46765-47219_07-18-1923_07-21-1923�d6 a 02 a Y r S Y o m � °o 620'00 Y6ti • pAN l A%\ rV \ s� 2 1tlYH0 1531 H01101053tl Ad000tl01W SOMINVIS d0 w3ws 1VNOIIVN 9•TI �•TIIIII �,Z•iIIII o z "a 'i 1• I VIII Z�zlllll s��lp;1, �;� Szlllll a Zllil� p,i VIII 3 Ron) -.a a 40>yy � & 4 as°tea �� �i �d6 a 02 a Y r S Y o m � °o 620'00 Y6ti • pAN l A%\ rV \ s� 2 1tlYH0 1531 H01101053tl Ad000tl01W SOMINVIS d0 w3ws 1VNOIIVN 9•TI �•TIIIII �,Z•iIIII o z "a 'i 1• I VIII Z�zlllll s��lp;1, �;� Szlllll a Zllil� p,i VIII 3 Ron) -.a a 40>yy � & 4 as°tea �� i START Serial No, of Roll Q.I" ii Department Ci% Cl" k Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed $-90-66 If limited) Date 1.,icrofilm C014TENTS Number or name of first document of regular contents CF 1�66-sj C,,- a ° By Operator 4 Operator r By Supervisor W a y�sF Q> C. E. No. Ordinance No. r An ordinance approving the priject of acquiring that re* estate known as Lots 1 to 24, Block 5, Lorena Park, Plat 2;_St. Paul, according to the plat ti:creof on file and of re cord in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County; Minnesotaor further described as that tract bounded by Rose, Fauquier,, or and Clarence Streets, as a site for the New J/ Deane School, ordering the acquisition of the same by purchase or condemnation and providing funds therefor. C, THE COU �IL OF TH , CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: C. F. No. 46. Fe Ordinance. No. 6100 • By L. S. Ferguson— / Inti nn l_ An ordinance appronua .••� •�,��• .. ---- -- acquiring that rust estate known as Lots 1 to 24, Block 6, Lorena Park, Plat 2, St. Paul, according to the plat Education having reported t0 the tnereof o die sad of rend in the Block r7 Counci Rice of [he Register of Deeds of known as Lots 1 to 24, , Ramsey county, Minnesota, or fur- 1 according to the plat thereof Loren ther P sc11 1 ribed as that tract bounded f on-fi� br Rosa, Fauquler, Aetna and clnr- office of the Register of Deeds ence Streets. as a site for Che New of ,Ran ° line Sc ool,he s ordering' thee by eq.1- or further described as , that' tract boM& c-ndcmnation and providing funasietna and Clarence Streets, is re therefor. quires e poses, and that the estimated value The Counci] of the City of St. Paul theree does ordain: ouaand 010,000.00) Dollars, and a the CS �11&'t--lavirg certified that there is money available in the City for the acquisition of said lots, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for school purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Committee on -Lands. consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and the Commissioner of :Education, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a rbasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council herep'y orders and * dirpots that condemnation proceedings be institu ed under the 4 provisions .of the Charter of! the City to 'secure sat -d land. and that the cost and expense of ac4uiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the 3,000,000,00 School Bond Fund appropriated for Real Estate, and so much of said funda•as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose„ / Section 2. §' This ordinance shall take effect and be.in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Ye,as Councilmen Nays Clancy ✓ Matabn Adopted by the Council Peter 1923 Wenzel 1923 Air. Yioe Pree. Fergueoa 1923 Atiprove - Attest _--dog I 0 T01THE HONORABLE THs, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: a s Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby reports that he re- quires the following described real estate as a site for the new Deane School: Lots 1 to 24, Block b Lorena Park, Plat 2, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and o2.record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, or further described as that tract bounded by Ross, Faucuier, Aetna and Clarence Sts. That the estimated cost of acquiring said land is the sum of Ten Mousand (p10,0700.00)Dollar&; that this estimated price inAudes the'oost,of all P buildings on the property which will be'condemned and sold -at public auction, the amount of salmage to be credited back to the $3,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. Date �- / 3 /I - Q� ommiszi- ner o Edu� tient Z Jesse F ot, City Co.,troller, do hereby tify that there are funds in the treasury available for the acquisition of the above described real estate in the $3,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. Dated JUL3 td 8 o4Compter 0©puly. y 4676. A Council File No. Ordinance No. An -ordinance approving the project of acquiring,that I fP estate known as hot 3, Block 19, Beaupre & Kelly's Addi- tra , St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of . rQcord in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, 13innesota, as additional playground for the Grant School, idagnolia and Arkwright Streets, ordering the acquisi- tion of the same by purchase or condemnation and providing funds therefor. _ a -)TM mar: -Ty OF S}AiIlf r�JL DOES OHD.'_IN: C. F. No. 46766—Ordinance No. 6098— . By L. R. S. Ferguson— An ordinance approving the project o[ Vulring that real state known tion 1. Lot " Block 19, Reaupre &Kelly's Addition, St. Paul, IIocordl "' [0 the Plat office on ale and per cora in 3ueatiorr having reported to the % the (Cite oP the Register of Deeds e Ramsey county. bnnnesota, as ad-Jriown a8 Lot 3, Block 19, BB&U.pre OO UriCll anional playground for the Grantqq S=, Magnolia and Arkwrighty according to the plat thereof and 1 9. heesame by IO-rcti sea�Q hndttcr naPoffioe o£ the„Register of Deeds on file tion and providing funds therefor. of Ram. The Council of the city of St. Paul is required for public school purpose does ordain: ted value thereof is the sum of Three k... ,i Fives^, a 1$3,500.00) Dollars, and the COm$tT011er having -cert"a d that there is coney availabljin the, treasury of the City'�or the acquisition of said lots Council'he;eby approves the project of acquiring same for school purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the ame be acquired for said -purposes by-purchas°e by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Hayor, Purchasing Agent and the Comriiss:oner of Educati69n, if the same can be so pro- cured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonabla price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event,'the Council 'hereby orders and directs that condemnption proceedings be instituted under tha profisions 'o£ the Chantor of the Cit; to secure said lots,_ and that the cost and expense of aequ.iring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the 4,000,000.00 School Bond Fund appro- priated for Real Estate, an( so much of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated uRd set,,apart for said purpose. Section 2. This ordinance shall take° effect andbe in force thirt days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy 4kcBenna-d-- (� -,'Aatson Apted by the Council Peter 9 1923 Wenzel - ) / Dir, Vice Pres. Ferguson 1923 Approved —�aTY CLERK V � " TO TH], HONORABL M!', COUNCIL OF Tii. CITY Or ST. PAUL: Gentlemen: The undersigned'1�ereby reports that he re- auires the following described real estate as addi- tional playground for the Grant School, Magnolia and Arkwright Sts. Lot 3, Block 19, Beaupre & Kelly's Addition, St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on ,file and of re- cord in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, linnesota. That the esti.iated cost of acquiring said land is the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred ($3600) m Dollars; that this estimated price includes the cost of all buildings on the property which will be condemned and sold at public auction. The amount of salvage.to be credited to the $3,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. Dated Comma Toner of cation. I,c,_J se Foo City 6omptrol3.er, do hereby tify that there are funds in the treasury available for the acquisition of the above described real estate in the 13,000,000.00 School Bond Fund. Dated LUL 3' 1923 D,,1,,4 City o�trller o. C. . ` 4. Ordinance No. O 6 An ordinance authorizing the erection and construction. of a New Mattoc$s School on the site bounded by Macalester,`i! Underwood,, Palace and James Streets. This is an emergency ordinance *endered necessaryfor the preservation of the public j?; peace, health and safety. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended' to the Council the erection of the said school building and has reported an estimate of the cost of such improvement, to with-sketch plans and other data giving in full detail -the nature of such improvement, which proposed improvement, meets with the approval of the Council, therefor, i �.... -mr� C- P, No. 96767—Ordinance No. 6102_-l'HF.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; BY L. R S Ferguson— .. - An ordinance authorizing the rection and conetructlson of a New afattocks Seotion 1. 1' hood n the i[a bounded by'Macal- ,Fw" Str r• Underwood, Pnlace and Sames dinance rends is ae esmergency or- aerea a aerY ser the on of said building at the approximate= health and a e' te,e Peale, ($80 OOO,00) Dollars, in the manner health a e Y. Public /'.j• whe eas, the Commiss,oner �onncu City Charter, is hereby approved and', - the'en cas re mended [o the Eau- / e tdon Of the sal es h 1 building /i�✓'• and, has reported an stimate P theSeOtiOn 2. cost of -such imparnvement, ith ketch plans d Cher data he a . mg In full improvement etas gl"� ±/b�'• ._YA8't In O"' otion of the building as herein au- meev `thorized and.)Val of the s contingent upon the submission of a statement oft' ;.;; - -;t Pal the Comptroller, of the funds available to mast the co *_ rreof out of the $3, 000,000.00•Sohool Bond Fund, as trans%ri'ed and set aside for this purpose by the pro- per resolution.' Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public, peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson Adopted"by the Council McDonald Matson 1923 Peter Wenzel Mr. Pres. (Nelson)gpp roved 1923 I hereby certify, that there is available in the $3,000,000.00 School Bond Fund the money indicated in;the ,foregoing ordinance. Date JUL 3 1923 1923 u&P-• 10ity Comptroller. '` � � ' f` P'tJBI.I3fih'�➢ '� .3 . i St . Paul, :'i.nnesota, June 22t.. , 1. 2� . 6 To the Honorable the Co•incil`�of Cit; of St. P-ul, ._.nnesota. n I'; TH-E `:.`ATTER OF THE ACQUIRT -'G CF A SITE F'P. T' E PROPOSED �ATT'CKS SC' `OL T:' TH BLS^,:: BY PALACE, JA"_S, ACALASTER A -D U°TDEP,"^D. The`Undersi -ed, Loretta. Roleh, resid- ing at 1002 :fort:^ Oxford Street, St. Pr,,al, '.:innesota, a.r_d t'ne owner of Lot 26, clock in. an Asci- - tion to the City of St. Paul Ra-:s,y County, _nesota, arc. 7:;,t` -in t .r lix'_ts of t' coropert., s-'_. rt to be acquired by cnnde n^tion, herby pit*es your Honorable Body notice of = $�o'c:ect t�kir and c^..- e-e:asa+.i n, of saia proocrty^so o inedcby : A, and the award of da-roz�-7es :._ _for eroposed be paid by t_.e City in Said cC nde-ra+i,n p"oceed'--'ars. �Rescectf..-,11y, T. T. D-)yle, Att -,rn for Lo i ^t t 2 ..,Dlnh, a 412 Endicott St. Paul, � 9 ro tt_r + + ;rp^ t <.r r ?- rii 3 u_ T,a'_ Io.w7, T,ot 1-.r _ _ _ _ cn is t' o. i :i; '1 _.acr:1 saver. h._3r.d _? _av�n'.✓__-� �__a_rs (7 Z.J0s indde6'aa te an m o _ _rasar.ts�i-;e �'-_ trae v�'_.�e �- - - _1 r t ,.oJsar sworn to e me rr o ' I (t `/✓ ��l- �"� f�=rte '-':.11:c � �F c June 29, 1923. ` - . e 'r. C. Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. JDear Sir:- I hereby wish to enter my objections to the award of damages by the City of St._�aul, in the matter of condemnation and taking of my property, known and described as Lot 24 block,6, Elmwood Addition to the city of St. Paul. .1y objections are that the award of $5,050.00 is not sufficient to replace 14Y property under the present market conditions. I have received bids from contractors to r lace IIC/ home in the district, and find that they.run from 6,000.00 to $6250.00. I believe as a law abiding citizen that the utmost co-operation should be given°to the city in this matter, but at the same time, I cannot be the -loser of ;,950.00 on my property. Yours very truly, s� e A w� 9 .. E ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NoF CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208 - PRESENTED June 30, 1923 CgWISSIONE-�Ry.�- �-)� fv . DATE. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN,UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE ­rROPRIATION ITEM —NsIERE. Is.. TN—Es-TO 62-1 80� Engineers $b,000.0D ;J2 -?1 0 Lngineers 45,000.-o0 it What tae following t.... for, be -,as on the books Of the nCvd- Iro"s, he. by .. doing an oi able deficiency I, one item may be met by said transfer without h"'= It he Money the work provided for byt he item from which thetransfer I. made $51000 transferred from Code 32-,1 &-%v'izngineers, to cola 32-1 0 D r1'1Agd",'p',r.j by the council July S 23 Approved July 3. 1923. (July 14 -1923) t YES %)COUNCILMEN NAYS McDONALD r.-_......... IN FAVOR MATSON PETER AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT roll on ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- AI-PRO11.-__....-----I9...:.... Jf� ----------------- - ---- -- ----------------------- MAYOR (COUNTERSIGNED BY.—.- ---------------------- -- - -- CITY COMPTROLLER ---- ---- -------- � a ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST." PAUL FI°ENGIL NO.,.. . -- ---- cin LLERK • APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM •' ARTER SECTION 288' PRESEIWD BY ' • - COMMISSIONER--------------s.lid.enZe�.....--.- ........_-...... __. _......-.-.... .. DATE.__..................... _--- ......-.------------------- RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER r b WHEN'BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY -IN ONE ITEM MAY BE ET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDE[? FOR BY THE MONEY IN THEITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE �A F_W9 O P R I A T I O N I -eE M . TRANSFEREO FROM TRANSFERED TO 52. Park Salaries $3,000 56 Phalen Park Ne�v Pavilion $3,000. I m - nencio—Y. in one [tern may met by said. transfer Without ham- - inf,the WOrk provided for by the l Rey is the item from I*hich the ..for 18; made: ' V� MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR - 4 - MATSON - 3.000 transferred from Cade 62 Park arlea to Code 68 PhR1ea;Park New "' re t^y ,'MR. PRESIDENT Co.i)� July 3, 192$. .doP,Ptp'ovedbJu77ty FORM on (m� su) a 192S.he YES ( 17) COUNCILMEN ( J) NAYS Y � I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- -..__- ---------------1J---------- APPROVED -- --.-.----APPROVED--- -------------- --- ----- I�.-..:.-.......-.... 19......-- ------�----- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY-----------------------------------------------.-..- GITY GO—ROL-FI l V� MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR - 4 - MATSON - �• PETER --------------- AGAINST WENZEL ,'MR. PRESIDENT FORM on (m� su) Y � I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- -..__- ---------------1J---------- APPROVED -- --.-.----APPROVED--- -------------- --- ----- I�.-..:.-.......-.... 19......-- ------�----- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY-----------------------------------------------.-..- GITY GO—ROL-FI ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST PAUL OUN`IL NO..._'10-44_4'. CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � IIARTER SECTION 206' PRESENTED BY vcT - COMMISSIONER..11. C Wenzel... .......... . ....... ........_. DATE .__................. ..........................._.:-. ..................................... .... .. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. — - CODE µ T. z �A P P R O P R I A T I O N ITEM . TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED To 52 Parks Salaries 5115000.00 . 52 Parks Other Expense n ';?5000.00 'C: F.:![Rul 46771—By 8 C WeaselTT Resolved That Lhe following trans- % IIIYYY fetQ. tie made on the books oYthe Compptroller whenby so doing an un- ' avoidable deflci6ncy in one item may be ,met by said tran9efr without ham-9�' yerYaB-the workprovifled.Yor by _tha To to theitem from v' :the rl y� tra._.r 1e made: - Parkn�9aiartes tousf�rCode 62 ParksaOther Eipenee. 1923. F" Adopted by the Council July 3, .ADDroved -July 3. 1923. (July ;14-1923) _ 4 YES COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS i\GaBtl�OIP MCDONALD ...............IN FAVOR ✓ MATSON PETER ..I�....._...AGAINST I WENZEL _. MR. PRESIDENT FORM OD ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..__.:i_..._.:-: i. �..._y----19-.--.-- APPROVED. -----.-. .------ ........ .)9.--..... MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ---------------- ------------- ------------ ------ CITY COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 4677 7 , I, a CITY OF ST. PAUL, Fien NO. - — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK; ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER .... Y .L2 Gt _........ ......... .......... ... . _...... DATE ... ...... - ..... _.' RESOLVED �"�, The Commissioner of Public ocks has re_:orted to the Council, in accordcnce with section of the City Charter, the exist;nce of an emerge y which rendered necessary the employment f certain employes of his De„artment for more han eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the -�ro-•er city n officers are hereby authorized to yw.y the follocring named employes, at the race otherwise fixed for extra, employment for 'che'extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Fou -=s Rate of ,�y{,� vertime. 7,9 Pete—C. F. No. 46772—By w. J. Where—The Commissioner of Pub- - lic'works has reported to the Council, In accordance with section 63 of the City Charter, the existence -rot an emergency which rendered necessary the employ menu f certain employes of -� his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being e than their usual hours of piTherefo�re Be It Resolved, That the Q proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay the following named em - for extra8'employment for at the rate otherwise sextraedtime - hereinafter set forth: M. J. Phillippl, General Chauffeur, 12 �outa n[ 683:, Der hour. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14-1923) i _ F Yes (%/) Councilmen (✓) Nays - h y r Adopted by the Council...__ W 0 ./ McDonald 4 C'.1.. -lo favor APpr ed Matson U Smith —_._.__._Against Wenzel Mr. President / G/ ----- ---eP 4671x: FOUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ,Le NO.__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTION GENERAL FORM q DATE Tiuie._1. 4. 19.$.1[.4 ......... ...... RESOLVED / That Nighty Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $3,000,000.00 School Bond Fund for the purpose of constructing a New Mattocks School on the'site bounded by Macalesiter, Underwood, Palace and James Streets. C. F.No. 46773—By L. R, S. Ferguson— Re-1 -ed, Tbat Eighty Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollars, Whereby tre- ferred and set adds from the $3,000,- ' 000.00 School Bond Fund for the pur- Pose oto co School the site )bound de by la.ctales8 Str, UnderwoodI Palace and James Streeea. ddopted C by the ouncul- .lpproyed Judy 3, 1023.':!, (July 7-19h) ^ COUNCILMEN yeas Nays F,reml.' ISI_ McDonald In favor ,Matson Peter Against ,"Wenzel Mr. President i Adopted by the Council_ _ ---- _192...._ ipPlOVecl, 192.--... , -7' - t�tiitnnyoa COUNCIL i 1 � v AA CITY OF ST. PAUL Fila NO— _..__..------ /A..,�, ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�i'� r / - OLUTION—GENEkAL FORM p' , ER .. ...._..._ DATE.. _._....___JiiII.�.._1.T�..X9.24% ........ RESOLVED _ / / _ That Nighty Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $3,000,000.00 School Bond P=d for the purpose of constructing a New Mattooks School on the site bounded by Macalester, Underwood, Palace and James Streets. C. F. No. 46773—By L. R. S. Ferguson— Resolved, That Eighty Thousand ($80,000.00) Dollar. is hereby trans- ferred and et aside from the 33,000,- .000.0ose0 School -on Fund for the pur- School o co struct ng a New Mattocks the alto bounded by blacales- ter. Unaerwnod. Palace and James Stre"s. , Adopted by the Council Juj,-�-ea0, Approved July3, 1923. (July 7-1923) y.1✓1.m�' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —Glaria•5• F"Wulson v`. McDonald In favor ✓' Matson Peter __..__ ..Against -'Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ __:__192_..... .approved WC's%S%4 Mnron C I CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCILNo.- --- .46-7-74 . r / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -J U L S rq2� (� ,J/ ... / ....._....._. DATE--.__....._June 14.,.. PRESENTED BY �.:. COMMISSIONE 39.... .._ _. RESOLVED !� That the plans and specifications for the New Mattock's School to be erected on the site bounded by MALoalester, Underwood, Palace and James Streets, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satis- factory to the Commissioner of Education, and the p Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. C. F. No. 46774—By L R. s. Ferguson— hesolved, That the Plans and speel- `--� / deations tor the N— Mattoeks School \ - [o be erected on the site bounded by :llaealester, Uneertve... Palace and a Streets, a submitted n ewltb, prepared by the as 'reh�tet't� und.r - t.o direction of the Comm[sa,o.er t Parks, Playgrounds and Yubl.e Bund- /../ Ings,e ar and the a u e hereby -ap- proved,the same being tiuLactory / h Cl- m(sslouer of Education, and Ch YurCpsi ag A sent la hereby a tno i;. a and d to aaveruae tor' [hereon mre[ne manner provlded blas nd by the City Charter. ['Adopted by the Couhcil July 3, 1923. •+PProved Jwy 3, 1923. (,.,y - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council . __.... ___ .....__192.....- uson - Approv jjj 192.. _. McDonald In favor Matson - Peter - .Against- �p 9 MAvoe " Wenzel Mr. President 77 `pp`t CITY OF ST. PAUL c2oLE""`NO.___..-__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE..................... ... RESOLVED H. K Elliott, of St. Paul, to�lc our a permit to install electric fixtures at 2189 Hendon Avenue, St, Paul; and whereas, said H. F' Elliott, under the presumption that it was necessary to pay a fee for such installation, paid the sum of $1.25; and whereas, Sbudivision T, Section 36, Article 3, Ordinance No. 5580, exempts the payment of a fee for installing electrical fixtures in new houses; therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund the sum of _1.25 to the said E. K. Elliott. C. F. No. 46776—By H. C. Wenzel— H. K. Elliott, of St. Paul, took out a permit to Install electric fixtures at 2199 Hendoft Avenue, St. Paul; and N-ets, said H. K Elliott, under the presumption that It was necessary to pay a fee for such installation, paid thegum of $1.26; and whereas. Subdl- vision T, S_nor 36, Article 3. Ordin- ance No. 6680 exempts the payment of a fee for installing electrical fixtures in new houses; therefore be It, Resolved, That the proper city offi- cers are hereby authorized to refund the sum of $1.26 to the said H. K- EI - ]let. Adopted by the Council July 3. 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14-1923) C GUNCILMEN yeas Nays V McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Fenzel Mr. President 9 n Adopted 1)y the Council.. _-...-- ---------.=_ ---...192 ....- Appr ed.... - --'- 192 - MAYOR COUNCIL / CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ------- ...----_-----•---• I / n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 111 � C ..N....C..._._..�f tt-...l.1O..N.—.c-G--...E.�N/.E...R..-A...L. FORM PRESENTED BY DATE__tune_..2A7�.r.,j_41 . s23-'_"------_._._....._ COMMISSIONE ...... __ ... . .. RESOLVED That the Purchasing 1* t be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 2 McClave -Brooks semi-automatic stokers for installation on 2-721IX18' 150 H.P. horizontal return tube boilers, at a cost not to exceed *2400.00 without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Uharge Schools - Capital Outlay 25406 41.7p C. F. No. 8q6776—Ry L- I2. $• Ferguson— Resolve8, That lly purchasing .agent oe. and he Ir hereby amhor!zed > rurchwith the ronsent of the automatic Comptroller atltokersu fore 1 etallatioa on 2-72" X13' 150 H. P, horizontal return tube 00l llt at'a t not to exceed 8ire0 l0 without asking for competi- tive, bids, as [hese are patented or gatieined and n advantage Could be gained thereby, Charge SchoDls— Capital'OuUay 25406 41.7p. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July3, 1923. (July 14-1923). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Edey r..._--..io McDonald In favor / Matson Peter .__'_ ._Against Wenzel Mr- President Adopted by the Council-- - ..--------'-... _!:.. _192- -... approve192-- MAYOR 92 ._.MAYOR l\ L/ ITY OF T. PAUL couxa`NO..- A777 /GI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE U L ES°OLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE _Jt Tie _30....._19,23...... - That the Purchasing ;gent with the consent of the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to purchase books for therublic Library for the sum of not to exceed without asking for competitive bids thereon as these books are copyrighted and no advan- tage can be gained in asking for competitive bids. 11Thisparticular list of books is entirely for the School Division of the library, toward the cost of which the State will later refund one half of the amount expended. The cost will be charged to the Public Library Fund Books No. 42. C. F. No. 46777-13y L. R. S. Ferguson— ' Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent with the _ consent of the Comp- troller be and-Ite Is hereby authorized to purchase books for the' Public Li- brary fon the sum of net to exceed $4,286.13, Without asking for c pett- live bids thereon as these books are copyrighted and no -advantage can be gained in asking for competitive bids. This particular list of books Is en- tirely for the School Division of the library, toward the cost of which the State will later refund one halff the amount expended. The cost wn] be ' charged to the Public Library Fund Books No. 42. Adopted by th'e Council July 3. 1923. Approved July 3,11923. Wi Yeas bays \4eDonald Z�_ In favor . Matson Peter �-___Against Wenzel ,Mr. President Adopted by the Council....... __ _..-..._..- _._ _...192_._. Apprived.....__ _.-__ .'..a .r- ... ------192:..--- i - MFYOR COUNCIL NO. L1�S.k-4--(l 1 _. CITY OF ST, PAUL rile --'�- OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION '' NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__.......... . ................ DATE _._......___....._.;......_......._........_....,,.._.._...._..__—_ RESOLVED That permission and author ty are hereby given -to C. W- Race to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Larpenteur and Lexington avenues, the tanks to be installed in accord- ance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. :C. F. No. 46779—By H. C. Wenzel— ... enzel— heaot[•eu.�'1 hu[ permtssldn and au- '!1hor.tY ' re herepy given [o C. \Y. Race tali and muln[n.n a drive-in hll-- tnb a't¢[ton a u[h[Yest c of L.—Penteur and Lexington a rthe tan be nstalaetl I. v't the oraina—es oY the Lily rof St. Yuul and a [he direction and to Cn e�satlsTactlon. of the—t;ommisslo ner 1 aopt,c UyNn adopted TyNn Council July 3, 1923. .lpprov ed July 3, —3. ",July 7-1s23) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nc / ✓ McDonald In favor y Matson j Peter .._._ .._....Against Wenzel Mr. President a Adopted I)y the Council 192_ Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. �No F U ........9 -r OFFICEtOF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNOIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.___......_...._ ._....._.._..........__............................ ......._-...... DATE____..._._........_:..._._....._.._..__...._......._..._..._.- RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to C. W. Race to Install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the scuthrest corner of Larpenteur and Lexington avenues, the tanks to be installed in accord= anee with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. M COUNCILMEN Yea, Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald i_.... _ _ In favor Matson Peter ____ Against Wenzel - Mr. President n Adopted by the Council ____ _. _ ._.__ __.192 - -. Approved �.%� --- ..._----` __ 192._ -- MAYOR �✓ HENRY OLSON of 6ai fit ^ ^l H. J. RIORDAN " CIN CLERK(O� C�}H �Ilerk ASST. CITY CLERK X55 June 28th, 1923. lflJ Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The application of C. w. Race to install a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues, attached herewith, was referred to you by the Council today, for the proper form of resolution. Yours truly, \ ,I i enc. CITY CLERK. i TUU of tptttMt Paul JAMES M. CLANCY,=eownieaiowew J. E. CORCORAN. o..... conniea�onew LEONARD C. SEAMER, C-1 CI... B.—A. ov A.- ..... . , June 14, 1923. ;r. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Pear yr. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court Hcuse Building, on the 28th day of June, 19,23, at 1C:CC o'clock A. 'M., relative to the appli.^ation of C. T. Race to install a drive- in gasoline filling station at the southwest corner of La.-enteur and Lexington Avenues. Very truly yours, Co,::„issioner of Finance , a HENRY OLSON CUP Of `"{{��77ain/t-" Vut H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK • Office of Ctu tlL e6 - ASST. CITY CLERK June 5th, 1923. Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is application of C. W. Race for license to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station xt West Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues. On June let an ordinance was introduced to the City Council for first reading, changing this property to be zoned in a commercial district. Will you kindly notify the Commissioner of Finance whom to send notices to, as Mr. Race is in a hurry to install this station. Yours very truly, `""' one. CITC CLM. iHiliintu 31, Peter. (4antmissiaaer �Jrie �a leite. Beputy (gammissionet 'f Department of "public Mace (�itp of �+ahlt Paul _ GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER - J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORIGIODBE �i February 26th, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir :- In the matter of application of e C, W. Race for a drive-in gasoline filling station at West larpenteur and Lexington. I wish to advise that this is not permissible under the zoning ordinance. Yours very truly, City nn ng ngr. GH-REH I rjillimtt J. Peter, (!}ammisuiuner brie Mullette, Beyaty (¢ummissione[ Brpartmmt of ubliu vrko City of i$aint Vad GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIMEE-IN- J. El: CARROLL. ASST CHIEP ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORIGIOUM March 6, 1923. ]air. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public 'forks. s Gear Sir: With reference to the application of C. 71. Race for a drive-in gasoline filling station at Hest Larpenteur and Lexington, beg to advise that there is no objection to 'this from an engineer point of view. 1 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Council. CommiessJe rof Public Works. FRANK W.-MATSON, COM.18 10NM HARRY A. JOHNSON, D-VrY COMMISSI0M7i Litg of '!�5nint Paul �r�SMx#ittrn# a� �uh1iL �'u�$#g February 117, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is application of C. W. Race for license to operate and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at West Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues. This location is approved -'as to fire hazard and it is recommended that license be granted. Yoffsetruly,ppbe of Pub c Safety. WILL'IAiM BARRON , CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FRANK W. MATSON, COM MissiOnER T. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION - DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION February,15,1523, rion .F. W.'Latscn Comadssioner of Public Safaty, St.Paul, :inn. Dear Sir: I:. regard o the application of C. Ip. R, to operate and maintain a drive in gasoline filling station at 'ffest La=enteur and LexinEton Avenues. I have desira_ location insrsctei s.a re ort that suoh a gasoiii.a filling etxtion mould not increase t.:vfire hazard in that vicinity; I therefore reoom:asnl ti,at permitbe grantad. _ours . espe^tfully, RO/c iii Zns_ a tor. 4. 11 7A Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be - made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date— of Saint Paul, Minnesota r. PPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE- By— \^r Neme of Firm or Indmduel For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance X5266) - - "Driv I."., "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located tv At—_.__ -- - - - - Pumps to be Installed-- --- Tanks to be Installed- Btree4 Number end So — Number / Gapaclty of r C) p ed_.Y _ Tanks --- Receive d anks- Received at office of City Clerk _r-inhrlm"4------- _----- APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC ! �' r. ISI 9 I 19 Date— _— Eommrrf Safe y I Commr. of Pubhe Safety Commr. of P P P. and P B. APPROVED IIS APPROVED 1/ Date _. __—_—__. _ 19.___ i Commr. of Public Works. �I Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated PASSED_ APP OVER._ -19__... ORDIE, NO... ___.._. ._--- PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. z FRODUCEFGS PumPennsyNenle R,F,FERF—R5 (�CI.D MOTOR OIL Em _ Mi�.S?CS�YE*R2 True Gasoline NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Fe nary 5, 10, 7. Honorable LTayor zr_d amity :;ouncil, St.Panl, :innesota. Gentlemen: - ,,e hereby 2etition yo zr ?ioncrable body for _-emit to erect and main;oin a Drive-in Gasoline and Oil :Filling Station on the corner of `:est la.rpentmr and lezinc-ton rvei:ae, St. Paul. Same to be built in-c=crdance -:rith ^_ll rules and renxlations roverninf: such construction. es_oectfully submitted, 0.'.: • Pace, 11041- :,est larpenteur. S(t.Paul,I_innesot .. _2 -1 -KO L QUTATIOONS SUB ECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ALL AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON GTRIHES, FIRES, ACT5 OF THEGOVERNMENTAND CARRIERS,AND ALL OTHER CAUSES BIC- OUR CONTROL P Ll Duplicate CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Na. This application to made in dupGcute m submitted to the city - Clerk. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date -.-----1— — 19 }3 of Saint Paul, Minnesota l -,,APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE VV N For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) ti p AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At Number of Number of Gas / Capacity of S L Pumps to be Installed__. Tanks to be Installed_ Y - - - - -- -- Tanks---- Received anks--Received at office of City Clerk C By u Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date---- -:- —19^'� Ua[e_ Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety III Q�e/p�afrt�m�e�nt ppf P,obllc Wor and Public Buildings By �,� }HCl ;. v_- _- it BY �Li-u4' n BY--_ —.-- ---_---- Received Prom Dept. of Public Safety Received From By-- D of Pu bl Works Parke eceivedPlaygrFromunds Departand ment Bldgs. Dat Date _-_-19—_ Date. ---_-----19__ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Rv _- _..._ _—_—_ —- I By. —__— — __— —__ By____._______ Received From City Clerk 1'' Received From City Clerk 1! 'Passedl9— Date---__ -- '.i'� Date---_ --- 19__.— Office of the Corporation Counsel ! By — — — — - — II Approved----- pproved----By— By-- -- By-- I Received From Department of Ordinance No.---_ - Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Date 19 Permit No. --------- Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By--_ _ By— License No.. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— m ce i L k�-t- FA J J F M.CARTHV. Vice T G MCCARTHV, Secy611e35 � �+ �l���i`6�• eros, A.)` . MEM 6EF5 Y 1111EARGLIS CHAMBER 01 COMMERCE GRAIN MEK61,1NTS M aM"o«aM°M aERERR GOROWED OF TRPUE wiu 'E. OR ...A— ?I1N'Nra.r01.1s.?[1a.N.. June 19th.1923. mr.J.M.Clanoy, Comnissioner of Finance, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir. - Yours of the 18th. received. We note that a party is desirous of installing a gasoline station on the oor- nor of Larpenteur and Lexington avenues. As we own property in that vicinity, we are very mach opposed to having a filling station on the S.W.00rner ofWington and Larpenteur avenues, as we be ve it will reduce the value of property in that vicinity. We also believe that this property will be valuable in the near future, providing gasoline stations and other business enterprizes are prohibited, it being so close to the lake and park it should be desirable for private homes. Thanking you for drawing our atten= tion to this matter,we are, Yours very truly MC CARTHY BROTHERS COMPANY .1L:.. .Ai .Seo'y & Treas. v CITY OF ST. PAULe.UN.IL ,.L. � No:. t / OFF E OF THE C TY LERK RESOLUTIO ERAL FO M PRESENTED BY L Rr SFERGUSON _...... DATE_..._..JU.NE....30..._1.923__` COMMISSIONER............................. _....................................'•......._. ....a._......... RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Eduction has raportei to the Council in accoryance -.ith Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, `.z RFSOLVF.D, That the proper city officers are _hereby authorizeu to pay the follo�sing named employes, at the Tate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIL?E RATE TOTAL, m J WATSON JAN & ENG 6 HOURS 54 C $ 3 24 Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 61eseX� Adopted by the Council .......... __............ __.._—_..._..._..._19..._._ F g i McDonald 1 ..._.In favor Approved .......9 J — Matson ��� `y t —i Smith... Am ..... -Against -YOH Wenzel oC/ �.� I/i' G ' Mr. President Demd l Ci,, i CornrilnZr 7r FORM NO. �. JUNE 30TH- 193Y3 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessarjs the employment of ceriain employes of that department f or more than eight hours per day, in doing the k' s following work: CLEANING SCHOOL This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: SUBSTITJTING FOR JANITOR 'NHO IS ILL i This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charta . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO.-.-_Lj FILE "- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C9tl�c� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ ; �_.� DATE June 30, - 1923.. COMMISSIONER__..... -. :.._._. ....:.. �. .. ... ... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and -the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: G. W. Brown & Son 342 West 6th Street, 5 C. A. Engquist 232 E. Seventh Street. 'C. F. No. 46780 ---BY F- W. Matson— - far Resolved. That the apvllcat ons Yor licenses of the follow(ng persons i conducting the Butcher business t _ [he addresses Indicated be, and the .ams are hereby granted and the iii _ ,b Clerk is instructed to Issue c ossa upon the paYr(omarYInto -Yeehe City Treasury of the a -, G. W. Brown & Sonl 342 West 6th St. C. A. Engqule[, 232 E. Seventh St. 23 Adopted by the Council July 3, 19. Approved JulyY 314119231 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald In favor Matson ;) Peter __.Against. Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council .....................- .....:..:.�92..._. Approve 192 ... 4 ( r MAYOR �7 CITY OF ST. PAUL counts No_L . 1 Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'La ,/. 's ////////j//)COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMdi z/y D �t DATE_______June RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Duffy, Mike 316 Rice Street 1 pool table Hoffmann, John 791 E. 7th St.1 pool table Sioris & Zereva 472 Wabasha St. S pool tables Travis, R. N. 40 E. Third St. 1 pool table. - r, C. F. No. 46781—BY F. W. Matso— for Resolved, That the-PIPlicatlonna li...as. of the following persons for onducting Poold the at the addresses indicated -be, n re hereby granted and the C1,tY Clerk ie instruct ed to ay- mentt Tinto the ssue h City nTr.... ry t of he Pthe cuet—arY fee316 Rice St., 1 pool table. Mllce Duffy, John Hoffman, 791 E. 7th St., 1 Pool table'ie & Zerev¢, 472 Wabash. St., 8 'Sior pool tables. R. N. Travis, 49 E. Third St., 1 pool table. * .n. Council July 3, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yea.? Nays Clancy .-' orgago–if McDonald _ __..... In favor Matson Peter _ -_ .......Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _ __..-------- ,....i...-._.__.192...... Approv d.. _•- - ' --''- x._192...... MAYOR 4678'2 CITY OF ST. PAUL CILE NO.-_ -.....__------ FLE r. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "V COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM / V I, PRESENTED YUY,' 1 / ✓�/ .'_: ..`r_.�.4. tJUlie . ..... ..... _.. ..... RESOLVED That -the applications for licenses bi' the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the customary fee: Nick Sallie Otto Brauer dosepn Orea Aldor Elmquist Cnarles Paicurich Nick Swiriduck Mrs, A. As Troy L. A. NY Anton Voeller doeeph Zeuli 335 Rice St. 365 No. Prior S52 E. Seventh St. 511 No. Snelling 466 Rice St - y9 E, Geranium Ste y j) Van Slyke 1945 Autumn 919 E, Seventh Ste �J3 St. Clair C. F. No. 46782—By F. W. Matson— Rfaolved, That tpplicatlons for licenses of :the fohellowing persons for the handling and selling .of foodstuffs at the addresses Indicated be, ad the are hereby granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to issue such li- cense upon the payment into the City treasury of the customary fee: Nick Balite, 335 Rice St., -Soft drink, Otto Brauer, 385 Me. Prior, Bakery. Joseph Crea, 392 E. 7th St., Grocery. Alder Elmquis4 511. No. So. ing, Drug -Coni. - Charles Paicurich, 488 Rice St., Con- fectionery, Nick Swiriduck, 99 E. Geranium St., Grocery. Mrs. A. A. Troy, 999 Van Slyke, Gro- cery. L. A. Troy, 1945 Autumn, Grocery. Anton Voeller, 918 E. Eeventh St., Confectionery, Joseph zeuli,• 533 St. Clair -St., Gro- ceryl Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1928. . ,(July 14-1923) , COUNCILMEN 6 Yeas Nays ,Clancy n McDonald __III favor Matson Peter ---Against Fenzel ,Mr. President Soft drink Bakery Grocery Drug- Oonf. confectionery Grocery Grocery ROOM Confectionery Grocery .Adopted by the Council_ ..____......__.....____..192_.._ Approv .._... _.. V Z MAYOR COUNCIL 46783 C:3 CITY OF ST. PAUL F.e No.. .--.=-:---=- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK )J� C94NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, t �'r, " �c�-�� L1,,....__.. _ ....._._...___. DATE June 30, 1923 RESOLVED That they applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Restaurants at the addresses indicated oe, and the same are herecy granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the cus- tomary fee: Gust Saites 450 St. Peter St. 0. R. Stinson e20 W. Sixth St. N. Olk 2040 Marenall Ave. Holden & Anderson 1007 Payne Ave. A. F. Singer 95 East Firth St. George Mazotes 26 West Exchange St M. J. Frediana 203 East Fourth St. A. Daltos 489 Wabasha St. R. T. Davini 505 Robert St. R. J. Davini 330 Robert St. James Chilis 2 2-244 E. Seventh St. Mrs. Bessie Stowell 1552 E. Seventh St. Home Dairy Co (b E. Filth St.. H. C. Sauer 1059 Hastings Ave. Herman Dahle e175 University Ave. C. F. No. :46783—By F. W. Matson— Resolved, That the applications for llconses of the following persons for coadueting.Reetaurants at the address= e -Indicated be;and the same are herebygranted and the City Clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city. treasury of - Ihe customary fee: Gust Saites, 450 St. Peter St. - C. R. Stinson, 220 W. Sixth St N. OlkM , 2040 arshall Ave. Holden & Anderson, 1007 Payne Ave. A. F. Singer, 95 East Fifth- St. George Mazotes, 26 West Exchange 9t T. Frediana, 203 East Fourth St. A. Daltos, 489 Wabash. St R. T. Davini, 305 Robert St: R. J. Devinl, 3MRobert St: James Chills, 242-244. E. Seventh St. _. Aire. Bessie Stowell,. 52 E. Seventh S Home Dairy Co., 76 E. Ftfth St. H. C. Sauer, 1059 Hastings Ave. Herman Dahle, 2173 UNvers"y.Ave. Adopted by the Council July 3, 7923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14-1923). I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy l -Lag 15bB I McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against. Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_. - 192 - Appr ed 192 . t; 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO --- ... --�] L1Yt 1-a �r� OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK vvUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / Jlle 30, PRESENTED BY / ..... COMMISSIONER_._ DATE-. RESOLVED wt1ExEAS, J. P. Singer, 1081 Arcade -Street, has made application for license to operate One (1) Auto Buss upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, Factory No. 6lbl3, seating 12 passengers, H. P. 40,covered by Globe Indemnity Co. policy No 122(4 ane owned by said J. P. Singer and, hEliEAS, J. P. Singer in accordane witn ordinance No. 5$bb has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation -Counsel; tnere— fore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to J. P. Singer to operate said Auto Buss upon the streets of the City Of St. Paul suoject to the - provisions of said ordinance. . C Whereas46 J8 P.nStge,V 1081ts 1ncade Street. has made app.Ucatbnt Ifo, It - e to operate One t1) Auto Buss upon the streets of the -City of SC Paul, Factory No. 81613, seating 12 passen- gers. HP. 40, covered by Globe Indere nity. Co.. policy NO. 12214 and owned by said J. P. Singer d. WhereasJ. P. Singer in accordance lth , insuurancenpolire cy wo. ith th66 e City Of filed St P Paul, rend said policy has been approv- ed as to form by the Carporation Counsel; therefore, Resolved. That license be granted to J, P. Singer to operate said Auto Buss pon the streets of the City of -St. Paul . su b7ect to the provisions of said ordinance. Adopted by the C unci] July 3, 1923. Approved (July311923 4 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald �� ___In favor Matson % Peter __ �� .__Against i Wenzel /m/r. President Adopted by the CLncil._ __...._...._.._ - __J..__192_._. App r ed.. y.. ' 192 - ---.-.. .��........-.. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL f _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �pUNC11_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED FILE No.. June 30, 1923 war,nr,AS, John Auams, 1075 Rice Street, has made application for license to operate One (1) Auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, Factory No. 1115343, Slate License No. Bb970, seating capacity 7 passengers , H.P. 30, covered by New Amsterdam Casualty Company Policy No.3(3g2b and owned by said John Adams, and WHEREAS, John Adams in accordance with ordinance No. !)6bb has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form cy the Corporation Counsel; tnereicre, oe it RESOLVED, that license as granted to John Adams to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul suojeet to the provisions of said ordinange. 86—BY F, tC. DietRstce ot.•I C_`ghe �., j.hn Adams, 1078 license to P' eramade aPPJoe oon to c Pon the I to One City t st. -p..1. Foolery streets of theState License R P. 30, N.. 1163c4gpaci QY 7 PassenFers. Casualty ,seatin8 Amsterdam bed covered b.Yponey'No 373826 and o"re ComPanS hn Adams. ands accordance I, b_ said Job. Adams flied copy vWhereae, 6866 has Or ence cP N c9 w h the C1LV of afth olI y has been P - of insur and said by t:he. Corporation St. Peat. s to form be is cor, i. therefore, anted to COResolved, that license haler aW car Sobn .Adams tts otethe Cit, Last. pdo'nl the stree ovisions cf. eatd o I 't PPOn the Pr 1y 23. euUlect to Il Ju11 3, onceZo. led by the 3 Co1923. Troled July . /t aPP ldu]Y 14-1923) —�J COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays . Clancy v McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel 'Mr. President Adopted by the',ouncil _. _192----- Appred____.....__._...;,.__..__:.....__192.---- - MAYOR -COUNCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No•--"---� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13�/ / June 30, .. ....__....... DATE __.._... .-_ ........ 1923 . .._ .. -.. .._..... CO MM ISSIONER___...L. RESOLVED KITH, policy No. 1(�30 dated June 14th, 1924 to take the o place of policy No. AL- 1ee152, wnich nas been cancelled. C. F. No. 46786—ny F. �v. Mataon— Res-1924d to take Place of Pollcyl 14th, o No. AJ -166152. which has been ca celled. Adopted by the Councit July 3, 1923. Approved July. 3, 1923. (July 14-1923) / COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted U the Council P Y _ ... ... Clancy --Ferguson Approve .....___.. ---....- ----.._---...._.192..--. / \1/; McDonald _. _ _In favor � i`�rrt%es Matson ......----- /.................... _. MAYOR Peter _ _Against Wenzel Mr. President QUADRUMH. TE well r3.ERRK Prns ern No <. Form D-34 1M 12-22 r..... ....192.. ........ � AUDITED.... ..y'•i f 1 ....._....... - _ I PER -.. Y- -- ............. coverint Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-��.-7��-,--f1- checks numbered... QtEt7 --- to $ga .____....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. -"Clancy, / Adopted by the Council. __.._...._.-..1_-- --- 1- -----.._.....192.......: In favor McDonald, Approved..__.__.. ---........_ ...._--- .- -------------- 192..._.. `✓Ms4son, a ✓ Peter, Wezil. .-- Against Mr. President, Nelson 11 � �I - ----- ---- C. P. No. 48787— Resolved thnt checks be drawn onl the City Treasury, to the aggre"tc, amount f $127,086.43, covering checks numbered 14679 to 14691 tncluelve, ns Phe aer fticetof the cC9 Y Comptroller on le to Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. _ (July 14-1923) I<– ORIGINAL T cm CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Farm D-391212-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P=z= 422 }} f BY COMPTROLLER AUDITED......... ....-....192........... ....... ... ��,...... . . 12 086 i$.----- ............... wverin Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$Bregate amount o£ $........-..s---------�•- t checks numbered ...146.7.9 ------------------- to-......_146.9.1......._...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City qPComptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy,Adopted by the Council. .......... _F•-- --- ------ - --192....... ( tFer$IIso1r— _..........In favor McDonald, /) Approved....... ... - - -✓ -- ---- -.._.192........ ' V - Matson, Peter, Against Wenzel. _......_...__... - - ....._......-._..........................................AyoR MYO$ /Mr. President, Nelson i t1 14679 J. - ---------------- ---- ...-- -._...------- ---------- ------ M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance ------------ ---------- 14,985.07 City Officers 3,083.32 Mayorts Office 208.33 , City Clerk 500.75 Wheelage Tax 395.89 Corp. Counsel 945.57 Com1r3 Finance 801.26 " 11 762.78 Partic. Certs. 219.70 Uomptroller 1,454.10 Civil Service 558.08 Purchasing Department 1,033.08 Municipal Court 2,765.04 C. H. & C. H. 1,520.25 Armory 257.50 Election Expense 5.00 247.42 Art Musetam07 14680 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 381.63 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 14681 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance 24,696.86 Police 24,584.36 (Auto) 24,696.86 14682 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance. Clang, 35,640.28 35,612.78 (Auto) 27.50 35,640.28 i t1 Res. 422 Page #2 14683 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,650.45 Pol. & F. Alarm 14684 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 4,956.29 Health -Adm. 617.37 Vital Statistics 335.00 Food Reg. & Insp. 637.10 Quarantine Insp. 1,181.25 Tuberculosis Div. 683.75 Dale St- Infirmary 72.50 Workhouse Hospital 323.50 Laboratory 257.12 P. Baths 162.50 " 456.20 p. Comfort Station 170.00 Enf. Dog Lie. 60.00 ' 14685 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,116.45 Garage 14686 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 19,053.10 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. L 425.23 Bureau of En§ineers 4,509.81 Oity Plan. 502.25 St. CZ & R. 1,176.50 181.25 (Pay.) 161.00 Sewer C. & R. 283.95 S. & S. Cing. 4,105.33 Bridge Bldg. & R. 275.37 Workhouse 638.42 Sprinkling 6 793.99 1*53. 10 14687 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 412.50` Bureau of Engrs. (Auto) 302.50 St. C. & R. If 92.50 S. & S. Cing. If 10.00 Sprinkling " _- 7.50 4Y2:T0' 14688 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 11,302.95 Schools 3,876.92 11 460.00 Library 6,315.75 Auditorium 650.28 ,�2.95 14689 J. M. Clancy, .Com'r. of Finance 4,777.51 Park -Adm. 352.95 Bureau of Parks 247.37, Playgrounds 288.88 P. -Bldgs. 3' 279.21 o (A uto) 275.00 Ames SchoolAdd.(Bond) 71.00 Groveland ��11 42.60 Richard. Gordon " " 73.50 Randolph Hts. " " 71.00 New Greenwood " " 76.00 Res. 422 Page #3 14690 J. M. Clancy, Com1r. of Finance 2,620e66 C.P.U.-e'en. Adm. 137.50 It -Test. Labs. 395.82 " -Markets 245.20 " -Investigation 607.38 " -Lighting 1434,755. 2,820.65 14691 J. M. Clancy, Com1r. of Finance 5,292.69 Water 5,268.86, " (Auto) 23.83 M FF or— OP e'r, c... e QUADRUPLICAnZ To CITY CLERK --- .r2. I Form D-34 1M 12-22 • / �t A n U I BY CO ROLLER AUOITEO .. .. ...............192......... 4 PER... 1...,.. _. ;,......._ ., Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aBgre$ate amount of $---.�r�--�to--------------------- coveri°8 checks—numbered 14't92---_------.--_..to--..3.4159-8.----- _ ......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ✓Clancy, / Adopted by the Council- ��....In favor �- McDonald, --� Approved.-- - --- -- 191 Matson, Peter, Against V Wenzel. - Mr. President, Nelson C. P. No. 46788— ho dr—P thC City T easury. atos the aggregate) amount f 56,197.73, covering checks numbered l,11i to 14698 inclusive, a Per register of City checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14-1923) 01x4 O T, P�vL OpIG1NPL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D-34 tnt 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P E c:L NO• -- { — 423 1 . BY AUDITED.......... .._ .. ..... -...192............ PER -..`-_ ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on thei-City Treasury, to the anregate amount of $-.--sa. 97 s71-------------------------- covering checks numbered .-.-14692.--.------------- to_.. -1469$--------- -------inclusive, as per re8ister of city checks on file in the office of the City . Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council-. ----192- -- S(J _..._..In favor McDonald,.........192 Matson, U Approved.........___......._ ... .... ....___----------------------- - - -- L/ Peter, VWenzel. --------....ABainst ........... ......... - ..._......................._ ...... ........... f6i _. Mr. President, Nelson _ -------------- --------------------------------- - - --------.... .._.-...-.. 14692 Beall Tool Company, 65.40 Water 14693 J. M. Clancy, Com Ir. of Finance 5,528.24 Schools 14694 Olof Hanson, 82.80 C. H. & C. H. 14695 J. F. gain, Cashier Water Department 43.94 eater 14696 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 200.00 Humane Society 14697 Frank W. Sommer, Chief of Police 151.55 Police 14698 Emil Straka Concert Band, 725.78 Health - 1 . ii 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL cour+clL NO..-__� ---- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l is / / RESOLVED That Council File No. 44149Vapproved February 16th, 1923, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "which sum _shall be given to the Commissioner of Finance to be by him used for the payment of expenses --in connection therewith" and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "with which sum the City Comptroller shall pay the following bills: Kennedy Bros. Arms Co. $ 5.10 W J. Dyer & Bro. 12.00 Seven Corners Printing Co. 151.50 G. A. Thornton 15.00 Leopold Bruenner 10.00 F. W. Topel 75.90 Chidester's Band and Orchestra 129.00 The Transit Supply Co. 54.00 The Transit Supply Co. 115.50•" ' C. F. No. 46789 BY J. hi. Clancy— File No. Resolved, That Counan 44140, approved Feb. 16th, 1923, be and the Same is hereby amended by strik- the words "which sum shall be� - ing out glven to the Commissioner of Finance for the payment oY + to be by him used xpenaes 1n connection therewith" and / by inserting In lieu Ihereo[ the Yo110w- "with which Sum the City Comp- Ing: troller shall Pay the following bills: `I Kennedy Bros. Arms Cc....... 88.10 Ke a 12.00 ', I✓ ^ Dyer @ Bro.. .. ......... Seven Corners Printing Co. .. .181.60 G. A. Thornton ................ 16.00 Leopold Bruenner .... .....,. 10.00 F. 1V. Tape I .............'...... 76.00 Chidester's Band' and Orches-.X. i t" ,.328.00 j The Transit SUPPPIY Co... ..... 64.00 Supply Co........ 116.00." v The neit Adopted by the ConaCll July 3, 1923. i APproved my 3.119 - l ...._.�..r�.-....--_ ._.. ........_.,.__... \CJI - J COUNCILMEN -, Yea, Nays adopted by the Council_._ ....... .. _'....---'.._----192..... Clancy `Ferguson. Appyrd.... 192...-- McDonald __ In favor ' Matson x L MAYOR Peter _ , . Against Wenzel Mr. President bC)Rb4`.NO. s 2'. ` subject _ - 4671 it .7 1 FILE NO._ 1 d, YViiEREAS, The. CommisDate .p16 sioner of Public IItilitiea o�th` (.ounfiil, in accordance with hassentearepor e� Section , the existaisce of an `emergen,6y which rendered necessary Charter, necessaryhe employment of certain employes of his department for more than per day; said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it Resolved 7 c. F. No. 46790—By s. fast. McDonald _ Whereas, The Commissioner pr Pnb_ fi cers are hereby authorized to + lie Uttlitlea has reported t6tha the Coun- int cuv cne ier°hetlexecence'Se g� at pay the rate otherwise fixed for extra thePcmploymen'vht time hereinafter set forth; rennin employes Name of oP hourshis for, more thanelgh[ per day; anld employment being more than their uaval -hours oP em- a it plResolved, Thato the Hours Rate of Overtime T.M. Vloodle .y .August KUrkows: proper cit ers are hereby authorized to y oRl- following names empthe loyes at he rthe ate (uherwiese-"xed for extra employment„ 3 64je regular rate J2211 jaarducci -•eorcnrn eXtra time- hereinafter aetpr 1 55,e " n l". Rizzo "J. M. Woodley, Utilityman, 3 hours, I , regular rate. - 1 55¢ 11 n L. Vanelli August Kurkewsity, D. - oY hour, 566 regular r^ n 1 n „ 55� A. vincelli Sam xardue�.:.-� — •• 554 regnla•- 1, 1 j 55� 11 n Joe Vignali — T"'�it 3 55,e if it J.J. Haggerty3 Utilityman 55X ° n 8 62 V. Cocco T. Cutrone D.D. Laborer It 11 :t 2 55,e It n J3. Danna „ 2 55X it " L. Gangi „ 1 55,e if If ilayer If1 55X If 1t M. Masciotto if 2 55X if if John Palma „ 1 Me it if Sam Perna2 n 55X if Sam Ranelli Utilityman 1 551 if 4 "`mil Di ers D.D. Laborer n n 2 �� Harold Gran ,t n Joe Grappalie ,t 2 55,e It M. Martin ,t 2 55je " n Louis Martin it 2 55)e " If 6 J.P. Schwebach If 5511 if 1i P.E. Solbior2 n 55;e if toThomas C. Disanto 2 551e If ItUtilityman 259¢ Leo Nonnemacher If i, 11 Wm. Collins3 L Christenson D.D. Laborer It '+ 2 55 It n n 3 A. Damsgard " 55.0 ,t 2 Bruce 55 1e " If 3 55,e M.C. Kelly n John Fanando n 2 55¢ John Johnson If 2 551e Joe Murphy3 n 55re Carl Anderson U ilityman 2 55X " 8 >:Thomas Fahey 11 7OX .Owen Geraghty n 5 65� n „ J. Saporito n - 5 ¢ 1, " Mitchell—Arcuri D.i) Laborer rl 2 5559-2&,eif Casper P. Cordson if8 551 n n Wm. Keating 11 8 55 A.A. Manthe n 11 5 55X J _,Toe Morello " 55, If Gus " Runquist 4 55,e If S. Tuminello Utilityman 8 5�e It If Louis Larson S.Shovel Engr. 72 92'p n " name Tr tl e ' HenryRate '`-Taborer Hoare- _ ______._.. __. of Overtime r.M. Olsonaniksen � D ' 7 -T. Se ' or " 55,e Regular rste d.E. Torren 550 " Alberts• nr Geo. Schn`-'ider ^rt'_n sen i. Bauer ial ma.gnuson ,1.W. Sullivan Wm. Johnson-- , aice Hunt G Gagliardi Julius xrois Steve Eekowitsch jas. F. Fggerling Fred Fennern Chas. Fransen Clarence Fishley M.E. LaVelle W.O. Peterson Herbert Buechner Daniel Willson Arthur Ingeldew xnel Schagun John Aschenbrener Levergn Dopp L.C. Fischer Gam, Evans E Fred Gran j Andrew Haider Arthur G. Wallen pj W.G. Willson Chas. Schmidt •t AdoPph Fra—sen Sunda Over dJ1 �� `" Laborer 3 n TT+ilit50 n 1 54� „ itit4 Bricklayer 8 1.00 1,00 n n Steamfitter 45 1,00 Wm Boody PatG. Manzke Common Laborer S.Shovel Engr• n " helper 4 5-6e go 9or� 11 " Carpenter 14 1 5'¢ „ n D.D. Laborer 1/2 0 Louis Larson 1, " sldg•n Laborer 1 %e 16 n it -- 1/2 50X n 1, �,. finisher 11 14 i6 1.000 1.00 john Corey ofCement n n 28 1.0 ° It S.I. Worker 1/2 1.00 ___ 55� 5 n " 11 Utilityman 26 5,e Anton MoIDlenkamp Philia, MalletAdopted r Utilityman 1/2 59�¢ " fl n 1/2 503e ifn ,, n .. Cement Finisher 11 1.00 1.00 of S.I. Worker 12 17� 50¢ ofBldg. n " Laborer 503e n 50X " n Common Laborer 3 1/2 5 n " n D.D. Laborer 6 50 „ " Bldg. L aborer 3 50 � n „ l 50' n n 5 o n 1, n 5 o Sunda Over dJ1 �� `" Laborer 3 D.D. ll. Mayer 11 8 N. Diicolio John E. Hawkins Utilityman 11 H, Mennell John Clarkin D.D.Laborer It 6 10 Emil Diers Utilityman 12 16 Wm Boody PatG. Manzke Common Laborer S.Shovel Engr• 8 aenr, � Goselin Utilityman 16 16` Thomas Devine D.D. Laborer 8 Chas. Carlson n 9 N. Nitkowsky4 S.Shovel Engr. 16 Louis Larson Trench Filler 8 Ed, Cavanaugh Henry Hendricksen D.D. Laborer S.Shovel Engr• 16 Otto Winklesky U,ty° 16 Steve martin 16 James xenneagly Bldg. Laborer john Corey Common.Lab. T.P. Ryan Rbdar taordquist Mixer Engr.. 11 Anthony Rivard Bldg. 6 116 Geo. Blondo ILab. 1 Casper F. Hughes lu „ 1 Anton MoIDlenkamp Philia, MalletAdopted r by Ayes Councilmen 1 ✓ Clancy Ferguson I1%Ys �' �cDonald Appro ed_ ./pester Wenzel N 55V 65¢ 551d59-11 . 4 9 2je 553e 54je 5%e - 803f 80 5Od 50,e 5509 i Matson;, iresident elson m p ai •�rl` JJ,7 CITY OF ST. PAUL •' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 91 COUNCIL No...--- FILE = -�'-- i WHEREAS, On or about the 26th day of February, 1923, an auto- mobile owned by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, was struck and damaged near the corner of York street and Walsh avenue, by an automobile belonging to the Crescent Creamery Company; and whereas, it appears that said Company has offered the sum of 052.89 in settlement of the damages which the automobile belonging to the Board of Water Commissioners sustained; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon payment of said sum, the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute a release, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for said damage. C WhereNo 'as' On or abouJ. t; henDoita 6th tlay of Feb., 1923, an automobile owned I the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of 9t. Paul. was struck and dam aged ear the c per of York Street and Walsh Ave.. by an automobile be, longing Land where". cit anp ars thent at Id Company has Eters@ the ams of 152 88 in settlement f the damages which the automobile belonging to the Board of , Water Commissioners sue- tsined; therefore, be It Resolved. That upon payment said um, the proner cit. Kleer bea and they are hereby authorlaed t� ex cute a release, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel.,. for said -da n - a Adopted by the Council July 2, 1723. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas /- _ Nays Clancy r s McDonald _.._. ___In favor ,/Matson 'Peter __...---Against Wenzel i i fMr. President I '. Adopted by the Council_ r Ap rbved-..... 192 - - CITY OF ST., PAUL FILECOUNCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, On the 26th day of May, 1923, the Murphy Transfer Company damaged an ornamental light post at Fourth and Sibley streets, to the extent of $90.04; and WHEREAS, The New Amsterdam Casualty Company, insurers of said Murphy Transfer Company, through its representatives, Bundlie & Kelley, have agreed to settle said damage in the sum of $60.04; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute a release for the damage to said post, releasing said Murphy Transfer Company from any further claims for damage to said post due to said accident. I J•g, bicDonal Id.y. 28th dey Con'sany Transfer 16n1!1 11.9W tete$! roug•`have V geolu ihel 1t otti cltY o e%ecuteB�' said Coem- nefer s for ^lattn a{d COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i V Clancy �Feiguson a McDonald _...__ In favor Matson Peter _ )__._Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council - _'._.... proved_ .. . ..... ...... No. ` 6 @.(15r-- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEMu� N - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 r1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, On the 5th day of May, 1923, one Harry E. Geyer, while driving an automobile on University avenue, ran into and damaged an ornamental light post at the intersection of University and Prior avenues, to the extent of $132.93; and - WHEREAS, The Norwich Union Indemnity Company, through its representatives, Bundlie & Kelley, insurers of the said Harry E. Geyer, have agreed 6 settle said damage in the sum of $132.93; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute a release for the damage to said post, releasing said Harry E. Geyer from any further claim for damage to said post due to said accident. C. F. No. 46793—By J. H. McDonald— ° Whereas, - On the, 6th day of May./ 1923, one Harry E. Geyer; while driving an automobile on IIniver.,iy avenue. ran Into and damaged an ornamental light poet at the Intersection of'Uni= verslty and Prior avenues, to the ex- tent of 5132.93;°and Whereas, The Norwich Union Indem- nity Company, through Its repreeenta tives.. Bundlie & Kelley, insurer. of the .aid Harry. E. Geyer, have agreed to ssettle said damage in the sum of $132.93; therefore be It Resolved, That. the proper'city ofn- ,cers arg hereby authorized to execute a relase for the damse to said post, 'i releasing said Harry E. ;Geyer from arty further claim for damage to said Jpoat-due.to said accident. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays: V// Clancy McDonald J--- - In favor Matson f Peter _-..-.- Against Wenzel Mr President Adopted by the Council - .__.. ---- ,__._.--=..I, .., 192 _.. Approv d_.__.. _..'-----------..___.� .'.'_192__.. -- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.--------LY-� j';�• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t]ATE Q RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. F. J. Savage, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and to Dr. G. D. Brand the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) in full settlement of their claims against said Board for professional services rendered to Swan Johnson, an employe of said Board, injured March 30, 1923, in the course of his employment. C. P. No: 46794_By J. H. 1McDonald— Resolved. That. the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby au- ,thorized to .pay to Dr. F. J. Savage, the sum of Ten.Dollars ($10.00) and to Dr. G. D. Brand the sum of Five Dollars ($-0.00) (n full .settlement of. thelf claims against saW Board -for protea- slogal services rendered to Swan John- son, an employe f mid' Board, Injured March 30; 1923, in the course of his employment. - Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923, Approved'July 3, 1923. (July 14-19,23): I Yeas Nays, Clancy ✓ McDonald In favor Matson Peter - -.-.....Against Wenzel Mr. President 11 I recommend the above resolution f o assage . Commtr of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council. ..... Approved.----.._.---.J.....r:..-,--;';..._ _.192----- n __... -- ._.. . --MAYO.R CITY OF ST. PAUL FENo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTECY .� COMMISSIOR.____ ...___.........._...._. ....... ......._....._................._...............___......_..... DATE_ ............ .........._.._-------- .........._......____.._- 77, RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioned be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Drs. MacLaren, Ritchie & Daugherty the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in settlement of their claim against said Board for professional services rendered to Michael Casey, an employe of said Board, injured January 2, 1923, in the course of his employment. C. F. lv , That By J. o McDonalder I recommend the above resolution Res. Dived, That the Board of Water ..- Com iselonera be and It' 1. hereby nv- for pa Sage. thorized to.pay to Drs. Maclaren, Ritchie & Daugherty the sum of One Hundred Dollar. (;100.00)out of the .Water Department Fund in settle- ment of their claim against said Board for professional services rendered to Michael Casey, an employe of said Board, -Injured January 2. 1923, in the - course f his employment. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923.' CiQmmir of Public Utilities. Approved July 3, 1923. (July -14-1923) r/ COUNCILNIEN Yeas Nays Clancy –I`ergaeee'–_ McDonald._In favor Matson y Peter _....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council . ,;___-192. _- Appr,dv-ed. / _ 192 ._. /– h ;' C. v Lr �.i MAYOR COUNCiLa No ----- -'. ` � a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ----- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Catherine Landers, the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of her claim for professional services from June 24th to July 2nd, 1923, rendered to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured October 4, 1922, in the course of his employment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays v Clancy --- i/MeDonald I �.__ In favor --,Matson Peter __ ...Against \Wenzel /44 President I recommend the 'above resolution for passage. 9iz"IlIze- Cc= 'r -of Public Works. Adopted by the Council _-_-.--- '.'_ - ?%3----192. ---. App oved__.._ :.... . _ % �.._ .....192. - -- MPVOR x m 2792 �Ig2�: �a seeks days, at' 5L5:pe,- aweek; rauellinqErpenses-Al i�� �`�CP.Ce/i��dl!//�Il2P� TOTAL 3 S -my ffi •� G ° - -_!p^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILCOUNE CIL No -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o.. RESOLVED i•t the Board of Water Commissioners and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. Harold J. Rothschild the sum of Twenty-six Dollars ($26.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to James Hawkins, Sr., an employe of said Board injured June 11, 1923 ($21.00), and to H. W. Kuhn, an employe of said Board, injured April 25, 1923 ($5.00), both injured in the course of their employment. 90797—By J. H: McDonald— ' That the Board of Water I recommend the above resolution - omml-slio t or zeds to pay ers to Dra Harold hereby eby au - sum f assage. _ ,child the the of Twenty-six Dollars (E20.00) out f the Water Department - Fund, in settlement of his claim /7 ' agai nst_.sald Board for professional ervlces Clancy rendered to James Hawkins, Sr., an employe of said Board injured June 11, 1923 ($21.00), and to H. R', Kuhn, an employe of anld Bonrd, In- McDonald ____-In favor ured April 26, 1923 ($6.00), both in- lured in the ComID'r of Public Utilities. course of their employ- ment. ✓Peter ---.-1:-..... -Against Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3_1923. Wenzel (July 14-1923) Mr. President Adopted by the Council ._.,-----._,.; 192 .... Appro 192 ----- COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays Clancy McDonald ____-In favor ✓ Matson ✓Peter ---.-1:-..... -Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ._.,-----._,.; 192 .... Appro 192 ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUFILNCIL NO ----- -- /4�y-k-;f8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED' T,t the Board of Plater Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to the Beebe Laboratories, Inc. the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) for services rendered to Angelo M. Fiorito, an employe of said Board, injured June 20th, 1923, said sum to be payable out of the Water Department Fund. C. F. N. 4679E—By J. H. McDo Wld— Resolved„ That the Board. of �N ater Commn issioners. be and it is ereby au 'thorized to pay to the Beebe Tabora - 'tortes, Inc. the' :spm of Five Dol In rs (95.001 for ser�lces rendered to A ,grlo injuredr Junen20th n1923, said ser.loy� oflum to be payable out of the Nater Department Fund.1923. Adopted by the Council July 3, Approved July 3. 1923) y COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Y Clancy mon-- .,.. McDonald __III favor ✓ Matson i F Peter i:. ---'.-....Against Wenzel Mr. President I recommend the above resolution fo passage. Commtr of Pub11G Utilities. Adopted by the Council. -----.-'.-- : _:-.1:....J.----192. -- Appro ed.......,,___-...'.----_.I_i.-,:i-.._192.---- �� MgYOn CITY OF ST. PAUL F° NCIL NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED q!htat the Board of Plater Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized . to uthor=ized,to pay to Dr. Harold J. Rot`:schild, the sum of Thirty-one Dollars (131.00), and to Dr. Edward Schons, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) in full settlement of their claims against said Board for professional services rendered to Michael Kranyak, an employe of said Board, injured April 30, 1923, in the course of his employment; said sums to be payable out of the Plater Department Fund. a Resolved,bThat. theme Board of Nater thor zed to paYbo DIHarold JeRoths- child, -the aum of Thirty-one DollarIes fF31.06, nd to Dr. Edward Schons. full settlelfneniYftoY t hal%talmslE Fainst said Board .tor professional senyem6 rendered to Michael Kn u ed -April, 30. pl.Ye sof said P.oard, 7 to Hent: 1923, in the course oY his efnp Y� aid s ms to be payable out oY the Nater Department Fund.- 1921. .adopted by the C 1923 1 JllIY S. approved dJul}-314-1925) I recommend the above resolution passage. Commir of Public Utilities. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council......--- :.. _ - 192. --.. � ClancyRergus- on Appr ved-.....- .In favor McDonald�J �. Matson - Y ' " M YOa Peter -...__--.Against Wenzel Mr. President COUNCIL No. ..... FILE CITY OF ST- PAUL ,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —GENERAL RESOLUTION FO� `.............._-...._..._.._.__..._ --- authorized o .......... . RESENTED BY ....._._-._.... hereby OMMISSIONEft ,�Qioners is Th the Board of Water comm five Dollars ($75 -CC) RESOLVED 'i'ht R Colvin, the sum of Seventy- rendered Pay �o Dr, Alexander for professional services 1922, out of the Water Department 'Fund, injured December 6, to Charles LaD0u0er, � employe of said Board, in the course of his employment - 1 reooumnend the above resolution for passage Comm'r of public Utilities. I �Qa to ;r; eatne Ofo na, T a� Qe oa+a y e in the g22 011" J�yIY 3, -: --::� Adopted by the Council...----. _.192.....,. APP ro ed...... '� Vi I /iia t CouN� °� Nays Yeas Clancy erg In favor ✓ McDonald — ✓ Matson , fi ...Agains ' ✓Peter J Wenzel ✓ Mr. President -: --::� Adopted by the Council...----. _.192.....,. APP ro ed...... '� Vi I /iia t CITY OF $T. PAUL CA�NGIL L 680+- NO.--'----- --------- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �__.._..___. - COMMISSIONER.___ .__ /_.._..._...................._..._............_......._.. DATE_ ----------- _...... _____......_._...___.....__...__ RESOLVED Tfat the,proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Z. P. King, the sum of Sixty-six Dollars ($66.00); to Dr. Bernhard Law the sum of Thirty-seven and 50/100 Dollars ($37.50-); and to Dr. J. C. Michael, 730 LaSalle Building, Minneapolis, the sum of Fifteen — Dollars ($15.00); in full settlement of their claims against the City of St. Paul, -for professional services rendered to Arthur Haessig, an employe of the Department of Public Safety of said City, injured Febru- ary 6, 1923, in the course of his employment. -----..__ I recommend the above resolution are ebP,eb tB he nr AerrateOn I�011 - for passage r P.' I{Ipn�fi the sum'- t0 Da}clty C to. uint Of'Qj nernfisi',1' a x 1� 7807yg5aliendet 8jjfl. 6%100 C. �)th In nf" net-Ftfteeu' Ufnnee Commlr of Public Safety. aeafnst tn.. lament r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "' Clancy Win_. McDonald t/ Matson Peter Wenzel V Mr. Presider ........ ::_._In favor .'.,-,!...Against t.,; a. .. 1q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No. ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEa / CoMMI TE Y ) COMMISSIONNNER......--..__................._._....................... DATE_........_..._..._.._...._..__............___...._........____..._ RESOLVED Tfiat tht Board of water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. Leo A. Hilger, the sum of Eleven,Dollars ($11.00) out of the water Department bund, in settlement of his -claim against said Board for professional services rendered to the following employes of the Board of water Commissioners, injured in the course of their employment: H. Bandekav, injured May 4th, 1923, ($2.00) J. Runt, injured May 2, 1923 ($2.00) Perry J. Rose, injured April 27, 1923 ($7.00) C. R No. 46302—By V. H. McDonald — Resolved,.That the Board of water Commissioners be and it 1s hereby au- thori2ed to DaY to Dr. Leo A. Hager, the sum of Eleven' Dollars ($11.00) out [be Water Department Fund, ' tl In set- dement- oC his Laino against said Board for proPessionat services ren- to the employes I- recommend the above resolu- d of the or :.' _ .Board of Najer.Commlesloners, Injured In the curse of their mp,'Iay ent: t n for passage. H. Bandekav, Injured 3ray 4. 1923, ($2.00). J. Hunt, in)urdd bray 2, 1923 ($2.00). Perry J. Rose, In)urod April 27, 1923 ($7.00). Adopted by the Councll- June 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1922. cJuly lg_I,23) Commtr of Public Utilities. -C/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy V `Ferguson--- - f% McDonald a In favor ✓ Matson I Peter ��_..Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. Presidgnt Adopted by the Council-` -- ............... __...._192._... ..192...._ MAYOF ' COUNCIL /S,/80{{{yyyy CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ---------------- -------- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEIIFiiLt the Board of water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Michael Casey, an employe of said Board, injured January 2, 1923, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty- two Dollars ($32.00) out of the water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, for the period up to _ I June 25th, 1923. 468003hgB Lh' board ofaW .. ived, d it is -hereby I recommend the above resolution A passage. au - a2 t, !.00) Com�rof�Pi:blio�Utili�tif , out o4 the vV e"' I .= at 0 ment "foerSod UP settler the P 'Ingainst. 26th. 8 23 B to June_-__...._ 192'3. Adopted by. the C1923.i1 JULY 3. -Approved uIY Juu 3-141923)... (J V COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson-- - ✓ McDonald ✓ Matson / Peter / Wenzel Lel Mr. President Nays Adopted by the Council. __.:.i.....:.._...!._...x_.....192. / APP ved-- ...- ....192..- -- -In favor `. u(y- MAYOR ...Against CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENQL -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ ------------ _......_...------- _-------- ............_-.....-----......_--- RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Frank A. Ubel, the sum of Eight Dollars ($5.00) for glasses furnished to teo J. Schwartz, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured January 2, 1923, in the course of his em- ployment, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. C. F. No. 46904—By R. C. Wenzei— Resolved, That the prpper city offi- cers are hereby authorized to pay to Frank A. Ubel, the sum of Eight Dol- lars ($9.00) for glasses furnished to Leo J an emploe of partmenth tz of rPirko. Pllaygro ndse and Public Buildings, injured January 2, 1923, ir4 the course of his employment, said• sum to be payable out of the 'Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved J3. uly (July314 923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy gusan ✓McDonald r._ In favor ✓Matson l /Peter ...... L_Against Wenzel / Air. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commlr of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council _...__.:.......:::..::__ ..... 192 A roved.... .._... - .. . - 192--.... ---- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK nCOUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 46805 couNca NO .. ,,LE ------------------_ ------ .. RESOLVED Viat the proper city officers are hoeby authorized to pay to Edwin Chappel, an employe of the Department of Public'Utilities, in- jured March 31, 1923, the sum of $35.38 out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for the period up to July 2nd, 1923. I recommend the above resolution v - VCOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,/ Clancy McDonald .In favor Matson Peter _-Against ✓ Wenzel / ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council __----------- :_:...!',--... _192 ._. 1 Aroved __._.�_.I_,....":-...r.:.-x......_192...... ...... - MAYOR C. F. Nio 46866—By J. Ii: McDonald— r Resolved, ThaC the proper city offi- cersare hereby authorized to pay. to Edwia Chappel, art employe of the De- - partment of Public Utilities, injured March 31, 1923, the sum of $36.38 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of -the General Fund, in partial settle- COmm'T of Public Utilities. .ment of his claim against the City of St. Paul for.the.perlod up to July 2hd, 1923. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. - Approved July 3,-1923. (July 14-1923) v - VCOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,/ Clancy McDonald .In favor Matson Peter _-Against ✓ Wenzel / ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council __----------- :_:...!',--... _192 ._. 1 Aroved __._.�_.I_,....":-...r.:.-x......_192...... ...... - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couraca 1----- h�i' _ FILE NO .........-..........---._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLD )iiiat the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Frank Barrett, an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured December 2, 1922, in the course of his em- ployment, the sum of Fifty—six Dollars ($56.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to June 30th, 1923- C. R.N.. 46806—BY W. J,' Peter— , Resolved, Thal:the proper city offi- cersre hereby authorized to pay toFrank . Publican e Varks of tine of e Cite; I recommend the above resolution partment, of of St. Paul, lnjuredDec. 2,192:, in they course of Ids employment, the sum of t for passage. of Workmen's1ollars Co Pensatl�on out count Fund, la partial 'It the General of his .1 MM against the City for the of period .u¢ to June 30th, 1923. by the Cougcli July 3, 1923. Adopted Approvetd July 3, 1923.` / - (July 14-1923) Comm r of Public Works. ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL 4680 ( _ No. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Thi the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Pleter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured Oct- ober 4th, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Seventy- two Dollars ($72.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City for the period up to July 4th, 1923. i C. F. No. 46807-11y W. J. Peter— That the proper city prc,- I recommend the above resolution COUNCILMEN _ assoh,ed, es'Pera to hereby employe of the Do for passage. tera11 hanb partment f Public \Y'orks, Injured Oct, 4th, 1922, In the course of his em- . ploy" ' the cum of SWork en's ($72.00) out of the Workmen's J McDonald In favor Dollars ra inatpartial count of settlement of IIehis, ✓ Peter Fund, Fund, )aim against said city for the perlodi ✓ Fenzel �, up to July 4th, 1923. _ toJuIY 3, 1923..y n V omm ssioner of Public Works. J C . by thzncil _cd .... - 1423ou Adopted by the Council_ _:__r..._..._.... :.'. .._.192..... Appr ved .. - 192 .......... .�� MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy � J McDonald In favor ✓ 1VIatBOIX ✓ Peter ..Against ✓ Fenzel �, ,111P: •Prestdent ' Adopted by the Council_ _:__r..._..._.... :.'. .._.192..... Appr ved .. - 192 .......... .�� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"c��NO..--_�'B`!---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ignatz Pepera, an employe of the Department of Public works, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him on the 5th day of June, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Ignatz Pepera, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $48.00 in partial settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for the period up to July 3rd, 1923. C. F. lv 46 That Bthe ProPere'it offi-' Resolved. Into an agreement nt with ho Ignatz Pepera,zed to - an employe of the Department of Pub - no Works, providing Yor=the ➢aYment of compensation to him at -the rate 0l- '$12.00 par week during such time as h1 .hall be injuries received biy him on the sabled Y othnday o June, 3923; be it . in accord- ' Further Resolved, That once city -oPficere6ar are herebyna authot, the rizedto payto the said Ignatz Pepera, out of the [hor me.e Go eralsFpnd,C-mptheatum Y $98.00 againstiathes City tticof tSto Paul sYorl the art period up ta'JuIY 3rd; 1923. 1923. .adopted by tha. Council Ju 3• A1923. p➢rovfld �July314 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy � Mc ` .� ..In favor Matson Peter Against ✓ Wenzrl Air. Prc�:id�nt I recommend the above resolution for passage. Com/Ir of Public Works. Adopted by the Council-. _...:_..:..:..i-, ' _ ..._..192- .... Apl r d -- ../-.. e 192-- , f ql)Q CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCH-No FILE ---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY!!�� Y" 5SIONER.__../..._.i!`_......._._.........._._.._..."'___..........._.. DATE_...._ .................. .____ —__—____. __._... 4 v — RESOLVED Th9t the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to St. Joseph's Hospital, the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-four and 39/100 Dollars ($374.39) for care and treatment given to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public works of the City of St. Paul, in- jured October 4, 1922, up to June let, 1923, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. F. No. 46809—Sy W. J. Peter- -- Resolved, That the proper city otfl- - -- cera are hereby authorized to pay to St. Hundred evenly -fou the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-four 39/100 I recommend the above resolution and Dole lars ($374.39) for are and treatment for given to Peter Meehan, an employe of e. passage. p g the Department of Public Works of the City bf St. Paul, Injured Oct. 4. 1922, up to Tune 1st, 1923, Bald sum'to be pay- able out of the Workmen's Compensa- ' tion Account of tfie, General Fund. Adopted by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 14_1923)—Ubmm'r of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy McDonald In favor ' � ,Matson Peter -_.--.-.. .Apainst 1. R'cnzol / \4 r. Prosidont a Adopted by the Council ......--',---- _192..--- Apprrov,cg .--- - - ... 192 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OOUNCILNO �� 681 FILE _ ...... t__ —------- July 3, 1923. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Wyoming Street from Ohio Street to a point 159 feet east of the east line of Manomin Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45212, approved April 18, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #46392, approved June 14, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works Por the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. VO, ma 6810—By JVm. J. Fetor_ [ ter . of onstrucUng a sew Vyoming 'Utreet from Uhl. Sty point 159 feet east of the of ll01de'r n .$tree[ under: IarY Order C. F. Na. 9521 'd April 18, , . and :. F No. 9689'8, app ov Ived, That the - s and es4 ate V p/°'ado `�{ mltted by the N ork�b a.t a ab gv srP I,,$ mens, the, — Proved. .a'+i�Owba A°i Ad opted by the APProved July ; Jmy COUNCII.SIEN Peas Nays �i Clancy Fepgns5n V McDonald ..._In favor /�bIatson Peter__.Against lCr•Iizrl Mr. Prrxidrut . Adopted by the Council. ....-.... . ......c.:' _: --.._192----- Approved - - -....192. MAYOR 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL —Nca MO.-- FILE �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iF NTED 9Y O.lL /_ July 3, 1923 0 In the matter of constructing a sewer on z Palace Street from Edgeoumbe Road to a point 30 feet, east of Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. ir46107, approved April 13, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #46167, approved June 6, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. 1.\,o. 46811—BY NV-. J. Peter— i In the matter of constructing a sewer on Palace Street from Edgecurn "Road to a point 30 feet oast of Griggs Street, under Preyllim`narry Order C•19 3, and FIna070rde r'E. F - No. 4 13, approved June 6.s 1923. Na. 40167, Resolved. That the plans, peclaca- [Ions and estimated quantities s sub- mittedorks by the above9In ed ImproWner .1 vle- ment, be and, the same are hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Council July3, 1023. ,IApproved July 3, 1923. F (July 7-1923) — — COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy er McDonald ` .___.In favor Peter _ Against Adopted by the Council --- ---------- :.....___._:_..:.'.'.192....-. Approved - / - 192 - lio�,yq f pp MAYOR 4.� ppl!y�., CC�� $ CITY OF ST. PAUL F`}°8E""ANO.--__Lk6812 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY y - July 3, 1923• COMMISSIONER .i DATE _ . _ ..._.....__......._... ........ __..__.__..... _..._.....___�.. RESOLVED In the matter.of constructing a sewer on Belvidere Street from Oakdale Avenue to a point 135 feet west of Harvard Streit, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45082, approved April 12, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #46400, approved June 14, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated qugntities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 46812—By o litmuceinsea r r � rn to a atter o constructing Oakdall Belvidere Sjnte 135 rfeet est Avenue to a Po u der Preliminary Harvard Street, Order 3, andoFlnn820rder approved P? No - 12, 1�2 1923. 46400, nPPFoved June . s cidca- Resolvede That the plans, Ds le. as sub- ti d [Imated Is.loner of Yorks fortthe Cnbomes named improve meat. be and the enure are hereby ap- prove , p- p oved. Add y t4 C 1g2y11 July opts b 3, Approved lulu J. (July 7-1923) Adopted by the Council .......::...:_:;.., 1._...._192..-... Approve _ .., - -"' ........192 ---�-dt MAYOR �lYltf RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY,CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE ND.__._. 4-6 13 July 3, 1923. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Earl Street from Jessamine Street to a point 60 feet north of Magnolia Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46269, approved April 20, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #46393, approved June 14, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 46313—By Ivm_ J- Peter— In the atter of constructing a sewer) n Earl Street from Jesanmine Street to a point 50 feeto th of Magnolia Street, under Pre ltin inary Order C. P. No. 45259, approved April 20, 1923' ang Final Order C. F. No. 46393, ap- proved June 14, 1929. - .. Resolved, That the plans, specifica- tions and estimated quantities as sub- Wtoted by the Commissioner f Public + rks for tite above named of ment, for and the same are hereby ap- proved. by the Council July 3, 1923. Approved July 3, 1923. (July 7-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r V Clancy _ Ferguson McDonald In favor i Matson J /1�eter Against Wenzel, .Air. Prr,i�l�n� 9 Adopted by the Council --- ------ :...----j.-.,-}---.._192__.- Approved .. 3..192 i+�r�lf7 MAYOR Petition. Council File No._...._ -..D 7 t' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _..__ Open!-._widenand-. extend --an . alley..16.--ft,.--in--width...ixl..Hlo.ak..1S.------...-- Winterrs Addition running .from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. ........................................_..._...................................... ...._.........._..._._...........__..__....__............._..... __.._--------- ................... - - - _.._-....-.......... __............... ...._..... - ....._ _ .............. ..... Dated this........ 2nd........ day of_...__..__a..... ............ July .......... 192..3. ' PRELIMINARY ORDERS!. ____ .. _.__- . _ ..__.._. Councilman. C. F. No. 46814 Whereas, .� Abstract. _—__—_--._-------- >naking oP; thewritten DroPosal Por the .viz: Pollowing Improvement. Open widen and extend an aii PRELIMINARY ORDER. Peek In width In 1310ck lb winter's I ditIon running from . Oxtord, Sr havin been WFfEREAS, •„ ;,r ..g.,. Pr S' the making of the following improvement, viz.: -----------Open,---widen...and--extend--_&h alley ..16-ft....in..width-in-Block lb Winters Addition running from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. -............._.._........._._......._..._ ... ....... .._.._- --- ----- ...... ... -- ................... . --- ............... ...... - -- .-...__._..._.....-------------- ------- -:--------------- -----------... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._ ..............__..._. --- .---------- ....-..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ._..._._........................::.:.--------------------- --- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY i Approved ..- - 0 MATSON ;�� NIB: PRESIDENT 1 - i r A i;:° 'ai,�"�ett'; a: n• z..,, Council File No......... `r, 151 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' - Xj, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ----------- opm,.—widen.and..extand...Wpme-..8.tre.et...ta---a_-width...of 6-,3....ft,..._...... ----- - {rppl-- Ds�.1�ng.AQenue-.-to--the._VGeat-_-line-_-of Aldine -..Street._.._._....__--.....-- . .-.................................---- ...__......_ ._..... ...- - _....----- ._.....------- 0' ----- .......... - - - �'h 87� ---day of___....-----.'rl�--------.._.... '^ er °�Irin6 °P rhe r tt+'ac[._....... ........ .. Ao idrhlJen fOflDAln� 1 oeQl Ciouncilman. Pr Bgnt IlCeBPr�Crptend°jDra eyenfe d, Snellynne c ne 'i trFXo e°°n Sr. h PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..Open,._widen..and...extend...Wyme .Stre.et._to...a._Wl th. of 63 -..ft. ............ . ---------------,from-.8nelling..Avenue_.to_.the__Weat.-1ine._.of .Aldine... B -treat. - ----- - - --- ----- ---- ............................ --------------- ........ --------- ----- -- --- .._--- ................... .----...----------------------------------------------- ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._._.__-...._..__ .....----------- ------------ .._........._....._..._._...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. -.......::....:::...:..'..'-"------------..---- - - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY .�- Approved s t \� MATSON"R "N' Y McDONALD s " .a, /U ✓ PETER '.'i�,. 'a„-�` ; PET"-: RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter• S .1.1 af 1 t jlock ............ 4 1 to C, silo Lo_t-.,� ............. 4�_ n . .... ............. ......... . 0 C t�. ....... J`Rn .................. .... ... ... :: t I on ....................... .. : . ............ tinder Preliminary Order.........'6,;I6.......... approved Intermediary Order...—.....•`::270. L, approved 4 ....... Z.N.,�01P.COUNC.1 7' APP Ov -,port in the above matter as to the amount of IIThe Commission 715101M. TIMM OF HEARING IN fONDEUNA- MION PROCEEDINGS. damages awarded for the----,, herein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payablei and also., ' 11 .8 assessment of benefit to property from the making of ft. of I said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........ 51h ---------------day day of .......... at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter - Adopted by the Council ............. .......... ---------- ............ . ..... — ----- ---- --- ........... City Clerk. Approve6 ------------------_---- .............. .. ..... 191 A W mk �.mlm ." coiilidlni&HXX'Lx✓i��son ­ , �;o Councilman TAKAWTT� 1 'Do C! Councilman RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....c.a.I�a-ernnin� .......t, uzn .-.M ._.f�_rr.U.nrj_'to.n;;..f.ox:...uub.lic...scho.ol :.".;7.4.5!u.S.a...LU.�:.S.... I..t.U. .1.0 �.. t - • ..................•---............................._..........-----..----................................. - � r .............................................................. ._............. ..................... ............................................ ..--__-____.___. _ under Preliminary Order .....Y1t.9?7............. approved•.:i?r.�... a...l .25 Intermediary Order..... 45755 approved t :? .Y. ld x- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded i.1„k land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement aeri- er of ..condemning, talcing and to. tvboa • toting for public school submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of G: � 6' I to 16 Inclusive, P11 _ "0'- Rearrangement said improvement;' cnederAPrell U 45765, or) - Resolved, n -Resolved, Thatti- -I",assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the............ 2>.t..ii..................day of ._....Ju 1;7.,...1Si23........::A93 ......, at ten o'clock A. Al. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------------------ _.........._......... 191 ..... Approvea......._. Conncitalan Jjyw cx bllcDonald� Councilman &oiler ✓/, .. 191........ ------------------------------ ity Clerk. I 68 a RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING � TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter. of..QauB�:'IP _:j^ i<1^.,-•:'ci �..:.;_"'On ],_c.ui:.CfO P... y.��_i> i:C... 501001 - - u_ posas-._ o, ,_s-_G_.t.o...._.in,lus ve,__. _:: io'.:: `;, to i -r: lusi e loclf ,....:" ...... - .........._......... ..._.............. .................:. ......... ............. .......................................................................................................... ........................ .. - - - .._................. ...... ............._..........._... - -- ......._....._.......... _.....--.------.................._..........._..I...-------.. under Preliminary Order ------------ 4.-!_%,:kL..., approved -.:' ra `=.a 152:x.........., Intermediary Order._.. approved --- .,:.;1...1.1..... %2:�x. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damage.- a� r easements therein appropriated for the above improvement ,ter 4,ter In the ma'of g for ubli taking and ores Lots for inclusive, school , and to wh9 Purposes Lots s to 9 incluelve, and fitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of Lots 22 to 25 inclusive, SlocR - ^r� 's'Addition to. TIcKenty's -•,der Preliminary Order - bald improvemel)T✓. , 1pri1 4, 1923. Intern- i,. approved Nay 11 „ . s_ Resolved, That tii said'assesenient of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pau] on the ................. 2pt_i}............. day of .......... jul,�.,....1)23 X%W at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council....- ........::...._--;._...;...........--.---... ...., 191...._... City Clerk. Approves.... _............. 191 . z - Mayor: Councilman F&hb*,Drthi ;-L n y.._, Councilman 6Fisi3+tX .., :r�3�!�_«•t��,:�' . _ Peter v 7tbnnoi�an "� 7�J_✓-�_ ConricilmanImderlicix _. Mayor Ireix: V:. '.. .. . RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TJME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of, Q I:iIA:a:..>...i:•;lc,..l%....:.c:ra... 2? '.t].i?. .Jia..�:.i1l.:l.Q.i:...lU.t.�J w...w. !10.Q�. rpo e..2_...-o.s.. ....:c...::'o it l>>_;i�ie, =..Q. .I'..l.J-.f o.� 4 a'i',.�.....::.. 1.t]szn - - .................._._......_................._....................._................................ - ..........-----......................._.............•-- 96 r......'-. :..., Intermediary Order... .i_1.Y.:.. under Preliminary Order..`.._r............._......, approved .I- e..---- approved-._.i.:i3.;ti....i i.,... i• .... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages J i Fhxo. at6ft1r9of condemninA), taking or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement fe,and ➢oaesro7.ot tl to 30 Inc ul1. elvec B"'. and to wl 11, lolcomne s Addltmn: under Pre- nitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of iiminary,,Order 44936, approved Apr1i 4, 1923. Intermedlary Order 46768, up- 1sald im r( proved Slay 11, 923. impr( Commiseloner of Finance -hav- ins submitted his report in the nb, matter ±be. amount oP dama�, wase' �^ ]n^ Resp a .,-Y'liat Cfi4''. �:lK"'n: ` • P of benefits be slid the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the -Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........ ....... L. !...............day of ........Ji.?1-,.-,1y2 .........XM;x -.• at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ................. .._.......... ........ 191..... ., City Clerk. Approveo_ .. . .. ................. 191......_ 70=0 61)6 niil d n .w Councilman ztcE d1: �✓ Y (� Councilman WbbdarB"Ir= - - 3fnyor RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING I TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. :.-Q ... .. . .... . and the West 12 or 20 feet of Lot 54, 53 .......... . ........... ... ... Q11- ............ 1 C . .... 1 1 t,5 . . . ...... ----- ------ - ............................ ................. . �7 . ........ —` ... ......... ........... .............................................. .................................................................................... : ........................... ---- under Preliminary Order..........`....- approved Intermediary Order approved C. V. Nb. 46820— , 6820 amount of 11 he omller I condemning, and printing for p.bje taking 7ing submitted his report in the above matter as to the appr, school imcp os.. Lt. 31 to 39: nts to inclusive and . 46 54 Inclusive, Bl.� dam Smith's Subdivision of\Sflne.j��4, Di-' land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement Vision of the N�Z Section 36• le .Township !29, Range 12"� o'BISe'lte 9. as 15, 16) under Preliminary o -In and A g submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of 40S8, approved Apr. 4, 1923, Order 45771,..r -i p said int rovemeTV >ne e be j Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma. tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......._.....__? �l ... .............day of .......... .........2955.......,at ten O'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ........ ........ — 191 cam .. . .... ... ........................ City Clerk. .... ... .... Approveu ..... ......... 191 , --47 -------- - ------ - - l Alm 4W p uonnca &,aDonald Councilml.a. an MaUiir: Co, "i, ,11� "T'co— RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..;�.Qih;. P1CS1S_:<_i.r... .' ai;;:...L:_^:,'__�'..�;S�.O.tJi'1;'. {.' �,,. �.C_. _ 7..........,.C..�OA _ _...........--------_............................... .. ........... ___ ........................ .... ... ....... ..... _.. ............... .. ... ....... _......i..ot.s.. 1 .' c,.1.............................''�.... 1� ' ...`.=.x......:�.' no�u .........:::�a':'ran � _e t...S, .... o.4.re I s ........................ 'O 1...--� ........ ..._C...... 1 -:. ..... ..L...:. ...7....:' ... .. ......... under Preliminary Order ........... approved Intermediary Order ............ approved ....:,,G.J...1,...1s<: . In'the matter -of condemning, taking and appropriating for public school purposes,,atsnLet- I 's Se 0 to Addition; inclusiLo ei ie having submitted report in the above matter as to the amount of to 1G, inclus(v , Block 1, Bucknout', .d io s%J,ttom 1Gy�incln i�s,Block if the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement '. & -` lit,ey'p ddition t�� == itr. 'y Order and to wlioln pa ANe `add also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it 4 Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pani on the...................'�c:u. _........... day of ........... jL?.�J.z... ''--------- M^....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .................................... ........ .......... ... 191.... -- City Clerk. • 191 ; . ConneilmaII (ib�sxxair Councilman H#Tafid ✓ - r ' ^ 1�' /// rM' % 3 Councilman Mellor ' i ;i n��cou ✓ COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Inthe of. f -n:. nev., _u!-1. 2:,..._.�.Ca.lcSt �tMatter ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .. .....�...........'.......:... 'V�:: A............................. ...........�y........................................................................................... 5r)37 2rs lC. J under Preliminary Order .. z:..:..................approved .....?::..... ..:.:..•.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. I i<. .... .. r.. ...al -ley ............... ,i...?............... .....".`:...i:o.:.... re J �.r;_,Ira --._.................................................. ....................... INTERlIEDIARY ORDERS. C. F. No. 46822— ....... In: the matter of .grading .and ,.pa', ................................ .................................. aney In Mock 2,,; Maedleater V'; 2nd. Addition. from .Fairview A Fed ir.ica Ave,, under Preli,:'...................................^.............................. : . .....�� +.7 "d M Y'. with no alternatives,'lAif'd''tn tifr' ;estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... ...day of ....July ............. 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... C. ......, 192 .... Approved.....:':... .'x'.:.3.......192...... ...........@/ City Clerk. .............. . ... . ^,�/ ....... vg0jjj7Q Mayor. Councilmaty/Clancy. _ Counclma CouncilmaWTDonald Councilmanctson � t CouncilmanLSm1 t r het ' ,` 41 Councilman Wenzel r` Aj 4 COUNCIL F ENO .... .......... By.. .. ...... ®..... IN'TERMiDI,ARY ORDER In the Matter of ... Per,.O:L9trV.Qtv.rF,.X:ad. i:@j�a1.X'7.t1AU—'VR-!'IeC.ESSa.V-Y, cameri..i la.aicze'i+: JI.An..the. roxth.si.de..of... Idr.Bund.:tr.ee.t,..bPV'xzazna.24 faei,,;+.es.t.AP..Oha svor.ta.Ytre.ei.,..trent.e.s;ast..?Q4..il�eL........................ ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... C. F. No. 46823-$Y 7• Di. Clancy— ," 1n•the:matter oGreeonstructing.relay-�ur}g Ing and repairing, *here necessary; ••••••••••••••••••approved .. ...... f.... ..... cement file aide 1k on the. north siae.:of and Street, beginning r Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon feet west. o£ Chatsworth Strn-: thence west.lo4 feet ,-nnder Prel, rig considered said report, hereby resolves: inary Order 46348, approved Jun, 1923.mit oe De and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement The,. ouncil of th �' g rece� Fiche; Toc`eeded with. C, That nature.of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aeaons :,.Ql y and„repair,,,;+here,}�ec,ess;;T,,, ement,tile,, c c,; lk,on,t.i}eo:t:h side of 4 Q..Paet,.................................................................................... . ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...07..pES. S Q.... f t . 2Sth Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................day of , , , , , • • • • ...j w3y........ 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and iir the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... , . ;'..:: •. c !'..: ........, 19 ..... I Approved......:'.'................192...... City Clerk. ...... Min ....... ....... Mayor. . - g ✓ may., Hbftgbn:: i'.. �.,. r3. C. A. R -r I VCOUNC 'FILE NO ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...xB.Co;:st, uct.iY1,..ra.layinU.and..re.�air.ir�.;+.h�Le..r.@cis&&r3 6 ft. GEYP�XI$..t-z1�.. S.1(AQVA1,%S..GT1:................................................................ O1 n to of 5th„ t. thence north 30 e.R#..�3:3T.GS:. t...'-.t1A�-I��..7....:.9.=.:.......: north side rose t. be ;inning lu0'„;+e.st of "arl St. thence v+est 601 ...................... ..... ......................... 0. „nest, si;ie, uluth, l ye,,,be rn,in t..i: a g r.e...St,. thence north 361 Ye.. to..... est 1301 under Preliminary Order....... 4159a7.............approved ......... ................ dd rhe C'...,naa—r s-= '"'�-"-' aul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon tq C. i No. 46824—sY d M;Clnncy— (considered said report, hereby resolves: - ... `I In<t Is matter of reconstructing..retaY- .[ng and rePairi g Where . on: the the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 70Yn rth oPE• 6th St.;; cnr - -'-'- aoN �vement which the Council recommends is. .r. N rth ei de Roso St . "beginning 160' e c o n s t ru c t, t, r e la y west aY "Earl. St thence went 80 , west side Dul th nve., beginning -at ltargaret,_HL thence nortb 3G'. -� o - 33 ......... f North side nargaref St.,`beegin130s S'y•�'f.ti<.. e.G'1nP..nt,..ta.�. �.Pi..�i 1. %%•1 �'r'.-:c�..9�?t. .. .. ._at. Duluth ave, thence nt D Preliminary Order 46967, np-. becinninjµ %O1 north Or 5th "t. thence north 301 Proved ,relftn 8,1923. ...... ....................... The Council'o1 the 'city of st-&aul V avinr, receivod the report of the Com; Q# 4�} ;+ t, i Ce GSt s01 !I 11'�r.isstoner of Finance upon the mboy{Y� S 1 1 4 P .,,•• •••. prone r t, and having eo sldgred. -.LZI l �:Z • • �'•Q • • • U� Pa v e .. ! .t'i A report, lte;ebY resolves , 2 (That the said report'be and . e Ss hereby' approved. and ad1r72F'},11j7, 1j'�g•,a,. 1;, .1..2. f�'d l'2t ;�t; thence no th. J6 saidimpro ement is bs procee i-ith j?qrr That the natal gw in S.tr.�9t, (;�i,}l,i,,,t, iulu...ji .....,,thence %+est. 13.0... which trie Cor.. + .' `.... �......... • . struel rein) with no ,nrc�e,f°' `-�, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....Q7..pe?t.aq. ft. Resolved Further, That a, public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 27th..... day of ...........duJ.y......... 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time,and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... a' i ..::'.. )'.. a....... 192..... . AApproved -- �. .. .... . PP .........:::....192...... � City Clerk. Mayor >,..h1r �yprem!`n��r"'�.tri:.a�r';�rn'''��e�.a�ttx..r',��.�4 � trn a.�.a:..:� .- „ ...._ x.,� . ,:.����.a4•�� �i�.tf�.,�.,.> �'� K'.�`�'a�'�"�: ,./Mayor HZ4gCs6NX _:6'1.5 Or! I -.,r,,, it. S. A. 8-6 COUNCI ILE NO ... . Y By�.. ..i/� �.. INTE EDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. �.onSL�u.4tzng.a..s.e.flr..on. �sle.l]Sn�.:uenue. £rnn..aana.olpla .. Street to,apoint 310 feet south o£ Landolt tr�et .......•.,,..............................................................I............. C. F No. 4682"o—BY J. M1 Clancy— .... .......................................................... jn.:[he matterof constructing a sew �...... .. .... ,on Snelling -Avenue .from ,Randolph' .'Street to a. point imderePrenminnrt' 4634.7 :Randolph -Street,........... approved . J.une..la 1923.. .................... -The Councli'of pt. QCItYU of St: r'l • • •. •- PP l mTh ner� L Finan ee vrt °fft a � zy of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon tmprovero " _.^,,;and having considered said report, hereby resolves: l:n`shat'the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends on SXt@l� 11 ..�iY.@l�uS.fXQI . pAp't.f.eett.squth•o£.... ..,. nandolph Streeter ................................................... ........ ...................................................................................................... with,no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...3,1 .5..00.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... Mh...... day of • • • • • . J•u ].y........... 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted b the P Y ounci]....... U•. ... 192 �1oe .......... Approved........ _.. ......7.�r.3 ....192......- City Clerk. ....... c. �r .... ... .✓ .............::.............. Mayor. ,�c�irag Councilman Clancy � /J� Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson CouncilmatuS,Qb4tDCX: COUNCIL ILE NO../ q ..... /1 By INTERiEDIA.RY ORDER In the Matter of..P. y, Pin,.-Tlock,4,,,ii lor.4 l,',sqc,, lock,,,, anhornts '•ASL•..0}}A.. 14P.k..`#a..rr9rrn,',s„lgt,. .0>le.. r,o1iictoria.......St.•.�... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................._. ...................................................................................................... unr— P — nX594 ..................... .ppGGJ. `In theNmafter of nab ai eyni ysiootsSt. Paul havingreceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon b.mVter's ?ytdltion; Eioek 4`” san-ving considered said report, hereby resolves: p born'sAddltion, and:Block 4, Brown's at Addition, from binton St.: to Vlc- �rla St., under ,Preliminary: '... and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement isq'e, approved May 28, 1923; =.tided with. ''ouncJl oP the City of St. r-` _ eceived•the report of the r aP Pinancon e eoe, the improvement which the Council recommends is, .�a.�Ie...�.1sy.An.20Ck ndha 's :;a,.G..�h... having ,4an'oDim 's.%DT.1J2mk.,41,,,i:;ro;yxl.',sa „iroir i;iltola.. ��„t,4• �r�t:4"i .,:.:�..................................................... .............................4................................,.................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. , x,.05,6 6I. , .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, . , ...'�:�tr 11 . , . , • ,day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court �1ad Cit ��all �uildi�a iia tM�c Cit of St. �'�ul� �'h�� the CoM�a���is�io�e�lof Fin��ace i��noticc of s��� I»�c��►a �0 � 1E 1��90n9 SII 111 t 1� 111�i111�1 � y � � � A p ��c hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council........ t, .. ...., 192.... . Approved......................... 192......qq,� City Clerk. .. � .... ..dd....... Mayor. ✓ Councilman Wenzel MayoF ..., ...... ............ COUNC FILES NO ........ „... . INTE NMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.fti;riis.a l'n..and.-ins tailam.amentaa..ayst em. consisting of lamo posts„ana„lamps,.,syires„?7d,ypdopf;pund„c,gpau}tp.. for v............. conve in current ces electric ,thex;eto,,,ani„ull, otht,r,necpssarJ„applian Y ... ................. ....assd..a�ui�;rierat..fa>?� •said • s•ys•te?r • on• •Ga•?it o•1: • = venue. b e.tssen .'r3amline.._v.enue and,Unelling r;venue., ................................... .................................... C 'F. 37o.:46827—BY -J 3f .C1ancY— .. ............... ........., .. ....................... . I tho matter of furnishing a a instar .................... approved ...�ua:y.: a.a ..l X29+...................... Ing anornamental-Ugtsiu.ttd ] mP,sr771 consisting of lamp �.I mires: and underground conduits tof •, nodal othiectri.er a YnapPiiane s_nPconsidered said ireporteherebt roesolves Commissioner of Finance upon d cqulpm t for td: vstem - g P Y Capitol A e ue hot"'” ”' be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said im rovemens A u nd s elilag Ave”'Y PP P P P nmia Y order 46673 .sOCeeded with. Alai ,;= 1923. _ Il. othe Ctt9 "�•^^ "'l. 'nived ti.ecepo�e of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ..f ]-lI'n1S,l'�, bpd. J.I?S.4a11 an, ornalz,,el}taw°Slt7,'? .�Z two.p,p SZ.SMn .4 ..larup..pAsts..and.lar; pa_ -"i fres and underground..eonau}t.�..,o.;'„Gpnv.e�i ..�IeCS�c..aurrA t..�.hsretp, .ar�� all •,. ot;k�er,necessary,.agp�,i$,qp.es..end..equi.pntent.f.or..said. s�star.!..on.Capito.l. ... AV.emle..b at men. Hamline... a enu s . and . az e.l ld.MP” .,.v e.nus, ......................... . ........................................._............................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-4.,� -.PQ..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 27:W2 ..... day of ............duly... `., 192..Z., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House^Ind City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....:... .....r:........, 192..0.. C Approved .................... ......192...... � City`Clerk. G.....� . .`.... tet_.....:.... ..... �C ffp Mayor. Councilman Wenzel t/ Mayor on ............... a.......... LE NO .... INTERMEDIARY ORDER n the Matter of.Chariszr}° . i•he• • rade• •of.. r�t.ta. e. SL....1 e.tueen . i �yne..ve... and .P�O. .Ged d,r.?u 3z,z, wart, hereo,..tiie..:�r SG.1t..GP.Lab+. Vi1G1.. r.�ae..bek.,F. �hRlr71.1ia. a. ue„nethlereo�i,.�1o,Gcin - said Cet.t.,a......o a .ra n.e .:.. .. ... li;;.... eenbrier rve. to the said, lred li:.e ..hzn, ,stat;7.ished�......................... q .. 1 Y f :'-� l .................. . iUU.......... ..approved ...�1?)�..T .}. G b• No 46828—nY T 1i ClancY .� In the matter of changing the grade a; ttage St. eteeto conform to inPconside ed said ireport,hereby resolves f the Commissioner of Finance upon i�the red lino on the'proflle hereto at- g y, tached and made a part hereof. -the present `estamiahed: grade rbetngand the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ' grading said Co[taSe 8tt f�om�P¢9ed with. to 'Greenbrier Ave. to the a-I� •.,thE ads, of ed itne-when�estahlished, under the improvement which the Council recommends is..G;� . f ...,. • • • timnary rflOr .96620, approve Z 1825 f the Cit9 aed.forr�..to..the..re .h.@LA..4 Q..Q,..yrSt..'"Q ot.,..:hu.zl-' ent e#ahlisk��d.nacle•bin•soy'ri1••t�••a•hlue..line..t'rer.eon,..also.. a.cii-n'..said j d Vecl Iine..i:` en e.S.ieis b4 .,. .................................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. f , f . I ?.%�-� • • • • • Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....�T:,1�........day of j.11IY...... 192.J..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said hearing, the nto atureofthenmprovement and the totals and in the manner icos by the asaestimatedng the time and place of Adopted by the Council ! { • • • • •, 192.... j. v d City Clerk. .., .... .....192...... ` ........... /, ACJ Mayor. ... r '� 3t 1 -: i1N i -^• Su __0 ris r VI Councilman McDonald / ✓ y J c u11man Matson � .• ^ �sminty. t t , , r . a 1 4 COUNCIFILE NO d, .. . By / INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..C.QT�4Ci0K11r1.2rid..taiCjD.�21. vas e172rit..iri.the..J-a d. �eC.ea�&.Ty for s,lopes,,io,r, e is„a}ic7,_ �er}bx: e;..'.r.Q:IUe.,.......................................................... ............................................................................. R No. 46829 -By J. M. Clancy • . • • .. 4 M21, ...... , .. approved ...June .16,..1,923. .................... i.the matter of condemning and tak- ing in easement In the land necee•r of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon !nhry for slopes, for cuts and fills in' thegradIng, of cottage Street from;t having considered said report, hereby resolves; Payno Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, urder Preliminary order 46621, ap• proved Ju e IB, 1923, , �it be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ti 'N Council of the City of St. Pau)iceeded with. e, r received the report of the Cer-; oi, and having cons(;;; of the improvement which the Council recommends is..C41?detil�}, and tali.q. ,easement„fir„the„land„necessary, for, s,lopes,,,for„cuts„ and, -fills„in ,the gradAng—(4..Cottaga.Street.fra_..Payne.venue..to..Gr.eenbrier.. venus,,. J n ?C.cordano.e. lith. the..bLus..pr.iat. hexeto..attached..and..r .de..a..part.her.eof, the.ha.tched..partianS..sh0,4iag..the..cu.is..end.Afte.,,bAdP.d..pox tAoas..s orq.4l?g thefills.x................................ ........................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 25.,Q.Q........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. , , , ..27t I , .. , , ,day of ,,,,,,,,,,,i�uf�,y,,,,,,,,19z„� t at �hc hour of �0 ociocic �, �l, �� the Council Chamber of the Court �I I, I I said meeting to the persons ani in the manner provU by the Chance, sWlq the lime anhlace of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... c .'..:'...1:' 3..... 192..... . a, Approved.................:.......192......�. City Clerk. Mayor. (/Councilman Clancy / t/ Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman S$xat Petexr rasjjy�' .,.�.,r.., '`i`� ,:1.}„�nv�,.vr j.-�,.`rs�i '�v �4L1�YS1�#i `'�-” CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO.._._Li<��•--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j// �/� _............. DATe__......July---5y_,_19.c,.,�.-_._....--___---- .._ RESOLVED In the matter of paving Earl Street from Hastings Avenue to Ivy Street, except that portion between the south line of York Street and the north line of Ross St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #x45273, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #x46430, approved June 15, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. �4 ' " • � C. F. No. 46830—By Wm. J, Peter— In .th e matter of paving. Earl Street 'from H.W.I. Avenue to Ivy Street, ezc ep[ that portion between the south' line of York. Street ad the ]lmri airy Order oC. F. Noss yunder Pre- . 46273, ap= p o d:Ap Il 20 1923a d F -n 1 Or- d6r C. F No. 46430 appr v dJune Imo. R lved Thnt tahc pia sDectuc*-� _went, be and the same are proved. Adopted by the Council ; Approved July 6, 1923,. ., (July 7-1923). (COUNCILMEN Yeas ._ ...Against F CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE IL Y�1J��. NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _j_. /.... C ......._ . .. ...._._DATE.-X_CC s-122.3_._---------__---....... _............_.................._..._.....OMMISSIONER.------ .... ................... _. y RESOLVED In the matter of paving the driveway in Phalen Park from the intersection of Earl and Ivy Streets north westerly along the lake to the junction of the lake drive with the roadway leading to the Wheelock Parkway. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy —Few as -9m. - McDonald _..... ____In favor Matson V Peter _....._.. Against, Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._._. 1 ...-..i_P 192 -- App ed 92...-.Approved .i.-... 192 .......- MAYOR--.......----...... .---..---.._...I. /R O :; 0 @TTFtT,TSx[ED__�� W J• peter away C. p. No. 46831—RYnving the 'It 0 lntersc..t- In the matter otion from the west - ;a ph¢lenna Ivy ti eta Hort nnbtioa 7 of Earl. the lake to the of a lake drive wJib a roadw¢aYI the to the Wheelock park' speciflca- . per le¢ding: That tho Plane, le l e at t eseloneree a¢ su - Resolved. of (1 '('o �',, i tions• the Improve' I mated by/ for the above e a eed eTepy -P-I ! !f Works meet, be and the sno 1923 JuIY V6, i proved..-thoCounc[l duly 6, 1923- I. APProved II (July 7-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy —Few as -9m. - McDonald _..... ____In favor Matson V Peter _....._.. Against, Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._._. 1 ...-..i_P 192 -- App ed 92...-.Approved .i.-... 192 .......- MAYOR--.......----...... .---..---.._...I. /R O :; 0 @TTFtT,TSx[ED__�� COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................... . ........................... ........ In the Matter of...€ raging--the----^a-st---and-._nst----:�-1-le-y---in--_Flock--,1,---Jeff�rsor}---- Park addition and Block 1 5 nyside addition, from Albert Avenue to ...................................... ...................... -..............--------------------------------- Hemline... avenues...- - ............... ..................._.. - . -- ....................... .... ..... ........ undl�,- �—, n1dc, 45428.. ...-.... approved_1pri1...2.7� .1923....-.. I C F No- 46832— (In the Matter of grading the East and ....------------------------.... Intel : west Auer In Block 1, Jefferson .....------ approved .. .... . .. ... ..... .... Park Addition, and Block 1, Sunny- upon P. l the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council O ide,-AEd+tion, from Albert Ave. to $ P P aniline Ave., under Pmllmino" Or, have der 4642s:approved.April,27 1823. and recommendations relative thereth, and having fully consid- A p blit :hea ing .,having been had: ered�upon the above improvement upon due nonce and ;the Council bav(n! bea �L; 'obi +.. •,a recon c'f the CAy of St. Paul /that the L1�..i11eYlo.C.!z..l, T.ef exS4r...Parlc---addition,---and Block 1,._ -Sunnyside --.Audition; from Albert.. Avenue to Hemline Avenue, .......... ------------------------------------------- -----------I ............... ........................ ................... - - _.. - ....... e..`.--,...... -- ile .` Ailed; and rezcrded wr. : d an the Council hereby ord s said improvement to a made. SOLVED FURTHER, hat the Commissioner f Public Works be a is hereby instructed ,n �ap ted to prepare plans a specifications for said provement, and subml ame to the Coun- il foval; that upon said a novel, the proper city cials are hereby autho ed and directed to proceed th the making of sal improvement in actor nee therewith. Adopted by the Council ........-.-._.._.....-JUL._i,.I_ 7.l . 9 ........ -...... ------- ............._.- City Clerk. Approved..................... ......... ....................... 191.. / Councilman R�xixw ✓6ancy t Councilman Qs=xx Councilman ChWgjrx ;4&P0N0_1-& r �� Councilman X&MM ✓ Ya t s on Councilman MMAX d' et er Councilman VOWO E Mayor xn4gw%xtfn1son 1 + Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE M uFt' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of_grading' East and West alley in Block 1, Jefferson Park Addition n T .d and Block 1 Sunnyside Addition from Albert Avenue to Hamline Avenue. �? C31 71923 under Preliminary Order approved April 27.1923- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: To - i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 1145.00 front The estimated cost perv400t for the above improvement is 3 1.12 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of -each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK w ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Jefferson Park Addition 1 1 to the City of st.Paul, 550. Ramsey County,Minnesota, 2- 1 do 3200 3 1 do 2900 4 1 do 450 5 1 do 5750 6 1 do 550 7 1 do 375 6 1 do- 475 9 1 do 475 10 1 do 4025 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. yr0� CITY OF 4T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .c,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Sunnyside Addition to 1 1 the City of Saint Paul,hiinn. _550. _.._ 4 1 do 500 5 1 . do 3,950- .950-6 61 do 3500 7 1 ,do 2150 8 1 40 500 9 1 do- 500 10 1 do 500 11 1 do 500 12 1 do 500 13 1 do 475 14 1 do 4,25 - 15 1 do 400 16 1 do _ 375 17 1 do 375 (Excelbt North 65 feet) 18- 19 1 do 5200. 37150.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— F— ated - — - ------191- __ — ommissioner of Finance. Form B: B. 12 ( � , St. Paul, Minn.,.... -:Y///, 923 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the ohowing improvement to be made: Ave. .. . .. ... I t x f ro e. Ave. NAME LQT BLOCK ADDITION tj v r - Ir DERRY W. RATHBUN REALTOR AND BUILDER ED. Y TE- ST. PAUL MINN, J IL To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minn.,.... _ ........................192J We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable CEDAR 719 l /F NAME L BLOCK ADDITION i LOANS - INSURANCE MIDWAY 6391 DERRY W. RATHBUN REALTOR /AND -UILDER - BUILDER 508 EIUILCING x TEaM9 ST. PAUL, MINN. P_ t ! 1") 4002222 - F� ®ffice of the yommi5sioner of Public WorksV I?. 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance g' , r. iN AY � May 11, 1923 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 4428 ---approved___®aril_ 2Y,1923191---, relative to the grading of the East and West Alley in Block It Jefferson Park_ ----------------------------------------------- --- - _ddditon*_and Block l,_ Sunny_eid®_Addj.tiger._�91u_Albert_�sa�1>�fl_xo-___-- ' Hamlin Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 11.12 per front foot 1148.00 2. The estimate cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------. Inspection 022.60 Frontage 1031.3 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ON /1 - -- "------------ Commissioner -- - -Commissioner of Public Works. t'N Gilliam 3. Peter, (ljammfsstaner 31rte Mallette, Beputg (¢ammtssianer . a • 9Drpttrtutrut of Public Morks (�itg of Oaint Poul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SOFT. OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 18230 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. e Dear Sir: I transmit hawith preliminary estimate of oost for the grading of Bast and West A116y in Blook 1, Jefferson Park Addition, and Block 1, Sunnyeide Addition, from Albert Avenue to Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46426, approved April 27, 1823t Estimated Coat, wit4 2igd2rg - - - $1146.00 Per front foot - - - - - ---- 1.12 Inspection - - - -- ---- -- 22.60 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 103103 Pt. Yours truly, '%fi' 14") Ch of Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner o !T00. Commiesio�/ of Public Works. �{:i# ? # z # PPut �:�rnctiilr �1rg:a-tuuttt ARTIRT H E. \ E I.50\, M --- JULY SEVENTH 1923. To the Councilf- I am handing to you herewith original comlmznication from the Rathbun Realty & Holding Company relative to an alley in Block One Sunnyside Addition and Block One Jefferson Park. Your ery truly, mayor PERRY W. RATHBUN. - ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATION. TO THE COMPANY I...I...I ANO DER. M.. RATHBUN REALTY AND HOLDING COMPANY (INCORPORATED) AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION, $200,000 1 CEDAR 7151 508 COMMERCE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. July 5, 19 23. Hon. Mayor Nelson and City Commissioners, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota. Honorable Sirs; Regarding the alley in Block one Sunny- side Addition and Block one Jefferson Park, which you gentlemen will view on your inspecition trip running west of Hemline to Albert between St. Clair and Ber- keley Ave. You will note when you are out, the class of properties I am building on Lot one and Lot four Block one Sunnyside and the type of duplexes I am build- ing on the rear of Lots eighteen and nineaeen. We are the owndre of Lots 13,15,16, and -17 and it is impossible for us to proceed to grade our lots and build expensive buildings such as high-grade duplexes, which not only improve that block and the city, but gives work to our residence machanics, unless there is some chance.of getting the alley graded. With the alley as it is, it is entirely impossible to interest Insurance companies to loan their money on $10,000 to $14,000 duplexes to be loc- ated on each of these different lots, when we do not -snow where to put our retaining wall for the alley or how to place our garages to face on the alley. It seems that a block of our city becoming as much improved as this particular block should have a gtaded alley. There is approximately 1118 ft. total property line on this allege, 699 ft. of it, if a vote is taken according to the amount of frontage owned on the alley, are in favor of this improvement. If not so much of a cut, a little change in the cut of the alley grade. Realizing how all the lots lay on St. Clair and how much of a retaining wall a man has to put in when he levels his property down to three ft. above St. Clair to make it saleable, I ask if due consideration will not be given to the fact, along side of two principal objections on the other side of the alley, one who has just bought the property from me on a very small down payment and the other a man whose principal objection is that I laid him off because he was no Zachanic. x�hh It will be impossible for me to further gr degealleyeofosomerkin�eis o a�`nea,mase eopleswi�l Hon. Mayor Nelson and City Commissioners, -2 July 5, 1923. not pay for large five room duplexes without a suit- able way of getting their car into the garage: Thanking you gentlemen for your giving this matter due consideration, I remain Yours very truly, RATHBON REALTY & HOLDING INC. PWR 4RLB B es. 9 holy, 7th. 1923. r We the undersigned property holders, hereby protest against the grading of the east & west alley in block 1 Jefferson Park Addition and Block 1 Sunnyside Addition. From Albert St. to Hamlin St. For the following: reasons. 1- That the estimated cost is much more than this work should cost. 2- That the traffic: thru tSii:s alle=y does not warrant any such expenditure. 3rThat the majority of property holders do not want this improvment. 4- That certain property holders will be greatly damaged by_� out being mabe at the back of thimr lots., 5- That the whole proposition is being proposed and adg;itated by one certain property ho-Ider at the; extreme east end of the block to; ftcrther his own personal intresta. Above Block, bounded by St. Clair, Hamline, Berkley and Albert Streets has a,p-total fro , age of 116 .36 ft. The undersigned �eprernt owneFY}ipOf 8� �';('jf7 fIt tip ��! °� �WAW a ���.YG .�i{'L ��`�"r`.r-'_'!i� t✓ � f f �9P ''{i/Ss^fl f: :'.�Gd d I CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO�j(} OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK r) �/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION— -GENERAL FORM ESENTED-BY i1,618, DATE__.....J...._..........._........... I _ RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of East and West alley in Block 1, Jefferson Park Addition and Block 1, Sunnyside Addition from Albert Avenue to Hamline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45429, approved April 27, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #46016, approved May 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the abov 7 matt_,r bev it Rasolved, That e tert nes the amount of lan to be taken f the above named imp :men ae an easement or slopes, for uta and fills in an upon the alley in Blo k 1, Jefferson ark Addition and Blo k 1, Sunnyside Additi n, between the ointe afore- said, to the extent shown upon the plan attach to the report of the Commissioner of blic Works in matter, dated July 5, 1923, which plan d report are he by referred to and madeNa part hereof. nre he^c4� c'r.cel?eti, annulled, and rescinded and all be J, C, F. No, assaa'f W. J. Peter— In the matter oY condemning and t't 1 Ing an easement in the ]and ces-/ sary for slopes, for cutsand fills In �} the grading of East and West alley in Block 1, Jefferson Park Addition . and Block 1;. Sunnyside Addition from 'I Albert Ave. to Ham line Ave., under Preliminary Order C.' F. No. 45429, approved April 27, 1923 and Interme- 1` .diary Order C. F. No. 46016, approved -May 2H, 1923. The 29 92 stoner of Public Works_ having submitted his report and Plan in the above matter be it Resolved, That the above order be and the same are hereby cancelled, an- nulled and rbscinded and all,proceed- ings in saidmatter be dlacoattnued. Adopted by the Cc ncll July 12, 1923, Approved July 12. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Il n Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. JUL I ..'��[9 192 -"Clancy JU App ved. L % JZJ _.192__. In favor] L / ,i Matson S ✓ (:'` y l -.�: AYOR- Peter __ Against , 1 We" ei U r vMr. President f" ii IU#m 3. prier, Commissioner — brie mallette, Eleyutg tdammissioner s_ - Department of Public Marks (city of Saint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. BSHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CO RUCTION ANO REPAIR July 5, 1923 G. P., BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO ITT PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THF COUNCIL f In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading East and Test alley in Block 1, Jefferson Park Addition and Block 1, Sunnyside Addition from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45429, approved April 27, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. '#46016, approved May 28, 1923, �t To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing lay the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made u on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works M CITY OF ST. AUL DEPARTMEWT OF FINANCE s REPORT OFcomAMRGIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning for slopes and taking an easement in for cuts and fills in the grading of the land necessary the East and West ASSESSED VALUATION Alley Jefferson Ps.rk Addition 1 in Block 1, Jefferson Park Addition and Block 1 Sunnyside Addition from Albert Avenue to Hamline Ave. 2 under Preliminary Order approved Alr11 27,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the'tlssessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Jefferson Ps.rk Addition 1 1 to the City of at. Paul, 550. Hamsey County,`-'lnn:zsotr%. 2 1 do 3200 3 1 do 2900 4 1 do 450 . 5 1 do 575P 6 1 do 550 7 1 do 375 8 1 do 475 9 1 do 475 10 1 do - TOTAL. 4025 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .REPORT OF CO.SSIONER OF FINANCE .e ON PRELIMINARY 6RDER (C) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 4 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Sunnyside Addition to 1 1 the City of Saint Paul,l:inn. 4 1 do 500 5 1 do 1950 6 1 do 3500 7 1 do 2150 B 1 do 500 9 1 do 500 10 1 do 500 - 11 1 do 500 la_ 1 do 5Q0 13 1 do 475 14 1 do 425 15 1 do 400 16 1 do 375 17 1 do 375 (Except forth 65 fact) 19— 19 1 do 5200. n 37150.00 The Cordmissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to a said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ ___ ___ _.-191 ommissioncr of Finance. Rnnn B. U. 12 01 / Q fice of the Comm $1 sioner of Public .W ,,z Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 141928 -- may - 11, 1923- ----191---- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45429 .... approved— gprAj_ 27j__1923-191---, relative .to __aondemning_and_takin� an easement in_the_land_neoee�sry__g9�_s�4pea;_ Qutta_AD&_fi n&_in_the _greding -of.-tha_Esax._an&.Iaat-Alley--in------- Blook 1 Jefferson Park Addition,and Block 1. Sunnyside Addition, ._ ------------t--------------------------------- -from, Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pai-t hereof. q-------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked- for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. gc/�M. __�l---�--------------- issioner of Public Works. _a i is"jra�.t .. ... ....... .............................................................................................................................. .........................' C F. No. 46834-4 Ia the Natter of grading Allel' in But. ................................... ..................................................................... 1, walton's Sunny SIoPe Addition -" from Pascal to Sara 'go 45J 49 , .Preliminary Order 45349. approved ...................... approved_......... D.r 11..-G.4�„-.�-9.�4J.�.... _------------------------ April 24. 1923. ................ A public hearfhg having been had a+ the above Improvement upon dno 1L' "e, ad the -Council, having heard approved._ ............................... ...................................._..------ lersons,;ob)ecttons and recomme ea- rns . relative thereto, and- hsving n had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council considered „igmei tn.r ore, P P haf olve, tions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered'y,'' ;,gene; therefore, be it Ag§&VED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....7rac3e._:'+,,!iey:_.ir...n.lock.-.1.,-.. a. ................. Sunny Slope addition from Pascal .ive. to Saratoga :Lve....... .... ........................................... ..... ........... .............. ............. ........ ...."""'-'........................"'........................................................_................................................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; thatupon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted'by the Council....._.........'......::.::..i.:.::J.. _....r X91........ City Clerk. Approved ..........------ ----- :........:.:..:.:............. , 191. ... G -- — y 0 ............................ Mayor. Councilman fRmwfath `;1 a n c y Councilman GM,'X -, eOPI' Councilman ClmeyL x t,'cDona 1d Councilman KTX i;;a t c or. Councilman MXCO& Peter Councilman VXffaVAAM ' enzel Mayor =8gsmu Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARrMW OF FINANCE SPORT OF COMM`3SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I• In the matter of grade alley in Block 10'h'alton's Sun nro Slone Addition from Pascal Ave to Saratoga, AVP.. c under Preliminary Order approved April 24, 193 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 372,;6 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is S -31 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each -lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Waltons Sunny Slope 3350 - St. Paul,llinn- 2 1 do 700 3 1 do 3900 4 1 do 700 5 1 do 700 6 1 do 700 7 1 do 4900 9 1 do 700 9 1 do Tod TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,� (C)' t. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ON ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION Waltons Sunny Slope 10, 1 St.Paul,Minn. 700. -. 11 1 do 4950 12 '1 do 5600 13 1 do 4350 14 1 do 700 15 1 do 775 16 1 do 700 17 1 do 4950 16 1 do 650 19 1 do 5000 20 1 do 4300 21 1 do 650 . _ 22 1 do 650 23 1 do 650 24 1 do 5350 25 1 do 4350 26 1 do 650 27 1 do 3550 25 1 do 3500. 29 1 do 3950 30 1 do 700 73525,00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 , ' Dated u Commissioner of Finance. F,— B. 11. 12 �' y St. P<.ul r'iZn. ...............19 To the Honorable, The Council, f . City of St. Paul, Minn. _ Gentlemen: 'Ne, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ®� from'G?:?��cvs..'............ St. fid r/ 3t: Ave. ---- N q 1! E OT BLOCK yDliZpi� 'v %� •% _ fir. -\ ' .._r.". p ...... . ( /,�• •� ..'... .........I........i.. ......:.......................................... .. �.p...... r . .......... ......................... . .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y yyy ' ....... .... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . rr . x e X Y . . . . . . . . . . (x� . . . . . . . . . . xx� . . . . . . . . k( 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r as �kg f i� Is - Office of the Commissioner of Public WorktFceiveo Report to Commissioner of Financea�. Mki 10192$ 2iay _9:_1923 ------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 415349 April 24, 1923 _191—_, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved --------------------- the grading of Alley in Block 1. vlaltonls Snnny__Slope_Addition-----_--_ ---------------- ---- -- --- from Pascal Avenue _to _Saratoga_h_v_enue___________________________________________ ------------------- --- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: '. 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot 31V 372 156 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $______'_____, Inspection $7.31 Frontage 1201.8 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan,, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is___ --------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ; - ---- �Eer/.f ------------------CommisPublic Works. %pilliBm �1. �et¢c, (�ammissianer �Jrie �lnllette, 3�eputy (�ammiasianer 1 v epartment of �t lix oak (pity of point foul M. S, GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER A, B. SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION J.E, CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENOINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEANDCITY PLANNING ENGINEER Iviay 7, 192b. mr. 'jm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, +'lalton's Sunny Slope Addition from Pascal Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. {45349, api.roved April 24, 1923: Estimated Coat, - with cinders _ - 10372.56 s per front foot - - - - - - - - .31 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 7.31 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 1201.8 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commisuioti9lk of Public +orLs. 835 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUR`"NO. _---A-6� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE- ........ - Ju1.y.....5,- .1923...._.. .... ...._...... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 1, Talton's Sunny Slope Addition from Pascal Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, ' under Preliminary Order C.F. #45350, approved April 24, y 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #46014, approved :day 28, 1923 kThe Commissioner of Public "lorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the alley in block 1, 4"ualton's Sunny Slope Addition, between the posints above mentioned, to the extent sholm upon the plan attached to the re-oort of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter ddted July 5th, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. 46835—BY W- J. Peter- 1nitSeAk- anmatter easement ndetheilandndeces- sary for slopes, for cuts and fills 'n the grading of alley In Block 1, Wal- - ton's Sunny Slope Addition from Pas= cal Ave. to Saratoga Ave., under Pre - proved ArilOrder4,123 -a 1461p 0erme- diary Order C. F. No. 46034, approved TheThe Co 1923. Commissioner of Public Works having submitted kis. repots and plan � in the above matter, be It Resolved. That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines themount of land improvementvtaken as forthe a emento named be abover slopes, for cuts and flus In and upon [he alley In block 1, Walton's ,Sunny ` Slope :lddition, between the Pdlnte above entlona , to the extent ahown upon the plan itached to the eport of the Commissioner of Public �{1orks In the matter dated, Suly 16th 192ere 3, _ erred I nd madearre.f. rt rpt hey re - Adopted by the Council July 6, 1923. Approved193. 23) ' C'—.,--- Yeas '—.,tr..t— Yeas Nays Clancy X___._„_ McDonald In favor Matson / Peter 4r' Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ _.. '._ � -'....192. _ - Approv r` - _ 192.. - tif{�9 MAYOR s I William 3. peter, (Lommissinner Me Mallette, Drvntg (lsmmissicner urpartmeui of Publir Mortis , CUP of Safitt Patti GEORGE M. SH PARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTBA K. BRIWE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SU". OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO TAF COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 1, Vialton's Sunny Slope Addition from Psscal Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 745350, approved April 24, 1923 and Intermed- iary Order C. F. 446014, w. -proved May 28, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on rrivate property, aid by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, 4 and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner -of Public "forks Dated: July 5, 1923 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF dQMMISSION'ER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matt erof—rnndemninda and taling an easement in the land ngneaRar�f fnr s,iopea for mots and ,villa in the grading alley in Block 1- d9 ltona Sir c SSl n_rp Addition frnm pgsnral Ava to Sara .oga_14E.._--_..__------ �6rN�l��a�llid,i�ppmid To the Council of the City of St, Paul: 11 - The The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ �� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 taa.ltona Sunny Slope 3350• St. Pnul.f11nn. 2 1 do 700. 3 1 do 3900 4 1 do 700 5 1 do 700 6 1 do 0 700 7 1 do 4-'00 9 1 do 7Q0 9 1 do 700 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - �PORT OF,p9,PMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BL... ADDITION , ASSESSED VALUATION waltow Sunny Slope 10 1 St,Paul,Minn. 709, 11 1 do 4950 12 1 do - 5$00 13 1 do 4350 14 1 d0 .700 15 1 do 775 16 1 do 700 17 1 do !l.950 is 1 do 650 19 1 do 50co 20 1 do 4300 21 1 do 659 22 1 do 650 23 1 do 650 24 1 do 5350 25 1 do 4350 ?_6 1 do 65o 27 1 do 3550 2S 1 do 3966- 29 1 do 3950 30 1 do 700 73525,00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r I. . Dated V iCommi.,sioner of Finance. Perm B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner` of Public Works 11.,,, ,.+„,�, Report to Commissioner of Finance s May 9. 19239,AY 10 T9� _ _ ---------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No46360 __________approved____April _____ 24 _' 1923 191___, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary_ for --------- --------------------- - - - slopes,_ Yor_cuts and_ 11S-in_grading ka-pY-in _'Uoc_k_J.,_jir�J_�on'_§__ Sunny Slope Addition, from Pascal - Avenue to Sargtoga Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__�g ------- and the total cost thereof is s_____ XXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement, (>�/// /9 ---------- - - ��---- -- ------ C missioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FJLAO ........................... I By... ................ .... .......-............._............................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....gra-din ...Guth_::y�ru.e..fxom._a.L.z.l�rra._-ox...Haan...L.o...:anit.o.u__LV_e., _.........._...................._...................................................... ............._... -- -----... ............................. _.._......._.__._........_.... _....__.__............__..._......_.....__......._............... ..................... ....................................... C. F. No. 46636— I.,JGn .....approved ,-ay _4� .192 . In the ➢tatter of grading Ruth Avenue [ S� .. ... ............ .................. from Stillwater Road o >1aNtou ..... .... ........... Ave., under Prellminory Order 46660 approved MaY 4, 19 having been ho' .._. approved ... ............ ........... ... ................ ,� public heartng ujoticethand, he ICouncil hsvtnBo - been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council baying 5 persons, objections and recOm �" ,[Sons relative thereto. Bad h, •• - considered the same; d ht- and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consideredthe same;, t'- J 1Yphe tCouhencn }=r 'pr rove C;L,�uncil of the City of Vit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- __ _ meat to be made by the said City is.....gra cie_11u.t.h._. ,v.enue ? .rxi. St it l',7at er load t.o. It o.q.. !iV.e.e.A..... . ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOL17-ED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council '... ...._ _- r7)9.... >� �+ '. City Clerk. Approved_� ...... ........._... .......... __..._ _, 191 _._.. / i Mayor. Councilman 1X1c1t 0YMX C l a r c y Councilman amxx - .,Lt50ri j Councilmanxff Ytx tQ ". Councilman RUIMXX i I.IC.'onald I'.a t s on } 4 3b? 3 Councilman Df¢SJtidx Pet r�r Councilman KTWUX '.'enzel Mayorl%txx 1 elsol'1 Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI13SIOhO'4 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDF.R (A) In the matter of Grading Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to Manitou Avenue er d m1" under Preliminary Order approved May 4. 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is X00 1 5 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S 1.06 per f III nt I ooiG- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 15 Beaver Lake Heights 75 25 15 do 75 24 15 - do .75 . 23 15 do 75 22 15 do 75 _ 21 15 do 75 20 15 do 75 19 15 do 75 6 5 do 75 7 5 do 1800 TOTA L, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNR OF FINANCE ON PREbMiNA DER (C) .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S 5 Beaver Lake Heights 50 9 5 do 200 10 5 do 50 11 5 do 50 2225, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. _ .. —191 Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.,_....2......:.192�. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .................................................. Z_ ..... �::..........:...-............_._........... ......::.St; Ave. n i from....... -: 4�:.:_trrc t.�. .....1..:fit. Ave. to. _- _ �St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION i L. r� t.•. �a, It r-'9 ,�re�221 Lf, a� V/ Office of the Commissiofier o Public Wo rkIRECEIVE® V^v 's2 Report to Commissioner of Finance ,, �• , ER'5 MAY 28 1923 May 22, 1923 .... 191---- ------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.4bb60----- approved _-__sy ¢ L 1923 191__-, relative to the grading of Ruth Avenue_ from_ a Stillwter Road to_ Manitou_ ------------- ---------------------- --------- Avenue. -------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot '1.06900.16 --- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------- and the total cost thereof is $_-------- Frontage 446 ft. Inepeotion $17.65 --------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto at and made a part hereof. ------------------------------1-------------------- 11 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------- ------------ Commissioner of Public Works. Milliumt a J. Peter, (aminissianer .3rie Rlnllette, Meputg (¢omaiissinner Department of rublir 19orko C�itg of faint Paul GEORGE M..SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. !DGRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER �(p I� A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 16th, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to Manitou Avenue, under Preliminary Order C: Fa 45560, approved May 4th, 19231- Estimated 923:Estimated cost $900.15 Per front foot 1.06 Inspection 17.65 Frontage 445 feet Yours truly, I cs� Approved for Chief Engineer transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Commie ®'r` of Public Works BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF, THE CITY C4ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE ......NO......1 - ... DATE__..........J.U1.Y_..5.,...-.1..9.2U.......................... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts, and fills in the grading of Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to ?fanit­,u Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45561, approved May 4, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #46012 approved 'Gay 28, 19193. The Commissioner of Public Corks having sub- mitted his report and plan in the above r,,atter, beit Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to Manitou Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Forks in the matter, dated July 5, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. Nb. 46837—By W. J. Peter— In the matter of condemning and tak-I inB an easement in the land neces-I sary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Ruth Ave, from.Still- _.avatcr Road to Manitou Avenue, un- der Preliminary Order C. F. No. 45561, approved \fay 4, 1923 and In- termediary Order C. F. No. 46012 ap- proved May 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above atter, be It _ Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the nmount of land to be talcen for the, above named - Improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Ruth Ave. from Stillwater Road to Manitou Ave., to the extbnt shown up- on the plan attached to the report of the Commissionet of Public Works in the matter, dated July 5, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council July 5, 1923. Approved July 5, 1923. (July 14-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas hays Adopted by the Council192 - Clancy 4 / Approve 192..._ McDonald Lo In favor Matson/d /a '"Lw ✓.._ MAYOR Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President 1;3tlliIIar �. ftC[, �1Q1111IIT98tQttC[ 309 M' IIIIPtte, Deputu QLQIQ111tssioner i3epartmeut of Public Morks (Litm of Saint Paul M. S. GRYT AK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GF,ORGE M. SHEPARD. CHI- ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION 1.`IV. 9 , y 5CAREY• ND SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR 1i.,3 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE a. H. HERROLO, OFFICE ACITY PLANNING ENGINEER Jul REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to '"anitou Avenue,, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45561, approved May 4, 1923 and Inter- mediary Order C. F. #46012, approved :.lay 28, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Torks hereby submits 9nd makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private rroperty, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works Dated "July 5, 1923 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTM,E,�"T``OY�F FINANCE { REPORT OF COMM133'IONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in -the land necessary for T'd slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Ruth Avenue from Stillwater Road to Manitou Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved May 4• 1223 ___-- 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 15 Beaver Lake Heights 2-2 75 25 15 do 75, 24 15 do - 75 23 15 do 75 22 15 do 75 21 15 do 75 20 15 do 75 19 15 do 75 6 5 do 75 7 5 do 1900 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 (C) . DESCRIPTION b CITY,OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON40,11SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRr=04iNARY OFE)ER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 5 Beaver Lake Heights 2-2 50 9 5 do 200 10 5 do 50 11 5 do 50 2825. 'Phe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ ___ _ __191 -7 i- i i Cmn missinner of Finance. F-. B. B. 12 V A 5° ,Office of the Commissioner of Public WorkfiECEyEo Report to Commissioner of Finance Q[;ER MAY 281928 May- 22, 1923 -----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45661 May 4, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. ---- ___----- approved --- __:____ condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeeear� for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Ruth Avenue from -Stillwater- - ----------------------------------------- - -- ------------------------------ Road -to -Manitou -Avenue -. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- 73-rx- -------- and the total cost thereof is $---- and ___- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. , s • a Commissioner of Public Works. C"'t C' ,It COUNCIL FILE NO_ By In the Matter of...const.ru.ct-ing.. a-...storm_cant-PX..d.pa-i}..--j,li..: 1-1.ey...zn...3Jr1.a1._.3.,..-- 5. U.-..-Sandyis__:_yddition from a point 116 feet east of..Yairv_ieyl venue._.. ... ..._ . to Fairview ::venue, and on airview ',venue from the above mentioned ........... ..... ............. .-- ...........-- --._. .... -............... ..................... .... ----------.... al1ey-..to... shland enu-e__.for-.t.he....pur.pose-,.of.._draining_the--_1o,1--mint--..ill-.- tre...Allayl..._........................_........ .......... — - _.— ' _ 1 F. No: Matter of , In the Matter of conatructing a storm .._.................. approved_lil@.$...��....1.�.�i�.w....................... ..................... Ilat rerawdaitlon8fromBnlcPolntF11s 45.5.5-7 ................. feet east.of Fairview Ad. Nto A QaiU- ---- - ____ viewAve.. and on Fair,c_......._------..._.........._.......... approved ............... _._.---- .. _.._......... .......... ...... from the above mentiot-�" a airing the wfnohei-` ,;� ?ing been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council under PrellminarY. ora' ' -Uns, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fly o sid- eie:am; 'therefore, be it G' -i RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ihs. sa.aet r�elo-Fe�rt and L'^� :ea.st....of..Fainview jWenue_to Fairvie?�-_Avenue.,:_.and-or and --.nen- - tpoint ioned-_alley-to_-N_shland ;,ve. for--.the_..pur.pose_of..?reinin-.the._.lovi_....... _.._.. __ .. �r l.... ----. ... .. ..... rovemenl to Ue-rfa..,a RESDj jaED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereb ip�d and directed topr p rep ens affit'sgecifrations•for-said.iraprpyementt, and s� gbmi4^same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are here]iy a'uM*6tfted­imd-diz=Lqd� to proceed with the making of _ m said--improveent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__.:. 9 -- --- .........................- - - - -- City Clerk. Approved ......_..-_ ..............._......_.._.:.., 191........ f ' Mayor. Co&cilman FXXPAVbKkx Councilman fts= Ferguson Cauncilman C il((cl)ona Id $ ISfIED 3 Councilman >x Ma t s on Councilman Xkgxftx ✓Peter , Councilman MRXWKdkh /'ienzel y Mayor ilo3doonx 5, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITYOP P' 'AUL DEPARTME FINANCE 'EPORT OF COMM. NER OF FINANCE ON PREUMIMARY ODDER CAI In the matter of construct a storm water drain in Alley in Block 3 E C Handy's Addn from a Dpint 11; feat Past of Fairview Ave to Fairview Ave and on "S, Fairview Ave from the ghc)vP n mptionPd alley to Aehland Ave for the nu�ose - of riraining the low point in the alley. under Preliminary Order approved May 4l 1-923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 923. 00 front The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is $ 1.12 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 3 Egbert G.Handy's Addition 4125 to the City of St.Paul. 6 3 3525 7 3 do 4925 8 3 do 3925 9 3 do 4725 10 3 do 4675 11 3 — do 4775; 12 3 do 3725 (Exc.West 48')14 & all 13 3 do 8250: Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - 104330.60 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ Form O. B. 12 U Coamnissioner of Finance. CITY 9T. PAUL DEPART ^ T OF FINANCE fZIEPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Egoert G.Handy's.Addition nest 46 ft.of 14 3 to the City of St.Paul. 8200. North 42 ft.of 15-16 3 do 10450 17 3 do 7600 16 3 do 5450 19 3 do 5450 20 3 do 5450 21 3 do 4600 22 3 do 5300 23 3 do 5700 24 3 do 5000 104330.60 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ Form O. B. 12 U Coamnissioner of Finance. , St. Paul, Minn .....March 10 ........................ 192.3... .............. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Catch Basin in Alley in Block IF .............._ ............... E. G. Handy Addition ...................St. Ave. St. Ave. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION / �y+ (/ Cfce a t� �2 nn Pr �,r 'V W c '_-f St. Paul, Minnesota, March 10, 1923. Mr. George M. Shepherd, City Engineer, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: 3 In re: Block It, E. G. Randy Addition bounded by Wheeler, Fairview, Ashland and Laurel Avenues upon recommendation by Mr. -Sharp, Super - intendant of Sanitation, I herewith submit a petition for the purpose of securing a catch basin for alley.in above location. This alley is several feet below the Laurel Avenue grade, with the result that it becomes flooded after heavy rains and during spring thaws, the alley water in turn draining on the writer's yard (LotQ) causing muddy and unsanitary conditions, both in alley and adjoining property for a considerable length of time/ About a year ago the property owners on the Laurel Avenue side submitted petition, contemplating grading up alley to their level. This was found by your office to be impractical, as well as an injustice to prop- erty owners on Ashland Avenue. Kindly advise as to what action is being taken in the matter, and greatly oblige. Respectfully yours, /� O 9 A -t - c ,� oto. �L, �,lat,�s ill ���e�d., � ��_, �ti�� �"' i�� 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor CEiVED Report to Commissioner of Finance rpt May --11-,--1923 ---- 191---- T o 91____To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ qR!---_approved_- 4ap_4l-192a -_-_191___, relative to the construction of astorm water drain- in Alley i Blook_3�_________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___E.__G�Bandg! s_9ddix.ion�_Srom_a_poin.t_.116_�.-sas-t-a;&-�'a3.lcziaw-------- Sl_v11_2kL1rYi..aV Sys. - nom _-the-.ahave------- mentioned alley to Ashland for the purpose of draining the l?w point and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: in he s, ley. 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.12 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-_-923-•-----, Frontage 826 ft. Inspection $18.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 9 /�.M-M-i--Sssioner=------------------------- of Public Works. t-� Office of the Commissioner of PUb"C Wor1WECEIVE® Report to Commissioner of Finance = ;- � ----,- May 11, 1923 .... 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._'4bb67 .... approved__ *A -7 4 i 1923 _191___, relative to the construction of a storm water drain in Alley_ in Bloak_a;_________ -------------------------------------------------- -- ---E.--G.-_Handy-'_ e-.Addition,-from-a-po int-.116-f-t.-sasx-od;-Faairadaw-------- Ave4ue-t©_Y41_re1-e-W_Ay nuQ*_Nnsl_vn_Y-Q'iryi-ew"a._-from_-the_-aha4a_-____ mentioned alley to Ashland for the purpose of draining the l?w point and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: in he 9 ley. 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. $1.12 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is .- $--------------and the total cost thereof is $---923.00 Frontage 826 ft. Inspection $18.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � ------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. E� il�illimn J. Peter, (�ammiAlaner brie Rlallette, Deputg (�vmmissianer Deportment of DOW Marko City of i�uiut "vuul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. S. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 1823. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a storm water drain in Alley in Block 3, E. G. Randy's Addition, from a point 116 ft. east of Fairview Ave. to Fairview Ave., and on Fairview Ave. from the above mentioned alley to Ashland Ave. for the purpose of draining the lqw point in the alley, under Preliminary Order Co F. #45657, approved May 4, 1825: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - 0823.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - -- 1.12 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - 18.00 Frontage - - - - -- - - -- 826 ft. This alley is not graded because some of the property owners whose lots are low object to the alley being filled to the established grade. The proposed drain will obviate the necessity of filling the alley and the estimate given above assumes the cost would be spread up to the summit of the grade as established. Very truly yours, o , 1*,- . C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commiaei�y��� Commissi Tttij of onttt Paul Peps :af F;mnee JAMES M. CLANCY, CommissioNER J. E. CORCORAN. D-11 Co-1-0RER LEONARD C. SEAMER, CHIEF CLERK BUREAU or AssES-Eers July 13th, 1923. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked over the petition annexed hereto objecting to the construction of a storm water drain in Alley in Block 3, E. G. Handy's Addition from a point 116 feet east of Fairview Avenue to Fairview Avenue and on Fairview Avenue from the above mentioned alley to Ashland Avenue and find that said petition contains 22 signatures, 17 of which are record fee owners and 5 presumed to be contract owners. A search of the records discloses the fact that there are 33 fee owners abutting along the line of the proposed improvement 17 of whom have signed in opposition, being 51 per cent of the fee owners objecting. Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Finance. 0 `` cap of i§aW Paul H. J. RIORDAN HENRY OLSON yy.�,, A55T. CITY CLERK ((((��{{ CITY CLERK "p"ft,R of /��it1U (1- July 13th, 1923 Hon. J. 'I. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: Attached Please note- Petition of remonstrance in the matter of constructing a storm water drain or, Elock 3, F. G. Randy's Addition from a point lib feet east of Fairview Ave and on Fairview Avenue from the above alley to Ashld Avenue, etc. an vfhich was referred to you for a check, by the Council. The matter was also laid over to July 25th, 1;23• yours very truly, enc. St; -Paul, Minn.,..../;.......192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: -Ytt�" We, the undersigned property ownerQkhereby petition your Honorable Body�o cause the following improvement to be made: Constructin a storm water dr j.n Q V..I.a Ad-dn.....-fr.cm a g ............................ ........... . .... ....... 4 3 ..... E...G ...... Hand. point 116 ft. E. of Fairview Av. & on Fairview Av. from the ..St. Ave. ........................................ - - .......... - ............ - ............ ............ ............... .............................. ............................................... .............. above alley to Ashland Av. etc. from. ................... .......... .................................... ............. .............. ...St. Ave. to...._................_...._............_.. ........... ...................St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDIT ON 7� z jljir 6 Q) J� r ��—St. Vaul, Minn .. ....... ..... .... ....... ...... r.................... 192..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from ..................... Ave. Ave. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK AD h - u r �� �j /J aW I enc. OTIN CUT% 31 �-)6' cr COUNCIL FILE NO ............. ............... 4 By....................... ............................. ........................... FINAL, ORDER In the Matter of ... onst_ru.ct-i,r:g_a.-.se`.1.er..-on._thA.,.�ast--.s id-e.,.of from Palace Street to a point 25'feet rorth . of James Street, ....................................... ..................................... ....................................... .......................... ..................................................................... ............... ..... ..... ............ ----- ......... _..._......_......__ _.._.__. _ ........... ............ _ ..... _.........._........ _._._.............. _......._.. ......... .......... ........... _.............. _...._.....__ _........_._.... _..... .... ......... ......-........_..... _................._....._. __ .__........._.......................__..._............_..._..__._...... __...... .._. ....... .__....._......_.__....... .... ..... ..... ._....-.. — .r . 457.52 .. .... ... .....approved . _ 1.`i 1..� r J �...... ..... _.. C: F. No. 46839.-ru-ti �, 92 Ind b Thaaeaet aide oof tEdgcumbe ` 'a o .. approved _ ..__ . ... ... -. _... .from Palaces'St..t0, undernPrenml - -' -- - nort o eei a'o c2 saunroved alar 11• g been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ^1'23'" us and recommendations relative thereto, and havingfull considered the same; ;�; public hearing having been had Y unontheud re 1Councimentfn� n-: d>,^ ' RtSOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pau that the 4, c.onst.r.uct _.e;aer..on..t.ha:.e.Q.st_.s.ic.e .Qf'...74'Cu.ul B.. Rnad_fTo..P3l.ace Street to a point 25 feet th of James Street, he erri t , *n� .-e he 'c %o eancelld, amiulled, and rescinded and all ....... . .... ............. ..... ..... ....... ........... ... .. ............ .-.. ....... . ... ......... ........................................... ............. ................ a the Council here orders said im rovement to be m e. ESOLVED FURT R, That the missioner of Pubh Works be and is here metructed and irected to pr are plana and spec cations for sai provement, ands it same to the Coun ' or approves , at upon sa approval, the prop city off cials ar liereb� authorized a d directed to proceed with the ma of said im .cement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. a City Clerk. Approve...... . __. .. %.: 1 ... _, 191.... �} Mayor. Councilman Eam3mmkK 'C l a r c y Councilman 9xxx Councilman ] jNXxx ldcDon—aTT— Couneflinan $X `^ a t a on ek,1nei6iti .._.- . ewer . (louneilman` V Mayor ) F uror B. S. A. 8 i. `\\CITY OP ST. PAUL `T — OF FINANCE REPORT OF CtAvtIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELMGARY ORDER (D) - do the `matter of construct a sewer on the east side of Edeecumbe Road from Palaae Street to a point 25 feet north of James Street. under Preliminary Order approved 14 11th, 1923 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment. for the above improvement is s 75.00 f ront The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is S 3.64 — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 1, Lexington Park Plat 7 .3751 (Except Edgecumbe Road) 20. 1 do 350; do 19 1 do 3 5 I do 18 1 do 525: _. do _ 1 17. 1 do 30 submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference ti said matter b.,• the C-omi.-ioner nl' 1', lblir Wo,k- St. Paul, Minn .....................................................192.:.... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to use the following im rovement to a made: .................................................................. l y� from_....._.....\- .................. .......... ..._.... .... St. Ave. to....._`.._._........................_.....��`........._..... ..................... ........................ ...................... -.St. feve-- 44 NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION M ED66wl/ IIeH JF, f'�o�asc-d S�pvEr' I I i miJim of Public ,- Office •f theCpm rv�� Report to Commissioner of Finance SQtiiM o� . MAY 331923 May --22-,-1923 191_ --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.45752 approved ---�g� 11, 1923 191__-, relative to the oonstruotion of a sewer on the Edgeoumbe Road,_ from Palace ------------------------------------------------------- St. to 25 ft, north of James St. --------- - - - ------------ -- --------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. $3.64 per front ft. 785.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, Frontage 216 ft. Inspection $15.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (4 �� ' ---------------- Commissioner ------ - ----- Commi§sioner of Public Works. o°a Toilliam.J. Ileter, (¢amn issianer .1rie Mallette, Deputp (4ammissioner 9B-Pploxtment of public Endo (pity of #uint pout GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. M. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER �/ ee��e� B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 21, 1903 P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of 16lic Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on the Edgeumbe Road, from Palace St. to 25 feet north of James St. under Preliminary Order 0. F. #45752, approved May 11th, 1923: Estimated cost 0785.00 Per front foot 3.84 Inspection 15.00 Frontage 218 feet. Yours truly, /Gaefzngineer Approved for transmission to the Oommissiontiof er of Pinance Oom�iss Public Works L a COUNCIL FILEN ...... _ ...... By ................ ®RDER FINAL t a six foot c� 3en - excPot rr constructin minary...'genue,. _.......d...:0... In the Matter of.........................-................Ctree .. won 5trePt `rorn Lafond side...9f........_..................:..............:...................�o� e List S1deWa1' s r-oo ...and...suff_.....ie...... ..'....._..... ............................... .................---..... ............................................................................. a six toot ............................ C. F.14 469W ' the east side (�.................... In the . T °f Constructing �...... ............. cement tue sideaa St. toga d " d Iona, approve ..... St. trbin.� here st Under 15750 .................... �- ................ of Avon excep now ex inarY Ave ,Dyed 1................. ....... Order. 46T00 appeil having sidewalks guelcient approved ... and the Coun Prelimli°1923 `. having been .h on due notice, btaY 00. .......................................... A publlebov& j , rove I i.: uP°n on the above improvement up fully considered the same; up°n the tha0uha been had up and having notiFe, eb40 n� "n;ag having endatione relative thereto, pnn9 .nu11� all per. TOVe dati� objections and recomm fi.. heard all persona, J precise nature, extent and hind of imp of St. Paul that the p' Q>�...... therefore, be it ZEA S i�1e.�i.a.lJ.t•... RESOLVED, By the Council of the City ct a s ix f o,d, .�.Q.:.o......... �� � constr,u...:.........�............. tillnal^ 'fv�nue, �s................ t t.....P 4 .., .. meat to bo made by the said City Str(i(i i�,l� t iror1 Iaf on : 1pC0L� on __..._.............. - by instructed and directed orders said improvement to be made. royal; that and the Council hereby eil for app d is ner RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissio ovementu alnd�snbmritbsame to the Com Qed with the making re are plans and specifications -0Tcialsid 'are hereby authorized and directed to p top P city upon said approval, the proper improvement in accordance therewh it of said. i�� ,._.......... City Clerk. Adopted by the Couucil U 191........ roved .'. or. � App ........................:. ' v - ............. M .......ayor. .......... . Clancy Councilman �1X , ld Councilman McLpo x Councilman ffi" CouncilmanXl dIcl ha t son _yet pr Councilman» X Councilman i;enzel MayoTXX 11elson Form B. S. A. a•7. CITYOFBT. PAUL`�,(, a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM&WIONER OF _FINANCE ON PREL"WARY ORDER (D) In the mstter of constru .t a. six foot carbent tile si dewl k on the east side of Anon Street —from LAA nj S+rap+ to Seminary AManue under Preliminary Order approved May 10, 192.3 _...__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost peifoot for the above improvement is $ 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Syndicate lio.3 Addition 2375 15 3 - do 2975 16 Grotto St.Addn.to City 450 15 of St.Paul. 4000 Syndicate No.4 Addition 1525 �5 3 do 5125 15 1 Winters Addition 325 1b 1 do 350 15 2 do 350 TOTAL. 17475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby .9000 St. Paul, Minn., 1923. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ^ U.....................................................................................St. Ave. from:.-- �d . St, Ave. to__...... ...... .............._._................._................. - ......... St. Ave. NAME LOT ADDITION i i moi-_ 0b� Jaz K Office .of the Commioner of Public Worm FcEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 2319 23 I - May -22. 3.923 ------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.___45750 __approved____May _11_,__1923_-191___, relative to the oonstruotion of a sig foot-oement the sidewalk -on -the east -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- side_of A -v -on Street_fro_ya�91��.�trs�1;__to Seminary-._9s�nae.---------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_________-__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said 'improvement. XIOV c ht Commissioner of Public Works. V`N" COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By................. ..... .... ................................. . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of sLx­f.00.t­Q.!a'1eX)t tUe---- side of'sbury ..venue from !"Aduay 2arl.,77ay to s` air glace, except where ­­ ...................................................................._..............I.......................... -- - ............................. .... ----- .................... tzood and sufficient sidewa!-'cs..now exist,............................................. ......................... . .............. . ........... ---------------- ­­ .................. ...................... . ......... ... ... . . ­­ ........... .­ ............. .. ...... ­ . ­­ ........ ... ............. ........ ............................. ..... ............ I ­ ----- 923 tinder Preliminary Order 45753. ---nroved ........... ­ ................ ...... ................... - ----- Intermediary Order j VINAV ORDERS. sroved - - ---- - ---- -- .... A public hearing . provement upon due notice, and the Council having r. No. 46741— heard all persons, obje j('n'. the matter of constructing 8: six,e thereto, and having fully considered the same; tile sidewalk On root cement, therefore, be it wast aide o paac.l Ave. from flTle �bunt Ave, _ to Osceola Ave.. d except where good and sufticien RESOLVED, By t n9,7 exist. under Prel=,nary-"o%"­' hat the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - .80 approved April 20, "' 3 ' hearing h b bad ,uldie having 'upon, do, ment to be made by the said �'ile aadh�o'b'e iC.`u`,0­ having 1-1 ons, h f ay to a ir­P1a0ej,, the �7.e ja t q ae �v venue e i ro". 1 ii .,ta y -9 array e;qQ.ft.t�hQ.. and sufficient sidewalks nog exists ..... ........ ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... .............. City Clerk. Approved 191 ............... . Mayor. Councilman 3XMW Councilman X;6axx Councilman 2PW= TC'Icln�ld -77) Councilman �=Axx lila t s on Councilman zrd= Pe t er Councilman WAW&WX ','Ienzel Mayor N.V= Ne I s on Form B. S. A. 8-7. C F ST. PAUL f. R 0- t DEPAT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) under Preliminary Order approved— MajL1r1�73-------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3 front The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is g 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or. parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 131 23 Franksons Como Park Addn. 3150. 12 23 do 900 11 23 do 300 10 23 do 1500 9 23 do 300, , 6 23 do 300 7 23 do 300 b 23 do 300 5 23 do 300 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 _ Y OF 9T. PAUL DFWf PENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)• DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 23 Franksons Como Park Addn. 300 3 23 do 300 2 23 do 300 1 23 do 325 8575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ) Dated— P •rn issioner of Finance. Farm II. B. 12 - -ell St, Paul Minn. 192S To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body O�cause t following improve ent to be made: .. . ............................................................................................ JL. rlvc. NAME /LOT BLOCK ADDITION A,M4 .;k 7a22 Li , j .a y I r T / , PIRKwray,�', , i i 1 : Li • Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksncEE cm a 2,,,1 io g. _3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 281923 May -22.--1923 ------- 19,---- To ay22i1923-------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of May the Council, known as Council File No.__46768 --- approved _________11_ t____ 1928 __191___, relative to the oonstruetion-of a sis foot dement tale sidewalk on _the_ west ------- -- ----------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - side of Aebnry Avenue from Midway Parkway to_Fair Plao@__________________ ------------------ - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more ownersof property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �_ ________________________ Commissioner of Public Works. i COUNCIL FILE NO. - A By.. .. .. .. ... FINAL ORDER Ct ing.cl, sAx_ f 00t CeT'1_fQnt._Aij.Q.. In the Matter of. - cif 10 St.. e.X.C.ep� where 'lu ns . . ..................... .. f.r rl t 0 �7e,S-t st ... .. . ...... . goon and_quffjcjent. side �7a _�s no,7 exi . . ...... 77 - . .......... ... ............... C F. 46742—f co ,gt­.t1n9 aih 1� the Matter a 1%�valk on bQl 19°3. ...................................... foot cement Albert d ---------- ....... .. -------- ----- sides'Of Osceola o on t.. -, ee......... ...................... . ppr ve — to Pascal ro- St. Clair St. ............... --- -- - .1 . of I e ce t h-. ................................ to 8,dewaika now .. ........ .approved ........ ... e oo n .. i or Order the Council having varier r 94 r' had een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and d.- I I b-�' sad recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; a ature, extent and kind of improve- RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise n s i -d.919 -alk 0-1i ... t -he ment to be made by the said City is--9�93� S t`rg P�t 7 1?�.Xpqt c-e�mept.. t ,V e . to ?a c if 1C St.,except where �t. from burns ........ ............................................... !�.St Sia........ . of Clarence ... .. ........... ......... a-�'-s row exiStt .......... ........... ........... .................... ............ s.gfqidew icient . .................. ... .............................. ....... .. .. . ...... ............. ........... ........ ..... .... ...... ....... ... .... .. .... ................ . ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__ C!, City Clerk. Approvecl ... ...... .... Mayor. Councilman *%1 M&XX C l a r c y Councilman XMKDtx Councilman 3YYTa'0X "'C-0nald Councilman NMNX 1,19tson Councilman thJddk Peter Councilman AYMUtMbIll ;enzel Mayor klbt Ne ISOP: Form B.'A A. 8_7. CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) h In the matter of Construct a six-fodst cement tile si -leiaxlk on the West Ride of Clarence Street from Burns Avenue to Pacific Street. under Preliminary Order approved HFI)r I I;th 19,03- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3 rfont The estimated cost pe"t for the above improvement is 3 1. Q5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 8 1 Point Douglas 100. 7 1 do )350-- 350-6 61 " 50, 5 1 50- 0-50.3 50- 31 " 50- 2 1 " 50- 1 1 " 3800. _.Commencing at the N.W.Cor.of Clarence St.& McLean Ave.thence No.40 ft.thenee West 120 ft. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION thence South 40 ft. thence ) East 120 ft. to beginningg in ) S.W.1 of Sec -34, T.29.R.22 ) Commencing at a point on the ) West line of Clarence St. 40 ft. North from the North line ; of McLean Ave.thenoe North 40 ) .ft. thence West 120 ft. thence) South 40 ft. thence East 120 ` ft.to beginning part of J( S.W.k of Seo,34, T.29. R.22 Eastl20 ft. of No.SO ft. of ) South 160 ft.of that tract ) bounded by English Pacific Clarence & McLean L. Iu S.* ) of S.34 T 29, 3.22 ) East 120 ft. of the No.40 ft.) of South 200 ft.of that tract) bounded by English, Pacific, ) Clarence, McLean St. In S.W. v of S.34, T. 29, R.22 ) 2 H. N. Cranber.-s 1 do e ASSESSED VALUATION 1165. 0 125• 75. 75• 100. 3 ) 0—z� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- - ----- 191 Cammissioaer of ('insuce. Pnrm n. B. 12 S rPaul Minn. 14th 192 ... To The Honorable, The Council, _ City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _..__....... ...... -�0� S?.�..�cP..s�..�?..t;.'sLe.,.1.h...f.Q.r..._ Lac) ..._b.1.o.e..ks....or- ............:........ ............................. s Bnrrs.................._............... ...................._..St Ave. to_.._.._._..._rt.ci=.is_._..__._...__.......___. from ............ .8 - .........._......... Ave. - „� • • •• • �zz • 'Office of the CommissiooXer of Public Works RE EIVE® b3 Report to Commissioner of Finance G8 �,..•• -J MA", 881923 - -- May_22, 1923----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46834 May -- 192 the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved_______________t______ 91___, relative to the construction of a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ eide_ of_ Clarenoe St. _from Burne A_v-e. _ to-Paoifia_S1i___________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said 'improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.------------------- yi e i _ Commissioner of Public Works. MCOUNCIL FIY^E NO .............-----'------. By. ................___............._...._.._......--- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....9.oriSt:S �9.t.ztaP._3...-s. ;,..f-.Q4t__c.e?.ent_.t.7.1.8...sideralli.-_on.-the--aa-st side .... Of...Pie_r-Qe..:St. �;OQod..-anal...sufficient.-..s.ide}•r91'.cs.no.� exist.,....._........................................................... e m a v No. 48743- 45856 ...... ..-approved _ 1 a Y_ 16 1923. In the ➢Satter of reconuaheretlne esearY• -..ing ana repairing aide. oY In cement eldewalka on: West coin apprOVed . Rletoria St..beginning _ alley, under - -- -" -.Ave. thence ,South t4 roved Preuminnry order 46368 approved d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having April 34, 1923. -A publicrhe6ring Having been -Lad he upon the ,hove lmprovementupop aveemmendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; tlott - !',,, council: -having he^ thi RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meut to be made by the said City is...G.o.0 stxuc..t,-.a..-s.iy,...f oot...ce-!?Pnt....t_i1.e....sid_epralk_.oh,-....... t),iP....ea.st-.-s.ide oi...rierce_ St. from _-,n-*versity _ve. to Shields 'ive., except .. ........... _a..................................sufficient si.d.e•,valks no-.+ exist, _ _ _........_........._............. .._............................. _.................................................... .__.........._.......__................ .._.........__........__...._............................................... ...._..._... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adoptedt by the Council.. __...- ,... 91 .. f City Clerk. Approved_._ ........ - _...._ _, 191 _.... ^ ........ ............. Mayor. Councilman"LaIwa4Co1k Clanc;� J _ Councilman Si76»5xX � councilmanAjVJwcdx i,:cLoi-'aid Councilman 7=4xx Lia t son ZMASEW, / ! Councilman21WMXX Peter Councilman AVA"XIM83i e nz e 1 Mayoudck x Nelson - i _ Form B. S. A. 8.7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEtAbIZZ FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIMADNER OF FINANCE . + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a six—foot Camas+ a1Aam�lk nn iha ea at ai is of s Pierce St. from University Ave. to Shields Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved May 16, 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - s-1-0-5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except University Ave.)The W.181.44 ft.of the E.95S ft. of the N.181.5 ft.of SW of Sec. 33, T. 29, R. 23. S- 1.32 ft. of N. 182,92 ft. of E.990 ft.of the SE -41- of Sec. 33, T. 29, R. 23, (ex— __ _ cept streets) Form B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION 18 3 Homer H. Hoyt Company's �7 3 Addition 16 3 do 15 3 do 14 3 do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 75 10050 425 525 1925 1°25 . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTI {.NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM .. IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 3 Homer H. Hoyt Company!s 425 12 3 Addition 925 11 3 do 2075 ( Except East 52 feet) 10 3 do 375 3b(.PS' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ommissioner of Fio�ace. Form B. B. 12 .i . 1. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.......:::::::::.....................................192::< Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 4 , —,-- -'-� . - . 1 1- - ......................... ............ ................................................... .......................................St. Ave. ............................................... ............................. 1.......................St. Ave.from ....................... ._._..__..............................._......--- Ave. ..... ..... Ave. r 0 UNiVERS/Ty ���C :' 3 14 e i o h tj i W F 3 Office of the Commissioner of Public W --� - - US Report to Commissioner of Finance ,00 HOt MAY 28 '1923 --------May-22,--1923 .... 191---- To ay22,1923----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__4b6a6 --- approved ----- J6+-1.923_191___, relative to the oonetruetion of a ais Poot oement the sidewalk_on_the_east-----_-_ $it%_ Qf _ E.isio a _Sxreat _ 3rom _IIni9 ersitg_ �venna _ t� _shields-Aatennet-------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and gaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 01.05 per fbont foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement , ---------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FIT,E NO ............................. By_.. -. _............................ ...... _.. _.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....constructive.--a.six.foot .cement_.tile_-sid.e.7a11-.on.--the_..1-est c::chlett.i.._Street.-,from-..,,heelock a.r. _,1ay_-to..,Cottage---Strad,.-_Pxc-ept �klexQ good...an.d...suffici.ent...s.idewalks..no,.7...eaist........................... ................--.............. :....----......................... ................................... _............................. .............. ................................................................................. _...--- =...................... ..........---- .....--- ..............._....--------- ..----- ......... . .........._.. *------------ ...---------- _---- .------------ .--------- ....... .............. ............... ............_.._.._.......-..........................................._.......... .................................................. ............................... b.. F. No. 46744— snnry the d oeco.nafructing: 5*754 approved iay .11a19E�....................... IisYthg btternepoafirring atne___...fllowingcme walks: approved . .......................... ._.... ......._..... East side Payne ave. bah 164 f at ,H Souihrelde Whitall St. beginding ut Eagenon de 011111t.. hitwest -'Go feet.! had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having 44Wo uth`ot Whitn l9t•Sthenct. eleoulh commendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; thltn0.feet., undarAP,el�q 1923. prder been 11 - due RESOLVED, By the � hearJi the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- , .. _.. ment to be made by the said Citv is..c.onstruct_. a six foot _cement t il_e,_ s ide7.a lk... on ........ s.i.d.e.-of..,iheelo.ck._- ;a.r.k. � _J..to_ Co..tta e........... Street, exceAt vrilere Food and sufficient s aevralks now exist, _ _ ... _ . _...- .... ..... ...._..... _. _ _ _ ..._ ...... _ __ ..... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.', Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved_..... ....................... .......:.....j._........_, 191........ Mayor. Councilman 2'k=YeW%& C 1 a n -o y Councilman X.,O xX / /J) Councilman 3YYTaf4X McDonald Councilman EMiNX Ma t s on Councilman ZIWWKX Peter Councilman X&RAIMM :'lenzel Mayor inaax lie Is on 3� Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY aT. PAUL DEPARTMF DF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI JLNER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINA;R ORDER In the matter of construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west —1de of Snhletti Street from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street. under Preliminary Order approved May 10 ig23 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost pei/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S 1-05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . Thd:f'.nminia+rinnar'�iifSFittunr•1!`fifriiier-i�eTiiirtia`t�iat said mutter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ADDITION Wheelock Heights do do do do do do do do dx do ASSESSED VALUATION 450. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 rs; andhereby in reference to St. Paul, Minn . ........... ..v �..... .....19ZI To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. .......r ..................... fromr S - v.= t. Ave. to---- — Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �'''�` 3 _ 1' ;ry. � � L✓Y Nom/ P L i i VT D Y c6pc22 � �, � � . � _� _ _ __ ,_ ., - # , - .,,; .,.. _ . i � ._ � . � � I S'. � } � _ � q` �. '. ,,� �. 7 i t i I � fi f � . . - _ G _. ;_ 7 � . -. � ._ i o. � � ., �... _ .. .. � — �. _.._..._—_PD __._ k!. N i .._ _ . i �. i 1' 't. _ _. ,r' v �!i< � = ;, � �. , . . U U .. .;: _. .. i4 1 4 I _i. �� /} t �� _ - - � E � �. .- .. ... .. _._... 4 j _ ,. i iL i .:, _ YdHtGLOG1� PI�RR�'=.i _ .. _ _ _. , ��o J'�ei yron f>�� = �. .... .,:.. j -�i _ �. _; - _ , ��..�_ '. � _.. __.� ,. ,.. , _ .. .. i _ .. - _.. _ . _ �. i �� qa+ 9 Office of the Commissioner of Public W SR' `' • If., 2 „i ,3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 'J MAY 9919 29 ------ 1�9- 29t-192-3-191.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 4b754 ___approved___ 11t_1923-_191___, relative to the oone-trnotion of a six foot Cement the sidewalk on the west ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- ---- -e_bs1_e__9--- and _ S,�1 reQ_P�ora �hhe>�loBarxw-�o_ Go�tae- straet.--- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $--__---___-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. t� J ............... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ..... c.Q.ns.truc.t.inr...v....si,.x,..f.oot...c.en:.ent....t.i.a?...s.S.de.'?.�-1.._al'l...t,-he......... ae,st_-aide.._of...Syndicate -+ve. from :est 7 innehaha St. to nlair 5t.. except ....................'............-..................................... ......... .... 7.hexe...f ood...and...s-uf_f icient-G.idew.a.l:1s...norr exis.t.s........... . ......... ....._....._........._....... ........... .......... .................... .........................._ ...... ........ ...... -.............................................. In :the Matter of conetru,,, a' sth C. F. No. 46746— . _-.__ _.... _... .-... . _..... _... r:foot -cement tile sidewnfr ,on o ....................... . -'blde.-f Sherwood Ave. from white 'Bear Ave to, sut[lctent etdewnike 583.5 ...approved .._1'�e.Y. 16 1923. .........._.... Where 5' .. ..a ...._. ..._.___.. r019" 'f 'ove der Preliminary Ordec. - ,4660approved blaY':2, 1923 __,_____ appl'OVe(l .- A' public heesin,' 6,. Dot _._ ....._ ...... E+pqn the �b iDe ICo,rov{ men - w r uojnt,uearfng having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Couneil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is__.constrgct...a..s-ix foot. cement.. t.ile._s.. ....i.. 11. on the east side of Syndicate 've from est innehaha St. to Blair St., ..................................................................I............... ......... ...... .... ..... .... ..... ood.ard..suzficient sidewalks now exist, ... .................. ........._......----.... _..................................................... ............... _ __.....--- ._............... ...................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... o City Clerk. Approved. ... " ��...........__, 143 (((111 .. - ......... ,-......._.... Mayor. Councilman F %N -X& Clancy Councilman ("rb&xxx Councilman 2DtY +ld e Councilman$t=-x Tlatson r_ Councilman D'EefSatllcx Peter Councilman 1'iL ',enzel Mayor hE%XX Ne Is on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM16VNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAi?Y ORDER In the chatter of Construct a six—fomt oemant tile sidewalk on the East Bide Of %mdiOate Ave from West Minnehaha S.. to Blair St. under Preliminary Order approved May 16th, 10,23. To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g fvn The estimated cost per oot or the above improvement is S1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: BA] DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 e do %'# 15 1 M 3575• i "'St. Paul, Min nG................ 192... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: TIL�....................................... well _ -St- Ave. fro.....................................................................................St. Ave. to._�a�ir c�h St Ave. .................................................................................................. . r, J �Y 9 • • AIJUVV• 015 1 �Y 9 Ll Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECE ED ia 9= "OV 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance S OuER O4 MAY,981928 - - --May_ 22 -1923 -----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of --- approved ------ M8y 16:_1823191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. -A5835 ___ the oonstruotion of a six foot oement tile sidewalk--on--the east______ ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- _aide _o_i4a1:Q_ 6p�._�rSuO_�ifla� Jinnehaha_8t.__to_.Blair--St,..__-- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: a 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front'foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _________ ____y_s_ _-_1_____- ______ Co'i6issioner of Public Works. . • - v .COUNCIL FIIJ� NO............................. By.......................................... — -- ...-.................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.-..con-str.u.ct ng..,a..s..e.' e.r.,.qh_.uzcy...St......frortt-.St.ry-ker...�ve.....t.o-..a Po int 60 feet west ofla...,................... . ........................ .. -----....._ .. ... ........................................ _ ....._.......... ...... __... _.__ - ..... ......... -.__. _-....... ....-..-. ` aix C. F. No. 46746— on both I;, the Ei, of- constructim' a sides a Kerwin S from. whtte Bear ....._....approved _. iiay .15,...1,9,23— a_.. _..... _.._........ foot cement the .aidowalx where 4Sa -Ave- to Flandrau..Bt.; exca9t and sufflclent siy Order 46610 _....... approved__.. ......_. .. .......__...... I .. axis[, under .Preliminary I�npirove ng ris above irnOl° ement upon �ra'•n had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having arsons, hobje %ions,hananx�-'h and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully con�5dered the same; thQ-o son relative St RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....cpnst.r.p ct , a...aower, on Lucy _St.e,from.. Stryker ..:'w.e.• to a point 60 feet nest of hall rve., .. ...._......... ..._.. ................ ........................._..._............ _ . _._ - _......__......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council p City Clerk. Approved..._ - _...... ................ 191 /+ Mayor. Councilman YJM- 9V6l= C l a n c y Councilman 4tg=x =u -_0 Councilman K=MXx ldcLonald Councilman KXXYX li4atson — ""'"" Councilman MIdn1x Peter CouncilmanX%=dekDWGx 1 e nz e l ' MkvorXra= 11elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM .0gER OF FINANCE (A) ON PREL MARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a sewer on Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to a point 60 feet West of Hall Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved— May 13th 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $914.00 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION S 10 Tuttles Rearrangement of 250, Blocks 10-11-13 & part of Block 4 Jackson & Bidwells Addition to West SR.Paul 7 10 do 15�• . 6 10 ^ 125- 5 10 ^ 125- 4 10 1325- 3 10 125- 2 10 " 1600. TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 4500. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_- _ _ -191 - ` — C f missioner of Finance. F-. B. B. 12 / j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COP .� SIONER OF FINANCE ON PR _ MINARY ORDER (C) t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except South 50 ft.) 9 - 10 13 Tuttles_Rearrangemeeaant of 300. (also (except So.50 ft -of West BlooXs Jackson &&BPart Of ls 35 ft. of Lot 11 ) Addition to West St.Paul 12 13 do 150- 13 13 " 150- 14 13 15 13 150• 4500. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_- _ _ -191 - ` — C f missioner of Finance. F-. B. B. 12 / j G h Fo Office of the Commiss Ker of Public V rkF�IVED Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 28-1923 May 22, 1923• ----191---- ------------------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45808.p ---- approved --- gi�y_ 16, 1923 -_191___, relative to the oonstruotion of a sewer on Luoy Street from Stryker,Avenue ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- to 60 feet west of Hall Avenue. ----------------------------------------------- - ------ ---------- - ------ --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $2.04 918.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $------------- Frontage -__---__ _,Frontage 460 ft. Inepeotion $18.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------ 1 Commissioner of Public Works. d _ i�illiam'J. Beier, (l�ammiasianer �txie �1Halteite, t�eputy (¢ammissianex Bpartmient of Pubfir Iforkii (�itp of quint foul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER n� G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 919t, 1993 M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Lucy Street,from Stryker Ave. to 80' west of Hall Avenue, under Pre- liminary Order C.F. ¢45808, approved May 15th,1933: Estimated cost $918.00 Per front foot 9.04 Inspection 18.00 Frontage 450 feet Yours truly, 4-17, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance e 0 nor of Phblic Works Coma COUNCIL F W, NO............................. 'By................................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....-constxu.ct,n,._a, s, 7er,.on:ucL_,Str-s-et...f-xoM--a---po-illt---60---eget east of Hall avenue to Robert Street, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... .-.._... ..... .. ....... .... C �• No. Wil Ia,the Afatter of-: reconatructi •tag ana _............. _ ..__.......... _.. _---.. -..-.._._..... Lh reDalting where nK. rela . ............. .................................. e following cemea necessary, Ha-tiVeat sldeDouglas 3t atieaiania- _ _ i Ngateon: St. .thence g of .. _ ..............._ __...._.__- ..-....._ - ............ rtherl south 166' __. _. __... ........... 1' bell hing Yatld Ramse leasant A st. the 45807 approved ILa y _ 13, 1923 . NPrth elde - - ---- --" tng a[ PaYn �Avehothers 3t.^b. Intermenlary Urdt approved A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..c0nstruct _a_,sewer, on_, Lucy_,Stre_et f rom a point 60 feet east. of Hall venue to Robert Street, .... .. .. .... ... .......... _ .......................... _ _ ..._._ --- --------------- ... ........ - .... _._.. ......... . ............._.....- .....-. ..... .... .... _......._ . _ .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthorir-ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._.91f JA City Clerk. Approved.._.... 191.-._.-.-� ? 7 Aiayor. CouncilmanJtuw=J& C I a n o y -- Councilman (MXXX Tei` Councilman 2$}ii7 X 1,,icDona1d _ Councilman X 1,19 t s on Councilman 2U4l X Peter - Councilman XAmAMK= 7enze1 Mayorix-xxx Ile 1s on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF 8T, PAUL DEPARTMENT IF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI . NER OF FINANCE j° ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,a> (A) Inthematterof Oonstructing a sewer on Lucy Street from a wint 60 feet East of Hall Avenue to Robert Street. under Preliminary Order approved Map 15th, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 4906.00 ef8ont 2,16 The estimated cost pfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION— LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 11 Tuttles Rearrangement of 125. " Block 10-11-1j & art of 4 Blk. Jackso fi & idwells -Addition to U:It S,.Paul 2 11 do 100., 100. (Also all of 2 & North of 3r 1 12 Jackson & Bidwells Addition 2450. to West St. Paul 20 Auditorsbdivision of 100 the North of Lots 9-10 & 11 Bidwe 1B Addition to West St.Paul Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, s (B) DESCRIPTION 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIR0I0NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 21 Auditors Subdivision of the North i of Lots 9-10 & 11 Bidwalls Addition to Pest St. Paul 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 t TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 1100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100, 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 500. 100. 1650. ASSESSED VALUATION 100. 100. 100. 100. 100 1600. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 125. 75• 775• 775- 75. 50. 50. 50. 75• 600. 100. 75• CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSLJNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 50 Auditors Subdivision of the North j of Lots 9-10 & 11 Bidwells Addition to West St. Paul 49 do 48 n 47 n 46 " 45 " 44 n 43 n -42 " 41 " 40 " 39 " 9 2 St.Pierre & Lawtons 1 2 do 8 1 " 7 1 " 12 1 Hornsbyys Subd.of Lot 7 Bidlvells Add, Ast to St.Paul & that part of Block G West St.Paul proper South of No.line of Belvidere Street 11 1 do 10 1 " 9 1 " 8 1 " 7 1 " 1 2 " 2 IOMM a. .. If 2 " TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 100. 100. 100. 100. 100 1600. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 125. 75• 775• 775- 75. 50. 50. 50. 75• 600. 100. 75• CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMV.S9 ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C), _ + DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION j 2 Hornaby4 Bubd,of Lot 7 Mwdll� kl(is to w0A 4 i 754 'gu. , Weat St. Paul roper South of No. line oT Belvidere Street. 4 2 do 75. 5 2 ° - .75- 6 2 75. (Exoept part taken for Lucy 31 Auditors Subdivision of 50 Street) Lot 6 Bidwells Addition to West St. Paul (Except part taken for Lucy 30 do 2900. Street) m 22200. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__. _ 1J1 I Commissioner of Finance. r— B. D. 12 St. Paul, Minn ......... ............ ............................... 192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:. `hWe, the undersigne0-,property owners, ;hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: eo................................ from.. Ave. to_'-f/�r�h ti`s '/.._.............__.... St. Ave. • • •• • V Z/c;" � r `V Q 3 39 Office o�the Commission r o Public W r s�ECEIVED 0 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance c MAY 281928 ------May--22-,--1923 ---_-191-___ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46807 May 15, 1923 ..... 191---, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved____________________ the oonstruotion of a sewer on Luny -Street - from 60_feet-east-of----_-- -------------------------------------------------- - Hall Avenue to Robert -Street ----------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: _ 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot 02.16 4906.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $___--____-__, frontage 2277 ft. — Inspeotion $100.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------ ---------- --- Commissioner of Public Works. iMilliam J. deter, (tEammissianex @^ Ade Mullette, Deputg C�ammissianer 4 %partment atko ctij of omint vuul T1. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER �y� G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER �(iy 1, 1923 Mr. wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Lucy Street from 60' east of Hall Ave. to Robert St., under preliminary order C.F.#45807, approved May 15th, 1983: Estimated cost 54906.00 Per front foot 2.16 Inspection 100.00 Frontage 2277 Peet Yours truly, — hi Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commi sioner of Finance Co s` oneLf Public Works jd°s>, 1,..,:It . S COUNCIL F*E NO ............................. By............................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....9.Tl�.t.T.uct-ir.<;._a._......Le.l...on...::nil-C.omb.Q.....v..enl?.e...fX4r1... us115...... ':t.re-et..to-a oitt...So._fegt...-„,egt...of....Broap on Street...................................................._... ......_.. ................--...................................... ...._....._........ .............................................. ............................. .........._................._......................................- ..................... -._...................................................................I ................ ............ .........._... ........... -............_....................... _ .... - ......_......................_.......---....--- -- ................_.......... -46748--.; -----........a.......----------- --------'fatter-of reconstructing, relay- +dreDairing whereaccessar. •-d -v rll 26 1922. bnoiving'. cement sidewalks: y 39J..c.6........._.............. appTOved.-_.'n.----.......-----2..------.....---”--------............._.......... lln(�g� side Colorado 6[. beglnntng' Muth: Wabash. St. 'thence east Intent aide so; wabasha.St. begin:.......... approved -------------------- . .... .... ..... ..... "',,ad* Sgaret eSt u a. .!been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council A I' -vest of Forest St. th, having hedrn-_; ar eg,., .objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefvke, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and ]rind of improvement to be made by the said.Gity is-,,..._cons.truct_.a.._setiq,�r.-.on._Cilileo from to a point SO feet %rest of Brompton Streets '_-____-_. ----------------...................._...............................................................__........... ... --.............._..---------...._...------------------------- ..._.................._ - ...------- ---------- ..................------------------------.............. -.... .....--- ....._......._................................._............_....._........_.._......................_...... '--......_... .......... ........................... - - . ................. ........_....._----------- ..-.. ..... ... ............................................................ ...--------------------- -- --........ .-- ....... ................. .......... ' ...... -- -........_......__...----------------------------------------------------.._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....__. City Clerk. Approved.............................._.....:'.............> 191.. ✓7 V i � ,.- cam--- -' Mayor. Councilman F-*TiX*45V% C l o n c y Councilman G&9XX Councilman CMXaVKX 'Ac DonaId /e Councilman bTa IWX 1,,',a t s on Councilman X92Mx Peter d ^ Councilman Yd7ulet1iEkX .,enzel _ Mayor HmtgsKM lie 1s on Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 1)T. PAUL DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI - NER OF FINANCE O ,'RELIM, Y ORDER In the matlerof construct a sewer on Chiloomoe Avenue from Eustis Street to a point SO feet west of Brompton Street. under Preliminary Order approved April 26,1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 765.00 front The estimated cost pejfoot for the above improvement is $ 4. 03 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as.follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 25 St.Anthony Park North 400. West 50 ft -of 5-6 25 do 250 West 50' of East 100' of 5-6 25 do 250 14 28 do 375 1 28 do 475 E TOTAL, 1750-00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referenceto said matter by the Commissioner: of Public Works. / Dated 191__..._1 Commissioner of Finance. For. B. 13.13 / St.Paul, Minn....................................................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, ' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .... . .....G1 C! E'. ............................ o..................................... ..........................D............................................................St. Ave. from..._�.��fry ..... .................... ............. St. Ave. to_._.u!'L.............................................. ............................ Ave. i NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,d o i ¢5 L \ / r Y } St. Paul, Minn .. ........ ....... ............... .............. ...192...... _:Jo The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: _ We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body -to cause the following improveme rt to be made: .......................................................................................... ................ ......................................_ t. .SAve ................ r ..•i,.L !%.. ...... r -v.............:.............................`.............................. ` g from...- :..............- ---- - - -sr-kre. to_.. ��?"2' ..._ei_U._._U - ............................. u C"....:......'St.14re__ NAME LOT ADDITION I � 1'L✓u . �i � . r � ry • s� lum I I t°/b osttcy'vr�r. � A cif/.LC�M�E ✓�T. F ___ ao , v W ,fOb , Office of the W051011a of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: MAY 101998 ------ 191 ---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.� !3 ___approved_ April 26_x_1922191___, relative to _laying_ a_ sewer_ on Chiloombe_Av_e._ from Euetis-to 80_ft.-west--------- of Brompton Street.-------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. c Per front Toot $4.03 76600 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-_----'--_--, Frontage 190 ft. Inspection $16.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------1--------------- mmissioner of Public Works. MIR= J. Ileter. (¢ammisstaner brie Riallette. Deputg (¢ammissioner • .ss;� Department of pubtir lVarko (�itg of point Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEANDCITT PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 4th, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of laying sewer on Chilcombe Ave. from Eustis to 80 ft. West of Brompton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 39346, approved April 26th, 1922 : Estimated cost ------------ 6765.00 Per front foot ----------- 4.03 Inspection --------------- 15.00 Frontage ----------------- 190 ft. Yours truly,N' otier Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. : Commiss er of 1 c worls. •�I PER _ ..... .. L... -IQ 71 2.16 ved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $.... .. covering ResolResolved checks numbered... ........_._..to ......-247U- -.-....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. --dancy, Adopted by the Council )::.. "'Iii ---------- _ 194 .In favor — r 3 ✓McDonald, Approved. - _ 192 Matson, teeter, / --Wenzel, d--Against � ---Mr. President, Nelson _• �. p q Cto us oso�e CCitY d3th .Reso Tres as s 69: G nsclusiv . to nt ster Pibto 1 olti 71923. _ m oC mD fi gyred City Jv per rlttae of .t {he i�osnCil lY ' `,. TdOptved SulY 6'1891923) - i 4Pro iJu15. 1 •�I CITY OP 8T. PAUL ORIGINAL TOcrrY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 468 5 —RESOLUTION FORM No . .... ...... ........... AUDITED CLAIMS Form D-34 IM 12-22 427 AUDITED ............. :.1 .......192 ......... .. IR om ........ ... ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ............... checks numbered -------------...........;L4118 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes V Councilmen I Nayso Adopted by the Council- ---------------------------------------- ---- 192 Clancy, Ferguson, ------------- In favor 1-?3 McDonald, Approved . . ...... ......... .......... 192--.. Matson, Peter, . ....................................................... Wenzel. ------- A$ainst ----------- -----------------­ 7 6i Mr. President, Nelson ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...................... 14710 Bearman Fruit Company, 333.20 Park RefeQtories 14711 J. M. Clancy, Comer, of Finance 27,653.94 Water 156.80 14712 The Cracker Jack COMPanYt Park Refectories 14713 Huttle Candy Company, 53.90 Park Refectories Urray & 67.13 14714 Wm- MOM Com, Park Refectopanyries 30.00 14715 Owens Motor Sales company, Water 324.59 14 716 Red Wing Filter Sand Company, Water 14717 Sanicup Sales Company, 39.60 Park Refectcyties 14718 Sinking Fund.investment Committee, 45,000-00 aed* of Bonds v ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL 46 85py ITV CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ---:...---.--.-... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FARM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY i Jul .r3 1D23 COMMISSIC-'cR.-..........................................:.. DATE-...--...-.-..-.y.---.f-.--.-".-.._._.--_---_.-----_ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF TOE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED .FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. A YES ( V) COUNCILMEN ( ♦7) NAYS CLANCY CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREO FROM TRANSFERED TO MCDONALD 32-2S&I City Planning $2,100.00 32-2-OE� City Planning .---...--........AGAINST $2,100.00 � C- F. No. 46860—B - - - Resolved, That rtrans- MR. PRESIDENT FORM on (so I-) .thelfollowing t ra bemade, on the book. C mptroller when by . doln .oaf the avoidable g n un- tie met by said transfer wlthoutn harry peri g the o k provided for by the money (n } c' the Item -from which the 1' I:Is made. • �. 52,100.00 transferred from Cade 32 I # S fi SV Clty Piannln 2 OE .City Plaaning g;to Code 32- Adopted by the Council Ju]y 6,,,sx��¢ - Approved -July 6, 1023, 1923 YJUIY 14-1023) YES ( V) COUNCILMEN ( ♦7) NAYS CLANCY --6ERHG55N MCDONALD ----------------IN FAVOR MATSON PETER .---...--........AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT FORM on (so I-) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- APPROVED -:APPROVED ... -- ------------- 19 ------ f 2 -l:MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED EIY-............ -------------------------------- CITY COMPTROLLER CFO ENCIL No ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to Pearl Brothers to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Maryland and Arcade streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. 0. F..No. 46851—By U. C. Wenzel=' Resblved. That permieaton and a -thority a e- herebYiglven to Pearl 'Brothers iaetalL and -maintain :drive-in filling' atation= at the. eoutha 'east corner of.. Maryland and .Arcade SCTeet$._ the _tanks and pump!k to be .Installed in accordance wlt i. the or-. dinances of the City of -St.. Paul and under the direction and to the satin - (faction of the Commissioner of Public; 'Safety. Adopted by the Council July 5, 1923. Approved July 6, 1923. (July 14-1923) CO.ONCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald _..In favor Matson Peter _.____Against Wenzel ® Mr. President Adopted by the Council...: ::3._ ......192 . . Approve IL. _—:. ! :::3__... --192 .. ��IJ M�q MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"`"No..._..168-5_1._-. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ RESOLVED That permission aAd authority are hereby given to Pearl Brothers to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Maryland and Arcade streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in a000rdanoe with the ordinances of the City of $t. Paul and undor the direotion and to the eatlafaotion of the Commiogioner of hblio kfoty, 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. 192 -- Clancy Clancy Ferguson Approved.---__...----- --.---_.192-_-. McDonald .......-.._...-In favor Matson - - ... - - mwvon Peter -._---...__.Against _ Wenzel Mr. President � r 6 ll.. 11 JAMES M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER J. E, CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER LEONARD C. SEAMER, CHIEF CLERK BUREAU OF ASSESSMENTS June 20th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear 14r. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House building on the 5th day of July, 1923, at 10 o'clock A.PF., relative to the installation of a drive-in filling station located at the southea^t corner of Maryland and Arcade Streets. Very truly yours, )ON/ ssione of Finance. V (MIR of .St. Paul t3ep4xtment of parks, plampcounbs aub Pu61ie builainp !RA MARC.. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER,IRVING G PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER , W. JOHNSON.OFFICE-OF COMMISSIONER c 7. of PLAYGROCIID6 - X. TEWES. - - 2I9 COURT HOUSE CRY ARCHITECT June 5, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: T am returning to you herewith the application of _ Pearl Brothers for license to operate .and'maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at the eorner of Maryland and Arcade Streets. This is in a commercial district, and is therefore 0. K. with the Building Department. Yours very truly, Commi,s'sioner. HSB..0 lid L� LD JUN 1 3.1923 FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER f HARRY A. JOHNSON, Der COMMISSIONSA Og of �xzxt# Paul June 4, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, 8t. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is the application of Pearl Bros. for license to operate and maintain a drive in gasoline filling station on the corner of Maryland and Arcade streets. This location is approved as to fire hazard by this Department and it is recommended that license be granted. Yours so truly, i s o r oAbl o Safety k R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY J F• W MATSON, . COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION Jure 4th,1923 on. _.atson S01r,uissioner of Public S-_,fety, ,t,Paul,:3nn. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF In re and to t:,a a1Nlicution of _'earl ,ros. for jerf:dssion to oTarate and ,Lairtain a drive in C,asoline filling station on the corner of -,:aryland un_` Arcane Strects. I ',:ave had t::e fcme oink investigated and rej:ort t::at such a filling station. at ti.e desired location would not create a serious fire hazard to t:_e surrounkin; _rro.rerty; I therefore recommend t_<ut rermit ue grantea. _ Fours leSpeCt.T. �,.aef Iia; ectcr. a, Elm Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application OITICE OF THE CITY CLERK made in¢lme and APPLICATION FOR LICENSE submitted to the city Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Foal -- Application No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota Date---- /I,--, (/ APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE Bye ------------------------------- For License to"V m 'f F"rm nr Inai�anm Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) "Drive Ir<• or "Curb"—�----_____ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At J— Number of Pumps to be Installed—z Number of Gas Tanks to be Installed— 15 Capacity of Received at office of City Clerk –�-' Tanks �'.� � / biRnntUre a( .1DPlicant By APPROVED I _ AS TO FIRE HAZARD APPROVED - / AS TO STREET TRAFFIC _ APPROVED II TTT��— Date_ _ Date --___ f ublic'Safety. Commr,-of Public Safety, Commr. of P. P., P. and PPROVED APPROVED I PASSED late_ --_ 9-- Date19 --_19_ APPROVED 19_, ORDINANCE PERMIT NO.__ Comm llc Works, ---_. ---__� LICENSE NO. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 19_ COUNCIL\.J �FN CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ....................__...._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO .LJItI�IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ /ul5—(.,_ COMMISSIONER __------------ .(.__._.._.._L._. ......_.-......... _--- ..._------- ------- DATE._ --- -------- .... J_y —. RESOLVED Tnat license # 391 for A. J. Shomion, x}183 Western Avenue for confectionery ana food stuff be revoked as license was approved with the understanding that he would comply with the City Ordinance with reference to Sanitary conditions in hav- Ing hot water installed ana in making other necessary improve- ments. This he has failed to do and at present does not snow andy disposition to improve conditions. Yeas r I COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council_ --.. .......... .. __192. Clancy .Approved _. _..__ _ _192...... ✓ McDonald �.b_._ In favor '! ✓Matson ✓ Peter .._._._.Against _Well e l 1 Mr. President M i Yeas r I COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council_ --.. .......... .. __192. Clancy .Approved _. _..__ _ _192...... ✓ McDonald �.b_._ In favor '! ✓Matson ✓ Peter .._._._.Against _Well e l 1 Mr. President M CITY OF ST. PAUL FOEaca �� NO. ' --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T PRESENTED BY / j� __......_........... DATE_.........__..J�y:-__ COMMISSIONER___._-....__..:_..._ _.._—. .._.- __ ..... "r .. ....1�......_..........._. RESOLVED Yea, That application # 2564 for conducting a sort drink parlor at 116 Soutn Robert Street issued to Frank Stanske be and the same is hereby deniedupon the recommendation of tine ljureau of Police. The applicant is a Russian who can scarcely speak the English Language. He formeriy operated a Pool Hall at #¢109 So. Wabasna Street ana this- place had a bad name. He was never arrested for violation the liquor law but many complaints had been made against this party for selling moonshine. Nays Clancy son McDonald ____In favor Matson D Peter _--- - ...Against Wenzel Mr. President ke be upon w of never arrested-for-vio-1 7atfo�nolthe liquorlaw but'Inany, corn-' _:plaints had been 'made against this Party for.. selllhg moonshine. Adopted by the Council July, 6,.-1823. Approved July b; 19z3:-' - _,.(July 19-1923) Adopted by the Council ---a:;'. .....192. ---. Approved-.-.. .......... _----. '_192MAYOR ...-- ------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL couwciLNo-----__-_`-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE :IL REs6L UTLON.—GENERAL FORM DATE- ------ Jul y--5'--19-2.3 ................ - - RESOLVED 'l That the application for license of Ringling Bros,°Ba:ruum-& Bailey Shows for oonaucting a circus at University & Syndicate be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instruct- ed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. . s C. F, No. 46854--L-By Masson Resolved, That the application„ -por license [..RI ngu.g Bros.- Barnum:.-& $a11ey Shows.. Yob conductitrg -a�Uin a4 University &' Syndlcate„be-and rctis the same Is hereby. granted and the -City Clerk is Instructed to tissue such III - ..r tre aur Don ..[he.Paymenf::-1pto` the,ci ty Ado tCd b the customary -.pee, P Y the Council Ju1y'6; 1922.. APProVed JuIy' 6;.1923. - (July 14.1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ .- :.I'.... '.t_! _ 192 —Approve /... /v______ __..__192...... mwros / COUNLIL �y 55 FILE Np..-.-...�(...Lr<-%.t.t.... p �LERK COUNCIL E —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSONER_... ...._...................... DATE __......_._--------------- _.._........................_...__..._... ' WHEREAS, The Council by resolution approved April 13, 1923, adopted a final order changing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Summit Park Addition, from Avon street to Grotto street, and pro- vided -for the grading and paving of said alley; and WHEREAS, It appears that said alley as laid out is twenty feet wide but that the property owners abutting thereon have extended their fences beyond the alley line; and whereas, -all of the property owners interested have signed and filed a petition requesting that said alley be paved between the fengc lines -- they now exist, and C -F . -No. am—By:w. J. Peter.— have agreed to accept tha 'whereas The council by reselutl°n oeder chn:n6ing the wade of he Gley lines and pap there-- .rdsin ck agl.g lheglk Addition, from for the full contract prjAYon st. to Grotto st., and paidl d for tha 6rndtng and paving of said. al- ley: and It nppenrs chat said alley RESOLVED That Said Whereas, same is hereby lakreas, I nYenty feet wide tint that. ft•erty owners.abutting.her?"i" -t- -ded their .fens- amended so as to provide that'gy3na%alley shall be graded and paved between the rear fence lines as they now exist. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy m McDonald _...-._...In favor Matson Peter .......... Against Wenzel Mr. President s Adopted by the Council_ .. _.,;:.1'.,._ .:,..:i _....192. _. Approved......... 192- ....... .� .... - MAYOR .%�55 CITY OF $T. PAUL FILE COUNCILNo"'"" " '--""' — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN-rE0 BY COMMISSIONER-- - -_---------- - ---- ------- - ..............._._...._.._._......._. QESO USID wREREAs, The Council by resolution approved April 13,_ 1923, adopted a final order changing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Summit Park Addition, from Avon street to Grotto street, and pro- vided for the grading and paving of said alley; and ;9REPEAS, It appears that said alley as laid out is twenty feet wide but that the property owners abutting thereon have extended their fences beyond the alley line; and whereas, all of the property owners interested have signed and filed a petition requesting that said alley be paved between the fence lines as they now exist, and have agreed to accept the paving between those lines and pay there- for the full contract price; be it RESOLVED, That said final order be and the same is -hereby amended so as to provide that said alley shall be graded and paved between the rear fence lines as they now exist. COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _-.____.In favor Matson Peter ___Against Wenzel Mr. President a Adopted by the Council_ _,.,:,... -..:.J_:,.3.. __-192..... Approved-.._....- .._ _ .... _.._....._..I .._ -- MAYOR rf� �- CLtp Of *afrit a1IY a� HENRY OLSON 'M�` H. J. RIORDAN . CITY CLERK (OIILCP _f Haug HTI__L � t ASST. CIT LER. YA .!l �t11GLlt j (/y June 23rd, 1923 dr �- p'p . Mr. C. F. McNally, c f_ Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir:` r The attached petition of property owners asking°M1 that the paving of the alley in Block 9, Suit Park Addition be laid between the rear fence lines as they at present exist, was referred to you today by the Council for the proper resolution. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK.' C TO THE CITY OF ST.PAUI,: We the undersigned property owners of Bleak 9 Summit Park Addition respectfully petition that the paving of the alley in this block be laid between the rear + fence lines as they at present exist and we agree to acoept J Wit' I a the paving between these lines at the fall contract price as let.which calla for pavement twenty foot in width. ,tea _ 4<� r c lly . % 3 A i _ -2 1 1 e 'JI g Ak 11 RESOLVED couNCIL �� V CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO..-.-___-._-_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE-_. Y......5:..._1933, - Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C.F. #42065, approved September 29, 1922, described as the curbing of Jefferson -Ave. from Hamline Ave, to Syndicate Ave., Standard Stone Co., Contractor, have arisen, making it necessary to instal the following extra curb: 3.91 of straicrht curb @ 600 2.34 15.701 a radius curb ® 85¢ 13,35 total $15.69 Now, Therefore' be it . RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra curbing to be put in, the work to be done under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public works and in accordance with the specifications therefore, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of fifteen and bixty-nine hundredths dollars SComptroller'seContract L-1650 allowed as an forunder contract themaking ofthe asafore- said improvement. C. F. Nn. 46856—By W. J. Peter :Whereas; Unforseen .obstacles not provided for in the making of -the im- provement under Final Order C. F. No. 42065,. approved Sept. 29, 1922, described as the curbing of Jefferson Ave. from •Hamline Ave,. -to Syndicate Ave.'Stan- dard , �Stan- d rd Stone Co Contractor, have arisen necessary , ry ✓. making it necesry to Instal the -fol - I lowing extra curb: 3.9 of straight curb at 60C•• 82.34. . 15,70' ofradlue curb at 85¢,.:. 18:36' Total ......:.........:.....$16.69 ` Now, Therefore, be it .. Resolved,:. That the - Council -hereby 'orders the extra curbing to be put in, the work to be dobe under the.super-: vision at the Commissioner aY Publlc! -- Works in accordance >with 'the •specifl- atlons therefore, the costthereof not to exceed the sum of flfteen and sI.ty-.. nine hundredths dollars :(15.69) and to be allowed`" an extra :under the bon tract known as Comptroller's 'Contract L-1650for the making of the _afore- ; said -Improvement. - - Approfed ved y the6C192$11 July.5 1;993.. - (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN ' Yeas tlYH Clancy --i�cFguso i - McDonald _... In favor Matson Peter _....___Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council. __ {:.1:..—;... ia?3 __..192. Approved-- . �:: ..... I, � � 192.---- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCILNo------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM G q = PRESENTED BY DATE__........_J�}.lY-..._.,+-7...._1,�..St........_..._..--- ..._ COMMlySIONER --- ........................ 1 1 RESOLVED _ That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 28, 1923, between Peter Dickson, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul for the grading of alley in block 8, Stinson's Rice St. Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of June, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. B r t r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / —re–r-90- McDonald __ In faoc-, Matson Peter ........ 1k Against Wenzel Mr. President p Adopted by the Council .;L ; .j.._.____192 .:.. Approved - 192___. mnvoR a St. Paui, minn., - - - - - 19 TO THE HOD?OAABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body ca se the time of completing contract for the s�_ - I — - - - ✓---- / -- - - - to be extended to - - - - - - -�- - � -- - - - - - 19 Owing to - -N.sw -C- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to Esk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore statad. Yours very truly, Oontractor. % ��',r���% There Is nc objection to having the tine extended as requested, as far as the requirer.,ents of this office is concerned. APPROVED_ Supt. of Constru^ Repairs �4. Wf� �/Commieiic ti`'orks. (j�C`Y Engineer. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE - ------- JU1..Y_.;3A.+sL,.....1-.23..._...___..._ 1 L That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated September 15, 1922, between the Standard Stone Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul for the curbing of Brimhall Ave. from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of June, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, pro- vided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. _ COUNCILAIEN Yeas Nays Clancy er McDonald _ ...... In favor Matson Pl v Peter -.-.-.-- ___.Against Wenzel Mr. President � _, '_..._ Adopted by the Council...,-:��..-___..... ' 1; J _.._. 192 Approve//.,/17� 192 rnarow St. ?.aul , S„�nn. , - G19 - TO THE HOAT.ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the/ time of cQomplet{�ing/ contract for the - - - _�h/-cu, to be extended to Owing to---�e��=-.-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for rn--to finish this contract within the time specified, hence J desire to esk that the tir..e for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very, truly Contractor. �-J There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirer.:ents of this office is ccnoexned. APPROVED Supt. of Constructi ifs Comn;isa10 of Public �"'orks. e ngineer. A y;�; q Council File No....-.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: cement-.-t-i-Le --- Bidewalk on ... Mendot.a St. - I I;I.elyKeen 81as_at.....ana Case $t- . . .... on the .... eaet side - ---- ................ ........ ---------------_ -------- - ------------------ ­ ............. --------- ------------------------- ........... ............ ---------- ........... _----------------------------- ................. ....... . ....... .......... ..................... ................. ...... Dated this day of J�UIY 19.23 ................... - ----------- - 4'a"t."Ot; Councilman. lag Of the fou. . jPr(ijP.a&, mpro Construct 'sidewalk -. the '�'aef",t, come III_-twee.- sj,s at a e dea% been p,...t.d-tnd . PRELIMINARY ORDER. City f St. therefore, .,d . Paud , the o* Th . eref.t;, b� I WUtk." 'he': 0 1s81 an �t 0 an - Is he . e - I . .1,�.n proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1aVeatigate ne,,. the of the -.Makin; ---t,i3-e.-sidexialk..-on..the.-east side ...... . ... of Mendota St. between Sims ' St.- -and Case St. - -------- ...... ----------------------------------------------------- between.._ .......... ----------------------- .. .. ... ......... ..... ..... ............ -------------------------------------- ........ -- - ------------------------ ------------------------ - ....................... ........................................................................... ---............... ----- --- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- - ------------- - ---- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............. ___ - - ---------------------------------- ------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-------------- ----- —..r . .. 1'j.....------_-------- YEAS 'j -----------_----------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 'PEVUVS—r Approved.----------------------' -.: k : .............. _. .. MATSON pproved--------------------------- MATSON McDONALD PETER WENZEL ✓.-%..'"•4�s MR. PRESIDENT Mayo F.- C A 13 (SM 0.22) 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUME ca NO._. - � . FILE ^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` V OUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / g C VJenze COMMISSIONER.___.._.._..__• • .......1........__.........._.__.........._. ........... ..___ DATE........ _... .. ................_. _............... _ RESOLVED That Council File No. 42446, being a resolution providing for the compensation for employments in the ungraded service, as pro- vided for in Section 7 of Rule 1 of the Civil Service Ordinance, be amended as follows: IY-0 ",-A That the words and figures,A*Iron Vdorker (Reinforcement) 80¢-pe-i-� be stricken from such ;esalution, and in lieu p thereof there be inserted the following Y -F. more +jinn bbl _no per- hnj. tt 40 COUNCILAIPN Yeas Nays ✓lancy , McDonald _._ _-In favor Matson ✓ Peter .--.Y.___--Against Wenzel / Mr. President situ of 5t. pant ,t Department of ?Packs, Plaggrounas to and Public buildings J °� WM. T. MARCH, HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER BupP: OP P.RKB IRVINO C,.PEARCE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, S- OF P -.--OFFICE Or COMMISSIONER PRANK X. TEWES. 219 COURT HOUSE CRY AROHRGT July 5, 1923 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Gentlemen: your committee appointed sometime -ago to investi- gate the request to increase the wage -scale of,structural Iron Workers and Rod Norkers, begsleave to report that in as much as the Structural Iron Workers are receiving $1.00 per hour, that the scale of 80� per hour for Rod Workers be increased to a rate,reading, "Not Tmre�� $1.00 per hour". yours very truly, COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By. ....................... ..... --- - ----- - .. ..... . . . ...... ..... FINAL L ORDER onstrl ctinr, a s^'�aer or, aobie Street from a point, 75 Inthe Matter of.....c....:.....................:'........................................................................................................................... Bidrrell. Street to the_ existing...se...er 120 feet...?es.....°f....... -,,inslorr avenue, .................. ............ --- .................._.--......-......... ....................__..... .............................................. ......... ................................................................................................................. ....... ............... •. .................................... f n lo„ 45569approved.... "lay..43...1923 . ........................................... C. -:P. No. 46892- 4, , the Matter of;eonstructing a sewer on Roble St rrom a point 76 feet - east .. ........... .. ............ approved.... ... ..._...... ...... .... ..---- of Bidwell St'to the existing Sewer, 120 feet west of Winslow Ave, nnaer een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council Preliminary o a r 46660. avproved May 4 1922 ecti, and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- A .pAlo hearinS having been had ;.due nonce, ¢nd the'C, 11 hsv- t tined all peraoas objectSet ana i fatly c relative there+ v ,four eonsiaerea • ::.:, �duncil of the City of St. Paul that 1h� +a4wi By the to-benr8d�7i�tiresaid-Eity_ _. construe-. _se4ver__.on.._Hobie__. trePt..-from _...a....p0i>~t....7.5_.f.eet....east-of....3.id7e1.1..Ute_eet..t-o._-the_._exist_ing__serfer_._120 f.e.et sr.e4t...Af....ii.Xl.Slow avenue, ....__ .... .... ._ ..... ._.... r.nullcd, and inr „1! arca .......---- -•............................................._..........._..........................._._......--...................................... ...... .........----........ - -.......................----............ ... ..._. ............_.......-- ................................................................... -. and a Council hereby order' said improvemen%to be made. SOLVED FURTHER, Iiat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and, specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for alkiproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are he%�by authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said,- improvement in accordance therewith., Adopted by the Council._... .... 9� }'.. City Clerk. Approved. .. ........ 191........ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN, T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of oonst a ❑aw r nn Rllt]i P StrP t from ^ point 75 feet Past fif �� Hidwell Street to the existing sewer 120 feet west of Winslow Avenue. under Preliminary Order approvedtl— aV 4x1923 _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 370.00 front _ 2.50 The estimated cost perEoot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 1/2 of 4-5 81 West St -Paul Proper 4425• West 1/3 of. 6-7 81 do 1425 East 1/2 of 1-2 82 do _ 2500 10 82 do 68A6. TOTAL. 1C�5o�t The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby ' submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191-- Commissioner of Fineccr d 11 Ar. m� � J Office of the Commissioner of Public V orkPEcEIVED aY t: ` fl. Report to Commissioner of Finance $' -May 11, 1923----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.45569 __approved___g$_ 4„ 1823____191___, relative to the oonstruotion --of--a- sewer --on- Robie 3tree t -from--a- po:Lnt 76_feet-__-__ east_ of_ Bidwell_Street--to -the- ---------- -Winslow-Avenue -- _____-___VPinslowAvenue. -_ ______________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.60 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is nepeotion 7 00 Frotee �60 ft. and the nallure and extent of Pali improvemen �s fo ows---- -------------------------------- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. W.mmis;s�ioyner -------------- of Public Works. MiliamJ. Peter, (ommissiuner 7rie Fgallette, Deputo (l vmmissiuner Department of nhlax Marks (�itm of quint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINdR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. 0FS-ARMTj0N G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SU OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 1928. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear air: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oast for the construction of a Sewer on Robie Street from a point 76 Peet east of Bidwell Street to the existing sewer 120 feet west of Winslow Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45669, approved May 4, 1923: 8stimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $570.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - -- 2.60 Excess inspection - - - - - - 7,00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - -- 150 ft. Yours truly, hn. S/ A-C-Zet Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Comm esion f F nanos. Comm /lla6 _ Commisa r of Public Workee COUNCIL FILE NO.. In the Matter of.....RQft. t.X.11.9.t.7S11 .. a....s.e.vex....4K1...FQ.b.z.e-..ut.r.e.a.I...f.x..Qm...Ohi.Q...µt.r�e-t... to the terminus of the se_aer approximately 296 feet._jles.t--of__--- - ........... _... ...... ........ .. .. iaseca Street, _ ...................................................................... - ...................... .......................... ............._..... ..... ' ------------ $........................................ ............ ..... .... ..................... ......................... ..... F No46663— o i.�.°J%C) Tn the Bfatter of ConatrucHng a rawer approved ..:a9.`..: 1923. ............... ....... an R b1ee,, SL irom:OhL St. to the ter c nt', *296 feeti west of Waecear St under PreltminarY Order: 46676 ap_ _ - ---- - --- - ------ proved MaY 4. 19'.'3having been had -- "- ... approved ............. p pullhearingjeen had a on the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council pon the above improvement upon due � notice, . a d ,t1 a Council baling heard UP OD' objectio a and r�eo ,m-5jections and recommendations relative thereto,, and having fully consid- elntfve tther ereir., end -:the nreforC;'be It RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that t e precise-nsfture;-extez and -kin" construct6"aeti7er on Robie Street from e a e >d 6ity is - ------------ ----------- A -- _---- .------------- .......----- ------ ....------------------_------.... Ohio_Street..-to__the-__terminus of the existing, se _er._a_ppro_:imatel_-y -- - feat.-. Y' as.t...Qf...': as.eep.... .. r, .et......._..._.... -. ........ ........................................ ........................... - ...... ;;:r __ ,.. .- nea, n nulled, and r_.: ----------------------- . ...-------------------------------------- -- ------------------- anl( the Council hereby order$:,,said improvemerit,to be made. SOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby, instructed and dir ted -to prepare plans and' pecifications for said improvement, fid submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cfty�officials are hereby authorized and4`directed to proceed with the making of 'd°impr vemmeenl in accordance therewith:, Adopted by the Council-��^� ".. -_.. 19�- City Clerk. Approved ..............' �.-_........., 19., / ------------ ........._ .....................�....-'--.................--------------- Mayor. Councilman F>iF ClancY E C Councilman =Pwpt I5c%onald �1 SGL v. Councilman kdkxx 7.1a et son V Councilman 14ia��trs}6cx Peter P1�B ,6otlneHm , - Mayor S.ax Yelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 J' CITY OF 8T. PAUL .P R, ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C MI9%R�NER OF FINANCE ON F. ELIMINARY ORDER — (A) Inthe'"matterof constructing a sewer on Robie Street from Ohio Street to the C11 terminus of the existing sewer approximately 296 feet nest of Slaseca Street, under Preliminary Order approved lday 4, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 2, 030.00 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is S 2.63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 24 201 Irvine's Addition to .lest .2,625 25 201 St. 'Paul 275 26 201 do 175 10 6 Dawson's addition to St. 175 9 6 Paul 150 8 6 do 150 7 6 do 150 6 6 do 150 5 6 do 6,750 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL r ARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT O D OMiW1*SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION TEP .P of Charlton St. vac.& adj. 2 3 .i9.2 of Charlton St. vac.& adj'. 11 7 12 7 13 7 14 7 15 7 1 7 Nelson, Stevens and Kings Addition to 'hest St. Paul Dawson's Addition to St. Paul do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 350 200 45.0 150 150 200 2,650 14,750. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------- Commissioner of Finance. F— B. S. 12 - 0 I I I I Q i i osc-d u ^J • Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 141929 ]Ida 11,__1923 -------- Y--- '-------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 45b70 approved ---- May 4,__1923 --- 191-_ relative to the oonetruotion--of--a- sewer on Robie Street from Ohio Street to the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tg minno _Qf,_tha_euiatIng- A.eS[ax_.ap=9 ime_Le3y-2R6--feat_.¢eat-of-wase.oa�--- Sheet--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.83 per front toot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__2030.00 Inapeotion $40.00 Frontage 718 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _---- -- �// -�-�2------------------ ommissioner of Public Works. VON 10illiam J. litter, %ammissioner 31rie Mallette, Beputg (4ammissioner Department of uthlu MorkS (pity of Ooint puul GEORGE M. SH PARD. CHIEF ENGINEER _. M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. S. SHARK SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE AND CIT.)' PINNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 19280 f Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Deer Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Robie Street from Ohio Street to the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 296 feet west of Waseca Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46670, approved May 4, 1923. Estimated Cost - - - - - - 02030000 Per front foot - - - - - 2.83 Excess inspection - - - - 40000 Frontage - - - - - - -- 718 ft. Yours truly, M, 7hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the oommiset nor o Ault Commissio a u io Worke. COUNCIL FILE NO......._ .......... By............................................................................... In the Matter of.....9Q.NI., U.Ct,. n;...a .Se3fex...q11.,1'uY1t.ob...1W,tT...opt...fx-oa.. he"..n. rte.,.... side of Pleasant :venue t.°...Harrison....'tveniae....................::...........................:::........................ ....................................................................... ....... . . ;_ rr.. ............. - ...... M. assea L -- 4.525$ .. ... approved ....:igx i 1 .2?, 1.921... ......... ....... T!--..,he-Rfatter of construct)"" a serve Lawton St. from the north side o. asant Ave. to _T� Icon Ara r .......approve .... - -'- ....... Preltrol— 'nril ";pitiblic hegiing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be -made by the said City is....�=.5.trllCt---- 9...RE.'i7.er....QTI...La.'a.t.on.. S.t.r.e.et...from ...the -••••.- north side of Pleasant ;;venue to Harrison .;venue ,en!�7 ? a ............... ......................................................................................................................................... ... .................................. .. ................. Y$111}x:::...............:.. .............................................. . __....... ..... ..... ._........ ... ...... ...._ _.... _ _ _....._... _ _..__......__._........................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... City Clerk. :lpproved.... .._..p ;", �..,._... 141 Mayor. Councilman &lixAtiTam Clancy v/ Councilman Pial MX McDonald !1 V Councilman_Xoikxx Ma t s on Q v, CouncilmanXM20dX Peter f' Mayor$X IT(,,! -son D Form B. S. A. 8-7. ar CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA__R__T�MM?NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C04ASSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the `matter of Construct a server on Lawton Strsa" from thA north slde of Plpacant Avenue to Harrison AV nue and on P7 Duce Street and Western Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Apr•20, 1923• - --------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 6477.00 front The estimated cost pel/foot for the above improvement is 8 5-90 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North Westerly 1/2 of 1 9 Terrace Park 1400. (South Easterly j of 1 - 2 9 E_esoept So.Easterly J9 Yt.of " (North Easterly 70 Yt.thereof 1325. South Easterly 30 ft<of No. Easterly 35 fast of 1 9 do— 1075, (also Westerly j of So.Easterly (30 ft.of No.Easterly 70 ft -of (1 and 2 - Northerly 49 feet of 12 11 " 1450. Except Northerly 49 feet 12 11 1650 - (Except streets) 9 9 " 300. Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF 9T. PAUL �s®! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COWUSSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION The following described part of 8 9 Terrace Park commencing at the North Westerly ) corner of said lot thence south- ) erly on the Westerly line thereof) 42-30/100 ft. thence Easterly ) parallel with the Southerly line ) �6-40/100 ft. then North Westerly D2-60/100 ft. to a point on the ) North Westerly line of said 10t ) 30 ft. East from place of ) peginning thence to beginning Me following described part of 8 9 do 3ommencing at the North Easterly ) 3crner of Lot 8 thence Westerly along the Northerly line thereof ) }0 ft. thence South 62-60/100 ft.); to a point in a line parallel to ) the South line of said lot which ) point is 46-40/100 ft. East from ) the West line of said lot thence ) Cast on said parallel line 26- A/100 ft. thence -East on a line ) . )arallel to the North West line ) >f said lot 23-20/100 ft. to the) East line of said lot thence ) forth along said line 75 ft. to )eginning. ) South West j of North West 1 7 9 do North East j of North W4 of 7 9 " 6 9 n 5 9 " North W. j of South W. of 4 9 " North W.50 ft. of North E.J--of 4 9 " 3 9 " North Westerly of 2 9 " North Westerly of 1 9 " Northerly 49 feet of 12 11 " North Westerly i of 11 11 " 10 11 " TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 1000, 500. 225- 225. 4975- 975 95;0, 575- 1000., 500. 1400. 1450.: . .450. .750 •: CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C04I41SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREbMINARY ORDER (C)• DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 11 Terrace Park 750. North Westerly 75 feet of 9 11 do 2200. (Exo@pt part taken for Pleasant Ave} _ South West rly j of North 11 ° Westerly 1%2 of 7 1125. _Except part taken for Pleasant Ave) Easterly j of North _North Westerly 1/2 of 7 11 " 1075' (fvxec@pt part taken for Pleasant Westerly 20 ft. of Northerly 6 11 " 125• (Except part taken for Pleasant Ave) Easterly 40 feet of 6 11 " 2400. (Except part taken for Pleasant Ave -Northerly 1/2 of 5 11 ° 275• (Except part taken for Pleasant Ave) (Except part taken for Pleasant 4 11 " 7675• Ave) (Except part taken for Pleasant 3 11 " 2625• Ave) (Exc pt part taken for Pleasant 2 11 ° Ave 700. (Except Streets) 1 11 " 2600. 43925. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ .. Commissiouer of Finance. Fmm➢. B. 12 � ,, �, /: \ �, `\ / ✓� /. opK�A�� . � / �� ��. `4 � � �I �/� . r�--' � � I ��' .4 Ii i' i"/ � � � � � _� � /.� Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance j MAY 10 19 28 ---- May -9, 1923 -_-_--191-___ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45258 approved- April 20, 3.923.191___, relative to the construction of- asewer on Lawton 6t. -from - the- nor th_ sj.A•Q_Qf_________ ------------------------- - - - - - Pleasant Ape,_ t4_J3�x iA4ri__��cs�_and on_Pleasant_Aue-.._hetate®n.-D]a.ks_--___-- Street and 4lestern Avenue. ----------------------------------------------- -- -- -- ---------- --- --- -------------.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $5.90 6477.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- Frontage 1100 ft. Inspection '`127.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- -- -- '/��--_�---------- missioner of Public Works. kA V Oilltam J. Jitter, %ammissioner brie fallette, Deputy %ammissioner BrVartment of rubtir Endo pity of Oaint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. AE CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 4th, 1923. Mr, Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Yorks. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Lawton St. from the north side of Pleasant Ave. to Harrison, Pleasant between Duke and We.s-tern, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45258, approved April 20th, 1923 : - Estimated cost -------------$6,477.00 Per front foot ------------- 5.90 Inspection ----------------- 127.00 Frontage ------------------ 1100 ft. The sewer on Lawton St. from north side of Pleasant Ave. to Harrison St. is necessary for the paving of Pleasant Avenue; the sewer on Pleasant Ave. being a sandrock sewer, Yor the benefit of adjoining property sewer may be constructed at any time irrespective of the paving. - Yours very truly, h/ , ngineer. Approved for transmission _ to the Commissioner of Finance. omm ss o r of Pu c Wor Us. t COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By. ...................... ......................... FINAL ORDER - -a. j :" y :� j. e In the Matter O£...Constru Ctin a seg.ver--_on-._','a rjLa r-@t--_St,.fX!o „t:'1Q,rre„qng ofEarl St•toTerry .........................--'--........----""".........--------.-----'-'.....""--------..........----- -......_._--.._.. ... ........_....... ..........-........... ..... ............... _... ............ -.... C. F. No.i685b— ...... . - ...._. ... .... - .......... Jn the exgurr of conatruotlag a'sewer i of irl Steto Terry styhiu dec°r .�.1..5J52 ._-approved ... A.Pra.1...2.4,...1923- Itminnry'Order 46362 �aApril- • 2i 1923- DDroved l uP n duelluoticer _d thea Conacll hav- -P. hee a=all .._._.approved ......_ .._ _.. - . recomr+ ,i„ Dera�^� Baht uone and'6y s� "., „e5 ereto, and pen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heaidllall persone� ::1a iion,ealnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it u. list 'r.,.9' RESOLVED, By the �oud � hcons.truc Paul le7reTe onrg a. ret... St.fTort_ t_he..,._. — west line. of ^arl 5t. to Terry,St., . cancelled,.annnIIed, and. -rescinded. : - ...... . ........... ..... . _......... _ _... ........: .....__...-... . 11.1.1....._... ............ ._..._..._........ ...._............- - ._........... - - .-._ ..... _....................................................... a d the Council hereby order said improvement toa made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Niat the Commissioner€ Public Works be alid is hereby instructed.and directed top pare plans and specificat ns forsaid improvement, and submit same''�to the Council for approval; that upon Nid approval, the proper ;ty officials are hereby authorized and direlted to proceed with the making a • of said mprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ._........ .. 1111. 7}( City Clerk. v , Approved_ .. ��,:2- .../. .�_/�9��... --� 726 ........ .....................---------------------------------- Mayor. kl'-Councilman P;rrXAATA Clancy •�e��tr�et� ✓Councilman $jd>gDp$ Donald Ma Councilman X"= t s o 11 t s on ✓ Councilman 11Cx Teter 1_tonncikman-T�x�"K �'.,o*.v�i^-• ,'- MayorX= x 1,elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. a CITY OF T. PAUL �...1�� DEPA �"' T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMSIONER OF FINANCE ✓✓ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Constrict aye -We r on 1'AaxRa_ret Street f rnm the weqt 1 1 re? of Earl St. t O—Ter= qt rept , 24 11 under Preliminary Order approved An T ,1 923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 743'00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 5, 4 and 3 Strykers Addition to the 2000. _ West 90 feet of Form B. B. 10 City of St.Faul,Ramsey Co.Minn. 1 6 A.Gotzi-an's Rea.of 2100 Sigels Addn. 16 Charles Friends Subdivision 575 - of Block 108 Lyman Dayton's 17 Addition to St.Paul. 3325• 18 do 2000 19 do 2100 20 do TOTAL. 3300 . (B) DESCRIPTION lOPM O. �. 11 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4, REPORT OF COMObSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 Charles Friend's Subdivision 2215© of Block 108 of Lyman Daytons 22 Addition to St.Paul. 215Q 23 do 850 24 do 450 25 do 3650 26 do 2800 27 do 450 28 do 450 29 do 1450 30 do 500 1 101 H.M.Ranney's Sub.Div. 3375 Blocks 101 & 102 -Lyman 2 101 Daytons Addition to 3125 St. Paul Minn. 3 101 3300 4 101 do 2100 5 101 do 450 6 101 do 400 7 101 do 400 8 101 do 400 9 101 do 400 10 101 do 1000 11 101 d0 1225 12 101 do 400 13 101 do 1225 14 101 do 423 15 101 do 50Q TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL 1, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C& ISSIONER OF FINANCE .J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 6 A.Gotzians Rear.of Sigels..Addn. 2575 - - - 3 6 do 425 4 6 do 375 - 5 6 do 1050 6 6 do 1050 North 1/3 of 17 and 16 101 H.M.Ranneys Sub.Div.of 3150 Blocks 101 & 102 Lyman South 2/3 of 17 and 16 101 Daytons Add.to St.Paul,Mim,, 2725 60675.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D-ated____—___--- — -_---IOL r ommissioner of Finance. Farm D. B. 12 Ow Office of the Commissioner of Publ' ,,., V�VED _3 a Report to Commissioner of Finance woe= zi W �Oaua"°`` ,r MAY 10 1928: - -I, a -y 9 1923---------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of .......... the construction of a sewer ,on Margaret Streetfromthe west_______ -------------------------------------------�- ------------- _ _ line of Earl Street to Terry Street, -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. Frontage 140 lin. ft. 743.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- 3.Aidan, pirofhorit6 ofsaidimpromuntis�dmaba0hmd 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of J t property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - t-ommi.s �-------------- ioner of Public Works. 10iUiam 43.Pier, ilEummisstnner Jrie laUeTie, �eputg (l�ammissinner epartinfut of ab lit Vorko ii of hol P401 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER May 4th, 1923. M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASS'T CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of public Works. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing a Sevier on Margaret Street from the west line ° of Earl Street to Terry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45352, approved April 24th, 1923 : Estimated cost ----------- $743.00 Frontage ----------------- 140 lin. ft. This sewer is to provide adequate outlet fnr existing sewers,on Margaret St. from Cypress St. to Earl St. and on Earl' St, from Sixth St. to Margaret St, in place of an existing sewer WI.1ich is too small, — �I �1�6ch app pf d� ��I�v di�,a to a66��liod lio���c diothguisMd ao follow HAII is abutting property. "B" is tributary, but the existing sewer being only 6" diameter will probably have to be replaced by a larger one at some future time. "C" is tributary and will not require any future extensions. Area of "A"------ 7,200 sq. ft. R R NB"------ 145,640 n n H H "C"------ 21,280 Total area We estimate estimate the cost of a future extension to replace the old sewer on Margaret St. between Cypress St. and Earl St. at 01600.000 Yours truly, pproIIacl for trams od on to the Commissioner of Finance, Commis nor of 'FL,lblic Works, to V .... . ..... I x COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By................................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter- of....Q.Ony_t.rll.G.t lzip-a__ 'C.•7.er..on..Pr..ant....2.tr.epi.. f.r.om..L'ha.t.smorih...... ..Street...to oxford Str-etz- - ..................................... ............... ................ .---. ------------------_ - ... ........ ...........--- ............... ........... ....--- ........._..._._.... .................. ......... ._........... _........ _..... ........... ... C. F No, 4d866— ' 45566 ........................approved........:: V....`...f....l�`Z3................................................... In - the .Atelier of constructing `a cower ." ............ ,on Front St. from Chatsworth St, to Oaford St., under Preliminary.. Order ^4 e68 approved May 11923. . ............. ......... ........approved .... -- ... "+; ,Public hearing. having -,been had"-... un- the al Ove Improvement upon due been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having noc tie, and -the Council having heard .11 persons, objections and'roeommend, -ationsrelative thereto, and having ano. recommendations relative thereto, and having folly considered the same; fully r�esidered; the.. come;, therefore, i —Council of the City - cise^nature..ez- RFjS�.-y err to -be, net kind of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and oY improve hent to be made by the said City is.....o.o.ns.tru.Ct...z3_..SPi'/.e.r"._or...F.ront._Et.r.e"e-t...f.rnm_ 11ia.ts77.nrth Street...t.o...xford...arP: t.:.........___.._............................................_................._._ ................... ...... ...................... .......................... _.................................................. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... .!'La .. ...... , City Clerk. Approved....................................'..................... 191........ ......... ......... ................../.................... / Mayor. Councilman 1uYs'G ffiix ,1 a n o y i` Councilman RAMP ;cUonsld r' Councilman l>xx 11ia t s on 4` Councilman 11iJ6fOAX PCteY' Mayor iikXX nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. OIT. PAUL DEPARI'23T OF FISJANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter -of constructing a sever on Front Street from Chatsworth Street Z- to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order approved I':'fly 4, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 2.147.00 f ront The estimated cost pe�foot for the above improvement is S 1 89 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Como Park Second Addition 600 12 1 do 750 13 1 do 350 14 1 do 1,950 15 1 do Jt 350 16 1 do 350 17 1 do 2,050 18 1 do 1,050 19 1 do 1,550 20 1 do 325 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. ••' 7 OF ST. PAUL DEPA KENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI`uNtrR OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 1 Como rark Second Oddi+ion_ 1,600 11 2 do 4,000 12 2 do 450 :3 2 do 400 14 2 do 4,900 15 2 do 550 16 2 do 1,600 17 2 do 350 18 2 do 1,950 19 2 do 1,350 20 2 do 350 21 2 do 2,450 1 1 Como Parlc Addition 525 2 1 do 2,200 . 3 1 do 175 4 1 do 175 5 1 do 175 6 1 do 175 7 1 do 175 8 1 do 175 9 1 do 175 10 1 do 275 11 1 do 1,275 12 1 do 900 '13 1 do 1,500 14 1 do 1,300 15 1 do TOTAL 300 (C) DESCRIPTION 3 ``CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEFiIRTCENT OF FINANCE — REPORT OF COMMIS9 0MER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Como Park Addition 17 1 do 18 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 do 300 300 325 325 1,925 325 400 8,300 51,175. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ----- 191. __ r Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 12 ` 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Ws RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance • u4 MAY 1,1188» - - --`-May 11, 1923 .... 191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46668 May 4, 1823 191___ relative to the Council, known as Council File No.-_---.-,---_approved---Ma _.4-._192- - . �_e���s��_el o as�p_� ��l 9�AsE �� � �6�Ib � P@I go . to Oxford Street. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1099 per front foot 2147.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------. and the total cost thereof is $_------_----, Inspeation $100.00 Frontage 1138 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, -----------------------------------------------_------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. iINNNNMNNNpp NNNNpNNNNNNYMMNNpW NWpNIINYNNM WMNNNNWNN NNNMNNNIINNYNMNNMNNNM N,NWNYNNp NNNWNNNNY 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��/� _ - ---4444---�----------------4444-- ommissioner of Public Works, William J. deter, (4mamissioner . brie mallette, Deputu ( mamissioner Blepartment of Pnhlir warkli (�itm of 0aint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER - M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUFT. OF SANITATION. G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PUNNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 1928• Dear airs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the oonetruotion of a sewer on Front Street from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, Lander Preliminary Order 0. F. #46668, approved May 4, 1823: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - 02147.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - 1.88 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 100.00 111�B 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 w, 0 Ili 11 Thie Bower is to replooe an existing 8" pipe and is proposed at this time on a000unt of the proposed paving of Front St. Yours truly, 070, Engineer. Approved for transmission to the oommissioner ofuinance. i7fiuetettttt�ututtt7RRtt�ttuu• FINAL ORDER In the Matter Paint .... 7.Q... Leat ...,3.9.uth...of............................................................ IIUqIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIgIIIIIIIUUghIIIIIIIIIIIIII1p1qII1IIdIIIIIIIIIII�lllllplp�p�qll�pii i 111111111111IIIllllllllllllllllll....I...ri1.1.........i.......'........'i.. ......."".`.... ...................................................... t0 'a h line yor......40.>.j.............................. approved ...&prn:.1...24a...1y2�.,.................................... the above improvement upon due ..........approved ... ......... .... _... .e, and' the Cbuncl7 havingheard ' .eraons, ob7ecttona and recommen- been had u on the above improvement rovement u on due notice, and the Council having ms-reffit[ye therefor and havin6� P P P considered the anm tharetor: sori ele,8y the councu of tt":."'ns and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; t Pa �-'hfq._ge precise n, -"" t Smpruve �'I s ruin :ty43,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- menttobemadebythesaidCityis....con.strijpj._a ,se7er-..on-..sar1..,St,.-.front,-Fou.rth_-St...,_ to _ -a point ....7..0 feet south of the south line ---of Fifth St., .................................................................................. ' n..II......uu..Inn..Unu... I. uu.uu...... uPunuinu uu.up. .... ...... ......... du4.niuJ....u.pp...4n Pu.Illp�eunu,p,,.ppa.yn, .ul 4� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................. City Clerk. Approved.. ................i..., :........._._.........._... 191........ T 2fi'��in�+' e/ d0 / >Cttu9 Mayor. V Councilman YU&45fth Clancy Z ayl niao* a La � Cou�o�iniau �c�l Y' Councilman II�f XX Peter Mayor bxiaxx nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. °�i'PI T l CITY OF A DEPARTMENT 'NANCE REPORT OF COMMIS' ° NER OF FINANCE ON PRWMI Y ORDER �D) In tete matter ofVonstructinfr ee�ver on Earl Street from Fourth Street to a point �n 70 ;Apt Routh of the south line of Fifth Street. under Preliminary Order approved April 24th 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 645. 00 front The estimated cost pepffoot for the above improvement is S 2.80 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 W. A. Dana's Rearrangement Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 350. 2 of 9,10,11,12 and 17 Block 2 250. Skidmore & Cassidy's 3 Addition to St.Paul,Minn. 250 4 do 200 4 1 Skidmores Addition 2300 Witi0n t0 rtlkl i00 l5 5 do 1500 TOTAL. 4950. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hin, it] reference to said matter by,, the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 CommissPoner of Finance. Foe.. BE. i3 I ` Office of thei Commex of Public • V 1 Report to Commissioner of mance -- May 9, 1923---------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -5351 ----- approved_ April 24, 192 _191___, relative to too oonotruotion of aworYon ii xi 6troot from Y' urth..6traatYY ...........Yy..�............Y.YY YYYYY to 70 feet oouth of Fifth 6treet,..................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and -------- - ----------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $2.80 645.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $_--_---___--, Frontage 231 ft. Inspection $12.00 and the.nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. u °D V -2 '�'. . .. ........... 00A0 missioner of Public Works, MIR= L Peter, I&oimnisstauer Jrie Riallette, Deputg (¢ammtssiaaer ,s Npartrunt of ab lir Vorko of Quint Paul GEORGE& SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J, E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT, OF WORKHOUIE May 4th, 1923, Mr. Pim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Earl St. from Fourth Ste to 70 ft. south of Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order C F, #45351, approved April 24th, 1923 ; Estimated Cost ......... $645.00 Per front foot --------- 2.80 property only. Inspection ....... a ... No 12.00 Frontage ...arra.......■ 231 ft. This sewer is for the drainage of abutting Yours truly, ng neer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. �;omm as o �o c Works, COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........................................................ FINAL ORDER _ In the Matter of.....construct.irg n se'uer..on_Jacl:son Street .f_rom :arch .Street t.o...-Ygnnsylvan.i.a .-venue-,-..,also_ lateral connections at arch Street and .................................................... . ?ennslyvania AYenu.e from said sew.Pr__on Jackson Street to. the oa.sterl. IIRQ..K..J.a.ckson...Street.,._ ....................... ........... No, 48868-: ....................................._........... _......... ....... •.. •............................................................ ,Ia the Matter of conetruetlnS a sewer et on Jack on S from Aroh St; to ilennsylyunla Am JJ�� .•••........ approwd ..... �•Y. �a ••.1•�.. � •., ••••. eonnoettolis at-Arclr St, and ,Penn., Jackson St, Jt, to the eaeterlyeilnle of.......... Il l OVC(1 ..... . ...... pp' Jackaon 8t;; under' Preliminary or. eliharinneaPubc ghavg ben'h, ..._...... been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having upon the above improvement'apoa ;' pOtloe, nt5d;the Councllab-ving b,bnasnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; _LESOL:' -+'the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.._.COnS.tT.U.C.t....a....aaw..eX'_. on...Ja.ckst Qr±_.,S.t.r_e_et.. t'.x.QTR. { Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, also lateral connections at Arch St.r.e.et... and ...Pennsiyunia...iwe.nu.e..f;?om..sa..io, Qewer...9.C1....J.a..6u.n....St.ree.t...t.0.. the easterly line of Jackson Street, ...... ............. _ .................. ........... ...... _._ ._ __....................__. __..._ _..__ _..._..... _._._....._._...................._........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......... j 1 P -.............................__.. ...... _...................... _..................... .. ....... City Clerk. Approved.............. .._ . _._ ....... _...... _, 191........ /ti........ _.._....c........................i.......Q.. _............ May or Councilman XtKdWQM Clancy C J % CouncilmanXUA=k I4IcDonaId Councilman=XXX Pala t s on -0-3 Councilman ,Ax Peter Nlavor Xa YIXX l:elson ° Form B. S. A. 8.7. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COkWh;SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterot CONSTRUCT A sewer on Jackson Street from Arch Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, also lateral connections at Arch Street and PegaylviiLbenue from said sewer op Jagksan Street to the outorl11no of Jmkson Rroet, ,NS �rw under Preliminary Order approved 4th , 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: . Estimated Cost: Arch Street lateral Pennsylvania Av.lateral $ 75.00 185-00 Jackson St.sewer lateral 159b.00 $1856.00 Arch St.frontage (Tributary) 45o feet Cost per front foot $ b• 17 Pennsylvania Av.frontage 150 feet Cost per frontt foot) 1.24 Jackson St.Frontage Cost per front foot 450 feet 3.55 that" part of 9-10 7 do 3954 easterly of Jackson St. ease TOTAL, Form U, D, 10 (A) a in thewat r Parols z �F' �?'IN��►NCE ; The lots or benentbiw parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of 9-10 7 Ashton & Sherburnes Addn. 450 - and the Fast # of to St.Paul Hillsdale St.vacated which lies westerly of Jackson St. 1W ext d1�lt n 0 m �On and Fitol Hts,aleo the --east of Hillsdale St. vacated and adjoining said parts of Lots 7-8. All that part of 9-10 7 do 3950• easterly of Jackson St. Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CCfMi 4ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ashton & Shsrburm Ell easterly of Jackson St, All that part of 7 7 do easterly of Jackson St. All thatpart of 6-5-4 7 do easterly of Jackson St. also all of Lot 3. (Exa.part taken for Jackson §et) 11-12 2 do also east Hillsdale jib. A ZOO 10 1 Eld NO 10 2 do 2 7 do 11 7 do 12 7 do 13 7 do 14 7 do 15 7 , do a TOTAL FOAM .... 11 ASSESSED VALUATION 3?9 goo 26900 850 400 koo 1250 1300 1625 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C4N04ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ashton & Sherburnes That _part of - 1-2 12. Addition to St . Paul 1050.. lying northerly of the following described line Cormencing at a point on Jaekson_Street 70 feet south from the Northwest corner of said Lot l thence east parallel to the north line of 15 said blook to the east line Of Lot 21 3 12 _ do 1400. 4 12 do 200 North 40 feet of 5-6 12 do 1250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ mmisrioner of Finance. Rnrm H. H. 12 v k--yy Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: MAY 14 199$, May- 11.-IM1------ 191_-_- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.4b666 ----- approved- May 4 t. -A E3-----191---, relative to the oonstrnotion of a sewer on Jaokeon &treet from -Arch--B tree t ------ ---- t rchStreet-_---- ----to Penne l_v_ania Ayenne,_eleo_laterai_ Q049-9 UQUA_4A-9.Mh_3JL.._And.--_ Penneylvania Ave. from said sewer on Jaokeon 3t, to the eaeterly ...lino .of pyo �o �tx8�t1 „ to thoM'Cio ho�'oby �'opo�'t�� ' ��'� end tI1111 q l'Cf CI�Cd � IIIVc�ti �t�d Ci1G Matt � , 1, Said improvement i's .......... neussary and (or) islrio, (see lever attaohea) 2, The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $---------.- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ---------------- ................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part here! '. ----------------------- -•--- 5, Said improvement is.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement, AX kiis-si- .............. lelf/Pr oublic Works, (itg of hot Pmol GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER J. E, CARROLL. ASS'T CHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Pub110 Works. Dear sir: M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT, OF WORKHOUSE May 10, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of post for the construction of a sewer on Jackson Street from Arch Street to jennoylvania Avenue, also lateral oomeotione at Aroh 9tr®et Md 440AM16 AV00 fra laid lowor on hokloo 9Lreot to al to Who d Ago �4�0' lex411iiaq Ulu y q, PUR, approved May 11, 11010 48timatea Cost; Aroh St. Lateral - - - -,'�6e00 Pennsylvania Ave. Lateral 165.00 Jackson St. Sewer Lateral 1596.00 Total $1656.00 Aroh St. Frontage (Tributary) 450 ft. Cost per front foot 0.17 penneylvania Ave. Frontage ,(Tributary) lbo ft, Jacklog Sts Out per front foot �a66 Yours truly, ;�?,_ Approved for transmission /oZex Engineer. to the Comr.�Q ��� 0ommissio o Jublie Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.................................................................. In the Matter of.....CQ1�..f7.U..:....11�,.......�.,,..,,�....,., ,v.enu-e....to...Uud.Z.eY...:ws.rzu.e....... ........ ...... .._...._...........--- ...----- ._....----------------- ................ ------. ..................... ............ ................................................... . ................---............ ................................................................................. ................ ........ C. F. No. 46866— ` Sewer ............................. .......................................................................... c.W Ino heCDeVelsndfA,1enue from Hendon Ave. tOrasr 46677Y approved Afa' I..:5577 ........................... approved.......': °.�1._`.�.,...1923....................................... inarY hd'ti h NUN o��a� �� on (lo I�a'O��d„ ....., Illy 1 ho �oul�cl a� ttollCC 811(1 ih� 01101 holloe,- q�lt1-t �n had a ion the above lmplovelnellf upon dtte all p0 6s as, oblectlore o AndC- iav In el 1 dations relative-theroto therefore,, jolly coasidered tha Same; ions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consi be It By lhu Council of the cliyl I of bt� Paul �ridt of 61mPrdvement rto. �% i'x' Z snid citrei tT onPsvuncil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is--!M5t.x.ort.........S.r't.e.r...-Qri...'Y.1!ev.e.land....:�.v.enue from Hendon _kvenue to Dudley :+venue, .........................................................................................................._......._.. .................. ........ ......._-------------...._..- ._............ ......_....,........:_....._.. ........... - - .. - -----------------............................._.................._.._... - 4 ................................................................................................... _................................... ............................................................................................................................. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made-- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed ,and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the COUn- ' 'II '1IC CI VIII l�n�ll�ol►��a� 111t,1CM 0IOIOSO� to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...............:..... .................. ............ 9 ........ ........ City Clerk. Approved.. ......... .. 191 .� �!.`. Councilman EMEMa h Clancy V Councilman RbqqcX McDonald' ,/ Councilman K�titxX B�s�s�ri �"����%:�; J Gquncllmn is Peter d� Mayor Mpg Nelson Form B. S. A, 8.1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM ONER OF FINANCE ON FRELIMINAY ORDER In the matter of Construot a sewer on Cleveland Avenue f rom Hendon Avenue to Dudley Avenue under Preliminary Order approved May 4ths1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g14�j . 00 f ron t The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is g 3.64 Tic lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bdnefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; 8 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S 1 St.Anthony Park North 5200. 7 1 do ''415• 6 1 475- 5 1 475- 4 1 " 475• 3 1 475. TOTAL, 11575_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in rrfereni c to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i. Dated 191— Commi sate. Farm B. B. 13 n ©ufside Cif/ ZIAI ij . i'1�%f i�c/uc��c/ ire �.ss�ssa�/ fro�fu�;•c. q � m � Q ©ufside Cif/ ZIAI ij . i'1�%f i�c/uc��c/ ire �.ss�ssa�/ fro�fu�;•c. ti� a Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: May -11 1828----------191---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 45577 ---approved__-_lg2a--191___, relative to the construction of a sewer on Cleveland evenae_ Prom-RO&A--_--------- -------------------------------- Avenue _ to_Dn.dley- Avenue------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, --------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.64 Per front foot 1456.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, Inspection $26.00 Frontage 400 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ?�'� Work& 31illiam A. Peter. (4ommissianer brie 91allette, Mtputg %ammissioner Department of Public works (pity of 6oint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ABET CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SAHMATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITT PLANNING ENGINFBR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORK $K May 10, 1983• Mr. Wm. J. Peter, commissioner of Publio works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the oonstruotion of a sewer on Olevelan d Avenue from Hejjdon Avenue to Dudley Avenue, under Preliminary Order o. F. #45577, approved May 4, 1988: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - �4b6.00 Per front foot - - - - ------ 30" Inspeotion- ----------- 88.00 Front4ge------------ 400 ft. The high cost of this sewer is due to the frontage on the east side being State of Minnesota property and not assessable. The sewer should be built in advance of the paving• Yours truly, Oh f)9ngineer. Approved for transmission to the commieeioner Finan ce. commisei r of Pu�orks. J* 'COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...................................................... /------..._........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..con. tr;ct.in?..a-..s_torm_.wat_.9r,._s_-:•aer...on. IiT;ryjt h.tg,.St,iOQt,,.front Earl._S.treet._to.._Fra.h1':..."tre t.,......................................................................................... ..............._._........ -�--�--g.62 ................................ approved In h`NM tter ot•eonstruetlnR a storm er ewer 'on Mlnnehaha Street ........ approved ............................................................................ from. Earl St. to Frank Street, lm er ............ Prouminsry oraer_45868 sbvroveaeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having .ADr11.:Ee; 19E3. In6 h in6 '�tiaen.. had p y1 .. h ,ve nota. Don �,t�ad recommendations relative thereto, and having fury considered the same; nyun tfi nDuve�.lmyi o�1,.aheard all R' to the coun a Q theocity!ll of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ""rr t to _ . Tat , s st on td hah ment to be' muaW de by the"said City is.....9.Q.1�S �..1'll�...... e...S.......r311..}....... e.r......R...eF.................ti?F?e3.......-_�----....... , Street from 5ar1 Street to Frank Street, ........................................ ....._.......... ................. _............ . ............... ................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............. •t.............................................................................. ..................,............................................. ................ ............ I.......... t� ...... ................................................... ..... .... ........ ....... .............__..................................................... ................... .._..... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..-_ ..-_..:-I:...., r.a:..;:.:.:.j._. ._....:_. V, Councilman Imm Clancy Councilman BAUX MCDonald Councilman ZMX Matson Councilman Mmx Peter Mayor NAILX Ne 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8•7. clw oP f. PAUL DEPARTME FINkNCE REPORT OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER (A) ' In the mptterof constructing s storm water sewer on Minrehaha Street. from Earl j Street"to Frank 5treot, under Preliminary Order approved April 20, 1923. To the Council of the City of 5t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ; S 1,870.00 front 1,56 The estimated cost peAot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; DESCRIPTION South 97.95 ft. of 13 and 11,4.9171 of 24 & all of a Form B. B.10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 10 Terry's Addition to the 3,550 City of Saint Paul,, County 15 10 of Ramsey and State of 2,500 Minnesota. 16 10 do 2,625 17 la do 750 18 10 do 3,100 21650 20 10 do 2,450 21 10 do 21750 22 10 do 30950 23 10 do 2,85 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART' 4NT OF FINANCE COMI;V�SI�ONER REPORT OFOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED — VALUATION 1 ' Tsest 45 feet of 24 10 Terry's Addition to the 3,675 City of 8a,int Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. 13 1 Wayne's Addition to the 1,900 12 1 City of St.o Paul 3,375 11 1 do 3,100 10 1 do 2,375 9 1 do 2,350 8 1 do 550 7 1 do 3,750 6 1 do 2,400 5 1 do 2,400 West 1/2 of 4 1 do 300 'Test 1/2 of 4 1 do 2,700 3 1 do 600 2 1 do 3,150 1 1 do 325 1 1 A. Gotzian's Rearrangement 10950 of Sigel's Adflition. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---- Commissioner of Finance, Norm D, D. 12 AA /°rovose F/hr/72 *Ier. ��risfi,�rg . x�w r, � 6'�'nc! I, /��A 4Mra►y11�a�w�wwpM.«r anawnn��aarwwamw+Mnww�+aaMpu,,yN�ul�ww+M�4NwwnaMiWpry4MAW�n*nvM to oo w #a Pd O$rp'wolbof tl� Go�ua�on� � �� Report to Commissioner of Finance y APR 281923 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: April 27, 1923 ----------------------- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File -No. 45262 approved_ April 20 , 1923 191___, relative to the construction of a storm water sewer on Minne-haha -Street ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - from Earl Street -- to -Frank •Str-e-et-.- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---- -- ................•........................................................................ N.NN. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.56 per front foot 1870.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____-_______- Inspection $36.00 Frontage 1200 feet. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------- d A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NodliO110110 oil 11,11 property, subject to assessment for said improvement, Ymmissioner ---------- - -------------- of Public Works. v°'b William J. Peter, ( vinminninner Mallette, Beputg 14nmminnioner GEORGE M. WARD, CHIEF ENGINEER J. E, CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER kir. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. M, S„GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B, SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION G, P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE April 27, 19230 Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a storm water sewer on Minnehaha Street from Larl Street to Prank Street, under Preliminary Nor � C� �io '��2�2 A OM Oil 9, 19' r a I� , �� Estimated Cost - - - - - - '$1870.00 Per front foot - - - - - - 1156 Inspection - - - - - - - - 36.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1200 ft. Yours truly, Approved for transmission to the Commis lone of P nance. Commissi r of Public Works. June 29, 1923 Hon. . i" Clanoy, Womissioner A Finance: Te the undersilned property owners residinn in ninnehaha irom Aarl V FrAk Street ao Lereoy prom; agini; tLe co.svuciion A L ne,''I mome oomm AM and AM R, le sewer Wai is now in ;he aG�CCI� p►� f�.►�1u�1, r ��C�, j�,i,�,�Ci�� 6 ';0 C�ii10 �o,�, �. gip, Gi�O �►C�IIC�(l��'(C ►0 �)�, c��,,�°71�0�� I10���' ��Jif� �J1C.�1�011 U;i►1�� ���'����, !�I���IJ�'J�O11 i,,�� .r' ""' Y a F' . � 666 F ! � ' /' � � �� 4 �d`t c����-�,,�.�.�.� �. �, r�° ,.� e. r.:, d .-..y �. '�,`�� R , F Ff ��� f r.: ��. .-.c „®� �-�t �� r , e , is � � "'t U! f. f ., �x�. f , f Z URIXM�' " In the Matter of..con, truct_ing..a- se'o.er...on__. ar_l._.St... _from, C...... _St.. -to_ .......... approrimately-,60 feet -north of.._the__north..-l-ire.-.ofEuclid-.,St.-,................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ .......................:............ ............ ............. ....... ..._............ ......... .............. ............. ................... .......... .._............. ...-------------- .......... ............................................................................................................................................. ...................._........................ ..... ..... ...._._....... _........_ ......._.....__......_..._............._...-......_............................ ..._.........._...._............. ............ .. under Preliminary Order ._...4.535................................. approved .....'lpril 2.4., 19. ..23........................................ Intermediary .... ............... approved _.. .... ..._.... .... ..... ............ ..... _ ...... A public In the. \]att c or ,egnstructfngka sewez love improvement upon due notice, and the Council having �.P us mately reo foeLw north' of th a relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; heard all pets north line or Euclid st., unser Pre- • alminary Order 45353 approved, April therefore, be i 24 1923. A Public .hearing having been had C. Pau that the RESOL .neon the above ]mprovement upon due Yt' ' 'nonce and the Councn haul g heart w lie, obi etlons and reco,,he .� . to approximately 60 feet north of the north line of Fuclid St., ..................._ _ ........................... ....------ - ....... - ....... ..... --- ....... anithe Council hereby o ers said improvement t be made. SOLVED FURTHE That the Commissioner f Public Works be and is he y ]nstrueted and directed to plans and specifi tions for said improve lit, and submit same to the until for approval; that upoaidprovement approval, the props city officials are hereb authorized and directed top sed with the making of sin accords a therewith. Adopted by the Council..._......_ .......... , L� 1 .�.. .:. City Clerk. approved..........._. ._._:.__ :..._:.. .........._., 191_.. _. Mayor. _ Councilman 7¢6it7UisI4$1tiK Clancy Councilman;Gcxetx Ferguson Councilman iCDonald % f, Councilman i) 14K ✓ Ida t s on l Couneilman;llx ✓Peter l/ Councihnk�a�4[1t61', Mayor elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF sT. PAUL _ • _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERv, (D� �s g In the matter of constructing a sewer on Earl Street from Conway Street to approximately 60 feet north of the north line of Euclid Street. s under Preliminary Order approved— April 24th, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is e 684.00 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is 5-.39 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Stinsons Subdivision of 475. Block 79 of Lyman Daytons 30 Addition to St.Paul. 33,450- 16 1 H.Y.Schwaoels Addition 300, to St.Paul;Minnesota. north 60 feet of 17,16, 19 1 do 4900. TOTAL. 39,125. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— L Commissioner Of Finance. Farm B. B. 13 I 3 Office of the Commissioner of Public • Girl ECEivE® 1� a Report to Commissioner of Finance t;' MAY 101928 Eley 9, 1923. - --- -------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45353 approved___ April _24 �_ 19291___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.________ the construction of a sewer .on Earl Street_from -Conway--St ----------_ ------ ------ ---------------- to 60 ft. north of Euclid Street________________--------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------- __________________________----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having. investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $3.35 684.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- Frontqge 204 ft. Inspection 013.00 and the nature, and extent of said improvement i3 as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 11/ ^ ------ ----ll/L---------- C issioner of Public Works. William jJeter, (4ammissioner - gum` 31rie Mallette, Beputg (�vmmiasianer Department of Public Works (pity of 1$uint Put 1 GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASS -T CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May 4th, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. — Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing sewer on Earl St. from Conway to 60 ft. north of Euclid, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45353, approved April 24th, 1923 Estimated Cost -------------$$684.00 Per front foot ------------- 3.35 Inspection ----------------- 13.00 Frontage ------------------- 204 ft. This sewer is for the drainage of abutting property only. Yours very truly, of Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ommss r of Mollie VEFTFs. I To the Honorable, the Mayor and the City Council Of the City of St. Paul. The undersigned, property ovnersalong the line Earl Street from Conway Street of the proposed sewer on to a point sixty (60) feet North of Euclid Street, are opposed to the construction of said sewer. The property owned by each of the undersigned is Bet opposite his signature. Dated July 6th, 1923. n 111 L (Iff," r4l NPITO gggm PNO, WX� ffim<;� P"A N To the Honorable, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of St. Paul. The undersigned, property ovinersalong the line of the proposed sewer on Earl Street from Conway Street to a point sixty (60) feet North of Euclid Street, are opposed to the construction of said sewer. The property owned by each of the undersigned is set opposite his signature. Dated July 6th, 1923. '}.w 3p ,n ie 3�k of rti vrg� Sew fast pvtr r i � f. •� W�'�yY �s �y{�i✓�'kk Eb�7r'y,9i ���"1 pit tV4 � i1y� its 1 f I i { `� i Irt��1�1t �4�y� 1'd�j9'ii�� ° rYl`I( Y�^1 i'���1 � 1 �� `�t y 1� 1 � 1 j4rl�lli Iti I'1 IIS I� I ���i Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL IOU�NCIL (q6' -4 No.......- Fi7� ri OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FD That the application of William J. Irish for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, Howard Park, located on University avenue between Beacon and Fair- view avenues, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. 'BY A. E. Nelson— . t the app.leatlon o1 to-lssaro.a permit' Adopted by the:.000ncil IU1 6, 1p$3. Ap7roved July 3, 1623. . (July 21.1923)x. COUNCILMEN V/ Clancy Nays Z' McDonald favor / Matson .. ................In a Peter .......... _,Against �G.s a JMr. President Adopted by the Council. ...... .;!,i.... ;_j, .�..._.192..... i Approved..... I' .._.192..._:. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO.-_-.....`�_t_�___. FILE • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___......_.____.._...__...__.._....:__...........--- ........---- ....--- .....----- .------ .---- ......._._...........----- ---- ..- DATE_ ................... _.__..___......_.__.__....._.....__ REhOLVED That the application of William J. Irish for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on bots 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, Howard Park, located on University avenue between Beacon and Fair- view avenues, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and Instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council __.....---- _............_._ __.192__. Approved - _......_... -- .._..- 192 NOTICE OF nPFLICATION FOR <J_PJITIT TO 2117;C^1 A 'PUBLIC G:.i r.GT. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of aint Paul, Minnesota, aPP1ic<tion will be made on ,, Cx7 — 1923, to the City Council of the Ciy of Saint •Paul, Minnesota, - by+iitAm for Nerr,.ission to erect a Public garage on the following de- ,scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, 1.1jn:-iesota, to Wit; Lot a2 �� 44 45 � 46 Block Addition Aemard park Saint Paul, i:Iin_,.e- sota. On the South side of University Ave. between Beacon—______K Ave. and Fairview. X= Ave. Number St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, i:linnesota, June 21, 1923. STATE:OF 311NATE80TA, County of Ramsey. 1L being duly sworndeposes and says that -cite is clerk Cor the Dispatch P 6 Co, which now is and dur4ng all the times hereinafter mentioned has been a publisher al, the^_ ' ^ "^' "'', St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city , of `St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That,Zbe has knowledge of the facts and knows Personally that the printed......./ .fid— ..... • . ......a hereto attached, cut from the columis of said ne vspaper, was m ed, panted an �a!/c2z' published in said newspaper :m: --*.,--....h! for..:,�.....-we21:a, and that all of said publications were made )n the Diglish language. That said notice was fl-st inserted, printed and published owaz—at .e. - the1 .514day oP.— �..�.y�....., 192�3 and was Printed and pub.. Itched in said newspaper th:::uafter on.. of//i/ until and including . thepu.WW,�day o� ...... 192:-1'.. That during all the tim : aforesaid, said newspa a a•as qualifled as"a medium of official and legal pnbliratin,- as required by sections and 4 oP chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as deflned in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first Publication of said. ....... ..............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the Engilsh language. and in column and skeet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. _ (2) Issued daily from a !slava office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print. — " ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of Publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said... /..te,�(.?l.. ..... ....... ................. ..............the publisher or printer In charge of said newspalper having knowledge of Che facts, tiled in the office of the comity auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min. nesota an affidavit showing the, mmie and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its gnelifications as a legal newspaper as required' and set forth in section 3 of chapter 4Q4, Scssion Laws Minnesota, 1921. _ That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A- to Z both Ineku'i,: o, of !he, size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attach•.d, viz: _ nLede[eLllxtmnouarehlrn'ryz {Further affiant saith not sa:a that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Ninn: sots, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newsPalwr of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me /d, of.. .. 192.3 ................. (I,C%'%;i�.Ve�;.... Notary Public, Rams County, i114nnesota. i FORM 141 3M 9.2921 P&a My Comm :;sinn expires...:.�� ..Z... .F. .`. �.�.� STATEPOF MINNESOTA County of R¢nlsey. ...� . being duly sworn deposes and says that.V_he is clerk for the U(slt Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has en the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, v t n+ , a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That,ahe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... hereto attached, cut from the cnlnttuts of said newspaper; was insert printed and published In said newspaper , --"' "'' for ... 4,3....weel n, and that all of said Publications were made in the English language. That said notice was that insrrted, printed and published on. thoW.1. .lay of...... ...........1 192. . and was printed and /pub- lished In said newspaper !1���&... ✓ %43 until and lncluding.�y�%� tbe.040- . ay of... 19,.^.3.. That during all the ti aYo resaid, said newsp was qualified as a medium of official and legal publicatin.t; as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and tient it has complied with all the requirements that con. stitute a legal newspaper as domed in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit:'that tffor more than one year last Past front [lie date eP the first publication of said. .,% `•-Gam ...... .............................................................. said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued In the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter Inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and egaul ped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print. ing the same. (3) Made up to comain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publicatior:, and notentirety made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to Paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said. ..............the publisher or printer In ch urge of said newspalper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county all litor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit shawing tite name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its gtlaiihe-ations as a legal newspaper as required and set .. forth In section 3 of chapter 4R1, Rrssion Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed noDY of the lower case alphabet from !1 to Z both illrto i%.e, of the .!zw and kind of type iced ;n the composition, Printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: nbedrrchl!klmnopvretvamzyz Further afftant saith not ^a -e that this affidavit Is made Pursuant to section 4 of chapter 481. Session Laws Alh,rwsota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the Publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subm Subscribed and sworn to before e ay of.. ................... ......... I ........ .. Notary Public, Ramsey only, Minnesota. yam+ FORM 141 � 62621 vap My Comm -,sion expires....... ... .. .... PY...1-..1.1 HENRY OLSON V t v of *a i n t Vaut H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (afiY of (gag (Unk ASST. CITY CLERK June 21st, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The attached application of William J. _ Irish for permit to erect a public garage on Lots 42,43,44, 45 and 46, Howard Park, located on University Avenue between Beacon and Fairview Avenues, will be up for hearing July 6th. Will you kindly prepare the resolution to cover the same and return to my office? Yours truly, //� enc. �� CITY CG�LEgI�; CITY OF ST. PAUL coEecaNO.-.Q-�---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY � ISSIONER.— f - � RESOLVE khat permission d aut ority are hereby given to the North tar Garage to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at Wk 1 1152 Rice street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ / Nays Clancy j i =eFguso � McDonald ./.....In favor Matson f; Peter __._.......Against _Resaeb— Mr. President Adopted by the Council_. ­I: �'--.-. 192._--- CITY OF ST. PAUL C MKS_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _...___-...._......_.....__.___...__.._........__---_._--_---.._.--- DATE__...._._..._......_._._ ...... _--- _..... RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the North Star Garage to install and maintain a drive-in filling -station at 1152 Rice street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with -the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays uancy Ferguson McDonald _ ..............In favor Matson Peter _._...... Against Wenzel Mr. President Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made to duplicate and • _ ub.itted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Farm Na, Application No. t To the Honorable City Council Dat litw 19 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY aDE C' C mar --.- For License to Operate and Maintain (In G pliance with Ordinance 5266) / AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At V "J _ a i Z -1--t % E- Street Number sad 8—t Number of 7 Number of Gas Capacity of.S�d G Pumps to be Installed—L!—_.—__ Tanks to be Installed? — Tanks u pct Received at office of City Clerk ' / JGI rr cr L v '� si¢uuture of Applimnt � liminess Address APPROVED APPROVED — APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date 6�1 .__193 Date_ - I9_ �/.(vim/ ' p Date—_--�1' __ 1913 Co P b ety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. an". A ROVED APPROVED.., PASSED 19_ Date -- 19-- Date — _19— APPROVED-- 19_ ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO_ - Commr. of Public Works. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated '\\ I j Tito of OStrtt Paul JAMES M. CLANCY, Cowxies�oxen J. E. CORCORAN. Derun coxximox LEONARD C. SEAMER. CNIen C- BUR— or AeeeeeweNre Jure 23, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear 1i'r. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House Building on the 6th day of July, 1923, at 10 o'clock A. ay:, relative to the in- stallation of a drive-in gasoline filling station at 1152 Rice Street between Rose and Geranium Streets. Very truly yours, Commiesioner�of Finance. FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER HARRY A. JOtMSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER �2 IIf tLTlt Paul ' - �e�sttxfxusnt �� �ulzlzs �'tt�rtg June 15, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Olerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is application of i the North Star Garage for license to operate a drive-in gasoline filling station on private property at 1152 Rice street. This location is apUroved as to fire hazard and it is recommended that license be granted. yours very truly, xr HAJ Commissioner of Public Safety i 6 J'�' JUN 16 1923 BV,yi R. J. NILES OWEN C. DUNN FIRE CHIEF _ ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION June 12, 1923• Hon. Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the North Star Garage to operate a drivewin gasoline filling station on private property at No. 1152 Rios Streetb We have investigated the foregoing location with reference to the installation of a ggasoline filling station, and report that there would be no serious increase in the fire hazard to the adjacent property or surrounding neighborhood. We, therefore, recommend that permission be granted% Respectfully yours, Ng/j CHIEF INS I TO '-auaoauxluTE axrr or er, awn To CRY CLERK 4687 aoxrsoxn No.. _ _ Form D-34 1M 12-22 axes -�.—. Lr 1 J (, -I ByCO PrROLLER AUDITED.__..._. - ........ .......... _.192...__._.. ... ?teamount ...... ... PER... ...... ._ _ .._.:.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re of $_ covering ♦_ r checks numbered......... -.--.---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( IT Nays. — a C/ Clancy, (/ Adopted by the Council...................."r 3 ------ -192..-- v In favor McDonald, O _ sr 'jA ..192 Matson, Approved..._ Peter, Y .........Against ✓Mr, President, Nelson C. F. o.. 46674,—' ResoNlved that checks be dra�o.. the City; Treasury, to the ouneanI amourtt I $16,7@9.92, covarle' chic numbered 14769, as per re6leter of city checks on:fllo Jn'tbe otlice of the. City . Comptroller. Adopted by the . 1923. LJuly 6;' 1923: Approved July 6, 1923. -!(JuIY 21-1923) o.. I on:GII LTO CD C K Farm D-94 IM 12-22 L OITY OF 8T. P�IIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 434 V-.. . AUDED_192 .... _.__._......6ER R 15 79092... covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the agg ate amount of $--•----•a-----•----------------------- ' ' 4769....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered- -....1----........-------.t�-'-------------- ... -- re `. Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Conncihuen ( ✓) Nays. '/Clancy, McDonald, Matson, ✓ Peter, _Vk4meL / Mr. President, Nelson �r----92 1 Adopted by the Council---......._,G��- —4=, f`i�9'--------------' ----------- - -In favor 192.. Approved _..- ------ C ------•----- - --- -- -- -- -Against --_--- -- ----------- --- --- --- - --- - - - -- M.troa --- - - - ----------------- --•---- ... - Com'r. of Finance 14769 J. M. Clanc15y790.92 y, 28.80 Municipal Nursery 264.60 Election ExpenseParke 7,994.97 - BureauRefectories 4,572.37 Park Playgrounds 1 s344.98 4*67 Phalen Park Pavilion 777.47 Forestry Reel• 78-3.06 P. Bldgs. Revl. D LIGATE aiiY O8 a PMOL 3.ERK - - 11M 12-22 ....... No..........._`. _ .� 15 AUDITED.........._..+,.... ... ..f92............ OY.....peamount .MPTROLLER...... ......................... PER...Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the am- of $__--$ j�-s(�---------------- coverin8 checks numbered. ---------- 14102_ -...-----to..--. ------ $4768 ... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( IT ) Nays. V/ Clancy, Adopted by the Council.... ................ li YVP 1 3 ----------- --192----.... �d-AI. favor Approved ------ __.... 'I - --r ----------192 ....... Matson, Peter, We"Vd.— _-_Against Mr. President, Nelson — Eieeel8ed that checks be drawn oa tl.e CI tY Treasury to the drawn 0. ,amount aP•$36,466.07, covering-cbeoke o Per.regleter76Of tcity 46hecks ou91Rle in the:'opte Of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 6,'1923. Approved July 6, 1823, (July 21-1923) ■ ro K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 0o so:z INK 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RE SOLUTION FORM NO.- t�' - 4,35 .... ......... COMPTROLLER J U L . ..... ... AUDITED..........._ ........... PER..._.. . . ............ . . .............. . ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anrek amount of .6.020-7 ---------------------- covering checks numbered.......__ .......14768__...___,_ -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( V ) Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.... ....... ------------ ----192- ----- SK-b-1 - ----- In favor McDonald, Approved ----- -- --- - - ------------- I ........... 191 Matson, Peter, ------------------------------------_......._.._MAYOR F WVTZ-J.- v1 Mr. President, Nelson ."'.. -- -- -- -- --.- - -- ----- -- --- 14762 Chicago, - . Milwaukee . - - ---- - -- -- . - & S t P au 1 Railway Company, Art highways 26 15.01 Bridge -bldg. & Ro 2.31 Water 34*64 87 14763 Donovan Construction Company, L 1504 11,912.09 L 1573 10,625oOO 14764 Electrical Specialghwty Supply Co26mpany* Art hiay signs 14765 Carl H. ManchesHamrManchester New teline Junior High (Bondi 14766 Pioneer Electric COMPan7s. Police 20.70 Lighting 228.18 3 911985 14767 standard Stone Company, L 1549 14768 western Display & manufacturing Oompanl, Police 87*62 22,537.09 427*77 6,500.00 4,160j'73 2,699-1-63 53*23 gaAURUPLIGTE OaxY os ex, PA ­ TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12.22 000—T. NO, BYCO PTROLLER AUDITED........... �.........I92... _....... 1 ... ....... .......... ... PER I ...A -� �%. _.. ._ ...._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._�,4 *36..... covering )- checks numbered -------- _l4`i2"J._...._. _.to._. -_.14.760-.--- _.....inclusive, asp er register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. i (✓Clancy,\ Adopted by the Council .- — .I I }------- -192-:- / Forte_ I/ McDonald, - In favor -- Matson, Approved. _ 3.... ....... . ..192....... ✓ Peter, Against `— Aknm2i- ✓'.E'..President, Nelson that .cheeks b¢ I eaeury, to the drawn ¢nI sT ..te 172 E34,199.36 6 t - coyering checks! 7 :to 14760 inclusive; -as 'op Ity .checkson file to the clt3r Comptroller.' V the Councii:,Tuly, g 1923. Tuly 6, .1923. - - (dulY 21-1923) 73.06 1,061.43 57.04 50.00 19.60 1.50 18-042 342.00 10.52 125000 12-074 74.35 10.00 .85 1,608-082 997,00 144.31 51.21 Res. 431 Page ##2 14734 F. 0. Corcoran, Bureau of Engineers 8.28 St. C. & R. 38.50 Sewer C. & R. 191.08 S. & S. Cing. 7.20 7,3.06 14735 14735 Corrugated Bar dompamy, Water 14736 E. B. Crabtree Company, Park Refectories 14737 Martin Eberhard, L 1360 10.00 L 1434 15.00 L 1561 10.00 L 1576 15.00 �ba 14738 Martin F. Falk Paper Company, Park Refectories 14739 Harry Fisher, Forestry Revl. , 14740 Goodyear Rubber Uompany, Bridge Bldg. & R. 14741 Inter City Paper Company, Election Expense 14742 Jewell Electrical Instrument Company, Schools 14743 Keough Brothers, L 1369 40.00 L 1387 20000 L 1404 10.00 L 1423 25-00 L 1433 2000. L 1482 10.00 14744 Lovering Candy Company, Park Refectories 14745 Wadden Candy Company, Health 147462 Otto Mandehr, L 1565 14747 W. T. March, Supt. of Parks Bureau of Parks 14748 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, St. C. & R. (Pan.) 14749 Minnesota State Band, - Bureau of Parks 14750 North Star State Tobacco Company, - Park Refectories 73.06 1,061.43 57.04 50.00 19.60 1.50 18-042 342.00 10.52 125000 12-074 74.35 10.00 .85 1,608-082 997,00 144.31 51.21 ri v Res. 431 Page #3 14752 Red Squirrel Nut Company, Park Refectories 14753 St.Paul Film Company, Acct. forms, eta; 14754 St.Paul Sanitation Company, Bureau of Parks 14755 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company, Park Refectories 14756 A. G. Spalding & Brother, Playgrounds 14757 Stieffel Material Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) 14758 Eva F. Thomson, Schools 14759 Turn Verein, Bureau of Parks 14760 A. 49. White, Bureau of Parks .3.19 15:00 144.00 107.90 ' 6,70 575.01 7.68 75.00 200.00 QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF ET,'YADn TO CITY CLERK . Form DD -34F 1M 12-22 Yrzz rr. 1\ o. ..... ... �' BY �.. OMPTROLLER _... AUDITED.......... .._.... - 192 .......... PER_ ...._ �.. ...._... .... .... ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $... �rJ7 1 -------------------- coverinj checks numbered ._....IA721-------------- to......._14726--_..__---inclusive, as per register of city, checks on file in the office of the G6 Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. 1J�_ r L 3 'Clancy, \ Adopted by the Council .... 192..... In favor McDonald, __ )' ,, P,; 3 Matson, Approved........ - - .192...... )/ Peter, _........Against �i i����i��t`G Mr. President, Nelson C F, No, 46877 Resolved that checks be, drawn on the 'City Treasury, to'the aggregate amount of 533,776.00, covering checks numbered. 14721 to 14726 inclusive, as per register of city heck on file id l ;he office of the City Comptroller. '-Adopted by the Council July 6, 1923.- Approved July 6. 1923. 611 J ',ORIGINAL TO CITT Or 8 --- CLERK CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r' F—D-aa IM tz-22 AUDITED CLAIhIS—RESOLUTION FORM ...EsNO......._. i 430i�!% I d jr}f, �` BY COMPTROLLER AUDITEDPr ._.V=�...._....._........... ..._........_Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of1.75. 0.0... .............. -------, covering' checks numbered -_-_-14721 . ---.__..to- _..--14726---- ----------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( v Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .. ...... 1i�� ..-�r I �- - - -192----- Fs$ttsoit. _ ..---In favor McDonald, Approved ... —- 192 Matson, - -- Peter, ---Auatnst ------------------------------------------ I _. _. MAYOR / Mr. President, Nelson I i' -----------------------------------.-------------------------- --- -..---.....-......------------------------------ 14721 Ernest H. Cotton& Irene Te Cotton, 7,800.00 Mattocks, School(Bond) 14722 Swan C. Dahlquist, 8,750.00 Mattocks School(Bond) 14723 Ulric F. Levesque, 750.00. Mattocks School(Bond) 14724 Stjaul Home Company, 8,000.00 Mattocks School(Bond) 14725 Anne S. Sehissler, 475.00 Mattocks,School(Bond) 14726 Jennie Smiley, 8,000.00 Mattocks School(Bond) any,,' F �.�s. ,.�.�„ l-, z -4- 'N y COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.----- -=� -- / �j6, - -8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f' COMMISSIONEF3!_.. ._- DATE ... ................. _..... _.............. .....___._.__...._.._......._- Vb ED Whereas, the Commissioner of racks,rlaygrounds & rublic Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment: Therefore be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, _ at the rate otherwise'fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate Mike Kowalski Maintenance Laborer 2 .50 Leo Maloney Maintenance Laborer 4 .50 J.M.Pope Building Laborer 9 .50 -C_ F. No: 46278—EY H. C. Wenael Parke- WherPiaysounds & Public Buildings , once 'With Secttiotn he 63 of they City Char- ter, the. existence of . an emergency ,vhicri rendered necessary the employ- ' Ment. of certain employes of his De- partment e- pertday for more than said employment being'hmore per. day. -tliTherefir usual -hours of employment: -,Therefore Be It Resolved, y wathoa. pro cify_o8icere arehereby - [o pay the,followtug named' em iploYes; at the rate -otherwise dxod -Yor "extra employment' for the extra -time hereinafter set forth: ' - alike Kowalski, Maint—aneo Labor- er. 2'hours at 50¢� Leo Maloney.intenhnce Laborer, .. -- 4 hours at 600. J. M. Pope,'BuildinQ Laborer, 9 hours nt 600: - . 1923. Adopted by the �Councll July 6, Approved jaly°.6, 1923. -(July 21-1923) C.OUNCILME.N Yeas ✓/ Nays / Clancy � J McDonald In favor Matson Peter .__:_...._Against Mr. President S Adopted by the Cou�ncil�.7.............1 ......------ ------- 192....-. MAYOR (uta of $t. Paul Department of Backs, Plaggcaunbs aub.public buftbiugs WM. T. MARCH. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER _ suPr.oFpARx9' - - ' IRVING-C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ERNEST,W. JOHNSON, - OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER SUPT. - PLAY." -s FRANK 96. TEVVES.-. 219 COURT HOUSE July 5, 1923 -hG TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: An emergency has arisen in the, -Department of Parks,. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing sewer line to cesspool. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: To avoid closing comfort station any longer -than necessary. Yours truly, NCIL ORIGINA1l}40-- A CITY OF ST. PAUL `ILE NO......: �1_Q__/-� Cin CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ////)))) 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY f Jul 6 1923 COMMIS—)NER._... _ ......_. ...... ..... .... DATE__........ ....._. �._.._......._... _------- _.__ RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BPDKS OF THE COMPTROLLER IP WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE 163 131 APPROPRIATION ITEM TRAN.FERED FROM TRANSFERED TO Engineering & Inspection 1,000.00 Miscellaneous & Unforseen YES ���„ OUNCILMEN (1,7) NAYS �CLANCY / F SON ✓/ MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR ✓/ MATSON C> PETER ................AGAINST W.ENZE . MR. PRESIDENT FARM no (m e.u) 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.!..1L.... _r.i_, . s.._.....19......_... I, APPROVED......... ... .. ........ _...... _.......19........ t COUNTERSIGNED BY-_ ---- ------_------- V ------------------- CRY COMPrROLLER 162 Redemption Old Cert. of Sale. 128 1 Cit -v O-PfAl ers Attending Conventions C. F. No; 46879 -By J. M. Clancy- That the following trans- 6llesolved, fra,be made on the book.. of. the Cotaytroller when by so doing an un - voidable deftciency In one item may be -met: by said transfer without ham- 31 pering� the -work provided for by the – ' \b money, In the item from which the. transfer is made i $1,00000 transferred from Code 163 Engineering &' Isp ction to 'Code 131 �b yy 6ltacellaneous & 11for... n. $10000 transferred from Code 162'% Redemption Old Cert. ofSale to Code - 128 lty, Officers . Attending Conven-Li w6=' ons. 'Adopted byltho Council July 6, 1923. APP Oved. 1923. (July- uly 21 1923).. YES ���„ OUNCILMEN (1,7) NAYS �CLANCY / F SON ✓/ MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR ✓/ MATSON C> PETER ................AGAINST W.ENZE . MR. PRESIDENT FARM no (m e.u) 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.!..1L.... _r.i_, . s.._.....19......_... I, APPROVED......... ... .. ........ _...... _.......19........ t COUNTERSIGNED BY-_ ---- ------_------- V ------------------- CRY COMPrROLLER r�� l((fi�dd CITY -OF ST. PAUL FoU.Nc" No............, .�L.791... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1� COMMSIOI� NER........ .. .. ... ...... .... _. _.. DATE.. ............. .. ......... ......... ......... .�-- C. -F. No. 46886 —By N.J. Petet� Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas RESOLVED: Light Company. is -hereby ordered and That the St. Paul Gas Light C..r—Y is ha..by order directed to extend its electrlc sl lines ;tin¢ poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of elec- tcietty on end in the following alleys and streets of .aid by erecting Doles and stringing wires ,reon..for the transmission of else- - Ity on and In the :following alleys S ^treetw of said city:- A�4eAyf;/Y`/, !"lo - 7-2-23 n le o the northside of the rth of Linwood, first east of e. Dies on t the,north S elder of the Installs � nth tiP East Filth St., first, sec- ' third east of -Atlantic St. OIC One pole on the nortib of'Ottoa— -etw en sire north of Linwood, first <_ Fair - ad Cleve) irsnues;. one on _ east of Brookline • side or c east of Mount '�;ouleve� z th , of St.I Three poles on the nw'n- `` s ide Ot';esae alley south of East Fifth: Street, first, second and third eae a"•of Atlantic Street. "f Twenty-five poles; seventeen on the north side of Otto Avenue,between Yairview and Cleveland Avenues; one of the west side of the alley east of Mount Curve Boulevard, first north of St.Catherine Avenue; six on the north side of St -Catherine `)venue, between Woodlawn Avenue and the alley east.;of Mount Curve Boulewaad,; one on the west side of Woodlawn Avenue, first south of St -Catherine Avenue. Commercial lighting. 'With aecessar ys and anchors. All such extensions, pole. and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thinge subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All poles ehoold be ser in such location in said alleys and street, as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and character he shall designers and approve, and any and all such poles shall be taken down and [,moved, and such wires placed underground whenever Ibe Council shaldeem that the public interest so requires, and when it shall - order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays V Clancy Adopted by the Council .......... _ji.... .M.i...p_..3........_.192,........ Fefgasen-'-^ ,, I/ McDonald_ ............. In favor Adopted. ........... r ,19$...x... Matson .. ....Against - _ .. ow Mr. President RESOLVED COUNCIL O.. ------ JCJ861 CITY OF ST. PAULFILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE -- ---------July That the Commissioner of public works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets; Underwood Ave- from Jefferson Ave. to St- Clair St. Grand Ave. from Milton St. to Chatsworth -St- F. 'No.' 46881—Bi W. J. Pints— Resolved, That the' Commissioner of Public Works be and Is hereby author - tied and directed to sprinkle with W. - ter and oil the following streets: Underwood Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St. Grand Ave. from Milton St. to Chats- worth St. II Adopted bythe Council July 6. 19 Approved July ' uly 6 1923.... I (July 21-1913) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I/ Clancy _r McDonald .,In favor Matson Peter Against WTmel- 6/ Mr. President Adopted by the. Council ......._..._..__192. .... Approv ------ ---------- ....................MAYOR C1s�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r rONE/ A' ._.:__..._.__..__..__._.._....._....._.........._..._.._-- VED haat the Counc- here approves theiactionof the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for installing Plumbing in the New Franklin School to McQuillan Bros., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $15,360.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $16,760.00. F.B. J4816. (for e _YTOW Franklin lSchooto McQuillan ll cin ane -Bras., they: being the lowest responsible bid- ders, for the sum of $15,360.00.1n..- - �cordance with plans and -epeclCutlons . on. file ta;the'office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and award of contract -hereto .attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby, instructed t draw up the properform of: contr et there- for. ,A chltect's L`attmate $1 G,760.00. I F. B. No 4816.— ) - Adopted by -the Councii'Jull 6, 1923. Approved July'6 1923. (July 21-1x23) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ McDonald _._...—�5..In favor ✓ Matson ✓ PP'eter� __..__..,)Against ✓/ Mr. President Adopted by the Council_..._.._ ..:._... ;..�..... ..........192...-. Approved.,/--/- . ...:.1' ::.Y 192_._. _......_ ............. ....... ..-- MAYOR Yeas 16SIM c �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOURNCIL NO -------------------_-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM "",4—,c 0 }G(t"1z�. _.. _.______ DATE__...fuI12__29y_ 92fa._-_-._.—_--__. (' /J That the Coun it he eby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for installing the Electrical Material in the New Franklin School to the A. J. Pirkl Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $6,790.00 plus $239.00 for third floor clocks under Alternate "B", making total amount of the contract $7,029.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $7,100.00. P.B. #4816 COUNCILMEN / Nays Adopted by the Council__,J.:',._ V Clancy (� 7 F � C Approv -_.... ... - ----... ..... .......192 McDonald - .........._In favor Matson MAYOR Peter _..........._.-Against / Vlteazei' Mr. President 1 �s .884 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU.NO,L No.------- -------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM P se ' .. ..-........ ._ DATE —June 29 1923 -- - c�0---.._.._-- - - - -_ ._..... RESOLVED That the Council herb pro 'es the etion of the Contract Committee in a§Iarding the contract to Lindstrom do Anderson f a furnishing all_l abor and material and erecting, less mechani l equipment, the New Franklin School, they being the lowest re- sponsible bidders, for the sum of $184,704.00 plus $7,000.00 for the addition of a third story under Alternate "C" and pl- $450.00 for furnishing partition under Alternate "D", making total amount of contract $192,154.00, in accordance with plane and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $198,000.00. F.B. #4816/ COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ /. Nays Clancy d McDonald __...._...._In favor i ✓ Matson J Peter __.___..Against Mr. President Vp e S Adopted by the Counci I _..... `....:.o-.3......192_.... Ap_192..-- ........... ........._......_..._ . ...... - ----------- MAYOR ,, (( �� Council File No...._��.y.yi. 11>> 8 y'w MOr" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: R.slay-inkr-aconstruct.in_a, repai.ring,.._whe- --- oPssa... .existing cement sAdewalks...on..b oth. aide s_..o f ...Selby... Aye,.tr.Qm...t.tie.. E aat... line o f -- Nina. na.- Age..t o St.Albans St. and widenino- same to the new curb line proposed under ---- -------------------------------- -----.-....._-----................t]. - --- - - ------- '- ..._.........----------.....----------------------------" ..Fx_elimina.rX....Qxder...CIT ......4-7.9.7-+-.approvsd..�:3rch-.2a, 1523._........ ...._...........- -.... Dated this --..5t.b............ day of ...._ july...1923........._...__ ..... ............_._....., 192....... - ------------ --- - - . ----- ------ -A Councilman. C F No. "46880— - - Abstract. whereas,-A.written proposal f making of the following improv -viz " Relayfng,:,--. recohstructing, rspalr[r wh re necessary, existing cement sig j walks on both sides of,selby Ave. 1r PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 th East Iine of,Nina -Ave to. St. h t, ant"x S 1 n(ng. ea ne to =tr W33ER e�Tr.r.g i uns ? osil for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Rela.iAg,.reconstruoting, repairing where necessary, exietino cement aiderrralis on b-of.h..-s.ide4----Q.f—Selby_Ave- .-f. -oIn--the---East_.line.-.o_�---q n..a.--Ave;- t-o-_at.Albans.--St-.--_and_«idenin__same _to_the- ne}'r-_-ourb_.line._nroposed under P-relimin,axy- Orden._C--F.---447-9-L aFprQV_ed--- tiarch..-2E� 1923------- ...-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ....__--------- _.._.---------------------------------- ------------- _--------- _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 4 3. To furnish a plan, profile _Pt sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P - +, I. Adopted by the Council .._----_---------------- ...............:....3._.....------_.----- YEAS/_NAYS Councilman LANCY MAT,. �CDOON MNALD ✓ PETER MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved------ -------------- — -`. ......_.... ...._ 41t'_ ------ .....................__...................................................... -... Mayor. 141 . Request of Commissioner Wenzel. ��--, Council File No...._.gy y� J� /f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin[Z nublie improvement by the Citv of St. Paul, viz.: Condemn]; take and appropriate for. park purposes the following lands : That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section 2 Town 28 Range 22 lying Northwesterly of the following described line : Beginning at a point on the 1/4-1/4 line being the center of Florence Avenue 688.2 ft. East of the monument and the center line of White Bear Avenue extended southerly, thence South 250-031 West 200 ft., thence South 600-241 West 120 ft., thenoe South 250-1051 West 250 ft., thence South 680-53' West 240 ft., thence North.720-211 West 176.7 ft. to the center line of White Bear Avenue extended and 503.94 ft. south of monument at 1/4-1/4 corner. Also all of that part of Johnson's Garden Lots lying between the two following described lines; First- beginning at the douthiest corner of Lot 1 thence North to the Northwest corner of said Lot_l,_thenoe North 410-051 East 652 ft., thence Norfc r. Ne. asses- thence North 250-511 West 196 ft., theWtereaa;-A wbstrict. proposal for the 261.9 ft. to the North line of Lot 4 at a making of the -following improvement, If the Northeast corner OP Same; Second- t vCiz: ondemn; take and appropriate for,the 1/4-1/4 line park .purposes the following lands: which ,is the south bound9 heat ponies of ! Section Southwest Town 2 114 Lots, which is 68,8.2 ft. East_ from t ing,Northwesterl9 of We following de- ,he Said. Garden Lots, -thence North 390-03 crtbed line: eeginn)ngeat a petnt'on y�-ya. line being'the•enter off -Flom pie-'ae$umed,as. Ivenve 688.2 ft. East of-themonu- East and West) 292 f t., t1214 ,.nd the center line of white Bear {t 499.7 - f t., thence North 210.-50' West 6 ez3' w Southerly, thence k line of Lot 5 d F -08 west 200' 60 ft tkence __ at a point 230 ft. East of tt -us W"tL t '2 20 ft", thenar of said Lot- 5. Also all thak part of the Sout? ,mow set to'tN"arthweat 1/4 Section 2 Town 28 Range 22 lying South'<j Lne1'fA..v Afton Road and between the following described lin¢ ?-, toIrst-.,beginning on the South Line of said 1/4 -1/4 -See t tragi -or -358 ft. East of the monument at.ths 1/4 Section co rtl,' thence North 350-281 East 240 ft., thence North 10-181 East 233 ft., thence.North 40-561 East 234 ft., thence -,North 110 -041 -West 147 ft. more or less to the Upper Afton Road. Second, beginning on the South line of said 1/4-4A. Section 400 -ft. Westof the monument at the Southeast: l/4-1/4 Section corner, -thence Nortir 150-011 East 152 ft., thence North 180-371 West 192:ft., thence North 490-391 East 216 ft. more.or less to the Upper -Afton Road. f� LFTs*urourrlueu..� Fpeuosyf� rNO�`u T�o'OyFa �AF� Woze PPE)F gF FfTa ° r,_ EgaF ra©e AsFslseu 3fius og agTq Ffiou:c;oLuez as feu e Mo�reuca HozFfJ Fp v 2ec fipe boTTod E?c J 2e�c cozuez 388 r -330- 8� goaczrAeq uoau: EfizgF_ pe3fiuufiue,r gF g L0 E$8rcgu 0LFN�SToFpOLyaF ob rpG ;IUL J q "ar) S8 ` .gF pp8yr;,;, 'F. jPo8�l1e.UL�az ub ayf y iruv 3. re o Auezrce Y1oz S bF Fpe7Jce j�O�F F Rozrw T -T o 88.5 iF• FfJ Sao O3� `_Ec u 3\0 T11 I'leJq-Je `Yaws— rof .1 3 af?TcfJ fis Fge a-va-p �F {'�Ae O.Q.�TJeL,.:bb, g W6 A17f/S1Cfp �hamF}Jd 98F ,'CD�TA)L .0 S2„3✓>1VBtL24a.1 4 S20-21, TTua ob 10 8�o q- Ae2.fizWTjjg [ o�ut�ga0gzq uFPo ,eg3gf cLgau EgP s- tp 719P bF -' FFF�euce l04.1y�oz P ,© � vF I Ff1. W Tfiva D10LFp Fo"Fue Fueuce 14 ozFfr 80 FFJ, Jao€bb� �sEaa °b Fus YiozFpegaF T1u93; 31oLFv�sgF cozuez® 3Ji ;1Reep ,JPO F,SP.T•a 'p, Po Fge 2ofrueouLazeF_ p9E1 'TuuTuw $ ob agrq T'oF .r4bF'. Fp.uc. YtOLFfJ ceuOT,WournueuFggroIjjGG �oFa JA.Tue paF`tesY, PWoargmes coLuoLsOt 14 L7 FueTlj O- 28 F.z TTve or tlFe\� coLTJeL• t Tao g Feio > oor JTor�Tzr2 geacr. �s leo-231 d1eaF S�0 bF.. ;egL Hn.urTs sxFsuger °u FI�bF bgLF Ob fi: q aonF TSO bF.4 F{Jeuca P G-1100 110LFp aZ3o-. 7 q 3o3•ai bF• son FNezJ?,' Ffleuce 2onFN S3o�t�2i @+sa SSPOG1aaF'T5Q•d bF• PC) rwe W W01 2orrFp Spo-02 ea; F bF• P. X7 b F e J�1-J�� Tru. q FfTs ceuFeL SOO bF•' 1'peuee 2orTFYT suF gu , t °b FfJe7boJToeiTu�ula FueTresuF9L obfix ToLeuce KneurraPTre L ynarirreFexFeuge • i ° FfTstaaF J �g©ccT g TTus PGRI- JJ P88•S bF• gg q fibs S rontu r Tui gfi g bo u E F Dated this ----------- 6.th.._day of.....- ------------ inly--------------------------....----- 192_23,- ------------ 92_3► -------- -------------- ----..--- .. ----- -.. .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemn, take and appropriate for park purposes the following lands : That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section 2 Town 28 Range 22 lying Northwesterly of the following described line : Beginning at a point on the 1/4-1/4 line being the center of Florence Avenue 688.2 ft. East of the monument and the center line of White Bear Avenue extended Southerly, thence South 250-03' West 200 ft., thence South 60044' West 120 ft., thence South 250-06' West 250 ft., thence South 680-53' West 240 ft., thenoe"North 720-21' West 176.7 ft. to the center line of White Bear Avenue extended and 503.84 ft. South of monument at 1/4-1/4 corner. Also all of that part of Johnson's Garden Lots lying between the two following described lines ;First -beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 thence North to the Northwest corner of said Lot 1, thence North 410-05' East 652 ft., thence North 800-31' West 160 ft., thence North 258-51' West 196 ft., thence North 190-00' East 261.9 ft. to the North line of Lot 4 at a point 350.03 ft. West of the Northeast corner of same; Second- beginning at a point on the 1/4-1/4 line which is the south boundary of Johnson's Garden Lots, which is 688.2 ft. East from the Southwest corner of the said Garden Lots, thence North 390-03' East(the 1/4-1/4 line assumed as East and West) 292 ft., thence North 310-21' ,West 499.7 ft., thence,North 210-50' West 668.6 ft. to the North line of'Lot 5 at a point 230 ft. East of the Northwest corner of said Lot 5. Also all that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 Section 2 Town 28 Range 22 lying South of the Upper Afton Road and between the fo3'.owing described lines : 'First- Beginning on the South line of said 1/4-1/4 Section corner 358 ft. East of the monument at the 1/4 Section corner, thence North 350-28' East 240 ft., thence North 10-18' East 233 ft-, thence North 40-561 East 234 ft., thence North 110-04' West 147 ft. more or less to the Upper Afton Road. Second, beginning on the South line of said 1/4-1/4 Section 400 ft. West of the monument la° -2a, LeeP zVep T28 EP•,SJB 70 . ulozA oz Jeaa gP ','NG 2onPNesallouc0-14OzP Po P1re nbbez ozuPN JTrre oL ag4. TV'T�` c�� ua,•, t ea TaS bF°�LPozr going. Jeaa Po PNe Tg J�`s J�v 2eco� "' zuez' PNezrOe blozeuce LIozPN EsaP S�FOgaP.S2�fnr,�' PNeu 8`�vzpouogg� �2ecOO ou°�IdsaP oL u rzu0 01, PNe moumusu PF)euce yloxPN I4ozrw TT° -01, gleaee 'Tu8 ou rw sub A© spile e PN T�'Ire PoLNag� \1 2ecP�onBco�exP' PFreuco ' J ,, lc zvoxe ��•Neuce hoz JJ \ �Q 2ecP7ou cozzrez 'I�ozPN 32o -S2 PNe to geacz peg J•Tuea ��7 ETza 328 EsaP of �- PG2-TuUT1T& ozr PNeuos y2ozP- Ee'aP sug "dea 3To-20, teaP pP- _ 913o *8 PNeuce Hozpw (30 rNeuB Ito NPO PNs TgozPN` f y lig c S T.P. 2ao-0 2T rFuA oL P' ,P T8 P)7eaP Lzow PNe aonEgaP(PNe .7 If- T, A.1seP laa•a LP.l. `° cozue aorrPp' ° PN�{eaP cozusz �� �Tue QBamueg ga ylozPN °, aeras: 2ecou�geL;i ob 7.oNuaou ° PNs avTq S2 L JTue oL Pop $g_ peBTuu� Ir borlypgg a a �l$zgeu O.0Po,a'OgzgAu boa pP�°F1 p�Jaeu e'�g'Neuce ylo 20 02 Lp. llboreep o�N�Ns\,TNT\l T3 us TTzrea ; Hox I2ozPN BO Tao -00, EU 8.p T^OxPNegap ETz2 P%ruesP cozu o -3T, pc-ar . SBr•a 1P. O°NITaoITra .Ogz'pASxuv.TuE sP ez ob agrg Por20'F,P•' PNsuce k p PPG c urourrurez.p ggeu P°Pa 2.TITiiPp6 gOnPlatGep co,ueWO1Tce ylo,P�°�fTN Pez TTus T\'-T\ct coLUAz.Pueou PNe PMO rorToauziSP J Pf7TPeq 2, P 0-221 hieaP°S�fONTPs�BACL L'Asurre�Tao F.r °b P geaCz 2orlPNex� i P • PNeu e PNeuce yjOxPuX Psugsy sugPQ° ; 7zP °L PNe zuov 11reuce gorrPNunN SPD -()p A1ea-ST, d?esP Ja4; LP• 2orrPN eUf gig PNA Pez°rto-�ez`-1 4IeaP SOOSb • ► P., E gory° PPO PNsuce JTzre o PNeucs PNe P PI aJ.Ts u\ ge© czrpsg due L E Tozes", � roe �nez yeairrlA P xPeuQe Trot v r�u� Tov ourJ SgGP-txji"ue eP a egg o BTS TP* 1gaP g r X .T P °IT P A _ I T17u€ N having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_..._..._...._.......__........._ ..............._ -.._...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...-.......... .............. YEAS NAYS Ciouncilmall CLANCY "Re95 11 MATSON /MCDONALD ✓ PETER MR. PRESIDENT C A 13 (3M 6-22) i _-, Approved-------- . ----------------- ----------------------- Mayor. I RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...condemning._and_ taking an easement -in the land necessa-_.---r for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Beech St. from Hazelwood Ave. ..........._....... _........._............................................... ......_.... ..------- ... ...... ...... ..-----......_ 46887- �.. i . to... matter"of condemnlna and tak' --- ---------"---""- -" - - -----------•••••' _.._... Ing, u11 easement In the land. needs- - sary for slopes .;for routs and in c.in .. _._ ,. Aye. to White Hear Ave'rndert Prea .... : i........ ........ .. ................................. IlminarY Qrder 498 7„ a ' ' -•-- "" " "' ¢¢ approved 1922; :. Intermedfnry Order -'431 roved Feb,,G 1923.. ' X11: harl'IF be,--, , under Preliminary Order...... ....._....., approved.,.IAIY _13,--.-1922Intermediary Order.........�i3995 approved...Fieb...-.6.,.... 923.--- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, t at the said assessment be and it -is •eby determined to be payable in .............................equal ' ailments as to ea arcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .. ................._l l....$ U; T... ..............., 191... .................. ....................�-C City Clerk. Approved........................................................... 191. _................... ..................... . Y-............ Mayor. Councilman IAaEKNOM Clancy CouncilmanioMxx Ferguson CouncilmanXHA McDonald / d Councilman Btetl> acx Matson Councilman ffix Peter Councilman W .`jenzel Mayorlo%j x Nelson In the matter of.__condemiing and,,,_taking,.... anea sement,_,_in _tneland necessary f 0r.AjgLPeEL._for cute and,fi11 in,gradingBeech St.,from Hazelwood Ave. to_!jVh.it.e._Baar _._._.__................. _....................... .. ... ............... 46888—, In the matter of eondetnning and [ak .._...._ _ ...... ._...._. ...._. ....._...._........_.......__ . ina' an easement In :thw 1wnA "----""-- "-"'""'-' ve,• co Whtte Bear Ave Under Pre ....._ narYOrder 48847; a--_.... _...._.__....___..........._..._....__...__ _.__..__.._........ _._ fIST1922, intermediary Order 48996 ! appravea Feb. s, 1923. - 43995 Beaolvea: 44.8._ ........... approved 1!.._.$a...._l9aitermediary Order._._.....---........._........._, -.(1) drat.. the following improve `. ''hent 6e, and the soma da hereby. or' 3 dered to be made, _viz:: _ - wndemn and' take"un eaae'hent`In nA •'�Neaary for; elopes, Iorcutn: InF Beeeh 3t, tri tint}Vhlte Bean (1) J Hat the fallowing improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to he made,–viz.:__94.Xb.41.9IDn and #Lan' aasement_in hhQ�l_a_-zed necessary for slopes• for cuts and fills in gra_nrr Bach St. _from Hazellvood ave. to_�'dhite_ (2) That the following land lams or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:__.._the,_land abutt irig Upon Bch S betv+6�n.. ��oints aforesaid, to thevextent__sho?�n upon the e. plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public IVO in the matt e dated March 7y 1923. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the ✓ ,� v above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. � 1 Adopted by the Council..__._._._..._._........................................ 1 ....... G ......... l ..i. .. y- -- ... —' Cit Clerk. Approved. _.......... _.... .. _._........ 191............ aftwxx. Clancy' EWMMMI Mcllonald icx ldatson xmOtm Peter mIMMgMsh Wenzel Mr. President,g>fdil,NeZSOri " D Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...uno.emXl.ing...a.rid... taking ...a-n...e.a.a.ematlt....zSl...t.ke....land ...naaas.aBLry fQX...slopeSa.... for.-_cut.s.--- nr...f_%1.1s--..in_,sraing•_ e.eco...St.t... S4m...Ha.ze.J.F,QoA. yya... toiihite...Bear--�we...e ........._._._.._...................... ............................ .................. - ....................... ..._...._.............. ...... .......................................... ........................_------........_.._..... under Preliminary Order....40847____._.... approved _.Ju1_y._.IS, _,1924ntermediary Order .........a3y95..... approved...._F.eb.._6,-_-123 , TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the un&rsigned's finding on said matters. ............................... ommissi ner of Finance. /0, " �e,,� /-- r- z 3 - HENRY bL50N city of *µaft -" l H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Office of Ctu (91ah ASST. CITY CLERK :�. July 7th, 1923 Hon. Wm. J. Peter, %9 Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir:- 1 Attached herevath Council File Nos. 46887- 46888 in the matter of condemning for slopes in grading Beech St. from Hazelwood Wave. to White Bear Ave., which the Council today referred to you for investigation as to change of grade. Yours very truly, i 2 enc. r l I `, CITY CLERK. M. S. STOKES REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND FIRE INSURANCE T-1..wii: Cioww ]20] wimo[wci. MiowwY 0112 308 CAPITAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. June 7th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House, City. Dear Sir: - W11 I own three (3) lots on the south Bide of Beech Street, corner of Kennard, known as Lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15). Block four (4), Bacon's Addition, According to the City Fngineer'B drawings, the grading of Beech Street will leave these three lots fifteen or sixteen feet above the grade. I believe the council has already ordered the grading of Kennard from "argaret to Vinnehaha. If I have been correctly informed, these three lots will be made worthless by this grading and it seems only fair that I should be compensated for the damage done to the property. If the majority of the property owners on Beech and Kennard desire the improvement, I think I should be allowed a fair compensation for the damage. I have owned this property for many years and paid takes. There certainly can be no benefits to me on Beech or Kennard when my property is sixteen feet above the street level.` MSS: GRS Very truly yours, ID �_ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.conde??.ing -Ana__ aping- an_.easement_-.in_-the--land_-necessary for... slope for cutsand ___fills ...-in---grading.. 111e.y--_ in --d o ck_'6..... I.endr i c 1 s__ to the East line of Lot 20, ......... ............... ........................... -- ----- ..-- - ...... - .......... _.... _.............. _......... --. .......... _........ _................ ....... ....... .. ......_.... under Preliminary Order_......._1J67.......... approved..:u��'_. . t_-.192,2Intermediary Order .......a2962 approved Nov. ..27.,...1222. C. r. tz . 4G688— � Inlag ter ngeaaaree. in iY A pub ,EPEE tion the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, P sa y ng siopes for - p g -. grading Al1oY i R1 °k.' damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits for the abov ae s m t Y nt ck. .Le n s .Res Atl P• Y — - therefor, and tlii .� ndnerr order. �oi26 Pr ered the same, now therefore be it 17�: 1922 Intermediary Approved 'Nov. -27, 1922. Resolved, T `to hearing having ]demnation of the lands described in tde annexed assessment roll, laking ant cor,, .. identified by the signd�t$ k 0" ire Rfayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirm Ion. -. Be it further Resolved, that •d assessment be d i i ereby determined to be payable in ................................equal i Intents as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-------------- ------------- --------------- ------- — 191........ ................ .........................._�..� City Clerk. Approved........................... ......................... 191........ ��✓�.................................................. V Mayor. Councilman Bmiummtk Clancy ! Councilman G=XX Ferguson 6 CouncilmanAJytaudx KcDona 1 Councilman Xaffimxx ]t.a t s on Councilman calix Peter`s Councilman 1,pmlc10-eatY•tr `ienzel Mayor tmkx Felson • f 1 r, FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._.._Condelrining..._and_.._ta2 ng... ap..aas@me.1 1.....511 t.he_...land.....ne.G.e.ssaxy fox slol?es�-f cSlts_,anc� Rearrangement of Blocks _4 and 6� IIcan!s.._R,Q_servatSon from_For�st.__St_.__ t _ ..... ..... _—.-._...._._:.- ..._.._.-� under Preliminary Order.._. 41367_.__._.._._.._, approved._Au.g.a._..17t_.._I..gq&eimediary Order ........._.4M2.. _._..., approved-_—Nov,..._�?7.,._ 1922. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.-0.911demn and take an ea -- sari for slopes, for cuts And fills in , C. F:No. §6890- L, the mutter. of condemning and tnk gr8din� AILU eg i tug nn ekaement In the'land necea earran�em ne t of B� OCIiS and G,_. ga,Y Yor: slopes, for eats" Kendrlck's zgrad ng Alley in Block 6, i f ienr an6 meat f Blocks 4 and 6, 1�C.��QI�_.h_. e.n291'�fA>teLea xeservatton, from Foresf' }(p_ the .._£'•a.st ,, t t;ast nue 1367, 20, under Order 4 43367, approved r .:X22. IntermfdlarY Order --- _. _ _._... _._____--________ —.—_—...—._ ved._Novi 27, �d922. a ........... —__... (2) That the following , fln3s di a tSements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- th. land abuttin priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:....__... s_.._ _..__.__._..__..._.__ g upon the A11e.Y_. i - l°ck-6a_-.I e1 �>"SG ��-Ec��rr ageman_vf__.B.1ackS_4._and 6�.._ Mclss_ats Reservat on. bgtnveen ha_p9ints afQS�s��d.,-t�th�� t�11 ah9Wi1 upon the plan attached to the re ort of ahs Commissioner _of ._Public "Yorks, Sn th4 matter dated Jan. 3. 1923.x. -----.. (4J That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land; lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ................Jul..P '14$3 ..................... _.... _...................... p �� City Clerk. JUL 1 WS Approved.._ ............ .............. ............... 191 ............ ........ ... _... ................ ._}...... ........... Mayor. (XWQlancy erguson dcDonald Matson. ter - 2 enzel � _ .✓ Mr. Presiet W= Nelson C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...condemning__and...t-a.l ing._an...e.a., emant.... ixl.._t.be... �.an-d...nace.s.sar.y for slopes, for cuts and fills in trading MPV in Block 6.a--_iendr-ick'-s,,, --------------- Rearranve-ment of i3locks 4 and 6, i:cLean's Reservation, from Forest St. ...........:... ...........................----....._..._... ... - _.__....-------------- ........................................... .... I ...................... tQhe - ast-lina....4.?'...:ot_........... -------------------------------- .......................................................... ---... .................................. ..- ............-- ..._.. ._............... ._ _.. . -- .......... ........... ------------------- --......-------......------ 41367 a pproved lug. 17, 1.922 Intermediary Order...._ 4-2.962, under Preliminary Order ..................... approved..... 1:T O V . -2.7 . 7: ............... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i ommissi r er of Finance. i ................................. ----------- — ­------------------. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....UPO-D-InF...... yiAe ?.7.11x._ rl.� e.7Sle r.a n -- n mv---St...... ty 0.. a... 1. 50 f.e.e.t...fF..oia_jYgyne..:Ay.e...... t.o..................................................... under Preliminary Order._....a?.J99.........., approved..ti;ar.w...a7.,....1.92P Intermediary Order....._4-5074---_-- approved.......a1?T 1923. widening anf 51d A public hearing having been had upon the takini_'au'd e.oude:,.nation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor. and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it e Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furt�ler Resolved, tat the said asses ent be and it i\reby determined �o be payable in yuan installment as to each parcel land described erein. Adopted by the Council ------------------ .................. .;._..................... J ..., 191.... _............ .......... - -�. i City Clerk. Approved... ................................................... 191.... LA ................................... Mayor. Ciounci1man7 QKt Clancy ` CouncilmanX Ferguson I — Councilman ZAAM Mc Dona Id CouneilmanxNdbm tela t s on % / Councilman-4AOM Peter Councilman WffffdQ Yc3l ';ienzel Mayorlad= Ide1sori Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__4.hen.i r+iden_�nd.�xtBnsL nnv of...ED--faet.. fs.om_P�yue-due.--#4--- ' ---. EdgertonS`- __....----...------ .......... _....... — ---- ----� C. h. No. 46892 aad — IneXtendlag Denn.Y SAnto aiwldth oT 50 Pee!'from'Payne Ave. to Edgerton 5e. _._._........___._...._........._..._._.__.................._......_.._............_..._. under FreliminarY Orde I 44 ntermediary proved` Mar:e17, 1928, order 45074, approved - April 11. 192A- „.,,,.-,..._.._...._........_ ....... _...... ........... _... _ ..... _.._.___... _......... _..__ . ...._... ....._..............._ ...._. That 11 the tr Pol!'` , S imhp, (2) That or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, agpro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._The-._Y10Y of mic .A�anenu.s_tract_o£. lnnrl.._1z�ing.snut.Yl o£-.._Peis�._r..s.....Add-1-tAon.-and--between Edgerton St .and (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the: taking and appropriating the above land; lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ....... ......... a:..'. ..... .............. . ................. ..................... j�� . !...... a........., 191 ............ _ Approved_ ...... ._ ..............::.1 1 ...................................... _...... _.._ --- _._ Mayor. ]OWU xx Clancy ' jb zXMIMmg k'ergus.on f atson I/\ ggre 7 Mr. Presid t Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..open.in ,._',r-�Uen.inF..a.S1.....t.sz...a...:rt.idtb_af Q.-feat....EX-OM ... a.yrze._ ive t,.Q...E.di e.r.t.Oxl...$t......._................................-...------•------- .... .... .......... ...................._..._......_....................._..._.........._.....---_.......-......-------..............--------.............................. _........ ---- .................................. .........._.....- - ...... __ ............................................................ - ...................................................... ..... __...... .............. _........................ • .........--------- I................. under Preliminary Order .._4 k 9.9.._........, approved... h ax ..-17.,1.923., Intermediary Order.. b.Q.7.4_... approved1323_. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. R a Com esioner of Finance. e � . c a s St.Paul, Minn., July 6th, 1923. THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: City of St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Regarding Preliminary Order #44599, extend- ing Denny Street from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Street. In behalf of the Estate I wish to enter Protest for damages to the land, which constitutes our home- stead, in as much as this land is being used for a home and was purchased with no intention of ever becoming a part of the City, we feel there should be some consideration for the use of same, _ Yours very truly, n C RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of_conemninm_and._ t.a]cine-.-an_�-G.�:nAnt.-.in--t-1zP---land- ne.q�s-ax,y for ___s_.o2es,___for_ cuts and fills-_-in--gradin,,g-_?eaney*_-Streit-_frog}--_az.el--__�yenue to i�,-ortonia Avenue, and from Nortonia Avenue__t-o-the_._'3a.at--.C-it;�.--limits,----- _........._..._......._... ......... ... _.. — under Preliminary Order ---------- 7-- approved- gt-.-__ !0._,.X9 Q[ntermediary Order._.45000..-_... approved....... ypril...!�a....�923. { C. F. No. 46893— - Ia the matter of condemning and tak- ing an. agement 1 the land n cea- -r,, fo slopes Yor cuts ad fill. I. grading Reaney a[ om Aazel Ave. A public hearing having been h a iQip `6 fa Ave. ,an� Yrom Nortonla n of the lands or easements therein, ie Best City Lim[te, under :y order 42267, approves o u on the assessment of benefits for the above improvement, and the awards of 19x2. Intermediary nteAprir a i1D23. order P therefor, and the Council having duly considered ^arigg haul-. been had be it �:. and condemnation of dents therein, for tl I Resolved, That the taking and condemnatiou,q. ad thn award',ribed in the annexed assessment roll, s L; identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and+ zmde a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further est a s olved, thaaid assessment be and it is hermb \determined ta�be payable in ................................equal installments as to' each parcel of lsud described therein. Adopted by the Council......__ ---- ......:_.. _.... -- .... - i.........., 191------- City Clerk. Approved.......................................................1 191........ ...................................... Mayor. Councilman ftmM Ift Clancy Councilman (WY -X Ferguson \ Councilman � Jac Dona id Councilman MA13M Ilia t s ori CouneilmanX11000 X Peter PCILISULly Councilman 'V�� +enzel Mayors Nelson '' 6894 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._....._condepining_._and.._t_eking.___an..._e-asement..,in._. t_ho_.,__land.__neces_sary for._slo�ess for. cuts and fills in grading Peaney_Street_,from Hazel Avenue to_loxtoliia AvetiUe. and_from_Nortonia_Avenue__to__the_. East_Cit.y__Limits�_..___._ tinder Preliminary Order ............. .............. approved.... OCt .10} 19221ntermediary Order. _......_45000.,.,......_... 1 approved.. C. F. No!':46894— Io- the Matter of eondemnfng and tak- COnd _ ]ng an eTement .' the: land neces- emn eery for slopes. Yor cuts and fllla in im rovement be and the same is hereby ordered to be -glade, viz.:._._._ __.. grading, neaney st. from Hazel Ave. p to -Nor[ nig Aver -and Yrom Nortonla _ — - Ave� to the East C1tY Limit nnaerz the land necessary_f or slop"0ts, for cuts -and ills !nary Order 42167 apH oved-. --- 1922 Int rm flta y Order in r evedA 1 n3�22 �t from Hazel Ayanue to Nortonia 4venuey_and from .the '-irr' `. mpr• .. - :, 4.. Norton41i , uuenue a East City Limits----_._..-_....._._............_..._.-.._._.......__... t.. �_.._-_. . _ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements viz.: the-1and—a.b.11-t-t IM9 upon'Reanep St.�between the...Points_aforesaid� to__t.he. extent shorrn_upon._the plan°attached .o .the oner Of Pylic Ftorks_ inthQ_ mattt$x._...da (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council _.__.......... _...._s............' ` 9 ................:_.... City Clerk. ..................., 191 . .................... _............ ........... _..._ .......... _n........................... .... ..___._—.._ Mayor. Clancy lancygq,�C rguson g cDonald EaRx atson xa&a= enzel Mr. Nelson Mr. President REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......condemning...find„tak.int;.-an_.essement,,, in-che-._hand necQssary for -.slopes, -for cuts and fills in grading Reaney Street from aazel :venue ........................................... ..... .......... .. to__Nort Onia--..Avenue:__and- from POrtonia !lvenue__to_the_. 7a5t Cit.y_--_.i711t_SJ.-__.. ........... .... ............................_................................................................, -- . under Preliminary Order ............ 42267...., approved..Q�.tr_„._i0,,....102�Intermediary Order..... -_4 approved. _19a.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also, fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ................................... f � amis oner of Finance. W1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ pP Council File No ............ ................................. By ................ ... ........ ................... ..... ................ ............. ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the viatter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 5, ?astville Heights, from Cypress St. to Earl St., - ItATIFYING ASSESSMENTS. C. F. No. 46895— In the 689fi=Inthe matter of theassessment of .benefits; costs and expenses Por grad - Ing Alley 0 Block 6, .or , 8eighte,.Pr� m Cypress St. to Earl St., under,-PreliTninary Order 41060. In- termedlary order 425 Final order ,1056 42568 42995 _�_, "prpvea Nov. 86, 1922. Intermediary Order c_... ........... Final Order......... . hearing- havtng been— 'cl�f�: ;.:. sme,' for the ' `nvr,:u approvecr_I`. +.:..`2.r._.._1922........_....._ ........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IST FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................._......._.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... ......;_............. ...... .....: Approved._......................:_'.:_..... ...... .... .._:..:.:............. ...._...191 Form B. B. 18 �CTBI.ISgIED f i e c i *y----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .............. :=.._... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tkocx grading :alley in Block 5, Eastville Heights, from Cypress St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order .. .rJf7............_......__........_, Intermediary Order...._.._42....E.$......_ ............. ....._..._........._...... .._ . 42995 approved......___Ilov. Final Order .._.................................... _......... 29i 1922..........m&t7......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council fhe following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - Cost of publishing notice "�- $-------4._._50 Cost of postal cards $_.__............t_90 ............... Inspection fees - - - _ _ - - _ $,..,,__._16_.,_OQ.._._........ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ..............._4.._50_._...._....... Total expenditures $_...._25.._90 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......._.__82.5....9..0.............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fors ch action thereon as may be considered proper. �Q A, Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. , 5 7, IC. F. No. 46896—Ordinance. No. 6104-�, /O ByW:T.'Peter j A:ordinance granting. to .the'Ford Mo - 1 for Company, a corporation, a. per- manent easement for tunnels, sub - An corporation, An ordinance granting tQ ways and other underground pats, , rpo , age -ways from the premises lying LO the west of Mississippi River Boule- ard Sonth, to the premises of said a permanent easement for tunnel Company on the east of said bouts darground passage- vard. This is an emergency ordin- ance rendered necessary for the pres- way9 fro'the premises lying to erd .f of the public peace, Health i River Houle - and safety. vard South, to the remises of i Soule- -The s or Council of the city of St. Patti t of said bottle p does ordain: . SECTION 1. vard• This is an emergency crdso��t the'Ford Motor Company, gssary for the -Hon. ad its successor. r preservation of the public peace, hearW,'AA-d °uhf,sty. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Ford Motor Company, a corporation, and its successors be and they are hereby granted a perpetual right and easement to construct, operate and maintain sub -surface tunnels, passageways, subways and other connections beneath the surface of •� Mississippi River Boulevard and between the property lying to the west i S of said boulevard and the property lying to the east of said boulevard and bounded on the north by the south line of St. Catherine avenue extended west to the Mississippi River and on the south by the north line of the south half of the southeast quarter (S of 8E}) of Seo- 1;;=-` tion seventeen (17), Township twenty-eight (28), Range twenty-three (23). Section 2. The privilege hereby granted Is conferred upon the condition that said grantee shall assume all liability that may arise out of or be caused by the exercise of such privilege, and shall at 3 all times save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all damages, costs and expenses growing out of or arising from the construction, maintenance or operation of said tunnels, subways or other under- ground passageways. Section 3- Said tunnels, subways or other underground passage- ways shall be constructed in accordance with plans which shall have first been approved by the Commissioner of Public works.. lbection 4. The privilege hereby conferred shall not at any `Ame be sold, transferred or assigned to any other person, firm or `dation, without the consent of the City of St. Paul. I Soo tion 5. This ordinance is hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in for -®e from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas gays Mr. ✓ 'Ferguson � ✓ HaDonal� �� v Peter "Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Mayor Attest' City Clerk 0 'rA An ordinance granting to the Ford Motor Company, a corporation, a permanent easement for tunnels, subways and other underground passage- ways from the premises lying to the gest of Mississippi River Boule- vard South, to the premises of said Company on the east of said boule- vard. This -is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Ford Motor Company, a corporation, and its successors be and they are hereby granted a perpetual right and easement to construct, operate and maintain sub-surfaoe tunnels, passageways, subways and other connections beneath the surface of Mississippi River Boulevard and between the property lying to the west of said boulevard and the property lying to the east of said boulevard and bounded on the north by the south line of St. Catherine avenue extended west to the Mississippi River and on the south by the north line of the south half of the southeast quarter (Q of SEJ) of Sec- tion seventeen (17), Township twenty-eight (28), Range twenty-three (23). Section 2. The privilege hereby granted is conferred upon the condition that said grantee shall assume all liability that may arise out of or be caused by the exercise of such privilege, and shall at all times save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and ally damages, costs and expenses growing out of or arising from the construction, maintenance or operation of•said tunnels, subways or other under- ground passageways. Section 3. Said tunnels, subways or other underground passage- ways shall be constructed in accordance with plans which shall have first been approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. Section 4. The privilege hereby conferred shall not at any time be sold, transferred or assigned to any other person, firm or corporation, without the consent of the City of St. Paul. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered_neoessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Days Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Attest City Clerk 0 Mayor Department of faw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON P. MSNALLY w.slsrwNr wrmwNErs ARTHUR A. STEWART — EUOENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. M:. E LEWIS L. ANDERSON f!. Hbhry Olson, city Clerk. Dear Sir:- t9�,n�� July 6th, 1923.,; .. Attached hereto is original and copy of ordi- nance granting permanent easement to the Ford Motor Com- pany for tunnels and underground passageways under the Mississippi River Boulevard, which ordinance the Council directed this office to prepare and submit to it. Years very truly, "rpora II 98 . 4689 An ordinance granting to the Ford Motor Company, a corporation, a permanent easement for tunnels, subways and other underground passage- ways from the premises lying to the .gest of Mississippi River Boule- vard South, to the premises of said Company on the east of said boule- yard. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Ford Motor Company, a corporation, and its successors be and they are hereby granted a perpetual right and easement to construct, operate and maintain sub -surface tunnels, passageways, subways and other connections beneath the surface of Mississippi River Boulevard and between the property lying to the west of said boulevard and the property lying to the east of said boulevard, and bounded on the north by the south line of St. Catherine avenue extended west to the Mississippi River and on the south by the north line of the south half of the southeast quarter (S, of SEi) of Seo - tion seventeen (17), Township twenty-eight (28), Range twenty-three (23)• Section 2. The privilege hereby granted is conferred upon the condition that said grantee shall assume all liability that may arise out of or be caused by the exercise of such privilege, and shall at all times save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all damages, costs and expenses growing out of or arising from the construction, maintenance or operation of said tunnels, subways or other under- ground passageways. Section 3. Said tunnels, subways or other underground passage- ways shall be constructed in accordance with plans which shall have first been approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. Section 4. The privilege hereby conferred shall not at any time be sold, transferred or assigned to any other person, firm or corporation, without the consent of the City of St. Paul. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas gays Mr.,Clanoy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Attest City Clerk BUBLI I3F Mayor By An ordinance authorizing, directitg and•requiring the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, at its sole cost and expense, to separate the grade of its roadbed and railway tracks from the grades of rest Seventh Street and Colborne Street by depressing the grade of the roadbed and railway tracks at the intersection of same with the above named streets, a vertical distance of 21.4 feet, and to construct new permanent reinforced concrete bridges at all crossings affected by said depression of the railway tracks. Whereas, The tracks and roadbed of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, are laid at grade across Vest Seventh Street and Colborne Street, as well as nearby streets in the City of St. Paul and a great number of trains are operated over said tracks day and night making the grade crossings at the above intersections highly dangerous and inconvenient, and Whereas, The public necessity, safety and convenience, require the separation of the grades of the tracks and roadbed of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, from the grades of West Seventh Street and Colborne Street as well as nearby streets at the intersection of such streets with the railway tracks and right of way of said Railway Company, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. The City Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain as follows; Section 1. That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, is hereby authorized, directed and required at its sole cost and expense, except as herein otherwise provided, to separate the grade of its roadbed and railway tracks from the grade of viest Seventh Street and Colborne Street as well as from nearby streets at the intersections of such streets with the railway tracks and right of way of said railway company, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, in accordance with plans submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of Public Works, which plans are hereby adopted and approved for such purpose. Section 2. That the above grade separation shall be accomplished by depression of the roadbed and tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, the minimum vertical depression at the intersection of the center line of West Seventh Street with the center line of the Railway Company's present double track shall be 21.4 feet; and the maximum grade of the depressed track shall be 1.215%' compensated 0.04% per one degree of curvature using vertical curves connecting to the present grade at either end of the depressed portion of the track, the easterly end of which being located at a point 230 feet southwesterly from the center line of the High Bridge and the westerly end of the depressed portion being located at a point 1260 feet northwesterly from the center line of the Selby Avenue bridge, the distance measured along the center line of the present double track. CU �-r 4-�O -2 - Section 3. That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. caul Railway Company, shall et the following named present grade crossings, viz: Western Avenue, Richmond Street, Seventh Street, Colborne Street, Duke Street, Erie Street, Oneida Street and Toronto Street, construct new permanent concrete bridges and that at the following named streets, viz: south Osceola Avenue, Pleasant Avenue, Lex ffgban Avenue, St. Clair Street, Lihooln Avenue, Grand Avenue, Summit Aven tl Selby Avenue, the present bridges shall be replaced by new overhead concrete bridges in accordance with plans submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of Public Works, which plans are hereby adopted. and approved for such purpose and in accordance with this ordinance. Section 4. That the Chicago, iilwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, shall construct new bridges at Milton Street, Goodrich Avenue and Hamline Avenue, within T` the above limits of the grade depression, said bridges to conform to the new grades of the depressed portion of tracks and roadbed of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, all bridges to be overhead concrete bridges in accordance with plans submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of Public Yorks, which plans are hereby adopted and approved for such purpose,and in accordance with -this ordinance. Section 5. That the present crossings of the Chicago, Iilwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company's tracks at ddebster Street and Victoria Street, shall be closed and these streets vacated across the right of way of the said Railway Company. Section 6. That all new and reconstructed bridges shall be built so as to conform with the following specifications: All bridges shall have an overhead clearance above the Railway Company's top of rail of 22'-0" and where required the present grade of the street shall be raised so as to permit this clearance. i'he grades of the approaches and width of roadway and sidewalks shall be made as stated below. All bridges shall have a crowned roadway and the sidevialks protected by a concrete or stone gutter. All sidew4lks shall slope towards the curb. The paving material for all grades less than 2.51,116 may be asphalt or creosoted blocks, the paving material fo) grades more than 2.5% shall be granite, brick or sandstone. i The entire length of the bridge shalll be paved including the approaches. P;'here possible the paving, curb and sidewalks, shall be built to conform with the street improvements now on the street, all subject to the approval and direction of the City Council and the Commissioner of Public dorka. �3_ r, provision shall be made for thorough drainage of all structures. All new bridges shall be designed with one span over the two present main tracks and with adjacent spans large enough to span over two future additional tracks on either side of the main tracks. Wherever the present streets outside the space occupied by the bridges are ,Iisturbed for the purpose of construction or otherwise in as connection existedade pprevious tothe thestreet depressionsurface work. be put in Loading and Ilaterial Specifications. Dead Load: Actual weight of the structure. � Live Load: All bridges shall be designed for Class A"live load for City bridges using the latest edition of "General specifications for Steel Highway Bridges" by Idilo S. Ketchum, which specifications also shall govern for all structural steel material or details made of same. For the design of plain and reinforced concrete concrete structures, the latest recommendation by the "Joint Commission on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete" shall govern. All foundations must be designed for the total loads on same and of theeground. Piling, woodeneoroconcretedetermi�,emust bethe fusedawherecconditions warrant same. For all paving, surfacing, curb, sidewalks,,sewers, and concrete construction, the standard city specifications shall be used and followed. All material entering into the construction as well as all detail and general plans used for the construction work shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of St. Paul. Section 1. Schedule of Bridges. In the description for each bridge given below, the "Center" of bridge means the point of intersection between the longitudinal center line of the bridge and the center line of the depressed double track. The longitudinal center line of the bridge shall always, unless otherwise definitely stated, be located on the center line of the street. The elevations given exe curb elevations in feet above the St. Paul City datum. WESTERN_AVEM. \ soot bridge, width center to center of railing 12 feet. This s£ru•cture which is to be used by foot passengers only, shall have the concr�rlab finished, floated and rolled. elevation approaches at of the end to be con y with a vertical curvadsoto the topfeet oftoward either bridge shall be 85.05 side from the center continuing n a 2fo gr. approach stairways., At the foot of the stairways 6 feet wide concrete sidewalks shall be built toward either side of the street at each end of the bridge. 4 -4- RICHMOND STREM. '!Width of roadway - - - - - - - - 36.0 feet IT " sidewalks - - - - - 8.0 n Elevation at center - - - - - 89.54 " Grade to be a vertical curve extending 30 feet on each side of the center from where 2% grades run to the ends of the bridge. Four per cent grades shall connect -the ends of the bridge with the former street levels. SEVENTH A14D COLRORNE STREETS. These two streets cross each other at the intersection with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, and a joint structure shall be built to carry these streets over the depressed tracks. Width of the Roadway on Seventh Street 46.0 ft. it " sidewalk on northwesterly side of Seventh Street 8'-9" it IT " " Southeasterly If if IT if 8t-0„ 30'-0" roadway on Colborne Street - - - - - - - - 1- 1T sidewalk on east side of Colborne Street 8 0 The Seventh Street elevation at center shall be 93.88 The grade on Seventh Street in the southwesterly — direction from center shall be 0.76% for 60.0 ft. continuing to the present street level on a 3% grade. In the northeasterly direction the grade shall be 0.761a down for 67 feet from the center continuing to the present.%' street level on a 3% grade. On Colborne Street 17'-0" south from the center the elevation shall be grade from this point south for 40.0 ft. shall be 0.75% and continuing on a 4% until the new grade intersects - with the present grade line. The north approach grade on X Colborne Street shall be 4%. DUKE STREET. Width of roadway - - - - - - - 36.0 ft. " " sidewalks - - - - - 8• Elevation at center 96.62 The grade for 30.0 feet on each side of center shall be a vertical curve continuing on a grade 2% down to the ends of the bridge. The filled approaches shall have 4% grades until the new grades intersect with the present level of the street. ERIE STREET. - - - - 36.0 ft. Width of roadway - - - - „ It it sidewalk - - - - - - -100.022 " Elevation at center — The grade for 30.0 ft. on each side of 6bnter shall be a vertical curve continuing on a 2% grade downtQhe end of the bridge. The filled approaches shall have 4% grades until the new grades intersect with the present level of the street. r ONEIDA STREET. - 5- ,jidth of roadway - - - - - - - - - 36.0 ft. it " sidewalks - - - - - - - - 8.0 " Elevation at center - - - - - - - - - 104.14 " The gre.4e for 30.0 feet on each side of center shall be a vertical curve continuing on a 2% grade down to the endsof the bridge. The filled approaches shall have 4% grades until the new grades intersect with the present level of the street. TORONTO STREET. Width of roadway - _ - - - - - - - - 36.0 ft. it " sidewalks 8.0 Elevation at center 112.25 " The grgde for 30.0 ft. on each side of center shall be a vertical curve continuing on a 2% grade down to the endsof the bridge. The — filled approaches shall have 4% grades until the new grades intersect with the present level of the street. SOUTH OSCEOLA AVENUE. Width of roadway - - - - - -- --- 28.0 ft. tt if sidewalks 6.0 Elevation at center 120.04 " The grade going north from a point 50.0 feet south of the center Shall be 0.5% until same joins the present street grade except that an 80 foot long vertical curve shall be used adje'cent to the present grade. Going south from the above mentioned point lying 50 feet south of the center the grade shall be 3.26ja for 96.0 feet, thence 6% joining the present street level by an 80 foot long vertical curve. South Osceola t.venue shall be widened south of the Railway Company's right of way to 86.0 feet bytakingthe east 10 feet of Lots 2 to 11, inclusive, Block 10, Stinson s Subidvision, and the west 10 feet of Lots 17 to 26, inclusive, Block 11, Dawson's and Smith's Subdivision. North of the right of way the street shall also be widened to 86.0 feet by taking a strip 10 feet wide from the land on each side of the bridge and adjacent to the street. The streets on each side of the bridge approaches shall be 19.75 feet wide, each having a 4 foot wide sidewalk and 15.75 foot wide concrete paving with concrete gutter. PLEASANT AVENUE. Width of roadway - - - - - - - - - - 36.0 ft. " It sidewalks 8.0 Elevaticn at center 135.69 " The grade going northeasterly from center shall be a vertical curve for 30.0 feet, thence 20,o down for 120 feet, continuing down on a 4% and ending in a 60 foot long vertical curve at the junction with the present street level. The grade from the eenter southwesterly shall be a 30 foot vertical curve, thence 2% down for 86 feet, thence a vertical curve for 60 feet, continuing on a 5% grade down and ending,in a 60 foot long vertical curve at the junction with the present street level. 0 r The grade of i'ulton Street shall be established so as to intersect with the grades of the southwesterly approach to the bridge and the grades of the side streets made possible bythe 7idening of Pleasant Avenue, as described below, shall intersect wi h the new gade of Gracerbtreet,ftheogrades eofaeither tond the onfure ormdto the es of Vpresent iew eet d level of the ground. Pleasant Avenue between the Railway Company's ulton Street shall be widened to 1rightofway and F00 feet by taking 1fp parallel to the center line of the street from the southeasterly side of Block 1 and�from the northwesterlarallelsideotohthelockcentertline ofwPleasantb division. Iso a 10 foot strip p Avenue from hots 36, 37, 38 and 39, Block 9, A. Vance Brown's Subdivision. Grace 3tre,�t north of the railway Company's right of way between Pleasant Avenue and Victoria atreet shall -be changed maintaining the present width of the street, the new south line c,f the street to be described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Pleasant Avenue, 75 feet northeasterly of the present south corner of Grace Street and Pleasant Avenue and measured along the line tosthe 1present os utheasttcornereofnGracenStreetandrunning nVictoriaght. Street. Grace Street west of Pleasant Avenue shall be graded so as to meet the northwesterly bridge approach at Pleasant Avenue. - SOUTH MILTON STREET. A new overhead viaduct shall be built at Milton Street an the present undercrossing at South Victoria Street abandoned and this street vacated across the Ra•ilwgy Company's right of way. Width of roadway - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.0 ft. 1' if sidewalks - - - - - - - - - - 8.0 Elevations at the center - - - - - - - - 154.71 " s The grade on the bridge from the center north shall be 0.5°f up terminating in a 60 foot long vertical curve at the junction with the present streets grade. From the center south the grade shall be 0.5% a 6% grade down to�theepresentnce a 0long vertical streetleeland with uav60 foot long wed bylong vertical curve at the junction with the present grade. The south approach shall be built with the bents arranged as shown on plan permitting Grace and Jefferson Avenue to pass underneath the approach. The Yinimum^`o'Tearance shall be 13.0 feet. Ridgewood Avenue shall be graded so as to meet the new grade going on the north approach to the bridge, the grade going east to be 6o down . and the grade going west to be 0.5°fo going up. LEXINGTON AVENUE. '7idth of roadway - - - - - - - - - - - 36.0 ft. 11 It sidewalks - - - - - - - - 8.0 " Elevations at center - - - - - - - 199.50 " The grade across the bridge shall be 1.5�o down toward north with a 60 foot long vertical curve at the junction with the present grade north of the tracks. -7 - UT. 'LAIR 6TREET didth of roadway - - - - - - - - - 32.0 ft. I IT sidewalks80 IT - _ _ _ _ _ - � Elevation at center - - - - - 210.0 IT The grade across the bridge shall be 0.76% down toward either end from the center. 1 GOODRICH AVENUE. Widt-h of roadway - - - - - - - - 32.0 ft. ,T if sidewalks - - - - - - 8.0 " Elevation at center - - - - - 228.45 IT The grade across,the bridge sha11 be from center 0.51/6 down toward west and 1.15% down toward east. LINCOLN AVENUE. ',Vidth of roadway - - - - - - - - 32.0 ft'. If IT sidewalks - - - - - - 8.0 ft. Elevation at center - - - - - - 230.0 " The grade across the entire bridge shall be 0.6% down towards east. GRAND AVEBUE. Width of roadway - - - - - - - - 48.0 ft. IT n sidewalks - - - - - - - 8.0 TI Elevation..At center - - - - - - 234.0 IT The grade across the 'entire bridge shall be 1% sloping down toward east. v ' SUOdUT AVENUB. Width of roadway - - - - - - - 70.0 ft. If IT sidewalks - - - - - - 10.0 n Elevation 6f center - - - - - 236.08 " The grade across the entire bridge shall be 2.06% sloping down toward east. HAMLINE AVENUE. width of roadway - - - - - - - 32.0 ft. IT " sidewalk - - - - - 8.0 T' Elevation at center - - - - - 246.65 IT The grade across the bridge shall be as follows: Prom center north, a vertical curve for 30 feet, thence 2% for 50.0 feet, thence 3.7°% down to present level of street. Prom center south a vertical curve for 30.0 ft., thence 2% down to original grade. The northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Boulevard Addition No. 3 shall be condemned so as to allow Laurel Avenue to connect to the south approach of Hemline revenue at grade. The minimum width of Laurel Avenue where connecting to the south of approach of Hamlin Ave. shall be 37 feet allowing for a 25 foot wide roadway and two 6.0 feet wide sidewalks. The &aximum grades of Hague Avenue and.Laurel Avenue where connecting to Hamlin Avenue shall be 3%. -8- SELBY AVENUE. b Jidth of roadway --- - - - - - 40.b ft. IT IT sidewalks - - - - -8.0 " Elevations at center - - - - - 261.2 The grades across the bridge shall be as follows: From the center east 0.75% for 173.0 feet, thence 5%o down to original street level. From the center west 0.75% for 173 feet, thence 6% down to original street level. Selby Avenue must be widened,along the north side of the east approach, and along the south s2de of the westnapproach. The property to be taken to be described as follows: An 8.0 foot wide strip parallel to Selby Avenye of the south side of Block 6 and of the north side of Block 7, both in Boulevard Addition. Also north 8.0 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Boulevard Addition and south 8.0 feet of Lot 8, Block 19, Boulevard Addition No. 2. Section 8. That the 9hioago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, shall wherever necessary increase the width pf its right of way and acquire all land required for the relocation of Grace Street between Western Avenue and Victoria Street; also acquire all land required for the widening of certain streets made necessary by the bridge approaches, as described above and as shown by plans submitted to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works and which plans are hereby adopted and approved for such purpose. Section 9. That this ordinance, when the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, shall have complied with same, shall supercede the present existing ordinances authoriFing said Railway Company to bridge its tracks and right of way at Goodrich Avenue and Hamlin Avenue, both avenues within the limits of the grade depression, also that upon the completion of the work required by this ordinance, all ordinances of the City of St. Paul relating to speed of railway trains, oars aihd engines, the ringing of locomotives, bells and the maintenance of gates, flagmen and watchmen, shall cease to be applicable to any part of said line of said Railway Company within the above limits of grade depression. Section 10. That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, shall erect and maintain temporary bridges of wood or steel at the following streets, the width of same to be as stated below: At Western Avenue a bridge.for foot traffic 5.0 feet center to center of railing. -9- 1 At Seventh Street and Colborne Street, a bridge for street railway and general street traffic with 40 foot roadway and two seven foot sidewalks. Att�neida Street, Lexington Avenue St. Clair Street and Grand Avenue „\tem�orary bridges to have all 4 foot roadways. \ At Summit Avenue a width of roadway of 32 feet. At Selby Avenue the bridge shall be built for street care only. All temporary bridges, except the one at Western Avenue, Seventh Street and Selby Avenue, shall have one 6.0 foot wide sidewalk on the side directed by the Commissioner of Public Nlorks. Section 11. That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, shall make all the necessary detail plans and all surveys needed for their preparation and such plans shall conform to the general plans made by the City. No construction shall oe started before all plans made by the Railway Company have been submitted to the City Council and the Commissioner of Public Works and received their approval. Two complete sets of prints of the finished plans shall be furnished the City free for -its file. Section 12. That when the above permanent bridges and approaches to same shall have been built, the City Council shall by ordinance establish and fix the grades of said several public streets and avenues, so as to 6onform to the elevation and grades of such bridges and approaches as hereby required, Section 13. That during the time of construction, the railway company shall be permitted, whenever necessary, to lay and operate temporary tracks upon or across any streets or avenues mentioned as may be necessary and to erect and maintain temporary structures and falsework therein and tl d divert traffic from any such street or avenue to such ­obstr an extent and for such length of time as may be approved by the Commissioner of PublicIorks, but said Railway Company shall thereafter restore every such street or avenue as near as possible to its former condition. Section 14. That the Railway Company will be allowed to drain its roadbed and tracks into the city storm sewer system. Wherever any of the present sewers are interfered with by the grading, bridges or foundation for same, the railway company shall at its own cost relay these sewers or protect them against damage. All bridges and approaches shall be provided with the necessary downspouts and grates and the water shall, if considered necessary by the City, be drained to the sewers, where this is possible. 'r -10- Section 16. That all water mains, conduits, sewers and other similar under- ground or overhead structures belonging to the city or other corpora- tions, that may be disturbed in the prosecution of such work or required to be removed or deflected from the position in which they are found, shall be replaced or reconstructed by the Railway Company according to the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and according to his approval. Section 16. } That all damages to property or persons arising from the reestablish- ment of grades as required above to whic the property owner may be lawfully entitled, caused by the change in elevation of any such street or avenue, by slopes, or growing out of the work herein authorized shall be borne by the Railway Company and the Railway Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City from all loss, costs and damages which it may suffer or which may be recover -against its and shall defend any suit or suits which may be bro ght against the City of St. Paul for the recovery of any such damages intervening therein if necessary for such purpose, and shall wholly relieve said City from defending the same, and shall assume and pay all judgments recovered therein. Provided that in case any such suit be brought against said City, it will, before the last day to plead therein, give notice thereof in writing to the said Railway Company for the purpose of enabling such defence to be made by said Railway Company and in default of such notice the said Railway Company shall not be liable for any alleged damages. Section 17. That the City of St. Paul will exercise to the full extent its police and other powers, to require all persons and corporations occupy- ing or using any portions of the public streets, avenues, or alleys, affected by the provisions of this ordinance to conform, at their own expense, such occupation,or use to the grade changes, alignments and structures, herein provided for and to that end to do all the excavating, filling and other work necessary to such conformation, and to require all street railway companies to also repave that portion of such streets, between their rails, and where there are two or more tracks, between their 'tracks, all of such work to be done at such times and in such manner as to cause the minimum amount of interference or hindrance to the work of the Railway Company, and nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as relieving any person or corporations, so occupying or using such streets, avenues or alleys, from liability to make such changes and do such work at their own cost and expense. If it should transpire that the powers of the city are inadequate to that end, then the City will prosecute such condemnation proceedings as may be necessary and the Railway Company shall pak such judgments as may be finally awarded and the costs of such proceedings. Section 18. That the Railway Company shall bear all the expense of affecting the separation of grades in the manner herein provided, including the damages to abutting property resulting from the changes in the streets, -11 - avenues and alleys herein e.thorized, and if suit shall be brought against said City to recover damages on account of said changes, timely notice thereof shall be given. the Railway Company, and it shall have the right to defend the same in the ngme of the City and no such suit shall be settled without the consent of the Railway Company. If it shall become necessary for said City to bring condemnation suits in furtherance of the work to be done under the terms of this ordinance, said City shall bringthe sa�na upon request of said Railway Company and said Railway Compny shall aid in and have the right to control the prosecution of said suit through counsel selected by it. Section 19. That no section or provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or in any manner affected or defected by reason of the invalidity of any other section or provision of this ordinance. Section 20. That the Chicago, -Milwaukee-and St. Paul Railway Company, is hereby ordered to commence the construction of said grade depression and overhead bridges within six months from the service of a copy of this ordinance�pon it and to complete the same within four years from date of commencing work thereon, and that any time lost by the Railway Company through unforseen circumstances while performing the work ordered by this ordinance, shall be added to the above time, all according to the direction of the City Council of the City of 3t. Paul. Section 21. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed upon the passage and publication of this ordinance to serve a copy thereof., toggether with a copy of said plans and specifications upon said Chicago, Iviilwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company Section 22. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson AIoDonald - �- in favor ✓ �g�taen k r'.n=„� against peter ----- denzel Mr. President. i Adopted by the Council. Approved ' 1923. ” 1923 Mayor. July 17th, 1923• Randolph f3elghts Improvement Assin, c/o for. Sem Johnson, 1321 miles St. , St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; I have been diroctdd to advise you that on August 1st, ln23, the final hearing ~sill be hold on tl10 ordzncu:ca outlsorizing, directing and eogairint, the Chlcoq^o, t.f4lwailcoe and St. Paul Rai1N'Y Company, at its sole cost and ex. -sense, to separate the ;;rade of its roadbed and Street tob tro- from the grades of Wast Sevontth St• ytdailwayrtracke at the do pressing, t?io grade of the roadbed an interaeetior, of s=z- With She above rased Streets. Yours very truly, July l7th, 1923 West End Corc7:ercial Club, c/o Mr. Max Flit tmen, 7th & James Streets, St. Paul, fSinnosota. Dear Sir: CITY CLEEK. I hL.vo bean directed to advise you that on Aunuot lot, 1923, tho final hearing will be gold on the ordinance authorizing, directing and requiring the Chicago, 1111waukee anI St. Paul R ilw..V Company, at its solo cost and ox,-onze, to separate the grade of its roadbed and railway tracks from the grad.os of West Seventh Street and Colborne Street by depressing t'^_o grade of the roadbed and railway tracks at the lntor&ectior, of e2me with the above named streets. Yours very truly, CITY CLURK. C. J. MCGLOGAN HAROLD J. RIOR DAN muc ` LONM1861ON� oa a�,�a..,a� (ni#� ItMina�Il CLARENC� A. STORMS nox e cnK x u Offte of TaU Clerk f September let, 1925. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: We are returning herewith your report of September 1st upon the status of the ordinance requiring the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to separate grades at WW Seventh Street and other points along the so-called "Short - This report was read at the meeting held this morning and the Council referred the same back to you and the Commissioner of Public Works to prepare an application or petition to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission for approval of plane as outlined in the ordinance. Yours very truly, CT City Clerk. k" ARTH Urt q,STE f„! ovr.�R9iioN �c i�SE� = h EUGENE S<+. O'N C L I� i LAN: DEPARTMENT I j ' To the Council. Gentlemen:- REECE L.MIGEE L WIS .ANDERSON THOM55 W. WALSH A S ITANTS September let, 1925. I beg to report upon the status of the ordinance requir- ing the Chicago, Milwaukee # St. Paul Railway Company to separate grades at West Seventh street and at other points along the so- called "Short Line." Before the ordinance became effective, suit was brought in the United States District Court by the Milwaukee Road, demand- ing an injunction restraining the enforcement of the ordinance on the ground that it was unreasonable. A temporary injunction was issued by the Court, restraining the city officers from taking any steps to enforce the ordinance until such time as the case could be tried upon the merits. A similar proceeding was pending in the Federal Court at Minneapolis. The latter case was ahead of ours on the calendar. Judge Sanborn, of the United States District Court, on August 25th filed an order in the Minneapolis case granting an injunction upon the ground that Chapter 336, Laws of 1935, deprives the Cities of the right to order the separation of grades and confers that power upon the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. The Court held that this act applied not only to separations ordered in the future, but to those ordered in the past but not actually made. I understand that the City of Minneapolis has not yet determined whether it will appeal from this order. If it does, the appeal might possibly be heard at the St. Louis term of the Court of Appeals in December. The decision in the Minneapolis case is, of course, binding in the St. Paul case, as exactly the same issues are involved. We are, therefore, confronted with this situation: The United States District Court will make the same order in the St. Paul case as was made in the Minneapolis case if the matter is pushed for hearing. This would effectually stop proceedings unless the Court of Appeals should reverse the lower court, and I am in- olined to be of the opinion that this is improbable. Even if the Court should eventually hold that the act of the Legislature did not apply to cases of this kind, we would then have to proceed to try the case on the merits. On the other hand, we can file a petition with the Rail- road and Warehouse Commission for the approval of the plan of grade ARTHUR RA SON WA T L \ t,, a ��� ���, REECE J.AMCGEE «<iiV✓✓ (( ��'ll��,Llllll "" LEWI5 L. NDER50N .... E 5.O NEILL E THO ns sisW.nALSH s- s LAW DEPARTMENT (2) separation proposed by the ordinance, and have a hearing before that body. Such a hearing could be held within a reasonably short time. Of course, any order that the Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sion might make requiring separation of grade, might be attacked in the Federal Court in a proceeding by the Railway Company, but the only substantial question which could be raised at that time would be as to the reasonableness of the order. Under all the circumstances, I am of the opinion that the better course to pursue would be to apply to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission for approval of the plan proposed by the ordinance. After a hearing upon such a petition, the Commission could either approve the plan in whole or in part, or disapprove it. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. AAS -U CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.------- /i6-1 -E OFFICE OR THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTE� 6�! ® WHEREAS, Sherman S. Hesselgrave has offered to deed to the City of St. Paul for playground purposes, Lots 20 and 21, Block 7, Edmund Rice's Second Addition; and whereas, the acceptance of said offer will be for the best interests of the City; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said property be accepted for playground purposes, provided a warranty deed, approved - by the Corporation Counsel, be exeouted by the owner thereof. Cr F. No. 96893—By H. C. Wenzel— Whereae. Sherman S. Hesselgrave has offered [o deed to the City of St. Paul for playground purposes. Lots 20 and 21, Bla 11, 7, Edmund Rlce'e Sec- ond .1 ltlon; and whereas, the eptance of said Ker will be for. the' v best Interests of the CIU'; now there- fore, be It Resolved, That said property be ac- c pted for aplayground purposes. pro- tded a w rantY deed, approved byl f xG the Corporatlon Counsol,be executed by ,� 1 the owner [hereof.e"•'� 11, Adopted by the Council July 7, 1927. ` �I Approved July 7, 1923. kq (JUI Y h-1923) COUNCILMEN \ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Col Ll! 192 Peee3z Pugu °� e _ :_ _ __...192...... V1 McDonald In favor ✓ Matson Peter _.._._ Against MAyon Wenzel Mr. President f RESOLVED COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Whereas, D. Voore arranged for the rental of a sprinkler from the Department of Public 'Jorks in June 1922 and accordingly was given said sprinkler on the 6th day of June 1922 and used same 25 days. In reporting the time this equipment wai-out an error was made and 1dr. Moore was charged for 205 days in the amount of X205.00 instead of 25 days in the amount of ;25.00; now therefore, be it iEbOLVED, That the Council be and the same is hereby directed and authorized to credit Mr. Idoore's accountLfor the difference of X160.00, this credit to be charged against Sprinkling - Code 1004-1. C. F. No. 46899—BS W. J. Peter t`hereas, D. W. ES ore arrang b r the rental f a sprinkler from [he\ par tment of Public Works. in June, 'ad accordingly was given said ' ! ler on the 8th da of Jun j? and usedsamell day's. In rp o the time this gpinU I 1 � error 'f made anti Dl r: z l� horged .or ea d of in th ado •,h $205.00. instead of 25 e. ' unt of $26.00; the t i o afod �� Resolved, That the �� e I _ the same is hereby,�[Y 'oo < thorized to credit o� credit for ha to be har ® n ling—Code 1004-1. Adopted by the l..0 Approved SulY. 7,"li,•a, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Claae}. `I/ McDonald d Y--- . In favor Matson Peter _ __Against - Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council. __ --.F.- -- -'...._.._192.----- Appr - ' -..... _.19 '-"-------------------- MAVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No......--i-6-191ISif � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ➢ll1-`.. _ _..._.._.. Jul.Y._.l19Z'3.........._.._...._. _. COMMISSIo....__........._...._..............._....._..__._._............ _... _... - .. RESOLVED T (t the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 30° Venturi meter with register, recorder and indicator, from the Simplex Valve & Meter Company at a cost not to exceed 01675.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Nater Department. C. P. No. 46900—BY J. H. McDonald— Resolved. That -the Purcha 1, Agent be, h and he is hereby s y authory [o purchase, with the consent Co mptruller, one 30" V Ith gtscer, recorder Ir the Simplex Valce I. C Pathoat asking for compel this is a patented articlB' mage could be gas ? Charge. Water Depart �.,py it%n \dopted by the Cout. � 6 Approved July 7,21923i-, p^o o'P ^ (July 21-19inIz COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s —T'e�n VMeDonald In favor ,Matson Peter Against Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Connc' _ .__:.--:192 -_- Approv - .. -. - .... ,_.-;_....___192— roe CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCILNO------- t-6�---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATEJuly 7, �923 _..........................._....__ ...._......... _............ RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Ness Bros. H. Hickstein James Fenlon C. F. No. 48 ThatBthe aPPltcatlons for Rasoly �d, llce�ultin6 the Butche i huspness I t the ndtdresses Indlcnted be; the C1tY Cletrk hereby ^ranted an uch licensesIT Is tnstrnc(ed to lsit, Treasury the 'Hymen[. into the City of 'ne vulmm�ry fen Ness Bros.. 1824 Grand Al'. H. Hlcicstetn, 1'!8 Concord 't. 1-., Fenlon. 1335 Hewitt Avo. 19L3. Adopted by the Council .T� i Approved (July ly 18111923). Yeas Nays -P-9— McDonald n- 9McDonald __-.,-(In favor ✓ Matson Peter Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President 1824 Grand Ave. 178 Concord 3t. 1339 Hewitt Ave. Adopted by the Council_ rl.;'._.._ ....I,_, --- ......192 - -. Approv ! .., ....... 192 ... l ---- . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL p°" NO. E"` .�(..-_. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ION—GENERAL FORM -r PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIC4NER�.._....-__.._.._..._.-._..._._../ _................. _........._.............._...� � July 7a 1923' ._........... DATE__... .._ .._._ ..... ....... __ ........... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Junk Dealer business at the ad- dresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Golperg Bros. 290 Alabama St. -Parts Co. b27 St. Anthony Ave. Peoples Auto No. 45902—By P. W. Matson— Resolved, That the aPpllcationa for licenses of the One"I.. Persons for conducting the .Junk Uealor business at thee -addresses tndicat., 6e, and the ams are hereby granted and the City (•lerk is tn.^.tructcd to issue uoh h - cense upon the pa "Zrt into the city treasury oP [hacustotnary fee Goldberg Bros., 290 Alabama St. Peoples Auto -Parte Co., 627 St. An thong Ave. - 4 1923. I Adopted by the C19 nneil July 7. `Approved (Jv 21 1923) , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / e=-rguson ✓ McDonald _._.._..-In favor Matson ✓ Peter __Against Wenzel i/ Mr. President Adopted by the Council -..._;!:;i.... 192...-- APpr - -- _ 192. - - _............. _.... -. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUeNCIL /¢-6.943 NO.- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ::IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 7, DATE_................._._.__.._.__._.........._—..._._._._....... That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the oustoin- ary fee: Frank Arnold ._ - - :--zOn n mo Ave. .tl A Jos. mstr� Matson— Peter St, % F. No. 46903—nY F'- W Arthur Baca; Resolved. That the application.- for roll Ave. Arthur BTOYP�licenees of the following Persons for the handl{ g and selling of foodstuffs Sixth St. Wm. Dale at the Y addresses indicated be; and the hereby granted and the City Tasha St. mB are Wm De lastr .Clerk is :instructed to Issue ue1 11- erase upon the payment into tno City ads S JD Rose Gereho Treasury of the customary fee: 13tht• nic Arnold,. 380 Come Ave., Soft E. J. Harbek-- ;k. Armstrong, 481 St.. Peter._T 9:,i,,ce St. os. Gertrude Kell- D*�nk.naechus. l.lu+und reit 378 Cerro`:: am P. Landy Si�tr. Seventh St. James Lang ;rown„116 w. ;1-W. > -E. Third 9t. G.B. Miller 7631. ”, 1018 W. Minnehaha St. F. ch °,.. 1941 Grand Ave. St6ve Margitan 558 Broadway H- H. & L. B. Ness 1824 Grand Ave. Henry Nelson 230 E- 7th St. Jas. O'Brien 590 No. Snelling Lewis Pahl 965 W. 7th St., John Piras 381 Michigan St. Jessie Trummer 617 Portland Wm. W. Wrabek 932 W. 7th St. Sam Youness 237 Concord COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays T McDonald -In favor Matson 1 Peter __ Against 1 Wenzel Mr. President Soft Drink Soft Drink Grocery Confectionery. Soft Drink Bakery Grocery Soft Drink Grocery Soft Drink Soft Drink Grocery Drug Confectionery Soft Drink Grocery - Soft Drink Grocery Soft Drink Soft Drink Cotifectionery Grocery Grocery Adopted by the CourA._.__. ,.....-.._... -`.-192.._. Appr ed . - ... _v/.f...i'�. ..192 .. .... . --------- ------------ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL `F°""`NO.-___._y c .\�4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 28, 1923. RESOLVED - Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C. F. #381889 approved January 30, 1922, described as the paving of Robert Street from the southeasterly line of Centtal Ave. east to the new North line of University Avenue, University Avenue West from the west line of Robert St. north to the east line of nark Avenue, and the intersection of Robert St. and University Avenue, Fielding and Shepley, Con- tractors, have arisen - making it necessary to do r t•`-, $e'Jne�following extra work. nPeter inu the making of thi . under Final Order C. F: Cleaning of pavement on University Avenue ,,roved Jan. so, i92 2 , desey 1%3aving of Robert St.' from under new Cedar Street Bridge, in the 6&i) •tsrly nne.of Central Ave. e. !_w north Itne of Unlver_; listed. below: - n u.te Of Robe t Siena th to of Park Avenue, and the 6 i.a of Robert St. and Univn�-,I 1 Foreman - - - - - - - 08.00 Fields nd.Sheplev, _ have making :.,_ 6 Laborers, 8 hrs. ea. to do th, tig,,, 46 hre. at 4511 21#60 Total @29#60 Now Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done, which work is to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $29.60,- and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1535 for the making of the said improvement. COUNCILMEN x Yeas Nays --63aae3�- Tvrgt n a[. 1 McDonald _........In favor Matson Peter --------- ..Against Wenzel Mr. President I� .3 Adopted by the Council._ ---- ....192._ APPro -- - ----------- ---............. 3- ----.192 ----... MAYOR La RESOLVED COUNCIL No......_... CITY OF ST. PAUL 6905 FILE ._ Ff OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE __....._JU+X-....+J.a-_1...9.2i..3.._.............. _.......... In the matter of constructing a sewer on Lexington Avenue from Watson Avenue, as laid out south of Fountain Park, to Nettleton Avenue on Watson Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, on Pleasant Avenue from Tuscarora Avenue to Juno Street and on Juno Street between Pleasant Avenue and Lexington Avenue, under _ Preliminary Order C.F.No. 46452, approved June 15, 1923. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter diacnntinued. C F. m No. 46906 By W. J. Peter - 7n the atter oTcoostructing a ewer ` on Lexington Avenue from Watson -- Avenue, as laid out south of Foun- taiti Park, to Nettleton, Avenue on WatsonAvenue from Lexington Ave. --to.PlessanCAve., on Pleasana Avenue from Tuscarora Ave. to Jmw Street - and.,on Juno St. between Pleasant Avenue and lar Preliminary Order'C. F. No. 46452, approved June 15, 1923. Resolved, That all orders in the "above mattei be' -and the same are hereby -cancelled,. annulled. and reac[nd- -ed-::and nil proceedings insuch matter discontinued. Adopted by the Council July 7, 1923. ..'Approved July 7,1923. .(July 21-1923) Adopted by the Council -_....'.:....-.,...1:,...1_ - ...92- .... Approved... I��� MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -L111rte — Eugu_ McDonald _ In favor Matson 4eter _.._. _ Against ® znzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council -_....'.:....-.,...1:,...1_ - ...92- .... Approved... I��� MAYOR Council File No...__�i1. + PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo' lowing public improvemegt by the City of St. Pau], viz.: G.ona�z at.il�g.-a on_LexipjZton Ave1..fr.-m-.R'at eon A✓✓ve,.aa._lald.-9ut....Swth of Fountain Park,to a point 185 Peet south of Randolph St.on Watson Ave. - --------------------------- _------------------- .......................................--- - - from-.Lexington--Ave,-t-o_PIeasan-t Ave..,-on_Pleasant Ave ,-frQ.m_.Tuecarora.-Ave. t4...Juno--_5t-,-,-e:nd-.-on_Juno St..b..ettgeem. P1.eas.ant...Av-e,..and­ L.exingt.on_Ave- Dated this ..-5th ----------- day of.- .-JulY., 19U.- . ........... . ............ ..... 192- - C. F. No. .46906. oilman. Abstract. - Whereas, A -.. written . -proposal for;the ln &king of the following improvement vis: -. Constructing a sewer oa'I:.I.P'._` Ave. from Watson Ave. as 'laid .,. PRELIMINARY OR south of Fountain Park, to. a'polni; Peet south of Randolph St. on V.l Ave, from Lexington Ave.. to PI WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the folk sora Ave. to Juno Stanfrom o n between Pleaeanh Av, t Constructing EL aewes....on..LeXin�ton..ave..fr-r' 1 euhoe nh b., . - s._laid._out ...south of -Fountain Park,to-__a---point 185_-_feet.-.south.e^eo ;� tkol-oh St..on Watson Ave. from__Lexington-Ave._to Pleasant---Ave..,.on--Pleasant Ave..Prom_.Tuscarora--Aye. to.__Juno. St._and,-.on--Jnno St"between._PlAae-ant.....__..._.. �having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........................._...-.-......--------------.----.---------. ----------- �therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owndrs. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------- .....----------- ... <..._-------------------..... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLA*Q.Y- zmaeasaN- Approved.--- .... ............... ' ------ -_:: - 1......._ ..._.- ,/ MATSON ` - MCDONALD__----� PETER �" ✓ wr,/ % % 1..� ✓tom-%�.-�.` / MR. PRESIDENT +a.-.--,� Mavor. Form C A 13 (3M 622) PTTRT T / � Council File No.............:� 4` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Re cs�netrunt-ing,_.r.slay.ing_.anci..r.epairing...the.. sidersalks...at---the---following locations: East... s.ide--.at--- Ea.st... F-oust.h...St._..thenc.e...north -to.. r �ha 1 °} 1 .,_ _b-eginning---at...Sib1ey--- ..,_..t.henus_ east - orti..s St. 3 -._feet......................... '-...............__......_.. - ...........- ......---...._.....--....._._........__..... Dated this... 6.th day- of - ......,July...1923 ............. .. ........... _.....; 192....... ------------ .... ..... ._....-._......__.... — .- ......... ........... -_ _..__..--- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprc C. F..No. 40907— Abatract. _Rennnstruating,.relaying,.and..repairina. the_.aida whereas, A written proposal for:the making of'the following improvement, locations: viz: E-sat---.s.ids---of._�ibley._ t..-., beginning .a.' xeeenstrscttng, relaying and rega' '- ------ ------------------------ in, the sidewalks at the following 10-1 north to the alley. ---------------- _..-.iiort.h --- side.. -.o -f Easy-..Sazr::nt h._St..,...b.e{�1j East aide of Sibley St., beginning at East Fourth SS thence north .to t e. thence east 3 feet. alley. North „Fide of East Seventh. Street. .....................................................' .. at Sibley St., thence:. east! '-¢ been -presented, to -tithe Paul there having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......... -.. w tine -, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: �c i 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 4 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..........._......-,..'.' "" YEAS NAYS Councilman /EERE ON \ MATSON JMCDONALD VPETER ✓/ WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (31,1 0-22) Approved.._ ............ ..... ......_.....�....-,---------_...-_......... e Mayor. �a - 4690 - COUNCIL NO.----- pAUL FILE ------------ CITY OF ST. or OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM • /�/ , July_.... X923. ...__.... A DATE - ......._.... PRESENTED BY..X`------ - COMMISSION11 -� RESOLVED That the time sPe°iet0 e3f01922, between aPeterf a certain contract dated Aug City of St. Paul for the Dickson, contractey ors block 4, Underlvoodls First Addition, grading °APellto Sue Street., be and the same ishereby Fairview ay Of July, 1..23, a and the p extended to the 2nd authorized to execute rov ded,an ment officers are hereby force to said contract inresolut on shall Anot �have any however,with andconsentffect unlessthe file rsuch seonsant inWritingcontractor's bon reto the City Comptroller, COUNCILMEN yeas Nays McDonald _. -_....In favor / Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 192- AppIOV _ ._.._ _ .- ._.192.__. ............. . ..... ......MAYOR C. F. No. 46908-8Y R'. J. Peter— That the time speeitic 8Cr nesolved, e formance Of certain c d 30, 19229E etween ted AUSust t of Dickson, Contractors, d Che Ci" of only in 9t,. Pnu1: for the grading First Addition. block 4, IInderwood'e Rkrview`Ave. to Sue. St., be nd the same. Is hereby extended to the i Y o [i c of July 3923, -and the_proper hereby -authorized to execute aF -ct In .ere re nn dmendme,nt to salrov(deda however, cordance -herewith, p '[oacetnndreffect unls eaith0 luretiee on th,witn [hecontractor's bond consenb, Sn writing and file euch consent the City Comptroller. 1923.. July Adopted by -the C192oil APProved (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN yeas Nays McDonald _. -_....In favor / Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 192- AppIOV _ ._.._ _ .- ._.192.__. ............. . ..... ......MAYOR st. Pau , '_,:inn.. - - - - - 19 2- 7 TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the 4;2�_�iw�1'r to be extended to - - - / - - - - - - -- - 19 3 Owing to - - - °--``'' W_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to esk that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, CLontractor. ii� QQ� l There is no objection to having the tine axtended as requested, as far as the raquirer.,er_ts of this office is concerned APPROVED Supt. of Construo & Repairs ��. Comc;iss�42V ublicTorks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL �O ENCIL NO ------- -1.1 C. ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ����/2��—ML DATE._...._UY...._.-.s.._COMMISSIONER._ RESOLVED In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalks at the following locations: East side of Sibley St., beginning at East Fourth Street, thence north to the Alley. East side of Sibley St., beginning at Sibley St., thence East 3 feet. under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 467C1, approved June 28, 1923. Resolved, That all orders- in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceed- ings in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 46909—BY 1V. J. Peter— .In the matter oP recons Ing elay- Ing and repairing thesidewalks at // the fallowing -locations. -- Y - East side of Sibiey St., beginning at Eaet Fourth Street, thence north to the Alley. East side of Sibley St., beginning at Sibley SL, thea.. East 3 feet, uder n- 46101, approved Preliminary 28r 1923. C. F No. Resolved, That all orders 1n the above. matter be and the same are j hereby enneelled, annulIs and ros.ind- ed and all. proceedings In such matter dMO Billed. ._ Adopted by. the Council July 7, 1923. Approved July7, 1923. - (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. . —192 -... APprov- �... -. ..... _. _ 192.- .__. JMcDonald In favor L/c' Matson Peter _ -)_....Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President A P COUNCIL No CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �`1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ................ DATE___JUlI'........6, 1923 COMMISSIONER ..!/`-"'._.,__ ..........._........_.. ti RESOLVED In the matter of paving Front Street from Dale Street to Rice Street, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. #46286, approved June 13, 1923. RESOLVED That the annexed plans and specifications showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby .ordered and directed to construct and install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are -hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the in— stalling of the sewer and house drain connections. C. F. No, 46910o4By vl S R eet. with _ t In inntt S Icewer connec' 1=1 Dale Stripr and s C. F. No. d to � 4 dveri(Suand n0 — theswo -lY 4. 1923. td by te'19onctalnruhCouncllu Approved ly21923) _... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald In favor Matson Peter __. Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 192 Approv MAYOR RESOLVED r NCIL NO....- .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_------- JulY..._6� .._l 23.... . ............... _........ In the matter of paving Front Street from Dale Street to Rice Street, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. #46286, approved June 13, 1933. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Front Street frommDale Street to Rice Street, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said Final Order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --"McDonald .. In favor ✓ Matson 1 ✓ Peter . Against Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council . ,—t!,.. L-31 192 _.. Approved- - _ 192.. C. F. No. 46911=By W. J. Peter— Q In the matter of paving Front Street from. Dale St. to Rice St., with ec- rN�'-✓• easary -gae connections, under Final o Order C. F. No: 96480,' approved June 13, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas con- nections necessary to be made upon Front St. from .Dale St. to Rice Street. fbe and the same are hereby approved.. - and the Commissioner of Public Works )s hereby ordered and directed to serve a:copy of.this order togetherwitha copy of said Final Order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company -.: by Council 1923.. Adopted the July 7, Approved'July 7, 1923.- - - (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --"McDonald .. In favor ✓ Matson 1 ✓ Peter . Against Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by the Council . ,—t!,.. L-31 192 _.. Approved- - _ 192.. C. V,'No. 46912' jjcc,� be dr -w- egesolve 4 that C a y c; the -99"'blk the City jre-�r&00. coWring t t 30.0 1 c' as " aT.Ou,`c�d 14781 'nelus Vie i. t'11'e Office numbered .of elty check' 11 fl he City C._ t 19�3- the - i".1• jaly 7, of , C �,l Ad.pt.d by 1 17, j'923 - July ApproVed -'July '21-1923) o" LL c-0 �IROER `.Resolvea that Treasury, to the a�rei�ate amount of $ ------------- checks be drawn on the City , 5�0 file in the office covering of the City hacks numbered 1,4r7S7 ---------- tZ-x ----- --------------- --- _.._-inclusive, as per register of city checks on Comptroller. Yes T Councilmen J Nays. 6�4 eh-j, Adopted the Council ---- - - ----- ---- -- --- -- ---- -Fer8u� In favor I I/ McDonald, Approved ----------- ---- -192 Matson, Peter, .... .... Against Wenzel. X. Mr. President, Nelson C. V,'No. 46912' jjcc,� be dr -w- egesolve 4 that C a y c; the -99"'blk the City jre-�r&00. coWring t t 30.0 1 c' as " aT.Ou,`c�d 14781 'nelus Vie i. t'11'e Office numbered .of elty check' 11 fl he City C._ t 19�3- the - i".1• jaly 7, of , C �,l Ad.pt.d by 1 17, j'923 - July ApproVed -'July '21-1923) At ? OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORK F- D-34 IM E A 438 No. 4 pCOM-FITI?L�E!AUDITEDAUDI7, PER CR - . . . ....... y, R ------------ ------------ ------- r-larin� Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ;50 city checks an file in the office of the City tT .................. _:inclusive, as per register of c checks numbered ........... .... ax Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. 192 ..... ...... Adopted by the Council- 77� Fer$asotrIn favor --1 McDonald, .......... Approved_.... -------- ----- ------------ ................ .... 49 Matson, �—Peter, 6 Against ........ ----------- ----------------------- .......................Hiarox t/ Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson ----------- --------------- --- ------------ ------------------- 14787 ---------------------14rje-7 sinking Fund Investment Coittee, P.I.R.P.-Red. of BmmOncls 30,000-00 oUAPRUMIGTE Oix>! or ex, F�VL To CITY CLERK .� Our,SOSL Form D-A 1M 12-22 FILE OM LLE rR AUDITED....... __.....__. . - .........192........... PER ... ...... \..-. .. .._ .. -` Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the akkrekate amount of $---8,4A 4 -------------------•- covering checks numbered ---- ------ 147W---------- to--24789-------- .-------.•inclusive, as per rekister of city checks on fi in the ofFiee of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 'o N P Y -`:: ` --- -- - .-._ ... .. _..In favor McDonald, Approved Adopted b the Counc7l............ 11 ....192 - ' '? ✓ --' - `_ - - - - 192 ✓ Matson, !� Peter, v Wenzel. Akainst Mr. President, Nelson C. F. •No. 46913— t 6913— Resolved that checks be drawn on. the City Treasury, to the aggregate numbered f1478s 3t' , overlap hepke Per register of cit 14789 lnclueive, as the'office of the C/t checks on file In Adopted by the Couucll Jul 7,- Approved JaIY 7, 1923. 1 7, 1923. W11Y 21-7923) ' OiTY OB eT, PMOL ORIG IN/1L TO J CITY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoo.-aiL �' ' f F.-D_d4 1M 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P=LS NO,__..=�.6.. 1 439 iawv� DY COM OLLER ... AUDITED......... ........... . .._......182 ... PER -_ J -f ..._ ._...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._8643 -- 65---------------------- covering checks numbered ---------- 14788._-- !. 'to-_14789 -------- .......... inclusive, as per register of city checks on-file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. McClsaeyr.d Adopted Py the Council..... --- `-tN.:-__.;:..I';��:}-.. - - - 192 �- Donsl ..._.In favor ✓ Wenzel. 0--------------------------------------------Aroved----------- -....-------P192------- Peter, -----Against ----------- MAYOR / Mr. President, Nelson ---------- -----------_------------------------------------------ ----- 14788 Federal Construction uompany6 Ames School Addition(Bond) 14789, Clement F. Scully Equipment Uompanytt Ames School Addition(Bond) 76963.65 476.00 axx: or er, r�vr. ' ounoauR.IcaTE To CITY CLERK eonsnxx 46414 � r No ....................._......--.... Form D-34 ldf 12-22 1 J � i�iviC/ BY CO PTROLLER AUDITso....__.J.�_I_E.....__.131.r--........_l9a___..._ PER,...��.�. ...._ .. .. .... ... .. ....._ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.--- a jD-------------------------I covering checks numbered ----- .-3417W --------------- to- --1t}7$ET------- ...--inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council / l! ._I;i23-_ .-..........192 G3attegT, .._......-_.�_...._......._ - -Fer on, y.. -_--In favor -,",McDonald, Approved_ ------ --------------....192........ Matson, I'i I/ Peter, Q✓Against Mr. President, Nelson G 1 F. No. 46914— – Resolved that -checks be drawn on h, city oY r $18302 fill' coverin'66rcheks t I numbered 14733- to 14786 inclusive, as _ yer reglater of city checica on ill. in the City Comptroller. 1923. Adopted by the Council July 7, APProyed �uly 7. 1923. July721 1923) i S.; . ORIG INAL TO cm CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �oor;a.z � Form D-34 1,M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM m:.>s NO•�--`��6e-Y14 437 iM v� AUDITED... til_.. �5.... �:... _.....IJ.....................182_......... BY .....-.... ......... .........0 MPTROLLER....... PER.........................._ V...-__................_......._........._._........ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....- Q2a62.-........-- coverin8 checks numbered...-._147$3..............to.....14.7.8-6-_.._.. _._.-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. — `3 192 -------- Adopted by the Council Fa_ V ...... In favor /McDonald,rove ---------- - ........................ 192.--- -- PP ) A Meson // - - -- fl --- 7 ✓ Peter, ---------._-Against - - -- MAYOR I/ Mr. President, Nelson ---------------_-------- ------------.._---------- --------------.....----......---------..---------------- 14783 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 59.72 Wheelage Taxes Refund (1008) 14784 Klug & Smith Company, 1,135.00 Arterial highway signs 26 14765 Lee -Hoff Manufacturing Company, 90.25 Art Museum 14786 Shanley Paper Company, 17.64 Police 12.25 Lighting 5.39 11 ORDINANCES. C. C. F. No.46935—Ordinance No. 8103 By W. 7. Peter— An ordinance granting to the Pure CII Company permlesion to Install and operate an. air .Alling station n Lawson Street, ear the .north corner of Payne Avenue sad 1., An ®rdinanq reet. _.'ie 011 Company permission to /• — The Council of the City o. n :�1 does order+ install and opera ., ;,''tion • dlon Lawson street, near the ] r err northeast corner of Payne avenue and Lawson street. �'•� �%..`! THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Pure Oil Company to install and operate an air filling Station on Lawson street, near the northeast corner of Payne avenue and Lawson street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said air station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said air station. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publigation. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. t Ferguson McDonald / Peter Wenzel P, Mr. President (Nelson) Appro ed _�_rusLisr�D— —11 o r C An ordinance granting to the Pure 011 Company permission to install and operate an air filling station on Lawson street, near the northeast corner of Payne avenue and Lawson street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Pure 011 Company to install and operate an air fiilinp station on Lawson street, near the northeast corner of Payne avenue and Lawson street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said air station, upon said licensee's compliance :with the following conditions: (1) The said air filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars 05,000) conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said air station. (3) Said air station shall be removed by slid licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved hue ,at Mayor City Clerk HENRY (5LSON CLtp of *atnt jDaul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (O{{4te Of CgUiq (9IPrk ASST. CITY CLERK July 5th, 1923' 1fJf; eL • Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: ., Attached please note application of the Pure Oil Company for permit to install an air filling station at the northeast corner of Payne Avenue and Lawson Street, which was referred to you for the proper form of ordinance, Yours very truly, enc. CITY CLERK. LE. �' Tttt# of fthtt Esta pqnftM :0f Now JAMES M. CLANCY. Commis—RER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY C..."'ZIR LEONARD C. SEAMER, CMIEP CLERK BUREAU OF AEEEEEMENTE June 21, 1923 - Yr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Lor. Olson: A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor ct the City Hall and Ccurt House Building on the 5th day of July, 1923, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., relative to the installation of an air filling station at the northeast corner of Payne Avenue and Larson Street. Very truly yours, b r ssioner of Finance. FRANK W. MATSON, cOMMI53mm HARRY A. JOHNSON, 0e COMMISSIONER Citi :af '-"Ralut Paul pryurtxarnt lif Vublit Aafrtg JuAe 9, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is the application of the Pure 011 Company for permission to instal two air stands at their filling station on the northeast corner of Payne avenue and Lawson street. These installations have been investigated by the Bureau of Police as to traffic and the following recommendations are made: As traffic on Payne avenud is quite heavy permission for installing an air stand on this street is denied. The air stand on Lawson street does not inter- fere with traffic and permission for this installation is granted. The pipe on the sidewalk for water to be used ,in connection with these air stands is ordered removed by the Police Department. Your truly, Yi Sone o b ie Safety i i Ei ij l_ i hl Ll)' JUN'., s123 y OITY aA7,j'.1RCLL+a��'�. �a BUREAU OF POLICE POLICE �• �" OFFICE OF �� • Ap �'"��7T�T� NAn En BE anuu FRANKW.SOMMER Saint Paul,Minn. `K,- June S, 1923 Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Sc:fety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of Jane 6th relative to apclication of ti:e Pure oil 0 o. for permission to in— stal tyro air stcnds at their drive-in filling st.tion on the northeast corner of -,Payne Ave -and La -,,.,son St; one air stand to be on the east side 6f Payne Ave. and one to be on the north side of Lawson St., you are advised that this matter was investigated by Captain Gebhardt ;nd he re!orts that bases for the air stands, measuring 18 x 24 inches, had already been inst--lled, also a .'Ape on the sidewalk for water. T.A s pipe they were ordered to remove. Tr::ffic on Payne Ave._ being quite heavy, it is suggested that the ap,.lication for the air stand on Payne Ave. be denied. The air stand on Lawson St. does not inter- fere with the traffic; hence there is no objet on to same. V�e//�--v� truly yours, Frani: W. Sommer, 5/;7 Chief of Police U Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City r - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Clerk. AUTOMOBILE AIR AND WATER SERVICE STATION Application No. Form No. E To the Honorable City Council Date 'ZJ of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE BY Nnmc of Firm ar IndiiduN For permission to install annd, maintain � An Automobile rd ----- Service Station �/ -4ir or R'utpr on the---). °n• of '�tl^ E /P � g __ St. Ave. O St. Ave. known as----- Number s----Number of air connections r — Nu r of water connections— ----- Received at office of City Clerk, s oum,r ApplimN Bonin® A�dresv Approved Approved Passed 19— as to street trajfic as to use of street Approved-19— pproved 19—Date Date�Z- 1943 Date 19 Ordinance No. Permit No.— ppp�� �� - n,nr. 9VPyy1t.• Commr. of Public Warke. Remarks a Pepa'rtment of Nam CITY OF ST. PAUL ' CARLTON F. WNALLY coRnowAnoN cWNori ARTHUR A. ST ART EUGENE N. O'NEILL REECE LEWISj. L. ANDERSON i WIS L. July 7th, 1923- L Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Six: - HereSith I am transmitting ordinance granting permission to the Pure Oil Company to install an -air fill- ing station at Larson street and Payne avenue. Yours very truly, �-2 potibii c e CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A ./1�''�` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ITF AA .1r iZ ATE ��a y FOENCIL NO.-.- That the Polling Place of the 5th Precinct, 7th Weird be and the same is hereby changed from Store 153 Western Ave., to Garage located at 429 Selby Ave., N.nB NePtlson— C. F.'No. 46916—BY oce of I Resolved• That 7the paililt..` a and tae -thG, Eta Precinct, 183 _te hereby: chto garage from 133 Western AVo-,, 10, 1923. �� a2 4 0 t eIbY Ave. .Adopted b. the CouioJ23JulY APProved (July 114-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas T— Nays N-99— / ,/ McDonald __ I_In favor V Matson Peter _ �.... -.against P V Mr. President 1 G Adopted by the Colncil_. _...... 111.. k(1 !923 192..-... proved..---.- �_--....-it)1_ --f-r-��-.. 92------ ....................... ../ MAYOR CITY OF ST. P F1e OF rrcr-OP`"THE"TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '/ `!/G._. .L COMMISSIONER - .............................. ........._..__....... DATE..........__......................... ...... ........ ............... ...... RESOLVED WEM -3, The Commissioner of Public cks has re,)orted to the Council in accordance With section 53 of the City Carter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Derartment for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the :ro>er city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following ,named employes, at the rate otherr-rise fixed for e;;tra emaloyment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name itle Hours Rate of Overtime. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays C. F. No. 4G9,n, Wh rens —.TI t. a rka ha CItP aChar§ z a{ Dart 4. ShTher. .�MD D Der 7(�7•�._ 1 Digger. led ''� O�Z / iwlLiL / cY.Y V flfl'S'iJl"' •` `' o�. O o '.' r p�0yvt, �i[,Wnv,iro `�-�• "�. / a � •� sf a o n • 17 c4 m,. ml n. (0 3!-`'� tom.' (yR./1• T A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE No -------- -44�-F-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �JRESOLUTION­GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .- COMMISSIONER:___....---...-......._.--_............-.__....... DATE__....._.._ ........ ------ _-_-_......__...__.-----.- WHEREAS, Mristiansen & Swenson have made an application toyhave their license for the maintenance of curb pumps at 1106 Rice street moved to 1201 Rice street, and it appearing that the Commissioner of Public Safety has reoommended that said license be transferred to the new location; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said license be and the same is hereby transferred to cover the new location at 1201 Rice street. 'C. F. No. 46919—By F. W. Nielson— Whereas, .Christiansen & Swenson shave made application to have their It - ,cense for the maintenance of curb pumRice pStat 1106 1and it 0St. moved to 1201 appearing that the ..Commissioner of Public Safety has .. recommended that said license be 'transferred to the new location; there- fore;: be It Resolved, Thalicense be and the-samede.herebyatst ranidaferred to cover the new location at 1201 Rice St. Adopted b. the Council July 10, 1923. Approved July"0. 1923. - - (July 21-1923) , COUNCILMEN Yeas NaysAdopted by the Council. JUL 4A ()..'923 192 41-7 s.. JUt () 197. .4ppr ved__._ _.. '_.----.-..__ __...192..-... McDonald In favor v1 Matson J ✓ mnvon Peter __.__.__Against Mr. President St.Paul, Minn. June 1,1923. City of St.Paul, License Bureau Department, St.Paul, Minn. Attention Mr. Dawson. Dear Sir: - This year we took out license for two curb pumps dispensing gasoline at 1106 -Rice Street. We are going to discontinue using these pumps on the curb by June 15th,and will transfer them to our own property for use�a up to date drive in Service Station,located at 1281 mice Street. Will you please make the proper corrections on your records so this will agree with the above change? Thanking you, we are - 13 Yours truly, NORTH CENTRAL WELDING & Vulc.CO., 1QC� j BY CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO.._._..Al:.f�dc.__. OFF! E OF THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL ;4UTION--GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED ghat permission be and it is hereby granted to the Bluebird Dry Cleaners to store 1000 gallons of gasoline at 1806 St. Clair street. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the - Commissioner of Public Safety, who is -to be notified before the tanks are installed; paid storage tanks to be installed in accord- ance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and inspected and approved by the Department of Public Safety; the erection and con struction of buildings and tanks must comply with the building regulations of the City of St. Paul and with the specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and be fire -proof; the plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. C. 1F. No. 40929—By F`. W., Matson- _Rego `ved, That permission be and It t :Board of `i`Ire Underwri term and-�be :fire -proof; theplans" and.. construction ishall beapproved- bythe-Building De= partment. before this .resolution be comes operative. Adopted by the Council July 10, 1@22• Approved July 10, --1923. (July 14-1923) COIINCILMEN ' Yeas Nays GiRisey JMcDonald __ In favor J Matson / Peter __ _...Against '/R=MI'M Mr. President Adopted by the Council -`323 -- 192 ADDred.. ___ :�1�1. i3 (J._„„192. _._ COUNCIL -� j➢! 20 CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO•------ - � V --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISS IONER.___....._.....___._..._......._....._._...._..........._._.............._.._...._.........._..._.........._.._.._............_. RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby granted to the Bluebird Dry Cleaners to store 1000 gallons of gasoline at 1506 St. Clair street. This permission is granted subjeot to the approval of the Gomwissioner of Public Safety, who in to be notified before the tanks are installed; said storage tanks to be installed in accord- anoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and Inspected and approved by the Department of Public Safety; the erection and con- struction of buildings and tanks must comply with the building regulations of the City of St. Paul and with the specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and be fire -proof; the plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council !!X_ ..192. Clancy Ferguson Approved _.---__JU * 'J[ __ .A92 McDonald 92McDonald _.___ In favor y F "w YhU .l - Matson .+ MAYOR' Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President HENRY•OLSON CC`p of 68int Neat H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (®{fire of (gItg "flier° ASST. CITY CLERK July 9th, 1923 Mr. C.F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith application of the Bluebird Dry Cleaners, 1806 St. Clair Street to store 1000 gallons of gasoline. 17 Will you kindly prepare the proper resolution to cover this matter and return to this office? Youra very truly, one. CIT CLERK. y Willtt ' prter, YYUImttissionCr Me f allett¢, Depute (commissioner Department of Public Barks V Ct►u of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTHAK, BRIOGE ENGINEER M. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE July 7th, 1923. Dor. Henry Olson, - City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of application of the Bluebird Dry Cleaners, 1806 St. Clair Street, to store 1000 gallons of gasoline. This is in a Commercial Distriot, and as this is not a request for filling station the zoning ordinance does not require a hearing. GH-REH BY DIRECTION OF COMISSIONER PETER. Yours very truly, City Planning ng neer. FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONM HARRY A, JOHNSON, D-- CO.W 10.M Og :af oSttiut Paul PjTartmrnt of VTThliz Aafrtg June 21, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: Herewith application for permit to store 1000 gallons of gasoline on the premises of the Bluebird Dry Cleaners at 1906 St. Clair street. This has been investigated by the Division of Fire Prevention and approved as to fire hazard and it is requested that the proper ordinance be drawn up grantidg the Bluebird Dry Cleaners permission for the storage of 1000 gallons of gasoline. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public 8�fety R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF y a OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION June 19, 1933. Hon. Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Publio Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Bluebird Dry Cleaners for permission to store 1,000 - gallons of gasoline to be used in Connection with their dry cleaning establishment at #1806 St. Clair St. I have investigated the foregoing and advise that there would be no serious inorease in the fire hazard in the neighborhood due to the installation of the desired tanks for the storage of gasoline, and I Aberefore reoommend that permit be granted. Respeotfully yours, �/ j IEF SPE EDWARD L. NEJDL I 13LUE-BIRD DRl CLEANERS 1806 St. Clair Street ST. PAUL, MINN. Cleaning, Dyeing ,All Garments, Rugs and Repairing and Curtains CALL MIDIVAq 3214 ---The BLUEBIRD Flies t ur Service GILBERT W. LINDSTROM CITY OF ST. PAUL FOtU�NO. NCII-�6t-- - - 21 d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEVVV�2hdr the proper/cit offroers are hereby authorized to eater Into an agreement with Henry Boxleitner, providing for the payment of compensation to him a� the rate of 014.67 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education of the City of 8t. Paul, on the 9th day of June, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to the said Henry Boxleitner, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Fifty-eight and 68/100 Dollars ($58.68) in final settlement of his claim against said City for the period up to July 9th, 1923- C. F. No.'46921—ByA. E. Nelson— Resolved, 'That the proper city Pin cern are hereby author, zed to enter In- ,to an agreement .with Henry Box- I-leltner„providing for the payment ofi -.$34.87 per week during such time as I recommend the above resolution he.: shall be.totally disabled by reason -of-Injuries -received by him while in for passage. the employ of the Department of Edu- cation of the City of St. Paul on the 9th day of June, 1923;.be it ' __.._ ._ \_Against Further Resolved, That isaccord- ance .said ag Cement, the, proper �pp city officers ate herebyauthorized to pay t the said`Henry Bexleltner, out l of the Workmen's Compensation Ac- count-, the sum of Fifty-eight and 68/100 oof the General llars (E56.6E) Ciomm'r of Education. I n flnar settlement of his claim agalnat said City for the period up to July 9th, 1923. .,. Adopted by the Council July 10, 1923.; Approved July 10. 1923. .(July 21=1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Cl,ney Farv�icnn / //� ✓ McDonald _.-.___ ..In favor Matson V Peter __.._ ._ \_Against /teazel I/ Mr. President COUNCIL 1 l!���1� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. NO•.---= Y;.77Y- li..... �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -,GENERAAL FORM ' RESOLVED That Council File No. 42446, being a resolution providing for the compensation of the ungraded and oommon labor service, as provided for in Sections j and 8 of Rule 1 of the Civil Service Ordinance, be amended as follows: That the porde "Building Laborer, $.50 per hours be stricken out, and the following inserted in lien thereof: s8nilding laborer, $'55 per hour -9 C. F. No, 46922—By J. 11 McDonald— Resolved, _ That Councll File No. 42446, being a resolution providing for the compensation of the ungraded and Ilabor service SeclonsandofRle lof the 'Civil Service Ordinance, be amended as / follows: That the words "Building Laborer, per hour,, be stricken ut, and the following Inserted In lieu hereof: ' Building laborer, $.55. per hour." Adopted by the Council iuly 19, 1923. Approved July 16, 1923. (July 14-1923) McDonald .......In favor J Matson Peter Aani—t Pepartinnit of �Uaw i CITY OF ST. PAUL _ CARLTON F. M?NALLY ARTHUR A. gTEWARTp�oRRers EUGENE K O'NEILL REECE J. MSGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON July 9th, 1923. - Mr. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir:— with reference to the two resolutions which you handed me in the Council Chamber the other morning, both being No. 46593, I beg to advise you that upon juMtigation I find that the words you inserted in one of the resolutions was attempted to be an amendment to Ordineaoe No. 5892, which is the Civil Service Rules and contains no rates of pay. If the words had been inserted in the other resolution, it would be effective. I am handing you herewith a resolution which will straighten this matter out. Your/ / y truly, - — CITY OF ST. PAUL UNCIL 469,23 NO. -- -- ---' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - i D 'lhA the depository bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Broadway State Bank, dated June 27th, 1923, in the sum of $20,000.00, hpproved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and eaeoution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. F No. 46923—By A. E. Nelson— IC. Resolved. That the .depository bond g1Yen to the +City of 3L; Paul by the Bma In th State of nk.. dated .Broadway State `f Bank.. Hated June 27, approved `-7 as to n by they Sinking Committee,and-as to. form and execu-� 1.C.. E., tion; by the Corporation Counsel, be and She -same d hereby approved. Adopted by: the Council July 10, 1923. APProved July S0. (Tuly 21-1923) 1923 flet// COUNCILMEN Yea' Nays - i Peter _ .-_Against r Wenzel Mr- I r idont ., CITY OF ST. PAUL co ENca NO....-. 1692 --- 4. /',JV `; `� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7"aCOUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM A�, _ RESOLVED tfhat Permission and autholXty hereby given to the Texas 011 Company, a corporation, to install and operate a drive-in filling station at -the southwest corner,of University avenue and Roy street; the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. 46924—ii, A E Ne)son tlhorf[yl arehereby That PermisslPn and 011 Company ea bygive. to the Tesas and op¢rate a dycorporation I, [o 1.. .11 at the southwest corner gL Un station -Ave. and Roy St., the rooks lYerslty to be Installed Ia t4 ance wi thmps ordlnancea L.the Clty t S(. Paul be under the direction and to .the atle to d I, of the Commissioner of Puhlic Safety. Ado pled by. the Council July 10, 1923. 1 A PP roved July. 10, 1923.' (July i4-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays Wald In favor __U...Against .esident Adopted by the Couneil Approved Jill )ill �; t) X973 192 fa, CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL . y`�l`�- S f—Yi" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI ONER.__._._......____......_......_._..__....._...._......._......_........................._._.........................._............ RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Texas 011 Company, a corporation, to install and operate a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of University avenue and Roy street; the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances u of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ____ _.__In Favor Matson Peter __ _.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ii}L z t-I.-I'.M_ ___192 Approved .. - JUl 1;, illi,] 192.. - MRYOry William 1 petrr, iianmtissianer brie fliallette, Urputg Qtsmmissisner "e.Vttrtment of Public Narks (situ of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUPE. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE July 9th, 1923. Mr, Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of application of the Texas Oil Company to operate and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at the southwest corner of University Ave. and Roy Street. This is in a Light Industry District and is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a hearing. BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER FETER. Yours very truly, City planning Bng neer. GH REH FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISS10— Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - HARRY A. JOHNSON, oerurr CO.—MONM Cig of '-$ttzut Paul pqa tmrut of Vuhliz June. 29, 1923 Returned herewith is the application of the Texas Oil Co. for license to operate ana maintain a gasoline filling station on the Southwest corner of University Ave and Roy Street. This location is approved as to fire hazard by the Division of Fire Prevention and it is recommended that license be granted. You.s e truly, Co. o r' of 1 c sgaofety e R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF ' OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION June 29, 1923. Hoa. F. w. Mateon, Com. of Public Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Texas Oil Co, to install, maintain and operate a gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of University Avenue and Roy Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such a station would not seriously increase the fire hazard to adjacent property or surrounding neighborhood, and therefore recommend that permission for its installation be granted. WB/ j Reepectfully yours, A%GCG�' � .ewe%!/I�Y� CHIEF INSPEC R. Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made t duplicate and submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION „ r I Form No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint P 1, Minne ota - APPI, TION IS HEREBY Application No- -1 ' 1 N.— d Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In mpliance with Ordinance 5266) W v "Drive In" ur "Curb" ,,,,.AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located - At L J 2_-- --- - — — I,,,, Numbrr and Street Number of Number of Gas '�� Capacity of/ Pumps to be Installed__- v ---- Tanks to be Inas Il _- _ ___ -_ Tanks— VC/ Received offti:elot� G�ty Clerlt'1' - I /1 ® f� /� " ... .Jae riLf E 1•�� �"� ✓'r^'. �51^r'f_'�YFII.iw� S rL. -�y... � 'iRnature of ,\PPlirant By pE\ 'yea .�j •'.-r ='i --_-'11+4 �K/V1,/ �,/ / GVYYs'.'-�/ Rueineve .\ddrem .0 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC � 9 De[e—_—_ 6 _ --- _l9o_L_3 Da[e____—_._.______.__-19_— = �% Dale— Comrrtr. It! b c Safety. Commr, of Public Safety. Comm P. .`P: -h P. B. /i APP VED —19— AP RTED } f i 1 Date _ _ 19— SED 19_ APPROVED 19_ ORDINANCE NO. R.IT NO.-------- O. _----- LICENSE NO LICENSE A Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_— QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 IM 12.22 41 CITF OP ST, PAUL ON- l FILM NO...._ -.-:.4 BY M ROLLER AUDITED......:................. ...–--------- _--- ........._......192 ......--_ PER ........ .. .. .. ..� 1 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregat amount of $..._ � �+ i ---------------------- covering checks numbered ..-_-.-t 796 -------------- to...._1t, 795 ----- _.. -......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Gle—y —I- Adopted by the Council.. UL -11M0. Ka ------------- .-_192..._-... e ✓McDow ala In favor APProv--JUL-110 ]523-------------192 1 Matson, Peter, Weng.- _-: :_--.Against Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 46926— Reso]ved that checks be drawn on the amovnityof Treasury. checks - numbered 14790 to 14796 irtclustve, ae the office register the City Co'hemptroleks jetflle In Adopted by the Council JULY 10,_199. Approved my 2111933) ORIGINAL T CRY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER nzs ar ......:....x.a�;�� .. •.. Form D-341ilt 12.22 AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORKNO n� 440 J- W COMPTROLR AUDITED...................._........_............................ ....-....... ...._...-......._..`....._.......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$gre a amount of $—AL,9192.57....................... covering checks numbered ...-....7 % Q ............... to....14']95-.....-...------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ......... ....... - Adopted by the Council........ ��......10 ......... . 1923 192 P*�1 In favor PP . 192 1923 ro ed---...._.................iu,_. V McDonald, A - _...- v' Matson, V !Peter, we:r . .............. gainst A _..----------------- - --- MAYOR /Mr. President, Nelson n V ---------- ---------------- ---- -------- 14790 Peter Dickson, L 1582 L 1612 14791 Keough Brothers, - L 1524 14792 Christ Johnson, L 1638 14793 Mentor Association, Schools 14794 John Sandquist, L 1560 14795 Standard Stone Company, L 1659 ............ 393.00 290.00 -b'$s-.-M- 683.00 1,360.00 2,267.95 34.44 51.50 585.68 QUADRUPLICATE arcs or ... e- TO CRY CLERK . rz , cov=e Form D-34 1M 12-22 No.. '..�� nr.z......."........._..................... r BY COMPTROLLER AUDITED .182 .-..... ... ... '� _............ PER.. - ....... . _..... - ............... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$--.19.IOW000--------................. covering checks numbered_......], 706 ........... 2M--------------- -- -. -- "----inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JUL. 10 1923 Clancy, - Adopted by the Council ... ....... _.... -... .-—.....-------- ---- ].92------- Perk ld - In favor O 1923 'Matson, ) Approved....... '-......._�.U�-I QJ92 ------------------192 ,/Peter, weuze} ._..-Against Mr. President, Nelson V v' r C: F.No. 46926— _ Resolved that check. be drawn 4he Clty Treasury, to the aggregate' numbered 14796,'." per regls[ng l city heck"'an file to the office ofthe Ctty Comptroner, Adopted by the Council July 10, 1923. Approved July 30, 1923. (July 11-1923) r �flk°� y� I's� 'In3X" "-x�' E r',,,, iVI.�... ,�"t�sa "-� "s�3�$'�` s Sr"v'�' %�. -.°o-t �`r' £�i'r',.r`�t' ti�'k'� ✓`t3d'� t ORIGINAL TO oxxz or ex, s-�vx. cm CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,. 000soxx No..... Form D -aa 1M 12-22 - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM mz= y-'- 441 I' I gy COMPTROLLER ............,................................................................................. AUDITED .......y.t3.L .... .:1+.:._......._..-.f 92..._._.._ PER...................................... ..._..._------- .... _ .... ..... ............... _....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._19-,040,Oq•------------- covering checks numbered U790. 4 --------------- _.------ ----------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. (:laneyt - Adopted b he Council....._.____......- ..1 - 192-------- ,F ra�n�on, JUS $1i 523 -... - - __.......In favor x/ McDonald, roved--....... - - - p `��'�....................192 'Peter,^ _.. Against MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson if .......... - ... ....._.-----------------------------------................. ............ 14796 Gauger-Korsmo Construction Company, 19,040.00 Greenwood School(Bond) QUADRUPLICATE TQ C— CLERK No F.— D -34'1M 12-22 AUDI"rED __192 ...... MR ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount Of ----------------------- covering AShL checks numbered --------.-..to...-... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes V Councilmen Nays. Cleney Adopted by the Council- Al -------- - '();923 191 ----- -- ----- In favor McDonald, Approved.. 192 Matson, Peter, WoffFer ---- -.Against Mr. President, Nelson C. V. No, 46927-heck.,b 'Resolved that11 the CAY to the .gre ...t covering cheek: 'me I '­b.red 14809 to 14812 Incl..'s, In he of elt, checks c of the y Pth Adopted Cl C I JulY by the Councl 30, Approved J l10�1_. 1 1992233 (j%yyl 6W ANN-, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 v OITY OP .T. P�IIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER z P OOIISOIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM J 444 ""'vN v , aV CO OLLER V �y._ , .... .... l U _..._ .R2_ _ ....._ nuolTs:o_.__.: .- � 63�76� p08 covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anre$ate amount of $.------•-• ---�y 1480914812 ---__.--.....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered_.__._ ........................... to .--..------- Comptroller. yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. L'lartcY' Adopted4roved__ Council......-.._.. ?_. i 192 FErgascnr- - .In favor 192._..-.-. - A.-_ .. � - --McDonald,- Matson,Peter, - -- ------ gamst - - --... - ... ')enel Mr. President, Nelson --------- ....... 348.13 14809 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company, Water 28,304.42 14810 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Fina&clnsp�2,419.75 R. i g• St. C. & 8,570.30 It (Fay.) 1,412.88 Sewer C. & R. 814.34 9,830.10 S. & S. Cing. Bridge Bldg. & R. 1,112.92 Crosswalks 118.00 39.00 Docks, wnarves, etc. 479.41it Sprinkling 505.00 30.80 L 1521 38.81 L 1585 158.25 L 1606 .90 L 1608 41155.30 L 1624 2327.66 L 1661 48.75 14811 Pioneer E1yx Bureau ofarks 35,059.78 14812 U.S. Cast Iron Pipe &Foundry an Com P y, Water "�="MI=� CITY ~ ST. PAUL W=`�K m~m*m== .__ _._...... ........... ........... ..... law PER Resolved that checks be dru� on the City treasury, to the a�rekate amount of $ ---- I-jr. --------------------------- coverink checks numbered 147-97A --- ---------- to 14790 inclusive, as per-Te�ister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes V Councilmen I Nays. Fxguseftr- In favor V' McDonald, Appro;ve,- 11aLl— 411) J191213 -------- ------------- 19l / Matson, V� Peter, Mr. President, Nelson C. Resolve'l that checks be drawn onthe City T',,," ry, to the aggregate_ numbered 14Z97A to 14798B inclusive, as per regi ster of clt� checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller Adopted by the Council °,10.`=3. Approved July 10, 1923, ~u.~~�'' � ORIGINAL TO alxY on T. n�oL CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r 000saxu La Farm D-34 R IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—ESOLUTION FORM mL>s NO....._._...,. - 442 1 1] � � Lai BY COM ROLLER AUDITED........-. �.�......... ...........182...-..._ PER ........ ..-.I�.. 1 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ - covering checks numbered -.._-14797A............ to---._ 147.98R ....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. JUL 10 1923 Adopted by by the Council-_.-----._ ...:.. ------- ...._------------ --- ... FerBl—I - In favor JUL -1 ) 192 ✓ McDonald, A roved--------- - - -y------------ Matson, -------. -Matson, (//} Peter, �aael _...Against ............ ......-------- ------- ........_....-_..-. MAYOE / Mr. President, Nelson ---- --.._._............. - ........ - ------------- .......... -- 14797. A. Gilbreath* Mattocks School (Bond) 14797B A. Gilbreath Mattoeks School (Bond) 14798A James G. Magner# Mattocks School (Bond) 14798B James G. Wagners. Mattocks School (Bond) mg t ix sC� "F?xh a a vRIM 280.72 469.28 259.91 690.09 oUAoaUPLICATE ra CITY CLERK Form W, 4 IM 12-22 11 7j — or, ex, —L ....CIL 469,29 t— No ................. _............ ...... V gy LLER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-.16,92M -------------- ---------- covering checks numbered .........147..0.............to......-14SM.-.............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. J�dv (1anc;tr— Adopted by the Council. �UL -10-923 ---------UL - ....1923 - - - 192..__.. FST Oil In favor JUL 1AI 1923 McDonald, Approved..__..:...... ... . ...192........ V Matson, p� Peter, ( _ Against WZn ,/Mr. President, Nelson � C. F. No. 46929— Resolved that checks be drawn on .the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $16,990.86, covering checks numbered 14799 to 14808 inclusive,-ae per. register of city checks on ale in the office of the City Comperol:er. Adopted by the Council July 10, 1923. ApprovedJuly 10, 1923. ! (July 21-1923) i OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D.&I 1M 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO-_ _46101 443 P AUDI=_. . ..... _192 PER... ............. ........... 0 ........... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._16 covering checks numbered_ 147R9 ------------- to 3.4808 ... ... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes I Councilmen 17 Nays. Adopted by th,%—ftuncil.. --------- ------ ---------- -----------192 . ---------192_ ----- In favor 01923 192 V McDonald, v1 Matson, Peter, luenisei. ---------AgainstMAf60�1: /Mr. President, Nelson ----------------------- ---------------- -------- --------- -------­------------------ ---­--------------- 1,194.00 14799 Fred G. AlbrecBureht, au of Parks 7 30.00 14800 Leopold Bruennerp Bureau of Parks 844.76 14801 Concrete Steel Company, Greenwood School(Bond) 14802 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 956.89 Garage 11,176.23 14803 George M. McGeary & Son, Greenwood School(Bond) 287,22 14804 Red Wing Filter Sand COMPanYs Water 21,00. 14805 James ShielY, Water 1,155.00, 14806 A. L. Snyder# Director Bureau of Parks 1225.70 14807 Edward J. SnYkevs $ Greenwood School(Bond) 100.00 14808 Arthur Vi Bureau of Parks � _RESOLVED l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILFAUENCIL No. i 49N 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__ ........... ..._..r.Nl......?A__1923•....------.._.._--- That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with wateP and oil the following street: Juliet St. from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. C. F. No. 96930 Resolved, That -the -Commissioner: of Public, Works be sand is hereby author )zed sad directed to`eprinkle+-wlth wa- ter.and oil the following street:, Tullet etj ,from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave.. wop a by the Council July 1p, 192 �pproved July 10, 3923. (July 21-1921 COUNCILMEN Peas Nays / McDonald in favor Mat.uu petel Against `*Bft- Mr. President Adopted by thCcll__.J_�!L.3192 _ _ ':1 1923App ved.192.._.... MAYOR COUNCIL. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..--...-;..:- ii1���+++YYYJJJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /iii - —-._................._.....__ ... Dnre.-.__... -du1y.--9-.,.._1923.....----....... RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets- Burgess St. from Western Ave. to Gaultier St. h4aryland St., from Woodbridge St. to Gaultier St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald __ _. In favor �fut5on Peter - .-1Kaius:. Mr. President Adopted by the Coun61 AL - _. 23492 RESOLVED _a(\• b CITY OF ST. PAUL coueca_ FILE No•-""-- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM etzj/�n ' DATE ........... JulY._9.,_ 1923......._._........ In the matter of paving Colborne St. from West Seventh St. to G.L. of Jefferson Ave. with necessary sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. ,ur46153, approved June 6, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby adopted. 469' of 9 aW Colborne St. ix of Infrom Westr Seventh St.. to:.. Bower efferson, AVt. a it FlnsaBsl Ord �� C..F• '.J missloner. -• / eame.are - hCo ten. Ju- lY SU. 1923.- bn"toncil, Adonrked byJuly119233)APPIve-(Ju1Y14-192 COUNCILMEN �,•:,. Nays 6'lrnurry. AleDonald ___...._Ll favor 1\ rnz�l Air. P—.id 't )UI_ iii 9iJ - .._192.-..-- Adopted by the C ... eil.-__. . _ t„y Dyed_ RESOLVED y 4 4 l CITY OF ST. PAUL cou ca f� F' ILE NO•.". OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE-Ju1.Y.._9:..._1923...... _--- ------- -__..._. In the matter of paving Colborne St. from West Seventh St. to S. L. of Jefferson Ave., with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. #46153, approved June 6, 1923: RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Colborne Ave. from "lest Seventh St, to south line of Jefferson Ave., be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order tor -ether with a copy of said final order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C. F. No. 46933—BY.: n/ , ' Peter— C. St. In the matter of pa . from " %We@ t Seventh St. to S:.L. of JeReecti s un with necessary'. conn0l,5 s, Vro Finan -0r, 1 2 F. 2^0: A67,63 approved. -June 6, 1923:. Resolved That th*e a1- hepISas Commiesioner. ofand. d- ramireictedie '• ser hereby ;ordered o ­ ve '.together. with a 192 A proved.._ ........_-...'923 . . - a copy of -- order ;copy. of said-: fin t orS, 1;a d. a u LighPY t Lh_ a St:.paul Gas Light i AY 1 MAYO said plans upon Company. -'- by the Council July 10 1923. Adopted Approved July. 10, 1923. .(July 14-1923) 1 / COUNCILMEN Yea- Nays cl—Q3— ate' 1 McDonald _�'.In favor �I.ti.ti��Il Pvtor -I4 enzel... V Mr. President Adopted by the C 1_J1lL..i(1_1923------------- 192 A proved.._ ........_-...'923 . . - -. 192.._-- /f /' V^ _..... ..- AY 1 MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL COE"c'�NO.__46934 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOL A v�. DATE ............. .J..u.I.Y._9,...._12-2._._------- .._......_ In the matter of Paving Cherokee Heights Boulevard from Annapolis St. to Baker St., approximately 125 feet east of Chippewa Ave. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named imr_rcvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r/ Council File No..-.._..:l.tyxl.t�' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: on....St. ---Albans---St.-----from :faryland-- St. ----toWheelock Parklvay--_for--_sanitary_use_-only,...all_-storm.-wate.r to. b -be. from_ same -- ..---...... __........ -. ---- - - _ ....... - -- - - ..-..- _.__... . ......... ....- - - - .......... _----------- ...... ............. ----------- Dated this --- Datedthis 10th ------day of.. . July --1923- ......._... .....- 192.. — ...... -- ..._.. --- ........_- Councilman. 46935- v1z•-. - , construct sewer -on st.' Alb,'; PRELIMINARY ORDER. .fr 391 Afaryland'St. to Wbeelock water to bor e,. cuded se from -sat: INteen presented to. thercoi:.uPosal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: IN Clty of SL.,Paul therefore,'be,? lWeo lT>hat [te Comm ��bn fit. Albans Ct. from !,aryland S. �o _71heelook____-___ ------- .,der,; • ... ......_... .. ...- - -- _-_Parkway_-for---pj n,A ary_-use.._only..... allst.orm._water_..t_o_be_-excluded___from.. same. -- -- -------------------------_-------------------------------—---------- ....... -------------------------------------------------------------- ... .._----------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............ ._.__.._._._------._.__.._....._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......- - ... uL..,t O 1 23 --------------------------- YEAS --- ------------....---YEAS NAYS Councilman .CLANCY- _il'i i523 Trsneasex, � Approved ..._------. � ......_.----....-------�-sJ---...- Li- MATSON �/' cDON G' 5 MCDONALD V PETER MR. PRESIDENT // Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M &22) /---- � / Q • petition d`�,91r � Council File No ........ ...kst i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.': —_.----------0=stxu-ot...a-..6.1-e.ement...tile---Sidewalk.-.on. t.he...north..sicie.._of—liasrt.horne St,.from--Tnit_e_BearAve..to._.r1-ght-of-:vay...of-.t.hz 7inn.eapofis..-&.St.,Paul Subdivi-s.i.ola- Rx.._Co...axad.--ora---South_Si.d.e_.Hawtb.orue...St.,..fr.Qm_ Vaxl.._Dyke- Ave...t.o Hazel. Ave. - - ._........._... ... - _ . ._.... - -- ._.._......................-- ......._....... ....... -.._. Dated this ....Rt, h ----------- day of .July 19.2,3..- .................... _...._, 192....... C. F. No. 4613s sfigrraci. � _ ,,,a _ - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ''heave.. ° - —f st-r--°odor the making of the following improvement, viz.: the .Councn o4': the CItY ,=°„ thbrefore, beThat the CominGssi`�'- -Resolved, ;n �.PiibIW We be and le herPt dtreetea;tile._,}idewalk...on_t.he._narth�ide__of.- awthc.rna_..... It. .fram �.ntni � e . tl.ear--- A vE..t.o...right-nf-Nay-..o-f---t.he... idinae.ap-oli-e...& -S-t. Paul...... S.ubdivision..ley.....Co..-...and... on- -$Out.h...Hide---Hawthorne--$.t....--fr.om--Van. Dyke ---- A.ve. --t.o Ha,&el Ave ------------------------------------- -._.- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------- ...----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _........... ..__...___--------------------- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hefeby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability, of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...............JIii:.. 10 -1,92-3 --------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman er;=CY FERGus6N APProved- Z..... ---------- JJUL.A -'t--192-3--....----......_...._.... MATSON MCDONALD PETER i . / _ ✓,� MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.— C A 13 (3\1 6-22) �- PUBLISHED-- petition Council File No -21- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct --,a--six-foot .-.cement_-til-e...s_�deh lk_.9xl...t.17e...z�-ort_h side ....of- ..... _....... __ 411zllesley.--Ave, _from_.S�.rlai..C.ate �.ve._...to_..Gri s....$t...------------ - -- - .... ----------------------------------- - -- - ----------------- ......... - ...------------------- ........ ---- - --....... - ........ ----------------------------------------- --- - ....... - _......... .... - _._..... - ------ ------ ._......_..__...._... _.._... Dated this.. 9th---------- day of jul.X...192'> --...._. - .... 192. -- - .. ...... Councilman. 14. . 46987:Ab t act. �'Plier'eas, A tten .DroDmprovemant, making f,th following _ JvlConatruct > elx-Loot cement the Sidewalk on--thenorth aide L Grigg- ley rii s ley Ave. front Syndicate Ave PRELIMINARY ORDER. St., "I "Cit!- tree re. cil of the City of St. Psul therefore, C -Ube Resolved,. Thn{ the C,nnmissioner:af`or the making of the following improvement, viz.: - Pubuo -Works, be and is hereby ordered Eanddirectedt pent--i,l�.--s.ie�+alk--_on the north side of I, .Ir( To lnvestlinte the necesaio -1e d ....- .. - ._ .._ _.._..____ ......._. _._. -�bnity,; Of. them .mac . n[ Ve1le33.e_y b-ve--. IT 0M -e,-e_Asa.._tD..9r-igga....S.t..__.__..___..._...._....._._....-....._.... -- -- ---------------------------------- .-.---- ...---- _...-- ------ -- -..--- ---...--------- -- - -- --- _........ -------- .............-..... -- ---------------------­- ------------­---- --........------------------------------------.---------------- ....---- ---- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-..._..._____..__ __....-...._.._-........_............._........_..__.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.,-_ To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ul ;11 i923 Adopted by the Council ------------- �___..---------....------. -- YEAS NAYS i Councilman-6E*rrcr' lRR tGrSMV_ ' Approved. -- _ ------..... ........ MATSON V'MCDONALD ,j PETER �� � ✓ IW/ IIIVVV!!! -V;RNML.......................................-r..............-..................................... MR. PRESIDENT � Mayor. Foam C A 13 (asl c-zz) — PUBLISHED petition Council File No........=} f-�r( A�- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct--_a_six-f.00t.-_cement_-til-e sides+alk-_4n... the ...no.rth...side ...o.fA!1idway. Parkway from Bison Ave. to A.rona Ave. -----------------------------------------._.._._....- -------........- - ........... __._...... - ..... ---........ - .... _ ..................... --_--------------------- - ._... _..._ . - _........_._......------ ....... ..... ...... - .._....._..__. -- .... .. -` _._July192 .--3..._... . _ , 192... n F.,No. W38 ......................................................... .. ...................................I.... --- Councilman. .Ave:''" �[he VCItY of St.,Yallt - Council, it • - - tore.. Tha.f the Conuntsatoner oi' PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved. Pvbnb WOrk9,t and is hereby orders and directed; - 3. To Inveatignta the nece. ty ter• 'eslrabilltP:.of, tho making •;'?for the making of the following improvement, viz.: const-r'jo-y-...a_sA;Kmf.Q.Qt...oement---- t.il.e...s.idewalk-an .. the _north...aid-e of -Mid -way. Parkwap--_Prom__Bis-on..-Ave.._.t-o.. Arona_Av.e... -------------------_--._-....._..__. _..... `-------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - - ------- ...------ ...------- --------- -- - .------------------------ taving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. __.___.._.._._._.._--------------------_._......... _._.____..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. Ju-- i O 9i3 YEAS NAYS Councilman 5s� i j 1 9?3 4iERcasarr— Approved.. -----.L ........ .......... ........------..........._..:......._...... i •;}" MAT6ON �. v'- PETER WERMU............... ...._------_._------....._----- ---- Y' MR. PRESIDENT �f _ — Mayor. p(1BLISHEIS--f/__o -- t'orm C A 13 (3\i 6-22) petition Council File No............._.9 ti JG PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct ng,----relAyi.ng a-nd...rep-ai.ringside-walker._wb-ere_n.enaasary-.._----- --- on...south.si-de__9f...G.ondri ch.. Ave. ....fr.om..Finn-.Aye.----ta...C.r etin--Ave......__..._...._._... .... - - .. -----------._------------------------------- ----------- _ ...-- -..-----------------._----------- -------------------------- -.. .... ----------------------------------------.....'.... .................. _..._... _...... ._.. . ------------ - ........ ....- ...._ ..... Dated this 9th............day of.....July ..1923. .......... _._....... - 192....... _............... ......--..._.. ........ .........- -- ..._----- Councilman. —� C. F. No. ...... Whereas. A written proposal for the mnking o[the following improvement: vtR rebwing and repair rLIMINARY ORDER. - Reconetructing, ing eldewalks, where ecessa y, on! 0 ut1."elde of ,todkicAve.. from Fin WH eve. to Cretin Ave 'having be n'Pre!piaking of the following improvement, viz.: aented to the Council of the City of St: Pnul;th, reforc, be it _-$e�)pY}, 'Resolved &t the Commissloner of SEnai.rink' Sider alkS.a.- where neoes.B.8=..---.... PubIla Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:e• from Finn. SVP to Cretin Ave. -OTl-_60h U'o nvestigate the neces tty f H ---_-_-__._- ..�..: -- ... ... .....-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ __......... _-_._..._--------------_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. Toinvestigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. J{} ...x.0-.1923- -- ---- YEAS NAYS Councilman CiANey' FEa� Approved10-1.9%.--------------- -- �MATSON cDONALD B/ V PETER WFN=C MR. PRESIDENT F.—C A 13 (3D1 0-22) ,�A,•3... _.. -. -petition Council File No ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: cme-tT:AS3t...a..._six-7fao.t.... cement ._.t.ile---aidewalk.-on ...the -_wast. _side-- of. ___.---..-_........ 7iQQd1alvn.._Ave.---..fxcir--- G..o.os ri.ah..A.u_e.....t.o....St..._Clair._.St................. -. - ... Dated this.. 9th day of.._....1uly_..IP,23...................... __..__...... 192..._. - ----- - -- .... _........._ ..-------- . ---- ...... whereas, ve_. •,,, Councilman. mnking-oC the following lmprovyll�ei. .--..0 walk eE ..a six-foot .amen- s wnem k.. f the.: west ch. Ave.1 — 'aaiert.'vlveri'.from.-G..drlch. ve— -- —"""— Clair Sk': having been _Presented, tc Council. of..the; City -of. St.•Paul'thc fore, be it PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved, That the Commisslom ' RudlioWordlrec"s be and Is he ebv_or �>, 1 To%In estigato the ..,:.-=: jS'oposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: or-desirnbilt Gone _ruct_..a...�Axcfo4t...cement _.t1le._s.idewalk...on. _ the---we-st gide_ of._- Woodlawn..Ave.._... from._ GQcdrA.oh_.AVe.._ to $t ---CISAM .,9t.._ ...... . --- .._----.._........... .. .._ - -- .._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul....____......_ ___.. ----.__---- -_ therefore, be. it RESOL'VFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ 0 YEAS NAYS Councilman GLAxa-t— 11 i9i3 FuResselt- Approved_.....---- --------- ..._ _._.. fff/I McDONALD MATSON PETER. MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) PLTgLISI petition Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct _s St. -.and -St. ­ . ..................... ­A� QAY�Q.r Q.n AUQ ...Alb-ans St. ------------ ---------- .... . ............ .... ............. ­ ........ ­ . ....... ---------------- -------------_ - - ---------- --------------- ­ ...- _­ ......................... _­ . ... ..... . ---------------------- .................. ............ . ..... .......... ..... ....... --- -------- - - Dated this 9th --------..day of _J�ujy 192.3 ................... ... ­ - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: qe :'on Mi Igan St.._betive en W_elaetex stSt...and _St Alba C -P., No;, 46941Abstract t-, t - A a rai nj,jh.r s. A written , �­ - I,.. -, � �dor .t.i ... . .......... ..... -- ------- - . .- ....................... ...... -----­---- Ing of the follow. YI.: construct a sewer on Michigan SL, - — ------ between Webster St and St. Albans.- ...... - --------------- ------------------------------------------- - -------------_------- St., having been prce6ted to the coun- ,W­ng I cil. of, the City o , St. Paul., therefore, having be It. . I City of St. Paul - --------- __ ------------------------ .. ... ....... --- ------ -- Re Tbat�the comentestoper of I �ks be and Is hereby q - therefor a,uh "' works ,I. To nyc,. th , ��t. tllo� ne' !� the ..kllis RE sioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ----A(-.-.192----........_...._----... Adopted by the Council - U ) . 3 ----­----------- YEAS NAYS Councilman 49LAxc:r-- FZRGVAGN__ Approved .......... L.4"A.1323 4 l. R MATSON j McDONALD FA' petition tl 011 Council File No.- 2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 06— and PRELIMINARY ORDER. N, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 0_onr.tx_='t aux-bi-ng ion --b-oth &jde& olf - - ---------- -- --------- --- - ------ ---------...___....._.._.- Dated -- - ----------- Dated this 9th ---------..day of _...July... 9.2.3...._._..... .... . ..... 192 -------- -­ ...... ....... - Councilman. C. S. No. 46942� . I I I Abstract. Whereas; A written proposal f6r, the ne Vick'ag ofL !he following'improvement, construct curbing on sides of .,Oak Grove -Place, from St. Clair St. to PRELIMINARY ORDER. Osceola Ave... having- been presented to it a ouncof il the City. of st, -Paul ,therefom be, It 1 11 L L I sal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1 Re solved, That then Cornml.slcn, �Puhlt. works be crid!i, 11,cb� ,and directud;. Claj.r 1. ToI- or:deslrabillty------- ------------------------------ -- - --------------- --------- ------ ---- 'Prin—al ----------- --------- --------------- ------- --------------- - ­_ -- --------------- ---------- ........................................... ............. .. -------­-- --­---------------- z-- ------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ........... - --- --------------------------- .. ............ therefore, be it 1; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ll Adopted by the Council ................. 19i3....... .......--......... YEAS NAYS Councilman GLLNer­ FBRG4SQb;-_ Approved........ ... ....M3 -- ----------- ----------- --- . ............... MATSON McDONALD 1 PETER 1, '4 WrIT7.—EL ...................... ..... - ----------- ----- - --- --- I . ................---- ......... -------- MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 ONI 6-22) petition V gg Council File No.........--#y�f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT J� V, �w' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .osiatrua...a_.eeviar...on...t.he....east ...eide....Q .. L.eacingt.an...A!rea.---fr.om._TYzama---Si.. . to_.a-.Point 1.20 f.e..et...north...o ...Edgund...St.o------------------------ ..........---- ......... Dated this .......... day of. __ J:uly--.1923---------------- ---------- - ..No. 46943 ,. ...... ........ - ._...._-. 4batract.- a t for the Councilman. Leixiington A _ hs�t been ePt norr Bent ci�to Etlre Council of the CRY Of St heuCohmmisHie-" PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved, ' hl public Wos$s be anSds. hereby t'� and directed • 1. .To 9avesttgat't trim making of proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: or desirability of. the making improvement on the east. side_ of L-exington...Aye, from_Thomas-_St,_.. 2; To Investigate. -_ -- - - .timated -to .oint 12Q...fs-et...-nor.th...(?i_.Edmi nd_ 2t ........... ..... . ......--..._.. ------------------- -------------------------------------------- ..... .....-....... ...... - .._ . - ..__........ _.. ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------- ......--_........--......... ----- -------------------- ......... ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........____........__. ----------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--------- - -----cul 10 1973 YEAS NAYS Councilman-Gt rRCr' EEROUSON Approved - 1-0 192-J ..._- ............ U` MATSON MCDONALD - 4i PETER ✓ -J 1 t - WRPFY.LrL .: .... .... ... .. 1, MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. tt_ Form C A 13 (3M 6-22)-,wriaLi(�I-Il ma COUNCIL, FILE NO ............................. By........................................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofvi-.11,... uef.x ..rei.>3t �tieet to .... ..__..... ................................................ es-tminder... i .a.e.t.._ta...a..::riMtb...of...kD f.e.at.,................ ..-......... ..............------.....-.._.. - - _......_......................._............ _..._._....._.......................................................... _......................_........_.... - ..... ........ .............. -------- ............ ..................... ................................................... _.._................................................_........... ......_.. .......... .... FviALORDEns. b5�30 aril 27, 19?3. ... ....... .._.approved .-_ ......................................... C -r. Nd I the 4634311- Matter o_gr. adin\rapproved .... .............. .from'Arkwright'St_n St. to a width ot.4( g'1i8vm, been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having liminari-Order -.4`�' „a 27;::.1923 ;}:A. public hearlhs_„bbagptip a,,and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered t e same; �-�tby,atiove:lmp•. � � _thlCrOlviyi?lr 1�,..ai ,. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of� Paul that the tree.t..to..... es.tmnster._Streztto .............. a ridth of 40 feet, ._.... _. _._... .. __..... - ..._.... ......... ........: . ................................-......U.sna-LHe-ebrn�.�rn..h tin_ waled; anmdie$;..and resc3nt5ed find gII......._....._..._ a the Council hereby orders said improve- t to be made. -- ESOLVED FLIRT R, That the Com-issi er of Public Works and is hereby instructed nd directed to pr are plans and ape 'fications for said impro ement, and submits to the Council far app al; that upon s id approval, the pr er city officials are her by authorized and dire ted to proceed with them ing of said 1 provement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council, Y City Clerk. Approved.- ..... ........> 191..._... Councilman $rh/Clancy emmrffffm &D�xx :.r sorr x l Councilman :ww x ✓ 11,1a t s on Councilman MUx v' Peter Councilman Wumbrlieb V e n 3 s 1 D�yomyix�'[t�--ire /14r. vice Prea. Forguson Form B. S. A. 8-7. PUBJ l �Miayor. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COMI6IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i In the -matter of Grading Villard Avenue from Aikwr ight Street to Westminster Street to a width of 40 feet. under Preliminary Order approved April 27, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of. Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 3,639-01 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g3. 28 per frt. f t The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 1 Weinand Addition 900 S 1 do 700 7 2 do goo 6 2 do 125 13 Clark's Subdivision of 375 12 Lots 4 and 5, Bass' Acre 150 11 Lots. 150 10 do 150 9 do 125 do 125 F.- B. H. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAR NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM. OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 Clark's Subdivision of .100 6 Lots 4 and 5, Bass' Acre 100 5 Lots. 100 4 do 100 1 do 150 410 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated__--_�_��3 Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 0 . 1W - „. St. Paul, Minn., 4 ....192....3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .................."..........//..//............................................ ../. ..........._........_ / T.... .....L�%...._.....�y?��tl...._,......._..._._............St. Ave. G St. Ave. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0 �= 7 Ax O—C ,s.22 111illiaM4. deter, (�autmissianex Beputg ( vmmiisivner Department of 11uhtir Morkii (1 ity of tmint 10ttul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENG INE.R �$ M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER 1923 A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 19th, G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Villard Avenue from Arkwright St. to West- minster St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #45430, approved April 27, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $3,538.01 Per front foot 3.28 Inspection 89638 Frontage _ 1078 ft. Yours truly, 1,T:rEngineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance SCA Cly idher of Public Works - AL dew Office of the Commissioner of Public%oc�t 'c a z2 Report to Commissioner of Finance$''' MAY 231923 -- May 22, 1923------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ 46430 _approved__ April 27,1923_-191___, relative to the grading of Villard_ Avenue _from -______ St, to a width of 40 feet. _ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $3.28 3 638 Ol 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $--- �..____� __, Frontage 1078 ft. Inspection $69.36 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED Peas •+ C c. CITY OF ST. PAUL Fc mL NO._._-1.�y�..i<.° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .._Ju].y.._1,l.,._...1.9-2.3_...... _..................... _ l — In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Villard Ave. from Arkwright St. to Westminster St. to a width of 40 feet, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45431, approved April 27, 1923 and Intermediary Order C. F. #F46351, approved June 13, 1923. Teahe Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his reporrt and plan in the abovmatter, be it: RESOLVED, That the 1 Y/ 1p i c4 and .4n+a m# th amount of land to be taken for' -the above nanlpd improvement as n easement for g3,opes for cut s 4,d fills in and upon Villard Ave., between the point's aforesaid, tot e extent shown upon the plan tached to the report of the commis ioner of Publ, c Works in the atter, dated Jul�ll, 123, which p an and repor are hereby r erred to and made a part hereof. $� and 0e some _Pre herr'�v cIreOTTMP ennull9di itid MAIM «lid ko b3 W 6. ,'d 41;•t v L:: di:contwued, ti. C. P. No. tier o co �e J. Peter— P In the matter of det d tak la cak- ing an easement in the land neces- t sary for elopes, for cuts and fills In the grading of Villard Ave. from .� Arkwright St. to NVestminster St. to D a width of 49 feet, under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 46431, approved Apr 27, 1923 and Intermediary Order C. F. Ju a 13, 1923. -- No. 46361, approved The Commissioner of PuD`u Works his and plan g having submitted reporLt In the above matter. be it. Resolved, That the above order be an - 1 9 and She s me are hereby cancelled, nulled and rescinded and all proceed- ings in said matter be discontinued. ,Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. J Approved July 18, 1923. /7 (July 28-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council .. - _..__ ____. ._..__192._... Clanev W-94— Approved -_-192--... �� .. AIZrDattald— _ - :. __ In favor Matson ' ------- --------- MAYOR Peter _. ....Against Wenzel zrr.-r. mice Vice Pree�Tergn9on _ Brie Mallette, DrPutl Commissioner William 3. Peter, (!Commissioner �e ttrtuteut of public Works eiiu of Saint Paul M. S. GRYT'BAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A, B, SHARP, SUPE. OF SANITATION GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER G, p, EOWLIN, SUPE. OF WORKHOUSE WM. IN CARE_, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE C^;iNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grad- ing Villard Ave. from Arkwright St. to Westminster St. to a width of 40 feet, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45431, approved Order CoF. #46351, approved April 27, 1923 and Intermediary June 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St- Paul. The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above Improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Comma goner of Public works Dated July 11, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI_ NER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) vy09 In the matter of Condemniniz and taking an easement 1n the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Villard Avenue -from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street to a__ width of 40 feet._— under Preliminary Order approved April 27 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 20.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONASSESSED -VALUATION 7 1 Weinand Addition 900 8 1 do 700 7 2 do 80C 8 2 do 125 — 13 Clark's Subdivision of 375 12 Lots 4 and 5, Bass' Acre 150 11 Lots. 150 10 do 15C a do 125 8 do TOTAL. 125 Fm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMEr T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNl40NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 Clark's Subdivision of 100 6 Lots 4 and 5, Bass' Acre 100 5 Lots 100 4 do 100 1 do 150 4150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated___ Commissiauer of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 ;i� `• Office of the Commissioner of Public WoriNCETVED It.,,l2 1 g �3 Report to Commissioner of Finance_$ 'q b' MAY 23 1923 May 22, 1923---- 191---- ------------------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 0431 ... approved --- April 27, 1923191__-, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes:___ -------------- •---------------- ------------- --- --------------------- Pmr_ cute_ ansl_Pi..l.l�._in_the_grarling_nd' _Pill.ardr-Av$aaa-&rem-A�kw�igl3t----- Street --to --Westminster St. to- a -width of _40fee _____-_`--------------------- ------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_-_---_-_---, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. 4i RESOLVED COUNCIL d b 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE........ July..._1.1.y......1.9.23......... ........... In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of East Sixth Street and Broadway and the inter- section of East Sixth Street and Rosabel under Preliminary Order C.F. '45355, approved April 24, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. 46460. approved June 13, 1923 -Loner of Public Works having submitted c� F. No. ter of pe W. J. Teter_ in the above matter, be it the matter of opetly3e vl•dquina and xtth St. Ihe. road eyion ,f East Sixth St, and B t Si.thy and the In- tersection of East inar St. and Rose-aat the City of St. Paul fixes and ' bel der Preliminary Order C. F. No. 45355, approved April 24, 1923 and of land to be taken for the above named .Intermediary Order C. F. No. 46460, approved June 13, 1923. EollOws The Commissioner of Public Work, having submitted his report and sketch in'the above matter, be it Resolved that the City e 1419"a,r piece of the easterly corner of Lot 6, fixes and determines the land to be taken for the r. ? & Smith' s Addition, measured 12 ft. on Rosabel o:ye °;A° bi.as1o"`,on East Sixth St., also that part of lots 2, 3 and 4";"�31'dck' 44, Kittson'a Addition lying northwesterly of a line drawn from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 4, measured 38 ft. from the northwesterly corner of said lot 4, also a triangular piece of ground in the southerly corner of lot 5, block 29 Kittson's Addition, measured 12 ft. on Broadway and 12 ft. on East Sixth Street, as graphically shown upon the plat attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated July 11, 1923, which plat and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. �I Yeas Nays Clancy Ranson Matson Peter w rI77r / Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ ..,}ir,...a .'_ �.3�.'.__ 192_.... In favor �� F MAYOR Against PT1irr TQTTM William 3.ektrr; Tiammissisner 3rie fltallette, fueputu eammissianer i"evartment of Public IM (Lite of Suint Paul M. S. GRY-K. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending the intersection of Sixth and Broadway and the intersection of Sixth and Rosabel under Preliminary Order C.F. 7`45344, appraved April 24, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #46360, approved June 13, 1923, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvemert , showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A triangular Smith'sce of the Addition,easterly measuredc12ner ft.oL Block 6, Whitney onRosabel St, and 12 ft, on East Sixth St., also that part of Lots 2, 3 4, Block from,thetnortheasterlyocnlying orerofosaideLotr2ytofaa point on the westerly line of said Lot 4, measured 38 ft. from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 4, also a triangulare piec of ground in the southerly corner of Lot 5, Block 29, Addition, measured 12 ft. on Broadway and 12 ft. on East Sixth Street. Commi s ner of Public Works Dated July 11, 1923 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMNIIIAIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In tl�p matter ofening wideninL and extending East Sixth Street at _ ` Rroadwav and Rosabel Street. under Preliminary Order approved April 24 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $40,000.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION East 2/3 of Also So. 15 ft. of E.2/3 of 5. (Except South 8 feet) (Except South 8 feet) Farm B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 6 Whitney and Smith's 42750 Addition to St. Paul. 4 44 Kittson's Addition to 46500 3 44 Saint Paul. 24750 2 44 do 20000 5 29 do 6 29 do 35000 7 29 do 24000 8 29 do 5 30 do TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNAOSIONER OF FINANCE ,! ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 6 30 Kittson's Addition to 7 30 Saint Paul. 5 30 do 5 31 do 6 31 do 7 31 do 5 31 do -5 32 do 6 32 do 7 32 do (Except East 14 feet) 5 32 do 5 33 do 6 33 do 7 33 do 5 33 do 5 34 do 6 34 do 7 34 do 5 34 do 5 35 do 6 35 do 7 35 do 5 35 do The following described pt -of 5 36 do Commencing"at the So:W,corner of Lot 5 thence Northerly along Westerly line 95.70 ft.thence Northerly at right angles 11 ft.thence E.at ight an les 26 ft.thence N.at right angles 1 gt.to ortherly line of TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 35375 16575 7500 10125 25375 16500 9900 11500 19375 13500 10275 15375 15000 11275 9375 7500 19275 13575 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMA SSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION saiu Lot 5,thence E- along said Northerly line to Northeasterly corner of said Lot,thence Southerly to South East cor - ner,thenee to the aforesaid Scuh West corner of said lot. The following described Pt -of 5 36 Kitteon's Addition to Commencing at apoint onthe from tWest lineSaint Paul. South of said Lot 5-98 West corner of said Lot thence Easterly at right angles 14.70 ft.thence North- erly at right angles 11 ft.thence East- erly at right angles 26 ft.thence Northerly at right angles 1 ft.to the Northerly lire of said Lot 5,thence Westerly along said Northerly line to the Northwest corner thereof thence to beginning on said Testerly line of said Let 5- ASSESSED VALUATION 425 }0150 10000 45750 37750 19C00 37000 23500 20900 17400 17400 2000 6 36 do 7 36 do $ 36 do 1 44 do 4 43 do (Except South 8 feet) 3 43 do 2 43 _ do b 43 do South 8 feet of 3 43 do 4 42 do (Except South 8 feet) 3 42 do (Except South 8 feet) 2 42 do (Except South 8 feet) 1 42 do South 8 feet of 1 - 2 - 3 42 do (Except Southerly 8 ft.)1-2-3 4 39 do ots 1�-2-3-4 B1k.39 tots 1-2-3 ,B1k.40,Lots1-2-3-4,B1k.41,a130 Kittson St.�Iacated,lying between the 92 ft.of B1k.37,and the above _Northerly described tBlk v. vamted lying theaboedescribed TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 425 }0150 10000 45750 37750 19C00 37000 23500 20900 17400 17400 2000 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COK+ ,4f%SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION parts of Lot 4,B1k.38 & Lot 1,B1k.39, Willins St.raoated,lying between the above described parts of Lot 4,B1k.39, and Lot 1,B1k.40, Locust St.vacated, lying between the above described parts of Lot 4, B1k.40, and Lot 1, Blk. 41. A strip of land 36 ft.wide,the Northerly line of which is des- 115550 cribed as follows: Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Kittsons St.vacated,18 ft. Northerly from the South-West corner of Lot 4,B1k.37,Kitt sons Add.thence Westerly in a Straight line to a point on the Easterly line of John St.B ft.Northerly f om the South West corner of 4,B1k.41,said r(Except Kittsons Add. part taken for 6th St.) 37 Kitteons T Addition to - 132000 St. Paul. Also that part of Kittsons 5 5 Whitney and Smith's Add. Add.lying between the Northerly & Southerly lines of said Lot to Saint Paul. 5, Extended to Broad•,vay (Except part taken for 6th St.) Also that part of Kittsons 4 5 do 242000 Add.lying between. the Northerly andSoutherly lines of said Lot , Extended to Broadway. Easterly 2/3 of 6 6 do 42750 and the Southerly 15 ft-of Easterly 2/3 of 5. Westerly 1/3 of 6 6 do 17000 and the Southerly 15 ft. of Easterly 2/3 of 5. (Except Southerly 2/3) 5 6 do 19050 4 6 do 21500 7 6 do 8 6 do 261500 9 6 do Southerly 100 ft. of 4 7 do 113500 Southerly 100 ft. of 5 7 do Northerly 50 ft. of 4 - 5 7 do 70300 6 7 do TOTAL 596�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI*SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 7 Whitney and Smith's Add. 242125 S 7 to Saint Paul. 9 7 do Also that part of Kittsons 1 12 do 105000 Addition lying between the Northerly and Southerly lines of Lot 1, extended to Broad- way. Also that part of Kittsons 2 12 Addition lying between the Northerly and Southerly lines of Lot 2, extended to Broad- way. Also that part of Kittsons 3 12 Addition lying between the Northerly and Southerly lines of Lot 3, extended to Broad- way. (Except Westerly 10 ft.for 1 11 Alley) (Except Westerly 10 ft. for 2 11 Alley) (Except Testerly 10 ft. for 3 11 Alley) (Except West 95 ft.) 12 11 .gest 95 feet of 12 11 11 11 10 11 10 (Ex.So..West. 15 ft. for Aliey) 1 9 (Ex.So.West.14 ft.for Alley) 2 9 North 1/2 of 3 9 Ex. So.West.14 ft.for Alley) South 1/2 of 3 9 (EX.So.west.14 ft.for Aiiey) •• M do do do do do do do do do do do" - do 245500 74075 110425 1350 40000 31300 124387 550000 12$750 12 9 do 74000 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 80000 12C00 30850 29175 28975 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI.SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Ex. Westerly 2 ft.for Alley) 11 9 Whitney and Smith's Add. (Ex.Easterly 10 ft.for Alley) to Saint Paul. All that part of 10 9 do which lies Northerly of the Southerly line of the Herein- after described part of Lots 6 & 7,Blk.10,St.Paul Proper produced Easterly also (Except Westerly 8 ft.for Jackson St. and Except part taken for 6th St.)The Northerly 25 ft.of Lots 6 & 7,Blk. 13, St. Paul Proper. (Except Easterly 10 ft.for Alley) All that part of 10 9 do which lies between the Northerly and Southerly lines of the here- inafter described part of Lots 6 & 7,131k.13,St. Paul Proper pproduced Easterly also (Excep) V;esterly 8 ft.for Jackson St. The Northerly 25 ft.of Southerly 50 ft.of Lots 6 & 7,B1k.13,St. Pat}1 Proper. (Except East.10 ft.for Alley) All that part of 10 9 do which lies between the Northerly and Southerly lines of the here- inafter described part of Lots 6 & 7,B1k.13,St.Paul Proper produced Easterly also(Except Westerly 8 ft.for Jackson St.) The Southerly 25 ft.of Northerly. 75 ft.of Lots 6 & 7,B1k.13, St. Paul Proper. (Except East.10 ft.for Alley) All that part of 10 9 do which lies between the northerly and Southerly lines of the here- ifter described part of Lots 61 7,B1k.13,St.Paul Proper pro- duced Easterly also (Except Westerly 8 ft.for Jackson St) The Southerly 26.50 ft.of Northerly 101.50 ft. of Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 13, St. Paul Proper. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 80000 12C00 30850 29175 28975 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI%SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLocic ADDITION VALUATED ION (Except Easterly 10 ft. for Whitney and Smith's Add. Alley) All that part of 10 9 to Saint Paul. 19000 which lies between the North- erly and Southerly lines of the hereinafter described part of Lot 6 & 7,B1k.13,Sz.Paul Proper, produced Easterly also (Except Westerly 6 ft.for Jack- son St. and Except Northerly 101.50 ft.) 6 & 7, B1k.13, St. paul Proper. Easterly 2/3 of 6 8 do 76175 Westerly 1/3�'of 6 6 do 26950 5 6 do 4 6 do 117775 Easterly 1/2 of 7 8 do 22200 Westerly 1/2 of 7 6 do 22200 8 8 do 49200 Southerly 5/6 of 9 8 do 155250 also Southerly 5/6 of 8 & 9 Blk.2, St. Paul Proper(Excect part taken for Jackson Street) Northerly 1/6 of 9 6 do 26000 also Northerly 1/6 of 8 and 9, Blk.2, St. Pall Proper (Except part taken for Jackson Street) 6 Auditors Subdivision "1o. 165200 2 56, St. Paul, Minnesota. 210250 5 do 82-9700 Southerly 10C ft. of 15 - 16 4 St. Paul Proper. 416250 (Except Easterly 20 ft. for Robert St.) Southerly 5/6 of 14 4 do TOTAL 126250 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .� REPORT OF COMMI:f&SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Southerly 1J2 of Northerly 2/3 St. Paul Proper 91750 15 - 16 4 (Except Easterly 20 ft. for Robert• Street) Northerly 1/6 of 14 - 15 - 16 4 do 93000 (Except Easterly 20 ft. for Robert Street) (Ex. Northerly 5 ft.for Alley)13 4 do 10D900 (Ex.westerly 40 ft. of North. 12 4 do 103100 50 ft. also Except Northerly 5 feet for Alley) Ydest.40 ft.of North-50 ft.of 12 4 do 74800 (Except North. 5 ft.for Alley) (Except Nprth.5 ft. for Alley) 9 4 do 11 4 do 210000 10 4 do Southerly 2%3 of 12 5 do 205000 (Ex. ivest.25 ft.)South.2/3 of 11 5 do Test.25 ft.of South.2/3 of 11 5 do 42700 South.22.50 ft.of North.50 ft. of 11 - 12 5 do 64000 North. 27.50 ft. of 11 - 12 5 (Ex. North. 5 ft. for Alley) 10 5 do 104800 (Ex. North. 5 ft. for Alley) 9 5 do 113800 (Ex. North. 5 ft. for Alley) 8 5 do 280500 (Ex. North. 5 ft. for Alley) 7 5 do — 16 6 do 185975 15 6 do (Ex.North.6 ft. for Alley) 14 6 do 36825 (Ex. North. 7 ft. for Alley) 13 6 do (Ex. North. 7 ft. for Alley) 12 6 do TOTAL 227000 ASSESSED VALUATION 85000 47500 150500 167400 107500 107500 75500 60500 74500 69000 292700 79550 146000 271000 171600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI*SIONER OF FINANCE ,t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Ex.North.2a ft.for Alley) St. Paul Proper Easterly 30 ft. of _ 11 6 do (Excet Easterly 30 ft.) also, 11 6 do (EX.North. 20 ft. for Alley) East. 1/2 of South.100 ft.of .10 6 do West.1/2 of South.100 ft.of 10 6 do Southerly 52 feet of 9 6 do South.48 ft.of North.98 ft.of 9 6 do Northerly 50 ft. of 9 - 10 6 do North -50 ft.of 1 - 2 ].2 do (E East.S ft.for Jackson St.) & EX.West.10 ft. for Alley) South.50 ft.of North.100 ft.of 1 - 2 12 do e (Ex.East.8 ft.for Jackson St. and{Exce t Westerly 8 ft. for lleyy Southerly 1/3 of 1 - 2 12 do (Ex.Fast.8 ft.for Jackson St. & Ex.West.10 ft. for Alley) (Ex. South. 10 ft. for Alley) 3 12 do (Ex. South.10 ft. for Alley) 4 12 do Northerly 1/2 of 5 12 do also E sterlyy 10 ft. of North- erly 1�2 of b: North -75 ft.of We:t.90 ft.of6- 7 12 do South.1/4 of North.2/3 of 5-6- 7 12 do South. 1/3 of 5 - 6 - 7 12 do Ex. South. 10 ft. of Lot 5 for Alley) Northerly 1/3 of 1 - 2 - 3 11 do (Ex.Fast.20 ft.of Lot 1 & Ex. West. 18 ft. of Lot 3) South.1/2 of North.2/3 of 1-2- 3 11 do (Ex.Fast.20 ft.of Lot 1, and Ex. ,"est. 18 ft. of Lot 3) TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 85000 47500 150500 167400 107500 107500 75500 60500 74500 69000 292700 79550 146000 271000 171600 CITY OF 9T. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OE FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION South. 1/3 of 1 - 2 - 3 11 St. Paul Proper. 166375 Ex.East.20 ft. of Lot 1 and x.West. 18 ft. of Lot j) Also Test. 1.19 ft. of North. 4 11 do 276000 38 feet of Lot 3. 5 11 do 6 11 do 142000 7 11 do 67850 8 11 do 70000 1 10 do 400000 2 10 do (Ex. Test. 1/2 of North.2/3) 3 10 do 53500 West. 1/2 of North.2/3 of 3 10 do 36300 Easterly 1/2 of 4 10 do 85000 Westerly 1/2 of 4 10 do 1 H. L. Carver's Sub- 74500 2 division of Lots 5-6-7-8 3 Bleck 10, St.Paul Proper. 96000 4 do 5 do 35750 6 do East. 42.53 of _ 1 9- St. Paul Proper. also East. 42.53 ft. of the Northerly 1/2 of Lot 2. Westerly 41.62 ft. of 1 9 do 135700 Also Test. 41.62 ft. of the Northerly 1/2 of Lot 2. Southerly 1/2 of 2 9 do 3 9 do 58025 Southerly 50 ft. of 4 9 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM65SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLO( Easterly 24.75 ft- of 4 9 Except Southerly 50 feet thereof.) Westerly 1/2 of 4 9 (Ex. Southerly 50 ft. thereof) Easterly 112 of 5 9 Westerly 1/2 of 5 9 6 9 All that part of 7 - 8 9 lying Northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 8-51 ft.4 7/8 inches North.from the South West. Corner thereof to a point on the East.line of said Lot 7-50 ft -11 7/8 inches North.from the South East. corner thereof. All that part of 7 - 8 9 lying South. of a line drawn from a point on the ??;esterly line of said Lot 8-51 ft. 4 7/8 inches Northerly from the South Westerly corner thereof to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 7 - 50 ft. 11 7/8 inches Northerly from the South Easterly corner thereof. ADDITION St. Paul Proper do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 3o400 29700 34250 34250 62750 342200 120800 2,180,487 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public NVorks. i Dated_ _ .__ ____ ____l91 C inner of Pinnnce. r, .m a. B. 12 1 J " Office of the C,4 inssioner of Public Works k' Z ;, Report to Commissioner of Finance toz o April 27 1923 5 bliEH �E ---------------'-------------191---- APR 271925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 4b344_-_ April 24, 1923 the Council, known as Council File No._________ approved______191___, relative to opening, widening and extending East Sixth Street at Broadway.----- ------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------- and Rosabel St. ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___ �_____- and the total cost thereof is $______ -- __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. <� _. 1'��// l G2------------------- ommissioner of Public Works. I,ERMAN C. WE EL. 1 V'EPUTY COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER mwnmuunuuupmnm�Lnnuunuu nmmmmmmuwmnmuuwnnuumm�mmm wnnmumm�nimunnmwunmm�uw wnwniwnnvnnunnnmmnnnnmm�munniwnuwuunuoo��m�Onwi° _ l nnninm CITY OF ST, PAUL pepartmtnt of Parks, Flutgraaxn anb Vuhac guilbings OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE aU-ust 16, 1.9°:. Lir. James M. Clancy, Commissj over of the Department of finance, St. r,,:ul, b.inn• Dear rr. CL ncy: in compliance v:itli your recuest of th:, lOt':i ,;e are pleased to submit herewith our retort as made by kir. ' i'^ington on the ,Iorris Packing Comr.any's build- ing Yours very truly, ssioner� commis FX ..ti DIRECTORS JAMES N HILL E R A5MUS C LINDLEv E VER ETT H aAI LEr GEORGE P FLANNCRY NORTHWESTERN TRUST G0AjP_-jN-y AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CA-1—SU"LUS AID UNDIVIDED PROFITS $1,400,000 OFFICERS. EGIL- e Mgrvry C C. W BU— R/l EDWARD OUVIS � JAMES W. L51t A.L.ALNE5S SAINT PAI;I.,IIINNI:SOT.1 July 9, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. GEOIGI CD WARD P CRv. IA"S E........ eo..e PESTEDv.. ie..r ­­ ::, n.... AT STOLp C5 TAOODAR p, �. '•'0c�~ 4L. Orr ce. i Dear Sir: We are in receipt of Post card notices of a hear- ing to be hold on July 11, 1923, in the matter of opening and widening Met. Sizth Street and Broadway and East Sixth 43treet and Hosabel. Street: We represent the following properties on Sixth Lot 9, Block 5, St. Paul Proper, being 65-9 E. 6th St. Wly 25 feet of Sly 2/3ef Lot 11, Block 5, St. Pant Proper, being 69 E. 6th St. Lot 4, Block 12, St. Paul Proper, being 140-2 E.6th St. We do not see how our property will be in any way benefitted by this Improvement and, therefore, wish to file oar objections to being assessed for this improvement. Yours very truly, NORTMVESTM THOST ,�CMPANY By Heal Estate Officer ATS: H ESTABLISHED 1885 GI T. ' IRON[. -D"N Daaz REAL ESfAiE NIDD"HDD I."DED. �A5 A a AJ.A..' DD RENTALS AND �arIOr IRea[tg ¢ompanv F A ' 208-208 GLOBE BUILDING J. W. TAYLOR ST. PAUL, MINN. / ee PHILIP C.ALLEN �� � � v`- lu �� �J ✓� % d1�'�ir c� --y� F4 I RESOLVED I Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ._July -._11.. A_.1923 ....................... - COUNCIL A )� FILE NO.-----... _1�; -. In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width of sixty (60) feet, Hartford St. from Snelling Avenue to Hamline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. #44058, approved February 9, 1923 and Intermediary Order No. e2. 46353, dpproved June 13, 1923. Thy Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter. RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named imorovement.to be ad follows: - The south 30 ft. of the NJ of the SWT and the north 30 ft. of the East 880.26 ft. of the Sj of the Swµ of Section 10, Tounship 28, Range 23, except those portions already taken for Hemline Ave. and Snelling Ave. n he +natter4o—Rv W. __`-.. to tt Hnr�tPor its x'pdth • f q"'9 and Handly 9,r 11923Cg d �' ter 58me , der 3pre11m1,lAve Ir sjonered JU dary d NO skate the ltted h1. I'ablle I o"ka ary ng s _flaRe�'°dd'deter+nine CllYeof ort Pana and Sty he vs �of th� 30 nhe°as Poll w eo named Sect an Ptd fethe°1'tt 30 tto lv�i of the opt t 0 oTOwnshl* °t the of the East 'Hamllne A 1•° rtlonspal8'RanBe Ze°t el Y APArovedbT�t oll 7923 J Yv it 1923. ' (JuIY 21-1923) . COUNCILMEN `1 Nays v Clancy /V/71/ – .. In favor c Matson ,, Peter_ - -: _._Against �iY'C'I1Le1 Mr. President Adopted by7�p the Coyncil_....-.JUI:..:'.-- �73-----192._... ed- r --..xa. . _ _....192.---- f�l i is Mi.�YOR wimam 3. peter, Qbammissisner grfe mauette, �eputg (da►nmissisner Department of 'ublir 'Marks ,r CCU of Saint Paul xL• M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CTTY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL G. P. DOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE In the matter of opening, widening and extending Hartford St. to a width of 60 feet from Snelling Ave. to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #44056, approved June 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing the land necessary to be taken therefore by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The south 30 ft. of the Nj- of the SWI, and the north 30 ft. of the East 880.26 ft, of the S2 of the SWk of Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, except those portions already taken for Hamline Ave. and Snelling Ave. i CommlYioner of Public Works Dated: July 11, 1923 N CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTW{­� ,OF FINANCE FINANCE I:v� ; REPORT OF CO'Mh"lANONER OF PRELIMINARY ORDER ON C� (A) . Hartford Street to a widtri of 60 feet o en widen and ex of In the matter of Ave. to Hamline Ave. ---� from Snellin under Preliminary Order approved 2e). 9 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2.853.0 1 0 the assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated amount of S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - and the assessed valuation of each lot or of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, The lots or parcels parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION 200 =2 6 Twin City View Twin City View 175 l 6 do 175 do 22 5 175 1 r do 175 do 22 4 175 do 1 4 do 175 22 3 175 1 3 do 175 — do 10 1 1F0 9 1 do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPART, NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 8 1 Twin City View 7 1 do 6 1 do 5 1 do 4 1 io 3 1 do 2 1 io 1 1 do (Except Hamlire Ave.) The East 53-1/3 rods of the North 30 rods of the So. east 1/4 of So, west of 10 28 R23 (Except Snelling Ave.) The South 189.19 feet of the West 825 feet of North- west 1/4 of 10 28 R23 (Except the North 90.61 feet of the West 16.5 feet) The West 330 feet of the East 495 feet of the South 420.19 feet; also the North 44.09 feet of the South 420.19 feet of the East 165 feet of Northwest 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of 10 28 R23 The East 161i feet of the South 376.10 feet of North- west 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of 10 28 023 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 1� 150 150 1 FO 150 150 150 150 (800 3130 500 2550 1050 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COPy111*SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That r.art East of Lot 4, as same is recorded in Book H. of Town Plats :,age 2, being the Fast 7 acres of the North 27 acres of t��e Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest; & (Excert Hamline Avenue) The North- east 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 L 60000 of 10 28 R23 B 28 000 105980 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i I .'n Dated_ —__191 �/ Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 U 'Office of the Commissioner of Public )fffor6ECEIVED 13 Report ,to Commissioner of Finance pia '' „,,•��� „ r MAY 10 18#3$ May 9, 1923----------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 44058February 9,192 the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved______________________ 91___, relative to opening, widening and extending Hartford Street ---to --a_width___-_-_-____ ---------------------------------------------------------- of _60 _feet_ from_ Snelling Ayenue_ to__$amlinQ_1iYanAfl------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- f — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_XXX _________, and the total cost thereof is $__xxx ______, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. , ------------ mmiss� -�--ioner of Public Works. no r St. Paul, Minn ....... ,^ebu. Ar.Y...149 t.. ...... 192�... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be'made: ..........O.pe.ri...ano.....w.iden....... AN.C. from.........:.ne.lling............................................................. . Ave. to_............. ... .............................. e Srft Ave. .n22 South r NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION T' nrl R. (`arrnll Tn^nr•nOt'Bt,eO 6 Twin Cit,,.yVi Pte__ Todd & rsrroll lnc Tw1n City View r - F.r.qrroil Tncornoraten1& 22 4 Twin City View 1'oad & Carroll neor orateo 1& 22 3 Twin City View oddCarroll lncorcorateo 1 Tr+in City View rodo & Qarroll lncoroorateo 3 4,5 1 ^w in r' rods & Carroll I nc Orr. or a tea 6,7,8 9'win City View T 9 10 po(jd X L;errnll Tncorrora..d -L--,f 11 1 Twin City View Th P. sbove e r: ise all the a cinir.g property on th Signe-1 - T ,r Gt/(/u Secret i _ ,i 1923 jii) Or,,i�. .n22 South r COUNCIL FILE NO........---........_...._. By................ ....... ...... .................... .............................. q FINAL ORDER ` t__t j' e.. �_dasi.ca ll ..an....arvland In the Matter of.......9.�: S.1iS'1.1�-.t.a.::_-..r._..?......: .o.i,._ap� __ r• Street on the south ...s...i t z.r:o:_ � :�r'ess Vit. .tc_- orest �t..1exce�t--•;?here .............. x................... .... . rvo.oi...a.I151..stif.c.k(�...€.elu� xst� .......... ..................-............. ....-...-- --........ ........... ..... ............................ .............. ............... ......._......._........... ......_.............. _.................................................. _................... .............. ......................... .__...._.._..........................._.... _.......... ................__............. ._............._... __......._..._ __....._....._._................... .__. _..._.................. _.............. ...................... C. F. �6947— in the Matter ofconatruti. 'l foot tile saewalk._...._"...... ._..............._.approved ...i�au.2z,_19.3............. .....-_. .................. land St., on the south sine. good and esuficie tesldev approved _ ....._ - ......... exist, -under Preliminary G - - -'- ------- approved May 28. 1923. - public heatins'havi.m �ipg been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having vpon the :sande the Coin ImprovdIn dnen ti neraen� oh]eetlo^ 'ions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; _or RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....g0 S tract a. -- ].%foot Callent t11e s 1 9etlalk on .............................................................................. ar. land_.a.tr.eot.,._.on..the. t. to ,--,.rarest 'It.., _ .._ ...._............. _............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...... ' . --- ---- City Clerk. Approved ................. ..`......._....'........ ..... _, 191........ C ........._.................. .._ Mayor. Councilman Councilman F. V&'"w'(♦i4ix�Clancy Councilman J33risiuliCt m8+�9'.�'�l" Councilman Tex ✓ ' : t s on Councilman i9i"A lx Councilman WtUYd0D!1,hX T4'fZE Mayor i>ie}K: X� elson Form 0. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTME"T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMt *LONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �d In the matter of cons r,lrt ing a Six -fust cement tile sideivalk on Maryland Street on the South side, from Cypress Street to Forest Street under Preliminary Order approved May 28th •1923 _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3 fgontl The estimated cost per oot or the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 3 Eastville Heights 2 3 do 3 3 " 4 3 " 5 3 " 6 3 " 7 3 " g 3 " 9 3 11 TOTAL. F— B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 100. 75• 150. 2700. 400. 400. 400. 2200. 700. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COVASSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION North 42 feet of North 42 feet of 14 — LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 Eastville Heights 400. 11 3 do 3050•, 12 3 " 1400. 13 3 950- 15 3 11 2325- 15250. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated_ .. _ . - - ----191. Vssioner of Finance. F.— B. U. 12 Ll , i i I � i j E iS t F �. / is i ea .... ... .... v i i ! 1 ;.. Office of the Corrid0sioner of Public Works R cEtvEm 1. '3 Report to Commissioner of Finance a v 1923 - - -June - _1923 ----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couneil, known as Council File No. 45943 -approved--Ma9_ 28, 1923 191---, relative to cons tructing-a eis_Yoot_o®ment the aidewalk_on Maryland Street--,--- treeti ---------------------- __ --------------------- and and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 01.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - --- -o-- ------- issine--of Public --Works-. ---- • , St. Paul, Minn.,/.. Z... -792...E To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sidewalk on i:iaryland Street, south adde, Ave. Forest St. from........_............._.............................................. St. Ave. to---- -- St. Ave. .22 NAME LOT BLOCK/ ADDITION a� f" _g4V I . 5 N �. o G n.J J ilN .22 COUNCIL FILE NO.........._....._.__... By.............................. .....I.......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._....war .nort.h_.ais ...oz._ e -n y._:-tr_<.- --"O E:- raaro ::sicnue to-'irecnbrier 6treet, -except lsor.e...:z-o.Q-d 2,i a....al :i ... a. `.?.azaall s no;; e}:ist:..... ......................... ------------- .............. ....... ... ....._.. ............_..................._..........._.._....... ............................. .......................................................................... .... ..... .... .... ... .. ..... .... ....... -.I- F Lo.43948trUc- ._. _. -... ... n the Matter tno �stdewalkson the -'-' -' - Yeet cement St. Yrom Payne �., :. north side of Denny 45950 , Greenbrier -St, except where approved .._ - ,�... :.'.7 J..J. Ave. to . .. . .............................. sldetvalks. now ..... _. goo e.i. and su relimi Order '- - exlstnnderPrellmtna Y approved May. an.onP28,.1923. A�hleaonghsvi ' ....... ..app roved .......... abve -_ i hearing --__ ... _..__._ ....._ ... having been had upon the above improvement upon due not(ce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully -considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - o zs ruc.t.._^ "'' ` t cemont tie de. ail'- on the ment to be made by the said City ls..Q. a � _.X oo .. B.t1 �tre�t fro -, r�, ne ._Venue to re nbrler tr.cr,, e::cept .....00.4..a..od...suffic_e ,t dew s o xistr and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....._......:u'..... 19 .._... /i ....................... City Clerk. Approved ............. '.!'. '.' _.-......_................. 191_.._.. Councilman $mlKxorth " C l at. c y an Councilman $>�12�x'• � � o n Councilman 3t$6nUt: Fe r MayorA2W4.X r/:•cison Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF 8T. PjAUL DEPARTMENT O1NANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE w ,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof constructing a six-foot cement the sidewalk on the north side of Denny Street from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier STreet. under Preliminary Order approved MAY PA, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S front The estimated cost p foot for the above improvement is 3 1, 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I{I 1 McKinnon Addition 200. 12 McKinnin 2nd Addition 1375.E 13 do 175- 14 ^ 400. 15 " 150- 16 " 150- 17 " 150. 1s 150- 19 1 150 20 " 2250- Form B. B. 10 T OTA L. CRY of ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT- FFINANCE REPORT OF COMMINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM R, RY ORDER (C) DES'RIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Z: VALUATION 21 McKinnon 2nd Addition 150- 22 do 150- F 5450. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--------- Commissioner of Finance. ro.m B. B. 12 _ yy , i r i f I f Office of the Commissio r" of Publicj 6rl MCr--I ~ a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 3 1923 Jun -e-6,-1923 191---- --------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -A4 9-50 -approved--]flay 2@,-192a ---191---, relative to cons truoting a six foot cement tile sidewalk-- on -the -north -side -of ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denny Street from Payne Avenue- to Greenbrier -- Street-. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. AR-!f ----mmioof Public Works. o- St. Paul, Minn ........... .................... ......................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ,� We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petitic�r�your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �.._....__..,..._..._.... _................................... ..I ------------------ � V . ........... ......................... ........... ......................................St. 4' 1-2 e•� �_ from`.- L .......... ...__....-._.......................d*• Ave. to .._..._ ........ _ .. -- ._..............._......................................r. ........................... St. Ave. .j&Nsz r .j&Nsz -COUNCIL FILE N0.-_.....__.._......._.. By-..._..._....._ ..... .......... ............. - - ..... ....... . FINAL ORDER, In the Matter of 0-01ai-tVUCti ng -a S. Qr Qn. ur.r.ing .--street jo. a north of Laf o ................... ............................................. f e.el .................. ..... ........ ... ... ... .... --- .......... .. .. .. ......... ..... . ............... ..... I .. . ..... ------------- ..... . ........ ------------ ---- ----------------------------------- I&I ........ . .. ...... . . - - -- - - - --- - -- - - ----------------- ------------------------------ - - - h .... ........... . . .. ..... -- -- -------- ---------- - ---------------------- ....................... - ................................. ........ ................................. .................................................................. war ........ ..... -- ----- --- -------- - -- --- ----------------- - - of ootggfte'l, r No. 46911 In' tile matW Avec. fqb of Afond to ""feet a -y' 0,der 45761 4.5 7 - 5 1 ....................... approved ................. il;?�Y 1jj_ 19.23.- ........ .... .u.1 ,st., ocderay 11, 1922. vingl be 11 bad apPrOvlei' hearing r,v.gg.t Upon u bc,jop; ... ........ .........................._approved ..... ... ...... - ............. .. - ----- ....... ---- ---- ---- -- -- - pab� 0 above I Pcounand reci 0 tj toe cotions �ct - " n }diue � had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having car I a.. e �-1 'o 0 dered c 11 o' I 'o to o of t City recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; the L t r. c ol, tent or ' 1, 9� , It.. le:" made t- - Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- -I.. �'.V.enuo nre-11' t6 be made by the said City is c.ons.tru.c.t a s.��vjer on ��arr.lrictol � 3.1 -ir Street t...o.point 130 feet north of Lafond Street., . ....... - ......... .. ... ... ......................... ............................... ................ ... ... . ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, Adopted by the Council 91....._ .......... City Clerk.- Joi .... Approved ............................... ..... . .. ..... 191 .............. ..................... Mayor. Councilman zxmgw&-M/G1ancy jCour Councilman '& R& l,latson Councilman 2kRWtx Peter Mayor bnfts%FTe 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8-7. OF 9T. DEP. T O CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER: (D)1 In the matter of ClOn"truCt a sewer on Farrington Avenue from Blair street to a point 130 feet north of Lafond Street. under Preliminary Order approved Myy 11, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: — The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is X592• CC f rQQnt 2,5$ The estimated cost per/ oot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 23' Duwsons Third Addition to the City of St.Paul 550- 9 23 do 2075.' 1 23 Hewitts Subdivision of Block 31 and the So.half of block 23 of Lafonds A dition to St. Paul 675.' 7 Bacon & Colemans Subd. of Block 22 Lafonds Addn. to St.Paul '+575• S do 925- 11 ° 1150. ,. TOTAL. li I(1j The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters; an1. d'hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, togethbr with the report made`to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Form B. B. 13 IL VOffice of the Commissioner of Public w s EIEC VE® Report to Commissioner of Finance ,` O+,"8 4t t, MAY 231923 --- -- Map_22,_ 1923a --191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 17 , 1923 191___, the Council, known as Council File No.46751 ______approved____M___ay ______________ relative to the oonstruotion of a sewer on Farrington Avenue from Blair- Street --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to --150 - feet north of Lafond- Street --------- _---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.58 per front foot 592.00. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__-_________- Frontage 229 ft. Inspection $12.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked fpr upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. •t'•1 -------------------------- rW: Commissioner of Public Works. Milhain J. Ileter, (¢narmissianer 31rie Malletu, Deputg (¢OmuiissiDn¢r BrVartment of Publir Morko (pity of f$uint Vain GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER tj M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROL . ASST CHIEF ENGINEER may 81, 1923 A. B. SHARP. SUPT, OP SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PUNNING ENGINEER G, G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Pullio Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Constructing a sewer on Farrington Avenue from Blair St. to 130 ft. north of Lafond St. under Preliminary -Order O.F. #45751, approved May llth,1$83: Est imated-oost 8598.00 Per front foot 8.58 Inspeot ion 18.00 Frontage 289 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance CkliV�� lone of Public Works St. Paul, Minn .,........ .......... .......................7� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod to cause the following improvement to be made- .. ade: %� --- G�-' / �`- y, ................... .._.................--..................._......................--- .I.,....._....................................._............._...__................................... ........................................................................_._.__ _ ......_......................................... :..........._......_St. e. from............ ............................ ti fly ,. . .... --Sc. Ptve- . '�22 r P DOJ-�?O� �� 1ti`� !' /30 � T i �" i - _ _ , -" FARC/NGT�/Y �I!/E i I L � � � D --,°G" r�- �, COUNCIL FILE NO..........._........_...... By-- ..._......... ..... _ - - - f In the Matter of i.:Lth.... ,i -IQ -ld c ano-rete e:;j.� n t ............. . ............. ............... ........... .... . ................. . ............... . ............. ._............ ­ ....................... fl-.F� 1� No., 469546960—di 15 . ........approved .... _­:�,Y_ 9, Thr. Matter of paving, grading, I --- ... ......... I ­­.. . .1 approved .......... ­ .......... ...... ........ ... ............. ..................... i had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council haVing recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; er Preliminary Ord.r,,lbbau app hearing. :having beerqunci el n the above Ireprovemen I of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- tb., c n nE,�G a ........... mei rttobeihadcby tau,'suid City is_P�4vei �:XA��oj a. . t.,_ tO� . -,-ts an�! ary. ini rovements ri!ejces.sa jq-os, cuive. I incidental thereto on ..issisSiPPi :,ivUr 0 -1ulOvard froiir, tl-ie end of tiie present asphalt .......... . ................ _ .......... ........ .conciete_. .... .... .. ...... _pave,,r.ent at �retin _.venue and ,ortland venue.... (projclt;ced) t.c). ....... ...... ­ . . ...... I ­­ � ..est seventh qtr '-'Gt,, and the Council hereby orders said Zprovement to beinade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...... . ....... C ................. .................. ........... City Clerk. Approved .... .. ...y�J.191 Mayor. Councilman Is n c y lifaLlax Councilman AWINX ✓ 1.1atson Councilman MbEWILY, Yetor Mayor hidxl,,;e 1 son Form B. S. A. 8-7. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — „ i`:xewt+ sti;Va;= oz (.reosoi.ed Brick laid .:.sphalt or Conor.. f concrete Paving 3locl:s flat_st-)halt Total sq. yd •, i+ (including (7,radln7, F 6 4.64 3.98 - drainage, etc,) -8 1 intersections ) 12,440.33 272,J05.:.6 223,722.70 191,900.08 .heelage ) Property share 169,-43,13 147,cDlb 'l 121,258.05 104,010.13 451,783.4 6 g 420,817.04 3c«,90.75 295,910.21 Total 8.15 7.05 5.69 4.81 :^y Front foot (Curhinr additional) ? for concrete curb ..,. not ir. ;r.63 per lin. ft. :-dd 6" sevier connect -i.0, -,s, each 30.00 3/4" !tater conn"ct,i c ,s, eac:i 25.00 - 21 E.J. Kingstons Subd. 1000 22 do 23 _ do 750. 24do 700 . 650. . 25 do TOTAL. 4 Farm a. a. io ^•::": CITY OF ST PAUL pl ss last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE X21' p�4 REPORT OF OMMISSION R bF FINANCE . DESCRIPTION f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION (A) (Except part taken for 492.050 Summit, GifiMn and In the ma'tferYl tr 6 S.E.4 of the -N E.w of Sec.5-T.28.R.23 k 10 1 Shadow Falls Park Add. 2400. to St.Paul, Minn. 21 E.J. Kingstons Subd. 1000: j The lots orparcets of fandthat may be<assessed befi6ts'for'such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pl ss last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except part taken for 492.050 Summit, GifiMn and Cleveland Avenues S.E.4 of the -N E.w of Sec.5-T.28.R.23 10 1 Shadow Falls Park Add. 2400. to St.Paul, Minn. 21 E.J. Kingstons Subd. 1000: j 22 do 825 23 do .750 . 24 do 700 . 25 do 650 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. ._... That part of Lot 3, Sect -5 lying North of center line of Lincoln Ave. produced rest to Diss. River (Ex. :Mississippi River Blvd. & except streets)5-28-23 That part of Lot 3 Sec -5 T.28, Range 23, lying So. of center line of Lincoln Ave. produced West to Wfississippi River and North of the South line of the North 40 -cres of said Lot 3 (Except ::Aississippi River Boulevard and except streets). TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 600 550 500 500 500 425 950 950 1425 475 950 950 goo 850 850 442000 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OF FINANCI ` ``COM-MISSIONEFO 'k 6N PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION �i 26 E.J.Kingstons Subdivision �7 do 29 do 29 do 30 do 31 do do g do 7 do East of 6 do West z of 6 do 5 do 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do That part of Lot 3, Sect -5 lying North of center line of Lincoln Ave. produced rest to Diss. River (Ex. :Mississippi River Blvd. & except streets)5-28-23 That part of Lot 3 Sec -5 T.28, Range 23, lying So. of center line of Lincoln Ave. produced West to Wfississippi River and North of the South line of the North 40 -cres of said Lot 3 (Except ::Aississippi River Boulevard and except streets). TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 600 550 500 500 500 425 950 950 1425 475 950 950 goo 850 850 442000 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` qs REPORT OF COMMISSIONEEI OF (B) P y 4N PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Ex.Mississippi Blvd.) do do 22 2 Ring's Iraplewoos 21 2 do 20 2 do 19 2 do 16 2 do 17 2 do 16 2 do 15 2 do 14 2 do 13 2 do 12 2 do 22 7 do 21 7 do 20 7 do 19 7 do 16 7 do 17 7 do 16 7 do 15 7 do 14 7 do 13 7 do 12 7 do 1 2 St -John's Wood St.Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. 2 2 do 3 2 do Crosby Place. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 1600 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2400 2700 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1600 1375 1200 1150 126400 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF bCOMMISSIONEk OF FINANCEw .=g t CSN PRELIMINARY ORDER K (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Hawthorne Wood 16500 . t 40 3 Mississippi View being 1650 Auditor's Sub.No.59, 39 3 St.Paul, Minn. 1250 38 3 do 1250 37 3 do 1250 36 3 do 1250 35 3 do 1250 0 34 3 do 1250 33 3 do 1250 32 3 do 1250 31 3 do 1250 30 3 do 1250 29 3 do 1250 28 3 do 1250 27 3 do 1250 26 3 do 1250 25 3 do 1250 24 3 do 1250 23— 3 do 1500 F 3 do 1000 6 The Elms 5500 7 do 4675 26 3 Ryan Place 1150 27 3 do 1250 29 3 do 1250 y 29 3 do 1250 30 3 do TOTAL 1250 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF �COMMISSIOiNER OF FINANCF� -I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 31 3 Ryan Place 1250 32 3 do 1250 33 3 do 1250 34 3 do 1250 35 3 do 1250 36 3 do 1250 37 3 do 1250 38 3 do 1250 39 3 do 1250 40 3 do 1250 41 3 do 1250 42 3 do 1250 43 3 do 1250 44 3 do 1250 45 3 do 1250 46 3 do 1250 47 3 do 1250 48 3 do 1250 49 3 do 1250 50 3 do 1250 1 1 Edgecliff Addition No.2. 1050 2 1 do 1050 3 1 do 1050 4 1 do 1050 5 1 do IC50 6 1 do TOTAL 1050 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OF FINANCE E FCOMMISSIONER ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 1 Edgecliff Add.ilo.2. 700. 6 1 do 700 9 1 do 700 10 1 do 750 11 1 do 700 12 1 do 700 13 1 do 700 1 2 do 650 2 2 do 725 3 2 do 725 4 2 do 725 5 2 do 725 6 2 do 725 7 2 do 725 6 2 do 725 9 2 do 725 10 2 do 725 1 3 do- 625 2 3 do 625 3 3 do 750 4 3 do 750 5 3 do 750 6 3 do 750 7 3 do 750 6 3 do 750 9 3 do 750 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF t OM MISSIO E ORDER FINANCE ro ON (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 3 Edgecliff Add.No.2 11 3 do 12 3 do 13 3 do 14 3 do 15 3 do 16 3 do �7 3 do 18 3 do 19 3 do 20 3 do 21 3 do 22 3 do �3 3 do 24 3 do 25 3 do 26 3 do (Except part taken for Miss.River North 'j of Southwest w of East 40 Boulevard) The acres of L01„4, Section 8 Town. 28, Range 23.')` West 264 feet of South of Southwest u f East 40 acres of Lot 4 Section S, Town. 29, Range 23 (Except South 33 feet for Otto Ave) 1 5 St.Catherine Park 2 5 do 3 5 do 4 5 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 675 550 350 250. 250 350 550 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 4800 1500 75 75 75 75 Cin OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 5 St.Catherine Park 75 6 5 do 75 7 5 do 75 S 5 do 75 9 5 do 75 10 5 do 75 11 5 CIO 75 12 5 do 75 13 5 do 75 14 5 do 7-5 15 5 do 75 16 5 do 75 17 5 do 75 IS 5 do 75 19 5 do 75 20 5 do 75 21 5 do 75 22 5 do 75 23 5 do .75 24 5 do 75 25 5 do 75 That part lying East of the Mississippi River Boulevard 23100 No.2 of the North 1 of Gcver:iment Lot 2, Section 17, Town. 28, Range 23T TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That part lying Easj of the Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2 of the North z of the South g of Government Lot 2 Section 17, Tovn.28, Range 23. That part lying East of the Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2 of the South w of Government Lot 2, Section 17, Town. 26, Range 23- 51 3 Lane's Mount Curve 50 3 do 49 3 do 48 3 do 47 3 do P 46 3 do 45 3 do 44 3 do 43 3 do 42 3 do 41 3 do 40 3 do 39 3 do 3s 3 do 37 3 do .36 3 do 35 3 do 34 3 do 33 3 do 32 3 do TOTAL 9970 s610 700 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF pOMMISSIONEFi* OF FINANCE q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 31 3 Lane's Mount Curve 30 3 do 29 3 do 28 3 do 27 3 do 26 3 do 25 3 do 24 3 do 23 3 do 22 3 do 21 3 do 20 3 do 19 3 do 18 3 do 17 3 do 16 3 do 11 2 do 12 2 do 13 2 do Except Cleveland Ave) Iv'orth of Northeast � of Southeast of Section 17, Town. 28, Range 23) (Except North 33 ft. & part taken for Mississippi River Boulevard No.�) North 1 of Scuthwest ''—,of Northeast 4 of Southeast 4 of Section 17 To -m.25 Lnge 23) TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 500 500 .450 400 400 350 325 300 250 250 250 33500 3000 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE b+� " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Mississippi River Boul vard 1o. ) north j of South 1500 of Southwest 4 of Northeast , of Southeast 4 of Section 17, Town. 28, Range 23. (South 4 of Southwest 4 of Northeast u of Southeast 4 of 1500 Section 17, Torn 28, Range 23. (Except part taken for Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2) 35 3 Hiawatha Park Addition 250 No. 2, St.Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. H 34 3 do 475 33 3 do 475 32 3 do 475 31 3 do 475 30 3 do 475 29 3 do 475 28 3 do 475 27 3 do 475 26 3 do 475 25 3 de 475 24 3 do 475 23 3 do 475 22 3 do 475 21 3 do 475 20 3 do 475 19 3 do 475 18 3 do 475 17 3 do TOTAL 475 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE k- •u REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ti ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hiawatha Park Addition 475 No.2 St.Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn. 15 3 do 475 11 8 do 475 12 .8 do,- 475 13 8 do 475 14 8 do 475 15 8 do 475 16 8 do 475 17 8 do 475 18 8 do 450 (Except the East 40 ft. for Cleveland Ave) Beginning at the 4305 Southeast corner of Government Lot 4, thence Vilest 210.92 ft. thence Northwesterly to southwest corner of Block 8, Hiawatha Addition No 2 thence 299.66 ftp. to East line of Government Lot 4, tAence South 211.06 ft. to beginnin Part of Lot 4 in Section 17, Town. 28, Range 23 (1.25 ac� That part of Government Lot 1, situated between Cleveland 22710 Aveand Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2, and North of a line 1143.51 feet South of and parallel with the North line of Lot 1, Part of Section 20, Town. 28, Range 23 containing 6.41 acres) (Except I7orth 300 ft. of West 250 feet) That part of Government 10500 Lot 1, lying South of a line 1143.51 f6. south of and parallel with the North line of Section 20, and bounded by Cleveland Ave. and Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2 Part of Section 20, Town. 28, Range 23, containing 7.94 acres) TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t • -� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e W4 (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except South 34 ft.for Mississippi R�ver Blvd.#�2 and the West 3 ft. for opening of Prior Ave) West 100 ft. of 10 2 Arcadia 11 2 do 12 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do 14 1 do 15 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 do 24 1 do 25 1 do 29 Franklin Steel's Sub.of Lot 2, Sect. 21, Town.28, Range 23, Ramsey County. 31 _ do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 950 800 goo 800 Soo 800 800 800 800 800 800 goo 7800 3 400 CITY OF 8T. PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r .rf REPORT OF COMMISSIONER` OF FINANCE 04 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except West 100 feet) 31 Franklin Steele Sub.of 10000 Lot 2, Sect.21 Town.29, (Except South 34 ft -for 30 Range 23,Ramsey County. 500 Miss. River Boulevard #2) Porth of vac. alley adj. on the south & 7 2 St.John's Wood St.Paul, Ramsey Co. 600 16 1 Hiawatha Park Addition 100 :uo. 2 St.Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn. 9 6 do -150 10 9 do 100 1422020 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --___._._..__-.._--.-191.. - Commissioner of Finance. F.— H. U. 12 // William 31. Beier. (&ummisaioner ,, .. brie Maliette, 0eputg (�$attnnissiuner Depaetmeut ofhlie n�� (�itlj of faint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION may 31, 1923 P. BOWLIN. SUFI. OF WORKHOUSE . mr0 Wm. d. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the ad bract , changing alignment, together with necessary walls, 1, Isaving, gr s,culverts and any improvements incidental thereto, fills, on Mississippi River Boulevard from the and of the present asphalt concrete pavement at Cretin Avenue and Portland Avenue (produced) to West Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45689, approved May 9, 1923: Length 21,772.3 ft. Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 19,600 ft. Creosoted Bricks ffla� laid Aseha]ltor 711 . Concr. donorete Paving Blocks Total SqO yd., (including grading, 6.48 5.66 4.64 3.98 drainage, etc. ) Intersections) _ $312,440.33 $272,903.13 0223,T22.70 $191,900.08 Wheelage ) (a) Property Share 169,348.13 147,913.91 121,258.05 104,010.13 T o t a l $481,783.46 $420,817.04 0344,980.75 $295,910.21 (a) Front Foot 8.1b 7005 5.69 4.81 (Curbing Additional) Add for concrete cb whereot 686' per lin. ft. 8 in. 19 sewer oonnee one, sac E6e00 3/4 --water connections, Yourg. truly, �, L��4f Engin Approved for transmission to the Commissions of Finance. Commis o 4u iio Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works rrpr 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance U1,11 7 19 33 Jane 4, ------ 191 ---- To ----191--_- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. - 7 a -approved I -- - 19]%, relative to the paving, grading, changing alignment, toget r with necessary aae�le,--� 1� s; -bridge$;- oa�ve�is-aaub-SUIy-Upr-evemeate--inoidenu .--------- thereto, on Mississippi River Boulevard from the end of the present eaghalt_csoncret®_�e_v_ement_ at Cretin A_v_enue_-fQ J:9xt3'aA-A'AF@Due_-----___- (produced) to West Seventh Street. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $_--__---_--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ?^. -------------------- Com issioner of Public Works. ILI �1. !i civ ILI COUNCIL FILE NO By... ........ FINAL ORDER -T In the Matter of nil to 1'au V�, �-1 ......t ......... !"S to orc2o"t- lines .............. ........ ......................... .... OZ._ Lj_- ;,av n nr c •�Nra ter f grading lad Pa log .tock Perk—Y from Nf,ckubln -)o approved I7' Payne Avenue. incl . I ng mains Fns a to props lapproved where not already Tade. a- .illng curbing and paving drive- upon due notice, and the Council having nd 11ey approaches, whereen had upon the above improvement Tr, , minary Order Beard au pt.s I ons, :" .'23- .1d recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Citv of '.It. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is... .-V enu. Ji S., -..0j, t Q.r 11 a C 0 1111 e C't ions dY �,,-,a d e ...a: 11z 1'C y a 'j n e C e S S a 1'.to be asphaltio t;onvrete from !Tabrasku. to—iaaldibin Sts. and from Edgerton Sto Paynewer i r7�; ,.forzed 9riorete fror� '.'ebrask-a St. to Edgerton St., fi'zl 3-0J and the Council hereby orders said lmrovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... ..... . .... . ........ City Clerk. Approved. 191 Mayor. Councilman CY Councilman AWIM, t S oil Councilman 2REI& Peter' .Cotln Mavor RIQIXe� Form B. S. A. 8-7. --Z CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE — REPORT OF (7,OMMISSIOgNER OF FINANCE A , ON PRELIMINARY (ORDER. - - (A)� �� _ �L_ - In the matterbf�l4�[/W�� - <7" under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: v0'_iC_ �rGI1nG .._iSS—N.1tt ionCr. yd 72 ro�:t soot,. .20 ed to t ov o DO - ;. or. (Except part to CitY for 10 do S00 Wheelock Parkway) 9 do 2700 TOTAL. Form B. B. IG yam'_ CITY OF BT. PAUL ° DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Of gOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter'of AK - The lots or pm— _v.. —.. parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway) The East 12800 20 rods of S.F.-,'T of .,I.E.4 of Section 20,Tcwn.29,Range 22. (8.67 acres) Excep` port to City for 2 12 B. Schnitauis Ad.to 200 Wheelock Parkway. St.Paul, [,inn. Except part to City for 11 do 1350 Wheelock Parkway. (Except part to City for 10 do 800 Wheelock Parkway) 9 do 2700 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AREPORT IOF w COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFiY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Excert Arcade Street and {ilheelock Parkway) The 17500 :forth Eo rods of the East 40 roes of the Scutheast o£ election 20, Town. 25, Ranke 22) 13.45 ac. T 6650 (Ex e�pt Streets) The West z of the hiortheast , of So east I of Section 20, Town. 29, ••anEe 22. (19 a:res)IV TOTAL 650 30 12 Harrison & Handy's Add. to the City of St -Paul. 29 12 do 250 25 12 do 250 27 12 do 250 26 12 do 250 25 12 do 250 24 12 do 250 23 12 do 250 22 12 do 250 21 12 do 250 (Except West 10 feet) 2C 12 do 200 W.10 ft.of lot 20 & allof 19 12 do _ 2300 S. 66 ft. of 16, 17 & 16 12 do 2075 (Except Wheelock Parkway) (Except South 66 ft) Lots 16, 17 and 18 12 do 2550 (:except Parkway) 1 13 do 150 do 2 13 do 150 do 3 13 do _ 15C do 4 13 do 150 40 5 13 do 150 do 6 13 do 150 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A ON PRELIMINARY ORDERor (B) DESCRIPTION (Except Parkway) dt dc do do do do North 2 of 13, 14 and South 2 of 13, 14 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 13 Harrison IS Handy's Additiofl to the City " �3 of St.Paul. 9 13 do 10 13 do 11 13 do 12 13 do 15 do 15 13 do (Except Parkway) 'Icrth 14 2/3 cf 1, 2 and 3 South 1/3 of 1, 2 and 3 14 4 14 Excect Parkway,14,15,16 17 11 (Except P«rkway) 13 11 22 11 (Except Parkway) 23 11 do \ 24 11 do 25 11 do 1 11 do 11 11 (Except Parkway) East 2 of vacated ll.ev adjoin. and lots 9 a 10 11 6 11 (Excert Parkway) West 12 of vacated alley adjoining) 4 11 (Except Parkway) West 2 of vacated a114y adj. 5 11 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 175 1175 200 650 1200 200 175 1600 4450 1375 2750 600 50 1350 9o0 100 3325 goo 2000 125 225 (Except Wheelock Parkway) Cons -,enc r� at the southwest porner 1850 of the east 30 rods of the northS rods of southeast of northwest 1;, thence north 727 feet, thence north 57 3/4 degrees w st 36 feet, thence south 3 degrees, 45 minutes .rest 20�.3�+ feet, thence west 201.55 set, thence south 583.8 feet, thence east 345.25 feet to beginning. Part of northwest t of Section 20, Town. 29, Range 22. (4.20 ac.) 1 1H. Thompson's Add. 50 2 1 do 50 a (i,xcert Park -;"ay) Cc. m. at a point on the west 1�ne of the E. 1975 30 rods of the north 48 rods of the southe,:.st 7, of the northwest 4. 727 feet north from the southwest corner thereof ence north 55771+ 4 reds west,—o feet the Ce south 35 degrees L.inuLes west, 2�jg.34 feet, Theme west 21.55 feet, thence south to the north line of H. H. Thompson's Addition thence west along said north line to the west line of S.E.I. thence north to the llorthwest corner of said I. 14 Section, thance E. o aforesaid west line of East 30 rods, thence south to beginning. Part of North -est 4 of Section 20, b Torn. 29, Range 22. (3.82 ac.) (Except Parkway) The south I of ,I.E. of .'I.W.F of Section 20, Town. 29, Range 22. (2 0 acres) 6000 (Exce_t Parkway) The south 400 ft. of East 217.8 feet 400 of iiorthwes I. of 1J.W.r; of Section 20,Tosn.29 Range 22. (1.12 acres TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF,COMMISS19NER OF FINANCE -j 11 F. ON PRELIMINARRY ORDER E. (B) — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Vi'1_ z of vacated alley 6 11 Hza.r_ison & Hwndy's 250 adjoining. Addition to the City r'" of S -,.Paul. 17 5 do 2250 7 5 do 950 3600 East0 rode o tt�e :orth 4d rods of the Southeast I. of i3 the ITorthwes-t (Except Edgerton Streat, the +orth 80 feet of the East 115 feet arid Viheelock Parkway) (Except Wheelock Parkway) Cons -,enc r� at the southwest porner 1850 of the east 30 rods of the northS rods of southeast of northwest 1;, thence north 727 feet, thence north 57 3/4 degrees w st 36 feet, thence south 3 degrees, 45 minutes .rest 20�.3�+ feet, thence west 201.55 set, thence south 583.8 feet, thence east 345.25 feet to beginning. Part of northwest t of Section 20, Town. 29, Range 22. (4.20 ac.) 1 1H. Thompson's Add. 50 2 1 do 50 a (i,xcert Park -;"ay) Cc. m. at a point on the west 1�ne of the E. 1975 30 rods of the north 48 rods of the southe,:.st 7, of the northwest 4. 727 feet north from the southwest corner thereof ence north 55771+ 4 reds west,—o feet the Ce south 35 degrees L.inuLes west, 2�jg.34 feet, Theme west 21.55 feet, thence south to the north line of H. H. Thompson's Addition thence west along said north line to the west line of S.E.I. thence north to the llorthwest corner of said I. 14 Section, thance E. o aforesaid west line of East 30 rods, thence south to beginning. Part of North -est 4 of Section 20, b Torn. 29, Range 22. (3.82 ac.) (Except Parkway) The south I of ,I.E. of .'I.W.F of Section 20, Town. 29, Range 22. (2 0 acres) 6000 (Exce_t Parkway) The south 400 ft. of East 217.8 feet 400 of iiorthwes I. of 1J.W.r; of Section 20,Tosn.29 Range 22. (1.12 acres TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF, COON M MISS�IOY ORDEROF FINANCE ow DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Dawson's 5th Add -to the City of St.Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. do �5 2 crton's Addition to the 1 do 25 City of St.Paul. 2 14 2 do (Except Parkway) 13 14 1 1 do do !. -... (Exch �t ++heelock Par sway) 12 2 do do 1 2 do do 2 2 do CLO _ 3 2 do 4 2 do The ?North 200 ft. of Scuth 6y0 ft. of East 217.6 ft. Section 20, Town. 29, cf Northwest 4 of Northwest (1 4 of Range 22 acre) That ,art of south 54 rcds of east 1 of �.T• of i1.W•v lying S.Ely of the St.Paul and St -Cr Fslls Ry. Co's right of ^ray (Except the East 217.6 ft. of South 600 ft, 14crton's Second Addition and the west 217.5 feet of the south 200 ft. and extent Parkway A strip of land 100 feet in width being 50 feet on either side of center line over and across North of also a strip 30 feet in width on S- Esouthde aedofdClarkng said 100 feet strip, 2nd Addition S -oily, a distance of 260 feet � 4.50 acres The part of south 54 rods of E. of dorthrrest ' of 11inl, N.wly of a line 50 feet 1.'Aly from and parallel ;vith center line of t.Paul and St. Croix Falls Ry. (Except Parkway) 11.40 acres) ASSESSED VALUATION 50 50 50 25 25 25 5C 300 1050 2550 425 (Except Parkway) do do 7 9 10 1 1 1 Dawson's 5th Add -to the City of St.Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. do 25 25 25 do 3 1 do 25 2 1 do 25 (Except Parkway) 13 14 1 1 do do 25 25 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFtY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Parkway) 1 2 Dawson's 5th Addition to 25 do 17 2 the City of SS -Paul �5 £ti do 14 2 Ramsey County, Jinn. v �`J 4 2 do 25 do 11 2 do 50 do Lots S & 9 1 Kavanagh and Dawsons Add. 50 do 21 2 to the City of St -Paul. 50 do Lots 22 & 23 1 do 100 do 12 1 do 50 do 19 1 do 5C do Lots S & 9 2 do 100 do Lots 22 ?_ 23 2 do 100 do 12 2 do 50 do 19 2 do 5C All that part of the West of the N.E.w of N.E.4 1500 Kf�f S coon 1q To, 29 RunTe 22, lyin? no;a�th of eellock Parkway `�xcept ilor�h 3C feet dor Larpenteur Ave.) 4.93 acres) All that part of the West z of Northeast .1 of N. E.i-,. 3750 lying South of Pm Block parkway of Section 19, Town.29 Range 22. 112.5 acres) (Except Parkway) 16 2 Dawson's Lake Como & 50 Phalen Ave.Add.to the 50 do 17 2 City of St.Paul, Ramsey Co.aa nn. do 18 2 do 50 do 19 2 do 50 do 20 2 do 50 do 21 2 do 50 do 22 2 do 50 9 do 23 2 do 50 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE k- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Parkway) 24 2 Daweon's Lake Como & 50 Phalen Ave. Addition do 25 2 to the City of St.Paul, 50 namsey Co. Minnesota. do 26 2 50 do 27 2 do 50 do 26 2 do 50 do 29 2 do 50 do 30 2 do 50 do 16 1 do, 50 do 17 1 do 50 do 18 1 do 50 do 19 1 do 50 do 20 1 do 50 do 21 1 do 50 do 22 1 do 50 do 23 1 do 50 do 24 1 do 50 do 25 1 do 50 do 26 1 do 50 do 27 1 do 50 do 28 1 do 50 do 29 1 do 50 do 30 1 do 75 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT' OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -Y her ON PRELIMINAI(Y ORDER.y (B) DESCRIPTION (Except Parkway) do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do :, o do do do do do ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK VALUATION 15 3 Dawson's LakeComo & Phalen 300 14 3 Ave. Addizicn to the City of St.Paul, R=sey Co.Minn. 13 3 do 12 3 do 11 3 do 10 3 do 9 3 do g 3 do 7 3 � 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 15 4 14 4 13 4 12 4 11 4 to 4 9 4 S 4 7 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 44 2 4 1 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTA4C do 300 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE F ON PRELIMINAY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION (Except ParkwL:y) (Except Parkway) do do do do do do do do do do (ExceT)t Parkway) Part lyinc_ East of P+ate Works Right of -,Way. LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 F jurney Highland Park. 23 r 8 do 22 8 do 21 8 do 7 8 do 16 8 do 15 8 do 6 7 do ( 7 7 do ( g 7 do 17 7 do 16 7 do 1 10 do 24 10 do do 22 11 do 11 6 do 13 6 do 12 5 do 13 5 do 3 12 do 9 12 do 24 3 lAerrills Division of Rice Street Villas. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 25 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARRY ORDER P (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION All that part of Blk 3 Yerrills Division of 75 lying between Test line Rice Street Villas. of Water l,crks Right of °lay and East line of Soo Line Railroad Right of Way. Being part of Lots 4,5,6,7, 20 and 21 3 D Soo Line Plat No. 1 175 ';heeloctk Parkway. Line Rai adsRi�htSof Eine 100 Play of Lots 17, N and 19 3 :Serrill18 Division of Vi Rice Street as. (F,xcert Park---ie-y) 16 3 do 50 15 3 do 75 14 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 All that part of Lot 1 6 lerrill's Division of 25 lying between the Test Rice Street Villas. line of the dater Works P.iEht of way and East line of the Mals St -Paul & Sault St. ifiarie Ry. Right of Way and South of Wheelock Pkwy. E Soo Lire Plat No.1 100 All that a t of Lot Yerrills Division of - Villas. 50 and �lC 1 ing W.of Ryy & Rice Street the i+, is St.paul Sault St.Marie Ry.Right of for r&6loc farkray taken (Except Parkway 6 6 do 25 do 7 6 do 50 do S 6 do 75 9 6 do S75 10 6 do 75 11 6 do 75 12 6 do TOTAL 75 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE h ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Parkway) 1 5 aerrille Division of 2 5 Rice Street Villas do do 3 5 do do 4 5 do do 5 5 do do 6 5 do do 7 5 do do 8 5 do do 9 5 do do 12 5 do do 29 4 do do 2,S 4 do do 27 4 do do 26 4 do do 25 47 do do 24 4 do do 23 4 do do 22 4 do do 21 4 do do 20 4 do 24 1 Rice Street villas 25 1 do (except Parkway) 3 S do do 36 9 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 _ 75 75 75 75 2675 75 975 200 200 150 2625 100 P{ f v (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f ASSESSED ADDITION LOT BLOCK VALUATION (E-<cept ?arkway) do (Excert Parkway) do do do do do do (Except Parkway) do do do (Excel_t Parkway) South -1i of 15 & 2 7 29 7 23 7 15 2 16 2 15 3 ( 3c 6 ( 29 6 ( 3 6 4 6 26 6 25 6 8 5 c 5 21 5 20 5 4 5 26 5 25 5 17 A 16 Rice Street Villas / 2900 do 177 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sarah's Out Lots to St.?aul. Edwin M.Ware's Cumber- land Addition Plat 2. Sarah's Out Lots to St. Paul. TOTAL 150 125 150 15C 100 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 1800 50 1700 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Edwin y. Ware's 200 Cumberland Add.Plat 3- 2 1 do 200 3 1 do 225 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 75 g 2 do 75 1 3 do 100 1 4 do 50 2 4 do 75 3 4 do 100 �F do ��5 5 4 do 125 6 4 do 125 7 4 do 150 S 4 do 150 0 4 do 150 10 4 do 150 11 4 10 150 12 4 do 175 1 7 do 175 2 7 do 125 3 7 do 100 4 7 do 75 5 7 do 75 6 7 do 150 7 7 do 75 32 Sarah's Out Lots to 1500 St . PS.U1. TOTAL (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF St. PAUL -DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAVRY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 5 Edwin 'i. ware's 250 Cumberland Addition Plat 2. 1 6 do 50 _> 6 do 50 3 6 do 50 4 6 do 50 5 .6 do 50 6 6 do — 75 7 6 do 1000 b 6 do loot 9 6 do 100 10 6 do 100 11 6 do 100 26 11 do 75 27 11 do 75 26 11 do 75 25 11 do 75 24 11 do 100 23 11 do 100 1 10 do 75 3 10 do 50 4 10 do 75 12 8 do 150 13 8 do »150 14 g do 1200 15 8 do 50 TOTAL h � (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE o� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i4.Ely 27 ft.of (Ex.N.E1y 27 ft.) .7.Ely 132 ft -Of (Ex.v.El 132 ft) (Except -Parkway) (Except Parkway) H. 120 ft. of (Exce=pt Parkway) do do do (Except South 33 ft) to City for street (Except Parkway) LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 9 Edwin Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 2. 2 9 ( 3 9 do 4 9 do ( 4 9 do 5 9 do 6 9 do 6 9 do 7 9 do 8 9 do 9 9 do 10 9 do 11 9 do 12 9 do 13 9 do 12 14 do 3 Cottage Homes 4 do 5 do 6 do 17 do 16 do 16 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 50 1850 500 500 500 300 300 300 300 250 100 3975 300 1200 2950 280C 2400 1925 6200 CITY OF 8T. PJ UL DEPARTMENT OF NANCE h v REPORT OF COMMISSigNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Parkway) 1 B rns.rdine Addition 200 (Except Parkway and to the City of St.Paul, 250 extent W. 63.54 ft.of 26 Rarisey Co. iiinn. 27 & 25 Except Parkw y) West 3.54 ft.cf 2,27,& 25 do ��5 14 Schletti Addition. 550 (Except Parkway and Ex.W.30 ft.for Schletti Street opening) 'West g of 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 (Except Parkway) West z of 13 (Except !est 132 ft. of E:g5 ft.of S.400 ft.of bbbb ft.and except part taken for Wheelock Parkway Ecst c- of 31 Plest 132 ft.of East 11 of .:. 132 ft.of that part lying S.of Wheelock Pkvry of 31 (Except Parkway) W.1 of 31 Cottage Homes 2500 Wheelock Heights 450 do 425 do 425 do 425 do 425 do 450 Fiedlers Subdivision 450 do 1225 do 425 Cottage :comes 2500 do 3925 do 1300 do 3450 TOTAL N v (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE -A ON PRELIMINA ORDER LOT BLOCK 1 2 3 - 4 (Except Parkway) 1 do 46 E st g4 feet, of 1. 26ji10 34 f (�xcei-.t : orth 60 t. for Parkway) (Except North 60 ft. for Wheelock Parkwa ) 'Nest 53 ft. of E. 147 ft.of N. 263.10 ft. of 34 (Except North 60 feet for 34 Wheelock Parkway and E:;. East 147 feet of the N. 263.10 feet) ADDITION Schlette's Third Add. do do do '.dayham's Ad_,ition to St. Paul. do Cottage Holies do ASSESSED VALUATION .. 375 350 775 4075 375 375 5275 2500 7900 17 Taylor's Addition to 375 St.Paul. 20 do 375 2 Slayton's First Addition 350 (Except Parkway) 4 to Bt. Paul. 125 do 5 do 125 do 6 do 125 do 7 do 125 do S do 125 do i do 175 do 1C do 175 do 11 do 200 do 12 do 225 do 13 do TOTAL 225 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI9NER OF FINANCjF. ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Parkway) 14 Slaytons First Addition 250 to St.Paul. 2 Coleman's Subdivision of 3.50 Lots 1 & 2 31:•: 5 Rogers 11 and Hendricks Acre Lots. 3�5 (Except ParkwpO 2 do 325 do 17 do 300 East 1/3 of 14,15,and 16 1 Ella 11j;arrens Subdiv.of 2600 (Except East 1/3 and Blk 3 Rcgers and Hendricks Acre Lots. Except W. 1/3) 14-15-& 16 1 150 W. 1/3 of 14, 15 _nd 16 1 do East 1/3 of 17, 16 and ( 19 1 do 700 Except E. 1/3 and excect W. 1/3 of 17-16 & ( 19 1 do Test 1/3 of 17,16 & ( 19 1 do 16 2 do 50 1 2 Ryan's Subd.ot' Blk (6) 675 Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots to the City of St.Paul Ramsey CO.Yinn. (Except Parkway) 2 2 150 do 3 2 do 150 do (( ( 4 2 do do (26 2 do 300 do �25 2 do do k4 2 do Q do 3 1 do 200 do ( 27 1 do 300 do (26 1 do do (`` 7 2 do 4000 do f S 2 do 9 2 do TOTAL 125 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE v ON PRELIMINA ORDER (B� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Parkway) 21 2 Ryan's Subdiv.of Blk(6). 25 Six, Rogers and Hendricks do 20 2 Acre Lots to the City of 100 St.Paul Ramsey Co.tiinn. do 19 2 do 150 do 1 9 Como Heights Addition 25 to the City of St.Paul. Lit 11 Blk 9)including part vacated alleys and of Folsom Street vacated lying S.E.of Wheelock Pkwy. do 96500 (Except Parkway) 19 10 do 250 do 20 10 do '50 do 10 10 do 500 do ° 10 do 5Q0 do 9 1 do 150 do 10 1 do 1050 do 11 1 do 100 do 12 1 do 5C 14 1 do 350 (Lx cept Parkway} 1 9 do 5750 'axcept Lot l) all that part of Blk 9 including vacated alleys and Folsom Str.Vac. lyiNay3Ely of Wheelock Pax(Except Parkway) 3 6 do 250 do 4 6 do 100 do 6 6 6D, do 350 5 heelers Como Heights 400 Re. (Except Parkway) 22 10 Como :eights Add.to 300 10 the City of St.Paul. 2400 do 3 do 4 10 do TOTAL 400 �A CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �$ REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR ORDER (C) D ESCRIPTIbN LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION (Except purkway) 5 10 Coma Heights Addition 1I25 to the City of St.Paul. 10 Wall aff's Como Place 200 11 do 4275 334800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together withthereport made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / l9l Dated_ _ - ---- �nln� Coin .. ocr of Finance. F— D. K. 12 �/ Office of the CommissionA of Public Wr Report to Commissioner of Finance T' June 7 ------ , 1923 191-_-- ---------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of ----- a April 2-- 1923 the Coui:cil, known as Council File No._452 ________ pproved----------------------191___, relative to the paving of lYheelook Parkway from—the-east—line—of -------------------- ------------------------------------------ Mackubi.n Street to the west line of Payne Avenue_________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. -The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__-__--__--_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��- ---------------------- - -- Commissioner of Public Works. IN William 111eter, (4ammis5inner 31rie iAlaUette, f�eputy (�$ummissianer Department of"uhtir 38arko (ptg of 1 Raint 11aut M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER June 5, 1923 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for toetpaing hevWestolineeofock Parokway from the Payne Avenue, including ssewer, wateroaat line of nndigas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches April where necesaary, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45890, app roved20, 1923: Length 15,97015 ft. Roadway 30 ft. Street 180 ft. frontage 22,788.9' 3j creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or Pavin flooks flat As halt Conor. Concrete Per sq. yd. 4.80 3.54 Intersections) 114,315.80 98,351.72 Wheelage )) (a)Property Share 137,817.84 107,563.81 Total 341,933.44 203,915.33 (a)front foot 5.20 4.32 ourbing additional Added to above estimate Per concrete _curb where not in CGT 65¢ lin. ft. For��ttrainage,6" sewer conn.ea. 30.00 For L�" water connections each V25.00 Yours truly, Ch f Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Commis ner of Publio Works i Z '..' y., ar- 3 COUNCIL FILE NO- _... By ......................_.... .........._.....__............ ..__......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..sarli!_g_aaslta. s-Ve,..f Y G r_ .Lt.9.. ,:: re......t.4...v.=. i,n._ __ve...,.................. i.................................... ------------ ------------------------ --------------- ......----........._................._....................._.............I..... _.....I.......... _......... _..._.._. . .....__._..... __..—........ .... ..................._........_........._........-...._............. _... ..... ...... ....... ..._............. -_.............. .............. ........__._..---........_._....__............. _..._-......._........ .._......................... ..._____...._._..._..._..........__._.... ...... _.... ....-----.._---...__......._....... .... .......... C. F. No. 46952— atasl,a n •e. .__...approved Matter of grading 1� --"- , In the under "1�'-- - - from Ott. Ave. to VI.[a preliminary Order y5319 app�'oved 19x4. _ ..._ approved .._ _.. April 18. _. _ pl .._ _-...__. A public hearinS ha i been had -- � �--����--- on pon the above a 11 improvementup nhce.a v the c en had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having duehenrd 11 persons, objection. and r - mmendntions ""tICiedtn'he°•same? d recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; hRving fully cons therefore. be it Resolved, RY the Council of th ,- City thn[ [in precis - �_ nuc ';8N81 of the City` of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind o improvc- �. Ott G_:Y.�., -to ment to be made by the said City is.. Y'd e._. ixu! .v ..Y p .:..... ................ and the Council hereby- orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that, upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council %1 .'.... ' ..... City Clerk. Approved.... Mayor. Councilman ]YakiieGiel{iFi ✓ la C 7 _ -471H>zcilm1n. 7?1son , POYif,T Councilman k&1i 7rC-ta"2e3' v Councilman XoUer;x ;,.at C.n Councilman XoDoItz Peter Councilmani;@�Hffi3e1d�-� -^'�}� �' MayorjXykSc ,'/<%i on Form B. S. A. 8 i. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPART%N T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM ONER OF FINANCE w ON PRELIMINARY ORDER1 ; (A) a� In the matter of-_g,_,._w3ing_ Alaska Avenue from Otto Avenue to Vista Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved A r i l 18, 193 --- - --- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoouu�n��tof the assessment for the above improvement is 5 1269.80 The estimated cost per M=M tfie above improvement is S $2¢ $0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 2 Birmingham's Fourth 150 10 2 Addition to Saint Paul, 3125 11 2 Minnesota. ��5 12 2 do 625 13 2 do ��5 14 2 do 125 15 2 do ��5 16 2 do 575 17 2 do 4�5 18 2 do TOTAL. 100 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPART``WENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C(NiRISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Birmingham's Focrth Add. 1�zo 5 4 to t:.e Cit;, of St. Paul 125 b 4 Minn. 125 7 4 do 125 S 4 do 125 9 4 do 125 10 4 'o 125 "3 3 .o 1 'S 22 3 do 1 .0 ci 3 do 250 =o 3 do 150 g 3 do 15o 8 3 do 150 17 3 do 1=0 lb 3 '0 15G 15 3 do 150 14 3 io 1 o 13 3 do 150 12 3 do 1�10 — 11 3 do iso 10 3 do 150 9 3 io SFO g 3 o 150 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CC9 AISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION VALUATION 7 3 BirminFhnmts Fall th Add. 150 6 3 to St. P.aul, ,',inn. 1i0 15 24 Pest End ,OC 11D075 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mutters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated C mmissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 12 L �' ` t� ECEI'IED . Office of the Commissioner of Public W., Report to Commissioner of Finance, VI AV `_ i>g23 1923_. -----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46210 --approved___ April 18, _----A 1___, relative to 192 _______ the Council, known as Council File No.__ the grading of Alaska Avenue from--Otto-Avenue--to-Vista-Avenue ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvg'jrisr s___,,-6A%yesn es try and (or) desirable. 1268.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__-_________, Frontage 16,469 ft. Inspection $21.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _______________ `------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. I mutam 3J. Peter, (�ummissimier '® �' brie 3r1�aUette, 3�epatg (�ammissinnex ,a Department of pubW Workii (itg of �uini Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION J.E. CARROLL. A.1 CHIEF ENOINEER May 23rd, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works Dear 81r: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alaska Avenue from Otto Avenue to Vista Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 45210, approved April 18th, 1923: Estimated cost $1,268.80 4 Per front foot •82 Inspection 31.00 Frontage 15,459 feet Yours very truly, , ?n C of Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance C 4�ons f Public works �t f'fttltt Paul Pq=r M111 of Alum= = JAMES M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER LEONARD C. SEAMER, CHIEF CLERK EIUN—U OF ASSESSMENTS April 14th, 1923. a Mr. william J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Mr. Peter: - I transmit herewith petition Of property owners petitioning for the grading of Alaska Avenue from Otto Avenue to Vista Street. Very truly yours, j /Commissioner of Finan06- i',,i�, 1. 'I St. Paul Minn.,........(.......�..'.............19?.....3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lo r 6&Z °2`22 `pp"`" No. r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY r Yc / _ DATE _....._._July ..._Zl..l._._1923................. ...... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alaska Ave., from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. '#45211, approved April 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C.F. #46355, approved June 13, 1923. -1irf�e Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and Alan in the above matter, be it: t Resolved, That the City of Ft. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes for cuts and fillsin and upon A'aska Ave.., between the points aforesaid, to th3 extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 11, 1923 which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN C. F. No. 46.99.3—By W. Ji Peter— In the nta Iter of comleemnm; and tak- ing n easement In the land neces- "'y for slopes, for cuts and fills In the grading of Alaska Ave.. Prom Otto Ave. to Vista Ave., under Pre- liminary Order C. F. No. 46211, ap- proved April 18, 1923, and Intermedi- ary Order C. F Vo. 46355, approved June 13, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan In the above atter; be it: Rosolved, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of 'land to be taken for the -above named Improvement as a ent or slopes u for cuts and filla In and upon Alaska Ave., between the points aforesaid. to the extent shown upon the plan at Inched, to the report of the Commis- (oner f Pub lfc Works In the matter, dated July 11, 1923 which plan end re- f porta .hereby referred to and made { a part hereof. Adopted by the Council July 11, 192." Approved July 11, 1923. (July 21-1923) Yeas 'N'ays Clancy , 14(4401raIr¢ In favor Matson Peter _ _. __.Against e—Me Mr. President ",LJ_by the Council _ .._ 1_..-__J._;J t.�._.---.-.192.....- roved ^ 192 .-. MAYOR William 3,13eter, eammissianer Mr. Mallette, tueputu (Commissicaer Department of Public Works eitu of Saint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUP.. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THF COUNCIL In the matter of conderninFand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grad- ing &laska Ave. from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #x45211, approved April 18, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. 46355, approved June 13, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and bythe hatched rortion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and 'hatched parts pf such plan. Comma oner of Public 14orks Dated: July 11, 1933 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAR MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Cot SSIONER OF FINANCE Y: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Y (A) In the matter of--QonAemntn, rind t^kind an enserrent in the land necessary for alopee for c its -and X111& in mr `clir•fr Alasl!n. Ave. from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave. under Preliminary Order approved A ril lgtb 11,,.3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels -of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 ,_ Iiirr,.irir7rue)'a F01Irth 1P 150 10 2 A111tion to 8t. Paul, 3155 1.1 2 Minn. 125 1: 2 to 625 13 2 ''o 129 14 2 '•0 1'5 15 2 16 2 do 575 7 2 10 1125 19 2 10 TOTAL. 100 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEP A TM ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQM�iISS10NER O F FINANCE N PRELIMINARY (a)a�r' ORDER DESCRIPTION LO T BLOCK ADDITION TION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Airrrin�:•?�•3m's Fourth Add. 1:.p 4 to t' e Cite c f St. Yn.ul 4 h5 Minn.tdinn 7 !} do 125 125 c 1'5 10 1 r �- i O ?F0 _0 ,50 1��G <, 1;0 17 1r^ 11 lr s �p ,r4 1�0 13 150 12 ln6 11 fro 10 1.50 9 sri0 F 1;0 I a � •9 0 4 3 'n j 7q 3 3 In 3 Igo Z 'o 3 3 a� 3 0 3 do 3 do 3 do 3 do 3 n 3 0 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQ%MISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 j Birmingham's Fourth Add. 150 6 j to St. Paul, :.finn. 150 15 24 West End 20C 10075 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby s submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ! / Dated_ -- —.-191 Commi.,iooer of Finance. Form B. u. 12 J/ .A RECEIVE®: , • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 0' �. 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 6 SII if 1111 -t,,'C MAY 26 1923 - SBS-2b.71925----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 46211 ---- approved -_April 18,E 1923191___, relative to condemning_ and_ taking_ en easement in the _land neoessary for _________ slopes, for outs and fills in grading on Alaska Avenue from ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- and and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---- PRC ------- and the total cost thereof is $--_---_-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��(,�� iG, 8 ----------_ily - --------------------- Co issioner of Public Works. doe u COUNCIL FILE NO..._._...__ ....._.... . By..- . .......... ................................._.......... ................ FINAL ORDER . t n In the Matter of-._ r... a....':d y_ a} n to -y _ n . .I9Sa ....._..._......_....._................._.........._._...._........_.._..__--_.--------- --._------............. ------------ .........__..............._............_....__..._...___-___...___.._............___.._....................___............._ s __...__........... ........_..._............... _...... ..........._......_......................_.........__......_..._.....__........... ... ......... ._......... ........ _. _.... ...__.. _.. ___._....__..._...... .......__._-.. _.. _ _............. ........ z.a.7'-.J......._......... approved . ;..3-.. L.1-} . 1 'w ..... .......... C. F. No. 469,"- 1, the Dtatter o[ SradlnS and Paving -.......approved ... .. .... ........ .. .................. Alley In Block 1, Samuel B. Ple rte's ........................... Enlargement t Summit Park Addy Lien Brom oxiora st. m cnntaworth eon had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having St.. ander Preliminary Order 45749, approved May 11, 1923. A public hearing bavina been had nd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully COII81deTed the same; upon the above improvemncenit having t upon due notice, and the Cou heard all persons, objections and r c- endnuons relative thereto. and •il of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- hnving fully considered the s e; '.therefore. U it -fir. _ -- �.1V u c S Resolved. c �i --, .'> l ...... I P _.1 by the sal City is.. �,, a';C._a.1..i... pa V„i 09'f.......�- ..:• .. i.,.'. ;. • 9' � � 0. _;:fp •..C+ •.,C 4.1 tsCL"--1' __. ............. . __...__..._........_ ._ ..._ ... fs .................... ........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1.�.--.....w �.S Ur City Clerk. — Apploved.... 191........ v ........................... .... .,, :- Mayor. CouncilmanYVa Nssa thX= ; lancy .GouucTlffiS.n� .---� ..i�a�•� PUBLISiIEi� - � / - '�� Councilman Xelkrx Councilman MPOD&I. Yet Y' Eouncilman �:---arsxtazl_. Mayor3N=,.X ,"elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. --- CIy OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINANCE OF Cgl SSIONER OF REPORT ORDER " . • ON f-_ •LUMINARY in islock -1 Samuel B. Pierce' s 3rd rradn_°f-alley i avir � In the matter of_—� -- :ent of Summit Perk. Enlareeam _- 923. under Preliminary Order approved _rjl of the Citv of cr n — and the assessed valuation of each lot o a�scaseu u,neau for suen Improvement, as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION S,uel 0, Pierces Enlarge- cr 1750 1 1 Sumrr.it Park Add. 1000 2 1 ment of 1500 of 3 and E.-2LOf 1 do 15ro all W. of 4 and all of 5 1 do 1000 6 1 do 1CCOr' 7 1 do 1000 B 1 do 4900 9 l do 5250 10 1 do do 1500 11 1 TOTAL. Form B. B. 11 CITY OF CIT. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Cgj,*SSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON P._,.,iLIMINARY ORDER (A) i In the matterof---R-�YJin-fl=nd grading of alle in tslock 1 Sarruel B. Pierce's Enlarsverrer.t of Summit Park. under Preliminary Order approved a IF To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: n 3:E h�1:;eosoted . Bricks _'aid !at -s,-:-,alt or S_J!la It Concr. done -tete ..84 x.82 'erg,. J_,. ^o all of 3 and E. --,T' of 4 1 do 1500 ;. i W. � of 4 and all of 5 1 d0 1506 6 1 do 1000 7 1 do 1000r 8 1 do 1000 9 1 do 4900 10 1 do 5250 11 1 do TOTAL. 1500 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CG*MISSIONER OF FINANCE OfZ�IRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 12 1 (Except South 45 feet) also East 5 feet of Nortn 105 ft. of 14 13 1 (Exce,ot East 5 feet) NO -205 fe__t of 14 1 (Except East 10 fe.t) 15 1 East 10 feet of 15 and all of 16 1 17 1 19 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 all of 22 and best 10 ft -of 23 1 (Excert Ives t 10 feet) 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 25 1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Samuel B. Pierces Enlarge- 4950 went of Surf:eLit Park Add. 'o St. Pc.ul do do do do do do Jo do do do ".o do do do do 5300 9950 6650 10050 1400 4950 X350 7000 oa50 6200 goo 1200 1200 33CC 4600 IG. C -a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated_ _ __ _--19L orninissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 U/ ae� f*. �ECEi°i =LD Office of the CorrMisiorier of Public W,,, Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN J 1923 June 4, 1923 191____ ----------------------- ----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St., Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -45749 approved__ *ay 11, 1923 --- 191---, relative to the_payin� and_gradirt�_o_elleg_in Block _1�_6emuel_,_Piero®'a_--_--_ __ Enlargement_of_ summit_ Park -------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_--_---___--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. „ ----------------- , . -------------- Commissio r of Public Works. � Y y ifililliaui J. �eTer, C�aarmi55ianer k � �Jrie �UlalleiTe, Oeputg (�uinuii55ianer Department of publir Workii (pity of Suint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER I� A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER may 29th, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Publio Works Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving and grading of alley in block 1, Samuel B. Pieroe's Enlargement of summit Park, including sewer, water and gas con- nections from street mains to property elines complete, where not already made, also curbing and pavinrderalley Fand driveway 749, aPPrOachs d Mays where necessary, under Preliminary 11th, 19232 Length 599ft. Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 1198 ft. street 30 ft. Paving 3j oreosoted Brioks laid Asphalt or Conords blooks flat Ashalt oonor. Per sq. yd. 6.88 5.88 4.84 3.83 Intersections Property share 8851.00 7784.50 6413.00. 5061.50 (a) front foot 7.39 8.48 5.35 41123 slopes are condemned Added in above estimate: For additional excavation $1'„7:00.00 cement curb 34.00 d wood headers 186.00 A final order for grading the.alley has already been passed, work has not been done because a contract oould not be let except at a goat greatly in excess of the original estimate, the consideration under r hennew esand timateithereforeg is ended or sso thatthe matter may be cleared up. Hours truly, Approved for transmission C of Engineer to the Commissioner o_f FFiinaan-ce gL-1 L!�% Commis er of Public Works St, Paul, Minn.,— ......................._..192.... -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement I to be made: .......... ................... . ....... ...... . ... . .... ..... L . .......... St. Ave. ............................................................ ... from............... .. ........ ............................................ St. Ave. to.__._..._..__.._..._..._--......_.._.._ ..... ..... .................... St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK ADDITION adv 22 6,9j- 7 ti i C, ifi� of ILIA r Iz..Xerittille klCpaxi11tent ART11UR U.NE1.50N.M-- JULY Tenth 1923 TO the Cotmcill I am handing to YOU herewith communication from Frank L. Wilson and R.B. Wallace relative to an alley between Goodrich and Fairmount Avenues and running from Chatsworth to Oxford Streets. Y fa very truly. Mayor Telephone, Cedar 9471 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. OF NEWARK, N.J. FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSE President FRANK L. WILSON, Gen'I Agent 903 Merchants National Bank Bldg. Fourth and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minn., July 9, 1925 Hon.-Atthur E. Nelson, l,:ayor of St.Paul,l'.innesota 203 Court House St, paul,yinnesota. Honorable Sir: - The enclosed letter was written and handed to sae by MY next door neighbor, Mrs, R.E.Wallace, al?outt one theure- before he left the city on an eastern trip. with quest that I Mail lmit t on outa few prior to the date of the Hearing As a tenant of premises abutting on the alley in question, paying nearly $100.00 per month rent, I fully endorse all Mr. Wallace has said in his letter to you. Have been a resident tax -payer in St.Paul for over 15 years, living in the best part of the Hill fDisttrVest and have never had the use of a paved alley; for none at all. I rented this place (1009 Fairmount Ave) about one year ago on the landlords assurance that we would have an alley before winter set in, and if we are nod to have one S0027, I feel just like moving when my lease expires, September let. I respectfully request that this letter, in con- nection with that of YT. Wallaeest be read at the "Hearing" on July llth,1923. Yours very truly. i FLw EGF OFFit'r, nr THE (lunus;osru or F1 "I". NI. Paol, Mune., June -,3o 198..3 In Lhc;lintLcr f 1p grading alley in 31k.1, Samuel. B. poe }}C��og. ZgW?1 %rTrit,`.PPd&y311�19o3 Oxford St. undo Ir cli uttnrt rcr Yon nrr Imreb-0,ral (h:,t tlw CiLyu iL Paul the nk"', mq,-. .•......r, th"t thr. total-wrti -Wd roa LLrr�•�>�jeii}sjgllµt<: .i T,fl•d E'l mn,1(.,, ('—t- _... X8851, 00 X4.7.764-50$6413.00 50. 1.5o ""tin,all C" ,a;itt;ng 7.39 -�--- 6_ -4.9 .5.•.:5 --4.23 Prr Fm- �' - "X i A1•: "; .-� ..(il'P 1i .A I{I: Stl"I�TALI,I�A)..ADD fill: ,Lc)vv'I fi;ol, iw,lud"d in rte; inwl;•; N;:o sa Cu��r `run.v:. r�' prr lot; AA'.tr;:n p ;;R "d th, 011u Ihanr Mn l to Hall IA;iI I ; t, ; tl _ Iltkl. _ 4n- ( _Jul 192 3,,, h��('rty of Kt.. I.w, at 10";;I; L:A M. .1. M. CLAAt'l,�nm ;i..i mu' of Fm:m, 3�u t? ° RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter o2 .:7C i ir.-.:. .:. - -. 1. LO .... ..:..s.. .: -._ ......... ............................... -tonlC or �• i ........... .............................._............ under Preliminary Order.... -....=.:::y.. -.'>t._......, approved.::.i.--.r_c'.=�_4 . r...., Intermediary- Order-----....:: `= approved..._._ DE4NAT10N - rublil h,ad: upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above ,c. F. No. 46956— ; awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits Ia thematter a oP Ing and app�op�W .r therefor, and �. considered the same, now therefore be it Aeieh.- Block Resolved, That the takil,, and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fu ther Resol d, that the said assessment be a�d it is hereby determined to �e payable in \ equal inata mems as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ---------- --- _.... ..:.... .:._.. 91........ �L _jn Approved ._.. Councilman ft-mN.orth / Councilman Ifdlex:: ...at.: m_1 Councilman MWDib. i e L e r MayorAm,i&,r :els on ................_........._.....---`...; City Clerk. ......., 191...._ f ..................................... .................. Mayor. _ / PUBL1S.HED J FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. A r • ' • a .�.T1�_ R. 't)1'U �r:.l..s_U.1T' L.4.:LS....a.....�0 � J __._......_.... In the matter of__C..411StT011].:7..�....?1 ...._._... = under Preliminary Order ._.J.45O.__., approved.Intermediary Order approved............:.hz.il._23.r._.19 23 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._ O.C.rid.ern II T �0 25 inclLs_iveurli_. ..,��7.._:ie-- is �....... ta._ e ar FINAL ORDERS IN CONDI-%NATION PROCEEDINGS. , !_......_........................_......._..._...._._..._..._.._....................._...._.....__..._............._........_.......... _. _ C. F. No. 46956— In the matter of cordemninK.;^................ ...._.......... ..... _.....__................ ..__..._......._......_..........._......_..._............._._...__.._.._..____._. _._.... .. and appropriating Lots 1 to elusive. Bloe]c 16, Burlington ' .........__........._.....__...._.._..... Dlvision No. 2 fur School sit �...,,,..._. Preliminary Order 462or........... ................._......__........._......_........_......_....._........... ............................. .lpril 21, 1728, Inter-• Re olve<pProletl April alld,' 18II'd9 or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- (2) i Th. t Inc r.,,.,} and the sem."'•' ' •nude• purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:... LOt.S......1.._LQ..._u..__._.__... priated and condelnift.a• it' ir>2'.1us1V-e,..._1ock.....1v,..._�us!.lingtn .__._.i.iv.is.ioa•.._ 0.,.__2_.....__..._......._._...._........_...._.......... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratifled and confirmed. Adopted by the Council....-- ...__...... . ...._. City Clerk. u! Approved......._ 191........... J I ,r. 11layor. 4 &lSA4Y.0u ane 1 I ! ROMMYarthPUBLIs 7 x Ia:atson /'. peter 111r. President, FI74AtgMM TSalson REPORT COMMISSIONER OF ON • • OF TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. v�N St• Paul, Minn•, July 111 1923. x^ To the Honorable City Council, City of St• Paul- Gentlemen:— please take notice that the undersigned Bertha L• Pruden, Highwood Park, objects to the damages awarded in taking and appropriating Lots 1 to 25, inclusive, Block 15, Burlington Heights, Division No• 2, for School site, on the ground that said damages are entirely inadequate - Yours truly, l STEVE A. RYAN. 1—DErv1 H C STRETCH, A. L. ALDRICH. I—ET-Y A. M MCMURCHY, TRE—RER Highwood Commercial Club Association INCORPORATED HIGHWOOD PARK. ST. PAUL. MINN. BOARD OF DIRECTORS STEVE A. RYAN H. C. STRETCH A. L ALDRICH M. MCMURCHY A B. FLOWERS E.. C. W IGGINS .-SES LLIAMIT WM cGUIRE COMMITS"EES ROADS.Box. BOULEVARDS. J. C. AIRMArv. TRANSPORTATION. B. W. FLOWERS, cHniRMAry ENTERTAINMENT. E.C. W IGGINS. cHAIRuwR. MEMBERSHIP AND VISITING. W ILEIAM =RE. —AiRHAry LIGHTS AND LIGHTING. H. C. STRETCH. cH".1— AM- N. ..— PUBLICITY. H. C. TREICM. cHAIRMwrv. HOUSE S A. M. MCMURCHY, CHAIRMAN SCHOOL ANO LIBRARY. MOSES SMITH, cHwiRHAH. July 11, 1925. The Ilcnor^blo City Council. G ,ntle::e At a m.etinj of t?. P) ra of Dirnctor, of the Idi':r.:oon Cor ercirl Club, hely Fria:.y evening; July 6th, S ..,s cirectn to Pavice your honors ble body t?, t it wns the ence of the nactir: t K i. ._sed- v%10e of the property conoemnec for cchool Turpocen in this aistrict P. entirely W cer"r to no on t e i" ce of it. :10 xv - Le reci, tj On of v' lic, in L._zc lOclitj. There 2 in truth nna in fact t_:e v' lu Of pro .I'j.'. _,. ON ci., riot P incre<scu very much .._thin the 1-st two Mrs. V:r;j reproc/tCuully, 1-� Secret, ry. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae CIL X14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �/ NCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM t27N PRESENTED BY_ ....... DATE.__ -......_..Y. -.Y.-_ll.1...._19'2.3.._...._......_... COMMISSIONER. __........... __-......__......__...__:.... .. ............................................__ .._.. RESOLVED That the Olerk of the Municipal Oourt be and is hereby authorized and directed to employ an extra clerk, at a salary of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month, for a period of three months, for the purpose of bringing up the index and records of the Municipal Oourt to date- C. F. Yo. 46967—ny F: N. Mason= - Resolved, at the Clerk of the IDtu- p�Pal ourt be and Is hereby author- lerkan diraeeted to employ an tra I¢rs /8100.00)1¢ry °( One HundredeDo7- f three months.r forn the for a period br(nging uP [he /odea Purpose of the Slunicipal Court to dato.ecords f .adopted by the 1""' l Suly 11, 1923. 1PProved Suly 11, 1923. (7uly 14-1923) C\ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 14eBatteki In favor Matson ' Peter_ Against Wenzel— Mr. President ;'Ji x1. 923 .adopted by the Council_ ___ - JU_ I igya RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL• { P �, CITY OF ST. PAUL cae NO.-. ---� @.,E-`-.'tl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ...... _ _July. _111....37923......._ ................. In thematter of paving Fondo St. from Dale St. to Western Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. n45278, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order G.F. 7-r46428, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. the matter o8_Rv 31. J, Peter— - - IDmtnary t° ea ern s Ronuo gL P° derrVed order Aye der Pre - 15, 19_3 A 20 F' ^o. X0Jna I5 No. 4fi428• d Flna. Resolve e• •.Proved J e Th 1 m °nth be a: chemati ve Nnmetle8e Publb pnd ante 1tn.roce_ d. the 1 Ap',u"ddbyuthe 11 a hereby a._ Counc July Il, 1923 1 (Jul, � 3923) COUNCILMEN Nays ,/ Clancy '- 9— v Matson V Peter lVetmel— fMr. President f� - -..... _ Adopted by the Council.. - _...__... .._.._192___ U Appro d.._ _ _ _ _ .. 192_ _.__.In favor f �. 'y ... - -._. r!, to MAYOR R --Against L RESOLVED Yeas C. Iln �— COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_.._........ July._ ll.,..,._19?3.........._......_.... In the matter of paving Cherokee Avenue, from Smith Avenue to Baker Street and Baker Street from Cherokees Avenue to a point 125 feet west of the west line of Delaware Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45659, approved Way 8, 1923 and Final Order C. F. 7'46760, apj�roved July 3, 1 23. RFSOLAED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. No. 4G959—BY 'vV. J. Peter— , matter of paving Cherokee Ave.. n 9,It% Ave. to BakerAvet 1 and .. from Cherokee^ West line ", "" PProved July lnns� speniflca- 46760j'dodc That the P tl ^ted "m", it �es of Public [tonsCommfsnlamednet Improve- . mittea by thL Works for the above I� ment, ba and the snme are hereby aP- i proved. 1923. kd,Pted by the,,, 1923. JULY 11, Approved (July 1419231 it (July COUNCILMEN Clancy Matson Peter 1IZe4Ise1— Mr. President Nays In favor �1 I/ Against Adopted by the Council_.._: ..._.._---. _._._.--- .192_...- _ _ __.. Approved _ _ _ _ .......... ... 192.. Maros _`G y�,!i� HY �; COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter of. .Can .UC:4_ _ :�0:...; .......................... 4 .......... �' i l::......... ........... . .................................................. ...................................................................................................... .................................................... ... ... .. ...... ...... ... INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. c. P. No. 46960— constructing n sewer , ,1.: • ........... 7n the ;Inner of . �'.-. .............3 roved ..... .:-: -.:................ . Lexington Ave. from c1nterfpof pp Lo thaof ave. ton pmnt ,Clt of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ouch of the s uth It T f 51 y g p St.. under P4lintin-Y order '.and having considered said report, hereby resolves: approved June 15. 1923._ ne cpuecu of the Girt of ` ;port be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement having received the rept',[ of[hee`r [ealoner of p9nanee pon cor. , roceeded with. Improvement, and havinG p said port. hereby resolves:,.. 1. That the snr report b• ii nproved ate of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C4A .'.-C:UY. • • • • • .'yFCQ -. .:.. - n .r by - r :_,a. r,3 !e.a join: 125 :: eet ccni h ...A.h..tii4'. 4}itr� ., .�..iir.•-fY.t:...........v.................... ....................... ................ .................................................................... I................. .............................— ...................... . ........... I................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 41 ;, Q0....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ ........day of rt............ 192..x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the -City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ...,..it .. i . . • U• j ... • • • •. 192 . Approved... !dL..e,t .2 .....192...... City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy �Ou- PUBLISIIEI➢DL�7 -Councihnzri-A1cDuna1d- Councilman Matson Councilman iS Vltht>; 6eeneilman-We=el-- Mayor �36YigC KX -` "oi: Form B. S. A. 8-6 i ol. K a' y.PO a COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.................... .......................... In the Matter of. .,.Q -CR...:.......,.. ............................................................. :.�:'th..v...... ane?lay..: t........ ..............'.....:? . ...:z'? t.....:..?'.... 00, ................................................................................................... 'C. F. -\'u. 46961— ... .......... .. .... .. .. ..... In the Ma 'ter of reconstructing, relay-, • • • """""""""' •' • •' , ng' and repnirtng where necessary 6' cement the sidewalks on: 4'J . ..:. ............a roved .......,. r........ North side Goodhue a beginning.::.:.... pp B6' w t P 4nn Valley thence ryes: snnof sae dauey st, nce ulsi:. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,est of Canada St "ry thence prove rreumhn19 order 469 1d having considered said report, hereby resolves: The Councroved il 28.19 lthe City having received the rep.•., r@port be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement "'_:; _,io be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. &:ice rtOd�:.......t �'...=L C.. .. ...'..Y. �.''.........a:.. .: 10 11-7 ............. n...................... 0 _^t COJ. ............. .....:...............-...... ....: .... '; d� 10. ...:........ :..'... ..�..:......... t.. ��........ .]..-. t.•. ...... 1... ... .t.. �.70' .. .... 1 r ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....ili..yd;. l_• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..............day of t;Juyh,........., 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chalilber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ..................., 192.... Adopted by the Council. "�� f. 'A7_ ' �`.. . ........... ... City . ...........192...... .. G .9 X�7C Mayor. Councilman Clancy Evufleilmarl-�ergnsorr / ',i PiJBLi��D Councilman Matson Councilman Stiitiv::: r - C- me enzel Mayorkboligson -u-1,011 Form B. S. A. 8-6 jV COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By.................... .......................... In the Matter of.. _ .. r L.0 :..'.'.... l j;;.; ;'.......... .:. t. �1 ..........�............................. ?................................................... ............. .................................................................. ......................... r ......... C. F. No. 46962— ................ ... .. .... .. .. ....... 46962— in the Flatter of constructing a slz foot oft Gat¢ant i SLle slt-om sidewalk the oP Lot 14. -lock t Pau] SouthS Ist A�..................................................................... in's tion to Curtice St., under Pre: ar, Order 46509, a 1923. PProved Jug ..�''.-..':.::....a........-:o.... ... ...... ...... The council of th¢ a tr oe r........ .,,.(`......approved m saleviAg received the report of '.of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon m[asloner of Finance upon tt. p Improvement, and hall-, r aving considered said report, hereby resolves: saId -port, hereby rrrciv� -'8) 1. That the saW same I., her— ;�aiti _report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends t.rP...............�....... 1.....' 04.—PA ..1:=.x. hFa ,l{. v.' v.,l.... ,.v ......L. ..r.. ..'.1 ... ............................ ....:.'.......................<...................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th ereof is $.... L.Od . ;:C .. -' i =1 I oot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... `tt.11.........day of ti,LL,u t., , , , • , , „ 192. • ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........,nu..;•:.:i7j.••> 192.... .,.:...) R....... 192...... City Clerk. Approved.....,.uL. Mayor. Councilman Clancy pUBUS.ED Councilman Matson Councilman Stdtt'h,'- r' -'t Mayor llodgcsbtc': Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... In the Matter of _ :....... ........., ;•. _....:..................... .............................. ................................................. I..................... In. he Fiat er6oY constructing n cement file sidewalk on both sides of Fry ............................... St. between University Ave. and Blair """ .. ...... .. .. ... ............ .... St.. under Prelhnlnary order 96617 _ , .approved June 18. 1923. ..approved .. �:... ... ..'. .y .._.. ...... ... ............ The Council of the City f St. Paul ,'::..._........... having received the report of the C roissioner of F•nanca.,e pni '$t. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ^ !aiipr7vicentin'Wid having considered said report, hereby resolves: 4 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:. c7.':L:.:,..•.. ....1t ......................................................................... .......... .................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1,.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... t It ........day of 1923..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ..:iJ;..,:..':i, ,,....., 192...... Approved.... .a ...' 1. .........192.... Councilman Clancy unc � Comicilmaa�2naj�__ _.- Councilman Matson Councilman Sildth2, " - _ - Conneilman. INXMZA MayorhT6dgs6ff: Form B. S. A. 8-6 / � Cit Clerk. S!/7 Mayor. �LISiiffi `�� COUNCIL FILE NO .............. By............................................... In the Matter :10.z=.+..:.0. ..a,.:_.:c.._._..,L..�................................................ ........................................................................................... ................................................................ Cf F. No. 46961 —constructing d 9t`to - In the 11Otter oI y St.., l on Pascal Ave. from Edmun ,,,�„ a Point 60 feet south of Thamn. ...............apprOVed ..... :.'..- -.t ..'•v`�+i s.................. under PreitminarY Order 16113 aP-:_�:. pro •ea sl,c a 2, isza. St Paul havingreceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon The Council Of the CItY oY 5[. Paul, I -""o re o,,cd t e r.1port °°"fth the aging consideresaid report, hereby resolves: improvement, and hawing• c said repac, hereby re t ' n nd the and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, That the said rep a adopt d. I same in hsen ebY_ aPProv e a s he' by ^d with. ... .. . and j hat the stature iff'-the'improvement which the Council recommends is. :P.: i e oil .. •.;.t• R:.:C..1.......... .. .: .............................................................................. .. . .................................................. .................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ Sl........day of r.L,;Ui'L........... 1 192..✓.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....:!!'.. y. •':'. • • • • •, 192.... ^' Approved ......... II�,..i....L7:�....192...... �.. Cit y Clerk. ... , L :.:...� . E /C tom, ....... 4pkig Mayor. Councilman Clancy PT]T;T.TSTiED -Councilrnan-Ferguson- \ Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson j ' Councilman Smith: 'r' o r,..­;t.,,an Wenzel Mayor:Iad9SiA:'1c l s o n Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ....... . By............................................... In the Matter of. .Jx `t?.. C ,... ..t....J,:.. f:0 .....•................................................................................ ..................................... ................................. C. F. No. 46965— In the Matter of c nstructinp a n Carroll Ave. from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St-, under Prelim[... y • • . • • • . • . • • • • . • • • • •' .............."' "' "' "' Order 46112 approved June 2, 1"':' The Council of the City of St having received the report of the " mie.loner of Finance .... ..................... ........ upon the improvement. and having said report, hereby resolves.. ................................. 1. That the said report 1. ..................... ....... .. .... .. ....... same In hereby approved ar and the said l.provemerl „� - i red [0 be proceed—1 J under Preliminary Order.... Lord d...:...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having feceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. -0:::.'. ..Oil_.10.,_..............:'U:_....;�.C:....-�......G..y..... r,..:.T. ri-.t a........................... .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. .:,-.V .:,J...• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... '.tll........ day of t; 113.t ........... 192...• ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....'.' 192....,. Approved.... 1...... ' ...192...... Clerk. p`.%(%,.... �...... ✓........................ 4Wun9 Mayor. pIIBI,ISiiED Councilman Clancy Grntrlc' an d-- Councilman Matson Councilman,S-witht:: r--- C-uurrciiman`Wrnnr Mayor klodgsarr:: Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By............................................... 1 In the Matter of.CJS" _, t ¢1 - - V.,.._ti.'.Llr .s.d ....to P.'.. �d _ir_e on Lits �uro1'ilc e:�+-o �ttta'._e:. _-E _ pz:�t -Hereof, tile r s tl ] J i s to i F ai(] red ..... Line .r.� t:.J7l �t.G. �-.�. � tri- ^.L 21 ;yr t,tl a,_ t a.t. or ...U..,1,*tut_.. ce-et ?.d GI'1U.11...................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... F; ...........a roved .....:!Ibin r..�- �..; ?i 23.1 ................ tinder Preliminary Order........4lR. .-..+�.-. PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consP-- s c. F. No. 46966- 1. That the said report be and the Jnsthene1matter of rum xu�io agevee iopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a point 125 ft. south or the south line P e 7ano St- to form to the d line on theprofile hereto attached, 2. That the nature of the improvem andada°rtbe..hepr-,ands is. made fs Au2II=`e..t e. 11aS..of blue line thereon also grading d� i 1 j t�J ,C',,t . iJl,. 'may Snelling Ave. between the afore .� L C 1 t tl lii - ..-. 0'..:t h ....... J Y •^ .� • said limits to the said red 11 h t 1 of JUro �i o :,U.� established and ak 'y,£yyp -'P"'OI l t { D s ry changes In th m r,i t dS•i �h'ar G 'e_ Sl,7 .ik. pvu t s a. t t, S_ e I Vi v-1 Sio n l:j `l 1. 1.1.e 1. e FJ f - 't _ P, •1>>^; t ...... �.+ J 0 i u J t:i. {- 0 aV' t - ✓ J., r:7 t.�) - r4 .. necI:ssa_,; t.i ,at.i .-irs r ._Jin or lcr:.2L'a........................................... . ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....+?72.39,,, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... ;........day of :u us t.........., 192... 3, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. s ,jiY, �.:.iJ7�.......... 192... .. ...... _ Adopted by the l.�. . Approved.........................192...... Y .....City Clerk. Lf e .... ...................... a�s:�.•e9 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Y� Councilman Matson Councilman 'gnttb,x pe',e- Couneilmea--Wen—l- MayorAindgsan =?o1 -son Form B. S. A. 8-6 S�EiED �� UBLI COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By............................................... INTER INTER 1® I' F. N1 469670- In the east and tak- econdemning n ing a easement in the land .neces-I ry foe slopes, Por cuts and the grading of Snelling Hartford Ave. to a point 3 south of the south line of J `� 1,..."_�_;-__ ;, F,(;'y ;;,�i �'�T In the Matter of..OA�:`lv:.a:�] ;�', .,�:;:! .1.1:1• ,i,, under Preliminary, order 46 ,r , , proved Tune 18, 1923. �: The Council of the ci,, - having received the repot' C y.�;..Cl- :t:: ..-].`_, .:,V G'Ju.'.: Y'Ol� ......if...:.lCi...:. (�...:..,]. "' .:..�. mi ss loner of Finance upon - improvement, and -having- } said report, hereby resolve . 1, '. �. i .; ;� ` J, ; ; ; I'l:10 ...,,.x`5, {.•T 0, „:,!,�..:...: Q. ✓ . 1. That the said report _.. ,;. ""' - ie hereby approve: , .........1':,..A.........................................-.................. ... ...... .. ...... ...... ... ........................................................................... ........................ •1 under Preliminary Order ........... cG .........approved ...... f..i ':yJ.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ,1Q,'l l 1- F-... a.........L................... r�: Gf.. a": ._. _ ¢ ::Lid. -.C.,... ...j•.L ....:`.�. I l �..u�.:,...:?:... .... t .i1,2 :uno.. .;..j. .. ..tP...-tl.iv,.....C,.r..: ,...s; .......... ..:7.-,a.... ,.......... ...... ..... ....1....' ...........:.f.........:.:......... �..... ........... f with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... �. ............day of eu i• • • • • • • • • •, 192.,x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... 'q' ... r::. • .. • • •, 192.. /.. Approved.... 1...1 !, . f,3 ........192..... . Councilman Clancy 1 Gauneilffian Fzr call J CounciimxrhfcD=ald- Form B. S. A. 8-6 i, A �! City Clerk. ��............ . c3�:sg Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIM&NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of-- Condemning _and Laking an e:,sement in the land necessary ^ for slopes cuts ami fills in the Grading of Snelling Avenue from, He.rtfori Avenue to a :point 125 feet soulth of the scuth- line of Juno Street. .— under Preliminary Order approved June 13 i�23.•—..-_-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5-.- ---50. (1O—— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is `-- --- - -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 5 Yllattook Pock 350 24 5 do 350 25 5 do 350 26 5 do 350 27 5 do 350 28 5 do 350 23 4 oto 350 24 4 do 350 25 4 do 350 26 4 do 350 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 --- CITY of ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 4 Mattock Park ;a 350 26 4 do 350 23 1 do 350 24 1 do 350 25 1 do 350 26 1 do 350 (Ex.Snelling Ave.)The So.1£9.19 ft. Of the No.Nt of tRe soutbwost 1/4 of do 350 See,10, J-W (Ex, Snelling Ave-)The north 231 ft. of the South 420.19 ft. of the West 625 ft,of the North West 1/4 of the West 1/4 of Section 10, Township 26, do 350 Range 23. (Ex,Snelling Ave.)So.2/3 of Lots 1 and 2, in Sec. 10,Tovin.26,Range 23. do 350 14 2 Roenigs Addition 350 13 2 do 350 12 2 do 350 11 2 do 350 6050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- ----- --- —._191 - Commissioner of I+insnce. Farm B. U. 12 misSioner of Public Woc l2 1 OfEce of VCom ,,.. Commissioner of Finance uNG� Report to 651 93 June 23. 1923 ---191---- � ioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: To the C,' .miss had under consideration the preliminary order of The Commissioner of Public Works, having .lune 18 , 1823 _191___, relative to il File No.- 46519 ----approved------- ----- t ,;,until, known as Council -the land necseesary for ---condemni>�_and_ taking. an_eaaement_ 1n ---------------------- ------------------ �0gea,_inr_�uts_ful4 _fi18--the_�adin of Snelling._A4e_nue_________ the south line - ---------o�t-125 feet south °------------- ------------------ - --- from Hartford -- 9venue to a P ---- �-------------- Of hereby reports: ,luno Street. and things referred to therein, and having investigated the matters a necessary and (or) desirable. 1. Said improvement is_____----- g and the total cost thereof is $---- ---- �, The estimated cost thereof is ------ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------ ----------------------- _----------- ------------------- ___ ____-------- art hereof. g, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a p 4. ---------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is_____---- re owners of asked for upon petition of three or mo property, subject to assessment for said improvement' ------------ ----- --- - ommissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By............................................... In the Matter of .... VR(L'–Otl'---; '�l� :...F.:'..•,:1+'•=15��. <. .. a,tSJi9ia�l. tr..�-.Q.a.... .. 5.. r . ............... (i ....................... ...................... ........... .... :11, ....................................................................................................... ......................................................................... I............................ ...................................................................................................... ............................................................................................... — els'. 1;: r:;i:�1 = : 4 ............. under Preliminary Order.......4d.7_..................approved .......... . •.. The Council of the City of St. Pa ' ' — he Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having c C. F.„ .u4611� 4 opening. idenmslves: In and ' "e ',ng Chatsworth St. to a 1. That the said report be and t d�Ide 4 ,, ft. from Randolph st. t9dopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wi oaae };G47enppro"" ',,der ,,h 1p, The Counclla [ the CI[Y o4 2. That the nature of the impro having reee��ea°the repurt o41+ commends is..0;z1.:� .rer _ ImDro n xxifl resolve , �- mllssivemem he ebyoha..Iv t: or[. i�f1C'?L! ..4r.�.._.,, repo, ........... .,................................................... ....................... ................................................... ............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..::'r 0....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....: tirl.........day of ..........1 192..x., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....... U;..i.i.! :J....., 192...x.. Approved... ;,,.?. ..?:.........192...... Councilman Clancy r + +sen— A Ca>zmild— 1 Councilman Matson Councilman Smfthdf Mayor #Odggonf 1721 '01'1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. Lt1- Mayor. _E NO ............... c......................................... In the Matter of.. changing. thA .9rad9. •0 • S�•@� 7 9• .S� • • •bS.1�.@p. M@Adota. ,st, , ana �pxp.@ .•St<,,,tp,•the,. ed„line•,on•the.proPile .hereto..attached, and made a part ,hereof,. the present •established grade being shown by a blue line thn,. erea.Oas.o.aonetSMQUn8•�;'•e_- f•Qot.AQm@At Aewalk,on•the•north .aide of .....9&id.y�@1.�•B..�L...b.e.tlq.@flA.ttbe•,e,�presaid••limits,.to,t•he..said.red•lirie when ..... ea tablishad,............................................................................... . under Pre'lim;­n-a - ... 4666..7 ........... approved ....June,.26,,, 1923. .................. C. F. No. '00— In o St. Paul Navin received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon of wells St. rbetween D, Mendota St rand g Forest St, m the red line on the pro ving considered said report, hereby resolves: file hereto attached and roade apart hereof, the present established grade and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement being shoran by a blue line thereon, with. also constructing a i -toot "",1`,Vsidewalk on the north side of sail_ Wella St. between the aforesaid --improvement which the Council recommends is. .Oh=90..thQ..B?:ade• Of its to the said red linewhenestab-.l fished, under Preli.lnary Order �. 46ee7gppeoved Sune EB• I9^_S. gendots..St, and Forest St. to the red line on the Th Council f the City s� ”" >,,aving re c i -et .,,,,priui�.•]e;,he�etq„attached ,and. made a.part,hereoPt the present established grade..being.ShoQ�11.49..a„i��ue.,�ine.thereon,,.e4.s.o, constructing 4-f00t cement sidewalk on the north side of said Wells St. between the aforesaid limits t0..1ih@..�e��d. red,_�ine.•when,established>• .......................................... .75 front ft. for cement blk.walk with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..��....4.... ll• for walk Surfaced n place. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... Sth....... day of Auguat....... 192. A.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........`..:...: ' ....... 192... . Approved..........:. _ .........192..... Councilman Clancy Gounearnan—Fergesen^ C 14 Councilman Matson Councilman AMMM Peter Mayor XQVVX= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. aaagaiv, Mayor. PURLISF�D RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING • TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. • -" n J In the matter o£._CQ G:::: :1.::< ::...::: :.......:. c,.. S::...4.!.:: -_ !:.... under Preliminary Order .._...: 1! ............. approved ........ Intermediary Order.... I:ESOLUTIONOF COUNCIL APPROY-! lNG AN-SSHENT AND• F:ZING approved...,.,. ......a: --a.-.-k '-l4'-e- l TIME OF HEARING IN TION PROCEEDINGS. CONDEDINA.� .C. F. No. 96970— ` L� the macer of condemning and tal:-b matter as to the amount of The Commissioner 0£ Finance having ing en easement in the land"0erev,,,' set y "` slopes, for cuts and fli' - grading walsh Ave. from AT; damages awarded for the taking of the Ian. s�.'to -13aryland st., unde,' op iated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assc9smen11-oi_'••-Peft to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .........�A,1!---------------- ........ day of ......__li }15.t.>..- 9 3 -...--AM:.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --- ----------------- ..._............ !± Approver........:JUI= .:?:.........:._............... 191........ Councilman FW aWrth _ Councilman.I£3tlaud Councilman )% bmx Councilman.�XaColla Y i r !! Councilman Wmlderu& e`r"SZ Mayorh!zim elson t., 191. ..._ r......... . 7 City Clerk. or tR1.�IED Mayor. 7— / y— 46971 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Iu the matter ....... under Preliminary Order...... i a ............ approved :s r- O.,i` ......, Intermediary Order...._��.705..-., rlJ?3.-.. _ approved.----- ::..a....G: ...... I t No. Iter of In the.: n easement of condemning and t- ing an easement In the ,land neces- sary for sloyea, for cuts'and� fins In grading Carbon I. fell., rom Rica St. to Parkave., under preliminary Order) bove matter as to the amount of The Commissioner of Finance h 44655, approved Mar. 20, 1923, Inter- mediary Order 45705, approved May -•: 1923. - - damages awarded for the taking of the lana VommlesToner of Finance had)nesiated for the above improvement g his report in the above m+ the amount of dare she taking of and to wbom payable; and also having submitted .'1" " '. rent of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of Ot h benefits; at the 'Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .................: .......................day of ........... MH at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------------- ---------.. 191.... 4 ... ... -/- -City Cleik. Approves. ...... -40'-•-..........._'........._......, 191...-.... / !/ lagm., Mayor. Councilman FArnswarthx Councilman GNKX is Councilman Hyltwdtx ^"" Counci1611an,jbIlertx ::' .• `,l/, (J Councilman NeCO&I Councilman Wiwrdestintx 1"4- MayortlMWx : r:lson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of .Q , , :.',211. _ .. ...... ] 1s in... f > .%a 't .fin ......... t'- i t .............................. .. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. commissioner of Finance. t --------------------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _...... ___.. By........ ... .........'................q:..:........ ............. ._..................... .............. Intermediary Order *" under Preliminary Order - --- ' v..... Final Order ....__.'av021 ....... ,approved......... The assessment of _..11 =L.. t _ ,_ _ (J.0 . _ a ...; _ -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submi APPROVING AssrssaMN". ' ['1 having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, the' C. F. No. 4ss7z— In [h¢ matter of the assessment oPl benefits, costs and ezpenaes for grad- espacts approved. RESOLVED, That the said asaessmen' `ng Alley 1n Block 2, Sanborn'e Mid- ho es Sts on between Edmund and Thomas Sts., end from Grlgga St. to RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pub' Dunlop InCe'imea � , oraein.ry orae ton the... �.G1......._._..._......day of nal Order 43021, approved Dec, l at the hob; "dement of benefits, coe�--ia-the Council Chamber of the Court ._.__u..,L..,..�.y..._.Z...G.7._...._._. .t�Y.L._.... .u� and".1n conn,,tio " " et vlr ba House and City Hall Building, in the City of St.•Nu1',�VB11• .immissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature B of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. t _ Adopted by the Council ___....... lY-a...'.. 17ti __..._. j91_ Approved......._..._..._:' .:.....:?...._..: ... .........................191......... Councilman'FalftA h ,• y�ra'max tri' �-Nyhmd-, — ;cei}Lt a I soli lY4:iCYaiK P e t t Mayor liVW-;b, r) T., Form B. B. 16 �..��....�..�®:....._��ity Clerk. 4 ........... . ...... ........ _....... u`� Mayor. PUBLISHED —Z CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of E% -'. o`: .:' - - for in::1 o: iE`_"l .lu. r. Intermediary Order *" under Preliminary Order - --- ' v..... Final Order ....__.'av021 ....... ,approved......... The assessment of _..11 =L.. t _ ,_ _ (J.0 . _ a ...; _ -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submi APPROVING AssrssaMN". ' ['1 having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, the' C. F. No. 4ss7z— In [h¢ matter of the assessment oPl benefits, costs and ezpenaes for grad- espacts approved. RESOLVED, That the said asaessmen' `ng Alley 1n Block 2, Sanborn'e Mid- ho es Sts on between Edmund and Thomas Sts., end from Grlgga St. to RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pub' Dunlop InCe'imea � , oraein.ry orae ton the... �.G1......._._..._......day of nal Order 43021, approved Dec, l at the hob; "dement of benefits, coe�--ia-the Council Chamber of the Court ._.__u..,L..,..�.y..._.Z...G.7._...._._. .t�Y.L._.... .u� and".1n conn,,tio " " et vlr ba House and City Hall Building, in the City of St.•Nu1',�VB11• .immissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature B of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. t _ Adopted by the Council ___....... lY-a...'.. 17ti __..._. j91_ Approved......._..._..._:' .:.....:?...._..: ... .........................191......... Councilman'FalftA h ,• y�ra'max tri' �-Nyhmd-, — ;cei}Lt a I soli lY4:iCYaiK P e t t Mayor liVW-;b, r) T., Form B. B. 16 �..��....�..�®:....._��ity Clerk. 4 ........... . ...... ........ _....... u`� Mayor. PUBLISHED —Z CITY OF ST. PAUL. r OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for the In the matter of the assessment of uY, _ r -_l.' e under Preliminary Order Q.......... Intermediary Order '.. _...._..._.. .._........... . , - Final Order approved... a%•. Xl]l ..._... ..._._...._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $ Cost of postal cards $ "Q i Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - . ....... _.... Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- tamed, to -wit: the sum of ..._.....___.. __ _..... .._._-..... _..._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionthereon as may be considered proper. lF/^/^\\.............. _............ Form B. B. 17 i 1 Commissioner of Finance. -------------------------------------- .y,i c COUNCIL FILE By.....-.......'-. ...... ........... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of b(,nc,f its, �=-1 for e. 0 .. .A. ,�-. �.•- -:in, .t. '`.O __'3[l`,Ci Wit.r 17 90 under Preliminary Order .. -- -. ---- Intermediary Order _. .. -` _G. Final Order ....._.. _ aPproved, _n, t _.. ..._.__ The assessment of .... � � �.::.� :..r__:1.Q. _:� ',_ ,..... ......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the rtor Bioche `a.....nr"'*d! acts approved. — natter f the nses for brad- C ' 11 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing; s, costs and expe n the........_.__.._ :..(1....._..._.day of Addition, froo, and dessamine St: to Ger kM_t...__l Flu ij.X at the hour.�,.5st.. undo' rrcuorae�y ai:iso �unc.1ChamberoftheCourt _.. ..�'.'..'.-, -`' s tntermedtarY - - .Order 42282, aPProeed Oct. 71. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pssessneent of benefits. cosr•;ioner of Finance give notice of a for and in accordance, nVe tropm a l—t bi,ria•' said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating �; I o the alla sale and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ate._ .........1/191 ...._ ................y.'......" C7- �`''" iC�ty �lerk. U Approved ........._._.. . _ .....}s _......_.. .._....._ ....................191....._.. / �_............ _....... ..... ------ Mayor. q Councilman Rarusvro'ttL 1f ---'3 PUBL1SiiED Mayor IiKh;' :.Fslaon Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT July... t.ns._._1_923....._,Yf�,f_...... In the matter of the assessment of bene_, - 8 S for W&I _.son's e A. 7 under Preliminary Order .- Intermediary Order ?$8{ Final Order _.._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $- 7 ..... " Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - $ Amount of court costs For confirmation - - - - Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit:- the sum of $..._ _ .2i??._.__.......................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fox such action thereon as may be considered proper. _. rorm B. B. ti ommissioner of Finance. ii COUNCIL FILE NO_.. ....... .... __ By_ ... ... .............. ..._..........._............................ ................. __...... _._.... — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1-l�:'-'-'-'=-�' � �Ct: `"' - - for �. .-]'n.,.0-'l�' -;. _:o., u;_ •iso: -�i;. -. �t. , — under Preliminary Order u Intermediary Order _. _.._4 2 q .................... Final Order approved..._..L. The assessment of '' ..._____......_..for and in connection with the above improvement having been s,.h ;rrPj r^ r6P r^"^ ,t '-a •L- council having considered same and C. F. N.. 4697g— In the mattgr of the assessment f found the said assessment satisfactory benefits, casts and expenses for grad- ing Albemarle St. from Carbon St. to South St., under Preliminary Order RESOLVED, That the said asses 40823, Intermediary Order 42011, FI- all respects approved. nal Order 42440, approved Oct. Z. 1922. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That a The assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for and f connection with lament on the. ...._._ :..._n._............_.....day of the above Improvement having been submitted to the Council, a me and, _ Council having considered ,J.....__........., Qh,t=,,,._, I found the said assessment snuafr _ tve;-m the Council Chamber of the Court t� rer ha ii House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pain— ';ac"ihe Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ._.._�..._ ........ 191._ r... ....... : __V..>City Clerk. Approved .._........._JIJI _...................... _... _..... _ .... __.... .......... 191.._..... ..................... _...... ----...... Mayor. :a Councilman EUffeArbithy,----C `7 Qac�z;.0=.at+• PUBLTiED /�--- 7y IS J ---�- " �fuiid'erlio?4 '", a Mayor 17adt7: i:e J. '.nil Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of 1 -':.Ur i i �'• r O n- � -' - "` `" for ihLx r under Preliminary Order ' .�:� ---- Intermediary Order _..... Final Order ._._ approved.._. I ...._.:_ y To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - _ _ _ $..._ _..�...........,_ ..,........ Cost of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards $__..__..._...__...._•..:';:....... Inspection fees - - - - $ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $---- - Total expenditures Said C-)mmimioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- ._.__._.__.......upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of $__...._._ a..9......-:=.•_-�.�. benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council four such action -thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 � Commissioner of Finance. '"W 4d9y,. COUNCIL FILE NO._..._._._..:._....-._— By........................... ....... ..... .......... ........... ........... ........... ......... ....... ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of . - _ - for under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order ...._._. _'�:%Q.. approved........ The assessment of ......1,e C» _r--:uG .. S _'.c. G.r 3__...-- .....---for and in connection with jC. F. No. 469io— ell having considered same and fits, cses the above improvement having been subml In the matter of the assessment r beneosta and expenfor grad- ing Berkeley Ave. from S -ndleate found the said assessment satisfactory, the), Ave. to Griggs St.: under Prellmm- ary Order 41619, Intermedlary Order 44381, Final Order 44830, approved. j March 31, 1923. jespects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessment The. assessment of beneflts, , isand: assessment, for and In colnoet. •vl ti, t1le .above impfnAe- rn . 'spent on the. _ ........._ .L.t2...._...._._.day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publ.., :^._ -e li Us }....1 Q.._..__......., 6::.t;...-• at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .._....JL_._.....L32a................._.___ ..._.191..._._. 6:! :....._�..:...:r^ . City Clerk. ....................... _........................ !J( 1'__.L??a. ....._ 191 .........._........... Approved..__..................'.�._......_i.... bsil_. ....:...._ ........................ ............... Mayor. Councilman F)&rht tlbrah'. _'1-, -C J (Toslxy ^r -r -r+ PUBLISFIED AMalsd:;: rd �Wifvderlich':.. -_- u! Mayorle4iki, . Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for the In the matter of the assessment of L c 7 ! under Preliminary Order .. _...._. a'..-.'..-. ........... -_.._......._......, Intermediary Order _...._....i a:. ._......_..._....._._.._.... ........-.. 3J Final Order ._ _-... approved_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $ Cost of postal cards - $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - $_ - ... Q.. Q ...._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - Total expenditures - - - - - " $..._ z_OC13.58 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ -upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action Eheyeon as may be considered proper. ......_..... _.. Form B. B. 17 mmiasioner of Finance. .'p.i o 7.i• COUNCIL FILE NO . ............... By .......................... .......... _........... ............ .......... ...._..... ....__......_...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of b'_ ''. '7' :'' for f' under Preliminary Order v4:. -- Intermediary Order ---- Final Order .__ _... ( _ 1. _ , approved_ The assessment of ._ - .1 Pd� .: r__�. t 1 - - ' ' '� - .....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and .atC. F. No. 46976— found the said assessment satisfactor benefits, costs andtezpenees fa grad[ tng Margaret St. from Hazelwood ll respects ' .aapproved. RESOLVED, That the said arse: Ave. to white Eear Ave. and Ken Hard St. from Margaret St. to IIiin nehaha St., under Preilminary ., RESOLVED FURTHER, That a 3578 InterOrder sids ryaOrd er ea assessment on the.. is . ............._......day of on' ,be A The assessment of benefits. expenses for and m c ._;,.A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ...,the shove t. Prove^ anbmittod to, ..�^. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ._....._.... U�. L_1 1523.._......_.19 1_ t 6ity Clerk. ........ Approved ........... _...... , t i 191......... tit _...__._.__.._.._.............._...__............ ............. . Mayor. .........._......_......_..._....... y r. Councilman Fa;tii1it6A =- PUBL1Si�li ` ,• !,`tiller-'�i- ...- i. � OI1 I .. yfti�iSt�leilish = - � _ J'1 Mayor bsircx cn Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for t>rr:� In the matter of the assessment of 3`�..__......_............. under , under Preliminary Order___.__...__±J.,���%�.'::2.._...__...._............. Intermediary Order ...__._.t�_-''...:.. Final Order approved... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $_... ,\ Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost of postal cards ._..:._-._. Inspection fees - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained," upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed to -wit: the sum of $.._ _...._1.. ,,..� benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action'thereon as may be considered proper. 1.1 ._ ... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... ._............ _-- 9 a By.............. .............. .......... ............ .......... .........................._......._....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. Inithe matter of the assessment of bei f'_--, -ot)" '? :'- for ScL_etti t. _o, r_�1ocl_ �':• -o �o .,e under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ?1'x'9 Final Order _......kQ.J.w•. _ . approved... The assessment offor and in connection with Q the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is he" _ Ipproved. "of the assessment of -_,d expenses Por grad - RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on St. from Jvheetoex Parlc- _ _._..t.11......... ...... day of f,,ta�e St. •under Preiimfn- >• 19727, Intermediary Or er •'.al Order 42069, aPProved r_ll 7A ..t a ..- .............✓:19f ..---, at the hour of 10 o'cloc 22. Chamber of the Court �......1 ent of benefits. costs .m and in eonnectton-.r �ment havinP'� House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that r ederea, s . <,of Finance give notice of •� .+essment I said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the i e said r ' place of hearing, the nature 1, :,ereb� of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed" T.,rhe lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. _ Adopted by the Council _ Qity Clerk. Approved .............. ----- _._.._.......... .._.._......... .........__............191.__._ f'. J i Ci�W'Gc . tT.............__........... ........... _...... _._..._.._.._...... Mayor. CouncilmanFfizhzWoitK:= PUBLLS �D - ��/- -3 •• 7i� ax == -CTT1-- ,. MoCoux Mayor Arvind: Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 3 R Mfr... e��s for tbYx In the matter of the assessment of�1 under Preliminary Order __......_..._.._.... __!.%....._......_..._"......., .......... Intermediary Order .._...._......`s.�.4:_1..._..._......_._..........._._ , Final Order ... . . _........._ 43.9....... approved.- 2<`"'......, I�JX ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - " Cos[ of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards $ Inspection Fees - ' __._..._4 c.r..._. Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $...._1., 2.0. .• 9...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- d deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of$...__....i.,2.4�..•-='�---------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of Ian benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ." ...._...... Form E. B. 17 C missioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . ......... ...... _...... _ By ........ .............. ....._........... ............ ..... ..... ............ ............................... 7,, Intermedias Order ' under Preliminary Order ..__ ...................c y C. F. No. 46978— ' In the matter of the assessment ---� f91. Final Order .__... ` S G. _ _ _ aPPt benefits, damage., costa an of penees for changing the gradAl IeY In arl, vial on of Soek 17, Wood- :or and in con an , nection Wlkh land Park Addl [t,om Dald St, to The assessment ofl).!.'_'�.1'._.i-' _,__ d:.__. Kent SSt., to conform to the red tt to ne made a profile radahere the and tabu hed art hereof, the present ea.- paving considered same and the above improvement having been submitter on b a blue line,e Atgoshe - there - Paving said g grading and red line NveneYestabl eh aforesaid found the said assessment satisfactory, therefo in 1"", order 42270, rntermedt- Jer 43IP5, Final Order me'_ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and tgi <, Jan. 's '923. ects approved. ef, - costs and nec['.. with RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said '.yin � been m the....... J_I-.44............._..... day of a the e and "--fac- _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., p the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ .......... l 91 ... _.................................. . .��.:_'.............._..............._.. ity Cler . Approved._.._..................:.IlL...-?.:_.......:! _ ...................... 191....:_.. �f........ .`....�`-\.../ -..... Mayor. P� pottsl0 Councilman,F&rrtaiVnrtk;: ,�i:;t;C;j �7_.,..,. - mocali. r alRttttYtlt3dictc� * — Mayor Arldlv_x Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of be'.o -� , ua: ^ - -� L;nu �"__ - _ �� for l> >;,; in `-1 r :'_ ; 7 _ on o; _ locl, 17, _ co 1 • r. c<= e of : . itio:i, f oc=.ie .a. 0 t:.o ).r ,-11e? t0 tliC -.i0.'C 7,, Intermedias Order ' under Preliminary Order ..__ ...................c y C. F. No. 46978— ' In the matter of the assessment ---� f91. Final Order .__... ` S G. _ _ _ aPPt benefits, damage., costa an of penees for changing the gradAl IeY In arl, vial on of Soek 17, Wood- :or and in con an , nection Wlkh land Park Addl [t,om Dald St, to The assessment ofl).!.'_'�.1'._.i-' _,__ d:.__. Kent SSt., to conform to the red tt to ne made a profile radahere the and tabu hed art hereof, the present ea.- paving considered same and the above improvement having been submitter on b a blue line,e Atgoshe - there - Paving said g grading and red line NveneYestabl eh aforesaid found the said assessment satisfactory, therefo in 1"", order 42270, rntermedt- Jer 43IP5, Final Order me'_ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and tgi <, Jan. 's '923. ects approved. ef, - costs and nec['.. with RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said '.yin � been m the....... J_I-.44............._..... day of a the e and "--fac- _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., p the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ .......... l 91 ... _.................................. . .��.:_'.............._..............._.. ity Cler . Approved._.._..................:.IlL...-?.:_.......:! _ ...................... 191....:_.. �f........ .`....�`-\.../ -..... Mayor. P� pottsl0 Councilman,F&rrtaiVnrtk;: ,�i:;t;C;j �7_.,..,. - mocali. r alRttttYtlt3dictc� * — Mayor Arldlv_x Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of _ _ - for tbx.: �� �<: � C. 1 � , � CJ �'� � �- _- �� � _ --� �' 1_o __� c on i.uc i-�. 1i:' ne _.,. under Preliminary Order..___E=..e.;rv_.c_:�...__......_...__._._...... " L a......_....._....._......_ ............... . ..... Intermediary Order ..__......._....�._ Final Order approved..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $--- Cost of postal cards - - - - - $-.__....._.........__...:_:u....... Inspection fees - - - - - _ - $ ._.. ....nF -..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $--- ---"'r0- Total expenditures - - - -$...._�.,.1 ._ .o...._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $- :=..-. ;F._.._.._.__...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ....:.... . Form B. B. 17 Ommissioner of Finance. v ---------------------------------------------------------- : fy'ydIR FILE NO . ......... ......._..._. By................... _.......... _.......... ........... ............. ..... ..... ......... ................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ,._.- i' 0:=i, for o l to to Co 1, O �L� _ _.- -- - 't.0 ��:, 1, �C.i y:i ,a :ih _I _ter i _ oil to i..o _gin under Preliminary Order -. Intermediary Order % .. ._. , approved '_ lr -.__.' ..__...._._. d-9-%:�....., Final Order ....._._ �.=•? �' . .................. The assessment of11. A 1...:i 1, ,___�_g 3. `•:_..__.for and in connection with C. F. No. 46979— ' in the matter of the assessment of 'I having considered same and the above improvement having been sul benefits, damages, costs and expenses forchanging the grade of Case St. from Frank St. to Duluth Av- Eound the said assessment satisfactory, t confile (heretoorm -attached and made` hereof, the present grade bei- resented by the blue line Cher '� in all respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessor so grading said Case St. to 1 y p PP RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public heani Sntab uc �IIsced. ssessment on the. Du,d' a _.....__ a `-L...._ ........... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of 1 said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ._._....... ___JU! ...s. l I_.__. 1 v.�.... City Clerk. Approved..............................� .... ......... ............. 191......._ �� O .. ..... Mayor. Councilman.Fernsw0fthZ J1"-_3 7. •• ;rids.:: son moll Mayor IeOt -- Form B. B. 16 AA PUBLISI'D / — /_V_ -�-3 --------------- 14 - -------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of for thea 1-0 o 'or to i under Preliminary Order ... �; Intermediary Order ............................ Final Order _`....... __.__._.., approved r U i.: ; i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - Ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards $. Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation - Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.....::_' ". ,.„..,..- - _._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 170— B. B. 17- ............... Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . ................. .._ By_ ......... _...... _..... W_ . ....... ...... ................................ _............................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution -of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of _ for .. __� _1^Oral _-1 },. iii°i• _- �. „li _ .,_._ J ._,f under Preliminary Order. .......... Intermediary Order .. Final Order .......__ t .::;.._ approved.. a i}W_l...... The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been subl - `I,' f ^ ncil, and the Council having considered same and 7n the omatter oP the found the said assessment satisfactory, ti benefice, c asaesar-. ^� at. and expenses -- tng A1IeY In Blnck 4, Vann tion, between Summit all respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessmi Grand qve. and from Albert Pascal Ave„ under P�ellmin: der 3ag7g rntermedtnry ordr _ssessment on the.._._......;.:'_t: ? ....................day of RESOLVED FURTHER. That a pt From order aloax, apnrovea taxz. The assessment f bene. and expenses for 1 y„ a "ith tae abnvc yVl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City oLSo,'Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council �`; ^6iiy Clerk. j_. .. Approved......._....J..........._.Lll1.....�t.. f ..':..............._ 191 �T <� Lvv ✓ _._............ Mayor. Councilman .. tYlnttd'etlfeh •-�' Mayor;zEfn-'7 Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for t$e'- In the matter of the assessment of '- - _ under Preliminary Order ......-, Intermediary Order Final Order ... _.. ; approved... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $_.s:..!.:. �;;-_.._511.........._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $_ .._ n Cost of postal cards $._ ____...._.="1_....._ Inspection fees - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $�— Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ a --.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fqr such action jhereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 �� ' Commissioner of Finance. ------------------------------ COUNCIL FILE NO.-... ............. . .. By..................................................._..............................._................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene its, 3;si.s . ,)e'_ nos for dt'-,,n, esters :.ve. to �:run�5e1 Stmt,, under Preliminary Order _ _411358 _.__ ___ Intermediary Order '-N.. _......... . Final Order ..... x...709 __ , approved _ Uu. 1C, 1920 ..__.,x1Rd.._...... The assessment of ..._ <_f:i i,5, "%C f _ =- ='•: _ --- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submik: l '" ' .. .. ncil having considered same and c. P. No. 46881 1n the ment' 4. In the matter found the said assessment satisfactory, tl benefltsaco vtng dAllevn�n afor -1, Woodland Park Ak uncle, 4r,;.. St RESOLVED, That the said assessmt Western Avenue . der d41su all respects approved. under P"uMraer543O390, Flaal. C tarmealarr a Jan. 18, 1923. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pu 43vss, approve benefits, co•esement on the. .. J.kA,. da of +lhe alae sament o4 cbars'......._ ...........___._.. y and In r meat ht -� ._,prove � the Counc. 1Ua.:�- .....a..1.i iJ___......_.._._..X-}lA��:l.._....., at the hour of I l .0 ."-1. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ ___._..__ �r._....j...q..49.p.,�._. _._.........191.._._ ..- ..... _................. .......eC Q .. .-_.:T `City Clerk. ed.............. _... _.............. .......... _.............. ..._._...........191..._.._ ..................... _...-�...__.... Mayor. �EBstq Councilman FArxWwc h � lun �y . PL/T3i,I SI IED Weddy Fe ter J WAY1d&ltahx''c-. z Maygr IrAtEx ;:elson Formg, B. 16 ', ---------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT U ...i:.._:.t: �...... fortt}ig In the matter of the assessment of 11%':;F:"i. S, -C.-"- ---- - _ --" l C.' _lOJ`. under Preliminary Order__......;1�..o................ ....... Intermediary Order ..__._.._....... �: _�.............. ...._........_._..._. . Final Order approved.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $ Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $__.....__...__._.._....,_0.0... - - 17. 5,1 Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.--... .00 Total expenditures $......_2.,._1....1=... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......._...G.,�_,•;� 1....1`=.._._......._._..._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo�such action Ahereon as may be considered proper. r _...._ ... _..,_�.<.v:. ........1...1.1......1._........ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... _........ _._ By ................................ .._.... ..... ....... ....... ......... ....... .... .... _.......... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. j,�, ,'.,i ..'-., "'OS- ':8;:3 �g for In the matter of the assessment of , _-- n:i1 under Preliminary Order C ...::.1 ___ Intermediary Order . Final Order ._. __ __. approved......... �$Ja... The assessment of .._ l' E. - -- �'-- _a -- -f --------or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it C. F. No. 46982— In the mutter of the assessm@nt of RESOLVED, That the said assessment beneflta, c ats and a Penaes for Pnv-pe,cts approved. Ing AlleY in Block 6't. AIbel Addi- Uon from Pasini Ave. d Albert Ave.,]n the RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public nnaer Preliminary order 4osxr, In- j , _.__.__.__.___..day of order dNo. 4240 3r aPProvedl Octrin. 1. 1922• Assessment f benefits, Coate <19 ,.__..., at thi The he Council Chamber of the Court .....-._..z..u�.. .r"""..—��-��--� 9aDenacs for and In connection "ve Ing' ov,,..Fr• tiav,.. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St^ Pao.: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. LJAdopted by the Council __.....__: ! .. ,. 191 _.. _ ....... �...`. k _ ........ ..-City Clerk. Approved_..............._._i.a...... .................. 191 J_ •G/C..6JC% L. _ ......................._......._............ .....---...._ Mayor. -Councilman FaYti"szvaftlt J lv R :•I16fi t ,. Mr�oll•== y,,t,,�, /`1� �� Mayor9lMd: _:elson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 1)9 for thCx In the matter of the assessment of sc; t1l 1........_ ....................__...._................. under Preliminary Order ..... .... _..... ....., Intermediary Order ...__.-.-�:.. :.. Final Order ___.... ........ approved.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - Cost of publishing notice .�7 Cost of postal cards $__......._.......__._._....._._.... Inspection fees - - - .... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $- ----------------' Total expenditures $_..._.:_�:v_i.._'.a.t....... 1 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._......_...._� �. .S_L%_..=_v.... ...... ._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ._......._... Fore, B. E. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . ......... ........ .__._ By..................... ........................... .............. ................. _....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1)cnfj S, Jo3t, a:1- x for n v9.n lley in S 1oelc -'en (10) under Preliminary Order 265.. Intermediary Order c -0 + _, approved..__ _-eb._ 1. �._ i4...) Final Order ...___. _ F2d--�^ The assessment of .... 12�.1G.m?.tS r C.Q N q. _$;, :_ . aS, a..._........... _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Cnnncil. and t6.. C until having considered same and C.. F. No. 46933— - found the said assessment satisfactory, Inbeneatis costs fndhaxpesi ees6 for pavf Ing Al1eY do Block Ten (10) Summit RESOLVED, That the said assess Park Addition, under PrellmtnarYl 4866G, Fina 6 Orderer44094, ary PPrbved 1 respects approved. n FeU. 14, 1523. lent on the. i11_...._._.._._..day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a The assessme¢t of benefits, ion with u. the on-oshovefl mprUvement d in nhavng been submitted to the Councih and the r ust L...__.......,P49;4...___, Council having eonstdered anme a;Q.the Council Chamber of the Court " found the We n--rnent eatisf- _ therefore b� House and City Hall Building, in the heBeso]Yed, ul: that th'eliommimioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .__._.._..--Jul 191.._ jLh ! 1 1923 .`{a:...._ .......... ..._ ......City Clerk. Approved......._......... . ................ ....... _.._... _.... .._............... ......191......... _......_ ............ ..__...._..........._............._..._._.__._._...... yor. Councilman FAiiigniawl 1-&aCy ., C;oas:::x —7-1 Mayor Jxvim, is^1Son Form B. B. 16 PTT.T.TSfiF.U_ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ju for xhcc.: In the matter of the assessment of _ j 1; - O S i.., ., : _)ens e, S under Preliminary Order � ��. �� .-...... - - _..._........, Intermediary Order _..:-.> - ?_..._._. .__..............__..... Final approved.. _'`5.'.G.... _-.,._.-_ :13i-_...._. To the Council of the City of St., Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction - - $ _...._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost of postal cards $_ ..---............A;i _..._.. Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----- '"' J- - Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and. levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......c_s::.`.=-".-_-...._-...---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _....._........_... . corm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO ............ ... .-_._ By-- ... .......... .... ..................................... .......... ........... ........ ............... under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order ... , approved....._ The assessment of ._ .1 _e ::::. �.__ w� ... N _ lx for and in connection with the above improvement having been subr =il having considered same and C. r. a atssa— In the mutter of the assessment of found the said assessment satisfactory, th benefits, [uccosts eini[Tcon- 'd on eringwosaa sfro- . point 160 feet west of Snelling A RESOLVED, That the said assessmei to wineton St. and on wtneton i respects approved. from Breda St. to Coo Ave, w under Preliminary Ormder 57906,, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a put 1ermediary order 38380, Final S- 99715, approved near. 16, 19x2. ssment on the..........._...,..�11.................day of The assessment of benefits, co .see for and In rnlnect11 ......... -19T= at the houi 'ot''I' cibck A. :1`., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council r,. I , n..._.... _ . 191-... City Clerk. 1, JAI ! 1j i } '7 Approved..__........_:_....:...... `......_-._..._ ........................_...191......... .5..... -`...... ..L.f.................. C.�LYL a� _.............. _..... -...... Mayor. COuncilmaniFA7t sWartli.i: _<_ _ PUBLISHED iCelir3::. ...a t 0,1 Mayor=fv4lfiCa Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for 1SC rt under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order ... , approved....._ The assessment of ._ .1 _e ::::. �.__ w� ... N _ lx for and in connection with the above improvement having been subr =il having considered same and C. r. a atssa— In the mutter of the assessment of found the said assessment satisfactory, th benefits, [uccosts eini[Tcon- 'd on eringwosaa sfro- . point 160 feet west of Snelling A RESOLVED, That the said assessmei to wineton St. and on wtneton i respects approved. from Breda St. to Coo Ave, w under Preliminary Ormder 57906,, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a put 1ermediary order 38380, Final S- 99715, approved near. 16, 19x2. ssment on the..........._...,..�11.................day of The assessment of benefits, co .see for and In rnlnect11 ......... -19T= at the houi 'ot''I' cibck A. :1`., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council r,. I , n..._.... _ . 191-... City Clerk. 1, JAI ! 1j i } '7 Approved..__........_:_....:...... `......_-._..._ ........................_...191......... .5..... -`...... ..L.f.................. C.�LYL a� _.............. _..... -...... Mayor. COuncilmaniFA7t sWartli.i: _<_ _ PUBLISHED iCelir3::. ...a t 0,1 Mayor=fv4lfiCa Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT r. , ... - ... _. for Y,bei: In the matter of the assessment of - , -- o: _0»;tg_ ^c, >o �r-� "s toIl tet. ^0; . i,p ;o. 0 .. •r .,S under Preliminary Order - Intermediary Order 1 Final Order ... 7.1 _.._ approved...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - $... .,%. Inspection fees - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - --.......... Total expenditures $ r"" •" Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_.,..131.2. ..._._ ..................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actipn�thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 i Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO..... --- _.......____` — By ...................... .............. .... ........ .............. ........ ........... ...................... y'" ati5 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of , costs e:; pe ns 2s for 1-1 in ,Anel- 7.1, ,t a: `cition;'' 1`'o::; _Von at. ;o =^otto t., . aci under Preliminary Order s- -- - , Intermediary Order Final Order____. ��.0 approved.. _ .7:t._ v.,'_.l , N7:;...... .._......... ..... The assessment of.__..L7G�1w.S._l:-M,--CQ:i-=.u--4==u--E.___:1P; _S S....._.._._.......__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and In the matter of the ' found the said assessment satisfactory, thbenefits, costs and -.Per 'Ing Alley In Block 11, Sun Addition, from Avon St. - ' RESOLVED, That the said asse9sme St., under Preliminary ored:" ',,1!, respects approved. intermediary Order 41916• Fina, - der 42404, approved Oct. 19, 19'L2. The assessment of benefits, coats and Jt 11 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pu expenses for and m connection t on the.. ................................._......day of the bove improvement ; a , submitted .to the Coune'' Council having tonsidero�. -U Ll.._,.. w? .a......,__itY9L ......_, at found the said nasesame., • ;:IVL, in the Council Chamber of the Court ,..._. ther�Yore, be It Resolved, That -the sr -- be and the same le y,ommissioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the C'• apects approved. Resolved For said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating iii"ga14; ..;jtt i'the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council �X/C%t Lj 1 "--­Gfty Clerk. Approved ..._......_... . t )L , ........................_..................................191......_. �W � .� Mayor. �,.wrtt Councilman Faith l .. &ussx;c ^�, PUBLISHIiA��� Ftedlera on " 1t4nGoit- r _, t E: r ]fila x eelt�tlx =' rcet Mayor Wmx is 13011 Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of 1Je?leI it3- COS; f r,,,ThK pavin 11ei in -1oc1, �� un_,ii i'. t_ - 10"", _ra. _vO� t. to grotto under Preliminary Order ...... ....... rI,-- 3 .................._....._......., 6......_......_...... Intermediary Order .__......_.v._. Final Order ._ .......... __i approved... U 't.. �.__. >'..._......,:1 >..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $ 2�8 i ....la......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost of postal cards $_ _.._. _......_.....fl1...._.... - - $.. Inspection fees - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $---- ---`"` Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ __:__.2,.` I.1.; 1.4....._ _..__ _.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actio hereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCILTILE NO..........__.............. By. ....... ................. ................ . .........._........I.........._....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of uono.f'*Lf:�, for (:a under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order . ...... 2 -tail approved Final Order J .3 Q!�- c��„, n a.u.a. for and in connection with The assessment of 11� I ” --' - -" I F No. 469 the assessment of cil having considered same and the above improvement having been sub C I for c 1� ih. ,e and expenses Struni, benefits, cosle,wer on Eleanor . found the said assessment satisfactory, th gructlng.taseverth t orth f g St- to C" "order Street, under p,ellealn-Y 136 F inter Order 41 , - 40648, 4mgdlary .11 respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessme, uni order , approved march,, �1112,3*aasessmeut of bereft' —st' RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public'i- r-, for ne —1d 'issessment on the clay of .,a at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou . se and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 14,i: 191 City Clerk. Approved. ... . ............. _, .............191...._.. ...................... Mayor. Councilman Fii6sWbf4fiy y PU13LI5 M ayorAVAK s on Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT N_. for 4h1X In the matter of the assessment of benefitS, ax iC 1525 dr t0 Ori --10a"nor, tiBtrOCt frGf„C:=-=OVC;ntl1 '.�ti'CCt �. �asriorth =trect, 4.Iii 8...._._.....__._..._..._..._..., Intermediary Order ......_.._.._._.._._. a A.,...................... under Preliminary Order _._ a .._.....a...r approved Final Otder.. --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- h the making of the above improve - tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection wit ment, viz: - - 00 Cost of construction - - - _ Cost of publishing notice 1_.17_...... Cost of postal cards Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures above ascer- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount cunt as land deemed art parc tained, to -wit: the sum of $- -- -r y 6 9 � E7 upon each and every lot, p benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, par[ or parcel of land in accordance with ple d that hereto en- com the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessmentmade abeen hereof, sdthensaid assessmenttasccomplted tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and , be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actiq.n hereon as may Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 / COUNCIL FILE NO .................... ..._ B siyoo CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for C O;:s- ruCt�" under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order .......... Final Order.__'- ...____.._..._._, approved-.._ 'V.___1 The assessment of ._- .. .i_.:_..1�....C.L -'- .....for and in connection with the above above improvement having been submitt C. the matter or the of awing considered same and enaessment benefits, coats and expenaea for 'con. structing a sewer on Magnolia St. found the said assessment satisfactory, theref from Burr st. to a point reI feet east of Burr street, unser Frelimtn- a y Order 43632, Intermediary Order RESOLVED, That the said assessment b 43938, Final Order 44246, approved )gets Feb. 24, 1923: approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That apublic The assessment of benefit., cost. 'and; expenses for and in conneetlon withl^ the above Improvement having d;�n the.. – w..�.a........._.........day of 'so bmitted .to the council. : �d'�'_ Council having considers^ i a[ the found the . se-� n" ,i;•-_ therefore,_ - •�11� A.,ih'the Council Chamber of the Court Be y be House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191.. �. :k-- City Clerk. L_...... �j Approved ............. ___:_c_ ..... z_.......... .._'.c....._.....__.......__.19 f _4S..`.........._.......... Mayor. - 1 L) Councilman :Earnawor2h: Ryland-, WColl muiriamich Mayor:itvirv, ;- Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of '1:_.12.' ii a � . ,_ _ -. _ rs�,g for the ,... ,. s:.�_�.�=.._......................._...__....... under Preliminary Order .._ _...:..:._ . Intermediary Order .............::::.' ........_......._..__...._.__..................._ . ........._... Final Order .._. -_.. , approved... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- necessarily ment, viz: $ Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - ' $_....._..._ x.....04...._...._. Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - $-.__....__ ..._i0.._...__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----- -'-' - - - Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- ......- _,.i� C.!._ -.. ....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actioft thereon as may be considered proper. rorm E. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. ................... __ By...................._. ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 'Nene._ ', costs _ _C"C' C For cons truoti e? ;,-,el i^eo o:. rot_,'an t. to c ar on jo,-,nson rari:,va?, ar _- under Preliminary Order r� % --� Intermediary Order - '-- c��-"-- 1 Final Order ...... :57 approved..___4 The assessment of C for and in connection with the above improvement having been ouncil having considered same and C. F. No. 46988— In the -matter of the assessment..of benefits, costa. and'exD rtaes for found the said assessment satisfactory tructins a se er n sit;e2 St. from Gotzlan St. [a the e r on Johnson Parkway. under Preliminary Order all respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assess) 42926, Intermediary order 43284, FI nal Order 43703, approved Jan. I' �ti RESOLVED FURTHER, That a p� if',',, "sa toc an3ofn ... t ror. assessment on the................._...?........._......day of .� Smproveme.: ``__......._.._y;{QSja........... ., at the hour `.if 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the. City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Jiji. i t 1Q%3 Adopted by the Council ._......_.___......_.._....._........._..... Approved............. ...... ........ .................. ._....... .._......................191......... Councilman €x3Y7xcyo5rth't la-ZcY. `l-- Xcll V+ - i. -troll .. $ 0cisax 1'u i- 0 ^ Ii ll/ .. �#utules=lits6c tis-���� Mayor Ilfffi =-olson Form B. B. 16 t��.Coe--amity Clerk...-.r �l...d..f .."... 1.�..ti.t ✓�t� ... Mayor. PUBLISiiED CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Zn1..1.._E Lis!,..... In the matter of the assessment of bet?ei'it:' �C:: "..:: .� e>;penSeS for 11mx C 21S t:"'UC1 it ..:r C`! - O,J"Lnn - to t'.1.. i.L Oil ,. oh -iso ^. under Preliminary Order .............. . Intermediary Order _. ..... X0703 _. approved... Final Order .._.. . _ ._ .... _...._ "• �..r__.' Z __;a4bL_....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul:: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - _$......_........._..5...:r..a...._... Cost of postal cards $.. ..."...""......"."7 J..."-'.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $--- - j' 73. - Total expenditures $ -. .� i ."".Z_1....."' Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...__.:G1...: -..v. 1_...._._...___..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such arcttiq th�erreeo/n as may be considered proper. corn, a. B. 17 ' Commissioner of Finance. R--------------------------------- - -- COUNCIL FILE NO..._. -----_---- - By O...................- By.............. ........ ..................... ................................. .................... ....... _... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of = -- for under Preliminary Order ­LD.'21 .... _.... Intermediary Order <r Final Order ....__ approved- 1., } 1 -l.;.._ ___..._, 194........ ..... _ _........ _...... The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council. _nd thA t ^'['�il having considered same and C. F. No. 40989— found the said assessment satisfactory, therl rnnhe e�eets coria and r"ensessfor nconf trotting a sewer on Topping St.. from a point 110 feet east NV"eatern' RESOLVED, That the said assessment Ave tp Farrington Ave., under Fre•:spacts approved. llmtnary Order 43008, Inte?A e;lia.rY Order 43395, Flnnl Order . RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publi proved Jan. 24. 1x23.sment on the_......_.�.L.';!......_...........day of � P, or nener-. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. RN Adopted -by the Council ..__._..._:. 191. - JJ _...�'� P........ .._... �ity Clerk. J u.-.% X975 Approved......._........._......... _........ _..... __... ................. ..._...._..191 _....... ->< Mayor. .. _..... ... . -- ..................................................__.... — .._. CouncilmanrFarnswoith , = 'Y"T ! PUBLIS�_�' •. �Xlitfidarl'iciiC Mayor 1tt5n.- Form B. B. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .... .. r9r._... In the matter of the assessment of , for :f}ie' I.O': ..-� .. a under Preliminary Order _ _ .... ... ..-.r. ..... Intermediary Order Final Order ... =OJ _.__-_._ approved......._ ,.._....:. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: - - Cost of construction - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ - '' Cost of postal cards $ "' Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----- - Total expenditures $__._-.�_.!:.=.: ..l_:..-........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..__....�.,..=:�....t .�.:._...... _ ..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel ofland in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ __...... ..__._-''�9 By............._......._..... ................... ........................ ..- .... ....... .... .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessmgnt of ben( L"i`❑r CO3 _ _] . —'arses for co:Strt:ct_n „ uon -t .0 -venue Pro... _�itol --ve. to poiia 130 Peet 1:Citl of ort';; lire o£ pitoi =•ve., under Preliminary Order _........= .� = Intermediary Order f` -26J..............................• Final Order........ J..7 -N, approved.__Jal?, _ 17, �..2r7. ........._..... The assessment of _. u@ 1_i 1 {.5 r __ C O ."an -7 =t $ _............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and — found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing 'L}e°matter of the assessment of1e-....... ........-.day of fits, costs and expenses for con - - mting a sewer on tVestern Ave.; m Capitol Ave. to a point 130 feet,il Chamber of the Court I`94K_..._..., at the hour of .th of the north line ,of Capltcl- und, yrelimiaary Order 4211 termediprl' Order 43286, Finp' ' House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. P:- 43702, approved Jan. 17, 1piler of Finance give notice of assessment of bonents, =a for and in connect said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in sai Improvement hav'and place of hearing, the nature ,p t', . ouncil, .dered. t of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assesses`enan art the lot or lots of the particular said s. owner to whom the notice is directed. - Adopted by the Council._..___.,!G!_._s...�.__��_............___._..... Clerk. )9 4 Approved ............. _............. !�......._'..... _..._....... ......_.............. 191......... • eG-- —. 6..a. L��- •� ... Ma Councilman PbldirWbith l<;'?Cy C' PUBLISifED atson �ormu :3iter " :fiitxrYd'eYlicki >r n z e 1 Mayor;j**v elson Form B. B. 16 .i ---- ,-___- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT +.s for du -x In the matter of the assessment of b� d'.'1t,3t cos :c] e::penses construotin� a -�e jer on ,esi_ei�n �.ve�:w� fro-,. �auit,ol --�e. to 4 "o -it _30 feet. north of t.h :ort.h 1�i.ne of a��tol -ve•, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ................. _....................... Final Order .... __.... approved......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - - - $--- ....".. Cost of construction - - - - - - - $---� Cost of publishing notice - - - - - �I...QQ-�"-" Cost of postal cards - - $_ $_ _.._._ _. Inspection fees - - - - - - - ..._7.5 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce, tained, to -wit: the sum of $_._....$.%ia. S -- ------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo� such act' thereon as may be considered proper. _._...._ . _.._. ... _._. _ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. _ -------- COUNCIL FILE NO . .............. By.................. .............. .......... .... ......._............_................._......._....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for *-1 Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order _...____ ----- Final Order ........ -`G:[.. __... approved_.... ,.._ : 1 ........ 194=4........ The assessment of .. ri _f'- f --- ...-- for and in connection with the above improvement having been subs - (--. Cil having considered same and C. F. No. 46991— in the atter of the assessment found the said assessment satisfactory, th bbnefits, costs - and expenses for re otructing 3 sanitary sewer on S:' son St. from Kent St. to Mack.' RESOLVED, That the said assessme St., an storm water drainage tr: all respects approved. excluded therefrom under Pre RESOLVED FURTHER, That a puI der 4 order 43l O er 444 7, ary.' der 4399 der 43 Order 44421, a i- �' ed More n 7, 1923. r,;}ssment on the........_..:j..:..+....._...............day of The assessment of beneftts, cosi, -r s for and In co••nectlo�'. s y _ ,.,e fm ,ro.,e . —„_`,._<..;�.,......_..__........., f$'ltiX...., at the Tri' � .. � .�i�tx�.•;i:.i�=., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ._._..... i%') 191....... _...--..._.._.:. _ ` ......:.__.:-..._,_Q: —Oity Clerk. Approved.._.._....._..............ali 7, 191......._ ' fl _... _t . C LT �^ d.�--•i" . Mayor. _..... xatkl9 Councilman FArtumbith K e I I e ori j_ i Mayor 12%bn7 1 O Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of ".. � _i i,5 � CO" ' - -_ � - __�r,S.��. for the:c . �.�.. �,. � .-.tet', i• .. .,. on t.� 1pr 1': Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order ..._ _. =:':..-_.................._._...._............... Final Order .__ approved.- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ '' " -..L.... n..... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - $...__.....__..; ; ... -._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $-- = 05 Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.. ?_..._...... .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form E. B. 17 ­­1plow ------------------------- ---------------- --------- * -- ------- - ,COUNCIL FILE NO . ........ . ..... BY... ... ........... ....... .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of i s for installing an orr-,: 0-.t. consistlamp and posts and lamps, -,-iires nd underground conduits for conveyini, elcctric otl',;f, i,eccs.ary a,-,, 1jances and ellUiPMent 1'or said and all s"ste'rl on �elhy =.Ve. )n --rn -ve. on est Ne. I C. `thN`;u.tt:�'­cf the assessment -! I In o.sce for for 1-o':1 aulei �-.Ve. to benefits, oil I'% ""InZa11I.T.-ornamental n . and lighting system consisting of lamp. and "'P"wires end ..dcr. posts' f., conveying round co6dolis onveying c tric current thereto, and all, necessary appliances and qu under Preliminary Order for Bald system on Selby A,,. ,- Summit Ave. to I—Higton AF.. z9z, t ................ w ­tern Ave. fl -7 19.2.2 Final Order IRLY . ...... �.m'ts and 07­Q.e-nS­0..............................for The assessment Of Ua-'IQLAU'�, V - and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ­aul ...... . ..... day of 1-.0 2.� 1� ­;-Ai9T . .... .. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., is the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 12� 19" Clerk. Approved ......... ..... - ........................._......7y ....... ... ................... . ............................. 191 .. ............ Mayor. Councilman F CY PUBLISHED—ZL/.� KZA& Y son Mayor k-3djtx -,-,els.on Form B. B. 16- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION ,DF ASSESSMENT cosi - gens es In the matter of the assessment of be e. -s, -� forxhex furni _ n^ zc: insta' l i o .t t n:f Jste: i co::sietinp of lamp oosts u:.n lamps, .:fres un-eraround condi:its for comaeyinr electric current and -11 other necessary appliances and equipment for quid sll-i.. t.o is xi rr-ton ---vel. on _ esturn :.ve. ster:r on .;e_.y ..ve. f.a;�-=ur...:�it, ..ve. _ fro: -,i Laurel =-ve. to .,.,__s'r_all ,.ve., 14 -4 5 ......._....._......_............__....._ under Preliminary Order..__._..._c..............._............._._...___.._......_., Intermediary Order .___..._..._.... Final Order ..._..... aPProved0._ci ..... _..... .TYf ._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $....J. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $----- $ 11.79 Cost of postal cards 7� 2.00 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $.__ _.__ _ ..........._........__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--- - --5J.'.95-' Total expenditures $._._�_0,_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...__.`.=Q.�.Q _�..._E ___........._......._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action �ereon as may be considered proper. ............. corm a. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance T, --------------------- -- - ---- ------- ----------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO... ....... . ....... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benei--'L t3, costs ani Constructing# relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, Contract No* 3391 for Year of 1922. for —Assessable— C, F. No. 46993— h the assessment, to F.O. 57083 Wyoming St., South aj-Anbetnefi imatter of n as. for " of Livingston Ave. s F:O. 40102 Kittson St., east si� ti—tln-goostsluvid e"PeUl repairing . relaying a IN pith of E. sixth St., Cement lfd—ik.� E.ti.st'e .. 6' thence north 56 feet C..t,..t No. 3391 for year of 1922:Cher north, tlienoe north to Ii. seventh A.o ... able. P.O. 311483 Third $tp north aldl F. 0. 37683 Ing St., south side ; St, thence west .'t St. get 120 feet* froroSojob Wyom to Livingston Ave. 1 2 Kittson St., east side,,be- Pool atmehaha St., north.glnp14ni 320 feel ..1th of E, ' � St. and Johnson Parkwaye north, then " �'t. to aarila:in St. Reaney St., bol ':,north 56 feet , b, F.Q. 40261 �h Sidi tfh.rtnh Seventh St. P.O* 40536 Harvester Ave*, nortL_eM-!,. Z Kennard St. to Plandrau St. F.O. 41046 P&UqUior Ste, south d side, between Atlantic St. and Johnson Parkway. F.O. 4010 1 2 North Stop north sides beginning 88 ft. west of Cable St. thence west 18'feet' F.O. 41670 Forest St., treat Side* beginning 120 ft. south of Reaney St. ,thence south 60 feet*- Pool 40032 Fourth Stop north sides beginning at Gypresa.St* thence west 80 ft. F.O. 41670 Hudson St., both sides, between Mendota Sts and Forest St., P.O. 40101 west Seventh St., north sidep from Schaffer St. to Eleanor St. F.O. 40208 Juno Stop north side, between Victoria St. and Milton St. F.O. 22252 Toronto Sts, west side, beginning 45 feet south of Seventh Stop ihenoe south 62 feet* P.O. 40032 Payne Ave*, east sidep beginning 27 feet south of- Wells Stop thence south to alley* F.O. 38022 James Stop north side# between Duke St, and Erie Sto P.O. 37424 Jefferson Ave., south side, from Oneida Ste, to West 7th St, and Oneida Ste, east side* fr6i Jefferson Ave,�to W* 56venth St. and West Seventh St.# north side, from Oneida at. to Jefferson Ave. F.O. 40538 Toronto Stop east side, beginning at Grace Sto thence south 425 Peet. 'F.O. 40103 Toronto St., east side, beginning at at._Clair St. thence south approximately 252 :rest to connect the present walk* Pool 40760 Earl Stop east side, from Maryland St. to Rose St. F.Q. 40362 Cook St., both sides, -from Duluth Ave. to Atlantic St. Pool 41529 Hazelwood Ave., east -sidepfrom'l� Sev6iith 4to to Brand St. F*O.* 41670 Cook St.# south side, betweenF6rest St. ail& Cjpr6gs St. -P.0, 41599 Brand St., north sideo from Hazelwood Ave, to Duncan St F.O.. 42011 Terry St,, both sidesp from East Fourth St. to E..Fifth*St. '-'-:F*O* 101.01 Ramsey St., south'side, beginning at Oakland Ave. thence west .320 feet. 41672 Ramsey St., north side, beginning at Pleasant Ave. thence west 80 feet. -41672 Ramsey St., south side; beginning at Smith Ave. thence west to alley, 17.3.5 feet. FaO,f -41672 Smith Ave., west side, beginning at Ramsey at_-tkenoe--oou+rh -40 ft. -41234 'Nest §gIvelith at—, south side, from Lose St. to Ramsey St. --V.Oo.-a8O2Z -Pofbes Ave*, south side, between Seventh St. and Leech St. 0 Smith Ave,, east sidsp, between MoBoal St. and Goodrich Ave. J, south side„ from Wo Seventh St. to Richmond St. �'*�� �� 6arro1l Ave., south side, from Avatt Sts to Risk St. o ,� 3"1 �irasrl�it�r Aa., Werth side, beg3nr��9ng 121 i'oet east cif Rice Sit" P.O. 37002 St. Clair St., squth,*W"' beginning 335 Pt, east' of Benhin south p Road,.thence east 34 -- neat -:to 'alley, -175.5 Pont. F.O. 43529 Hazelwood Ave., east a r e, Seventh St. to Brand St. F.0 - 42071-Terry,St., both sides, fromth1% Sto. to E. Fifth St, PO* 41234'Weat Seventh St., Bout ;:a m Leech St. to Ramsey St. F,Q, 40989 Fisk St., east side, f Go Ave. to St. Anthony Ave. P.O, 40766 Wheeler Ave., both sidO Prom oud St. to Hewitt, Ave. F.O. 42169 Louis. St., both sides, 0 thony.-Ave. to Central Ave: F.O. 38726 Benhill Road, east side -i from Vit. Gls4r,St. to Lombard Ave. 77= i.1[ntleh:PJCelin7lna[y ;QTSfffiY/ _...._......_ __.__. ____, fbtebriitdiaiy-`C$rt�Cr`�'�. The assessment of _. L.)," a for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ........... of U. a 'i•� L 2', z AL'._......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __- _- Id'.- t L)ILI .._.. Approved .... ...., u..... t..'... , t ...._... ......_..I91 _..- ",Councilman Faanaswoith; J _ r 0 191 •C.�/� 2 ��-c? . G. Z7* �?--''. .. _ ....... � _........._ Clerk. J /4 ... . ..... ✓ c. �GtiaLrf�- / ..... Mayor. «fig PUBLESEM _ ;l CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I !� ORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT } s.......v .....-. tAac...... In the matter of the assessment of for thA Constructing# relaying and "Pairing Cama� Sidewallm, Eat"te PiOe 6p Contract Noe 3561 for Yew of 1022• «�saQasablt�► F.O. 37OW c? 0ming Ste# South aide$ from So* Robert St. to Livingston Ave* F -0e 40102 s�ttson at east olds beginning 32 fest north Of Ee Sixth Step thence nortt 56 feat$ b'mgiMsing 26 foot farther north# thence rwth te r1.0. 374 W Thlyd SL E* enorttSeventh os bo 120 foot — * Ib at i�.aaslslin rte thence east F .O. 30871 minaebaha step north aide,, between Atlantic Ste and Johnson Parifssaye P -0e 40WA ReauOy Ste* both sidoop from Fla zdrau Ste to Germin Sts POO. 40536 HW70storAve*# north aide from Kennard St. to Plandr= Ste POO. 44046 Q l(W Ste,# Swats oldep tetwoon Atlantic Ste and Johnaon Parlw aye F'e0e 40302 North Step north side$ bung 88 fte peat of Cable Ste thence wast 78 foot* Foo. 41070 Forest at west aides beginning 120 Pt. South of Reaney Ste F00e 4600022 - thence S ° tep n0rthaiides beginning at Cypress Sts thence wont 80 Pte F -O* 41070 Hudson Ste both aides# between uondota Ste and Forest Ste F.O. 401.01 gest SOV �h Step north uidOp from Soheffer St. to Eleanor Ste F -O* 40208 juno Ste nQI°th(side„ betueen Victoria Ste and Milton Ste F�.Oe 2=2 Toronto 41 aa8a�tr al 00 beginning 45 feet mouth Of Seventh Step thence atkiitC! 62 •Oct* FeO* 40052 Payne AVB** east sides beginning 27 Peet south of isells Ste$ thence south to allWe Fe©• 380M James Stas north oidap botweon Dui Ste and Eric Ste F.Oe WM1 4 JelTerson Avee# south sides from Ono2ds Ste to heat 7th St. and 'o oida Step Bust sides from Jeffonon Avee to I7d, seventh Ste and float Sevtnith Ste north sides from Oneida Ste to Jefferson Ave* e0e 40538 Toronto Step out aide# beginning at Grace St„ thence South 425 fecte F.Oe 40103 Toronto St. east aides bogInning at ate Clair Ste thence south apPro t;17 258 fOOt to connect the Present walk. P.O. 40785 Earl Step past Bide#.from-r7land Ste to Fgso. Ste 11.00 40862 Cook Ste �r both Sides# from Duluth Five, to Atlantic Ste V*Oa 41829 3aaalwooA Aveep east Sides from E. Seventh Ste to Brand Ste FeOe 42670 Cook Step Bout$ Sides between Popeat at, and CSte F-0- 41529 Brand Step north eidep from Hazelwood live# to = at. re0o 4207. Terry Step both sides, IV= East Fourth Ste to E. Fifth ate %.0. 40101 Rarotsdy ate* south aide¢ beginning at Oakland Avee thence west inn Jnr F.O. 9-1672 Ramsey Step north sides beginning at Pleasant Avee thence neat 330 feet, P.O, 41672-Halimoy Strs South aides beginning at Smith 6svee thence west to alloys 17305 feat* F'.Oe 42672 Smith MVOs* west side begianinS at F,amtsey Ste. thence south do fte g'-Oo 4 VIOut Seventh Ste South aides from Leech Ste t0 Ramsay ate F*Oa 3=2 1Wbes Aveep south Side between Seventh Ste and Leeoh Ste POO* OM- SmItb Ave* cast Side t0twe0n MOBoal St. and Goodrich ave. `+0* ma s o, Muth S dog fVQM Ve Seventh Ste to F4ohmond St. V*0# 3 81.0 AiYB•* .aduth Olde, from Avon Str to Pick Ste 33440 hga.s, both sido8t from La€' f.. Y Orrirsu.�_ _ _..__, interatediary;Otrdnr;. _._ ........ . . txnd4r.:P�ce 7:4-j ..._......._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: orta [o the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- The Commissioner of Finance hereby repion with the making of the above improve - tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connect ment, viz: - Cost of construction - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - _ Cost of postal cards Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation �'Ceiri1iEiii�� $ .�-_.7 7 .. Total %e� iOta.l :10a 15UP2S Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asee�- 7,' ,S upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of .----= 3 he case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in t the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden" tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed e Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith submitted to th Commissssioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 t C" . f •n f.. Y Orrirsu.�_ _ _..__, interatediary;Otrdnr;. _._ ........ . . txnd4r.:P�ce 7:4-j ..._......._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: orta [o the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- The Commissioner of Finance hereby repion with the making of the above improve - tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connect ment, viz: - Cost of construction - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - _ Cost of postal cards Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation �'Ceiri1iEiii�� $ .�-_.7 7 .. Total %e� iOta.l :10a 15UP2S Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asee�- 7,' ,S upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of .----= 3 he case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in t the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden" tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed e Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. by him, and which is herewith submitted to th Commissssioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 petition Council File No ...... Vk PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT (� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. V The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.._------"_9.9.aatgt---a---4"� x-foot-_cemen'vowing_.-Street-:.frmi Street -.. :to ._Soutn..-Smith Dated this -1.0 .....--.day of _. Jlaly.._19.2..3 ..........................._ .._ _ .._.., 192_..- . _. ----- Councilman. C. P. No. 96994-- - Abstract. Whereas, A written proposal f0 making of the following ,mpro,' Construct a six-foot cement 1�• walk o }Wyoming. St. from 07 -- hSouth av,ng.Sbeen present d to the .->�-' PRELIMINARY ORDER. of the City of St. Paul therefo.a: Resolved, That the Cemma. I PublicWork. be and ,s he:� ' proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1� and directed: 1. To taut oe: _dest�anbu,t, rt,$tru!'+.:_a�""six-foot._cement"_t tile . .....alk__on -----omingStree .._-_____ -frflm...Qhin...Str�e.t...tn...outh-.Smith..Avenue,....on..bot.h..e.i. ee.-. ... -. . -......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_._.--- __........_._.---- ._..........._........._ .-. _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..............il)!_..L_.1_7.J........_.-----._- --- -.....------ - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY t F6N Approved :...... MATSON MOPOWAMD PETER MR. PRESIDENT Mayer. Form C A 13 PM 6-22) PUBLISiFEI) _ / _ I,/ petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -s�E� and jY PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .___Gons.tZUat___a __Sjx—foct cEment til.e aidevalk on theEast--'%:Ue­Qf Aa.b.UTY_ATat ID-etyiQe n Fa;Lr PIaQe 4nd. Como.fl!%Ierl ....... ...... --------------------- - - --------- ----- - ---- ....................... ....... .............. ..... ........ ... ... 10 is, of.July 1192_ C. P. No. 46995 .... ... .... I I Abstract. Whereas, A written, proposal foe the Councilman. I, making of- the followtng Improvement. Construct a six-foct, cement the sidewalk on the east side of Asbury Ave. between Pair Place and Come Phalen hevi.g been P-sented to the Council of the City of St. Paul there Pre, be It PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved. That the Commis - P ublic Works be and Is Berea and directed: .-iftbn proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: T I. . -7 """ or 1-�i ... dAgLinApt .tile_ i e, sidewalk_lk. on theeast Side of ... .... ..... . .... ;=..ASbury AVE be-tNEen.Zair Flao.e.-and - ------------- ­-------_------------ --------- ------------ . ...... . ­ --------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- - -- -------- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._..__...__...____..._......_ ... --- - --- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigatuthe nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council J_ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY Fsaeesvfa Approved.---...__.... uL...1- ..)2�- .... ........... MATSON pproved------- MATSON PETER ----------------------- ------------ _W_BNflih- --------------------- ----------- MR. PRESIDENT !�/ _ t) . Mayor. PUBLISMD. Fc- C A 13 (3M 6-22) RESOLVtD ca��aCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO.___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ............ J..U1Y_ 1,l-..._19-g-s�l..x.._.._._._....._ That the commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets. York Street from Edgerton St. to Jessie St. Otis Ave. from Exeter Place to Service Lane CF No ,B ThatBthe`mComseloner of Resolved Public Works be and is hereby out hor- terdoand lthectedfollto.spretrletfith We - York St. from Edgerton SL. to Jessie St.OtisAve. from Eseter Place to Ser- vice -Lane. -the Council July 11, 1923. -Adopted by 1ncil ,.. -. APProled. 923. (July 131-1923): COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. ----- --192..___. Clancy .Timson A oved._.. JUL. 1 - -- ---1s2...... 9,&R aaja ....... favor i Matson --- .... - .. ..... - - Peter __..__.....Against MAYOR Mr. President RESOLv: COUNCIL NO.-. CITY OF ST. PAUL vile OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Whereas, John B. Walker and Mai Elmendorf Walker, his %i-fe, have offered to deed to the City of St. Paul a strip of ground for the widening of South Street from Grotto Street to Como Avenue North, being the south thirty(30) feet of the northwest gaarter of the southeast quarter of Section 23 Township 29 Range 23, according to the U. S. Government survey thereof, and whereas, the acceptance of said offer will be of benefit to the city, now therefore, be it Resolved, That said property be accepted by said city for street purposes provided a deed approved by the Corporation Counsel, be executed by the owners thereof. CNf,ereas96John B tValker ater_ d Mai Elmendorf Walker, his wife, have of- fered to deed the City pf S[. Paul strip f ground for e Souththe widening of South St. from Grotto St to Como Ave. ofothe. nor[hw st quarterofthe aoutht east quarter of Section 23, Township 29, Range 23, according. to the r i . whereas_ acceptance[ ofr said offer will "be of benefit to the city, now therefore, be It -- $g solved, Th¢t Bald property Ve ac- cepted by Bald city for street Purposes prpvided deed approved by the Cor- .poratlOr ton Counsel, brso e ezecuted by the o Adopted by the Counell July 11, 1923. j APproyed July 11, 1923. (Ju]Y 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy __ ...__....In favor Matson Peter _Against wpr Mr. President Adopted by the Council_JUI__i 1923 - ----- 192 Approv192 MAYOR -.- Council r File No.--� �k- C I T Y OF. 3 T. P A U L OFFICE C:,' T E CITY CLEW COUIICIL RESOLUTI %1;---GEI1_�AL FORM Presented by CommissionerDate----------- RESOLVED: That permission be and it is hereby granted the TRI-STATE TELE H^IIE 8c CO3.TAITY, to set poles and string cable, with the necessary anchors thereon in the follo,!ing named streets: 17 poles on East side of Ruth -ve. from Margaret St. to Conway St. Poles and !ire to be removed Vihen requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Comrlany. polesca Bary " anchorsstring thereon in C named street-: 17 Poles on Enst old. from Margaret St. to C Poles and wire to h - ,requested !^ N tee ( ) Councilmen ( ) ITays Clancy Mepjjd _/ In favor ydatson - Peter 0 ;against mr. President Adopted by the CouncilJu Approved----JJ;L-CL .1�23 --19— PUBLISMOL_�t� `��J Council chi i File No. C I T Y 0 F- S T_P A_U L 0?:'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---G321aRAL FORM Presented by CommissionerDate RESOLVED: That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State telephone & Telegraph Co. to make the necessary excavation, lay underground conduit with necessary manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys on the following named streets: East side of Chatsworth St. from Lincoln Ave. to St. Clair St. north side of Linwood Place from Chatsworth St. to Oxford 3t. C. F. No 46999-1lr w. d. Peter— k to be done under the direction and to the Resolved, That permission be s I •and pf hereby granted to the Tri-State ad s the "Commissi oner of Public Works", the , phone & Telegraph Co. to m, necessary excavation, lay'�esv*' .� ,' .p$ny to pay the cost of inspection, engineering conduit with necessary ateral pipes connecting th- ' cation. ing streets ane - named vrr.:., •. .,.�n„ Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council A 1923_19 _Z - _In favor ---- -- Matson Peter-- Against Mr. President APFRO'aW JUL V !923 19� I* - 0 vU1tL1SUED - � - .� -� DiiupuI TE CRY. CLERK ' m D-34 lbr 12-22 ,< 1� COM-YROLLER AUDITED .–._ _ .....- - - - ..... - ..# _....._.I I )........._ ...192... � PER ..... - .. _ .. covering '. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $----�rOG........... ' ".." checks numbered -_..-_.._14816 ------- --- IM .... - - -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the CitY Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, _ Adopted by the Council......._.._..�UL--- �_-���-3- ----- ----192 lt, _In favor JUL _ I923 McBengIrl, - ......-192-.._.._. Matson, Peter,__ --Against Mr. President, Nelson (/ C.-F. No. 44000— esolved that checks be drawn City Treasury, 1. veo dr- -a ount Y $460.00, o ring ob eck mbered 14816, as per eglater oY city on file In the office. Of the,Clty' mptroller.dopted by the Council July 11,1DProved July 11, 1923. (July 21-1923) OITY O8 .T. P�IIL GRIGINN To ' SirrO K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM MILS NO........ k - Form D-39 iM 32-22 448 COMPTROLLER AUDITED ! L) L 1 Z. ...Isz.. __... �i _ .... 11 �An \x� PER_..... ..... 't"""'T ._...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the &Mre$at6 mount of city c decks Q ........................ ......, coverm checks numbered.... ....3 ��C%- ------------...............-............inclusive, as per re$istar of city checks on file in the office of the City eX Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council--.. JL -_f t...19Z3--------------.-- .... 192 -.-. -In favor M4H'OltSt[1? J1 pproved U.l..1:! 1923- --- - - --------192 ......„ Matson, Peter, ._Against ----------------------------------------- MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson --------------------------------------------------------_ ---------------:------ ---------- 14816 American Building uompanys 450.00 Mattocks School(Bond) 0 C, F. No. 47001— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the nggregato -amount of $4,574.66. covering checks numbered 14817 to 14854 Inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Councfl July 11, 1923. I Approved July 11, 1923, Wely 21.1923) _ .. .w....s _�bm','ti"K� �':t-"F+�. 1rr3 �Yu.✓�..1Y � , arrr oP er. Pwn QUADRUPLICATE TD CITY CLERK DeDaDrz 479AA Y Form D-34 1M 12-22 'a �J BY 00 PfROLLER__,,._, AU.1-D _ ..... ... ::.'1........-192........... ..._ /.� . / 1. 1A PE_....- fS7..... ... R_ _....... .. -- L !� r Treasury, re ate amount of $---�y�i� $a----------- -'- covering to the a$$ $ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered........_�9�T� ----------to..........}�6�---------inclusive, Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. - . v Clancy, 4 -- Adopted by the Council _�UL aI92� 192--- _F�+ a�MGDon�— Matson, __... An favor - Approved_ 1_._..--jl)l:-,t,l-� 3 ................192 -'"Peter, enze . _..._.a _Against ---Mr. President, Nelson C, F. No. 47001— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the nggregato -amount of $4,574.66. covering checks numbered 14817 to 14854 Inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Councfl July 11, 1923. I Approved July 11, 1923, Wely 21.1923) _ .. .w....s _�bm','ti"K� �':t-"F+�. 1rr3 �Yu.✓�..1Y � , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM *1zS NO. _4 fYY l Fo=m D.�, tht t2-22 r 449 BY �COMPTROLIER__, AUDITED.......... .. .........192...... ...-. S .. PER .. �... ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ------ ------------------ covering checks numbered.... -..-..14817. ------ .--- to ---__._14854 . - ---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. / �a� Clancy, Adopt;byeCounctl__..__JL�L--.�.,d- .I. - ' _.._.....----- --..1 ---fin+ _._-In favor1�6e8en" . ........Ju .�..t 192. - Matson, Peter, V _-.._.._..-A$61nst_....__-..--_......_.-..-L...-_.............................. MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson J ----------- -- ----- 12.50 14817 J. Axelrodq Water 3.99 14818 Alice Beleski, Water 14819 A. Bossard Cigar Oompany, 17.64 Park Refectories 71.23 14820 W. D. Bugge, Supt., Auditorium 14821 Electric Blue Print Uompany, 97.35 Bureau of Engineers 9.72 it 31.34 n 12.00 5.40 Bureau of City Planning Schools 15..65 00 P. Bldgs. 14.95 dater 8,29 97.35 92.03 14822 James Enkel, Waster i s Z'�' 24.99 s, -Park Refectorie's 75.60 14824 Foote Concrete Machinery y co)p^nS, St. 1.23 3.37 4. 6t5 4.41 353.40 16.10 5.16 379.07 4.60 52.00 25.00 308.75 21.48 26.00 6.00 186.55 15.00 11.63 36.86 276,74 22.05 379.07 437.66 65025 2.66 4.30 19024 Res. 449 Page #2 14825 H. B. Fuller Company, Health Library 14826 Miss Mary Gorman, Schools 14827 Wm. Gritzmacher, Water 14828 Wm. H. Hale & Company, St. C. & R. 14829 Katherine Hamilton, Schools 14830 Edw. Horozdovsky, Vater 14831 Lorch Brothers, Water 14832 Madoro Cigar & Tobacco Company, Park Refectories 14833 G. R. Neilson, Water 14834 Herbert C. Nelson, Water 14835 Nels Nelson, Water 14836 North Star State Tobacco Company, Park Refectories 14837 N. W. Blau Gas Company, Park Refectories 14838 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) Schools Bureau of Parks 'Vater 14839 Owens Motor Sales, Water 14840 Paper, Calmenson Company, Schools 14841 Pratt & Whitney Company, Water is 14842 Red Top Cab Company, Election Expense 14843 St. Clair Realty Company, 1.23 3.37 4. 6t5 4.41 353.40 16.10 5.16 379.07 4.60 52.00 25.00 308.75 21.48 26.00 6.00 186.55 15.00 11.63 36.86 276,74 22.05 379.07 437.66 65025 2.66 4.30 19024 J Res. 449 Page #8 14845 P. Schawang, 12.00 Bureau of Parks 14846 J. E. Schmauss, 8.00 Police 14847 Walter Schonauer, 1.41 Water 14848 Shotwell Manufacturing Company, 784.00 Park Refectories 14849 Standard Home Building Company, 64.79 Water AMIL 19 14850 Emil Straka Concert Orchestra, 792.00 Health 14851 E. Strandlof, 6.00 Water 14852 Twin City Fur Coat & Robe Company, 15.82 Fater 14853 J. C. Verhaag' 40.00 Park Refectories 14854 Williams Box Lunch Company, 292.80 Police J DiiY oP eT. P.tIIL GUADRUPLIGTE To CITY CLERK CTL Form D-34 1M 12-22 i B1, COMPr OLLER..,.-- AUDITED.......... -� ,.f............192....... w ........ � PER .. ... _... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of --5.07f � .., covering, checks numbered- ..__5463, -------- --- to..--..---3.4g3M- --inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council. _11-A2-3._ .--- Fer$eeetet L In favor JUL _.:.'...!12l--- ....192.----- M^ne+ee�r}, Approve - Matson, Peter, -Against Mr. President, Nelson c. r. No. 47002— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate mount o& $5,075.00, covering checks numbered 14814A to 14814C inclusive, the e2icegof the CttyyComptrochecks llerale in 1 Adopted of the Council July 11, 1923. Approved July 11, 1923. (July 21-1923) ORIGINAL TO cln CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - eves°,,. No D-sa ins iz-sz AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 446 MP".LLER AUDITED.. _..... ..._.............. 182........... PER 5-.00_---------...--.._....... coverin8 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the 888re8ate amount of $--+5a_-- -- checks numbered --..._.14811& to_..___ 1:48140 ._.._inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. .. , i92 x........_.......192..._.-. Clancy, Adopted by t Council.._...._... JQ,...-. fin, __.._..In favor 2� _.-------.192..------ McBwatd, proved... Matson, n-._-/ -..........:ty Peter, -- ABaist - --� ntn Mr. President, Nelson - _.. . ....... -- - ---------- --- --- - ----- 2,050.67 C. Phillips 14814A P• Mattocks School(Bond) 1,858.50 148148 P. C. PhilliPss mattocks School (Bond) 1,166.13 148140 P. C. Phil"Pso' cks School(Bond) QUADRUPLICATE To CITY CLERK w oo DSCii. Pira o.... , .-Q. Vp ll' Form D-34 11i 12-22 BY _r-yM PTROLLER AUDITED....... ). `� ...... ._.......192 .... /�\ 1 PER � Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ak'�regate amount of $-..]. soo ---------------------- covering checks numbered._..144M---------to------ . ----.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy,�/ Adopted by the Council___... ��L..�.i_- ).2. _._.. _ .. _-192..__.. 'Tem, _.In favor i- ---- Approved Lt--- JIM— -----.._ .--.-192.-.. Matson, Peter, _ABainst 71 Mr. President, Nelson a C. F. No. 47003— thee Cl tY T easury, a to the abe rawn on '—Int t sF�esate i $1,125.00, eri nS h -k I mberefl 14859 to 14860 1,nsi Per resister t 'ty checko file -In thAdop°t tr ed obyt theCCouncll Julyllli,. 1923. Approved July 11, 1923. (July 21-1923) ORIGINAL TO cr Y CLERK Form D3I INI 12,22 c: n O1TY OP RT. PAOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER co'N�,L Y.LE No ......... 171 11 - sy., .... CLAIRS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED 451 o AUDITED........ •• ..- .. . l PER _ .... _ - covering 1 125 t)0 $---- , Treasury, to the aggregate amount of be dravm on the City of city checks on file in the office of the City Resolved that checks 14a60.."" ---• inclusive, as per register checks numbered -----IABS-9--- ------'-"to-- J) Councilmen Comptroller. Yes ( Adopted by the Council Clancy, (� t F- ...---.In favor proved..... --- �� = 0..:�.-......... 192 . r Matson, ". ". MANOR Peter, 11$ainst _.._ .--.___.- visalkea- Mr. President, Nelson 14859 Mrs. Laura Sohye' Mattocks School(Bond) 14860 Smiley &Company, Mattocks School(Bond) 500.00 625.00 OUADRUPLI "'i 7, � 1 Prr = No .... ......... . .... Form D-34 l�Nf 112-22 By .COM ROLLER AUDITED..... .5� _.... .. ......192. ... . �- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..--.202DYa --- covering checks numbered .__..3M55-..--_-- ------ to....14B58------.. ---inclusive, as per register of city checks file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. Clancy, 4--/ Adopted by the Council. 'I: 1.--IQ2--....--- ...:192 ---.... --...In favor �-- 1 1�7 �L �..- --------..192..x..,._... Mem, Appr � ._ -_ Matson, Peter, a_ _Against Mr. President, Nelson --__ C. F. No, 4,114 checks be draw �aoo the ass�e to Re solve TreasurS', to hec and the Cl tyot 52.01.60. ° nc�uslflle numbered 14855 to 14856 i on per r gfster of •ILY checice P" ffice of the Cloy ComPtroller.1823. Council July Adopted d S t 3' 11• 1923. Approve.(July 21-1923) .7 ORIG INAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COVWC z No.__._�:p_� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM YSZE Farm D-34 110, 12-22 n 450 V/�? BY( COMPTROLLER .,. .. AUDITED.... ........5 u — ... .. 1 :-_....182... ... i PER ..... ... �_ .... - - 2, 20� 6U ......., covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anre$ate amount of $-------- ------ checks numbered..._..Mau .-- ------- --- to. ---14658 __...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. — Clancy, Adopted by thg Council ---------._...��1.-,t-.l 1 -- .._...In favor 1 t.. 1 192 A roved. .-... ..... �� ..^...- -- r3 Matson,'�. Peter, 'v --..Ag8lnst ............................................y:..................-............-------...._-- --MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 14855 The Cracker Jack Company, Park Refectories 14856 The Frederic mCourt 14857 John R. Le Mattocks School(Bond) 14858 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, Water 11 473.60 13.00 1,225.00 490.00 n COUNCIL No. :.. CITY OF ST. PAUL 4_j;.'1----- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application for license of 8t. Paul Suburban Sanitation Co. for conducting the business of Scavenger at 506-507 Court Block be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C. F. No 47905—BY F. n'. nlatfs — Be9olve(1, That the applI—tion for burban Sanita businesslicense tioof St' Paul S-itationn Scavenger 0 foraductinat 506 071 CourtBlock be � tho the City Clerk iss hereby nto ffl sue such license upon the d11 ng of bond and the payment Into the city treasury "of the customary fee. Adopted by the Cuncil lu15' 11, 1923. Approved July 11, 1923. (duly 21-1923) COUNCIENEN Yeas Nays Clancy '\FcB"n td -7 �n favor A'I'cBam�d� Matson Peter ___ .._-Against W—mi _lir. I'l-idrni i Adopted by the Cou cil Appro ed. ..' 111E 1923..- ..ts2.._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCiL f yr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM DATE__.:..... _.Y._Z �..L.._1L.2..3................. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Poolrooms at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Steve Pdargitan, Sam Nekis, C. P. NO. 47006—By F, IV. yatson— �ciResolved, That the app lleatlons Por censes of the following persons for ndated b Poolrooms at the .saes Indicated d' and the xme aaddr granted and the City Clerh Is Instruct- ed h ru b and to Issue such licensee upon the pxy- nt into [he city treasury of the c to tee: us - Steve 3fargltau, 558 Broadway, 1 Pool taUle. Sam Tekls, 475 R'abasha ables. St., i Pool Adopted by the Council July 11. Approved July 11, 1923. 1923 (July 21-1923) 558 Broadway, 1 Pool table 475 iAabasha St., 7 Pool tables CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL.IOUNO ! . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY July 11, 1923 COMMISSIONERDATE _........... _..__.._.................... ..___............. RESOLVED --mhat the applications for licenses of the following for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the G F. No. 47007 -BY F. 3N'. Matson— That the application' for fere indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and geeblved, liceR..61 f the followng persons handling and ae11in8 pf 1'°odst the Clerk is instructed be and to issue such licenses upon e the ity at the addresses in prated rand hereby i°h li-Lnto the city treasury of the customary fee: 'same are instructed to +aae tint° Mite clU'. i Crone Is the paYmen tee: nSeS upon Gro- 0 of the castomnry n, 537 Broadway Grocery treasury p7, Abramson, 37 Broadway, ,\�e..terman 1702 Laurel Av., Grocery IceReeia Ackerma". "°= ,Bare; C°nf `:,�P'Tf 116 E. Sixth St., Confectionery a Y'BAker, 116 E. Slrth SL, ;; "'E. Berger, 949 E. 7th St. Soft drink oer, °4° E. 7th Gt. s Department Store, 1170 E. 7th St. Confectionery Bk. .1_ nes Christianson, Ft. Snelling Bridge, Confectionery J. F. Courtney, 1724 University Av., Drug Store Joseph Crea, 392 E. 7th St., Grocery C. Dodd, 323 Rondo St., Grocery Clemenee Heggler, 219 So. Wabasha St., Confectionery Mike Heinen, 906 Farrington Av., Grocery N. A. Johnson, 1948 Ashland Av., Grocery W. Meheikomer,922 Arcade St., Confectionery Minnesota Club, 4th & Washington Sts. Confectionery Paul W. Peters, 1060 Seminary, Grocery Sarkis Peter 234 E. Fillmore St., Gtooery James Sullivan, Arcade & Jenks Sts., Popcorn stand Frank Venditti, 248 W. 7th St., Soft drink Mrs. Charles Wengorra, 1306 Payne Av., Confectionery Eva Williams, 1037 Dayton Av., Grocery Coi;scll.�lrG- 5'ras Clancy Matson Peter Wenzel tlr. Yrrsidcut U c. r. Lro. a�oos_pramance moo. clot— ��C� / O lj +tn ordienn nce amendiong 840, titled A Ordinande No. [tu `pose tl dtnance for the d,(� health, Ith, safetprOmoting the pphil- fff/• f,, ProsPerltY IIn� Order. convenlen,e, f'`+ Proridin general we](are b ej<' „t ula tion the claesidcntion, egY �/� tion of tradeseandetion oP the. locaa_.. X/ buildings used for humanr hnh8��' f e{1'w /l nd for speck dad P..­sa 5640 entitled "An OTd1- <^1 height and bu llc P bu lldt:..i'%A amending Ordinance No- ! alter a .ted o a]tered; s1E oC lotd i�erm^niri, •s �;nl spacer. and .:�. •:,.;,,purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order.11,1 aT oa&dnienoe,'prosperity and general welfare by providing for the !` classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot_line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,° approved July 7th, 1922• This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5640, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to paragraph "b" of Seo- tion 14 of said ordinance the following: °Provided that, subject to such conditions and safeguards as the Council may prescribe, a portion-of a building covering not more than 30% of the ground area occupied may be erected to a height in excess of the-limits prescribed in this _article.■ Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Bays Mr. 41an.cy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approv Attest City Clerk I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5540, entitled "An ordl- nanoe for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to paragraph "b" of Seo - tion 14 of said ordinance the following: "Provided that, subject to such conditions and safeguards as the Council may prescribe, a portion of a building covering not more than 30% of the ground area occupied may be erected to a height in excess of the limits prescribed in this article." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 1— palatAly upon its nasraze and publication. Attest ctl� of'Sr v aut LAW D.E PART M E N T To the oounoil. Gentlemen— EUGENE MONE1- REECE J.MCGEE `,I UEw15 L DESSON �.. July loth, 1923• Your Honorable Body appointed the undersigned a committee to consider the application of the Golden Rule to construct a building on Minnesota street between Seventh and Eighth streets, above the height limits allowed by the zoning ordinance. it is assumed that your Honorable Body desires thiscommittee toaccomplish its provide of building higgher®thaandis en ® may allowed by our zoning ordinance. He beg to advise you that the attached amendment to the zoning ordinance will accomplish the purpose of retaining the present height provisions, with an exception thereto which will allow the applicant in this case to build. Yours very truly, Section 14 paragraph "b", add the following " Provided that, subject to such conditions and safeguards as the Council may prescribe, a portion of a building covering not more than 300 of the ground area occupied may be erected to a height in excess of the limits prescribed in this article. Department of Nam CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. M?NALLY ARTHUR A. STEW ART TioRNevs __ EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MSG LEWIS L. ANDERSON duly 9th) 1923• Mr. George Herrold, City planning Engineer. Dear 81r: - I am advised by the City Clerk that you, as City planning Engineer, and Mr. Tewes, City Architect, and the writer are appointed as a committee to report on the application of the doldeh'.ftle to construct a building on Minnesota street higher thazi'permitted by the Zoning ordinance. ' I have just tried to see Mie. Tewes to suggest to him that he act as chairman of the committee and cell a meeting of the committee so that,we can perform our work and make a report. If agreeable to you;.<I Gould suggest some time Wednesday for the meeting. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. • (City. of 6aint -vauY H. J. RIORDAN HENRY OLSON/(� ASST. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK W{flrE of_(fjtU (fltrk July 5th, 1923. -- Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Co:mnissioner of Public Works. Dear'Sir: At the Council meeting held today the report of the Planning Board on the application of the Golden Rule to con- struct a building on Minnesota St. between Seventh and Eighth Streets was read and referred to the Corporation Counsel, City Architect and City Planning Engineer for report. herewith. enc. I am referred all papers in the matter to you, Yours truly, _ CITY CLERK. �. �' • LOUIS BETZ, ,..OR E. NRLN' N, MAYOR. • Vice Choi— Choi-7. M. CLANCY. MRS. P. N. CARDO7.O Co.. of Flvnnce A. C. FLOAN L. R. S.PERGUSON, Com. of Edacatlov .GILBERT GUTTSRSOfi— F. W. MATSON, - II. 7. HADLICH Com. of Public Safet) T 7. M. McDONALD. 1 �E CITY PLANNING BOARD MRS' W D. BURLEY Com, 9f Publle Utilities E. L. MCADAM WM. C.M.of Pu. OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA P. M. REeaeN o. of Public Works H. C. WENZEL, 7. S. SEEGER Com. of Parke, Pla)erovvda THOS. SPENCE —d Public Rvildlms. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, A. H. STEM —EARL Cit) E.ffi e T q P. B. STEVENS S pL of Parke June 30th, 1923. J. CLAIR STONE C. P. McNALLY, ISAAC SUMMERFIRLD Oorpomtlov Cou.ael GEORGE H. HERROLD. H. VON DER WEYER MflmgluF Director @ Engineer To the Honorable, /� l The City Council, I `' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen :- In the matter of the application of the Golden Rule to construct a building on Minnesota Street between Seventh St. and Eighth Street, higher than permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. We have given this matter very careful consideration, reviewing the former action of the Board when these heights were established and the consultations held with the Building Managers Committee of the Real Estate Board, the committees from the Architects and Engineers' Society, and we can arrive at no satisfactory reason for increasing the height limits over 150 ft. excepting as provided for in the ordinance, J. e. by setting back the walls of the building as it increases in height above this limit. There are no architectural difficulties in doing this, and no satisfactory reasons have been given the Board by either the Architect or the owner for not doing this. Buildings of this style of architecture are being erected in various cities LS the United States, and while they mark the advent of entirely new style of architecture it has been received enthusiastically by building owners and managers as a tremendous advance over the old type building, as it means more light and air. The prize winning design for the Chicago Tribune Building is of this type - If, however, the Council feel that every consistent effort,should be made to permit the Golden Rule to construct a building in accordance with their wishes and in violation of the height limits established by the Zoning Ordinance, then we would recommend that the matter be referred to a committee to consist of the Corporation Counsel, the City Planning Engineer and the City Architect, to find a way by which this special privilege may be granted without throwing the building height limits wide open or eliminating them entirely fror the Zoning Ordinance,. -2 - The St. Paul Ordinance was adopted after a most careful and thorough going study of the height limitations of other cities, the present trend of architecture, ground values in St. Paul and their relation to building heights, taking into consideration the width of streets, their capacity and the impossibility of creating sidewalk widths sufficient to serve buildings of greater height than those specified. Furthermore, the subject was approached and studied without bias and the conclusions reached are, we believe, based on understanding and sound reasoning. Yours very t-11ly, rmaARD OF ZONTN—G- MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMITATIONS IN VARIOUS CITIES. New York City Washington Newark Boston Milwaukee St. Louis Pittsburgh Cleveland(proposed) Atlanta Minneapolis(proposed) St. Paul 2-1/2 times width of street. 110 ft. 125 ft. 125 ft. 125 ft. 150 ft. 125 ft. 2 times width of street. 150 ft. 170 ft. 150 ft. = 2-1/2 times street width. This is the type of architecture required by the St. Paul Building Zone Ordinance above the 150 ft. height limit. COUNCIL NO.-. ... ..� .tl-�1.1f ) ) ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION -FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESEAiED BY H. O. ivZel (�1&� 17/11/23 DATE........................ COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRIISFERED FROM 1 TR NSFERED TO I 53 Parks Refectories - Other Expense $2,000 52 II Parks - Ohter Expense X2,000 ° I y3 C. F. No. 47009—By J.\f. Clancy— R... 1-4. That the following trans. fers be made on the books of they 1 I Comptroller when by so doing an u voidable do els.cy In o e item may „ be met by said transfer without 11 Ing the work prodded for by the money in the Item from which the transfer Is made: $2,000 transferred from Code 53 Parks Refectories—Other Expense to -Code 52 Parks—Other Expense. — Adopted by the Council July 12. 1923. Approved July 12.1923. (July 21-1923) — Ip YES � V� COUNCILMEN � \7� NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JILL.- :o,...`-' 19 ...... 7 j / CLANCY 1eAPPROVED - P ";- MCDONALD-.........IN FAVOR . ._..--_... L' MATSON ..._ _-_..'-......... I MAYOR ............... AGAINST WGl12£C COUNTERSIGNED BY rir. co�+r �noc�cr< MR. PRESIDENT CouN— NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL r e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n, NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '- Pet4r• July _10th. _1923. COMMISSIONER-__...._... DATE .... ........._. RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Robie Street at Ohio Street by taking and condemning a triangular piece of ground in Lot 6 Block 8 Dawson's hddition, under Preliminary Order Ce Fe 46115 approved June 2nd, 1923. Resolved, That all orders in the above natter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 47010—Ry W. J. Peter— In the matter ofpening. widening and extending Roble St at Ob St. by taking and co demning n triangular Dtece o[ ground lock in Daunder PrRelimine wson's Addition, my Order C. F. 46115 approved June 2ml, 1923. That -11above matter be and theersu ie the hereby cancelled, annulled and are 1 scinded and' all proceedings in such m tte. discontinued. Adopted by the Counclt July 12, ,1923. Approved •(3. J plyuly12. 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Clancy F 1' —15..'2' ✓ McDonald .J In favor ✓ Matson r'\ 1___'Petel' AuB8861- / Mr. President Adopted by the Council -...Jill_....)_ -_":0_.____192._.._ � � ' ._. Approv ..._. -192_ ✓ �i�. - � OR MAYOR trB CITY OF ST. PAUL F°e"`"NO.__..__Q_`j. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM A 10th 1923. ep er. . DATE.July ..........� .. .... ..... ._. _._......._. ........ _. RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Robie Street from Manomin Ave. to Cherokee Heights Boulevard and Smith Ave. from the southerly end of the High Bridge to Robie Street(produced) etc. under Preliminary Order C. F. 46116 approved June 2nd, 1923. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 47011-13Y R. T. dnneing and of In the mato Roble open St. gf rom manomin extending Ave. smith eA: eQe Heights the Ro u therly and nd of the Htgh finder prdge to eiminary (produced) e d Tune 2nd, order C. F. 46116 approve 1923. Resolved. That all orders e in the bole matter be and nulled sarne or and re hereby cancelled, an [Ings in such nai e a disc nciIyea CQe1 t Adopted by the Co ocjl Tul, 12, 1923. Approved July 12, (suly 21-1923) ggoo urr'S. ✓ COUNCILMEN yca. N ays V•Cancy IMre;uson '� McDonald In favor Matson j Peter - - . ._Against ti5'_cnzal— Mr. Prccirhnt :adopted by the Council .. _.....''`' ... _..192.._.. Approve k: --i �3 .... 192 m -!i- ...................... MAYOR aITT DP eT. PADL UADRUPLICATE M CITY CLERK 12 DDD No. '. . 'ome D-34 1M 12-22 nLe J19, U � BVCO / MPTROLLER AUDITED......... ..........192 ... \ ....... I ......-. PER L..'✓.L SIA... ...__..._ �T . .............----...---.._., covering Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-- �i checks numbered....__=4gr�4A------to- .- -14 114B- — - - -inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council-___.- �1 _ .In favor 192__ - ✓ McDonald, Approved _ .. ,,ij -A t�?a.. -- .._.. Matson, Ij Peter, .__Against / Mr. President, Nelson C. F. No. 47012— Resolved that checks be drawn on the City_ Treasury, to the aggregate 2mount' of $800.00, covering checks numbered14874A to 14874B inclusive, s per egister f city hacks file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1923. ' Approved July 12. 1923. (July 21-1923) > fW"%m v sq r ft ry ai 7 > is en. ' a 3 "§,,^ryas c k ,y ,wry`1is S3 -s-. u1r- s h4xw3 NAI }. x,�say'� MN.NAI r .r a r3 > a s r} s F l 4 a a it ^ a,:r oP RT. r.oz ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r G No. _ 1791-2 Form D-341hi Is -ss AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM J PILE 454 B1, COMFfROLL.ER, _-,,. ......192 .... ` PER ..�. .L... - . checks Resolved that �4$7. be drawnto the Cit Treasury, to the aggregate agile amount of $----8---LO--_---..._------__----- ---, covering ...... inclusive, r register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council -.__-..__.-.._` 1 7<J 192. ---- Clancy, 1 ,,,a . .... In favor i- ,... i7 McDonald, A oved_.192--_..-- pp r..._..�^.. Matson, Peter, V __-__.....ABalnst.._._...___........... .... ..................._._..._... _._..- _MAYOR VhqrM JMr. President, Nelson _... _...._...--....-- ------------ -------- ............................... 14874A Walter Ahlbergs 735.16 Mattocks School(Bond) 14874B Walter Ahlbergp 64.84 Mattocks SchoojBond) •r=.,.1._—.. 4 i.. ., r t Ong," " .,L-1II. OIxY of eT. PApL DUADRUPLIG TO CITY CLERK DDD...L FLL>= No. ...... . . Form D-34 111 12-22 Ba, COMPTROLLER AUDITED _..._ ...._......192 ... PER-_........ .... ... .... ... ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $.----3y4(MaW ____ __ ._ .__._.., covering checks numbered-- - 3487Z4-----to---14F313B - - ---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. / Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..192- .- -_- R rmzmo ....In favor_. __-..'_ --------'--.192--'-- McDonald, App roved._ .. - Matson, Peter,) .-Against Werad Mr. President, Nelson �7_1 C. F. No. 44013on — Resolved that checks he dravro ate the City T[enapry. to the aggr 6 o nt f $1,000.00. ening checks number sister of citylch73, on lDlevin s Per r 1923. th e1J PI_ of the City ?11njoly112, .approved Jul>' 12. 11924. J,DIY a.Tr o>? Kr. P.oz ORIGINAL TO - CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No. - 47710 v. ro—D-aa IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 453 T :.!...........182. I BY J' ..... c9.pTR0LLER...... AUDITED...._._.... .. PER Resolved that checks be drawn on the Cit Treasury, inclusive ash Yto the �te amount of$..._1s<�00�00_.-______________________ covering 14873B er register of citychecks on file in the office of the City checks numbered...._ .148�.�........to----...._.....---_..... Comptroller. Yes ( If ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 92 Clancy, Adopted by the Council.. In favor ^ McDonald, Aprovged.---....d._...__.}...... __.. 1 ✓ Matson, 1 j! 1 %�� .... 92 . .. Peter, V "t` J p... --1 --- -- 1 „_ _.._ .. .. .._MAYO �✓errzt 1. i S ✓ Mr. President, Nelson --------- - ---- ....... ..... - 1 _ . ........ .._------- --- ._........... - - 14873A Frederick Arthur Parson, 917.58 Mattocks School(Bond) 82.42 14873B Frederick AMatho ksaschool(Bond) QUADRUPLICATE TO CM CLERK471)[4 No. Farm 1),34 IN" 12-22 By COMPTROLLER AUDITED...... J Li ........192. .... � PER.V. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the '�regate amount of $ ,covering ................ . .... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered- -to--148B& Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. Adopted by the Council J'61 ..192 Clancy, In favor 9 .1(3 11-1 McDonald, Approved.. Matson, Peter, -Against wem"-4— ✓ Mr. President, Nelson G. F. N.:47014— - Resolved that checks be drawn o a the ty Treasury, to theaggregate I amount numbered 1487 I975.25. covering checks % to 14883 inclusive, as 'mer register of city checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1923. Approved July 12, 1923. (July 21-1923) ORIGINAL TO cITV CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO' 4791-4 roan=aa int 12-22 455 low PER .. ...... By AUDITED.coM!7R9L7 ER...... J J ,u .._............192.. {{{... ......_ amount o£ $- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate -_8a 975..25- covering checks numbered-.__1187.5_..._.........to......14883--......._...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( I[) Nays. ' ._._............192.----- ✓D Clancy, �( Adopted by t Council _ ..__.._...._ +enBuee:tr \----- -....In favor „ i ^^ '----..192---- 4 McDonald, _ owed-- ..-- ___� Matson, ��, /Peter, % ni _(......_Against i - �....._..-..-......._.... - asefoa BTQF"l. j Mr. President, Nelson 14875 ----- -------------- ... - .------------------------ -...------------- Cochran -Sargent Company, ----- 109.42 Fire 96.09 Sprinkling13.33 14876 Merchants National Bank, 1,430.00 2,012.50 Interest P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 42.50 Water Department Fund - Int. Acct. 540.00 `14877 Republic Rubber Company, 480.20 Fire 14878 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 1,380.09 Yater 14879 The Speakes Company, 3,327.79 Yater 14880 State of Minnesota, 120.00 Fire 3.00 S. & S. Cing. 3.00 Schools 105.00 Library 9.00 To—.m Res. 455 Page #2 14881 Frank J. Sullivan, ockSchool(BondO 14882 Superior Printing company, civil Service Acct. forms, etc. Election Expense Police Bureau of Engineers Water 3.00 26.00 186.50 14.25 28.00 24.00 24.50 3 T6-: �5 950.00 306.25 an 14883 Victory Printing Com P ys 289.006.25 P. Bldgs. It 3.75 Water 272.50 u 6.50 ma6 • s COUNC'S NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. QQn6t UgtIn$.✓I.Ia1Y,.F.QQt.C.QMQYlt..ti7@..S'av?4al]�..QA't49...... north,side of„?hatch Street from Woodbridge Street to Marion Street, ...................................................................................... . 1.,i ....: ................................................. C. bihenst,iier ont`, o'na �u qui; `�.-.......46662 ............ approved ...J=e .2 6., .1,923 n .................. root cement the at do' north viae or xatch suem Y of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon oodbridge Street to Marion under Preliminary order a•, fid having considered said report, hereby resolves: proved June 26, 19' The council of the city or s' -;ort be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement having *ecetved the report or t.�, mission lir r _ "proceeded with. I.m Pro•.... .....:..�i .r. ,; 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .0.0 13-t ....f dot . camQnt . ti l.e. si.delaa].k..on .the..noxtb..ai de..Q�.. iIatch ,Stre.et, ,from .... . :�aodbridge..S,raet .til. NIarioxl. &tx'eat,.. sc.QPt . W.b.Qx P..&Qod , and, ,sufficient sidewalka.??4titi .exist.< ................ I....................... ............................ ...................................................................................... ...... .......................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.2.Q5..ppX.•CY'.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 22nd......... day of ,l Ugr1 jat... , , .. , ., 192...3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ,),jl,,..,'..• :' 192... /. ,,...1 Approved.......:;: ! ::...'7....192...... ......... ..... .......... .................... Mayor. ro COUNC�I FILE NO ........... — I r° INTER10 DIARY ORDER In the Matter of..GoXlS.ftrmGC4iAg-A./4 1AOQ. ..@@ @fit .+�IdAWR,Ik,9Fl_the„Ea9t and•.Rest.sides_.oP_iiolton.Avenue from Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska .... Avenue ;. C. F. Na. 47016—BY J. Ti. C1apcY=............................................................................ In the 1Sutter of constructing on,• 'll toot' ane iv sttlsldesl of Hlolton • • • • • • • . • ... ' ...................... . East................ .. .. .... ........ ........ from Como and Phalen Ave. t braska Ave.. under Proll mina der 46661 approved June 26, 1” the The Council of CItY oY F ................................. ......... ... ...... ... ... ...'... .. _.. r. ort thaving nereolf Finn or. puDon f'1'' and having ... 46561.......... approved .....JUA@. 2�.a . ��? l ............ .. . said 'report, and resor , 1• 1. not hO�ebYaaDPTo e%if'c'City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the a, =aia ltnpro ,nt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... conStrUCt..8,-six. foot ..... cement. .tila . sidewalk . on. the . Eas.t. and. Xeat..sidea . af. H0ltnn..A9.@A149. SPOM a a Avenue exce t where..good and .....Gomo..�Ad..�t>>Qlam..Av.@Atle.. io . �@px..�#�............ ,........P.... . sufficient. aid@walks..now exist ........................ ............................ ........................................................................... .......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. x.0.5 •.peT.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 22nd.......day of „AUIPSt.......... 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... u'.... .'...�[J......, 192...... Cit Approved..... l; ,. ...... 192...... Jerk. .......................... ........................ Mayor. V Councilman Clancy _ M D Id Councilman c ona Councilman Matson Councilman Peteb /Mayor Nelson Forst B. S. A. 8-6 A• COUNCIL FILE NO.�r ... . . .• By'.r... _ INTEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. aonst uct1n,9 A.e.iX.f-0a.G.OnCrdt9.hiaok.61d@w0,1X.Qn.hot4. Si c1as..of. 05Argent..$t... f rnm..Mt....Curva . �!ue....to..nodlawn .Av.@............ • .. • . ............................................................................................ ...................................................................................... ............................................................................................ - .......................................................................... 47017 ).Y.1- - Cl- cI a six .t l In the "'iter on both 499Q ................approved ... Apri.l..l0,r.. 19 •....... • • .... • • • . i foot concrete block aidewnik Ides of Sargent St. from DM1t. Curve nve. to woodlawn Ave.. under Pre-: St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon lim, nary Order 44990 approved April g ' Thel923 Councll Bane c;ty est. Fauiaving considered said report, hereby resolves: having received the report of the Cpm - my ioner of Financeand upon thnslae ed a and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ,said port, hereby resolves: °° ded with. 1. That the said report be, and the same is hereby z?provca ana ad, -}h'e improvement which the Council recommends is.0011 Rtl9.t. H. $. ?�. po l and the sd to aid •'<nt.1 ,, n, ordered �• ".. :woncreke. btucx.s.idee�alk.arx..bo.ti�.s�.d�8..q�'..SArg@At. St.,.from.. Mt... Curve.Ave. t�q ➢Gpq��Ba{,Av,@,,,,.Qxc@p#, Rhe ^e,$god, and. sufficient sidewalks no's exist, ......................................................................... . ........... ...................................................................................... .................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1..05..petr.Xr..gnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 22nd......... day of . , .. , , , AlWat......... 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........, „,..... 192...... Approved i PP :...' ....:...192...... CGu=4lman WenzeL.• f Mayor IkA=xx Nelson Fur B. S. A. 8-6 . ,t COtNCI'-FILE �NNO............. By INTE EDIA,RY ORDER In the Matter of.. r0JQ0n9 XXUC ti ng, ..x 0.10,ying..and. X egair i ug . t.11e..S 1d 19W PL.IkEl . At ....the . f ollawixig . ln0Ati0ns:............................................................... . ,,, West„@ide,oP, Bti�;^„Stt,,.beginnipg, at„I}11ri�@paha, St.,,, thence.,south, 60 .feet, Fgj�te PX 4Z-4tr"t,,,begj liltAg.at,,Weft.�Qyerith,,St,,,,the ce,north ....100. tt..,........................................................................................ ....................................... ..0 .F• No. 4;015—B1 s. ➢1. Clancy_... 7ft8� ........ ..approved ...dA2}Q. 2$.t . 9Z3t................... t In the \fatter of reconstructing, rela1'- Ing d r pairing the sidew-nlits Oil [hives[ sine f.11—in. 1—Ii-el Burr el beginning at having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon t Jrnn,haha St., thence south 6o f„t.4 considered said report, hereby resolves: Cast side of Baybe ionn,ug nt, west west seventh -se, thence 'd the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement Orth 100 feet, under Preli minarl' 1 Order 46699 approved .lune 28. 1933.;wlth. Al Councl] f the City of st. Paul having received the report of the Com tnissioner of Finance upon the .r.mprovement which the Council recommends is..P.eCQIIStI'.l3C.t,..I'd �Y improvement, and having 0-, said report, hereby rosolres' '” I. That the said report b, 71dewalka.at..the.followil]g.looRtloris;....................... earn, is hereby approved and aid i - mprovement °:`:vllZ'I.Stf..s.b@F>d}7A6.a.M3fl.�..St.�,..thelnce,south,60„ ee , East. aide.of..Bay..Street.,.heginning..at.Rea.t.Seventh.S.t..,.t.heng,Q.i QV0— .... 100..f,t.I....................................................................................... ................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 07. 90z' .13-C11. f t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 22nd...... day of AUgu@ t , , , , , , „ 192. 3 .. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ��,.,.,....,f Ff­rr mvn nnfire of ,f Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson t'ouricilman XDMkX Peter a G 4 COUNC ILE N ...... �� INTIK EDIARY ORDER In the Matter t>f.CnuatT olIng..a--six.font..cement.. tile. aidews lk.on..the....... .. eaaterly. ai4e..of.. Desnoyer.. Avenue. f r.an..9omo..River..Boulevard . to -the .... juxiCt p . Qi..Aasnoyer..and..Glenham. Avanueap....................................... ........................................................................................... .,r--.:_Hiver eomevard to :-.. cwn.,,ot_�ea+=eva� and_ Glenhn�. ,' . . . . - . . . . • nues, under Preliminar, ..46666 approved June 26, 1923. rn............................................................................ The Councilf the City of -: o e., mlwionerreoof Finance uponf i 6 d e 2 1923• improvement, and having.......'A.01Q..Q.............approved....AXd.....��............................ said report, hereby resolver ,j 1. That the Bald repQt,r„^ •v of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon a aetee hnaia �mpproved;=` d having considered said report, hereby resolves: ;ordered to be approved 2. shat the nature o' a ort be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement went which [he Council - - P constrpct six foot the proceeded with. a walk n the a it -`” Ave. Prom Cn-�� the Juncup• -." the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .Cons. trnCt.a.s.i�.. ham Ave -..v '" euRi cin• nt:.cant..tile.sidewalk.nn..the-easterly..side..of.Desnayer.. Avenue.... me �rqut.QarpR.River..$aulevard. to..the..junctinn..of..Aesnoyer..and.Glenham. ... Avenuea,..except..where..goAd .and. sufficient. s idewalka . now.. exist.,...... ......................................................................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 1.AS..per..front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... r%rr%rrad ......day of ...... Augtls.t.......... 192..3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. :92Ado ted b the Council.. r........ ... .. e .. ........ _.......192...... City Clerk. ✓ Councilman Peter _Cet:rtciirnan 1�enzeL Mayor-Mmdgmm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 L FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter .............................. .......................................... ................................. ................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ............................... I ...................................................................... ......................................................................... I ......................... I -U C. F. No. 47020-13y J. M. .............approved ....NAY .a.................... In the Matter " 6"'"- T%1 — .. seventh St. T, , St.. und�rt Prelindnary , —10 of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon approved May 2, 1923: ind having considered said report, hereby resolves: havCouncil Ing or of 'Iin..ea u,.,`rt be and the same is .. i,,dof thethe report -City; hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement Wn ad.. Improvement, and having ,—r6&eded with. said report• hereby resolves. 1. That the said report h 18 'hereby approved :mor? ement which the Council recommends is - ZrAaQ nd __ : del the improvement ........................................ .............................................................................. ....................... ........................................... I ............................. ............................ ....................................... I ............................................................ 1. ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...44.101..75.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... ?A0 ..... day of ,A1111 USt........... 192-5— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegl ive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner providedby the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... .......... 192 Approved.... ........192...... city Clerk. ,/ Councilman Clancy Mayor NKVCUX Nelson 1--orn, B. S. A. 8-6 P............................ ........1.................... 2rr.................. L, COUNCI FILE NO�.......jJ......... sy.. . ... INTE EDIAARY ORDER In the Matter of.. nondamning • and. taking. an..eas ement..in . the. , land . nee-essary ..... f or..s lops.,. for.. cuts. and . fills. • in. grading . Kennard. St... f rom..F," t..... . Sevent.4. St... tA. M�r}pehaha.Stir.,....................................................... ....................................................................... .. C. F. No. 41021—BY S. M. Clancy— ....... .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ ........ - - - - . fn the Matter of condemntheing anneces- and ing an ensementfor cute and fills In sa-r-Y for slopos�.......................................................... .... .. .. .... ... grading Kennard St. from Baa under enth St. to Minnet a' "a 45508 Ma 2 1923. .Preliminary Order 45608 approved „ -,,,approved.........8...f............................ MaY 2, 19. a. having received the report of the Com - missioneront, Fir—ee having conaidvP St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon �mprovem aid report, hereby reaotvea: ,.d having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the an(d re rt rand a ', same is hereby appre� _� ' be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement and .>a to he o�eeaea w,rh afoceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..cMdemn.Azd.take-an .....0.40 msal in. .the.land.necessary..for..sloRes.,.Xox.�'�ts. ,fi�ls..in.... ..... gre-ding JWnnard. St... fxom. Faat..Saventh. St.. - t.o. Wilnnahaha . S.t., . in....... acoordenca.w.1th-tha.Blue-print.hereto•attached.and.made. A.part•.m!0of, • , . , the.. bA tched..por. tions . s hosing . the.. c uts . and. the -shaded. . pont ions . showing ..... t.he.. f ills,................................................................................. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.50..011......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 22nd......... day of Auvat.......... 192.3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council. Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,.. Adopted by the Council......:..::` ...•..: ..'.., 192..... i ... Approved.......;'::..:....:::.....192...... City Clerk. :....:/. Mayor. Vie} Mayor 2TMyr Nelson Form R. S. A. 8-6 pUADRUPLiCATE MTV OF T. FA TO CRY CLERK \ eoe ei Form D-34 IDI 12-22 R COMPTROLLER....._ AU1 '.� V._..... DITED ---to _ __r y .inclusive, a per rmount of $----&y t76---------- covering chacks Resolvedthatchecks be - - the City Treasury, to the _.inclusive, s p e egister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. )in Clancy, 1 Adopted by the Council. _YI �} Fert-c f' In favor McDonald, Approved- r i 1; Matson, ✓ Peter, Aga nst Wewzeti If ✓ ^,,✓ K.F Tt/ '� +. , ✓Mr. President, Nelson ` C. F. No. 47022— Resolved that checks be drawn on the bity freasnsy, [o. the aggregate amount of $5,622.75, c eringcheck numbered 14884, as per regleter of city heck. n file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1923. Approved July 13, 1923. (July 21-19]3) 1 ) �I Cj� CLERK OFFICE OF THE CO�IPTROLLER AUDITED CI,AjMS—RESOLUTION FORM r.,. D-34 �Nl 12-22 456 BY AUDITED Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the 2ggreW\a amount or $ ............ of city checks on file in the Office .. covering of the City checks numbered 14;RO4� to inclusive, as per register Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. /McDonald, ve� Matson, »*" -- -Against ------------- –'----- ----------- u�o /»r.»resident,mason '-------'--------'— 5,6M 75 | 14884 J- o^ an»itzer m x»o^ oohool(Bnod) CITY OF ST, PAUL cOUNCI` NO,..._- ° e ____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILE47 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ___....__._.-.-...__..........____._..._!.-S�.i._........_..._...__............_.._...........__........ DATE duly 11 192,3 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Depurtmint of Public Works 8 Model B -4-D Highway drop -frame reversible trailers without brakes, at a price of 61470.00 each, and 4 Model 3-4-D Highway Trailers with brakes at a price of $1595.00 each, making total amount of contract 018,140.00, to the highway Trailer Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, in accordance with City specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. B.B. #4831. P. No. 47032— By W. J. Peter— the matter of paving Pleasant,Ave. Tom Garfield St. to Osceola Ayeuue, with necesary gas connections, under Final Order C. P. No. 46166, approved Tune 6, 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans d specifications showing the gas con: etione necessary to be made upon =.sent Ave. from Garfield St. to Os - ;Is Avenue, be and the same are eby approved. and the Commissioner Public Works is hereby ordered and -ested to erve a copy of this order �etherwtth -copy of said final rder d. [:opY-of said plana upon the St. l -Gas Light Company. Adopted by the Councll,July 13, 1923. Approved July 13, 1923. .. - (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas ,rays . Clancy Adopted by the Council _ _JUi_..__.'-!. 192 ^, E-w"Orr- :1pp�ved ji1 ✓ McDonald In favor - 92. �( V `r ✓ Peter .._ligalnst - '.MAYOR Mr. Prosidcnt COUNCIL ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL F LE No. - - v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM BY /i/ i( �L��c�� Qi/ DATE -....July .13.. _ 1923._._ .... _.—....... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Fordson tractor with Triplex Toro mower, at a cost not to exceed $947.35, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. -Charge Parks- 52-D-14-4 C, r- No. 47024That H[he �yPurchaSingl Resolved, .tgentbe, andWhe ithi tiee consentt.oftih�e _to purchase, 1 'Co ptroller, one 1 vdson tract`o;n w th 'Triplex Toro o at a cos at to exceed $947.36, without asking for compeUtfve bide, s this is a ouI ntbe Ilt article and o advantage gained thereby. Charge Parks -62-D- 14-4.1923. Adopted by the Council July 13, Approved .7aly 13, 1923. (July 21-1923) I e COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays G-'}alfc5r / McDonald _3 '. In favor Matson Peter Against I Wenzel Mfr. Prosident Adopted by the Council 192 - `app oved . 192. IAAVOR t-!t,)M COUNCIL '-i � "f,') Y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No----------- --------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK k. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY DATE.-.._July..13' 1923 That the Purchasing Age(T,'be, a�` he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 11 -ton Reo Speed Wagon Chassis with stake body and closed cab, at a cost not to exceed $1540.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School Cap. Outlay Equip._ 41.7j C- r., No. 47026—By A. E. Neison- --Resolved, That the Purchasing' Agent ha and withi the r c—entt of Ithe i 'to purchase. a 1%'ton Reo Speed Comptroller, Wagon`Chassib wit.t nu[ toodexceed losed cab, t a Cqa 51640.00. wltho t asking for ompeli- live bids. as this is s padte bed gnilned and o advantage c thereby. Charge School Cap. Outlay Equip. 41.71. ` 1923. _. Adopted by the Council July 13, Approved- July 13, 1923. ) (J -11Y 21-1923 C0(1NCILMPN Yeas Nays Adopted by tho Cuenril .x-:; i. � j _192 Parr Against 1Crnzrl COUNCIL NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ...-fid. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _♦ COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R That upon the redommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a renewal of agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paul with Eva P. Woodward for the rental and hire of those certain stores located on the first floor of No. 43-45 West 3rd St., and basement under said stores, all in the City of St. Paul, for the term of one (1) year from the let day of July, 1923 until the last day of June, 1924, at a total rental of $1080.00, payable in monthl$,.in- stallments of $90.00 each; said agreement to be evidenced by lease or contract in writing approved by the Corporation Counsel. C. F.:Xb. 47026—By A. E. Nelson— Resoived, That'upon the recommen- dation of the Commissioner of Educa- tion, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a renewal of agreement on behalf of the•City of St. Paul with Eva P. Wood- ward for the rental andhire of those certain stores located on the first floor of No. 43-46 West 3rd SL, and base - in under said stores, all in the City of St. Paul, for the term of one (1) year from the let day of July, 1923, un- til the last day of June. 1924, at a [o- maonthlytal installmen so of) $90.00 bleach; said agreement to be vidcnced by lease or contract 1n writing approved by the Corporation Counsel. y 13, 1923- July 13; 1923. Approved Jul (July 21-1923) e/�p� g/ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ IO -- (. S�N�f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��\\ ^ / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM % 1. DATE ....._. Julg....11,.....19.23......._........ _ That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City with James Rasmussen for the leasing and hiring of that certain one story brick building located at 692 North Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul for the term of one year from the 16th day of July, 1923, and subject to can - cell C.Re9 Ived,7ThatBupon0. Nelson— o— Dnths upon written notice thirty dation of the Commissioner of Educa- tion, the proper City officers are here -)arty wishing so to do, at a days by authorixd and directed to enter in- toan agreement on behalf of the City with James Rasmussen for the leasing and `hiring of that. cerjpin one a[ory the purpose of providing and mont hrlch'buildin9 locsted IT 692 -a. in the City of c1 ^ Yeffb� ; maintaining a;mom at the latter address to be used 'r:�; a as a branch library; said agreement to be evidenced by lease in writing approved by the Corporation Counsel. Rental to be paid out of the Public Library Fund. Adopted by the Council.-. ,;J;... -i -...192....-- gesair ' Approv �� .. 192 - i McDonald _.-....In favor VInt.nn - .-' MAYOR COUNCIL CITYNo.-.- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -s COU CILS— OLUTIONGENERAL FORM A � 111.0 n av_ (r a oATE...sl.UN_�.._.3.oTH-_t..9.23.._....._......._....._._ RESOLVED �,VHERE.,g lPi)e Co.nmission�r of ::ducal ion has reported to the Council -'in accordance with Section 53, of the City C:iarter the e, istence of an emergency which rendered necessary tae emoloyment of certain em- ployes of his De,-extmant for more titian their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to -,)ay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for tie extra emplc.ym�int for extra time herein- after set tort!): NA:2 TITLL TITT@ R.iTE TOTAL GEORGE MAYER BLDG LAB 2585 8 HRS 50 9 S 4 00 AUGUST REHIL _ COMM LAB 3934 4 HRS 45 S 1 80 1 C. F. No. 47028—BY A- N, Nelson— Whereas, The Commissioner of Ed -i ucation has reported to the Counen In arF,i�ordance with Section 63, of the City whlcherenderedsn cessary the em jocy. ment of. certain employee f hisp De-, parts ent for more than their usual' hours of employment;therefore, be Ii ...I That the proper city aRl-' cera are hereby authorized to pay they foI er'o g namCd- employes, at the rate' otherwise Axed for extra employment for the extrn employment for extra) 0me hereinafter set forth: George Mayer, Indg, Lab., 8 hours, .604 54,00. &1.80 Au.gust Rehil, Com, Lab., 4 hours, 460, Adopted by the Council July 13, 1923. Approved July 13. 1923. t (July $1-1923) COUNCILMEN "I -'C-' Yea$ Nays Adopted by the Council-... � . . .......... --.192.---- ancy ..1.,.� 13 TEtgvsatl Approved.... 192----- In favor x ✓ McDonald lei c< �fl Matson -- - - --�- _.(/_ ... .. ,.a 1!, .--.. MAYOR ✓Peter _;Against Wenzel MI. P,—i,I,nt '-n OR 110. 1. JUNE 30TH 1923 -in er.>>rGanc:i h:.a .risen in the D.:; rt :int of iduc,.tion 3ureau of Schools, rend:rin:g necescz=y tho erlploy-hent of car- tain employes of that dapc.rtaent for n10-ra th.n night hours per day, in doing the folloering work: CLEANING SCHOOLS This ea.:rg ncy ^.ros.: by rccson of thu following facts :s_d circirastrncas: SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITORS WHO ARE ILL - This report is in ccord7.ncc with Suction 53 of the Charter. COUNCIL 47029 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ] BY K-1/.:ice /�- -_. DATE .—.....c1.I�.1.�_--.—_---- RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Fdorks be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: Burr Street from I1aryland St. to Brainerd Ave. C. F. No. 47029—By W. J. peter— -I Regolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and directed to sprinkle with wa- ter or oil the following streets: Burr St. from Maryland St.. to Brain- erd Ave. Adopted by the Council July 13, 1923. �1�pproved�July 33, 1923. .(July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays �lanay' McDonald In favor ✓ Matson Peter Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President 1�1 i..<.i -1i 7....192_.--. Adopted by the Council _..._...JL_. Appro edd- - L i, e - 192..._ a MAYOR 997f11 CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNCI`NoF..._... 7f 1110 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ( 1 lit 1923 COMMISSIONER ............. ........... J......._Pe.ter_!._........................... .__......_......__.._.............._. DATE..._........_57u....Y.._......_.tb_,_._._.._..._._!.._.___ RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Prior Avenue at its intersection with University Avenue. Resolved, that C. F. 46435 approved June 15th, 1923 fixing and determining the amount of land to be taken is hereby amended to read as foll&ws : A triangular piece of ground in the northwest corner of Lot 168 Hinakel's Amendment,lying westerly of a line drawn from a point on the west line of said Lot 168, 10.9 ft. south of its northwesterly corner to a point ori the northerly side of said Lot 168 measured 10.9 ft. from its northwesterly corner containing approximately 52 square feet. COUNCILMEN yeas gays Idted by p } o the Council �.. _ ...--------192...-- 1 App rov d _.__ -X ... _..------192 McDonald _ _ - In favor Vr ` Matson + y Peter _ . _ ___Against MAYOR cWenzel V[r. Precirlrnt C. F.•No. 47030—By W. J. Peter— In the tat ni extendins Prior Avenue it ands intersection with University Ave. Resolved, That C. F. 46435 approved June 15th. 1923 flxing and determining the amount of land to be taken Is hereby amended to read as follows: A triangular piece of ground in the northwest corner of Lot 168 Efinckel's Amendment, lying westerly of line drawn from a point on the west line of said Lot 6 ea northwesterly co ner to point on the northery, side of said Lot 168 measured ngapproximately northwesterly 10.9 feet containing square feel. Adopted by the Council July 13, 1923. 0 Ap)Iroved July 13, 1923. (July 21-19.3) COUNCILMEN yeas gays Idted by p } o the Council �.. _ ...--------192...-- 1 App rov d _.__ -X ... _..------192 McDonald _ _ - In favor Vr ` Matson + y Peter _ . _ ___Against MAYOR cWenzel V[r. Precirlrnt RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FRX F ` 3 c'L No. - ='-r- .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE..._.....Jaily..13.,..._1923.._.........._._......- In the matter of paving Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Osceola Avenue, with necessary water. and sewer connections, under Final Order C.P. #46155, approved June 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing server and ,cater connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install the ,eater connections by Force Account, and that the proper City officers are hereby authori.Led and directed to advertise for bids for the installing of the sewer and house drain connections. COUNCILMEN j, l > Ycsa Na1'� Adopted by the Council _. ___._� �.._ _. -_-_.'-_192._ I'r_-�SCL Approved_ ved .t/�f��/� ..... 192 % McDonald In favor . Matson :{� ( A MAYOR -' galn9t Wenzel �— J C. F. No. 47031—By R'. J. Peter— the matter f paving Pleasant .4ve. Ave., n In Cthe Garfield St. to Osceola an f water e Order C.sewer F. ections.MT underWFinal No. 46166, TR¢Lo [he June6.pinns ///��� j ��✓i ' ? �• Resolved' epecifteatlons showing sewer and be / and ary to water connections atredt necesea r: hereby said. ✓A,I made Upon adopted and approved and the Commfs- de a and direct dlic o t s construct and InstallAccouothte CItY offl- and that the proper sadverti eyfor bids for the Install- ,joTt fng. of the sewer and house drain con- nections. 13, 1923. Adopted by the Co ' 1923. July Approved: (July 27-1923) COUNCILMEN j, l > Ycsa Na1'� Adopted by the Council _. ___._� �.._ _. -_-_.'-_192._ I'r_-�SCL Approved_ ved .t/�f��/� ..... 192 % McDonald In favor . Matson :{� ( A MAYOR -' galn9t Wenzel RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL res No..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Q COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM DATE.....'4! ..._.._j.1.-1-Y....UP._..IQ23............._.. In the matter of paving Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Osceola Avenue with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. #p46155, approved June 6, 1923. RESOLFED: That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Pleasant Avenue from Garfield Street to Osceola venue, be and the same are hereby apr_reved,. and the venue, of Public lWorks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said final order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. o, 47032— BYPeter— ! In the natterfSPatvonOsceo'a A under I from Garfields connect-. gs, raved i, with necesary 6a Final order C. F. No. 46166, PD tans > June 6, 1923. - annexed P L iiesulved. That tha con- �, and "Peviftcations show! b tmade upon ctlons ecessro t° be and the me are pleasant Av°• from Garfield St. to lsoLone eola .Avep!ue, avd the Commred and hereby approved, pu tic Worts 1s herebYofTthis order ,.directed -oto. erve a °01 sutd final order to6ethor a%1th a LtShtcoPY and a y' of enid plana upon the St. Paul cop Gas ComPanY•July 13, 1923.1 Adapted by tha Cbun23. Approved -July 13, 1923. (JuIY 21-197!3) Adopted by the Council.. i.:_.,_.i '..%_'_-_,..___192_.-... Annro4ed_.a...-__. `1.:..'._i "..:.`.:�:J _....._192__.. MAYOR RESOLVED wUNCILi CITY OF ST. PAUL File No- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE _.._JulY-. 12,..-._!U3 -- - - ---------------------- - RESOLVED 9 23 -------------------------- In -the matter of paving Colborne Street from West Seventh Street to the South Line of Jefferson Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F. #45263, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46153, approved June 6, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved7 and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account irand that the Purchasing Agent secure and advertise for bids for.the necessary material. C. , No.. 47033—BY VP. J. Co1bo a St: In the., West rSeveOf n[h ISL to the th from line of JefrdernCAF°No.u45263..1 liminarY Or 1923 and Final Or - proved April 20, approve June der C. F. No, 46153, PPT s -If,"- PI... 1923. That the' , P g lved, ntitlea %Public t"" and tb Commis 1 ner f mitt d by above n med improve - Wo k Yor the a e herebY •aP- Mont. be -and th?.same d1;eCted p oved.shd th Commissioner f Fu ]ip �t'orkabe and he is hereAccount .and to do. the work by Force that the Purchasing Agent s neC ssar9 ddvertlae for bids for the1923. material. h the,Couhcil July.13, 1 Adopted Y 12 1923- APProved July 21-19231 (July COUNCILMEN Yeas INays Fecguaefr- � McDonald In favor Matson Peter " �. _Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council192..--.. App ovfed..-... .. �1 a -i t �c 192---- ...... s I - -- MAYOR coun70 aL FILE 0• ...... .- -- . .. ........- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLU � Jul. 13 1923 P e_._......_............_........_._-..— _......_._...._. DATE__....._...._.. ___.- PRESENTED BY ,g!1.L . _.. - .70MMISSIONER.___- --L it hereby concurs in the recommendation of the That the Council awing alley RESOLVED rejects bid received for p Contract Committee and 1 Addition from Sibley St - in block 7, Whitney & S�iith s 140 feet from Sibley St., as bid received was in excess of the estimate and the Commissioner of Public works is engineer's Force Account, procuring hereby authorized to do said work by Department, as the necessary material through the Purchasing provided by the Charter. F;B• X4834. COUNCILMEN Yeas _.\d�esgnsoa- \lcDonald " In favor o- Matson ) Peter --- -__ ...Against Wenzel Mr. President n; 1} - 9dopted by the Councl - "'--- J q \p owed MAYOR r y, PKESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._ RESOLVED cOUNca No --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL rim OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That upon the filing of a written consent by the Contractor with the City Clerk that Contract No. 3668, being a contract for curbing Woodbridge St. from Front 5t. to Hatch St., between the City of - St. Paul and Gust Nelson contractor doing business as the Standard Stone Company, be and the same is hereby canceled and annulled. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -ter .-yte�A T McDonald _ _ \_ _ ..In favor Matson `) Peter __._....._.Against Wenzel Mr. President L' Adopted by the Council. -- -------- J I JUS x,;1923 Approved 192 - MAYOR willism 3. Peter, (Lammissioner Ocie fiElailettP, jBrputk (Qnmmissioner Department of public Vorks Utm of Saint Paul M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER July 13, 1923. To The Honorable, The Council, City of 3t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - I hereby consent to the cancelation of Contract No. 3568, as provided for by resolution, Council mile Ido. 1 , being a contract for curbing woodbridge St. from.Pront 5t. to Hatch St. '; i i the s a : �a�f .M' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FINo LE 6 OS DATE ........ -T-UlY._.1a31h1S.2'S' .._._.......__._... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for paving Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd., to include all work from the west line of Cleveland Ave. as laid out on the south side of Randolph St. and marked Sta. 53 plus 10 on the plans to and including Snelling Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $95,887.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $102,700.00. Contract Ar F.B. #4833. �C C. F. Nb.11"11­11y 11'm. J. Peter— Resolved, That the C...ell hereby 1 -concurs in the recommendation of the {� Contract Committee and awards con- II , tract .for paving Randolph St. from Bver lvd, t Ave, to 14itasor 'fl the west to Include all work 'from out west line f Cleveland Ave. laid out' marked south side of Randolph thebl L ands and lnc Stn. 63 plus 10 on the plans to and including Ens ng Ave., p ci aations \(�l nre with plane a d specifications Cns \ hereto ng th d,. to Thornton Brea. id- they being the lowest responsible bide j 1 Corpfor the mot $85.3E7her d the Corporation Counsel Is hereby In- structed to draw p the proper form [ contract therefor. Engineer's Es- timate $102,700.00. Contract A -F. B. No. 4833. Adopted by the Council July 13, 1823. Appr ved July. 13 1823 r (�July`21 1823) , M -�' ..............t�+}him�'.+f4 r Krr'•i .law i- Wo . }S t„�i '�'��(`si x F'ergvsnn- Ap roved _. _ .192..... COUNCIL IYO._.._`. R. V.Y ..... J_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY /�/J//���� ....._........_............. DATE_......_July_, l�s,__I 923.... ---- ._..-.._....... iSiONER._C..0 _... _.._._4_....__...._..._.........._...__. W VED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for furnishing all labor and material required to install complete 44- 400 candle power single light posts on University Ave, and Robert St. from Central to Park Aves., to the Hubbard Electric Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, using Union Metal Posts, for the sum of $8,954.00, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. F.B. #4822. C. I cot C. t✓I tet 44 - on Co El Peter— l (July 21-1923) 11%.4,10T17 —BY N. J. hat the Council hereby 's in the ecommendafion of the act. Conunittso and wards con- _ for furnishing all labor and. ma -- lnataliomplete �r -required to I candle power si RoberIs ight. ht osis i.1 to P Are. and i- to Park Aves y b eche theHubbardw- ric Company, they being the low- bldders. using Union �t esponslble Pbsts,. for the of $8.964.00, . cor Ze i ch pl specidca- hereto attached, Corpor- is here authorize to ,Counsel- 'up the properformtract 171{(( for. enr6Permanent ? B. No. 4822. gum ns and and the by suth m of .192 Ferguson �7d6. COUNCIL No -+t-=,•--'t ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �`I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 40 PRESENTED BY / _ ......___... DATE.__.._I.i1.Y-._]%.i---.9-. ......_..__..._... COMMISSIONER ' RESOLVE, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Brand St. from Van Dyke Ave. to Hazel Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications heretolattached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $3659.60, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3614.00. F.B.-J4830- J. .B.-J4830. J. h, reby of the s the the sum of E3659 60, :and the Corpo anon Counsel is h reby Inst acted to d aw up. -the Piope form Of oRtract therefor. En- �gineers Estimate $3614.00. F. B. No. 4430. Adopted by the Council July 13, 1923. Approved July. 13, 1923. (July 21-1923) Adopted 1)y the Council_ _ 192 _ Appr� �_ i 192._..- I�S� _. � ...... -- MAYOR �I � n9,0 NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENO..--------- - --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK., COUNCIL —RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM )2 BY)f//moi - onTE July.__13.,_7923..-._....----- V RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Webster St. from Pleasant Ave. to Michigan St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $874.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. yngineer's Estimate $1427.00. F.B. #4826. Yea, C, F. No. 47039-13Y W' J. Peter— y, That the nendation ofouncil eb concurs In thec thel contract Committee and award. the contract for the construction of a sewer on- Webster St. r accordance Ave to Michig St, rvfth pfons and speclflcatlo s nstruction. tached, to Che.Feyen �ponpible� the bidderseinY rthLhelowo rod $674.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby Instructed to dcaweo the Prop,-� ercL e smEstlmatera 5342700 or. nNo.� 46d Arted J Appo ed uly 13U 3023. ulY 13, 1923. (Jn1Y 23-1923) i COUNCILMEN Nays -GI-FU9 TIrgasar>-- t McDonald __ In favor 1. Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ it --_z.; o I"!-? 192 ._. .192._ MAYOR COUNCIL No..------ � ✓. ��_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 13, 1923 DATE__.........._........._.._.__ . ...........................____..._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Berkeley Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Josephine St. in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Preston, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1130.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1535.00. F.B. #4827. C. F. Nd, 47040—By W- J. Peterrs g¢sbived, That the Council hereby. concurs in the recommendantwin'ds 'cone Contract Cammittee and tractfnr the Acoens f'o� Fairview Ave. n Bere eIs . to. Jas Phine St. in accordance wit .plane. Ind ap ciacationa he4etbelanS oho d. to O"Nettac il &Preston, they r the sum lowest pons Ible bidders, atton Coun- of $1130.0 and the CorPor f r ➢n '.eelAA-ishereby if Bcontraettthere u o rup the �(paer's oEetimate $1636.00. 48Adopted by the.Coune, July 13, 1923. ,i veduly Ju -'11 192 APPro21-1121 Ely COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays et—Y- / Mcg �d `._ ._ In favor v Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President ) 7 ,A� t,� Adopted by the Council__._ —ILL J2 ____192 . -. Appr 192...--- 12 - -AYOR -- ....-. ... - -.....M COUNCIL No ____.-`y/II CITY OF ST. PAUL Fua 1N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1L .........__........._...._......... ................_....... DATE_ ------- July..�J.s.._.1.SL�_:._.._.._ COMMISSIONER.___...._...__-. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Berkely Ave. from a point 60 feet east Of Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. and on Griggs St. from Stanford Ave. to St. Clair St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Preston, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $2436.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 03530.00, F.B. #4828 C F N- 47041—by W"T. Pte'` Re 3 ed, That theCouncil hereby ontra i therecommendation of the (bntr t committee con and a rda con- tract for the Ave.et rue ion f a sewer 1/r! _ on.Be kelt'` e t m a point 60 feet east of Syndicate A e to Griggs st. and n Griggs St.. from Stanford Ave. to _ an Cialr at.ff.: In accord with glans /I ... A O'Neil Presto.. hey bcf.g- the d, to I est r & Preston. -they befog the low- ; eat retie Bible bidders, for the sum y of $2436.00. and the Corpordtion Coun- XV sel Ishereby instructed to'draw up -the grope form of contract -therefor. En- . gineer Eattmate $3630.00. F 4828. Adopted y the Council Tu7y 13, 1923. ApD vedbT u]y '3,1923. (July 21-1823) - COUNCILMEN f� -- 192- ._. Yeas P A roved_ _ _ . U_._, _r..�.c-J-- Cc1zlr- p _ 192. _.. fin_ Nays / Adopted h the Counct�-tl)......1..-I..1r.1-._.. . J�_ !~ McDonald .... .. Ll favor Matson {' 4' n on Peter ___.' .__Against f Wenzel r Mr. President COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL our+ca F No ..._- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // l/// JL}.Y--13 9.4a(._.._._._._.__ COMMISSIONER ..�. .. .. ..y'-......._...__.._._..._ .............. ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for repaving Sixth St. from Rosabel St. Fast to Bridge, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $61,500.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $77,400.00 E.B. #4837. ,a F. No.70 442—BY W. J. Peter— Resolved; That the Council hereby oncurs in the recomendation of the Contract Committee andarde con- tract for repavingSisth St. tram Rosa bel St. East to Bridge. in accordance with plana. aad .spec�flcationa hereto angio he net the to west responsible btd- ed F. B. No. aasr. by the Counclt July 13, 1923. ) July 13, 1923. (July 21-1923) . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4LURv 1, McDonald _ . _.. In favor Matson " Peter __.,.___.Against Wenzel Mr. President all Adopted by the Council 1,d,_.:T;a...:_i%.___ 192 . Appr ed__..._.....,,J��u.__'.;;_i12��. _.%.119�2�.._.. MAYOR COUNCIL NO4 4 04 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p ED BY13 1923 -1923 V RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for repaving Sixth St. from Wabasha St. to Sibley St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley , Inc. they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 056,995.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $68,750.00. F.B. #4836. COUNCILMEN ����, ieY �JCJ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ _..._..___..... - _ .__192. -. Clancy' n Ap oved_._._192----- _. );- McDonald In favor` Matson—,A.YOR- _ Peter __.Against Wenzel V Mr. President C: F. No. 47043—BY W. _ J. Peter— Resolved; That the Council hereby concurs in the -commendation of the (/ Contract Cmm(ttes and awards the Sixth St. from / contract for repaving wabasha St. to Sibley St., In accord- ance with plans and speclflcntlona hereto attached, to Fielding &.Shepley. Inc, they'being the lowest responsible thebidr for sum se $s h., b and the Corporation Counsel to 995. _ In— 3. structed to draw up. the proper -form of contract therefor Engine r s Esti- 1 t ) ^ mate $68,700.00 F. B..N 4836.' Adopted by the Council July 13, 1923. Approved July 13. 1923. (July ,21-1923) - COUNCILMEN ����, ieY �JCJ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ _..._..___..... - _ .__192. -. Clancy' n Ap oved_._._192----- _. );- McDonald In favor` Matson—,A.YOR- _ Peter __.Against Wenzel V Mr. President f r F CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO ..........: ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q BY , ! / / /1 /_ _........_._.......... DATE-_Jii1y.__1_J.,l,__Is9.Z...V.._........_.___......._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for repaving Sixth St. from Smith Ave. to Summit Ave., in accordance with plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley, Inc., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $23,645.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 628,400.00. F.B. #482} MIMM COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - Claner- F -g— McDonald ✓ /-__ In favor Matson Peter -. ._._.Against Wenzel Mr. President _?,; 192 Aaoptea Dy tine I,OUIICIL.._-._I __.. - ..>._._-! �i. Ap oved .... _ 192 ..- �..... l i MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"`"NO.---__�?7(F.�S_5--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the:, Contract Committee and awards contract for paving Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd., to include all work from the west line of Cleveland Ave. as laid out on the south sideofRandolph St. and marked Sta. 53 plus 10 on the plans to the Mississippi River Blvd., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley, Inc., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $49,695.00, using oil asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $51,000.00. Contract B- F.B. #4833. -C, Ler' 47045—BY Wm. the J. Council hereby Resolved.. Th concurs in the commendation of the Contract Committee and"awards.Son- for Daving Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. to Mississippi River Bd all the l gt"line of Cleveland worAvekasrla d out on [ha south-elde of Randolph St. and rked Sta. 53 Dlus 10 on the glans to the Mlsaisaipp1 River Blvd., in accord= ance with plans -and apeciftcationa herC to-o.ttached,,to Flet ding& Sroehepley. ne,bidde ors 10 rthsesum of $49,696.00, 1. ;.using oil .asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the pTopCr fOI f contr2et there - fora .Engineer's Estimate $51,000.00. Contract: B -F. B. No. 4833. Adopted. by the Council .Tuly-13, 1923. Approved (July 2111923). CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy- -Ferguson i McDonald J _ In favor I Matson I"t", Agninet. "Ven -I Mr. President Adopted by the Council_192 e� Ap/roved.-..._. f l) i'•,6 192 ..-..f .............. . .. MAYOR Council File No..._=i-'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --------------- Paving_ George_.St.reet._ f rpm...Oni o-_Street-.. sewer,._}cater-_and. gas __connections .from street mains to _,_ro;.erty lines -- not- ..alr.flady...made,-..als.c_.ourb.inz_and.-- arrsnacnes, of July.. 1.923. ... - 192_ IC F..No. 47046Abatract atfor the __ - -..... -- --- "'--"""'-" ............ .... Poa Whereat the fo11 Rlno mProvement,. COl1nCl [nen. mskin8 0 Pavlhs George St fromNatO ri nndST (r'' to'State-St. with. sever, in connections .Pro 7eterwh elnota -, ertS.-linea comp eot .made,also. urbin hdrel `c'l, `way aippronchea PRELIMINARY ORDER. the CI[Y o St. Puua the�tY1- - xesoivea, at the o tsritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: lie: Works tie and i v it h --sewer,.._... . 'S.---aater--and---has----conneotions._from...atreet...mains..to... Froxorty---lines....-..---__-_..... ----aomnlet_e....ashes-e --- ot-..alr.ea±y..-made_ alae a&rs�aek�.fla,wb-ez e..o-eCes.a-aiy---------- -----------------------------------....... ---------------------------- -- - - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .__..--------- ...__.--- ----------------------------- --- -- ------............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council...----- ----- ------- ------ ------- ------------------------------ YEAS NAYS Ciouncilman-CL Ncy— : FERGUSON Approved....... MATSON / McDONALD PETER �'/ 1,/�, /�✓/'Pr"-'{,v"� � b ��.�fi�..'t„�----�.. i........ iVEN7.EL--------------------------------- �.....:.�.---- .---- ................. -..Mftyor. MR. PRESIDENT Farm C A 13 (31%1 6-22) MTnT Tl� / _ FA request of 0. 0. "hated PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT !/L and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. —4. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gude--..,aa.aLest.er...Avenue_.fr.om..nanaa�P-h.-S .x..e.et....t.9._Juno-.Stree----- --.__......_..--- ------------.................. 11--------------._.....__ ...... - ...........:. - - - - - --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ..... ....... ....... _.... - - ..._.._.._.. ........... Dated this ....-13-th------- day of-..... July... 19.2`tz'_........... .......... ..... ..._.....--, 192-- . _.... C. F. No. . A A Councilman. whereas, A wrlttenuproposal for the y making of the following improvement,' viz: Grade Jfacalesler Avenue from Ro.n- -dolph St: to Juno St., having been pre- s�n[ed to the Counetl of the City of st. Paul ;thereeore, be it pRELIMINARY ORDER. P bile iWorkshbe and so hereby order• ed and Hraeted: L To Investigate `the -necessity for i>r the making of the following improvement, viz.: orad M-13111tY-ot ti, —l" improv merit. nyeatt. <o.ker..Kuazl�le...from.-hndol .h Street to Juno Strae .. _ Crr9 P ................... -------------------------- ..................... --------------- --.. ...... --- _-------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _.... __---- ....__.._._-------------- --------- -_ ----- ----- -.-- --- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council ------ ...---- ..---- .------------------- ------ .......................... - YEAS NAYS Councilman C ' " (, RFmcvsOF- Approved-..-.. �.. MATSON McDONALD PETERV WENT.EL i fi....................................... ...... ..: �- Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT pUi3LISHED Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Request of 0. I. Whited 1 Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORI ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Qnndamninp�--and_Lakina-..an...easament- in--t.he_1an,..ne-Qe.e.eary..-f.cr...a1011.ea._..... -or---cut-a.-_--_fls__Avenue. 3drrolph.. ania t -n Juna S.trsat.-----._._......_............ _._..- ... - ...... ---------------------------------------- ----- - _.._._ .__.. _.. -. --- .... .... ....._.. . 13th July.. -1923 ...._...._...._.._ 192.. .. Dated this---- ---- h ----------.day of.. -....... _. ..._.. Councilman. C. F. No: 47048— Abstract. Whe'cooking or we Yollowl Proposalritten mn ve, .�.., _ _ viz: �Cthe " fng and taking an ease' cthe -]and necesaary for clove PRELIMINARY ORDER. cuts and fins 1..l gradlns 111- 1ve. from pr,8vh St.,to Juno If the been presented oto the •ot the city ht. Paul then•oral for the making of the followingimprovement,rovement, viz.: ResThat e e -,Public Work.bed1. h f Or 810 ee edland directed: an-er_as_etr4ant_..in- the_lana-.neoessary _..... ..p..._ ...-. C( t ToInvestigate the :.for----cnn..gxa�i.na wl.aoaz.est.er.._Avenu�:.from. handolph. -tn dunn 5.treat-•------------------------ _..._ .. ---------- -- ------ ----------------------------------- ----- --------- -...._-.- ...- -------------- ----------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ............................ ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '.......'.'..: Adopted by the Council-----------..: ...... ........ ....... ... - YEAS NAYS Councilman JJL a i 923._... -r'ZRevS0N_ Approved ---.._._....,---------..... - ....__.._ MATSON q MCDONALD - PETER �,� `y WENZEL ........ -. _.� MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHED nyor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) t/ Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - for In the matter of the assessment of beriefit.s, t,OSt and expenses C. _ pent, Sidewalks, 'Est.imate No. 5, Constructing, re F No 4,04x— ' of the Contract •�'�1, i Inbe?fits, costs ad ezpendesefor t nP strutting, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, --•_�._„•,a3b le -- Contract 3391, Season of 1922. c ` AesessabYe. , ury e = v e . _ .�. 400:0 ar^e: n r?tin :.ve. to ,a. v F. O. 40030 Sargent Ave., s,Uth'side. at Cretin tr.V e. thence east 01.01 rrom Creun Ave. to au. Cnrre Are. -inninj -'.O. 4 ::ar 'ei F 0. 40101 Sargent Ave th sia', �Q ft 80¢ feet' ti 6 at C i A e th a k _ F.C. 3 ,410 il.rhe F o 39410 s I l y Av l th ide m .t. Curve :ve. to •''1nn r_ve. rro nit c A t A St glair Wit. to RRndolph St, p,_32859, CreLi from °sc c first cti s ya lyh."g ,a fro r Cleveland Lve to T"ssissippi 0. 41074 Jeff f: moclevela affAve to ie� siv_pi :. er River Boulevard. F. O: 32858 Jefferson Ave., eout� fro111 Cleveland i.ve. to 1,7ississlppl. ,,.0. 32858 Jeff en cram. cleyelana Ave. to Mie River Boulevara. K Iver F. 0.40275 Portland Aye., soul betraeen rascal LiV e. and f-lb-ert ot- --� F.O. n Pascal Ave. and Albert ' . 40275 Portlarici r:.-.990 Sargent Ave.. no-, a� Griggs St. F.O. 40990 Sargent i ve: .;�a;ek r;_and ',i,' between .,yndicate i:ve. and y u .. 's'Yd'e e -ronin _ at Vie'.v t. thence east F.O. 38021 Jefferson ;_ve., s 3 170 ft. p,0, 39872 Vance St., both sides, fro^. Jefferson 1'-V6. to Grace t. 40986 Bay 3t., crest side, frown n Jefferso-ve, to 3race St. 0. 41073 Handolph St., south side, from Lilton St. to Chatariorth ;;t. .0. 41043 Bayard St., south side, fromroJr icatne, I is -C ,.va.oth_enceseast to 0, 40107 St.. Clair St., south side, Bri_rnhall 'Ne. fro ve. to F.O. 39782 Sargent Ave., south side, ;ar-icca ve. to 3ala'ain St. F.O. 40107 Lincoln Ade., both sides, froge t.. a;aca]er 40107 Cambridge6.ve•, both sides, fro ! iinuoln :.ve. to grand ,-ve. from ve. to Grand ,0, 40031 Calebridge Ave., east side, w!nrit ve. ,0. 41045 Sargent St., both sides, from ,airy e,+ --v-3- to rrior -.ve. ,0, 38964 Yerkeley L.ve-, both sides, from i airy,'a ie':_ve. to Josep'nine _'t. 0. 39789 S)ndica.te t,ve., east side, from University :-.va.to•<-vetrto�thee• 0. 38690 Bohn _t., 00th sides, from the east. line ofSyndicate .vest line of Griggs St. Lunlap t• 0. 40207 Lafond St., both sides, from Ler:irltol: .ve. o w.G. 37475 ;,'est, Central S.ve., south side, frer,, uni n :;t. to Lefin_to., -ve. --iron—assessable-- '.0. 32859 Cretin Ave., viest side, from t. J1:ir St. to nandolph St, jn _'.0. 40 07 Lincoln ve., both sides, frorc ;,:ata ester Ve• t rio-,, _ve.at. F.O. 41045 Sargent Eve., both sides, frorn Lexar' toltj-.vVe- t�Lunlap St• 40?07 Lafond St., both sides, ,. ,i;ate .v c;. to iri`,c-s t. v o issipi;i . . ...... . ..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE JT�URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ­ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 91 "---• Clerk. JI"I- I Approved .. . .......................191..._.._ tJC "�'-.Z—Mayor. .... . ...... .................... .. ............... .... Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for tktXX t and eXnenses Io the matter of the assessment of belief ] t S e 0 ' Construoting, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewal2:s# Estimate Iioo 59 Gontraot 3391, Season of 1922. ..j;,sseaGable« F,O. 400(30 Sargent five., south aide, from CretintAv�tin give. thence Gast }.0. 40101 Sargent Ave•, north side, beginning 80 fts fdte G`urcte Avee to rinn ��ee F 39410 Berkeley Ave., both sides, from r.o, 328w9 Cretan Ave., negnorid side from ;lair nfl to Randolph F000 .0 . 41074 IliverrBoulevowd o F.O. 32858 Jefferson Ave., south side, from Cleveland AVG- to Mississippi River Boulevard. F:00 40278 poxt]and`Ave., south side, between Pascal Avee and Albert Ste F.Q. 40990 Sargont Aveo, north sad©, between syndaat 0 AV00 and Griggs V1,GW Ste thence east t� P.Q. 38021 Jefferson Ave., south side, beginning 1'70 fto F.O. 39872 Vance St., both sides, from Jefferson Ave. to grace St. .Oo 40986 Bay St., west side, from Jefferson AVG. to Graoe Sto S r.0. 41073 Randolph Ste, south side, from Milton Ste to ChatsworthSt. F.Q. 41W Bayard St. south aide from Syndicate Ave* toth@nce east to r.0. 40107 St. Clair fit., south side, from Snelling Brimball AVG*Ave• Flo, 39182 Sargent ?530., south aide, from Saratoga Aveo to Snelling P.O. 40107 Lincsoln Ave*, bobs nisidoa, Y lin oln Av©°•tooGraand tiee.t• ,,.0. 40107 Ce�br9dge Ave., r 0. 4=1 Canbridge Aveo, east side, from ovi t Ave. to prior AVG* i'.Ei. 4104£ Sargent Ste' both F3ide6i, _`.0. 38964 Berkeley Aveo, both aides, from I'airy si y.A to Josephine st. Ave• F.Q. 39789 Syndicate Ave.y east side, from iniversit Ave, to te'.Veo to F.O. 38690 Bcbn.Ste, both s1d0as from the Cast lino of syadiaate xve• to the west line of (gaffe St. Dunlap St* F.O. 37475 LegendtC Central Ave,,th isouth side, from from oDunlaplive* St© to Lexington Ave* -•lion-Asaesasble-- r.Q. 32859 Cret,- AVG*, west aide, from Sto Clair St. to Randolph St. F.Q. 3M'o yinngn Aveo, both sides, from Mcaloster Ave* to Baldwin St. P.O. 41045 Sargent Ave, both eidesQ om Lexington Airview ve. to Dunlap Steen F.O. 40207 Legend Ste, doth sides, r.0. 41043 Bayard St., south aide, from Syndicate "Go rve.Gto�saissippi F.O. 41074 Jwff@rson Ave., north side from Cleveland River Boulevard. 6 under: 8nelimirarsF43rdez...._.......__........._...._............___..._......_......, tatNrmed Wa Ozder.._...._._.__......__...._.................__._.._......_.........._ . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $-------------'.6 5. Cost of postal cards $ 030 _...._................_....... � Inspection fees -3 - - - - - - - - - - $ -- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $_ ____................ .E` DO Total d5gMi$ittrPegx s: sable $...__.__.i_ .a.l.4.4...11 Yotal non-Ls_...,.=able 422.21 btal e_di lures - - - - - - 1•`570.32 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ _ __ 1 , '..7.0. u 4 ........ _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. 4 1 By.._ .............................................._----- ----- -- _.... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Eracirir avid ;�avinr !ley ._i_n_..i=lock..5,-...;:ao21, s-t.en--.P rk,--_Flock orrison's =,eai"ran¢2..-nt and Lranier'� dace fro iincolu five. 7,.....1?nE q. _.................... - ...--...._x...1:1.................... ........ .. to Cambridge ::ve. and constructing storm ;tater drain on an easement to e obai-tie4d,...12...f.t.,.....in...ridth._t le--Ener--...lime..of...:ra,�a... point on the east line of _.mherst _.ve. 9 ft. south of the southerly line of Lot I4; dock B, i::aaatester-lark and a-pointtonineeofQLotlla, --lock2cnorth and south alley 12 ft. south of the Bout lerl� ............. ........................._ ":.:acales uer rar- , _._.................... _........... ...... ............................................... a . lw. 19i� under Prelimlrof grading and navy _....._..........---... 3 - ,---- .,lock 6, Macalester Park. Elmer & Morrison's Rear- _ approved ....... .... IntermediaCt and Dranger's Place from _..--._-_....._ ..............._. _.... +ve. to Cambridge Ave. a - A puL,: " stere obtal ed 12nfeet Ld upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having center line o4 which is heard all pel' ''ncc- -A°va n9t fi. south cf ,ommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,''be.,i; line'ot Lot 14. Block e he nordth and s uth too RES9hEtt f the southerly line ;he City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ��n S ,alc 6. Macalester Park, 'nary Order 45333 aD- _ ment to be mad, 6. 1923- -alp been hadrT.lad.0+....cg- rjd....?a,;e....._,J Q..T .. �.n.... ZOG.�...6.._.,,,a.ca.�..�si:�r... �'.aS' , <i a vement u$" - lock Z,...�lr�er Y.°ande` on's :ea anga env t and rarqer's 'lace froir LinColn -v--. tb CambridC,,ahie to ;; and constructin" '�to�7 ater drain on an easement to be. obt-ai-nved, ft.. in }elth tie_ center line-oF- ;a:aien =s a litze between point on the east line of-r.therst ,:v S' ft. sout'n of r le southerly line of- Lb t' 1" F 4' lack. 6� „aCAle8ter alk and a point on tt�e I t line oP ire north and south alley 12 ft. south f the sou�4} 1 y line t et 14, Flock 6, —acalester Park, ............................................................ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ __ :. i _ ... 4 _...- City Clerk. JJ . ,i Approved .............. 191._..... /i; r• , /i r/ • i — a _.Mayor. Councilman R3i'Y+4o'EFI�, Clancy PUBLISHM Councilman (AMXXX ✓ er ;Lisorl // 1 Councilman HylamX CLo nald v 11CJ � Councilman KWrax ✓ l :a t s On Councilman MAUXo`M Peter Councilman deili&3 .ienzel Mayor.-i-.elson Form B. S. A. 8-7. St. Paul, ....................192.._3 To The Honorable, The Council, I City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be xxsbcx laid over for at least five years.9 . V p.avin MOTZJAQI I B g ��19�qet 0;.!� St. Ave. Rgan /17 f rom. :�� (&� .................... ............. St. Ave. to t. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 0-4 CITY OF BT. PAUL •u -� DD�E.U1TARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF" Cc7MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X4� (A) In the matter of GRADING and paving alley in Blk.6 . 1Eacalester Park, blk.7 , Elmer Morrison's rearrangement and Dranger's place from Lincoln Av.to Cambridge Av. and constructing storm water drain on an easement to be obtained, 12 ft. in wid the,center line of which is a line between a point on the east line of Amherst Av. 9 ft south of the southerly line of lot 14, blk.6 Macalester Park, and a point on the west line of the north and south alley 12 ft.south of the southerly ling o4 lot14 blk,6 Macalester Park under Preliminary Order approved May 16th 1923 --—-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 32" Creosoted Erick laid-sphalt or -- Paving Blocks _ flat _ spl;alt Concr. Concrete i'er Sq. Yd. 5.93 5.12 4.10 3.08 Yotal 7,032.98 6,072_2 4,362.60 3,652.88 ,cont jo0t x.21 4.51 3.61 2.71 _,dded to above estimate: .ddittonal e:;caystion 245.00 Lrainaae 434.00 +ood headers 168.00 (on the north -line of said lot,)/ Macalester Pars (60 feet from the northwest ) (corner thereof to a point on the south line, 44 ft.from the) (southwest corner (Except west 90 feet 2 7 do 63,00. 5 6 Macalester Park 4150- 6 6 do 14400. (Except south 20 feet) 7 6 5175' Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF 8T. PAUL , rM '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'P - REPORT OFr C6MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of GRADING and paving alley in Blk.6 , Macalester Park, blk.7 , Elmer Morrison's rearrangement and Dranger's place from Lincoln Av.to Carabridge Av. and constructing storm water drain on an easawunt to be obtained, 12 ft. in widt the,canter line of which is a line between a point on the east line of Amherst Av. 9 ft. south of the southerly line of lot 14, blk.6 MELCalester Park, p .a uth of: and a pint on the west line of the, north and south elle 22 Yt.so .l ine lot 14 b ► k. Maaal61 +ha csf Park _ Boutiterly under Preliminary Oeder-approved May 16th 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' ;.. ,.: amu, ' t t, a;:,;;meat' ', ,.r,. r, ._... r✓crxn; :. _ ihL -- - ilce.a.,.; 11- ": f,,, 3a°. Crew oted Brick laid :,saha'_t or --- Paving Blocks flat _S,)-:l-alt 1'oncr. Concrete -.,,.n, are as touows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Escegt...ea$.t._170.35. feet)_- _ . 1_ 7 Elmer.- Morrassin's.He 4, r f470 �- - 44lso that art OfL lot Blk, b, MacalaSter Park,; lying: weft- i arrangement -of part of of a Tino,drawnfrom a point E on the; north line of said to , I MaoaleeParJc ;(60 V47 from."the~northwest corner ther$oI, to .`-.�o t__on �._. _: _ _ _ _ _-- _ - sollt$198$tc2l1eP J -- _- _ _ ._ _(Except vtest . 0._.feet;:.. .... . ....: 2, 7 do �...63oo. .:.- 5 6 Macalester Park 4150.. 6 6 do 14400. (Except south 20 feet) 7 6 " 5175• TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Ojr CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ - South 20 feet of 7 6 Macalester Park 8200 3 ofdatlinepdrawnffrom a'point on th®east line thereof 60 ft) roteteeeclinr toapinonhwste 42 feet from the southwest corner of block 6 (That part of lot 9, lying 6 do 725 (northerly of a line drawn ` from a point on the northj the (line, 103.75 ) (northwest corner to a point ) (on the west line, 14.75 ft. ) from said northwest corner; also that part of lot 8,1ying south of a line drawn from a point on the east line, 60 ft.� from the southeast corner to a point on the west line, ) (42 feet from the southwest ) (corner of said lot 8 (Commencing at a point on the ) do 5350 west line of lot 9, 14.75 ft. ) from the northwest co-rner ) thereof, thence south along ) said west line 40.25 feet, ) (thence east parallel to ) (north line of said lot to ) (Cambridge Ave. thence to the ) .(northeast corner of said lot, ) (thence along the north line ) (to a point 103.95 feet from (the aforesaid northwest eor., ) (thence southwest to beginn- (ing Part of lot 9, block 6 9 6 do 4350' That part of lyingg south of a line drawn parallel to north line there- of from a point on west line 55 feet from northwest cor- (ner of said lot 9, block 6 (Except south 50 feet) E.1/2 of 11 6 do 4000. _(North 54 feet of Dranger Place !250- 12 6 Macalester Park ( Except south 4 feet TOTAL 66Q0. (The following part of 14 6 7300. Beginning at a point on the j east line of said lot, 40 ft, north from the southeasterly ) corner, thence .westerly to a (point on the west line, 43.25 ) (feet north from the southwest-) erly corner, thence northerly al3ng the westerly line, 50 ft. thence easterly to a pDit Din on aforesaid east line, 80 ft.) from southeasterly corner, tthenee southerly along said ) (easterly line, 40 ft.to beg. ) (All that part of 14 6 do 7100. (lying northerly of a line j (drawn from a point on the (westerly. line of said lot, ) ((93.25feet from the south - we a t outh-west corner thereof, to a ) (point on easterly line, 80 ) (feet from the southeasterly ) corner. Also t e South 10 .of the West 5 ft.of L.2 (Blk.7, Elmer & MOrrisons.Rearr. 1,034 , 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. - -- - --� 191 ✓ Commissioner of Fi-1- 1'nrm R. R. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL j DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (.C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - - �3 6 Macalester Park 6275-. (South 1/2 of 13 6 do 5475` (North 1/2 of 14 6 do 5025 - (All that part of (lying southerly Of fonline ) drawn from a point, westerly line, 43.25 feet northerly from the southwest corner=thereof, to a point on the eaBterlY line, on Cor.) from the southeasterly Also the vacated alley ) (adjoining on south (The following part of 14 6 7300. Beginning at a point on the j east line of said lot, 40 ft, north from the southeasterly ) corner, thence .westerly to a (point on the west line, 43.25 ) (feet north from the southwest-) erly corner, thence northerly al3ng the westerly line, 50 ft. thence easterly to a pDit Din on aforesaid east line, 80 ft.) from southeasterly corner, tthenee southerly along said ) (easterly line, 40 ft.to beg. ) (All that part of 14 6 do 7100. (lying northerly of a line j (drawn from a point on the (westerly. line of said lot, ) ((93.25feet from the south - we a t outh-west corner thereof, to a ) (point on easterly line, 80 ) (feet from the southeasterly ) corner. Also t e South 10 .of the West 5 ft.of L.2 (Blk.7, Elmer & MOrrisons.Rearr. 1,034 , 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. - -- - --� 191 ✓ Commissioner of Fi-1- 1'nrm R. R. 12 J ' �1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 8 1923 June 6, 1925.___191 ---------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45838 -approved_-_Mag 16� 1923191relative to ---having, grading _and_ storm_ water drain,_ Alley _in Rlook _6 -_______________ Macalester Parks Block 7t Elmer_& Morrison's Rearrangement and_______ -------- Dg's Place ------------------------- ran-er-.------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---------------, and the total cost thereof is $-__--__-__-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. oAD f Cijuutmissinner grit Mallette, ideputg (&nmmioinner wimilit J. peter, Bepartment of nblat ork city of -*xint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. A95'T EF CHIENGINEER ♦�� G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKH.U9E G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANU Cl- PLANNING ENGINEER June lst, 1933 Mr. Wm. J. peter, Commissioner of Public Works 4 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary e�iteBlook g, of cost for the paving, grading and storm water drain r emea and Macalester Park, Block 7 Elmer & Morrisons gas connections from Dranger'e Place, In nes sewer, water and gas street mains to property lines complete, where not alreadheze�®, also ourbing and Paving alley and driveway approaches, necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F: X45838, approved May 16, 19232 Length 667' Roadway 18' Street 16' Fsohtgge 1347' engt Bricks laid Asphalt oz Concrete 3} creosoted flat A halt Conor. Pavi block Per eq. yd. 5.93 5.13 4.10 3.08 Total 7,032.98 6072.33 4863.60 3653.88 (b)front foot 5.31 4.51 3.61 2.71 Added to above estimates Additional escavatioa X434.00 Drainage 168000 W9od headers Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Commissi�Z&eWorks tt- Pe.ul, P'inn., April. 13th,19f3....... 191... c,tae Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Linn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property o-gnars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follo.-,ir.� irlprovement to be made: Gradin, & Pawing -of -the .a� 1e z . in .t>> otic L .of.i.'c c e 1 is ter. Parra. �OCItionto. .the "i't•3'• Of• `:t-: ­;-y:ixtending from -the -bounc-'r•7f- 1?� to Cambridge -ve, see 1 plat t^,QQheC e ''t' L'-nc�1n. at. Ave. ... . . . .. . . . .... trfl::,Y . .......... .. . .... . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . 3±111--% AM; Pi E __� LCT � BL•�OCF._�_=.�LI'PIOIi cer3i ter .Park: " idition r s. ... ...........x.�.;. �.....� ` ........ ........... a. ,may. .,.. ... 9... ....... ........ r.... ....... Y 1 ........... �. . r _ 3 n7 u I Af fioM r d .roperty G mors on .ler retition 1 ' on Petion II A r.Fay On ti On petition -` t �`r Le�,lond fir.-!olfor Lr, Johnson ®O 4 ?,r,7rais petition ;sr.Thorson On Pe rir.Jensen On retition Ilk Mir. Jargo On petition Vr.GroneTold On Petition T.:rs.?-icolin On $etition Pars Stone c 1 ;x i rr COUNCIL7 •' CITY OF ST. PAUL F; NO.__. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.......... PRESENTED BY COM AJ ISS I ONER.-_....._.._.____. .._... ...... _.......... .._. RESOLVED i, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement the lr the land nAllleeyysinyBlockfor s60 Macalesteecuts Park, Block 7a Elmer ,railing er's place, from Lincoln & Morrison's Rearrangement and Drang Ave. to Cambridge Ave. and constructing storm water drain On an easement to be obtained 12 ft. in width, the center line of which is a line between a point on the ®act Block 6,�Ma.calesterst . 9ft. south of the southerly like of lot elnorth and south alley Park and a point . C. F. Nb. 47051—f Block 6 Macaleat BT an n tak- of 14, ' 1B, 1923 12 ft• e0uth Of In the m tter oe conaethe la approved May !ng n ement in the lana fllisein 39, aPP1923. Park. ander Prel finny for sln ot'Allevcin sionk s. Ma-prOved Jun@ 18, and the grad lag ,lock 7. 8111, & Intermediary ,jester Park. Drnn- norrtsone gfaonanFeme 1 Ave [o submitted gar's Place, ?nnco The Co Cnmhriage Ave a ca ementt°'irks having lwater aratn nn an the ce_. be it his report and p n: fts tnaw� re betwe . 'W",_ the east line of Am south or the ...the „�t� pain fixes and RESOLVED: Tla, 'IntB`onkthe wecale determines the amount asOuIline tl or c tstandafillsn n� improvement as an ease- as Park, block 7, Elmer and upon alley in block 6, & Morriso�'s Rearrangement and Dranger' s Place, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached matt to the report of the Commissioner of public Works in the matter, dated July 14, 1923 which plan and report are hereby rred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Peas ays v Clancy t Ferguson blcllonald _ _ In favor Peter Against Wenzel v Mr. President .adopted by the Council '/ y� Approv192---3 - — ......... ... .y`� _ MAYOR �'lHr(yl'JJv TIT MT TSHEH — �� it3illiam $, �3eter, (�ammissinner Iric tiialiette, Urputu eammissiauer �e ttriaueui of Public Iffurks (aitU of Saint Paul M. S. GRYT AK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A, BSHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. P.. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning, and taking an easement In the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Alley inng block 6, lt<acalester Park, Block 7, Amer & Morrison's Are r= construct ng stars water �drain.onfrom nanle sementoto be ridge obtained 13 ft. in width, the center line of which is aline between a point on the east line of Amherst Ave. 9 ft. south of the somberly line of Lot 14, Block 6, macalester Park and a point on the west line of the north and south alley 12 ft -south of the southerly line of lot 14, block 6, Macalester Park, -i Order Preliminary Order #45839, approved 5-16-$3. 32 Intermapprovedia-i8�8.'ier To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul: X 6 The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above Improve- ment showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property$ and by the hatched portion -the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such Plan- Ca=—LlAoner of PtblicTO-r-9- July 14, 1923. CITY OF BT. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF, COM �IONER OF FINANCE_ °1 //� R ON PREL IIN RY ORDER ` _9 (A) it T� In them:atter.of Condetnnina and talung an ea errant in the land neo aaary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading and paving alley in blk 6 Macalester Park, Blk.7, Elmer & Morrison's Hearrangemsnt and Dranger's Place from Lincoln Av.to Cambridge Av. and constructing storm water drain on an easement to be obtained, 12 ft--.-in- width t.inwidth the center line of which is a line between a point on the east line of Amherst_Av_.__9 ft. South ofthe southerly line of lot 14 blk. 6 Macalester Park and a point on the west line of the north and south alley 12 ft. south of the southerly line of lot 14, blk. 6 Macalester Park under Preliminary Order approved May lb, 1 jp--=---- - - - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 20-00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except East 170.35 feet) 1 7 Elmer & Morrison's He- 4So. (also that part of Lot 4, Blk, ) (6, Macalester Park, lying west)) arrangement of part of of a line drawn from a point on the north line of said lot,) Macalester Park. (60 ft.from the northwest eor. ) (thereof to a point on the (south line, 44 feet from the ) Y(southwest corner (Except West 90 feet) 2 7 do 6300- 5 6 Macalester Park 4150. 6 6 do 14400. (Except south 20 feet) 7 6 It5175•. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM�SIONER OF FINANCE I � ON PRE .. "NARY ORDER LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION South 20 feet of7 6 (and that part of Lot 8, north) ofa line drawn from a point ) on the east line thereof )) 60 feet from the southeast ) cor.to a point on the west line 42 feet from the south- ) west corner of Blk. 6 That part of lot 9, lying ) 6 northerly of a line drawn ) from a point on the north 3 line, 105.75 feat from the northwest corner o a point j on the west line, 14.75 feetS from said northwest corner; �also that part of lot S,lying) �outh of a line drawn from a (point on the east line, 60 ft; (from the southeast corner ) to a point on the west line, (42 feet from the southwest ) (corner of said lot 8 Commencing at a point on the west line of lot 9, 14.75 ft. from the northwest corner thereof, thence south along said west line 40.25 feet, thence east parallel to ) north line of said lot to ) camoridge Ave. thence to the northeast corner of said lot,) thence along the north from ) line to a point 103.95 ) the aforesaid nbrthwest cor.,) thence southwest bltck6 beginning) 'partof ADDITION Macalester Park cr. do ASSESSED VALUATION 8200. 7825. 5350 GThatpart of 9 6 do 4350. lying south of a line drawn ) parallel to north line there -t of from a point on west line) 55 feet from northwest cor- ner of said lot 9, RE11 6 uO Except South 50 feet) 4000. East 1/2 of 1250. Dr anger Place (North 54 feet of 6600. (Except so. 4 feet) 12 6 Macalester Park TOTAL (Beginning at a point on the ) (east line of said lot, 40 ft. (norta from the southeasterly ) corner, thence westerly to a (point on the wast line, 43.25 (feet north from the southwest- erly corner,thence northerly along the westerly line, 50 ft, thence easterly to a point) on aforesaid east line, 60 ft. from southeasterly corner, thence southerly along said easterly line, 40 €t.to beg. ) All that part of 14 6 do 7100. lying northerly of a line arawn =rom a point on the westerly line of said lot, 93.25 feet from the south- ) west corner thereof, to a )) point on easterly line, 60 ft.from the southeasterly ) corner. Also the south 10 ft.of the west 45 ft.of L.2 ) B1k.7,Elmer & Morrisons Rear_.) 1,034. 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f r� Dated / Cd7s+nlissioaer of Pin.ncr. Fn B. B. 12 L i a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM3LSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRIVEI'MNARY ORDER .1 (C) ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADD ASSESSED VALUATION (South 1/2 of 13 6 Ilacalester Park 6275• (North 1/2 of 13 6 do 5475• (All that part orf 14 6 do 5025 lying southerly of a line drawn from a point on the (westerly line, 43.25 feet (northerly from the southwest (corner thereof, to a point ) on the easterly line, 40 ft. from the southeasterly corner, (Also the vacated alley ) (adjoining on south) (The following part of 14 6 do 7300. (Beginning at a point on the ) (east line of said lot, 40 ft. (norta from the southeasterly ) corner, thence westerly to a (point on the wast line, 43.25 (feet north from the southwest- erly corner,thence northerly along the westerly line, 50 ft, thence easterly to a point) on aforesaid east line, 60 ft. from southeasterly corner, thence southerly along said easterly line, 40 €t.to beg. ) All that part of 14 6 do 7100. lying northerly of a line arawn =rom a point on the westerly line of said lot, 93.25 feet from the south- ) west corner thereof, to a )) point on easterly line, 60 ft.from the southeasterly ) corner. Also the south 10 ft.of the west 45 ft.of L.2 ) B1k.7,Elmer & Morrisons Rear_.) 1,034. 25 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f r� Dated / Cd7s+nlissioaer of Pin.ncr. Fn B. B. 12 L i a �a REC VEC • , Office of the CommiAner of Public Works s Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 8 1923 June 6, 1923.____191 — To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 46838 approved__May 16, _1923 ---- 191___, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, f=_.cuta_and _fills--in--grading--and-}xiv-in$-allay-in--K&ak--.;--Maaai$sfit&r-- Park, Block 7, Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement and Dranger's Place from Lincoln Ave. to Cambridge_Ave.- and _ooni�truy_tjAQ_�t9JCIIt drain on an easement to be obtained 12 3t. in width, the center line of which is a line between a point on the east line of Amherst Ave. 9-It-.--evath-vf-the--southery-i-ina-o-f- -Lot -34 --- Bla6k--6; 76e6Bl68'Ger gases -- &,a point on the west line of the north & eouth alley 12 ft. south of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: the ally line of Lot 14, 191k. 6, Maoslester Pk. 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_------, and the total cost thereof is $__ gxv ----- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO......_._ ...__....... `� j p g •-:a �r By.._._. ........ ..... ................... _.. _.................._..._... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....c.l_u"ii- LR. G.�. � :.._�.:SJ 1, 7.�.... -�. >>._ C:......._�. •,a 3 o-'{. ..... �. .. 4 .Cl.� 6J..... ..z�:A,9n .��7 ._...b.11 -e �z.te t Y.... .� o ..�,:� �t;w;.--;ra1�_L�� �... :. ::�cz<s..i.:c :ifoc., -i:� w.,.-•',i.ts 11 u ------- .--- ..._................. C- F. No. 47052— In the Matter oY changing the brie, � - _. j 1026il ... - of Hyacinth St. from Greenbrier A ..- --- ... .. .approved r to Arcade -St. to conform to the ed' 'line on the. Proale hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present _ ...approved -..---. ....- .. established grade being shown by n"-""-" -"-'-- ---- blue line thereon, also grading sa� Hyacinth St. between the nforesal0een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having limits'to the sats red line when .� tablished, under rrenminary oand recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; 45861 pproved Ma red 17. 1923. A! public hearing having been, — upon the above improvement do.notice. persons.andtobjectionshe -Couneil heardalan a cn a relative tnerect lice.4i'll"il of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Improve - fully considered the' ' bit ,- - meat toe ...... � d City is tai �.. i ' IIh...: C•_-=' .v 2. F v . a .a„tvc= ;ra is _L�__le; o: =so. e 4._., Tl... �. -r L, - ! a i.,i �, 0 1o1A 0. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _.__._ .... _._City Clerk. - _. IJl.._..-. y ........... Mayor. Councilman .Trif3F5i3r� °==cT Councilman t7S5?:x '' .'t ` U30:- 1 "- 0 Councilman lkelantt I Councilman x .ut ouneilman• > c ', VPp t er Councilman ,/VTenzel Mayor DWK Nelson F,�rm B. ti. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE w, REPORT OF COMMISSION.0% OF FINANCE of-,^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In thematterof- changing_.The _-gra f Hyacinth st from Greenbrier Ave. to Arcade $t, to conform to the red line on the profile attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereof also_grading. maid Hyacinth Sti betrveen the of^reaaid liuita to the Baid red line when___—_ esterDlisiied - - "''-- CJ under Preliminary Order approved May 17th 1923 ------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is S 883$ 05 The estimated cost per/foot-for the above improvement is $ 3-95 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION VALUATION 10 3) Oakville Park 11 35 do 2450. 12 3 " 2625 13 3 a 250. 14 3 175• �5 3 " 100. 16 3 " 100. 17 3 " -75• 1a 3 " 75• 11 2 " TOTAL. 125. F.— B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .O REPORT OF COMMISSIOr4W OF FINANCE �~ ON PRELIMINARY' ORDER (B) ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 2 Oakville Park 1600. 13 2 do 100. 14 2 " 100. 15 2 " 100. 16 2 " 100. 17 2 " 875- 18 2 " 125. 19 2 " 50- 20 2 " 50- 10 1 ^ 50- 11 1 " 50- 12 1 50- 13 1 " 50. u 14 1 50- 15 1 " 75- 16 1 " 75- 17 1 " 125. i$ 1 1750- 9 4 3�5• g 4 " 1125- 7 4 " 300- 6 4 175• 5 4 " 925• 4 4 " 100. 3 4 75- 2 4 75• 1 4 " TOTAL 75• �m (C) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS19N. R OF FINANCE 14� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 5 Oakville Park 9 5 do 8 5 " 7 5 " 6 5 " 5 5 " 45 " 3 5 " 2 5 n 1 5 n 9 6 II 6 6 " 7 6 " 6 6 " 5 6 " 4 6 " 3 6 " 2 6 " 1 6 " ASSESSED VALUATION 75• 75• 75• 75• 100. 125. 1050. 850. 150. 150. 75• 75• 75• 75• 1125- 300. 3200. 2700. 2925. 27800. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ _-- _— _-_191 Cam mlaw suer of I+inencr. F— 11. B. 12 w t, Cy. 4 x. u Mr. Ne J. PeUrs, Commissioner of Public Works, St• Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned property owners on Waointh Street between Arcade and Greenbrier Ave. do respectfully petition the City 00=011 of St. Paul for the issuance of the necessary orders to *hangs the established grade of Hyacinth Street between Greenbrier and Arcade as may be recommended by the City Engineer; and also petition that the necessary orders be issued for the grading of Hyacinth Street between Arcade and Greenbrier. The immediate grading of this street is a public necessity - Firsts For the reason that there are now thirteen residences on Hyacinth Street between the poLnts referred to who cannot be accorded sewer, water or gas facilities. Second: Grading of this street will improve the property immediately tributary to it which is of no value at the present time owing to the lack of the - facilities mentioned above. The improvement will result in making the property adjacent to this street desirable residential property owing to its proximity to the new S. A. Farnsworth School, and will result undoubtedly in the erection of a number of new residences, thereby increasing taxable property in the City of St. Paul* Thirds For the reason that the new S. A. Farnsworth School now serves the dis- trict located west of Arcade Street as far as Edgerton Street, and school children attending the S. A. Farnsworth School are forced to use Como Phalon Avenue to reach Arcade Street, or to use Hawthorne Street to reach the new school, either Of these routes to the new school is circuitous and unneoedsary, and forces children to use Arcade Street for a distance of four blocks via Como-Phslon Ave.. or three blocks via Hawthorne Street. Arcade Street is one of the heaviest automobile streets in the city, and tha danger of injury or death to such children by use of Arcade Street must be apparent* Grading of Hyacinth Street will only necessitate the crossing of Arcade Street at the intersection with Hyacinth Street; and with pr5per traffic regulations at that corner the danger to the school children will be minimized. Your petitioners also request that the proposal to grade Hyacinth Street to Arcade to a point 202 feetX&V of Arcade Street be abandoned and consolidated with this proposal to grade F$aointh Street from Arcade to Greenbrier, which NO understand is to be given consideration for the issuance of final orders on March 21st, 1925. Your petitioners believe that ` ranting of final orders for the grading of Hyacinth Street 202 feetf Arcade Street is a IQs amination against the balance of the property owners on Hyacinth Street of Greenbrier, and the granting of such final orders will serve no public purpose other than permitting residents adjacent to that portion of the street to SeWu ter, sewer and gas foul ties which are also necessary to the other owners ° of a point 202 fest of Arcade Street. Granting of the final order in the case referred to will in no way open up Hyacinth Street to the public generally, or assist in establishing thoroughfare to and from the new S. A. Farnsworth School. ONIPER LOT N0. amam NO. // - /z AL / P- s s . Office of the Commissioner of Pubic Report to Commissioner of Finance In 9 1926 June 8, 1923 191_ --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: had under consider The Commissioner of Public ation the Preliminary order of Works, having May 17. 1923 relative to 45861 _approved__-------- the Council, known as Council File No.------- change of grade ) the grading o3 x9&Ointh Street (including ______ ------------e --- rier_Avenue to 9rcade _Street-------------------------------------- ______________________ '--`-------- from Green b ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, and (or) desirable. 1, Said improvement is ---------- necessary 8836.05 $5.95 per front foot _ and the total cost thereof is $----------- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-----Frontage 2237 ft. __--__ --------------------- Inspection $175.50 s: rovement is as follow ----- and the nature and extent of said imp _ --------- --- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --- art hereof. I A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a p 4. -------------------------------------- - - — more owners of 5. Said improvement is___----- ------------- asked for upon petition of three or property, subject to assessment for said improvement.]// ommissioner of Public Works. Militant F¢t¢T, (Aanvnhniian¢T ATI¢ Mall¢tte, 3�¢}luty C�O111tttI5510n¢T Department of VOW lgjarkii (�itg of #aint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER. A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E.CARROLL. A. -T CHIEF ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER - June 7, 1925. Lir, Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Hyacinth Street (including change of grade) from Greenbrier Avenue to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46861, approved May 17, 1925: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - $8858.05 Per front foot - - - - - - - - 5.95 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 175.30 Frontage - - - - - -- - -- 2257 ft. Yours truly, Ch f Engineer. Approved: Commit i er of public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENOL NO•-. .. ./--_. --- OFFICE OF -THE CITY—CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _....._._ . _....__.__.-....._......... ... ._..........._. July �� lnna �PRESENTED BY DATE_ .......... ._...._ COMMISSIONER_..-..___. RESOLVED W In the matter of condemning and taking an easement In the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Hyacinth St. from Gr brier Ave. to Arcade St., under Preliminary Order O.F. 5 2,1approov�ed 9a, 17, 1983 and Intermediary Order C.F. #45561, approved June 19, 1933. /-5w The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter be it RESOLVED: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes for outs and fills in and upon Hyacinth St., between the points afore- said, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works.ln the matter, dated July 14, 1923 wKoh plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. 47063— In the matter of condemning and t¢k- fag easement,fn the land neces- i aryafor slopes, Yor cuts and all- in % the grading oY ,t. Arcade S.. from / preliminary Ave. r Arcado o. under approved X, I!, 9 •3 a d Interm3e i May, 17, diary O der C. I'. No. 46561, approved June 19, 192x3. The Cobmlttid his0repo blicnd plan ha •ing a I. rtes above atter be it I Resolved, determinles Cthe oamounta'd land to be tnlcen for the above named i slopeimprovementrtsns dN fill, ins app upon lop for ties en the Points 0 Hyacinth St•, aforesaid, to the xtent she up the plan attached to the pka ort Y the the Commissioner f Publ119Z3o hichaPlan matter, dated July 14. r and report a hereby referred to and made a part herooY. - 1923. APppovgd Julys2701923 July 27, (Aug. 4-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council... _...... -------- __....--- _---- 192...... Clancy Ferguson Approv.1192....-- _..... ..._-..._...._..... v lK McDonald __ In favor Matson MAYOR Peter __.-.... __Against Wenzel Mr. President Mill iam'tl. deter, eammissianer brie litullette, r3egutu (dammissianex Department of Public ]marks (tiiu of Saint flaul GRYTHAK, B E ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C A_ B, SHARP. 5 WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION w G. P. BOW LIN. SUPI'o.1 WOR--E G. H. HERR-, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE OOUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Byaointh at. from Greenbrier Ave. to Arowle St., tinder Pre- liminary Order C.F. #45683, approved May 17, 1933 and Inter- mediary Order C.F. #46561, approved June 19, 1933. To the Oouncil Of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Com Sonar of b o orke July 14, 1923 V CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN 1* ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof oondelnning and talon,, an easement in the land necessary for dopes for cuts and fills in the grading of 1t aclnth St from Greenbrier Ave.to Arcade St. ----- - _---__-- -- - under Preliminary Order approved ` May 17t1i 1923To the Council of the City of St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 100 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 Oakville Park 11 3 do 2450- 12 3 " 2625- 13 3 " 250- 14 3 175- 15 3 " 100. 16 3 100. 17 3 " 75• 1g 3 n 75- 11 2 " 125• Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. Q DESCRIPTION CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF INANCE REPORT OF COMM{SSI{IER OF FINAIJCF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 2 Oakville Park 13 2 do 14 2 ° 15 2 ° 16 2 ° 17 2 " 16 2 " 19 2 " 20 2 ° TO 1 ° 13 1 ° 14 1 " �5 1 n 16 1 " 17 1 " id 1 " 9 4 ° d 4 " 7 4 ° 6 4 " 5 4 , 4 4 ° 3 4 " 2 4 " 1 4 °. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 16o0.. 100. 100. 100. 100. $75• 125. 50• 50. 50. 50. 50- 50. 50- 75- 75. 125. 1750. 3;'•5- 1125. 300- 175. 925• 100. 75- 7-5- 75- y- '¢' (C) DESCRIPTION CITY OF�ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSARNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 5 Oakville Park 9 5 do 8 5 " 7 5 6 5 " 5 5 " 4 5 n 3 5 2 5 n 1 5 9 6 n S 6 " 7 6 n 6 6 " 5 6 " 4 6 " 3 6 " 2 6 " 1 6 " ASSESSED VALUATION 75- 75-- 75. 75• 100. 125. 1050. 650. 150. 150- 75. 75• 75• 75- 1125. . 300• 3200. 2700. ?925- 27800. 925. 27800. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. f Dated_ Cnm mm/sine mance. F— P. U. 12 / ' 1, Office of the Commissioner of Public Worksfg �® 3 Offic,,,,i la:' =- � � w �5,8 • 44 lit a Report to Commissioner of Finance •; ra Ot t� JUN, 193 June 8, 1923 191____ ------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46862 Mag 172-19 - 23 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.__ ---approved______ condemning and taking- an easement in the land necessary for ----------- ------------------------------------------- alopeat_for outs and fills in the grading_o_Hacinth_Street_--_-_____ from- Greenbrier_Avenue_ to_Aroade _5_ree__________________ -------------- ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is v--- 7[XX= ---. and the total cost thereof is $------- XXX ----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ///� o - -----------1 _ fid--- -- ------ missioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO... By._ ........ __ ...... ... ..... --- -- --- ... .. . FINAL ORDER v In the Matter of__WPdJ e.,� in. r 5. recj_ lineon also .. bu1c],in-'s .,�rqj_ .,f.rc;-,.. . ....i ...... tQ 1). a obtainad oil thl-.._,este.r.1...1.O...f.o-ut af Lat !.dditicn. ..... ..... C. F. No. 47054— roved _ay. ........... ............... In the Matter of grading 5 2. Sargent's Addition 0.1.3 . ...... . �'app ............. ... approved 'a 0 at "Yr',. from Pas AlbertAve., 1. secordane 4 hl-, b v a r pr to at,.. 1) ro t he" a. itrt or a'.. "all g M the e din )m the 4p. been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having true to Sargent Ave be obtained on the westerly 10 feet of recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ..%Bl;;�k I Sargent'.SIr..-l'. Addition. in Yj��t I V n Proved Yh29, 1923* Order 46051 ap- p.�' hearing having) been 'had -P.n the above the of 'clue ..tl­. and the Provernen t. upo�,,cil the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve heard all persons. �bi-C ­ndatr, ra�,e i-l1ey ii T-loCk..2, t i Q:1 9' to be madWby the.Said City is -C P 3 ro, i,a Sc"A to _.•-. jj),� �,t__-,.v.e., q C�.Q. Q Q li t ,,ej.o 5tac..�-edi t.. .. hereof; ;rade o,:n 1by a re:. . ............................... ....... ..... also Imlildi allel,_ to Sa, _Q to be obtaine.d.. on Llae. st.erLg -Lo ion, f Let a.,� e�., t and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordanep therewith Adopted by the Couneil 91 i City Clerk. Approved 191 . ..... Mayor. �i�iClllancilinan 3UtK4W61UX1/ lancy ,'Councilman MOCOUX ',/Peter Councilman 7k'UKAM±4tXo n z 1',;_ ii. S. A. 8 7, CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMV.-%SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Zt (A) In the matter of grading iLoy in BlOQb Z+s"T�'nt�s Adcii ion, and Block 3. Midway Park, from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., in accordance with grade shown by a red line on profile hereto attached and made a part hereof; also build--_. ing a drain from the alley to Sargent Avenue on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 feet of Lot 18 Block 2, Sargent's Adnition -- under Preliminary Order approved April 29Lp, 1923 _-" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 893.16 front 0.75 The estimated cost p4� foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Sargents Addition 650- 2 2 do 600. 3 2 a 550- 4 2 a 300- 5 2 a 250- 6 2 a 150- 7 2 a 100. 8 2 n 100. 9 2 n 100. 10 2 n 100. Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. - --- 41350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--.__--._--. -------- 191- / mmiesioner of Finance. Parra B. B. 12 l - CITY OF 8T. PAUL • A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COM=�SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PhEL INARY ORDER (C) 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 Sargents Addition 150- 12 2 do 3250- 13 2 " 400. 14 2 2775- 15 2 " 2650- 16 2 " 2900. 17 2 n 27",()- 18 2 500- 19 2 " 550• (All of 20 and west 1/2 of 21 2 ° $25' (East 1/2 of 21 & all of 22 2 " 4800' (All of 1 & (Exo.W.30 feet) 2 3 Midway Park, St. Paul 750, (West 30 feet of 2 & E.20 ft -of 3 3 (10 4400. (West 20 feet of 3 and all of 4 3 ° 3525- 5 3 " 3675- 6 3 " 3400. 7 3 600. S 3 " Goo. 41350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--.__--._--. -------- 191- / mmiesioner of Finance. Parra B. B. 12 l - Office of the ComnA. P Toner of Public' '3 Report to Commissioner of Finance s=.,,,,,,,,,,,��'� JUN 13 1928 - June 12, 1925.____ 191-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._4601---- approved-_ Msy_ 29 r_ 1923---191_--, relative to the ad of Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition, and Block 3, --- ------------------------------- Midway Park, from Paecal Ave. to -- -- Albert Ave., - also building a drain - ------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- - ------- from --- from the alley to Sargent Avenue on an easement to be obtained on the ---- �I(l�ly 1ZT 3'i• Or-T,03'i-TB- -$lOGrk-z -s8,pgeStFEr -AddSt`10it-------------------------- and ------------------ --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 0.75 per front ft. 893.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-__---------, Inspection $17.51 Frontsge 1202 fto and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition 'of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mmissioner of Public Works. William 31. Peter, (Qnmmissianer lrie Mallette, 3ite}�utg (¢ummissianer apartment of pubfir Warkii (pity of r5aint Paul ` M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER GEO� eE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. A5— CHIEF ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER June 9, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for thb grading of Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition, and Block 3, midway Park, from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., also building a drain from the alley to Sargent Avenue on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 feet o3 Lot 18, Block 2, Sargent's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66061, approved May 29, 1923: Estimated Cost - - - - - - $893.16 Per front foot - - - - - - 0.76 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1202 ft. Inspection - - - - - - $17.51 Yours truly, ie Engineer. Approved: Comm r o �blic Works. St Paul, Mina, July lo,, 1923 To'the City of St Paul:— A notice has reached us that the alley in Block 2 Sargent Addition and Block 3 Midway Park Addition, from Pascal to Albert possi:ly to be drained and graded, said notice ©ailed July 3rd, and hearing set for July 14, and since postponed to July 16th. 1Ve the undehsianed property owners in block affected, wish to object to the proposition, inasmuch as the improvement will in no way affect the value of our property, but will be solely to the advantage of only a part of the residents of the block. tie believe that a municipal improvement should be such, if every property owner pays for it, that each owner should share in the benefits derived, and we firmly believe that this proposed grading and draining will affect only certain ones, anal be of as little benefit to us as if in a distant part of the city, whiLe the cost of '/i cents a front foot is a considerable one. Hoped:- >� cln of ST. awuL DEPARTMEN OF�INANCE REPORT OF COMM1 '8NER OF FINANCE •- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Sargents Addition and Blk 3 Midway Park from In the matterofrade allPv in Blk.2 Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave. in accordance with grade shown by a red line on profile hereto attached and made a part hereof; also building—a drain from -- the alley to Sargent Ave. on an easement to be obtained on_the -westerly 10 feet of Lot 5 Block 2 Sargents Addition under Preliminary Order approved April 24,1923 -- - -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 893,16 front The estimated cost perhoot for the above improvement is .75 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as. last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Sargents Addition 650- 2 2 do 600 3 2 do 550- 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 250 6 2 do 150 7 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do 100 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 'cl of senuL D EPARTMEN"Ij O OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM* S!§IONER OF FINAWE ONPRELIMINARYORDER "ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 Sargents Addition 150- 12 2 do 3250 13 2 do 400 14 2 do 2775 �5 2 do 2650 16 2 do 2900 �7 2 do 2700 19 2 do 500 �9 2 do 550 All of 20 & W-2' of 21 2 do 925 East 2 of 21 & all of 22 2 do 4800 All of 1 and (Exc.w.20') 2 3 Midway Park, St.Paul,Minn. 750 W-30' of 2 & E.20' of 3 3 do 4400 W.20' of 3 & all of 4 3 do 3525 5 3 do 3675 6 3 do 3400 7 3 do 600 g 3 do 600 41,350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Forks. Dated- r' _I�J1 � � Conimiseioner of Finance. Perm R. It. 12 St, Paul, Minn.,_.— ....... .............. 192.1— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petit I ion your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .............................. St. Ave. from............................................................. t. Ave. • �)fiice of the Commissioner of Public Works ECEt ED d Report to Commissioner of Finance b°" "=3 May 9, 1923 Of.". 101923 --------------------------- -191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45346 approved__ April 24, 1920 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- -------------- ----- 191___, relative to theradin of Alley in Block 2,__5arGent's Add. -an d 3?ei 1ock_, idway _ _Park,_from_Pascal_hya._to_Alher �Ys.,_silso_building-a-dxein _fr M-1.he a11e�_ to_ Sar ent__,ve. _on _an_eas, m nt__to__be _obtained_on_w'ly_ 10_ ft. of Lot 5, Block 2, 3argent's Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot 893.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-_--__-__---, Frontage 1202 ft. Inspection ;1.7.51 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. missio __ of Public Works. i#tilliam �1. deter. (�ummissinner � �Jxie �Ululleite, i�eputg �mmnissinner Department of pnblu 39orko (pity of 1*uint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL. A95T CHIEF ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER may 7, 1923. 1.1r. Vim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Vlorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 2, sargent's Addition and Block 3, Midway Park from Pascal Ave. to Albert nve., also building a drain from the alley to sargent Ave. on an easement to be obtained on the westerly 10 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Sargent's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45346, approved April 24, 1923: Estimated Cost, -"'ut z"nder9 - $693.16 Per front foot - - - - - - - - .75 Inspection - - - - - - - - -- 17.51 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1202 ft. Yours truly:, Chief 1'ngineer. Approved for transmission to the ion f Finance. Comm*=21 Commies o er of Public ,'forks. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL F0E""`No._11VV �/ l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :11_ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.- July 14-3 19$$.. . In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement In the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the 1rading of Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition and Block 3, Midway Park from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45347, approved April 24, 1923 and Intermediary Order C.F. #48527, approved June 18, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter be it RESOLVED: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon Alley in Block 2, Sargent's Addition and Block 3, Midway Park, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 14, 1983_ which plan andsenort are hereby referred to and made a pai C. F. No. 47055—By W. J. Peter— In the matter of condemning and tak- i ng an easement in the land n s - sary for slopes. for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Bloclt 2, Sar - gent's Addition and Block 3, And - way Park from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. No 45347, approved April 24. 1923 and Intermediary Order C. F. No. 46527, approved June'18, 1923. The Commissloner of Public Works having submitted his report. and, plan In the above matter be -it Resolved. That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount f land to be taken for the above named Improvement as 8R easement for elope., for outs and fills In and upon Alley In Block 2, Sargent's Addition and Block 3, Midway Park, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of .the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 14, .1933, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. ApprovedJuly 18. 1923. (July 28-1923) COUNCILME Yeas N a.vs ✓ Clancy sO° 1 Mepe _] r r' In favor i Matson Peter _ -. IN Against Wenzel MrY(_ President .adopted I)v the Couneil Approved 192192_..-. / ......... .... - ..-MAYOR u>41 Q William sl. Parr, (jamta4ssianer �xie i�alleYtr, 1�epatu (�au►missianer public Barks wEvFirtYUEI�t of p . CUP of Saint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER RBPOBT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning, and taking an easement is the land necessary for slopes, for outs and. fills is grading the Alley in Block 8, Sargent's Addition and Block 3, Midway Park from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., under Preliminary. Order g. F. #45347, approved April 84, 1983 and Intermediary Order C.F. X48587, approved June 18, 1933. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and made® a part of this, his report,a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. o ioner of ubio or e. July 14, 1923 OInY C - AUL 1 DEPARTME FINANCE \ REPORT OF COMMI NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 4� In fhe matter of condemning and taking an as ement in the land necessary Fdr— — — — slopes for outs and fills in grading the alley in block 2 Sargents Adu:tion and block 3 Midnay Park from Pascal Ave.to Albert Ave. - under Preliminary Order approved April 24th 1923 — - -.- -- -- — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for -the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Sargents Addition 650- 2 2 do 600. 3 2 n 550- 4 2 n 300- 5 2 n - 250- 6 2 n 150- 7 2 n 100. S 2 n 100. 9 2 n 100. 10 2 " 100. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - 6 dITY O 9T. PAUL _ DEPART? Ef• ' OF-FINANCE40 ■ FatEPORT OF COMP,414SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Sargents Addition do n n n n n n Midway Park, St. Paul do n 9 n ASSESSED VALUATION 150- 3250. 400. 2775- 2650- 2900. 7752650.2900. 2700. 500. 550- 925. 49oo. 750• 4400. 3525 3675 .. 3400. 600. Goo. 41350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. t Dated-_ - -_- -- -----191 nm ml 5lnncr of H'innnce. Fmm B. B. 12 44� 11 2 12 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 2 17 2 19 2 19 2 (All of 20 and west 1/2 of 21 2 (East 1/2 of 21 & all of 22 2 (All of 1 & (Exe-W.30 feet) 2 3 (West 30 feet of 2 & E.20 ft -of 3 3 (West 20 feet of 3 and all of 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 9 3 Sargents Addition do n n n n n n Midway Park, St. Paul do n 9 n ASSESSED VALUATION 150- 3250. 400. 2775- 2650- 2900. 7752650.2900. 2700. 500. 550- 925. 49oo. 750• 4400. 3525 3675 .. 3400. 600. Goo. 41350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. t Dated-_ - -_- -- -----191 nm ml 5lnncr of H'innnce. Fmm B. B. 12 44� rR noueaa No._....---- --- CITY OF ST. PAUL Flea '"-"- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 18, 1923. BYIE.___...__..____......_..__.._...._........._ DATE._.............._..__....._.._.....Y, RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer Ave.on tortheonorth dand south alley12 feet in tin Block extending6,, Macal�t er Paack, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 45837, approved May 16, 1923, and Intermediary Order 0. F• #46530, approved June 18, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Worms navw,g submitted his report and plan in the above matter, bA, 1t_ — _. r^4 NO, c��� oP St. Paul fixes C. F. Ivo na That the City In the pt6fr of condemning and tak-b'wv+�f iag-an easement for constructing -and nes the amount Of laud t0 be taken for maintaining a publle sewer, oa a strip of isad I2 feet to width extend- arced im rovement to be as fo Owe: ing from Amherst Ave. to the north P and south alley 1nBlock 6, Maealea- ter Park, under Preuminary Order C. F. 46837, approved Etay 16, 1923. strding ip of land 12 feet in width erten and Intermediary Order C. F. No. 46530, uppro ed erne I Public ZYorke t Ave. t0 the north and south alley 111 Book Having ubmltted �h(s report ane plan �r Park, the center line of which is a line 1q [he above matter, 4e;it p_ -.�ot on the easterly line of Amherst Ave. Resolved. That tFr - axes and dan. '"ebv.th of the southerly line of hot 14, line o , ]and to i. s., .i i fnttut' mn ^:> Madaleater Park and a Point on the westerly line o the lien of Lot and south B1ock118Y 12 ft- eter Psoua the southerly COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ -...__In favor Matson Peter __-_Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_. _.192, 192 -- - i ' .. - MAYOwYOn iiafllium 1 j3der, commissioner Oris Mallette, DrPuiu Tnmmissiuner Department of Public Narks situ of Saint Paul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A. B, SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 12 feet in width extending from Amherst Ave. to the north and south alley in Block 6, Maoalester Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 46837, approved May 16, 1923, and Intermediary order C. F. #46530, approved June 18, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits an8 makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above:s improve- ment, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 12 feet in width extending from Amherst Ave. to the north and south alley in Block 6, Maoalester Park, the center line of which is a line between a point on the easterly line of Amherst Ave. 9 ft. south of the southerly line of Lot 14, Block 6, Macalester Park and a point on the westerly line of the north and south alley 12 ft. south of the southerly line of Lot 14, Block 6, ma.oaleater Park.. July 18, 1923. Comma ioner of Public Works. CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREIg MARY ORDER (D) ` In [be matter of condemning and tAking an easement for constructing and maintaining a 4 public sewer on a strip of land 12 feet in width extending from Amherst Ave. to the north and south alley in blk. 6 Macalester Park, the center line of which is a line between a point on the easterly line of Amherst Ave. 9 feet south of the southerly line of lot 14, blk. 6, Macalester Park, and a point on the westerly line of the north and south alley 12 feet south of the southerly line of lot 14 blk. 6 Macalester Park under Preliminary Order approved May 16th, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 1-D0 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I All that part of 14 6 Maoalester Park 5025•] i lying southerly oa line j drawn from a point on the westerly line, 43.25 feet northerly from the southwest corner thereof, to a point on the easterly line, 40 feet from the southeasterly corner, also the vacated alley adjoining on south .. TOTAL, 50125. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— - Commissioner of Finance. F— B. H. 13 ' • Office of the Comdssjioner of Public Works Er v -4>4 Report to Commissioner of Finance aar,v s ..19P23 June 6, 1923. - ------------------ To the the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46837 approved__ May -16, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.________ condemning and taking an easement for constructing'and maintaining a p_u_12��Q__s_@we_o_e_st�_of_land_Zz_ft._in_width_estendin�_�rom Amherst Ave. to the north and south alley in Blk. 6, Macalesteh Park, fhe center line of which is a line between a point on the Elly line of Amherst Are;--9-ft:--south-ot-th-e-SFly -Iiue --Uf-'Bot- -147; -SU7.-�,--Maes7ester Park, & a point on the W'ly line of the north and south alley 12 ft. south e-t2te-$i1�-3ise-off-iat-l4i--B2 -Macal"ter-kark-.------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ ------ and the total cost thereof is $___---� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l -=L-- ----------- -- -- Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVE Yeas COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ............. SI._Y--._..,__1 JEU�I...... ._...... ..... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on the westerly 10 ft. of Lot 18, Block 2, Sargent's Addition from Sargent Ave. to the alley, under Preliminary Order 0. F.6062, approved May 29, 1923, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #46525, approved June 18, 1923. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, that the Oity of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The westerly 10 ft. of Lot 18, Block 2, Sargent's Addition from Sargent Ave. to the alley. C. In ttheNmatte of .Boon esai 6e and tak- ing an easement for'the purpose o4 conatructlag and maintnining a pub- lic sewer on the westerly 10 ft. of Lot 18," Block 2, Sargent's Addition from Sargent Ave. to the Alley under Preliminary Order C. F. No 46062, approved MaY 29, 1923, and Interme- diary Order C. F. No. 46626, approved June 18, 1923. The Commissioner. of Public Works having the ab veimatter!ab report and plan Resolved, That the Clty of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of ia� to bennI toebe as t foilowes nnmed The westerly 10 ft. of Lot 16. Block 2, Sargent'e Addition from Sargent Ave. I; the alleyil July 18, 1923. Adopted by the Counc Approved (Jul)1828 12923) COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Fer6resalYl agcDonaId _ . ---In favor ✓ Matson ✓ Peter ___..Against Wenzel _ PEF Adopted by the Council ... ......... J �} Approved- ell pproved I --------- MAYOR Ing William 1 Peter, irQntmissisner Me HtQllette, �r�utu �QtttmissiQnex �� Department of Public Marks t � city of Sttint Patti GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER REPORT TO THE COUITCIL M. S. GRYT AK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement for the purpose of oonstruoting and maintaining a Pub110 sewer on the westerly 10 ft. of Lot 18, Blook 2, Sargent's Addition from Sargent Ave. to the alley, under Preliminary Order C, F. #46052, approved May 29, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #46b2b, approved June 18th, 1923. To the Counoil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publio Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing the land neaeseary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more partioularly desoribed as follows-- The ollows:The westerly 10 ft. of Lot 18, Blook 2, Sargent's Addition from Sargent Ave- to the alley. July 18, 19230 omm o r o i o or s. CITY OF aT. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANf REPORT OF COMMISS10NE FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — �a (D)-�j ,. Intbematterof condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of acnstrncting and maintaining a public sewer on the westerly 10 foot of lot Is block_.2- Saraent's Addition from Sargent Ave. to the alley. — h under Preliminary Order approved May 291h,'1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 5fl 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 2 Sargents Addition :....-. i i i i 5� TOTAL. OQ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 mmissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 13 _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Work Report to Commissioner of Finance a SHUN is..I 2s June. 12, 1923 - --- --------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46052 May 29, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved---------------------- oondemnin _and takixig an of ceeaement for the purpo�e_---- oting and_maint�fning_a�ublio_sewer on the W'1� 10.3t._ oY Zot 18______________ Block_ 2,_ Sar�eat' a 6ddition, from Sargent Ave.__to the alley_______________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-------- ------- and the total cost thereof is $------- _-. • and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l��vc----------------- missioner of Public Works. Y COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By................ .- ... .......... ......... ...... __. _.------- ............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of,...)?S.tl'.L1G."s<.J.;..,;...2:_..c.].X...�:G.Q.t...9.1:: .e. 5.4:3...::v.nnue...:;v� ...ie to..,1:: .s:,iv r...:o:,.lev + d, .....___.-.__..._.......... ..........._.................................. ............... ..... .............................. ........_..._.-_........_.........__...__....._.._..__..... ..... _._...... ...... ................................... _.....__. _..._......__ .....................I............... <;,�1 roved n:c.,T ..�.�..+.y............ .a............_..._.. under Preliminary Order . ..............._.v._7..... -...............R pp -ot cement tale_ _ _ _.appl'OVCd .. .. _. - sides of Jefferson AveB y,._ ---"" wod A e. to the Rive .,. 01 cept where now place. r� trbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having n.inarY Order, 4 947 app 29,,:192d. d - Ar p.hue hearing havt.R '�. anrecommendations relative thereto, and having fully consideredthe same; upon -=the -above imp o due .. notice, and thr heard ail persona ou , .....dation. , relativ d_• o ncil of the Cit of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve -�- 'having fully consld ;. 11 3 ment to be made V ,tile 99A'City ls.._.Qotla.l:.T.u.C.i....... ua—1,01.. ,iuµS.. of..dcffs.i:.., . •.y-F.nue. ? 5puleg rUa...el (;eht...:'-1e.='e..."9.:'....a?laced�..._..............._..._._._.............. _....._.... ..... ...._.. .. .............. __ ........ _..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and -directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that, upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ "":_ Qj Approved...... ...... ..-r_. _,�•:...........- 191....... Jam- Councilman SNfixixava .;lanc'J Councilman fTMSXX Ferguson Councilman W}fA& L_CJG'.'_ 1r9 Councilman ffr1l4t>- 1 son Councilman Y' X(Z0tk 1' e L e =' Councilman 3fffiA iei'Y4c1it •: e nz e 1 Mayor lli%tx i;eison Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. �' ' � i! r f ...__•ems, ,f' ! %�..�. ✓-�� Mayor. PUBLISHED —'�� STPAUL FINANCE DiPRftEL1;M1' REPORT OF C)NER OF FINANCE ` ONY ORDER (A) t� � 1d foot cemen l' on both sides of In the matter of OonStruCtin� n aix Jefferson Avenue from Underwood Avenue to the River Boulevard except where now placed --- under Preliminary Order approved May 26th,199� — -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 font The estimated cost pe�foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S ' nT_ . —__ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOCK DESCRIPTION LOT BADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Wessinger's Garden Lots 7775. Ramsey County, Minn. (East 1/2 of 5 do 2600. (West � of 5 and all of 4 do 7675- 30 6 Academy Heights, St -Paul 425. . Ramsey County, Minn. 29 6 do 400. 26 6 400. 27 6 " 40o. 26 6 11 400. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DE OF FINANCE REPORT OFC1311 . IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI (NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t 25 6 Academy Heights, St. Paul 40o. Ramsey County, Minn. 24 6 doh:•. 23 6 400. 22 6 " 400.; 21 6 " 400. 20 6 " 400. 19 6 ^ 400. is 6 3250. 17 6 P 400.1 16 6 425.. ; 30 5 ^ 425•: . 29 5 " 400. 28 5 n 400. 27 5 400.' 26 5 ^ 400. �5 5 " 400. — 24 5 400.. �3 5 22 5 " 400. 21 5 " 400. 20 5 ^ 400. 19 5 " Wo. 1g 5 n 40o. �7 5 n 400. i6 5 " TOTAL 500. (B) ` DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL. Deu T.OF FINANCE U REPORT OF CM )TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 'Hankees Cleveland View 400., 2 1 do 300•. 3 1 fl 300. 4 1 n 300., 5 1 n 300. 6 1 " 300.. 7 1 n 300. 8 1 " 300. 9 1 " 300. 10 1 " 300. 11 1 " 300.. . 12 1 " 300. 13 1 n 300.. 14 1 " 350• �5 1 n 400. 1 2- " 425- 2 2 " 400. 3 2 fl 400. 4 2 n 400. 5 2 n 400. 6 2 !1 400.. 7 2 " 275- 8 2 n 400. 9 2 n 400. 10 2 " 400. 11 2 fl 400. 12 2 " 400.. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP/ 'ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 1 Hankees Rearrangement 2 1 do 3 1 ASSESSED VALUATION 400. 400. 525. 46500, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— -----191- Commissioner of Finance. F— D. D. 12 pXCEiVE 3 ; -Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN s teas ----- June 6, 1923 ...... 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, 'having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45947May 28. 1923-191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ---------- ___approved____------ _____ the construction o� a six foot_ cement tile sidewalk_ on_ both__________ sides of Jefferson Avenue from Underwood Ave. to the Riter -- ------------------------------------------------=---------------- - - Boulevar&. except where not placed___________ ________________________________ ------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ----------- .tics----------------- - C missioner of Public Works. S y ! n� COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...._......._........_.....- _-....---------- - --------- ---------- --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......C.o_ns.truGL ii q---a..s =...f.aat...cemanL-".t-i-le---s-ide S-idEs---of...Ju-]ivL...at..--.f.rala...uLv.el and.. ce...... tn---iennetl.-su-e....... exGept....r-here ent_.s. deaalcs...nod..er_ist.....__..- ...................................... --....-...............--- ....... ............... ................................ .................................................._...............-_................... ._............................_.............................._..._......._.................._._.............................. ............................................... find""'--' ,._ 5. ... -, 92-.- ...... approved I C F NO- 47069 R In the Matte of Constructinon aboth approved ... ... ... Inte foot eeme tile sidewalk ...... ... .. ot43'ul[et st from Cleveland- -- ......... PP A —13Pu­_'_tfnxdC i PreliminarykviODt-,eo ae ass Ll the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pq-.d may 28;ing lha�in®'been 'ummendations relative thereto, and having. fully considered the same; therefore tr,e'+a ov the°co n Ice,'and RESOL_ :"tions orelativectitt2 4- of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - fully consider d.._:i,. be it ... ,ix _oot..ce:nelittile_- sld�l??..9S1..... d nv the CoD- C I7S �_^L;Ct .... c f ment to be m.e, � - _,city ls.... 4. .. .... _.}�o.t:z...S.zde.s....of....du�aet...t._r?"grn._Clehela.nc3..=.-Y ......tR.....er.,ne.t.k�.. �e...e ex.C.eti _ lare...Z.a.oa...and..suffiC.:t...S.i i.e'dialbtS...XI.o'Y. s .......... ................... _........................ .......... .......... ........... _ ............_ .............. ... _........ ... ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 37 Adopted by the Council._____._ :�.:,.. _-_..... _. f ........................... City Clerk. Approved F PP = -' /..:.u...._.._.... 191. // % ..... .........- -... Mayor. Councilman ]Dfi&§i'v7t K Clancy* flUBII3I / CouncilmanXkj.QKx rer uson nl Couneilman--By1m4x Llcuonald / V Councilman mxx I::a t s o n Councilman&L Peter Councilman W.=duUjL. .enze1 Mayor H - x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMASOIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER eJ Inthematterof eonstructinu a six foot aPment tile�idaz¢nik on both sides cf Judet Street from Cleveland Street to Kenneth Avenue. 92 under Preliminary Order approved May 28th 1923- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: To The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S f;ont S 1 OS The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 4 1 "Hankees Rearrangement! 500. . 5 1 do 350- 6 1 350, . 19 2 Hankees Cleveland View 350, 20 2 do 350- 21 2 " 350- 22 2 " :350• . 23 2 350- 24 2 " 250.. 25 2 350'. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMOSSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 2 Hankees Cleveland View _ 350- 27 2 do 350- 28 2 " 350- 50•�9 292 " 350- 30 2 375- 3 2 Hankee's Rearrangement 500. 2 2 do 350- 1 2 " 350- 12 3 Hankee's Cleveland View 350- 11 3 do 350- 10 3 ^ 350- 9 3 350. _ 8 3 " 350- 7 3 n 250. _ 6 3 350- 5 3 " 350- 4 3 " 350•. 3 3 11350- 2 3 " 350- 1 3 " 375- 75•10650.The 10650- TheCommissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- — - -- - —191- - Commissioner of Form B. B. 12 _ Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RE6'Ejvza II.,,t2 l io. Report to Commissioner of Finance s ; 4 JUN June 6, 1923- .... 191---- --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45946 may 28 1923__191---, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. ____approved_________ the conetruotion,0f_a-eix-foot-cement tile -sidewalk _ on- both -eidee---- of Juliet -- Street- - - from Cleveland - Avenue --to -Ken�h-Street-- --------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- - - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.06 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �0-1111je�i- 1,2---oner of Public Works. C St, Paul, Minn ............. .. ..... To Th6 Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. r` Gentlemen: � f We, the undersigned property owners, hereby�1" tion your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ��'" ................................. ....... 4vc ........ '4 .... ................................................................................ St. - from ................. .................. ........ ........ St.Ave. to_.__._.._.. `.`k' ..............._............_......_._._ Ave. — NAME • • �• • u Y �\ I/ St. Paul, Minn.,_/c�-� ....��...........192..3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n ^ ,i..�� a �.C-.-.... .............rte., t/:..c-..:f.�:5............._...............__....................................... ............................::.................................... .........................._.. .................................. St. Ave. from ................................. ..... .... ...... .......... ............................Jt.Ave. ............ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0, z _3 t V j a - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCIL No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rr PRESENTED 6Y III......_._............._.....___....._.._. DATE__...q_u1.y..._14 1.9.4.V.....__.__...__ COMM ISS TONER.___..... . _ ............ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the mayor and the Comptroller, 2600 ft. #8 steel taped cable at a price of $595.40, 325 ft. r. #8 Lead covered cable at a price of $46.15, and 13 Union Fetal Posts with lantern tops at a price of X737.75, making the total cost $1379.30, for use in the construction of an ornamental lighting system on the Mississippi River Boulevard, which is to be installed by force account, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where delay in purchasing this material would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. 1Pm. J. Peter— > Purchasing Agent at a cost g for -competitive bid., a n ;encs egxists where delay inspu g--thfe.material would w rk,a hip to the. best Interests of trie 1pted by the Council. July 14, 1923. ,roved July 14, 1923. (July 21-1923) 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..- ._ In favor Matson Peter _._....---._Against Wenzel Mr. President � .. nr Adopted by the Council_ _... UL_i's. l.:tC 7_...192. _. App Dyed ..-_ 192.. ...... ........ MAYOR OUNCIL 4061 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.------=-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM k' " PRESENTED BY I/'!/�DATE....... �--' ` ...... _..._._.... ...................................... ..............I.............. COMMISSIONER ..... ................. ._.......................... .... 1�7— RESOLVED IM JLLSI The Commissioner of Ziblio :'forks has re_)orted to the Council, in accordance with aection 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Derartment for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the -Dro_.er city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rete otherwise fixed for extra em.loyment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. ✓/�. `' v` � �iL - G. !ami" / G 7 (" 3iy gip. �. i 14 r c 3 C. F. No. 47061—By Wm. J. Peter— Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Works has reported to the Council, , -- in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an enter- ? gency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for "more than eight hours - per day. said,employment being more than theilr usual hours of employ- ment: Therefore Be It Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby author- Md to pay the following named am- ployes„a.t the rate th,,11,, died for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth : Id. J. Phillipi. -general chauffeur, 10 hours; rate of Overtime. 68%0 per �h Adopted by the Councll,July 14, 1923. Approved July 14, 1923. (July 21-1923? Yes U) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ----- --- In favor Matson Smith --�—._ Against Wenzel. Mr. President FORM ]M 6.20 J :j 6231- _--19---- Adopted by the Council _...._._-j.II�.-_ J IJP if I;j%� n. Appro CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"cI�NO....-..;.--� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL�RESOLI�TIOIN—GENERAL FORM �W �� i, that Paul Griggs 793 Fairmont, be appointed Judge of Election in the 21st Precinct of the 7th Ward, the Judges of the Election, Previously appointed by the Counsil having resigned, the said Paul Briggs, is appointed for the purpose of reorganizing the Precinct. C. F. No. 11111—By illa7or Arthur E. Nelson— Resolved, That Paul Griggs, 793 Fairmont, be appointed Judge of Else - tion In the 218t Precinct of the 7th re- viouslythe appointed:by the COunces .1 the ll, n. hav- fng reelgned, the sn id Paul Briggs Is I appointed to the purpose oC reorgan- izing the Precinct. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. '.. Approved July 14. 1923. IJuly 21-1923) - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ - In favor Matson 6 Peter --..__ _Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. __.A4L-_Y.1 ;'Ji2j..-.--192....., Ap oved..__.. ���-- i f tCJ-...192---... a -- MNYOR 47060 St. Paul, Minn., - IN, 19— Resolution by 4 C4= C2 �kI COUNCILMEN Yea., Nays L Ferguson n Matson I f or Aga nst L/ Wenzel I/ Mr. President C. F. No. 47063—By Mayor N.lsan�— Resolved, That Counni.ld.sr. Fer- guson, Matson, Peter and Wenzel,' be and they are herebymem- bers her of the Board of E;q apP0UallIntgdtjon as provided by I' - me Adopted by the courfell July 16, 1923. Approved July 16. 1923. (July 21-1923) -1923) Adopted by the Council— . ..... 192 App owed.__.__ . .... ........ ' 14 - Z ---- ------- -- MAYOR COUNCIL - 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No -- J ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY, CLERK q COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM FM v v WHEREAS, The City of St. Peal has certain claims against rail- road companies for overcharges on freight shipments, and the railroad companies decline to pay such claims Without the surrender of the reeeipted freight bili; and WHMAS, In some instances the receipted freight bills have been lost or for some other reason are unavailable, and under such circumstances the the railroad companies require as a prerequisite to pay - C, F. No. 47064—$y J' M' Cl Paul WTeemenv on Zne FOXV Vi ULIV Vi6iWa ruav av Whereas, The City Of certain claims against r Ylretght-ehfp- ¢antes and ercrarges companies de -paid by the railroad company in the event that meats, such claims without the cline to Puy the receI ,e freight bill; andender Of the mis have Ueea loef`l8ter presented and made the basis of a similar elpted freight n are unavall:',, - . for some other rens elrcumstancea ,ee; therefore, be it -- and under suc>cs r-, _ , . railroad eompanl. requisite to p.Y. Mt, matt io"':' ,�, That the proper city officers .are hereby authorised pais yv[he r. d feeieCti'tw contracts agreeing to refund any such overcharges in case the paid freight bill shall hereafter be found in the hands of some other person entitled thereto. CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald --- In favor Matson Peter __.__ _...Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council . _Ali, - 1--1,K'.3 ---192 _. Appro �i'• 192 - MAYOR /—� �,7 46 5 couNaL _- I rp ORIGINAL TO A CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ .!irt3.-Ld: CITY CLERK - APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM �{J 'CHARTER SECTION 208' [' PRESENTED BY y JU19 14F 1JZ3 rb' ....- DATE ............. .. ...... ........ .....-. �..,♦ /H P-7 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. r LLL --- CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSFEREDFRO. I TRAN.FEREO TO fVheelage Tax Expense Other Exp. 500.00 N 103- pl 103- 11 Sal&ries 500.00 t_,n^ YES �� COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -........._,L. i. j_..'..I��.B.-----.--- CLANCY l�. FERGUSON APPROVED. ...-..-).. 19 -------- _ -- r_. MCDONALD ..--.......IN FAVOR � (,�,;:. 1 ) MATSON (.......................Y1M ...................' I � MAYOR PETER _ - - ..-..AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ........................................................... CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT FORM Ou (m e.ss) ' I C. F.Nn. 47063—By May., Arthur E. Nelet son— 6 1( '1 Resolved, That the following trans- fere be -ad' on the book. of theCani edeflcieneYyinoonei ' 1 avoidable Item may b0 met by said trans fer without ham- , per m; the work .provided for by the money in the Item from which the transfer is made 4600.00 tranafered from Code 103-2. Wheelage TaxExpense Other Exp.I transfered to Code,103-2 Whetting. Tax,! Expense Balarles. ` Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. . Approved July 14. 1923. (July 21-1923) t_,n^ YES �� COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -........._,L. i. j_..'..I��.B.-----.--- CLANCY l�. FERGUSON APPROVED. ...-..-).. 19 -------- _ -- r_. MCDONALD ..--.......IN FAVOR � (,�,;:. 1 ) MATSON (.......................Y1M ...................' I � MAYOR PETER _ - - ..-..AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ........................................................... CITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT FORM Ou (m e.ss) ' RESOLVED it F . COUNCIL NO...... __.,Q --4--11G - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE._..... _...._J.uly...12,_..1923.._......._............. That the Commissioner of Public Works be slid is hereby authorized ani directed to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets; Atwater St. from Rice St. to Albemarle St. Lawson St. from DeSoto St. to Arkwright St. James Street from Duke Street to Western vs. C. F. No. 47066—BY Ir'm. J. Peter Resolved, That the Commissioner of Zed and dire be and is hereby author- ; zed and directed to sprinkle with.wa_ ter and oil the following streets: Atw terl St. Prom Rice St, to Albe- matde St. Lawson St, from DeSoto St. to Ark- -wrlght St. James St.. from Duke St, to Western Ave. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923.1 Approved July 14, 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas \ ay Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter __ - Against Wenzel Mr. President :Adopted by the Council _ '' '_ ...i_ ` _1:12 3__ _. 192 Appr ed... /7Ij23... .__192...._ T � CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCILNo """ y FILE •' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TT p PRESENTED BY ........_... DATE__.........._H..u]'L...1.!_.._l. _23._...._........... COMMISSIONER.___............___.._......__._.__. . __..._.__......__........__.................. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Max Geltman, Mrs. L. Bucholtz, --Gust Psihas, M. Smith, Wm. Scheuneman, ,Iceaseaf of thL .' Nfowofa FG. ,1- Leirioh, - handling and ad�lre sla.� .�aniuka, the following and .the .... Nie here ructed cher an city Clerk upon the pay— such treasury Of the _cu ,)t, the city fee: ; ,lax. Gettman. 624 CanadL� Dr Ink, n Grossman, ,ire. L. Bucholtz. 44U Iglu- Confecuonery _. fbe peiha 666 St. Pet,. gilder eek, -- ., _iovitz, Smith & Tenzer, Corrine Ouellette, F. W. Baldwin, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson MJ)onald _..__In favor Matson O Peter Wenzel Mr. President 624 Canada St., Soft drink 740 Iglehart St., Confectionery 500 St. Peter St. " 248 E. Fairfield St.Soft drink 501 Blair St., " 319 Wabasha St. " 823 Mississippi St. " White Bear Av. Confectionery 544 Park Av. Grocery 1943 Grand Av., " 1520 Albany, " 193 W. Fairfield St -Soft drink 333 Louis St., Grocery 266 Bunker St., 974 Selby Ave., Confectionery 202 W. Central Av. Grocery j'UI Adopted by the Council_ _.. _'......__ ....._____..192 -.. pproved.-- - .._:,i!...,,/..- ;:a?. 192...... MFVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILEN`ILNO—#.... (If ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY...._................. .DATE__.........._�J.uly._.1.7,....1.923_....__........ COMMISSIONER.___._..._.._ _ ._. _.._.._ ....................._....._ . RESOLVED %That the applications for licenses of D. Myers for conducting the Butcher business at 1943 Grand avenue be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. I C. F. No. 47068—By F. W. Mate Resolved, That. the. application for .1 -see of the Butcher business oat 148 Grandavenue be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Cleric is instructed to is- vh suchlieensp upon the payment in- to the city treasury of the cuatomarY fee. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. Approved July 14. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald. In Savor Matson Peter _--- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council a �I� ,,., i;ir_ 192 Appro ' MAYOR COUNCIL 4? CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No._.._......._-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RES OLUTION��ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..._.....__..._..._..._.................... .._....__._......._... DATE__.........._......_LLY+d-14,-...�/�:-3---------- _ COMMISSIONER-__ ............ .... .._.- .....__..._...._......_. RESOLVED That the application for license of Charles Paicurich for conducting a Poolroom at 468 Rice street be, and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. 6 pool tables. C. F. No. 44069—By F. W. Matson— Resolved, That the application for license of Charles Palcurich for con- ducting a Poolroom at 488 Rice street be, and the -same Is hereby granted -andthe City Clerk is instructed to Is- sue euch license upon the payment in- to the city treasury of the customary fee. 6 pool tables._ Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. Approved July 14. 1923: (July 21-1923) ('nr.unrr.lur.v Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ In favor Matson J 1 Peter ---- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _4-1-1., lit .192 Ap oved.... . ._192._... f � MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL counciL FILE No -------- -� _'--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ._....-.- DATE__.._.._...._Jp COMMISSIONER___._.. __.... -. —... _..._._.._......__....._._._...__....._._..............._.........._- RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following for the conducting of Hotels or Restaurants at the persons CF. X.. 4707o=rBY�:r.esses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and Resolved. That the 'ny.-`t. Clerk is instructed licenses to issue such license upon the of the. following Dei the conducting. of Hotels' or; _to the city treasury of the customary fee: rants -at the addresses lndler' - andthe.same are hereby grnnr= the CRY Clerk Is lnetrucied to ..�� 500 St. Peter St., Hotel - .,o-: Cecil Smith, 222-8 E. 7th St., 276 E. 7th St. Hotel Hotel Ida M. Weiser, 17 E. 5th Stt., 6th Hotel Hotel A. M. Kadrie, Harriet Thompson, 258 E. St., 375 Wabasha St., Restaurant Northern Cooperage Benefit Association, Concord & Arthur Aves., Restaurant Albin Benson, 605 van Buren St., " F1e1d Schlick &00., 357 Wabasha St., n 0. P. Boucher, 201 E. 4th St., Walter Griffin, 388 Kent St., o Harry Olive, 149 W. 7th St., 0. A. Blosoh, 1896 Ames Av., Hotel J. 11anas, 566 Wabasha St., Restaurant Mrs. B. Nordmann, 467 N. Snelling Ave. " Mrs. F. G. Marquardt, 152 So. Wabasha St., " Johnson Bros. -474 Wabasha St., Hotel Miller & Kozalle, 229 W. 4th St., Restaurant A. P. Peterson, 497 Wabasha St." Frank Wolf, 473 Wabasha St., Hotel Chas. Landstrom, 151 E. 5th Sj., Restaurant Ella E. Sackett, b94 N. Snell ng Ab. " Chas. Koe$linger, 387 Splby Av. " 0. Sam & Co. 387 Wabasha St. " Arshay Manugian, Steve Margitan, 128 W. 6th St., 558 Broadway Hotel Restaurant Dora Wieczorek, 2381 W. 4th St., Hotel Hotel Anthony Sarro, 17012 E: 3rd St., Jack Wong, 367 Sglby Av., Restaurant COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __1_.__In favor - Matson Peter . ..... `__Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Co `JUL 1,�_�-�'�i_.192- _- proved.. -e JUi L, Jtv� _192 ---- f .. f+..... 1 i _.. MAYOR eutiLISHED _ a / -"? ::,, COUNCIL A U CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ._1L______-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMT l �q COMM199EONERI// .iL_._.......__....._....._.........._.........._..........._..._... DATE_.....__Y.. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing the Departne nt of Public lVorks with two 10 -ton G.M.C. Model 5-71-T truck tractors for use with trailers in garbage collection, to the Pence Automo- bile.Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $4,115.00 each, making the total amount of the contract 08,230.00, in accordance with specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, ana the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.E. #4832. form ��.�_--i 1923. 434E the Council 3ulY 14, ted by q, 1923 l. (duly owed TulY 21-19211 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ____ -In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Wenzel — Mr. President 1 Adopted by the Colnnril.. __ �u;:...:!._ -.';-1 .__192 ---- r ' 192.... �JyPBjoved__.. + III .. _.'.].. - 1 ... ......... r _ ......- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL CI {f 0. b 2 FILE NO..-- -- .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .ATE ......_July 14, 1923 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from a point 70 feet south of Randolph St. thence south 55 feet. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby arproved and the Commissioner of Public Norks be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Farce Account and that the Purchasing Agent secure and advertise for bids for the necessary material. -By W. T. Pei ar—v� Kfroining i t 79 Ave. S" thence ge.ndolpt[ July AC 1923' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald- _-In favor Matson PeterAgainst Wenzel Mr. President 9— �, 1 Adopted by the Coun 'l._-.,11�'....I I _i .9._.......192-.-._ Ap oved...._...-- = .f`-- y -------- 192 - / /-Y) ) ----- MAYOR RESOLVED pll� ii, r a CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"c"No._..f_lf�.�-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ...._._V_17.1j!_...1.1. 1223 In the matter of paving Rondo Street from Dale Street to lNestern Avenue with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. $46428, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adorted and approved and the Commissioner of Public 17orks is here- by ordered and directed to construct and install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed ' to a:!v,atise for bids for the installing of the sewer and house drain connections. C. F. No. 47073—By W.J. ;Peter— in the matter of paving; Rondo St. from Dale St. to lNestern. Ave. with necessary water 'and -sewer connec- tions, under Final' .Order C. F. No. 46428, approved. June 16, 1923:.. .Resolved,: That the annexed .plans andspecifications showing .sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon; said street are hereby' adopted andnapproved and the Com- ...te.l...,.. , Rih W.rk. in h.t.bv the Council July 14, 1923. uly'14, 1923. July 21-1923)! CiOUNCILNIF.N Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ __In favor Matson t Peter _..__ __..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council... _.__.301_.-1t_12__192.._.. proved - Jjjl.._i l.. IG 1... -------- 192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couRca //// FILE NO._.--..�1'.3�. �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C`(Ot��UNNNCILL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7 A �j PRESENTED BY _1_' ... ..... ._..//--. ... RESOLVED In the matter of paving Rondo Street from Dale Street to Western Avenue with necessary gas connections under Final Order C.F. #x4642$, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Rondo Street from Dale Street to Western Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said final order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Co. C. F. 'Nb. 47074 By W. J. Peter- - In the atter of paving Rondo Sfrom Dale St treet neces ary gne connections under Fl- G nal Order C. F. No. 46428, approved June 16, , 192 Tha � .. Resolved2. 1,. the annexed pions and 4­5!loos from Dale to be made upo bt an m e same are Western be and the some are hereby a and the Commissioner. of Publi directed 1, Hereby ordered and together a copy ofthisfinal order together COPY of said final order and a said plans upon the St. E( Light On. Adopted by the Covncll July Approved July 14, 1923. (July21-1P23) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald 1___In favor Matson Peter _..Against. Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council..... ` �!.-.._'. '...'..'--.....192...-.- Aroved....':: -r-- - - ` - ....... - 192 t,c ................. .....4'? ............. ..................... MAYOR RESOLVED NC CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLEIL �'- NO.-- --- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERALFORM `' ............ DATE .............._ JuW-L.....1.3.o-._.i2?3........ ._..._._ In the matter of paving Earl Street from Ivy Street to Hastings Avenue, with necessary water and sewer con- nections, under Final Order C.F_ #x46430, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifications showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public lVorks is hereby ordered and directed to install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are hereby autln orized and directed to advertise for bids for the install- ing of the sewer and house drain connections. C.. F. No. 47075—By W. J .Peter -W In the..lvvtst. to Hasting Marl et sewer 1 that: the proper city o++•��_� –•_ ----- - authorized and directed to ndvcruse for bid,for-the installing of the sewer and house 'drdia connections. 1923. Adopted by- the Council July 14, Approved (July 211923 1523) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald._._In favor Matson /l Peter v -....Against Wenzel Mr. President JU'` Adopted by the Council__ 192 .. Approv LIQ.. -�' 23 192----- - -=- --------- MAYOR RESOMo COUNCIL NO ---. L'il CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE '�-+-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ........ J 111y..._13.-19 23 ----.. --------- ------- - In the matter of paving Earl Street from Ivy Street to Hastings Avenue with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. #46430, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Earl Street from Ivy Street to Hastings Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said final order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C. F. No. 47076—By W. J. Peter— ` In the matter of paving Earl Serest from Ivy Street to Hastings Avenue with necessary: gas connections, un- der Final Order C. F. No. 46430, ap- proved June 16, 1923: Resolved,That the: annexed plans and specifications showing the gas cen- nections'. necessary to. be made upon Earl St from Ivy SL 'to. Hastings Ave., be and the same are; hereby approved, and. the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and; directed to serve a copy of this order -together with copy ofsnid final order -and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. Approved July 14, 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __..__In favor Matson Il Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President N, h d Ado teCoun ' _......-----...._192_...- P Y the �- --------192 . OUhDAUPLIGTE To CITY CLERK -Foim D-34 1M 12-22 eooserz 4707 i F3 COMPTRO ,� / AUDITED...-.-..._ �..-__. ...: ....._... -..192........... PER ........ - __... - Resolved that checks be drawnon the City Treasury, to the a$�-$ate amount of $..--.. ' � }�----------------- covering checks numbered ..__.....2"97--------------to......._..-144)Q3.. _.....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ... .....,I�{ �_ X723 --- --192--.:-..- Fer$uson, __..__In favor JUL McDonald, Approved 192..---... -- - - Matson, Peter, ! /� Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson G C. F. bTo.: 47077= - a. Cit ed. That checka be drawn on the, City Treasury. to the aggregate amq ntof 513,350.83, covering checka nuered 14897Ya 14903. inclusive, na perregister of checka file in the ofRce: oP the City. Comptrolon ler. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923, APDroyed July 14 1923. (July 2i-1923) ORIGINALTO CrrV CLERK 1 Form D-34 1M 12-22 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM BV .... M .._.COPI' O R _... AUDITED - _.............. _.. _........_._.........._. __..192..._...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ag gate amount of $------.a �s3.�7Qa1�.................. covering checks numbered ..-_....14897 ------------- to -.-..:.__.14903 .......... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( If ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. i ; f.--� 23--------------- Clancy, Adopted Adopted by the Co 1...........�,�,�:........ Ferguson, ------,-----In favor J I_ I ��23 McDonald, A rove --.-. - .- -...-- --..192-------- PP - - --- ..-..-.... Matson, 1 fy Peter, U..._.Against-.-......._--------------------------------- MAYOR Wenzel. -- - -- Mr. President, Nelson 14897 ------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 2,005.94 Water 14898 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 4,649.71 Health -Adm. 75.70 Vital Statistics `. 363.50 Food Reg. & Insp. 627.00 Quarantine Insp. 1,184.38 it "(Auto) 55.00 Tuberculosis Div. 683.75 Dale St. Infirmary 72.50 Workhouse Hospital 323.50 Laboratory 257.13 P. Baths 162.50 If 626.75 j P. Comfort Station 170.00 E4if. of Dog Lice 49.7 14899 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 1,116e45 Garage 14900 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 5,281.53 Water 5,254.03 11 (kato) 27.50 14901 J. F. Kain, Cashier Water Depqrtment 185.85 Water P, Res. 462 Page #2 14902 Sterling Printing Company, 11.35 • Municipal Court 1.00 Bureau of City Planning 2000 Schools 4.85 Water 3:50 1�- 14903 A. W. Whites 100.00 Bureau of Parks" LI OUI,DRUPL- TO CITY CLERK Form D -M 1M 12-22 II Yrr.= N AUDITED._......... .. _ f�r4ate Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the amount of ------------------ covering checks numbered -.....14887 _t ----._-____---.__. ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. fn._ Adopted by the Council --- .--__.._.��- .. 1523 .._.. ..... 192 Clancy, 7 ..-...-- Ferguson, -In favor SOL 1 !., 1523 McDonald, APProved . s - - -_ _. - -__ - --- -- 192 - - Matson, �y Wenzel. - .Against o `J Mr. President, Nelson �j . , y , 4707 the City That checks be dran-n on am tb"I 1're$"0.00, to the aggregate eeh. do14117, a covering heek hecica n file in athe ee ree .ter t city. Comptroller, flice t the Clty Adopted by the Cou nctl Tuly 14, 1923. APProved July 14. 1923. (Tiny 23-1923) ORIGINAL TO aixY oe Bi, eaaL ' cm CLDiK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , aaa>=a><L 47� 7t3 Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RF,SOLUTION FORM e.Lc NO ...................... ......... u 459 JU 1 y. B co mFrrRou-ER..... UL ...........VVI.-+' _ AUDITED.............___...................._......_...........192........... .. ....... ........ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ggregate amount of $...40OR OO ................................. covering checks numbered .__------- 14Z$87-..-.....74-------------------------------inclusi e, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by Council-_ .............. lU.L �.J 4 .................192._.._-. Ferguson, �-avor--.In f McDonald, oved------ _ P2 �3' -- 192 Matson, / Peter,Against r ... -Hinton Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson 14887 Todd, Fomes & Sterling Attorneys for Frank D. Morse and Marie L. IJforse School Bond Fund $400a00 QUA CRUPLIWTE vziz op ai. pAvr. TO CrrY CLERK '/ry} .�+� Form I -U 1M 12-22 AUDITED........ ......192 re,as ............_... _ ...-.:........ .._-. _�........... ...`�Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the amount of $....-. �.%7a�$..................... covering checks numbered...._._,Z/,��({_---_.....to----.--�,t}M4--------------inclusr register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council_1-1_1324................_192-....-.- Ferguson, _./_In f -1 j McDonald, - --- UI. s .� 15?3 Matson, ---- favor JAPProve----------.__..------- ._ U__ - ._..------------._192-----' Peter, Wenzel. ----------Against Mr. President, Nelson •'C. F. W.. 47079— Resolved, That checks be drawn on the City .Treasuryamn , to the aggregate numbered t 148886 to14894 Inclusive, a. Per register of checks on file in the 'Mee of the, City Comptroner. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923.1 Approve;, July 14• 1923. / (JuIY 21-1923) OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .oIIso.z i(1'�QR Form D -341b112-22 �. AIIDITED CLAIMS—RE$OLIITION FORM 460 7 BY COMPTR R AUDITED............._....:_..!.....::.......1. ...................192.._....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$..---.27s657a55------------------- covering— checks numbered ---------- 14aaa.:..---..--to --....-1489.4- ------ ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, -------In favor McDonald, �- Matson, 0 Peter, Wenzel. ---------Against Mr. President, Nelson 14888 Adopted by the Council ...-----JUL— -,14..1521... ---- 92...-.--- JUL J7 1923 Approved- - -- - ......... ------- - --192 - ----- ...... - ' - -- .... ............... . ........................... --- MAYOR J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Mayorts Office City Clerk Vlheelage Tax Election Expense Cor. Counsel Com r. of Finance 11 11 11 Partic. Certs. Comptroller Civil Service Purchasing Department C. H. & C. H. 14889 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 14890 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Pol. & F. Alarm 14891 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance St. C. & R. Workhouse 208.33 524.50. 253.09 202.56 945.60 788.78 762.15 222.83 3.12 1,311.71 561.20 693.75 1 575.25 8!052.87 181.25 651.15 8,052.87 337.50 4 r 1,650.45 832.40 Res. 460 Page #2 14892 J. M; Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 9,162.58 'Schools. 1,801.03 Library"' 6,505.80 Auditorium 855.75 s • 14893 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 4,720.24 Park -Adm. 357.95 Bureau of Parks 247.36 P1aygfounds 288.87 P. Bldgs. 3,218080 It (Auto) 221.10 Groveland Pk.Schl.Add.(Bond)71.00 Randolph Hts. " " " 71.00 Greenwood " " 76.00 Franklin " " 23.66 Ames " " 71.00 Richard Gordon " " 73.50 4,720.24 14894 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 2,901.51 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 137.50 " -Test. Labs. 484.68 " -Markets 237.20 -Investigation 607.38 " -Lighting 1'434r.'i .` = 12-2 Bjyl_�w PER Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMre'gate amount of $._551a33.. . ............................ coverini� Clancy, Adopted by the Council 2 - Mr. President, Nelson '^ the City Treasury, , lhe,raog�eg"'numbered 14886. as P Office of the 7thechecks on file Ani � 0,rai,trllllr� th council July 14. 1922, (July 21-l923) ' - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No. -1.7(18.0 II 458 AUDITED .. - --- -- --- - ---- -- PFR .... .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $33-----.•-____---___------------- ccmering . . checks numbered ------------- 14.06 JM ----- --------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Matson, Peter, Wenzel. ----------- Against Mr. President, Nelson Adopted by the Council._......._.......JL-11-4 -1923 -------- . ---- 192 -------- Ap;p70ed---------JUL -1 Z 19 192 --------------- ----- ------------ --- ....... ... ................. ----------- - ----- ---- ----- ------------------ . .....-----....... ------- ------------------- 14886 Bernard J. Nolde, Mattocks 6chool(Bond) E 551.33 _1 0 No ,4 6 Oidinanofl No 6107— ✓ y BY tV. J Peter ,-. r y rF, t !'/� An ordinan a Bu granting to A O aer ivatall and operate' flllto, atatlon on Arm- `]'� strong Avenue near Seventh St. !' Council of the t'It yea ordain.Pn " An ordinance grand: A: G `' 'permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Armstrong avenue, near.,.., Seventh street. q THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to A. G. Bauer to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Armstrong avenue, near the corner of Ammstrong avenue and West Seventh streets, in connection with the garage at 1107 West Seventh street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit for said station, upon said lioeneee'e compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said gasoline filling station shall be installed under the supervision and under the direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspeotion, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages or ex- pense that may accrue to persons or property on account of the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or re--- moval of said filling station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said Pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any lioened fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas gays Mr .✓Clanoy Ferguson McDonald, JWAGM )w�, Peter i Wenzel Mr./President (Nelson) Aypro 4 7 �� a Attest/City Clerk An ordinance granting to A. G. Bauer permission to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Armstrong avenue, near Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to A. G. Bauer to install and operate a gasoline filling station on Armstrong avenue, near the corner of A=strong avenue and West Seventh streets, in connection with the garage at 1107 West Seventh street. _ Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit for said station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said gasoline filling station shall be ssaiBd.under the Cotmnissioner, and saidnlice seeeshall pay ther the ofd cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to he City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars M0,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless a se lessefrom any and all liability„ judgments, ex- pense that may accrue to persons or property on account of the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or re- moval of said filling station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. ( ) Said shall be removed by said licensee whenever (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas flays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson . Pete Wean®7. Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Mayor City Clerk Attest HENRY OLSON CitL of - R§aint Paul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERKASST. CITY CLERK (PJffire of @Iitp (Qler[t July 13th, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel Dear Sir: Attached herewita application of A. G. Sauer to operate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at Armstrong and West Seventh Street. Till you kindly prepare the proper form of resolution and oblige? Yours truly, end. CITY CDI:RF.. William 9. Peter, (Lammissianer Me Mallettr, Beputg (dammissisner Department of Public Barks (situ of Saint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANG CRY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE July 7th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- In the matter of application of A. G. Bauer to operate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at Armstrong and West Seventh Street- being 1107 West Seventh Street. This is a Commercial District. This curb pump has been in operation for sometime and this is a change in ownership. No notice to property owners is necessary. BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. Yours very truly, City r1saming Eng'neer. GH REH FRANK W. MATSON, COM -1=0-m HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMM-IONM 614 of '-'Rafaf VUUI Air furhur tt Vf Vu.hlzx Anfrtg July 3, 1923• Mr. henry Olson, Oity Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. �f Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is applicatioof A. O. Bauer for license to operate and maintaiIt a curb pump gasoline filling station at Armstronnd Pest 7th Streets. This location is approved b this department as to fire hazard and traffic it is recommended that license be granted. you=rs ye A- Rei. s� 1 " BUREAU OF POLICE POLICE ..8n.... z OFFICE or FRANKW.SOMMER Saint Paul,Minn• CN16 July 2, 1923 Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of A. G. Bauer for license to operate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station on Armstrong Street at W. 7th, ,you are advised that Captain Gebhardt who investigated the matter reports that this filling station will not interfere with traffic. rely y rs, Frank Iff. Sommer, Chief of Police SIN Maly 2, 1923 Frank W. Hatson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of As C. Bauer for license to operate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station on Armstrong Street at w. 7th, you are advised that Captain Gobhordt ciao investigated the matter roparts that this filling station will not interfore with traffic. Very traaly yours, Frank W. Sommer, Chief of Police StIV R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION June 89, 1983. Hon. F. w. Matson, come of Public Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: In regard to the application Of A.G.Bauer for permission to operate one curb pump located on Armstrong Street at west. 7th Street. This station has been in operation for sometime and the above applicationis merely to cover the change in ownership from A.G.Bauer to A.R.Lauer. Station is in safe condition and we recommend that the transfer of ownership be allowed. wB/j Respectfully yours, CHIEF INSPECTOR. OWEN C. DUNN A55'TCHIEF r J V� 111 St. Paul, Minn. 4, 1923 Mr. Geo. P. DaWSon, City License Inspector, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I hereby request that license covering one curb pump gasoline filling station issued to A. R. Lauer at 1107 W. Seventh Street transferred to A. G. Bauer for one curb pump filling station at 1107 W. Seventh Street. I Will arrange to have bond filed With the Department of public Works transferred from A. R. Lauer to A. G.-Bauer- Yours .Bauer. Yours very truly, — - r��u-CSL OL- Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION F.— N.. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date 19 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MA \nme of Finu or Indirirlml For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) - -- -- - "Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOM_QBBILE FILLING STA/TION to be located Street Vambrr noel t Strut Number of Number Number of Gas �j� " `i - Capacity ofj_/ i /� Pumps to be Installed-Sa�^`�' __ Tanks to be Installed_1'�_Tanks--------6 e Received at office of City Clerk 3. s -in- .aaa-, APPROVED °� AS TO FIRE HAZARD --_19_ APPROVED AS TO STREET TRAFFIC i Date----- 19— APPROVED Date ------___19 Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. APPROVED II Date—_— ----._ 19_ I APPROVED Date------ __ _19_ PASSED--19— ASSED 19_Date APPROVED 19_ ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. -- Commr. of Public Works. 1 Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 9_ Pepartment of tom CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. M9N-Y A -S ARTHUR A. STEWART EUGENE M. OWE- REECE J. M9GEE L -S L. ANDERSON Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - July 16th, 1923. I em transmitting herewith ordinance granting permission to A. G. Bauer to install gasoline filling station at Armstrong avenue and Seventh street. Yours truly, f }F - emending Ordinance No. 5590, entitled "An ordi- nanoe providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting t the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance,�,,�° use and 141apegZon of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to �'�, be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Pnblio Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 16, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5560, approved April 16, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting at the end of Subdivision "e" of Section 126 of said Ordinance, the following: "Provided, however that that certain property known as Blook 123, Hewittis Outlots, Hirst Division, which 1s bounded on the north by Wabash avenue, on the west by Raymond avenue, on the east by Hampden avenue, and on the south by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company's tracks, and that certain property known as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, D. A. J. Baker's Addition; also all of Lot four (4) and all of Late five (5) and six (6) except the west 131.74 feet thereof, in Block 19, D. A. J. Baker's Addition to the City of St. Paul; and the property described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 29, Range 23, 333.6 feet north of a granite monument at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 32, running thence north 161.6 feet to the northeast corner of land for- merly owned by Banhardina Sweedburg, thence in a southwesterly direction on a line which, if produced to the south line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, would inter- sect said south line at a point 550 feet west of the southeast corner of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, a distance of 210 feet; thence south on a line parallel with the east line of saidnorthwest quarter of said Section 32 a distance of 33 Yee , -thenoe in a northeasterly direction on the southerly line of land conveyed to Banhardina Sweed- burg on June 7th, 1585, a distance of 15.63 feet to an iron monument; thence south 23.67 feet; thence east 15.3 feet, thenad north to a point due west of theLplace of beginning, thence east 125 feet to the place of beginning, except that portion thereof conveyed to the City of St. Paul by deed re- corded in Book 266 -of Deeds on page 234 in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, according to the Government Survey thereof; shall not be included in the fire limits as above described." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Mays Mr . ,-Clanoy Ferguson 0 McDonald{ Peter Wenzel • Mr. President (Nelson) Approved �/• Mayor Attest--R&— pUBL15;r�D City Clerk An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5550, entitled "An ordi- nanoe providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affeoting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, galls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of seouring healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 15, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5550, approved April 15, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting at the end of Subdivision "e" of Section 126 of said ordinance, the following: "Provided, however, that that certain property known as Block 123, Hewitt#s Outlots, First Division, which Is bounded on the north by Wabash avenue, on the west by Raymond avenue, on the east by Hampden avenue, and on the south by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company's tracks and that certain property known as Lots 1, Z and 3, Block i9, D. A. J. Baker's Addition; also all of Lot four (4) and all of Lots five (5) and six (6) exoept the west 131.74 feet thereof, in Block 19, D. A. J. Baker's Addition to the City of St. Paul; and the property described as follows: Beginning .at a point on the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 29, Range 23, 333.6 feet north of a granite monument at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 32, running thence north 161.6 feet to the northeast corner of land for- merly owned by Banhardina Sweedburg, thence in a southwesterly direction on a line which, if produced to the south line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, would inter- sect said south line at a point 550 feet west of the southeast corner of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, a distance of 210 feet; thence south on a line parallel with the east line of said northwest quarter of said Section 32 a distance of 33 feet; thence in a northeasterly direction on the southerly line of land conveyed to Banhardini Sweed- burg on June 7th, 1885, a distance of 15.63 feet to an iron monument; thence south 23.67 feet; thence east 18.3 feet, thence north to a point due west of the place of beginning, thence east 125 feet to the place of beginning, except that portion thereof conveyed to the City of St. Peal by deed re- corded in Book 266 of Deeds on page 234 in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, according to the Government Survey thereof; shall not be included 1n the fire limits as above described." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and pub tion. Passed by the Council Y� Yeas ays . Attest Lir. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved City Clerk Mayor WM. T6l. MARCH, JPi. aP�PMA3. ERNEST W. JOHNSON: SUET. - PIAYC.—. FRANK X. TEWES, CrtY ARG — (Utg of St. Paul Department of darks, PlaBrounas anh Publir I3ufMUP HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER: IRVINO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE 'ate Mr. Carlton F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: lvjl�o rd 1yl/W July 18, 1923. An ordinance has already been introduced by me into the Council which will remove the property owned by the Flaxlinum Insulating Company from the Fire Dis- trict of the City. This property is in the Midway district. The ordinance has passed its first reading. I am now notified by the above mentioned company that they have purchased additional property adjacent to the property covered by the ordinance, which they also desire to have removed from the Fire District of the City. This additional property is described on the attached sheet. I therefore would appreciate your kindness in having this property included in the ordinance which has al- ready passed its first reading, so that the total prop- erty ovmed by this company will be excluded from the Fire District. Yours rely, Commissioner. HSB..0 All of Lot Four (4) and all of Lots Five (5) and Six (6), e.1cept the Flest One Hundred Thirt---One and 74/100 feet (01.131 74/100) of said Lots; all in Block :7ineteen (19) of Baker►s Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Co. Jinn, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. And the following described premises, befinninl- at a point on the East Town - line of the Northwest carter (N') of Section Thirty-two (32); Town- ship Tc,:enty nine (20); Range Tv,o.-:ty-three (23) Three Hundred Thirty Three and 6/10 (333 6/10) feet North of a granite monument at the Southeast (SE) corner of the ;Tortheast suarter (iSI�) of the \Torthwest Quarter (N`'?) of said Section Thirty-two (32); runni:k; thence north One Hundred Forty-one and 6/10 (141 6/10) feet to the Northeast (PSB') corner of land formerly owned by Banhardina Sweedburg; thence in a Southwesterly direction on a line which if produced to the ::ouch line of said :;otheast ^carter (N3.t of Northwest ;uartor (PSCf1j Would intersect said South line at a point Five Hundred Fifty (550)feet "west of the Southeast (SE) corner of said Northeast 'carter (.Tr) of northwest Quarter (NrF? ), a distance of Two Hundred Ten (210) feet; thence south on a line parallel with the East line of said :Torth;rest-�Uarter (.;iris-) of said Section Thirty-two (32) a distance of thin --three (33) feet; thence in a ;Tortheasterly direction on the Southerly line of Ian', cone• ed to Banhardina Sweedburg duao 7th, 1685, a distance e:' Fifteen and 6300 (15 63100) feet to an iron monument; thence :'oath Twenty-three and. 67/100 (23 67/100) feet; thence East Eighteen and 310(18 3%10) feet; thence forth to a point due ';est of the place of bef;i_ning; thence East One Hundred Ti:enty-five (125) feet to the place of be'jnniu-_, except tiu.t portion thereof conveyed to the City of Saint Paul by Deed recorded in Book 266 of Deeds on Pale 234 in the office of the e;ister of Deeds iii and for the County of amsey and State .f n:i:uiesota, all according to the government Survey thereof. P epartment of '�aw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. —ALLY co cwr�el ARTHUR A. STEWARiA�RNevs EUGENE K O-NEILL REECE J. WGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON D Mr. H. C. Wenzel, July 23rd, 1923. Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Dear 81r: - Pursuant to your request of July 18th, I am transmitting herewith ordinance amending the Building Code so as to include the property you mention. You may intro- duoe this as a substitute ordinance in place of the one originally introduced. Yours ery truly, Corporation Counsel An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 55$0, entitled "An l ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, wells or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property agaihst fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 18, 1921._ This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5550, approved April 18, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting at the and of Sub- division "9" of Section 126 of said ordinance, the following: "Provided, however, that that certain property known as Block 123, Hewitt': Outlots, First Division, which is bounded on the north by Wabashravenue, on the west by Raymond avenue, on the east by Hampden avenue, and on the south by the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway Company's tracks, and that certain property known as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, D. A. J. Baker's Addition, shall not be included in the fire limits as above described." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Seetion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Attest Yeas Kaye Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Fenzel Mr. President (Kelson) City Clerk Approved Mayor An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5580, entitled "An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 18, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for thA preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5580, approved April 16, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting at the end of Sub- division "e" of Section 126 of said ordinance, the following: "Provided, however, that that certain property known as Block 123, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, which is bounded on the north by Wabash44venue, on the *eat by Raymond avenue, on the east by Hampden avenue, and on the south by the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway Company's tracks, and that certain property known as Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 19, D. A. J. Baker's Addition, shall not be included in the fire limits as above described." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council (titin of .fit. Paid f, 1Departutent of Parks, Plaggrouabs ` anh Puklir iguilaings . W.M T. MARCH, HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ) $UPT. OP PARRS IRYMG C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON. SIVT. OP PIAYCRWNOS OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER .FRAM(, X. TEyyFS 219 COURT HOUSE O COY AReRRE6T July,16,1923. Lir. C,F,LioNally, Corporation Colmsel; St. Paul,Tdinn. i . Dear Sir, I am transmitting to you herewith a request from the Flaxinum Insulating Company, which asks that their property in the Midway be removed from the Fire Limits of the City. You will note from the attached correspondence that the Fire Department has approved the matter, as well as the Department of Public Buildings. Will you please therefore prepare a resolution, authorizing this'removal, which I will introduce into the Council. Yours very truly, C 1,ioner.HSB/EB, om WM. T. MARCH, '-SUPS. oFPM1(s ERNEST W. JOHNSON, SUPT. OF I—YGR 5 "FRANK De. TEWFS. 1 Cm AI+a1rtECr V am of St. fuul Deputtawnt of ducks, pinogcounas ana Public iguilmap HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER - IRVING.C. PEARCE. O-UTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE oveo@ July 11, 1923. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: I am submitting to you herewith the application of the Flaxlinum Insulating Company for removal of their prop- erty in the Midway from the Fire Limits. Ordinarily, I would not be in favor of such removal from the Fire Limits as 1 am sure that the Fire Depart- ment would object to it. However, this company has been erecting, under special permit from the Council, large frame buildings on this property and the Council has granted these permits without hesitation. The Flaxlinum people now desire to erect another large frame warehouse on this property, and instead of apply ing to the Council for special permit to erect this building they are asking for the removal of their entire property from the Fire Limits so that this Department can issue building permits to them for frame construc— tion without Council procedure. I believe that if we continue to issue permits to this company for frame construction in the Fire Limits under special Council permission this will amount to the same as removing their property from the Fire Limits and there- fore I can see no reason why their application should not be granted. Yourso' �3,, n� . fi HSB..0 Superintendent of Inspection. �' HENRY OLSON c `t p //(0��//��TT"' `�aT`/ " 1� u " H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Offire of �!C[tU ('Clerk ASST. CITY CLERK July 10th, 1923 Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P.& P. Bldgs. Dear Sir: Attached please note commuSication from the Flaxlinum Insulating Company relative to the erection of a one story warehouse in Block 123, He.vitt's OutlOts, 1st Division, which is now prohibited under the fire limit ordinance. The Council today referred the same to you for ie;tjgation and report. Yours truly, 8 «+� CITY CLFRFC. Q FLAxLiNu I I �'srut-TINr. Go-_.NJflPAN. Y MANUFACTURERS OF FLAXLINUM x E B o RID INSULATION AND DEAFENING INSULATED SHEATHING STTAUL,MVII[ . July 9th, 1923. Hon. Mayor & Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - We the undersigned Company doing business in the City of St. Paul are the owners of $b0ei123 Hewitt's Out Lots, first division bounded on the north by Ciabash, on the west by Ray- mond, on the east b, Hampden and the south by the C.il.&St.P. railroad tracks; also lots Nos. 1, 2, & 3 Block "19 D.A.J. Baker's addition. On account of the building code restriction w1hich prohibits frame buildings within the fire limits we petition your honorable body to remove the described property from the fire limits. Heretofore we have already received special permits'from you for the erection of frame buildings on this property. We now desire to erect ala ;;e frame one story ware- house agproainately 250 ft. lonC by 126 ft. nide on the property and believe it better to 2 ve said property removed from the fire limits than to be continually petitioning, for special permits. At the present time ore are just completing the installation of a complete sprinkler system which protects all of the buildings on our property from fire, and c:e are oin, to protect this new proposed vsrehouse in tine sane manner. May -'o ask your earnest conFideration in this ratter? Very truly yours, LB/Ng f FLAXI.IC[�P` II:3[7 ATI'.IG CCLIPANY \ By Mechanical ngincer s OWENC.OUNN R. J. NILES ASST CHIEF FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MATSON. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION July 16, 1923. Honorable H. G® Wenzel, Commissioner of Parks, P.G. & P.Bldgs., Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: At the request of the Northern Insul— ating Company to exclude their plant and properties, located in Midway, f romhe fire district, an inves— tigation was made.by s As the Company has taken every precau- tion to safeguard their plant from fire, I feel that to have their plant removed from the fire distriat would not increase the fire danger in that district or to adjoining properties, and I would recommen ulrecommend that the request of the Company be granted. Respectfully yours, WB/j CHIEF IISPECTO . R S 0 L�V E D _ • that the bond forms and interest coupons attached for the $1,100,000 Permanent Improvement -Revolving Fund Bonds of this City dated J.une.'Ist, 1923, and bearing the facsimile signatures ot,the,Mayor, Arthur E. Weldon; City Clerk, Henry Oieonp.and G q Comptroller Jesse Foot be destroyed by.burning, by the City. Comptroller in the presence. of the Committee consisting of ,the Mayor and the Commissioner of Finance for the reason that other bonds and coupons bearing the eignature'of the present Comptroller.instead�of Jesse Foot, now deceased, have been printed and executedry, in lien: thereof. , R E S O L V E D further that after the destrtetion of said bonds the aild committee and the said comptroller make due repo.rt'thereofto the Council. --- —' , C. F No. "Is' BY J. M• CiancY Resolved, That the :bond Yorma nd Interest aupons attached for the $I.- 100,000 Permanent Improvement volving Fund Bon ds-oP this City dated June 111, 1021, and bearing.. the Ync simile signatures of the Mayor, Ar- thur E. -Nelson; City Clerk, Henry OI - son; and City ComPtro3ler, Jesse Foot, be destroyed 'by burning, by the City - Comptroller, in the presence of the Committee, consisting of the -Mayor:. Jnd the Commissioner f Finance, fori.— r. -, ..the reason that. other bonds and cou- pons bearing the signature of the pres- ent Comptroller Instead of Jesse Foot, now deceased, have been printed and executed, In lieu thereof. t ... ,,,�•, COUNCILMEN Resolved Further, That after the de- structian of said bonds the said com ---' ed b the Council._.......111.'-_i-"---.' -- 192. Yells Nays mittee ltnd the said Comptroller ake' y m due report thereof to the Council. ✓Clancy Adopted by the Council July 14, 1923. Approved July 21-193. APpro d._.- .- i ` 192 � (July 21-1323) _ - --' ✓ Ferguson In favor - l ---% V Matson "-' MAYOR ✓ Peter __ _ .._.. Against Wenzel j1/ Mr. President QUADRUMIGTE oixT or ax. e•vL - :: TOCITY CLERK • r,..... oovSaIL N Form D-34 lEf 12-22 x'ILE 1\ o.�����%ifj'' 11116ii --- f 92 8Y OOMPTROLLER_...__. AUDITED.._.... ..... .: .........._.... ......... � ... PER . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMre8ate amount of$-----.r824a------------------------------ covering checks numbered-..... .to.-.. _....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the #ce of the City 3.�490�- -- -� k49E39- Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. f �....Adopted by the Council ....':iF c_:%..... ?---------- -- - .. ----- .---192 Ferguson, .In favor -- ` Approved. - _... - ------------- 192 ' Matson, Wenzel. _.___.Against Mr. President, Nelson/ C. F. No. 47*_ thResolved, That checks be drawn on e City Treasury, to the aggregate mount oP $362.69, covering checks numbered 14904 to 14909 inclusive, as Per register oP Cheeks on file In the olilee oP the City Comptroller. Adopted'by the Council Ter. 1T, 1923. Approved July 17. 1923. uIY (July 21-1923) 11 INA TO CLMK Foxm D -a4 1M 12-22 OITY or - P.OL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r nT.s NO. .. AUDITED CLAIMS—"RESOLUTION FORM 463 j �1_. AUDITED....... PER '.... ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-----s�262st.6 _.-................- _-_....., covering checksnumbered---...149A4...............to---14909------ --._ lnclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Councll_...--------------- Clancy, -_`--- - `.. - .........-1�::._... Clancy, - In favor .........- - - 192.... Ferguson, � Appr ve ...... _ n r^ ✓ Matson, ..... ..................MAYOR ..-..--- .-_ •r J Peter, ----.Against_.._----- ✓ Wenzel. Mr. President, Nelson 14904 Central--`War-eh0us-e... Liner-£empany; " Water 14905 Cudahy Packing Uompany, Library 14906 I)oodyear Rubber Company, Library Bureau of Parks 14907 W. P. Nevins, Water 14908 Pioneer E1Bureau ofmParks 14909 victory Printing Company.. Bureau of Parks 14.70 5.25 -'TT. Z 4 100.56 14.70 19.95 19.90 72.95 134.63 Tr CLERK D-34 1M 1222 is) BY " ,COMPTROLI-ER ... ... .. AUDITED........... . __'. .. ............t92 ........ \ PER --..-.._- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of-----------------------, covering checks numbered .....1491.0%... ------------- to..._U$14 ---- - :----inclusive, as per register of city checks on $ e in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( If ) Councilmen ( If ) Nays. i/ Clancy, / Adopted by the Council..-- ........ ........ -------....__.......192 Ferguson, ....In favor "' na Approved.._ 192 Matson, Peter, Wenzel. -- "-Against Mr. President, Nelson C. F. N. -e 170Thlt checks be drawee to the City Treasury. - to the og�hecke !mount f $29,914.67, covering numbered 14910 to ek. inclusive, ns Per register of cCompton erle 1n1923. °fnAcle of d theb the Coun 11 July 11, Approved JulY 19, 1923. . (July 21-1923) ORIGIN.LLM OziY OB ex. P�nz. "', "MK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLEI oovscir. �;kX F.I. D-24 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM Pms PTO..:-...............y7_v....= 464 coMr�y4eo�t.eR, _. O.. t .., nuolYeo......__..-_.... .� '? � x.:'.....__.182.......-... ev Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-_`�9� 71� 67------------------------- covering checks numbered: --..14910 _-to----.14914---- __--__-_ --- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. L/ Clancy,V/ Adopted by the Council_ _--...-1;}!..-'�-=;=--h=} -- ---- ----- - 192.. Ferguson, In favor -M°Benaid,roved .. 192.-.----- Matson, Ll Peter, - J Wenzel. ----.-.-Against b .-........................MAYOR / Mr. President, Nelson ------------ ---- ---------------- --------._..-------------------- - ...------------- 14910 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance 257.50 Armory 14911 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 18,179.67 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 524.28 Bureau of Engineers 4,914.10 It (Auto) 302.50 City Planning 350.00 St. C. & R. 1,177.85 " (Auto) 92.50 St. C. & R(Pay.) - 161.00 Sewer C. & R. 286.45 S. & S. Cing. 4,307.45 It (Auto) 10.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 275.38 Sprinkling 5,770;66. " (Auto) 7.50 I9; I7T.--67 14912 Anna E. McNamara, 1,025:00 New.Hamline Junior High School(Bond) 14913 Annie E. McNamara, Mary Jeanette McNamara, Margaret J. McNamara, Merchants Trust & Svgs. Bank, Adm. for John A. McNamara 10,250.00 New Hamlin Junior High School(Bond) 14914 Nash Meat Market, 2.50 Schools 12-22 ..or..n :`47087 nr.sNo., :.............=._ ........._....... e��- f BV �" l.. OM OLLEFt AUDITED ............ ........ _ ... .....192 1II. ... .... .. ......... .. ....... ` PER -. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-40Q covering to checks numbered ....14933_.._._....-----to..___24M-.--- ..-- -._...inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City x Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. C. P. No, 47087— Resolved, That check, be drawn on I the City Treasury the aggregate amount of E40,068.60,- covering checks numbered 19933 to 14945 inclusive, as Per register of checks on file in the .Rice of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Tu7y 17, 1323. Approved Ju13' Council (JaIY 21-1923), `✓Clancy, Adoptdd by the Counci]__...._.., ..t . ........... J92 ✓ Ferguson, ------ In favor '�+ Mnk �and Approved......_... --�}'}', z-+ h,.f.} .......... ------------ 1 ' ----- Matson, P., Wenzel. t�Mr. President, Nelson �_ - _ Against i� C. P. No, 47087— Resolved, That check, be drawn on I the City Treasury the aggregate amount of E40,068.60,- covering checks numbered 19933 to 14945 inclusive, as Per register of checks on file in the .Rice of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Tu7y 17, 1323. Approved Ju13' Council (JaIY 21-1923), ORIGIRALTO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aooso.z 4` 0 _... Finn D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM n :h•:qz NO...___......_t.... ........ 467 gy COM ___OLLER__..._ AUDITED....-._..`.�.��.........�.....:....__.�...:.............182..._..._.. (^` :. .. PER-.......__._ �. .. 1�. .....__... ..... .- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_404 0 ,-- -'AQ ------------- ----------- covering checks numbered ..--.14933-----------------to....-149.5..... -... .------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. Clancy,I Adopted by the Council-... �':..1-_'- '=` ------ ---192------- Ferguson, n favor .."� I'; i ✓ Ay/proved ...... ..-. x _ -... 192 Matsbn, .., Peter, qui ✓ Wenzel. - Agatnst _ - .._ ----------------_------- idnYoa - Mr. President, Nelson - ------------------------------ ------------_------ ..... . -- . ..........----- - --- 14933 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 24,678.41 Police 24,508.41 " (Auto) 170.00 24,678.41 14934 J. M. Clancy, Com 'r. of Finance 1,380.19 Schools 14935 6inking Fund Investment Committee, 14,000.00 P.I.R.F.-Red. of local improvement certs. of Ind. aUADRUMIGW atrr or er, r.nn TOCr CLERK f - DDnsD.r 4708 Form D-34 1M 12-22 rrr.z 1\ 0 ................................ _....... BY COM LLER,_-_ ..... AUDITED....... ... - -i �.._ . ............ ..192........._ \`..... PER..........- .. ....... _ ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $------ 5-r$m------------------------- covering checks numbered.._... -24936--A ------- to.........lcg6$-- -----•inclusive, as per register of city checkss on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. _ ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council---.--..............................._.........-......192..----- �Ferguson, In favor Approved ----------.192 v1„ ✓ Peter, Wenzel. ...-.. -.--.Against President, Nelson C. F. No. 47068 Resolved. That checks be drawn to the C�LY of r$6.600A0 [o the Ipg g�hecks numbered 14936A to{ Y 9Cb6E lcs -1 l-1 as Per eSistoer f �n AdoPtedc by Che Coancll 7u1Yt17711923, APProved JuIY 17, 1923. (July 21-1923) J L OITY OP BT. P�vL ' ORIGINAL TO CIWCLDiK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ��D 1M 12 468 1 ' i '� I AICtty I BVCAM OLER. ..... jlll ...... .......... I AUDITED......_. __.. 1.... ._.._ .IB2...... ..... - r\/�A\ PER..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._.. 5 -- 0.00 ........................ covering checks numbered ........14936--A.....-.-to._.._.-_ JAANE .......... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. -.........1Clancy, Adopted by the Council92.JFerguson, In favor ✓-McD°'ff1d' _--- ----- — Approved....---- -......------ -- ---- --- ---192.... ... Matson, ( es J ✓ Peter, v4/ ✓ Against .f..r..ys.�...,... . Wenzel. .... .... .f---------- ..... �_ MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson ------------------------------------------------ ------- ...........------------- --------------- 14936A Jennie Smiley, 2,515;49 Mattocks School(Bond) 14936B Roy C. & Helen C. Steppe, 516.30 !' Mattocks School(Bond) I 149360 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 178.34 Mattocks School(Bond) 14936D Elsa M. Obst, County Treasurer 13.12 Mattocks School(Bond) 14936E Capital Trust A Savings Bank, 2,376.75 Mattocks School(Bond) LJ QUADRUPLICATE TD CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 L-1 aoa sass l— /mow 1 '. ; E!Y COMPT LLPR AUDITED........ .......... .. ...............192........... , �� •. PER 1 V!'l Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the s$$reBate amount of$......_1............................ .-.----.-..a coveting ; checks numbered.__. 14910 149.32_....... per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ....-------.....to.....--inclusive, as tY Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. LI/Clancy, ✓ Ferguson, -Ualth Matson, a , t/ Peter, t� Wenzel, Mr. President, Nelson 0 id Adopted by the Council:._.. ):�i:...:-'.....c.: ......._............ .... 192........ ' _ .._..In favor /) Approved...----- . _ ...-. - --— --------- --- ------------------192 (/....---Against / /-- 'x, , C. F. No. 47089— . Resolved, That checks be drawn on fhe City Treasury ,tothe aggregate amount of $3,374.63, covering checks numbered 14918 to 14932 inclualve, as per register o[ city cheglta n file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 17, 1923. Approved July 17, 1923. (July 21-1923) mow. ORIGINAL TO CIW CLERK I ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ([j��) cocacxx. _ BEY Y➢�`-'.9... Form D-34 at 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 2Tna NO ............... .. IIIJJJ zvin- 466 ie e ,J y 6Y W PTROLLER.... AUDITED.._.. ......_. _......_. 192........... PER \ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...... 3 ..... !&3 .......................... covering checks numbered ...-.14918 ---------------- to. -.-.14932 ---------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. ✓Clancy,Adopted by the Council `'"?....... ............ .... 192---.... t//Ferguson, In favor - Approved- J 192 ✓ Matson, Peter, - Aganst i \ ✓ Wenzel. L .. mtaYoxa % Mr. President, Nelson 1 Y 14918 Geo. W. Anderson, 1.84 Water 14919 Barndt & Lawhorn, 7.00 z eater 14920 Commonwealth Electric Company, 110.15 Schools 1.15 Lighting 24.00 Water 85.00. 17.E 14921 E. B. Crabtree Company, 387.49 Park Refectories 14922 The Estate Company, 4.02 }"later Allk 14923 Dr. Harry Ghent, 10.00 1p Corp. Counsel 14924 Huttle Candy Company, 31.85 Park Refectories 14925 Thos. McDonald Contracting Company, 116.00 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 14926 Wm. Murphy & Sons, 16.37 Water E Mi 8'.50 6,25 2*01 91,87 575.01 6.27 Res. 466 Page #2 14927 V. R. O'Br�en.* dater 14928 Dan O'Connell, Water 14929 James M. Pesek, Water 14930 Sales Company, sanicup Sa Park Refectories 14931 Stiefel Material Company, St. C. &R. (Pay.) 14932 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Inc., St. C. & R. E Mi 8'.50 6,25 2*01 91,87 575.01 6.27 C CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL 4.7_090___ NO.- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 1 DATE_-.._.-......._ ......................... v c. RESOLVED That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to pay to Kathryn Landers the sum of Seventy Dollar's ($70.00) out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of her claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered. from July lot to July 15th, 192 , to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works of said City, injured October 4th, 1922, in the course of his employment. -`V COUNCILMEN I recommend the above resolu- tion for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. C. 'y lved 0Th -13 the Prop" to Pay y to are hereby suthorised.t 11"L- su s cera P LflN00) o4 the ie Go" 70.00) out the C,en A% Dollar psauon Bettl h. IDSLt of h%,r'p ° Funds to fullcity from ee- 1� lsciko July tulYrl,t 9 _922 . D to arttaterc OCf�l, PCP ureo pubu.Nv"192 eMPloy f aid la tl) ettcouri.se f his 923 'tmPleYM d t. the Co .a 2ll Jul), 17, 1923. eober A,pr Yed. �3ulY 21-1923) 1 APPro v— Peas Nays ✓Clancy /Ferguson _)&Peea4d— _._-In favor Matson I, ✓/Peter U Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _...... _.._..._.____.... ___192.__ Approved..- �I�I--..i ...IJ .. '3 ---- _%1992%-- MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL coudca -47091 sage NO_ __....-_...-.:.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK nU-- RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM V ✓�v[�/{� ". DATE_..._.......J�11 -li .UP............... ..... ._ ._.............. ......-..........-...-......... ..-.f.-..__.........____. .... T�._.. t..... WHEREAS. In the construction of the New Vocational School, it was found necessary to provide for the hanging of two 10 H.P. motors with the necessary additional conduit installation to provide for the proper accormodation of the machinery to be used in the various training rooms and as the original plans and specifications did not anticipate this extra work, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the City Architect, the contract with the Kolar Electric Company for installing the electric work in the building be so amended and the plans and specifications so revised as to _ enable this extra work at an additional cost of $150.00. C.'F. No. 47091—By'S.R. 5. Ferguson— :1Phereas, In the constnictton Y the New Vry tonal School, it was found necessary: to providC forthe hanging of two 10 H. P..motols with the neces- sary additional conduit installation to provide for the proper accommodation of the machinery. to be used to the '.Various training rooms and as the original' plans and specifications did not anticipate- this extra work; there- 'fore;.be It Resolved, That upon therecom- mendation'bf'the City Architect. the ,:contract: with the Kolar Electric Com- pany for. installing the.electrle work in the.:buiidingbe so amended and the plans,and specifications so revised as to enable: thisextra work at an addi- [lone coat[ y the Council 7' July 17,'1923. Approved July 17,1923 1921 (July 21-1923) Nays ,/Clancy ✓ Ferguson .A+v1 ona71— .......-------In favor t� Matson f Peter _ .- ......... Against Wenzel Mr. President W Adopted by the Council.... I A ............ 192 n ,,,�., Approved-/ ..... . �':........ - ------------.192 kX4�4 X�� --------------- --------------- 1 MAYOR 70 CITIr� OF ST. PAUL COEN01 No. 92 - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �i1 Q4L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E.nSM ICCEDNFR '�/.X/ Vi�L/L DATE ............. V.L__...._.._....._ RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5945 for the purchase of Lot 4, Block 20, Iderriam Park, St. Paul, for the sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred (05,500.00) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrance, including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not, as a part of the site for a new addition to the Longfellow School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in -favor of -the owner of samd-land when the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City C omptroller. Cost r -1,11 .aj to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund, C R No.. 47092_g o C meaolvedtee , Th.1 Y I. R' S• Ver Item N0. 20 on I ioil oCit 31 neo a fi fiao�iha -r- 13 u Iffn nl, nk . .AierrlamPurohase . Hundred sum of Vlve Vark... -.'r of alli6,600.00) Dol $hou; ^� encumbrnec„ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy /Ferguson �14e13ottttld _ `[...... .In favor ✓ Matson Peter __....Against Wenzel Mr. President ii �i Adopted by the Council --- .._:''-'�---...... 192...... Approve ...._....... - z 3.}......:..192-- MAYOR FTIALTSI� �� A W A R D The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St.' Paul hereby agrees to pay Mrs. Helen J. Burdick, 1966 Carroll Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Five Thou— sand Five Hundred (5,500.00) Dollars for Lot 4, Block 20, Merriam Park Addition, St. Paul, free and clear of all eh - cumbrance incl h-cumbrance-incl uding all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whhther due or not. This property is being acquired as a site for an addition to the Longfellow School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5945. Cost of said property to be charged to Bond Issue,Fund No. 2022. / A mayor p ,, Committee on ])ends. (Commissioner'of Ed tion Purchasing Agent CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E""` No. 4.7D3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �It_Rran1IITlnN--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__........ _ RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinances No. 5945 and 6088 for the purchase of Lot 5 and the southerly 40 feet of Lot 6, Block 20, Merriam Park, St. Paul, for the sum of Fourteen Thousand ($14,000.00) Dollars, free -and clear of all a noumbrance, including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due pr not, as a part of the site for a new addition to the Longfellow School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Corporar'--Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City C. F. No. 47093—By L. R. p. That Comm, ttee ion 1a dsh on bet:.'I,7 Comptrol City of $t. Paul under and pu Ordinances No. 5945 ¢nd 60,u purchase Of Lot 5 and the ,to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund, 40 feet of Lot 6, Block - Park, 5t: Paul, fur the sum teen Thousand ($14 1% Item N free and clear of all c' 0) eluding all taxes and assessm I. IRS ailassessments thereon nst the pro not. as a part of the ija ' he Longfellb•••'' (l I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / ✓Clancy /Ferguson I McPmMtt-- _.._.---_In favor ✓ Matson 0 Peter __ __.....Against ✓ Wenzel JMr. President Adopted by the Council... ' . i4.... -.192 MAYOR AWARD tV The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay IAary L. Richardson, in care of Cathcart and Maxfield, St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Dourteen Thousand (14,000.00) Dollars for Lot 5 and the southerly 40 feet of Lot 6, Block 20, Iderriam Park Addition, St. Paul, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or.not. This property is being acquired as a site for an adds- tion to the Longfellow School under and pursuant to Ordinances No. 5945 and 6088. Cost of said property to be charged t Bond Issue, Fund No. 2022. te %iA�r, . �0 D_ Committee on Lands. on CITY OF ST. PAUL FOusNCa No. 4709 -------- --- - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / Op,� PRESENTED BY .... ................ . ....... ...__...................._.....____....... DATE__.._._ .............._....._..._............._.. .s_COMMISSIONER..{- RESOLVED ' That License No. 102 for conducting a Poolroom at 157 West Seventh Street issued to Dominick Vestuto be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that there have been numerous complaints about crap game being conducted there and On July 6th, 1923 this place was raided by Police who arrested a number of persons who were shooting crap, including the proprietor, Dominick Vestuto and he was found guilty and fined $50. in Municipal Court J COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓Clancy Ferguson Mat�- Peter JWenzel Mr. President C. F. No. .47094—By F. W. 3latson— Resolved, That License No. 102 -for conducting aPoolrppom at 157 West Seventh. Street Issfied to Dominick Vestuto be, and the same is hereby- reg yoked upon recommendatlon of they Bureau of Police for"the reason that there have been numerous complaints about p game being conducted. there ,and on July Gib, 1923, this place was raided by police, who arrested a number of persons who were shooting crap, Including the proporietor, Dom- Inick Vestuto, and he was found guilty and fined $50 in Municipal Court. Adopted by the Council. July 17, 1923' .Approved July 17, 1923. (July 21-1923) Nays. In favor d Against Adopted by the Council...'1111 _:...:'......192 _.. Approve 192_.... MAYOR RESOLVED 5. CITY OF ST. PAUL F,u.couricNO.._ I V L� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ .......... .._._ 4..u1Y..._l�..._193.R..._ Whereas, a contract has been made between the City of St. Paul and the Standard Stone Company of St. Paul covering the construction of curb on Chatsworth Street from St. Clair Street to Summit Avenue, under Final Order C. F. 39022, approved April 6th, 1922, and Whereas, between the time the final order was passed and the time the work of construction was commenced private parties constructed approximately 690 lineal feet of ,--i, w-4+tht.n thA limits of the contract, the cost of whi C. F. 'No. 1111 By Wm. J. Peter— .,1•rom the contract price, and Whereas. A ntract has been ado between the City of St. Paul and. the Standard stone company or st: Panllbrporation Counsel has rendered overing the nstruction of curb an Chatsworth. Street from St. awli,23) relative to this specific $[root to Summit avenue, under ca° 9y2randF. 39022, ¢pproved Ap.'It that tt deductions should be made llpC- Whereas, Between the time t)" bid rather than upon the schedule order was passed n ' thr f Of work of ....trucetonpora, in the s ecifications ti and private pagttes gy �;° p Whereas, the schedule or prices upon the basis of the bid, as near as can be determined, is 49 cents per lineal foot for straight curb and 75 cents per foot for radius -curb; therefore be it Resolved, That deductions on contract under Final Order C. F. 39022 be made on the basis of 49 cents per lineal foot for straight curb and 75 cents per lineal foot for radius curb. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓ McDonald .... ...... In favor Matson / Peter ____.._.Against / Wenzel Mr. President . Adopted by the Council _..._.. :i 111- , a ...... .---- ......V�Z1.....192...... � --1I�^1 Approved-- - ...................--192 rtt�iv� — ----------- .................... MAYOR petition - Council File No - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Sia-Z49t---o@m@.n4..-til. _aids.Wkax on---B06jet-_13446 Of.-FAdcyV03F..AQonue----.._--------- _.....itoffi.HHW.itt._AYe �...to-Wes-167-AY8A13e..---.... ..... _..---- ------- -- -------------------------------- --------------- ------- ---------------- - - ..---- - ..... —' -- - - - ..... .._.._... ................ _ —.-- -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- .... ..._...... ..... _.... _.. - _.__....... - ..._.. ....._.......__._.._. Dated this. -17th ......... day of _. -July 1923 - - 192.. _. -- _.. ......--- -...---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Goaetrusn...-.ai7lt-boat_oemaat_.tile...aidimalk_oa..the---eaat_.side .oi._.._ rair.Qiea_AQenua_from.. Hewitt ... Avenue_.to...Weal-ey-.ATWM13 .--_----...... ---.... ... ...... ---------------------------------------------------- - -- ----_.........---._.....---------------------------............ ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. a F'.--__--.-...--.- ----------------- -------- -- ----- -- therefore, be it whereas," mak(ng of tt, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public VI P1z "rng t and directed: n• Ik onnstuct the east Side or.Fairv:•,11�Cment. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirabilitj from xewttt ave. Io wealey a .'v Ing. been Presented to .the con,--il the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimat' thR City of St, Pa a tComm ?,, .41 ks.: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveetn- .: be andIs he 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for c net ` zte the n` ' three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council---------- ------- J- ---- ......._----------------------------- YEAS'NAYS Ciounellmalf/ CiLANCY ✓ FERGUSON � Approved ------------ ------- --------... ✓ MATSON MCDONALD ' ✓ PETER ✓ WENZEL---------------------------------------------- -------------------- ....----- .----._.-..-....- /MR. PRESIDENT �j 1^ Mayor. Form C A 13 (31d 6-22) RESOI:VED COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO...__,...._.-._... OFFICE o----- ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ...... ... .... ...... ................... .......... - . ............... DATE......_........._.. July 1 -6th . ..... 1923—..– Resolved, That the plat of King's Highland Park, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public iVorks, be and the same is hereby accepted. 47097—B, -� Ij Hilrblea'd9di, That tbT :t %te"j, the Plat C=kj re-mmend ddRgb'o a y oner at pb,,. ,aAdopted d 1he"""' l- h-,.h�, be i h_ the 7_. led 1- 23. 7 . z., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ....In favor Matson /J Peter ...... Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Cou il.. :11........--192..---- Appro, ed---- - --- ---------- --------192. ............ - ---- --------------- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL F°eRcIL NO.-._ �47098 ---. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE _....._tl�._7A_ 1.H�._.........__..._._ In the matter of erecting the reinforcing material for the steel floor system of the Wabaeha Street Bridge: RESOLVED* That the plans, specifications and bill of materials, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named work, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bide for the / V work. - �} C. F. Na'. 47098—BY Wm. J. Peter— In -the matter of erecting the relntore- Ingmaterial for the Leel floor 6Ys- Street ( 1� 1 tem of the Wabash- arse flea- Resolved. That the plans,-* submit- 4 tions and 6111 f materials, ,� ted by the Commissioner of Public named work, / Works, for the above and the same a e hereby anProved, Agent 1a hereby' that theParchasing authorized ¢nd directed to advertise - Ycrbids for the work. 1923. Adopted 11y the Councit' July 17. Approved July 17, 1923. (Ja 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_._�x...e,._11e?......_.192 ..--.. t//Clancy Ferguson A ro d - - -- I I--' .. „^ 192.. ✓ McDonald __, ___-In favor %f ✓ Matson Peter .....: I... --.--.Against MAYOR . ✓ Wenzel Mr. President RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL No. v .e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 17, 1923 In the matter of oonstructing a sewer on Minnehaha St. from Earl St. to Frank St. under Preliminary Order O.F. #45282, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order O.F. $48870, approved July 8, 1923, RESOLVED: That Final Order C.F. #48870, approved July 8; 1923, for the above named improvement, be and the same is hereby amended by omitting the words "from Earl St. to Frank Ste• and substituting therefore the words "from the oentre of Frank St. to the existing manhole 329 feet west of the oentre of Frank St.° COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson / McDonald _ ......._ . In favor 1/ Matson ✓ Peter _.. Against ✓ Wenzel / Mr. President Adopted by the Council. .";J1 .- 192 - Ap oved.... — - - -.192...... MAYOR Wm. J. Peter— c. F. No, 47099—Ry In the matter t onstru.ttng a sewer on Minneh lut St. from Earl St. to Frank St. under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 46262, pproved April 20, We. 46870, 1923, and Final Order C. F. approved July 6, 1923. Resolved, That Final Ord.[C. F. No. 46870, approved July 6, 1923; Yor the above namedImprovement, be and the same is hereby. amended by omitting the words "from Earl St. to Frank SL,' and substituting therefor the words "from the center of Frank St. to the existlug manhole 329 feat q'est of the center of Frank St." Adopted by the Council July 17, 1923. Approved July 17, 1923. (July 21-1923)- _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson / McDonald _ ......._ . In favor 1/ Matson ✓ Peter _.. Against ✓ Wenzel / Mr. President Adopted by the Council. .";J1 .- 192 - Ap oved.... — - - -.192...... MAYOR RESOLVED 6�/(���J CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCILNO..- .. i--3tJ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM -10 DATE.--Jttly..._162._1923------- -------- _ In the matter of grading Reaney St. from Hazel Ave. to Nortonia Ave. and from Nortonia Ave. to the East City Limits, under Preliminary Order C.F. #42266, approved Ootober 10, 1923 and Final Order C. F. #45716, approved May 10, 1923 RESOLVED: That Final Order C.F. #45716, approved May 10, 1923, for the above named improve- ment, be and the same is hereby amended by omitting the grading of Reaney St. from Hazel Ave. to Nortonia Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald _ ._..�___In favor Matson \ ✓ Peter __u_._Against ✓ Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council....:.. -_i....1. ?." 192...--. - i y%J J'J _ Appro ed - -- - _�..1�92-_.-. C. R X.,'atte0 aBy Wm. J. Petar— In grading. Reaney. St. from .Hazel Ave. to Nortonia Ave. and from-Nortont. Ave. to the East City Limits. under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 42266, approved Oeluhek1A _ 1922, and Pial Order C. F. No. 46716, approved May 30, _ 1923. Resolved, That Flaal Order C. F. No. 145716, approved May 10, 1923. for the above named improvendment, be and the -ame la hereby ameed by omitting the grading of Reaney St. from Hazel Ave.to Nortonta Ave. - Adopted by the Council July 17, 1923. Approved July 17, 1923. — (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald _ ._..�___In favor Matson \ ✓ Peter __u_._Against ✓ Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council....:.. -_i....1. ?." 192...--. - i y%J J'J _ Appro ed - -- - _�..1�92-_.-. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No.._--. ��1� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ___.____..._......._._ ........................ DATE....._Jgly..._18�.._1a__._...___..._. In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Earl Street from Fourth Street to a point 70 feet south of the south line of Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order O.F. #45351, approved April 24, 1933 and Final Order O.F. #46867, approved July 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the Final Order O.F. #46867, approved July 6, 1923, for the above named improvement, be and the same is hereby emended by substituting 123 feet in plaoe of 70 feet. C. F:`\b: 47101—By ne .. i.Peter— Ih. the mal'[er of cons[ructith sewer 1 1.. bn•Earl Street from Fourth Street to' Gd yofnt 70 feet south of the .oath. line of. Fifth Street•. under Prelim- inar5,....... F 1 FlnalfiOrdecC F.'1 proved Jelly 17• IU' ' . (July 21-ID23) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ._......... _.,In favor ✓ Matson Peter ------J ..-Against Wenzel !/ Mr. President I Adopted by the Council._ 1LI.-..a I� :�..._.----.192.....- �ij!_ -l",- 19P3 Annro VBd-.. _. _.... . ....... . __ _. _.192...-_ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FOUEN' NO..... 4-7-1 _CTS^ — RESOLVED Thai the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and improvement of alley in block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition from Park Ave, to Sylvan Street, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer'sEstimate. Preliminary Order No. 39192. F.B. #4858. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Matson Peter \ _. Against ✓ Wenzel i ✓ Ni r. Yrenident Adopted by the Council. ........jlja_..._;"..! j2 j....192. _.. fly_N"} Annro ed-.--.-.-- - 192----- - - �I 17 1.03 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"°"NO------ A.Y".. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.--_.... __ ..�........._......_.._____. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and improvement of alleys in Howard Park Addition, bounded by University, Shields, Beacon and Wheeler, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. Preliminary Order No. 40176. F.B. #4855. ! C. _n wo. 47103—$y wm.'J. Peter— Resolved, That the Council hereby -1 concurs in the' recommendation ot'the Contract Comd,lttee and`: rejects bid ;eived..for ,'.grading..: and'. improvement T_. alleys In Howard Park Addition, bounded by University, . Shields, :Bea-.. con-:and"wheeler,�as bid received was la excess of -- the,Englneer's. Estimate. Preliminary Order 'No. 40176. r, B. No. 4955. ' Adopted by the Council July 17; 1925. It Agproved'July 17, 1923: (July 21-1923)- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Peter ✓/ Wenzcl // \d r. 1'rrsidrni Adopted by the Council _.._JJ,J __a O CITY OF ST. PAUL FENCILNo. 1E d-.tl LY -. - ll ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ... DATE___fu1.Y---1-61-192-3— COMMISSIONER___ .. _ ._.. ._...__._----- _..... __--- _.__..._._...._--- _._.._.._..__.._. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and im- provement of alley in Hackett's Subdivision of ,Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 5, from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. Preliminary Order No. 42479. F.B. #4854. Adopted by the.Counell July 17,1 923. approved. July 17; :1923: (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Matson { Peter W'onzel /INT'. I' ...... id -0 ikktk" CITY OF St. PAUL cOUNca. �7105 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AIL PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER�.F _- ._.._..__.._._.._......_._..__. _. RESOLVED That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and improvement of alley in block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2 and alley in block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. Preliminary Order No. 40452. F.B. #4842. to Hemline Ave as bid reeeived :was I. .excess L: the Eud•Ineer's Eetlmate: Preliminary"Order.. No.: 40452:. F. B. No...#842. 1 Adopted by: the Council July 17, 1923. Approved July 17. 1923, (July 21-1928). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ I+ereuson Peter R'enzr] N1, i'r�•sid���l Adopted by the Council i"n *�, RESOLVED COUNCIL 47106 \ v CITY OF ST. PAUL _ NO. --..----.r_.---. :. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .._.......Jn!41-_1Tj_ 18 a3_...__..-------.__ LA In the matter of grading Beech Street from Hazelwood Ave., to White Bear Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #40846, approved July 18, 1923rand Final Order C.F. #44428, approved May 16, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public y�✓�' ?Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are /A hereby approved. COUNCILME Yens Nays .Adopted by the Council... .... j -.3-..192------ ✓ JI r. t'II•.��d,-III — �. No: By Wm J Peter _47106 e matt C grading Beech Street !HI/ InEngelwood Avenue to White Lr: Avenue. -under Preliminary Or i ved J1x1Y 18'. "'ll C.F. No 49346 ayDr 3, and Final Order C. F. No:; 44423,. urI (1' i —ved May. 16, -1923. aoiYed, That the D7sas, sPecidca- and estimated quantities -as sub-', It by the Commissioner oC� Pubitc .s for the above named Improv-- be and the same are hereby ap- fy\ d. 0 pted by July 17. 19 -July 17 1923. Proved July 17, 1923— 21-1923) �\ \ " 1 (July -- COUNCILME Yens Nays .Adopted by the Council... .... j -.3-..192------ ✓ JI r. t'II•.��d,-III — �. cour+ell NO.._.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE i. -a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM { DATE -..._Y ul�.__J..._19�3_..._--- ......... _..__ RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade of Lawson St. from Frank St. to Duluth Ave. and Duluth Ave. from Lawson St. to Cook St. in accordance With Preliminary Order C.F. #44360, approved March 6, 1923 and Final Order C. F. #45520,approved May 2, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. 47107 By Wm. J Peter— In thea matter of .changing the 'grade /1✓I1u11 '.: Lawson from Fra St m to Du- lu luth Ave. andnd Duluth Ave. from Law - '.son 5[. el O Cook Caccordance with $el� - wlmtnary Orderer R F. No. 44360, approved March 6. 1923, and. -- Ft al Order C. F. No. 45520, approved (" ` 'Maes 2, 1923. - R -R Olved. That the planar Sp s algia- Y �t tto and esti oru quantlttea as nub- mltt d by theCommiaslo er of improve- ment, for ttie above. harried Improve- prov bo aad-the same are hereby ap- j proved. -_ Adopted by the Cp1923. July 17, 19731 4 — Apyroved.July 17, 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ / Nays Clancy (/Ferguson McDonald } .-...In favor �Mgteon ,. /Peter Against {i rnzrl �L. Prc�idrut. Adopted by the Council _. tl; -1 X421-- 192 , rya- A.oe RESOLVED f� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO... 1.1.._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of grading Danforth Ave. from Maryland St. to Carbon St., under Preliminary Order 43907, approved January 30, 1933 and Final Order 45244, approved May 2, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby 1 approved. C.. F: No*matter 47108--B9 �Vm. J• Fet=f.rth he of-. grad in k'o from Maryland St to In tCartio -' St u der Fre11m13o0430 4r and Final J Orderor 45 44. pproved DSaY 2, 1923. p der 45244, aPP tans, sPeclflc¢- Resolved That the P [tons. and -estimated nuantitfes as sub- itted orks for [he the aof bovamma tamed imProVec }Yment, be ,and the -same are hereb9 aP' yroved. b the Courted July 17, 1923. Adoytgd Y Ayyroved. July 17 1923. -. (July' 21-1923) �'• 7 Y 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ :- !....;.:;'.J ;2::_.___.192...... ""Clancy a r Fer uson ' 1 .f McDonald In favor 1% Matson L�• -... t+l�"En_t . !f Peter Against ��t��nzrl Mr Pro.+idrnf CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL - 4 FILE .......:r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ............ n ly._.12.}-_ la.Q V-_.. _....._.._---- -_ RESOLVED In the matter of grading the following streets: -- Algonquin Ave. from Stillwater Road to Nokomis Ave., Ruth Ave. from Nokomis Ave. to Minnehaha St., Nokomis Ave. from Hazel Ave. to Stillwater Road, Nortonia Ave. from Minnebahe St. to Stillwater Road, Tewanee Place from Mohawk Ave. to Nokomis Ave., Mohawk Ave. from Stillwater Road to Manitou Ave., Manitou Ave. from Stillwater Road to Iroquois Ave., Iroquois Ave. from Nokomis Ave. to Stillwater Road, Hazel Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Nokomis Ave. to be known as the ®Beaver Heights Grading Pro,eot," under Preliminary Order C.F. 41323 approved August 15, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #44425, approved March 7, 1923. RES)LVED: That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvements, be and the _eame axe hereby approved. —__a - y C F. a atter of wm. -Peter In the matter of grading the-Yofr. St, streets: A16onquin Ave from St, [water Road to Nokomis Ave.,, } Ruth Ave. from Nokomis Ave. to Minn:Ila,c ah: 10 Nokomis Ave from ` tons AV. to.Stillwater Road, Nor- A tonla Ave Yrd, Mlnnehaha e t. to t Stillwater Road, TewaneegP]nce from ..aryk Ave. to Nokomis Ave., Mo- hawk- Ave 'from' Stillwater Road to Manitou Ave., Manitou Ave. from Stillwater Road to Iro uols Ave., a I Iroquois Ave. from Nokomis Ave, to ^ „ Stillwater Road, - Hasel Ave: Yrom /U,� , Mlnknown as h Nokptner Ave., tto be known ne the. Beayer Heights Grading under Preliminary Yeas LiClancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter �1Cruzrl \Ir. Prc.+i,L•nt G' Resolvedp That her plans,l923. speclflca- "ons and esnmated quantities as P. -a milted by the Commissioner of Public. Works Por the above named improve-��n•� Na meats, be and the same ate,b",pr ap-ti(10[lt(`Cl Icy tl1C �'011n Cll.._ _ �.---...-. 1. <..1...-..1�2...... Droved. Adopted by the Councll July 17, 1923 €: Approved July lC7 1923. tJuly zlasza> A i kd ti a ti('7L`'.� _Against RESOLVED COUNCIL 471-10 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ----------- ._..... ._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IF July ry q .......... ...... ..___......_.._....._......._-..... - DATE. .......July....11..+...�Y...__....... -............ In the matter of grading Montana Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #44363, approved March 6, 1933 and Final Order C.F. #45522, approved May 2, 1923. RESOLVER That the pleas, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Flaal 01923 C' F. No 46522.:p.pProve F,.., ,,do - f., May 2, Resolved, That the pions, ape.ifl a- , mitted d,estimated -Quantities os sub- Pubiie. {' / milted by, the Commissioner Works for I the above named ove-t herebreb y ap-; t ..at. be- ad, the same are prd. .July,17, 1923. Adoovepted: by. tfie Council Approved July 17,1923. (July'. 21-1923) J COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays Adopted by the Council-- - �:....i_a.. �`?! J....192....._ Clancy , Ferguson :lpprovi 192 t/ -McDonald Iu favor v Matson Peter -.... Agsiu:a MAYOR ✓/��'cnzel RESOLVED zi�. I � � 71111 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL NO.-.._-..._--------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �' IIILjRESOL,tUTI'OAN—GENERAL FORM 1p r� ./ .�j....c.l.......v4........_.._.._....._.........OATE........... _!1_nly.... .17.q-..-l2Z3..........__._._.. In the matter ofgrading Sent Street from Maryland Street to Carbon Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #43881, approved November 31, 19and Final Order C. F. No. 45048, approved May $, 1933. RESOLVED: That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. approved ML 'L,.;yas. Resolved. That the plans, spectdca-' i Clone -and e.tlmatedQuantltles as sub- I emltted.by the Commissioner of Pu1,11.I R'oiks 2or the above named_imQrov-- men the same are- hereby ap- proved. - Adopted by the Council July 17, 1923. Approved July 17 1923. 1Jp)y �1-1933) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -"Clancy 7/ Ferguson I/ McDonald ✓ Matson Peter lim-1 i �` J4 r. 1'resiilrnt `i In favor -Agsinl l Adopted by the Council... !I ....... ..!..1'J --------- _.192...--. Ap/ ved-....----_,:�-...�.: --;:..:::,..._....192...... MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.....- 47-112 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE..._..._�i.1i1i ._172..._191 3_- ------ ..---- _...__ In the matter of grading the Worth and South Alley in Block 3, Evans' Addition and Block 3, Holterhoff and Read's Addition, from Geranium St. to Jessamine St. under Preliminary Order C.F. '44117, approved February 14, 1923, and Final Order C.F. #45115, approved April 14, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the aboveramed improvement, be and the game are hereby approved. ent, be and the same -.are nere y ap-1 PrAdopted by the Council July. 17 1923. Approved July 17.1923. .(July 21-1923) - COUNCILMEN Nays VClancy Ferguson III n favor / Nlatson Peter 1/ Wenzl•1 /M, President. Adopted by the Councll.....i':):......i--- .1 .:3 ... ...... 192-.--- /1' Approved_- - 192_.... MAYOR � C. FJ No. 47112—BY Wm. 3. Pt-ht the matter of grading the North and South Alley in Block 3, Evans' I Addition and Block 3, Holterhoff and Mead's Addition, from Geranium Jessamine under Prelim- f1 `� SL to .-SL, February14. C. F, -No. 44117, 41 77na/POrder C . F. No m6n`5, approved April 14, 1923: _rtia nI.— soeel8ca– ` ent, be and the same -.are nere y ap-1 PrAdopted by the Council July. 17 1923. Approved July 17.1923. .(July 21-1923) - COUNCILMEN Nays VClancy Ferguson III n favor / Nlatson Peter 1/ Wenzl•1 /M, President. Adopted by the Councll.....i':):......i--- .1 .:3 ... ...... 192-.--- /1' Approved_- - 192_.... MAYOR couNCIL NO,.--------- -- -.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Orange St. from white Bear Ave. to the right-of-way of the Minneapolis & St. Paul Suburban Railway, Van Dyke Ave, from Orange St. to Hawthorne St. and Hazel Ave. from Orange St. to Hawthorne St.,in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. w. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $4,999.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $5094.00. F.B. #4844. O F No. 4-1.M—BY Wm. J. Peterw7 ' 4 R solved.; That the Council hereby cc tura 1n the recommendation f the Contract Committee and awardg the r� contract for the gradin 6 and improve- ^, ment of Orange- St. from its Bear t+( Ave. to the right-of-way of the Mln- neapolls & ;St. Paul fin rban_8a,11way. ,Van Dyke.. Ave. from Orange St.. to Hawthorne: St e d Hazel Ave. from orange St. to Hawthorne St -in ac- cordance with plana and specifications hgreto attached to D. WMoore: h'e be- ing the' lowest reepr, for onslble bidde_. the sum of -44,999-00 34 999 00 and the Corpora- tlon, Counsel is hereby instructed to draw Iup the proper ont of co, therefor. h'Engineer-. Estimate $a: y-094.00. F. B. No., 4844. — ij€ Adopted by the Council JulY 17, 1928. ,Approved July 17,1923. (July 21.-1923)1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L.Clancy ,/ Ferguson ✓ McDonald In favor Matson Peter Again t Wenzel Vfr. President Adopted by the Council _.._ . ..... 192.__- ,.,. ApprovgK_ 192.._.. i MAYOR 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2UNOIL NO...__ �_Y_�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E._. ..!!Cl......_..._ .._....................... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Shields Ave, from Snelling Ave. to Pierce St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. W. loore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sur of $2,128.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2310.00. F.B. #4846. '.�C'uFa�a 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓61ancy ,,,Ferguson :McDonald Matson v1 Peter ,,'l'cnzel /Wr. P,-ident In favor .A gait 1 vv Adopted by the Couneil'.lj � j � � ' _.192- .... Appm :ei s 192.. AYOR 7 ��--- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO•------ -a 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 461 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading ands: improvement of Kenneth Ave. from Randolph St. to Sargent Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Keough Brothers, they bding the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $5,289.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $7151.00. F.B.4847. A ­ 1J Apyroved JUul 21-1923) (July COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter V' Wenzel -Mr. President -----__ In favor ._- Against Adopted by the Council.. _-_-:: 1",�'J27 _.....192- .... Appro d ....-- _ .... 192..._ k /�ltX�v CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.I_.�-y. ------ 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 14 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Fry Street from University Ave, to Blair St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,511.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2600.00. F.B. #4848. the Council. July 17. 1923- my 17. 1923. July 21-1923)- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson L,/ McDonald Matson Peter d Wenzel \[r. President L' i -..-. _In favor \gaina Adopted:by the Council....-_.,;�'..._� :;:. Si s-_.-192. _.. Approt• d r -...A , _192.__. ✓��� ; - Maror, cOUNCIL No. OF ST. PAUL c 1 p 1V O----------- ---- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM –......_._..............__..........._._....------._........._.....----- SATE__.aT.Sll. ._.1�1,—.1.9Z ------...._.__._.... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Villard St. from Rice St. to Park Ave. and Park Ave. from Villard St. to Maryland St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,034.80, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate {32682.00. F.B. ¢4849. F., No. 47117: 13y WnL Z Pe,_ R-1—_ Ave. rehy instructed to[too-, up P form' of draw uy- i Eetlmate contract 00.p.therefor: ibJu'he Council Suly 17, 1923. Y 17, 1922 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1/ Clancy ,Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter _ \gain,t i/ wen.el V Mr. Prosidnnt W,f . I -- I— Adopted by the Council_____ --- .. r..' 192..... r Ap roved ___ _192..--- mnvors CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS ENERAL FORM a .. ........... ..... .__...._--------- _---------------------- _................ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of G'oodlawn Ave. from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Keough Brothers, they being t�he lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $$3,242.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3846.00. F.B. #4850. C. F. No. 47118 --BY Nm• J- Peter Resolved;: -That. the -Council hf t e conchs'e fn tlie. recommendation re a andJmProve- Contia4 Committee and awards the cohtract'forthe 6 Ran - ;'menta of, Oe erst Ave. fro accord- . dole I_StI to J18ng oandv 'gat once .-with- D to Keoush hers. hereto I ttaclied1 they the'loweat r.- to bId- ol d- ` elnB nd the 1 - dere, for the s oun el;3te42hera'r r CoIn- rporation- r -yroper or s;rooted et draw up; the tneer's E-ti- co, tf- of cotract therefor. -EnB mate $3,849.00 LhF•Coun Il July 17, 1923.1 Adopted by Approved July i 2111923) a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald .._ In favor ✓ Jlatson Peter Agg,ins6 (Wenzel /, Presidcot Adopted by the Council.. ------....__.......... -_..192_.... 1p rovrd ,..� 194 MAYOR 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE----------- coUHCIL No7119___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE._July_-.Ci.,_ L92..3.—._._------.._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Robertson St. from Fairfield Ave. to Indiana Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $739.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $874.00. F.B. #4851. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_.-' �.`:__'-'._ c. -___....192..... I/ Clancy / Ferguson McDonald -._ In favor vlatson Peter _Againf. MAYOR / Wenzel nrl. r��ym�Ilr CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ' -4 I UD No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ) CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ® - -- RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improve- ment of alley in Cerny'.s Rearrangement of part of block 8, Lake Park Addition, from Arona Ave. to the east Line of Cerny's Rearrangement, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Eberhard, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $140.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $215.00. F.B. #4852. C. �F.-.No 441N -13Y Wm. J. I— the Col 8.n ve.to heref r Engineer.=•••••- '. -B. -`7o 4852.:_. Adopted by the Council Ju)Y 17, 1923. Approved July 77 1923. - 'I (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson McDonald .. . _In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council__ -1 ... i...! iS_..._..192 Apprved--- .......... 192 t 1'v CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL File NO._._.._L'_�______ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___.._ 4./ ...._..... _ ................. __......_..------------- DATEX.__.LL�.j� }. .�_ SL ._._ ----- -- .... ..._. ._ _. ...._....._._......_. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recolydnendation of-1he Contract Cornnittee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Hinkel's Second Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst Ave. West to Lynnhurst Ave. Fast, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $200.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate ;244.00. F.B. #4857. F. No 47121—By lVm J..Pet r��) Resol ed That theCou.oil hereh, n urs in the ecommemlation of the ntract-Committee and award, the, Pe- re- .lac......9mace b6 ,uu. N'. B. No, A 4 . .. 867:dopted hy.the Council .July 17, 1923. ' Approved July 17. 1923. (July -21-1923) , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays // Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald _....---In favor Matson t` r/ Peter _ V.._. -Against ✓ Wenzel (/ Mr. President 7kV __1177 Adopted by the Council..y1-.... I�ZJ 192_.---- . ,.. Appro d-------' CUI CITY OF ST. PAUL F°sR`L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading of alley in Block 1, Underwood's.Third Addition, from Prior Ave. to Kenneth Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Keough Brothers, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $241.75, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $326.00. F.B. #4802. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ ..-...__ In favor Matson Peter _.."-- _._ Against ✓Wenzel +// Mr. President Adopted by the Couneil.....--JU:._.I-';..l'_i.2 ...._192..... /kfproved .._ 192... - L%J/ MAYOR COUNCIL A G 12. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU NO------------------___. ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R —�aE ERAL FORM COUNCIL ESOLUTION N _ 4 el.�.............._...................... _..... _.--......-_....-_-_......------ .-..-.._- DATE_...Iillyf ..Zfi.rl.923e-_-_-..__.._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading of Orange St, from the right-of-way of the Suburban Electric Railway to Ruth Ave., in accordance with plans and specifica- tions hereto attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of rt2,553.44, and the Corpor- ation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract t:ierefor. Engineer's Estinate $2500.00. F.B. p;'4853. .F No.;47123-_Ry. n'm. J. Peter_- Reaolyed; That the C.U.01 hereli- infract t. Com mi.ecommendation'o1 — ApDroVe COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I,' Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson v Peter ✓ Wenzel ✓Mr. President laly. 17. 19aa. favor __.Against Adopted by the Council_ _------ i'_.i_c 19 App ved_..__- ----. 192--.--- /'7 47124 NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COSUNCIILJ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --- .........._------- _......... _...... _............_...._.... DATE_JT.uly__1."`,__192 RESOLVED That the Council hereby'concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Hyacinth St. from White Bear Ave, to Ruth Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $6,206.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $$6505.00. F.B. #4845. F. Nb. 47124—Ey WmrJ. Peter— Resolved. That the Couhcll hereby ,Contracconcurst Commlttee";me daivardsfe the tract for the'.gtadlnq and- rds coe- ment Of. Hyacinth 9t. from white Bear Dlansta duspe lficationscherMo attnce acti fed, to Chrlat. Johnson, be -beingthe -lowest responsible bidder, for .the sum of:$620600, and the Corporatidn .Coun- �ei-is hereby , Instructed in draw vy the proper form of •contract therefor.' Engiaa. s ,Estimate $6606.00. F. n, No: 4846 Adopted by the Council July 17, 1923 Approved July 17; 1923. (July 21-1923). -:,.� COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Clancy v Ferguson McDonald ....... ___..In favor Matson Peter _.. _...-_Against Wenzel Mr. President I Q Adopted by the Council...__... •, t-I-`.SF-�. --- -192.._. it Approv __.. j�:-._-'--'-_�-.'.-_.._._j192---_ CITY OF ST. 'PAUL co�uNca No. i-�--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---133 192 .........___.__ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing structural steel for reinforcing the Wabasha Street Bridge under Item "B", namely; only such material as can be placed without removing the wooden floor, that is, all material exclusive of stringers and their connections and the top cover plates for floorbeams and inside main stringers, to the St. Paul Foundry Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of $7,384.00, in accordance with plans and specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.H. #4829. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,,' Clancy X,,- Ferguson McDonald _..._ In favor ✓ Matson ✓ Peter C....._.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ ..._._........_____......_.192..... � ..,(�7L Appro ed._ _��__-�.. _l 23 J. _. 192 ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ®\` DATE__._Jull6� 47126" cOUNCIL FILE O____________________... RESOLVED That the. Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Lexington Ave. (East Side) from a point 70 feet north of Van Buren St. to Minnehaha St., in accordance with plans and and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Lametti, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $640.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineeer's Estimate 0586.00. F.B. #4838. C F No. 471'26-13y Wm: J. Pater Reaolved; That the Council. hereby concurs la the ' Ceu ell he hereby regio Contract Committee and awarda con .tract Por.;lie 1 �/ on - construction- t n. sewer 'on 1.e luVOn Ave ' (Eaat Side)' from 6e a $ffnInd a Strthn a eco rdancae wish.. Plans plana and speeiHcatlone hereto- lowest resp sibl¢ablddeir, forb el the ,oP ;640 00 and the Corporation -Goan- sel is hereby. instructs&.to draw up. the 8proper Porm oP contract'therePor., 48 era Estimate 5686.08. F. B,No. L -Adopted bJul Couacl1 July 17, 1923. Approved July 17,3923. + L (luly 21-1923) U COUNCILMEN _ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ Clancy P/ Ferguson APPro ed.-... `.r;n' -192-- McDonald In favor 3 !/ Matson Peter Against Wenzel / Mr. President CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL -- - b� /d� NO. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVEDThat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Conmittee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Orange St. from Forest St. to Cypress St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2411.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer' s Estimate $2931.00. F.B. #4839. C. F. No, 47i27—BY won. J. Peter— Resolved, That the Council hereby in of the A j'✓ i concurs awards Committee. and awards con- Committee .Contract tractfor the construction Fen of a sewer YrForest St. pr Orange accordance .. no press St.. inheretoattache to Christ hereto e[lowest. to Christ C specifications Sis bid: r forbeit the UM, of re,411.0 , and bidder, for the sum' el .2h.,c 0, rporation Counsel p hereby -. draw form instructed t, Engthoinopbr therefor. Engineer's Eeti- , of.copta of contract . mate -.2,931.00. No. 4839. 1923. / o Adopted by the Council July 17, the approved July 17 1992 (_July 21 1923) [, /1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy (/ Ferguson McDonald Matson ✓ Peter Wenzel ,,/Mr. /// Mr. President In fuvoi ��_... Agai nst .� l�12J Adopted by the Council_ _... '�- ...1 .--- ----- ----- --192----. -1PPrq I 192- - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUENCIL L NO. $ } /,12,9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. ............... ...... _._........................ ...... ........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Dtnlap St. from Central Ave. to a point 70 feet north of St. Anthony Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Lametti, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1388.80, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Ostimate $1537.00. F.B. #4840. - No. 47128—Y -Wm- J. -Peter Resolved, That the -Council hereby to the:recommendation of the :oncura ;ontract. Committee and awards con- a sewer ract.,for the :construction of m Duniap 9t: from Central Ave. to. a )oint,,.70 feet northofSt. Anthony Ave., n accordance with plans and speci5- .ations hereto attached, to Peter La- nettl he beth' the lowest responsible e / Bidder, for the' f $1,respo, and Lho: Corporation Counsel, is h reby in- structed to•draw up the. propel, form Es- of contract therefor r9lneer's timate 21,837.00: F. n No. 4840: Adopted bythe Counc(1 July 17, 1923. 'Approved July 17 1923. (July 21-1923) a � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson / ) t1 Peter / ._ Against I/ Mrr.. President Adopted by the Council. 192 Approw<�/ - - - 192 MAYOR 5 COUNCIL G CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._.__----- ._ MMM/tiVff OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Eleanor St. from a point 25 feet east of Syndicate Ave, to Griggs St. from Eleanor St. to Scheffer St. on Griggs St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Preston, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2204.00, and the Corpora- tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2670.00. F.S. #4841 mendatton hereby and awards f the con - coon Of a sewer a point 2$ feet' a to Scheffer St of once withSt� u eto attachea�Illo Ponalble bidder; for the the low - 82204.00, and the Cor the sum of is hereby instructed poration COUnael proper formto draw UP the of contract therefor, En 4941. 's EattMate 8$070.00. p. 13. No. 4841. Adopted by the Courted July: 17 'APProved July 17, 3923 1023 . '(July h-1023) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i/ Clancy Ferguson McDonald -.. Iu favor Matson Peter Against / Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the until_...__'J....,a,-._�?(,3.....192 i � ;192... CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU�NCIL [��_ No.-------- -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ ....--- .....--- ... _............ -................... ................... DATETu1,y._..l-6.,_.192.3-r..__.__...__._._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of alleys in block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from 7.1endota St. To North and South alley and from Cottage St. to Denny St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of X700.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper fom of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $611.00. F. B. #4843. . _-- _ . F Nb. a hI,BYth" Thaa,Ic, horebY commendation of the -Resolved, a- con - COUNCILMEN Yeas — Nays duly 17. 1923. J> ✓Clancy Ferguson / McDonald ✓ Matson �I ,/ Peter Wenzel Mr. President In favor Against 1923 Adopted by the Council_..'...:...._._....................192::::; A owed fly.. 192- -' Pit r of a new additio�1- t1� 'uc 1�. -"'�aa�ool, Western Avenue and Front.Street. This isan e��rgeney ordinance rendered neces- C F' N ueotY ftortze`e eation !dinance No. Ing th / t F.ofa newnddlHon 0. F. No. An ordi Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended and c h G�. v.00l, Western ' +'"ed (:Front Street Thts to an An ordin-ganey ordinanca_rende ed necesanry ror the Dreaervntl n of cp � •�.lreotion and construction of a new additio�1- t1� 'uc 1�. -"'�aa�ool, Western Avenue and Front.Street. This isan e��rgeney ordinance rendered neces- ueotY ftortze`e eation !dinance No. Ing th / t F.ofa newnddlHon '. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended v.00l, Western ' +'"ed (:Front Street Thts to an An ordin-ganey ordinanca_rende ed necesanry ror the Dreaervntl n of cp � •�.lreotion and construction of a new additio�1- t1� 'uc 1�. -"'�aa�ool, Western Avenue and Front.Street. This isan e��rgeney ordinance rendered neces- sary the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. '. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended to the Council the erection of the said school building and r has reported an estimate of the cost of such improvement tom gether with sketch plans and other data giving in full detail the nature of such improvement, which proposed improvement Dp meets with the approval of the Council, therefor, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the erection of said building at the approximate cost of Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars, in the manner provided in and by the City Charter, is hereby approved and authorized. Section 2. That construction of the building as herein authorized and is contingent upon the submission of a statement .approved certified by the Comptroller of the funds available to meet the cost thereof out of the 08,000,000.00 School Bond Fund, as transferred and set aside for this purpose by the proper reso» lution. Section 3, This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency . ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. — Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage, approval and publication. ..... ___. -__ ...•'^'w--•- �'iOUNCILbIEN Yeas Nays Clancy i Adopted by the Council McDonald .-.._In favor 623 1923 Peter �1 _..Against Wenzel --Approved ;!i' 1V'3 1923 Mr President lF-@eby certify that "there y` is available � �Q QpO�OQ� School Zion t d the money sndi i' �W� SAN Fr rr R rFt �'PUMP- G-_ _� u -�� RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL s'cENC1LNO.__., 7132 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��U .COIL�$'6LTJTION GENERAL FORM __ - ....... h�� (/ . GC. �/f DATE - ._19-2-3.n ............ That the plans and specifications for an addition to the Gorman School, lNestern Avenue and Front Street, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are here - approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby efrlthorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the City Charter. F N. 47132—By L. R S. Ferguson— Resolved That the plans and spGoed- V - icatl ns (o additon an ito the r - n n School R'esuI Avenue and Front Street, as submitted herewith./// J�{ reDared by .the- City Architect under 1, he p direction Of the Commissioner f ... Ph"'d ouhds and Pblic Build- Parks Ings. be an the same u are hereby an- proved, the same being Education, to ' tho. Commissioner of Education, and J the. Purchasing Agent is hereby In - the Purchasing andedire ted-tq advertise for .r bids thereon in the manner provided in and:by the City Charter. - h 1923. Adopted by the CounJuly 21cil July 18,: i Approved (J 2 1923. -1923)- (July v\ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson r�r McDonald V._.. In favor Matson D Peter __- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. -----;; ;.........- . ti..._192...._ Ap o ed..._ ail:.... ' �� 192__... RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL WUN.H. No.7133 L- ._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE..........._July.....lS.}....1iJ.g3_--- ...------- _.--- .._ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Front St. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #45568, approved May 4, 1923 and Final Order C. F. #46866, approved July 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. P. No. .47133-1 In, the matter of _on.Front St. fr Oxford: St., un4 C. F. No. 455 1923, and Flnal approved .July. Resolved, That [lone ands timat taitted by the Co Worka for the ent, be, -.a d the proved. Adopted by the hpproved July -. -:.(Daly COUNCILAIE Yeas Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. Pr'41-1 t 4 a (' t`d er er n 4 a Ib= t Council July 18,.1823. Y8.1923. . Nays Adopted by the Council ._..----192...... Appro-ed._. �.....� � _... .192.. ..1....._.In favor MAYO R -----.-.-.-Against, RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO........ 471 3 d. FILE 10* July 18, 1933 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Earl St. from Fourth St. to a pointy feet south of the south line of Fifth St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45351, approved April 24, 1983 and Final Order C.F. #46867, approved July 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C F. No. 47134 By Wm J Peter - In tho matter of cOnstructlug a sewer on Earl- S[ fr m. ti u th St to a- potnt 123 f e[ soutt of th¢ Doth nne of Fifth SL, under Preltminary Order C. F N 46361, approved April I 24, 1923, and Muni Order C. F. No., 46867,approved July 6, 1923. eI Resolved, That the plans, speoiaca-+ `.t one and estimated quantities as sub.- I mrtted by the Commisaloner of Public. Works for the above named Improve ment be and the sameare; hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Council July .18, 1928 1 Approved July 18. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson .AQcjaRajtt-, In favor Matson r r Peter _Against Wenzel Mrr ' It III t _ �,�� Adopted by the Council.. J._.__1....--':1.:?......192...... Ap o ed __F. � _ ___792__. / MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ILE II. 47135 NO._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y. DATE ...._Jul.._18.,..._1923... -............. ..... In the matter of oonstruoting a storm water sewer on Minnehaha St. from Frank St. to the existing manhole 329 feet west of the oenter of Frank St. under Preliminary Order O.F. #45262, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46570, approved July 6, 1923 RESOLVED: That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Rorke for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. 47136—By Wm. J. Peter— In the .matter of constructing a storm water sewer on Minnehaha St. from Frank St. to the existing manhole 329 feet west of the center of Frank St.,. under.' Preliminary Order C. F. No. 46262, approved April 20, 1923, and Final' Order C. F. No. 46870, up- proved July 6, 1923. .Resolved, Thnt the plansspecific.-- lione, and estimated quantities as sub- itted'by the Commissionerf Public Worksfor the above named improve - me L be and the same are hereby ap- Adopted -by the Council July 18,. 192.3. Approved July 18 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzrl Mr. I'ro=iJon1 ti ......_In favor V _ Against y i tl ✓' L e �t 4 1— l� Adopted by the Council_ J0 .. 4y 192 App/r//o///vim,�'7' ", / ,l/A RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -.171 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM le, 1923 In the matter of paving Jackson St. from Valley St. to Sycamore St., on Sycamore St. from Jackson St to Rice St. and on Acker St. from Jackson St. to Miss- issippi St. with necessary gas connections, under Final Order O. F. $45843, i%pproved May 18, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifications showing gas connections necessary, to be made upon Jackson St. from Valley St. to Sycamore St., on Sycamore St. from Jackson St. to Rice`St. and on Acker St. from Jackson St. to Mississippi St. be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Rorke is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said final ordeS and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Co. in the'b. 471t36—BY eofP ng J ckson Sn ` from Valley St. to SycamoSt.,S. t Sycamore St. from Jacksonre tol -Rice St., and on Acket son St. to Mississippi St.. Ith ec- V ssary gas onnectio s, under Final, Order C. F. Ne. 45843, approved Mny! I 1� 16, 1923. That the annexed plane Resolved, \� tioan'ns necee airy to tie maions show de upon Jaconnck- son St.. from Valley; St. to sycathore St., SYcamor tl SL Y A kora is on t. to Rfce St., n oa the Tack oam,a St. Mississippi St.., be. V the hereby ➢➢roved. aof nd public liotea� os is her ¢- by ordered, re "a C py Y- .this order, together swlth.. f COPY . f mid.ft-1 o der nd copy said. plane upon the 9t. Paul &-P It C Adopted by the council July 18,-1923. Approved 'J Judy 82111923) COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Ferguson Appro ed.. --_.. 19211. x McDonald ..--..--In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzrl VL. Pre�i,lcut RESOLVED, Yeas 37 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"cILNo...... 1 1-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Q ��p` Julgq 17 1933 %/------_.._.-_­ ­............ DATE........_......_i........_....l......._____._....._......._.._....._ Contract °A° In the matter of paving Jackson St. from Valley St. to Sycamore St., Sycamore St. from Jackson St. to Rice St. and Acker St. from Jackson St. to Miss- issippi St., with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. #45843, approved May 18, 1983: RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and speo- ifioations showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bide for the installing of the sewer and house drain connections. C. F. No. 47137 -By Wm. J. Peter— Contract "A." - In the matter of paving Jackson St. from Valley Sib ;to Sycamore St., Sycamore St. from Jackson St. to Rice St, and Acker St. from Jackson St. to -M SSISSIPPI St., with necessary .water and sewer connections, under Final Order C. F. No. 46843, approved May: 16, 1923. "Resolved, That the annexed plans andspecifications showing sewer and waterconnections necessaryto be made -upon said street are hereby .adopted and approved and the Commis- sioaer of' -Public Works 1s hereby or- dered and -directed to install the water connect) ons .by. Force Account, aqd that the proper city .officers are hereby uth%nd and.. directed to advertise for'bldo for the -installing of the Sewer and house dralnconnections. - Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. Approved July f6. 1923. (July 21-1923) J COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson J McDonald . ______.In favor Matson J Peter _.___. __Against Wenzel Mr. PIrsid—t n,. Adopted by the Council _ ..)1) :?- .-- .:.. ......_..192----.. Approd---- ...... _....... ........._-----....192 - ir4 RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �713' PALE �•.`: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE._._Ju13!.._12.,.._1923----- _......... -........ — In the matter of paving Minnehaha Avenue from Cable Avenue to Etna Street, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. #46150 approved June 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifi— cations showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the installing of the sewer and house drain connections. C. F. No. 47138—By Wm J. Peter — In the matter of paving Minnehaha .Avenue -from -.Cable Avenue to Etna Street, with . necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Or- derC. F. No. 46160, _approved June 6. 1923. Resolved, That the annexed plans i,nd specifications showing Sewer and stoner or ruanc W oras 1s, nereoy or- dered and directed to Install the water connections by Force Account, and. that the proper city officers are hereby j authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the installing o1 the sewer and house drain oonnsetlona. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. Approved July 16. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy i Ferguson McDonald _ _-_.....In favor Matson b...Against Peter Wenzel Mr. President 1 � S Adopted by the Council _ i.1.1, __192..-... r I Appro d . ..1 92 - r �, MN O RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �p DATE......_ July_ 18-1---19`23------------.....- 6111, FI ENCIL NO.--. x.tl.- •. 5V In the matter of paving :linnehaha Avenue from Cable Avenue to Etna Street, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. ,'x'46150, approved June 6, 1923. RESOLVED: THAT the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Minnehaha Avenue from Cable Avenue to Etna Street, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public 11iorks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said final order and a copy of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C F. No. 47139-13y Wm. J.Peter— In the matter of paving Minnehaha Avenue from Cable Avenue to Etna Street. with;: necessary Sas nnee- ^. ctibne, under Final- Order C. F. No. 4615 D, u.ppreved June 6 1923. ResoiVed, That . the annexed plans and specifications the -'gus connec- tions necessary to be made upon Min - nehaha Avenue from Cable Avenue to Etna Street, be and the same are here- % approved. and the Commissioner of 'Pub1ic Works_ is hereby- ordered and v directed, to serve copy of thin order. together with a copy of said final or- der and a-copyof said. pians upon the -St. Paul .Gas -Light Company. ,_.Adopted by tbehCounctl .July 18. 1923. Approved July I8. 1923. - (July 21-1923) COUNCILJIEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __ _ ..._.In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council. _-----------............ ....192--- A -192..- P ....... MAYOR RESOLVED ✓ —, . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...... 17140 V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a DATE........_1T111�..._1.8.1.._�,9ay.._.........._._..._ -In the matter of constructing a sewer on the east side of Lexington Ave. from Charles Street to a point 65 feet south of the south line of Edmund St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #45426, approved April 27, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46719, approved June 29, 1923: RESOLVED- That the plans,,epeolfioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Rn the matter, of-construct[ng a. sewer on the east side 'o Lexington Ave. from Charles nt St. to a poi66 feet south of thesouth line of Edmund 6t., under Pretilnitiary Order C. F. No. 46426, approved Aprll 27, 1923, ..and Final Order C. F. No.. 46719, ap- proved June 29, 1923. Resolved,, That .the plans speciaca- tions and estimated quantities as sub- mitted by Commisatoner of Public Works for the a ove named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby ap- Proved. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. Approved July 18. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __-.. In favor Matson Peter >.. Against Wenzel Mr. President ' Y �1 / T41 1 I ,., 192 Adopted by the uncil_ _ A proved---- ----- '....... J........ 92 RESOLVED :,+ A�- CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi°ENC1LNo ----- - 7-14. OFFICEOFOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ♦''tp Q� ���LIAI....._..........._............. _. DATE ..__._! 1.M+J...._1VF!J... laZ.A. .._.................. _ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Lawton 8t. from the north aide of Pleasant Ave. to Harrison Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45258, approved April 20, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46864, approved Suly 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Vr 4� il (I C.F. No. 47141—By Wm. J. Peter ower Inonh the matter 3t fromr the !ior h side Pleasant Ave. t order C FA nd .under-Prenminniy 29 1923, a .45258, 'approved Aprilroved Final Order C. F. No. 9G364, apP July. G. 1923rhat. the plans, ep"Idrab- Resolved,. public tions and estimated quantities ee sub - milted by tho Compllseloneramed oY / Works for the above are hereby oap -. m .nt, be and the. 18, 1923. proved• Adopted by the Council Ju]Y / Approved (Jlul18, y 2111923) _ Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson �J McDonald ______In favor Matson LI Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr. 1'rr'id,j Adopted by the Council 192..-... x App ved.... ....... ... 192...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ILE IL `�1 42 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE ............- M--....-----.--------- RESOLVED In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Chiloombe '-Ave. from Eustis St. to a point 80 feet west of Brompton Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #39346, q approved April 26, 1928 and Final Order C.F. X46648, ap- proved July 5, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. J� '1n the in tier or constructing a sewer on Chilcombe. Ave. from Eustis St, to a point 80 feet west of Brompton 8t., under' Preliminary Order C. F. No. 39346, approved April 26, I922, nod Final Order C. F. No. 46848, approved _ July5. 1923. - Resolved, That the plansepenciaca- tions and estimated quantities s ub-_ milted. by the Commissioner ofPublic Works for the above named improve- ment, be andthe name are hereby ap- proved.. - Adopted by the Council July 18, 1923. Approved July 19. 1923. (JT,uly 21.4923)_ -.._. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ __r..In favor Matson Peter __.........Against R'rnzrl .Ur. 1'rr.iilrni Adopted by the Council.- _. fit,........._.., .,...._..192._... Appr ved---''_..:�_: _l i27----------192...... ...............- .. --- MAYOR RESOLVED 4-8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCI` FILE '.iN�..-..4-A{. p.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM p L _._.____._._......_..__ ..............__._. DATE ......_._..._V...._18.J...._184.�........ ....----- _ In the matter of constructing a sewer on Jackson St. from Arch St. to Pennsylvania Avenue, also lateral connections at Arch St. and Pennsylvania Ave. fro said sewer on Jackson St. to the easterly line of Jackson St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45566, approved May 4, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46868, approved July 6, 1923. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ In favor Matson v Peter _..Against R'rnrel MI. 1'rr.,uh."t Adopted by the Council. 192. 192 .. JLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -471 . FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... .1....7._.t_....l_ . ......_._....__ In the matter of paving Front St. from Lexington Ave. to Dale St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45275, approved April 20, 1933 and Final Order C.F. 048285, approved June 13, 1933. RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above lamed improvement, be i and the same are hereby approved. .C. F. No.'47144—By Wm. J. Peter— :In the matter of paving Front St. from Lexinbton Ave. to Dale St.,- under Pre' l [ ary Order C. F. No. 46276, approved April 20, 1923, and Final; Order C. F. No. 46286, approved June 13, 1923 Resolved, That the plans, speglflcs, tions -and estimated quantities as sub - matted by the Commissioner of Publle orksfor the above named improve - me nt' mD ove- ment,be and the Same are hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Councll' July A, 1923. Approved July 18. 1923. (July 21-1923) COUNCILMEN Yom Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter u. ---Against W IIz"I \Ir. P -,id -d Adopted by the Council-- -........... ...._------- .-192...... Appr ved..... _JIB— 1• ' '''-° -----192.- ... ...: MAYOR 1' 1 11• Adopted by the Council-- -........... ...._------- .-192...... Appr ved..... _JIB— 1• ' '''-° -----192.- ... ...: MAYOR 47145 COUNCIILE NO. �. �......I .� B — �' .. .... .. Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.gz'ad�zag.A,j�Qy„,��Qcic,7,,,J@fferaon,Park.Addition= from P&9C1. AnQX11?B..tR.Albert, Avenue,....................................................... ....................................................................................................... . No. 47146—BY J. Lt. Clancy_, ................................................... ....... .... .. ....... the -Master of gr ding Alley dnBlk.. A. Jefferson Park ddve.,- from Pas- . a -dinar Order ert'Ave.. rover;Pre-.................................................... .... .. ...... .. .... ... =`1<nlnarp :Order 456.90. approved Ma�� ;o Council of the CtfY of St: -7.' �g received [he rSPort oY tha. a .................. ............................. ... ..... .. .... .. .. ..... nner. of Finaaca�:uDon the r v meuGhe _d resolgeacong _n r�.........Y approved.....�....s ..llG . 1923. llln,- +he sa drePort Ue � c...i�6�Y............................ _ .�, by a nroyed n d a The � <_ity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above-improvelne:, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grAde.Aj. Q7.1p.AlOok Jg#er$Q.per$.Addition,.from Pascal.Avenue to Albert Avenue, .............................................................................. ........................ ......................................................................... ............................ ................................................... ......... ,......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $—ME.6.0....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... MrA...... day of ........& IPS:L.......1 192...3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ALA .. • • • • • • •, 192... . Approved... j�-. s 192 ......City Clerk. ........... ........ ........... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson r Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman [X Peter `--Councilman Wenzel Nelson 4 146 COUNCIL FILE Ng,.,... , By. !='......................................... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..GOzldsmning..4rid. taklTlg..4ri.ed8elTlent..in. tha.larid. nOaeS.s&�p. ....fq>"..4lCP.Q9.><.�:OX:.�.lttS. a>«d.�:�•�.�a..�xi�..tba.gx�diz��.o�.A�].ey..in.klo4k.?.,.. Jeffarsnn..Park.Addition,.irAm..Pas cal..AV�nu�.to.Alhert. Avenue........... C.: F.: Na, 41146—]3Y S M. Clancy— ........................................................................ In in sQnntgaemen[ ln�t e1land necea- e -.saty'for stoPesrfor cuts and fills Irt........................................... ...... ...... .. .... .. ...... ... All i thegradin Addltlonn Brom Paseal "Aver'to Albert Avo.,. under PCelim- 'narY.Order 45691. approved �1faY'-9•......................................................... ........ .. .. ... Council of tha City of St. -Paul 45697, nf•? received the report of Che Cnm- V V ... , ....... , approved ... i'W.�%. 9!• •+'•9.243.0 • .................... br of Finance -upon .the -!•••• moat nna Having e4'c,Sy of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ort; hereby; resolves: the i`�ere ySaPPro za nna r nd having considered said report, hereby resolves: td imp"ovemant i< report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. OAXIOm11. 410. tqLjig, an aas.ement . in. .the. land..nac es sari. for.. alopea, ..f ar..cuts. .and. f illA . in.. the .... grading..of.Alley..in. Black. 7.,.Jeff arson.Park. Addition,. from.PasQal... .... Avenue.to. Alb art. .A.venue,.In. .ace ardance.xith.the. b.lue.print,.herato... e,t t.40h0d . And. mads. a. part. hereof,. tha . ha tQ hed..parti ons..s holing. the. aut s ....and.the..Shaded•portiona:s•howing• the•f111a...................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 2Q.QQ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... ZZird.....day of ........ AuguAt......... 192.. 3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .:.'.• .•....•..... Approved ......................... 192 ..... ,. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Ste% Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor MA199= Nelson Form" B. S. A. 8-6 192.... . Ity Clerk. t.� Mayor. PUBLISHED 47147 COU- C' ILMx . • • • • / ... . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. grailing..Cumherland..5:L.. from .Lake.. Como . and. P.balen. Avoinue ... to.Hoyt..Hvenue..and..ivabraska..Aoenue..fxom. �umbexland. Streot..Go..tiY.e.�te�'�? ATPAIMs......................................................................................... j — _ ................................................................. C. F. No. 47147—Sy J. M. Clancy— ,In the Matter ofgrading Cumberland•.••.•....••....•••...••....••••••.•..•.....••..........•.•....•••.. "r St. from Lal O Como and Phalen Ave.. _ to Hoyt Ave. and Nebraska Ave. from p� p rqjpp'77(� Cumberland. St. to western Ave., un -4l .............. approved ... 11+i �L.f!47..i.`�.r�'.t....... ...... ...... U{:• der- Preliminary Order 45941 approv- ed May 28, 1923. The Council of ahe City of StPaul Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon having considered orhereby recelved the report of the Com- idd said report, hb resolves : t�. <loner '-of Finance upon tho- 1 �a P gement, and hav{ng con oe and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 1. rt, hereby resolves: is hereby; the laid report be eeded with. and . n . 2. That the natt_u rite improvement which the Council recommends is. grade . Ct}ltlbex7..a.. d . St ... from. lake. .Como. and. Phal,en ."enue . to. Jiayt..Avenue . and. Nabraaka .A.venua . i rnm..G �anberJ and..SLxeat..ta ..................................... . ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3_,A89.90.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 94.......day of August........, 192... 4, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...:''' ... ................ _192#. . Approved...... :.:.x.:'.:::.......192...... City Clerk. ..................... J Mayo Councilman Clancy ILISHED :2—A Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson CouncilmanXkMWX Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayar?llC 18on Form B. S. A. 8-6 47148 COUN % FILE NO.. ........... By.................................. V INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. 0jqudeMning.. end. .taking. .an. eas.emsnt-in..tlie. land. nae essary. ... for.. s.lopes,..far..cuts..and..fills . In. the. grading. of..Cumberland. St... from ... Lake..Qomo..and..PhaLen •Avenue. to - Hoyt. Avenue. •and•.Nebraska..Avenue..from. Cumberland Street. to Western Avenue ..... ............................................... i......................................................................... emn C, F. No. 47146—By J. 11 Clancy IutnCe enategee mat oin that landnn ffi a-. .... :. .aur, `Lor sloPos.forcu4s and fills n. ...................................... ... ......... ... ... .. ........ .. t8. grnding of Cumberland SL from' -1,aXe^.Como and Phalen Ave. to Hoyt �9^ �. :.Ave,. and. Nebraska -Ave. from Cum- ............... approved ....MAY . 2i8,..192,39................... berland! St. to wester Avenue: un - r Preliminary o5aer 46"' "" St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ''. Proved 7\ia9 26, 1923. "rhe 9oun1 of the Clty of:e Foul mai recti Finance uponfthe abovejving considered said„report, hereby resolves: "��pt report he etiv-resp vase nensla�rea h and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement That triesuld revort br rceeded with. - .�rebY aT'nved a lm y� J*' lure of the improvement which the Council recommends is..condenin.and.take.an ... aaaement. in .the..land..nacessarv. for.. alapes,..far..cuts..and. .fill.s. im .the ... grading.. of. Cumberland. St.. •from -Lake. -Como. •and• •Phalen• Avenue . to . Hoyt... ... Avenue. and. Nebraska. Avenue. from.Cumber•laud• •Street • to • Aestern •Avenue, ,W.b cordanms.with..the..blue..print..here.to..attaclied.and..mada. a.. park.. hereof, ... the.batnhad..portions..shoviing..the outs. and. the .sbaded.porti.ons.showin the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....... aO..00 ,•• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...23rd......... day of .. • , . , ,E1,t,1V13-t.......... 192...$., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councll...:�....... 1 .... . ,!T a Approved.........................192..... .. ... ... .... . ........ ..................... ty Clerk. ...................... ........ :......:� Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson -�,z.,r't�1GtYtitidlmat� `}.?,B�ZeP _< Couiicflmatt Wenzel 14layor' Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 47149 COUNCI ; FILE NO/.//./....... By ...c..L..�<._.:.�.. INT DIARY ORDER In the Matter of..CAX1&tr%1R.t1A9..4..SQ9PflZ'..OTI.FRS'x �A$tRI1 A9 t10..}�etW@eI7, LMpgn Stxeat..and..4o.Qk..stxeat.................................................................... . ...................................................................................................... �.� C. F. No. 47149—BY J. M: C1ancY—............................................... ...... ... .... ...... ....... In the Matter of cons between I.aweon on Farington AVe:, St: and Cook Street. approved under Junemi26............................................. ... ... ............ .. .. ....... ary: Order.46669 Too 46.659 h tvingcreceiveof hehrep rt Off the' c� pi, . approved .. r7L1n@..26 r.. 9?rs3 a .................. . IIDissioner of Finanee Upon the ah 1improvement. . a d having consld'.. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon .said report, hereby resolves: 3 having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.: That. the mid report bo; and andtithe is timid Imyrovementad nlsyh t' ordered to be proceeded with: t be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 2.. That the nature or the �4 �oceeded with. which the Copra^�. ^r^on �� eiv the ii'dittre of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .00AS.tr=t..d..$@pleX' on „Farrington AY9AW -between, Lawson .W!r qt .and .Cook Street ............................. ...................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1,.172.00.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 23rd...... day of A34;Ust............. 192. Z.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......: ' 192.... . H, .. .. ........... .... Approved.........................192...... y Clerk. ............. .......... .......................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson J Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson �- Coit$cllr4an ; Peter 'Co i-mman,'Wenzel Mayor Nelson Foran B. S. A. 8-6 47150 COUNCIL FILE NO.Y....... . Ilot'i' DI19,RY ®RDX.It In the Matter of..4Q>1,s.tF.>�A.fitTl�.a..S�.O.Q..C.e.1I1@21..t��A.S.�G1.@F$�1{. A11..trk1@. @ar4t side„of ,Mendota„St., between, Sims, St., ,and ,Case, St.. ............................ ...................................................................................................... -......................................................................... �~ No: 47150—By J. Ef.: Clnney-- O"�' atter of eonetruotlnb' a six t In'.the...........................................:............................... foot cement tile sid1bet1 on the OS, .:'side of and Cas fest under bPrelimin rye�r' der 46859. npproved July 6; 1923. . pg ing' reee}ved thehreD rt off the r rtyisston r' of Finance upon the,.; . _ .. ,4685.9 ............. approved .... Jt17.,y . 5 1923................... . safdreport. he e Y reeolly cone , 1 That the said report be, -' .bat. ttheersby aDDroved and City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon :d ire, —•sent ..,,t, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 11 11 -- is7-e- 1. nat the �,d report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Aonstx%wt..a..SJX. ;Coot 4eme�}t..t� 7.e.. g�@Flt. ilra..th@. easL..sa�..o . Me1141Rt�..S.t...b.e.?+.QeA. Sims, St., and Caee..St.,.ftxceRt.Wlora.good.ADA .suPfia3ent,aidewAIke. naw..exlst.......... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.05..per. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 23rd......... day of ..... Iwgust........... 192.5.— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and.. the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192.... . Approved ... ........... '.:......... 192...... " City Clerk. X t Mayor i Coitncllman. Fergnspn' C'`unddipatil. o' d Councilman Matson' Councilman Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor H09PIA Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Y /J �j INTERMEDIA►RY ORDER In the Matter of..reoonstruc.ting,. relaying. and. repairing..tlie .si.denalka.at the :.................................................................... . ........thence.. east .7.0..f eet.,................................................................ . South side of East Fifth Street, beginnir 95 Pt. west oP Earl 5t., _........thence.:»est . a5..,ft Geet.,.................................... pppp.......................... . C. -F No. 47151 By J. M. clancy— 46...00 .............. approved.....Y.l�il?�.N}{)..�9r�..S................ In the atter P -reconstructing, relay- ing cldreg tri g. the sidewalks at f St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon L,North aide of�East Flech st,..uu:,aving considered said report, hereby resolves: nrting. 18' ft. east of .Clinethence .at It' a feet. £ ort be and the same is herebyapproved and adopted, and the said improvement South side aP Best Fifth C. P PP P P ginning ie wader Relimgna Proceeded with. -r 9C700 approVedJune 28, 1: 0-111 of the City or s^_ of the improvement which the Council recommends is. re:Construct.,.relay received: the report �! t ` "y'_.._,:kY'..she..sida�rt�Jka.t..thQ.�O]�Aw pg.�ocatign$�...................... .....Narth..side..o�.feat..E'fifth.�treat,..begi,nning.J.8A.�'t,. aa9.tt,oi.,Cypress.St., ....... thence.. east. 70..f etet.,.................................... ................... I ........ ....SAuth..sida..of. Eaat..Fifth. Street,..belalnning. 95„fit.. �pe,�t..q€ .Earl, St., ........thence .west. 85—feet., ................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. r.07..p r..sq,, ft, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... `?„3.rel ......day of ....... August........, 192.. a., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i . Adopted by the Council... :'..........:......... 192...... ... .............. -.2�P. Approved ....... ij'...;.....,2:..... 192...... City Clerk. ..... ................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald PC BLISHED --21 _oZ Councilman Matson Councilman J&Dt H& Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor =Sg= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 47152 COUNCI FILE NO...>. . lli1T DIARY ORDER In the Matter of..I94.Qi4g F 1?C,irj}�gx, fiQ.l&y n , ancj j,gPairl g„the, fgllowing,side— �elks.,. hax€.zaQ4.Q9sars:.................................................................. .,_North.side,t>,f.Wast,Minnehaha,Street,..beginning 330 fto, west of ZexingtQn .&oe..,..theme..flst..3f:.ft................................................ ... Ile at..si de..of.. F.radarlaka. Ave..,..ba9....128.. f. t....zlarlaY .doe..,... .......thane. North. 14..f eat -.9 ................................................................. un 715 ' . tea ...... approved ..:7i1?16 ..�Z.fi x..1923 t .................... C. F..No: 47152 —BY J. Al. Clancy— In the ]Hatter of reconstructing, relay-aul having received the_ report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the In kedtivepairing a following side -considered said report, hereby resolves: .North. eld%.oLwast.Mlnnehaha_St, I` beginning 330 ft. Inst of Lexington the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement Ave., thence west 38 feet 15 -"Neat. side of P'rederleka Ave., beg.(lth. 128 ft. north. of Berkeley Ave., thence; North 14 feet„ under Preliminary or. bvement which the Council recommends is. X0.Oon9.tMQt., . X014Y der 4," 7, approved June 28, 1923. n Thi i,l f th'. CItY r`:,,.:Ip�o, !Zig. .S i,C1 eLQals,, Whe i:e, ilBCei;sary: ........ ...... ...... ... Street,,,beginning,330ft..west o. Lesington,Ave.,,, thence, West 36.ft.,................ ............................ 1Tee,p.9„Firp4Ar;WM.gge,,,,beg., 128,9t,,,nort4.9f.Berkele7 Aver .......thenoe..North. l k. -f aet ,............................................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....R7..per.sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....24'Jr..4........ day of .... , , AVVAB ... , , , , 192.3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court .House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and this total cost thereof as estimated. - . Adopted by the Council.....:... ..... .........., 192.. ... Approved.........”.: ...... Cit , .%.y .....1.:..:::....192�( � Cit Clerk. .......... ........ .... ................... .. Mayor. Councilman Clancy FL3ZISF%B Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman ZKA1 X Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor Kx&RGKn Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 417 1 15 3 INT DIARY ORDER In the Matter of . FQ¢.QAq trup.ting, . x.Tjaging..and . repair ing, . the. f allowing. s.idewalks ..... North .side . of. Univarsi ty. Ave.,. beginning..at . Rice. Street,.: thence . zest .....10f1.feet,.................................................,,................................ . yAeat..siAe..of.Rice.St-,..beginning•at..Univ.eraity.Av.e..,.thence. north. 46 ft., A oath . side . af..]�dmund..dt...b eginning . 40. ft.... lzeat..of.. Kent . Stree.t,.. thence weat..8Q .feet, ................................................ I ............................. C F: No 47163-13Y T nP-.clnney—.� 665G........... approved ...J1 6.26., . 923. ................... In the nTtter op recon t oceing, re}ay_ Ing 1,. d mtairl ng th "0110¢1-9 aide_ Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,North side of university Ave., be- g considered said report, hereby resolves: ginni feet. ng at nice St.. thence west 108 wesf side oP Rice St., beginning at d the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i__Unlveralty Ave., thence noth 46 pt. with. South aide oP Edmund St., begin_ :ing 40 -ft. west oP Kent st the,: t so Peet, under Preum:v oinprovement which the Council recommends is..r9CAn8.tMlot,..rQ1Py �. .............................................. North ,side , of, Uniyerai �,y, tipe,beginning ,at ,Rice. Street,. , thence . west ..... 108.Peet........................................................ ............................ fleet, s RtCe.rS.t,.,..ipgjXAj JRB.�t..V2Li9.e.I'S tY. A9.a.,..t1}e.>xp.Q.Apr tki.46 ft., South.s.ida. af. Xdrjund..$t...beginning. k0. it... -west..of. .Kent.. Street,..thence west 80 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th ereof is $...0.7.. ,per. .9.Q.. ft e Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 23rd......... day of ...... Augus.t......... 1 192..,'?., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........................., 192... .. ... . ... ...... ............ Approved.............. ..........192...... i Clerk. ..... ... .......... ... ....................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED �' �— �3 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman 8 Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor Had Nelson. Form B. S. A. 8-6 471 .54 COUNCILFILE NO .............. . By..:, .:.:...:...........:........................ INTERMEDIARYORD; In the Matter of..grading. A1167. iLLJ$Ior,.1�.2%0cjWP-4. Nq.,, l.gmq c:roUn. Stee6.t..to...t...�1baA8..six'.e.6t.a................................................ ...................................................................................................... C. F; 471 No. 61—BY J- I,,. clanc' B tn'the'Ltter oR. gradlnS Al]eY in.lock.................................................. ...... ........... .... ..... 2S dicatto St. �Alhane oSt 1 v rd¢dr PrellminarY.Order: 46852 approved ..................................................... ........ ...... .. ....... Dray 28, 1823. fthe of SL Paul d the report of tha Com- 75V 9.�F...... , ... IJia 28 1923 _Cjj ......approved..........�............................. The Council �anoner¢of Ftnance`upon the above "¢p of thereby' reed vee end nIcf St. Paul havingreceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon `y t¢ he ¢approved and adopped, having consideresaid report, hereby resolves: p eald I'PT¢V¢InePt. i� e Proceeded F<,.. 4 be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hbhe na'" I��3't71``c_ proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..grAdQ.A110Y.5,4.Block 2,..5ZMdiaate,A&Uti0n. NO- .1-frJ=..Grot.to..$Are.@t..tq,,S,t,,,Albans, street .............................................................................. ....................... .......................................................................... ........... I................ ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...6'3.2..6`5....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 23rid.... day of ,A1114�t........ 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. , r... ; : , . L v.7 .......... 192. l - .... .. ... .... .. ..... ............ Approved ....... cp._..i. x::..:....192...... "�^ ty Clerk. ....................................... --- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISITED Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman JLMTbJ3x Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor Xm#rjcm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 47 55 COUNCI FILE NO. ......... - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..COndamning. and. taking..An.ea8ii7U6I1t..iri..L�Jd.1bAd.n@R@B.Ba>?3* .. SOX'. alapes,..f.4r..cuta .and .fS.lJ.s..in . gfiading:.a7.ley. �n .$hock. 2,..�yndica to Ada4�R71.0.e..,..7�Q1q.GX0.1rtQ.%.•..t.Q..$t.t.��a?@R�. St.,, ........................... ................................................................................................... F. No - o 111"_11 J, Df. Clancy— the: Dln[ter'of condemning and tak_ " " "'..•.•.•.•.••.••.......•.•....•. •. •....... ........... .. ...... .. 'Ing an easen,ent the land --aid for slopes, for;c t9 and fill. einl grading aneY� ln..Block 2, Syndlcato I• •� 9s�J• • • • • • • • • . • • • • • approved ..... 9 . `�.$,.. �9� v .................. (: Arott lbans St..punder Prelfmtnasy Order 46Q53 approved may za, laza. of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon Tho Cannot' of the Oltq of. St. Pend having considered said report, hereby resolves: having teceived the report of the Com- missioner of Finance upon the o.•_�t be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement I Improvement; and havip6 co• -id That the an e�j proceeded with. Is .here, .: "ihat the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. oondemn.Arid. .takO. an ...easement—in. the. land. neoeasary..for..slopes.,. for.. aut.s. and. fills.. in. grading ...allay. in.BJoak.2,..SynsliaaGe.Additiran. Na...1,..from.Albans ...St.,.. Sxt. accordant.@. witb..th@..b7.lae..Print..riexe.to..a:Gta.oh@d..and..meae..a..part ••,hereof,,the.hatched,•potions„ahQwing,.the,cuts• and. the shaded ,portions ... shoi ing..tb@.fills.,........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..'t��..QQ ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ 2*rd.... day of AU64014......... 1923..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... :......., 192••9.••• Approved... ..... i...:..`.:i..:.....192...... t / City Clerk. .... ......... `......� f ........ !/.............*r* Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman SiffiXxx Peter Councilman Wenzel MayorX&odgxm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING ` TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.; In the matter of....C.Ondarming ..and...taking...an.--eas.ement...in...the...lend..xianas.stax'y .1.)Dr....s.10p z-,...r.or....cut�...and... lls_.in..gzaddzlg.- levsland..tiv.azzue.. raln.. at7tlQ1P� ...Str.eet... t.O...,�-t.....Catherine.. Avenue.......... ..............---- ......_................................ - ......... -------------------------------- -........................... .............._._.........._................ -- . ---- -- under Preliminary Order ........... 4991 approved4Pr.9t.. 7.>.-.1923._.. Intermediary Order 115.9.75 approved...... May...2.8.,...19 2.3. . i REsonuTION OF COUNCIL APPROV hove matter as t0 the amount Of The Commissioner of Finance hi TLIIE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNAG TION PROCEEDINGS. damages awarded for the taking of the — rioted for the above improvement No. 17166— e matter bf condemning and tak and to whom payable; and also having sY`;ai r siop s:tfur Mla and HliseinZfit to property from the making of ding Cleveland Avenue from: ldolph St. to St.' Cather(ne Ave., said improvement, therefore be it •rd Preliminary Ord r, tecmlalary --' approved Dtny 29• 1933. Resolved, That the said assessment of benel.. "f A619 L .h� i'ti;.% ve,ireby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................. 22nd ............. day of ...-..tltl�l?g.t.>...1923-..-......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ....................................... A pprov e o......... .... _.:......... ... .... ........ 191...... Councilman RNMMND MI Clancy Councilman RAOM Ferguson Councilman 31)= % McDonald Councilman Yjdk= Matson Councilman ffic Peter Councilman 3Z4s48tbtatX Wenzel Mayor2mft Nelson ................ ..., 191....... .... City Clerk. 6 V ....... ...................... ........ .......r. JJJJ :lfayor. jEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ..... condemning _and._taking...an- easement...in...the -_land -..neceasary ts.. and fills___ in ing... C� eve land-- tiv..enue,. f.>^gIIJ ..Rang 1ph .j3-tS'.e@t to. St. .... .a.therine A.v..enue., ._. __...........-......._.............--.................................................... ................... ........_................. ................... ...---- ._.........._... ..........._.... ..... .................. .......... --......--- under Preliminary Order.._..44981.__...., appro6ed.-A.pr.7,1923..., Intermediary Order.._... 4.5975.__., approved.....--May---L&,....1923........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and a that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. yi .._.f...---....^._-:..-. /.c%._._...... -mac........... 6.." Commissioner of Fin anee. PUBLISHE _ RESOLVM t M CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No. '2 ... 157 , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK u�ION--GENERAL FORM DATE ................. ft.U1Q...1S2.,.._I�(.�4____.__.' Thai Forty Thousand (04O,O0O.0O) D ollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $5,000,000 I School Bond Fund for the purpose of constructing an addition to the Gorman School, Western Avenue and Front Street. C.iF. No 47167._By R.. 9. Ferguson- �C Resolved. That .Foify Thousdnd ($40,000.00) 'Dollars is .hereby trans.ferred. and set aside front the;$6.000,00( School Bond Fund for. the purposecof >constructing -an addition to the Gorman School, Western Ave. and, Front St: Adopted by the Connell July 18, 1923 _:Approved July 18, 1923.;, ,^ (jury'28-19225 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clanry �• In h"", ✓ \Ia[mm r/Peter .___.`." _..Against /Wenzel MnEESMIM� // Mr. Vice Pres. Ferf;ueoA Adopted by the Council- _...,juU.--+.'.--L23. 192.....- APP roved.._ �.�' -..:: � 1.._.192_..... 4 mnvoa 77 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL 471,58 OF THE CITY CLERK CO CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL .FORM PRESEh' BY r COMML� NER_._ ...— .. __....... DATE_.._..... RESOLVED khat the bond of the dway State Bank of St. Paul, dated June 30th, 1923, in the sum of 20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and exeoution by the Corpor- ation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. C. -F. Nb • 47169—BY 1.. R. S. Ferguson— Resolved. ,That the bond of the D t 'way State SB 3, n the sof um or$?0,00000 .June 30th, BPProved'sss to amandta Ytohform an Fund Committee,. 'e Cuff the y t o f heTebYrattaDProved@) AdoptedtiY-the Covnc�l July 18, 1929 ,'::ADyroved JuIY 18, 1923. - {July X28-192. :7 a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy .AQ_In favor / Niate„„ Pet - Newel Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson Adopted by the Council � �------_ - ------ — - -- 192 - Approve _J UL °3.. 192 _.. - - _...... r, ....- ---- .—OR Q 45� CITY OF ST. PAULF,°E"`"NO.. .. � " -�O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__..___..____.__......__._._..__._.._..._......._.........__....._....._._------ ....___.......------ _...._. DATE __.............. _____.�_.._...___..—_.._.._. RESOLVED That the bond of the Midway State Bank of St, Paul, dated June 30th, 1923, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corpor- ation Counsel; be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIUmN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ ----- ------ ---------- ------------- 192._... Clancy �tc1)onal�I Approved-_---------------_----.. --------------- ----192...--- I n raver Hutson Peter _ :�I;ainst ..------._......_... ......_..----moron..... Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL couNc" NO. ----- ..K_!}_ c 9__. FILE OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IONRAL FORMPRESENT y p COMMISSIONER .___...... L_._._. ......_._...__....._____....._.........._.___....__.. ... ._ .Tal 18_ _..1 /._2 ...._.... DATE__...._._......_..._._., _? _ .__. RKsa,aum WHEREAS, The Mohawk Stage Line, 164 w. Fifth Street, has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, One (1) White auto bus, Factory No. 98202, State License No. B-46402, Seating capacity 19 passengers, 50 H.P. covered by United State Fidelity & Guaranty Company policy No. AL -165950, dated April 28, 1923, and owned by said Mohawk Stage Line, and WHEREAS, The Mohawk Stage Line in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to the Mohawk Stage Line to operate said auto bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul subject to the provisions of said ordinance. Hato` bus, P etory,Pto l,One 98202,-(Statee Lt cense No. B-46402, seating capacity. 19 ' passengers, 60H. P'covered by_ ilnite9 ` Sfates� Fidellty: l Guaranty Compal policy No. AL•165950, dated April 28 1923,.. and owned by said-bfohawk Stag, Line., and - _ Whereas, Tho Mohawk Stage Line.iA accordance with:. OrdlnanceNo' 6886;; has, flied i ,copy of .insurance policy;�lt f ley City of 8f Paul, and enid Rol .icy has been approved` " to form by' the Corporation Couneel: therefore be'i 1 l Adopted by, theCouncil July 18, I923. Approved July 18 1923. (July 28-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Matson it Peter .__Against Weni61, l Mr. Vice Pres. Fergueoa V a . MlrilA i r 3 a' Adopted by the Council_ _..__Jua 192. iijRUPLIc^m 'r0 GnY rlERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 J AUDITED ....... .......... ...... YCOMPTROLLER ....__ �ElPe ...192\. ...- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$ regate amount of $.A35*9M5L ----------------------- covering checks numbered -.-j,4$-49 ------------------- to ---149= ------ --- ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on -file in the office of the City" Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. j 1 ✓FlaacY, �� Ado ted b the Council __-_.-_...._-.�ll ��G3......... .... 192---.--- P Y Pr01f1. favor a.i=t' Approved--- -- ----------------- 192 V/ Matson, Peter, 0� � Wenzel. /Ms Sider I s o n kir. Vice Pres, Forguson / S^r ' C. F. N.' 47169— C Resolved that checks be oa adrawnggre the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of;35,983.61;: cover(ng: checks numbereder of it 14 he inclusive, as ;per, register of Ci checks• on file in Comp troller. - g the otrice of the City Adopted by the Council July 18„ 1023. - Approved July, 18, 1923. �- (July 28-1923) ~ J El 0 14949 OITY Or •� ORIGINALM cln CLERK OFFICE OF THE M PAUL COMPTROLLER n ao"Yo=L 7-1.00 NO. _.- Form D-34 1n112-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION F SLS - -- / l 1 472 - `l3 " (Auto) 9 AUDITED _- -..jIII BX / COMPTRO. ... ..... -•.. ._./. f ._..... .............. /• 4.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of_35,983sr�.1._---- -------------- .., covering checks numbered..149M9------------------- to_ -14952 ------------------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( d) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. 982.00 ✓Llancy, ^ 193...................... .... Ica- ..... Adopted by the Council ...........JUL .............2 ra--aA"..0 _.._--.-.In favor ✓Matson, ✓ Peter, ✓Wenzel. -----------Against -................................... --- ."_"_._._..-.-...... -----.......................MAYOR 01of Hans e , �. 68.40 bir, Vice Pres. Ferguson El 0 14949 - - - .-- -- --- - J. M. Clancy, Comdr. of Finanee 34,860:36 Fire 34,832:86 " (Auto) ,27*50 14950 Exerswing company, 982.00 Bureau of Parks 14951 01of Hans e , �. 68.40 H. & 14952 Viotory Printing company, 72.75 Election Expense El 0 ,�� i aITY OP 62. P�aL m CUIsK F�634`IM 12-22 ./�� �" soxL N0.... ----49-1y 7 co i-rR , ' AUDITED......... ......._ .................. ...192_........_ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of . .... a ls' 3 .................... covering checks numbered 14939------------ to....14M.---- ........... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( If Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JUL 1923 'Clancy, Adopted b the Council -- ---- - -- --- - •192----.--- P Y ------------------ - favor JUL -11,; 1923 ` ✓ Approved-----.__. -...--- -- - ------------------ 2 .. ..19 .... Matson, Peter, Wenzel. _------Against ✓"-Rt=i&s;r9=Nelson �— ✓ ---P I res. Ferguson Vice C.: F No 47163—' -- Resolved-'that checkaiie drawn on acid Cfty Treasuiy to asSregat@, no mount of i1,13A.7g, - coyertag-, eM1eclra PermteGlater4 of ci{ylcltecke conof e, I a - 948 theoRlce ot. ttieCityy: Comptroller. -Adopted by the CotlaclI July 1E, 1923. Approved July: is, 1923. (July 2s-1923). ID f QXVT or Bi. PAUL ORIGINALTO CITY O K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 00UNCIZ —RESOLUT10TV NO- F.— D-31 W 12-22 AUDITED CLA.IMS 471 - - - - - - - . . . . . . . ...... ............... ... . ........ AUDITED ....... .... 192 PE....... . .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aM gate amount Of $ ------- T34.73.__.._-__-_-._-_-.. covering checks numbered ------- _14239 ........... to 149-48 ----------------- inclusive,, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes V Councilmen Nays. V"blancy, Adopted by the Council ....................... In F-4us—r— -------------- In favor — ------------- - —19 mepeftalal— Appr ------- — --- ----- -- .......... Matson, V Peter, ---.......Against ----- ---- ---- 7 -------------------------- ....... ............... .... ................ V Wenzel. 17 , I ,At�ag MAYOR Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson 14939 We D. Bugge, Supt., 12740 Auditorium 14940 F. 0. Corcoran, 46*42 C.P.W.-Oen. Adm. .40 Bureau of Bbgineers 1*20 Ste C. & Re 16*08 Bawer C. & Re 8*16 S. & S. Clng. 12.42' Crosswalks 4.04 Sprinkling 3.12 4370 14941 Geo. Knispel Cigar Company, 15044 Health 14942 McFadden Candy Company, 27,06 Health 14943 North Star State Tobacco Company, 95*57 Health 14944 Jacob Rookstroh, Jr., 16.91 Park Refectories U945 Sterling Printing Company, 57e65 Health 53*40 Schools 4o25 Res. 471 Page #2 14946 Emil Straka Concert Orchestra, 704.00 Conc 14947 Webster Wheelock, Librarian, 12.$4 Library 32.34 14948 A. Norah CigaalthoManys 11 COUNCIL 47162 162 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO --- ------- -_------- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM °N o r'__.__.........._.._._._._ ................ DATE DATE ------------_.July..._ 18th, 1928,_ RESOLVED Yeas i Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with O'Neill & Preston, Sewer Contractors, whereby said O'Neill & Preston are to use one of the city's sprinkling wagons and pay a rental of 61.00 per day for the use of said sprinkler from the time it is delivered to D'Neill & Preston until the time it is returned to the 6ity. Said money to be paid into the Sprinkling Revolving Fund. Said sprinkling wagon shall be returned to the City in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by said O'Neill & Preston shall be paid for by that firm. Nays Clancy A4eBena}d-- _.�....-..In favor Matson ✓ Peter _ ._� ..Against \Crnzol hit. Yi�e FergneOn ' 1T .��', .. Adopted by the Council...'...._��I .._.`� _. .__----192....__ Approved-- --- - - 3"—^---......192----- I - ------- --- --- -- ---- Gc Q�1L MAYOR 9 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL NO.....47 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - _ Julv 18. 1933 In the matter of paving Front St. from Dale St. (Preliminary Order 45375, approved 4/80/23 to Rios St. under (and Final Order 0. F. #46285, approved 8/13/23 RESOLVED: That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works.be and he is hereby directed -to do the work by Faroe A000unt and that the Purchasing Agent secure and advertise for bids for the necessary material. tit Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..z....__In favor Matson Peter _.Against R enzcl Mr. President Adopted by the Gouncil._ ... Jli__...r :::.'.::.x.........192.._._ Arl roved---..._.--------:.._ . ::.._ - 3.--...192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._....7 FILE """" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wm. J. PeterJnly 19, 192j ._....._.—___---------------------- .--...._......... DATE...._..........__.........___......__._._.__..�..._..._._... COMMISSIONER ___.. RESOLVED , In the matter of grading Cleveland Ave. from Randolph St. to St. Catherine Ave., Hader Preliminary Order, C.F. No. 44990, approved April 17, 1923 and Final Order C.B. No. 46720, approved July 6, 1923. RESOLM, That the plans, specifications apd estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Y — Ferguson McDonald _ __ -.__In favor Matson Peter _(/....---Against Wenzel \tr. 1'rrsidrnl. I Adopted by the Council.__- /z—/.. ._...._-...192 Approved - l .... /.. - '92.0 ... .., CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���g DATE......-.._Ju�19._ 19S-18�•%....-----.--- ILENLIL NO_ -47-1-6-4 RESOLVED In the matter of grading Cleveland Ave., from Randolph St. to St. Catherine Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #44950, approved April 17, 1933 and Final Order C. F. #46730. approved July 8, 1933 RESOLVED: That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for theabove named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. zr_'. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..-.._..__In favor Matson 0. Peter .... ...... -.---Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Co cil...._-----------._..........._..__192_---- Nil Appved.--------------- ------- -- ---------------192------ - ... _..................- ------ MNYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL 7165 No.- ------- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -I`� ../..1/ ........... ......._. DATE .......... _.._Jt11y 19,_1933 .... - - In the matter of grading St. Catherine Ave. and a proposed Widening and estension of same, from Cleveland Ave. to the Mississippi River Boulevard, to a width of 100 feet finder Preliminary Order C.F. #44982, approved April 7, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #46151, approved July 9, 1923 RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r• /" i C.P. No. .4716@—By R'; J:;.Peter- -In th.,matter of -grading -St. Catherint Ave.'and a proposed widening sad ea[enaton of same, from Cleveland Ave. to the'Mississippi River-'Boule- a-Hato a wldtu-.of 100 Yeet-under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 44982, apprbv d April 7,- 1923 and-Flna1 Or, der C: F No. 46151, approved July 9, 1923. Resolved, Thatthe plane, specifica- �tionsThd eatlrnated; puantltlea, as sub- miffed. by. the,Commisaloner.'oY Pub11c Work. for the aboye'named lmy bve- 'meht, be 'and thesame arehereby-ap- Proved:,:. _ , Adopted by the Oouadn July+19, 1923. Approved July.1'9, 1923. (July.21-19231 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - Perms" guson McDonald In favor Matson Peter ......._1— Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council _----- _ ............ 192— Ap ved...... .... __....... - ... 192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL F'LE"°"No..-.-_4166... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wm. J. Peter Jul$._1..91._ 1923_........_.__...... ....._............._._........_._................._......__. ........._. DATE................._. .. RESOLVED I. In the matter of paving Jackson St. from Valley St. to Sycamore St., Sycamore St. from Rice St. to Jackson St. and Acker St. from Jackson St. to Mississippi St., under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 45537, approved May 3, 1923 and Final Order C.F. No. 46429, approved July 3, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estidasted quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ _. _..__In favor Matson Peter _.. .__...Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council...-..-..-. ./1.... (� 192 Appr ed_.._......,- /-/-------.192//.�J MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILE NO_ ....� y----� FILE 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I -VII COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o.BY 2`/!// /l/L!/L DATE._......_J111Y_ 19x.__198 ......__._.__ RESOLVED In the matter of paving Jackson Street from Valley St. to Sycamore St., Sycamore St. from Rice St. to Jackson St. and Acker St. from Jackson St. to Mississippi St., under Preliminary Order O.F. #45537, approved May 3, 1983 and Final Order O.F. #46429, approved July 3, 1933 RESOLVED: That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. V�- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson /\ Peter T ..___.._VAgainst Wenzel Mr. President i 1 !� Adopted by the Council.__..._.E-L_'L .J,d2:7__192...... JUL �.: 1923 A roved - .....-._.... 192 MAYOR b RESOLVED ✓1" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4I AY /y COUNCIL No.- "7 " FILE _....- i . July 19, 1923 In the matter of paving Cleveland Ave. from Marshall Avenue to Randolph Street with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order C.F. -#x46427, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifica- tions showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install the water connections by Force Account, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the installing of the sewer and house drainsconnections. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __.._____In favor Matson a Peter ___.- ..... Against Wenzel Mr. President D D Adopted by the Council_..- i ..... ..... Appved ........_..._... - ------------192.- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUaNCIL 471-68No.- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.__.. JIa,1.x...._1.(!.e.._...-.3.+13...__._.........._....._ a In the matter of paving Cleveland Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Randolph Street with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C.F. #46427, approved June 15, 1923. RESOLVED: That the annexed plans and specifications showing oas connections necessary to be made upon Cleve- land Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Randolph Street, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with a copy of said fianl order and a copy of said plans upon the 5t. Paul Gas Light Company. C. PC lao. 47168 -By W. J. Fete— In the.. matter: of paving Cleveland Ave. from Marshall. Ave. to; Randolph St., withnecessary gas connections, un filer ,peel Or Order C F No. 46467 aD proved June lb 1923 'andResolved, That the annexed plane lions showing.gas connec tions necessary -to be madeupon Cleve land'Avenue from lfarshalf Avenue to" `j'"_"-'4� Randolph SQ, bo and the same or / hereby approved; and the C. "I.. er of Public WorKs Is hereby and -:directed to.cserve a.'co order together ivlth a anal order And a copy 0' on -the St. Paul -.Gas Llgb i 'Adbptedpprove by itis 9, 19ncil Approved:Ju UI 19 1923 (July 21 1923)111. Z' � Yeas V COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter __.__Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._,10; ..... 1.:.1..,.x.,_--.---- .192_..-- AnnrovZ... -_i_ J1 .. -------... ---..... --..192...... - ---------- ------...- MAYOR Dept. of Public lVorlm. Council File No...--. 716,9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public'improvement by the City of St. Paulriz-: -Pave P 1111 -4b...the north line ---- of -------------------- --- Territorial Road and Territorial Rdad from'Pillsbury Ave. to the ------------ eaSt&r4-y---1i-ne of --Vanda-lia: S -treed including simr$ --- *water---Arid---gas* ... connections from street mains toprqp�eX!ty Wnw.s aomplete,—where, ------- --�T ------------------------------------------------ - ------- ------------ jffE 6�Ei�ea y made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway I ............ approj; hes.,--wher.e.-ne-aeazar.y. - ---------- --------- --- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Dated this ----------- jgt4j..day of_...................... Tuly ---------------------- ----- - ----- 1192 3�. ------------- -- - -------------- - ------ ------------------ ---- ---------------------- Councilman. PREWHiN"Y ORDERS._ F."N.. 4711619�- : Abstract.; 7' 6 whereas, j ' A *wr11,te,,,,ropoaa1'16r the W,.Imp, ovement. WHEREAS, A written proposal IV, 1111,b,1% Ave. Igt1l&�Av h rth e of fro, it V ,tnprovement, viz 0 a To r ri-I Road from r ""'--'+�'the north line of to -- -- ---- -- -- - ------ . t-6-- .coed d fr o m Pillsbury s Territorial Road and t, r, yAve. to the ti." ------ ---- eas-terly 1-ine.-af sewer-'—wa-ter &.11d ---gas--._. "A connections from Street mains to property lines completes where ----------- m� a- - ff, e-- ai-jg-6 1�ffe-iUdi-Iff9 dtMfig- -gffd-- pAvlftg aale-y- -Ari d------------ .......... ------------ ------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- --------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----------------- ----- --------------- ------- YEAS NAYS Councilmaii/CLANCY ............ .V-,FrRGus Approved...---------- -------------------- --- --- MATSON McDONALD PETER z_e . .... ire. - /�.: C71P/1 , I WENZEL-------------------------- --- ----------- . . .... -------- ---- 10 Mayor. FUBLisi F— C A 13 (3M d -i2) k - Department of Public Ylorks, X3,70 • Council File No...............7....1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Opg �-_widen.. ----------- --------------------Avenue to -- width -of 60 ft. from Otto Avenue to Randolph Street' -- -- - - -------------------- --- -------------------------- ------------------------- - - ----.-------- ----------- .. -. C. F. No. 47170— Ahatract July --- - 192 Dated tl 'Vherena. A written propoeal-for - ,.maki¢g of, .thelotlowtng -lm➢rovem. .:'.viz; :-:...:. . .Open, tivlden `ani extend Maealr - ----------- Ave, to a width of 0 ft. from: Ottn' Councilman. to -Randolph St., having been pre: to`the CGenell 01 the Cityr of st. [herefore, be it R. solved, That the.. Commis, , ^1 Work,, be a¢d Is hex..-- — .ureoted: .�;nvesttgate ,the r , L ttie m ,.,r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WI3EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: == Q.s d�xl---and.-axiend.-Macajeeter--:4-venue--to. a --width of _SO_.ft.-...--------- -------------from 0tt.0-.AY-enue t.D Randolph--S-tr-eet-.-------- ------ .. ---------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......._------ ---......----------------------------- ----- ------- --------- ----...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------- ..... :...---'^ i - .... - 'YEA$ NAYS CouncllmaIl CLANCY 1 ` FERGUSON Approved----------....5;�'y i ; + %2 - -- - ....- - -- MATSON McDONALD ` PETER -..... G V WENZ.EL ..-- /-.--........y............ Mayor. sem c A la caM eMr Vico Pres. 1'nrgusou PUBLISTI :ii Yeas f- 0-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -471-71 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__.._V._._19_!_._� That the time specified for the performaaoe Sof a certain contract dated July 28, 1932, between The Commonwealth Electric Co., Contractors, and the City of 8t. Paul for the Ornamental Lightingnon East Seventh St. from Eichenwald St. to-Fauquier St. be and the same is hereby extended to the 17th day of July 1923 and theproper city officers are hereb$ authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City / Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_- ----- .._........ .._ ...............192...... Approved.-... ... � - -192-- - ��� ---�--------------- -- ting MAYOR Nays Clancy / McDonald _ _.._...---_In favor Matson Peter O...Against V Wenzel Mr. Vice fres. Ferguson Adopted by the Council_- ----- .._........ .._ ...............192...... Approved.-... ... � - -192-- - ��� ---�--------------- -- ting MAYOR St. Paul, Minn. TO THE HOA?ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectf"ally ask that your H�orable Body cause the time of completing co tract forto be extended to / r -i7 - - - - - - 19 2-1 Owing - - -- - - - - it was not possible for (/5 to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly,COMM NWEALTH ELECTRIC CO. Contract�� APPROVED COMMi ne oP Public Works. There is no objection to having the tirae extended as requested, as fax as the requirements of this office is concerned. Shpt. of Construction & Repairs -2n. �''ngineer. COUNCIL 47172 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for paving Front St. from Dale St. to Rice St., as bids received were in excesg of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary material through the Purchasing Department as provided by the Charter. F.E. #4870. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy -�ergusoa-- McDonald ::In f&ubi �/ Matson Q, Peter ..... .. --Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council. . i, n x...._192...... 1 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE C �%� 7t3 No ---- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and is hereby authorized and d-treoted to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets: Sheldon Ave. from Frankson to Lake Como & Phalen Ave. C. F,No. 94343—BY W. ,�_ Poter-- Re�olved, That [he Comml"loner of Publ7c Work' be. d le hereby au- thorized and dire fol to 'prlakle with f twa[er and p71 the .following. street': Sheldon. A"ve, from Frank'oa to bake 'Como �. Phale Ave. Adopted rby. ttie Council July 19, 1923. "'Appoved July 18, 1923. (JulY.28-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas �//Clancy y I/ McDonald V/ Matson 1/ Peter.—, Wenzel `. .re- elft N, t:r, i . Nays Adopted by the Council.............IL —1.1`1 I'! }-------192.._-. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL RoLu.N`�1-74 No.--.. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ...._.July ....19.�_�...—�-_...__......__ Whereas, Unforseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order C.F. #42729, approved November 10, 1923, described as the curbing of Lawson St. from Forest St. to Mendota St., Standard Stone Company, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following changes: Repairs to C. B. N. A. corner of Lawson and Forest Ste. 11.20 12.801 radius curb 0 85¢ 10.71 21.91 less 820' straight curb ® 80¢ 397 total 118.19 Now, Therefore Be its RESOLVED: That the Council hereby ordp the extra work to be done, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Publio Works and in accord anoe with the specifications therefore, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of eighteen and nineteen hundredths dollars ($18.19'and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1880 for the making of the afore- said improvema_ . 47174—By W J Peter 3s, Unforseen- ob— ata:cles n.1 . / 1 forIn the tbak1. oY tha I.- int under �InSI rder _29, apyroved N I . 10, 1922, de - as the eurbingg 6YLavraoSt. ?.creat St. to ndot. St., _..�+..- n:in Com siting Cotheactor, h n.13: CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy McDonald Dnald ____52....In favor Mat—, Peter ..Against. Wenzel sin Adopted by the Council--- ----- ----------- I :- -`-----.192----- JU'_ 123 Approved..-� .. -- - -------- -------- -.192- --- 7s, PTJELISI �D MgYOe --� 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No / I FILE --"'-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, Onforeeen obetaclee not rrovided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order O.F. #42729, approved November 10, 1923, described as the curbing of Lawson St. from Forest St. to Mendota St., Standard Stone Company, Contractors, have arisen necessitating the following changes: Repairs to C. B. N. W. corner of Lawson and Forest Ste. 11.20 12.60' radium curb ® 85¢ 10.71 21.91 less 6201 straight curb ® 600 total 183.22 .19 Now, Therefore Be it /r✓S. RESOLVED: That the Council hereby orders the extra work'to be done„ the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accord- ance with the specifications therefo�rg�- the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of eighteen and n1YYeteen hundredths dollars (018.19)and to be allowed as an ext�'a under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1660 fog* the making of the afore- said improvement. The Department of Public Works has,agreed with the Contractors, The Standard Stone Company, that the sum of $18.19 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. 1 ommi s ne r o icWor Countersigned: Contractor COUNCILMEN comptroller Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. - ---------------- -------------- 192 Clancy Ferguson McDonald .. _ =.........In favor Matson Peter _ Against voa Wenzel Mr. President William 3. Peter, Commissioner Ode malletfe, Beputg Commissioner Bepartuteut of 'dublir Murky (city of &[int Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR •''� I,'T y� A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANMATION G. N. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER July a,, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Hon. J. M. Clancy, Oommissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: In the matter of curbing Lawson St. from Forest ft. to Mendota -St. under Final Order C.F. #42729, approved November 10, 1922, attached find blue print showing the final measurement of curb put in. The oontraot was let to Standard Stone Co., Contractor, who has completed the work and same has been accepted by this department. The original contract price for this work was $648.00, to which has been added $18.19, made necessary by the addition of repairs to catch basin at the northwest corner of Lawson and Forest Streets and an addition of 12.60 ft. of radius curb at 85 cents per foot, -'WA a deduction of 6.2 feet of straight curb at 60 cents per foot or a total of $18.19, added to the original contract, making $686.19 due contractor. Yours truly, 4pproved: '. 30 vG•Oa L. L. i I - Ho h'D'S '. 30 vG•Oa L. L. i I CITY OF ST. PAUL co""c"- NO.-.---17.175 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V. OT RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENID BY . J •P1 ttIr • July 19th . 1923 COMMISSIONER__.._.._--_.-__..-_---.-..._.._.._--------- ------ _.............._.........._..__..._..--------.-..._.._............__. DATE ................. _....... .... _........ ............ RESOLVED Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works im hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Feyen Construction Comla ny, whereby the said Feyen Construction Company are to use the Cityts roller and pay a rental of $25.00 per day for the use of said roller from the time it is delivered to the Feyen Construction Company until the time it is returned to the City. Said money to be paid into the Street Construction and Repair Fund. Said roller shall be returned to the City in as good a physical condition as when taken out and any repairs made necessary through its use by the Feyen Construction Company shall be paid for by that firm. C.',F:-Nm47175—By W. J. Peter- -- - .Resolved, That the Commissioner of ;Public Works is hereby authorized to as good'a physical condition as when taken out and 'any -repairs madenece9- sary through Its use by. the Feyen Con- struction Company shall be paid for by .that firm-.. / Adoptedby the Council July 19, 1923. I.'. ApprovedJuly 19, 1923- 1— -(Juiy 28-1923) - COUNCILMEN �,) ,1 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_. _....:' ..:........................192...-.- U' Clancy /) _ K/ 192.. elr- Fergas- K/ Approved.-., .t M'Donnld Llfncor � Pour :\J�a inst Wenzel -Y:. Mr. Vice I'm& Ferguson ;. ~ FORM N0..2` Sub,7 e 77 -- ` COUNCII 4 FILE N0. fi ' Date Pre"sentetir` �g23; R{e ed,` RPAS, The Commissioner of Nti C �ub1i litie hasprepor e o the'. Counefl, in`acoordaace }with See`tion 5of fife City Ghar`er, the existence of an emrrgencjrtwhichreridezed necessary the employment' of certain employes of his ctepartment:for mare than eight hours ' sal¢ per..day; employment ':being afore than, their usual hours employment;,;therefore, be it �tf, Resglved, That: the proper city offegrs are hereby follovvingnsmed authorized to the pay employes Kat the ;rate atherwi:se fixed for ;.extra employment for theextrat3me h:ePeiriafter set `forth. Title m �iours Rate of%OPertfixe P. Anderson Roy Util�tyman 2 b5k', rate .1unson n ,regular .T Thorson C F No. 49176—By J H McDonald The Ole Okeson (Whereas_ Commtaeleaer of Publ}o Utilities -has reported to the CooncltJJ D•D Laboin accordance with Section 53 ti;;,,,,55� ^ ^ p John Ql$on - ce Of6an,of ., gen�Clfe whtellthendered�neeease,ry-the employment "yl ^ Mat Roberto of certain employee of his -�' department Lormore'than &. Woodle .y - eight houre}, leer day' --said emyloyment being mo a _ Ut lthan their usual hours of employment a 55Y 11 ry 6Q. 11 ' DD therefore; be It r i Laiio Resolved, That the proper 11 t Aug Kurkow$ki city oRI cera ara•hereby authorized to pfly the followfng Len Vanelli named employee aq the rateL otherwtee flaed t. extra ,SCa !P tt If Joe Yannelli employments for the extra time hereinafter set torch: •55� tJOe ....gnali P Anderson, Utfiftyman, 2 -hours 65t regular rate, 11 n n 55 .7.J Haggerty- Util resulyaMate n, Utllttyman, 4 hours, 654,;'11 ^ Thoma$ .r+a Di santo P Scott, UtllltyMun 2 hours 65Q regular rate. 'Val` John liawk> ns T. Thorson, Utllltyman. 4 hours 65¢ r 5A2 d 7 P QCT I0$ue{ Mennell .�Fegular rate j Ole Okeson D D. Laborer, 4 houre - 556 regular rate 65,tl ;,/ „ ryo;,/ , 'ry •,:^ :�♦ x 'Sam iianell3 John Olson DD, Laborer, ..4. hours, 55t%. regular rate � Etat Roberto, D. 15). Laborer,:2 I Y 70 ry !Ir 1p} G Alexander 550regularho reEte. y r D D I gb T M. Wootlley, Utilltyman, 2 ho ,572- ry p W.Id Barrow64t, regular rate. J Ciarlo, D D Laborer, CC 5J 11 p m 'T'y 7 Carter 3 Pours,-:,"' _.� regular rate55X • n 'p August :Ghrl$t Aug Rurkowskl D D -,E tura 55t regular rate J9hri Clarkin D. n yTM, If i �h T Syr n 11 P,s Del -Fiaccq ` b 11 Dxers 1�lI n xa k yd $ Jhe .Grappalie n n 1 a' n ._ �1at Johnson n ^ 55 ; ayILent �� 4t n � 55� n ` ti John McAndrew n 2 _ 55k` ^'It M Partin Mi ; ooney „' A Norman it 2 1�5R' n n P. Sch�webach,` P E Solbjor ; 4 J�:; 4�atters n` 2 55th ^"� lr` Peter Chri-stuns,"eri Paul G.":J�arizke Cojmori m Cavi Anderson 12 Utili_tyman 45.& „ f1 J s=Sapoyrita T n.icello 6 tt 7 7or� „ 59 LX 11 11 H fir' C1acr 592/ D:33 &abpEr John H ediiznd^'`t 3.Holm re !3 n hF'+ting to 2 ^1'a rr r,5 '4n b 3.pdra raaata_ 55r� n � •., `�sNI. 01 s on >s - q;' Ol s en n 4 r 1 11 ' ' : � L ; ' 0 1� . I ­�l - �',, `� --,, .,' �­ - ,, -�L U ',- ­ Itabinson ' , , , L � _' , ' �' � I ' � � I - � n 16` SG¢ „ Alfrmd ',chauer 16 5p " Louis ZWirnsr „ n P. Anderson Utilityinam� 23 �5f� 777777777 Hours it Rate of 'Overtirae dameTitle D•� LL aborer��l�- regulax rate Fred Bruner Ut ltyman $; regular rate n Phomas Devine it 6 " . Phomas Fahey h 59 " " )wen Geraghty v1.'' Arcuxi D.D Laborer 6 18 55f� ,z dar..son ' n. Colosimo xenrY Kane „ 2 Awns Kelly 8 Albe - o -1a" n e 6' SSrt it James Tsghe �� 2 „ n Burt Wr gllt n 3 55 " n . '„-, lb:,'Col Ans Steve Fdartin Utilityman 11 8 4 SQA 5 ¢ n Ed., Cavanaugh ..­ Treneh filler 8 55A.n n G Sauzo°` D.D. Utilnt an 8 59¢ ” n; J : 0 Barrett 55r� n' James Kennealy James .F. Eggerling Cement Ti.nisher 2 $ l 00 0 9 x. U` -6 Johnson . ear enter,` P 1 5A ,� CA , Butler Bldgs Laborer ,: $ 50 John Corey n 2' ' S0 jL!' " Peter J.;`. Horn n ; •�+ T C. Newton " 8' " 5p n it August 'Thorpe WyO. Peterson'- Utilityman 24 65 Herbert Buechnex - 6 5' " " 71a TAdDonald R- Nordquist n Thixer Engr_. Steam 4 90¢ " C0 Peterson HoiatingEngr. 12; !Al H 5eig'er :> C iiityman Ut ement Finisher 37 I.90 ' Fred Fennern >: ,i 36 1.00, Chas, Fransen.; 1.00. " n Arthur Ingeldew. :Clarence F� eh ey S.L.,"14orker 1,90 1.0.0 n., ii Joe Hall „ 2 : 1.00- It n JH Healey n $ , 1:00 it N :b?nel So ggkn Fred A. Graxi D. 9. 7 aborex 55 " n" n ,, = ,i `•u .Andrew Haider Bldgs " _ 1 5 X "' 4.tto Hirt n . 50¢ 50J&n 9:S Lilley Y!m B Manthe n 2 50¢ 50 i, n I; a Anton Mollenlsegsp D.D. Laborer T.` Christian Rauer Chas. S%hmidt` Bldg 50f n n Earl, Spermbauer " n 2 1 0'e �� S'.I„ Thompson Oliver„�dethern to . h. n Peter tNoZfe, '” 2'` 503 JohnAsehenbrennex $ 50¢ it n Thos :Dugan Geo, Evans n Common L boEer 11.. 5 50k. h. Sim _T Evans B1 dg: .Laborer 3: 11 n " 15 509 n ,r Ad ph' :Fransen n $.. 5 0 n n J+ H Nordin •. Sunday -Overtime J'E• Hathaway L:-DeBruycker Utilityman Maintenance Lah. n 16 16 5p¢ ¢ 16 501E " n ' ' : � L ; ' 0 1� . I ­�l - �',, `� --,, .,' �­ - ,, -�L U ',- ­ Itabinson ' , , , L � _' , ' �' � I ' � � I - � n 16` SG¢ „ Alfrmd ',chauer 16 5p " Louis ZWirnsr „ n P. Anderson Utilityinam� 23 �5f� yu,. 1p JU,lius Johnson 4 Ed Caganaixgh R3c grx x z T. F. 24 vealis ilankers" D.D Laboxrer 14-. Henry ick -e .'J-. Bann- Bann --- Utility,man T2 Jas. .6-ennealy ° 24 R. Vanderhoff ° 24 John Corey Bl d,, Laborer 24. rat n n n r:; n Q,) C L COUNCIL No ---- 1-77 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UTION—GENERAL FORM CO DATE_.._..._------- _._...._------- RESOLVED That the depositoryJaoad of the Midway State Bank of St. Paul, as principal, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, as surety, dated June 30th, 1922, in the sum of $10,000.00, running to the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald -------- _.....In favor Matson J - Peter __ --.Against Wenzel Mr. President L) Adopted by the Council _,.IL L...?i ?..1.9[ 3--..........192.....- ��n Annr6ved._..........JOL. _1.9.[3.........192 MAYOR `s CITY OF ST. PAUL "p""LNo----- ..`...�_ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L PRESENTED BY Co.. .—.._____...__.____.._._.._.._._.._..__..__._ ------- _ DATE_............_..._______...._......_._.__._._ RESOLVED That the depository bond of the MidwayiState Bank of St. Paul, as prinoipal, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, as surety, dated June 30th, 1922, in the sum of 010,000.00, running to the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby oancelled and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. IC F No.y47177— Reao1 ved, That the depository bond oY tha.MldwaY 8ta*e Book oY St. Paul, construed as releasing: said principal and surety from anY.�Ilabiltty: which may -have accrued: prior to the -cancel- lation of said bond. Adopted by the Council July 19, 1923. 'Approved _July. 19. 1923. (July 28-1.923) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council AL -A, -_- V Clancy Approved. -- .a. 43 --------------- 192 McDonald ---------------- In favor Matson.... C o --- - --- - Peter _.__..Against m roa r Wenzel I�� N'nr�uson CITY OF ST. PAUL Fig"ca No ° _`-_'_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �/r i�.�C�e�/ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � . � �C/l% /:�(� Z,1 RESOLVED That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement With C. F. Scott, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per Week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him While in the employ of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul, on the 25th day of April, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in aocordanos With said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said 0. F. Scott, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty-six Dollars (836.00) in full settlement of his claim against said City for the period -up to May 22nd, 1923• I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of iducation. Nays Adopted by the Council- I x.J Clancy �--In �,_192 Approvedson �C3McDonald favor �� J l/ Matson - Peter _Against MAYOR / Wenzel I E&. Ep sidei�e `. kr,;Yice Pres. Ferguson ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL ! r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Na' CITY CLERK - -------'-4""� APP////RR�,tOPPIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM /// 'CHARTER SECTION 208' ////// PRESENTED BY Frank /M A�fa. so�. DATE.......J.uly.lp ..lJ Zjl._.......___COMMISSIONER...__.......................................................... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER is WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM 21 Pub. Safety Administration SalEries P1 If If If Other Exp. W. Matson—_ _.__,- ...nvided tor Oy +• _•p 1a made: 21 Pub, b-- '--- 1923. Exp• a Council Jul, 19, Adopted by th 1923. ADDroved July uly 1926_1922) dJ 200.00 200.00 YES (i) COUNCILMEN � J� NAYS III ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..'.` 1 `i I_j%, �..'.. _.....J.._....19..._..._._ / CLAN j/ `PERGUSON '.v / MCDONALD FAVOR APPROVED._......_ . ---1 ,-,--- -- - ---- 19-------- �} -__.-... __......IN MATSON VwvOw [/ -- ------------------------ ' V PETER .............. AGAINST ' Y WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY---.— ---------------------- G ------ .-------------------- CITY COMPTROLLER �(/ FORM O9 `:n CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi�E""`NO_ -4718(1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TED BY �' DATE......_._.___...._. NFA-..._ _ _ ._. _...__.._.___.._...... ...... _........_..._................_......_....._..........._. RESOLVED In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Cleveland Ave. from Hendon Ave. to Dudley Ave. under Preliminary Order C. F. #45577, approved May 4, 1923 and Final Order C. F. #46869, approved July 8, 1923. RESOLVED: That Final Order C.F. #46866, approved July 6, 1923 for the abovenamed improvement, be and the same is hereby amended by omitting the words °from Hendon Ave. to Dudley Ave.0 and substituting therefore the words "from Hendon Ave. to a point 100 feet south of Dudley Ave." CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays \/Clancy Fur L., McDonald ......_____In favor Matson t.._ Peter _ .Against Wenzel deM Dir. Via+ Prea. i" erguaon Adopted by the Council--- ---- .i..`:i.. JI x_.....192._.___ Approved.. _... �'--..�=1#;I[-}-..192._--- �.Y Snt row QUADRUPLICATE Tor er. ,.ou TO CRY CLERK nzs err No...__.4 ': Form D-34 1M 12-22 ��. ,12f l co. � R ....._ 192. .. -.... .... t........... .... o.. ..... AUDITED ............ .... ..._ .. ( I/ , ' `PER.. ..... =.._. - _.._... -' ...__..... Resolved that checks be dravm on the City Treasury, to the agg4gate amount of $ _... VRA -M,70-----.............. covering checks numbered--.-. —U961 AD .......1082 ------------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. 1,'-' Clancy, Adopted by the Council ------------------ tjIj-.1D..].` 23----- ---- 192 .Egrguson— _...._.In favor v' McDonald, JUL _ i) 1y23-- ..192..-.._. ✓ Matson, Approved.------ -------- -....-- Peter, ✓ --.- ..-Against Wenzel. IY�eli��+Ielson /Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson C. F. No. 47181 .Resolved that cheeks be drama oa the ;City Treasury. to the aggregate amount -o[ b39,467.7Q,- covering checks numbered'14961 to 14982 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file ID _ the o$Ice of the: City Comptroller. (July 28-1923) � 11 ORIGINALTO oixz or ex, p�v1 CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ......No. r.— D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 475 ViCl ByAUDITED... J-1 .......... . ........................ .. ...... ... ..... . ........ ....... . ...... I/ ...... . .......... . . .... 39.457.70 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a, rebate amount of $-----_39$457.10-•-•----------------- A --------------------------------------- covering checks numbered 14901 to. -------- 14982 ............ inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the City, Comptroller. Yes i Councilmen Nays. '-'Clancy, Adopted by the Council . .................. ----192-------- In favor 1923 I "Aul I McDonald, A r ----- ---- ------ -------- ............ .......... ....... 191 ✓ Matson, 0 eter, 2 ✓-------------- Against . .................... ------- I ... ............................ .... iEf6fi— Wenzel. 4dr. Vice Pres. 1,'erv�gon 7 14961 ----------------------- I ......................................... .......... E. G. Carlson, ------------ 583* 00 L 1641 14962 Cbjeago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 565*73 Bureau of Parks *33 Water 171*08 80*12 162 58 U Mae 45*56 71,18 565*73 14963 Coebran-bargent Company* 1,64248 Water 3.4964 Darling Valve & Mfg. COMPanYp 8,143.00 Water 14965 peyen construotion Company, 4,518e50 . L 1632 2,505*50 L 1654 2 013000 4:518.50 14966 d. W. Hulme Company# 704*00 Linwood Sehool(Bond) 2,851.93 14968 mp3.s. & st Louis Railroad CompAnys, later 14vez Josepn llaocnp Water 804.14 5,501.29 5,950.00. 1,174.58 25.00 370.08 500.00 1,120;87- 871.75 12.14 40.49 2,383,05 6131.67 Io0.15 ` Res. 475 Page #2 14969 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co., Schools .25 Water 500:08 " 163.25 " '140:56 X04:14 14970 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) 908.17 " " 300.30 Sprinkling 4 292,82 s • 14971 Moore Brothers L 15A3 14972 National Cast Iron Pipe Company, Water 14973 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Water 14974 Reiss Coal Company, Police 17.50 Fire 230.50 Water 122*08 s 14975 Frank J. Rose, Water 14976 Sandstone.Quarries Company, St. C. & R. (Pave) 14977 J. L. iahie17 Company, S 31.50 Schools 30;00 Bureauof Parks 27.50 " " " 27.50 it " " 13.75 L 1459 48.00 L 1424 42.00• L 1601 88,75 L 1397 10:50 L 1606 2805. it 7.50 L 1617 501400 L 1624 25:00 971,75 14978 G. Sommers & Company, Health 14979 Speedometer Service & Accessories Company, Garage 14980 Standard Stone Company, L 2550 1,187.31 L 1557 577.03 L 1650 618.69 14vez Josepn llaocnp Water 804.14 5,501.29 5,950.00. 1,174.58 25.00 370.08 500.00 1,120;87- 871.75 12.14 40.49 2,383,05 6131.67 Io0.15 ` ':;:QUADRUPLICATE olxr or er. a•vz TOCITYCLERK vovsclz Form I)•24 IM12-22 zs r�No..... .. g .... BY COMPTROLLER PER......_-. ._._..._ - . .. .... _...- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount or $-_+r2a`�-o----------------- -....... covering checks numbered ----------- -to--.149.97----------- -------inclusive, as per re8ister or city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. VClancy, Adopted by the Council --..-------- ..---- .--- JUL _=j+_i523 --._. ----In favor l n McDonald, Approved ------------ ----------"JIJ'`--i, )-. ..............[ - 192.. L ' Matson, ) Peter, / i� Wenzel. ----_.'----Against Mr—i�rBsi�-n[.-I+Iaison (j Nr. Vice Pres. Fergasou / C. F. No. 47182— }te.11.d he, check, -be drawn oa the City' Treasury.- to the aggregeta amount of 1a18,963.64, c—ering, checita �nualbered YS996 to. 14997 We 1, -.as .per; register of city Checks on file 3n the'otfice'of;the City:Comptroller- :` Adopted by the Council July 19, 1923." "Approved July 19, 1923. - (Juty 35-1923) ORIGINAL TO errr CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoosa=zNO......:. .. ` 182.. Burin D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM -2. 478 ' .+ COMPTROLLER J ... ;� i.. �! I BY AUDITED... .................... ....-_......_..---.._--------- ---- 192 ------- — PER....... _........ _............ _.......... __.........--_...._..............--- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $:-.1 a+9+ '�A•+�?-----.................. covering checks numbered ----.-..-149.95 ------------- to. -_1..4,1%97 .................. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. v'Clancy, Adopted by the Council.............Ht---?:----------- -------------- =Aer$¢gon, ------ ------In favor McDonald,��.--�... .-- -------.. 192._..... � Appr a ----- . ✓ Matson, Peter, A •- .......... ........ ------ --A$a4nst (Jt.. - - wcrir+9 --- - �- Wenzel. MAYOR 111r. Vice Pres. Forausoa _.-......---------------...-------....-------....------------------'-------------------------.------- 14995 Estate of Dm iel De Murphy, Alice A. Murphy 6,200.00 Hamlin Junior -High School(Bond) 14996 Schwartz Brothers, 577.29. Park Refectories 14997 Perry A. Swenson & Hakanson, 12,176.25 Randolph Heights Sohool (Bond) n QUAORUPLICATE rn CITY CLERK F.—D-3( IM 12,22 Eli .47183 . . . . . . . . . . AUDITED- .. . ....... 192 PER— .......... — ------- j . . . ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-MAS151w ......... ............. coverink checks numbered -.....1499 -- --------- ..to 14M ...............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nuys. - Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..................A L..t.9-1,%23--------- ----192...,--- -Ferbusonf: McDonald, - --------- n. favor '3 ....................... 192-1 Approved --AUL. 112 -""Matson, V Peter, V --Wenzel. `----Against elson Vice Pres. Ferguson - [7 C., r. Ns 47"T7 -. Resolvedthat ehecks-�b. dmgn on the CityM1ry, to the agegate" I...Unt O122,55.87. ..v.ring, checks numbered 14984 to 14994 Inclusive, as city chec [perregister of. k. on file In . it a of the City Comptroller. "'Adoptcd by theCouncil July 19; 1923. Aplly.vcd July 19. N9,23. (July. 28- 923). [7 11 L] OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 477 Auorreo..._...__j. j. �::._.. s�__� �_:j.___...tax .____. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the checks numbered.. ---- _14984. ------------- to. -----.14904_. --- ------- inclus, Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. NO......... 71.83- V regate amount of $_122-455.87----------------------- covering as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City JUI N i L-= Clancy, Adopted by the Council --- --------_---- ----- ' i�.- j23 __---192...----- Zerguaotr,' In favor ---.... . V McDonald, --- ...... .... .... 142 - A r Peter, r_: -.....Against ------ - ------ -- ----- .........................-------......--- MAYOR - hI- i e elson , ]Sir. Viee. Pres. Ner¢usoa 14984 Lydia Jane Ackerman, 50.00 Non -assessable improvements 14985 Fred Q. Albrecht, 1,036.00 Bureau of Parks 14986 Capital Envelope Company, 203012 Acct. forms, eta. 43.50 Police 28.61 Schools 6.35 n 42.15 n 73.76 -- Water 8.75 14987 P. J. Casey, 280:00 Munic. Emp. Busean 14988 Central Metropolitan Bank, Assignee Federal Construction Company 5,537975 Groveland Park School Add.(Bond) 14989 J. M. Clancy, Com1r, of Finance 14,00040 Election Expense t Res, 477 Page #2 IL4990 Inter City Paper Company, _ 122.80 City Clerk 1.20 Comptroller 1.25 Puroh. Department 5000 Municipal Court 1.20 Election Expense 48.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unf. 1.20 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 16.00 Police 2.25 1e50 " 3.90 3.00 Fire 5.00 Park-Adme 5000 Park Refectories 1.60 Playgrounds 1100 P. Bldgs. 4*20 Inv. Public Utilities 4e75 Water 11.75 " 7e00 192.80 14991 A. L. Snyder, Director 997.00 Bureau of Parks 14992 J. C. Stuhlman Hardware Company, 205.20 Schools 14993 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Company, 100,000.00 Water 14994 Wm. Yungbauer Company, 24.00 Schools QUADRUPLICATE TDcm CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-22 r. 000=ar� No. BY_ COMPTROLLER TE AUDID..__.. ._ .182.. _._._ .. ...... ... PER ...................... .._...... .. .. _.- -- .. _------ ---- ....... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $... 7*. 50"00--....._----------------- covering checks numbered. ........3AM------------ to....................................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. JUL ID 1923 VClancy, f Adopted by the Council ------------------------------ --- --- ._..--- --- ,. ---- 192--- On r In favor McDonald, JJ4... x.1923.. - 192.... Matson, Approved. P Peter, % Against w Wenzel. Mr.— E O - onV••'- /r,vice Prez. hnrgu0oaJ,�� I� C. F. No. 47184— - -`- Resolved that' checks be drawn on i the CRY:Treasury, -to the aggregate amount of .;7,600.00; .covering, check L,aas per-regiaterbf city checkaon the oHYca of the City Comp. er.optedby'the Council July 19,1923_proved July, 39;� 1923. (JulY28r1928) .. ORIGIN -TO vary or er. a�vi. CITY CLERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ry��pp-Qc� �,pp AIIDITED CLA... IMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO.._.�.i.:d:84... Facet P-33 1M 12.22 (J rags II 476 AUO=O_........, JS: ! i`.......1_{3....�SJ ; .a ___..... 1ez.......__ - 1�...._..............max--.......__----- �........... ......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a gate amount of $....7*190.0.40.......................... covering checks numbered--------- 14883--- -- -- ---tO--- ----- ----- --- ------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. V Clancy, / Adopted by the Council ------------------ A--.-19-1.923 ............. 192 ------ on, ------j.:--)In favor ;l 1923 McDonald, Matson, , APpr e -v----------- - ----------------------.192 Peter", C/ ��� Wenzel. -------------Against NA':=Y--tesii eirt--Igiilson MAYOR �Sittra 4 Mr. Vice I'l— F-gusuu ................................................................................................................ 14983 The Northern Swedish Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 7,500.00 Hamline Junior High School(Bond) L �� QUADRUPLICATE azrY cY Pi. zevz. u TO — CLERK No.—. '� cocaozz. [s1L Form D-34 1M 32-22 No.—. 471 r1L8 �.��(/C���- j U' . ^ �• t� gy cOMP_ TR LLER AUDITED..__..._.___.._..... 6�- Resolved ......_.........�.`{..,•.._.....1B2._...._. that che4s be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ covering checks numbered ...._3AI720 -------------- =----------------- ------------------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. tClancy, ! Adopted by the Council - 923...._.__-192 Pe-r-on,---_-�:_---In favor i' McDonald, - JUL '- i" -%i-3 -- 9------ Matson, Approved -- -" -----"-----' Peter, i �^ Against �1 MI r. . al O;t , ka9O a0on v %hl r. 4 ice ree. 1 er{; C.F. Nr_. 0 471gi~ d. _Resolved that checks -W drawn. onl the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount oY E1000.00, covering check: numbered.14720, ae Der register or. a ty' checkog s. on 81e'in the ice of the -City Comptroller-. Adopted by the Counbil'July 19, 1923. Approved July 19, 1023. (July. 2971923). ---. - 1 Ilk 1. 1j s , 4AL ,CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Loan D-34 IM U-22 AUDITED CLAIM S—RE SOLUTION FORM NO. ---4718,5 429 AUDITED- ............. _5 192 ...... .... com 0LLE!� ...... . ............... -0 ................ . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of . . .................. covering checks numbered.. --.14720----- 74 ------------------------------------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes Councilmen Nays. t---Clancy,Adopted by the Council L ------ —'JU'-9 1103 -------- -192 ....... --Ferg,— .......... ------------- In favor McDonald, 7 1±23 L-- Matson, Appr ---- ------- . . .......... ............. 192 Peter, i�'-Wenzel. Against 77 -----------.Against ........ . ------------- 1, �. �,son iaf6it 7 41r. Vice 1'res, 14'ergusuli ------------------------------------------------------- 14720 Richard E. Damkroger & 01ine P. DATnoger Mattocks School 2021 (Bond) 1,000.00 yy 4 4 7 1,000.00 REJLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....o.p.11dQT11)(lIng,...taking_And.. a.9AX'oPriat1llg..X.0_r..pmbIiG.....S.0.11GAI 'purpoaes.,---Lots16_,_..17 and...the--est___2._of...Lot.-.18,---Block.. 17-,--_Nackubin ..... ... nsl-..MAAaha21-1.5...Adff.ti.OX1...t.Q...; tt,A..Pd.g1,P. under Preliminary Order......' 493.3 ............. approved Apx �....'k.,...19 '...., Intermediary Order........45UR., approved .....May ...12,....1.Q23a. The Commissio: C. F. No. 47186--By_T. M. Clancyta— Ine th appropriating f for si.public. Schooll lis report in the above matter as to the amount of o¢purpol.o[ 8oCB3 b 17 Mackubl hvest and damages awarded for g1� rshall's Addil3n to St. Paul. un - Its therein appropriated for the above improvement d2r Prellmi nary Order "I". approv- 4a7 Ar'appr vea'111.11 12 9133.Y Order and to whom payabl( The Commissioner of Finance hav-assessment of benefit to property from the making of ing ubmitted his report In the above t>^ ^ ^ to tha amount -. of damages said improvement, therefore 6L' fi the, taking of the land or 10, Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolvedafurther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also°upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......... 23.r..d.....................day of ............August., 1923 MM at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............... " "' ------ z' 91........ .. AlCity Clerk.,­ ---------- lerk. .. A rover.......__....I PP ................ ........ 191........ r ra j �. .......... ...... 3layor. CouncilmanZRQftV0WZftX Clancy PUBLISHED 2 CouncilmanXkm Ferguson / Councilman= McDonald v_ '- Councilman >ftfflax Matson Councilman AVxPCkMx Peter Councilman imowmmi Wenzel Mayor i xkx Ne is on REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter obandeanning,. taking R.nd..$L.P.p Q.priating..for...public__,school_._- Lo.ts._16,__1.4...and...t.hQ..Lf�es.t.--2 of..Lot..-18,---Block---17z Iti4aCkubin a�id_Marshallts__Addition to -St.. Pau.1.t................._.---................._..---......----- .............. under Preliminary Order_ ... 44933 approved-4.Prt...4� 1923 Intermediary Order .......4.3769.. - approved .......... 4.7-- 12,._-.1923._ . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That lie has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- p ated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement. not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r % Commissioner of Finance. z! 71 �1, 7 COUNCIL ILE NO. .............; By C ! INTEgMiDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...G9T18.ti uGtAg, a, 6'„Cement„tile • sidewalk on the north side p ,RQyrt o,>'�}Q, St,t,from••White Bear Ave. to Right- . . gay of the PLinneapolis &..Si.. �a1i1..Subiix'b.�z> .$y.o..CAq. and on„the, south_ aide, of Hawthorne St. frcim.Y4A.?WcA.AYee. t9..4aze1 Ave..a.................................................. .............. .:.... ................................................................................... No: 47187—BY: J: 3t. ClnncY— -.......................................... I ..... . .................. at,ile` sidewalk sonuthen north ide a io tafstir-i` oar ox�irie nhB ..> ..469M ............... approved .....J1411. 10,.. 1923. iia & St. Paul. Suburban RY I onthesouth side 'af llaw^• from van Dyke ave. t�--4Ci of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon e,, under Preliminary orae�t; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: droved July S0, 1923. e Cbuticll of the City of ; rS received the report of t� report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement oner of Finance npon t.:be proceeded with. -vemeat, and having r .,: irt,_hersaidreso eports.iture of the improvement which the Council recommends is...COns:�X'AGt..✓�..�.�.... •r.r ` pproved a v' Tent ' cem�„°�.,;'.1e.sidewalk.on.t}le..s>pxtk�.Sl,0 PX 4404(?r4e•St, from U�hite Be”. Ave...tA.Rigbt-ol-1Z�y..o�..Ghe,�QlAneapolis &• St. Paul Suburban Ry. . .......... ur ........ Iio+.and.on..tha.south.side.of.Ti0.Mtk19xKte.rst.,,from Van,Dyke Ave. to „ Hazel•Avo.,,except where good and.`sufficient sidewalks now exist, ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... ln.Oh?..P.Rx• front foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 904........ day of A11$l18t........... 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... JUi.. d•:j• i; -i.... Approved.........................192...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson b Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman 202M Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hxdgum Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 192.... . ........... ......... ......... ........ Mayor. PUBLISH I'D 2 — --� 3 47188 P— COUNCj L FILE NO............... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..00ns.truoling. .A. A17-foOtt. .WIDeAt..t�.1fl..PAdAVA1k,On, the_ north S:Lde..of.Piellmley Ap.0,f.x.CP.)5YAdAgAte..Ave... tq. (3ri3ga. St .,................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................::... ...................................................................................................... 1_ c. Y. No. atlas—sY a. ns.-clancY— alx . 46.93.Z.............approved .......�A1:T. 1Qz.1923............... the Matter of constructing a .. ., otc sids tile lal Ave.n from fheofWellesey ilcate Ave. to Griggs st.. unser St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon [minarY order 44937 approved lving considered said report, hereby resolves: lo, Gil Cit of t o and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement received thehreport 4the a o above is,,ier of Ffnadce upon the above ded with. 'sport hereby resolve -:considered. r -at. the said report mo an pt the improvement which the Council. recommends is. nonstruct..e�—sU. Xoot hereby approv,.,. s` ald lmprovem' �3b� prove>d• �,@,•,��,�l�walk„gn,the..north. side of frons. ...... sled Ave. Syndicate A4e..to..GXiggB.:S.t.,.Req.ORtr.lgi>e>^A,ggod,and.sufflcient sidewalks now exleta ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ................................ I.................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 1l05„per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 26th ......... day of Au Qt .........1 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. s Adopted by the Council.....;.t..J..;.;<. ,........ . �............. I ............ .1� Approved ....... }_;!...},;.,,;;;..... 192...... .y f fi City Clerk. 44t ..........�MCouncilman Clancy / PUI3LISHEDI_—=�� Councilman Ferguson 7 � Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilmanx Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor NSWX Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 WA9 COUNC L FILE NO .. j ../ By w. , .. C INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. Rill•T"91?a�FJB►+�?d8tq&•J,k3,,,wheT!e necessary.,.nn..the.south.aids.raf..Gaodxi.ch.Ave...fxom.kiriu..�lY.@,..t,q,Cetin Ave ....................................... 46939. approved .... C. I'.'No. 47189 -4 -BY J s[ruCilns'relay- ]•9'2,3 I In ug ..atter .{ recon , , , , , , , , , .. ...................... . irtg and repairing sidewalks, wfiere; PP cess¢ry, on the south side Goodrich AYe. from . Fie. Aj• ; 'd Paul Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon „ Cold _Ave. nnaer Fr.umiszaY having considered said report, hereby resolves: 939 A'roved JuIY 10, _.on he .r the city .f hf be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement isrece� v{ Finance p p.. fthe� hsving e. _>)ceeded with. 2. "That"tha -.s re of the improvement which the Council recommends is. xscanstruct,..ralsLy and,x��aj„@dewa7,ks,•v�here•necessary, on ic the. south side of Goodrich ............... is Ave., ,from Finn, Ape. to Cretin Ave. .. •..... .. ...................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..e07..PeT..6q.. fts Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... Mh....... day of ...... Auguat.......... 192. 3 , ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give°notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—, i l...i :...... ........ 1X... .... . Approved .................... .192...... City Clerk. ..........y .. ...............' Mayor. Councilman Clancy MD 3 Courieilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald / Councilman Matson Councilman SadMx Peter Councilman Wenzel Mayor Naagga C Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C y No 4Nel Ordimnce No. 6110— ' ^ r�/' y / By A. P Nelson 7 An dinance settling they claim of WWliliam A. Rice against the City of —/ St. PauL,, , .. - V '/ .. Council .of the City of St. Paul ordain: SECTION 1. •lie. Proper city offf ere armee "°rir.d to Pay.:ale settling the claim of William A. Rice against the Citq 'ot St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- n iced to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to William A. Rice the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising out of damages to his automobile caused by an ornamental light globe falling on said car, on the 1st day of May, 1923• Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Counsel Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy - - Fergus" - Peter ✓...s Wenzel Mr. President ) Approved, CCS ��� �,�L�iG�v�✓ Mayor Attest ty Clerk. �lBe��trtmextt of ��m ���� • CITY OF ST. PAUL �l1 CARLTON F. M"ALLY (� =­161 COUNCEL iioRRevs ARTHUR A. ST ART EUGENE M. O•NEILL REECE J. ­E LEWIS L. ANDERSON July 20th, 1923• p the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of William A. Rice against the City for the sum of $15.00. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reason- able and for the beet interests of the City. Yours truly, ant Corporation Counsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNCK. Fs -e No ------- .c.._..-_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1L-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'ED lay % ` ���1 l 7O � � � —� �/ July 2J ,1923 •eo ... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to i purchase, with the c onsentFL—of the Cor.lptroller, 7100 text books for the use of the public schools, from the American Book Co., Publishers, at a cost not to exceed $5,500.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Ed.Dept. Supplies 41.4a C. No. 47191—By L h S• Ferguson— r. esig Resolved. That the. Agent be, an wlthl the copeent of the., to .purchase. or Comptroller, 7100 text from• the t use of the public sp�yilehers, at a oet erican Book Co., It ae.I re' not to exceed E6,650.00,ess 00 could c r total d 1 andld o $advantage ks are be gained thereby: Charge Ed. Dept• Supplies 41.4x: .1923. Adn. d by the Centel, July 20, Approved.. July 2,0, 1923: (July 28-1923) COIINCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........ - n• Clancy t, Ferguson � ApproveV.. 1 McDonald In favor I; Matson D �— v Peter __-_._..Against MAYOa Wenzel ��19 Mr. President 02- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � No,-------- i .f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COU 1�3L–RESOLUT_ION--GEN/ERAL,FORM PRESENTECIliY Com/ ' .Tubi 19, 1923 COMM1551D ___. __.._._. ..._............_ .__....._...._...._.... DATE-._..._.....__._.__..—_. ------ .---- _...._.__.__ RESOLVED That the Purchas' g Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 500 copies "Guitteauls Preparing for Citizenship" at a cost not to exceed $495.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby, Charge Supplies- 41.4a C. F. No. 47192-B9 L. R.9. Ferguson— Resolved, That the Purchasing, Agentbe, and he is hereby: authorized to 'purchase with the consent of the :;Comptroller. Boo c pies "'Guitteaue -, P.reparing. for Clt1?enehip".at a cost not 'to.exceed $496.001 without asking for -competitive bide. as thee. book. are copyrightedand,nG advantage could he gained thereby. ,`Charge-supplies- 41,da. Adopted'by the Council July 20; 1923. Approved July 20, 1923. (July 28-1923) - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ........... ...In favor Matson i Peter -__....__Against Wenzel Mr. President i Adopted by the Council.. -._........} i'....:^+.._+r-;192 ...- Approved.._.._._.... C'....;, -;1..i ' 3..192_... ,M,ftGn Ij CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO... 719,3 ' -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 20,1923 RESOLVED ThIat the PurchaE(J�g Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to f purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 1500 text books from Chas.Scribner & Sons, Publishers, for use in the public schools, at a cost not to exceed $832.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these books are copyrighted and no advan- tage could be wined thereby. Charge Ed.Dept. Supplies 41.4a COUNCILMEN Yeas `1 Clancy ✓ Ferguson / McDonald V Matson VPeter Wenzel Mr. President Nays .71n favor ­0Against Adopted by the Council.. ...... -1J1_...,).i.. _.cd_...192..... Approved.....__ � 192 - - - - f(.-.....-------- ------- MAYOR 11 QYAORUPLIcwTE Darr �r wr. ..c TO CITY CLERK � , �r t Form D -3i 1M 1_-2^_ uov..-cx.. �O " 1 r(. 4 0 .G/Y/Y/i/ E .. r4 Ij BY COM _ P-11LlER IdI / yt AUDITED....... _.. ...... _. .1B2 .. ...- I PER.. _.. ...... .. ..... r. ......`.. .: �`.. �_," Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$__..1iO3&.ao.......... -.... --- covering checks numbered ._...1490 ----- ------------ to.....1$Q26----.------.-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( IT Councilmen ( IT ) Nays. nr nn ✓Clancy, � Adopted by the Council ............. Ferguson, !........ Infavor ,j ij_ 199 / McDonald, I/ Matson, Approved ......._.-.__..._....... - -------------------- 192 .....- / V Wenzel. --Against J Mr. President, Nelson J / 7/"" C. F. No.47194— Resolved "that cheeks. be dte.wn on, - moounitl o E3 635 89 co4etlag checks numbered'l 19. 1o..180 1 inctu9lve, ns per register: o f city -checks on file to ,the office of .the Ctty; Comptroller.' Adopted by the Couuctt July 20, 1523. �APProved To 20; .3923. - (J -1y 28-1922) ORIGINAL TO oixv or AT. , C— CLERK OFFICE 'bF THE CO?APTROLLER F '; 1V0. F— D-34 Int 12-22 AUDITED CLAIM—RESOLIITION _ORDI - .,. ----- -- 480 i fI PER._'{:.✓/j.�....__�_..._�..'. ...c...o.OrR,.�...... 'AUDITED ....._......... - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.... 1 AMA -90 ........ ....... covering checks numbered.— 14999 ------- -------to ..-._1�Q`Z�t......-........-inclusive', as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. I/ Clancy, Adopted by the Council .-.--------jf f M?7 7� 3 192 ------ Ij Ferguson, ---_ In favor tea' McDonald, Approved-------------------- -I�I1923----------------192--"-"- v Matson, Peter, Against.............................................AY --- Wenzel. -. - ...._. ....._. ......_ ................._.....-...........MAYOR / Mr. President, Nelson afd$( ------------------------------- 14999 Business Furniture Company, 756'20 Health 15000 Campbell Coal Company, 476600 Fire 170.00 Playgrounds 30 15001 Chicago Great western Railway Company, • 4.00• Water 15002 Crescent Creamery Company, 33.0 Health 15003 Dakota& Great Northern Townsite Company, 833.34 Schools 15004 A. D. Ellsworth Grocery Company, 8.75 Schools 15005 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 220:91 Police 2.75 Health 2.15 so 7.30 S.-& S. Cing, 2-694 Bureau of Parks 43.25 It R 16:50 u Is R 20.80 Park Refectories 2.00 n if 1.30' P. Bldgs. ReVl. 25-620 Water 26;04 n 3068 tr 6700'. 2� " El Res. 480 Page #2 15006 Farwell, CZIMM, Kirk & Company, Schools 15007 Gopher Stone Company, St. C. & R. (Pay.) 15008 Great Lakes Coal & Dock COSany, St. Cu & R. (Puv.) Sprinkling 15009 Handlan & Company, workhouse 15010 H. R. Huntting Company, Library 15011 Phil C. Justus, Franklin School(Bond) 15012 Leslie-Donahower Company, City Clerk Bridge Bldg. & R. 15013 McFadden Candy Company, Health 15014 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Pol. & F. Alarm Arterial highways (26) C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Burjau on Parks Park Refectories n n Water 0 n 15015 N. We Electric Equipment Company, Schools 15016 Pittsburgh Meter Company, water 15017 St.Paul Cement 'Works, St. C. & R. 15018 st.Paul 'Wreckage Company, L 1606 15019 E. H. Sheldon & Company, Schools 15020 Frank Shepard Company, Municipal Court 15021 C. S. Stewart, Health 15022 Sugar Beet Products Company, schools 9 397.89 62.93 34.88 495,70 2.90 134.44 11.93 6.76 26.25 18.35 2:40 43.50 7,50 99.07. 2.30 2.12 6:88 2r7.'8 1,597.69 227.20 495.70 210.55 611-027 44.45 137-034 42.42 227.06 232.61 299.00 140.18_ 12.00 3,071196. 43.00 ,33a00 149.10 Res. 480 Page ##3 15023 Tri-,tate Telephone & Telegraph Company, Comptroller 14.20 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 28.95 Police 124.86_ Water 86x83 15024 J. C. dander Bie Company, Park Refectories 15025 White Eagle Oil Company, Election Expense 6.55 Police 500 Fire 495s45 St, C. & R. 86038 244.96 S. & S. Cing. 793.40 It Is 93.96 Bridge Bldg. & R. 92.88 Bureau of Parks 27;i99 it " " 2.55 Park Refectories 1.33 Water 36075 15026 V. Womack Coal Company, Lighting 254.84 164.30 1,887.90 3013 OTopC TYPCLER KE o.ry nn er. . •�L No. F—M,R a ISI 12-22 ,�21 - BYv COMPTR R V � AUDITED....... - .. ..... .192......._ ' 1jII 4, ` PER .... f. , / . .,:. - .... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-------50050,rw .......... .......... covering checks numbered-.---.- to.- --..------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of fhe City 3.4998 ... - --- to.-149M Yes ( �) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. !) 1423-- ------ .._192....._: t/ Clancy, Adopted by the Council._..."...._..... :.:...r.-.:---- - - - Ferguson," ---..._.....In favor J McDonald, I Approved.... ---- -i-:I-C-J-- ---------------..192 - c � Matson, ,/? Peter, Wenzel. -- / / Mr. President, Nelson 41196— r111 *n Resolved, that' chocks ba. dratvn on the .CIt .Treasury tcover� Bgche.ka•, amount or $5.050.00, checks onflle - numbered 14998,. to 1499 e- 0, "is • 'as' per register.'or city C. V -11 -92S. - in 7 in Aaop0Rlee. or the City ted by'the Ccuncii,JLLly 20. 1923. A➢proved.JulY 'o 192 ?29 1923) jJuly 21 c: ORIGIN CITY 0 Form D 11 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR31 12-22 479 AUDITED-----------tfi....j:l192- j I Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the checks numbered ------- 1499Sk --to-14998C ----- ----------- inclusi Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen ( 17 ) Nays. r.zrNo. -4 .. ...... . . ........... ......... ........ ------ I regate amount of $-. ------- 5'10GQ600. ..................... covering as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Clancy,Fer�uson, 92. Adopted by the Council..........' . ...... In favor McDonald, App, i1j; 20 U?3 .......... 191 Peter, /J�� �) Matson, ..6 Against ..... YWenzel. --------------------- ---------------------------------------- Mr. President, Nelson 'Wu)w 14998A Samuel E. Mahant mattooks School -(Bond) 14998B Harold B. Norerossp Mattocks School(Bond) 14998C Eugene R. Princeton, Mattocks School(Bond) 1,937.14 1,776.36 1,336.50 ounoaurucwre F.— D-34 l.l E 19 L 12 AUDITED Resolved that checks be drawn or, the City Treasury, to the ------ inclus checks numberea ----------- 2,63M ........... to -------------- I --------- ---- Comptroller. yes ( V ) Councilmen ( I ) Nays. 41 96 No. 711- ............ prFiOLLE .......... ..... .... ......... v$ate amount of ---------------------------- coverm as per register of city check, on file in theffi.e of the City Adopted by the Council._.-----_--- - — '-3 ---- ------- V Clancy, JUL Ferguson, . ..... in favor .`>"i7 - - ..-- McDonald, Approved ------ ----- - _.--------- --- -----.__---------------------.192........ V Matson, Peter, .... AjOinst /A hung V Wenzel. M,, President, Nelson 0. 47196—.d,.wn On �Solvellthat ch.cjs thbe aggr'-e 'g atc It reoverlug cheek sin0at 0f '01as.org5erofcity e .checks16 tioffice of the- City ComPVell. t ou ell July 20, 19�3 1923- Adopted1 2'. 923. u 11 923) OFFICE OF 'rFIE (`oMprHOLLER F—D-34 INI 12-22 AUDITED CLAYINIS—.11hSOLUTION FORM No. 7196 482 i. BJ.U.L.,'�U '923 ......... Auol�D . ....... . . ..... . ...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $--2#01E675.......-_-....--....-- covering checks numbered........... _to ....................................inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ; ) Nays. r . �j Clancy, Adopted by the Council ------------------ a.L 1) On Ferguson, In favor ... ................ 191 McDonald, Appro'*Z� .. ....... ................. Matson, Peter, V" Wenzel. ----- Mainst .......... ............. .............. .............. ...... MAYOR President, Nelson Ay, /M.- 7 ........................ ------------------------- ................................... 15040 L. W. Jordan & COEPan7s 2,018*75 Water 11 Nt ro,m a-34 lit 12-21 COMPTIZOr e. AUDITED.... ._ ....182 PER ._.. ..:._ _,.... _...:... . V \- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ap&tegate amount of $..-AOV283. U--.----_-_--------._, covering checks numbered......... Q *% .............to--.... �ia��_..... ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. ✓ Clancy, Adopted by theCouncil_.......___._.._.-.;.,...:=.. 192--- .- flz3 ..._.. Ferguson, In favor JIU 2^) I; ?3 i McDonald, Approved-----.... -------------192..--.... ✓' Matson, ✓ Peter, G� Wenzel. -------- --Against Mr. President, Nelson.i C F Yo. the 47197 Resolved tha 17 checka be drawn' op' City Treasury to the aggregate amount of E49 28114 covertng checka numbered 16027 to 16939 fncluelve, as- per Tegleter o= c(ty checka ors."Rle -lh the oR(ce'oP the -City Comptroller.-- Adopted'by the 'Council July 29,.1923.. - - Approved July 2o, 1923.-11 " (SulY88-}923)• � O CRIGINALTO �, ar xr, , •v,. - CITY CLERK Oi FICI: OFrjjE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 'v0 yy rx�mv.s� IM 12-22,.,,.r ,Z .71.9.7__. II481 PER - - --- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...40 2$7,-1f ----------------------- covering checks numbered _..__177-------------to------15039-............... inclusive; as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. VClancy, Adopted by the Council---------,-_---,�,jl.--.:-f]_�32 ---------- .-.-192--.--... Ferguson, �,—In favor --9L I; ^3McDonald, App / -`i92. 192— Matson, Matson, - Peter, Rlenzel. ---........ Against - ---- / -------- ------.. MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson ¢gF3�zj 15027 15027 ----- -------------- --------- --------------------- -- --------- ..... -------- J. M. Clancy, Comfr. of Finance 6,7.28.64 Sohools 15028 Corrugated Bar Company, 1,674.01 Water 15029 Crescent Paint & Mfg. Company, 334.18 Water 15030 Martin Eberhard, 245.00 L 1663 r 15031 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 4,300;87 Water 15032 Walter Salier, Unforseen 35.00 f}.ng.-Mise. & 15033 James Shie179 310.07 ater 15034 J. L. Shiely Company, 7,585.00 ater 15035 Sinclair Refining Company, 1,136.82 Water 15036 A. P. Smith Mfg. Company, 3,881.07 Water rFITrr�n�s Res. 481 Page #2 3,249.93 15037 The Spealies ComPa2l9i Water 159.42 Gomp 15038 Vacuum OilWaterany., 11,241.13 15039 Wm* H• Ziegler�tar Company, f� QuAO1—cwTE TO er— cl l , Form D-34 IDi 12-22r.�= 1V0............._�._..._.............__. n ri AUDITED ................ ?.."_'......:........_....----------- -.... BY .. ................... COMPI-itOLLER...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£ $...3,4a GNM........................ covering checks numbered .._.;L4-93 !A---...--..-_to...1,3 9&7B...............inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays. j"J[ r)) 19"3 ✓ Clancy, Adopted by the Council...-----.._-------------------------- --- --------__...192.......- ✓ Ferguson, In favor i McDonald, ----r`--- - ---...._--- I i ;;'� 1._1y23--------------192........ Matson, Approved ........... ll- ✓ Peter, / Wenzel ._.-Against Mr. President, Nelson C. R' No.'+71s8-- M1 Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury,[- 'the aggregate i.'amount'.i _r$14,000.00, . v.ring: check. numbered' 14937A to 14937H, Inclusive. as per register of city checks on file In i the office of the Citp;.Cotpptroller. Adopted by theCouneit 7uly, 20, 1923. ApprovedJuly 20,1928.— (7a1Y 2s-19za> ORIGINAL TO OFFICE: OF TSE COMPTROLLER 000.-oL.. Form 1)-34 IDM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIbIS—RESOLUTION FO P,L.>: No. —47198 469 AUDITED .................. In i i Y d 192. ' BY... ...... . .... -.............. ......... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a rebate amount of$...14,QQquQQ------------------------ covering checks numbered...... 14R%3 -7A .............to. -_14937B- ............... inclusive; as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. M✓ Clancy, Adopted by the Council.....-.-. JIJL _",1'7--11)1.1..._ ------------- ---- 192 ✓ Ferguson, ... -`.---In favor JUL 2'J 1923 - McDonald, APPro - ^---.----------------- ------------- ------------- 192---- ✓ Matson, ✓ Peter,�-�f + �/ Fes- .ABamst t/� .... ..............-----...................... (/ Wenzel. ........ .. ... ...... ... ...... MAYOR Mr. President, Nelson 14937A Dunn & Stringer, Inc. Agents for Prudential Insurance Company .Longfellow School(Bond) 14937B Mary L. Richardson, Longfellow School(Bond) lu 9,515:95 4,484.05 n'clry c�v+s orm D-34 1M 12.22 J 1 C. coosorn 'Z-9 -�_�J IC. F. No. 47199 =.. ` re e.te Resolved that; the los the ngg gon -the !City T�eae84i66 covering ctieks amount of f2, - numbered 16041 to �Ity1046 [nclusfve. as. e to the' o8gcetot. the City Co Dtroller.11923. Adopted by the Co 1923.Jply E0, Approved July 2is19 23) (July V PER - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ag�gate amount of $ ....ry ........... ........... covering checks numbered -------------to ----------- inclusive as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (%✓) Nays. ✓ Clancy, / Adopted by the Council ................. .WL_.: 0.1Si.3.......... .... 192 ------- Ferguson, ---_--------In favor McDonald, ,/ Matson, Approved - `- - ----- 192 V Peter, Wenzel. -- --- -Against Mr. President, Nelson Gang IC. F. No. 47199 =.. ` re e.te Resolved that; the los the ngg gon -the !City T�eae84i66 covering ctieks amount of f2, - numbered 16041 to �Ity1046 [nclusfve. as. e to the' o8gcetot. the City Co Dtroller.11923. Adopted by the Co 1923.Jply E0, Approved July 2is19 23) (July Seoii,GIH' LTO Dirt on er, n�v,• c CITY &MK MpTROLLER - OFFICE OF -THE CO A-7199 D-34 1HI 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOItM m== �lL O _ �,Potm 483 ( I :+ t) 1+ R , AUDITED .............. JUL. ...._ .._.. _. .f82 PER.. _ . ........_ _ ....... .....- - Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the &M Bate amount of $ .--rZs 1e5J----------------------- coverinb checks numbered--.....-15041.-....------to ..-.-MOAB - .---------inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. '11ji tit; 1523 / Clancy, Adopted by the Council -------- ------------- --. -------- -------- --192 Ferguson,-----_--_---In favor yyy ✓ McDonald,22- Approve3 ------�//7i3.. 192 ; V Matson, // Peter,---- Against ,C/ Wenzel. ................. - --- Mr. President, Nelson ------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------- -- - -- ------. -- 15041 Commonwealth Electric Company, 1,141,55 Greenwood School(Bond) 15042 Thos. C. Daggett, Attorney for C. J. Conroy 909098 Vocational School(Bond) 15043 Gauger-Korsmo Construction Company, 90.02 Vocational School(Bond) 15044 Kolar Electric Company, 40040 Vocational Sehool(Bond) 15045 Stone Electric Company, 300.00 Lafayette School(Bond) con NO1L A-V' 4.1( . CITY OF ST. PAUL eu.a NO........... d ... -..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ,� -�-- .. DATE ............................................... PRESENTED eY /. ���K C. ; . No ,.8Th It W S Peter COMMISSIONER...... ... heaolved ThaU-0he St Paul Light Company Ishereby orders directed to extend Its electrical' by erecting Doles -snd. etring(ng' tm¢ poles and strin¢in¢ wires thereon for the transmis ion o[ elec- RESOLVED: thereon for the transmission, oe lines by cmc That the St. Paul Gus LI¢ht c-ev nY is hereby nd atresia of sold city: trinity on -nd In the followm¢ alters and streets opt,n st streets and sa the followin6 3 install ` �e pole on the south aide of t" 7-1L-23 ;rv•th :of Wynne St., :first -T J gt.nn. the south side t of RI a St r._ . v7COne pole on the south side tl£`",the alley north of Wynn Street, first Installs east of Winston Street. of Rice Street TcOne pole on the south side�of'Front street, first east One pole On tile side a of Nitlie nth alley Stre west of St. Peter Street, s. midway between e ast of Bay uth side of Butternut Avenue, second e One pole on the so &7tStreet. Commercial lighting. G� on the west side of'Walsh Street., one just south of God. �and one on the. northwest corner of Cook and Walsh�treetStreets. ,Two poles Municip&l lighting. One pole on the west side of Saratoga Street, second south of Selby Avenue. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors- Z3 All such extensions, Do es and lotto -s of the City of St. Paul. d shell be of such hai¢ht and character be shall l d wires shill be erected and constructed under the direction and s,v,rvision of the comms,ioue, of Public Utilities and all thing- subjeet to the Drovlsions oI Ocdivance No. 4184, and of all other lawful ordinances and reed All Doles should be sal in eveh locatton in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall deei¢nata, m Interest so requires, and haoit shah eauocdec.ies shall be taken down and removed, and see wires Dlaced mdererovnd whenever the Covncd shall deem that the Dublic'W e d and all nate " Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays JUL. ............192-.._.... Adopted by the Council ................................. ✓ Clancy Ji_ `<,,O 19PJ Ferguson Adopted..........................192.....:.._ ..............._Ifr In avo ✓ McDonald �� • �oy� Matson V V y............. Against ping �p Wenzel YUP;.IS:FYkID3 Mr. President ;.. , COUNCIL NO ------4720t CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU cU,, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s; PRESENTNTBY EDER _., -0OMMISSIONE• �_�-✓-p 'TE ............. ..._fIS1.1�T..._2.8.�_...1.9.23.R.._._..__ ._ .._._ ._... g- C.yy^^L. R. S.'Ferguson— RESOLVED mitres n Lna s:--oa 'ehal[ of" '.b . b [.8t."an'-under aad pursuant to Or din' No,09d5 for the purchase oP Lot 3, E1oC00„Merriam Park St Paul,. for the such of. Four ThBusand Nine Hundred add Fifty{$490000) Dollars; n Lands OII That the aC free and efear of allltiaMSmraac bee In cludln a?i taxes and assesaments n•.,: asses d:,against-the property and lnstaingnts thareon whether c behalf of the ril not, a .a mart �[ th§'.site Sor and pursuant addi&�';; ll,•c 4 to Ordinance No. $945 for 'the pUMiase of Lot 3, Block 20, Merriam Park, St. Paul, for the sum of Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty ($4,950.00) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrazio'e, includ- ing all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not, as a part of the site for a new addition to the Longfellow School, is hereby approved and the props:r city officers are hereby aut#orized and em- powered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying same,approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Romptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund, Item No. 2022. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council... JUL .'0. Ii; 3......192 Clancy i Ferguson In fa Approved- 192 ------ ' v' McDonald � vor Matsono_ o MAYOR V Peter _-.-..Against V/Wenzel / Iatf�� ✓ Mr. President �� a RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N0 ----- .$.iJ.- 02 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ER: __.._.._LH......__........_..._................................................................ -ATE ........... July ._i. That the Oommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets: Roblyn Ave. between Pierce and Aldine 3t. C• F•. No 97202—$y W. J. Peter— Public IW d That the Commieatenen.'bt fzed and °rka beand is herabg author-' ter and. - llrected to sprinkle with we - dile Ave ebetweenn.streets: ,. - Plerce and Al_ Ap°r eded bJujhe Council July 20, 1923. p Y 20, 1923. (JULY 28-1923). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I Clancy PeterAgainst Wenzel ✓Mr. Preaidont Adopted by the Council --- ------------------------------------ 192 rr°°yy Y" petition Council File No 4.7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: aonat»t...a.s1-.Yoot_.oemeat--_tile__eewalg on -.-the '+�eet -eifi® of l8 Silepeon._Avenue.. from OomwPhblen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue ------------------------- ------------ -- ------------------------------------------ ............. I ...... ......................................... ------------------------------------...... -.... ------------ ----------------------- ...---------- -------------------------- --...- Dated this -----.19th,---- v of July 19x3.---'---.-- ............. 192...._. C. F. No. 47M bstraot ` - __........__ ------- Whereas, A written proposal for. the Councilman. .making of- the.foliowIng . improvement, viz: aConstruct a stx<Yoo4 cement tale eide- walk on the west -side of � toSimpson Ave. from -Como -Phalen reeentedNebr.. ora tk =e„ tis ng bead p •nncti of the city of St. Paul t'- no e- bs it _PRELIMINARY ORDER. ReeolveP Thbennd 1s hereb9 f. T.ie N WHERE •ntt,.; a the necea �e making of the following improvement, viz.: • "a mall - oonernot a a ^� Dement til® sidewalk oa the west aide o SrQAI._QSZm4-Phalen-_Aveaue--to--Nebraska Avenue - --------- -- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- --- ----------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ............. ... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _............... ---------------------------------------- --- .---- .----- ------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--- ---------- -......__pj-' ..K) YEAS NAYS CouncilmaniCLANCY l - FERGUSON Approved......... . .__.........._..... MATSON MCDONALD PETER gix..` Pstb f ;Mayor 4petition /P,7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No- ...4.Q.20-4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 0onstruot--.six_- foot_ oemant---tile-.-sidewalk-- on--_eouth_eide- -of ........... _..-__ -- Fermin.._$t:. -from_Hazelp9Cd..ave.....to...l3@rmAim_ft. 04...9..West.. - - -aide---of_Germaan..from_Kerwin ... 9C 0--0YAAth._$t°-------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------- - .._ - ....... _......_ ........_...... ..... ..... 192....... C. P. No (7264— . Abstract -__.... Wh¢ieas, A'written proposal for the ------ '"..."" of the following improvement. Councilman. -ct six -riot ce—t the -I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------------- Oonstruot_six-foot--oament--_til.a-.sidewalk.-.on--south_eide..of.......... _..... _- __-_-----__gerain_St4_-_from Hazelwood Ave,.._ to.Gerx4A 8t. and --.on greet. _ ----- _side --of. Germian--from_gerwin_.3t..--.to._Seventh-_8t.------------------------------------------ ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_._ -------- ---------- __..---------- .----- .------- _..._._--- ....----- ...__....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '�' �_ Y! 1 J131 Adopted by the Council--------- .-----------------------------------�..... --- - _.... - YEAS NAYS Councllmall CLANCY ' �. FERGUSON Approved- --------- ----- MATSON MCDONALD PETER 4 WEN7.EL . .. ... ..... ... MR. PRESIDENT , 'arm CA 13 (3M 8-22) ............. .---------- ------------------ pjpg Mayor. 47205 i c �1 `– COUNCIL FILE NO ................ By............................................... ....I.......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..-..aonatrue.ting...&,.se>rter.._ An -alley "..in..Lins.a...&..�iramarman'.a-----. .Rear-9.._Block._34,--.Beown." &-. JacksoAI. s_- Additign.-from-_the.. terminus--.-qf--_exist- ing..e:gQr- opposite._1pt.7. t4._g..P41i?t...55.. Ye.et._northwesterly., ................ __.. ..._ _......__...__........... _ _..._...._ _.._ ..........._.__...................... ._....._........... ......------- ...... ........ ...------- -.------........ .................................. U Mutter of;constructing a.sewer, 45951Ma 28, 19 -�- ...................................ln .alley -in Linse & ,Zimmerman s ....................................... ....approved .... - ......�.... ....... near,.-Blocic.J4d.Brown.& Jacksoa'g. 1a9_ is om,from the terminus pa pain (ag_�ewer op op Bite_ Lot Tie ,a.Doiat ........................ ._. eis`y peace 4sss1 approved Wray zseen had upon the above improvement upon dile notice, and the Council having public hearing having been�:.had�� nah ..bop. tmpro—se—t.uvo-d— nd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ns- ret tive thereto and i-1V.�j '- t sa b rr lcil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- �: ment to be made by the said City is.......a.Ong..truat....a...aewer .lT.l....ft11eg-.1II-.7. IM-e--&-7+�JJ7n1er1�8II� a R@ar.....$]pak..34,_Brpwn. &.. Jaakaon's._ Add...from_-.the__.terminus___oP_.existing_. aaa�er...oppos.i.t.Q...�,vt..7..to_ s...po..int...55. _feet northwesterly,.... _ ...._......._._._............. ................................................. _ _. __.. . _... _.......... ... ....... _. -. _...._._ _.._ _ ......... . ........ - ... _........ ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that . upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _'j: ..... .......... _..__.... ....... City .... Clerk. Approved._. _...., 191.. ..... ...... ........................ Mayor. Councilman 74=400=�— Councilman LXX - V,'rguson CouncilmanEf4LM74CCR vMcDonald x Councilman ) ✓�(atson Councilman iill'0L7= Peter Councilman S 14enzel Mayorlffa= Nelson ST. PAUL IDE"T OF FINANCE REPORT OFSIONER OF FINANCE NARY ORDER (D) In Ile mat&rof oonstruetinIg a Sewer in alley Linse & Zimmerman's Rear. B1k.34, Brown & Jacksons Add. from the terminus of existing sewer opposite Lot 7 to a.point 55 feet northwesterly. . P. under Preliminary Order approved May 28.1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ I P7.00 f�rnt The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is $ 2.54 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLocK ADDITION ASggESSED VAL7JATI ON (All that part lying Linse & Zimmerman's _ between the alley and Rearrangement of Blks. _. Prescott Street of East 1/2) 6 34 33 & 34 of Brown & Jackson's Add.to W.St.Paul. 1 700.1 (That part lying between i alley and Prescott Street Of West 1/2 of lot 6 34. do TOTAL I lOO• ..'._. eCommissiouLr o[ I'iva a fu lhcr reports th t h� has mvestirated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby the eon to the Council to6ethcr with the report made to him in reference to Dated 191—A0,- i / Commissioner of Finence. RECEIVED Office of theCc iissioner of Public mor 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance !UN 91928, ---- June_ 8, 1923-------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45961 Ma 28 , 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No._____approved____ �_____________ the construotion of a Sewer in alley in Linse and Zimmerman's -------------------------------------------------- - Rearrangement, Block 34, Brown and Jackson's Addition, from the �!- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- terminus of existing sewer opposite Lot 7 to a point bb feet northwesterly. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2„54 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_: 127!00 Inspection $2.00 Frontage 50 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.----------------------------------------------------T------------------------------ S. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Vmmi.sio.er of Public Works. v�4 CONCGTi'v S�' � \ 5 William a1. Ileter, (�smmissianer 31rie Mallefte. Depuig (Qummissisner �r art t of Public Marko (pity of Vftint Vald GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE June 7, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer in alley in Linea and Zimmmerman's Rearrangement, Block 34, Brown and Jackson's Addition, from the terminus of existing sewer opposite Lot 7 to a point 65 feet northwesterly, under Preliminary Order C. F. X46951, approved May 28, 1923: Estimated Coat - - - - - - $127.00 Per front foot - - - - - - 2054 Inspection - - - - - - -- 2.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 50 ft. Yours truly, �;64 Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. 4�Mil Commieska. 4/1 St. Paul, Minn...............................................92.Y . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followingimprovementto be made: .._.....:*"'. `...^..:``..':........._`. Ave. Ave. NAME LOTS BLOCK ADDITION TW 96 4 t i, ^'J �gw 67 20 10) 1*�. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... .......... By...................... ....... .............. ..:.............................. In the Matter of ... 4one.tructu8--a.......sot...ggznant...t�]a_.sisia>�.Q1k-.on---tha...aauth .......... > ide-..oY...Qsoeole..Ava,...�xQm..Lexington.AVe...-..0 Oak ...Croue...Place, ...an. -both aides. -,of__. Oak.. Grove Place from_..Osceola Ave....to-.St._.. 191r.,S1.-_and--on the.. north-. a ids_. of., St.... ala{ r_ St. -_from.. -Essington --Svc-,-- tp--.Qak.-Grgv..Q Place,..escept wheregodand..sff icient-- s. ealks.-_nqA-- eist, -. --.--.----.... FNo. '47206_ �. , >- ............ ........ . .............. ..... .... ... ... ............ _......approved ......... -._...... May ...2..4...1.9.`.23.,..---------._........ eth ntde+ .._..._.approved .. _.... _........... ........ __....... ------- on A •" €R .,en had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having :ns and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; neons (oenarelat(vetithereb.r Council of the City of 5t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - _q, the n�t melit to 1 th. c ° ie said City is..C4ns.truot._a_six f.o.Q.t.. G. ement_..t.i.le...�.i da'>Ya1k..on._the ____.._sou J,Jide .of_Osceola.Ave. _ from _Lexington Ave.to Oak_Grove..-Place, .. ...........on ..both..sides ...of.._Oak ..Grove.._Place from OsceolaAve _to_.St .Clair_ St. and_.Qta...t.lW.. no.rtix..si.de. or ;at..... Clair St.. X.rom..LaxIrxgton eve,_ .to...oak Grove Place, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _..-..._... .......... . _... __..... __. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........!.; f- City Clerk. Approved ............. ........... ......_ ._... ._..., 191 G Mayor. Councilman Iffier �rrn Councilman t3Mvcxx -Peter CouncilmantWx "Ferguson Councilman IEFXMXX " McDonald Councilman x Matson Councilman Wenzel Form A. S. A. 8-7. CITY r AUL DEPARTMI FINANCE REPORT OF COM ONER OF FINANCE .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER F" (A) • r� ` In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Cr Osceola Ave from Lexington Ave.to Oak Grove Place, on both sides of Oak Grove Place from Osceola Ave.to St.Clair St. and on the north side of St.Clair Street from Lexington Ave.to Oak Grove Place e _ under Preliminary Order approved May 28th lW3 . _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost pdtT90or the above improvement is $ 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by'the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 St.Clair St. and Short Line 1000.. Addn.to the City of St. Paul Plat 1 22 3 do 450- 1 4 450- 2 4 " 40o. 3 4 " 2835- 4 4 350- 5 4 350- 6 4 e 350• TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 (C) DESCRIPTION (North 1/2 of (South 1/2 of JRIS T. PAUL DEPOF FINANCE REPORT OFC ISTONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 4 St. Clair St. & Short Line 350, Addn. to the City of St. Paul, Plat 1 6 4 do 325- 8 4 " 325- 9 4 775- 22 3 n 450• 21 3 " 400. 20 3 375- 19 3 " 350- 19 3 350• _ .. 17 3 350- 16 3 350• 15 3 " 4150- 14 3 775- 11 3 950- 12 3 550- 13 3 550- 14 3 775- 75• 18335- 18335 The The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report, made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. \ / Dated_ _.._ —l�Jl. - ` v Commissioner of Finance. F,— B. B. 12 i J I 1 17. _ I - t k h I I � j j I t -. i I �- I _ 7 / t. t - , -. - I 4 FLP , i I i . j ..... ST. 4-4 I { I� : I Office of the Commissioner of Public VV Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: -JUN 8 19 ------ June 6, 1923.----191---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -45944 __approved__ May 28, 1923 --- 191---, relative to oonstrudting a six ft. cement tile sidewalk on the south aide of --------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ JOsoeola Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Oak Grove Place, on both aides of ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- "Oak Grove Place from Osceola Ave. to St. Clair at. and on the north aide__OVSB .-Mair_-dt—_fT-QM- IMULOM-AYe:- to_ QaX-Grov_e_plaoe------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__-________-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I ----- --- I_��--------------missioner of Public Works. St. Paul, Minn., • ^o the honorable, The Council, Cty of St. Paul, Pdinn. Gentlemen: hereby petition we, the undersigned property owners, to cause the following improven.ent to be made: your Honorable Body nue from ......... .JAY. aiy-f-oot.cdvi®nt.Qidewalk On,thS. aoath alda.o.f, 4scao•1p.A�ta....... k. y®aipEt4R e1Yg�lAvenue to StQvClairoStreethand onotb�thes e north side �oylSt- Clairtr from Ot®eola Ave, to oak.Grove•P•1A99......... from beainEton............... St. Ave. LOT BLOCK-,DDIPIOII ..... .... .... ....... . IV�� . .¢� .�: .. .. ... �...�............... 11 u2 �.M1Al"4 ... ...... .......................... ...............� .... ➢ ............................ .................... �....... _.......... ........... ..:. 'tel ..... ........... 47207 'COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... By. ................._....._......_..........._...................._.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-re-cons.?.2L1.C#einz,...x614yin$..And..,.apairIng,...kYhere 110-0013- -ArVv .-the...0om nt...t,lie...-§laew;ak..oA...t.w.northorly..B.i-o.a...o:C...$arton StraB#t..firom.. .Como Boulevard, thence southwesterly.- to. allay,. -.more --- particularly -... -... .... deacribe..d..as.... in.. front.. of... Lot...14.,_ Block-__ 1,.. -Warrendale-, ... ...........-....- ..� I ---............................ ......... _...... __ ......-...._ _ .._. _ ... _.._..........................-....................................... f C.. F . No. 47207 fIn'Matter of reoo ... ... ..... .... Insg and repairing are _...... .. _._ _..__. _.. - _........ ...... - .. .... . the cement the 4634.x.. �r northerly .live a �; der approved .. . J=Q. 15., 1923, ..... .... . .... .Como' Boulevard, thelPo o ' erly to alley, more parts 40 sorlbsd as In front of Lot i ........ .... .......... -------------- 4e .... ........ ---- approved ._ _-_-- Wa 4endale,-under: Prelim - -- ------ - -- - --- - PP 46349 approved: Jule 13, 1 phe Ic hearing having b6o •',Ving been had upon the above improvetneut upon due notice, and the Council having .r .he above improvement upo _1na the Council having..hko and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; .14 -tions and reco—A.i LLLCl'C1U1:Gi• ".."^e: th't—, - RESOLVE IA;st3y the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.-. reeonstruct.,.. r81ay.. �riG1..Z'e.pAir.�...wher@_.neC.eSBAI!y, the cement tile sidewalk on the northerly aide of Horton Street from ........ .... _ _. Como...Boulevard,...theme.. southw.esterly_.to ..alley.,..more..particular.ly.-.des * ... oribed-as..in_front.-of.Lot 14, Block 1, Warrendale.,__ . _ _.._ .... ---- -........__...... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Forks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improv(pent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couueil City Clerk. Approved..... _... _. _..... _ 191. ... d%icez (lam, .................. ................... ......... ....... Mayor. Councilman Councilman �''ergllaon U Councilman ]C �MCDonald �j IUliLISIIc^D ��� CouncilmanDF3tr?YX i Matson Councilman 2rjci= " Peter Councilman Wenzel (Mayor 21= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CrPAUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the cement tile sidewalk on the northerly side of Horton Street from Como Boulevard, thence southwesterly to alley, more particularly described as in front of Lot 14 Block 1, Warrendale. under Preliminary Order approved June 13, 1923. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is square — 0.07 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Part of Como Boulevard vacated & adjoining and 14 1 Warrendale 1,375 TOTAL. 3,75 .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters; and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the, report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finnnce. 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Work#FCEtvEi Report to Commissioner of Finance Vis'' •, ,., Ur i, July 181923 June 15, 1923 ----- 191 --- _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioper of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46849June 13, 1923 191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the cement - - - -- - --------------------------------------- tile sidewalk on the northerly aide of Horton Street from Como ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Boulevard, thence southwesterly to alley, more particularly described ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ea in front of Lot 14, Block 1, Warrendale. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $.07 per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__--______-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -__-------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three at more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Lb COUNCIL FILE NO....._..__......._.__. By..._ ........ .......... ......... ........ ......_.......... .... ..........._... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....re.Cans.t211G.t1A�a....r91�yiT�-.Ii11d..S.epir�11�,�-._>Rt16r9...AdGQflavlS'Y, the cement le.. s.j d.@upas i�...Qx3..tk►Q..JFAQ�h..e aQ-_Q.._RaRaOP._°�i 9@.t., 1?egiiIIB 40_ feet_wea.t. of.. M�.� toA_ Stxeet,... t.bQnee..west._2�...deet,......._...._.............._......... ...... ..... .........approves. -------------.---------------....... C F N .47208— I th iiatt f r 'on et ting relay. Ing and tipldwa rY approved . .. ---- the cement lielk..... Side of. Randolph Street, beginning p p g 40 Leet -eat of Nllton St., thence fen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having eat 2o4 ..feet, under Preliminary >Order public approved Tune 13„1923: Ind recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; A ptibllc hearing having been had :upon I, a above Improvement upon .',. notice, read the Council having h a” persons, obt-CU%ns and recome e relatly-d thereto, and s onsidered ;Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ,� ,cthe fame; the nY the Council o,ce'said City is._..reoondtrvicta---re"lay-aT1d,,.I_eiairt..Whe"1:"Q_x' gvse 8.9, ment;I'm the precise d a c tYe Streetbeginning the t, ;, _sidew.alk .on_ t.he.. north side_.of...Rando.lPh i b 4"Q"feet .wegt.. of. B611ton. Street,..thengewest 254 feet,.... __ ....... __ .. ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :Adopted by the CouueiL k.. . City Clerk. a{ 181........ .. _ Mayor. Councilman XMMMYAM $iEtrI07_ L, -b Councilman == -Ferguson Councilman IID,jvib-McDonald nr ACX Councilman ACX ✓M9t90II Councilman 29&d= vFeter Councilman � ✓Wenzel Mayors .Kelson Form`B: S. A. &7. - . CITYOF UL DEPARTMFI NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (Aj ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f� J Inthematterof reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the cement the sidewalk on the north side of Randolph Street beginning 40 feet west of Milton Street, thence West 254 feet. under Preliminary Order approved June 13, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 13 quare The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g C. 07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 29. 12 Michel & Robertsons . .425. 29 12 Addition 2,025 27 12 do 425 26 12 do 425 25 12 do 625 24 12 do 425 - 23 12 do 425 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. 4, 775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dad--- Finance. • Commissioner of Office of the Commissioner of Public Works �EcivE� Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN i$ Baa June lb, 1923 --- ----- ----- --- ----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 46350 June 13, 1923 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the cement ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ tile sidewalk on the north side of Randolph Street, beginning 40 ft. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- west of Milton Street, thence west 254 feet. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemgnt is_____-__ ne ssa y and (or) desirable. 4.07 per square Zoo . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-___-_______, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �mmLsi.ne� ----- --------------------- of Public Works. r J� COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_r04on8trU0-t'ng-J' r-elaying. and repELir-ing,----w-her,a-.-neLeassar--yo Ald(.) . r 94 .College __._,_,_venue-.-and--,c;mitbL.Av.en.U8* ....... ............. ......... ................... .......................... ......................................... I ............................... ... ... ..... ..... ...... . . . .. ... _1- ........................... ­­­­ .................. .............. ­ ......... ................. ............ .... ....... ... . ...... ... " ­.. ­­ .............................. -------------------------------------------- ......................... approved - ------- Juno - -------------------- %'P No '47206_� i - pal -, .i e atter of reconstructing. relay - 1 lr�g and rering. -where necessar approved ....... -- ----- the - -1 s1do-lik on the b oortZ' Sixth St. t—e. due notice, and the Council having ""t:,r'.y Ave.'�' anfd- Smith Ave., under been had upon the above improvement upon 11 ; ,iliminary Order 44110 approved ... d recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; I hearings g� ho,jug bes. had all b.ve improvement upon do, the Council baving,he, -, ctiona and recp­W�. the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- REWhereto, and h..Zouncij of the City of St. 11aul that tl �,he same; thert -Y.and.-rePairt Where neces-sarv-2 lceilt't6 :7-61 Vt1TSaid CitV iS..re0o:as.tr-=t v- -r-ola bd,'i,recisc na i�, Street .be Ween. k on the_no t)leasterly College.. . . . ... ............................ ............ ...... ........... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made- d is hereby instructed and directed RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and to the Council for approval; that to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit Sam upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the C01111cil Approved.. 191 Councilman 2DWZz9zM= --'Ferguson Councilman == Councilman 2Y5TUW= �xeDonald Councilman ZZV,5x Matson Iter Councilman WaSM MWX&M= Aienzel Councilman Mayor DUM 'gelsOn Form B. S. A. 8-7. gy- I A-44 City Clerk. fit ---------- -----------­--------- Mayor. PTJTBLISMI!�� CITY DEPARTS FINANCE REPORT OF COMIv ONER OF FINANCE r+�� ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the In the matter of cement sidewalk on the northeasterly side of Sixth Street between College Avenu-e and Smith Avenug —_ _-- - -- under Preliminary Order approved June 2 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ¢¢quare S 0.07 The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION ---- 60 Irvines Enlargement of 121800 9 Rice and Irvines Add. 20,000' 8 60 1 I) (Except Northerly 50 ft. of ) g6 60 Easterly 109 ft) do 12'500 (Ex. Smith Ave.) 7 6o do _.. _. TOTAL. 45,300 of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby The Commissioner submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him io reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - A Dated 191— Commissioner o[ Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Workp cmVE® Report to Commissioner of Finance a of t. JUN 8 1923 -----June _61-19_23 ------- 191---- T ,1923-------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File N046110 approved__June 2, 1923 _-191___, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- cement sidewalk on the northeasterly side of Sixth Street between -�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ __College Avenue -and Smith Avenue. ___________________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $O,07 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_--______-__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made.a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- o%�� ------------------------- Commissioner ---------------------Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.................. ... .............. ........ .. .. FINAL ORDER x10 In the Matter of....gxadi.ng_and..Paving. L.axpent.eu.r AVe.....-fzOm...Dale Rt... .... t.R..-------- Snelling----gve_..,....i-ncluding sewer, -.water -ani gas connections frorc._etreet maiB.a... to ...P.r.o p.er t y..-.11 ne s., o ompl e t e,_..}qh er, a --not.-_ al r e azy..made.,..-also---curbing aac...paY1ng..dr1veMay._.and...al.ley,---approache.a.x...where-.necee........ ............................... _................................. ....... ....... _........_........... _................._ .............. ............. -............................................._....... 1 _..... .........approved ..-........ .APri-1-.20.,...192.3......... ........ •C. 47214- �In the Matter ofgrading and paving, j Larnenteur-Ave. from Dale St. to. .......approved ...___._.. __.. ... .. ._..- ------ Snelling Ave., including sewer, water - -- and� gas ..connections from street; ;- ns ,to property tines comviate,9ad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having where pot slbeady made, also curbing and p girriveway:and alley s' -commendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; , ox w F1r. net a 70 r aOPun., tlir ei0re, i RESOLVED, By tue council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the < :;ity is... grade.. and_.gave.Larpent.eUr...Ave -....from_Hamli.ne..._. Avenue... to.Dale..Street, incladirg sewer, water and gas connections _ ... from _..street ..mains_..to.__ ro. erty lines complete, where not already made, &.iBC...CI?rb.izlg..4ii4_Pay..,ng..d.riveway..and alley app.rpaches., where ?I.eceesary, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......:a'. _......._. _... City Clerk. Approved............' ....:_.. .._............_.............. 191 ..... Councilman B AM:6AXx -" Councilman (36 9XX � Fer6-uson Councilman $btatadxx 'McDonald Councilman IIY4=X Matson Councilman AIMIiX �-- Peter Councilman lawiU dtctrx- Fenzel 'Mayor k%taxx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. '... ...................................... Mayor. �- J CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE{ ', ' A%,wREPORT OF COMN fSSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINkRY ORDER In the fitter of i M Ls�u 4 b U 74+ I `/ ,w 11411 ad, a � under Preliminary Order approved %� 10 ! /f1 J To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The.estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed oenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION North 46 acres of the East 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 of 23 29 19995 1 1 Como 450 2 1 ^ 450 1 2 " 2450 _ (Except Street) 2 2 " 450 1 3 ^ 450 2 3 750 1 4 " 450 2 4 " 450 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE w _d, ON PRE4LIMINARY ORDER (B) ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 5 Como That part of lot lying East of West line of Northeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 23, Town 29, Range 23 2 5 " That part of Lot lying West of West line of Northeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 23, Town 29, Range 23 2 5 " 450 175 2125 1 6 " 3700 2 6 " 500 1 7 ^ goo 2 7 2925 1 1 Clifton Dale, Ramsey 75 2 1 Co. Minn. 75 3 1 75 4 1 75 5 1 75 6 1 75 7 1 " 75 8 1 75 9 1 75 10 1 " 75 11 1 " TOTAL 75 CITY OF °T. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ayl m, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEw'- ON PFAELINfINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 1 Clifton Dale, Ramsey Co. 75 13 1 Minn. " 75 14 1 " 75- The 5.The Horth 431.2 feet of that 504.9 feet West of and adjoining Clifton Dale in Northeast 1/4 of 22 29 ° 6250 1 1 Chelsea Heights 75 1 2 75 A 2 " 2600 1 3 75 30 3 " 125 46920 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- 191 __ I &/ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. D. 12 . Office of the Commimoner of Public Wo" I Report to Commissioner of Finance� g �S /JUN .�_ June 18, 1923- .... 191-___ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 45270 approved____ April 20, 19291-__, relative to ---grading andpaving-Larpenteur Ave. from Dale St. to Snelling Ave. ---------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ P -____necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter sotached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- 9VII --------------------- ommissioner of Public Works. iflilliam.J. Peter, (4ontmissioner 11rie Mallette, Beputiy (gommissioner Repartment of Wiu Morko (�itg of 0 Zaint Vaut GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE June 14, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Larpenteur Ave. from Dale St. to Snelling Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45270, approved April 20, 1923: The final order should be made to read between Hemline Avenue and Dale Street, and the following estimate is made accordingly: We estimate the cost of grading and paving -- 56,754.00 One-half the street is outside the City boundary and our estimate for the portion within the City is as follows: Total Cost - - ---- ---- -- $289377.00 Frontage - - - - -- - ----- 7,186 ft. Cost per foot to frontage - - - 3.27 Property Share (12' strip) $26,095.00 City Share (intersections) 29282.00 Estimated on basis of paving with reinforced concrete 20 feet wide. (No sewer, water or gas connections). Yours truly, L�7�'Approved:for transmission ,n' to the Commissioner of Finance. f Engin Z; Commisai r u 1 c Fiorke. 4"17211 COUNCIL FILE NO__ . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....grading.glle$5...1n..Blo.ok. Street to Jefferson Avenue and from Underwood Avenue to North and South ..--........_.._.........................._.......___........--....... _...................................--...................................--..................... .. .Allay, . _ _ _......._... ..... _.......-._----------- ----_I ............ ..... ......................................... ..... _..-.. .._................._......._.............__.._.................._..._...............................................................................--...... .. __ ......__.. ........... _.. __ .. _ _.... _...__ .-........................-_..... ................ ._....................... ._ ........-..........................................._.............................................. NO. 47211— — 4......_.. ........- c 4515 9............................. ........... ... ..... ln'the "fatter of grading Alleys In �JulI t St. o�Jefferson Ave'and from -......... pp 'oVed .. .Underwood Ave. to Nor[h ..................... .--.... d 1 - ......-... - ........-....................---... Alley, under Preliminary Order 44"15 '-approved Maroh 13, 19123. been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having iUp n thellav vefm r vei ent upon aueluncil s and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; !notice,. and the��ybeoanell having heard all mendatfons relative lthereto, and ha - bteYftconsidered the same; there- fore, of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - of Re; 1 d ny the Co Hell of ih,, fjty I to meint to be mao�lly the said City is -grade Alleys In. B1oak...2,...F,+].Nw.O.od-.Addit.i.on,....from ._Juliet Street_ to Jefferson Avenue and from Underwood Avenue to North and South. Alley, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public 'Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said !improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adupted b.: the CouneiL_ a City Clerk. CouncilmanAR'mIAX ✓Matison Councilman ldE9XttX , Peter (`ouncilman ,pec - tvenzel FGSucx Nelson N1,;AUSIONER L DEPNANCE REPORT�iF CO OF FINANCE �q 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading Alleys in Block 2, Elmwood Addition, from Juliet Street to 1effprrnn °^prvP and from Underwood Avenue to North and South Alley under Preliminary Order approved ;March 13, 192 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 609.76 front 0,45 The estimated cost perhoot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Elmwood 1,850 2 2 do 150 3 2 do 150 4 2 do 150 5 2 do 150 6 2 do 150 7 2 do 150 B 2 do 125 9 2 do 125 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 OF 8T. PAUL D ENT OF FINANCE REPO :SOF C ISSIONER OF FINANCE4 -F- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Elmwood 125 11 2 do 125 12 2 do 125 13 2 do 125 14 2 do 125 �5 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 17 2 do 150 18 2 do 425 19 2 do 3,00 20 2 do 3,950 21 2 do 2,550 22 2 do 3,650 23 2 do 2,350 24 2 do 4,250 25 2 do 350 26 2 do 350 �7 2 do 350 28 2 do 425 26,475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ til_ _. Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 12 v Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor ECEIyED '(.R" I �- 8 Report to Commissioner of Finance 'Y, ''+E.? 0 June 16, 1923 ----- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 44616 --approved_ MarC4 13, 1923 _191___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No._____ the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Elmwood Addition, from --------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------- Juliet Street to Jefferson Avenue and from Underwood Avenue to ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- North and South Alley. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said imrovement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1.45 per front foot 609.76 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_________ _____, and the total cost thereof is $____________, Inspection $11.96 Frontage 1363 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------1�01V/K�z ��'------------- missioner of Public Works. 3Nilliam 3j. Veter, Commissioner W 31rie Mallette, BPputy CgAmmissianeY Department of jJubtir lVarkii (�itg of quint Ilaul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT, OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE June.;15' 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estivate of cost for the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Elmwood Addition, from Zuliet Street to Jefferson Avenue and from Underwood Avenue to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #44515, approved Burch 13, 1923. Estimated Cost, including oinddrs $609.76 Per front foot - - - - - - -- .45 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 11.96 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1363 ft. Yours truly, Chief engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commis /� �Pfi ric Works. RESOLVED COUNCIL " �f 2 A_2 CITY OF ST. PAUL riLc NO.-.._-..___.----. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of alley in block 2, Elmwood Addition from Juliet St. to Jefferson Ave., and from Under- wood Ave. to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C.F. #44516, approved March 13, 1923 and Inter- mediary Order C. F. #46603, approved June 22, 1933. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the alley in block 2, Elmwood Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated July 21st, 1923, which plan and report are hereby re- ferred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas N ays v Fermi g McDonaldIn favor Matson Peter ____. Against Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 47212--13Y N. J. Porter— d eaeasfns he land etaele_ Intheof anement fills in sary for elopes, for cuts and of alley In block 2, Elm- the grading Addition from Juliet St. to JeP- wood fereon Ave. and from Underwood Ave. to North and South Alley, under Order19 Preliminary 3 nd approved March March 13, a r 46603, ap- . edl 7 ord prove 1923. Public Works The Commissioner of ittedreport and plan tehta n bob m Ithe a Tha[ the be it C(ty of St. Paul Resolved, flxeB and d;termI es the amount of was foanth improvement I'ementa for fills 1n and upon slopes. for cuts and [he alley in block 2, Elmwood Addition. the between the pointe aforesaid, to the plan trached oxtent shown upon to the sport of the the f tIss - Jare Publ[c R'orkhlch tptan andrrepord 21et, 1923, w made a part hereby referred to and bereof. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1923. Approved my 21, 2611923) -' 192 Approved--- - - -; .: 192- , MA 1 MAYOR t33illiani fl. rter, �iannnissianer Me mallear, Uepntg Tammissioner Department of 230 it Barks (Eitu of §aint Paul GEORGE M O. CHIEF ENGINEER GRYTHAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER W_ N. AREY ES F CONSTRUCTION w O REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OF Ice AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of alley in block 3, Elmwood Addition from Juliet St. to Jeffer- son Ave., and from Underwood Ave. to North and South Alley' under Preliminary Order C.F. #44516, approved March 13, 1933 and Intermediary Order C.F. #46603, approved June 33, 1933. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. V\Aw ---- om es r o o"y Works. July 31, 1933 3 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOCT.OF COMMI!jq'7NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for r•I,tG and filly in the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Elmwood Addition, from .r„if Pt StrPPt to Jefferson Avenue, and_from Underwood Avenue to North and South Alley under Preliminary Order approved Yarch 1'i 1C)23 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ RX The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Elmwood 1,550 2 2 do 150 j 2 do 150 4 2 do 150 5 2 do 150 6 2 do 150 7 2 do 150 S 2 do 125 9 2 do 125 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REI3Q&T OF COMKW,,-GONER OF FINANCE j ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Elmwood 125 11 2 do 125 12 2 do 125 13 2 do 125 14 2 do 125 15 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 17 2 do 150 — 18 2 do 425 19 2 do 3,800 20 2 do 3,950 21 2 do 2,550 22 2 do 3,650 23 2 do 2,350 24 2 4b 4,250 2ri 2 do 350 26 2 do 350 27 2 do 350 28 2 do 425 26,475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- ---_ __ --------191. Com ink,,moer of Finan— r•�rm B. B. Is Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo ear Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 18 1928 June - 16, 1923. ---191-- - --- ----- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 44616 .... approved- M07ah 13._1923.191___, relative to condemning -and-- - taking an --easement- in the land neceaaary_for- -slopeeaL ---------------------------- - - 399_QA te-_atsd_filJ.a-In _ tbo_.grad9.ng_ o3_Allays_.in_-Black.-2,_SJmw od.------_ _Addition,from Juliet_street _ to_Je33ereox._gY-eme,__and-from_Underwoo.d_ Avenue to North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___ ------- and the total cost thereof is $------ 29FF- _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �cmmissi�.��ner - - ------------------- f Public Works. V°� 4 72 1- 3 6 COUNCIL FILE NO ................... .... . .. By-- ........._....... ................... ..... .. . ......... ... ... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of grAdiX19 And P-Aving- Alloy tn.'Bloak 16 . . ..... A. =-.a. E. 499"T 1.8 Addition,-from..Dunlap..Striaiat t,0 jaxington-Amenue., ............................................................. ._ .......... ........................... - ........ ....... .... ..................................................... ................ .. ..................................... .................. . .............. ...... ........ ......................................................................................... . .............................. .......... - I . ..... - ...... ..... - .... - ----------- --- ... .............. ..... I .............................. under Preliminary Order ...........4542..7 ..................._._...approved ............ 23.e----...................... ............ .C. P. No. 47213— ........... approved .......... ...................... .................................... In the Mattes of grading and Paving n led upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having .Ailey In "' Addition, lr6.' "LA,.np`mt"'l RaMaek'B . o n er PreilmlnarLylor'nd�e, 'commendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; ton o A=e April 45427 oivue ad ;U A Public hearing hsvl`� 1923. Pon the above Improvement been had if not ce, and the Councilment Upon due. Persons, "Ing he 11f the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind I impro4L- d objectia -ad rcanro 0 140h. n3 relatlye thereto, and b',,: i . e.nel dered the same; ti,, z. Ow mentfw- ' "fy is --grade and pare-kiloy- In.-Blook-18.,-Anno .. . ... v; ''hat t.h,"C­�-le,l _, t ' 're"' AddjU&A ef'ol'd I Street. to -Lexington. Avenue. P. .... ....... . . . ....... ............... ........... - ............. ..................... .... ....... - .......... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council 111, e CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _- ON PREL1141NAIRY ORDER (A) I In the matter of Grading and paving Alley in Block 16, Anna E Ramsey I s Addition, from Dunlap Street to Lexington Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved April 27i 1, 23, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Paving 32 creoso,ed Brick laid Asphalt or Concrete blocks _ fiat_ Asphalt Concr. I Per 31.yd. 5.58 4.77 3.75 2.73 Intersections 491.04 419.76 330.00 240.24 Property share 6651.36 5665.94 4470.0- 3254.16 Total 7142.40 6105.60 48'0.00 3494.40 (a) front foot 6.05 5.17 4.o6 2.96 14 18 Anna E. Ramsey'a Add. 9600 13 .18 to the City of St, Paul- 5300 12 18 do 5000 11 18 do 5700 10 1S do 5400 9 18 do 6s5o 8 18 do 6050 7 18 do 5450 6 18 do 3800 5 18 do 9450 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL11AINArRY ORDER (A) ander'Preliminary Order approved— To-the pproved—To the Eouncil of tl�e City of St. Paul P».r :. e estimated cost per footfor the above, improvement is g '14 t l8 Anna E. Rameey's Add. - - 13 18 to the City of 8t, Paul. 12 18 do 11 18 do 10 18 do 9 18 do 8 i6 do 7 18 do 6 18 do 5 18 do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. 960a 5300 500Q 5100 5400 6650 6850 5450 3800 9450 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �•A ON PRELIM►NARY ORDER s (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION South 6o ft. of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 18 Anna E. Ramseyle Add. Except Lexington Ave. to the City of St. Paul. 15 18 do 16 18 do b 17 16 do 18 18 do All of 19 & W. 10 ft- of 20 l8 do (Except Weet.10 ft.) 20 and all of ASSESSED VALUATION 10450 5750 5400 5504. _. -5600 7350 21 18 do 7400 22 18 do 4454 23 18 do 6100 24 18 do 1200 . Ex: part taken for Lexington Ave. & Ek. So. 100 ft. of 49ts.25 - 26 - 27 - 28 18 do 3925 129925 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—.._— Commissioner of Finance. Furm B. H. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public WorlmEcElvEa o - Report to Commissioner of Finance Sj g Ot FSA i JUN 9 1923 ---- Junel.-1923 ------ 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 54 27 _____approved__ April_ 27_x_------ 1relative to paving and grading of alley in Block 18, Anne E. Ramsey's Addition_____ -------------------------------------- - - - - - from Dunlap Street Lexington ------------------ ------------------------ to - - - Avenue - ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $---__----__-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. V4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /ao mmissioner of Public Works. iuilliam J. Peter, (&ommissinner 31rie Maliette, Bepntg (�vinmissinner 9DeVartment of Ilublir Marko City of point Ilan[ GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBA K, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEANDC—PLANNING ENGINEER June 5th, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost for paving and grading alley in block 18, Anne E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45427, approved April 27, 1923: Length 590 ft. Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1,100 ft. Street 20.ft. Paving 34 oreosoted Brick laid Asphalt or Concrete blocks flat Asphalt Conor. Per sq. yd. 5.58 4.77 3.75 2.73 Interseotions 491.04 419.76 330.00 240.24 Property share 8851.36 5685.84 4470.00 3254.16 Total 7142.40 6105.60 4800.00 3494.40 (a) front foot 6.05 5.17 4.08 2.96 Added to above estimate: -- Yours truly, C of Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Co4VI;t blio works a r St. Paul, Minn.,..gPr.i.y....Z6th.�...........:.192.3. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ...........'ade and Page the _llle� ....... _........................... .............. e . ,;eea 6hlard and la- i en L . • .. from .......Dunlap ±seetz ..r...c.r..r r_.-.. r:..Se.�4wa.•to_.._e__i...n. _.c..r.:_,._..;ve.rue. 4nd922 COUNCIL NO.`� 14 ✓ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fit. - ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ren DATE.__July.....21i_..192.3 .............. _..... RESOLVED v In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the �rading and paving of alley in block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's ddltion from Dunlap Ao Lexington Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #45538, approved May 3, 1923. and Intermediary Order C.F. #48598, approved June 22, 1923. Yeas The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED: That the City of 8t. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the cuts and ftlls in and upon the alley in block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated July 21st, 1923. COUNCILMEN Nays ` Terguson 'McDonald Matson 'Peter 'Wenzel '.'Mr. President C. F. No. 47214-13Y R". J. Peter— In the matter of damning d tak- ing an ea amen[ fn the landnce s ry for elopae, for to d lallYeIn the grading P, of - frock 18, Ann St. to Lexington dAvs., from Dunlap der approved Or3,11 ". one In- terme Pprove termediary Order C. F. No. 46698,,aD- proved June 22. 1923. The betas n hisoeepor Publiend plan having a h t twi a to the Bove matter, be y Resolved, Thait t the City of St. Paul Innd Of [o be taken if or thSs eouta andtflll1 In and upon the n]leY in blooecC te.eertA an E. Ramaey's Addition, upont bo— [ the Dan a lathed to tlis report o the Commissioner f Public Works in the [natter Gated JaIY 21at,`1923. Adopted by the Connell July 21, 1923. Approved (7u1y 228 1 23. 923) Adopted by the Council . _ :i':L,- _.:__,..192__.. Approved.... - 192_.... In favor Al r ri MAYOR -_-._Against FiYI NofGf/on x=' ' A//et, /n B/k/B ANNA E.RAMS6YSADA. _.Fiynccs ohuve,/ii/eshow Z'uf or Fi//01pup e�fyline. — -��:_ Lexincgfon A✓e •` Dun/ar S% ,' .._..._.._ .. .. ,_ Fiq uses t$c%w:/line sho. ✓. j41 7a s/oyes; .`.' ::. :' d1/etl,n8/klB AnvL/A -... _"- S:L 0P.0 PLA/V Bu�eou "' Pxfeq¢be E. RAMSEYS ,4DD.- of fn9,nee�s -�-r _ Laxing Ion AYe. .lun e 23 - Z... /0 00 y- •. EO 13 17 B 40 ' � a� .• - .... yo Wim.. ... 4io ..e,. o- � o �" 60 /7 /B /9 2O , 22 i.. 23 24; 25 26 27 28 k W _ - I a iitflliam �• deter, �QQtittissiutter uric iiiallettr, Ueputu (LQutarissintter Department of ibblir Barb (Situ of Saint Paul 4° e GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUFI. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading and paving of alley in block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap to Lexington Ave., under preliminary order C.F. #45538, approved May 3, 1923 and Intermediary Order C:F. #48598, approved June 22, 1923. To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 0\� N �& commisdir o 0 or s July 21, 1923 III CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM19610NER OF FINANCE.* ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of-- Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary of alley in Block 18, Anna E. Ramsev's Addition, from________ Dunlap Street to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved MaY3 , 192'3. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S -� U The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 14 18 13 18 12 18 11 18 10 18 9 is 9 19 7 19 6 is 5 19 ADDITION Anna E. Ramsey's Add. to the City of St. Pau do do do do do do do do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 9600 1. 5300 5000 5700 5400 6850 6950 5450 3900 9450 W CITY OF 8T- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM 5!510NER OF FINANQIE�& ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 60 ft. of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 18 Anna E. Remsey's Add. 10450 Except Lexington Ave. , to the City of St. Paul. 15. 18 do 8750 16 is do 5400 17 18 do 5500 18 is do 5600 -All of -19 & W. 10 ft. of 20 18 do 7350 (Except test -10 ft.) 20 and all of 21. 18 do 7400 22 18 do 4850 . 23 18. do 6100 . 24 18 do .1200 Ex. part taken for Lexington Ave. & Ex. So. 100 ft. of Lots 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 18 do 3925 129925, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ Commissioner of. Finance. Fnrm D. D. 12 ,Office of the Commissi&6 of Public Works RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance Q�� �SS.pn: JUN 9 1929 ------ June 7. 1923-----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._45538 approved--_ May 3 t 1923 _191-__, relative to condemning and taking an easement in -the -land -necessary for_slopes.- ------------------------------------------------- - for onto and fills in the grading and paving oY alley in_Blook 18,_ ------------------------------- -- Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, from Dunlap Street to Lexington Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------ and the total cost thereof is $---- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners, of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -----//� YO -1 --------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. t 4721L—Grdinsnc. No., Gill— un 111- ! j( By 73.0. wensal— / An. ordinance granting to Ann n M. / y ,c" eenepermission to erect and /i 2nnintaln a- sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk In frons of 1084-1086 Gran d -even ue. -. The Council of the City of St. Paul does-ordain:p 1 SCOT' An ordinanoe granting to Anna M. Sweeney permission o ert / and maintain a sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in fvont of 1o94-1096 Grand avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Anna M. Sweeney to erect and maintain a sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of 1094-1096 Grand avenue, as shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Seotion 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings ie -hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Anna M. Sweeney for said canopy$ upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: 1\ (1) The said canopy shall be erected under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (05,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on moocunt of or arising by reason of the erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council r✓;auan@iaq� 3 Wenael Mr. President (Nelson) Approve An ordinance granting to Arora M. Sweeney permission to erect c and maintain a sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of 1094-1096 Grand avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Anna M. Sweeney to erect and maintain a sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of 1094-1096 Grand avenue, as shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is:,hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Anna M. Sweeney for said canopy, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be erected under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (05,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and 41 liability, judgments, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Seotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council _ Mr. President (Nelson) Attest HENRY OLSON eitlitp of *aint jDaul H. J. RIORDAN //.�TT CITY CLERK (office of (fitg Y1j2iK ASST. CITY CLERK S July 19th, 19�3� Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel Dear Sirs Attached please note application of Anna M. Sweeney for permit to erect a sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of 1094-96 Grand Avenue, which the Council referred to you today for the proper form of ordinance. Tours very truly, eno. C2TY CLES$. Q e tg Of .6t. Paul Departtneat of Parks, Plaggruunbs aub Puhlfr Buf Mugs WM. T. MARCH. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER SOP[. OP PwR5O ,... .; .. IRVING C. FFARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ERNEST' W. JOHNSON, . SUPT. OP PI.wYOROurm. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWEs,. 215 COURT HOUSE " CRY AROWS- eye O July 16, 1923 Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner. Office. Dear Sir: In regard to the attached application of Anna M. Sweeney for permit to erecta sheet metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of 1094-96 Grand Avenue, I wish to state that we can have no objection to this con- struction. I believe that the Council should give this party such permission, after which vie will issue the required building permit. Yours very truly, Superintendent of Inspection. m HENRY OLSONof/,Taintai H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (OffirP of (f itV Clerk ASST. CITY CLERK July 13th, 1923 Hon. H. C. henzel, Commissioner of P. P. & P. Bldgs. Dear Sir: I am referring herewith the application of Anna M. Sweeney for permit to erect a sheet metal canopy pro- jecting 4 feet over the sidewalk in front of the premises known as 1094-1096 Grand Avenue, which was referred to your department for report. Yours truly, enc. —CITY CLERK. , PERRY E. CROSIER ARCHITECY,.. 9I5 NEW N-0RK`LIFE BUILDING MiNNEaaotls^wN. ' July 10/ 1923. The Honorable City Council City of Saint Paul Ramsey County, Minn." I hereby petition your august body for permission to erecta sheet metal canopy or Harquiss projecting 4 feet over the sidewalk in front of the premises known as #1094 and 1696 Grand Ave. It being understood the same is to be in accordance with the City Building Ordinances and under the supervision ofra the Building Department. Yours truly, Anna M Sweeney E Ordinance No. 8112 ' BY -�Vai: J. P eter— �,-An. ordina n�c_ a granting in A �J, Ho raes corporation,ifiller & ferm ssion to erect a ailing plat form onnge�oald%irrn a '.the rear, of 2 t,. in 8. 2 at Third street, h street. Ci)uacll the City of St. Paul ^ rd.1, Kalb e, orporetion, 0 An ordinance granting to Mille, permission to erect and Maintain a loading Platform on Second street, in the rear of No. I8-22 East Third street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Miller & Holmes, a dorporation, to erect and maintain a loading, platform on Second street, in the rear of No. 19@-20-22 East Third street, said platform to be ten feet wide. Section 2. The Commissioner of public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said platform, Upon said lie compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said platform shall be created under the supervision and direction Of said Commissoner, yand said licensee shall pay the cost of inspectioniif an - (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ditioned to save said City harmless from ($5,000-00), con judgments, costs, damages and a% - any and all liability, One or property on account Of pence that May accrue to Persons presence or removal Of the erection, maintenance, use, said platform- Said bond shall be in such form as may be c surety approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such S withay be SatisfacCOmPtroller.tory to the mayor, and shall be filed athe City (3) Said Platform shall be removed by said licensee Whenever the Council Shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the of passagethis ordnance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerki Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fares thirty days after its passage and public I ation. Passed by the Council Teas Nays Mr. Clancy 7erguson T72 -6 An ordinance granting to Miller & Holmes, a corporation, a scion to erect and maintain a loading platform on Second street, In the rear of No. 15-22 East Third street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Miller & Holmes, a corporation, to erect and maintain a loading platform on Second street, in the rear of No. 15-20-22 East Third street, said platform to be ten feet wide. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said platform, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said platform shall be erected under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars 05,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and ex- pense that may accrue to persons or property on account of the ereotion, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said platform. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said platform shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Naps Mr. Clancy City HENRK OLSON Cttp sof *aint Vaul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK (Office of Gtu Tlerk ASST. CITY CLERK Mr. C. y July 18th, 1923. w' Mr. C. B. McNally, Corporation Counsel, Building. Pees Sirs Attached herewith application of Miller & Holmes for permit to erect a loading platform 10 feet wide on Second Street, at the rear of No. 18-22 East Third Street, vdhich was referred to you by the Council, for the proper form of resolution. Yours truly, enc. CITY C l ,I Willialu 3• pew, eummissioner Me Mallette, 13eputg Itummissioner Department of public Morks VtM of Saint Haul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUIT. OF CONSTRUCTION NO REPAIR G. H. HERROLO. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER To The honorable, The Council, City of 3t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B, SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE :i my 17, 1923. In the matter of the petition of Killer & Holmes for a permit to erect a loading platform 10 feet wide on Second Street in the rear of their building at 18-22 Last Third 3t. ie have no objections except that the platform will not be wider than that of the B. L. Cobb Comj,any which adjoins it. ':77F -D Yours very truly, Con /, er�Iq-blic ;lorks. HENRY OLSON VtL of 6aint -vaut CITY CLERK Office of (JffRU Qlbrk July 3rd, 1923. Hon. Wm. J. Peter, ` Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Attached please note application of Miller & Holmes for permit to erect a loading platform 10 feet wide on Second Street, in the rear of their building at 18-22 East Third Street, which was referred to you for report, by the Council. Yours truly, enc. CITY C=- H. J. RIORDAN ASST. CITY CLERK -7� BUTTER, CREAM, - - CHEESE,EGGS, POULTRY &MEAL. Q � CREAMERY DEPARTMENT 18-20.22 EAST THIRD STREET ST. PAUL, MINN., Julie 29,1923. City C)uncil, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; We desire to Brect a loading platform ten(10) feet wide on Second street in the rear if )ur building, 18-20-22 East Third street,ldt three(3)snd easterly threet3) feet lot two(2), block thirty four(34), City of St. Paul, Minnesota. We ask your honorable b)dy to grant us a permit for said improvement. We have drawnnas showing the improvement contemplated which we can suomit for inspectian any time, Trusting that y)u will act on this matter promptly, we remain Very truly y)urs, MILLER & HOLMES, AV—F:MY J` Vice President. ,e JUN 3o �` � ! �f �� Ett�4:i7FS'rc.aYiLHt. rnit �! 1 PzPartwnrt of gaw CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. MINALLY ARTHUR A. STEWARTA--9 EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MSGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - July 18th, 1923. I am transmitting herewith an ordinance granting permission to Miller & Holmes to erect a loading platform on Second street. Yours truly, orporat on `Counsel. ST. pAUI., MINN., August 27, 1923. Henry Olson, City Cler4, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Yours of the 21st inst with copy of C. F #6112 receivdd. MRB:MY We accept the provision of this ordinance. Very truly yours; MILLF & MIMES, Secretary. 0 -1 -- CITY -K T Form D-34 IM 12-22 11 E OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ...... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ==rE No.4"17. 488 BY CDM ...... �.R.. M- ::R .... ...... (:.. AUDITED........_ ........ . . PER.... . ....... . . . . . ............... ... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ......................... i covering checks numbered 1,5192 ----------- AO MIN- ............... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( i ) Councilmen Nays. Q—ey-,— Adopted by the Council .................... J1 12 -.:.........192 Ferguson, ... -.-In favor ✓ McDonald, Appr .................... 19Z Matson, Peter, C) Wenzel. --------._._Against . ...... ....... 06 MAYOR /Mr. President, Nelson 15192 ----- -- -- --------- Martl3i'-Fbirbard --- * --- ----- - ----- ** ---- ----------- ------ - 225*00 L 1671 15196 Feyen Construction Company, 3,225. 50 L 1676 2,507.50 . L 1670 718*00 71-999--w 15194 O'Neil & Preston, 4,241.00 L 1593 15195 Standard Stone Company, 3,197.97 L 1551 2,597.97 L 1654 ",600 -*00 QUADRUPLICATE • OrTY a* ex. vAVL To CRY CLERK\ - r eooserz 4 �2.18 NO - Form D-34 13.1 12-22 7 AUo1TE[l._..._. ..192._.._._ }__ �/ _ p• - '(/( .//1/ \ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the negate amount of $---. a. --a ��----------------------- covering checks numbered ...-2S',i1,88----- ----------- to ---- 253.9,- ---- ------- inclusi e, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays. - 3. -192------- anc Adopted by the Council....................:........�----------- ry Ferguson,In favor // McDonald, /\ APProved------------ -- ....-_��.'.�....,>r.l._1S.,.. J- ---------------- 192 - --- ✓Matson, U ✓Peter, ABainst ✓ Wenzel. - Mr. President, Nelson / C. Rsa No.. 47218-_ ee Ved that checks be drown on" the City Treasury to the aggregate "Smount of $22,766.68, covering checks. numberetl 16186 to 16191 Inclusive. as per reg[ster of .city checks on file In"the o$Ive of the City Comptroller. -AD➢rovedbSulye21, 19231 July 21, 1923. (July 28-1923) V ORIGIN TO ..W MIRK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' aoo:o:z Form D-34 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM >zzE NO ..............:........ c.........._ 487 i s oramountof co.M—.0— .. AUDITED........... ,::......... .'..........IB2......._. PER.....__ ........_..........._........._._._..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aMre $..._221766.68----•............. covering checks numbered._-15186.-__---------..to----1+51+d ] .._...__......inclusive, city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓ ) Councilmen Nays. Adopted by the Council .------- ----------------- ---192....--- ✓b`erguson, ----- �----In favor--JiJi_L_ 19/23 ]/McDonald, App owed_... - - - -192- VVMstson, /, V Peter, V - �Jenzel. - .....Against - ...... - -...............- --biiYoa - ,/4Ir. President, Nelson 1,036.00 5,776.89 14,597.91 163.50 195e38 997.00 15186 --- -- - .... .... - .........-------------------- Fred G. Albrecht, Bureau of Parks 15187 J. X. Clancy, Oomtr. of Finance Schools 15188 J. M. ElancyW Comer. of Finance gmicipal Nursery 136.50 Election Expense 273.30 Bureau of. Parks 6,444.86 Park Refectories 4,881.04 Playgrounds 1,400.15 Phalen Park Pavilion 202.80 Forestry Revl. 811.96 P. Bldgs. Revl. 447.30 .o 14,597.91 15189 Berman Ebert, Schools 15190 Frank Sing, Park Refectories 15191 A. L. Snyder, Director Bureau of Parks 4 , l 1,036.00 5,776.89 14,597.91 163.50 195e38 997.00 QUADRUPLICATE To C— CLERK Form D-34 1M 12;4, louNc— 472,19 PINNo......_.........._ ....................... AUDITED 0 L c.verint Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the agp egate amount of $...0#02111? --------------- ............ checks numbered-- .---M46 ------------- to 3—SM- Comptroller. Yes If Councilmen 17 ) Nays. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City 6 Ji 9 .192 ..... Adopted by the Council ------------- ... ...... L. -'Ferguson, favor -In McDonald,"Approved Matson, J-1L.-Ni'3 ----------------- 192 t" Peter, L" Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Nelson C; -g, No. 47219— be drawn on "th!;e R�..I­d"''.rY .to, the aggregate the C'ty amount 'I$g.432 49 --ve"'g'Ch"k. 1504s to "51651nc'uS've —il In numbered per -f-'tychecks the C—ee"the o""?'the ,ty C. July 21, 3923.1 by Adopted ,ppd Jul,211923- 28-1923) ORIGINALTO S aixY Oa ex. nAOi. ^ CM CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 000aoii a9ian-sa IM tz-sz , AUDITED CLAIHS—R.ESOLUTION FORM sins NO.......[. 11 484i�?v„ AUDITED..._...:. ... .._ $ .............192..-.. \i Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the rasper mount of$-_9sA.$.`Z-Ak--------------- -.......... covering checks numbered......_ 15046 --_---------to----__- -15165-_.-.. ------ inclusie8ister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. JUJ ! 1:123 ..--- ......192--..... -$katirg^ Adopted by the Cil....----------------- -_----------. ,/Ferguson, ---In favor ✓ McDonald, ✓ ' ' "' � c� %� -----.....192---- - ?ip oved - .. J+� -... J.-. Matson, Peter, d - ABainst ... -------------------- Wenzel.- _...- - -- — - - - MAYOR �Mr. President, Nelson J 15046 ------------ ------- ------------------ ------ _ ------................................ - Addressograph Companys 1.25 Water 15047 Ahlberg Bearing Companys 29.38 Garage 15048 Alemite Li$ricator Companys 5,53 arage 15049 American Child Health Associations 3*00 IdIr ary 15050 American Fountain Supply Companys 21.00 Park Refectories 15051 American Library Associations 2.81 Library 15052 American Management Associations 89,001 Library 15053 American Printing House For the Blinds 9.52 ,chools 15054 American Ribbon & Carbon Companys 33:25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 4.00 Water 31.25 33.29 ]Stl55 meriaen,5-661 ty.3Y.` Medical Eng3>lt er 5.00 L braw z Res. 484 Page #2 52.48 223.60 15056 American SupPly'Companys 2,38 Pol. &.F. Alarm & R. (Pave) 4.25 St. C. 10.50 -r Schools Bureau o; Parka 13.12 It 20,78 Playgrounds 45:12 5.00- P. Bldgs. Revl. 117:50' Water „ 4.35 52.48 15057 F. R- Amundsen* schools 25.00 15058 Anchor PaperoMan7tpark oriea 3.30 15059 Arbogast Meat Co_ any, Heath a hers, 15060 Association Of American Geogr P 3.50 Library 226.50.. 15061 Austin MachineryeCorporation 20.86 15062 AutomotiveBSer 5.30 ucofComrkny' 1.20 Garage „ 2.88 n 10.92 Water 2:56" ' Ballard FireproofStorage & Transfer Company* 6.75 15063 Schools 347:41 15064 Barber Asphalt&t0. R y(Pay.) 203.80 it a 90.94 Bureau of Parks 1{ a :: 36.40 16.27 317.1 . 36.50. 15065 Barrett & Zimnermans 4.50 15066 dames R. B rrers 76. Inc., 15067 the Beacon Librg� 38.97 15068 Beckley-Cardy ConP=70 - schools 350.00 15069 Geo. Benz Sons* pollee 32.00• 15070 Walter G. Benz Tire Company* Fire 494.00 15071 S. Berglund Lumber Company, schools 1.02 i 4VY®1"yt5t.l+.Y4® 36.40 21.75 .50 24.00 9.00 34.00 23078 34.75 975 .`3000 261025 452083 18.02 26o00 k 2050 19002 27000 42.70 6 Res* 484 Page #3 15073 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company, Garage 15074 To L. Blood & Company, Pol. & F. Alarm 9.75 St. C. & R. '12.00 15075 Boeringer & Son, P. Bldgs* 15076 Jo H. Bonbright Refectories Park 15077 Booth Cold Storage Company, R. St. C. & 15078 The Bowen Enaving Company, G.FF.-Misc. & Unforseen 15079 He C. Boyeson Company, Civil Service 10.90 Fire 4.20 Bureau of Engineers 1.40 Schools .96 " 5:'24 Library 1..08 2:5.713 15080 Brings & Company, Workhouse 15081 Brown's Photo Studio, G.Fo-Disco & Unforseen 15082 Bruce Publishing Company, Schools 15083 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Btu ns, G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 15084 Burns Lumber Company, Co H. & Co H. 9000 Flection Expense 14:98 Polo & F. Alarm 7;90 St. Co & R. (Pavo) 5400 4 Bridge Bldgo & R. 107:00 Schools 25945 P. 81dgs. 38.50 Water 196000 15085 Capital City Lumber Company, Schools 15086 Capital Ice & Fuel Company, Park Refectories 15087 Capitol Auto Top Company, schools 15088 Capitol Steam. Laundry Company, Schoo3a 15089. Capitol Trunk Company, Po Bldgs: 15090 Central Auto` Top.; dompanyr 36.40 21.75 .50 24.00 9.00 34.00 23078 34.75 975 .`3000 261025 452083 18.02 26o00 k 2050 19002 27000 42.70 6 1 Res; 484 Page ##4 15091 Central Garage, 10029 Fire 054 " 3000 Garage ti 6;75 s 15092 City & Country School, 1.00 Schools 15093 Columbia Tool Steel Company St. 39.20 248.43 C. & R. (Pay.3 u " 139.65 Schools 69.58 248.43 15094 Harold G. Cook Company, 8000 Garage 15095 Gorning-Donohue Brick Company, 109.50 Bridge Bldg. & R. 15096 Crone Company, 660084 St. C. & R. .28 Schools 5•GG " 311073 " 102.00 " 41.40 " 10.80 u 3.10 142.09 Playgrounds 3.30 ' Auditorium 8.60 Sprinkling 3079 'Water 19044 " 9:40 b3 a 15,097 Dearborn Chemical Company, 22.50 Schools 15098 Del Auto Radiator Company, 24.05. Garage 15099 Dispatch Printing Company, 33060 Civil Service 15100 F. B. Doran Compan7, 3030. Garage 15101 L. F. Dow Company, 97.15' C. H. & C. H. 1100 Police 2.10 - Health 4050 11 4.50 It 3.60 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 5.00 Bureau of Engineers 1.30 u u ++ 14040 u tt It 22.75 -38.00 15102 L. F. Dow Company, 132.57 Schools 12.00 ++ 2.00 Park Refectories 11000 46.50 Water " 9.10 " 1.40 " 5.10 Roo* 484 Page #5 L. Fe Dow Company, COntldo 11092 Water of 8000 1'I7 15103 William He Dudley, 1000 Library 14000 15104 Frank P. Dufresne, Corp. Counsel 15105 We Je Dyer & Brother' 20000 89083 Schools 8060 u 12000 Library n 21.20 1.13 Park Refectories 27.003 Washington State Historical Society, 6000. 15106 Eastern Library 15107 Electric Service Supplies Company, 59.40 Schools 15108 Thos.Je Engel 68020 Lighting 15109 He Be Erickson Company, 11014. Bureau of Parks 15110 Exerswing Company, 224":10 Bureau of Parks 143,10 Playgrounds 81.00 15111 Fairbanks' Morse & Company, 10:67 Bridge Bldg. & Re 15112 Farm Equipment Company, 44:02 Ste Ce & Re 15113 Farwell, Ozm =, Kirk & Company, 5050 30144 Police n 4062 n 31.20 Fire 162.00 n 9e42 Health 13080 St. C. & Re 3.70 n 2e50 0 3:25 Sewer C. & Re 2842 S. & S. Cinge 20000 Brigge Bldg. & Re 1,55 4055 Workhouse 10.42 Sprinkling 091 15114 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 420o41 Schools Rese 484 Page #6 15115 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Company, 195,75 Bureau of Parks 48.50 Park Refectories 40050 if 7.80 28.55 it` 13.46 u a 5.40 Lighting 2.33 Auditorium 7.35 Sprinkling 41.86 TOMS 15116 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Company, Water 741.42 15117 F. W. Faxon Company, 1.57 Library 15118 Federal Oil Company, 24.93 St. C. & R. 15119 Fenstermacher Auto Supply Company, 11.25 Garage 15120 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, 159:08 Workhouse 50.40 Schools 4.55 of 18.00 it 23.40 if 4047 Park Refectories 1.50 P. Bldgs. 6.21 P. Bldgs. Revl. "50.55 R Ts ".a 15121 Thos. Finn 5:25 ridge Bldg. & R. 15122 M. G. Fossum & Company, 29.17 Schools 15125 Charles F4end & Son, 23020 Ire 13.20 Water 1%,00 23.0' 15124 The Galion Iron Works & Mfg. Company, 52.00 St. C. & R. 15125 Garland Luggage Shop, .65 Library 15126 Gaylord Brothers, 23.80 Library 15127 J. W. Goodman, 41.26 Schools 15128 Goodyear Rubber Company, 86.60 Schools 11.22 Park Refectories 61.88 it is 13.50 Res. 484 Page #7 1.5129 R. L. Gould & Company, oryhous e 13.15 1.50 Schools 't21.70 4,50 Library X3.50 Bureau of Parks 4o55 15130 Griggs, Cooper & Company, Workhouse 21.66 It 70045 Park Refectories 37.80 " if it It 4.60 11.70 M it 7.56 it it 1.33 17.60 38.60 it 11.0$' 222.35 15131 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, Election Expense 3.42 Police .35 Fire 9.57 St. C. & R. 17.72 11 (Pay.) 6.96 " " 60.00 13 " .35 Schools 191.46 " 58.14 " 49.20 t' 45.50 't 1.32 i n S6V(i 15132 Hackett, Gates, Harty Company, Library 2.85 Bureau of Parks 5.95 1, n " 3.60 Park Refectories 1.80 " it 2.07 Playgrounds 12.50 P. Bldgso 2.00 Water 11*62 " 81.00 " 39.00 15.00 irro J 48*85 222.35 459.99 177.39 6.95 1.50 33.55 21.00 31.53 Cl Res. 484 Page #8 15138 Houghton Mifflin-Compan9, Schools 15139 J. W. Hulme Company, 26.21 C. H. & C. H. Lighting 7:"3055 MM 15140 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company, St. C. & R. 15141 The India Rubber Publishing Company, Library ` 15142 International Harvester Company, 212.82 be & S. Cing. it a 3.00 Bureau of Parks 34.94 u ° u 3-1..05' 79r -.M I 2-89 39.76 19.65 10000 261.81 15143 Japanese Palace, 8.10 Schools 15144 Johnson High School Print Shops 93:25 Schools 15145 L. N. Johnson Company, 3060 City Clerk 2.00 Partic. Certs. 13*50.60 15146 L. W. Jordan Company, 1.10 "ire 15147 O Joy Brothers Mtor Car Company, 4.06 Garage 15148 Wm. Be Joyce & Company, 12.50 Auditorium 15149 Kaplan Paper Box Company, Inc., 24.50 Water 15150 Kaplan Sales Company, 14.00 Park Refectories 15151 Kee Lox Mfg- Company, 8033 Bureau of Engineers 15152 Kellog -Mackay Company, 7.20 Bureau of Parks 15153 Kenny Boiler',,& Mfg. Company, 117e96 Schools 7-95 ++ 32.81 a 26039 Water 511 15164 Librarians Library 15165 Lindekes WS eh Sonss 0 45.36 184.09 Res, 484 Page #9 15158 Kramer Auto Sparieng Companys 51.15 Garage 15159 S. S. Kresge & Company, 30.00 Schools 29.00 15160 Lamprey Products Company, b. & S. Cing. 10.00 Auditorium Water - 9100 • 00 15161 Lawyers CoCOrpperatiovsglPublishing Company, 16.00 p. 300.00 15162 Lee & Hoff Com an Pavilion phalen Park 4.30 15163 Lemcke & B ecbnTerrs Libra 15164 Librarians Library 15165 Lindekes WS eh Sonss 0 45.36 184.09 END lIICROFILXI cE;' TMFICATn U The Undersigned 'hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of in accordance with business by iH �roi iim Wean+ h '--the standard and approved techniques with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model '1RC of Eastman Kodak Company. 1966 by the 2. The roll of microfilm was made on - undersigned operator(s)- 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is C/ A 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 00 e 5. 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