05-1146COUNCIL FILE #: ��� „y� GREEN SHEET #: 3028722 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION SAINT PAiIL, MINNESOTA Committee Date: �� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation, in conjunction with Wells Fargo, Capital City Partnership, and the City of Saint Paul Marketing Office will operate the Wells Fazgo WinterSkate ice rink at Landmark Plaza from November 10, 2005 through February 10, 2006; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will receive $2,500 from Capital City Partnership, and a transfer of $15,000 from the General Fund, Hotel/Motel Tax, to be used towards the operation of the rink; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation proposes that additional revenues will be raised through skate rentals, concessions, and an on-site donation box; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation wishes to establish a financing and spending plan which would allow us to operate the Wells Fargo WinterSkate rink; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $29,350 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2005 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 325- Parks & Recreation Special Services Fund 23141 - City-wide Special Events 5499 - Rentals - NOC 5501 - Food Sales 6905 - Contributions and Outside Donations 6927 - Other Agency Share of Costs 7299 - Transfer from General Fund SPENDING PLAN: 325- Parks & Recreation Special Services Fund 23141 - CiTy-wide Special Events 0131 - Certified - Temporary/Seasonal 0228 - Telephones - Cellular 0242 - Printing - River Print 0315 - Janitorial Supplies 0356 - Safety Supplies 0368 - Office Supplies 0385 - Food Service Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0533 - Materials for Resale CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,950 5,950 0 900 900 0 2,500 2,500 25,000 15,000 4�,000 25,000 29,350 54,350 0 23000 23,000 0 l75 175 0 25 25 0 100 100 0 100 100 0 100 100 0 100 ]00 0 2750 2,750 0 3,000 3,000 0 29,350 29,350 '05 Wells Fargo WinteBkate Resolution.xls Page: 1 of 2 COLJNCIL FILE #: � � b� � �p GREEN SHEET #: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 43 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 44 2005 budget. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: /�, �� ajJ)� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by I�}(yc�i': Date: � Division of Parks and Recreation By: f � Approval Recommended by Finan ' 1 Services Director: � By: -- Form Approved by City Attorney BY� ��i�2P,l�- � � � �. ��� App�ved by M� bmission to Council '05 Wells Faigo WinterSkate Resolution.xls Page: 2 of 2 � Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � , PR — Parks and Recreation Contad Person 8 Phone: �nce Gillespie 266-6408 Must Be on Councif Aaen �� ����p Date Initiated: 07-NOVA5 l. Green Sheet NO: 3028722 ■�► Assign Number For Routing Order 0 �arks and Recrea[ion ��,,� f � ' 1 arks and Recreadon � Deoartme t Director �/�)�l`� p; 2 'nancial Services I OfTice Finant al Servi � � 3 iN Attomev Ciri Attornev I � S'/I ' 4 avor'sOffce Mavor/ASSistant �Z l ' 5 ouocil � Ciri Cooncil i 6 'iCiN Clerk i Citv Clerk � 7 ,Tarks aud Recreafioo Vince Giliesoie ; Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) . '�, Action Requested: Approval of the attached budget resoluuon authorizing additions to the financing and spending plans in the 2005 City-wide Special I Events acrivity for the operarion of the Wells Fazgo WinterSkate ice rink at Landmazk Plaza. rcecommendauons: approve (n) or tze7ea (rc): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission A S��+FF Cost/Revenue Budgeted: nJ !--- I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why); Pazks and Recreation requests to adjust the finazicing and spending plans to reflect the additional revenues from Capatal Ciry j Partnership, a general fund transfer and from the operation of the rink. i ; Advantapes If Approved: � , The Parks and Recreation City-wide Special Events activity will more accurately reflect the activity that will occur in 2005 for the ; operation of the Wells Fargo WinterSkate ice rink. � � �����`�� � �I Disadvan[ages If Approved: None N a?� 4 ^ 2Q05 ! "' . !, Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Ciry-wide Special Events activity will not uiaiutaiu sufficient spending authority in the 2005 budget. Total Amount of �29r350 Transaction: Fundtnq source: General Fund Financiallnformation: Transfer,contribuYions �exp�ain� and other. PQ150Ik11 SBIYICe GO(IU'dC[5 MUSt AfI5w0!'tU0 [ (2uE5tlOn5: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciiy employee? Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d aftach to green sheet Activity Number: 325-23141 i � . �er�°sa �^�ee�=r��^ z. [! L' � Fd � LQU:J , , , ' � ' ,' , , ' + , ' I I ' , ' , ' ' ' ' , , , , � � � ' , , ,,. RO G O UTII3 RDER: , � „ Below are coxrect rou6ngs for the siz most fre,quent types'of doc�ents" '' , „ CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget ezasts) , COLFNCIL RESOLUTIQN (amend hudgets/accept gantc), 1. O�itssideAS��Y , 1 DepaitmentDirector . 2. Dep'artmentDiiector' , 2 O�ceofF`wancialServicesDirec'tor, , ' 3. .CityAttomey ' 3. CityAttocney'. � M�3` ' � � _�d � a.a.rfAe 'ctn..t ff � nntrnrt ' . . � � � , ' , � --,�--� a�.e[.$25000'� ' '4 �/' stentt�,, . 5. Auman 12ighYs (for contracts ova $50,000) � 5. Ci p Gouaci7 ` ' � ��� �� � � � � � i � � 6., �ceo€fiinenecat�Services-Accounting � ' 6. O�ceo€F�n�cial'Secvices,�-�Acco�mting � ADMII3ISTRATLVE ORDII2S (BudSet Revision) COI323CII: RES,OLi71TON (all othe�s �d Ordinances) ' ' 2: Activitylvl�agerorDepactmenYAccouni�t' I.;Depaz�entDirector " � � � '2. 'srtmenYl7irector � � � � � - � � , � � Dep, _ 2. C't�'p:ttome9 � 3. Office ofFm�cial Services ➢irector, � � �. °3vfayorlt§ssistant , � � � � � � 4., City Clerk , ¢. City Cofficit ' -, � 5. Offxce ofFin�cisl Sernices - Accoimtiug „ � , � AD� ', ' STiYATTVE.ORDEELS (alt otfiees) - � � � � �YEEC,CTLIVE �p�2I3ER � ' , � � , � 1. DepartmentDirector' ' ' � � � r 1 De�aitm�fDseGtar � � � � 2. CiL3`Att°rneYr' r ", 2 GLy.AtYOmep , , 3_ �ceofFrneudialSeraicesDi�ector� � ���3 Ma3•or/d•n � � �� „ 4. � ,Citg Cterlc' „ � � � , � 4. Cit�+ Glerlc ' , � , � , . �dTAL NLJMBER OF SIGNAT[TRE PACsES „ „ , . ., InBicate the'# of on `ch w}u si' are and erch or ^ each o � P� 8�a�� ,�� P�P, , P ��$ , f tliese pages: ACITON,REQiJESTED , _ � Desciibewhatthe, ,pm�ecUreguestseel:stoeccomglishaue�thenchconotagieatoe�erororderof�mpoLf�� wluche�erts , most'appropriate�for�the�issue.,DonoYu�r�teqompletesentences� Be�eaehiYem�in�yo�listcaitlia'�ve�b.� � � � � � � , �RECOMNIEL3DtITIONS � � � �� � Complete ifthe issue in quesfion}�as been pzesented before azry bod}; p'ublic oi pnvate " � PERS,ONAE.�SERVICECONTR°ACTS: � � � � Tliis informstioa iviU be used to drterm-. the city's liabilifyfor workers 'oompensatio'n daims, taees ana ProPa ac+�' ' seivieetunnginles. , INTiTATINGPRQBLEM;ISSUE; OFPQRT[JNITY � Explain'thc situation or conditions that created a need`foryoiu pruject or request „ „ , . � � � ' ADVANTAGES}FAPPROVED " ., , �ndicatewhethertivsissimply,�annualTiud&etP?ocedvreZe4�is�bYlaw/chazterorwhetherthereazespecificwaysm ' _ � � whi'dtSfieCityof;SaintPaul�auditscit¢enswillbeaefitfromthis,Prolectfactioa I7IS:4IJVANTt�GES IF APPR0�7ID , ' � , Whatnegahve,e$ectsormajor'c}�gestd,eaashngorpastpFOCessesmigLtthisProl�re4�Produceifrtispassed � � � �� , tax �ea�s or sssessmenfs ? To�whom Wi��' c�lnow'l�ong7 ,"� � ' . � (e-8-, kaffic deIays;,ao�se, } ? F . , DFSADVANPAGiES IF NOT APPRdVED � � � � i � � �� ��,� �' � ' � � � �� � � Wfist wilf be the n� conseqaences if tfie promised acfion u approv � � egahve ' " not� ed? Inab 'tytodeT�verservice4 Conhnue �� � � � , 'gh�affic,noise, d�trate? � � �� � � � — FINANCIAL31bIPACT ' Altlioughyonmustfail�therofo2mafi�youpmvidehereYoYlieissneyorx,are;addressin&,,in%e¢eralyc�x'mustanswer , ' . , '„ two�,c�ueshons:Howmac&is�it,gawgto`bost7 Who�s��gomgto�pay`l' � � � � � � ' � � ,' � � � � � � � . � � � � � , . . � � � ;' � � � . , � ., ,. i . , , ��'J� .. r .�_, li �., �i �irl � I.�����i. o i . �i 1^.�r� ' ..,� �