00 Test. Labs. 1.50 203.00 19320 Irvin & Beard C mpany, .258.38 Sehos 19321 Iowa Child Wel re Research Station, 200 Schools 19322 P. W. Jackson Company, 11.25 Com'r. of Finance 5.00 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 6.25 1T. 19323 Japanese Palace, 9.30 Schools 19324 A. C. Jefferson,. 14.21 Bridge Bldg. '& R. 19325 Joesting & Schilling Company, 246.70 Schools 19326 L. W. Jordan Company, 6.90 Fire .60 Garage 6.30 Res. 917 Page #12 Water 19327 Joy.Brothers Motor Car Company, 10.00 29.28 Municipal Bourt Garage 4`.90 19339 •� 439.15 L 1763 24.38 C. H. & C. H. 19328 Ven. B. Joyce & Company, Lenhart Wagon Company, 10.00 Schools 19341 19329 Kane Grocery Company, 22.15 Schools Schools 19342 Librarian, 60.10 19330 Kardex Sales Company, Library 210.00 19343 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 490.01 19331 A. F. Katke, • 40.10 C. B. Lyon & Brother, St. C. & R. 15.75 C. H. & C. H. 19332 Kee Lox Mfg. Company, 15.74 Purchasing Department 4.74 Bureau of Engineers 11.00 19333 The Kellogg -Mackay Company, 54.16 Schools 19334 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 37.00 Police 19335 Kilmarnock Books, 164.69 Library 19336 Kunz Oil Company, 412.70 Schools 19337 Larsen Brothers Lumber Company, 10.00 Water 19338 Lavallee Law Book Company, 10.00 Municipal Bourt 19339 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Company, 439.15 C. H. & C. H. 19340 Lenhart Wagon Company, 28.90; Forestry Revl. 19341 Lewis Institute, 12.92 Schools 19342 Librarian, 60.10 Library 19343 Lyle Culvert & Road Equipment Company, 490.01 L 1847 • 19344 C. B. Lyon & Brother, St. C. & R. 15.75 I ORIGMALTO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 50288 MS�RESOLUTJON FORM NO 916 PER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMretate amount Of $ AJ-7j6..eL9 - — - — — ------------ , coveriT4,', checks mnub..d ............. ....... .......... inclusive, as par regster of city checks on file in the office Of the. city Comptroller. Yes I Councilmen I Nays. i In favor Sudheimer OEC 1 4 923 President, Nelson allsonliruua - 0—os. Mr. Pana - :.: To CITY CUMK R oonacrz D-34 12112.22 - - LLJER AUDITED ...__- ._..... _..... .....192 ..._..-__ - . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---------- $�$+�}?a� covering checks numbered.. 1f1`�t3`�_ ..-.---...to----19364__..,., - -__inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the,City e Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Claaeyr 1 Adopted by the Council. -..----DEC ..1923 192- In favor DEC, 4 19 �14e1d Approved. - - --- -------------.�. -- ....... -192 -. gudheimer "Cter, / !! Wenzel.-.-.Against Z+ir. President, Nelson Ile 'I -C F No. 60289 aggregate _ Resolved. 'that checks be drawn on the,CltY.TreaevrY "tb the checks S a:933.�9,.'covering - a ot. S ve s Ia num beYed-.19868 to 19384, a - F er Teglster oibltr e_- le the ofRcaof the CC `nail ecii141833. Adopted by the _ APPTO" Dec 14 1823 (I]ec. .8-1823) _ �, - -- • .ORIOINALTO CRY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F—D-34 tat 12-22 - - AIIDITED CLAIMS—R]�SOLUTZON. FORM NO........... ;. 919 raR........: .................... _ ._..... ..... -'-'-- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _._`�............... covering checks numbered...... '.9353 to 19364 .................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Cly DEC 4 1923 ---- - 192. -- Adopted by the Council ...............1 ..19 . eb -In favor DEC 1 41923 MaDenult Appro ed .--- . -- - - --.. 192 -`44atsont- Sudheimer V'Peter, L'Wenzel. ....... -Against _.. ... ..:-. - ✓Mr. President, Nelson s 19353 Geo. P. Bowlin, 8.82 Workhouse 19354 Fielding &Shepley, 5,698.95 L 1817 L 1825 19355 Hanlon & Okes, L 1747 L 1779 19356 Inter City Paper Company, C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 'Bureau of Engineers Schools u 19357 Keough Brothers, L 1714 19358 George W. Keys, Sewer C. & R. 3,093.40 2 605.55 21,884.24 12,959.24 8 524.75 1.50 20.70 487.00 8.75 6.80 5�:�PS 2,755.70 261.20 Res. 919 Page 19359 N. W..Sohool Supply Company, 228.00 Schools f 506.00 19360 O'Neil & Preston, Water 19361 The Prang Company, 245.00' Schools 19362 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 196.89 Fire 157.08 Heal th 8.17 14.16 u 2.43 r 5.53 e n 1 9:52 96 88 19363 E. M. & H. F. Ware, 90.00 Schools 19364 White Eagle Oil & Refining Company, 1,534.04 L 1710 14.05 L 1737 27.80 L 1763 7.45 12.90 Garage 1 1,5534.,v464UO vls os.m VAV& OSTY OP..x. OaIaINALTO - CITYCLMK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER: F«mns+1st12_22 I AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM rinr NO.._...: 920 r. - B_Y ..-COMO . AUDITED.._... -U i _ _ _ . ...-.182.. _..._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the &MVe$ate amount o£ $ 805.52 __ _............... z covering checks numbered:....._19365-------------- to„ -_--_19371 .............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file i he office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC 1 4 1923 'C1eac5• Adopted by the Council....----.. _................... ...-. - -192 ----- ------ favor DEC 1 41923 Appro ed 191 Sudheimer / - Wenzel, ---- inst Mev / Mr. President, Nelson NO . 0 19365 W. D. Bugge, Supt., 363.00 - Auditorium 19366 Campbell Construction Company, 25.00 Water 19367 Jno. Graben, 25.00 Water 19368 01of Hansen, 82.80 C. H. & C. H. 19369 C. J. Stewart, 36.00 Water 19370 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, 239.12. : Health 4.90 Schools 234.22 19371 Webater:Bfheeioak, .34.60 Library QUADRUPLICATE To CITT CLERK Fm -u IM 12-n 7F, 4' OMM .......... .... .... ... . ..... ......... AUDrrM...-.- 9L PM R..l,.d that Check. be ar.,,. on the City Treasury, to the smvej�ate amount of 29*666-46 — ----- ----- cOverfi*,- checks numbered... --------------- to .......... inclusive, as per re2�ister of city checis on Me in the office of the Cit Cmptroii.. Yes Ir co .. i1m. Adopted by the Council. ---------- - Mrf-I.A.1.923 .......... _J9Z It, f.,O, Da; T, 4 MeRenchir Approved ------------------- .......... . ................................ 192L.- Sudhe:Lmer Aj�.inst vwenzel. President, Nelson 11 A 9 6" �0' �jr-- 'dr-PWTI �h p., OUU 1934 tO 'I i Ik' 01— 14 1V-- :,AP_PrO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F"D-34 1M 12 -U AUDITED, CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORK -. 918 .......... F DEC..... .. . . ..................... ........ 2�-- AUDITED .. . ......... . ......... .192 ResolveEl that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount Of $.._:. G9-,.6.66:.45-•,_ ....... – covering checks numbered ........... to 190;4 ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the OfficO Of the City Comptroller. Yes i Councilmen NaYs- DEC y 4 192 11 favor Adopted by the Council .......... ----------- DEQ j 41923 -MM-on-97 App, -ad-" 192 -------- ------------- SUdheimer I.- Peter, nseY "V- Wenzel. Against ................ President, Nelson ------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- ------------ 19345 J. M. Clancy, Comir. mayor's Of City Clerk Election Fx Corp. Coons Com'r. of Fartle. Cer �;omptroller Civil Sery Purchasing C. H. & C. Armory 19346 J. M..Clanoyj Gomer. C p S.–GAn. of Finance Tice Finance ice 19347 J. M. Clancy, Got 208.33 Health - 549.75 Vital ense 284.19 Food R( el 959.10 Quaranl 708.12 Tuberei 780.91 Dale Si ts. 225.33 Workhoi 1,291.52 Laboral 576.20 P. Bat] Department 818.95 P. ComJ of Finance Tice Finance ice 8i235.15 208.33 549.75 ense 284.19 el 959.10 708.12 780.91 ts. 225.33 1,291.52 576.20 Department 818.95 H. 1,575.25 257.50 8,235.15 of Finance 340.00, Adm. of Finance 4,069.43 75.70 .sties 322.50 t Insp. 809.97 Insp. 1,186.88 .s Div. 686.25 Lfirmary 72.50 lospital 323.50 257.1.3 165600 Station 170.00 Z,069.43 Res. 918 Page #2. :. 19348 d. M. Clancy,,..Com'x. of Finance 1,061.45 Garage 19349 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 183.75 847.40 . St. C. & R. Workhouse- 66E 19350 J. M. Clancy, uom'r. of Finance 7,089.88 Library 6,414:60 Auditorium 628, 19.351 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Park -Adm. 498,65 5,130.66: Bureau of Parks 166.67 Playgrounds 288.$7 P. Bldgs. 3,451.47 Gorman School (Bond) 71.00 Franklin " " 71.00 Groveland " " 71«00 Jackson it it 71.00 Ames n 71.00 Tilden " " 71.00 Mattocks " " 76.00 Longfellow " " 73.50 Gordon " +' 71.00 Greenwood it it 78.50 . 5,130.6' 19352 J. M. Clancy, iom'r. of Finance 2,892.48 C.P.U.-Gena Adm. 137.50 " -Test. Labs. 447.25 +' -Markets 195.70 " -Investigation 548.62 " -Lighting 1 563.41 2.48 y • DUPLICATE TO - CITY OF ST. PAUL coUN L NO. ---'-'-'-5®20- - - "�'-" 2 COMPTRD[ rw PALE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208• PRESENTED BY o i COMMISSIONER --'. �::- .:..C%!./.fir:.....................".-"."...........-.. DATE.....DeC... 13 )...,:l.Z.3.,-...---"-"-- RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO 38 OE'� crosswalk Fund Other Exp. $6 143.87 38 Salaries $ 143.87 C.tlr..n. so.9: I P't�r— th v. o11Rty InC 113t1[c I That ' honks o n Raenevc d,ndc n the cl 1 C. ahlller '[h�•n hY �nn �n1 Iiont may olmat lc [[ ntns[c5�tc"ithnu; hn[n- _ ,�/ sn Id `01 E rov th„ IL m [ rm (�v lh .y the (/v1j'el',IYI� the t i�'h the cnneR Ln a made. �n le 38 OE. n93. ', transfcT transferel from to Code ,A MM``�b,�`"' $143.87 Fund. (llhcr l:al).• '. Crossuall< tlarlps. ', 33, Crossrvnllc Pu nd. S: 14, 1923 �9' 2 P Y4 q:4,Ji-..• Ado PtedbI) Lhe11 0l ISIAn.c luec.azl�zs) YES ( V) COUNCILMEN. (V) NAYS -�Ewcuscoa. LD ................IN FAVOR V/IATSON v PETER ... .........AGAINST ✓ WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT FORM Dv (I. e.D) DEG 1 4 1923 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. . ....... ... ....................19...-.-.--. DEN 1 4 1923 APPROVED�..5 L1 ..-------------- 19-.------ C � ✓ z-..- 16ting MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY -__ COMPTROLLER RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO ----- --0293 FILE Dec.13, 1921 ........ ... ..... _ DATE- .......... ................ .._._.._—_ !?H✓REAS, The Commissiunef o7: Plblic ";orks has reported to the Council, in accocdanoe w• tl-: rrtioa 53 of the City Cha.rte:c, the existc-.1 of as ems_„3 Q'- ,ahiCh rendered necessary the employment of ce~tain employs of his Denartrnen�, for more tha-n eight house per day, said err:plopce:lt being more than their uL�ua.l hours of employment* TPFP,EFORE RE IT RESOUTM, That the prover city officers are hereby au*l�ori.ze to pay the foil.o.-dag named ercplcyeS4 at the rate ctherwi.s' fixed for extra employment for the eytra time hezoinafter set Erbil. Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. C. V. Firth Asphalt Chemist 8 Hrs 75re D. T. Reed Paving Foreman 8 hrs. 9l+X K. Thomas Asphalt Chemist 46Z hrs 759 C. F. No.. 60202—Rv we,_ .t ve.e.- II :ment• '----- - . Therefore 'B.. It Resolved, That the pproper city oiricers re hereby author - zed i -'to pay the folloWl.g .named cro.pleyes at the rate othOMise fyted'for extra: nployment. for the eztra. time hereinafter set forht. C.:"V Firth, Asphalt Chemist, ..8 hour.; 760. D. T. Reed, Paving Foreman, 8 hour.; sx�s: K, .Thomas, Asphalt Chemist, '461/ hour.; 760. Adopted- by *the: Council Dec. 14, 1923.. Approved Dec. 14, 1923; (Dec. 22-1923) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays • epe-a l _ :.�.__ _In favor ✓ //Matson /Peter __._._.__.Against Wenzel ,/MI. President Council 41923... ...192Adopted by the .......... ...... Approve?.i.� 192...... Rd aq MAYOR ,.n emergency has erisetl in the D�rextmetft of Pnblic.YlorkB, rendering nedeesary the employment of certain employes of that department for more Vhan eight hours per day, j the doing of the following work: _ testing ^ and laying asphalt pavement _ �Tuie emergency arose by reason of the following facto slid circumstances: Nessary to work Sundays and Thanksgiving to complete paving before freezing. ;� omm e� er _W u is orTtB�—` RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCIL PPOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /,1 s , GATE COUNCILNO._...� C 3t December 14f 1923• That there be and,is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and Sixteen and 05/100 Dollars ($1,116.05) from the Sewer Bond Fund—Code No. 2301 to the Department of Public Works—Engineers Salaries— Code No. 32 -1 - The above transfer represents additional engineers and surveyors on special sewer work employed from December 1st to December 15th, 1923, as per detailed list on file in the Comptrollerts office. This is in accordance with a ruling obtained from the Corporation Counsel dated August 4th, 1923- F. N.. 60294—BY Wm Re..Ived•'That there b by approDrihted the so a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays •IBil6l1A .---,`-..-' _.In favor �at�_ U �eter _._.__......Against WWenzel 16r. President D 1 23 Adopted by the Council._ .......... EG 4 ...... ..19 ..............192....._ Approved-- 04.._l 4 - ... 192 - -------- --- ------------ - -- ------ lH�J 7�11[y_MA D Sewer engineering and Surveying Services for the First Half of December (Dec -lot to 15th) 1923. Chargeable to the SMR BOND FUND - code 2301. Salary & Auto Allowance 035x`-' 5 month 86.75 Spencer Colestook 244.50 10 100 122.25 112.50 TagHewigart 17tt 2.501 % 86.25 96.80 Symonds Von Hipple 242.00 230.00 80% 100% 115.00 1 Forsberg 205.00 100% 8 6.00 Cowling 140.00 305.00' 20% 30.5o Garen Johnston 280.00 30 42.00 Blueprinting & Clerical 40.00 Knowlton 172.50 86.25 Dedolph 199.50 37 .50 Ruth Lies.Stenog. 75.00 $1.116.05 MUNGILNO, L s-J�- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM [tesdt'eM I/ WHEREAS, On or about the 18th day of November, 1922, a car driven by E. H. Nolan collided with and broke an ornamental light post at the northeast corner of Fifth and Seventh streets; and WHEREAS, the Royal Indemnity Company, insurer of said E. H. Nolan, has offered to pay the amount of damage done to said post, which is $171.78; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer of settlement be accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute a proper release therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C. F. No, 60296—ny A. E. Nelson— , reds, On or nhout the 18th day of November, 1922, a car driven by E. H. Nolan hided with and broke an ornamental light post at the northeast nordner of Fifth and Seventh .treats; whereas, The hoyal Indemnity Com - offer doonene Insurer of old E. H. Nolan, hoe Com - offer t [o,pny the amount of damage' said therefore. be It poet, which' is {171.78; Resolved, a That said otter of settle. city' mettt be. accepted and the proper city oldcare re hereby authorized and dl - ,,acted to execute a proper release',. therefor. Adopted by the Council Dee. 14, 1923. Approved Dec. 14, 1923. (Dec.22-1923) - i 11 .. _..In favor ✓/jVlatson U eter .._.__.._.Against Wenzel /Mr. President DEC, 1 41923 Adopted by the Council.. _.._--- _— - 192 _.. DEC s 4_1. S Appr192...... cam' RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DA cO11NcIL No. ----..5? 0296 --- 2LE Dec. 12i 1925.~ In the matter of alterations and repairs to the Concrete Arch Bridge at Phalen Park on account of paving - RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications and quantities attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to do the work by Force Account at a cost not to exceed Twenty one hundred dollars (02100.00), and that the cost shall be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Xteijonu{d. ..... .- ...In favor -Matson V//Peter ____ _Against ✓✓ T_enzel Mr. President DEC T 4 1923 Adopted by the Council _. _._....__.... __.. __.192. _.. DEC 1 4 1923 Approved .;���"' _- .192..--- pit'17LJ Myna C. F. N10. 60286—By Wm. J. Peter— In the .matter of e,lteratione and re- ualra to the Concrete Arch Bridge at Phalen Park on ecount of Paving— Resolved. That the v4 '/3 plana and acations and-quant(tlee attached here- to, be andthe same are hereby nD-! Proved nd that the Commiaslonor of.. Public Work. be authorized to do the work by Forco Account nt a coat not to exceed a_nty-one hundred doliare (E?•100.00), and that the. coat shall be ebarged to the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund. Adopted by the Council Dec. 14,1923.' Approved Deo f4. 1923. (Dec.22-1923) `//U]�' I _,.......-.-...-,-....�. _.-.,_._._._._.. _,.t-.-_..__ - ��,.�.• . Y V U tom+" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Xteijonu{d. ..... .- ...In favor -Matson V//Peter ____ _Against ✓✓ T_enzel Mr. President DEC T 4 1923 Adopted by the Council _. _._....__.... __.. __.192. _.. DEC 1 4 1923 Approved .;���"' _- .192..--- pit'17LJ Myna QUADRUPLIGTE TO CRY CL K Form D•34 1M 12.2W C .7 OITT.OI •T. P�r/L _ PILn n L 1\ 0....5^r`r.VftiCl,•_t�t,� 1 L COM OLLER PER....... 15 59.42............covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-.-.. L-5-,- ! --- checks numbered ..........19 q-------.---to----194-4$ ------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ----- 1 x:1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..------...---------------_------I----------- ---- 192 ------ -- Ferguson, _._.In favor McDonald, 11�v 181?��,192 ... Approved-...... - --_..---.-.._.------------------ ......- 1Mgtgm Sudheimer Peter, _-----Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson AdIng C.: F. No. 60298— --Resolved that checks be drawn: on the Clty Treasury; to .the aggregate amount of §168,669.42, covering checks numbered. 19440 to 19446 1ncluelve, .as per register of city checks on filein the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Couacl1 Dec. 18, 1923. Approved Dec. 18, 1923.. (Deo. 22-1923) - oeawwn� K RY -K Form D-34 1M 12-22 r. • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER onvsoxn ((��UQ' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM n> NO.....__5�1 ✓"t e• 926 :' BV COM. „w-..... AUDITED......_.. :. :...._.....t.2..... .._ PER .__. .... - . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $------ �--�9-a!12•------------'--, covering checks numbered ...._..._19440 -.--.--_to-- 1944 ---,-,"_--..---inclusive, as per regiher of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. p EC 1 u 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council .._---------- ------------- -------------------- ---- 192."---- Ferguson, --------------In favor McDonald, APpr 1f323------ ----- ----------92- Mutsottr Sudheimer Peter. �' _ --------------------- ---: --------------Against . ...._------------- --. .._...-....--- -------- -' Wenzel. ACtffl9 MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson -------------- ............ .... - -- 19440 Central Metropolitan Bank, Assignee 40,052.65 Thornton Brothers Company L 1757 Com'r. of Finance 24,615.98 19441 J. M. Clancy* olice 24,418.48 " (Auto) 197.50 ' ,�, W --5B Com'r. of Finance 34,227.07 19442 J. M. ClanFir. 34,199.57 it (Auto) 27.50 18,245.12 19443 Fielding &LShepley, 1717 225.90 19444 W. S. Mathieson, Randolph Heights Sohool(Bond) 41,192.70 19445 Thornton Br 7errs Company, OITY 08 OT, PMOL pUAMUMIWiE TO CRY cLMK _ �=aIL F— D-34 D-34 IM 12-22 •- - AUDITED-.......... '.....'`........... _..._....192 _... .. __ _ _...... _. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ag$re$ate amount of $------------------- covering checks numbered --- --.----19425------------ to. ....... ---- -----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. pEC 1 G 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- ---------------- ----192 ' Ferguson, _-.-.In favor McDonald, Approved---------- . ....._9EC-1_&.1923.......... 192'" a amwbr Sudheimer Peter, ---- -- ---Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson Actin/ C. F. No. 11199— drawJ�.! Resotvedr nauCYhetoa theaBg� the CItY 1 173.23, "4,39 amount Y b numbered 19426 tochecke oacffie per reglatetoCltY YComDtroller. 1ceotheAdopted try ttieC923Deo.18 APproved..DDec. 22-1923) e CMT 07 BT. PAUL • ORIGINAL r0 "TPCE'K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ......No. -50200 F.— D-34 11,112-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM rL= 925 .... ................. AUDITED 182.... ---- .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ..................... covering checks numbered----------194,4------------to---- .... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( V ) Councilmen Nays. o1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council------------- -- ------------ --- -- --- --- ---- 192 ---- --- Ferguson, In favor McDonald Approvo;e."_ 92-3 -------------_----- _192 Nr, 8u6balMOr --dieron ------ ----- Wenzel. Against �al . ng MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson --------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------- ............ 19425 Alverdes Restaurant, 7.00 Municipal Court 19426 Barndt & Lawhorn, 32.45 Water 19427 Allen Born, Dist. State Boller inspector 6.00, Fire 19428 Columbia Tool Steel Company, 50.03 Schools 19429 H. J. Frandsen, 50.00 Water 19430 Quincy A; Hall, 8.66 Eng. & Insp. 19431 M. J. Hartiganp 16.62. Water 19432 Highway Traller Company, 25.OQ S. & S. Clng. 19433 C. A. Jansen, 1.25 Health 19434 Kremer Auto Spring Company, 56.75 Garage 19439 St.Paul Stamp Works, Police Res. 925 Page #2 it 16.20 19435 E. F. McLeer, C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. .35 Bureau of Engineers Schools' Schools .65 19436 Midwest Oil Company, " 10.00 .Fire Library 6.50 19437 St.Paul Gas Light Company, St. C. & R. 48.02 (Pay.0 31.76 S. & S. Cing. . 23.35 Schools 284.52 ® 19438 St.Paul Stamp Works, City Clerk 1.75 Comptroller 12.25 Civil Service 1.30 " " 3.50 Municipal Court 5.70 It n 3.00 it " 9.65 It" 1.30 it, , It 11.40 Acct. foram, etc. 24.00 —73. ff_ 19439 St.Paul Stamp Works, Police 9.00 it 16.20 Fire .35' C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. .35 Bureau of Engineers 6.50 Schools .65 it .35 " 10.00 1.05 Library 6.50 Water 4:45 BE-$ 273.69 128.93 387.65 73.85 . 55.40 Form D•34 1M 12-22 • • c/ TED __.x9V _ COM ... llER....... AUDI .... ._.. ..182 ....--_ PER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....3$,396 --------------------- covering _ 1939119408 ---._-____-inclusive, as per register of city checks on a in the office of the City checks numbered.. --------------'----------------t°`--------'---- I Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, McDonald, ifttsmr, Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson Adopted by the Council -------aEQ+- --- l -„ '1923 -r -------------- ----192 ---`-` -------------In favor f)EC) S 1923 Approved------------ ---------------- ------- ---------------- --------- 192-...- ----.----.-Against s1 Acting C. F. No. 6939'— Resolved that checks the drawn: to the City Treasury, , the aggregate, amount oY 9 396 66, covering vs. a numbered 19391 id 19409 incluBive, in per giater. [. ity'checke. nflleih the �CYlce o[ the CItY Comptroller. Ado. ¢ted by the 8 ounali Dec. 18, 1923. Approved. Dec. 18 _9233.3 (Dec: _9 33 _ ORIGINAL TO CRY CLERK Form D•34 1\f 12-22 S OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 000so.>. `� 00c�nn AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ra: NO -5.0300...... 925 BY CO OL R AUDITED )III - - _. ....... ......-..192 ......... I PER.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.-.- 38, ..................... covering 19391 19408 checks numbered.._ --_---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ....... - 9 - to 1 -- ---- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Counciltg 192-------- Ferguson, --------------In favor McDonald, -�--�� Sudheimer Matson, APPt' e -.- _.... _----.--.192-------- C II i�`� -- - ______ te Wenzel. -- -..Against - ...-... -- - ..................... -aietioa -. _ _. . Mr. President, NelsonI ...------------------------------ -- --- ------------------ 19391 Automatic Signal Company, Arterial highways 19392 Geo. Benz & Sons, • Police 19393 Borchert & Ingersoll Company, Water 19394 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Police Pol. & F. Alarm Workhouse Schools It Markets 19395 Glamorgan Pipe & Foundry Company, Water 19396 Hersey Mfg. Company, Water 19397 Keystone View Company, Schools I 19398 Henry Olson, City Clerk Health 143.91 350.00 , 2,416.35 75.98 6.14 19.44 27.23 8.20 8.46 6.51 75.98 11,812.30 960.00 60.00 2.00 Rea. 923 Page #2 4.78 1,955.92 1, 95U.7a 70.65 .15 29�b 7.15. 168.00 4,254.80 2,555.63- 712.70 ,555.63712.70 182.50 201.30 358.50 972.85 T-14078 14.00 74.96. 454.58 64.88 608.4 158.58 459.63 30.96 560.41 3.48 83.51 14.36 2.25 1.50 81.40 6.45 1.34 24.97 1,TgT.73 1,960.70 367.95 22.00 768.93 6,638.55 1,215.35 9,406.28, 608.42 159.00 1,428.83 A 19399 Pioneer Electric Company, Health Lighting 19400 N. G. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Court G.F.-Mise. & Unf. McKinley School(Bond) P.I.R.F.-Court Costs 19&01 Frank J. Rose Company, Water • 19402 Roxana Petroleum Corporation, Water 19403 St.Paul koundry Company, Water 19404 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Schools 19405 J. L. Shiely Company, L 1617 L 1763 u L 1771 L 1773 L 1774 L 1775 L 1802 19406 The Speakes Company, Schools L 1710 L 1737 Water 19407 C. S. Stewart, Supt., Health 19408 White Eagle Oil & Refining Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) U n S. & S. Clnp. u t Workhouse Schools Library u u Bureau of Parka it e it Markets Lighting 4.78 1,955.92 1, 95U.7a 70.65 .15 29�b 7.15. 168.00 4,254.80 2,555.63- 712.70 ,555.63712.70 182.50 201.30 358.50 972.85 T-14078 14.00 74.96. 454.58 64.88 608.4 158.58 459.63 30.96 560.41 3.48 83.51 14.36 2.25 1.50 81.40 6.45 1.34 24.97 1,TgT.73 1,960.70 367.95 22.00 768.93 6,638.55 1,215.35 9,406.28, 608.42 159.00 1,428.83 OITY O) O1: PAOL QUADRUPLICATE .• TO CITY CLERK h�,�Y '� f 1: GOOROSL No,_... V 0L . 8orm:D-84 1M M22 - •F �: pIBY CO ....................... ._. AUDITED..... _....... _... _.. B2 1 .....__ ._.... _...... .. ......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of t--- 3. t.. _62� 13------ - ---_-,.., covering checks numbered ...... 12375.....--.....to.....................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( if Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy," Adopted by the Council. .. DEC 1 n-1923---- -_- ._-.192- Ferguson, .In favor DEC 1 8 1923 McDonald, Approved -------------- ---- ----- ----- -192 Nassir, Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. Against "' �G1 Mr. President, Nelson Actrn f C. F -N 5030hat checks tibia asgregate. ° d t haciDl- aBCitY Tr a urY• cov it.cluslvc.the nryou d 19 i to1Ch Ct or f Ile CS118 1923: IDt CICY C mP 1 Dc P oY tri � reAdoPt� d DtC)�1 22 1923) ORIGINAL TO oirT or ex, pAoir cm CLHRN OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D-3415112.2 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ni=gat VO '5 922 r -. BY MPfROLLER AUDITED............ -:...':.._ ....-_..-..192..-.-.... - PER ...... _ _ ....._... _........_.... coverin8 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $... -.. t5_6.2.... 3 .....13 checks numbered._... 19.3.23 ................ to.... .... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ------DU -j.u.19`13--------- -:---_---192---.--- Ferguson, .............. In favor DCC 1923 McDonald, Approve - . ...........192- - v ....._..__ .. McDon l Sudheimer /f�� ------ Peter, .Against // Wenzel.............---- ------ - - -..------ -- i i --------- --_. Mr. President, Nelson ' Acting MAYOR 19373 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent 10.00 Schools, 19374 Board of Water Commissioners, 7,145.81 C. H. & C. H. 87.90 Fire 94.63 Schools 1.00 11 576.00 Bureau of Parka 2.00- C.P.U.—Gen. Adm. 25.00 11 —Test. Labs. 101.00 Sprinkling 6,218 i 19375 Board of Water Commissioners, 711.63 Schools 19376 Board of Water Commissioners, 9,162.00 L 1747 2,415.00 L 1758 3,861.00 L 1766 A 663.00 L 1766 B 936.00 L 1766 B 858.00 L 1793 312.00 L 1855 117.00 0 - Res. 922 Page #2 19378 J. M. Clancy, C.P.R.F., Com'r. of Finance 108.80 Comptroller 40.62 Municipal Court 43.84 it IT 10.92 Police 10.00 Health 20.00 Park -Adm. 109.60 11 11 10.00 P.I.R.F.-Official Pub. . 150.00 X78 19379 Wm. J. Peter, Com'r. of Public Works Health 237.60 Arterial signs 224.97 it " 128.53 If to 267.99 if It 184.15 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 1.24 " " 362.77 Schools 314.38 Lighting 85.13 Garage 4.20 Sewer Bond Fund (Bond) 165.26 Forestry Revl. 28.10 2,05-.0 19380 Wm. J. Peter, Com'r. of Public Works Groveland School(Bond) 18.50 Vocational " " 40.00 Franklin IT " 18.50 Hamlin Jr. Hi." IT 37.00 Ames " " 18.50 Tilden " " 18.50 Mattocks " 18.50 Longfellow " " 18.50 Gorman " " 66.00 No. St.Anthony Grade & High " " 30.00 Randolph Hts. " " 18.50 Adams " " 90.00 It " " 18.50 Jackson " " 22.00 Webster " " 37.00 Taylor 57.00 Deane " " 44.00 Riverside " " 22.00 Humboldt " IT 11.00 Johnson Hi. " 33.00 Central " " " 33.00 Irvine " it 18.50 McKinley " " 10.00 Whittier " " 18.50 Fairview " " 37.00 Lincoln " " 23.50 19381 Wm, J. Peter, Com'r. of Public Works L 1710 1,094.95 L 1789 1,006.17 L 1836 186.19 L 1841 98.08 it 32.52 L 1847 66.04 L 1847 13.80 Water 1,701.64 ,$.�5$ 503.78 2,005.32 777.50 4,199.39 Res. 922 Page #3 Safety 950.03 Bureau of Parks 19382 Geo, C. Sudheimer, Com'r, of P. Safety 192.75 Park Refectories 47.30 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm.. 10.75 72.60 Schools 41.23 182.0000 19383 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 471.10 7d.00 Sprinkling Schools Forestry Revl. 19384 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 789.90 19387 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety Police 430.82 19388 Fire Playgrounds 10.50 and P. Bldgs., 2,730.06 Pol. & F. Alarm C. H. & C. H. 159.94 Police Health 188.64 427.00 61.81 19385 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety Health 682.58 Bureau of City Plan. 16.00 108.12 Arterial highways 28.17 St. C. & R. 310.55 22.00 n (Pay.) 100.99 71.40 L 1847 1,177.37 Sewer C. & R. L 1851 16.48 19389 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, S. & S. Cing. 68.66 and P. Bldgs., 2,288.79 Bridge Bldg. & R. Schools 45.53 35.82 Garage 138.00 Crosswalks 1.00 1,174.19 Library 70.55 692-M 19386 Geo,. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 950.03 Bureau of Parks 16.50 if r It 52.45 Park Refectories 47.30 Playgrounds 72.60 P. Bld s. 41.23 86..36 Lighting 471.10 Sprinkling 73.67 Forestry Revl. 88.82 9�a3 19387 Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com'r. of P. Safety 1,201.95 Water 19388 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and P. Bldgs., 2,730.06 C. H. & C. H. 559.00 Police 3.97 427.00 61.81 Fir8 9.00 Health 24.00 It 16.00 Arterial highways 28.17 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 22.00 L 1703 100.99 L 1847 1,177.37 • L 1851 3a' 19389 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and P. Bldgs., 2,288.79 Schools 45.53 Garage 138.00 Forestry Revl. 1,174.19 Res. 922 Page #4 19389 COW &- Franklin School(Bond) 1.42 11 If Hamline Jr. 1.02 Ames " " 2.84 It If " 10.34. R. Gordon�� �� 8.73 Tilden 2.22 Mattocks " ° •20 t' " " 19.50. Longfellow " " 94.99 ' n n 10.82 Humboldt " " 760.38 Gorman " " 7.50 19390 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds and P. Bldgs., 2,160.64 No. St.Anthony Hi Schl(Bond) 399.27 Webster " It 114.39 Adams " " 201.23 Jackson " " 9.90 It " " 52.54 Webster ° " 166.24 Taylr " " 74.76 Groveland " " 4.44 Riverside " " 18.87 Johnson " " 724.24 Central " " 89.20 Irving " If 7.66 Sibley " " 7.66 Whittier Playground Area " " 4.08 No. Ind Jr. & Sr.Hi." " 132.40 Lincoln Remodel " " 153.76 T,79 '94. • OITY OH /T. P�IIL �pUADRUPLIWrE rD CrrY CLERK IIDHIL> No. 5030 II eIL Form D-34 IM 12-22 ` J'J \A OMPfR LLER AUDITED ............192.......... - PER..... ... _ _ _... _...' .... .. .. _.... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-___�af............ covering 18409 19424 ;inclusive, as register of city checks file in the office of the City checks numbered.. to - Per tY Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. DEC a 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council... _- _...... .. 192-------- Ferguson, UEC j 8 19`93. McDonald, —...In favor Approved.. -------- ----- - .192...._... mfgar Sudheimer Peter,--_'-----Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson AWHY be on eg ved0 that checks drawre n the City f -187323e 9toco f ringgcheclt9. .amount o19409 to 19424 incl e inthe 'numbered checlteon ogiceo4 the it tComptroller. 1923. . . Adopted by he 18 »23 Dec, 18. ppprbved.Dec: (Dec. 23-1923) ORIGINALT CITY C -K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ...... .u3C.2_ AUDITED CLAIMS—IiESOLIITION FORM ==zs� NO•---- -.--. Foam D-34 1h1 12-22 924 D'Olt Ir& BY.. ..... COM ROLLER AUDITED .. ......... .... ..._........_..___-..._..:..-............192. ..... ...... ............. ..... PER....................'.._................._...........__... _.._... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.---.. 11, - 2 X38------_--------. covering checks numbered........ -19409 to 19424 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.. ................... .... 192_.-_-. Ferguson, -----.-----In favor McDonald Apprj v-.. ----- .-1 92 M-gax$udheimer Peter, ----------------------------- .......- . MAYOR Acting--- Mr. President, Nelson ' ------------------------- ----------- ................................................. .........._.-........-- 19409 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,650.45 Pol. & F. Alarm 19410 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,880.07 Schools 19411 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,555.95 Sewer Bond Fund 2301 Credit Bureau of Kngrs. Sal. 32.1 19412 Feyen Construction Company, - 3,510.00 L 1835 19413 Garrick Brothers, 289.00 L 1842 19414 Christ Johnson, 532.35 L 1857 ® 19415 J. F. Kain, Cashier Water Department 121.41 Water 19416 The C. Reiss Coal Company, - 287.90 Bridge Bldg. & R. 6.40 Workhouse 2800 19417 Clara M. Sohleh, 4.26 Com'r. of Finance s Res. 924 Page #2 19418 Sterling Printing Company, 5.00 14.50 Com'r. of Finance 6.00 Bureau of Engrs. 3.50 14.50 291.15 19419 J. Strane,water 19420 Com Company, Superior PSt. C. 7.00 153.50 & R.an 64.50 Schools Water82.00 IM '6 •19421 606.24 United Lead Company, Water 489.45_ 19422 Vacuum oil Company, Water 19423 Victory Printing Company, 14.40 102.15 Comer. of Finance 4. 0 Health 27.50 Bureau of Engrs. 1&0.00 v n It 11.25 Water 24.50 1�T5 19424 Contractors Supply & EquSpment Company, 294.00 P. Bldgs. Revl. s oi'rY off OT, PAOL QUADRUPLICATE M CRY CLERK _ 0oo8olL ``,, • HrLH No........_59l3.Qrc� ,�. Form D-34 IM 12.22 I ..... . ... ....... r... . .�R AUDRED.... ..._ ..._._ x..._.182......._ {Q r/"�qy . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$gre$ate amount of $----_ � ......................covering checks numbered ---------- 4AT9 -_-_--tc?cx............ inclusive, as per rekister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( if ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. pEV G 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council-------------- ------------------------------ 192 Ferguson, ---_-_------In favor McDonald, Approved - �. � ..1. ? � � ..................192 Msteam Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Nelson i Lam' Acting C•nesNo v -ed tha checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the 99-111 e mbnt. 4 9 312.886.62; .. rine heck ered 19373. as paras—f t 4 city � Ch pt do 81e In the oQlce o[ the City iComDiro Adopted 1 pproe by the Council Dec: 18;'1923: Approved Dec18 1823. �2-1923) d • C- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F— D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM nns No.. ............. 921 --------- - -- . . ..... . .. ....... ... 12.885,62 - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ................... ..... .......... I ..... .......... covering checks numbered ---------- 4379 t0FA...............................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( V ) Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council -.--.---p E.C..4-C.192$- -------------- ----192---..... Ferguson, :Jn favor C 192 --- McDonald, 2Apr ------------------------------- ........ 191 x== Sudheimer Peter, .................. Wenzel. --------------- Mainst MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson --------------- ................ ---------------- .............................................................. 19372 J. N. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 12,885.512 G.P.W.—Gen. Adm. 516.83 Bureau of Eners. 5,659.39 It Is (Auto) 357.50 it City Planning 706.26 St. C. & R. 1,167.88 It (Auto) 92.50 Sewer C. & R. 213925 S. & S. Clng. 2,541.05 it (Autoo 10000 Bridge Bldg. & R. 204.13 Crosswalks 72.50. Sprinkling 951.53 11 (Auto) 7.50 L 1836 A 101*80 L 1836 B 33.60 L 1841 101.20 L 1847 121.10 • L 1836 A (Auto) 7.32 L 1836 B 7.32 L 1841 5.54 1, 1847 7.32 12,885.52 ITS Os eT. a�UL QUADRUPLICATE ,n«T�K 5U304 '.+ COUNCIL Form13.34 1M 12-22 .. JAY-✓-� ` BY PTROt.LER... ii AUDITED......... .:. ................................. IB2. . ...._ ' 8... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a2ggregate amount of $..-... �t.. ............. ...._................covering checks numbered .......... 19-416............to..................inclusive, as per register of city the on file in the office of the City • Comptroller, Yes ( if ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. J)EC1 81923.........192..._...: Clancy, Adopted by the Council----------------------_ . ... Ferguson,--------------In favor'EC 1 s 1923 McDonald, Approved---- --------' - -- -------------- ---- ------------------_19-------- iiaison; SudheimBP Peter, ---------- Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson .. ctf..�5`� p� ang Resolved hat checks be drawn on the City Tr�a tT ell tit the aggregate - a mount o7l$17.218.09, ,eovering cheol<s numbered 19446 to 19585 ).,duel'., as per register of City cheoke on file In the offiCe of the City Comptroller. Adopted 1%the Council Dec, 18; 1923. Approvedec. 18; 1923., (Dec. 22-1923) • O=IGIaAI TO � O[Tx or ex. Pavy -—K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER . 5i�3C14 F..D-941M 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM r,y= NO .................................... 927 _.. U _. � �. MPTROLLER AUOITEO....___.... �.._..... -......__.192........._ `//'J{' Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.. L -218.09 _-_-----_-,.- covering checks numbered .._._....19446 ............ to--_ 18585 ----- ----------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. 8 �g23 Clancy, Adopted by the Council_PEC-......_-----------..__............. 192----- Ferguson, _----------In favor D E 81923 McDonald, App ov -. -- -- 192.------- 1dlaisToB,' S11CiheiIDer Peter, Against -------------- --------- Aeting MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 7 19446 - -----*--------------- ----- ------------------------------ .------------------------ ------------------------ * ------------- McClain & Redman Company, 3. 66 88.95 Comptroller Civil Service 9.50 u it 3.60 Municipal Court 3.40 u It 2.50 Bureau of En&ineers .65 tt a .50 Schools 54.00 It 2.25 Library 7.00 Markets 1.90 19447 A. C. McClurg & Company, 4.02 Library 305.00 19448 McGi118Warner Company, 19449 Debt Service Expense Mcwane Cast Iron Pipe Company, 580.00 Water 73.64 19450 Maendler Brothers, 58.80 C. H. & C. H. Library 6.34 Water 8.50 TIT.M- 19451 Mahle Wagon & Auto Company, 206.70 Sprinkling 23.50 4.73 2.17 X76 2.05 1.90 2.10 1.95 3.00 1.60 3.25 IB -Mr 37.21 3.75 40.96 2.00 27.63 29.63 2.60 30.40 6.80 15.85 18.00 43.44 6.00 40.96 24.37 1,281.00 1,415.33 29.63 166.53 82.40 1.8Q 386.00 Res. 927 Page ¢#2 19452 Mich. Maurus, C. H. '& C. H. 19453 Melady Paper Uompany, C. H. & C. H. Schools Park -Adm. 19454 Merrill, Greer, Chapman Company, Police 19455 Gus D. Messing, City Clark n ® Comer. of Finance Com" n it n C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Water 19456 Meyer Engraving Company, G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen 19457 Michaud Brothers, Schools 19458 Midway Varnish Company, C. H. & C. H. 19459 Millerburg Auto Electric Company, Fire Water 19460 Miller & Holmes, Workhouse 19461 Minneapolis Natural Slate Company, Schools 19462 The Mpls. & St.Louis Railroad Company, Wapter 19463 Minnesota Envelope Company, Comptroller Schools 19464 Minnesota News Company, Library 19465 Mitach & Heck Wagon & Aute Company, 19466 Fire Noah Farnham Morrison, Library , 19467 H. Mueller Mfg. Company, Water 23.50 4.73 2.17 X76 2.05 1.90 2.10 1.95 3.00 1.60 3.25 IB -Mr 37.21 3.75 40.96 2.00 27.63 29.63 2.60 30.40 6.80 15.85 18.00 43.44 6.00 40.96 24.37 1,281.00 1,415.33 29.63 166.53 82.40 1.8Q 386.00 4.65 8.94 12.82 2.81 7.00 21.39 7978 77 18.16 5.20 =7.6 75.20 3.12 5.49 86.72 35.05 4.86 13.50 4.41 22.57 3.35 1.90 2.65 3.00 A=. 75.96 9.81 5.25 10.56 22.64 .55 8.95 M 22.00 1.75 78.39 .75 2.25 104.10 23.36 78.32 183..50 124.22 9.50 - 16.82 91.06 Res. 927 Page #3 19468 Mullery Paper Box Company, BurealT of Engineers 19469 M. & M. Auto Top Company, Garage 19470 Nassau Paper Company, City Clerk Comptroller G.F.-Mist. & Unf. Police Bureau of Engineers Schools • u 19471 National Gas Governor Company, Workhouse 19472 National Industrial Conference Board, Library 19473 H. G. Neal Company, L 1710 19474 Newell Electric Company, Fire Garage 19475 New York Tea Company, Workhouse Water 19476 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Fire n It Arterial highways St. C. & R. It (Pay.) S. & S. Cing. Bridge Bldg.n & R. u u It u if 19477 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, Schools Garage Sprinkling L 1740 • nater 19478 Northern Battery Service Company, Fire Garage 19479 Northern Machinery Company, Schools 19480 ,Northern Malleable Iron Company, S. & S. Cing. 4.65 8.94 12.82 2.81 7.00 21.39 7978 77 18.16 5.20 =7.6 75.20 3.12 5.49 86.72 35.05 4.86 13.50 4.41 22.57 3.35 1.90 2.65 3.00 A=. 75.96 9.81 5.25 10.56 22.64 .55 8.95 M 22.00 1.75 78.39 .75 2.25 104.10 23.36 78.32 183..50 124.22 9.50 - 16.82 91.06 Res. 927 Page #4 19481 Northern Sctetes Power Company, 14.30 271.28 munio„ Emp. Bureau Art Museum 23.40 Fire 15.73 Health 65.47 S. & S. Cing. 23.34 Schools 12�$ 19482 Northern States Power Company, 2,431.20 Library 26.30 i+ 963*60 - Lighting 5.94 Auditorium 130.40 Water 11 304.96 19483 Northwestern Copper & Brass Works, 6.1a Fire 4.38 Garage 19484 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 935.79 C. H. & �. H. 58.77 ++ 29.06 + 39.90 Police 91.02 Pol. & F. Alarm 4.84 Itif 1.19 Bridge Bldg. & R. 1.83 Lighting 51.22 Garage 25.87 L 1662 615.55 L 1802 16.54 935.79 19485 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 426.45 Schools 309.71 Water 116.74 426.45 19486 Northwestern Stamp Works, 8.20 Library 19487 W. S. Nott Company, 3.25 Fire 19488 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 83.3 O, Health 19489 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 72.93 S. & S. Cing. .15 Bridge Bldg. & R. 4.00 Library 2.48 Park Refectories 6.95 - ++ ++ 20.00 ++ 24.85 Test. Labs. 3.27 it ++ 3.60 Water 7.63 '7'�3 Res. 927 Page #5 501.14 19490 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Schools 15.75 19491 J. E. Olen Company, 1.60 Fire Garage 14.15 �- 22.32 19492 Oriental Laundry Company, 21.04 Health 1.28 Schools 19493 Otis Elevator Company, 5.40 ® schools 19494 The A. N. Palmer Company, 210.00 Schools 74.85 19495 Palmer & Pitkin, 25.85 Lighting 17.75 Water ,t 31.25 74.$5 19496 Paper, Calmenson Company, 2.58 L 1841 19497 Park Machine Company, 3.00 Garage ' 19498 Pawling & Harnischfeger Company, 548.10' Water 17.25 19499 C. A. Pearson & Company, Schools 19500 H. Peitz & Son, Comir. of Finance 44.80 220.20 Partic. Certs. 17.00 Municipal Court 27,00 Health 4.15 Schools 98.00 Park -Adm. .50 24.75 2MU.a 19501 Peoples Auto Parts Company, 2.50 Water 19502 Peoples Coal & Ica Company, 361.50 , C. H. & C. H. 63.30 1+ 145.20 Schools 60.00 n 90.00 Library 3.00 19503 Pioneer Electric Company, 14.64 80.25 C. H. & C. H. v 29.31 Arterial highways 36.30 Res. 927 Page #6 19504 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, C. H. A C. H. Schools Test. Labs. Garage L 1763 Water 20.90 3.45 5 00 3.60 1.20 10.89 T6_.M 4.50 67.20 .33 2.35 .60 2.10 .55 .32 6.17' 2.32 8.00 1.20 3.50 18.70 18.70 -'8�8T .78 .60 2.90 1.45 .60 6.30 4.15- 1.50 1.60 11.35 45.04 100.00. 17.56 36.00 1.59 71.70 .79 13.00 64.84 31.23 19505 Premier Motor Car Company, Garage 19506 Prest-O-Lite Company, ® 19507 Garage Public Affairs Information Service Library 19508 .Public School Publishing Company, Schools 19509 Puffer -Hubbard Mfg. Company, Schools 19510 Pure 031 Company,, Pol. & F. Alarm 19511 Quayle & Kelley, Arterjgl highways Water 19512 Quick Print Company, Library 19513 Ramsey Motor Inn, St. C. & R. 19514 Raymer Hardware Company, C/ H. & C. H. n n u u Fire St. C. & R. (Pay.) Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Schools n n 19515 Raymer Hardware Company, ® Library Bureau of Parks n n tl Lighting 11 Garage P. Bldgs. Revl. L 1763 L 1773 Water 20.90 3.45 5 00 3.60 1.20 10.89 T6_.M 4.50 67.20 .33 2.35 .60 2.10 .55 .32 6.17' 2.32 8.00 1.20 3.50 18.70 18.70 -'8�8T .78 .60 2.90 1.45 .60 6.30 4.15- 1.50 1.60 11.35 45.04 100.00. 17.56 36.00 1.59 71.70 .79 13.00 64.84 31.23 Res. 927 Page #7 19516 Roe -James Glass Company, Schools Water 19517 H. A. Rogers Company Bureau of zngineers 19518 Milton Rosen &Company, Garage 19519 Royal Typewriter Company, Library 19520 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Schools 19521 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Library 19522 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, Fire 19523 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Schools Bureau of Parks u n n Playgrounds 19524 St.Paul Cadillac Company, Garage 19525 St.Paul Electric Lamp Compgny, Garage 19526 St.Paul Foundry Company, St. C. & R. it (Pay.) Sewer C. & R. It u Bridge Bldg. & R. L 1710 11 L 1763 It Water 19527 St.Paul Gas Light Company, C. H. & C. H. e Armory Art Museum Police 19528 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Library . n Bureau of Parks n n It 0 10.00 4.20 22.40 8.40 T.36 3.00 21.00 19.40' 104.90 48.00 3.50 9.00 130.00 2.75 83.37 2 294.14 3,067.96 81.28 15.25 333.56 r, 79ff7" 63.93 50.51 68.12 41.93 34.58 2.15 .75 134.?8 612.48 450.83 7.35 45.00 1.10 12.30 , 424.92 3,792.19 224.49 Res. 927 Page #8 19529 St.Paul Gas Light 00mpany, 59.81 park �Refectories 11 47,49 rounds 21.70 Plsyg e2.38 u in -M 103.79 548.74 90.43 76.35. 244.60. 101.80 19530 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 19.07 Test. Labs. 17.35 3.15 Markets it 2.07 62.15 Garage 1'a3:7� 19531 St.Paul Gas Light Company* 45.04 Auditorium 17.90 Sprinkling 20.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 465,30 Water �- 19532 St.paul Machine Works,Fire g.60 .10 Playgrounds 677.00_ L 1773 1� Water 19533 St.Paul Office Company* 4.50 ity Clerk ent .75 Corp. counsel 2.75 Com �r. of rinanee 11 it 1.80 s n ,s 3.75 Comptroller 2.25 7.00 Com r. of Finance 1.80 Comptroller Purchasing Department 16.20 Municipal Court 2.50 3.70 Health Bureau of En§ineers 3.30- 5.20 - u n 5.50 schools 1.20 Library .60 Park -Adm. 13.55 Water 'Tb�S 19534 St.Paul Produce Company* WorkhoCom 19535 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, 9.00 • Fire S. & S. Cing. s n 4.00 5.00 Bride Bld. & R. 7.00 .50 u n 10.00 Schools 15.00 33.30 Lighting 14.50 p Sprinkling50 = TM 103.79 548.74 90.43 76.35. 244.60. 101.80 Res. 927 Page #9 19536 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, 77.20 4ater 19537 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company, 25.00 C. H. & C. H. 19538 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 12.92 Health 19539 Chas. Scribner's Sons, 16.57 Schools 19540 The Seagrave Company, 81.91 Fire 19541 Seal Tite Piston Ring Company, 2.16 Garage 19542 Shanley Paper Company, 73.50 C. H. & C. H. 53.00 Police 11.00 Schools Ta 19543 D. B. Shotwell Company, 6.50 Fire 19544 Silver -Burdett & Company, 145.00. Schools 19545 A. P. Smith Mfg. Company, 76.40 Water 19546 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company, 78.15 Election Expense 77.15 Water 1.00 19547 Social Register Association, 6.00 Library 19548 Social Science Pamphlets, 47.25 Schools 19549 G. Sommers & Company, 65.61 City Clerk 4.50 Corp. Counsel 4.25 Civil Service 4.63 Purchasing Department 10.70 Schools 1.68 It 26.38 Library •72 Water lb'T • 19550 South Park Foundry Company, 107.22, Water 19551 Speedometer Servio-e & Accessories Company, 26.60 Fire 5.75 Garage 20.85 19552 S. S. Spencer Company, 39.08 Schools 1.49 6.47 7.96 x 136.80 ,.5u1,33.88 11,1.68 360.00 12.00 120.00 96.00 120.00 48.00 600.00 48.00 12.00 240.00 1,�. 139.00 12.30 5.35 2.00 10.00 3.25 l7r-. d' ' 44.45 58.00 38.00 140.45 34.20 7.96 20.82 135.00 70.00 7.50 18.34 2.00 1,150.68 1,656.00 171.90 140.45 15.00 3.50 Res. 927 Page #10 19553 Sperry Office Furniture Company, Water 19654 Standard Oil Company, Pol. & F. Alarm S. & S. Cing. 19555 G. E. Stechert & Company, Library 19556 Streator Clay Mfg. Company, L 1710 19557 Sweeney Clothes Cleaners, H. & C. H. C. 19558 Swift & Company, C. H. & C. H. 19559 A. H. Thomas Company, Water 19560 Edw. J. Thompson Company, Garage 19561 Thompson Yards, Schools L 1763 19562 Transit supply Company, Police Pol. & F. Alarm Health C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Schools It it Library Test. Labs. Water 19563 Tri -"tate Tel. & Telg. Company, C. H. & C. H. Armory Bureau of Parks Markets Lighting Garage 19564 Truseon Steel Company, L 1763 L 1802 • L 1813 19565 Twin City Fixture Exchange, Schools 19566 Underwood Typewriter Company, G.F.-Mise. & Unf. 1.49 6.47 7.96 x 136.80 ,.5u1,33.88 11,1.68 360.00 12.00 120.00 96.00 120.00 48.00 600.00 48.00 12.00 240.00 1,�. 139.00 12.30 5.35 2.00 10.00 3.25 l7r-. d' ' 44.45 58.00 38.00 140.45 34.20 7.96 20.82 135.00 70.00 7.50 18.34 2.00 1,150.68 1,656.00 171.90 140.45 15.00 3.50 192.00 13.53 10.64 216.17 1.05 25.20 11.50 6.00 9700 - 43.00 207.00 250.00 56.00 4.50 60000 .5T- 1.75 5.50 7.70 277.62 350.65 9.06 278.11 '9=. 4 1,110.00 27.87 216.17 37.75 14.00 134.40 18.00 21..73 250.00 70.00 260.50 13.00 7.25 9.00 923.14 Res. 927 Page #11 19567 United LeaddaCompany, ter 19568 Universal CarloaSchoolding Company, Bookound 19569 Valley Iron Works, St. C. & R. Schools It 19570 Van Paper Supply Company, City Clerk Schools n 19571 Villaume Box &L& Lumber Uompany, C. H. 19572 Waldorf Bindery Company, Library 19573 A. J. Wampler, S. H. & C. H. Police 19574 Washburn -Crosby Company, Water 19575 Washington Foundry Company, L 1710 Nater 19576 Western Badge & Novelty Company, Schools • 19577 Western Display Company, Wheelage Tax Arterial signs Schools 19578 West ppblishing Company, Corp. counsel 19579 R. B. Whitacre & Company, Inc., L 1763 Water • 19580 James T. White & Company, Library 19581 White Eagle 011 Company, Police Fire a It St. C. & R. 192.00 13.53 10.64 216.17 1.05 25.20 11.50 6.00 9700 - 43.00 207.00 250.00 56.00 4.50 60000 .5T- 1.75 5.50 7.70 277.62 350.65 9.06 278.11 '9=. 4 1,110.00 27.87 216.17 37.75 14.00 134.40 18.00 21..73 250.00 70.00 260.50 13.00 7.25 9.00 923.14 Rea. 927 Page #12 19582 John Wiley & Sons, 13.20 Schools 19583 H. W. Wilson Company, 18.35 - Schools 10.00 11 1.00 Library 2.25 n .60 n 50 8. 19584 The Womans Press, Schools • 19585 World Book Company, Schools 0 4.00 455.26 ���.No W305Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount Of $ ......... ... ..................checks numbered 19-507 ------------ -A . ....... 19 ... ... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the CityComptroller. yes ( I ) Councilmen Nays.Ferguson, In favorMr. President, Nelson 0 4thc city Tr..at check.be dm,oao,ou,t, the.her aPer registe or'-. checksthe Office of t0hf city cheek!"01�nsffic, �1Appred if, n 0 ORIGINAL TO CRY CL K Form D-34 1M 12-22 • I[] OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 5f X305 aOIISolr. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM rms NO ..... ....._................._.._....... 929 l B.� _ co M PTROLIER AUDITED. .: _......... _..........182......... I ; PE _ . ._. . ... g Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of --------- ,-- coverin checks numbered .----19.5.8-7 --------------- to ------19503--- ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( T ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.... -DSD t------ - e-}923-.-------- ----192------- Ferguson, McDonald, mer i� mtr Sudhet --------------in favor A rov � i -- ---------------------- -192------- PP% f D _ / Peter, ✓ ..............Against -- --• '7etrra MAYOR g Mr. President, Nelson 19587 Geo. Benz & Sons, Police 19588 so= nwealth Electric Company, Lighting 19589 G. L. Grenville, P. Bldgs. 19590 W. A. Johnson & Son, Police 19591 Seasbey & Mattison Company, Schools L 1763 19592 Library Bureau, G.F.-Mise. & Unf. Library Water 19593 Montana Meat Market, Schools 19594 National Cast Iron Pipe Company, Water 3.70 18.13 1.45 17.50 151.00 T9t"5 350.00 60.00 10.00 17.00 21.83 169.95 2.90 8,638.26 • 0 Res. 929 Page #2 19595 O'Neil & Preston, Water 19596 Remington Typewriter Company, City Clerk It It Wheelage Tax Corp. Counsel Civil Service u u Purchasing Dept. Municipal Court u it G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 19597 Remington Typewriter Company, Police it Pol. & F. Alarm n If C.p.W.-Gen. Adm. Schools u Garage Water 19598 St.Paul Medical Dispensary, Health 19599 St.Paul Paper Company, Police Park -Adm. 19600 C. J. Smith & Company, Garage 19601 The Texas Company, L 1802 Water 19602 W. J. Tople7, P. Bldgs. 19603 Verstraete Grocery Company, Schools 192.00 68.48 3.76 2.00 4.00 21.36 1.00 4.00 1.10 11.76 15.50 4.00 Ti$ -.48 925.60 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 123.50 48.00 2.10 745.00 _=_. 90 35.00 13.48 11.23 2.25 1 19.23. 7.95 2.65 5.30 770- 10.00 24.05 OITY OH 9T, PAOL QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK [��t('ee mz�Hatr NO..-5.Ut- 06----- F— D.34 1M 12-22 1 By CO p7ROLiFR AUDITED............_..._.:. �....:..... ...........:...........192........... PER...... ....... ....... .............. _......... -...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ... al -41..................... covering checks numbered ------------- 19.612. ----.... to— _....-.91&13--__.....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 1) EC 1 61923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..-.------- ----------------- -------------------- .... 192.... -.-- Ferguson, -_------In favor DEC 1 319 • McDonald, Approved------------ ...------ -- ------------------ - ------------------------ 192 Mme- Sudheimer Peter, Wenzel. -----Against Mr. President, Nelson Acting $ . C. F. No: 60306— Resolved that ch-ks be drawn oa the City' Treasury. to ta he ggregate nt f826.081.41', -3.ri ng. becks umbered 19612 to. 9161inClust—, a psr r gister f.Clty Cheoks n als SD the ftice f the City .Comptroller. Adoptedby-the Cou.Cit.Doc. 18, 1923. Approved De 18, -.1923. ORIGIN -10 Cln CLERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 0 0 OFFICE OF THE coMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—R&ONTION FORM No. 5(3.U6- 931 1_2 By. ...... AUDITED- -- - ------- PF R................. .... 5o 081.41 .................. covering f$ - - -------------------- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMretate amount city c- hecks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.-----------19612to .inclusive, as per register of c Comptroller. Yes %I ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson,, --__._..In favor McDonald, Mo"em Sudheimer Peter, __-_........Against - Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson DEC I ^ 1923 .192 Adopted by the Council.-.--------- --- - -------- -- - — Approv 0 --------------------- —192 - ------- .......... -- ---- A6tfn9MnYoa' 19612 Eugene Bryan, Attorney for Margaret Kane Compromise G.F.-Judgment & 19613 J. M. Clancy.- Treas. Police Pension Fund Police Pension Fund 141 (Bal. of 1923 Appropriation) j 200.00 24,881.41 atTY OF ei. PMOL _ gUADRUPLIGTE . TO cWV CL K - co— NO--.5 Form D-84 1M 12.22 BVOLLER ..............` PER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-....i.���rf-.�---------------------- covering checks numbered .-_:..19&Q4-..-...._._-.to...-...1-9fj�---.---- -----inclusive, as per register of city checks' file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ®EC 1 c, 1921� Clancy, Adopted by the Council ....-...._...... .. ............. .......... Ferguson,.............In favor--------- McDonald,Approved - _'. ��._ 1--- -- -----------.192- ----- .)4slaew,— Sudheimer Peter, ---- ----- ---- Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson C", Acting ��` C. g; No. 66367— be drawn on geeolveTreaeurYhd theto 9overing checks the city amaunt� of $16.271.419811 inclusive, ae. ,.Per re6late 9604 city hecks on fila. In the office of -.the City 1923. - Adopted by the Council Dec. S8, f� APProved Dec- 18 1921)r (Dec • BISY Ox BS. PPL �� ONIOIN-- eirrrl.eRK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �oIIsai� 5030_ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PIL= NO ...... Farm D -s4 1M 12.22 930i� y /� . r By COMPTROLLER AUDI ED --........... .f92 _..._ ....... ._... _. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-. __. 6;2T'A*.%rn---------- ------------ covering checks numbered ......1964--------------- to_.__...19.611....... ....... inclusive, as per, register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. DEC 1 -- - - - --------- 192 - Clancy, Adopted by the Council_--.-----...-�-- - Ferguson,j 819`23 _............In favor !� McDonald, Appro 192 Sudheimer - - / 3.tatselt; % Peter, - �/L Wenzel. -. ----------Against - -�- ---------. --' -Acting MnYon Mr. President, Nelson / 19604 Campbell Coal Company, Workhouse 19605 J. m. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Water it (Auto) 19606 Kennedy Valve Mfg. Company, Water 19607 Multipost Company, Comptroller 19608 National Lead Company, Water 19609 W. P. Nevins Company, Water 19610 C.A.P. Turner Company, Water 19611 United Lead Company, Yater 5,365.18 27.50 71-307 0 315.15 5,392.68 ,3,851.81- 7.39 4,055.07 1,790.39, 250.00 611.93 COUNCIL8 0 503 oRICINAL ro � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__.-.-.-�----------- CITY CLERK ` APPR PRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR 'CHART SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY COMMISSA*R------ h---C_.e Y�eI1,ZP..1---------------------- ----------------- -------------- DATE- Dee----.1�-3... 1923-...------.-..__-._. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE'ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE 54 54 APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM I TRANSFEREO TO Playground Salaries Playground Other Expense $500.00 YES ( J) COUNCILMEN (%r) NAYS C. F. No. 60308—By W. C. Wenzel - ,.� ' Resolved,. That the following trans-. Pere be made on the books of the Comp-., ;troller when by so. doing an unavoid- In it.. may be met able deftolerey by said transfer without hampering the'. work provided for. by the money In. the its f -wh $60transferredl h the. transfer Is mads 0 00' from Code 54. pl yground Salaries to -Code 64 Play �. il/M1V/Iryl.` ground Other .Adopted bb the Council Dec. 18, 1923.. De 8, 1 e. 'r j (923. Approved . . -192 11ec. 22-1923) o �3 Ip YES ( J) COUNCILMEN (%r) NAYS $500.00 DEC IS 1923 t9 ... ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ - __---.. 1DEQ' 181923 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY_ _....................___..----.____------_ CITY COMPTROLLER CLANCY ,.� FERGUSON yt/' MCDONALD----------- IN FAVOR Y MATSON n / PETER -------------- AGAINST WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT FaaM on (m s.u) $500.00 DEC IS 1923 t9 ... ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___ - __---.. 1DEQ' 181923 MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY_ _....................___..----.____------_ CITY COMPTROLLER ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..503 9 CITY C -It APP IAT N RANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ` CHARTER ION 208' P�ENTED BY T T, o 'j COMMISSIONER........................................ ....................................... DATE-.. L.�OQR1 u.Q --_ .--}-- ..t 1--..--._ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFER— TO 24 Police & Fire Alarm galarieB 1000.00 24 Police & Fire Alarm Other Exp. 10100.00 1A 3 ORee v'ed03That$y O O 6udheimer_ 1' tho f llowing trans. _ •-,s '� '.a trolie o when ..,he ,the baoka oY the Comp. , able Ij "'hcy I--- eoing an unayold- he t dk prowl ed or b bampering made. m Yrom which the the money In - 2100o.00 trnneter 1¢ .lice & transferred pfom Co Fire Al¢rm Salarlae tode 24 Po- I 'P Ids & -Flra Alarm Other Exp ude 29, APPpovedbDech 18, 3923. Des 38, 1922, I (Dae. 22-1923) YES 17) COUNCILMEN ( J) NAYS DEG 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - --._......--- ..--------------- i9.-.__--_-_ ® CLANGS. CLANCYFERGUSON MCDONALD ----------------IN FAVOR ms 18'923 { „C -- _......... APPROVED--___- ...._�._ . - __.. 19__..____ M ATSON PETER .......O. ------ AGAINST �LtJ�i �-..... _..._... ..-.____-__... e----_._..... ..----------- MAYOR 9 WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ....... ............... .........................__..._---- CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT FORM Du (s» rD) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FELENo ------ -�—�--- dFFICE OF THg CITY CLERK (F COUNCIL, RESOLUTION —GENERAt FORM PRESENTED � '"�/ DATE_-___.__._..._.._._..._---.------------------------------- _....._ WHEREAS, It appears that Henry Martin, through mistake, was issued Permits No. 6585 and 6595, and it appearing that both of said permits are for the same work; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Permit No. 6585 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Henry Martin in the sum of Two Dollars and Ninety cents ($2.90), being the amount he paid Yeas therefor. Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __.... __ In favor Matson ;%Peter. .Against Wenzel Ar. President . 11 C. F. No, 50310—By H. C. Wenzel— Whereas, It appears that Henry.hlar- tin. through mjatnke, was ieaued'Por- mite No. 6585 to 8695, and it appearing that both of said permits are for .the same. work; therefore, be it Rosolved, That Permit No. 6585 be and the same le hereby cancelled, and theproner city officers are hereby au- thorized and directed to draw a war- rant In favor of said Henry Martin in the sum f Two Dollars and Most Cents ($2.90),. being the amount he paid therefor: . Adopted by theCouncll Dec. .18,'1923. Approved Dec. 18, 1923. ' (Dec. 22-1923) pr_"; t „ 1y'l.3 Adopted by the Council.... ------------ 192- F Q 92.FG Approved etrng MAVOR December 12, 1923. ` Mr. Carlton F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: Iliay I ask you to draw up for rue an ordinance or resolu- tion which I can present to the Council authorizing the City Comptroller to mail a check for $?2.90 to Mr. Henry Martin, 306 Capital National Bank Building. The reason for this request is that tivo permits were is- sued for the same job, one permit being taken out by the contractor and one by the owner. As only one permit is necessary, we desire to cancel permit 6585, for which the owner _raid this fee of :$2.90, and arrange so that this amount will be returned to him. The other permit is #6595 and this one will, remain in force, to cover the construction of this building. Yours very /truly, Commissioner. HSB.. J r (8ttg of.st. Paul V4artatent of Parks. PIaugrpunbs ana laublir jouflatnas WM. T. MARCHI ' sort. Rs HER t C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST ,J o N. IRVING��[V�` PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMI8910NER FRANK X. TEWES•S. OFFICE OF COMMIS810NER Cm ARCHITECT 21. COURT HOUSE 4apk@ December 12, 1923. ` Mr. Carlton F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: Iliay I ask you to draw up for rue an ordinance or resolu- tion which I can present to the Council authorizing the City Comptroller to mail a check for $?2.90 to Mr. Henry Martin, 306 Capital National Bank Building. The reason for this request is that tivo permits were is- sued for the same job, one permit being taken out by the contractor and one by the owner. As only one permit is necessary, we desire to cancel permit 6585, for which the owner _raid this fee of :$2.90, and arrange so that this amount will be returned to him. The other permit is #6595 and this one will, remain in force, to cover the construction of this building. Yours very /truly, Commissioner. HSB.. J r CITY i I I COUNCIL No -----"5 FILE No..60331—BY H C Wenzel— �'t i. OFFICE �d-byepee� u e owulingtproP.,ty rebut COUNCIL RE'g on the enet alae of slmpaon sir etween -Charles end Edmund 8tr et. the. Clty of 8t. Paul raQueetingdh . l3V ���.I he •'pullding line est blishbd by rovielone of the ; z Hing, ordi_TE-........ ._... _..... .._._................ __.-- �:'heiese,eIt apr+'Y - ns of BEotfo"l rto' nava h'• WHEREAS, An application "as oden filed by persons owning property abutting on the east side of Simpson street, between Charles and Edmund streets, in the City of St. Paul, requesting that the building line established by the provisions of the zoning ordinance along the east side of Simpson avenue between said points be changed so as to allow the building of porches two and one-half feet beyond the building line; and WHEREAS, It appears that all the provisions of Section 20 of the"zoning ordinance have been complied with, and it further appearing that the Zoning Board recommends that said petition be granted; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the building line on the street, between the pointe above described, be and the same is hereby changed and extended two feet beyond the present building line for the purpose of allowing the construction of porches which extend 81 feet beyond the buildings located at said place. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __--- ._.. In favor ,Matson Peter _.....__..Against -"Wenzel / Mr. President DEG 161923 Adopted by the Council— .............. --- --__... -._.192..... DEC 1819TI Approved-: ..- --- .192 Acting Acting �tiilSt�b j HENRY OLSON �ltp ®f 6aint atitY CITY CLERK (Office of (flu (91crk December 12th, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith petition relative to changing the building line of the east side of Simpson Street, between Charles and Edmund Streets, which was referred to you by the Council, for the proper form of resolution. enc. H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK Yours very trnly.--- CITY C //j November 26, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the petition of property ovmers relative to the changing of the building line on the east side of Simpson Street, between Charles and Edmund Streets. The Zoning Board, after carefully considering this matter, recommends that the Council grant th13npetition by extend- ing the building line two feet so as to allow the building of porches eight and one-half feet deep, in accordance with Paragraph J, Section 20. Yours truly, 7 �c�retay,ni g Board. FXTewes-U ,alp 41tg 5!"St. Paul Department of Barks, Plaggrounbo WM: 7. MARCH; anh public alml&tggs ;.suFr. or FARse HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNE SUPT. OF FLATYORWNNos IRVING C. -RCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER CR ARCNITO=T 215 COURT HOUSE �® November 26, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the petition of property ovmers relative to the changing of the building line on the east side of Simpson Street, between Charles and Edmund Streets. The Zoning Board, after carefully considering this matter, recommends that the Council grant th13npetition by extend- ing the building line two feet so as to allow the building of porches eight and one-half feet deep, in accordance with Paragraph J, Section 20. Yours truly, 7 �c�retay,ni g Board. FXTewes-U ,alp HENRY OLSON �1/`�p Ot �`� Paul H. J. RIORDAN (Office CLERK ASST. CITY CLERK ce a# @litg Clerk November 14th, 1923 Mr. F.X. Tewes, Secretary, Zoning Committee. Dear Sir: Attached herewith petition for a change of the building line on Simpson Street between Edmund and Charles Streets, so as to allow the building of porches eight and one-half feet deep. The above matter was referred to the Zoning Committee by the Council, for report. Yours very truly, one. CITY CLBR$. Rt.paul,Minn,Nov.14,1925. To The Honorable,the Council, City of St.paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your honorable body to cause the following change to be made in the huilding line on Fast side of Simpson St.between Charles and Fdmund Its, ?n the following manner. Building line to be extended two feet,for these reasons. The building line as it now exists does not permit the building of a porch any deeper than six feet (inside measurements) and if line is extended outward as proposed an eight ft.deep porch may be built if so desired. ................................. Name lot Block Addition 17 6- Rt.Paul,M1nn.Nov.v,14u3. To The Honorable,The Council City of Rt.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: C ve,the undersigned property owners,hereby petitionyour Honorable Body to cause the following Change in build".ing line to be made on Simpson St.between Edmund and Charles Sts.in the following NK)Mv manner. The building line as it now exists permits only six and one half foot deep porches,it is proposed that the line be extended so as to permit the building of porches eight and one half ft.deep(outside measurements). Name Lot Block Additioh CITY OF ST. PAUL eoueaea NO....._ 5®3.%,1.x__ FILE C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Il WHEREAS, A petition has been filed by Mrs. Marie A. Steffen, requesting permission to enlarge the store and flat building located on the northeast corner of Palace street and Snelling avenue to the full extent of the lot; and it further appearing that all the pro- visions of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance have been complied with, and it further appearing that said Zoning Board has recommended that said permission be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said applicant to enlarge the building located on the above property to the full extent thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy FergusonV /McDonald In favor ✓ Matson P� Peter _...(.•... _Against fWenzel /Mr. President x. c. >n has I of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordin ' have been complied wtth. and It Sher appearing that said Zoning 8 has recommended that said permle begranted; therefore. be It Resolved,' -That "th-Commlesione Parka.. Playgrounds and Public 111 Ings be and he: le hereby authorize Adopted by the Cpuneil Dec -18. 1923. Approved Dec. 18. 1823. (Dec. 22-1923)- Adopted by the Counci 192__. Approved �t(n9 Maros HENRY OL50N �LILLp OL taint Abut H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK � /p��� of HTty„ FRf_rl. VVttlJll 1 V116 �LIDDecliember 12th, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, S u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith petition of Mrs. Marie A. Steffen requesting permission to enlarge the store and flat building located on the northeast corner of Palace and Snelling Ave. to the full extent of the lot, which was referred to you by the Council for the proper form of resolution. Yours very truly. one. CITWI /� L02?, to that I«'tain Droper`tyy- located -st (Bitu of $t. Paul tC; the' noyth ant. corner of, Palace ind,S'nellinge Ave: and Baid'nppml hav- Y.....1 tp the,' -Boar oY. !ng• been , 7:iOnit Bald BOBTd 11h.Vtng W ti1II z1epadmettt 1>f hacks, plapgcttuttitB a+alld [m• dnY6.theceaftet' Snwriting, It6 retoinmendattons to„ ttie Councl), aub Public Aluilitittg8 - A C. CII oY the ;City oY.flt. Pnul Ane. daed,ahe 12th da9 oY Decep?har,. 1923, at Len:.o'clock tpp, t}1e forenoon, n"the Council is 'the Cit9::,Ha11 Or HERMAN C. WEIVZEL, COMMISSIONER ,Chamber 881d,alty, Rad at '681d "time :And .DlD.ce- - IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER the Council w111, Aear" all Def :Ona and all 'uhlectloaB 8nd ieCOIII[neUdBti... OFFICE OF COMMI6310NER relatlVe"-t0 Bald/D;OP eed AI[ten(1Snenf. 218 COURT HOUSE ,Rated N4lvember'23th, . HENRY 07SON- `y Cferk.. "Ctt , � ® � (iyec..:a-}323) Council that permission be granted to enlarge the store and flat building now on Lot 12, Block November 26, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court Rouse. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith correspondence and petition of Mrs. Pdarie A. Steffen, requesting permission to enlarge the store and flat building, situated on the northeast corner of Palace and Snelling, to the full extent of the lot. The Zoning Board, after carefully considering this peti- tion, recommends to the Council that permission be granted to enlarge the store and flat building now on Lot 12, Block 12, Sylvan Park Addition, in accordance with Paragraph b, Section 20. • Yours//truly, S Zoning bXvewes-U creta , ,HENRY OLSON Citp Of 6aint Paul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK - ASST. CITY "ERK Office of (Situ Cerh November 20th, 1923 Bon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith petition of Mrs, Marie A. Steffen requesting permission to enlarge his store building on Lot 12, Block 12, Sylvan Park Addition, located on the northeast corner of Palace and Snelling Avenue. This matter was referred to you in order that the Planning Board may advise the Department of Finance what property !ill be affected thereby. Yours very truly, oneCITY LEBR. November 14, 1923. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, :,Iinnesota. Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, am the owner of Lot 12, Block 12, Sylvan Park Addition, which property is located on the northeast corner of Palace and Snelling. This lot is 50.75 feet by 122.56 feet long. There is now a two story brick building on this lot, and this building consists of a store on the first floor and a flat above, and occupies 26 feet of this property. I respectfully request that permission be granted to en- large this store and flat above to the full width of the lot and in support of same I am attaching the required signatures. Yours very truly, I' iV CITY CLERK'S 0'',' NOV YP .rn , n 4 13-�';a',n November 14, 1923. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, :,Iinnesota. Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, am the owner of Lot 12, Block 12, Sylvan Park Addition, which property is located on the northeast corner of Palace and Snelling. This lot is 50.75 feet by 122.56 feet long. There is now a two story brick building on this lot, and this building consists of a store on the first floor and a flat above, and occupies 26 feet of this property. I respectfully request that permission be granted to en- large this store and flat above to the full width of the lot and in support of same I am attaching the required signatures. Yours very truly, I' iV St. Paul, Minn .,........ ..Namenher....14..192...3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Enlarge ....the ....store.... and ...i.lat.._bui-lding..._ta....th.e....i.u11..-w dth....of....lat... ............. (50.75'), which is located on Lot 12. Block 12� Sylvan ParkS4--AV, C.- ......................................................................................................................................... at the corner of Palace and Snelling. .,f*eM ........................................... - ...... .............................St. Ave. to- -----...------- —...._..._................_._._..........._....... St. Ave. M= �C BUCK ADDITION IVP i M= �C 50313 CITY OF ST. PAUL couRca FILE o ---------- _-...-.-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ............ D. e-CEmhET..... . ..... 5-92.'1._..._ RESOLVED That the Purchasing kgent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one No. 1 Improved Smith Tapping Machine, 2- 3/4" and 2- 111 drills, also 3 each of sizes 211 to 8" drills for above machine, at a total cost not to exceed X998.00, wiLhout asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge `Tater Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 1tDonald _...._In favor /Matson ,/Peter ................ Against /Wenzel ✓1v1r. President Adopted by the Councill)EL_1192.----- E)F-C 18 1923 Approved --- - - --- -... ...192... . . a-. // MPYOR v CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO•____5031-4 , FILE R OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �m'teh.�RESENTED BY .... DATE......P.t....._._.._._...._............_.......tESOLv That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby aurized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, three 1donroe Calculating +iachines, at a total cost not to exceed $600.00, without asking for competitive bids, tie these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School Equipment- 41.7j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson L„/' ,McDonald ................In favor ✓Matson (j Peter ...Against ✓Wenzel ,Mr. President pEV 1 a 1923 192.-.... Adopted by the Council------- -------------------------- Ap oved._....DEC..f_ ,�n ..... - 192...... GOUNCR No..- CITY OF ST. PAUL vise OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM //w ✓f 7 10 0 _-__ December 17, 1923_ That the Purchasing sgent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, three Edison Dick mimeographs X78, at a total cost not to exceed 5450.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School Equipment 41-7j. • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson YlcDonald __._.__....In favor /Matson Peter ..... Against Wenzel /Mr. President A. E: the petiti"e bide. as —X, ticle9 and o harge Sc .could e gained therebY- Chnr6e School 8,1923 ment 41-71•- the Cane0l Dec. 18, 1823 Adopted by Approved (Dec. 281823) Adopted by the Council' (.-S--1929 ------- .----- 192...... €I S 8 192 APPr d - - - _... -- ...192.._.. ------------------ ................ ;-VOR OR No. - Vila 60316—ny: W. J. Peter— FILE - --- --- Whereae,.The Council of the.Clty .,el COUNCIL WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul heretofore, by con- struction,resolution assed mOctober l aintenanceandoperatiexpressed9, 1923 on the Chicago, Milwaukeet&eSt Paul Railway Company of a line of railway extending from a connection with its Short Line, so-called, in the vicinity of St: Clair street in o generallysouthwesterly uponand ethereasterlytion bankrofothegthe Ford Mississippi Motor Company p River, and from thence across the river and across the Fort Snelling Military Reservation to a connection with the Iowa and Minnesota Division of said Railway Company at or near the south line of the City of Minne- apolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by and through which resolution the City Council requested the favorable consideration of the pr Tea federal authorities of the application of the said Railway Company to cross said Fort Snelling Military Reservation; and AREAS, In the construction of said line of railway it is - necessary to bridge said Mississippi River; and AREAS, There is now before the Senate and House of Represent- atives of the United States proposed bills granting to the said Railway Company authority to construct, maintain and operate a railway bridge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi River as aforesaid; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of St. Paul hereby requests the favorable consideration of said bills, and that copies of this resolution, properly certified, be furnished the proper oommittee or committees having consideration of said bills., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _._-..In favor Matson Peter _."._._. Against fWenzel ,,/Mr. President Adopted by the Council _DFC...1_0..19.2. -------192.--- nEQ 1 1995 _192...._ APP ro .d .. V .....................� MAYOR RESOLVED COUNCIL No --------±_ 16J:_ CITY OF ST. PAUL vae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Commissionerof public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Water, City of St. Paul, whereby said Bureau of Water are to use one of the Cityss sprinkling wagons for construction work at Fridley, Minnesota and pay a rental of S1.00 per day for use of said sprinkling wagon from the time it is delivered to the Bureau of Prater until the time it is returned to this Department. Saidund money to be paid into the Sprinkling Revolving F. Said sprinkling wagon shall be returned to this Department in as good a physical condition as when taken outland any repairs made necessary through its use by said Bureau of Water, shall be paid for by that Bureau. C. P. No. 60317—ByW: S. Pot et- -Ro .1-d," That the C4..-1ssion r t Vablle Works le hereby authorized to app—o" ueu "(Dec as I3zaj: COUNCILMEN """'"P° ®EG 1 B 1929 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ..... .._.192..... ClancyJ Ferguson `IL. Ap ed . _ fie- $ 19 _ jvlcDonald In favor Matson U _ ... _.__.-.MAYOR 'Peter ---.......__Against Wenzel Mr. President WEt, Install: ,e—I-r-One pole on the east sine of Prior -Avenue, second north of Jefferson Avenue. "C -Two poles on the west side of the alley east sfRice Street, first ✓ and second south of At.:ater Street (for platform). 7yjt_One pole on the north side of the al.ey south of Selby Avenue, second ✓ east of Milton 6treet. !D,7<—One pole on the south side of the alley north of Goodrich Avenue, first east of Douglas Streets. 040ne pole on the south side of the alley north of Biair Street, second v west of Kent Street - Commercial lighting. :74th necessary guys% and anchors. �K All eec6 extensions, Doles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervleion oan f the Commieeiondeeti ' be or( sash tio. End height aard 1 erecter -Ibeshell the provisions oCCcdinance No. YI4/, and of aIt °thee lawful ocdlnenceit.s and reaolphud.tiodna ofahe Ch wireet Paced designate, andund tintwhebF of the Cduncll shell deem that the poblte All l pot should hoe ld be et, reed any ndlnll such poles ehnIndn ba tnkeo down and renEnver of Public Utilities shell deai¢nata, °n Interest ao revulces, and when it ehan ao order. remove v Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonaldla favor Matson U Smith --Against Wenzel Mr. President I)EQ 131923 Adopted by the Council_ . _........ _..._ ..._._ ............................192......... Adoed..._ ..._... ._.. _ ...................................192.......... ........................... ......MAYOR Ia�S�mIG� COUNCIL ........ 50318 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL ` No. s J' Pet ,F0RM C U.N�F solved, That the Bt. Paul Gae and 1 11 *.Eb Company is hereby ordered ed to extend its elect"-' lines ........... and etril ging-.Wiree DATE.. ......._ ........._ PRESET: BY •ding poles dor the transmiesl'on of .else-' COMMISSIONER ..... ... .. ... ... .. ... .. -Antand In the IlowlAg sllF e of aid aitY RESOLVED: ele on the east side by create¢ poles and atrin¢mg wires thereon for the treosmissim of a"' - 4 K^� That the St. Paul Ges LI¢bt Company is hereby ordered and dire o[ said city: c ted and north, I.na n t. trtcit, on evd in the followin¢ elleya and streets „ I Rice 1z-11-23 WEt, Install: ,e—I-r-One pole on the east sine of Prior -Avenue, second north of Jefferson Avenue. "C -Two poles on the west side of the alley east sfRice Street, first ✓ and second south of At.:ater Street (for platform). 7yjt_One pole on the north side of the al.ey south of Selby Avenue, second ✓ east of Milton 6treet. !D,7<—One pole on the south side of the alley north of Goodrich Avenue, first east of Douglas Streets. 040ne pole on the south side of the alley north of Biair Street, second v west of Kent Street - Commercial lighting. :74th necessary guys% and anchors. �K All eec6 extensions, Doles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervleion oan f the Commieeiondeeti ' be or( sash tio. End height aard 1 erecter -Ibeshell the provisions oCCcdinance No. YI4/, and of aIt °thee lawful ocdlnenceit.s and reaolphud.tiodna ofahe Ch wireet Paced designate, andund tintwhebF of the Cduncll shell deem that the poblte All l pot should hoe ld be et, reed any ndlnll such poles ehnIndn ba tnkeo down and renEnver of Public Utilities shell deai¢nata, °n Interest ao revulces, and when it ehan ao order. remove v Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonaldla favor Matson U Smith --Against Wenzel Mr. President I)EQ 131923 Adopted by the Council_ . _........ _..._ ..._._ ............................192......... Adoed..._ ..._... ._.. _ ...................................192.......... ........................... ......MAYOR Ia�S�mIG� VA PRESENTED BY i COUNCIL r�� 211 FILE No.... 50�/..1�.. w; JPeter—.6� .............. C. No. 603Th Bytho St. Paul 'ii it Resolved. ie herehy order_ and Light Co>toDae_Lend•• its.. electrical lint, UNCIL :direetod the tranetn�seton nQ. wirRM RESOLVED: .tr�icit> on sad in at the St. "anhe fellowing allay, and stieis s s d of said city nd streets of said arty:- , t* Install. I. n the Hort*.:... DATE ............. .... ........ .... .... ... D .... ... . On° ols scaror: sy an t` -"th St. = Ch. tsorth Three poles un the j{1Davo.,..flrst, ern Ave baf lines by erecting poles and -Mainz wires thereon for the transmission of elec- Comm Her oi. 12-14-23 on of Install: 10C_0ne pole on the north side of the alley south of Tuscarora Avenue, first west of Chatsworth Street. trl( Three poles on the south side of Canfield Avenue, fist, second, and third west of Davern Avenue. Commercial lighting. tn'-' Two poles; one on the northeast corner of Bayard and Chatsworth; and one Eyton the east side of Chatsworth, first south of Bayard Avenue. 1One pole on the northeast corner of west Seventh and Jellett Streets. c- ,Twenty-two poles on the west side of Raymond Avenue, bet:,een Tainter and Como Avenues 'Municipal lighting. T -lith necessary guys and anchors. Kh wires ehal! be erected and constructed wader the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all hinge abloc, to Ail such e:tevaions, Doles end Prod - the provisions at Ordinance No. 4/Ye, and or all other lawful ordinances and resolutions If the City of SL Paul. Commissioner of Public Utilittea shall designate, and sbull be of such height and haracter a he 'hall All poles should be set Iv such location in said alleys aad atreen u the l be liken down and removed, and ouch wires piaced underground whevever the Council shall deem that the public d Interesttsa ll a res and wh,,s adshall order �ss,hall an Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays pEC t 81923 Adopted by the Council....._. Clancy .......... ..........._-__.................192......... Ferguson -11-k < c 1413 Ad ted....'O.E. _. McDonald __ .............lo favor Matson .t..::...... Smith Against Wenzel� .. ........ .. .. MhYOR Mr. President COUNCIL NO-5WO lCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ------ OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK N RESo ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ':� ................ COMMISSIONER.__.........._-__----------_.._...._...._...._ . RESOLVED That applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Restaurants at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health: pappas & Dupre, 651 VPabasha St., Notein sanitaryaurant condition, lication y� condition, and building is not properly proteetad to prevent water from freezing in cold weather; impossible to keep place in proper condition. Mrs. Nathan Coleman, 234 E. Fairfield Av. Restaurant Application No. 4415. A second story flat i occupied by family. Expect to use front room as restaurant and cook in kitchen. These rooms connect with living rooms. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy/ Ferguson 1 -4 - McDonald ... ...,In favor �(M6Mij SudheimEr ✓✓Peter ... Against /Vlenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ ---- ..--- .---- ._.. Approed.--_.._.__..--_---_. --- ---- G 192 -192...... TY OF ST. PAUL Fo ERca No.---- 5032. ICE OF CITY CLERK I L RESO ON- GENERAL FORM �t PRESENTED BY t ______________ _- DATE.._.._DeQeMbOX.---1D,,_..19.Z3.._......._ CommISSIONER......._....:___------------__: ................. _.................._....................._......_... RESOLVED That licensee for handling and selling soft drinks at the addresses indicated issued to the following persons be and the same are hereby revoked on account of violation of prohibition law in said places: Albert W. Timmons, 45b Jackson St., License No. 1018, Soft drink. Raided by Federal agents on June 15, 1923. Convicted in Federal court, fined and sentenced. R. R. Bryant Set- 400 Wabasha St., License NO -1456, Soft drink. Raided Oct. 22, 1923- Bar- tender convicted in Federal Court, fined and sentenced. COUNCILMY:N Yens Nays Adopted by the Council_ .._------- ---- ------------ ---------192----- Clancy Ferguson �/ Approved --- ._.. _....._..----..._.. ---- --..._...192----. McDonald ___.. _...In favor Lttiih3C Sudhe im�r - ... - - ----------------- -_---- MAYOR v/peter ..... --..... Against /W'enzel f/IVtr. President 5 V -322 d F. NO. 60322—Ry G. C. Sudheimer-7 CITY 9F ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO... FILE — 'R...1—d,:That tue appllcetlons for o OF THE 61TY CLERK at the j licensesandlinandheeA n FogdetuRe _70E a adreeees Indicated �e and the.sameare . RES TION—GENERAL FORM hereby granted and the City Clerkle'. 1 'tr..ted.;o. issue such licensee oven' the paYment, let- the city treaeury - December 1ffi:,. 1923 ....._.... _ PRESENT .the customary fee: commisS.:.;. 41I�� r, e28 RaYinond:.A•' ... ... ... ... ._.. .. .. ..... ..._. DATE................_. .._ ...... .......__...._ RESOLVED ' for licenses of the following That the applications for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses persons indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Allen Bros., 928 Raymond Ave., Grocery A. J. Falkeg, 1201 Edgerton St., o William Gertz, 1164 Selby Ave., D. E. Larson, 12bO Payne Ave., " F. A. Larson, X93 Westminster, „ Harry Levy)- 1824 Grand Ave., 425 University Ave., Confeotionery Eddie Likens, F. G. Mueller, 1459 Jefferson Ave., Grocery H. A. Rapp, 91 W. 9veamore St., " Sam Rin, 251 W. Sixth St., 396 Robert St., Confeotionery Dru Ryan Drug Co., George Seminler, 31b Rondo St., Grocery it B. Shapiro & Son, 500 Rondo St., 72 W. Seventh St., Confectionery S. D. Stocking, Strenglis Bros.,468 Wabasha St., If mon£-drug Arthur J.-Treaey, 1098 Grand Ave., 679 F. Third St., Confectionery Suver We by, W. J. Coleman, 540 Cedar St. Soft drink James M. Munyer, 144 S. Wabasha St., Grocery If W. G• Goldberg, 6(1 Oakdale Av., Soft drink A. Dommiano, 751 Payne Av., 33 W. 6th St., Confectionery Theodore Nikas, J. J. Glancy, 426 S. Robert St., Grocery A. A. Behnke, 180 Concord St., Rypolita & Cesternino,21b W. 7th St., Bakery Perry Smith, b15 Grand Av., 28( Robert St., oft drink Frank Metz, Fred Casper, 4 RiceSt., 11 Tahti-le Tesches, 246 W. 4th St., n 222 le St., It A. Kadrie,1 258-2 East bth St., Nick Frady, 17b W. 7th St., n Charles Forlett, 325 E. 7th St., John Trump, 395 Rioe St., ('OUNCILAMN 1CJ. 23 C_�-r...-. Yeas Nays Adopted by $Ile\uncil.__----- - ------_ -192....-. Clancy FergusonAp �._.In oved.... ` _.._�-°.192,--. _...._.192._... 1TeDonald favor /ISI 6J3, Sudhei> er--- _ - - ... - _-------------- Ma.ba Peter ___....._ Against_. /Wenzel /i Ir. President �oUN 50322 CITY �.Si. PAUL F,- NO._.. -.....___..-.__- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �t PRESENTED BY DATE....._._n.P'Oember . 18,E .192j COMMISSIONER-- - ------------ - --_.._...._._..._................._....___........ ..... RESOLD Yeas Frank Longen, ,john Graner, Tony Capratto, Frank Lowery, .?ayne Miles, COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ . __In favor xyman Sudheimer Peter .......__.._Against Wenzel Mr. President -2- b37 E. Hinnehaha St., Soft drink 319 Robert St -0 11 255 E. 7th St., 545 Wabasha St., " 107 Concord St., " DEC IS 1923 Adopted by the Council ...................... ------..--.---192...--- App ved.... - -----.--192...... - ._..._..... MA IOR COUNCIL N NO .-_- 5(� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe FF OF E CITY CLERK --GENERAL FORM C RESO 10 pw December__. _._.1.9.3._..._._ DATE ............... PRESENTED COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the aroplications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher businessat addresses indicated be and tie same are here hereby g and City clerk instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: H. 00n010vitch, Jacob Fink, H. graushaar, J. MoEver, B. Shapiro & Son, Anton Stoll, Stoyke Bros., F. G. 14ogler, COUNCIL\IrN Yens Nays 97 NO. Dale St., 677 Hague Ave., 420 So. Snelling Ave., 411-413 No, Franklin St., 500 Rondo St., 1041 Thomas St., 556 lgabasha St. 288 E. 6th St. O. F. No. 60323—Hy G. C. SUdheime so: Antonp9iro to11&son, buo I I Tho1 aenSt., t. I etoyke HBroa., 66$'Rrnbasha.9t. 6th St. Adopted by the Council18, 1025. Approvad D c .15; 1025. (Dar: -E2-1923) Clancy Ferguson }McDonald _.._. In favor ,/ KA Sudheime6 Peter ... .... _.....Against Wenzel /Mr. President DEC 1 81923_ 192..---- Adopted by the Council__ .............. -------- Approve.._._`DLC 1 3 �--------..192...... cOUNCIL 56324 324 OF ST. PAUL FILE NO --- ...---- ---------- TH ITY CLERK u7GENERAL FORM That the applications for licenses of the the following persons addresses urtsat for conducting Hotels or Restaurants hereby t Ce inindicated be and the same are granted strutted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: J. W. Bridges, 379 Carroll Ave., Hotel G. W. Addison, 26 W. 'Exchange xohange 9t., A• Cardelli, 301 E. 7th St., 1214 N. Snelling Av., H. Gerner, 248-' W. 7th St., -__.Dan Jarus, N. G. Lambros, 479 Rice St., N. n St. 1 J• moEver, 411-413 Franklin 1661 Pt. Douglas Rd. n Edw. Malarkey 1g9 E. 6th St., G. L. Moore, 200 W. Third St., Ben Nemo, Wm. F. Schultz, 61 17. 7th St., n sehuneman & Evans 409 Wabasha St., No. J. 0• Young, 199 Western Av. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clanc Y Ferguson McDonald _-._.-...In favor Sudhelrogr AIter ......_......_Against ,/Wenzel /Mr. President DEC I ss 1923 the Council..----- ----------------- ------------- 192...... DEC .[_? . - .........192.... Appro d.... - .. ...?_,g� I -------- ------- - COUNCIL 50325 Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..-..-----_-•------ FICE OF E CITY CLERK CIL RES ION—GENERAL FORM . W PRESENTED BY ..........._._..._ .............. _. DATE......._I�Q_Q.i.til hfhexA.�.A-9-23_.._._..- COMMISSIONER, - ------------ - - - RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the 0ity Olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: John A. S. Glans, 942 Payne Ave., 5 Pool tables ' Mike Lemako, 558 Broadway St. 1 11 (rid location 7th St., 4. -41 Geo. S. Mauro, 373 E 7 * Over 1000 feet from school ra C. -P- No. Bons—Hy G. C. stn louse tor, gosoIv d,'.'That the Pp rsons for neenses. of, the follow"" Pe conduct Poolrooms6 the. at. the addresses indicated minted b,1 the City Cleric le lnste are ruety edto'issuo such licenses upon the pay- '.mentinto the city tressurY of .the cue- tomary fete: yqy payne Ave Job. S. Glans, r Pool Tables gsg Hr adway Street. 11Pke Lemak q pont { 1 Pool "Me Old location {I Goo S Ma ro 373,B. 7th St, tables 18, 1923 Ovo .1000 fe tCouoil sDec L Adopted by th Approved D c 18. 1923. - (Dec. 82;1923) COUNCILMEN Nays .._ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council __.Q.EC..fi.g }g2$ Clancy i 192...... Apoved......-- - - Ferguson -G McDonald _._.....In favor Sudhe im�er - ^VOR....- ✓' - ... - - .... - „� Peter .---.....-----Against Wenzel /Mr. President COUNCIL 5f32 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..-.-------•------ OF E OF T CITY CLERK RESOLU —GENERAL FORV December .16,_192'x____-_.... PRESENTED BY ........ _. DATE------.._ ............... ..... COMM I SS I ONER.___..__....____.._........................................._.._._ ................... _... _......... _............... RESOLVED That the application for license of the St. Paul Orpheum Oo. to conduct a Theatre (Palace Theatre) at 15 w- Seventh St., be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury Of the customary fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson41— McDonald _..__-..In favor Mr,M Sudhe ip1,e r Peter __.__._..Against Wenzel Mr. President C. F. We. 50326-33h G. C. 9 dheimar- Resol ed That te application for111 cease .of the:S,t. Paul orpheure Co; -to nduct a Theatre (Pala- Theatre)'at 15 W. Seventti dSt•, be and' the same !e hereby granted and the City. Clerk -1e instructedto.iesue such: license upon: the payment '"to the city traasury of . the customary -Adopted by th Council Dec. 38, Approved •Dec 18, 1929. 3923),. Adopted by the Council DEC; ..,_;,-19-23 ------- 192_.... Approv --DCC_ R..-..}Ct------------192 ..... .. .. -..-......MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FI OF TH CITY CLERK rOUNCILNc 50327FILE - C 1 ESOLUT —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYeoembeT 1 t__Z 2 . _....._..._._ DATE......_D....._........_._.._...._ _....� g__3.........---" COMMISSIONER.____M....___---- ......_------------------------- _------ ._................... ............ ._.. RESOLVED That the application for license of Sylvia Hercovitz for conducting the Second Hand Dealer business at 235 E. Fairfield Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and t'he City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of.,bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. O -Res. We. lice.. e1 C1erltnib Lbs filing 0 "" of the ; cense UP treasury custum t Noe 18, T923 :'Adopted dDtc 1s.o192; Deo. CI APP ;(Dec 22-1923)- I COUNCILTfEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _.1._..._ In favor sy.K,&n Sud heimeA Peter _....._.-Against Wenzel Mr. President DEC 1 C 192; Adopted by the Council. -- -----------_-------- ----- ------- 192 Appro d. ` ---192 "...... ........... --.'-.....-"'--"--- -.. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILCOUENcallo - 50328 CE OF THE CITY CLERK L RES ION— C'iENERAL FORM r Q PRESENTjcD BY.........__.............__............._........_.._._..._......_. DATE.........._D@C@mb@1'..._1.5.. X92_....._.. comm'ONER.-__..._.....____.....__...._....._....._... RESOLVED That the appli.cation.for license of F. L. Christian to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 108 Concord Street be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudhe im'&r Peter __....._.....Against Wenzel Mr. President C'Resn ved That Bthe oPpltesta n 4orrli-I censa of b`. 1. Christlan to Onduct neo alt➢tic-. F'd tha same is heree at by 'rtranted St -be a Cl_k Is Citand license upon thetp yment in toe the city areae➢rY of the cust."ry fee.' Adopted by the (-o"Pell Dee, 18, 1923• Approved Dee ec12211923)'. - Adopted by the CouncilDEC 1 1923 192...... OE" App ed...._... ----b- --- .._192 Q - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE L� NO A50329, /.9, - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ////� COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN—GENERAL FORM RFGFNTF� BY LL.f/// Dec. 18. 1923. RESOLVED 0 Yeas That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 13, 1923, between Thornton Bros. Company and the City of St. Paul for the paving of Randolph Street from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 24th day of November, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution ala.11 not have any f once and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___...._...In favor / 713atson D eter ........... _Against 2enzel r. President 0 C. F. No. 50329-13Y W. -d aed Peter— Resolved, That the time apthe eclfort dated July 13, c1923, betweennThornt n � Bros. Company and the City of St. Paul for the 'paving of -Randolph St. Prom Sneandlinthe same is hAve. to ereby oxtc dei to hand e � .24th day of November, -19 3, and the, propar city oP[Ice are. he by u[hor- 12ed L exea.0 an am¢Rdmepi tpsaldl cont a ct la qc o dunce h are It pro ' vlded.-.however, that .this resolutIon shag not have nhy. force and a act 'un - 1e99 the aurela In the C..tr..t0+'e :bortdconeent-thereto and ftle such cgti sent in writing with the:,CitY,Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council DeC• 18, 1923. -Approved Dec. 16, 1923: (Dec. 22-1923) Adopted by the Council_ __DEC _�--$..1923....1+J2_..... ':)EC 18 1993lsz....._ Appro ed - - - ----....-- v C MAYOR �r TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST, PAUL. Gentlamcnt St. Paul, Minn. 17 192 Mould resp-,ctfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contr>ct for the A v / Tc be extended to Owinrr, to 6i - -/1'' it was not possible for c,z%to finish this contract within the tir.:e specified, hence &wCdesira to ask that the time for com- platin.7 same be made -.s hjreinbefore stated. Your,q_vpry trul Oont r a,ct Thore is no objection to having the time extended as requested, s far a.s the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED. Supt, of Construct epairs Comf:dssioner of Public Works Chief Enrfineer. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ., f COUNCIL RE_SOLUTWN—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO _-,- 1J 433 FILE Dec. 18, 1923. That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August 2, 1923, between D. W. Moore, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the Odin_ and im rovement of Sheldon Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to the south line of H. H. Hanson's Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the let day of December, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, -however, that this resolution shall not hEve any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in vlriting with the City Comptroller. C. Ie. No. 50330—By W. 7., Peter— Resolved, That the time specified for the performance f n certain Con- tract dated Aug. 2, 1023, between D. W. Bloore. CO- U'aetor. and the City o1 SL I'nul, for the grading and improvement of Sheldon Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to the south line of H. 13. Hanson's Addition, be and the so a Is hereby oxtended to the tot day of December, 1923, and the proper city officers .are herobv author - Nod to a ccute n amendment o said j tract in aceordonce herewith, pro- v1ded, however, that this resolution the ll the h have et any force and effect un - the contractor'. bond co...nt thereto and file such coa- sent In writing with the C,ty Comp- trollcr. Adopted by the Council Dec. 18, 1023. Approved Dec. 18, 1923. (Dec. 22-1023) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy t Ferguson l!/ NicDonald__.In favor Matson --� Peter __ .._ __.Against Wenzel /r. President b ®EC 13 1923_._192. -.-- Adopted by the Council .. _ _...... OHC 18 1923 A proved - - ........ .102__.. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF £T. PAUL. Gentlat.cn: St. Paul, Linn. 1J�P% � 192J a Nould rospactfully ask that your Honor^>ble Body cause the time of completing contract for the c be extended to Owing to it uas not possible for _ to finish this contract within the tine specified, hence _ desire to ask that the time for com- platin, same be trade hereinbefore stated. APPROVED: iii 1 L Comma s'oner of Public Works Yours very truly, Contract or. Th; -re is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are con.ctrrned. Supf.'�' -of Constructia Repairs Chief Enr-ine6r. (Taken from Minutes.) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFile NO ........ ... .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__ ..............__ ----------------------------- ......_.._..._....._..............._. RESOLVED Whereas, The Council heretofore duly adopted a final order for the paving of Grand Avenue from Oakland Avenue to the west line of Milton Street, being Council File No. 14483, and as said final order specified that said paving shall be southern yellow pine creosoted blocks on a Portland Cement concrete foundation and that roadway shall be paved to a width of 49 feet, and Whereas, interested property owners have requested the Council to re -open said matter and reconsider same, Resolved, That a hearing be had in the Council Chamber on January 12th, 1924 at ten o'clock A.M. for the purpose of hearing all persons interested and Further Resolved that the Commissioner of Finance proceed to give the same notice of this hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (Saua3, Ti,ecgusau �QcDona4L ____ 41n favor Matson Peter 0_Against. Wenzel Mr. President • Adopted by the Council __- __ Dec, _18th, .192 3 Approved _ _ _ _.Dec. lath, _-192_ 3 COUNCIL 503`$3 CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO...._....-..... ........ COUNCIL R. F, tiro. 60333—Byoen Tbeaoes not ovided for irtilr�hPlnnlxOrd°r Cg of t a No. have ar seg. • - and cl• lie , {���\/ ,wtns Ira worx RORL FD _ ork led below.rvas Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under Final Order C. F. #46160, approved June 6, 1923, described as the paving of Yinnehaha Street from Cable to Lna, Thorntoji Bros., Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by the Board of Water Commissioners: To labor and material necessary to move fire hydrants at Minnehaha and Greenbrier, 1dinnehah and Walsh, and Minnehaha and "beide Ste, w 161.81 To labor and material neoeseary to move fire hydroZt at 9.. 7th and Idinnehaha Sts. 62.27 214.08 Now therefore, be it RESOLVIM, That the Council hereby orders the extra v.ork to be done, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public 'rlorks, the cost not to exceed the sum of y214.08, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract knovm as Comptroller's Contract L-1758, and the said amount of �214.08 shall be paid to the Department of Public Utilities. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Glancy Ferguson 4- McDonald In favor Matson Peter _ Against f Wenzel /Mr. President DEC 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council 192 Alp cued _. _. 192--- 4 AYO P�i1BI:Ii1�.u>�� C. F. No. 50334—HY.,NV. .T_ r- OFFIC at Nvi' re" pr OUNCIL �f aS the Improv, .. /_t; C. 4642 _ descrl bed ns 2 Srom Valley S1 tj PRESENTED BY� more St, from COMMISSIONER.__........ �-:. .. IsxIPPi St., Fl trnetora. have { ;owlnS ch�aF RESOLVED aar.a to ,ILI No.._5(13. .. FILE b- b _De_celnber...14.,..__1.73 ...._... Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #46429, Approved July 3, 1923, described as the paving of Jackson St. from VaUeySt. to Sycamore St., Sycamore St. from Rice St. to Jackson St., and Acker St. from Jackson St. to Mississippi St., Fielding & Shepi.ey, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following changes: Additions: 25, 531.67 lbs. steel ® . 06 $1, 531. 90 99.94 cu. yds. concrete (41 8. 00 799. 52 total �"2, 331. 42 Now, Therefore, be it RESOLZ-_D, That the council hereby ort t /above extra to be put in, the work to be done un er the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost there6f not to exceed the sum of $2,331.42 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L -1766-B for the making of the aforesaid improvement. �v 1 ��OUNC4I \fEN DEC 1 1923 Yens Nays Adopted by the Council 192 Ferguson Fergu FSE" � �. 1n,;-' _ \pprove�I " _ 192._ McDonald _... --i4atson In favor U .. Peter .-\fininst 1�o��ZY l'[ IiLISIDr M•voa ,/' Wenzel `Mr. President COUNCIL No., TILE C. F. No^60336-BY wro. J. Peter- • Whereas, UnYOTeaeen obstacie9 of er 464 ahP- 92 roved , ri. omore SC.. St. Acro VStl afrotm=ORM provla a Yor in the maldu j� (C �i �.>Okea. ContEractore. havela.risent from _I' D.... eT 14 l - _NTED BY ..ting the Pollowin6 cha�'>n•: _ DATE_........_.. _._..............._......_._.._..!_.._.._9.2..3..._.._........ A ISSIONER.__ Oke, SG, t torr laevo .r Hanlon °dltione: 'LVEDof the Nhereaa, Unforeeen obstacles not provided for in the making improvement under Final Order 46429, approved July 3, 1923, described v as the paving of Jackson St. from Valley St. to Sycamore St., Sylcamore St. from Jackson to Rice and Acker St. from Jackson St. to Mississippi St.,/have arisen necessitating the following changes: / Hanlon & Okes, Contractors, Additions: g,00 97.60 12.2 cu. yds. concrete over trench 8, 5'4 12.2 11 excavation .70 54.6 sq -ft. sidewalk extension .18 70 98.64 556 sq.ft, sidewalk removed and relaid to grade .15 83.40 37 cu. yds. gradino for sidewalk .70 25.90 5260 lbs. steel over sewer trenches .06 315.00 2-2 A catch basins 30.00 60.00 76 feet 1211 pipe 1.25 97.50 5.88 sq. yds. brick raving 4.30 25.28 86 46.6 feet radius curb .80 38. 241 3 x 10 headers .18 4.3322 855.06 Deductions: .55 10.78 10.78 19.6 lin. feet straight curb 9644.28 Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the Council hereby orders the above extra to be put in, work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordant-: with the specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $844.28, and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1766 A, for the making of the aforesaid improvement. 14�----. COUNCILNIEN Yea: Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson ,,/Peter - ....._..Against: Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council-.0EC--1-43 19-23 ---- 192..__. CC i 3 192 Ap oved __.._.......__..__.192...... PUBLISHED r,ry r.r n+ cOENCILNO.__.c)li j----- OFFI<C. r No. 60336—IIy Wm. 'Z Peter— Whereas, Unforeseen olistacles of n OUNCI Fnrovided for to them I< of - - rovemenq under Flna order 90. s jt ( ..e ib U. the Sune'o 13.F, ant eaDec., ......_...._..... cribed ue the ➢uving r Str _ f D 13 1923. an - PRESENTED BY from Dala dt. to Lexington hove arisen .... ]on and Okes, t,ontr¢ctors, I ........_.._......_._..._........ e_........_....._._... COMMISSIONER._ ..... .....�=.: .._....... necessitntion6 the following. x�..'-' uric and harges. The work 3 ,N wfurnished d Perform and of w.ter (7-1 RESOLVE[✓ `ng hy" Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the iSmrrovement, under Final Order C- F. #46285, 9 approved June 13, 1923, described as the paving of Front iS Street from Dale St. to Lexington Ave., Hanlon and Okes, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by the Board of Water Commissioners: To moving hydrants on account of change in curb line on Front Street from Lexington �g06.14 Ave. to Dale Street - - - - - - - - w Plus 10% indirect expense - - - - - - 30.61 Total 43 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the'extra work to be done, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Florks, the cost not to exceed the sum of 0336.75, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1747, and the said amount of 036.75 shall be paid to the Department of Public Utilities- -1-5- r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson /Peter . - Against PVenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the, CouncilIDEC192a - 192 At) roved -1 1 � _n JI 19-2_ FMRIIED — r ••CCSS�2-.r, �O ENCILNo..---. C. P. etre. 5037—By won. T. Peter— t C Nhereae, Uhforseen obstacles: o vld,d for In the tnnlcing oY the tm- O NC14' ement under Final Order C. F. No. 6486, approved p June 16. 1728. dos_ M gibed as thepavin g -oY ,Earl EWA. � eu nr ,G. eepley. contractors, an.e u.,o�.• COMMISSIONER.__ ..._ __.. .... .. ... _'_._._.........toting the`following chnnges; DATE....DeCETtib.$T.._1.4y.....lg`I-.3.................. dditions: 14 feet curb bset at Mary - RESOLVED Mandna. t,$4.00 .. ... .. 'n10 de... -ti"ae tat Whereas, Unforseen obstacles, not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C.F. 46430, approved June 15, 1923, describ- ed as the paving of Earl St. from Hastings Ave. to Ivy St., Fielding & Shepley, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following changes: Additions: 75.4 feet curb reset at Maryland rc� 4. 00 30.16 350.0 sq. yds. paving not including concrete base 1.40 490.00 180.0 sq. ft. sidewalk extensions .18 32.40 62,516.0 lbs. steel .06 3,750.96 234.4 cu.yde. concrete over trenches 8.00 1,875.20 234.4 " excavation .70 164.08 —T673-42. 80 `Deductions: 8,250 lbs, steel , 06 495.00 75.4 feet radius curb .80 60.32 555.32 total 45, 787. 48 Now, Therefore be it ~y - RESOLVED: That- the Couflcil hereby orders the above extra to be put- in, work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, cost not to exceed the sum of $5,787.48, and to be allowed as an exxra un„�er the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1718 for making of aforesaid improvement. T COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson /McDonald In favor ✓ Matson �. VPetcr ._. _.Against ✓/ Welizel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council-_ - °EC.. 8 1923 192...... I)EC 1 8 1923 oproved--.--...___. _ ............._.....__.192..-.. � - mnvon pig usil-•L, GOONCIL No.--- FILE C. P. No. 60338—BY R!m.. 7: Peters — Whereas, Bnforeeen obatncleCts ^ovided [or In them king of the)m a C. .. COUNC'-ovement under Final Order C.F. N,h ORM /// .740, approved 7ulY 3, 1923, decr4b•. I the Pavinb'.of.Cheralceo Avenue t' DeC • l2 1923 / 11th Avenvo to Baker Street ana.I PRESENTED By , L-._--..L�.1. Street from: Cherokee Avenu• DATE_--------.. ...................._.........._....._................._.. COMMISSIONER._ ..... .._. ......�.._ "�t west of Delaware Aven nstructlon 'CompnnS, Con •e Itlt making Itcess., - follnwing extra work RESOLVED -sons: radipa Cure Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making o3 the improvement under Final Order C. F. #46740, approved July 3, 1923, described as the paving of Cherokee Avenue from Smith Avenue to Baker Street and Baker Street from Cherokee Ave. to 126 feet west of Deleware Avenue, White Construction Company, Contractors, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions 12.6 ft. radius curb at 80¢ 10.08 9.8 eq. yds. concrete paving at 2.70 26.46 239.62 3383 Steel at .06 202.98 Deductions 12.9 ft. straight curb at .80 10.32 162 sq. yds. asphalt concrete pavement 11 3.00 486.00 63O�X' Steel '! .06 37.80 534.12 Deductions68&;12 Additions 239.52 Net deductions 0294.60 Now Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the e$tra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in .accordance, with t}ze_�pecifications therefor, under the Contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1793 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson b Peter Against .,Iwenmi ,/Mr. President [)EC 13 1923 Adopted by the Council.. _. _.._ 192 ._ A roved. )rt 1999 _ ._.192.._. _. MAYOR COUNCIL NO..-...--rZ l};�I! ; } ,� I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 18, 1923 DATE........._..........................................._._......_............._.. RESOLVED Th* the Council hereby concurs in the'recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for the con- struction of a sewer on Lucy St, from a point 60 feet east of Hall Ave. to Robert St., as bids received were in excess of the ngineerls ystimate, and the Furchusing agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same. P.E. 11,6030. C. F. No. 60339—By "Vm. J. Peter — Rcaolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the r commendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bldg received for the construction of a sewer n Lucy St., from a point 60 feet east of Hull _\ve., to Aobert St., se bids re - t0ved w e In a of the Engineer's Esthente, and theS Purchasing Agent r Is hereby authorized to readvero so Agent new bids on same. F. B. No. 6030. Adopted by the Council Dec. 18, 192$. Approved Dec. 18, 1923. (Dec. 22-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor tson ,./ P:cr _ .._._...Against L/Wenzel ✓Mr. President Adopted by the Council... _P_K —.1.-0..1923_...192..-... Appr ed---- 1)("{,'__1.819-23-...-- .192 - MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 16, 1923. in the matter o£ constructing a sewer on Front Street from Oxford street to Lexington Avenue, also a lateral sewer on the east side of Lexington Avenue from a point 5 feet south of Front Street to a point 20 feet north of the center line of Front Street, under Preliminary Order G. F. x45667, approved May 4, 1923. RE50LVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 1cld ._ In favid Dona Matson t) '/Peter _.._ _Against /Wenzel /' / Mr. President C.50340—ny IVm. J. Peter— etructing sewer In nh Rrontt S[re t Prom Oxtord 1pLerOt ¢I �� to LexlRg the Av t ulde¢I P LexlnSlon Avenue trbm ¢sPolnt 6 tee 20s feet of r h-onP [besets tteP llnunt P L cont . Street, o der Prelilt minury Order t No. 455G7. PProved. \SuY 4, 19'l3. Resolved, erders in the„tbcye matter be nnulleclvn drresa•1 ndeQ and elled, ¢ll proceeding¢ �In such mutter discon- '. i. tlnued.I Adopted )Deco lB.0 172+nee. 18, 1723. Approve to 22-1723) Adopted by the Couneil_.DEC_.j. •.19.23 ___192..._. 19'L� ._.__192._... Ap oved.._ . -- .......... ... MAYOR Si Office .of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance Tb the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 603,40 Woirks RECEIVED „ma• P MY 141923 May 11, 1923 ..... 197.---- ----------------------- To 97._------------------ - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File NoA5b6T9 ____approved__ My 41923 ____191___, relative to __til@_Q021&�>a9t19A_9�_$_6��fsA_PA- ZVQS_!'i_ ale _�U93a_D%iS1TL1..-31—_-to ------------ yexington Ave. also s - lateral- sewer -on the east side -of -Lexington-_ - ----- ------------ '----------------------- - - e_Qoint_b_Yeet_eouth_of_Front _3t._to_e_point_EO.3eet_north of the center line of Front Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said implovement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.12 per front foot 211b 00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $______-- --- Inspection $41.00 Frontage 1000 ft, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Milliam 3. Iletrr, (4ommiosioner .Irie Mallette, Jhputg (4ommisstoner DEpbrtmut of public Works (pity of *uint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER - M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF W-1-10VSE May 10, 1923. Mgr. plait. J. Peter, Commissioner of public Works. Dear Sir. Z transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Front Street from Oxford Street to Lexington Avenue, also a lateral sewer on the salt side of Lexington Avenue from a point b feet south of Front St. to a point 20 feet north of the center line of Front Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45567, approved May 4, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - $2118.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - - - 2.12 Inepeotion - - - - - - - - - -- 41.00 Frontage - - - - - -- ---- 1000 ft. This sewer is to replace an existing 6" pipe and is proposed at this time on account of the proposed paving of Front St. Yours truly, - 1. Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commies o// e o Public Works. 10, 1820. Uormaissioner of Public ,;ork" Door airs I tranwit here..`•.tls prelIMIMLrY estimate of cost for the cangtructi:on oP s newer on Lront atraet cram Word street to of LOgton �:A Aveenuelfrom 0 8 appoint 6eWOr on the Peet south of ®set aide of Lexingtar► yrout at* to a point zA feet nor. th o� the canter Daae o e jVont 8trest, under yrelImin®ry order C. V. #4N6?, approved Lay 4, 19231 Letuasued Cost Yer trout foot - 2*12 Inspection - - .. - _ _ 41.00 roaatea - 1000 &t. Tnisa sewer 1s to replace an existing 8" pipe qnd ie proposed at this time on account 0j, the propose& $ave of Vront tit. Yours truly. 0"09 Engineer. Approved for tran=isaion to the Commissioner of :Financ+a. Commiseloner of kublia corks°. AeaowiD QZ ptiving PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and -ye7 Council File No --------- ----------- --- d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ..ConvtTu0._A_.§QMr m �Xt 6-trael--- .................................... --Cent -elda--cf- & 1&tarraj aewer--on --- the '-L-o--a- point 20 feet north of the center line of !Vont 6tr"te ...... ... .. ----------------- ---------------------- ------------------ _ ......... .... .. . ... ... ... ........... .................... .. .. ......... ..... lav' Dated this ........ . .... ... .. __�kth day of.- .. I _ .......... ........... ......... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: construot a eswer cn ., ront-6 trap t , 2X!Ppa GATOTA..0-tre-el to ------------------ -------------------------- --- --------- - I the.,-eaet -aide _&f. 144wPPA &Y-OXIVA --- ;M -m ... a point- 5 100-t aouth.. at a po" V-20 .. 4130-.-Gen-ter llne--40-2 ---- proll-t &tvG8tW having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul... . --- - - - ---------------------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....-----...__ YEAS ouncil----------- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON MATSON McDONALD PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved--_ - --- ---- ---- ----- - - ----- - .- -- --- - - .................................................................... ........... ------------- Mayor. I I �l I vel I 77, I Iq I� COUNCIL NO -v ■� CITY OF ST. PAUL � nLn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 15, 1923. lfil DATE.............__._. - ....._........._. ___...._......_._............ ..._.._........................ ..._.._..................._._. RESOLVED it In the matter Of furnishing and installing of a service lighting system on both side of Portland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49785, approved November 20, 1923. ReSOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. ICF : . Nob0341-By wm._a,rotel.-„'l n cna !/� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson McDonald _.._._...In favor Matson /Peter _ ._Against /Mr./ Mr. President Avonue Under P 'Ue nto Cleveland F.-xb: 40786, IT Order C. 1923. ¢ppr.red Ncvember 20, ReCsolved, That all order. In the above. all¢t[er b and the ame .'.h, . `hereby I cancelled l nulled ..d Inded and. nil .d.ce ding In such matter d1.Con timed.' Adopted by the Council DCC• I. _ll Approved Dec. 18, .1923. (Dec. 22-1923) Adopted by the Counc[P.EC-_1.8.-1923____.-.._192-._.-. DDC 181925 Apt,d . ...... .. - 192.- -. - - ”""" "-��� MAYOR COUNCILNOS....... \J342 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O�UN-CIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �///J�i�—'- Dec. 14, 1923. RESOLVED, - i That the grade of Alley in Block 3, Den E. Lane 18 6 Home sites, Plat 2, and Block 2, Idardts Subdivision of Lot 4, Reserve Garden Lots and Block 2, lilidway Park, from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 'dorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. V/r-", COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald .......... An favor Matson Peter ___..Against Wenzel Mr. President 192...... Adopted by the Council.._D..EC ........1.8.(j$$--- -- DEC 1 E 1923 ---A proved.... - -- - .................. . ��-v-.......~. ............. ....I........... MAYOR CITY OF. ST: PAUL Fl ENOIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N ILr RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' .................. DATED14 19"23_ ........ _........__ COMMISSIONER.__ ------------ l_...... ----- .. . RESOLVED R That the grade o3 Alley in Block 2, 'itilson s Re4rranqetent of a part of Ida.rshall's Subdivision of Block 27, Idackubin & Marshall's Addition, and Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 31, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. leCOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..__.._In favor Matson l Peter _- _--Against Wenzel Mr. President `-- Adopted by the Council–._®E_C ..___�_......-� -- 192. Appr• ed........�EC r 5�i344 . COUNCIL NO.--..-.--...__...._-. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •-.L _ December 8, 1923 _ PREtit.rv, tau c. .._ -.._ COMMISSIONER.___.......-- -. _._. .... _. -. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action Of the Purchasing Comm tee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Nater Depitment approximately 1588 tons of 6"- 8" and 1211 Class B cast iron water pipe to the National Last Iron Pipe Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $55.66 per ton, f.o.b. foundry, with full present freight allowed to St. Paul, 11:innesota, or a total price of approximately $B8,388•O8+ in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of t7ater, their bid and aviard of con- tract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B.1jrr6C26. C. F. No. 60344—By Wm. J. Peter—By Re9aest., .: Resolved, That the .Council hereby approves [he action of the Purchasing C mmlttea - In w ,ding the contract I for furnishing to the -Water Deppart went V 01. . telt' 1688 tone to I 8 d 12' Clan B c st i1r water p,.n/they being tt `� (`�K A itslowestrcapona141ebid der.at a price f $55t66per ton, f.o b - - - foundry, with full present freight :al- al lowed to 8t: PaulMinnesota, are total lowed. price of approximately $88,3$8.08, in .nacordana. with specifications of l the Bu eau of Water, flesh bid and Award P hereto attachad, and the contract Corporation el is instruct - ad to draw up. the propar farm of can-, tractthereo F B. No, 0026 -ItyZ_ b Adopted by theC uncll Dec. 18, .1023. -' ApprovoflD 13, 1823 i o. 22-1023) ....ID Y COUNCILMEN Adopted by --Q 192...--. the Council- ...DE�-- }9Q3- -�- Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson (W/ A-1--�'- McDonald In favor ...-.-...-.�.................MAYOR ... - - Matson D Peter _--------------Against Wenzel Mr. President ��1p(,hn 1!• count` NO - : ,!-V "_T- C_'.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .ATE......._December__8, eby approves the action of the Purchasing RESOLVED Than -the Council her Cotmnittee in awarding the contract for furnishing to theoVater Department approximately 346 tons of 20" Class B cast iron water pipe, to the American Cast Iron Pipe Co., they being the lOvIest responsible bidder, at a price of x,55.20 per ton, f.o.b. cars, st. Paul, ttinnesota, or a total price of approximately $19,099.20, their in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of 'i'later, bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. 916026. COUNCILMEN Yeas " Nays Clancy Ferguson /,M_eIn favor favor Donald ✓ Matson D Peter ---------- __..Against Wenzel /Mr. President i DEC 1 31923 Adopted by the Council ...--------- ------------------------ 192.....- 'DEC; 1 (3, Approd ............. ......-------------------- --- ........................ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL F,°E"cl`No. --------- ___I i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �j DATE ..December 18. 1923 PRESENTED BY .. COMMISSIONER._._._. _.--_........------- ._..............._............... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of". the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Bradford St. from Endicott St. to Hampden Ave., on Hampden Ave. from Bradford St. to Raymond ive., on Bayless Ave. East from Raymond Ave. to a point 100 feet more or less north- westerly of Raymond bve., thence in a westerly direction across Hampden Park to connect with the sewer on Bayless rve. Nest, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 114,870.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate X15,663.00. F.B. #6036. fro Enuinoer s •••-n- ' n, No. 6036: -: AdOPted by the C P7923DeC 13, 1923• APProYed',' (Dee. 22-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson eDonald _........_._In favor Matson b %7 eter _......... _Against enzel ✓ Mr. President --�, 1�3) DEC 1 31923 Adopted by the Council-_ -------- ------- 192...... DEC 1 0 1923 Appr ved...._.._ _.... --............ - - ...__1992. . , pp� v,_... ......---------- -- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO._...5Q347 FILE ..--___ _. stl PRESENTED BY �_.__...L.---.-._.:._............._.........._.._ DATE....._....._December 18� 1923._._ . COMMISSIONER_ ___..—_...._ � - - RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Colmnittee and awards contract for grading and paving White Bear Road from Payne Ave. to North City limits, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $18,960.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. L+'ngineer's Estimate $22,100.00. F.B. #6034. I -V q I -" 2) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson kL McDonald _.._..__-..In favor Matson A//tter ..........Against i Wenzel /Mr. President DEC 1 31923 Adopted by the Council -------- .---------- ---- ............__192...__ _ ,. 1 v Approv------- --- ------------------ ...............192..- r. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL , cOUNca.N-.- �(/8(x' _ FILE O.- ���`l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 18, 1923 RESOLVED Th -A -,the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for paving Payne hve, from P,taryland St. to North City Limits, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $81,590.00, using Oil Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $99,100.00. F.B. #6035. C F No. 60348—By Wm J Peter— Resolved.That the' Council hereby concurs, in the r tom end tion of the Contract Committee and yards con- 1 tract forpavl g Payne Ave from Mary- t to North City Limits .inc 1 nd St. , j cordanc .with plans' and apeciacatio a, hors attached Fieldi 6 8, shop t t they bel g the 1 we t re pon iblei, /( �,.. s t the ure t $8100000 using oil Asphalt ad the C rp ntlo -C 1 1 her by ioP et uct d to draw up the�' j,/!g}` F prop Co m contract therefor. Eng-' _``t'�✓ �. meee5 Estimate $99,100.00.'F. B. N..j 6036. Adopted by the Council Dec. 18, 192$.1 Approved 13, 1923. (D (Dec, 22-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson ✓McDonald _In favor atson ,/Peter ......Against (Wfenzel r,/Ar. President DEQ 1 81923 Adopted by the Council_..._................_...__..._.192..-... 192_q Approve 192.._-- MAYOR COUNCIL NO.-----�f-AY I V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ��YY V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COtiNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.._.._.D.ecember 18,. 1923.._._.____ ............... REsoLvED Thatt Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Cont r Committee and awards contract for paving Payne Jive. from Jessamine St. to Maryland St., in accordance with plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of X21,998.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper fo,-•m of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $25,279.00. F.B. #6033. II C- 0349 BThntthe Couneitt hereby I concurs In ther oommendn}.lon of the and act'Cont'.for-pavingnnin�iPayneSes- sam(ne St. Ito bfarvand St.. 1na rd. ,ance with plana and npeclacntlons !attac th hed; to Fielding .& Shepley, theY. being the. lowest responsible bid- ders, for the sum of $21 998.00, and the Corparatloa Counsel ishereby instrue[- d to d aw up.. the properform of eoa- tract therefor. Engineer'. Estimate 1$26,279 00 F::,B. N 0033,., Adopted by the Council Dec, 18, 1923. Approved Dec.18 1923. ..(Dec, 22 1923)' COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy r Ferguson LTj� McDonald .............. -In favor ,/'VIatson D �4cter ._._..- Against tr. P l Mr. President Adopted by the Council --- ------------------ ------------------ 192 All MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couracaNO 50350 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__.. _.... _~ - _... ..`".-..........._....._.........._....__.....__... __........._. DATE ..._DeCember 18 1923 ...._..._............_._7 _ _ _._........_ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Carroll lve. from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of X1,793.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,000.00. F.B. #6029. C. F. No. 60360—By W-. J: Peter Resolved, -That the Council hereby concurs In the :recommendation of the ntract Committee -and award.. con-. tract for the.aonstructlon f -ewer on.. Carscll Ave., from Oxfords 3t., to' Chatsworth -St., In -accordance with plane and 'specifispecifications hereto attach - d, to Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bid- "" Yor"the s oY .$1,703.00, and the Corporation -Counsel 1. h'r.by inatruct- od"to draw up tha ➢rogqer Y rm el con- tract therefor. En6,nee Eatima $2;000 00. F. B No 6029. Adopted by tba Council D_ 13, 1923. ADPr ved Dec 18 1923.' _- (D c 22-1923) — COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald -In favor Matson V ✓Peter ................Against /Wenzel Ar. President f ( J-,4 -V3 �Va u�' o_�. DEC 1 31923 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192..-..- I�" 1 1923 Approed ---------------- ---------------------------192.- ---------------- ........ Petition C. jr:' No. 80361— AbstractCouncil File No... .. `^ 'Whereas, Awrltten Droposal'for N jJ9 ` makipg oL the tollowin, improveme vlx: Chnngingdhe g de fall y In BIIIENT Vlew Addition from Lina. \� Ave. to t3rnnd A ad". N;, and Soutto.h Alieyred to l$drat to m the co here[ attached d �) snow° bie�.�s:iiiVARY ORDER. //� ' 1� g 6 The under gn ereby propolsses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C ing the grade "of alley in "Block 3, summit View Addition---_-- irroin Z3noo7xl""Avenge io G"rant-Avenue; "and- from Nort�i and Soot Amenua.,.-"t-o---conform...ta---tha..r-epi--line.--on---tha-..profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established -------------- grade-beislg-ell --bg- a --blue -3 Line thereon;--al-e-o---grs1L1=g---said alleys to the aforesaid red line" when established. ---- _--- _----.-.-_.----.----_.........._......._........- -----------------------------------....--------------..... . Dated this -15111 day of................... A6CQAl�Qxa..-�.92s�L--------------- ------ 192 .. ---------------------- - - .... ........- -- - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G]_ ngJng the grade of alley in Block 3, Summit View Addition from --I ixettln Av enue to Grand-A$eriue-; --and--irom---north--and- South.- Alley to Saratoga Avenue, to conform to the red_ line on th__e profile FiereEo attaoiied arimaabluaPlrinethersnnt also--gradingtsai-d, alleys grade..-haing---shown .. ,- to the aforesaid red line when established-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- havin ----------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ------ --------------------------------------------------- --- .......... ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public We be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a6d estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...-...- YEAR NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERODSON MATSON MCDONALD PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) Approved. ----------------------------1 -----------------...- 71- ---------------- .......... ---------- --------------- ------- ------- .... L � Acting Mayor. PUBLI9iiF".b makingo• 60362— Abstract. whereha, A written proaoeal tor, tha Council File No....-.... ....... of the following Imgrovemea:.' n Condemning andtnklhg nn eaeemonU PRl,in the 1$nd nece snry 1 r lopes Por 6' uta anda)Is In the grading Yall y;� lock 3,3ummit 41ew Addition incoln Av t Graad A e - rth and South Alley. to S ving bean parea�: PRiio cicr oe FAY ORDER. 21^.'., ,G The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cpl elnz� pg--agd---ta ing..an-_emaemsnt__-_1n__the--_-land necessary .............. ---------- --for----s-lows. ---for-..nuta-.and...filla...in---the-..gradi.ng_.of--alleg...in–B ook..3, Smamit-_View. Addition from to.__Grand Avenue and from ............. N-a—UL-_4115,.. South -_Alley.-- to-- Saratoge-Avenue...._...-_...---------.._------------ Dated thio----...lb.111....day of. ............. ........--__..., 192.__.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary --------------------------------------....----------------------------------- -- ----------... ......._....... ----- or.-_elope s,._for..cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 3, Summit -View Addition from Lincoln Avenue --t----o------------G------r-----a---n-----d Avenue ---a- nd from ----------.North .and South Alley to -Saratoga Avenue. -----------------...._....__._.. ----- ------------- having - --------having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul............................................................ ........ -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessiV for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nate, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Approved ---------------------------------- --------------------------- ----- ----- MATSON McDONALD PETER MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PUBLISMI) •r� Approve ._---- - ------ -- - .-.----- - fiCtl7lg Mayor. PUBLISiTED�„7 Council File No.... 5q The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -------------Re-f 3trj&_o6.-.pasixt .--on --I�tinnahaha..etre-e-t---hetxvaen--Payne-.-Avenus............ ------and-_Cable_Avenue.,_ except-- that---ppmt1A ... on tale_ bridge. --- nyex-- the. .............. _.....-...itOx.thaxn_PsaclfiG.. Railwa8--vuhiah.--is-- main-taine.d.--by---the.-R&i.lr-oad._----------- ------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- .----- - ....-------- - --- ------.............-----.... this day of --- 15th December -,__1923.......... 192....... `Dated - .................. .. -- - - - - ---- ----- -- ----- on n c 9 in an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - -------Re aur lace-.paying---on.-Llinnehaha.--Str-e.Qt--.lhetwwin-J:ayne_Avenua....------ and._Gable__Avenue.a--egcept__that---portion---off--t} _-.lar-L ge_..Over....tha-...._.-._... Northern Pacific Railway which is maintained by --the Railroad ............... C ompa3-------- --- -------- - -------------- - - - -- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ._.....-..-_......._.-._---------------- ------------- - ......----- ..._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. r 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON MATSON MCDONALD PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) � . F. No. '50363=' Ab hstract Wereas, A wMtten broposal for the xkiAS or the following Improvement, :aeurPxce paying on Mlnh haha St, PROPCween Payne Ave. and ea - Aye.,rid •t that pon ortiof the bCable ge 3r. the Cher Factdo. Railway _ G , r.la ntata d by the ti., 111 PRff IMINARY ORDER. •r� Approve ._---- - ------ -- - .-.----- - fiCtl7lg Mayor. PUBLISiTED�„7 Council File No.... 5q The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -------------Re-f 3trj&_o6.-.pasixt .--on --I�tinnahaha..etre-e-t---hetxvaen--Payne-.-Avenus............ ------and-_Cable_Avenue.,_ except-- that---ppmt1A ... on tale_ bridge. --- nyex-- the. .............. _.....-...itOx.thaxn_PsaclfiG.. Railwa8--vuhiah.--is-- main-taine.d.--by---the.-R&i.lr-oad._----------- ------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- .----- - ....-------- - --- ------.............-----.... this day of --- 15th December -,__1923.......... 192....... `Dated - .................. .. -- - - - - ---- ----- -- ----- on n c 9 in an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - -------Re aur lace-.paying---on.-Llinnehaha.--Str-e.Qt--.lhetwwin-J:ayne_Avenua....------ and._Gable__Avenue.a--egcept__that---portion---off--t} _-.lar-L ge_..Over....tha-...._.-._... Northern Pacific Railway which is maintained by --the Railroad ............... C ompa3-------- --- -------- - -------------- - - - -- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ._.....-..-_......._.-._---------------- ------------- - ......----- ..._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. r 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON MATSON MCDONALD PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) � ., E..No, 60354= Abstract. Petition rreae, A written propo.al for th.r Council File ns of, Improvement, the following 'Grading a11eY in'Block 1, University 'b. of Hyde Park and Amerl an Bu11,,1. t N 1 Brom. oxford St I MENT u Co.Pts 'itaw rth St to the 'red n 'n7 ' "h ptoalo 'hcret r-�- trach ns a s wo SIIdi r bt rn A .w ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grading Alley in Blk. 1, University Subdivision of Hyde Park, and American Builth ng Co, -P}at �i aro>a Osford- Street -.to ---Chatsworth 3t: to. ___ , s..... ..,.....,., ,,., 1 -Ra r n•Pil a hereto attached, also---building--a------------ sewer on uxxora ow A.r— wu=�•..�•-� --•�• - --- - the---allag09--(Jx3or-d.-S-t+•,--also-..building... a---sewer----oil--- Chatsworth St. from Charles St. to the aforesaid alley and in the alley to a pbiYit' ZO' ro¢e� C Cys tswz�rth Sty ;---above sewer -s --for---the Dated this-- ------------- --- --day of............. - ---- --dT j T18 g@...Q ._ .k1e199� .fly• 15th Dec. 1923• ------------ - - ------------ --...... - Councilman.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. -WIIEREAS A writt fi, ff,poTl fod tthevmeTBlgts t�Ub•o lr fiffie Yti ..0 P. No.SD3G6— Council File No......dU.35Z Z Abstract: Whereas wrltten eal for the / r,014 king of the fnllowlag ID"opomD ovement" ledcmning and tNUnt, an �s mont L land' necesear,y-.Cor siop :for w; \4 d`.911s In th grading oie" tfo- /' C1 I,;p Iver (ty,, bdiv(siA yrt •1P1at No. i,�Yrom. Oxfam �. PRL'i rt!<f S 1. )pa.vinfi;beer. . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ------------------------------- ----.......................................................... ..........--'- . ' .............-- --- . . -- for sloRes, for cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, -- -.............. University Subdivision of Hyde Park and American Building Company -- . Plat �1, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. Dated this.--------.-1&th-day of_. ----------- -Beeembe-r-...... 3-923._. ------- ------ -.., 192_.... ---------------------- --------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning}and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, ..Univ-eraity-.Sub ditiaion--cf-.Hyda-.Park-,.--anal.-Amer-ioan Plat #l, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. ....... _--.--_----------_--_-.---_--.-_-----_- --------- ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--------------_- ------ ----------- -------------- ---------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. ...1)F_Q...1. a..1923 _. -..................... 4-14. YEAS NAYS Councilman GhANCY FsRGumw Sudheimer ✓ PETER L,' WENZEL y -'MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) ' DEC 1 b 192 Approved... --------- --------------------------- ---------------------... - e� A ��yag Mayor. PUBLISM") // �� Council File No....- U.V0j.JU r.14.. 50366— Abstract. I �.Whe-d% A written P'0ra1V1rAhoItnaklng of the fo11owh".3r--tr Go tract eme�' en b.W.y Ave. - 2'30 fee f 'Y;,b,y. Ave.-�y'* 'f'h"t rth - . enu. `�,�..Od.t. the C.,i-" fth LP -1 th.r.f.r., In 11 es.1—d,- bore, C hT . b a�rllrlected d �.,d �, " � , owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the ma fnv-stlg�ie V 'i" Dewey .' Construct a sewer (5�1 ewey Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to a .................................... . ................. ............................................................ --------------------------- ------------------- -point-------- 230 feet north of Roblyn Avenue. ...................... -------------------------- ------------------------ - ------------------------ - ------------------ ........... - .............................. . I-- - ----------------------------------- - - - ------------------------------------- -, .................................................... --------------------------------- i ----------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------- ........... I --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------- Dated this day of .... ......... -------------------------- 192 oun c i m a n PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------------- ------------- t�qo..n...s...t..r...uc.t... a......a... -w---e--r ----o--n------Dewey --Ave---n---u---e-----f---r--om -R----o--b---l-yn --Avenue --to a .- ----- ------.PQ'int ZZQ-100-t .. n-orl4 QX R041-AV.01111P-9 - -------- -- - -- ----- ---------------- - - --- .. - -- --------------------------------------------- ....................... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ..............................---- ......................... ----------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- ---- --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------- -------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoinbEVteT tM23 Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......----------------------- YEAS ouncil ----------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman 6tMVV- 44Hbeese?r ,90M Sudheimer 'UQD0*A1'D— V, PETER V WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M G-22) DEC I S 1923 Approved ------------ ------------------ --------- --- ----------- -- ---------- ............. 7 '40tingMayor, PUBLISHED 20aZ _Z Petition 1rj No. 60367 i P Abatrncr.,ucil File No......- / areae„ A written proposal for PROP : the �n, 2 PROPOSAL t4 of the following Impro' mpnt,, / U pct -a six Root co ant til ids / tha northside of on Adrian St* /% ka Av tot'. cl inht d the Coun l Ph t th.r-X- x PRELIMINARI t,ADEtt The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. t_-_e-_a1x-_ oot---cement--tile-_ai_dswalk---on-_the.-north__slde---o.lc-----...- __Adrian-,Street. 3rom-Alaska Avenue- to-_Albion--Street.---------.._.._.__..- 17th ---- I3ecember 1923.---_---_---- ------------ - -.1192 .. Dated this - day °f --- - - . - - . -- z -- — - n --- ------------------------------------- - - ---- -Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sig_foot cement_ -tile -sideivalk.__on_.the-_north_.- de__-__ pf--Adrie.n-Street---from-Alaska-_Ayenue--to-.A�bion.5tree-t�...--- . ----- --------------------------------------- -- ----------------- ----------------------- --- ----- ----------- -- --- ---------- -------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._._...:..._-.._.__._.-- ---------------------------- - --------------- -----..- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. D 1 Adopted by the Council------------------ ---- ----- ---- ...--.......__...--- - - YEAS NAYS DEC j s 1923 Councilman Gb*N T- RFRGUS" Approved -------------------- ------.._.----- p Sudheimer McDer*VD ( PETER .............................. ............... Mayor. (, MR. PRESIDENT i R p'U13LIS1WED Form C A 13 (3M 9-22)x' // Petition ,.C. F, No. 69368 Who,..., A w✓��_{ �R Abstract V Gl V rttgea DSODosal tom the Council kyle No...-.. { i making of the follpwing fmDrove n1, PRtvt..: Conetry t a e west of ....at tno side - alk on she west elde f Hathal ay nd l i2 ma at Seventh St t Adrian . �nnd. the', orth elde; f Adrian [ Pon thaw ySt. to:Alnek Ave rr. sated, to the Covn,'it PRELIMINARY 'aiiDEit." The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - -------•-Construct.--a--s-j;g;ff4-QtQ.ement.---t.i]e... aide3aalk—on--- the ._zrt[e o _Hathawag_ Street-_from..'rlest-_seventh--_§tree t._to_.Adr- an--S.t-re-e-t---.anal.--_.- on thenorth-_side .of Adrian btreet from Hathaway -.Stye -@.t. --to. --------- -- ...... ---9laska_Avenue ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Dated --------Dated this.--..17th-_.-.:day oi_.....Ile.camber.,.-.1923..-------------------------------- 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a si$ foot cement tile-ai.d_ewalk_on--the._crest-_S.zd9._...__ ------------------------------------------------------ - of Hathaway Street from l'lest Seventh--Street..-to-.Adrian--Stxeet-..axed...----- ....... .... ......... On the_nor.Gh..s-ids QX --- �.r.QAI.e ha�xay--litre.e.t.-.tn.............. - AlaskaAvenue.-------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................... -------------------------------------------- -- ------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 18 1923 Adopted by the Council............................. . .--...-..---------------------------- • YEAS NAYS Councilman-GU&N,x- DEG E ` i�� Approved---------- ------ U� $! Sudheimer 1� L• PETER r ........ .... WENZRL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT % - kUB Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) - a` Petition C. F. No. WhereII ¢kmg o lk on PROP toga "' , lair St uencll bo 1. ,lc ` PRELIhep bstrnct rltt prpyo¢¢l for tht.e-' ollowing Improvemen' P�(i�tf�'!� _e . the wo-, Council File No........ .� ll 11 -- --- - t• -the Cozuml"' be a The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tale sidewalk on the .__ --- - ----------------------.........------------ ..........- - --- - ....... ..............----- -- Xas.t.--aide._ o3...ga>xtb ..fxatoga-. Avenua---xom...S.talzf o.xd.. �v.t o .................-- --.------------------------------------------------------ --•-------....- - ------------------------------------------- -- --... ..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Dated this .----17thday of..._.... -December -'--1923.-- 192..... _..----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sig -_foot cement tile_eidewalk on the ..- ....... _.... .. .. _---.---Bast _-_side--.of--South-_Saratoga Avenue from.�tan�Sbrd Avenue- to- ------------Sty -Clair Street.------------------------------ ------------- ----- .------------- ........----------...-----------............----.._....._...----- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ - ------------------ -------------------- .............. - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .__..----------- ....--- .--------------- ............___._--..--.-.--- -------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 s 1923 Adoptedby the Council----------------------- -------------------- .................. YEAS NAYS ✓ E %J�r: Councilman 6vafter ftnn-nsoN Approved................ .- .......----------- .------- _......- --- --- L,i Qyl Sudhwmac ,AQa11p�o L' PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. �' Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) L V�I.IJr-1+I�' Petition c r xo. s�sco Abatracc :.:,ouncil File No.......5..fi-V Wh oa .A written prepoenl for the YIZ l ,nal ing of :the fo)lowing improvement, .- ilio, Commlaslo•' The undersigned hereby proposes the mallilof the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: GradarianStreetAStet------------------ -_A-_.f _.... Dated this ... -.---_17th-.day of_ -------------- D.eAemher.x...1923.--------------------- , 192....... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade.Adxian_-Street from _Alaska Avenue to--_Albion-_Street....... _---.-_ - - .....--.._.:: ... - .---------------------- ----- --------._..............._..._................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------- .--------------------------- ------- --- ..-------- ---------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEG 1 R 1923 Adopted by the Council- --------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman'Gb*Nc7'— IExc6II8iAC ✓udheimer ---MeBextta-- PETER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 OM 6-22) DEC 9 e c Approved - Y� .... .- - .......... .................. .... ........ Mayor. PUBLISHED -- 5i;T1 V. Wis. aoasl- Council File No ....................... Abstract:' ' Ypereas, A written g lrn al tor. the �r�I� PROPOSAL ,q Of of tqe following imDroveme¢t Vv o damning and taking an en amEnf v_ the food n grading elopee, 3 ` and fillsAlaska A grading. Adrian Str-' Alaska 'A nue to. Albiop 4t. PRELIII'I be presentee 4to th - ,t:° The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in--the-..land-_necessary -------------for alApe.a-,.--f-Qx...cu.t.e.-.and ---£ills_in_gra-ding.--Adrian .-Stse-e-t---fr.om_-------.. Alaska Avenue to Albion Street. ------------------------------------------- - Dated this 1-7-tb......... day of -- December, 1923 -------------------- .------------ 192.--. ---------------------------- ------ --- -- - ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary_-_ ---------------------------------------- -- -- --------------------------------------- -------------------- -- --------------._------- - _---_Yor._sloje s-,-_-for-_cut@and--_filld in ---grading- Adrian. -Street-. from_---_.:_.-.- -------------Alaska.-Avenue ...ta--Albion-8 treet-•---------------------- - ------ ------- .---------------------- --- --- ------------ --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------------------- ...._.__------..._------._------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. Toinvestigatethe necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council --------------DEC 1 8 1.923 -4• YEAS NAYS Councilman Ormiecz, OEG 9 g %26 Fsasseow Approved------------ ------------=.................. --------------...._.-------- ✓' Sudbeimer 31QDoxALD ✓' PETER / WENZEL ............. .-...........-.... tl MR. PRESIDENT `�� i � Mayor. rm FaC A 13 (3M 622) �/ / PUBUSWD , / PetitionC ' C F. No; 60362�bstracC Council File No...._.`��g3.. '. 4 Whergas, A written Propposni 'f r the.i .......... of the following lmprovement,�, PROs1c ane,aney to H1gck z' -ii""' R� . ngnm nt of part of M rshan s s:, of 131-11,,27,. bla kubin & ? o ] K'en u Ft PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 2, alson's Rearrangement of part of __- ....................•------------ ... - -- ..................----- --------............. ------ .... ....------- ------..._ ----- -...-- -.... .................... shall! a _Subdivision, of Blook 271 Mackubin 8n Marshall. s _-___-.--_-- -------------- kdaitiQn,_ and .,... o> --- - ------ 0 7�ain... Kent_ .txefl-t tckub.Strep- -- -- t.s..-------- - --------------------- -------.... ...------------- ------- Dated this -.....-1,5th.._..day of -------------- DeD6mher-r --- 1923+ ------- ------------------ 192...---• ---------- ---- ------------------------------------ ----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. Wilpon's-.Rearrangement--_o3.--pant_ oY---- _-_-._ LlarshallIa Subdivision of Block 7x Mackubin 8o Marshall's ------- ------ ----------------.....................----- .................................................-------------- ..- Additionx-_and Block 2, Auditor's Subidviaion No. 31, from -_-_ Kent Street to Mackubin Street. -------------------------------------- - - ............................_.................. . - . . ............ ----------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------------------- --------------------- .------ .....--- .--- ---- .---- .------ .- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEG 1 8 1923 t�9'' 3• Adopted by the Council- ........................................................................... 0 YEAS NAYS Councilman 6rY,+arsY. DEC 1 g 1923 F4moueaNApproved..... ----------------------------------------- ------------------...-- t Sudheimer -MC�D L- PETER I- WENT.EL i '.......................................................................................... ,/MR. PRESIDENT /' �) r� I/ [/�j Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) 603G3 Abstract. ' f� ' Whereas: Awrltten proposal for the. +�uncil File No..-J�� L 4ollo7cln6 improVemeent (� PROP in onaemnmg and,taxl Ror gloyo intoe e land n "t sh yin cut and fills 1n the R ud �gngement of Bl 2 Wil n's' tie ,Ion 04 B1.61, �,.�.nnd PRS ".1vIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz-: in Block 2, .. __ —P -------- ..-...--..._i"1.11so..9- i Block 27, 11ackubin & Marshall's Addition, end Block 2, 9n-dttox-'- --2ubdivlaiVn14-o- 3i; �ro� »rst Btreet to imsoka in 3t:- _.. ----------- ----........................ 15th December 1923. -.--------------., 192...._. Dated this - -...--..-day of....._............ ___ - - - -' Counedman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Condemning -_and -_taking" -_an_ eaeement----- the_.1and_neeQ»serY------- ---- " - for slopes, for��ta-and. fills in the grading o3 Alley in Bloo-it: -Wil-sort-s--B:earrangemen-t c, -f piart- Of &laT��hall-la - - ""-- Subdivision of Block 27, Maokubin & Marshall's Addition_, and --_-- --- --- -- - -- - -- .....--"Ii]:ock""Z";"""Au:3i'tor'"e Subdiviai"on No. 31 -;---from ger�� -Street ---------------------------- having o--- -_ - _ --------------- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- -- --- -- ----- "-.----"" therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work"e and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoinn matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 18T Adopted by the Council---------------- ----- ------------------------------------ --- --- +4, YEAS NAYS - Councilman G EC Is j923 YFER4rvsuir Approved--- _-------------------- - - 1- ------------------ --- ------ ---- Sudheimer McBer+nte PETER .................... .... I'WEN7.EL ----".. Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT P17E�LT7l'I19&D Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Request of nomr. McDonald. 60364— ncil File No-------- -- -64 Abstract ` Wherena, A written proposal for thn: PROPOS maki ing of the t6nowl g Improvement, Fprntahing and he t in Lalling of a ser-; o light) g stfollowing yip � .ata:.:..... - ater�, , PRELIMINYsIY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Furnishing and installing of a service lighting system on both sides of Portland Avenue from Furnishing and installing of a_service lighting system on the following streets. Both sides Portland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue II II Fry Street II Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue n nn Pierce Avet1U8 Avenue n n n rt D Aldine Street Aldine Street n li rra l'Theeler Avenue li . n n n n n n i ]iairview Avonue n n it n ie n n n nn Dewey Avenue n n 7 1� u lin HowellAvenue Prior Avenue n n n n n n it Prior Avenue Wilder Avenue n n Moore, Avenue n n n li n tl n II' , rrildes Avenue II It I1 11 ( II Cleveland Avenue _ _ _ _ Furnishing and installing of a service lighting eystiem on the following streets. Both aides Portland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue " " Pry Street ^ Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue Pierce Avenue Aldine Street n n Wheeler Avenue n n n n Fairview Avenue ^ n n n ° Dewey Avenue " Howell Avenue Prior Avenue " ° Moore Avenue Wilder Avenue n rt is Cleveland Avenue n n n n �• Sudheimer n¢eHQSQ7fLD " PETER WENTiEL-.........- -- !/ MR. PRESIDENT �,✓ / 1VIayOr. Y' Form C A 18(3M &22) '�JISI.I.SI'Ii (t(�kE?fkiTtj J C�XlTG° iF t, It gt u VXtj69y a u t,1. rT7110rrfsr Avenue n n Fry Street n Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue n » Pieros, Avenue » n n n 11 n n n Aldine Street it J1.O..,.GrT „AGA1Y6 n n n u �, u » n - TV IT Fairview Avenue IT u ,Y;TT.1.76L1._�h�?7J _ w ^ n » n n n tt It ro6T6 - ^ n Prior Avenue n ^ ^ » » n n Moore Avenue It �� r,T6z.co T r_ �7rr�6 ?;`S.6 9.� „ ,� u a r�1�7-i37 n-'1,9IJfi 6 „ �� � �� :iC u u - a6TJrTe TS. ow PITT TTTi.T '; d'GAfr6 .�0 pT6.f.OT ITg `; l.G), r7 (; RO f.7, 27(JGB FozgTOUCI Sudheimer ll¢CHQR7[LD C;` "76 'OT'01!J7T,; „ _!.GG V -fTT.TTTe1JTlf'L. .sJfqTy'!?P::l?-Tr,T`.', ]-7 �.T'j: 7?;i`i ,.._� PGiJ T ---..............................-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- Dated this-3-5.thl day of ------- ---- ----- .}._.� �2'�.� ..--------- 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Furnishing and installing of a eervioe lighting system on both aides of Portland Avenue from Furnishing and installing of a service lighting system on the following streets. Both sides Portland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Oleveland Avenue n n Fry Street n Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue n » Pieros, Avenue » n n n 11 n n n Aldine Street 'i n n n n n n 11 17heeler Avenue » n » n n n TV IT Fairview Avenue IT 1! n » » I! n Dewey Avenue w ^ n » n n n tt n n n n Howell Avenue » ^ n Prior Avenue n ^ ^ » » n n Moore Avenue n' n Ylilder Avenue n n Olw@land Avenue n_ n n n n n Sudheimer ll¢CHQR7[LD . "•. PETER WENZEL. ........................................... . Mayor. 'MR. PRESIDENT), i�� 1 Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) ?UBI.7SHM... t Z a n ' F 1 T It _ 71 u u - It %;TT-ATehtnI:7;!r6 71 II " ' ^r06]•f:S 1"r,r;Iifi6 „ It u u u u it u u _ It itt rI 'C�763.G0 ??h c7Tff6 It ?;`_L6Br I, n u 11 u i?IS7llu7Tn ?-hg7JfiCli7 n - 77G •; a6ufre TSOW ',!UGTTTISi ''h 6Af76 �0 (; J'61.6j ITC p0 2. 89 bOz FTEuq f. T� f'.;r ^i76 T•OT70iG]").T -i 06 n..o Y, _ T :?7,�57� £6 -S'- . Tp 0,_ T!T �*T72]77?ii.. C:, 77 71'91:8'"T - .h7Cf.. `• it „I -_'-.-ti T. .�Sri� .. i, rr I. ti - -A T -AT :I it II Y . it having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ................ .---------------------------------------------- ---- ---------_ - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby or and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing m tters to the Commissioner of Finance. pec 1 a %90 Adoptedby the Council._. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYs Councilman-CLANey-- DEC 81923 - '"P'EEGVSON Approved ........---------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ,Sudheimer Ak-BU axnn PETER ✓WENZEL .....- -'..._.._...._.__ Mayor. (,/R. PRESIDENT YI Ma � /' - / Form C A 18 (8M 8-22) Y t LI31 I$iIDD Reque 9 t G„No. 60386— �� P Abstrnet. 1 Council File No.....5E.lt3t 5 County Comr. Keller. Vhe e.., A Written propoant for the l! clog of the following Improvement, PROPO a the raadrvsye on each, aide os :;idgE on Earl St. hetween E. Se' "t: and Ross: St having be n p” to the Counell of the City 'tisrefore, be' It � a Thnt he PRELIIVYy "° )RDEIi: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pava-.the...r-oe.dwaya on--•each--aids-- of--the---brqdge---onEarl Street - ... --_between__.... Seg-enth-.street--_and-_Rode-_Street-.---....__.-.--..........- ............................ .................... _.. Councilman. ------------------- Dated this day of --------------------- DeCembeT.,._1-,923x---....._.._..., 192....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave..-the__.roadways---eaph-_aide_.-oi_. the brid.g-e._on-Earl ."Street _---- ...-- - between E. Seventh Street an-----Rose-_Street_t....._--_-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ....... - .------ .....---- ._----------------------------- --- --. -- -- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 14 4. To state whether or not said impr6vement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----------------... Ct-.$-- - 2 ......................... YEAS NAYS (/ Councilman � F_ Approved.... L�" . ... Sudheimer �D PETER .......-....... .............WENyEL....................._Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT % n Fom, C A 13 (3M 6-22) O' l'UBL1S11>:D ,.�:yG fAUNCIL NO..-.(� {�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION _GENERAL FORM ( nv/ . l December H 1923 PRESENTED BY jet DATE._.__........_.._. -L---- —' STO 11�XXKLL! ......__...___. COMMIS NER; RESOLVED That the Council hereby approvers the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to -the Department approximately 990 tons of 161, Class B cast iron j°raterpipe to the Glamorgan Pipe & Foundry Co., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidder, at a price of 155.55 per ton, f.o.b. cars, Lynchburg, Va. with freight allowed to St. Paul, Kinnesota, or a total price of approximately $54,994.50, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of :later, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #6026. I.. 50366—By Wm J. Peter—By est. ... �.. Adopted by 18cDec. 18, 1923, Dec. Approved1922 3. (Dec.cc 18, $ (22-1023) :5 , P � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___------._In favor Matson Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _.-.-------192..--.. A( --���+`..7 192- /- LIITION OF dDUNCIL APPROv,., -ASB$883MNT AND FIXIN! E OF REARING IN.CORDEXIN; t'•R PROCREI)INOB., RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL'AESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 'In the matter of......condamning..and... taking- a n..aas.ement...in-..the -..land.-necessary ,f or-..slopes.,_..for.-. euts...and..f illa..in..gr-ading.._Hunt..Placa--- fro m...Terr.1tor-L9,1 _Road ...to..Hunt---Street. ....... under Preliminary OrdeATN&................... approved-Aug.....11.,....1923, Intermediary Order ....49 7$......, approved.....D1BY....1,...1923.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........12th--------- ............. day of .4anuary.►.-.192'x--...--997K...... at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. DEC 1 5 1923 Adopted by the Council.-- ........................................ DEC 1 1^r: Approvea---------- -........... ................_.......1 191....... Councilman MWWWW -"41107 Councilman XX= Councilman XYMU. MaD&MR-m— CouncilmanAD&M `teeter Councilman filed$ Sudheimer, Councilman MtXXMA%VVWenze1 1 Mayor I3jbX Neel s on 191JA,....---- n. . .a ------------ ...... ....... ..... ................... � ... LCL.................................. ..............---......•....... Aeting Mayor. �56368 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the ,natter of......aondemning...and ...taking ...an—e-A lament..-In._the....land...ne.ceagjar9 .for B-lopes..—S.or aut-s A nd fi.11.s..-:Ln .. grAdi.ng..AlleY.--in..Black-_2,...b1e.Ga lei t er View...and...blaok..14 .. Aasm �. $...Addition, --.from.- As bury._Ave,---_to._Pa under Preliminary Order...........48057----. approvedAP-9 E81-1923-------. Intermediary Order- ...._49AB1--, approved... NAR..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .....A th........................day of.._J-anmrg,...1924_..-xSzC1:...., at ten o'clock A. ill. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council._ -------------Q--- --...x--19 191.------ ...... .................................. - - - Approven ...................�FG.....£� i���^^' �, ��� City Clerk. 191.. _s RCfigg Mayor. Councilman iRKNO9 0 E)3:MeY PUBLISI-1ED��/ Councilman](d'XKX F92'ff — CouneihnanxV,QdM1&''". d Councilman Yj= ✓Peter CouncilmanxdRa=-'Sudheimer Councilman W °enzel Mayor "0 - Nelson 0369 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPRGVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Jv� In the matter of...apening,...Widsning... and .-.ex.t8nding..Hary.aatar...iivanlle.._tD...6... ................................................. _.... under Preliminary Order..... 4869?-__....-__.. approveAP.PtR 25.,1923-.. Intermediary Order....49280--,-- approved..... Q01. 2-Q,... lMil The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a, confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........12th- ..................... day of _...-January.,--.1924 A= ,at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. DEU) g 1928 Adopted by the Council ............. 191........ )EQ Citt-...------ y Clerk. Approves..... ........................................ 191....... f _...(... mac....... ............................. .•4 al....... - M--..- ayor --- � Councilman Councilman f¢g®mxx Ferguglo i'a1Bl lst> Councilman NxbLEl3Cx M9R0Tr t& Councilman X3M= ✓Peter Councilman Mxft c = Sudheimer Councilman��./ cr-Venzel MayorAXIbX {Pelson , ''� under Preliminary Order ....:...4.1120. .... ...... .. _......_..__..._..._, Intermediary Order ....._45534 ............................. _......... Final Order .......4.9.200. ......... _... __..__.._.__....... approved._......Q4.t_o_...1J.-_1923_....... __....... 7G]D�X The assessment of....henefl_ti......_c.Q..ste_.._and__e?;pgp".s .- ...................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council/having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,L therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmen be and the same is hereby in all rpacts approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public Learing be bad on said assessment on&..........._�,`l.k?...... _..... day of japuary.,..._.a 924._.............IS.....__.., at the lhour of I 0 o'clock A. M., in the Council`Chamber of the Court House and CityLF:511 Building, in the City of St. Paul; hat the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by' the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessedj!�gainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directsbEG 1 8 1925 Adoptedby the Council .................................. ...........-- ............ ..... .........191........... _..... ........ ....._.._...............- City Clerk. 1 81"2 ........._...._... Approved ............ _.._.... DEC ._._...._..:__..._......_...._. _........... ......... .... .......... ............... ...... _.. ..._:._......_._..._ _1_�.—�._�_ ayor. Councilman Fsfi[s*XWiX =581xx �— WXbUAX McBo•naid— xkwjex ✓f?eter Wj&jk l-/Sudheimer •• }g�1�•-Wenzel Mayor%My,"elson Form B. B. 16 �:�� wreaovrxo esssssm»�s. • 7-1' 00370 COUNCIL FILE NO . ................... .... _.—�, By.......... ......._........_....... ....................... ........ ......... C. F. No. iutienefl e, C..ts-sr:'the9..... rore '9nt !'�0 - CITY ingb_ rotto stt:.: Out,, star,- C mo an '':i. e•,..un4.. Resolution of Counci►' Approving 'Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Grotto St. from South St. to bake Como and Phalen Avenue,.. under Preliminary Order ....:...4.1120. .... ...... .. _......_..__..._..._, Intermediary Order ....._45534 ............................. _......... Final Order .......4.9.200. ......... _... __..__.._.__....... approved._......Q4.t_o_...1J.-_1923_....... __....... 7G]D�X The assessment of....henefl_ti......_c.Q..ste_.._and__e?;pgp".s .- ...................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council/having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,L therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmen be and the same is hereby in all rpacts approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public Learing be bad on said assessment on&..........._�,`l.k?...... _..... day of japuary.,..._.a 924._.............IS.....__.., at the lhour of I 0 o'clock A. M., in the Council`Chamber of the Court House and CityLF:511 Building, in the City of St. Paul; hat the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by' the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessedj!�gainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directsbEG 1 8 1925 Adoptedby the Council .................................. ...........-- ............ ..... .........191........... _..... ........ ....._.._...............- City Clerk. 1 81"2 ........._...._... Approved ............ _.._.... DEC ._._...._..:__..._......_...._. _........... ......... .... .......... ............... ...... _.. ..._:._......_._..._ _1_�.—�._�_ ayor. Councilman Fsfi[s*XWiX =581xx �— WXbUAX McBo•naid— xkwjex ✓f?eter Wj&jk l-/Sudheimer •• }g�1�•-Wenzel Mayor%My,"elson Form B. B. 16 �:�� 50371 C. F. o. 60371 COUNCIL FILE NO ................ In the.. matter -of the assessmont of. ,henedta, coats':and expenee9 .for --oath -[.:from Como=Ave.-North to. Grotto the reti'dlae on By ...... to :t. ...._..... .............._.................._......_...._ profile hereto attacher, part hereof, ry ;:47866. Interunder m?aFr Or.,la 'a48,: F CITY C Tail Resolution of Councii"Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading South St. from Como Ave. North to Grotto Street, to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order..._4,78.6.`J............_.._.___...___....__._., Intermediary Order ...........-48249 Final Order ___......4fl84.8... _......____., approved....___ QCt_•...31__1923. The assessment assessment of ..._.._henefits.,__Q.oat.a.._and_ ex.penae9_....._..__.._.....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............ 12t.h ...... _...... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 1 II 1923 19 1.- _ Adoptedby the Council.............................................................. lElI 3 192 ..............._--.___..........._....._....._...................... ....... _........ City Clerk. Approved...... - ........ _---.._._.--.- —-._._......................191......... __._..............._........................._...,_.�_..__._ Mayor. CouncilmanAhXffir$iMx GXRC-7- da=Fergus-le--- ' •• Xbbb-k MaBena3d-- got" ,—Peter L,Sudheimer 2ftx&*]j 1P— Wenzel Mayor*"/Nelson Form B. B. 16 ��� C. F. Nn, d0373— 563'72 In .the .matter of the assessment oY'. COUNCIL FILE NO................. benedte costs and exConses for grad- 1 tng ,Lake Como-and lLak., Phale,. Aver Yrom-Dale St. to a.Doint-.330'fee By....'y -'.............._............_.............................. _.._... _....... give Westi of, Adam. st, from tpi. Poiand a se-Pnt , along , �lortheasterly _' boundarybYC�'i. CITY Cfprk to shrub 8t.: continuing . a northwester'. �,•', �� ^_e of 366',•ji Resolution of Council i Comte t �1; ovng •Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Dale Street to a point 336 feet West of Adams St., and a Service Drive from this point along the Northeasterly boundary of Como Park to Shrub St., continuing thence in a northwesterly direction a distance of 365 feet, more or less, to Lake Como Drive. Also grading Adams St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point 202 ft, south thereof, also grading Grotto St. from Maryland St. to South St., under Preliminary Order..............._....3.8,15.1.____.....__........__., Intermediary Order ...._38963__.__..___....... _...... ............ _... _... —., Final Order ...........334.9.1..... approved. MAY, _1922. ..._._.. ...._.$�q fX.._.._ The assessment ofG.O6-ts...And ..._exp 9.Z1889.............___.....,........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. _.........lath......_.....day of ,T&.nt z3T 1.9.24,...._._._, X-*T-.7C....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. I91..... Adopted by the Council__..........I .....EC 1 - 8._...1.92.....__._3 CC((�� - .............. .._............._.. ........................0 Y--..`.'...--...-....... �it9'Clerk. DEQ 1 C• 19La Approved.....191......... _..... ...... .......... _....... ......._._...._..._..— Councilman FWdEWAUTL6X 4�Y Y. pljgj ]Sq$D� .. IG6&SX jdoLnax IIHC36n&�— x "Peter yq�g L,-Sudheimer >VLXg&&4s Wenzel Mayor 6ddKxvNe1son � \ Form B. B. 16 - / 50373 COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... ............ _. CF..aBinaeec or the'=.assessment' of :b n.dta, cpsta and ..pensee Yo1 sewer on Annapolta - 9' By ..._.._..... .... .... ......... ... .... ......... ...... . ... strueting 'rpm ,9outh Robert 9t, to Tull Ada Order 47410;:_3. und.r'Fre1lmlPary ter.ed1MrY- Order 48703; Final Ofd Cl ` ed Oct l,21 192a 49423 ,npyro >,'�P seapT nt nm' °�t,j.�n Resolution a of Council pprovmg -Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing sewer on Annapolis St. from South Robert St. to Hall Ave., 48799 ........._..., under Preliminary Order ........._4.4.] O_...._. _... _..... _...._._, Intermediary Order ......_.__......._..._........._.......... ........... ......... Final Order......_.....4.94�t............... _.._._._......... _..._., approved .._..._._Oct___$1�......192-3..............__..., AOLM--- The assessment of........__b9X19fit9,,...._C08_LS..._Bnd__9X.p9n8.99..._.__._._..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1- t'J1,................. day of January.,._.. 1924._.._ W............ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...._...._DE_C_.1...8..J.923_._....... _... 91..__...... ................................... Clerk. Approved........ _..------- ...............191......... ...................................... ayor. Councilman 1+ aF A nGy � eulsJ lsz� man= .. 5d�c6asuY–M�D'cYtaTd kgutsx —Peter bfteAk "udheimer xxx&-Wenzel Mayor MM4,1xelson Form B. B. 16 F No b0379 � 5V3`74 the matte Y th eo , COUNCIL FILE NO. ........._.__. -- t e9je oats a s. for eon_ K r 1 Kf n Ave. t rePelll 1 9t. an17 ,Iullet Street„ a rY"Ord 97602. h B ........ .... ._.. ......._ edlarY O d By _........ ._ ........ ...... . r 4798I Frna. 702 ppero CIT I a a m r qiY - Resolution of Council � Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Lexington Ave. between Palace St. and Juliet St., under Preliminary Order ............ ...._____....._, Intermediary Order ......_-..........._479n.,.._ ............... _...... ...___.., Final Order 48702 approved..._._ _ _'Se.pt.. _ 26.:_._1923_........... jd2,tX-- ......_........._.....7 .......... _........._...._.... The assessment of ......._benefita,...-aas.tz....and....expenses ..._............_...._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on thel2.t11......................... .day of January.,.....18.24......,1479x,8......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lot* of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. it Adopted by the Council Approved ............ -._-...;:a.Cc.-1-fa-1 Councilman $B41iMMI x$d6Fx per etts•aa• xkWuAx hietmi&i-d— Kslte>Ex �,ra t er kkilft �/Sudheimer •• ��; Fenzel Mayocc)rodscac Nelson Form B. B. 16 I/ �. In the matter oC the aeeament. oC P' 4� be e9ta, .coet.aad eADeoaea Sor; cOn-. COUNCIL FILE NO ........... .......... .... _ atructins a aewar.,c; St. nlbapa st, `375 :from , ryland .to-R'heelocki Parkway f r ni, use only;: ands en storm.:water. to �. use on Ero s By...__...................... ..... .. ........ .... ... ........ _.._ same, under lnary . O;,' 46936, IntermeO 47632] .I nat Old., 43�UL Gert; CI 7923. The, aste• �+ expense Resolution of Cou1 hspproving Assessment. .. In the matter of the assessment of beTfefit8, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on St. Albans St. frau Maryland St. to Wheelock Parkuay for sanitary use only, allstorm water to be excluded from same, under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order ._:4.�.673..rd.._........_._.......-_._.....-.._.........- Final Order...__......._48289.._.._...._.._....____....__, approved.-.-_Se.pt......26.,__1M..._._._...._..,�g79 ._._ The assessment of .... pe -.-..-.,for and in connection with baneti�ts.,.....cos.ta...aud....ex- na.ea........_ . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....-..12t.h........... _...... day of January_x_.._,1924 X.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1 g ...... Adopted by the Council ... ..........D.EC .__........_.__.._... 1923 191. ._....._.... DF_G t R qty ........ _._.................................. ........ Clerk. Approved........ _.._.._...__.... _._.......... __........................ _191......... Councilman Fp AX Fs1aPAM. 3c"Ax ?eP84e4A- x "Peter ppkg 'Sudheimer X�Wgj&k-Wenzel Mayor k36xx Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO.. F.'xn. soais— 503'76 -- '—'-"—' -the matter of the aeseeemen2 `oE •'Zits, casts and expenses for Da°� ...... ye Goodrich Prior Ave.,. including S.e 6rr, By ...._........ ........ ...... ................ ........... ....... .-' ronnectlona:.: Ecom ter and bas ro OrtY line9. ^-om'• wet mafna to 11Dady ra, CITY t'• where °r•HUE Resolution of council -Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections fran street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including cement curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order.._....'d.9.442..._.____..... __........__...., Intermediary Order .......... .........*lm ..._._.........__................. _.... I Final Order ....__. _._418.42 _ ...._......_.., approved_...._ Sept..... 6, 1922.. .....7(.x17g7�7C.--- The assessment of _......._ben6f.i.ts. Mos.ts.._and--.expens.es.....__......... _..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........ 12t.b._...._.__...day of _.danuar..y.,.....192.4......_.....,XD= ........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner.to whom the notice is directed. DEC 1 g 1923 Adopted by the Council __........................... .......��`�.../..191...__._. Clerk. Approved............ _........ - ............ __._... _ .............................191 Councilman 3W&TJJWi X XTSTAX f�gusot�--• xaaa '-'Peter kx Sudheimer mufixamwcWenzel Mayor Nelson Form S. H. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ........ _.___.-- By........ _......... _._................................................................................. 503'77 CITY OF ocivawP-;J- Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Palace St, from Snelling Ave. to Fredericka Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order— _.........___....__, Intermediary Order_._A0221.........._............ .... ............ ... .............. Final Order ... ....__....._CMA .............. ..._....._...._, approved.July. _ 13-,-192.2--- The assessment of _...._..benefit_s c.os.ts.--and--expens.ea._... ----.--..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 12th........_ ....... day of January.,......192!x.............. lca-CX....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_....DE:r.._I...8._1923..._...._.._... ._..... 191...... 44� _.......................... Clerk. DEC 4 .. 19g IKJ� Approved ........_... ' .._... _.... _.........................191......... _......._....._......_.....__...—_. ---- Iayor. CouncilmanlIkMOMM y. S Climax -'ergs V1r-- Pi3BLIS�D lJbWxk *eDe"a'Id— lOttK ,.peter AbOdft v'Sudheimer xqWU6&-W-Menzel Mayor jx4j elson 1 ,/ - �) Form B. B. 16 :! ✓/ repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street east to the bridge, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order.__.._4Q442.......___......___......___..., Intermediary Order 41.0.19.!R ................. . ........... . ........ . Final Order 13-5-34- approved ......_April __e24.1- 1923......._._..._..., *94xx--- The assessment of_._benefits, .....G.oatH....aZld.....ex.pe nses. ............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... 2t . ............ _...... day of January, -.-19.24.. ............ tat...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1923 Adopted by the Council_.........._.......DEC I S .._........... ..._......_.___....._,_...........191.....___. ..............J_ _...._........_................ .......ty Clerk. Approved .....- - 191......... _.................._...:_............................G..._�m ! =mayor. Councilman7MIGt6i(i iKk 191aUff... �Sabxx PUBLIS�D .. I3I�14iKdfc�t Me•Bvsi+�d— t4onFx L eter MaOukbt ✓Sudheimer a=x'Yfenzel Mayorzts txV'Relson Form B. D. 16 C F No: 60378—.' COUNCIL FILE NO... -- ----- r b the matter of th a essme t, e ?1 Vt neflgte oete and Epe 8: for r pavin 51 th at. a Rosabel: ' B3, _......__.�_ """" """"' ""' aet to th bridge 1 1-dlhg,-sew aterl. and', gas.. o seri ne fr ......... street Lr t :ions 'cr P Y Dlete, caber t -al ,y _ toaq Including CITY including curbing. and p } ' Resolution and drier,.- Councif...". proving Assessment. of In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street east to the bridge, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order.__.._4Q442.......___......___......___..., Intermediary Order 41.0.19.!R ................. . ........... . ........ . Final Order 13-5-34- approved ......_April __e24.1- 1923......._._..._..., *94xx--- The assessment of_._benefits, .....G.oatH....aZld.....ex.pe nses. ............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... 2t . ............ _...... day of January, -.-19.24.. ............ tat...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1923 Adopted by the Council_.........._.......DEC I S .._........... ..._......_.___....._,_...........191.....___. ..............J_ _...._........_................ .......ty Clerk. Approved .....- - 191......... _.................._...:_............................G..._�m ! =mayor. Councilman7MIGt6i(i iKk 191aUff... �Sabxx PUBLIS�D .. I3I�14iKdfc�t Me•Bvsi+�d— t4onFx L eter MaOukbt ✓Sudheimer a=x'Yfenzel Mayorzts txV'Relson Form B. D. 16 �77 50379 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ....... . ............ . . . inFhNo r�'ho marnint of benefit9 Llama ea Zt:and ex 0 s.sl 13Y ......... . .. .... .. ........ ........... . ......... ... PO ,the gradg-ol,..bortl eaeterlg f 11ne Of ,getithtl Ave. Pto .1 tj CITY OF $•I no the P10u.t' north Unel lb, Y,�Ave. 7est'nud of Unt. " '* "t " P "inent. PU Tr S.t Resolution of Council Apftu�no`lt *rml -!_612 Aise In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages , 0 08 t a & expenses for Changing the grades of ,cObert Street 14ortli from the southeasterly line Of Central five. Last to a point 2701 north of the present line of University ;X6. >est and of University live. West from a point 1201 east of the east line of Hobert street North to Capitol Boulevard and of j,.urora 1,ve. from Cedar Street to Hobert Street 14orth in accordance with the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown thereon by blue lines, also grade Ora ,ve. botween the aforesaid limits �obart street, University fMO- and tur and the curved connection between riabert Street and University 1,vO-0 In accordance with the said red lines when established; also the building n of retaining walls and protective railings where necessary along and o the sides Of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the rebuild - Ing or underpinning of vialls on intersecting and adjacent streets where tile changing of grades or connection with other walls makes It necessary; also reconstruction of the watermains, sewers, the relocation, relaying and iins, manholes, sidewalks and other structures on i gutters, curbs, catchbav i the aforesaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said grades when established, also building sewers on University P-ve- from Capitol i3oulavard to Jackson Street, and drains behind bridge abutments and retaining walls; the building of a reinforced concrete arch tiri&ge i;ith abutments including the paving of bridge and approaches at the intersection of -University 1,-ve. eat and Cedar street; the building of a sidewalk on top -of -the north wall of University iVe. between Capitol Blvd. and Cedar street and the building of sidewalk and steps on top of the north wall of University ive. between Cedar street and a point 1251 west Of the uest line of Robert Street; also including the protection, underpinning and changes of buildings where n necessary, and where required to rebuild entrances to same; also Paving Or repaving, boulevarding, planting and protecting shade trees, installing ornamental lights, sodding or seeding slopes and building sidewalks on Hobert Street North from the south- easterly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of University a. �Gst' from the est line of Hobert Street AVO* '4est' University AV k I North to the 1%ast line of Park Rve- and the intersection of Robert St. and University ifflG- as opened and widened including curbing ana paving approaches where deemed necessary and making all alley and driveway sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property line Complete; also replacing maaadam and surfacing on streets not paved, the adjustment of all adjacent imurovements, on the aforesaid streets,or reconstruction of private sidewalks on streets intersecting same and the or steps to the extent necessary to make proper connection with the improvements herein contemplated, and any other work incidental to carry- ilyg out the above Improvements, k4ftX& •MoBenald_ Kix I -Peter Me= `'Sudheimer xgC"Wenzel, MayorxbEV1KX,Neison Form B. B. 16 under Preliminary Order..........__.375Zl...__..___..-...__... , Intermediary Order _._.._3'1751 .............. Final Order ._......__38188.........._........ .. approved..._._ Jan.....Q�...._.�9Z`�_.......__..._...7UER]£...__ The assessment of ben9fitQ.,.__d_877198expenee9___for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....:_.15.1-h .......... _...... day of Januar$_,__19jtk................... _T43 C...._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 4 House and City Hall Building, in tl?e City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....__......._pEC...1...8..1923 -. _- .... 191..._...._. UEC i 8 1�2 __�.._............_.............._....._.........................V......--..."...... er . Approved........____._.....___..._.__.. ..... _ ......................191 _....... Q �� . . _ . ._' %! �o Mayor. Councilmarpd8memmb F�rgnaoa YUBLISHlii % ` WAX& -MeDansld_. •• Kix I -peter d0zgaft Sudheimer fir' Wenzel, MayorRC[s",,>e is on Form B. B. 16 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.0 hanging. the -grade -of. All.ey. An. Blojak.. �QX]f- . - - ... Thixd.AdcUtion, - Xr-om,wilder..Avenue..to..Maor.e. t4p ... red. line. nn..the- -Pr.ofi le - h0ret0- At-t&QhQd..=d. mdo-PL-PArt. hqrAa, -ihq. -A - blue . -line. -t4Qr.q0.4 ........... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 0 9.PA ............. approved ... 19RVA ..97.x . 1923 ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..0h4Ag!kA4P�.mkAq. of to a blue, ,line ,thereon,......................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 09QQ ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 16.th ....... day of —January ........... 192...4., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. pEG 18Adopted by the Council.. 192 . ....... 192.. QEC I S 190 ........ .... Approved........1C., 6I ty er ............. 40ting Mayor. Councilman -Glaner-- Councilman Ftrgusorr— Councilman McDonald-- Councilmanftib= �Peter Councilman XM2= ludheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor X%qu"ls on Form B. S. A. 8-6 :-, MTERXEJ)iAnv� OBM"S! the Matterof changing the Grade f .11I W Block 14, :Merriam 'hird Addltl.., - from Wild'Ave' o.r. Ave ;to conform to the red attcc,",. ,the k..ore , part cr 1. the grade: -being shr�' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.0 hanging. the -grade -of. All.ey. An. Blojak.. �QX]f- . - - ... Thixd.AdcUtion, - Xr-om,wilder..Avenue..to..Maor.e. t4p ... red. line. nn..the- -Pr.ofi le - h0ret0- At-t&QhQd..=d. mdo-PL-PArt. hqrAa, -ihq. -A - blue . -line. -t4Qr.q0.4 ........... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 0 9.PA ............. approved ... 19RVA ..97.x . 1923 ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..0h4Ag!kA4P�.mkAq. of to a blue, ,line ,thereon,......................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 09QQ ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 16.th ....... day of —January ........... 192...4., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. pEG 18Adopted by the Council.. 192 . ....... 192.. QEC I S 190 ........ .... Approved........1C., 6I ty er ............. 40ting Mayor. Councilman -Glaner-- Councilman Ftrgusorr— Councilman McDonald-- Councilmanftib= �Peter Councilman XM2= ludheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor X%qu"ls on Form B. S. A. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... changing-the.grade. .of..Allsy.-in .Bloak..15,.11 ulevard.Addition .. No... 2 . and .Blork..2,.. Rou2evELrd. Addit ion .Nct...3,..fr. om . Albert. Avenne..t a ... .. �mlJ.ne..?+oe., . to..canform ..Lo..the. xed..line..on .the.. pxo�ile..hexeio..Q.�it�Ck�ed and,madQ.a•part•,herep :4". pr a. bine..line.. thereon ......................................................................... ..................................................... :................................................ under Preliminary Order....... 49926 , . , . , , , , , , , , approved . NQq,.. 27,, , 1923 ., , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Changa.t.he..grade-of Alley.. in. Black. l5,.. aoulevard. Addill.0l..NA...2, . anti .PUPIL .2,.. &tul6oafia. . A0.41 P4.A,.. MI'l.A1bQr4.AQenve..to..cfaml nQ.A9.Q...tQ.AQPXQrm..to,the, red. line. on .the. .pro fi la. hereto. a ttaehed..end. made. a—part . her.eof , . eras ant.. ea tabliahad. grads . belmng . ahoxtn..by. . a . hlue . line.. thereon,.......... . ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..O..OQ .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 115th .......... day of ... JantMr7........... 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. EC Adopted by the Council..... ® ......`..... ... •, 192 • . ... DEC. .. �...�C— Approved ...........n ....::......192...... 7Z` _ City Clerk. Acting Mayor. Councilman 61anCX._, Councilman F-ecgustw Councilman MoPenaid— Councilman AtIt9[m ''Peter Councilman 25mi 8 Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel t Mayor 3dAdgs➢ICC4.18on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ✓" t'C F N E6si 'InAt,he Matter of Changing the Srade hY� NO: E and No k12, Boule'vard' v_,I Addii lion NC. 3.::trom AR, AIT'.' Hamlin¢ Ave. tC Cnvf._ to- the red Her ..the rodle .hereto ttaehe`1 .,1 de art hereof, -the. Dream t..e tabliahed rnde beln n,_ eh o_w-n'-tiy-a blue "lint. 'eZfi n u d Prenmlm'y Or��'.; C _gen Vef ; he CI , '• COUNCIL FILE NO ............... �� received the sap^ . r_.,— Ftna•f• . '; _.1 . 11 By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... changing-the.grade. .of..Allsy.-in .Bloak..15,.11 ulevard.Addition .. No... 2 . and .Blork..2,.. Rou2evELrd. Addit ion .Nct...3,..fr. om . Albert. Avenne..t a ... .. �mlJ.ne..?+oe., . to..canform ..Lo..the. xed..line..on .the.. pxo�ile..hexeio..Q.�it�Ck�ed and,madQ.a•part•,herep :4". pr a. bine..line.. thereon ......................................................................... ..................................................... :................................................ under Preliminary Order....... 49926 , . , . , , , , , , , , approved . NQq,.. 27,, , 1923 ., , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Changa.t.he..grade-of Alley.. in. Black. l5,.. aoulevard. Addill.0l..NA...2, . anti .PUPIL .2,.. &tul6oafia. . A0.41 P4.A,.. MI'l.A1bQr4.AQenve..to..cfaml nQ.A9.Q...tQ.AQPXQrm..to,the, red. line. on .the. .pro fi la. hereto. a ttaehed..end. made. a—part . her.eof , . eras ant.. ea tabliahad. grads . belmng . ahoxtn..by. . a . hlue . line.. thereon,.......... . ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..O..OQ .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 115th .......... day of ... JantMr7........... 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. EC Adopted by the Council..... ® ......`..... ... •, 192 • . ... DEC. .. �...�C— Approved ...........n ....::......192...... 7Z` _ City Clerk. Acting Mayor. Councilman 61anCX._, Councilman F-ecgustw Councilman MoPenaid— Councilman AtIt9[m ''Peter Councilman 25mi 8 Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel t Mayor 3dAdgs➢ICC4.18on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ✓" '.F. No, 60382— 563V a the Matter of constructing n sewer' ' on ,Payne Ave..betweonFlawtharne St. and hfarl'land St., unlet -Prelim- Jnary.Order .49933. approved :Nov: 27, 11923. }. The Council of the ,City of St. Paul .vine received the reporC o[ the'Com• - .isstoaer or, pYnance upon the ab provement, and having conaidr; I rcrrnrt. herahv tvas: COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..eonstrneting. A. &91g6T'.. P4..J'33. D!Q •Avec, between. Hawthorne St,. and. Manyi and. St..,..................................................................... ....................................................................................................... .................•.....,.............................................................................. ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 49933 pp NOV . 27 1923. .............a roved ............... .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..00nS.trli0,.S..@ewe-' On payx}Q,ve..,between,Jiawthorne St. and Maryland St., ............................_......................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estmated cost thereof is $.1,t3t45..Q0..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...16th......... day of January..........., 192.4..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 1 a ..,..,., 192.. ... Adopted by the Council.. ........... 1923 . .......... .:.., - �l....... ..... .... ..... Approved...... _r. ...192...... j City Clerk. ................ ................. Acting Mayor. Councilman'EJaney-- Councilman-Eex ..ann _ t�vull l7EU-/ L Councilman McBarMW Councilmanikls= ✓Peter Councilman JKx*Xx �Sudheimer Councilmad'VVenzel Mayor l CLN61son Form B. S. A. 8-6 5ks6388r> COUNCIL FILE NO .................._......... By....................... -'.. ..... .... FINAL OR ER 15 In the Matter of-j"4Yin6_Ha-,vt horns Street--frPy,9 X1...St.rsEt...to_...Tk,.e....v'.alt_...... plalerr...._..._- ........................__......._............ .... -Oran.treet_from Earl Sirret to the et�:it lies of Phalen Heights Park 41.1.., S#Q37. .................................................. ------ _...................._........ ....._..........._-... ...... - ........... H acinth Street from Euri Strest to Or[inge Street -V�`�'1.� rim..E:4xl...5.t.x:.at...t�...Q.�'z nE:,a...�Lxe x...... ......._........................---- ......----......... Trrank Stryefrorn Ivy Strset to W.rylana Street g _-_- iA Avenue zrc.--Qrr?t:.rca.t...tp..!dz,rfiui wa er and gas connections from sir et mains to property lines complete, :4x1.G'TF'i.. rlOt_- uci6.,---;,.SR....I'..�:.u;iiTr�.'.--GUTu.lilt...i:.nd....pki.Y.ln�",...tl.r.is.e:�tay.--.and alley aprro<[c}, :s, where 1Ga 4 -h under Preliminary Order ..............__...45559._.._....... approved_ ...._...... ....Y..... t....,=.�.�3...................... .._.... Intermediary Ordelcln he fatte r of paving Hawthorne St. ! approved...... from Earl St. to the east Imo of yce P A public hearimprovement upon due notice, and the Council` t Phalon Heights Park Addition: P 11, OrangeofPhalen Heights Park St. the Aen having jte.ard all p t,on. t")datlons relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefdrtvaei> th St.. -from Earl g S[. RESOLVED, By th% s`'sz a om y St`to Y , f St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made b said City is. Paye..Hawthorne Street- fT ....._- .... .......... et. to the Eaut line of P11ien Heights P'rk Aaa tion. O.raiige..Eitreet-Street-.i ,r1.Street, to -_,the sit 1_ne-of..Phalen He.i�rts_-.Park Audition Hvacinth Street from Earl Street to Oran -e Street _.. .. ...... .... vy dtree treat frl Str e -t t0 Orange S+raet. FrankIx.am :VY ........................... .............................. Duluth Avenue from Orange Street to Maryland street, including sever, a e-rNai Eas .carr Le-Q.t.a0na .zxom at.rs.�t cuzi-Az a to ?.>�P T.t=�.._lia—e15. c4>nP.l�nd yyhsre not t.lre.-tly made, also include he ro�w� -, an he to be as follove:ii�v and 1aYPB 3faroar•r arta-ase sat. Hawthorne St. - 30 feet; Orange St. - 32 feet between Earl St. and Duluth Ave.; 20 feet between Daluth Ave. and the east line of Phalen Heights Park; Hyacinth St.- 32 feet; Ivy St. _ 20 feet; Frank St. - 30 feet; Duluth Ave. - 30 feet except from 120 feet north of f4aryland St. to Maryland St. to be 40 feet - Material to be 2" asphaltic concrete on 5 inch concrete base. X4,;4 MAY 2 1 1924 .... - Adopted by the Council...-. 9 1 5i _ !�` ., ....r .. ........, MAY 2 1 t�e; City Clerk. Approved.._._...._ ................. _....., 191......_ r - ..-..._............ .... --AW Mayolx Councilman (mss✓�'ergusorl `f 46e80ei}trta'a GRW Councilman ?R*M /Peter Councilman Heilman X511 Stidheimer Mayor AFc Q lisl son Form B. S. A. 8-7 i Awn. E.13 ...... — GI—L.. J.A..u. BJ0A1,_rLiI1VD Se A1VDIIE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 711-717 G—D— L11n B -L -NO ST.PAUL..MINN. December 11, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: According to the postcard notice which I have received, the matter of paving Ivy Street from Earl Street to Orange Street under Pre- liminary Order No. 45559 will be heard December 19th at ten o'clock. I am the ovmer of the premises commonly liliown as 1154 Ivy Street, and I am heartily in favor of this proposed paving and dish to express my approval thereof. I personally would prefer asphalt or asphalt concrete pavement, but am willing to abide by the will of the majority. Please record me as being in favor of this project at the hearing of the Council on the 19th of December. Yours ru}Y r AkrefL,_,� AEB-ABH C.� CITY OF oT. PAUL DEPARTMENT O .FINANCE REPORT.,.OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �Z In the matter of Pave the following streets : uawthnrne Street from Earl Street to the east line of Phalen Htgs. Pk. Add., Orange Street from Earl Street to the east line of Phalen Heights Pk. Add., Fiyanint.h Street from Earl Street to Orange Street, -- ivy Street from Earl Street -to Orange Street, renlr Street from Iyy Street to P9aryland Street, Duluth Avenue from Orange Street to Maryland Street, iricludinao sewer} water from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving, t9rivewsaV and ces ar TOTAL, Form B. B, 10 _ under Preliminary Order approved!:ay 4, 192a ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 32" Creosote Brick laid Asphalt or Seven in. Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete. Total Sq. Yd. 5.92 4.90 3.83 3.27 Intersections) @1 52,659.00 ? 43,585.00 & 0heelage ) 34,06B.00 � 29,OB7.00 Property Share 932139.00 _ 77,092.00 60,257.00 _ 51,447.00 T o t a l -,145,798.00 `?120,677.00 j 94,325.00 ? 80,534.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.46 6.12 4.69 3.95 Add for Cement Curb ahere not in 60� per lin ft. Add for 6" Sewer connections each 66' street x66.00 60' " 60.00 33' " 56.00 Add for 3/4" nater connections each 66' street 40.25 60' " 39.00 35' " 28.00 7 8 do 525 TOTAL, Form B. B, 10 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT.�.OF COMMIS 'NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Pave the following streets i Hawthorne Suet Prom'east', line of- Plialei3_HtRs: Pk. Add., et Prom -'Earl Streeto ttieeast ,line of Phalen sleights Pk-;: Add.,, Orange Stre:q Oranme `Street, Ctr�aat. parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 8 Phalen Heights Park 13 8 do 14 8 do 15 8 do 11 8 do 10 8 do g 8 do 8 8 do 7 8 do TOTAL, F.— B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 425 475 475 475 3,325 . 525 525 4,775 525 CITY OP ST. PAUL - OEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE j REPORTOF COMM1,'�BIONER OF FINANCE o Y I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 8 Phalen Heights Park 4,125 5 8 do 525 4 8 do 2,925 3 8 do 4,825 2 8 do 525, 1 6 do 3,475 Lots 14 and 15 9 do 6,550 13 9 do 525 - 12 9 do 525 11 9 do 525 10 9 do 525 9 9 do 2,025 8 9 do 4,625 7 9 do 525 6 9 do 3,625 5 9 do 525 4 9 do 4,525 3 9 do 525 2 9 do 525 1 9 do 575 10 10 do 3,375 9 10 do 3,175 8 10 do 3,675 7 10 do 400 6 10 do 400 5 10 do TOTAL 325 CITY OF 8T. PAUL "�� REPORT DEPARTMENT, OF FINANCE - OF COMMI09I0NER OF FINANCE ► Y 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ TADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 4 10 Phalen Heights Park 3,525 3 10 do 300 2 10 do 275 1 10 do 275 18 7 do 450 17 7 do 450 16 7 do 4,675, 15 7 do 475 19 7 do 475 20 7 do 3,775 21 7 do 3,525 22 7 do 525 23 7 do 4,175 West e of 25 & all of 24 7 do 4,300 East Q of 25 & all of 26 7 do 4,550 27 7 do 3,425 28 7 do 3,525 29 7 do 3,675 16 6 do 550 17 6 do 3,325 18 6 do 3,225 19 6 do 2,025 20 6 do 525 21 6 do 525 22 6 do 525. -- - 23 6 do TOTAL 525 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' `'' REPORT 01ONER OF FINANCE OF COMMIJ ► t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 6 Phalen Heights Park 4,025 25 6 do 525 26 6 do 4,675 27 6 do 525 28 6 do 525 29 6 do 3,025 30 6 do 575 1 5 do 1,525 Lots 2 and 3 5 do 375 4 5 do 450 5 5 do 525 6 5 do 475 7 5 do 2,575 8 5 do 475 9 5 do 3,075 10 5 do 400 11 5 do 4,650 12 7 do 450 13 7 do 475 14 7 do 475 15 7 do 475 West k of 10 & all of 11 7 do 775 9 7 do 3,625 East z of 10 & all of 8 7 do 3,925 7 7 do 475 6 7 do 450 - TOTAL _ CITY OF 13T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIIONER OF FINANCE I I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (13) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Lots 1 and South z of 17 & all of North z of 17 & all of 5 7 4 7 3 7 2 7 1 7 15 6 14 6 13 6 12 6 11 6 10 6 9 6 8 6 7 6 6 6 5 6 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 4 5 3 5 2 5 18 3 16 3 15 3 ADDITION Phalen Heights Park do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 450 450 450 475 675 5,550 525 525 3,425 5,025 525 4,525 4,275 525 4,875 3,525 4,325 3,550 450 525 450 375 1,525 6,100 6,100 475 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e + REPORT OF COMM1�310NER OF FINANCE t i; a I ON PRELIt MARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 24 3 25 3 26 3 27 3 28 3 29 3 7 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 19 1 South 10 ft. of 21 81 all of 20 1 (Except South 10 ft.) 21 1 22 1 16 1 17 1 16 1 15 1 Lots 12 and 13 3 14 3 ADDITION Phalen Heights Park do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 4,950 2,975 450 3,025 525 5,225 3,475 2,525 525 525 5,025 575 6,775 525 525 550 600 3,.000 . 5,200 525 5,650 725 775 4,600 5,200 475 cITY OF ST. PAUL d �- REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , a F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) --- - — - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 15 3 Phalen Heights Park 475 4x.13 1/3 ft. of 1 & all of :11 3 do 2,075 _ E.26 2/3 ft. Of 10 & all Of 9 3 do 750 8 3 do 2,500 7 3 do 500 6 3 do 375 E. 10 ft. of 6 & all Of 5 3 do 2,625 4 3 do 2,900 3 3 do 500 2 3 do 500 1 3 do 650 1 4 do 4,700 Lots 2 and 550 3 4 do 4 4 do 525 5 4 do 525 18 2 do 425 17 2 do 3,675 16 2 do 4,425 15 2 do 450 do 3,975 19 2 20 2 do 4,525 21 2 do 5,825 22 2 do 525 do 3,575 23 2 24 2 do 525 do 3,725 25 2 TOTAL a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIM31ONER OF FINANCE a I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( ) B DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' 26 2 Phalen Heights Park 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 1 do 29 1 do 28 1 do 27 do 26 1 do 25 1 do 24 1 do 23 1 do 22 1 do (Except South 10 ft.) 21 1 do South 10 ft, of 21 & all of 20 1 do 19 1 do i`iest !I,of Lots 12-13 & 14 2 do East of Lots 12-13 & 14 2 do 15 2 do 11 2 do 10 2 do 9 2 do 8 2 do 7 2 do 6 2 do bleat a of 4 & all of 5 2 do / TOTAL 1.4 ASSESSED VALUATION 3,925 525 525 4,250 3,500 4,950 2,975 4,550 525 525 525 3,075 525 5,200 3,000 600 725 6,225 450 3,900 5,000 3,600 600, 7,200 600 5,400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE * s REPORT OF COMMIS31ONER OF FINANCE - t I ON PRELIMI'IARY ORDER (C) - ! DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 2 of .4 & all of 3 2 Phalen Heights Park B00 2 2. do 5,050 1 2 do 575 1 1 do 550 - 2 1 do 500 _.. _ 3 1 do 500 4 1 Co 4,575 Lots 5 and 6 1 do 7,675 7 1 do 850 8 1 do 850 9 1 do. 10,850 10 1 do f' 3,950 11 1 do 4,250 12 1 do 5,600 13 1 do 3,925 14 1 do 4,325 15 1 do 4,600 16 1 do 775 17 1 do 725. _ . .. 18 1 do 5,640. 67,300 Phalen Park- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. j Dated-- - `} � �-` - of Finance. Inissioner Form B. D. 12 /Cp V St. Paul, Minn., yovam-bOrSixth ........ 191.2. To the Honorable, The Council, City of.St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to c a),ka' e the follow Vg improvement to be made: frox Duluth ave to pAVING of Aawthorne,,-.'C(range,. Hyacinth and Ivy Its. � . . t . .:r .. t - .... I.P. . iii *and tlil'dfli 'fidri lxi3�yIirid -St. 0 vy Ear] St. Aldo arl '. rar, All these rests and Ave are located in ..........PRAUX.. .................................... from......................... S%, Ave. to .......................... ............ ...... St. Ave. PHALFN YTS. PARK. 0" .. ............... --------------- I OF N ON 0' UP t'7 ............ 1#1 ...... .. . .................. 57 ... ...... ............ St. Paul, Minn.,........__ ..... .. .. ... ................ 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned prop . erty owners, . hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............................... ............................................................................................ ........................ ........... ... .... ... ... .... . ..... ...... ..... ........................ St. Ave. a from................... .. ... ................................................... ..... St. Ave. .................................... ... ... ... ... .... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK - ADDITION /0 4 k I z M SIM VAN a 1" N —Iffaw, 111 IN n-�M • x YS�92 St, Paul, Minn.,....!-'' To The Honoxable, The Council, Citykq St. PduY, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Both to cause the following improvement to be made: '' 0 8 �,..............a<n .. of �.. r,vct...... � -a g Ave.. - GLS.--/� y _S .Ave_...—/---- -- -..... __ _ - St. A to- xxJJ from. 1 ................../._... ..�Tr ^ l�C_ , 2.[-�htt,'1...._.-t, ...................... ...........................St. Ave. e Office of the Commissioner of Public Works a, Report to Commissioner of Finance JJ'Ohr 'D P. NOV 1 189$ CDiov. 1, 1923. 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 455598 _+ 192____191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.___ ----_----a proved_________ _ the paving of Hawthorne at. from Earl St. to the E. L. of Phalen Heights Park Add., Orange St.from Earl St. to the E. L. of Phalen Heights Park Aad:-�-$9eo3ntlS-�3E: "i"zom �aiZ-y1i:_-to Vfbxge -S : ;-Zvy and Duluth Duluth:-- to Orange fibs,- Prank St. from Ivy St. to Maryland St., and Ave -from-iorange-t}fir--to- Maryland- -S-t------------------ - - ----------------------------------------------- -------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attaohed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $________----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------- --- - ------- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner Public �. 31rtr �a11r1fP, �r�ittg (QAUpri{SStDttrr Igilltam 31. prtrr, (Qommisstonrr 1t ag�artturut of Ptthlir Iforko eug of baud rMd M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIOGI ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER A.B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER October 31, 1928. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Comunieeioner of Public Works. Dear sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of "" Hawthorne at. from Earl at. to the east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, Orange St, from Earl st. to the Baste Sine of Phalan Heights Park Add., St - Hyacinth at* from gal, at. to ext. Ivy at. from Earl St. to orange Frank St. from .IVY .at. to Maryland st.,and Duluth Ave. from Orange st. to B9aryland st., including saver, water and gas oomneoticns from street mains to propertyy lines peau og iPeway, and ere alley approaches, also including curbing approved where necessary, Under Preliminary Order 0. F. #46669, May 4, 1923: 321 661 Length 7,366 ft. Width of Roadway 7MI street i Frontage 11,800 ft. TVIt or, seven in. 3$" Creosote Brick Laid . Asp Blooke Flat. An halt Oonorete Oonorete Pav 8.27 Tota Sq. =a• 0.9E 4.90 3.83 Intersections) 43 680.00 241068.00 29,087.00 go wheels" ) 4 62.669.00 . R 01.447.00 Property share 93� 0 77.09-2-'-00 60.257_.00 80 •.00 T 94,32b.00 o t a l 6145 726,00 $120,677-00 3,90 7.48 6.12 4.69 (a) Front Ft. (Curb Extra) pots. No storm water sewer in streets. Add for Cement Curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft• -z- 66000 Add for 60 Sewer 0onneotione each I strfet 60 00 33� 66' etTeet 40.36 Add for 3/4° Water connections each n 28 00 .n Yours truly, a C P Engineer. Approved for tranemiasion to the Comiseionerof Finanoe• ,'s40V&OjJJ)jUoCom Works. 'i 3t.. P,u: , irnorcU7x 20, 7.9'24'. L 711. y I avid 01V-3ci7. ! 00Y.W MCA P, APIMIT'sw ."RA"duum. 51 tiro 11il 1: t n t h i�n 1w a on samd anTomunt A r thin -"Vin- an t'�w 11 i n3 Q, orif nf t. ]':i,. n cr. n„ 10 t av Int, t ur 0920 Or pwU - Ir.. "R. �nly is rein f 1" d , b, ,Wnd rC, or ! 'v 11, l) -j L h'i Oil ' -A t Iy "3'YF f< r t N TI z, alit ..-.1 r 0'If0 fq �pl I T, r'kt! :1;rawwwnw "TI nd. ir.W "ws V"y tMA, 56384 F'1 NAL ORDERS. F. No. 60884— COUNCIL FILE NO........ the Matter. paving Diontrose 1 L' rom Morahan ave. to noren .. Laurel Ave.; includingt -sewer.. , ",r.;andgas connection8-froma- $y.........:..::.................. ................. ................................. ,_,na of alroDer[Y' l ' 6. notcollo, already made,. . al so g o'rl.,paving '4 FINAL ORD ET "+ ' "n. In the Matter of...PAYint;-- IgP_nt.P. -;j._ P.), e...f.r_Qm...Id1;Lr_ah ' 1...A-11-$.-t.Q-..th north line of Laurel Avenue, i:_clu.ling sever, water and-gt:s ... _... _...................._.. ..... ...... - c -11 -,.actions from straat :uains to proparty lirtss complate, here not ............ ..- - .... - ...-... ..........---- .. -------------- --------_------_------------------------------........................................ Movie, u.lso including curoing ant paving alley .amu--5rive,yay------_- approaches, ':,,here nacassarY, ---------------------------------------------------.....--------........__.......................................... --- -------------------- under Preliminary Order ......_......_.46049.._._........---. approved ---------- Augus.t...2-`i- 1-923 ------------ ------------ ..-- IntermediaryOrder ------_--- ------ --------------------------------- -- --- approved----- ------------------------------------------------------- A --------------`---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....pave IOr dontro ;e_Plga..... -- ---- 1 urs} all ............... na.. .:._L:1;,1 el._ yznue.,...ing-11. ztnd gas connections, from straet mains to property lilies complete, - ........_-------------------_............................... ........ - ...._._........- - ----- r..cu.cu.�zl..ncl...pv�nt;..�� iuc-ludizz�, _- rivelag.-arrroaahe3.,---where--necee3z-=y.. --..MaSarial.Aephal-tic-..Cnnaiate................ ------------3R foot roadway.----------------------------------------------------- ....................... -.............................. -------------------------------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said i' pr19v23 ent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _....- t91 ..---- C------------------ i ------ City Clerk. �<wC g 9 19?? Approved-........._....- -............_._._.__....., 191........ �� 1 Mayor. Councilman �I�W ' � �_ Councilman 9t' Councilman _Ckanoy� Councilman XXX(a Councilman 3�tI ✓Sudheimer Councilman Ilenzel Mayor 14elson Form B. S. A. 84 \ O1TV OF BT. PAUL _y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �'�..y;.► REPORT OF COMIVISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving Montrose Place from Marshall Avenue to the north line ....A from r`Z so including curbing and having alley and driveway aperoache.s— where____—__ n as r - --- under Preliminary Order approved Aug.28 1923 -- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 3-91B Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven in Paving ?docks Flat As-rhalt Conor. Concrete 'Dotal So. Yd. 5.97 4.95 3.75 3.22 Intersections) $ 6,134.00 5,068.00 $ 3,950.00 $ 3,365.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share 16.395.00 13,546.00 _ 10,558.00 5,994.00 $22,529.00 415,0114.00 $14,508.00 412,359.00 T o t a l (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.00 4.57 3.53 (Curb Extra) Add for Cement Curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. 11 611 Sewer connections each $60.00 11 3/411 Water 11 1' 39.00 S." of Lot 7, N.� of 8 49 do S.j of Lot 5, and all of 9 48 do 1400 1 58 do 2100 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paxina MontroBe'place from Marshall Avenue to the north line of Laurel Avenue'' including sewer water and Ixas connections from cG) M The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION S." of Lot 3, N.i of S. of Lot 4, N. J of -Y' S.j of Lot 5, N -i of S.j of Lot 6, N.J of S. -g of Lot 7, N.j of S.j of Lot S, and all of Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5 Exeter Subdivision 4 do 3 do 4 49 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey 5 4g County, Minnesota. 6 48 do 7 48 do g 1}g do 9 1}g do 1 58 do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 1150 925 925 650 600 625 625 600 1400 2100 OITY OF ST. PAUL i . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + .r REPORT OF�C--oMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION DESCRIPTION °f LOT BLOPK, ASSESSED VALUATION 2 56 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey 1400 3 58 County, Minnesota. 1400 4 56 do 1400 5 56 do 6400 6 58 do 12600 7 56 do 9000 g 59 do 1900 9 56 do 2000 10 56 (to 1400 11 56 do 1500 21 47 do 1450 20 47 do 1200 19 47 do 525 16 47 do 1200 17 47 do 5725 16 47 do 1125 15 47 do 1125 All that part of Lot 13, lying NIly of a line drawn from the W. line of said Lot 4.46 ft. from the S. W. corner thereof to the S. E. corner of said 14 47 do 66�5 Lot 13 and all Al; that' -.part of L.13, lying S'ly.of a line drawn from W. line of said L.4.46' from S.W. corner thereof, to the S. E. 47 do 1100 corner of said Lot 13 12 47 do 6450 23 59 do 1700 Ex. S. 15 ft. of 22 59 do 21 59 do 7125 S, 15 ft. of 22 and all TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + + REPORT OF �CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CCI _ Oa ADDITION DESCRIPTION " LOT 6yC ASSESSED VALUATION 20 59 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey 6400 �9 59 County, Minnesota. 5400 15 59 do 9400 do 17 59 5400 16 59 do 1400 15 59 do 1400 14 59 do 5150 do 13 59 1400 12 59 do 850 132150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated-- -�-J ""3—�- / mmissiouer of Yin�ncn. x,,.m n. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.,....v2.....:.......J97�. To The Honorable, The Council,, � City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................................ yv-.- .� ...... ..... ... ...................... ----_._.......................1/................�6e ti w. .............................. from..................................................6i. Ave. to. - A._ _ .. _..---......._..._ _............1/ . St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION v 07 S I % / _ 91 - f '•.Y T - � j j y' LI — �l Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ,--� ..N M Report to Commissioner of Financed November 5th 191_23 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known oce� l�et�tive to Paving Montrose place Marshall the north line of IAurel Avenue, including sewer, water and gas - t______- connections groin street mains to property lines complee, where not already made, also including curbing and paving- -------------&-1iey-a3It1 dx�ioeway-appraaah�s: ----------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (er) desirable. (see estimate attached). 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Vaa!-------------- Commission �ofPublic -Vfdlcs. illium J. etcr, (IInmmissinner Arte ffiallrttr, Brputq lgnmmlootuttrr �, eta •. Departmrttt jluhlir lVarks &ug of Oatnt Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Montrose Place from Marshall Avenue to the north line of Laurel Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street Maine to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48049, approved August 28, 1923. Length 1113 ft. Width of Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 2096 ft. it " street 60 " 3" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven in _ Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.87 4185 3.78 3.22 Intersections) j 6,134.00 5,068.00 $ 3,950.00 3,366.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share 16.395100 13.546.00 10.658100 8.994.00 T o t a l $22,629.00 16,614.00 $14,508.00 $121P369.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.00 4.57 3*8 (Curb Extra) Add for Cement Curb where not in 60 per lin ft. it 6" Sewer connections each 060100 3/411 Water " " 39.00 Yours truly, ,,�,, I f Hninee . g. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. COMMASo1 cNPUic Wim&._ 56385 C. -P. No. 50385— ' In the Matter oP p¢vinIT I.afond.Sl i, from Rtce St. to Como Ave. Includh -' fromrEtreet wand toes: connectlo: lsewe complete, where not already mle also rurldnr ,...,,e pavin8. drtnev, and alley x ,s,. where er. sary, um�.� '� ary Order 45. COUNCIL FILE NO........................ npprovr.. ..A Pubi ving -id By „',.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .Ltii:onU-_.St,_-_from.-Hiea---St.-_to..Cgm--_Aye,------- :.._....... _..... .. including sewer,...-}sa.ter and___guy.,.conngotioi s.-.Yrgm-.street--.upiii-e...to..._.......... .... - property lines complete, where not already made_,- also.-curbing..._................ =4...,a. la.flY tvheT&. n`e' ESSar_V.:.............................. --...-----..............................-----------.....................----..............._...---...._----.........I.................... ---- n 19a 16,1 2 under Preliminary Order....... —��� .............._....... approved......-------..y....._........9_.J'................--- ........ IntermediaryOrder -------- ------ .-------------------------------------------- approved. ..................... ....... ...............------ .-------------------- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ave Lufond 3t. from Rice St. to _. Improvement to be made by the said City is...P. vo...._.............__..t....._.r.-._..........._..................._....... Como A.ve, inell:ding sewer, water and tae connections from street ................................. ............ - m? ins.-.toPropartp-_l.incs.,_comui.ete,..,.wllere not' already made, a1r3o__............... curb ing...and..paving_.driveway and aley apkroacl.z_s, vnere--_neces3uTy...--_. Material sheet asphalt. -_28 ft. and j0 ft. wide. - -.................................................... ............ ........ ........ ......._.... _......... .... .................. ............................. ........... ........---........... ................. - ................................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ ).LQ- 1..919.2 ......... __..... 9 ........ , , t,, F C i 9 1923City Clerk. I� Approved__ ----------- ...------ ...--.....-.._....._....., 191........ a$i ¢ %.....-----------------------------_... a ....... Mayor. Councilman It4i±b�i4dt9ii Clf:ncy PUBLISI�t3 a� Councilman fess Ftrti'-son I Councilman�tlby Councilman ll)34?1 VI), et'er llfifff / Councilman 1GFholl el �ladhn Councilman 7CJtiIirlic�fct'�21 �! Mayor :HWgsRy' Yel son Form B. S. A. 8-7 +yCITY OF BT. PAUL T' D D ARTt1AEN'r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI ti 'STONER OF FINANCE . • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)� t In the matter of naying, J SWAT L a e r and gas connections from atrPet Maine tn nrnnPrty lines completel�rPrP not alra iii ry de also enrh].rig an nevin�S3S�9.P.1Y&y------ R3F 16 under Preliminary Order approved .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 3 n Creosote Brick laid Flat Asphalt or Asphalt Concr. Seven in. Concrete. Paving _ 3locks Total Sq. Yd. 5.61 4.59 3.52 2.96 Intersections) �. 551.00 42,905.00 $2,228.00 $1,874.00 Theelaae ) a3> Property Share 8.101.00 6,629.00 5 083.00 6 148.00 T o t a l x$11,652.00 $9,534.00 47,311.00 46.146.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.46 6.12 4.69 3.95 Add for 6" Sewer connections each 60 ft. street $50-00 0.00 3 Add for 3/411 water connections each 50 ft. street 6o ft. 33.50 39.00 i. �7 cto North ' of 2 & all of 1 32 do 2,750 South 2 of 2 & all of 3 32 do 4,250 West 19 2/3 ft. of 4 32 do do 2,825 East 17 ft. of 5 32 TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF 8T. PAUL b DEPARTMENTTOF FINANCE . REPORT OF COM Iw ;SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) him In the matter of paving L Z M s,Fwapr watar anr' oar nnnneCtIOnS from atreet m ins to pro.pertr lines rpmn�l r tP, where not alrB."(1y Made ,al Fn ourhi ng and paving- (irivaway- ---- -- under Preliminary Order approved INR It' 16 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: . __....__ ........ ... ._-__...._: DESCRIPTION .,.L'OT 6Loax'..,._,.. "--.::: AODITION� ._...__._,_w. 1 17 v.orin's Enlargement of Lafond's Addition to St. 2 17 Paul. 3 17 do 4 17 do 5 �7 do 6 17 do north - of 2 & all of 1 32 do South z of 2 & all of 3 32 do V, -est 19 2/3 ft. of 4 32 do East 17 ft. of 5 32 do TOTAL. Form B. a. 10 _ VALUATION --_� 1,450 1,500 2,000 2,000 3,400 2,200 2,750 4,250 2,525 TOTAL OITT OF ST. PAUL '# DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ' DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Fxcept West 1Q 2/3 ft.) 4 32 Morin's Enlargement of 1,400 Lafond's Addition to St. North 100 ft of West 33 ft- 5 32 Paul. 1,625 South 50 ft. of West 33 ft- 5 32 do 150 west 42 ft. of North 100 ft. 6 32 do 1,700 East 8 ft. of North 100 ft. 6 32 do 1,625 South 50 ft. of 6 32 do 300 East 552 ft. of 4-5- 6 18 Lafond's Addition to 3,100 St. Paul. - West 331 ft. of East 1 -4-5 6 18 do 1,050 West 1 of 4-5- 6 16 do 6,350 (Except part North of Como) 19 do 10,450 The east 160 ft. of the North SOS ft. of the ATE. w of Sec. 36.(Except part to St. P. M. & M. Ry. & except Rice St, 36-29-23 23,000 The west 170 ft. of the East 330 ft. of �he North 808 ft. of the NE. 4 of Sec. 36. (Except part to St. P. M. & M. Ry. Co.) 26,800 Commencing at the northeast corner of Block 31, Lafond's Addition thence west 40 ft. thence South 150 ft., thence East 40 ft. of the west 150 ft. to place of beginning Part of Block 31 Hewitt's Subdivision of Block 31, and the South half of Block 23 of Lafond's Addition to St. Paul, Minn. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CCMWISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION East 19 in of.4 & all of (Except East 18 in) 4 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 31 Hewitt's Subdivision of 750 Block 31 and the South 3 31 half of Blook,23 of 2,700 Lafond's Addition to St. 5 31 Paul, Minn. 6,400 7 31 do 550 12 5-2. S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matter, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /� Dated as ,6. oer of Finsoce. F— B. B. 12 St. St. Paul, Minn .,...... 192...23. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �e+tw._aith-Or."-aot,A-hloL#e................................................................................................................................................ Le.fond...5 x.i.! t...!M.m...nf;.A :t.o...iLAf4nd.._F.t....).....--- .................. ............................St. Ave. St. Ave. to----.._.._.._Como_....__....._..__..........................._....._........_.._ Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 3.l Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 j �9`a8 Oct. 30. 1925. ----- 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ 45840, approved____ 1611923--191---, relative to the paving of Lafond St. from Rice St. to Como_Ave_________________________ --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (bee estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____-__-----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \ \ ------------ Commi ' er of PubUMMgrks. William 3. 13eter, QSammissioner Ide Rallette, 8eputg (Lammissioner i 13epartutrut of Public Warks (LitV at S4iut f lau1 M. S. GRYTEAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF C..-R.M.. ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROL.D. OFFICE ANO CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 29, 1923. Mr. wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the ,paving of Lafond St. from Rios St. to Como Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, alai) curb ng,a d approved May 16,1923: and alley approaches, where necessary: �4 Length 623 ft. Width of Roadway ft. Frontage 1083 ft. Street 60 " 3}" Oreosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven in. Pavia - Asphalt 0onorete Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.61 4.69 3.62 2.96 Intersectional 6 3,661.00 $ 2,906.00 4 2,228.00 1 874,00 Wheelage j property Share $ 8,101.00 $ 6,628.00 $ 6,083,00 $ 6,148.00 T o t a l J11,662,00 4 9,634.00 1,311.00 6,148.00 (a) Front ft. 7.48 6.12 4.69 3.96 Note: This street is ourbed with roadway 28 ft. and 30 ft. wide. Add for 6" Sewer connections each ft. stit reet eet 0660:0000 " 3�4" Water " " 60 ft. street 33.60 3940 Yours truly, Approved for transmissionh to the C f - Finance. �ef ergin�r. Commi o! u�blie Works. 56386 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.................. ............... ...... .... ....._.- .... C. F. Ovb: 60360—_ ' Infrom Willtue tgpB [on Loctu tt Sthth , It, eluding sewer, water and gas ionneq dons tr,_ street'mains- to. prep, lines. complete: also. including Cu N'• ands. pavingIlay �d drivewa•.- proaches. wi+eseary, PreltminarY „ "Xu g. 33 , - Publir.,,ntb- FINAL ORDER paving; Eighth Street from willius Street to Lust Inthe Matter of..........................................................._...._-..............._.-.-....-.. oc_........-. f3trY-zt-,...z39..t;1.iz1E.-.sflsv-s-x.,...>gat.e.z..-n1-_eus..-c.a u�-ec--tions.-.�sam--�.trQet---- ----------------- mains to -property ---lin. s-_compleie,--_nleo_-incluiin�-_ct;r_2 a1.1eY-,gni iriverray.-ap r�ac -es- ..ytl are_.necessary............................................. .............. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------_--- under Preliminary Order ----------4x505 ..................... pp 5 j ._.. approved ....................... All�tts t .,.1..2. ----------- --- Intermediary -.... ....- Intermediary Order--------------- -- --- --------------....-- -----.... approved------- .....- --- ....- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...Re_-1it;hth_-St.S-s 5t_,f-r-om-.-?{1.1-1.1U.9---Bt-r-d-e.t. `rom ---tO---Looa---t....tireset' nclud- nE;... d.ve-F-,....xa-te-x_- st.T.t �t.-..w.u- Ins .._to....Psap.er-ty...1-roes.--onmglata,...iiisn..-ivalluiin---c-urb-ink-.anti... puvung--a1- ey-_-_and---tirly-•K�Y._approeche3..... ?ah -ere --- necaysriry--'----Tdat®Fi-.-------.. _..-to be brick..7- 4Q foot..Foacl w,........._..__. --------------------------- ................ ....................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._DEG.1-9-1923- .-.--- ----- r� :. . J Cigqty Clerk. PEC 1 lw`::`...--, 191. -- Approved-----_----...-._.... 71, 41- ayor. CouncilmanX1}Agil Chancy CouncilmanNOM erguson Councilman (iiaming 6o Donald I E/ j Councilman Igei�PeteT Councilman iV�Wx S"L" me y Councilman W ife'rNd* 'yen' a' i �\ Mayor RdQ PUBLH4WD Form B. S. A. 8-7 / i l CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTME IF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM 'y NER OF FINANC ON PRELI ARY ORDER i In the matter of Davin Eighth Street from willilig Street tL ' inrinriing gpwpr- WAtPr and gs,q t-nnnpntJons property lines complete, Where not already made, also curbi and Davina alley ancY�driveway approaches, where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 29 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S J — 3-21n Creosote Brick laid Asphalt or Seven in. Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Concr. Concrete. Total Sq. Yd. 5.96 4.94 3.97 3.31 :Intersections) $ 2,170.00 $ 1,799.00 ) 1,409.00 1,205.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share 3 260 oo 2,702.00 2,11 700 1,911.00 Total $ 5,430.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 3,526.00 $ 3,ol6.00 (a)Front Ft. 7.53 6.17 4.75 4.00 Add for Cement Curb where not in 60¢ per lin ft. Add for 3/411 water connections each $40,25. ; Add for 6" Sewer connections each $66.00 T — --- -- - - --- -- 4-- 24 ao _ . i4;3Qo? -- TOTAL. O (� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - - - '101__. Cmi.=loner of Finance. i Farm R. B. 13 r CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMEIY F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM �NER OF FINANCE ON PRELI ARY ORDER property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving alley andtidriveway approaches, where necessary. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Sly z of vac. alley�•& ——•g --_��.__-son s-�iad3i3ori t 0--55,500-- I _— St. Paul.2-4 _ do o; 6�-- --- ----- -g;aot- 3 ao - --- - - ---- - - - - -- 2- do t- i i -- I TOTAL, y The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Cpjn inissioner of Fin.nce. V Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn., .............. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 3rlcl- navinFr..................... ........... ............................................................. .................. .................................... ................................................ or, 8th -t. ,--nd 9th �-trc..e..t .................... ...................................................... .......... St. Ave. ................ ..................................... from.................... ........................................ ...... ....... 811............ St. Ave. ........................... .;t .Fau NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ter—mi-nal-11r0h31180 Co. 1 to 18 Kittson rC.5 f the commissioner of Public Wo E»E® Office o 6 � ,3 Report to Commissioner of Finance �ss'or,r� of Nov 6 19ag _ -------- 19P_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._48Q53 _---approved_-Xug'__28th-------19x?3-, relative to Paving Eighth St. from willius St. to Locust St. including sewer,_ Water and_ s__�o Qet<i913s_-frnn-atrset�-mains.- to. ----------- property lines complete where not made, also including curbing and paving alley and _driveway apr_roaches_________________- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. See estimateattacf�ed 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the tots cosi thereof is $-----------_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------ �t\ ---------------- Commissi er of Public iVbAs. t,^ lVillium peter. (dununiosiuner ,brie mallette, Tommisaioner arpartmittt of ?pubhr Marks (IIitS of #aW Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 0. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commiesioner Of Public Works. M. B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 3, 1923. Dear Sir. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Eighth Street from Willius Street to Locust Street, inlcuding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not made, also including nPelpaving alley approaches, 8.8n8ary, underriinaryOrder0. F. #48063, approved Aug28,1923 Length 206 ft. Width of Roadway 40 ft. Frontage 410 ft. 11 " Street 66 " 3" Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven Inch Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. J 6.96 4.94 3.87 3.31 Intersections) 2,170.00 11798.00 � 1,409.00 1,205#00 & Wheelage } Property Share 3.260.00 _ 2.702.00 _ 2.117.00 1,811.00 T o t a l $ 6,430.00 49500.00 3,626.00 3,016.00 7.63 6.17 4.76 4.00 (e) Front Ft. (Curb Extra) Add for Cement Curb, where not in 60V er lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections each 66.00 n 3`4" Water " " 40.25 Yours truly, 0 f Engineer. Approved for transmission to the COVl84o erf F�inance. Commis�o � phblio fie. o�� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL S `" NO.-...-t56F�p /' 'D D `. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - December 19; 1923 �q .._......_.._. DATE_ ................ ...........__......._......__._. -.._=...------_------- RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 16 feet in width in Block 15, Winter's Addition running from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Streetunder Preliminary Order C. F. #46814, , approve `497219 approved November and r15(11923 arC. Order The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be tAken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The rear 16 feet of Lots 1 to 30, inclusive, Block 15, Winter's Addition. `. Nu. '.60387—By W, J. Peter= JAN - � 1924 Adopted by the Council ................... --------- 192 .SAN1924 c Ap COUNCILMEN Yea= Nays Cla /Claw!3' _ ✓Fergu,on _._In favor �Sudheimer ` Peter '` 5..�..Against . --"Wenzel -,Mr. President `. Nu. '.60387—By W, J. Peter= JAN - � 1924 Adopted by the Council ................... --------- 192 .SAN1924 c Ap �illiem 31. litter, Tonimisknt�r'� 3rir aiG�tfr, c}�utg (linmmissintter Department of rnhtir Mortis Tug of 19jttint ?;Mid GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER - G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO TIM, COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 16 feet in width in Block 15, Winter's Addition, running from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46814, approved July 3, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. $49721, approved November 15, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Vdorke hereby submits and + makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: J, The rear 16 feet of Lots 1 to 30, inclusive, Block 15, Viinter's Addition. Commissioner of Public 'Works. Dated Dec. 19, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA71Ttl1ET OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �.h. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER in In the matter of Opening, widening ad extending an alley 16 feet ir. Ividti: Block 15, Winter's Addition, running fro:r. Oxford St. to ChatslvortL=treet. _ under Preliminary Order approved 4 r 21A jn ly S - �2 � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 15 Printers Addition to St. 2200 2 15 Paul 200 3 15 do 200 _ 4 15 do 200 5 15 do 200 6 15 do 200 q 15 do 200 6 15 do 200 _ 9 15 do 200 10 15 do Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. -. ,..... -: 10256 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. jCommissioner of Finance. e°.m B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPA-1-00F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 15 Winters Addition to St.Paul 200 12 15 do 200 13 15 do 2U0 14 15 do 1700 15 15 do 250 16 15 do 150 ° 17 15 do 11UU 18 15 do 150 i5 15 do 150 20 15 do 15U 21 15 do 15U _2 15 CIO 450 Westz of 21 a, -.d all of 23 15 do 225 Ea -t of 24 and all of 25 15 do 225 26 17 do 15U 27 15 do 150 28 15 do 150 20 15 do 150 ; 0 15 do 150 10256 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. jCommissioner of Finance. e°.m B. B. 12 dune 210t, 1923. St.Paul, Minn . ........... ............................. I ............ 192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: extend an alley not less than 16 ft. in width Open, widen and ............................... _.................... ...................................................... .................. in_._Block_._l5._hinter!.s._Addition...Prom._ Pord.. St_._.__to........................ St. Ave. ohatsworth Street. As provbj.dfor in deeds. E. Ave. to.--------._......._. Ave. Office, of the Commissioner of Public M Report to Commissioner of Finance #1Ss;Ont at AUG 6 1l A8 August 3, 1923 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._46814---- approved --- JAly 3, 1923___191___, relative to opening, widening and extending- - an alley 16 feet in width in ------------------ ----------------------------- --- Blook_16,_ Winter'sAddition,_ running fn LAOx34r_a_,Stre@_ to___________ Chatsworth Street.-- ----------------------------------- -------- --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. . 87OC 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ xx4-------. and the total cost thereof !s $______------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _________-- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 11� i�- ----------------- Commis 'oner of A** Works. v°� Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE N . .. 5- 073 8 COUNCIL o .... � �- Dec. PQL, 1923. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Finn Avenue to a width of 60 ft- from Randolph St. to Niles St. and Juno St. to a width of 60 ft. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., under Preliminary order C. F. #49071, approved October 13, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49723, approved Nov. 15, 1923. Thecommissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That'the City Of St- Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement fto be as follows' A strip of land 60 feet wide, extending from Randolph St. to Niles Bt:.�,the center line of which is the North and South center line of the North 1/2 of Northeast 114; of Southeast 1/4 of Section 8-26-23. A strip of land 60 feet wide, extending from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave.. the center line of which is the East and West center line of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Seet ion 8-28-23. ELUSOLUTIONSm C. r. N6.60388 -By W. J. ttPeter7A In the matter opening, 71da.and We -commissioner of P''4 having submitted his repo !o Igthe above matter, 6e I I Resolved, L That the C Z eh fixe.. nud determine. '9 laud to be taken for, improvement to e aspar , A strip of )a- 60' h 44 ing fr6m Randol ee.t.r line ofd f w o South tonter, It . . . . . . Clancy Alld pita Ferg Approved ory$h 4y 't4 MCI A or � Petu Sudhelmer ..._..........Against %A 47Cud MI. President DEC 19 1923 Adopted by the Councb,-,. ....... ... ----- -- 192..---- 1923 —A4roved ..............-- _192------ .............. MAYOR il[iam rter. (dommis�ianer Jrir Mallette, arvntg (IIommissioner Departmeut of puklu Works tfitg of OaWt Pau[ GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO TEE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Finn Avenue to a width of 60 ft. from Randolph St. to Niles St. end Juno St. to a width of 60 ft. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #49071, approved October 13, 1923, and Intermediary Order 0. F. 449723, approved Nov. 15, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 60 feet wide, extending from Randolph Street to Niles Street, the center line of which is -the North and South center line of the Borth 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 Oqf Section 8-28-23. A strip of land 60 feet wide, extending from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., the center line of which is the East and West center line of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8-28-23. Commissioner of Pu is arks. Dated Dec. 19, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL pp DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINI4Y ORDER (A) In the matter of D ep._n_1n9, a denine and extending Finn Avenue to a width of 60 ft. from Randolph St. to Niles Street, and Juno St. to a width of k" 60 ft. from Clevaland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, _ �__ under Preliminary Order approved Oe toner To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. _'_(Exoept the N.75 ft -of the E- 185 ft.& e_- Cretin Ave. Cleveland Ave.& wiles St. The S.jof H.* of NE 4 of SE „ of Sec .8, To,vnship 28,Ranga 23 ) __(Exc,Clevelan3 Ave.) The No. Pft. of E,165 ft. f S.- of 4 of NE � of SE t of Sec.8, 26 Range 23 ) (Exo.Handolph St.& Cretin Ave.) __.__ie W 15j ft -of the No.l- of NE „ of SE 4 of Sec.8, T.2�, R.23 _(Exc.Handolph St.) The E.60 ft. of W.210 ft„of N.;, of NE of SE 4 of Sec.8, T. 28, Range 23. Farm B. B. 10 - ' - OITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINA�*gl� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 7 ON PR " ARY ORDER 4f (B) _... -- -- DESCRIPTION LocK ADDITION LOB BE yASSEALUTION The 6'ofY thecw27Q - fthoftN�'sst� of NE ,SE v of See.B, T. 28, Range 23 _ �+75 _. ( x Ran(_p1p�j_ t.) h E 60 Yt._ "o 0 It.Di � ; 0 ; of _ T. 28, R. 25 - 475• iSE o Seo.8, tt oY W.390dfi:�ofJ1:1 oYeNF•4Oo t• 475` SE 4 of Sec.8, T. 28, R•23 (.Exo.Randolph St.j The W.1120 ft. _ _._--- NE E•ofOBEtyoof SeOf c 8'IdT428�R.23 X250. ioM .lad 1p� st.? Tleoi.SEg of• _ _ _ 9, Township 28, Range 23 1200.. lExc.Rundolph St.) Tle W-150 ft. of . of N.4 of NE of BE , of Eon 1200., Secti8, Torn'Is71p- �8,Rvn;a 23 ..:.(EYc.Rsndolph St.& the E.80 ft. ft.of ft.) ,'of S. 160.68 w.270 t The E.120 ft.of W---270 ft.OY_E. 3550• cc22f N. ; of NEoY BE 4 oY Sec., fownehip 28, 3nge 23 ) �s.3o_ t.of E 40 ft.og w.2* t. r0 E. of N.4 of NE 4 0f 4 50 of Sec. 8, T. 28, (lgget 40 ft -of E.471.50 ft.of N.�20.66 ft.of S.150.68 ft.of _. N•:a. of NE 4 of BE * of Seo.s. 925. ToePnst:ip 28, Range 23 ) (East 40 ft.of S.160.8 ft.of ip 2 0 it 0f E.J of ld. , of NE ¢,•o SE u of Sac.8, T.28,R.23') 100. (Exc.Randolph at.) The.120 ft.of .391.50 ft.of N.'t of NE y 95 0. of BE of Sec.8, T.28, Range 23 -' - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANfE. t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER►fid OF FINANCE y ON PREF - ASED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIONSESS (Exc.tha A.45 ft.0f S.75 ft. of E.170 ft.& e:cc.Randolph St. e, Clev, land Ave.) The E.271.50' of N. of NE 3 of SE -1 0f Sec.S 6250. Township 28, Runge 23 (Exc.Cleveland Ave.) The lio. 1}5 ft.of S.75'L ft.of E. 170 ft. of N.4 of NE of SE '- of Seo. d, T. 28, Range 23 ) 2450. 40,110. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of PublieVorks. i Dated —..... �`1—''-'-"2 Commissioner of Finance. F,rm B. D. 12 V.4 St. Paul, Minn.,_6v4..�.�......._._.............192.3... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: open, widen and extend Finn Avenue to a width of 60 ft. ft- ................................................................................................. YY'omRandolh St. to Nile Street and Juno St. to a width of ti0 f'roni Cleveland Avppe. to Cretin Avenue. .....4 5c. ---Ave. /z £V6� S°£% _ z s *_e. 2,4,. At -3,1 J..St. Av to_..-- --.__......—-..._........ ........ .........._..................... .....- ........ _. O�oac�rl_ .t,,G.:.. f r .! -f ................................................................................................ OCT 15 1923 22 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS &�) a K., 4 _. i mim=ulnlawman—Rio _ OCT 15 1923 22 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS &�) a K., 4 _. IVED Office of thy. Commissioner of Public Wort FCF 11 12 _ lr: Report to Commissioner of. Finance OCT 19 1998 Cot. 18, 1923 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._` RP?A ___approved__ fat. 13� 1923 _191___, relative to opening. widening and e$tending�_Fina_Avenne -- a width o3 -- ft ----- Prom - Randolph St. to Bilee- 8t. and Juno_at. to a_width of 60 -ft. ----------------------------------- - -_ from- Cleveland Ave._ to_ Cretin_Ave______________________________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. yrs, 3E 2. The estimated cost thereof ihs`$--------------, and the total cost thereof is $___$ and the nature and extent-ef said improvement is as follows: =----------------------------------------------------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �(��� X11\"j-------------- f Public Commissions oVii. COUNCIL NO,.. CITY OF ST PAUL Fae y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / .. _.. DATE ...._...._DeC._.19_t. COMMISSIONER.__.-. ......_ ._..... ......._. .. .......: .._.. • .. ..._. _ . _. RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending 3airview Avenue to a width of 86 feet from Randolph Street to Edgecumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48668, approved Seppt. 22, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. P. #4972, approved Nov. 15, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having _ submitted his report and sketch in the above i RUSoLnrroNs^ be it RESOLVED, That the City 03 St. Paul fit n matter of apeni a,. 1d.') Viand' and determines the amount of land to be taken) wiath ae zsFi+eiie omna�mh:`srt the above named improvement to be as follows: a,yo der ceF No. 4866H ,appt of ed" Sept. 22. 1923 an Intermediary Oiv Taking and condemning the West 10 ft OX :q C. R xA 49722, approved Nby.• ,Block 3-4-5 and 6 of Macalester College Addition; a Quinm+eaiener Aef P bH naw s the West 10 ft. of the East 46 ft. of that part s aprbe'LmaF+ vAtF'= Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9-tem-ais;`I that extends from Randolph St. to the North line of Plat 2, State Park Addition; the East 10 ft. of Block 1, Plat 2 and of Block 1 Plat 3 of State Park Addition; the East 10 ft. of Lot 14 o3 Reserve Park Garden Lots; the - East 10 ft. of the West 43 ft. of the Northeast 1%4 of Section 16-28-23 and the West 10 ft. of the East 43 ft,, of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16-28-23; the Bast 10 ft. of the West 43 ft. of that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16-28-23 that lies north of Edgecumbe Road; the West 10 ft. of the East 43 ft. of that pat4t of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16-28-23 that lies north of Edgecumbe Road... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓.✓Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓ Mc$'onnld _._.�_In favor DEC -.... Adopted by the Council_. 2 ...". 1923 192- DEC 2 7!923 APPrved ------------------------------ -�� „a / .A"14. _ ....... ........ i ---...... MAYOR ter Against , Wenzel % p(JiZLISE1TiD Mr. President jotttinnl Urter, (IIammissioner 7rie Mallette, 33rputg (Qammianinfi Urparttnrnt tit rubdir Marks Titg of Oaint Pmol GEORQE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. SRIOGE ENOINEER WM. N. GARLIC. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G• P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Fairview Avenue to a width of 86 feet from Randolph Street to Edgeoumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #48668, approved Sept. 22, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49722, approved Nov. 15, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: - Taking and condemning the Pest 10 ft. of Blocks 3-4-5 and 6 of 11aaaester College Addition, the West 10 ft. of the East 46 ft. of that part of t1V Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, of Section 9-28-23, that extends from Randolph St. to the north line of Plat,2, State Park Addition the East 10 ft. of Block 1 Plat 2 and of Block 1 Plat 3 of Sta e Park Addition; the East 10 ft. of Lot 14 of Reserve Park Garden Lots; the East 10 ft. of the West 43 ft. of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16-28-23 and the West 10 ft. of the East 43 ft. of the Northwest 1`4 of Section 16- 28-23; the East 10 ft. of the West 43 ft. of that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16-28-23 that lies North of Edgecumbe Road; the West 10 ft. of the East 43 ft. of that part of the Southwest 1.4 of Section 16-2.8-23 that lies north of Edgecumbe Road. Dated Dec. 20, 192.3.ommiss over o ub is I`orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL / DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RdPORT OF COMMISSIONER o OF FINANCE! ON n? (A) +• ,�rti'itY of a,ening 'widening and exten-lina Fairview Ave. to a In the matter of 86 feet from Pandcluh St. to Edo umbe Rcad — ZZ) ZID se i . ��, 177 • ---- under Preliminary Order approved --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of finance hereby reports as follows: $ 100,070 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S XXXY.XX The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 3 *Ja.c jle ster Colle_.e Add, u25 to the City of St. Paul naDDsey Co. , ;,:inn. 1 CeIDbardts Fest(,ration 375 West -2: of Fredericka Ave.vacated from tie a30, h line of Juno 2r)nnn St.' to the North line of Hart`cr•d Ave,.'. Niles St. and "Watson Ave. F tirview Ave. to the West both va 1.ted f rrrr. the E i,t line of line of sajd Fre]erisk.:> AV-; lot, 1 to 30 Block 4; Lots 1 to 30 lock 5 ots 1 tc 30 Bloj'% 6 and the vacated ;),llel4s in Blocks Pacales ei Colleae'Addn. to the City cf -5t- P'.ul, R_Ltnsey Co, , 'Finn. (Except Ia.rtford Ave, The Ncrthw st 4 of the Southwest v of. 6600 tI,e Southeast a of Section 9 Town 28, Range 83. TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' 1. ., •ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION (North E of the Soith z of the Southwest 4 of the Southeest 4 of 8505 Section 9, Town 28, Range 23, (South 4 of the Southwest 4 of the Southeast � of Section 9, 8100 Term 28, Range 23, (Except Otto Av_) Northwest 4 cf Northeast 4 of Sec. 10, 37005 Town 24 Ran,17e 23, (Except Montreal Ave.) Southwest of Northeast 4 of Section 31005 16, Town 28, R,-,nge 23, (Except Edgcumbe Road) The hTest 12 of the Southwest 4 of the 3000 Northwest 4 of the Southeast 4 of Section 16, Town 2$Ran;e 23, XExcept "ontreal Ave,) T^e Ncrtb z of t' ^e Nc rthwe;t 4 of 10800 Sout',:e')st 1cf Section lo, Tcwn 28, Range 2j. 1214915 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Comminsioner of Finance. F— R. B. 12 Office pf ,the Commissioner of Public W000EIvcD Report to Commissioner of Financeg" OCT 101928 -----Oct. -- 1923.-----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council ale No.- -48666 approved__ Sept. 22, 9225 ----- 1___, relative to opening, widening and extending Fairview Ave. to a width of 86 --- ft. from Randolph -8t. to_Edgecumbe-Road--------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---s ------- and the total cost thereof is $ �------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------------------- Commis ' ner of �ublic 3rW8{(ks. • Citp of 6aint Vaul HENRY OLSON //��[� t /.T /.T `� H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Offire IIA CHH (9ferk ASST. CITY CLERK 1 December 19th, 1923 Hon. Wm. J. Peter, commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir: I am returning herewith Resolution No. 50399, fixing the amount of land to be taken in the matter Of opening, widening and extending Fairview Avenue from Randolph St. to Edge- cumbe Road, as requested by you at the Council meeting held today. /7 Yours very truly CITY ERK.(/ 1• DIRECTORS JAMES N.HILLI ERASMUS C. LINDLEY EVERETT H.SAILEY GEORGE P.FLANNERY EGIL BO.CH-N C. W. BUNN EDWARD P. DAVIS JAMES W. LUSK A. L. ALNESS NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK su RPLu9 A OFFICERS UNDIVIDED PROrITS $1........ EORGE RFLAW NERY Ewin....n Bowo or Oincc+owe. G EDWARD P.DAVI9, Pnc.locn+ E-NRc HR`AI..Y. Vice Pnc+ocn+wo Tnue�wcw. LOUIS 5. nuOLCY,... A.T.9iOLPE9TA0. MARL E. OREM CR, Psen..n+ 9ccwc+.w. LAWRENCE B. WOODARO,..... Mw.oen Bono Ocr.nmev. NOgAO[ rISM. .. _. Mwwcn Fw'n La.n Ocr. SAINT PAU1,,MUVNE80TA December 13, 1923. Honorable City Council, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Under preliminary order No. 48668, approved September 22, 1923, the opening, widening and extending Fairview Avenue to a width of eighty-six feet from Randolph Street to Edgeoumbe Road, was approved, and the public hearing is to be held on said improvement on the 19th of December, 1923, to consider the making of said improvement at the estimated cost of $1000.00. The St. Paul Academy owns all of that property on the East side of Fairview Avenue, between Juno and Hartford Avenues, part of which is to be taken for the widening and extending of Fairview Avenue, and we object to the making of said assessment for the reason that the estimated cost of making the improvement does not include the cost of changing. of the fences, etc., which now surround the Academy property, and also does not take into consideration the repaying to the Academy of a fair value for the land taken. Yours very truly, ST. PAUL ACAD Y By Secretary EPDSH r a ` NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LUS AND ND OFFICERS: ' UNDIVIDED PROFITS $1,400,000 GEORGE P,FLANNERY.. Ex.�nw.xBo.nowDinttrowe- DIRECTORS� I EDWARD P. DAVIS. JAMES N. HILL' EVERETT n. BAILEY... _. V- Px .exn.xoT uncn w GRE[n L+wN. ....vitt Pxu.cxr ERASMUS C.LINDLEY ALmON LOUIS s nEA .Y .......Nct I, .cx. EVERETTH.OAILEY A. T. STOLPESTAD.. - A...er.x. -c .,KA GEORGE P FLANNERY - RL � OREn CR, s�cxe���vT.we PfAR50N EGILBOECKMANN ARTHUR u. C. W. BUNN LAWRENCE B-WOODARD, ... ..x... Box. Ow...Dz. r M.x.atx E.x.. Lo... Dt.. EDWARD P. AVIS RORACE P FISH.. P r. STO LPESTA D, .. Rcx. Ea.wTc o.nc.x JAM E5 W. LUSK A.L. AL NE SAINT PAUL,NM NEBOTA December 12, 1923. Honorable City Counoill Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Under preliminary order No. 48668, approved September 22, 1923, the opening, widening and extending Fairview Avenue to a width of eighty-six feet from Randolph Street to Edgeoumbe Road, was approved, and the public hearing is to be held on said improvement on the 19th of December, 1923, to consider the malting of said improvement at the estimated cost of $1000.00. The Trustees Of the Estate of E. N. Saunders, d0oeased, own the following described property: S* of NW -',L of Section 16_28_23, except Cleveland Ave. and Montreal Ave.. which is to be affected bysaid improvement, hereby file formal objection to the making of such improvement and the levy of the assessment. In the first place, the cost of making the improve- ment does not take into consideration the changing of any fence or awarding any damages for property now located upon that part of the property under contemplation for the extending of Fair- view Avenue, and the estate of E. N. Saunders has been awarded no damages for taking whatever buildings are now located upon any of the property to be taken. Yours very truly, NORTHWESTERN TROT COMPANY By President. EPD:H C. F. No. 503s 01111 No. G225— A. 1 /0 ✓I / / 11y . P. Nelson— J (/ an rainnn«• a nainr; 014, neo No. `,/ / 5802, p¢ancal t)c;to b-14, 1922, intilni xtrn tin a01nr:ltnnni can�o:linR_5,,, . 'eV 4a CUNt 20. 1914.nn- i e.l�b�a t)rtin'ance No. Y::iO.:nall�nb- cognent nel nae ni.c, ntit laid. ".\r ' dmi nlutr:a�L lvr t)rdin:anaarclnti„- Ordinance No. 6225, C. F. No. J An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled, "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250 , approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, and subsequent amendments, entitled,"An Administrative Ordinance re- lating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." TF17_ COUNCIL OF THr- CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 9992, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out in Grade 15 of Sec- tion 6 the title of "Purchasing Agent", and by adding said title of "Purchasing Agent" to Grade 17 in said Section 6. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Adopted by the Council kYa - 179k4 Yeas Nay _G1aac;L__ ,,--'Ferguson Nete � ✓Peer i Sudb'simer wsaeAl Appov d kl Mr. President - eu r. I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Services Rules. These changes have also been recommended by the Classiciation -Standardization committee. Civil Service Commissioner. 12-18-23- n No. 50391—Ordinance No. 6218- 6111, 218— Menzel— . o1, ,,,,I mending Ordinance th pro, .4e of"Al o dlnance for tha P- . «2 ,. (\,G/ Purpose of Pr°go ton I tine Public h p health, c• yni8ny, order. c venience, /) 1 rose rtY d general welfare by , ✓// Pruvming for the lassiflention, re t'tunatofaand tr desreytrdl pldustrle yhean la of b utl din gs used fnr human hnbitatior' tad for aP-Ified Purposes and th night and bulls Y hall donns her -rt. er tea or altered; n q -• ting and determining the m An ordinance amending Ordinan °t °t' ae °°nrty I.9 °th itled "An ordi- not estn blishing t`," _ of dlytr cis for i_. nanoe for the purpose of promoting the, .Intys,,., ;alth, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter ? erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, wherein it provides that property located on the south side of East Seventh, and described as the west ten feet of Lot 12, Block 3, Lorena Park Plat 2, and that part of English street on the west thereof, va- cated, shall be zoned in Class A Residence District, be and the same is hereby amended so as to zone said property in the Commercial District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of -the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN -3 1924 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy / McDonald In Peter Sudheimer Wenzel AN -3 1921 Mr. President (Nelson) Appro ed Mayor Attest_ City C rk. t HENRY O150N Cltp of taint i3aµj H. J. RIORDAN C/\� ASST. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK (®ffice of (llitg f([Ier� C^ November 28th, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, %c r.-- io' y ,2 - Corporation Counsel. f- Pear Sir: I am enclosing herewith petition and also report of the Zoning Board recommending that the business district on the south side of East Seventh St. be extended forty feet east to include the thirty feet vacated of English Street and ten feet of the lot adjoining. The Council today referred this matter to you for the proper form of resolution. Yours very truly, one. CITY CLERK. W M. T. MARCH. SUPT. of PAWLS ERNPW. r. JOHNSON. FRANK X. T VSS, OM AacRn QLitu[ of $t. f nut Iarpartacent a Parks, plogtgrounhs anh VOW iguilhtngs HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY WMM35SIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE .the <: Tihereae, The O was',.�f•,. .. I Couneti [a ul thepetition qd others: bat:' u a - I•aere of .'t No j( utreet hereilia[ter de{bed a, ar.tor iheVacfltlon of t that poi 9i r:1I. bet se en tSecIton5 27 anA '28; a ]]flet Seventh Street •et as gown Upon the plat jn11d I: on, whre ere 'h hed a5 reput. n.! the Ynctan�' .cRtlon; wodt� r� August 3, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: The City Panning Board having approved the vacation of English Street just south of Seventh Street and your Honorable Body having completed the vacation of such street, the Zoning Board now recommend that the Business District on the south side of East Seventh Street be extended forty feet east to include the thirty feet vacated and ten feet of the lot adjoining which is owned by Mr. Gilbert; the understanding be- ing that Mr. Gilbert is to deed the east thirty feet of this lot to the city, of St. Paul for park purposes. Your very truly, Secretary, Zoning Board GH..0 � ry. O 'm-X'�`',7 r IJay 17, 1923. Mr. henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: ':1e are returning herewith a petition requesting that Lot 12, Block 3, Loren Park No. 2, located on Last Seventh Street between English Street and Johnson Park,ciay, be placed in a Cormiercial District. This is a single lot, facing Seventh Street, bounded on onthe east and on the south by Johnson y, the west by English Street. The Zoning Board viewed this property and recommend that no change be made in the zDning and further respect- fully suggests that this matter be referred to the Planning Board with a view to acquiring the same for an addition to the Parkway, thus preventing any further temptation to establish a business at the entrance of what will become in time one of our finest park drives. 2cretvrv, s ery ruly, t W Zoning Board. ls" �� F..�l.Fewes-U ;J Qlitu of St. Paul Department of Burks, pluugrounas an0 BOW Vuitbings HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER WM. T. MARCH. SUPT. cF PAwls IRVING C. PEARCE. CIEPUTT COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. . SUPT. of P4xOnoUraF OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE FRANK X. TEW ES. Crtx ANCH- �• O "Sy IJay 17, 1923. Mr. henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: ':1e are returning herewith a petition requesting that Lot 12, Block 3, Loren Park No. 2, located on Last Seventh Street between English Street and Johnson Park,ciay, be placed in a Cormiercial District. This is a single lot, facing Seventh Street, bounded on onthe east and on the south by Johnson y, the west by English Street. The Zoning Board viewed this property and recommend that no change be made in the zDning and further respect- fully suggests that this matter be referred to the Planning Board with a view to acquiring the same for an addition to the Parkway, thus preventing any further temptation to establish a business at the entrance of what will become in time one of our finest park drives. 2cretvrv, s ery ruly, t W Zoning Board. ls" �� F..�l.Fewes-U ;J c Auto 3rd, 1923 mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counaal. Dear Sirs lttteclind pj'saso note roport .<�! the Zoning Board recorrr:e1-1An, th,t the bytaineas district on the.,south side of Nast Seventh Street be e0ended forty feet eaet to Ai elude the thirty fent vacated and ten feet of the, lot adj0ininx, together with all other papers in the matter. The Council today referred the same to you for the proper form of resolution, as provided under Section 20, Subdivision 1, of the Zoning Ordinance. "A itYours very truly. sec. CITY CLEW. TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Gentlemen: spectfully represents: Your petitioner, respectfully That he is the owner of Lot Twelve (12) in Block Three 'Lore- "_ pP� (3), -Loren Park Numberr Two (2),ah Addition to the City of St. Paul; that said property is located on East Seventh Street, be- tween English Street and Johnson Parkway; that its dimensions are forty (40) feet on East Seventh Street, running back One Hundred Fourteen (114) feet to an alley; that said Lot is the only Lot in said Block between said streets; that said lot is placed under the zoning ordinance of the city in Class A, and is restricted to residence purposes alone, under said classi- fication; that said property is not suitable for residence pur- " Xposes, and is business property; that East Seventh Street at !c l said place is a business street, having two double lines of ti i" street railway tracks thereon; that there is a garage across the street from this property, on the corner of English Street f 1 and Seventh Street, and on the next corner across English Street are the offices and yards of the Martin Lumber Company; that there is a drug store and a grocery store within about one block away from the aforesaid property; that your petitioner has an opportunity to sell said property, if a store building can be erected thereon, and prays that the said property be taken out of class A, residence district property, and put into the classification of business property; that the said property will never be used for residence purp�o/(s///`/e/qr We, the undersigned, property ownerm owning the property set opposite our names respectively, hereby consent to the r .W, -r granting of the foregoing petition. Name ���fU��'I Description of Property SnbJeot 'Fresentiea Resolved, t'VHERL s The Commissio., _I ?nulic Utilities has reported to the Council, I" accordance with Sects of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which renders, .'ecasrarY the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday; said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the' -:ate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set f6ft- N= T.TTT `` .e SUNDAY RX=49 Rim nu OY ETIME Frank Fleming Building Lab. ``v ?F 55¢ Regular rate Cha J Fritz Maint. Lab. 16 50¢ 11 " S. Jake Hunt Ditch Digger a 5b¢ " Julius Strontz Building Lab* 8 55¢ " P. Anderson IItilityman 5 65¢ Roy Monson n 10 65¢ P. 3cOtt „ 5 65¢ " T. Thorson „ 10 10 6 5 ^ „ ^ ^ W. Davis Walter Anderson Ditch Digger 5 55¢ ^ " John J. Yarese Cruise It 14 55¢ James Fick n n " " 5 5 55¢ 55¢ Henry Linderman n n 5 55¢ F. Mastrofrancesco Ole Okeson h 10 55¢ John Olson 5 64¢ T.L. Woodley IItllityman 2 55¢ „ ^ J. Didarlo Ditch Digger 2 55¢ ^ „ Aug..gurkowski „ 2 55¢ ® sam Narducoi 2 55¢ " ^r D. Bemaolere - = rt 2 55¢ n n H.'Sauro„ 2 55¢ Len.vanelli „ ^ 2 55¢ „ n Joe Vannelli „ ” 2 55¢ -Joe Vignali 2 55¢ A. Vincelli n n 2 55¢ „ n g. Vinoe111 n 3 55¢ n n T. Cutrone 3 55¢ n n N. Me 0110 8 50¢5 " F. Heavers Yaint. Lab. 65¢ Joys E. Havdiins Utilityman 70¢ H.A. Mennell John Clarkin Ditch Digger 8 16 S 50¢ „ n n Thos. Devine gtilinymau " n Mike Fritz 1 62 n n 'Paul Rnlli 1 1 59�¢ 55¢ n Pat Roberto Ditch Digger " Tony Roberto , „ 1 5 5¢ P. Tartero 6 62-&164 Wm. Boody IItilitymang 5 " „ H.J. Conrad " 2 5 n n Gasper P. Cordson Ditch Digger 16 55¢ ¢ „ Paul G. Manors Common Lab. 1.10 Henry Goselin Steam Shovel Et�gr. 6 5* „ n :J.P. Schwebach Utllityman 16 5 5¢ " C. Carlson Ditch Digger 50¢ n F•G. Fenton Maint. lab. 16 16 55 n n J.C. Masson Ditch Digger 6 " S. Tmsinello Utilitymaa 10 7 70¢ 00 " Leo Noffiemaoher For E.O. Alfan Dinoh Digger 10 55¢ Robert Bruce Joe Cochirello " 10 55¢ " „ RWAMA I. Fisher , L.W. Guye John Johns' Geo. Kelly Di. Kordell F.D. McKenzie Dan Plumbo J. Wurzinger John Lesko Mike Alfonso Roy Bruce A.M. Fiortto G. Iosue J. Saporito mat Roberto Wm. Spangenberg MoKinleq,Bruce Philias 1%llet Jos. E. Bauer Fred Fennern John Corey Hole Frederioksen James Kennealey Edw. Knight Otto Winkles)w „ n Melvin Roiberg n n Steve Martin Wm. Ludwig Geo. Blondo Sam Olson Wm. Robinson Louis Larsen Herbert Baechner Robert Geary. Joe Harknes8 James Ravlkins, Jr. W.O. Peterson Ed. Cavanaugh J.J. Davern John Aschenbrenner Christian Bauer Raymond Schnell Anton M011enkSM F. Rizzo -2- T ITLE 8 Ditch Digger n „ n n n n n „ n n utilityman „ Foreman Utilityman Dioth Digger Utilitymsn Ditch Digger -B1Oeh-P4ggerMaint. Steamfitter Cement Finisher Building Lab. n n � n Steam Shovel Eagr. „ n n „ n „ „ n n Utilityman n Maint. Lab. Building Lab. Building Lab. Steam Shovel Engr. IItilityman Utilityman Utilityman Utilityman Utilitymau Trench Filler Building Lab. „ n n n n n n Ditch Digger Ayes Councilmen n We �& -NODGASI Peter 550 „, Sudheimer 1 ,,.,-Wenzel President - Nelson L R�,jj RflTF. OF OVMTIME d Adopted by the 1923 Approv 1923 10 550 Regular rate 8 550 1 550 " 10 550 10 550 " 1 550 " 3 10 550 " 8 55¢ n n 1 55¢ " 1 59-eln g 5 n n 1 5 " 16 1 7 " " 1 1 650 16 6 500 n n 2 550 g 500 4 2.00 2 ts. regular rate 9 1.00 Regular rate 16 8 550 8 550 n n 16 550 n n 8 550 g 2.20 2 to. regular rate 12 1.10 Regular rate g 2.20 2 ts. regular rate 12 1.bO Regular rate g 1/2 5* 7 550 16 500 n n 8 550 n n g 550 n n 8 1.10 16 590 n n 161 n n 59" 16 50 6-23 2-1/3 590 n n 17 2* 650 16 500 B 9 550 6-2/3 6 550 n n 16 3 550 3-2/3 „ n 550 16 2 55f„ Adopted by the 1923 Approv 1923 ,OUNCIL NO.------� 35 � --- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ICE OF THE CITY CLERIC U IL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY DATE__..............._._.._........__._................._....__...._........... COMMISSIONER.___..........___..._..._.._.._ _ .. __.. ....._.............._..__......_....._........_.._. RESOLVED #It the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Frank Lavacek, an employe of the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, injured May 14, 1922, in the course of his employ- ment, the sum of $107.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to reimburse him for that amount expended for hospital and X-ray bills; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to Dr. C. B. Teisberg, out of said Workmenls Compensation Accouift'-of the General Fund, the sum of $1;§0.00 for professional services rendered to said Frank Lavacek. CI%solved05P m, be.PoPerdctYeCYI- berebY authrized to pay to F-1, Lavacelt, employe a [ho DC.e- partment oe' m7urad n[uv 14. tl U'l2, lin PaulUt Ile tployment, the s ofe$107.20eout of the Worltmen's C. Pens, relmbu seehimt for that Fund, beed for hospital and tX?raYn Mlle; Further Resolved, That the Proper lcity officer, pay to Dr. C. 13. Teis.0-- t or saidon Workmen's ComPLness.tlonn 1 f c $150.00 of tfor he Gprofessional service. 'rendered to said Frank Lavacek. Adoptedby 9. 1923. Dec. 19, 1923. Approve d Dec(Dec. 22-1923) —V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ;V __ - In favor , _Sudheimer, (/ Peter .__..Against Wenzel ✓Mr. President I r e&hb:oesolution for p ge• Commir of Public Safety. } 9`� 1s2.. - Adopted by the Council___.__-... SEC .. 9 _.. 1_... Ap oved. _...-"---192... Ay I��CA pYOR coUNCn. NO.. ----CR IX39_ ORIGINAL TO APPROPRIATIONcITY OF ST. TRANSFERSLRESOLUTIOFNE CIrr ctFORM clmR �/J 'CHARTER SECTION 208' T q PRESENTED BY ��DATE..-...MeC 1.�,2Y--------------- RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER isWHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE 104 104 APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFEREO TO Other Expense - Corporation Counsel $28.00 Salaries - 11 11 $28.00 YES ( J) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS C. F. No. 60394—By A. Ei Nelson— Resolved, That the foi lowing trans- fera be made the books of the D Core troller who, by 90 doing an n- may voitlable de ticlency in one Item be et by said transfer without ham- d pering the ork provided for by the /PETER ................AGAINST ny, in the Item from which the / transfer Is made: 528.00 transferred from Code No. lu_ns,'I� Con.. —Corporation Coun-k to Code xpe 104, Corpora Ion rpora- sed. tether No. sed. .�( tion Counsel. hAdopted by te C un U, Dec. 19, 1923. Approved. Dec. 19,, 1923. iv 1 (Dec. 29-1923) }°}y �nea,� s3 f FORM on (m f.D) YES ( J) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS PEC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - A- 9- 1928----'19'"'-"""""" IOEC E g 39�� --19------- APPROVED..............................{'.p�.._------------ .... ..................... MAYOR �. -------- COUNTERSIGNED By --------------------- ----- cITY coMPrRouER .�ER6d5eN-� D IN FAVOR /Idr.pONA ✓ Sudheimer d /PETER ................AGAINST WENZEL I/ MR. PRESIDENT FORM on (m f.D) PEC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - A- 9- 1928----'19'"'-"""""" IOEC E g 39�� --19------- APPROVED..............................{'.p�.._------------ .... ..................... MAYOR �. -------- COUNTERSIGNED By --------------------- ----- cITY coMPrRouER cOUNcu.NO...._.4% 395 CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /- // %f/1/1.._.__.._. DnTE._December . RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent�of the Yayor and the Comptroller, 32,000 cubic yards of dirt for filling the northwestern part of Lake Como, at a cost of 27je per cubic yard, on informal competitive bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Parks 52-13-2 (1924) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .�In favor �Sudheimer V/Peter Against Wenzel VMr. President DEC 19 1923 Adopted by the Council. -_.._..__ .........................192. DEC 1 9 1023 P. CITC• ResolvedThat APa11 atiSonaN , 46C1 l FILE - ICE for handling and seli'ing. Foodetuffe. In aruF'store at 282 Rice strect'lssuea to OU IL R B. Barnett, be. and. the sam• hereby denied unon recommendati� • the Bureau of Fire Pro— l— reason that - numern :,.•. �:::, PRESENTED BY Inapectione have •_ nT .. i_........._.. _ ..._.. .'ere have been DATE.._.....1[S'ce111beT..._l� 19 _. GOMMISSIONER.___..._.......__._.............._............._.............._..........__....._...... „uae of the RESOLVED That Application No. 4��61 for handling and selling Foodstuffs in drugstore at 282 Rice Street issued to S. B. Barnett. be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Fire prevention for the reason that numerous inspections and reinspectlons have been made and many orders have been issued to this party because of the unsanitary and fire -hazardous conditions which have been found to permanently exist at this place, have been ignored. The building in which the drugstore is situatedapplication also occupied by living apartments. On September 29th, 1923 plication for license at this place was denied on recommendation of the cureu of toahandle and elllth on account ofoodstuffs runtil dDecember itions n8thtor , 1923 when he was arrested and fined for operating without a license. On December 17th, 1923ran inspection was made the Bureau of Fire Prevnd to ehazardous conditions made it unsafe bsbad as ever dhe unsafeforotheroccupantsof fire this building. COUNCILm, r,N Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 10 McDonald _......___In favor ✓Madson Sudhei9er ,/Peter _...___ _Against /Wenzel Ar. President .._....-- Adopted by the Council_DEC. _..__. 9 192 192 .)... Ap roved..___._ -- _192---.. r Dr=r o, .r. r.or. k:56397 eposery >Rza o. --- .. 1i 9 t±t� 7a-22 .... .• V ,� prRO11.ER. AUDITED . .._...... 192....._.. / PER.. ..... .. .__ .... -- - cove 'nB te Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Traasury, to the ..Inclusive, ae aper amourekister of city checks Don fie the office of the City' 13 to 39 gr - . checks numbered-_..-1868if------------- Comptroller. yes ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. p�G 19 1923 . _ .192 -- --- Adopted by the Council..... - Slancu�� a 1��� $as8seeti. _ .�Ag.insl favor 192Approved -".Suclheimer a/Peter, ,/Wenzel. ",mr. President, Nelson C. F: No 60397— tj Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury; to the aggregate amount otE20,042.66;- covering, checks? numbered '19620. -to '19627 inclusive, as per. gietr-of Cliy hecka pn flle the Rf et the City ComDtr ]Ier. Adopt d by the C1111 . De 19, 1923.'. App ve d. Dec. 19. 192n3.:. (Dec. 29-1923) )1%'. OIYY OH 0i, PMOL e'n Lvelc;�.� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER c} 9 ry Cih, AUDITED CLAIM$—W.,�SOLUTION FORM�tz4''r'.fr r` 934 ,�A�,::_ _ Th BY COMPTR ..... AUDITED_.._......--..._.. ._-.....192.. .... �....-� c.F.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....- 20�042�65..................... covering checks numbered. ---.19620 ................ to -----19627 -------- -...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. f 1923 DEC i 9 -£lanty,' /.// P ------------ --- ...-.._- ---192-------- Fergoaan, ...... ....In favor ` Ado ted by the Connctl.... r- � � 1 MCB0119441Sudheimer APProv - - - -- - -- - 192. t�2sfs3if; eter, --' Tenzel. --- ---Against -----------_--------------------- A R C, r. President, Nelson 1 .;c 19620 ----------------------- -----`19620 Commonwealth Electric Company, 947.75,;,, Greenwood School(Bond) 457.30 Mattocks " " 490.45 19621 Denoyer-Geppert Company, 224.18 Schools 19622 Frank Eha, 1,891.25 Frankdlin School(Bond) 1,232.50 Groveland Pk." it 658.75 19623 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 61.39 Fire 52.45 Water 8.94 39 19624 Gauger-Korsmo Construction Company, 467.30 Vocational School(Bond) f 19625 W. S. Mathieson, 2,338.35 V( Tilden School(Bond) 19626 The Northwestern Blaugas Company, 48.60 Water 19627 Thornton Brothers Company, 14,063.83 L 1701 A Petition Council File No. _--/`--------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PROVEMENT JI and PRELIMINARY ORDERS. PRELIMINARY, e '�e City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ii6ni,�yt ix foot cement tile..the----____-- - ----- - Construct EL 0 ...................... .......... _---------------- ------ ------------ ---------- .----------------------_--- -------- -AyeAAq to -.--_--_._._._- ----------------- Q ---- ----- - - ---- ��QR�4 Avenue froM..L§ tPp_ ---------- ---- ------ -------------------------- --- ?�-9- : ------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Cj-Z_tRW_Q.rjh 6-tre.sit - - ----------- ---- --- -------------------------- -----------_------------- - I .................... ----------- -------------- a M--- b-- - -r--- --- ----------------- ---------------1--9 -2 Dated this. ....dayof -.--------------------- ....... - - -------------------------------------------- ......... doun cil man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: 1 k .-ion -the- --- c-ement tile eldewp SlAa of .. Q8,P_i_t_ol__Av_enUe-- from-. Lexington- Avenue--- o--...--.._ - - - ----------- venue- -to-- ----------- 032'alowor-th 5.trae-t - - ----------- -- -_- - - -- --- --- ----------- --- -- - - -- - ------------- - - - - -- --- .. ........ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- - - ------__ ------ -- --------------------------------------------- ___ --------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ... ... ....... ....... ------- ------------------- -- -- -- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ---------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS E)EQ 1 9 1923 Councilman GLANer, F16RGUSON Approved ........... ------------------------ .......... Sudheimer 4L@P0?rr=r LPETER -------------------------------------- , WENZEL Mayor. :,,-MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) ILL 4� Ab.tra.t ncil Whereas, A written P1 -,P,---1 for --J� Commissioner Peter C. 11 . . No. 50399— File N . ..... . 4199 Apaking of th followilLg raprove...t. PROPOS Viz�sxe the drivewaY ID Como Park. - ex eod,., g to ICamt Z, n9t— d b. h, A*' PRELIM ARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................ Rom 1M..-Ulygyrq'y __ ark extendi 3rom Lexie ton. - � ---.--__--._--- ..............Rave- ------- ---- --- Axq pqaqpta;4. Park -------------- --------------------------------- I --------------- ---------------- .................... ............................................. ---- --------------- --- ------- - ----- ----------------------- Dated this day of 1923 * . ......................... 192 - ------ ------- --- - ----- -------------- ------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of. the following improvement, viz.: !�yq ��AveWU extending from Lexington Avenue .. ....... ... ............. R . - in Como Park _ -------- ---- ------- -- 0 both sides of the Fountain Park adjacent RgRq--- and around -- ----------- ------- - -- ---- -------------------------- --- --- --- --- ----------- .... .. --- --------------- ------------_------------ ---- -------- --- ------ -------------- --- --- .... .. .................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- -------- - --- ------ ----------------------------- I -- --------------------------- --- ----------- ---- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._-_...-.._....._._..._----------------------------- therefore, --- ----------- - - --------------------------- -- -therefore, be it s be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 1 9 1923 I 1 Council........- .... Adopted by , e ---------- ------ YEAS NAYS Councilman Ofttmet4 F=9V90_W ,_ l S dh L" PETER -"'WENZEL _11(IR. PRESIDENT - Farm C A 13 (3M 6-22) DEC Approved -------- ---- ............ . ----- ----- -- -- --- ----- --- - - or -Aft .. ....... Mayor. ................................. JUADRUMICATE TO CITY CLERK Form D44 IM 12-22 pIIIIseIL No `r rus Ely.....5?M R Auoj�M . ........ .. 1921 ....... . .......... . . ......... - . . ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aXgregate amount of $ ZD0.00- .............. ...... covering checks numbered.... 4--- . --- _.....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the city Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen Nays. -Q8-Tr- 1,,,Fer�uson, —MODO"OU6. ate' Matsu.. sudheimer E --'Peter, Wenzel. L., -b&. President, Nelson - Adopted by the Council .......... DEQ -2-0-19.0 -- --- - ------- --- 192 ------- ___.In favor DEQ 2 01923 Approved------ ----- - - --- - --- -- ---------- - -- - ----- ----------- ----- ------_Against '14 C. P: No. 50400— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Trea--ry, to the aggregate t amount of 000.00, covering check numbered 1 628, as per register of city flys.� 8 e cks4ln h in the office of the City Adopted by the Council. Dec. 20, 1923. Approved, Dec.201923- -'(Dec 29-1923) �IIGiNAL TO Oixi OP ei, PA=L ,CJTY °�K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oo=:o�L .Form D-34 1M 12-22 AIIDITED CLAIbIB—RESOLUTION FORM t' - 935 ve Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $. - -COQ � OQ ___................ ..., covering 19628 _......inclusive, as n' checks numbered ................._.... -.__--....-o -_-------..-.-......... per register of city checks on file in the office of the Ci Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ,Qkuc,A— Adopted by the Council-----------pEC 2 01923. .... ....... ✓Ferguson, In favor DEC 2 01923 ona APProve --- - - --- -192..... 'Sudheimer ✓ Peter, ✓ Wenzel. _.Against -- - ---- - --- -- --- . ------------------------ .. _. .. ._._ ... ... MAYOR President, Nelson 19628 Ellen Douglas, Whittier Site School(Bond) 300.00 � pITY oT /x, P�>iL QUADRURiCATE TD DRY CLERK g� D-84 IM 12-22 v AUDITED ... _...... _ ._. __. .......... 192......_. .. - , ._- PI'ROLLER 95,021-09. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the $regale amount of �........._.. .._....._..._........ verin .__.--] 9- --_. per register o£ city checks on file in the office of the City 3. checks numbered .___._.j.$GSi----- .....incl , ve, as Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. • 6EO a 0194 Adopted by the Council. .. _192------- --- ----•-----...... ®EQ 2 o 192- Approved----- ----------- -- -------------------------- 192 ....... - C. r. No. 60401— _ - -- f; .Resolved, That checks be drawn on i.- Ferguson, -..In favor Sudheimer er re ggister of city,. checks on ere- in. the- the Comptroller, ✓Peter, o0'lce. f City Adopted by theCouncil, Dec. 20, 192`8. v Wenzel. .A$airu it 1.1.6.A, Mr. President, Nelson Adopted by the Council. .. _192------- --- ----•-----...... ®EQ 2 o 192- Approved----- ----------- -- -------------------------- 192 ....... - C. r. No. 60401— _ - -- f; .Resolved, That checks be drawn on '. the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount f $90,02YA9, covering .checke numbered 19630'to-19839 inclusive,. ae er re ggister of city,. checks on ere- in. the- the Comptroller, o0'lce. f City Adopted by theCouncil, Dec. 20, 192`8. Approved,Dec. 20, 1923. (Dec. 29.1923) ov.INAL- ¢'TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form l).84 1M12-22 AUI;ITED CLAIMS—RESOLIITION FORM nL8 N0 937 BY' ... COMPTRO... �• - AUDITED ._.-_. ... ... .._... .........192......._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the regate amount of $ ................... covering checks numbered........19630---------- ....to........19839............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. .G6uaiA^ Adopted by the Council- - D EC _0.� -- --- -- -- _..192.-..--- w' erBuson, , _-_--.In favor I Approve .1.3.2...S --- -- -1921e3afe40— --n-•-- ✓' Wnew,, Sudheimer 'Pcer, Against -------- ------..- hinTo(/'Wenzel. - r. President, Nelson 19630 ---------------- `..... ------- -----------------"------------ J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance ----- ---------------- 50,445.62 Schools 19631 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 5,656.37 Bureau of Parks 1,986.53 it (Battle Creek) 195.50 Park Refectories 91.22 Playgrounds 568.53 Forestry Revl. 1,460.94 P. Bldgs. Revl. 11 3 65 19632 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 25,239.88 Water 19633 Fielding & Shepley, 5,682.50 L 1744 19634 Hanlon & Okes, 4,802.03 • L 1766 B 19635 Minnesota Fence Works, 318.00 Schools 19636 O'Neil & Preston, 435.00 Water 19637 Sculley Equipment Company, 1,700.00 L 1863 1,275.00 L 1864 117U=. iJ7 • 11 Res. 937 Page ,#2 19636 Twin City Hardwood Lumber `ompany, Schools , 19639 Western Display & Mfg -'Company, Wheelage Tax Arterial signs 56.00 255.60 10.65 " $MZ..'5 419.44 322.25 Res. 937 Page #2 19638 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Uompany, 19639 Western Display & MPg.`Company* Wheelage Tax Arterial signs u u • E, 419.44 322.25 56.00 255.60 10.65 x.15 RESOLVED P7here'as, Unforseen obstacles not provided Dor in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F- 446155 approved June 6, 1923, as amended by Resolution 0. F.46643, approved June 26, 1923, described as the Paving of Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Contractors, Osceola Avenue, Thornton Bros. Company, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions: 34.40 43 lin. ft. radius curb at 805 36 " " straight " " 5� 13.75 19.60 11 12" V.C.P. 1.2 - 123196 " " or 82130.6 lbst 4827.84 steel at •06 (over watermain)181.60 4540 " " or 3026#� at .0.6 (over house s 06=eot one) Drain to spring at .50 12.00 24 Hours labor 2.70 1 Cu. yd. crushed rook 41 11n. ft. 6" drain the e10 4,10 ,18 ____ 11`x:10 634 sq. ft. sidewalk 05310.31 Deductions'-" 270 115.02 42.6 sq• yde. pavement . 75.00 1 No. 2B -CB " •06 29.70 495 lbs. Steel 6.60 2 Inlet holes -226.52 -32 _ 226.32 r 05083.99 Novi therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner ofthe public Works cosand in accordance with the specifications therefor, not to exceed the sum Of 05083#99 and to be allowed as an V xtra unde the co tract known as Cropementer�s Contract L-1741 jor the meCing ofhe aforesaid imp pEG 2 01923 COUNCILMEN ..-._192...-.. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ .._..__....... --.-------- - 66wQ_3&— [)EC 2 01923 Approv 192 �- _...-__..._.Ll favor �— I/® Sudneimq I ........MPYOR Peter .-,,..Against ._..._.._._....Against -"Wenzel Mr. President 5QiQ2� � COUNCILNO - _____ FILE 1Y .""'""..' - �. No. 60002—BY W. J. . b=.e arena. UnYoreeen obstacles. of, OFFIG�6,`' '.ed for In the making ,, the I . ont under Final Order C. F. No:� ]IL REStgPDroved June 6. 19a3,as amend-, , •"111lon48843, np-; aeaermed 11 9' •.+ant_ Avenue from .. December 19 1923. .., ,;ir ;,. : �; .,•,nlr Aven•t .:"DATE ............ , .... _........---- ._. ..._...._._.__.._ P7here'as, Unforseen obstacles not provided Dor in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F- 446155 approved June 6, 1923, as amended by Resolution 0. F.46643, approved June 26, 1923, described as the Paving of Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Contractors, Osceola Avenue, Thornton Bros. Company, have arisen, making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions: 34.40 43 lin. ft. radius curb at 805 36 " " straight " " 5� 13.75 19.60 11 12" V.C.P. 1.2 - 123196 " " or 82130.6 lbst 4827.84 steel at •06 (over watermain)181.60 4540 " " or 3026#� at .0.6 (over house s 06=eot one) Drain to spring at .50 12.00 24 Hours labor 2.70 1 Cu. yd. crushed rook 41 11n. ft. 6" drain the e10 4,10 ,18 ____ 11`x:10 634 sq. ft. sidewalk 05310.31 Deductions'-" 270 115.02 42.6 sq• yde. pavement . 75.00 1 No. 2B -CB " •06 29.70 495 lbs. Steel 6.60 2 Inlet holes -226.52 -32 _ 226.32 r 05083.99 Novi therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner ofthe public Works cosand in accordance with the specifications therefor, not to exceed the sum Of 05083#99 and to be allowed as an V xtra unde the co tract known as Cropementer�s Contract L-1741 jor the meCing ofhe aforesaid imp pEG 2 01923 COUNCILMEN ..-._192...-.. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ .._..__....... --.-------- - 66wQ_3&— [)EC 2 01923 Approv 192 �- _...-__..._.Ll favor �— I/® Sudneimq I ........MPYOR Peter .-,,..Against ._..._.._._....Against -"Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.--.--"�� -- - FILE - —•"'_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI OLUTION--G ERAL FORM BY //�/�, INER.___.......->r„�-� 1 DATE__ .......... RESOLVED That the application of Oharles E. Lehmann for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots 6 and 7, Block 51, St. Paul Proper, being at 453 South Robert street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. Yeas C. P. No. 60403—BY It C. WenZel— 'Resolved, That the appllentlon of Charles E. Lehmann for permission [o r qt and maintain public garage on Lots 6 and 7. Block 61, St. Paul Proper, •being at 463 South Robert street, is hereby aks, Plays ounds Co d i P lcmer ,fPr ublic Buildings Is hereby aathori ed and In- structed to issue permit therefor. Adopted by the Council, Dec. 20, 1923. Approved, ec. c229 1923) COUNCILMEN Nays 1/ Ferguson Iz��'eHe)rrit� __ In favor f/ Peter Against L Wenzel ,,,'Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ QE.C.,2.0192 192._... Appr d DEC, 2 C MAYOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR.PERMIT TO ERPCT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on Thursday.,Dec. 20th, 1923, to-thc City Council of the City of.Saitt Paul, Minnesota, by Charles E Left; for permission to erect a public garage on the following dr, - scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to crit. Lot 6 & 7 Block 51 , AdditionVIest St. Paul Proper Saint Paul, Minne- sota. On the '+lest side of South Robert St.AU. between gq.n.Tre S St. c. and Isabel St.- Aac. Number " 453 South Robert 5t. St. Y&fC Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, llt3o 1923. ST CTE OF MINNESOTA, �ss. County of Ramsey. ........:...... ..... ....... ......being duly sworn, deposes is and says-thagen.ane is clerk for the Dispatch Printing Co, which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the a '"` St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, Printed and published in the city of eSt. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. 7 The" has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed JlR:x-�-�l ............................. he to attached, cu[ from [he cn tuns n[ said wspaPer, was inserted, printed and ti R ----�.�_, and that all of published in said newspaper acce�in week for.......... said publications were made in the >; glisfi language. ((//That said notice was first inserted, Printed and published the.!:. -.daY of.:?J. .. .. .. .............. ..... .. 192. .3 and was printed and Pub- lished In said ne'r r thy: eatter �,n. ./. • • • - f�• • • • • • - • • • - until and Including,/�...... the.(a.�.day of ........... ..... ..... 192.3_ That during all the timeresaid said,newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has compiled with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defl-11 is said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that _for pmom than it . - one year last past from the date of the Rest publication of said... .!'�,�.`t :':-.^. .3—v.... .....................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with. eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for Dublicatiou and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to containgeneral and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication., and not entirely made up of patente,-plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated to and near is place of Publication to the ezte of p least two hundred and forty copies regularly dellii�vered� to paying subscribers, ar �3 L prion to the date of the first publication of said...". •.�^,--cf'•............ ...-..�%.•..•-••••••- a ..............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper havlj g knowledge of [he facts, filed In the office of the county auditor of said county of Rmnsey, state of Min. nesota an affidavit shnw11 g the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications Laws legalMinnnewspaper 9per as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 43.1, 1. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inrhl-f-, e, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefehl7k[mno 1tv 1. - Further afflant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 48.4. Session L.nws •Mi nosota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said nmvspaper he aforesai3-le advertisement. Subscrib•xl and snvrn to before me this... �.. :.dayn['.0 .192., . �. �... J:�,....... Notary Public, Rause County, Minnesota. lffi PORM 141 nen szaxt vas My Comm'ssion expires....yyJ�• o• �+� �..�-....., ......,.... �.., now, STATE OF MINNESOTA, iss. County of Ramsey. 1 ..... . ........... ...being anly sworn, depose, and says that the is clerk for tLe Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the t(mea hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, pqoneer-Pregs-, a daily newspaper, printed and published In the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Tha�•he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed P.. ..';tc . ............ .................. here attached, cat from the en6Gmyns of sal newspaper, was inserted, printed and published insaid ^^"^ newspaper ,vin each week for..--..-wee'>�, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said noti(ccee� was first inserted, printed and published on.l the..�Y_4'.day of. 1........ .. .�j/�/ 192..E and was printed and pub- lished in said newsPa er thereafter on ...... f............ �.............. .. •• • until and including •,'.•p •Tlite�.•�4.day 1923. That during all the times .2foresaid, said newspaper was qualified ma medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defltncd in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first Publication of 3�.....��LA':e��:�•• ..... ................................................said newspaper hes been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages,.with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one.quarter Inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established In such place for publication and equipped wfth skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4)Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said. . •,,..........the publisher or Printer in ch irge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of set(] county of Ramsey, state of Min• neeota an affidavit showtog the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its gnalifleations as a legal newspaper as required and set forth In section 3 of chapter 4S4, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both ofOf set i:e, of the sIz� and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication sad ),gal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: anmcrentltct mnomratuvm:re ya Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Tli:mesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper q.( the aforesaid legal advertisement. Ct \I C l Pobsrribod and sworn to brdlre me Oils...... f-• ....::..19 . ........ ........... �..................... Notary Public, Ramsey Cc ty, Minnesota. yq qtr/ FORM 141 aid 6-x,21 F&B My Comm ision expires.......... � / _. a. YL'✓r6C7 r.anu, CITY OF ST. -PAUL C UNCILNO 5.(-404 FILE "' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .December 20 19 , COMMISSIONER.___......_!ll........._.._.._ ............. _........._................_..........._............._...._.._.......... ..... DATF,................._.._.................._.._...1....__7.3........._._........ RESOLVED That the Purcha ng Agent be, and he is eby authorized to purchase, with the consent cf the Comptroller, 1250 gallons of floor cleaner and 1000 gallons of floor preservative oil from the Kunz Oil Company at a total cost of $3565.00, without asking for competitive bids, as the Kunz Oil Company control the secret formula for the manufacture of this oil. Charge School Supplies -41.6a C. Resolvod, No 4Thatnthe be, andhe Is hereby . chase,ith the on troller, 1250 gallon: .11d from0 the11Kon-Y j total cost 0Y as ne nu secret t formula for this oil.. Charge nail, Dec. 20, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ncy !/erguson MePeawd - _ __...In favor V� Sudhei>ae V Peter _.__._..... Against jj Wenzel LI/Mr. President DEC $ 0192§ Adopted by the Council ................. ._._..._......-192...-.. 5*0 r Approve ........... .._..... 192------ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNCI` No.......5-0.4 yi FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A _. CO1JNC-P- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasia gent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 8 pianos at a total cost not to exceed $1000.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School Equipment a1.7f 'C Resolved, 4That3 the Pn-Int.ing ABent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- ehnse�with the consent o1 the Cotnp- trolle 8 pianos at tot¢' co t not to xceed $1,000.00, without aekln6 for o Petitive bide. ¢e these are patented articles and ao advantage ould be salved thereby. Charlie School Equip- nt 41.71. Adopted by the CPuncn, Dec. 20, 1923. Approved, Dec.229 1923) I COUNCILMEN Yens Nays M-7— -- ,,,Ferguson —M—en—on—M-M-en-on—Mcr In favor v XMW Sudheime ) Peter Against /Wenzel J Mr. President ®EG 2 0 1923 Adopted by the Council --- _.--------- .._ ......_.._....192...-.. % 1�C 2 01�� Annrove6....._ --E..- ..._.... - - -..192_.... f COUNCIL NO.___ji1�%T-`--'_ ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE - CTf CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY �� �- s' 1 am T. Peter - p.__,20_t_..1923 .------... DATE........, COMMISSIONER ................. ......................... , 5 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM 32-1 Engineers Salary Fund 32-1 Engineers Other Expense Fund 31 Gen. Adm. Other Expense Fund 32-2 I City Plan. " " It TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO 300.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 Pt1; 2 0192-B { �r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - _------- -------------------- 19_._..._._. / YES v ) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS .. NCY DEC 2 01 APPROVED...... ............19........ L,-FERGUSON ] "C"Ymwty, ....... ........IN FAVOR ... iW _ ...�. - ...:. � MAVOR � ��.Slld1)Blt11C�1 .. , f/" PETER . ... ..:.............AGAIIJST f !, COUNTERSIGNED By --------------------------.TRO WENZEL - crtv comwrRoliER MR. PRESIDENT \ - ' C. F. No. 60406—Ry W. J. Peter— Resolved, That the following trans- fers be .made on the book. of the ,Comptroller when by so doing an Un- Idable deficiency In one Item may bemet by said transfer Ithout hamp- �,_`I ` erine the work provided for by the ey a the Item from which the '� transfer I. made: No. 32-1, Engineers k � $300.00 from. Code Salary Fund, to Code No. 32-1, En- lihe` 9�p i gineer. Other Expanea Fund. $100.00 from Code No. 31, Gen. Adm. Other Expense Fund, to Code Na. 32-2, Plan. Other Expense Fund. Y° CI[y Adopted by the Council, Dec. 20, 1923. -� Approved, Dec. 20, 1923. (Dec. 29-1923) Pt1; 2 0192-B { �r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - _------- -------------------- 19_._..._._. / YES v ) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS .. NCY DEC 2 01 APPROVED...... ............19........ L,-FERGUSON ] "C"Ymwty, ....... ........IN FAVOR ... iW _ ...�. - ...:. � MAVOR � ��.Slld1)Blt11C�1 .. , f/" PETER . ... ..:.............AGAIIJST f !, COUNTERSIGNED By --------------------------.TRO WENZEL - crtv comwrRoliER MR. PRESIDENT \ - ' RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ce'O/jUNC�IL RE OLUTIOA—GQNERAL FORM coUnaLNO 5AV.207...- FILE That the name 8 Polander Road from the Point Douglas Road to the East City Limits be changed to Carver Avenue. C. F. No. 60407-13N W. J. Peter— Resolved, Road from the Point Poland Po nt Douglas Read to the East Clty Limits be changed to; Carver Avenue. Adopted by the Council, Dec.' 20, 1923. Approved, Dec. 20, 1923. (Dec. 29-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L,,Ferguson -ittinf) mid __ In favor V111M SudheumEl // Peter ......_.._.__Against V, Wenzel I"'Mr. President. IF Adopted by the Council ._VEC 2..0.}92 __192 DEQ 2 01R� Appr ved_ _. .. _.__.__ _........ .....192...... _. .. _ _.. mnvon William 31. Vetrr. (IIamntlastaner kir Mallrtte, 3 ppatu Tommisawner 13rpttrtm ut of Vuklir Works TRU of l�ttint Deal 'Sf�'��� GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER - WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G, H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 19, 1923 To the Honorable the City Council: Under date of December 11th the Council referred to the Commissioner of Public Works a communication from the Highwood Commercial Club Association, relative to their request that the name of Pol ander Road be changed to Carver Avenue. The undersigned is of the opinion that the change is desirable and attached hereto is a resolution covering the matter. Yours very truly, 4JJP:AB C o r ini o n e r. Dnclo. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No. --.-,50408 F ILE Dec. 20. 1923. That the specifications for an Asphalt Plant with appurtenances, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby arproved. C. F. No. 50408-13Y W. J. Peter— Resolved, Ived, That the epecific.ti ... for .a Asphalt Plant with appurtenances. asi submitted by, the Comm ssionee of P. blic Works, We and the same. are, hereby reby approved. Adopted by the 'Council, Dec. 20. 1923.1 Approved, De0 1923 (Dec. 26-192y) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --'rerguson In favor MMUM Sudhij v-' Peter -..-Against L,/ Wenzel ✓Mr. President IF DEC 2 01923 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- - ----- 192 DEC 2 o im, ---------------- 192 MAYOR I C: -F. No. 60400-_Ordlnflnce Na. 6220-i -An, Dy 4 R. 8. Ferguson by No. 6220 ordinance appropriating and 'set -- [ng 8sldo8evem ThousandThree iz Hundred Elg)IV one 8nd 00-100 Dot- K 'nra (ST,26L00) from the Whaelage nln�.' Fund; Code No.M1000.m tt,a ne-_ kL FORM %/ ,F/Il /E1ib:rro -. COUNCIL NO.. . 11,/ 9 FILE .. .�_-...-.... = ��a RFWCM7[=V An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Seven T sand Three Hundred Eighty-one and 00/100 Dollars ($7,381.00)'from the Wheelage Tax Fund, Code 10080 to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Palace St. from Snelling Ave. to Fredericka Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: L SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Wheelage Tax Fund, Code 1008, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-one and 00/100 Dollars ($7,381.00) for the purpose of paying a part of the cost of paving Palace St. from Snelling Ave. to Fredericka Ave, said appropriation being made pursuant to the terms of Section 235 of the Charter of said City. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN JAN -5 1924 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council ------------------- ----2--------_.192_.... L/ Clancy SAN'. - 5 i9a i erguson A roved.- 192._... -McDonald __.._._.....In favor ✓, ® Sudhe' - -- ------ - -'' UMAVOR Peter A 'nst V Wenzel Mr. President 'An ordinance appropriating and setting abide Four Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-nine and 39/100 Dollars ($4,769.39) from the Meelage Tax Fund, Code 1006, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of I the cost of paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary,for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Wheelage Tax Fund, Code 1008, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the Sum of Four Thousand Seven -.Hundred Sixty-nine and 39/100 Dollars ($4,769.39) for the purpose of paying a part of the cost of paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., said appropriating being made pursuant to the terms of Section 235 of the Charter of said City. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately i upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counc>�Q,j4J..-_5..1........----192...--- V Clancy ,j p �i - 5 19-94 I/Ferguson Appro ed.... _......... ......... ..192.....- McDonald _ .........__In favorL/ jjjjj� �16py Sudbeirnor --- ---...._-.-..--'--_-----------..---_----- --�-MAYO-- R Peter __.... -_ . i st ✓ Wenzel /) Mr. President ,f C. F. ^7b. 50410—Ordinance No. 6221— . I. L. R.. I. Farguson, by request— 5-041-0 Ai ordtnanco appropriating and 80t- COUNCIL NQ � �� ,7 Ung aside Four Thousand Seven F OFF[( Hundred SI ty. nine'.and 88-100 Dol- 'from the Wheeinge Tara (1nd, . 63.9) r Taz Fund; Code No. 1008 to the 1— CO CI iq CID nProvement o pu ping man0 In Fund, Code No 3001,for the'purpoae paying Dart of th9 c t o4 Paving.' GoodHch Ave 4 om Falrview'Avo 1 PRESENTED BYE_./ :". PHor Ave. This is a e , DATE ....._... .......__ ._ .... .... _ ..__ COMMISSIONER.__.._. _ -- -- ordI .... rendered necea a , . .. -mapreservation of tue 1..- lt. and a roS"f 1_.I. Co_ 'An ordinance appropriating and setting abide Four Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-nine and 39/100 Dollars ($4,769.39) from the Meelage Tax Fund, Code 1006, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of I the cost of paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary,for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Wheelage Tax Fund, Code 1008, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the Sum of Four Thousand Seven -.Hundred Sixty-nine and 39/100 Dollars ($4,769.39) for the purpose of paying a part of the cost of paving Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., said appropriating being made pursuant to the terms of Section 235 of the Charter of said City. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately i upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counc>�Q,j4J..-_5..1........----192...--- V Clancy ,j p �i - 5 19-94 I/Ferguson Appro ed.... _......... ......... ..192.....- McDonald _ .........__In favorL/ jjjjj� �16py Sudbeirnor --- ---...._-.-..--'--_-----------..---_----- --�-MAYO-- R Peter __.... -_ . i st ✓ Wenzel /) Mr. President ,f r j 1 ,� / � _ ---- ___-= � ;"� 9L �-yY I-nse/�" C. V. No, 50411 ordtnanon No.8221.—� CITY OF J ' Y L. ula 5. Ferguson, � by raquest. ANO.--_.... � An ordinance apppropriating nd ..t. OFFICE OF THE' ting Walde 81x Thousand Three rjpndred Fifty-seven and 79-190 3Q,, J/ s(E0'367.79) from. Code No:2301, SIL 1'f—C ar Bond, Fund,:to .the Permanent- emont Rev 1-1:•r -ml, r•ax: ipti, for the n - Hl761mCYECt �l . l ' An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Six Thousandee " Hundred Fifty-seven and 79/100 Dollars ($6,357.79) from Code O1, Sewer Bond Fund, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing a sewer on Annapolis St. from South Robert St. to Hall Ave., designated as Improvement L-1873. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public, peace, health and safety. ' The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-seven and 79/100 Dollars ($6,357.79). for the purpose of paying a part of the cost of constructing a sewer on Annapolis St. from South Robert St. to Hall Ave., designated as Improvement L-1873. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1/,Clancy `/ Ferguson L/ McDonald _ ..,...._._.In favor 1/ gMMW Sudheu=r Peter A........_Against �enzel {, ✓ Mr. President w JAN - s 1924 Adopted by the Council_................................. --192..-App MAYOR C- F, No. 50412—Ordlnance No. 6223—I A ter - 580, nce eemendln 6680, entitled 'an ordlnOnnceance N, iins 4or all. matters cencerninrr suintlns or ,Itairthe cn�> , tfo n, iteration, gulstin.. remove{ malntenancE """"n of nil bull structures erected of -� the limits of An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5580, entitled "An ordi- nance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance; use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace.,.health and safety," approved April 18, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5580, approved April 18, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 670 thereof the following: t1(f). Before a permit shall be issued for the moving of any building or structure through the streets of the City of St. Paul, the applicant therefor shall file a bond with the Commissioner of Public Works, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, indemnifying the City of St. Paul against any damages, costs or suits arising out of or caused by the moving of said building or structure, and conditioned further to indemnify any person injured in person or property by reason of the moving of any such building or structure, and guarantee- ing the payment of any final judgment obtained against such applicant by any person injured in person or property by reason of such moving." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an gency ordinance rendeged,neoe thz3 e80e�@A , k 5 66 e a� �2Y 3 k 1 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ftom and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council AN- Teas Nays i�r: Oianoy ✓aerguson � 11 v' NoDDitald / U Petex Sudheimer Wenzel President (Nelson) Appy JAN - 5 1924 mayor Attest City"Clerk { 504 � OFF`LCL4L rROr._^^•, _-_ An Ordinance granting to GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, permis-- sion to install and maintain a gasoline pump for private use at their new garage building at Lafayette and Woodward Avenues. ? - THF COUP:CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1.- That permission and authority are here- by granted to GOLDEN RULE COMPANY to install and maintain a gasoline pump for private use at their new garage building at Lafayette and Woodward Avenues, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said gaspline pump, upon said licensee's com- pliance with the following conditions: (1) That sai� gasoline pump shall be installed un- der the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand (910,000.00) Dollars, conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liabi- lity, judgments, costs, damages or expense that may soorue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installa- tion, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said gaso- line pump. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comp- troller. (3) Said gasoline pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any Ordinance of the City of St. Paul- Section 2.- This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAN 41924' J E? YEAS: NAYS Mess':N lancy�'erguson eter P V, /iase�• V President (Nelson) A. ,,Z AN -4 1924• ATTEST: City Clerk. Diklivate qTY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City Agooll e APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. r �. 4a4 `'' / {f AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION _ Farm No. _ Application No. f • To the Honorable City Council Date I J/yy_ 19 of Saint Paul, Minnesota /APIlPLICATION HERE Y MADE u, _2� \nnm n( Firm — Individ-) For License to Operate and -Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) ,p A_IffSLQi:__1 �1.a -s _ A �-Wov_ o� wA�� �t ✓ ..I)riva In" ar "('aril y �AUTOMOBILE /FILLING STATIO to be located At Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed— _ . — - -- Tanks to be In�— — Tanks Receivedat office of City Clerk --f APali— - — By— B,nui av Address Received From Clerk Approval Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date--_— — "193 �hllc I Date .l ---19—x. Department o Public Works /J/j(, By 6�N �11L—`-w77 ' x�7- Receiveroln Dpt. of Public ore Date .Date Department of P. Parks, Piaygmu nds and Public Buildings By_ ------_---__---- Received From Department of De men f afety By �—__. Received From ept. of Public Safety Date 19—_ �� Date_ 19_— Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbe Bldgs. Date— Office of the City Clerk __----__----19-- Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By________-- By —___ _._ __ By__—_ Received From City Clerk ilk Received From City Clerk p• Received From Department of Passed_ 19— Approved— --- _-19-- ./Office of the Corporation Counsel Ordinance No.-- Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Re Date_-- 19_ Date 19 Permit No._ — Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By_--___—_--__ — By—____— ._ License No.------- o.---- - Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ iiailliatn �. deter, �Qammissioner Iric mallettr, Urputu Commissioner �e ttrimetti of public Works Vtv of Saint i3ald M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIOGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A, BSHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P.. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WO -N -E G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Bureau of City Planning. December 15th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson City Clerk. B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir :- With regard to application of the Golden Rule for permission to install a gam line pump for private use at their,garage building at Iafayette and Woodward. This is in a heavy industry district and is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. From an engineering standpoint there are no engineering difficulties involved. Yours very truly, s� City a ng ngr• GH-REH By DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER,COMMISSIONER MARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Ctv II{ '*w rritl Pepartmeid of jkblic o4afitg December 12, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, 8t. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is application of the Golden Rule Co. for permission to instal and maintain a gasoline pump for private use at their garage building at Lafayette and Woodward Avenues. This installation is approved as to fire hazard and it is recommended by this Department that permission be glanted. You ery Commissioner of Public safety WILLIAM C. BARRON V RALPH CARNEY CHIEF INSPECTOR ASST CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GEO C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Dec. 7, 1923. Hon, Geo. C. Sudheimer, Com, of Pub. Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir; In regard to application of the Golden Rule Co. for permission to install and maintain a gasoline pump for private use at their new garage building at LAFAYETTE APT,D WOODWARD Avenues. Tanks are to be located under sidewalk; pump to be inside of garage building. I recom=mend that the Compexy be granted erwission to install l,unmps and tanks. Respectfully yours, CHIEF IFSPLC;D -- • • C�TY OF SAINT PAUL Thee application to be Original made is duplicate and ff FIC OF THE CITY CLERK Clerk. tied to the Cit? APPLICATION FOR LICENSE l � AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. Form No. / U To the Honorable City Council Date I ry 19 of Saint Paul, Minnesota r, , APPLICATION Ili HEREPY MADE Dy--'=`— - Nnmo of Fi m cr 1ndividnm For License to Operate,and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) E. 'cF(_ W P U D w A Ih�Slb1` v gin`Cv1r� Dm6—c 1." orCorb ) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located I 1 At _ Street Nnmber and 8— Nur — Nu=bero / Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed -V Tanks to be I/nstt lied— Tank Received at office of City Clerk `/l�✓l�V Siunot.m of Applicant By ' - tluainree Addrem APPROVEDAPPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date —� _—_l9,3_ Date_----- 19— Date ----_19— Commr. of Public Safety. II Common of P. P.,P. and P. B. APPROVED PASSED 19— __ APPROVED _ 19— ORDINANCE NO._ PERMIT NO. --- Commr. of Public Work.. LICENSE NO. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated p -. BEpartntent of fuw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. MCNALLY MSM -B ARTHUR A. ST ART EUGENE M. E O'NEILL 18th, 1924 REECJ. M- EE Janus Zy LEWIS L. ANDERSON Mr. Henry Olson, Oity Olerk• Dear Sir: - I am transmitting herewith for presentation to the 0ounoil, an ordinanoe granting permission to the White Eagle 011 & Refining Oompany to install an air station on the east side of 0engress street, and an ordinanoe granting permission to said Company to maintain an air station on the north side of Randolph street; also an ordinance granting permission to the Golden Rule to install a tank under the sidewalk at Lafayette and Wood- ward avenues, and repealing Ordinance No. 6219, approved January 4, 1924. yours very truly, -7-7 Council File No. .. .... _.... ......... By .. Resolution 004 .4 tfia C. ' In matter .of the `aeaessment o1' benefits, costs annd expenee9 for con atkuMfng, relaYlS' and repairingg Co. I. ent 3idewaika, Nstimate No. 2. un- der Contract No..3661, Season of 1922 Aisetenble. ` i —I peon Ai Ave.. - t CITY OF ST. PAUL. ,w Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXperlses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 2, .Under Contract No.3551. Season -of 1923. Assessabii — - F.O. 43502 Simpson Ave., east side, between University Ave. and Sherburne Ave. F.O. 4)-8-5 Howell Ave., 'east side, from Ashland Ave. to Summit Ave. F.O. 44 25 Saratoga Ave., east side, between Osceola Ave. and Sargent Ave. Pascal Ave., gest side, between Osceola Ave. and Sargent Ave. F.O. 43559 Sargent Ave., north side, from Hamline Ave. to Albert Ave. F.O. 43553 Brimha.11 Ave., both sides, from Jefferson Ave, to Palace St. F.O. 46N5,` Baysrd',Ave.I north side'I from 'Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 45190 H.:rtford Ana., both sidess, rom Harmine Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 46259 Watson Ave., both sides, from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. F.0.`'45150 Watson Ave., both sides, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F'.0. 4 522 Randolph St., south side, between Griggs St. and Edbourtibe Road. F.O. 43557 Oxford St., west side, from Orchard St. to Northern Pacific Right of Way F.O. 4b391 1 savor a?., east side, between Orchard St. and Union St. F.O. 46185 Kilbourn St., both sides, from Hc,toh St. to Front St. F.O. 43552 Breda St., north side, from Arona Ave. to Pascal Ave. F.O. 43555 Raleigh St., west side, from Como Ave. West to Alden St. F.O. 45400 t tit., south side, beiinning at Guultier St. thence :West 120 ft. F.O. 42665 Front St., north side, beginning &t Dale St., the::ce East 100 feet Milford St., north side, bet,,veen Albemarle St. and Wooubridge St. F.O. 44521 James S`5., both skies, from Fairviaw Ave, to St.e St. F.O. 43556 Jaz;:t:s St., south sida, from Freaericxza Ave.to Fairview Ave. F.O. 4[,,20,8 St.Cl&ir St., south side, from Fairview Ave. to FredericY.a Ave. F.O. 46356 Jef Person Ave., north siae, between Snelling Ave. anti oalastar Ave F.O. 46741 Pascal Ave., ;vest side, from Fairmount Ave, to Osceula Ave. F.O. 46643 Pierce St., east side, from University Ave. to Shields Ave. F.O. 45156 Fuller St., south side, beginliing at St.Albans St. thence West 25 feet. F.O. 45187 St.Anth.ony Ave., south side, from Cathedral Place to Louis St. Cathedral P1«ce, %vest side, beginning at St.Anthony Ave. thence South 56 feet. Noz=Assessable-- F.0, 43802 Simpson Ave., east side ,'between University Ave. and Sherburns Ave. F.O.43855 Ho,aell Ave., east side, from Ashls.nd Ave. to Summit Ave. F.O. 44245 Saratoga Ave., east side, between Osceola Ave. and Sargent Ave. Pascal Ave., west side, between Osceola Ave. and Sargent Ave. F.O. 46259 Bayard Ave., north side, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 45190 Hartford Ave., both sides, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 46299 Tatsun Ave., Loth sides, from Syndicate Ave.to Griggs St. F.O. 45190 v;atson Ave., both sides, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 44822 Randolph St., south side, between Griggs St. and Edgeumbe Road. F.O. 43857 Oxford St., west side, from Orchard St. to Ndkrthern Pacific Right of Way - ...a,rt y.. o s• .v. �. 41j1i5 7!»fr8lfliG@b�t _... _. _.. _.. _ ......... .._.._.._... ove improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the ab ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the RESOLVED, unty of Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Co BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 191. Adopted by the Council U..� 4...2..:J.._i9.L._.__...._.._. _.__...........„ • r �j '"" City Clerk. L ..__._.._...._191.. Approved / Mayor. ' o ,1� T )l, _ Ts } - - ) ,.•S .I.J T. T ..3 )y ': fi:' ni,r Y,_ T_zr•. cffi2-7:-. CTAS' �iII--. 7(:a�P V f o ((;Z7`c_ c'i3 r^1` • -, T 7 T C *. _ F'• i ��f 'f ' ilr. q r refs tz! c t t � t •a r n� tnr If � c 4 _I.. r � r,. fi i,. a• .::' _ y T s ,•T P �1>. i t? t.% 1 S T" l° G rfy Jq n '. x _ k1, r J� x' 1 a s r i7 4.y t�''T' 1:50, Y't' •7� rt,}fa. li ;-4c i'.. q Z4 .: 1 r '{�,L� Gi Sf _. arra r G" N-74,'tyIr �' R� ` y rt ; ,_ p CEx Tf`F moi' ( i• 3 :. YT � �s ° ', S:a.7 tf 1T�tif ff U• , I'•P3"fra`e..�aSrk � _ ' '' k�r ���t Ft s aF '"� 3�'Y.f�3,�. �fi S � ��' c-/5 v `rmi � �i : �SF" � '` fi > � x. ) 9 ia3 � T"t "` Y)1•. �'TI L.(x .�11 {`✓�. r•[y�wr !i 'S 7"`y,E}ti n••fi: ": ��..sx,, l ix.=�•3i^A":.+C�I ;:•fir} Y J.S J'°:i ti`..T .`}6 xr f,'l CI.IQ f T f I"".'-". --i,J i * t, :" rY Of "J �•'i 1 - Y i•'. C `�_ 1pf+'� ?� n.�i Tn'v n rr-� S t.r -. _ TSI, -L , . -. �. v F TIJ J' -. T.<_ J: '. � _ .,. .. t T i.T, TCI 'i - .` r�'iI:T7r - lS• .. 7.. L T 'J `:rTT �•= i I- i-. T T 1. !,• c - . T ,T.�'"�ll Z VA T,To s r<: 'v• �,l � ,a�.7P ,. ,y.�. x ,n � i�> � ff ...-.AT t _1;` _ �. 7!»fr8lfliG@b�t _... _. _.. _.. _ ......... .._.._.._... ove improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the ab ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the RESOLVED, unty of Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Co BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 191. Adopted by the Council U..� 4...2..:J.._i9.L._.__...._.._. _.__...........„ • r �j '"" City Clerk. L ..__._.._...._191.. Approved / Mayor. ' o ,1� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Ilcvember 16,1923 In the matter of the assessment of ...DenCYl_t.3.,_Cu 3 t_s,_&..,_exz,tt_.S_e3for tip_.._.._.._ ..................._....._..._._.... Constructing, replying and repairing Cement Sidewalks. Estimate No. P., Under Contract No.3551, Season of 1923. —� Assessable-- F.O.'43g02` 8lmpson Ave., east nide, between University Ave. and Sherburne Ave. F.O. 43 9 Howell Ave., eaast sizio, from Ashl4md Ave. to Summit Ave. F.O, IWC: I8 ; avitoga Ave.. east tilde, between Osoeo u Ave. and Sargent Ave. Pascal Ave., West side, between Osceola Ave. and Sargent Ave. rr.0.-43959 • Sargent Ave.}, north aside, from Harmine Ave. to Albert Ave. F.O. 43J853 Brimhall Ave., both sides, from Jeffe:rson Ave. to Palace St. F.O. 46269 Bayard Ave., north nide, from Hanline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 45190 Hertford Ave., both sides, from Humilne Ave. to Syndiwets Ave. F.O. 46299 Watson Ave., both slides, from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. F.O. 45190 Watson Ave., both sides, from Hamline Ave, to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 828 Randolph St., south side, between Grigg at. rani! RdL�oumbe Road F.O. 43957 Oxford St., West sine, from Orchard St. to Northern Pacific High% of Way F.Q. 46391 Chatsworth St., east side, between Orchard St. and Union St. F.O. 46365 Kilbourn St., both sides, from Hatch St. to Front St. F.O, 43952 Bra" St., -north side, from Arona Ave. to Pascal Ave. F.O. 43856 liaaleigh St., west side, from Como Ave. West to Alden St. F.O. 45400 Front St., south side, beginning at Oaaailtier St. thence West 120 ft F.O. 42668 Front St.., north sine, beginning at Dale St., thence meet 100 feet Milford St., north side, between Albemarle St. said Woodbridge St. F.O. 44521 James St., both sides, fromiFairview Ave. to Sue St. F.O. 430,56 James St., south side, fv)m Fredoricku Avc.to Fairview Ave. F.O. 46296 St.Cluir St., south ride, from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. F.O. 46386 Jefferson Ave., north side, between Snelling Ave. and Hucaalestear Av F.O. 46741 Paascul Ave., west side, from Fuirmount Ave. to Osceola Ave. F.O. 46843 Pierce St., oust side, from University Ave. to Shields Ave. F.O. 45186 Fuller St., south side, beginning at Gt.Albaans St. thence Ernst, 25 feet. F.O. 45187 St.Anthony Ave., south aide, from Cuthodrel Place to I,euia :3t. Cathedral Place, west aides, beginning sat St.Anthony Ave. thence South 56 feet. Hone Assessable-- F.O. 4360?_ Simpson Avo., east side, between University Ave, and Sherburne Ave. F.U. Fj' �5 Iiuseil Ave., asst side, from Ashland Ave. to Sumrmt Ave, F.O. 44?48 3i�x <s0,ra Ave., carat side, between Oaocola Ave. and Sargon, Ave. Pascal Ave., west side, between Osceola. Ave. and Sargant, Ave. F.U. 46269 Bayard Ave., north side, from Hemline Ave.. to Syndicalto Ave. F.O. 45190 Hartford Ave., both aider;, from Haamline Ave. to Syndiorate Ave. F.O. 46299 Watson Ave., bath Hides, from Syndicate Ave.to Griggs St. F.O.45190 WUtsc.n Ave., both sides, from Haamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 44822 Handolph,St., south aide, between Origi;a St. and Edgoumbe Road. F.O. 43857 Oxford St., vreat lido, from Orchard St. to Northern Pucifio Right of Wap F.O. 46391 Chaatavorth Sit., east side, between Orchard St. and Union,St. J. Mv .x, rra •Y. .t 4 Y4�. p [Alder . ... .........._.-------------._._, Intr3m[ed 1tX. tket --......._._.....__.._..................._.._. _.._ __.......... pi504g�r ......__........_....._._.... _......... _, a�r8Jti8X_................... __._..............._.................._......_......... .., 1.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby .reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.12.>261.._9..7_._. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $---- . 39'1 5-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $------------ ....._ 7-83 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - $._...___2 �J _ ....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $. - - ... 3-9 1.5 Total ......39'15Tctal A:i6e3sable 12, ,4 Total ee�c 11on-� asessuGlo_ _ _ _ _ 62.-..... Total Expenaitures 13,009.26 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $1312q'.-Ja6.._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may a considered proper. / , ommissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. n-9 l CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 3, Contract 3551, Season 1923 Assessable - - F.O. 46747 Douglas St., west siaa, beginning at Harrison St. thence South 155 ft. F.O. 46742 Osceola Ave., both sides, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. also Albert Ave., west side, from St.Clair St. to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 44246 Saratoga Ave., east side, between Oscecla.Ave. & Sargent Ave. F.O. 46294 Janes St., south side, between Cretin Ave, and Finn Ave. F.O. 43661 Summit Ave., north side, from. Cretin Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd. Cretin -Ave., west side, Prom''1116sissippi River Blvd. to Summit Ave. Mississippi River Boulevard, south side, from Cretin Avenue to Wast line of Lot 31 E -J. Kingston' Subdivision F.O. 47208` Randolph St., north side, beginning 40 ft. west of Milton St. thence west 254 feet F.O. 45251 Yankee St., south side, from West Seventh St. to Western Ave. Sherman St., west side, between Ramsey St. and Exchange St. F.O. 45400 Reaney St., north side, beginr.in6 at Pa -aa Aye. thence East 65 ft - F -0. 45186 Lake Como and Phalen Ave., south siae, from Payne Ave. to a point 456 ft. East of Payne Ave. F.O. 46644 Sehletti St., west side, from Wheelock Pk•rkway to Cottage St. F.O. 46364 St. Albans St., west side, from Wheelock Parkway to Maryland Ave. F.O. 41070 Dunlap St., both sixes, from University Ave. to Blair St. Non -Assessable r�io. 46742 Albert Ave., west side, from St. Clair St. to Pairmount Ave. F.O. 44246 Sars,toUa Ave., east side, between Osceola Ave. and S argent Ave. F.O. 43861 Cretin Ave., west side, from Mississippi River Blvd. to Summit Ave. F.O. 45186 Lake Corno and Phalen Ave., south side, from Payne Ave. to a point 458 ft. East of Payne Ave. F.O. 468,44 Sohletti St., west side, from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage St. F.O. 41070 Dunlap St., both sides, from University Ave. to Blair St. ..._........_....._......�.._� 4-b Mayor. Form B. B. 18 � , O 51. Council File No . ................................................... L. F. No. 60416— 3 a. ter of jn4e nand eats, cto.ts expense, Yornc atructing, relaylnK nd epal ri ment Sid-1ke, Estimate N^' - B ... _ y . CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 3, Contract 3551, Season 1923 Assessable - - F.O. 46747 Douglas St., west siaa, beginning at Harrison St. thence South 155 ft. F.O. 46742 Osceola Ave., both sides, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. also Albert Ave., west side, from St.Clair St. to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 44246 Saratoga Ave., east side, between Oscecla.Ave. & Sargent Ave. F.O. 46294 Janes St., south side, between Cretin Ave, and Finn Ave. F.O. 43661 Summit Ave., north side, from. Cretin Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd. Cretin -Ave., west side, Prom''1116sissippi River Blvd. to Summit Ave. Mississippi River Boulevard, south side, from Cretin Avenue to Wast line of Lot 31 E -J. Kingston' Subdivision F.O. 47208` Randolph St., north side, beginning 40 ft. west of Milton St. thence west 254 feet F.O. 45251 Yankee St., south side, from West Seventh St. to Western Ave. Sherman St., west side, between Ramsey St. and Exchange St. F.O. 45400 Reaney St., north side, beginr.in6 at Pa -aa Aye. thence East 65 ft - F -0. 45186 Lake Como and Phalen Ave., south siae, from Payne Ave. to a point 456 ft. East of Payne Ave. F.O. 46644 Sehletti St., west side, from Wheelock Pk•rkway to Cottage St. F.O. 46364 St. Albans St., west side, from Wheelock Parkway to Maryland Ave. F.O. 41070 Dunlap St., both sixes, from University Ave. to Blair St. Non -Assessable r�io. 46742 Albert Ave., west side, from St. Clair St. to Pairmount Ave. F.O. 44246 Sars,toUa Ave., east side, between Osceola Ave. and S argent Ave. F.O. 43861 Cretin Ave., west side, from Mississippi River Blvd. to Summit Ave. F.O. 45186 Lake Corno and Phalen Ave., south side, from Payne Ave. to a point 458 ft. East of Payne Ave. F.O. 468,44 Sohletti St., west side, from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage St. F.O. 41070 Dunlap St., both sides, from University Ave. to Blair St. ..._........_....._......�.._� 4-b Mayor. Form B. B. 18 � , O . .................. ........... ... . . ....... . Kwiccard . ............. - ---- - - ............._._......._......_--'M ---'M __ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............ .....—�.-..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council DEC* 7-0-1933_ 1 ......................................rI. --. ity Clerk. .. Approved -.191-- ............. . ........... .............. . Mayor. A4 F —,tr` , . " 3''�ilti j .;- I :11�1`�—'T,� A7, -A "p 'D M, hl r A A , Y w", T* 'o C 17 art 0 7, n. 7 14 IG VT r I- I iw !�A G T 4' (1, AG �T. . .................. ........... ... . . ....... . Kwiccard . ............. - ---- - - ............._._......._......_--'M ---'M __ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............ .....—�.-..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council DEC* 7-0-1933_ 1 ......................................rI. --. ity Clerk. .. Approved -.191-- ............. . ........... .............. . Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT I1. In the matter of the assessment of a en.af i_t4., Co 3.3._Yz ._. 3Xl e;i 3z._, for $iib Conu%ruoting, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Ilo. 3, Qontraot 3551, Season 1923 Agae»sable F.O. 46747 Douglas St., averrt side, beginning, at Harrison St. thence South 155 f'' F.O. 46742 Osceola Ave., both siders, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. aloo Albart Ave., went side, from St.Clair St. to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 44248 Saratoga live., east aide, between Ouow,!;) i. Ave. i? Sargent Ave. F.O. 46294 James St., south side, between Cretin Ave. and Finn Ave. F.O. 43861 Summit Ave., north tilde, from Cretin Ave. to Minelasippi River Blvd. Cretin Ave., wo t side, from Hiaais!>ippi Rlve:c Blvd. to Summit Ave. Hl:sulssippi Rivor Boulesva.rd, South side, :rum Cretin Avenue to Rist line of Lot 31, E. J. Kingston Subdivision. F.O. 47205 Rfiudolph St., north arae, beginning 40 ft. Neat of Milton St. thenue we:it 254 feet F.O. 45 25 1 Yankee St., south side, from Y net 3erventh St. to Wer;tern Ave. Sherman St., tivefat nide, bot;reon Ranoey St. and ^+_xehange St. F.O. 45400 Rearney St., north side, boginnlnF at Payne Acre. thence ELLSt 65 ft. F.O. 45168 Lake Como and Phalon Ave., south :aide, from Payne Ave. to a Point 1158 it. wast of Payne Ave. F.O. 46544 Schlotti St., went slue, Yrom Wheelook Pi,rkiray to Cottage St. F.O. 46384 St. Albums St., went slug, from Wheelock'Parkaray to Itaarylc.nd Ave. F.O. 4107() Dunle p St., both tide u, from University Ave;. to 13lair St. Non-Asaaaaable F.O. 46742 Albert Ave., Nest ,ride, Prom St.ClaGir St. to R,irmount Ave. F.O. 44248 Saarttoga Ave., etkst slde, betwoun Oaeec:laa Ave. rand S argent Ave. F.U. 43861 Cretin Ave., wash lido, from Uluainsippi River Blvd. to •Summit Ave. F.O. 45188 Utxe CUr.90 and Pleealcn Ave., south aide, from Puyne Ave. to a point 455 ft. &A Iit of Payne Ave. F.o. 46641. uohletti St., are.,t aide, from Wbeolook Pe,rkwrly to Cott --go St. F.O. 41070 Dunlap St., loth :rides, from Univerelty Ave. to Blair St. which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be cogsidered proper. r I ' Co�aiseioner of Finance. Fmm B. S. A. B_9 v d6192fr=!1P-ibltdtiifi]IiyX®iFi6K...... ........ _. _. ...... _......_,.... ............ _....... .... .............._......... ........_..._._......._..._._., 190]C_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - la . Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - -$—._ ........ ._1...._�5............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - -- - - - $—.......-....-.?..'.9_.._....._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - " Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $-"--' """1�+.""" '� "-""" Totul Aijas3able 9104. ion—aa�3a3actble - - - - - $.__.7.2Q_._i5 ............. TotTu l pen uraa Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....9x25-!Aupon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action therr as may be considered proper. Oo4iseioner of Finance. Rmm B. 5. A. R_9 .•.J �.' j04 r Council File No. "No.50419— w!• .�e matter of the nssessment of +a".Ing and Install ingP¢nseanf mental m,; g n ��g system conalsting of limp By nd lamps, -,tree and g else- ..._......_...._...................._...._.........._......__.... _............... conduits Por conveying else- i 6 -ent thereto, and all other ann/'anor. equlpmen[ Avenue en `ing CITY OF ST. PAUL.,i'. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. in the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs aI1d e%Uen$es for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and, all other necessary appliances and equipment for saici syitetn on Capitol Avenue between Hamline Avenue and Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order -'-+5 .............. Intermediary Order _.._�F.6627............... Final Order.. .. -July 27,1923 approvedJ..........-. ._......._................._........._........_ ........................_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. .............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ®EC 2 1923 191 . . ...... City Clerk. Approved._............ __...._.............._............ 19 I _....._ _...._'.......t" ....:................ .... j. ....... ..:........'.. 7� orm B. B. 18 J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of 9d40, 1.t�3.,Co_3 y..__. ..... eai2ga" 3a.d_ . for i� _YUTn 13h_ n . inatallino rtri Ornamantal iigi:t:L, system cc:r,sisting of lamp p03ts e.rd laiap3, :,ir ;auncia^�T.1u11 coni lit3 for conve Iin� aieotric current ^... ..... _ _. ........ thareto, and other nac.e.asary tiil)lituiCea lid elulnmcnt for saki system on Ca,,.isol Avg,ue be vaen naw'lna Avenue aria Snelling Avenue, '+7571.......... 46827 under Preliminary Order .__........__—...__..........._.- _..._..___, Intermediary Order .__.._._......_...._ ........ ...... _....... . 4 1 -........ _July..._ Z�_ly2J..._......... , 94X.:. Final Order ...._..____....... L3' . __. _._....., approved ........................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 4-4a.�0 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ .............. 8. 4c. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $— _....._......_.._...__........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.—............. E).._...._... Q^ od Inspection fees • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._..._....-: �..-.c_............... -.4P Amount of court costs for confirmation • - - - - - - $-- - ----------------- 46 46 Total expenditures - - - - - • - - - - - - -$_...___.._._................ __....... Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..... `. 1�.r_'+5....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may b� considered proper. �1I C / CPmmissioner of Finance. 5041, Council File No. RATIFYING ASSESSiIENIS. By...._._........._......................_...........__........._........_.._..... — In the t[esr of the assess benefits, .--t- ois and expensesm . struct7nS h0.:. CITY OF ST. PA= Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a serer on Jackson St. from Arch St. to Pennsylvania Ave., also lateral c:nnections at Arch St. and Pennsylvania Ave. from :;aid se•.ier on Jackson St. to the easterly line of Jackson Straat, . 4`�`%..........-_ Intermediary Order ....4'.60 .2..._ .............. Final Order_._.. 468615-___. - .. under Preliminary Order......... -"" July 6,ly2j xy approved.. 1'Yl"............ ......................_............................................ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmafion. BE IT FWTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN -3 'c24 Adopted by the Council _..____......_. ... ..._..__._.....__.... Approve ' Fortn B, I JAN -3 1924 ..191. .......... . Clerk. 191._....-. �...........-. _.- ay o r. t C*M bF ST. PAUL . .. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _._..NnsJ?1::bar..._16,1923...., 38d...._... In the matter of the assessment of_d.;a G.:..l + i., GS .f.t. ]_..5 ......dS;..allii.tla for wrier on Jao,jon St. from Asch St. to Per:r.:iylvzLniu Ave., also luteral ............ ........ Jscsson St. to tl a etj:3teriv line of Judson Street, ander Preliminary Order ..........._.... --__452_.. ...... ........ _ Intermediary Order ... _............ ....._.....__ 46... 0.6 .2 ....... Final Order Order—approved...._.__......._ ..__, 191..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—._�-i.2....e....._..____ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_._........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--.-._........_._.�!}_..__.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-------2'-4n---- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ __'_4.11.._26.._.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._ t_':...-_,.2-1. _.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, aml which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �� C0". .aaioner of Finance. Por. B. S. A. n-9 t 'F. -No 50418 0 1 t `he atter [ pe i gg, widening " �1 1 extending theIni tion of �i� �➢ last Sixth St. anb nroadaay and. the Intersection of East Sixth St. and Rosabel. St.,. under Preliminary Order 45344, approved April 24,; 1923; Intermediary Order 48350, -ap- proved June 13,'1923. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for,. the above Itn- provetnent, and said as essment' hav- Ing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered anally satisfactory, be It therefore -Resolved. That the said a assessment be and the same is hereby I" all Pe-�NFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND RESOLUTION a"eOL3 ratified, and the same Is hereby o deeed to be ubmttted to the Dls- , trict Court of they County of Ramsey tar coned by th AWAi tUopted bc(Fee�C2-ID24'Jan. 30, 1924.ID ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. :l pp roved, 7 30, 1924. In the matter of.. o.Pe} ing,__lyicien n-_nncl---ex veridili __the.._iih East Sixth St. and Broadlvay_.and tha izitatsaCt_ion-..oi.--EaSt.--Sixth_._St•. .. ...... .... ..... and Rosabel St. ................ ......._.............. ...................................................... .......... _...... ........ .... ------........... -------------------... under Preliminary Order..... 4.x.344..........., approved.Ahr.24j-_923.,.. Intermediary Order.. .6360...-- June1 approved-........ - } A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it urthea1Reaolved, that the said assessment be and it �.-hereby, deterirlined toe��gable in^ ..l..egl at instalilnenta as to each parcel of land described therein. ------- Adopted by the Council... p,..............................3...1924 191- ----- � ............ -•----ro............. ... .. .... ----.. L .....- .................... �\ City Clerk. Approved. ........... �p it a.C.1914................. 191.... V/ -- -- — O Aoti7ig Mayor. Councilman ortl Clancy �Councid lda" Donald Councilman KW,6f `' Pater d11e Councilman W61941W61941,Su imer I Councilman VWMA We"el f Mr. Pion Pres Ferga m 0 Nag- .'.4jr— (p�, (l�� �. 0 i.1 V 60479—: In thfl:matte, f oPe i fi Ideni g a. tendi g the Into s eti ih¢ Inti S,,,h S[ a d R dw 9. 1 t eectl - f Nast SI SL and n L 1 St U d P 11,'e, 45344, Or' Intertrt dia Y0 ler 463601 I m Sune 33 1923 4 .,t Resolved e. 1 ll) That th f 11 wing i P m nt be and th 'am is hereby de - . 1 to be I.-di" nst •ia .,, ' -Open d sand a[end the int section f EaatStxth St'; and R .n r a�. and ti i V^i %Cand R ah k, .•21 FINAL ORDtk IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__._9pe4i19�tyl8ening__tind__e .tend.Ing --y.?Z9---1nt91CS East Sixth St. and Broadway and the intersection of__East.Sixth._St. _.. :rind Rosabel St. - -._....._........__...._............_.............__....—..--...._ ._..... _............. under Preliminary Order.. �.3 4__-.--._ approved.Ap_r..?4.,.1.92.3, Intermediary Order ------- .. June 1 , 2 approved .1_._..._... - -3 .3 Resolved: \ (1) that the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.___.....___. _ o�en,widen_and extend tha iintersection o�Ea,.st_.i.?tGh._5.—lend----- Broadway and theintersection oY-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- _priated and condemned for the purpose of makine the said imurovementa. viz. _ i)1 f 'uTFl 1ece "6ff8 8�eeterly corner of Lot 6, Block 6, Whitney & Smith's A tr#�i-.g and 12 ft. on East Sixth St. Addi ion, measured 12 feet on Hosabel 5t. also that part of lots 2,3 and 4, Block 44, Kittson's F:ddition, lving northwesterly of a line dra-wil from the- northeasterly corder of, said lot 2 to a point on the westerly line of said lot 4, measured 38 feet fro mt-the north- wasterly corner of said lot 4, also a triangular piece of ground he southerly corner of lot 5, block 29, Kittson's Addition, measured 12 feet on Broadway and 12 feet on East Sixth Street, as grapYlioally show.�i upon the plat attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter dated iuly 11,1923 - Approved. .......... . 1,1923. Approved._........_................_.............._......................_....... 191:..........., (/ulaney- = a na x&emr /,Peter' lgg(al ,�Sudhemer Wzx&x*hWenzefe 1 (. Sr. Viae Pre.. Nerge.00 J:umary 30th, 1924. Mr. L. C. Selmer, Bureau of Assessments, B u i I ding, Dear Sir: It the Council meeting this morning, the report of the con m,ittee appointed to reconsider the armed of damages and asseoaoent for benefits arising, from the widening of intersections of Sixth Street at Rosabel Street and Broadway, recommending that all of the award of damages to lands, as originally submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of Finance be ratified, was road, and the final order was adopted in accordance therewith. Their further recommendation that the dam:gsa to the owner of building situated on Lot 4, Block 44, Bittson's Addition be increased to $300000.00 was also adopted. Yours very truly, City Clerk• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of-AP-all-IIIr,,._.wid-eniag.lied...ax.tending... the ...int.r~rs�nxion-.o3---•--•- Ett.._Sitli_-S.t ............ n3...Roaribel ............................................._.......... ..................... .....-............. ........-................................ ...... ander Preliminary Order ...._.2.._......._. approved_. .......... 2j _. Intermediary Order....6j60..-,---- approved. June.. 13.,_x:9.21_....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and , that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ......................... Commissioner of Finance. 1 K+ BEFORE THE CCWAON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. In the matter of opening, widening and extending East Sixth Street by taking and condemning a triangular piece off the easterly corner of Lot Six (6), Block Six (6), Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul, measured 12 feet on Rosabel Street and 12 feet on Last Sixth Street; also that part of Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Block Forty-four (44), Kittson'a Addition to St. Paul, lying northwesterly of a line drawn from the northeast- erly corner of said Lot Two 2) to a point on the westerly line of said Lot Four (4), measured 38 feet from the northwesterly corn the of said Lot Four (4); also a triangular piece of ground co cothe southerly corner of Lot Five (5), Block Twenty-nine (29), Kitteon's Addition to St. Paul, measured 12 feet on Broadway and 12 feet on East Sixth Street, under Preliminary Order 45344 approved April 24, 1923, Intermediary Order 46360 approved June 13, 1923. TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Now comes Armour & Company, a corporation, and objects to the amount of damages awarded to it as the owner of the leasehold estate and the buildings and imp-ovements situate thereon of Lot Four (4), Block Forty-four (44), Kittson's Addition to St. Paul. The award of Twenty-four Thousand Nine Hundred ($24,900.00) Dollars to the undersigned as the owner of the build- ings and improvements upon said Lot Four (4), is unfair, unjust, unreasonable and inadequate. Said award is not based upon the proper theory of valuation, and you are hereby notified that the undersigned asks the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars for the buildings and improvements above specified, and you are further notified that the undersigned, unless the last above mentioned sum is awarded, will appeal to the District Court of i the County of Ramsey. This notice is given in conformity to the pro- visions of Chapter 14 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, and ` rticular Section 270 thereof. ! in pa l' 3 Respectfully submitted, �01-1�,�' � ARMOUR & COMPANY. E- a -- iv 14 ITS ATTORNEYS. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - We, the under -signed special committee appointed by the Mayor in the matter of reconsidering the award of damages and assessment for benefits aris- ing from the widening of intersections of Sixth Street at Rosabel Street and Broadway, duly met and after hear- ing arguments of attorneys appearing on behalf of property owners interested respectfully recommend that all of the award of damages to landst as orinerginaof linance, submitted to the Council by be ratified and confirmed without change and further recommend that the damages to the owner of the building situated on Lot 4, Block 44, Kittson's Addition, be increased to $30,000.00. Respectfully submitted, ( Be o In ( Committee. (TOmm as oner o o ee�'y• ( zZe14- omm ss oner o uc on. In the Lietter of Opening, widening and Extending East Sixth Street at the Intersection of East Sixth Street and Broad- way and.tha intersection of East Sixth Street and Rosabel Street under Preliminary Order CP No.45355 approved April 24, 1923, and Intermediary Order 46360 approved June 13, 1923. Said order contemplates the taking and condemning of a triangular tract of land in Block 44 Kittson's Addi- tion lying Northwesterly of a line drawn from the North- easterly corner of Lot 2,Blodk 44, Kittson's Addition, to a point on the westerly line of Lot 4, Block 44, Kittson's Addition, 38 feet from the Northwesterly corner thereof. To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Now comes the objector, Ewli-ia L. Schulze, the owner of Lot 2, Block 44, Kittson's Addition, and objects to the amount of damages awarded her in the above entitled proceeding, to -wit, the sum of $1740.85, for the reason that the said award of damages is unjust, un- fair, unreasonable and inadequate; that the said award is not based on the proper theory of valuation and is much less than the damages sus- tained by the said objector. This objector objects to the award of benefits proposed to be assessed against her in the sum of $$230.86, for the reason that her said property is benefitted in no manner by the said proposed taking and condemnation of said land. You are hereby notified that the undersigned asks the sum of $$7000 for the portion of Lot 2, Block 44, Kittson's Addition to be taken and condemned, and asks that the charge of benefits be cancelled. You are hereby further notified that unless said sum of $7000 is awarded to the undersigned for the taking of said land, and unless said sum charged for benefits is cancelled, the undersigned will ap- peal to the District Court of P.eriisey Cour-ty from your order confirm- ing these proceedings. This notice is given to you in conformity to the provisions of Chapter 14 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul and particularly to Section 270 thereof. Dated December 19, 102�3f. EMM L. SC ULZE, �j�.✓ ��� narA• orney� 4 402 Oppenheim Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. HENRY OLSON TWO of Oitt♦St Paul HAROLD J. CITY RIIOORDDAN CITY CLERK ANO - COMMISSIONLR OP REGISTRATION �lIIILY M1�.L CLARENCE A. STORMS ��iiYY !l CHIW CLERK_REGISTRATION January 16th, 1924 Hon. James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance, But l ding.. ,1 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith all papers in the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of East Sixth St. and Broadway and the intersection of Fast Sixth St. and Hosabel St., which have been laid over to January 30th. This matter was also referred to a Committee to consist of yourself, Commissioner Sudheimer and Commissioner Ferguson to consider the matter of revising the assessments and damages, and to take the matter up with ,the interested property owners in order that an equitable adjustment may be made'. Yours very truly, Ci]c. enc. Y RAT1FV1NGA89H88MENT9 ONEResolution Ratifying --'L�M If j.;� �'V ;Id..i.Und 50420 extending '"d" """ So's:t at it. t t.r - ;'t ZliG section � h S.Ith A, ae and at Its 1-Intersoc-tionwi h Bid -11 St'Pet, un- der -�? ;rjdimlnaj�y Od., 17411, RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CO&MNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of ---- QP-QUIXW—� ........... . . its-. int zrsection__�sith- 3mith_Civenuz-- -------------------------------------- ............... --------------------- —1 ------------------------------------------------------ I tinder Preliminary Order —4.74.11 .......... approved4U17 2S..42-3-, Intermediary Order 4d6-3.5 approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. '. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................................equal installments as to each parcel of laud described therein. Adopted by the Council ..... ...... .......... .......... ...... I . ....... 2.4 Approved ............. ----------- .................................Ci Clerk. 191 ------------------ Mayor. Councilman X&VXVWtthc Clancy Councilman AK4 Councilman Z md " HcDonald Councilman =Z* --Peter Councilman 3MMI -Sudheiue r Councilman NWa�j&zig%p-Menzal Mayor TXgdx �'4 a I son - RATIIrYlN9- h88H88)•IIDNT9: 50420 eeotieh with Smith Agenue' and . at its Intersection with Bidwell Street; un - dei• '_Pr jim1nary-.Order 47411,.-4 .lnterre,y;, RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CO& MNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the .matter of...Qj2eTI=-&-.:d1la9Illug--.Wld...��:Mind.lZl�...�i�.O.r.�@...t�LT.t;.E.L---St......_.._._ Y._. i t-e.__illt.e xyQt.Qll.._cY� t-)1............_ Bid}v 11...Street.,.................................................... under Preliminary Order .....-...47.41.1.......... approved.-4U.I.Y••2S...1923-, Intermediary Order...... 466.3.5........, approved......._Sept,., A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the Same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..... ..........................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the 191........ y Cita Clerk. aINR L 5 i..2.9 Approved........................................................... 191.... ............ .. - ................ Mayon Councilman Sxmwrntllc Clancy Councilman o Tr— Councilman Ztmd MaDoneld Councilman 3DM "Peter Councilman Z6=1 ,,Sudhaim3 r Councilman V0FR &WWS -Wenzel Mayor 1ZIDII4,4aIBoll inix'aroaben tx coxnrat�e�cld��� rleoc,�Ienlxns. �,� ezF No 60421 ' _Inexkendtne 1Genrse 6[rf•et at i[x in[c A _ ;intersec�onh'w�[nth BI well Stree[,tua-., de P el/mi a Y 'Order 47411. inp•. 'p ed T lv ll. 1923: -Intermediary: 'Ode 46630; npproved SepL 21. 1923.'. Rey. �olved. b (1) 1 Chet the follI.0wln her by ord.r.deto.' - IUe-mlde YI Open widen and'esteTl Gen h Stre t rit Its inters iii- with Bidwell Street: �f2) That th lands. t�,A� iRD IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_�R&ex�a:-?.ieig_.extsming_..George.._Sireet_at._ita_ intersec ion with Smith Aue an_d._t_.:t.lz�txxs_eofiQn�th1d� _8ir-et, ander Preliminary Order __ '1--•-_,approvedlU y-_2a,19.2+pIntermediary Order—_.45635_•_.--., approved Ssgt�-2"Ti}--1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, open; widen and extend George Stree at _i_t_s.._3nts1 sGtiQn sl +h Ridwa'l'1 titreet. (2) That the following land, laulls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._ -t riangu1ar--piece of ground off the northwest corner of Lot 1, Hornsbyls Re -arrangement, Block 101, 'Nest St P^v� Broner rna�a"n�.I_-,£"t•."-o2�--8}•dwe-l�—e�tl-•�E3' f•-tu-r'-ori-Gec>p$g'-"3trsety ,and an irregular shaped piece of ground off the southeast corner of Lot, 14, Block $, Nelann Cfa a s: ur la_d3a ripii� ti "_d-Ts'Cr1b--88 as "follows; Beginning•at the southwest corner of Lot 14, thence at an angle to a point 2 -ft-.: r-ftt-of�-G-er ga" 'ea Yltl-35" wss e i rve I SEree�; hence on an Angle to 'a point 5 ft. north of George Street and 10 ft. west of Bidwe]a"_iti-et thence 'at'ayr"Ailg OTHU •on west est line of Bidwell Street measuring, 10 ft. north of Ge?�g St e. �t �t�etassessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified 'and confirmed. JAN.2 5 1924 Adopted by the Council _.._..__----------- .._._.-------------- a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...QP-eu:Lr�,..-zridsnimg.. Aci._.a�...e:xd.zzi.g._Gtiszr e...8.tr.e.a --at---i-ta---•- ir-----ppi-th-_Sm-th-_Ay ........... .. BidwellSt-reet-------- ------......----- ....................._........ ....... ............................................................. -- .--........ - - .--.....-------------------------------------------_...----...------------...........................--------.. _...----....---------- under. Preliminary Order.._ 1.411--..--... approved.JU2y_26,.!.� 43, Intermediary Order...4? �7j�....-...., Sep -21,193 approved---------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i i 1..... - -,----------- -----_------------------ Co missioner of Finance. v r a 1 � 2 3 4 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills opening 5 and widening and extending George Street at its intersection with Smith Avenue. 6 ----------------- 7 Comes now W.H. Husband, and for his objections herein 8 states: 9 10 First. That he -is the owner and in possession of Lot 13, Block u 17 Lineau's Re -arrangement, located in the City of St. Paul, 1z from which lot it is proposed to con - Ramsey County, Minnesota, demn a triangle piece of ground off of the Southwest corner there - 13 of. 14 Second. Said w.H.Husband objects to the condemnation and taking 15 16 of any portion of said lot by the City of St. Paul for any pur- 17 poses, for the reason that said M.H.Husband is the owner of Lots 13 - 14 and 15 in said Block 17, and situated upon Lot 15 and 16 18 a portion of Lot 14 is his homstead where he, with his family, now 20 resides. That if any part of said��Lot 13 1e taken as contempla- 21 ted by the City of St.Paul it will damage his homestead property 22 to such an extent that he cannot be compensated therefor. 23 Third. That it is wholly unnecessary to condemn any portion of 24 said Lot 13 in order to facilitate the traffic•turning from George 26 Street on to Smith Avenue, or turning from Smith Avenue on to 26 George Street. That if said property is condemned and taken as 27 contemplated, that it will completely destroy said Lot 13, together 28 with a portion of Lot 14, for building purposes in any nature 29 whatsoever. That at the present time said Lot 13 is suitable for 30 the erection of an apartment house, which the undersigned and owner 31 of said lots contemplated building thereon in the near future. 32 That the undersigned, and owner of said premises, has been offered 33'a lease for said Lot 13 for a period of 5 years by an Oil Company, 34 which Oil Company contemplated the erection of an oil station 35 thereon, and the rental price offered by said Lessee was $40.00 a c i 1 2 3 month, but for the present the undersigned has declined to 4 accept said lease, but if the City of St.Paul condemns and 5 takes said land, as it now proposes, said lot would then be 6 unfi3 for said rental purposes, or any other purposes whatever. 7 WHEREBY, W.H.Husband, respectfully asks that all a matters in connection with said condemnation proceedings be 9 dismissed, and that said Lot 13 be allowed to remain in the 10 same position it now is. 11 Dated at St.Paul, Minnesota, this 20th day of December, l lz 1923. 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 • 2a 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 CITY CLERKS OFFICE T �Ltvia ___r�LVC. e�L �� ��//!-e. �✓L �Gi t Get% r .. E0421 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_..._ode-n1119.......: sl.dexl.iug._gnu,..-.arct-ezld.ing....Geo.xgE.....S.tre.et.....nt.......... ......__ its intersection ^rith Smith. Apenue,.._an3._bt-.._it_5..._141g1e_.0c.y_i,.4X1......WAIL.._— BidwellStr•iet............................................... _.._._.... --... _..... under Preliminary Order .......... 47.4.11 ................. approve&July.....28.,.152.3 Intermediary Order.._..4.Fii. S..._.._.....__., approved _......... _SeI?t_c.l-�_19 23 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered,be made, viz.:.—......_......._ _______onen�tividen_and extend�z�r��5 (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby toKen, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.. ................ . ........... - Ir eatr's-Re nrran emerrt-ases�siring.25-..Yton_S -th Ave. and__.... -of eu.rge trian(`;ul of piece ground off the north,veot corner of Lot 1, Hornsby's He-arraiigetser.t, Block 101, bleat St.Paul Proper, reasuring 17 ft.on Bidwell and 50 ft. on George Street; and an irregular shaped piece of ground Off the sout?:ea-it corner of Lot 14, Block 6, Nelson, Stevens & King's Addition, the northerly line of which is described as follows: Beglnlling ut the southwest co--ner of Lot 14, thence at an angle to a point 2 ft, north of George Street and 35 ft- west of Bidviell Street; thence on an angle to a point 5 ft. north of George Street and 10 ft. ,nest of Bid ell Street, thence at an angie to a point on the west line of Bidwell Street uiea.suring 10 it. north of George Street City um Approved191 ............ ............................_........_... p 1 G u' r Q l - Olaney Fmrmxxurth Ferson �Ss*E �cDc(3�nald �• <: �,;.��✓ � �• jRdlor Peter H •- 1 �ef, � akg ll Sudheiner n PT eident, eel ;Nelson ✓ MPresident, 11��S4it Vit•-a.t: � • 1.•TIP`"NO ASSESSMENTS ^rtNATION PROCEEDINGI� F - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter Fauquier St. and Sixth St. ................... _............ ........ _........_................................--------....----.......----------.....---------------------------------------... bbl Au 1' 1921 under Preliminary- Order ............... approved........f.:...1.t....,... - Intermediary Order.................1. August 28,10J23 approved.......... .................... -----.....-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now'therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be itCher Resolvedy that.the said assessment be and it is hereb��eter�mad--'to"i�e_.payabl6' �n•— l ..........:........... equal instbdIments as to each parcel of land described therein. � _ r fIA .------ Adopted by the Council ........ . F ........ ----------------- . . .... _..... , 191. -�. .........191.... City Clerk. Approved......... .......................................... ..... . ..................... .................. Mayor. Councilman Finamtxtb Clancy Councilman GAW I/Fer6uson Councilman RAW MoDonald Councilman IM11 t Peter Councilman MXMI - Sudheimer Councilman =LX9*K{'7enzel Mayorydaein ,, el son "5+ A VMA1U-1..Wh. M; -O -D 'PhOOEEDIN�9 r . ,CF N.. 501 .609 3— , - , I th - tt - - -11,endl ' rd Imtna YO ry[�..- 1921. t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. w In the matter of._opening,...._w_idening.___apd..._extend..bl$._.Ai..d.6._..S.t.,...._.b_.e_twe_exl.........._._ _��___........_....._._.__._...._._......_._..._..........-----...._..._.....--......_..--- under Preliminary Order ....__3..5_86.1_..... ........... , approvedLU9.*..13,.1921., Intermediary Order........ 48.Q43.._._....__, approved.ugLU4.t.....2.&.,......1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.. Q X-1 (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the sa a are/hereby taken, appro- . _ nrieted and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_.... .................. ..._....__...... .............. :......-_ All -that part of Lot 16, Block 59, Arlington Hills -Addition to St. _Paul.--- desoribed-as-follows:-"""Beginning at a point on the west line of Arcade St. 44 feet north from the southeast corner of_Lot.lSa thence south to said corner, thence west -6h the north line of kinnehaha St. 7 feet, thence north- easterly to of binning. All that part of Lots 10 to 16, inclusive.,__._ - v x urmel� - 0Z-:3 overliF"3"�reet iCci�iozl, Mat lies UE St Of a line Urawn from the SOuthea:,t Ooraer of Lot 10 to a point on the north line of Lot 16 that is 37 ft. west of the west line of Arcade St. All that part of Lot 4, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 112, Lyman Ddyton's. Addition, that lies west of a line drawn from a point on the south line of said Lot, 16 feet east of the east line of Arcade St. to the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Hill's Addition-` All that part of Lot 14, Otto Subdivision of Block 105, Lyman Dayton's Addition, that lies westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 14, thence on a'straight line to a point that is 6 feet east of a"point on the west line of said lot, 23 feet north of the southwest corner' Of same, thence north and parallel to said west line of lot to a point about 54 feet north of the southwest corner and thence on a ourve to the right of 16 ft.radius to the southeasterly line of Seventh Street. --All that part of Lot 3, Braatz Place and of the.3'ft.reserved strip between said Lot 3,and Sinnen Street that lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the northeast line of sinnen Street that is 26 - ft. west of the west line of Arcade Street, thence northeasterly in a straight line to the west line of Arcade Street passing through a point that is 16 ft. east of the southeast corner of the dwelling house of said Lot 3- A triangular piece in the east corner of Lot 12, B.Sinnen's Subdivision of Block 10, Lyman Dayton's Addition, measured 10 ft. on Sinnen and 16 ft. on Sixth Street. j - , F{NAL .O3tDEhSIN'COND 1Y �t �. g r ' PItoOEEDIN69 • C F No. 50423— \ 1 thett r tending • R 9u ler 5[. 11minary C .._t 1, 1921.. 1 op FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_openings...._wideni.►F,.._eXld... ex19Xla..l?g,....A'a.Q.....5. ....... . Fa.uALti�...St.._._and._Si�cth.-St<=,---------._...... --..._..--.--...---._....._...._............._... _. _..................__..._...--- dv t.! rJJf 1 Y kT )I '»1 }r> '77 rT^r "•e rf '(+ C 7Ci Y T IT .3 m n r >r r 7I -f J't)T. T1 C ''3 7(1 -'r T.. 3�n7 ;Itr Jc f': .r C� T. S I.aF 3n t Yt FTr ^ r� ? �Y f r� T i.,%i TC r _ r.,, Al il 1.17, > { ,.C+ I 1sT - 2 <, (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council Q.......................... li�* ...................._.Ct..y..... Clerk. F EB - o it)ep.-` ................... 191............ Approved- .......... ....__...- -- ..... .. ✓Clancy ' ' . J-110 .*kmexatkv7 er gu s o n . . Akmx eDonald AMMUM /Peter AVOC ii ,;Budheimer *x�' ,A"enzel -Air. President, lJtjdgxm Nelson f b •..............................................................................r................................• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. o The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. j._ ---- ___ .... ------ Commis sioner of Finance. t � _ February 2nd, 1924. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - We, the under -signed special committee appointed by the Mayor to investigate the award of damages made to Mr. Carl Metzger in the matter of widening Arcade Street between Fauquier Street and Sixth Street, respectfully report that said committee met immediately after the Council meeting Saturday, February the 2nd, and viewed the premises in company with George H. Shepard, Chief Engineer, E. S. Spencer, Assistant Engineer and Frank Tewes, City Architect, and after checking same over on the ground are of the opinion that the award of damages, as originally made by the Commissioner of Finance, is ample and sufficient and recommend its adoption without change. Respectfully submitted, ( ormn oner o an l; Committee ( omm ss oner o u c a e y. ( ( omm ss oner o ""Jy- (grounds & Public Buildings. V�'ro jj� JOHN ENTENMANN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 947 EAST MINNEHAHA STREET PHONE: TOWER 3133 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA,__ -.Lan» -2Z--- 192-3-- Pdr. C. G. Metzger. Dear Sir, I hereby aErc3 to furnish all labor and material for your Drive Way. Take up the old one of concrete from property line to filling station. Excavate the ;ame for new one which is necessary to overcome the high grade to new .,ara,;e if pre_;ent property line is to be out back to new property line. I also agrea to build new curbing and cement plat- form for pump 12" above new grade, also build new concrete drive -way of 5" of concrete with finish coat 2 to 1, this new drive -way to have not more than of an inch to the foot of incline to new '-sraZe . All the above work is to complete for the sum of, Eight Hundred Eighty-six Dollars. Oss6.o0). Respectfully, 1. HENRY aK AND ; +" ��•� �+� HARA DN CTY CLERK: COMMISSIONER OF REGIS FtATION l7> LP T1Crk CLARENCE A. STORMS CHIEF CLERK- REGISTRATION January 30th, 1924. Hon. J. It. Clancy, Commisaioner of Finance, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held this morning, the Final Order in condemnation proceedings in the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade St. between Fauquier St. and Sixth St., was up for hearing. The same was laid over to February 6th and referred to a Committee consisting of yourself and Commissioners Wenzel and Sudheimer, to consider the individual case of Mr. Carl Metzger. I am enclosing herewith all papers in the matter. Yours very truly, City lark.<�\ I t BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL City of St- Paul HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of opening, widening and OBJECTION TO CONDEMNATION between Fauquier OB extending Arcade St. and St. and Sixth St., under Preliminary Order 35861, approved 8-13-21, Inter- OBJECTION TO AWARD OF DAMAGES mediary Order 48043 approved 8-28-23. tl Comes now Mrs. Sarah C. Peterson and respectifully states that as the owner of the following described real estate located on the line of the above named improvement: Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, SchUrmier Seventh Street Addition to in the office of the Regis - the City of St- Paulson file and reco= ter of Deeds in for the County of Ramsey. That your peititoner objects to the condemnation of said real troperty upon the ground that the preliminary order for said im- provement was passed August 13, 1921, more than two years ago; that Section 240 of the City Charter of the City of St- Paul re- quires an immediate investigation and report, together with a statement of the assessed valuation on each lot, part or parcel of land or real property as last reported by the County Assessor; that en complied with; that objections were said requirements have not be duly made at the time of the hearing on the Intermediary Order here - II in; that the city Council has no Jurisdiction. Your petitioner objects also to the award of damages, upon the ground that the valuation of the above named real property is not a fair valuation, and said award is not -/fair and impartial. Dated December 19, 1923. rttorney for Ts. Sarah C. Peterson 515-16 commerce Building St. Paul, Minnesota 4$ L BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL City of St. Paul I �• i t; t i M I 7 4j a U t r L BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL City of St. Paul I �• i t; t i M ti HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of opening, widening andTO extending Arcade St. between Fauquier OBJECT St. CONDEMNATION St, and Sixth St., under Preliminary Order 35861, approved 8-13-21, Inter- OBJECTION TO AWARD OF DAMAGES mediary Order 48043, approved 8-28 C mes now and respectfully state�that6z_S_ the owners of the following described real estate located on the line of the above named improvement; Lot 14, Block 1, Schurmier Seventh Street Addition to the City of St. Paul according to the plat thereof on file and record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. That your petitioners object to the condemnation of said real property upon the ground that the preliminary order for said im- provement was passed August 13, 1921, more than two years ago; that Section 240 of the City Charter of the City of St. Paul requires an immediate investigation and report, together with a statement of the assessed valuation on each lot, part or parcel of land or real property as last reported by the County Assessor; that said require- ments have not been complied with; that objections were duly made at the time of the hearing on the Intermediary Order herein; that the City Council has no jurisdiction, Your petitioner objects also to the award of damages, upon the ground that the valuation of the above named real property is not a fair valuation, and said award is not fair and impartial. Dated December, 1923. Attorney for 515A16 Commerce Building St. Paul, Minnesota ti 4j a r "Ity of -t. it (IT vc.! (Y -P 1i -7 OF ",13 -'rove 1 love -n,; -hc of offi.>? jn,6y ni 6n cl. •on Jr� on ',h -11Y lv� iolle ho OT Ty, 77 M7 7777 egn-a7 ,.,.�,� mower •- -. - _ _ _. k` r 77 State of Minnesota„ County of Ramsey, ( Before the City Council. City of St. Paul. In the matter of the opening, widening and extending Arcade Street between Fatkuier Bill of Objections Street and Sixth Street City of St. Paul, proceedin�s and emnation pursuant to Preliminary Order No. 35861, Award of Damages. and Intermediary Order No. 48043, amd the g Objections to Award of Damages by Minnie S. Anderson and Hilda C. Osterlind, abutting property owners. Now comes, Minnie S. Anderson and Hilda C. Osterlind and for their Bill of Objections herein allege; I. That they are the owners of the fee of the fo!.lc,ving describeflJproper- I ty located upon the line and abutting the above named improvement at �I the 8orthwest Corner of the intersection of Arcade Street and Minnehaua Street in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota to wit;i, t t 1 jaa ,Zitnteonthe8�itylo kSt1fP ulinaccor'ingrtorl henplatlthereof on file and of record in the office cf the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. II. That your petitioners object to the condemnation of the E.bove named real estate upon the bound that the requirements of Section 240 of the Charter of the City of St, Paul have not been complied with in this,that the preliminary order for the said improvement was passed by the Council on or about the 13th day ofA2lgust, A.D. 1921, or more than two years ago and the said section states that an immediate inves— tigation and report together with a statement of the assessed valuation on each lot , part or parcel of land or real property as last reported by the County Assessor shall be filed with the Co•_.ncil. Iii. That objections were duly made at the time of the intermediate hearing on or about the 28th day ofA#sgust, 1923, thwt t::e Council had lost its jurisdiction over the said condemnation y)rcceedinEs by reason of its unreasonable d,eIay. } I r bt 7777 egn-a7 ,.,.�,� mower •- -. - _ _ _. k` r 77 State of Minnesota„ County of Ramsey, ( Before the City Council. City of St. Paul. In the matter of the opening, widening and extending Arcade Street between Fatkuier Bill of Objections Street and Sixth Street City of St. Paul, proceedin�s and emnation pursuant to Preliminary Order No. 35861, Award of Damages. and Intermediary Order No. 48043, amd the g Objections to Award of Damages by Minnie S. Anderson and Hilda C. Osterlind, abutting property owners. Now comes, Minnie S. Anderson and Hilda C. Osterlind and for their Bill of Objections herein allege; I. That they are the owners of the fee of the fo!.lc,ving describeflJproper- I ty located upon the line and abutting the above named improvement at �I the 8orthwest Corner of the intersection of Arcade Street and Minnehaua Street in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota to wit;i, t t 1 jaa ,Zitnteonthe8�itylo kSt1fP ulinaccor'ingrtorl henplatlthereof on file and of record in the office cf the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. II. That your petitioners object to the condemnation of the E.bove named real estate upon the bound that the requirements of Section 240 of the Charter of the City of St, Paul have not been complied with in this,that the preliminary order for the said improvement was passed by the Council on or about the 13th day ofA2lgust, A.D. 1921, or more than two years ago and the said section states that an immediate inves— tigation and report together with a statement of the assessed valuation on each lot , part or parcel of land or real property as last reported by the County Assessor shall be filed with the Co•_.ncil. Iii. That objections were duly made at the time of the intermediate hearing on or about the 28th day ofA#sgust, 1923, thwt t::e Council had lost its jurisdiction over the said condemnation y)rcceedinEs by reason of its unreasonable d,eIay. 0 That the said condemnation is unlawful and constitutes the taking of petitioners propertyufor a purpose for which no public necessity exists and that said taking is an abuse of the discretion vested in the said City Council. v, That your petitioners object to the award of damages, upon the ground that the valuation of the above named property is not a fair valuation and thtt the award of damages is not a fair and impartial avQrd and that said award does not ta](e into consideration the destruction of petitioners shade trees nor of the effect of the taking upon the whole property of the petitioners. Dated and filed January 25th, 1924. s 021, Com c 01 d5' St. Paul, Hinn. Attorney for Hilda C. Osterlind and uinnie S. Anderson. State of Linnesota, SS. County of RaaasIry. Minnie S. Anderson and Hilda C. Osterlind, being first r duly sworn depose and say that they are the petioners in t -;--e foregoing Bill of Objections, that they have each read the foregoing Bill of Objedtione and know the contents thereof; that the same i8t true to the best of their knowledge, information and belief. ' Subscribed and sworn to b e me this 251uh. day of January) 1924. ra-- W,Y —Pil— Jon: 31st 1928. 50424 C. F. No. 00424— - --I In th0Matter f pavin g Hewltt-T'„ Crom Aldine �St. tp_HmmIne ,y wtth 'water and gas COUNCIL FILE NO... tions fro nr'ete, eves to pre; --- -' Imes complete, where not-- made, also .curbing , _ dhlerre By............................................................................. where neces Order, is?'' ._ A .. _w FINAL; OKDER In the Matter of....P.ay.ing..Ie}q.it.t...ye......£ram...F,-].dine...,S:G..... :LQ ...lianline...Ave...,.-----...- w ith ---- and ...gas...aonxisations...Srom---s-tv," t•--mai-ns----to...prAo-pert,y • 1#iae s comp e..te.,_,.w.here...not_.already..Made, _-ajs.o._9.Ltrb.itag..a.nd...paving...driv.eway..and... alley . a.PPrgac.hes,....Yq here? ...necessary,_..... _.......... _....... .............. .__........................................ ........ .. ........................................ ........................ ._............................ ............................... - under Preliminary Order....---...�k.6345...........................approved .........dune --13-,---1923...------------...- -- Intermediary Order -----.._.._ ............. ---- --- ....----- ............... .approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....... Pave ...l3emii.tt...Ave....ir.�n.. Aldine._�t.....#.o..-itaml lrla-•--- nve....,....e+.ith..s:ew.er.,...na.ter...xld.. gas -.Q.0 Klrie.Q_t ions.._ from -..s.tr-e.e.t--- mains....ta---pr oiler-ty >;tot aa.X•9ady...made.,...aj,S.o...Si.US:.l1ing...and....pau.iLn&..driueway and..alley...a.ppraac.hes.,//...whper.e..nece.s.s..ary,._- 1 .......... .... .... ....._.... .......... ........ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SAN -4 1924 JAN ..4 1924 Approved.... _. _... - . _....... _. ..... Councilman la n cy councilman¢x Fer6uson Councilman icDonald Councilman 2LW=x v/Peter Councilman MaMk Sudheimer Councilman XAXAozJiidX vvenzel M&yorXDM1WNelS0n Form B. S. A. 9-7. / �' , :...._�,:.._' ..:. . ..:..... City Clerk. r, Mayor. �e�►artmen��f �itt�ttte ` '` (6dg 4 4L 'Paul JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY W. O. ADKINS. CHIEF CLERK. L. C. SEAMIER . CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS BUREAU OF ASSESSMENT. 116 -17 -IB COURT HOUSE C. M. NYSTROM, CA.HIER. GEORGE P. DEAN. CA.—R, a BUREAU of RECEIFT. PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES December 26th, 1923. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked over the petition of remonstrance annexed hereto and find that same is insufficient as it does not contain sixty per cent of the signatures of the resident owners subject to assessment; also find that petition of remonstrance contains only one signature that was also on the petition favoring the improvement, presented to the !� Commissioner of Public Works June 4th, 1923. very truly yours 6�Commissioner of Fina e. Who Poo P E T I T 1 0 N OPPOSIAG PAVING OF HETITT AVE. =I V says the, 1, s be t y sworn S are Y. personally acquainted with the persons named in the petition attached and witnessed their signatures thereto, and knows they reside at the street addresSeS stated. Subscribed and sworn to///before me this 20th. 20th. day of December 1923. Nots.ty Public, Ramsey County,Uim., My commission expires March 12th.1928 At 4'o Ghe"goun .1 Y' of the Ci cf St. Paul. a,' fa ot p -Lby proposed cavin,- of Hewitt Ave. in zht; City of �t. Paulfrom Aldine %t. to!I mnli.,Ie Ave., hereby cp-cs, the gavir.-' cf :!,:ijtt Ave. LOT .--,Lr)CK FF. :;TAGE AL 4 Continued t� f Fc(,to—! b; tho `,:rO;:cae:_i f:zvi::z; of ffe: iLti eve. it, thI city of 7t. P'-ul from. Aldine+ t. to j nline Ave., lr�reby �'r -" the ai i:e'.ritt 1ve. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. x :' 1. Gentlemen: Honorable We, the undersigned property owners,' hereby petiti0lit5t Body to cause the fol lowing improvement to be made: ........... .. SK Ave. Hevurtt._......_...._./......._........................... ..........._................._. ..........._._On.. .... J e pfdine St. 89*. to_.. from... _.._ _.._fit Av NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION %hJ'r 13 5 J J a t r . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works rvE� Report to Commissioner of Finance s, `' •,,,,,,� r� Nov g 19,g November ---------- To the the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 46345 ---approved_ June_ --------19$$__, relative to Paving Hewitt Ave, from Aldine St. to Hamlin Ave. with --- --------------- 8,ewer - -----------------sewer- a Lt�P- �a8-gas -Bonner tiorie From streot-ina'Cna -to property lines complete, where not already roadie, awhe--------------- re----- eurlgga-�av�g deewey snr} atley-appry ,- necessary. ----------------------------------------------- ----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (op.) desirable. See estimates "A" and "B" attached. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $___-_____--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------\®®`, o ---- - --- Commission of Public v'>J William 3. Peter, (gvmmdsionet it fAtllette, Deputg eommissiuner Department. of loublir Marks (fitu of Saint TIM GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER N. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPE. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUM OF SA -ION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND C" PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 3, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Hewitt Ave. from Aldine St. to Hemline Ave. with sewer, water and gas connections from ,street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. 146345, approved June 13, 1923: ESTIMATE Length 3785 ft. width of Street 36 ft. Frontage 6816 ft. ^ " roadway 60 ft. 3*" Creosoted Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inch Paving Blooks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete Total Sq. yd. 5.57 4,55 3.48 2.92 Intersections) $ 38,940.00 31,809.00 24,329.00 20,414.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share b0.615.00 41.346.00 31.623.00 26.634.00 T o t a l 89,565.00 73,155.00 $ 56,952,00 46,948.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.41 6.06 4.63 3.88 Note: Frontage Curb in. Add for 6" sewer connections each 45.00 ^ 3/4^ water ^ " Yours t01y' of Engin. Approved for transmission to the CommissionerofFinancd. Commis ion % I c Works. NOR= X. f rter, fIIo wfol ow ?Irir f ullrite, arwg f16uun1.0161 rr. BepartuAt"Of rublir 3varks fairy of Quint Ituul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER far. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Yorks. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 3, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Hewitt Ave. from Aldine St. to Hamline Ave., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46346, approved June 13, 1923. Length 3786 ft. Width of Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 6816 ft. if it Street 80 hSTIMATE "B" 3j" Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inch _ Paving Blocks Flat- Asphalt 0onor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.92 4.90 3.83 3027 Intersections) & Wheelage ) $27,166.00 $ 22,476.00 $ 17,668.00 16,000.00 Property Share 63.796.00 44.626.00 34.803.00 29.714.00 T o t a 1 $80,960.00 $ 67,002.00 0 62,371.00 $ 44,714.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.43 6.01 4.64 3.89 ( Curb Extra) Add for Cement curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer oonnection9 eaoh $80.00 " 3/4" Water " " 46,00 Yours tr y, Approved for transmission ��/�' to the Commis to a of Finance. f L�ngiuee . �,,, Comm esi 8 P.o Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL "- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISONER OF '�INANCE ON PREUW RY ORDER In the matter of Paving Hewitt Avenue from Aldine Street to Hamline Avenue with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines Completewhere not already made, also curbing and paving driveway ___ _ and alley approaches where necessary. Cm under Preliminary Order approved Tune 13, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 32" Creosoted paving Blocks Total Sq. Yd. 5.57 Intersections) ? 38,940.00 & Wheelage ) Property Share ? 50,615.00 w Total $89,555.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.41 Note: Frontage Curb in. Add for 6" Sewer connections, each Add for 411 water connections, each Ex.E.101,The N.40 ft.of 11 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 15 4 16, 4 9 5 Form U. B. 10 Brick Laid Asphalt or Seven inch Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete 4.55 3.48 2.92 31,809.00 $24,329.00 X20,414.00 41,346.00 ;73,155.00 6.05 ti�80.00 45.00 X31,623.00 ;555,952.00 4.63 do do do do do do do . TOTAL. $26,534.00 �M ,948.00 3.88 50 1900 2350 4250 650 725 4425 CITY OF ST. PAUL • - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a *-INANCE J REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF ON PRE.IMI RY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving Hewitt Avenue from Aldine Street to Hemline Avenue with sewer, water and bras connections from street mainB to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing -and paving driveway a,r'l. and alley approaches. where ,necessary. CO 1 i a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 4 College Place, Taylor's 725 10 4 Division. 4650 S.140' & E,10' of N.40 ft. 11 4 do 3400 Ex.E.101,The N.40 ft.of 11 4 do 50 12 4 do 1900 13 4 do 2350 14 4 do 42.50 _ 15 4 do .650 16 4 do 725 : -- 9 5 do - TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 45 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C(?Mf4APSIONER 09: FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK AVALUATION 10 5 College Place, Taylor's 3650 11 5 Division. 3150 West 12.50 ft. Of 12 5 do 175 E.40' of W.50' of L.13,14,15,16,5 do 2900 Ex,17.12.501thereof of L.12, also W.10' of L.13,to 16, 16 5 do 2700 Except West 50 ft. 13. 5 do 5525 _. Except West 61.5 ft. 15 5 do 1500 Except West 50 £t. 14 5 do 2475 E.11.5' of W.61.5' of L. 15 5 do 25 Except West 50 ft. 16 5 1; do 1325 Except North 50 ft. Lot 11 6 do 2150 North 50 ft. of Lots 10 & 11 6 do 3350 Except North 50 ft. of Lot 10 6 do 2350 9 6 do 3050 9 E. C, Long's Rear. of Part _4325 8 of B1k.6,0ollege Place, 700 7 Taylor's Division. 4950 6 do 1050 5 do 4350 4 do 3350 1 Bruce Addition. 4250 2 do 3350 3 do 3 650 4 do 7,200 5 do 49�5 _ roe..... n 7 2 College Place, W. Division TOTAL :850 . Ex.W.10 ft.Snelling Ave. for widening. 11 7 College Place, East Div. 650 Ex.W.101for widening Snel- 10 7 do 265; ing Avenue. Ex. W.101for widening 9 7 do Snelling Ave. Ex.W.101for widening Snelling Ave. 6 7 do TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF CQMNISSIONER O- FINANCE ;.• REPORT ON PRELANARY ORDER rB> DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 2 College Place, W. Division 650 5 2 do 3350 west 1/2 of Lot 4 2 do 3125 East 1/2 of Lot 4 2 do 425 3 2 do 650 1 Innes's Rear. Lots 1 & 2, 475 2 Blk.2,College Place, W. 425 3 Division, City of St.Paul. 4675 Also N.3 ft, of L.19 & 20, 4 do 2500 B1k.2,College Place, W.Div. 10 1 College Place, W. Division 5225 9 1 do 4700_ No. 124 ft. of Lot 6 1 do 3075 Ex. No. 124 ft., Lot 6 1 do 975 7 1 do 6 1 do 6450 5 1 do 5150 4 1 do 4475 3. 1 do 6750 2 1 do 1150 1 1 do 1275 Ex.W.10 ft.Snelling Ave. for widening. 11 7 College Place, East Div. 650 Ex.W.101for widening Snel- 10 7 do 265; ing Avenue. Ex. W.101for widening 9 7 do Snelling Ave. Ex.W.101for widening Snelling Ave. 6 7 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CQMI#I$SIONER O=' FINANCE r a' ON PRELIfINARY ORDER rg) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION W. 78' of A.128 ft.of L.5,6, 7 7 College Place, E. Division 4025,_ E.FO ft. of Lots 5 6 7 7 do 5500 3400 Wast 50 ft. of L. 5,6 & 7 7 do _ 4 7 do 600 11 8 do 1250 W.60 ft. of L. 8, 9, & 10 8 do 8125 Ex. W.60 ft. L. 8, 9, & 10 a do 8875 W. 84.50 ft. of L. 5, 6, & 7 8 do 1475 E. 84.50 ft, of L. 5, 6, & 4 5600 11 ao 9 ao 5400 E.50 ft. Of W.117' of 8,93 10 9 do 800 W.67 ft. of L. 8, 9, & 10 9 do 4925 E.50' of Lots 8, 93 & 10 9 d0 4500 W. 40 ft. of L, 5, 63 & 7 9 do 3 800 W.40' of E.86.48' of 5,6, 7 9 do E.46.48' of Lots 5, 63 & 7 9 do 6600 E.40' of W.gol of L.5,63& 7 9 do 3050 West 1/2 3 10 do 5575 East 1/2 3 10 do 3700 West 46 ft. of 4 10 do 4850 1 McIntire Hear. 1225 2 do 3025 3 do 1925 4 do 1925. N.40' of W.107.50' of 3 11, College Place, E. Div. 2550 (Ex.N.40')W.35.75 ft. Of 3 11 do 3025 . (Ex.N.40')E.35.75'of W.71.531 3 11 TOTAL do 2950 - CITY OF 8T. PAUL r REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF CQMh#IPSIONER Of' FINANCE F �. ON PRELI ]NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex.N.40')A.36'of W.107.5' 3 .11 College Place, E. Diva 2750 (Ex.N.40')W.53.5' of E. 107.5',3 11 do 650 14.40' of W. 50' of E.107.5' of 3 11 do 25 East 54 ft. 3 11 do 3475 -- West 112 4 11 do 3350 W•57.5'of S.135'of E.i of 4 11 do 4075 Ex.'".87.5' of y.135' )E. el of 4 11 do 775 3 12 do 2900 West 40 ft. of 4 12 do 3925 E.40' of W.80 ' 4 12 do 1625 W.40' of S.135 ft. of 4 12 do 400 W.40' of E.93.641of 5.135' 4 12 do 400 E. 53.64' of S. 135 ft. of 4 12 do 875 N.40' of E.133.38' of 4 12 do 350 That tract bounded by Hewitt Hemline Ave.,Simpson St., Capitol Ave. & Snelling Avenue, being "Campus Grounds", 376900 14.66 acres. N. 34 ft. of Lot 10 2 do 4100 11 2 do 12 2 do N.22.67'of Lots 9 & So. 26 ft. of Lot 10 2 do 4150 ,;All of Lots 3,5 & Ex. W. 6.97 ft. of 6. do 3500 E. 86.8 ft. of Lots 1 & 2 2 do 3100 w.4o ft. of Lots 1 & 2 2 do 1475 E.40 ft. of W.80 ft. of L.l & 2 2!575 TOTAL d0 jr TC) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQ[N1i1,SSIONER Off' FINANCE r ~ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER E.45' ft. of W.130 ft. of E.45 ft. of W. 55 ft. of West 40 ft. of Ex. West 130 ft. W. 50 ft. of E. 100 ft. West 115 ft. East 50 ft. of LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Hamlin 12200 2 14 College Place, E. Div. 2500 1 14 do 1075 1 14 do 3075 1 14 do 3025 1 14 do 4125 2 13 do 2675 2 13 do 4400 2 13 do 1575 1 St. James Addition 3000 2 do 2550 3 do 3125 4 do 2875 5 do 3350 6 do 3150 732100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ - Co miesioser a Fi..n .. F.. B. B. 12 a04215 C. F::No.-60426- In. the Matter -o! grading au Alley In Johnstone's Subdi, nlock 112,Lyman 'Dayton's.A. . Prom Arcade. St. to HIinnehahabq 'dor ,18lns.iy Order 48613-ap, A Juneun. 1&h 1823. A publio- fiearing having. 'heen ,t COUNCIL FILE NO. tpe, above-imarovement ............................ •gna, oblactlons o-, 'n By................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...grading ...and...gay.ing.. l-ley...in._J.ohnatane-l-s...Subdimisian...of.. eet.-to-_P±linnehaha_ Block.2g 11Lyman Dalton's jiddition,...from arcade Str.__,- Street_.... . _.._......_....._........._................................_........_.... ----.....__...................................... .................. ..............: ................ _........................... . ...... ..__...__....._.... _ ._.... ... ............. I........... under Preliminary Order ................ 45513. ...................... approved -...---..._..._dune...18.,...1�23.._.........----.....--- Intermediary Order ........._ __...........__..__...---- ---- approved __ .----- ............ .........._.. ............................................ A publfc hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be niade�by the said City is...gr.a.d.@...HXld...-pay.e... £ �.1.QY---in...J.Q1M;3t.Qri-P s1- . ' ......-- ...................----.....................--......... of. -.Block. -112, Lyman Dayton s Addition from Rrcade Street to I,inne a 1 . Stree-t. I/ ... ................... ..................................................... ......_..........__.........................................._.............__.........----------- ._........................ ....................................................... .. .1 .......... .........._.............................. ......... ............. .__..__.......__......._..._............................ _........................................ .... _._........... _................ _..._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _._................ .......... .. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceordane rewitb. �� 2 01923 Adopted by the Council _._._ ... _... . .... ...... 9 .. 4 City Clerk. DEC V Approved. (_9 F .... .. . . ......... Mayor Councilman }twwlmcot&t✓Clancy �.. Councilman rXA1XX Ferguson a ., Councilman Z$Jaxl -McDonald Councilman JbEtbxx AA Q t /Peter Sudheimer Councilman Xe4oak✓ Councilman 36ap¢ste%koUe 'Menzel Mayor lnftLX 4is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF 9T. DEPARTMENT OF E REPORT OF COMMISSI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) _ - In the matter of f di and paving Alley ey i n Johnstone's Subdivision of -------� i rte, under Preliminary Order approved I]lne 1A. ?23 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: PAVING 3P Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Six inch Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete Total Sq, yd. 5.63 4.81 3.79 2.77 Property Share $ 3,586.31 $ 3,063.91 2,414.23 1,764.49 (a) Front ft. 6.35 5.43 4.28 3.13 1 2 112 112 Johnstone's Subdivision of 9 00', 3 112 B1k.112,of Lyman Dayton's I 4 E 4 112 Addition to St. Paul. 5500' �I ' i - 5 112 do 2400' i 6 112 d0 %dP0' 7 112 do goo 9 112 do 7050; R 9 112 do 3900' j 10 .112 do 4g0o;, 11 112 do 1150. V TOTAL. 41200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matt by the Commissioner of Public Works. fjF'X§ fit-. Dated y C PETITION FOR PA V NG OF ALLEY IN JOHNSTONF'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 112 0 LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. TO THE HONORABLE T COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned, being: he o«ners of the lots in Johnstone's Subdivision of Block One Hundred Twelve (112) of Lvman Dayton's Addition to the City of St. Paul set opposite their names, respectfully petition that the alley in said block lying northwesterly of Seventh Street in the City ofl St. Paul be -caved with The undersigned own propertg in said subdivision which may be subjected to an assessment for such improvement. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this day of . 1923. 'dame. Description of Lots in Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 112 of Lyraan Dayton's Addition. Twin City Milk Producers Ass c'a 1 Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3. By' , F, { 1� Office of the Commissioner ,of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance N J (V l� Nov. 1, 1823------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. __ 4013 -approved ---_ 2J -16'-_1925191__ relative to, the_grading_c+nd_�soing� oY Alle�_in John�tone!s Subdivieion_of_____________ Bl-ook 112, --Lyman DaytonIa Addition, from Aroade Street to Minnehaha _ ---------------- - -- - - - - Street--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (Ses estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__-___-_____. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------ Commissionn of Public\-IOBA$6. r� IBilliam 3. Peter, ((Commissioner PM Me lltuliette, taeputg it ommissioner 1 Department of Public Marks (fiiut of -Saint Paul GEORGE N1. SHEPARD. CHID" ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CT PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF W0RKH0U6E October 30, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Degr Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Alley in Johnstone's Subdivisiofi of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Arcade Street to Minnehaha Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46513, approved June 18, 1923: Length 293.8 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 563.6 ft. Street 20 ft. PAVING Ze Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Sis inch Blocks Flat Asphalt Concrete Concrete Total Sq. yd. 5.63 4.81 3.79 2.77 Property Share 0 3,586.31 3,063.91 2,414.23 1,764.48 (a) Front ft. 6.35 5.43 4 28 3.13 II Yours truly, 1ef Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commiss o o Works. COUNCIL 50420 CITY OF ST. PAUL vire NO._...-.----_...-.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUCjCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �(,//.� December 20, 1923. PRESENTED BY // J/L ..-_..._......-.._..._................_._. - RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easeme in the land necessary for slopes for cute is fill Subivis n the grading and paving of Alley In of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Arcade Street to Minnehaha Street under Preliminary Order C. F. #46514, approved June 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. (49791, approved November 209 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above ned for cuts and filprovement as and upon theaAlleyement for slo in Johnstone s~S ls inubdivision of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition, between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Vlorks in the matter dated December 20, 19239 which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. moo. 60426—nyp v J. Peteand talc - In the matter oY demning Ing an easement In th1e land flose- y for sloe eps, for of Alley in [he grading d Pavin u Sohnetontuck e's Subdlvlslon f Brom Ar - Lyman Dayton's Addition, de btreetto Minnehahn Street, dPminerY Order C. F. No. er rell 46614, approved June 18, 1923, and In-', termedlary Order C. F. No. 49791, np-( proved November20. 1923. 1`he (,0mmtest, or of Public d plan having bmitted Kibbe In the C rt nabove matter, n il . I Resolved, That.the City of St. Paul , fixes and determines the lie o named, I land to be taken for the a improvement an ease U n n40heelApey'� I., ate and fills S,too in Sohnston Dnyton'e Addition fbeStwen� 112, Lymnn the points af, eshid, to the extent shown uInn the plan It lie to the ' report f the matters dated De emblo1. r 20, which Plana nd Ppat a 1923 t` hereby referred to nd made Par f. hereof.the Council, Dec. 20, 1923. . Adopted bYDec. 20, 1923, ADProved, (Dec. 29-1:23) COUNCILMEN DEC 2 o 1929 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._ - ----------------------__192..- 'er AEG 2 0 19^r.3 192.-.-- �erguson 9 ncy Appr ed..__---------..._..-------...- cDonald C7 In favor 'R p ® Sudheim�r --------- - - .M............ "'""" ""-'--- MAYOR JjPeter _ _ _Against Z/enzel Mr. President MIR= J. Peter, Mammissioner kir Mallrtte, Orputg Mommhudaner �p�rttrittirni of �duulir 3��rks `-�!,� Tity of mint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER IhI, M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - A. S. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO THE COUNCI.T - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Arcade Street to ldinnehaha Street, under Preliminary Order C, F. #46514, approved June 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49791, arproved November 20, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Cornissioner of Public 'ulorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, ^:nd by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the e-xtent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commiesioner of Public ilorke. Dated December 20, 19"3. C T. PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE -- REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRE ARY ORDER In the matter of Cendemni rat n?�^ eAsemen+ i n the land necessary fo alnnPs fnT menta And Paging of C^ Alley in Jnbnatonela Subdi vi si nn Of B10ak 1?_� ?�;'tnnl s � _to MI-nnebahE] Street. A d.�lition,�.rom_ 3 under Preliminary Order approved June IA- 1W3 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 2 112 112 Johnstone's Subdivision of 67Oq 3 112 Blk.112,of Lyman Dayton$s 'i 4 112 Adriition to St. Paul. 55O6 5 132 dol100 i 6 112 do 700 7 112 do t3y t tS 112 do 70'50 X34100 9 112 do 4t00 i 10 112 do 11 112 do I 4 TOTAL. '1/70 4 i �2Do; I .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated i ...m u. o. i., Commissioner of Finance. __ Office not the Commss oner of Public Works R glryZD Report to Commissioner of Finance NAV (' lot 2 »a3 nov. 1,_1923 -191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._46514 approved__ Jul1e_ 181_1923 _191_-_, relative to oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoeasary for ________ -------------------- elopes, for outs and 211113 in thegrading and paving of_Alley_ in ----------------------------------------- Johnstone's Subdivision oY Bl0ok 112, Lyman_ Daon' yte_6ddition ------ --------------------------------------- from Aroade St. to Minnehaha St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- S and the total cost thereof is $____ ---• and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------------- ------------ a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------- ----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------- Commission of Public 50427- IC- 42 - IC- F.°No; 6042,7-' In the Matter of grading Alley j, 7, fling's .Maplewood Addition, ti' St. Clair St. t6 Princeton .Aver` under.. Preliminary Order 49364,, COUNCIL FILE NO.. ._......... _ _ a°yonij°°te cinsZhavtng been: upon the above improvement upf .. tto' aad be Council havjns h ' 't��ons. 'ob,tectio ? and recur' ....................................................... ..relative thi..,..,.nd havf FINAL ORD Y=C!�� In the Matter of -..tura -ding_ A1J-.ey...�n_Bloc.k...2.,...Kine.s...Kaplaw-o.od..AClditinn.......... fr-am---St...... C1aa1?...Street_t.Q.............................................. --------------_.------------- _...._......_.................. ........ _.........._.................................... _..._...... . ............ _............... ......................................... _ _........ ..._ ........... __........... _ __.._. __. _.... _......__..... ............ ....._................. .......... .... .... I........ ._..._..........._.._............... ..._................ . ..... ....... .-. ...'........... _........._...__............ _.................__........._-----......---------------- .: pp _...9.o.t...... -- ander Preliminary Order......._....49.3-54_approved .2fia--- 1923------------------ ...................... Intermediary Order .......... .----- .._... ..... ............. ......approved ....__.....------------.........-------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...gr6ldfl...E1J ley...j X1...331 o.Ck4.._7.'....ISlS7g �.5....lii .p.1@NiAod-- Ad.d: t3on, _..fr.om...St......Glair Street...t4...Princeton..„v.enue, ......... -- ......................_-._............ - ................ :.............................................. ...-..........................._._......................._............. ............... ............................................. ....._................. -........... ...... .... ....._ ..... -......................... ..._........... ......._............................_..............._..._......__.........._.._-._._._..-................... ._.........-................................. _.._................................ _....__ .__ ........... ........._............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Conneil..... DEQ.2. N is = .__ ..... 1 ... City Clerk. Approved.... 191 ._ f _. Mayor. Councilman X etxnnrys3 / Councilman i$Essxx !/Ferguson (— Councilman JuhD kx � ' Councilman Kx=-x � Peter �/ Councilmali'M74�d1 ✓Sudheirler Councilman I [77fi Mdi>Y✓+ enzel Mayor DN(1'ix Belson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OP 9 DEPARTMEN NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' Afto ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Brading al l eyi in Hi nn'k 7. King's Ma In ewnod Addition. from 4t C1air Rupe,}, to Prinne+n-n A4enue under Preliminary Order approved 0n.+nbar 26, 1923 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is R 430- 95 The estimated cost perfooti}}or the above improvement is c '36 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 1 7 King's Maplewood 1900 2 7 do 1000 3 7 do 1000 4 7 do 1000 5 7 do 1000 6 7 do 950 7 7 do 950 8 7 do 1000 9 7 do 1000 10 7 do 1000 11 7 do TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 'y AUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COM 41 TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 7 King's Maplewood 1600 13 7 do 1500 14 7 do 1500 15 7 do 1500 16 7 do 1500 17 7 do 1500 16 7 do 1500 19 7 d® 1500 20 7 do 1500 21 7 do 1500 22 7 do 2700 26700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -/- Co issinner of Finance. Firm B. B. 12 l Office of the Commissioner of Public Works - µ 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance November 9,_-1923 ----- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. M54___--approved__Q_qt,26,19.0---_-191__-, relative to Grading alley-in_blook 7, Ring!a_Maplewood_Addition_ frQm-St,_ Clair____ St. to Princeton Ave. ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------. and the total cost thereof is $_--_-_--_--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ^`\�(\(\� 1 ______ \ U`ii F_ ----------- Comm ssion of PublicAks. Milliant �1. Pter, (QntntniBBinuer ' �lrie. A�ttllPite, �P}tutg (IIntntnissinuer Department of rub it Marks • 04, of khtt Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER ' , M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. gAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 8, 1933 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading alley in block 7, King's Maplewood Addition, from St. Clair Street to Princeton Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F. $49354, approved October 26, 1933: Estimated Cost ........... $430.95 Per front foot........... .36 Inspection ............... 8.45 Front age.................1,198 ft. Yours truly, ,of Engineer. Approved: Dom: 8 �63io Works RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F`ENet�NO..,...-au O Dec. 20, 1923. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, King's Maplewood Addition, from St. Clair St. to Princeton Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49355, approved Oct. R6, 1923, and Intermediary.Order C. F. #49793, approved Nov. 20, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Jorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matterc be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the Alley in Block 7, King's Maplewood Addition, between the points aforeaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 4Jorke in the matter dated Dec. 20, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C- F, No. 50428—BY W.J: Peter in the matter, of condem.i.9 and .- to be taken f vement as an of Public Works sport -W plan e it City of 3t. Paul n sox Adopted by the Council, Dec. 20.1923. Approved, D c ,20, 1923. (Dec. 29-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_..-.-..__ ........... ..: 192._-.. Ferguson APPro ed - .._._.DFC_ 2_0..i9.23_—_192._... \J..T __--In favor ✓ SOMM Sudheimer�l Peter Against MAYOR Wenzel �Mr. President Millimn Peter, Mommisnianer 3rte aaltrm, 3oeputg f90mmisSbur Spartuunt oof f �n u itWorksc��9 1 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Kings Maplewood Addition, from St. Clair St. to Princeton Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. J49366, approved October 26, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 1149793, approved November 20, 1923.` 4. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be tkane by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. commissioner of Public S10--S- Dated. 7or s. Dated Dec. 20, 1923. CITY DEPARTME INANCE REPORT OF COMMI �NER OF FINANCE ON"PREUMINARY ORDER_ (A) e In the matter of Condemning fnr s1nT1'R. for cuts and fi is n tthee_graAin¢ of Alley in rilnnlr:7.)I'inv�_n�ewood AdAition from SClar._ --- Street to A innetnn AvPnue---._--.------------ under Preliminary Order approved O�OhPT ,1 9P3- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -- LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 7 King' S mr I)lowood 1800 7 do 1000 1000. 3 7 Lto - y 7 do 1000 5 7 do 1000 6 7 do 950 7 7 do 950. 8 7 do 1000 1000 0 77 do 3000 11 7 do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. ( C > 4UL - n DEPA '. F� v FINANCE 5 REPORT OF COMI,0�� pIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE NARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 7 king's Maplewood 1800 13 7 do 1500. _. 14 7 do 1500 15 7 do 1500 A 7 dar) 1500 17 7 do 1500 l8 7 do 1500 19 7 d® 1504 20 71 do 1500 21 7 do 1500 a 22 7 do 2700 28700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �J Dated_._/�-L_�-- _ _ Commissioner of Finance. F.rm B. B. 12 0 / Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - Nov. 10, 1923 ___191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._49366 _approved__ Oot. 26� 1923 _191___, relative to condemning_and taking_an-eaaement_in_the_land_neceeeary_ 3or_elopea._- for outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7. King's ----------------------------------------- Maplewood Addition, from St. Clair St. to Yrinceton_Ave__________________ -------------- ------------------------- - - - - - - - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___ MIX _______, and the total cost thereof is $______XX -- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------2mmissioner�� \ may-=--------- Public Wd W� 50429 NO,I I,— In the M¢tt�r o[ Grading Alley In 'v aplewood 1, Irve fr 8 Mdodlawn Ave. to Order :49389'-a` A "b"' be,,Ig COUNCIL FILE NO .............................bove tmr.; on aheAthe G a1i,,Pe61n1 jjbi�ect- .� e n, -- tv I By.......................................... ............... ..... .... ... ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofock..3.,...ISi YAP1e.w.Q.Qd-.Addi.Uan ...fr.om..AcLad1awn__Kv_e ...... to.Avlt. Curv-e Blv.d-., .................................................. .................................... ... .............. ......................... ........ .... . .......... ..... ........ . ............... - ............ ....................................... . . .. ....... . ..... .. ............... .. ................ ..... ............................ ................... . .................................................................................... ....................... .... ...... . ................ .......................................... ........... ........... under Preliminary Order ..........._4 993-8.0 --------------- ---------approved ............ O.Q-t- _27,-.19.23 . . .............. ........... IntermediaryOrder ........... _ ..............................approved --- - - ---- - ------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is grRde A110 -Y -All 5 fr.om_Ao.Qd1a.Wn__kkVe . . .... .... ..... . ............................................. ............................ . ........................................................ ----------------------------------------- ................ .. ......................................................................... ........... ........................................ ................ .... .... . .... ..... ....... ......... ............................ I I .......... .......................................... ........... ..................................... ........... . ....... ..... .... . .. ...... .......... ...... ...... ............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEC 2 0 1923 Adopted by the Council City Clerk. j Approved . ............. .... . ......... .................... Mayor. Councilman F4bUMM-fiX �'3tt1lC�L fir' Councilman K=xx '�'Ferguson Councilman HA=X Councilman Mjzxx if, Peter Councilman XzQ3UC ,Sudheimer Councilman 2XM&ftXaw&1v1Jenze1 Mayor.'U"x nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CI7Y.OP BT, PAUL +lam, DEPA., PF FIN. REPORT OF COMMISSIONS OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Grading alley in Block 3 King's Manlewond Addition from Woodlawn Av m e tn Mt �rve Blvd. U under Preliminary Order approved OD aper 71 1923- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 503-37 The estimated cost perTodHor the above improvement is $ 63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 King's Maplewood 1000 _ 2 3 do 1000 3 3 do 1000 4 3 do 1000 5 3 do 1000 6 3 do 1000 7 3 do 1400 6 3 do 1200 9 3 do .1000 10 3 do 1000 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. 29200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_��' Commissioner or Finance. I=ora, B. B. 12 CITY OF 8T. PA DEPP#TME,t OFF E REPORT OF COMMIVIISSI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION ` LOT BLOCKADDITION . ASSESSED VALUATION 11 3 Ring's Maplewood 9000 . 12 3 do 1000 13 3 do 1000 . 14 3 do 7600 29200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_��' Commissioner or Finance. I=ora, B. B. 12 J. St. Paul, Minn."' """'l...........-........192._3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Vu Body to C use the following improvement to be made: _4 e .... ............. ......... A ............................. . ....... ..... ........... . ...................... ....................... .......................... . from ....................... -St-. Ave. St. Ave. FU BLOCK ADDITION FIM FU Office of the Commissioner 0-"-W0orKs W Report to Commissioner of Finance NQ.vembat-9.,-1933 ----- 191 --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File NoMaO ------ approved ---Qot..27,1923 ----- 191_ -_,relative to grading- all®y-Ark- block 3,_ KtAe e_ gapl0+N9_od_ Ads�ltioa_from Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd.---- -------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-------------- '-------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----_--=------------- ---------------------------------------------- --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof.' -------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. % ___________ ---------------- Commer P��Works. Gilliam �J. �rirr, lIInmmissinurr ' ' Orpartutrut of V ibur y Mt# of oatnt ilmd GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER November 8, 1933 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER vz A. B. SHARP. SUPT, OF SANITATION G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 3, King's Maplewood Addition from Woodlawn Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd, under Preliminary Order C.F. #49380, approved October 37, 1933: Estimated cost ............ $503.37 Per front foot ............. .63 Inspection ................. 9.87 Frontage ................... 808.5 ft. Yours truly, Zief'Engineer. Approved: Co VIS omiof a Works RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM /r v , . COURCIL No.. FILE Dec. 20, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, King's Maplewood Addition, from Woodlawn Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Order O. F. #49381, approved October 27, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #49796, approved Nov. 20, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, Thgt the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the allay in Block 3, Kingle Maplewood Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shorn upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated December 20, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C... --l.- . P. No. 50430—By \V. 7. Peter— In the matter of demising and tak- Ing — ea.ement 1. the land ces an v. Por alone.. for cute and Oils Inl COUNCILMEN Nays Ly.Fer�gu�so�n DfeBealsitl® �-.In favor " Sud heime11\ Peter _..__..Against Wenzel ,� Mr. President of St. .noun above m repo rt'. or the. Commissioner or Werke. in the matter. dated 1923...whichplan and report. eb, referred to 'and made 'a eof. Idopted by the Council, Dec. 20.. approved, Deo.'20. 1923. (Dec. 2B-1923) ' Adopted by the Council.p.......EC .... 2 0 1923 192. _....._... . Appr e C, 2 0 1425---------- 192 _.._-.....-- - ................................ _ -MAYOR William 3. Teter, Tommisstuner filallette, Epputg &mmizata rr orpartrnrnt of Publir Works 41 t61tU of 0aint Pact a t4 oM�e�a�. �uGMopoq ►a /Yti*t,�p iou� ajloi�iegl CAQW, 9luer. or cmWpM4uy i'IOY &SID at-WAIP A,V@ �+uin�t :pt9ai. 07 ¢A�altatloN e. W. MekQ6. OFFICE AND CITr PLANNING ENAINEER G. P. SOWUN, SUPT. OF WOOKNOUSK REPORT TO THE COU11CIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Kingle Maplewood Addition, from Floodlawn Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49381, approved October 27, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. $49795, approved November 20, 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shadediand hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public 'glorks . Dated December 20, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_ REPORT OF COMSTONER OF �INANCE ON PRY iMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Condemnin for elonaa nuts A.-nd fillR in tl1A gZAMng Of Allay in tlock 7 Kino•a Marl wanrl Ar7Aittnn nm WOOd aeon Arenue _—_ under Preliminary Order approved _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION AS DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 1 3 King'a 11hplewood 1000 _ - 2 3 do 1000 3 3 do 1000 4 3 do 1000 5 3 do 1000 6 3 do 1000 _ 7 3 do -14C}0 . s 3 do 1200 - 9 3 do 1000 - 10 3 do TOTAL. 1000 Form B. B. 10 '4 CITY OF ST. PAUL y, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE » jo REPORT OF CQ"ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 071MIMINARY ORDER - CCI DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCK ADDITION 11 3 King's Maplewood 12 3 do 13 3 do 14 3 do ASSESSED VALUATION 8000 . 1000 1000 7600 . 28200 . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_ ��=-'���" -- IfIO ommissiomr of Fia.ace. Fmm B. B. 12 Office of `the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 10, 1923 191____ ---------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.49381----- approved— �et. 27, 1923 _-191__-, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land- necessary for ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of alley in Block 3,- ........ ------------------------------------------------------- -------- King's Maplewood Addition, from woodlawn Avenue to Mt. Curve Blvd. ---------- ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_X9= --------, and the total cost thereof is $___ __--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \N AW �{ �' I Commissions Public Works. u°b 31 5044 C. F.�rlo. 80581— P. In the Matter of BraillnB Ailey- in 1 2, KIn6'.a'Malewood Addi[lon, .f.. Princetp Avgrv'Orderd 4936fi EDF �, der Pt 11 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ..... a Sec. ze 39sa - ' o A DUDll DT7`7-7_ 1- b B Dee s: up n the nt u! q -:rteh FINAL ORDER In the"Matter of....grading.Alle.y....in..Blo.ck..2.,...King!s...biap.lezoad..lLdditian........ frala...Prinnaton-.Av.e.....to....Caadr.i.cl2..Au-e ............................ ---------------------......................----..... _........_ ........................ _._. _ ..._.... _.._._........._...._................_.........._........_...................... ................................. ....._............. ...._...._..._... ander Preliminary Order ......------43`56--................approved ---------- Q01......2.6.,.._19211.. ............... ----- -------- IntermediaryOrder -------- .... _...._......... ..........................approved .._.............---------.....----- ...............-------------....---........-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; - -therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....gr'odp Alipy_--in..Block---2, fx.Rln...l'r1.13cet9n...P`le.r....t.a..Goodri.ch_five...................................................................... ................._... ................. ...................... ................. --............_..--------------------------- .. ............._.....................__............_............_...-_.......... _......_......_...................................................................... ._................_...................._.........._ .... _ . _...__......_............ . - _ ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEC 2 C 1923 Adopted by the Council. r' _��✓ .. ? ....... )Er sry /.� City Clerk. :Approved...._ .......... ........._...._. 191 _ - Mayor. Councilman YaKd b1= Councilman MxKxx ;:Ferguson Couucilman7ff,4xo4k IV= Councilman $CBA x Vpeter< Councilman >p>;at9ptlxx 'Sudheiner Councilman W_x 't'ienzel Mayor Iaotst elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CIW JIFSTDEPARTMEANCEREPORT OFrOMMIER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the m tter of Grading Alley in Block 2, King's Maplewood Addition, — under Preliminary Order approved October 26- 1923 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - - - S 729 4S The estimated cost pe;i000k tfor the above improvement is $ .66 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel. as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS VALUATION 1 2 King's Maplewoos 1100 2 2 do 1000 3 2 do 1000 4 2 do 1000 5 2 do 1000 All of L. 6, & N. of 7 2 do 1500 South 112 of 7 2 do 5Q0 S 2 do 1000 - - 9 2 do 1000 10 2 do TOTAL. 1000 cJOFDEPARTINANCE.REPORT OF FINANCE OF COMNER ON PRE ORDER ' - -. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION : ASSESSED VALUATION - -- .11 2 King's Maplewood 11.50. 12 2 do 2400 13 2 do 1500 14 2 do 1500 15 2 do 1500 16 2 do 1500 �7 2 do 1500 18 2 do 1500 �9 2 do 1500 20 2' do 1500 21 2 do 1500 . 22 2 do 1800 28950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__.------ - - Commissioner of Finance. Fo,m B. D. 12 GRAWO Ranson 04" aw *a nook" 7 KWIS Noumea AGUMM. fm at. chair Aw"t to *"- law Lot Meetsitioa left I*, 24144a YOte 102,8,4,* at ;1 Iw� �l -011W648,23*26411 2 -Sings xWe"S& is" wo harts LqSg %.& # 6 M3C.5 BUS Brick 1116693A MA 9BU* a 0 If- V -6 Fl ccs RIIRFAU OF HIGINEHIQ Office of the CommisAfrer of .Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance --No tMbAx-3,_1923----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 49356____ -approved OotQbAr_.26..-_1923191---, relative to Gra.din�K alley in III ook- 2,_ ging! QALP! wwond_Additian,_-from P-rinoston--- Ave. to Goodrigh-A46------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ---------------------- -and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1" --------------- - - - - - ,jam---------_- Commiss' ner of Public Works. 3�itlittm ?J. �rfrr, (IIomutissiouer 1 �Irir �tttlrttr, �eirutp (IIainucissiniur �e#cttr#ntrnt ntgtthlir Works O fy of Ottittf Paul, L Gg9RGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE�� November 8, 1923 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear 81r: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 2, King's Maplewood Addition, from Princeton Ave. to Goodrich Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #49356, approved October 26, 1923: Estimated cost $789.48 Per front foot .66 Inspection 15.48 Frontage 1,204 ft. Yours truly, ZfZngineer S�-41 C Approved: Comm\le, bo Works ST. PAUL nE CITY CLERK rION—GENERAL FORM 50432 COUNCIL No.... �r1 Dec. 20, 1923._ RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, King's Maplewood Additionfrom Princeton Ave. to Goodrich Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #49387 approved Oct. 26, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 49797, approved November 20, 1923. The commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in the upon the Alley in Block 2, King's Maplewood Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public ',corks in the matter dated December 2.0, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. -0432—Ey w. J. Peter— '. Tninge matter mof eat Inethe land d tnk_ saryaa a e en for cute Rod fill- eln the grading of A]1A In n. from King', Idaplewood Addition, Princeton Ave.. t0 Ooodrleh Ave • 1 - der PfellminarY Order C. I•'. No. 49367,_ approved Oct. 26, 1823. and 1, 19367, Order C. r"" 49797, nP- proved. Nov. 20. 1820. 111I Tho Commlesloner f Public, Work.l having ubmltted his report and plan to the hove matter, be it Wof St. Pauli R...ed, That the City amount f I fixes and That the land to be taken for the be;,.anamed I improvement as an eneemest or slop a l for cute and fill. In and upon the Alley ,31n Block 2, King'. D,up lewood Addl-I tion, between the points �af.r...td. to the extent shown pOn the Plan at- tacbed to the report o4 the Commleslon- of Public works In the matter dated Dec. 20, 1923. which Plan and report e hereby eferred to and moue u part hereof. "" Adopted by the Council, Dec. 20, 1823. Approved, Dec. 20, 1923. 't (Dec. 28=1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas COUNCILMENNays Adopted by the Council 2 0.19`L3.____102 _... \� ®GU 2 C 19'L� \.,'Ferguson \ APP ved_._In favor .--- ...---.._---.__.__......192-.--- y +' Sud heim ---------------- _._... .... MAYOR ✓ Peter _Against NVenzel f Mr. President �iliiauc J. �PtPT, kInttttttissinttPr .�IYiP i�lil!lPitP, �P}tlttg klnutmissiuttPr �$ Mir 10orks ITUH�ul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINKER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION - G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for duts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, King's ISaplewood Addition, from Princeton Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. P. '49357, approved October 26, 1923, and Intermediary Order 0. F. '49797, approved November 20, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public "'.forks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portiion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public 'oorkr!. Dated December 20, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL - r• DEPARTMENT OF FINp NGE l REPORT OF COMMISSIONIER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) >: In the matter of Condemning and taking an eaftement in the land neoessary for R10PAR, £or cute and fillH i the P-?adingof Ailev in RIDQkP� Zing, Ft Maplewood Addition- from Princeton Avanie fo Gondri ch AVenuB. -- -------- - under Preliminary Order approved notober 26 192_3. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: n The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED". VALUATION 1 2 lLin! s iinpl@FtflflB 1100: 2 2 do 1000. 10,60 2 do 4 2 do 1000 2 do 1000 All of L. 6, 8 ?J. of 7 2 do __. South 1/2_of_ 7 2 do fi z do X0Q0 _ -9 . z_ do �000 do_ 3.060 ',- - Form H. B. 10 _'._. TOTAL, CITY OF 8T. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS16*kk OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2. King'a Maplewood 12 2 da 2 _ _ da 14 2 do- - 15 _ 2 do 16 2 do 1500 17 2 do - 18 . 2 do 19 2 do 1500 --. J 20 2 do 1500 21 2 de - _ .1500. - - . 22 2 do _ e 1800 — _ 29950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I //�' /7 Dated_ & =e2 � -^S� (L -C mmissioner of Form R. B. 12 � Finance. � --Office of the Comrrussioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner 'of Finance Ploy. 9. 1923 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 49356 Oct. 26, 1923191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No._____approved________ gradin- oP alley in Blook 2� Bing! s _Ma plewood Addition from ---------- r' Princeton Ave. to-Goodrioh-Ave________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and havin vestigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- �-__-_, and the total cost thereof is $___ ------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ _ \\\ Comm issionblic or er f Pu v ................................. - FINAL ORDER 50433 In the Matter of. PuY:I_Ti6 H84flUDA A _HawA_t1._AY.e...'L_a . ........ Lnal.ucLing the nea.tlasaly Sewsr ..... tv at a street mains to ................ ............. .................... also ..curhino._nd__paving--driveway__and-_a11.eX...aRP-baaala.ea,...tsha�a.............. neessar ........................ ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................................... ................... ...................................... ................ ............................................ ................... .......... ........... ................................ 46344 under Preliminary Order ............... - --1 ......................... approved .............. ........... ..... ............... IntermediaryOrder ................... .............................. approved........ ..... . ------ ............... ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is 0".. -H -a -ml -ins -- -- Ave. .....from ... HeYitt Aye..- ......t...o...U...n...i..ve.r-s-i-t-- y ---A-v-e .... . ......... ........... from street mains tw-.propertY lines complete, ,vhere not already ................................................................ ................................................. ..................................... .................. _ mado, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, ....................................... . ... --------------------------------------- I ......................... _ ---------- I ........................................... 11 a 4116.4.1 .900-relp 140 -fool =Adwg fxom..Unlxer... t. and 30 foot qpA�!ay ........... .............. I .................. 7 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said r(p ' rovement in accordance therewith. AMYlai6d7 -: Itted by the founcil ---- ---- - ----- -- ------------ 191 ty CI erk. MAY 2 6 1925 OXP .......................... 191....... ................. Ra an PAmx==tb Clancy o oilman GW Ferguson oololll� Co cilman Ckaw lAoD-)nuld —Co cilman oilman 2kftlt Sudh, e ilne r Councilman W4daq#61i Toinz el V/ Mayor HN99on o S. A. 8.7 50433 e MaO*tfer. at .•fes.,- 6f . _ e pavtag Hamllne qve. 1 y m Hewlit Ave, to UWvaratts Ace:,. _ icluding a Jleceaeary..pewer, water. 'COUNCIL FILE NO.............................. ........ ... ...._'g� conneotlons ,from etre a e to *Rronerty _Lnea aom�.• By................ ................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... i?p:v1wUniversity---.A.ue..:.r inclbtling...mle...neo damsas�t...aelaar,-avert-ax-,.anti..gas-..aonnenxiona--i.rom ............. 51 @tr3et-_ mains-_;o__prohzrty.•_lings-_complate,___,dLere..not _alrendy,__marle-....--_ also...clirb np-- nd-_navin .._driveugay__asici•_a 1ey..10 .................... necessar .....--- f ............................-------- --•------------------------- 46 44 dune 1 ,192...... under Preliminary Order.................. 3..................... approved.... ._ .. IntermediaryOrder--------------------------------------------------------------approved.... ----------....----...----------------.....---- ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered •the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of - ave Hamline Ave. from Hewitt_AVB. improvement to be made by the said City is...i?...__.. ................................... to University+-Ave. including sewer, water 414 gasco�ections___ :_.. from street mains to .property lines complete, where not already .... ............----- .......------......------...--------- ..............._..........._........-...........--.....................--.............. ........................ made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, ivh ra..??-ecce �Ty.-??aterle ._ahal]..be concre. ..........4Q..faot...raadwav--ixom..Ani¢er... slty_A4e.-_to-_Mlnnehaha St.__and_30-_foot._roadway_ from_Minnebeha_to Hewit_t,_Age�-t-, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed q to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ad pled by the Pound ........ ..... , 191...._ ... ... . zF `-�v 2 6 1g23 ty Clerk. .............. 191 6, Mr. Shepard recommended that material be sheet asphalt and brick along the street car tracks. The owners present were unanimously in favor;of concrete. The council decided to put in concrete at the owners request. 6 _ o 40 foot roadway from University to Minnehaha; 30 foot roadway from Minnehaha to Hewitt Ave. Total 76,906.00 63,610.00 49,663.00 42,364'. op' (a) front foot (b) t1 7.'6 6.0o '4.c �'!` 3.83 *.* 6. 4 5.25 4.00 3,358** street cars — between Phomas and Minnehaha Ste. only ***curb extra pAdd for cement curb where not in 600 lin.ft. 6 in. sewer connections each S60' St. $60.00 (60' St. tw.00 writer connections each (6o'St. 9.00 (801 St. 45.00 -North 37 ft. of 4 -S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft. of 4 S. 37 ft, of N. -111 -ft. of 4 ----S.- 37- ft. of N. -148 ft. of 4 Form 8.6.10 To the Council of,the City of St. Paul: cL•, ,,; y ; . t b"�f •4�QR4 �1•l,„t5..; AX19k iaid Asphalt or Paving _ Blocks flatAsphalt Concrete n 1 o .d tl au.d a mount o! the u. s' TOTAL 3q yd 5 90 nt for the abovt: ,mi ament 4.85 is 3 52 _rete 3•�5 - T!4, .1 n•.t per ., .,:. , , 0,e nbm. .nrro •ument is Intersections Pc` wheela.ge 30,462 '100, .:,, ! . ,,. 25',195i00 ,, , 19;671, J0 :. ...: 16;780-00:`r' �A)Tropervy 'dhare 3$;'656•:00 i— 27,011.00 21,068.00 17,589.00' B)0 „ B 13,788.00 11,404.00 5,904.00 7,595.00°•' vrithout car line *"with car line r, moral 76,906.00 63,610.00 49,663.00 42,364 00 (a) front foot 7. jti 6.00 '4.5/- 3,53... (b) B It6.44 5.25 4.00 3 35... estreat car3 - between 'Thomas and Minnehaha Sts. only Add for cement curb where not in 600 lin.ft. ***curb extra 16 in. eewer connections eacli (60' St. $60.00 (601 St. 80.00 wester eonneotions each 60' st. 49.00 (50' St. 45.00 North 37 ft. of 4 13 College Place, East Div. 475Y ,i a S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft. of 4 13 do _ 475 S. -37 ft. of N. 111 ft. of 4 13 do 475 _.._-5.- 37 ft. of N. 148 ft. of -4 13 .... do - 475 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. ' OITT OP OT. PAUL OIEPART. IIII ANCE REPORT OF COMMIS tO,,.iiNN''ER. OF FINANCE ON 'PRELIMI ARI! ,ORDER Wit 1 In the matter o[ avi Hamlin Avenue j 2101113RMr 1.2 .� lines epjST'oac c 0- G0 rr, in, ,, ;YTO :nj7!;;,r, 1107 TTY PC)`. JJ' T, J. _ 01 -,� PA 1T) 1 '�'� !_,q1',�, CJ .;( oo EE .r, ,:c: fi3', l)I (10 `( :aTt'ic r� ..�-ti . 7;1G ,•.. t ,y X71!; %>> 3) a r i 19R. 00 "'t ft) t' CU 8Jrt co, Jdt ' 00 *0, u oi�si, l u•x r ?�• { o' c n QG tti� tSt�Plt rire'ss rcuaw t? i lre tPTij° DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 St. James Addition .3,000 2 do 2,850 3 do 3,125 __. 4 do 2,875 5 do 3;350 6 do 3,150 r. North 37 ft. of 4 13 College Place, East Div. 475 S. 37 ft. of N. 74 ft. of 4 13 do - 475 S. ,37 ft. of N. 111 ft. of 4 13 do 475 -S. 37 ft. of N. 148 ft. of 4 13 do I TOTAL. - 475 r .I� Form B. B. 10 " CITY OP IL PAUL +. V DEPART.MIENT.OF FINANCE,11A • �' 1a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL &IN_ 4RY ORDER (B) -_- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - N. _vac. street 33 adj.arid 4 13 College Place, East Div. 700 South ft. of $. 2 vac. street adj. and 16 do 15,800 _. . all of Block ...: ..... ... . 15 7 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 3,875 14 7 do 1,475. 13 7 do 1,300 12 7 do 11 7 - do - .400. . 10 .7 _ - _ do 9 7 do -, 400 8 7 do 725_ 1 Damian Addition 100 .---- (Except East 40 ft.) 2 do 325 (Except East 40 ft.)3- 4 do 750 East 40 ft. of 2-3 4 do 3,625 5 do 425 - 6 do 3 , 0�5 . 7 do 2,675 8 db -- 3,675 9 do 425 15 do 725 _ - 16 do 25 �7 do 425 _ _ lg do 25 - �9 do 25 _ - 20-. do 50 _. 21 do TOTAL 1,475 s GITY or G[. PAUL gEPAR„MENT OF FINANCE' OFCOMMISSIONER, -0F FINANCE REPORT ON R (e):..: .._,.---- _ --_- -" _:- --:�- _ ADDITION LOT BLOCK=--- ASSESSED VALUATION i DESCRIPTION = - - 8 GerseY-woolseY Addition 425 do 9 _ 1,575 -: _ 4�5 - 10 8 do _ 425 _._...- 11 8 do 425 12 8 d° 3,125 - �3 8 do (Except South 44.25ft. 14- 15 8 _ do 'too 1,650 South 44.25 ft. of 14- do 15 8 . 16 6 do _ 17 9 do 3,100 18 8 do 500 19 8 do 2,775 2,700 - 20 8 do 500 __ .. 21 B do - 2,300 22 do 500 - - �3• g do , S 11 do 3,350 _ - 11 9 do 2,500 _.. 2,700 10 11 do 2,900 11 11 do 1,600 12 11 do do -_ 3,575 ,, North 50 ft. of 13-14- 15 11 3.,.450 S. 42 ft. of N. 92 ft. 13-14 15 11 do 4,000 South 42.25 ft. of 13-14 15 11 do 8,675 Lots -16 and 17do .11. 4,625 Lots 18 and 19 11 do TOTAL CITY or er. PAUL DEPART(AENT,OF FINANCE`".. REPORT OFoCOM•#IMSSIO ER OF FINANCE (B) .-. :'_ _ - .-._: -•.:-.... - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED ypLUAT1ON - --- --__ 20 11 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 2,575 21 11 do 2,975 ,975 22 11 do 2,175 23 11 a° 2,575: 8 12 do _ 3,025 9 12 0.O 2 ,975 10 12 do 2,175 11 12 do 3'.125 - - 12 12 do _ _ 2,550 ----- - - .. _ _.- North 50.23 ft. of 13-14 15 12 do 4,100 - South 42 ft. of 13-14 15 12 do 3,000 South 42 ft. of N. 92ft. 13-14-15 12 do 3,100 North of 16 12 do 2,150 _ South of 16 12 do 2.450 - __... 17 12 do 4, 100 18 12 do 2,200 �9 12 do 3,050 20 12 do 3,500. ...._ 21 12 do 22 12 do 3,100 �3 12 do e,900 8 2 Syndicate No. 5 Addition _ 575 __..._ 9 2 do 650 10 2 do 575 - 11 z do 1,275 _. .. <. ...... _ _. _ 12 2 do TOTAL 6�5 CITY OF 1T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 16F REPORT OF COMMISSIONER FINANCE ON PREIAMINARY ORDER (B) -- R DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION , VALUATION 13 2 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 1.,875 .-ho.rth_1/3 of 14 & 15 2 do 8,050, S. -..',of -N. 2/3 of 14 & 15 - 2 do 1,600 South 1/3 of 14 & 15 2 do 1,875 16 2 do 1,800_' 17 2 do 3,450 .. 18. 2 do 950- 19 - 2 _ . _ do _ _ _ _ _ 1,450 - !, 20. 2 . do _ —550- -550- 21 2 do 21 2,750 22 2 do 550 23 2 do 4,250 -, 1 3 do 8,175 2 3 do 2,525 3 3 do 2,375 4 3 do 625 5 3 do 625 6 3 do 3,125 7 3 do 3,275 East 35 ft. of 8 3 do 3,350 23 3 do _ 2,800 24 3 do 2,500 25 3 do 3,100 26 3 do 3,750 27 3 do 2,3.00 28 3 do ;� 2,225 1 TOTAL I' CITT or ST. PAUL DEPAR7MEN; OF FINANCE=' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL!IMIARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS VALUATIONED 29 3 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 2,5.50 ---30_ 3 da _ _ 2, 250 .. 1 6 _ do 6.25. _ 2 6 do 600 3 '_ 6 do 4,100 - - 4 6 do 4,100 l` 5 6 do 4,1,0x. ... ... - 6 .6 _ . do _ _ 2-,9.25 - _._7__ - -do_ . - - - _3-,100. g .6 do 3,100 _.:. 23 6 do 575 24 6 do 575 _. 25.6 _ do 2,5�5 26 6 do 2,225- , 27 6 _ do - 5.75 -- 2g 6 do 2,97.5 29 6 . '( do 2,975 ..30 6 do 4, 325 g 7 do 2,325 9 7 do 500 10 7 do 450 11 7 da 450 12 .7 do 3,950. .._. 13 7 do 2,400 14 7 do 450 _. 15 7 do 3,575 _.. _.. TOTAL . CITY Or ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .11.` 1 REPORT OF COMMIJSSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED' , VALUATION 16 7 Syndicate No. 5, Addition 700 - .. I, �7 7 do 3,656 18 7 do 3,35P 19 7 do 3,150 20 7 do 3,250 21 7 do 3,350 _._... 22 7 do 3,150 23 7 do 3,250 North of vacated alley do 3,650 adjoining & 9 to 15 10 8 10 do 2,225 S.g vac. alley adj. & 16 & 17 10 do 1,159 -. do 19 10 do 550 do 19 10 do 11,050 .._ ... do 21 & 20 10 do 3�,5 -__ do 22 10 do 500 23 to do 3,975 _ 1 11 do 600 2 11 do 575 � 3 11 do 31175 4 i1 do 575 5 . do 575 6- 11 do - 2,075._ 7 11 do i 575 -_.. 8 11 do 23 11do 2,875 2 4 11 do 2,97 - 5 - - - 1011•x. �. fl - TOTAL , I I ' OITT OP 6T. PAUL - OF FINANCE - DEPARTMENT a REPORT OF COMMIJSSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 _11 Syndicate_ No, 5 Addition 2',175 --- 26 11 do 2, 27 11 do 2,775 25 11 do 2,775: 29 .11 do. 30 a do 625. 1 14 do 2 14 do 3 14 do 4 14 do 2;025.`_ 5 .14 do 3,075 6 14 do 3,275, T _14 _do .1;925 5 1.4_ do575'- ' _2i525- 23_.14 . _ _ do_ 2:525 24 14 do 24 .2,550-;_ 25 14 do 2;800, 26 14 do . _ 2f:500- _27 14 _ do 2,150 2$ 14 do _ _ 2, 600' _.._ 29 14 do '3,300'.. - 30. 14 _ _ do -- _2,450; 5 15 _ do 2,150. __. 9 15 do 2,400. 10 15 do 2 ,675, 111 5 do 0' 5 0' CITY OF ST. PAUL - 01'PARTMENT OF FINANCE �'- REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELPAINaOW ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .N VALUATIO-_, 12 15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 525 13 15 do 550 14 15 do5 50 15 �5 do 600 16 . 15 do 750 17 15 do 600 18 15 do 1,3,75 �9 �5 do _575 20 15 do 575 21 15 do 575 22 15 do 575 �3 �5 do 1,575 8 18 do 2,375 9 18 do 2,375 - 10 18 do 2,175 - 11 18 do 3,225 _._. 12 18 do 3,375 . �3 18 do !! East 30 ft, of 925 _ (Except East 30 ft.)13 & all 14 18 do z:, 250 15 18 do 3.,750 16 18 do 4,225 17 18 0.0 3:,,100 18 18 do 3:,400 - 19 . 18 do 21000 20 18 do 2,354 21 18 do 3,350 :...... .. TOTAL GIiT OF ST_ PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FlNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM M&Y ORDER (B) ---- -- -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AMMON ASSESSED VALUATION 22 le Syndicate azo.5 Addition 3,350. 18 do 3,350 - ;_,Lgts_.2, and.. 1 19 do 11,700 - 3 �9 do hoe 4 . 19 do 1,900 _... - 5 �9 -do 2,250 East of & all of 6 19 do _2,150 west of 7 &.all of S 19 do 3,759 - "r, �3 19 do 2,10G 4 24 19. do 3,050 __.. _. 25 19 do 3,150 _. 26 19 do 1,925 27 19 do 600 - 29 19 do 2,100 - �9 19 do 3,325 -_ 30 19 do 3,1G0 _ 1 22 do 650 2 22 do._ - 3,100 3__ 22 do 2,800 4 22 do 3,500 5 22 do 3,600 _ 6 22 do - - 2,0150 _._.. . 7 22 -do 2,100 8 22 do ?,x+75 __. 23 22. do 3,100 - _ 24 -- 22 do 4,100. CITY OR 8T. rAUL _ DEPARVAENT 9P FINANCE OFoCOMMI SI F FINANCE REPORT No DE PRELIMNAk(B) --- "' ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED IALUIATIO -- DESCRIPTION 25 22 -Syndicate No. 5 Addition 3,3oo -- 26. 22 do _ 3,20G - 27 22 do 3,325 _. 2,300 29 22 do �9 22 do 600 _. _ 30 22 do 1,900 , - 23do _ 129,500 S 26 do 2,575 9 26 do 2,575 10 26 do 3,175 11 26 do 3,275 12 26 do 2,175 . 13 26 do 3,550 _..- 14 26 do 575 15 .. 26 . do 625 16 .26 do 650 17 26 do 600 Ag 26. do :600 19 . 26 do 60 0 _ 20 26 do 600 600 .21 26 do do 22 26 - 600 _ ... 23 26 do 600 1 2;7 do 650 2 27 do 3,300 3 __27 dl _ 1,650 TOTAL - CITY Or ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A REPORT OF COMMISStQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELANA Y ORDER (B) — --- - - y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .:- ____ 4 27 Syndicate No. 5 Addition , 900 .5 27 a0 600 I (, 27 do - ' ,50 _ 7 27. do 1,900 8 27_ do 2 0 .35. 23 27 do 3,450 24 27. do — - 3,,200. 25 27_ dO 3,159 26 27 do 600 _ _ 27.27. _ do 4, 400 :. 28 27 do 3,?59 29.27 do 600 30 27 do 1,259 1 30 do 230 do . _44 0 5 3 30 do 675 _- 4 30 do 400 -.......... . - _ 5 30 do 2,550 6 30 d° 2,559 7 30 do ?,750_.__.. 8 30 do 400 _..__ 23 30do 2,000 2430. do _ ?,000 _. 25. 30 do 3,309 _ 26 30 do 3,800 __ 27 30 d°_ ; .15,300 -.._. .___-__.._... __.... ... TOTAL I - -, -_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + # REPORT OF COMMISSIONER tF FINANCE _ ON PREL IM11ARY ORDER (6 –_ I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i� ASSESSED VALUATION 26 30 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 2,000 29.30 do 2 10( .- 30 30 do 3., 000 ,. 31 do 575. 9 3 do 575, 10 31 do 575 11 31 do 575 12 31 do 575 13.311 do 575 14 31 do 575 15 31 do 625 16 31 do 3,000 17 31 do 2,100 18 31 do 2,000 19 31 do 2,000. 20 31 do 2,000 21 31 do 2,000 22 31 do 2,000 23 31 do 2,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby 'submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 14114 Dated-_=�-Q— L, / 10A of Finance. Tissioner Fm B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn . .......... 4AMOXY 23rd ... ... 1923 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .....................Sr Ave. ;8C. Ave. to---Jjniv"AiU— from.................................. H-01-111:kt -------- ------ . .... .... Sg. Ave. ADDITION ii l�4JI - -- Y Office of the Commishofier of Public Worl Report to Commissioner of Finance A o ,y38 __November _5th,_ 1923_�g}____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- tiM'- --- approved- _June__],3_tb,------- 1923 ., relative to Paving of Hamline Ave, from Hewitt Ave. to University Ave. ------------ includin&wrier-r_nELtar_and_gris__cnnneat•t ana_fnom _stseat_mains_ to property lines complete where not already made, also __pIIrbttIgand__pa_v_iIF driveway_and_allgy_ 1P�Qachea,_where________ necessary. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (en) desirable. See estimate att hed. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the to a� cost the is $------------ and the nature and exteit of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------- a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mace a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------- ----- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------------- =------------- Commissio er of Public *W.. Y 19illiam 31. Peter, (gammissiourr 31rie allrttr, arputg (fammissintter ' �e�ttr#ntrnt �`�nhlir urk� Mtg of *aiat Paal GEORGE M. SHEPARD; CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. ORYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. SOF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION 0. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNI NO ENGINEER O. P. DOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 3, 1923 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Hamline Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to University Ave. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also ourbidng er and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, u Preliminary Estimate #46344, approved June 13, 1923: LeaRth Roadway Street Front 4�, • 302 80 & 80° 4,15Iuniversity Ave.to Thomas St. 1,418( 40' ' Minnehaha St. to Hewitt Ave. �$, 003 Thomas St. to Minnehaha St. - 3j creosote brick laid Asphalt or 7" concrete Ann%_ f:nnnvate TOTAL eq. yd. t M 90 4.88 3.61 3.85 Intersections &195.00 Wheelage 30,463.00 25, 19,671.00 16,780.00 ($)Property share32,658.00 27,011.00 11,404.00 211088.00 8,904.00 17,989.00* 7,595.00** " 13,788.00 ( )*without oar line ** with oar lir-.e Total 76,906.00 83,610.00 49,663.00 42,364.00 r`4. a)front foot 7.38 5.00 5.25 57 4.00 3.83*** 3.35*** S( (b • 8.44 (+street• oars - Between Thomas and Mlnnehaha Ste. only curb extra Add for cement curb where not in 80¢ St. lin— $60.00 ft-8 in. sewer connections each Sol (SO' St. 80;00 in water connections each �8ol St. 39.00 Yours truly, Approved for transmission To the Of Finance C f Engineer ICommissioner Commissloher Pub.io 1� END IIICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of c business byin accordance with `JJ�nrc 'r--,.-� / �+rY.�ecr-[.�/=-• �Q�?= the standard and appro ed techni ues with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model _ of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on �Q�7p/Mi,o:l3 dC 194v�by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is / m 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C'Q �P0C� i 5. The last document Dhotographed on said roll of microfilmis: G, F o Z- After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), • it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Werra Operator Dated , -r M be 1- /3 19 d1 -t S08VONVIS d0 nv38ne IVNOIIVN ' 9J i I SZ i s��IIIII oT,i IIII oz11111 -FT3 zZlllll sEi�i� �� U•i VIII S.ZIIIII H.Zlilll mom la 01 SONVONVIS d0 nv3une 1VN01IVN ' 0z����� I•T VIII - z�z����� ZIIIII zzlllll 0.1 11111 1 1 l ae n°ap�ti F^� s a° oa 5 r S08VONVIS zio nV38ne IVNOIIVN —0-711111 sl Ell, C5 SUVONVIS 30 OV3808 1VNOII VN ® 0z��� i' I VIII sZlllll B�Iilll p,j VIII I o Y� o, ya o c0 �a �c tip' �o aYy 'a a° oa g SOHVONVIS 30 nV3unB 1VN011VN 8•�IIIII o�z����� „� 1•I IIII S.[ 1 s �lllll Bz�����i p •j VIII a? ^2 yar a c0 i cam y,o �yy s i 2d a° °a 5 7 S08VONVIS d0 f)V38f18- 1VN011VN " 8-I VIII -� oz���l� j • j IIII z zlllll sE;�i ",� BRI- 0 •i (IIII S.ZIIiII e.Zlllll • -, own soaVONV15 do nv3ana wNoI1vN - 9III J7•1ll gZ.j 8 •i VIII o z����� s'c T' I IIII, S:ZIIII': e`�IIII 0.1 IIII H