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10 i do 10 ON 'P\ 'SkIP 410 ns%� 7-1 tv 609VONV1S jo nv3u Fo IVNOIIVN A/A �b 4, ON START Serial No. of RoiY 100,4 Department It r a-. le o- `Office..._:...... ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP E£RMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed If limited �1 Date 3' CONTENTS n a i An PI1 0P c a Number or name of first document of regular contents F o. 98715—Ordinance No. 6144— !� 1 BY L. R. S. Fer6uson�– ` i1n o dt ance- """r thori'in6 the eree[le and o 4ractt n oP new ddirdinanee No. 4 Ce F• No. .to tho o n ell School, Igl and Prior Avenues.This is r ere cy dl ce - ndered iffy f the preservation iof nelAn ordinancb anlu�rizir> the erection and construction of a ,3 addition,to the Longfellow School, Iglehart end Prior Avenues- This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser-=� � vation of the public,peace, health and safety. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended to the Counoil the\oreetion of the said school building and has re- ported an estimate of the .cost of such improvement,,together with F sketch plans and other data giving in full detail the nature of such improvement, which proposed improvement meets with t,le ap- proval of the Council, therefor, THy COUNCIL OF TH.c, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That the erection of said building at the approximate cost of rorty-five Thousand ($40000.00) Dollars, to the manner provided in and by the City Charter, is hereby approved and authorized. Section 2. That the construction of the building as herein authorized and approved is contingent upon the submission ofja statement certified by the Comptroller, of the funds available to meet the -cost thereof out of the $5,000,000.00 School Bond Fund, as trans- ferred and set aside for this purpose by the proper resolution. r Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and sa3etyo _ Section ;4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediate- ly upon its passage, approval and publication. F Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson Adopted by the-Coundil PdcDonald- 1 21923 1923 Peter Sudheimer �. Ur. Pres. (Nelson)-P Approved OC-1t ^ 1923 1923 a, PUBLISHED /D o - ^ Idayor City Cler . I hereb erti£y that there is av Table in-the :;x,000,000 3choo " Bond Fund t ey indicated-in the ore'going ordinanoe. Date 1923 i v~C6mp roller. u eepnCt � It CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._--...----_-.--._. ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t a PRESENTED BY�I///G ......._. DATE.... SB�ItembeT 242.. 1923 ...... COM MISSIONE RESOLVED That'the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of HyacinQ St. from Greenbrier Ave. to Arcade St., in accordance with plans and ,specifications hereto attached, to the__C1_ement F. Sculley Equipment Co., they being the lowest re- eponsible bidders,'for th� sum of $8,105.98, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby' instrue ed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Eetimate 68,682.,00. F.B. #4976. C. No. 48716—BY n'• J. Peter-- / solved, Th" the Council hereUY - Cort n he ommendntlon d.1 the o the Contract o mitres and a r contract P the grading and Improve - moat of Hya th St. from Greenbrfor Ave. to Arcade sG, in aeeordnnce Ylth I plana and s cidcntlone hereto nt-i torched, to th Clement F. Scully Equlpment Co.. they being the lowest , pon9IWO b dere, for the sum o[- $8,306.98, the Corporntlon Counoel !) ie hereby Instrucr.ted to draw. up the pgineer's oEan ate n$8,68200. -F. r13. No. 4976. Adopted by the Council Septa 26, 1923. Approved Sept. 26, 1923. .(Oct. 6-1923) COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Peter ____-Against. i Wenzel Mr. President i SEP 2'61923 Adopted by the Council ._.------ ....--- ---..........._..192...--- SEP 2 61923 Approy6d MAYOR CITY:.QF ST. PAUL COUNC1LNO..--°_LiQ. FILE OFFICE OAHE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PfjESENTED BV(r�� __.._........_......._... DATE_......_cJeptember.._a`.'..t..._19?"'3......._ C0 M M ISSI ONER - """"""""""' """' RESOLVED That .the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing approximately 4506 cu.yds. sand and gravel to be used in paving Otis Ave. from N.L. Dayton Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd; Exeter Place from N.L. Laurel Ave. to Otis Ave.; Riverwood Place from Otis Ave. to Exeter Place;.3ervice Lane from Otis Ave. to W. L. Lot 9, Block 4, and Montrose Place from N.L. Laurel Ave. to Riverwood Place, to the J. L. Shiely Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of approximately $9944.10, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. 114997. C. F. No. C 48717—By W. J. I Resolved, That the ouni "annittee hin as ctiordlnr heoI COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ In favor Matson j" Peter ".......-Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _$Z'tbl.2.�i_s�%3��.__._192._.../ Appr veil.... mavoa CITY OF ST:- PAUL cOUNCILNo ----_. (� FILE . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESEN u BY -- __September 18 .__..1923__..,._ COMM 13' FIONER _.............._........ _......... .DATE...... ... .. ........_ ...1 RESOLVED That the Council hereby. approves the action -of the..Purchasing a proximately Committee in awarding contract for furnishin3000 barrels Portland Cement to be used in paving Otis Ave. from N. L. Dayton Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd.; Exeter Place from N. L. Laurel Ave. to Otis Ave.; Riverwood Place from Otis Ave. to Exeter Place; Servide Lam from Otis Ave, to W. L. Lot 9, Block 4, and Montrose Place from Laurel Ave. to Riverwood Place, to Thompson Yards, Inc. at a price of $2.80 per barrel net, sacks 10X, or M total price of approximately $8,400.00, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and thjq Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper:,;form,; of -contract therefor. F.B. #4997 COUNCILMEN Yeas _ Nays Clancy Ferguson- McDonald � J1,11 favor Matson Peter' _. _.._...Against Wenzel i Mr. President. f /0A SEP 2 61923 Adopted by the Council _ ..-_._......-....__._-.....----192.----- SEP 2 u 1923 Appro/ - 192. . . - ......... MAYOR COUNCILMEN AY R cou CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ------- _.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY 11 / - f nr: Sept. 26, 1923. COMMISSIONER.-. (� l_. ._.. .. ._.... ....... .__...__ DATE ._........ ..... . .... .... ._....... f RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade, _6�f`Al ey in Block 7, Woodland Park Addition from -Dale Street to a point east of Dale Street, also grading and pating said alley from Dale to gent Street, under Preliminary Order / Ce F•, #46107, approved June 2, 1923, and Final Order )' C.,F.'#48261, approved September 6, 1923.. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as eubmitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, C. F. Nb. 48719—By W J 'F.tcl— In the matter of changing Khe,.ggrade of Alley In. Block 7, Woodland Pdrk Ad' .. 1 dation from Dale St. ide, point..at of Dale St.,, also grading and povf g " said alley from Dale to Kent Street, p under Preliminary Order C. F: No. _ 48107, approved June 2•L1923; and.F nal Order. C. F. No. 4B261, approved" Sept. 6, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, eP.Wlcuu- tfone d estimated quanta ties as u - tatted by. the Commleeaoner of Pohl lq- °- Work. for the be,. named improve= ..at. be and the same are hereby app. proved Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923.1 Approved Sept. 26,' 1923. (Sept. 29-1923)' COUNCILMEN Yea., Nays Adopted by tllo Council_ SEP 2 6 1923 192 Clancy SEP 2 61923 Pergilson 1ppeed _ ._ - ._.192_-__ McDonald In favor Matson Peter _._ _...Against _ - MAYOR enzel ✓/ 1 President 48720 couN 1L No. --- CITY OF ST. PAUL _E C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ll COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM Sept. 26, 1923. PRESENTED BY DATE_ ............. ........ .... . . ....... ...... .... COMMISSIONER......... . ------- ................ .......... V RESOLVED_ In the matter of grading and paving'of Alley in.Block 24, Summit Park Addition and Lincoln Terrace I from milto;Vtreet to Victoria street, under Preliminary Order C. F,.#46611, approved Ju4e, 18, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #48319-, approved, september 8, 192.3. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Floris for the above named improvement, be and I the.same are hereby approved, 4 C. F. No. 48720—BY W. J. P.t.— ln the ,,Tatter of grading and paving Of Alley in Block 24, Summit Park Addition and Lincoln- Terrace from, Milton St. to victoria St., unee1r, Pro- lirranary Order C. P. No. 46 ap- proved .1 .1 prov,� are 18. 1921, and Fla Or- der approved Sept8 192i., - No. 48319, ap ij ... ll�cd, That the pl..., prciflea. tiOns an Ostimated quantities as sub- mitted by the Commissionerof Public', Works for the above named improve.� ment. be and the same are hereby ap proved. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923.1 Approved Sept. 26 1p23 (Sept. 29-192Y) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the, Council 2 6 19123- 192 Clancy S F P 2 13 1923, Ferguson Appr ed __192__.. McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against MAYO' Wenzel Mr. President .. COUNCIL NO. __48-d2t-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fina OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ... �/) COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ...__.....DATE_.......Sept. 26, 1923. ... _................: ............. COMMISSIONER RESOLVED in the matter of paving Alley in Block 40, Summit Park Addition, from Oxford Street to the pavement on Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order Ce Fs e #46510, r approved June 18, 1923, and Final Order 0. F. #48307, % approved aeptember 8, 1923. II 0 Resolved, That the ,plans, specifications and s , estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 7lorks for the above named improvement, be and the same'are hereby approved. u C. F. No. 48721—BY W. J. -- Pet0 In the matter of paving Alley In Block .. r 40, summit Park Addition, from Ox; ford St. to the pnv... at on Lc-i-9- 'Ord' eain6- ton Ave. under Prelimtnnry 18. C. .. F. No. 46610, pproved"7une 18, 1923, and Final Order C. F.i„No. 4$307, ap- xI proved Sept. 8, 1923. E - Resolved, That the 'plhn ,-spaclaca- N`:. tions and estimated ¢unntities ��. as submitted by the Commisslomr of Public Works. for the above named Im- ;, parovement, be and th� =me are herebY pvr,,,d. 7 I Adopted by the Ccuncl. Sept. 26. 1923. /.,. 1 App Sept. 26, 19 23 °.. L the 6, 19 3) 1 0i Yea,C,ouxoll.ntmN T$ays Adopted by the, Colmcil_. SEP 2 619 23 _'_f_192 ._ r Clancy SEP 2 G 1923 9 App. 'ed _ _ 192 anc ter uson McDonald in favor Matson MAYOR Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"`ILNO.--._..:_.r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P 9MNTEIDBYRLDATES.e.p. t.,2.6_. - 1. 92...u.. .--- ,SS CEONEI <. RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade, grading and paving the Alley in Block 6, Bryant's Addition and Block 3, Bryant's Addition, from Victoria Street to Avon Street,,___ under Preliminary Order C. F. #4,5958, approved May 28, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #48269, approved September 6, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I C;_ P. No. 48722—By W. J. Peter— - In the matter of changing the grade. ,grading and ving the Alley In BIK... 6, 33 6, Addition andBlock 3, Bry. "ott8 Addition, from Victoria Street to Avon Street, under Prollmluary Order C, F. No. 46968 app oved May. 28, 1923, and Final drder C F No., 48269, approved Sept 6. 1923 Resolved, That the' plana pe IflGy"'- ' tions and estimated quantities as eub. matted by thq Commissioner of Public t Works for the above named Improve, ment, be and the gas are hereby a:, s in proved. p Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923' Approved Sept, 26, 1923. (Sept. 2$-1323) J COUNCILMEN _ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ S E P 2 619L23 — , , , 192 - Clancy S E P 2 E 1923 Ferguson - Applo d.... 1 .. .192__. McDonald In favor Matson 11YOR Peter Against Wenzel Y Mr. President n a F"U CITY OF ST: PAUL cour+m`No...._�i,)-�/r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED QQQQQQ....�����1//r/� { .,p Sept. 26, 19230 CommISSI� R... .... __ ..c....: .__........_ .................... ......_._..... .....;.......................-_.......:'_._.. DATE._.._...._._._._....._......-_-..:-..............._........._..._.._....... RESOLVED In the matter of paling Alley in Block 33, 'Summit Park Addition, from Oxford at. to Chatsworth -St, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46109, approved June 2, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #48308,- approved September 8, 1923. 4� Resolved, That the plane, specifications and t estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 3 C. P. �No. 48723—Py W. J. Peter— In [he matter of paving Alley in Block 33, Summit Park Addition, from Oz - I, ford St. to Chatsworth St., under Pre- llminnry Order C. F. 'nb. 40109.P - proved June 2. 1923, and Final Omer B...Wed.4 Thato Che Pin ltei a s sub- clone and estimatOd quant ne sub- clone by the Commisel...r t Public. Works for the above named improve a ment, �o and the eame are hereby ap-1 r proved. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923. e Approved Sept. 261 1923. I - il (Sept. 29-1923) COUNCILMEN a SEP 2 6 D6 Yeas Nays Ion4 Adopted by the Council -_ _.... __ __ -_ 1112 Clancy ` Ferguson9 SEP 2 G 1923 Apjl.192.. McDonald In favor --? Matson Peter Against a.oR Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No------ -- FILE """ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ --- IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL" FORM �iZ ti z a w�/ PRESENTED BY' .... DATE V COMMISSIONER._ .... ...... ........ p......._.. ...... ......_.. RESOLVED •i ithat the plans and specifications for the New Addition to the Longfellow School', Iglehart and 'Prior -venues; as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, 'Playgrounds and Public Buildings,,be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids hereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. n " C. P. No. 48724—By L. R. I Ferguson—' 3' attions fop the tthe New Addition. to eCthe Longfellow Scheol,�Iglehart and Prior Avenues, submitted herewith, pre- pared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner. of Park., Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be 1_ and the same are hereby approved, the p sago being satisfactory to the Com-, e missloner �of Education, and the Pur-: 's chasing Agent Is hereby authorized and d directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided In and by the. City Charter.. s Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923 �. Approved Sepptt.. 26, 29 1923. (Se -1923) i I 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter -._... _ Against /Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ SEP. 192 . SEP 2 6192 Approved! 192__- (: r *L,' That Forty-five Thousand ($45,000.00) Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the w5,000,000 School Bond fund for the purpose of construction a new Addition to the Longfellow School, Iglehart and Prior Avenues. C rusn— Resol�led87 That F ty-(Sive ethousand' (;46.000.00), Dollars o is hereby trans- ' (erred and set aside from the ;6,000.000 School Bond Fund for the purpose of constructing a new Addition to the Longfellow School, Iglehart and. Prior Avenues. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923. Approved Sept. 26, 1923. (Get. 6-1923) O COUNCILMEN Yeas Di ay$ Clancy ;- Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against J Wenzel JJ Mr. President „ry✓ Adopted by the Council . $,E P 2 G-1923_ 192 _ SEP 2 61923 Apprq ed_. ..,- -. -..... 192 __: 4 CITY OF S1 C. r. No. 48726—By A. E.:,Nelson •Aosolved that the -rules. be an OFFICE OF THE be provide that only .one. pltf.- be heard t. one itme be[orp the COUNCIL RESOLUTION ell andthat th appearing nw 1ti 5. opportunity' to b hea any matter, ehall remaai4nseat ed tho p on ep .king shall have a . P1 hl n gUment -or statement an V/c ..ted hlmenlf. E¢ch nnrnnn 40.--------- 48.'726 RESO E 1 A/T � G roc/ COUNCILMEN SEP 2 3 1933 Yens Nays Adopted by the Council ___ ____ . _ _ _ 192_ „- Clancy Ferguson A(roved E -2-.6.192_ i ....192.. McDonald In favor klatson Peter _ Against MIYOR Wenzel ° i Mr. President RT* ADRUM1"`rE CITY CLERK 000BalL �� No, Form D-34 1M 12-22 ` I ` gy PTROLLER .. AUDITED._..._ -.......182 CO .. -..... � i., J �.-- ' PER ........ .... .... - Resolved that checks be dravm on the City Treasury, to the aAAregate amount o£$-`R-`.��om - -Q-ra-y.--------`-------------- coveiin$ checks numbered-57?1..tST-' ---------to--_.1?/139_.-_.....--inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Cciiiptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. — SEP 26 192.__,......--.192`.'... 6- 'Clancy, Adopted by the Council.__....._......_.. Fer$uscn",--------.In favor SEP 2 6 1923 ....... _.... 192------- McDonald,Appr iijgsos- Sudheimer ' Peter, `.� _ n Wenzel. - - Against Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 48727— - Resolved that checks be drawn on the CRy Treasury to the aggregate mount of 828,300.51, covering checks - numbered 17131 to 17139 inclusive, as pertthe otrice of the Clty Cumcheck ollerflle In Adopted by the Councll Sept. 26, 1923. Approved Sept. 26, 1923. - - (Oct. 6-1923) - f crzT OF . PAUL \ <I ORIGINALTO - - ci4TCL-K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ......No 8 4'72' Es int rroll-s12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM rz ......... .... 694 S E coM •ROLLER..... AUDITED_ .. ... __..... __.....1 sz ......-, covering 30 0591 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 28p.. -Q -------•-------- 1t checks numbered -1.7134 ------ --to -----1713E .- ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. SEP 2 6 1923 j Clancy, ' Adopted the Council ---------- _........----- -- -_. _....-_........ ......... In favor 192_----- Ferguson, SEP 2 61923 .... /McDonald, Approve _ ---- 192 Ur Sudheimer �1 Peter, $ �' _.-.. -. �TA�.n ..' - " --.A -.Against a-- ._ . s.._..-..... Wenzel. __ .. nd Mr. President, Nelson a c ---------------------- ---....... ...................... 17131 J.M.Clancy, Com Ir. of Finance 23,625.34 St.C.& R. 1,091.29 Sewer C.& R. 675.60 S.& S.Cing 7,014.52 Bridge Bldg.& R. 849.37 Crosswalks 165.60 Docks,Wharves,etc. 36.00 Sprinkling 1,026.72 P.I.R. Engr.Insp. 2,538.46 it L-1521 28.00 L-1606 106.05 Ip L-1684 683.00 L-1685 117.34 L-1686 6,693.95 L-1738 822.23 L-1740 1,004.55 L-1763 458.08 L-1765 191.68' L-1771 122.90 23,625.34 e 17132 Electric Supply & Construction Company, 754.00 Schools 17333 Mr. G. L. Hamilton, blgr. 10.00 Civil Service 17134 Peter Lametti 1,358.50 Z'`s' L-1715 41, -I/ 206.41 20.70 1,438.24 224.91 662.41 694- Page. #2 c 1923 17135 NorthwesternElectric Company, 141 s c.& Unf. 5.49 Art. Highway 140.91 St.c.& R.(Pay.) 5.73 Schools 14.11 Playgrounds 7.85 Water 32.32 17136 Pioneer Electric Company, Library 17137 St. Paul Builders Material Company, Water 17138 Shanley Paper Company, gahools 171�9 Standard Stone Company, L-1653 41, -I/ 206.41 20.70 1,438.24 224.91 662.41 D=TY OP eT, PADL QUADRUPLICATE To CITY CLERK p zs p=L No48728. Form D-34 IM 12-22 ' BY AUDITED -....... _.. _. _ ....._...192... ........ .. -i Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $---%ria ` R7 ... .............. covering checks numbered ...17168------------ ., to ._11176 --.----.-..•-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. SEP 2'v 1923 Clancy,Adopted by the Council ----------- __---- ---------- -------- --- --- ;._ _ .... /Ferguson, _ -7-.In favor SEP 2 6 1923 McDonald, --.-192--..---. Mfg Sud1.1e1Ller Wenzel. —IMr. President, Nelson _ �`,,1�`��/ 'r'[-�= ',•!,'= C. F. No: 48728— Resolved that checks be drawn on the CityTreasury, to the aggregate art�ount 0 $72,720.79, vering checks numbered 17168 to 17176 tncIusive, as per register of city checks on file in, the fflce f the City Comptroller. Adopt d by the :Council Sept. 26, 1923. Appro ed Sept. 2s.1123. ..(Oct. 6-1923) '.. 0 iii ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NO.X28:: . rwm D-sa Int 12-22 A I)ITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ......... ..:............ Res.#697 d �. ['-r { ^ gy fA {YrROLI.ER AUDITED .....F f :, ..... 7.Qr ... ..........192 ......_. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a re$ate amount of $72 s.72Q e 79 .......................... covering checks numbered 17168to 17176 ..inclusive as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted"by the Council... ------ _S -UP-2-6 19.22 ........... .... 192..-- -- % Ferguson, ...... ....... In favor S E P 2 6 1923 ,/McDonald, Approved __. ✓.--5;:2 .--- -----192. --- fin;- Sudheimer Peter, ga - - 'Wenzel. Against _. - tnYoa Mr. President, Nelson st f f �} �j _..-..._---- ----------- ---------.--:.------------.... 17168 Campbell Coal Company, 442.00 St.& S. Cing. 136.00 Playgrounds 306.00 ASO 17169 Fielding & Shepley, 71,401.73 L-1701 35,467.27 L-1703 12,950.46 L-1717 16,779.00 L-1718 6,205.00 17170 Humboldt hifg. Co. 21.07 Testing Labs. 17171 J. F. Kain, Cashier,ttater Dept. 127.47 Water 17172 Pioneer Electric Company, -143.59 Lighting 17173 State of 14innesota,State Treasurer, 5.00' Auditorium 17174 Texas Company, 10.60 St. C.& R. (Aspbhlt) 7.95 dater 2.65 0 17175 R.E.'+hitacre & Co. Inc., 494.33 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 1.00 dater 493.33 494.33 17176 Anna Eller, 75-000 o Non -Assessable Impr. QUA ORUPI["C _ ntxx oa ex, PAVE o ro CRY CLERK u enosnrz No........-... -Form D.34 1M 12-22 SEPuo2 1a2:: BV COMPT 11ER 1 Aireo. '_/ Resolved that checks be dravm on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.. ?OS4}$o�------------------------- covering - checks numbered-17,7 ----- ---------- to paG`R - --- -- ----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( T) Nays. x Clancy, !� Adopted by the Council._....-... S E P- 2_6_1923 Ferguson, _._..:..---In favor McDonald, Appro ed-:'. .............. 14.mo:r,— ----"- Sudheimer .' -.. ,"l. / Peter, ° ✓ Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No., 48729- 1 Resolved. That checks be drawo the City Treasury, to the aggre ate amount of 552,999.61, covering ch ke _ um-,bored 1714,5 to 17197, inclusive, as a. the oficegi-tor of c check, f the City Comptroll¢rtile lu Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1923. .4nDroved Sept 26. 1923. •' (Oct. 6-1923) FJy n J', f f t .._,' L "i-_, "11"Y' 1§ ORIGINAL TO Y ox RITV CLERK 61 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - - 000xoaa yc�j nD-sn 1M12-22, AU DITEID CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Y=:E No........... ~dpi co tmxot.Lelx 1 Resolved that checks be dream on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-_-o2-E6994----------------------- covering checks numbere4. 17145 __---to ]137... ._ .... inclusive, as per register of city checks q;j file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. SEP 2 e t92� -e Clancy, Adopted by th ouncil.._...._.192..-- ... SEF -T-6 192 Ferguson, --In favor McDonald, _ - ----- . 192 --- Sudheimer APP bowed ... Peter, Against d '-- ^�7_ , 1.. -- R �. Wenzel. ..... -.-, _ _ ..,- .- .. --�- J ---' MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson -' - .......... ._ .... -......._._------------------------------ - -------------- 17145 Board of Water Commissioners 844.17 Health 162.68 ' t 86.07" St. C. & R. 14.61' Schools 41.00 Parks 242.03 Park -Ref. 91.32 Playgrounds 68121 11 1.40' C.P.U.Gen.f:dm. 25.00 Test.Lab. 101.00 I,1arkets 2.00 Garage 8.15 17146 Board of Water Commissioners' 315.08 Schools 17147 B. W. Austin, Purchasing .gent r 20.00 Bur. of Eng,- 7.00 Schools 3.00 Park -Adm. 3.75 Dater 6.25 _7= 17148 John McDpnald,Comtr. Public Utilities 439.17 Police / 8.10 St. C.& R. 73.47 Parks 31.60 Playgrounds 16.00 Public T31dgs. 310.00 ` 43977 Res.7#696-Page r#2. 5EF 17149 J. M. Clancy, C.P.R.F. 631.80 Corp. Cgunsel 10.96 G-)mptroller 44.40 Pur. Dert. 100.30 Health 21.76 " 31.76 P.Works-Adm. 4.00 Schools 11.32 " 2.50 " 35.00 Library 100.00 " 100.00 " 50.00 Park.Adm. 108.80 It" 5.00 Garage 1.00 Auditorium 5.00 i 1-7150 Wm. J. Peter, Cnm'r. Public Works 21,9:85.08 Corp. Counsel 15.00 health 1,009.55 It 401.34 St.C.& R.(Pay.) 427.13 n u n 25.50 Sewer C.& R. 1.01 " 11 80.00 " it 4.64 Bridge Bldg. 1.90 " 163.00 j 10,498.80 Schools 44.01 Parks 48.98 " -x(2.80 Garage - 4.20 Sprinkling 8,691.42 n 21,48B908 17151 Vim. j. Peter, Com'r. Public Works 913.01 Water 17152 1Ym. J. Teter, Com'r. Public Works 7,010.50 L-1521 185.72 L-1686 17.00 L-1683 81.33 L-1661 1,490.29 _ L-1661 252.00 L-1661 4 984.16 7,018.50 17153 George Sudheimer, Com'-. Public Safety 1.00' Schools 17154 George Sudheimer, Com'r. Public Safety 1,539.68 Finance- 16.29 23.04 Police 913.38 P.& F.Alarm 160.15 Health 242.78 - " 183.99 39.63 17155 George'Sudheimer, Com'r. Public Safety 98.8.28 q St. C.& R. 832.76 1114.30 it 3.75 S.& S. Cing. 1.50 Workhouse 36.55 Schools 60.72 Library 58.70 W Res.696 - Page. #3`" 17156 George Sudheimer, Com'r. Public -Safety 646.76 Bur, of Parks 41.15 It n 9.88 Park Refectories 112.71 Playgrounds 191.77 Public Bldgs. 123.63_ 120.61 Sprinkling 1.56 Forestry 45.45 6�.' _ 17157 H. C_ Wenzel, Com'r.Parks,Playgrounds & p.Bldgs. 2,597,37 Police 56.80 6V 48.0.0 " 16.,90 Health 13.30 " 139.81 98.00' " 114.67 " 300.30 n 14°40 17.80 n 6.12 St. C. & $. 90.02 Schools 317.34 Playgrounds 5400 Public Bldgs. 1.71 378.00° Garag 10.00 Q Forestry 920.20 . 2,'597.37 17158 H. C. 'Wenzel, Com'r..Parks,Playgrounds & poBldgs.., 196.57 Schools r, 17159 H.C. Wenzel, Com'r. Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldgs.' {476.79 Schools 17160 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. Parks, Playgrounds & P.Bldgs. 141.56 Schools l71bft H. C.�:`lVenzel, Com'r. Parks,Playgrounds & P. Bldgs. 340.83, Homecroft School 3.96 11 .47 n 13.83 .,� Lafayette 28.11 1.85 Vocational 41.38 5.55 Mill Street 1.79 Arcade,. 15.18 It - 1.70 it 1.85 1.85 Jefferson 17.62 . 37.48 " 9.25 'Lin*ood 30.78 n -- 21.32 it 2 3.70 .. Greenwood 7.61 It 22.95 if 2/43 " 1.02 " 33.68 " 6.09. u 31.23 4 340.83 I ■ Res.#696-Page #4 " `' i9Z 17162 H. C..'Nenzel, Com'r. Parks,Playgrounds & P.'�ldgs. 1,716.20 Hayden Heights .72 if ° 18.74 Franklin 120.74 27.88 40.99 Hamline Junior .65 Ames 284.65 " 605.44 " 11.05" " 111.31 " 8.54 50P52 6.62 . " 18.65 n 1.12 it 40.99 Richard Gordon ..12 It " 120.38 " " = 39-'-7 1 if ° 39.65 25.62 n it 7.08 it " 28.05 it " 31.46 40.57 17163 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. P4rks, Playgrounds & P.Bldgs. 3,379.31 Tilden Schoo 283.79 389.47_ IT 65.04 It �y 97.29 " 1,.72 " x.62 " 24.24 3.75 " 38.89 Mattocks 4.56 " 166.32 " 466.50 " 526.6'7 173.42 " 118.8-3 3.99 17.07 Longfellow 74.54 " 31.25 94.90 " 295.70 " 412.08 " 47.27 " 35.40 30379.31 17164 H. C. '•.Menzel, Com'r.Parks,Playgrounds & H.Bldgs. 1,077.58• Humbolt 1.19 24.58 23.36 Gorman 52.03 _ " 35.21 " 232.74 ,. " 433.73 128.26 " 15.04 3.06 50.06 Standard Unit Type "A" 4.16 / Sheridan 2,.74 e hes. #696 -Page #5 S E P _9 6 1'123 17164-Cont'd. Sheridan 8.02 5.00 41.49 16.91. 58 17165 H. C. 'denzel, Com'r. Parks,Playgrounds & P.Bldgs. 3.470.05 Randolph Hts. 511.24 11 w ti 420J96 if 97.19 tI 54.67 17.64 1.36 It 33.80 27.39 2.78 44.40 Adams 50.85 11 it 22.40 if 31.26 it 245.17 it 234.36 Madison 21.12 141.14 141.14 Jackson 223.29 it 871.14 176.74 100.01 3,470.05 - 17166 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. Parks, Playgrounds & P.i�adgs. 3,256.49 . *1 'ebuter School 51.64 56.17 659.10 Taylor 13.52 260.23 472.04 74.63 Deane 31.15 11 11.81 Groveland 45.11 381.21 293.12 71.85 18.61 3.61 22.65 35.26 31.45 42.30 Riverside (New) a 11.40 315.37 342.86 Murray Grade & Jr.High 11.40 3,M-6-.49 Res. #696 -Page #6 17167 Com'r.Parks,Playgrounds & P.Sldgs. 1,212,38 Hancock 36.20 70.58 266.97 Irving 10.80 it 79.28 it 40.63 Van Buren 53.35 " " 41.16 " 73.62 Sibley 3.00 78.58 Lincoln 50.94 126.90 4.30 . Johnson High 100.35 Ames 4.50 Franklin 4.23 Gorman 73.06 Greenwood .15 Gvnveland .34 Mattocks 12.64 Sheridan .16 Taylor 80.64 1,212.39 N Yeas C. P. No. 4730—By G..C, Sudheimer—! Resolved, That the applications_. for licenses of the following persone for, �hnndu a d ening Foodstuffs : at the addresses re hereby ingranted andicated d the City ' ad the Cleric Ills Instructed to Issueuch Ilcenaes up,- on the payment Into the city treasury of the,customnry fee: 631 \\'. Seventh Augnat Bernnrdease, St., Soft drink. _ - 636 No. Dale 9t., Robert E. Brown, (Soft drink: 4N.. J. Dufour, 437 Sibley St.. Soft ' 'drinlf. " hitke Kulebeda..18; E. Third St., Soft drink. J. J. Newest, 267.E. Fnirt121d SL, Soft }drink, - 280 E. Seventh St.. Soft Mike Rauch,. � drlrk, John Rock. 603 W. Seventh St., Soft drink. i' TonSpataford, 379 Rice St., Soft drink. J. Sullivan. 761 \\'nbneh¢ St., Soft drink. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26.:1923. Approved -Sept. 26.' 1925. (Oct. 6-1923) - V COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson u McDonald In favor 2w= Sudheim� Peter ____...Against Wenzel Mr. President BEP 261923 Adopted by the. Council - _ 192 .. ee!/ SEP 2 61923 Approved -. �i .. 192 .y Jqri A MAYOR t�- Pao CITY OF ST. MAUL O...,_O FILE NO.-------- 0- ICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^ September 26, 1923 .0 PRf75ENTED &Y ..........._......._._. _. .... DATE_. ......... b.V ... ..._......_........_......_._....._.._.._._ ....._.._. RESOLVtD That the applications for licenses of the following persons FoodstuffslLndioated be, thethe 0ltY olerkes for handling aselling is instructed hereby gTnted and the same are to issue such ljoen®es upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: August Bernardesse, 531 W. Seventh St., Soft drink Soft drink Robert E. Broom, �35 No, Dale St., 37 Sibley St., Soft drink W. J• Dufour, Mike Sulebeda, 163 E. Third St., Soft drink Soft drink 2 , Fairfield St>, J• J. Newell, 57 E 280 E. Seventh St•, Soft drink Mike Rauch, John Rook, 603' W. Seventh St•, Soft drink Soft drink Tony Spataford, 379 Rice St., Wabasha St., Soft drink J• Sullivan, 751 Yeas C. P. No. 4730—By G..C, Sudheimer—! Resolved, That the applications_. for licenses of the following persone for, �hnndu a d ening Foodstuffs : at the addresses re hereby ingranted andicated d the City ' ad the Cleric Ills Instructed to Issueuch Ilcenaes up,- on the payment Into the city treasury of the,customnry fee: 631 \\'. Seventh Augnat Bernnrdease, St., Soft drink. _ - 636 No. Dale 9t., Robert E. Brown, (Soft drink: 4N.. J. Dufour, 437 Sibley St.. Soft ' 'drinlf. " hitke Kulebeda..18; E. Third St., Soft drink. J. J. Newest, 267.E. Fnirt121d SL, Soft }drink, - 280 E. Seventh St.. Soft Mike Rauch,. � drlrk, John Rock. 603 W. Seventh St., Soft drink. i' TonSpataford, 379 Rice St., Soft drink. J. Sullivan. 761 \\'nbneh¢ St., Soft drink. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26.:1923. Approved -Sept. 26.' 1925. (Oct. 6-1923) - V COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson u McDonald In favor 2w= Sudheim� Peter ____...Against Wenzel Mr. President BEP 261923 Adopted by the. Council - _ 192 .. ee!/ SEP 2 61923 Approved -. �i .. 192 .y Jqri A MAYOR t�- RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL NO ___._4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac IY - 97 IC THE CITY CLERK - CO C SOLUTI —GENERAL FORM sv �J �i .i.1 _----.._..._...... onTE.__$eptember_ 26.,_._19?3_......... That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms or Bowling Alleys at the addresses in- dioated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Harry L. Clayton, 65 E. Fifth St., 6 Bowling Alleys Frank Matsohinger, 19 E. Fifth St. 2 Bowling Alleys J. J• Newell, 257 E. Fairfield 2 Pool tables Geo. H. Staples, 384 Prior Ave. 3 Bowling Alleys Over 1000 ft from school C. F. No. 48731—By G. C. Sudhelmer—' Reeolved, Thnt the. GSC fou licenses of he following persona for ond>olroome Bowling Al - ]eye ddr... SS Indicated be, and the Same are hereby granted and the City Cleric is instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Harr Y L Clayton, 66 E. Fifth Street. 8 -Bowling Alleys., Frank Matschinger, 19 E. Fifth St., 2 Bowling Alleys. J. J. Newell, 257 E. Fairfield Ave., 21 Pool.Tables. Goo. H. Staples, 384 _Prior Ave., 3 Bowling Alleys. o- 1,000 feet from hoof. Adopted by the Council Sept. 2G1923. Approved Sept. 26. 1923. (Oct. 6-1923) i COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ _ .In favor "X Sudheirm\er Peter ._ \..__-Against Wenzel Mr. President' Adopted by the C�nal)0 - STP. 2_6 192_. ___192._... Ap ro d__ _ 9E.P 61923 192_ _. neon TY OF ST. PAUL FOUNCH. i FILE No•---- / FICE OFT E CITY CLERK O CIL S TION—GENERAL FORM P!�ENTED BY, ........_.._......_....__.. DA'Y�__..q�ptemlie T_�pO9 1" 23 COMMISSI ONER.--._......._.._-_..._.._.....-_........ .... .............. - ._.........._......._......_........... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- struoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Anthony gaehn, 8th & Cedat Sts., Carbone Bros., '369 E. Seventh St., J. r. Dorse, 748 Tatum St. Yeas C. P. No. 48732—By G. C. Sudhelmer— Resolved, That the ap,llcations for Ilcenses of the following V rsone for conducting the Butcher business at tNo eddressea Indicated be ndthe same are hereby granted and the City Clerk la instructed to Issue such licensee up; on the payment Into the city treasury of the customary fee-. Anthony Keehn. 8th Ind Cedar Ste. Carbone Bras.. 111 E. (Seventh St. Dorse, 748 Tatum St. Adopted by the Council Sept. 28, 1923. Approved Sept. 26, 1923. (Oct. 6-1923) COUNCILMEN ' Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor -3�n Sudheer Peter Q Against Wenzel Mr. President SEP 2 6193 192 Adopted by the Council ...._.... SEP 2 61923 .4p Deed_ _ 1 19/2_--- 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL FiE""`No..__ °---- �1 77OF OF T//yyam/CITY CLERK - t . EO,LINESOLUT'��ENERAL FORM` �a WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given Dampier - Baird Co. to L`perate a certain automobile `as a taxi in the City of St. Pa«l pursuant to Ordinance ko- 5866, and License No. 88 was issu>d thereon; and WHEREAS, Liability Policy Np 454593 was filed in com- plianoe with said Ordinance No. 5866 covering said automobile, Dampier -Baird Co. appearing as principal, and the General Accidept. Assurance Co. appearing as surety; and WHEREAS, Said General Accident Assurance Co. has notified \ the City, in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5866 of the expiration of said Policy on September 28, 1923, and has sub- mitted Policy No. 718183, expiring on September 28, 1924 in substitution thereforg now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. 454593 be an$ the same is hereby cancelled and Liability Policy No. 718183 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided, that said cancellation shall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of expiration. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ In favor MM,y Sudheiar Peter - -.---.__-....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ -SEP 2 61923 192 _. i SEP 2 61923 AP owed 192. AYOR COUNCILMEN 92. FRX COUNCIL No.. IF Z-. :the �W14-.2Z and St. between F U ler St. and Sixth. St:, d Pro: COUNCIL Re d I.r. 36861; P- . '-'2 '% .1P,'drAo`1r , 19 i�'a Order C. V. No. 46043, approved PRESENTED BYr of Public I We I rks October 10, 19225- - coMMlSSlo NER.- report and sketch .. . ............ . heit y of St. P RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade St. between Fauquier street and sixth Street, under Preliminary Order 0 go: #36661, approved August 16, 1921, and Intermediary Order 0: , F. X48043, approved August 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works',having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lariA, to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: All that part of Lots 10 to 16, inclusive, Block 1 6churmeier's seventh street Addition that lies east of a iine drawn from the Southeast corner of Lot 10 to a point on the North line of Lot 16 that is 3,7 ft. west of the west line of -Are " ads St. All that part of Lot 4, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition that lies west of a line drawn from a point on the south line of said Lot, 16 ft. east of the east line of Arcade 6t. to the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Hill's Addition. All that part of Lot 14, Otto Subdivision of Block 106, Lyman Dayton's Addition, that lies westerly Of the following described line. Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 14, thence (Dn a straight; line to a point that is 6 feet east of a point on the west line of said lot, 23 feet north of the southwest corner of same, thence north and parallel to said west line of lot to a point about 54 feet north of the southwest corner and thence on a curve to the right of 16 ft. radius to the south- easterly line of seventh street. All that part of Lot 3, Brastg Place and of the 3 ft. reserved strip between said lot 3 and 6innen street that lies easterly of the following described line; beginning at a point on the northeast line of 6innen Street that is 26 ft. west of the west line of Arcade St., thence northeasterly in a straight line to the west line of Arcade St. passing through a point that is 16 ft- east ofthesoutheast corner of the dwelling house of said Lot 3. A triangular piece in the east corner of Lot 12, B. 6innen's subdivision of Block 10, Lyman Dayton's Addition, measured 10 ft. on 6innen and 16 ft. on sixth St. 4 FRX COUNCIL No.. IF Z-. :the �W14-.2Z and St. between F U ler St. and Sixth. St:, d Pro: COUNCIL Re d I.r. 36861; P- . '-'2 '% .1P,'drAo`1r , 19 i�'a Order C. V. No. 46043, approved PRESENTED BYr of Public I We I rks October 10, 19225- - coMMlSSlo NER.- report and sketch .. . ............ . heit y of St. P RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade St. between Fauquier street and sixth Street, under Preliminary Order 0 go: #36661, approved August 16, 1921, and Intermediary Order 0: , F. X48043, approved August 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works',having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lariA, to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: All that part of Lots 10 to 16, inclusive, Block 1 6churmeier's seventh street Addition that lies east of a iine drawn from the Southeast corner of Lot 10 to a point on the North line of Lot 16 that is 3,7 ft. west of the west line of -Are " ads St. All that part of Lot 4, Johnstone's Subdivision of Block 112, Lyman Dayton's Addition that lies west of a line drawn from a point on the south line of said Lot, 16 ft. east of the east line of Arcade 6t. to the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Hill's Addition. All that part of Lot 14, Otto Subdivision of Block 106, Lyman Dayton's Addition, that lies westerly Of the following described line. Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 14, thence (Dn a straight; line to a point that is 6 feet east of a point on the west line of said lot, 23 feet north of the southwest corner of same, thence north and parallel to said west line of lot to a point about 54 feet north of the southwest corner and thence on a curve to the right of 16 ft. radius to the south- easterly line of seventh street. All that part of Lot 3, Brastg Place and of the 3 ft. reserved strip between said lot 3 and 6innen street that lies easterly of the following described line; beginning at a point on the northeast line of 6innen Street that is 26 ft. west of the west line of Arcade St., thence northeasterly in a straight line to the west line of Arcade St. passing through a point that is 16 ft- east ofthesoutheast corner of the dwelling house of said Lot 3. A triangular piece in the east corner of Lot 12, B. 6innen's subdivision of Block 10, Lyman Dayton's Addition, measured 10 ft. on 6innen and 16 ft. on sixth St. I CITY OF ST. P,L COUNCIL No. -0. 8 -7,,4 .N ------ -- --- -- - OFFICE OF THE CIT -'CLERK ~ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 26, 1923. RESOLVED - p In the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade Street between Fauquier Street and Sixth Street, under Preliminary order C. F. #35861, approved August 13, 1921, and Intermediary order C. F. #48043, approved August 28, 1923. The Commissionerlof Public works having submitted his report and sketchlin the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: � ulu plooc ur �n 1 nl i i the s„�Ili:;.':��,�i'����I �' .f Lnt•'��n11uo��la '� ILL 1 1 u` 9999 lit I- IIS \ 1 I I t I !V1 r I I 1V 1 1 1 L _t f 1'11 1 II LI1 11 'I'1 t 11 It r I f ' H lo,. 1 >' '111 I . lY- - [ I I 1 1 11 f t l r 7• L \2 /�1✓tpV' i I: I I.i I 11 I 11 LSI 1 1 t \\ 'L LI i� �• 11 tl N --ll 111 i �1'I' 1 1 L ti; L r1 i 1 - 11 I t x•11 1' 1 -� / 11 - COUNCILMEN Nays \n, , I. un i1 r` Iy r1 .ed by the Council_ - ___ ..---- ...... ____192 _... 4 1,.L 1! It. Clancy °i I I:1�„a: 111 1.1:II:, I, n,�y �Ir. ndd.0 n. n. , 1 t Iltd 11; n. Ferguson Approved _ _ _ _192..... McDonald _ -._ In favor Matson mgYOF Peter --... ...-Aga111St Wenzel ✓ `,'IIl Mr. President Yeas R I3�iiliunt tl. prier, e-animissiato a, Me.Mallettc, 7rputg Tammissioner Department of Public Barks Gtv of guynt Paul M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER l,GEORGE M, SH EPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL:[ In the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade Street between Fauquier Street and Sixth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36861, approved August 13, 1921, and Intermediary Order C, F. #48043, approved August 28, 1923, To the Council of the City of Ste Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: .\ I Illy i II I:�� ul' Rrnll lld i I tll� ' .\III II;:I�ill I Illln' _\il�ll li�i ll. f.. \I:1�11� II.i II:I .�L. .i 11 tl II VI III�II All ul li Commissioner of Public Works. '..t _AJdlt III: II, st d.1 Iroui�il ild AII. \I-ri 111 Datedlu 11 llcll lill rt I Lnt �. .1nLu=o m.'n ,Septo P bdlclnum �,,,- . 26, d III h 11" I.--1 ll �:Idi:ii�u th.rt Ilr� eL ul 1.1 'I'.ul' 1�9 II. b:u=tlluf ILS"I:.ct lino I nt�/+ �uhJicl=l�nl. ��Il :i�lc l: IOLII�i .�'Inll11 :;... ..., r.�i„ti nl 1. Lslll.ln \.lilltiun ml lhal P.i l'L of Lul ��Ilr �� ala:✓., sl.I:d,I. Illat m�. I ` .,i liu,. dr:�tl'n n„m,Ill l:c nl11��1,1 ..I id L: I ISI I ul: •� ,.\,.I'I li I'. n.. `��I' rlldll ��I, �1I [�Ii�l c�.1�:t ul III, I::i.l li ll,• .\I::i�li. .�I. '.t. Ildl II' Ii IIS '.:II ll I' 1111....\'��I'l 11 I ail I�: �vl Slatll �llli�l'u- �I 1'111 1111 Illi I`I`i 111 I lili ,Ir,i I'll SII II.. I.;`i. i�l ISI III�- r �Ii:i�i��ll ,:1 Illr�.11ll l\�. 1.�'l i:l lltll l:i cl�in'� .\il Ali ti��ll �111it I” I:. Il li:ll� . ��f 1:1 i1�.1: IU. IMI 11111 .\ylil llvi��ll. Ili I't- ��II .�Itl lig II .I llyl Ili fl.::ll U Vtp ®f affit HENRY OLSON /�{ ,au1 CITY CLERIC (Office of � ffv (91Crk Saptombor 26th, 1923 s ,r gon. Jomeo P1. Clancy, Commioolonor of Pinono'i Dour Sir: H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK % oneloao horowith Council Pilo Do. 48734, in tho matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade Street botwoon Paugulor and Sixth Streeto. Thia M. tter wan laid over to Octobor 10th, cud reforred to you and Commiooloner Potor for report of new plono and oaaooemonto, as anggeoted by the Council. 1 also oncl000 Po- tation of Remonstrance in the above matter, for aback. Yonra very truly,.--, / Az_I one. v/ 'CI 7 ,CL %. (i September 26th' 1923 lion. James td. Clancy. Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sirs I enclose horerith Council Pile No. 48734, in tho'mattor of opening, widening and extending Arcade Street bottizoen hauquier and Sixth Streeto. This matter u -4c laid over to October 10th, and referred to you and Commissioner Peter for report of new plane and ascoesmehi-4, as suggested by the Council. I also enclose Pe- tition of Remonstrance in the above matter, for check., Yours very truly, one. CITY CLERIC. Arcade at Maryland Phone Tower 3413 Maryland Drug Company a Prescription Druggists St. Paul, Minnesota �4, -7 v -7 EnNST A. 07 ro, President h 'i ., W. K. Mr=n Corresponding Secretary HENn7 OL40N, Vice President EDWARD F. Miumn, Financial Secretary F. M. BLOMQuisT, 2nd VicePresident 1 BEND, F. KEENKAMP, Treasurer D.A-, Y I ONS BLUFF COMMERCIAL CLUB, Inc. REGULAR MEETINGS Second and Fovrth,Monday E'venlna. At 8.15 770 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. September 25, 1923. The Honorabzle, The City Council, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - At, our regular club meeting held Monday September 2�th, 1923, the matter of the widening of ArGade'Street from East Sixth to Fauquier was brought up _br discussion. This project as outlined would entail a. confiscatory assessment on many of the property owners along these streets. It is the opinion that then major pari: of the expense should be met by other means than, outlined. A resolution Was passed that the club go on record as being opposed to the plan of widening Arcade Street•as outlined, and a copy ordered spread upon the minutes of the meeting. `DAYTOB? BL FF 0M,;ERCIAL CLUB By Corresponding Secretary. ERNsT A. OTTo, President W. K. Mtt.EEn, Corresponding-Secretary - HE_vDr OMON; Vice President EDWARD F. MaxER, Financial Secretary F. M. 131.0mQuisT, 2nd Vice President BEN]. F. KMNKAntp,. Treasurer DAYT(-Y" S BLUFF COMMERCIAL CLUB, Inc. - REGULAR MEETINGS Second and Fourth ;AloadaT Evening, At Ss15 770 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. a October 9, 1923. The Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Hinn. Gentlemen: - At our regular club meetin;; held Monday October oth, 1923 the question of :ric.eniig Arcade Street frcra East Sixth to Faucui er ..,as again brought up. in a cos'munication sent you under date of September 25th, you were informed that this club had gone on record as being opposed to the widening as outlined at that time; that the ascess- r<ent levied .could be confiscatory and that the major part of the expense should be met by other means . 7e have since been .informed that the plans have been modified and this club has gone on record as endorsing the proposition if the expense entailed is raet out the -funds supplied for such purposes by the city and county. Very truly yours, DAYTOIGS BS BLUE COM:.?ERCIAL CLUB By rrgt',=/I�0 Cprresponding Secretary ■■■■ ■■■■��1■■■■■ ■■f■■■moi■� PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE In the matter of opening, widening and extending A cade St. between Fauquier St. and Sixch St. under preliminary or- der #35861 approved August C15 1921. /51 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned resident owners and agents of resident owners of real property fronting on Arcade Street between Fauquier Street and Sixth Street comprising more than sixty per cent of stch resident uuners and agents of owners and more than fifty per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of the proposed improvement of the opeintdg, widening and extending of Arcade Street between Fauquier Street and Sixth Street do respectfully petition the City Council of the City of St. Paul and remonstrate against said improvement as provided in Section 243 of the City Charter. 1. Said proposed improvement is unnecessary; that.no de- mand hasibeen made therefore b the parties affected; that no bene- fits gill be derived whatever therefrom and the beauty of the street will be destroyed. 2. That the proposed paving which has been orderedand for which contracts have been let, of Wheelock Parkway will absolutely relieve the traffic now imposed upon Sixth and Arcade streets. a, That the preliminary order for said improvement is two years old and the property owners affected have had no opportunity to consider and confer about its alleged necessity; benefits and costs and Sec. 240 of the Charter requires investigation to be made forthwith and a statement of assessed values reported based on the County assessors last report at the time of the preliminary order. Your petitioners are informed and believe that this procedure a been ignored. ✓ b v / Z �wv n ` ' C,l' i'PYF ,,..'IY ) STAT -P: Oa I;tIFr, :50TH ) being first duly scorn under oath, den,oses and says, that he is one of the signers on the foregoing sheet, that- have sired against the proposed ii,provement and do hereby certify that the foregoing list of names is true and correct petition to the beet of knowledge and belief. STATT: OF COl !va OF On this _day of refore mn personally —.P -I c:recli/n(71io me r K personally lMocn to t)e the person named in and aho executed the foregoing instrument :..nd A� cjMo,7led -eri the same to be free act and dded. IPeb}�c, Rcsee-r cawrr4y, i Willfam I petet, i A triangular piece in the,east corner of Lot 12, B. Sinnen's Subdivision of Block 10, Lyman Dayton'e Addition, measured 10 ft. on Sinnen and 16 ft, on Sixth St, o i stoner ox Public cor s. Dated October,, 10, 1925. o ' M is rK f - DEPAI OF ST. PAUL R MENT OF FINANCE ` Y REPORT O.F CO�rC1SSIONER OF FINANCE ,J ON PRELIMINA�ARDER (A)_ In the matter of Open, widen & extend Arcade St., between Fauquier St. and Sixth St. . under Preliminary Order approved Aug 13 1921 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3� w The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - S 3•ao -;6z ,ao The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 18 39 'Arlington Hills Add. to 1,450 St. Paul ( t3lks.41 to 44 and 50 to 59) to 1 Sehurmeier's Seventh St. 850 Add. to St. Paul. 11 1 do 750 12 1 )) do $75 South of alley 13 1 ) do North of alley 1 1 do 3,075 15 1 do 756 .. _. ._ 16 1 do 2,800 TOTAL. � f - a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE ' i ON �IIMINA�Y ORDER �h 1 (EI) ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT DESCRIPTION BLOCK 4 JC Yuistone's Subdivision 5500, of Block 112 of Lyman ;;.. Dayton's Addition to St, Paul. ' Otto's. Subdivision of Blk. 2000"- 1 14 1051 Lyman Dayton's Add- 825 ition to St. Paul. 1'q. Grube's Subdivision of 315 0 ' l 29 Block 104 o£ Lyman Dayton's 2225 IJorth 1/3 of Lots 27, 28 & South 82 ft. (addition to St. Paul. 700 ell worth 39 feet of 29 do 3000 of Lots 27, 28 & & Lots 27,28 29 do r mouth 13 feet of 850 r 1 Braatz Place, St, Paul, 2100' 2 t+iinn. do 1800 3 A strip of land 3 feet wide on the Torthea sterly side of Sinnen St. , s out of lelar aret 5100 Place, Part of Blk. 10, Lyman do Dayton's Addition. B. Sinnen's Subdivision Of 2425 12 10 Blks. W. 10 & 22 of Lyman Dayton's 1,ddition. 1 Grebe's Subdivision of Blk. Addition ) ) 12000 s 2 97, Lyman Dayton's 3100 { 3 to St. Paul. 1825 6 I,1ar6aret Place 6 Schurmeier's Seventh St- 6000 900 .3 4 3 �idditi.on to Sto. Paul. 2350 f` d 5 3 d o 1700 12 2 Johnstone's Subdivi? p sonos 3 Blk. 112 of Lyman lla 600 Addition to S't. Paul. 1 59 ArlinSton Hills 1�ddition 2350 3400 ' South -` of 17 and 18 54 to St. Paul (B1lcs, 41 t,o 'S4 44 Ec 50-59) 3900 North of 17 and 18 1 54 do 850 875 1 53' d0 ' TOTAL STI PAUL 1 CITTI OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- � REPORT OFC ?"" 14ISSIO iNER OF FINANCE � ON PR 'LIMINAL ORDER (B) _.. DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hills Addition to St. Paul 6250 15 3 do 4500 16 2 do 3500: 15 2 do 5950 15 � 1 do 1300 That part of 'driest of West of Southwest of Section 28, Town 29, Range 22, lying liorth of hills Addition and Southerly of the Southerly Right of ',Jay of $t. Paul & Duluth Railway. 30000 That strip of land lying Southerly of a line 50 feet idortherly from and parallel with the original line of L. S. & M., now Northern Pacific Ry. Co. and northerly of Northerly Right of flay line of C. St. P. In. &. 0. Ry. Co. , over and across the South- i west g of Section 28, Town 29, Range 22. 25825 _A strip of land 100 feet in width extending from East line of Right of '.1ay of Northern Pacific Ry. to East line of Section 29 and being 44 feet on Eorth side and 56 feet on South side of line of Railroad. Part of Southeast w of Section 29, T. 29, R.22. 10600 Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of ;:lock il, Arlington ..Hills, 100 feet :iortherly at right angles from the liortherly line of the C. St. P. 1,.,I. & 0. R. R. Right of ':Jay, thence Easterly par- _allel with said right of way to a point 286.70 feet 'lest at right angles from the mast line of Section 29, thence North to the Southerly line of the I+orthern Pacific R. R. dight of day thence Easterly along said right of way to the 3ast line of Section 29, thence South along said East line to the aforesaid ],iortherly line of the C. St. P. :.: b:. 0. R. R. Ri,^;ht of ,day, thence iiesterly along said icight of :Jay to tae Southeast corner of the aforesaid Block 41, thence Northerly to beginning, beim in the Southeast of Southeast z of Section 29,'iown 29, Range 22. - 19050 P. strip of land 100 feet in width, lying idorth of the C. St. P. Ito. E: 0. Ry. Right of ',9ay in t.,e Southeast = of Southeast of 'Section 29, Town 29,Range 22. 27500 o Commencing at the intersection of East line of Section 29 with Northerly line of Right of :day of Northern Pacific Ry. , thence .'North along section line to a point 24.79 feet .South from €� 'corner, thence Westerly at an angle of 93 degrees, 55 minutes, fi with said East section line 295 feet to a point on said <= line, -thence West -129.4 feet, thence at right angles Southerly to intersection with Northerly right of xray line, thence Easterly along said Right of ',;'ay line to beginning; Part of Southeast a I of Section 29,TocnZ 29, iange 22, (1.17 acres) 2600 10 Auditor's Subdivision No. 8000 3 57, St. Paul, Mdnnesota. 1000 2 do 71775 �::...... TOTAL CIT-AOP 6Tm PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR LIMINAV ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 18 24 OakVille Park (B's 13-24) 1 24 do TOTAL rd' ASSESSED VALUATION X300 a 350 2;50 1150' 2150 350 350 1225 3600 3000 2300 2100 1250 1350 1600 2000 2150 350 350 1225 3025 2700 500 650 10800 6075 12650 1900 1650 4475 5725 7600 2550 2850 2850 800 1700 2200 1125 2900 700 1850 53 00 1650 25 Charles rieide's Subdivision 24 " of 13lock-10 of Arlington 23 Hills ,ddition to 'St. Paul 22 do 21 do , 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do 18 30 Arlington Hills [_ddition South 50 feet of 1 and 2 30 to St. Paul (Blks l to 40 ;orth 35 ' of South 851 of 1 &2 30 and 45 to 49) r4orth 40 feet of 1 and do 8 Charles 'tieide's Subdivision 7 of the %ast ; of Block 31 of 6 do 5 do 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 dD 40 feet of 16, 17 & 18 21 Arlington Hills Addition —South South 35 1 of north 851 1.6,17 &18 21 to St. Paul (Blks. 1 to South 251 of IT. 501 of 16,17 &„18 21 40. & 45 to 4do Worth 25 feet of 16, 17 & 18 21 do South ZL0 feet of 1� 2 & do zk South 40' of N.85 of 1 & 2 21 do Y north 45 feet of 1 & do South 100 feet of 16 20 do North 25 feet of 18 20 do South 25 feet of 16, 17 & 18 11 -South 401 of N.,100' of 16, 17 &18 11 do idorth 60 feet of 16, 17 & 18 11 do n.:. 111 do r South 651 of E. 40' of 18 10 do 60' of %. 401 of 18 10 do rnorth South 45 feet of 1 10 do e> South 40' of N. 801 of 1 10 '. North 40 feet of 1 10 do South 35 feet of 17 and 18 E. hI. Iackubin's Subdiv- -North 90 feet of 17 and 18 ision og Block 1, Arling- South 40.8 feet of 1 and 2 ton Hill's tiddition. North 85 feet of 1 and 2 do 18 24 OakVille Park (B's 13-24) 1 24 do TOTAL rd' ASSESSED VALUATION X300 a 350 2;50 1150' 2150 350 350 1225 3600 3000 2300 2100 1250 1350 1600 2000 2150 350 350 1225 3025 2700 500 650 10800 6075 12650 1900 1650 4475 5725 7600 2550 2850 2850 800 1700 2200 1125 2900 700 1850 53 00 1650 Elf .. Cj"OP STrPAUI. G . �} q DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE d REPORT OFCP ISSIONER OF FINANCE f'9 ON PR LIMINAF ORDER (B) -. - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ABBEBBED VALUATION DESCRIPTION 19 2 iilliam's rearrangement 6001050 18 2 of Block 7 & part of Blk. . 4, ldelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul. South 40 feet of 13 and 14 4 Nelson's Addition. r 3875 South 40' of north 85' of 13& 14 4 do 4475 Y.orth 45 feet of 13 and 12 do 6125 4 South 75 feet of 16 and 17 ,jilliam's Rearrangement of Block 3, Nelson's i:ddition 7500 1150 ?North 50 feet of 16 and' 17 15 to the City of St. Paul. 875 South I'0 feet of 14 and do 2575 North 40' of S.80' of 14 and 15 do 3225 Piorth 45 feet of 1= and 15 South 83.5 feet of 16 and 17 2 E. i,1. mackubin's 2nd Add- the City of St. 5750 1400 Worth 41.5 feet of 16 and 17 2 ition to 2275 South 24.5 feet of 14 and 15 2 Paul. do 3300 South 50' of N. 88 ft. of 14 &15 2 2300 .:orth 38, feet of 14 and 15 2 doo 12800 South 52.09 feet of 16, 17 & ' 18 1 do 2675 South 30' of 11orth 60.50 &: do East 14' of 11.1 30.50' of 16, 17 and 18 1 Plorth 30.5 feet (Except East do 2800 14 feet) Lots 16, 17 and 18 1 do 3550 So 85 ft. of 13, l4 and 15 1 do 1775 north 40 feet of 13, 14 and 15 1 3 Loclnrood's l.dditi on to the 170016 15 3 City of at. Paul. 3000 2525 x:d ,` South 45 feet of 16 and 17 o 2 do 3525 N', (rcc, South 45 ft) 16 and 17 152 2 do ) (Except North 40 feet) do ) 4250 lborth 40 feet of 15 2 South 40 feet of 16 and 17 16 3astville 13eights do 1425 2350 north 42' of 5.82' of 16 and 17 16 do 600 (Except South 82 felt) 16 &: 17' 16 do 1175 (Dccept ':forth 60 feet) 14 & 15 16 d ° .9275 iJorth 60 feet of 13, 11 & 15 16 do 3500 16 9 do 9 700 15 18 19 OakVille Park (B's 13 -24) 3550 1 19 do 400 TOTAL Corucnoinm at , ,Iy m tho my line of lot I nuditors9ubd. 850 50 14 hnre t' In salm is Utopseuted by the 1, line of the 7. 37:3, ft.' of lot 12, heroin0ter do.scribod thence S. along the line produced to a point 75 ft. fron Fifth W. , Mence the aforesaid My 11ne 2B ft., thence .1y 34 ft. . to a point on , y the East line of of Lot, 1, ti,ie s,�,:lo 2-s intursected I thonce SQ, I-rcade St. the ..,Iy xlojj;-: said Nly line 16 ft. Oft. )jur oased at rQht Mics to the said Ely line to a point 47 105 ft '' !Y e wly linu of said lot, measured anO . -�t,h parallel to 1�ly ...... �1, vallol,pith said MY Line of said lots 142, the tj mrner of said lot, thnnce tn the corner thereof, thmay to beEinninC; also thu part of lot 13, lyinF Ely Of the foresid SIly line of Lot 2 produced across said lot 13 and (except the Vest 37.34 ft) Lot 12, Stinsons Subdivision of Block 06, LTjan Dayton's Md. to St. Paul, TOTAL CITY OF sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CaJMISSIONER OF FINANCE Old PIRELIMIM4T ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION A56ESSED .. VALUATION - ! ;l -Y cor- Luditor I s Sub. 1±0..13,13, at the ..,_,i 3150 of lot 1, thence al onr' Q10 paul, ann. .ly line of Said lot tO 0. ft. tay irmn !h e :3- nine16 line of Lrmde 9t. Memo SO` to a point 47 f" mamma at anrlos to the Said -ly ft.-) ' line and 10-,Jy 1,71'071 the %11-1line of saidlot mo :clued parallel with said ,p line, wonne Mv unrallol 7:01, Mid illilQ-1bS ft, to offline of QQ St. thonco to 1)oint of bQinnin7, at Owl" 31715 ft. Of Luditor'sSrb.itc. 13, 2375 the S 100 ft. Of lot I St, pLul, .,inn. - .,J- 7-5 ft. of the t !'u -ly 100 ft. Of 10", at of the �o st line of 1725 camuncur Arcade st, and the Nly line of Lot 1, ixd1tO2's 3uh. ym 13, thence orth aong said E. line of Lreade M. Quid of nzk 5th St. thanow 0 st On to the SOUM-' V7.54 ft, thenctj south 75 ft, in. Solth Ono of )krt. M-Lence ust 26ft, thown 4 34 ft. tc berinnin7 4 ft.-Ok lot. 'Ast 37 " of miditors Swn x, 13 &nd the Let 1, f D, ytons low. Sub. of BY 96 0 12, Stimons Corucnoinm at , ,Iy m tho my line of lot I nuditors9ubd. 850 50 14 hnre t' In salm is Utopseuted by the 1, line of the 7. 37:3, ft.' of lot 12, heroin0ter do.scribod thence S. along the line produced to a point 75 ft. fron Fifth W. , Mence the aforesaid My 11ne 2B ft., thence .1y 34 ft. . to a point on , y the East line of of Lot, 1, ti,ie s,�,:lo 2-s intursected I thonce SQ, I-rcade St. the ..,Iy xlojj;-: said Nly line 16 ft. Oft. )jur oased at rQht Mics to the said Ely line to a point 47 105 ft '' !Y e wly linu of said lot, measured anO . -�t,h parallel to 1�ly ...... �1, vallol,pith said MY Line of said lots 142, the tj mrner of said lot, thnnce tn the corner thereof, thmay to beEinninC; also thu part of lot 13, lyinF Ely Of the foresid SIly line of Lot 2 produced across said lot 13 and (except the Vest 37.34 ft) Lot 12, Stinsons Subdivision of Block 06, LTjan Dayton's Md. to St. Paul, TOTAL . CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - !`` REPORT OF CaUMISS19NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIMPQY ORDER (B� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION i 4E St ins on' s Subdivision of- 500 -� Block go of Ly Dmn Daytons Addition to St. Pant. 7 22 Si nnonl s Subdivision 1050 of Ulks 7, 10 and 22 of L mn D"tons Mition. 6 22 do 7650 ce pt part taken for Frunces St.) '�t part S. of a line drain ��u_m11c7 0 it, fpm:: a point on the _ .. of opo St. 160 ft. from the youth 5 22 do 10A line of said Gtn Street of t south of ncos - _ S'nnen's Md. of -, o !in& drs4n py: .', 10 and 22 of ] ,pian parallel to ath St. from a , ton^ dl t ton. D .. 7, 1,_n , of HOW jtro-q Ino ft, fron 3. 1 0 Gtn 1 . of Toa -. �,� of �. _ .. ., do vhnt port Of lots 1-2-V- 22 do 1650 a g j _:ort.h of Yponcos Sheet. and -,lso , _ Of x alley as vawtod all. awe altay as8 2'2 do 775 vacoted (xc—t n rt tc:Jcen . ` for Opon AnS Of P.. `nc8s St''� 9 22 do :1700 p .l0 '2 do In 10 do 1550 :I (15 10 do 2'15 (12 10 60 %€ X11 10do s' 25 Grube' s Subd` v i.s i on of x':00. . nicak 07, Lywn Dr7tons Wditicn to St.Paul. 26 . C10 1150 27 TOTAL Cin OF ST. PAUL - "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE d' REPORT OF CC44MISSIpNER OF FINANCE < ON PRELIMiK Y ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2fl GruiboTs Subdivision of 2000 -" nlocl, 07, Lyman ,.a -,;tons a do 12000 i + ?0 ; •ta l St:bdivi.:i o? 500 , 5f o,_ on to nll d0 000 do 000 i do C00 5 c..rr;er t. 'le.c;e 2300 cl o 1S ,0 ;lo 2100 Schurr.h-0:'s 5oventh Pdd, 700. to ,^.int. P"V1. 3 do 700 1 e I- li Go (11 2 de , o0 (].0 do 9 do 800 2 10 7000 2 d0 _ 6010 7 d0 550 0 1 do 1%'00 37 1 d 0 I � n 0G'c01 3rhd'tr �siop of Loi:. 15 o: 0; -.oT a :hdiv, 2375 do _0,70 do _075 1'= ott of s I dl vi sion of ^_C,OQ of 1, D-05 of I:- t... of t 1` to . ul. � . e , to do 3700 _ t `. 0 12 ?(-).25 ft. TOTAL - OITY OF 9t. PAUL 112 of T, --;.Ll], DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE ' FINANCE to St. Paul. t R PORT OF C ifMISSC NER OF d0 7000. ON PRELIMIN'Y ORDER o E, 00 do 7050 (B) ( ... 10 1C_ 00 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION x; ` i, G, n c;t oP l2 Ottols Stbd:_vis_.cn of ".100 S „ lv 31ocL 105 of T nnul ,'.tons 1. 2500. 10 1dcl. to 0 800 ( 'ne st, feet) la cio 2G5..0 . '700 ast. . f o't of 13 do 750 . 7';E0 - 112 of T, --;.Ll], to St. Paul. r d0 7000. o E, 00 do 7050 ( ... 10 1C_ 00 ( cl o _-; 5 i11s ._diitt.on to 1700 lv 1. 2500. 10 0 800 1,1 do '700 to ., io 7';E0 12 do 1=OU 17 oz :i311s ..fly, to x.500 5Q tO' ;SJ% - l( 6J do r00 15 50 30 X25 3 50 do 500 5 50 (1 10 075 t59 do 75 , 1G 2 Bills . id'ii. i on to 5500 ,. 17 lo 3500 . . •e 1C; 2 (lo 1,"- Q , 19 2 d o 1650 . .. d o ,0., 0 5 TOTAL __- TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE FINANCE v RFORT OF MISSIPNER OF ON PRELIMIN`, Y ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 ills J. (I .tion 'e.o 5'I„ Pa r1. 1650 io 1000 1[ 2 12 2 CIO 1400 l0 1500 In 1- c]O 7� 00 0 1000 CIO 1000 18 ;,n rt,on 'I_11 dd to 5400 of 171 an;; t . YntJ. 3 41 t o 44 Z: 16 50 to 59 3900 ?nrt.h of 17 and 1-500 1G 5,1 do 900 '10 1 _ do ;tpp 54 rlo 2600 5_ do g ,^2C - J 5J do - 4 5:: d0 1625 5000 or o.)cn , 28, of o cn nnat rt of 7n f orf,Y of !fill M, i, oil ` �oan. 9 l * iarCht of of an : o.lt,l_� 1 Of ""c outLc . Sc. ]'attl and Duluth iiy. , o +reef ) 25820 ]part 1-1110y'one:'-� end ,0 f t . ii . Ya ^ i an ] u _. 1 th the c it ] line of l'It land d n, -,,a el lro I?`. Co.and +13 north. Pacific L and i, 10 ; ^ r ° .. ° { of i!' ly ,-ht, o O 3sni-e 212. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL RTMENT OF FINANCE R ORT OF �ZMISSIPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAQY ORDER (6) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS VALUATION (7xcept part taken for opening Arcade Street) 10600 A strip of load 100 feet in width ootonding fron wast line of nkht Of M Of Aorthern Pacific M� to-15st line, of section 29 I -Id I)oInr �., feet. on !Torth side and 56 feet on sorth ride of line Of ')art of Southeast 1 of section an Town. 29 wngo 22. (Exacy part taken for opuninu incade WX00t) I0050 Co3,iioncin7 at. , point on the line of Pah 51, Arlin7ton hills, ioo feet. -�ay at, rig -,ht anrJos fron the ny line of tID �:- - Sight of ;j,.y, thonc(, 7.1parallel with said riCht of RY to a point 286.70 1 e wOst at 1 7,11t ' l e' fro -I he 0, line of 3action W9, thance north to the 611-y line of 'M -t once 747 of ,,,..-Ie orthei,ia Pacific right alon7 said right of way to the Enst line of Section 29 My thanco Sol:',: ale m mid .,est line to the aforesaid line & W Q T- .1'. � - ": 0- _ ii - of -c00-,-, V once My '� (, h - -I' 'c Rios r an id 0, hi, o' � 0 th(� SO,,'� 11(,"s' r2 r Of aforescid 110 41, thence to 2-11 the South' ot , of Southe'.ri' ' of "'own.29 (Encept part Won Mw openiny m-nde, BMW 27500 ,,j, of 1,,d 100 ff:cjt, in i;idt,h 101'ih U f 'Llinl 0. mlryt of 7�y in the Sout lie '73 nar * of :Icctlon39, '_'e3 n. 2w, RjnFe 22. CanoWn- , 1. the Tntnrs.nion of mu;, of Section 29 2000 0,, ri,jj+ of :!I -y o_1T. P. thence P. alonq section IM to I. P01111, 2'1-79 fee', South from I . . I A coTncT, thunco lay 0 an anFlo of 03 darroes 55 nin. with sa"d e&Aon 11— 295 fOut to a poi:'. on said : line, nhence woo 12"6 fum , thence at r!Qt angles 311y to intersection with ally r1li of any jon,thonce MY plonr s0d Rirht of ".'ay !ino to harrinninf7. Part of of TOTAL t,. ' (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE CMISSIONER OF FINANCE RV.7ORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK VALUATION t+ 10 1.L'.d O'P 3ul]diviSio tl do, 07, _ 1000 CIO, 111175 . .,� ;h.�.rl:a ..eide's 31:b, of 3300 ll_ 40 of :.rlin ton IIil1 ld5.t.ion ' 0 .Pattl. ,I rio i>50 do '0 2 do "150 21 d o 5 d0 ?000 cio do do n 1 do 1- g rt1,,i'1 eidos `.>uL l`_vie .on 75 of t ho ...s 1 11"', if of ; 11_ 31 Of _.t'l _r_ij-i, C21 11 S' :.dd. t, t 0 PALlI, !•.].i1T1. . 7 d0 1'c SO G do .b 50 5 do 1000 . d0 1500 d0 1050 CIO 900 i do 1375 l s 110 TOTAL. 1000 i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP TMENT OF FINANCE 4' t RV,70 RT OF CC? MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA.dY ORDER •. J (B) } DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION �f 1L' 11,-,.,. e.rc n erx;nl, OF - (71 09 ;�h 7 ! 11 Hart of 1. t0 thr 1- 4-. -- - 110 2 of 'it. 2E.111. 300 _ l 2 CIO i50 on 2 do 650 _ 3 _.. 2 i0 150 17 do 100 lC 2 '10 17 5, 0 15 do 2350 o 2P00 t l� 1 do 17 1 do 3000 00 . South -0 _0jt of 15 Lnd -. 14 _ c on .-del _,._on 7::50 do F 1+ort h _45 feW of 13 and l A :o _.75 . l L G r'o 0125 11 do 600 •... iOtAA 75 fc t of - it '•rd '_• 17 aim -,s..3 ,?ea'1ai7,,,e 7l0 lit. - 7:JQQ . x` .._. O.r dd. to _ "wth 50 ft. of W and 17 1 "oity of St. Paul. Z1b0 18 do 075 - 10 do 1100 South 0of 'S ,.nd 15 d0 QW,�5 :aOrt!l 0 ft.` of ..80 ` 1. OM- 1 do 2575 "O-t.h I- eat of W and 15 d0 5225 l.; d o 1575 i13 do 2700, TOTAL . e If OITY OF 8T. PAUL „ • DEPyF TMENT OF FINANCE - OF FINANCE h j; }a PORT OF C( MISSIQiVELQ ON PRELIMIN `f ORDER (B) -.,.. a ASSESSED ...., Y: ADDITION VALUATION ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK,, South u.v ft. of A '-- 17 2 ;e.ct i T iiS ` nd t.peal. 5750 „ 'm - o .he o• ' 1€00 her +h oil of 1C a 11 2 — do cl00 1, u o 2270 n 15 .. do S o �00 5 -Orth ft. o� 1.: „- 15 2_ so 2100 :. do 1625 1175 12 ,2 '10 Y: 1 CIO 12800 (South 10..�•,, o- CO. bO. � r_I o 2W5 foul 071” 1 1:^ - 2800 _ t worth & ft. of 1,7-17 tic, + o pl 10. o 2 " ., ( _ q jA of .. foot) ) =., 1 So ith "5 A- 0 1 -, i - ��� i 1775 1 _ Yo.' h 00 .eet, 0 1.;, c 17 do 1350 -C`7 l.'17 - .',i.oil 0 `0 17 00 to ). 1G 60 0 1'950 ` a 15 TO 10 200 0000 + Soil h G 0 0 d 0 3300 . ,f t. ci ;. 05 ft . of 1" 2 3D 100 2 0 Cio 1350 a�. 3 50 d0 JO do � S,ah -.0 ft. K 16-17 .. ;. ip 31 0 0'S �` 1 South.. ...of _.l%5 ft.of s; ..;1 30 2700 _ 17 ;- ;"ch t o o'- io 500 -.. 17 650 ��orth . 5 _ ., of 1C-17-�. ].2, 21 (-10 TOTAL - CITY OF BT. PAUL -, DEP TMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE ° l'r RI PORT OF CMISSIONER G�� xx ON PRELIMINArA� ORDER . �` - - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 4 _ 21 gxl'r r tor. !t_17 �. E,,, on_ 2675 to S',, . Pa to B0.1 to 60 I ( , „o Conrcnninr at the B.AcOMW of lot 1^, thence 7. 24,53 ft. thence .:ecl• j o a point on the h. tl^o ` Sotthr;cax copy o , tHe.nce Sor_;th � G t.o'..,�.� �, thence hence ,. ;.e do d75 saideu1z. ,w ' s, ornc._ of IS 20 ro. rnr at r-. point o: j,Pe do 1050 ' Jcorner, heince from the� t yorth 51,02 fact , ,,hence .esl:, --t0 3 point On tl1U ve9i, line, --t inrth -rc3!1 the V - Soltjh,7r�,t Corner, ',,!,once —10A `! R. 50,5s vow, wonce 7val to last line of A 20 do be bmAw on said South 'r f of -uith g,15 fou -of 1B0 7.0 1650 xr =+orth Wfeut of _ 17 20 60 )_700 1, 20 uo 1075 l5 2p do 1075 k��; or 1 South d0 f' . and 2 20 io <- , O k South CO ft.of .`3 ft..or 1- - 0 (to MR _ Eort,h 25 _ 2 20 do 075 3500 3 20 do a 20 do 375 oath '-3 = t. of iG-17-b: 1H 11 do ''.. Soutl- '10 ft. of -. 100ft. of1G-17-16- 11 do 5'fC,5 „. _;or`.h GO ft. oj: 1C-17 ',nil 1s , 1 ao 7600 t` 15 11 X10 197: ' 1l_ do 10350 C 11 do 11 do 1825 ' TOTAL - 777T CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R PORT OF C x"j MISSIONER OF FINANCEi ON PRELIMIPIAO� ORDER (l3) DESCRIPTION South G5 f' of :..«0 ;orth 60 ft -of ., 10 ft. of ;est 2 fool of South 70 fc0l, o_ i.crth 5-5 't, Of r't. Of _x.80 ft. of Oi Sou+.h '-5 _ . of 1G 0" �iorth 1.0 feOl. rof OT BLOCK ADDITION V LUATION ' ._ 11 /-1'l lrij;tOri il:_11S __ddition 1325 t .Paul lls: t.0 A0 w 10 10 do 2850 1-3 10 (1 o 1(^ 10 do 17 10 10 17 10 do 1G 10 d0 14-25 li. l0 do 1 10 cl0 00 1 10 (10 1700 l 10 10 ?200 10 0 10"0 10 l 0 15`? 5 oocl i.dd° i.ion to '00 _ .... - Of n .. 1 fulll. 17 i lo 1500 19 10 800 (10 000 d0 i .'S0 1;'5 l� (10 2,25 .L7 2 0 G5c5 17 18 '10 15::5 - 2 cl0 1000 15 2 cl0 6350 14 ,41 . do 1000 g rl o 2 do 2525 .lam 12 ? do TOTAL 3525 CITY OF St. PAUL DEP TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CZ MISSIONER OF FINANCE O • �; ON PRELIMIMIAdI ORDER (B) ^ - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ` ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 55 ft. of 17 and 13 E.,.,, .,acmalbins Sub. of 1.125 iTortlz 90 ft. of 17 ".nd 15i 'l'- 1 YlinGt.on 1lills z .ddii.i onn . � 2900 16- do 1600 1r do 1"00 South. 10.5 ft. of 1 and 2 do 700 _. ilorl.h 55 £t. of 1 a , co '- do 16:50 3 nn 2.50 d0 2250 18 2 _ Go.1_ Ville i'ar1' 6000 MS. 15 to 20) 17 M 10 24 do 750 15 nC 30 2450 1 _ 10 7900 2 2, lo ..i ... _ '10 13375 1 25 60 A 75 South. 20 _'t. of 16 _,.. 17 10 -.. siville sic_-. its 1425 . taorth. '2 .`_';•. of S.� `_ _'t, of. -I': 17 1G 10 _-,. 0 17 1 "lo C00 �_. 1G 10 1525 .. l J do 1275 �_, r0_, _.O_'t.h !'•� 'L.) 1.�-LL_ 1 i l r In 1}75 •, awth 60 'cot of 13, 1•_ _. l_ 1G do 0275 12 Ef do 206 1r, do 000 17 C no 2300 1£1 10 1800 15 0 do 1 00 15 9 do 700 lc_ 0 60 :100 do 400 1C. do coo ' �o�u o 1r. do TOTAL ^00 - CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPA13TMENT OF FINANCE . �`- REPORT OF CGa;MISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMA f ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED s VALUATION lL, g clo ?�s00 1 d o .800 1; clo &�0 3 ' c 1-75 ('to rclo l7 1 .lo �50 1 do 100. 100 10 700' i (10 :5 1 do 1,� 1 ao �'7h 17 10 o 2250 :o _::'00 50 0 10 100 �n !o l00 fi 17 3 ;n 150, iG lE cio x 75 n G i 13 d0 „50 i8 iO x DLO : o '7 1E3 do TOTAL 75 I ' CITY OF 91. PAUL , OEPA TMENT OF FINANCE • . Q �. REPORT OF CQ MISS10NER OF FINANCE Q ON PRELIMINA'6* ORDER (B) _ - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I 500; q' i7 i 1r ao P,25 Ij 13 do r 3000 l o ;2700 - oto a7;, tis .. lo 1J 18 h 2500 17 12 o n 7 — h 12 do � i o 1700 10 niorth 21 fOe... n" 1 rand 12 Io 2°0O 1`i iC fA00 1f. 7 do 250 i77 10 X00 1r, 7 d o r/ 5' an 7 l n F> ti 7 'e 100 �. G to It 7 G a o 1•:x;00 fin 300 1.:00 g l-5 or c d o 5 11.00 - TOTAL i TOTAL - CITT OF ST. PAIL DEPS TMENT OF. FINANCE '`r( L/ OF FINANCE g REPORT OF CG� MISSIONER ON PRELIMINA&Y ORDER _ (B) - - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK _ 1, 1 C I- Vi e P 100. 1 0 ) 75 r 1 r 1 n 75 10 7^ 0 775 1 do 125 On to 10 1 c> t't O 75 L n J I o 1..J 0 fi� l •� ("o12 .._0 to 5 17 0 >{s f o L�., 0 i TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL �t7 ~ DEPP TMENT OF FINANCE OF CG MISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT s ORDER ON PRELIMINA& (B) _.- -- ADDITION ASSESSED k.. VALUATION x LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION- -4 6000' J1. C,GO✓ft of tl 11 t '�� 2'� cOL1111:GS� .: Ol 18 7 1. n r, 50 d o 1.7 71-900 l r: 7 CIO 1[7 .�.o .300 !_- 7 d o 300 -00 cib .50 0 300 11 7 do G>0- { Flo 4� 17 G O 300 g .0 r 1 C -00. r:o 00 21 do 000 Cl c) do 27 �1 G 125 fwzoo 17 �i n _ x:75 1� uo _. ?75 ct u 250 lo 50' 6 00 1' 3 do 1('50 it c:o TOTAL -M .61TY T.PAUL:. DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE 7 « REPORT OF CO�MISSIOi�lE12 OF FINANCE. ,- ON P LIMINAgY ORDER , CC) -- - ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION-'. l� _75- lr 2 10 500 15 2 do .500 2 do 3Q0 1`- - s , a3 - 21 :i0 r+r do 2 do 7 ?is on ..ck]ition 75' G do X00 3d o 75 do 7 h l _ 7E, o dod ^tn k 2(107J r CIO7Jr +. ' 1G do 75 y I,'00 n 'IleolocV Pa- 60 i3Ods of t'110_ 0 dS Of tti en h,-Ot Olf 20- -22 acres) i 3,3 au' ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby r to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to submits the foregoing as his report thereon (' said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. s .0 +; _ Dated.— -- ..--191- --_ // Comm,ssio n[ _- -- C� .. Fmm B. B. 12 ... .� ,..r.rx'4 �' ..,.�`,- a, „'�1.� u�,e�+'', tT .. r�','aif 3�.-<....'k'3. k.: ,. ,2 �.'. _ t ;.. o- rem.:. ,OM1% k "5�..,.< �,"C,.. ''S 3C k. e+J'"vY <• �„.�,a� ]w�^Y ".�u�`i - >«.,. - ��,,.., ss.. _.:r. .... , .,., „�....: :..."•k .. ... rx ..>. , _ -s. ,.,x firs ,.. W.t �.,-.nx: -� � ...,-,„, L., §�.. .y,.. .w.�!5�,`��;+m # n `rf,���` , .....tax ��c, .1�.. _5. #,.�a �s; .=u.�- R �.,>.. .�: , , ,� ,.,._;.., f. t. ..,i. 4 . -,. :.-: ., x., x t . ;� r•. , "� ..-ter:-1 rt+5' 4;a'e ,«� �?-.. x35 `s � 'fi �^,, , � e{ r , ., r w:t,-,; i -.fi "L«..�. .. ,. ,. ...+. _ ,a . � >, .. - ,: d. ,. fa•, 'f~ z � .,. r ..r `i"'.. ... , ,.�*�, �. t a: , 'NAM �",.. > .:. „u ,,,- .use: ... .r.. •a,K :: i', -...., R xa �',. �'., x. ,. ,,, � ..at. . "i �. 'e::. «.;,,1. F£'�1y. ...., . 4 3,,. ,!h ..: ,ti,F} �': i= d' r .:,. ,iT•.. ...-. {... .”" 4 }R,. .,: . <'.d` Cr.Nk". �, ,... „ 'L ^+ted' -�+.� 'S� A.....c .3'tN � 'xi r g C 4 f. C. F. No, 48736—ByeJ DL�CIancY-- ,� � _✓., ✓ r _ �'�Znt the matSe t nd tuning nd [ak-. 'g an ea m Tula the lAad. necea-- gradtng f AleY�rinu Block Hlln'. gent's Addition, from Albert Ave ue � _" .to .Hamitne Avenue under Preltmin- _rY Orde 46688 gP - d: �Y 9 Zvea P.innm dla � RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND COWFIIRPv` RN 'C'0NDEP,90ATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...aandemning...and.-.taki-ng .an_essement-- -11 tllp--lawd••aeaeasa3' for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Alley in Block ......................... ... ........ Sargent's Addition, from Albert Avenue to Hamline Avenue, ............. ........... .- . ....... . ---- ------......................_........................I..--------.............------..........------......-...... - - - _........... .............. ..... --- ------- ---- ...---- ......------'-............------------------............------... - ........... .---.............. I ............. finder Preliminary Order....---_4r1��$ .----.---, approvedRaY---9-a-1-9.2.,vi......., Intermediary Order ...lib65Q............ approved........j- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made apart hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........................... equaLliistallments as to each parcel of land described therein. SEP 2 7 1923 Adoptedby the Council......--------------------------------------- ------------------ ...-, 191 - .... S E P 2 7 1923 City Clerk. Approved........................................... .........191.. - Mayor. Councilman :k}11G ZAk / Clan cy Councilman Go= ' Ferguson Councilman E&Tgaax ,LcDonald Councilman IM&x --9:0'`-== Councilman Mi1pW / Sudheit¢er Councilman WgM"N-�l'Venzsl Mayor kxiis Na1son .a. ---------------- 48736 C. R No 48736—By J 3f. Clancy— i In the. matter of condemning alenand talc Ips an easement the land a talc eery for elopes, for cute and.. ells In sradlns. of alley In-BI ck..l; Sargent's. Hamllne Avenue, Aunder Avenue ellminhry Order .46688, approved May 9, 1923. Intermedlnryy Order 4666Q. approved' June. 26,. 1923. - Resolved: (1) That the, "foliowins ImL�j ny(,q� �y� ment be, and the same le here �tSd'�`d{l� irylj�tf&I ®jjj�jjh}Pi1A SI®�V®i dered to be made., viz.; Cone uativu o FRO&I IIDfiSdR (1 ill AV 110 take an easement, in the ]r '-'yfor sl pes, for cuts r +Ins of alley In Block; In the matter 1z.ao..eas3su__f o.r.._. slcp.esy-.mor-...cuts-gid-.f i lla._in._.g rz�.ding_nf _.allsy_._.in....Bloo.k.. l , Sar�ent's Addition, from Albert Avenue to Hamline Avenue, . - ----.:_.._.__._._._....__..._.._..-------- --- --------- -..__...__._._._._........ )1}55(4$ 9Ia 1923_. Intermediary Order .___....46650_ under Preliminary Order._.___ _............_.. .., approved............X .�a._ 26.x.....19 approved.._..._..._....Jun_..e ._... ...23 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.._---_....__._. __ I } cuts and fills,,in radinr o£ alley in Block 1, Sargent'-- Addition,_ g--.-.____._ n1�.A.lhest__AYenl�.e_ A_uenue,- -- ................ - - -- (2). That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken,'appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..._........ _........... ... _........... ..... the 1'and abutting_u�on.._the_ alley_ in_Blook _l,___Ssrgent'_s__Agsk t .2n- _-._.._.-.-_. between the points aforesaid,._to the extent shown-uponthe plan attached to the_rekort,. of the Commiseioner_o£_Public.._ti7orks............ ___.___ �1n the matter dated July 25,1923 (8) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. SEP 2 z 1929 Adopted by the Council..._. .... 9 . .� City Clerk. SEP 27 1929 Approved..----_.............. .............. .......-.-._.._..:...:..._, 191_.......... __ 1lfayor. PLIBLISIMD� Clancy/ t >ztt3,/FsrSuson ✓ cD na Id ix ✓.'Nzelmer Ear. resident 1iToz3 N el son nATIFYIN& ASSESSMENTS. - tdf�r Council File No. ........... 0 — C. P. No. 48737 _ the.mutter of the,.n eneflte. ec..+., inr-eX CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Cotte and .expenses for Grading Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana 1,venue, under Preliminary Order ......_1!?r].....-....._., Intermediary Order ._iF1627.............. Final Order ._��1.14....... ........ ._. approved.....................GBr3............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._ ............. .... ':..... ............... equal installments as to .each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP a 1IW3 Adopted by the Council191............. _............... 47 ... .r bity Clerk. SEP a 7 IS13 Approved........... ............... ......... _............. .............. _...... .......191......... ................ .._............ _............... ....... _......... c._-........._...._._�.._......._...... or. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISTTED /V –a 3 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a server on Webster Street from Pleasant Ave-lue to Michigan Street, under Preliminary Order.....4A..6.51._._..._..., Intermediary Order.4$U........................ Final Order .....,.8_._—....... approved ..... ............_..lay..._ ..�1.9................... 1F}#{............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the dame is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... ..... ,.....!.............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council ........ __..... ........... ..._...... ..._..........:................._ .....191............. ✓C .......................................... Clerk. Approved........................ ....._._._.... ..._.........._...._....191......_. ............ _..... _...... _... __._........... _._....._..._..............._._...__......_.._._...._ a r. Form B. B. 18 �_�, FUBLISfiW/ (, C. F. No. 48138— ' Council File No ..... ......... .._....._ ._.- do the matter of the assessor nt -of. heneats, costs and expenses f r can= tructingn. sewer on Webster Street from Pleasant Ave. to, Michigan -. .Funder- Preliminary Order -448F',. --.'s_ termedlary, Order 44882,. Fina! By..._.. _...._._. ......_. ... ........ .... _. ._...._ 45518. approved May 2 1P,- .. 4 51 ring}n..., int CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a server on Webster Street from Pleasant Ave-lue to Michigan Street, under Preliminary Order.....4A..6.51._._..._..., Intermediary Order.4$U........................ Final Order .....,.8_._—....... approved ..... ............_..lay..._ ..�1.9................... 1F}#{............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the dame is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... ..... ,.....!.............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council ........ __..... ........... ..._...... ..._..........:................._ .....191............. ✓C .......................................... Clerk. Approved........................ ....._._._.... ..._.........._...._....191......_. ............ _..... _...... _... __._........... _._....._..._..............._._...__......_.._._...._ a r. Form B. B. 18 �_�, FUBLISfiW/ (, C. F. No. 48739— �i739 Council File NO. ......................................... In the matter. of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for con- . trnet,ag a sewer in the East-Boule- •j:j of Lexington Ave from :nt '� a rm Ilan ,. ♦e: CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer in the East Boulevard of Lexington Avenue fwom a point 70 feet North of Van Buren Street to Minnehaha Street, under Preliminary Order......_Y4576 ..... Intermediary Order .. .................... Final Order....4543..6.................. approved .. ................... A.L?.T_3.1...26...a.923=.....--- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same. is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... ............__..CL..... -..-............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _'... P_. .'; 19.3 191-----• ........................................................... . ii ....._......:... .... ......rr5�-�. ........... City Clerk. gS.P 2 7 1923 Approved........................... ---- ._..........191.._.._. __..._._._.....;--....--'----'-'---.... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 T to ,� PUII., 7n10 1. F. a atter ���® in .the matter , a the assessment oC �,y a be.etln costs sower expenses for Street • a"tructing n sewer on Dunlap Street Council File No. _ grom Central Ave. to a point 70. feet .-.•.. .-.-... _-_-' -._-"" +rth of St_Anthooy Avenue, under ' mlour Order 44362,Intermedl- ry.irder 45001, rtnat- (irr... Irl .n._., r a t•.. � By................................ .... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a server on Dunlap Straet from Central Avenue to a. point 70 feet North of St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order ..._ 443.62...._._...., Intermediary Order .... 45001r.:,. , Final Order..._4j.7. _..___......• approved ....._._}4ay... _10 1t�_� ............_...._.._ X ... A public hearing having been had upon the Odssessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE T URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...................... ........ .... ._...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 2 7 9923 Adoptedby the Council......._...._.._........._..._........._.................._..........._....191......._.... p`.......................L .r.: City Clerk. �.... SEP 2 71923 ...... Approved ................. ....... ......._._...._................. ........... __..191... - ................... _........ _.__.......... _........ _.......... ; - a o . rorm B. B. 13 (> PUBLISHED 8 —G — _q�3 C. r-n6.'sszal— Jn' thematter, f the assessment bf C.OUPICII Ile EV O. benefits. damages, cosjs. and xpenaea for changing the grade of nliey In L"/7QL pg I310 ]c 4,. Merriam Par Thlyd Addi- tion from Prior Ave. to H well in necordance n•Ith ttie red a on the Profile. her to attached. r'l ��— -- n hereof. -the .Present -i,vr by CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution ratifying Assess'inent. In the matter of the assessment of_b au fits, lamav a 9v�tS_ @Z�1�Pt�=se s for changing the grade of alley in Blucx 4, Merriam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, in accordance with the red line on the profile hereto attached laid made part hared, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also g radinf; said alley between the aforesaid limits to s: id red line e:hen established, under Preliminary Order 366690 , Intermediary Order -5316 Final Order 36719 approved March 15 1922 *gI{ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_-..._.(____-ec}tsal installmentO as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council____ �Ciry Clerk. is fF:g.7 1923 Approved— Form pproved=Form B. & A 8-10 PUBLISHED /O — � — �'3 �'b - C F No, 48742—BY J. M. Clancy- 0- he matter of the a ess eat of: 1 bleats, costs and expense. . for can 48742 n struet ng relaying and repairing\ �g� Council File No ........... ........... cement Gidewalks. :. Estimate NO. o s• l8 ("dam / a� / C [rnef. ^10 3391. forSeason of 1922. B 4 �AAz.. = z%� _ F o aoioz « m 9 St t sidi Y - ---6-- - - ingn 62 ft orth- f ra t ort' t_ r _ 7t'- L a CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 9 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 9, Contract No. 3391, for Season of 1922. --Assessable-- F.O. 40102 Willius St., east side, beginning 52 ft. north of Last 6th St., thence north to Last 7th St. F.O. 42160 Nebraska Ave., both sides, from Payne Eve. to 60 feet East of Greenbrier Avenue.' FeO. 41667 Geranium St., south side, from Cortland Ave. to the East line of Lot 23, Block 3, Ransom's Addition. F.O. 42061 Bunker Ste, south side, beginning at State St., thence east 112 ft. F.0.35,391 Gates St., north side, from Oakdale Ave. to Robert Street. F.O. 42306 Chippewa Avenue, east side, from Baker St. to Sydney Strut. F.O. 41671 Crowell Avenue, east side, from Hatch St. to IflcKenty St. F.O. 42307 Como Avenue North, both sides, from Union St. to wouth Ste F.O. 39410 Berkeley ::venue, both sides, from i,_ount Curve Ave. to Finn t;ve. F.O. 42296 Goodrich hve., north side, beginning 216 ft. nest of Garfic:Ld t'aence west 64 feet. F.O. 42285 Chestnut St., east side, beb�iiZni.ng at .est 7th St., thence sout'a 260 ft., ,'lest Fifth St., south side, be -,,inning 70 feet west of Exchange St., thence west to ;lain at. --Non-Assessable-- F.O. 42307 Como Ave. 't1Orth,'bota sides, from. Union St. to South St. F.O. 35391 Gates St., north side, from Oakdale Ave. to Robert St. F.O. 41671 'Vowell Ave., east side, from Hatch Ste to McKenty Ste .f Form B. B. 18 j PM ii3T.i.STTT) u[tXR%lit'lnal�°®{doYXx._................ ...._.___,17it�i4iic%dia�Z3r2iXi�X..._.................. ...._...........,iiriKF9$d�FX...... .......... ......._...._..._... ap...... ....... _......... ........... ....._..x2K?6....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable W' t' in ................... _.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SUP 2 7 1423 Adopted by the Council ........... ............._....._......191......._.... 3 `aEAr ���/�7 �_....._....._..._.ity Clerk. S& 2 71923 Approved....._......_.__........__.._.._......................_....._...._....191..._._. ........_...... _....._. ayor. Form B. B. 18 fr , -� z7 i l ( • � i u[tXR%lit'lnal�°®{doYXx._................ ...._.___,17it�i4iic%dia�Z3r2iXi�X..._.................. ...._...........,iiriKF9$d�FX...... .......... ......._...._..._... ap...... ....... _......... ........... ....._..x2K?6....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable W' t' in ................... _.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SUP 2 7 1423 Adopted by the Council ........... ............._....._......191......._.... 3 `aEAr ���/�7 �_....._....._..._.ity Clerk. S& 2 71923 Approved....._......_.__........__.._.._......................_....._...._....191..._._. ........_...... _....._. ayor. Form B. B. 18 RESOLVED C CITY OF ST. PAUL ' UNCIL 4-874__ No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM p _....LZT_.y_----- ..... _---..--_.-. GATE___A7Q}�.tQAL���_7.'L.,.---1�23.e---- . That Council File No. 42446 being a resolution providing for compensation in the ungraded and common labor service as provided for in Sections 7 and 8 of Rule 1. of the Civil Service Ordinance, be amended by striking out the following m rds and figures: "Assistant Stage Electrician - $5.83 per -day Flyman - 3.10 a performance Grips - 3.10 d perfSrmance. For all stage employes in the Auditorium the rate for service other than provided above shall be 74 per hour." and by inserting in lieu thereof in their respective places the following words and figures: "Assistant Stage Electrician - 46.67 per day un, s.cu-rergnsL 325 performance r FLyman - . a on providing fpr: Gripe - 3.25 a performance. grnded a d com-- -1923 3}" ii,� $Ci67 For all stage employes in the Auditorium the rate for service other than provided above shall be BN per hour." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i f Clancy f Fergusqn l McDonald` . ....In favor r-777-7-1 .Sudheimer v rete.— -------.... ---Against Wenzel Mr. President SEP 2 7 1929.. -- Adopted by the Council-- ----------------------------- SEP 271929 Approd-. ._..__ ..-...--- ... ._..._ .192..._. -- - - -------- MAYOR PUBLISHED COUNCIL No ---------4 ®44_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 14 L77 - //�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e ',NC.LL. RESOLUTION—GEN AL FORM -.._...._._------ _......... ___ DATE__...±.e.P_teMb-ar-26.t...1�.2..ar�1.a._._ RESOLVED V VaLlail-AS, In the matter of acquiring the site for the New Vlebster School the Special land Committee deemed it feasible to expedite the acquisition of all of the property to offer to those land owners who were not satisfied with the award of damages under condemnation proceedings, an opportunity to pur chase their homes at a figure determined upon by the aforesaid Committee providing however, that appeals filed in the District Court be dismissed; and, IMH !RyAS, John 19. Scott, 695 Holly Avenue, having received such offer and having accepted same, THj!aEFOii 3E IT RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Special land Committee in the sale of the two story fram duplex located at No. 695 Holly Avenue to John ,�v. Scott of the same address for the total sum of Four Thousand (:4,000.00) Dollars, and the proper city officers are hereby di- rected to prepare the necessary bill of sale covering the trans- action. This sale is necessary to clear Lot 27, Block 11, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul, which is a part of the tract required as a site for the New •7ebster School. Proceeds from the sale of this building to be credited to the Scho 1 Bond Fund No. 2039 C F No: 48744—By L, R. S. Ferguson i - - 1 iM1n�aline— - Naw Wwhwtwr C Ann1 M COUNCILMEN I Vu'led ne a, Sshool. -:Pro Yeas Nays b ldi ng to Clancy Ad Pted b'. 1, APProved Ferguson ��y _ McDonald ........In favor T Sudhefin r Enter ----..__..Against Wenzel Mr. President t 2 of, the -.tr¢ t re. il i the New w hater[, SEP 2 7 1923 nlthe sale of thts ':' ted to _,the aehool ed by the Council..--------------- a, . .__..192-__. cil Sept. 27 1923 1923 SEP 2 7 1923 1923) APP ved- ....-_ — ... -192 I'UBLISTiM RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE I. NO.---- 0-. ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fp6AlCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE- ...... .5�..@P-t.'9.ILLb�.I�...Tv_£?.�1.�v.Z....._ Vi=1EAS, In th8 construction of an addition to the Ames School, the excavation and part of the grading work was awarded under aub-contract to the Clement F. Scully Company and, as,with the erection of the new addition,the playground area will be reduced considerably, it is desir- able that the remainder of the grounds adjacent to the preennt Ames Building be graded and in so doing a greater playground area in secured. Inasmuch as a considerable saving could be effected by having the grading done at the time the excavation was under way,by the sub-contraotor, and as this work was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, THEREFOR HE IT RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the said Clement F. Scully Company be authorized to proceed with this extra grading work, the plans and speoifi9ations being so amended as to provide for it and the coxfitract price,*#ith the said Clement F. Scully Company be increased in the amount of Eight Hundred ($800.00) Dollars, to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy i Ferguson McDonald _.._ In favor „-� II idheimer $Ser .......... .._Against Wenzel i! Mr. President 1s2._... Adopted by the Council_ SEP 271983 SEP2-1923 App oved.... _ ...._...__ ___..... -------------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couucu. 1874 FILE No•------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �2 COMMISSIONER.__... __ .._..._ ................_._c .... ____.... ................ ... .......... :._.._..................................... DATE _...... S.ePt®1CI�)82'_. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and hd is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.9a gasoline. engine driven air compressor, P2DGL,,at a cost not to exceed @2600.00 f.o.b. cars, St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no, advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. . a unarge -ter Deparjlnent. Adopted by the Councli S.pt 27 1923.E A➢Proved Se➢t 27. 1923 (Oct 6-1923) fid f} COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy R. •j Ferguson % McDonald _...-In favor audt�€ -* -Petez_ ..... -rQai,--t Wenzel j Mr. President SEP 2 7 1y• - Adopted by the Council ....... ----------------------- 192..--.- 2 -'A23 App SEP-- FcP ved...... ...._ .. --------------192---- ------------ - MAYOR COUNCIL NO._---_-. 87-4-7- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE__... --- ISSIONEP - - ----- -- _. ----- - ----------- -- -------- - RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller# approximately 1$.4.6 tons of straight and approximately 23.0 tons of bent concrete rainforcing oteel for repairing the low service reservoir, from the Corrugated Bar Company, Inc., at a cost not to exceed 02502.00, on informal competitive bids, without adver- tisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Water Department Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Coun,iI.S."J.9.1"I 192 SEP 2-71923 App�rved ------------- ----- --------------- -192 ...... MAYOR C- F4 No. 45748 -Br J M.'Ct beY I$ Ia the Matter of o t untln6 % lx foot t tele to w lk the ria ' 748%- Y aide f St f on a t r i4, J( f Germain'real5t t ded ssto S'Vhite - ': H ar"Ave.; ex pt:;,�wL'er xls4l old eHtclOnt efdd alke now- - Preliminary Order 47769 approved 'a" 1¢ 1923. F A Rublfc tiearinS having been due upon the above Improvement upon dad notfce� and She Connell havinS heard gall persons, objections and mea- drytl 7. Jail" retr. { rnP VOUNCFILE�NO -. ................._ ; �1�TAIL ORDER In the Matter of-...0tI.. i. le- sldeualk-..00a .:lie ---north silo...oS.._Brand._S-:GxYst....f..0 tb.e_-Past.--.1'.XI.Q Qf--_j.eX'maisX...-tr-zEt.,--.-ez:.te.ndad-_t.n _....................._.-..._......._...._..._ .... .-._............ ..........._ ...__._......................... .................... .....__..-......_---- -, _. under Preliminary Order .......431Q0..............................approved _.......ail;,....1°k-p...1_923......................... ........ IntermediaryOrder ........ .._------- ------------------------------------------- approved .. ........... ................. ........... ...........................- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is_..P,_onaJ.X'.VQ.t.-..a...a4-4._ r.RQ.0.1 Q.et7.�Sl.�...t.j.) �....�i.�P. 1. x.115---<1T1--•tkie nokt-h.-.-Sid@---gf--_F:rand---metre t-_.from__i;he---dM9t....?=.:2e..of__-...... . n-- treet.,._.Cxt-girded to_-:;-'lite--_Behr--. Yenue. except nhere food :d sufficient side•ralks now exist, ....... ............ ..... -- ... ......................... .............................. ..................................................................................................... .......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. SEP 2 61923 Adopted by the Council _._...__..._ ........................_. 1 :............................................. City Clerk. SEP 2 6 1923 j Approved......................................_.........._.., 191...._.. ............................................ �. ......... . Mayor.. CouncilmanY@Prd;.u9 %f4hxT'_=�ivu— PUBL1SkiLD Councilman (Jrmgcx-x=erauson t Councilman lJTIaudx x v Ec Donald Councilmanx Peter CouncilmanflYtx Councilman Wrmderlkhx uta – Mayor iainYil e l.s on Fowl B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAm DEPARTMENTOFF .E REPORT OF COMMISSIOI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the'Latter of Constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Brand street from the east line of Germain Street, extended to Whits Bear Avenue. r� under Preliminary Order approved August 14, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is frc ni The estimated cost per oo for the above improvement is 1.055 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except North 30 feet) 7 1 Fairchilds Sub. of Lots 275 (Except North 30 feet) 6 1 1-2-3, Cruickshanks 275 (Except North 30 feet) 5 1 Garden Lots. 275 - (Except North 30 feet) 4 1 do 275. South 1/2 of 3 1 do 150 South 1/2 of 2 1 do 1125 South 1/2 of 1 1 do 225 16 2 Birmingham's 2nd Add. 100 17 2 do 100. 18 . _ 2 - do .100. F.- B. B. 10 -£ TOTAL. CITY OF ST P ' DEPARTMENT O +NCE - a REPORT OF COMMISSIt, R OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 2 Birmingham's 2nd Ada. 100 20 2 do 75, 21 z do 75_ 22 2 do 75 23. 2 do _ 75 . _ _ .... 24 2 do 75 25 2_ do _ .75 --. 26 2 do 100: _ .. 27 2 do 100 26 2 do 100 . 29 2 do 100 . -. - 30 2 do 100 - 16 2 Birmingham Park 500 17 2 do .125. 1s . 2 do 125 19 2 do 125. 20 z do 3525_ 21 2 do 125 22. 2 do .125 23 2 do 925 24 2 do 125. . 25 . 2 do 125. 26 2 do 125 - 27 2 do 525.: 28 2 do 1675 29 2 do 2925:_' 30 2 4 TAL 225: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �� Finance. ", i'orm ❑.6.12 the11onprable Council, City of St, Paula Gentlemen: - St, Paul, Ivtiriri„ June. 14-1923, We the undersigned property owners xes;pectfully request your honorable body to have a Cement Sidevialk laid on the North side of BRAI.SD St„ from Hazelwood Ave„ east to 1'Jhite Bear Ave„ a distance of four blocks, LiT' A KE S; ADDRESSES- PROITTAGE 171 0 't /770 - -6k, -, Office of the Commissioner of public VED e V f =3 Report to Commissioner of finance AUG 2-1923 August 189 1923 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 47760 August 149 192j - relative to the Council, known as Council File No.___________ -approved________________ the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the -------------------------------------------------------------- north side _oP_Brand_Streetfrom_the_east_line-of_Germain_Street.--_ -------------- _extended_to-'+'�hite__Bear Avenuee------------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $-__-__-_____, $1.05 per front foot and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. QQ L���� Commissioner of Public Works. C. P. No 48749=13Y S M Cl¢nev In the Matter of constructing curbing' (p �y l on $Ims 9t. from Arcade 8t to Forest. 9 / /p �g St both sides under Prellminnrg i / Order.4747/. nnnrn..., r.... 't •be It considered. th, V��_.� nu me,same "1 hereby cnn- COUNC FILE NO ... c Iced, annulled, and rclnded and all timed. • proceedings In sesaid matter be discon _ Adopted by the Couneii Sept' ept 28, 1923. y, ....l... .. ........... ;. ....... Approved Sept. -28, 1923. -- — - (Oct' 6-1923)'..: C A In the Matter of......cmns.tru.ct<ila...curbing...azl...S.ims...S.tre.e.x...fram_�rcet�?.-t.:'.eet tR...F.=r f t_Streets.._b oths i_des....... ....................................... ........................................................................... _ .................................... .................. .................................. .... .........._............................ ........................................................ under Preliminary Order ......a 71................................approved ..Ju_ly._23,..J.923......................... Intermediary Order .. _.......... ..........__...._.._._......... approved ................._.__................................................... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the 1...ozl...2ims.....tree.t...fr.am...�r..cade.......-- Stre.e.t.,........... ........ ................................................... ....._._._............... .............. .... .............................................................. �© ad$Iie sages aro iiere�y cancelled, an®Wd ile, and reseiaded and all ProecedL, p in_sa-d -anc!:�r..b> ..d Ac: zit:nu a3 .. ........................................... ................ ------- ----------------------- .......................................................... .... ..... -..............—......................................... ...... ---------.......-------- --- ........................................ .. ......... ... .................... .... ............ _........ ...... --- ........--...................... -- ---- .......... and th Council hereby orders saidtC...i::ito.errovemto be ma e. RE OLVED FURTHER, That of Pub 'c Works be and is iter y Instructed and din ed to preps a plane and specifications for aid improvement, an submit same to the ouncil for approval; at upon sai approval, the proper city office is are hereby alltho .ed and directed to roceed with the ma kiAg of said im ovement in accordance therew h. A Adopted by the Council .......... ._§-F-:-p- _ .. 2..13 ..... 23 ........... ._..._... .. City Clerk. ®iP28192-3 Approved ...._.. / .......... . 191 .... lam, -tel L� ,y Mayor. CouncilmanZ'AN,4w&v' Clancy Councilman X.'A 'XX ✓?erguson Councilman B)P7aM9xx /UCDonald CouncilmartMF9x /Peter Councilman 22CO XX V Sudheimer Councilman &MIIM • • ...- 15'1 Mayo,,oii -- Mayo,,oii x nelson �Siti Form B. S. A. 8-7. ' i A � f � �, •, � � � �- if �_` „� ___ i�.�l..L�,.. � �''�L'V,� ��`I N�"'L44"rJin L1 0 .J, �- ��.J j�,� �,/ i ._..._...dF.�t -'Ge. t.l. L._i .;,/,,L«iI't�=f1t�J,�.�; J:!'t`l � / �, U �%�L��� CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTP ,C"'Ab E FINANCE r �.p REPORT OF COMMI�VSSICOiViER OF FINANCE da o ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) + In the matter of • Constructing curbing on Sims Street from limeade Gtreet to Forest Street both sides. under Preliminary Order approved July 26, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1721.49 The estimated cost perofoot for the above improvement is $ 0.72 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION So. 75 ft. of 16 and 17 William's Rear. of Blk.3, 1150 1$ Nelson's Add.to City of 450 19 Saint Paul. ° 1200 20 do 575 21 do 1650 _ 22 do 450 _. 23 do 450 24 do 1750 25 do 1050 26 Form H. H. 10 do TOTAL. 1950 CITY OP ST_ PALL oEPa��ort �><a�aal.acc '" 1 REpOR-r ®iceC®i l II�� ®t�ilEffv ®F FINANCE ®H�6 H�R�C�fli�1HLl7s�tr'ZTl ®H�®G�d ,'� (B). - OESCRIeT10N LO"Sr E3 L_ocic - AOMITION ASSESSED VALUATION All .. _ _ .. 27 iag ° s Rear, of Blk.3, 450. - " 28 s'iTe3s©ri s add.to city of x+50'. 29 �aarit ?au1. 450 30 d0 500 13 2 ilTg sOT_a s Addition 1550 1 Chase Vj e ic3e ° j Rear. of Lots 950 2 11� to 24 inclusive, of 950. 3 2_,Ne35onls Add. to 2175 2a c=- Ci -Gy of Saint Paul. 300 5 do 1100. 6 do 1300 7 do 600. 8 do 450 g do 1100 o do .300 11 do 1600 l 2 do 1625 13 do 1350 (Ex.E.15 ft.) b1 do 1350 E-15 ft. of 14 & all of 2-5 do 1800. `€ All of 16 & w. 13 ft. of 17 do 2300 E.37 ft. of 17 do 2175. South 45 ft. of IS & -)g do .4150 . 12 2 -6 -Ralson° s Addition 6525 11 4 do 2800. X5 1 i 113�arri9s Re.of Blk.7 & 1975 pt e of B3 -k.4 Nelson's Add. 118 3 tc ca 3=-?,- Paul. 375 TOTAL CITY -0F 8T. PAUL - DEPARTW7OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISMONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i 13 . 1 William's Re. of Blk.7 & . 375. - - 12 1 part of B1k.4,Nelson's Add. 375, --- 11 1 to City of Gt. Paul., 2175 10 1 do 375. _ 9 1 do 375 8 do 375 7 1 do 875. . 6 1 ao 1675. _. 5 1 do 1325. __- 4 1 do 1325: . 3 1 do 1725 2 1 do 1975. _ - 1 1 do 19550 12 5 Nelson's Addition 575 11 . 5 do 4000 . W- 33 feet. p 10 5 do 1575 E. 17 feet. 10 5 do 2175 9 5 do 3050. . 8 5 do 2250. 7 5 do 2900 6 5 do 3600 5 5 do 1350 4 5 do 1650 3 5 do 1350. W. 25 feet 2 5 do 1400 Erist_ 25 feet 2 5 do goo 1 5 do TOTAL 1850 PONY D... ry 94850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports tbat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Uaeied l9l r•.,� u. B. iz ✓ i Coppiselo¢er- C / l � St. Paul, Minn .:. ........... du]g 192.�3i To The Honorable, The Council, City ot'St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _. TnS-. S G _Curbed -roII1. &rcaae St. ..'orest St - ................. ................................................................................................... St. Ave. from.................................................................................................... St.Ave. to--=-------- -._.._........._.._..._.......__...-- -- ------.....---....................................---- ......................................... -St. Ave. 12 NAME LOi' L CK ADDITION n fy L• 4 2-il l s 1 aFic��.22 P �h Office of the C®mmissionbr of Public ti .r Report to Commissioner of f+inana DIJ(N 11 1k3 .'� Auguet 119 1923-_191---- To 3_191____ To the Commissioner of. Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 47471 July 289 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ----------------------- -the _oonetrnolion. _o-I_o=bing.._on_Sj.Ma_atrset_-from Arnada_Sxseat---------- - to _Forest_ 6 t r e a t both_sidee9------ _______________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 72¢ Per front foot 1721x48 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________ and the total cost thereof is $____________, Frontage 2379 ft. Inepeotion 33<75 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __-_____Q_------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------------------- Commissio er of Publitks. Milliam V. Peter, 128mmissionec _0.� prig ilgallette, Deputg Qlammissisner Department of f ubhe Barks Ctu of §aint haul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPE. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CTTY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE August 9, 1923. Iur. Vim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on Sims Street from Arcade Street to Forest Street (both sides), under Preliminary Order C. F. #47471, approved auly 28, 19230 Estimated Cost - - - - - - ¢1721.48 Per front foot - - - --- - - 0.72 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 33.75 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 2379 ft. Yours truly, o '�, • gx"e-4. &i,ngineer. Approved -for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. �J ua CommissiAr ub Works. 48750 In the Matter of..r.e.cnns.tru.cti: CITY OF DEPARTMENT INANCE -7k,/REPORT OF COMMI NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (f i (D) ,. 6'a In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the following_ sidewalks, where necessary On south side of H•rrison qtr eel. beginning at Douglas It., thence Nest 150 ft-, On south side of Armstrong Aye., beginning 40 ft. west of Victoriaqt., thence west 130 ft On south aide of Charles lzt , beginning 220 ft viestof Gaultier street , thence west 42 ft under Preliminary Order approved August 7 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: D The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S D The estimated cost pear o� fr oe the above improvement is s --I,07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed' valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Geo. Benz Gub.Pt.Paul, 1000 j: 6 Minn. 950 E.2 of 442 of NE4 of 4 Leechs Add.of Out Lots. 8500 ` All of 1 &(Ex.N.39 ft.) 2 3 Tatsons Add.to Gt.Paul, 1400 Nest 39 ft. Of 2 3 Minn. 1650 3 3 do 1900 43 do 400 5 3 do 1650 (Except 4Sest 3 feet) 8 21 Robertsons & Van Ettens Add. 3025 - Also N.3 ft.of Lot 6,Blk.21 of _.Robertson & Van Ettens Add. 1 Johnson Add. to St.Baul. 1800 —_ TOTAL. 22575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, 'and hereby i submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1:77- , h /, h ®Bice of the Commissioner of public %orks o.• Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 6lUU 1a 19?� ---August 11, 1923.___191__ --..fir - - -_., To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 47603 August 7, 1923 191relative to the Council, known as Council File No._____ -------approved___________ the reconstruction, relaying and repairing of the followin�_sidewalks_- wiiere-1reC�®`s�r�7;-on-Tie-south-aide of -garrison eta, mega -at Douglas St., thence west 150 ft., south side of Armstrong Ave. beg. 40 ft. west of Vfs�or�-Wit.-,--firhenoe-west-3�0--=-'�c;--scru#hs-�td�-o�-�`harYes-�'te ;--beg.------ 220 ft. west of Gaultier St., thence west 42 ft. ----------------------------------------------- -------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 07¢ per sq. foot. J 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______- -, and the total cost thereofyis $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _____ ------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. __ '¢�, ------ Com issioner of Public Works. COUNC FILE NO .......................... Z--A:L ORDER 48'751 econ tiny „ a in' and re:�'r; side rralks._whei:e... In the Matter of..:'....r.......`... ' .'........__e..-....J..nP .....................l.......:. �..:.f...... .......... n fvs.S.. X....on..; nnQrt:h s.i.ce...of... �;hdol�h... t.f? � ?.-yl}& s± orth...St.,.._to. rl-� asant 'de of -_-... Juno... St. be inning 120 feet west..of.... ?.victoria St.._-___ t eng.e._iest--_120.-.f.eet;_.�7est side of Victoria °t.t beginning at Juno_St.., ............. ... .. . . t aence...S.O.0til...t'e...a.1D.ey..,........... ......................._ _ .............................. _.... . _....._._....._ ........ ...... ............ .__.............._.............. .........__.............. ...... _..._........_...... ...... ... _. under Preliminary Order ......__.4 2.5.51.........................approved ....... ;.' �Z,....4.�....142a........ ............. . .... IntermediaryOrder _... ._........................ ........ - .approved -------------- ...------- ..----------------------------------------- ---.....------ A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the -,said City is..r..eaD_aS.txt.:o.,._z'�� aT .�� e.�a.ir._s- detralks_,.:Rhei ........ ....................................i7siGe Of -.?tndolpil It. %:^Orn C'!latS'.aorth St, to Pleasant ...------- _............................... .. :.zzu.a..... DING:CL_Srs�Q-...4.f---.4Tuno---St.--..beEID ng_120---feet }^es.t of...Vi.ctoria St -o., --_t ranee ^ia....at.e_z...be.`inning--ai--_Jung ut..,--_... ... e s.Qut:t,..to al:L ;y.. ........................ ........_ ._........ _.......................................---....._.............................................. ..... .................. ....... ...................... .- .......... ............... ... .....-.................................... ................ - ...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed fo prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of'gaid improvement in accordance therewith. ; Adopted by the Council..._..... -.... 91 ... U City Clerk. BEP 2 81923 _ Approved....................... ...... ....: 191...... / ........... . Mayor. Councilman FdAiWdFllrx/G t:ncJ Councilman ftaxx 'i erguson PUBLISHED Coimcilman Hd dandi s.c Do na i d Councilman Kdlrrx sudheimer Councilman DbMttt Pet _^ Councilman Wlmnd zh0hK "^1 'Mayor: WIM i'+elson Form B. S. A. B -i.' CITY OF DEPARTMENT O%- CE - -- REPORT OF COMMIS SI R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ In the matter of Reconstructing relaying and repi,iring sidewalks 44here necessary on: north side of Randolroh Gt from Chatarvorth, to Pleasant Ave.; south side of Juno Gt. beginning__ls'0_____-,___—.- 4.' feet west of Victoria Gt. thence west 120 feet;; . wast. side___'=_ of Victoria beginning at Juno Street thence scut -h_ to alley. under Preliminary Order approved August 4, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per bot fur tue above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 32 13 Michel & Robertsons Add. 850 31 13 do 3000 30 13 do 400 29 13 do 400 28 13 do 325 27 13 do 250 26 13 do 200 25 13 do 150 24 13 do loo 23 ,13_ - do .100 i Porm B. B. 10 TOTAL. a 10650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datcd__ . - -- . --191 s Lo missioaer innace. V.— B. D. 12 CITY'UL - DEPARTME � FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI iVER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C DESCRIPTION . LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION East 1/2 of 22 13 Michel & Robertsons Add. 50 West 112 of 22 and all of 21 13 do 675 20 13 do 75 lg 13 do 550 18 13 do 50 17 13 do 50 4 2 Watson's Addition 1125 5 2 do 1375 6 2 do 425 1 2 do 500 a 10650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datcd__ . - -- . --191 s Lo missioaer innace. V.— B. D. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public l� Report to Commissioner of f:inanc ge: 1 H (�AUS Auuat 23A 1923___191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 2 the Council, known as Council File No.47561 ____approved____August___4,_19__ 91___, relative to the reconstruction, relaying and repairing of sidewalk, where necessary, ------------------ on the north side of Randolph St. from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-r__ Ave., south side of Juno St. beginning 120 ft. west of Victoria St., tLience west 120 ft.,_ west side of Victoria St, beginning at Juno St., thence south to alley. --------------------------------------------------------- and ------------------ -----------------and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is✓%:;rand the total cost thereof is $------------- ;, . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of „ property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �----------- Commissione of Public V&Z, C. R: No 48752—BY 1: ucting; rela In. he 11 In., of side—lics on:, North aid Blair. SL be 1" 1 Ar,,Idl, 8t. he,,, coo, 80 feat: north r'BI.Ir St. beglnning-at Virginia Ave., thence -'at to .. east -I'd. of B""St. beginning 11 - --t - 'Irgl-l- n 1,1 A;n'I'Tot LWe to I In, g 'I Vlr Iola 0. ng of Binlr g t� ti at cut. thence M� ,i t_._ under l cihn it 97FS� v.d Aug: .og h COUNCVILE NO B�. .. .... I L ORDER 48752 In the Matter of rQ.Q-Q=-trUQtinF,_, re,laying and nai�e.12ing. neae.ssar.y.. sidew .r Q.A: rlQrtl-1 S-16 r�t—_QzinaAnz &t ...ExlxadaL_at. .... t.116110e aest 80 f vi-eat—to s.ide of B.1air S.t..-.beginning 40. ft. of thence east_t.o Farrington.a._v e VIlnin- -ve--beginning.-I10 f4a-e-t south of B1 .. .4jir!_St_. t.tjenoe. s0qth- ......... ................................. ....... under Preliminary Order __ATH.Q -- ---- ------- ----- --- approved ` :.}...19.2......................_.............. IntermediaryOrder ........... ...................... ...........................approved . ....... ------- - - --- ----- --- ------- - -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is-J7q907qtr t, rala and repair viftere 'de— ... ....... Y� .......... ... .... . ..................... ..... a! e �a.s.t 80 fee north_ side of Blair ., -St.-_- beF_jrmin at Virginia.__AV t.Q ....................................................... ------- ...... s O.ut'h_5.U!Q Q'f Qf east _,LV_Q tbenc....e JIQ fe.et S.auth. Of Blair._; .t__thQX),0_e Lgf-Ond. .51— .......... :. ...... ....... .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted bi the Council. .., UP- 2 8 1923 .1 ........... City Clerk. Approved 191 a . .. .................. . ........... . ... ............... ...... Mayor. PUBLISHED Councilman ±t=x vFerruson councilman 21yinAx v j,',cDonald Councilman 2M%7, V Peter Councilman A1cRft1kx V Sudneirier Councilman WMrpdHvtbdx 'ra. Mayor k3dzixy,:Nelson Form B. S. A. 8,1. " GITY_ OP BT P DEPARTMENT OF E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing, relaying .and repairing. _;yhere necessary, sldelvalks on: North -side of Blair St. ,beginning at Arundal St. thence E.80 feet, North side of Blair St. ,beginning at Virginia St. then west to alley; South side of Blair St.,baginning 40 feet east of Virginia Ave. thence east'' to Farrington Ave; Y'`r East side of Virginia 4ve.,beginning 110 feet south of Blair St. thence south to Lafond Street, under Preliminary Order approved AuRuBt 4th .1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated agqmounteof the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pePY of for the above improvement is $ 0-07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except NO -50 feet) LOT BLOCK ADDITION 46 - 47 1 John stons Subdivision of Block liumbor One of Stinsons Div.of ii.W.-1 .,f s. 36, T.25, H.23 48 1 do 6 1 Humphreys Aad.to St.Paul 6 23 Dawscns Third Addition to the City of St. Paul 5 23. do 6 5. 0, ASSESSED VALUATION 8 2 5 1 2 5C 4 8 0 0 650 F.— B. B. 10 TOTAL. TY OF B'V. RTMENT> ANCE 1. REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 23 Dawsons Third Addition to 1 3 5 0. the City of St—Pal-11 3 23 do 6 5 0 2 23 do 6 5 q 1 23 do 5 5 0 6 23 do 6 7 5 2 23 Hetivitts Subdivision of 7 0 0 Block 31 f� the So.half of B1i.23 of Lafonds Add. to St. Paul 23 do 7 2 5 Ir �s• 13475• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated---- Comryiianer of an r.— r— B. D. 12 l/� Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance M August 13. 19230__191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ -47660 approved_ -Aug.-4' 1923 ____191___, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, sidewalk_s__o_n__ -the--nZ)Y'tlf-"sid8--o��lair -Ste-lSeginriirig at Aruride� Ste t�ence east 80 ft., north side of Blair St. beginning at Virginia St, thence west �e-�13$y-,--ecru.#rYt-e-rde--ems-B3�3�-�s--b•e�ginniYsg--�O-oto -east-of--vl�gi�itt-A1re. thence east to Farrington Ave., east side of Virginia Ave. beginning 110_ ft!_seutJ3_s1�_I31e1x_ tA_iherice_Kn1th_ln_Lafond-6t-.-______________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 07/ per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------- J U -- - ---- Commissioner of Public Works. o"d 0UNC FILE NO ............................. By. .. .. .. ... - ------ ��FffNAL ORDER 48753 In the Matter of alud.Q.5QX i+'h'Lvg.:jqe tc Ln �iia.na . .......... S................... .......... ... .. . ..... ............ ............... ...................... .............. . .. .............. . .............. ................... ......................... I ................... ...................... ............... ....... ............................. ........... ........ ................ ...... ........................................ ...... I ........... ...... ............... ......... ...... ............ under Preliminary Order ...........x7£.03 ....................._..---approved ........... --------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder .......................... ........... ............ approved .............. ------ ------- ----------- --------- ---_--------_---- ----- A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By thE Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..... cons, tru c t. a sidevialk on both- sides of '-:obertson ........ ...... ..........................__.I....... ........................ ------------------ - .................. tr.t:.U:L JfX.Q10 t� Z'r - f. ft Id._indiana ei=. 9. _ 0_17ec7QPCI and....... sijf�fi ient. si dev;a1k...no,.---E. fists_,_.__...._._.__ .- ------ . . ........................ ................... ................. 9 ............ ......................... ......... ................................................................... .............................. ..................... ...................... ............ ........... _ ......... ... ........ ......... .............................. .................... ..... I ....... .. ....... . ..... . ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the council�, ................. City Clerk. 2 P, Approved 191 ......... . . .. .............. . .................................... I Mayor. Councilman p2U�K)_- ubya/Clancy PUBLISHED 3 Councilman GdP.KXX /F-.I'guson Conneilman)W&KK V, l,.c:,;ona Id Councilman Jketbaxx , Fe Lor CouncilmanMMIX /3u Councilman WiffdUM O�3 Mayor DVkK'/ N e 1 S 0 n Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY M RTMENNCE REPORT OF COMMISER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) w - In the matter of Constructing a sidewalk on both sides of Robertaon Ftreet from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue - — under Preliminary Order approved A gust 16 1923 ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per ioot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 11 Marshalls Add. to Vest 1250 6 11 Saint Paul. 9200 7 11 do 4750 8 11 do 1750 9 11 do 2050 10 11 do 3800 _. 'West 1/2 of 1 - 2 12 do 5000 15 12 do 2050 14 12 do 2150 13 12 do Pyo. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - .- REPORT OF COMM "''ORDER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a (C) DESCRIPTION W LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 12 Marshalls Add.to V+est taint Paul. MI ASSESSED VALUATION 1100 33950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y Dated---- -- 191 — s Comm�ioaer ofF' Form B. B. 12 - L St. Paul, Minn.,........ ..... I'd ......... 192...?��� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: / e A ................................................ .......q....... v .gid �... A......./l t 91. �. a.. ✓ ...... ...,............... 4A.4q. ... ................. - . ......... ......St. Ave. .CWc 1,ax Office of the Commissioner of public W y Report to Commissioner of Finance August 21. 1923--- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of relative to pproved-__Aug--, the Council, known as Council ale No._47803 _____a g_ust 16. _192 91_ the construction of a sidewalk on both sides of Robertson Street ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. :1.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------1114 -------------------- Commoner of PfaIM Works. 0 .... a... Yl - - - — 4- _ i F S No 48764 Ry J. X Clancy jn the M.Ate pf constructing n six ^;M ,,,,� cot cement til sidev.alls o the A'1` .nth sideof rairmou t Ave from ��� :exington Ave. to. the Chleago::lall-. - •nulceeand SCPaulRallway.: except here good a.d'suttieient walk. now. O 1st. under-Prellminary Order: 47793 aroved Aug. 16, iS23:.- public hearing having-beea� bail _he above improvement-uDo,. the ^ "nell bu COUNCFI/LE�N By-- . -........................... '�-....... l rAL ORDER In the Matteraj{...DIt...tb-Q.......... sQ-Utth...soi...F.aa:xmt.Q._21Q...C:zIQ.�l,,o.,.......... mri1vi-auke.Q...and...S.t,....Ag. U.1... nd...S.!?.f. A.Cie.nt._walka no.Ki . ex.Js.t,................................................ _..........._...._.-...__................._.....__.................. ................................. _........................................................................._........................_......................._.._.__..................-.............-_..... .... ................. .....__.......................................... under Preliminary Order .............4779.3........ ............. ... approved ...... .b71�.....15.}--.19.? ....... ...... _........__...... IntermediaryOrder ....._.... ._....... . __.......... .............approved .._................... .._............. .......... .------ .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City. of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.c.o_'is.truc.t....a..s.:LX._foot...c erlent_.ti.lE...s_.3e.+1a1k...nt1.-.the south..side-._of-.Fairmount_ venue from.Lexi,ngton.. .venue_...to„-the--.ChiCa.�o,,. ..._ Pti��iauliee..and..St.,_-.Pau1..Rail+a�, eccept cihere oo�._�nd suffic_...ent...rallcs._.. nol'1.. ex.�s.t............................ ......_.._..............................__...._..... ......................- ...---- ......_..... -- ..................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improoemeut in accordance therewith. SEP 2 81923 Adopted by the Council.............. ....................................... , 1 ....... City Clerk. 5EP 2 21929 Approved .................... ' �V �Y� r.`r-"rys.-: f i ....... .... ................. ..O ......................--- Mayo Councilman LYaeiccitt6xfiixi�Claricy PUBLISHED % CouncilmanxCf sXX ° Ferguson Councilman uAmaix t/ 1vlc Dona ld Councilman Ywtkxx ✓ Peter Councilman MaOohx ✓Sud aei ner Councilman 14DWel= Mayor tuYjmx✓Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CIT' OF ST. PAUL DEPARITM1 OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C6. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In the m 'atter of Constructing a six foot cement tile sidevialk on the south side of Fairmount Avdnue from Lexington Avenue to the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail,rcLY. except where_ odd _____-_ and sufficient walks now exist. ------- 0-:i_ under Preliminary Order approved August 15, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount off the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost pef oAtr the above improvement is S 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 St. Clair Bt. & 17hort 1200 30 2 Line Add. Plat 1. 4575 1 East 20 feet of 29. 2 do West 20 feet of 29 2 do 375 25 2 do 4900 27 2 do 3200 26 2 do 550 25 2 do 3750 24 2 do 375 23 2 do 375 . F- B. B. 20 TOTAL. Q V=a (C) DESCRIPTIO CITY OF 9T. PAUL ry DEP 0MENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF CO�ffNiASSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 2 St. Clair Rt. & Short 375 21 2 -Line Add. Plat 1. -375 20 2 do 425 1 4 do 300 2 4 do 225 3 4 do 225 4 4 do 225 5 4 do 225 6 4 do 225 7 4 do 225 6 4 do 200 22625 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_. --._—_.-191_ Commia�ioner of Fin e. Pnrm B. B. 12 L ���. � '- x s,r a '� LJdc a I I 1 _� 1 _ � j i W '. D 7 6, J 4 � 2 / R �� 1J �i a> 2a �Y S is z� F� .? u :. ... ' y � Z � d, , � � , � i � I� ,, 1 is � i� � � 2 i- .i St. Paul, Minn.,-'...., ............... 19Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 7 use the following upprovement o e ma Body �Wu h f 11 t b de - .42M.22 I Office of the Commissioner of Public . 1 Deport to Commissioner of Finance pVIS August 21, 1923 -----------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known asCouncil File No._47793 a August 15, 192 . pproved________291___, relative to --- constructinp_a_six_foot cement the sidewalk on the south side of --------------------------------------------------------------- __ Pairmount_lwenue_ Prom_L,exin�ton_Ayenue _to _the_ Chicago,_ TSiltivaukee_____ and St. Paul i3ailwayt except where mood and sufficient_ walks nory ----i--. -- ------ exis� a and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 41.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__-_____-___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4:--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of Property, subject to assessment for said improvement. W(Commissioner �--------- of Public Works. k°k, Z1°7 )5 In the Matter A...91Z...f..aat._c.a. ent...t-i1e...si decv-a1k..nn-..t:ne...aast side---of--_Jessie_ Street,---from---_srylandStreet---to--Israinerd,-venue,,-,_gx-Qe-At.,..---- whode.ralks..--r}41?...eX.kS..L.a................................................................. _...--.. ........................ .................. .................. _................................................. ............. _.................. ....................................................... .............................................. ................._........................._........ .................. .._.._............. ................... ..... ...__.I ......... ................. ................................................... ._...................................................... _._-............................ ...................... .............................. under Preliminary Order ...........4.7.762............................approved ........_t use..].4,...19.2,1...................... ..------ IntermediaryOrder ................. ........ ..........................approved ...... _ ... _..............-......__....... ._......... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeefions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is._C.ons.t'nuc.t-._&...S.ix...f.o.at....G- m.ent... crest side of Jessie Street from 1,1aryland Street to Brainerd r.venue, except ........... ....................._........._............._............... ................_..............._......_..............-..................._.. ............................__._. c{her.e._maad..ancl..s.ufX1aie-nt........ ..... ........ --- ................................... .................................................... I ........................... ..... ..... - — ..................... - ......... ----.........-------... --..... -- - ------ ............. .....-- - ...:--.-....-............... -- .............. ........................ ......... ....._..... ---...................-.....-.................------ ...--- .................... ..................-........_.......................__. _..... _ . _......................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - SEP -2 819P Adopted by the Council ................... ........ ......:..... ...... ...... 1 ..... - City Clerk. Approved ........ ....... S EP 2 8 _...1-jSt3 ............. 191......-. �-•w--- /� 1, v'v Mayor. Councilman 8+7tm"nx ✓Clancy CouncilmanXDUaxx vFerguson Ciouncilman$h¢Yaxgx McLonald Councilman Je&rx Peter Councilmaut a7K Sudliaimer Councilman AiF43KrTii&N MayorAAxvdnx--'Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. under Preliminary Order approved AUguat 14 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost perrfoot�or the above improvement is g 1 05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 sohmits Addition. 400 5 do 300 6 do 300 7 do 300 do 350 9 do 375 10 do 375. 11 do 375 12 do 375 13 do 375 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, ;;- . ,� - ..... �, x�, _. x.F� s;E,�� ' PAUL z OF BT. DEPAZ06T OF FINANCE ! �p REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - - 14_. Sohmits Addition.__ _ 375 15 do 375 . 16 do 1675 . 17 do 350 18 do 3250 _ 19 do 350 20 do 350 21 do 3350 25 do 3 650 �r 17250. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to R, said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Q ,C. Dated _.._ 191- __ -i Farm II, a. 12 CommisviOner of Nino — `/ St. Paul, Minn..... 192-0 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St, Paul, Minn.' Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement , to be made: a -e .................................. . Z�Iaa -7-/ ... ......... . ................................. ............... ... . ......................................................................................................................................St. Am. Axe. -'r/ ......... ... . ........ -.-- St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public,'; � Report to Commissioner of Finance i AUG 2-^_• 1933 August 18, 1923-. 191_-__ --------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The. Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council rile No.__` 7-7§ --- approved --- �u ust 14, 192'1___, relative to " _";'__the construction o3 a_ aix_foot_ oement_tile__aideyv_alk_on_the_weat___ s iAe_-QI`_dea-tr9Qx__:Cacn_IaELrV14ad_�i_traet__to_=5rainarsl-L venae ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $p1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. W-eom.i:ss�i�oner of Public Works. I COUNC ILEE By..........?.....L 6 A.. Ry the Counell �f the C'tr - :. t` a PT^ "f•.thre„ 48756 56 In the Matter 5 4'1e ----Q. �O�l.ri:i=.h._:;Y. .1�L1='...t4... :'a Xa1 _mei.4....4':irS':!itl.Fis.._Y%:�i.r ati...... C`]... e_.. A....s'.5.._ X._Stt.► ............... ..._.................................---.............................. J ........_..___.... ...... ____...._........................... -........ ...._..._........-----_..____......_..._._........_... ..... _.... ._.._I.. tinder Preliminary Order ......._z17.':.PJ .... ...................approved ------- ':......lEz..,....h'2.3.........--....................... IntermediaryOrder ............. ..... ...................................approved . ......... .............. ..--- ..-----.....--------------------------- ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment { i le siJE...a.lk._oa...tne ... ment to be made by the said City is...QQW'_. rtict.-- --. s�.,,c.-.foo. -. c ,,;eni._- ------=--------- -- nest side of illbe-rt evenue fro: Ucodrich :.v• nue to Fairmount (venue, except ..............---........ ................--........_......................._.........._ ._._............_....._....... .- ................... ............. ........ i7 dere mood and sufficient side"vlf lks eXist,.......................... .......... _....... ..._..._.............._..--_........ .. .'..........................._.................---......................-_................... ..................... ............ .......................... .............. ............ ........... ------................................................................................ ...................-.._...._.............--................._....--_............................._................................................................................_.... ............................. ............................ ......... _.............................. _ ................. _.................._..........---..................................---... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instrdeted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. EP 2 8 1923 Adopted by the Council.........s_..._... .................. �� L.-_... -. City Clerk. SEP 2 819.2 ...... 1st....... f .......................... ....._........ .... ..................... Mayo.r.. Councilman TWMr'4dP,p&/ Taney Councilman IMmXX / r'erguson /' PUBLISHED l0 Councilman Hglaxtdx ;' 1:101,01 a ld Councilman HxRerx > Peter Councilman 2MOlkx V/ Sudhei:fier Councilman 34undsrli9lx Mayor b:Anx�JTe 1e on Form B. S. A. 8-7. f - YCITY OF BT. AUL •,.;. o- . DEPARTMENT O INANCE - �$ REPORT OF COMMIS Ek OF FINANCE h ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' (D) In the matter of Constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Albert Avenue from Goodrich Avenue to Fairmountts ° Avenue except where good and sufficient sidewalks exist.i• 5 k 4 � . s 14 1923 under Preliminary Order approved August. E To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: T � % The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g Hi The estimated cost per foo or N Me above improvement is S 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �' r s x — - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION v 1 - 2 - Den F. Lane's Home 16.50, A Sites, Plat 2.it I ix# TOTAL. I a.6. OI ., 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby � submits the Foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 • e ..,�. _ ��a , : as ��.. r, ,.nt., �-.Ei ° . ,. :., ..,-c. .,, ��, :•s.'�s�.. aim .. ;,: .:.. - ROOM 309 EXCHANGE BUILDING, REFERENCE -.- UNION STOCK YARDS. EXCHANGE STATEBANK. 5TOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK SO- ST.-,MINN, Aug. 8th, 1923. To the Honorable Board of Commissioners, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Romsey County, i.Iinnesota. C. Francis Faye, the undersigned, who is the owner of Lot one (1) in Block Two (2), Den F. Lane's Homesites Plat 2, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Hinnesota, respectfully petitions your honorable body to complete the sidewalk on the Fast side of the above described lot from Goodrich Avenue ,to the alley, on the West side of Albert Street, the only part of Albert Street which has no sidewalk in that block. r Respectfully submitted tris Sth day of Au;us , 1923- Signea-�rl�,ez� 141, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 10s� Report to Commissioner of Finance e _� 93 _191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of approved__August g 192'91___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No._47761 _141------ __the construction_of_a_aix_foot_cement_the_-Pide.A41k_PM-tjas___-_______ west side of Albert Ave from Goodrich Ave. to Fairmount Ave., ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- except where good and sufficient sidewalks sidewalks exist. ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____-_______, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .•x 4.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /yam -- Commissioner of Public Works. v°d t C. �F N 48 67—BY 7. M. Cln cy - 875 In'the M0.tt C bine-, both id of t-! �^ t Lawson St- fr [r m Dtendota St to e' 1 d� St unB r Preliminary Order 47336 n➢Drdved Jul Y.:26.: 1923. p public-aenrinS' having been had abovelm➢royeuient upon duel and the Ytons fai da recomtnen. i��relativo taeretb, . and be.''.' :t coneldered - thee_. came; -• COUNC FILE N f" "T FJ?6L ORDER In the Matter of....Gu_^.b.�1� ..b.Qt'Ij ;i.ides..of. �:l+s-on-_UtrtF:i..-from---i,endota...�ir�et o L „a ot_ y'e't r ., ............................................................... r ............................. .......................... ............................................_................................_....................................._........................... ----•------ ......._.........................................._........................_.............._......................_......... .......................... _.................................................... ......................................................................................................... ....... _. _........._............................... ........... ............. ...... ........ ._.................................. ......................_..........._._......................_..._................................................._......._..........._....._.... . ander Preliminary Order .................. :25...................approved ......... J.0-11.....,..19`r�'.•..._.........._...... IntermediaryOrder ----------- .......... ... ..................................... approved -...._.........-----......--- ..--- ......------- ..._--- - --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is :k4rL...>.o,th.-s.i_des..-of.-.Tel''son Ntr2a. fro!a :, ...a --...............................................- - o t --- c' .-- -- ..................._.. ----......... �txe.e:�...t.e--=°x..c.�:�e..qtr.�'=-:.,......_........................--.........- .....- ... ............ ............. ....... .................... ................................................. . ..................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the. proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. `SEP 2 8 1923 - Adopted by the Council _ .....__ 9 ...... t' ....l� .. ter .............. i City Clerk. APProved:S.EP_2.8.923........._........, fi .^ ........ ................+... ......................... . // Mayor. Councilman &aSlYs�ia* Clancy PUBLIsBED /0—__�4 3 Councilman Gr"x vFerozson / Councilman ikv'INAIX ✓i_c �cnai 7 CLQ Councilman?TxIdDtKx Councilman MaCalix. ✓ Sudheir!ier Councilman W eldith Mayor I19 W x t�`21son Form B. S. A. 8-7. Cin OF sr. gqPAUL til DEPARTMENf'`� �'[NANCE --� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Curbing both sides Of Laty Arcade Ptreet. under Preliminary Order approved July 26, 1923 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assess en for the above improvement is 516. DO InpBn tion j'1 .00 The estimated cost per foot for tie above improvement is S 0.69 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION N.40 ft.of 13, 14, and 15 1 E.M.Ma.ckubin's 2nd Add. 1775 12 1 to City of St -Paul- 1375 11 1 do 1675 10 1 do 1175 9 1 do 2175 5 1 do 2425 7 1 do 1525 6 1 do 2125 5 1 do 2225 4 1 do 2125 Form B. B.10 TOTAL. .. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OENT OF FINANCE - DEPARTM �1- a REPORT OF COMI IS.6IONER OF FINANCE + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - •- ASSESSED VALUATION 3 1 E..M. Yackub in I s. 2nd Add. 425. 2 1 to the City of St.Paul. 1775 1 1 _ do 425 16 3 do 1700 17 3 do 3900 18 3 do, 1425 19 3 do ;=825 20 3 do 775 21 3 do 425. 22 3 do 1425 23 3 do 1675 24 3 do 1375 -. 25 3 do 1425 _._ 26 3 do 1025 27 3 do 2025 28 3 do 1075 - �9 3 do 925 30 3 do 1025 42550. . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ------------191- — � CommisAoner Norm B. B. 12 mwce. St. Paul, Minn., ....'JulY:....1.........192 3. To The, Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. on `d ndot - ... ....St. Ave. to-----Ag0La_._......_.__.._.._.................._....._...._.._... - Ave. Office of the Cornrnissioner o1 Public Deport to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance .of the City of St. Paul: we 11-1028 kuguet llt 1923_____191____ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 47335 Jul 26_9-_19-23-191---, the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved________$_relative to the curbing -of both aides of Lawson --Street from- Tdendota Street-_-_-__- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------- --- _Arrads_Sfseat<--------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 69S% per front foot 816.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____ ° ____-_, Inspection $16000 Frontage 1196 ft, and the nature and extent of said improvement is .as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------------ Commissio r of Pub_" lic v`� William I peter, evatmissioner Brie Mallette, Bepatg (bammissioner Department of Public Backs fitu of �ttitti ��u� GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUIT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANRATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND C -PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE August 9, 19230 Mr. Adm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the curbing of both aides of Lawson Street from Mendota Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. J�&-7335, approved July 26, 1923. Latimated Cost - - - - - - - - $816.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - 0.69 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 16. 00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1196 ft. Yours truly, Lnglneer. �4- Approved for transmission to the Commiqu inance. Cowm anI> ++orka. 777 �C.-F No. 48768—BY d.:+l;'Clnncy— In-the Matter of conatrucdng curbing: ,l -8 on both aides of Oatcr Groya Place,; �y � "from in.. Clalr SG to Osceola Avenue;` under :Preliminary Order 46942 ,. ap - proved July 10. 192,3.` 'r. -A publle hearing having been had: ,upon the•,abova ImDrovemeat upon: due. notice, and -the Cbundlhaving h111 " on ser,, tl onconsid lve the�•etr. considered COUNCI FILE NO ............................. AIS ORDFlEB In the Matter of...N..'.17a1:.T1.lr..t...17�...p.tii'_r]:.7�...C.P.,_}..t,.'0...`.z.C.c.S...�....G.3.}f..�SOV.£....+�&Ga frorrr; Si..: Cis? I' St, to sceo a t-ve. ..-...._................................._...............................................z..-.........._.................-...........................................................- _..................__................._......... ................._...._................. .....__......._................ _................. _..... ....... _......................._....... ..... ...... .......... .........__.........._............................................. under Preliminary Order ...........................4.Z. .......................approved-----------J.IJIY. 10-+ 1S -M ------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder ......_... - ... ........... ---...._....._---------- ..approved ......__.............--------........---.........-------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered'the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is;'WhLn on ..Q.til....1J.e.�Ii'wl.e....--- 1'1 e.,...from... t:....' ]Rin St. to CsceoIa :.W..s...._._.......................---._... ------ -_...._._....... _......-. .............. _.. ....... ......._...._.. __ _....__ .._... ......._.._........-......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. SEF' 261923 Adopted by the Council......... �9 .... .... City Clerk. Approved S E P 2 6,1923 ......... , 191 ' ( t Mayor. Councilman Extatstcnrll t 'Taney PUBLiSHI,,D_�0 _ — 3 Councilman ftAxx Ferguson Councilman Hyland-i,cDonald Councilman i UMX Pe Councilman MaGotA �ouc;heiI.. Councilman WaUderhalK 7 ZF>4 . Ij�ayorxlnvdtiX „`.'ism^ ^^. !3'1�t,- Form B. S. A. S -i. CITY OF BT AUL DEPARTM •gO REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ° In the matter of Constructing curbing on both sides of Oak Grove Place, frorn ^t Clair street to Osceola Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 10 1923. — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 601.03 The estimated cost pEgqr i'K sor the above improvement is 0.61 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 4 9t.Clair ct. & Short Line 775 Qouth 1/2 of 6 4 Add.to City of !zt.Paul, 325 Horth 1/2 of 6 4 Plat 1. 325 7 4 do 350 6 4 do 350 5 4 do 350 4 4 do 35-0 3 4 do 2675 2 4 do 400 1 4 do 450 TOTAL, 4;� F- B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL -. - - - DEPARTM N-` "317 FINANCE NSSIONER - - REPORT OF COI+111 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- �• - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 14 3 Rt.Clair Rt.& Short Line 775 . 15 3 ndd.to City of Gt.?aul, 4150 16 3 Plat 1. 350 17 3 do 350 18 3 do 350 �9 3 do 350 20 3 do 375 21 3 do 400 22 3 do 450 14100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ __- __.--_-191 /(J`�-(mmissioner o i`aacr. F— 11. B. 12 J U N 4 w 1928 St, Paul, Minn., .....................................................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, 'City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Q.amant... aiabing..an...bsth..n.Lica... oS...Dax-Or.ava..Plaaa............................................................................................. St. Ave. from ......................8txoir.............__........................ .......................................St.. to......_Oosola.Ago..._._........................._........_ ....... Ql t. Ave. •yv.4D- 022 Office of -the Commissioner of Public Flo PD Deport to Commissioner of Finance fit .� AUG 2019? 3 August 17. 1923 ... 191___- i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No_ _46942 _approved__ July l0y_1923 _191___, relative to - curbing both --sides of Oak --Grove- Places from St. Clair -Street_ to_______- _Oeoeo]�a_A_v_cnAea----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $0.81 per front foot 801.03 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_________ _____, and the total cost thereof is $____________, Frontage 984 ft. Inspection $15.71 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------------------------------------------------- �}� Commis2er of Public Works. C' °d MIR= U. Peter, (lnmmissiunec orie if anette, aeputk a mmissisnec epadment of �Fublar iglu of gaint 13sul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE August 14, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public VlO rks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both sides of Oak Grove Place, from St. Clair Street to Osceola Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. -46942, approved July 10, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - -6801.03 Per front foot - - - - - - - .81 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 984 ft. Inspection - - - - - - - - 15.71 Yours truly, C f Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commis tblic Works. C .F. N 48769—By J �L Clan n �In the blAtt of'3urnisbtnn: d In stalling A vl ilghti. g syetgDJ. c stat g of -ler r Und and lay' iros And nnderSround eondu conveying electric current ,r Y. all outer `necessary d i'+rjnquiPment For said--'- A�u COUNCIL, FILE NO 'nd 10 In the Matter of .L?XT1.?9.ni g.. %l Cd-..1Slvt ]1 ...S...S.er.V1C,.a-ljq1ftixii,;.--s-;j-Stam........... cons-isting._of-... lamp -..pasta ... and."lamps-,_"ui ^-as.-"and.--find-er-gr-o.und-..nandui-ta--.for-....: eonv.�y--in�._8.1.9ctri:8... current-.. the�eto.a.-.anti... a and-_e•quioment---for.-said--.system...on--Sno11i,ng-,_oven}}e"-.from,."Summit---- enue--.to------ Como...4v.Qnue--.'di.9s.t.,................................ - ......................-...-..-....-.-..-.._...--.... ... - ......--..-...... - ...-...-....---- .-... .._..............._........-..-.--.......-...-.............-...._........................... .... _.._.._.. _..... __................................. ..... .--........................... under Preliminary Order----..af-f55 ...............................approved -.......June .--2H.,....1923.> .... ............. ................ IntermediaryOrder ...----- -... ......... ........__........................approved-.........-.__.._.--.......... .... -....-................... .--....... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it `w S RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tile�pr�eiseaaCtere-e .,n • cons.is.t..-nf...�v+,fires.--and,"-under�i;,gund"":conduits"",for..... co.nu-��.i.n°•.-_e �.�.C.-tr;IG"...�.UrX'e?3t... t he re t.o.,...a.na-.. a.11.. -o the r---ne c e s s arY.. a.P�1 i:s�C:�s.-... anti.-.QZia 1pIClont...f9r--..Said-..s.y-stem"..on_._Snelling _-(,venue"_from-" nmmit-"Fpenue"-"to-_". C Q100.. H?r evug-:"!&.91 ..................... '62 aa&� t4ie"ce��ti b`�Y : aaeelt�d: -iisi� ire�ei$8�vi""nil"ail------":.". pgoinsaidruitirrh�wun0im1-4---------- ."""...................................................---------------•E�- -�_- a the Council hereby orders aid improvement to be ma�e" SOLVED FURTHER, Tha the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepa plans and specifications r said improvement, and somit same to the Council or approval; that upon said a royal, the proper city o Mals are hereby anthorizea and directed to proceed with the making of said impro ent in accordance thereityth. ` Adopted by the Council .....-.SE.P-2..6-192.4--------------- ------ 191...-.... .... ...... ....................................................... .......................... City Clerk. Approved.............S.Ep..2 6.19.24 ................ 191...-.... Roll ca to Discontinue. - t g Mayor. Councilman Sirs =w1.11)x ClancnUBLISHED Councilman O&ssx Ferguson Councilman >LYYdK&x I'dcDonald Councilman x Peter Councilman 10vmtxar11011a. i'lenzel t✓ Mayorhwtuxx Nelson f ) Form B. S. A. 8-7. `� x r, CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Z REPORT OF COMMIE OVER OF FINANCE ` L^+'- ON PRELIMIiI2Y ORDER 'Inthematterof furnishing and installation of a service lighting system consisting of damp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment. fox said r —.+.. nn snallinp, Avenue from Summit Avenue to Como Avenue West.-- '. under Preliminary Order approved - To 26 19 23 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $52. 602. QQ front 2.49 The estimated cost pej foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AdbITION East 56 feat of 1,2,3 & East 60 f t . of 1 slid Exc.E.2 of vacated alley E&..st z of vacated alley D. 10 l9 4 Thurston & Lambies Add.to St. Paul, Minn. 4, 4 do 2 1 T4urstons Rea. of Blks.1 2 of Thurston & Lalrbies Add. to St. Paul, 143-tiu. 6 16 Schroeder's Add. 5 16 do 4 16 do 3 16 do 2 16 to TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL •` tom`" +;}, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,¢ SPORT OF COMM,t IONEIa OF FINANCE r ON PRELI ARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED CK ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLO DESCRIPTION ;'. 1 16 ScllroederIs Ada. 8550. 9 do z3go y� 7 9 do 6 9 CIO 4700, 5 9 do 400 4 9 do 4250 - - 3 9 do 41oo : 2 9 d° 4000 1 9 do 3550: 1 82 E. 50' of 4 & 5 & E.50 of S.-21-8 3 do 260 1 1 East 100 ft-of North 1/2 3 8 do 2..Ea3t 100 ft. of 1 and a 8 do 3 1 do 1300 2 1 do 020 l 1 1 do 1200. ; f 4300 j 10 Kuhl's Ad:i. do 2750 2 10 Exc.No.10' for Selby Ave. 1 10 do 5250 24 1 do 6100, S 0.12 ft.of 22 & all 23 1 do 1 do 3,400 No.28 ft.of 22 & so.12 ft. 3 1 CLO 2475 Except South 12 ft. 3 2 1 d0 ) 28860 1 1 do 1 Dobson's Hea. 22800 $ulmr.it Avet uo 3-44225 -- - _-w est.52 ft-of 12,13 and 14 7 1450 4 6 do TOTAL 9 `lo 940o 10 - CITY OF 9T. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - •-•w xis REPORT OF COMW7,,SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELN,,4ARY ORDER 12 do 350 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED AL UATION . _ :5 6 Sumc:it Avenue_ 1225: fit 6 6 do _ ; 1125 Lemke's Add. W•255.36' of that tract bounded _Exc..E.1/2 of S.1/2 a ._by-. Sn.elling_Ave,Ashland Ave-. d° s Ratterman's 2nd 41d.& Sumrgt Ave. IAdd. part of S.�9.,, of N.W.4 of 12$50 :sec -3 -Town 28, Range 23 1000 - ExQep.t East 55 ft. 6 and 7 Laurel Addition 27100 _ . S do 3150. — a 9 `lo 940o 10 do 3900 11 do 36o0. — 12 do 350 13 do 1225: 'IN -est 1/2 of 16 ana 17 Lemke's Add. 1250 _ - _Exc..E.1/2 of S.1/2 15. d° s 14 do 1000 - 13 do 1125 ld D Boulevard Add, b-ks.E.& D. 1100 17 D do 2650: i, 16 D do 1200 --- �5 D Do 1750 14 D do ) ? 25750. �3 D Do 1 ; 16. E do ) rG �7 E do .67900, ,. 16 g do �5 E do 2600, _-_ 14 E d° 1100; 1175. - t T._ 13 E do TOTAL - I Yq u CITY OF ST. PAUL v DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISfIOiVEIR OF FINANCE ARY ORDER a d (B) --' -- - ON PRELIM ASSESSED 4,{r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION-�,y�'�° 12 1 oaklaiid Park Add. 575 • - _._ 11 1 do 550 "x 10 1 do 3950 9 1 do 550 . - 1 do 3990 ,K - 1 do 550 6 l do 550 5 1 do 550. ) - 4 1 do 5600 - 3 1 do q-ast 75 feet of 1 and 2 1 do 1150. . Esc -SO -17' for Marshall 9 S 6o11ege Park 4400. A. strip 100' in ,vi1.h,being ) s ,50on either 3i�7e of center) S.w ! x$00. 3, _ ,g line over & across the of Sec.33, Town 29, Range 23 J 2 9 College Park ) )) x+750 3 9 do l 5 do 2 5 do .6600. ) 3 5 do ) .: 4 5 CIO 800 5 5 do 600. _- 6 5 do 1 3200, do 5000. 2 4 do 775 3 4 do 4675 �. 4 4 do .775: _- - 5 4 do TOTAL. 775. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - `~ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (B) ON PRELIM ARY ORDER i' DESCRIPTION ! :,-. ,... _.. ..... LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _. 6 4... College Park }1025 - 7 4. do 5400 do 900. 2 1. do 4475 --- 3 1 do 4625 4 1 do .4325 35: 5 1 do 825 .. . 6 1 do .1150 6 Cardigan's lieu. 4502 5 do ?5?5 . 1� do 2 2 ,95 _ 3 do 2400 , 2 _ do 2500 1 do 2400 (Exc.part taken for Snelling &Marshall Ave.) Lots 1,2 and j j Boulevard Addition 9250 _.. A strip 1001 in width oeing 50 ft. on either sire of center line over & across the S.�q. 1/4 of Sed.34, Town 29, B.23 1175 Aerrin St.vacated between the 5 4 Snelling nark 3900 , .line of Snelling Ave.& the of Marshall Ave.( exc. _iiN.lin_e (F1.10' fur Snelling) ! 'Exc. 19.10' for Snelling Ave. 7 4 do 3125 I . !-Exc.W.101 for Snelling Ave. 6 4 do X150 'Exc.W. 10' for Snelling Ave. 11 j do _ 3275 ;Exe.W.101 for Snelling Ave. 10 j d4 5100 !Exc. 19.101 for Snelling Ave. ron� o. o... 9 3 • do TOTAL 3g00 - i I CITY OF. ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS IONER2 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �. Fxc. W. 10; for Snelling Ave. 8 3 Snelling Park i - 700 Exo. W. 10' for Snelling Ave. 7 3 do 1900 TTT Exc. W. lo' -for Snelling Ave. 6 3 do 7375 Exc. W. 10' for Snelling Ave. 1S 2 do 5050 Exc. 11. 10' for Snelling Ave. 11 2 do 775 Exc. W. 10' for Snelling Ave. 10 2 do 4125 Exc. .W.10.'_for Snelling Ave. 9 2 do .3175 '. �.Ese. W. 10' for Snelling Ave. S _2 do 3375 Exc. 17. 10' for Snelling Ave._ 7 2 do 775 Exc. 19. 10' for Snelling Ave. 6 2 do _.7550 Exc. W. 10' for Snelling Ave. 12 1 do 10625 Exc. 17. 10' for Snelling Ave. .11 1 do 3550 - - _.Exc, W. 10 for Snelling Ave. 10 1 do 3625. 3 Alien's Rea. 2650 K; 2 do .2725 _. 1 do 2675 15 1 Milham P. rk,Ran.sey Co,minn.,) - -- 14 1 do _)-5900 13 1 do .3500 - 12 do 1000 11 1 do 4000 . 10 1 do ) 13575 9 1 do _. So -b' of 7 and all of 8 1 do 1950 Exc. south35 fact 7 1 do ) } 2475 . 6 1 do ) 5 1 do 1600 TOTAL i CITY OF 8T. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - o- REPORT OF COM1Vi1 SIONEI2 OF FINANCE `' 6 ON PRELINARY ORDER (B) -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Milham Park,Rawsey Coi.blinn., j 5 ,1g50 3 1 � do I 1050 <. 2 1 do 1050 1 1 do 4550 ; 15. 1. H.mer H.Hoyt Company!s Add, 2350 _- 14 1 do . . .1250 13 1 do 7350 . 12 1 ao 1250 11. 1. do - 1250 ; 10 1 do 1250 9 1 do .1250 _ 8 1 do 2450 _- ----, 7 1. do .6975 , a- 6 1 do 255Q 5 1 do 2825 . 4 1 do 5?75 3 1 CIO 5550 . (Exc. No.10 in.) 2 1 do 47.50 N.10 in.of 2 & all of 1 1 do 4300 vxc. part taken for Snelling & Un iv.Aves) E.27�' of the No. 113800 182.821 of S.E.w of sec -53, (Town 29, Range 23 (-Exc.Univ.I Snelling Aves) „(That part lying No.of 1000650 �St.Anthlny_Ave.of the W.' of - Sec.34, Town 29, Range 23 28 4 Brightwood Park .35500 So. 1/2 of 1, 2 and '. ;I 3 4 do TOTAL 2800 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELI(i4ikIARY ORDER (Bj DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION No. 1/2 of 1, 2 and 3 4 5riglacvood Parr 3100 _ 1 1 do 51Q0:_ 8 4 Stierle,McConville & 750. Seegare Midway Add. 7 4 do 75p. 6 4 do 750 5 4 do .750 4 4 do .750. 3 4 do 750. . -_.. 2 4 do .750. - 1 . 4 do .750. 7 1 do 675 6 1 do 600 5 1 do 575 4 1 do 575. . 3 1 do 575 2 1 do 575. . 1 1 do .575 3 2 R. B.Thonpson's Add. .875. 2 2 do 2025 1 2 do 650 1 1 do 17000 2 1 do 575! 3 1 do 575. 4 1 do '575 5 1 do 15'5- 6 1 do 57.5 7 1 do 57.5. I tl TOTAL ' _ ,.. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI IONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIM.ARY ORDER -: ' - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION tS 1 R. B. Thompson's Add.. :575 9 1 do 10 1 do 690_. 72 Rossman Addition, 740. _ 6 2 do 5150: . - 5 do 50. 4W do 650 : - 3 2 do 3.550 22 do z.6 0 _ 5 1 2 do 2 00 7 3 1 do 2 1 dc. sQo South 45 feet l 1 do Exc. So. 45 fe t 1 1 do ) _ goo- r t3 3 1 tdidtivay Plaisance,St.Pau1 _) _ z 1 do 775; do 9 0c 5 z H"pkins 2nd Add-to St.Paul 627:5, . 4 z do 4550. . -. a > 3 2 do 10000 2 2 do 3475 1 2 do 10325' E.1/2 Vao. alley 5 1 do 3.200. 7.1/2 Vac. alley 4 1 do 1200 E.1/2 Vac, alley J 1 do 000 Exc-No .50' of 1 and 2 1 do _ 3.975. 1 1 do 1,600 xorth 50 feet TOTAL r i CITY OF 8T. PAUL r . s.. tf • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS SIOi\IEF2 OF FINANCE Old PRELIM, MARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT DLocK ADDITION ED VASALUATION $ .4,..Lyman D.Baird's Addition "3.1500 6 4 do 72 56 7 4 do 9950 S.2 feet of 11 & all of 12 3 do 18600 Exc. go. 2 Poet 11 3 do 1675 . 10 3 do 1600 S. 6.481 of I and all of 9 3 do 1675 5.16.44' of N.30.26 of 6 3 do 625 No.14.26 feet of S do ) . -_ .3 9200 7 3 do ? 1 17 4 The Hamline Syndicate N-3 1225 . 16 4 do goo 15 4 do. 65Q 14 4 do .29.25 13 4 do 875 12 4 do 2675 11 4 do 925 17 3 do 725 lb 3 do 6�5 15 3 do 625 14 3 do 6'25 13 3 do 625 12 3 do 625 11 3 do 725 17 4 The Humline Syndicate No.2 3505 ronu TOTAL- CITY OF 9T. PAUL . 1 • `s • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �._ REPORT OF COMMI!SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED r VALUATION 16 4 The Hamline-%,ndiotLte No 2_ )_ 15 4 do 14 4 do 13 4 do 10025 ), 12 4 do ): 11 4 17 3 do 7251 16 3 do 650 15 5 do :65.0 South 1/2 14 3 do 52;5 North 1/2 14 3 do 3P5 I 13 3 do 650 12 _ 3 do . 6-50 11 3 do 240:0 12 2 Lmdemalin Place 900 11 2 do 850 10 2 do 850 9 . 2 do 85.0 _ 8 2 do 875 , 7 2 do 3110.0 17 3 The Hamline Synaloa ti No.1 8000 16 3 do 1075 15 3 do 1:75: _. :Qo.9.50 ft.14 3 do 1.25:, N.8.50 of 14 and all 13 3 do 6;70:0 12 _ 3 do i475 11 3 da TOTAL 485o 1 I CITY OF 8T. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , �, REPORT OF COMMI SIONER OF FINANCE ,V ON PRELIM ARY ORDER (B) .. - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 9 C--llege Place W.division 97u, , 19 9 do 795Q Exc.E.60 ft.of N.23,56 ft. 18 9 do 1900- East 60 ft.of No.23.56 ft. 18 9 CIO 1g00 . 3 9 do 4700 _ 2 9 do 5700 South 1/2 1 9 do .4550 _. north 1/2 1 9 do 5475 4 1 Auditors Subd. No. 50 .8300 _ 3 1 do 4350 2 1 do 1450 1 1 do 84625 . 1 Savage Subaivision 4500 . 2 do 3600 Northz of 19 & all 1S 1 Ccllege Pi4ce, W.Division 1725 3 1 do 6750 2 1 do 1150 1 1 do 1275 ; 7 E.C.Long's Rea. of part 1+950 of B1k.6,College Place, Taylor's Div. 6 do 1050 5 do 4350 4 do 3350 3 do 800 . 2 do 43.o0 r.. 1 do TOTAL 4+ oo �xc.Prior ne ing at the intersection of S ly line of ori inal 150 ft- R/W, & 17, pine o� Sec.28,th nce 'V'ly along ) said S'ly line 326 ft. thence S 5E-'ipp to a point 3150 ft.IV. fTom ) S.E.Corner of S.PI.,,of N.W•w, -thence-E.330',thence S,510I to 1tl S'ly line of R/W of St.Paul & Pao Ry,thence E'1y along raid S, 1y line to a pt. 600 ft. TV. from E. line_of Sec.28,thence N.290 ft. thence E.600 ft. thence N•along said E.line of Sec.28 to inter- -Section with a line 100 ft.S'ly from & parallel with that track adjacent to & S.of Warehoue;e & ,(Hamline Transfer,thence W'ly along )) (said line to a pt.100 ft.S'ly from j (original center line of said R.H, thence W ly & parallel ,,vith said ) center line to W.line of Sec. 28, thence ?x.26 ft.more or less to be Part of Sections 26 & 29, (70 ac.} S.%13 of (1ncc W.101.for Snell -7 8 _N,24.45 ft -of 5.83.13 ft -(ex - W.101 for Snelling 7 6 Hamline TOTAL I CITY OF 8T. PAUL • - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI$SIONEIR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 60 feet - 7 1 CollegePlaceTaylors Div. -500 East 65 feet 6 1 do!+5b East 146 feet 5 ..1 do 75..0 ., - - 4 1 do 8q0 . 3 1 do .600 2 1 do 750- 1 1 do 4:i0;0 ;.The So,290 ft.of the lio.484.29 ft. of the E.600 ft.of the S.E.1/4 of Sec.28,T..29,R.23 12000 . ,'(_4 ac.) Ave) Be - �xc.Prior ne ing at the intersection of S ly line of ori inal 150 ft- R/W, & 17, pine o� Sec.28,th nce 'V'ly along ) said S'ly line 326 ft. thence S 5E-'ipp to a point 3150 ft.IV. fTom ) S.E.Corner of S.PI.,,of N.W•w, -thence-E.330',thence S,510I to 1tl S'ly line of R/W of St.Paul & Pao Ry,thence E'1y along raid S, 1y line to a pt. 600 ft. TV. from E. line_of Sec.28,thence N.290 ft. thence E.600 ft. thence N•along said E.line of Sec.28 to inter- -Section with a line 100 ft.S'ly from & parallel with that track adjacent to & S.of Warehoue;e & ,(Hamline Transfer,thence W'ly along )) (said line to a pt.100 ft.S'ly from j (original center line of said R.H, thence W ly & parallel ,,vith said ) center line to W.line of Sec. 28, thence ?x.26 ft.more or less to be Part of Sections 26 & 29, (70 ac.} S.%13 of (1ncc W.101.for Snell -7 8 _N,24.45 ft -of 5.83.13 ft -(ex - W.101 for Snelling 7 6 Hamline TOTAL I • CITY OP 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1, , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (B) ON PRELIIM ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , .12 ft.vf 5.122.25 ft.oP (i . 39 .1 7_ 8 _ ._ Ilamline _ 14 75 r (Exo.W.10 for Snelling; ) _(N.24.66 ft. of s.147.29 ft. 7 6 do _. 2525 5 ,(Exc.17.10 ft.for Snelling) (N.29.j4 ft.(N:ec.w.10 ft.for 1600; (Snelling Ave.) 7 8 do (Exc. Snelling Ave.) 6 8 do 3150,_ That tract bounded by Hewitt Ave.,Simpson St.,Capital Ave. & Snell' A bei g Campus Grounds N4.99 Ac. 3.769oo: _(Exc.part for Snelling ) 8 7 .College Place E_.Division (Exe.part for Snelling ) 9 7 do 2825• (Exc.part for Snelling ) 10 7 do .(.Exc..part for Snelling ) 11 7 dO 850 (Fxc.part for Snelling ) .12 7 do 825 (Exc.part for Snelling ) 13 7 do 1725 (Exc.part fur Snelling ) 14 7 do ;:(Exc. part for Snelling) S 6 do (Exc. part for Snelling) 9 6 do (Exc. part for Snelling) 10 6 do ) __ 42855 (Exc. part for Snelling) 11 6 do .(Exc. part for Snelling) 12 6 do ;(Exc. part for Snelling) 13 6 do ;(Exc. pert for Snelling) 14 6 do ) A strip of land 100 Tt.vride lying No of & ad loinin Colle e Place, E.biv. & eitendi& E.fr�m Sne lin Ave.to SILy line of 150 ft. R1f17 0 (St.Paul,Mpls.& Manitoba Ry.(4.13 ac.) 11025 ;j Sec.27, Twp.29, Range 23 ) -_... _ .onw e o tt TOTAL - .. CITY OF 8T. PAUL 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONy PRELIMI ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION. - ASSESSED VALUATION Exc,�4,_"0 ft. for Snelling Ave .) The N.1.65 Ac.of that tr ct R/N 1Yyin between the S'ly of -ST.-Paul mpi s. & man itoba Rg�. & N.line of old St.Paul & Pac.Ry. 1165 - R/N-in S.w.1/4 Sec.27,T•29,R.23 ,_ A_strip of land 150 : t.wiue being 75 ft.on either side of 54000 the ctr.line of said R.N.over across Sec.27,29,23 (18.18 Ac.) - (That strip 175 ft.wide,being 75 ) 0000 9 -- ft.on N'ly site & 100 ft.on the ) S'ly siie of original ctr.line ) -located "Jas across Sec.28,Twp_-29 (Range_2j_ _ Atriangular trac containing 2250. acres In S.W.corner of ?4.1/4 Seo.27, T.29, R.23 N?� _ lExc.a triandula.r tract in S.N. ) corner cont9ining .75 acres 3 also Ex.Le ington & Sneli: g Aver.) S.lj of S.1/2 of N.1/2 ) (Sec.27, T.29, R.23 (51.42 Ac.) ) Ex.Snelling Ave.& Exc.e strip 1 100 ft. Aide for trackage to S Bopgger's Coke P ant) That part -of N.2/3 of S.1�2 of N.N.4 lying ) S.of a line 50 ft -S -of & parallel) (with the can.line of the N.P. Ry. , (Co'.s_ main -tracks & 4v' ly of a line ) '(50 ft.N'ly from & Parallel to the (Si:pply Spur extending across said from the aforesaid r in track over S.27,T.29,R.23 25 Ac.) 5x.S.132 ft.of N.1056 of w.66o ft. & ex.Snellingg Ave.) S.1/2 of N. of Nw.l/4 of Sec.27, T.29,R.231 2 (Ex.W 50 ft.for Snelling Ave. The l( (5.132 i'1.of N.10-,6 ft.o2 N.66o ft. of Ili.1v.w of Sec.27,T.29,R.23 (2 Ac.) TOTAL , I ronw e s w ' ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL w ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMRAIS,SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM ARY ORDER ,.:..... (B) �a '! LOT BLocK DESCRIPTION ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Corc.meneing at a p# 471.70t. N.of S.W. corner of•SS.E.1/ of N.E.I of Sec.28,+hence E.11314.18 ft to the Sec.line, th nce.S. .ft. to NN line o? ori anal ft/W, hence N.W.Ily along said line, 2000'; & a line 50 ftElly from most Elly ;(Wye track to iQ.. & S.4 line,thence No. to beg.part of Sec.28, T.29, H.23 (6.77 Ao. .I (EX.Snelling,Ave) 5.643.6 it 01 N. ) Sec. 56100 ft.oi S.E.-y of id. .4 0£ Ac.) (t84j-03 28, T.29, R.23, 118.70 N.200 ft.of SA of N. E.1 of 36000 '(Sec.28, T.29, x.23 (12.15) AE -E-50 ft.for Snelling Ave.) All that part E.of join R/W of (N.P.Ry.& G.No.Rv.of S.lt/2 of 66000 (N.1/2 of N.E.1/4 of Se.c.28, T.29 (R.23 (22 acres) Ex N-58 ft.of the E.199 ft.& p4 rt :4650 taken for Snelling Are) S.150 1t.of E. 290 ft.of N.1/4 of N E.l/4 of Sec.26, T.29, R.23 (.63 acres) (Exc.E.50.ft.for Snelling Ave.) N.58 3000 :(ft.of S.150 ft.of E.199 ft.of N. (4 of N.E.-of Sec.28,T.29,R.23 ) 3 1 Wynn eIs Add. 550 2 1 do 12700 1 1 do 1700 6 1 Long's Add.to St. Paul,Ddinn. 327 . 1 do 606 4 1 do 600 3 1 do 4100 2 1 do $5P 1 1 do 3100 . (Exc.part for Snelling 23 2 Lake Park Add. 2nd Divisioni0p TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE P 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I(Exc.part for Snelling) 22 2 Lake Park Ada.to St. Paul 275, 2nd Division (Exo.part for Snelling) 2.1 2 do 2125 (Exc. part for Snelling) 20 2 do 275 (Exo. part for Snelling) 19 2 do 875 (Exo. part for Snelling) lis 2 do 275 (E-xc. part for Snelling) 17 2 do 1375 (Exc. part for Snelling) 16 2 do 275 (Exc. part for Snelling) 15 2 do 275 (Exc. part for Snel,ing) 14 2 do 275 (Exe. part for Snelling) 13 2 do 300 (Exc.part for Snelling) 19 2 Lake Park Add, to St. Paul 2650 Third Division (Exo.part for Snelling) 16 2 do 375 (Exo.part for Snelling) 17 2 do 1675 (Exe.part for Snelling) 16 2 do 375 (Exo.part for Snelling) S.10 (ft. 14 & all of 15 2 do 12�j Excart for Snelling)N,15 ft - (of '(of 4 & all 13 2 do goo (Exo.part for Snelling) 12 2 do 500 .(Exo.part for Snelling) 11 2 do 3625 (Exc.part for Snelling) 10 2 do 725 3770525: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Cokncil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.----,,-- F,— ated.--.__Rnrm D. B. 12 Et?DORSED BY TH7 IQIDI'rAY CLUB April , 1923 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, prcnerty owners, respectfully petition the Mayor and Council of the City of St.Paul, for slectric lighting with Standard Serv4.ce Poe+e, on Snelling Avenue fxora Wummit to Como Aves. The original'Oost of installation to be assessed against abutting Property and subsequent maintenance to be paid from the City's general lighting fund.. �raraFs ADDRESSES I r- r L 7 I E lg % 13 ENDORSED BY T`=' ,IDTAY CLUB April , 1923 E, THE UNDERSxGNED, proporty owners, respectfully petition the Mayor. and Council. of the City of St.Paul, for alectxic lighting with Standard Serva.oe Poa+e, an Sne:lling Avenue from Summit to Como Aves. The original oast of insf-allavion to be assessed against abutting property and subsequent maintenance to be paid from th.e City's general lighting fund., ADDRESSES NAMES �— Gq 1 7 J f i E'TDORSFD b THE �:iID":'AY CLUB April , 1923 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. property owners, respectf'.17.1.7 petition the Mayor and. C(),znoi.l of ••che City of Nt.Pau1, for alsotxic lighting with Standard'Serv4.ce Posts, or. U_nelling Avenue f:t,)Semroi.t to Qomo Aves. The original cost o:t i.nataila,�;ion to be asseooed ags.: E,11POPPIM BY T3r, '=I,?!A'I' CLUB April 1923 WE, THE UN-DERSIGNE-3. P -r )'Oorty owners, eF3-oeot"0.-I .y petition the Mayor anC, Oounoi.1 ol of 9�.Pai-lL, foT lighting with Standere, Sezv4cc P,)i6q-e, ;)r. S.,ic).!J.nr Avenue i.c)L Corm It to Como Avee. The origl-'nal c(-,Gt of j ion to be a e Fed. zagaJ..nst abutting property and slubor?q,,.Iept mF.;-.,enance to be fL..)m the City's general lighting Pmd- ,,2 X;PAMES ADDRESSES $531 Uzzive[ (v A v 7,W SUI'j'-�'-!.'.,-i' V Asti 1'x'i lsj-'JGa u 39 i Et1DCRR7;D BY TF=E ?HDTAY CLUB April , 1923 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. proporty owners, renpect`u11y petition the Mayo.,: and Coun^i.l of -the City or M -Pat -1, for atect.r. 0 lighting with Standerd Serv1-ce P')6t8, on Snelling Avenue fr^OTJ S"MMi.t to Como Ayes, The original cost of i.nsYallation to be assessed a;a,inet abutting property and subsequent maintenance to be paid from the City's general lighting f*anc'., NAMES/ ! 15�i 1DDRESSES y ae 4 1 1`J3` Y' - 0 c 61`� •�a ° 4(1 ` ETTPOR'= BY TE ?.`ID?7AY CLUB April , 1923 WE, THE iJNDER3l:G.TE7, prDpcarcy owners, r.eapect"allY petition the Mayor and Counni.l ar -the Cit> of At,Paul, fo? nlect.r.ic 1i.ghting with Standard Sery-;Xe '»Ye, in Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como Aves. The original cost �)f ineYallaticn to be assessed against abutting property and subs9quent maintenance to be pai.ri from i:be City's general lighting funca.. NAMES ADDRESSES Jug s J 46 E'dDORSED BY T';� ',4IDV!AY CLUB ,April , 1923 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, property owners, reopect.fully petition the Mayor and Council of the City of St.Paul, for Electric lighting with Standard Service Poste, or. Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como Avee. The original cost of inei-z ,.ation to be aFsessed against abutting property and subsequent mv..!Inuenance to be paid from the City's general lighting fund. �,....,� ADDRRSSES i C I 56 \ E7.ID'3PR?'J Ey _ .,TD A,_ CLUE, April , 1823 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, property owners, respectfully petition the Mayor and Council of the City of St,Paul, for electric lighting with Standard Service ?os+e, or. Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como AVes. The original cost of inot43.1ation to be asseesed against abutting property and subsequent maintenance to be paid from the City's general lighting fund. NAMES ADDRESSES J u i l J u s Office of the Commis Toner of public Wo �9 Report to Commissioner of finance Jut � 132,E - July- 33,_ 1933----_--_-191.--- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.A6655 ----- approved --- June- -2a,IM-191___, relative to _ NFi Uehing_ and -installing a_ serv-ioe li�hting_oy®dem_ oon41®ding_ Qg ____ _ laM-P-0916_ _ AWA,VIrea-and_.undnxgzound_aondul.ts_-for-_onnvey4=g---- eleotrio ourrent thereto and all other neoeoesry applianoeo_ and equ_ip- e9en8-�b�-said--ay®�Ce�n-on-�"a®1Ziag-Aveauo-3�a�oa-Siimai� -1Iv®nue �o Joao �1v,t�. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $--_--______-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 0 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------ Commissioner of Public Works. L� e �qs ` +t'N �''S i � y� 3'w✓.nii �"s � �' �;di5n'�S �h'� ff�"e`��'�+ +^ '�'' SH ti`t" , �� } _ zp' ash 3� July 34 1923 � - Mr. H. Cunt. refiingc Do»t. of Kblio tJtilit ice, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear $1 rs A preliminary Order 0. F. ;�46659j has passed tha 0ounoll for furnishing and installing ~° a service lighting system on SnollinO Avenue from Summit Avenue to Como Avonuo foot. 17111 you please furnish an ectimato � of cost on the above, and oblige. Yours very truly, r�. OMSSAH Chief Engineer ;. �M1 t� m Lor. Goo. M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, City of St, Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I herewith submit a preliminary estimate for inetalling service lights on Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como Avenue West. Yours respectfully, Supt. of Lighting V0 Vol r rhi 'hies r�E�arhmeR�,oF ub'I^i,c�� Bureau of Watei. JOHN H. MCDONALD,COMMtsSIONER W. Kelsey, Genf. Supt. JOHN C. MCMAHON. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories Victor H. Roehrich, Chemist - Bureau of Public Markets Otto P. Anacker, Market Master July 16, 1933 Bureau of Lighting H. C. Streich. Supt. Lor. Goo. M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, City of St, Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I herewith submit a preliminary estimate for inetalling service lights on Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como Avenue West. Yours respectfully, Supt. of Lighting V0 Preliminary estimate on installing service lights on Snelling Avenue from Summit to Como Ave.West. 2.7,000 ft. of trehching @.10 229.00/M it 2,700.00 12,938.50 56,500 262 ft. of cable Foundations 8.00 2,096;00 262 Posts 81.80 18.77 21,431.60 4,917.74 262 56,500 Transformers ft -Of cable to lay &drayage 1 130.00 1,572.00 262 262 6.02 .00 Posts to erect & vire 1.00 Posts to paint 262.00 262 400 ap.lamps 2.10 26.40/M 550.20 221.76 8,400 ft. �8 R.C. Vire 47,819.80 10% 4,781.98 0 52,602.00 July 14, 1923 --P - iw�o m Rik V VA O)IN 4 JI Q 4. Bureau of War" JOHN H. MCDONALD.COMSTO-ER J. W. Kelsey, Gent, Supt. JOHN C. MCMAHON,DTlC ... 1 --- Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories Victor H. Rochricb, Chemist Bureau of Public Markets Otto P. Anacker, Market Master Bureau of Lighting H. C. St,eich, Supt June 18, 1923 Eon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Utilities, City of St. Paul, Minn. Year Sir: Zindly have a preliminary order intro- duced in the Council for installing a Service lighting system on Snelling Avenue from Summit Avenue to COMO Avenue, as called for in the attached petitions� Y rG very truly, SSIONER Or, PUBLIC UTILITIES Gilliam I Peter, (Commissioner 0 Brie Mallette, Depute (Commissioner Department of public Earles situ of §stint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR g I� A. S. SHARP, SUFI. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER July 23, 3.923 G. P. BOWLIN, SUFI. OF WORKHOUSE lion. J. IL Clancy, Commiosioner of Finance Dear Sir; % transmit herealth preliminary estimate of coot for constructing Ornamental Lighting System on Snelling Avo. from Summit AVG. to 80mo Ave. West, consisting of lamps, Vires and underground conduito for conveying electric current thereto and all other necessary applieanoes and equipment for said system under Preliminary Order COP. 048655, approved June 26, 1933: Length 13,640 foot Vidth U -10A- fY,_. Frontage 31,143 it. Approved: Co � , /n ' 4eblio 'Vorko d Youro truly, 9,� , E/r�' agineer 27,000 ft. of trenohing 0 .10 2,700.00 56,500 0 cable M/229.00 12,938.50 262 f oundat lona 8.00 2,096.00 362 posts 81.80 21,431.60 262 transformers 18.77 4,917.74 56,500 it. of cable to lay and drayago 02 1,130.00 262 paste to erect and Vire 6.00 1,372.00 363 pasta to paint 1.00 362.00 262 400 op.lampe 2.10 550.20 8,400 ft. N8 R. 0. Vire 11 26.40 —aa71.9t3 047,819.80 plus 10.4-281-91 52,603.00 coot per front foot 02.49 Approved: Co � , /n ' 4eblio 'Vorko d Youro truly, 9,� , E/r�' agineer C1, OFFICE' COUNCIL Ra PRESENTED BY _—qIONER —.N 4,8760 FILEc No ---------- ----- ---- ------ . 26, 19230 —�i'v� nameal 7—T RIESOLNED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Selby Ave. from S11—it Ave. to Nina Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #44796, approved March 28, 1923, and Intermedi4ry Order C. F. JA8134, approved August 30, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land 7 feet in width off of the north sides, or ends, of Lot 1 to 9, inclusive, and Lot 30, Auditor's Subdivision No. 52; a strip of land 7 feet in width off of the south ends of Lots I to 12, inclusive, Auditoris Subdivision No. 5, and a triangular piece of.ground off of the south side of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 6, lying south of a line starting at the southeast corner of said lot and running to a point on its west line measured 7 feet north of its southwest corner. Also a triangular piece of ground in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 77, Dayton & Irvine's Addition, measured 7 feet on Nina Ave. and 21 feet on Selby Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Clancy V/CFergusono cl)onald Matson ✓Pcter VMr. President In favor [-.',-OAgainst 0 SEP 2 8 1923 Adopted by the Council.._.._ ...... --.192. .... I SEP 2 o 1923 Appr/ed.. 192 e r ... .... ..... MAYOR PUBLISHED fl i13iUiam �. �3eter, (lLOatmissf0ner aerie fil!allette, Depatm Q10mmfssfaner Department of fublac works (VtV of §trot Paul MS. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CH -ENGINEER . WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - RhTORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of opening, widening and extending Selby Avenue from Summit Avenue to Nina Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #44798, approved March 28, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #48134, approved August 30, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. kaul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 7 feet in width off of the north sides, or ends, of Lot 1 to 9, inclusive, and Lot 30, Auditor's Subdivision No. 52; a strip of land 7 feet in width off of the south ends of Lot 7 to 12, inclusive, Auditor's Subdivision No. 5, and a triangular piece of ground off of the south side of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 5, lying south of a line starting at the southeast corner of said plot and running to a point on its west line measured 7 feet north of its southwest corner. Also a triangular piece of ground in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 77, Dayton & Irvine's Addition, measured 7 feet on Nina Ave. and 21 feet on Selby Ave. Commissioner of Public or s. Dated Sept. 28, 1923. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIdSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIPfARY ORDER CAI +1 In the matter of opening widening and extending Selby Avenue by taking off the property on the south side of the street from Summit Avenue to w Nina Avenue, and 7 ft off the northerly side of Aid Avenue from the westerly side of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 5 to the westerly aide of Lot 5 Auditor's "bdiviaion No 5 and_also a tri�ng a piece------ of ground in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 77, Dayton & Irvine's Addition measured 7 ft on Nina Avenue and2� ft on Selby AvPn__=L and_ a triangular piece of ground in the southwest corner of Lot 5, Auditor's subdivision No 5. south of a line drawn from the BOutheast QQrne-r__nf Said - Lot 5 northeasterly to a point on the easterly alley line measured 7 ft. north from Selby Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Ma -oh 2A. 1923 - To 923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 16,469.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Ex. the N. 35 ft. & Ex. the Vi,. -10 feet of 5 South 1/2 of 7 South 103 feet of 2025 East 27.65 feet of 10 111est 22.35 feet of .10 do 11 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 12 (Except West 50 ft.) 1 77 Fo B. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Selby Block, Saint Paul, 3325 Minn. being Auditor's 6400 Sub. No. 5. 7775 do 2025 do 2175 do 12825 do 14.400 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 6150. to Saint Paul. TOTAL. CITY OF 9T. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE !L • AH5, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE6MIRIARY ORDER (B)' `tys DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED.; VALUATION Auditor's Subdivision 3550 9 No. 52, St.Paul, Minn. 8750 A (Ex. East 33 feet) 7 do 4050 East 33 feet of 7 do 2650 6 do 25300 _ 5 do 2650 4 do 3400 3 do 3125 _ 2 do 8475 1 do 2000 30 do 13500 South 1/2 of 13 Selby Block, taint Paul, 26100 16 Minn. being Auditor's 3475 17 Subdivision No. 5. 2475 1ffi do 2475 19 do 2275 Louth 1/2 of 20 do 4200 21 do 4700 24 do 6950 6 79 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 4775 (Except West 4 feet) 7 79 to Saint Paul. 6000 West 4 feet of 7 & all of 6 79 do 9300 5 79 do 11750 8 79 do 5650 7 78 do 4975 6 78 do 11225 5 78 do TOTAL 18500. „ K. .. ..... - T. CITY 9F a � DEPARTMENN OFIT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI;SlklpNE OF Fli�lAl�lCE � ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION -ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Cleat 50 feet) 1 77 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 6150 Uest 50 feet of 1 77 to Saint Paul. 3075 z MV 12 77 do .9025 1 76 do 7075 12 76 do 9400 1 75 do 8000 fi 12 75 do 62600 �F South 100 ft. of 30 & 29 2 Kern's Add -to Saint Paul. 24300 28 2 do 46350 27 2 do 2000 26 2 do 3100 25 z do 4:300 3 24 2 do 3200 �3 2 do 3650 22 2 doa 2050 21 2 do 3450 20 2 do 3500 .. 19 2 do 2100 18 2 do 4200 9 17 2 do 3775 16 2 do 9000 1 Cochran's Sub.of & Add. 181700 20 to:Blk.11,Woodland Park 2750 19 Addition. 2750 .. 18 do 7000 v �7 do 22500 r 16 do TOTAL 5050 - CITY OF OT. PAUL 4: -p. DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELImiXA6 ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SE AASSESTION VALUD 15 Cochran's Sub. of and 6050. (Ex.So.62 ft.of 1.7.10 ft.) 14 Add. to Hlk.11, Woodland 3800 _ Gouth 62 ft.) 13 Park Addition. 3750 _(Ex.the 30 2 Selby McClung and Van- 4400 29 2 meter's Add. to St.,Faul. 3500 28 2 do 3400 27 2 do 3900 z6 2 do 4000 All of 25 & E.10 ft. of 24 2 do 6900 West 30 ft -of 24,& all of 23 2 do 21450 22 2 do 1400° 21 2 do 1400 20 2 do 3100 19 2 do 1400 18 2 do 3150 17 2 do 16150 16 2 do 3500 North 72.50 feet of 1 10 Woodland Park Add.to City 1875 2 10 of Saint Paul, 6425 3 10 do 9425 East 1/2 of 4 10 do 4975 West 1/2 of 4 10 do 2475 .5 10 do 2125 6 10 do 2125 7 10 do 2125 8 10 do 12125 9 10 do TOTAL 2925 _ CITY OF OT. PAUL 'x y —b DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �' r REPORT OF COMNI1S�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRECIIVIINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION T 5"a 10 10 Woodland Park Add. to .2125 11 10 the City of St-Paul- 2600 k 12 10 do 11850 1 4 do 63000 17 4 do 7100 16 4 do 15 4 do 3250 14 4 do 9000 13 4 do 6050 12 4 do 3950' 11 4 do 44950 10 4 do 2750 22 3 do 37600 21 3 do 6500 20 3 do 6450 19 3 do 10350 19 3 do 5950 17 3 do zgoo k 16 3 do 3700 15 3 do 56o0 d L All of 14 & E. 10 ft. of 13 3 do 19900 West 40 feet of 13 3 do 4000 12 3 do 9675 1 5 do 43450 ._ 10 ft'. of N.75 ft-) �. 2 5 do ..Ex.West ........ _ T. 10 ft. of N. 75 ft. of 2 5 do 7125 and N. 75 feet of 3 5 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a- REPORT OF COMMI,6SIORIEIR OF FINANCE ON PRELIPAlk—AAhy ORDER as (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAASLUATSESSED ION 4 .5 _ Woodland Park Addition to. 4725 5 5 the city of St. Paul. 12125 6 5 do 12625. 7 5 do 4125 8 .5 do 2125. North 92.50 ft. ofE.l/2 of`,10 5 do North 92.50 ft. Of 9 5 do 6800. North 92.50 feet of 11 5 do 4900. also N.92.50 ft.of VP. 1/2 of 10 5 do _North 92.50 ft. of 1 .6 do . . .16675 2 6 do 5800 3 6 do 6050 4 6 do 4650 5 6 do 4895 6 6 do 3900 7 6 do 3950. �r $ 6 do Ex.W.31.39 ft.of N.4.2.65 ft.,9 6 do 39050 W01.39 ft.of N.42.65 ft-Of' 9 6 do 21000 E.28.61 ft.of N.4.2.65 ft.cf 10 6 do N.99.7.4 ft.of W.21.36 ft.cf .10 6 do 66800 �r N.99.74 ft. of 11 6 do N.40 ft.of Lots 1 & 2 5 Holcombe's Add.to St.Paul. 13100. also X.40 ft.of E.10 ft.of 3 5 do - West 30 ft, of 3 5 do 2200 4 5 do 6350 5 5 do 56o0 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL ' f7, -'s DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ++ + REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINJUY ORDER e DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 5 Holcombe's Add. to St.Paul. 7600 7 5 do 3000 . _ 6 5 do 3900 9 5 do 6700 10 5 do 6600 11 5 do 1600 12 5 do 2400 . 13 5 do 1600 . 14 5 do 5100 15 5 do 7650. .18 4 do 10000 East 10 ft. of .,17. 4 do West 30 feet of 17 4 do 9500 16 4 do 6$o0 15 4 do 17050 14 4 do 2500 13 4 do 2150 12 4 do 2200 11 4 do Foo East X30 ft. of 10 4 do 1700 also E.30 ft. of B1k.20, Moss Out Lots. - --West 30 ft.of E.60 ft. of 10 4 do 1700 also W.30 ft. of E.60 ft.of --B1k.20,Moss Out Lots. ;. E.34o ft.of W.90 ft. of 10 4 do 5300 also W.30 ft.of E.60 ft.of B1k.20, Moss Out Lots. W.50 ft.of 10 & E.40 ft. of 9 4 do 13600 also E.90 ft.of W.2o0 ft. of B1k.20,Moss Out Lots. y TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL p ° DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE 4 ON PRELIPAlkA&Y ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION E.30 ft -of 17.110 ft. of 9 4 Holcombe's Add.to St. Paul. 9700 also E.30 ft -of W.110 ft. of B1k.20,Moss Out Lots. Test 80 ft. of 9 4 do 4650 also W.80 ft. of B1k.20, Mose Out Lots. 30 3 do 21500 East 30 ft. of 29 3 do 1800 West 10 ft. of 29 3 do 375 28 3 do 5600 27 3 do i400 26 3 do 7600. _ 25 3 do 5500 24 .3 do 1700. _ 23 3 do 1400 22 3 do 1400 21 3 do 3700 20 3 do 7700. 19 3 do 1400 18 3 dg 4050 17 . 3 do 8350 16 3 do 2000 1 6 do 11500 2 6 do 15550 3 6 do 5600 ` 4 6 do 5650. 5 6 do 4350 6 6 do 1400 7 6 do, TOTAL- 4000. . - CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE d • :` : REPORT OF COMMIrSIONER OF FINANCE ;€ ON PRELIMITIOZY ORDER (B) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION +' 6 6 Holcombe's Add.to St.Paul 1400 9 6 do 4365o East 36 feet of t10 6 do viest 4 ft. of (10 6 do 16550 11 6 do 12 6 do 1400 -13 6 do 6400 14 6 do 1400 15 6 do 3750 20 6 Nininger & Donnelly's 14600 19 6 Add.to Holcombe's Add. 4425 .16 6 to Saint paul. 3625 17 6 do 4625 16 6 do 3275 15 6 do 2475 14 6 do 3 675 13 6 do 4325 12 6 do 1175, 11 6 do 5050 16 5 do 7500 17 5 do 1150 16 5 do 5650 15 5 do 1150 14 5 do 5050 ':. East 1/2 of 13 5 do 575 west 1/2 of 13 5 do 575 do 1150. +I 12 5 TOTAL - � CITY OR 3T. PAUL -- -- --" s' DEPARTMENT-OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI!SIQ�IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAddY ORDER` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 5 Nininger & Donnelly's 1150 10 5 Add.to Holcombe's Add. 1500 .18 4 to St. Paul. .42oo 17 4 do 5950 16 4 do 4400 15 4 do 4700 14 4 do 4150 �3 4 do 8100 12 4 do 5600 11 4 do 3950 South 80 ft. of 10 4 do 3600 7. 1 7 do 16000 2 7 do 6175 3 7 do 2475 4 7 do 2075 5 7 do 1175 6 7 do 4925 7 7 do 2675 8 7 do 4925 9 7 do 1175 10 7 do 3950 .1 g do 4200 2 do 1150, 3 8 do 4550. . 4 do 4850 5 8 do 5750 6 8 ,�$AL 4550 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL - 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s REPORT OF COM{•��/pISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIW4RY P ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 8 Nininger & Donnelly's Add. 3050 8 to Holcombe's Add.to St. 3150 9 8 Paul. 1500 (Ex. South 43 Ft.) 1 9 do 4200 2 9 do 4650 3 9 do 5600 4 9 do 1200 5 9 do 5400 6 9 do 3600. 7 9 do 1300 8 9 do 10600 _ 9 9 do 14400 1 Selby Blk.,Salnt Paul, 1630875 and that part of Summit Ave. vacated adjoining. Minn. being Auditors Sub. 2 No. 5. 7500 . 4 do 10625 3765395 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i i Dated-- — - --- 191— __ Norm B. B. 12 Commis over of Fi ce \�- �. a cti (l 7%- 92 To The Honorable, The Council, / City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable G Body to causerthe'folMo-wjng improvement to be made: Tn.._vtida ..Sellax.. AV,—i" Av..e,..,. and inAM the-.-_roedway._from--_NAna-_Ave..,.,.....to_.St.,..._Alban .,..-_reoving,.Boul.evzrdSKjCX Ti :' f57i.---..).d•�.ix►�...�zart..'k.f.Q.r....x4s,tlw�/..alltFtxttwwtFxeta�.ba�nc.e._f-Or.....widexling._._s.isiawalk (pit down trees and poles. Place wires and cables underground, ................................................................................... St. Ave. ... _........- t'"' LOT BLOCK / D (�Di• t 7 i,�£l!�...a //7✓/} {de R !9-e 10 1%77 3 S Gi-+•c.....-- w ,�.,.. fes.' _ .i%,�rz>•tl- ././,�..r.,.'�,r.��'?uo 415 (\ J 6X - f'�. !/n Wi' CIL, 'v. , Office ®f the COMMi� 0oi_ r of Public Wor Report to Commissioner of Finance AUL 10.992 ------ 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-_ 4.7-9$____approved_-Marc11_28r_192a_191_-_, relative to _-opening,_ widenin�_and_ ext ending_Selby_ Ayenue _fx4m_Summit. Ausnue _tn.___ Nina Avenue ---------------------------------- -and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 4C.mmitsioner ---------------------- of Public Works. 4"0 53 "� ice of the Commissioner of public ogsfi. i Report to Commissioner of Finance r _April_ 20_d_19230-_-191_-__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of f °a a�}qg$ ]u ch 26, 1923-191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.__' _____---approved_____________________ o ening widening and extending Selby Avenue from Summit Avenue p----------------------- a Nina Avenue?------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------- - ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The. estimated cost thereof is $___ ------- and the total cost thereof is ____-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---------------,-------------------- f; 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------- 5; --Said.. improvement is------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of assessment for said improvement-----------� � property, subject. to assess � - -------------_ Commissioner of--I CIII c: Works. ............................................................................... William I Peter, eamissiottex s�xie �ollette,l�cput� �oaranssionex � N Depadmeut of Public alks (Litu of 51fint Paul M. S. GRYTHAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM.N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE 4 G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER Jr July b, 1923* lir. Wm. d. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works - orks.Dear De arSir: I am submitting herewith a report for opening to widening and extending Selby Avenue from Summit Avenue n. Nina Avenue, in accordance with the attached petition snd request of the Tunnel West Club, under Prelim nary _ ` ............. _44798 , a roved March 2i3ti---1923;.._...... -Thp... Order C. F* , tip being to give a better approach to #: = of course tel Avenue. Selby In connection with this widening order, I submit the following estimate for grading, relaying walks and curbs and widening the present paving* This estimate covers only the physical improvements and does not include land or alteration to buildings* - - - - - Assessable to property 119166*00 <s share - 6,324*00 City' -------- �� 16,489000 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1668 ft. ✓ .. Yours truly, 27-7. i Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. f J/� Commie f�l� 7ic Vdorks. cissa^ �7f . OHIGINILL TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , s a, No ..._s7C9� F"-�-34-zz AUDITED CLA%DYB—RE80LIITION. FORM _i. .,, 700 w .. ... COM. .. OLLER. . L�.._....._I.2......_�BY �......... ........ .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a gate amount of $..-.2a ....................... covering checks numbe&ed--_1'1220 to 1722b inclus' a, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ; Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. f- SEP 2 81923V11 Clancy, Adopted by the Council---------- ----------------------------- — ......... .. /Terguson, --------- ------------ /Ferguson, In favor g E v 2 " 1923 ,/"McDonald, App r ed ... /tfatmm- Sudheimer /Peter, .Wenzel— :.. -Against ......... -- - f Mr. President, Nelson 172.20 B. J. Barry, .80 P.W.-Genl.Admn> Engineers 17.28 St,C.& R. 3.90 Seder C.& R. 17.88 Bridge Bldg. & R. 2.89 L-1686 4.50 47.25 17221 Qampbell Coal Company, t�'ater 17222 r'.J.Rose Company, Water \, 17223 The 3peakesnCompany, / tlja� 1riater 17224 Surgar Beat Products Company, Mater 17225 Victory Printing Company, VJheelage Tax 12.50 it IT 7.50 Municipal Court 10.00 Aoct.Forms 54.75 ++ 11 9.25 Election Exp. 7.25 n rr 4.00 Health 22.00 1 27.50 Sprinkling 6.00 160.75 �111 w. 47,2b 285.67. 11.88 1,926.81 80.39 160.75 i - OITS OB AT:PAOy •,OAIG,RAL TO -- cliriLeAlc - OFFICE OF THE. COMPTROLLER. - ry 00 =o,z 4$762 F- 37.34 i iz-zz AUDITED CLAIMS—'RESOLUTION FORK O -- - "' - _. I Re s.5 699'�Eri r 5�-- 27'923_ BY , !p COMPTROLLER AUDITED..._ ----------- _....... ......... ........... __ ------ Resolved _ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the gregate amount of $_ V 278.12............................. covering checks numbere ----189 to _ 721...._._.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City t d17 •----- -- `'- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. Alancy, Adopted by the Council -..SEP 2 8 1923 192 Ferguson,(.?- ..In favor S E P 2 8 1923 McDonald, ./j�. Av��.t• StdhelffieP Per, Against _ - cm • '� ` MAYOR G/ Mr. Pres Nelson ............ .............................. 17189 American Linen Supply CO., 36.32 Armory 17.55 'Emp.Bureau 4.65 Policy 2.80 Fire 3.15 Schools 3.87 Garage 4.30 76 17190 American iiailway Express Company, 19.37 Fire 1.07 Schools 17.08 Library :.1._22 19.37 17191 B.oak Fish Co. 16.78 ';tater 17192 Allen born, District State Boiler Inspector, 24.00` Sire Schools 21.00 24.00 17193 Central ;arehouse Lumber Company, 394.93' '; ater 17194 FJilliam L. Clarke 2.98 ibrary Gar ag e 17208 Red Squirrel Nut Company, Park Refectories 17209 Souther McIntyre Company, :later 17210 A. G. Spalding & 3ro. Parks 6.50 25.00 6.47 Res.4699-rage 12. ;Ey 1923 17195 J.M.Clancy, Com'r. Finance, 5,261.50 Interest 342.50 Rea.of Bd.F&. 21000.00 P.I.R.F.Red.Certs. of Ind. 2,800.00 P.I.R.F.-Interest 99.00 'atcr Dept.Int. a 20.00 5, 261.50 17196 Contractors Supply & &}Ripment Co. 93.88 St. C. & P. lPay.) 17197 Elk Linen Supply Company, 13.04 Library 1.25 Testing Labs. 1.50 1.50 Kat er 8.79 Io 04 17198 Leonard Prank company, 15.70 ?ark Refectories 17199 C. E. Green, abstractor 7.50 Nater 17200 Kaplan Paper 3o.{ Company, 6.50 Kheelage Taa 17291 F. G. Leslie 'Paper Company, 117,04 Pur.Dept. 2.25 Disc.& Unf. 5.00 Slater 109.79 17202 Library Bureau, 165,63 Schools { 17203 Albert Meidinger, 23,50 ;dater 17204 Northern States Poyer Co. 1,266.66 Emp.Bureau 5.35 Fire 3.25 Lighting 5.31 Auditorium 24.00 ,`later 863.28 " 365.47 1,266.66 17205 O'Neil & Preston, 125.00 Water 17206 L. H. Peter, 66.65 ;eater 17207 wick Service Battery Company, 7425 Gar ag e 17208 Red Squirrel Nut Company, Park Refectories 17209 Souther McIntyre Company, :later 17210 A. G. Spalding & 3ro. Parks 6.50 25.00 6.47 Res.T 2 7 192 17231 Jack Stark, 32.80 Comptroller, 17212 L. J. Stillwell Paper Company, 21.03 Finance 16.23 ;later 4.80 2 .03 17213 Katherine Thompson, 3.00 Library 17214 Avery Treon, 1.25 Library 17215 Tri-State Tel.& Teleg. Co., 131.98 Bmp. Bureau 12.80 Fire 60.18 Fire 59.00 17216 17216 Tri-$tate Tel. & Teleg. Co., 115.24 P .'11. Gen11. AdMn. 33.84 Engineers 5.40 St . C .& R. 8.55 Library 35.75 Markets 12.00 s Lighting 10.00 Garage 4.70 Sprinkling 5.00 1 , 24' 17217 H. Von Hippel, 15.00 Engineers 17218 E. T. Webster, 150.00 Water ? 17219 :lestern Union Tel. & Oabhg.Co., 39.62 Pur. Dept. 2.73 It n 4.98 P.S.Gen'1.Admn. .48 Schools 31.43 `39.62 gUADBuPucATE OixY oP nr. PA[ry ;M CM CLERK eopacrn 1vo._.._ .49763- arn>z FormD-34 1M12-22 2 f ti Lr•LY MPLRO ...R ... 192....._._ ............ ... ' AUDITED ....... _.... . ........ ...... ...-. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the krekate amount of .............. --. covering checks numbered _....-.172 D .--..----to-----1.-7.49-- ---- ------•inclusive, as per rekister of city checks on file in the office of the City. •>>' Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen Nays. Taney, 1 Adopted by the Council. --- ?E�.-2-51923 lty2 e*uson, -,T ..In favor �,�McDonald, Approved--' ---... ' SER -2_$--i92- 192 2dacsetr Sudheimer } Peter, (/.-Akainst r /"Mr. President, Nelson � P J / C. F..ol d- that Resolved that :cheeks -be drawn on 'the -'City 'Trensuty, to -the aggregate;, - amount o4$so9,884.47, overing checks numbered 17240 to 17249, Inclusive; as- 'he�'o8lcle tot the -C ty hock- on le 1n Comptreller. dopted by thee. Councn Sept. 28, 1923. --' Approved Sept. 26-1923)8; 1923. (Opt. _ . OF 8i. P60L 'OR101NAL TO - c17YCLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .DUAa2L FoImD-3¢ iM 12-22 AIIDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM. NO ...4'763 �La 702 .: a/ !+ BY .... CO ... AUDITED ._.-._.... ... ..... .. .. ...192. _..._ .. ................... ... / ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to / o$$re$ate amount of $..309;-8b4.47••--- ------: covering checks numbered ......172� 0 ..............to...._17249 - .- .---_incllusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City 3 Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.... ................. 2 a Y. /FerBuson, An favor SEP 2 3 1923 1j McDonald, roved `Ap ... ........ - -' 192 Namyt- Sudheimer,MAYO RPeterAgainst ..................................... /Mr. President, Nelson X39240 _............... ........ ..........-------_----- jioard of Control . ........... 6,386.37 Bd.of Control. 17241 J. M. ulancy, Com'r. Finance 14,479.90 City Officiers 3,083.32 Mayor's Office 208.33 City Clerk 547.25 Wheela8e Tax 47.50 Election Uxp. 250.56 Corp. Counsel 948.07 Com'r. Finance 690.03 Bur. of Reo.& Dis. 764.66 Part.Certs. 225.32 Comptroller 1,304.19 Civil Service 673.93 Pur. Dept. 1,173.9.5 Mun.Court, 2,675.04 C.&.& C.H. 1,630.25 Armory 257.50 79.90 17242 T. 1,1 .Clalley, Dom'r.Finance, 337.zu0 C.p.Saety-Adm. 17243 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance, 1,650.45" Pol. & Fire Alarm .i' 0 t-702-Iage if2 SEP , y< 17244 J. Ti. Clancy, Com'r.Finance, Health -"dm. 617.37 Vital Stat. 317.50 Food Reg.'& Insp. 763.02 Quarantine 1,186.87 Tuberculosis Div. 666.25 Dale St.Infry. 72.50 Iorkhouse Hosp. 323.50 Lab, 257.12 F ublic B4ths 170.00 Comfort 4tat. 247.50 Enforcement Dog.Lic. 85.50 wuar.Inap.Auto. 55.00 1-,-782.13 17245 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance, zi or khou se 663.65 St.C.& R. 183.75 847.40 17246 J. M. Clancy, Com'r.Finance School 3,895.33 133,406.45 , 49,797.76 Library 6,088.47 auditorium 727.53 f..: 19,��9T5.b- 17247 J. M. Clancy, Com'ir. Finance, C.P.U.-Aam.137.50 Invest.-F.U. 546.12 Lighting) 1,375.38 Markets 1 243.70 Mtn,Tests.Lab. 48 X99 2,783.69 17248 J.M. Clancy, Com'r; Finance, Park -1' dm 357.95 Bur. of 114"7ks 247.37 Playgron4&s 288.88 P. Bldgs 3,951.77 " " (tanto) 257.79 Bond Furs Tdattocksi 71.00 Nev. Vranllin 71.00 nines School 71.00 Lincoln 1 71.00 Tilden School 71.00 Gordon 76.00 Randolph :Height 4.73 Greenviood 76.00 5,615.49 17249 Merchants Nat 11. -0ank, Interest 39,275.00 1'.I.R-Re4.Cert. of Ind. 6,000.00 P.I.R.-Inti. 17,301.00 "later Dept14-Int. 16,490.00 79,066.00 .847.40 193,915.54 2,783.69 79,066.00 QUADRUPLICATE TOCRYCLERK -OITY a - OD T. ,. YaOL'i- .. ' C: F. No. 48764—/j/ the ck. be dggregate I,theeCity_ covanrn No.._ 4876" Yin Form D.34 1M. 12-22 Ttene"Y.et, .'amount of 54.682.94. - ovaring becks. ammbered 11226 to 17239' incluetve,:'ae .:, register.-oY clty checks on file In;fhe. per office' of the. Cit., Compiltroller. dopted'by t. 28. 1923.x. pthe CouncSep ilpProvedSeDt• 23,:1923. -.(OcC. 6-1923) ,,� AUDMD........ SCF�2 i.U?f,. __. ._... .. nY ................ CAMPTRO . ... F .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the re$ate amount of $- Q: �B`lxP-PA----.-.-- --------- covering checks numbered....to ._a.%`�?9 .----------- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. incl u6ive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ; ..-IClancy, SEp2°1923 Adopted by the Council- ...--- ..... _...... --. --192.----- V'Fer$uson,_?-In [/, McDonald, favor Q S 1923 ` P pproved---- P .192 ---- P' bfnf9eih 3udheimer i/ Peter, President, Nelson f Against ' C: F. No. 48764—/j/ the ck. be dggregate I,theeCity_ Ttene"Y.et, .'amount of 54.682.94. - ovaring becks. ammbered 11226 to 17239' incluetve,:'ae .:, register.-oY clty checks on file In;fhe. per office' of the. Cit., Compiltroller. dopted'by t. 28. 1923.x. pthe CouncSep ilpProvedSeDt• 23,:1923. -.(OcC. 6-1923) ,,� - �•;,. I O1TY OP 8i. PMOL OFFICE OF THE CON131 AUDITED CLAIMS—R19SOL 1401 com OLLER E P .... ..... ......................... ......... .... AUDITFO ........................ .. .... _ .... ..... . ....... .. . . .................. . ...... ....... . ........... — ------- ---- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the $reWe amount of $ 43.582o94 --------- --- ............ , covering checks numbered 17226 ......... to ... 172-3.9 .._.__.incl ive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City "I ........... .... ...... . Comptroller. Yes ✓ ) Councilmen ( ; ) Nays. --'Clancy, v -'Ferguson, i.,%McDonald, i,/Metsaor- Sudheimer VPcter, V. Ir. President, Nelson 1J.In favor JAbainst 17226 Broo s ZuinTier"'My# L 174 17227 Mr. ''dd. J. Gille, Civil 3e 17228 Great Lakes Coal & V. -at er 17229 Millarburg Luto El SEP 2 8 Adopted by the Council.............. ---------------------------------------- 19 Appr & SF 2 191 O� ---------------------- r ........ .... . ............ ..... .......... ------ ... MAYOR ----------------------------------------------- 221.48 11.25 rVice Dock Company, 2,003.00 ectric Company, 6.73 Fire .38 Garage 6. Z.5- 6.73 17230 iMinneapolis,, St. Jaul & Soo Ry. Uompany, ;dater 17231 Northwestern -raper Goods Company, Comptroller 17232 Picard Laboratories, 'Mat e r 17233 Review Publishing Company, Official Publication RggBA— Royal Illypeviriter Company, x'inane e 1.10 Health 1.77 Schools 2.00 --T-. 8-7 109.02 25.75 9.59 1,847.40 4.87 Ees.,; 701 -rage 1. 17235 St. Paul Electric Company, 5.50 Police 3.30 :dater 2.20 17236 Stearns Printing Company, 10.00 ',`Fater 17237 St. Paul 74hite 0ompany, 16.38 Garage 17238 Tri-State Tel.& Teleg. Company, 302.97 Police 132.31 Police & F.Ylm. 170.66 602.7-7 17239 L. Ci. 'riallace, 9.00 Police ITY 08BT. PAIIL - 'gaADRYFLICAiE TD CrfT CLERK BBIISBrL ` 48765 _ PrLa No.. Form 71.34.1M 12-22 SEP. 2 <1 1923 �..... .......Mf�o.......... AUDITED....... .. ............ .192_ ........ ,-.. ... fER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggre ate amount of $.4'w-fa:1'�.B-----•----- -- coverin8 checks numbered ......17.2BOL.-----------..to.........17L53........._..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller.' Yes ( ✓)Councilmen (J) Nays. 1,161ancy, Adopted by the Council........SET 2_@,1M23 -_.- _ 192 (,, Ferguson, 1 '.t .In favor McDonald, Approved.. ........... S °.2_$_1Q?3 192 ..1 Musses; Sgdheimer ,-'Peter, Against /Mr. President, Nelson s+r Lt � f�•a``� 7— -- - r i F.'Wo. 48765— Resolved that checks be �drawrt on the C1P oY5Tre9a ury' t th aggregate umbn05910, Verlag,-, checks ered 3 250 to --17253 1 cluelve, as _ p r' register oY cI[1' heCkB on .81eSn- th ttice of the :City Comptroller. Adopted by the Councfl Seyt. 28, 1923:. Approved 6ept. 28"� 1923. it '(Oct. 0-1923) O 1 OITY OP PT. PAIIL ..ORIGINAL TO _ CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERCOUNCIL 4/��(��,/p/�[/�{ Form D-a4 1M 12.22 AUDITED .CLAIMS—RESOLUTION. FORM PILa NO --.-�-t"J' 'lV% / " 703 S L P U �" BY COM OLLER AUDITED... . ..................... ....... _............ 192.....__ .... .. -f .. .... ... .......... ... .. PE.._................... ------_--- ._---- --- ---- -.-:._...--- --------------------- ..._ 4 659.10 overing Resolved that cheeks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the gregate amount of $......e.......... ----- ----- ----•. c checks numbered -- 17250 to - _--- 1j�253 ____inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ---------------- --------------- _ %4 Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. SEP•2 8123 lancy, Adopted by the Council- ........... _ ------....192...... vj Ferguson, _._.In favor SEP McDonald, - Ap oved ..... Pj 192 l�Peter, " nv O.-Against ................................ - - - /-- MAYOR /Mr. President, Nelson - . - ...-. .... .... ...................................................... 19250 Christ Johnson, 2,5]2.75 L-1690 L-1759 17251 0,jTeil & Preston, 827.60 L®1723 17252 Souther I-lacIntyre Company, 691.75 L-1664 17253 Martin Wunderlich, 627.00 L-1760 - RESOLVED �� -4 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE No ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__.._SeP t o.._8. -- Whereas, Unforseen obstaoles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order CD F. 41649. approved.mber DunlapQ,treatdescribed Hemline the Avenue* curbing of EdmtA- Contractors, have arisen Standard Stone Company, necessitating the following sacra charge: Drawing back four (4) Catchbasins $18000 Now therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision Of the Commieaioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $18000 and to. be allowed as an extra under the contract Im of the afore - as Comptroller°s Contract L1646 for the making said improvement* . 1, 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays k/ Clancy r Ferguson l i eeMcDonald _...In favor 1' Peter ......... _.... Against 4ILa eel �fMr. President Adopted by the CouncilSEP 2 8 1-23 _-.___192..' SEP 2 8 1923 AT'roved...._- .---- 192..--- ....---------._. -�M YORK .... p �/ a - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOIENCILNO-------------f�.-a-�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e , rED BY DATESept281923e __........._.._. RESOLVED In the matter of paving Pillsbury Avenue from Myrtle Avenue to the north line of Territorial Road, and Territorial Road from Pillsbury Avenue to the easterly line of Vandalia Street, under Preliminary Order Cm Fo X7169, approved July 19, 1923, Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all prooeedings in such matter discontinued, 111H . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L" Clancy Ferguson 'NcDonald _._.In favor tom' 8udhei�r� Peter.: ............ .... Against w Mr. President SEP 2 1923 Adopted by tZed- ned.................._---- ........_.._.192_.... Ap _.-SEP 2 8 1943 192_.... MA OR Council File No ------- -4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ! PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - AQeA.-..XX.om_D4=-the...A.vaa----to.._the-nor.th-line--- jot --------------------- aari .tQrial..89ad., ---and ..Texrilaorial..Eoarl..Prnm .P111-chary.-9venna---t.o---the.---- ®seterl�-_line__o3-_Vandalia---9t-q.,_ inolu4-ing_-QAW9T_,.-.WAtes...an.d.-gaa--- oQnneo tions from street mains to property linea complete. where not already made also- - iclu3i............... n� our g and paving driveway 8c alley apces, Dated this day of_...----8ep5 euibeT9''19.28, 192 ...-..where necessary rnEL u xnnr',onuits. C. PNO 48TG8- n Abstr ct, . n'inghbi!.i, Awrltten D[ollae6l fol' the �mslsaE,,the:,f*Itow.ng;)ipPTovemenr . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �_ Pave Pillsbury Avec from Myrtle Ave* to the north line Of Territorial 0 ....-------- Road,._and-_Territorial._RQ✓ d-..fir-om--Pillsbury..Avenue..-t-o----the -...eaa$hr3.y. line. oY:_Vandal s_•tm_,_-inq14ung_-.aowe'r, ---- Maier....an&-gas...conneatuns --- from ---street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including onrhfn and aviag--Arivewa and a37e g'-- P y' y-approatsbes-;--t�iie�e"--ii®oeeaap�; having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................................................................. ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 2 81923 Adopted by the Council.------------- ------------- --..................... ----------------- YEAS NAYS Councilmab'&ANCY FERGUSON `C Sudl Zs w MCDONALD (,,J . t�PETER r "MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 OM 6-22) ' Er 2 81923 -- Approved ... - . ....................... .---- - !`--... Mayor. PUBLISTWD Petition rg PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. .0 Council File No_....:�-r.�.7.f,�g The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. I'aul, viz,: _Constraot ourbii►g on. both_ aides of Blair Street from -- -- - - ---1 Blair.." - - - -------- - from 26th September, 19230 huvin hob Dated this = ------ day of--- ----------...... ....... . . 3tracti_C, tto(.propocal Ior the Iowa g i provement, es h 4 (h vices oP eai 9 (o Sing pe gen( ,l t (, o the : .y oP. SG, l;tul lhere- Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot ourbing on both sides of Blair Street from . - ---.p.aag> 1.. �4m>a® -tO .. Q11 ng... venue-4---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------.._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all,of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 2 61923 Adopted by the Council------ ----------- ------------- ------ --------- ........ ----- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANey SEP 2 & 1923 F�E.RyO-II^S-tON Approved------------------ ---- ......... . .............. Sud •- McDONALD ,PETER -W0 , ...................................................... dV1R. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form c A 13 caM 0-22I PUBLISHED /b — (— �2 3 48770 COUNCIL FILE NO. -.------ 'BY ------- — CITY OF ST:Ii�D�Iil �-Y. Ord - a Res ppro, essm- . olution ®f Council AV, f..7Asgessment 112 ben6fit8'8'-jZ)'T3tS and expenses In the matter Of the assessment of curbing both sides Of Central Avenue, from Dale street to St. Albans Street, for Intermediary Order ._p..._............._.------ under Preliminary Order . .. .... -3-93-51 Final Order ... ..................... .. - ........... approve& 7 The assessment of ..... .......... 9 f.i.t S. . ..... PR@:�-q ......................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ..... . ...... day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _2 October, ..... 19.?3 ......... M ............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ............ . .................... — House and city Hall Building, in f the City Of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice o a and place of hearing, the nature as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the tim said meeting, inst the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed aga owner to w whom the notice is directed. B 19 23 SEP 19l ........... Adopted by the Council ......... ..... .......---Gity Clerk. . . ... .. ....... . .... ..... . ............ S F F 2 s 1923 ......... 191 Approved .... Mayor. .......... . ..................... . .......... ............... R� Council 0 )f Councilman - ✓ Ferguson ✓ McDonald peter V✓ / Sudheimer Mayor IW9 Nelson Form B. B. 16 a COUNCIL FILE NO. By. ......... . ---------. CITY Resoluti®u ®f In the matter of the assessment of curbing both sides Of FU1 Oxford Street, App -roved Sept. - (octi.6-19237. 48771 nses for Street to under Preliminary Order ............... . . Y99.59- .... ......... Intermediary Order .................. 4210 .................. Final Order _......._42649 .. ....................................... approved. AQ.Yogber 3 . ..... 19.22.,= The assessment of ao-at'e. 'aacl. tpLpenS.6-s. ............... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and N found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............_. 27_1k1__...day of October, . ........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ............................................ House -and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed * SEP 2 8 1923 Adopted by the Council .................... ...................... ................. Y91 Clerk. SEP 2 3 1923 Approved ............. . . . ................. 191 ayo . .................. .. ...... Councilman I*W*Ilciancy Ferguson Wrmv,� McDonald Peter Sud heimer 1 dit•Ps -�ggzp__ .%Mayor IM= Nelson Form B. E. 16 -rl C F No: 48 71 71 In the .mat[or bP the assessment oE� i�J/ benefits cos£s and -exDe sto es Lor curb COUNCIL FILE NO --- Ing both skies of F Iter 'Ave. from. Chatsworth St, er Oxford 5t under, -___ py Prellmfnary Order 40060, lntermedf- BY ___,.....___....._._ .............-__..._,_.__.,_._._-.. �Y`Order 42106, :Plaai Order.42640, s+proved Nov. 3, 3022. he assessment oY beneftta,costs and .ensee for and -:In connection with: CITY C . _ "^.'^ .,improvement having been �a Coit ..lie Cc•_... Resolution of Council roving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Fuller Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, 9� ......................._.., Intermediary Order............_................_Z�O under Preliminary Order ""'''"""' ''-- 40 0 Final Order ........... i.._._..._...__ ..............._........., approved.._....._....__IJOMB!&9r_..3a.__19. 2..., 3...... The assessment of ... ....... ......._b.ens.fi.t.s.,..._.aoat.s_...nd.....expaus.9B........... -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and i P found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ ... _2T-1'th_..... day of Ootober, .123 ....... ._......._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House -and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed ISEP 2 8 1923 Adoptedby the Council ........... . .......... ......._.. .... .... ........... ........... _ ....... 91............ SEP 2 31923 �3 i,i ity Clerk. .... . Approved.._.._._..__.._._._.,.,_______-.._..._._....__........191.........G�% ._.%._�.......Y...."`:.....:�.. ......_.......U.._. .... ... ��_� r. Councilman p &AVClancy l�Ferguson g.' Mo Donald ,. � ,�' Peter �•11 Sudheimer /*Mayor IrAn Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO._____ By 48 772 CITY OF ST �I` assessment or: ¢nnenene s econnection, �bvePompromnt ha} (�gp t�t�,yt Resolution ®f Council Ap"t an� theongserea�]1��e��HllHellLL6n In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses constructing curbing on both sides of Niles Street from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, for under Preliminary Order ............... .Q-6.3 ..................... Intermediary Order .._........... 4W9 ............ _........................ ---_.., Final Order ............._42.731.........................._.... approved ............._...._.. The assessment of .._......_.._._...._b..@n.e.f l..S.a _-GSA.its...5_....expen.62..8.................Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ?714 .... . ...... day of October,..1923 1�9�__...._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court . .... ....................... -.... _.. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. S E'P 2 ..123 191...__..... Adoptedby the Council ............. _.........._.._._....._.... 1..._..._........__........ SEp 2 fi 1923 Approved.... _....... ____._..__._.____._._.__._ ................I 91 _....... _ i✓If� .i ..... '..... '6ity Clerk. l' Councilman $aonG%Mt& Cla11c y CDEX •Ferguson Hrouid V -McDonald KuRex `j Peter Mkea11VzSudhei}mer ✓' ,/� k45r�1SxFt�14� � ^ , 1/' Mayor Nelson Form B. B. 16 - iIn the. matter of fhb ass ssmont oR= COUNCIL FILE NO.___ benedta osts nd expenses f ng both sides f Van Buren Place (/ / 1 "otNve0n lfarla lvenue and: Mounds outbvard ,"d a. turn around at,the _ boulevard nnd-huilding thenecessarY $y _.___......._.._____,....._____...____.. — ...__ eaten basins Mr-dralnego, under Pre- 1lminary Order ;41673, Intermediary CITY Ortlet. 43939", Final Order 44295 a; J oved Peb 24th, -3923 1 The ass es .at.oP'b nerit Resolution ®� ®une'� EanP�A�Ir,_-In� e� In ssessuleute In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both aides of Van Buren Place between L.aria Avenue and Mounds Boulevard with a turn around at the boulevard and building the necessary catch basins for drainage, under Preliminary Order .. .............. 4'.15.7.3.....__.......__.........._, Intermediary Order ................... 3.53-9..... .... ......... .....--------• Final Order.._......4-4.2-5....__._........._........_......_...., approved ...... ..... ..__k'eb..._._2.1k..th.,.l.ga.3......._.,=_.......... The assessment of ....... ........ b.ene.f.l.ta., ..c.ost.s._and....exp.ena.ez..................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... 97t........_..._.day of Oo tober, 192_3 ...... - ..._._....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 2 81%23. Adopted by the CouncP.........._.................. .__.......191...-_...... SEP 2 8 1923 /Y ... .._._....`..'.= City Clerk. Approved .._.._.....__... - ---............. .....19 {......... - G o-..........................................._._...........'__...._.......-----...._ayor. Councilman FW56&i#r Clancy =6& C. -'Ferguson t� t/fAcDonald - Peter lis�inbt Sudi� ��t'Ix ,•e3 t/Mayor'Km Nelson Form B. B. 16. 48 774 COUNCIL FILE NO.__........ By _.....__..._._..._-----.__..._........... _...___�..__ _... CITY OF Resolution of Council In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eupenses for grading Reaney Street from Nortonia Avenue to the Ea3t City Limits, under Preliminary Order.._........._...._4_cz��6..___...._..__......_ • Intermediary Order.._......_.....__�9%.9_...... ................. _...__...._...... C.F.No.47100 Final Order .......... ..Z_1 ................_......._......_, approved ........._....._May ....lQ.i_�.9.23...__............ _,- ----- Approved July 17, 1923 The assessment of ... .......... ....._US'zY=_ p_ n9_e9...........-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... .... _2-7#h ........ _..... .day of Ootober, 192 x1F............ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 2 1; 1923 Adoptedby the Council ........................ ................ _._...........__........___...__. 9L---- .... L_.__......0 ..... .............. ._......... .... ... p%City Clerk. SEP 2 81.923 Approved_....._._____.-- --------- — ................ .........._.191_....._ #� ......................... ......_.�.....�..........:....... ................ Councilman tvSG5V%h Clanoy X)b& L Ferguson PTTRT.T.STTPD HAmd,", Ma Donald i Peter AhjEtlt Sudheimer •. 2TrY�h ,/Mayor She99X Nelson Form B. B. 16 t_____ . C. F. A`o ia176 jjjj 48 775 In the matter df h n s sgm •tt of COUNCIL FILE NO _..... _�.—_ benedts costs d t e0enxes for cp structing n xe�ear on Larl Stro t fr i t F. urth St. 'to'.n uoi t tt3 [eet south: of`the south It f Flith -St under: By _...._.. ....... ..._...... ..... ._.... ..... ....... ............ .__...... ...____• Prelineinar.• Order 4 561;, later n nli• ery Order:4G020 Final Order 4GGG7;� CITY OH '»I ro ea a iy i710i 29 ' r: No. 4no1; assessment of benefits; costs and 0,r es for xnd in connection With Resolution of Council � ;i�d;dig,t l;bZtssmeuta In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Earl Street from Fourth Street to a point 123 feet south of the south line of Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order ............ 453.5.1 .. Intermediary Order ............ 46OZO._.._.................... _....... _............ 0, F.No.47101 46867 ...__.....__.._............... _•/ oprovea......_... _._Jlll_y.._6..z..._9_ 3.._....._......., �1L Final Order ....................._............ a ftpproved July -17, iO3 The assessment of Sld .expenses.................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ..........2-7ih......_.....day of October,1923 2741 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court .................................................. --' House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. .._....... Adopted by the Council SEP 2 3 1923 191. ........................._............ ....._............ ... o f� ��� Lf:��.....�-City Clerk. 1923 Approved .._.__..S�P._2—.____.._._...._..._.__......191......._ _........................ .......... Councilman ffra2dr Cl noy PUBLISHED tAFerguson �— V54TAd 1" HcDonald xv)3-F ✓Peter :WrAn i`'Sudheiicer �,1) Mayor TT.A Nelson Form B. B. 16 „rte-�-"� nom Ohio Streot to hvyomfn� Street east. P th east line t� �/y�/y COUNCIL FILE NO.._..__.__ COUNCIL 'N.--/� yny Le rmed ary�Oxler34577009. Flnall order. •Y>,_J Y e 6 46392, ngprove, a 14 h. Tho:-asvessment or b edta;: costs and By ......_.........__�.__..._. ..._.__�.._ _. . ..—. xa nses f9r ad J. a tloneojth tho e:impr ement h Ing Iab bee b-. h iti d to th Cuun II a l [he C 11 CITY ld ssesamentesatisrnc,, I _ - a. Resolution ®f Coun i 1 Pro�hde �h Assessment. atve _� vr;c_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits;`'..Z;;; 5s and expenses for constructing a sever on Wyoming Street from Ohio Street to a point 150 feet east of the east line of llanomin Street, under Preliminary Order ................ ...... 45212.......... ............ .........., Intermediary Order ................ 45.709..._....._ ----- ....---------- .---- ....., Final Order ................ approved. ....._...._JUne._14th11923...............2ft-------- bane f i t.B,._._C.Q.-ST-13. ._1T1Ci..to%P.en_se8...._.__for and in connection with The assessment of ......................._............_........... . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... __.47- 1h.._.___. day of October, 1923 1$......._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ..................................._ ........._...... House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council..............tiS_ P.._2._.?._!_9_23 91 ._ __... . ......................... City Clerk. SEP 2 & 1923 .............191.........//% n L y Approved ._._._...___.__.___.2.__.._._.../.... (� _....................................... ......x. .... ................__�. Councilman InmD aWdi✓Clancy PUBLISHED crmn / Fe rgnisoa hismim ✓'ScDouald 4m4px /Peter ' �j t/Sildhaimer Wnaxl'es xh--Wim MayorAztX Nelson Form B. B. 16 111191E US HEA GING NU,,N711OZ: 48.7- `4 ING ASSEa'J91ENT AND .FIEING K TJON-YDUGEED1NG9 C. F No. 48777— In the matter of condemning and ta>a�� ��e'end,*� -ing an ensement in the land neves• L4THII@lf9 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APERO ., na , for slopes, for cuts and 1111s nding of Alley runnln;'.East In Elk l 3r TIME OF HEARING IN CONI EIWMAA k�i In the matter of..c9ndemn.1?:16...44A...taj��Ag..&d1..z.Aa.PA38T1t....�X7...fihE...�a(lfl...A�.�f..s.RsLY for._elGpes,...for...cut-e--.and.. -Ing...Of...AlleBa��..and_IIest in n -.Rask ...Thi.xsl...Addi.t.1.an.,---.from...1(.11der...Auanue....t-a N= h..and.... South.--AUgYa .......................... .......................................... under Preliminary Order ....45933 ............... approved MaT.2$k1923-.-----, Intermediary Order... 47650......., app rowed--Augu s t.-_8,-_19 23 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of dar4ages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....... 2Zth.......................day Of ....................... 19?3....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEPI " tP�' Adopted by the Council .............. . ... .. 191... ---- If C rL $gP 2'8192� City Clerk. Approvef,.................... ......................... 191........ Mayor. Councilman ff ar= --,C'lan0y PUT LTSHED Q Councilman ✓Ferguson ^� 3 Councilman Nzbn(k --"McDonald Councilman Edam ''Peter Councilman 9Yxft lc vl' dheimer L2 uncilman 101M tel ^ „ZrEMayors Nelson RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL Appp. Nnv 23,n i ZOrdi te42924, ryPPrnY~ AND FIXING $ aPProved Atm, 8 1927 a - mlealone F� - TIME OF HEARING IN CON®�kg-�ae�N a�ROCEE®INGSe In the matter of.condemning--Ind,.,taking.-an-.easement---in_-the--_lapd-_necessary for,., slope e,-.-for--o-: to--_and--fills- in--grading-.alley--in-_B1Qek-_1-,-_Pgptt-!s,,,,--, Car--b-q n--_Street-_Add it.i on,.-_and--Blp ek-.1-,-.-Kranz-'---_Div 1 a ig-r�---fir om-.Mary-land-.3t,,r ee t to---Carbon-_3treet--_and--_frog-_Albemarle--. Street--_to---the--.North-_and--.South.-.�illey, under Preliminary Order ............ approved N09.--- 23-,.-..lyz r- Intermediary Order-_Lc.7-.6.....----, approved Atlgtl6t_--,--_19 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it -3 Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.............27_t.................. of ......._October, -1Q2-------...-, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. $1923 Adopted by the Council ...::....... .............................- 191- J E P 2 g (Q23 - / City Clerk. Approvea..c.- ------ ,e..........191..... t... .- _..... --.vMayor. Councilmanancy PUBLISHED Councilman ISM ' ` ✓✓✓✓✓✓,T ergueon Councilman �AN1aDonald / Councilman i Te tOr Councilman IL,& u ,s'Sudheimer Cpuneilman NUMde&d � "Aayorl%dM Nelson RESOLUTION RATEFYING AND CONFIRMNG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT ENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....opennb,_I±ieiening..nd.,_extending__Chatntiorth_._trEet___to•••_•_ a width of 66 feet from Randolph Street to Bayard Avenue ... .................._._............................................ ..................... ..... ........ -..............................-- 114647 _.._._._.... a rov4d ch_. 20a 1923_.-_- Intermediary Order_4:6g6.8 under Preliminary Order .................... pp """"""� approved. --JAY- 11.,19-23 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be itsfurther Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..............................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. SEP 291923......- ........ 191..- Adopted by the Council ............. r 1923 ... - �. Pp --------------------------------- SEP. ..J.-....... f' Ty Clerk. Approved - ............ 191 �/ ........................... -. Mayor. PUBLISHED o - - a 3 Councilman Z= -Ferguson Councilman 13imul L/FdcTionald Councilman Kamer /�eter q— Councilman A b�uaheimer J �MN]t{1fL�P]- 7.21_ ayor kidR Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIC (CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..9nea. i?r;.-.-1'+i len,inf;._4*n ..e ien ink-._Chat-I}_forth-.-.S?-r.. Pt...to....... .L...z.X.0-ta..H."vl'pb ?...Bwy. :c�-_9 V. z�>Ae�................................... .................................._.....__.------.._..................----- ._........... . ............. ---- ...------....................------------•---.... . ----------------------------------- ....................................._......................•-----..................... --.......... ............. ... ...... ............... .... ...................... ........ . ...... ..... .............. ..... ..... ... .. ..... . ....... ............................. under Preliminary Order6..47..-- -- approved ...1: _Q11..20-1923., Intermediary Order---.....4fz9.� ....., ..........44. approved...........July . .........11,1923 .. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 0 1 � � i /�yy . CoPi-ioner of Finance. C y State of Minhesota, CITY OF ST.S`M'AtTI -rt County of Ramsey. q 3 . N- In the Matter of Opening,midening and Extending Chatworth Street to a width of 66 feet from Randolph Street to Bayard Avenue. To the Commissioner of Finance and to the City of St. Purl and the Council for the City of Stb Paul: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,That the aharon Land Company a Corporation, hereby objects to the taking of lands or eas- menta in the above entitled matter,a.nd to the widening of said Chatsworth Street from Randolph Street to Bayard Avenue,on the following grounds. 1. Said Sharon Land Company is the owner of. Lots One (1) and Ten (10) of Block One (1) of Tvatson's Addition to St. Paul; that said Lot 1 has a frontage,at the present time - and according to the plat - of 40 feet on said Randolph Street and is bounded on the east by said Chatworth Street;and that said Lot 10 block 1 has a frontage of 45 feet on nnt:dx Juno Street and is bounded on the East by said Chatsworth Street. 2.That the proposed widening of said lha$c Chatsworth Street would deprive this Objector of 13 feet of ki the frontage of said Lot 1 on said Randolph Street and about 6 feet of frontage of said lot 10 on Juno Street, and thereby deprive this objector of valuable property and also greatly lessen the value of the remaining parts of said lots 1 and 10 not so taken, 3. That the present width of said Chatsworth is sufficient and all that is now or will hereafter be needed tocammodate the travel and trafic on said street. 4. That said Lot 1 with its frontage on Randolph would recdive no benefit whatever from the widening of said Chatsworth street;and that said Lot 10,with its frontage on said Juno Street would not be benefited by said proposed widening 5 That said objector would be greatly damaged by said proposed widening of said Chatsworth ,and the taking thereby of 13 feet of the frontage of said Lotl on Randolph in that said -To. 1 in at its..present width is a very valuable lot,that the damage to the remaining portion of the lot greatly exceeds the sum of $500.00,and that the benefit of such widening to the remaining kat part of said lot uioul be nothing . By Council File No. By 45781— In` the matter of the asses me t b neflts, costs and exnensee fn iss both .sides of Fremon. Prom Mendgta St. toFores -:•FrellminarY--Order 3.9722 ra _arY Order -41125 aDProvedF' T'..• -A DhbLn.� CITY OF ST..PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,costs and expenses curbing both sides of Fremont Street from Mendota Street to Forest Street, 48781 for under Preliminary Order...... .9.7.2 ._..........., Intermediary Order __ 4.1_l25...._........, Final Order .......... approved ._Se?.'....._6_t._192_�-�...._...........$gfl.._.._..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..... ................. Y._...... _........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ° �F S 1425 Adoptedby the Council ................ .......... .._......:._........__........._........._.......191..._........ C% City Clerk. Sip 91923 Approved_: .... _......... _............ ._....... ................................... 191._...... .......... ....... .......... ............._ .._................!._._...__......_......_.....- Form B. E. 1S PUBLISHED______ � / �--`` under Preliminary Order ........ ....... Intermediary Order ........................ Final Order ..... ........ __...... . approved ........... IkC..e_ >'.a_l�_2................... _..I=............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................ _.... ..... ...... .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 2 91923 Adopted by the Council ..................... ............ ................. ............... ....... ........... 191 ............ . ..........:........... ..._._(-'`City Clerk. SEP 91923 Approved.. . ............ ...... ...... ............................... 191......._ t rorm E. B. >s \\ � U C. l No, 48782- In -the matter of tho assessment of Council File No. ..................................... benefits, costs and�aponses for curb- Ing both sides of St. Albans Street from Central Ave, to St Anth'onr, , A've„ under,Prellminary,Order 1 Intormedlpry Order 43707 By............................................................................... der 43190, approved Dec. °j3 1" yul�I A public hearing have, 1.° .,. ul>on.the aesess� �))nvement, anr1 1,! 1 n'. ..'. Sant, 7. op.1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Roluhor>< l�ahng �ssessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefIts,Costs and expenses for curbing both sides of St. Albans Street from Central Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order ........ ....... Intermediary Order ........................ Final Order ..... ........ __...... . approved ........... IkC..e_ >'.a_l�_2................... _..I=............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................ _.... ..... ...... .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 2 91923 Adopted by the Council ..................... ............ ................. ............... ....... ........... 191 ............ . ..........:........... ..._._(-'`City Clerk. SEP 91923 Approved.. . ............ ...... ...... ............................... 191......._ t rorm E. B. >s \\ � U ----------- In thematter or the. assessment of /°t 8i�('� benefits, cents 'ng i d on both sidfores con �]{" l8 Council File No . ....... ..... Wakefield Ave.in from rarllsiStB to: Mia Is St., under- Preliminary Order: • 38, Intermediary :Q ,I,r 41133, n ,ler 41660..,-- r....pn B ,, e•tnu CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and eXperises for constructing curbing on both sides of Wakefield Avenue frora Earl Street to Maple Street, 41133 .................... Final OrdeA41 59..... under Preliminary Order .....3.69.2 .............._.., Intermediary, . Order .........._......... approved ........._S P.t..�....._6.a_1922...... ......... x$........... A public hearing having been glad upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to oN$Ilbmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. P BE IT URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ........... . . equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. F Q.91923 Adopted by the Council ..........._`S... . 191....._...... _.._......_....._........__........___.L.-` f3c Clerk. gEP 2 9 1923 Approved ............................ __..._............._......................._....191......._ ..� _4 .... _...................... _....._...... 'C 1illiayor. germ E. B. 1s � • PUBLISIID - COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Ian IVO.- --- — OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R,�SION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �^/f' R-....- .......... .............. ... ....... .. :. ..... ...... ....:... - DATE ....... ................. . ........ E That the sum of X600 be appropriated and set aside from the Comptroller's Pan& and $300 be appropriated and set aside from the General Fund, Miscellaneous and Unforseen Expense for the purpose of sending the Mayor, City Comptroller and Civil Service Examiner to Washington to attend the joint conferences of the National Municipal league and Governmental Research Bureaus to be held November 13th to 17th, inclusive* Be it further resolved that the proper City Officers be authorized to dray checks in favor of the Mayor for a �300i the Comptroller for 6300 and the Civil Service Examiner for 6300, and tffit an itemized expense account be submitted to the Comptroller* LF No. 48784L il.' E.,'Neteon— lRes lved That the sum of $000. be apP mIrI.Rd and set. aside from th'e Compt 1)e a Fund and $30a be n�pppro-. Printed. and set aside ,from the Ghn ral F on Mia ttaneous and ilnferseen Eto pe a for •the murpose of on: to at the Mayor, or th Dtrolter and Civil ser vjc Ez miner to Wnehington to attend .. 'the joint co Yerencso oY the Nbtibnal -� - - - - -Dtu 1 1pal' League n d Governmental Research Bureaus to be held November lath to inclusive.: -- - Be It-Yurthei; resolved that the - Be `.: Or City: Officers be authorized to, raw checha in-Cavor of 'theMayor Yoc_$300: .the Comptr.11or.for $300 anfl the: tCivil i f $800 and'-0haan - - - Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays , - Ferguson service Fjznm seror. itemized -expense to the :Comp troller. -: Adopted by the Approved- Sept. A ncc ount be submitted -- -- ..[I:Sept. 29, 1923. - 29,' 1923. Adopted by the Council._ a -E 2 9192 -19- SEP 2 9 1923 ✓McDonald :-------Im favor APP—_ ----19__..-- .% Sudheime . ✓ L Peter — ---..Against --- ------- -0. Mr. Piesident IOP. aM O.30 ,� COUNCIL NO_ -----�!+,.--•-""" CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE E OFCITY CLERK - 11 11 1 N—C'ENERAL FORM DATE_ S®,pt®Inbe r_.. IN3 ___ _ RESOLVED That the sum of Two. Hundred and Fifty 'Dollars 0250000) or as much thereof as will be necessary, be paid out of the other expenditure item - Health Fund (itemized statement and unexpended balance to be turned in to the 06mptroller) for the purpose of an inspection tour of Doctor B. F. limon, Health Officer, to Buffalo and Rochester, New York, Boston, Massachusetts, and other cities with reference to food inspection, disposal of garbage and other deleterious waste substance. C. F. No. -48786-8y. G. C. Sudhelmer= Resolved, That the sent f Ttvo -iun- dred. Fifty Dollars-($260.00):'or as much thoreot es will be.-aeceseary, ire pn7a out -. f the other: exponditure lteIn Health Fund. (itemized statemettt.and unoBended balance to be turned in: to the. CoInDtroller): for the purpose of an Inspoct[on tour oC'Doctor F. B. Simon, Health.. officer, to -BURtiloand Roches- ter, New.: Yoric,_, Boston; Massachusetts, and other clues. Nlth 7 ference to: food lnapection, disposal_ ofp;arbnge. and other. deloteriove waste aubatance. - -'Adopted by the Council Sept'.. 29, 1923. Approved'. Sent. -29, 1923. ::'(Oct. 6-1923) - O COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �er-Slztinep-_ guson � McDonald _..........._In favor MhMg Sudheim�r (/ Peter _Against WV520_ ✓Mr. President SEP 2 9 1923 Adopted by the Council SEP 2 9 1923 Appro ed.-- ,���,`� cnouNIR. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL to NO. ---48-0-86 – OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK h„. COLUNCIL P fESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........ - ...:... DATE..... - ..... ........ ............... RESOLVED yiRf'RT•.3$� The Commissioner of Public Ploa7ks has re_�orted to the Council, in accordance rritli section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the - employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the pro•.ier city officers are hereby authorized to Day the following named employes, at the rage otherwisefixedfor extra employment for -the extra time hereinafter set forth. Nem. Title Hours Rate of Overtime. %yam.- 7 ,t 17 F. No 48786—B9 W T Peter ns Th commissioner Y Pab- r `heTe as reParted tc the .Councli; Whore in —rd—cc lth Section 68; oY that }, City Chrater. the, oxlsteace of an am- ergencY n'hich re_ de ed necese y the DoPartecont. for of emorenth s et9ht 11""' u per d.Y eatd empl Yss nt, bet.9 mo a than .their ysual-hours of emPl ym nt. There f a Be It. Resolved. That rho ro CC city. officers :following a amodt em P f to pay j ployes, at the rate otherwlsoflxed Yor _ xtrn a ploymortt for the extra -rima hecel. -,,"F r set Y Asp irth AaPhnit Chemlat� 27'G hour. at 7SG Per hour _ Kirk Thomasi AaPhull Chemist, 37 h our s at "" Pe hour Adopt 1 by the C un Il Sept• 29. 1923. Approved Sept. .29 1913. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays SEP 2 9.023 — Adopted 6y the Council.--' Ferguson d SEP 2 91923 ✓ v McDonald��/J __--..._In favor APPto rl VjSmith— �._....A$Staln ! �Nlr. President vonr awa-ae ' 'Y OF ST. PAUL fA�UNCIL 487-87_-- OF E CITY CLERK 0 [ON—GENERAL FORM DATE_......sptember ._�9...P_1923 RESOLVED That Application No, 3523 for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at 282 Rice street issued to S. B. Barnett be, and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health for the reason that this place is in a very unsanitary condition, the server in the basement is leaxing, and there is an accumulation of garbage and filthy rubbish in back room and in basement. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _,Ferguson1 ✓McDonald _..-....__In favor $rltri=n Sudheimer !/ Peter ----.t7.--..Against �Yeasel^^ Mr. President Adopted by the CounciflE.P..29, 1921 .......__192_.... SEP 2 9 1923 ADDra,*d.................. ................192.---- r,... Q� CITY OF ST. PAUL coueciLNo..__----48780-1 FILE O ICE TH ITY LERK COU N 1'2 TI —G RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER.___..._....._ .-........_..............__.._ ._...._......... .. _._. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persona for conducting Second Hand Dealer business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted upon the filing of bond with the city and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee; 11, H. McGroarty and D. H. Young, 255 University Ave., Fred & Max Resnick, 234 MoBoal St. :. F. No; 48788—B,y.-G. C. Sudhoimer— [he same -a a he liy g ntody uport the flllnG of bond With the city and the pay- _ nt into the city treas y of th cus= to ary fee W. H. MCGr ty:�a d D. H., Young.I 266'Unlversiy Ayc. Fred &' Max R entck 234 MeB al St. Adopted a the Co ncll Sapt. 29,-1923. Approve 1 Sept (Oct. 6-1923) r. j i i I.._. " '.P O _ _ /r i COUNCILMEN1923 9__-__-___.-.-_192.__- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.SEP-2 2 9 1923 LA guson ` Appr-ed ^..-- - -----._.I92..---- �1bICDonaId �+- ----. -_In favor ✓k�db Sudhell�leTrnnvon Peter _...__...__Against VzMr. President COUNCIL NO.-- ______ CITY OF ST. PAUL �..e �Y ',F�. , OF THE CITY CLERK !ESOLUAON—GENERAL FORM DATE __...._ septemb er.-.._29-2_._192.3..... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for handling and selling of Foodstugf s at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Gust Ales, Tom Harris, & Peter Daltos, Tony Assy, R. A. Hatoh, Bob Kynast and Frank P. Egan, E. A. Luethge, D. Marok, H. p. Millette, Niels Nielsen, Ben Nilles, Sam Nindos, John M. H. Olson, William W. Schmid, Stephen F. Tischler, Yeas Nays 429 St. Peter S�. Grocery 3 prior Av.,O nfeotionery 616 Selby Av. Grocery 617 Grand Av., Grocery Exchange Bank Bldg. Confeetionery 542 W. Seventh St Grocery 275 W.Winif red St. " 746Tatum St. Bakery 459 W.Seventh St. 200 E.SeventhSt, Confectiony 869 E.Minnehaha St.Grocery 1169 Arcade St. 11 934 Grand Av. ° SEP 2^1923 Adopted by the Council....-------._____ _........._..192. --- SEP 2^1923 Ap of ved .. _ _ _ 192..._. r MAYOR --"Ferguson \ McDonald _.--.--...--In favor 'JMof, Sudheim6^–�r Peter --------- _.__Against / weffmt V Mr. President 429 St. Peter S�. Grocery 3 prior Av.,O nfeotionery 616 Selby Av. Grocery 617 Grand Av., Grocery Exchange Bank Bldg. Confeetionery 542 W. Seventh St Grocery 275 W.Winif red St. " 746Tatum St. Bakery 459 W.Seventh St. 200 E.SeventhSt, Confectiony 869 E.Minnehaha St.Grocery 1169 Arcade St. 11 934 Grand Av. ° SEP 2^1923 Adopted by the Council....-------._____ _........._..192. --- SEP 2^1923 Ap of ved .. _ _ _ 192..._. r MAYOR CITY OF 5 lic FIC TH co: ad CO IL OL TI �: fino th th Resoj'-:;,VED That the applications for licenses of the following persons o&ED conducting. Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: J. F. Schultz, 493 St. Peter St. Hotel (Carlton) 55 H. Abrianoos, 593 Wabasha St., peter D. Anagnostopulos, 471 Wabasha St., G. Bodine, 25 W- Ninth St., 0. L. Breslin, 168 E. 10th St., Erwin Busch and Tom Khovey,458 Jack803M St., Louise Colis, 124 E. Eighth St., H. J. Cotton, 626 Selby Ave., C. 0. Curry, 9" '09"403 St., Peter St., J. J. Derviohowski, 495 E. Seventh St., J. Holmes., X95 W. Dale St., J. Hutchinson, 891 L'o Seventh St., M. H. Xeating, 126 W. Central AV., Catherine Mullane, 70 Endicott Arcade Julius Wickel, 4032 E. Seventh St., Edward Nordgren, 142 S. Uabasha St., Elof Olson, 719 Raymond Av., Dennis Ougustinos, 190 E. Seventh St., Andy Pappas, 23 4d. Ninth St., St. pau.3 Musicians Club, 349 Wabasha St., Fred Smith, St., .Sotirpoule 96Un1eersity Av. 11R M. Spires, 9N Snelling Av. H. R. Trooke, 100 E. Fifth St., W. J. Utley, 311 Wabasha St. COUNCILMEN Yeas.- -- Nays .4_+-- i ,erguson L,/McDonald ----�.----- .In favor v ARM6 Sudhe im� Peter --__...--....Against el Mr. President Restaurant is ( 2nd Floor) if n Adopted by the Council. S.E P_2 9 1923__ ..... 192..... SEP 2 91923 App ro ed..-- ....- .. _ .._....192._... �lF r 1,& 7. MAYOR PUBLISHED -STV -= CT P9111 - _ COUNCIL NQ'. ------- FILE �tl FORM September 29, 1923 DATE_.._._....__-__. .........__.___..____._._..____ V/ RESOLVED _2,g0p3_icati_on for 3-10erxsO OF J. D. Holleran for conduet:5L=j!?,- —�Iae Awning $angi.ng bus mess at 1W 17• Fourth Street be and :Is hereby granted azad the City Clerk is instructed to isslsc sc 2-icense upon the f$1:2.YSg of bond with the oity and the payre Erato the city treasury ®:' the customary fee. —By G. C_.Sudh¢ime -: 3e¢so2ved. That the got- app- c.. -j on Y r 23"caase-oY'- T.. D_.Hoileraa. _onduating.. _ Laze -- 13muia�Han ging business : - 162.::; Si. .1 -sad the same is bare+. b9. �raated-. and -.. C1ty.. Clar p is 3n=11 t.ructac3 Lo- Yssue- uch 1- Cie upon the.I ii 11 z3.a_ oS.' bo -d. with the--. City aad :the-'.� --payzrxe a� -.inr the. City treasu,ry...oY the y - cixSLomary l;e - C - 3 A.c3o�Led 'by theCounal3..Sept. 29,-1923. A�p_ovedSept. 29, 1923. (Oct." 6-1923) - fI COUNCILMEN Yeas T, ays Ferguson ✓ McDonald --- .----- -In favor ✓ :garA�17� S-cXC-2n' 'a' ale= �✓ Peter ------------ ----Against / vflr. President ASEP 2 9 192; 192 _-.- - dopted by the Council_ _.._..___.__... -- i SEP 2 c 1923 App Kved- .-.. 19`2 -- ��,. UNCIL No--___.__ 487-92- CITY OF ST. PAUL F.o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTIN--GENERAL FORM - - ------- - --- ---------------------- jF_"Y 42.__..........___`....._. ity are hereby given to Moller ITDr7Shat permioaJon Wd a�u�tl to construct and operate a tri'vlo-in filling otation on private property at the 0outheact corner of Uhite Boar avenue and Koxvin street, the tanko and pumpo to be installed In accordance with the ordinanooG of the City of St. Paul and under the dirootion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson \_1 McDonald In favor Matson X� Peter Against 'W X1 MrP President Adopted by the Council. S E . P --- 2 --- 9 I - 923 - 192. S F_ P 2 9 1923' proved. ----I ---- ------ - -------- -- ------------- - 192 ------ ----- ---------- - --- V ----------- - ...... ---------------------- MAYOR •,OUNCIL No ------- 4��792 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONER.__..._._.._ - -------- RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to C. E. muellew to construct and operate a drive-in filling station an private property at the southeast corner of White Bear avenue and Kerwin street, the tanks and Pumps to be Installed in accordanoe with the ordinances Of the City Of St- Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of th3 Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __---_......In favor Matson Peter .__....-----..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CounciL,_, ............ --- -----192__. Approve-.192 L. C. SEAMER. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES oepartmtut (1tg of fit. 41Md JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY 116-17-15 COURT HOUSE e September 19, 1923- Mr. 923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. Olson: W. O. ADKINS. CHIEF CLERK. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS C. M. NYSTROM.CASHIER. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House Building, on the 29th day of September, 1923, at ten o'clock A. B., relative to the installation of a drive- in filling station located at the southeast corner of White Bear and Kerwin Street. Very truly yourrss�, Commissioner of Fi anc 6EOR09 C. SUDHEIMER.COMMISSIONER • HARRY A. JOHNSON. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Ctu of "Saird 1W Pellartmut of Ijuhlir '�$tz£e#v September 13, 1923 Fir. Henry Olson, city clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned is application of Aiohele Bros. for 0. E. Mueller for permission to operate and maintain a gasoline filling station on private property located at the southeast corner of White Bear avenue and Kerwin str©et. This installation has been investigated and approved as to fire hazard ana it is recommended that permis- sion be granted. Yours ry 0 Commissioner of Public Safety R. J. NILES OWEN C, DUNN FIRE CHIEF ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A. E. SMITH, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION I September 12,1923 Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner of Publio Safety, St .Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the applioation of C.E.Maeller for per- mission to operate and maintain a gasoline filling station on private property looated at Southeast oorner of White Bear Ave. and Kerwin Street. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that suoh a gasoline filling station would not greatly inorease the fire hazard in that violnity; I therefore reoommend that permit be granted. Yours Respeotfully, Chief Inspeotor. F. S. AICHELE, Jr. Tel Bmnon"446 T. H. AICHELE • Tri-State 78244 r AICI-IELE BROTHERS BUILDERS AND MANUFACTURERS 1178 and 1195 Burne Ave. 1186 Vc.Le:+n Ave St. Paul, Minn.-SePtembr-r-1` 9k:3- rr.George Sudheimer, nommissi,sne+r of Dublin Safety, St.poul "innesoto., 'nFar 'Iir: We have cbta.ined a eontrn.nt, to erect a. Gasoline ri.11.ing "taticn ,n tl.e loutheast corner of `F,hite- :•t Rear �ad ::nd rervin Avenue ie .en the "o$th forty (40) feet rf Lots 13,14,nnd 15 of Block Seven (7) in Hazel PRrk Division #4. The oviner of this sta.- tion 1•,111 be 1°r.C.F.YuelLer rodding at 173A Sti.11- wn.ter ;venue. -Te understand that your department requires an in- specticn of the premise -,-s a,nd w6ll say for your in- form=ation that there will be storage tunkc under - o ground having the crapiacity of two thousand (2000) Gallons, these tanks will be approximately 50 tGeO feet from White Read. Te take the liberty of anlfing yuu to give the matter yrur early attention so that we n a.n do the pavement work befare tha f- ^ts Yours very truly, Aicl;Brothers Y. WAR Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL - This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk. ' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form Nu. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date-- 19='� of Saint Paul, Minnesota A�PPPLIC�ATION IS HEREBY MADE By Nome d Firm r Individud For License to Operate and maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) . '-Dri- In" or "Curb" O p AUTO BILE FILLING STATION to be located At /•3 --1� /S � 6t Numbcr n d S reet Number ofNumber Was Capacity of Pumps to be Installed 3 Tanks to be Installed `3 Tanks / Received'at office of City Clerk 73 f By B -i— Addr— APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Dat 1r��-2 _193 Date 19_ Date ----19— Cornmmr. of Public SafetyCommr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. APPROVED APPROVED PASSED l9— Dat,. 19— Date 19— APPROVED 19 ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. Commr. of Public Works. LICENSE NO. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No......--4Sr�.-.,9j 3 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Conetruat-_a--si$--_oot._oement---tilo--sidewalk---on--both �idee----------------- ------ off_ Arona__Ayenue Prom yake-__Como_-g, Phalen Avenue to Ne braoka..Avenue..--_ --- ------------------------------------------ I _ C horea 48793 _ .. - .. .................... . _._.--_- .. --- .. R s A written Prop ani. fo the m ling oY the follows b imDrovemept: 27th September 1923 Dated this. day of Z. o t A la ^"' walk: on both sines oY Aroha A-1 from 'Bile Como: d Ph lean-A�e. "..l e..: ha ----------------------- ying Veen'.:;, / . •^ii.l oY_t:' TitY-4 man: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conatruot__a Six_foot ooment_-tile--_sidewalk on both sides-------------__.___.---- _of_Arona-Avenue--from Lake --- Como-_-- Phalan--Avenue-_to-_Nebrasl[a--Avenu®o _.__ --------------------------------------------------- .------- . ---- - ------------------- ----- - G having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------- _--------------- ..-.-------------------- ------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon &E of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------- ------REP--2-9--1923------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman E*Irwe•Y SEP 2 9 1923 _,FERGUSON Approved.----- ---- ............ -----------------------------......-...----- 7✓ MCDONALD V PETER �.,r - - --..................................... = - ✓MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PUBLISHED —a 3 Petition�p Council File No -------- 97,7, - Ha$OIl'®SAIL. -_Tw- CC-,> LRZ(a-VM ?ENT The undersigned hereby proposes the making of '�� - o =—®wiag public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - -Con_qtr_UC:b__A-- ele-c s=--- Stxeat--------------------- --------- ----------- --------------------------------- ---------------- - - - --- --- ---- - - - ---- - - -- - -- ------- -- ---- - I c r. gra ss7as '` A _Abstract.- _ Whe 27t� �� Y�� _ _`=——�-- ��¢---- I m king of the follo I owi imProvemen[Sa for o, Dated this... __. __ ______.___day of____ n true[ a seward font] Street .,�,`Jlllt to Oxford-_S[ree t".haL-- Presented to. the.. C.uncil of ST:FYaut WHEREAS, A written proposal for the To11oWlIIg improvement, viz.: ----------------CO------ �-e 94? ® oma* � s� --- `_---�s�1--- :F__—jam__Mj_Ltnn ... street. --------------------- --- to_-Oxford- -Strop o ------------------------------------------ -- having been presented to the Council o£ the City o ?2 u1_____________------------------------------------------------- .--------------- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of :F'zmb35 c o=mss be and is hereby ordered and directed: p 1. To investigate the necessity for, or fixe making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o£ s2 i ®vement_ 4. To state whether or not said for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing <C-_on-+missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - -- ----------------------- - PEAS MAYS _ Councilman ^ -- '� FERGIISON � � y MCIDONALD 1/" PETER �IR. PRESIDENT i -- Form O A 13 OM a-221 E P 2 9 1923 �-��— Quad----- -- - - ----- -- ------- -- ------- Mayor. PUBLISH3 ED AUDITED 102 ............. C14NIF'TROLLER PE . ........ .......... I .... ..... ....... ................................... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the Orelate amount of $'!t2Qq!.65 ........................ v6rin' checks numbered to -11741A ........ ........... inclusive, as per register of cit ,y checks, on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes Councilmen Nays. Feruson, � Ncl)onald, In favor V'Xltao-ni- SUdheiTdOr 4, -'Peter, Wlllzzz�— Noll C, A No. 48796— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 7,280,5 ,, 10 , ]ring checks numbered` u bar, 0 L 7 . 17291 Inclusive, as a, register a city. ch , Oaks on to In the officet City comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sept 29, 1923, - ApprovedSept:'29, 1923. 6'192a) Adopted by the Council..:..:..&04.9.1921 .............. .... 191 Approved ............... SEP 2 9.1923 ......... ............................................ 192 J, ........... . .. Form D-34 IM 12-22 OTTS OP 9T. P�IIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NTAT .pip ra OOIISOIL o ......4.879 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORIff e - 705 lBY ................... .. .... __._... ... ... . 192- _..._ />1 ✓�,iL✓ AUDITED ............ .. ..... ... .... V- „" R�> PER_.. . 7, 280.55 covering tothe ag$ 8 ----------------------- - ........ ...... - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, re ate amount of $••----•--••-••-- .. 17 59...............to.-.� .... .......incl checks numberedusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the try, Comptroller. Yes (J) Councilmen Nays. Adopted by the Council - -S F..2 91943 Ferguson, :_ . n favor 192 -- VMcDonald, Ap oved .......... ---- -- (j�em. Su�eimer Peter, _�^ ntnYoa ' J ........Against �r. President, Nelson 79.20 17259 J. L. BrasCad, & C.H. 952.00 17260' Campbell Coal Company, Police 12.36 17261 Central Soap company, Health c9. 60 17262 H. Cusick, C.H, C.H. 11.51 17263 Denoyer Geppert Company, Schools 400.00 17264 Conrad'FreEast End Jr.High (Bond) 342.25 17265 Hamm Company, Park Rofectories 79.20 ;\ 17266 Olaf HanseC.H. & C.H. 3.60 17267 s. Hansen, C.E. & C.H. 1 63.71 17268 F. T. Hildred & Company, 53.74 St. & S. C1ng• 6.62 Sprinkling :;,15 atar E, , 71 C.H. & C.H. t ;r 705-lage rr2 12269 n. T. Levitan, 1.94 Fire 17270 Minnesota 7.ining L, ptfg. Co., 21.02 Schools 17271 PFuossel ,.'otor Company, 453,62 Police 17272 LTcrthwestern Slectric Equipment Com_ any, 212.46 P.& Pire Alarm 23.019 Health .98 Testing Labs. 2.08 Lighting 9.53 it 2.47 Yater n 173.41 212.46 o. 17273 N rth 'iestern School Supply Company, 4,045.90 Schools 12274 Pence ntito Cogipany, 18.26 Fire 6.38 Garage 11.88 16. 26 17275 Clara M. Schleh, 4.08 Finance 17276 Shanley raper Company, 31.95 f Schools 11.37 <:uditorium 20.58 31.95 17277 Standard atone Company, 62,67 Cement 5alks 1922-L-1444 17278 State of Minnesota, 3.00 Fire 17279 'lid. �-allace 36.00 ' C.H. & C. H. 17280 'lilliams box Lunch Company, 327,00 Police 17281 D. Young, 79.20 C.H. & C.H. F�. µ� rrit OITY OF OT, PAUL COUMLE^ffO1L No 1. . `��la•sa ' $ E P 2 19M B� c0 PTROLLER....._ i ....................._..._......192......... AUDITED.._ .................... �� .. i he re ate amount o Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, tot gg g f $.......�7n 861_Q,18 covering checks numbered....°�R5a.................. to....1.720.6.................. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Ci Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) CouncilmenZIn s, I Adopted by the Council_ ..8 E P 2 9 192 -� - 192 .. ? Ferguson, avor 8 EP 2.9 1923 (/ McDonald, _ 192 Approved....----- - .. ✓M sah ® Sudheimer Peter, Against �Mr, President, Nelson Ps, (J. F. No. 48796 Y Resolved that -Checks be drawn on thee. City: treasury. to the aggregate amount of $67,861.18, covering check3" numbered 17264 4o 17268 -inclusive, as he office register Ciof ty. Comptrchecks olle file in Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1923. ' Approved Sept. 29. 1923. - 5 - . (Oct- 671923) t j t __I i i '.� ^,�- or ex. n.nz - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoos..z NO7�� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLIITIfON FORM m> E 704 - � l �-p ['1� p (� f,p9 I D / GOM ROLLER ,,, 4�h AUDITED SEP 4 ,7 .... j1ll` . -- . _ .. t Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to tht�ng$re$a to amount of $-------57� 851.1$ ................... covering 17254 17258 )�s' inter of city -beck""ll to the office of the City checks numbered--- ........&1.................to-....-...............- . inc rve, as per re$ Comptroller. Yes ( Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. a — SEP 2 914(14 Adopted by the ouncil.....................•- . -. ._ ..192- S EP 2 9„ M3 Vol,Fer$uson, In favor 192------- t /McDonald, App Dv - - `, Sudheimer a PeCer, ;.................- _ --- )..A$alnst ....MAYOR -222 Nfr. President; Nelson 1,.. .................. ................ ......... . ........ ........... , 10,674.90 17254 Board o3 Control , Board of �ontrol,Exp. 17255 J. Pd. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance, 1,058.95 Garage ' 17256 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance, 5, 40 7.7b 5,435.25 `;tater (Auto) 27 0 5,435.25 17257 J. M. Clancy,'Com'r. of Finance, 23,762.67 School (Spec.Classes) 17258 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance, 16,919-41 16,919.41 Cpp. Yorks -Adorn. Bur.of Engineers 6,055.55 if 11 ,1(Auto) 357.50 St.C.& R1. 1,100.00 n n n 92.50 Sewer C.& R. 247,41 S.& S. Cing. 3,167.55 I1 it R 10.00 Bridge uldg. 275.37 Crosswalks 72.50 Sprinkling 4,672.99 „p 1 7.50 P.I.i3.Funds - L-1685 58.80 L-1683 (Auto) 12.83 L-1686 180.00 L-1740 32.01 63.49 1::. 83 L-1775 6.40 L-1775 1 _—- a`•_ 16,919.4 .° CITY OV SAINT PAM BUBGB2 YOR 7MR L92A F, 4- 41 ze; i q a RESOLVED: That the various amounts of the expendituresr in dollars that may be made by the several X34. departments, bureaus or activities of the a P City Government of the City of, St. Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1924, in accordance with Chapter 13 of the present Charter, are hereby fixed and determined by means of and through appropriate funds as the same are defined as follows: 1 CITY OP SAINT PAUL Bff-- Iff p Oi l�'1i S General Government Offi000 ° 360 323 00 383 215 00 Sundry Accounts Pensions and Gratuitios 161 271 00 470 167 00 Local Improvement Aid Fixed Charges 1 450 250 00 Department of Public Safety 3 Z09 45 00 Department of Public Works Department of Education 3 3 4 91, 7 0'0 Department o4 Parko, Playgrounds and Public BuildinHo 3 08 7 00 3 $ 202 00 Department of Public Utilitica 2 78 960 00 (dater Department 00 ORANB TOTAL BUDOBT APPROPRIATIODS .6 12 003 845 00 Dewe: Deductions for icons not included in X30 per capita limitation Singing fund 270 000 00 Redemption of bonds 305 60 000 00 00 votes m Elcotion Expense 000 Interest Payments 780 000 00 Tawe on City owned property 35 250 00 Police Pensions51 747 00 Partioipat Certificates 6 933 00 Sohoole: State Apportionment 225 000 00 Schools: State Bid Special C1888e0 50 000 00 Schools: State Aid for Elementary Schoole 20 000 00 Schools: State Aid for High Sch®o10 10 000 00 Schools: State and Pederal Aid for Vocational Schools ® Smith Hughes Act 10 000 00 Schools: Federal Aid for Soldier traialnS 10 000 00 Auditorium 36 76 055 305 00 00 Park Activities 8 135 00 Cid Market Dater department 2 768.9 fl0 4 723 385 00 Per Capita limitation based on a population of 2420682 at X30 per capitia 7 28 I Codo 0 BECAPITULATIOU 101 city Offiooro salarios 102 Llayorla OMoo 103 City clock - 104 Corporation Councol 105 Commiosionor of-Financo 106 ComptrollcOu 0V100 107 Purchaoing Dopartmont 108 nunicip3l Court GRAM TOTAL GBMU 60V2=—G UPI= 0 37 000 00 8 400 00 114 947 00 28 000 00 57 028 00 52 198 00 24 930 00 37 820 00 N Godo 101 CITY 'o pi I O.E28 uAlAgDo j chayw A SgARIDio InayoFoco9ptroiloy ad, 6 Commissionoyo) 040 00 102 NAYOROS OFFICE (Chartor Mand 2) A SALARIES 102o Al pooretartal B BERVICB18 ��, II'I �C�pINo��fliC�!�n(� D2 Tolopholo allo B3 POWOO 0s 102. 02 O:Zfioo oupplies and printing 02 Sundry ItOMG R EquiptoT 1020 D)l 5x�Pwritor 5 000 00 150 00 500 00 150 00 0_2000,0 200 00 m HIRRATI G01PAUT vgwf` Wg�� COO 103 ggjgg!�� (charter RW8 SLATIO17, ECORDS A19 LI §-LEI'S 103-1 LEGI A SALMD, 3 103-1-A1 City Clerk. Clerks, oteo B SUVICES 103-141 20100099 BCD, 20040 B EQMFIWT 103.1'ZI ri'�pouritolp Bp- Deako ang Chaim 12 219,00 w 00 60 00 125 00 8.7 500 00 goo 00 35 00 5_00-00 100 00 400 00 o3 Cw4 Maw GaPPI100 80 OR Boona Dooko 03 11COU00 TcGD 04 SMU7 ItOmD B EQMFIWT 103.1'ZI ri'�pouritolp Bp- Deako ang Chaim 12 219,00 w 00 60 00 125 00 8.7 500 00 goo 00 35 00 5_00-00 100 00 400 00 11 F.TRIff", coaO 103 CITY C& PER.OPPICE (Cbzrtor Ymm!a 4) 10302 ELECTION RENSE WMIES 203.2.A1 Clorlm an& Judsoo A2 Labor o PjacivS Dootho B SERVICER 1p3�2aBa Beat Bloction Pootho B2 nout a Auto Trucko B3 P00000 -B4 AavortloW 0 a - _UPLIB'S AND MtERIALS 103oaae1 Printiv3 and StatIOBOrg 02 Supp2loo MccollaneouO 63 YnO2 -94 Flatorialo - Nov DOOMO 5 T, 15—MUSO 35 420 00 20 500 00 0M 000 OD 000 00 po 00 7,35 00 U2 00 3 500 00 3 000 00 400'.00 a 000 00 6 §LAU 00 m OB17MML GOVERMUT OFF1078 SO Mdo 103 CITY CUBKOS Oa?ICB (Charto9;,PMd 6b 103.3 PWIAIMT REGISTRATION A SALARIES 1033 -Al Clork Hiro D SERVICES 10303 -Bi Ront02 DOOthO a SUPPLIES AD HATERIAM, 103-3-01 BoolotmUO3 cad UOU:91oat1®n 03raD 02 Offtoo SUPPlIC3, OtGa B 1033OD1 DookO cza ChalF0 E2 Tmvritovo B3 Cablnoto, otoo GRAD TOTAL CITY CLE098 OF'F'ICE 0 21„000 al 860 OD lo-=O=O. 2 500 00 &M-00� 7 295 00 2 000 Go 600 Oo 200 00 4 690 00 0 0 11UA7-0-0 141 d coao 104 GORPORATIOD.COUNSU 16harter Fma 31 A MM,1138 104® Al oorporation Couucol, Asslotanto, stomomphoroo Invoistigator A2 Legal POOD 1040 B2 Telephone and ToIcsTaph B2 Postage a SUPPLIES AM LUTBUALP 104. al O:ffjoo ouppiloo anti piAnting 02 Stmdry Itoso E Qui� 104® m vu2m1t=3 B2 13V Booko 0 260 24 284 an 2 000 00 0 —iffi—co 75 Go 69.00 __16,00 336 00 250 00 00 350 09 64500 0 28 000 co R GEUERAL f0 001038 Cado 105 COMISSIO-WER OL' PINAROB gmartor Duna 6) 205-a MMIPTS, DISBUgMTO ADD ASSM, BMM-98 A SALARIES 105.10AI r000ipto =a Didburcor-OntO . U A0800em(mto 105.%.Da Pootago D2 Autosobilo 7T;'iDtC75MO C SUPPLIES AM ?JATQXA&q 105=,1�C% ofQ7100 ourny.1foo an(l r,21utlV3 C2 sunavy Itoco 105-10M vrltoro Ra 02AGO gmmIt aMMOD 21 202 go 26 708 00 -A-000 400 00 400 00 600 Go 485 go 250 00 150 00 6EaE� GO b Oma I�3 COO 105 COMISSIORR OR VI&ag@B (cinvtor Pag 6) 105.2 PE► a'%,INO Cffia'� ID%� CATES3 (®ity gall A aALAEIE9 0 6 00 105p2-61 030hiOS0, DcOnOOR01? 5 708 00 Fl SES � 100 105,*2oDa ROMP 125 00 Q WIN AND LIATERIAls L LO 1054A 0000 aBppIIoa 3n 02 Sundt ItoC 559 00 vil O 4 �Mkj LO V6 30) A OAMMM 0 A.M 00 W,A�',Q Acoountcqtx,� 33 750 00 Yi goo D2 AdomoblZo NIMOF-212100 436 Gni D3 RMV021V3 UZP0200 0 SUPPLIE4-AP,HATERMS 0 1„ 64 106=2oQ 0!"?Ico SuPPI100 and PTIDHA3 1 000 00 C-nnary ltc= �6 000 00 ri GDma. CDVBEJWA ovv ICBS '001BY 0--go-Pa, V ®Y90 106 COUNROMR08 OEVIC, Whartor Vm(k 501 10602 CM7j 2oAl RIM1110209 OWN OtO 26 0100 Ap PTAPND 10&241 200toso 175 00 0 8-UPPLIDS 106.2-01' ordloo 640100 and p?btln3 750 00 02 God?y RCM -0 202 00 naml Appoglatim 10 ago 00 Crod1to 0 1923 X316=00 BPA10a 091 Ag 2 000 Oro LRAM TOTAL. 002TROMUR98 0 FIL ICB &-29-8-0,0 MONAll GOVMMT' 01003 NO E,G DgAnjonj (&Vtog, Rig 31) 1074 Ai Parciiaoiv3 ,zont, Dvorco otoo i) SERVICES 1070 81 Pootogo DR Tolopholno 107- 01 OMOO SWUM and PPintLE3 C2 Sundry ItOZO GRAM) TOTAL PURCHASING DEPARIMET 12 D -Y-4- 00 23 694 00 500 00 336 00 300 00 100 00 GEITER&L GOVEMIN OIN ICES "o coao 108 guRCIPAL couni lahartor Ama 31) AS 8 A -8.2= LO ! 33 1080 8tm000 CIONO A 420 00 AR J-8TY P000 JxfloludiV5 COGIO) Ago 00 . B EL, RV%Q 9 0 —20,60 loot, Dg. pootpp 500 00 DMONAL COST Rmo—oa i Ip'l- 00 00 103. omoo 0IAPPI108 ard priatiQ C2 sunary Isom 100 00 2 000 00 208- I Pand I t 2 000 Go DMONAL COST Rmo—oa i 0 SURDSY ACU ITS DUP WK111,098 7' f- 0040 120 00 my-, Mf),) 6 OURMUSB W-Imyto? Mcl R0 A salarloo v 38 026 Go 1) H00t, light and POT70Y do 000 00 a z1aintozianco 8000 00 D Altemtiom and Ropairo —dAA .00 is ID 000 00 crodito; LOGO county sharo 2/2 02,totaz OUPOncoo Pr soation 200 o:? chortor—aio.000 121 ROAM OP CORTM Ulag-toR Vad 24) citYP'a Shciro -a 1/3 og oaapondlturoo ao per soation 200—o8 tho chartor 245 000 00 Crodito." Z3 1 baI anceog6n41923 :r �11 92 000 00 224 000 00 222 AirdORY 9@2arter Mmd 31h A 0 7 00 B2 Hoato Light Sana Pouor Ole 3 2 00 B2 Telophona ama Colla 100 00 01 f 13 099100 SUPPU0 Printl] OO 0 25 00 02 Sundry 801 00 DI RepairaO98%oilditiftOM3 650 00 D2 Altorations and RomodlInS ScatiM3 3yotcm 1 150 00 0 12 948 ce Croalto: 1O©O HOVOUUO fron Garago Rental (Applied on QA'71) A.M0 00 Rat Badgot Appropriotion 8 448 00 .5 WHY AWOURS 127 DOT QVIOB EXPENOB khfftff 904 31) 2 00 Bominationo of Rondo - Legal 2 P , 0 00 3 Bx0hango on couponog Insulanoo and 570 00 Tranofoy ohargoo on DOW 128 01TY 011,11,11008 ATTwIs (0118yto? fund 31) 41gy0pylatiog In, sodion 200 d tho 6130a o MORA tO 8000 POY YOM To bo aponaod by 31mial COMM Yocolution 3 000 00 129 EXAMINATION BY STATE, PUBLIC EXAMINER (,Chartor fund 31) Appropriation for Enamination 09 Gityto financial recorde 1 000 00 130 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE (Charter fund 29) Appropriation to moot judgmento 10 000 00 against tho WY 131 misopAlmous An uNrionsa Whayter iffia 31) f AppopylaHoa goR Homo udorGoon 6 418 00 BY D010 NEW Nha?to? guRd 31) Appropriation to moot bond promium for city Officos'a 3 000 00 133 OITY9S MUSE FOR USE, Or, AUDIT010 (Charter fund 31) Appropriation for Salvation AnU Benefit In 2922 383 00 3.34 MUNICIPAL GARAGB HGINBUHSWWT (Charter fund 31) 1923 Automobile maintenance of Ebyor9e car 1 500 00 TOTAL SUNDRY ACCOUNTS X83 215 00 0 PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES Codo 160 FIR "W RELIEF (Charter fund 31) Appropriation Of 1/10 mill of oach dollar 09 the sesessed value on all tozablo proposrk"y 09 thic city por Soctioz, 3357 02 G -S- 1913 141 poLICE pMjSjOjM johartor fund 31) A Ll=JMM appropriation. Of 2/6 mill of oaah dollar of tho assessed vajaLo on all t=blo proporty of this citY per ChaPtOr 118 09 G.S. 1921 142 TEACHERS BETIRMWM (6hartor fund 31) Appropriation por Chapter 310 G.S. 1923 143 WIDOWS AND MEANS PENSIONS I Wrtor fund 31) Rapandod by GpeeiGl Council rOcOlutlOu .144 j70jgIj7@MjN'S COMPENSATION 40hartor fund 31) Rapendod by Special council TODOM1091 345 Hut= SOCIETY (charter fund 31) Financial Aid L .146 UATF,,,R r -OR vJ:LDZR BATHS Whartor fund 311 Appropriation to reimburco Vator Doprtaout I 147 covTINGUT PUDD Whaytog M4 51 Bxponaoa by SPOOIBI 0000,11 140 SAINT PAUL ART MJVDB I ohavtoy fwa Financial Aid TOTAL PENSIONS ADD GRATUITIES 17 0 15 584 00 51 747 00 60 850 00 1 500 00 12 000 00 2 400 00 3 000 00 6 000 00 6 161 272 00 S3 s • �i Codo lfi0m 0I.1yv a SHAM OF 100a. 10110 t0 ( 021artO F !a 31) Appropriation to bo 0npona0d by Sp0o101 R000lntions o8 tho eomneil phi' Ohartor t=On—=Bt votooL on affi approvoa by Cho pooplo JuV 16tF olM 0 400 000 0 1'61 BssLB tTr„ 3 oII T pRopERTY B6hovtorr Punc 31! a O�Sink18 taa�oo 814 �� OO Tmo ORLEMIE13 t=CO 282 00 3 Eooab %uPaovoo u t 5=00 51 878 00 es 657 Q a6g. 1102�108BGSB MP KHM'D110 (G-AB��Os) 31) i OUmtod moot Pov local lopro7 onto o0ot503 1000 than 0200000 Dog Ghutoz? 000tion 057®` wTAL L02& a , a 51 0'0(10 100 SIZERG FD MMIMO 8 (Gtrtor Ya8 27) Apgopy�atj®n to podom gonoWl bouQo 181- pMaTTION Op 9008 Whartor It nmd 26) 1 Appropriation to rodo0:3 Ctaoh &3010 sorial DOMA0 2 Appropriation to rodcion Ro2andin$ Soriaa Hondo S Appropriation to rodoo13_%0031 1UP70vo- oont CortificatOO Of 0.310 I v 235 000 00 45 000 00 25 000 00 Y�2bMPTION oy 1008 IWMAOY 31) Paootion lisponso Botoo 183- INTRRRUT (Marcor Pond 26) Intoromt R.C'mout0 duo 1n 1924 184- TAKES OR CITY PRGPBRTY ROT IMM VOR CITY PURPOMS 1 Ola Library prcporty V 34 500 00 2 dory 0arazo 759 00 009 Qo 305 Goo oa 60 000 00 780 000 00 35 250 00 20 2 op Immo mmw-F �ftublg �WIKIIMIRIIUXAOD qz� '10 Z R Lo 2u; MEN g 2$® cwczu 00 Gom=l $Ctmticza 0 P-0 59? GO 224 Dur-oau o2 2o2lc,3 &da&AGtmmczl 0 as 377 430 `I 'Pl— Um1:?0=c3 P02100 DIVIO103 Dotootivo DIVIC1033 0 'C'o ronco Somaco Daviclon -428 NY,� GO 21,co LUC= 0 Z=PCOIDICM DiVIC31M 0 1) 11080? VOU0200 p 0?0GO rUl%dIE3 MIntonmn Qr2 OpozatIco 16 5r2 C, a Go 23- DUE = 02 Dim a a VIM pm-vontion Uvicam vivo IaGuwgg aivicilion �g 6p 00 0 Go or-om'Dione,31,Lblntcnmco 02 L-a2alr'-'o and L?qrlp=nt 7a 6-(6 Go 24- LZ7"ala 02 202100 cn,3 VIM Alam 53 Q -)a 03 25- Damaim 02 ac3ruh a Adul alc2ratlon 9 3'7 2 vlt32 statIctloo 9 N, 00 3 po00 2,OgaQUGo a22- Inopootlem. 22 "or, 00 6 ut4no Inopoctloa 28 48 ca oronloolo DIVIolom 29 225 400 Dalo,Qtroot lo8lvm.7 Uormouso Hoopl= a 765 00 22 geq co F-SboZato- 8 a6 Go 9 uavvlc� 120ma 2an 12 685 00 10 Hawrlot 102ma na'Etator1co - as vifth stttpt Gom-gort smuca C) 425 Go 22 ragom=Pt 00 Dei YACOnCO3 2 -63500 Bea 053-00 A.—RI-9-415-11-0 k coao 21 @U o 7o8o9b ,W a �M n1lop (ob gjGnjF.A LFtoy Val Ai POPIAY Qv PooiQAGOOMtaMc'oo otoo WMMS AND 12rk'E.RIALI 21- StatlOFIOTY and PARM3 02 stmdKY%tt n, Bads000 Otoo UAW PilliPipat B BOHM ra ofnao vmmltaro era App"Mwoo - 21 20 03000 10 030 05 3500 60 35000 92 co Ofl 50 00 0 I" I V 'b OVID0116 SAP, w Ti 710117,—, Godo 22 BMAU OP POLICB, (Charter VM2 79 RAIMOO 22.1. Al chlog O'g P01100. goagotary. glorko'otco 12 147 00 22-1. TO'l-Opwo ORA TOIO�Kzp!l tkkjMOW�r) ALWOR 22ba. 61 stationery, Gna PRIBU93 300 00 02 kunary Bag toilot 013PPILC3 430 00. 03 uJoehlighto Gall Othey InOPOOMOD ouppiloo 2 000 00 04 rzdcoo 300 00 D RRAIRS —D�00 22-2. DI of Leo Equipcat 2500 �Q ENj6 , LO zO ALWOR p OV PUUIC SAFETY M PRID'Y'MAYOUR— ooao ..I:. 8RO2 A @800""o C�==— Al bigoet'log end capoTV1010B A2 GtroOt POU01 93ty. A3 TYGE910 Duty 4 lbuatod Polloo 45 L19070,7010 201100 DS y �ic B�s 22-2. Da 80200 uplmop D E'L'a—Ing gragglo Ova sagoty siona%o P, rmum= :- 2111, X06 co 232 234 00 59 674 00 3 634.00 45 667 00 —12,000 720 co 200 00 0 LMO-00- 1 500 00 �O-Lm —P0 DEPAREWT Ol? PUB I0 -SAMAT ---bu�j iw Codo 22=3 DETEVAIvE D �ISIOI� (Charter PWIR V A SALMES 01126-00 2203- Al Diyoctlon ana aupwvlolon 2 754 00 A2 Gom ral. Dotoctivo soxvico 82 962 Go A3 Paan 8hop ImPoctiOn 4 110 00 A4 20licO Monose 4 770 00 D SBRVICES 0 3-7p-00 22-3- DI ori= invootigation (TraVollskq and Other OnP=0001 :L 250 00 carefaro 2 500 00 a SUPPMES A17D MATERIALS 0-20-00 22.30 02 Bortillon R000 SUPPI100 300 00 pAJ&6 00 L DEPAREWT Ol? PUB I0 -SAMAT ---bu�j iw Codo 22=3 DETEVAIvE D �ISIOI� (Charter PWIR V A SALMES 01126-00 2203- Al Diyoctlon ana aupwvlolon 2 754 00 A2 Gom ral. Dotoctivo soxvico 82 962 Go A3 Paan 8hop ImPoctiOn 4 110 00 A4 20licO Monose 4 770 00 D SBRVICES 0 3-7p-00 22-3- DI ori= invootigation (TraVollskq and Other OnP=0001 :L 250 00 carefaro 2 500 00 a SUPPMES A17D MATERIALS 0-20-00 22.30 02 Bortillon R000 SUPPI100 300 00 pAJ&6 00 25 DUpao,]@T ol? PUB7,10 SAM, TY coo A SAMMS 2246 4a L,—bn-jo,=o md LIOUG31 30TVico 65 856 09 'aa ATroot duty A3 I?OlicO A%aw of�ov3toro 3 634 00 AP MOO D GBROC—Ra 4R.5 1 00 0 OUPPLIDS AND MORMO 6D 00 otog 50 . 0 00 Ca Modleal SuPPI100 d&d2 9p K?lC stag? is Ll B M- M. ILg MIM002 MR Q=,w WIWI W o7 Colo 9906 SOT, OR 22-6. Ba Imummo 533 zatcoomlo Ancum=0 lmoutwD P4 notaroyc2o comm tblu 02'10=mc) 2 aquipmR 22.6. DI Antocoblloo ?- 27 5 220 60 la coo co -=X� OV pj%j@.,8Mr.7 2207 Dul 10190 D AT@ UP -242100 16h,30OR �n7� 0 Lai D ORVIOD 0 133 ZMt Da Light as SUPIM9 IN NBRUM 22-7- 09 MCIAIR3GnOEILCO Qa GC @lc3nlz3 ana carotala3 22-7® -too co 0 16_562 -ca �l puam OP VOLIC gA pgg YOM—, Lod—O 23 DUE v 012 yl Dwin 23-2 A 23-2 6% oblogo. Uodical Impootoro. ote. 202ophomo .0'6) Z,30(IVY, 20110t, alcaabig sappalco 35 362 Of) _XD 00 25960 ®r o, DBPAR'na 0v p0go mzw Qoao 23a2 VM? PREENTION DIVIGIOII Ichayt®r Iwa 04 a 9LtTaQRIES II SERA 23020 E2 To9orhonoo G SUPPLIES MATERIALS 23*2a Cl RQUO 9, and P110103 82 Re ahl4ghto WI %oopootion ouppiloo 6 P� u, g7 . 17 560 00 2400 8500 26 oo i I B2 ALM M12 017 Mtom MIN "TJ Oodo 23 HUE, Au -OV VIM i 6hartor fta 23.3 I?Ile I?jGan ,&IE@ DIVISIOD, A R MR19`9 C=�Atb Aa OBOEI M- 2, MOdOR30 Z�� anqOinagbaw. 13 OP 67 66969 go, 00do 23 BUZAU OR VIN WhOrt0s' rRRI 23-4 OpOATIOR hDD IJAIDTOADC3 OP BUXIDIEGS AND EQMEMW A SALARIES 2.LR6 _C9 23-4* Al Gnp%,4�zjtomdout. Ropalr and Paint VIOP DMPIOUOCO 23 626 oo D SERVICK 1 0 LM 00 230�() 575 850 09 83 17st02 C MATERIAL AND SUPPLIM 23-4- 02 Coal cmd aoca 27 500 00 02 Equipment Repair Parto and Materialo 6 000 00 03 Gasolino, oil and Grewo 5 900 00 (LS 21me. Tubos ant RopairD 3 000 00 05 0103ni]23 supplios, Mum, otec 1 500 00' 06 PrInflikg and OfdIcO O"UPPIAC3 350 00 07 mcconamoono mtorials and SUPP2100 3 225 00 D BEFAIRS 20D 000 23040 D2 Equip=out and 4PPQr3tw 3 2000 Da Piro Station Daildim.-D 3 000 00 D3 Coat Ing Plont 2 000 00 E RQUIRMT 0 6 800 00 23-4!- El Dov and Roplecomnt Boca 6 000,00 B2 Piro VIGhtIg3 and MIGG022anocuo 800 00 0 00 "Taft V -t fit Godo 24 DUEUTJ OV POLICE AND Pmn AmAr,3 9abart,orryanaoc 24© til 8raio��boxa Q2 Polloo MORD Opomtoyo A3 VIED Aloin orporatozo A4 ZbIntolonoo of Sgotoo D =view 24. DR Tolophomo D'S D3 In=-rGnco D4 Automobl2o Thintommo B5 (1a.roaro 0 6UPPLIES AND HAMM 24a ca stati-may M2 22,10MV3 02 Elcatrical Boodo 03 90020 am maeollanoono D CAIN 24- B2 Ofdleo Rquipmont D2 Suohvoom Laghto 9uphoop) 24- Rl Polloo and Flip al=,, Equip:nnt 22 Auto -mobilo E3 Furniftro cm.d I?IzturoD am L%o a 820 00 al 802 00 7 767 00 la 508 Go X42 AO 225 00 20 00 2 500 (M, 50 00 loo 00 a 800 00 250 00 000.®0 o,qo 00 2500 y DLA EMT 01? PUBLIC SAESTY codo 25 DO AU 01? MANE 90hartor 17amd 9h 25®% Ash ID132RA2101T 25.2 A% lloa2th O:Uloovo Dopatvo Dookkoopor D 25-2 D2 sabocolptiom B21 uator B3 Tmvo2ln3 Expen000 0 SUPPLIES AND HATERIALS 2502 02 stab oaOry and PvintlM3 ca Daftoo cmd Sig= 13 25-2 M 02floo fawlturo and oquipmost 3/a 0 G 327 00 0_02_00 30 00 52L 00 co 00 R;5 00 0 00 400 co 0 a J31- 00 $®leo 25®2 VITAL STATIM r .1chastor E4W& 9G A SALARIES 25-2- Al $Qenogsa o o !RYP'Oto O SUPPLIES. AI9D P'Id. MIALS 25®2© 01 statiOMW ona L-rintlmz E EQLTIFLWT 25-20 L'i O:Uloo &h trio and Mft v_8 2�0 8 280.0 8 L 5 8_0 00 u DPWRTEWT ? PUBLIC GAEBW Qc�lo POM ROUI,L� ON AUD IDSPEMOU HQa�os pang. SALAW 10 .2I `g QD, 2 Al vocfl Inopoo8ica n f31% Vit? A2 Mat Imapoe4iom 16 267 00 ¢�j DaiS T Inc�poc ioII 3 762 ®D E�. 85-3a III arav©giaz arponoo 59 00 D2 Auto Anou3noo 0 SUPPLIES AND UAa" EEIAbS � g 25a3- Sg SIMBi®nos7 cmd PFIBUD3 �2 Impo®8ion Snppgioo 0.0 u MAW= OR PUDLIC SL AT wo ELMO 9=90PBOT109 JlFpytoy Pad 91 A SAUMB8 25o4. P lic3ith ona Scalc3l lmpoo= 25®4 DI Antemobl2o Mintonw-00 D2 Autciobtlo Alloz=001) 'a SUPPLIES Ab MrIMA_IS 2564 Oj G4ationoi7 and PrInUm3 moo and alpq gotal GroUto ® 1923 Pa2aucoo appliod on L2 ljoL Appropriation 2 000 a? 400 0o Q00 00 12 000 06 0 i A9=0=0 A09 R fla statiomme7 aO IIA -61St B2 zaujarg and eno4 SUPPI100 n �� 03 V--alcaa S"appIioo 250 Obi B EQUIPLW2 00 25,50 Bg 6frSi o affi pi to 35 00 Ov P0110 GA OR b" iM— itsa� a o b 2 g� Qa 130acal Impommo 17Maoop otoo 26 fl fl D 9BR< g 25-5. Da 202ophcm ag D�.. Boat D5 bight Pg Caton �fl fl� A09 R fla statiomme7 aO IIA -61St B2 zaujarg and eno4 SUPPI100 n �� 03 V--alcaa S"appIioo 250 Obi B EQUIPLW2 00 25,50 Bg 6frSi o affi pi to 35 00 DBPA 2 •01? PifBIN. SAFETY B REPAIRS � 110 00 2506 D2 Bqnip=nt and railtIMV .110.00 Total Appsopsiation 5 530 00 CE2oditO o 1/2 coot ohasgoS to eo8 0onnta ? 6 00 got Appropriation E ,Coco 25-6 DALE STREET %MIRY QC O t= ir�V-1 99 A SALARIES 00 2506- Al SnpoPintondont, E?Atrrosi 40 oa B SLBHIMS 5 2506 Dl �olop&ionoo 65 00 U2 bight r"00 001 P3 L'atoa 05. goat 690 00 B5 Board 0Q Pat$Outo 2 000 00 B6 Uvorya4 Ibtionto 690.00 0 SUPPLIES AND MAArAMBIA&S 25-6= 01 Stationo27 ani Pr1mt1n,3 WOO 02 Uodleal Supplioo 50 , 03 F,3ands7 and 20ilot snpplioo 7a 0b Kitchon UtOM51,10 20 00 B REPAIRS � 110 00 2506 D2 Bqnip=nt and railtIMV .110.00 Total Appsopsiation 5 530 00 CE2oditO o 1/2 coot ohasgoS to eo8 0onnta ? 6 00 got Appropriation E 40 DEMON Op PM10'b l Oc:-o 25-7 GOEMOUSE HOSPITAL 40,37tov Pmld 9 6 A� 2g�7o A2 L3otlical X'Pec$oxo, P?a�so `ti10 00 H SLUICES 25-7= PS Doerd o8 Priaonoro 000 00 B SUPPLIES ADD HA MR &S 25-7- Ol 38otionory ana VrlutlV3 40 c 02 Maon and PoddW 100 09 03 LTodloag SUPP11vo 100 00 WARM, NI op POLIO G 'any WON U.M7907MM, 0040 � g Laos 6chaeoos Vand g) E3otogolo3loto Eoapov Q SUPPLIES AM P1dt' ERIA S 258= �l �Ca�ionox� a �s�a /75 00 Ca Tgodical Supplico 810 0o B EQUIRMT 00 2 8m BR Modical ApparaUO 400 00 0 g -M-600 0090 moria 161IRROR RIO 91 2514 AR oaoo 2 coo co C===== cgs=0 .111, Som, 29 25-9.DR 2olophoscO 1p 10, Da MOO i-mv 00 . 21000 00 D6 Ooncor.-la"400 Fowww and 20ilot OuPplico n5 Go @2 L-'kovl,3iGzD :FOZ? EMP%GYOCO Ip 03 17o '202? o 2 B .5.q rquiVocat ort DaMir-30 p ga�UIEMT 0 E-qldfCOM C===== cgs=0 impmamT, 7AC SAMW --BWGBT ��ItUleka RAILMilki 4off- .—MM - 2"5-10 BAR . IET ISLAM) . REFECTORIF19 lchaTtOr vmlc 91 D mmn 25-20. B2 Danoo-L'aolo @ amms Am mnima's 01 600 -do ParoDmog goy Fooslo. 62 Blob000 oupo, otrava, OW6 25-200 DI B0900'aOST DqUIFMC31a SON- oapportw aotivitu I- 4"s 0,0000 a 000 co 1 500 05 200 go 50 co 3 759 CO DEPAREWT 01? PUBLIC SAMTY MOZ-17 codo 2511 OOMPOW STATI011 10hartor PM78 9) 2541 Al 8051tow.00 lbwo 25 -21 -Di lialn D2 cat©r D3 moat @ SUPPLIES AIM MrAMIALS 25-11 al Z3mTA%v QVL Voilot Supplloo 1) REPAIRS 25 -11 -DI L"alldlv,-,P 6TOLSOtOD D EQUIPMT. - 25-21-M 20ml YT-10blacO Ll a 44 U5 ca 500 Go Frac Vol If Logo. 25-22 BORC10.99Z OIC 202 %IBLMMS (chortoa Pura�) A smwma 25og2-U Dot3 Catohos, (8 OOzthO)o PoWd CaOtOV) n �avlc 25322 -Dl 201100 Solvioo D2 Autocobilo Minton=oo 0 SMLIES AIM HAMIM Vorodo 5 335 300 co 25 go ' DEPAWIMRT OV PUL%0 WOM AM E: 0040 ➢ ,'E O "I 310 Damn 09 Adniml G�YB gOB 32 -' MB 08 } inooriRV l �ginoorra 2 Oita gaanning 33- Luroaa oit atroot and Sovor 8opairo. l Ropair Crooeoto Block Streoto 2 Repaint Aophalt Streoto 3 Repair Rrioh Streoto 4 Repaid S!aadbtoao Block Stroota Paving Plant Local Improvemoat Inspection RopaBr Savo= acid TUnn020 Ropair Catch BaOiao 9 lmopootig3 Houeo drain oonncotiono 10 Bopairo to BggipoM 1102 20©OW00 and R0001pto 34- Burcan of sanitation: 1 ndninietration 2 RepairiVS dirt Streoto 3 Ropairing F"aosdon Streoto 4 Ropairing valko, railingo end otairvago Hopairing and contracting crOaevalko Ropairi.aa atroot aigno 7 Grcavol pit 0porationo 8 Cleaning girt otrooto 9 01eaning p vod atrooto 10 Cleaning oidovalka and otairvairo 11 anov recoval 12 Sanding atrooto ant valko 13 papas plakw 14 uooa cnttin3 1Conootion and diapoaol oS garbago 12 alopocal 09 atroot rofgoo at Cita Dampo l plashing atrooto 1; 9loaning oovoro and tnnnolo 19 Clowin eat©h bmIR3 20 tamping Station mistonamo 21 Stroot bnbblo Saaantain oogvico 22 Hopairc to ognipent 23 Hevoanc3 and mooipto 35- Baroan o8 Bridgo Ropairos l Adniniotratiom 2 Ropsir Cita ovnea bridgeo 3 Hovommoo and R0001pto 36- H'arean o8 Corkhouco 69 210 00 12 722 00 1 000 00 43 750 00 2 500 00 4 000 00 000 00 ill 000 22 640 00 3 000 00 1690 00 00 10 000 00 586 7 00 8 000 Co 4.000 00 1 000 00 1 000 00 12 000 00 53 0 500 00 3 00 00 l 000 Co 2 000 00 2 000 00 78 500 00 005500g A0 N15 G00 00 000 00 5 5" 00 500 00 4 500 00 ll 000 00 59 000 00 LA 6 0 15 99600 0a 932 00 147 040 00 335 750 C0 50 000 00 35 518 00 Rotal Dopartucat 08 Public Worko 66 DI2AMWT OP PUBLIC 9095 ZA MMMUOE �ADMIV�13TRAMO'l 10"'gOop" W" %0) f Al Awolautoto clato RDA Tolophogio ovol3tos. 3�6 30 WHO Bag tologa"Eig .D2 DyinuO3 wtoy D3 Pootc!30 c SMIPLIES 31- 01 PrintIMS. OMOO Ond Sundry an-PP1100 31 -BI uOtOR aylvOg GgaW moh'no B2 olao ooplop. typowltog B3 -OMOO 2ftm, Itm m I Wo, z 91 14 34189 475 00 85 Go 25 00 0-90-00 500 00 350 00 arlo 00 50 co 0 -L"91, 00 4.V) , Vim 1-16 Of, 1-0 D 8 000 32 yum2 10) 32.1 Pu �IHBRB A LAIRIUB 3; 32.1-AtlanaitconEvolcoan03d Itodmonoaa� OId2OT�O 9 80 37 c00 Bua DIROPTIntor B MVIIIES 0 1"'Oo 32,ILAI , Tolophoam Ora M10 Go 00 43 00 A, B4 Nicoollanowo 8001000 iouoldo BkOvE.109930 Oho) 800 00 Polo@ D939tI23 09 DltO??'8t'v3 s"PP1100 02 pplatIAR5 and Of fico 39*100 B BQMPLWT 2-0 00 32-1-M Oggloo CalmIturo and DquipMOnt X90 00 002001) i� Godo 3BCU op Egoin"MUG 19harto? POC 10) 2 3242, CIV -PUMIIDG A SAL IES 324�1 rojinoore'Palonlator, stonouraphor, 10 Ghouffour and 2ratUo countox's 85 69 D2 Lutom-obilo MWOMMO 500 60 B3 mccollenocuo SOUVICOO 103 00 0 SMUES 200.00 32-2001 I?YiutW, off'oo and omdry oupploo 1 20.0 00 0-12-122 co Dwa-min Ov PRIZO 90 QoQQ DuEAU Op, STRO AND S&M MPAIR3 (CA3009 %F-11 119 53-2- mail cloosom DR &K STMTS A-aUARIE§6 UAGRS 3302A% ar'l ZKOPOGUZO A2 Labor A3 2camo 0 MOWS ARD SUPPLIES 33,4069 CYOOGOtO D10080, tMao P3*3 MON *0 Oa 20010 ani canday SwIloo 'i" JA�O CID 1-5090 5 509 00 1 200 00 0M m arli M= Ulm 37w it L09.0 33 DURMU.02 SHIM',. AND SEEM- ZRAIRS Wastes goq,.q 916 VAGDO AND T=G 0 &6 8,30, CO go 09 62 Zbbw ZG #Do co A3 Tpe) 6 000 00 Al ($0 UA22,RJA aD PPI 0 L6 180 00 02 20cao caq GIML7 OPPI100 30 00 0 DEPARZOD2 ©VPIN C10fEM 04 bQuO 33 DINLAR OP STREET MD SF'VMR R RQYFx"3 goat®s guma 111 . v 3 -a DOE.C=3. all %mpotogo 0 �� Kobe Q0 ER%AL AND RUMED LO 2 DO -0 33.1-6 ' BRI®%o b 9 StiaQ goo as _02 20010, aza smagy 9Uppggoo 100 Go Ic �l DEPARTIMT OF PUBLIC -1.70FZS BUDGM, Arrauy, XpiAtti Coda 33 DVMAV OF STREET AID SMME MPAIRS (Okarter 2M28 11) REPAIR aMSTORE BIOCZ STREBW a SALARIES, 17AGES AND MES 33®6 L'OrOmOD and XWPOctoro Ae Labor A3 TO=, 3 a UMETMAL MD SUPPLIES 33-4-M Sandatom blotto, C."MO 0800 CL' Toolo and E=drg SUPPUCO L22 600 00 a 600 00 509 00 309 00 g'Leg 54 DEP AROM OV. MLXQ 9009 33 M,-w7M REPAIRS Mlavtol? gnaG 911 33-5- LA-VIOPM A SALARIES AND 0 UATERIAM AND SUPPLIES D REPAIRS ADD FOWALS MPUBUT AM PLAM IWEDVEM, UNTO 3365z,l Pavla3 Mnt Oquip-mont mchlUoU7 OtOo 35 OQb� 4a Tmalm 5 I r, 55 DRAE-7 MM 01? PUBLIC U0128 @on 33 11 mu op 6.2MOT aD Mom WAIRS M,DOor. 91' III 100a OPREMER EaRIED 0 33=6= -Ax E ----3a xcDTOVc=,mt Impoctoro 20 coo 09 10 000 09 t:]� I u �Oqs 33 ' DUMAU OP STMM ARD S�R RE�PAIRS 4 OzTtOr :?MQ 12) 33-7- RVAlp SEWSRS AUD TOMS 3=21ES, UAGM Alip T 33 -7 --la I?Orc=B 750 90 11 150 00 -42 Z-3bov A3 Tc=O 2 000 09 Da PaVIV3 Torl3ig-3 goo 00 B3 carfaroo ---5000 B4 L1100021MOCUO OOr7iO0O 100 (M LTATL7RlAlS An S�UPPLIBS '(1—,c Z, V, �-G, �,I) 4 650 00 33-7661 sm�A- cmvO%, CoDcntO P'Poc' qaot'PZOO Fu"bor" Otuo C2 0031, toolo ana Gadq u'dppllOO g 350 00 0 12 6 =4.0 00 O-,AHMT ov walocorc Gogo 33 1 RROP Mato lavmla 14 33.06 MAIR MAE A VAG 0 R 0 m aD �Suppllr's Ettorlol DUG Supplaco fq Dam'FLILAIT Ov puffilo UOEO 33 AR Op STRMT AAWND.JUEMN-UR REPAIRREPAIRWONO2 fta 12) 334; OY ECTIONS 35�9i'Aj Inopoctorc 3 400 69 NIPAIU�?TIT OP LYA ISO a 9080 3. .. Dg4Aii im ea ° ni An 3 BR 02AMS ( 2a oY 121 33910- PAIRS 20 U%Lsla' A Q SAW1138 AUD WAGES 33.46AI '?0 c)3 Q AnIBRIAL MMPI 5� �000 00 500 co 500 00 0 —10,02 00 00 60 DEPARVOT OR? PUBLIC 90198 co� MIR 33 DUPTAU OF STUT MD 8010 - FPAIRS 33,118 DIMS 'gD Agafilopil MAW to bo tyallogo'Ma to tho v3RIGLIO activitloo og tho DUMB og Stmet and BE= HOPITO 000aW fyc':' wopl@ 9OF RAW RIMY goypogatloag aga Am otit'gido VaPt, DEP AS NT 01? PUBLIC WORKS Godo 34 DUMU OF SAVIVITAMT1. Whartor ftna 139 34©2 ADHIN13TRATI011 A SALARIES 34.2.A1 Suporintotdout aid Asslatcmt, Clorka D SZRVI CBS 34-lc3l Rolophomo and Collo Da Antemobilo allomnoo D3 Ulcoollanomo Soavleco @SUPPLIES 34011=01 PrintliGo Offloo w4, Simds7 Supplico 7e 00 12000 660 on 220 00 23� 00 231 00 DEPARTM, HT01? PUBLIC 0916 Codo 34 DURFAU OF, SARITATIOU WhOrtor 2Md 11) 34c-5--, EMPAIRING DIRV MOM"RO 4 SALARIES- URGES MD TEEMS 34-28L2 Vorcmos ani Impootors 'aa 7-sboi? Z13 Town Licht D2 Atatomobl2o cznthV a120 -070=0- D3 Traoll Ibintom moo n6 M00022ancom co-.VLGOO 0 8MRIAL AND SUPPLIES 34-2-02 Cand, GMVOI, Dl?t, LUZ1076 OtGO Opal, Toolo and sun-aL7 SUPP1100 13 132UIPLW2 34 -2 -Zi TrUOICO B129 Z!30h1mO27 E 62 3000.00 28 09 16 000 00 35 00 660 00 2 690 00 125.00 1 22a 00 1 280.00 000 00 le 3 000 00 0 5§15-901 DEPART9192 01? PUMIC UORXG GOO 34 BUREAU OR RMITATIOR JObartor gun3 121 34030 MAIREG-VAGAD W STEEMPS a SALARIES, MAGES AND PELTS 3403oA1 Forccon and Impootoro A2 labo-s A3 Tcar-,O D SERVICES M,,,3*B% Light old D00O2 .D2 2rmcl� r-latonc=o 0 MAZERIAL AIM SUPPLIES 3403001 Orwhoc Boat:, oto 02 Ocolo Toolo and eandvY CzPPlicO 75000 6 650 00 a 500 00 8U 7500 750 00 64 DEPARMI RT OF PUB110 00198 Godo 34 MAY 01? SMITATI011 (chclTso.r gena 11) 36c4,0, IMPAIRING GALKS, RAZZIEDS ARD STAIMAYS A SALARIBb.. CAGES AD �T 34-4aAl I?OVGOOI' 200 0� A2 TOW? 3 500 ob A3 Tcamo 500 00 0 100 co sBltvicD, 8 co 11001109000 oogvi000 -I`Jn—02o OtOO 02 200%o and u8todgy 9TIPPI100 3 059 00 50 00 ,� a 000 00 j)O?ARRmv-p Ov PUBLIc upEgs 02aO gtmd 119 34 MWSSUAM A 17AGES A11D TEMS Pordmon A2 Zabol? A3 Teamo, B SERVICES OwvjcOO 34 5® M8003"'MOOUD 9 L- U'Pl ER.aL ADD 3U_ "' ".,S 34-5-92; Lmbor, C()m . aa%Ston 1 eo, 0 . tco 02 Simdry slapplico 100 O 0 300 00 600 00 200 00 L 900 00 Boo as 100 00 DRAM T OV PUDIN MIKS Godo num&u ol? saT.&Tjou (clartor itma nD 36 34.6- e f7 ZObOv OR poet BRA ukdgy offiffloo 2 LCM) 50000 P co U=0=0 AID 67 Oado 34 DMU-OF SADITATI011 IO bytor fma III X-70 GR&Vu PIT OpEaTIOUD A VAGES ZD TEEMS 3467oAl Z-3bol? 300 00 A2 Tcam 125 00 D SERVICES 34-7oDa SIGht ant Polum? .500 00 Ba 201ophono agg torso 25 00 C SUPPLIES 34-7-01 Bundrg suppnoo 50 00 m DEPAWINBUT OF PUBLIC 170EM3 Coda 34 DUREAU OF SANITATIOD Manor 2WO 13) 34-00 01221.92 DINT STRMTS a GALARMS. UAGES ADD TECD- 34-8-a 42 labov A3 Toamo D SERVICES 34a8 -BI Macollanoouo Sorvlcoo 0 SUPPLIES 34-8-01 .-NMdrg 8appll00 13 34.8;:5M Flachimory A Lo 00 500 Go 6 850 00 3 500 00 50 CD 100 100 00 0 Le00000 a MARMUT up PUBlic WOMB MOGEW-AV 0 NZATIumb Yuan xygA 20-d—O 34 DUREAU OP 8AIIIaATIOU (""Or 2anc 13) 34496 r .&=-A 34 9 poromon and loopcotcyo A labor Q TO= D SERVICES 309 -BI AutomoblBo 01m8oncruco DR MscollamacuO COVACCO, 0 SUPPLIES 3449-02 AM= SuPP2100 ull" 2 21000 37 240 00 13 000 00 0 300 00 200 00 O_MOID po qO - Yu DGaWgUT OY PUBLIC 9DES Re DURPAU Or lain Tioll Wlcotov kna 239 34-20= CLEARIEG _SID AMS AM STAIRUAYS A VAGIM 0 34 -10 -Al Lbb o2 400 0.0 D SERVICES a SUPPLIES "D 00 34-10-02 St nay su"lloo. 26000 C-1) C -Z -M-7171 0 DU=U 01? SMITATI011 MaBtor ftn2 a3h 34011 ��oa A SALAIMB -VAGES OD AM 6 Goo co 42 l3bw 16000 00 A3 , A2 000 oa D OBVICUS 0 —221 �lm 34-11-D9 AwDombIlo calntoa=, o 875 00 Mccollmoono sou'vaeco 22509 34 -U -M 90010 0104 CmdTY C3PPILCO Goo co DEPAMUMET 01? MLIC 90 -EES Godo 34 BUREAU OF SOITATIOIJ (Chartor ftuc 13) 34.12 SANDIVG STEMS AM UAIKS A imm ARD TE O$ 34-22-a Lobo . A2 Toarn C SUPPLIES 34-22-c1 Sand and Sundx7 Supplloo 0-20-00 40000 300 00 -LOO-00 300 00 DBPArTMWT OF PUBLIC W0198 ,Mnw APPY002v YIMH ZA Godo 34 DuMU OF SARITATIOD WhCl22oR :?Md 13) 34o13 PAPER PICKIRG A WAGES 34-13-A1 Z3bov D SERVICES 34 -13 -BI ?ruclr Ualutonanco D2 BlocolIMCOU0 SOFVICOO 0 SUPPLIES 34-13-02 Sundry suppiloo 3413 -BI PaPOY 005tainO20 IV's 1000 IDO 2 coo Go 5-0000 400 00 loo 00 100 00 100 00 04s-000 co 00000 v 0 ID13PARMNT OF PUBLIC VIORKS --YEAR 19 Godo j. 34 JDUMU OF SAE ITATIOD(Charter ftnd 13) 3414 QM CURK96 A PAGES AND TZMS 34-244Al Zabor Tosma D SERVICES 34 -14 -BI Mecollaueouc Sorvicoo Q SUPPLIES 34-14-01 Toole and Sundry Supplico L.M 00 600 co goo 00 00 50 00 45O 00 450 00 0 LOOO-00 DWAgEST 01? P1_01100000 Godo 34 BUREAU OF SaITATIOU Wharton gurd 13) 34615® COLIECTIOU AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE A ULARIES,., VAGES AVD TE= 34-25-A1 I?OrODOB and InDPOOtOlO A2 Z3bor A3 Toamo D SURM 34 -25 -BI Automobilo Lbintonanco 132 Micoollanoono solvicoo 0 SUPLIES 34-15-02. Slmda-j, SUPP2100 13 EQUIPLWT 34 -15 -El Garbago Trallcro 7.5 2-20--0co 2 500 00 3 500 00 47 000 co 500 00 11250 co 752 00 750 00 25 000 00 25 000 00 0 7A-500-00 warim Op POCK Vlogo !0 &0 34 35o16- DISPOSAL OF STRIMT MOOR AT CITY DSS A URGES 34-16-A1 l3bol? 0 SUPPLIES 34.96-01 20010 Glad godw Supp goo 1116 8 750 00 250 00 &g&0==O=o DEPARMW OP PUBLIC 17ORKS Codo 34 Dymy 01? SaITATI011 (Chartoir fand 13) 34-17Q PLASHING STREERLS -A SALARIE& MAGES AND TEMS 34-3.7-a Poromon and Inspoctoro A2 Labor A3 Tosm D SERVICES 34 -17 -DI CQrfaTO B2 gator goo -ORmGblzU- D3 MscollmoGuc Sorvio©0 0 SUPPLIES 34017001 03001inO 02 8undgy Gupplloo 77 X 740 00 2 510 00 5 000 00 _Tp—o 0 100 00 3 500 00 150 00 000 00 750 00 k� DEPAM RT OV PUBLIC VOEM --sVDWTF-Ap , " I Godo 34 BUnFAU OF SADITATI011 Wharton land 13) GUOING SLUMS AND TUHMS A SAMA IES, MOBS all TEAM 34-18-A2 Vorornm Aa Labor 03 To= D savi CD, 3 34-18-D1 Mocollanoous oorviaoc 0 SUPPLIES 34-18-cl 2oolo and Sundry Supplioo - - E EQUIPMT 34 -18 -DI HODO D2 Tilsoollencous Dqulp=ont lVH m 600 (0) 2 1.50 00 a 950 00 1 500 00 lCO 00 XCO CO 400 00 400 00 1 Soo 00 500 00 3. 400 00 OJL2�00 OO DEPART ST 01? PUBLIC V0398 CoaO 34 BURUU Op SARITATIOU (Qartor fuRR 13) 34-19© CLEaING CATCH _BAS1118 A SALARIES„ -=[DACES ,-A" TEAMS 000 00 00 34 -19 -Al Yo on 700 Go 42 Labor a 000 00 03 Toam C SMYPLIES .-30-000 12o,10 ana &Mdry 8UPP1100 300 Go 12 000 00 Iv- DEPAR MENT OF PUBLIC 170M zui)Gwg ArrRW91MIro-NU I YM 122A Codo 34 BUREAU OP 3AWITATI017 (Marton f' md 13) 3440- PM21BG STATION MAIRTUHANCE A WAGES 34-20-41 7z�-bO2 D SERVICES 34 -20 -Di bldht Ong 1?0'uOs' D2 micoollavoGao 809V1000 0 supplifl, 8 34620.01 0031 BER smaq suppiloo SO LA2. 00 4 200 co _AiMoo 74000 60 00 vc, 500 00 05-500-00 DEPARMENT OP PUSIO @ ES ir, Qao 34 BUBEAU OF SANEVATIOR (Qawtor fm2a 13) 34-21,p ST=T BUBBLE FOUNTAIN SP. ICE . a SERVICE'S 54-22c,BI 17ator - 81- MaTENT Op patio UOKO ®(HCl 34 DuRFAu or._saiTATIOIT Whartor fund 13) -34n22a nPAIR TO EQUIPLOW ,& SATARI ES Al® f7AQoa 3422*A1 I?OrOv-lDu 42 lab®g 0 SUPPLIES 34022A popair payto ana Why sapiffloo 2 -0 aq 500 go 1000 V H13 JWAM4UNT 01? PUBLIC WEE !0 &0 3 DUuiAU OV jA3ITAVTT IOQ,,Il WhagtoF hFa 13) Myoups An E-ODIPTS AdditioE31 omaito to bo tganagorrod to tho V13RIO110 activitiOD 09 tho Dunau 09 sanittiou clooruw, from 00M000 roadoroa to Publio UtllltB CORPOKMOMO 8 DEPARZONT OF POLIO UORKS Godo 3 M LU 1? BRIDGE, REPAIRS (03rtOr funa 2,4) 5 �O 35-2 —AD—= --1 SOMM-610" A SALMUS 35x2 -AL and Por== B SERVICES 35-111M 27acl '!31uton3noo 132 m000ucac= a G077,000 a SUPPLIES 35-1-01 vvinting. 099100 ana omiagg cappUcO S4 9 8a 741 co lco Go --m 00 55000 DEPAREWT 01? PUBUC 170NO 2N AY mm -W M. acao 35 DUMAU OF DRIDGE FMAIRS :?UU-C 24) 35-2- �-D 010 OUMD MIDGES D MAZES An =?LAOM"G 09-950-0.0 35-2-D2 l2oplE, LUabashe Stroet Bridgo 30 000 00 D2 vrwohan Avonno 4 -too 00 D3 MODIDDIPPI Rivor 2 600 OD D4 par=y 500 00 D5 Q smunarg Briozoo 50 00 13 RQVITLWT 35 -2 -BI a1v QO 0000s Votor Culvola a 000 00 . B2 niar Zottlo 150 ou g), i- DEMEMT 01? PUBLIC UOFM 35 DUMAU 01? RROGr, BRAIRS WhWtor 2aud iO � 35o3-$ REVERES An�-0213 — 2 R AMItIoml coodito to bo tranogorred tO tho varIOUD Oetivitloo Of tho Buroan 08 DriaGO Ropalro acova&V3� fpco 001-VJOOO s,ondorod 'Do Public Utilitloo Corporationoo i- DEPAREWT 01? PUBLIC UOFM 'Mmv -a'? MOM @cdo 36 . BUHMU` 017 GOEMOUSE 4 Oiaw'Dor Rwaa 10) A SALAHIRS MD 17A GES 36o Al @nporintondont 3122 Olorka A2 Gerardo A3 2oginoor. Cooko Ebtron, Gardnor and Isborov D SERVICES 36- M Tolophono cnd tollo B2 Autosobilo Maintonanoo 113 gator B4 Light B5 Pao B6 Insumnoo on Buildirgo and Equip-mont D7 Rollgiouo and Mocollomono Sorvio0a 0 SUPPLIES 36® 01 Voodatuffo 02 Clothier,7 03 Goal 04 Vorago 05 Sundry Supplioo D REPAIRS AND REPLACE TS 36® DI Ropaii? Buildingo 112 Machinory and Equipmont, D3 Purnituro and ftraiah1pgo a 87 4 631 00 10 602 00 7 141 00 30 00 300 00 180 00 500 00 500 00 100 00 390 00 961800 4 000 00 1 000 00 3 300 00 500 00 81800 1 520 00 750 00 600 00 150 00 25-%8-00 i - SS 17ORKS Godo 36 BUIGAU OF V70MMORSD_ (Chartor 2m2d 10) 36- H REVENUES AU RECEIPTS grodito for bills and Intordopartmontal IU701000 to bo transferred to the variouc itomo 09 thO Bureau of Uorkhousop V3 DEPARkWT OV, EDUCATI011 Me DvmA-RT?A99TAL SUMMY Bureau Of Schoolo Duolmoo AdminlotratiOn Educational adminictratIOU 3 Supp3,V StOrOVOOM 4 Promotion Of Health 5- Instruotlon operation 6:0 Plant lbintonanco Of Mut Capital Ontley DwCau 02 RUM10 z1bMvIOD I Libragy 00TVIO0 Opo tion and Plaintonanoo of Buildingo =03 Bur0au Of Auditorim 0 18 258 Co 64020 ca 13 900 CD 52 i2l 00 2 358 934 00 417 779 00 133107 00 47 034 00 142 200 co 50 8 J Go v 193 0-19 00 36 055 00 0 INA2L-7=00 t A INVADTLOW OP 33DUGATIOrl Ififfiawllulpomupog- MUM— loartoa, Llano 15) lluft (qb�,Illor ru=a 15) �:111-1011 �Qvl,!WM 4 90 gg uag CO GO o 4-4 Ta C-a- sa 55-- ,-t- ca ca, 1� Qod6 416 BUREAU 01? SCHOOLS Whartor Paud 15) 41-6-OPBRATIOII 017 PLANT A Salaries B Services C Supplies I Coal and flood Posy 80h0010 and ShOP 138 489 00 2 jauitogol.' HASImora and Smndx7 Supplies 11 010 00 BUREAU 01' SOMOLS (charter Rtma 15) 41-7-!AI,NTHNAv0r-Or' PLOT A Salarl co B Services C Supplies D_ Repairb 4'1 BUREAU Or- SCHOOLS (Charter fund.25) 41.8 -CAPITAL OUTLAY 3. AltoratIono to old buildin3a a lopiovoment o:f. Groundo 3 Equipment for old buildings 9i 0,22938 871 00 42800 349 490 CO 0 L 17Co 87 410 00 7 100 Ou 32 09 5 10 A 034155,00 75D. 00 129-00 0.1 0 SUPPLIES 0 2 700 09 42o1 -a1 Printing and Stationerg (Includes Library 02 1_60 oo Congross Carob) C2 rusconammow supplies (IngIndoo boob: bending) 1 050 00 D REPAIRS 0 8 220 00 42-bl-D1 Binding Books - a 000 00 D2 General Equipment ?Z0 00 DEPARTUEaT OF M)UCATIOU 20 6w 00 42-1-132 110v Docks 7 ' 000 00 17'00000 500 00 SUDWY-MMIMMnyr .3 100 00 Code 42 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES (Charter Lund 16) 42-4 LIBRARY SBRVICU A SALARIES V 12 a 0a 4201 Al Ezoontivo (Librarian and Asoletant) 545 00 00 A2 Ohlogs of Division4;A 186 00 A3 A4 cataloguers Librarians. and Assiatanto 1 09800 A A2 IdbraTy 'Clerks and Pageo clerks and, StauQgratherG 36 8 6 00 8 640 00 A7 Geraral Chauffq", 500 00 B SERVICES j-0-00 42 -1 -BI Rent (Hemline Branch quarters) 660,00 600 00 B2 D3 Truck Maintenance Postage 525 CO B4 Bg Handljng Books at Dolivarg Stations Iusuwauco on Books and Famitura RMILMO BranchGo 250 0D A B Bj Carfare Freight and Usprosa 09 90 00 .D M430011SWOUG S0rV1Q00 174 00 0 SUPPLIES 0 2 700 09 42o1 -a1 Printing and Stationerg (Includes Library 02 1_60 oo Congross Carob) C2 rusconammow supplies (IngIndoo boob: bending) 1 050 00 D REPAIRS 0 8 220 00 42-bl-D1 Binding Books - a 000 00 D2 General Equipment ?Z0 00 20 6w 00 42-1-132 110v Docks 7 ' 000 00 17'00000 500 00 B2 P0710610610 133, efindry Equipment .3 100 00 Total Appropriation v 162 20D 00 Loss 1924 M09011anequo Roadipto Applied OU1131) 13 000 00 crouto: 1923 Unozpendad Ba2anco' Applioa on(m, 2.) 6 000 00 29000 00 1-142 20O-00 03 DEPAMMENT OP EDUC&TIO.W BWOET "POPHIMelows YM X!02A Code 42 BUREAU OP PUBLIC LIBRARIES (chaTtO,r vmd 26) 4202 OPBRATIOR AND LIAI17TERANCE OF BUILDIRGS A SALARIES AND GAGES 42G2=Al Suporintondout o:? Dulldingo A2 Stationa!7 ragineoro A3 JdLmltoro A4 Telephone Operator.-., A5 Blovator Operators A Eight Gatebman A7 Laborer' B SOMICES 4202oB2 ToGasloPhOnOO B2 B3 vator D4 Light Ba P or for Blovatoro B Heat (Central Bzdldim� a SUPPLIES 4262602 Ooal (Branchoo) Q9 Janitors Supplies C3 Mscollane me supplloo D HOPAIRS 42-2-D2 DopqI2 Heating 139plpmont plu 93 O -2O-4-6 60 3 a 111"o 00 4.60 :24 -3406 00 1080 00 a 26000 1 380 00 .350 00 21<,,, § a -0-0 40 00 7900 735 00 3 600 00 19 300 00 5010.00 I F a O 09 67 40 250 OD 0606 goo Co 0 AO -00 03 D13PARTLWT OF EDUCATIOIJ DDGUY iUF- il�� Code 1003 DUMAU OF AUDITORIUM Marto? VMd 17) A SALARIBSv 22 927 GO_ 2003- A% Suporlutondont and N=Iolpal Ospulot 7 800 00 A8 i5 127 00 1003- Da 2olophono, Tolls and ToloVam 6 B2 Rest (Vorthop States Paver 06.) .009 ( 00 B3 BloctrloltV {Dight and Povor) 2 500 00 'Insuranco, on Oraan . 537 00 D Caro Thea of-Orcan WoutraoD cor-noo) 000 00 r t vo tem and %icomdo 405 00 2 0 Udto? 1IL Hioeollanoom corvicoe ll000Raullmg Rabbloh, 109 00' 3,7s0l3ht.13UPr08B. OtOo) 0 GVPPI1133 AND VATERIAL 0--g 288 oo 2003° 01 Jemitom GuPPI:Lc3 343 00 02 Bloctrical Supplies 1 425 00 e3 Faint, llaTaMWO mud SUnd27 SUPPI100 520 00 D RB AMB 1003— DI SidovaXm a 000 00 D2 Stoampipoo 1 000 00 D3 TollotO 500 00 1003 R REVS MS AND RECEIPTS Or--'Atoa with all corn&w goo voutalo, otc.,, uhiob will fl=co tUo bvLgot oetlm,toci DEPAREW T PLOV PARMEla GROMDS An PUBLIC BUILDINGS 915 code Detail TO Atalc D13PARTUWTAL SmEmn 51 Bureau of Administration 10 100 00 52 Bureau of Parks I Administration 0 7 000 00 2 Care and plantin3'og trooe, lavnoo 22 600 00 obrabo, oto. 3 Caro and planting of flovero an -q 22 .300 00 docolationa 4 maintonanao and repairs of roads, 3 500 00 5 valko aid Parkmyo 010minS Growdo and buildin3a 17 650 00 6 Mintomanco and ropai m.o2 shelter owl 5 400 CO 7 latpatory buildIngo Ropalro to oquilmonto :Wencoso vator 2 750 00 8 Oystomo otoo ROMOVIV3 anou and loo 7 9 Police and Vatohcm OorViQO 16 100 00 10 Caro and food WS of goo animals 500 00 11 UpXOOp 09.60SO LahO 9 000 00 12 Music Wad Butortainment 25 000 00 13 Capital Outlay 21 000 00 53 Bureau of Refectorico 1 Administration 3 600 00 2 operation 72 705 00 54 Bureau of Playgrounds I Administration a 000 Go 2 Directed Play and Athletics 11 500 00 3 vintor sports 9 ?0 00 4 Equipment, Duildirso ang Grounds 27 29 00 55 Bureau of Public Daildino I A&Aniotratloa 20 L3 5 00 00 2 Inspection 40 0 3 Dmfti 6 400 00 Q 160 000 00 76 305 00 56 6-99 co 57 735 00 113 DEPARMOT 01? 00(lo 51 BUREAU OF AMMISTM5!10!J i0hlartO? I?Emd 3.8) A SAY -ARILS 51- A2 EsOctttivO QzLel ClGrkO D SMICES 52- BY T03-OPhOnO, T01'10 and Tolcgram' B2 Pootago B3 DoinklzU Wator B6 Automobllo MintonaucO B5 MGc011anOOuO sOrvitco a SUPPLIES 510 CX Print:Lng and 092100 STIPP1100 C2 Sundry Euponso 96 9 000 Go 9 000 Go 650 00 125 00 100 co 75 00 300 00 50 00 0--o-000 350 00 100 00 0 10 DEPARrAmOT or, PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Coao 52 BMU?AU 01? PARKS Whartor Pand 18) 52-1 ADMIRISTRATI011 A SALARIZ,10 52 -1 -Al Tlrr,)Mt;Lvo aid Cl ®rho D SERVICES 52-*IbBj TojophonQc, and Toloaramo B2 PostaGo B3 Automobilo Mintonanoo B4 Mscollanoom oorvicoo a SUPPLIES 52-1-02 VrlutlM and 039100 SuPP1100 08 Sundrg Enponso O 97 6 250 00 go Go 50 00 zo 00 500 Go 50 00 SAO -0 0 150 Go O'D 00 0 7 _000 op 22 800 00 98 DEPARTENT Op pAIMS PLAYGROUNDS An pUB110 BUILDINGS j0de 52 BUREAU op p L--- AM lChartor �d 18) 5262 OAm AND p 2EEL 121:LKTING OP TREES y AUKS sIIRDBSo ETC, A SALARIES &M VAGES 52®2i,AlJLO VOMMOZ and labos, 00 A2 Toamo 19 476 00 500 00 D SERVICES 52-24B1 Gator aer7loo dl&cludeo lhWWAS �00 0 on. Inotallin, colmoctlonos Ote.) 500 00 I)a ElOQtPlQltY , Uhalon t7at., pmpo _ ITazlk and Pountal.) 150 00 B3 Msoollaneouo SOy7jcOO 100 00 C suppliEs 52-2-cl gr000 and S.hmb, —X0 00 02 17080 and Sand rr7 Supp,100 200 00 130 00 B 52-2-M Hand Lawn ylovol.0 —1-50 00 Ea POVOr Gaeollno ZTOr7or 150 00 23 Hay movore and Rakeo 350 00 250 00 22 800 00 ;ROUNDS A11D PUBLIC BUILDIOG8 godo 52 BUREAU OF PARKS (Chartor -PIMO 368) 52-3 CARE AAD P TING OF IMOWERS AND IDECORA A SALARIES AND WAGES - 52-3aAa Suporintondent Gardona and laborm A2 j?jrOmOn (Groomhouso) D SERVICES 52-342 Light and ROVOr B2 MOVIlanowaQ cor7icoo 0 SUPPLIES 52-3001 Goal (GroonhOUGO) 02 sundry Supplioo D REPAIRS AND 9P'.PLAGMMrk8 52-3aM 20'palro and Paint IMS (GrOOuhouso) ",9, oa-T-0-00 10 50D 00 4 000 OD 5— MO -0 0 5 000 00 500 00 la 00 2 000 00 22 300 00 I i ju DEPA TQt NT OIC PARW2 PIAYGSOWBS AM PUBLIC BUILDIEGS A T Godo 52 BuraAU 01? PA= ,60hart®r rourL 1.81. 52x4- HAIRANOE ANB BBPAIBS OF ROADS, uAm Air PAB�[JAYS a SAVESAM) VAGS 220000 52-4-oa Floraan and labor 2 Dao co B SERVICES—.10-000 52-44B1 Oiliat33 rondo By Public Worka Dopportmen2 25.0 0o -B2 Pavia ropairo 0 outoido sorvices %5o CO B3 M000lienoona oervi000 50 00 C MTERIAg AHD SUPPLIES v 1 052 do 52®4oC2 Asph4t. oomene and oraohod rook 500 co C2 Road pi$ 600 00 C3 SnndsV c-$orio%o 150 00 E I DEXAMMET 01? PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUXIDOGS w IJUDUST "Ll laluub - - YIQUC1923 — Godo 52 BUREAU O -V PAFS (Obartor Fund 18) 52-5 CLEANING GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS A SALAPIES, GAGES AND MOB, 52 -5 -Al Vorimmon and lebw A2 Toamo 52-5-B2 Ormok maintonanco B2 ascollanoom oorviceo a SUPPLIES 52-5-01 Oaoolo and Sundry Supplioo 0 101 L6 000 00 15 000 Go 1000 co 1 350 00 100.00 200 00 200 OD �-U-0-000 �K DEPARTIJENT ol? PARES, P,%T2R80WDS AIM PUBLIC BUILDINGS colo 52 - BUREAU- OP PARRS 9 Chartor Pond 3.8) 52-6 MAINTIAID AND REPAIR SHELTER AND LAVATORY BUILDINGS 'A SALARIES AND WAGES 52 -6 -Al ma-trano A2 Mechanic and Labor (Ropair 00110ta oteo) D SERVICES 52-6.Bl Light aid povoy B2° Miscollawaaa carvicoa 9 0 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIM 52-&Gl 20 ilOt OnPPILOO 02 Pipo. 21ttings and oundry czponoo D REPAIRS AND REPLACMENTS 52-6al Ropair Chorokoo 12olghto Park oholtor bulldlv3 Da Rormirs to tolloto and ulecollanoom E BQUIPZWT 52-6-131 AuftmtlO OquiPmOut 9OF PhQl0u C080POol PumP 102 a Boo op 1 280 00 1 520 00 0-20-00 200 01) 100 00 40_0 00 150 00 250 00 L_5-0000 500 00 1 000 00 400_00 400 co 0 400 00 'i DEPARRUNT PUBLIC BUILDINGS 103 CO&O 52 DUIMAU 017 PARKS (Marter I?tmd 181 52-7 MA -IES TO sQRip=NT,_ VENCES, IUA5!ER SYSTIM. EM A WAGES 14 00 52 -7 -Al Later I 450 00 B SERVICES 0—so-00 52-7-B% Mscollanocas Sorvicoo 500 00 C UMBIAL AND SUPPLIES 800 Go 52-7-02, Snudry lbteriale 800 00 0 g=za—oo 0 M -1.04 DM4ra"10, T 01? PAMS, PLAYGROMIDS AM) PUP110 BMM�IrGs UUMWISW 525 ,2, DUMAU AV P4 do'bavtoz? vmd 28) 5660 FMOVIUM Suou An A SMARID; So 17AGES 6 :�-00 00 5252 642 Dom m -u Ord LabOX 4 5P 00 Aa be 1 750 03 MO. �00 552'B'02'- o=pcnco 68391d,, colt. otco) 200 00 OMWALS.APP �BMMCQI UP'S2 LO -0 Soo 00 0 7=0 =00=0=0 a DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RLAYGRDUNDS MD PUBLIC BUILDIRGS M LW. I= Coda 52-- BUREAU OF PARKS Wharter Vvnd 18) 5209 POLICE ADD VATCHM, SERVICE A SALMES ADD, 2Agao 52-9-A1 uoto:? 2011co A2 Patrolman A3 17atchmon B SERVICES 52-9oB1 Uotorcyclo monthly allo7anco B2 Telophows at Chorokoo Holghtc, Hounds and Phalan Uatchman Booths B3 Light at Phalan UQQchman Booth (Car Station B4 mieconawouo sorvicoo C SUPPLIES 52-9-01 Sundry Supplies Ucldgoa, olubo, ote.) 105 0 14 280 00 a 880 06 8 200 00 3 900 00 1 OID 00 960 00 75 00 15 00 20 00 0 _5000 50 00 6 16 loo oo -106 DEPAJUIZET or, PA s„ PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUIlDINGS Code 52 BUREAU 01? PARKS (Charter llu" 18) 52-10 CM AM FEEDING 01? SOO AUT71A 3 A V7AGHS V --D-000 52 -10 -Al Labor 350 00 52-10-01 Sunday DappliO13 WOrOG09 Otc.) 150 00 a DLhP®RMENT OF PAP98, PYAYGRDUM)S AUD PUBLIC BUIMIRGS, ocao 52 BUREAU 01? PARKS (Mrter Pend 189 5211 UPPP OF A SALA ns 5211 l 1?IrOOOD D SERVICES 52.11.B1 Light and ponos for pumping Plant B2 miscolianoono sorvicoo 0 ue� 52-11-02 4Jat0v 02 Povor plant aid Stmdx7 Supplico D RMAIRS AND FMW�MWTS 52 -11 -Al Repairs to Powdr Plant 9 107 0274 2 745 00 �- �Oco 4 025 00 7500 2 600 ou 55 00 X00 09 500 00 0 c9si, Gg DBpARMM 04 PARKS. PLAYGROMMS Al® PUBLIC BUX%LX—NGS Codo 52 BUREAU OV PARKS Imarter Vend -18) 52-12 EMU ARD INTIRTABRE" D SERVICBS 52 -la -ft Ou=er band eoncorto dIncludoo Ilghte for band Standa) B2 Uinter band coneorto B3 Butortaim-out. Eilmglxu D4 Municipal Chorno 108 LA �OO 0 O� 20 000 00 1 500 00 x:200 00 2 000 00 a SUPPLIES __5_0000 52-12-01 1`909mm 350 00 02 Sundvy cuponso 150 00 0 �-10-000 1091 Dl2pART=T OE? PARKS, P7aAYGEDLWDS ADD PUBLIC BUILDINGS Colo 52 BUREAU OV PARKS Marter Pond 18 5213 CAPITAL OUTLAY 52-13-1 Dov Tourist Oamp Groundo 0 10 000 00 52413-2 pilliva in Zako bo& gar Sunkon Gardon at Como Part; 11 000 00 On 00O 00 00 v j)EPAjurlMMT OF PAI SS, PLAYGROUNDS aD PUBLIC BUILDIUGS Codo 53 BUREAU OR REFECTORIES WhartOr 1402a 18) 53.1 ADMWISTMTIOIJ Ll BAZAMS 53.1 -Al Mnager and Clarko D SERVIOES 53-1-B2 misoonanoous 3or7l000 B2 Pootago ioauoo ansa Goj:? Lockor notI000) B3 Auto rbintensuco 0 SUPPLIES 53-1-02, Printizz and OV100 SuPPllc3 C2 Sund27 E=ponso &—W0 0 0 2 500 00 0--75-0-00 100 00 59 00 60000 0 352 00 950 00 100 00 0 iggg=g I Godo 53 BUREAU OF RMOTORUS Ichartor vaua 28) 53o2 RP-MATIOlul . A SALARM AND WAGES 53.2.A1 Rofootory omp2oycoo . A2 Labor 13 SERVICES 5302a1 100 D2 Tolophono B3 ItUan BOY7100 and laundrY D4 Light and pouol? B5 Vuol Was anti 0031) Z6 m0002lanoom corvico 0 MADERIAL AED SUPPLIES 53-2-01 llofootoz7 morchandiso 02 Kitchon Utensils, dlohoo, Gnpo. Otc. 03 Vaterialo for ropalro 06 ftwolc and bathI323 onito C5 0loanim3, as caro takizU Ouppllos c6 Mcoonanoono ouppiloo D REPAIRS 53 -2 -DI Repairs to Dqulpmout 0 Eti EBS 53 -2 -Bl MscollanOOnO A io 00 0 27 000 00 3 000 00 6 000 00 a 500 00 75 00 000 ca 75 00 ica 00 250 00 lUn 00 30 500 00 500 00 1 000 00 2 500 00 500 Go :L 005 00 0 200 00 200 00 3 M. 590 00 500 Go V ?12 D�IWARTIMT 012 PAMS.ETAYG-RO=3 MM w LIC BUIW3UGS cotio 5.1 �MUOJ?�PZAYGR�OMWS fObaPtOr 54-1 —Ar-URIST . it A BALARIES 544-A2 BsOffatvo and elc:rloal D SERVIORS 0 -6L-00 54 -i -M 1?00tago 50 00 200 00 B2 03rearo B3 &Utomobilio mintonanoo 500 OD D4 LUDO011anOcw SOIvIOOO 35 00 0 OWPLIBS 0 54.1.gl printing, ena otoloo supploo 250 Go 02 &mdi7 132POU00 23 Go 0 8 000 ou go.ta'A M-pinlot-Ta'dicz VC====M== i13 DaAREMPT 01? ?ME$, PYAYGEDUn$ AM PUZIC BUILDINGS Cado 54 LUIMAU 01? PUYGEOMIDS (Qart or Zbn2 19) 5/4-2 DXROCM PZAY ADD ATMTICS Es 9 _760 00 74 2 DIrcutora 9 760 co 54 -2 -BI Carfaro 40 00 B2 Msoollaneono Corvicoo 200 00 0 SUP PLUS1X00 AO 54ogoC1 Athlotio and eam, Supplloo a 000 00 62 Uodala and Toophloo 259 00 03 SmndE7 Cmvp1loo 250 00 n Soo 00 D 1. DUARTNOT 01? PATES, 2 URDS AM PUBLIC BUILDIVOS Godo 54 BUTMU OF PYAYGROURDS Wharter Pund 29) 54-3 UINM SPOIRS A SALARIES ADD VAGES 74-3-A1 Poromon aml Labor D SEVICES 54-3-112 Zight at allaos and Rinko and GamiZZ3 HonsoO '112 LUSCO21anoona Sorvicoo B3 vorlt on 811doo Coatoldo somood B4 pater 0 MAMIAL AD SMIMS 54-3-61 ft:AX? 02 Don and coca 03 Gvmapy suppil Co D ZMAIRS ADD =ODDITIO111110 54 -3 -DI luamlV3 ElOUDOO 114 AMO -00 -3 000 00 LjLo- 00 150 010 400 00 2 200 00 200 00 IP— 00 80609 a 000 to . 350 00 v80 00 a 000 00 0 P—jq o AO DBPABUJUQ Op PARMS, UZAYGROMS AIDED LBO DV%MX—ITGS bb'dali-MMUR MAUD Lj-- - - tOR"-92 - - - - Coco 5-1 DIIEFAU OP PFAYGROOM (Charter Pima 19) 5414 B-BRIPMR-5 RI1I8+D192S AM GROMO A GAURMS An URGES 54 -4 -AIL Votz=o-ni, Zzbov and PoUco B SERVICES, 54 -4 -BIL 11GUt :?Or nOyOrcm"aO an'a T"Sc"almo B2 rtu.h T7'Antomnao D3 0100021anemo Borvicoo B4 130toroyalo ThIntomneo a GMLI M 56.6-01 Jamitoro =1 2011ot Couppalco @a Coal M72 UOC3, 03 justor gor P1aygrom4o and BaUGLTzo 04 cm2drg Eupwoo 1) MmIRS aD AWMATIONS 54 -4 -Dl roPelm to V00:90o plimbIV3 and h6ativ3v P3,13MR3 Mla 4200023'aIE3 113 54 -4 -Dl -i'v011 192 plamrouna Eqnipment I? MG BlUILDIDL,3- AND ILTEMMUTS 54-4-M AckOr StrOOt ShOltOr EOuOOo I?CmcO, Call ana pipizi3 0 M500-00 25 5ga 60 250 Go -100 00 250 OD lica 0 2 12 00 179 Go I WO 00 350 co 400 00 OISCO-00 5 coo 00 a 00.00 1 000 00 1 600 Go 01 zoo 00 1. 200 00 0 2i2900 ig DEPAlUrTWT OI PARKS PLAYGROUNDS 619D PUBLIC DUUMI-EGS Codo 55 BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS Whartor Vmfl 20) 55-1 ARNIVISTRATION A SALARIES 55-1-A1 Ilsocutivo and olerical B SERVICES 55-ImBI POstago B2 Carfaro D3 Automobilo mintenanoo D4 Miscollanooue eorvi000 0 SUPPLIES 55-1-02 PrintinS and OffiOO supplies 02 Suudx7 Dapenso —:L0-0-00 00 20 000 Go 50 00 25 00 500 ou 75 00 285 co 3.8500 100 00 m DEPAREMT 01? PARKS. PLAYGEDTMDS ADD PUBLIC BUILDINGS ift-12 YZAR Ry- Codo 55 BUREAU 01? PUBLIC BUILDINGS (Charter Pund 20) 55-2 INSMTIOU SALARIEW 55-2oAl 2zoontivo and Inopootoro D SMICBS 55-2�D1 Aut000blio monthly ano7-=oo B2 Automol)llo and t.mk calutousnoo D3 Garfaro D4 MccoUsneono oorvioo© a SUPPLIDS 55-2601 Printing and O:Eaco onpplim 02 Sundry lkpanso 2otn1 Appropriation @roaito: Zoos Rovonsao applica on gap 3 300 Go 02) 1 200 00 Not DadaOt allovanoo 0 117 A -M ea 36 36 285 00 6 600 Go I -too 00 150 00 21500 2§000 F.00 OD 50 00 45 200 00 A 520 00 a. LO 0_0 0 19 DEPARMENT OP PARKS PLAYGEDUUMB ADD PUBLIC BUILDINGS TdhY AkFW-YnW10llU Codo 55 -DMWAV 01? IMM BUISDOGS (hortor Pund 20) 55-3 .& SALARIES 55-3.�Al Draft amort D SERVICES 55 -3 -BI Macellanoous oorvicoo 0 SUPPLIES 55-3-01. Prlztims and OffieO OuPP1100 02 Sundx7 ompenso ils 6 000 00 6 000 00 50 00 50 00 250 00 100 00 6 400 00 il9 DEPART OF PUBLIC D<i'I1,mir.'s "odo Detail Totalo DEPAETZWTAL SUMMARY 6,61 Bureau of Administration 6 5 475 00 662 L'aroau of'Testing Laboratory 9 870 00 663 Bureau o4 City Market 8 135 00 6A4 Bmreau of Docks. Qharves and Lev000 -® 665 Bureau of Investigation 5 537 09 66- Burcan of Lighting: l &1Ta9 40tration 0 7 500 00 2 Gao LIC;htlZ3 `OD CUD Q ® IKA) C3 0 US 202 00 50?1 SUMMARY OF fJATEE DEPARTMWT BUDGET Woe Cater Dopartment Budget for details) Operation and maintenance 0 513 668 00 Interest 283 565 00 Sinking Fund 110 727 00 a Acquisition and Construction 1 861 000 00 0 2 768 96D 00 DEPARTIM2 OF MLIC MAIM= Coda 62 PURM OP ADMISTPATI011 Martlor g 211 ,ft SAIA TE10 61- A D =It, '2) V 7 Comm loolosov a,, - B SER710ES 62a B2 pmt B2 2o%op?zc:2o and Toac3raVa B3 03r2aro D4 POOTC30 C SUPP211ES 61® 01 Rvilatin'- ama Of2ice SUPPILOO 02 Sounazy F-1-ponso 1-20 5 035 00 5 035.00 0 34000 300 00 20 00 5 00 15 00 100 Go so 00 20 00 -1-21. �DDPARrr' x^ ov PUBLIC UTILITID.8 WOW OaMa (300.0 62 DUREAU OP TESTIRG MOPASDRY Marter VM(l 21) A SALMEG 0 62- A% 0110aloto. ToOtiVG DR31MO7O and 030 IMODOOtOYO 21 IM co V OMLIDS 0 , _3 620 01 Priatinz and Offico Supplloo 50 00 02 Xaboratory Supplloo 17500 03 Tochulc31 r-ablicationo 25 00 04 201101 SUPP1100 25 Go 05 Suudry Dupenco 28 co D EMPAIRS 9M MPIA0=8 b20 D1 000timg Mahlno - caloulcotoro 300 00 0 b2- D1 UOU APPOrUtUD 207 tOStiElS QOVbSlL GCMODtoOtQO 0 00 20tal Approlvictlom 13 670 co 620 1 goo 00 132 Goo 30 00 B3 D100triaity 110 do B4 Doptcco 60 carfaro 20 00 B6 maconanocaa Sorn000 20 00 V OMLIDS 0 , _3 620 01 Priatinz and Offico Supplloo 50 00 02 Xaboratory Supplloo 17500 03 Tochulc31 r-ablicationo 25 00 04 201101 SUPP1100 25 Go 05 Suudry Dupenco 28 co D EMPAIRS 9M MPIA0=8 b20 D1 000timg Mahlno - caloulcotoro 300 00 0 b2- D1 UOU APPOrUtUD 207 tOStiElS QOVbSlL GCMODtoOtQO 0 00 20tal Approlvictlom 13 670 co Grogito o L000 1923 Pal=cco applic2 on %R -AID 3 goo 00 get Duagot Allormnoo 0 90 00 0 & =1 q!- _kD- 0 SUPPLMS 63- 02L 0031 X22 TO s 100 Go 03 SMIG27 &UPPI100 85 00 Coag D mmas aD 100 00 r,,3 DMAU Op o1r&T L7 M28 jOhartor Vw%2, 23.) 160 Go. Li SALAMS m UMBO 3 00 63- Al Lbz'kV� � 13tor, 17olahoo, goTicator ara 0=.m lQbO2 5 355 00 63. X QQtoy 2000 82 Tolophono woo B3 Llf;ht, 25 00 B4 Colloe�� uubbloh by Public Uorko Dopartoont 3.00 00 B5 Scalo Mintonanoo 25 00 BG M000llaneouo SorA000 25 00 0 & =1 q!- _kD- 0 SUPPLMS 63- 02L 0031 4000 92 PrInUrZ aW OOZIOO GuPPlIOB 100 Go 03 SMIG27 &UPPI100 85 00 D mmas aD 100 00 63 DI OhOdu ant L'aildIA30 160 Go. D OWMY a 000 Go 65--- m Momovo Claccano on TOOPOMUCO stroot a 000 00 0 & =1 q!- _kD- 123 DEPARTLWT 01? PUBLIC UTILITIES Yi9x L92!1 Godo 64 BUREAU 01? DOCKS, UHARVES AIM LEVEES Whartor Fund 21) A SALLBIRS 1 000 00 64- Al Uatchman 1 000 OD B SERV ICBS 100 00 64. B3. Zil000llcmouc Servicoo 100 00 C LUTERIAL AND SUPPLIES LOO 00 644 01 Sundry LTatorlalo 400 00 D IMPAIRS ARD BEIM-WALS U LOO Go 64 DIL Ropalro to Crano 3 500 00 Total ApproprIation 5 000 00 Credito - Ront 02 garohouoo 600 00 1923 Laancoo 4 400 00 -ASO-O00 Rot Budgat Allmaanco I= B 1-24 DIRABOW2 OV Rome WILITIES 65 BUREAU OR MMSTIGA'210--u (@bartor Ffma 2:kp A _oa-.O= 0.. i -M-00 65- A -A AQOOuutmtO =a "Pootoro 7 325 00 D SEMMES 100 g0 65- DI CaTfaro 0 co D2 L11000%lanomo SOY71000 10 co 9 SUPPLIES v 112 Go 65- 01 20ohnica-I 62 00 og Printims anti offico Sappliec 50 00 notal ApHB®psiotio�a 9 X731 ®0 crocuto � ZOOD 1923 Balamoo applica on (M) 2 000 co Dlot Budgot AllOC=GO 125 DUPARaWT OP PUB7,10 M LXTISS kq3DUW GO&O 66 WHFAU 017 LIGHTIM e0hartor Pard 22) 66-1 -ADminswPATIor o 66-1 42 ftporlutona =a alorko 6 5-A9 00 a GUPPLMS 226,00 b6 -1 -in Printin3 ana 02flao Snpp3loo 175 00 02 sw2dwy SUPP1800 51 00 -5P-O- 00 10 725 00 66 -1 -BI Tolophono and Tolograph go 00 B2 Antamobilo Elaintonmeo 550 00 D3 posteco 25 co D4 UlecalUnooua Servl000 to 00 a GUPPLMS 226,00 b6 -1 -in Printin3 ana 02flao Snpp3loo 175 00 02 sw2dwy SUPP1800 51 00 -5P-O- 00 10 R DIPARMOV Oj?,.P.tYBLjQ.UTILITIBS -e rg.-- NAB —2ull IM Dodo tib D OP LIGWRIVO (Chartor Fund 22) 66.2 GASBG 11 SALARY 3 6b -2 -Al IMOPOCUOn 91/8 02 tOtGl InDPOCU010 D mmicus 66-2.Bi Uaintalailla PGttOrOOn G20 18090 B2 Gas Parnlobed for li8ht:Li3,q lampo B3 Automobi2o nintonanco -126 -Eo�oo BOO 00 782— 00 OC, 48 272 co ag 814 00 n4 oa 01, 000 00 Total Appropriations 4 243. 685 00 Credits: Less 2923 balances applied on C2 15 000 00 Recoverable enpendituros applied 4 000 00 19 000 00 on IDI 6 222 685_M 127 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 66 BUHSAU OF LIGHTING (0harter fund 22) 66-3- ELECTRIC LIGHTING A SALARIES 28 060 00 66-3- Al Inspectors 8 935 00 A2 17ashero G 280 00 A3 Lighters 7 445 00 A4 'Repairmen 3 400 00 B SERVICES 6 178 160 00 66-3- BI Telephone 60 00 B2 Insurance on stock at warehouse 216 oo B3 Rent - warehouse 60o oo B4 Motor Vohiclos - Maintenance (Includes Insurance) 3 600 00 B5 Current for Lighting System 173 434 00 B6 Miscellaneous Services 250 00 0 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 6 D -4k- 00 66-3- Cl . Tools and Lighting Supplies 3 700 00 C2 Light Bulbo 0 18 265 00 03 Light Globoo 3 500 @D D REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS 6 4 000 00 66-3- DI Posts and Globes 4 000 00 B OUTLA57 8 6 Coo oo 66-3- 81 install 300 Electric overhead flztume 5 600 00 complete with 400 C -P- lamPO E2 Now bard Roadster for IDOPectOF 400 00 Total Appropriations 4 243. 685 00 Credits: Less 2923 balances applied on C2 15 000 00 Recoverable enpendituros applied 4 000 00 19 000 00 on IDI 6 222 685_M OU 9 Adopted by the Council Yeas - Councilmen Clancy, Ferguson, McDonald, !j Peter, Sudheimer, Wai, Mr. President, Nays - 0 ? (moi f - 1923 Approved - V � e or PUBLISHED l/ Attest mit`-�Z. rc Published — - ------------- --- --- - -- _. . r INTER,IEDIARY ORDER9 48798, VAP 98798—BY In the "Nf tt f. eonstru o. u'er Bradford St fromnmlPdtt SL It Hnmpdan Ave.. from Bradford SL t R Bayless Are. E t f f+ q Ave ton Point loo f �.. Northw-esterlY f thence lk estarlr„ a k to COUNCI /FILE NO... t— RNTERNEDfARY ORDER In the Matter of.¢QAAGxl1C.Tjllg .&..6!~EtdT..OIl.B�8df0Pd.Street.from.Endicott.... Street„to.Hampden,spe.,,_onHampder},Ave.,,fTOlq.���;�1fQxd.&t�..to.RaymP.�d.A4�•a i. on.Eaylees, AveEast,frop4,#t0,yrpo.4a.Avg.,..to-e-paint'. 100.feay.moxe..ox.IQaa. ;` Northvresterly,of,Ray,mond,Ave.,,..thence,•in.a.�festexly,c��.r@at�ozl. across,,,,, Hampdgz}. k..to..OR11Regt.Nith:.the..ee.sex..QD,.Bay 1eSs. Ave...Waet................... under Preliminary Order ... 40.Q5.5 • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • approved ....Auguat..211, ..1923................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isCOIlstTtlO$, a..BePJeS, 0A,B3Z@,dfo.Z it.Styeet.£roma-DAia0tt..Stx®et.'.tn.HampdBn..A.ue..,..on.Hampden. Ava. from, Bradford ,St., to,Raypggp�i„1?,e,Q,.,.A�..��fY��s.Q.A9eo..�l�tet. fF.Ow.#i�y149A4�.�Qe. to. a, point, 100, Yeet, more,.pr , fess • NOrxhsvest@�.�y..Of . #ieY.u�9.rid..Aoe,•,, ,thengQ... in a We•sterly,.direotion. a¢roes, Haplpc}en,park, •tp..ponneo.t, c�ith, •the• ae�rea • on its Bey.I896.AveAtta-Rlit ............................................................................. with no alternatives, and Fhat the estimated cost thereof is $... 15a9.3364Q-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on, the...... 319t......day of �.GtnbOr.......... 1 192.3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court KZ1 1, House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT t - 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192.. ... Approved... :.........23 ......192......i �v ( /i City Clerk. ../t. ✓ r t —. ...... .. .. BLISHED d —�o - 3 Mayor. PU E Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ==on Peter Councilman SM= Sudheimer Councilman V$1311t k Wenzel Mayor JAcd&=Z Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C r. No tier of constructing o s uc Clancy ���� In the Matter . conn[ ouch Robert on 6/ Annapolis S.. from South Robert Or- der Y ,} Qy .to- Han 0 appy ver Preliminary ThCour 11 of the duly f . 23.P The Council of the City of St. Pel having receivedthe. report of the Com Co- mitoner of Flnnace upon the. abovee Improvement, and having rd 5 n1r.Port :ho �hv rnpglv . e. "�q �` I. TF • . 1 �qr. 1. COUNCI3y°FILE NO.... By In the Matterof...CPAStr11C.1ri..08�Y0.x.R..41}1�1�ro4.lis,St;„froi; Seuth Robert St.... t.c..Ha.�l..?�e:.......................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 47.41.(.) ...............approved ,,,July 28, 1923. .................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.CATLztrtlGt..9E:40> . An Annppp,lis,trorr.,Gouth Robert St: . to Hall Ave., ........................................ ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 10,.04Q.QQ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 31dt....... day of ....... a ct.eb.er........ 192..13.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as: estimated. Adopted by the Council. ,OCT $ . 18$ 192.. ... OCT t -1023 ... .. .................�..-... . Approved.....................192...... City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy ,PUBLISHED /� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 3.4qLttq Peter Councilman 5ffiffitt Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor jmgamx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 t No ' 48800—BY J \I Batter of nstr Clancy uctl 6 a sla foot it the ald w 11 n the Nortri 0f Well ley AVe from Clove - 'e. to Pl n Ave.. except where ;.,7( .and.sufflelem-sld—ik. now. .' .under. J'reliminaly Order 48g3�. Sep t: L1, 30'23. !nM]:, oP the,Clty of the re—rt of ��I I:rrtti i Fir,' ' COUNCI ILE NO..... /. . ORDER In the Matter�of.PP.40Pt?0Ak4g.AL. x.UQ........ North side of Tiellesley Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. ........ ,.......... �XABI?t..tYh.eF.@.aQod..�Ad.suffi,¢�,@nt,sid@^ralke„nc;v exist, ....................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...'. 63.4 ................. approved . 90AP#9 , 4,, , l 3 .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. OOY18tru0t, e,, six_. foot,cement, tile, .aide}qa,�k„on,the„tor, h„@�c��,p.�,l�{@� gx,o,>ri.... Cleveland Ave. tB Finn Ave;, exoept,where,good,and,suf oient,side.... walks now exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ............................_,........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.;rtQ5.peF..fXgnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 3.19.t ..... day of .....October........... 192..3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 1 - 1923, - Adopted by the Council ......................... 192... .. ... �c?. 1 -19a3 � c�26�—z9—, Approved. 192...... ..___ _ .ity Clerk. 1 ....... ....................... Mayor: Councilman Clancy PUBLISHLD10 — 6 —_-,9 3 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Xurg= Peter Councilman &1ift Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayorfffmdg= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C P \ 48801 By J. ➢I. �1lansl - 48801 f 1, ///��� I [hN Matter of co trusting a six ��p p g fo c cement tile sidelvali; on th ll% Sides -of Hawthorne :L Whits BCar A". to the lri.:i:s of the. Min- 1"ceimlis and St. Paul Suburban Ra u: under Preliminary Order 48411 - n ved Sept. 12, 3023 . ro-bu nell of the City of St. Pr"� lvGd the report of the C ' .. rhe COUNCI ILE NO..... . IIN°II'IER / RAY ORDER In the Matter of. consAruo t ing , a . six .foot , c emeni:. t ile„ s ide.we.lk.. on .both. , .. , sides of Hawthorne Street from White Bear Avenue to the traoks of ...................................................................................................... the ,Minneapolis, and, St;,,Paul, S�iburbsn, Railway,. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 4?4$ 1...............approved ..SepteF9ber, lZ...1993 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Q.04Mr! 9A.€4.AiX... ....,foot, cement_.tile, sidecva].k _on, bq,th..si,f}eQ„q� ,)iI&,�rta�igrR9..StFeei:..Y?.481... X11}1t�..$e.itYe�l�@..t9..thg..tF.a�R1Ffl..9�.tihe.T� nneapolis and.3t. Paul..... .....Suburh�R.$3.�,�R1Y.,..�R�QRt..vf??@�.4.g4RC1. aA�l..euffi,oient, eide�valks.nocr.,, exist. ........................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $atQ5.P9X.9.TQnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 3.1st....... day of ....... 013tobar........ 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and t tal cost thereof as estimated. - aCT I • 1. , Adopted by the Council ............:...... .::... 19 .. .. w OCT I ... .. Approved ........................... 192...... f }^ i fifty Clerk .............................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy �'UBLISHED Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 2ft= Peter Councilman Znft Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor TdMW= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F t \o: ♦8602 -Dy' J..lf. Clnncy— c�[t{l 11 the ilTat[er of constructing,n 'x `YY'•�llX�..ff EAll li77 -foot cement' [Ile sldewallc on the 1 west side o[ Desnoyer tve. between Somervllla Ave. d Como River Boulevnrd. under Preliminary Order 't'. npproved Sept. 21, 1923. h�'The Council t' the City .off; -,,.gnu•, aving received the repr -� .Prove,, -- Prov,, of Pinnace '• COUNCIL ILE NO.... =kRY By RNTERRDER In the Matter nf. con strup,t ink •a• •s ix,, f oot• •gzrpet}t, , t•ij e • sidg}val k • on• •the• • • • • • • West, Side, of Desnoyer•A,v,enue,,between••Somerv,ille„Avenue„and Como River .13.Quxev4rde...................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 4963.3 .................approved ... September..21.1,923............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aon at rust . a.. six.. Y.Q9.t.AeAleAt..ti�e..a�dav�alk.on.the.: @at. Side—of—Desnoyer.. Avenue. hetxeen Somergille,Qgepue, �.pQ�IA.R1v.es..$Qu�eva>~d,..exoapt.Where..good.rind..... surf is.ent.. �.ide.�?a�ke. Ao?r. ash e t . ..................................................... . ............................_........................................................................... with no alternatives,. and. &at the estimated cost thereof is $.1.05.Der—fXont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 31et ..... •day of ........ Octabes....... 192 ... 37,'at the hour of 10o'clock A. M.i in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. T f - Adopted by the Council....'.`......... ........ 192. . Approved......1923....92.....ty Clgyerk Mayor. PUBLISHGI)_ f Q — (a — ;."-pCouncilman Clan --'-- Y Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman US= Peter Councilman 5krdtft Sudhe imer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Inala-rok Ne1@on Form B S. -A. 8-6 i FJ I P '\o. Iter of J. M. Clancy In the Charles t. net u a g a ee er n Charle St from P irvtew ave.I to a point 15 feet West f the east '- 1—of Lot 22, hlerrlam's Outlot� nde" Preliminary Order 48052 r� -moved Aug. 28, 1923. council of thr -t-, of COUNC FILE NO.... . RNTE , =RARY ORDER In the Matter of .... oona ;ructing. -a. z ewe=. ov..Charlea. Street. ev„ Avenue to a pelnt 15 feet wet of the east line of Lot 22, iderriamts ................................................................ 9t?t1.Qt.6a.......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 48.052 .............. approved ...A17.EU i t . r :$ e.. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is—Const ruCt. a.Bener on ..Oharhea.S.tneet.f cla.Rairview.Avmile..ta.a..PC1At..1�..#'et.west, ci the east ...line—of.-Lot. .2a,. Ue•rri•atal a. Q-ut.],Q-t av .......................... ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2., 1.34.•.gQ.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 31®t ..... day of ......... joc.toher...... 192...3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT t - J023 Adopted by the Council ......................... 192... .. i . V Approved ...... L CT t ....192...... /� arty Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHED % 2—/„ —� Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman MpSw= Peter Councilman SRikhx Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor X9 gSM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 F. No. 48804—By J. If. Clancy- -a'the. Matter of gmding Alley in Blic. ^ 1, IVII-ri s Rear—Fe m ent f part -f Marshall's Subdivialon. Block 27. �� - yfncicubin & Marshall's Addition ars` 4,80 ^ s Subdivision Nlo. 31, fr, Ft. to I[ent St., under P� rlcr 47572 n roved ? .ti=Uri COUNCI ILE NO...., JJ �/ �.....'2�/ RNT E R Y ORDER In the Matter ....... part, of ,Mar�hall!s.Subdivision, .Blook _27 Uaol�ubin & adarphsll'� Addation sari . Au�tita;.! a .subsilo1o.19A . N4 �..3.�,..$F.pm.l�Sackpl�in. c�ree.t, ,too. _Sent . etr eet :. .................................................................................. under Preliminary Order......? 757?..............approved . Amuet,4,, 1923 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and'having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and thesame is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gza40.1110Y. AA.13look },..VP 1l eon! s ,Rearrangement , of, ,Bart, , o f , tdar ehall!,e „SKb¢iq,ei on,, . Blook . AT. Haokubin, &, Harebell?,8, Addition, aad, Auditor! a.gubdivigion, No<..31,..from >�G Mat. stxes:tr......................................................... ....................................................................................................... V ............................_......................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 529.36. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... 31et...... day of .... no:toher........... 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... RCT 1 » 19?3 .. 192 OCT 1 - 1923 :........ ........ .. Approved.........................192...... Clerk. ............................................... Mayor. KILISIIED_jp= Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Peter Councilman fig&}t Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor LSCC Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. Na 48805—nY j. AL Clancy— – P .t1, hoMatt of condemning and talc -I. ng_an ensem_ent in the land -0c , Bary to sl pea, for cuts and tllls. the :t, d n6 oP :1lleY In riloch -1's-0 ritarrangement o[ Pat't oL 7ltnrshall's Subdlcl sloe, lil0el: tudltor'at S".'Od mOrd—'s olns Nu ulSlontrom .\lalltu Urn ont at,'urtuer Yre- liinary 9'i5i8 aPUrored. dut;. COUNC FILE NO, RMT RARY ORDER In the Matter of..QOASQRIAIA$. fid. G$k;<lg. aA..64814�r}t„til„t�21e , land, neC88Qery, . P!nd,Yills„An,the„grading, QY Alley„in,Block„1, 1q 1,1 nQa,' a„�te����ngespent , of „pea p„pf , Max,shal l ! ®,Subdivision,, ,Block, .27: , , , , , Maokubin & Marshall's Addition and Auditor's Subdivision No. 31, from ...................................................................................................... 1lackubin Street to Kent Street, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .................................... ..............................................,............................................... under Preliminary Order....7573................approved..AugaAtt,!t4,,19?3................... The Council of the City of St. Paul'heving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which, the Council recommends is.0QD.C%Q i. A,:Rd.,liQA@. an easement in the land necessary for"slopes, for cuts and fills in the grad- ing -of . Alley -in . B1ook..1.,..1411son! s . Rearraagement..of . par.t . of. .Mar shat l °. s. . Subdivision, Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition and Auditor's Sub- dlvlei.on-No.-••Brom •ffiaokubin •8taeeL.to. Gent. -Street --in- accordance -with the blue prin ]iereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions shorPiag. -the - aut s- and- -chs " shaded- por.t1ons..ahow1ng • t -he, -f-ild.s.................. ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated"cost thereof is $... .5CL. 0.0....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 319t. ........ clay of 0 cp,Qb. , , , , , , , , ., 192.. g.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of..' said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 1 - 1923 P ......................... 19 Adopted Y the Council b a `Approved......... ` -. --s ” Y ...............192.... Cit Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISIIED_/0 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman MUME15t Peter Councilman -SZlitt Sudhe imer Councilman Wenzel MayorBl2o-Ylp= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C V. No. 48806—By j. 5flltn.l'— 4S 0'6 A[��(�g� a £ate ,\intt P,4ru� All y n Blk, Ztl JYnUI rte Atl,ltUeh moo. v, fl'Onl '�'lamuna Awe. to Svnmca:e \ce., un- fer lrcl{mtnxrl' tr�er 4i1:0.r,PProv_ 11: 11.1. he Cf Council P t[y oP B[. ^ '1� ecelved the re wort - :, tiu ie= er nr rfr r menq " COUNCI4 FILENO—...: .... .. . By—.. .. ...' IlNTER ARMY ODDER In the Matter of.U@4!A$. Alley„ Az}. 499X. A6,., AyAUQ4. . AAUtigg•,NP,..5....... from Hamlin Avenue to Syndicate Avenue. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 4777Q.................approved .. ?11$?18.ti.11is.. � ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Z;a 4de. Alley in .Block,.18..< Yndicate Ati4itio4,No.,.5,,,from,R44kl�ne.,Avg4,4e..to.Syn4icat9 Ao�AL1B.:............................................................... ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ .......................... b........................................................................... ..............................a......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $5.6a.•.7A........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 31&t ....... day of Q0.0.px, , , , , , , , , „ 192... 3, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilqCO �:.! 19`3. 192 OCT I -123 ... ........ .... ..... Approved.........................192...... f City Clerk. ....e .............. t.: .................... ay :':'.�� PUBLISIiLL` O — 4— a Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman UW= Peter Councilman 21z= Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor2hidgaM Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F., No 48807-$y T. If: Clancy—_ In the Matter of co demning find tak- earY foreaj�ement to the hand -re - na ey 1. is d. fila In d of In Bloclr 18, j.6"rte a oneY Sa•ndt- A ^a[e Addition Lt, a. from Hamline ' - to _SSndicnte eve.. under.Pre- COUNCIY FILE NO%�.'. ........ /. By . f.. �-1-: ..... . V IIHTE HAY ORDER In the Matter of..condemning, & taking„an easement in„the, land„necessary... Yor.•slopes,,for and .fills in grading•of Alley in Block 18, Syndicate Addition No. �, from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Avenue. .................. ..................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 47.771 ................ approved „August 1?�; 1�2 ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. cgndemn, and;,take•'• . , an, ,easement, ,in •the• ,land, nese ss4,�y •�,or, ,s�,gpe s,, • �p� • .cut s •and •fills , in • •.,the , grading ,of .Alley„in;Bloclr ,�5,•,Sy,,m3icate. Addit ion. No... 5,. from,,,, • Hamline Ave. toyn SdcateiAvenue in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof; the hatched portions showing the , cuts. snd. the•..sa$ed. R4T.61.eri$..Qhn�?lrlg . x.hB..i�� 4 ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....20...OQ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 3,Lst........ day of .......oetoher......... 192.3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciI..... OCT 1, •- 9Q�?, , , 192. DCT 1 - 1923 Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. ..................... ..............:”! °l Mayor. PUBLISHED 6 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 1$T);=r= Peter Councilman 2mY3PE Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor I$stt Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 9 C. r..No, 48808-u)' J If. Clancy— _. 'in the "%Itter f Q'rndlnS alley In Grotto' St:.1dUltton Prom .von St. to Grotto St. under Pretlminnry Order 47674, aPProyed guff; 4, 1923, Thu Council of the elty poil :nein reP., aslnnereof rinn� + rovemenq CLE NO.. ...... / By ....:: Z ��? /, :...... � a�:= ENTE I�RAR Y ORDER 44"8 � In the Matter .......... Street..yo .Gro. 1 Q. Si+F.88.1:.................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 4757.4 ............ 7 ... approved ....4U&Uet.4,..19�3.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.gr(14e••A7r IgKAA1 rOttO Str�.�..Adc�4iaa,.�xnw. Av4r>.Stxz.at..t4.GxQto..Stxe.Qt.•........................ ..................................................................................................... 0 ..................................................................................................... ............................................................ .......... ................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0. 6r.5Q ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 3.19t. ...... day of ...... Qct.ober......... 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the•Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT i - 193 Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 . .. CCT 1 - 1923 Approved..........................192...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman lfn= Peter Councilman gal tft Sudae imer Councilman Wenzel Mayor 1221ffa= Nelson Form B. S. A. &6 !......., . .... z ► t<t C k• .� Mayor. PUBLIsIrr_D /d — G— C F \ 4 ,0—BYJ. lI Cl cn�— rn th \fact a co d m I g ac 1,_ G 5 ea ,- In [n Iona e s S f., sl pes fcuts 1_fllls in the Frndfng of Al 1C, in aaaiaon. trom_.wonst unaer ncil ' COUNIC FILE NO./,./ •......../ / In the Matter of..QP.BMMAIA& aPd„ tW;1I}g, an,Paselpent .14. the, land. necessary, for sloes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Grotto Street Ad&-. itigr},, frogs„Avon.Stree,t,to,Grotto„Street.,,,.,,,..,, ................................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... 47575 .......... approved !!u�ilBt,l%,. 1923, .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. CO214eIDn acid take an easement„in,the land,neceasary Yor slopes, for cute.and.filis in the gaad.ing . P.f. AlJ.ey...in..Gro tto..S.ts ee x.. Adds tdon, ..f rom..A.von . St ree.t . to..Gro t.t P.. part, heregf,..the.hat.ghed„➢,oxt,�.p,�a.,g�yP}Yl�g..t�,Q..Gu,�g. a�d..�he, eh{��ied,port,i,ons showing the fills.... ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...q{I,QQ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 31st....... day of ....... Q c tob eT • • • • • • •, 192.3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT I - 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 ...... Approved.......0 �T. 1..;1923 192...... ............ ..... 3 L ................. PUBLISHD / — — e Ma Eyor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Malma Peter Councilman aWith Sudhe imer Councilman Wenzel Mayor i$olig= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO...... RNTERMEARY ORDER In the Matter of ... 0A0A1APo..W�GieTL1Ilg,anct.e.xtAz}s� l�g..to..a..n dth,or.,s......feet,. Aenny..Skraet.. fxom . P.aYne..8�:nu� . t.o..Ar.oae..St.x Y.� 1.� ............................ ...................................................................................................... .... .................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....3pR7.�Z................approved ... 9U1s ..261 1 M R . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... 0 P.eD.,.. W.1 Shen , P44.. ext=nd,to„�,?r1th,cf.50 feet,;,Denny„Street from Wa1eh Avenue to ...................... ...... Ar -Ga e.•S.traet,.................................................... ....................... ..................................................................................................... ................;..................................................................................... ............................_......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......1•,•5.00..00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... aliat....... day of .......O.Q t Qb Pr......., 192.x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and, the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 1 - 1929 . Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ^T t - 1923 .... ��. .. Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISi-MDf_V=_6 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 'UnN lx Peter Councilman.V Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Iiv,dgwmx 7 -Leon Form B. S. A. 8-6 P�� P. No. 48830—By J. ].:Clancy— A. ' [he. Mater of openinS.'IdrninS, and extendlawidth oP� 60 Yee[ :o_y Street 1— -Payne Avenue to, e3r ""c approved AusYe2fim11920 The Council of [he City of St. P-1 ing r ceived thr .e^• . sloner nP -P'.- i .t-vr�o u COUNCIL FILE NO...... RNTERMEARY ORDER In the Matter of ... 0A0A1APo..W�GieTL1Ilg,anct.e.xtAz}s� l�g..to..a..n dth,or.,s......feet,. Aenny..Skraet.. fxom . P.aYne..8�:nu� . t.o..Ar.oae..St.x Y.� 1.� ............................ ...................................................................................................... .... .................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....3pR7.�Z................approved ... 9U1s ..261 1 M R . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... 0 P.eD.,.. W.1 Shen , P44.. ext=nd,to„�,?r1th,cf.50 feet,;,Denny„Street from Wa1eh Avenue to ...................... ...... Ar -Ga e.•S.traet,.................................................... ....................... ..................................................................................................... ................;..................................................................................... ............................_......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......1•,•5.00..00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... aliat....... day of .......O.Q t Qb Pr......., 192.x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and, the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 1 - 1929 . Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ^T t - 1923 .... ��. .. Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISi-MDf_V=_6 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 'UnN lx Peter Councilman.V Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Iiv,dgwmx 7 -Leon Form B. S. A. 8-6 PAT a AUDITED......... 4 .......... —192 . ... ..... . ....... ..... ....................... 60,710.62 Resolved that checwlf&wn. on the City fww, to the amount of $--------------- covering checks numbered ......................_........to...................... ----- -inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council OCT -2---_1923 F*rg—, ..... ........ .... 192 McDonald In favor I923 , OCT 2, I- b&uor, Sudheimer Approved. .................... ..................... . ................192. Peter, ----- -----.-.-Against "."Apresident, Nel=i- 4- 48811" ReSOI ad. That check. be dr— on he City T y t the gle _.�n the c Il.eamount fs"I'll,coved numbered 7 to-1l.cg_, h per register a on file In the office of the Clty Comptroller. Adopted by Ca. Ocl, 2, H23. ApprovedOct.N. on (Oct.6-919.2343) oc 1 L a RIM, 4s. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAgHYS—RESOLUTION FORM P= E NO' 1M 12-22 _ _ w .......182. 706 PER ..... :...-, Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the agg Bete amount of$-�?.Q.p.71.-6fl.6-P+-•----------•------ covering - checks numbered ------------ 118-W ---------- to --------------- 17M ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. OtT. 2 /Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............._ --- .----------- --- -..__.......---- ---.192------ In favor T 2 `_ •1923 A�proved 192 ... tselr,– Sudheimer Peter, ' Against .... -.... ........-------------------------- ". _ MAYOR M�.fPresident, Wn;n Q 17282 Barrett & Zimmerman 325.00 Water 17283 F. T. Hildred & Coo 420.91 Wa ter 17284 L. W. Jordan Oo., 1,200.00 Com'r. Finance 17285 Minnesota By-Produate Co., 9.62 Water 17286 o"Heil & Preston 150.00 Wa to r 17287 The C. Reiss Coal Co., 2,291.93 Water 17288 J. L. Shiely Co.-, 2,165.20 L-1624 547.00 L-1661 1 618.20 22 ,166'2 17289 Frank W. Sommer, Chief of Police 322.65 Police ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK For- D-" r, Eel 17290 E. J, Stilwell Paper Coo, 19956 Fire 5.30 Library 14.26 9056 17291 Thornton Bros. 43,605,00 L -1741 9,350000 L- 1701 34 266.00 ,a8 6Ubo�1U 17292 Texas Oil 00O9 5.20 Water 17293 E T.'Webster 201055 Water COUNCIL 4:L` I91 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..-.___:___:.___--- __---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��¢UNCFL K OLUTION--GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Comptroller f" hereby authorized to transfer from the Txpenae item of the Corporation CounselED hand to the Salaries item of said Bind, the sum of Eleven Hundred Tuenty-throe Dollars (01123.00), nhioh transfer is made neoessary in order to prevent an unavoidable defloienoy in the Salaries item of said fund. `C CO PtrbI ern leh-Ob. Reeolved.SlTh¢cy tho C0 the Corp r¢tlon P�.xpense Item of 1- teams 1nEle 'en Hundred ere'F.A fund.' which (51,123.00), Twenty-three .Dollar¢ prevent nti uh¢�ol�nbf. I dedClon . the 5 larlen Item f anldfund. 1023. Ad pted by the C uncil Oct. 2. ;:I APP 'oved Oct 2 1923. .(Oct 6 1933) tI �g'I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy j Ferguson In favor Matson p Peter ..Against wtnrm'T- 1VZy...Umident Adopted by the CouncipCT 2 - 1923 .__._.192_ .. 1 OCT 2 - 1929 ApproGed ry CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEHtauN (✓813.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • N [ LZITION—GENERAL4C RM ..._._ ............................... DA/TE_E��._J'-.._,....A........_ .........................___.........- RESOLVED That pormioaion and auf�ority are hereby given to the Park MaLnufacturing Company to construct and operets a drive-in filling station on private property at 2325 Endicott street, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance pith the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commission- er of Public Safety. C. F. No. 48813—BY L. R- S. Ferguson hat by iegeest— Resolved, hereby givelneto thadPurk� thorltyIt' Manufacturing ComPnnN to .construct I and operate drive-Sn' fllling at IC it prfynta property at 2326.);ndicott atreot the -tank and pump to be.in etalcea in f theeCity of St ,Pbn,I I d run pier the direction and to the of ntlsfne tfon of the Commissioner Pubiic Safety. Adllo- pted by. the - Council Oct. 2 1923- Approved Oct. 2, 1923. (Oct. 6-1923)." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy MV4_?,e ircid _ _.In Favor �'etcr .__.`"..._.Against Mr. President Adopted by the con..iI Q.V:T.2..-_1923 . ---192..... MT 2 1923 App • ved . --... f -- _P� 192 .. i CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCIL NO. . ^--- 8 < OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--- ------------ - - - -- -------- -- -- ...... . ................................................ RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Parte Manufacturing Company to construct and operate a drive-in filling station on private property at 2325 Endicott street, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commission- er of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Mays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter __... _ -Against Wenzel Mr. President O Adopted by the Council_.......CT ..2 - 1923 ........__.......__....192 _... OCT 2 - 1923 Approved mnroa � t ARTHUR E. NELSON. Mnva R. - LOUIS. BETZ. cRaIR�I,ry - ��� �, vI.E J. M. CLANCY. Cou. of FI.A... 1' ..(� I MRS. P. N. CARDOZO L. R. S. FrERGUSOfO � e " J. E. CARROLL Cou. Eou -- F. CouMov POuoLIo SnFaiv ng �np ����Hyy 'planning � � m 11i31lWJ�{Sning rym����,W[.pary, ��..np pN �` KY'varb Irc�� A. C. FLOAN H. J. HADLICH J. H. MCDONALD. f� {WI(r E. L. McADAM Cll.aF P11 11 UTILITIco WM. J. PETER. QQ �L�Iqq . @ pq ¢�I A� 5- aint Vaut IfQlnnesnY� C. A. MAG NUSON r Cou. aF PV -1 WuRrce NLLLLLL iiiieeee'"'1M6 L811 ��b �y`P'L�66 HH`♦` NWS M. G. MUELLER H. C. WENZEL. Cow. ov.PARrca. PLAYoflOUNRo o Pu_. BUILOIuog 3II1 041t�dtl MISS BESSIE PEARSON P. M. REAGAN GEORGE M. SHEPARD. J. A. SEEGER C.- E.—.R W. T. MARCH. GEORGE H. HERROLD. A. H. STEM Suri. ov PAR.. M—A-1 DIRECTOR All E.11-1 J. CLAIR STONE C. F. MCNALLY. C-- —. Cou ua EL ISAAC SUMMERFIELD E. KIN. August 15, 1923 H. J. Vory oeR WEYER Clrs Cour�ROLLeR Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of the Park Manufacturing Company, for a drive in filling station at 2325 Endicott Street: This is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing as it is in heavy manufacturing district. Yours truly, GHH:AB City Planning Engineer By Direction of Commissioner Peter. Originnl AU Form No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota �y/(// CXrY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and )FFiCQ OF THE CITY CLERK made to the City LICA ,,$TION FOR LICENSE . Clerk . Y03ILE FILLING STATION Application No. S Date IS HER7�A E F— Firm ar Indwidad For License to Operate and Maintain (In C pliance with Ordinance 5266) A—t�_ "Dfl— In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBII E FILLING STATION to be located At Street Number and Suaa, Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed— Tanks to be Installed—/Tanks Received at office of City Clerk e�ennt- of Appli— By t— APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date---.- Date--- 19 Date------- — 19_ Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. APPROVED APPROVED PASSED __19- 19_0 0 Date _19 APPROVED __19— ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. Commr. of Public Works. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter IN Duplicate V fV v CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota For License to Operate and Maintain (In A HERDE . This application to be fnade in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. f(- 11�� . ar Indiridunl nce with Ordinance 5266) "Drive In" or "Curb" FILLING STATION to bq located — At ---- sfr,,l Nmnber n.,d s—f Number of Gas / Capacity of s O O O Number of Pumps to be Installed— Tanks to be Installed—. Tanks_ Received at office of City Clerk Fir-nnturn of at '-Y3 jBy .ArrIl Recei ed From City Clerk - Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Fj ti Date_. l9� Date—Department Date-----------19— of P. Parks, Playgrounds Departm of P lic Safety epartment of Public Works and Public Buildings By-— By - By Received From pt. o Public Safety Received From Opt. of Publfc Works ent of Parks, PPlayg� Plom aygrounds andaPutlbc Bldgs. Date 19— Date—_ —_. -19—_ Office of the City Clerk Date __---- 19 -- Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk BY--_____.—_—_—_—_ By— Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed— Date—Date---19— office of the Corporation Counsel By Approved_ By Received From Department of Ordinance Received From Office of Corp. Counsel 19— — Date Permit No Date Office 19 of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk a.. _ BY-- _ _ License Ne Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 19_ GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Q �l J of `�$airi 2xlt� Pepartmenl of Public $afetV September 26, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is the application of the Park Manufacturing Company for permission to instal and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at 2325 Endicott street. This location has been investigated and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and it is recommended that permission be granted. Yours very trruly,,' �® . ZO. xa�ic�.e�=�-- J Commissioner of Public �`afety 0 R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A. E. SMITH. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION September 25,1923 Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St .Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of tho Park Manufacturing Company for permission to operate and maintain a drive-in gas- oline filling station located at 2325 Endicott Street. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such a gasoline filling station at the desired location could not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity; I there- fore recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Original u CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota /,APPLICA'. By ➢ For License to Operate and Maintain (In 1 This application to be made in duplicate and xubmitted to the City Clerk. Application No. 1 Date 1 HEREq—FADE a mai,id—1 ace with Ordinance 5266) AUTOMO E FILLING STATION to be located J At Svcet Number and Street / Number of Gas / Capacity of a D O d Number of Pumps to be Installed—/ Tanks to be Installed— Tanks Received at office of City Clerk �sin—n Aa t Gl By 61 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date_— I9— Date---QQ - J— Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. Commr. of Public Safety Commr. of Public Safety. APPROVED APPROVED PASSED 19— 0 APPROVED 19— _ Date--. — 19— Date ----19— ORDINANCE NO.--- O. —PERMIT PERMITNO. --- - Commr. of Public Work-. LICENSE NO._ I Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— JA COUNCIL NO ---- ��S' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED xhat the depository/ nd given to the City Of St- Paul by the Cosmopolitan State Bank of St. Paul, as principal, and the Globe In- demnity Company, as surety, in the sum of X20,000.00, dated September 24, 1923, approved me to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as o to form and eneoution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the name is hereby approved. I - C Resolved 48814 By the depository_ b nd given to the City of St.. Paul by tha Cosmopolitan'Stnte Banit of St:Paul, as pr/ncipal; and .the (31obe -.Indemnity Company,as: urety; In the sum -of $20,- i000:00, dated sSeptember. 24, - 1923, up- proved as to amount by:.tho Sinking ;i Pond -Committee,. and as to. form and beccutionand the same the le herebylappco0. ved el i Adopted by the Councll'Oct. 2, 7923. Approved. Oct, 2, -9. 192' (Oct..6-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �/ Clancy Ferguson a d In favor V/Matson 6 /Peter Against "FVc 7I`_ NISresident� OCT 2 - 1923 Adopted by the Council_ ..__.._...___-_ ---.._ _._192__. f � 2 1923 2 Applo,vt,!d _ 1 r j (J�� � ,� i ✓ -�,, t%F �, h M YOR"" CITY OF ST. PAUL couetat NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CL RK d.. CyS LL EESOLUTION�ED*A401 onTE_........_October 1, _1923 RESOLVED That the Purchaeing�gent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 2- 4 -ton 'Whitcomb Standard type locomotives complete, at a total cost not to exceed $5000.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. C. F. No. .48815—By L. R. S. Ferguson ,by re4ueffi— - 'Resolved; That. the'Purchasing Agent be, and: he 1. hereby authorized to•pur- hase,-withthe consent of the COMP - , 2 4 -ton Whitcomb. Standard typelocomotives plate, at ,,total` coat not to o.essa� $6,000.00, n•i[hout asking .for competitive bids, ns these are patented articlesand n advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Wa- ter Department Fand. Adopted by the Council Oct: 2, -1023. Approved Oct. 2. 1923. (Oot. 6-1923) 1 O COUNCILMEN Yens / Nays ✓ Clancy r Ferguson 11/ In favot Pet�erq�. ...... -... Against YYCfI'GG1 resident OCT 2 - 1923 Atloptecl by the Council 192- M 2'. t92� Ap oymd MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL o�CE OF THE CITY C >ICIL RESOLUTION--GENI COUNCIL No.-- --- �!-lJ �:-L-----_ FILE ,ober RESOLVED That the Purchasin& Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 6- 3" Nilo com- pound type water meters with companion flanges, at a total cost not to exceed 1889.20, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Yeas C. P. No. 48816—fly L. R. S. rergooh 'by request— - Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and be Is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the 'consent `of the Comp- troller; 6 3" Nno compound type water meters 'with c mpanion-flanges, at a total coat not to exceed 4889.20. with! out salting. for competitive .bide, -as these are patented articles and no ad- vantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Adopted by the Council Oct. 2,:'1923. Approved .Oct. 2, 1923. (Oct. 6-111)23) - COUNCILMEN ) 2 1923 - Nays Ado ted b y the Council CICT.- -- .--__ 192 - - Clancy (,Z X923 /Ferguson i j.�- Apr rve(l-..�7 192...--- �} In favor J✓Matson N..oa Peter ----__ .Against -' A enze esident CITY OF ST. PAUL _F°E""`NO..... S17.. �Ilq�zlopr CE OF THE CITY CLERK _ O CIL RE O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..........:..........___............... DATE__......._YCtObei'._�:.f..__19..ISKL.._.._....._ COMMISSIONER.--........ ....._. ....... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 5 Klug & Smith automatic signals, at a total cost not to exceed !p3425.00 with- out asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 26 Arterial Highway Fund. C. F.I No. 4817—By.G. C: Sudheimm Resolved. That the'Purchasing Agent be, and he is -hereby authorized to pur- chase, ivith the consent of the Comp- troller, 6 Klug '& Smith automatic sig nls, at a .total cost not to exceed $3,425.00 without asking; for competive bids; as these are patented articlesand no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 26 Arterial�Iighway Fund: Adopted.by the'Councli Oct. 2, 1923. Approved Oct. :2, 1923.. O COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson A4Vbpneld_ 1 __In favor Matson ✓ Peter _Against rweH2el-. Mr._,se0dent Adopted by the CBuncilMO. ' 1923 192. _ i 1923 ,.� Apprbved._..�2 ___ .. _._ 192___ COUN CITY OF ST. PAUL rue OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O PICIL OLUTIOPI - ERAL FORM BY John H. Mo Donald Oct. 1.....1923 ...................... . COMMISSION ............................... .... ............... DATE......................._....... .... RESOLVED `I That the expenses of V.H. Roehrioh, director of the Municipal Testing Labibratories, amounting to 435.01 and of A.H. Rockwood, of the Municipal Testing labor— stories, amounting to 435.01, in attending the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, at Milwaukee Wisconsin, on Sep tember 11th, 12th and 13th, be allowed from the Municipal Testing Laboratories"0ther Expenditures" Item of the Department of Public Utilities Appropriations. II n. V V. 48818—BY J. H. the Municipaltl% , .e attending t hee ., 'montsto National M stEn6g01of1 the American Chemical Society- at hit" 'uk o in. on September 11th,-. 12th and Pal.. 13th be all wed from the Monte Teetf.:'bug 7abofntorf 'Other Expendt- Pub - tures" Item Y the Dept, rtment t Pub- Ila Utilities Appron "atne. Adopted bytheCou c"1 Oct. 2, 1023_ Approved Oct. 2, 1023. d i p I .(Oct. 6-1023) .... m k Yes ( ✓) Cuuncilmen ( J) Nays 1923 Clancy Adopted by the Council___Ott '2 - __-.. -----19_-- �/Fergusoll `" OCT 2 - 1823 APprov 19 —-------- ...._In favor �sm� Peter .. _ .... —. — — _ '---- .._ r /)OW= .Sudhei.mex--'Against Mr. P sot .o.w ar o•so ��eparhrneaLhv�� �Jublic�`J,hilih��e�s BUlGan OI Water JOHN H. MCDONALD.COM MISSIONER J. W. Kelsey, G -I. Supt. JOHN C. MCMAH0N.0.,uT Co MMISSIONSR Bureau of Municipal Testing Labora-- Victor H. koehrich, Chemist Bureau of Public -Market. Otto P. Anacker, Market Master Bureau of Lighting H. C. Streich, Supt. 0 Hon, john H. PdcDonald, Oomlr, of Public Utilities, City of St. Paul, September 34, 1933 Dear Sir: The expenses of attendance of %r,�RocktJood and myself at the National Meeting of the !American Chemical_ Society at ':lilwaukee, on September 11, 12 and 13, were as follows for each of us: Railroad 1'Fars rate Sleepers 6 00 Hotel 2 nights 00 /� Convention feeo 3 (� Other Expenses 4 50 /J ,W 0101 If you can arrange to have each of us reim- bursed x"35.00 we Will of course greatly appreciate it. 15ay I remind you to please give year consider- ation to salary increases. blies Greene did not ::now of any changes on the last pay roll. 'r. 3ockwood any . myself have been with the City well over ten years and this would entitlo us to X344.50 and 339.75 per month subject to your approval, ' Thanking you for anything you car, do on these ' matters, I am Yourssrrespectfully, 1 `tj , RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No. 4Q, l 1 FILE ............... f October 2nd, 1923. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Sperry Realty Company, Realtors, Pittsburgh Building, whereby said Sperry Realty Company are to use one of the city's sprinkling wagons, not to exceed ten days, and pay a rental of $1.00 per day for the use of said sprinkler from the time it is delivered to the Sperry Realty Company until the time it is returned to the city. Said money to be paid into the Sprinkling Revolving Fund. Said sprinkling wagon shall be returned to the City in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Sperry Realty Company shall be paid for by that firm. C. F. No. 98818—By Wcn. J..Peter- ;I Adopted by the Council Oct. 2, 1923. 1 Approved Oct. 2 1923. (Oct,. 6-1923)' - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci1QCT.2_-..1923-- 192 ... Clancy OCT 2 - 192 �Perguson Appro _... --..:.. - ...192. In favor..... , / � ,'Matson _Aron PeterAgainst Wenzel - MW" res- en RESOLVED O Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 4,182(i A ��p q CELE NO. -----'-f-. - -. r---- Cot. 1, 1923. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Feyen Construction Company, Contractors, whereby said Feyen Construction Company are to use one of the City's two horse wheel scraper and pay a rental of $3.00 per day for the use of said two horse wheel scraper from the time it is delivered to the Feyen Construction Company until the time it is returned to the City, said money to be paid into the Street Construction and Repair r'und. Said two wheel scraper shall be returned to the City in as good a physical condition as When taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Feyen Construction Company shall be paid for by that firm. IC. F..No. 48820—Ry �1'm.J-Peter- Resolved, That the-Commlesloner of Public Worksbe and .he is - hereby. authorized to enter into an (.agreement. with. the Pay- Con structionCompany, Contractors,' whereb� Y said Feoptho Fey— -: Cstructlon I..__..,..... City'e . returned to the City said money co o i paid Into the Street I-truotlon .and, Repair Fund. �.Said two -wheel. scraper shall: bereturnedto the City In as good aphyslcnl conditlom as whon-taken out nd any repairs. made 'necessary le thrang h -Its -uss by sold Feyd Con- dtructla. Company, shall be paid Ror by l . that firm. - by the Council Oct. 2, 1923. Approved: Oct; '2, 7023. (Oct. 9-192x1 COUNCILMEN '. Nays Adopted by the Council OCT 2 19 a3... _ 19_ .. __.... 192._. 223 Clancy O CT . �Perguson , r6' l Approv __. .. . 192.. _ In favor A Matson MAYOn p% I'eteC -_.-..-..... -Against �. enz r i e t RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL counaLNO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 1. 1923 That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorioed to enter into an agreement with the Feyen Construction Company, Contractors, whereby said Feyen Construction Company are to use one of the yyCity's horse drawn sprinkling cartsa3nd pay a rental of 0.00 per day for the use of said horse drawn sprinkling cart from the time it is delivered to the Feyen Construction Company until the time it is returned to the City, said money to be paid into tho Sprinkling Fund. Said sprinkling cart shall be returned to the city in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said Feyen Construction Company shall be paid for by that firm. C. F. No. 48821-13y Win: .J.C.'Petee— Resolved, That the 6acad sinner of Public Work s ho �� . ... to be patd into the Sprinlcllbg'Fund Sald'sprinlclIng.-cart-shall : be returned" to the.. City in. as' good a physical, con- dition as -when .taken at and anyto- ma. Pairs: de.necossary_ through its use, by. said .Feyen Construction Company shall be paid for by'that firm. Adopted by .the council .OmA 2, 1923. Approved Oct. 2, 1923. (Oct: 6-1923) COUNCILMEN 1923 192...-. Nays Adopted by the Council.00T-`.. - -"'Clancy _ , 1923 l,ZP'erguson Approl'ed--- _ _ _ _ __ __._....-192.. c onald In favor 1 J' n ,/'r77= Sudheimer ✓ Peter _...._Against llFeltzel -mtr--i'r�l�rt , Y OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.--.._.. 8,8V _. FILE ICE OF CITY CLERK _ &aOUf R O ON�iENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY QQCOMMISSIONER.__............____._..._..._._........--------- ........_._...._.................___...._......__................................... DATE__._OO tob@r --- �./...._1./.'2.�.._.... RESOLVED Q. That the Commissioner of Public Safety be authorized to Peas send R. J. Niles, Fire Chief, to Richmond, Virginia, to attend the Conference of Fire Chiefs to be held October 19th to 22nd, inclusive and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant for Two Hundred and Fifty Dollats ($250v00) to be paid out of the General Fund, Miscellaneous and Unforeseen, (an itemized statement of expenses to be turned in to the Comptroller) C. F. No. 48822—By G. C. Sudhelce— 1 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public safety be authorized to. send R. J. Niles. Fire.- Chief, to Richmond.. Virglela, to attend the Conference [ Fire Chiefs to be held October 19th to 22nd, inclusive, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to 1 draw a warrant for Two Hundred and FiftyDollars General (Fund Miscelto laneous and aid i Unforeseen, (an itemizedstatement of exp a to be turned i to tits'C mp- t trolls, Adopted by the Council Oct. 2; 1923.1 Approved Oct. 2. 1923. di (Oct. 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy I . Ferguson,./l In favor V Mme■ Sudheime Peter Zaaael-- Un-....'.lo„r .. __.Against Adopted by the Council OCT.2 - 1923 192 ----------- -- ocT 2 - 1923 App ved _192 .. =UNC L No.------.882il---- CITY OF ST. PAUL F��e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A SIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM '1 oct. 2, 1923. RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated May 8, 1923, between the Standard Stone Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing of Edmund Street fromDunlap Street to Hamline Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of September, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy i/Ferguson -MeBTna d _.._ .III favor if Sudheimer () Peter -...-_. _._.Against Mr.Ident .Pe Adopted by the Counc0GT.2...- 1923 - 192 OCT.2 Approved_ - _.._192_._. "YOR��y won St. Paul, Linn.41-:�Z— TO 192_ 1 TIS HONORFBLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ET. PAUL. Gentlamen: Would respectfully ask that your Honor7.ble Body cam the time of completiaa contract for the Tcbe extended to 192. Owing to- ` J - it was not possible for _ to finish this contract within the tire specified, henoo , desire to ask that the time for com- platin:T same be made as h::reinbefore stated. Yours vcyy ruly, n� C ont r actor. o There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, 7s far as the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED: Supt, of Construction & Repairs Com .issioner of Public Works Chief Enr:ineer. RESOLVED COUNCILNo ------ .-..-_ �..._-����---- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1920 Oct. 2, In the matter of constructing a sewer On Michigan Street from Webster Street to a point 60 feet Oast of St, Albans Street, under Preliminary Order if46941, approved July 10, 1923, and Final Order C. #48321, approved September 8, 1923. Resolved., shat the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of public Norks for the above named improvelnlent be and the same are hereby approved. AOrdet CtoF, e.NetPr liminary trt o e lb ADPood JP1Y so 19� 172 3,. and Finnl OYder C 1623. 3�� .4821 SPP o e hPt O14 ' 3P eidca Resolved. Lima[ d Du nti Cl s os sub - tions nd P4 ovo- Works for tthoCab vl�namcd impsbl c ro .men[ be, and trie ea no nhereby nD-I .proved. he Council Oct. 2, 1923.' ddoPtd Oct. 2. 1923. prove(oct; c-123) COUNCILMEN Yea, Nays Clancy ✓Ferguson �— _In favor /fatson Peter Against VVenzT Mr.-�resident Adopted by the CouncilT..'2' ".123_. _192__. �•, �^, t 2 ' 19�� 192.. oved At?P' _ rwnv_. .. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM LAyY� COUNCIL ,(('�) Y 88'a' -' `� 'a_ FILE NI+N_________________--.-- Oct. 2, 1923. In the matter of grading Alley in Block 7, Jefferson Park Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, under preliminary Order C. F. y4f)690, approved May 9, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #47915, approved August 23, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public forks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. P. -No 48825—BY Wrm. J. Peter— In the'. 'atter of grading,.. I'MeY In Block 7, Jefferson P—ll Addltlon, from Pascal l-Avenuo-taAlbert Ave- - hue, under. Preliminary' Ord C. IT. _ 913 ad F al5Order Cr 1, Non4 D36;690. a�1pProved ,August 23 1923. Iteaolved, Thai, the 'plans.npeciflca- , itons m s dd a stlmated quantitiesas pb- mltted'-by. the C.mmia9loner- f Public Works. for the above named Improve- ment be. and.. thesame are-horebY ati- pro-d: • Adopted by the Council Oct. 2,-1923.. Approved. Oct. 2„1923. '(get. 8-19231 - O COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I.- Clancy L Ferguson 4 Mc,Den.4,--- _ _-I_ In favor L '-'' Sudheimer Peter __-6-Against Wenzel Mr-.-President-- r Adopted by the Council. .00T.2 -192__. 2-::.yda Apppoved . 192.._ �,ayoR RESOLVED L� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No ------`..r-' ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1923 DATE__............. .........___ ...._........_._ _.... In the matter of constructing a sewer on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Thomas'Street to a point 120 faet north of Edmund Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46943, approved July 10, 1923, and Final Order C. F. j48311, approved September 8, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public corks for the above named improvement, be and tae same are hereby approved. J. Peter ding a. sen Proved and the ame a he eby�ap_. Adopted by the: Conn t Oct 2 1923_ APPro ed Oct. 2; 1923 (Oct. G 19 ) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,-'Clancy Ferguson __ - In favor ( Mnjaan�nSudhelmu' Peter - _Against -v;enzci-- AQ.r_Ecasitlerek- Adopted by the Council_ )OT 2 - 1923 ....192 ._- C)CT 2 - 1923 Approvei_ - _ _ .192. -- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED COUNCIL 48827 FILE No -------- ---------- ___ Oct. 2, b.23. In the matter of paving Plum Street from Maria Avenue to Mounds Boulevard, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. m48280, approved September 7, 1923, Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Plum Street from Maria Avenue to Mounds Boulevard, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Worke is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C F B No. 48827-13Y. Win S Peter— I theatt of. paving Plum Street from Marla Avenue tMau dsBo lei d:'. ecesea y gas conn - tI. n ..and with Final O de C L`. Nb: 48280 apP ed Septe her 7. 1923. i R olved, That the` annexed plan. a d speel flcn s showing the gas con - street n do to ire mado Pluml f o Sarin A enue to. Mo ds Bo le rd be'nnd th ame r he 99ro-d and th Commi Pone of li We Its 1s her. e ehy-ord n.d ano ected to serve a tope f thi or r -together with id plans upon -the I. ' Pdu1Gna. LighCComp anY Adopted by . the Council Oct. 2. 1823. Approved Oct. 2, 1923. 'I (Oct. G-1923) 0 Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 114epe"frid ___ _In favor L W,' SWhelmer U Peter ..Against i�bH9C} ?�.�nx--oideab- A(loptcd by the CouncibgT-a-.--.192?S';,- - -..192 --. /` v 2 -192 App�6vcd T 192..._. .1MAYOR , i i- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM X8828 COUNCIL NO.-. �t FILE................... Oct. 2. 1923. RESOLVED In the matter of paving Lexington Avenue from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, vdth necessary gas connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. #39441, approved April 29, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #40677, approved August 1, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on Lexington Avenue' between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. I/U C. r. No. asaze-sr R n• a r to // In the mutter of pnvinv I . gton, Avenv� from Summit A.e ue _to St, St. Light Company: -Adopted by_.tho Counetl Oct. 2. 1921: Approved Oct.:2, 1923. G-19:2):.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V- Clancy ✓Ferguson _AjtDwettic}- _..."._...In favor v JantL Sudac mtff 6,'Peter __ _ _....Against enzel TVT.•'PM3i&ift_.-.. L Adopted by the Council .Qli,T Q --n.. 3---....--.192...._ OCT 2 Appr// ed- 192...-- i RESOLVED O Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NO.-.....:!fL.L .0zZP OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct, 2, 1923, In the matter of paving roadway on north side of University Ave, from Cleveland Ave, to the westerly end of the approach to bridge over Minnesota Transfer Ry. Cole tracks 176 feet more or less southeasterly from the easterly line of Vandalia St. and Cleveland Ave. under the Minnesota Transfer Company's bridge, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. X48268, approved Sept. 6, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showinE the gas connections to be made on the north side of University e Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to 176 '_ft. southeasterly of the easterly line of Vandalia St. and Cleveland Ave. under the Bridge, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereuy ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas bight Company. C. P matWm J P tor rt the Imatter off 1-1 .9 —d—ay on%nom I north slde of Ito r ItY .to . from'I Cle land r e to the; to ly end f tho -nnPro ch to a 1d�' o Min- n n Trnnafer Ry: C..a tracks 175 feet more or lease otittieaster%from fret .! the easterly line- of.Vandallu St. undl Clancy Ferguson •Mvletrmld -- Sudhelbaer "l Peter.. _._.._.._...Against Wet}sel— Mr-.-Ppeaident--- by the Council.-QG'2 *...- 1923 .:.._.. _.....,.._..192...... OCT 2 .+9 3.' Apprfd". ..- ... 192!- /'qy�. � MAYOP CcoUnu`NO.___-L-!� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE -_Sept ember.___ M --192Z .......... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing lumber, creosoted blocks and strips and asphalt filler, required for reflooring the north 774 feet of the Wabasha Street Bridge to the ]Minnesota Road Equipment Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of approximately 612,778.57, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B.#5002. C P '.`0..48&30—EY �Vm. J. peter— ,.lvn,i Thut Otho COpilen :hereby Approved Oct. 2 _1923. 1 iOct.. G-1933) COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Clancy Ferguson McD'bnaTd __ _ In favor hMMDM SudhWmzT (� Peter __... .....Against, We=d- Mr.-President— 4 Adopted by the Council_ WT_�_' 1923 192- Appro'ed.. o._---.___. 192_.... A a COUNCIL 431 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.._----------------____--. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SIL RES9fa=N—GENERAL FORM -+ Septembeg. 25.,_..1923_. _-_.. DATE_ .................... RESOLVED That the Council herel#/�concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company for furnishing Youghiougheny Screenings to the Water Department of the city for the balance of the year ending June 1, 1924, as required, in accordance with city specification and their Bid No. 4948. Approximate total of contract 630,900.00. C l -Ilted,$ That -the C a.s6I _heroby concnrsin the recomtgendutlon: of the Purchasing Committee 1nawarding contract to the Carnegie. Do k,& rlml Company for.fprnlahing,;Youghhm- g ellent3of the City Screeninfor tlh `V obales r e o fart - the roar; cordaendinnce neith 1 ty,'sp ni eties� totaland tofi •ontra toApproximate .$30,900.00�I .Adopted by'the Connell Oct. 2. 1923. App 1 d Oct. '. 1923. (oci. 6-1923) COUNCILMEN Yea" Days Clancy Ferguson In favor '8# f Sudlieimer Peter .._. -.Against Wenzel-- M>-1'r—est'�It etit l I I Adopted by the Council0CT_21.94 - -- 192 C T 2 - lAN3 Approved_ - _-- 192._ _ COUNCIL NO.--__.mac)-Ej CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7�� ION—GEf1ERALRM --�— September 25, 1923 PRESENTED 6Y.... DATE_..._...._..._�....__............................._........._COMMISSIONER.__...------...___- .._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby 'ncurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to -the C. Reiss Coal Company for furnishing Fairmont Lump, Fairmont Dock Run, Elkhorn Lumpcoal, Pocahontas Nine Run and Pocahontas Screenings to the various bureaus and activities of the city for the balance of the year ending June 1, 1924, as required, in accordance with city specification and their Bid No. 4948. Approximate total of contract $55,613.92. c.11 g Pn tVL. the RCs. un it Thereby j ncurs to the. recommendation. ,f tho 1 I g C mitt i n u dt s cont tishl th C Roo C nl C mp llry for r rlidlbr Lfunp Cal. . 0 f�"U t D..11 R Po h etas ��. /� I' his �, ss to Rnnl �hureau 0" I' SCC th b,tla C bf f ttvlttes of th City f = atieyear en11 F_Sun 1 lirv:�ns _ .. 1 . COUNCILMEN Yea, Nays Clancy Ferguson In favor 6 Sudheimer (� Peter ___...... Against M-eazc1-- Ms.-Pseslcleatr-- OC7 2 19''' 192_ Adopted by the Council Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE No..__.._...._ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU TION—GENERAL FORM ,Q'� PRESENTED BY -- . -- ......_.._...__...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby cure in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company for furnishing Youghiougheny Screenings to the School Department of the City for the balance of the year ending June 1, 1924, as required, in accordance with city speci- fication and their Bid No. 4948. Approximate total of contract $6,740.00. '.P No 48833-13y L. -R. B;I' suson— Resole od That the Conn n hcreby�I - oncurs In the r c mmendatio of the J urchnsing..; Committee.. In awarding ontract to the G eat_ Lalr a loci ComnanX-for furniafiins •Youshi"+ � / �uslo y y ieeninge t the-Sch of ➢e t �,"�J I rt ent o[ the Uq for th be co fih ye endhs Ju a i, 1024 I 1 (\ aired In •cords with i[Y p t IC4t1 n and thei Bid .A•b:' 4948 AD= roxl to total- a contract'$6,740.00. .id p[ed by tli C uncle O t. 2, 1923• Dnp oVed Oct. -2 1023. y� (Ocf 6 19231. ,' CieQ�rt r!1 P�\ COUNCILMEN - - yeas Nays ridopted by the. Cougcil . OCT .. _.. 2 1923 192 --- ✓Claney ✓FergusonOCT 2 NO. Approved - sa_:_.__ _192 AIQD@fmH In favor i V SUd11Blmer Peter _ . Against VRen%+ Mr. re`'P- 1gLrt— Council File No 4.8834 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. op The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --------- - Re c on --Reconet l3SS.t-+---ralag...and ..repair.---the..-sidewalk... on.-the._xvsab--- --- ----------- ---------- -- aide o3._South Robert Street beginning 126 feet south o3 Belvidere - - ---------- .------..t --- -theno-e...ssw.th..42...feet o --------------------------------- c. , F..No. 48834- ------ 8834— Abstrapt. ---"'--- """"'---' Whereas: A written proposal for thrj" 2nd October, 1923e m kind oY the fano vtng lmprbvemen" Dated this... -- -------------..day of ...... ------ �ro onscruct. relay and s .,.'. .. III, on -the .,,��i ............................. --...1 ._� - Councilman. y PRELIMINARY ORDER. �7 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct rely and repair the sidewalk on the west side Reconstruct. _S ....p.. of South Robert Street, beginning ... feet south of Belvidere ------------------------- -------------...- ------------ ..... -- - S.tra.e.t-+.-.thex�c6----0-9uth_42._3e®t9------- - ------------------ -- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ------- -------------- ._..---- .........._.------------ --- --- _--------.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. T 2 - 9Q23 Adopted by the Council-- - -- �� .. _.------------------------------ YEAS /' NAYS Councllrl� LANCY ✓FERGUSON 44AWSQ 1'5lt i� I\t my u ,/PETFR I -- O Form C A 13 (aM 0.22) 2 . 1923 ,. Approved -----.--OCT PUBLISIiED Petition 48835 Council File No.......-. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sig foot cement tile sidewalk on both aides of ............... -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- East Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel_Avenuee - ------ --' -' - --'----- ----- ---'------------------------------------------------------ -- �C.P' No. 48830 - _ """ ' - Abstract. -'- "" " \""--'- -""-- -- - - Vhere s; A } itt n proDosnl for the Making of the folio ing improvemer'. 2nd October 19230 rif Dated this day of--_- - _... + .... ... .. Constr nit :. .1,C- foot" cement tno shl. tvnnt on. both sidos of East and Phulen -.lve nue 'Irom '_______ _ Avenue -to: Huzel Avenue.-" anted to.theconnen ucuman. r Patil; therefore: obi it. vad. That the PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz.: __.____Construct.._a___sia__Poot_._cement__tide".-sidewalk--on_.both."e� de -p. -.of.._........" Eae.t". LgkeCumo_._and__Phalen_Avenue__from-- White._ Bear._ Avenue --- ----------------------.--.-- Haz-el-..FSA nua.-......I - --------------------------------- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-. ....-.... ------------------------------------------- -.-.------.._-.._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 2 - X923 Adopted by the Council--------..-........------------------------------------------ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGDSONd i':ttr cm�;a+z7 Sudheimer M,T)ri _— PETER AL73NTLL -ALU—PRESMENT Form C A 13 OM 6-22) Approved. ------------ 1923----- -------------------- ------ �1ifV� � i'��•t—nnom .........................................................---- ------....../ -- PIA=�__ I Mayor. Council File No....,._" /e® /1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the sou side - --------- - ----------------------------------------------- -------------------...,.--------------------------------------------------�-..,.---------------- _of Minnehahs, Street betweenArcadeand East Seventh -.Streets, ...... ...__ .,.-„---.. ,. -- ... -- ------ ------------------------------ C F No: 48836— - 1923 AUtutat Dated this ..._2p -d ,-.... day of .. .Ocs_tober-9 __ 1v1 ens, A .wrproposal for . eking of they fonowing Impr'. e.ment vN.- .-. , ------------------------------ • rha sWe. re �,.� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement .. ... -- p Oi_-Minnehaha_--Street--between_Aroade-_ nd_.Best---Seventh-.-Streetep--- �7•' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _- ---_------------------------------------- ------------ .......... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------- _____.----------------------------------- _.-.-----..._._..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 2 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------------------- . YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY ✓FERaosoN A�{DT)Q��*LD Sudheimer PETER VI U Akr-PRTUB1'XT Form C A 13 (3M &22) Approved...._ OCT 2 1923 ............... "�Ma or. r 1 jn7 T( rnln J M Petition Council File No.......5�.0 J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT >} !� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. -Paul, viz.: Construct.curbing--on._bo-th.sides of PaacStreet----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- from Cleveland Avenue South to Crein Avenue south. .................. ------------- --..................... -------------------------- --------------- --------------------------....--------------------------------._....-- -------- ------------- - - ---- Abnt Where... ----- -........................._...._................--............------...-........--..--... reas, A written Propos.tl for .the _ m akingoY-the following lmprovemen , 2nd Ootober 1923 �'i" Dated this ......... .......day of._. + constrnet curving on beta sides or -- ....--. .-......- -...' Palace Street from Cleveland ' ,uthto'- Cretin avenue _S - en Presented to-th- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDRR. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _--.-----.._-.-Construct curbing. -on both_..eidee_of... alaceStreet_from Cleveland Avenue south to Cretin Avenue South+ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................ ....._....._-. _---------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ):`T 2 - 1923 Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------------- — ........ ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY ✓ FERGUSON t,ZL -az '. Sudh t PETERN � Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) /OCT 2 - 1923 Approved---- --- ------- -------------- ------------------..../ -- `'t9tu* Mayor. PUBLISHLD e —6 — Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. CounciFile No 48838 0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Con___struct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Sherwood Avenue from Hazel Avenue to Curve Avenue. ......................___---------------------- .------------------------ -.-.--...-..-..-..-. -. -.....-....--.........---..- .. --------- ---- -- ------ -- - - - - -- hereae,- A w Ittertepoenl�'for ll ......... ......... ........ .- ---------------- 11; Of tile: foows» 6Proim prover Dated this -.....-2nd.------- day of...._...Qat.o.l3.eri.. 191.i2 it 'x -foot cement tile ----''"-- 'be soe uth. sidof"stten Hnzpl ' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for -the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south -------------------------------------- -----------_----------------_----- side of Sherwood Avenue from Hazel Avenue to Curve Avenue. ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------- ✓ey' 3 ..... ------- -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- .____.._.__.____.-------------------------------- _------------..._---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. l)0-1 2 - 1929 Adopted by -the Council ---------------------------------------------- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Sudhoinier PETER l�BBf98NT Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) 00T 2 - W3 Approved- -- _._............... -- ...-. - ......... .... j 11/l Iayor. Petition Council -14 r No _ �f-1�EDi1 ;L PROPOSAL FI Wherens,�A wrtten prdDo9a1 for the mnking of -the following 1mProvement, Construct - se r�'o Ell ¢beth St., �r om Humbo]at \ to Livingston. Ave.. ,a d an Llving t hve� from.Ellz¢beth PRELIMIb 'st to Loulea st havtng h... Dreaeat- ed to the C u it t, city Ci[y.-dP gt:,i, au 1; . therefore, be IC - ,1. .Resolved, That The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 's ]tr j ^rks be ana itovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: sewer on Elizabh'Ste rrom Humboldt Ave. ........................ -a -----------------. . ..------------......----------------------------------------------------------------- to ---------- I,i�ingaton Ave. and on Livingston Ave. .from Elizabeth St. ----------------------------------------- - to -------- ------- -------- Louisa Ste_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ -...... - ------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- .------------- ----- -- -_._-------------- Dated this --- 2nd .... -..day of ........ Ootober9 1923............ -- ..._.., 192- 92..............I------------------------ ------------- I --- ----------------------------------------------------- Councilman. ------- v4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot a sewer on Elizabeth St. from Humboldt Ave. ------------------------ to and:--on_--Zivingaton Ave. from Elizabeth St. to ............. ---------Z_Q-Uiaa_-S.t-------------------------- ---- -- - - ---- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...:..................._..._......._............_.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3- To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t9aa Adopted by the Council--- oC 2 _.._.. ......_ -.... -- .. ...................... YEAS NAYS CouncilmadCLANcY_.yg.2.3 ..... ._. ._..------ I'ERauyoK-" Approved -.....QCT 2. Sud _! L, P�E�TE¢w W 'Ip t/ �`^ (/ YYr.l�euu ...1 - .......................__..._. ------y------------......-----...-----y---...---- MR tystnEtYr / i" PUBLISHED 0" Mayor. /D —�— Form C A 23 earl e-22) RESOLVED ILE CITY OF ST. PAUL c"U OIL NO.___. 84 t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.........._ O.C_t.�........._Z_L..._19. ._°.........._................ In the matter of paving Plum Street from Maria Avenue to Mounds Boulevard, with necessary water connections, under Final Order 0. i'. yf48280,_ approved Sept. 7, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the water connections to be made on plum Street Zrom Maria Ave. to Mounds Boulevard, be and the same are hereby approved and that the Commissioner of Public siorks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the work by Force Account. �n3 t:OUNCILNIEN Yeas Nays Clancy � h'erguson / McDonald _.........In favor Peter ......Against Mr. President Adopted by the Council.... T.3 192$ ......192...... p�T 9 Approv r�`'�' -- --- MAYOR RESOLVED COUNCIL 4-9,.1q_42 NO.---_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE--� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM CT —Oct. 2, 1923. _... _......._......_..... DATE..._._..._...._.._............................._...._......._._....._...... In the matter of paving roadway on north side of University Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to the westerly end of the approach to bridge over idinnesota Transfer Ry. Co's tracks 175 feet more or less southeadterly from the easterly line of Vandalia 5t. and Cleveland Ave. under the Minnesota Transfer Company's bridge, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 7f48258, approved Sept. 6, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans gnd specifications showing the water connections to be made on the north side of University Ave. from Cleveland Avc. to 175 ft. southeaster- ly of the easterly line of Vandalia St. and Cleveland A d the bridge be and the same are hereby approved ve. un er 1 and thgt the Commissioner of Public tiorks be and he is hereby authorized and dirt ted to do the work by Force 1-n, '9C' A,nc Dunt F ,48842-8y-14m.-JP . et er— �C NI In th mono Ido r oP pn i SS'' roudwnY ty Av north:. Y ni. CI vat�.a U_iv91 COUNCILMEN .- Comml®plone P Plibtic tVo ," 1b to. 'he is hereby yeas loth rued and d(rected'.:to do the work by Force: Aaeount. - j i Clancy Adopted -6y the Council Ort. 3,..3823. 'Approved'Uct. 3,1823. Ferguson McDonald .. -In favor i DQateen�.�•<,�o; i Peter ..____._...Against d —"Mr. President 1 l0 y, by the Council Approv _ ...192__.. - -- Y .................. MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........................................... FINAL ORDER 4,8848, In the Matter of......AQABtP}1Ct1A9 our.p: vitt. dTivBA&................ s$des....R#'...J.eff rs.9n__AYQnue_ from_.>;u..4k,« rl_.ATeaue._to_-_the._River_..13ouleoard,.. oXO.eg.t..c?h9S.Q...now..plaoed, .......... ................... ........ ....... .................. ............. ...... .............. .................. ...__.............. ......._...................................................................._....._...................._..........._........_...._.................._.............._..................._.. 1"J. F � 43343—................................ ... ... ... ..... ... ._ .... .... .. ... ... ........ �� In. th'nuitter of constructing cur' qj(�� oQ yy .with `driveway oa entre on b .459.4.6 ...approved ... -... MaY .. 20,, 19211 . . ... .... ..... . sides of Jefferson avenue from, JJ' :r^......... .. .. .. vies` avenue to.the Rive-:Rou- i" > 1acept where nov, inr t,, I"M. - rdP dr Order ' ....... approved ... ... „ 17bpe hea3ing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is UAW Q11Pbip. V sId-es ..af...,I.effe.zs.4A. Avenue.......... Avenue.to__the ..River._&o..ulevard,. exoopt.-wheae...norr Placed, .. . ......... --- - --- . -------................................ ..........................................................................-_ _ - ......._........ ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 15 ... . ti �sl Adopted by the Council ............................................... . Approved ............. .��1.J.}2v9 .......... Councilman =2§34'a'gbBX C1anCY terse --"`Felon /"Councilman JJX= M cDonald /Councilman I;NZIEX Peter councilman 15� Sudheimer Coanailrnan—I93.':T.mww -Wenzel mayor Imtxx Nelson Form R. S. A. 8-7. 5 i% V. .... ....................................................................... City Clerk. xi_; : J C ................ Mayon PUBLISHED 5—/7 _ SV CITY OF ST. PAUL ., �y DVAAR-HENT OF FIN�/ACEy' REPORT Or COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In thewatterofOonstructing curb with driveway openinlrs un both sides of Jefferson Avenue from Underwood Avenue to the River Boulevard, except where noiv placed,_ r 1 under Preliminary Order approved Iday 281h,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f on(Where no gutters ar 6 6 The estimated cost per oot or the above improveme 1s rear g_ �Were gutters are reset The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 10 ihnoalester Villus 2200 29 do 3600 28 CIO 3700. 27 do 3600 26 do 4250 25 do 3850 24 do 650 2 3 do 650 22 do 650 E,1.3,i3 of L.20 and all of 21 850 Farm n. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1` �DEPAPTMENT OF 0AIE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ice` a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Exc.W,13,33 of L.19 & exc. E. Macalester Villas 5900 13 33' Lot 20 10 Lot 18 & W.13.33 feet of 19 do 850 17 do 650 s 16 a o 700 Lots 28, 27, 26 and 25 3 do 1650 24 do 400 23 do 400 22 do a 400 21 do 400 20do 400 �9 do 400 1s do 400 17 do 400 16 do 400 15 do 450 6 7essinger Garden Lots 7775 Eget 1/2 5 do 2600 W.1/2 Lot 5 & all 1} do 7875 30 6 Academy Height, -3 425 �9 do 400 29 do 400 27 do 400 26 do 400 25 do 400 24 do 400 23 do TOTAL 400 CITY OF 9T. PAUL �DEPA*TMENT OF F(�,'4A�tE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �l -4:�:> , p ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIBTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 22 6 Academy Heights 400 21 do 400 20 do 4U0 19 do 400 18 do 3250 17 do 400 16 do 425 29 and 30 5 d o s S25 28 do 400 27 do 400 26 do 400 25 do 400 24 do 400 23 do 2650 22 do 400 21 do 400 20 do 400 18 and 19 do 600 17 do 400 16 do 500 Lots 6,7,5,9 and 10 1 Hospes Park 2600 11 do 350 12 do 350 Lots 17,16,15,14 and 13 do 1775 30 2 do 2350 29 do 300 28 do TOTAL 750 CITY OF 9T. PAUL VDEPA*TMENT OF F AAt'E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ----------------- DESCRISTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION 26 and 27 2 Hospes Park 600 _ �5 do 300 24 ao 300 �3 do 3-(00 22 do 300 21 do 300 19 do )00 16 do 17 do 13C0 16 do 275 Lots 10,11,12, 15 and 14 10 1,ouden Park 1700 Lots 1, 2 & `.3 1 Glenwood Park Ada. 2000 liavrthorne Hood 16500 4 Glenj7ooc1 Park Add. 5050 5 do 650 6 do 650 7 do 650 E.1/2 of L.9 & all 6 do 4325 W.1/2 of L.9 & all 10 do 975 11 do 650 12 do 650 13 do 650 14 do 650 15 do 575 1 2 do 4 25 ',Cts 3 and 2 do 1250 4 do TOTAL 400 ((�C�ITY OF ST. PAUL ((-� jfDEPApiTMENT OF I�IAN$E 1p f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER x� DESCRIsTION .. LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lots6 & 5 2 Glenwood Park Add. 7 do 4U0 8 do 3700 9 do 40o 10 do 380' 11 do 1950 12 do 400 �3 do 6o0 14 do 400 �5 do 425 1 Garfield Park 2nd 750 2 Underwood Acre L)Le 1625 3 do 1625 4 do 1625 5, do 1625 6 do 4175 7 do 1025 g do 6475 9 do 1625 E.40 ft.of N.L/2 of 10 do 325 Exe.E.40' of N. 1/2 10 do 1000 1 1 Hankee's Cleveland View 400 2 do 300 Lots 6,5,1+, and 3 _ da 1200 7 do 300 Lots 6,9,10 and 11 do- 1200 ran• o. a... 12 do TOTAL 300 I TOTAL 4 ('CITY OF ST. PAUL ZMENT OF E�NIC E -VbEp REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ' DESCRI R+I'ION - Y LOT Btocic ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 15,14 & 13 1 Hankee's Cleveland View 1050 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and 10 2 do 3900 11 2 do 400 12 2 do 400 Lots 1,2 and 3 Hankee's HetrrranGemcnt 1325 Exc.Cleveland & Jefferson Ave s. N-170.46 of E.311.29 of S.E.,r--, ?)450 N.E.-LI T.28, H.23 Lots 1. and 2 1 Ada Park 700 Lots 3 and 4 do 4050 5 do 350 6 do 700 7 do 2350 8 do 375 . Lots 1 and 2 2 do 650 Lots 3 and 4 do 600 Lots 5 and 6 do 600 Lots 9,9 & 7 do 900 10 do 300 Lots 13,12 & 11 do 900 Lots 15 and 14 do 600 1 1 11153:Lssippi View 375 44 do 375 1 2 do 450 Lots 46 and 47 do 650 45 do 575 44 do 750 TOTAL 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL - ;p DEPARTMENT OFM.Q11",CE V," REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 lhiasissippi Viety 550 40 cto 1650 203350• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / I _l Dated ----- ----- —191 Commissioner of Finance. Furor B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.,. --?z...�'.1 1'92'--�. a To The Honorible; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be grade: (40 Wa / k -S zz /.'./A/ .'s ............. .................... ........... ................So-/ / . ........... Ave. ................. f rom Uzid.O.V. "50. V, A- jy .. . ............. Sr. Ave. to .......... =-,y.VV - &F 4 k;teyb lalr— NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION )p Af 6 Ile" .U1 MAY 3 192 UPIPM a Office of the Commissioner of Public WocEIVE . '3 Report to Commissioner of Finance $ r s� `� ;,.� a of �•. AUG Sb MS august 14, 1923. 191____ --------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ _45948 approved___ -2-8 1.- 1923__191___, relative to curbing_with_drivewa.T-orenings_ on_both_sidee-o£_JefK:9 qn Age. --- from Underivood avenue _to _the_River 3oulevard� exceT)t_where_now___--___- ------------------------------- --place d'----------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------1111-- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cot thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $___ 9588. _ 15 161 Inspection $188.00 Frontage 11,740 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ - !� - ------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------- - '��--------------- Commissioner of Public Works. 0. Peter, (Gamircisstaner �Ci¢ 9Gta11et4f, t�¢pllt� QiaarptlSSTaa¢C r Department of f ublir Barks Biu of -gaint lbul M. S. GRYT AK. BRIDGE ENGINEER ORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER - A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION ,. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE H. HERROL . OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER August 13, 19230 iir. vim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing with driveway openings on both aides of Jefferson Avenue from Underwood Avenue to the River Boulevard, except where now placed, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45948, approved may 28, 1923. Estimated Cost - - - - ----------- $9588.15 Inspection - - - - - - - -- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ 188.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 11740 ft. - Coat per front foot, where no gutters are reset 0.76 with reset atone gutters 0.97 t. West from Mt. Curve Blvd. to TT it 71 574 lawn Ave* J J (from Finn Ave. to Cleveland Ave. 11 Cleveland Ave. to 361 ft. east ( ty n prior Ave. to 28east Fairview Ave. to6� 298 ft. West J Yours truly, Approved: *En'91 ineer. o%l✓ Comni o Y`'o u lic Works. FINAL OUDERSi' 4�844 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By-- .........__ ....... ........... ............. .......... . - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing b.o.th_._sJ_dez_..of..Lafond Stxjeet_._fT.0m.__A1di.Ue Stre-el to_. FAArY&QA..AMeAqqA ---------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........................... ............................................. .......................... ............................................. ..................... .................................. ....... .................................. .................... .................. ......... ............ ..................................................................... .......................................................... .................................... ..... I ......... ..................................... .............................................. . ........................................... .............. . ................. ..................... ................ ............... under Preliminary Order ...........approved26 . . .... 1923 . .. ..... .......... - .............. Intermediary Order ............ ............... ........... approved .............. .... . ....... .... ..... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is 0=0- both eides of --- Lafond_.Street f=m AlClln-Q.- Street...Pp M;�Kljpg ATqAPP.1 ............................. ............................................................. ............... 1 .................... ................... ............................................................................... ....... ............. ............................................................................ ............................................................................................ ..................... ....................................................... ................................................................................ .......... ................................ .................... .................. .............................................................. ............ ..... ....... .......... .... . ............. -------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 3 - 1983 Adopted by the Council ..... ...... ............ ........ ............................. I City Clerk. OCT 3 - 1923 Approved.... 191_ .................................... Mayor. Councilman 2*9==="dlanCY L_ Councilman %M= Ferg aeon / —1 11 11 Councilman ft= MoDonald Councilman 2'6XttaX Peter Councilman YM= Sudlietmer Councilman omII mbxbc eV—enz el Mayor 114� elson Form B. SQA. 8-7. CITY 4wM T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINA CE REF RT OF COMMISSIOM -R 6F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of ourbin both 3:Laa of Lafond ` Aldine Straa` to rairviaw Avenue, 1 under Preliminary Order approved June 26th 1923 - ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $1742.50 efont 0.73 The estimated cost pfoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Mt. W.10' of 3)& N.43' of 1,2, 3 1 Sheldon Grove Add.to the P 1 W.10 ft.of Nor -,h 43 ft East 1/2 Wast 1/2 City of tet. au 1 do 4 1 do 5 1 do 6 1 do 1 5 Forest Lawn Acid, to St -Paul 2 5 do 3 5 do 3 5 do ) TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 -: ASSESSED VALUATION 3775 5.0 425 2225 3175 2300 2175 3050. CITY OF ST. PAUL I PORT OF DEPARTMENT OF F)"ANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 4 5 Forest Lawn Arid. to St. Paul 0 360Q 5 5 do 3450 6 5 do 1850 7 5 do 3200 S 5 do 1450 9 5 do 2100 10 5 do 500 1 6 do 675 _ 2 6 do 1675 3 6 do 2275 4 6 do 2975 5 6 do 1750 6 6 do 2075 7 6 do 475 1 1 Haywood Add, to the City of 475 St.Paul,Ramsey Co., Minn. 2 1 do 1875 3 1 do 2175 4 1 do 475 5 1 do 1075 Exo.w.40ft.) 6, 7 and 8 1 do 475 ;'E.40 ft.of W.80 ft.(Ex.S.40') 8 1 do 375 Lots 6,7, 117.40 ft. of (Ex.S.40') 6,7, & 8 1 do 400 12 2 Sheldon Grove Add. to the 475 City of St—Paul 11 2 do 425 TOTAL (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R PORT OF COMMISSIOIC EF' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Sheldon Grove Add. to the 3025 City of St. Paul 9 .2 do 425 8 2 do 2925 7 2 do 2975 20 4 Forest Lawn Add.to St.Paul 3925 :L9 4 do 3350 is 4 do 450 17 4 do 4100 16 4 do 4050 i5 4 do 2750 14 4 do 1600 13 4 do 2950 12 4 do 700 it 4 do 750 14 3 do 675 13 3 do 475 12 3 do 2775 11 3 do 2850 10 3 do 475 9 3 do 2625 8 3 do 475 16 2 Maywood Addition To The 625 City of St. Paul 15 2 CIO 475 14 2 do TOTAL 475 -rY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RF7POIRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIP-CION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 2 Maywood Addition to the 1175 City of St. Paul E.8 ft.of 11 and all of 12 2 do 1775 (Exo, East 8'ft.) 11 2 do 2550 a9 105050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D. D. I2 Dated— r /' Commissiaoer of Finance. oan � --To—Tlie—ff6no—r.bl—e,-TYe-rounce city of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /I,", — - - - -7'--- J7 -4—' ............. ........ ........ ............... ----------- -- .......................................... .......... St. Ave. ---- .. ..... - ........... ...................... . .. .. . ................ _— ---------- - from............. .................................. St. Ave. to_........__... ,&- _-....._......_.St. Ave. <,P,P22 ---To ThZ�FI'onZS"t`a�i�Y=f7'C"�6unCif;� � ""`"• y City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. Ave. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK / /A rpDDDITION N �,.. Corner LI ld,ne t k <�sz 4 16 Y To The Honorable,, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable - Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................._......-_...----.-..-..-...�Lrn.c.r...e e/'u..r...��..........................__..................................................... ........... . _......_.............._....- q c2h .....-..-.............-................--...........-._..-....._._._-... ...... ....... St. Ave. 'I from.........__......Y..L-/72e��..f.'.----- _...._-...__.----------- St. Ave. to.... ........ 1 �11f'Y!_e..l....._.._......._.... .............. St. Av —...- .420022 a. ®ffic& of the Commissioner of public Yorks�EC1E1VED c� Deport to Commissioner of Finance - August 17, 1923- .... 191__-_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.466b8----- approved --- Jude 26 t 1923 _191___, relative to curbing_both aides _of Lafond Street from_ Aldine_Stree t to Fairview --- -Avenue ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. . $0.73 per front foot 17420W 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____________, Frontage 2398 ft. Excess inspection $34.17 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---------------------------------------------------- .--------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Ag,------------SIA—a ,- ----------------------- Co issioner of Public Works. :u°0 P. peter, Commissioner Prig filallette, arputpAommissioner situ of Laint M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. M B. SHARP, SUOF SANITATION WM. N. CARFY, SUPT, OF CONSTRUCTION REPAIR P. BOWLIM. SUPE. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CM PLANNING ENGIN EER August 14, 1923. J. Peter, Commissioner of public Works* Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction Of curbing on both sides of Lafond Street from Aldine Street to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46658, approved June 26, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $1742o60 Per front foot - - L - - - - - - - .70 Excess inspection 34.17 Frontage - - - - 2598 Yours truly, , SI -1-4. Engineer. Approved.for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance, (111A Commiaof u lic vlorke. In the Matter mnda by:;the sfltd`pity is grade and -.'. FIN Bleck s M¢nnles[el', jj llll��`J` II. Second Addition, Irom Fnlrvjew 9ve to Fredericka. AVe.,,materinl' :cr to artd_the 'Council hereby :orders P una nna:epecmcatione for said fm- -� f • -J---t Drovement,.. and`raubmit same: tb-2he;=e�-P`• "-""'-^-"" Q ,Conncil 4pr n n'--""•--.••-------- .aDProvnl,: the pprovnl;. that upoa.. said hereby euthorlied anfl dlreattad �ioepto. e ........._....... --------seed with Ctha m¢kingoY said SmDrove - in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the G�there Oct. 3, 1923 ...... A➢P�oyed.; Vet. 3, 1323 .......... ....... ... ................ - .'. (Oct. 131923) r ................................................._.......................................................................................-------_._- _... ....................................................................................................................................................................... Under Preliminary Order ........477655.............................approved ..........0Ug—.24-----1923- IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved.............................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is....grade ...and- -pav.P....Alley....in-Blook...39...P aaaleB ser. .........._._....................................._......................................................................._.................... - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilT 91OC3---1323............ ........ f City lerk. OCT.. - 1923 ... 191........ Approved............................ O....... pp .....................t................................... Mayor. � O Councilman 7guc51eom3n ✓Clancy { Councilman UG= _/Ferguson / J CouneRma:a 11b;'fltbliERx lleZe Councilinem YMNX ✓ Peter Councilman LXX ✓SUdhelmer Councilman1dy�X Vena Mayor I0=XvN01S0n Form B. S. A. 8-7. C P No '488A6 I the Tiatter ofkradtng and' pnving', 111ey In Block 3, ffin.alester. Villa second :Addition, from Fairview Ave.:": " to. Frederi I n AVe•.",. under Prellmin= m1829. y Order 47765 apyr�•ed :Aug. 14. -. - A publlq` hearing having been. had - :upon the above Imyrovement upon due .. -notice, :and tha'Codttcil havtng}.beard 'fl}l Deraons, objection. and.recomm�n- datlonc relative thereto; ani. .havtng COUNCIL FILE NO..........._ ................ Lully considered thei same; th—fore. In the Matter mnda by:;the sfltd`pity is grade and -.'. FIN Bleck s M¢nnles[el', jj llll��`J` II. Second Addition, Irom Fnlrvjew 9ve to Fredericka. AVe.,,materinl' :cr to artd_the 'Council hereby :orders P una nna:epecmcatione for said fm- -� f • -J---t Drovement,.. and`raubmit same: tb-2he;=e�-P`• "-""'-^-"" Q ,Conncil 4pr n n'--""•--.••-------- .aDProvnl,: the pprovnl;. that upoa.. said hereby euthorlied anfl dlreattad �ioepto. e ........._....... --------seed with Ctha m¢kingoY said SmDrove - in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the G�there Oct. 3, 1923 ...... A➢P�oyed.; Vet. 3, 1323 .......... ....... ... ................ - .'. (Oct. 131923) r ................................................._.......................................................................................-------_._- _... ....................................................................................................................................................................... Under Preliminary Order ........477655.............................approved ..........0Ug—.24-----1923- IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved.............................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is....grade ...and- -pav.P....Alley....in-Blook...39...P aaaleB ser. .........._._....................................._......................................................................._.................... - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilT 91OC3---1323............ ........ f City lerk. OCT.. - 1923 ... 191........ Approved............................ O....... pp .....................t................................... Mayor. � O Councilman 7guc51eom3n ✓Clancy { Councilman UG= _/Ferguson / J CouneRma:a 11b;'fltbliERx lleZe Councilinem YMNX ✓ Peter Councilman LXX ✓SUdhelmer Councilman1dy�X Vena Mayor I0=XvN01S0n Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RINW4FE R4 ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �Y o ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)____. In the matter of grading and pavin jl.] ley in Block 3., Macalest er Villas Second Addition, from Fairview Avelue to Fredericka Avenue,, under Preliminary Order approved August 14 19 23 ,)3r ick laid A13P4< or —Pavin& _ blocks Flat AEj Goner. '. _—_ Concrete lil'; .'•• 'I Total Sq.Yd. 6.14 Aldi... � ,' .,: .PI. 5.32 t" 4.30 __..__�__ } 3. ?.8 T O T A L 56,437.88 55,579.50 84,506.52 53,43),54 (A) Front Ft. 5.i+0 4.68 3.78 2, 14 3 macalester Villas 2nd Add. 22.5 13 3 do 225 . 12 3 do :A ��5 113 _ do 225 54.7.501 of 9 and all of 10 3 do 250' _ (Exc. west 7.50 ft -1 9 3 do 200 8 . 3 do .225 7'3 do 225 6 , 3 do 2 25 _ Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT'SF F&tI DANCE ;,*EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION • -- LOT '.BLOCK ADDITION ` ASSESSED;; VALUATION a 4 3 ,macalester Villas 2nd Add., 225 3 3 do 225 2 3 do 225 1 3 do 225 15 3 do 454 16 3 do 400 17 3 do 400 19 3 do 400 19 3 do 400 20, 3 do 400 21 3 do 400 22 3 do 400 . 23 3 do 400 24 3 do 400 25 3 do 400 26 3 do 400 . 27 3 do 400 28 3 do 450 0850; The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby i+ submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-------f4l1-- 'ommissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 V M N To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. -Paul, Minn. 0 St. Paul, Minn .............. July... 30ih,...........19Z3, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Paving oY alley in block three (3), Macalester Villas Second ... .................. .............. ...... ................... Addition, StmtLiS _--............................. St. Ave. from ................ Fairview Avvatao..._......................_........St. Ave. to_..._....._Fredericka.._6va ....................................... _ St. Ave. .Qj.,,-- • • •• • .Qj.,,-- Office of the Commissioner of Public WorEC C, ` Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 291923 August 28, 1923--191 -- -------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 47765 ---approved_ 6YAUst-14,--1;323191---, relative to grading and paving of in- Block 3, luacalester Villaa--6e c-ond ------------------------------ -Alley------------- --- ------------------------------------- Addition, from Fairview ':venue to Fredericka Avenue. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. (aee letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------`-- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I ---------------` P -r- y ---------------- Commissioner of Public . k 3 imam 0. Peter, evm4psianer grit maiiette, Brputu (dummissioner j5pattment of f ublir Marks (city of gtt4ut Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. f H1 ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER August 27, 1923. bir. '+'+m. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public ti'iorks. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Alley in 3lock 3, Idacaleater Villas Second Addition, from Fairview Avenue to 11redericka Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. it47765, approved August 14, 1923. Length 596.1 ft. 4idth of roadway & street 16 £t. Frontage 1192.2' 3Q" creosote Brick laid Asphalt or Paving Blocks Flat Asphalt conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.14 5.32 4.30 3.28 T o t a l @61437.88 $5,579.50 04,506.52 �p3,433.54 (a) Front Ft. 5.40 4.68 3.78 2.88 A final order has been passed for grading this alley, but the estimate given above includes grading, so that in case the alley has not been graded before the paving is ordered the whole of the work may be done at one time, thereby saving some expense. Yours truly, 7h7j-Sngineer. Approved.for transmission to the cornnrryynn, h"s on��tdW4c i'innnce. Commi e Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By....................... ................... .................. 48,8 6 h 48846— Irl Matter of, grading Robertson 't from Indiana Ave. to Ch ieago under Preliminary Order 47663: approved Aug. 4: 1923. ,._public huIno hn, l] - ;•' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._..grading..Rob.estaon...Stsae.t... from ...Indiana ...Av.euua...:.a... Chiaago A9. nue. a ............................ ... - .... ....-- ------------ ---.....................................----.......---------------.............--------------------------...- _..._....._...._ .__..._......_........._..........._........._.........................._..._.................._......._. .._..... ..._........ ---- -- - .......... _.......................... ._....................... .................... ....................................... ............................................... .... .................................. ............. ................ .............. ............... ..... ._..._._........_..................... ......_._........... ............... ............... ._._....................................... _.......... ..... ._....................................... .....__...__................... _.._..................... ........... --.......... _.. tinder Preliminary Order. _........4-7 6.3...._................approved ....Aug..__4., _1923,.. _. .............. ... ._....-_...... Intermediary Order ......... _.____.__..._-_ ........ _......... approved .._..___ ......... ___..... _.._..__........._._...... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.....grade...Rob.emtiaon ... +Stze.et....from..1ndlana.. Avenue.. to... Chg.ago., Avenue_,_....._..._._ ................................................... ...................................__..._..............._._................................-. ._..... ----. -- .._...................................... .... ....... -............_.._................_ ......_................... ------------------------ .................... ......................._.......-..- - ...............--..._..........._....-.......................................... ................._.............._...... ----- ..... _............ ............................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Coune OCT 3 - 1923 / City Cleric. Approved.... _..... - . ........ .- -... .................-........................................................... Mayor. Councilman F=sae=i1blancy PUBLISHED �� — } Councilman (3fl[X v"Ferguson / (� ----3 Councilman HyMS +.-'McDonald Councilman ITa NX 5 G Peter Councilman D5'rBaSffiX v-Sudhelmer Councilman VLtgiI�t=M 1 5v Mayor > elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITU OP BT. p1 DEPARTMENT OF FI REPt�@T OF COMMISeIOi�l F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 'In the matter of grading RODert8on Street froM' Indiana Avenue to OhicW�-o Avenue. 'J under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $2.921.03 The estimated cost pgyg &Mor the above improvement is $ 488 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each IoL or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Beulali Adie. St. Paul,Minn. 1 1 5 0 8 14 Marshalls Addition to 2 3 5 0 west St. Paul g 14 do 650 to 14 do 8 0 0 1 13 ao 5 3 0 0 2 13 do 8 0 0 14 13 do 3050 worth 1/2 of 13 13 do )) Porm 0.0.10 TOTAL. DEPARTMENT RWORT OF COMMISOF FINANCEON PRELIM INAR DER (C). DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 100 feet of So.1/2 of 13 13 Marshalls Addition to ) West St. Paul j1J 3 6 0 0 North 1/2 of 12 13 do ) South 1/2 of 12 13 do 3 5 0 11 13 do 7 5 0 0 ', 25550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ j Commissioner of Finance. Furor B. It. 12 St. Paul, Minn.,..�.�f.........192... To The Honorablt:, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body t�o cause the following improvement to be made: V \ St. i () from.............r5 :] mss.......................... I.&. Ave. to _............_............ _..........----- _ZL+deS��`' -- --------------- Ave. <�j m22 Report to Commissioner, of Finance a August 17, 1923 -------------------------191---- Tothe Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of March , the Council, known as Council File No.47563 ______approved4_-1923-191---, relative to _____________ the grading_ of Robertson St, from Indiana Ave. ----Chioa-_oAde,_--__----_ ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- a and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $4.88 2921.03 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____1_______, Frontage 600 ft. Inspection $67.28 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------- 5. Said i provement is -------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to ssment for said improvement. i' ----------------- - --- -- Commission of Public vMQs. William 9. Peter, (lummissiTIr 1�j geie fiitallette, Deputu Qbammissisaer Department of f ubfic Merko I CUP of gaint �Ioui GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M.'S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR r� A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER August -17, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: }1 I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost for the grading of Robertson St. from Indiana Ave. to Chicago Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 47563, approved March 4, 1923: Estimated cost 02,921.03 Per front foot 4.88 Inspection 57.28 Frontage 600 feet The greater part of the buildings along the s$reet will have to be raised if the street is graded. Yours very truly, Approved: /0hiVeEngineer Ccd\(�`1l11 i 'i of PddgLc Works Department of 31anonge �p 4Jt 1� (fit" of ot. pant •1 ''� �' L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSIONER _,. K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY �+LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE 8 { July 12th, 1924. -t� Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogan:- I have this day prepared post card notices to property owners effected by the grading of Robertson Street from Chicago Avenue to Indiana Avenue advising them of an informal hearing to be held in the Council Chamber on the 29th day of July upon the advisability of awarding contract to the lowest bidder. Kindly note your records Bo that this matter will come up for consideration on that date. Very �truly yoyours, Commissioner of Fin nce. ]Q ' 1 t� v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES64TED BY --- COMMISSIONER._1.. .. __ --------- - -----------------.------.- RESOLVED CcUNCIL No...... . 48847 Oct. 3, 1923. In the matter of condemning and taking an eqaement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Robertson Street from Indiana Avenue to Chicago Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47564, approved August 4, 1920, and Intermediary order C. F. #48248, approved Sept. 5, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan ih the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Robertson Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 5, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RUSOLIJTIONS., C. F6N.-' 4894 7-13y Wm. J. Peter— An t e- matter of condemning and taking an easement'.in the . land necessary- - for slopes,- for cuts and 8 in the grading of Robertson Street from Indiana Avenue -to: Chicago Ave- nue, under'.Preliminary, Order C. V. No. 47564approved August 4,.1923; Intermediary Order C F No '4 .923-, and C. F. ap- proved Sept. 5; 1923. To - , 24i . ap. I he Co..I..inscr,.f Public Work. having submitted his report and plan 1. the above matte) be It _ 11 solved, That hat 'the city of, St. Paul Ad pied UNCt. 13. 1923 d Approve - y the Cour Oct 3 I923, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓Ferguson I,-" McDonald In favor ,,-' Matson t,-' Peter Against -,--'Mr. President Adopted by the Coun ALT 3 -------------- 192 OCT 3 - 1921 Approved------ ------------------------------------ 192 7 MAYOR Milliam D. Peter, UVVissloner grip Mallett¢, Deputg (commissioner • l 6 Department of f ublir Barks Ctv of �§Hi t �Pnul � GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CH- ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPE. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G: P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSfi Oct. 3, 1923. - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the m4tter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Robertson Street from Indiana Avenue to Chicago Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #47664, approved August 4, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #48248, approved Sept. 6, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'JJorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above iaiprovement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner ofrublic Slorks. 4('y h • �CI P ®T. PAUL 'S DEPARTMENT OF FIN, „> . AEPORT OF, COMMI F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORL"'� Iutbematterof condemning and taSing an easement in the lr,nr3 necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in the �;radi of Robertson Street from Indiana Avenue to Chicago Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved Al t gat 11th .1023 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l Beulah Aud. St. Psaiji,11inn. 1 it. 5 9- 8 14 l arlilui1111 Addition to 2 3, 5 U . l7e:,t St. Paul 9 14 do 6 5 U 10 �4 do S, a. 0. 1 13 do 5: R z 13 do 6 Q a. 11b 13 do3165 j n ?forth 1/2 a% 1,; 13 do )) Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. FF ST. PA rf DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMIES ' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR .'°`'JER (C) DESCRIPTION _, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION went 100 foist of 80.1/2 of 1j 13 Pd:Lrint1t>,113 ALialtion to wait Ste Paul ))� 3 6 0.0. North 1/2 of 12 13 d0 South 1/2 of l?. 13 do 3 50 1.1 13 10 7.5 0, 0 :>r I 2555O. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / i Dated— - - - - --191--- r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 / ®�1ice of the C®rn�nissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 17, 1923 -------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 47564 --- approved ---- 4 192?91___, relative to condemning_an-easement_ in_the_ land_necessarY_�or_sloeesa__ for -out s and_ fills_ in_the__grading oP_Robertaon Street_from_Indiana--- _Avenue_to_Chicago A__v_enue------------------------------------------------------------ and having investigad'the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ______- and the total cost thereof is $_____gam and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��I ------------- Aknerof ----------- CommP�1°s Works. I COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........................................................... a r wo ass4s— �In:th ➢tatter oY n dNort outh Street from -Te Comth Avenue on to Grotto C f the d line o the profile: -.� L [ afGnch rd end ade a ' part eof, _under Prenml a ' Order -fia ppProved AUR 21 1922 1 �vlilfo'hea ih, c,.. iad '-ho ahoy,, ; .., ne y, ml- • •77 .. , , _fl. ................ FINAL ORDER 4 iW In the Matter of....grading.-South,.Streetto-,.RottQ-_, Street to the red line on the profile hereto_ -at. made a part ..................... .....-...... . hereof r ...............................t------- ............ ..... -- .............. ................ .................. .................................. ...--. ----------- -- ----. ..............................................................................................._..............................._.................... -_..................................... under Preliminary Order .. ........................ 47S65. ------approved ._......Aug.....219.._1923.....----------- ......._-..... IntermediaryOrder ... ........ _...._._..._..--- .............................approved....._.---........._................ ....----- -.--- ---- ---- _------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....... ,rAdd,-.sou.0.._StF,wt.-, frQfU.. QOMO...AY!gn 1Q-. NQY t$ --.:W Grotto Street to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a..p-.✓'t._hereof, -- - - - ... .......... ....... ......_.__..... . - -- .... ---._.................... ----- ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........00T 3 -1923 _.................. 1........ /: OGT 3 - 1923 City Clerk. Approved. 191........ '� Mayor. Councilman 1�iii'irFs3+bmixv,dancy PUBLISHED Councilman CJ'nFi4i8 'Ferguson Councilman 15ti XX j _ 11cDOnald Councilman ERMWX , Peter Councilman Iltx S Councilman YCII$/ SUdhelmer Mayor eleon Form B. S. A. 8-7. gg CITY OF BT. PAUL - DEPARTMENT.. OF FINANCE' IREP(a 'I' OF COMMIC) NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER North to Grotto street to In the ifintter of - radin r 4013th Street from Cnrap -vren, n the red line of the profile hereto attached and ride a part Cy hereof under Preliminary Order approved Atter 21.19 23 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $5217.76 i frgnt 3 1g The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is be benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Como Blvd. 1 5 Como Heights Add. 3000 n B n 11} do 1400 . 15 4 CIO 200 1 do ! 50 18 3 do 350 1 do 125 18 2 do 175 1 do 50 22 1 do 50 1 1 do 125. TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 Y � CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RESORT OF COM WIONER OF FINANCE �.r Cy ON PRE IMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK VALUATION W. Quincy St. vacated adj. & exc.Como Blvd. & S.5' widen- ing South 4 31 Como 3100 E. -al Quincy St. vacated adj. ,exc. S.5' for widening 6 32 do .600 South Except S.5' for widening South 5 32 do 600 Exc. Ave.S.198 of N.17.4 of 2745 'N.W.-41 S.E.4 Sec.23,T.29,R.23 19 12970 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I r Dated------------tflt — /Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 `, ,r ®Tice 8f the Commissioner of Public tID a Deport to Commissioner of Finance AUG 291923 Augua t 29 , 1923 -------- --- ----- - - 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 21, the Council, known as Council File No.-4786approved --August --- 19291___, relative to to the grading of South Street -from Como_Avenu9 _ZJo t_Ja_tQ---------------- Grotto Streets --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $3.18 5217.76 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $--_---______- Inspection $102.31 frontage 1644 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. aF 4. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �I -----------------Vy�o�iV64------------- Commissionn of Public ° s. r UN William P. Peter, Q101ttlU[SSI 1TpC Prig mallett¢, BVPUtU a0111missi0UCC F Department of Public Barks Situ of §ai nt Maul M. S. GRYT AK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE . G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER August 26, 1923. is. Vim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of South Street from Como Avenue North to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. 1'. i47865, approved August 21, 1923. Estimated cost - - - - - - - X5217.76 per front foot - - - - - - 9.18 Inspection - - - - - - - - 102.31 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1644 ft. Yours truly, Aefngineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. "Ij- Cor i ' is RESOLVED 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL Q. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p '1P, DATE......_�.�5 t..4.....3.4......Y-2.3�L..... _.................. _ COUNCIL No ------484-9 FILE In the matter of condemning and tgking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of South Street from Como Avenue North to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 147866, approved August 21, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #48250, approve. September b, 1923. The Commissioner of Public dorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon South Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 3, 1923, which plan and report axe hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,'Clancy Ferguson v McDonald _....__In favor v Matson Peter __...........Against y Mr. President OCT 3 -19 23 Adopted by the Council....._ --.._--.-._---..----------..192.....- OCT 3 - 1423 Apoved.. - - 192. f - -- --- -- ------- MRYOR iiailliaus D.eiec, �ommi� ner �lrie Mallett¢, Beputp (lnmmissisaer Repadment of Public Works Ctu of §ahtt mill M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A, B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANRATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER - REPORT TO THE COU NCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of South Street from Como Avenue North to Grotto Street, under - Preliminary Order C. F. #47866, approved August 21, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. '#48260, approved September S, 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and mgkes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded porition of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Pu is 970r s. Dated Oct. 3, 1923. ' CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FI E ''--D FSE t`ORi F COMMISSION/ OF FINANCE �..� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof oon3demning and taking an e119PrrPnt in the land necessary for clones. for cuts and fills in the grading of South Street from Como Avenue North to Grotto. Street, under Preliminary Order approved August 21st 192'3 - — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 18. 2 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: .115 _. 1 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is o� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 22 1 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 do DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Except Como Blvd. 1 5 Como Heights Add. 30Ci0 p n n 14 do 1400 �5 4 do 200 1 do 4.50. , 1H 3 do .35.0 1 do 125' 18. 2 do .115 _. 1 do 50 22 1 do 50 1 1 do - TOTAL, - -^' - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF//�� +NCE REPORT OF COMMI;;WE OF FINANCE�� `6 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Quincy St. vawi.tOa ad j- & tixc-Como Dlv,i- & S.51. 171don- ing South 4 31 Como 3100: Ir- j Quincy St. vuouted , {i j. Neve. Soy' for Iuidening 6 32 do 600 South ExoePt S-5' for widening South 5 32 do 600' Exc. Ave.S.196 of PI. - of 2745 11 -w -i S-r--yi' Sec.?3,T.2y,N.23 12J70 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissions°r•ot Public Works. % Dated----— Commissioner of Finance. Fnrm B. B. Iz i �l 'Office of the Commissions of Public Wo cEiv�® ' 3 Deport to Commissioner of Finance h of AUG 291923 August 28, -- 1923 ---191---- - --------------- --- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of 47866 August 21, 192? the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved _________________--- __191_relative to condemning and taking an easement -in- the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of South Street from ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Como Av nue North to Grotto Street, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. t+ X00 __________________ 1_L _ _ ___________ mmissioner CoPublic W". v°b CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL LIQ--_--4iR19o15�_.__ FILE �Y ." .'"' ` o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RENTED ! G October 3,1923 '0 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is herby authorized t.o purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Highway Reversible trailer ndel BP4-1) , complete with expansion type braked for the sum of 01595.00, f.o.b. St.Paul, with out advertisement cr competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage bould be gained thereby. Charge P.W.—St. & Sewer Cleaning -Garbage Collection 35-8. COUNCILmm Yea- Nays vtlancy Ferguson McDonald _._In favor Matson 6 ✓ Peter ____...Against LZ —el Mr. President Adopted by the CouncilOCT__..--._-3 - 1923 .___.------------ ........192- -... OCT:31923 roved 192.---- t. e r, MAYOR COUNCIL No—AS-951 CITY OF ST. PAUL vae- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oohs. 3, 1923. RESOLVED .. That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, as surety, and Theo. Hamm Brewing Company, as principal, dated Oct. 7, 1920, in the eum of $6,000.00, covering a trap door at 255 L. Seventh St., be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as the said trap door i covered by a new bond; provided, however, that nothing here n shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior t the an,: of said bondo ��L' h6v acrucd pilot to;: the cnnceunt of anldbond. AdoD cd-nby the CO""' Oct. Approved Oct. 3, 1923. „-(Oct..13-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L, -Clancy 1/Ferguson (/ McDonald ...... In favor I,- Matson Peter __.....Against Mr. President OCT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Council... _ ................_................192...-.. OCT 3 - 1923 Appr/ved...._ -......... � „'....... 192 CITY OF ST. PAUL UNCIL ML. No -------- 48852 ---- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY P Oct. 1, 1923. COMMISSIONER.--,-.... . .............. . .......... . . ...... . ................... . ........................ DATE . ...... . ............ — --------- --- ------ ---------- - . ......... RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Southern Surety Company, as surety, and W. H. I t Schmelzel Company, as principal, dated May 7, 1980q in the sum of $6,000.00, covering air and water station at 117 West University Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released as the said air and water station has been removed; provided, however, that othing herein shall be construed as releasing said incipal and surety from any liability which may have a.. ued prior to the cancellation of said bond. 862 Wm. J. Peter i not rhe bondgivento-t the: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay L ---Clancy I/ Ferguson i/ McDonald ... In favor Matson -Peter .-Against _W-efl2Fs'i -*'Mr. President Adopted by the Council. 1923:. ___192 . .... Approved. ..... OCT 3 1923 VIVIX z r/ . 10. ............... . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL -" FiLE NO.. --." t(^'/`- ' FILE �=•-`5 OFFICE OF THEY CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4TED• By -Ig / / s_--.._. [f ISSIONER.JJ_!J. -' 666......!!!!!1:::444...__....._......_......._............._.................................._. DATE .... _.......... :_Qij..t a...._rJ�.y_..Lat:�- ---------- _...... _ RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of at. Paul by Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, as surety, and Theo Hamm Brewing Company, as principal, dated May 15, 1923, in the sum of X1,000000, covering the maintenance of a driveway for a filling station at Como and Front Streets, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as the driveway has been completed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond, Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays L,/ Clancy V� Ferguson V McDonald _In favor Matson D x Peter � _..---.-- _-_Against U % Mr. President .0 I"I V"/"y'C Adopted by he Couneii QIV.70....I VW ..--.......192...... Approv - -- ....... - -192 -- -- MAVOP OUR= K Peter, (IIommisstoner .1rte Mallette, Uep atu (dommissinner Orpa tntrut of VAblir Works MtH of 01utt Paut GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WN. N. CARLY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October S. 1933 TO THE HONORABLE THE CITY COUNCIL: Under date of October 4th the Council referred to ma al.resolution cancelling bond of Theo. Hamm Brewing Company covering a driveway for a filling station at Como and Front Streets for investigation and report, as to whether or not the filling station is on City property. The filling station io on private property and the driveway is to connection from the street proper to the filling station over City property. Ordinance No. 3466 of May 13, 1915 states that a bond should be delivered to the City for �1,000<00 for the construction of said driveways and said bond ohall be in force only during the construction of the driveway. Original resolution is returned herewith. Yours very truly, IJP: AS �I ,�%� Co4c'o-il 44, o Works I�-4A 1r % - ,v' N 0', 4 54 =UNCIL No.- ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK �11L R5�02UTIONGENERAL FORM ISSIONER . ...... . PRESENTED BY DATE . ........ C OMM OREREAS, permission and authority were given to Listoe and Wold to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City Of St. Paul pursuant to Ordinance No. 58.66, and License No. 31 was issued thereon; and MOREAS, Liability policy No. AL -147840 was filed in OOm- plianoe with said ordinance No. 5966 covering said automobile, Listoe and Wold appearing as principal and the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company as surety; and WHEREAS, Said Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company has notified the City, in compliance with said ordinance Ho- 5866 of the expiration of said policy and had submitted Policy No. APL -17531 incelabstitution therefor; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy NO. AL -147640 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and Liability policy No. ALF17531 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided, that said cancellation shall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of expiration. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay .-n—cy erguson ,-McDonald .............In favor Sudheimer Peter C .............Against President .� 410, OCT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Council .. .............. _---------- Ap7v'edJ92 ... ....... MA YoR .. / COUNCIL NO.--._.. 1',_f�. 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE "- ""'' OFFICETHE CIT>ZLERK COUNCIL L 1FORM PRESENTED BY/� CtObeT�99 ?3._...----.- ' COMMISSIONER___.........____..__.._._.._.....___ ----------------- _._....__..... ---- ...... .._- ... .._._. DATE__.M_......_....__ - MMREAS, Permission and authority were given to Thomas L. Otte to operate a eertain�.automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul pursuant to Ordinance NO; 5866, and License No. 92 has been issued thereon; and WIiEREAS, Liability Policy NO. 3191532 was filed in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5866,.00vering said automobile, Thomas L. Otte appearing as principal, and Casualty Automobile Policies company as surety; and as WHEREAS, in compliance withmsaideOrdinance No. 58bbolicies company hof thei City, fled the City, cancellation of said policy and has submitted Policy No. 3303b01 in substitution therefore, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. 3191532 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and Liability Policy No. 3303bO1 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided that said cancellation shall not affect said suretyls liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date og cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy f/h'erguson ,,� McDonald _ In favor ,,-AMAn Sudheter v Peter ...... ___._Against �Mr. President 192.._. Adopted by the Council OCT __..-._.3 - -...__192,3 _.......... _ {/ OCT 3 - 1923 pproved ..192....-- -....._. MA YOR 8856 No CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL 4---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -NCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October COMMISSIONER.__........ _ _..... ..._.. ._�_. ._.....__..._._.__..__........_ ............._.�.._..._...__.._ DATE__._..............._._.__I(...2......_ ._ 3SMSMVIED 11 WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given to George J. Ketchum to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the Oity of St. Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5566, and License No. 29 was issued thereon; and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 3191547 was filed in com- pliance withsaid Ordinance No. 5566, covering said automobile, George J. Ketchum appearing as principal, and Oasualty+ Automobile Policies company as surety; and WHEREAS, Said Casualty automobile Policies company has notified the Oity, in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5566 of the cancellation of said Policy and has submitted Policy No. JA -3303602, in substitution therefor; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. 3191547 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and Laibility Policy No. JA -3303602 is accepted in l0eu thereof; provided that said cancellation shall not affect said suretyls liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy i' Ferguson McDonald In favor pal, Sudhe imgr Peter Against zel Mr. President .... Adopted by the CouncipaT.3 * -.19_3 '.._......._._.._.1 .-. 192_ OCT 3 1923 App o ed . _... ....._- _._ 192 1111 ----- MAYOR CFou�Rci�g___ NO..... - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK NC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__.DATE__..._._QO_Ii,ObBT__3,_,_Z-9Z3,-__„__ _...__...__......_...........__......._. . .____.._._.___._._.__._...._..........___.._.__._.... REM04M WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given to W. 0.-Lofgren to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul pursuant to Ordinance No. 5866, and License No. SS was issued thereon; and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 3191546 was filed in oompliance with said ordinance No- 5866, covering said automobile, W. D. Lofgren appearing as principal, and Casualty Automobile Policies company as surety; and WHEREAS, said Casualty Automobile Policies company has notified the city, in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5566 of the cancellation of said Policy and has submitted Policy No.,JA-3303603, in substitution therefor; tnow therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. 3191546 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and Liability Policy No. JA -3303603 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided that said cancellation shall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓lancy (/ Ferguson McDonald In favor ,,gj:kW Sudheime v ” Peter Against L,�`Mr. President OCT 3 -1423 .__192.---- Adopted by the Council__ ..............._.__...... . OCT 3 - 1921 - Apy red....... .... 192 xv . MAYOR COUNCIL No ------- OF ST. PAUL FILE ��YY iTHE CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By. . COMMISSIONER___..........____._.........._.._.._._.._....___....__.._ 9LSi7V>£ID WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given to John L. Dillon to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul pursuant.to Ordinance No. 5866, and License No. 33 was issued thereon, and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 325lbO3 was filed in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5566, covering said automobile, John L. Dillon appearing as principal, and Casualty Automobile Policies company as surety; and WHEREAS, Said Casualty Automobile Policies company has noti- fied the City, in compliance with said Ordinance No- 5966 of the cancellation of said Policy and has submitted Policy No. 3303604, in substitution therefore; now therefore, be it hESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No, 325lbO3 be and MV' the same is hereby cancelled, and Liability Policy NO- 3303bO4 is accepted`*in*lieu' thereof; provided that said cancellation $hall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have nn mlrred prior to the date of cancellation. Vp COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓' Ferguson McDonald... ......... _An favor ,,-YAMn SudheiWer PPetteer,�� _-.____Against Mir. President a� Adopted by the CounciPC-T - S--- -.. 19 -.- 192._... Aprved-.. OCT 3 1923 192. SJ�jir 0 f ... f l MAYOR �a COUNCIL Np,0•--JL88�5 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 'v----------------- OICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RE96LUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ....... OC_LC�DB_/.. f..._�•1 �l_._.._._ RESOLVED WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given to George Nadeau to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5866, and License No. 69 was issued thereon; and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 3191549 was filed in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5666, covering said automobile George Nadeau appearing as prinoipal, and Casualty Automobile Policies company as surety; and WHEREAS; Said Casualty Automobile Policies company has notified the City, in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5966 No the oa036,05, innof said substitutionitherefor; nowand has bmitted therefore, be it No • JA -33 3 . 5 RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. -3191549 be and the same is hereby cancelled, and Liability Policy No. &A-3303bO5 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided, that said cancellation shall not affect s9id surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of oaneellation. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson L- McDonald _ In favor I;IM& Sudheim�r Peter/ _.--... _Against gpzd- �r. President 1,Jjur� Adopted by the CouncilOCT 3 -1923 ...... ............... .__._..._192..... 1923 Approv d_...00T ...- 192.:.... � - MAYOR I a)- CITY OF ST. PAULNO.. - . FOUCNCa -4-886- OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK . NCI UT IO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE_...... OCtober _ .'..._1.9_Z3._....._.__... COMMISSIONER.__------------ _--------- ..----- ._..__...._.._.....__.............._...__....._................_. DVI D WHEREAS, Permission and authority were given to Mrs. Augusta Cole to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul pursuant to Ordinance No. 586b, and License No. 76 was issued thereon; and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 3251605 was :Oiled in compli- ance with said Ordinance No. 58b6, covering said automobile, Mrs. Augusta Cole appearing as principal, and Casualty Automobile Policies company as surety; and WHEREAS, Said Casualty Automobile policies company has notified the city, in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5966 of the cancellation Of said Policy and has submitted Policy No. 3303b06, in substitution therefor; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Liability Policy No. 325160beand the ,same is hereby cancelled, and Liability Policy No. 3303606 is accepted in lieu thereof; provided that said cancellation shall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date o 1. f cancellation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy I✓Perguson !� McDonald In favor ✓ Mg& Sudh0imAr Peter ...............Against Mr. President 10�Ijly Adopted by the Council OCT 3 - 1923 - 192- --- OCT 3 - 1923 oved---_ ._._-------.._ _._...._192..--- -----------.... MAYOR CITY OF Sf. PAUL ccOUNa`No. FIe THECITY CLERKUIL —UTIONGENERAL FORM RPESENTED BYCOMMISSIONER......._..__.._.._._.__._.__._.___... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for oonduoting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City. Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment'' Into the city treasury of the customary fee: J. Biglow & J. Powell, 452 Robert St., Dennis Coughlin, 317 Carroll Av., Michaud Bros., (123 8th St.) 507 &Robertasha SSts., D. J. Messner, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1/Clancy vFerguson ,,-McDonald ----- In favor .,,- ]RWg& Sudheimer Ll- Peter kd...Against Mr. President Adopted by the Council -OCT 31923 192 ---- - OCT 3 - 1923 App r ed -------------------_- 192 t 1 l /�C's„✓-� MA - -, MAYOR ^y , COUNCILNO FILE "'-- Q RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses t4ndioated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in= struoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Charles Bernstein, 1948 Ashland Av., Grocery Cohen, 488 Brainerd St., 34 Robert St., 11Frank Confectionery H. J. Davini, Peterson & Ouellette, 97IF Selby Av., Bakery Piggly-Wiggly Stores Inc., 1816 St. Clair St., 331 Wabasha St., Grocery Confectionery John Poulos & John ginnas, 2bl university Av., Grocery Armilia Beibeau, 385 Wabasha St., Confectionery Mark Brothers, Mrs. Frank Crews, 194 Summit Av. Delicatessen Sam Dana, b86 Canada St., Grocery " John Donecek, 1142 Farrington St., ° Erickson & Anderson, 1103 Payne Av., 357 Robert St., Confectionery Fannie Farmer, Mrs. A. R. Goldstein, 1092 E.7th Grocery Confeotionery Rarkins Bowling Alley, SSt,' 3 1382 Payne Av., Grocery John Olson, 0. E. Sauter, 20 Hamlin Av.,., 880 John 9ohelea, E. Third St 164 Iglehart St., ° Mrs. F. A. Sohurmer, Mrs. J. Solomon, 164 Eva St., J. J. Sweeney, 1603 Selby Av.., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ,--'Ferguson V-' McDonald_...._.__In favor Sudheimer 1 Peter -.Against Mr. President O OCT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ___...._.....__.._....._ ... 192_ _. A roved.. OCT 3 Y +� _s, b __.._.._. .. ...... MAYOR PUBLISHED—�23 O,TY OA BT. P�IIL ORIGINAL TO °1TM.-K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER: nQq^� pe!(�i ,. ooasaxL 4f'l9,63 k. D-34 17.113-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P.L 1V0 ._......... _ .... 708 A. Y 1PT , ` OY. AUDITED......_FJ. G..S. _... �.�� /C/jOM/PTyRO�LLXRER� PER ... _...... ................. .....!.................. __........... _._._ .... 68,425.53 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City -Treasury, to the aMre$ate amount of $.......................................... covering .r checks numbered....172g�! ....to-._ 17306 ......... . ....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Taney,:" / Adopted by the Council -001-3... f923 - 191........ �Fergnson,-;_-. ----In favor CJCT 3 - 1921 McDonald, (J/} /f 19 ................................ ......... Mam- Sudhe9mer Peter, Aainst AP w- - VI& President, Nelson a 17297 Borchert -Ingersoll Company, 6,657.03 :dater 17298 'Stewart H. Browne Company, 22A�0 17299 Cities Service Oil Company, 11.76 Water 17300 J. ILII. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 24,873.11 ;Police 24,209.47 (Pensions) 466.14 (auto) 197.50 ; 4.r_78. 3.11 17301 J. Pk. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 34,314.88 Fire 34,287.38 n (Auto) - - 27.50 34,314.89 3 fi 17302 .Daily News Publishing Company, 193.15' Elect ion Expense 17303 Feyen Construction' Company, 985.50 L' 1720 iteis. 708 Page jf2 17304 Great Zakes Coal & Dock Company, - 1a252v75 St.. C. & R. (Pay.) 865.80 ,.oIkhouse 258.30 Sprinkling 128.65 ,21` 2. 17305 Jointless Fire Brick Company, 37.83 "J& t e 17306 Western Union Telegraph Compawo 77.02 G.F.-&fisc. & Unf. 25.72 Police 51.50 -VV—.02 4 f ADRUPL=TE G arxx oP ex. PA.OL f .b Cm CLERK F.— D-34 IM 12-22 _ _ NO—....................... LLE., . PE Resoled that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a�regate amount of $ -- covering checks numbered.to.............. .............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in. the office of the City Comptroller. I Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council- OCT 3 - 19�� 192... . ---------- .- ,,-Ferguson, �-..In OCT 3 - 192McDonald, - favor �{ Approved... _.-... --------------------------------------------192------- ✓Ivklts3n,m Sndheimer U --Peter, � Against 'Mr; President, Nelson C. F. 42864= ' Resoivel -that checks be drawn om- ameountyoTreasury, r84,269 16;t covering sch cke', numbered :17123 to -.17130. -incluatve;"-as- Per're lstet P city checks on -Nle Io. the ofl ce f theCity..Compt(,roller.' Adopted -by the COuncil OEt. 31923: ADMWd-.Oct 3:--1923. ` ?)(OcY 13=1923) - 1 — TO '.I— OB aT. Va & _ .IGINAL •DY CI K - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 8864 [ ..vs.in !` 864 F.mn-s4 iat iz-za` AUDITED CLAIM!5-RESOLUTION FORDS ==zE NO ..... ......... ... 17124 W. J. Baldwin 40.60 SEP 1 i63 AUDITD.. _.. ..................... _ MPTROLLER. I'BY ... " 17125 693 " Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the regate amount of $---:-_Ix259. 25....... ....................... covering 1,420.00 checks numbered ------ 17112$.........to-....._121.150 ------------- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Water Clancy, OCT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Council..._ ----------------------------------- - -- - 17126 Ferguson,In favor --,-,--. r/McDonald, ✓I ruff Sudhelmer Peter, 0 u A oved ..:.. OCT 3 - 1923 .......... 192--- -- Against f y .... - .... �• ^ Grad. Alley Hackett t,,'Mr. President, Nelson x Subd. Bk.4 534.50 17123 H. H. Fletcher 85.00 Mun. Empl. Bureau 17124 W. J. Baldwin 40.60 School 17125 Commercial State Bank, Assignee of Barsby. Haber Johnson Co. 1,420.00 Water 17126 Christ Johnson 1,056.55 Sewer on Earl 522,05 Grad. Alley Hackett Subd. Bk.4 534.50 1 17227 Fielding & Shepley 1,038,00 Sewer &.House Drain Conn; 17128 John P. Ryberg 150.00 Non -Assess. Impr. - 17129 Mrs. Minnie B. Wollan 12.00 Park 17130 Martin Wunderlich 457.00 Grad. Alley B1k.15 Sylvan Pk. �f QUADRUPLICATE oV 02, PA9 To CRYt K - . Form I) -341M12.22 - covsaxc 4t 71..19]�p .. �`n No..._.._.._..__.._— a r BY PrR0l1ER AUDITED....... ... /. .. _ PER_................. Resolved that checks be drawn on the Cit Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ �p $rJ.°.6�--_......-- covering 1`7320checks numbered..... . ----- .. to .......7 a� -_...-...._inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City 0 - a Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ } Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. L, -'Clancy, Adopted by the ConnciL............OCT_3 - 1923 _19 j .__. erguson, .1/.. - In favor OCT 3 - 192.B,/McDonald, /�J{ Approved------------------- ....................... ----... 192 ---- M Sudhelmer { xPeter, : .....Against 1/Mr. President, Nelson 0 '.0 F. No. 48866—- R 1 ed ecks th 'aury,tchon- ;.th City Tr ,drawn to thb u 6o.617322 mt Inlguns'-infivhle- b d:f1--7- MQ _ ggcter Of iin.k7 ee1. �1t0 the bAd ptedy tthCCotuynctn1e 31923.s - ADProved Oct 3 1923.O t 13-1323) - 0 ; ORIGINAL TO CITY OV 9T, PAUL - CIT MMK - OFFICE OF TIM COMPTROLLER aoasoaL C "866 ro�n•sa tat ta•xz AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM F.LE NO .........._. 713 Ii 0�T .. .. PER ............ .. MPTROLLER AUDITED ................... _.. .__. _ .192.. _ .... .. ...... ... ........... .. .......... ..... . _............_ Resolved that c b drawn on the Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_--?-38:5.51 covering ..... 1� 2Z -.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.... ... .....to .... ........... ... p ty Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. (PT. 3 - 1923 ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council. ...... .... :._ .192---.... UC7 � t92� L,,, Ferguson, —4-.�n favor ✓McDonald, Approved- ✓i�xarsotr APProv.ed.:-------- ... .....^✓t'`� a'1u�9o2 _ jSudheimer ✓Pet ../G./Q.Against - --- Mr --- --. President, Nelson .......................... ------------------------ ................................................ 17320 Crescent Ilfg. Comi-,uny, 265.90 Schools " 17321 Kunz Oil Company, 899.64 Schools 490.00 l.ud it or ium 409.64 99.6 17322 St.Paul =White Lead & Oil Company, 221.97 Schools ��F� • / QUADRUPLICATE - aixY oa ex, nADL -. To CRY CLERK - %jn(�$�/p^y(��/j�� aDIISDIL �4.N.`JV NO.. _.._ Farm 13.34 1M 12.22 . C I " a• BVCOMPTROLLER AUDITED.... _...................... _ _ _ _........ 192 ....... _ PER____ -------- Resolved that be drawn on the CA �reas 9bb3o$2 , to the aggregate amount of $--------••-•--•-- covering 7e s Treasury, checks numbered......_ --------------_...-to......... �e55 ......_.. _ .--..inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( t' Nays. — Clancy, -OiT 3 - 1923 Adopted by the Council. -------------- .........._--..:... �jn favor OCT 3 - 1923 iV McDonald, t/Z&tIO.I Sudheimer Approved - ----............'----192--- _ (/Peter, VI -1<11 President, Nelson .---......Against - C. F. No. 48867— Resolyed -that checks be drawn:.on 'the City. .Treasury, to the aggregate' ;amount - " - •- - ----^--�--•'-^-- _ - -' - -"' oP $963.32,-nbvering Check. numbered 17316 to 17319 inc' C per' '.per' register, of city checks on 11 1. th (flee of the city - Il -Pt." .0 mptroiler: by th CO." Oct. 3, 1923 �� ApprovedIO L 3, 1923 _ I t I ;(Oct 13-192.; 3) ( ' i i 1 _.ORIGINAL TO �. .. OixT OP 6x,aavi. '. `s""`E"K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F— D-3-1 iu tz•:z AUDITED CLA.INS—PESOLUTION FORM :� NO . . ........ ... . 7;2 (✓/ _ .l t 1 2 I aY co- Dom...... AUDITED _ ...... PER..........._.._............__. ..... ................ ............ 953.32 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ .............._...._......._..................... covering 5 173 t checks numbered........... I-------- ----- to ............. ..............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office o$ the City • p _ _p� , C. F. 'Yr 49868-Ord(nanco Vo ,0346 " 34 J Pete,i� - An unina c Ernpti l n Joseph Zoch- - /– ' air stB ton t06 the: and —1,1a.,.. o M station on the: east side, of est and: effenue between Seventh . No.. and :Jest Seventh nth t known an No: 916.West Seventh etr et *^ rccti of tho St , An ordinance granting to Josepj'Z6oh'permiosion to .install and maintain an air station on the east aide of Toronto avenue, between Seventh street and Jefferson avenue, known as No- 915 Wost'"/ Seventh street. 1''/!y 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:-� Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Joseph Zooh to install and maintain as air station on the haat side of Toronto avenue, between Seventh street and Jefferson avenue,,p(�iy� being in the rear of No. 915 West Seventh street, and the Commis - stoner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of ;said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Live Thousand Dollars (05,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, oper- ation, presence or removal of said air station. Said bond shall be In such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee when- ever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall,,take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. QQT 2Q 192. Passed by the Council �J Yeao Nags tar �lenoq ✓Peru®®n ®Donald U Peter sudheiffier ✓�enzel , Mr. Piesident (Nelson) OCT 24 192B. Appeoved PUBLISf�Ii D -a'7— 3q®r Attestr— Oitq lerE� R 4 868 An ordinance granting to Joseph Zooh permission to install and maintain an air station on the east side of Toronto avenue, between Seventh street and Jefferson avenue, known as No. 915 test Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Joseph Zooh to install and maintain an air station on the east side of Toronto avenue, between Seventh street and Jefferson avenue, being in the rear of No. 915 Wiest Seventh street, and the Commis- sioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars 05,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, oper- ation, presence or removal of said air station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and -shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee when- ever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shallntake effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council HENRY d OLSONtop CITY CLERK a Mr. C. P. Wally, Cite of 6aint haul Office of (git (glerh corporation councol. Door Sir: September 28th, 1923 H. J. RIORDAN GO ASST. CITY CLERK The application of Joc. Zoch for permlosion to install an air Station on the east vide of Toronto Street botmon Seventh end Jofferoon 8troeto, known ao 915 n. Seventh St., vae referred to pen today for the proper fora of ordinaries, all poporo .-of which are attached horowith. Yours vory tral , one. CITY eI,B@&. 0 ARTHUR E. NELSON, MAYOR. LOUIS BETZ. CMwlnMwr= Vic¢ CMAIRMAR J. M. CLprCY. y GOM. °i FINw°ee t MRS; P. N. CARDOZO L. R. S. FERGUSON. - J. E. CARROLL Cow..' EoucwTION �I pp ��A�y�yOj �QQQ Q¶� `�{�'�� Q� F. W. . 'TSON. 4y"3 �'(1� A.. C. FLOAN COM, Puel.le SwP¢rT H. J. HADLICH J. H. MODONALD. E. L. MADAM A Cow. op PUOLIc UTILITI¢° Q 55 �y'9 gppp gg9q ¢m WM. J. PETER, el� 5.:,- cin$ aut Minnesota C. A. MAGNUSON CO.. op PM OLIO W.— Y 77VV"{8i M. G. MUELLER H. C. WENZEL. n /y� ^ ' Cow. OP nucEB�tO...CONO¢ 3111 CULT 31all MISS BEAGA PEARSON P. M. REAGAN GEORGE M: SHEPARD. CIT ENOINe¢n J, A. SEEGER W. T.MARCH. C. F. McNALLY. GEORGE H. HERROLD. _ A. H. STEM SupT. — PAR¢. M_AO— DIRECTOR MRO E1111J. CLAIR'STONE Co.1... T IOM 0111— ISAAC SUMMERFIELD E. M. SKIPTON. H. J. VON CER WEYER CITY COMPTROLLER Soptembar 27th, 1923° Hro Henry Olson, City Clerk. Hoar Sir :- in regard to application of Joe. Zooh for permission to install an automobilo air station on the east side of Toronto Street between Soventh and Jefferson Streets, known as 915 U. Seventh Streoto This is an nooessory use to filling station there novo A public hearing having b6dh',hdld onoo to parmit the filling station thereo, this ac000sory use may non bo permitted without another public hearing. �By direction of Commissioner Petero Yours very truly, s- -Man ng all REH � Td ACX 6i ' TYw-0 �1t 5 NP _4, a 'z , GEORGE C PUGHEI ,COMMI9910NER HARRY A. JOHNSON, OCPUTY COMMI9SIONHR r if d jkbtr �dAV September 24, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson; Returned herewith is application of Joseph Zooh for permission to instal and maintain an automobile air station on the east side of Toronto street between Seventh and Jefferson streets, known as 915 W. Seventh street. This installation is ap- provod_by the Bureau of Police as to traffic and it Is recommended that permission be granted. r Yours t , 0 i Commissioner of Publio Safety - S O IalT �. VLRY �OLf ' ..1. 1..rr`07I .a pISY ,OA a o a °pm� _ems FRANK W. SOMMER CHIEF v BUREAU OF POLICE OFFICEOF Saint Paul,Minn. Sept. 22, 1923 POLICE REMBER NATE BUP[AU iDENT1iiCPT�OM George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Joseph Zoch for permission to instal and maintain an automobile air station on the east side of Toronto Street, between Seventh and Jefferson Streets, known as 915 W. Seventh Street, you are advised that Captain Gebhardt investigated this locationaand he reports that traffic would not be hampered should this air station be installed. _V ry truly ,,'urs a -2 A. Frank) W. Sommer, SA Chief of Police C N IOriginal 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Thie application to be made in and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submhitted to the CityCler- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION Application No. Form No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota Date 77A) — 1 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Nam. of Firm or Ind ,mml or permission to (install and maintain ` Service Station n Automobile .vr .r water �� side of C — St. Ave. n the ' l ,etween -r— S . Ave. ^*`�— St. Ave. :nown as-9Ju Strcrt Number and Street 4umber of air connectionsNumber of water connections - Received at office of City Clerk f By Approved Approved Passed 19— as to street traffic as to use of street Approved 19— Date_—_----�'1 19 Date 19— Ordinance No. Permit No. Al-L�'"f Publ Commr. of Pubic Works. O Remarks ' �e�p�xtmexti�'ak `���m CITY OF. ST. PAUL CARLTON , M°NALLY aTANT A RNCY. ARTHUR A. STEWAW. EUGENE M. O'NMI REECE J. NESE - L M L. ANDERSON ootober 3rd, 1923 - To the Council- Gentlemen:- Pursuant ouncil.Gentlemen:-Pursuant to your Lustruotioaa, I am trane- raitting herowith an ordinanoe granting to Joseph 2o0h permission to install an air station on Toronto avenue between JOffereon avenue and West Seventh street. Yours vory truly, C F No 48866—Ordinance No. 6146-r1 Hy WrnJ,; Peter- - drdt ante grantinF••to Nat Taylor Q: .'por isatyoum;t - lnatail and mntatal¢ e .aBo183 �Ye.t Central S elnueg stattonl The Councilu ^of the Ctty oY St .docs ordaf SECTION 1, Al/ / An ordinance granting to Ylat'Taylor permission to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at 123 test Central avenue THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: .sem t T Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted !� to Vat Taylor to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling /J station at 123 bast Central avenue, and the Commissioner of Public Qorks is hereby authorized to A slue a permit to the said licensee for said filling rotation, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said filling station shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, andd the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (010,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from any.and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, ,shall have 1 such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with. the City Comptroller. (3) Said curb pump filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay.any license fee or tax that may be, -required by any ordinance of the City of St.,Paul.. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council QCT 2Qi ' -7-77, �n77,7.v e C, F No. 48889—Ordlnunco No.'6I�6— i By Wm. 7. Peter ,An ordinance gratlttng to Nat TUYIo. �'. ,:. yermisslon- to Install t and maiptaln .. , a evrD pump Gasoltne.fllling station- 48869 9 (;Q [T�+ . s 123 West -Central a.penve., I 4�.{869 The Counsll.of the MY of $t ,Pu•• ' ;does ordai _ -' SECTION .1. i- - U///�• An ordinance granting to I7at' aylor permission to install and maintain a oi6b pump gasoline filling station at 123 west'Oentral avenue .f� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted ?J/ /0 to I7at Taylor to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling ld station at 123 Vest Central avenaIa, and the Commissioner of Public Qorks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said filling station, upon said licenseets compliance with the z following conditions: (1) Said filling station shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, andd>the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (010,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from any,and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of.or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, ,shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said curb pump filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pap. any license fee, or tax that may lier,equired by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty daps after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council OCT 20i". N u Yeas Ways HryL�lanoy e4erguson ✓HcDonald ✓Peter 0 /pudheimer ✓✓7enzel / mr. President (Felson) Apgr ed OCT 20 1926. n Mayor 0 — ;� 7- �3 Attest , PUBLISaD City Clerk 48869 An ordinance granting to Nat Taylor permission to install and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at 123 West Central avenue THE, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Nat Taylor to install and maintain a curb pump'gasoline filling station at 123 West Central avenue, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said filling station, upon raid licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said filling station shall be installed under the super— vision and direction of—said Commissioner, ancd the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shell furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the aura of Teen Thousand Dollars ($$10,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Cor -,,,,oration Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by ',he Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said curb pump filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordimac a shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council HENRY OLSON Vtp of 6aint �PauI CITY CLERK (Office of CCU (11erk October 3rd, 1923 H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK �d rr C� Mr.C.F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The Council today reforred to you the attached application of pat Taylor for permiosion to inotall and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling atation at 123 17eat Central avenue, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, one. CITYLERK. \ September 21st,1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House Building, on the 3rd day of October,1923, at ten o'clock A. M., relative to the installation of a curb filling station located at 123 West Central Avenue. Very truly yours, )C1.2, f Finan ce. 4 Department of Finn"re (!Cita of at Ilmd JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER L. C. SEAMER. CHIEF CLERK. J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY W. O. ADKINS. CHIEF CLERK. _ BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS BUREAU OF RECEIPTS ^ GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. 116-17,18 COURT HOUSE C. M. NYSFROM. CASHIER. PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES <i S BUREAU OF RECEIPTS September 21st,1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House Building, on the 3rd day of October,1923, at ten o'clock A. M., relative to the installation of a curb filling station located at 123 West Central Avenue. Very truly yours, )C1.2, f Finan ce. 4 GEORGE C. SIJDHEIMER,�QiiAMISSIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON. ORPUTY COMMISSIONER C tv of '�$afid 1jaul - 'Bleparbucat a public `September 18, 1923 Par. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is application of Nat Taylor for permission to instal -and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at 123 test Central avenue. This location has been investigated and approved both as to fire hazard and traffic by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Police, and it is recommended by th&s Department that permission be granted. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety /Y-/7 4�'SY .oPO ^i nO FRANKMSOMMER CHIT BUREAU OF POLICE pouCR OFFICE OP �� � � a z ATIONA,BYRCAV IDENTIiICATION Saint Paul,Minn. WAsoC, Sept. 17, 1923 George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Doar Sir: Referring to the application of Nat Taylor for permission to instal and maintain a curb pump gasoline station at 123 west Central Avenue, you a7eodvised that Captain Gebhardt c&o investigated this location re- ports that the filling.station will not inter- fere with traffic. �Vgny truly y s, ' erp&W-1V9. Sommer, S/W Chief ofPolioe. R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION September 8,1983 OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF HOn.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner Of Public Safety, St .Paul, Minn. Dear Six; In regatd to the application of Nat Taylor. for permis- sion to install and.ma,intain a curb pump gasoline filling ottLtion at 183 West Central Avenue. I have had the foregoing investigated and report that such a gasoline filling station at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vinnity; I therefore recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully Yours, Chief Inspector. Form No. OF SAINT PAUL This application to be in duplicate' and Original - OI{�ICE OF THE CITY CLERKF made submitted, to the City Clerk. To the Honorable City Council APPLICATION FOR LIOFNSE L w iS AUTOMOBILE FILLING S'I'A'd'IONi APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Application No. Form No. Date 8-2- 23 19— To the Honorable City Council w of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Nat Tailor BY Individual Nome at n— ar S Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) For License to Operate and Curb Pum A Gu olihe ^Drivo In" or "Curb"' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located - At 123 West C e nt r 1 2ve St—t Street Number and Number of Number of Gas Installed be InstalleTanks to be InstalledJo Capacity of Tanks 550 Pumps to —1— Received at office of City Clerk bignntu%of APPbennt �5 By 15 IIueinrsr Addtea+ ;' �— ""AIyPROVED APPROVED APPROVED. II ;wz AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC I � 971Z fL3' Date_-- g��7 192 3 Date ----19— 2 Dat _19 P. P., P. and P. B ' Contact. of Public Safety. & .Commr. of Public Safety Commr. of .APPROVED APPROVED PASSED - 19 APPROVED 19 Dat 19_ Date _19— ORDINANCE NO.— PERMIT NO. Commr. of Public Works. LICENSE NO. cs '. Approval withheld on account, of 19— and applicant so notified by letter dated } _.. (gun of_ JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY W. O. ADKINS• CHIEF CLERK. L. C. SEAMER. CHIEF CLERK. - BUREAU OF RECEIPTS -- BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS e�116-1 .. 7-1 8 COURT HOUSE C. M. NYSTROM. CASHIER, GEORGE P. DEAN. CASHIER. BUREAU OF RECEIPTS PARTICIPATING CERTIFICATES September 22nd,1923 Lfr. Alfred Bruckner, 119 !'lest Central LVenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Bruckner: A hearing mill be held in the Council C!,am,ber, tl:ira floor of the City Hall and Court House Building, on the 3rd day of October, 1923, at ter. o'clock A. M., relative to the installation of a ourb filling station located at 123 hest Central Avenue. If unable to attend kindly notify the undersigned, in tirriting, ahetthar you are in favor or opposed to the issuarce of said permit. Very truly yours, om Finance. issioner o' ��. C F. No;' 48870 -Ordinance No. ;6158=I BY N Fer�u.`on ///'''��� x//'777 Gam— An ordInanee grantingn permlasion to ��J`� Stone '.& Webater.� Ins to conatrurt i.., . . a temporary, railway track acro.`. the Misals.lppl '-River Boa]evard Thl. Is an emergency ordlnance- rendered ne e.aery for the .preset q � ^ �/� , � tt•.n � f�ablic peace, beatth.- /7C 'q,Jf A110' . w<• 1J • � fir- � V.t.. An ordinance granting permission to Stone & Webster, Inc. to construct a temporary railway track across the Mississippi River, Boulevard. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to Stone & Webster, Inc. to construct a temporary railway track across the Mississippi River Boulevard, as more specifically shown on the diagram on file in the office of the City Clerk, provided said railway track shall be.so constructed across said Mississippi River Boulevard as not to interfere with public travel thereon, and the same shall be constructed under the direction and supervision' Parke, Playgrounds and- Public Buildingo, and to the satisfaction of they�Commissioner ofAlub14-e-:Dowho- and Parko, Playgronnde and Public Buildings, shall, whenever ordered by the Commissioner of ftb&i-e-13¢ssthay be _ properly planked and guarded, and said track shall be taken up and removed from said boulevard at any time that the Council shall determine. Section 2. The foregoing permission and authority are granted upon the express condition that the said Stone & Webster, Ino --hall execute a surety bond in the sure of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to the City of St. Paul, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, indemnifying the City of St. Paul against any and all damages, claims and expenses of whatsoever nature, arising out of the con- struotion, maintenance, operation or removal of said track, and con— ditioned further that said Stone & Webster, Inc. shall restore the boulevard and pavement to its original condition, to the satisfaction Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildingo. ._of.the Commissioner of Pub-1APo-Weems: Section j. That as a condition of the isonance of the permit granted herein, Stone 4 ftbster, Inc. are required to provide a watchman who shall be on duty at all tides at the point where said tracks cross the boulevard.' Section 4, This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance, rendered necesoary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. I ti Section 5. Thic ordinance ohall take effect and be in force from and after ito publication. Passed by the Council OCT 2 3 1923 Yeas Nays Ng // Mr. Clancy McDonald Peter Sudhe ime r Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) OCT 2923 Appro PUBLISHED O — Ma or a Attest'_ ity Clerk I 4887® An ordinance granting permission to Stone & Webster, Inc. � to construct a temporary railway track across the Mississippi River Boulevard. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to Stone J& Webster, Inc. to construct a temporary railway track across the Mississippi River Boulevard, as more specifically shown on the diagram on file in the office of the City Clerk, provided said railway track shall be so Constructed across said Mississippi River Boulevard as not to interfere with public travel thereon, and the same shall be constructed under the direction and supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and shall, whenever ordered by the Commissioner of Public Works, be properly planked an$ guarded, and said track shall be taken up and removed from said boulevard at any time that the Council shalt determine. Section 2. The foregoing permission and authority are granted upon the express condition that the said Stone & Webster, Inc. shall execute a surety bond in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to the City of St. Paul, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, indemnifying the City of St. Paul against any and all damages, claims and expenses of whatsoever nature, arising out of the con- struction, maintenance, operation or removal of said track, anti con- ditioned further that said Stone & Webster, Inc, shall restore the boulevard and pavement to its original condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Section 3. This ordinance isherebydeclared to be an emer- genoy ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. ON D HENRY OLSONi �� L H. J. RIORDAN `CITY CLERK (Offiee of Cfg (l 6h ASST. CITY CLERK 00 * October 2nd, 19� Par. C. F. McNally, Corporation Councol. Doar Sir: dttachod herewith please note application of Stone & Uobctor, Inc. for permit to cross the Mississippi River Boulevard with a temporary railway track starting just below thbir as temporary office on the boulevard and ending on the bluff just oast of the Hydraulic Station. The Council has referred the same to you for the proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, CIA`C. STONE & IV EIBSTEn WINW Y012Yi BOSTON CY$YCAGO IIDIID'II6IIOFT O1F GOP3CB7I'IffiUCITIIOW AND IERIGIINM EMUNG. P. O. ]Box 0112, wr- IPAIIN.. PIIIIP rl. City of St. haul, Septenber 27 , 1923. Comm+r Parks, Pleygroun4o & public Buildirbr, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir :- in connection with our construction program for the Ford Motor Company at the Twin Citi Cs Look and Dam, it will greatly assist us if we are granted a permit to cross the Mississippi River Boulevard with a temporaiy railway trackstarting just below our temporary office on the Boulevard and ending on the bluff just east of the Hydraulic station. Cur chief reason for wishing to extend this track is to facilitate the delivery of very heavy pieced of machinery, some of which will weiZa— _ about 35 tano. The accompanying aketeh shoao the proposed location of the track and crossing. Yours very truly, J STONE & IESTER, INC., VXB-MEC Encl. o c Col. Brittin P. VR- Uj&. B. M. Cowan, Supt. Of C3:q' ME3W Yopar ]BOSTON CHICAGO HDIIO'II6],0r4 ®H+' C0WgTIDiffiCrj[0N ANTED IENGIINIETEIDIIING 1P. o. MOX 012. ST. PAU" R UNN. Sept. P.'/, 1923. Construction J. 0. 0903 City of St. Paulo Commiosioner of Parkoo Playgroundo & Public Buildingoo St. Paulo Hinno Bear Sire Ve have requested today in a separate letter that you kindly permit uo to Inetall a singlo traek aeroso the Fiver Boulevard at the 3111l Damao end we aro informed that you desire a bond guaranteeing that ve will properly maintain the Otreet. cad reotore the pavement to Ito original otato Mon wo remove thn temporary tracts. 4e oupeeted to do thio but could litre to know if you demand that ire famish a bond. Wo vould think that any promise ve might matte to you could be relied upon and that thio letter guaranteec tbat ve Will do the right thing. Vo don't enpoet to keep the track enr000 the street later than the Spring of 1926, and by the time you are ready to permanently pave the otreet vo Will have removed our traeko. Ac far aa liability of accidents io concerned ve cover We In every ohapo by inourance. Traoting you may oee fit to grant uo the permito We remaino aA Yours very truly. 7Rb o %neo 0 /S FACTORY 5VILDIAIG 'S" October 2nd, 1923, Egr. C. T+. tdcNtsllye Corporation Counsel. Doar Sir: Attached herewith please note application of Stone -E—Heboter, Inc. for permit *o cross the 1413Gi13sippi River r_. Boulevard with a temporary xailway track starting J1Ajt below their temporary office on the boulevard and ending on the bluff just east of the Hydraulic Station. s The Council has referred the Game to you for thG proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, ij 1 J - Q� CITY CURK, N/� Q Q p�' }j� dry( HENRY OLSON ``Y tp ®f nint 3PAUb H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Office of CtU Cvrh ASST. CITY CLERK T October 12th, 1923• Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commiosioner of Parke, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Building. fear Sir: - At the Council meeting held this morning the attached,ordinance granting permiaeion to Stone & Wobator, Inc. to construct a temporary railway track across the'Misaissippi River Blvd. was brought up for Third reading and approval as to form:'. The Council laid the mattor over one day to Oct. 13th without approval and referred it to your department because the Corporation Attorney was of the opinion that you would probably want to amend it as indicated on the slip attached to your ordinance. Yours R/M Ci Clerk. �� ---- _�-- - i r,, � , � j �; U r � ,f r rr�r` �v�f-� �� The Yollo iamendment to Oouncil file 48870 is moved r � by Thar a.v. h oAAoA AYtPT +hP ra .p in ine oY ec on "�7F47,, ���on That Section 3 of this ordinance be re-numbere as Section 4, and Section 4 be re -numbered Section 5, and that Section 3 of said ordinance shall be as follows: �1 °That as a condition of the issuance of the 3w3 permit granted herein, Stone & Webster, Inc. are I�IV required to provide a watchman who shall be on duty at all times at the point sphere said -tracks arose the boulevard.° October 22nd, 1923. d Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - Enclosed you Will find correspondence and map relating to the application of the Chicago, mil - Waukee & St. Paul Railway Company for permission to construct a temporary railroad track across the River Boulevard in the vicinity of the dam. Mr. Wenzel believes these papers should be attached to the papers in your office relating to the application of Stone & Webster for permission to con- struct a track across the boulevard. Yours very truly, x� o p ra �t�'Ccsel. CAT... rP • wT10. OUNSE L y /�,��G �, � ARTHUR A.STEWART 0 REECIS FIRST ASSISTANT 4TA LAW DEPARTMENT L.-GEE AssisTwN ON rs October 22nd, 1923. d Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - Enclosed you Will find correspondence and map relating to the application of the Chicago, mil - Waukee & St. Paul Railway Company for permission to construct a temporary railroad track across the River Boulevard in the vicinity of the dam. Mr. Wenzel believes these papers should be attached to the papers in your office relating to the application of Stone & Webster for permission to con- struct a track across the boulevard. Yours very truly, x� o p ra �t�'Ccsel. 9� (Bitg of St. Paul Department of Packs. Plaggcounas sub public fAluilhinp , WM. T.:NIARCH. 'OP �A°H8 - HERMAN. C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER - ERNEST�W JOHNSON, g IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 0- A- 215 COURT HOUSE _ October 17, 1923 Mr. Carlton McNally, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: You will find attached letter and blueprint from the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, requesting permit to construct and operate a temporary railroad track across the river boulevard, together with copy of my letter to Nr. Root, which explains same. If this pertains to the sane question, as that wherein the Stone & Webster Co., contractors for the Ford Motor Company apply for permit to cross the river boulevard.- and I believe that it does - these papers should be filed with their request. Pardon me for the delay in transfering these papers to you, as it was on account of my absence, with which you are familiar. Yours very truly, m1 Commissioner. October 6, 1923 Mr. 1 4, Roots Solicitor, C, id k St. Pau). Ry Co., iiinnoapolin, Minnesota. Dear Sir: 1 received your letter dated October 4, together with blueprint, showing, where y,)u. ;'esi. to cross the River houlevard. in :^onncotion - ith Aho construct icz of I the itYro-•electric plant at th:: hirh dao, and note Nat you say. Stone and -ebster, contractors for the mord Motor Company have already applied for such a per it and an ordinance is already being; prepared granting temporary permit. with -certain provision protecting the city's Interests, etc. I �\ I am quite sure that thin will take carr; of your iTplication, however, to rrknke sure I would suggest $� \ that ,you sae the Corporatioh Counsel in order to satisfy yoiu-self whether this will take care of the matter. Yours very trulys xi Commissionor. W Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. TO PUGET SOUND—ELECTRIFIED— F: W. ROOT Legal Department C. O. NEWCOMB ' A. C. ERDALL F. A`. McFARLAND Minneapolis, Minn., 25 Milwaukee Station October -5, 1923 Hon. Herman C. Fenzel, Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds & Public Buildings, St. Paul, 1innesota. Dear Sir: It is the desire of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to construct and operate a temporary railway track across the River Boulevard substantially opposite the High Dam, as shown upon the blue print here- to attached, to be used in transporting material for the construction of the so-called "Ford Plant", including the reconstruction of the power plant, among others, and it desires that permission of the City of St. Paul be granted for such purpose. It will be understood that the permit will terminate whenever the City shall pave the boulevard at this place and in any event, not later than May 1, 1924. The Railway Company will, at its own expense, main- tain good and sufficient planking so as to make the road- way of the said boulevard in good and safe condition for travel thereon. The Railway Company will also hold the city of St. Paul harmless from any and all damages occasion- ed by reason of the construction and operation of such track across said boulevard. Yours truly, R.S. Solicitor, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. 5 ; P �'C. F. No 46871—Onilnance No. Gi47—I - �' BYW;' J. Peter— p An edinanceappr ptfu.ting the sum, of Dight Hundred Twenty-two and d 7L OFFII- 80/100 D.111." (5822.80). out of the ��'� halon a .emai Ing of the aum of _ Gal! � E26,OI0.00 'P led Ordtn eal �vwrvc-+ri—x1 No. 6600 approved D cemh i 20 1920, M/_ I•'.r. the reconstruction or the 20 mer- t girder n mhe :PRESENTED ..BY: (// i. (-wing Fundl �COMMISSIONEq .. ..... ..... ...... .-,. v nortfnr. .... ..... ...: .... :........ .. ...... An ordinance appropriating the sum of -Eight Hundred Twenty-two and r ' 89/100 Dollars (822.89) out of the balance remaining of the sum of $25,010.00 appropriated by OrdinanceNo. 5500,�approved Dec- ; ember 20, 1920, for the reconstruction of the Somerville sewer, outlet,xand ordering the payment of said sum to the Permanent /? Improvement Revolving Fund for the purpose of paying a portion = of the cost of constructing a storm water sewer on Minnehaha 4 Street from the center of Frank Street to the existing manhole 329 feet west of the center'of:Frank St.P designated as Improve- ment L=1751. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary f,or the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of at. Paul does ordain:. f SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated- the sum of Eight Hundred Twenty-two and 89/100 ($822.89) out.of._the balance remaining from the sum of Twenty-five Thousand, Ten Dollars ($25,010.00) appropriat- ed'by Ordinance No. 5500, approved December 20, 1920, out of the zSewer Construction and Repair Fund 34-1 for. the reconstruction of /the Somerville sewer outlet, and the said sum of $822.89 is hereby ordered paid, to the -Permanent Improlement- Revolving Fund for the purpose of paying a portion of, the cost of constructing a storm grater sewer on Minnehaha Street from the center of Frank Street to the existing manhole 329 feet west of the center of Frank St., designated as Improvement i-1751. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( t) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council OCT 2® I928— Ferguson McDonald ......In favor OCT 20 1923 r/ -- A r ved-- -- --. —19..._.... ✓A%M,6cpeter �!?6WdxxSudheimer°.......Against 'Wenzel PUBLISHE % Mr. President a 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..-....`1>_.!7� FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Sl Xfr-17=LUTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the sum of Thome Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Playgrounds Fund No. 54, Expense Item, to E. W. Johnson, Supt. of Playgrounds, to defray the cost and expense of making a trip to Springfield, Ohio, by himself and Nr. Frank Drassal, Supervisor of Playgrounds, for the purpose of making an inspection and examination of playgrounds and playground equipment, and study the methods of supervision. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __---- In favor ✓/Matson J /Peter .. ....... Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council. -OGT -4.. j923.....__192.._.. App o ed ..QGT 4 -_192 .... _192...... 'A..:. - --MAYS L COUNCIL CIT OF T. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FARM 'PRESENTED BY J.M•Clancy - OcteD,er 4, 19230 COMMISSIONER:....... .......... ...... ............ ....... ...................................................... ..... DATE .......... ......... ......... ....... .... ... ............ .... ........ ... ...... RESOLVED That the sum of 0112.84, be, and is h.Qreby appropriated from the General Rund, Misoellsneous and Unforseen Expense. to pay Comptroller,. Registered Bill No. 613, for the erection of reviewing stand at Phalen Park for the 4th of July celebration. Therefore, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and inotruoted to issue and dran a warrant in favor of James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Vinance in the sum of 0`112.84, in payment of above bill, and deposit same to the credit of the Public Building Revolving Fund C. F. No. 48873—BY 7. Df: Cl cY Resolved, That tM1 sum f 81 from - ba, nd Is h eby appropriat d from the GeneraliFund M1.. 11a sous and _ 17ntorseen Expense, toComptrol- ler's Regletered Bill Na. 613, for the rectYb of rea+la In land.. t Phalen erect for the 4th of July celebratlon. - Therefore:-the proper_ City OfllCl.1. are h reby. authorized and Instructed o[ Issue mesa lK. Clancy. Commlast...r of.� Finance In the, of 8112.34, in ... ) men[ of nbthe -bill, and depoaft enure 111/llll(,tI1�/` to the credit of the Public Building Revolving-Fund. — 2 Adopted by the Council Oct..4. 1923. Approved Oct. 4 1923. (Oct 13-1923) Yes_ ( ✓) Councilmen ( 11) Nays lancy Adopted by the Council-Pp-TA - 1923 Ferguson )� OCT 4 - 1923 favor APPr -------------------19-..--- Peter n 1 SudheiTe4-.Agaiusr ------ — -- --- �y����� YwYOR Itir'r"�ae�mn+ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.. ...:2�8r- FILE................- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC L RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED VITMR3.13, Tae Commissioner of ; ducayion has reported to the Council in accordance .vith Section 53, of the City Chester the er_istence of an emergency which rendered necessary tae employment of certain em- ployes of his De:;c.rtment '_'or more than their usual hovrs of emt!loymant; therefore, be it, R3SOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay tae following named employed, at the rate otaerwise fixed for extra employment for the extra en1A(vmsnt for extra time herein- aftlor set -Forth: TITLE TI'X@ RaT�, TOTAL EARL M WILSON FIREMAN 20 HRS! 50- vl 11 65 AUGUST SEIDLER ENGINEER 15 HRS 65 $ 9 75 No. 48874—By L. R. S. I Imo he Earl rate, 60 AUSuI ito 6q sApopt Appra COUNCILNIF.N Yens Nays Clancy /Ferguson McDonald In favor ✓Matson l� ✓Peter _ _Against Wenzel Mr. President i, 20 hours; r, 16 hours;; oet. 4, 1983. - 1923 Adopted by the Council__._........4 ......._.........._-.192_.... proved nr r.- 1923 ...... .192-_.. V' rt`a - aim MPYOR FORI3 110. 1. RFP 9q- 192 An eraargency h:_s :risen in the D3?rrtrZ3nt of Dducation, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary tha employment of cer— tain employes of that department for more than night hours per day, in doing the following work: CI FAN ING SrHOOt 3 This e-aorg:,ncy rros3 by reason of the folapiving facts and circulstrxicas: g ApS(INDOy„S AWn_SUBSTITOTING FOR JANITORS WH 0 ARE )zLL- r This report is in c_ccord^nca with Section 53 of the Charter. �r� rr c�T n. „i... COUNOII 48875 CITY NO-. RdTE - OFFICEOF + P /®— COUNCIL RESOL �'aFi' No. 48876—By L. R.S: Pergus h ren.. The Commie honor t Ddu-! cntlon ha. reported to tha C un it !n P nccordanca with Secti n b8, oP the elty Cin ni•t - J/ -a�r.� PRESENTED BY 0 o e COMMISSIONER.-_L....R 5.....EERG.U.S. ... .__.. ..__... r the existence oP an emergency which rendered Re..esary: the..employ- mept et ler, employes- 6f hi. De=� -..3., Mont Pormore than, -'their usual - .. .frs -9...I'1.�.-1-92 .._...... ':.. oypempl.3in, t• d: Thnt.: th>' Ter -f be it, * 'city FRANK BONIECKI ,e, Per in -1 LABORER RESOLVED - •-. v; �'rt..�.i WHER:13, T;ie Commissioner of "ducacion hA reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the 32 HRS City Charter the existence of an emergency which Si 16 rendered necessary tae employment of certain em- HARRY FAV ILLO ployes of his De.,artment for more than their usual LABORER' hours of employment; taerefore, be it, R3,SOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the followl.rig named employes, 14 HRS at the rate ot:lerwise fixed for extra employment $ 7 for the extra enjA ryment' for extra time herein- JOS LANGENBERGER af*er set forth; LAB 2336 -8 HRS P7, TITL , TIi RdTE TOTAL CHARLES AITKEN PLUMBER 14 HRS $ 1 00 S 14 00 FRANK BONIECKI MAINTENANCE LABORER 107 32 HRS 50 Si 16 00 HARRY FAV ILLO MAINTENANCE LABORER' 1075 14 HRS 50 $ 7 00 JOS LANGENBERGER MAINTENANCE LAB 2336 -8 HRS 50 4 00 G LUCIA MAINTENANCE LAS -2301 -8 50 4 00 JAMES 0-DONNELL MAINTENANCE LAB 3150- 14 50 7 00 4HOS J 0 -NEIL PLUMBER 12 1 00 12 00 Yeas Nays ,_..,Clancy ,L -Ferguson McDonald _ .:�.....In favor I.- Matson E °r Peter Wenzel �Ar. President Against 4 - ..... Adopted by the Council_OCT 1923 192. ..._...._.... /1 OCT 4 - 1923 A,pproved...._ V MAYOR PIJDLISHED f V �/ 3 - 23 POM 110. 1. SEPT29TH 192 3 .1n ems rgency h:.s .risen in the D.;y,c,rtmmt of Lducaction. - Bureau of Schools, randaring necessary the onployment of car— tain employes of that dapartaent for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: QjQgINQ SEWER AND CLEANING PIPE This ea„rg ncy ^rosa by reason of tho fol7Lcwing frets and cipumst=cas: SF.�, gRR WAS STnpPFn AT I SNI( Al N .$rHnnL-. This report is in __ccordrnca with 3ection 53 0£ the Charter. RESOLVED /a CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4CGUNCIL RESOLUTIOy—GENERAL FORM A ......_.... _........ ...... _...................... //........._....------- ..........................._.__.........._...--------- DATE _-------- Y.Q_k That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the accompanying revised sketch plans pre- pared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for the New Taylor School, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to prepare or cause to be prepared, complete plana, estimates of coat and specifications therefor. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays i Clancy r— McDonald __.... .. In favor Peter .._._Against Las. iiia Pale¢. FeWdUoa l � b Adopted by the Council_ OCT4 192 OCT 4 _ 1923 ApproveCj/'_) Asti: ••R CITY OF ST. PAUL COONL1L NO...__.E-'I>.Q____. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUN� Z)LUTION--GENERAL FORM 'ala PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.___..zx�c�`%y__.........._............_._.....__............... DATE_ ............ ...._._._..........__._..........._.................._........... RESOLVED That the proper cit officers are hereby authorized to pay to Mose Bertrand, an employe of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul, injured February 10, 1923, the sum of One Hundred Eight Dollars ($106.00) out of the Uorh en's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to October 1, 1923. C. F. No 45877-8y L, g, 5:, Fergueon- Resolved,. That the pr Per city (r_ era a s hereby. n th rl d t PPay to btose.,B rIrand, an emDloyo' f th D -- Partment [ Edu ution of th City y. St.: Paul Injured February19 1923 the (;1'Su08;00). out of Hundredteork ashen .sD Coma pensatio Account of the Gcneral' Pund, in partial s ttiement of his cinim against id City, being for the Perlod- up to O tobe I, 1923 Adopt. l by the Cou I1 -Oct 4, 1923. A➢Pro ed Oct. 4 1923. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Educa on. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy TJ-cD tratd ___In favor �MeAeenS�,:Ih,, ..., ✓Peter __ _ _ _Against wen -eel EMOME Mr. Vim Prea. FOTC= 03 Adopted by the Council .. . OCT 4— 1923............_.------ - --- ----..192. OCT 4 - 193 App)ove4. f 192. .. Acting MAYOR Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E""`NO------- Y97" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK %1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VHEREAS, on September 25th, 1923, a resolution, being Council File No. 45661, authorizing the payment to Eduard Gill, an employe of the Board of hater COmmiSeionero, of the sum of 012.00 in final payment up to September 22nd, 1923, for injuries received in the course of his employment, was passed; and WHEREAS, Said resolution should have provided for payment is the sum of 016.00 for the period up to September 24th; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That said resolution be amended to pay the said Edward Gill the sum of {16.00 for the period up to September 24th, 1923. Nays Clancy McDonald "`f ----. In favor Peter _..____. _Against �eAzel Sir. Vico Pro,. FerM, ,on Adopted by the Council 00T a - 1923 .192 — OCT Approved.'. ,/ . -.- 192...... QQ I� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No ---------��l j--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Edvin Chappol, an employe of the Department of Public Utilities of the City of St. Paul, the sum of $y35.69 out of the Vorkmen°s Compen- sation A000uht of the General fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City for injuries received by him on the 31st day of March, 1923, said compensation being for the period up to October let, 1923. R r recommend the above resolution for passage. being -f r [h pert d p to: Octob r 1sL- .1923..-., . .. ,lcloptcd by, the Counell Oct. 4, 1923: Approved Oct..: 4, 1423. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy McDonald (. In favor McAeen S-Jd4;-cr V Peter _ _..Against teazel `ivttt-reea'leerr� Mr. Vice Prea. VO4N 3 Comm'r of Public Utilities. OC -14 - 19 Adopted by the Council .._.._..------ _192- ._. OCT a - t923 Approved . . ' i.. _ . - 192-. --. -- // (feah#MAYOR 1 V % OC -14 - 19 Adopted by the Council .._.._..------ _192- ._. OCT a - t923 Approved . . ' i.. _ . - 192-. --. -- // (feah#MAYOR Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCIL NO -/11 T- 8la(611 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I`. 80 - OFFICE RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMc xvgVii that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authoriz- ed to pay to Joseph Gregor, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured June 21, 1923, in the course of his employment, the sum of *.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to October 4, 1923- C. P N.. 43380—Hy J. 'H \tcDonaW— Resolved,-Thgt the p per Pity-oal ere .be, •and they,. are. G -hereby author-: ed to P¢Y to Jose3 h: regor, nn -em ploys •ofthe Dep tment oYFa •ke,. 'Playgrounds gnd Y blie Hulldiniks, in lured .Juno: 21. .1923; in the' urge -of Is ploy=.t', .the aun of. 128.80 out., of thou Workmen's: Compensation',.Ac 'c unt. t the Oenoral•.:P`und,' in,'.pArtigl ttlement:: oY -hls'' claim gg:iinet enid City, being for the-.perlpd up to "Octo i Uer 4, 1923: Adopied by the Council Oct. 4, .1923. APProved"Oct. 4, 1923. (Oct. G-1923)•; - - COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy McDonald _._ -- .. In favor ,-limen Ss 4cllncr t2 i Peter _.._.....__Against W___„l F -7a M Mr. Vim Prey Fore—moa Y recommend the above resolution fo34,passage. Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council __OCT 4 _ 1023__-192. OCT 4 - 1923 Approved :. 192...... ........ 9d . moron..... G / OFFICE OF c— No.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fire NO._._....�c..- t THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEOBY COMMISSDER.....__..................._......_.._........ DATE_Se .t..o.......1.2,19-2-3.._.. .°._ .-......._._..._._... RESOLVED 4 Yeas In the matter of grading and improvement of -- Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from Dale St° to a point 336 ft. West of Adams Street, and a Service Drive from this point along the B ortheasterly boundary of Como Park to Shrub Streot, continuing thence in a Northnesterly direction to a distanoo of 365 fto more or less to Lake Como Drive. Also grading Adams Street from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to a point 202 fta south of Adams Street, also grading Grotto St. from Maryland St, to South St., under Preliminary Order C° F. #38151, aproved January. 26, 1922, and Final Order C° F. 139491, approved May 4, 1922° RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C7 I OCT a 1923 Adopted by the Council ............._ _...:_._ _....192.._. OCT n 1923 � Approved .... ' �,�/ _..192... MgYOR C. F. No. 48881=13y. \Vm.`J. Petei— In the matter, of grading .,.d Imp ove- meat o[ Lake Com &Phe en A -- t nm Dale Stre t t point 336 tL Nast of Adams Street, -a d a Service : Driv f "' thi point .al ng' the 1�ortb astorly-, tiou dnry of Coma Park' to Shrub Street; Continuing [hen 'i N Tth'-sterly dire tion to a diet co of G. ft mora' -A... to L lie Como D Iv Also grd ng Ad s. Stre t Yom Luka Como and Phalen : Avenuo t P j t :202 tL oath of Adams .Stir et a}so grading. Orono :Sir et from ➢Inr}Innd .Street' to South Street,' der Prellml n }r� Order C. F. No. 38351 approved Jan-, u ry 26 1022, and. Final O d,1:fF. N 399p1 approved '➢fny 4 S�J22 1 Rosolved That the pians ape Ipca- tions nad. a titnnted 'o , as cub nutted by t Commss oner, t ton r L-Publle Works -for the above named lip ove mont, be:nnd. the snma nro hereby ap- p Ad pted by theCa.2.3.._1101ct. 4, 1023: 1PProved Oct 9,_ roeL 6-192a1 COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy / McD(:Id _-� --- In favor It�etltl�uel.��meY Peter Against WenzeL .N r. Vice Pres. Forpaeon RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENLIL NO._.?`.---: _.`<. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE: _........_Q.r_.tr..`._.._ o ,. 1923. In the matter, of grading and paving Alley in Block 1, King's Idaplewood Addition from doodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 7f46665, June 26, 1923, and Pinal Order C. Z. f48423, approved September 13, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public ';iorks for the above named improvement, be / and the same are hereby approved. v ^ I C. F. No..98882—RY Wns. J. I ment, be and the same are beeaby ap-', proved. Adopted by the C. on bet—'41,1923. Approved Oct. -4. 1923. - (Oct. c-1923) rj COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i Clancy =9 g — f i McDonald _....__..In favor A4ft+sOnS4d he I 71 r 0 Peter _.. _.._..Against Won -1 Mr. Vico Pres. Pergucon Adopted by the Council -OCT -.4..r...14.%20.__.__.192_.... OCT 4 - 1923, Approve' ..... 192...... .._.......... -- / % MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO S! FILE �Y -'-'' Oct. 4, 1924. In the matter of constructing storm water relief sewers on 1dendota Street from Beech Street to the Right of way of the C. St. P. M. & 0. R. R., also on hlinnehaha St. from Yendota St. to forest at., on Beech St. from Idendota ,St. to E. Seventh St. and on E. Seventh St. from Beech St. to Arcade St., under Preliminary Order C. E'. ii46260, approved April 20, 1923, and Zinal Order C. F. j48265, gpproved September 20, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / McDonald __ ._ In favor i 1�4$fspR �N�hei7v7e✓ U / Peter ....Against aael- Mr. vioa Pros, 170MU IX OCT,, - 1923 Adopted by the Council. .._................... .........-.....192.....- OCT Approved-.- -.... 192 ------ f... ..... ( i . G // nnrr7�7 MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL y�"-� !-- FNo. ILE - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY rj 't e� COMMISSIONER .__---- ........._-_. .._.. _. ......v.!'.^..._......___......._.........._............_._............... DATE__._YC..k_Q.M..eS�...._2...... 19.23_ --------- ---- 17 RESOLVED A D In the matter of paving Churchill Ave. from Cross St, to van Slyke Ave., Horton Ave. from Van Slyke Ave. to 66mo Lake Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C.P. 047377, approved Judy 24, 1983 Resolved: That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceed- ings in such matter discontinued. "C. F. No. 11111—By WmJ. Poter— Resolved, In the iter of.. paving Churchill'Ave., from,Cross St. to Van Slyke AvOt"11 rton. Ave. ,fnom �Vnn ' :Slyke Ave. -to. Como Lake Boulevard, underPreliminary Ordor O, F. NO. 72 7 approved July 24 19 3. Res 1 d, That all : orders In the o above matter be and the same ares hereby :cancelled, annulled and rese(nd- d and all rocoedlogs-1n sash matter discontinue 1 Adopted -by the Council Oct. 4,,:1923: i Approved. Oct. 4; 1923. 13-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson t . McDonald __. In favor OffiFohl. Sudheimer(� Peter _ _.Against eV nzT' r. Pnt Adopted by the Council OCT.4 - 1923_ _-192 /// OCT 4 19�� Ap ved 192_ .. ._ .... .. MAYOR PRELIMINARY nRDLRS. '�O _ 4882 l File No ................ PROPOSAL FOR. ; ren wi uten proposal for the' th following, tmpr v,m— and; PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Y av®-._Churchill--Ape .--- from.- Cro s e -__S t, ___t o.__Van__Slyke--Ape . ,...-) _Iqg ton....-.--.-- Street from Van Slyke Ave,- to Como Lake.- Boulevard,---including .___.._._...._ sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property - - ----- .. - ...... - --........ linea complete, -where not already made, also curbing and paving -----------dr-iveway- and-alley-appi7oaohe8-; whe-r-e---MOGG-e-sar------------- --- --- ---..----- ------ .._........ Dated this SJr$ ......day of -- --- ---------- 1'923-6 ----.............. 192.-- . - - -- ---- -------------------------- ------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave---Churohill--._ve, from ---Cross St_, -..to_ Van Street from Van Slyke Ave, to Como Lake Boulevard-,---including.eewer, . .- -- - water and gas connections from street mains to property linea ----------------------- -- ........- ........... --- ..................... - ...... .. - complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway ----------and alley---appr--------------------------- ...................... -- _..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------------------------- --- --------------._........_.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT a - 1923 Adoptedby the Council.------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ---- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 1923 i ✓ FERGUSON Approved. --.00T..4..----- - _.......__... .... :-,E Sudhe* er % ""PETER I//�}+i•,l f J"//Yl/ � ✓ / Y r"�_�,--� r ' .. Mit nn�a. Mayor. Fors C A 13 (3M 6-22) PUBLISHED /0 — 3 — Petition c.17No 48833 U�6 Whereas, A wlttenepro- �L5C7C� making of the. following;.lDnprov oment, File NO . .................. n VIE PROPOSAL FI curt ane ho) va a both ides of Ave. .from �Iorfort o in boen.p a nte-1 ity of and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uhdersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -- -------------------------............................... Curb and boulevard both aides of Ottawa Avenue .......... ................... ...................... .. ------------------------------------- .._.------------------ - - from-_1dorton...Street. to -P -age Street ------------- ------------------------------------- ................................--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- . --- ..___... - - -- ....------------- --- ------------- ------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...---------------------------------------------..-....------------- ----------------------- Dated this---- -3rd ------day of ............ 1923 ......... . .. ...... 192. ------- --------------------------- ------------------------- ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb and boulevard both sides -- oP Ut._tawa ve- - - - - - ------------_- _--- -------------------------- - - - ..._... - - A - e - nu - - _... Yrom Morton Street to Page Streeto having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----- ---------------- OCT_4..-.1923 - - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY t/ FERGUSON Approved-----------OPT-4----192- .33 ....... .................Sud liter �MCDaxALD PETER NVHN'P:M ................... ............. ...i....------------------- ..-..--............................ Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) PUBLISHED IU a,-> Petition C F• No. 48887_ ()�y whereas, Abetrnet. -4 l�lcin � � llo vl brn,>m eul [or tho:I File NO...-. S.nP th fo - C nxt-•,i� pra9e Tent. A/f a lV' foot ctt PROPOSAL Fl : IMF y.n , en enf r e and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side _o fx.Qlll...d111pzielaeba..Stxe.Qt-._tg--- Van ..Buxen-..Stree.t.o.. Dated this 3rd.. - day of.---- -- --Co tober.e...1923 - - -- - 192.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct asix foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side -......-.. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------_--------...... -----------------.-. --------c.f—Lexington-Avenue.at-re-e-t--to---.Van..Buren.. s.treat-o-------------- ----------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------ .------- __...- --------------------------------:-------- - - ..--- --------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------I..........-------- ........---.......-----...------------------------------...----------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .............................. ......................................_......._-.........- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........Q%T- 4.. 1923 ................ YEAS NAYS Councilma CLANCY OCT 4 - 1923 FERGUSON Approved................................................................... - - ✓ Sudheimer ✓ LD PETER � PETER `. WL'SV%Li .! 'v Mayor. Form C A 13 lint e-22> PUBLISHED — / 3 �� Petition c: r x 4sass 89 hstruct.n p '�r m Nhe�eof thet o!t]o�ni, Fn mhtl f meet Ile No.......... .O v ciz -C nstract curmin! PROPOSAL FO Teas n st.. er m ';.InwgoA-Strerner and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................ Qonstruot._ourbing-_on._both-_sides---of 14.1ton St. from Osceola Avenue to Linwood Street. Dated this. ----3rd---..... day of. ......... October x 1923,.- 192.__.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct curbing on both sides of idilton Street from ........ -- .......................... inwoodtree ------------ A --- ........................... ------- ............. ------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------------------- --------------- - ........................ ...-- . ......... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- .... - ...................................... .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 4 - 1923 Adopted by the Council------------------------------ ....... ................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Sudheimex McDONALn PETER }}} Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) OCT 4 - 1923 V t .............................................................................................. Mayor. PUBLISHED10__ Ahefraof. Petition Wherene, A'writtan propos¢] Yor the makl g of tho Yollowing�improvoment, vlZ_,rile � �[���� No...-- . - st t curb( on She bur o A,• ... ides �trpm Vlctoria:St to MI j. PROPOSAL FOR IM ee pre¢ rated and PRELIMINARY ORDER. McDOLD ,,,`PETER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pV&tjTpjVfnnt by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct curbing on Sherburne Avenue/ from -------------------------------------------------------....................................... ----------. ---------- ----- ---------------------------------------- -------- ' to - - ----- - ---- -- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ............................------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ----------- _---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Dated this ......... day of-.. ... ......... O.Q.tabes.9-_.19.2.3....... _--- - .............1 192....... ------------------------------------------ - - - --------------------------- --------- ------ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followi% nyr$vie(Tenet, viz.: Construct ourb on Sherburne Avenue from .---------_-------- - !'--.............. - _....._..._.. - l------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- --Yls toxi-a._aaw;V-pts OQ ._.. -- --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------- - - - - ----------- -------------------------------_------- ---------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------- _...._...------_...__-.-----..._..__---.--....._.._.----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........................ nCT 4 "-1923 YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY t,'FERGUSON Sudheimer McDOLD ,,,`PETER / rsa rs. Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) OCT 4 - 1923 Approved------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ...................................�.---..-.-..-...._.... Mayor. PUBLISHED -10--L--3—,;2 3 O RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENC�L No.4,R90 --------------- - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _-_- Oct. 2.1923 -Q That the plat of J. Auer's Rearrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public 'Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C F. N.. 48899—Bg Wm. J. Peter— Reaolvod,. Thnt the plat Or J. Auer's^, JFtearrnn6ement ¢a recommendod _. by the Plat Commtesion. e.'l pprovod ,by, the Commissioner of Public . Works, be! n theeame Is hereby ¢ccsDted. Addopted by the Council Oct, ADDrovedOct. 4, 1923. (Oct. 13-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (/Clancy L,�rerguson McDonald In favor Sudheimer P Peter G Against vienzer— resident 1 ��, �/ /— Adopted by the Council-. 4.T 4,- .1923....-_.192. ---. O^T 4 -19� Approved ._.._ - _ _._ _192..-..- . 1 mnyon PUBLISHED QUADRUPLICATE ot— or T. PAUL TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 ,,, oPo�g om ATO ......... ��.��.. AUDITED ..__....... 182 J.... COMPTROLLER ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--1.8d.488. 80-------------- covering checks numbered 17430_ ..-.-to....1P M..... _.......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓)Councilmen ( J) Nays. vClancy, 4—Adopted by the Council .._.....-._._..... - 1 OCT _ a 92 .---- 192 I/ Ferguson, ) -` ----In favor n!1T ti - 1948 (/ McDonald kl Irafson; $udheimer Peter, Approved. ...._-......._ ...............--------------- ----- ----192 - - ----------Against .. __. C. F No. 98891--�_— the Cltyed that checks b drawn 4 am nt Y f Sib 488 SO to the II.._. gn . henumbeerr�ed 17329 to 17333Y Incluai Becks IH'to', of cQr checks on file 1n tY 111 - C..Ptroll Ad pt III LY [h ADA d' Oct 4 1923. 11 Oct' 4, 3923. tOC(. 13 1933} -ORIGINALTO .I2Y OP eT. niOc �.. CRY CLERK - - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D-34 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIM§^RESOLUTION FORM mza "No 4��" 717 iA C' ':I J '.. 5 DY CAMPTROLLER" -,. AUDITED......._ .. _.._...182 ....-. _...... .. - ..... ...-- .. FE ....................... ._-.....__.__..—...._-._.-......_.._..___.......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury,8 a to the aggregate amount of$-----18------------488 ------80 ---------••---•......--_..-, covering checks numbered 17329 . - ..-to -._17333, ,- _.._,•inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ComQtroller. Yes ( I ) Councilmen ( T ) Nays. / OCT a -1923 1/Clancy, Adopted by the Council ................... ------------------------------- _..-.-192----- j Ferguson, In favor OCT 4 -1923 192 McDonald, i M3tsw Sudheimer APProved .-. ----- - - 7 -- ..-...- e 9 -Against ------------ ---------------- --................ - ..--_._................................. MAYOR - 3,825.00 490.00 91.00 133.79 17333 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of 2inance 13,949.01 Schools 8,859.85 N 4,979.16 'r (Auto) 110.00 13,949.01 �� u 17329 Keough Brothers, L 1713 595.00 L 1755 2,465.00 L 1756 765.00 3,825.00 17330 Kunz Oil Company, Schools 17331 St.Paul Suburban Sanitation Company, Schools 17332 Victory Printing Company, Official Pub. 107.29 Acct. forms, etc. 10.25 stater 16.25 13� 3,825.00 490.00 91.00 133.79 17333 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of 2inance 13,949.01 Schools 8,859.85 N 4,979.16 'r (Auto) 110.00 13,949.01 �� u OITY O8 aT. GAOL -: QUADRUPLICATE TO CRY CLERK aaasnlz 48892 No Form D-34 1M 12-22 .. BY _ .... coM l .. AUDITED. ........_ ... ... _ .....182.. _..._ ,. .......... _........... .. .. __ ........... 49004© covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ete amount of$-----------------•----••---•---------•------ --- 17323 -- ---- ----- ----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered------ ---- ---------------- ' - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. OCT a - 1923 1✓"Clancy, '''�'f`/ Adopted by the Council ....---------------------------------- --- ---192 ...-..-._ ,,/Ferguson,- ----- In favor OCT A - 1912S3 ✓'McDonald, Approved _--------- --------- ----- ---------- -------............... - -- ---- - 192- ://A$e3-- Sudheimer /Peter, _-.Against we=eh C. F. No. 48892— - Resolved that checks be dra,vn oni the City Treasury, to the akgregato, amount of 3493.00 overing checks umbered 17323 fL'I&ive, as per .regia-. ter of city checks on file In. the offices of the City Compfroller. Adopted by the Council Oct. 4,'.1923.1 Approved Oct 4, 1923. (Oct 13-1323) ter Park._ _ - G 1� -'ORIGINAL TO aIxr Os ex• Pavy ' e1TY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D•99 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS-- RESOLUTION FORMP:: Ea° NO. -__48 ,2.. 1 1: S By AUDIE........... ........ 192_ CO.PTnOLL.E..R.. . .... PER........................................ ........_......_................................. ..._ 490,00 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--------------------------------- ------- -- --- covering checks numbered -.--_17323 -tu inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (J) Nays. ✓Clancy,OCT d - 1923 Adopted by the Conticil.---------- ---_..._..-------------------------- ----192 ------ V✓Ferguson, McDonald, ---In favor OCT 4 - 1923 Sudheimer 10proved ...... .. ...._:. 192. ----- ✓Peter, r eaaeL_ - Against ---------- ,pA_•�_ . T) 1 MAYOR 9 17323 Peter Dickson, 490°00 L 1749 PLICATE O8 BT. P�Oy I.CLMK - n 341M 12.22 coosom Pum 1Vo............ ....__.. I 4 ' l til. • i., ^ i" ',.. AUDIED...................... ........_.... BY 192 _......._ .... .... ..... ................_...........M. .. . LLEfY. .... .._........... ._.......... _... ........................... _.__ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ------------- covering checks numbered --..-_IN5E1 ---------- _:`Z---------------------- -----------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( T ) Nays. t/ Clancy,Adopted by the Council.... ... ... OCT 4 - -1923-------------- ----192.-.---. t/Ferguson, - J",------------- In favor (/ McDonald, /Tl drt� Sudheimer Approved -------- ...-._QOT 4 - 19.2.3 ....................... --.192------- r% TO PITY OD aT, PAOT, q.EaK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER D-34 111 12-22 AUDITED CLA IS—RESOLUTION FORM ppvrp:` No 718 DY PfR01-LaR AUDITED ......: _. .....-...I ....f92 ...._ ..... .... .... W` Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_._1yt320 0------------- ---- - --- covering , 17334 � checks numbered. ........_.....--..-�----- ------------------ ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. OCT 4 -1923 i/ Clancy, Adopted by the Council- .. ..... -- --------------------------- .- -192 ...... �4 Ferguson, d -.In favor McDonal, _-- MT - 1923 A roved .... . 192 Sudheimer /Peter, MAYOR. 17334 Frank H. Pothen9 19320.00 " New Jackson School(Bond) "INTERlIEDIARY ORn$Rs. 7['�� ,� 4 C. F. No 98899 -BY J. M. Cinncy— i894 the '.tfa[[er of pav(ng Pnlace St. 1m ..Fredericka - Ave. to• Fatcv1IS" b.. with sewer, watar and ga ir— ` m Street matn9 !. COUNCI FILE NO�. .. ......../ . IIY�1°II'I�I� � � II�1II�� �II3I��IQ In the Matter of.. RaV• �aJ ace..S3.. Erram.Frederieka..Ave... Lo. FairFi.�.Ave .with. sew.er., . taa.ter.. and..gas..c anne ati.ons . P.ram..str. es t..mains ..t a •pr.opert8 . . .�-j.ile.$..GCJgR�6�S%.n . W.b�xs.. Tlgt..aJxS.Bdy. JOade.a . X19.0. CUX:b�.11$.0.71d . P•✓�v.'1.Ltg . dr1.Q8— e9ay..apPz oaches., . w.bara . nacessary,...................................................... ............................................................... :....................................... -under Preliminary Order......` 7eS3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,approved ...Allg.a.9 4. 1923v................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.pave..Vala.ee..Ste..Prom Fredericka. Ave, to„Fairview Ave.,,with,sewer, water.and.gas..connections. . XXOM. AtrQAt. mains. to..proparty..lines..owiplete. .w.here..not..already.. made, a ana . pav3.ng . dxiv, eney.. apps~ oa thea, . w here. neceasary............. .......... :.................................................. ,......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 7t4.........day of .V.O,V pnb.()r , , , , , , , , , ., 192.. Z., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber .of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the_time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... �%r 4 7. 192 ....., 192. ... X. OCT 4 - 1925 Approved.........................192...... ��Tl /1 1 _City Clerk. . ............... .. ...... ..... ...... ......... Mayor. (/Councilman Clancy plmr,TCrMD Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald (/CouncilmanAffaU= Peter Councilman2ftiLtx Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 8-6 i IC $No. 488 "'95—BY T. M. Clancy— �y � i�74; Tie- 3fatter oC paving Payn¢ ave. -gym Tessamino'St.r to-3laryldnd;St:, iYcludirg .sewer; -.water and gas„con- }ectlons'Crom street -'mains: to. Prop - wady .� 1' �ri oa4ing COUNCI < FILno� In the Matter of..pAPi11g.PAyne..A.ve,..fXon. Teas =J-ne..at,...to. -Ka rg land.Sto.,... ...including..serler.,..water. and. gaa . connections. irnm .atraet .main5..tA ....... Pr Q,Rgr.tY.lines„Qomplete.,.where,;1gt„s]ready,made.,,also„curbiPg. and RgYin$.�ix�Vanigy.Appr.Qa0.116.5,-x4ere Iam6.59Ar3Ca................................. ........................................................................I............................. under Preliminary Order.... 4.7 UI................approved.....s71IIY..24a..IR2�.a................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... PAVQ. F$ylae..A'ima . from Jessamine St. to Maryland St.t including sewer, water and gas ....................... ... aonnact-tons.-from.s.treet.mai.na..to.grnperiy..linea.aomplet.o,.xherq.=Q . ...Airq�.dY.mada,...�1,go..�urbinB. az>,d.,N�oi.ng..drivq?+AY. aRPr'.Qa.gl�g9.,..�v.here...... f18�@$.SaxY.A.................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 71b ..........day of ... Rmember.......... 192..il., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 4 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 19 .... OCT 4 1923 Approved ......................... �y y�1� (fifty Clerk. Mayor. r�li..�luu-/D v, Councilman Clancy _Z �� v- Councilman Ferguson v' Councilman McDonald' Councilman pmt Peter ,/Councilman2ShflAK Sudheimer WeA Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO . ........ .......... _. I trrnovrxr As'snssnrnxTs.; /r X96 By................... .................................. _...... ...._........._....._... 4 i the 'matter of .the asses �+eneflts, `coats, and ezr ' CITY OF SI,.;anttngi sbnde_trees or. Resolution of Cound Ap*Vifft 't Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for planting shade trees on both aides of Osceola Avenue betiveen Snelling Ave. and Saratoga`"xva., under Preliminary Order ......_....._...3.9.7..21...__...._........111-__, Intermediary Order ....................... _..... _............ 4 .. d..f]................................ approved, $�I._.—.._ Final Order ......._._....__...._..,j5. The assessment of ............_Oen.f_lt.., _Cu 3..1.4u.11c3.....aAjd�e4_3.-_$..,__,__,__._....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_.._/._tb........... ._......day of N� 1glc........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...............00T 4 - 192.3..x,. ...... _191.._ .. ....... Clerk. OCT n - 1923 Approved............. ---............... ........... --- ..... _...................... 191......... .............._...................... :....._ .......% ti:5 Mayor. 'Councilman IIartlswbdt$ ID 111cy GraW Ferguson � .. la�� McDonald Kniht Peter �? WjCK s. Sud'neimer ;,, e corm B. B. 16 PUBLISHED COUNCIL By_..._..._...- Inb✓ h m Iter'-- of the assessment P to d DHases Yo Droa 889 T L9 tl h 11 OF It St. [ LrP 1 ce Ate except here 9fII tc. tl plIInted CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of beflefits, costs and expenses for protecting and planting shade trees on both sides of Fulton Street from P&Iaae Street to Jefferson Avenue, except wh�re trees are now satisfactorily planted 0 under Preliminary 2OrZder ............... 334-11 __..._............_..... , Intermediary Order .... ......._......._J7 -7-7 .........................._.._ ...... ..... Final Order ......................... 3.0—A........._.._._._............-._, approved....._.._Heb......_11411.....2?_.........._.__., { F._...__.. The assessment of .... ............ b_PZl.... t .;.._C ..t.>9...?did._.PxDer_sS..Q_........._.....Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._.........7th .......... _._...... day of Novemba_r...,_19?3............. 1............, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. CT 4 ..... 1923 Adoptedby the Council__.._............._O...._.............................._._........_...191..._........ .................................................. '.®.City Clerk. OCT a - 1923 Approved....._ ............... --........... ---....._..-------------- 191......... I.... ................. ...... ............. _............_......................... —_._. Mayor. Councilman Fggtgt -Uh Clanc y rtlrsLlsxEn /0—/3 —� at Ferguson kiy)md ✓ McDonald 35Yma . Peter q�✓ Btdheimer� CJ .. Z4a5Zn, t Form B. B. 16 grading Beach St. from Hazelwood Ave. to White Beur Av.;., under Preliminary Order 4P946-_-_.._-- .................-, Intermediary Order ............ -......_4-3.594._._._-.._._.........._............ ......................... 4-4.421.8, approved......__._.__Ma.y_.16,_._1�.3...�'1_................ M Final Order......................._.__._...2$ _.._ r.. The assessment of .._...__.......:acnef.i.t9.,_._C std...aad__expeaaes.............-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the., ..............% 141... -._......day of e1..,.._..1c23.._......, :&&-k ........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 4 - 1923 Adopted by the Council..._................-............-........-...........::: .......... l91........_. ��yy 19�3�._._......._�1li�tcy Clerk. Approved............... -...... .......... .... _............................... 191......... .................................._..................._._'......_....._....... _......... _..- ------ Mayor. Councilman R^.rtrfrasmis,�1an0y &o -Ferguson ---._-- .. �sl�tasF Pet �•-'�cU�liald er yr' DH cam r/Sudheilner .. fi5t(r?i�4IEc��.�• Form B. B. 16 c.'F vb 4as9e— - COUNCIL FILE NO......_ ._... 7n the mntter._ of tho assessment f !^�-� �r,( be eflt coats and expenses foi•� �� Brading Beech st f om xa eiwood l�a�V -Ave. to tyhlte Bear the under Pre- hminary Ord -r 4US46' I By44428, ---- .__--- ._.._.......—._......—...._..... .. _..—_....__—..._._....._ .IntermeUla v aI Vroved M¢y 16, The 1 Y 16 st-- CITY Of Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Beach St. from Hazelwood Ave. to White Beur Av.;., under Preliminary Order 4P946-_-_.._-- .................-, Intermediary Order ............ -......_4-3.594._._._-.._._.........._............ ......................... 4-4.421.8, approved......__._.__Ma.y_.16,_._1�.3...�'1_................ M Final Order......................._.__._...2$ _.._ r.. The assessment of .._...__.......:acnef.i.t9.,_._C std...aad__expeaaes.............-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the., ..............% 141... -._......day of e1..,.._..1c23.._......, :&&-k ........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 4 - 1923 Adopted by the Council..._................-............-........-...........::: .......... l91........_. ��yy 19�3�._._......._�1li�tcy Clerk. Approved............... -...... .......... .... _............................... 191......... .................................._..................._._'......_....._....... _......... _..- ------ Mayor. Councilman R^.rtrfrasmis,�1an0y &o -Ferguson ---._-- .. �sl�tasF Pet �•-'�cU�liald er yr' DH cam r/Sudheilner .. fi5t(r?i�4IEc��.�• Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO ........ ......... _ By.._ ................ ..._........... _............... .............................. .. nne on L Q DI.O le ......__...._ i:�4t,n attarh�d� -and nden ".nart'h - _esterm-�- - CITY OF :i i . ?AUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, Costs & eXceitses for changing the grade of Lucy Street from Oakdale Ave, to 80 ft. east of Woodbury St. to conform to the rad line on the Profile hereto attached and made a Part hereof, the Pre:ielit established l;rade being shown by a blue lira thereon; also grading said Lucy St. to a width of 4C feet from Oakdale Ave, to a point 280 feet East of the East line of Oakdale Avenue, and 60 feet between this Point and Woodbury St., C -P No 48889 [n the tte oY he_assosament ofl�� fy b alit damn the costa and 1_, -9 t. «I Yor hnngihh• the grade oP Lucy St. lJ' under Preliminujy Order ...___........_._40..d 6....._._.._..-....._, Intermediary Order ......_.._._......._..4.3.280._ ................. ... , Final Order ..._...........--_43.1.9.5.._........ , approved .........__._Jail_.17..,...._1..x_23.- ......... ......_.., The assessment of Dt�il_e.f.l_yy;�tytitE,t.�.e.a_,.CDs.ts.._&.....BXgBiis,a8........._..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............ 7_th............ _...... day of It11t•.......... . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council�-1923 ............ 19L.....__.. _....... _. ._.............._....._ �........_. _f�...u.� . . .:.�:.:._^Gity Clerk. Approved ........... --Q......... ..... 191._.._.. Councilman IMT&M INClanoy OLax t✓Ferguson PUBLISHED_/ •• �j�/e Donald f ,1 ii &,-' Peter MS�1t�Sudh e 1LT� r Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO. --_b. r N . as9oo— 4!�i7��9i In 'th tt,r I the as"11-- or _— 'e flt coat d exp s rot By_._.._____.._..—..._._._.�_.—._.____�.__ Bradt fi nd surfe ln6 Ally In B'.k. 97, S[ Anth'o y Ial o th from E'<l dde., St—d- 40m, 039 tI t d -0lan I CITY O.� aer 42885: nai orae 91106 Resolution of Couflcii App tying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing Alley in Block 47, St. Anthony Paris North, from Scudder Street to Miapp Street, under Preliminary Order ........... _...... ...._49339.._......_..__...._.., Intermediary Order ............._......_4266. Final Order .......... ......_43,3..i.6...._ ................ ....__..... _, approved ....... _.... DaQ. 20.,__ 19.22._ ....... ........... JOclx ---- The assessment of ..__.._.....b..enf .2.1.tfl.,_._c.oats....and..... expeas.e8..._...._:...._...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... .......... . ... jth --...day of iIoaembEr..,.-...1823...., W.._........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __._....Q.i.T..4_.e..1923._... 191..._._.. . ,.._...._................. .__�.-:��a 6ity Clerk. Approved ......... ..__.__.__._____..._._._ ........ OCT 4 - 1923 ........... _191_....._ _............. ............_......_....._........._..........._.................._._.._._��_ ... r. Councilman &MD=wxthClan0y Ferguson �1 3LISI3ED_ /0 3 ygpyg� McDonald 3 Peter `r i cCAp✓Sudheimer Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO. ---- BY _-...._._._--- ---------------- __._.._-Resolution - C. ' Inbeneflts; costs andtexpenses Yor ngrndt� Ing gest -It OY.g 1n SBlock E. .Doe "d .. --- ---- __ -r'1 ie3r ri furTe dta Yi Order4 D-.- Final O 1^f> 7 CITY OF ST. is23. �n• r;% ®f Council Apioviug Assessment. • In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expent)es - 48901 grading the North and South and East and Fest Alleys in Block 52, Desnoyer Park, for under Preliminaay Order.............................3..9..7.2.x}...--- .............. , Intermediary Order .................. ...._439.li-... ............. ...... ...... _........ .. Final Order _.._.__...._._ .4....- ................ approved ...... .... ___T 6b..... 19.233..........., I$A.._.._._ The assessment of ...... _...... _4i u.L.� s}_..V'Q.kit.i.._and.:.._eXp.eliB.as.................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... 7th.__.___day of ;Clip.......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 4 - 1923 Adopted by the Council.._._....._...__.........-._..............-............_. .........I 9 I __._..._. .... --. -. ..ity Clerk. Approved __-_..-.-. OCT 4 =1923 _..._.191 _..... y ���ry _................... _.. //G9!_ �__ <y Mayor. Councilman FammmInhClancy Wtat�/ Gao --'Ferguson il,fY,✓Ids Donald COUNCIL FILE NO 48902 ......_.......F_ C. F. No. 48002 �. In the mutter of the nsseesmei`t of B benefits, costs and. -_expenses for By ......._..._.............._................._....._....._........_._._. grading Alley. tn-Block.4. 7.. F. Ele- _enmenger•s Addition from.9ylvan St. to Park ,A"nue; under Prell�nlnury. CITY OF order 30103, Intermea)a r Resolution ®f Council Aj r fff ,=�� sa�eu�o In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for grading Alley in Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition from Sylvian St. to Park Avenue, under Preliminary Order ........... Intermediary Order ...................U21] ............_................................_..........., or Final Order ... ........�%!C.7t-6- ........... ...................... approved......_. _.7tf.ly....2Qs.__922.._..... ....... _.,:4a9$.......... The assessment of ........... ............... De21 f_i.ty.,,,_00_9t_9_._&_..I-- ...19Z8...................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._..........T.tll........_......day of Noveme.eber, _1923.., la3$.._........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........._......00.T_4...."._1923. 19 L....... s .............................`.�....__:'�....... '.. City Clerk. 00T , -192q Approved......- - .....__....--.- .... _.... ..................... 191..._.... Councilman FWAZI 4&tw Clancy Olmu ✓ Fa r gru son /McDonE>id / 146N I/ Pe ter .•' (� IVi~ctib19 :/Sudheimer Form B. B. 16 C. V. No. ;48903 In the matter of the; asseeameht of COUNCIL FILE NO ....... beneets aoata and expenses .for �-Ca��B gradin the North and South .Uley `e. ll/ Rice's Second i1dd1- tion, from Granite St.[o the East and By _...._._ ............ _.............. _._.__......_.._...___...__. �Veet AlieY, and -thy F.a-t nnd'- CITY OF ST.'PAUh"'""t"" Res®iuti®n ®f Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradinip the North and South Alley in Block 2, E. Rice's Second Addition, from Granite St. to the East and West Alley, and the East and West Alley from the worth and South Alley to the west line of Lot 16, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, under Preliminary Order.......__..._2939.5.____..._._____._., Intermediary Order .._..._ ............._?_467 _. Final Order .......... ....._._....._4?}$3.2............. ....._..._ , approved........ Mar_— _ jl,. _1.9.23......-_., WA............ for and in connection with ................p..eD.dl..1_tS.,.._acts_t9....Find..}7.n!12.S... ._ex e. ....... ........ The assessment of the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............... 7t -h .......... _..... day of Novembar, _192 ...._......., id34............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - 1_-_.___...... . Adopted by the Council ................_. OCT.._... ....4 923 .191-_ .. OCT4 - 192 1 ..... _.. ..................................__...y Clerk. Approved........ _.._.__............. t---- - ...............191......._ Councilman MR6"AN Clancy az i ,/Ferguson PUBLdSHMO / Flydxtrd McDonald )Well`3x =% Feter �7J it WMk Sudheimer - Form B. B. 16 In the matter of the assessmenLof COUNCIL FILE NO.._._.._..... ,roenetita. costa and expenses ror curb-: 1e :Ing both eidee . of�' Portland �. Avenu-e T from filbert Avenue to Pascal.Ave- By....................... .._. ` ......-....._...._..........._..._._....nue, -under Preliminary Ort n7, Intermediary Order, 4373F- -der.. 13188, 1r;:1_;1, p➢?roved..T1� 1 CITY OF 6 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing moth sides of Portland Avenue from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avanue, under Preliminary Order ....... _.... _..._.._lilt%Q?_.....____ .......... Intermediary Order ................ ..._ _4.?_7- 5..._................._.....__..._._, Final Order ...._..._._lij.1.`a.__._............................. approved.-._..__._._._.Dea...__ 15-,.1.9.22..._....._._, fes......_.... The assessment of D ri f.i'.., ...._CO3t9_�_...:X�Za__B.e9._................... _Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.,....... .7.th_. .... . ..... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, m required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 9A23 Lr - 17 . - Adopted by the Council _ .............. .._...... ..... .... ...... ............. ..._._........__..191..._... 1923 ...... G _..._.........................(/........L7.........................._.._..... Qty Clerk. Approved...... _.... _... ' -...-- - .._.__...._............. _.191 ...............__....._.............. ..................... ..............-----.� a r. Councilman FXM*& t✓Clancy c -Ferguson PUBYI9ri� a /� ph4m McDonald 14M�4it ,/ Peter Nr lwix 1i Sudh e i me r Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO._ ...... _ c: F. ilu. Mos- © Intho matter of• -the assessmentor behedta,coeta and exyensea-for con - By ., ,_-,,,,___,,, structing curbing.on --both eldea oC _....._. _....._......_. ._. _. _. _. Michigan St. from West. �event7i: Sf. _ to St St. and. on.St. A.Ibans St. CITY OF from c.imf ary n: rl t Ay - 1 -ca ❑ -r Ord- de Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing curbing on doth sides of Ifichitan St. from Wept Seventh St. to St. Albans St. and on St. Albans St, from Michigan St. to Pleasant Ave., under Preliminary Order.................._.1.18__..__._......__...... , Intermediary Order......._.__........_.._.v%.'�2�2..............................._...., Final Order ............... 527-9.2 ............................. approved ......_.. _ _............. The assessment of ........... _...:Q.enef.i..ts. p.6.n a.e..@...__............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. t ............ _..... day of N_o. y 10 23-, 1]9$ ............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council .................. OCT a OCT -....... t923 .............._..___.._...x..191 OCT 4 - 1923 Clerk. Approved......_.._.__...._....._.__..._.. ....... _ .... ...... ..... ..... 191....._.. Councilman &6009ES941rtI1 0 ancy ISI In;, t/Farguson Wibid I/McDcrlald / J�&I}ez 'Pater Mttl6 Sudh a ime r Form B. B. 16 _11rSOLUTION'Or COUNCIL APPROV • - ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING' TIME OF.HEARING.;INCONDEHNA- 'TION PROCEEDINGS. TION PROCEEDINGS. R LUTION ®F COUNCIL - �:. �R1T AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN asans— In the matter of.cgngewn i1w..anu,._tAk inZ.. q e y lr_znt--.in.-.tha-,- and_neeessary for slo zs,..for cuts..anci fiiis in iLrudin6 rand paving of Alley in Blo.olc..1.,...King.�.s_-1�aplenvand..Adaition,...fxslra..W.Qaa1.€f.nn...Axe..xo....Q under Preliminary. Order....._4k26Vb....,......, approved _ June,. 26-,192j- Intermediary Order...._7.( �s...., approved.----.AUFZ_U.�.i...� The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 711, ..................... day of.......November=1923.._1......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT h - 190 Adopted by the Council ............... ..... ....................�. 191.--..... - - - .... ........... :- .............................................. OCT -1 - 1923 0 City Clerk. Approves,---- ..................................._......, 19I::..... f .............................. .�,� Mayor. Councilman R"si[iCsivlSi}iX018ncy Councilman Meds ✓Ferguson Councilman $beard — lAcDonuld Councilman IRS& ✓Peter Councilman 1t Il ✓Sudheluier CouncilmanwatLeriiel> lleai f /� C F N.-A89107—Ordinance No. 0141, . i / i 11., .An ordtnnnce amonding OrdinancoNn �� /' 5802, ..passed Oct. 14 1922,..entltlod �.� .�.n rdinn ca a e. 3260 dapgIet e tire Ordfna ce No 3260 nPDroved �! ( August 20, 7074 as amenrfad by O k, G' Ordinance No. �� ao ri 3670 d subaeq"e t IF. �r �f� g amendments,1,1 on Ce, rel An Ado the tr five Ordi n o minting to -th C1v11 Servlee Bureau -of the City of rules anl{'re6ulatiroving o s themfodoPting II� Introduced by. -Thec unci of the city of nril (; does ordnfn ""�–'� r An ordinance amending Ordinance Tic. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-2, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out in Grade 7 of Section 6 the title of "Claim Investigator", and by striking out in Grade 8 of said Section 6 the title of "Engineering Clerk"; and the said Ordinance No. 5892 is hereby further amended by adding to Grade 9 of said Section 6 the following titles: Engineering Clerk Claim Investigator SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays [,'Clancy ✓Ferguson McDonald _In favor I/.,"` 3udheim ✓ Peter iz)._....Against AMI.President- ,/ Mr. President- �- � / OCT 2Q 192S Adopted by the Council.._ ...................... ......192 ----- OCT 2,0 Approv d.. .... _ .. 192. MAVO pI^ „,ISFII%i�� C F Not' 48907—Ordinance No. 6148 ey -. M Clancy YYY j An ordln_anca monding Ordinnn_ce Nb Ir 6892, Pnesed Oct 14 1022, entltted E i�.7 "fin ordinance mending Adminiotra fi Au Ordinance , as 3260;5 nDP ved IF• ���^ �� 1 August Ordinance 1914 o. mended. by Ve �� p`1Q 989["• Ordinance No. dlnanco : No 35701 e d oubsc"u t nmend sole ent[tled An, Adminls t ative.�Ordlnanco: rot tin g to the C1Vil Servl a Buren" of tho CItX of II �� rules and re i.tloae Introduced by._ theref ting D The Council o[ the City f.Pf. �� docs areal : An ordinance amending Ordinance o. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 32501--, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor.111 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out in Grade 7 of Section 6 the title of "Claim Investigator", and by striking out in Grade 8 of said Section 6 the title of "Engineering Clerk"; and the said Ordinance No. 5892 is hereby further amended by adding to Grade 9 of said Section 6 the following titles: Engineering Clerk Claim Investigator I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. These changes have also been reco— Tided by the Classification -Standardization committee. Civil Service Commissioner 10-4T23. 11 4 CITY OF ST: PAULFOUN OFFICE .OF THE 'CITY CLERK 4CN CIRESOLUTION...GENERAL FORM C I PRESENTED BY. .:... ' DATE...OGt•Gb&r. 5 192;j........__ ............. ...._ RESOLVED - RESOLVED that the .sum of Three Hundred Dollars (0300>00) be and the same is hereby appropriated to Arthur E. Nelson, Mayor* to cover his expense at Washington, D.C. during the latter' part of February, 1923,. in connection with the application of the City of Saint Paul. and the Ford Motor Company for power rights at Twin City.Lock and Dam N0,19 and that the proper city officials be and they are hereby athorized to make and issue warrants to said Arthur E. Nelson in said amount, and the said Arthur E. Nelson shall file a statement thereof with the Comptroller. Nolson- 4 Three o bo and tfio 3 to Arthur hfa a%pens.. g Lhe'Better ciBet a%: Ioc. y Lock: nd. proper,:.city hereby av- i. no warrents' In . 'said Nolt 02 with. tfie Oct.6 1923. Adopted by the Counci1.9C15-=19--..---.--19-- OCT 5 - 1923 Appr ed.-------------- 19......_ C. - F. No. 0909—DY A. Resolved that the e Hundred Dollars (5300.1 - ine'.fs hereby. nppropr. --E:NolsonMayor, to -co' ai Washington D. C.;: di 'f 1923 .part .February, with the application of Paul and the Ford Moli "power t Twtn- rights ad that officialsbo'and , h y" th.rWd"to make and .,,.and 'to said ATtliur 'amount, and,tha satd t file a etatemont't - - shall Comptroller, Adopted by the Coun Approved Oct, 6,',192 :(Oct. 13.19 Yes( ✓) Councilmen Nays Clancy t� Ferguson McDonald --.—...._la favor r/] sudheuner (j i/ Stniell— j'r ----......Against Mr. President Nolson- 4 Three o bo and tfio 3 to Arthur hfa a%pens.. g Lhe'Better ciBet a%: Ioc. y Lock: nd. proper,:.city hereby av- i. no warrents' In . 'said Nolt 02 with. tfie Oct.6 1923. Adopted by the Counci1.9C15-=19--..---.--19-- OCT 5 - 1923 Appr ed.-------------- 19......_ CITY OF ST. PAUL cousmL NO._....S �_aL'0 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 3, 1923, RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. r'. #42648, approved November 3, 1922, described as the curbing of Exeter Place from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, Standard Stone Company, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following extra work and charge: 141 of curb reset at S.E. Corner of Marshall and Exeter Place - - - - $3.76 Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exceed the sum of $3.75 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1662 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. C._F.- No.. 48910—BY W. J Peter- N?gcu b.reset at S E�corner r Ma ha11 .nnd Exeter'Place. $3.75 y'✓'" J Now thererore b it Re Qlved That the Councli hereby LLtAdopted by the Council ,Oct. 3, 1923. App oved:Oct: 0, 1923. (Oet. 13-1923) e",4Mr: President C.'P.'No,. 48912— - ' ✓ Absteant wherens A writtcn yr osnI for the i ranking of the'toaowing Improvement. ;il File No ..... Inak (`anstruct n ix=toot cent t the eld,, PROPOSAL FOIL 1,riti° Stu to ode of ChnS .' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 0OWtruot a-_(An-foot_..60ID©Ylt_-tile.._81doValk on tho-_youth-_0 ae._oY--------•---- .. -- .............-------- -- -C 1&D._ o xom._ st ° too.. aIaMIT7Qrth..g$Q.... QAo.ep$ ubare.-epad-------- ----------Ma Q0A991_9A QAC-- a1dQ9%1.40...naw vAb 2$Q--------------------------_------------------------------------------ -------------- -------------- I --- -------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ........... .............. -------------------- ------------------------- this.---....Bt"i$Il....... day of---.._Oct.ai3or...1923----------------------------------------- 192..-.--. ----------------------........---------- ......_..------ -------- ------------ _..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... 0j=G .$---CM-zidQualk._IM--the-. aou$h. S ICL oP------------ - ._abQX0_.S0cd.......... -a...Pff-Qinp__oAA®erl2�.�1..4 Q3.0o...... ------ -------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........................... .......... .......................................... ✓ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- ------.......... OCT -5..:..1923 ........................... YEAR NAYS Councilman CLANOY ---FERGUSON FERGUSON %— l S.r Sudheimer MCDONALD i. PETER MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M e-22) OCT 5 -1923 Approved---------- ---------------_.._........................................ kl'T>r iIICHTi] Mayor. 1 Request of A. Laugritzin, C F No 49913 1236 Churohillo Ahatract: e No.....-.g_� f wherenaA written Drouoa 1 for the PROPOSAL FOR .•nnlatns of the 'following Imp ovemenk 'und rapnlr ".the est side of ,Chu htll 1. r and .,P •t .a rrl� atge �of ve - Add.. ti ,,of Lot i PRELIMINARY ORDER. hnoe:� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz:5 ---------- ---- Re o on a true t-,.-- rel ay-- and-_ r epair---the_-_sidewalk -_on-_the--.east .-- Bide ---o f------- ------Churchill--Avea.-_beginning-..at--.the--nor_th..-$1a9._b-q....--..- ...... Warrendale Addo--,--theme south -to-_the north--line-_of Lot--_l8-,_..Blook..l,.. 4Y&rxex d l.e.. A lditiax►a-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- Dated thio-.--....bt?1 day of --------- --Ootober-a...19280----------------------------, 192 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ._--_--_--_--Reoonstruo.t.. relay -_and reyair-..-the sidewalk_-on-_the-._east_--aide---Of__._ Churohil l-. Ave. _beginning ---a t-.- the.- no r th_..side _.-o f_ -hot-- 21.,.- Blo ek---1,q_...-_--.---_ YV-axx.apdela-.Add0.-¢.-11ionoe...-e-outh-..t-0 tbe_.nox-th--- _Warrendale_.Addition. _._____._.___- ..............-----------...-------------------------------------------------------- -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.----------------------------------------------------------- ._----------------- ---------- �q,-$, therefore, be it ✓✓ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mutters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 5 Adopted by the Council. ............... ............ ................. - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANcY OCT 5 -1923 FERGUSON Approved ..................... ------------------------- .--------------------- ------ Sud heimer MCDONALD PETER � V VL/v CY VII'ME. PRESIDENT I� J T Mayor. Form C A 18 (3M 0.22) J 48914 V d:r nro aeoia :' a No. -...-- ............... 466 Abstract �lThereas A' written proposal -tor the p0�$tiOF� PROPOSAL FO' myking of the to7towing'tmvrovemeat'1 �t "Const Qotl �o. six fgot_' d"cement � Idew Ik on the no 2 son a betty en Vit PRELIMINARV OhRDW The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: foot -..wmnt... arca-- siElo> .--oaf-- he--swath--uido...oe ------------------- Aaggorj1QI 4srea_botzzae...V;.as7-..Sta... ZA1&-.Qanos--- st------------------------------------------------- ------------- Dated this -6.t l --------day of 000.e0-0 IBM ------------------- - ----------- , 192 - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -C-onfalxuo t110-_aidavalk on-.the..nor-th--- aida--- o9 ------------------- - I-eSfe-ram ft- -a .... and --- Qanoo...Ste------------------------------- - ------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------- ........................._-....-_--------------...__-----.---. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. .....------- QCT 5 - 1923 YEAS ..NAYS Councilman C.LANCY I,'F 'EROUSON -i Sudheimer �. MODONALD {PETER MR. PRESIDENT J Foran O A 13 (3M 6-22) OCT 5 - 1923 Approved------------ ------------ -.................. ---------------- - ............................- ... --- -------------- ---- ... d✓I Mayor. i•eb 17 C. F. Nd. 49916— In t. fra Al Of pavl g Nest=:Seventh St. from A1blon..:Ave: _ to [hebllss[s-- sippl River Boulevard and be road wayy S': on the .Fort Snelling. K i. approach, from: W. seventh_st.: [• - Porti Snelling - Bridge..: '.:' ^ .viewer;:: water: and; stro:st mains c t o."^r bce,a no[ .. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... I. I FW EI�)VN* "1r0EK. In the Matter of .... paving.tilest..Sevimlt4 St...from. Albioi1.4y.e,..t,o..thq.Mtrg.q�ABippi ....River.; Soule.vaxd..and..both.rnadwfkys..on. thA.F.qrt..$I�B�Jing..$#'idge.,approach rgtr„1p,. ,SQv,@nth ,St`, to ,the,ort,Snelling,Bridge, including sevrert water .....and.g0.,9.4ont�flOt.ion6..t1"oi4.s.tr.@��.ula�ns„to,property, lines,complete'..where nat.AJX.6Ady..m4aQa•.a18a.CLti'.b1AB.end..P Rit?g,.dlriveway..aPProachea.R where naces sary,.................................................................................. . under Preliminary Order.......4-Wfi$.............approved ..... July,,24,..19?3?................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..p1kYe..W.881.�6P.@nth Ste „.„frq�,{l,lpion,l{ye,, tg,_the, IyI.ississippi,Ri®er.Boulevard. and both roadways on.the..F.Qit.rSil�.iAg,1i�Ige,approach from.V{,,Seventh.St... to the Fort .....Sn611ing.Bridge,..including. sewer,. nater.. �ztd.g.aa .C4I1F;ge,ir�gns, from,,street ..... =ins..to..pro•perty...lines. .complate, nhere.not..alreariy..mad6.,.Ajgq..Gl?>.'A— >1g .apd„pav��}g driveway„apprgaches,x. r+here necessarYs ..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ?77a.1t3.Zo.QQ. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 7th ...... day of ........ Navembsr...... 192..,3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 5 -1923 Adopted by the Council ......................... 1 OCT 5 -1923 ... ... ...h Approved.........................192...... k. .................................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald I: Councilman 1ftt=at Peter Councilman Smtftcx Sudheimer Geaa#�^ mei .Mayor I1ndgsax Belson V Form B. S. A. 8-6 LylJli�Ii;FH� QUACHMICATB asTY 08 eT.-PAOL TO CRY CLERK L/�q�y y�{'�y� Qp/.�p" ..morn NO .B8.L! JLSX Form D.34 IM M22�j. _ arse la ._..__._. _ AuoiTEo ...._eY :._:... mPrRouER....... .___ ...._.... A7 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$....a6p.%3fioM...................... covering` checks numbered ......----17359.-.--...- .iTat.... ... ..: .............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. OCT 5 -1923 ✓Clancy; Adopted by the Council. .......... .......... .._--------- 192.._... (j Ferguson, �/--.In favor OCT 5 - 1923 McDonald, Approved ... 192 ..... 1� Mtn S11dh89.tII82' - ----- - ----- --- - - Peter, .J ----- Against t/ vIr. President, Nelson sem' L . 48916 ed. That checks be drawn oh Treasury,'. (o .[he; -aggregate 17351 7us'23' coverinS, check file In the office of the Ctty l¢r. bythe C1923. ed 19- l 3 N" ORIGINAL TO � � - aixS OP Ox, PMOL `r `LE"K -. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ��O... Lq� Q^}q6 O[L 1 F.— D-34 IM12-ss 1\ :.JL V AU DITIED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORK PILE . 723 ' :t AUDITED..!.... .. .. 6V ....... IN rrROLLER ... .. .. .... .. IB2 ....._.. ....... .... ........ _ ._..................... .. L^7 gge�ll Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.....36 6_Q2............... ....... covering , ia. checks numbered_-....1.7.357........-..reX... ... ....................inclusive, Comptroller, Yes (- J) Councilmen (T) Nays. as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City "Clancy, %%% / OCT5 -1923 Adopted by the Council...... ---- . -- -------------------- 192 ,/Ferguson, - In favor OCT 5 -1923 - VI McDonald, -'44 ssonr Sudheimer \l A -.. ------------------------ .......... . 192 d owe / Peter, � �5 _� .... ............ t _ y -- -Wenvei. - jl..Against - .... _...... . MAYOR F y Mr. President, Nelson 1 3 - DVADRUPLICATB 3� - _ OITY OP OT. PnIIL - - y TO CITY CLERK „�•C/-. _DDIIao,z l 9 ' FarmD-34 IM IZ- 1V22 - ,vrry 0......_... v- i AUDITED.- . I BY.... �..... ....... CO ...... ._. ... _.. _....._-. .182 PE....____..._ -.._. .._...._.._......_..___ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.....3AL a9..31-95-------- covering checks numbered.....} Tj ®----- - -.---to_...a,TM-11..............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. \ V Clancy, Adopted by the Council ....---- - -! 'iy--S-_"_1923........... 192 ...... r✓Fe*uson, -_..In favor ®CT 5 - 1924 ✓McDonald, Approved.... --192 _.... ✓�h7s tsmr Sudheimer t/ Peter, i Against /Mr. President, Nelson /Mr. (7; F. No. 48917— . the e..led Trthat risk. be drawn on, amount of $14,93131, coveringghecks' numbered X17338 to_ 17347 Inclusive, as' per reg" of city. checks on file In the office of-.the C/ty Comptroller'` - 'Adopted by the Council .Oct. 5, 3923: Approved. Oct. 5, 1923. (Oct. 13-1923). - t .I2Y on �CRIGI�LTO V— C� CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 0 F— D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED .CLAIMS—'RESOLUTION FORK ....... 8917 ... ... 4.... ...... ......... ...... j .12 31 COMPTROLLER AU I . .......... .................. ---------- - - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of .......... ------------ covering checks numbered..... 17338 ....... . to 1734.7— .............. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen v' Nays. OCT 5 - 192'3 v"Clancy, Adopted by the Council. ---------------------------- Ferguson, OCT 19 -23 ------------------- --- favor "McDo—ld, proved ---- ----------------- ..... ---- --------------------- 192 --liftfsam- Sudhe:Lmer .... .. (,Peter, Against ----------------------------- ....... ...... /14r. President, Nelson MAYOR .......... ---- ----------------- ------------- ........... ........................ ............ 17338 Brooks Brothers, 21.07 Schools 17339 Stewart R. Browne Mfg. Company, 121.83 Schools 17340 Builders Iron Foundry, 595.46 Water 17341 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 6,560.25 Schools 17342 J. M. Clancy, Com Ir. of Finance 5,1613.06 Bureau of Parks 2,321.56 Park Refectories 839011 Playgrounds 504.07 Forestry Revl. 1,743.12 P. Bldgs. Revl. 205.20 5,613. 17343 J. W. Goodwin Carlson Company, 740.00 Schools 17344 J. F. Kains Cashier Water Department 42.67 Water 0 Res. 721 Page #2 17345 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway C.o., L 1686 587.44 Water 167.35 764.79 17346 St.Paul Typewriter Exchange, Schools 17347 U. S. Rubber Oompany, Water A 754.79 50.00 432..18 C, ,No 58818=0rdinanco No 7obn H, McDonald by.' e9uest= pri'uidinance au Company. to constrruct'I SL Foul Clty R4UwaY, a rr 0e` carkwnv on park Dr J'sl%.,t d.. IAJS 18L,T. JG Siret and Wheelock P nnectio s o l!t PP An ordinance authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to construct a wye on park property at Maryland street and Uheelook Parkway, to be used in connection with the extension of the Maryland street car line. TRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to The St. Paul City Railway Company to construct a wye at Maryland street and Uheelock Parkway, on park property, said wye to be used in connection with the new street car line extension on Mary- land street. Section 2. Said permission is granted subject to the follow- ing conditions: (1) Said St. Paul City Railway Company shall maintain the Irian larof gu art the ark used for said p p wye so as to correspond crth the adjacent part,;of Como Park. - — f,,. 2) Said wye shall be coinstrueted under he supervision (f ad to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of �s and �_. shall be taken up and removed and the park restored to its original `.condition whenever the Council shall so order. (3) Said St. Paul City Railway Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all liability, damage or expense that may arise out of the construction, operation, mainten- ance or removal of said wye. (4) The St. Paul City Railway Company shall file with the City Clerk, within ten days after the publication of this ordinanoe,, an acceptance in.writing, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. GCT 2 3 1923 Passed by the Council Yeas Rays '\-,I. Clanayi D nald j� (Q Peterr v $udheimer,. Wenzel; Ur . President (Aelson) s b APPro®ed OCT 2 3 1923 �2ayor Attest City Clerk PUBI.ISi?�3 0 d 48918 An ordinance authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to construct a wye on park property at Maryland street and Wheelock Parkway, to be used in connection with the extension of the Maryland street car line. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to The St. Paul City Railway Company to construct a wye at Maryland street and Wheelock Parkway, on park property, said wye to be used in connection with the new street car lite extension on Mary— land street. Section 2. Said permission is granted subject to the follow— ing conditions: (1) Said St. Paul City Railway Company shall maintain the triangular part of the park used for -said wye so as to correspond with the adjacent part of Como Park. (2) Said Ggye shall be constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works; and shall be taken up and removed and the park restored to its original condition whenever the Council shall so order. (3) Said St. Paul City Railway Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all liability, damage or expense that may arise out of the construction, operation, mainten— ance or removal of said wye. (4) The St. Paul City Railway Company shall file with the City Clerk, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, an acceptance in writing, In form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council i e_ b71 i CUP of taint . MAUI HENRY fSLSON H. J. RIO R N CITY CLERK Offing, al HTf Ll( ASSTi. GI � T; / C October 2nd, 1923- Tj-e t, 17r. C. D. PycEaliy, Corporation Counsel. �} Doar Sirs The Council today referred the attached application and blueprint of the St. Paul City Railway Company for permit to install a vye on park property at Varylond St. and Vhoolock Parkway. to your department for the proper ordinance. Yours very truly, enc. C1 CLI3EK. Will you please advise me at your oariiest convenience as the Company is obliged to wait until receiving this information before going farther. Yours very truly, / Engr, Zia of "Jay Q:- The sak.0 Paul CAt'y'�t1IlII'*age COMP n SAINTPAUL,IVIDM. .August 29;-y10'✓ i Mr. Geo. N. Shepard, City Engr., St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Enclosed please find blue print showing a proposed Wye at the West end of MaaTland St. the Gompany, as you know, has been ordered to construct a lino on Maryland St., from Dale Street West to some point near Lake Como. I do.not think the location for the wye as shown on this blue print, is very desirable. If you do not approve of this location, will you please indicate one, which in your judgment would be better; We are about to begin the construction of this line, and I would like to make formal application for a wye in such a location as will be ;approved by the City authorities, Yours very traly, GLW/JC The St. Paul City Railway Company hereby accepts all the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 6150, entitled "An Ordinance authorizing The St'. Paul City Railway Company to construct a wye on park property at Maryland Street and Wheelock Parkway, to be used in connection with the extension of the Maryland Street car line", pass- ed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor October 23, 1923, and attested by the City Clerk October 27, 1923; and hereby agrees to carry out all the terms and provisions thereof. "- THE ST. PAIII. C T ILWAY C FT�PNX' By r P£esident By���� Secretary Dated November 5, 1923, J1nY Dov i; VS to j'or_ and e ^�^r+'L'llf3t l Cr.-nw i,.:n nrz G O J1nY Dov i; VS to j'or_ and e ^�^r+'L'llf3t l Cr.-nw i,.:n nrz G CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT `0.F RECORDS -CITY CLERK PUBLICATION !NOTICEOCT, 2 9 9923 Isz 01 The attention of the r is respectfully: called to the fo lowing resolution. which bee adopted by the council - and approved by the mayor. --- :. C P No 4841s—O din¢nce No 61kst—' RY ?ohn $ Mcl)olfnid by _r qua t An orison- autkorlaing Th`e'St, Pnul ; ^Clty_Rn11waX'Compony to..conetruct' - n.wYe on parkeproperty, nt'tiHarylanJ' Street'and�Wapelo k'P¢rkviay,'to be uee@-1n connection wltk, the exten- slop iof the Df¢;ylanft stregp; cn tirro. ' The, .Council qt; the Ctty oU St Paul doeetordaid, ,F . Porioleslca and'nuth ICY hrq hereby {] t;t¢nted'., to Tho St.� Paul City 11, ay, i}{ Company to construct a wYe ut Mary- Inni,strbet and Whe Pock Patkway on PArx DropertY said- Y.A. be` rased in conneotion W1th ` tbo new street, car - � lino eateneton on Maryland Stteot. , , � .. Sold permiseltl `n grantbd' sub}ect to the jfollowIng eondttlone.'_ Compo y, hall inu ntaln the triangular pa t of<tho phrk ueed for said. wyg eo as to - Co.. nd with the 'ad70.cent part ok Como FArk." (2) hard wye' shall o cor5tructed , r under the she,"Cslpa sal is th6 salla- I Ynotion of the ComiAiseioner -6f:parks and' eh¢ll b tnkoa uD a d remoaed � PI�'rf N//V�/. and the:!phrk restQted to tts,'orli;lnal4 condition wit I I o 'the Cauneil shall! so or. I I 6t Puul CIty ,:Railway Company, shall IndeMntiX aiiJ. eavc fn1 III666'�11 it ill the Ctty of St. Pnul'Yrtlm ail {I tial?SlitX.- dgmage or; ex�Ufease That tray 1YVt. Received copy of ansa but eL the con truptlon,. oDara tlo mal tensaco qr rem vat:, ; s¢id wyo f�),"-Tho St Puul Cit}' �ta11W¢Y the above Ordinanc eompanr. shat! 81e with tap city Clerk, V within en says atter tt o publication of thls, ord{nanca an neceptanco 1n ' writhl8. 1n ;orm to bb approved by the No. 6150, adopted corporation s�crioN 3 This brdlnance ehail take street and i be In force thirty�daya after }ts pas- sago' and' pnj licaClOn i by the Council, P, #, rho', Council Dct'$3. 3823: Yeas—C unG4mon�-Clancy bfeDon¢ld, Peter $udhelmor Weneel Mr.' Peesl Oct. 23, 1923- dont (Nelson) s Na s Q '! gpproRed Oct 23, YD33 ' -.t ARTJ3VI2 E NIIISQN - ? Afteet 73ENRY'. OLSbN h7ayor HEARY OLSON -- C[ty Clorlr t 1 (occ aq-IQzs} t CITY CLERK � ronH o. e•za ` (NVHH`J) INHQISaUd 'IM 'IHZNaM XVIIRL NOS'JaL3d H'JZIVad <s Nv,iclN a SSCI!Mvg SSU N sear —£6i tiauno:) aqj Xq pa3dopv C.F No 48920—Ordin¢nce No 6162- 'I By G C 8udhelmor. - ^ � � An rdl n nmend[n6 ordinance Nb. �d �) �( .b873 entitled: - 'An ordlnanco deelgnf St. certain ntreete In the City of St -Paul a / —.1— .for through t. c a ` 1 11.—,vehiclesto m e �, 7+etor o In^ i ' ., r to L'-.� 1 �"'��4:•.. An ordinance emending ordinance no. 5873, entitled, °An„ordinance designating certain streets in the City of St. Paul as arteries for through traffic, and requiring all vehicles to come to a full stop before crossing or turning into such streets. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.' Approved Sept. 20, 1929 This is an emergency ordinance rendered neoeseary for the . preservation of th&1pumiic health, peace and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That ordinance no. 5873, approved Sept. 26th., 1922 be, and the same is hereby amended, -by adding at the end of Section 1 thereof the following: °Sixth Street frog St. Peter Street toSfiM&V* Avenue. Summit Avenue from Sixth Street to Selby Avenue.° Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency oAinanoe, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance is to take effect and be enforced from and after It's passage and publication.. Passed by the Council OCT 2 3 1923 Yew mays Mr. Clancy McDonald *� Peter Sudheimer nensel Par. President (Belson) OCT 2 3 9923 Appro,6�ed o T Mayor "UCL?SFIEIS �� Attos city Jerk i %I I ,r n September 29, 1923. TO THI HONORABI THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby reports that he re- quires the following described real estate as a site for a New 'driest End Junior High School. Lots 1 to 22 inclusive, Block 2, Roger's and Coleman's Subdivision, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Idinnesota, or further described as that tract bounded by James, Palace, View and Fulton Streets. That the estimated cost of acquiring said land is the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars; that this estimated price includes the cost of all buildings on the property which will be condemned and sold at public auction, the amount of salvage to be credited back to the $$,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. Dated4 1923 Commissionerof ucr ion. I, F. iii. Skipton, -City Comptroller, doh eby certify that there are funds in the Treasury of the City avail- able for the acquisition of the above described real estate in the $6—,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. CITY O PAUL - COUNCIL No.. FF CE THE TY CLERK C 'LUT' INIAL FORM PRESENTED BY Qom._DATE_.._Ootober—-6—a 192 _------ COMMISSIONER.___...._.__�...:.._.._..�___.__.._.....__._.. _ .. ._..._..__—.--._. RESOLVIED That the applications for licenses of the Following persons for handling and selling Foodstuffs be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health for the reasons indicated: H. E. Berry, 740 Selby Ave. Application 3371 for Bakery in rear. Several flats and apartments over this store and garbage chute for same next to door of this shop. Oonditions very insanitary. Jake Harris, 393 Prior Ave. Application 3597 for grocery. Place in a filthy condition inside and out. Insists on.keeping his goods on the sidewalk. C. F. No, -4-8923—ny: G. C. SudhI Imc -1 H E. Berry '790�Selby Ave. Applf- cation .3371 for -Bakery, In rear. Sev-, st1 fl¢ta and: apartments over thin' oreand garbage :chute for same "next to door ofthis shop: Conditions very InsanitnrY. Jalte'Harrls; 393 Prior Ave 3697. for Rgrocery. Place +.in�Ia l filthy condition Inelde and. yt. In- �. -slats on. steeping his goods on the'side- :? walk. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1923 pl ADDrovedOct. 6: 1933. it (Oct. 13-1923) J COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays res" ergusonv 1, McDonald _-.....-.In favor Ate, Sudheimeer Peter .-...Against rweRG4- Mr. P ent ,Q OCT 6 -1923 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ 3 1923 A roved._.. -- ......... .......192----- - 40 -;1- --------------- MAYOR C. P. No. 48924—By O.: C. Sudhelmer Ct� -Resolved, Clerk la n etruateddo¢ lesuo�eueh G� neations for CITY OF �1lcenaeslnu ono tris mp¢yment�into the ,.. �[ Lqq -892�• llc sol of the the apt� NODemons fot �th anme are hereby grn ted ¢ d th � OFFI F H �"'�T OUNCI TIO, ensury of the cu tom¢ry Yee: Frnea, 197 So Wabnshn St., ", PRESENTED_BY 384 Prlor Av. ': .' b: 1923 RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms or Bowling Alleys at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: George Abrass, 191 So. Wabasha St., 4 Pool tables Tony Abrass, 364 Prior Avenue, Gus Augustine, 96 So Robert St., 2 p ° H. P. Oonrad, 1163 W. Seventh St., 3 Wm. A. Ewald, 636 N. Snelling Av., Wm. W. Jones, 365 Western Av.No., Wm. McKay, 267.W. SeVonth St., 6 St.Paul Recreation 0o.Ino. 26 W. 7th St., 56 " Frank Rothbauer, 501 Blair St., J. R. Seward, 569 N. Dale St., James Bannish, 670 Payne Av., 5 Tauber & Vavra, 1946 University Av., 3 0. Ohristiansen, 1567 University Av.,(10 Pool tables 4 Bowling Alleys Thos. J. Harkins, Hamm..Building......... 16 Bowling Alleys Harkins Bowling Alley and Billiard Oo., 343'Robert St., 10 Pool Tables 4µ 2 Bowling Alleys c COUNCILMENNaysV QT 6 � 1923 Yeas Adopted by the Council__....C.............._.-...--.--- .__192._--. 923 Ferguson OCT 6 - - Ap oved. ...----------------------- - 192----.. McDonald _...... __ _In favor Sudheim Peter _ ...-_.Against �„ .• rSFYEYD 81Fea2gi'? esident ' COUNCIL No ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE — / OFF E CI CLERK " NC UTICIN NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ _. _ - - _ %..�.-. �...V DATE__...0.�..t..P_U.Pt_X4_6 i.....�.,�.x,,.y�l._.___._.._ _—._._........._..... _.. RESOLVED That the application for licenses of the St. paul Sanitation Company for licenses to conduct the business ofScenger at 207 Court Block be and thg same is hereby granted " and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. _q COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C. F. No. 48926—By G. C. 9udheimer Resolved, That the appSudhlon for'.; licensee. of the St. Paullicati Cation , ComD¢ny .1 r llcea,aea -to conduct the business ol.Scaveagep' atthe 267' Court Block be. and the scans, 1s' hereby: 'structed to i sue such licensesd and e Citcrl,+up n the fi11n8 of bond and ,the:payment into the City treasury of the :cuetom¢ryfee.' j Adopted by the Councli Oct.6,. 1926. Approved '.Oct 6, 1923.'.' (oct. 13-1923) i II'er��'zY'` guson i' -r - McDonald - In favor MgAn Sudheimmer Peter _..._.._...-Against enze MsePreatdent O Adopted by the Council.. OCT.192-...:.... 192-_.. OCT s.6 - 18Z3 Appr a ----- -- d---iy ---� -192------ .. .......................v. / ------ MAYOR ----MAYOR r: /• I O Adopted by the Council.. OCT.192-...:.... 192-_.. OCT s.6 - 18Z3 Appr a ----- -- d---iy ---� -192------ .. .......................v. / ------ MAYOR ----MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL oouNCILNo...___4.R9,a�9,P... FILE OF OF E CI CLERK OUN 'UT NERAL-FORM PRESENTED BY ....... _.. _._........_..._...... DATE__QOji3Ober COMMISSIONER__......_____....._.__..__.._...__.. .—_.)..._.._ RESOLVED That the application for licenses of Paul Re Johnson to conduct an-L'Imployment Agency, Male and Female, at 312 Bremer Arcade be and the same is hereby granted and the Oity Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of J bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. ------------ C. P. NO. 48926-13y G. C. 8udhelmer— Resolved, That the nypllcatlon [or•j Ilcenses or Paul R.. Johnson to conduct an. Employment: Agency, Male'.nnd Po- "i male. at. 312: Bremer Arcady be sad the atpe is hereby granted -and:' -the 'City. . Clerk 19: instructed to ')sane suchli cense upon the filing at bond and. the caym n"into the city treasury or the etc arfee. uAdoptedy by the Council Oct. 8, 1923. Approved Oct. 6, 1923. ,I (Oct. 13-1923) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. OCT 6.- 19.3........192_.... aI -cy / OCT 6 - 1923 Ferguson Approv d.._.. ...192...... ...............-.... _............ McDonald _...- In favor F AMN Sudheimer �_. ............. ,/ Peter ......__..__Against MAYOR -Wt 8 ei'� Mr sident CITY OF ST. PAUL COE"`'No.._... .....48927 -_ OFF] F T CITY CLERK C C RESOL —GENERAL FORM l PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__......_.____ ------_.._..._--_..._- ..............._._.-_..__._-...L �...._.._........... DATE_. t.Qb$r�,3j,...�.23•..__._..__ RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of th# following persons for conducting Hotels at the addresses'indieated,, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Sam Krokorian, 129 W. Sixth St., 27 rooms John Clarizio, 423 E. Seventh St., 40 rooms Yeas Nays _ Ferguson L/ McDonald_..-....._. In favor v FAM?F Sudheimff t% Peter ___._.Against —WrIllei— Mr. ldent 1 F. No. 48927-13y G. C. Sudhelmer -rant d and City Clcrk le lnatruc-- [ed t leave such licensee upon thepay ment Into the city treasury of the cc-- tomary tee:' ' Sam Krokoriaa, 128W. Slsth 'St.,. 24 rooms. Sohn Clnrizlo, 423 E: -Seventh St., 40: � room' ' .Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1923. Approved -Oct. 6, 1923. (0 (Oct. 13-1923) O Adopted by the Council- _._..00T.6._ 1923_192.__. OCT 6 - 1923 Approve .. - _ ................192 - v.� -- MRYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL eaousNca 7'L�e/��1,1 No. CILREsoLU OF THE CITY � CLERK Al�aU I —GENERAL FORM LPRESENTED BY .. DATE__...._0.4�..SLN_�,T,�_9.a.....COMMISSIONER___......_.___..__._....__....._._...... ..._._......__....._. RESOLVED That the application for license of the New Frances Photoplay Theatre operated by M. J. Goldberg, to conduct a motion picture theatre at 209 East Seventh street be and the same is hereby granted and the Oity Olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary feel C. F.: No. 48928—By:'G. C. Sudhefiner Iicnenae7 of the New That hsFrances Phot play) Theatre ..operated by M. T:'.Goldberg, to conduct a motloa plcturo '.theatre at-' 209 Last event street Ue aad -thee same oreby granted and. I . City: Clerlcis Instructedto Isau le suet ucthcityh'-llcena- i rensur oa .upon the: Daymerlt :. y o[ the .eustomar to .Adopted by [he,Councii3Oct, .1923. Approved Oet; 8,..1923.:. (Oct:13-1923) -, CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `G'3 n>i"cy Ferguson V McDonald In favor 46M Sudheimgr V Peter _.._Against ern ' Mr—President; Adopted by the Council...... Qt T.. ...-.19-23 192..... Aroved._ OCT 6 - 1923 192. ...... ............. . .....' .... MAYOR fC F- No 48929 By G C 8udhoiseer— (gq� ,(��p.1 Re olved That the appll"t s for UNCII. NO.- fig' 892 -9 ----- CITY ❑ce es t the fo11ow1 g Dor ons [or LE --'- /J handling and selling P de[Utt.. at the CE OF ^... ee Indis4t d ho n d [he._gm,, SeVenth votober 63.._.?9.?3...-----.-- Est.. cum—___._.______.._._.._.._.— __.. RESOLVED That the applications. for licenses of the foglowing persons for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk 1s instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Leonard Ayd, 905 ti9. Seventh St., Soft drink u n H. R. Bryant Est. 4 59 a8eventasha St., Ben Benites, Jesse W. Durgin, b25 Selby Ave., popcorn stand Soft William J. Carney, 625 Mississippi St., 636 N. Snelling 1 $ Confectionery W A. Ewald, James A. Ilk, 601 Dale St., 366 No. Prior Av., 11 Bakery Otto Brauer, James Bannish, 670 Payne Av., Confectionery Bakery Erwin Biroh, 103 S. wabasha St, 113 E. Annapolis, Grocery May Bassett, H. P. Conrad, 1163 w. Seventh St., Confectionery Soft drink John Ebbs, 529 St. Peter St., Inc. 779 Selby Av., Grocery Fidelity Stores Peter Gangeaspero, 116 Eaton Av., soft drink Louis Herman, 220 E. Fairfield St., $oft drinkrooerY T�urtz, Maley, 569 Aice St., 2nd F1oor,Chamber of Commerce, 0onfectny John F. John A. Muasbach, 642 So. Smith Av., Drug-oonf. Soft drink Valentine Miller 203 We Third St., 439 Upper Levee, Grocery Joe Palumbo, Guiseppe Polise, 363 E. Seventh St., Soft drink ti u John Rooney, 60 Como Av., 66 Jackson St., n n Edward Reilly, Albert S. Reach, 560 University Av.a u 11 Confectionery Charles Ruedy, 676 University Av., 3652 Wabasha St., Soft drink T. F. Sender, F. A. Showers, 701 E. Third St., Grocery Is 0. A. J. Sax, 1076 E. Maryland St., 171 Front St., Soft drink B• SOhorn J, R.®ward, 569 N. Dale St., Confectionery li UNCILMEN f' Yeas Nays Adopted b the Council ----------- 192__ y erguson "t"" ved.__ _ ..__... -------....192----.. cDonald ----------- 1... favor 8th udheimeF ............. �tJJ MAYOR Peter _._......Against r PUBiI Mr. Pr �enb j(� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU.N "` NO....-------- -IRR,[/T .. - 9 .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY---_.. DATE_.._Q�.tl.PW37 _0,.--_1923_„__....._ COMM1551 ONER___......._.____......_...._..._.._......_._......._.....__._..._.__. RESOLVED Yeas -2- J. S. Balzer, (Twin Oity Pharmacy) Fannie Farmer, Fannie Farmer, German -American Olub Rouse, Carl F. Thomsen, E. M. Williams, E. M. Williams, COUNCILMEN Nays ncy j (I -It, McDonald ...... ._..In favor ull Sudheimer-. ;Peter ---._._/_.).Against M�. �-yOsid4nt X 2369 University Av. Drug-Oonf. 47 yr, 7th St-, Confectionery 422 Wabasha St., ” 444 Rioe St., 1959 St. Anthony Av.Grooery 493 Wabasha St., Bakery 457 Robert St., It OCT ' - 1923 ....19z..... Adopted by the Council..._..._..._.___..._... Ap cued_..... CT - 1923 192.._.. I.ti9 MAYOR / / W • -.. COUNCIL No "0 FILE 1V 493 ......... �4888o—By Wm J Peters— � Resolved, That the fat.Paul Goa COU NCI directeot o extend kite electrical a7lnen PRESENTED BY by-eregting poles and stringing wires . thereon for the -fruits ission •of Mcc- ll tricity. on and In the foowing alleys - COMMISSIONER ................. ..... and .streets of sold city: 'DATE ......... ..........._....... ,. Install - .............. ............................................. Ttiree poles, ->one onthe RESOLVED• corner -of Arundel Gtr v , .Avenue and two tfi r' i t— Th t the St. Paul Gas Licht Company ie o hereby ordered and directed to -tend.il� e�bet[Ce61i linea by erebting pales and stringing wires thereon far the transmission of elec- tricity on and in the foilowi., alley. sed streets of said city: 10_3023 Install: z--1<Three poles; one on the southeast corner of Arundel Street and Capitol Avenue, and two (for platform) midway between Capitol and lainnehaha c9-' on the east side of Arundel Street. (%<One pole on the north side of the alley south of Portland Avenue, second west of Snelling Avenuo. Commercial lighting. "<-Eight poles on the south side of Xinnehaha Street between Frank and Atlantic Streets. Municii)al lighting. 0 -16 -Two poles on the north side of Idaho second east of 10ernwood, and 6-t<ane on the north side of Larpenteur east of Ferm7ood. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. ;fel/ All such ertanslons, poles and wires .hall be erected and constructed under the direction and -p—bion at the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the provision. of.m.— No. 2424, end of ell other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be set in such locution In said eBay. and .treats u the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and .hell be of such height and h ... oter he shall dlei :it aan ;ai ro'..a w - adan h eh .11 order.].. shell be token dowp and removedtand such woes pineed underground whenever the Council .bell deem that the public Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays OCT 6 -1923 -eNne5- Adopted by the Council............................................................192......... t,/'Ferguson 0 6 - 1923 v' McDonald n favor Adopted ................................ ...19�'� Sudheimer b Srtlr 74'�?c'-L- _..... Against n7y MAYOR -1t,�F'�eRlC1� Mr. Plesidont.- Install: 61.:One pole on the southeast corner of Norton and Oliver Streets. Municipal lighting. p..1C One pole on the north side of Exchminge Street West, first west of Wabasha Street. f- One pole on the north side of Plato Avenue, first west of Livingston Avenue. 0-rCOne pole on the west side of the alley east of Snelling Avenue, first south of St. Clair Street. One pole on the north side of the alley south of Hinnehaha Street in rear 0'1Cof 732 Minnehaha Street. OIC9ne pole on the south side of Butternut Street, hetween Bay Street and Otto Avenue. Commercial lighting. faith necessary guys and anchors. All such extension., 'air. andwires shell be .,..,ad "it ...strutted under the direction and v,p... into, of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and In all thin'. subject to the provisions of Ordivsnce No. 2@l, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. elstruct., as be bull desl...tteso and Id be at aim—e,iand any codlail in suchi'alassehall beand taken down ud removed, of Public h wires placshot[ ed unsde'eroundswheaever tof he hC Council shall doe. that the public ,.,.,a., so rrouir.., and has It shall ea or or. removed, such w w Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council...._OCT y ' 1928 � 192......... Ferguson OCT - 1923 j,. McDonald .......:.,........fo favor Adopt -..........192..,......, S dheime? Against–� .._...................... //.1... ...._._.... (... 'W COZCI t IJ l3le1J1 `' ° LT MAYO -.M,..1?reeid6tlt�, .con.t'�.9c�. !� CITY OF ST. PAUL res NO ................. ..... ;C P No, �48953 By�SK m. d.`Peter— Re, in, That St. Pc r. Gas, COUNC Libht Company is hereby .,dosed and ,ORM f� directed 'to extoIt Ito elsctrical,llnes g Dy. erecting poles and sfr3nting wires. PRESENTED BY aheragn for, the trgnemisalon of'elec-. COMMISSIONER .... .... .. ...... ........ tricltY on and !n the -following allayal DATE............ .. ....................... ... ... .... Sand streets of said city: Irtetall •� ' RESOLVED:. Onopole�on the emithoast corner of' Orton and Oliver 9treete., ' That the St. Paul Gas LI¢h[ Compmy ie hereby o d d d dh �f.ofoipal lightln6 �' ": .ales sad strinsia¢ wirer there.. for the transmission of elec- tricity on and in the fnllowiv¢ eller. and streets of eWd airy: a_ n the north side, of Ex•, est, first wnstr:of�WV - .. Install: 61.:One pole on the southeast corner of Norton and Oliver Streets. Municipal lighting. p..1C One pole on the north side of Exchminge Street West, first west of Wabasha Street. f- One pole on the north side of Plato Avenue, first west of Livingston Avenue. 0-rCOne pole on the west side of the alley east of Snelling Avenue, first south of St. Clair Street. One pole on the north side of the alley south of Hinnehaha Street in rear 0'1Cof 732 Minnehaha Street. OIC9ne pole on the south side of Butternut Street, hetween Bay Street and Otto Avenue. Commercial lighting. faith necessary guys and anchors. All such extension., 'air. andwires shell be .,..,ad "it ...strutted under the direction and v,p... into, of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and In all thin'. subject to the provisions of Ordivsnce No. 2@l, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution. of the City of St. Paul. elstruct., as be bull desl...tteso and Id be at aim—e,iand any codlail in suchi'alassehall beand taken down ud removed, of Public h wires placshot[ ed unsde'eroundswheaever tof he hC Council shall doe. that the public ,.,.,a., so rrouir.., and has It shall ea or or. removed, such w w Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council...._OCT y ' 1928 � 192......... Ferguson OCT - 1923 j,. McDonald .......:.,........fo favor Adopt -..........192..,......, S dheime? Against–� .._...................... //.1... ...._._.... (... 'W COZCI t IJ l3le1J1 `' ° LT MAYO -.M,..1?reeid6tlt�, 4892 / Date Presented 1933 Resolved, of:Publio Utilities Me reported to the Council's in a000rdahoo with-Sootion 53 of the City Charter, *the ex ®tenoe'-o$ an;emergeaoy.nhich rendered neaossary the employment of 'oortain;eoployoe of hie dopartment for more than eight hour© per day,, and on Sunday, said:omployment being more than their usual hours of employment,.tberefors, be it Resolved, That the 'proper city offloors are hereby authorized to pay the 611017ing named employee at the rate otherwise fired for extra oriployment.for'the extra time hereinafter oet forth. Sunday Regular Y�amw _Tltlo Hours Hours Rate of Overtiao R.F. Evans MaintaLab. IBM 500 m regular rate Frank Fleming B�ailding.Lab. a 550 Chas. J. Fritz Maint. Labe B 590 Alfred Schauer ° 24 50¢ A.H. Williano a g 500 a a Henry Haig ran `D.D. Lab. 6 55° ° 17m. Clark Oiler 6 17 L. DeBruyokor ° 6 470 a a P.A. Fitzgerald ° S 47 0 Roy Munson Utilitymen 12 1 650 P. Scott a l2 0 Frank Oloon D.D. Labo 1 55 a a John Olson. ° 1 550 a a T.M, Acodley, Utilityman 1 640 .. Joo Cook M).D. ,Lab. 3 550 D. Heyer n 3 550 a a U.. gioollo a. 3 550 a a ,John FS. Haghiw1 Utilityman 16 3 650 ° ° HoA.. Hennoll ° 20 3 700 a- a John, Clarkin DoD.>Lab. 24 550 a a John Abel Utilityman 4 ° d Paul Rulli D.D. Lab. 3 55 a a D. Todoro n 3 55 Win. .Boody Utilityman 1 58 0 Roy Bruao D.A, Lab, 111 550 ° Paul G. Hanzko Common Lab. 26 650 ° a Co Rioe Hoisting ingr. 14 900 a a Thos; Devin® Uti�lityman 8 650 a a Thos. Fahey 2 ° ° Ogen Geraghty ° 2 540 v a Henry Goaolin S.S. Engg. 16 .4 1010 a a_ Fred Brunner D.D. Lab. 1 550 as a Chas. Carloon a lB 2 550 ° a. S:o-Colodimo ❑ a .550 ra ° Al Haoso 0 1 ,550 ° Nick. Ditkowaky a . 16 .550 ° a James Tighe ° 4 ..550 ° :L.'Fiorito. ° S a 550 3.0. U8.80on ° 16 55 , n a J. Saporito Utilityman 3 5 0 ° a S. ;Tuminollo'' ° 6 5 0 n a A.M. Fiorito ° 6 5 0 Q a G. Iosue Form= 16 7 10 Hike Alfonso Utilitym n2 58 0 ° a Jos. Brunner a 7 5¢ a a Frank Platkoaoty ° 6 5 0 n a Charlie And©roon D.D. Lab. a 8 550 ° a Sam Anaovino:" ° 6 550 a a Ernest Benson ° 1 550 ° n Bert:'-Boneon. ° 1 550 Levergn Dopp 1 55X a a U. A. Wolter Utilityman 16 59$ n ° Edi. Buckley 21 A. Bickford James donloy'. Robert Hafgar Bela Hiner No McDonough Anthony Marroing A. Newman M. Plumbo P. Plubars Pat Vacoo Fred Lotzer Androu Elias X. Flaherty Chriat Grundtnor Barney Zone J.L. Jacobvitch Amio Peltier MoR. Lavelle Louis Larsen J.E. Torron Edw. Cavanaugh Ho - Maynard Chas. Pheneg ar R. Vauddrhoff Philias Mallet Sam Popora A. , H Mbar MelvinHeiberg Peter J. Horn floidar Nordquiat 'Joseph'No Bauer J.r.0-Iggerling 'Arthur Ingeldev Clarence Fiohloy Lo"o Omno- Geo. L. Anderson Frank So Balatta Frank pro0huater ft. Johnson . J." Jorgenson H.C. Larega4rd 'Albert Lund BOF. Garrett Boo. Wenkor Chas, Plan S.R. Itimier So Caffey Peter Fridlund A. Bibeau:� M.U. Mattier Um. J. Moyers Jno. Goo. Beer C.A. Butler John Corey Tom Corcoran Glen L. Glancy 010 Knutson Ed%7.. Knight Goo. Rach Albert E. Koelael J Knoblock J13. ie-nn6aley L,Levandowskl Hugh McBride Leonard Mmoon J.T. Bash Harry Oas . ZALOI . Sunday D.D. Lab. C? II II .Common Lab. D.D. Lab. .Utilityman G.So Engr. Laborern D.D. Trench Filler Utilityman Uaint. Lab Hoisting Engr. S.S. Ungr. Utilityman Mixer Engr. steamfitter Cement Finisher a S. Iron Worker a Carpenter Bldg. Lab. a Rogi_klar Rats of Overtime 6 550 Reg ulox rate 850 1 550 1 550 1 550 1 550 55 10 550 1 550 13 a 550 a 550 a 550 1010 1 550 8 1 550 650 550 550 55 59 0 13 a 28 5 0 26 1 1010 8 550, 26 50 5 0 a 59 0 is 16 500 Boo is goo 13� 1.10 1 59�O I goo 16 100 a 1.00 1* 1.00 8 1.00 8 1000 13 a SOO 13� 800 81 900 13 a goo a 000 a goo a BOO 13 goo 13 goo 7 Soo 6 .800 qoO 6,00 a goo 2X, 'goo goo 550 6 550 26 550 24 550 16 550 24 550 a 550 26 550 6 550 2� 550 216 550 8 2j 550 26 1 550 a 1 550 26 550 26 550 Form poo a Name Titlo Sunday Oswald A. Olson Bldg. Lab. Sam'Olsen ° regular rate E.Ra Prenalou ° 8 Frank Smith ° 8 G. Waldron ° A. Cornish ° 8 Ed. Gervaie ° v a Chas. Tuchner ° 4 Frank Koski ° 8 ilm. 49Keefe ° 8 Fred Grana Hoist. Engr. 9 Nels Johnoon ° 1a 9"Oo Peterson Utilitymen 5 C.G. Peterson Hoist. Engr. Otto t7inkleoky S.S. Engrg 8 Herbort $ueohnor Utilityman 8 Joe Harknow ° 34 Steve Uartin ° 24 Mike granyak Carpt. Fore. 1000 Walter G. Book S.Y. Uorker 8� 1sdv0 Donovan ° Francis 13. Dugan ° J.P. Johnstone ° 1000 Qm. ,G©Connoll " 9 R.M,"Pilot ° R Amel.Schegun a Harry S. Singerhouso ° Henry, 00 Stabb R a Goo,,Blondo 4 B1dg.RLaborer 24 Goo. Evans R 550 Chau.Edutrom ° 1 L.Co"Fisher ° R L.U. Guys. R Emil Lofquiot 1 55¢ Anton Hollenkamp ° 24 Raymond" Schnell n 6 �.Cbas. Sobildt T' ;`•Thou. A. Smith ° 550 �B it t7i111 ° 1 ae ems Ayea Councilmen Nayo V�" udh P30Doasald Peter. paw ,Lt�.—P�escaonfi� Nolaon Reavlar Rate of Overtime U a 5505 regular rate 16 550 ° ° a� 550 ° Q ° goo 55¢ 1 550} a R 6 5555¢ v a 6 55¢ 4 a 550 u a 550 R II OCT G - 1923 Adopted by the- OCT he 1883 Approved OCT -1923 1983 16 55 90$ a a 6 goo 310 85¢ R a 1 90o 4 1010 ° ° 18� a a 5®¢ R O 1a 5H¢ 9 100 B� 1.00 ° a 8 1000 9 1000 ° R 8 1000 8� 1000 8 1.00 9 1000 R a 9 1000 ° R 6 1.00 550 R a 12 550 R a 1 550 1 550 R R 1 1 55¢ 55$ R R 55¢ 1 550 a ° 1 550 R II 1 550 OCT G - 1923 Adopted by the- OCT he 1883 Approved OCT -1923 1983 ORIGINALTO.ITY "w.CLMK , OFFICE OF TSE CO>11PTROLLER # Form D-94 iM 12.22: AV C AIMS��PIESOLUTION FORM 724: •. U I ' .AUDITED_....._.._._.___. .•--- --_I.2 ._. WMPTRO R - . Resolved that Resolved .. —' ------- ----- checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.. 3 s 992022 • • .--------....... covering , �a ,> checks numbered. Comptroller. Yes ( .....to---- -.173.69 .....-----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City , ✓) Councilmen ( I') Nays. u: OCT 1922 -ecy Fer$uson; )� Adopted by the Council ----------- ------ - ----- ' /%--. , .-In favor OCT 6. 1923 -. -McDonald, r 192 ...- yieasoar Sudheimer A roved ,Pcter, Wo zei. - A$ainst .,.-..._........................ .... .. ... ... ..MAYO ' 17352 Arnold -Hoffman Company, 123.67 Water 17353 Automatic' Signal Companyo 770.66 Arterial signs- 273.46 Lighting 497.20 70a 66 17354 B. J. Barry,109.14 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. .1.10 Bureau of Engrso 21.60 St. C. & R. 30.00 `Sewer C. & R. 19.56 S. &°S. Cin -g. 15.72 ✓�, ® Crosswalks 5.70 Sprinkling 9.72 L 1686 2.22 L 1763 3.52 5 5i 17355 1uM4 J. L. Brastad9 39.60 C. H. & C. H. 17356 Chicago', Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Co., 511.67 Pol.'& F. Alarm- 14.19 Schools 167.97 L 1662 1.62. VTat e 327.89 ReSa 724 Page #2 17357 R. Cusick, 39.60. C. H. & C. He. 17358 General ChemiUa gompany, 1,067.07 , Water 17359 D. W. Moore, 501:50 L 1698 17360 Perkins Mfg. Company, 148.00 Schools 17361 Pioneer Electric Company, 26.27 Police Health 20.70 3.91 +� 1.66 26 17362 Olaf S. Rolph, 39,00,, Water 17363 H: W. Slack, 69.60 Schools 17364 Society for the Prevention of Crueltys 200.00,i Humane Society 17365 Victory Printing Company, 96.20 Police 23.50 Fire 52.20' Library 20.50 k, 17366 W. Wgllacee 39.60 C. H. & C. H. 17367 IV=. Wilkins, 75.00- Schools '17368 D. Young, 39.60 C. H. & C. H. 17369 Vim. H. Ziegler Company, 96.04: Water if ME CITY OF ST. PAUL COe No. i - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Oct Ober .-.......�rr.wmo _ ..._._. DATE_.__.._..._._._.__._ -.._lx RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cormmittee and rejects bids received for the Grading a and Improvement of Livingston Ave. from George St. to Congress Street. F. B. 15036. C. P_ No 98�J36=BY SVm. S. Pot cam-- . Resolved, Thht the Council here ,S cone rs !n #heire ommo dati n oP the I Cont et Committee and.-re7ects bide' r —,k'4d for the t.ii b -tf improve= lnenq oP gr4 Sat n Ave fro Oeorgo auto tengry s:street P.8 No 5038: Adopted -O.the Cou :' Oct C 7923 AQVPOY d Oct.' G. 1923 '. (Oct 13 1923):. D COUNCILmrN Yeas Nays POST - d/ Ferguson v� McDonald ......... .In favor Sudheimer . Peter _.....Against welm —" -Mr. P...*^old_ Adopted by the Council__OCT ...._. 6 ......._ 1923 ............._192. --.. OCT 6 - 1923 A roved...... ___-----192-..-- r -- - MPYOR CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCIL ME NO._..___L.{} OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WDATM_9.9.t.PL _K- 5 CoMMISSIONER.___/ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recomiDendution of the Contract Cort2-.ittee and rejects all bids received for thelp construction of a sewer on Lexington Ave. Last Side, from Charles St. to a point 65 ft. south of Ldmund St. F.B.#5047. , he by e e C Rests e� eWek�detlon bf, the 0 1 teem,and "'ej.0tal wilt t I seNer -.on S.exln ton J.t_-65 fL ... th • 0 _:N..'6047 nen 4?S:c':6, 0 Yeas Nays Ferguson L McDonald ...... ....In favor V", Sudhim) Peter ........._.....Against Wiffizel- -Mr.-President_ OCT 0 — 192,3 Adopted by the Council .....................__.._..._...._..192_.._.. "'_ ' - 1923 Ayp*/ov'ed._.. . .............. ..... ........ 0 A92 ----- ------ ------- �c -----MAYOR I--, COUNCIL NO.-_.-... Y'..r...11l't91 499. . G - CITY OF ST. PAUL FELE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recolu:,endation of the Contract Com:littee and rejects all bids received for the Construction of a sewer on Lexington Ave. Vlest Side, from Thomas Et, to a point 200 ft. north of Tho -.-as St. P.B.115046. 0. %F No • 48937 BY. at e, i5 S P ter b Qoncuonvittth$h reCOmmYztdation oTrthe, 1 Contract Committee and relecte.:all hide recefvod;'T r the'Cunatruction'•OY- a`-sewer pq Le ingto Ayo WQBC Slde,' from Thumael, 9t t a }poi t, 200';;t:. n Ad. PY Thomas St P. '� No Ad gted b5t"the Causell Oct 0 1923.:'. A_pprovedOCt 0 1923.• :(-0et 13 3923j' O COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Ferguson i McDonald ............... In favor Sudhei-t - Peter ................ Against WmTZ l<' 'dent Adopted by the Council -OCT.-6.._-.1923------ -192..__ OCT 6 - 1923 Aroved ------ -- -------- _....---- ._-- ----- ..... 192...... PARiF COUNCIL No -------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM dw)�-a 5 xi —4 PRESENTED B 'IT,() Dy------- PCOMMISSIONER--__-------------------R RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Corff,,:ittee and ),wards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition and Block 3, I iiidway Park from Pascal Ave. ; o ',a b -rt Ave., in accordance with attached, to 1jartin. Wunderlich, specifi--ttiOns 1.ereto plans and he beim the lowest responsible bidder, for the sur., of ?814.00, ')y instructed to draw up the and the Corporation Counsel is I -iere �:'stir.ate '�tB75-00- therefor. hngineer's prober 'form of contract F.B. ir �IbO37. Yeas COUNCILMEN- Nays -em-7- v Ferguson McDonald In favor V' Peter _Against ,Weng4- Mr,,.Pr6ident sV 04 r I OCT 6 -1923 Adopted by the Council.....-...--._------------------ 192 OCT 6 1923 A . 192 roved- ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL RLE CGILNca No.......:�4'?� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 23 PRESENTED BY �0� October 5, 19 ,COMM ISSIONER___.._......rr_!!. — DATE__._..------^_ RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation j6 the Contract Conni'ttee and awards the contract for a Sevier on Alaska Ave. froLi Race St. to nista Ave., in accordance with plans and specification's hereto attached to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of ;;2,650.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dravi up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate t?3, 090.00. F.D. 15032. { �Ppart me#," r 0 COUNCILMENYeas Nays Adopted by the Council.dQT. P..'..L9`2.3.........._192_._... ✓ Ferguson _ A roved._ n^T 6 - 192 192 _ McDonald .......__.In favor /. .,�/�✓,� dheimer i ----------..-.�........---- MAvors Peter _......_..Against 19egnel— \ resident CITY OF ST. PAUL FoupncIL --'819_ NO.-- --.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Qtl`t. r --1m oCOOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `�A ;? DATE _.... RESOLVED , That the Council.hereby concurs in the reco--r"endation of the Contract Comr.,ittee and avi.urds the contract for the construction of a sewer on Alas3cal Ave. frog lista ?.ve. to Otto Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications 'iereto attached to O'Neil s Preston, they 1.einf the lowest responsible bidders, for the sui., of ;?4,217.00 on ,'lternate ;i2, and tlie Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. En ineerls-:stimate ;¢5,105.00. F.B.jjb033. ,o- C. �F No. 48940 BY vdm.y7 Petor Resolved. Tbat the Councll hereby: cone§ a fn thorecommendatlon of the Contract Committee and: a nrds, the ontract [or ,he etruc[ion t'a:h er:q Alaska Avo fr m yfsta Ave.. -to; Otto Ave.: ; In . accordance with plana ! ,ad specificationn hereto attached to j O'Ne i &. Preston they being the loan-: st'; responsible bidd re. for 2 eum o[" E4.217 00 on Alte notNo. 2 and tho p CorpO At oil, C.0 el le " horcby in- ecru t d todrnw up the -proper fform or on t therefor l:aginee s Ds-� , afmate $5405A(..F B No 6033 ` Adopted h3r th0 Counc4.oct 6 1923.: APpro ed.Oct 0, 1923. n P, I) (�c ctr / COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson ✓McDonald..In favor L, ' ;'��" Sudheimer IIV Peter _....._Against Menzel Mr. Pr 'dent OCT 6 - 1923 Adopted by the Council __.....__-..-.--.--------_--- ...192__._ OCT G -1923 Appr ed.... ... --- --- --192----- -- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILCOUNCIL 8941- No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.:. RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and Awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Snelling ave. fron handol_oh St, to a point 810 ft. south of handol_h St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Meil & Freston, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sun of "2,310.00, and. the Cornorntion Counsel is hereby instructei to dray un the _roper form of contract therefor. Engineer's stir;ate ,915.00. F.B.Q034. a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays &" McDonald ...-In favor '�� r'"x' Sudheimer� Peter _..-.._----..Against 41-zell r11 ._Bred&nt AQ .� of Adopt by the Counci1...00T_6-. 1923____192..._ Approved., .................. AYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �59H? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__Q_4t,.Q-h cax-__5y_...1.97 3.__....__.__ RESOLVED , That the; 'council hereby concurs in the recor.;..end.:tion of the Contract Colru-iittee and awards the contract for the construction Yeas of a sewer on Lucy St. from Stryker Ave, to a point 60 ft. west of "all :ive., in accordance with _)laps :-ind specifications hereto .Ittached to Christ .7ohnson, ie beim tine lowest responsible bidder, for the sura of til,00b.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instr_wted to drav:, a) the prop: r form of contract therefor. EnFine:er's Estirate 922.00. F.B.#5035. COUNCILMEN Nays Ferguson McDonald _�____...In favor 3udheimer Peter __ --Against 4 �en Mr -eaident it r 0 's �`eut, Adopted by the Council- O -C -T G_.-.1923._.....192._... OCT 6 - 1923 Ap oved_ .�_---.._ — } ...192...... ------------------ MAYOR CITY. OF ST. PAUL F,°UR`"'NO._..__���-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE.__.._O.C_ ""....... COMMISSIONER ""' - "_" RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Corawittee and awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Alley in Block 1, Sargent's Addition, in a :cordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder,jfor the sun of ;,1,00.00, and. the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Pstin to '1,880.00- P.P.#5038. 10 � { Y �Q. 1 1 0 J/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —Gh-7— Ferguson McDonald .... ......_...In favor Sudheimerc) �. Peter _........._.Against M eTOWN- esI ent Adopted by the Council_ OCT..- --1923- -- O,T G _ 1922 APP d....ro .__- _ ..... . � _.192.---" G �,b -----�-MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO --...__>[8 'J[ - ,LE ��YY DATE—Q_C_t_Ol e r_ RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract CormA ttee and awards the contract for the Gradi,E and Im7)rovement of l.11ey in Block 1, Macalester Villa's Second Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Peter Dickson, lie being the lowest responsible bidder, for t;ze stun of 300.00, and the Corporation Counsel is '.?ere'oy instructed to draw up tl=e proper form of contract therefor. ' n-ineer's —sti--ate ;313.00. F. B. L5039. N] COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �.Llnnnv [% Ferguson V McDonald --------- ------ favor ,/ 1 Sudheimer 1-11 Peter _.........Against e— Mr,.Aresident OCT F - 1923 Adopted by the Council ............ ..._..,...-------------- ...192..__ 1923 192..-_. - /� / � MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL �OU�NLIL/`1_ NO.-------- l• ;xr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!B RESOLVED , That t}Ie Council .hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cor- ittee and awards the contract for tl;e Grading and Improvement of Ruth Ave. from Stillwater Road to "anitou _ive., in accordance wiih plans and specifications hereto attached to Christ Johnson, he beim; the lowest responsible bidder, for the sun of 007.00, and the Corporation counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contr ct therefor. Engineer's intiDate .,,841.00. P.B.}5040. 16 { 6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Ferguson (� i McDonald _'t"' ..-In favor o-% f'''-'..ESudheime� Peter ........... Against nze M resident Adopted by the Council __.0.C -T..6'..- M3 ----192_.. . p+r�o�fved................../_%..�..�.%..�.... �_ _..192...... MAV CITY OF ST. PAUL FN`I` I°E-------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a: COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATe__._October 6 1923_ RESOLVED ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recornnendr=,tion of the Contract Co:a:ittee and awards the contract for the Grading and Improveraent of Carbon St. from Rice St. to Park Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Peter Dickson, he being; the lov;est responsible 7,i:lder, for the sum of .',`.860.00, an -3 the Corporation Counsel is here?y instructed ;;o dr_.,: up the _groper form of Contract therefor. P,n ineer's _:sti::ate ;1,030.00. P.B. "5041. / COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays XL—er— ✓ Ferguson j McDonaldIn favor Sudheimer ✓ Peter .......... Against eV7e-n—zeT'!, Mr. P,yesfSent I t / �tL of 5t. Adopted by the Council.. ..... 0-07--r.7,192$ OCT 6 - 1923 192....-. MgYOR . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCR �? No......�`J� _. OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ ---- �.0 RESOLVED ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recomn.e-ndation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of ,aleys in Block 1, 1.'acalester Place and Salet Addition, in accorlance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, lie being; the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of ;x915.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw u_) the proper form of contract 11ie'refnr. Im ineer's 1.1stimate :31.217.00. F.B.#5043. / J K 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays P-y� I✓" Ferguson ✓ McDonald �-In favor Sudheimer T f Peter _...__.-....Against -wm z2m— Mr Pr ent IUO. ®stip ai'me�� �'i � tal �`• m Adopted by the Council__ O T..6_-..1923.--.--192. i923 ........ .... _192-- ...... 92__..- i.oR ---- N 4 89 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL No -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '(C/(O�U�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 ................... _........... ...... _------------- _................ _..... 0ATE__.0G..f:_Q...�F':.X�._�y.._.1.9%�i. ......__._._ RESOLVED ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Yeas Contract Committee and awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Alaska Ave, fron. Ctto .'_ve, to `:'ista Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Christ Johnson, lie being the lowest responsible bidder, for the surf of ;3921.65, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dray; u_) the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estir,,ate '1'1,005.00. F.B. X5044. COUNCILMEN Nays Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudueuuer Peter ....Against el -I Mr. -,President P onartme `O ISS• e �� Adopted by the Council. OCT .6 - 192$ 192.__ - OCT 6 -1923 proved . ,_ .._ ---..192.....- - , MAYOR OUN IL 48 49 CITY OF ST. PAUL FO CILE 0 No ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Octoller A PRESENTED ------- 10 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Com,,ittee and awards the contract for 41-611 House Drain connections on Juliet Street from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., in accordance with plans and specific -tions hereto attached to Shield F4 Duva, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 5,x1,600.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to drav, up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's _:stimate ',',1,850-00- F.B.#15030- (3 18649 'B Ir:, J� I That,th-'WCO ... I' f4 -r- y the treco,nroo.d.tloh' ",_ h I *, 11 I�Co`nprs tuIn racj Cornmittee and -nWATa. 1. Contra , 414,!!�!IIoase, Drain � Con-, I.Ced.a.W"Ilet Rrolt,,IrCna S nelling to:rah�'Cw'A'�,.no-ranne. with-. IftnetPCjjjcatlon. ho� a :to attac C to told �the : I oet, on Bible hdter%. for di. 'the j Co -tt of � ' " Il — znMml art m COUNCILMEN Yea- Nays ,�Fergnu son McDonald An favor J,%- cgzo SudheiMeT Peter ........_.Against wx_n_za_ Mr_X_*1Ment 1 .1 OCT 6 -_1923 Adopted by the Counci -- ------ ............. ---------- OCT 1923 Apy-oved.........-, --------- - --- ... ..... ..192...--- ------ .......... COUNCIL NCITY OF ST. PAUL "---------- - ------ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1A ober 5 1926 COMMISSIONER_ — ------- --- DATE__QR_t_ __._ _y RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and I awards the contract for 49-611 House Drain connections on Lincoln Ave. from 711ton St. to Bridge over Short Line; Goodrich Ave. from :Tilton St. to LexinEton,Ave.; Fairmount Ave. from Zilton St. to Lexington Ave.; Hilton St. from Sumnit Ave. to Osceola Ave.; Chatsworth St. from Summit Ave. to Osceola Ave. ; Onforl St. fro:-.; Gun-jait Ave. to Osceola Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Shield k Duva, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sun of $2,160.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby 10 instructed to ?raw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's hstimate $2,400.00. F.B.#5031. t q 48950 33Y- to QlVed -That concur. to thc r -c --,c t contract committee contract tor, ,49,f; fAve.; fiom filto nedtl--- r. no St �td-llfldg. 0—` rl�h 'Alc , frofiv Milt - t I to OEM V ! to RAW, I Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Yerguson McDonald ..._In favor =7� Sudheimer. "Peter Against vbmdMent - Adopted by the Council._. -.._OCT - ...... 6 1923 .........................192...... OCT 6 -1923 A,pved .... . . .. ....... . ..... 192 4-4-g MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCIL NO.—. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED C0,4MISSIONER.- .. ..... . ... .. . .......... ..... . .............. — -------------- - --- RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recorrviendalfion of the Contract Coniiiittee and awards the contract for Paving Lincoln Ave. from IL"ilton St. to bridge over Short Line; GcodriCh Ave. frore: 3.'ilton St. to Lexington Ave.; Fairmount Ave. frons Wilton St. to Lexington Ave.; Hilton St. from Sirr,rit ;,.ve. to Csceola Ave.; Chatsworth St. from Surny.-it Ave. to Osceola Ave. and Oxford St. frorn Surnnit Ave. to Csceola Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Fielding and Shepley, they bein[: tl.e lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of Sy137,564.00 usinf,, Irexican Oil Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate ?'151.000.00. '5026. )G --7= WmDoter a( r J. C;O�Cjl, hereby Concurs lAAhC'rCCCmmb.dut,,u� o Contract - Comm thrtm tract tor,-Fart`CC` --d -WILid he 0 ell Milton' St, to, bridge Sfi � rom Goodrich �Iw,' from f ort,-Lluc. om�st.� to Twe' in 4, A, rmOunt. Ave. from 1�j 8t. from i� , " 'Milton.: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 9111� I L/ rerguson t/ McDonald .......... ---- In favor Sudheimer 6 Peter ................Against lwlewtl Mr. President Adopted by the CouncADCT-G.-9923 ------------ 192-.... Arrmv- ed -,, OCT - 192' ---- --------- - --------- 192 MAYOR Al CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 DATE_�9Ct Ob�5__1923 LOUNCIL �, B 52 FILENo ------ ----------------..._ V RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Corrmr..ittee and awvards the contract for Paving of Juliet St. frorr Snelling Ave. to Fairview; Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached to Fielding 11 Shepley, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of :$31,874.00, using Lexican Oil Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's h`stirnaie $35,100.00. F.B.#5027. 1.ij COUNCILMEN Yens Nays \ ' Ferguson VG / t McDonald _..�.......In favor sudheimer T ,,f Peter -------- ......... Against .3knzz +- ai eat oaf st•���`� Adopted by the Council.. _:.-O-0-1— - 1923----192..... OCT c - 1923 ved- - I92...... ppro.. „_.�.�...�, A �- - - RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No ------ 4?1958 - ----- FiLE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :;IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM .ATr7__._.9ot. 6. 1923 In the matter of constructing a sever on Lucy St. from a point 80 feet east of Hall Ave. to Robert St., under Preliminary Order O.F. ?r'65807, approved May 15, 1923 and Final Order C.F. ?rL46847, approved July 5, 1923. Resolved, That the Plans, specifications and estimated quantities as c3ubmitted by the Commissioner of Public Vorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Iresolved In th.,..ttr fof' constru&- 1 t a p In ,n 6 *is"'Ot%�' I 0�fe, , .n toRobertl underPr6dinunary , 0 ap�r.v.d mayr'IEI 1 �45807 V143 WP.-r1Nh.11'1 46847;,�ipproved JuIY-, i ,0rder C: ; F. blo� Res lvedThai the - 'b ;',UnRted .,, ' rnitXed.,bythei Public._ ..nm.,d lrnp'QV! moot, b d th. n.ma are hereby -up- , uncle , AddDted _by 66��6.6 623.1 AP!'roa Oct., 6"192U (Oct 32 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 96-y- Ferguson McDonald In favor SudWer Peter ................Against M mid.. 6CT JQQ�a,, Adopted by the Council -- ------------------------ t --- --------- 192 tk ------------192-- MAYOR f C P h"q A893q ; l Filo NO........A.i� 95.4 �o�i�1oII wriorun '15stract _; mnkingi A' Wrltton Dro�osnl, for the PROPOSAL. v1z oP tho PalldWing mD,rovemont A �C� str iotyv sewofw o th ena� - %//j r' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -----X.Y Mt�{t<iiV.-..4..Al3IZeS....01L $9---Cwt---9iao---a—LES$Df$DII.Ava------------------------------- .:$i:.9....AnthA;:dlAve a--------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------ Dated thisday of.....80.Q�2@5...1_92s5.........................192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _QI3AQ$Eli@ a...E1..flIISZek---9Td--- $110---00.@$---6it:Ed-_D$--Y++B411Y1 iAII-.-iiil9o--......_..................... ,Anthony Ave o ------------------------------------------- ...------- .------------- --- —bo having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 6 — 1923 Adoptedby the Council--------- ............................. ............................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman GL&w-r"" FERgUBON Sudhe' / MCDONALD —10�ETEn "``��� -WENMT, —AU En^= nFTST Form C A 18 (3M 622) Approved----...... j fi _1923.................................... .. Mayor. o i �C F No 9346SAbyfrhpt, wnnreae A written propopai 4 r thn cil File No..........i ,akfng; 04 tbn 4pllpwing mprpyemeny. �, �/ C nE'nmt A ewer on to "s utnerl PROPOSAL e ..� nt av . • i, < Hia �e�110� y and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: �'OAAfi$ermat ..a--.00.tler--.0AA...41119...1'3.OIdnexljf....81do...Qg ---------- -------------rorm._Ltabon-- St o -t-o -a potn!� - ®cnn.- 09 -Qe .. o ... h© o.a.A.Alue---------- 111�4P.9rQa-Bt18biMe aud._U-U11-Ing....... S.lbo-....09_10.0ChOO------- --- --- ... Dated this.-.. Q% y of -.......................-................... -----da 192..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. �s� 3 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..-.......... QQAS2$+31]Ao---ELi.f7S�FlQr.--9a---t339..0.0- trier1j...aae._Qf...-------.--- --- -- ------.LIMbOmwont af.-.t$e.. aaat...limn------------------------ ------------ ------- ------------- Qf..1t3i. `P�_$�$L40rHa-..QQ�fdiDimH @Sm�..tla l�mHa ►�11$e....Of.-.YaHBC$Ha---- ----------------- having beets presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................._. -------- .....-.-----.---------_-------- ----------------- --------- therefore, le`'it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT G - 1923 Adoptedby the Council-------------------------.......................................... YEAS NAYS CouncilmaD"d..n"'^"n.o FERGUSON v Sudheimer t/MCDONALD PETER ZEL Ma'�s'm�cl^ Form C A 13 (3M 422) CT , - 1923 Approved ! ------- ----- - - - - Mayor. PUBL '. QUADRUPLICATE '. 01TT OF DT, PAUL TO CRY CLERK D-34 -" - ' Ln Bonn 1M 12.22 _ J 192._..._. _ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to th" aggregate amount of $ 2ci°�7r� _ ... ..... covering: checks numbered.......... NNW ------- to -:-.--inclusive, as per rejister of city checks on file in the office of the City - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. --Clancy, tx, OCT 9 19 Adopted by the Council ........ ... '..192------' --Ferguson, favor t, McDonsld, SA1 18�07P Peter. _:.In OCT 9 192 d. Approve -. ... .------.._-.-. . -19Z ------ /) r. President, Nelson , = C: F. No. 48968 Reaotved that checks be drawn oa the Clty Treasury, ,to 'the aggregate 'amount of $20.06, age pheck�. num- =ofrc ty checksconaifllo In the Cie ter - - the City Comptroller. - Adopted -by -the 'Council Oct. 9, 1922x; - .Approved 1923:<. 1 - (Oct. 13-192-3 CITY OF ST. PAUL 0FF 'ICE QF THE CITY CLERK COUP RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f����":,"' ,/ --- COUNCIL NO • FILE ----------------_�..... . October 8_ 1923. RESOLVED That the action of the.Committee on Lands on be- half of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128, for the purchase o3 Lots 1 to 4 indlusive, Hancock's Rarr angement, Block 20, St. Anthony Park No., St. Paul, Minn.. for the sum of Porty-five Hundred ($4600.00),Dollars, as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School, is here- by approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to the $3,000,000 School Bond Pund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na; t,,, Clancy 1,/ Ferguson v McDonald v Matson Peter Fenzel_ Mr. President 6 ................ Against by the Council.. QCT 9.—. 1923 , - -192.1.... OCT 9- 1923 ... _...192...-- A roved_ ............... f A .......................................... �......... MAYOR The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul agrees to pay Mr. M. Be Hancock, 2001 Second Ave. So., Minneapolis. Minnesotan, the sum of Forty-five Hundred ($4600.00) Dollars for Lots 1 to a inclusive, Han000k's'Rearrangement, Blook 20, St. Anthony Park No., St. Paul, Minnesota:; subject to all of the conditions set forth in their acceptance of his offer under date of October 8th, 1923. This property is being acquired as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128. The cost of said property to be charged to the 03,000,000 School Bond Fund. ( yore -"vim-- Committee on Lands. (�Gommissioner f c�uo`Jima ( rahasing Agent PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER._4� RESOLVED Yeas ° CITY OF ST. PAUL UNCI`NO...._�P9.�.:_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - 461L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Q ............. DATE__.._ O4t(Zber S.y._ 1928___ That the action of the Committee on Lands on be- half of the City of St, Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128 for the purchase of Lot 10 and the north I- of Lot 11, Block 20, St. Anthony Park North, St. Paul, Minn., for the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-five (02575.00) Dollars as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to the 03,000,000 School Bond Fund. COUNCILMEN Nays V Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor V' Matson 6'' PeterAgainst nze Imo, Mr. President by the CouncilOCT a - 1923 --------------------------------.....192._._ OC'r 9 - 1923 proved../........--------------:-----_._. ..........--------- --. MAYOR AWARD The Committee on Lands on behalf of the Oity of at. Paul agrees to pay Mr. C. H. Stewart, Como and Carter Aves., St. Paul. Minnesota, the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-five (02575) Dollars for Lot 10 and the north,$ of Lot 119 Blk. 20, St. Anthony Park No.. St. Paul, Minnesota; sub- jeot to all of the conditions set forth in thein acceptance of his offer under date of October 6th, a.9 23. This property is beinc acquired as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128. The cost of said property to be charged to the 3.000,000 School Bond Hand. Committeo on Bands. [/jI� I/ •rip ::. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. CIL �O _..--i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ! _ - ,,,_.. DATE_------- ._ ... =ir COMMISSIONER�""-..-.-�j-._........_._. _.._._.._......._.._._._. -... RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on be- half of the City o3 St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128, for the purchase of Lot 9, Block 20, St. Anthony Park No., St. Paul, Minn., for the sum of Sixteen Hundred and Fifty ($1650) Dollars, as 3�'Oite for the New North St. Anthony Junior Hight School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the pur- chase price in favor o3 the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corpora- tion Counsel, $hall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to tho 03,000.000 School Bond Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays // Clancy I/ Ferguson McDonald __...: Matson 0 Peter ------- / Mr. President =a N A W A R D The Committee on bands on behalf o3 the Cite of St$ Paul agrees to pay Mr. John D. Blacks University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. the sum ,of Silt® teen Hundred and Fifty (01660.00) Dollars for lot 9, Block 20,, St. Anthony Park North, St. Paul, Minnesota; l subject -to all of the conditions set forth in their acceptance of his offer under date of October 6, 1923. This property is being acquired as a site for the Neia North St. Anthony Junior High School under and pursuant to,Ordinanco No. 6128. The cost of said property to be charged to the $3,000,000 School Bond Fund. Committee on Lands {Co ss Grp duo on chasing Agent `— RESOLVED Yeas a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.. 149,96 :`.___ OFFICE OF THE C4iTY CLERK U�4C1l--RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.__.._ ........... _---- __------ _..._ DATE_._ That the action of the Committee on Lands on be- half of the City of St. Paul, lander and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128,for the purchase of Lot 6, Block 20, St. Anthony Park North, St. Paul, Minn., for the sum of Fourteen Hundred (%)14_00) Dollars, as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptrollero The cost of said land to be charged to the 0413,000,000 school Bond Fund* COUNCILMEN Na, "Clancy Ferguson / McDonald V Matson f/ Peter Mir. HPresident v..._Against by the Council-MT-9-7:_1VA— ------ 192._.-. OCT 9 193 Appv_..-.-.-.---------- ---/.... ...........------192 ��' ) ----------------- -------------------- MAYOR � k, u 6 AWARD " `De The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City o3 St. Paul agrees to pay Miss Rose 0: Busse, Como Station, St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of One Thou- sand Pour Hundred (01,400) Dollars for Lot 6, Block 20, St. Anthony Park No., St. Paul, Minnesota; sub- ject to all of the conditions set forth in their ao- ceptanoo of her offer under date of October Sth,1923. This property is being acquired as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128. The cost of said property to be charged to the 03,000,000 School Bond Fund. Committee on Lands.( ommission er�ation COUNCIL No ----- CITY OF, ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C,OUUNN/GII, RESOLUTION—GENEFYAL FORM { e PRESENTED BY ✓ DATE._.._.�QQ_Y.GQW_• 1920 -- COMMISSIONER '----' I; RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to 6rai.nanoe No. 6120, for the purohase of Lots a and b, B1ook 20, St. Anthony Park No. St. Paul, Minn., for the sum of 0700.00 (Seven Hundred Dollars) eaoh, as a site for the New North St. Anthony Junior High Sohool, is hereby approved and the proper oity officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purohase prioe in 2aavor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller - The oost of said land to be oharged to the 63,000,000 School Bond Pund. -,;L, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay V -Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Slte>t� �Mr. President ......Against by the CounciQCT 9--x.1.2-3-------------192..... OCT 9 - 1923 A d ------ ----------1----192 ---------- - MRYOR The Committee on Lands on behalf o3 the City of St. pawl agrees to pay Mr. George W. Davis, 1596 Summit Ave., St. paul, Minnesota, the sum of Seven Hundred (0700.00) Dollars each for Lots a and 6, Block 20, St. Anthony Pk. Ido., St. pawl, Minnesota; subject to all of the condi- tions set forth in their acceptance of his offer under date of October 8th, 1923. This property is being acquired as a site for the NOW North St. Anthony Junior High School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6128. Th' cost of said property to be charged to the $3,000,000 School Bond Fund. IN Committee on Lands. o ss oner uo& ion— �� ura sing Agen CD BY RESOLVED 4)39. 6c5 COUNCIL ... CITY OF ST. PAUL NOb... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of constructing a sin—f9ot cement tile Sidevalk on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Mun0hahs, Str"t to Van Buren Street, under Preliminary Order O.F. 048887, approved October 4, 1983 - RESOLVED: That all orders In the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all pro- oeedinge in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V/ Clancy V/ Ferguson McDonald .... -..-_.....In favor Matson Peter ...............Against xerzel�" /'Mr. President Adopted by the CounciJO - 00 9' 192h Ap; d 92 .......... M . A- ...... C F 13le 4.eth i r'Vh teas. 'A: A written for a wino �mvroramont,:Pei] File No...... _489.06 makia6-.ot the f 11 z .i. riY lcr t a air toot ce nt. 41 f,a•:.- PROPOSAL F®R lifx b nary is .; .. nut: tXa and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pau], viz.: ---......-----9-oaatPaot a 0.12-B®®t.._o©aen�..:�ilo �����t�7Li� .0�._��a.:.ejWk...ald a off Lexington Ave, from Seminary St. to Blair Bto------- Dated this - 4A .......... day of .......... _Qo oher..2.923. ------------ ........192....... -------------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 14----------------Ceso4_ruc4---- a-- GIN -fgot-_-Q.RIA.0.At__tjle...Dgdetual c._on..tha-.Gast. --®ido---og.------ Lexington Aveo from Senin� St. to Blair_Sto__-_-.---_-.--_,---•--...-------------..._---- ------..... ............... ----... ---------------------- I been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul................................................................... .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 9 - 1923 Adopted by the Council ................................... .............. .....--------.... YEAS NAYS Ciouneilmdwl!. ANCY FERGUSON \ t� MATSON t� MCDONALD GI/✓� PETER u� R. PRESIDENT& .... Porn C A 13 (3M 0-22) Approved-- --------- .............. 4,t i, sGISi 0 Mayor. ------ 'h: potition ry P iDa' Ing. -I rWmeN ..... 89a) PROPOSAL I Yo the Conn tl bf the it .. slit= Mi" 11416 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................ ... ULAIWUne Ave ....... - ................................. ................................ ..................... Dated this.... 9VI day of ................................... 192-- ... ------------- Councilman. ........ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.; -.-.G,VadGL..BUd-P.e.V-Q MUDY ...... HQXQ-0;kt-Q Fiat ----------------- --------------------- - ............................ . .....--- ........ ........... ---------------------------------------------------------- - ......................... ......................... ----------------------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------- --------- --------- .......... ............ ... .......... -M ....... .............. .................................................... L having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- - --------------------- ......... .............. .............. - .................... therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by; the Council. .............. -OqTl 1923 .......... ........................ YEAS _-NAYS Councilman CLANCY OCT 9 - 1923 ,.-'FFRGusoN Approved-------------- ' pproved........ ------------------------------------------------------- V MATSON McDONALD PETER ................................... ------ ......... WJ='0b .Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT F.— C A 13 OM 6-22) Abstract 48968 Whereon A'written proDoenl for ha' t malrtng' of tho following }wpravament I Council File NO ......................... V(r xt\ y � �g1nq and talHx R an e— and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ...0>Ondemaing-an9,._Makin-an...ennament...in..th®--- ibtinol..naeessary...for slop -es....... f ®$._aut®._e;► -_P lle._in_.radus---P.n _n 0.114X...178 b� 44 ...1,.._Den,. o .................. H®ite_._Plat..-a---from AlbePi:`._Aveo.._to---Hemline__Aveo_.......--------...------------------- ........................................ 1--- ................... ................. • .............................. ------------------------------- ...... ------------ Dated this ---8$h day of ------------ .. ................. ................ 192..._.. -------------------- ----•--........--------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Con emta181g--ensi-_$- kii --€�c►--.0.&9_Q &sant...in...the...lan�A.__nac_enaary...YQr_.e1-upe-s------ f Or._®uto._&slucl.:_Y$11e._1?I..gI'edin�---est?d...P-54ring---El1Qy---In b.1AQI[°--------- -LHOMI LO Ave e---------------------------------------- �------------------------------------------------ .....-----------------.-.------------......--------------------_---------------------------.....---...._.-------------------------- �having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......................... ...................................................------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 9 - 1923 Adoptedby the Council- .................................. .-........------.....-............... YEAB /NAYS Councilmaq. CLANCY OCT 9 - 1923 (�. FERGUSON Approved ................ ---- MATRON f V' MCDONALD i PETER" .......... ........................ .../... !,//M.. PRESIDENT May OT. Form C A 13 (3M e-22) i UU4.151iI3D D 8969 C F Nof 46989 o In.the :matter. oP oondemnlnS and talc tnS anCeasement-;In, the land, necgL.. nary fot ;4anstrugLing and:maintntn ing.n--..puhllo;aetver, the •]and to:be._ taken',aad condemned being --a atrff �e (� �T j(A 1i A] ZB feet la wie!thh ,tho eenter'•line E- Ad�® FIXING RESOLUTION®II W®UJ�CIIlle ( �( tyhich��St vacateq shall'be the cent hof Cv-. N II TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the hatter of.. condemning ...and..taking...an...eas.emant.... in-. thE...land ...namessar-y for constructing --and.. maintai_ning__a. -public--_suer->...tlie-._land--_to-- be--_taken-_and---con- d�mned-_being-.a.-.strip-_20--.feet-.in-.riidth,---the._center-_1-ane••,gf•,watgk]j--.be the cantsr..lane...of....Cgpras s__.St.......(.uacated.)...and...se.td ._aant ex...lina...praduo ad-.nort herly to-_the--_northerly--_line-_ofthe__Northern---1?acific- Ry.--_R3ght-Qf way-- from,. East Seventh St. to the said northerly line of the Northern Pacific Ry, R#ght--of-way'-;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -................................... under Preliminary Order..... 4.7.2166.........., approved .t7131y*....,....193, Intermediary Order.......7639..., approved.__ til3$a.._$e....a 23.a.. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...........' T.t}1......................day of ...Aicxo l kox!,,---132-3-..x.--- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .......nrq.n_-...192x------- ----- ----- - ------ ����r OCT 9 - 1923 City(/ Clerk. Approver---------- .................................. 191........ "[f` ..... (r ... Mayor. �o Councilman lw1k Clancy Councilman Idassxx � ' Ferguson Councilman ZP. iTaSB ✓11ACDonald Councilman;RTkHo= ✓ Peter Co—cil-a- ftRWk ✓Sudheimer Cpunoilman `/Mayor ljo&x Nelson e 489x® COUNCIL _ . By................... .. ..%ll...........:.............. FINAL ORDER in the Matter of.....G.0nRUM,01,ing._H...isix..fool ...cement .._tile sidzaalL..an._the...north ..Glde...of..PrQfl&ass1.-.4vea...XrQD1Ahita...Sssx..�Aaa....to.._� e..�vs<....(ensl..nrass3n�s ..on..Hazal..endexcept. mhera_good...and.. snMe ient...aidavalks JC1Qr! els i.e. s------.........................................------...........................--------.......---------.......-......................... .............................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ..:.................. under Preliminary Order ..............4W]M ..................:....approved ...._Sept. ....1a --1923e.................................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................approved ......_............ ........_................. ............................ A pub lie hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is....C.aXlatrtdCt.. s...9 .::.oQ ...cement ...tile ....eide e.L.1k..s22i...... .-the... north ::`:al -de ...of.:. Prospect ..AvoA....fr-.om..:whit.0 Begr__Avea....to...Curva Av.eA__...... (AA and Hazel...and Curpe Agenuea.)_._excapt...nhare..good_. and ............... ..suffiaient...aidewAlkca...noW...exAa.t............. ....................................................................................... .......................................... ............................................... .............. ..... .....----- ..----- .................................................. and the Council herebyeorders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instruetedand directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adoptedby the Council......00T...1 0 .....................�-1923-.................. ..................... "$. OCT 1 ^. 1923 City Clerk. Approved............................................................ 191........ IZ............. -................... ....... .......... ...... ------........-..Mayor sx. Councilman MMOMM Clancy . >�N y Councilman 1 Ferguson Councilman. x✓McDonald Councilman ]a MX /Sudhelmer Councilma /Peter Councilman• .1 Mayor xaM e18Ori Form B. S. A. 8-7. CI?Y OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIN REPORT OF COMMISSIO OF F9NA7C ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of U011SGrUOkif' f Et h r, r r[amar —L�f� �x�BTrcc�� nrl TnP iu^TLIl 9��r' UI eruspeuL Ave Irorn Wh1Te Fear Arra to ai=xe �Aire. (and � Crossincrs onya-zel Anrl RUrrA Arra- I � under Preliminary Order approved SEDC 1, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 8 1.05 The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: >II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 38 _11. Hayden Hetghts .1225 39 . 11 do goo - - _ 40 : 11. do 41 , 11 . - do 3,00 42_ 11 do 1350 43 11 do 100 44 11. do 1400 45 : 11 . _ _ do. _ 10a 4b 11 do 100 47_: F.— B. B. 10 I I TOTAL. I I 1. - CITY OF DEPARTMENT - f REPORT OF COMMISSI ER OF FINANCE ca /pr ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION IO VALUATN k 48 11 Hayden Heights 100 49 11 do. 300 50 11 do 10o _. 51 to 56 11 do boo 57 -11_ . do .loo 58 to b2 11 do 1900 7 11 do .125 23 12 do 100 24 .12 do 525. West 30 feet of 25 12 do 125 (kxcept West 30 feet) 25 &all of 26. 1L do 125 27 12 do 125 28 12 do 125 L-9 i2 do- 15 30 12 do 10.0 .�. 31 12 do 600 7 12 do 625 11+75 } I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to „ submits said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated-------lfl1--- com.mioner of Finance. Form D. D. 12 MILON I - m t I I I 1 � ' I --I'.TEll-l- L(.1.,- _i �i�Mil,I,':- i MILON I - m St. Paul, Minn., .... .....0.1 ..192 '? To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: " We, -the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: f ----\--------------- ---_....................:.........fit Av Ave. to c-cwt�� -- ---........_.....------ NAME LOTBLOCK _ ADDITION .off i 40 1 s ; , i di • } Office of the Commissioner of "Public ®rl�ct�® Deport to Commissioner of finance SEP Go 9923 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of X8189 Se t. 1 19R� the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved______ P_____ o _______191___, relative to the oonstruotion of a six foot oement tile sidewalk on the north ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- side of Prospect Ave. from white Bear Ave. to curve Ave. (and oroesinge on Hazel and Curve Avenues). and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 01.96 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $-___________- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------=----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of ,property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - �------ ------------------------ 191°DsfCommissioner of he COUNCIL NO.. ...... V/� By....................... ....................................... ........ _ ' C.F. N6. 4$07I=nY « .iGPeten ^�� In tho matter :sof roconstructi g re -1 J1 1¢yln6 an4 repalrl g wHero necea 9arY. the sldaWWlis at"the folloWing:�. . locations; � barastotly; etde of�Fleasunt Avenues Heglnning,.300..ft. northerly f Chest• au[ St., thenco northerly.80 ft. Nor•sido.-: oP Thomas.• Sk, bogin•-i .'ning at Vlrginla Ave., th_nce Weskt' 'ttie. Alley, :finder Pre](minarY ,Ori, 48047'.approved Aug. 28;::3024, _- A',pabl,e hearing having- "pon the ahn Imp[0\'a, Bat t ckce a d the -C Hell It 0 r IFINAIL ORDER In the Matter o£...X'@o.ons.#rip-olinganao.Q.fiaa .'y, the...>5.ide>R@-lk9 -at . the.. f 9110 ng...IvAg riR1;3.e......--•-•-•..............................•---......................................... Eaaterly-..a.1da.--o%...P. 04o.ja.nt.a...xlortlaarly.--.of...Chaatnut . .................... .......................................................................I..........----_........... North 41197.s....................................................................................................................................................................... ............. under Preliminary Order ...........480611..........................approved ......Augn...28.,...1923.>........ ...... ...... ....... ........ IntermediaryOrder---....._................................._._.............approved .._.......... ..... .................._............................. . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....raeane.truat,...relay.... and ...re-pair.y...w.here...AeCessary, tk1.R.s.� �.&l�alke..-at...the-_foll.Q.Wjn ..locations ...................................... .......... .............................. ...... Eaatdrly.•..aJd9--.o1P-.beginning._ mrtherly.-of-..Chestnut St-,...thane...northerly9.0..ft.e........................................................................................... ............................. Th9mas-•-St._,_..beginning.- at-_.Virginia--.Avae_g._• thenae..west--.to the Alley,.........................................----...---------------...................................._...----------.....--------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making 'of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 1 0 1923 Adopted by the Council .................. . .............................-. -�9 . ---. ---- OCT 1 0 1925 City Clerk. Approved.............. ............................................. 191........ Councilman Fieri #F Claney Councilman Ga= l�iergus on Councilman IlG=ZX v/MeDonald Councilman F= Peter Councilman L/Sudheimer Councilman 2EeRZOV Mayor EEam elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. M yor �� PUBLIiI e1n o � �,.,y' DEPARTMEN '., ANCE- RSPORT OF COMMIS NER OF FINANCE� (D) - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - T., .7.., .....,,.._..! .Reconstruct; r6lay and repair, where . necessary, the sidewalks at _ the fnllnwing Ionattons - Easter1v side of Pleasant Ave. beginning 300 rt, northerly of Chestnut St. then �e northerly 90 ft, North side f Thomas St., beginning at Virginia Ave, thence west to the Alley under Preliminary Order approved August 28, 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 .07d oe r sQ ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IfDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED - ADDITION VALUATION T North Westerly 43-80/ ft. ao ITvines Enlargement of � 75�� I I. of ; 6 j 63 Rice &_Irvines Addition (.Except North 2 ft._) _ 16 Kuhns Sub. of Part of- l l6�( _L,fonds_.Add ition 4 i i TOTAL. �97I5� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ra 4az Zn 19"_ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 a H CEIVEiD 'Office of the Commissioner of Public o Report to Commissioner of Finance oNER of SEP 11928 Auguet --- - 51, 1925 ----191---- - -------- ---- ----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -480 -IT -_-approved_ A�9_ -�8e-1923--191---, relative to reoonstruoting;. relaying and repairing, where neoesoary, the eidewalis® at the following looatione: __ of-yrdid ait-6veoo-begiririing-3U0--fto-D'i of 6466tiint8$,- thenoo N'ly 90 fto TJorth ®idti-�8-'Phgsaasr-S*vo �e�gi�ag-at Vi�ginis-Arca a ; Sclieaaoe- rret---------- to tho AllCyo --------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 04V per €q. ftio 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $---_--__-_--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------------��k-------------- Commissio er of Public . C- PN. 48972-hy W J. Peter— - Itt'the 2riaiter of conetructing a six. foot cement -,enc sidewalk the, (�g� y['� �l1 1 south side of H¢tph St. Prom K[lburn, Ave: Ito Chatsworth St., excspt where - lM/�1G /•<d' JiU �d good,and sufficient sidewnlhe now - exist, under, Pealiminary Ordor. 4786.1' - , approved Aug:: -21 1922. , . A:o.b,,c h —f— havine-."tieen had COUNCIL PILE NO ............................. By..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of the.-----.. south--side-_of--Hatch..Street-.fro>ll._.lku�td..AQazi>te--.t-Q-...C�1;a &17o sft aeI-e...------.. exg-apt_erhQre food--and--suffla-lent...p1deyzalk-e.--now expst'i...................................................... .................................. ................................. ..................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....-._ 7 6a_.............................approved-....Aug.....21,...1923.----..---............-.-_........- Intermediary Order ............ ....... .......................................... approved -:....................... ........................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is-:.O.O.U.StFl10t-.. a-. 9� .7.. - faat...O.emen$...t-i le...sidewalk ...on. -.the sotlth...srile..af-xat0.73 st.r.Q -t....from...X11ktttxxt,_Avaaue...to...Chatsworth- %treet,....except where...mood--and- sufficient-_sidewalks...now...exist,............................................ - ..--......:._....... ............ ......................................................................--..................-................... ............ ...-.-.................................... ................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 99T 1 o 1923 9 ............................... ... /._................................ :.......... ......... . ......................�............ _— City Clerk. OCT 1 0 192 Approved........................................................... 191........ - -- ........................ ............................. .......... Councihnan3Hias;S$1S#IL Clancy gUBLISIIED D aD Mayor. CouncilmanA3� X v -'Ferguson Councilman=�7kiMX t/McDonald tt�� Councilman fl$.RtthiC ✓Pater Councilman=-=Xx v Sudheimer Councilman W ffi=-- Mayor WYi elsOn Form B. S. A. 8-7. AUL DEPAR `FINANCE REPORT OF COM. X14 NERr OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Constructing a six foal eme tile' ct� eml n S In the matter of � C Tlt �� t�3P 9I-14-4 Al AC of Hatch St from Ki l h irn mra Tn f`ha r e•wrnrrn e+ under Preliminary Order approved Aueust 21, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT �BLocK ADDITION 5 � ASSESSED -- I JIF :-No. 15 :ft- of E. rt.- cr I� 52.75-Sah-igaard s Subdiviaien of - i2 75 -25 and -East -52.75 ft. of Lot 55, Lake Como villas j ._ - Lots ..26 . and.. 27 _ 27: _ s 1 I i. North._15-ft. of West 50 ft. i do E2601 of Lot 25 & Nest 50 ft._cf j 2 .Lots 26 & 277' I � r i � Ido 127 1 1 TOTAL, o J 0.1-: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Fimme, Form B. B•13 L To The d3onorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul 'Minn. QQ ..192. ...................4.................'... j C Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: w22 �EcEtVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance ',,.,.'"' ""♦,,z AUG slogs llugue L 64 , 1yG.D --------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ,The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 928 the Council, known as Council File No.47661 ____________approved__________August ___ 21___,___ 1 ___191___, relative to the cons true tion o3 s six foot oement the sidewalk on the south side of Hatch Street from Kilburn Avenue to Chatsworth street, ----------------------------------------------- ------------•---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 61006 per front foot, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______--___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch. of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 5. Said improvement is ------------- for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CommissioneVPublic V s. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...................... ........... ................... .................. FIN 48973 In the Matterof...C.0218tZ'IAQ-b�Ylg... ...C.C17CX@tfi...blo.o.k...dr1mawa3T....ox7...t a-9--- north---olde oJf.A0r719n4._Streeta--_beginning..130-_feet_nest-.of-_C-ypress Street --_thecae----. tinder Preliminary Order ......4.$..S?°a_-----------............... approved ..........Auga...28s....I%R...3..............._....... IntermediaryOrder .................... ................._........_.........approved ................. --...................................._..................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City isng. s.ids...nf..Marglan�l...mee.,_.begf nnizag...130...feet...nest...Qf._Cyprees--.Street-n_-.thence weat.............--.............-----......----......_........................................_..... ............... ......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewittii OCT 1 o 1913 Adopted by the Council .......... ..._........................j9i.._ Approved ---------------0 TJ .1923.............., 191 Councilman ST€MUMM G C1anOy Councilman X=X vFergus on q_� Councilman jddait$ VMCDonald Councilman X1= VPeter Councilman SffiiAM SuT_dkleimer Councilman xtc rcea ••:Mayor== eleon =Form' B. S. A. 8-7. aITT ca W, UL DEPARTME 1 INANCE - REPORTOP COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a concrete blogic driveway on tine norm aide of Marylhna St beainninag 130 ft. wast nY frPcc 4t tN1,rt1.P WP,.at' 10 ft. under Preliminary Order approved Atl(�r lst 2ST. h 1 ��3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g sgyare The estimated cost foot for the above improvement is 27�1 p $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or r.: parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION ASSESSED II .LOT BLOCK.• ADDITION VALUATION 26 i_ 8 J. A. & W. M. Stees Aaa ; I 5b i 2 g doF 7- I I I i f5 i f I I L_ TOTAL C �. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. llated -Z, i / 0 19.P i � 4. - C6mm,aawner of Finonce. Office. Of Commissioner of Public 1VEE) Report to Commissioner of Finance s w S1'`OyER OF t� SEP a 9928 ----Augue--- 31, 1923 - - - -------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ Q ---- approved----------- August - 2--- --- __ 91_, relative to the oongtruation of a aonorete blook drivevay_on_the _north silo_ ®$-1r�2ad So9 b®inning 1�0 Sto meet_ o£ C�gr®Q�_ Strootth©nQ9 ..... 17eet 10 ft. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to,therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 24V per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $_-----___---, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:________________________,-__-__--__- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached..and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ b. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ -n ------------- Commissio er of Public ls. V P 'nn 46771 BY V J Pete 4�R.p,4' In tho :Efatfor of, constrdctlag sewers ��3LL a/ `Jehotfer AVB. from Elt CafyO Bou- lavard to tho ensC line f Cl land �~ AVBe<and o an'-easemdob-- tF4 d n Che'l1n"e oY - - S�hotY r St. " produced from mt. Ri .e is n1eV0.Td t0 th Efibs efppl Rtver BoaleVarfl' th0 ., CC b. [b0 ! _ Efts"stawDDf Ittvor BowBvnt•d t 'tho j Etlddlpblppi andonon Nlles Ave betty n lr tin �'Avo nbT: > Cieveln d Ave.; on % ..\Pats A U t eon C titin A COUNCIL FILE NO............................ iOVA aft Ave. a A` T on a It oi $y.>Baar11 O.bal[ ............:............................................. ved(wveeleann the _- :•EI[ssi l ipDi" Riv d ulhe i -; " I ` Al no laid d. do t .ensY of Mtn. Cur's � ': Vard: on i Ati, ° vtrd fri-^ Inthe Hayter ...__................ :`•---........................................................ .......... _............:....... Constructing severs on: Scheffer Avea from-Mt. Curve Boulevard to- the east _line--of_Cleyelaffd-Ave. and on sii easement o oe oDtaine o� n `tie line"or Scheffer St., produced from Mt. Curve Boulevard to the Mississippi River Boulevard, thence across the Mississippi River` Boulevard to the Mississippi River and on Niles Ave„ between. Cretin Ave. and Cleveland"Ave., on Watson Ave. between Cretin Ave. and Cleveland Avea, on Hartford:-Avea: from Mte :`Curve Boulevard, to -Cleveland Aved'i-on Bayard Ave. between Mt. Curve Boulevard and Cleveland Ave., on the Mis-elasipp2'River-Boulevard between Randolph St; and Soheffer Ave; produoed ,wes.terly from :Scheffer:: Ave,--as -laid out, east. of UU,. Curve+ Boulevard, on Mt. 'Our ve Boulevard from Soheffer"Avea to t terminus of the existing eenerD'approximately 910 feet north of Hartford Ave., on Montrose"TAhe"from- Hartford Avea to the terminus sof, the'<existing sever; approximately 660 feet north of Hartford Ave., on Creti.n'Ave'*"from 9 tford Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 260"feet south of Randolph St., on e Cleveland Aeeo betwOen Scheffer Ave.;and Randolph,:Sto- Al'l'-o which- is 'to' be known" as.ihe SCHEFF[ 4,VE.` SEWER SYISTEM., . Same 1 • ( Boulevard thenc��crase tt� Mississippi River Boulevard to the Misaissipp River and,an I Niles,Ave. between Cretin Avea and Cleveland Ave., on; Watson Ave. betveen Cretin Ave. and Cleveland Ave., on Hartford Ave. from-Mt.. Curve Boulevard to Cleveland Ave., on BAve between Mt. Curve Boulevard�'and Cleveland Avea, on the ayard Miss 9sipp3'River'Boulevard"between,Rando3,ph.St.-.and-Scheffer Ave.- . produced` w®sterly "from Scheffer :Avea as•.::3.aid: out, ,esat:; of Mte : Curoe Boulevar.4 on e* • . Mt."-:Curve.;Boulevard.from Scheffer Ave. to the terminus of tkte existing sewer, approximately. 91,0'f®et north of Hartford Avea, on Momti°ose Lans from,•Hartford Ave. to .the .terminus of the existing sever approximately 660 feet north of Hartford;Ave., on Cretin Avee from Hartford Ave. to the terminus of the'oxisting.-sever approximately260 feetsouthof Randolph St., on Cleveland',Ave. between Seheffer Ave. and-Randolph St. All of which is to be known as the SCHEFFER AVEa SEWER SYSTEM.. OU Councilman IDx ` Vieier PUBLIS Counc I ilmaugfz= ✓Sudheimer Councilman 29=3== ZGUEe$ Mayor T a is on Folin B. S. A. 8.7. Liplari Ta _Po I ou !A6aOL11 LL01M 2G1JP;TGL- 7A'0 pbpmaou lqpl r"OLAG, B613 C BOfn1TGAff'T4q ;9_011E P6;i166J3 CLOPTIT I!AG, p0.p.1A89JJ:CL6PTJJ VAG' 91TCqJ CT1QAqTP1_rN q VO VJUG PT, T PO -VJJG RTT T887b' �TAGL pojq1GA_-Lq se .q' r IIflSTC6 srctoea jUG Ax VAG. ou or fpG,E!�v 2of Wf- OnLAG 3p' :suq26pGT,z,GL VAG' oil p9a GT I UM q 1�fAG" 0TJ VAG, 111ji "Ll ou 071 r 9TAGL urq ou I PgG_ .22TaeTbb ------------- - .......... ............................ __ ...... 4zJ .......................................................................................... ..... ....................................... under Preliminary Order - ------- approved ---------- JUIY2140----1-9�2;� ` -------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------------------------- approved ------..... --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be ny��b the said City is...... ...................... . ...................................................... .............. .. .... ........ Construct -sewers on line of Cleveland Ave. Scheffer Ave. from Mt. Curve Boulevard to the east and onan easement -to- be obtained on- hG-linG-Of . . ......... - - Seheffer St. produced Prom Mt. Curve BoulevardAo the MiSSiSSiDD'--R'vQ'T Boulevard the ssissippi River and on Mississippi River Boulevard to the Mi Niles .Ave. betvieen Cretin'Ave. and Cleveland Ave., On Watson Ave. betvieen.oretin Ave- and Cleveland Ave-, On Hartford Av e,. fromCleveland Ave., on .Mt.. Curve Boulevard to tile Mt- Curve � toulevard' and Bayard veg bRiver ep Ouldvardbetueen Ra ndolPhClSetv�laanndd A vtheO,f-ofv OorMn A . v'e MMissis'sAPP Rrd erly from soheffer-Ase. ,as...laid Out. east t Boulevard,.on e e. To the terminus Of the existing ii it GUr,7eBO_Ule.VarA._-from Sohegf er Av 010-f6bt. north of. Hartford Ave., On Sevier, approximatelY, of the existing sever r-fromt!Hjj�tk6 'd'Kle. to -.the terminus Mouttbse 'Land r on mately 660 feet north of Hartfor.4.AVO-., approxi -of � the, �. pxistjn&�,seV4 sever Cretin Ave. from Hartford Ave. to the terminus Aveately,260 feet, South of Randolph St., on Cleveland;approXiM between Sehef for, 4ve. and Randolph St. �l._ SEWER SYSTEM. All of whieh Is to be known as the SCHEFFER AVE- Councilman2Yfid= VlPeter Councilman 2R= Audhelmer Councilman 22MIPU= Mayor IZMX pxle is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. _7 VIT OT, -avow Ta -Po pe KuoraTj sa TPo .2C1 LLEK'ittkr•, u f'tEB n_2SEt^r• CTsaa.Tauq Vns� psaiz+ss;J 2GW0T,;,GL 'Vns rAq urrflZbp 2-0 ffbbLOxTTc �dT UQO-IGs� 30ITP:P 0T, gssrrroTblr>�g�' CLs�Tu �tn5� ;�zaw gEM' TTO ,q yFo has. TsT.w;Tsta o : yrs sx?a Tz� asraez abbLaxsxus aTA e o Los -P uOL€;? Oi H"n e ' 'gu. . D,7011PLOUG Z Tis bz.our HeL, qzq t1As• 4�. r;rraPGLWJTXJM-7 of„APs sxTzTTUE aerusL asasT:' 3b7�T>Oarw�r�eT� aTO dee uoz p o� Brzr� 01,0V401 ou .,Id'°"'C4.da nOnTsnaLq T,T,ow 2cusTbsz ohs ^o cps �sT;zdruna OT CPe sY.7a;TSJFi BgrrTsAaT,q' ou . bzogncaq;�sa�sTT2;TLOIM ?cjr9TZZO. VAG- sa :T,sTq orr�.s�2� o{; p1P• CnH��s H4T2RTaeTbbT gTnsL BonradsLq lis, meazT,gsugOTb1s,2T`-... zriTq 2OUGT,;GL VAs- ),u�sz•g VA Go pera�eou 1Il COLAs B6n7ane'Lq sstq `CTor,aTaxrq Ynn•' 01TP1re LTjoLg Erne• :CLOAJ- 1IT • CnLAs BOnTaneTaq �O dfGAa�sTiq' Vns•, Ou j�SjadiJ 1 A.9• pO"E{a6A CT,G�TT7 ird0•' gTTq CTsneTsuq VAG`' OTT I2TTsa Fna•-p:a,iesu` CzaF;zr uno° ,puq CTene7sziq,?rns•' ou yTaaaaTbi�T'HTdsz. �onTsnpzgo �Irs yTaala2rbbT Zcxdezsua ou 136nTon£JTcj' iPOT7C0'SCLOaa �'tT0 2c11sT;�,sx, B�•. bLogrf3sq T�zoz�7�• �;aTs,ne Aon,Tsnsz.o �o rvs ?nraaTaaTubT HTne�,,, VTT ot, MPTOP Ta Po pe FUOIau as PPG 201EF,= VAE' FRAEF3 2�8-MPA CTs ajsuq k=ns• ps.Pafssu 201JOTT,er rue• ,enq gffugoTbP �.p* g ?bzo� Trus eT� ti oq has P014P OT, gtrugOTbP 2F'' ou 6LOffT1I hnO• T,Lozu HaLFtiOT,q tide• .Po �pPa'V9LtaTV112 OT, OPG. axTzx-TulR aat&GL i�ibLoxT3r1sV6T.W 3e0 'bsse TTOLsP OT, HVT �PbOtIq VAs•' ozi ;7ouPoas rave TLossT Hsz�ToLq vn®� 0 s �aLr,Tuna oT �Pa ex?arTTTn aseL aeasL'. sbbLox;zuy sT� 3IC 0GPDO OT.Lfjj Haz��oLq Vns•' ;ou 1rIT`° C'f7LA0-HonT�Agz.q T,LOIU 2CPeTT,0L Vne• O £ rs .PSTAUTTIM oT, &G 0XTaVTu@ POnToAKLq' ou hz;ogncoq Z498�6LTa �LCU) 2O1.rGT,T.sz ITAs°' ere,srq ons Deal' ;OT, 1IT CnLAs PTeS a2Tbb; gTASL J3On3-OA9Lq ps�PsIeOu IsazrgoTbP 21~' sUq 2cP9TTGL VAs• 'Er7ULq rAG- pa�PTtiaezi rnp• C0LA© BOnTeAetq sTiq 0TsAs77ug" V,AG” Ou Ppe HsL�pt,oLq hAo• :LLOw 1q,;QMAG BoriTGA SLCI 4�0 CTsns7ErTJ Yde•' DTT'. Iff�aorr dna° pePM0013 CLGVTxr °t-rAa• suq CFsnsTazzq Vas'' 03J.TWIT girds• ,qe f_sesTi, CT•8$T'u "Aa• :suq CTGAeTsui : A,q ou },r843aTbb Fc TPs I"1T2aT aTbbT°11TnGT- auv.01; ..................................................................................................................... _.... ........... ........................... ..... -------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...........1 0 .. OCT ...............1923 .................... .... ...... OCT 1 (+ 1923 City Clerk. Approved................. .......................................... 191........ / Mayor. CouneilmanrAr WG35 #I:�lanoy _ Councilmanxl erguson CouncilmanJM4MM /✓" McD6naid PUgLISIiEY9 �`� a . Councilman�eidID9c V Peter Councilman nkf= ✓&Wheimer Councilman 1"I Mayor EiIIMS e18 Form B. S. A. 8.7. CITY OP ST. PAUL, +a DEPARTMENT OF'FINANC�=_- . 13,EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON COELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of , Schef f er Avenue Sewer system under Preliminary Order approved July 24th . 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 179,11j.00 $_179,115.00 f�-9l J: I0.3 !/ The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Sche.ftar AvP- Mount Curve B1vd.to Cleveland Ave. Lots'llz, 11,10,9,5,7,6,5,4, 3,2, & 1 3 Saint Catherine Park X550 2nd Addition '!Lots 15,14,1j,12,11,10,9,5,7, 6,5,4,3,2 and 1 2 do 1575 Lots 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,5,7, 1,�t4,2 and 1 1 1 j5�5 ( E o. voland) . 16 6 River Boulevard pdd. 125 17 6 do 125 - - TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 8T. PAUL RF (gg+�' DEPARTMENT OF FINAACE ,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 0!6,PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT.IBLocic ADDITION - VALUATION Lotti 15,1 ,20 & 21 6 River Boulevard Add. 500.1 Lots 22, 23 and 24 6 do 375 25 . 6 do 125: Lots 26 and 27 6 do 250 Lots 25 and 29 6 do 250 3o 6 do 125 Lots 16,17,15,19,20,21,22,23, 24,25,26,27,28,29 30 4 River Boulevard Avid. 1575 Lots 17,15,19,20,21,22,23,24 25,26 and 6 2 Kings Highland Park 1675 14 1 F.d,,ecliffe Arid. I17e.2 1200 13 1 do 700 N. S.W.IT of E.40 Ac.of Govt. 41 Sec.S, T.28, H.23 4500 .',IMississippi River Blvd. All that part of 4 lyinr westerly of Edrecliffa he N.line _ .. ,A2,southerlyy of of Lot 4, the flowa,,-e line fixed at elevation 731 Sea level & the S.line of L.4((,ovtl -between flowage line at elev. -. 31 & the wat6rs edge T.25, R.23 Niles Ave.,ba:.t.. Cretin & Cleveland Avenue 5 ft -of .,.165 ft -also [Rsxc.,+. ereti� & L'leve}and, the S.1/2 of N -2 of N.E.4 of S. F. of 9910 ,Sec.S, T.25, R.23 Except Cretin Ave.) id.z 10 Suburban Acre Lots 3.00 9 do boo t�.w.1/4 5 do 150 S do 150 7 do TOTAL 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL eeyy��� DEPARTMENT OF FINAtICE d,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 0"6-PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION +. LOT., BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 .Suburban Acre Lotti 1150 5 do 4200 4 do 3500 3 do 600 2 do 600 Exc.E.`j ft. for widening Cleveland 1 do 700 Watson Ave. betvv�Cretin Ave. &_ Cleveland Ave_ Exc.Cretin Ave.) S.1/2 10 do 300 . 9 do 600 S.1/2 a do 300 7 do 600 6 do 1150 5 d o 4200 4 do 3500 . 3 do 600 2 do 600 Exc. E.7 ft.for Cleveland 1 do 700 (Exc.Cretin Ave.( N.1/2 11 do 300 N.1/2 12 do 300 N.W.-41 13 do 150 N.E.w 13 do 150 S.1/2 14 dd 300 tN.W. 15 do 150 N.E.; 15 do 150 16 do 1000 N. 1/2 17 do 300 lt) do 600 19 do 600 TOTAL tee,, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINA6913 -,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Otb PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ezc.3 ft. for Clevaland 20 Suburban Acre Lotis 700., :.Hartford Ave. from _Mound Curve. to.Cleveland _Ave. 50 2 Ryan Place 600 25 2 do 500 50 1 do 500 25 1 do 350 Except Cretin Ave. S.1/2 11 Suburban Acre Lots 300 . S.1/2 12 do 300 S. t4. 13 do 150 . S. E. w -r - 13 do 150 S. 1/2 14 do 300 S. W. 15 do 150 S. E. 15 - do 150 16 do 1000 S.1/2 17 do 300 18 do 6o0 19 do boo Fxe.j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j t ur , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .` Orb PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lot s,,16„17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, 25,26,27,28,29 and 30 3 River Boulevard Add. 1875. ;Lots 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18 1 Kings Highland Park 1350;: `Exe.7 ft.for Cleveland S.1254 ft. of E. 200 River Boulevard Add. 1575 'Lots, 15,14,13,12,11,10,9 & 8 6 do 1000. Lots 7,6,5,4,3,2, and 1 6 do .675: . Lots 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7, -- 6,5,4,3,2 and 1 4 do 1875 'Lots 16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9, 8, 7, 1 2 Kings Highland Park 1675 Mississippi River Blvd, between Ran..iolph & Seheffer Lots 27,26,29,30,31,32,33,34, 25,36,37338,39,40,41,42, 43,44,45,46,47,48,49 & 50 3 Ryan Place 30000 Lots 1,2,3,1+ and 5 1 Edgecliffe Add. No. 2 5250 6 1 do 1050 Lots 7 and 8 1 do 1400, 9 1 do 700 Lots 10,11,12 & 13 1 do 2850, Mount Curve Blva, from Scheffer North 34 2 Ryan Place 500. Lots 33,>5,36,37,36 2 do 2000, Lots 39, 4U, 41,_42 2 do 2000 'Lots 45,44,45,46,47,48,49 & 50 2 do 4100 :Lots 6,9,10,11,12,13,14 &15 3 do TOTAL 4800 CITY - DEPARTMENT OF 9T. PAUL OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ' v O6 PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION L07` BLOCK ADDITION VAASLUED ATSESSION Lot s=-16,17,16,19,.?0,2-1,22,23, 24 P< 25 3 Ryan Placc 6100 Lots 15 & 14 1 Edgeeliffe Add. Ido. 2 .3200. Lots 15 & 16 5 River Boulevard Add. 250 15 6 do 125 . 16 6 do 125 . Mcntrose Lane from Hartford St. North Lots 39,40,41,42;43,44,45146 - 47,45,49 and 50 1 Ryan ?lace 4900 Lots 14,15,16,17,15,19,20,21 22,2' 24 and 25 2 do 49oo . Cretin Ave. from Hartford S;.Sou_th Lots 7 & 8 1 do 650 . Lots 9,10,11,12,13,14,15 & 16 1 do 2400 Lots 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, 25 1 aO �75Q Exc.N.75 of E.185 ft. also Cretin & Cleveland, the S.� N 1 w.E.--k S.E.-L of Sec.8,1,28, M 9010 3 Except Cretin Ave. NA 10 Suburban Acre Lots 300 P: Except Cretin Ave. S.i 10 do 30.0 Except Cretin Ave, N,1 11 do 300, . ._ E-<capt Cretin Ave. S.2 11 d° �: 00 p , _.Qlav_e.land A,7 a. Sol.eff�r Ave. Randolph St. _— - 11 Lots 6, 5, 4,3, 2 and 1 2 kings Highland Park 754 . 1 Exc.E.7 ft.Cleveland,S.1253 1575 ` of E.200v 1 River Boulevard Add. Exc.E.7 ft.ClevelofdEIJ20054 do 2925 1 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINA17%CE 1 a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OP') PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'Except E. ft. for Cleve- 20 land do 1 Exc.IV.7 of F. 8 gLlso C etin & Cleveyand S_jz .2 N.E.y of S.E.-1.1 Sec.8, T.26, R.23 Exc.E.401 for Clevelapd Tie J. 75 ft. of E.185 of S.2 v.2 N.E.4 S.E.w Sec.8,T.28,R.23 xc.E.401 for Cleveland The N. 5 ft.gf S.7� of E.170 of F.E. -X.E.4 S.E.4 Sec.8,T.26,R.23 .Except Randolph St.& Cleveland Ave. & the N.45 of S 75 of E. 17� ft. the E.271.i It.of N.4 of N.E.4 of S. .4, Sec.9 T.28, R.2j Except W.7 f for Cleveland Suburban Acre Lots do Lots 19,20,21 and 22 2 State Park Plat No.4 Ex0.T.7 ft. for Cleveland 9 Reserve Garden Lots Exc.T.7 ft.for Cleveland 8 do Exc.W.7 ft.for Cleveland & N.7 ft.for Randoinh 5 Exc.Randolph & N'.127 07 ft.of W.150 ft.of E.2 of N.s, of N.E. of S.E.4 Sec.8, T.28, R.23 Exc. kanaolph & the 14.127.07 it. & ttze E.60 ft.of S 160.68 of W.270 0 E� of N.4 of N. E.4 of S.E.4 Ac.8, T.28, R.2j N.10 ft.of S.160.68 of E.40 of W.23R1 of E.2 of N.1 of N.E.' of S.E.4 Sec.8, T.2c, R.23 S.301 of E.401 of. 14.230 of E.21 of 14.4 of N. E.4 of S.E.w 3ec.8 T.28, R. 23 do ASSESSED VALUATION 700. 700 9910 2125 2450 6250 400 7200, 10500 30800o 1200 3550 25 50 TOTAL m.40' 'of E.471. j' of iL120.681 of S,150.68' of N.4 of N.E.1 of S. E.4 sec., T.28, R,23 Exc.Ra-,idol h & N.127.071 of .120 of 391.5 of N of N. E. u of S.E.w Sec. 8,T.2 R.23 ExC.Randolph &N. 127 07' and Cl@valand -Ni .ie11ed and :1.45 of S- 75 of E.1 O',the E.21.5' of .N v of N. .4 of S.E.,. Sec.8 T.28, R.23 _;11.45 of S 75 of 1.170 of N-ul ,of Id. E.4 of S E , Sec. 6,T.2$ R. 23 Exe.Clevela7d Ave.1he N.75 �f E.l§ of S.,$ of I•:.2 of N. .4 S. E.4 Sec. 3, T. 28, R. 23 Exc.Cleveland Ave.& Cretin Ave. & N.2 of Niles St.& ;v.75 of E. 1851,the S.2' of N.- of N.E.I of S.E.-11 of Sec.8,T.28,R.23 Exc.Randolph & Cretin &N.127.071 'Of m.150' of id. u of Id. E, of S.E.1 Sec.8, T.28, R.23 Exc.Randolph & N.1?7.07' thj E. :601 of iv. 210 of'N.y of N. E.4 of S.E.4 Sec.8, T.28, R.23 u-Exc.Handolph & N.127.07' the E. 60' of 1x.270 of :u. i, of ;9.e.0 of S. E.4 Seo. B, T. 28, R. 6Ha' ndolph St. &f°.11 07 the oof f Id. E. -AE j30 ' 4 E.S,c.8, T.�8, R.23 Txc. Randolph & N. 1277' the T x.60' of x.390' of N.w of N.E. of S. E.4 SeC. T.28,R.23 Exc.Randolph & N.127.07' ofiv.l 120' of E. 270' of 1x.2 of N. E. of N.E.j, �ec.8, T.28, R.23 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 925: 950 6 250 2450 . 2125 9910 1250 475 475 475 475 6250 CITY OF 9T. PAUL �r� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIb PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION m.40' 'of E.471. j' of iL120.681 of S,150.68' of N.4 of N.E.1 of S. E.4 sec., T.28, R,23 Exc.Ra-,idol h & N.127.071 of .120 of 391.5 of N of N. E. u of S.E.w Sec. 8,T.2 R.23 ExC.Randolph &N. 127 07' and Cl@valand -Ni .ie11ed and :1.45 of S- 75 of E.1 O',the E.21.5' of .N v of N. .4 of S.E.,. Sec.8 T.28, R.23 _;11.45 of S 75 of 1.170 of N-ul ,of Id. E.4 of S E , Sec. 6,T.2$ R. 23 Exe.Clevela7d Ave.1he N.75 �f E.l§ of S.,$ of I•:.2 of N. .4 S. E.4 Sec. 3, T. 28, R. 23 Exc.Cleveland Ave.& Cretin Ave. & N.2 of Niles St.& ;v.75 of E. 1851,the S.2' of N.- of N.E.I of S.E.-11 of Sec.8,T.28,R.23 Exc.Randolph & Cretin &N.127.071 'Of m.150' of id. u of Id. E, of S.E.1 Sec.8, T.28, R.23 Exc.Randolph & N.1?7.07' thj E. :601 of iv. 210 of'N.y of N. E.4 of S.E.4 Sec.8, T.28, R.23 u-Exc.Handolph & N.127.07' the E. 60' of 1x.270 of :u. i, of ;9.e.0 of S. E.4 Seo. B, T. 28, R. 6Ha' ndolph St. &f°.11 07 the oof f Id. E. -AE j30 ' 4 E.S,c.8, T.�8, R.23 Txc. Randolph & N. 1277' the T x.60' of x.390' of N.w of N.E. of S. E.4 SeC. T.28,R.23 Exc.Randolph & N.127.07' ofiv.l 120' of E. 270' of 1x.2 of N. E. of N.E.j, �ec.8, T.28, R.23 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 925: 950 6 250 2450 . 2125 9910 1250 475 475 475 475 6250 ' CITY OF BT. PAUL ��yy DEPARTMENT OF FINA&K j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIb PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION - .� LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Exc.Randol�h & N.}27.07' o E. 150' of.o of N.,, oY N. -E. of. 'Sec.8, T.28, R.23 1200 Block.6,7, & 9 & the alleys of said ) `Dlork of Niles St.adjoin�nb..said 1 �'& iVatson Ave. from Pl.lin ) blk. of Sue St. to E. line of prior W.' of Sue St.adjoing the above described 3 Albert Lea College Add. 5600 tract Prior Ave.adjoining said tract, i) Austin Ave. betw.said bloeka 7 & 8, ---Laura Ave. betw.said blocks 9 r< l0,& ) S of Tt'son adj.blocks 9 & 10 & La ra) Ava.& E.2 Sue St.adj.said blk.9 & S.� Of 1Vatson Ave. Exc.7 ft.for Randolph & Clevoland _S'ly 862.93 ft -of lots 5,6,7 and all of lot 8 Reserve Park Garden Lots 3185-00 Exc.7 ft. for Cleveland L.9 do 7200 . Voest 1/2 L.12 do 3750 East 1/2 12 & 17. 1/2 13 do 7500 East 1/2 13 do 52.50 . Nest 1/2 14 do 3750 . East 1/2 14 do E 4000 Blocks 1,4 & 5 (S.t 1 &all of 4 & yy) -tLtha & alleys of said blocks, Juno,Niles 13500 ,N.-� Watson Ave.from E.line )f Sue St. to .;line of Fairview Bioeks 2 & 3•(S.' 2 & a113) the alleys ofsaid blocks Juno betw.said 'blocks N.i of Niles St.adjoining,also Prior Ave. 120650 & 11.e Sue adjoining Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,15,16,17& 18 B.2 State Park Add Plat No.4 1200 fr; '-Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 1 State Park Add Plat No.4 Lots l,2- ,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,k0 & 11 2 110.5 1100 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,. x,:12,13,14,15,16, 17,18,19,20,21,22 1 n n n n n 5 2200 Lots 1,2 and 3 3 �� n n n n 5 300 ... TOTAL CITY OF 6T'PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANryry 8 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OP" PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i VALUATION Lots 1,2,3,10, 11 & 12 4 State Park Add.Plat No-5 600 Lots 1,2,5,4 and 5 1 n n n n n 2 3025 Lots 6 and 7 1 II n n n 12 250 d 1 do 125 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 1 n n 11 n n 3 925 . Lots 16 and 15 Reserve Park Garden Lots 12475 1 Gebhardts Restoration 375 2 do 354 . 3 do 750 19 3 Macalester College Add. 350 Lots 20 and 21 3 do 1700 22 3 do 350 . 23 3 do 2050 Lots 24,25,26,27,28 and 29 3 do 2100 30 3 do 350 Lots 1-30 incl.of blks. 4,5, 6 and vacate alleys in said blks. & Fredericka Ave. vacated rom S.line of Juno to N.line of Hartford,Niles & 20000 Watson Avg. both vacated from E.line of Fairview to 19.1ine of _ said Fredericka -. The E.t of Fredericka vac. Web$ter Add, 78000 from S. line of Juno to Nine of Hartford,Juno,Niles St.& Watson Av. _. all vT�.o.from E line ozz� Fredericka to 1 1-j0,1Blkk:51k.j, jO,Blk.4, lots So sB1k3j,Ba116of vBlks. ,l5�,&lgJe 8 1 Kipps College Park 225 9 do 175 . 10 do TOTAL 175 ' CITY OF 9T. PAUL ,,yy DEPARTMENT OF FINANGtE lF '�^' f' a REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c&7 (B) Oi�PREL:IMINARY ORDER _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION w 11 Kipps College Park 15p ! _.- 12 do 500 Lots 13 and 14 do 300 1 2 do 9afl 2 2 do 150 3 do 15a 4 do 125 5 do 150 South 1/2 L.6 & 7 do 15P No. 1/2 lots 6 & 7 do 175. . Lots d, 9 and 10 do 475 11 2 do 125 Lots.12 and 13 2 do 250 14 2 do 125 Lots 1. and 2 3 do 250 3 3 do .125. 4 3 do 525. 5 3 do 150 6 3 . do .15.0 Lots 7 & 8 3. do 350_ Lots 9,10 & 11 3 do 425. Lots 12,13 & 14 3 do 1 4 do 125 . All L.2 and E.J Lot 3 4 do X75 West 1/2 Lot 3 & lot 4 4 do 200 Lots 5 and 6 4 do .^ Lots 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 4 do 850 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL //�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANI E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Obo PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION �� Lots 13 and 14 4 Kipps'College Park Add. Lots 17,18,19,20,21 and 22 Benedictine Plat 1 23 do Lots 24,25,26,27,2 ,29 and 50 do 31 do Lora 32 & 33 do Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, -- 20,21 and 22 1 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,9,10,11, 12,13 and 14 2 .Lots 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13,14 14 3 5 3 Lots 1,2,3 45,6,7,9,10,12, i 13,14,15,1b,7:18,19,20,21 and 22 4 Lots 8 & 11 4 23 4 Lots 1,2i5,4,656,6,1,8,9,10,11, 22,23]:24,25,2N' 18,19,20,21, 27 5 28 5 .Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12,1} & 14 6 Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 13,14,15,16,17,18,1g,20,21,22, 23,24,25,26,27, and 28 7 ::Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 28 1,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 2 ,23,244,25,2b6,27 and 8 Mattock Park do ASSESSED VALUATION 250•. goo.. . ��5 1050 150 350 2625 1900 do 1775 do 125 do 2 500 do 250 do 350 do 4200 do 350 do 1900 do 3754 . do 4550 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Y DEPARTMENT OF FINAN0.. d p'S , t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e 0110,, PRELIMINARY ORDER Q DESCRIPTION LIST BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots .1,2,3,.4,5 6.,7,6,9,10,11, 12,i ;14,155,1i6,i9,2o, 4550 21,21,23,24,25,26,2.1 and 26 9 Mattock Park Lots.1.2,3-,4,5,6,7,5,9,10,11, _ 12,13, 14,15,16,17,16,19,20,21 2.2,23,24,25,26,27 and 26 10 do 3600 Exc.Randolph & Snelling Ave. S.61.64, of w.76. 2 of E.2 5164' of N.170.43 of N..; of S. .w of Sec.9, T.26, R.23 5300 Exc.Hartforl the i1.'N. , of S.W.4 S.E.,�� Seo.9, T.26, R.23 6600_ Exc.Hartford N.E.w of S.N.w of S. E.4 Sec.9, T.26, R.23 7500 N.' S of S.W.-,'of S.E. Sec.9, T.6, R.23 5505. '. _S.,-1 of S.'.9. of S.E. Seo.9, 5100_ T.26, R.23 W.z of S.IV.a of S.E.-1 S. Sao.9, T.26, R.23 4710 1 Gibson's Addition 3600 2do 3650. 3 do 38,00 L.4 & N.115' of E.130' of 5 do 160 Lots 7 and 6 do 1500 _ 9 do 750' ?o do 750. Exc.part Snellinr Ave. E.59.73' of 5.240' of 5.1%3 of L.1 Sec. -10, T.2$, R.23 TOTAL . 3000 ... CITY OF ST.. PAUL /� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE} tiQ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, GjyW PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION s 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Exc. fart Snellin Ave. 112.450 of :7.231 0 5.420.19' of w.825 of 14.17. ; of S.lv.4 Seo.10, T.28, R.23_u Exc. Snelling; Ave .1V.450' of S.189.17, 02 19.825' of N.1v.4 of S.lv.;, Sec.10, T.28, H.23 Esc.part for Snelling Ave. acres ffSN acr2 oo23O.k, T. S.1-1 acres _Sof N.5 acres of IV. 1 10 acres of S.25 acres of .1v.'F of S.lv.-1 Sec.10, T.26, 0.23 lots 18,19,20,21 and 22 5 lots 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14,15, 16,17,18,19,20,21 and 22 6 Tivin City Vie -:r Add do 4395 3630 3495 1200 775 2750 1309475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. Form D. B. 12 � ,�yf�" u?IP. 4-•oG/.oY 4=a =Sey. e d r"F Po/ace .Names I a sn. W,71son I •Harfjbrd I �� � �. 1 Scfiefje� / A. Ol — 1 � P�eh ' 9f tea- a bd' va•-i�ey� `�6 ac>. -iec us>.I Fe is =azsw I'V e Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of f: inanc( August 6, 1923 -191---- ------ ------------ To 91--------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: "�Me Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No—i7 6 _--approved_--?URIK 24 e 1923 191__-, relative to oFiL Lrile tt lou Usf l:'J6xro oil rr do tiie3VA ` ttn tU `siit: o:wt siz,a 41f V"0.o a 1, c.;. n,� kD:'e:.1c f,.41S}i+ Yxfs ♦ni; 4}�if,.s,. �J tt: U4l w itj �„i..E4di Uy 7' oduacid tiw'!!to ii.M'"VILQRJtc lthe*vm1Jsicult�xs€�SS@3e:€x nauLe t�ai3$lii0 Sf3 s�$£1€S5.#i3i� $ �+s:' p1l llletc R.vina tD49L>"tt3fi? fas+>L3:a - iJe?a bs.,j*9� Y +c? .'-�'}l t � V,Q d&' iiS°ik6D"1 it g 1'34�'Lch1F.SS'1 R;.t•r>>fi ;�C�.so F=Si4t :;�.EJvt"tiE:ai'S''� y�g dYi #i2thls'.t53't�r s=Lrs:�a ad'G1Lv c."�a .«iL1_"i7C, l�.L't3o tU t .t.i k of as1 `tt' o q 6a1 ;t;+ i€ ;ld GC7 qt: a Lc +alli'iLt '4G� 3 e t t3 J,f'Sio:kk.l2fi ilsL€ q U'i1 it < .r"� .i}9s. 41) ; l.Va33f'f%.C➢Vi Ca 1143 GCie� 'Cfi3 �C�.' ; Paa oq °_i4 gs+t+Qzw .':.sco :o^ t3#bvtr;$' $of:i ai}lfS�mda a_`:fo 1L3.£D«t $' Out LY�st6i: ti..&� c�a Lill..,. VtY zri1i1�." ,�;�:fifl�s 3 `'titin Gtd.l`6�e"i.`t .semUta S7o 1150 tea© t,t 'Mims( (} L�SCr��:`.iat� GL-wex'p'Stl f3t� e1�� �}io iiol'tt 0 i.b r,tQrd.° V.. 6rl �%1L, dJtifl3 .is-.g1U »'7s°Ci.�f3 �55Zaft* 43 ? VQo G c fafso »iia north of 1'C tfV ii ectaq Gx3 5 i.'3 �uii? s Vo. 'r€9ts f'Irt:i(?xd tt3o to tho ter. -1 11118 UL tho a tint ng uolgoa`' Efib ft. ur'ut it 02 '.EPIz%lr�y � to q esFl lay€i7sFlstt r�� Lo "two+oll '-UhGZI 0V 1.VkFo ullti ::?3!dhGliih toy FailL dGtEi}3 AL3 R94; UkiE1 siv Y.ies7 ",.'31F3iaL71.` .tik o «L1�3£tr .� "e'1tCif$lY ,i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment orlaid improvement. ` �. Commissioner f Public C' William I Peter, (dammissioner brie fli[allette, i3eputp (Commissioner Department of f ublir Barks P (MV of aint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANG CTIY PLANNING ENGINEER Lir, Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRY AK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SA-ATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Auguat" 4, 1923.. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of sewers on - Schaffer Ave. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to the east line of Cleveland Ave. an on an easement to be obtained on the line of Schaffer St. -produced from Mt. Curve Blvd. to the Mississippi River Blvd, thence across the Mississippi River Blvd. to the Mississippi River on Niles Ave. between Cretin Ave. and Cleveland Ave., on Watson Ave. between Cretin Ave. and Cleveland Ave., on Hartford Ave. from bilu. Curve Blvd. to Cleveland Ave., on Be and Ave. between Mt. Curve Boulevard and Cleveland Avenue, on t e Mississippi River Boulevard between Randolph St. and Schaffer Ave. pro uce wea er y from Schaffer Ave. as laid out east of lint. Curve Boulevard, on Mt. Curve Boulevard from Schaffer Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer, approxima ely 910 fto north of Hartford Ave., on Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 860 ft. north of Hartford Ave., on Cretin Ave. from Hartford Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 260 ft. south of Randolph St., on Cleveland Ave. between Schaffer Ave. and Randolph St., all of which is o be known as the "Schaffer Ave. Sewer System,,, un'der Preliminary Order C. F. j47276, approved July 24, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - y4p179,113.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23,640 ft. - Total area of drginage district, 11,051,600 ft. exclusive of streets and alleys Coat of sewer of sufficient size to. drain abutting property $132,723e00 Drainage map is hereto attached. Yours truly, /� Approved for transmission �"`-' � to the Cc R s i r of Finance. i Engineer. Comntissi f Public Works. C g ,y5 gINAL ORDER9. C F. No. 48975—B3'¢d R, SUoeter•n be - COUNCIL F ...................... By................_ .......1�� .:....-........._............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....gxadin.g....the_ar.ea...betvi.een...cur.ba-..and ._ property... Linea -..o . both si.dea of...M.t......Curee._Bl.vd..:...farom_.Eae...... t, -o St>- C1aJr.-.S.t......ana-_A. ... Sargent -.-St. from Mt. Curve_--bivd. to Woodlatvn Ave..................................-___._......_____.._.__.-__ ......_............._....._......... _. _....._ ...._....._........._........_............... _ ._............. ............ -........ _...... ......._....._.......... ... ... under Preliminary Order ........ ....449.91.......................approved ...April „lo,.. 1923._- ....__.... Intermediary Order .__._ _. ___ .. ..__ __.._ _.. __.....approved __.... __._.._......... ____... - ._......._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of StPaul that the _ .gradb..htlhe...area ..be..tureen..curbs....and_prop.erty...lines on...both_.aide.aFairmount...Aq.P.....t.o..-St._._Clair .St.... . and on Sargent St. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to 17oodlarrn Ave., .................... .................. ........._..._ ............. _._......_ _._ _._ ..._._ .__....._ .. be and ....... . ..e. hereby. enrcelled,-oaaull4 ttld l'9811ilidKA xhd-dii _._............... _....................................... _.... in :.a:d maaor be discontinued. _..... .......... ...... ....... ......... .... ......._.... --. _ _.. .......... ......... ....... ........ _.._ __. ... ....._ _..__......__..... .. ......... __... _. __.._. _.... .. _............ .._._..... and t\ Council hereby orders 'd improvement to b made. RE OL ED FURTI3ER, That c Commissioner ofNauthoriz s be and is her instructed and d�ected to prepa plans and specifications fo said improvemeit same to the Coteee(INwith u for approval; t¢at upon said provnl, the proper city 1\ -als are herebynd directed to the making of said imp vement in accordance therei 'th. Adopted by the Council-- OCT 2..4492 .............. ....... � �� City Clerk. ....�CT...4.5^'.. Approved.... _.._..., 191........ r• ,� Mayor. Councilman Sralmfs4az= Clancy Councilman MZKX L. -Ferguson Councilman B=K �. McDonald AJI_T L? 31SHED1Z Councilman M1 V Peter Councilman IDf MnX _nw J Councilman WnOM lenzel t i Mayor XX-= "lSon Form B. S. A. 9 _ 4q9 5 1. I1�A1. ORDER9. g, No. 48975—n>' W.J. Peter— be - COUNCIL r Matter of Brad th inE By LLLL FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....gsading...tne..ar.ea...heiw.een... aur.os...and ..property ... lines. ... on. -.bath sides ...of..I t• Curre>3�.v�1,.....f'no m...FA rm.0 ant...Av?,-...t.a...S1......GIa.I:r....S.t....and...Q.?1......... Sargent_--St.--from- Mt. Curve blvd. to Woodlawn Ave................................................................. .... ..... ..... ... ...._ ....__... __......__._.................. .._..........__I ............. ._........... _ ---- ..............._._....... under Preliminary Order ....._._...991..........._ ._......approved ...April1Q,__192j.. Intermediary Order .._..._ .. _____ __ _... -approved ....._ __ __._ .._...__ __ .....___... _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of StPaul that the .._..gradA...htne..area...be.tmeeri curbs.... and..prop.erty...lines on...b-oth...Sides....Of...?t. _Curve...S-1vd,.... from ..Fai,rmount...Av.e.....t-Q-..St. ... Clair _St... . and on Sargent___St. from Mt. Curve Blvd, to Woodlarrn Ave., ..._............ ..............._.......be and_.t i.e same.. are. here!,,y..c',1r.cel1ed, analllle$, and Vem, 1ltltid-'.t1Jd i14# prc:ce^s :a in ea'd i.iatter be discontinued. _.._ ..... ............ _.................... ........... ..... ........... ......._...__..... _............._.........__.................. _........ .__.. ............. ....... _..._ .... _ - ._...... _......... ........ .. ......... .............. .... - . ............. and t e Council herorders d improvement to b made. RE\J.usand ED FURTHER, That e Commissioner of lie Works he and ie her instructed and dx'-r\ected�to prepspecifications fdimprovement, an submit same to the Coppu for approval; uttupon saprovalthe proper city are hereby author z and directed to pOcee with the malnng of said vement in accordance th. Adopted by the Council--- -OCT 2.. 4..19..........._.---- ....... - City Clerk. _ Approved ................... OCT2 4 1996 .........__._ .... 191...._.. i zfr::rC? Mayor. Councilman E mm4ai47i Clancy Councilman =KX t., -Ferguson Councilman E AiS= , 'McDonaldyul SHED o? Councilman SaMm Peter ' I (i' Councilman 16RIUM 3uitffat-ne-4 Councilman wnmL-zMV,- renzel ( ffiKfi`4R m.yorlGXR ;idlson Form B. S. A. Bi. 0 BLE 8 Lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BLK 6 Lot 10- 11. 12.. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. pRELIMINARY ORDER NO.44991-2. Grading between curb -,and property lines, on Sargent 5t. between Mt.Curve&Woodlawn Avti LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS. Named Against. For. Harold.S.Chamberlain(Out of Town) Eric Fridholm x John 47.Norton Eric Fridholm A` Madeline Cookman x John W.Norton x Carl Mannheimer Edw J.Ritt (Graded) H.K.Cherry Gertrude M.Steuer Frank H.Webster Eric Fridholm H.L.Brink (Graded) Woodland H.Gilbert Frank J Zenner Carl Hillgren Eric Fridholm John W.Norton Beaver Day x x x x x Signers of Petition Beaver Day—C.W.Cummi ns:Blk 3•,Lotsl7,18 A.Ovrom Blk 4,,Lot10. Total Owners Affected 12 Total Owners Against 10 Total Owners For NONE CEDAR 0486• JOHN W. NORTON COMPANY SUITE 455-SHUBERT BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. Cot; 9th, 1923x' To the Honorable City Council, Gentlemen; --- I nave before me certain notices of a hear- ing to be held in the Council Chamber at ten o'clock to- morrow, in the matter of condemning and taking ease- ments on certain lands between the curb and the property line, on both sides of Mto Curve Blvd., from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair St. and also on both sides of Sargent Ave., from Mt. Curve Blvd. to Woodlawn Aveo Each notice has a different amount per front foot to be assessed against the abutting property, as follows: 70¢, 75¢ and 910• I do not see any necessity for taking any easements on this property and I certainly object to paying any assessments, because on each of the properties referred to I nave already completed the grade, ready to lay the sidewalk, according to stakes set by the City Engineer's office about three years ago. I own lot 10 in block 9 on Mt. Curve Blvd. and lot 6 in block 8 on Sargent Aveo Yours very'trttly_ e j PA�nOPST. PAUL DE16�IT OF FIN REPORT OF COMMISSIONEk OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of EJ—Bird;,pro ertg lines on hn4h aidaa r pQ pit grvD Blvd from Fairmount Ave, to St Clair 8tand on st from Pot Curve Blvdo to Woodlavn Av®o T---- -- ----------- under Preliminary Order approved April 10, 1923.-- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s-3,066 -own The estimated cost peyito5 for the above improvement is g (will MRSY) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Rini°e Maplewood 1,000 15 3 do 7,600 9 9 do 5,550 10 4 do 1,000 Loto 9 and 10 5 do 1,000 1 6 do 4,500 18 6 do 7,800 1 8 do 1,000 19 8 do 1,000 9 9 do 7,500 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF 9T. PAUL C)AfJTMENT OF�INNAAANCE REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION Eaet of 8 and all of west of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 9 King°e Maplewood 1,000 10 6 do 1,800 11 6 do 1,000 13 6 do 1,000 13 6 do 1,000 14 6 do 1,000 15 6 do 1,000 16 6 do 1,000 17 6 do 1,000 18 6 do 7,800 1 e do 1,000 2 8 do 1,000 3 8 do 1,000 9 8 do 1,000 5 8 do 1,000 6 8 do 1,000 7 8 do 1,500 8 8 do 500 9 8 do 7,600 10 8 do 1,150 72,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated i C(mmiecioner of Finan— I+nrm U. It. 12 / . Ol St. Paul Ainn.,_.....Ap'11...3rd..............192.-3. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be. made: ..G.r4d;.AS...19x:...Bonl.evard...and...sidewalks.--.and...laying... aP....sidewalks... on both sides of Mte_Curve__BoulevardYrom_-l.airno%nt.-..evep._-_to.... _..................... S£o disir St® and Sargent St. from :...................�r}ia'�.._ .�vc ve. ....................z. Ave. to__..._....wnodlalm-.Ava.a.-.-...,.._..........._.-..... - e$eept where good and sufficient sidewalks are already in. St. Ave. < 22 4. p� e - Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance e --Auguat_ 18 12� __191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner ofP .lie Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council ''e No. 44991 ___approved___ July 12-4 1923191___, relative to _grading_ -the area bettreen curbs an.d�ro�ert� linee_on_both aides_____ C}iq_e__3SL83�e_Y��Cr91�_F�ixmQttrit_A�t9nua_ta_Ste_Clair_St,_ and---- on Sargent St. from -Mt. Curve Blvd. to Pioodlawn 9ees______________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 206bmb0 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $___________ Frontage 2337 lin. fto and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------=----------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �5- -------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. William I -Peter Ummissiunec �" � f�C[¢ iilallette, �¢pntg fdamm[ssiatt¢C p d Department of f 0blic Bark 602 of gttint aul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER - M. S. GRVTHAK. BRIDGE ENDINEER ' WM. N. CAREV, SUPT.OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD,VJFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER August 17, 1923 G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE b Hon. J. M. Clabcy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of the area between curbs and property lines on both sides of Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair St. and on Sargent St from Mount Curve Blvd. to Woodlawn Ave., under Prelim- inary Order C.F. No. 44991, approved July 12, 1923: Total Estimated Cost $$2,065.50 Frontage 2, 337.lin. ft. Cost per front foot as follo%7s• 8 On Sargent Ave.; ��f3.8 of Block 3 159.88 4 116.28 0 4 191.25 0 5 206.55 iTr1.` ctiv..ut< 6 72.67 6 76.50 8 89.a0 9 8 84.15 0 . .. 9 2%,S.8 1,242.36 This is based on the assumption that each parcel of land will be assessed for the work done in front of it. 7r Yours very truly, / Approved: Chi E neer COP V`1� Commis ine Po Works CITY OF ST. PAUL COFILERcI` h10.....- rd OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q PRESENTED BY r, 7 A-DATEY..SZ S��QP._l�.I-- COMMISSIONER._ - .._..__.. ._....................... RESOLVED Yens In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of the area betneen curbs and .property lines on both sides of Lit. Curve Blvd. from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair,St. and on Sargent St. from Lit. Curve Blvd. to Woodlaun Ave. under Preliminary Order 44991 approved April 10, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. 48374, approved September 11, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Vorks having sub- mittod his report and plan In Vhe above be it RI;SOLVIrDS That the d dotermine the amount o land to be t n for the ab ve named i rovement as easement for D open, for outs and fids in and uppp the area bot1aeurbo and ropert7 lin a on both eid Q of Ut. Curve�Bvodand Sargent St betneen the F rots aforesao thea tent shove on theplan a ached to thep t of the Commission® of Public 4lor in the matter, dated otober.10, 1 3, nhioh plan d report are her referre to and made a part hereof. be and the came ,.re hereby cancelled, annulled, and proceedings in said matter be discontinued. \� % Wenzel Xmr President X all ., Z00T2 a 1923 Adopted by the Council-_ .............. ------ 192 Appro've.. OT NS -- 192.....: /11 117Cf MAYOR Mi William jrYrr, (lnmmtsatatmr 3rir. Mallettr, 1Drputg (ammissioner Department of Itubfir Morks f. eiiy of oaiut `Paan GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. H. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION J '.: A. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY- PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE October 10, 1933 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of oondemning and tolling an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the area between curbs and prop- orty linos on both sides of Bt. Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair, Sargent St. from lit. Curve Bourlevard to Wocdlawn Ave. under Preliminary Order 44991, approved April 10, 1933 and Intermediary Order C;F. No. 48374, approved September 11, 1933. To the Council of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby sub - mite and makee a part of thls, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, %he fill© to be made on private property, end is by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property,. and the extent of the easement to be then _by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. —COMM er 0fPubliworks CITY OP DEPARTM[i��jJNANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — _.. (A) In the matter of condemning and taking ati easement in the land neoeseary for slopes foroutsand fills-in grading the area between ourbe and property lines on both sides of Mt. Curve Blvd. from FaiVmount Ave. to St. Clair St. and on Sargent St from Sgt Curve Blvct to 1Rooalawn Ave under Preliminary Order approved April 10, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 2S. DD The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: jl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'S ADDITION i ASSESSED (; VALUATION ,< _b 3 : _ Ki-ng-'s -gap-jewood - 0 ' 115 ; 3 _ ._. _ do 7,.600 a r 9 f h do 5y 560._ ,.. 10_.1. _.. _.. do--_- .._ ._ ... _ _ 1; 000 i, and. :_.. 10 t 5.. do _ . _ _ ..:. do _ 500, _ 1.8_ ! 6 : _do .. _ 7,800 - ,000 ` i 18_ 8 l _ do -._ 1-000 9 j 9 do 7500 TOTAL. F- B. B.10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL «. -- DEPA"R�'FM?ENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COib11V IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C), DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 10'. 91 Sing4a Maplewood 1;006 _. 10, 6 _ do1,80 11 6. do 1,000. _.. . _do _ ;11000 13'. _ 6_ do - 1,000. !:. 1.1, 6; do j1, 000 15' 6 do _ 1, 000 16, S. do_ 1,000, . 6. __ _do 18:. _ 6: do 7,800 1. a: - _ do 1, .8:______ __. do_ 3, . 8: _ _ _ do 1,000 ':... _ 4. . 8,_ _ do . 1, 000 5i e do 1,000 6; 8; do 1,000 Esaet_ Z of 8 .and_all of._ _.?. 8; _ do est_ of. - - 8.. 8: do_ 500 .. 9'. 8_. do io 6 _ do- - - — - 4#300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- -------- 191— Commiaeioaer oI Fiaeatt. Form B. B. 12 Bice of the Co of public e _Report to Commissioner of Finance inance �iUG aQ:19 �3 ____August 18._1923-__191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 44992 approved_ &pril 119-1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------- _____ _L.oudemning_ andtaking-an--eaeemp�3 _fin_ t13Q__� d_3iel�fl8 x�-fslx------------- slopes,for cuts and fills in grading the area between curbs and property lines on both sides of Mt, Curve Blvd. from Fairmount Ave, --tie--St-e- =Eirai-r-fte--an&-crr-3srg=t--St o -from idtro-Curva-3lvd o -to- offd3av�n Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said,improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___29� ------ and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -�P--------------- Commissioner of Public Works. v°4 .' OtTY D8 aT. PdIIL OOIISOiL No._� `PlLS ^' Resblved"that cke&m ba drawn on the City -Treasury, to th a$$ie$ate Q.unt` of $ARI •- Res. 731 Paget 1'1396 Vim. �'. Li.ndberl 18083075 Schools 824650 Tilden Slihool (Bond) 259.25 18 0 17397 McQuillan-Brotherse 616.25 Frarili]-in School (Bond) 17398 Herchants Rational Bankp 1893'7 33 Debt Servioe Expo'. 51.08 Interest 527650' P.IeR.F.-Int. Acct li028675. Water Department Fundm Interest Acctb 330600. -17399 Hinnesota Mining & Ltfg. Goffipanyp- 60.92 Schools ; 17400 Gari S. P. Niklasenp 75600-.. Non -assessable ipprovements 17401 W S. Mott Oompanye 51.50 Water 17402 0INeil & Prestonp 150600 mater 17403. PioneerSlectric Company, 18207600 Schools 17404 A. J. Pirk1 Electria;.Gompan78 720671 Franklin School(Bond) 17405 F. Soulle7 Equipment Oompan7p 259.40 .element, Stb;::C6 -& R; 158..70 Water 100670 17406 Edward J. Sn'kerp 18978.80 Greenwood .School(Bond)_ 17407 Ao G. Spalding & Brotherse' 129.07 Park Regeotories 76p" Playgrounds 52643 17408 .'Standard Oil Compa�p 35.38 'later, Merritt "Howard 9=. Tupelo; Hiss Sheehan, `T. G;-'>• 621. W. Jackson 5to Ottawa,: 211. Markle. Clifford '(A11eghney,"County} Lincoln;Place,:Pa, - Holtzhaizser;, A.` H. Portland,, Moa Foster, Eddie'.' 2957 .Russell Ave, N.< Minneapolis, 'S4inn. Dressene Ghas." 318 N. Main St.'`' Decatur;; Ill. Boone, h J, '` 232"Renova St;, Pittsburgh, Pa;a Berghainmer,,D�., '480 Shubert B1dgQ, St. Paul, Minn. ,Gonzales, Hiko, Cerrads. del Paseo No. '1 Havana;.[Cuba Haas, Bruno 755 Franklin St' Florcester,.Hass Napier, Sam L. Hutchins, Texas Morse.,. Hap," Quilcene, Washe Christen6en,,Walter,':444 Estudillo;St.' San Leandro, Cal Riggert;'Joe,- 5721, Virginia St. Kansas'City,."Mo. Beck, Fred 470 S>'Grange St Havana; Roth, Bobby Burlington, Wis. o 1. Morrison; E. "1512 E..73rd;:St. Chicago'. Ills 0 _ - couNCIL IVO._.___ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK P COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY .COMMISSIONER...-:: .... t......... ....... DATE ..............:................... REsoLVE`o ;7th, proper City 06f era are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of the St. Paul Real Estate Board for the sum of $25.00 for services rendered in appraising property for Battle m Creek Parks, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund. ' C P. No 48081—By J. AL C1aney- 1SoeO+V hhC-the y+uDbr I a Aa h reuy IIU[h01'Iced: #ca Ih- an acted t rlael+e.:n a army A weurunt VAOUIIt O ay t.c +O 4-Uu� Uc4 10,Yla33. PP—0d Oct, lu,..1923.. i Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays "lancy I/Fergusou LMcDonald ... _............. In favor I,- Peter d IV/ ZM=U�leimer--._.... ..... Against - VMc President vaaw au a -so Adopted by the Council_._Q(iT OCT 1 0 1923 M�YOH St. Paul. Minn.._ October _8th_ - --i923_. Pity of 4t Paul. nevartment of Finance. 30 cc 408 Capital bank Building � Make all Cheeks payable to "St. Paul Real Estate Board' To services in appraising damages to the property by reason of acquiring for Battle Creek Park. y25.00 COUNCIL NO.. -m.982 CITY l�F ST. PAUL F�Le OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -� . a That the assessmei'� submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the trimming, removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public highways during the year ended Sept. 1, 1923, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey Uounty for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and of grass plots bordering public highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council accompanying said certificate with a copy of t__is resolution. C.'OUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I/Clancy I/ Ferguson McDonald In favor E:�udheimcb Peter ____.Against �ze Mr. President 11 %/ �.aerrroo 0'e4rvo i s C 2. f O/Z — OCT i 0 1923 Adopted by the Council __.._.....----------------------192...--. OCT 1 0 1923 Appoved---- -- -- --- __ -----------I------192.... r .......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL8-"ef' 3- No.- s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��(1'/')) , OUNCIL' --GENERAL FORM y� /� , Q PRESENTED F9Y DATE__....._Q.O.ttQ_Y_ _.1.[.,9_---192.3_._.._... COMMISSIONER___------.____..._._....._......_................._......._.....__.......... ._.._...__.._.._._._..._.. �o wHEHEAS, In compliance with ordinance No. 4026, approved March 9,1915, permission and authority were granted to J. P. Singer, Application No. 2151, to operate a public livery Vpon the streets of the City of St. Paul; and wiishEAS., Liability Policy NO. APL -12274 was filed in com- pliance with said Ordinance No. 4026, J. P. Singer appearing as principal, and the Associated Companies, Globe Indemnity Company as surety; and whereas, the Associated Companies, Globe Indemnity Company has filed notice of cancellation of said policy on account of non-payment of premium as provided by Ordinance No. 4026, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said permit and liability policy be cancelled, and the ;principal and surety be and they are hereby released; provided that said cancellation shall not affect the surety's liability f03�any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of cancellation e�DD. cued ucc tui uzs. aaa) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Taney ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor ax n Sudheimer / Peter _._._...Against /Mr. President 0 Adopted by the Council -OCT 1 0 1923 192: -. OCT 1 0 1925 Appr° -----------------_..... _.._�. 1192.----- M VOR Yor,more than eight hours icer day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: T 1 FORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the prw_,er city officers are hereby authorized to psy the folloving -named employee, at the race otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours. Rate of Overtime. (see list attached) Yes (✓) Councilmen 00 Nays 1923 Adopted by the Council OCT 1 L.—Clancy t/ Ferguson OCT 1 01923 ✓ McDonald _.---.--- � ..._lo Favor A roved------- - ---- -19._...... - ✓ V Sudheimet -- - -Against M.rna Mr. President t vonw C. F. '.No 48984—BY W J. PC[or .I CCU CIL 1lLJ.IIJ� IVO,---- '-- .y, FF Wheless ano l.omm 9alonar oP Pub llc r or s h Iis n cu tlsn wepcon c tloft nto, s cor cuUe eraO rah J • '�, -�• ,, COUNCIL I e geRuy wh h renu red n wss y tna-i� emu yma t or c rru e p ay a of htsr• t�Ptti4mdn4 than eetnt hours. M _ P d -em e Id-¢mployh of be 6 morn thf usual. Ilouls of-emp yment; .. Y+ FA &KTED Gf'Ssp NklS OP'iER ..... /) U< df re n -lt ise,..h.r: tnnt tb�:j•.E .................... .. .. -... ......... ....... r ItClCera ano ,garobY autho ... ......._ ..... ...... VJEt+RE?.3, the Conln aoz'aex"�.. Fubiic "locks has re_�orted to the Council,::.. accord; nce with 6ection 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary,`the employment of certain employes of hie Department Yor,more than eight hours icer day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: T 1 FORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the prw_,er city officers are hereby authorized to psy the folloving -named employee, at the race otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours. Rate of Overtime. (see list attached) Yes (✓) Councilmen 00 Nays 1923 Adopted by the Council OCT 1 L.—Clancy t/ Ferguson OCT 1 01923 ✓ McDonald _.---.--- � ..._lo Favor A roved------- - ---- -19._...... - ✓ V Sudheimet -- - -Against M.rna Mr. President t vonw rate of Yr. tame Title, Hours Overtime r���, W. Anderson J. Anderson Jos. Beaker Ed Brown Clarence Betner Bartly Peter J. J. Conroy J. M. Clinton J. Devine Peter Dahlgren E. Dueban Oscar Edstrom C. A. Ellsworth Col. Facia Wm. Fernow Antonio Gaultere A. J. Hawk F. Hennessey Aug. Kroening James Kraohe D. J. Lavelle Hugh Mullarkey Ed. Moeller W. H. Morrissey J. F. Murphy J. H. O'Brien M. Petratoni Ant. Plumbo M. Plumbo Dan Plumbo Fred Putnam John Surora um. Scott P. Sadtillo L. Schrenkler C. Steinbeinett John Schmidt John A. Schmidt Robt. Telke J. N. Taylor Frank Vittinger Utility laborer 7 0.55 Paving foreman 4.91 Blacksmith 24 .68 R. & S. S. Engr. 20 a.10 Paver 59 .®21 Mtce. Laborer B .50 Common Laborer 8.45 Paver 8 .6 a 56. 6 Utility Laborer 7 .6 Paver 134 .6 Mt ce. Laborer 4 .50 Trao. Driver 11 .634 Tamper 26 .70 Paver 19 .62� Sever Lab. 8 .50 Roller Eng. 9 .90 . Paver 59 .62� Mto. a Laborer 8 .50 Utility Laborer 8 .55 Mtoe. Laborer a .50 Paver 7 .621 Mtce. Laborer 16 .50 Lab. Foreman 8 6 Trao. Driver 27 .6 Lace. Laborer 24 .50 Ditch Digger 7 .55 do 6 .55 Sewer Laborer 5 .50 do 4 .50 Ditch Digger 21 .55 Pipe Layer 3 .62* Roller Eng. 10 .90 Sewer Laborer 4 .50 Ditch digger 3 .55 Mtoe. Laborer 2 .50 Stny. Eng. 73 .631 Mtce. Laborer 1 .50 Utility man 2 .59 3/8 Mt ce. Laborer 7 .50 0 13 .50 COUNCIL NO..__..`!�. G-I-`=� ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION! TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' - PRESENTED BY �I �A%J "/,/, C /-� DATE..._ .................... 0 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOW[ G TRAN ERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE I APPROPRIATION ITEM 55 (Public Buildings Salaries 55 Public Buildings Expense C. F. No. 48986 --.BY A. E.NetnnD_ - comptroller d when by no 'One I.er 'one Item mny it an easy bt maid be me Iran be met he 'Or transfer without hnmp- 'ePlno ;the work provided for by the ' money.In the it from wplep thea tranetee IR mama: $8.000 t nneterred from Code -66 Phb- 'to I Bufldinge' 8a to Code 66 Putr- Fv} Lc . dingR Eaponae. pon. Adopted by the Council Oct 10 10E8.; 6ylt ' Approved Oct. (OCL $0-1023) roy c a,,,,%t`Ao 11 J O � f YES ( V) COUNCILMEN ( J) NAYS (./dLANCY I..--FERGUSON ✓MCDONALD ...... ........IN FAVOR I�PETER ................AGAINST --.-'MR. PRESIDENT . oR on (nl e.ss) TRANSFEREO FROM I TRANSFERED TO $2,000.00 $2,000.00 ADOPTED BY THE couNcILOCT .L_ 0.1923 -------- 19.._....._ OCT 1 0 1923 APPROVEfl.._...._-- --------------------------------------- 19 ........................J.... ___ _ MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY --------------------------------------------------- CITY COMPTROLLER ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL F'uENCIL NO...._. (. y .9V6 CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESEy(}ED BY ����"U COMMt$SIONER.....-......Y..i....!^�Y:C'.T................................................... DATE-..OQ-4f....1.0-D---1823--------------- '1 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM TRANS""' i0 35-0.E Street & 8e17er Cleaning 010,000.00 35-8f Td D D D 010, 000.00 C. P. No. 4888o'By W. J,�Pgtor— R-II01Wd, That the (gUow1n6 trnne- fere,.bem¢da on thA book8 of tho 'Avo Aabloledefic ane, S u¢! ,9 an ap' be, mot by .Sold tranefarwithout ham•. pe;(n6 the work provided. for by -1 6 trnnar e: money,in the. aProm which -the' (oIs mnd Str reet OsOe- trnnsfere (qm Coda -0f 27, 9ewer-Clennln6 to. Code36•I W. Street 6c Sewer Wen We . Adopted by the Copncil cOct. 18, 1883, AD,, oved OL 1 1883. (OCt.; 24-39E3) . _....i YES V) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS ✓CLANCY VFERGUSON ✓MCDONALD .........IN FAVOR Sudheimer PETER ................AGAINST Ai I(,,/MR. PRESIDENT FORM O' (O] Y') ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILS/.0-1 q.t923.......19.........- '- 1 1923 APPROD..�f.... --------------------------.. .. 19 --- f....;I .: / MAYORR COUNTERSIGNED CRY COMPTROLLER h rnas;8n7-8TR91 Ferguson-7urciL NO. --- La-ta--- CITYC. �a OFFICE 00 0he acqulsttton .t -the, New Adam. s,hool .,to -puder condom atton WHEREAS, In the settlement of claims in the acquisition of the New Adams School site under condemnation proceedings,) it appears that in several oases amounts were arbitrarily retained for the payment of deferred installments of assessments not duo, and as this was not done in all oases when settlement was made with the remainder of owners in the block, and as no stipulation was agreed upon providing that settlement was to include payment of assessments in full including deferred installments, which, under Section 259 of the Charter, do not become�lian against the property until the various installments fAll due,) THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Upon the recommendatioh of the Cpmmissioner of Education, the City Comptroller be di- rected to pay to the below listed owners the amounts so withheld upon duly authorized claims of the Department of Education, charging such payments to the 05,000,000 School Bond Fund, Adams School Site, Item No. 2035. Nick gustrich $47.29 Charles Nadeau $47.29 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays A ✓Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald _. In favor Sudheimer0 Peter -..-.....Against W-easC7– /,I'M,. President Adopted by the Council- OCT 1 0 1923 192 OCT 1 0 1923 ..192.---.. �'U13LISiiED /C -- � .n 4898 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-.._-.---- :_-.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OpM RESOLUTION NERAL FORM eY DnTE_----- QQ�obBT 9.s-_-..�9heX.o.__.._.._... RESOLVED v v - - WHEREAS, In the construction of an addition to the Richards Gordon School, it is found desirable and neoes- sary through the rearrangement of existing boiler room ao- commodations to provide a more spacious coal bin which will enable ample space for storage of fuel as well as enlarging the boiler room which is very essential, and as this work was not covered by the original plans and specifications and is recommended by the City Architect, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the plans and speci- fications be so amended as to provide for this extra work and the contract with J. S. Sweitzer & Son permit of this additional work and the contract price increased in the amen nt of One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-seven ($1,124.00) Dollars- to cover the cost th?reof. C Wheteas8slh hp -co et ucUo-of an us- her , tho Richards Gordon 9 hool, It is fouPd desirable and necea- sar)' .throng ; the _:re¢rran6 m nt.,.°.A.,.' COUNCILMEN �. APPr.YCd bct 19, 1925. ioct, zo-19aa Yeas I —'_Clancy -"Ferguson ✓McDonald In favor ✓ Sudheimer f/ Peter WX__1 Against / Mr. President Ct. 10, 1925._I OCT 1 0 1923 "Adopted by t45 Council - - .-.---. .192 ...- OCT 1 o 1923 p loved - _.. - 192 vos CITY OF ST. PAUL . cOUNGO-NO.-.-._48989 F. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TFU BY -/' .// (�✓-'�-�Q/ sem✓ ne ' _-____------- ------------- ---- RESOLVED, ._ RESOLVED, That the use of the &aditorium be and it is hereby granted to E.W. Mayer, Chairman of a committee representing about twenty churches on October 14th, 1923, for the purpose of holding a patriotic rally, for the actual cost of opening and operating said Auditorium. i C. r. No. 48989-13y 1, R. S. rerguson— torRlumttie and 1t la ehereb of the Audi- to r. W..Mayer,-Chalrmnn of 4 commtteo" representing about. twenty churches on Oet. 14th, 1923 for'.. the purpose ofhold Ing a- Datr,otic rally for the. actual'. Ao.d of ;oponing and' operating said uditorium A04Pted by the Council Oct. 10 1923. Approved Oct. 10, 1923. (Oct. 20-1923) 1. COUNCILMLN Yeas Nays /Clancy / Ferguson v" McDonald __.__ .In favor Sudheimer b ✓Peter _.__....Against /M�r. President Adopted by the Council.QCT..1...C.1923----___192...... OCT 1 C 1923 proved.. ----------------.192__.. /. --- MAYO LAW OFFICBB + L 810.10.18 Mv¢C¢ANTB NwT�OAwL BwNH BV�LDIAO JCIt ZOLLMAN & WILLWERSCHEID Br. PwOL. M�AAenOTw F. W. ZOLLMAN THL. Cvv.H BAB' NORBERT W—BRBCB-D October Plinth 1 9 2 3 Hon. L. ?. S. 2erguson, Commissioner of Education, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Lly dear Sir: On Sunday, October 14th, 1923, a patriotic rally, in accordance with the enclosed program, has been arranged for to be held at the auditorium of this city. Some twenty odd churches.are interested in this rally. No admission fee will be charged. The superintendent of the building has submitted a price of $343. I have been asked by a number of those interested to see if a reduction in this price cannot be had. In view of th; chpracter of the entertainment and the fact that no admission fee whatever is charged, and no collection will be taken. as I understand it, I respect- fully ask you to submit the matter to the common council with a view to havin; the fee for the auditorium on that occasion modified. �j d Yours respectfu1 i!";1Z/D Encl . P COUNCIL NO -------- .A..l_-l9`J�__ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V9 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. SC/ _ DATE_ -------- On- i.ober-.2.,.....1.9 ._._._._.... COMMISSIONER J ' RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for grading and _ improvement of alley in Block 2, Walton's Sunny Slope, as bids received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same. F.B. #5022. Preliminary Order #43510 F. No. _48990—ByW, J,. peter— Adopted by tho' Council pO.1 1ct 10, 1923: Apve rod Oct 30, 1923 (Oot. 2071923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ' Ferguson ✓ McDonald _.. _. _ In favor ✓ Sudheilner� ✓2P=e_t_er __-Against "' Mr. President Adopted by the Council OCT 1 0 1923 192 .... A{roved_ OCT 1 01923 192__.. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL F,Le NO._...-.----------_--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ ...... OC tObe.Q.n.....�..X.�Z................ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Farrington Ave. between Lawson St. and Cook St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $987.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1156.00. F.B. #5057 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald ___._ In favor Sudheimer ,,Peter _ _. ..Against �r -_" Mr. President of 4 o Adopted by the Council_ OCT -1-01923 _ ._192- OCT 1 01923 _192-. /Tv"CZ , _... - - M cors -.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCILNO---------- 89-92 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�,BY �' f/% COMMISSIC.y"ER__...._......____.............._. ..... _ _.. ....._ ...c<.v... ........... ............ DATE_....._QSSt.4be%.l O.,.....19.2il..... ........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Lexington Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to Summit Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest besponsible bidder, for the sum of $6,600.00, using segment blocks, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $7,290.00. P.B. #5059. G. F. No, 48992.,-33v We J. Peter F: $, No, 6Q6Q. 'Adopted by the Council Oct. 40, 023:. Approved Oct. 10, 1923. (Oct. 20-1023) ., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r -"Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓ McDonald ...__ In favor / Sudheimer \ Peter .0—Against V Mr. President Adopted by the Council - QCT..1...0..1923___..192 _ . %pvcd—.00T-1, o 1923 _.-. .192.__. MgYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO.- ------ CL9-91-1 FILE_ DATE_ ........ October RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in therecommendationof the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of alley in Block 10, Sylvan Park Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Iftxtin Wunderlich, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the Bum of $747.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- etructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $905.00. F.B. #5023. 6023 Homo .zYu•vv., ..�. ..� Adopt d by:.-th Council Oct 10, 198E Approved Oct 19 1923.. . (Oct. 20-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ In favor s Sudheimer� Peter __.. Against Mr. President 0 Adopted by the Council.QCT_1. 0 1923 192...-. OCT 1 0 1923 Ap roved_.. _ ..... - ___. .._192.--- + - CITY OF ST. PAUL COpNG1L NO.---. tel -'( - FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y� GJ OCtO�er lO 1923 COMMISSIONER.__........_..____. /..................__....:........_........ DATE__........................._..____..................._........._..2.3 RESOLVED fThat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving north side of University Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to west end of approach to bridge over the Minnesota Transfer Cy. Co.'s tracks, approxi- mately 1.,75 feet southeast from the east line of Vandalia St. and Cleveland Ave. under the bridge, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 850.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 04,250.00. F.B. #5060. C. F. -.No. 48994-8y W. J.:Peter— I Reeolyd, That the Conned hereby concurs Pa the ecommendatioa of thel Contract Cemmftteo and Awards the contract for paving north old. of Un(- I �� veralty Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to west -end ovappr ach to bri a overTvii tracks. approximately 176 fee[�eouth- eas[.from tha'east line of Vandalia tat. I ' cad Cleveland Avo. under tho bridge.; Il accordance with Dlaa9 and specificn con.net_. hereto attached, to the Fel rucoa ' Ctioa Co., they being the low t r ponalble bidder, -for the num ! ,'� 1 V 1 + 1$3.850: D, and the Corporation Co—el i. la� r I,. ATIf ' fa hereby Instructed to drnw up [he+ . \' e , pr Her. form of contract therefor En- I gin er'a Eet(maW $4.260.00: tr B hb. l a�j 6666. Adopts 1 b•• rou loll Oct. 30, 1a33: +� Approved Oct ,0 1033. ' (Oct. 20 1923) y r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nftys Adopted b the Council OCT 1 0 1923 _192 P y _. /Clancy O -T 101923 ,/ Ferguson Appro ed __.... ---.-_ _....---.. .._.192...... McDonald _...._ _ In favor II Sudhelmer�V -- Mer°n . Peter Against t V'teazt? Mr. President Request of Education Dept. - > Council File No, ".....�' 8-9.95 �PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1/ and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: 0onstruct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side -- ............ ...................................------------------------------- ...------------------------------............. ...... - -- ... -- ......_............ ..........- of aointh St, between Mendota St. and Arcade St. -- ... --- - - - -....--------------------------------------------_----------- _..... I'RIilLIDIINARY�'ORDBIR9. Dated this .--..._8th ------- day of...... October / 19230 C. F. No. 4999 Met— Whereas, A written propo-1 for Rh - following lmr- %.. "d 'u'iltiCllman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------------------- Q.truc-t--.a--_eis_Yoo-t.._cement_ tile _-sidewalk.-on ---- the ---no. rth-_side__-_.-- ----------------_oP---Hyaointh_St....between iaendota St,_an.& Areade--Sto // - v'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ...._._..---- ----------- -------- ------- .----------------------------------- ---------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------- ........... .._.___........._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- OCT I 0 1923 - - -------- ---------------------...---- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FEROIISON /-aS dhei v McDoxALn ,{/ ✓ PETER / 1V1R. PRESIDENT NgTI Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) O Approved -.---OCT 1 0 1923 ----------------------------------------------------------- - -------- ...... - ........_...... /-! - ... Mayor. PZTRf-i iiiED o �4113 Council File t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT MOW and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb both Herschel. --Avenue from Selbv Avenue to ---------------- Ashland Avenue, ------- -------------------------- ------ --- -... - .._..... C. F. No: ��48898 .. .,.. ,,. t. Wherens, A.wrltten DroPoeal. for. the making of the following. improvemont viz: ....:........................ ----- ..... _. ------------------------ Cu t side a A Cori, bo -h a of H her ver .- -t m 9elby.Ave to Ashland Avn Dated this ....._8th day of .... Cot ober s 19230 - -- :-.! 1b_; '9t.paed th the -------------------------------- ---- --------------- _.--------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both sides of. Herschel Avenue from Selby Avenue to -------------._-------------------------------------------------- -- -..... _. _...... --- - - - ------------- ------ ---------- v Ashland Avenue. ".------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------------------- - --------------------------- ------ .-- -- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- __----------- .-------------- .-------------- ..._._..----- _-------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11 h C i1 OCT 1 0 1923 Adopte y t e once YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON ,Sltdheimer MODONALD PETER MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) Approved -- .00T.1..4..1923---...._-------------------- ------ Mayor.�VU13L Department of Public Works. Council File No......��1, q� /f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 0rt fi and �� l� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: OpenB._wlden__ and__extend-_the __interse atgon-_a t__ Pr ior-__and__ JeffemsQn __ Avenuesa by taking and condemning the triangular piece of ground _ 9n the s0Utht7e0t Berner ---of Let'-4--Weas-ingers-s Garden Lots -n --measured 10 ft. on Prior Ave. and 46__.46 ft. on Jefferson Ave. and a -- $r�aguTar piece oi` groiisic] in tLie northvrest corset of of 10 ---....1lndafigu a �_s.. A.are...Latav---measurad--10---ft.o_._'on---Prior---Ave---and...46.4,6 ft. on Jefferson Avenue. --- --------- Dated this....._ ay of. ---- -Q.Qtcb r .. .. ._. -.. teto. Wh ff.. A -written toDoeal Zorthe PRELIMINARY ORDER._ "'" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------------- -opant--IIiden..and--satand..the...inter.se.ction--at--.Psior...amd---Je-ffar.soil--- Avenues, by taking and condemning the triangular piece of ground --------------- inT--tlie suuthwest corner of Lot --- T3ariien.-I;bt-e'P measured _...__..____...._�9.._fts.._on._Prior-..Ave._and--465,46-- ft. o_._on-.Jefferson_Ave-4.- AC'La.............. triangular piece oP ground in the northwest corner of Lot 10 -----------Iin(ler4f o{od1s--Apore--vote-y --- mea-sured 10 €tn- on -Prier Aver and 4,606- -ft. having bee$$rege�iLe71��Fh� d Mii}'AHe City of St. Paul ----- ------------ ------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------ be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 0A 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....---..._QCr.T..l._.0..19.23---------------- ---------------- YEAS NAYS f Councilmtm CCLANCY O r:. FERGUSON Approved------ ----..... ()CTCfi 6-1 / Sudheimer 1 - MCDONALD %PETER "//M.. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 OM 0.22) C, :F No., 48999—By J. HI.CI•t cy— L 3� i In'tho Matter : of char ging the g ads: of California A from );dg rt.n $[. to Payne Ave to confar [o rho red line on the -p .file hereto attnchedI and made apart hereof, the. presen established ,grad. being a blue line thereon.also gr^���, . ,,. California Ave.. bet ivp-- -id limits to the said: established. under P,- 7615 approved Alug h COUNC FILE NOO ......./.' II*W7 IZD ARY (DRD'ER In the Matter of...ahaxl8�ng.t.1}�..grade..o.4.alif�arrila.A�tenue.fram. EdgextAn . Street to•,Pa�rne Avenue to• conform to •the red line•on•the•profile hereto attaohed. And. made. greaent,.eatablished. grade..being.. shown, by a• blue, •line ,t)}ereon,• PA -5.0. grAgll )&. @Aj.4• P41.1-f.Qrn j a.AMA,between tha.afo;;eaald..limits..to. tiia.s.aid.red.11ne..when..established,............... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 4751r9 ............. approved, ...... Aug... 2, . X923.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.oharige.i.hS..gxade..of ..Galifornia. Amenue.,from.Edgerton. atreet. to—Payne. Avenue..to..canform..to..the .P9d.the..oz�.the..proi�7.e.heret.a.At QLALI.ed..and.roads..a..part..hea'eof.,..t�?e._. .present. es to blis.had. grads. being.. shown. -by . a. • b.lue . line ..thsreon, ..a is o..... •grading,said,Galifornis_pve•,,betwee�,the,•aforesaid,.limits to the said red, line, wheXl, •Q.s.Ga.�119hsd s...........:. .................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3.,150-36.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... Tti}.......... day of .... ROVAmber ......... 192-3— „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. POT 1. 0.1923........ 192. T 1 0 1923 A roved ......... ..............192...... �. �.....:...�....`z y Clerk. PP j Mayor / Councilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson i V / Councilman McDonald PUBLISFIED� / Councilmaf»mS Peter i Councilman 2mkk Sudheimer Mayor 1 Belson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C.48999 -By Clancy— In+th 'llatter.or changing tho gradejaf - California,. Av„ from Edgerton -St. to Payne Ave..to'eonrorm. to the red -line on the profile hereto attached and. made a. -part -hereof.. the preser+ -established grade -.being sho -, a blue .line thereon, also Callfornin Ave. betwe-•.;` said limits to the said: established, under P,- 47515 approved Aur; T11 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ . 489, 9 In the Matter of...ebo�l$�ng.t.he..gxade..o .�.�lifarnia.Aaenu@.fram. Edgertan,. Street. to„ Payne. Ave nu 9..to_,99nform tq.the,.red.,liImk. n,the.profile hereto Ati;.ac he d . Avid. made. A ..ps rt..hexa.of., . tha . Pres ent..eatablished . grade.. be ing. . shown . by, a, blue„line ,thereon,• , ais,q , gradix}g ,said , Ca�.,i�',grp j.a , dye. ,between tha.ofoxeaaid..limits..to.the.s.aid. red. line.xbt en..eatabldshed ................ ........................................................................I............................. under Preliminary Order .......47,51`5 .............. approved ...... AUga.. ?"...192.3 .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Cilan$.@..k1e..�$.d6..of a ..calif ornia. Avenue..from . Edgsrton . &treet . to..Payna . Avenue..to..c omform..to–the .rod.Itne..= the..PrQf J@.horei;.o.attacLi@d..ond.made..4..paxt..b.@reo#;,..itie.... .pres ant. es to blis had. grade . hei.ng.. show.n..by.. a.. blue .-line. -tharaon, .a Ls o..... grading,said.California,{wee,betwee�,the„aforesaid..limits,.tq,the said red, line, when..@..stah�iehed............ ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3.,180a36.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... M .......... day of .... Rovember......... 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. OCT. 1.0.1923........ 192...... 0--T 1 0 1923 C � ••` —=`? APProved......... .............192...... y Clerk. ? G ... Mayor / Councilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald / CouncilmatS Peter i Councilman ROgkk Sudheimer / Mayor Uxly= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHEDZ VCOUNCI FILE N0. . By_-- .... In the Matter of tons txucting . a. aeYc er..on . Zommaxv.lue..Amenuo—from . Pit,.. &4 j?ony AvsnLte..to..EL.PAint..3R.PQ6. .A0S G%.9 .1?4ane,Street.............. under Preliminary Order .... 48121 ................ approved ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..00t38txl3Gt.�.$.@Y�eX' 9A.S9IgmexY1716. E►F.@Aub„from,Stp„Anthony_ Avenue„to a point 30 feet north 4. A4a>1R.�iT94,..................................................... ....................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 2o.0M.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.............day of ..... NOVeml)ar......... 192..3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ACT.1. 0 1913 • • • • • • • • ... .... ...... ... .. .... ... Approved ........ ACT 1 4.19?..192...... Clerk. ...... ................ .........:. Mayor. /Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman2fttamt Peter i Councilman Sic Sudheimer /MayonCiAdgaffi Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 49001 MRUPLICATC i CITP OP OT. PAUL ' )CRY CLERK ,., .. - /p�1♦(gyp: Plsn TTO........... -•pmt- b! ym D -S4 SM 32.22 4 — AUDITED..._....._ ...... ...__.............102......._. BY - LLER co PTRO`..sY/ —"------- _ -----__---------- _ ......... . _. _..._ . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to th aggregate amount of $..._V%,;L7.7 T.a . ..................... covering i checks numbered -.1.741f) ...................to..17A— 0 :.......--...inclusive, Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Clancy,Adopted by the ConnciL...__.192 --- .. t/Ferguson, -_.In favor /McDonsld, , Approved---.-.--. ...................f: ..192 t/Matstmc Sudhefiner •Fetor. Against ' ---:�... President, Nelson 77 Reo 1 ed [cyst. ohecis- bei drawn on the :'City Tres0a y, to theggregete amount t' $47,779 9¢, i covering hecks� numbered 174I9'to 17440. lacluaive. as p03`;relster of :City hecks. on fll0 In the oft ce of the:.Clty-Comptroller. - Q - Adopted by the Council Oct. Il, 1923: - APprgved Oct.�.11 1923, . 2b -192s9- r': Reso 734 Page #2 17429 Nimis & Nimis, 1,314085 Schools 17430 H. J. O'Neil, - 28028.95 New Uattocks School(Bond) 1,395070 Groveland Pk. n " 633o25 17431 A. M. Peterson Company, 181.91 - ,Broveland Park School(Bond) 17432 Pioneer Electric Company, 755.65 Richard Gordon Sahool(Bond) 17453 Richard T. Powersa 6075 Civil Service 17434 Register of Deeds, Anoka,0 Minn.., 7.50 Water 17435 Zola B..Ruggles, 30.50 Library 17436 Clement F. Seulley.Equipment Company, 700000 Ames Sehool(Bond) 17437 J. S. Sweitzer & Son, 3,559.55 - Richard Gordon School(Bond) 0 17438 Perry.A. Swenson & Hakanson, 11,0806050 New Hattoeks Sohool(Bond) 17439 E. M. & H0 F. Warep 90000 Schools 17440 Wmo T. Work Window Shade Company, 277.87 Schools v QUADRUPLICATE - �:. TO MY CLERK '[[//.:""' orrY pH BT, perry Form D-34 IM IY= - No --_ -90../i:.: '- BY Co. —_ ----192......_ - - 41 __. _. ._.. ................ ._ __..__.._.._._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the an, we amount of, $134.42S:diA_-...._._..... coverin $', checks numbered-----2Z---_-_-to.---]..MX ...i.. --... inclusive, Comptroller., Yes ✓) Councilmen (✓)-Nays. as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City OCT 1 1 1923 Clancy, ' Adopted by the Council ..--. -:----.-- . Ferguson, -_191_0 192-..✓ V, ___In favor ✓McDonald, OCT j i 99`� -'Mwor, Sudheimer Approved - " " --------------------------------------- .... 192 e z President, Nelson 777777 - - C, F. -No 49002— iteaolved that checks' be `"drawn on-� :the -..:City Treasury, tq the agflregate:-. . amount t M h26.36, Covertug -checks:. numbered 1741/,; to 17418:::Ipclu93ye, leteP of illy Checkapn-fila in thee:: QMe.,rtice, -of the It Comptroller. - Adopted by Ahe Covncll Oct 13, 1923. Ayprove d Oats -11,"1928. (Oct..20,i923) - - ' - j{ QUADRUPLICATE - Vz" OD - TD CRY CLERK •�•• F=; -M - aDIIspm 4�0�. AUDITED.... ) V . A _. BY .....-...... CDM _...._ _ _.. _ ...-i92 ..._fJ .:_...._�.5._._.... ._................. _.......... .._._._. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the gregete amount of $ --.!'X a2,�la"l _--. ---- .- co ng checks numbered ..... to 2.7445 .-- --- _-....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the 'ty Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen (T) Nays. OCT 1 1 1923 u /Clancy,- d.An Adopted by the' Council. ---- - --.. ---- .-------• . -,-Ferguson,- . favor ,McDonald, Approved '�+iatsatr,, Sudheimer ) vp fl .T 1_1_1923- - _.::-. - 192--- --- 13eter— Against President, Nelson 49,t'h.t Resolved that -checks be "re oa the . City 24ensury to the aggregate amount of 537,238.7fi, coverlag checks. numbered 1741 Ao 17416 ujeluslve. ae:' Per register of city ohecks'on file in" P""0"'0' of the �Cttp Compttoner, :Adopted by the'Counc[I Qct. 11, 19E3.j Approved Oct. 31• 1923. - - ORIGINAL TO - - oa ex, a�vL CITYCLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �-y AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM rinap1T �9U® - FormD-34 1M 12-22 170.-...-... .. 735` -) 6 T s' i-- I aY _...._o ..._.__.._._ AUDITED. _....... - ''' ...182.. ll _.. ................. .... .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to thea negate amount of co checks numbered .......... 7 1 _---•__to- --17? 5-- -------------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City .., Comptroller. Yes ( If Councilmen (, ✓) Nays. Vlan COCT 1 1 1923 Clancy, Adopted by the Council------.----- ------------------------------------ - -192 -- o- terguson, --In favor McDonald ... OCT 1 1 1923 le 17atson` 'SudheimerAPpr�d - ----- 191 Q�eeel- - Against ---- ............................... - - --- v''Jvfr. President, Nelson MAYOR 0 17441 Jo >;Ie--'CiaxacyD Com ro of F"ii ands - - 16,941,27 Eng, & Inep, 2,621086 L 1685 93019` L 1686 60606.60 L 1710 1,110.29 L 1738 19230648 L 1740 1b418.15 L 1763 1,547,65 L 1771 12183oO7 L 1773 394080= L 1775 735.18 17442 J. U. Clancy, Com°r, of Finance 171.00 Schools 17443 Dick Kustrich, 47.29 Adams Site 2035 (Bond) 17444 Charles Nadeaua. 47,29 Adams Site 2035 (Bond) 17445 Nettie Natland, 31,90' Non-assessable improvements 1 CUADRUPLICAR arTY OS BT, PAIIL . TO CRY. CLERK oonaorr, /�qy 00 Form71.34 1M 12- :" AUDITED....._. t82.. ...... .. LLER .. .C..O..M...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the Mr4ate amount of $ 850O00... _ ...................... co ng " checks numbered .. °Y4A6 ................to .:.::.... ............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yea ( J) Councilmen (T) Nays. --Clancy,, a Adopted by the Council. ....--.QTC.1 1 1923 ........192 I� , -Ferguson' _ ..-....In favor t/McDonald, " Sudheimer n l.-- Against Approved ----------_OCI L11923 192. 1�lenQei" Mr. President, Nelson F No. 49006= Resolved that checks be drawn - -she -City .Treasury, to the. s.ggregate.. ;.amount.""otj>cove ring.:.:check; ' nvmbered:17446, " ae Def reglet. of city checks on=file lq the office of the'Clty. „Comptrol29r. - the �AdoDted-tiy Council Oct. 11.1923. Approved Oct. I1. 1923. - - - tOet.:20-1923) I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F. �° -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��! �ESOLUTIO(RAL FORM _+ �r� PRESENTED BY?� DATE..._._.Oatzber-1� .19_233--._._ ,-- RESOLVED WHEREAS, In the contract with the Donovan Construction Company for installing electric miring in the Neill School, it has been found desirable to provide for the installation of an additional wall receptacle which the original plans and specifications did not show, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications be so amended as to provide for this additional work and the con- tract with the said Donovan Construction Company be increased in the amount of Eight 18,00) Dollars to cover the cost thereofo Yeas COUNCILMEN _ Nays Clancy i,- Ferguson McDonald ........_..... In favor ,. '' n1 tindheimer� -Feber .................Against VQenz President 1 Adopted by the Council.__OCT__-.....1 1923 ....................... 1 1923 Appr O0T fved.... - ... .. 1 _.._......... - .....192.-- - -- MAYOR RESOLVED COUNCIL JL f1JV CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �J//n CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � (// V�/i�I% ��._._._.._.___ DATE_------_QiS WRERE2LS, in the contract with the Electric Supply and Construction Company for installing electric wiring in the Meld School, it has been found desirable to provido for the installation of two stereopticon receptacles which the original plans andsspeoifieatione did not show, THEREFOR EE IT RESOLVED THAT, Upbn the recommendation of the City Architect, the plans and specifications be so amended as to provide for this additional work and the contract with the said Electric Supply & Construotion Company be increased in the amount of Thirty nine Dollars and Sixty Cents (039,60) to cover the cost thereof. COUNCILMEN 0 Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald/{,�_...In favor 0. KIT- >udheimert/ lletm— ................Against //� ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council..... OCTI. 1 1923 192 Approv ..-.._--�. T._t.--1..1925... 1 MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL 2UNCIL No -------- .-4.9008 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OLUTION—GENERAL F RM 0 ----- WHEREAS, In the matter of acquiring the site for the New Webster School, the Special Land Committee deemed it feasible to expedite the acquisition of all of the property to offer to those land owners v&o were not satisfied with the award of damagea under condemnation proceedings, an op- portunity to purchase their homes at a figure determined up- on by the aforesaid Committee providing however, that appeals filed in the District Court be dismissed; and, WHEREAS, Anna M. Johnson, 702 Ashland Avenue, having received such offer and having ecoppted same, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Sp_eoial Land Committee in the sale of the two story frame dwelling located at No. 702 Ashland Avenue to Anna M. Johnson of the same address for the total sum of Nine Hundred and Fifty (0950.00) Dollars, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to prepare the necessary bill of sale covering the transaction. This sale is necessary to clear Lot _6, Block 11, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul, which is a part of the tract required as a site'for the New Webster School Proceeds from the sale of this building to be credited to the School Bond Fund No. 20390 COUNCILMVN Yeas Na l/Clancy i/ Ferguson McDonald M , :nrlheii Mr. President 1923 by the Council_...OCT .......-_1 ..... 1 192._... OCT 1 1 1923 . ... . / Androved.....----.--_ _... _.. ...... _.................192.---- MPYOR COUNCIL No . -----_- 49009- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,/- v 4�;OwHMAS, PJOtioe of Appeal having been filed with the City Clerk by J Humphrey wilkinoon from the decision of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Pudic Buildings, pursuant to the provision of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, for permission to extend a portion of hie residence beyond the building line established by said ordinance; and it appearing that proper notice has been published; and further appearing that the Board of Zoning has recommended that such permission be granted, therefore, be it R1;SOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to grant a permit to said appelant to extend his residence beyond the eatebliahed building line to the extent three feet, in accordance with hio application- 1 i 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas j Clancy Ferguson McDonald ....... -In favor ST:Bpn . -1nr3hairnV _rate'- ----- - _---Against nmol V-�'Mr. President Adopted by the Council_0-C-1..1..1- 923.--..-.-.192.._. T 1 1 1923 ' Approv .192...... Lf % -�-� - mavoa CITY OF ST. PAUL F �Rca 19009 - OFFICE ®09 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM RESOLVED MMIr-AB, Notice of Appeal having been filed with the City Clerk by J. Humphrey Uilkinoon from the decision of the Commiaaioner of Parko, Playgrounds and Putklio Buildingo, pursuant to the provisions of Section 20 of the Zoning ordinance, for permission to extend a portion of his residence beyond the building line established by said ordinance; and it appearing that proper notice has been published,, and further appearing that the Board of Zoning has recommended that such permission be grantoda therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the. Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be, and he heroby lo, authorized and directed to grant !a permit to amid sppelant to extend his residence beyond the established building line to the extent to three feet, in accordance with his application. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ................In Favor Matson Peter ..............Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council..�C r..�.. j92�-..---..-192_._. OCi- 1 1 i923 Approved- ------------------------------ ..... 192...... i� 1 ..... MAYOR HENRY.OLSON� �(�.� ® j5, ��gg$g H. J. RIOROAN e CITY CLERK ASST. CITY CLERK (office of eav (llferh October 9th, 1923. PSr. C.E. PdcNally, Corporation Counoel. Doer Sirs Y am enclooing horewith petition to amend the coning ordinance oo ao to allow tho rboidonce of J. Humphrey. U11hincon on tho couthweot corner of Goodrich Avenue and St. Albano Strut to extend three feet boyong the building lino. The owe wao referred to you today, for the proper form of ordinanco. Yonre very truly, one. C1TY C situ, Of 0tUul ' . t�epaetaient ufc 'hacks �BlaygraunDs ' t. �ttb .Baizlk"IJU, til tgs; September 18,;:1823>,', i ., OPPicea Dear `$ir......... . The atitaGhed; petition and note ;ftsm BSr a®n alsori, City CZsrk,>Faaa referred ;to this ds�artment Qday sitd I hath in�eatig"aced e the matter erd HENROLSON Cite of 6aint -Zpaul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Office tirf (9itg (91grk ASST. CITY CLERK gcptcmbor 181h, 1923. Ron. H. C. 96=01, I- commlo I alonor of P. P. & P. 111clso. Door air: 2ho Connell today roforrod the attached petition to mond the Zoning Ordinanco cc no to allow the rool- donee of J. Fmqpbrey Ullldnoon to be placed on tbo couthwoot corner of Goodrich Avo. cad St. Albana St. to extend three fOot beyond the building line, to your DVart=nt for recommendation. youro very traly, vc- ono. 012Y C� On thio 15th day of Soptembor 19239 poracnally appeared boforo mo a Notary Public in and for Ramooy County, Konnoth B. [b rthen, aho by mo duly acorn dopocos and oayo that,ho circulated tho petition above ro- forrod to and that the partieo oigning thoir names thereto signed the oamo in his presence and he further atatoo that the namoo attachod hereto aro o the truo and gonuine oignaturoo of tho partied signing. Subocribod and oaorn to boforo mo thio 5th day of Soppp(toomm)bo(r,, 1w9233.. 0 " v " P Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. my commissioner onpireo Sopt.23, 1929. A APPLICATION DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. , BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS BUILDING PERMIT ( the erection of a__ C- I -------------- storyv!/ The following is a detailed statement for addition to a------ ---------- —=----------story Illlll alterations and rep zs ___story frame, W." an a buding to be used for ------------ purposes, to be erected on the--- ° - - ° ----- �v - -- Street No.---- /,-- cebe+�esr G� { -'-------- - a --JF - - - ---- -�''J--Streets, upon lot - - Block ------ 7------ °f------ -- -------- - -----�------------------- Addition. timated cost $_ - -_ __ �-'�� Dimensions of building: Width__-�-______feet, depth ------ L_- ---------- height from curb level l� or finished grade to highest point ------ �� ___feet, siz of cellar or basement__ G __a__ _x_ _______feet. Is roof to be peaked, qt-------Vke -_ -- - -- covered with what materials? How will the building be heated? --------------------------------- ------------- ----------- What material under footings? --___-_-U-I-- \� I� iC/---------------------------------------- Other buildines on lot?------------- ----------------------------------------------------- The undersigned hereby agrees that all the work performed and material used upon the above described building shall comply with the plans and specifications submitted to the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds, and Public Buildings�nd with the above detail statement, and conform to the laws, and ordinances of the City of St. P;uly n n / ,O�% r tnot cover any plumbing worII 1n the bpMlmr Address------- /Address- `--- ------------ Address- ------------- tl_ -- ----v----------- - -- " Basement let Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 19th Floor 6th Floor Gib Floor Thickness of Exterior Walls_-_ Thickness of Interior Walls___ Height of Stories_____________ Material of Walls____________ The undersigned hereby agrees that all the work performed and material used upon the above described building shall comply with the plans and specifications submitted to the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds, and Public Buildings�nd with the above detail statement, and conform to the laws, and ordinances of the City of St. P;uly n n / ,O�% r tnot cover any plumbing worII 1n the bpMlmr Address------- /Address- `--- ------------ Address- ------------- tl_ -- ----v----------- - -- " � d TLdt armleHlon ba ,gnd 1H 1 iior�byl6ragted to tLfl T t �mako tithe IPponor &'Tg706taPh C - neceHear9'excaVypt�on play UndHrerppnd �'cundultw�th ffecHHHnrY,lnaaha1.2� 11�tteral.v�oea eonnactinn to iior tn� ,�'..ounc it �� etreetH nnd nilHy°'" yr ear �i; nr� ile No. C I T O F S T. P A U L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Presented by _ Commissioner Date Date RESOZYM: 49010 That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co. to make the necessary excavation, lay underground conduit with necessary manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys on the following named streets: Test side of Simpson Ave. from University Av. Blair St., and on west side of Simpson Av. from North of Minnehaha Av. to Wesley Av.$� West side of Syndicate Age. from University Ave. to Lafond St. Wprk to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the "Commissioner of Public Works", the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engi/ering and publication. Q K� Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays r �pClancy OCT i 1 1923 „!Ferguson Adopted by the, Council 19 ,,,-McDonald In favor OCT 1 1 192 'DB � APpr ved 19_ i/Sudheimer (, Against wenwea Mr • President. Mayor. 4 %'v t.'f. PRESENTED BY ..,-.: .. COMMISSION`.___ • 49®x.1 COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .__... __._------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM e..._SL.,.__d.�-_:._ ...__.lLSibr. ...... .. ........._.....__._.. _.._................. ...... ... DATEgct ............. .....____...__... RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a storm nater sever on Cypress Street from the south line of E. Seventh Street to the right of vay of the C.St.P.&& 0 R.R. and to be obtained across the railroad right of on an easement way on the line of Cypress Street produced to the Phalen Creek sever under Preliminary Order C.F. {,45861, approved April 20, 1983 and Final Order C.F. 048333, approved September 889 1923. Resolved that the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. p/ C F NO:. 49811 By',J H Mobonalrt /�-�(F# la m the atte of c.np11-q aro tq' V Wntor;aeWor on Cypressa1 9[ Lrdm tha �. south,lfne of E -S ve th St.tq the \\�r1-t tight oL way Y Che , R' and en n'enaa Rm..ent tot.be ab Yalnad; gorosa tho raiirond, tight of \ way, Droduc'e d tthoe theji6L r under P ellminnry 4CdSe➢r(,rraseelc BeetrWeeett+I /� �/`/J1�I 1 Final order.-c;p ,pril4832 3 1a9p3pd roavnedd s p,O Sapt 22;,,1923:, Resolved` That the ylana ®po0(dcn / �� L- [lona and ostl-.C6jh , B,I it ae Bub .mitred by tha Cbmmfesloner oP public W at Por Cha gbovo atymod itfmDtbvo ,i me t be. and the BUmo ata hereby ap � > Droved.• y i Ad Dteii by thn CRuncil O t 11 1923. jADDroved O t Y1:1923 A (OcC 13=1923) / II ' o \ COUNCILMEN �CT 11 1923 _.. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci ................... 192...... Clancy 1923 OCT 1 1 .................. 192..... Ferguson Appro d ............ ...._.... McDonald In favor Matson O ........................... MAYOR ter ................Against Avensal Mr. President CITY OF SIS RnnDau149T Lnt Btho P nnal�ePeCin a",-_.. ....--.M.v,I'.l� ll.� .� -4unntlhoo tor,l ' �Yi OFFICE OF THE chungfng o[ crdded and gradln of ' �§nollln AV..trom IIs tfo d Ave td a .I s � L.T.. COUNCIL RESOLUT10b tat 116tee£ south at the south lino �sary-ehnleot io\vn.termainodi� a �iFNo 7G61: nD urtenancea PBV ... .IJ28 and Fin (1 < DA`fL COMMISSIONE _ RESOLVED Y bn eaifioations and oetinatod quantities ghat the pleas, 8p y, for ohenging of grade and grading; of 3n©11ing Avenue from w Hartford Avenue to a point 126 feet South of the aeuth lino of Juno 3troot, and making the n00000 7 changes in the vatermains and appurtonanoes, under Preliminary Order Ca Fo 146618, approved Jane 189 1923, and Final Order Co Pe X44?600, approved August 22, 1023, prepared by the Commissioner of Publio Works and herewith submittod, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Publio Works is hereby authorised, ordered and direoted to do the following part of said work, via: Making the neoossary ohanges in the natermains and appurtenanCes by Foroo A000unt and the purohasing Agent is hereby authorised and directed to advertise - the remalndQr of said cork ib in a000rdanoo with said plans and epe0ifio8tionso �al I� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ._............._1.1923--__-_192...._ Clancy OCT 1 1 1923 Ferguson �( Approved .............. ..................192 - McDonald ........... In favor 6 Matson � y� MRYOP + ' ,Eater- ._............. Against RPLISHED ` 1.3 --2 3 1�Ileaz¢i' Mr. President -- INTffiRBTffiDIARY ORD¢fEtB 99013— n the Matter of ppaving Park=Avenue from '}Vabnsha 8tS to Como Ave. and, Como,: Ava from- :Park Ave ' c St;, iaoluding. sewer; water- and gas 'connections from street mains to pTOpeTIy line cOmplete.,wMr. iP.t' alreaHy muds also ourbing and Ps.v- tng driveway aP➢ronches. her rd noo- k - eaeary, under --:Pre tm_lnary prdeT 47279-aPProve� _"^^--`--"•=-,.� a COUNCIL FILE NO............... By........ ENTERMEDRARY ORDER In the Matter of ... BAVIUg.P.awJi.fkud.Qomo „gye4, f om;°Fark,gpeg to ,Rice,lMr.s, Ancluding,sewer_%.A 9r,apLgas ..R9=QSrt pmXrOpl.B.trQet,mai,ns..t.Q--PrQP—grAY:Jknes. 9MPAet@o: where, not.. ...�]J;'�AdY..l�i�S16o..@•.16.Q. �S1?2:b�318..>�}1d..BA��'?�..41X'�X612?Y..�P.Px'.4A4k1Q�.s, w here ...... ...49.0 Arys........................ under, Preliminary Order........472as............ approved ... J1x1Y..?:$,. J9?A1.'................. The Council of the City of St. Paul= received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Pavia. Park. AvQ.-from 1Yabas ha . Bt- ..to..Como..A�e... and . Coma . Ava, . Xrom . Park . Av a> ..to..Ric a . at. ., .. . giurlj,rg,ggg{gr,,vaetQ� ,at}d,gas„egnreetigns,from; street 'mains to PI'OP.@x.GY..7ime�. Q4JCiP Ot@s..wheYe„ Qt„ai,readg,made,, alao,curb ng,and,pavinIg driFeway aeproaches. where necessary,.............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated .cost thereof is $.. `4,.7U o QQ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... ?}:$t......... day of ,,,, November,,, ,,. 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council ...00T 1 1 1923 .. OCT l 1 1923.............. Approved.............. ..........192...... Clerk. ............... ... Mayor. ,,Councilman Clancy ✓SHED Councilman Ferguson p 9 66 —93 ^------•__-- ,•_r,__-„ @CgLI C F N atto of 4}jtl - 7L � Td the MDaviag Raym ad Ave Srom C mo Ave. _ West- to�9cudder St,: ' S udder'St [ oRaym d Ave: to r Cleveland Ave Cievoland Av Yrom 1 "Scudder SE to the,North City Limits, - ,including sewer water and gns.con- f ngctlons Prom strestrmal s < >n.^n•: c^'nnl tfl._,;wh �. COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By................................. ENTIER�fIl EI®BAR Y ORDER, In the Matter of..P0.41n9.AnMond.A4.e... XQA1.CGlniA.�YSa..:�78&t..tl2.eSGAdd@I'..St.oa. .Sondder..St-.fxau. Raymond.Ave...Zo..Cleveland. AQe.>, .Cleveland. Avo..Xrom Scudder..Sto..xu..tk�a Korth, City.:�imlts,..inc].udtng.aerlex,:;watsx.aid,gQ-A conrect�iona ,frpm, street, mains, tp„property„linea,,complete,,,wherd not ..a7xeady.made. alsa.aurb3aalr,.and.Pav3aag.dxive3�ay..aBPxoachea,,�here,z?ecessary under Preliminary Order..., .4.7.283 ............... approved ... sTUly.. R4,— 3,9?.3a .................. The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered -to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. pA4e . R&YMP..Aft .A.V 6.a ... from. 4.omo.AvQ. mt.tci.SCa;dd@x:: tra.xG>�ddex,Sto..f�om,Raymond.Avel to ,,,��,@vel.and�gYes�,,C�,�go,Viand„Qve,;,>srpm,,�eydde�„St*„to,,the,�torth. City.Limits, ...�.AC1.Ud1Y>�.;39Yi8>”a.IYet6I°.$AGl.$f�S..CAXt336Ct�o179.�:Y'.Rm..:s:ttxS@t..m�tFl$. tR.PX:4ierty ,,;�.ins$„�pmpiete.�,4�,E}ere,,nQt,.aar'ead3i,made,,,ai.so,curbingand,;pavin�„driveway , aPPrgaehes�,where_}�ecessarYs.......:................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3,046,4.00-00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 2183......... day of ...W .embar........ 192..3:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. ThattheCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 1 1 1923 Adopted by the Council.. ............. 12... ..9.... ...... ...C�w APProved.....O......192..•••• ity Clerk- ..... . .. .. .. Mayor. L-lCouncilman Clancy V, Councilman' Ferguson ✓ Councilman McDonald Councilman= Sudheimer G-0nncilman-Wenzel- Mayor =x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 v 490.15 .ri' `: rn the Matter of pnvin R1ee St.-.Erom - brld5e over the'Northern PacSRe' the cRxy umit.rin-, ,# 12nllwav:. So north cludlas`sewer.`water, and. Bas. con-: :Prem mins to -prop: nectfons street ©. erty ,Imes .comHlete: where not •a1- .rdade, also. curbfn6 and':p¢vins. .E.ready - - drivI'vay approaches h re neces- ier YrOfts' Y Order 47289 approved: July 24;".1929. 1 ,n i aI the,' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... havfn6 received= mis loner of ' 'fmprovem%+� By..................................... said r. In theMatte�of.11av,�Ag. $SCA..St..romxhs,.bridgs.over.ba..Northern.k�t i%ie ...Ra.ilNay.. t o. t he . north .city. limits,.. Lncluding..s earer,. matar..and. gaa ...... ,, cori}zections„fxgm,g�f;gets,Ipains,tq,,p�;gperty„�:�;nea, c41np�,QtQ,,,lahere, not,; ...already. made,.. also . nurbi.ng . ana .pe v3.ng .drivemay..e-pproachea, . w herd ...... ... naees sary................... .................._............................................... . under Preliminary Order ....47282...........:....approved ..Jnly.2925 . .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,. and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ` That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. pave. Rime. St— .fram the bx1dgP n : x.,pe Dior.,qAr—n.PaOil .IWAVIV..tv.the..330th.A11Y..11anM��... ...including. aevaer., . nater. amd .gas..connections . Erom..sLreet..mains..t a ... , ... prQperty,,s,9. curbing and p3vix�.drivel�a9.a.Bpxoachea.,. wt�ere.ne�ea.$exY.> ................ ..... .................,...................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.Q0.a$.6,0,.,Q.Q Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 218t. ........ day of . Nouember• • • • • • • •. 192$..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council... OOT 1,1923...... . OCT 141923 Y .... Approved..... ................192...... *f. Clerk..........�... ...................... Ma or. ✓Councilman Clancy -'Councilman Ferguson ✓Councilman McDonald . i Councilman 8n'3s= Sudheimer Mayor � Nelsons/%� Form B. S. A:'&6 PUBLISIII D j_= p — )c g� Q: F No 49010- _ :• 49016 y IIn the-Matter ,of Pacing Wheelocl Parkway �fmm.C,,, Ave North to ;-fai ; Street,,, U-110U-110sower, _ watertll_ , and 'gas connections Yrom;� ereet malas to proporty, cam; '.piece; where not ahead-g. madInese ;aleol ,including curbing and paving drive tivay and;: allay, approaches where :nee.s,a Y„ under,Preliminary Order i 45294, approved �1prn 20,,-1923 The Counenof the City':ot St Pnul' 1 �.having recel Cd the re'U,pon r the Com-: COUNCIL FILE NO............... misstoner of Finance upon the nbove'I lmprovemoat and having conetdered ..III said-report hereW reso ves By ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,1. That the said rej dTt7be and .the - - -' same is hereby-,appr ved And ado�tr_c and,the said nPr WERNIEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof....paving„ Whealaek.Parkway.from..Como.-.Avenue.2 lorth.th....... ... Maokubin. &treet,.. incl uding. semer.,..�rtax..and. ge E. connect.igl��. 1'Q?R ..... SfiF@¢,ii,plg�,ns,tq,p�'gpe>ity, lines, egmplete,,,where, not,'already,,made,.-,also .,.�.I1C1lid3Jgg..CUI'k211�g-sAd.it�F.a-FSB. �l'iYee�ay, and, ailey..a.PP.roachea,, xhere.,.. F1Q��13�aXY.a.................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 15294.............approved .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is,.pavaLAV12se1jack..... ....Parl�¢ay..fram.Aomo..9venue..North...ta.D4acku4ln.rstrept,..1nC],usl�,ng.g�1?�ra. v water and gas connections from street, mains to,oroperty lines complete, where,�igt-a�ready,msde,,also„includin�,curbin�,-and papin� driveway and .... allay. approa ches,..where. necessary,.............................................. .............................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 9.Q,QOQ%QQ.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 21St........ day of ...November........, 192.. J3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court' House, and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota 1 cost thereof as estimated. OCT1 1923 Adopted by the Council...................... OCT 1 1 1923 4^.... .. j .......... �� ty Approved .........................192...... C1 Clerk. ....... ............ . ...- Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED ✓ Councilman Ferguson r/ Councilman McDonald ✓ Councilman thabihX Sudheimer -6ouneilman-teazel / ,,,,--Mayor Xadg= Nelson , Form B. S. A. &6 --. � In the Mntt r of; gtad(ng and pavhig - Wheelock Parkway trom Payne Ave. to Arcade St.. InCluQyng solver water a o 490 + and 'gncnneeflone Prom: _streak • malas Lq +property 11nes COmplote,. rt ye I }vhere :: not • ntready: made, , lso t e" -: - _ - Cluding curbing :and 'pa�ing-: " -nv and atley:approaches;': where dar Prenmin ry Order') " 1 tl 20 3923 Ij COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By........................................... IIN ERNEDIAR Y -ORDER In the Matter of..9Pacjip9„41Xd. .Erom..Payne.dtvenue— ..... to..Ar:oada.Street,..inoluding.sewen' seater• and •gas••eonneoti-one-from. •- street mairs,tg„p�Qp@tY..7QQ..Goxnt;]ate.,',w.hexel:not..aJrasdy.madey..also .....including , ciu�,b ing..aAd..pl3ViAg..d>"�.Y.e>17.e3*..�xtd..a llay.:apgrnaahee,.:�here.. . nee es s a'Y., ........................ under Preliminary Order.. 45292..............approved . ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the saidimprovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. grada.md..pava.... ....:�from.$ayne.Avanue..to..Ar.Cada.Street,..inaluding.sener, ymter:. and.gas..e.onneati:ons. from. s treet..mains. -to. -property • lines• •¢omgle te, nhqm . not .already. made.,. also..ina lud3 ng. cur.bang . andi.pav3,ng • driver;ay- -and alley, approaches,.. k1Qr@.AQgQS� JCYs.................. .. . .. ..i .................... ......... ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,46.5-0Q..... Resolved Further, That,a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 218t. ........ day of Ngyerpjlox ......... 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. ,OCT 1 1 1923.. , .. , 192... OCT 1 11923 .. ......... ...... ... o Approved...... ... ..........192...... i Clerk. ............................ ....Mayor:. (Councilman Clancy g I' /Councilman Ferguson UBLISIii;;D 61 _ 3 eltouncihnan McDonald 6e L' Councilman SmkkLx 'Sudheimer { ��MayorxYvftz= Nelson /`� Form B. S. A. 8-6 �( ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL 49018NO.........ZL ......._ .._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTS BY /j//�/l�// .. ..._._._ COMM ISSI��IER�.__..�L7{w�._-._.__..____. 4 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract for furnishing all labor and material required to install complete 28- 100 candlepower single light posts on Capitol Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue, using Union Metal Manufacturing Co.'s posts, to the Commonwealth Electric Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 04,549.00, in accordance with plans, specifications, their bid and award of contract t hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Engineer's Estimate $5056.00. F.B. #5045 iq F No anola—ar �v s reteO Resolved. T21aP Lhe. Gosnell beroby. nnDroveR tho salon oP the Contrnct filrpm}1ttee. In ,az4a;dipq ooatcapC Poe 11 COUNCILMEN "T1 fZ 192'3 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. O(--_---1 ................__.__.192..... \'� Glancy ✓F r son �` 2 1923 192..__ } gu Approv d--------- . 1... ........ ✓McDonald In favor Sudheimer ' b - ................. „/Peter' r\..._..._Agalnst MAYOR ,-"Mr. President. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • /JCOUNCIL RESO U ON—GENERAL ' FORM _4 A COUNCIL NO. __.. !ESOL/yED/Mat the following boAs gi-en to thle City of St. Paul by the Hamm Realty Company as principal, and the National'Surety Company as surety, viz: Bond dated August 26th, 1916, in the sum of 05,000.00 covering metal canopy on the north side of 11th street, beginning at Hobert street, thence easterly 100 feet; bond dated September 30, 1915, in the sum of 05,000.00, covering canopy and iron poroh at 493 Uabasha street; and bond dated May 17, 1920, in the sum of 05,000.00, covering ornamental.iron canopy at the New Capitol in the Hamm Building; be and the same are hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety thereon re- leased from further liability; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as relieving said principal or surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bonds.! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy L,4`erguson L/-&cDonald In favor � Sudheime/r .1 -f -ter .-I�3ea2e1' �Mr. President 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNOILNO— 4 Zo ----- FILE ----- Ro OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESO o That the bond givan t a CA 7 of ./Paul by August ValleUtin, as principal, and the American B n ing Company of Baltimore, as surety, i I n the Bum Of (215,000.00, dated October 3, 1911, covering bay -window or balcony on Lots 5 and 6, Langevints Subdivision of Lots 102 11 and 12.9 Block 10, St. Paul proper, be and the same is hereby cancelled aji.d,the principal and surety thereon released from further liability under said bond; prdvided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be con- strued as relieving said principal Or surety from any liability 'ah 0 may have accrued prior to.the cancellation of said bond. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays L --`C1 L.o'McDonald ..... ------------ In favor 6udaeLmer VoPeter ................ Against Wenzel &-��Mr. President �fl OCT 1 21923 Adopted by the Council -- ------------------- - ---------------- 192-- "T 1 2 1923 Approve C) ....... 192 MAYOR "NO.— CITY OF ST. PAUL OF OF E CITY CLERK RES ION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE-..--QQ-VbVz-1Z,-1923-- RESOLVED That License No. 292 for conducting a Restaurant at 190 East Seventh Street issued to Dennis ougustinos be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of police for the reason that this place has been raided twice 'during last two months and proprietors were arrested and convicted for operating a gambling house, and it is apparent that this restaurant is run solely for the nurDose of gambling. COUNCILMEN Yeas t. -'Clancy Nays� j/-Terguson McDonald In favor VSudhe er ?�90 16 64eter ................ Againai -"Mr. President Adopted by the Council.00-T4A-19.2.1 ---------- 192 Approrv, d...---- ------ -102—.. '0 /A/) A Oct. 11.1923 fC�n. C. Stadhalzaro Esq... CoTodrsionsr Public Safety, Stu Paul, Unn. Ib;ar Sire - Information Cama to r, yoetprdv that a restadant'AW 190 - .s. seventh street me again in opoaation, and thnt thoro vas gatabling goin on there. This place has boon raided and the proprietors arrested on $uo difforont occasions during the last tiro months* charged ni.th operating a gemblit_m house, and ware convlatod. ' Mfostnizntelyo, the license inspector who investigated applicatinn,numbor 3497, for 190 B. seventh. Street. vas not -varo that this place had been raided twice, for gambling. or else it slipped his memory; at any rate, the application was approved by mo, by mis3t&te. I will now reco=bnd that this 11conm be ::remptly rovoind, as thero to no question In my rAnd that this ras�.urant its rim solely for the purpose of fabling, and that Choy should not have boon grontod a licons:�. Very truly yours, Franlz T7.. so=aro 5-.S-IB Chief of Police. 4,9022 NO.---- CI OF ST. PAUL FOENca__... F OFT Cl -fir CLERK RESOL N --GENERAL FORM ^ y, Q 3 PRESENTED BY -1�J---- COMM#5SIONER__:._.__6._...._..._______.___-__.___. .__.. _ -.-_ RESOLVED That Application No. 2836 for conducting a Hotel (Jenningsl at 473 wabasha street issued to May 6oleman be and thesameis hereby denied upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that this place is improperly and unlawfully conducted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays k-�'Clancy r f2;erguson ,�Donald ................In favor r�r 8ud$eimer _......__.Against l Mr. Preeident Adopted by the Council -00T ....2..19��. __ ..... 192- 3 Appr ed.....:.....C.T._1..2--1923----.... 2.....: MAYOR � -i -C P No 40023 rIy Wm 7 Peter',- 7f. !N 9023 Where¢e,: UnYgraenn opat¢c ea, npt d Fd pTOvldatl tort triemulnng al fno 'gym couNCIL No CITI Drovem nt-undor D`mnl Urger C. 1.�No.- Fac ' 9.6x4, • apDrov ¢ AD�v, 4s " 3623; , OFFICE (-acrlbad ¢a-tna re-PovmL o' sixth Gc:>. - 2rom xoaah t 9t aast to tne-uT.Qµe, 31L RESC`ett. th. Foyen onacryotiou t.ompaw. m.; _i ;�r¢ore, h� •+-.n •naitat[ngthe; __ Oct. 3. 1924. RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseon obstaoles not provided for in the making pf the improvement under Final Order Co yo t41636o approved April SC4. 1923, described as the rdd ire -paving of Sixth St, from Rosabel St. Bt to the Bridge, the Feyen Construction Company, Contractors, have arieon necessitating the following extra work and charges: At Rosabl0 - bo3' New granite curb at 03050 018055 (22 Sqo ydeo nen base and ( relaying creosote wood blooks " 4000 88000 00 New granite curb " 3060 19,25 At Broadway - Sandstone paving relaid 35000 At John $to - Repair sandstone pav$ng 12000 10o6l New granite curb " 3050 37010 At Sitteon - One - 1' Granite radius 6000 40 Be. yds. Base 7" thick " 1085 74000 15 " " Brick surface " 2070 40050 At Neill - Hauling and placing 2-10' granite dil " 15000 30000 40 Sq. ydao Bas® 7" thick if 1085 74000 ✓y g 15 " if Brick surface i1 2070 40.060 At Loouat Sto - Hauling and plaoing 2-10' radii " 15000 30000 40 Sq. yde. Base 7" thick " 1085 74000 15 G " Brick surface " 2070 40050 2 Day's truck time (16 bra) hauling dirt to Levee Road " 4,00 hr. 64000 Total 682040 tK Now therefore, be it �4i1 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost not to exoeed the sum of 0682.40 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract gnome q Cgmptroller's Contract L-1692 for the making the aforesaid OU ILA N 7�x Yens Nays Adopted by the C...eil._ QC7.._A._....'-------------192...... '—Clancy --Ferguson 192...... +/McDonald _._:.._._..In favor Sudheimeo MAYOR WIP" eter _. _..- .....Against zjBLLgBm / f 6 — _0-23 ✓Mr. President . C. ,Nb, A903A-9Y Wm J Potor— Oaf024 ,WherrAs, Uhfaraeon obstacles not COUNCIL No.. --- ..- _-------- 't (Spr.vtuod in the -making .t the Im FILE ""Vbmentr Undar .1"i raer C. F. No:. OFFICEr sty, avbroved Mnyof'�inai: 1083, doecrthed s PAvont, the . s /blp PI '.Rrd_ COUNCIL RESOLI d,r;eldmg �':NhepleY Con u+aen nacaes tat ng the Qo t Ober 110 19230 ,>•� ,-parse.. f� _ .... ._ _._ PRESENTED E ................................. _. ............................... COMMISSIONER RESOLVED 19hereas, Unforseon obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final order Co kb #45515, approvod May 2, 1923, described as the paving of Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. haveh harisen - necessitatingnthe afolloving tra p vorkand9cCContractors, charges Additions: Chapman, Randolph &) Cretin at 03025 058.14 18 yde. paving 32 ft. cement curb if 055 17o60 2134 Randolph Ste- if 3023 51068 16 yda. paving 32 ft. cement curb " .55 17.60 Drainage: 40 Din. ft. 12" pipe from II 2.00 oatohbasin to Sever Roinforcements - ontra concrete 4164 reinforcing rods �r"VB' „ ✓ 91 at .666#. per fto 22185 #- 17— .06 1440 Sq. yds. 2" extra oonorotn 8000 or 80 oua y de o n 070 Don therefore, be it 0 145002 80000 1731015. 640000 56000 Total o rr RESo1,VER, That the Council hereby ordors tho extra pork to be dons (. under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, end in accordance Vith the specifications therefor, the cost not to euoeod the am of 02,252.17 and to be alloyed as an entre, under the contract knonn as Comptroller's Contract b1701-Afor the making of the aforesaid improvemento COUNCILAmN OC`I 1 2 1923 Ycas Nays Adopted by the Council._.................192..-... ✓Clancy /herguson App owed_....... r':"'.`...1.21`�2'�..._....192 - McDonald In favor -------------- ,,'Peter _..._._-.Against PUI3LISFIED l a W4"zd- ✓Mr. President 025- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 1�7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,If— oat. 12, 1925e_ RESOLVED Whereas, Unforsoon obstacles not provided for in the making of Co Fo $38391, approved Juno 16o 19220 the improvement under Final Order doeoribed as the paving of Raymond Avenue from University Avenuo have arisen to Hampdon Ave., and Sheple, Conrk esiFielding neootating the following extra woendcharges-. Additions% (Reinforcing rods and extra ooncreto ( 1960 Reinforcing rods o" n 88 at .666# per fto at .06 620018 ( total of lQ055Go3 lb'so 65902 9g. ydoo 2" oxtra ooncroto or p 8000 292080 3606 Cu. ydeo Drainage - Raymond & Territorial Road 50,000 ,/ 14D1o.2-A Catohbasin 2000 33Q of 12" pipo C.B. to MH 66000 Total o now thereforo, be it Resolvethe extrwork o be under the dsupervision Of the Commleolonoreof publicaWorks, tno and in accordance with the specification's therefor, the cost not to oxceoa the sum of 01028098 and to be allovsd as an extra under the contract known as Comptrollar''s Contract b- 1y62 for the making of the (rgE aforesaid improvement. No .40026 BY.Wm:rJ Peter—> [ harms, Unformon obstacles ' not I[ Q, I Ided Yor:,in the matin of the • ra I/ vement;undor'L'ImI or C, Ll No: �Ol, , va.vied Jofa Raym6 , eAYa�n= -tha _pnvinS. ��� ijnField-W &"ShAvenue to Hnm an r"4 ,.pie;:. F,lelding 8r..6heP1eY. Contraci .'gave arl R.,,tn nems- ti the,:fol, COUNCILMENO J i 1 2 1923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ... -A-2 .............. ✓Clancy ,,,'%erguson Ap 21923 ---192 wo<cDOnaId __-_In favor Sud aeimer a MAYOR ✓Peter Against gUBLISHED / - -,2 G , � 3 -Wxmzd– ✓ Mr. President RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL���o. ----------- -_. N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oat. 10. 1925. That the bondo given to the City of at. Paul by the American Surety 0ompany, as surety, and Hugs Realty Company, as principal, as follows: 1 - dated Aug. 7 1925, covering 1 -areaway on 842 Minnesota Sto 2 _ n �+ 7,, 1928, n on length of building at� 544-46 Minnesota ato 8_ n 0 7, 1928, ° 1 -coal hole at 150 EO 4th sto ) & 1- n a n 152 E. 4th ato ) 4_ n 7, 1928, covering 1-ooal hole at 144 EO 4th St.. 5- " " 6, 1928, of 2- to " on 864 Robert, caro 1 -trap door on 5th StQ, 1 -areaway in front of 125 EO 5th StO 6- n 6, 1928, n 1 -trap door'looated on 129 EO 5th Sto all in the sum of 060000.00, be and and the same are hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon releasodo as new bond have been filed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be oonstrueC as releasing said principal and surety from any liability ,which may have Yeas accrued prior to the cancellation of said bondo. COUNCILMET ✓Clancy --"Ferguson �IcDonak Peter VMr. President _...... _ Against by the Council .00.1.....2 1923 .. ..... 192 —CC 1..2_1.923_.....__192.-..-- ... _... _...... 927 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoERcu.�� NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f _� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM FD Ry 0- ".6 .�— _.__ Oct. 10, 19250 RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of at. Paul by the National surety Company, as surety, and the Nortl7est Roalty Company, as principal, dated November 29, 1912, in the sum of 06,000.00, covering areaway under the sidewalk on lot 11. Block 9, Whituog & Smith's Addition, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon releasod, as new bond has been filed by the General Holding Companu; provided, however, that nothing heroin shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bondo f w COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1-1*' Clancy \ 'rerguson \ n ✓�IeDonald �UUv In favor Sudheimer� Peter Against Al.l ,/ MPresident Adopted by the Council... _ OCT 1 2 1923 192. ........... - Appr ed......_ Gr I - 2 1923.- ....192. MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas i CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO_ ---- 49028 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE...:... 1.21-190 -------------- That the sun of eleven hundred fifty-six and 61/100 dollars (01,156.61) be and the same hereby is appropriated from the Vheelage Tags Fund and transferred to the Street Con- struotion and Repair Fund, to defray the cost of enlarging and paving the corner at the intersection of Summit and Western Avenues. COUNCILMEN - Nays ✓jClaney ✓ )!'erguson McDonald _.-._._.....In favor f ,Sudhelmery ,/Peter ............. Against lYcaael— f Mr. President G kl "U *te, 1923 Adopted by the Council.___.QCT ...... 1 2 ----192..__.. VMWIWWA� CITY OF $T. PAUL FOENCIL NO --------- ..-+__.--.J�----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the sum of Six Hundred Sixty and 38/100 Dollars ($660.38) be and the same hereby is appropriated from the Wheelage Tax IPund and transferred to the Street Construction and Repair Fund, to defray the cost of enlarging and paving the corner at the inter- section of Sixth street and Hoffman avenue. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council OCT.. 1_2 1923 . ---- --192_.... ✓Clancy ( %i t/��erguson Ib Approved----- - Oa .)--1 21923 192...... ✓McDonald .....In favor j • -""�� �I1 , . : n t�;:t Sudheimer U MgVOR Peter _._Against to -0- Mr. President i ' n -hemnaicin�ioflth0 imt� u1+cIL CITY pro omenteTunder.-Flna1 OPdB19c .de_ ILE No.. -------- __.. OFFICE O c F xo. anoao—sr w s Yeo r- i 4r COUNCIL RESOLI F. repnvin6. Sith xth-8lreet stetstrot�� rno�yh' ntd. October 5thy 1923a RESOLVED nridaes and RePnir,__. _ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final order C. F. 41534 approved April 24th, 1923, described as the repaving of Sixth Street from RosabaContrStreet toEast to the arisen bridge, Feyen Construction Company, r h and necessitate the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by the respective city bureaus named : Bureau of Bridges and Repair Dept. of Public Works. moving lamp post at southeast corner of Sixth and Rosabel on account of change in curb location --------- p1.90 Bureau of Street Construction & Repairs Dept. of Public Works. Material and labor on detour made _ necessary on account of Sixth St. 487043 paving contract Total 63 Now, therefore, be it, Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, the.work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost not to exceed the sum of $519.33, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract �F L-1692 and the said amount of 0519.33 shall be paid to 16a the Department of Public Works. Itn COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy ,,�Perguson ✓McDonald __..---In favor -. Sudheimerb Peter _---._._..Against Wenzei— Mr. President Commissioner of Public Works. OCT 1 2 1923 Adopted by the Council --- ------- --------- ---- ------- ......192.... A rov d/`_..-.-. a 1 2 1923 .......-----!`....-V.. .... 41 ...it_..........mwvow -V IQUBLISEiI D /I ' o� % —d 3 RESOLVED 4r,1. 49031 CITY OF ST, PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.........0. c t.Ob a r.....1 S,. _..1'383. ----- .. _---- _ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under Final Order C.F. J'46485, approved June 16, 1993, described as the paving of Randolph St. between Snelling Ave. and Cleveland Ave., Thornton Bros., Contractors, have arisen and necessitate the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by the Board of Suter Commissioners: Moving hydrants on Randolph between Snelling and Cleveland Aves. $178.02 Now, Thereflore, be it, Resolved,.That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, the work to be done under the super vision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the eost not to exceed 0178.03, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1798, and the said amount of 0178.02 shall be paid to the Department of Public works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Clancy ✓'Ferguson `�MeDon add In favor �k6 Sudbet Or L--"Peter_....._._.Against Av4"Zsl— ✓Mr. President Adopted by the Council 21923 192 Ap roved---...O.r.L..1_2.. 1.923------- .... 192.---- l �'.`u MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ................ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided -for In the making of the improvement, under Final Order Co F. 47840, approved August 22nd, 1923, described as the CApaving of Rondo Street between Western and Dale, Utton Construction Company; Contractors, have arisen and necessitate the following extra work and charges. The work listed below was furnished and performed by.the Board of Water Commissioners: Moving hydrant at Rondo and Maokubin . . . .x$27.46 Now, therefore be it, Resolved, That the Coundil hereby orders the extra work to be done, the work to be done under the super- vision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost not to exceed x$27.46, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1740, and the said amount of x$27.46 shall be paid to the Department of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson L11- McDonald _ _ .........In Favor sudheimer :/Peter _..--..._Against lard— L- ✓Mr. President / Commissioner of Public Works OCT 1 21923 Adopted by the Council ......... ------------------------- ----- 192----- 21923 Approv---------- -_ ----- _..__--- ..-------- ..192.----- "--- MRYOR RESOLVED 4-1 Yeas .OUNCiLNO CITY OF ST. PAUL ------ LA FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE- .......O.ot.ober..._1.2, 193.3 .... ....... ......_ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under F13al Order C.F. 46483, approved June 16, 1923, described as the paving of Raymond Ave. from University Ave. to Hampdon Ave. Fielding & Shepley, Contractors, have arisen and necessitate the following extra work and charges. The fork listed below was furnished and performed by the Board of Water Commissioners= Roving hydrants at Raymond and University 136.93 Moving hydrants at Raymond and Territorial Road 53.26 190.19 Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, the work to be done under the super- vision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost not to exceed 0190.19, which cost shall be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1797, and the said amount of $p190.19 shall be paid to the D Department of Public [forks. 1 / Sud helm 4r If Peter _.(__...._._Against ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Cou.,ii_..00T_.) 192...... App ved._...._.. ,�T..r.. -19kz ................... .... ....................MAYOR RESOLVED /1 ���34 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaE""` NO. ----...-aa..-- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ............ That the Commissioner of Public Uorks be and he is heroby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Utton Construction Co., Contractors, whereby said Utton Construction CO. aro to use one of the City°e four (4) wheel tar kettles and pay a rental of $4.00 per day, also a one ten (10) ton steam roller, with operator, and pay a rental of 025.00 per day, for the use of said steam roller, with operator, or a rental of $20.00 per day for roller without Operator, from the time they are delivered to the Utton Construction Company until the time they are returned to the City, said money to be paid into the Street Constraotion and Repair T'und9 Said tar kettle and steam roller shall be returned to theCity in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through their use by oald Utton Construction Company shall be paid for by that firm. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ---Ferguson ✓McDonald ✓,'T�- _ Sud heimmo ✓Peter _.._.....Against _.3dCe�reel- I/f Mr. President by the Council .__OCT._ 1 21923 192...... Approi/ l� - _ ^..T...1.2�19-23.... .92._... QUADRUPLICATE mISr Or. or. PAIIL To CRY CLERK - OOIIHOSL �U35 For. D-34 1M 12.22 num NO .......... _�....._.�_ 7j a BY } O LLER ...... .. 1e2........AUDITED ._..... /. (: PER...... _.. —. _.-------- __._............. _. .._...___. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$ gate amount of $ QQ®a gl4�i ............. ---------- coyering' checks numbered...--.,,.�XMV --------------- to......17656............... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City v.' Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (, IT Nays. /C[lancy, Adopted by the Council..._OCT 1 2_192: - -._ rguson,---.....In favorg23 .. '.- -- -192----- eDonald, OCTQCT 1 2 to VM01 udheimer Ap r ved il..:..-..Against e r. President, Nelson f r i:0. F, No. 49036- Resolved that checks be drawn on7 the City. Treaeury. to the aggregate. Anlo"Dt oY 330.818.78p covering: checlts nulRbered:17447Yo-17968'ia aluslve,-as er register of. city checks on ala 1n the office of .the City. CornT poller. Adopted bythe Council Oct. 12, 1923. Approved Oct..12. 1923. - (Oct. 20.1923) ORIGINALTO CITY OV ST. Pial CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER N0. 4,9035 Fom D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ................ ... .. . .. ........... 737 2 iBy AUDITED...... . .. . .. ................... . .. . _.......182 ....... . ........ . ......... . ......................... PE... . ... .. . ......................... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a rekate amount of $A0A8145!T8- ......................... covering checks numbered -------------- t.- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes v' Councilmen v7 Nuys. ✓ Adopted by the Council- .......... 0.0:1 2.1922'. ........... .... jo ---------- ✓MacDona ';.so In favor 923 Appr v d----------- ...... ....... 192 bl`�n% Sudheimer V Peter, ------------ Against- 1............................... .................. . - ------------ asex President, Nelson o 221,70 u a .......... ........... ................... 17447 Blelo�6Tii�e'R-"bb" �'&"''r Garage 17448 Commonwealth Electric Company, 42.77 Pol. & F. Alarm 5*63 Schools 37.14 4-2—.77 17449 Uinnesota BY -Product Coke Company, 330.56 Water 17450 The National City Bank of New York for 76.50 Q. Van Dan Berg & Sons, Heemstede, Holland Bureau of Parks 17451 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 659.22 C. H. & C. H. 8.87 3.00 2.85 Pol. & F. Alarm 1.33 Asa Arterial signs 50o96 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm; 78,75 tt ti It 26.25 S. & S. Clng. 20,15 Schools 157035 It 104,43 n 4098 Bureau of Parks 197.00 P. Bldgs. 3.30 V. ° Res. 737 Page #}2 17452 Carl Jo Pettit,,5a15 Garage 1704 St,Paul Electric Lamp Company, 19023 Garage 17454 Supt. of Documents, 1000 Schools 17455 Perry A. Swenson & Hakanson, 9,392,02 Linwood School(Bond) 535000 Randolph Htsou 1,071002 77 MOO ca 17456 U. S. Rubher Company, 30063 h: Park Refectoriea cOU CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 13, 19230 RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of at. Paul by the ]gatllonal Surety Company, as surety, and Scribner Libby Company, as principal, dated February 24, 1919, in the sum of 05,,000000 covering coal hole on Main Avenue between 5th and 9th Streets, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as nc bond has been filed; provided, however, that nothing heroin shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bondo COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson �i .,;;:.3VI'��unald• ........-In favor Sudheimer p ,j Peter ....._..-....-Against ,�TEn7A3I-. L,14rt;tPresidcnt ®®T 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council__ ............. .."-- ------ ._...192.---.. Appr ved.._ V I } 3".192.. .192. _..... - . MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO•------ ���"� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct, 13, D23. That the personal bond given to the City of Sto Paul by W. Wo Dunn and Otto huller, as surety, and Ramco Realty Company, as prinoipal, dated March 1, 1918, in the sum of 06,000.00, covering tunnels on the following described property: Tiauquior Sto between Greenbrier Aveo and the N. Po Ry. tracks and aoroso Reaney Sto between Greenbrier Ave. and No Po Rye tracks, be and the same is heroby cancelled and the principal and surety. thereon released, as now bond has beon filed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Nays VFerguson „�4–MeD4m arld– . -�..In favor / �Sudheimer O IPeter _ _ __..__Against. Wenzel 1,/'114r. President - OCT 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council --- ------------------------------------- 192 ------ OCT 1 3 1923 Appr ed ... _.... .. .. 192. . l�ww 1......., -YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No ------ 4.9.38 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct.a, 1923, DATE.... _........_._............ :....._.._...__._.._.._.....-.........._ RESOLVED Th6t the bonds given to the City of $to Paul by the Zion Bonding and Surety Company, as surety, and the St, Paul Lodge No, 2 - I,O.O. ., as principal, dated January 24, 1916, in the sum of $6,000.00, covering two trap doors, one trap door and one coal hole on the following described property: 372 Wabasha Street, 674 Wabasha St. and 380 Wabasha St, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon releasod, as a new bond has been filed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bondo COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓' Ferguson —1—Y =Donald_ ..............In favor Sudheimer b Peter _-..-.._.Against Wetn r. President Adopted by the Council... OCT.__t_ 131921 OCT 1 3192: 192----- Appro d .. ..... .. MAYOR C�4 RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. _..,9039 PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oat. 15, 19230 That the bond given to the City of at. Paul by the Lion Bonding and Surety Company, as surety, and the St. Paul Lodge no. 2, I.o.0o1'., as prinoippl, dated January 24, 1916, covering one trap door on the following described property: 864-8 Wabasha Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as a now bond has been filed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Nays ,�lancy" ,,,-Ferguson .-McDonald- .......In favor 'uS5i1ti!lSudhelmel) Peter .- ...... _...-.Against WrInd 1j r. President __--- Adopted by the Counml...O........CT ..1....3.1923 192. Appr ed_... OCT _1..3..192. --------------- 192...... y RU i '✓� i v /✓,:f? . - MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ---- .`.1t}�Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 13, 19230 That the bond given to the City of at* Paul by the National Surety Company, as surety, and Jo Po Sperm, as principal, dated May 25, 1915, covering elevated sidewalk on the following described property: North aide of Eleventh St. between Robert St. and Jackson St., be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon re- leased, as a new bond has been filed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. Nays w y -Fru e f�t44isB"multi— — In fpvor v Sudheimer h Peter --(.)-..--.Against l,/Mr;- Fresident- -�J OCT 11923 1923 Adopted by the Council .__....._...._...._....._._.._..192------ Appro ed---...OIC-T .... _�92... .: I' ..':... ........ .... - . .... MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DA COUNCIL NO .--)41 FILE Oct. 13, 19230 That the bonds given to the City of Sto Paul.by the National Surety Company, as surety, and the Hamm Realty Company, as principal, dated -' ono September 28, 1915, covering filling station on the following desoribed property: Under boulevard on south side of Central AVG., beto R1oe Ste 8o Harriet St, in 12, to the front paul,BLot 16 lk- also knowna s liehuteW. Centraltion Ave.. and the cityof other - August 51, 1920, covering tunnel on the following described property: Across West 7th St. between Wabaeha St, and St. Peter St— en ch both in the sum of 01000000004 be and the same are hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon relegsed, as nen that nothing heroin shall bonds have been filed; provided, however, be oon?3trued as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have soorued prior to the cancellation of said bonds. COUNCILMEN yeas Ferguson „1—B4aDonald-- "''""'^"''- , Sudheimetb I, -Peter Ahnzell (/Rdr. President ..Against by the Council_-O.CT...1..3 1923 _192...... OCT 1 3 1923 Approv --- ------ ------ ._.192. ceoLRet...- NO._ CITY OF ST. PAUL ctLe ........ ... s��Z COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ci!40I PRESENT15PLY •� '',AJ .....- COMMISSIONER............... .... .. ....4... .................. ...... .; .......................................................... �C. F, Byh. T. Peter ;,I,lvN.e , T Resolved That ..the St, Pe,nl .dee. RESOLVED: Company is :hereby ordered and . dir0eted-to extend'. Its, electrical That the St. Paul Ges Licht ComOany is hereby ordered and directed -1(nea' ro eel by-eraeting polos aad4etr.ng(ag wlrea ?i°¢ wires thereon for the transmission o[ efeo- tric(b on and in the following alleys and—sum o[ said mty; thereon; Yor: the trans lesloa oP else- trlclty on in and the Pollowlag alloys` Iand streets oP said 0 ty 26-2 rnecau y�' 3 4 e pole oi on the n rthenst coraer'ot+ ". (Grand a d riSncalester Avenues. .i I rdelpaI light, Install: Conwny;.8t `m ane nveaourn. o;.p Commerc,al It. Two poo Q-KOne pole on the nottheast corn ne0A,"Grand and Ma.calester Avenues. Municipal lighting. 4"i3even poles on the west side of Ruth Avenue; two north and five south of V Conway Street. Commercial lighting. txt(Two poles; one at the northeast corner of Aurora and Virginia; and one 41 on the east side of Virginia, first south.of Aurora Avenue. 01K One pole on the south side of Stillwater Road, first east of Iroquois Avenue., Municipal lighting.:' j{ dne pole on the north side of Tenth Street, second east of P..'fain Avenue. d ,'1`(Three poles; one on the south side of Carter Avenue, first east of Raymorz1:;-.9ne on the, southwest corner of Carter and Raymond; one on the west side of Raymond'Avenue at alley south of Carter Avenue. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. p/y/` All such entensioas, Puts. and wires shell be erected and .... truct.d under the direction end euoervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities aad In all things subject to the Provlsiona of Ordinance No. 4141, and o1 .11 .,her 1-1.1 ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All Poles should be set (P each location in said alloys and etreete as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such hei.ht and her..,., n be shall ivterant eonraQuicee�vnnd hon 1[ e6 it so order.les shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed mdergrouvd whenever We Council shell deem 'hot the Public Yes (v` Councilmen (✓) Nays OCT 1 31923 Glafley Adopted by the Council.. ......................._.........................192......... ......... Ferguson CT 1 31923 , M onsld �.............In Favor Adopted...........................................................Aga ........192.......... Sudheimero �}�a��� •Y1'MAYOR et[LC.r� 5�'. PUBUSBEDIP President- `1 'ty CO y�yc�gg��ggT�ACITY OF ST PAUL cat1aNCIL NO............ q C.49044 COUNCIL R Roeolved, Th¢t the8L P¢nlf�no - Llght COmDnny fe Lora%, ordered and; %,y/,y,.,/y� directed % e2:tend lte :electrloal ]lneIs PRESENT V BY O�C�X rr / b„q ereotlf 6 Dh1e t andeefl Elnot elec.l RESOLVED: P P"` a �" In n rth of Amea Avenue first Weet-oY I That the St. Poul Gee Light C—Party Is hereby ordered and directed tf the aNeY went of White Bear Avonno l Loth g wires thereon for the transmission of al.c- tcicib on and in the tollowin¢ alleys and meats of said shy: (In ra¢r of 1747 Amos Av,nvo). I One pole on the northsido oh Roble p 9tr eq third,.v est of Ohio St ZQ �10=23 Install: intone pole on the south side o'f the alley north of Ames Avenue, first west of the alley west of 'shite Bear Avenue (in rear of 1747 Ames Avenu*)*o_I� £One pole, on the north side of Robie Street, third west of Ohio Street ail Commercial lighting. o'/C One pole on the east side of Matilda Street, midway between Carbon and � Maryland Streets (front of 1228 Matilda Street) Hunicipal lighting. C- Two poles; one- on the east side of the alley gest of Chelsea Avenue, third south of Nebraska Avenue, and one on the south side of the alley north of lake Como and Phalen Boulevard midway between Huron and Chelsea /Avenues. `—One pole on the south side of the alley south of East Fourth Street, fourth west of -Pederson Avenue. _ Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. C}-/< r J ,Jt �l�k1,C'- �C� All such-'te..lur e. soles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and suoervieion of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the Provisions of Ordinance No. 2121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution, of the City of St. Paul. ter ma he hall aoa,eoeie two aourove: ma sns odiali such oaias shad bet lake. dewnOand nresmeved,oa d slnch twine. o clea md[mgroundswheuevar the C nocll shall bl and deem that the Public interest so require,, and or on It shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ` - OCT 1 31923 _901165. Adopted by the Council ................................... ........... ................ 192......._ -Ferguson : ; OCT 1 3 1923 ------ — ............... ..._In favor A pled ......... ......... ......._....................................... 192.......... ri �.,.�� l �Tt✓L Sudhei.......... -Against vc _ .........................................._ ....._ ]PUBUSBEn �o - J = 3 j/(Gfr. Presit}eut -C it No..49gd6 By vVm J PeIle - Resolved, That Council Flle No X48696 6eptamlier 19, 1,923 be � counca NO. @ .1i vac -- —"' ayproved and 4h0 enmo la horebyamondod by OFFIC ntrlkingtherefn'om alio ;toltowmg '(8)�That tbo 4potttionore-�: shall �! COUNCIL R conveyv or enuno io` bo conveyed t - the 2 B ClttyYf d feet 'y o;bloek NTEDBY RESOLVED That Council File No. 48595, approved September 19, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following: "(2) That the petitioners shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the City of St. Paul, the easterly 28 feet of Lots 4 and 16, and the westerly 2 feet of Lots 3 and 17, of Block 1, St. Clair Street and Short Line Addition to the City of St..Paul, Plat 2, including that portion of the va- cated alley lying between Lots 16 and 17 and Lots 3 and 4, for street purposes." And by inserting in lieu thereof the following: 0(2) That the petitioners shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the City of St. Paul the westerly 30 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, St. Clair St. and Short Line Addition to the City of St. Paul, Plat 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota; also a strip of land 30 feet wide, being a part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, St. Clair St. and Short Line Addition to the City of St. Paul, Plat 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the westerly boundary of which is described as follows: Be- ginning at a point in the southerly boundary of said Lot 4, three feet easterly of the southwesterly corner thereof; k` thence northeasterly in a straight line 85 feet, more or oJa less, to a point 6 feet easterly from a point in the westerly IN line of said Lot 4, which point is 65 feet southerly from tthe northwesterly corner thereof; thence northeasterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 225.19 feet to a point in the northerly boundary of said Lot 4, 18 feet easterly from the northwesterly corner thereof." tea{ "6"X_'7 f4 /rr srsrf/�.y/y I -e ('OTTN(:TLMF.N Yens Nays % Ferguson -McBeltslry _In favor V/ ' Sudheimer� Peter _.Against 1 - ,//Mr. President OCT 1 3 1923 Adopted by the unell.----- ..............192._... OCT 1 3 1923 Ar ved.._...........------------_--------192------ .-....._......-... MAYOR MBLISHM_:6 __2 v CITY OF ST. PAUL WE"cILNO...- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE October — ,1923 RESOLVED That the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Northern Pacific Railway Company for the construction of a spur track at Belt Line, Vinnesota, at an approximate cost of $1561.00. Cost to be paid out of the Water Department Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , �,,,Fe�argu on -fid--.-......In favor / Peter im budhe, Against W10WA61 1,-"%ir. President Adopted by the CouncilOC.T--1--3192?-- --192..-- OCT 1 3 1923 APPr d - _ 192.----- ..�.. COUNCIL No ______.____�H.R. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE I`� l V ,. .....O..F.FIE CITY CLERK -&.49ENFFA- FORM MMREAs, An application has been filed by L. H. Hillunchick for a permit to operate a laundry at 230 University avenue, and it appearing that the proper notices have been published, and that all the provisions of Ordinance No. 5580 in reference thereto have been complied with; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said applicant to operate a laundry at the above address. Adopted°oy .. Approved./'"t SR j0 ,(Oct. 271923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays mi L/FergusonFe nR,.� .._... _.... In favor L, Sudheimer� (Peter Against Wenzel- I%Mr. President. Adopted by the Council.. OCT. 1.3.1g23._......192..... OCT 1 3 1923 Approv d-_... 192 __. �^ MAYOR l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE MUNcILNo----..---. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- ------------------------ - - - --------- --- - - ----- -------------- -- ------------- ------------- - R261Bt�VFRD VWRRAS, An application has been filed by L. H. millunchick for a permit to operate a laundry at 230 university avenue, and it appearing that the proper notices have been published, and that all the provisions of Ordinance No. 5580 in reference thereto have been complied with; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to a -id applicant to operate a laundry at the above address. CiOUNCILMEN OCT 9 3 S9?.l Yeas Nays d ed by the Council.. ... ...................192. _. Clancy Ferguson Approved._ ___192.----- McDonnld_......In favor Matson- MAYoa Peter _ __ Against Wenzel Mr. President HENRY OLSON V4p ,10 iY of (�{8int a f Offr CITY CLERK re Y1Ttig YL CAL October 10th, 1923. Sir: C, F. McNally, Corporation Counool. Dear Sir: Attached herewith application of L. H. Millunchick for permit to use his garage building as a laundry at 230 University Avenue, which was referred to you by the Council for the proper form of resolution. Yours vory truly, one. CITY CLERK. H. J. ROIR DAN ASST. CITY CLERK s' STATE OF RTNNESOTA, County of Ramsey, r � •� ..; ✓i, , , , , , being duly sworn, depc= Notica'of;Applfaatlotifor Permit-:to and says that ,Qfte le clerk forth lspateh PrintinS Co. ivhlch now Is and duringall _the .. Instal(a Public Vaundry.. times hereinafter mentioned .as been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city o u¢o la';Looby rt 1 ;m a rntenen elto Pa in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. stEn n er+. oral nee Ra.'i 4 so f lBo cur Paul, y ty, of stat Panl, Bunn iota, av ucan n.z1�t. �� That the has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed. id6tb oI oat. Saint Dpi Xi t•1tr t the city or salol Pnni ptttlnannex{gt j\nit _ii!;. foT aattnt¢al .th SPli ndtmps +a';n Janna yC Illtttvvv' ,••,1 wrr-••'•r•• �r`.:Y.!:^.^..._.••.................... ,Bn�Y�nl re�Ito tate A [a'D WaW l5 rot of !!//////• •••• Lot 1e moiac EI(Cn- Ittov 9 i Pnur.. ��, ta. - .•+Ida t Unlvamlbb n rneaao .. io attached, �c!�. �.� ... ...... ....... ........ ......... '�1 'lta:E P 1 rel A .. :..... c�a at eclat P 6 Blenemte sonteoilN_ hereto attnched, cut from the coin P said newspaper, was inserted, printed and_ It. _ tptsyatrl-Pl yr Prce_a. 2F.�zs.�tg3--- published In said newspaper slice in each week for...V... week, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. * That said noticewas first Inse�_rtAred,�. printed and published on. . fhc.. 2: X. -day of.. h! .W�f1- ....., 192.3 and was printed and. pub• llshed in said newspaper thereafter on. J�/a..:3i ✓a� �!-t+Z 4hcitistf?'nffa'7aL71iQfng...:........................�E...................... ThaYauring all.'the.times aforesaid, said newspaper was qua,1 Wed as a medium , of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that It bas complied with all the requirements that can. atitute a Segal newspaper as dented In said sections 3 and 4, to-wit: that for mom than • . one year last past from the date of the first-hublieatlou of Bald. r(.( ACX ....... .............................................. ..............said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which It purports to be Issued 'in the English- language, and 1p, column and sheet form Cquiva{ent in space to at least eight pages, with: Pjght columns to the pagq, each twenty-one and pne-quarter iuehes long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established In ,sucif pli pe for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- !ng the sums. - (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment .a'nd miscellany, not wholly duplicating: any. other Publication, and not entirely made up of pateats, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near Its place of publication to'the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered dtto-paying subscribers, and that prior to the . date of the first publication of said. 4 `fK!Ua................ ................. ' ..............the publisher or. printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, flied in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state. of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence' '. of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set Ruth in section .3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That .the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from to Z both inclu�lve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: agedo +tvav*ara Furtber-affiant salth not save that this .affidavit is rade Pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws •Minnesota, 1921, and Is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement _ f�rll�e���`L•�!!t^':�,..... ... Subscribed and sworn to before me this... R` .�! ... ,i3,[J�.U .:.. + .... ..5 ..' oP... ?... ` Notary Public, Ramse cunt , Minne�ota9 IORM u/ aTt 6.28^21 Pae My Cora n!s Ivn aspires... i.....................// . .... rail m.ar1 ` iuvn ' �A!!vc s At 2, t:i� y�' COUNCIL No CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 4-W49- FORM T•"Z- -- -FORM COMMISSIONERPRESENTEDBY ____......____......_._.._..........._.._....._....._.._.....__.........._..._...... ......._.... DATE___............__.._._.__._.._.... MMREAS, An application has been filed by Martha R. Aulenbach for a permit to maintain an invalid home at 451 Dewey avenue, and it appearing that said home comes within the provisions of Ordinance No. 2352 relating to hospitals, and it further appearing that the Health Officer of the City of St. Paul has recommended that such application be granted; therefore, be it RESOL D, That the ��be al ereby authorized to � lsaid applicant. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �P'er� gnu son �14 _M.aAesleld— /— in favor Sudheimero IF Peter __- __....Against WM77 t V Mr. President Adopted by the Council....00T 3 jg23 -192._ . OCT 1 31923 Approve _ - 192 ... ^�, - -- _. I MFYOP COUNCIL �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ---- ----------'-•�•1-' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .__------------ ___._.._....___._------- -RESeLtlQ@ 19HEIRNAS, An application has been filed by Martha R. Aulenbaoh for a permit to maintain an invalid home at 451 Devey avenue, and it appearing that said home comes within the provisions of ordinance No. 2352 relating to hospitals, and it further appearing that the health officer of the City of St. Paul has recommended that such application be granted; therefore, be it RFsuvrD, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to grant a license to said applicant. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter _ ...._.Against Wenzel Mr. President CCT 1 311323 Adopted by the Eouncil._......_._._..._-___ __..192 __ HENRY OLSON cite ®f baint ]Paul H. J. ROIRDAN , CITY CLERK f (flifg (Qlerk `0.5c�..�-. 57. CITY CLERK 11�ffice oQ October 10th, 1923 V h`, Ly V A Mr. C. F. McNally, ff n/✓ Corporation Councel. 4P� Dear Sar: I am enclosing herewith application of Martha E. Aulenbach for license to maintain an invalid homo at 1651 Dovey Avenue, which was referred to you today, for the proper form of resolution. Yours very truly, one. CITY CLEM GEORGE C. 3UDHEIMR@, COMMISSIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER `i of Pzpartwnt of jJublic f6a&tV October 3, 1923 Y' tz z Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. . Dear Mr. Olson:- I am returning to you application of Martha R. Aulenbach for license to maintain an invalid home at 451 Dewey avenue which was referred to the Health Department for investigation and report. Dr. Simon r recommends after thorough investigation this permit be granted. Yours y Commissioner of Public Safety 4 g JOHN MARTI B. F. SIMON. M. D. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. CHIEF INSPECTOR HEALTH OFFICER - OEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF HEALTH October 1st, 1923. Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Commissioner, Dept. of Public Safety, B U I L D I N G. MY dear Commissioner: I herewith beg leave to report the follow- ing on the application of Martha R. I..xlenbach, residing at 1083 Osceola Avenue, St. Paul, Minn., for a permit to main- tain an Invalid Home at her new residence at 451 Dewey Avenue: Upon what we believe was a thorough in- vestigation, we know of no reasons why this application should not be granted. Miss Aulenbach has been doing this kind of work for a number of years and while we be- lieve it comes under rules and regulations governing "hospitals," this is not to be a hospital institution, but rather, a home for elderly people who need some at- tention and care, but are not cases for hospitalization. I, therefore, recommend that said permit be granted. Yours very respectfully, M. D. Dr. S. -S Chief Health Officer. GEORGE C. SUGHEIM%I COMMISSIONER - HARRY A.JOHNSON. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER of '�$axw Paul -pepartmut of IjubIu "Infetv September 15, 1923 Dr. B.I+ • Simon, Chief Health Officer, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Dr. Simon: - Herewith application from Martha R. Aulenbaoh to maintain an invalid home in her residence at 451 Dewey avenue. Will you kindly have this investigated and furnish me with a report that I can present to the Council? if possible, will you also get the sentiment of the neighborhood in i`. regard to an invalid home in the district? Yours v Commissioner of Public Safety Vtp ®f aint auk HENRY OLSON ����pp�[ [[ {{.�TT Clerk H. J. RIORDAN y CITY CLERK lOffiLC of Y1St @clerk ASST. CITY CLERK September 14th, 1923 Hon. Geo. C. Suclheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: The Council today referred the attached application of Lbartha R. Aulenbach for license to maintain an invalid home at 451 Dewey Avenue, to the Health Department for investigation and report. It was also suggested that an effort be made to get the sentiment of the district in regard to same, if possible. Yours very truly, a enc. CITY CLERK. St.Paul,Minn., September 13, 1923. City Commissioners of St.Paul, Honorable Sire: I hereby make application to maintain an invalid home at my residence, 451 Dewey Avenue, .therefore, I am making this application so as to receive the sanotion of your Honorable Body, and to receive a permit. I assure you that I will comply with all the regulations of the Health Department of the City of St.Paul. Yours truly, Martha R. Aulenbach, 1083 Osceola Ave., St.Paul, Minn. COUNCIL4q-0-4.9CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......-..-__-----_-- OFF OF THE CITY CLERK _ N RESO ION—GENERAL FORM /� PRESENTED BY DATE .....09.t&! r _13 p-, 1923......_._......_ COMMISSIONER.__..._.....____. ..... ...--- -- .. ... .. ... ... .. .. _................_. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses, indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Sam Ruberto, 843 Arcade St., Hotel 22 Rooms Paul P. Schmitzer,455-59 St. Peter St. 11 70 Rooms Louise Benson & Mary Sohnitzus, 928 Payne Ave., Restaurant N. C. Campbell, 3172 wabasha St. " Bhilde Company, 388-90 tvabasha St." Harry Olaseen, 339 Main Ave., " The Golden Rule, 95 E• 7th St., 10 Mathew Heider & Oo. 618 University Av." Mrs. Jas.MoOann, 149 Concord St. H. MoOarty, 438 Rondo St., II Gust Miller, 13 E. Fifth St., " John Poulos & John Rinnas, 4331 Wabasha St. " Edw. Reilly, 1+8b Jackson St., " E. Soterpoulos, 25 W. 10th St., " COUNCILMEN Yeas 1 ' Ferguson ........ ..In favor NAM Sudheime L- Peter ._.....10...._.Against ze ,,--'Mr. President 1 OCT 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council--- --------- ---------- ---------------- 192 OCT 1 3 1923 Approved r9 192....-- MAYOR COUNCIL 49050 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,LE NO ........ .-_--------- ,OE F THE CITY CLERK LU ION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED~ That the applications for licenses of the following persons for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is.in- structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the.oity treasury of the customary fee: Fidelity Stores 00.,InO., 750 Grand Ave., Grocery Fidelity Stores 0o.3 -Inc., 1096 Grand Ave., Grocery Fidelity [itores Oo.,%no., 948 Payne Ave , Grocery E. A. Kafka, 1041 Selby Ave., Grocery M. Sigal, 209 E. 13th St., Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ey Ferguson BuDeaaid ...............In favor V/ =Mw Sudheimet) �. Peter ................ Against 1 c Mr. President 00 r , 3 1923 Adopted by the Council_ -------------------------------------- 192-----. Ap roved-.IQ�•T 1 31923 .............. 192 MAYOR COUNCIL 49051 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.....-..--__-------- E >�i11 F THE CITY CLERK 110543—GENERAL FORM DATE.__.A QtOb_P.T_..1J-,--19_l..__.._...- RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the Oity Olerk is in— structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Birnberg and Parasol, 401 prior Ave., Theodore A. Oiernla, 1053 Forest St., R. 0. Hausler, 740 Selby Ave., E. J. Hunt, 1461 Payne Ave., Jake Langman, 245 E. 14th St., J. J• Tauer, 450 Robert St., E•E. and A.L.westlund, 815 E. Maryland St. i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -GI— son AlkDona}d— _ ...In favor -=ysxjL Sudheim5 'Peter -...:---_-Against> 4'�rnv l ,"'Mr. President Adopted by the Council................. -_3-.192----.--192...... OCT 1 3 1923 I APPr ed.......... .....- ----- --- ..192 - .................. - - - ... °® MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL, io ncn No.--------�9.01-19 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L ,yEA/$/QLUTION—GENERAL FORM o'Z PRE NTED BY -'Z%L,'C;i'L�:/=� 1/ _ DATE_-0P!9bA 1 ..R- -52a._._-- _ CO LSSIONER_.._�--•--------•-- RESOLVED That the application for license of Jacob Ginsberg for conducting the Pawnbroker business at. 418 minnesota street be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- struoted to issue such license upon the filing of, bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. �y. i C. I^ No 49062 That t $hanpAlicatton C.-t3u ion -r-- I Rceolved, Sor' ncense oJacob Olnsberg,¢or conduct ingn. th ' St be be oker busineos• at..41S Minn-6t. St pad the came Is heroby granted and U,.. City Clork Is inatr It, of b. d, such iicease upon the, Cit sof bond sad: the payment-into the cttY - trehsury of -th"a customary fee Adopted b ,theCo f�uncil=:Oct 1S 1933.` ;' Apprgved Qct 18'Ins-" l ,EOct 37-1823) -r �z F+• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.�C'r i 31923 -_.---. -_192-..:-. OCT 1 31923 Ferguson APP ved- .... ................ -�- ---192 ✓ Mrllonald - ---- --In favor ✓I u 9udheimerb F/ryf .l ,P J(/IAYOR ✓ Peter Against ,-Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ,, T %%OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK ET n f� CIL L N'—G L FORM ` ED BY PRQ __ _' .DATE.._�GSi1Luh--�d-9--+'+fi__.._._ COMMISSIONER__.___ ••-----_.._.____.. RESOLVED That the application for license of Hyman Fegelson for pon ducting the Second Hand Dealer Business at 410 0edar street be and the same is hereby granted and the 0ity clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fees 77 C. F No 49063=By d C; eudhelmer=il Revolved. That the o nppllcatlen for license of,Hytoo Fegelson for Con ducting the, Second Hand Dealer Susl �:ness. at 410.Cednr St bo'and tho same' is her¢by granted and, the -City Cleric J. in tt�ueted to issue auch•Iiceneo upon' the _cling of:boad and the payment into the olty, treaeu�y pt ,the cuetamnry fee: Adopted by:Ahe Councli Oct. 19, 3929„ Approved Oct; 13 1029, CiOUNCILMEN . Yeas /N'IN Adopted by er°t' rgusion MrE)MTMtd- In favor ✓-zgln Budhellger U t/" Peter ........ ...Against 1 - Mr. President OCT 1 1923 Council.......... ................ ...192... OCT 1 3 1923 -0. CO •CITY OF ST. PAUL 2UNCIL No ..... 49-056 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _3 2L .1 'r, PRESENTED BY a -a kera, IATE.—,-qSti�jg 12th: 19 23. - ----- - - - - - -------------- -- - ----- ------------------------ - ------ RESOLVED That the name of Service Lane in Shadow Falls Park Addition is hereby changed to Otis lane. C. F.l No 4906G -By FV 7-Peier— lhll the la -1 ;.f�ato,Oti7g'n:Ad' ition.18 herehy chahg6]s�e AdGPtod.by the Couridu'OcE is 1023:; APD owed 'O.t. Is.1923 (Cet. A7-1023),:� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V,911guson favorwzDalau ....�.In V<Xr'"� Sudheimer ZPeter ................Against V7Mr. President Adopted by the Council OCTI-S-192g----------- 192- AP (./,ed OCT J 3 1923 ---------..192------ .. . .. ... ..... — 4;Y0 . R (C CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.... Fl - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/,¢// ///— ...... ...-...._-..-_.-. DATE ._ .. COMMISSIONER ...`..^— ^.. ...._._.....-...._......-_. _,-,-,_ RESOLVED abet the Council hereby concurs in the recommend- ation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Lexington Ave. from Summit Ave. to St. Clair St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest responsible biBdnr, for the sun of $39,887.00, plus 41,160.00 for approximately. 11,600 lbs.° steel, making the total amount of the contract 441,047.60, and the Corporation Counsel is horeby instructed' to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate Paving 440,850.00. Extra Stool 4696.00. Total Estimate 041,546-00. F. B. 05056 l:OUNCILMi P y • OCT 1-1-1-9-2-3 Yeas Nays Adopted b the Council....._.......................192.-...: caa-y-- OCT 1 3192? ,,,-Ferguson �/ APP owed - - - - 192.-.._ hgICgUrnrld- _: --- ! ......In favor J, Sudheim ' MAYOR Peter ............Against lwwze Mr. President t CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNCIL NO_ -------- --------- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 15, 1923. RESOLVED In the matter of grading Kennard Streot from Bast Seventh Street to MinnGhaha Street, under Preliminary Order 0. p. �dbbo'V, approved May 2, 1023, and Final Order Co F. �7G71,6, approved August 22, 1925, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Gk—T-- v-Perguson -mrouffnill. --..In favor SudheirneO ,.,-Peter Against -Wenzel- 'r. President 1a OCT 1 31929 Adopted by the Council._ ...... --- 192 AppyGed ------------------------------------------------ 192 --------------- . 'WZV0--R- -4, PRESENTED Etl� COMMISSION 1 RESOLVED 5 49 CITY OF'ST. PAUL c,.oLuEN c L NO'_.._ 49-0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....................... .... ....... . MMN — ------ La tho Matter Q9 OTC A&pq gtln Avenue from Randolph Street to a point 300 gent aouth, undor Preliminary Ordor 0. F0 �51rj3, approved April 111, 1923, and Final Order Co F. #A-8286, approved September 7, 1923, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated I quBntities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are beroby approvedo OCT Adopted by the Council._ .. ......... I 31923 192 .... ............. OCT 1 3 1923 Anr)rovZd .................. ................ --------..192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe CIL NO.—..4906.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f PRESENTED BY _.._............ DATE ...... ..... fAA7ti.e._.�5�..,.__J.A4�7— V , RESOLVED That the grade of Watson Ave. from the East line of Kipps College Park Addition to Snelling Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. ,r,°Nd 49 as,sy 71 J,Yeter— `Ro99olved,the ThaC. tht e 6rada of yVateon` Ave. Mfr m •Edsnno of.RIDDya CoI- lege Park IAdd1t(lon to Bnening Avenue . fn accordance with the,rod�grade lino on -.the accompanYing ProRlo and as rec , mm..d.d by,the Commissioner of Puh 'llo Worls, be' and tho.eamefo herobpl adopted as the estabLehed grad "Adopted by the Couacll Oct 18 1928. ,Approved Oct.�13 1923 t (OCt. 271928) ;{ Adopted by the Council .....00T..1.31g23.....__192 eC ..__.. / _ OCT 1 31923 — CITY OF ST. PAUL c ..'] OUNaa.NO..-90.61 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK" - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY],Q .�1p..Sl_ .g-.__.__ - COMMISSIONER—_._......__._._...r!-.5........_._.... ..............................._._.__ DATE___O.Q_�_Q_�_Q_V......_--8-�1d RESOLVED That the grade of Haoalester Ave. from Randolph 8t. to Watson Ave., in a000rdance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as reoommendod by the Commissioner of Public norks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the eetablished grade. th49061-8Y W 7 -gofer— ROsolved, That .e grad oY Mncalea Yer'A,ve Yrom Ravdolph $t: o Wnteon': Ave..7dln 'acaordan e, lth 'tho;red grade::. Ulna"-onl the naoomDnnying broflle 'and': as recommendad%.by the Commisefoper; hereby 11a P�aa-' a n{he -t cetaDllshed grade. - AdoDYod by the Cossnafl'Oct 13 1923. Approved Oat:13 1923. - (oat; 27 192s) : COUNCILMEN Yea$ Nays lFergaguus •McDanald ---------------- In favor Sudheimer b Peter ................Against Wenzel. -s ,-- Mr. President 1 3 ..__. Adopted by the Council..............OCT ..........1923 192. ------ I--- OCT ' 3 1923 Ap roved___... - ... 19�2...._. MAYOR COUNCIL �•-y� itl CITY OF ST. PAUL p0.e NO.__-, L J l' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /� PRESENTED BY............._. _Q ----------------- COMMISSIONER._. ......... -- ---""" ' ---_ RESOLVED Thot the grade of South 8t. from Grobto St. to COMO Ave. North, in accordance pith the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the Dame is hereby adopted as the established grade. -Cp, `N¢.; 40063—BY W e of zoath 8t,:� -_ Resolved,;'Thabthe 950. am danoo with'the:'*te&g adeolin mcul Iii jthe nocompanYing profileand aR reoo-.� ..mended by. -the C, MMiaalone oUTUb1W1 e '.me Is hereby,i 'lWorke, be,tind thsa d,srado. adopted as:the eatabnsh 983 Adopted by, the Council Oct 13,,1 O t 13, 1923 Approved ✓ t g.' r} i tx; s>„ �gUvi' COUNCILMEN DL`TI 3 1923 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. _--_----__....... ................ 192.-.__ (, OCT ' 31923 Lr Ferguson �/ Appr ed.. - - .. -- ... --- 192 ----.._In favor 0 Sudheimer (7 MAYOR - Peter Against ;� 4Jen¢el� Ii'161r. President COUNCIL 49063 COU CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO ----------- -------- I OFFICE _ ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY .. /p DATE_. _._DOtObBP .lOt 1,923 COMMISSI INE _ _..._. .C.%L .._....._.._,...._....._.._ ..... _.. y, RESOLVED Yeas That the grade of Macalester. Ave., from Soheffer Ave. to Matson Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C P Nn 49063=nY W 7 Peter— AesolVed That the grads of Mac los ter Ave, rroncephefter Ave to -Watson AVe fn'ac' -d-Ac" w1Eb the rad 6rsldo'I 11na on the accomphnying pro0le.and ae recommended by..the Comthfselo er n: public : Works be and tho Be here•; by adopted as the ostablished brad Adopted'bY the Coun ll Oct. 13 1923 Approved Oat 13: 1923 (cot, ar leas) COUNCILMEN Nays L— Ferguson -NfvB"na}d- ---------------- In favor Sudheimer V c� Peter ................Against }epAeI. .--"'Mr. President Adopted by the Couneil_OPT 1 3.1923------.-192 OCT ' 3 1923 App ved - - ... ........ ---192. . MAYON PRESENT lss�- comm RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL -------- NCR. No '4 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r 4 , .................................... ............... .......... .. . .... . DATE That the grade of Bayard Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and.the same Is hereby adopted as the established grade. `:.J Petery AX�-W�d, ThatT "aW' IAve from Underwood Ave to Snalllhg.,in necordance with. line on the t as re�6 n I .. U d by 1i . a,- a I h.r. a -a t6 A 0, 1 us a Adgptofl by 4. a"Coancll' Ock 13 1923 ct 13 1923,' at.2Z 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Qauay- j.— Ferguson 44eBORSI& �.In favor SudheimeD Peter -.-......Against %ftzei- 11--' Mr. President Adopted by the Council- 3_192--------192...... OCT 1 3 1923 Apihoved................... ------------- .............. 192 Fou"cl`N0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ...7C99�11C1: FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED BY I�. ��...._........_.................._._.. October lO 1983 COMMISSIONER.___.........___ ........................__._. DATE_ October RESOLVED That the grade of Niles Ave. from the east line of Kippe College Park Addition to Snelling Ave. In accordance with the red grade line on the accompany- ing profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C, P. No 49065 By W. 7.,Peter— Resolved. Tent the gradof Ntlen .Ave, from,the east'llne-of, KIpPs COI^ Vlego �Park.Addltton,to Snelling Ave.�in necordance wlth'the •red grade no -on theaccompanying'Prodle and.ae roc oublic" d' -by the Commisetlaheref byti.d Werke .th... the same is here b_Aadop ed ae >the eatnblleMt. 'grade.-' Adoptedby 2he•CopncilOct 13, 3923 j 'Approved Oct.'13. 1923:' COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays 1 -)96—Y- L.,-Fergusoni� AicHrntaltl ............ In favor SudheirnerD / Peter ................Against Vk.r=l .,,""Mr. President OCT 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council.OCT -..--..T ............ . ........192...... 9 31923- Ap roved........ �... _....... .192 MRYOR \ PRESENTED BY COMM ISSI ONE.. RESOLVED /r_1 CITY OF ST.. PAUL FOENga,9jo(i NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �1G/. / .....__... .. _..__..... .... _. -DATE.A nt-ob.sr_.1Q}_.1lSgA' y3 --- _----- _ That the grade of Hartford Ave. from East Line of Eippo College Park Addition to Snelling Ave. in a000rdanoe with the red grade line on the a000mpanying profile and as r000mmended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and teh came is hereby adopted as the eatablished grade. e. I!C F � No 4g Thhat.t ttheb, W ,U Peter.' Re¢olvod,: wade of ' 8arE-�� Yord Ave.. from D¢et Lirte of. K(p➢d �:Coliege Park Addltlon.ao;9ae71ing'Ave: In ¢ccord¢gcewith therod g;ndorin& nn�the nnedIR lsanyingaproflle ngriJ¢'s�. recommended talyy [he Commfnetoper' of ;PubIId'pWveOdrk,Oe rthe a iid itumtd. 13,x3n9x9e8- e&euc1"A.PpFyCugO: 39 1929 coat z7-ipaa} COUNCILMEN i Yeas Nays t__-rerguson l�eneld— _In favor ✓Ell� Sudheimer Peter Against -W-etwel Mr. President Adopted by the Council --..O - 192....-_ Cr 1-91913 - --- Z OCT 1 31923 tog MAYOR Petition Council File No _--_ 49067 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ....................0-fiem in qfjjAMo.. _1 .j.. .q.. .S...t. .9..90._t.'from.Q.. _o...r.. t1aAd.._8.t. _r_e..0t P.0- Congo= to tho red line on tho. profilo hereto attaebed ......................... . . ................................... ......... ................................ ... 1-1 .......................... _ d made a rt 49 ppaa reofQ the present oatabli0hoCL grado boing BhQVM by _a . . ... . ino heroon, a po Ud Weat t thethe 14-A "Un" e)n4!CLh1iMh6A - - ------ __ ---_------------- ................... __ ......... --_----------_-_---------- ................... . ............ Dated this day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: vrChanging the Grade of 11wmolia StreQt from Oort3pnd Street to ... ....... .. . .. .. .......... ... . get - 0 ---- Stre - 0 . t ....... t . o --- o . ongo - rm t . 0 11jo �roil "Jidre' t '070. Wt '86M d provent afftabl-tehad --- Grada-I)aIM shorm--by-- a In . ......... ................... ............................ .b!UQ IIA -9 ... 99qd _r._qq�td� P16=031a Stroot tO'thO 861d F04 ............ -------• - ---- -................ ..................... .......... ........................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .......... ......................................... _ ............................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I.,_ To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 1 3 1923 Adopted by the Council---- -•-----------...••• .............. ................... YEAS NAYS Councilman Gjmer- OCT 1 3 1923 W'FERGUSON Approved .................. ........................ ....... Sud MOD ON*fm --'PETER W-BM'Sw- ..................................... ...... ...................................... t", MR. PRUBIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PUBLISHED /0 Council File No.. sT�w PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Wd 70" and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condo=Ing and taking an oasoment In the land neoosclary for - - ---- •• ....----------•--•-------•---------------...................- ----- ` Slopes, for outs and fille in tho grading, of M%Gnolia Strebt from ----- - ---------- •---------- -...... ---- 1 Cor-tlaud...atx'841....tbl..hga$,4 StrEi44........................................F- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------C9nd(MIng-Md...takir3--.=._Qasomoaa ��.��QB.P... 4 ...51115`ia... mil-1111s._�--QQ_ g&°4Aing Q9--- Q��S�..S�iB'QQ.$... �1�._.- - S:o$tland.. atSaQE....t9.. Ajy'FJtII...aStS°gS1t0--- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------ -.._...._------------------------------------•------------ --------------------- �O therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 1 31 923 Adoptedby the Council- .......................................... ....._---------------- ------ YEAS NAYS Councilman OCT 1 3 1923 y' FEROUSON Approved ----- ...... --._............ -------------------------------------------- v'"�'-" Sudheimer MCDONal,D.--- - i -PETER WEN9`EC'� / ............ ......... ........... *--- .------ . - .®.� PRESIDENT , [�j� Mayor. Form c A Ia lana 6-22) rr �.. , _ �,p t j PAIDLr➢fINAnY OBDI7ne ���� a 1 as "osn_ [ouncil File No...... ... PRORAr _ j w) t n g opoeat for the Q�"^T' FOR - rie1 .f ntr7Prov4ment. , �,... and a PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Paul, viz.: Change the grado of Juno St. from a Point 22T 9 oast of Underaood AV. to a Point �. 150"vest--- oil --- this red--Una--ter•-t-her--profile-hora� attadhod: aud. mado a_.:Part _ hereof-,tho.�present established Bade bei_n shocan_bY a blue lino thorean,als-a gradilig said .�tJIS2 St: i'rom'the oast Lino 6 ICippe Colla e-Park•_Add.t.a--Smiling--live>-aUAlc n�A�ne-fr)oa-cash- liao--of-•Zipga.Coliago Park Add. to enolliwr Av. , t7a so Avo from oast line of., Kippo College Park Add. $t. Sn ar V :- ast line- of Kipps 1dolloge---Parlt- Adds W.-Sn©l& Ing AV . ,_Brom_ do .od Av. to...gaelling Av &--Hio�e®ter Av. from'Randolph to Sneiiiyy�a A�•� ov v:- e � Dated this 12th daY of Oatobor 1933 ------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, Awritten ro oeal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: OhMe the grade of Juno St.from from a point ° oast of Undorcvood Av. to a point 1609Host Of Snelling Av. ta--:G9af-Mm--to--tha•- nod -•-line on•-the--profs-10 --- hereto --- at baohod and mads -u-part hereof the present ootabliahcd grade being ohovn by .a blue line grading" misk f5�om 6QsiiG'�iao oS` ECipps 00111®gm park Add.to Onelling AV. pylon Amo$rQ�i.::.4..4�4t...&�.nQ__.o$.::�ip�_._Sloll.r�go-.PaP]t..Add.-&o--8E�01.1-$€sg---Avo-�•iTnt�a®�t--Agte from c-�aet 11ne oS .giPp4 Qollog®;Pask...:��d. to . S�aelliz� Av. >3arp�o,,,�rd Avo from oast-••13ne•-o-a•-IIs a••{�lle :::i'ark-��Q{��to--�Sn,,e,�q.l8 ...itv.---� A -from Undorer®od ®v. -having be n prL�+en-iec� io : t �r�urhaGy'ot �' . P944P"'Ol -8to ----•0 ---•-• ' �&�d Q�©-----.: .- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner o(Mnance. Adopted by the Council..._ ................... 3.1923 YEAS NAYS - Counailman fo *N<w d3 1923 �--"FERoosox Approved ............. ....-•--- ............. Sud ' MeDeTTAM MR. PRESIDENT TER 1, ` IDENT Mayor. Form C 23 cant 6-22) PUBLISHED /A —� }/ —•2.3 c F•.: rro asoza=•f� w��/� Whereas A wrltt a Dropoeal for tho_ id Fd0 No;. ...,&zy.�.:Q..0 I ma1L[n�of the folloiVlgB ilnProVdmogt, PROPOS Condenmitlg nn3' taking an osaement In ttCa Tnud noceesaTp ror slopes:Eor cute 2 and ane"in gradinK'Juno St from en t �� .lino �oP K1PDs Colin 9 k� A Snalling?Ave NIIP sc .,,,,' of Klpp=e CO116R'o N PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of: St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking en easement in the land n000soary, for glop©o for auto and �iiler $n $ �Tiano 3t from east- itne of K. in. 0 Coll -0g© Park Ad& to Snel.........ing _A® ---a•: Hiles �v.:�rom oast, -line _of Kipp®• Collage Park Add,_- to Snelling AVB.,Ca$a?Z1 AV. from east line of gippo ... �ollogo dark Afln1, to Snelling Ava, Rpt fes _ t •-11 a_ -•-from- sa---line -:.of1r4Pps--•Ool71,oa-.P&Xk--.Add,----toi--Snell. --Av.-n------ - Bayard `AV from -Underwood. AV. to Snelling Ave and Ito-alester AV. from Randolph St. SOc BtWCWd -Ave -----------------" -""'------ Dated this -_17..... ..day of._-.--.- 00 O$er 19x3 192..-- -• Councilman. -PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C®ndonning and Making an easement In the and "Gary for slopes for auto and fillo-iu g$ad$n -�Tuno Std frozx a sat -1 ine-of�•-gippra Dol3ega $es�l�- fd@ Sa Rtse3:l ng Aviv Ufl®n v from oast _`line, o Kipppo Collo o Park Add. to Snelring. AV. Av, Pros oast -line of Ki d Uollage ParE -ado - i;o-�lSino7fl`ing Peon--aaat--•1Sna--oi'--KipP0 0--oll6g6.-Parr--A--ts-.-Snelling Undorvood AV. to Snelling Av. and Plmor?.a-antex Ay-, from pandolph St. to having }leen presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ .......... ..---------.....-...-.._----_-_.....---...--.-........... • therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total post thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------00T 1.3-301- .....-• ------•---- YEAS NAYS Councilman 6r— l l g 1923 —'FERGUSON 11 V Approved ........ ---•-----------• ---------.... -........................... Sndhdmer Mem J,/'PETER aN?LE"" ----- -------------- -- -- ------------------------Y--" "-.----.- L, MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.— C A 13 (3M 6-22) Pr LI / sr3ED_o_ 23 �'S'�titione 4�-9••� ,• ; r Council File No...... a �A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.-___________................................................................ and extend Finn Avenue to a_width of _60 Pts gn�p}L�-Q -tq-,Ales-_Street and Jwao Stto a width _Df 60._Lt�_iZ'C.il1._Cleveland--Avenu�a__to••-Cret1n Avenuo, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: D�en9.--za$den--and--extend--Fina..Avenue...ta-a- t0_ --0E--0 ft ---------- ---- irom..Randolph--S.t.o---to-.Hilae:_Str-eet,-.and..Juraa..9t,; fa ci--width ---- j� ..._......_... ---of!--.60--Qto---13''DSA-•-i'a�.0�/.e�.a�ld..i�AFBi�lUi6-.-4iti-..Ci-tt�Y3--Aix6i3ik'.i a o having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........................ _. ........ - --- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing amatters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 1 i 1923 Adopted by the Council- ................... ......................__ ...................... YEAS NAYS Councilman GE,,� OCT 13 1923 FERausoxApprove................11.....................------- ......................... _ Sudheimer —PETER ' AYRN%Err l ................_.. ........................................................ ,,-MR. PRESIDENT / / / Mayor. PUBLISHED / O —�%-0�3 Form c A Ia RM0-22)--`® 1 V C..�� 7yo 490?2 Ordlnnnca No 6367-� 4 / ltd%"/ IIII •uy J M., Clancy �i 11,12 dfnnnaed nOccabiar oriH $2p en" / An:ordlaance amendlnE !id' (//J" Inlnletr five 4fdlnance No .32603¢:1`'aR C. F. ' 9(� Qgproved Avgnat ZO 1914 ne.amend- 9 . d py Ordtna.nppe No..3670 and aub- .e q A311Ct amel�dmentn,:; atltied An ^ tC�letvnttve ordlnan r5lnttn.4''tti _ +' gm9 i [v4 Fyrvk ilia;eatr of Cha .;9 _ s. An ordinance amending,Ordina ce No. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, y entitled "An 'ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250zi approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and aubsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations/ therefor.t" �I THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, be and the same is hereby further emended by striking out in Grade 5 of Section 6 the title of-"Steamfitterts Helper" where it occurs, and by adding said title of 1 "Steamfitter's Helper" to Section 7 (ilid Ungraded'Service) of said ordlnaace. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after passage ani approval. a COUNCILMEN OCT 3 11 92 3 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.-- 192 Clancy OCT 3 11923 ;` sesgs3e°a—" Approved-------------------------------------- 192------ s McDonald ................ In favor l� Sudheimet, (/ Peter -Against Aet�ng MAYOR (/ d Wenzel l' musBED 3 11 Mr. President G _Pfvii Service Co issioner • 10:15-23. POW, / sus t T G%'F �No 4AOT2—Ordlrtanco No 61ST- - �t ji�. �, IAncy pr# �n ordinansodfibctt ble r -I 1922 'en- ', 6$03 pats 7 ' J tiGed An 'ordin nce nmondinG'Ad- ,,f tnfnfetrativo Ordinance No .-. d. C. F. �apby id AU 8t Nql $670annd eud' pp f ,f c au p't nmefidmentN -' entitled'An lnistrntly 1+Ordt RVronv at lthon Olty , x n dn• galtroctuced b` An ordinance amending Ordin ce i7o. 5892, passed October 14, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-L/ approved August 20; 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau � of the City of ,St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations; ; therefor."' ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: a Section I. l.. That Ordinance No. 5892, approved October 14, 1922, bb and the same �R is hereby further amended by striking out in Grade 5 of Section 6 the title a ` of "Steamfitter's Helper" where it occurs, and by adding ,said title of 11Steamfitterl s Helper" to Section 7 (ilia Ungraded Service-)" of •said -ordinance. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage_ and approval. fi. e COUNCILMEN OCT 3 11923 , Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _. ... _.. ...... 192 Clancy / OCTa..t._$Qbq " v McDonald,_, I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Rules. These changes have also been recommended by the Classification -Standardization committee. P - vi :Service Co issioner 10-15-23. .�;�...... { z CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU ROO1A r-__1 COURT HOUSE _ p J. B PROBST CITY OF ST. PAUL �®�� MINNESOTA October 13, 1923. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL. Several months ago the classification-standardization committee recommended that the title of Steamfitter's-Helper.be changed from the Graded to the Ungraded Service. As stated In the original communicationto appointing officers when the tentative draft-of the classification was,first submitted, the Ungraded Service was placed-in the classification to accommodate in the most-flexible manner all those skilled labor employments that were gener-; ally-recognized as being governed by a fixed and,prevailing:rate of pay; After the recommendation was made'by the`alassification'committee to place the steamfitterts helpers in the Ungraded Service, I', made a personal investigation to ascertain,if possible, what the fixed and prevailing rate might be. The results of my investigation "showed that the rates. t paid by private employers varied from 40¢ to 622¢ per hour. From other sources, however, informationt which I consider thorough- ly reliable, was furnished me to the effect that,because of peculiar conditions existing in this trade, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the exact rate of pay,that many,of these helpers are re- ceiving. A request was made by representatives of this particular craft to permit the matter to go to°-the council•for its consideration, and in order to justify a recommendation for a change of this title in the classification, an affidavit by the officers of the Steamfitter's Associa- tion was presented to.the Civil Service Bureau. This affidavit is at-tached to the accompanying amendment. If the council approves the amendment to the classification, it would : mean that.the council salary schedule must be amended to provide fora fixed ratefor the,steamfitter's helpers. If the council, as the salary fixing body, believes there exists a fixed and prevailing scale for these helpers,,, then the.title`properly belongs in the Ungraded Service. Very respectfully, n Chief Examiner. Approved:-jX7 vil Service Co nissioner JBP-B Local Union No. JOHN COEFIELD, General President oftlle United Staten earldCanada THOMAS E. BURKE, General Sealy-Treas. 1138 N. Dearborn St.. 1138 N. Dearborn St. - FRANK J. KENNEDY, Asstt Secretary ' ���po..�� 1138 N. Dearbom St. /� O.�°r4'Q' \\ Composed of Joraneymea Plugtbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, Sprinlder Fitters, -'Railroad Fitters, Marine Plumbere,Marine Fitters, General Pipe Fitters, Steam, Sprinkler and Marine Fitters Helpers end ApprenHcea Afllnted with Ameriem Federation of Lrbor Ba88iag Trade Depaxmm4 Metal Trades Department, Railroad Department Dominion Tmdes end Labor Congress of Canada Cot a 192.3— __Qivil_Service Bureau -___-- ----- --- In_ Compliance.__ulth-yrour_. r_eques t_3or.._information-relative------ _________ ___.to__the_ecale_..of__nagee.. for..._Ste.amfittera_and 17e- the _undereigeed oPPiceraof_Looal _Union #455, h®reby _ ..._____ _ .Do11ar(1e00-) -per--hnur _Por.. an_eight-_hour-._day.,-- with_._ double_. time for_..__,.-_--- _. HelP.e.rs_ 62j._ cents.... per -hour _the_. crams___.__ working _aenditions_aTe_-futrtkjer-_oertify_:tYit thexe_are_abaut.10.0 �____._ ___.._.__._...Helpers in_Ihe_City_to_.our kxlc�lege.._and t�e_�ontr_o1�76°fo__oY .thea® -_-- ___-__and__all_.members__of_our__organizgtion.-are_r_®eieving_-ibis ooala_of ---,wages _-or_.more.__to--the -bast-.of--our__kmt7lege--and-beliefb - tteet- uF.c w: Lnwso ao,., P.tRelooy Caemty, I:i . T GENERAL ORGANIZERS Address N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois -1138 WILLIAM LYNN JOHN W. BRUCE MICHAEL F. GARRETT _ JAMES G. HIGGINS JAMES IL SHEEHE CHARLES A. DICKSON I0. W. LEONARD RICHARD P. WALSH E. B. FITZGERALD _. rp Q JAB. J. MCIT= let Vice•Pre% GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD L.— GosaAnn Bth.V1ecL IIRIm Imhor TrmW0. Pltuburrk, Ps es. 070 Meafrolm �L. MeatmN. Cm. Cl . GB m, 11th Vice -Pres. 390 a-4 Bt. Amaa1. E. W. S=r, 2nd Vlce-Res. -Joe. BIIIJAYAN, 7th Vice -Pres. PxILlP R. Po3.LOCH, 12th Vice•Prea - H3rttd 10119 A1m1rR Aee, Clmolmd. OWo Taos. SAWA 9rd Vice -Pres. 8740 Pero Am. BL Iauis. Ma. It% Dmaw 8th Vice -Pres. Bar 3R. Ponload, Ora Joxx Mwxawx, 18th Vlce-Pres. 11 N. emnllaood BL. Belamatp Md M. J. BCANIdN, 9th VICe-Free. 61 8 IYOth 8L. Nor York.. N. Y. I.. M—AA., 9th Vlce-Pres. 7700 Iowa ATM. Cktongo, BL 14 A. G. WoRR, M.th VICe-Pres. IC IyadWo BL. BprlamleI Mem. 1810 Hard Am, Now Or]eevR, I.a. 1044 W. 07th BL, Iso AnR07m, CRL 4'ELEPHONEB SUPERIOR 4088 Mwaa•1N.Cot7aoY, 6th Vice -Pres 616 Sormt 8L, BL Paul, LBvn o T. H. RoaHarB, 10th Vice -Pres. 78 Morla Ara, Wianipm Mm.. Cm. 178 BUPBRIOR 4087 GENERAL OFFICES—U. A. Building, 1138 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. Printed in the U. S. A. Cot a 192.3— __Qivil_Service Bureau -___-- ----- --- In_ Compliance.__ulth-yrour_. r_eques t_3or.._information-relative------ _________ ___.to__the_ecale_..of__nagee.. for..._Ste.amfittera_and 17e- the _undereigeed oPPiceraof_Looal _Union #455, h®reby _ ..._____ _ .Do11ar(1e00-) -per--hnur _Por.. an_eight-_hour-._day.,-- with_._ double_. time for_..__,.-_--- _. HelP.e.rs_ 62j._ cents.... per -hour _the_. crams___.__ working _aenditions_aTe_-futrtkjer-_oertify_:tYit thexe_are_abaut.10.0 �____._ ___.._.__._...Helpers in_Ihe_City_to_.our kxlc�lege.._and t�e_�ontr_o1�76°fo__oY .thea® -_-- ___-__and__all_.members__of_our__organizgtion.-are_r_®eieving_-ibis ooala_of ---,wages _-or_.more.__to--the -bast-.of--our__kmt7lege--and-beliefb - tteet- uF.c w: Lnwso ao,., P.tRelooy Caemty, I:i . — r ID No 0044--Ordina C/Ol/ ae No 616f1=� f� B 4 Y J 8i Clancy ' a t6664d pass d August 3 1928 aengtlo3 i C: An ordinance amendln f "`Adminiatrp .ye Ordlnnnco 'F 3260ti npy rovoti lrggv 9 bY'Or-_, 7� n� Ordinance No. *'Y K s. C. P. f T3 Int�bduced b $ ordinance amending Orainance`No. 5854, passed August 3, 1922, entitled "An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250-„.approved August 20, 1914, a4°,amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, entitled 'An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau a.. of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rmles and regulations i'• therefor.'” THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Ordinance No. 5854, approved�st;Z,_ 1922, be and.' thesame — is hereby further amended by striking out subdivision (e) o"ection 40,_ which reads as follows: "(e) In the case of employes transferred from `•, ' one position to another, seniority, for the purpose of determining advancement-in pay:.or._orrier- of _lay-off, or reinstatement, shall be computed from the time of certification aid appointment to the position from which such transfer was made." and by inserting in lieu of said subdivision (e) the following: °(e) No employe who is transferred from one position to another in 'accordance with the pro- visions relating to transfers., shell suffer any loss of senigrity rights or privileges by reason of such transfer." and the said Ordinance No. 5854, as amended,, is hereby further amended by,'.. striking out subdivision (h) of Section 46, which reads as follows: 4 "(h) An officer or employe who accepts appoint- ment to a higher position, the duties of which are �•._. / ?s " merely temporary, shall be reinstated to his former , j -7 position without loss of.seniority when such higher j duty is 'completed.^ U' r (Ord. ) Q( and b inserting in lieu of said subdivision (h) the following: 6(h) An officer or employe who accepts appoint- ment to a higher position, the duties of which are merely.temporary, shall be reinstated to his former, position without loss of seniority when such higher duty is completed. "An officer -or employe who accepts appointment or promotion to a'position in the same grade or in a higher grade may, if such position is later abolished or discontinued because of lack of work or funds, or for other cause; be reinstated, in the discretion of the appointing officer and with the consent of the Civil Service Commissioner, to his former position or to any position to which he might have been legally transferred, and such reinstatement shall be without loss of seniority rights or privileges." Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. COUNCILMEN OCT 3 11923 . Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. ....................................... 192.....- ' -Clancy . -OCT 3 I_1923 _192.----- 9-9—Approved .---- -......• --- - McDonald _.In favor Sudhei .r'f .... . ---- .. --- --�I �I)(l �]AV MAYOR Peter ......Against _ �3 'ji enzel PUBI.ISHM � ✓ Mr. President I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service rules. , Y a J ✓�&Wf3 Service C mmissioner 10-1523. .IwL TO OIrr OP ST, —VII rvnErsK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER n•as XDITED CLAIMS-'RESOLUTION FORM - `. NO-A-90 d)---- �- B.rm iai 1242z . i »us 741 1 ! J._t.J 4..i ...__::.192._....... .:- c D .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the regale amount of $...324. 5505);.:....: _ . ...._; covering 4' ?' che&s numbered.-.11.4-12...........to..2747.9 -•-- ....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes I ); Councilmen (T) Nays ' Clancy, Ferguson, OCT 61913 Adopted by the Council ._..... 192 ...... In favor n 5 192 ✓McDonald, _oct, 1.. A r ed. 192M SudheimerPP ).A�ainst Wenzel. - MAYOH ' 6 17472 J. M. Clancy, Comer. of Finance 8m4�9e54"'. Mayor's office 208033 City Clerk 547025 Wheelage.Tax 47050 Election Expense 271044, Cor . Counsel 1,9004090 Gom°r. o Finance 692052 767015 Partic. Certs., 225032 Ca�btLoller 19253.56 UfAl Serviee 704,87 Purchasing Deprrtment- 798095 Armory 257o50 C. He & C. Rol1 630025 11473 a."E1. Clancy9'Comero of Finance 337.50. Q� 17474 C.EmIU.oa'en. Adeno J. 110' Clancy,` Comer. of Finance 19650.45 Pole &.F. Alarm 17475 "°J. Li. Clancy, Gomer. of Finance 4,207.18 Health-Aft. 75x70 Vital Statistics; 320000 Food Reg. "& Insp. 800.72 Quarantine Insp. 19186.88 n (Auto) 55.00 Tuberculosis Div. 6025 Dale St. Infirmary2050 Workhouse-:Hospital 323050 Laboratory Wo13 P. Baths .. 170000 Po 'Comfort Station 170,00 Enf of Dog Lico 89.50 Res. 741 Page ##2 17476 J. M. Clancy, Com°r. of Finance Garage a , 17477 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Schools Library Auditorium 17478 J. M. Clancy, Com°r. of Finance Park -Adm. Bureau of Parks Playgrounds P. Bldgs. it (Auto) Mattock School (Bond) New Franklin " it Ames School Add. It Groveland School Add." Tilden School Add. " Richard Gordon Add. " Greenwood School " 17479 J. M. Clancy, Com"r. of Finance C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. it -Test. Labs. It -Markets to -Inv. if -Lighting 1,780.91 6,234.98 680.28 438.65 166.66 288.87 3,908.59 250.56 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 47.33 76.00 76.00 �Sdo 86 137.50J. 452.37''' 247.7 546.12 1.37587 n 1,058.95 8,696.17 5,153$.66 2,759.06 QUADRUPLICATE OITY OY V. PA.& ' TO Crm CLERK 6 Farm 3)84 3M 12.22 I'VVli" 7 AUDITED :; CAM OL=R ._" ____,".{.. ....19Z_...._ ' ... .. " Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to, the aggregate amount,of, ....4i� °Zo r�-=.. .... .; covering;: MA" checks numbered �'!�+' to... Z'7���� .. inclusive, as per register of ,city checks on file in the office of the City -. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy,: t/Fergnson,,�_-In . Adopted by the ConnciL --_OCT 1 6 1923 192 ' favor OCT 1 6,19 23 McDonald, ✓ilet�tanP S11C1118j iIlBr Approved. _.:.: .................... : ... .._ 192 .----• i Peter,... t Wenzel. Age;nst d: F No i t1ks Resolved at cheebe drawn -.on c . the Clty Trig`sury, IOr the -aggregate `,amount of-%59481212,Covering ctiecks� ` nurnbere8 17485" to,17d91 inclusive;: as - per. register.,4f Ctty thecks on' Ill. --1n; the oIIlce or, the" Mi. Comptrolw_ -- 'AVopted by theECouncil OM 16 1923. Oct 18 19m -Approved -tOct 27 1823} 1111111 ORIGINAL TO - OISy 08 HT. P�91. CITY. CLERK OFFICE OF THE Form D•34 int 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—HESOLtJTION' FORM 7422 CAMPTR R Resolved that checks be drawn on theCity Treasury; to thea regate amount of $......6! 4137,2.o,�c ..:. _ . ..:, covering checks numbered. 17680 ......_ to 17 91 ...... .......ind. iva, as per register o£ city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes,( d ) Councilmen (J )Nays. Clancy, ✓Ferguson, OCT 1 619�g3 Adopted by the Council --• . ..... ........ 192 ----- �... In favor OCT: l 61923 ✓McDonald, V`Mntsytr, `Sudheimer App v d. -....................192. - Peter, fWenzei: - :Against ................ ......:... .... ..� ._.......... -- --- � .�Mr:-Fi+esidenr Nelsgn.. 17480 ,(ieo, P Bowlin, Supt o, 15,86 . Worlihous e 17481 Marion'Ellingwood, 1600" Library. 17482 `Olof Hansen, 75060 C, Ho & G; H, 17483 W. E,'Huotleby, 86,40. Investigation of St,Paul City Railway 1009 17484 J. R, Johnston, 10000 Bureau of Engineers 17485 C1, S. Mathieson, - 1,962073 17486 Randolph Heights School(Bond) LT dMind Insurance Company, '2,40 Plheelage Tax ;Re_fund 17487 Margaret Oehler, 1o00 Library , 17488 James Rasmussen, Library 17489 Frank V1, Sommer, 57,02 Police Res. 742 17490 Franz C. Wittq Wheelage Tax' 17491 Fielding & Shepleyv L 1742 .54 62,604.58 �OUADRUPIJCRTE nrTT OP BT. P�IIL .-,. TO CRYO K Form D-M IM 12.22 ooasam 17 . 1 BY CAMPfRO AUDITED ._..._� ....___�.�._.....192.._.._. - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$ Bate amount of $ ,22 ®2- 20 __-•-------------- covering' ..- checks numbered- ..%5d� . -. to . �......®................. inclusive, as per register of. city checks on file in the office of-the City, -- r Comptroller. Yes ( ✓`)-Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. OCT 1 61923 1'�Clancy, Fer$ttson, Adopted by the Council ..... _............. --_ .-' L. - 192------- McDonald, -- -In favor OCT 1 61923 St1dhA3mer Approved .................-...................... ..: 192 -- --:. Peter, . t/ Wenzel. --Against ?Mr-$resident Nelson F. No 49078-� fteaolvdd� That. checks ba drdwR Oit to the dgaTheb"esk9. - the clty Treaaury ;. amouek oC S2Z,Oy9.19 co Bring c 17608ta' 17608 inch Ind - nubored file ,. tn In �,per;,ieglater 'oY city hecka;on. 1 the oHlcd'oC the; CItY CDmDOtcrto•I78, 1923: ._., -.+__ •'� - Adopted by thas',Bil„ APProved Oct. 16 182a. cost. •27 lszai - - m m ■ Res. 744 Page #2 17509 J. M. Clancy, Gomlro of Finance 5,385.24 Water 5,357.74 is (Auto) 27.50 S" Res, 743 Page #2 17498 Perry Picture Company, .93 Library 17499 Prest-O-Lite Company, 6.61 Garage 17500 St.Paul Stationery Mfg. Company, 61.25 Health 50.00 Bureau of Engineers 5.00. Water 6.25 17501 C. S. Stewart, 38.50 Health 17502 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, 20.58 Health 17503 Superintendent of Documents, 1.80 Schools 17504 Wabash National Bank, Assignee Utton Construction Company, 9,188..50 L 1725 17505 E. M. & H. F. Ware, 90.00 Schools 17506 Western Electric Company, 19.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 17507 Webster Wheelock, Librarian .50 Library COUNCIL_.. �j}904a/lY t' CITY OF ST. PAUL -R_ No ........ '"'7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' Com SSOLUTION—GENE AL FORM ema^ PRESENTED BY f ...._COMMISSIONER._...--_. ........ ...:... DATE._._ OCY,rObBT _'?l'rf�,•,,p�,7-F9.Sex5rgl..A.-..._ c3 RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of 3t. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6093 for the purchase of Lots 1 to 10 inclusive and Lots 21 to 30 incansive, Block 6,Desnoyer Park, tat. Paul, for the sum of Ten Thousand (010,000) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrance, including all taxes and assess® mente now assessed against the property and any install- ments thereon whether due or not, as a site for the new school in Desnoyer Park,,As hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller, Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue, Fund Item No. 2067 C F No 4A080 $y L Ii: 8 Ferguson � Resolvod,:That tha 'getSon o! -_the ;� �'Commltteo cit Lands'op:, b h¢It ,of. -the ,� �Clt o[ St. ,Pgnl'under and pursuant; to OFdtaance: NO C093,for the purchgae� r'' _ jof L [q 1 -oto 10 tnnluslvo and'LOYq 81+ �� ;to a0 /dchialvo 'Blo;][ G Deenoyer; � Ifor,bnousa.dl(clear�ot gll'-n6-mbrdf),hgel¢elra.,rstnsucmluf daltpes{.:T'a,nend..'. all} - menta thereon whetU ! 'aue or nae; n alts f0^`Yti nrW srh'nol In T enpvor COUNCILMEN Park le fierebY apptove$ nn¢ the, Dtrop--; yeas Nuys 'er. -emIi vv0redAo,* -lietel}, artantlf r and empnworod to:&rai6 n-tvnrranGTor;; by the Counc l_O.GI:..t..fi-1921. 192 - '-- '- - VClaney the nurchaee prlco lh,'favor of the own . en bP saki land when the nro er ilhPd .ren Ina 0Ptno apnrIx bv'tho Car n�rnH C^inn + ah9R,h v beent do- VVT t923 {� Ferguson Ilverod to the Clty dotnptt`oller tM ro< A ro PP ---- ✓McDonnldtits ror^ Rnnd 7esub I undlItem No.` 2064 ' `-Adnpc d by the f h +1 ort lr t9a8:. +fb t 20 1023) ., . .... ................ .. .. v t�. Sudhel : f ..,. .�. ...... ...... .... .... MAYOR Wenzel ,reside. '_ • � C F. Nip 49081 Dy W T dtotar [11908 8 Resolved That the SG i'a41 t;qa �. COUNCIL NO 7[ i IJJL /n7 Sight Coprpany to beroby ordeYefl and FILE ......... ........... /U!/ d{recte8- to Ostend its etectHoa7 ]tnea;l ' by oregting polos grid stringing wiros;l tho7cgp�Por the, transmiaslon of else -. trlclty as and Yff• the fpllowltig Wloya t . COUNCIL RE qnd streets oL eald;clty ti InatdD - - PRESENTED BY - 1 nllrgeouthbh6fn-Et:O AnEhonyto AVehue �:I__,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JJamA'. 9 .. ........ COMMISSIONER . .. ...... .... . ..Yu ......... ......... flYst thtce oast OP^Partten PlnCe - ` Two 'po18s on the spat elfla:of the` alley West o[ IinmUne AYe two north',) of idienoro RESOLVED: Two .DOles ori- Wo. north slip o3 }irh%¢in¢ wires thereon for the transmission of oleo- That t6 St. Paul Gas LI¢ht Co p y i s reby ordered and directed to Wesy ,Hotta b, Nobcaska 8f uicity on end in the following alleys and aunote or sold chy: .west of-;Green6rler.,;Av - Lbmmorclal ,r7, ._ ... Oho pb r Lea„,te.x? O;cstober 12, .1923. Install 01( -Three poles on the north side of the alley south of St -Anthony Avenue, first three east of Partlen Place. 0'1'�-Two poles on the east side of the alley wrest of Hemline Avenue, two north of Elenore. &'IC Tuio poles on the north side of the alley north of NebraelaStreet, f irst two west of Greenbrier Avenues Commercial Lighting. Oft COne pole on the north side of MoMean Avenue, east of Hester Street. N( -Four -poles, two on the east side of ExeterPlace, first two south of Laurel' *-tis' on the north side of Riverwood at Otis, and one on the west side of *- tis, , second south of Laurel .avenues . � One pole.-dn,:1ndi:an Mounds.Park,property, so-uth of Thorn Street, west of art Street.. Municipal Lighting. With necess ry guys and anchors. � 'ffto film r �f es All suchartscalons, Doles and wires shell be erected and constructed -under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thing. subject to the vrovislane of ordinance No. 4424, and of all other lawful di and resolutions of the City at St. Paul - All notes should be set in such I ... III. in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall desi¢ns.ta, and shall be of such Wahl and cb.-cle, ea be shall designate and avprove, and any, and all such poles shell be taken down and removed, and such wires Placed underground whenover the Council shall deem that the Public interest so requires, and when [t shall so order. _ Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays lapcy Adopted by the Council.,..,.., QCT.:.(193......... I92.......,. ,Ferguson OCT 1 S 19fi ,,,,McDonald ........In favor Ado ted ........ ........ ................192.......... V, Maw m k !� ✓C Sudheimer............Against _.......... I .......... _:... _........_......_ [% CITY OF .ST. PAUL. ,-7> :. pouer+at. NO .... �.._s .A 0....... OFFICE OF TH CITY CLERf4 1 h COUNCIL RESOLIITION� GENERAL FORM 'L PRE�`�NTED BY ❑ I r DAt t COMMISSIONER A.-M_......................7rtIld I! `� Iq�{ATE ............_ ........... ....7 ....._.r Iran un , .. ................................................_....... `RESOLVED: r That the SC Paul Gas Mob, Co""" o D y i hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical linea by erecting Poles and stringlmr wires thereon for the transmission of else. tricily on and in the following oilers and streets of said city: - - 10-11.--z3 Install: mThree poles on the north side of the alley north ofComoAvenue �Vset, first, second,and third west of Fulham Street. ytefte pole on the north side of the alley south of hast Fourth Street, r third east of Atlantic Street. Ole -Four poles; : three on the south side of Ames Street, first, second and third east of Flhite Sear Avenue, and one on the north side of the alley south of Ames Street, third east of 11hite Bear Avenue. &A-I(Six poles;, four on the west side of Holton Avenue, second, third, fourth and fifth south of Hewitt Avenue, and two on the south side of Wesley Avenue, first and second east of Holton Avenue. _Commercial lighting. With necessary guys'and anchors. All ht Ione. Poles and w s ,shall be erected and eon t et d -der the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the Prh h"I s of Crdimum. No. 2424, and .1 dl other lawful ordrnmoss and r .1mimm of the City of Sl. Paul. An -Ie. should be set 1. each location in acid alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such beight and character an he shall deal...1. and approve, and any and all sue voles shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the Public ' interest eo reunites, cad when it ahall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays (/ Clancy Adopted by y the Council.O ................C...T .... 6 ............ 1923 .......:.........192....:.... t/ Ferguson f/ P .....:. McDonald In favor Ado ed OCT 1 61923 .. ......... , 192...:.::. .. ....... t/A4etsen r/ NSudhh`eir ..., .._Against _ I.-," Wenzel wAvow Council 131e No....... peti$10n'''f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 48n.�POm-_Qs4oPd---Bt....-$O--- 0hataV..0Xth-.Bt..-_tA---- conform to the rod line on the profile hereto attached and mado €; part horevY; t -ho bp--7a--b1uor--11noa-al-aw---- gradin; said Carroll Ar7e. betrrean the points _aforesaid In-aocosdenco-_vith :.. paid red -Zino ti?•fiari-_06t4b7Ci-sfie� .. .. ....._.............._----...............................-......................................................C -:P No 49083A ...... -� batraca Dated this ... day ofQQ$Sib07 ...192A' ... - {.mo inuooe ho YollowtnS tmDroV'o)o ,lI Mid In acdordance with. bald rod lip when ostablishsChavtng been yreaent-. d� to the Councli of the�,Ctty o[ BksPaul PRELIMINARY ORDE thergto e'be 9t Resolved' That the Commte¢ onerot .Public Works:be and ie hereby ,ordeFad' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followi ani dTrtcted: ChangSng--�13o---grade--a�---6�ro11__Aveo._f'�om On4oPd 8t. ---'to Cho.�.Q><aor�.h-;St--�C®-- conform to the red lino on tho pro4ilo hereto attached and made a part ` heroOY,-t-hO--PV-eecint-•-,SetalDI-#ahod--gr-a4o bei-ng•--ahor>7►--by.6--blue liras• a�a� grading said Carroll Ave. botvoon the point® aforesaid in a000rdanoo s71th paid l'ed ItYi(i...i7IiS oetr323'ege" - ------------------------------••--•------......------------•-------------- -- --------. --I------------- --•------- --- ��_4'having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ...................................................... ......... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plain, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. .. 9923 y YEAS / NAYS V Councilman CLANCY OCT 1 61923 V FERaosoN Approved ................... ....... ............•-- . ------•--------------------------------- �'' Sudht�ler MCDONALD - ✓" PETER ....................... .......--..................... ......... ....... _WX P -.m Mayor. Fom C A 13 tart 6-22) PUALISHEII I� 7— 23 Council File N/o%/.......49084 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. following public improvement the making of the g by the City of St. Paul, viz.: P The undersigned hereby proposes g 0onfAsaSlas._and ...tad�Aaag a�._QavlofaUt:��.e..-:.z�ecofAcsx9-..0�.aPos.,...au�te r((a���..�i A��...((�Q�..tw�haaaoyy.l�Qszg► .:neaAaf� -..fox ---grwung---Ojxrr l _dvaA- iT.om._OZZ0sd... .............. ..... .... ............ .... - I� C r rro asos4-. ................. ...... ...... iii Where¢s. A.wru ., WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _CtQ&d4 Qilin$R$._{1A. f4UIR& -a7Q Q?9QIDQi� _.-ATF.. 11@._14m5�..UQQQQf}F 9.-f.Qr a---Q.Qa-.-.Q11ta _AT Pills in _the-_lova -_ neo©naary....4or_ ?ding Osraoll-..Ave Yom OsYgrB_. fit°Q Qb�tflQska._$bA----------- - - --- -- - v- - - ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ ...............................................• ------------------•-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 0pT t 61923 Adopted by the CounciL...................................... - -- YEAS NAYS V Councilman CLANCY l V FERGUSON Approved-------...... T-1--6.1923. ----------- ----- - t% G � MCDONALD PETER. k ✓ WENZEL1.................................... ....................................... .... Mayor. Form C A la (SM 6-22) PUBLISHED /O - % % J 3 a r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: cede.--mllLog S>a �loOlt �.-. 1�H1t.-.Barahaiaar ax1d-.Arn01d'18 A&L PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --t3rsa-_e 11 -AY-- in b1Q41s. 3,1Q1. Rev 4h9Am6r-_ul_D9.34g.S7 adv - -bloek. 4--Ckimbera Add.—and from Jay $ o- -....... b-�_F��in��n�-.t��eae ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------- -----•---------------------•--------=................. ------•--------- ........................ ------------•----------••---------•--••---------•-........ g having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 'therefore, ------------------------------- 'therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ocT 6 1923 Adopted by the Council. ouncil ------------- - --------------- dx -YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANorgT ' 61923 IlFEnovsoN Approved-------- -•-- • ----................................................ v- Sudheimer �. MCDONALD .i. PETER ` ?WENZEL-----=-----=---------------------'-..-----..-..- ..-.......-.....----.--..- ........ M v usmumN f Mayor. Form c A 13 cant s-22) �iJ$LISHED_ ;7— %3 e to Council FSIs No.... M6 D' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Oondcffi9knr� Esn�-.tcs>rn�...1._e€3�etapnt---in._t:he. luid._?169e4.Ra--_Y9..1�$... 11QY...ixa b.1Q4-a-El%].,.Bs3rxa�ae5ae mms&._Aa�A��.!.�._bfdc�.__b1.an2�..-3., Dated this .._116tg........day PRELIMINARY ORDER{ orlaes�cabi i�ynoe ttttenm9 ei e�oacor.�a t i +•� �omeat WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemed , z. Q.Q $Qm1:1Ii... ._ atcing._fz4._oweewntl Ila Io��----IMA_R1Q� IMA -V -Y4T...grld�.ng...._ -a 111.-Wtwt -IS 101 9Q � 1���nhaililA� € 41 Ax. lCld' la-Ac4dQ_�7 QoX 3a ....f Am.-J.cq St, to �ffAa. ✓��,,�.$--------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- --- 7 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------------------------- ....... ................... — ............. therefore, ...... ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT t 61923 Adopted by the Council-------------•.........................................•--- YEAS V' - NAYs Councilman CLANcr CT 1 61923 FERGUSON Approved ............. - 9 Sndheimpa C ONALD " PETER WENZEL/....................._.................. .........----- ....................... ........ MR-BaUssBN4- Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M s-sz) PUBLISHED 3 .......... Council File NoA' pobcDEi PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 0 ., �. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: o-- -- ---------------------- 5�..€X110V.. R._b1oo3 ._5c.. iiolootabo° o Add. . ...................gPoffi Dale 8t. $o PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------------- Iix1 ..ts]b�ly....iR_h1QQ-5s--Holoombe!o_9dde..... a__Dalo 8t. u® .................... - -------------- A6..-ANkT a__8fce .................. ...................................................................... ----------------._...-.. ------------------ ------••---•---------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................................... -............................................. ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fore6C?; aatteers io the Commissioner of Finance. 6192 3 �a Adoptedby the Council..........; ....................................................... YEA33 NAvs Councilman CLANCY OCT 1 61929 VFERGUSON Approved --..........--- ..............•---......... ----------.............. I,' Sudheimer I% MCDONALD PETER (� WENZEL / V................................................................................. n� Mayor. PUBLISHED 27- F.- C A 13 (3M 6-22) 7777777 77'7 777717-777 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT (� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: QOsa&flmnia>�--[z�_b]ng .�a► .ea��7R� Axa-.bt�,1►s..�nQ9vp.c Mcg1°p�e---------- for--cubo and fille _in t.ha---gr©:Qing of allay -in b.100 -h: 58---Ho.00smbo-?-a------------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following; improvement, viz.: Condamning and taking -an oa�a©mant in the land noo00aary :for 010p04 -................... ---------------• -•------- YQr-_O>b film---in.--fibra--grsdiisg---Qf-->:llcy---1n-_b.1-00%--S¢---HO1Q-ambos-e---........... ... stAn---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1- To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- ----------....... OC_T 1-_6 192.3 --------- YEAB !NAYS Councilman CLANCY T 1 619Q3 �FunGusoN Approved.----- -- -••------------••----------------------------------._. v Sudheimer ✓ MCDONALD PETER .� WENZEL --------------------- ----� -----_---------- V Mayor. `j PUBLISMI) � o -o`l 7 - T Form c A 13 baht sxx) �®® PoS914,1oF.3 'A• 'Council File No.......408 ..........•--•--- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and /I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: r -- L'u nish 148�iSllli ,iAn---Og--E1-C3 gViaf3••.b.-"oon r 00nVOYInn�--Af -lamp po€)Si�J and lamps, CJiioo Find un�Argroun OOn i$� Yos aonvoying ales>i�ia_aurreasc--.thereto, --- and,-•a,1.l---Other neooGSa21y applianoeo and equip_ ment for said syotem on Cedar Sts from Third St. to Ninth 8t. --------_ --- -------- -------•----•------•--------' C P No 45089 - 1 ..... ............................. ...... ............ Whereas -- A tvrltten propo6al for tha - making:. of rho following smprgvgmeat 18th COtaA9P-_1�a3. v1a Dated this....._...... -.......day of -- - rurnlghtng aha lnatauatlon.on`.-aermee%:� antesving. �ni4d ent toy s¢Id eyetem,l on Cedar St fromequipm.Thtrd fat. to'Alin[h 9t: haAreae-bred t9 the.Covncll of, �,_ tha Ctt1, of 11 t Pnul thereforq; Re�olved ThaA the s• " Public ;Works PRELIMINARYORDER erect. ep WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: I>arnifl$ing-.rMd...inatallati on--of---a_noriricfl...light.ing...mp atoa_aasasi oY-_ [p.-p®a4a__and_iguap°,---srm ...aouvoyln_ olooi�ric__ausroat therQbo-_8. all _ ®4hvr_ n©oElaeF�y- a-ppliaaooa-; sad:-_oquigl-- ment -for said ---system on -Cedar• Sic fTOID._Third-_St<. to NiUth Sts•---------_- ------.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................. ---------............ -............................... -- therefore, be it ✓1�„ 3 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 66 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT -,-j "61923 Adopted by the Council ------------------------- --•------------------ --•-- YEAS �NAYB Councilman CLANcY - OCT, 1 61923 ✓ FEuaysox Approved.-- ---- ........I------- ------------=---------- ............... ,ice V1 Sudhelmer t/MCDoFALD ✓ PETER /�........................ - •• ................—............ ✓ WENT.EL - , r j Magor. PUBLISHED Form C A 18 (SM 11-22) .... CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. NO—A-9119.0 _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. lb; 1923, PRESENTED BYDATE_:.__.._...__. COMMISSIONER_... _....... ...... ......... ...................... ...........__...------_. _.......-__..._._........__.�_...__._..._._ RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block h, Elfelt, Bernheimer &'Arnold'a Addition, and Block 3, Chamber Is Addition, and Misoollaneous Tract, from Jay ptreot to Farrington Avenue, in a000rdanoe with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established gradeo COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �tlancy /Ferguson % McDonald In favor Sudheimer� ✓eter ................Against V wenzzel llr_�t ....... Adopted by the Council.... OCT 1 61923 192 .................. OCT 1 61923 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL c— CIL No. FoUN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT BY COMMISS� NE7 . . ....... ..... ........ ...... ............... .......... .... .. . ........ - RESOLVED Resolved, That the grade of Alley in Blook 6, Holoombol's Addition, from Dale SV. to St. Albans St., in accordanoo with the red grade line on the acoompanying profile and as risoommendod by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the eamo is horeby adopted as the established grado. '4rad. Resolved; That tli4rad.-f� d,�Tba't tit Peter-. 1 Hblc.Mbd-,t :Polo Int to%6t �Addltlaj,' -fra. Is, St In'ccto d-99 mended bq ane Commisslogor of ppaablic hed 6i'3tde y? -b 'It ;Adopted✓ ConApproved `Oct 16 nell Oct.I6 10a3 1 O'Ct-fqwli;23) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudheimer :Against /;Itmerel ---------- mv—p=11ident Adopted by the Council OOT -1-61923 . - ------------ 192 ------ OCT 1 6 1993 A p p T4 d...... --1 ..._OCT — -------------------------- 192 ----- ........................ .... ........................................ —YOR In the matter of.....col7dt3mllt7� ad__taj¢ng,_ar�,_easement-, in -.the -,_land_ necessary rp-r_.Algpgq,v--.fpr_cuta,,.and •-fills,.in_-grading-_Alley in••_Block 2� Syndicate Addition 1. from Grotto 3t, to St. Albans St., T M .............................................--...---------......------......--•-----...........---•------------..............-----..........--••--•-----......_.................:,..,..--•_-. ia .. under Preliminary Order......_45953_______. approved . MP -1 .a ?`Intermediary Order........47.155:.., approved.-21ua.y--.l8.....�•+�O._ ([tATDTYiN(i AS8E83AtENTB 1N CON . II DICAfA7ATION PROtlEEDLi(#9 A public hearing having beenhadd {i 2 inane ut inotLe iana neterks%;� of the lands or easements therein,: ' for the above improvement, and the awards t sor elopes fo a alta sa; n upon the asses3ment of benefits' in,,$,l4ck2„SYAdlcata II therefor, and the Council having duly consideredn"Prelim nu�v� ora r e it a- aMaY as l�aa s ter- -, - +., y+7166 apDrdved 7vly Resolved, That the taking and eondemnatlon tj { t ving, tiesn has ,a in the annexed assessment rel, aatlon oP identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, `a _ _: ,the iereof, and the awards o4 damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and dondemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified -and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of, benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be It further Resolved, that the said assessment �Emd is hereby dete ed to qpgj able is ...._....... ..........equal inst nts as to each parcel bed tlm. 1£T k 7 1923 Adopted by the Council ................................................. .:................... �1- ...- - -- ................ .... .... ....... _.. City Clerk. Approved .................. OCT...1_7192�............ 191........ MQ�flsw:� Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman 59a= / Ferguson Councilman EWNLUZ --MC50=1'a " Councilman 1:::✓ Peter Councilman MUKO= ✓ Sudheimer Councilman iffimodozhEdrIenzel �Gr Mayor h= 111son U O: F I�+b 49494! In Sho matter oY coLdomning and tate `.. aar an easement fn the i¢nd aece S :Park' A Atjoh a o ',Un d4 `6ulmmJt ` ._Park Add.A,St a,VjL, cella Teriace7 ^Yrom Miltoq;eb to glctorJa9K; `under: - r Prottm nnry; Ordor, 46622` approved a �g a JR 7923 int .ma its Y Order RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.QAlJaftlTltl�2l$..iAd_.taTJg._4X1._@.@PL�JClke--.iTA--.t�8...aE1IAS�..S1&CA�&JC$ for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley -in Block 24, Summit . ..............................................----------................................ . . Park Addition and Lincoln Terrace from. Milton St. to Victoria St. p ........ ..... ...........................................................-----....-----.........,.-------------.....------------------•--••-............................ _.. under Preliminary Order.. 465a 2 •.............. approved &T.1111.0...l$,,.19:.?.'J.., Intermediary Order 4165J%9 ........ approved...---Au&....$Y...l@2 _ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation., Be it further Resolved, that said assessment b it is hereb a rmined to be payable in. ......................equ . talhnents as to ea cel of land desc ' therein. OCT I 1923lsi....... Adopted by the Council----................................................................... .............-- - OCT 1 i 1923-- - _� �_ % City Clerk. Approved............................... ................--------..191.. /— Mayor. Councilman *hunF_vAk �ClanCy Councilman i-Fergu§on Councilman zklm= MeDana44 > PMLISHED 16 - 9 _3 Councilman max V Peter i> ConncilmsnAftktft I�Sudheimer Counciim,in;.Vbxaba n✓PJenzel Mayoj Awax' X61son — � In the, matte Y, Gondemniag= xCd Lalh�� 1 g.a a errant Ia th land a Ca 49096 •`nary f r elopes., for,qutn-end Hlta 1 6 gradl g. and Dd t.1 -Allay 1 ,A "'er ll' "6.8ryant'a',Addltion 8nd•::Blg4l 4. ',Bryant Addition Yr Vlcto r ✓tn gvan at under Preltminan t - 28 '192 n gA sntiNq > 1RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRPARNG CONDEMNATION ANDAWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSPENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..-.9Qr4dQ1C1AA9._ArX l...'yak[ASAP,.--BXI..-0.4.11-0ment.--1n._tYl-9.--Land---ne.aejuany for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading and paving Alley in Block 6. Bryantls-_Addition_and-_Block-3-,--_Bryant-!a-_Addition-_Pr_cm Victoria St Avon 5t., --------------------------•-... under Preliminary Order -----.45959--..------ approved.May 2S,_19.2Z., Intermediary Order----.....4?44$...-., approved ..J1A1Y A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits - therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that t id assessment be and it is hereby de - e to be payable in. equal in ents as to each p of land descail>e erein. OCT 1 i 192 . Adopted by the Council -..-...-•...........................--.-.-...-----------------..., 191 ..-. OCT 1 71923 City Clerk. Approved---- -------------- --•----------------------------- 191....---- i4i;I Mayor. Councilman Rftj*Y_VX Clancy Councilman famx ✓Fergu&Dn Councilman gzkndx -McEbrsatd— g4J6 ,Ig D /0 Councilman ZXIWX v Peter Councilman McMt ii Sudheimer Councilman = �Aenzel Mayor NOiNx wolson St. Paul, limn., Oct. I7th, I923 To the Honorable, The City Council, of, the City Of St. Paul, Minn. , In He Paving Alley in Block 6 & 3, Bryant's Addition- Victoria to Avon St. Gentlemen : By registered mail I received " Notice of hearing in con- demnation ]proceedings" to be held Oct. I7th. This is the only infor- mation I received pertaining to this proposed paving otherwise.would have filed protest before. As ommer of lots 3,4 and E. IF of b in Bryant's addition, 100 feet fronting on this alley I vigorously protest against the grading and paving of this throughfare at the present time and until ttae costs enter ing into to this work is materially decreased. The signatures on the petition representbabout one-third of the I20I feet frontage which indicates that the property owners are not in favor under present conditions to go to this expense. The gre atest portion of this roadway is in first class and in much better shape than all other alley's in this districtnwhere none are paved. There are a feel low spots on the east end of this proposed improvement than can be filled with a few loads of dirt We have lived here for 20 years and never experienced any diffl(lu.lty in egress and ingress. Owners of lots on Holly Ave., abbutting on this alley are now paying assessemtn for paving that street eihd feel for the present it a sufficient burden and not undertake a new project at the peak prices for material and labor that we know cannot continue indefinitely. This paving on Holly Ave. was ordered prior to the enactment of Wheelage Tax ordianee therefore no benefits were realized from this source. Upon personal investigation I could not firk)one-alley in this dis- trict from Dale to Victoria and from Summitt to �ebly that was paved and most of theL\-4n deplorable conditions. I have just been advised a resolution has been adopted ordering this work done, if so, I hope your honorable body will recind same or defer final action to a more propikp sous time, Respectfully J. A. O'Shaughnessy. 846 Holly Ave., 17, C. r. No 49098 n da the matter. f condemning and. ink ``k � 9 /ng. an easement in the land ces- Bary for slopee,_for cuts. nd 8un In 191. Y srµding and pa9ing Alley -1n Block 7, ; "oodland'-Park Addltion,. from -Dale St. t -Kent- SC; underPreliminary ..---..... ,..f .� J /�� (7)� u�..::1=------`}--...... City Clerk. Order 46966, -approved May. 28, 1923; -:[ntarmedlarv=••..=..:..�' -•.- ^ed 1 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...c.ondemning..and ...t.along--an..s.aa.ement... in... the... Land-.neces_sary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading and paving Alley in Block 7, ._.... _................. .-------------------------------------- Woodland Park Addition,_ -_from Dale St, to_ -Kent Sto-,........ ------------------------------------------••-,_. tiflder Preliminary Order ........09U.......... approvedMY._28-a.._19Z'v., Intermediary Order .....47V7 approved;T lg-- 3.1-i--_1923 x-,_-. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively fo�said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..........................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 71923 Adopted by the Council ........ ... ......... z-------......---------------------------- 191. ; OCT 1 1923 ..---..... ,..f .� J /�� (7)� u�..::1=------`}--...... City Clerk. Approved........................................................... 191.... V / ; Mayor. Councilman Hams b[ Clancy l/ Councilman (i X Ferguson P-�.ISHED �C) _c4 %-J3 Councilman ldcDonald — Councilman MeRM Peter Councilman4 Sudheimer /r Councilman .Wenzel MayorhE1="els on ss= ana ak-.� -,,,t• - ,C• E: No. 490 condemnlnS 49()99 neces-. In :the matter of, ul land in6 yor e-,, nt{or °•nIn$I, s adfnB nnd. Ppark pddttlon trop! 7. Woodland under Pw. 4596b C le ef. to.. 9 aPP coved RL - qq il'll �}.4s ®RD sm Ro COMD134r118 ATION PR®C1SdEDROGSe Y In the matter of__QQi1d6fiXlXl$_aX►d #&,j�llg e{., a&yelp6x3�_._�37...ii7& aaAd....I?Q.Ce.9.ax'� for sPeP.e.$a 4z��B a aild f l $ 4. reL��pB _aFtd... PAY__!Ag-A1197_ n_41-0-1; It 7-P._ ---- -- under Preliminary Order_ ..... 4595§_---........ approved_9$d'Intermediary Order ................ 4747.5________. approved--.duly-...31,._..1923 0 0 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_gQn!iemn and take alleasement in the land necessary fqr slQpes�_fQr cuts_and fills in�riS7g �nSl �7aV_Sn(�r-Aa�S-in_B1C�k 7-._.P1-oQ$land_P.&rli_Additljony frem Dale ---... -..... -......................... —_..__....------...... --..................... _............................................... _ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.... the_.. land....a.hutting upon the Alle9 in Block , 7,__Woodland._park _Ad dition,.__between:_the aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the e_p_lan•_attached to the report of the Commissioner•_ of Public _Works,in•_the matter•_dated-Se�te_6•,__1923, _— — --------------- •--•----------------- — ......... -------------- __._u ----------------- ...__...._._-------------------- ------------ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. OCT 1 7 1923 ....................._. 1......... Adoptedby the Council .......................................................... ...... ..... ._........ ... ....... ... ........... .............._..._----- __........... OCT 1 71923 CityClerk. Approved... .... _... _.............. _s............................................ . 191_........ Aeting Mayor. ✓ernuy99n 1. x=x ✓MeD�nald �'} � V i?UBLISHED %d� -_ �3 stx V,Peter vSSadheimer wimmM anzel Mr. Preside � Nelson 49100 Im the matter`;ofcondemning and tak- ing an.easement'in the .land neces- sary "'''lures, for cuts :and fills l'n grn to ;-Cretin Ave.. from Randolph ' St. to a-upint-300: feet south, under Preliminary, Order 45174— ,v d 17, :.19A _y_ .. - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF ®ADAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....aandemning-.and...ta.king—s-n...easame-nt. in.-the.--land...ne.cessasy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Cretin Ave. from Randolph------- _.... - ..._... -- St. to a point 300 feet south, ................. .............................................................. under Preliminary Order ........-45174 approved.Apr-...17.,...3-92131ntermediary Order.........4.7.fi3Q...., approved.... At1&--81...x9.23-° --- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment -be and it is y determined to be payable in equal installments as to parcel of landd eribm. Adopted by the Council ------------- OCT ..i.7.1923 ..... .............--.......... 191..--.... OCT 1 71923 -1 City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------------- ............................ 191 4 ....../ V 41.^-4(Ii!i Mayor. Councilman FaImmurth Clancy Councilman 9MX t --Fergus on Councilman Ngbint v McDonald 7ffi (SHED / C' 3 Councilman Hi=X Peter Councilman =$citc i' Sudheimex" Councilman 2Wi8&1WVV..enzel Mayor mfla8 Nelson C. S No. 49101— 1n the matter ofcondernning - d tak- -Ing aeasement a emann the land'necea- 'J sar: for lopes, for cuts. and fills In grading Cretin Ave.' from- Randolph St. .to'a Point 300 feet south, under - Preliminary Order 46174,. ,approved i Apr. 17'1923, Intermediary.. Order 47638, asproved Aug.: 8, 1923. Resolve: 5" -(1) That .the followlag improve- . men[ beand the same-ls her dared to be made, viz:. Condemn.�and take }�,a,aa11 Ft�'73W��@/�tp�t��)t�7Av illi �vq rind yn�-91 the land neoesa�®���FdVt3iLl�a �Ytl�� ®4lti un Ud�.fs�V -W®e,V and fll➢ttrt n do1Th St gr or (a) In the matter of..._.4Ci?damning,.,an0.;taking.;an__easement in the ]and__necessary A M-9 Q t1Z7 r under Preliminary Order ..._..__ 4517.4_,..._.._., approyed.Apr.a 17.,,.19`23, Intermediary Order.__..:: approved_ AUBe. _..$ s. -I-.-M e Resolved: (1) , That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: CO4d93jln edvtaQ a_easemgUt_ig th_e „sand neceasar _for slo es for cuts_ and fills _ _--- -...y __ _.E _�.__ in..gr,�si�B=�ratt3�oer. _.€rQm..Raid_��pka._St.A��.a_a_�o�,.lat__34.9._PQe�_.ss�tJ?a (2) That the following land, laulls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:....the-._land_.ahutting•- "K upon._Cretin Are-.be-tpreen_-the....pointa--aforesai:d,- to the_..satent:_shnlan-upon the plan attached to the report of the Cormnissioner of Public Works in the matter, ,;dated (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the: above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council..._'j�e,!. �..�.j$�3...... ......... _....... 1......_ City Clerk. Approved _.......... ...... QCT1T 1923 .................... 191...:...._.. �/Lc7''_'_✓ Mayor. is thNO. 0102— e. matt of eontlemning and. tak- ing n- easement r, the land: .... .'grading Lukee Como and �Pha Ave.efillsI • from,Hazel Ave: to Carve. Ave.; Hazel ' - A I— k Com - d ^Phalen _a d _ RESOLUTION RATRFYRNG AND (SON FRRPJ ING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of._ condemning ...and ._taking...an...aaaementL in. tha...lAnd-..neaeazarg for ---out.a.._and...fills--- :In ...grading..Laka... Como --&-- rhal-en...A,venue_ from._Hazel..aveniae_..t.o... Nrve. ,Pmenue......Jiazel--.Avenue...fram---Lake...Aomo..-&.------... Phalen Avenue to Center St. and Curve Ave. from Sherwood Ave. to ... ...................... ................ .... .......................................................I........._...... . ----- .... ................ ---.......... Center.. St.:.a........... ........_._......... under Preliminary Cirder..457&B -------------- approved..Za$...119._-192$ Intermediary Order..2_47$36.....-..., approved..:.....Aug4...B.i, 19.2,3.. A public ]rearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved iiie said assessment b d it is h&pAIr dete ed to be payable in ................................equal installments as to each cel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council - vt i...l...!...i7ZD.----- -- ................ 191 ' .... --' OCT 1 7 192 1 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------ ............. 191........ .� ............................ Mayor. Councilman 70gNM n Clancy Councilmantr.X ✓Ferguson Councilman MyLm= ✓McDonald P=S= Councilman Yb= ✓Pater Councilman Ma= v-Sudheimer Councilman WM xlJmbvWenze1r, Mayor 2m= eison 4903 03 In the matter of condemning and tak- JL Ing,an ensement In theland nee ep- Bary Yor slopes, far cuts and a1lsin grading Lake:Cmo.and PhalenAve= nue from Hazel Ave. to Curve Ave.. Hn,.I Avenue. from Lake Como an" Phalen Ave. to Center st.-end Curve. -Ave. from Stierwood Ave. to Center -.s, under Pcellminary Order 46743. ,approved Iday 11, 1923-Intermedtary .Order 47 Resolved 36,. aPprov�y' tPllllV�t1l5e ORDER II�J �®��me� °ehnn a� II�� ��®�'13DIIOGSe In the matter of.....00ndemning....and...-taking....an__-eaa.ement._in__t.he.-...land__-nee8ssary fcr.�1Q.zas_,._for rout.�.antl_f31].a__in_gradl�Lake__Cnmo__&_.P.ha.len....Avenna.__ from_ Hazsl_ Av annen._�ur<re..�a enl�a y ._Haze.L.Auenue_fxom_Lake._Coma..&.................. _ Phalen _Avenue_tg_..Geuter_ St_,_, and_Curve.._Avee•__from•_SherFood.._Aveeto.... _.... _.......... under Preliminary Order._..._. 5_'L4 ................... approved.—MftY_...114-19.2l Intermediary Order ................. approved__AM.e... $s...._1923e Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:..._.Qondemn^ _ander ke_an_eaaament._.in-the_land_Mecsse.ary._.for.....a i opnss ,._far_aut.s:__and_fills in_gradint� Lake Como &_Phalen venue from_Hazel_Ayenue_to.•.,Curve Avenue, _Hazel_Ayenue_Prom__,ale.-..-S�Ino._._&....Pha1Q1a...Avmue...._t_n__Cent.er__.S.ta.._..and....Clai ve_....._ Ave. from Sherwood Ave. tc.._Center_St.........._........._.............._._...._........ ........................ _..._.__.........._ ._. _. _._._..... (2) That the following land, lanlls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._t.he.....land.._abut.ting _ulimon Lake Como ,&._ Phalen _. Avenue, Hazel._ Avenue_._ and Curve._ Avenue. between the pointe aforesaid�to.;the..extent shown upon th6•planattached to the r_e�ort of_tjhQ Comnligaao.ner.._af _E.1ab11G %(orka__.in._t.he Tllat_e,...._da#e_d..-----.-_ &#�ITilz6�2o-�9?a3.--------._... __..... __.-.._-....... __............... _......... _ ..................................... ---..... _............. _... _...... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. OCT t 7 W3 Adoptedby the Council .... _...... ....................................._.__._....................� fy9i1............ J_................ ... City Clerk. an 1 9 � Approved.__._.:.................._................................:.............., 191............ ........... ......... _..._.................... ......... ._... A Ing Mayor. Z=93xx /la nor Ferngusond EUW1 ISIIED 6 3 eters sD== , -�iiLidheimer xammAgWenzel Mr. President, 3 M'"Nelaon ag104 C. F. No. 49104— In tho tnpiter. of condemning and tak- Ing 3n-.2asement in the ]and- neces- for slopes, for cuts and fills In ' grad(ng Alley 1. Bloch 7,. Jefferson Park Addition, from Basial Ave. to AlbertAve.,.under Preliminary Order 46691, approved May 9, 1923, Inter- 4714 nter- mediary Order 47146; approved July 18, -1923. _. - A public hes tan having been had 1�{`�j���i ��(l �,]i Rj�r� upon the taking ..cone nation he 1VDEPSNATIION AND `i ltho n tide or. eeoemed eond.mn, tio. of �O�,U'!P�®� gF �V above improvem t, and the awards of damages. therefor,. and also upon:'the'. AWARDS j{. assessment in benefits therefor-"- d'N V�t"il ®� ®H {1����! sthe ame, novel having daly��nr nffQ+[��vjla THEREFOR. 1�1[]1� �®[ to -eame,.now-theret tr '. � l� E 11 j H sU -" Rnanlvnd-.::That t. !� In the matter of..._c.9 ?3e;m�i: ...:_n k;._ :. ^ ent I n .t_:,j9 laid--rec s aXY -- fcr slo:as for CIILs ;."n,, fills _n L_r lin,- .ilaf._in.-.._.-o__,k-.-7 tUSfssson r rr:•k. Addition fror.: r> C 1. ,-.v. o .11 ert .,i2 tinder Preliminary order..? _'E.9_1 ................. approved -. —"'..y ,....i 2c .., Intermediary Order...__.21 n........., approved—]U11..?1.....10123 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. -I' Be it further Res that the sa' assessment be an it is hereby detgrmined to be Ra:41e in _,ror .............................. anal installment as to each parcel and described t sin. OCT 1 7 1923 Adopted by the Council ................ ---........ ---- ....._....--........... 191._...... Approved... OCT 1 i 1923 V , -,(/ ' City Clerk. ...................- ................1 191 i i Councilman_-JPP RAt# Councibnan),13oas',x ✓: erguson Councilman.Mylaud nCLcnul Councilman2YEallw Y e 1, e r Councilman MOCORY- ' ud'-1 el. 'r,er Councilman W4adW1b&-" e l z e l Mayor MtObrv":1. e 1 s on • �\% �iL ACtIllg Mayor. //f EUBLISHED / _q — 0� Y 493.0 Inin� 8P?easeme tin t e ]nnd n3 ens ary for dupes, fvBlock 7 nJo2felrsen 'y,radiu6 Alley ia. Aro I ortA Ave�o undermPru imin:AY •Oil 'der 45691, approved MIT 9' -3933"1 termediary Order 47146,. approved alv 38,:3923. -0 FROAL ORDER RAJ GOODENNATRON PROCEEDR11GS. In the matter of.._...._annd.emning....and-....t.along_..an...aa-s.em.ent....in.._i.he.....la-nd....ne.aassary for__..euts_.and_fi1.3 invrading. e:11ey.-..in__B1ac.k....7-,...J-a%.fe.r.-scan ........_........._...---- .---------- .... under Preliminary Order ...... _..... 15.6.91..._._...., approvedh;a;j.....9.,.-1.92.3, Intermediary Order .......... 4.714.6........... ..... approved ....Jla1.g....1.5-1-..191.23 . Resolved: , (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ............ ... .... _condemn_ nd_take__ease amtx--the._._d laci_r .ea.sarx for-__S.IA.es.,.�nr__�uts and fills in_ radin� -,lle __}n Llocic_7,.-__.Ze.�#_.�rs4X.L.�2�k. ntls2iti4.n,---fr-o*n- Pascalwe. to Albert r-ve.......--.._....._._.._................ _._........ _.......... ... -.................. _.................. -........ ....... _........................ (2) That the following land,rlands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:...t.be......land.—a.hut.timg upon the lley__.in.Block._7.,___JeffAr.s4..._ k.._sash.it,.z.o12,..._12.et.N.een_...the_.Iioini s aforesaid, to the extent.., .upon the clan attached to the report of --..tent ...._..._�-- -- Lne._Co_nmissi nn ent he...ma-t-t-ez (3) That the assessments of .benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council..... !""T. 1_r 14_ _..... _� �. GCT 1 7 192 City Clerk Approved._...... --.................. ...._............ :�! .................... .. 191............ iiCtf%;K Mayor. x1mycx 'Clancy LISHED io SfiY ,6Vtlt v Ferguson -� 7 —�3 , WX dcDonald —"®a' tixx ✓ eiier. xllSdpbllx uaheirner MErdexhlIx Wenzel , Mr. President, 13mdge=x/1gelson 4 RESOLUTION RATIFYING A AWARDS OF ®APSAC TION AND Im In the matter ot.....C..Q,.,�, .-:...:.<._':a.Jvi.:�,--.,r'.n.-.t:a.w...! ,. or s 101pe�i fcr ,;,1 ff els in ri ti a:- -- --- - .... -------------- OI...O 2:1d Y...=1eri :.. e, ...p .... .. - .:1!'. _ :f'['`:..........`/..F. ..... f."..9..'.(l.-1i . �r 3T, .-----------......................................................... - ...... under Preliminary Order........ a .'2......._.., approved..il2a,.1(1-_:?_1.., Intermediary Order......... =.2L kn....; ,. approved ----:1 1A,1.:7.---�--�`-�---.:.:lrru.a A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further R�olvedtle said asseasm t e and it `he;aby detemzo be payable in ..........equa to c pareel of land d c� ribed therein. Adopted by the Council ....... OCT --1-7.1.9-23 --------- --------------------------- 191------. t< � vi1 . -- d Clerk. �CT 1 i 1923 4ity Approved------------------------- ----...-.................. 191-----'-- L'----------------------- ----`------------------------. Acting Mayor. Councilman I{'ryagi�;gort�i �• i : c v C '� Councilman GWAx ✓ r ---,Luson /6 Councilman Haig ,r , : ,-onz 1'? PUR[.j D Councilman Kellen:{ v Pet. ,= r Councilman Mt GOU ✓ ll!1h,i i'rier Councilmanawn koii/, e n a e 1 "� Mayor ItAa x �i�, e is o n C. H ✓ IniB mattseme t.nn etha land nIs In ll lllJJJ"' p, Hot A saryaYor aloPes, forndfllls in grading Cumberland.6t: from Lake and NebraskaaAve. Yvon' Cumberland - e 6t. to Western Avec, under Prelimtn- .I art' Order 45942: _pProved May 28, IntermediaryOrder 47148,, ap- proved 3uty 18, 1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improve �Q y�tpplljj�� I(ty��•vq ',Ir'1� fn,�*p� rp�i. menu be and I` same )n hereby or. W®HV ®tf4 derod to. be made viz: Condemn and take'.:an easement 1n ff0 (fie the land necesanrYin.r Cumberl ode St• 1�J In the matter of......aondamnixi=_._and..._takiri .... n_..ea emeYlt--.in--tYie_i—an4 - nesess4py ills_. in :grading._..C.umber.l.and--- .St.......f.-iaow-....La .ke..._.._ Como and Phalen Ave, to Hoyt s.ve._and Nebraska live.from_ Cumberland_._._ St. to 7iestern ve. , _..._.__ under Preliminary Order._45J42_..................... approved.1.i4.y._2%.._.. .9..23Intermediary Order ........... 4_73-4.3 ... ...... ...... approved_. July....l8a_. 1923. Resolved: ,,(1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:...:_Condeinn- _rnd •ta$e.. ax]._.�3SPi11 T>t iTl.t.hfl_ ]2nd nec.as�.ec}L_f:0.r-..slafsr_-ger—coda--and—€ills -t-u.e........te-.. =Keyt 4-rs-.- and Nebraska Ave. from CumberlandS t._t_o...:!_P.s.t.tr�Az..e...__. ........... ........ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:....... the..... land.....a.hnt.t.ing Upon Cumberland 5tx. e b _e.tyle_en..._the__.p.o.ints_kfanasslid _to___t11_e extent shot'uZURsza�.kt�_.._.lr ni �o"n�d•�.o--Lha-r.e-p-°c't---af••-ths---C°�missioner n�_Pu h]3 o .arks_ n_ihe Baa tt - r_..-..da#.ed.._Ru.uu .t....2 ....._1923. ..... ............... ......... _......... ..._._------ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. OC 1 ; 1943 Adoptedby the Council ........... ........_�_........_................_.._...._......... 9 ............ ............ .......... ......... .............. _......... .................... OOT 1 7192 .: Cit Clerk. Approved._ ................. _......... ............. .............................. , ........... uuy Mayor. ClaaccXx ✓Clancy E,�1 �h ✓Ferguson }($MAK vM1cDonald a Mp,x ,.Peter > xw4mx ,Sudhairner xWmYdrtrW x _;?dnze1 % Mr. President,Maegam Nelson 4 J C. F. N 49108— 491 Irt nhau aeseement ine hel land necea- 8ry[or slopes, Y opt -.and aIle. In grads g K and St Y m -East Sev- ihSt t Mlnneh h St, and Pre- Oder'46608 pproved MaYI m�diary O der:47021 np• RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..._Gond.97mt1 ng..AAd...te4AIgg_.a--Qasemeilt,--1z?.-.the__lapd„necessary $o.r.... e.lopes..... for....cut_s_..and__f lls___in.-grading._Kennard.--Ste-.,from-_East.__ Seventh St to under Preliminary Orden—i§508_..___...... approved -MU ... 2¢...199;L Intermediary Order...... 43-0.91 approved....... July --12,----19230 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation.of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and ereby de a to be payable in ................................equal install as to each pare and described erein. COT 1 7 1923 Adopted by the Council ...................:. ...._............... .................................. 191 - OCT 1 71923_... ....-- City Clerk. Approved........................................................... 191........ T, L- �-...,L 31-a `✓ lczitigMayor. Counc an Clancy CouncilmanC ✓Ferguson Councilman McDonald MBLISFIFD l �3 Councilmans Peter CouncilmanxUaM eimer, J Councilman= Wenzel /✓ Mayor2n= L)F91son FRUAL ORDER RN CONDEMMATROK PROC 19DR GS. In the matter of..-aandemning_-and....taking...an...e.asemeat_..in....the__.land ...ne.oessary for slop__e_ _,._ 4 Cllta_aid._f it le._in_grading_..%ennarrl_ St _.fr.om._Eas.t Se-renth Ell to idinnehaha. StA..a--..._.....__..._......_. _--'-'--' -- ... _._....... _...I .....- _......... C F. No.- 49109— In the matter -of condemn(ng and..tak ...... ___...._._...—_..._._.._.._._.. ......._. Sng an easement In thelIndd --�----'"-'—'""-'-"-'--"".'.--'.-"".' ". . sary YoreloDea,for cats -and. fills �Sa- enthiSt toeMlnnehaha 5tg d.r Pre. ............................. _.___............_...... ........-. ..... _.__..... _....._........__..._.._..i liminary order. 4511.08, aDProved May ------_._._ ^2, 1923, Intermediary Order 47021, ap- .: R solved: IY _12, 1923 _..___._._.___..—.__..._.__._—_.._._..._..._......_..............._.._.. _._........_-__---- .. _..... - a ..� - ... (1) That the follo�- under Preliminary Order ._---- 4.55.Q8. ... _....... approved..M&y . ...... 9.rw;}, Intermediary Order_._.:A9O21._.._ ..._, approved-JUly ...12.,.....1923. r Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._CDndemn and take an easement in the land necessaU_for _s_lo�es,,_fQr' eutsLand. Lille - — in _Srading -Kennard 5t. from �. . (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._the_..lancl__abntting ` upon Kennard street_,,�.Qxv�teen__tha._..pQs.nts__af_OrasRid.,--tn._.the..._axtsnt_.shomn._ ; upon the plan attached to the_regortof_te C�glgll.i4ner_4 Ptllzli.�lgarks in the matter dated August _22,..._19230—'-----'-----------------._....-----'--'----..._.__._....._.__— (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands .orreasements'therein, have been ratified and confirmed. {Qy,t 1.123 Adopted by the Council ftT 1 7,19 ity Clerk. A ---1 ........ --- 191.......... . SF41)onald anoprguson / x .-Peter. x v,Sudheimer I,��sc�Yenzel � Mr. President, >I p] v elson iron Mayor. - ---------------- nATIFYING t8SrsSAIENTS. {�.(�-Gfl_.� Council File No ............................_...__._ ... __. 1� C„ P. No. 4`� tl f the assessment of 'Tn the m1 Yor bonefits, cosSe ue. janX�»n1SO_ structinF a « BY _.........._..._.._. ...... _.................................._......_....._..... from Eustis St., t� 'vest of B=c•.n' CITY OF ST. PAUL. ReSOJU60n Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Qhilcombe Ave. from Eustis St. to a point 80 feet west of Brompton St., under Preliminary Order....._._39346...___.._ Intermediary Order .4.6.03.'x ............... _....... Final Order...._46 -approved.._._....J.111Y.....+5.p.....1924 ?.........__XT -ML........ _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....... ................ _�. `.._......equal installments' as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 3 1 1923 Adopted by the Council .................... ........................... __............. _............ .......191.......... OCT 3 1199-3 Approved......_..._..__....... .................. ..... ..................... _..191..._._. Form B. B. 18 b PUBLISBED /i_ / 6 -� 3 — =_ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPL.ETI®N OF ASSESSMENT (3,.....1923., }cats.._.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for d= constructing a sewer on 0hilcombe Ave. from Eustis St. to a point 80 feet west of Brompton St., under Preliminary Order.3J.3.46.......................... ..._........... ......... . Intermediary Order ......... _... .._4.6.O17. ........ _.... ....................... ......... Final Order..........._4.6B4$........____ .......... ..........._...., approved ._............... ... ll� g....S,...._� `�....._.8 .... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.......B.Q�.._il.Q...._._...... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -.......... ................ Cost of postal cards $.........._.........e_15........_..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $._......_1.6 03 ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.....................� 7 F�............... Total expenditures - - - - - - $..__.819...18.-...-.-.-. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.819.e_18............................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and whicbt is herewith submitted to the Council fox such actio( thereon as may be considered proper. Form a. B. tvCommisaioner of Finance. CITY 39022, approved Aprll 8 1922 'A Dubllc hearing havla lk_ upon ttiaasae6elnebt P.vti `^ p�'Q� � y$� g� provem0nt, �ayn�d(„ s eCmpy t. d In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Chatsworth Ste from St. Clair St. to Summit Ave., under Preliminary Order.._..ss3.�i$8$.___...., Intermediary Order _'x7.86.14 ...................... Final Ordez...........__.._39022.._, approved.._AP_I!i1..._6:...._1m................x1$}'9?....._..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......__.....___..__....._..............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....................�-T-_ 7 1923 191 ............. 4 ............ .......... ........... 7� . t,• ........._...._....._......._ City Clerk. 7-1 71983 Approved..... _........ ... ..... ........ __+:... -... _............. 191 � ...._pa„r....-----...__.._._5:�.._.._............__...., ....AU m ayor. Form B. B. 16 /� �vaLfsD —`3 s yy _ - _I RATYPUNG ASSESSMENTS.. . ' BY ✓-'{ C. F N 49111— of - ---- -�-- _-. ;, In the matter of the .aese00ment I benedts, Coate and eapOneesibr_curb- CITY 39022, approved Aprll 8 1922 'A Dubllc hearing havla lk_ upon ttiaasae6elnebt P.vti `^ p�'Q� � y$� g� provem0nt, �ayn�d(„ s eCmpy t. d In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Chatsworth Ste from St. Clair St. to Summit Ave., under Preliminary Order.._..ss3.�i$8$.___...., Intermediary Order _'x7.86.14 ...................... Final Ordez...........__.._39022.._, approved.._AP_I!i1..._6:...._1m................x1$}'9?....._..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......__.....___..__....._..............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....................�-T-_ 7 1923 191 ............. 4 ............ .......... ........... 7� . t,• ........._...._....._......._ City Clerk. 7-1 71983 Approved..... _........ ... ..... ........ __+:... -... _............. 191 � ...._pa„r....-----...__.._._5:�.._.._............__...., ....AU m ayor. Form B. B. 16 /� �vaLfsD —`3 Sit IR= I Peter, U Brie Mall utp eommissimrer Department of f ublir marks CHH of 5aifft Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGIN- M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR AB, SHARP, SUPT OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G.. P. BOWLIN, SUPE. OF WORKHOUSE August 13, 1923o Hon. James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finanoe. Dear Sir; Attached find blue print showing the final measurement of curb put in by the Standard Stone Company under Contract L-1548 on Chatsworth Street from St. Clair Street to Summit Avenue. The original contract price for this work was @1,497900, a deduction of 0417074 has been made necessary on account of a reduction of the amount of curb necessary to be put in to complete the job. This reduction is made up as follows: ` 670.6 ft. straight curb at 60¢ per ft. and 19.23 lin* fto of radius curb at 80y per ft. making 01079026 d e contraotoro Yours truly, '�3' , Ch f ' gineer. Approved; Co P Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT S.egt-18.,_...19.23............... AtRkx... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cos is and expenses for tbxx curbing both sides of Chatsworth St, from St, Clair St, to Summit Ave., under Preliminary Order..........._1f2.$a$._... ........ .._..__.....___._, Intermediary Order . ....... .................._.............. Final Order 9.0-2.2.- ....................._..............., approved .......... ...._A.Rz1.1.._6.9.....19.22.......... XSstxx...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve— ment, viz: Cost of .construction $..... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ .......................2.a.40........ Cost of postal cards $......__ ................. ....$........ Inspection fees $_....._.........21.,..59........ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $....................... 2.°40 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....11..106.0. a ............... ..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, 4nd which is herewith submitted to the Council for/Such action thereon as may be considered proper Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ........................................... By C. F. No. 49112— In the matter of the -asaesstnent' of benefits, costs and expenses curbing both sides of Fuller, Avenue -. from Grotto St., to Avon St., under: -Pro ;, lim y=iry Order 39843; Intermediary 1;�`•' 51124, Final Order 41644 -.ap- . t.. 6. 1922. 'ng having been had CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses `o4e,M_112 curbing both sides of Fuller Avenue f rom Grotto St, to Avon St., for under Preliminary Order......_39943.............. Intermediary Order ......_4_110 ................ , Final Order ........... ......41644....... approved ....._...Sept ........6..,_...1822 ...............G=......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ... _.............. _........ _....... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. bQT 4 7 1923 Adopted by the Council ........... . ......... ................ 191 s ...........'e City Cleric. Approved . _.... ......... ._........ 191.._.._ r �, �L, %a�LcfL"✓ ��........_............ _.._.___...__......_ ^.A Mayor. Form B. B. 13 ,„,,� -.-j� Ma o V k�2js"-'D l 23 1Y tilliam �. deter, (ism net grit iflal� putu ecinmissianer UUU 39coart uent of f ublic Marko �D x situ of -gaint Paul M. 5. GRYT AK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUFI. OF CO.-RUOTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUP.. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE PND CRY -- ENGINEER August 21, 1922- Hon- demes Nie Clanoy, Commisoionor of Finanoo- Doar sirs In the matter of ourbing Fullor Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon 2treot, under Final Order 0- F. #41644, approveb September 6, 1922. The oontraot for the above work was let to the Standard Stone Company, Contraotors, who have oompleted the work and same has been aooepted by this department- .Oontraot Priao - - - - - - - - 6229.00. Sours truly, of Aginear. Approvedt CoWWI o .ublio 'Morks- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �j REP®RT' OF COMPLETION ®F' ASSES ENT a S.0.11t....... 18..,......1923_...... bWX.._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ifix curbing both sides of Fuller Avenue from Grotto St, to Avon St., under Preliminary Order...............3.98.13................... __............. . Intermediary Order........._4.132..4............ ................ .........................., Final Order ............._4.1644_................... ......_.......__.__, approved..__._B.ept.o.....6..._.1922.........._..IAftX_-... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - s.....50.113_00 Cost of publishing notice $............3.x.3.0 .................. Cost of postal cards$...._._.._..s_66'&5 ............... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $........10.06 .................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $............3.,3.0 ............... Total expenditures$....``�?.`�J.6.a-0.`J...._...._.__... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....._556,.02 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for uch action thereon as may be considered proper. _.... ...... ........... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. grading Alley in Block 1, J. N. Roger's Fourth Addition, from Kennard St. to Flandrau St., under Preliminary Order.............3.7640.-.--. Intermediary Order ......._v.� d4..............., Final Order .......... approved ..... May.-S.¢...1922................__.X7=............ .. A. public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._._........_2 _-_............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......_OC'T X j923 .................... ..................191.........._. ...................... ............... 'City Clerk. OCT 1'7 W23 Approved.._.._.... -... _...... -...... ... ...:....r :..:....................-....191_._.._ " ��...�/L� Ste------- -✓ 'i•`•='T Mayor. Form B• B. 18 No.49313— Council File No.. In the matt of th assesameat •heneate, coats aaa a:pgnaea for of _ ,.• ing .Alley In'. Hlonk.. geYe b`ourth Addition, feom:..Kennard St., to dr Order¢n3'I649,StZntermae d,�rellmI nary B 39024, -Final Order•: 39668, apprOoved bad CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 1, J. N. Roger's Fourth Addition, from Kennard St. to Flandrau St., under Preliminary Order.............3.7640.-.--. Intermediary Order ......._v.� d4..............., Final Order .......... approved ..... May.-S.¢...1922................__.X7=............ .. A. public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._._........_2 _-_............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......_OC'T X j923 .................... ..................191.........._. ...................... ............... 'City Clerk. OCT 1'7 W23 Approved.._.._.... -... _...... -...... ... ...:....r :..:....................-....191_._.._ " ��...�/L� Ste------- -✓ 'i•`•='T Mayor. Form B• B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for7tkA grading,Alley in Block 11 J. N. Roger's Fourth Addition, from Kennard St. to Flandrau St., under Preliminary Order ......._3T_640 .......... ............ Intermediary Order................s 2.90j.................................................. Final Order .............3.9.568..............._.. approved............Ma.y.....8.,......19.22.....................XWAX........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_....5.57.o.5D._......._.... Cost of publishing notice $ 4-65 Cost of postal cards $...__._._._...x._93._ ............. Inspection fees $.......__11.15 ....._.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ 4-6.5 ................ Total expenditures $.......576....8,8 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ................5.78...813... ___ ............. .....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferre4 thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 /Ommi891oner of Finance. Council File No . ............. ......................... _..... ... _ By.... .... ...... ................... ....... _.._................------- ._..---- _... Resolution C_F. No. 49114- 1. the- matter of the assessment oP benefits, costa and expenses for'curb- ing both sides of Fuller Ave:' from Chatsworth. St. toMilton St.; under - Preliminary Order 40617,:lot ermedi- ary Order 41129, Final Order 41647, yproved Sept. 6, 1922. public hearing havlagbeen had upon-ttia_p^^--:anent fer theabove^,mv CITY OF ST. PAUL. Ratifying Assessment. �� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Fuller Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St., under Preliminary Order ...._40517.._............ Intermediary Order A111`2...8 ....................... Final Order ........... .... _........ approved....._.S6.pt........6..a.._.1.8.22........... ... 84=...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............. .._.._.._...... _...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. T 1 7 19a3.........._._ .............191............. Adopted by the Council _........... tiY .......,.. .., ,,may MT 1 71923 Approved_ ... _......... _...._... ...... ..... ....... :'.................... _....191.._..._ a t, s..`�o.`..... Ma Form B. s. 1e � � :,'�-'I6sg CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPL.ETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thcx curbing both sides of Fuller Ave. from Chatsworth St. to 14ilton St., under Preliminary Order ............4.051'Z ............... Intermediary Order ............41129 ....... _.... ......................_.............. . , Final Order......4.1647........_.._........__............_............. approved.............._%eP.t..�......6s......1922 ._...., ice........... To the Council of the.City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_._._698.00 ................. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $_-.......4=..S.Q..........-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $ .......................9.4.._.__....... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $............1..$.4.96 ................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..........._..4....5.4............-.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.......721....5.6_ ............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.............7.*.1.._8.6...............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed 9 benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. iv Comm' sioner of Finance. L William 1. Peter, Vrfe Mallett r ptttU (Lowmissfaner Bepartment of fublif Marks (city of .6ttiut Vuu9 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW[ -IN. SUR'. OF WORKHOUSE August 31, 19280 Hon. James Lao Clancyo Commispioner of Finance. Dear Sir: In the matter of ourbing Fuller Avenuo from Chatsworth Streot to Milton Stroot, under Final Order C. F. &1647, approvea. September 6, 19220 The contract for the above work was lot to t�e Standard atone Company, Contractors, who have completed the work and same has been aceeptod by this department. Contract Price _ _ _ - _ _ _ $698.00 Yours truly, 27-) W-�I'fo i Engine.$, Approved: Co , ionsoAublio Works. i 49115 Council File No . ....... ............................ ........... in V. o. 4 ei of the aseessment oPl baneflts, �a Ave tromeSYndlcatec Ave. ing Oacea B , to Iiae line Ave., uader .PrellminarY y........................................._....._.._.........._...................._. Order 39594. IntermedlarY Order 418_ Nnal Order 41806, approved; SePt. 13, 1928: .publlo hearing havin6'been had y nes gement for the above tm• ndsaid asseeement hav n neidaradbr th CITY OF 'i. tderede -e Resolution Ratifying Assessgi�rt. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Osceola Ave, from Syndicate Ave, to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order......... 339594..._...., Intermediary Order ......4].19$ ................... Final Order _41606 ................ approved_..._ttSQP....e.._.�a'2.a..._19.�..�......__$gt9CX_..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... ........... . ... ___..... . ............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. WT V 7103 Adoptedby the Council..............................................3.........333......................191............. `-'Clerk. 9 rqu Approved_.............. _.... .... ........ .... ._...................... ..... _.... 191......_% Form E. B. 16 � y 9 4 ✓✓ Dillittm Fl. Peter, Qlamn onex �xie i�lttllet " eput� (lLamdtissiattex ' Department of Public Barky (MV of Wnt Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF C -RUCTION ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOU.E August 31, 1923. Hon. James M. Clancy. oommisotoner of Finance. Doar Sir: In the matter Of curbing Osceola Avenue from Syndioato Avenue to Hemline Avenue, under Final Order C. F. `41806, approved September 13, 19220 The oontraob for the above cork nae lot to the Standard Stone Company, Contractors, nho have completed the work and same has been accepted by this department. Contract Price - - - - - _ 0584.00 Yours truly. hi Engineoro Approved: 0,24 e�of Public Workse CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ti,= curbing Osceola Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to Hamlin Ave., under Preliminary Order ................... 3..9,5.94 .......... _.................... . Intermediary Order ...._4_1198..-................... Final Order............41806........_........................................ approved............... Se.pt........13 9.....19.22......, xRkx....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - -- $_...........4_...35....._._........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $-------a-87--- Inspection fees -- - - - - - - - - - $._..._.._ll_e6f3 ...................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.........._4x.3.5....._....__-. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $._._605_.._2...5 ................._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ............. 25.._............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is;Verewith submitted to the Council foZ)such action thereon as may be considered proper. 4...% ............ _...... .................. F -m B. a, 17 ommissioner of Finance. L (r/ changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2 and Alley in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order ....._3.,9392.............. Intermediary Order ..40741 Final Order....._ 41209 _ approvedAug...__9..y..... 1.Q22 ............ ....... lA$dX.?.C..... _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. 9 ....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... _.............. ... .._.. ..........._......_............ ......_..._.:..ity Clerk. Approved _................_....;.__. ,�._7,_113M.*:.'t9I_...._ _............. _.... _.... ................ _..... ,.,r_ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 +': 0 4571 F �'UBLIS7dED6 3 C. F. No. 49116—- -.1 Lt 91.1ti In the matter oP the assesemeat oP -� e. Council File No . .. ................. . ...._. 6eneflts, damages Geste and axpeaseel AlleYh In Bioakh raoul ad, igrade rAddfg it.. No. 2 and Alley. in -Block 2, --Bou- levard Addition a.3, fro Albert ByB Ave. to astatine Ave,; under Freltm- !nary Order 39392, Tn[ermediaryOr- ............._............._.....__._....._..._.............._...-_........_. der 40741,, Flnal Order 41209. approv- ed Aug. 9 1922. 1 Public hearing having beon had - upon the assessment for the-Z.1;;ve Im- provement; and opt-. - -. Ing. been CITY OF ST. _- Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2 and Alley in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order ....._3.,9392.............. Intermediary Order ..40741 Final Order....._ 41209 _ approvedAug...__9..y..... 1.Q22 ............ ....... lA$dX.?.C..... _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. 9 ....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... _.............. ... .._.. ..........._......_............ ......_..._.:..ity Clerk. Approved _................_....;.__. ,�._7,_113M.*:.'t9I_...._ _............. _.... _.... ................ _..... ,.,r_ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 +': 0 4571 F �'UBLIS7dED6 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REP®RT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Se.Pt_r....._18�_._1923........., ....._ : In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for [hX .Changing the grade and grading Alley it Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2 and Alley in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order ..............,3.95' .92 ................... -................... Intermediary Order ..........40741..................................................... Final Order ........._._...41209 ............. . approved.1...922_-............ ..,74»LX..._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $........616-.Q4.............. Cost of publishing notice $........._......4.....2Q .............. 1 Cost of postal cards $ ........................8.4.............;1 Inspection fees $............12...3.2__...._... Amount of court costs for confirmation $..... ........ ..4._20 .... Total expenditures $......_.63.3.0..9.6...._._._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........._637.._56...................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. i '.. .....% _r... Com............_.................................................. corm B. B. 17 missioner of Finance. C. F. a 49117— In the matter oP the assessment of Council File No. ..............._................................. beneflts. damages, conte -and expenses. Por. changing:. the grade oP. Lawson St. -Prom Frank St. -to Duluth Ave. and Duluth Ave. Prom Lawaon. St. to Cook St., also grading Bald streets $ j between the aforesaid..limita,. Hader. y ........................................................_. preliminarY Order .44x^ ..,� CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. agmages., In the matter of the assessment of benefits //Costs and expenses for Changing the grade of Lawson St. from Frank St. to Duluth Ave. and Duluth Ave. from Lawson St. to Cook St., also grading said streets between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order... 143.6.0 Intermediary Order ...4.486.4..._ ................. Final Order ......... _45.5.29 approved._..M ....``Z.y_...I~R` 3............................MM7C........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE !T F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...................... -,...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......._ rtT.._...7..19;23 .............................. 191............. ���j p�� 7_......................_._:........__ ......... �`..."i�.._ ^-,City Clerk. OCT 1 7 1923` <..........I91._.._ -- Approved.__.. ..................._.............. ._...._....__......... f G`,,41�_...e/-_- Mayor. rorm B. s. is 931 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Se.pt....._.38....... 1.923...., k�x_.... damages, In the matter of the assessment of benefits,/costs and expenses forNka changing the grade of Lawson St. from Frank St. to Duluth Ave. and Duluth Ave. from Lawson St. to Cook St., also grading said streets between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order__.44.3.69 44360 .............................., Intermediary Order .........4! .$.............__ ................................ , ........... ......... _ _ _ Final Order4... ... ... ... .................... approved ... ........ ....._KAY.... 2,....19.23_. .......... .., tX........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $.......3..,..0.54..6.0...... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $...................... 5.e.10...... Cost of postal cards $- ----------1002..-- Inspection fees $...._._......_...6_1.a..Qa9...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $.. `J.a........ Total expenditures $._ _3..,..a.`T+ ....9.�._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..........3..,.126..91 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signatur4 of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for 7uch action thPeon as may be considered proper. ....._�...r ::.,`..:'.�: _._✓;/J::././:. ............ .............................. Form E. B. 17 - . -Commissioner of Finance. C. F. No. 49118— - In -matter 491'1" Council File No. ....... _. the oY the , assessment of """""""""'"""""'-' beaelite, coataandeayenees-for l.' brad- ing Alley la'Cernys<Rearmngement of port of B1ock;.B;Lake-Park Addl- tloa, ..from Arona Ave• to- the east ]tne -of Cerny'e Rearangemont; under By ...................... _..... ..... ............ ._. _..._.. _,__.__... "�-. Prel(miaary Order 42483..In- 44646; Final Order. - had CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratify ng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in CernyyIs hearrangement of part of Block 8, bake Park Addition, from Arona Avenue to the east line of Cerny's Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order .......... .1248$...-._., Intermediary Order .......... ............... Final Order .............. approved....._April .....14.a ..... 19.23....__$Zt4t9t....._.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..................... ............... _...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. QCT 1 719-23 Adopted by the Council ............. _....... ...... ................... ............ .... ......191............. :City Clerk. OCT 1 7 10aa Approved...... .......... _._..... _.... _._...... _............................ ..... 191.._.._. / �i Form B. B. 18 `� PUdd ED CITY OF ST. PAUL. -- OFFICE OFA /THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT' ®F' COMPLETION -®F ASSESSMENT _5ept.>.....18,_---- 823..., iBd........ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for thK grading Alley in Cernyts Rearrangement of part of Block 8, Lake Park Addition, from Arona Avenue to the east line of Cernyts Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order ..._.._..._42483._.._._ .......... .............. _... . Intermediary Order ....._._.._44545 ........... .._...._._..._....... ......_._... Final Order ...._......4.5113.._...._......__ , approved ............A.pri-1....14.,.._.. 1923....._,xl&x.._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_....._140., 00 ............... Cost of publishing notice $.............._�.oBQ............... Cost of postal cards $.._........_.......436........_...... Inspection fees _ _ _ _ _ _ $................`Z.:e80......_....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..........._...1<SD.... _. Total expenditures $......_146076 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.............. ..1..46„0.76 .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 49119 Council File No. 0..F. No. 49119— In the matter oP the. assessment of beneftte, costa andeapensasfor grad- ' Ing .the North and South AlieY Sn By ........... .... ........... .... ........ ..................... ......... ..._......_. Block 3, Evan's Addition: and Block 3, 8.1torh.1t _ and `Mead's._Additiom from Geranl m St to.Jessainine St, PrellOmaen= r 4 647,eT Flnah Order �v ^o d Apr 141 1923. Moen had CITY OF ST PAi U unve im- esolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the North and South Alley in Block 3, Evan' Addition, and Block 3, Holterhoff and Mead's Addition, from Geranium St. to Jessamine St., under Preliminary Order........_ 441117 ..... _..... Intermediary Order ..._44547 .................... Final Order ........_ 45115,___,_. approved ........... A..pr.>.....14.,......19.23..... _...... RSLfc...._..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in, all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I?FRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........................_._ ......... _... ..._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...QQT....L_T. 3 ..................................1191............. �1..... ...�....... �}'LL City Clerk. .. ..1.1.11 09T 4 a tg Approved........................ _._. ..... ..... ..... ...191__.._. Mayor. Form B. B. 13 /b - LL— -73 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REP®RT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .Sept........15,,._...1923...... =k..... - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for d�z grading the North and South Alley in Block 3, Evans' Addition and Block 3, Holterhoff and Mead's Addition, from Geranium St, to Jessamine St,, under Preliminary Order.............441.1'Z............................. ......... . Intermediary Order .....................44347..............................:............ Final Order ........_._45115._....._.........._...._......_........... approved ......_ A.pr.o_...14.9._..19.23......._.__..X1=.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $...._.59.0.°_04 ................ Cost of publishing notice $_... - .1.50 ............... Cost of postal cards $....................e.3.6................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $. .1�3.a Total expenditures $....._5.13.° 96 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........51.'.1_.- 9.0.......................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferrild thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _......:..E'..r�:'. ' _............... 2 c Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. - 49120 Council File No ............... ............... C. F, xo. 49120— Ia the matter. of the ap80ssfot'n&Tadf benefits; costs kel apynd..Amendment Ing AlleY In H a Hast, un' In Unlan 11 knfrom'-LYnnhurst Ave.: By ............._......... ......_.......... ..................... ........._..._.__. Nest to LynnhurstO dec°37159'. Ioter- der Preli prder:.44649, FI &I Ordor mediary moved:. ADril 14, 1923. hilbeen had I. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Hinkel's 2nd Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst Avenue west to Lynnhurst Avenue East, under Preliminary Order.........._37_189..-.__.., Intermediary Order .4019 ...................... Final Order. 45117 approved ....._.AP 1_l.._14.a....._1923...__..l�X......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....... it...r..,...__....._.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. G Clq-T 1 7`1923 Adoptedby the Council ._..._.:._.__..._ ............. .................... _..._...____....191.._......... _........_.__....._"_�-.:.�...`..' ......... �GK'Ci f. �Lity Clerk. 0C J 1923 Approved....... ........ ._... ....... ...... ..... ._._........ _...................... 191 Form B. B. 13 i Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT Se.pt_o...... 1&,.._.19.23 ... ...... IRDS...... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forxtl6VX grading Alley in Hinkelts 2nd Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst Avenue hest to Lynnhurst Avenue East, under Preliminary Order ... __--3118.9 .................................... Intermediary Order 4.454.9................................................................. Final Order ......... .... .4._5_] 17..._ .......... ............... approved....._.A.gX.il._.14.'..._19.23_....___3cA�Ldx...._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $......_`.2..00.* -00 ............... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ 2-5.5 ............... Cost of postal cards $_._._.._....._.,.51..........._.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.._....__...4-00........__... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ................2e-.5.5............... Total expenditures $.._.._209., 61_...__..... Said Commissioner further reports thathehas assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: theosum of $_......_.`2.-09_, 6 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ............ .............................. Form B. a. 17 .Commissioner of Finance. r. No. 49121 ' - 49121 Council File No ............. ........ ....... ..._...__ _- In the matt r and 1 theeapen9ea assessment o1 ben ftta, coats for grad- . log Alfin Block ,4, Lane'e St. to G ova Addition from Mendota St. to B................................. i North and Sauth_ AlleY and from By ._........._:................._.....................__................_ .__ Cottage St. to Denny St.. under Pre- - IiminarY Order .40462, Intermediary Order J 06 Flnal Order 43840; ap- :....�_.. s 1823. .,.. �.. —.-.q CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Alleys in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to North and South Alley and from Cottage St. to Denny St., under Preliminary Order......... 4Q452 .......... ., Intermediary Order.......43.40$.................. Final Order ....... _... 4r'i.Q4Q approved .__.7an.-x:`2.5.,....1923........... -........ 1jwX ._... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..... ........ ... . ......... ...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ' i 7 193 Adopted by the Council ...............:......_............ ............. aw Approved ......_.._.._x...7IM Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tkxx grading Alleys in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to North and South Alley and from Cottage St, to Denny St,, under Preliminary Order 4Q459. Intermediary Order_......4.340.6................ _......................... Final Order.............43$.40-............... ................... ..........., approved ... ......... .Tario....25y......182Z............, Mdxx..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $- 70.Q'a.0-.........-- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $.. _ ___ ..2.0 ............... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -$ ........... Inspection fees - - - $_.__..._14..v_0 .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $....... ----:4_20 4_20 ............... Total expenditures $......7L3_v_24.„ ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............. 7.23.>.24.... ............................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. i ..... __........... _.................. ...... _...... -- ................... .. Form B. B. 17 of Finance. V �i Council File No.� c. r. xo. 48x22 --' ""'-"' -'-""""' .In _the matter of th22 e,assessmsnn q-f- !� ben>.dts; coals and expensee Pion, under ,, g. -d- ing:. Alley ih,Block.i4, :Merriam i'ara B der: -1'899. lntermedlary larder 94D'i 6; y................................................_.........................._...... �d Final Order 19844.aHProved 3937. A phew hearing `.h awing beon 'had upon the. assessment for the above av+ Iprovement,•nnd said nesesement .havp Ing b h r. cnnsldered byy the CITY OF ,rn ks: cone(derad asrgoro Resolution Ratifying Asses Ment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 14, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, under Preliminary Order ............ 1$$.9.9__...., Intermediary Order......_..1..9475,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Final Order......._194.._.__. approved ..__D8C_s._._18a--.._1917............ _x..__... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...__..__... -......."..._-...._...._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........r ..i..T..i" 191 ............ . ........_.......__ .................._.... ....... Clerk. OCT.1 719x.. Approved.......... _... ............... .... ... ..... .............. ............191......_. o May Form B. B. 18 �""� " CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT S.e.pt.>.....3-8......... 19.23...., a= - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Cl m grading Alley in Block 14, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, under Preliminary Order..............1fl8.9.9.......... ........... .................. . Intermediary Order .....1947$............................................................ Final Order .................. 1.9844 approved .._....____ .....De.c.— 18........19.17, lr&ix-....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......_ZJ5_._OO............... Cost of publishing notice $.. of postal cards$....................s_63............... Inspection fees - - - - - $......._.....3.<.9.0 ............... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - ..3 1.5 Total expenditures $_.......2.0.5.x.83 ............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the "'sum of $......_.....__........_2.05 -83..... -...-...--upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with i the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for)such action, -thereon as may be considered proper. i i Form B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. grading Alley in Block 8, Ridgewood Park Addition and Telanderts Addition, from Roebe Street to Ridgewood Avenue, under Preliminary Order...._4°v,�r2Q ,._......_.... Intermediary Order .......... ............... Final Order 415.17.7 approved..__ApY.1.a...._95.,......J.9.Ps3.___.._X�PGX...._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for "the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLfFD, Thai the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....................................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_.._OCT :...1...7..1.9.23...:.............................L191............. d ...... ... ......... ..................................._ .................... Clerk. OCT 1 719237 Approved ...... _.... ....... .......... .... ......... ... ......................... ........ 191......_. ...... _....... ..._.......-_...._......_...._._.......................... _......—''£':rMayor. Form 13. 13. 18 -o 3 O. F. 49123— y Council File No. I., the matter of the assessment off.: a benefits; a ste and exvenses forgrad-6 Lq ��� _ . --- - — Ing Alley-tn Block 3• Rldgewood Park Addt[ton and-'Telander's Addition. from -RoebeS[ toRidgewood Ave., under Prellminary Order 43508.-In- By termedlary Order 44579• Final Order ............._........................._..... _................ ............__. 45177, approved Auril 25. 1923. A publichearing. havlve fieen._hyad • upon thea9aesam; •-' �- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 8, Ridgewood Park Addition and Telanderts Addition, from Roebe Street to Ridgewood Avenue, under Preliminary Order...._4°v,�r2Q ,._......_.... Intermediary Order .......... ............... Final Order 415.17.7 approved..__ApY.1.a...._95.,......J.9.Ps3.___.._X�PGX...._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for "the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLfFD, Thai the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....................................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_.._OCT :...1...7..1.9.23...:.............................L191............. d ...... ... ......... ..................................._ .................... Clerk. OCT 1 719237 Approved ...... _.... ....... .......... .... ......... ... ......................... ........ 191......_. ...... _....... ..._.......-_...._......_...._._.......................... _......—''£':rMayor. Form 13. 13. 18 -o 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept. 18� 1923 xx In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for lex grading Alley in Block 8, Ridgewood Park Addition and Telanderts Addition, from Roebe Street to Ridgewood Avenue, under Preliminary Order..._.......4�3.SQB...................................... Intermediary Order ...........44579 .__. ........................................... . Final Order . 4517_7_...._._._._.......___._.., approved ... ......... A.P1 11....25.,...._..1..923.._..._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: , Cost of construction $--IN-00------- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$...............4.e..CS...........__ Cost of postal cards 1 .............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - .............. 9-5a .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $... ............. 4..405............... Total expenditures $......_497.049 ............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......-_.__497.n.49..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferre7 thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionAhejeon ar, may be considered proper. Form s, B. 17 ommissioner of Finance. 'v' P. No. 49124- 9124 Council File No ............... ._.__........_...._ In the matter of the assess Hent of benefits, costa and. Rpett9ea. for grading -Alley la'Block..16;Sylvan .Park Addition, from Randolph St. to «. Palace St., -under Preliminary' Order ByB..... . ......................... __.._.._.. - 42477. Intermediary Order .44769. Fi- ....................._................._. nal Order --46401,. approved: April 26, :2. 1+ lfo hearing having been had - -^soman[ for theabove�m- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 15, Sylvan Park Addition, from Randolph St. to Palace St., under Preliminary Order ................... Intermediary Order 44.75.9 .................. Final Order ....._4.5491 ............... .. approved .........Apr..5l. 26.. ..... 1925_......x1 Ax......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._.......... .._.....___...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OPT 1 7 1923 Adoptedby the Council ................. .................... ....-................... _.................191............. ......................Cita Clerk. OCT 1 7 1923 Approved..... _............. _........ .................................. ..........._191......... L ,Mayor. Form B. B. 18... PUBLISHED - e - 2 _ 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Bept,.....1a.,._._iaa�...., x. - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 9H grading Alley in Block 15, Sylvan Park Addition, from Randolph St, to Palace St., under Preliminary Order ........4247.7..........._.........._ ..................... Intermediary Order.............4.4.7..5.9...................................................... Final Order.......-.-4.54.Ql_...._......_........_..._..__..._, approved......_..ApY'.i1....26.,._._1983_._..., $Ikk.-........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $....46.7..._0.0 ................. Cost of publishing notice $.............3-9.0-_............. Cost of postal cards $.........__._..n.7$......._......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $_...........9. 34..._.......__.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$............. S.m.90.................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.....484...92 .................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......__'484..9 9..2...................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed a by him, and which Herewith submitted to the Council for such action Shereon as may be considered proper. ............. ................ ........... ............... ._.... Form B. 13. 17 / (6mmissioner of Finance. Council File No ....... ........ ......__.__... By ...................... _...................... .._...... ..... ............. _.... __ Resolution In the matter of the assessment of 49125 C. R No. 40126-= - In the matter oY the seeeaement of, IngoAMtsY 1 Block One Under o d's.. Third Addition, from Ftio, Ave. to ,Kenneth Ave., under FrellminarY Order41412, - Intermediary -Order 42883, Final'.Order 43304,`approved Dea. 20 1022. A Duhlf hearing having been, had' CITY rove assessm t for, the above tm V ant,and sat assessment havingg been fart h onsldered-,by the u unoll, ��d h 1. g -been a nsldered If I Y, sat 1 facto Y be it therefore - "ReeOlved That th0 amd Baeeemev�t be and th Hama Se hereby fn all re- epecta. ratiftad. and the same le 1, mbv. rdered to submitted tp--"""' Court o,� t e Cntln eon1l?r )enefi ..,costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block One Underwood's Third Addition, from Prior Ave, to Kenneth Ave., under Preliminary Order....... 4-14.7.2 ............ Intermediary Order ....... .................. Final Order .......4."M ...... _...... _. approved......._D.e.C..a...... `2.0.p......19.2..2 ............ .XM7.......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT,FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... ..............._..........__......_......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land describ d -therein. OCT -1 7' 9.23 .191......_..... �/ Adoptedby the Council .........._........................................................... _. ApprovedOCT.._1...73 _19'2.._............_. ............191 ......... .� / a�/ _. _. ,.. � Mayor. Form R. B. 18 „q Sa f.�a 1 0 u sMD 6- 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t grading Alley in Block One, Underwood's Third Addition, from Prior Ave. to Kenneth Ave., under Preliminary Order............_4.1479...................................... Intermediary Order ..........._ARM .......... ........... ........... ................ ... Final Order.............43v.44..................... .., approved ..........._D6C.s...._20.a...:_1,9..`L�..........., i............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $........24.1...75 ............... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ................4-2.Q'....-........ Cost of postal cards $...._.. .......... d.84 ............... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ................40.84.............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ................4..20 ............... Total expenditures $.._..-255.983--.--...-. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...........2.55:...83....................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action tlje7on as may be considered proper. __.... t:l.:_................ _.................. ._._ ..... Form B. B. 17 C ' issioner of Finance. under Preliminary Order......._27925.............. Intermediary Order...__`.98574................ Final Order ......_. r9$�ae...__....._. approved _...__April 90 ...... 1M ......... _PRx......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 1923 Adopted by the Council ........................... ................_.-.._......... ...._..."..........19J ............ . .........��^.! City Clerk. OCT 111'423 Approved...... _.......... ......... _...._...... ...... ............................... 191......... Farm B. B. 1s `6 3 - - 4 Council File No. ....... .... _._........_.... C. F. No. 49126— In the matterof the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Brand 8t. from Van Dyke. B _ _ y............._.._............ ..... ..._....... _......... ........_.....__. Ave. to H, I Ave; under Prellmin- ark Order 27926; 'n"' ark Order 1 28574. Final Order 28928, approved - Apr1t 20, 1920.. A p 2. hearing hn••Ir^=---�--..�-- - CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Brand St. from van Dyke Ave. to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary Order......._27925.............. Intermediary Order...__`.98574................ Final Order ......_. r9$�ae...__....._. approved _...__April 90 ...... 1M ......... _PRx......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 1923 Adopted by the Council ........................... ................_.-.._......... ...._..."..........19J ............ . .........��^.! City Clerk. OCT 111'423 Approved...... _.......... ......... _...._...... ...... ............................... 191......... Farm B. B. 1s `6 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE IREP®RT OF COMPLET'I®N OF ASSESSMENT SQ..61#,.0._...1.x.....1.82.3_...., Ate...-._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Axx grading Brand St. from Van Dyke Ave, to Hazel Ave,, under Preliminary Order ........_2.792.5....- .................................. Intermediary Order ..................... `2.5-9.7.4....... .................. ............... .... . Final Order ... 28.928 .................. .... I .......... ._._......, approved....... April 20.,...._1920.._...., tkkt.._....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $..._3,,6J9,p_6,Q.._..... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - 4 Cost of postal cards - - - - $....._._.._......_...._e_��........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $__ .......... .._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$........................n..JO........ Total expenditures $__ 3,.742-69___.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the s uln of$...._...._3.A742.e_69._................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed I benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action/h7eon as may be considered proper. .............. 2yj.._ cl??ilrl%........__...__......................_._ ._....... ......_.... Form B. B. 17 Qommissioner of Finance. grading Cecelia Place from St. Clair St. to Stanford Aveop under Preliminary Order ...._ 40526.......___, Intermediary Order ...._41783 .............:..... Final Order .......... 4..`2...'303........... approved....._.0..c.t'<....12.p..... 19`2.2 .......... _XZ=........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FwRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....-. ............. . - -- - ------- -- ...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .........00.T.1.._7._1L)2.3............ .........._........ 91 ......... _.. ............. ............. ......... _..... .._....... ..... Clerk. OCT 1 7192 3 Approved_... _.......... _........_--- ._..--- .........................--...........191......._ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 i �YJBLISf)ffi�.=-� � 3 27 Council File No ......... ......... . ..__....._ ,C. F. No. 49127—. f In' -the mutter oY the assesemeat o91 beneflta, doeta 'sand e'apenSt. for' . - grading Cecelia Place llld St. ,Clair -St. to Stanford Ave., Uader, Prallm-- • laatY Order' 40628, Intermediary :Or-' By _.. 41783, Final Order 42303, approv- ...... .Oct: 12, 1922. _ +,h11� 7-,.aring. having;been had ••-�E for the above dm- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Cecelia Place from St. Clair St. to Stanford Aveop under Preliminary Order ...._ 40526.......___, Intermediary Order ...._41783 .............:..... Final Order .......... 4..`2...'303........... approved....._.0..c.t'<....12.p..... 19`2.2 .......... _XZ=........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FwRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....-. ............. . - -- - ------- -- ...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .........00.T.1.._7._1L)2.3............ .........._........ 91 ......... _.. ............. ............. ......... _..... .._....... ..... Clerk. OCT 1 7192 3 Approved_... _.......... _........_--- ._..--- .........................--...........191......._ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 i �YJBLISf)ffi�.=-� � 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLET'I®N OF ASSESSMENT ._Sept..e....-18t h.,..._19r1S_... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses foVjd2 grading Cecelia Place from St. Clair St, to Stanford Ave., under Preliminary Order............4.4..Q........... .... ............ ......... _... Intermediary Order............417Q'....................................................... Final Order....................42303 ............. approved ........... iqqt_^....._l`Z.:...._1.922..........._x ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ............._.._3_,_90....__...._. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $____ -7.8............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $__....__...11.o..+4...._........ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$............-..._3.q_9..Q............ Total expenditures - - - - - - - $........-.6-17.>.5.Z........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $. $1 0-5 _ ........-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the saidjmprovement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actioorvfl ereon as may be considered proper. :................ ........................... .................. ...... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. ... ......................... _ c. F. 1Cb. ¢sits In the matte of 1..,;ae eesmenk. of iii, -c sto a d eap Hees for . grad'.. Chil o be Ave 'rm. N7ustls St. to BPemptO St., Vnde Pralimin- By .... ...... ._. ary Order '40000, Intermedlary Order 44631, Final Order. 45,83. approved �. 1823 been bad CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Chiloombe Avenue from Eustis Street to Brompton Street, under Preliminary Order..........40.0.00......... Intermediary Order ......._4.45.9.1 ............... Final Order ..........4..5.1&x._._._.. approved _..._A.PZ!ll I I 1M —.4174C4....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be `submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......_._....._...)....._ ........... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council......:a!`....�..��*23 ...............................191............. Clerk. Approved ............... 191 v.�L a,ro/ 6Y� .......� /.............. ....... .............._ .._._.._......_....... ..._, Mayor. Form B. B. 1B UBLISHED D to CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT SBPt_s.._._1B.r-.._1.923...s....XB._.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tktxx grading Chilcombe Avenue from Eustis Street to Brompton Street, under Preliminary Order................._'4.OQ0.0................. ............. _... Intermediary Order................_4.4.5..9.1........................... ...... ....... ........ Final Order ._._.._._45183..........__......_......_._._......__, approved...A.PrI1....a.$a......4,.M................ KKx......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $._....1.,.9.34.n.0Q....... Cost of publishing notice $ ".9Q....... Cost of postal cards - $.. -.......... ............x..18....... Inspection fees - - - - - - $.._........_.....3.f3.a.fiB_..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ - •..9.0 Total expenditures $--...1.,.974-66--.- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce,- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......._.a 9`.74..a.6............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actio t}jereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 �Ommissioner of Finance. -- 49129 Council File No .......... ........................ C. Fhe o. 491 9 of the assessment of ' beneftte, costa of assessment for grad 1 Cleveland Ave, from Randolph • d.. r: St Catherine Ave., -under. Pro - 0. 44980, Intermediary By _. .._... '-:X574, Fi—t OrAer limn: CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expense$ for grading Cleveland Ave, from handolph St, to St. Catherine''Avenue, under Preliminary Order._44.9.5-.0................... Intermediary Order AMA .................. _.., Final Order. ...._46"/20 ... _.... _....... approved ..._July..._IQ, ...._1923_ ................. __ 'WAX ......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above in{provement, and said assess- ment ha ng been further considered by the Council, and having been considered fin lly satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessmentLbe and the same is hereby in all reVigcts ratified, and the same is herebordered to be submitted to the District L20-urt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That theLsaid assessment be and it. is hereby d termined to be payable ......equal installments as to each and eve ace of land described therein. in... .............................__...._. every P 'OGT 1 7.-l1.2$"...._......._._...... 91 ............. Adopted by the Council ....................._------- ........................... .._................... ....... _�:.�.....erk. Oct 1 7.1993 Approved........... ....._....._........_....._.:._.:........._...._._..........191......._ Gam/ ................... ._ :........ <.........._....�. Mayor. ................... _ . roan B. B. is X, PUBLIS D �b '� �— N-3 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept ....._18.x...._1 p23........... ....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for e=x grading Cleveland Ave, from Randolph St, to St. Catherine Avenue, under Preliminary Order......._.`k..$0................................ .._........ . Intermediary Order...46�'i4..............._........................................... Final Order ...........46%20......__......._-......... approved........Ji11}Y..._6.a_....a 9.Z.�'2.._.._.......__.... ........_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $..._13..,_64...s.,QQ.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $------------6o.QQ Cost of postal cards $----------1.e20.-.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..-.-.-...-._27.2.efl4._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-- -- -- ..... 6.0.00.... Total expenditures $.....13..,.9.28-04.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$...........-1'v.t92So.ja.....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action tl reon as may be considered proper. z4✓LP/y................................................................................. Form B. B. 17 ommissioner of Finance. a. F. No. 49130.- Council File No...........- - .............-_. matter of the Id the . assessment of P 1 benefits, costs and expense.. for, grad-. i. h ng Danforth Ave; from Maryland St. tt Carbon. St.� under Preliminary Or -�?007, Intermediary- -Order 44 z B3, errs ler. 45241 n"^ d IrfaY 2, ._ ...................................._.. .........._ _._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Danforth Ave. from Maryland St. to Carbon St., under Preliminary Order .......... .09.0'1 ..... _..... Intermediary Orde4,168A ............................ Final Order .._.._...... 4524A__ -- approved .....___May---r-Zs..---i..,9..20......._._._.xX13•IG_.......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F, KTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..... .............. ... .... _..... _..... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 71923....__........191 ............. Adopted by the Council .......................................... ........_.... }.......-C7C14�_City Clerk. OCT 1 7 1923_ Approved ..... _... ..... ----------------- ---- ------ -------- _....... ...191.._..._ %l ✓'_�'�Mayor. ..... ....... .................................... Form B. B. Is n;.: AMUSHED 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Se.Pt......7.8�.... x.9.23......... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tbm grading Danforth Ave, from Maryland St, to Carbon Ste, under Preliminary Order ....AWT ............... ............. ........._-.., Intermediary Order ......44654..........................................................I Final Order ..__..._....._45244._..........._ ................._....., approved ... .... ... May.....2.,......1923 ,iI;SXX....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $............_1.y.74,_93,Q Cost of publishing notice $-------------Z.o-1Q Cost of postal cards - - - - $.. _..._ ................... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..... ................. _.34.083 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ...............................2.0.11? Total expenditures $--___1,78.Qn.7.& Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........1.,.7.8.A.a.7.3..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actigh thereon as may be considered proper Form B. B. le (///Commissioner of Finance. L In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Fry St, from University Ave. to Blair Street, under Preliminary Order ...._''v`7�438.._........... Intermediary Order ........_39737.... , Final Order..... ...... 40205 Feb. 20, 1923 1pp x approved..................... .........._...................................._....._... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FSIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... ........ ..... ...... __..... _...... equal installments as to' each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7492$ 191..........._ Adopted by the Council ...._............._............. ._:.......... ..............._.__.... � 4 ........_.... ...__._ ............'.. � City Clerk. OCT 1 7S Approved._... _......... ............ _...-__.........._............................ 191......._; . � _..... _...... _...... ................. .... ........................ _...... 4 Mayor. ...... Form B. B. 13 / / PUBLISHED _'g '� - 3 0 C. F. No. 49133— /q�°9 Council File No. _ _ In the matter of th'e assessment of 3 C9 i benefits, casts and expenses .Por. grading Fiy Bt: from rjnlveralty. AVe. - to Blair 3t.. i under Ptellminflry Or- .der 37238. Zntermedlary: Order 39737. r 39 BB y ..................... .... .. ... .. ............. _.. . _...__. Final Order 40205-, approved 20. 1923...... A Public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Im-_ ""^''" �_y -. and. eatd as seeament haq- =..`onsldered b the - -- ^=iaerea CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Fry St, from University Ave. to Blair Street, under Preliminary Order ...._''v`7�438.._........... Intermediary Order ........_39737.... , Final Order..... ...... 40205 Feb. 20, 1923 1pp x approved..................... .........._...................................._....._... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FSIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... ........ ..... ...... __..... _...... equal installments as to' each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7492$ 191..........._ Adopted by the Council ...._............._............. ._:.......... ..............._.__.... � 4 ........_.... ...__._ ............'.. � City Clerk. OCT 1 7S Approved._... _......... ............ _...-__.........._............................ 191......._; . � _..... _...... _...... ................. .... ........................ _...... 4 Mayor. ...... Form B. B. 13 / / PUBLISHED _'g '� - 3 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses forxtY*kX grading Fry St, from University Ave. to Blair Street, under Preliminary Order372$.$.................................. Intermediary Order..................._.39.:Z3.7.._.............._.....__....__....... Final Order _.. ..0205.._........._.._ .............__........_., approved....__......F...e.kJ.......2.4.6.....1.9.23....__..... U0#5......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ _ 2,511e.0O-..... Cost of publishing notice - $ ........ ........... 40.50 ......_.... Cost of postal cards $..__.._ .................. v_99....... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...._........._...S.Qe.22.__.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$ ........... 4.,5Q Total expenditures - - - - - - - $....._.�L...aS71-e-1?...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the "sum of $__........2.6.571.0..12 .......... ..._.___. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actigfi phereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. i 4Q1' 2 Council File No. By .................................. ...............-............ . Resolution �0.. F. No. 49132— . In :the matter of the .assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fQr grad- ing`13yaclnth 3k. from White Bear Ave. to Ruth Ave., under PrellminarY Qrs7nr'_ 38804, Intermediary. Older 'Final Order, 42408, approved 1922. ,,,ng having heevnc had CITY OF ST. PAUL. Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading hyacinth St. from White Bear Ave. to Ruth Ave., for under Preliminary Order.... -38804 ............... Intermediary Order ..._41919,................... Final Order ......424.08. ........ _...... approved ...:._001. ..... 2.6..,..... 19.22 .................;1 tkx....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FJJRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..............._ ..... __.............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7 1923 Adopted by the Council........................................................ OCT 1 7 1923 Approved..._. . .......... ........-.......----......... ...._._................ ..... 191..._.... Form B. B. 19 0 ........... 091 ............. _..__.........._......__..ily Clerk. Lv� � .._.. ._. ..'._ ..-........................... Ma or. CJ y r LISBED t o CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT Sept....._..15.,.._192.3....... I�Ax.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ]l= grading Hyacinth St. from White Bear Ave. to Ruth Ave., under Preliminary Order .. .............. 3B.B.44.._...........-.................... Intermediary Order....................41.91a......_...................... ..._...... , Final Order ............_.._..... 424_Q$_......._.._.__.__........_, approved _.........._-Gat ....... 26.,.._.1922_........, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.....6..,..2.0.6-.-O.Q.---- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-------_17o.4.Q....-- Cost of postal cards$.....................3.a.4$......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...._......1.2s.4.. 12....__. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.....__..._ 17.40._,_-. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $._..6..,.3.6B...4.0.....-. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $................ s.+36. .o.4.Q.............._.. _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 1 c. F. xo. 49133— Council File No. In the -matter or. the assessment of�� -------- :benefits, cost' and expenses -for grad. .._._.._. irg Kenneth`Ave. Irma Randotyh_ St: to Serge t Av under o Preuminary Order' 41263 Intermediary order. 43397. Final O der 43803; approved By .. .......... _................................ ... _......... .._... I Jan, 24: 1923. — �- bubhcc hearing. baving been had t -for •he ahovelm- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Kenneth Ave, from Randolph St, to Sargent Avenue, under Preliminary Order......._ 41223 ............. Intermediary Order ......._433_97._.__._ Final Order ........_3..O.p.1.._._..... . Jan. 24, 1923 approved.... _...................................................................._........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............. . .. ..... . I Q . . ...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7 1923 Adoptedby the Council ................... ............ ................- ............ ..-................191............. .......................................................................................... Clerk. OCT 1 71923 Approved ................ ..............._.._. _ 191 ..........._. i f � / p� �!' Q a- ..... ... rorm B. B. 18 PUBLISBEB %6 3 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT Sept ........ ls.,.._1923.... 68s1x.._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tlf{ grading Kenneth Ave, from Randolph St. to Sargent Avenue, under Preliminary Order ........... - ............. . Intermediary Order ........._433.9.7 ....... .... .................... .................. .... Final Order .............. 4.w....$_p0.............. ........._...................., approved...........Ila.n.a......24..,.....�'M.......... .....,A21x........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $- 5-s289.O-OQ---- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$........-............FJ.n.4.Q......... Cost of postal cards $......__.... ....... 10..4$......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $__.....1050..._.._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$......................5.o.4Q......... Total expenditures $ 5.,406...66......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......5.,.406...66.............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed 1 such acti hereon as may be considered proper. b him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo Form B. B. 17 commissioner of Finance. k.ps 49134 Council File No.....................c. F. No. 49134— - '-'-"' - - In: the matter of the assessment of 6eneflte, coats aad expensas for: grad- ing Kent 6t: from Maryland St. to• Carbonunder PreliminaryOrder �II 42881, Intermediary Order `44470, By ............................................._........ .................. .... _......_. 1 Final Order 45048, approved MHY 2. 1923; - - CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Kent Street from 14aryland Street to Carbon.Street, under Preliminary Order ......_ `2.88 ...... _...... Intermediary Order.._4...44]_Q..................... Final Order .........4.5Q4.$.... __..... .. approved......__Ma:Y..._?_t....._1923.............XJ.M ........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... ......... .._......_.�..._0......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i -71923 Adoptedby the Council ........._.._...__...._...............................................191............. .............._-........_...... _.... ........_ Clerk. QTY 1 7 1923 Approved...... _.........._....._......._._......_........ ._..................... .191......._ -�rr� L.............__......._................_........._......._........_.... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 D ,�- 3 taus _ 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT Sept ....... 18,......1923.......... 1�6c...... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for the grading Kent Street from Maryland Street to Uarbon Street, under Preliminary Order .... ..._428 l ................ ......................... . Intermediary Order ........_44470 ....................... ...........-............-...... Final Order ..._45048......_ ............... . _......., approved ........_May ..._2,__. 923..._.......____..,xla6Xp._...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction s..A.,.54-1-25 .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $--------2-a.10 .......... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - -$_ ........... A.2 .......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$.._.........._.9.Oe.82........_ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $......._..........2.1i?.......... Total expenditures - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...___ _4..,_63.6..._6.9. ...........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferrel thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council f r such acti8�hereon as may be considered proper. �...... _....L...tY ..._ 1...._..._.p.../. ..................- .......... .__....._.......... ......_........... . Form B. B. 17 ���/Commissioner of Finance. Council File No . .. ............ ... . IC.F.he aN,.-49135--f he ,matter. othe aeseesment-ot benadta. posts andexpeneea. tor.6ra.d- B 1.9 e.Mtontmn&lAAve. 1ruaderw Prelim�nr By ...... .............. ...... .............. ._........._. __. � roved 44J7Ordena130rdert 46622 is Pp order 44878, F1 2, 1923:. been had -iblfc hearing havfn(; • ��s ndmealdt.seesam "t ehav- CITY Ok ST. ,•'her dOneideLP, bLyPrefl having '- Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, eosts and expenses for grading Montana Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary Order......... 40363 — Intermediary Order .....44.876 .................... Final Order .......... 4..5.52i.` .__._....... approved May 2,....192Z ..........................A=........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITPURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....... _...... _........ _ ...............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 00T 1 7 199 Approved__._....__._ .............._......._...... Form B. B. 13 OCT 1`71923 Zlerk. layor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.._S@R.'�..0..._18�....1923, ...... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses forRt= grading Montana Ave, from Wkiite Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary Order44363................................._..., Intermediary Order..............44.a7a........................ ........ ...... .... ........, Final Order ........_45522 ............._._._............. ....__......., approved........_......-May.....2.,._...192.3.._.......__.,�GRxx........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......._ls_98�.°_25...... Cost of publishing notice $----------- 70_8Q Cost of postal cards $........................._.a..JF?..,.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $.._........_......$..J.e.Zl._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ........................7.= � Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.........2..,.0.4.2...]..?...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............ Rj,94 x_19.._.....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for )uch action!fhereon as may be considered proper. / Form B. B. 17 �� Commissioner of Finance. 49136 Council File No. ... ... ....... ...................... .......... . C. F. No. 49136— In the _.matter- of the, asssssment of h�•;, efit., ...t. and expenses for grad- - O ange -SL f om 'the 81ght-of O4 _, P'tae Sub ban .Elect Ic Rail - r Ruth Ave:, underPreliminary By ...... ...... _......................... ....... .......... ............_........_.__ m 48606. Intermed -ry, Order CITY OF ST. PAUL. ReSolUtion Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Orange Street from the Right-of-way of the Suburban Eleetrio Railway to Ruth Avenue, under Preliminary Order...... 443.5.06 Intermediary Order.......4...447?........... _...... Final Order..........4.504.1...__.-.-- approved ..... ........ ..Ap.r.11..11.,...... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITI E RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ........... .... ....... _....... ........ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. c -OCT- 1..7`:1923 Adoptedby the Council ....................... .................. _...._.._.._.._........:1,911............. .............. City Clerk. OCT Ta 1923 Approved..o_._._............. ._....... ...... .... ................--....... .... ....191......._ \� �4 ��"mss,:.- .,_. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT, OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT S_e.&t.o...... 1B.¢..1823........... ._.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for dkIz grading Orange Street from the Right-of-way of the Suburban Electric Railway to Ruth Avenue, under Preliminary Order ................43506.-- .......... _................_.., Intermediary Order .................. A.17.2._ ......... ............... .............. ........ Final Order .........._45041approved......_.._PB19.23........ j&9X.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.._.2..,.553.x44........ Cost of publishing notice $ -- ..............6_45.... Cost of postal cards................_1..._29._.-,,,,, Inspection fees - - _ - - - - - - _ $....__........_5.1.,_07....... Amount of courtcosts for confirmation - - - - 6.45 Total expenditures $--2.,.fi1&x 7.0....-. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the Am of $ ............ cZ.s_C?18n_7�...:............._.......upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such acti n hereon as may be considered proper Form B. B. 17 / / Commissioner of Finance. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Orange St. from White Bear Ave. to the Right -of -Way of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway, Van Dyke Ave, from Orange St, to Hawthorne St. and Hazel Ave, from Orange St, to Hawthorne St„ under Preliminary Order........... a99........, Intermediary Order ....4.2.013 ..................... Final Order ............. 42442_.__. approved ..............00.t.a.....2 .,.....192..2. ........ _=X........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT/FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_............_........ /........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 0 OCT 1 71 Approved _ ..... ............... .... ...... ..... ..__. Form B. B. 18 Clerk. 9ayor. "?3 Council File No P. No. 49f37— - .c. --------............. -'—'- . In the matter of the assessment of benefits."costs and expenses for grad- Ing Orange St. from White Bear Ave. ' ' to the Right-of-way of the Minn.- By............... spoils and St. -Paul Suburban Rail. Vaa DYke Prom ... ........ ................ ..... ............... _............ waY. Ave:: Orangn St. to Hawthorne St.: and Hazel Ave. from Ors— ^.:+i_i HawShorne St.; under � . Ser 41399, 1 ' -. — - Pinal'Order ' CITY OF ST. 1922, PAUL. ! hFen^ had - Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Orange St. from White Bear Ave. to the Right -of -Way of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway, Van Dyke Ave, from Orange St, to Hawthorne St. and Hazel Ave, from Orange St, to Hawthorne St„ under Preliminary Order........... a99........, Intermediary Order ....4.2.013 ..................... Final Order ............. 42442_.__. approved ..............00.t.a.....2 .,.....192..2. ........ _=X........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT/FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_............_........ /........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 0 OCT 1 71 Approved _ ..... ............... .... ...... ..... ..__. Form B. B. 18 Clerk. 9ayor. "?3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT �tRkx- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tbMC grading Orange St. from White Bear Ave. to the Right -o£ -qday of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railway, Van Dyke Ave. from Orange St, to Hawthorne St, and Hazel Ave. from Orange St. to Hawthorne St„ under Preliminary Order _........._4.15.9.. ..... -- ...... ............ _...__.. Intermediary Order_..........4ZQ13....... -.... .._................. .- ..... ---.._.. Final Order......._...42.442........... ................ -.................... approved ............0.4-t....._.2i1.,......1922............Xk!c&..._...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - Ment, viz: - Cost of construction $..._4_, Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ..................11.55......... Cost of postal cards $......_ ............._2.,_3.1......._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $........................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $........... _..._11.,_55.,,.,..._ Total expenditures $.....5.,124.,3.9.... -.- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .... ............ `J:_1cZ4.,_39.................. _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actyoty,thereon as maybe considered proper. / __.................. I ....... ._..._..------------ .... _. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. i Council File No . ...................................... _.._...... C. F. No. 491U -f �9 In the matter of the assessment of i ' benefits, eoets and- expenses for grad- ing St. Catherine Ave:, from Cleve- land Aver to the Mississippi RSver de By ...... . 444982. In ermediary Ordern 4513oulevard. under 453,,rFi- nal -Order 46161,-appteved July 9, 1923: ^9 PUhl, . .. .en hid . CITY OF ST. PAUL. " Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading St. Catherine Ave, from Cleveland Ave. to the Mississippi River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order.__...... 44982.._...,., Intermediary Order.._4..w5.4.5,.'rj........... _.... .._, Final Order.........4fi1.51.._._...._. approved --- .J.illy._.Sy.....19.pz............ _._.. }17C........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby or ered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT I HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........................_..... i! .... _....... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT q 71923 Adontcil by the Council ...__......:_........_ ............................_.......__._........191.......__.. OCT f 71923 Approved...... .................. ......._............................ ............... 191......... corm B. B. I9 I � 6 PUBLISHED a__- Z�'z 3 Clerk. 4ayor.' CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF, COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, co Sts and expenses for An grading St. Catherine Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to the Mississippi River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order ............ _....... 44.9.!2............. ........... -.., Intermediary Order _......45-153..._....._.......-..._..:................-._ .... , Final Order .................. .1 .1........................................'., approved._J111.y.....9..D.._19.23............. ............ Xk4GS........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...........1.0.,.943...0.0 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $--.-.--- ............. 14.0'10 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $........_ ....................2..82 Inspection fees - _ 218086 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - 14.10 Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.........11,1.9288 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$-.................._ll,,_192.q_88_..._.._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed ' benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance, with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actioTt4ereon as may be considered proper. `.............../..SC/...._,........................................ .... ................... _ _....................... Form s. s. 17Commissioner of Finance. M4 - Council Council File No. '9139 • C. F. No. 49139 By"" """""""""""" """'--""'"" beneRts, costa and expenses for grad- ......... ing Sheldon Ave from Hoyt Ave. to the south 11 e P H B Ha son`s Ad- ditlon; under Yrellminary. -Order .ztLIM I termedlary Order nn :'1., CITY OF ST. PAUL. or:rnr 48181. _._ �_--.' Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Sheldon Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to the south line of H. B. Hanson's Addition, under Preliminary Order .......... 4 9.._...... Intermediary Order........_44589............... Final Order..............45181 approved ........ fiPX..a....._8.a.......23.............._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ..................... installments as to each ,and, every parcel of land described therein. AdoptedQby the Council .......... PC! ...I...7..1923 .............. ............ 91............. � ........ -ACily Clerk. Approved ......_._Oe7...1_.7 1923 .............................191......... �vV �_ .Si Mayor. /_.__............_..._........._.._,....... _...... _. Form B. B. 18Funism,Dib 02 V CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLE1TION OF ASSESSMENT Set._18R-1923.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for.aftid grading Sheldon Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to the south line of H. B. Hanson's Addition, under Preliminary Order .........4144589 _................................... Intermediary Order.................................................................... _.............. ... Final Order ........__4.518.1....._..._....._. ..............___....., approved ......_._.._.........A.pr11.._18,.192a 69F1x.._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $-'3-95x-00------ Cost of publishing notice $-----'off Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -.................... Inspection Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$........... .�v-...o._15.................... Total expenditures - - . $...410e.8.5 ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_4.10.,985.....................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such acti n thereon as may be considered proper. ..._.._�'......_1.......... ... ......_..........._.......... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ci Council File No. No. 49140— By _... ._ _ ..._. ... .__ . _.. ..... ...... _...._._ I In the -matter oY -the assessment of beneghlelds tAve.afrom SnellinggA e. �•rce-St., under PreltminaryOr- „i„ Intermediary Order.44296.. ,ir- , -der 44807,. approved March CITY OF ST. PAUL."'e -^Wing havh� sen hqa Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Shields Ave, from Snelling Ave, to Pierce St., under Preliminary Order....... 4.2358 ............ Intermediary Order ..........44296 .............. Final Order....... 44807 approved _.......MarC.b_..2.9..,.....19.23_.......a=8......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further, considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT11 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...... .............. F._v............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 0 007 1 71923 Adoptedby the Council ...................................... _.... ..................... ................. 191............. ..................... 1. ..... _.... ........ ...................... ................... ity Clerk. OUT 71423 , Approved ...... _... ._ __ _....._ ._................ 191......._ Form B. B. 16 `��� ��� �"' �. RUBf.ISmD/® 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REP®RT OF COMPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT ....J.5.1 _192.3 xSKx_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t grading Shields Ave, from Snelling Ave, to Pierce St„ under Preliminary Order ........................ -..12358 ........... .............. . Intermediary Order..__......_... ........._...... ._........ . Final Order ... ....... ...._44807............... ........ ......_..........., approved ..........._Blar.c.h...2.9... ..... 1923-......, ialx......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - $.................. Cost of postal cards - - - - - $..........._ ............... ,.48._.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $. 4-2.5.6 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$... ............ ......_g.•.40....... Total expenditures . - $_..._z..,.� 7.rJ_a8....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........2.y.175.0$4.......- ....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action tEjereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner Of Finance. Council File No. 4914-1 C. F. No. 49141- aeaesement ..... ..............................._........... _._......... matter. of. the By ......._...._.In the beaeHts, coefeand expenses Yer. grad= InG Vand St. Yrom Park Ave. frost. t. V111—d St. 'Taryland St., under Preliminary r t 43821, Iatermedlary. .Order CITY OF ST. PAUL: finalOrder45179, approved Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Villard Street from Rice Street to Park Avenue, and Park Avenue from Villard Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order..............43821-...._. Intermediary Order .....445.87..................., Final Order..........451 Z9_.__...._. approved ....._AR i1..__18J.....1923.............�KX........ A public hearing having beenad upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT WRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......._ ......... _.....-_._..._...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council OCT 171 Approved._..._ ......... ._.......... ......._....__.. Form B. B. 13 /0 �i7BY ISF1M I a V Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for Dbn grading Villard Street from Rice Street to Park Avenue, and Park Avenue from Villard Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order ... ..............4..8.2.1................. .............. _... Intermediary Order ................. 44.5$rl......._.............. ............... ........... Final Order ...._.- ........ 4.b.17.9 .......... ............____ _..___..., approved................April .._18.. ..... 192.3...., f=.._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $....._?.s_034.�_e...0....... Cost of publishing notice $............._........'v.e45.__.._. Cost of postal cards $ ... ......... ........... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $..-..._........_40-.70.._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_ .. ......... Total expenditures - - - - - - $---2,-Q'J.° Q. - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.....?.R 083_.._09_ ....... ..... .................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. J a Council File No. 4q1'42 By ..................................................... .... ................ ..........__._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Woodlawn Ave. from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, C. F. No. 49142— In the matter of the assessment ..of I beneato, coats and expenses for grad Woodlawn Ave. from er -Randolph St. to SeCereo Ave:, undPrelim !nary Order. 31999, Intermediary Or- der 3l.e^ al Order 33038, ap- p 922. been had under Preliminary Order.3.19.99............. .... Intermediary Order §959Q . ................. Final Order............_33038 approved .......... sS,.e._pts..o...._!5.a.....in? .......WR........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally 7tisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEIT DU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................. ...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7 1923 Adopted by the Council ............................ ......_._..._.._............... I ... ..._...... 1..191............. Approved ...... _......... _.,:(T t 7 .................... Form 13. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF comPLETI®N OF ASSESSMENT _Se.pt...._.Zf3.,._.1923.._, mac_.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tjnc grading Woodlawn Ave. from Randolph Street to Jefferson avenue, under Preliminary Order...............3.19.99............ ....................... _.. Intermediary Order .............. 2590.. ....... .... ........ ............... ......... .. , Final Order ......3.343.8 .............._.._....__...__...._.___...., approved ......__Se..pt-..._..2.6..,....19,22..........., itX.._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection w;.th the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $....__3,_242>-00...... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-.---..... --7.a.J'.Q ..- Cost of postal cards $....................... .10.54.-.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...._ .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $. 7-50 - Total expenditures $....._.3.,.323..34...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...........T ...........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed for such actio6 thereon as may be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council 1 / ii Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Flnanpe. Council File No.. .. ..... -1 43 i 0.. F. No. 49143— . 1 I' the' matter oY the assessment of benefits, costs.and,exDDensee'fozfsr- nlshing and inatai... a service ilghting system -const sg �Y lamp By............._..............._......_......_.......................................... �' posts and ]amps _:.r.... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing a service lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system, on University Ave. from Park Ave. to Rice St., •1 under Preliminary Order....443.58................. Intermediary Order ...'1;x.$$5...................., Final Order .............1551.9-- approved 551.9— . approved _...May..2,._...1fl2y3.......... ......... ...... Afix........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLG/ED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FJdRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................. _.j ......... ................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council OCT 1 7 1 Approved..... ........... _.... _........... ...... ___. Form B. B. 13 -'—) /y OCT 1 7 1923 Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHED% d -3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMPLET'I®N OF ASSESSMENT $E.pt<....1s.,...J.a23..._...,x�lt,....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for th% furnishing and installing a service lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on University eve, from Park Ave. to Rice Ste, under Preliminary Order ..............._4.X43.5.8 ........ _...... ..............._..., Intermediary Order ..............._448...................... ............ ............ ..., 45519 Final Order.....__._._......................................_.........__._......., approved.._._..._Ma.y._..2.,.__.19.23.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice $....-...... ......... Cost of postal cards Ll $.._._.._... ...... ......A.3.4....._. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$..._ .............4.6.<.9fi......... Amount of court costs for confirmation $......................� o -5.Q........ Total expenditures $...._2.,398.,_2F)......... 2 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............2.,3.98. 26....._...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with I benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tifi d by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such acyiorjthereon as may be considered proper. corm B. B. 17 / Commissioner. of Finance. V !Vl Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Belvidere Ave. from Oakdale Ave. to a point 135 ft, west of Harvard St., C. F. No. 49144 u In the matter P the assessment of 'heneflts, costs. and eapenses Lor on- trading a ewer: on Belvdiere. Ave. Yrom Oakdale Ave. to a point 136 -{�=�eat oY,Harvard St.. -under Pre - Order 45082, Intermedlary under Preliminary Order...... 45082,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Intermediary Order ........_45706_ ... _,.,,.,.,, Final Order....._464gQ.....__.__. approved June..... 14k,....-1923................_.._....7SLx...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 0 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....... _....... j_®.__....._......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ............ T.._�...7._192_1 ........................... ig1............. �7 j ..... ............................. ._.........._Py.G�t �'rYClerk. OCT 1 71923 Approved_...._..._...._........ _._._......_...... _.. .... .... ............. .191_....._ l_./_......._....._ ..... _......... ::._..... i............_......_......._.__8j._,00l lMayor. Form B. B. 18' Pi1BLIgi %b2— 03 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ®F COMPL,ETI®N OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for th= constructing a sewer on Belvidere Ave. from Oakdale Ave. to a point 135 feet west of Harvard St., under Preliminary Order ................4.ra.Q.................................... Intermediary Order ......_457.Qfi.............. .._....................-......... .......... Final Order..._...__4fi4.Q.Q._..____..........._.._...._._..._... approved..._.._ JtMe.....14.,.._..1923...._.._., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of.the above improve- ment' viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $_._1,.4.SS....09._._.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $---------- 0. .7....... 2---� Cost of postal cards - - - - - - $_._ ..........................54......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $............_._.2.9.-_7.6......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ......................2...7.0........ Total expenditures $.....1.,..523......0........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...... ........_l,_523 a 70 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof,is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for\,such action4hereon as may be considered proper. Form R B. 17 G i� ��ommissioner of Finance. Council File No. x'9145 By...... ..... ..... ......_........ ..... ......--- .._......_...._--------- .--------- _ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Berkeley Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Josephine St., b. F. No, 11146 In the matter of the assessment of i benefits, costs and expenses forcon- sewer on. Berkeley.. Ave. etructtng from Fairview Ave., to Josyphine-8t., under. Preliminary: Order 44649, In medior, Order 44888, 1923. Order ` T pproved May 2, 3923.:- ttiblto hearing-!:avirr n^on had asseesm' • ' under Preliminary Order......_ 44649 .......... ., Intermediary Order _44886 .............. _,,,,., Final Order....... 45517.___.__,., approved __ --..` .x._._1923 ................... 2� 0 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Tat the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orderetd to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... _....... ...... _..... equal installments, as to each and every parcel of land described therein. nev 1 7 1923 Adopted by the Council APS S. Approved......_ ............. ........_.._::........_... Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHED 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tM constructing a sewer on Berkeley Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Josephine St., under Preliminary Order ... _14.6.49 .................. .... ............. ...._.., Intermediary Order ............. 44W ........... ..._............... .............. ....... Final Order ..... -A.55.17__ ................., approved._ _......Mag....2y......1.923_...............XzDlbm ....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction 00... Cost of publishing notice $- _...-.......... - Cost of postal cards - $_ ...................._.......4c2...... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ ....................22.°.6.0...... Amount of court costs for confirmation $.......... ............... ` -...1Q...... Total expenditures �1 $........1,.1.5.7.a.22....- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......11.115.7-2.2--_ .. ......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actiow thereon as may be considered proper. />�__ __............___ ..............._..................... Form B. B. 14 'Commissioner of Finance. V Council File No. By.._ ............. _.._....._.......................---.........__.....__ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the --assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Earl St. from Jessamine St. to a point 50 feet north of Magnolia St„ I'o4eB346— m tir esa of the nsaent.of ,its, co tv and: eospevaea Yor.. on- �•Hng aabler' Earl, St. from e St.to under. 60 -feet ' *aSn_as9 SL.. 11a"_ " under Preliminary Order..........4525B- Intermediary Order _.45.70 ..... . .. . ...... . Final Order --.4-63-0 .... . ..... .. approved....q_Jude... 14.x....1923„-....-__..._XXl{X_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- , ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......... ............ [v_.. .......... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved ....._...._....Q.(_._t.7A9. Form E. B. 1S ////t\► _ V Clerk. Mayor. wmLISfiblg / b - q % 9 J CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'DEPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept..>......18-P.--..182.3...., j=__ Inthe matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tMX constructing a Sevier on Earl St. from Jessamine St. to a point 50 feet north of 14agnolia St., under Preliminary Order ...........................45259.......................... Intermediary Order.........CUD? ._....... _............ ....... ................ -..... .., Final Order .............. ._4.£.3.8.3 .................._............__...., approved ........._..June.-..14.,_...192.3_..__.._x1NX.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $....._74_Q,.55_ .............. Cost of publishing notice $----- ..... 1 05 Cost of postal cards $.. ........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..._......14 81 .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $........ ....... 1.4.05............._. Total expenditures $---7.57.,.67.......--- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............. '7.5.'7.e-57.................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. C. F. No 49147-- - — 49147 Council File No......... .. _......... _....... 1. the -matter of '.the asaeesment of Lane An ca sewer. xpea0 ...r con 3^t L.Ing i sewer. on., Eleanor d`) . •k: point 26 -feet east •�oY Synd1- %T 1181. to-EGr16ge 9t.^.and ona- B - - ql 3t. from. Eleanor $I. Yo $chef: y............_......._...........................................................__... ..m'water in h d iinll��" in �" ._i CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Eleanor St, from a point 25 feet east of Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St, and on Griggs St, from Eleanor St. to Schaffer St., storm water to be excluded from these sewers until an adequate outlet for same has been constructed, under Prelimainary Order ............ Intermediary Order _4.50.7.5 ...................... Final Order.............. d approvedIQ,,..... .a..9.` .................... ----..p WMX ...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FYRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......_......._._.._. ....... _...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......_ PT...! % 1923 191 Clerk. Approved .......... 1423 ....... ............. _.... 191 6h-6tiG�- / $ / . n..s� r Mor. Lir......_......�—............._..../......_.........................� ...#,.�.. a Y fUBLISHED 16 -�2 0`� 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /� �j 'DEPORT' ®F' COMPLETION ®F' ASSESSMENT S@.p.t.... 1C§tk._..- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forxtJIM constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from a point 25 feet east of Syndicate Ove, to Griggs St, and on Griggs St, from Eleanor St. to Scheffer St., storm water to be excluded from these sewers until an adequate outlet for same has been constructed, under Preliminary Order..................43.8..$4- ............................ _.. Intermediary Order ................. 45x075-........................._................, Final Order ..............._45721.._. ................ ...................... approved..............._ sy...._10...... ......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - s 2.,.2.01...0.0._ Cost of publishing notice $ .......................4.95 Cost of postal cards $._.._.._ ............... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $_._._.._......44.._08........ Amount of court costs for confirmation $........... ............ 4.,.95........ Total expenditures $ 2.,258..97. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....2.,.25.8. 97__............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action�thdreon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 G Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. By....... .............. ........ _.... ..... .... ....... ....................------..._._- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on orange St, from Forest St. to Cypress Stox In In t No. 49 tcthe matter8-. a the. -as m1.'m at of benefits, costs and expenses for con- structinga sewer.- on Orange `Street i.from Forest St. to. Cypress 9t:: un- der Preliminary Order, 44648: Inter- mediary Order 45002, 'Final Order 45719 - . �- -4 May S0,__1y"" under Preliminary Order ............... Intermediary Order .4_.5.092...................... Final Order ....._ 45719 approved ._._May_....1Q.,.....19.2.3 O A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT /.0 URRESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........_......_...------- - --- ....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT1 7.192$ Adopted by the Council _................... ..... :.......,.,.............. ............._..............1.191............. OCT 9 i Approved......_ ........ ............ ......._......_.... Form B. B. 18 A Clerk. Mayor. 1. r„ PIBLISFMD / 0 `.7 — `1� CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .-__SePt.......... ....... �.�23., In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ism constructing a sewer on Orange St. from Forest St. to Cypress St., under Preliminary Order ..__. 4.a........_... ............ .... ............. . Intermediary Order ............ ._45.O.Q2................ _...._.._.................. .... Final Order ................. ._4_J_7.19............................_........., approved....................... N1ay....1Q.,......1923...... Otk.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $....-......... - 230-0.0 ......... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $___ .................. _6.0. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..._._........4$022._...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--'3.-00 Total expenditures - - - - - - $_2,4650 -8.2 --- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$............................2,.46fie.82.........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actign thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. J Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Palace St. from Edgcumbe Road to a point Thirty (30) feet east of Griggs St-,--- --- C. F: No. 48148— in the matter of the assessment of and.eapeaaeaJoe. for eon- - w Il Roadr to -a PointtThirty e E Grtgga St. under at ' -aryeast Order46107. Intetmedi- Ar 46363. Flnal Order 46167. 6; 1923. -._ .. under Preliminary Order ......451Q_7 ........ ...... Intermediary Order .......... i536§- Final Order .......... Par ........ 0 approved ....._.duns.....6.,.....1223............ ......... $�l}i c.......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IrFHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............. ....._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. OCT 1 7. ...........191...... - Adopted by the Council .......__......._. _._........,_���-����-- -.• . . ...... ......................_.........----........_-c.T,--..[�ity Clerk. Approved Form B. B. 13 OCT 1 Mayor. PUBLISFIEIS e, - �2 7—,2,3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT SeP.t_s...._1$a_...s3....., G.Y._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Out constructing a sewer on Palace St, from Edgcumbe Road to a point thirty (30) feet east of Griggs St., under Preliminary Order .... ........_451M. .....- ................................. Intermediary Order.........4,53.63........ ..-................................. ......... ... Final Order46157....:........................................... approved ... ......... ...__-dune....-6.'......�.a.�c2........XF.�S......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $....._842_,60 ................ Cost of publishing notice $__ ........... 1_.-3.5 ................ Cost of postal cards $...___......._.0.27.__........... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $-......._16.065 ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ 1>.35 ................ Total expenditures $...._362..42 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.............8.6.2-42..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action h7eon as may be considered proper. 1 i Form a. B. 17 /Commissioner of Finance. In the Matter of..plant ing..and. prp t ~c.Lin..shade . i:rae a . on . bosh..s i ias ......... PX. AAbvxY. AxQ41.uv,..fx4lu.?".x¢llls�vt�.�!.v�13tt�.4v..Fair.. P�aAB........................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... 4734; .......... approved ..... JW4. 26� 1 23• • • • • • • • • • 0 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. R lak 4t, , kl;1 , , , , , , , , , , , prot2gt A4Tk4e„trge8.on,bot}},AlAo..Pf..ABT).W.Y.AYx11A@..zzRm............. Frankson ,4venue„yo,_Fair, Pjace,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..... ....................... .................................................. :......... .......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..13.4,76 . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 15 t11......day of t.QY.BIAIWT,........... 192. 31.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. !: ^` `Jq-2, ......1 192... .-�:�. �- Approved ........ (3f$.;� }gg� .192...... e City Clerk. ... . ....................... actl6t�¢'R Mayor. Councilmanu6anc3r Councilma&7erguson CouncilmanXeDonald PUBLISHED l U_ 6- a 3 Councilman XWWAvPeter Councilman Smith /.Sudheimer Councilman 0enzel Mayor I11 Wg4,,U1son 1/0 Form B. S. A. 8-6 -------------------- C F. No 49150— -' f+- .Ip the Natter of planting andi protect--��� Ing shade trees oa both Side. of As- bury -Avenue from FrnaksoR. AVS. to ty ' Fair"Plaee ` under (Preliminary-0rded 4734H approved�July 2Q 1923: �`ounci] of.the City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... IIN°II°EUMEDRAR Y ORDER In the Matter of..plant ing..and. prp t ~c.Lin..shade . i:rae a . on . bosh..s i ias ......... PX. AAbvxY. AxQ41.uv,..fx4lu.?".x¢llls�vt�.�!.v�13tt�.4v..Fair.. P�aAB........................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... 4734; .......... approved ..... JW4. 26� 1 23• • • • • • • • • • 0 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. R lak 4t, , kl;1 , , , , , , , , , , , prot2gt A4Tk4e„trge8.on,bot}},AlAo..Pf..ABT).W.Y.AYx11A@..zzRm............. Frankson ,4venue„yo,_Fair, Pjace,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..... ....................... .................................................. :......... .......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..13.4,76 . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 15 t11......day of t.QY.BIAIWT,........... 192. 31.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. !: ^` `Jq-2, ......1 192... .-�:�. �- Approved ........ (3f$.;� }gg� .192...... e City Clerk. ... . ....................... actl6t�¢'R Mayor. Councilmanu6anc3r Councilma&7erguson CouncilmanXeDonald PUBLISHED l U_ 6- a 3 Councilman XWWAvPeter Councilman Smith /.Sudheimer Councilman 0enzel Mayor I11 Wg4,,U1son 1/0 Form B. S. A. 8-6 NATION .PWOV1 ll@ES®H•111Tll®N OF ®671VCIIL APIIn taeIPo prlatng i Creelq P r, under ? der 46886 aDDToved ln�v TIME OF HEARING IN C( Thg COm�2� ort IP for [nktag 4 a;,m°i .4 or I AND FIXING ly 6, 1923, In-.. L9, -.approved• inanca having'������o fe',aa K n_ nmonn°o awarded Yo [he: taRing of the land or k ensemegte 7.(tEre(n-aDinroDrinted for the hove to Drovement d [o- whom paY- aa11;ssee a nolf benefltnlgopropertt.tydfrolme o of Bald ....... nt. � b - mhat the �sa1d eseesment � ._ ^�d�the some ie herebYi In the matter of..9.S?.u.%.elGAl-I).{�aSeiba.i1E;....t?Zis2._&Rl%.rQ}];,.:�t;.xS.ug--.l-d..iax .............................. Battle Creek Park, ........................_....---....._...... .........._.._.........................._...._........-..- .....-............... ...-..-.-.. - .... .-.-......-.--...-. --- -- .. . ............. .... .._-_...... - ....--------------------------- ---------- under Preliminary Order.4'bb ...---- .6.M-..6-.......... approved ...Jal-y__L19,2j-.-- Intermediary Order. ..47L6?S-....--, - approved...... AUi6 W_t...4-, 2,5.23 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...............11i.th....-........--day of ......... Iuovemuer,192j 1 at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be .............Mq is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. WT -t 7 19.2^3 Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------------- ............ .. 191..-..- „ C �- ity Clerk. OCT 1 71929 Approver..............---- ..-..........-...... _...... 1? ys Mayor. Councilman k'iili(655t<'€li Glancy Councilman)GDssK [Ferguson Councilman Ibjwdx ✓l1cDonalclld— 6x'13 Councilman $�� --Peter PUBLISI1EDI--- Councilman alt � Sudh e i tae r / Councilman 3kDbadiC164, en z e 1 Mayor R%Wliel son ------------------------------------------------ ------ ............_----------- - ---� COUNCIL FILE NO.._...___...._ nrrnovtvG ASSESSMENTS.491 52- C. F. No 49152= By................ ..... .......... ..... _........................ _ __...... ........ In the mutter of the assessment of henedts, .costa and expepnses Por CITY OF -nd'� rotecting .-.trees on :- P Sherburne Ave. tri,- .'Resolution ®f Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Cosh and expenses for pl:.inting and prote-,ting trees on both sides of Sherburne Avenue from Stellin; Avanue to Aldine Street, Charles Straet from Snelling Avanue to Airline St., and Edrvnd St. from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Straet, 0 under Preliminary Order ............. 37256 Intermediary Order_..................__....__..3.�..721.............._..._....._.._, Final Order.................3.6.7.W...._...................._._........., approved.....ARk...._._. The assessment of ............. 1J..eTa_w.f.l..ts..,..._C<z3S.s...and .....eX.aeils.ea................. .....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........]4--tly..........._.....day of VQ9.25........... 3iR1C....._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner cf Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...........0(+.T....}.-7.49-27�j..__._..^.._x...191.._.__._. _Q�...,---._IL...`..'...._.__....�:`_�_.'�.�z:..'...._`.�'City Clerk. OCT 1 7198 G Approved ...----'----'--.....CT 1 7 . ............. ...191......._ /�: -r- �� �sS %...4/.._....................................._.........._.._.�..... Mayor. Councilman 1E=mzt}t lanoy ✓Ferguson mawfiH ✓ Mo Donald KzIW ✓ Peter PUBLISID_OC 3 iE .. �61'eCoIF ✓fSt.:iaeimer �/' '1 Mayor Ir¢ppa(/f9 t , 3nri Form B. B. 16 T C F:`\ 49163—' �tl!� COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _....... ln�.�the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses .for con-- - structin�;``relaying; .,and repattins ' Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. -1;, By .............. ._.. ............................. ..._.................... . _• Contract 3651. Seasonof 1923. CITY A—ah1 , F.. p. 41M Ha d ster Ave south o jside.:.from $azel Ave.o Iron - I Resolution ®f �®��6� a ��Seve 44006 °� n� Assessme�sQ6o In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contract 3551, Season of 1923. -® ASSESSABLEm- F,0, 44007- Harvester P_ve.,south side, from Hazel Ave. to Iroquois Ave. F.O. 4LCC6- White Bear Ave., both sides, f rom Seventh St. to Minnehaha St. F,0, 43704- Sigel St., north and south sides, between Atlantic St. and the hest line of Johnson Parkway E. TLird St., north side, from Atlantic St. to Clarence St. F.0, 43535- Arcade St., both sines, from Ivy St, to Wheelock Parkway F. 0. 43560- Sims St., both sides, from 'Forest St:`to Earl St. F.0. 37325- Maryland St., south side, from Cypress St. to Earl St. F,0. 4 854- Hawthorne St., north side, from Earl St. to Forest St. F,0, 4509- bile St., west side, from Northern Pacific Bridge to Maryland St. Maryland St., south side, from Dale St. to Como Ave.North NON -ASSESSABLE-- F,0. 44007- Harvester Ave,, south side, from Hazel Ave. to Iroquois Ave. F.0, 44006 White Bear Ave., both sides, from Seventh St. to Minnehaha St. F,0. 43538- Arcade St., both sides, from Ivy St. to Wheelock Parkway F.O. 43560- Sims St., both sides, from Forest' St': to Earl St. F.O. 37325a Maryland St., south side, from Cypress St. to Earl St. F.O. 44 554- Hawthorne St., north side, from Earl St.to Forest St. . F.O. 4509- Dale St., ,vest side, from Northern Pacific Bridge to Maryland St. Maryland St., south side, from Dale St. to Como Ave. North, ..:..........y.vn.w.avuN.��wuw�w.Y.WL...uaL: uiGia.v..-.w+¢��w•w."¢u.......w..naocx..v_.ugw.aor-.suss-avwv.-ivio va tiiC [Jai ua:ulai owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 1 23 Adoptedby the Council........._................_......_.7 ...... 19 ........._........._.._._........,191._...._._. OCT 1 7 1923 Approved 191......._ Councilman ii mt1h0' lanCy s ✓Ferguson $4&YA "McDonald =,,k ✓ Peter .. ��'$Il ✓Suilheimer �` •• uiGxGs�/111er,zel Mayor VVih'xe i 3Ci Il Form B. B. 16 Clerk. PUBLISHED fib_: -51 3 i3C�a�3R7f%fd•6Y'........_.._........_..__........._...___.._._.........._._.. ItiEYiSifeB�a'r�dr AiQpuradr......_........_- ... .................... .._...._......... ............. _, 31131=4r'M17C............_.___._............__..._............._._._.._.............., ftk----.- The assessment of .......... U.enel'_t_3,_.__cy't—s.-F}i.d.....exp.aiiae8........_.___..__...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... ........... day of .............................. 19)': ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............. OCT 1 7 _........._._ ............... 1923 ........._.........__`;.1..191....._...... Clerk. - f OCT 1 71923 Approved............ _------- — - ._.._.._...._ ................191......_ Councilman ffXffkMM1WCIhnCy S ✓FerE�'uSOn (� �IVLM ✓McDonald PUBLISHED �b -O� � _ ff.&& /Pet r •. abll ✓Stluhaimer �` + •• rYixGs,�11[er,zel Mayor SrViti xeison Form B. B. 16 U f1r)7.p ... , nT'7r T TI [• 0 7, n.? Ttl j,5, -C. r 3, t^ -, "•0•..���p�r'`.Jl..f?F»_'13 rrn i. .. r•j:t _ 70 > _ .. T�IXTT Ar r� f t i i.T ocxl T 4' t u;. � .J' ).. _ • L I Pi to T _ L _ !� r :�• r} SQ�C- O u t I• n x p .n .. .. .j _• a--.. Tr r9 71. i3C�a�3R7f%fd•6Y'........_.._........_..__........._...___.._._.........._._.. ItiEYiSifeB�a'r�dr AiQpuradr......_........_- ... .................... .._...._......... ............. _, 31131=4r'M17C............_.___._............__..._............._._._.._.............., ftk----.- The assessment of .......... U.enel'_t_3,_.__cy't—s.-F}i.d.....exp.aiiae8........_.___..__...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..... ........... day of .............................. 19)': ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............. OCT 1 7 _........._._ ............... 1923 ........._.........__`;.1..191....._...... Clerk. - f OCT 1 71923 Approved............ _------- — - ._.._.._...._ ................191......_ Councilman ffXffkMM1WCIhnCy S ✓FerE�'uSOn (� �IVLM ✓McDonald PUBLISHED �b -O� � _ ff.&& /Pet r •. abll ✓Stluhaimer �` + •• rYixGs,�11[er,zel Mayor SrViti xeison Form B. B. 16 ftiBXiC�ife3'ili3ai�1c1R-fkdiet __..._ _. _ _ l+'GFCi4:fedta`Fy %gr6gr The assessment of .._.. ueIleZ l7c ,l, C_y-&.3 �uni l,__G.1',.;. d]_3 '3 ...............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. day of ✓ 19)_ )., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __ ........... OCT 1 7 _. 1923. /191..._. y _ ✓_� . .j. �City Clerk. 7 1923 f / i " OCT 1 J Approved............._._ ......................... _... _................................ ..19 1. �t............. ti,,..-...._.C......f`...:.._L".._y_. Mayor. Councilman f{dt;Gm%otth/Cii .IiC}r '• liars �N dr�i?30It ✓ }sj3an� ✓ti`CDO�;F:_d PUBLISREDl® iGeR& ✓ Peter SII,✓S`L.nair.er • • W4,�;8gi;;Sf�/lY er; 2 e 1 Mayor &Vitt 1,3 i 3u 11 Form B. B. 16 . - a ftiBXiC�ife3'ili3ai�1c1R-fkdiet __..._ _. _ _ l+'GFCi4:fedta`Fy %gr6gr The assessment of .._.. ueIleZ l7c ,l, C_y-&.3 �uni l,__G.1',.;. d]_3 '3 ...............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. day of ✓ 19)_ )., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __ ........... OCT 1 7 _. 1923. /191..._. y _ ✓_� . .j. �City Clerk. 7 1923 f / i " OCT 1 J Approved............._._ ......................... _... _................................ ..19 1. �t............. ti,,..-...._.C......f`...:.._L".._y_. Mayor. Councilman f{dt;Gm%otth/Cii .IiC}r '• liars �N dr�i?30It ✓ }sj3an� ✓ti`CDO�;F:_d PUBLISREDl® iGeR& ✓ Peter SII,✓S`L.nair.er • • W4,�;8gi;;Sf�/lY er; 2 e 1 Mayor &Vitt 1,3 i 3u 11 Form B. B. 16 Fim business :4s ,r";n �;-c2 c� a �� ^-u m om - With the stF-.3--d =.dame, CE 2. iae rob of racm-_,,_.,r- =z v as z by the ttm as 5. 52--e 3astJgeicc J it Will be ti=C` _"� �:.a=� ZZI-- 1da=�. m