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18VN0 1531 NOI1fIlOS3tl 1d000M01iY c S08VONVIS d0 nv3Nne IVNOIIVN 9 i lull T VIII _ l���� S Z•I S•IIIIII° �-��; - Y �` � o�z����� tl°e,l,i' I • I VIII s�lllll B=lilll 0•1 e _a. . . . . . . Ront Od6 e '01- a 7Q �0 0 9 r6. 00 �j�� � cp s N� �y5 � 111; �/otllw ", P s Odb w � Oy b,r -0 t, A�b�Oa�a OPP %off ' f Y a ypN11 �A% ,v Q0 1tltlN0 1531 H6-10S3tl Ad000801M SOlfVONV1S jO nvgH a 1VNO11VN ST:'f Serial iJo, of Roll Qq f� Department Ciky Clerk Office ROLL iDENTIFIC?TIOU SLIP PERN,iNENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date P;icrofilm 9 F Co;JfBNTS - r C h C i i�rn P Pf i 17 9- v 1 i:umber or name of first document of regular contents C Co 6 re By Operator Operator-- By Supervisor f Y a ypN11 �A% ,v Q0 f Y a ypN11 �A% f� 602 C. F. 1,0. Ordinance Yo._ By An ordinanc authorizing* the 2zinnesota --rans£er Railway Comrnny, a corporation, to construct and maintain a branch spur $� track on Myrtle s ve, in the City of St. Paul. i ' ormnan�exn. 6nvt—hJ of St' Paul does ordain Rr rr. s. Peter— r �. r , ,..'•. �.4n ordinance authorizing the bonne- t yL rota Transfer Railway Company, a Section 1. - / 31 - corporation, to construct and n tato a branch spar [rack on 11�r�[I'e Ave. in the C/ty f St. Paul.' Th, 'C—crine the city pt st. Pam rmission are hereby .liven to the ape. prdal. Tway Company, a corporation to construct SFCTIOx , I,spur track on Myrt3i Avenue, said track .wtnnrit>• and permisainn a Ilan existing spur track and connecting ., given to the Nilnnoaota Transle h_n h3. ' way Cntnpan,., pnratfna 14 ne of Lot 84 Hewitt's Outlots and In act and mato[ a id branch ,. the west line of said lot 84 Hewitt's Outlots In Myrtle .4 ve., aald [radk "rasion of an extaung appy Line of Hampden Avenue as shown by the red connecting thereon at fi, LO t 84 Hewitt•= .••..... :tle , peratd freight ss rt.•to • print hereto annexed and to 0 xen•iu•• Of ,,..are0r,for the purpose of receiving and discharging - chan This permission, however, in granted upon and ipre,ssly a+ibject to the following conditions 6 (1) That the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall•sare the said City harmless and indemnify it against \all damages, claims, judgments, suits, costs and expenses whatsoever in any wa.y arising out of -the construction, maintenance,, use, operation, or removal of said track. 0 (2) That said track shall be plAued even with the surface of the street, and when necesVry or ordered by the Commissioner of Public Works or the Council, the said Minnesota 'Transfer Railway Company shall plank and replank the same so as 'to render travel safb and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow cars to stand or rcmain upon the street so as to interfere with puilid,travel. (3) The said track shall be taken un and removed from said street and the street restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, whenever the Council shall -,so order. (4) That the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall signify in wirting its acceptance of this ordinance and all the terms thereof, within thirty(30) days after the publication thereof. Section 2. This ordinance shall take e ect and be in force thirty(30) days after its passa;,e and publication. Yeas hays .Councilman ✓ C an—i c ,.Ferguson "-- A 1� APRzc� Petery{' x 43 5 i Adopted by the,council A pproved' J,/Ke n II y�c �..v`�se <a ndy.3dro o/r - f>. a �F.. b Jw.S} hOn j I i it I 7 u I f1L. Co/%n �o p ' �° I i a I Sinc%ice r R O!/Eall o r Cam I p lSc ✓do lda ff i o PovNi i . / ro Fioo' Co. ELLS/.. U / /00 • � /1mN�.Co P S/ --- � �� � � /S� 4B' !� , o Co /�oudrnbusij y� h y B•, .Ada wo ) i i I ,.i I �( ^ i III; " l,. VANDALIA r I404d CITY OF ST. PAUL COQNO._ V� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR - FSS 1�4TfED BY MMISSIONER—. ._...._...._ ......__ _........._.____.._. DATE.____. ___..._...._..._�._ oLVE That therBoard of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- ized to psy.to Paul Rulli, an employe of said Board, injured March 9th,-1923,.'the sum of Thirty-five and 20/100 Dollars 335.20) out the Reter Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim ag at said Board, for the period up to April 9th, 1923- I recommend the above resolution �c R`No eoE7-sya ir.Mcnonafa—,- for passage. ECResolved •TbaY the Board of Water ommfasloners be and SC Is hereby'. au jthorized to soc' an em,.. DNoy of said Board re inlud.hfarch Bth:; i. 1323;:the sum 6CThl ty-flve'aad-20/100 D 71& 8 (S262B)';'Out f the -Wet r'De yartfaeat Sana :9a s al.'sefttemen¢ of: bl,�clelm ase+ at sofa Bbard for'the. COmm�r Of �Public�Utilit�:108- Perlod up to A2t11 6th. 2323: ilddpted by the Covaoil May 89 1828.' ADproved 'M&Y83 ;B23 �.. - .'(June 913E3) -• 7. ^ L _ COUNCILMEN ' - Yeas Nays '/Clancy s /Ferguson /MdDonald ..-.---to favor �r�mrca-vn= Peter .__..:...__.Against i WAzel Mr. President �.� rp'i I13 Adopted by the Council... - ------------_-.192 A r ved... �' P �...3 .e392 . !` E ' . -- MINOR v F CITY .'OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL} j1e}Fi+C7 NO.------- OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK - -- �OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY commisSIoNE .._-__--_-...._._----_-..'.._------------------------_......_ _._. .-DATE..--_ ._.._.._ RESOLVED'_ That the Board of Yater Gommiasioners be and -it is hereby author- i ized to pay to Yiohael Casey, an employe,of said Board injured January 2, 1923, in the course of his employment, the sum of Siztrq-four Dollars' ($64.00) out of the Nater Department fund, in pestial,settlement of his olsim against said•Board for the period up to May 29th, 1923- I reoommend the shove resolution for passage. O eoljved s028�g o- set s `"e Raza oA ald_! ommissioner of Publio Utilities. Yhorize �ggn toSeC tied $oa e e Cre FW $n: 4 _ t $84 pU� he eula oP r�' o hls �aaP�Y 1 . f g tneEa9drd l�aettte�a f �eyaD Is e. L AAdoy�vdad '. h923�o a ithe Perloq-u ;: MaY 28 1923 EfaY 29 1923:; Peter Wen -1 Mr. Prrsidrnt W ? UC Cn favor ga —t �O"s ------------ R � unAwtuiviI 'TE OiTY,08 ®T. 9 - ,Tp CITY C K Form D -$4. 1M 12-22 AUDITED Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to checks numbered.-- ----- U765 -------to. 137.7-0-----u ------- inc o Comptroller.: Yes i Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, -------------- In favor McDonald, Peter, Wenzel. ------------- A�sinst Mr. President, Nelson LepMre$ate amount of covering' sive, as per register of city checks on file in th' ce of the City Adopted by the Council .......... ----------- 192-. A a ----------- 19Z ---------- P CITY OP 82. PAOL - ORIGItUITO � CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ��((,-,�y�y �.... . . - covfroxn N ....-a-tJ._ F.rm 27.34 iM 12-22 AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �a l 333 V M Y ?, .� 192ti ev ......._....................�M� ............ AUDITED................_..._....__............_....._..... -_.....182......__ R.._............ .._..............____.................. ..... . Resolved that checks be drawn. on the City Treasury, to the relate amount of $--.-3,240-.,34-------------------------- covering checks numbered ......_13771..............to..._.._1377;7.............. indnsi , , as per register of city checks o file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( J") Councilmen Clancy, Adopted a Council---- -- ------------------ ..- ------_1c .---..- $ / A 4 ✓ Fer aeon, ------4?....In favor I lr.. ND /McDonald, pprove --- - ' -- _ ..... - ..192 ✓ Peter,-----A$a�/ _ ...._........_MAYOR _. [ ✓ Wenzel. _.. Mr. President, N.11o. �C N Np =90031 chacka be- drawn- on. Repolve Trefleuri: ;to the e6at@ the Clty. [ 1324034: e, se cov.0. checks. - amount �o 5le .la �nudlbe Per_:rer ieter37oE .� tyl checks ooa lvF t ComPtraller•:1923.: Ithe otEice of the Y79 Adopted bY'theci .2sounl ➢EaY.29, .Approved SSa23.Y � ................. .. 206.24 13771 The Fire Appliance & Inspection Company, Schools 13772 Kolar Electric Company, 150.00 Vocational Scho81(Bond) 13773 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company, '64.50,! Water 13774 'J. L. Shiely Company, 1,274.60 St. CS & Rn (Pay.) 388.80 820.80 Sewer C. & R. 30.00 f L 1606 35.00 1 13775 Sinking Fund Investment Committee, 1,545.00 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund-Int.40et. 45.00 �s Spee. Assess. Bond & Int. -Fund -Bond Acct. 1� 000,00 545.M -: TO CITY CLERK D34.1M 12.22 NO _.603.-- t AUDITED.. ._..... .= J+OMmaO .192 -- .......... ..... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a regate amount of $.....� � n'li�-----------------.... coverin8 - , checks numbered........2377j ..-_--to ..............inclus' e, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( T) Nays. Clancy, �Ferguson, Adopted by the Council". _5 .... .. .... ...192" -_ ✓McDonald, In favor n n^ ed".... ----- ------ .------- IJ ....--------------------- 192. - ✓ Peter, c/ ✓ Wenzel. Q Against Mr. President, Nelson , r • 0 COU CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No--_-.-.-��V � FILE ------- OFFICE ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM _ WHEREAS, It appears that an application has been filed for a permit t6 erect a store building on the northeast corner of Arcade and Magnolia streets, and to erect a store building on the northeast corner of Rose and Arcade streets, so as to construct said stores to the street line, irrespective of the existing building lines; and WHEREAS, It appears that the provisions of the zoning ordinance have been complied with, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue said permits. _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy F'rguson . In f:,, Peter ARni—t Al"cuzcl (/Mr. President Adopted by runcil ... f; = =T• i a _}' ..-192 7 � /- - YOR o CITY OF ST. PAUL FnE No.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P ESENNTED BY OMMISSIONER___ . ...... RESOLVED That the application of Post Eight American Legion for permission to conduct a summer festival at Atwater and Rioe Streets from June 18, 1923 to June 23, 1923 both dates included, be and permission is hereby granted to conduct said festival. C. F°No 48889 By LAR. $ B'ergueoa > Resolved,: That they applln atlou,'of Foet EI`ght:Amerlcan'Leglofor:;pper• � 'miHelon tb �conduct'tt'" 'faetival ' at AtwateFr and' Rt.:9,streets Yrom•: Qune 18,-2923 to-Qune22, 1929:both? 'dates Included �be.and,permiseioa�is; •4creby granted !a. conduct sold fest)-.. ' Adopted -by theCounetl May 28,.1989 ? - ApprovedMay'29; 1988 � . 8.1823) 1 f i t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ..i!F ___..192__. p c� tClanoy 4 �. :,rte /Ferguson \ 1 1 ri ..ud 112 ----- i ; fJ 'yic l7onakl �_. In fu�-nr Pet'I' : \ f;: MAYOR .11't� Irl aI t :nPresident X, ' h Post Eight AmericanLegion.��°° St Paul Minnesota, Stay 28, 1923. a To The Hon, City Consul; Dear Sir. It is requested that POST EIGHT AMERICAN LEGION be granted authority to operate a SUMER FESTIVAL, at A'Pwater and Rice street on June 18, 1923, to June 23, 1923. Chairman Aotivities Cofrmuittee CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo ENM No. ........ .y?l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L��COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IW Ytlq'uailn�� f°lloW,�,d%/ _.. _ _ RIAY 2 .7 1923' F4Y fha.aAa ¢.e1;Ala f�ilAii �.� i . ..YL -- G U �t the applications for licenses of the following persons i handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses in- L''be, and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation Bureau of Health for the reasons shown: O. F,•` Haas, 866 Aldine St. Application No. 1848 for grooery. No sewer or water connections. owner agreed to have this done last year but so far has not done so. 1tre. A. A. Troy, 999 Van Slyke Av. Aepplication No. 1965 for grooery. Living and sleeping rooms open into grocery store. Dominick Vestuto, 157 W --7th St., Application No. 2029 for confectionery. Barber shop in same room where foodstuffs are sold in violation of - state law. L. A. Ringer, 541 University Av. Application No. 2212 for grocery. Living and sleeping rooms open into grocery store. R. o. Dargavel, 1579 Grand Av., Application 2213 for oonfeo- tionery in drugstore. No convenience to have hot water to sterilize utensils with which he handles iceoream and soft drinks. Has been• notified ' of this condition a year ago and not yet complied. Gertrude Belly, 734 Edmund St., Application 2235 for grocery. Living and sleeping rooms open into grocery store. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Y Adopted the Council _ i; t p ..Ili . _. _192 .... J. J — Clancy ✓ Ferguson I' McDonald 192-..-- Approv`ptl .. fq In favor Peter G VPYOft :\{;ni n.vt. - - We.—] - � yeiLl:iIIED�� Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL 2UNCa No.----' ® --= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED: BY G6Q.Y+,,i DATE_. ._.._.'Y 29 1923 - COMMISSIO E ._ . ____._.�..._ ..._.........-- -'-'-- - - ....�. _. __. _..—. -�_..___ RESOLVED That application No. 2167 for handling and selling roodstu:fs at 560 Van Buren Street issued to Joseph Taugner be, and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of police for the reason that this applicant was arrested in October 1922 for manufacturing moonshine at Snail Lake and paid.$100.00 fine in Federal Oourt. r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "'Clancy i •Ferguson �[c Donald __ Lifavor p� ga,.t W—Z(A Mr. President Adopted b e Cou cil.. _..... ;.;7;(._'?-;-�`)C.3..._192. --- Al 1q2 ---- MAYOR RESOLVP_ CITY OF ST. PAULCAUNC�L 46036 FILE NO•-_____.... ..---�.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ 1,,� L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D That License No. 894 issued to Paul Vorwerok for the As handling and selling of Foodstuffs at 438 Lafond street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that this place was raided on May 8th, 1923, Paul Vorwerok was found guilty of possession of moonshine and sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse. previous to this L. F. Quinton, who operated same plaoej was arrested on Nov. 9, 1922, plead guilty -to violation of the liquor law and was fined $100.00. This license was issued by mistake on May 5, 1923 as application should have been COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `/ Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ in favor Wcnzol ✓ Mr. President ,'rr � _... Adopte y the Council_ ..,_ 192- fi3- ,jpprmod 192 M.,roa — CITY OF ST. PAUL FUX NO. 46037. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEy�ED B,� �,s„ May 27)1923-_..._ COMMI7l<r^ONER_._.—__.__—.—� .._.�__._—__.. ____.._._.__ DATE__.......__.._. RESOLVED Thi the application for license of Simon Libman for conducting the Auctioneer business at 519 Wabasha Street be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. L .. C. F.'A 460ThatytI illliuDPiFa$u ofor ;Reeolyed. cense, of Slmoa Libxiiun for .Ing the the Auetionea the sanie ie he eby basha St. be,'aii, granted and Wh City Cleriv is -,instruct - 1 ed -:to Issue such.,ticense upon the pay-- mcut into thecity treasury. of the CUB•. tomery'fee.. ` Adopted by the'C, Adopted 28 1923.' Approved May 28 1823. _ — (Sune 8 1923) �. JAI, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson I/ McDonald _.. In favor -.1T.ats:.a Peter A gn i n' l Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by t�ouncil __:,l i':. ,°.= - I:f 3 __. 192. . . :\pprnvivl � �. 192 AYOR 1 _ y a CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUXNCH. NO.— 46®e. - Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y _ C Nj��ESOLUTION- GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY����—..._....._._..O COMMISSIONER__._.._ �__.eee"'___._ TL.�— RES%.VED I d That the application for license of Simon Libman for conducting the Second Hand Dealer business at 519 Wabash& Street be, and the same is hereby granted and the 0ity Olerk.is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C F.,N6 4863&—ByL R: S. FerSgu — , Resolved. That'th ppllea:tl Pr Por: sinion-T41, Is IaQ s Second -Hand =Dnd-the -busi 644 ae"s Wabaeha 6t.� b t and the Came -le: - hereby;granted and the City= ..Clerk n is to to issue au h peen .upon � �thec xm ent Info, .The itytreasury ,of j the uaMfnary i e: Adopted by the=Cou "I May 29,1923- Approved May 29 3923. ^ - _(June:9-1923) a4,1J� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (' Clancy i v Ferguson McDonald __ In favor I "S— tcr :\gninsb Preside'I Adopted by Council...e: ;.:...t.:: -{JE ;j_ __..192- ---. 192.... James Hammer, 674 W. Water St., 678 Lafond St., Btionery akery Bakery Joseph Brunner, John Kessler & 00., 580 Rice S t., 301 E. 13th St., Grocery Grocery E. Moll, Ambassador Drug 00., 344 W. Sixth St., 1158 Thomas St., Drugstore Grocery E. Drucker, F. Hanza, Bros (Yale & 432 Case St., Ruben) 95b Edmund'St., Grocery Grocery Jobneon X' $ightp&re Drury, 6b8 Central Park Place Confeotionery D• A'. S4�mhardsoa,.<., 525:040 St --Confectionery Boit drink or8orwsth.' Robert Doyle, 17711 Front 8t., 462 St. Peter St., Soft drink Richard Walgren, William OtBrien, 603 W. 7th St., 173 Concord St. Soft drink Soft drink Jos. Sirohhamer, _-.619 Lafond St.,, Soft drink Soft drink Joe. Denario, 449 L. 7th St., Adopted by the Council_ _ D.:_ .ia"j.----192-..-- I'i�3 1 proved __...._----!------.---------- .------- 192----- PUBLISHED (O� MwYOR �Aea o 4a $'.Chia$ ti PR 1C�nenseei oI tho,2ol: qoM the 9iandling',and si at. the-addrebees in "'ne, are. hereby A. Cletk, 1. lostructed RES ceases upon the Pp tr2asury of the7.cue W p„ ewenson }, eery R lf, Wagner 1 eery. 7obn,` Farkoe 7 Grocery ,{qm,p1 Gates 49 feOtto nOrY St� 6nererCoflee c emlth 881 .GiocerY - .Traneit9npplY; loth, Ave* a� no)s CITY OF ST. PAUL CO Fax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM ..,-., IplloatioPpe Ior, M - iT af Foopstuffe DATE.--- {eeued sd be,;nnd the;ffie ,tntrY feel Rlce St Gro , .,tions licenses of the following persons ,eget;w, -for and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses A,•'andling ,`ted be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Istructed to isaue es pon the payment o city treasury bf-4,j � thesuch customarysfee dr c. ..- 1102 Rice St., Grocery ,Swenson, Magner, 1952 Siegel St., Grocery Markos, 1199 Albemarle St., Grocery . tutee, 403 St. Peter St., Confectionery r Coffee Co, Ino. 178 Ramsey St., Groodry Smith, 990 No. Hamlin Av., Grocery it Supply 00. E 7th & Duluth'{ Av., Confectionery it Supply Co. Snelling & University Av.Confeotionsry Milne, 16bg Selby Ave., Drugstore G. W. Rahn, 929 Jackson St., Grocery hnsons 1 1179 East Seventh St., - Soft drink Mistiabsen, 529 St. Peter St., Soft drink Rieokp 321 Jackson St., Soft drink Marhoun, 2755 W. Seventh St., Soft drink Rose, 3b1 Upper Levee, Soft drink H. Merriam,35 E. Seventh St., Soft drink d H. Elfenbein, 60 Randolph St. Drugstore ntelovitoh, 153 E•Fifth St., Soft drink Garrity, 6g3 E. Third St., Soft drink Parker,, 414 -Jackson St. Soft drink Bres.,, 1690=Grand'Av., Grocery Raider, 392 Selby Av., - 00ppnfeotionery w A.'Berger, 700 Reaney St., Sbft drink ie Lien & LaiNasa, 399 Wabasha St., Fruit &Vegetables Lennon, 402 Wabasha St., Confectionery ulitohnick, 649 Canada St., Grooefy Smith, 209 Carroll Av., Grocery P Poses, 135 Western Av. No., Grocery — M.Drexi, 922 Edmund St., Grocery J. triebler, 430 Case St., Bakery 'tensen & man Bros., 1939 Grand Ave., Grocery And- 1215 Randolph St. Grocery r reran O eR, , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy ✓Ferguson �,• -/McDonald 1�-.-_,In favor Peter ---..._._--...Against ✓Wenzel �/'Mr. President Adopted by the Co uncil.------ ----- 192_. Approved. .. --...192..- .Oh �1 ,ILE NO....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU JL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM _ ✓J _?�_2L PRESENT D BY DATE.. COMMISONER RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of.the following persons for conducting Poolrooms at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the Oity Olerk is k -instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the 4 j city treasury of the customary fee: Andrew A. Berger, 700 aeaney St., 1 pool table W. J. Utley, 311 Rabasha St. 5 pool talble Ousiok & Davis, 740Edmund St. 3 pool tables Tony Haider, 492 Selby Ave. 7 pool tables Bilbow Amusement Oo,Ino., 06 Minnesota St. 17 Billiard tables Paul E. Oulliton, 850 Payne Av. 5 pool tables COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy i Ferguson i{ McDonald .......'.._ ..In favor ✓ Pet�lWsG,1__ i� .1guin?t er Wenzel i Mr. President Adopted by the ..}..... -... ..192_..... App 192...._ .q Viy . k�a'" CITY OF"ST. PAUL PILE �6 ![S_1-- No.---_---- �i`}33LL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,;09UNlC�IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C"KMISSIONERDATE.JIM—P ENTED BY REsoLvLD That the _pplioaiions for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Salary loan business at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- dtruoted to issue such licenses upon the filing of bonds and the. payment iso the city treasury of the customary fee: George Cranmer, (Workingman$ Loan Co.) 432 Bremer Arcade, 0. J. Claude, (City Loan 000, Ans.l & t Old Merchants Bank Bldg Andrew A. Murphy (Employes Loan society) 301 Commerce Bldg., J. E. Richards, (St.paul Credit Co.) 412 Bremer Arcade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `/ Clancy t/ Ferguson '/ McDonald Peter Agaie't Wenzel V Mr. President LID- Adopted by the Council.... --_I �Y)��_.- A.:L. �.I��n, - ---192...... Apylro�cd - ... -.. -... ..... MAYOR COMMISSIONi RESOLVED COUN IL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE C NO-46-ov . . ..... OFFICE OF THE QITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 6L DATE-------- ay'-Z9f ,_1923---___._._ That ATE--------- That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Motion Picture Theatres at the addresses -,' Indicated be, and the awe are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the customary fee:. Twin City Amusement Trust IIstqte, Astor Theatre, 449 Wabasha Street, Hill Amusement Company, 635 Selby Avenue. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays -/Clancy /Ferguson -/McDonald ...._.In favor _/P �tsl Against Wenzel Mr. President I I aV 211 :,Pl 11323 Adopted by the Council_ ...................... 192__ 19 -- --------- -YOR '46043 COUNCIL CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE NO ....... ......__------ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT[D BY COM&`I ONER ---- -- - - - --- RESOLVFO' That the applioation for lioense of the Commodore Hotel to oonduot a Danoe Hall at 75 Western Avenue be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instruoted to issue suoh lioense upon the payment into the oity treasury of the customary fee. rG F. -46043—BYL R sl�ttoneo=oo,� That -the aDP _S, A& COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ./ Clancy '/Ferguson `/ McDonald In favor -A4atsna. Peter _. Agam't Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by t Council_ A92 CITY OF ST. PAUL Foe C1NO NO -460-4 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK aS COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the follOWing persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses Indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment J�Lto the city treasury of the customary fee: Frank RuthoRski, 222 W. Seventh St., Hirmer & Hellickson, 281 Selby Ave., Leah Rackner, 860 University Av., Christensen & Youngman Bro20j 11939 Grand. Ave., 0. M. Smith, CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ✓ Ferguson ✓McDonald .... _ .----..In favor l I/ Peter __ Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council -..--------1' " s 1��3-.-I92. - 4mv. _, mnYOP� C " No ----- W415- ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE4C; NTED BY ZUNC WHEREAS, The Twin City Motor Bus Company, 164 W. 5th St-, has made application for a license to operate Two.(2) White Motor n the streets of the City Of St- Paul, Factory No. 99576, Buses upon State LNvense No. B 119-680, seating capacity 20 passeng ere, 45 E. p., and Factory No. 97139, State License No. B 4b -524P seating capacity 26 passengers, 45 H. P-, respectively, covered by United States ride3ity and Guaranty Company policy No. AT. 80885, and owned by said Twin City Motor Bus Company, and WHEREAS, The Twin City Motor Bus Company in accordance with Ordinance No. 4026 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said Ordinance has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That.license-be granted to the Twin City Motor Bus Company to operate said motor buses upon the streets of the. City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said Ordinance. S ' 0—,j, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Pctcr Again't Wenzel Mr. President J Adopted by the Council. 192 APD iced A -No - j- 4 192 MAYOR 5 COUNCIL NO --------- '1 60461, CITY OF ST. PAUL 2. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY S, The American Auto Transit Company has made of the. application for a license to cps rate�otor No.on , 350-71, Seating City of St. Paul, One (1) Mack Bue, capaoity 20,A, ssengers, 25 R•P., State. License No. 8y No. covered by tford Accident cdent andTransit Indemnity 00- Polio So. x+9640, and owned by said Am and WHEREAS, The American Auto Transit Company, in acoor noe with Ordinance NO. 4026 has filed copy of insurance poliowith the Oitq of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Oorporation"00unsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to the American Auto Trasit thencity ofpSt. Paul, subject itoathe provisioneuto bus uon hofsts of said ordinance. '- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy ✓ Ferguson V McDonald _._..._..In favor Pager . Again,t Wenzel �• 'Mr. President a.i- 1" "..._....192-.... Adopted by the Council.. Approve __192 PP - - poly. cy "����� _.. .. cour+ca No AMC_ ! CITY OF ST. PAUL FoI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION --G ENERAL FORM ���Jvirr � da 1<14111—"r MAI — Z rDATE_—.-- -- �— D WHEREAS, The Mohawk Stage Line, 164 West Fifth Street has made appl-$tion for a license to operate upo19the 22 MStreet$ Ofthe City of eating S Paul, Two (2) Wh to 2 -ton Buses- capacity 20 passengers-, Seri No. 59003, Motor Ito. 6203 and 4 respectively, both Covered by United St es Fidelity Motor No. Guaranty Company policy NO- AL -165950 United States Fidelity and (}uar and owned by said Mohawk Stage Line, and p8, The Mohawk Stage Line, in accordance with Ordinance � So 4026 has filed Copy of insurance policy cd as to withforthe Cityby the0of ration Counseltherefore, b ; policy has it abeen app RESOLVED, That lioense be granted to the Mohawk Stage Line to operate Paul, subjectitoauto buses upon the provisions of stre6ts Of thesaid City of Bt. said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ll Clancy Ferguson McDonald V_. _ In favor Peter. .-Again>t. W—.0 Mr. President 1'( `Ao193 Adopted by the Council -.-.- 192...... proved 192. 46048 [ 1 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No .--_- -_ F,LE ------ °° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - MAY 2 9 1923 .i PRESENTLA r,. DATE_ '..GOMMI WEEREAS, Charles Lick, 418 Marshall Avenge, has made Application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One"�"`. 1) Peerless Sedan, Seating capacity % passengers, _ Factory No. 9625, State License No. B-9545, covered by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company policy No. A1-59546, and owned by said Charles Lick, and WHEREAS, Charles Lick in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul, and .said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted Charles Lick to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. 46048 —By L. R. 8{ Ferguson—:1 1 Wh reae, Charles Lick 91,6 Marshall 4 ,Avenue, line made a➢pi[sa,tloa for a II- — .. :venae to operate upon5th& streets. of, 1 - [dthe Clty. of 8L Paul, One .(l)'Feerlesa; Sedan aeat[ng eapsolty=T: peamnsera, Dctory "No. 9688 .State Cleanse ;No , .11tV B=9646: covered by United' $tater: Fi mnd Gasrsaty'Company volley.'. No AI 69648 nd owned by, ealdi Cna lea Liek,: aad ... Wh teas +Charles "L ick: In acVd encel - Ith Osdl ane No 6666<haa Sty ofosZ - $ las np Poll Y with alta CttY oi'St.! Paul d 1d volley hasbeeaapprev�,� L^' Lo 0 01: ther.f e b yea Corporatloaj ^Re Ivedr.That ]f nqqe b granted yli ales Llek-,to ouerateleald� A� thstreets `ol the CIt' ".f St..Paul�+ aublect to -the provlal0s -of said ordIn- i Adopted.bythe Connell May 29 1923: ,ilpproved slay 89 1923. , a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council f1" �'' jJL3 .....""192_ ----- V Clancy Ferguson appy ed _.I LJ.._ 192..__. McDonald -. In favorf n Peter Wenzel Mr. President . CITY OF ST. PAUL conn`NO._ .6 yam; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM — --- PRESENTEDpATE_MAY- CO��M��MTTIS��SIONER:—._—_..----•--• - — I WHEREAS, The Gopher Coach Line, Inc. has made application forlicenseto operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One a) Mack Bus, 1922 Yodel, Motor No. A-32525, Seating capacity g0 "Wsengers, 50 H.P•, covered by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Policy No. A1.59900, and owned by said Gopher Coach Line, Inc., and WHEREAS, The Gopher Coach Line, Inc., in accordance with ordinance No. 4026 has filed copy of insurance policy with the. City of at. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to the Gopher Coach Line, Inc. to operate Said o tPaul, subject to theprovisibus upon the streets of the City of provisions Of aid ordinanoe, COUNCILMEN Nays / ✓ Clancy "'Ferguson ✓ McDonald .____. In favor ' Peter Wenzel Mr. President Adopt4byeuncil.., .192. _. A 19'2 - �• I RESOLVED'* CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEMay 29, 1923. .___......._.__ .-- In the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, Sargentl�s Addition, and Block 3, Midway Park, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue. in accordance with grade shown by a red line on profile hereto attached and made a part hereof; also building a drain from the alley to Sargent Avenue on an easement to be obtained on the Westerly ten (10) feet of Lot b, Block 2 Sargentta Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 45346, approved April 24, 1928. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson ✓' 1c1 onald y P (-t— W --1 V Mr. Presiden' :':lY •. 19'3 Nays / Adopted by the Council _-----------192...-.. �. &Pr...... 192....' In favor CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl E CIL NO -46-0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (nom f, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT�BY T YU...................._.._._....._........._........_._. DATE.-......_.... __ 29, .-.9Y.� --tt..__.. r__- ---------------- COMMISSIONER- -------- �- RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and main- taining a public sewer on the westerly 10 feet of Lot b, Block 2, Sargents Addition, from Sargent. Avenue to the Alley, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #46848, approved April 24, 192,8. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontined. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ✓ Ferguson / McDonald _......-_.....In favor Peter _ _._-.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council- jja� 192 Apr ��..'_...-.T.....' ................. MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No... -46..0.5 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 2 Sargent's Addition, and Block 3, Midway ................. Park, i`rom-Pae©sY Ave: to AXbert Ave:; iri scoor"n- o- wiwitli au ....... QU.4=0111A ... hereto attsabod.-and..made..a--part.-hereot-; also building a drain from the alley to Sargent Avenue on.an asaemeIIt..tII_ba obtained on:--the---westerly 10 fee -t of -Lot -%8; Block 2-9 - ------ ................................. _ ............................................................................................................ th day of ----------------------- May, 192" .................... 192 Dated this ------------281-1... ..... ------------------------------------ ------------- - - .. ........ ........... - --------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: in Block 2, Sargent's Addition, and Block 3. Midway - ----------- ....... Ave:....... in --a a-0 o-r-43aii6ii gra ------ park, from FasiiifA:V;i.*-tached,-aind.made par-te-hIllot by. -s raA 14ne._4=._prQfI1&--b6r8t0 &t also building a drain from the alley to Sargent Avenue on an Peat -of Lot ... 118-9- Block 2-i sa&nt's Adon. c P�N 6- - . I -' I Abstract' - ------------------------------------------- -------------------- .............. ---------------- * ----------------- ----------- Wherea*,_k,wrltten pr=s'� '(5 r 'the following I` ,"Hiiaving been presented to the Coi),`,.kl"`9. ----------------------- - -- - ----------- -- ----- ,,,Grade .-J016Y'ill Bloclc -`q therefore, be it ditt"i and -Block', 3 ir,int, P-6-1 to -Alban � with grade RESOLVED, That the Cornj�*�:�C%jfila �haratos�,Oalta; and is hereby ordered and directed: .a -,art' zhoreor; a- n thi� ulley'to !�%r,'�T jj`rnaking of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity -ba, nu,-_ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ogi' ry Iiaf said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said 4ffprq..,ament. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2`; 11J23 Adopted by the Council..--.-..,- - YEAs ouncil..-----_---YFAS NAYS CoUneillnifn CLANCY ,-'FERGUSONi _A1*%seN_ ' McDONALD PETER /WENZEL %_/MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved_ -----------_--------------- .............. .. ............ ................... ---------------- Mayor. PUBLISHED -2-5 Council File No.. -...46! U PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 8W and /I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The y proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ooademning,_ead _taking-- an._eaeement.__P©r.- the --purp oe e-_of---ooneb ruo0ing------_--- and --maintain"" a-- pUblia..eener...nn.--the---gaeterlg...1Q... fent--af--- lot ---19+........... blook..3,...Bargent!s.-.Additlna.-fr m.-Sargant..-Ave..-Ao---the...alley----------------------------- Dated this MA .....day of1923------------------------------- ----- ----------- - 192....... ......_. .._....--- ........................ - --------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning-.and.-.taking--aan..-eaenmeUt....fnr.._the-.purpoe.e...of...aonetmalk ng --.------- f eft... o f ..l.ot...18- V .......... having been presented to th'O' eTrlr 10 feet of lot U6T0cNs�UL- ---------'"'""" '"' "' .......................... -- � s Ad1ditlo6 froiA m Sarg�' therefore, be it - .T RESOLVED, That the Commis"signer of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. 23 '1 F , -------.------------------ . -------- YEAS NAYS Councilma% CLANCY �.j ✓FERausoN Approved------...... ----��--�jcs-------------------------------- /'Mc9'eII1P 1 ✓MCDONALD' ✓ PETER _ .� WENZEL.........................................---------------------------------------- -------...- "/MR. PRESIDENT / e'- ^, Mayor. DImT TCTiTr,Ii Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) t C.- AL An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5580, entitled "An ,ordinance providing for all matters concerning, regulating 01 affect- ing the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, main- tenanoe, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures 460r irUson dlnance Frro eo7s- in the limits of the City of St. Paul BY,'i.. R.. S ergu ere ordinance 6680; eatlHed amending Ordinance xo M ordfnan.a provid ,,JJII tug-for all matters ooaceraiag y against fire, and for the purpose Of for tiJ uffitln6 or affecting the conatrootion, 'alteration regulation; 6pdfr re- mbva.f maf+Renance, use and inapee- fueas frac dodiio , eject d t c sanitary environments for the Occupants seOUT� : in the limfte of the airy of sc taut for, protec[Ioq of property agahi"st fire; and for the;.purpoae of',eecuring abitation OT otherwise, t0 compel the > of bud ,haalthful,�eafe`and sanitary environ= ments for the nccuppant� f 'e , 1sed4or human habftatf8n :oc Ownerwise' o compel tha ownera 5�a1is Or structures to alter, reconstruct ouildinga wafls;or atructp °t,n tet reconstruct or modN »we or aiiY f4 raof r to Or mom :a z:�aya:Yu�9.rt 1 .x`y part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establish fire limits., and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved April 18, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5580, approved April 18, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 28, sub- division "o" the following words: "Any permit or approval which may be issued by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, but under which no work has been done above the foundation walls with- in one year from the time Of the issuance of such per 11 mit or approval shall expire by limitation." 1 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following words: "Any permit or approval which may be issued by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, but under which. no work has been done above the foundation walls within three months ffom'the time of the issuance of such per- mit or approval, shall expire by limitation; provided, however, that in the permit holder shall suffer peculiar hardships by reason thereof, the Council by resolution may extend the life of such permit beyond such time.". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ' 9eotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 No 0 ad P01101tion, Passed by the Council Yeas lays mrOlanoy erguson T\ McDonald U atson Petv' er ,./Wenzel Mr./iresident (Nelson) Appr ved Mayor i / t f n INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE, STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKERS Lo'cAL UNION No. 94 SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA io OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY LABOR TEMPLE V��A May 23 1923. ¢. H. C. Wenzel. Commissioner of Parks and Playgrounds Dept. Dear 'Sir and Bro. At the last regular meeting of the Iron Workers Local Union #94, action was taken On the matter of their wage scale, which covers all work coming under their jurisdiction and will clarify this matter more fully as follows. That on and after June 15th 1923, the wages for all Iron Workers shall be $1,00 per hour,'which covers the following work, Structural Iron Work, Ornamental Iron Work, - Rodd Work, Rigging and Mechinery Moving. The purpose of this notice is in reference to the Rodd Workers, who are now recieving So cents per hour» Roping the members of the City Council will adjust this matter and with best wishes, I remain. Yours truly Secretary 416 Franklin St. ,q„S& INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE, STRUCTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKERS LOCAL UNION NO. 94 SAINT PAUL? MINNESOTA oy OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY - LABOR 'FEBFLF. May 23 1923. Mr. Henry Olson. City Clerk, City of St Paul. Dear Sir At the last regular meeting of the Iron Workers Local Union #E94, action was taken on the matter of their wage scale, which covers all work coming under their jurisdiction and will clarify this matter more fully as follows. That on and after June 15 1923, the wages for all Iron Workers shall be $3,00 per hour, which covers the following work, Structural Iron Work, Ornamental Iron Work, Rodd Work; Rigging and Machinery Moving. The purpose of'this notice is in reference to the Rodd Workers,. who are now recieving 80 cents per hour. Hoping the members of the City Council will adjust this matter and with best wishes, I remain Yours truly z It secretary. t 416 Franklin St. U EDW'tN Jn#ertcstiunsl Vr ip r rirttl arkers Arrluwre yCAL .1�Ba\�iw re14 r+oN or LABOR ��ry[N NA O C ��TlBCtrlC6 �W���O� �i�F�••/� ME[T. IST AND 3RD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH NEW LABOR TEMPLE TELEPHONE GA.11.1. •190 Peiv ted vn Untoe Made Papet ST. PAUL, MILAN., -----X57 29 1923192_ Mr. Henry Olson. City Clerk, City of St Paul. Dear Sir: - The meeting of the wage scale committee of the Electrical Workers IInion #110 on May 28th 1923, it was decided, r that on and after June 10th 1923, the wage scale of all Journey"= man Electricians, shall be $1.00 per hour. We feel that owing to the increased cost of living, that this is not an unjust wage to ask for. We feel that this r should meet with the approval of the City Council, as they realize that conditions have changed in the past _two years, where it is absolutely necessary, that we have this increase. Hoping this will meet with the approval all the Councilman and with beat wishes, we remain Yours truly Wage Scale committee of Local #llo. r By international Rob (Carriers', Alut��g t ana (tummun laborers' Union ca of Affiliated with 116.00 The American Federation of Labor and its Building' Trades Department 8 a� c ARTHUR.8'E H M .40".The State Federation of Labor and its Legal and A RESIDENCE 617 ARUNDEL ST. Legislative Department '� t 1 - ✓! FINANCIAL SECRETARY AND TFllASU ER The Building Trades Councils +o` The Labor and Trades Assembly �CNGt� �. BUILDING LABORERS' LOCAL NO. 132 The Working People's Non-Partisan Political League The St. Paul Co-operative Store Local No. 132 HEADQUARTERS 406 FRANKLIN STREET CEDAR 3340 St. Paul, Minn.._ Llay 28, 192.3,_ pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Building Laborers' Local Union No. 3.32, the scale of .,,altos of tY)js craft will be 60 cents per %;clr, ofLfective on and after June ], 1923. kl. I 'HENRY QLSON C6`v of *ittnt Vaut CITY CLERK , (ffiff re of (gag (fifth Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P. & P. Bldgs. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held today Council File No. 46053, being an ordinance amending Section 29 of the Building Code, was up for second reading and was referred back to you, by said Council. H. J. RIORD �AyyN ASST. CITY CLE7q Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERIC. 1. COUNCIL No... 60.1.0..1... CITY Of ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 9YDATE �� .1, RESOLVED That the Council horsby oonouro in the reoomondntion of tho Contract Committee and rejects bids received for grading and improvement of alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Rosedale Bark, as bids received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimte. F.B. #4760. a COUNCIBIBN Yeas Nays 'Ferguson McDonald ...... In favor VX08etr , Peter .- ...... ......_Against Wenzel -'Mr. President Adopted by the Council -.......,;j';'!.. ?.;...� �; j.......192...... Appro d..-.... _.. MA - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO ....... 16.05 V FILE PRESENTED BY DATE.............=..1-.._2X.t_...Ae.s �......_........�...._ COMMISSIONER.r....... _...._ .__ . ................................................................_....._. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Commitee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 5000 gallons of ice cream required for Como Park and approximately 1200 gallons of ice cream required for Harriet Island during the season of 1923, to the Crescent Creamery Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $1.05 per gallon for Como Park and $1.10 per gallon for Harriet Island, or a total contract price of approximately $6570.00, in accordance with specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #4747. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson ✓McDonald In favor -M _ -'Peter __.. .Against Wenzel Mr. President 'Al 1, \ A l h(j err ^A n Adopted by the Council._..!: 192..-... Appro d- ... Yi`Y- =? = 14?9------------ 192 v -�r ................ MAYOR cnuem� 4��5-- CITY OF ST PAUL Fig NO.--.-...-.__.-_----. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^/) COUNCIL RESOLUTIO--ENERAL FORM PRESECD B.Y / _.. ......._ ._. DATE...Y--_23,-„,192 ___...__.. COMMSTONER_—___._...__._...__...._...___._........_..._......_. ._. .. RESOLVED' That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committeve in awarding the contract for furnishing ppproximately 5000 gallons of ice cream regUired for Phalen and krounds Park during the season of 1923, to the J. C. VanderBie Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $1.05 per gallon, or a total contract price of approximately $5250.00, in accordance with specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #4747. .;C Y ' C VPa4JI g go 48069 Bthh Couadfl hecebY' Ree4lved” That 1 aPDs'nvee ilio aetlon DY•the Yurohast g r111-1----.jeY , 6000 If rmmhtraishtng, nPP �,1 Sr��• n� g lioae oY 3 a cross° reaufred a d.r 1 n h d Mau dH Park. durin8 th the J- ttre yaaderBtel' W • s n of 1882 t rte oY 61.86 Pet ,��, IV{ l ComPanl� . of ar \ 1 ^ 1 aPonHihl bidtotal conssain Pgcco award' X11 gallon ora §6260 Leir yld and �. 1. Proximately dried .aud the y `j w It8 sPecidcatinn90 a.tt hereby in Fl ✓ Tog contract Con��el the P or �9+ struetedt'to draw uPa F, g Nod 47 oY,ccottred by the Couacll MaY 21 1922 . IAdoon teed D(Juno1811983) v t i COUNCAILMEN - Yeas Nays -'Ferguson � McDonald - ------------ --In favor ✓ Peter --------- .Against Wenzel ✓Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. -....'F!.. > -..fir -------- 192 - proved. - - :.,,...132.3 ---------- 192. RESOLVED z CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO __._4.6016® FILE May 28, 1925. ,i That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated September lb, 1920, between the Standard stone Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing of Bradley Street from Magnolia Street to jessamine Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 5th day of May, 1928, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN c APpr ed - _.,, ,- Nays I" v Ferguson C. C/ McDonald -._........In favor J......,..Against Peter Wenzel r. President Adopted by the Council __....7;:{...;.,..1iL�...__192....__ APpr ed - _.,, ,- IJ o...- 11192 MAYOR St. Paul, ?Minn. TO THE HOD?ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body � C�c�c�tC�,-c.o ire cau the time of rpleting contract f the - to be extended to - - - —19 - Owing to it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to issk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very trul/ e J Contraoto There is no objection to having the tiu,e extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVED a.7f Supt. of Construction & Repairs ����i�� Commissio 'r o biic 11.orks. ef Engineer. `3 e[TY OP�BT. P.vY ItblL To' COMPTROLLER CLERK OFFICE OF T HE /,y3 _ nns o�n 0 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FO j)-M IM 12-22 co pp��// � 4 .1}?(� B. .. .......-. ... . .(( AU I'M.-US....--192..-.. __ .. ..... ............. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a regate amount of $--275+473198•,:----- covering checks numbered.---- --1$808............. to ------ 13817 .......... indnsi e, as per register o£ city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. pv ?.t.. .23.........: _192 Adopted by a nnc1L........:....tns- aJ,. 19� —Ferguson, ..In favor a, •. n:�................192 'McDonald, A roved .... - .-' ���. A4ek�enr� /Peter, ......... ie •" Wenzel --- -�---..Against -- - - -- --- --- --- - -- - - -.. ✓Mr, President, Nelson J f p C F No: 46061 ,i Resoled thnt checks be' drawn on` l alae ,city .Treasury., to the aggregutel .' yary ouni:ot 5246.473.88, covering+checkBB., npmbor. 13808 tVV'-13817 inclusive, he' orhigcetot the It Y Co Dtrolle 81 AdQyted by the glQ 182339 . Mny 31, - =APP?'oved May . (Tunei:9-1923)• 5,999.22 13808 Board of Control, - Board of Control Comtr. of Finance 14,603.16 13809 J. M. Clancy, 083.32 City officers 3,083.32 City Clerk 398.34 Wheelage Tax 18.00 Cog. Counsel 945.57. Com 1*28 r. of Finance 759.03 Partie. Certs. 219:70 Comptroller 1,397.85 Civil Service 558.08 Pureh. Department 964.75 M$nicipal Court 2,,764.98 257.50 Armory C. H. & C. H.- Art Institute Res. 340 Page #2 13812 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance 4,78009 Health-Adm. 617037 Vital Statistics 332.50 Food Reg. & Insp. 627,00 Quarantine Insp. 1,176.25 TuberculosisDiv. 683.75 Dale St. Infirmary 72.50 Workhouse Hospital 323.50 Laboratory 257.12 P. Baths 162.50 It 358.20 P. Comfort Station 170.00 TI-VU. 9 ®. 13813 J. M. Clancy, ComGr. of Finance .- en. Adm. .P.W.-Gen. 258.90 18,684.31 Q' Bureau of RnOneers 4,156.72 (Auto) 192.50 Bureau of City Planning 409.75 St. C. & R. 1,333.75 it (Auto) 92.50 St. C. & R. 181..25 " (Pay.) 158.50 Sewer C. & R. 283.95 S. & S. Cing. 3,822.65 " (Auto 10.00 Bridge Bldg. & R. 2750'37 Workhouse 656.15 Sprinkling 6,844:82 (Auto) ' 7.50 18,684.31 13814 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 12,515.38 Schools 13815 J. M. Clancy, Comfr. of Finance 210,155.71 , Schools 3,863.40 It 48,499.38 " 24,413.74 126,557.96 Library 6,329.22 Auditorium 2 13816 J. M. Clancy, Com r. of Finance 4,519.03 Park-Adm. 352.95 Bureau of Parks 247.37 Park Refectories 288.88 P. Bldgs. 3,210.33 it (Auto) 275.00 Gordon School(Bond) 71.00 Greenwood " " ,73.5 13817 J. M. Clancy, Comir. of Finance C.P.U.-Gen. 137.50 2,718.40 Adm. € ,�.#.,ta Labs♦ ".,e >j 3µ v `Test. . ate. gUADRUMICAM 1Jl w -.--to-...-..-�T. •.-'-- - - checks numbered------_-...-•-------- ------ . •, Comptroller. Yes V) Conncilmen i ✓) Nays. i i P"ouncil-----PA ?-1- �J1213✓P n,-- �In favor Ado ted 192✓McDonald, Peter, MAYOR `.Wenzel. inst z/Mr. President, Nelson P.0 Re-.WV d that• thanks be drawn on 1 amount of E30 362 39t covering c hecice numheted ,13790.. to , 137991nciuslVe; as, �per .reggl�ter oY:plty checks n ffie 1n •the,orttco tlf the Clty Comptroller. Adopted by the; Council May 31, ` 1928.' . IApDzoVed Ma31 •- (` ` (Sone- 9 1923). - ... - •- - - - -- --...................- 182.82 13790 W. D. Bugge, Supt., Auditorium Railway Company, 7,123.45 13791 Chicago, Burlington & @uincy 9 Water 13792 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, 1,077.81 Water 8.00 13793 P. L. JohnsruS. &�S. Cing. 64.08 13794 Pratt & Whitneysompany., Schoo 13795 Robinson# nary &Sands Comxa ny, 1,467.63 Schools t.Faul Stationery Mfg Com anyE 30.00 �M 13796 S�fa90 Police ® Bureau of Engineers x•50 Res. 338 Page ,'-#2 13798 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph compal2l'.71 Police Health 4.60 4.00 n 2.00 Workhouse 2.65 Library 3645 'I'9fal 13799 J. R. Wilson Company, Garage V" � �i xik}a r �e ....° �te'YmV �it: n � ,�. errs e>:.z. p.Br, P,`ORIGMALTO;' "CITY Mj mx'iOFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER " AUDITED- CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FARM .as �0}3 Focm n•3� IM tz-aa %f V 339 *......................TOM ...,. AUDITED Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to thea Bate amount of $ _19'Ss–�r7131-•_::-_ ....... , aovenn$ checks numbered.-.----aa$ QQ-----.- ----._to... ----�'�807..- --- ------- inclnsiv , as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the Clty ' ® Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. Adopted by the Council----•--- Ferguson, In favor Y 1 ; ✓ McDonald, proved --.. -----------I t 9 ._..192 ------- -Qet5mr," ✓ Peter, r .. -/---------... .- .....Aainst .. .......................... MA YORWenzl. . . President, Nelson fT°F No 480$3 — - I ` _ Resolved that checks ;,tlo drawn :oa - .. Ia,867'c4heerrathe CtoT;ea69u31 oomiBgBTeBate - - checks - numbered' 1S'$00 ,to '138076 lncluslve, : es - yer rII... r' oY clty' CheckH on,zi. '1n I the ot71Ce oL fhe C[tq, Comptroller. - - i Adopt.d bq-she' Counall MaY, 31, Approved May-31 1923. - = (Suns 9 1923) 13800 Burns Lumber Company, 3,612.10 Schools 1380E J: M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 99,390.45 Interest 1,848.00 Red. of.Bonds 5,600.00 PI.R.F.-Int. Acct. 242.50 _ Spec. Assess. "All & 1tB" Bonds-Bonds Account 82,473.25 Spec. Assess., Bond & Int. Fund-Intlj. Acct. 2,474.20 Water Dept.-Fund- Int. Acct• 66 752*50 r • 13802 Corning-Donohue Brick Company, 259.31 Sewer C. & R. 13803 S. A. Courtis, 150,00 Schools 13804 Inter City Paper Company, Schools' Res. 339 Page #2 13806 Merchants National Bank, Interest 59,330000 P,LR.F.-Int. _Acct. 25,045.00 Water Department Fund Int, Acct. 66-1115*0000 13807 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, Humane Society e 91,090.00, 200.00 ® checks numbered..--..jaWQ............... to--Aa'itiw........... .--- mcros ve, as per ruga .;..y Comptroller. Yes (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays. Adopted by the Council .........------ Ferguson,In MAY o e 1923 ✓McDonald, favor APProved. - ...-- --......192 . ifatsaa; — Peter, U Wenzel. ABainst c./Mr. President, Nelson _ WO. Adopted"thUell .fiP•.(.. i-F---l9s'. 192 '� Ferguson, _-_�In favor rr McDonald, A. 192 ------ i. Peter, —..... -.Against ..................:ilaYox 'Wenzel, VMr. President, Nelson - Reeolyed 'that ahecke be 'drawn oa . they CKYTreasury to=the aggregate.' amount 2,41879 Covering cheeks ! nnptberEd 13818 to 138E3,=incldaive; ae per reglater.ot'; city cheoka on •8te la' tho 0Rlc of �theiClty C0rx1P 'lar! - - _ :Adopted by thesCounCit May°31;'1923. Approved May 31, 1983: 997.40 13818 Bannon &,Company, Jefferson Sehool(Bond) 13819 Red Wing Filter Sand Company, 1,133.13 Water 13820 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, 233.13 Schools 55.13 13821 Vacuum Oilwaterany$ o. 4 a°' ��. CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL`Z LNo ----- .. �!®� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C Uyrll RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY v COMMISSIONER— _"-.v_/(..... _......... _................... 4 That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the accompanying sketch plan, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the QOmm seioniet of :Par3ert Playgrounds and Public Baild- ings, for the New Taylor School, be and the same is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to prepare, or oause to be.prepared, complete plame. estimates of cost and specifications therefor. CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t-- Ferguson ✓McDonald _......In favor A4te%eea""" %1 Peter V_ ------Against Wenzel a Mr. President Adopted by th uncil._._J AX192._... A r ved............ --- Cil;' ,`--J �y�3 192. MAYOR -�� ` i{� I3"o 4'�S6—Qrdlasae� Nod'd67#3 11 t .Aft�rdttia �oPJcbl "? . 'P nc°*nmondipgzgrdthhbCe' Nos 64 r sAUtlod 1a d�nanne -ftln tha . has taxa Pf? SR ins-�t�i� Pum}c r 1 J/hl`AAPPiB6 vlit .41trfl �1? atUR tna;of the A. a Ylod$ of tr�8e$$gdndrtdtc}e, d .5u1f8taga aped for'�tgrugh dablt� - x �' 6h oto � eP4clSs ,purlpeee ad �"°�j `, y k_art 'Word, '*X eeL3e N0. 5940, entitled ° i Oldi- t An Old1A V^aeon^ �i12}agtErmlaWs the atlnlm; naaoe for 'the purpoee..0i f�b'aaah =8 the public health,. safety, order,. t, I .'VIP eon enienoe, pro eperitp,,at�;,'xgeral welfare by providing for the lrolsssifioation, regulatione&%d°rpatriotion of the location of trades and industries and ofbuildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and,bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size ` of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,° approved July 7th,-1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No- 5940, approved July 7th, 1922, wherein it provides that the property located at the Southwest corner Real-of Larpenteur and Lexington avenues shall be zoned in Class °A" deuce District, be and the same is hereby amended so as to zone said property in the Commeroial District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gencey ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas / Naye Mr .V anoy rgueon McDonald ater Fenzel mr.✓President (Nelson) Approved N E r. Mayor ARTB iDLSON, MAYOR; - LOIfIB BDTZ, J. M. MRS. P. N. CARDOZO Blmnea O A. 0. BLOAN H6dUSN. ne HT ODTTRDSON P. W. MATSON. l ♦ . Com. of Pa.RE 8nfety us a THE CITY PLANNING BOARD . Mee: . D. DLI�RLEY o= Elle DHRtIo L. McADAM • r ...:- WM. J. PDTHRS, - C.m..f Mile Work. OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA P. M. REAGAN 8: C. WENZ�, 1 C.: Com. of Park., Playmmunda J. S. SDEGER and Public- HnOdNss:. T80S. SPENCE - OSCAR CLADSSEN. city Raelneor A. 8. STRM EARL FINNEY. -Shpt. of Park. _ April 21st, P. H. STEVENS , J. CLAM STONE o. s.CMrporation Couml 1 9 2 3. ISAAC 6DMkfeaslMLn • GEORGE B. 'I M MOLD, .. C. VON DER WRYER M.aail" Dfreetor' d: Eal,Haeer Mr.'James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance, B'U sI L D I N.' -G. Dear Sir :- In the matter of a hearing on the petition to amend the zoning ordinance at the southwest _corer of Larpenteur and Lexington Avenue to change it from a residence district to a commercial district. Send. notices to owners of lots Lots 1 to' 14 inclusiveBlock 1 Clifton Dale. Lot 2 Block 7 Como. Yours very truly, y lanning ngr. BY DIRECTION OF COISTISSIONER PETER. OH—REH JAims �I:ANCY.,cOYMlaeloNeR'- ORAI$ DRPUTY coYMllu0NeR LEONARD C. VaMER. cmr, m yk OUR U 0. ASW.8M-5 April , 1923. �'5 To the Council, City of St. Paul, Gentlemen.- I - / I have checked over the petition annexed hereto, requesting that the southwest corner of Larpenter and Lexington Avenues be taken out of residence district and placed in Commercial District, and find the petition contains the signatures of the owners representing more than fiftq per cent of the frontage of the proterty effected. As a consequence I am setting the date for ` the public hearing for the 9th day of May, 1923, allowing ten days for the City Clerk to publish notice, provided for Section 23 of the Building Zone Ordinance. yr/J',y'j Yours very truly/, 77 r it`' ommissioner of Finance Oj ,a, r rn r :• \ l _;: 1, _.s_ JAMS M, CLANCY, CokiSIONIN 11 CORCORAN, upuTy 6wooimio LEONARD C, HAMER, Coilo' 4Rg BURIAU OF A11116NINTO To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked over the petition annexed hereto and find that it contains the requisite number of signers, as per terms and provisions of the Build- ing Zone Ordinance and Chapter 364 of the Laws of 1923. Respectfully submitted, All m nim m ssioner f Finance* St. caul, Minn. / March 29,th, 1923. _To the Honorable The City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen We, the undersigned, being more than 50% of the owne4, oP property effected respectfully petition your Honor Body to amend the zoning ordinance and change the proper .; at the southwest corner of Larpenteur and Lexington Avenues from Class "A" Residence District to a Commerc3Al District. Name Lot Block Addition n` t 10- 2, o- 2 /p/�1axr/7 ` .. .Z% 61. li } sy - t�,.4[. 77777`7 606 f �� q; An ordinance to amend 0 dinanoe No. 5591, entitled "An ordi titled 'An ordinance regulating nan - 5494, an pe amending Ordinance NO the use of the streets, avenues and alleys within the City of St Paul by vehicles, and imposing a tax Or fee for such use. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation Of the public peace, health and safety,' approved December 22nd, 1920.0 This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ORDAIN: CITY OF $T. PAUL DOES 46067 -Ordinance N6.;-6075— Nelson, by re> rdinanoe No. 5591, approved May 9th, 1921, n oidinsefee to' &Menrdifiance, arneace nC ..6591,-,enUtled',1Ano ng� Ordinance No., JJ81r.e amended by striking out of Be be 61, alleys -within ,ng or 'Won 9 of said ' uds �nnd`;,Ql leYx-,WJthln .f'S't P..I%bi Vehl0leS. on _31 nwAinntfEY or— words and figures: r yip, vnsde asary fo ii.'pr, pUblje�pjdbe�- hbalth"11. .1�;. rn the event of the defacement, of any number plate, the clerk, r966iving and filing a sworn statement of the vehicle owner, setting forth the circumstances there— of, together with any defaced plate, and upon the pay- isont of a fee of One Dollar ($1.00), shall issue a &P.110ste plate. And by inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "'Section 9. In the event of the defacement, lose or destruction of any number plate, the clerk, upon receiving and filing a sworn statement Of the vehicle owner, setting forth the circumstances there- of, -together with any defaced plate and upon the pay- ment of a fee of Twenty-five Cents 1250), shall issue a duplicate plate.'" Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace# health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In foro a immediately upon its passage.and publication. 3' Passed by the Council 1, .3 Yeas Nays Ur ,ancy ✓"O.Irgus a /McDonald , j;WWVR L Pbter V Wensel Mr. President (Nelson) Cold Storage Company a cor r :tion oyerating Under Rhe co 0 .Slue laws of the State .01 Mfa --ver 18510 to remove the curt Q. P. construct n_-atnndard drlvewaY. ourb •returns "not' over Rfteerf' :feet la `width on the southerlS 'dY Thtrd Street between r9 t. By WmraegTanting o a and Market 9treets'atiRhe Wes :end' oC their property. „ •,The Covnci] of theCttyofdbdaiIn ordin ti "snaTsoxa a corporation operating That permiasfon and suthortt, by grantd to, the Sooth State of Missouri, permisitge Comyflehy+,alaorpbratfon' Construct a standard drive," r' the co rf. ro re lav fifteen (15) Peet in width on r Misaouf,'tremove fan8flrd dTlveyvaY Street between St. Peter and westerly end of their property.- 4�^f lance a / re Company, arere laws o3 the erlurb and aha.ns not over ,epide of Third rut the The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Booth Cold Storage Company, a corporation operating under the co-operative laws of the State of Missouri, to remove and construct a standard driveway with curb returns not over fifteen (15) fast in width on the southerly side of Third Street between St. Peter and Market Streets at the westerly end of their property. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said driveway, upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a sketch or specifications of said driveway, which dhall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said driveway shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licen- see shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licenses agrees to assume the risk of any injury or damage which may occur on account of the construction of said driveway and shall save harmless and defend the City �f St. Paul from all suits, judgments, expense, or charges that may acorn to persons or parties on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, or removal of said platform. (4) Said driveway shall be removed by said licenses whenever the Council shall so order. / d 5) The said licensee shall pay any licensee fee or tax ✓/ that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten (10) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. JATJ`. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. t Yeas Councilmen Plays �aoyT- Ferguson o (� McDonald in favor �ateon _ yeter J against ✓Wenzel ,Mr. President Adopted by the Council 1923 A-onrovRfll .o / (� 1923 Mayor. a+� 1 PUBLISHED3 - A-3 g- � The Booth Cold Stbrage Company hereby accepts Ordinance No. 6073 passed by the City Council of St. Paul and approved by the Mayor on June 16th'; 1923, entitled, "An ordinance granting to the Booth Cold Storage Company$ a corporation operating under the co-operative. laws of the State of Missouri$ permission to remove the curb and construct a standard driveway with curb returns not over fifteen (15) feet in width on the Emutherly side of Third Street between St. Peter and Market Streets at the westerly end of their property." BOOTH COLD STORAGE COTEANY' By0�61 The above acceptance is approved as to form. Dated June 16,1923.' Ie.. JUN 26 V? CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCJL No..... Fl� 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO I�tti.RESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM PRESENTED By 0'�TE .... . ........ com M I VbO NER_A_�-2_ .................. ......... . ... ..... ............... - RESOLVED T,j*-b the plans and specifications for the New Pranklin Sohoolp Tenth and Sibley Streets, as submitted herewith, pre- pared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pablio Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner ol' Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby.au:bhorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon -in the manner provided in and by the City Charter, 1. That tba plans and eueciii- 31"Ons"r9r, the� 6 Tenth n ble suted ewRh bmit AUd'St'l ArOgNet,ander 7�;t t' 'e' :co 10810not, ��J Ira IWBIallonfactory to -the Comm{ealoAer' of , .,j eatloni",ah4l,�t Weby:'aut or e 'd-arWdl' ted to adL .var Aoi; Ida i it .- 1814nanner- , rOy n�4n&:4Mhe'bititbirtv (1e Adoyted by .;the 00'unbu4ine 1,1983. (j (COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson YMOonald ..... ..In favor VPeter ................ Against 1/1i., President M Adopted by the Council192 U1 Approv............ U ..........192 7r - _; ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE—LNO..,46- 70 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Two Hundred Thousand 0200,000.001 Dollars is hereby transferred and set aside from the $3,000,000.00 Sohool Bond Fund for the purpose of oonstruoting the new Franklin Sohool, Tenth and Sibley Streets, s 'COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4*' Ferguson "McDonald In favor -y' Peter __..V.._..Against ?� Wenzel ✓Mr. President �JII -t 14')3 Adopted by the Council --------------- ........................ .192....-- Ap oved - ... ------192 t MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ"c NO..... 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c �COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM ,'7iEREAS, An application has been filed by John B. Meagher for permission to erect real estate signs on the east side of Como River Boulevard between Beverly avenue and Doane street, Desnoyer Park; and WHEREAS, It appears that the Zoning Board has recommended that suoh permission be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such permission be and the s^.me is hereby granted. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Aiw"y- KFerguson Jf"McDonald _.In favor mateen— (l ,"Peter 1L......Against "'Wenzel ,/Mr. President Adopted byZved ncil._......_`.... ��t�--.192...-.. ... ....... ......192 ---- ------------------ ,................................ MAYOR .. COUNCIL 46071' s CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. ..._.-__------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED WHEREAS, An application has been filed by John B. Meagher - for permission to ereot real estate signs on the east side of Como River Boulevard between Beverly avenue and Doane street, Desnoyer Park; and IMEREAS, It appears that the Zoning Board has recommended,that suoh permission be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such parmission be and the s-lme is hereby granted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ............ _.In favor Matson Peter ...... --...Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._......-.. :.!...-a...[J2x...192...... Approved_-.-----------. r._�. Q - .__.t. i,i?'f....192 - ' MAYOR TUH of onint-Vau1 pqm*aent of gm= JAMES M. CLANCY, eorMise�oHen J. E. CORCORAN. D.P.- CO..1Woxea May 2, 1823. LEONARD C. SEAMER. CHtKF C—K Bu—u ov A........ Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. Olson: - A hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court House Building, on the 16th day of May, 1923, at 10.00 o'clock A. M., relative to the application to erect real estate signs on the east side of Como River Boulevard between Beverly and Doane, Desnoyer Park. Your very truly, /Commissioner of Finance. E ,Qlifu.. of �5t , �uul Detailed Statement of Application for Bill or Bulletin Boards nni-U �.'��`�"!` r ; 1. What side of street or avenue? ._ ...... .__.__........side ' /i. of _ ✓-'.!! - 4 Rehrccn ._.... ... .� ./._ . '-_—and .__.. .-=-- _. _—._Streets block.__.___-_.-..__._. ?. l.ot.__..... 3. Size of Board: No. of feet front_._.....`__.`�.---__ . of feet high___ 4. No. of feet in height, from curb level to highest point.._...I. ��f.f11 T �-i > 5. What will board cost, exclusive of tot? �...__._ ._ _ --- ._.._.. .... _............ __-.__-------------- �.. 6. ..r�S..R...--- Size of braces.__-_..___. __ ,a a .;. //' L., U Jr 7. Distance from sidewalk of board___ .................... -.... ... _...... f__.J R. Is board intended to be temporary or permanent.' ' 9. If temporary, state about the length of 10. 10. Is board a new one or old board?..... Ya'J.(L.i-..... t. 'Y_..4-u.-.� 11. I[ from other location, state where-...ti-'\lf 12. For what purpose is board constructed? ��. ... 13. Is there a bond for this board and approved? f _ 14. Will all materials and workmanship be in accordance with the requirements of the law?._� ' The follmofng agreement must be signed by the oumer'or authorized agent thereof: r: 15. The undersigned hereby agrees to perform all work required under the proposed improvement, in accordance with the plans, specifications and within detailed statement, and in conformity with the laws and ordinances of the City of St. Paul. ` ui� /� r { t 1.,Lv ^yy � / � � �........_... Address � Owner of board / � --- �- � t Address... t✓�. ..... !.� A f� f !!_� Rea: 342 Page #2 400.19 13831 F. L. Jackson Coal Company, Water _ 55.00 . 13832 Mr. James Rasmussen, Library - Florence Rood, Treas. Teachers' Retirement Fund 4,000000 13833 Teacherls Pensions - 7.08 13834 Watson Truck Corporation* St, C. & %.(Pay.) ` 208.30 13835 F. D. WilljamsCoal Company, r 13836 Cochran-s,gees Company, 177.38 e 4YA"UP4CAVZ aixY Oa ex. nAOL , -°`' TD GnY CLERK • ao�o� No ltLID . �Fr01'ID D-34 jK 12.22 - BY 192.._.. ........ ....-.. .. .. CAMPrROL1ER .. V Resolved that checks be drawn on the. City Treasury, to the agg ate amount of $:....t�!$84�-------_---------- covering , r ±,Comptroller. checks numbered-_......-----------to-_-.-.-.igssa. -- ----•inclusive, Yes ( v' Councilmen ( ✓)Nays. per register of city checks on file in the office, of the City .' : �laneyT- S Adopted by the Council....-- --192 .: -*McDonald,--..In favor Approv ----------- ---- 1,3n3 192-...,. . - "-=- - -- -_`.-............ Peter, Wenzel...............Against �W President, Nelson ���� MUNCIL 46073 - ------ --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 00000'..'.41.INC� OLUTION--GENERAL FORM June 1 1923 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the plat of Mattock Park, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. W 46073�_je 7 t'ha�;j -T; PeterL-� Pa �eeo,eioend,d at -of Afatteelc `C*"11111-1.d . by the-- ,Plat telmloner Of,:Pubjf - Coo, �;;Ild,by the - -4Me 1. -hereby . , ',rle;�b��gnd.tha Pted7 by, thee�Cn.Pt.%61' '�i z COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 918H85 - `Ferguson /'McDonald In favor -/Peter Against Wenzel t/ Mr. President 23 ---------- 192 Adopted by the Council L1LK—--- Ap_------------------ ----------192 '0 .. .......... RESOLVED of a certain oontreap�°eedeAuguattSe }�ormanae between :Christ Johnson, Contractor, and the City of $t. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Watson Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Pleasant Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 16th day of January, 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson ✓ McDonald ..............In favor I" Peter ........._._...Against V Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ ._------- -------------------------- 192------ --- . .. .. -192------ MAYOR �Lf= Jf k' St. Paul, ILnn.. - TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause time of completing contract for the ---�-------------- -- to be extended to - - - - - - 19� Owing to - - - it was not possible for to finiah this contract within the time specified, hence desire to esk that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore statad. Yours v ry truly, y Contr or. f �J There is no objection to having the i time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office,is concerned. APPROVED Suft. ofConstruoti s a Commissioner of Public Forks. Chief Engineer. 77� mu" No ....... !ffi075 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM may 31, 1925. RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated October 3, 1922, between Edward Mattoon, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the ourbing of Sheldon Ave. from Frankson Ave. to Como Phalan Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 29th day of May, 1925, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas —Nay, rl..'y Ferguson I"McDonald In favor . Mahe" ✓Peter".......Against / Wenzel V Mr. President Adopted by the Council.. -.-..... 192 A p/ov e d -;0--.iJ- ----------- 192 St. Paul, ''Minn., TO THE HOP?ORABLE CITY 0013110IL, CITY. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for, the to be extended to l-'Z� ------------1923-. Owing to - - - ---------- it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to esk that the tirfe for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, �&/� Contractor. There is no objection tc having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirerents of this office is concerned. onst n & R airs APPROVED Supt. `�. Commissioner of Public Forks. Chief Engine --r. NC OUIL No ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FCILE 460-76 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM rN-r&'By 'Xay 1923, PRESE DATI C0MMI9SIoNER----- RESOLVED That the time specified Pox the performance of a certain contract dated August --'T, 1922, between Thornton Bros. Company, Contractors, and the City of at. paul, for the gr4clingi regrading and paving of Eudson Road from Point Douglas Road to Easterly ,City Limits, be and the same is hereby extended to the 24th day of May, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Irl COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson McDonald ................In favor /Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council ............ 192 . ..... 192 To— V �I' St. Paul, Minn., / TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the IM.te de - - - � - �� - - - - - - 19 ;P-& . Owing to -------------- it was not possible for to finish this Contract within the time specified, hence desire to risk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVED Supt. o airs Commissioner of Public Forks. e E ear. N .f J UL COONCLNO._,.Y [1� Y_,7 CITY OF ST. PA..3..__�3� FILE y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSONER._ ..._....... ............... ....... .._........... _ _........ t Y Public Works in the grading of 'WE Ag, The Departmen o Ruth avenue from Margaret street to Hudson Road, has found it noes- sary to drain Ruth avenue and Wild Rose Addition; and WHEREAS, Agnes Smith, the owner of Lots 18 and 49 in Block 1, and Lots 18 and 49 in Block 2, of Wild Rose Addition, has agreed to deed to the City a perpetual easement through said lots for the purpose of putting through a drain for the above mentioned improve- ment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to accept the deed for such perpetual easement through said lots. C.` -P. No 40077 -By W J. Peter— Whereas The -Department of Public Works in the grading oR f uth Ave. �frbm:Margaret,. 9t. to Hudson Road, has fbilnd lt- necessary to:;dra[n Ruht_, I A W.h wens., AgWll&nes sls 3mith'1 the tion`o'ad er- Of ' auds4B In $Tbclr'.2, o1. 1LW11d RoseAddix '• tion;, has agreedzto deed W.'the City J perpetual' eaeement through sald lots: - for the purpose: oY putting: through, t - drainFfor the above mentioned lm proveme t therefore be it Resolved RtDroper; cite ottl- i cera are hereby authorized ,to ac epi - e- deed SOY such perpetual easement T -t on said lots5 \. iAdopted-.bY the: Couhell June 1, "923.. Approved Juno >S1923 (June 9 1923) COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays ✓ Ferguson' ✓McDonald ..._.In favor ✓ Peter fl... -....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by tl .----- - MRYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..... -.--..6-7$... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TED 6 CO RESOLVED Whereas, On or about August 14, 1922, Frank 0. Wicker entered into a contract with the City of St. Paul for grading and improving Breda St. from Winston St. to Snelling Ave. and Winston St. from Breda St. to Como Ave. West; and whereas, he has defaiulted in the performance of said contract and has - failed and neglected to perform any part thereof; therefore be itC F NoL 46078 BY ` - Whereas: On or about 1922 Frank O wlcker ,entero .contrasEiW the C1t9'oP et St..,, !' - ReeO:�radtnR�and<tmnravtn6.Ereda st ".;'1::9.Ct Or be and he is hereby f Winston St <to 9nelllu�, ' stnn st.,rrom wean Commissioner of Public declared to be :west and , tees su 7u +in "'nNLLi. ,^tie" Works is hereby authorized and diredted to do said work by force account. Resolved Further, That the Corporation Counsel be and he.,ds hereby authorize and,instructed to notify the said Frank 0, Wicker and the surety on his bond of the failure of said Frank 0. Wicker to comply with his contract, and to preserve and protect the rights of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.....`.-'..'-_�:. 11 �` 3------- -192 el Ferguson App r ved � _ 1 €..'3.-- .--192 d McDonald --- ----In favor ` -- ----- ----- --- /- MRVOR Peter ----- -._ ----Against PUBLISHM Wenzel /Mr. President ! CITY OR ST. PAUL CARLTON P. M4NALLY. ' ATONCWNc[L IlTANi AimnNCY! ARTHUR A. STEWART EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J.MWEE May 11th, 1923- LEWIS L. ANDERSON Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Comm'r of Public Works. Dear Sir: - Referring to the grading of Breda street and adjacent streets, contract for which was let to Frank 0. Wicker: I,notified the Bonding Company of Wicker's refusal to go ahead with the work this spring, and this morning the Bonding Company's attorney, Mr. Dillon O'Brien, advised me that the Company does not care to assume the contract and complete it. Your very t ly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. AAS U y 1, 11??3 Mr. C. F. Harally, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g Attentions Mr. 'Stewart 17 z - Dear 'Sir: In 1q? -,2, F. 0. gioj4er ,vaa :awarded a onr,tv).ot for gr;3:fling Brads and WinstOn °tM%ta :119 2oll0tre: Breda Street fron Tinaton tc Snelling ,Vinston gtreet froam Breda. to Como AV. W. Mr. i.10k er ha a star.el th?:t he will rent �roae&d with his contract. He, was aabed to -ut him reafoaal in writing which he did. .?he eor— resp denoe, tra Letters, is �ttaohed, MT. Grey, of this De,�:artment I conferred -SStb Mr. Clau ac€:n on the natter A-pril 30th, IP23. mr.. Cloaseen stated that he gid not order Mr. `:9iaksr to atop Tork an this aanLraat, a.s stated in lir. Wlco er's letter of April. 17th. Mr. Claussen stated that had he inoue2 ar such order. it would have been in writing. Thhie offico ha® :o� record ai sn order directing Mr. 17ic! ar to discontinue thc: -e�ork. It is rn uemted th^t l.eh 1 ete,a tae taken to enYeroo ecn liarce «ith the aontmet, by Mr. Wicker,. and that £ailin?, LYxa bonding Castpnny behini Mr. WlckerOe oontr7.et be required to do the :sorlr.. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Works ✓.peti.tion 46079 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: on-_Elizab®th-.-8t,.__.from--BidRell.--8t.--_to_ Rinelow -.---- ............. --..... ----------------------------- --...------- .------- ..------------ ----------------- ..._.....------- .------ --------------------- ...... .... ----------------------------.---------............ -. . .....-- ...__... ........ ........... ..... ............................................................_..----------.............._.... -- -- ............................................... Dated this... 2911k . day of ftp ........._......-1 ......----------------- , 192....... -------------------------------- ........... g Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------...-..Ilonet=a.t.a..ae--WAr...On..Tliz-0e-th t.._froai Bidaall....8.11- .to..RUGhaW.._.. kye,----.................................................................... ..................... ....................................... .. ............ ..... . ..... ................................................ - Whereas: A w`r., •................................................................. making ,of the follorl ................. -- -- vlx: Con�truct a sewer to_ having been presented to the Council of thi ftom stawem re to l - ........ _ _._--...- having been.Dreeenfee.............. oY the"OW of st Paul 1t therefore, be it Resolved• That the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner der la�a0, oalfected n� hereby ordered and directed: 3. Ta directed' tr . n'S Y 1, To investigate the necessity for, or a",o oTnvem�e ',gg of said improvement. h 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estl1s4: `i d cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, u 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement., 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman 1i V IEaoosoN , Approved ................... .....�... MCDONALD EUR .......................WEN7EL.... ...:...:............... .. ...... . 'SMR, PRESIDENT Mayor, Form C A 13 (3M 8.22) PllLtL1�II�D Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - C onetrnn ne.. g ------- ---- ---- o from street mains to property lines oomplete, on Mississippi -Rigor Roaievard--.irom..the end of the --- present--s;ephal-t--oonore-te----- ------------- avement at Cretin Avenue and Portland Avenue ( roduo ed) .......................................... _-------- --- F --- to West Seventh--Sir®4t. -------------------- =................................ ---------------------------------- Dated this IFA day of --------------- juge_a...1923................. ------- - .....------------...._.... ...... --------------------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constru_oting the neoessary sewer, water and gas oonneotions ---- ---------- - - -- -- -- -• .s -- - - --- .. .. -_ -------- from etre®t mains to property -I3nes oomplet"eo Migatdippi" - -- -River --.Boulevard.-from.-- the --- and ---of:..the.... proeeb.t---aayyBal t....O-Quor.0.9.........- pavement at Cretin Avenue and Portland Avenue (produoed) ---------- .tu-West --- Seventh Street; ------------ .-------------------- ........------------------------------ -- ..._. ..-......--- - ..- --.. '----- 0.F'. 'No.` 46680-- lb 8080. ; �:..... .............. ... W16 a,'A Written eopoeal for the 1 . ........ ----------------------------------- having been presented to the Council o vmaktng of the toltoWing niprovemgnq therefore, be it [er 8ructing . the necessary, sewer, afl gee connectlone from street. jy ordered and directed: mains to property linea.. cool is RESOLVED, That the CommissI afieaisaippl River. Romepac. ,. to^o 1. To investigate the necessity f one'-ot the'present asphstI" ing of said improvement. avement nt Cretin Avenu g Y Tana nveque<(proaucepr,.n°S id improvement, and the total cost thereof. enth St having been 2. To investigate the nature, ex council.ot the c,t3 or r, fore be It > - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or t 'r•ntrjnotvea fiat tko "'.int. ,j7vorka 40 4. To state whether or not said improvamza: rz_aa..:..i _9i on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------ — ....... � yA:j------------------------------------ YEAS -....------.......................YEAS NAYS Ciouncllman-6rymc4— " k- FERGUSON Approved ------------- ......`..::,...._-;j.. ----- ------- - ------- "--- <�h � MCDONDON ALD i PETER = 0 WENZEL .. ......... ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M &22) 0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..40riSt,;?ugt,i�g, a , s,@vr�r„on Margaret St. from the .fest line gt O.aex�..Str..t4. Terry ............................ C F No. 46081 ' In the Matter ut conetructing,a sewer. :on Margaret 9t from the west line ......••....................” dt •Eatl SG^to Terry 9t., ua6er Pre-�' liminary-Order 4636x -'approved ADrtl� 34. 1633.• 1 ..................................... .The.; Qounell-.ot*lhe City Af 6t.Baud................................ Improvement,, a drrvemen hero u '............................................... ' That the gar ............................................. ..un<ri............................................. .... .... under Preliminary Order ........... 4a54 ...........approved ... April, 24, 1923. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the. said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. AQnstX1ZGt..@..$a?�f'fi or_ uxrgetet..Str.XrQM.t,t}g, Qat„lin�,of„Earl St. to Terry St., ................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....N3 .00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... Eith......... day of .........duly.. • • • • • • • 192..3 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...........1. n `..1'j a . • •, 192. .. . ....... .... . Approved.........................192...... ty Clerk. .. ................. ................. ....... Mayor. Councilman-496ney-- ,"Councilman Ferguson ,-Councilman McDonald Councilman '' ✓Councilman $fix Peter 'Councilman Wenzel ,/Mayor KgA&W Ne 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8-6 P11BL18HLD / — ' J_ ,,2 5 116 OR 2 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............I........................... r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... i:QR9t,>;u.gtAZ1g, p.. PATA,I'• ,Qp , J9 ckson• ,Street, ,f ron• !lrch•,Street „tQ„>',enrsylyania Avenue,•.a•lso lateral•connections at Arch Street and PQnn,'s,ylvania 11venue•from„said sewer on. Jackson Street to the easterly line ..of Jackson Street, .............................. 'I thO F. NBfUte� ,1q `In nJacette. on Jac&son eun qt ;i aaF.a.,,,,.. eonneev-.1J V vanla . ................. . ate. .......:son-:.. ......................................... . `�'.,�t•, 1923. ..under PreliminaryOrder..........,E H0may The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..oePil�txUCt„a„st?78T' ..... (?Il.j pjcson„Street..from.A.reh Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, also ... lateral,connections..at..Arch Street and Pennsylvania Avenue from said .....sea�ex•.on..Jackson..Streat..to..the..easiAerly..la.ria.P� .Ja.ck99ri.StI;Q�t',,,,,,, ............................................................. .......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 4UA r N.... Resolved Further, That'a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 6t.h........ day of ........... luly......... 192..3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... .:—. ,,.;j........, 192.... . .. ........ Approved..... :: C;:'......192...... rk. .. ............... . . ... ...�5.....Y . Mayor. r rsr� �3 /Councihna v Councilmzh Ferguson vCouncilman McDonald Councilman ✓Councilman AWAft Peter ✓Councilman Wenzel -"Mayor Ziit Mx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 T CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 16--'RFSoLUTiON—GENERAL FORM ILEN ECIL No ..... 4.65383 DAT__...........__!iuni. e.._ 1.1.._.9�� 1....___...__ RESOLVED (/ That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5945 for the purchase of Lot 1, Block 20, Merriam Park, St. Paul, for the sum of Eleven Thousand Three Hundred ($11,300.00) Dollars, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any in- stallments thereon whether due or not, as a part of the site, for a new addition to the Longfellow School, is hereby ap- proved and the C. F,Y.,n 4608a -BY IL R• s Ferguson- , hereby authorized and Resolved.. That .the action of the Cityloit SC PauI' Lands der andODUTaulf ant to empowered to di city Of No. 6946 for the Du�hae0 Of !chase price in favor OrdtLot 1; Block EO, Merriam Park. -. f Pau l„tor �t�h,�e em (11La00.00)Dpll re, of the Owner 0i -J, c+ w,•1_11 encu nee m- er deed oonveying Same, approved by the Corporatiioa Counael;`will-have been delivered to the City Colaptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue•'.hgnd, Item No. 2022. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._ ------- - 192...... -'Ferguson / A roved--- -;.- a:, ..------ 2 -- ,'McDonald v/. -.......In favor // 1 MAYOR 1"Peter _ ......... __Against PUBLIS= "Wenzel -'Mr. President The Committee on Lan on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay Mrs. Caroline Cooper and Phil Justus of St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Eleven Thousand. Three HundW ($11,300,00) Dollars for Lot 1, H1oak 20, Merriam. Park, ata Paul, subjeot to all of the oonditiono set forth in their letter of Pebruary ;8th, L923, esoepting only'the prioe oonsideration,. This property is.be.ing.aoquired se a site for an addition to the LOWeli w Sohool under and pursuant to Ordinance Now 6945, -The cost of'eaid property to bw oharged .to the sone Issue'zmaNor 2088. c3 Committee on Lands, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.6084 ....4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��OLUTION—GE RAL FORM / `wLp pr� r«r..wrce..._-.....___----....__................. ..... ............ DATE...___... ._A�q....�9SA[t_...._`__._._. RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6021 for the purchase of Lots 1 to 40 inclusive, Block 1, Rifle Park Addition a of St. Paul, for the suip of Seven e8 ry a° " nah r a aen¢"' .f#d and Seventy-six ($7097640) under th -Z Dollars, oral,°tge o : t'�" iI- ' East End Junior -Senior High °ntjflly'ePa ktTea elUto l,t'7 B)rr Sehool, i ug;' feA°TT=;moved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase pride in favor of said owner when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the C orporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said lend to the charged to the Bond Issue Fund, Item No. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson ej � McDonald _.........In favor Peier ------ --........ Against ` d Wenzel Mr. President Adopte y the Council__.. ;..._..{ 1-_3..._...192.....- pproved 192...... ^3MAYOH h `PRESENTED COMMISSIOr RESOLVED CITY OF. ST. PAUL FE F THE CITY CLERK ' LCIUTION—GENERAL FORM �` `7 ..... DATE COUNCIL NO.. --:-Fl That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the' City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6945 for the purchase of Lot 2,,BYook 20, Merriam Park, St. Paul, for the sum of Seveh ti'houaand ($7,000.00) Dollars, free and clear of all.9nbumb,rad6a inoluding all taxes and assessments now aesesaed against the property and any in- stallments thereon whether due or not, as apart of the site for a new addition to the Longfellow School, is hereby ap- proved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed oon- veying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, will have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond ;ssue Fund, Item No. 2022. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson % McDonald v....__. -In favor -*ftt1ett' c� ✓ Peter _._...--Against Wenzel Mr. President a Adopted by t Council_.]-i-"-1-1';ic...... -- ...192....-- proved s.:el-..... �5i: ..192 - - --- ------- -- -----------------------^ PMLISi�DAYOR� The,.driver of a vobl I Shall give`. timely Ad plainly vi warning to those behind by signalling with the hand or whip orin some other unmistakable manner, indicating the intention to slow up, turn or atop. Signals given to indicate the intention of the driver of a vehicle to turn or atop must be plainlp visible from the rear of such vehicle and shall be as follows: Turning to the left: A=vbhicle when turning to the left to enter an intersecting street shall°not turn until it shall have passed beyond the centor of such intersecting street. Turning to the right: A vehicle turning into another street to the right shall turn the corner as near to the right hand curb as possible. 1. Arm straight out - turn in direction pointed toward. 2. Arm pointed upward - turning in direction opposite to such arm. j 3. Arm pointed downward - stopping or suddenly checking speed. All vehicles using a semaphore or similar mechanical device may use such device in place of the arm signal in the manner above described. No vehicle shall be turned around upon any street or upon any boulevard or parkway in any part of the City, unless said vehicle shall first proceed to the next-oross street and shall then make the turn to the left after reaching the center of said cross street. Complete turn on any street within the "Congested District" is prohibited. Before Backing: The driver of any vehicle, street or interurban oar, shall give warning by three distinct blasts or strokes of a horn, bell, whistle or gong or by other signalling device. Every person in charge of a vehicle shall pull up to the right of the street or road when signaled from a vehicle. behind desiring to pass. Passing Signals A motor vehicle overtaking any other vehicle, before passing ;hall give a signal by one blast of horn or bell. Signal for the Blind: Outstretched arm or cane held horizontally in front of body. Section 5. Right of Way: The apparatus or vehicles of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Police, Fire Patrol and Ambulances shall have right of way on any`street,when respond- Ing to an alarm or smergency,call. Approaching Interseotions: gehioled''ehall be under such control as to permit the vehicle on the right,,of _the vehicle approaching, to first oross the intersecting street; provided, that street oars running on tracks located in the center or on the right hand side of the street shall have the right-of Bray over all other vehicles, except emergency vehloles and ambulances. Street oars shall have the right of way between oross streets over all vehicles except emergency vehiolss, and the driver of any vehicle' proopeding upon the track in front of a street oar Ghali immedi- atelr.turn out upon signal by the'motorman, driver or conductor of s t of said street oar. At all intersections the vehicle entering the said intersection tshall ion rhave om hthe iright ght fofnWay, except other iover entering i nemer- gency vehicle or a street oar, except where traffic officer is present to direct traffic. section 6. Street cars:, The motorman or driver of a street car shall stop his oar immediately and keep it stationary as long as necessary upon the arrival of any fire apparatus, Street oars shall have the right of way between streets over other vehicles. The driver or person in control of any vehicle proceeding upon a street oar track in front of a street car, shall turn out immediately upon being given the signal by the motorman or driver mm the street ,oar. Lvery person in charge of a vehicle approaching any street car, which has stopped or is about to atop for the purpose of discharging or taking on passengers must not approach neater than ten (10) feet back of such street oar except where there is a properly designated zone of safety, until such oar shall have discharged or taken on or discharged its passengers and until the gates of such street--oare are closed. No street oar or other vehicle shall so.000upy any street as to interfere or interrupt tba passage of other oars or vehicles. Street care and,vehioles must not stop onIcrosswalks so as to interfere with the use thereof by pedestrians. No street oar shall be allowed to park or lie over an any street in the MY of St. Paul in such a way as to interfere with the proper movement of travel upon such street. When a motorman or conductor is off of car, or when the oar is waiting for connection, the oar gates.to be kept closed. Section 7. Taking Street Oars: Persons desiring to board a street oar shall remain on the sidewalk until such car approaches, except where safety Zones are established. Shall not unnecessarily stand in the street, obstructing the movement of passing vehicles. Persons desiring to board an approaching street or interurban oar must signal same to stop by raising the arm. Beeping to the Right: Turning; Passing: orossing and Stopping: Vehicles must be carefully driven.and with.due regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and other vehicles. Every driver of any vehicle on any street in the city of St. Paul shall ride, drive or operate such vehicle on the portion of the street to the right of the center, except where the right of the street is in such condition as to be impassable. Every vehicle except when overtaking and passing another vehicle ahead, must constantly keep as near to the right hand curb as possible. Slow moving vehicles, must keep dose to the ourb on the right, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage on their left. A vehicle meeting another must pass on the right. c_ A vehicle overtaking another except a street oar, must, pass on the left side of the vehicle overtaken, and must not pull ,over to the right xMil entirely clear of it, but no vehicle shall pass on the left of a street oar. Any driver of a vehicle, desiring to dross from one Olde of tha street to the other with such vehicle, must proceed to a street intersection, and do so by turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the street traffio,_except in congested district where they must go around the block. Broken Glasse • No person shall throw or place in any street any glass, nails':, or other materiRl likely to puncture, or injure the rubber tire of any vehicle. Passing at Intersections: No vehicle shall overtake and pass or run abreast with another vehicle traveling in the same direction at a -street intersection. Trailers and Disabled Vehicles: A vehicle shall not be operated with a trailer except when olose-coupled and the length over all does not exceed forty (40) feet, or for the purpose of hauling poles, long structural material or stage scenery, or when a trailer is a disabled motor vehicle, in which case the vehicles shall nor'be more than fifteen (15) feet apart. A vehicle with a trailer shall not be'operated in the congested district between B 7 A.B. and S'P.M.,�except disabled vehicles being towed, which will display lightat,between sunset and sunrise. Trailers shall display, a red light toithe rear between sunset and sunrise. Pipe, timber or.'any other material projecting more than five feet beyond.the rear of`any vehiolb shall have attached at the extreme and a red flag by"and between sunset and sunrise, a red lantern. Single light trailers not carrying -'passengers, close-oonpled to a passenger automobile shall not come within the restrictions of this section. Brakes: Bvery motor vehicle operated on the streets of the City of St. Paul shall be provided with at least two adequate brakes, eaohl•of which'ohall work independently of each other, except mptoroyoles, whioh shall be provided with not less than one adequate brake. Tire Hose: Driving over fire hose prohibited. All bicyoles must be ridden in that portion of the street within five (5) feet of the right hand curb exoept when passing other vehicles. skating: skating in the public streets is prohibited. No vehicle, unless in an emergency, or to allow.ano%her vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path, shall stop in the street except neat the right hand curb thereof, and so as not to obstruct a street onossing. on all streets or avenues, divided by wall, parkway or viaduct, vehicles must keep to the right of such division. Section 8.: Nq vahioles, except apparatus and vehicles of the Bureau of Fire Protection,,Bureau of Police, Hospital Ambulances or United States Wl vehicles, shall be driven through a proceseton,i except with the permission of a police officer. -5- r ;A At theatres or public gatherings orunder unusuaa oiroumetanceo, vehicles mast move or stand as directed by police officers.' Vehicles must not stand two or more abreast in any street except when calling for or delivering passengers or merchandise, when access to the curb is blocked by other vehicles'at the place of delivery, and then only for the length of time absolutely and reasouably necessary to load or unload. 0 p11Ce �� bo left handing on any street for the Unlawful to stop or park any Vehicle Within ten (10) feet of the lines of any safety zone extended to the curb. No person shall leave a motor vehicle unattended on any street with the engine running. NO horse shall be left unattended,unless securely fastened. So horse shall be unbitted unless secured by a halter. NO person shall leave a motor vehicle unattended on any , street, without the emergency blakes applied. No person shall ride, jump, hitch or climb on any vehicle without the consent of the -owner and no person shall when riding allow any part of the body to project beyond the limits of the vehiole, nor shall any person hang onto any vehicle. 10 vahlola ell bheft atsn9lq it e street or alley &� q�ghb ��hOut s ligD� Or 11gh�� �o Gl�plsyad s� to bb visible fry the rear of auoh VW01e0 A vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb, only long enough to be loaded or unloaded. Horses when attached to vehicles, and the shafts of unhitched vehicles when backed to the curb, shall be turned at right angle to the vehicle or as near to this angle as possible. . Then taking on or disoharging freight or passengers, vehicles. within the congested district, shall be headed in the direction of. tnaffio on the right of the roadway; so far as practicable, freight, coal and ice vehicles, and other heavy commodities, shall be un- loaded from the right side and not from the end of the vehicle, and shall be drawn in close to the curb. No person operating a motor vehicle shall permit the motor of same to operate in such a manner as to emit an unreasonable amount of steam, smoke or other products of combustion from exhaust pipes or openings. Upon the approach of any fire apparatus, police patrol or ambulance, every vehicle shall draw as near to the right curb of the street as possible, and remain standing until such apparatus, patrol or ambulance shall have passed. Olosed Vehicles; go person shall drive a vehicle that is so closed or constructed as to prevent the driver from having sufficient view of the traffic at either side of such vehicle. r "f So person shall drive a vehicle that is so closed or oonstructed as to obscure the view of the driver thereof of the street behind such vehicle, unless there is attached to same.a mirror of such kind and so placed that such driver may see there the reflection of the street,for a distance of at least two hundred feet behind such vehicle. Width of vehicles: lTo.vehicle the width of which, with or without its load, exceeds nine (9) feet shall be driven or conveyed through any of the strsets,of the Oity of St. Paul unless a permit therefor is previously obtained from the Commissioner of Public Works. DriversResponsible: The driver or person in charge of a vehicle is deemed the responsible person and in case of s violation of this.ordinanoe is liable to the penalties imposed.. r Section 9. Mufflers: Every motor vehicle, using gasoline or other explosive mixture for motive power, shall use a Imufflerm which shall be sufficient to deaden the sound of the explosion, and such smufflern.shall not be disconnected or out out while such motor vehicle is being operated upon any of the streets or avenues of the City of St. Paul. go person shall drive a vehicle loaded with iron or other materials likely to produce a great annoying sound without using proper deafening substances. Section 10. Rates of Speed: So person shall drive a motor vehicle upon any public highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the highway, or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of any motor vehicle, oper- ated upon any public highway in this State, where the same passes through the closely built up portion of the City, or where the traffic is more or lose congested, exceeds ten (y10) miles an hour for the distance of one-tenth (1/10) of a mile, or the rate of speed of any motor vehicle operated on any public. highway of this State;, where the same asea through the residence portion of this City, exceeds fifteen 15) miles an hour, for. a distance of one- tenth (1/10) of a mile, or if the rate of speed of any motor vehicle operated on any public highway in this State, outside of the closely built up business portion aM the residence portion of the City, exceeds twenty-five (25) miles an hour for a distance of one-quarter (1/4) of a mile, such rates of speed shall be prima- facie evidence that the person operating such motor vehicle is running at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and .proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the way, or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of a motor vehicle, operated on any public highway.in this state in going around a corner or ourve in a highway, where the operators view of the road traffio-is obstructed, exceeds six (6) miles an hour, such rate of speed shall be prima-facie evidenoe that the person operating such motor vehicle is running at a rate of speed greater than is reason- able and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the way,' or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If a licensed physician shall have his motor vehicle stopped for exceeding the speed limit whibe he is in the act of -7 r i rassppooading to an emergency call, the registration number of the vehicle, and the driveriarlicense number may be inspected and noticed, and the physician shall then be allowed to proceed Sa. the vehicle to Me destination, and subsequently such proceedings shall -be"taken as would have been proper, had the person violating the provisions as to speed not been a phyeiciau. Section 11. Commercial Vehicles from out Of the Statez, Vehicles licensed to carry passengers, baggage and freight in another city or state, may freely carry same to any point within the City of St. Paul and may receive same for carriage to cities where so licensed. Section 120 Using Warning Devicet Sound Signals: Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with adequate bell, horn or other noise -making signal device to serve as warning of danger, but any such signal device shall not be used unnecessarily. Every person, driving a motor,.vehiole, from an alley, lane, garage or store room, across any sidewalk in this City, shall sound a bell, horn or other device in such a manner as to give notice and warning of the approach of the vehicle. No person shall hereafter place, or use upon any motor behio%,w#hin the City of. St. Paul, any siren horn, or any red light aatt'either side infront thereof, save.npon such vehicles as are used by the'CityYor Bire,prevention, Police: Protection, Hospital pUrposeo,.inoluding_the apparatus of theInsurance patrol, and no such siren shall be sounded except when responding to an.emergency call. The,Coax s0 om of Public Safety shall have authority to designate from time to time.stroets in the City of St. Paul &a arterial highways and to prohibit lett turns thereon, and shall have authority to erect parking signs at such places as the, Commissioner -of public Safety may direct. Section -14. Safety Zone: Safety Zones may be established at any-oor�►er'11i.re-street oars are usually stopped for the purpose of taking on owhdis,ereoharging passengers, such zones, when so as- of takied.shaor.be marked by standards, with the words seafety. Zone °'printed on them and no parking shall be permitted within ten (10) feet of the lines of said safety zone extended to the curb. Drive to the right of safety zone at all times. Seotion;l5., All motor vehicles used or operated upon any street or alley or highway in the City of St. Paul, except >'�biaperiod from o ycle, during ne hour after sunset a motorcycle o to one hour be SU while is motion, shall display at least two white. or yellow lights on the front and one red light on 'the rear of the vehicle. Rent lamp shall show a white light upon the state license numberplate. Every 'motor vehicle during the period from one hour after sunset to"one hour before sunrise, while stopped or parked upon any street shall display at least two white or yellow lights to the front and one red light on the rear or display on the side nearest the center of the street upon which itis parked -or stopped a red or white light which must be plainly visible from the front and rear of such vekAole for a distance of not less on. than two hundred (200) feet in either directi It shall be unlawful for .any person, firm, co-partner- 1 ship or corporation, to use or cause to be used on any motor vehicle .'operated> on any with astreet, t lley or highway, yin lighting device equipped trout"of suohlight.is so etched, frosted, ground,•oolored, moulded or constructed, that the lighted filament shall appear blurred or all light emitted therefrom shall be diffused and free L from brilliant luster, The headlights of every motor vehicle shall be capable of throwing sufficient light ahead to reveal any person, vehicle' or substantial object upon the roadway straight ahead at a dis tanoe`of at least two hundred (200) feet. These lights,mtbt»be arranged so that no portioa.of,the reflected beam of light, when measured seventy-five (75) feet ahead of the oar On a level street surface shall..rise more than forty-two (42) inches above such Surface. such lights -or 'some -other light or lights upon the front, of a motor vehiole :shall also give sufficient illumination to reveal any person, vehicle or substantial object within ten (10) feet of the side of"said motor vehioie at"a point ten (10) est or more ahead of it. The term Abeam" -as used shall be construed as meaning the approximate parallel rays of light as gathered and projeoted:by a reflector. Motorcycles, bicycles and vehicles other.than motor vehicles, shall display a white or yellow light to the front and *;red light to the :rear, such lights to be plainly visivle at a distance of at least two' -,#Unfired (200) feet; provided, however, that s motoroycles,and bicycles may use red reflex mirror in lieu of a red light in rear. No vehicle shall display other than white or yellow lights to the front. Section 16. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, co -partnership or corporation, to Operate or manipulate upon any public street, alley or highway, or other public place in the City of St. Paul any detached `or"dirigible spot light or search- light except for the purpose of searching for and finding house or building numbers, road or street signs or for other emergency . purposes. Section 17. 8o owner or driver of any vehicle in the City of Saint Paul shall between the hours of s A.M. and 5 P.M. permit same to remain standing for a longer period than one (1) hour oa any of the following streets named or described: Sibley street between Fourth and Seventh streets; Seventh street between Sibley and St. Peter streets;" St. Peter Lstreet between Seventh and yourth streets; J 7,�r_ street between St. Peter and Sibley streets;' or oa any of"the streets lying within and bounded by said streets, and no vehicle shall be allowed to stand within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant in any part of the City of Saint Paul nor within thirty (30)- feet of any street intersection where street oars are -operated upon the street. Parking on bridges or bridge approaches or upon the Court House grounds in the City of Saint Paul is prohibited. I peftion,16- Any vehicle parked at any time in any part of thb City of Saint Paul, shall be parked with right handzide parallel to the curb and not more than one (1) foot from curb, leaving at least four (4) feet between parked vehicles, except where marks on street indicate that Oars shall be parked at an angle - Section 19. persons under 16,Years: No person shall drive any public or private automobile, motor car, 'motoz;oyole or other self-propelled,*ehiole who is lose than sixteen (16) years of age. Traffic Offioer,,,to be Obeyedt The driver of any vehicle must comply with the.direction or.order to stop Of any PO1iO0 Or traffic officer or school police officer and shall comply with traffic signs indicated on any automd.ttic traffic) signalling device; o prrvidcd;' however, that right turns may be made at any time, not- withstanding such automatic signalling device Or any i3annuilly operated semaphore. The chief of Police or any police officer of the City of St. Paul in case of necessity or emergency Or Of congestion of traffic may make such special orders to pedestrians or to drivers of vehicles, as in his judgment may be necessary to meet the emergency or relieve the congestion. Enforcement: It shall be the duty of the Bureau of polloo,of the City of Saint Paul to enforce all the terms and provisions of this ordinance and every pedestrian and every paidda-driving, operating or propelling any vehicle, including �Jjti6et-caxs,� shall stop the same immediately when requested or signalled gnalled, by a police officer to do so, such signal to be given by the officer by raising .his hand, club, or by whistle or semaphore. Penalties: Any person who shall violate any of the pravisjons.Qf this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mts- o demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall beunished by a fine I not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00)_ Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety (90) dskif section 20. OraluiLuce No. F99, approved September 7,1920,' and Ordinance No. 5450, approved Ooto er 30, 1920, and all ordinances or paxte of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 21. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council- 'JUJj 2ti 1923 Yeas Nays xr� Alanoy V Ferguson %/MoDonald ✓76 ter &./president (Nelson) Approved juM 20 1923 C mayor Attest Z16088 _ 3 • ;,- �� r An ordinance granting to Cushing & Driscoll permission to' construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to the building known as No. 36 East Sixth street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Cushing & Driscoll to construct and maintain a 6x6`oanopy over the entrance to the building commonly know aa._N"_Ea"ixih street, C 9 , p Siath street."V b. 460"rdlnance No 8077- BS n. C Weasel— Block located on the north 75 feet of the a An drQlaance-granting to Cuahing"& Driscoll perinfaeion- to construct and maintain a ,anoyy over the entrance-- $t . Paul Proper. . S, the building known ae No. 36 East Section 2. The Commissioner o The odain: doessordain•I the City or t Paan' Public SECTION 1. - - Buildings is hereby authorized to Ise That permfavion ana authority are ding & hereby-granted to.:Cushiag &-Drira, • to construct and .mafataln ea6 Driscoll for the erection of said can .co over the'eatcance'to the but :1gl oe with commonly known-.as.No.. 36'East-,i. F located gi'(the north '76 '. s'ots 1 and 3;. BrA the following conditions: o` 4 (1) The said canopy shall be oonstructa- and ereoted under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), condi- tioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the con- struction, erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensees shall pay any tax'or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council " Yeas Nays Mr�lanoy \/Fergnson J otonald 6 Reson later Wenzel Mr./President (Nelson) App;ve-- " 7 i Attest a itY lark. ,j&i�CoT 9 An ordinance granting to Cushing & Driscoll permission to construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to -the building , known as No. 36 East Sixth street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Cushing & Driscoll to construct and maintain a 6x6 canopy over the entrance to the building commonly known as No. 36 East Sixth street, located on the north 75 feet Of the east half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, St. Paul Proper, Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Cushing & Driscoll for the erection of said canopy, upon their compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed and erected under the supervision and _direction of said Commissioner, and said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), oondi- tinned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the oon- etruoton, erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corroration Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensees shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take eff sot and be in force I thirty days after its passage and icati n. Passed by the Council Yeas 4s Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Attest Mayor City Clark. HENRY OLSON C`lp of J§a`nt Vaut H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK Offire of lllitg Clerk ASST. CITY CLERK May 31st, 1923. Mr. C. F. McNally,�� Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached herewith application of Cushing & Driscoll for permission to erect a 6x6 :anopy.at 36 East Oth Street, which was referred to you, today, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, C I TYC enC. LUTHER 8. CUBNING WALTER J. DRIBCOLL CUSHING AND DRISCOLL CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY REAL ESTATE BROKERS. MORTGAGE LOANS GENERALINSURANCE TBLBPNON& GARPIBLO 1800 315 CAPITAL BANK BLDG. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA May 22, ]923. Hon. Council of City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. City Clerk's Office, Dear Sir: We wish to be allowed to erect a canopy 6x6, over the entrance of store #36 E. 6th Street, located on the 9eui4 75 ft. of the E. 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, St. Paul Proper. Trusting that you may see fit to grant us this request, we are, Very truly yours, CUSHING AND DRISCOLL By"moo LSC—EFA Yr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - In compliance with the request of the Council, I am transmitting herewith an ordinance granting to Cushing & Driscoll permission to erect a canopy at No. 36 East sixth street; also a resolution granting to schlep Brothers permission to erect a public garage at No. 552 University avenue. Yours very truly, ��oratC4- CITY OF ST. PAUL CO ENCIL No.---- 4-1 ■g ■89' j J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LL OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEk4c BY COMMISSIONER.—.___ ---__....... .... _.__�_..---~..�r�..-..� DATE.___. RESOLVED That the applioation of sohleh Brothers for permission to con- itruot and maintain a public garage on Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Maokubin & Marshall's Addition, located at No. 552 University ave - ane, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorised and instructed to issue a permit therefor. c r. no. Resolved That thear��asfo ;a4 Schleh . Brothe-.atructand maintalBon Lots 13 and 1,located Fi Warshall's 'AdditfI. b52 Unlvers[t9 avenue .be and the sa0. me Is he4eby::Rranted, and the ComrtiPubliq! , r o4 Parke. P1aY6 authorized and fn ButldinRs le,hereby,: ermit 23 therefor. et Anete d0Pto bYJ'01' ouncll June'2, 19.! 1- ADDrovod June 2;_5923', L, (June 9 1923) _ COUNCILMEN —,� �J�3 Yea. Nays Adopted by the C - . ---------------_192.----• $ 192pr ved--------- Jja- � 44eBeaa1dIn favor Matson -----------------.- .- MAYOR Peter - ---------- -Against Wenzel -mr. Vice Pres. Fera ca CITY OF ST. PAUL CO�Rc" No .....4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONER_r_—__—DATE.__.___.._—_._- RESOLVED That the application of $ohleh Brothers for permission to oon- struot and maintain a public garage on Lots 13 and 14, Block 3,,' Mackubin & Marshallts Addition, located at No. 552 University:ave- nue, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and Instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yea_ Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter ..---------- _-Against Wenzel Mr. President ` 3 Adopted b the Counci_.------------------------------------ 192---- _ ;n A roved............ PP ' - .. ...."' J �------------ 192 MAYOR HENRY OLSON of *�{µ`j�{etjDaut H. J. RIORDAN I CITY CLERK offia of KYu of Th ASST. CITY CLERK May 31st, 1923 Mr. C. F. McNally, CCS, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached herewith application of Schleh Bros. for permit to erect a public garage on Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Mackabin & Marshall's Addition, located at 552 University Avenue. The same was referred to you for the proper form of resolution by the Council. Yours truly, one. CITY LffiK. �• Irorm 19 3-33 800 5939 STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County -of Ramsey j r ss. ...................... hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for .......... nx,QQ............ day..SWj 6 QVX(CMXMZXAX&�that the said notice was Bret printed and published in Bald newspaper on ... Wadnesday the ...........lfith..... day of ...U47.............A. D., 19..@, and was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on each and evyery suc- ceeding ............ +�.oyr........ until and including....¢T... FZIaaY...... the IMI day of ... PW ......... A. D. 19.?� that said newspaper- was, ewspaperwas, during all the time 1n this Affidavit mentioned, and still 1s, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consiating of gen-" eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published In he English age at an nd known lace of business intsaid city, to -wit: Nos. 66 to 63 iStreet, East Fourth Stretablished office, e, equippedpwith the necessary materials,newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, _ printing And publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspa p er was, during all the said time, and still is, dated in St. Paul, rand generally circuated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the Brat publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time .gid Printer and publisher.. of ,the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published end delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies :hof said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, bas never been, andIs not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. Afflant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z Is the size and kind of type used in the publication of the annexed printed notice: a n e d e f g h1 l k lm n o p g r s t u v w x ys ft That affiant knows personally all the fact. set forth 1n this affldav, And , that each and all thereto n true. Subscribed and Sworn "fore me t Fee, $...................... Received Payment. 19th. day of M Y - ...A. p/19.. i THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ..,..... ..........1.t�l�i.... ..ti I Date... 19... Per..... .... ...... ���r mmnesue� �������� Notary 110,Rz., County. "."""'. .ta t' � � 1, Affidavit off. Publication C.athszi na..Q"Xkl..Xk ..........................being duly .. sworn, deposes and Bays: tbatjhe now Is, and during all the time herein men- tioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper known es "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,' and during all said time was, end now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the Braid time. and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published In the City of St. Paul, In the County of Ramsey, in the .State I f Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, that the annexed printed notice of ..App11o.e.tlon. For.. P.Qrmi,t..To.Erec_t._A p>yb110 Gara$e ...... ............................................................................ . ............................................... . ...................... hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columna of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for .......... nx,QQ............ day..SWj 6 QVX(CMXMZXAX&�that the said notice was Bret printed and published in Bald newspaper on ... Wadnesday the ...........lfith..... day of ...U47.............A. D., 19..@, and was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on each and evyery suc- ceeding ............ +�.oyr........ until and including....¢T... FZIaaY...... the IMI day of ... PW ......... A. D. 19.?� that said newspaper- was, ewspaperwas, during all the time 1n this Affidavit mentioned, and still 1s, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consiating of gen-" eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published In he English age at an nd known lace of business intsaid city, to -wit: Nos. 66 to 63 iStreet, East Fourth Stretablished office, e, equippedpwith the necessary materials,newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, _ printing And publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspa p er was, during all the said time, and still is, dated in St. Paul, rand generally circuated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the Brat publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time .gid Printer and publisher.. of ,the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published end delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies :hof said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, bas never been, andIs not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. Afflant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z Is the size and kind of type used in the publication of the annexed printed notice: a n e d e f g h1 l k lm n o p g r s t u v w x ys ft That affiant knows personally all the fact. set forth 1n this affldav, And , that each and all thereto n true. Subscribed and Sworn "fore me t Fee, $...................... Received Payment. 19th. day of M Y - ...A. p/19.. i THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ..,..... ..........1.t�l�i.... ..ti I Date... 19... Per..... .... ...... ���r mmnesue� �������� Notary 110,Rz., County. "."""'. .ta t' � � 1, STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss County of Rants, . ..� . being duly swora,`.deposaa and says that �e Is clerk for the DieBat Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher .;of the-----�'nnp--DfrrBeEe1�• St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and _ published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That.,de has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the :printed ..... tG�.�GGII./}� .'�%' �t��j f2:l�c•r.,n+ac�'..-�h� • ' hereto. attached, cut -fro the column of said n aper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper - for•-,•••• 'and that all of said publications were made in the English language. ,, o That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on.�_.__' V the ... VIZ' ay of........., ...........1 192.E and was printed and pub• lished in said newspaper thereafter on.:..1.i.,7j • •� •,i�•��j• r�-' until and including. the- J'ff! s day (o/f... 192.3. That during all the tI�oresaid, said newspaper was 4ur&ded ae a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and- 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that It has complied wbth all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit: that for more thae _ one year last past from the date of the first publication of said... i /. • • • • • ...................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and In column and sheet form equivalent in spaee to at least eight pages, with.. _ eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established insuch place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print. Ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plata.- matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the anent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said...... .%? ........... ................. the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed In the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting tis qualifications as a legal newspaper as requiredand set forth In section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower casealphabet from A to Z both inch -i -e. of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdc1Rti2klmnoparetnvwzra Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. ...........,���... Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... day o `?%? .192. .............. �. d ........ Notary Public, Rams County, Minnesota.�/ ,xn FORM 141 3fd s•ze zl Paa My Comm'.sslon expires.... •'r- • •� •� •f "` ' ticnlG� 2 1� FBtl�.lWlRbeiaa gxplrGa aD ,�. COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FIS No ....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T p 2 '? PRESENTED BY /{//�� JuII?' 2, 1723 coMM35sloNER___..__..�___ _ _. __J------ — .. __ __. ._.__.—_ _.._._.. DATE_.____ RESOLVED That the application for license of Mrs. Mary Tschida for conducting a poolroom at 1205 Rice Street-be, and the same is hereby granted and the 01ty Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. 3 pool tables .Resolved, That the satfon can- duetof Mrs:.Mary Te08 Rchidcfor cos- ducting aolroom at 3208 Rfce SL be, d`i a same-is hereby �graated and the Clty Clek fa instructed to tasue euch.11cense. upon the ...m nt-Into the clty treasury'of the-c%uatomary fee. 3 Pooi'-tables; Adopted by'tbe' Council June 2, ,1929: App r—ed'.Sune 2, 1923. I '(June 9-1923) COUNCILMEN 6 Yeas r Nays Adopted b the Council....:.--- ---------- 192...... 6}aflcp � 1323 pproved---- ------ .I-- --- --........ _.. - 192 McDUIM Y _---.._...--In favor Matson Against -.............. ------- - .- ....... .. MAYOR Peter ..._.......- A�� Wenzel is -mr. Vice Pres. Fesgu'°° A ._.... - CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�No' 460 i-1- No. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .,.y;• EJJSn�O�4UTION—GENERAL FORM * t PRESEN-'ED BY RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons - for conducting Motion Picture Theatres at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. Lake Amusement 0o. 1543 University Av. (Hamlin) Aivoli Theatre Co. 20 E. 7th St. (Blue Mouse) C R solved'ThatB the ._application for licenses^of That .following. persons -for. cmulmding Motion. Picture Theatres gt' the addreeses indad icated, and the �City same are hlr'by'gr_, clerk is lnatructea to"issue, such 1t- enses Won, the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. sl La e- A usemen t Co., 1543 Univer-, Rivoll. Theatre Co.. .: 20 E. 7th 5t. (Blue W.use) Adopted. by the Couneh June 2„1993. Approved June 2. 1923: j e (June - 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays }14cBoaeld In favor Matson J Peter ....... ..... _.Against Wenzel .=PA ear Mr, Vice Pres. Fergnson _., N23 Adopted by the Council_ _._---_--._.._.--.------ _.....-192_... ��” 192...... * .................. MPVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CIL No. 4FA092 FILE .............. ..... .._ PRESENT D BYCOMM �" -'��____....._._......_.._.__. DATE_._.__Y1e 2 1 2 PRESEN SIIbNER–_.._... .. ___. ...—_.�-- RESOLVED That the applioations,for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at are hereby granted the addresses and the City Clerk indicated be, and the same Is instructed to issue such licenses upon the e payment into the city treaeur ,' - -� fee: ................In favor 40082—By F W. Matson--� d That the aypifcatio s, for' r L the Yoilowl g persons tor' Wenzel B--.ddrese ealndicntd be°and'thefIIe Ave ., - Soft drink Mrs Mar-ys'sPs strut aaLteda�na the City St., the V.—cat fato'the OOnfeOtlOII@ry Drugstore �rf city Be et.Axe Bmg iahcusto870yPgyne Av 9th St. Rob H. X. 13oYt drink Albert p. 'Ti�,r,Tschid& 1208 .Rlce_.`4"ksOII St. Joseph Glizzi eO° 299 wade sI:, 'r E. 7th St. e John HoL.fffian, .rley, 121¢ W., Vii. E. 7th St- e Henry Arndt & . 1, Hugo M.=Davis, 924-6 Arcade St., Grocery W. J. Heaney, 331 Oathredal Place, Grocery Dominick Nerrozzo, 539 Decatur St. Soft drink Eoule.,Capra, 241 W. 4th St. ° Jacob Carlson, 227 R. 4th St. T. 0. Duckworth, 1218 Selby Av. " Confectionery 0. J. Hodgge, 165 Concord St. 455 -Robert St. Soft Drink Grocery Figgley-lliggley Ino. LOUIS S. Mamige, 503 Como Av. St. Grocery Grocery Mrs. Ella Doer, 922 Woodbridge F. Ho pankratz, 1162 E. 7th St, Bakery Frank d.'Liska, 551 Michigan St. G oc813r Rooery W. A. Dehaan, 2121 Randolph St. J. M. Zdeli, 500 W. Central Av. Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays o 1 L ALaD4 aid. ................In favor Matson Peter ----------------Against Wenzel ylr.'� ice Yres. Ee;iRuoa 0 1323 Adopted by the Council ..----------- .........._.._........_192 „. l e 1K3 proved....--- rn .............. 192 �9 -- -------- ---- --------- -------- - -- -------- +s MAYOR 1_ PUBLISf1�73 t - RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL wUr+ciL NO. ----4601 93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the applications for licensee of the following persons ;for conducting Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses in- dioated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed -:Eo- Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: H. D. Kennedy, 65 W. Seventh St., Hotel T. R. McCarthy, 395 Rios 9t., Restaurant Jas. Jung, 94.7 W. Seventh St. " (deo. Demos, 20 E. Fourth St. " E. F. Gleason, 636 Vandalia St. " Harry Langer, 344 Cedar St., " Frank J. Herges, 622 University Av. " R. N. Travis, 40 E. 3rd St., " Stenger & Baker, 313 E. 7th St. " Mrs. E. Rommel, 300 University Av. " Tom O'Toole, 753 Mississippi St. " Ewalt H. Engfer & " Jas. Ohilis, 242-4 E. 7th St. Mike 09--- 324 Robert St - " R --11 d BTtiat HF• W Mateoa_.- 1 ndoed he a B 1lcatioue for � rae `Frotele ]Io Wlpe Persona for COUNCILMEN Yeas �— Nays ^ (/ -1rBMnald ..�.........In favor Matson Peter _......._.Against Wenzel 11 Nr. Vice Pres, Fergueon 13 1 --1111323 Adopted by the Council _-----------------------i ..... _.. Ap owed.._ ----------------- --- -- ....._..:..192 - �J7 — �L ------ - --- . - - - MAYOR f�?^LISHdr,D� � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applications fori-lioanses of the following Parsons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated bej and the same are hereby granted and the City Clark is instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Andrew Ennessy, 12 2514 W-Se7lbth St. , H. u Mez, 11 Math GrDandhofer, 43 so. Cleveland veland AV. it the CUStOMary iee20 '5 W 7thgt- AuDuMe$drEun'38421y'4 S lb*Y Alin D . Math Grandho.f6r.143 So. Cleveland '-vA�d.pt.d b, the -Cou I noll Juno 2. 1928: 'Approved Jule 2, 1923'. (June uno9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In favor Matson J Peter ................Against Wenzel Ir.- Vico Pro,. Fe't;u"On' Adopted by the Council -JILO.- ---------- 192 2 ..... 192 4r.v A'Y'O'- R- CITY OF ST. PAUL WU""`No.....46095 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IESENTED B` DATE -------------- RESOLVED That the Clerk of the Municipal Court be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to employ an extra clerk, at a salary of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month, for a period from June 7th, 1923 to January let, 1924, for the purpose of keeping the records of the Conciliation Court up to date; the expense thereof to be borne out of the Muni- oipal Court Pend. COUNCILMEN �,,, —2 11323 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ ..._.._......_.__----- 192...-_ claney ° 1023 �— Appr ed --- - -- -----..-..._192. AICPHRA FI ..._-___-__..-In favor ✓ Matson -- ... ........ .... - - Peter-st MAYOR _....� _...Again ✓ Wenzel • p1r *jFe,;Pros. Fervoon COUNCIL --.. �•YV,96 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. - [- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, PRESENTED BY Wm. J. Peter . --- --------... RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets: Herschel Ave. from Iglehart Ave. to Marshall Ave. Iglehart Ave. from Herschel Ave. to Wheeler Ave. -- — C. F.,`No. 48096-8y W: J:.Peter— Public Work, be anted le herebylauthor lead and'dlrected..to sprinkle with,wa- ter anddoll the . following �atreeta: _ Herachel Ave:` from IglebarC Ave..to IIfar.hall Ave. - Iglebart; Ave: from 11,raiIII0 Ave. to ' Wheeler Ave.. ., Adopted by thO:Council June 2, 1923. ,Approved June.:2, 1923.. (r -(June 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �LErgiLSOII —�4e�ens}ct _.....In favor ✓ Matson Peter ......Against Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. FerQnaon. Adopted by the Council. __...._..,.;..._>., in "I .... Ap ro ed...... -j' "3 -.........192.. _ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUENCIL NO. W_9-7. OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wm. J. Peter V/----- ......... DATE__........J.I�nS_..._ls'E. 1.828...._...._._..- COMMISSIONER---_-_----------_---------------------_._-----------............ _........ ..._......__...._........._.....__._. .............. f - RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorised and directed to sprinkle with water or a y. oil the following street; Rooney St. from Atlantic St. to Etna St. Princeton from Fairview to Prior so. Victoria from Jefferson to Milwaukee C ResolVed46That Bthe Comm ster", Public "R*orks ber and !.,hereby. au of thorlaed and -:directed, to-iirinkle -Ith water or oil the: following. streets: -- et eaney St.- fr.ia Atlantic St.. Etna - Princeton from�:Falrvew �[o Prlo'. '80. Victoria .from Jefferson to Mil- waukee. Adopted by the -Council June 2, 1923. Ai"._Vcd June 2,.1923. (June -8 1823}' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays F't'gQgdit- mt_p mtkf— .... ...... In favor Matson Peter .__Against Wenzel /�,NTr"�. ✓ jar. v1vG � '-'C9. orguout Adopted by the Council`,,.: i ------- ..l��j _..192..... Ap ved . ._.....--.192...... MAYOR S CITY OF ST. PAUL couENc'L 6®98 FILENO ...................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ONO dune 2, 1923. D BY _... DATE......_.._._._..._..._._.-. RESOLVED Whereas, The final order, C. F. #41536, adopted and approved by the Council April 24, 1923, covering the re -paving of Sixth Street from Wabasha Street to Sibley Street, except at the intersections of Minnesota and Robert Streets, and Whereas, at this time it is deemed advisable and expedient to include these intersections in the above work, and Whereas, the cost of said intersections is to be paid entirely from the General Fund; THEREFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be directed to prepare plans and specifications for same and incorporate with the plans for Sixth Street as approved by the final order. " 1C Wherene46TheanaI Order P C F.. No. 41636, adopted and approved by the Council April 24, 1923, covering thelyd- paving-.of .Sixth St. from. Wabaeha St: to Sibley St.,. except at .thee-lutereec- tfons of Minnesota-and-Robert' Strbeta,' .ad adV nables and, Cexp time' ltto deemed nc ude� these; In" ectons--In the above work,' and' Whereas, the cost oY aa1d ,intersec. hone le.to be .paid entirely from the General Fund: • ; , a1x1n. St. ae aPPtoved by the al. naorder. . Adopted by the.Councii June 2, 1923. Approved June ".1923. COUNCILMEN+a (June 9-1923) Yeas Nays — -- _...In favor ✓Matson p / Peter _..._-.__..Against i/ Wenzel V Mr. via F"& n Adopted by e Council ,....... -192....-. WL 3 Ap roved--- y , . ---- .... --- .192----- I 7ze -- ------------- -- ------------------ - - - - MRYOR • RESOLVED 99 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNcl N ��V FILE No ------ _--- __-------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ -IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ......_ 91?uRq..._2.9... 1923 �_._._.._........_ In the matter o3 grading and paving alley in Block 7, Woodland Park Addition from Dale Street to gent Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. X46964, approved May 28, 1923. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C. -P 46099=sr:w. a In the matter-ot=grading I I In Block .7, Woodla In the me are and re- in ouch /meg (Tune 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yea. - Nays �eagtlsnn -moo . , _.. ....In favor Matson 1 ✓,Peter) Against �emel .id2� �, Qioe Ytes. L'n:¢neog Adopted by the Council. i.,.1... -M . i'} j-------.._..192_.._. 'T� MPYOR .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCIL No . _Q00 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTEE y 1923 com.,.S,.MR---------- 7 ....................................................................... DATE . ......... ....... RESOLVED In the matter of grading Ryaointh Street from -Arcade Street to a point 202 feet west of Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #40336 approved June 19, 1922, and Final Order O. F. #43842, approved February 1, 1923. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and ,,.,rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter die continued. J: Peter— "Ayacinth St. C P. '4o' ""%sradl�i C. matter, DI t a Point 202, feet . am Arcade:' -&C I at of -Arcade gf under Prellmin rder C�F. h 9; 1922; a . - "'rC d =&d-rP-VeF.! %-approvew. I dois"- in the I /S 1923 That an ;or be and tb- j�d, ar., ed, annulled and , re- roceadings 1n auch -:Sed. P Cuneu Jane 2. 1923. ne % 1923. •, Sone a-lsaay COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _G6_CT_ _F--gi— 4 Ale )enaid— -- _..__..._._In favor Matson v" Peter Agai.A Wenzel L"/ Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguwn I Adopted by the Council : 192 App, ved -----------.-.192...... MAYOR ---------- * ........................... .. ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL NO -------- -3�1 J� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM dune 2, 1923. That the time specified for the performance of a oer.tain contract dated May 8, 1923, between Peter Dickson, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Alley in Block 2, Sanborn's Midway Addition, between Griggs St. and Dunlap St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 2nd day of June, 1923, and Qq proper city officers are hereby authorized to exsoute an' amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the. contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C FNo'46101—$Y W: J: Peter— ' Ree.elved. That the time specified for; E' the;.pperformance of a. certain'contract dated'May 8, 3923 between Pe$a ."Dick eon, Contractor: 'and the. C! of St.: Paul, for the grading of lgy i tock r 2 Sauboraa MIdwaY AH$1jlP# �h�eea' r Griggs; 8t at{d Dunlap St. beta d. the; // same is,:hereby ezfended)to the;2ad'daY ,finis A923, and -,the prbDer'cltY oRl-.. cera'; are hereby. guithorlaedts. exechte an amend ept.to-,said contract In aq cordance herewith;.. provided,: however, that this resolutMn- shall ,not,have any: /01 force WndelLaet''uclass the sureties on•the conLrand consent thereto. and, file such 'consentin,wfiting,with' City ComDtrolier, - I Adogrted by the Counc; Approved 2-1 JJunen-923; (pe.9-1823)- Jii7-..IJL3 Adopted by the Council----------------------- ----------------192.----- Appro-------------------------- ----- ...--- -192 MAYOR 19 3 st. Paul, TO THE HOD?ORABLE CITY 0OMMIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completi4g contract for the - - - v to be extendedto -="=-------- Owing to - - it was not possible fpr to finish this goptragt within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tii,:e for completing same be rzade as hereinbefore stated. Youre very truly,�� f G Contractor. There is no objection to having the tiL,e extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVED' Supt. of Constru epairs Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Enginear. PRESEf M[NR R_ COMMISSIONE RESOLVED //r-1 r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �a CO ENCIL No ------ 461-02 FILJune 2. 1923 N That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated September 16, 1922 between John Sandquist, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the paving of Alley in Block 8, Summit View Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the 22nd day of May, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have an force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Cou 4'L –Corley– r �ergnsott– Ap roved...- . -,,y....:-- ' it –I14e�orrtalT - In favor Matson ✓ Peter _.11.. -..Against Wenzel Dd, Viee pres.ecgu9on MAYOR St. Paul, Minn.,- < -- - - 19 - - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUVOIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the =- - - - to be extended to Owing to 19- -- - - - - -- - - ------ it was not possible for -/---to finish thi& Contract within the time specified, hence.-` desire to esk that the tirlie for completing sane be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly Cortracto There is no objectio:, to having the { time extended as requested, as fax as - the requirements of this office �s concerned. APPROVED Supt. of Const r Repairs Commissioner of Public Forks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL cOENCIL No. 16-03 111th P - f • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 1, 1923. RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of . a certain contract dated February 6, 1923, between O'Neil & Preston, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Delos Street from Bidwell Street to a point 125 feet west of Winslow Avenue, be and the same is 'hereby extended to the 3let day of May, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the - sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. est. bona ec - Comp - sent in writing with .the Citp t,oUer Adopted by theCouncil 'lune 2,. 1923f Approved; Jnne 2. 1923.. (Jun 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -ClARA McBana}&- " ' __..In favor — Matson Peter _._..._....Against Wenzel N1,. Vicc 1'rir- }r�rCu9nn 1} Adopted by the Council.u.'. --- .,...1.+ _1......-----192------ I'J2J ------------- ...................... ... MAYOR st. Paul, minn., - - i TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUMIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the to be ejCtended to- Owing to -?�G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to esk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. /1 - Yours very trul;,� `,moi=•�,� . `�• '-+�� Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as fax as the requirements of this office is ccncarned. APPROVED Supt. of Construction. 8 Repairs Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engine --r. CCOUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL 46104 vee OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BY C� L 'OLU—TIO^N—GENERAL FORM ED DATE ........ .Sa:::V..__�5.._.._�O'� RESOLVED That the Council hieby Lpproves the action of the Contr ct CoL,mittee in aviardinc thi contract for furnichinE all labor and material and erecting, lees mecha.nicel equi meat, an addition to the Ames 6chool, to the Federal Constriction Colnfe•.ny, they beinC the 10^,rest resnoncible bidder, for the slim of 264,5!1.00, leas „1086.00 for omittinE, excavation, grad.inE r�nu b�.ckfillin�-, and plus '„195.00 for furnichirc-- rubcei, stone flonrinC.• instead of I astic, io kind tot,'! ,,�o'int of contrc!ct ',,63,9:50.00, in accordance e,ith plans and spcci.fi cations on file in the o? i'i.ce of the _urch� s ins ',eat, their bid l . ward of contract hereto cettached, and. the Corporation Counsel is h_ereb- instrL�Cted to Y. ;_ cLarr: � _ the _rro;:er forr.� of contract therefor. ,-4745. Irchitectls Lstimate X70,000.00. p C,Re`solved61 That BC yth4 oun°llghereby approves the action . of Atha, cgnttact' ,Comhe mittee .in awarding �y .for:fui'nisltIt all labor andimaterlat and erecting, leas- mechanical e¢utp ment, an addition t the Amea Schodl. �Ite the• Federal Construe tlon .lbl. bidl �� f they being the loiveat reeDonalble bid- (den for the 1,U of ;65,34100, lees ;1086,90 for omitting eacav hien;196.00 Ing.:and backfilling and P for'. furnishing"rubber atone floc ie 1 instead of Drast/ making amount of ntract ;63,469.00, In .ac- cordanc with Plane and apeeificatiOne , on file to the -Rice of the Purchasing lAgent,:thetr bid sande had Cotpot tlonl horeto attached. Counsel fs hereby Inf ra contract to draw, forth. pplo; I4o74 oArcitecte Esti- mate:;70,000.00. th1983. opted by e Counc111une 2, 'ADDrovtd Tuna;3, 1933. ' (Juga 8-1925) - COIINCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted b the Council ' l' _ 192._... P Y _ 192 �-' �' � _ A roved....... - -',,; i---ti-tir.i- . 1gtBoltaht In favor /(/{1 Y ..l "4 Matson �-------MaYOR Agai—t f OR�GINALrC .. - o'IK. ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,', aaOHaIL No....t�� `.. Form D•s9. IM 12.22 AUDITED CLAIMS— ESOLUTION FORM` j.�nL= 344 CAMPrRO ... ....... _._ ..... 1D2.. __. ............. ._ __ ._ ..._..____ ..__ _._._.•lf Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a rebate amount of $---------- 115.............. covering 13838 ...... to ................. inclusi e, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered------------- ------ - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. ti _.a t �- .may, Adopted by a ConncII------ �..�3�.:i.......... ................ 192' '£erpu—, ..--In favor A proved.... ` ....192- Matson, Peter, ..............A$81nst....................... .. _...._ -.... Wenzel.MAYOR elson �� LZ Mr. Vice Free. Fereaeon C F. No. 98186— - Re solved. that' checks be drawn on the CRY Troaeury, to the -:aggregate Unt of; 5336,819,8E vertng.:checke .bered 13838. oto 38866 lncluetve;'a9 per.:reglsEer-ot ctty" ch k -da' file: -in the o¢tce oY the C(tp Comptt. Adapted by thY^Conncl3 Juno 2;_1983. ,`Approved June E;---1923. EJuao:9-1923) .. .......... ... .... ......... .... ............................. 13838 Catherine Billows, 7,0M00 Longfellow School (Bond) 13839 Board of Control, 15,323.03 Board of Control ! 13840 Capitol City Realty Company, 7,976.00 flew Junipr Senior High School(Bond) 13841 J. M. Clancy, Comfr. of Finance35,706.94 / Fire 35,679.44 (Auto) 27.50 13842 F. 0. Corcoran, 80.04 Bureau of Engineers 10.47 St. C. & R. 36.09 Sewer C. & R. 22.04 V� S. & S. Cing. 11.44 80004 13843 Goodyear Rubber Company, 8.36 Fire 13844 Jewel Electrical Instrument Company, 515.68 Schools 3-3845 Phil Justus & Mrs. Caroline Cooper 11,300.00 Longfellow School (Bond) 11 • Res. 344 Page #2 13846 J. F. Kain Cashier Water Department dater 13847 Millerburg Auto Electric Company, St. C. & R. .52 Garage .57 40.47 n 39..45 n 33.27 Tr". 8 13848 Mels• St'PSchoolsault Ste. Marie Railway pang, Water .36 704.57 n 62.11 n 453:78 1,26.82 13849 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Water 13850 L. V. RepkCDanys 15.00 ivilService ` Library5.70.20 13851 St.Paul ElectricLamp Company, Garage 13852 Sinking Fund Investment Committee, "A" "B" Spec. Assess. and Fund -Red. Spec. Assess. 35 000.00 Bonds Spec. Assess. "A" and "B" Bond & Int. Fund Int. Acct. S6 1 050 1 Ubu vv • 13853 Sterling Printing Company, 2.00 Fire 5.75 Health 29eoo 36.75 13854 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Bureau of Engineers 13855 victory Printing Company, City Clerk 6„00 Civil Service 17.50 Acct. forms, etc. 42.00 5.70 Police Pol. & F. Alarm 8.00 Bureau of Engineers 19.50 Schools 7.20 7.15 Library 21.50 MM 127.28 114.28 1,220.82 145.99 70.20 %00 36,050.00 36.75 4.70 134.55 OITY 08 9T. PAOL QUADRUPLICATE To CITY CLERK �. OPIO FOIL No 4al�U� •� FormD se int 12-22 •, I � JUNA' 2 )) ^� 152 BY { COMPTR AUDITED ....................................... .. ....192 °'�'sa ✓... ........ ._........_ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a$$ Bate amount of $----------- .-..---- ,may .� �. a r.coveria checks numbered.. .-----to----.. =5-- ....e -----•inclusive, per register of city checks on file in the office of thCity Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Adopted by the Council..-.. 1 j 1--- -- •192 -- +..---In favor 1.i y q- _�r�^�Approved -------------- -.L i -'-�..��L3........................192------ Matson, �Wenul. _ -----,Against lson Air, Vice Pree. Fergaeara f it •ISI ■s _x c Oa1GINAL TO CITY CLENK Form D-34 1M 12-22 • ..T OP BT.. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �Ovscrl jv AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 345 C�—OMP � By ..........7JAUDITEDyE'_ / g/ 1806 � 65 covering Resolved e that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anto amount of $ --------------- •------•---•---•------"-_- " ...-.................to-------1 -- . .---inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.a 4�-S? Comptroller. Yes ( IT ) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. •61an�p, -Fet$ttsea ..............In favor �4eBettsld; ✓ Matson, ✓Peter, ............. Against R1en �gpD lr. Vioe Free• er C. F.,No, 46106 ReeOlved that-cnecha ba -drawn on the: -City Treasury t co evinB �heclts amount oL, #.808.Ab. ae numberfld 13868,'to:139b95 ineluelve, per. re Or OfOltY checketron file in the office of the'City Comptroller. Adopted by the -0ouncll Sune, 2, 1923. Approved June -8_9_19, . (7uneI923) Adopt y the Council---- �-J: L. :..I i ........:....---.........In - Approve - 192 ............. MAYOR 13856 Allis-Chalmers Com P an Ys 1,228.45 Water 86.40 13857 Olof Hansen: H. & C. H. 64.25 13858 Iowa ValveWCComPanY, 13859 Minnesota By -Product Company, 427.55 Water CITY OP ST, PAIIL QIIADRUMICATE To CRY CLERK - CCn.0 No.. 46106... Form D-34 1M 12-22 nza -- - V 1 1 By om O R AUDITED...............��J F\. LaLu.....IB2... ...._ _' C..../, Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the anigate amount of $....iBS---•-- -- covering checks numbered ..--...M4--------------to......:JJM-----------•inclusive, aper register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Glancy,— Adopted by the Council----- --------- fit.;^j.--��_``)L.J-----------..--- .192:.--- -- - -.In favor MaDAnalApproved----------- - --------...------ 1�7---�•' iii ......192 `�,pMatson, � ✓ eter, , Wenzel. Against Mr, Viae Pres FergaIm CJ Petition �+ `` �~ Council File No ........ 4.610 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing ;the grade of alley in Blook 7, Woodland Park Addition �iom-.Dale•-S't. to a""poinE a"eft" ar--Daff st.' to-""aronform-to the•--red--11-s6 Dn--tha•-,gio-Pila.-herato---attaohed..ezld---tnsi4la--a.-PArt_kereo ,---the--preeent_.... established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and- •paving-bsid S-1 10Y trOM -Do's' at' to red--lines-------- when established, ------ .............- ........ -•- - .............. C, F X70 461071�betrsct. ' Dated this ......... da of Wbereae A r/rutan yr° -sal fdr tbs - y matur °f tb° tis �s7yTordmeat ................. 192 . .. L6 •of a11el In :xaie Changgi�ng ---------- -- ---- ------------- --------------------- a tiVootriand'ParK,Addnate St. to.�° e�� Councilman. when' estao� s1L4o4F:-a'"- aerated to the Couou ncil Paul. 06.efore.'be, nesol/ed 'Ch75'- WHEREAS, A written proposa Publlo m along of the following improvement, viz.: Lam" g•_the'._"grs�de-_oY-_alley__in-_Bloak._7-:..VPo------ Park Addition - from Dale St- to a point east'of,Dal6 sto to oonform to the red line on trhs-proi'i e:herete attaehed ead :me a--par-t-here-f-r--- the ---present.... eetablished,,Vade being ohown'`by.,a blue line thereon, also grading and""paving said alley from Dard-'Sto" "to BeYiti gt� to eai3 red line when-astabliahe de.- -----•-------------- " - ----- ----- -- ----------"----.... ...._..... ----- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------- .------------------------------------------------ --------- .----- ------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: r/� g 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. a 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-....------- la)...- )--1J�3 - ............... YEAS NAYS Councilman Gb**eT-- SisxeasozP Ir,I Approved ------- --- ------------- - - �f ✓ MATSON r . / PETER WEN]EL........... ttEERaa�- . ......................................_--....- irk Mayor. Form C A la last $A) Vice Pree. Ferguson �, � 3 Pi USHL0 N, 46:108 Petition Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 and * PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following' public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: In the matter of furnishing and install.atio_.n of a aervioe --------------------------------- ....----------..-•-------•---......------......-•----... -- --. -----..- ......... -- ht s-etem oonsist of lamp poste. Wires and underground - g .....Y--- - ...................................... -- conduits for oonveying eleotrio ourrent thereto, and all other noosseary ajp33..................... il� equipmeut-_for_ id Q stain; on ft Fl - Dated this ZU& ........... da of.............JJu . 19E8•..............192....... _� C F No e63D4—r------- Sbatraot Councilman. maakSGg-of Whereas f611 ep Dropaazi for the tho_f011oWlag 1mDt'c98mlut, rnd the matter erV furalahing- and' e& st¢ 818ti n oY n aer¢tce i.to,4 i „system Conetating OP tamp poste Wires- sad -uadergrouhfl Conduits Y r ca1V,oj 6 nee eseryuraPpifaheestpand eflulpgn ORDER. for said= system oa west jr1fth, Street Hav n'g:'bean presented toattheuCou cii following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A writ h the-lr ee v= st emtlod therefor¢ he It In the IDapu ua 1WotkThat �:•s1 y uleaioner of installation Of a servioe gr light eye'Ednsietirg o lamp poste, Wires and uxider-" o aead fte f eon ey# sg e-1$Q.tlr-iq---aurr4 t._.therata,---and--a11...other.--- -.. neoeseary_epplianbee and equipment for said system, on West Fifth - -------•--•-------•- Street from at.'''ter Street to Igoe Fourth Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. / 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ........ o': ...... ---------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman F,f*cei �3LJ Approved--'. ............................................. .. '/MATsox f� A4eBerrAzv "). I/ PETER /WENZEL .... ...................... ........................ .......... ' ��Iayor. Form C A 13c3M)�i2)Vice Pres. Ferguff= Pur;rrsr-rED (/I- Council File No 461-09 J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave�Alley in 81ook 38_,___3um...it Perk.Addi6lon,.-_Yr©m-------------------------------------- AWVXd...0neat---ta...Chate1MT-th-.. Street .----------------------------------- --------- ------------------ ----------------------- - --------------------------------- Dated , 192. Councilman. #`i &� &drra 0 , , YItELIMINARY ORDER. Ineesgga rRvame�ttu't�yt WHEREAS, A wt 3 „Tp,inv for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - IWArd.. MrsatA. to ()JMtfW0X.th--Strsst............................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------ .---------------------------------------- ----------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: j/ 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Mnance. Adopted by the Council- ...................... ...l ..:-.w..t;1-- 1 --------------------------- YEAS NAYS ___ Councilman �...o-r-- Approved.....................-. =' --------------- ----------- MAT)Zr_ so �� �1 / McParrxt-n'- J PETER •/WEN7.EL ................. .......... ................... . Mayor. ra.o, c A 13 cant V- Ile PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I Council File No........46.1-.10 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoone;cuoIing, relaying and repairing, where neo08Bar . . y, the .-... ... .......... ------ ...... • -- . .........--- -- ..... ------------ -- ....... ........ -- .............. ---- -- -- ..... _dement...Ai.flaXA1X-.OA..the...A49x. #oB�terly,_elde-.of--_31sth--etre®t._betgeen---..----- -�ialA eBa.. �XgAWe--194 -3m� th._Aoenu®a - - - ......... Dated 192...... Councilman. ` caeiAcommtngt °f kY ORDER. " nniiL jwkJ td . WHEREAS, A written propo§al for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Reoonatraotine-_relayin$_an8 repairing, where neoeeeary.. the -_-4emen�--.e�dewalk on -_the- northeaeterl�..e#ile- of._ 91xih- 4treeb. _between RolleBe_AYEnnfl.-&rid-- Smltih..b 9.aXAi ®.a------------------- ................ .............................................................. I .......... ---------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- .------------------------------------------ .------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -ti'. 1923 Adoptedby the Council--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- YEAS NAYS Councilman -- Approved.................- (... t/MATSON �/PETEMCDR— g~ Mayor. ✓ J Vioe Pres. Ferman Fom C A 13 (3M PUBLISHED= t Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No... - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: p*e-_-melee-_Avenue--frgm._.Sneliing_Agenne-.to--_Fairview Avenuex---------------- ._.in..... g._Mawor.,--watex..._ oonneot ons.._Prom--street._mains_--t°-------.._----- property line oomplete-, where not already made also ourbing and paving alley ---aiicl-AriYeway....apFromake e.'--whexe---xtQ Dated this Pn& .day of-- ------------sit�Il4 s 92 s.... ... .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following --.......... _------ ---------------------- iuoluUag--.0611 r.-.-water_e4d-_gae._oonaeotione__from_etreet mein -tu--------- _.pr4pety._11a._oomPlete-:._where--nit-..already-made, -also ourbiag sad pacing 4Ll1e7..at..:sl4eway-ap4roaahes.._:where--neaeseary., ------------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said�improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council---------------------_--......---------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman Gftmay- 10MR94seN" (// MATSON PETER WENZEL Perm c A ia� �TtJ V10 I-,- lFas ' AkIlr Mayor. r, P13tition:12 Council File No.........4.. .. .41 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --Oonst,auot -a.. ea��r.... on._al a l-�.vex....fro 0x�axs�...$t. t.a 4�a�.s,�ns�b. *--------------- I ............._......_.................... --- -- ....... - . Dated this a°d day of .JUI18__1923- ......- - - 192.... PRELIMINARY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the T T = T - -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------- .---------------------------------------------------- --------------- -- therefore, be it ✓ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the -nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council---------------------............................LJ....... YEAS NAYS Councilman c�marcr Approv FeeSOeserr ed.....- .._`;.::.,......_,..,..n --- .... ... /MATN V I�EIE��.�r .:�,.;...- � �v EN%til. .- .............................:.........................--..-.--.. Petition�� LJ Council He Nb ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT f/t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: d.._$1s-.----tQ ------------ Yeet.-_aouth_oY--Thomas--Sts.--------------------------------------------------------- .---------- ------------------------- ------ ------------------------------ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------.-----Ganstruat---a..alkwer -onn..Paaaal--Ave..-_from..Edmund--St.--.to---a.-paint--8C------- - -feet. south_of-_Thomas...St-- ----- --------------- --------....-......------------------------------------------------------ ------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------ ------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. / ' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ---------------------------- `. ''j ...-_..--------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman Gme#ey— F-ssea86N Approved--------- 3------------------------------ - -MATSON A D PETEE ✓ WENZEL................................................ ... ......... --- '� . Mayor. Form C A 13M Ma) Vice Pre" Fergaw" Petition Council He No 4Q14 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: QqAMtru9t GOWOrB On - Hotfor,& Ave., from the 48,01941ppi River to Cleveland Ave., On Cleveland Ave. b*tWSOZL RsAdAl)h St- and Bayard AVG# on the east and 6 easements to be obtained, the oen . ter ilhe of whi0h shall be the south line of Lot 9. and the north line of Lots 12. 10 and 14, R0qq'XT.# Bork _Lot 9. fr&n.;QldV4'laZd Ave. to FS1rVJGW Ave., on jaw Ave. between Otto Ave. and Hartford Ave. on the seat, on "Ps'ard Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave.. On Bar T 4n iAg Ave. between Otto AVG. and two St., on Mdun% aqrve BoAlevardL from Hartford Ave. to the terminzko of the existing sewer ;LpyroXiMiltily 910 Most north Of 9Art2QT& AVG-, On Hartford *VQ* to the terminus Of the existing IoVer qLyprQdAStql7 , 660 fee f;-,jjor$JL- of, W ifqrd Ave., an rat from Hartford1 , , Ave* to the t4iitii4lp Of the existing Rower ' pprdxim4V6U16Q_ f6st0e, on: NjUsi Ave.betWOU Cretin Ave. A 0 Ave Ave. Form C A 13(3M W. Vice Pres. Fergwn ,a i a Ave. to a Ave,: L Ave '49# t Iva. . as 'ii VP land Cleveland Ave: an Tq # , geh Randolph St and Bayard' 1eaest sad on btIF-to t. ;'.the center -6f, Ch ho south llna:: o>i Lot An 'And Ark -Garden .1;qt"s1rorMa_-.C1ev. L on, *,Or system* ip heoAbetween bon Era 4 ew Ave to All, i7 7111TO h`M_6Xm*nui Of the v northpo-gartford Ave., on k term I U1 us of the existing Zqa�tfoid Ave. I on Ud existing -2an4,o1pb on mliind AVG., on lidaUCI Ave., on 66 ate,', on L gAve, on Inelling Ave., on kve. f on on i3;1J,U8 Ave., wtfOt&_0*4t1n' Bower system. f&0j6n% Mayor. pL1BLTsTW,D S T4: c«szx}J iexPT;o%f�..�xe�' jJ� 11 Gz@ vAe• r �a 500 :&eOP aorrpp o Berng TbFABP•biron gemez ebbzox?we a 2Peeo VAe• P° PFe Pezm?urra o T e@0 �eA trot 3 PFe GxT,PTra kIo�rP&oae rarzra T;iom Hsz ox. P - Po OT; HUM PTO zq VAG. + orr AxTaP3ud aeMex,sbbzox �e �° PA9 POT"Mrs 07. PFO exzagmp OP:Cnzee gerrje»szgxo1u` T 8J0 38eF raoxPF:.o� HezPTozq yds., or 2uA] a rl Ttt, p7Gomoerr OFA° VAG. sZ Irmo . FFeoARezIDnvrra o� �Fe HezP 3 IRTLAT'een gAe• Vo EgTzAText 9Ag4. pe;fkdar. 2rre?JTA vas•' on $eessAQ bez�C Cez eA ©Po yom $nq Hes Ozg vAs• orr Fire eeraP ozr $otrP}i TuG o q ro a C7eaelsnq VAG. l : 8' Rug PFe-uosPP`.J?AG o ;0 Eg'T-TATGM -FAe•- on ozr 9erae;ueuP9' 0o PG. op,Peri 0(18 Pge 66 0:9 0:9 P°oe MTS f2 ewcf TO CJe"TOUT `tfAs• PerateeA gszrgoTbF ��' su 1 FT'°F aPUTT Pe PFe RoezPT;oxg BAa�., yz0PAB I�fT BA�sabbT �T'AezBe7sezq TAG* ozr fps eaaP ezrq ---..-....-_...................._----...............--......--..........-_.-..-----..--_..------------'--..._..........---------_--..........._.............................._....... ........... --..------------- .........._.....----------.............---------•-----------------------------------._..-..----------------------.--------------------- ., Dated this -318t ..... day of------------ may, -1928 ---------------------- _-. ------------- 192--..... --- . ...... .......... ----- ------- ------------------- ..------------------------------- Councilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct. aswers on Hartford Ave. from the hisaiseippi River to Cleveland Ave., on Cleveland Ave. between Randolph St, and Bayard -Ave. on the east and on easements to be obtained. the center line of which shall be the aanth line of Lot 9, and the north line o3 lots 12. 13 and -14, R#60VVe�12axk Garden Lot's- from, Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave, , on Zoirview—Ave, between Otto Ave. and Hartford Ave. on the east, on Hartford.Ave, from Fairview Ave, to, Snelling Ave,, on Snalliisg Ave; between Otto Ave! r�ztd luno St, , .on idotmt aurva°Boulevard from Hartf6i Ave* to•,the terminue-of the e etin8 sewer approximate]$ 9kt# Fest pro tl Of Har:xgord Ave., on B4ntrose Zane 'rom Hartford Ave, to the,;tarminns of the existing eb ►e appr*Xj natal$` 60 feet"north of l Hartfb,'iA Ave � # , on pretiii Avec from Hsrt c»rd Ave. to -`,the ,tas�mfnus of the'ezia ing Heyser approximately, 260 .feet southof "R6ndolp4_ bt,, on Hilae Ave, bat W'gn 0V#tin.;Ave, and dlaveland Ave., on ft*bdn� ,Ave, between Gratin, Ave: and',Clevelan3 Ave., on Uhdex�cod Ava. `fres. Soh®ffer Ave. 'to :4runo St.;, on 146,.St,, from UnderwQod'Ave, to Snelling Ave,, on, Hides Ave, betWOOA Unilsrwood Ave.; ;and, ,ensiling Ave., on Oteon Ave, betioean.[Tnderwood Ave; and $Wiling Ave,,'on Bayard Ave. from rUnder'wood•Ave, to 2AdrL,3ng Ave,, on 8aheffer Aye, from ,tTnder�rood' Ave, to Sge Ting Ave. Gal of xlhioh'ls "t l be known} as the Harb-ford-OTrahn `dewer system. Mayor. Fos C A 13 (SM ow- vioe Pres. Fergaooa ? ' pUBLTSHED �—�-�`J �-`�� ;r ynEa• � Fft � ,. �fza"'9"4A �.cs pia F����f�la o���FB axr f -J,t }3 t T f ifA r0 rt t Cv n f �,�T n1TYt 2.si 0 II IjrGf 11(00c s>; t�. ���,; rr J : r Qz�P=P�QRy f. �, .tE Y rl7 S C• 1p r�,ry +, �-. .. ,. nr0ix01c O TaCfhG 0�0' E(s� dOlJ�) O f lir r,t. XJ"g i Xr�^ CG IS=er b7Y~TO E�v�r 1Fp,E SIT C1 TCTLJ; r ��• Tt ` u` • nry�-a ZoxCi 0'vY•��& �'Na',� • an t'"1 r f.YQ,F r s0 T L E' E3n - 7 _-zi1>p ^LJ' X6,1 n �..� G n c tJ-•)i:.rrr pz- tC nc4 )r {octr ° - r x 1t'p r i G`n{'�•�7..3 "J. rJnt�FF, i'fl' 1t ,P''f+ P T*f. rC1 C.: tt U is TX?':1 fr.: G C•S; � . 41 fs - '^ OrJ G:frg C7 y a r Q3- jzRr�"q rJ.t'On rr i �t (r, a + s TOT .0e P» r` sg cin- 1 X.n-Cr r fir �" i. rtnji ` Gs,T - ' r� --- c ` r ..f - ... ------------------ ---------------------- - ---------------------------------------- ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........................... therefore, be it - -------------------------- ---- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. I To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-. ............._jU) —2 1�"j YEAS NAYS Councilman f'* e - p E / PETER ✓ WENZEL Form C A is (jj. Vice Pres. Fergnoon Jli lIN `'I9cd Approved..- . ..----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- e% ,Mayor. PUBLTS MD — ,-3 Dept; of pablio Works. 1. Council File No------ ... 4_ ............15 .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and !�L PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the-maldng of the following public improvement by -the City of St. Paul, viz.: &A-- —A az+wrtA Rebie Street at. Ohio Streets_ by__t 4i _.--_._.:-- - - ----...--Beis80s�-E1---A#4��isn,--mBesvre --- --- - •---os-- - .. _.. - -U s-------- - cn OhioStreet. --------•-•------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- - -- - - - .......... -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------- ----------------- ----------- Dated this Znd.----- ._day of - .........Tine ......------- ------ .... -- ................... 192..5.. -- ------ ------------------ ----------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A.written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,: ------------open, widen--and,--saten&:Robie=.Street atdn8--- ---- and condemning a triangular piece ©f'gromA In T,OV6 Slock S --------naVOM4a-`aidditivai--messured'Stip ftp vn-Robte' St--snd'17 Pty- .---- on. 0h! o -_Street... _ ----- --- -... --------------- -------------- -- having been presented to the Coune oto ----_ ------ Y.��Odlo- 9L -'by Lakin& en4�c ndereniut therefore, be it a mow,u6� rar Diece of ground, th r.oV siorx'B rtna'eon'e Adaition.:mea urea. reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commihso teec on rzbj. tt - t .ud 17 -ft on 9t having be yresented to the. 1. To investigate the necessity fo°t the: city of st •rear there-: f said improvement. �•,ahe Commisetoner ot: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ri :.`and ha to horebY cr,; rovement, and the total cost thereof. th necemCty for' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saimat5tng of ata, 4. To state whether or not said improvement is selce� for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 7 Adopted by the Council------- r i —ti 1J �' -n ................. .......... YEAS NAYs Councilma C ANev x 1 Approved - —`-'.............................. V MATSox Y�VEN%EL .... .. ....... ....... .......... �aaaxatm— W Mayor. d9g er on PUDLISI ED_L-93 Department of Public : CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, On the 8th day of May, '1923, a truok belonging,to Griggs, %oper & Company backed into and broke a light globe on an ornamental lamp post at 'seventh and Robert streets; and: WHEREAS, On the 10th -day of May, a truok belonging to said Griggs, Cooper & Company backed into and broke a globe.on an orna- mental -light post at Seventh and Broadway; and whereas, eaoh of said globes is of the value of $3.00; and the United States Fidelity &,Guaranty Company, insurer of said Griggs, Cooper & Company, has offered to indemnify the City for said loss; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the am of Sia Dollars ($6.00) be and is hereby accepted in settlement of said olaim, and the proper oity offioers are hereby authorized to exevi#0 a proper release to said United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ F :� � ✓ Wenzel ,.. . 1g.ii ,t Adopted by the Council -111.7c) !U -J 192 ...... '" -2 192.E ---------------------------------192.. .�_.. _ .. CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR ESEPI8+� Y/�_ t Councilmen - - Yeas Nays Adopted by the ConnciL.:Ali7...� McDonald APP ved - . In favor / V------- - -- -- ---- / Peter-......--.A$ainat - tr MAYOR .� w ST , PgtJL DOFS `ORDAIN. , r ivy ocir- t Clancy Adopted by the Council McDonaldIn favor APP ved._...— dbh c`rj ana'�dubl►cs�u�laittgs HERMAN C`�WEN=EL COMM1531ONER IRVINE C PFMCE DEPUTYCDMMIB§IONQt - June '4, 1923 ro T:T nTfif{Ts !+lIttTTA.tY � Y.arks. r; Phalen;Park RESOLVED That the Purchasing. Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptrollers one 4 -post # type auto traffic signal at a cost not to exceed $685.00 and two center type traffic signals at a cost not to exceed $450.00 each, total cost not to exceed $1585.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage f; could be gained thereby. Charge 26 -Arterial Highway Signs. -- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,/ Clancy McDonald - - -..In favor Matson Peter .. .........Against Wenzel Mr. President ,. V III Adopted by the Council�l':''.J.......`....... .192.---- A roved- _ .192.__ ...1... nro. Jti CITY OF ST. PAUL CU 2, CD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ACOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEY,_COMMS...._ ..._.... --- _.... ...... _...... ....__ RESOLVED That Oounoil File No. 45330, approved April 24, 1923, providing for payment of oompensatlon to Moss Bertrand, be and the,same is hereby amended by striking out the word °final" where it appears in said resolution, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "partial." COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays � v Clancy / vefgffffnTr— ✓ McDonald ...: In favor Matson ✓ Peter -. __.---.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council __.......... 192— :1p 192 .. / l -'--- - f --:.. - -- -- - - -...- -- -' mAro O CITY OF ST. PAUL FI UNCILLE No ------ 161-24 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ;0' U, PRESENTED ZA . . . . .......... CoMwSS, V- N. DATE — ---- RESOLVED That the properArity officers are hereby authorized to pay to RON& Bertrand, an employe of the Department of Education of the city of St. Paul, the sum of One Hundred Eight Dollars 3109.00) Out Of the Worlmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, In partial settlement of his claim against said City fc)r injuries received Febru- ary 10, 1923, in the course of his employment (for the period up to June 3rd, 1923)- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays claney q-94— McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel ill Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Education. a Adopted by the Council.--.- -� ------------ 192 Appro-/6- -J 192 —1 - - - -------- --------------------- MAYOR 46125 CITY OF ST. PAUL mu"N - - -- --------- FILZ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BEY;&DATF-ETONER._. ,--...------ u RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to Pay to Petei*ilsehan' an employe of the Department of Public Works of the City of at. pani,the sum of Ninety Dollars 390-00) Out Of the Work- ar Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said City, for the period up to Jens 6th, 1923- I recommend the above resolution for passage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Z McDonald In favor Matson ✓ Peter Against ✓ Wenzel ill Mr. President Commir of Public Works. Adopted by the Cou.cil— -E 7 192 Approv 192 MAYOR COUNCIL No4612 ....... 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .. ......... OFFICE OF THE CP CLERK COUNCIL 0801UTION-609 �6+�Nr�y/��( {y�y�'/� „ f.,, ..................... DATE ...................... ....................... ....... RESOLVED That the proper City off Joers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr.1W. D. Kelly the sum of Twenty-two Dollars (122.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for Professional services rendered to Frank Barrett, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured December 2., 1922, in the course of his employment. I reoommend the above -resolution for passage. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V1 Clancy ✓-4-w- McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr, President aovli of hbho folio$ i � 12� 3 Adopted by the Couneil- .................. 192. 192 . . ... .......... MAYOR COUNCIL No ...... ""^""'6t27 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY II COMMISSIONER.. .. (........... ................. ......................... .............. DATE,,,,, ..................................... ........... ... V RESOLVED That the proper MY OMOM 90 hereby authorized to pay to FIMM , Barretts an employe of the Department Of POW Work$, injured December 2, 1922, In the Course of his employment, the sum Of SOVentY Dollars 370-00) in partial settlement of his claim against said `City for the period up to June 2, 1923; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers pay to said Frank Barrett the sum of $76.53 to reimburse him for moneys expended by him for nurse and dootor bills and for drugs; both of said sums being MAU Out Of the WorlIZOO'S COMMOStiO11 A00OUnt Of the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Clancy V/ —909morl— McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr, President I reoonand the above resolution for passage. CommIr of Public Works, Adopted Iby the Council 192 Ap�"� ..192 OITY Ok BTS PADA AIR TflV' OP THE COXPTRQUEH .,� v ti Peter Dickson L 1539 13886 Fielding & Shepley, L 1270 i' 13887 o'Neil & Preston, L 1596 C. F. No. 16129 ' he drawn oa Resolved that the o ,the -aggregate ba CitY ,Tre{asury' , pe inumLered 12'886 t6 1388T IacluelvS'eae we! o tce toE ihm QIt Come Ttlllerfllo to •1bAddDt§d;:by tbo Council June S; 1928: -j �DProve3 (Jnne 9;189$81 k 1 N OiSZ OT t2. P�IIL ' QUIIDRIJ ICAYR olrx oa er, i'/aA YC CITY CLIRK "r 00II1Ptl1L • `N' 613 `, amm n•a4 M to as _ :lz>a . . AUDITED........ .......................i r ..°..... .IA2 .......• ,r BY coMPTROL ,R ... ............................ .. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ebb ate amount of..�. ........ covering `. mbated.•���,.,...•.•.•.,,..,, tc, eo ceo t „incl ' �' y . he City . .•, uslve, as cr re Inter of cat checks on fila In t :. chicks nu , .••• COm oo1r, Y@8 �Clency,p p Ado ted by the Council...... ._.��ly....::'c� �J1,3;--. .-.---192- �/ n a .....-....In favor ✓Matsoni Peter, 5 1923192 - Approved------------------------------------------------------------ ✓✓, -----_..---.Against Wenzel. 114Ir, President, Nelson r oixi or ex, alai' Rea. -349 Paige: 18897. St.Paul Eleotrio, Co�pW-J, 15 •87 v - school's _ 13898 Standard Stone,�ompany 1,440.46 L 1552 411:22 - L 1548 SIS" 8 13899 E. T. Webster, 824.85 L 1541 443.35 F L 1544 199.25 L 1647 182,85 _., OF. 15900 Weston Electrical Instrament Company, 881.49 Schools CIT! OF /T, VAVL I It appearing that the final order in the matter of paving Raymond avenue from University avenue to Oomo Avenue Rest, being Oounoil File No, 36391, approved June 14, 1922, erroneously dee- oribes the width of the roadway between Mis street and 0036 lvenue feet a feet instead of 44 feet; thelef ore, bl' it RESOLVED, That the said final order be and it is hereby vend- ed so as to provide that the width of the roadway from Ellie street to Como Avenue west shell be 40 feet. COUNCILMEN YeaR Nays P Clancy 741111.1.1'�ru ...,..,..,..Iii / Matson Y Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President li Adopted by the Council ....... 192------ .... _....... .... MAYOR � " COU F".r IL - ------ 46134 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM June e., E-TE--ODMMISSIOI.- DATE---.-- RESOLVED Where a, it is deemed advisable and expedient that the paving of Raymond Avenue from University Avenue UZ 00 00mo Avenue West$ under final order C. F. #383911 approved June 14, 1922, be oarried out in two oontraote. TMEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Contraot 11A" oonsist of the work on Raymond Avenue from University Pool wi 20 00140 171 QQ48161 of tho 141006 of tho WOO WWII in the 00V9 gall final orders COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy McDonald ...-In favorl Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr, Preoident Adopted by the Council 192 App oved .... ... ... . ...... .192...... J�� 4 MAYOR COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST, PAUL Fa.e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTEAY DATE ............................. COMMISSIONER. ., „•.,........ ................... 9 RESOLVED In the matter of 0. F. #46101 being a resolution F Aileydiinn Blookthe t2,eof Petr Diokson for the Senbornegrading of e B�idway Addition. REBOIVE , That the same be and is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures "oontraot dated May 8, 1923, between deter Diokson, (Ion traotor,'anal the City of St, Pan]., for the grading 01 Alley in Plook 2, Sanborn'4 Midway Addition" and inserting in plaoe thereof the words and figures npp�xpt ctea �eoe>nbex 1, 1822, between Peter for xhm, Way COUNCILMEN Yeas Nate Clancy (/ McDonald �...._In favor Matson D Peter ................Against Wenzel Mr, President 1923 Adopted by the Council Sill'..: �....... ..... ....192 A roved........ ....192...... MAYOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- COUNCILFILENO. �W By............... 41) Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs . and expenses_ for grading Alle,y in Cypress—st, to Barl st,10 Linder Preliminary Order 41056 Intermediary Order 42568 Final Order....... 42995 - — .,approved ljov. 29, 1922 x;K Mx The assessment of._.....bene`'it-9i costs and expenses for and in connection with ui submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and zq.. 61 pry, therefore, be it the -.tt'r of these -e re Ing at-1j,b*sts and e. Went. "of Pe .... or grad- R.Ight..Ifl k r&� Bloc 5- Eaetlifle 3SeSSMent be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. .rid- `n- to Earl St termediary Older 425rder 41056, ja'�'� 4211- - 4oprolved 241�6v 6.86 Pinal Order h 1,112.. .th-- . day of r. ".'vent of, b;. tLe. te�ce � and in ae,_ a.di t a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7 th ^A ant havtng b..n at the hour of 10 o'clock A. PJ., in the Council Chamber, YQIUX lob,-" of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. -Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved ............. Mayor. Councilman FsYKs1WaWx Clancy Fergusongxx DtakCx h1cDona ld X%mmx 1.:atson x Peter .'enze J- 10 .......................................:.................................................................,.................. `t :) 6 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-._conderiining.-.and_. taking..an,,.3a.s•gm@nt..in..thC••aand-.nQeessary for...slope_s.I__.f.or...cuts__ and _fiI1s .in_ ?radinP\Reaney.. St:re.et from Hazel -"venue to-_11orI.Q.T?.?a... y.enu-Q.,-._end_ front..Ilortonia__..venue__to...the,_5ast-_.City_.Limits�-__ under Preliminary Order ........... approved O.Ct..e....1Q.►..1922., Intermediary Order......`�5000,-•� approved .......AAr il___10�___1.923 . RESOLUTION'S OF COUNCIL APPROV- ''PILE OF REARING IN Dote, EInxLIveG;ted his report in the above matter 8s to the amount of The Co., .TION RROCEEDINGS. damages award(c.r. No: 46137- sements therein appropriated for the above improvement In the matter of condemning, and tak. sa,yafoeasement a op s, for the and fills his assessment of benefit to property from the making of and to whom p grading ,Rean y 9t_ from Hazel Ave. to \9urtovia Ave., and f om Nortonia Ave. to the East city Llmtte,- under. _ Said improveme� Preliminary Order 42267, aDProved. Oct. 10, 192A .Intermediary order 45001 The C*mtesioner ofd Fine Navin Resolved submitted hie report in..ti'l' urli lits be and the same is hereby approved ter. as .to the ,ate: aWarded; for tl+- ease Resolved'Iarcii r, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report a'nd fora confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................ 7th ................. day of .............. Jul -y..... 1923 kdx..... at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ......... s 191 - r .............. .......__. Cit y Clerk. A rover-------------------- .. PP- ---- ...--- .------ ... 191........ Fi Mayor. Councilman Suaaxz _'�7•^a :;on Councilman Z }XA x p L:cLonald PuBl'islit:l) co — Councilman Xx tOCx ✓ Matson /! r 'Cotmeiliilan4d3t /Pet e r Councilman? /, Wenzel, ✓Mayor][Mgx Nelson RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_cond01=j,3D9._and.. taping..an,_.e.e.s,9msnt.,.ln..ths„.1�,tld„-X1�GBS.liflx'$ for...s-lopes,._.for.._cuts_and fil_ls_in_._gradinP Beech St. from Hazelwood t.o...Whit.e.-.Bear ...�x e..., ............................................... under Preliminary Order. -...._40Q47__.... approved....J.P.�.Y.... 13 .-_19221ntermediary Ordeg;M! •-•••-•••., approved....Feb..6,--1923. The Commissioner of Finance ha-' damages awarded for the taking of the , W-above matter. as to the amount of W ung,riated for the above improvement and to wbom payable; and also havinj sQwarcoa%r—th. talons of the land' or 8 eaeementa therein aavr°vrrat� fOr the t to property from the making of ( :� ehovelmp eataad to Wham wry Ad .anyug subm�om hya said improvement, therefore be it ahf 6m t of lotmawa �1m �-W. -.tn making - --. cher tore, toe ft - Rosolved;� That the ptd a,eee.menc reb approved, Resolved, Th the said assessmene w oea oe and tha came is ue?ehr y pp btl Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages wade by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City Commissi er City of St. Paul on the...........t.h......................day Of ...........fhas,ys....1.,923...._... X...... at ten o'clock A. M. a;of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ....................... ... ....... ..... ........."C ' t /�.................... City Clerk. V Approver,................................................ 191....... f 4...{�..,.. Mayor. Councilman FWA94M�Clancy Councilman NMXX Ferguson PUBLISHED 1 Councilman B*NaMX ° McDonald Matson / Councilman vwiwl oqx, •. er z e l ✓ Mayor[x Belson r ',; 'moi �s��'Sa�:�.:.e.�sa==stdemav •. .. - RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. condemnin i Qa em nt in the land nQg%ugaxy Iuthe platter of..............................�...A??.d...ta.1{..n.�...�.n........9......e..................,..........................., for...slope ,...for...cuts and fi11g....in reeling A1111 in in. Block •6, .4pkift's.. Rearrangement of Blocks 4 and 6, i.cLean.'.s-..Reservation.- f_rom..Forest--.St.-- to the —mast line of Lot 20, _---__ under Preliminary Order .........4 U7.... approved Allg r.....1.7.a....IN9., Intermediary Order.........�.2 a ., approved ......N0u., 271....1922 C, p, The Con°nNo, g41a88� t1 1al�d 0 344 giiiiamo016n6o ,p�yI,Or Iodirl�;�IloY l01�10ok 8, K h rlo dallla C8 aWaly �efl!'�On mogl of Blooko 4 and 8( �l 44 RQ�O%11oh 00111 FQOOt k lo, �N' 411,11ho of W" A under hie report in the 60V0 manor 01 to t110 OIDOOO Of therein oppropriotod for the above improvant Rob nary bvdor 41911 spprovoo and to dole '1'i 101, Wo lu diar mor od Ins agooq moat of bondt to property from ilio making of h, 4000ed6N a1,198 -'Che:ommisgloner of Piano W10 edbmltted ble report la tbe;above mat• said improvem ter , as to the. 'amount : of damages awarded, for tha,2aking of the land or easements thereltr approprlatad iqr the nBCOIVCIpgje{ raleo htYing 0 pmltt9Gphld�8t� be flud the oome io hereby approyod. +bo rnoNlo� of oold ImO�'orom0nl, ' Resolved furtore,beu�e publicti��utl had before the Couneil upon said report and Qo!' 8 CAN. tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber in the Court Holl, e in the City of St. Paul on the........7.........th ............... of .......Ju.lur, 1=X.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ................................................... .........191........ ��..__ City Clerk. Approveo................ :....................... ....... 191....... ...................................................................................... Mayor. Councilman PWUWWUW Clancy Councilman qdWx ! Ferguson PLII3LI iiiL1) Councilman 1PAWK ' YcDonald Councilman HDUncx D-19 t s on / v Councilman llE OCONx Peter Councilman Wmxtelfxxl 'Menzel ----- T—xxxx PIe l s on s " .........................r. nrr.rr............................... irrr.r...nuur.rr.ru.rr..s..ruru.�..urr.rnrr. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING ,TIDE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...opgning,•._. iden_ing...pnd .extending ,Denny...St. to .a r71dth.of 50.,f.eat...frorn...Ya1ne..tly.e. ,......................................................................................... .................................................... ander Preliminary Order...•44599 approved !�.?'.� 17.,.1923....... Intermediary Order......�5074, l approved.... April Il't I M I C. F, No, 40140- th@ matter o4 openina, lvlaeni extending Denny St, to a wfdf The Commissioner of F 'St t under Pre Imin �e, Order annroved Har. 17,1023, Intern and f 60 649 t in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the tak e1,bmiti a hiseiepori' In Fhe aboveam g in appropriated for the above improvement ter ae to the amount of damage. awarded for the. taking of the lnnd or and to whom payable; and a86m i� uvem nt ane oawhompate at of benefit to property from the making of and also havlhg aubmlttedfrom anenta heneat to property"from said improvement, therefore be it g u of: said improvement, Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon -the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St, Paul on the ............. 1h .................... day of ....... ......Jill -Y,••..1923......19=.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............................ .......`.....{ ......................191........ ' Cit Clerk. Approvea...................:......1::.:............... 191........ .... .... ... . '.Mayor. Councilman 14iGi'kt6W Clancy Councilman X,' NXX Ferguson PUBLISHED �"- i'1-- J) Councilman 4WX Wonfald /�-------�: 3 Councilman Wom ✓ lulu t s on Councilman JA9d ✓ Peter Councilmania ,� Mayor= Ne190n — C In 1~ N4 46141-- � 1 the' Matter of paving Cherokee. Ave. $t, and rom BStmtth ,hvo to )3aker Pron,the P Promm; Cherokee Ave. to a point 126 PeetA eat Bola Ing ae'wer, AP Delaware .. . ' 'hator and gas connections ' from ' lines a'om- street mains,. to property / lets, where not already made, also nch�dingCurbing aand pr aches, wrnere o way and a Ileeeeeary, un er re8im1823 Y, Order 46660 approved May of, fit, Paul having reoelved P the Ci�Yn .the Com COUNCIL FILE NO.. , , , , the reporon a The Couno 0 mpr venient, an '1having' eo Iat .ered said report, her16 Y teaelV t 'be afld the game 1 1 BY " " . ." " " " " "' 1, 'That the said repgr game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 1s herOY or, ��dered to he prodeedqd nators of the Improve* :That the mont'wbtoh tho Council recommends la QV4 ER Chprolc6a Al( rte m Sm1tchOrol�ea l�hpl � Ila Q ,i � e In the Matter of , .. p y.tt g . , server,►� � P aid �gas Connections trout WealAV th } o, n,l� St eet street Tines con•' . �1�,Qu�. , 4 , . i t9 Q, olu Ing pur pro an�p here the a tf'� } p 1@ter whore' not air d mado, also n- v ng QM,�Wliex���l'�89.'l.r,�',oril- An�'dvewaY d11eYaPproachee,w �}t„1,2�„f�Qt„�QSt of, ?�65t With no alternatives and mated cost thereof Is $61,422M 11}e„of Delawareyenlae' neaolvt0, Fu"thera:� 17'�4r and„has conneCtione from hearing d ” on the ? ” street mains to oropert .h°; es complete, where not already made, also 1p¢�,t�d1Hg, biu, and„payin& driXgy�ay„and, alley. Pm?m11es� erhere necessary, .......................................... .................. I........................... under Preliminary Order ........ 45659 ... approved ...Mair 8, 1923. ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, pol�,��1�G� m� (Imi�� lou(old �eco�ni��cnds from Smith ............................enuto Baker Street and Baker„Street from Cherokee VOW t0 ..... �..pQi�t..X25.deet..�aS�..P�.��?Q.1v,9�.t<..���?�,.4k'..PQ�avrare,t+venu.Q,..includin� sevrer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, whe ..................................................................................................... not.. already. ma.de.„ . a�s.o..inc ludxn . s.urtlin�..apc�..pa,v, i ng, .dx iv,Qc+a y..and. a ,,ley, a.ppx oa ches., ..�vhe re . n eAe as ax a'•............................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....51, 42$.�OQ. e Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......30......th ......day of s14ae............ 192..3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. IM Adopted by the Couod...t'y �,,�,1,1111,,,,, 'IT, ApproApproved ved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,192,,,,,, Councilman Clancy u Councilman Ferguson �1 (/ Councilman McDonald (/ Councilman Matson ✓ Councilman SMX Peter Councilman Wenzel l MayorRttgtu nelson Form B, S, A. 8.6 i City Clerk, .............., �. Mayor. 46.142 RESOL TION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING .CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....4oX?d.a.Tat7111 ,....i.a.klz7 ...axed...app opria.b.in�_for....pu.bl.ic...=ho4l pur.poaes Lots 5 .to 8.,inclus.ive...._.a.rld....Lots....�jj.,to.._�,_.►....iz1C�u.S.iva;....Slock..12, ....$Yrs.l<.a.t.a....Tla...... L. 0.0.11 i.an,.......................................................................... ............................... K,jTlrylNO' A$8E88MBNT8 IN dON• DBANATION PROCEEDINGS, ................................................................................................................................. C, F. No; 46142— In the matter of,coadeluning, taldng............................................ and appropriating for public school.................................................................. ,purposes Lots 6 to B Inclusive, and uts to to 16, inclusive, BlOeli 12 Syn�lcato No. 6 Addition, Under Pre n liminary, Order'41116, approved, i ep approved&b.....U,...122� Intermediary Order......4d3.7.4........, had i of A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk; and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed, . Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, th the said asses ampnt be and it iu�hereby determined to be payable in �ual instal ents as to each parcel of land described them.' "v 1 1923 Adopted by the Council ...............:.:.....:.............. .......................... 191-------- ....... .....:................. ..................... k Approved ......................... `` City er . A PP ..... 191. .......................................... �r ....... Mayor. Counpiiman 7ptpg@M2MIC C 1 a nc y T"^'* TQT j) 7 — _ 3 CouncilmanX)bX&XX Ferguson Councilman? X McDonald Councilman AR11310K Matson Councilman Tf¢#X Peter Councilman �; a riz e l � Mayor JccEj=j NeIaon ' Com.- a--�-4��-�. L �-� ��� � �,�-�-fit � � �✓ a _- �.� � �__ :� ���� D` �c�� � =--�--.max_ -� _-� v a�—�-c�� � ri-e— c�,-� � �---� , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .P -L? �_1M._?.pX:. In the matter of....QoP.,dQml?.�X1R,._teltin�...and.--a-pP.l^RL�X..1J.�.��..-4.G. A.Qa ......................................... -- purposes Lots 5 to,8 inclusive, and Lots 10 to 16 inclusive,_Block , 5 Add itior........................................................ Syndics t.9... �Q.�......�......................... �-...................... ............................... .. I..................Z---------...................... -.............._...................................................................... . ..4'i116 ............... approved ...Fab..14.�192,�-, Intermediary Order ..........4.'k>1.7.k..... under Preliminary Order approved---MrA 6' 123.•........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL reports, The Commissioner of Finance hereby re p , I That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof as also fixed and determined the respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he h amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - --------------Finance. Commissioner of It tv 14antline Nothers, (tuh 3Qancoch Ocl}ool Ot. pant. ffitnnesuta Tune 7, 1923. Members of the City Council, St. Paul, Minn., Honorable Gentlemen: Enclosed you will please find a copy of Resolutions passed by the members of the Hamline Mothers' Club at their regular meeting on Wednesday, Tune 6, 1923. It is hereby resolved that the Hamline Mothers' Club of Hancock School inform you that they are unalterably opposed to any change in the present proposed location for our Junior High School. We sincerely hope that any agitation which may come to you attention regarding a change in the proposed location will not interfere with your immediate and definite decision to go on with the erection of the Hemline Tunior High School on the location bounded by Albert, Pascal, Blair, and Lafond Streets. Respectfully submitted, Corresponding Secretary, Hamlin Mothers' Club. if /A kc HENRY OLSON VLv o 6aint i0aul H. J. RIORDAN CITY CLERK Offire of (lit (Qlerk ASST. CITY CLERK "5 June Sth, 1923• Hon. L.E.B. Ferguson, `JUN 9 1923< Commissioner of Education.y Dear Bir: DE+" T OF FOUCATIONh Attached please note communication from the j— Hemline Mothers' Club favoring the proposed location of the Hamlin Junior High School,.which the Council referred to you ' at its meeting this date. Yours very truly, enc.. CITY CTMX. . iE, A PAW C IJBI n r w EAa �oMME �IA� Ir SAINT PAUL June 13, 1923. The following is a correct copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Midway Club in reference to the selection of a location in Hamline for the Junior High School: RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of the Midway Club endorse the purchase by the City Commissioners of entire Block 12, bounded by Albert, Lafond, Pascal, and Blair Streets, for a Junior High School in Hamline. We respectfully protest any attempt to tie up the com- munity playground at Snelling and Thomas Streets in charge of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings with play- grounds for the pupils in the proposed thirty-six room building under the supervision of the Department of Education. VL It is out deliberate judgment that the plan would not be feasible and would work a hardship in that we need more play- ground spaces reserved for future generations rather than less. ecre Ary. 74,000,000 PEOPLE TRAVEL MIDWAY'S MAIN THOROFARE ANNUALLY. WATCH MIDWAY GROW 46144 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of g P. anq_p.r 1 a&. • purposes all of 0 -Lots I to 28 inclusive, Block 6, rlmwood Addition, ............. ........................................... ............................................................................. .......................... . ......... ......................... ........................................ ........... ...................... I ............................... ................. T ........... ............... . ............................................ . : . . .............................. ......................... .............................................................. I ......, tinder Preliminary Order .......... approved.&I-r- (3.,. ... 1_9.0., Intermediary order......... approved A pi n rix yafG'in the taking and condemnation ofLhe lands or easements therein, DEIfNATIOF PR for the�jlbc[damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, a: c- V. X%,4stlj4—Of �oadeaialpg� taking ed the same, now therefore be it Tn the'and orjuhltncsrchool • all 1 28 - U-tv" :iation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, Res El 0`.i;,V.,d, ilk Elmwood I Add PreliminkLrlY92*30�denrte,'�"e'di.r, 0rd.l lity Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages identified 13, 1923. haying bean to theLgivy A nonPthe 1"taking ' add lv�ds-a-t, ,Ing t On f:�id taking and condemnation as set L?rth in said assessment the the lands orleasem 'I ImPF.0 -e y In.- 0 e� and confirmed. roll-, be an abov dama Resolved hereby in all respects ratified, t.;her, that the said aiE!zment of benefits, be and the same is and the same is hereby ordered to be suitfitted to the District Court for confirmation. BI Reso I d that the said assessment be and it is hereby --4eteKMjned- to be p9,yab1e_jft-- y,*�urt!pr ve f 4.1-linstallm p,,edrp_ard(;1_ of land described therein. Adopted by the Council--- ------------- L ......... ........ 3 ---------------------------- - 191 ..... ...... ............ ... .... ........ ................. Approved...__.................191 . ............................ .................... ........... Mayor. '&b/ y Councilman Q kum, CI a ne Councilman GZALXX MLISIEI) 23 Councilman JftkmAx 'McDonald J Councilman :Eqk= Matson Cmm,i a- _-&C Pet er Councilman Jim.. son Mayo Tel.on St. Paul, Minnesota, June 29th, 1923. To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota: IN THE MATTER OF THE ACQUIRING OF A SITE FOR THE PROPOSED NEW 'MATTOCKS SCH'DOL Iid THE BLOCK BOUNDED BY PALACE, JA.m'S, MACALASTR AND UNDERIVOOD. The undersigned, John O'Neill, residing at 1894 Iglehart Avenue, St. Pqul, Minnesota, and theowner of Lots 21 and 22, Block 6, in Elmwood, an addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, ?iinnesota, and within the limits of the property sought to be acquired by con- demnation, hereby gives your Honora'tle Body notice of his objections to the taking and condemnation of said property so owned by him, and the award of damages therefor proposed to be paid by the City in said condemnation proceedings. Respectful ly, Now oomee Lauretta Rolph, by her agent- _0101,$olph,and states that she is the owner of lot 26 in Blook 6,(Plmwood.,-) an addition to the dity of St. Paul, Minnesota, and objeots U the appraisal of $650.00 made by the Board of Appraisal appointed for that purpose, and further states that she had oaused an excavation to be made and foundation for a house commenced and had lumber on the premises and that she has expended for the lot and improvements the sum of at least $1295.00., That she paid the sum of $850.00 for the lot about one year ago and nae einoo paid aeeeaemente and taaee on the premieeev That the reasonable value of the lot and improvements today is at least the said sum of $1295.00. That said appraised value is inadequate and unjust and unless the appraised value is materially increased this objector will appeal to the District Count of Ramsey County, Minnesota. State of Minnesota, SS County of Ramsey. ) Olof Rolph being by me first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the agent of the owner of the above described property Lauretta Rolph, and that he is familiar with the faots herein above stated and that the same are true, exoept as to the matters therein stated on information and belief and as to those matters he believes than to be true and that said objections are made for and on behalf of said Laurette, Rolph by her authority. �1 r Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of June 1923. Notaryi�lio, Rsm ey County, i�nn, My commission expires Feb. 14, 1. Nm. comes Lauretta Rolpti,�3 � Vii' and states that she is the owner of lot 26 in Kiook 6", Flmw oo dition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and objects to the appraisal of $650.00 made by the Board of Appraisal appointed for that purpose, and further states that she had caused an exoavation to be made and foundation for a'house commenced and had lumber on the premises and that she, has expended for the lot and improvements the sum of at least 51295.00. That she paid the sum of $850.00 for the lot about one year ago, and has since paid assessments and taxes on the premises. That the reasonable value of the lot and improvements today is at least the said sum of $1295.00. That said appraised value is inadequate and unjust and unless the appraised value is materially increased this objector will appeal to the District Court of Ramsey Ceunty,?MVlnnescta. State of Minnesota,) ) SS County of Ramsey. ) being by me first duly sworn deposes and - says that,?„he is(t e�xb-e:� the owner of the above described propert- and thatAq is familiar with the facts herein above stated and that the same are true, therein et�t�-f�+-i�nrm8t�t�:Lan� b®�is�-a•�A ao f n 4hnaP m++4t u..a i1h ��8 them to- be true, snd -b errs j eek Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of June 1923. Not ry Public[, RamseyCount inn., My commission expire Feb. ]diies�s./9'30 FF -7F, I-- ' s . 6 7� s`�,�� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 0 In the matter of. .... co.nd.pm-n.i,ng,._.t.akin�_and.._e.pP.T QP.S.e..1T1�...Qx...P.11b1.1.Q...S.G.YzaQ1 purposes all of Lots 1 to 28 inclusive, Block 6. Elmwood =�dditton,._-__- ........ ............. 44370._______. TP - 923 8......, ander Preliminary Order-....._....... approved.....=ar-....6-,._.1......., Intermediary_ Order....._.445,... approved.....Mar.....13..... 19.2.3..,...... .�� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also Swed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .--- ................. ............. of Finance. r St. Paul, Minn., June 61 1923• Mr• O. Olson, city clerk, city of St. Paul. Dear Sir: - Referring to your notice of April 30th, in reference to the matter of condemnations taking and appropria- ting for school purposes all of Lots 1 to 29, inclusive, Block 6, Elmwood's Addition to the city of St. Paul. I am the owner of Lot 21L, located in the above described block which is an improved piece of property, having a home of five rooms and bath on same• I hereby wish to enter MY objection to the awarding of damages for said property- The first objection I have, is that the appraisal which was made along about February 5th, and that conditions in this district and in the building lines, labor lines, eta. have changed tremendously since said appraisal was made- I also object to the way in which the appraiser made the appraisal, in fact, they stated to my neighbor that they were instructed by the City of St. Paul to appraise the property in this block at the very lowest possible figure - This fact can be proven•I believe according to law that the appraisers disqualified themselves right there. I also wish to enter my objection to the price that was offered me for my property, in that said property cannot be re -built at the present time for less than 46000. I have bids which were made by the Oharies W. Edi company who built the home and is $6000 with lot. Also a bid from John Nett company, 1049 University Ave-, which is 05955• I hereby wish to entt;r these facts as Ob- jections this 6th day of June, 1923• In thF a,atter of condemning taking and appropriating for ihiblic school purposes all of lots 1 to 28, Block 6, Elmwood. • Y Now comes �enjamin Nolde owner of lot 25 in Block 6.Hmwood, an addition to ,,t. 'raul, .'.A nnesota, and objects to the appraisal of "400. made by the Board of aprraidial appointe for that purpose and further states that said lot is reasonably worth the sum of X850. That your objector paid the sum of ,x350.00 for said lot in t the year 1918 and has since paid the Wn of,/,,more than 57250. in ss assessments and taxes and interest that bring the `cost to approxima tely ,7800. Thht said appraised value is inadequate and unjust and unless the price is materially increased this objector will appeal to the istrict Jourt. State of ;: innesQta, ) 9 )SS. County of :amsey. ) 10t Benjamin 'olde being `by fat' fir It du1'j sworn reposes a^d says t' at 1-e is the Terson n^ntioned in the fore- going objection and that he has read. the same and that the contents thereof l.setrue. Subscribed and swo-rn to before me this 6th day of June 1923. Notary _ ublic "Ramsey 1,o64ty,,linn, Mgt cornu-ission expires ,eb. 14, 1925. STATE OF MINNESOTA. ) ?� "County of Ramsey ) '� Irl the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for public school purposes all of Lots 1 to 28 inclusive,Bl ck 6, . Elmwood Addition under 13reliminary Order 44370, approved Intermediary Order 44519, approved 3/13/23- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comes now the undersigned, J. R. Lemieu, the owner of Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 6, Elmwood Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey Conhjy, Minnesota, and objects to the condemning, taking and appropriating the said lots, and the award of damages therefor, under and by virtue of the proceedings above named, on the following grounds: 1. That said condemnation is unwarranted, unwise and not for the best interests of the city. 2. That the assessment of damages for said lots, and each of them, is inadequate and, far below the fair valuation of said lots, and that each of said lots is of the fair and reasonable value of $1000.00. 3. That said cindemnation and assessment deprives the undersigned of his property witho,t due process of law. 4. That the award of damages to objector is unfair and was not had after a fair and impartial investigation by the parties who fixed the amount of said damages, as objector is informed and believes. ' rR ;.� n i ` STATE OF MINNESOTA. es. County of Ramsey. J. R. Lemieu, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the objector hamed in, and who signed the foregoing objections; that he has read the foregoing objections and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters therein alleged on informa- tion and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before this 6t ay of 1923- B. J. BROADY Notary fthh,, Ra --y County, Mina My GOWm3hdon aspires Jan. 3rd MW In the matter of condemning, taking and apps- priating for public school purposes all of Lots 1 to 2% inclusive, Block 6, Elmwood Addition. Now comes Jennie Smiley owner od Lot 7 in Block 6, in Elmwood, an addition to the City of -St Paul, Minnesota, and objects to the appraisal of $562.5'® made by the Board of appraisal appointed for that purpose, and further states that said lot is reasonably worth the sum of nine hundred dollars, that said lot was at one time sold by this objector dad repurchased by her for the sum of seven hundred dollars and since that time.she has paid assessments for local improvements amounting to $137.59 -of assessments amounting to $208.63. That said appraised value is inadequate and unjust and unless said price is materially increased this objector will appeal to the District court of Ramsey County ,Minnesota. worth at least the sum of 900.00 That said lot is reasonably $ STATE OF MINNESOTA,) )SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ) Jennie Smiley being by me first duly sworn deposes and says that she is the person mentioned in the fore- going objection and that she has read the same and that the s oohents thereof is true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this f" 21st day of Phay A.D. LV23.' t ✓���e- - 5 In the Matter of taking and appropriating for public school purposes Lot 13. Block 6, Elmwood Addition to the,City of,St. Paul, Ramsey County,, Minnesota. OBJECTIONS TO THE AWARD OF DAMAGES. TO THB MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THI CITY OF ST. PAUL:- Frank D. Moro* represents that he is the owner of Lot 13, Block 6. Elmwood Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County. Minnesota. Said Frank D. Mores hereby objects to the valuation of his property as fixed and determined by the Commissioner of Finance in the above entitled matter before this Council. Objector alleges that #600.00 is the reasonable worth and value of the Property described above as owned by him. j�.i.� Dated June 13. 1923, j In the Matter of taking and appropriating for public school purposes Lot 23. Block 6, Elmwood Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. OBJECTIONS TO THE AWARD OF DAMAliE3. Td THE MAYOR AND 000GIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PABLs- Mrs. Laura Schys represents that she is the owner of Lot 23, Block 6, Simwood Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said Mrs. Laura Sohye hereby objects to the valuation of her property as fixed and determined by the Commissioner of Finance In the above entitled matter before this Council. Objector alleges that # 900.00 is the reasonable worth and value of the property described above as owned by her. Dated June 13, 1923. l �'Aq� �r 1 .tXxiVX J June 29th, 1923. t ,:o the Council, i to of St, caul. entlemen:- e, the un:iersirner', being a pedal COicmittee appointed by the Council to irvestiEat,e the sward of Jama.-es as appraised by the ..eal -state coard res,,ectfull., report that on llhursday, June t',e 23tiz, zie ,ei. :+ith the appraiscrs of the ::eal state oard, being '-cssr.. _:oborL .-. Carley, G. oritz and FaulV C1pk, an niter hearin .� all persons present interested ntspectfully recommend t'no following.a,rounts to be )aid to t're property oeiners for the acquisition of their holdin-s: .Supposed 0:^ner _ot iock it ion __riount _.a. C. _;a.ldqust 1 ha,00d 8,750.00 rnest .. Joiton ) Irene '- otton ) 2. 6 do 7,500.00 iennie 3rni.ley ) -?j. Korner ) 3 do 8,000.00 t,ederick :-rt'laur `,F rsor. 4 6 do .1,000.00 Aliver. '�arikro-er, ) a: ^d _. Darakro"erV) 5 6 " do , 000.00 S . Paui a ;orU. ) C. .... ':'a_aldson ) 6 G do 8,OOOc00 i e uefiel ..ealty Co. ) a OOrp. ) J nnie `--miley ) 7 6 do 625.00 .11na _. lr,?Jssler 8 6 dO 475.00 e: _icar. _;uilding .I p 9 6 do 450.00 J l _.. lie:- i eu 10 6 do 425.00 3ar.ic 11 G do 400.00 Sa.i: e 12 6 ao 400.00 e _,efie.l ".ealt.y o.,) a Corp., Jenna -F: do 40:3.00 '30 J75.00 e l5 ao -,x.00 Fail ,. i�.1i__..is ) 16 o ,075.00 Je nie '-.ai.ley ) Fa 1 J, t _oe ) 17 6 lo' 5,600.00 efiel .. a14 �0., ) ��.OJ a c � �Te ie Smiley . ) do 750,06 ^ v J `S Supposed Owner -Lot B1oc1�.' ' Addz:tion= Fmous�t The Defiel Realty Co , a ,corp: t ; ,Tennie Smiley 74bZter Ahlberg 20 6' Elmwood "800 ✓.John CS�tieiT> 21 6 do, 700.00` Same 22 '.- 6- do 550..00 Gfa_rles P. Sehye ) Laura 2d. Sch-ye ' ') . 23 6 do , 500,00` �. larold, B. llorcross):- �..'S R:; Princeton ) 24 6 do 5,050 00' Dernard. J. iso-lde 25 6 do 551.33, drfichael H. 1':;iller ) 0: aolph ). 86 6 do. 675.00. L"ore'tta .c. P.olph 27 6 do 8,775:00 Prank 0% .Sullivan 28 6 do 950.00 espectfully submitted, „Finano xnmis over o Pu ic' a E:,ty Com is .loner o or un ssloner:o zc i e 464 14 * RESOLUTIONtRATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...c.ondaMni13Z..Lin-d taping...ark_ess_emealt....In---the ---J �zta...xle.Cas. iArV ... ............... f.o-r s.1oPe-a'...P.9r... cuts -._and- Ulla SA8.7.� ? :9oe. y-------------------------------------------------------------------------_ .. __-. A public hearing haviaa' been had: upon tfie "talgag Zd hcondemnatfon of -tha lands ,Pr easements thereln,.for ..... ........... . ----- -the above 1mvrovemonG� and- 3.tia. ..... ...------------------------------------------------------------------------ award� pf`-damages-;e- �n.tne:a.-. ar 4 u pp Oct••.___17 ,•_1922 44297 under,Prelimin Order .........:.... .............. a roved... .. fe . , Intermediary Order...... ............, @Lpproved._Feb-.._- 27 ..... 1923. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be\t furth � esolved, th8t thea d assessme`n� ,be � it is Eby deiermined to be payable in ... ...equa installmen s to each parcel 9f0hand described therein. �� Adopted by the Council-------------- ------------ -_ -....:..:......:..._....- 191................ .. -: City Clerk. Approved.__---------------------- .-:._., 191_._._ / } `� ,r.- j -.../,//i n ----- -- - Mayor. Councilman $dr&staoit131X Clancy PLJBI?$IiID Councilman 0419X Ferguson 1\ Councilman ZNXYJi -X McDonald Councilman 94MXX Matson Councilman IV.A== Peter Councilman 5VJDX2WJt0h Vie nzel Mayor IY. W—Kx Ne 1s ori 4614 In the matter oP cbndemrtiag and tak- I' ; Saryfdr-lop e,i Ir, 1111 land aecea- � 'sary Por::sloy a Por, cafe and 1,1611, -1.n •'— ading ';;, y .BHelling FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PR®` T0� nr s In the matter of...._Co11d-QiuTii> 8.. a-lzd-. tpkUpg_en:.-q.asgmQnt--.-U1 the__lnnd__necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Shields Avenue from Snelling ........... ..... ......................... .. -..............................---•-------------•---..........................................................--- Avenueto P s>"ce...Stxe8t.•. -------.................I.................---........................------------......... ... .'r---------_---- �.: .................. ...... --.... -_..----------.............. -- .._.....-------.......--------- ....... ------------------- .... _ - ............ s ; --- ...................................... W-,-. . ------------ under Preliminary Order42-35-9........--__ approved0et-. 17:_1922 "rLhediary Order =44P -9 -I approved ----- y_FetZ.24.•..1.2A ---._-..- - Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: cond,�mM and---ta:ke._,an--ea-Bement--_in-_the--_lend necessary--for--_slopes-,--_for-_cuts and fills ................. in radin Shields Avenue -_ from Snelling AVeflue to Pierce Street. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of malting the said improvements, viz: the .-.I:a.Ii --abutting,_ upoxi...Shle.Ia.S...A1LSiiAtle.a---tl�tl?.4.eP.._Gh •points---aforesaids---_to..the--extent•._shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works .................. -- -- - - — .............. --- ...............------.....................•..........---------...... -------------............-...---..-.. ...................... in the -_matter:-...dated March 29, 1923. - -......-------- .....- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------- .............. A91...... 1,9 f jlfity Clerk. Approved.. ............ -------------....., 191------- -,lfayor. Councilman BUMMA96inx Clancy �3 Councilman (lllZscx Ferguson Councilman IsAW212cx McDonald pUBLISI�� . Councilman Xoadxx Matson ,Councilman $tp[Wxx — Peter Councilman IMKMEM - Wenzel Afayorffj=x Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.... condemning ...and ...t.a.kins...a.n..-ea.same-at----in---the ...]azld...iza-�.e.&se.xY f -or ...�-a opee-,...,fob-_.cuts-.snd--.f itle...•j nR._grading.-.Shields._ Avenue _from.. 5211 ins Avenue to Pierce Street, ................................................ - .... ............... .................... .-- ....._.........._.. ..._...._......... under Preliminary Order... 42S5fl.............. approved..Qc.t......17.,....182pintermediary Order.... 4429.7.........., approved......Feb.. _27,----1923. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. St. Paul ldinn. June 5 th. 1923 The un�i6igna hereby object to the Grading of Shields Ave: From elling to Pierce St. On account of the high cost of grading and labor at the present time . 0 i,�Gy�f�o Executor Eatae Of Clary A.Klix. 4"\0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By......................... .... :'........................ ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....P1a_IAADE-And.__ pr.Q.t.ect ing---aha.0-Q.._t.re.e.s-_.on__.bpt-17....Q.Ue,a....Of...... Churchill AV f.ram_uan S1yY Avenue_ to Cross Street, ...._..... PM 48146 -- In tha Matter, of Diann a .... ........ ...... ........................ bS ) ......................................................... .................................... :- rg.—-------------------- .--- .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...............-------------------......- under Preliminary Order --.---------44755----------------. approved..l�areh 27.1...1923 ..................................... Intermediary Order ..................................................... approved ..................._..._............................ -•--- --.--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...Plant -..and---prQt.@ct---shpd-e._ tr@.ea...oll._b.Q.th..-. s.ides._of....Chur.ahi.l1_. Avenue _.fno. m...Ian_.Sl.yke...Av.emu.e.A..oQ.r.e.s.s---Bt.reet.►............. __................ _................................................................. ---- .........................._...._...---._.......................... .... - -- .._...........................--.................._........_....-........... --- ....................................... ------------------------------ -- _.................. ............. ............. ................ .......__-..........._.... --- ...... --............---.....---- .............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. I'1?.i Adopted by the Council......_:' .............................. 1_..._ - ................".. ✓- ....... - --- ...................... City Clerk. Approved..._...__.:.._..... '. ............1 191 77 L --------------------- ...._.. Mayor. anx .Glancy . F111 MR- __ Councilman Mof% "`Mayoi•=X190W Ne l s Fern, B. S. A. 9-7 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTM -IT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO E"�SIONER OF FINANCE �^,j ON PRELIMIP,ARY ORDER (A) In the matter of plant and protect shade trees on both sides of Churchill Avenue from Van Slyke Avenue to Cross Street. under Preliminary Order approved ;:larch 27th, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S -_---- -. •--- — Estimated Cost $159.94 Cost per front ft. .15 Inspection 3.14 Frontage 1,065 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Warrendale 875 2 3 do 5925. . 3 3 do 3025 . 3 4 3 do 3600 5 3 do 3950 6 3 do 3500 7 3 do 39^C 8 3 do goo _. _. 9 3 do 1700 _ TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 9071 rd< -l- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CC�'`_'�IMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 Warrendale 3900 - 11 3 do 2900 12 3 do 875 1 4 do 1150 2 4 do 5250 also that part of Lot 4) 3 4 do 1000 lying N. of a line drawn from the N.W.corner of said Lot to a point on the E. line thereof 13 ft.S. frolp the N.E,corner thereof That part of 4 4 do 5700 lying S. of a line drawn from the N.W.corner of said lot to a point on the E.line thereof 13 ft. S. from the north East corner thereof 5 4 do 3300 6 4 do 6050 7 4 do 800 S 4 do 2700 9 4 do 4025 67825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ — -- -- — if)1 �.� . Commissioner of Finance. Form 0.6.12 �� � �:�� c k'; , S St. Paul, Minn.,.....2.192...... ;To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ---------- �- - �-ZLt ............................................................................................................... ............ . ............................................................................ .... .... .................. ............................. from------------ 0—'.......V . . ................. S=m, to . ----__......._.._..._..._......._..- St. ..... . ................. ------------------- St. Ave. r,47-= Office of the Co4histioner of Public Works -REOMVED — ,, Report to Commissioner of Finance `oNEROFE��e - -- April 13, 1923--__191---- APR 1819$ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 44766----approved_MarOh 271- 1923-_191_-_, relative to planting trees on Churchill Avenue -from--Van- Slyke Avenue to Cross street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot 0.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__169.94 Frontage 1066 ft. Inepeotion $3.14 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ( sf� ----------------- of Public Works. 4°0 10itham 3.10eler, (4nmmissisner r' ' ` Arte fallette, Beputg %timmissioner . %partment of Public Mocks (011 of 0aiut Faul GEORGE M. SH PARD. -IF ENGINEEF 1 M. 5. GRYTOAK, -OGE ENGINEER J. E. -RR.-.ASST GHIEP ENGINEER A. B. 5.ARF. SYPT. OF SANITATION G. H. H-101.. OFFICE ANO C ITY PLANNING ENGINEER April 11, 1923 G. P. BOW LIN. 5 -OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: i I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost for tree planting on Churchill Avenue from Van Slyke Avenue to Cross Street, under Preliminary. Order C. F. 44755, approved March 27, 1923: Estimated Cost 9$159.94 Cost per front foot .15 Inspection 3.14 Frontage 1,065 ft. Yours truly, C'�14 Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to tl4e CommissionerofFinance , ox Commissio 0 £ Public Works _1 JAMES M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER J,E. CORCORAN, DerurY COMMissioxeR w ....u..,....0 iiwvwunwumu nu u. uwm.mvwwvmwmmm imowuouugw,uuwuumwwvn®mvwwuwunwmnmmu,umuuwiunuuuwmuuummvmmiwvuumimuumvmwvmnvummuvowu CITY OF ST PAUL PtVar#irunt of 16rha, rlttggrnixnbrs �zt� �xthlxc ±�uil�zn�s OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE April 6th 1923, Pair. Geo,IF..ShPpar3 Chief ineer Dept,of Publ.Works. Dear Sir, I am herewith replying to your request of April 29, concerning estimate for cost of tree planting on Churclill Avenue (Lot", sires) from Vin Slyke Ave to Cross Str et.-Council File #44755-, allow me to say that I estimate the cost of this improvement not to excee9 15 cents per front foot. Yours very truly Supt, of Parks. y ��' /q� 3 ��� ���- d� � L ��� ;�-� :. /�� �� ^mac --G < � � . two . �✓�' �-�, L �-� `� t 0 �G f �j ` - ✓�� fiL /A W-6 gle--, 5r Pe 4 'lot COUNCIL,FILE NO ............................. i' By......... ........... .._........................ .... 46149 In the Matter of... PAY iBe-..Rend.Qlph..:S.ii...... from. ...ane.ll.irg....1me.....tn...the...Xississ.ipp4 River.-- Pouleva.rd.,_.. includ ine...s.ev�-Qr.,_Water---a-nd_.ga_s...-c4nr-e.Ct..iolts...i rom..s.tr.eet ma. ins_.. t o.--property--_l ----------- ___ c oMpl e t e -,-_the r e -..not. --a 1 rQa.d-y._ma d e,.-- a-1-s.Q.....ur.b.Ing and pav n riverray) and alle.y. a pproache s....Whe e._nyc@ss....r Sv......,.....�a.......1................ ..�........._...n.1.. Z ...... 2-----------L<�/ ....1...,.......:...- -- --- -. �.c. �l �, � - n. t":.�_ ^.- under Preliminary Orde...... r41,544..................._...... aPProved.A-P.Iil._2Q,....1.9U..................................... IntermediaryOrder.............................._._......_................ approved................................ -.................. _.._........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. _..pavB_.Rena-Q.1.pkA..Mt.,...:r.om...Snel3.1ng...Au.e.....ho RiyerEoulevard,..__including._seT�e,_.Wat.er_end__.ga__s_______________ ..... conne ct.i ons.. fr.om..straet...mains ....t o....propert.y-21nes...aompl ate,...where -..not .-. _already.. ma-d-e.,...slso curb _ng. and paving ..gena --.a- d--.alle -_ail -roe-crs Where...na.�.es.sa.xY:,`�..�3G and the Council hereby orders said improvem'eAt to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... -- .._ ............. - - ...... .... ...- ----............... Ci -- Clerk. APProved. "....^ _--.'...3....._.._....., 191........ �f Mayor. Councilman ZXi74d1c4>3HI14x Clancy frig Councilman &aSmx Ferguson P LISHED (� - �- 02.3 Councilman 93=7x McDonald Councilman K2 URX Matson 7 /� rl �� It Councilman 3?i:6,MX Peter t Councilman 3'daxxbv9ichx rlenzel 1 -: Mayor*kWgKmx Nelson 7 j" - Form B. S. A. 8-7 f t p /. rc. C A, "� }`� � CITY OF 8T. AAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �. ItjVO4RT OF COM?hIS4IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ y /i 4/, /, Z/nil/ In the matter . . A under Preliminary Order approved roved 20 _ — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: .. 3211 Creosoted Brick laid or 711 Concrete Paving Blocks fiat .4sphelttConcr. 3.67 3-28 _ yd* 5.50 4.69 Per s4• fi 20,117.00 $15,098.00 x'13 412.00 $ , Intersections 22,627.00 27,415.00 24,352.00 41 085.00 36,528.00 36,528.00 Piheelsge 90,181.00 67,682.00 60,121.00 Property Share 101,43.1.00 110,195.00 97,885.00 165,143.00 164,826.00 Total 6.52 4.89 4.35 Front Foot 7.33 Added in above: 823.00 611 Serer connections, each $60.00 39.00 Drainage 10,020.00 411 !later connections, each Curbing 16 3 G. G. 'Ph itney's Riverton �7v a 350 17 3 Place 3200 18 3 do 350 19 3 do 20 3 do 350 _ 3050. 21 3 do TOTAL. F"M B. B. 10 ... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c RT OF COMhgIS4lONER OF FINANCE L -ION PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)p In the Matter of_/ 414 — /. a , ;parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION AssEssED VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION 46 75 `(Except Boulevard and except 7 (The Elms) —opening of Mt. Curve Ave.) 3500. _-(Except opening Mx.Curve Ave.) 3 do 17550 (Except opening Mt.curve-Ave.) 2 do 350 16 3 G. G. WhitneylB Riverton 350 �7 3 Place _ 2 300 . 18 3 do 350 5 19 3 do ,3 350 20 do _ 3050. 21 3 do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r 1rR'OPORT OF COIp M !FSIONER OF FINANit-r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION T 22 3 G. G. VMitney's Riverton 3s50 23 3 Place 3.50 24 3 do 3.50 s , 25 3 do 3.50 26 3 d„ 3.50 27 3 do 3.50 28 3 do 3.50 29 3- do 3.50 30 3 Jo 3.75 15 Orchard Park 5.25 16 do 4.75 11 do 3825 18 do 4.25 19 do 425 20 do 425 21 do 2525 22 do 375 z3 do 375 24 do 375 25 do 375 26 do 375 27 do 375 28 do 500 4 4 Hankees Re-ar. 575 17 7 Hankees Cleveland View 4100 15 7 do 4.700 No. 5 ft. of 19 7 do TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL ' y_ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ♦;'} 6RLA-ORT OF CONWIPS10NER OF FINANt:E 3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. :N 5 fit) 19 & NV, 5 ft of 2.0 7 Hankees Cleveland View 4250 (Ex. iN 5 f t) 20 & IV. 10f t of 21 7 do 4250 ,Ixeert W. 10 feet) 21 7 do 4900 weak 1, faet of 22 7 do (E-cce,- .Nest 15 feet) 22 7 do 275 23 7 do 450 24 7 do 300 25 7 do 450 26 7 do 450 27 7 do 450 28 7 do 470 29 7 do 450 30 7 do 500 16 8 do 500 17 8 do 450 18 8 d.: 450 19 8 do 450 ;0 8 do 450 21 8 do 450 22 8 do 450 23 8 do 450 24 8 do 400 25 8 do 450 26 8 do 450 27 8 do 450 28 8 do 450 29 8 do TOTAL 450 CITY OF 8T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' *RI14PORT OF C010MIf;SIONER OF FINANbE 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION y� 30 8 Hankees Clevelana View 500 16 2 Kipps Macalester Park, 3600 r W -3t,5 feet of 17 2 St. Paul, Minn. (Except west 5 ft. ) 17 2 CLO 3575 Ivest10 feet of 18 2 do _(Except West 10 feet 18 2 do 3225 Nest 15 feet of 19 2 do ;:(Except West 15 feet) 19 2 do 3025 ..West 20 feet of 20 2 do ,(Except West 20 feet) 20 2 do 3675 West 25 feet of 21 2 do .Except West 25 feet) 21 2 do 2925 We -3t 30 feet Of 22 2 do (Except 'Vest 30 feet) 22 2 do 2925 �3 2 CLO 24 2 do 4500 25 2 do 3150 26 2 do 3500 27 2 do 3500 28 2 do 500 29 2 do 500 30 2 do 525 16 1 do 450 17 1 CIO 400. 18 1 do 400 19 1 do 400 20 1 do TOTAL 400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 5 WEV03ORT OF CONM1:PSIONER OF FINANbE ~ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Randolph St. Except Randolph St. 1 1 Kipps Macalester Park, 22 1 St. Paul, Minn. 23 1 do 24 1 do 25 1 do 26 1 do 27 1 do 29 1 do 29 1 do 30 1 do 16 2 Macalester College Add. 17 2 to the City of St. Paul, 19 2 Hamsey Co. Minn. 19 2 do 20 2 do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do 26 2 do 27 2 do 28 2 do 29 2 do 30 2 do 16 2 Webster Add. to the City 17 2 of St. Paul RaILSey CO. Minn. TOTAL 400 400 350 400 400 400 400 400 400 450 425 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 425 4425 400 cITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE wA FINANi:E r r r^2'ORT OF COfylMl$SIONER OF 6 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 2 Webster Add. to the City 400 Escepti par..4iolph St. Except Randolph St. 19 2 of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn 400 Except Randolph St. ?.0 2 do 400 Except -Randolph St. 21 2 do ,400 Except Randolph St. 22 2 do 400 Except Randolph St. 23 2 do 2200 Except Randolph St. 24 2 400 400 Except Randolph St. 25 2 do Except Randolph St. 26 2 do 3200 Except Randolph St. 27 2 do 3150 Except Randolph St.* 28 2 do 3200 Except Randolph St. 29 2 do 3200 Except Rancolph St. 30 2 do 3300 17 7 >.imwood 100 16 7 do 75 15 7 do 75 14 7 do 75 13 7 do 75 12 7 do 75 11 7 do 75 10 7 do 75 9 7 io 75 8 7 do 75 7 7 d0 125 6 7 do 350 14 $ do 3250 13 s do TOTAL 3750 CITY OF 9T. PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e F-R5PORT OF CONMI$SIONER OF FINANb ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ^ 12 8 Elmwood 3000 11 8 do 3200 _ 10 8 do 3150 9 8 do 2800 8 8 do 2850 7 8 do 3250 6 8 do Soo 26 3 Ryan Place 1150 �7 3 do 1250 29 3 do 1250 1 3 do 625 2 3 do 60o 3 3 do 600 Except part to city 26 2 do 6900 Except part to City 27 2 do 500 28 2 do 500 1 2 do 450 2 2 do 400 3 2 do 400 26 1 do 500 27 1 do 400 28 1 do 400 1 1 do 5?50 2 1 do 4500 3 1 do 4500 (Except Randolph St. and except 5 Cretin Ave. the IV,:st 150 ft. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ' 4° t REFORT OF COhAMI$SIONER OF FINANICE g ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION of the No.clph 1/4 of the Worth west 1/4 of the So- theaet 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 1250 (Exo(jnt• Tmndolph St.) The East 60 feet of the West 210 feet of The North 1/4 of the North West 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 475 Except Randolph St. The East 60 ft. of the.West 270 ft. of the North -1/4 of Northeast 1/4 Of Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R•23 475 (Except Randolph St.) The East ,0 feet of the hest 330 ft. of the North 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the South— east 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 475 (Except Randolph St) The East -:-60 ft. of the WeHt 390 ft. of the North 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 475 (Except Randolph St.)) The West 120 ft. of the East 270 ft. of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 H.23 380 (Except Randolph St.) The E. 150 ft. of the West 1/2 of the TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r" 9 s- �^ U.ROPORT OF C014MI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED UATION VALUATI Nortlil/4,Qf the Noitheast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 1200 (Except Randolph St.) The [gest 150 ft. of East 1/2 of North 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 1200 (Exc. Randolph St.& the East 80 ft. of the So. 160.65 _.. ft. of the West 270 ft) The East 120 ft. of [Pest 270 ft. of East 1/2 of North 1/4 of North east 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 3550 West 4o ft. of East 471.50 ft. of North 120.68 ft. of the So. 150.68 ft. of North 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 100 East 40 ft. of South 160.68 ft. of {Vest 27n ft. of East 1/2 of North 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of 8 28, R.23 100 (Extent Randolph St.) the West 110 ft. of the East 301.50 ft. of the North 1/4 of the Southea�3t 1/4 of 8 28 R.23 950. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ► 0'° 4RE9'ORT OF COMM15SIONER OF FINAN;tE'l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (13) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Exoept.Zhe North 45 ft. of the So. 75 ft. of the East 170 ft. Leo except Ran- dolpti St, and Cleveland Ave. The East 271.50 ft. of the North 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of 6 28 R.23 (Except West 7 ft. taken for widening Cleveland Ave. and except North 7 ft, for w widening of Randolph St.) 5 Reserve Park (Except North 7 ft. taken Garden Lots for widening of Randolph St.) 6 (Except North 7 ft. taken do for widening of -Randolph St.) 7 Blks. 1,4,5, the alleys of Albert Lea College Add. said blks, Juno St. Niles St. to the City of St. Paul and the North 1/2 of Watson Ramsey Co. Minn. ave from the east line of Sue St. to the West line of Fair- view Ave. also the East 1/2 of Sue St. adjoining the above described tract, all of which streets and alleys have been vacated. Blocks 2 and 3, the Albert Lea College Add. alleys in said blks, Juno St. to the City of St. Paul between said blks, No. 1/2 of Ramsey Co., Minn: Niles St, adjoining blk 3, also Prior Ave. and the W 1/2 TOTAL 6250 306000 13500 120650 CITY OF eT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ll k` A^ b-RE$ORT OF COhgM19;S1ONER OF FINANItE� a> ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDVALUATION of Suel_pt. adjoinging the above described tract. r 15 3 macale3ter College Add. 14 3 to the Cite of 5t. Paul 13 3 Ramsey Co. Minn. 12 3 do 11 3 do 10 3 do 9 3 do 5 3 do 7 3 do 6 3 do 5 3 do 4 3 do 3 3 do 2 3 do 1 3 do East 1/2 of Fredericka Ave. Webster Add. to the City vacated from the So. line of of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. Juno St. to the No. line of Hartford Ave. Juno St. Niles St. and Watson Ave. all vacated from the East line of Fredericka Ave. to the 'Scat line (f Undsr wood Ave. Lots 1 to 30 Blk 3, Lots 1 to 30, Blk 4, Lots 1 to _ 30, Block 5, Lots 1 to 30, Block 6 and vacated alleys in _. said Blk 3,4,5,and 6. 7 1 Kiprs College Park 6 1 St. Paul Minn. TOTAL 425 400 400 1725 4900 2400 2700 400 2750 400 400 400 400 400 3275 78000 500 450 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r, Y b` NRE$ORT OF NOMMI$SIO ER OF FINANCE 12 PRELIMINARY (B) K LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - DESCRIPTION .. . - 5 1 Kipp3 college Park St. 450 •�, 400 4 1 Paul Minn. 3 1 do 400 2 1 do 400 do goo 1 1 16 Benedictine Plat 1 400 15 do 400 14 du 400 �3 do 400 12 do x+00 11 do 400 10 do 600 9 do 1900 g do 400 7 do 4oU 6 do 400 5 do 400 4 do 400 3 do 400 do 400 2 1 do 525 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 13 hj- 4% SREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN&E� ► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Excep k Randolph S -I;. and except Snelling Ave,) The Ea. -3T 5300 255.64 fact of the idorth 170.43 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the nutheaat 1/4 of Section 9, Town 28, Range 23. 776s,�sS The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—_.... Commi,sioner of Fin.ncr. F- U. B. 12 2 P Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance Old ER Ot\ April 27, 1923. -- --1---- APR 271923 - ---- --- 91 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 4b269 approved_ April 20 L 1923_191___, relative to the Council, known as Council bile No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Savin of _Randolph_ Street _Prom_ SSQ1jng_AyEnua_tn._Yhe_____________ East line of &Iiaeisei�pi River_Boulevard____________________________________ -------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ _, and the total cost thereof is $__ Y._____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. tmissio!e;�.blic ___________._______________ Works. William J. Ileter. (gammissioner 31rie Mallette, Deputg (&ammissianer Repartment of'Vixbtiu Marko (�itg of iftint 11uul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E CARROLL. AIEIT CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G.H. HERROLD, OFFICEANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER April 25, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE L Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Randolph St, from Snelling Ave. to the East line, Mississippi River Blvd., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, wh&re necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. #45269, approved April 20, 1923: Length 7617 ft. Roadway 50 ft. Frontage 13831.6 ft. Street J80 It. Roadway 30 ft. " \80 ft.Mise.River Blvd.to Cleveland 3t creosote :Brick laid: sphalt or 70 Conc. Paving blocks flat :Asphalt Conor.: Concrete_ Per sq.yd. 5.50 4.89 3.67 3.26 Intersections 21;769.00 19,355.00 14,526.00 12,903.00 Wheelage 28, 309.00 25,169. 00 18, 889.00 16, 779. 00 Property Share 101,431.00 90,181.00 67.682.00 60,121.00 Total 151,509.00 134,705.00 101,097.00 89,803.00 (a)Front foot 7.33 6.52 4.89 4.35 Added to above estimate: Drainage $ 923.00 Curbing 10020.00 6 in, sewer connections each $60.00 4 in. water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, hief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance CommisWev,�Af�Public Works tri¢ nlleite. %putg (4ammissioner 3gillinm J. lieter. %ammissioner iDepttrtutent of ix li v►rk _ (�itg of oatut Paul M. B. GRTTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT- OF SwNITATION GEORGE M. 3HEPARO. CHIEF ENGINEER G P. BOW LIN. SOFT. OF WORKHOUSE J. E CARROLL. AVrTCHIEF ENGINEER April 25, 1923 G. M. HERROLO. OFFICE wNO CITY PLwNNING ENOINEEw Mr. wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Randolph St. from includ linsewer, to the er andEast line, Mississippi River Blvd., g lines complete, where con- nections from street mains to property not areleady made, also curbing and pavider ng Fdriveway 69,apapproaches, where necessary under Preliminary proved April 20, 1923. Length 7,617 ft. Roadway 50 ft. Street 80 ft. Mississippi R1 River rontage 13831.6 g 40 ft. Blvd.to Cleveland 3j creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or 7" Concrete Paving blocks As halt Conor. Per sq. yd. 5.50 4.89 3.67 3.26 Intersections 22,627.00 20,117.00 15,098.00 13,412.00 . wheelage 41,085.00 36,528.00 27,415.00 24,352.00 Property Share101431.00 90,181.00 67,682.00 60,121.00 Total 165,143.00 146,826.00 110,195.00 97,885.00 (a)front foot 7.33 6.52 4.89 4.35 Added in above: $ 923.00 Drainage Curbing 10,020.00 6 in.sewer connections each 4 in. water connection each 39.00 Yours truly, ;�-n. SF , �iexllgineer Approved for transmission to the CommissiYe,�; F nanoe Commissf Public Works TC T' -.E COIE101; CCUiiCIL OF T E CITY OF ST. PAUL: T.aarcas the Council of the City of St. Pul ?as under con— sideration the paving of rundolph Streit fror.� Selling Avenue to t1'e East line, :.:iseisaiNi i River 3oulavz rd, we, the undersigned owners of property fronting and abutting on said strut, petition you to use Creosote Blocks 4.s t':.e :_<a riai for sU.c!: paver:�nt in eabe a pave::ent is ordered on our street. S f Ad_'reiss._ Frontage. l ' aid 3 C� r i1 ` . ! T COUNCIL FILE \0......... By ................................. ''made also: curbtng.and paving drive- i.;waY and alley approaches, where necessaryt Roadway to ba 40 Pt. wide; lmaterlal, to be asphaltfe conerete V.r. cept ,.on grades of 3% %fer: over, where material eha' 5268 p under praPn,. - Order' 45268 approval ley i f•Nng haul-: been -. bad wrnr:• noon due hnJ1 .. ..,- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....paying..L innehaha St. _.from Cable -_ ve.- to F,tna St., ............ .. ......... .... ..... _.1nc_],_wiing-_s.el+sr...._ etAr_..and gas connections from street mains to propert;j lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving. dr}ve ra.1..and alley, approaches, whel e necessary, 3----/n--r'--.o-`-,-------..................... ............................................ ..-... . under Preliminary Order ..._.4.5268.___ ... ...... ... ....... approved.....iiprit 20, 1923. ........... ............................ Intermediary Order ........... ...................... ................. . ...... approved ------------- ........................................................ - .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is pev.g,-Inp3haha_.St«ve.---to__, tpcl-u.ding sewer. grater a_nd gas connections from street mains ..... __.. ....--------------------------------.. t.o._.gropert.y..l.i:ries---conpl.e.te.,_There _.. not_. already :Wade -,_-_also curbing and geixi.11g driveway- a,nd alley approaches, where necessary - z -- -- _,° 4---------- --- -- " - � - - and the Council hereby ordevs said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ _ ................:---;'_..... -.--- _ - - -- — - --...._----------- - City Clerk. Approved .............. 191....1_ - `�;, e 2 AVOW Mayor. Councilman I�a�Fils'G%htll Cy ano�. Councilman (xx Ferguson Councilman XXMfe*x M c Do na 1 d l f [ Councilman 37ecx Ma t son F j{ r <.c- V C -k_, � t' / qv 1/-✓ Councilman 11Icfmlix Peter Councilman VLMXJe)db0b 7enzel MayorAtxlgwm Nelson 4 Form B. S. A. 8_7 .... ( CITY.PF Bt PAUL •4'A,. %'+2 z" DEPARTM FINANCE " FIN 7. COMMISSIONER OF EQT OF "'" r ON PRELlhwARY ORDER ` (A) In the matter of t _ 00 a 'g3g'JO "j ....,•„ K. Bis TS f ) ` t 'J :i A _. •...el . -.-_- __.. ve.. _ er foot for the above improment is p and the assessed valuation of each lot or The estimated cost rovement, be assessed benefits for such imp The lots or parcels of land that may last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - parcel as ASSESSED V ALU ATION ADDITION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION to Hills lidd. 4000 _ 10 57 S lir,V 1.650 11 57 do 1250 - .12 57 do 1500 13 57 do 3400 14 57 CIO 650 15 57 d0 2250. _ 16 57 do 650 . �7 57 do 1675 19 57 do 2075 ---:'. 11 58 do TOTAL. t: Form B. B•11 - 3 CITY OR 8T. PAUL DEPAlk1'MENV OF FINANCE REPORT OF NOM � MS�SIONNARY �Rp OF FIWAf�#'CE ER (B) ASSESSED R, ocK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 12 56 Prlington Hills Addition to St.Paul. �3 58 do 14 56 do �5 56 do 16 56 do �7 58 do 16 58 do 19 56 do 20 56 do 10 59 do 11 59 do 12 59 do 13 59 do 14 59 do 15 59 do 16 59 do 17 59 do 16 59 do 16 3 Hills Add.to St -Paul 17 3 do 16 3 do �9 3 do 20 3 do 21 3 do 22 3 do 23 3 do TOTAL 1975 e 1225 1725 1725 2325 3625 1575 625 700 5925 600 425 425 425 425 500 1300 1450 50 1700 2500 Boo 1400 1500 1600 2000 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAQTMEW OF FINANCE t RLVPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE4MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 04 24 3 Hills Add. to St.,Paul. 1800 25 3 do 2400 26 3 do 2150 27 3 do 1700 28 3 do 34o0 ( 29 3 do 9200 30 3 do 15 4 E.M. lackubins Add. 9000 to St.Paul. 14 4 650 13 4 do 3000 12 4 do 13200 11 4 do 13850 16 4 do 400 17 4 do 350 18 4 do 1900 19 4 do 19000 (Ex—forth 135 ft) 20 4 do 4200 North 135 ft, of 20 4 do 25 N.49.50 ft.of 22 & 21 4 do 1550 (Ex. 49.50 ft.) 21 & 22 4 do 6325 13 21 Terry's Add.to the City 5500 of St.Paul County of 14 21 Ramsey & state of vMinn. 15 21 do 1850 16 21 do 265o 17 21 do 2550 18 21 do 2300 TOTAL CITY OF 87. PAUL DEPAOTMEW OF FINANCE IF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIINANCE ON PREj JMINARY ORDER (B) �! DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ t 19 21 Te 's Add.to the City 3900 o .Paul County of 20 21 Ramsey and State of Minn. 3350 21 21 do 850 22 21 do 1950 23 21 do 4650 24 21 do e 4450 13 11 do 2100 14 11 do 3775 15 11 do 2225 16 11 do 4125 17 11 do 1075 18 11 do 1500 19 11 do 1625 20 11 do 1325 21 11 do 1825 22 11 do 3625 (Ex.E.40 ft.of N.43 ft) 23 11 do 2025 South 100 ft.of 24 11 do 3000 E.40 ft.of N.43 ft.of 23 11 do 1700 also IT. 43 ft. of 24 South 97.95 ft.of 13- 14 10 do 2900 North 45 ft. of 13- 14 10 do 3450 15 10 do 2500 16 to do 2625 17 10 do 750 18 10 do TOTAL 3100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAIITMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FWANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 10 Terry's Add.to the City 2650 of St.Pa.ul County of 20 10 Ramsey & State of Minn. 2450 21 10 do 2750 22 10 do 3950 W. 4.917 ft.of 24 & all of 23 10 do 2525 Fast 45 ft. of 24 10 do 3675 13 1 do 4275 14 1 do 3500 15 1 do 1700 16 1 do 3600 17 1 do 3400 15 1 do 3100 19 1 do 4 -zoo 2C 1 do 675 21 1 do" 700 22 1 do 2,-50 23 1 do 6500 24 1 do 550 16 Warrens Garden Outlots 114350 to St.paul in Ramsey County Minnesota. 11 1 do 1350 10 1 do 1750 9 1 do 1150 5 1 do 235' 7— 1 do 2500 6 1 do TOTAL 1150 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAICTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI14ANCE ON PRE!eMINARY ORDER (B) i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5 1 Schurmeier and Evans Addition to St.Paul. 4 1 do Ex.East 9.14 ft.of 3 1 do .forth 35 ft. of 1 ( 2 1 do also E.g.14 ft.of N.35 ft. 3 also E 9 14 ft of N 35 ft of ASSESSED VALUATION 500 575 375 2400 3,S.34 .of N.72 ft.of 1-2 1 do 1325 TOTAL 1 Officer's Rearrangement goo of Lots 12 -21 -and 22 2 1 Warrens Garden Lots. 375 1 1 do 325 25 1 do - 325 24 1 do 325 23 1 do 300 22 1 do goo 21 1 do 300 20 1 do Soo 19 1 do 300 15 1 do KC) 17 1 do 1400 16 1 Schurmeiers 7th Street 2500 Add.to St.Pa.ul. 15 1 do 750 14 1 do 3075 North of alley of �11 1 do ( 3 Johnstone's Subdivision 13200 ( 4f Blk 112 of Lima ( 2 lllytcns Add.to , aul. ( 1 TOTAL TOTAL , CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAFTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FbINAN'CE ON PRE 4IMINAFZY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 Johnstone Is Subdivision 1370 of Blk 112 of Lyman 12 Daytons Add.to St.Paul. 1250 13 do 3600 14 do 2000 15 do 1150 16 do 1750 W. 39.25 ft.of N.53 ft.of 15 Stinsons Sub.of Blk 111 2750 of Lyman Daytons rdi. (Ex.W.39.25 ft.of N.53 ft) 15 to S�.Paul. 10600 14 do 23000 13 do 2950 12 do 1300 11 do 1200 10 do 2950 9 do 2450 8 do 1550 7 do 2100 6 do 1550 5 do 1700 4 do 2950 3 do 2550 2 do 875 1 do 5250 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAPTMEIyT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAr4CE ON PRE!OMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION West z Of East of 700 - I�A.�0 = S -3,5--D �2iv0 700 West z of East of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 15 110 Schiffmarn's Subd.of Bik 109 and 110 Lyman ((14 110 D;ytons Addition. t13 110 13 110 do 12 110 do 11 110 do 10 110 do 9 110 do 9, 110 do 7 110 do 6 110 do 5 110 do 4 110 do 3 110 do 2 11C do 1 110 do 15 109 do 14 109 do 14 109 do 13 109 do 12 109 do 11 109 do 10 109 do 9 109 do s 109 do 7 109 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 775 4925 350 3000 4200 700 3000 700 2600 2200 2050 2100 700 2,050 3375 3250 350 350 2075 1675 2625 625 625 675 3675 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAPTME14T OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FWANCE ON PRE!OMINARY ORDER (B) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL 6 109 Schiffmann's Subdivision :225 of Blks 109-110 Lyman 5 109 Dayton's Additicn 2975 4 109 do 3675 3 109 do 3675 l 2 109 do 15323 1 109 do Y S 13 Tayne's Add.to the 1900 9 S D City of St.Paul 12 do 3375 11 do 3100 p d D 10 do 2375 9 do 2350 S do 1550 7 do 3750 6 do 2400 5 do 24co Fest z of 4 do 300 East z of 4 do 2700 3 do 600 2 do 3150 1 do 325 a i s a 1 1 A.Gotzians Rearrangement 1950 of Si€els Addition 2 1 do 1900 3 1 do 1300 15 2 do 1500 14 2 do 1450 13 2 do 1450 TOTAL r�I TY OF ST. PAUL DEPA41�TMEPjT OF FINANCE * REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE4IMINARY ORDER kB) F DESCRIPTION 30v -b y go 0 LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 2 A.Gotzians Rearrangement of Sigels Addition 11 2 do 10 2 do 9 2 do B 2 do 7 2 do 6 2 do 5 2 do . 4 2 d6 3 2 do 2 2 do 1 2 do 15 32 do 14 32 do 13 32 do 12 32 do 11 32 do 10 32 do 9 32 do 9 32 do 7 32 do 6 32 do 5 32 do 4 32 do 3 32 do 2 32 do 1 32 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 550 3000 550 550 2750 4300 550 1450 2450 550 1500 2650 425 2500 4650 300 300 300 2500 2500 2700 2700 3100 300 325 2700 400 (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAjiTMEr+T.OF FINANCE R REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PREVMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r/ 00 15 33 A.Gotzians Rearrangement 3200 il-0 0 14 33 of Sigela Addition do 2900 13 33 do 1250 12 33 do 150 11 33 do 150 10 33 do 150 9 33 do 150 8 33 do 250 7 33 do 300 6 33 do 350 5 33 do 350 4 33 do 1525 16 2 F.C.Bowens Addition 600 17 2 do 3150 18 2 do 1750 19 2 do 4250 30-1 D 20 2 do 2400 21 2 do 3850 22 2 do 500 %Yoo 23 2 do 4400 24 2 do 500 25 2 do 500 26 2 do 500 27 2 do 500 28 2 do 500 J's- 10 29 2 do 1150 s 7 30 2 do TOTAL 525 CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPAPTMEN.T OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FONANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION .//-7, !/v 0 a's0 = .3 �-d o LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Klefer,Schurmeier and 450 Wilds S:.bdivision of 17 3 Lots 1-2- add 3 Collins 4Q0 18 3 out lots. 3400 19 3 do 800 20 3 do 400 21 3 do 400 22 3 do 400 23 3 do 400 24 3 do 500 25 3 do 400 26 3 do 400 27 3 do 450 13 4 Lorena Park St.Paul,Einn. 1725 14 4 do 300 15 4 do 1500 16 4 do 1500 17 4 do 1650 18 4 do 300 19 4 do 30C 20 4 do 300 21 4 do 300 22 .4 do 1500 23 4 do 300 24 4 do 250 13 5 do 425 14 5 do 2400 TOTAL (B) CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPAMTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON POE LIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 5 Lorena Park,St.Paul,Minn. 300 16 5 do 1000 17 5 do 1050 18 5 do 16o0 19 5 do 300 20 5 do 3000 21 5 do 1300 22 5 do 1700 5 do 300 24 5 do 1400 7 6 do 25 8 6 do 25 9 6 do 25 10 6 do 25 11 6 do 25 12 6 do 25 6 14 Denslow's Rearrangement 25 of LotB 5-6-7-8-9-10-11- 5 14 12 etc. 25 14 do 25 3 14 do 25 2 14 do 25 1 14 do 40 - 11 13 do 50 10 13 do 50 9 13 do 50 S 13 do 50 TOTAL (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA,tTMErjT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIrNANCE ON PREkIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 13 Denslow's Rearrangement 50 of Lets 5—to 12 Blk 2 6 13 etc. 50 5 13 do 50 4 13 do 50 3 13 do 50 2 13 do 50 1 13 do 75 5 12 do 150 4 12 do 150 3 12 do 150 2 12 do 150 1 12 do 200 3 11 do 1500 4 11 do 1950 5 11 do 200 16 10 do 3150 17 10 do 300 18 10 do 250 19 10 do 200 20 10 do 100 21 10 do 50 22 10 do 50 23 10 do 50 24 to do 50 25 10 do 50 26 10 do 50 27 10 do TOTAL 50 (B) Cin OF ST. PAUL DEPAFTMENX OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28 10 Denslow's Rearrangement 50 of Lots 5 to 12 Blk 2 29 10 etc. 775 30 10 do 16 9 do 375 17 9 do 3100 18 9 do 1650 19 9 do 2100 20 9 do 2350 21 9 do 350 22 9 do 350 23 9 do 1750 24 9 do 1400 25 9 do 2150 26 9 do boo 27 9 do 350 28 9 do 1250 29 9 do 1900 30 9 do 1175 J.N.Rowers 4th Add. 16 4 to St.Paul 325 17 4 J. N. Rog-rs 4th Add. 300 to St.Paul. 18 4 do 300 19 4 do goo 20 4 do 300 21 4 do 2100 22 4 do 3500 TOTAL a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTrOF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItA1NARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION (Exc.E.20'�24 and all of Fast 20' of 24 & all of LOT BLOCK 23 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 16 4 .� 17 4 18 4 19 4 Lot 20 & 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 Lots 28,29 and 30 4 ADDITION J.N.Rogers 4th Addn do do do do do do Kuhl's 2nd Addition do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED 0 VALUATION 4350• 1650 300 2500 300 55C 350 45o 400 40C 400 47CO 2950 350 300 275 275 275 2225 16 7 Aurora Addition 300. 17 7 do 2200 18 7 do 150 19 7 do 150 20 7 do 1400 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTOI.ENT.9F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 7 Aurora Addition 150, 22 7 do 15C 23 7 do 1950 24 7 do 40C 25 7 do 150 26 7 do 150 27 7 do 150 28 7 do 150 29 7 do 150 3C 7 do 150 16 8 do 475 17 8 do 1150 18 8 do 150 19 8 do 150 20 8 do 150 21 8 do 300 22 8 do 150 23 8 do 150. 24 8 do 150 25 8 do 150 26 8 do 550 27 8 do 150 28 8 do 150 29 8 do 150 30 8 do 875 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR'fMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItMINARY ORDER kBj DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 30 Beaver Lake Heights 75 6 30 do 1775 5 30 do 75 4 30 do 1325 24 22 do 75 23 22 do 75 22 22 do 75 21 22 do 2075 20 22 do 1225 19 22 do 75 18 22 do 75 17 22 do 75 16 22 do 575 15 22 g do 75 14 22 do 75 13 22 do 75 12 22 do 75 11 22 do 75 10 22 do 75 9 22 do 75 8 22 do 375 7 22 do 225 6 22 do 75 5 22 do 75 4 22 do 75 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAWMENT.OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELLMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 22Beaver Lake Heights. 125 (Exc.East 40') 1 & all 2 22 do 325 East 40 feet of 1 22 do 75 16 5 Watts Park,St.Paul,2inn. 825 17 5 do 25 is 5 do 25 19 5 do 25 20 5 do 775 21 5 do 75 22 5 do 25 23 5 do 25 24 5 do 25 Lots 25,26,27,28 5 do 375 29 5 do 1000 30 5 do 100 16 6 do 100 17 6 do 350 is 6 do 300 19 6 do 25 20 6 do 25 _. 21 6 do 25 22 6 do 25 23 6 do 25 24 6 do 1425 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARrMENAOF FINANCE - R9PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItUNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 6 Watts Park,St.Paul,Minn. 25 26 6 do 25 27 6 do 4000 28 6 do 100 29 6 do 100 30 6 do 100 16 7 do 100 17 7 do 100 18 7 do 10o 19 7 do 100 20 7 do goo 21 7 do 700 22 7 do 100 23 7 do 100 24 7 do loo 25 7 do 100 26 7 do 50 27 7 do 25 28 7 do 25 29 7 do 25 30. 7 do 25 16 8 do 1425 17 8 do 125 18 8 do 1275 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARVMENT40F FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 6 Watts Park St.Paul, Minn. 1125 20 8 do 125 21 8 do 1075 22 8 do 125 23 8 do 1275 24 8 do 125 25 8 do 1375 26 8 do 1125 27 8 do 125 28 8 do 1475 29 8 do 150 30 S do 150 12 1 do 350 11 1 do 325 10 1 do 325 9 1 do 325 8 1 do 325 7 1 do 275 6 1 do 250 5 1 do 250 4 1 do 400 3 1 do 200 2 1 do 175 1 1 do 150 (Ex.E.39 ft -of S.261 ft) 3 Homes for the Homeless TOTAL 750 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR¢MEN'.%OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELhMINARY ORDER �B� s DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 1 Wallb,loms Addition 225 5 1 do 1275 4 1 do 200 3 1 do 175 2 1 do 150 1 1 do 150 6 1 Schoch's & Althen's 100 5 1 Sub.of Lot 5 of Homes 75 for the Homeless 4 1 do 50 3 1 do 50 2 1 do 50 1 1 do 50 6 Homes for the Homeless 1200 10 1 Droughers Subdivision"A° 10 9 1 do 10 8 1 do 10 7 1 do 10 6 1 do 10 5 1 do 10 4 1 do 10 3 1 do 10 2 1 do 10 1 1 do 10 12 1 Socks Division 50 11 1 do 50 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAR1►MEN'F%OF FINANCE REtPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIt41NARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 1 Bocks Division 50 9 1 do 50 8 1 do 50 7 1 do 50 6 1 do 50 5 1 do 2625 4 1 do 75 3 1 do 100 2 1 do 1950 1 1 do 150 2 Weed and Halle's Addition 1125 (((15 (14 2 do 13 2 do 2175 12 2 do 150 11 2 do 150 10 2 do 150 9 2 do 150 8 2 do 150 7 2 do 150 6 2 do 150 5 2 do 150 4 2 do 2250 3 2 do 2550 2 2 do 250 1 2 do 1200 15 1 do 3C0 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR4MEN'MOF FINANCE RI`PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANG?E ON PRELI fCNARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 1 Weed and Halles Addition 300 13 1 do 2450 12 1 do 300 1:. 1 do 4800 10 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 4 1 do 300 3 1 do 300 2 1 do 1100 1 1 do 300 15 1 G.V.Bacon's Addition 3775 14 1 do 3700 13 1 do 250 12 1 do 250 11 1 do 1750 10 1 do 250 9 1 do 250 S 1 do 250 7 1 do 250 6 1 do 1200 5 1 do 250 TOTAL CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPAR-OMENTyOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANM ON PRELIIdINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION West 1 of E.1 of 14 & all of All of 6 & West 4. of East L of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 1 G.V.Bacon's Addition 3 1 do 2 1 do 1 1 do X15 2 do (14 2 do 13 2 do 12 2 do 11 2 do 10 2 do 9 2 do S 2 do 7 2 do 5 2 do ( 5 2 do ( 4 2 do 3 2 do 2 2 do 1 2 do 25 2 Robert L.Ware's Eastern Heights. 24 2 do 23 2 do 22 2 do 21 2 do 20 2 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 2150 1750 250 350 650 2600 400 3100 3'50 550 400 2900 3350 400 400 450 1325 300 150 150 iso goo CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR'IMENFIOF FINANCE RifPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANM ON PRELItdINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Hobert L.Ware's Eastern 175 18 2 Heights. 1175 17 2 do 175 16 2 do 175 i5 2 do 175 14 2 do 175 13 2 do 1775 12 2 do 1,'S 11 2 do 1475 10 2 do 315 9 2 do 250 8 2 do 1250 7 2 do 1750 6 2 do 1050 5 2 do 250 4 2 do 750 3 2 do 1000 2 2 do 250 1 2 do 700 25 1 do 325 24 1 do 300 23 1 do 2250 22 1 do 1050 21 1 do 800 20 1 do 350 19 1 do 2050 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARIMEN'MOF FINANCE it R9PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItAINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Robert L. Nares Eastern 300 Heights. 17 1 do 1300 16 1 do 600 (15 1 do 950 (14 1 do 13 1 do 1350 12 1 do goo 11 1 do 2300 10 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 6 1 do 1400 7 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 5 1 do 400 4 1 do 300 3 1 do 1300 2 1 do 300 1 1 do 325 10 2 Robert L.Narels Eastern 2000 Heights Acre Lots. 9 2 do 1750 6 2 do 350 7 2 do 1100 6 2 do 35 TOTAL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPABSMEr T OF FINANCE RtPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FRIANCE ON PREVMINARY ORDER CCI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION E.80 fz.of Ex.E. 80 ft.of Plest 1/3 of East 2/3 of 5 2 Robert L.Warels Eastern Heights Acre Lots. 4 2 do 3 2 do 2 2 do 1 2 do 1 2 do 10 1 do 9 1 do 8 1 do 7 1 do 6 1 do ( 5 1 do 4 1 do 4 1 do 3 1 do 2 1 do 1 1 do ASSESSED VALUATION 35 35 75 1150 925 175 450 800 600 350 350 425 275 350 350 350 977031 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 41 a-------19 Commissioner of Finan— F,— B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works == Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 am a 'V_ P � w a tau% � a �jSS+o14ERIg 19!38 --- April 26 - -- , 1923 ----------------------191---- APR 28 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. ---46268 __approved-_ April 201--1923191---, relative to the paving of Minnehaha - Street from Cable Avenue --to--Etna--Street. --- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- _-, and the total cost thereof is $--xxSS----. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.] Commissioner of Public Works. u°1 af o -T-3101 �illipm 3J. deter, (�pOppt1881Att¢r � brie B�gUette. �eputg (1)nAtptisslpner Repaetmeut of JJublic Varks (�ittg of Quint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOU5E April 26, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Minnehaha Street from Cable Avenue to Etna Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45268, approved April 20, 1923: Length 7413 ft. Roadway 40 ft. Frontage 13,413.1 ft. Street 60 " 3V" Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7" Paving Blocks flat Asphalt concr. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.62 4.91 3.69 3028 Intersections $21,677;00 19,282.00 $ 14,491.00 $ 12,881.00 Wheelage 6b,81b.00 b8,b4Z.00 Property Share 98,720.00 87,810.00 T o t a l $1860212.00 $165,634.00 (a) Front Ft. 7.36 6.66 Added in Above Curbing - - - - - $8,952.95 Drainage - - - - - - 1,226.00 6" Sewer connection.ea 60.00 3/4" Water " 1i 39.00 Yours -truly P ie g ni .4-1111 Approved for transmission to the Cc �0ce. Commiss�tslic Works. 43,996.00 39,107.00 66,992.00 68,660.00 $124,479.00 $110,648.00 4.92 4.37 rX r (1. -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St, Paul, Minn.,..l_o W ................. ..................192.1 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hcrebi�n yp}�r�Honor n Body to cause the following improvement to be �L ��r�, CIVC-....-..-�1........................................................ --.............._.__.............................__..__...-.............:.._i V�- a-.. ... St. ate. from. ................. ... Cc ............... ..-................ F2LAve. to__.-..__....--._................_._..................._.....-- I Ln-".:- •BLOCK ADDITION /i✓. l��/tea. _'t _ .� � �22V RA W1 FI. i.A � � /i��'�� I G '- I Ln-".:- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Min........._`' ...................... ..192qPaul, Mi 7192q Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners',by petits ur r ble Body to cause the followin�improvement to be St. ?bt. �s Ave. to__... - =- — --- ——..._..._.._._................._........_..._....._..--- Ave. M • •ADDITION • • I rev -- ��I��:�-�� :• .__ N FA 14 Kim F-21 i Lill M To The. Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pro�e Body to cauje the following improve5nen St. Paul, Minn...._.................._...h`...........192...\5 rty o Pers, hereby petition jypu Honor t to berm! zz %...................................................................... ve. to.—.._—_�._._........ 0 7: q q v To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.,- ................... ... tV ................. 19 23 i Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownerg, hr�eby petition yoln kPonorab Body to cause the following imru provement to be de: ,�(fcvuvl� fro 161. Ave. to... _.._ f... e. A= • A/ ADDITIO `��i Wal IW Em i / L WIMAL i s • op St. Paul, Minn.,l.!.1.......8.................. 192.A To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. f Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petitio� ypour Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be from.......... ItI-__......... -- .........................54. Ave. to_.._....__.: _................._.................... ........... .... _...... _ Q3N.22 I P Fill Im-11 WE RMW 1 Q3N.22 I P FW St. Paul, Minn., ........................... ........ 192._`� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereb �petition you norablNl , Body to cause the following improvement to be rrwk: 71,zsaz i P2 c ............................................ C from........') .t .:........................................... -1-t, Ave. to ... _......... ......_._..._.".............._..............._......-- sm WIN76, i FBI ON 0 i St. Paul, Minnn7...a ....................192..3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petitionou��//r Honor ble Body to cause the following ' provement to be �•e: zq,�� Ow.dee• ``.. St. Ave- -............_............_St. Ave.to_..... _-�� ......... _...................... ................... ---- _.........._............................._........................... . .St. Aaje. nm i l `' -� iAfRA •� ly"ORPIP FIS I. • / E l WER� nm ........................................................................................................................ i FINAL ORDER a , In the Matter of..-...,�'.. a.?.i?<__.:%t_.....u�i.L;.x@>^.:1:25�...::,�t�.aue...r�nd...a---ar..apmse- -.may aning.--an . .........� tensiQ.ll..of...s_aiaE.s...f.X'0_'L�Ie...:..iasissip�i souleva ,d, to a r;idth of 100 feet in_.a3cordance.,_-y t,. _-loGs.t-i.��.-s17C1 ............... . izy._ 1. i_.lzue.s....on._: ae._i lue._.prints._Lere.ta...at.taciied-- nd._made _....._a...par.t...aQx.a.a.f.......... ..... ......... . _...._ _.._...._.___....__................. _...... ..... ................. ..... under Preliminary Order ..........._412K ..... ....... . ......approved .._pril . 7,._ 1523........ . ............................. Intermediary Order - ___. _ ...... approved ._.._....._._....____.__..._......_...._.......................... A pgb>ic :hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is:.. _' T.�"Q.pv.9.p.os-u�t_Cr.L den - in and e:tension_of same, irom Cleveland.... venue to. tile,_..issis.sj.)pi t.o. '.....V.x..uh...Of 10.0.. f e t.1a.-aa.ardal_ce_.:;1tr..laaation and Rrades ho+n b� lines on ti; Y_ ue rots att:�ened and .......... . . s...Pa..:4... fere A.f.,._........._.._._ _ .......__ ..._ .._ ... ..._...... _ .._... .._................. ......................_...........--.................................... -_... ................_........_..._....................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council. -r... 191........ ............................... City Clerk. Approved.......... ...._-- ............. 191........ Mayor. CouncilmanYSVf-ifsVvbrth x/,/ 1' r, - Y Councilman (7ass:rx Counci]man:3�4ta1Ktt.x, ... , � _ .._.1c1 k Couneilman;dku&ve x U i s on Councilman 714094x Councilman WiStii 441ZA K e n 7 o f Mayor Welt" iicIsen Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMI�N7 FINANCE R�'T OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Tatter of Gradinl3 St.Catherine Avenue from Cleveland Ave. to the _ Mississippi River Boulevard. under Preliminary Order approved April 6,1923 --- — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S1gr��30 6� f cont The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is S 4.44 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Farm B. B. 10 23 9 St.Catherine Park 225- 27 9 do 150 . 26 9 do 125. 25 9 do i25 24 9 do 125 23 9 do 125 22 9 do 125. 21 9 do 125 20 9 do TOTAL. 125 - � CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARI(MENT OF FINANCE ' fR U` RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 19 9 St.Catherine Park 18 9 do 17 9 do 16 9 do 15 9 do 30 8 do 29 8 do 28 8 do 27 8 do 26 8 do 25 8 do 24 8 do 23 s do 22 9 do 21 8 do 20 . 8 do 19 8 do 1s 8 do 17 8 do 16 s do 31 7 do 3'(P 7 do 29 7 do 28 7 do 27 7 do 26 7 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 125 125 125 125 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,46RT OF COMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE r + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 7 St.Catherine Park 75 24 7 do 75 23 7 do 75 22 7 do 75 21 7 do 75 20 7 do 75 19 7 do 75 18 7 do 190 1 10 do 2 2�5 2 10 do 150 3 10 do 125 4 10 do 125 5 10 do 125 6 10 do 125 7 10 do 125 8 10 do 125 9 10 do 125 10 10 do 125 11 10 do 125 12 10 do 125 13 10 do 125 14 10 do 150 1 11 do 100 2 11 do 100 3 11 do 100 4 11 do 100 TOTAL K CITY OP ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTOENTIOF FINANCE /+W " t�►ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 11 St.Catherine Park. 100. 6 11 do 100 7 11 do 100 8 11 do 100 9 11 do 100 10 11 do 100 11 11'. do 100 12 11 do 100 13 11 do 100 14 11 do 100 15 11 do 100 1 12 do 75 2 12 do 75 3 12 do 75 4 12 do 75 5 12 do 75 6 12 do 75 7 12 do 75 8 12 do 75 9 12 do 75 10 12 do 75 it 12 do 75 12 12 do 75 13 12 do 75 14 12 do 100 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL M DEPART.,"ENTI OF FINANCE r-4 " RAC3RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t^�v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 6 St.Catherine Park 75 24 6 do 75 14 5 do 75 15 5 do 75 12 5 do 75 13 3 Edpoliff Addn.No.2 250 12 3 do 350 14 3 do 250 M # 10,175. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--.- F— ated—.-F— D. B. 12 / Veter, (gammissianer. 3de Mallette, Deputo (¢ammissionec rtntent of Public lgorko (pity of #Hint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER A. S. SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE April 16, 1923. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of St. Catherine Ave. and a proposed widening and extension of same, from Cleveland Ave. to the Mississippi River Boulevard, to a width of 100 feet, Tinder Preliminary Order C. F. #44962, approved April 7, 1923. Betimated Coat - - - - - - 016,930.69 Per front foot - - - - - - - - 4.40 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 371.19 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 4,304 ft. Yours truly, hi f Engineer. Approved for transmission to theComniiDn r of Finance. Commieaio •i ur hlic Rorke. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL,,, j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J LOUNLII 1 1551 FILE No --------- -=-•----=- June 6, 1923 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading at. Catherine Avenue, from Cleveland Avenue, to the Mississippi River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #-44983, approved April 7, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #45454, approved April 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixeaand determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon St. Catherine Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevatd, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated June 6, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereo" COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter ,Wenzel Mr. President .. Order. U. r�. +vo• +, sea l r Order C. F. =.27923; and Intermediary Order 1923. 2 '`No: 46454; approved: Aprff 28,Public - .. The, Commfeefd his-lepo-It c'd blks plan ,.edbmtnlat his :report and: plan '.la the above atker, be It - 1. the o2 of Resolved, That th.les the -on fixes and determines tthe amount' sand ed land to be taken for the above named an easement for for cute and fills in. and upon dopes, or cuts - .slopes; Ave, eve BoulavB to�:thet Mfasies[pp1:RherIne, lver d. to I the 'extent shown Upon ,the: planate inched ` to •the report-, of 'tho Onmmfs- W, rer dated Juae.6b1923lic whlcri pian and port arb:hereby referred to and made a part; hereof. - - Adopted by ,tile Council June 9. 1923. Approved: June :9.- 1923. ,. (June 16-1923), - Nays /I P // Adopted b h _ .__.. 192...... Y to roved..--. P d-- ----- -------- - --------...._.192 _...___.__In favor - U Against MAV OR iNiliiam �J. fitter, (�nmmissianer 3rte Mattette, Deputg t¢ammtssianer - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of St. Catherine Avenue, from Cleveland Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #44983, approved April 7, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #46454, approved April 28, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of public Works. Dated June 6, 1923. � Department of rubor Marks �.7� _a (�itq of ltxiut 11uul GK, EORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBA BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORMOUSE - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of St. Catherine Avenue, from Cleveland Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. #44983, approved April 7, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #46454, approved April 28, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of public Works. Dated June 6, 1923. CITY OF ST. PAUL .. - DBpARTMENT OF FItrANCE FftbRT OF CK41SSIONER OF FINANCE \. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the I and nanaaaa.rp_fr F1 Ole for cuts and fills in the grading of St Catherine Ave Prom Cleveland Ave to the Mississippi River Boulevard. — under Preliminary Order approved Ap ril 7 , 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 O The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28 9 St.Catherine Park 225._ . 27 9 do 15d 26 9 do 125_ 25 9 do 125 24 9 . do 125: _.. 23 9 do i25 22 9 do 125 . 21 9 do 125 20 9 do 125 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,;,DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ..:.RhPORT OF 1WMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _;IM ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (B). PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 9 st.Catherine Park 125 18 9 do 125 17 9 do 125 16 9 do 125 15 9 do 150 30 8 do 100 29 8 do 100 28 8 do 100 27 8 do 100 26 8 do 100 25 8 do 100 24 8 do 100 23 8 do 100 22 8 do 100 21 8 do 100 20 8 do 100 19 8 do 100 18 8 do 100 17 8 do 100 16 8 do 100 31 7 do 75 30: 7 do 75 29 7 do 75 28 7 do 75 27 7 do 75 26 7 do TOTAL lOII• s. e. II 75 _ . Cin OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,—REPORT OFw.EOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 7 St.Catherine Park 75 _ 24 7 do 75 23 7 do 75 22 7 do 75 21 7 do 75 _ 20 7 do 75 19 7 do 75 19,7 do 100 _ 1 10 do 225 2 10 do 150 3 10 do 125 4 10 do 125 5 10 do 125 6 10 do 125 7 10 do 125 8 10 do 125 _ 9 10 do 125 _ 10 10 do 125 11 10 do 125 12 10 do 125 13 10 do 125 14 10 do 150 1 11 do 100 2 11 do 100 3 11 do 100 4 11 do 100 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE PORT OF ,"MISSIONER OF FINANCE a•' 10�. ' - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B), DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 11 St.Catherine Park. 100. 6 11 do 100 7 it do 100 S 11 do 100 9 11 do 100 10 11 do 100 11 11 do 100 12 11 do 100 13 11 do 100 14 11 do 100 15 11 do 100 1 12 do 75 2 12 do 75 3 12 do 75 4 12 do 75 5 12 do 75 6 12 do 75 7 12 do 75 S 12 do 75 9 12 do 75 10 12 do 75 11 12 do 75 12 12 do 75 13 12 do 75 14 12 do 100 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 'gDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ..APORT 017'�0MMISSIONER OF FINANCE k,.0 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 6 St.CMtherine Park 75 24 6 do 75 14 5 do 75 15 5 df 75 12 5 do 75 13 3 Edgeoliff Addn.No.2 250 12 3 do .350 14 3 do 250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Ama4 Dated__..-__-- 1�J1_ _._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 w +..xms w roperty Rasa' -complete, .� where not a ready made, also lactud. ` Sng. curbing and paving driveway=and. COUNCIL FILE AO...... ane a Y f roadwa where necessary Curb'Widt"sC roadway to be 2 ft from curb'to hlurb.er;-materlal to b. bee, as phalt, under Prellmina>iy Order 46203 $ approved Apra 20 1023 ByA Dubllo hearlag harlag been had upoap.the ab tha,C .n.11 b—i., due notice;'and tha•Councn having.'heard all Osteon& ob7ebti�_.�1\ ;. ^.ea.. ...g fully' a .relative': Yung- con*-" lbe-le ,P' + , In the Matter of... ._C.olborne...Streat...fr.om..i4......S.ev.enth..5t.r.e.eV-A..a._ Mae ....a.aut.h...l.i.n-e.._oP... Jei.f-er.a9n..:`1.vaSlue,.... including..-seNer,..-water_-and gas connections from street mainl...topropertyLines---complete,:.. here not already made also including ............ . curbing ...and...Isa.4.ingdr.iveway...a.nd..alley...a_PPrak1—Ql1es,...w.Yzexe... e.c.e. ar.4.. .. 6 45263 __..... approved Apr.i1...20 1923 under Preliminary Order ....................._........ - PP �.._... - -.r.._...--.. ................. IntermediaryOrder----- - ............_....._._ .......... approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..Re.Ye... "" - Cojborne...Stre. t_.from__'.`.....Seventh..St.rQQt.._to the ...south..line...Qf...Jeff-e.r..s.on._Av.e.nu,.e.,. JneJ.u.aina...s.eprer.:.. wa-t_er--and__gas.............. connections -.from ..streat...Ma.in,% t.o...Pr.O_pert.y...l.ines.._comple�t_ee,--_yhere.-_not....... ... alxeadg---ma-de.,...als.o....including---aurbizag... nd---nay.i2aq--.d..x ve. e _. a.nd.. .1.1.eB............. approaches.,..Wilare..neeess.ar-Y.���.—���JJ:.-� - ....-. ..��„�.. .. ....�.�.:.�,� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.`Z�r"9 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__._ .:.........`.._. ^............ 9V . y............................. City Clerk. Approved .._..... -------- .............. 191 / _ t i6Fkj Mayor. Councilman FatxmrotM Clancy Councilman Gam= Fergusof%/�\ ISHE Councilman$ o¢sgx liicDonald I - 4, tt � ► Councilmanx Matson ' V � Councilman 1qJGWx Peteru y, � u'a`C` t Councilman Nv%N kXM Wenzel Mayor bta3JWmxx Felson 'J Form B. S. A. 8-7 / /t r CITY OF ST. PAUL DE MENT OFf[NAANCE - A,igEPORT OF COMIC' XINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of _/% J _ nr. .r .•. .. it i/' under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Piaving 3Q'- Creosote Brick laid Asphalt or 7t1 - - Blocks flat Asphalt Concr. Conoret_e.. __ Total Sq. Yd. 5.57 4.96 3.74 3.33 Intersections 9,112.50 8,114.50 6,118.60 %5,447.90 Wheelage 10,003.70 6,908.20 6,717.00 5,890.70 Property Share 16,988.50 15,128.00 31,407.00 10,156.50 Total 36,104.70 32,150.70 24,242:60 21,585.10 Front Ft. 7.43 6.61 4.99 4.44 Added in above estimate: For curbing $1,866.00 ff drainage 453.00 6" Sewer connections each (100ft. street j590.00 60ft. It60.00 3/4" eater (100 ft. street. 52.50 ( 60 ft. 1139.00 F' Note;Add 05.00 to water connection cost in case of 3' rock excevatin. 1 �.,.. _..-..._, -..,. -_... TOTAL. .. Form B. B. 10 4 " C_ITY OP OT. PAUL .... flf SS OF FINANCE EPA r Ao J i• � land ti;at in"gq'tie"assesseaneue„�,.m,.,+. ,X;-,,: _,__,. .='TfiElbts'or•parce�s as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION a. A.vance browns Snbdiv. 24. 13 of Block 4, and East 422 4 5 - of Block 13 of Brown, 600. 23 13 Stinson & Ramseys Add. -- to St.Pail. 1600. Pest 1/2 of 1 13 do East 1/2 of 1 13 do 950- 2 13 do 2900. , - 3 13 do 3750- 44 14 Stinson Brown &Ramseys 1650. Addition to St - _... Paul -43 14 do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL REPORT AARTMENT.OF FINANCE OF MMISfAC NER OF FINANCE+ - .* ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Stinson,Brown & Ramseys South 1/2 of 42 14 Addition to St.Paul. 1000.., North 1/2 of 42 14 do 1300.. 23 14 do 2050. 24 14 do 1200. 25 14 do 1000. Stinson & Ramseys Subd. 2 1 of West J of Block 16, 200. Stinson,Brown & Rsmseys 1 1 Addition to St.Paul. 175. 30 1 do 2700. 29 1 do 1075, East 60 feet of 1- 2 2 do 4100 (Exc.South 101) W.65'of 1 2 do 2950• So.lo' of W.65' of 1 2 do 1325 and N.15 ft.of W.65 ft -of 2 South 25 feet of West 65A'eet of 2 2 do 1300• 3 2 do 1675 4 2 do 1725• West 1/2 of 30 2 do 1150. East 1/2 of 30 2 do 1500. 29 2 do 1125. 29 2 do 625- 27 2 do 725• West 1/2 of 1 3 do 1200. East 1/2 of roe. e 1 3 do TOTAL goo. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �ti INAEPORT OF eJ111IIMIS&LONER OF FINANCE +.- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION North 1/2 of South 1/2 of LOT BLOCK ADDITION Stinson & R seys Subd. 2 3 of the Westt of Blook 16, Brown & Ramseys Add.to 3 3 St.Paul. 4 3 do 25 3 do 25 3 do 24 3 do 23 3 do 22 3 do ASSESSED VALUATION 925-- 1125. 1325. 725 575 1125. 725• 1325. 56,475• CITY CP ST., PAUL DEP Th1ENT , FINANCE W�, REPORT OF COMNIISSI�NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except street) 33 14 Stinson,ttrown & Ramseys .3450. Addition to St.Paul. do 32 14 do 3925 _ 31 14 do .1300.- . 30 14 do 1750. 29 14 do .2250 (Except south 25 feet) 26 14 do .1300 South 25 feet 29. 14 do .1100 27. 14 do 3000. 26 14 do 1650 25 14 do 1000. TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ., ,REPORT OF dook-VIISSIOI�ER OF FINANCE -V'k .+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 24 14 23 14. (Exo.S.2.60 ft.) 17 14 ) All of Lots 12,13,14,15 and 16 14 South 2.60 ft.of 17 14 ) All of Lots 18 and 19 North 24 feet of 20 ) .(Except North 24 feet Af 20 al of 21 N.1 of Jefferson Av.va'.& Adj.&22 14 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Stinson,13rown & Hamseys Addition to St.Paul. 1200. do 2050. do do 1189050 do 1700. do 4550• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- --_-191 ' Commissioner of Finance. F.— H. B. 12 r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works I3EOEI1/BD1 Report to Commissioner of Finance sa— o gess. tApril 26, 1923. �NEH OE - _191____ --------------------------- APR 8819$89 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45268 approve d__ April 20, 1928191___, relative to the paving of Jefferson Ave, from W. 7th St. to Colborne -- St --------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- and Colborne St. from W. 7th St. --to -the south -line--of--Jefferson -------- ------------------------------------------------------- Ave------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- and the total cost thereof is $___----_____- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- --- 9------------ �� Commissioner of Public Works. IV �iUi�ar J. deter, (!)nmmissianer �xie �aUette, �e}�uig C�ommissinnex H wrpartmrnt of Public Iforka City of iftint t1anl GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. Ae CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, 5UPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE April 25, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Jefferson Avenue from W. Seventh St. to Colborne St., and Colborne St. from W. Seventh St. to the south line of Jefferson Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #45265, approved April 20, 1923: Length 1340 ft. Roadway 36 ft. Street 100 ft. Frontage 2287 ft. n 3�J1 Creosoted Brick laid Asphalt or 7" Paving Block Flat Asphalt Concr. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 5,67 4.96 3074 3.33 Intersections 9,112.60 8,114.50 6,118.60 5,447.90 Wheelage 10,003.70 8,908.20 6,717.00 5,980.70 (a) Property Share 16,988.50 15,128.00 11,407.00 10,166.60 T o t a l $36,104.70 432,150,70 $24,242.60 $21,585.10 (a)Front Ft. 7.43 6.61 4.99 4.44 Added in above estimateB For curbing - - - - $1866.00 " drainage 453.00 611 Sewer connections, each - (100 ft. street $90.00 ( 60 " " 60.00 3/4" Water IT t1 (100 R IT 52.50 ( 60 11 11 39.00 Note: Add $55.00 to water connection cost in case of 3 ft. rock excavation. Yours truly. %v J, Approved for transmission ffli7nginee r to Comr. of Commission k orks.. r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.................................................. .................. FINAL ORDER pian In the Matter of-RIAX1t. rZ..,9D.4j...p1'-Q-t.dct.jng.-_s.hade..-trQ@s.-_on--_both..si des...of---..... Iv............................................................ Street from Arcade Street to_ForasL_Street, - .............------------------- C ------- . C r. N. 46164 otect-' .................................................. In the Matter., of 1?l i, bot asne6 of IVY .... 8t ..3tONe.i tCeBe nStt..A to Foreet,. St, "und08 pre11m1ngrY- Order 44fb4 aD- DrovO'd March E7 1923. ,peen LBA --- ,..-A DDe11+ot hQearlpgrpa!o44m4nt q n.dQa ---------------------------------------------------nuetice:Aana-the CouONi='h 1 i h�a+'e ._.......... -----------------. ----................ . -an Verson,. oblectttponT::e^ 4a41VnPralattve .. ................................................... 41111Y ROtJ�4eY9d.-T._..................----`.`...._. At---........_ under Preliminary Order.............44754 approved......... Ma T ch.. g7,--.1923 ............................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved.... ........................... .......---------------------............-.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is -plant ...a.rid..prOt.e.c.t....shade ....tx.eeS...o.n b.Rth...... sides._of...lu-y...Stree-1,_.fxam...Ar.ca-de..-Street ... t o...Foore..s..t... Street,__......_._ ......................... ...--------------------------------------------------------........_...... - ............................ ........................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.._ _'.:._--------------_--.--, 19 .----- - .......... ....--- ---------- _..-„---- City Clerk. Approved... ........... ----------------- .......__.._....., 191 -------- . t ............................... Mayor. Councilman Ezxm3vwtkx Clancy Councilman GUA= Ferguson gUBLISHED 6 ' 3 Councilman R]pxa= McDonald /^ Councilman IxX Matson /f Councilman WK20 M Peter Councilman MRMAD05timbi Vienzel Mayor Kxdgmxx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •*"'-t,2EPORT OF COMMfg$ TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -._ (A) _ a In the matter of_ from Planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Ivy Street Arcade Street to Forest Street. 3 !er Preliminary Order approved 'larch 27th 1923 the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $354.78 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $ • 15 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or cel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 7 Lanes Phalen Grove Addn. 3500, 19 7 do 400 19 7 do 6550 20 7 do 2300 21 7 do 400 West 1/2 of 23 & all of 22 7 do 500 East 1/2 of 23 and all of 24 7 do 2475 25 7 do 675 26 7 do 375 F.- B. B. 10 _ CITY OF 81. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE s,a s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 7 Lanes Phalen Grove Addn. 3275- 28 7 do 525 18 8 do 2450 19 8 do 1975 20 8 do 2300- 21 8 do 225. 22 8 do 150 23 8 do 125 24 8 do 125 25 8 do 100 26 8 do '_00 27 8 do 100 28 8 do 100 6 8 do 2000 Excen_t Arcade Street the West 660,feet of that part lying between Ivy Street and Hyacinth St. of the Southwest 1/4 of Sec.21,T.29,R•22. 8000. The East 109.50 feet of the west 789.50 feet of that part lyin.g between Ivy Street and Hyacinth Street of the Southwest 1/11 of Sec.21, Town 29,Range 22. 1000 13 2 J.A.& W.M..Stees Addn. 3300 12 2 do 125 11 2' do 125 10 2 do 125 9 2 do 125 8 2 do 150 7 2 do 225 TOTAL '- CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 2 J.A.& W.M.Stees Addn. 5 2 do 4 2 do 3 2 do (Except south 60 feet) 1- 2 2 do 46. i ASSESSED VALUATION 2850 2050 3550 350 2D50 $55,550• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ 191- - � �� " � ��� � Commissioner of Finance. F.rm B. B. 12 . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ft ,JIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance " w �4JJJHH �, L .04FN OF t\r� April -13,--1923 ----- 191---- APR 13 w28 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -44754 approved— MarCh 27-..i923_-191---, relative to planting trees'on Ivy Street from Aroade -Street --to--Forest--Street-.-- ----------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Pe r front foot $•15 354.78 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_____----___, Inspeotion $.15 Frontage 2366 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �-� ommissioner of Public Works. �iUiam �7. �eYer. C�uarmissinner � � Erie IdftsUette. 3�eputy (¢amarissinner Repartment of "Wir Iforks (t ity of li�uittt Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PUNNING ENGI NEER April 11, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for tree planting on Ivy Street from Arcade Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #44754, approved March 27, 1923: Estimated Cost 6354.78 Cost per front foot .15 Inspection 6.96 Frontage 2,366 ft. Yours truly, , �� . Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Commission of Public Works JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER s J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER mwwwwmwunwnnwcry„„u nwnwmnnnunn�n�����n������„n,,,,,,,n,u,��uw,uuruwei wvnnwuwwuumumwuw�wwumounu®mnimmmmmww�wnum�w�mwnwnnnm uuwouuumwumuuwwwn�mmmumnn. CITY OF ST PAUL �e�xxtmen# of 1wasrks, Fluggroun>rs unb ru dir 8"ktings OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE '<R° . April 6th 1923. Mr. Geo.i:4.Sheps.rd Dept.of Public Yorks. De-tr Sir. Replying to yo')ir request of April 2,1,1923, con- cerning estimate for cost of rl-.ntirt? trace on both sires of Ivy Street from Arciae to sorest ,treats-Preliiin•ary or�er G.F.?447K4- s low rhe to say that the estimitel cost of the above men:ionel improvement will he (not to exceed) 15 cents pe,x front foot. Yours Truly Lim `7—vz Supt, or P.ATlts. v St. Paul, Minn., .....................................................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..........................................St. . to-- .............. St. Ave. COUNCITO FILE NO ---------- ............. _... By .hearing.. bnving .bean b"�rgnpT.r�--yy-nt upon due In the Matter of...p.aving...Pleasant__-_'Avenue---from Romsey_.-Street_to Oscaola.._... ..... ............ Ave ttae-,-- inc-luding...-sear-,--.rt.a.ter.... and ..gas .---c.onne.Gt.i.on;a.. _r_Qn---aLx t.Q---pxop.Q.> t.y..line.s.-_complete.,.-.-here not already made, also including .. ................................ au4.ing-..a.IZCl..Pevit.e..dr-ive ay. -and alleyapproa.ehes.,-..wher.....neces_sary„.__-._-..- ... --..............................................'...........................- ------------------------------ _--------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ........... 4a .77_...... . approved.... April 20, 1923. IntermediaryOrder-------------------------- -- - -------------------- approved.....------------ - ....-------------- . _ ------------..............----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...p.R.V.Ei.. ea.sant... y@nu@._f rort_Ramssy.. Street to...Qs-ceola...34.e.nue.,._inG7.u..dj ..sew"er,_"" ra_t.er--and gas connections.-"-- " street ...Ina.iSi.$..t:o_-propert_y_lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, .. - .............................. --------- ....... ........... --r . J i .................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... -,........... :-:........... ._...._.. 1...... City Clerk. Approved....._ ................. :.,.;...... _........ .._. 191......_ Tom? 7 Q "..-......--------------------........._........ ......_ ........ r9f1�e4 Mayor. Councilman HUrHXQ flXX Clancy Councilman GtKXx Ferguson Councilman Cftm x Nie Do na 1 d Councilman 1=&Kx 1Ia t s on b Councilman bnQoRx Peter Councilman Wgilk Wenzel i Mayors Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 '" • CIT' OF ST. PAUL F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE < < dbRLVAbRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN� 1 ON PRIkLIji1.iMARY ORDER , !, r In the %natter ofJ�1 £a a[rCa r im under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 311, Creosote t'!!Bitick laid Asphalt or 711 blocks flat 1spholt Concr. Concrete Paving ---- avingT-otal T -otalSq. Yd. 5.56 4.95 3.72 3.31 Intersections) Wheelage ) $74,867.64 $66,671.55 $50,104.66 $44,582.39 Property Share 46,553.88 41,446.35 31,147.56 27,714.63 Total 121,441.52 108,117.90 81,252.24 72,297.02 Front Ft. 7.41 6.60 4.96 4.41 Added in above estimate Fqr curbing $5,945.00 6" sewer connections, each $80.00 1t 1 11 drainage 1,310.00 3/4" ';later 11 . 45.00 the So.�line cf amid lct, from a point or. the E. line thereof, 74 ft. So. free. the Sly. line of said Plecss<Lnt Ave. (Except Avenue) 35 do -(Except Avenue) j�l do Form B. B. 10 3500 2350 TOTAL. Clrr OF er. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 'r tObRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN&-" 14 i 161144, OY ORDER Pakee! aBlaBtreporEed bq tbe`AsseBaor sre ss followB - - V '-- ��D4CRIP.TION!LOT BLOCK -' -. `" ADDITION ASSESSED -+----` VALUATION 9 ept Street) k ["R 1tacre, �dullan}_ Brisbine & Subdivision of G� 5275 set) �_ 10 ------____-___ Lats 1 a _ of Leech1 s-Ada.2 . 59 5 (Except Street), of cutlots to the Tolon o f. 11 St. Paul 1575 Parr, So. of Pleas_wit cf 12 .Ave. all that part of and vacated do 2575 alley adjoining the 3Fiue, which lies SEly cf' Pleasant Ave. ar.d North of a line drEIVIn parallel to the So. line cf yiad lct, fr-m u point r o. the E•lane thereof, 4 ft. So r: the Sl.line of said Pleas nt Ave.fr Sl',,. (E,:cept Avenue) J5 do 5500 -- (Except Avanue) 11E do 1 2350 Farm B. H. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 r -AMPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA�KCI _ 2 ON PREYIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Pt., Scuth�! �t cf Plac.sunt Ave. 33 l'c'bitaore, Brisbine 4 Muller,'s 6450 -P:,-,-t S.F. of Plea;;a t Ave. 32 Subd. of Lots 1 & 2 of Leech's 50 (Except Avanrie) 67 Add. of Outiots to the Town of 650 (Except Avenne) 68 St. Paul 2300 (Except Avenue) (>9 do 500 Part SE, of Pleasant Ave. ;0 do 1100 (Excent Street) 71 do 950 rr:rt SF, Of Pleasant Ave. 72 CIO 25 _ (Excert Alrenue) 73 do 1575 (Except Avenue) 1 11 Ter ace Park Addition to 2800 (Except part taken for oven- 2 11 the City (J St. Paul Pam- 700 ind Pleasan•. Ave.) sey On -only, State of .'.inn. (Exo.aut part taken for open- j li do 2625 (Except pErt taken for open- 4 11 do 7675 (Except part taker, for open.- 11 do 2675 Pleasant Ave. No. 1/2 cf Lot 5 and Ea:, t 40 f t . of Lot 6 (Exte??t part `a.ken for open- 6 11 do 125 Pleasant Ave.) Wo:,t 20 ft. f Nord. 1/2 of (Except I:art taker: for opening Pleasant Ave.) 141.1'2 of Ili%of 7 11 do 1075 (Extent part taken for ::ideninl^ of Plea,ant Ave.) Sill cA N!T� of 7 11 do 1125 (Except part taken for -open- ing Pleasant Ave.) N19 75 ft -of 8 11 do 2250 9 11 do 750 10 it do 7 50 Nor thrre:3t 1/2 of 11 11 do TOTAL 450 Commencing at the NIVly ecrner Terrace Park Add, to the 1000 of Lot S, thence Sly on the City of St. Paul Rams>w Co. Wesr,erly lire thereof, 42.30 ft, State t Minnesota. thence Ely. Iarallel with the Sly. line, 46.40 ft. thence Nwly. 62.60 ft. to a Tnoint c,. the I1171y lire Cf Baia Lot 50 ft. Ely from the place :f beginning, theT:ce to beginning Part of Lot 8, Blk 9. (Except Ave.) 9 o Terrace Park Add. to the 300 C-ty cf St. Paul Hamsev Co. State of Minnesota All that Fart of Lots 8 to 17 8 do 5850 lying S. cf Oakland Ave. TOTAL son• e. . .1 CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . 0r d �` WEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA1KCE a ON J-RE41MINARY ORDER (B)• DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d' 12 11 Terrace Park Aad, to the 3100 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. State o Minnesota Northwest 1/3 of 1 9 do 1400 Northwe3terly 1/2 of 2 9 do 500 3 9 do 1000 I'M 50 ft. of NW -2' of 4 9 do 575 NW c cf SlYly 1/2 of 49 ao 950 5 9 do 975 J 6 do 4975 MY 1/2 of NW 1/2 of 7 9 do 225 SIV 1/2 of NW 1/2 cf 7 9 do 222, Commencing at the NFly. corner do 500 of Lot 8, the:.ce Wly. alcnv the Illy line therof, �0 ft. ther.ce South 62.60 feet to a print in a line parallel tc -rhe Soutn line of said Lot, which point is 46.40 ft. Ea;t on a line parallel to line, 26.20 ft. thence East on a line para11el to the 1111. lige of raid Lot, 23.20 feet to the E,line of said Lot, thence Ilorth along wain line, 15 fe-t, to beginring Being Part of Lot 8, Block 9. Commencing at the NIVly ecrner Terrace Park Add, to the 1000 of Lot S, thence Sly on the City of St. Paul Rams>w Co. Wesr,erly lire thereof, 42.30 ft, State t Minnesota. thence Ely. Iarallel with the Sly. line, 46.40 ft. thence Nwly. 62.60 ft. to a Tnoint c,. the I1171y lire Cf Baia Lot 50 ft. Ely from the place :f beginning, theT:ce to beginning Part of Lot 8, Blk 9. (Except Ave.) 9 o Terrace Park Add. to the 300 C-ty cf St. Paul Hamsev Co. State of Minnesota All that Fart of Lots 8 to 17 8 do 5850 lying S. cf Oakland Ave. TOTAL son• e. . .1 CITY OF St. PAUL 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v, s AEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINfi4NCE ON PRE4IMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK VALUATION 14 19 E. H. Hawke's Subd. to 200 Winslovr's Ada. tO the Toxin cf St. Pzul, i;: lescta Territ.)ry 1 ? Yrigl L 3 Acid. to St. Pahl 100 Part ,f Block 1, Norjvood Ari i. lying N}Yly. of ahe follo.,ing 33 5 dascrioc'1 11':O; C(:rencing at a 1), int on ti:e Idly. line of :3aid South 131X, 156.'5 feet S17111 fr m t}le NF.ly. corer thererf, thence T arallel ^ritl: the Ea t li: e of said Blk, �40 f est, thence Sally feta frolr. the North to a Joint ,: ti,e 1Ye..t line -:.1.areof, 15 ,r,ut}'. St. PF.111 crestl:rly corner Also Lot 2, Block 2, Writ is Add. to 3 2 19rj,;ht's AdA. to St. Paul 1575 East 50 feet of 4 2 do 1900 IY.30 fe.t of E.60ft. of + 2 do West 20 fe,t of 4 2 do 1025 Northeast 13 fe t Of 5 2 do S177 753 feet cf idE 46 ft cf 5 2 do 425 Y'rtheast '46 feFt of West 34 fe-t Of 5 2 do 175 6 2 dc 525 East 10 feat of 7 ? aO 9ast 50 Ie'*. I' 7 2 ao 2400 $. 2 CIO 3075 (Except Ally) O o dO 1525 North 100 feet of �10 2 do 400 North 100 feet Of 11 2 dC 2-50 12 2 do 4 6 Te -,ace Park Add. to the 33500 City Of S- Peul Ramsey; Co. State of Minn. TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f, "'d 5 R' N s �AREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FRE4IMINARY ORDER (B), DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 That part 1; ir.�� So. F. o - a 4 line J rawn -.r:ir a 1:(, int on K'a.>t line iC.20 * _-cr, }dont}'.CFI;T, corner to a 1.3int o:, 17-3:at _ir.e 11.83 feet �_.,... Nort':na3t corner of Lot 4 6 7 uroclls 'sill Park Part o: (Neboter PErrk) (Except Sculhea:it 5 feat) %EYr,Ppt Scut}11ve:3t 5 feet) 6 7 7 3 10 1 3 7 1 7 2 7 7 4 7 1 5 2 5 J 5 IF 5 Aulitor'e Subl. No. j;, 3t. to do do West Cre-uL) Hill 11311 Kenw(rod Pr-,rkcPay io Haarra:!ge: alt of Kenwood Terrance, Hameav Co. min') do H--al,ar.5ei,ent of Highland lla:k Add. do do do do do do do L; , TOTAL 16750 500 1250 13000 51000 12000 10000 17250 116co 12000 19500 5925 4600 1625 2400 400 2600 5000 200 2100 X00 45o 3I s•lSd The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ __ 191 Commissioner of P'in—cr. Form B. K. 12 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 6 t' R W . OJEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINArW--F— p ON t'REI IMINARY ORDER CCI • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 .. 5 45e.-____-- _ 7 5 Park Addition 450 8 5 do 425 S 5 do 3725 1C 5 2025 11 5 do 1300 12 5 do 1700 13 5 do 1300 14 5 do 300 . _. ( Part East 4E Varsar? oz.) 15 5 do 200 - 3I s•lSd The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ __ 191 Commissioner of P'in—cr. Form B. K. 12 I -- - �,00D/i /Ci � SIVE - __ -- - �V,1-- -- =--� r - --- I L NVIO 00 I p. BANE/L/. GOOD HUE - ST• - _ IL7 I ST 3r. GG, i.e JIM p. BANE/L/. GOOD HUE - ST• - _ IL7 I ST 3r. GG, i.e JIM Office of the Commissioner of Public Works '„-RECEI V zi. o. Report to Commissioner of Finance A ss O!f f APR 561988 April 26,__1923_____-_191.___ To the Commissioner of FSnance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 45277 ___approved_ April 20, 1923_191---, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.___ ---------- the paving of Pleasant Avenue from Ramsey Street to --Osceola Avenue ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- _j___________________________________________________________________________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___� and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. q qC.mi.sioner of Public Works. o'� i illiam J. deter. (4ammissioner I 3rie Riallette, 3Deputg (Qnmmissioner Department of rubtir oak (�itlj of Oaint t1aul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE April 25, 1923. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Pleasant Ave. from Ramsey St. to Osceola Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. -#46277, approved April 20, 1923: Length 4598 ft. Roadway 40 ft. Street 6600 ft. Frontage 6280 ft. No frontage along wall. Includes Crocus hill Park 616.4 ft. and Oakland Park 556 ft. 3E" Creosote Brick laid Asphalt or 7 inch Paving Blocks flat Asphalt Conor. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.56 4.95 3.72 3.31 Intersections) $ 74,887.64 $ 66,671.55 $ 60,104.68 44,582.39 Wheelage ) (a) Property Share 46,553.88 41,446.36 31,147.56 27,714.63 T o t a l $121,441.52 0108,117.90 810252.24 $72#297.02 (a) Front Ft. 7.41 6.60 4.96 4.41 Added in above estimate: Forcurbing 06945.00 1, drainage 1310.00 6" Sewer connections, each $80.00 3/4" Water " " 46.00 Yours truly, Fhv f l;nginee r. Approved for transmission to the Commis4gp i ante. Commission u Works. ° Mr. Henry Olson, City Clark, St. Paul, Einn. St. Paul, .:i^.-- Jana 5, 1923. Dear Sir: - Tie are the ovn,.ars of 60 feet on Plaasant Avenue and favor the paving ;with wood blocks. The part of Pleasant Avenue already paved has blocks, and it ;vo�_.ld be a s..anae to use any other material on the rest of the street. Yours truly, t Bl/SNEo �88o , RANSOM M. LAWTON, PR— 1 AN. M-AGE1 INCORPORATED 1801 l A. M. LAWTON & CO.ac 212-213 Bhange Bank Building REAL ESTATE. 1VI()RTGAC>E I.C)ANS. FIRE INSURANCE A, -MANAGERS OF I'ROPERTY E�EPN0N N W CEDAR 5806 MEMBERS OF ST PAUL REAL ESTATE BOARD CAPITAL $100,000.00 ST. PAUL, HINNESOTA June 6, 1923. To The C oLveon C ounci1, St. Paul, ➢jinn, G ent lemon; of Lots 1 & 2 We own Lot 70 of rrr,.itacre Brisbane d: lriullenI s Sub, , Leech's Outlots, being about a 5:; foot lot located on Pleasant Ave„ between Ramsey and Osceola Avenue on wY.ich you have hearing to day for the paving of said Pleasant Avenue. `.,e wish to protest against any paving on this street until we can havesever out in the same, which is very much more important than any wing, so kindly delay the pavin; at least for another year, so such arrangements can be had. Very truly yours, R. Lawton & CO., BY 1_ \?j�`a i fr In re the paving of Plesent Ave. in St. Paul, Minn. -- % between Ramsey Street and Oscela Avenue. To the Honorable Council of The City of St. Paul; Your petitioner respectfully shows: That he is the owner of lot Seven (7) Block Five 0 (5), ReArrsngement of Highland Park Addition to St. Paul, and that the present value of said Sot is $450.00 and no more. That he objects to the making of said pavement at the present time, for the reasons, viz: let. That the surface of said Plesent Avenue is in good enough condition to postpone such paving for two years. 2nd. The present prices of labor and material is fax too high. 3rd. That the assessment on said Sot for said pa- ving would amount to fifty per cent of its true value. 4th. Your petitioner therefore prays that said pa- wing be postponed to at least two years. Petitioner. ---------- FINAL .......FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...PI.ert.ing„a_Pd._pxot_Bet.ing_.-sha-d,etrees,-,on,--both---s-id_gsof._._,_- Figue„_Avenue-_.from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street, ....... ....... .. under Preliminary Order ........ approved. March 2... ..925......---- ............._.- Intermediary Order ....................................... ._...._ - ---- --. approved ..._._................_... - ..................... .... ....-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._.Plant_..a.nC3...Fro.t.e.e.t....skiacle._tXeee...S7.n.-.b.Qtkl... sides.-..Qf...k,q.guA...A e-nue_-from._ Syndic.a.te._.Averue_.to Griggs Street, ___.. _. ( C. F. No. 46166-- ............................... ..... 6166— .. ........ ..__... .., 18 the Matter:. of planting., and protect ,. ....... ..__.. .._... ......... ............ .... ing shade. "trees on both aides. of HBgue. -Ave. from as Ave: to --------------------------__Iii', IGrigga-St.,. under Pranmtnary Or$et ................. 44763 approved March „27� 1923- ' ...................-._......... 'A public' hearing having ticeu bad upon the _above Improvement upeu due notlpe arid. the council havidV heard ..-... ........ .......... .............. .. 'all peraoha Ca 1 - ,d ecommen- and the Council hereby 'dace; , i Imlat=h u h"�>?Ynade. rim r. RESOLVED FURTHEl;'Fkiaf the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sante to the C011n- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._._ ...__.._ ..__ -- .__..... 1......_1 - ... - - ............. - - ................ .. City 'Clerk. Approved. - -- 191._-... /1 s ��- -- _ -- ... _ _. Mayor- . Councilman ExDralundlIx Clancy 6�0`? Councilman &assxx Ferguson pUBLISHLD �o Councilman KIOMMK LlcDonald Councilman KndhXx 1.4atson Councilman Xx9W$ Peter Councilman Mhx danlbckx .le nz e 1 Mayor 2butg nx Ne1son Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM F^IT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM`MftfONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof plant and f,rntent Rhade treeg nn both RideR of Hague Avenue from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street. 4 under Preliminary Order approved Yar ch 27, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S Estimated cost X179.52 Cost per front ft. •15 Inspection 3.52 Frontage 1,196 feet. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION R 15 11 Anna E. Ramseys Addition 1375 to the City of St -Paul. All of 15 & 71.zof 17 11 do 2950 E -i of 17 & (Ex .E.30 ft) �19 11 do _. East 30 ft. of 16 11 do 2950 19 11 do 4+50 20 li do 3200 21 11 do 5000 22 11 do 4550 F- B. B. 10 23 11 do TOTAL. 4550 .. (C) , DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C' 1liWAIIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Except East 2 feet) E.8 ft.of 14 & all of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 11 Anna E. Ramseys Addition 2900 to the City of St.Paul. 25 11 2750 26 11 do 4950 27 11 do 4500 28 11 do 10350 14 15 do 1225 13 15 do 1150 12 15 do 4625 11 15 do 4575 10 15 do 4975 9 15 do 925 8 15 do 3725 7 15 do 5325 6 15 do 925 5 15 do 43 25 4 15 do 925 3 15 do 925 2 15 do 3975 1 15 do 7125. 99200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ] Dated-- -------191 ,Commissioner of Finance. F— B. H. 12 t Si l jg` I QA✓TO/✓ _ �>yl�;urr ' }`�l� lyra' ,r'F zZl �n E _77- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RWEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance �y2 April 13, 1923 APR 131928 ------------ 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 44763 approved___ March 27 19291___, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.____ ____,_ planting trees on Hague Avenue from Syndicate Avenue to ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Griggs Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary .and (or) desirable. Per front foot 0,016 179.52 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- Frontage 1196 ft. Inspection.52 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as ol3lows:___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------- Commissioner of Public Works. 0� 0 3�illiamJ. defer, (!}pmminpianer '`^ brie. �6lalleite, �eputg (¢nmmispipner DrVartment of Publu Works (�itjj of #aint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. 1923 April 11, GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER AprG. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for treeanting on Hague Avenue from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #44 753, approved March 27, 1923: Estimated coat $179.52 Cost per front foot .15 Inspection 3.52 Frontage 1,196 feet Yours truly, ief Engineer Approved for transmission To the Commissioner of Finance Commissi r of Public Works fi' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.,... . e .......................192. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improverpent to be made: from...... ...........----- .._....... ......... St. Ave. to ---2 S.._._................_.� t._........._... Ave. yeS�0za COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ..... ....... By ........... .._........._............. ... ._........ _...._.... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......({.Q.USt.rUG.t.izlg...a....aeweS....Qn...�alaQ.e....Stxae.t...fr.Om..Ed9.Q.Umkte....... ROA d--.t.Q._a_.point_..thirty.-_(30.)...feet ...e....St...af...vri-g. . S..... 9 ,....._._.........__........... . __.................................. ................................. . _.................... _............................................................................. under Preliminary Or ................... ...........---........_l3z 1923. .... Intermediary Order ........ .............-_.._......._......_...: approved ..._.... --.-.......... _. .......................... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is__.O.Ons.`yruct,..a__SeAe.>?_.OlI...Pe.l-a-C e....$t:r.ee.t._.f.rom .___Mdgcurnbe __toad to.-9.._.poillQ P. No. 4615'7- F of GrivG.s--_Street,i -������-��-���������� ---��� In the Matter of ' constivcting a eemar on Palace St from Edgcumb. Road to a Iclnt'thirty (30) .feet east of Griggs Street, under Preliminary................................................................ ................................................................... Order 45107 approved l 13 923 A public heaig avng �ibeen Thad ......no,a improvement upon due............................................................ ... ............................................................. upon T ov Council having heard ' T' - ---oumum. �y... .. 'ving ..................................................................................................._................................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..-- .- - ...-Cl City e rk , Approved..-- -.............................. ..., 191........ .' .................... � `.......... - - ✓ .FL..C.�.-.... aR.,:... Mayor. Councilman DWAAA AW Clancy Councilman l Ferguson / �6 __�23 Councilman (>x McDonald pUBLISHLD . Councilmanc Matson I Councilman Md(7M Peter Councilman `KXKS FH&l +lenzel Mayors Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Y CITU OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C?NMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) I In the, matter of constructing a sewer on Palaoe Street from Edgecumbe Road to a Point 30 feat east of Griggs Street. under Preliminary Order approved April 13, 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 932.00 front The estimated cost per�oot for the above improvement is g 2.30 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Edgcumbe Road) 5 3 Lexington Park Plat 6 ASSESSED VALUATION 325• 6 3 do 400 7 3 do 250 g 3 do 250 9 3 do 275 (Except Edgcumbe Road) 1 2 Lexington Park Pla t 7 400 13 2 do 275 12 2 do 525 11 2 do 2000 10 2 do 400 TOTAL, 5100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l " & Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 / / / / ,71 / / ! / St, Paul, Minn., . ...............................192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: . . . We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................. .......... . ......... ..... ........ St. Aqk-- from to..._Cr', . ................St. Awe. .,f,9022 • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED ° ►l 12 ,l Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 20192 April 20,_1923.___"--191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 45107 .... approved ---- AP31_13+-�92�1___, relative to the construction oY a eewer_on_Palace_Street_ from_�;d,ge9luIIb-e- -------------- to a point 30 feet east of - Griggs - Street. ____-_-_-- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Per front foot $2.30 __, and the total cost thereof is $__' 632 00 . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------ Frontage 365 ft. Inspection 016.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------------ --- --- " -------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or 'more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement'--.- mprovement. wvl r'------------------sioner of Public Works. "N Mitlliam J. deter, (&ammissioner R, ." 3rte Mallette, ftutg (Qammissianer BeVartment of "nhtu Marko (pity of quint Faut GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER �I M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER April 19, 1923 A. B. SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER AppG. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works, Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Palace Street from Edgcumbe Road to a point 301 east of Griggs St. under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 45107, approved April 13, 1923: Estimated cost $832.00 Per front foot 2.30 Inspection 16.00 Frontage 365 ft. 9 Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance o��Wm. J. Pet Commissioner of Public Works COUNCIL'1 ��! _ CITY OF ST. PAUL rim NO.- ----. �. ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'NTED---- BY n 1 due 6, 923• /i /� _ __. __... DATE._ ............... ............_._.'19 - '_.........._........_ RESOLVED In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating iota 1 to 25, inclusive, Block 15, Burlington Heights Division No. 2, for school site, under Preliminary Order C. F. ;45310, approved April 21, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #45455, approved April 28, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above _named improvement to be as follows: All of Lots.l.to 25, inclusive, Block 15, Burlington Heights Division No. 2. Y�Resolved,� Th at etheaCity of St. Paul. hereby flaea .and determines thel amount of land to be taken for tha above named Improvement to to se fou_.:. Allf Lots.l to 26Inclusive, Block �6' , Aurll,gton.Helghis Divlslon Noi 2. Adopted by the Council, June 6, 1923.1 Approved June 6, 1923. (June 16-1923) - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 1 McDonald _._-._ In favor Matson Peter _ ..... _Against Wenzel Mr. President - ----- 192. Adopted by the until... ..----.-:;.-..._..... !,"I' IQ2 Milliam �. peter, (&ummissisner �lrie �Dlnlleite, �eputg (>&nmmissianer Diepartntrut of publu nrko Y c ity of i$aiut Haul M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER A'5. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION J. E. CARROLL, AEET CHIEF ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFI.EAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating Lots 1 to 26, inclusive, Blook 16, Burlington Heights Division No. 2, for school site, under Preliminary Order C. F. #46310, approved April 21, 1923, and Intermediary Order C. F. #46466, approved April 28, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part o3 this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: All of Lots 1 to 26, inclusive, Block 16, Burlingtdn Heights Division No. 2. Commissioner -of Public Works. Dated June 6, 1923. CITY 9F a r. PAUL DEPART**F FINANCE -10— REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CA (A) _- In the matter of Cqndemning, taking and appropriating Lots 1 to 25 inclusive, R ock 15, Burlington Heights Division N0.2 for school site. under Preliminary Order approved ���21 ,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 3,200.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED VALUATION 25. 25 25 925 .25 . 25 25 25 25 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 15 Burlington Heights Div.N0.2,Ramsey Co.,Minn. 2 15 do 3 15 do u .15 do 5 _15 do 6 15 do 7 15 do S ,15 do 9 .15_ do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 1525. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Al Dated__- .._ — —.-191_ - - Commiviooer of Finance. F.— B. A. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTM NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COSIGNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 15 Burlington Heights Div. N0.2, Ramsey Co.minn. 95. - --.- 11 15 25 12 15 do 25 13 15 do 25 14 15 do 25 15 15 do 25 16 15 do 25 17 15 do 25 18 15 do 25 - 19 15 do 25 20 15 do 25 21 15 do 25 22 15 do 25 23 15 do 25 24 15 do 25 25 15 do 25 1525. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Al Dated__- .._ — —.-191_ - - Commiviooer of Finance. F.— B. A. 12 Office of the Comm oner of Public Works �CCgVET3 Report to Commissioner of Finance April 23,_ 1923. ------- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__46310--- approved- __ April 21, _ 19291___, relative to condemning, taking and appropriating lots 1 to 23; inelueive_;________ ___Block_ lb,� Burlington Heights_ Di_v_ieion_No._ 2;_Ppm_ �g114QJ._e��g,�________ ----------------------------------------------------z----------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--- ------- and the total cost thereof is $_-___ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --s---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 14 4. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ ---- -6 - -.---------------- missioner of Public Works. lest cawd.ttee on lands _Naylor Sohool Bite) i,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No -.45—U0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ---------- =------------------------ ------ �'pxtd®Rm�...t�2�-.»ssid �P9t'IDPA'igL9--ao*eH 1... VO.J..,--- xrcl3u �vQs ------------------------------- ---H3Aok..15..1£ aSo..eBhLe.. Digo on N4 2e.. Por_... -------------------------------- ----- shaolsiLo..---------------------------- ------ ---- ....------ ...---- -------------------------- --- --------- ------------ ..................... ... ...... ......... -- . - .._..._...... . I ------------------- -------------------- Dated this 9111t......day of -----------AMU ------- 192-3- -------------------- ---- 92-3s ---------------------------------------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - - ---2sdQltmtt....taka ax1Si--aPPrssP'lat�e....19te-- -t0-2--insslua�oes for--- ------- ------------ ---- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -_----._.._._------.._---------------- ------- --- -- --------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I—.F) 4. To,state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or M 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council---------------------Rid--2-1-492-3 - --------------------------- E3 1 1 t NAYS yy `iQ , YEAS - . Councilman CLAxcY FEROusoN Approved ------------ -fiP9--- 2 [923--------------------- --- . MATSON APR 241923 ✓q,.,� MCDONALD PETER WENZELI ....................................... MR. PRESIDENT APR N 3 1923 Mayor. n t1-1 Form C A 13 (3M 9-22) L Ueiat94J in 4 461,39 COUNCIL FILE NO---..-.-_._--------------_ By................ .......................................... ................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-...P.eyk,g_.�gbig..-Stxee.t.-.fxom,--f?anomin--:2y-�n-q-e.._t-o---jiumbo�dt--.avenue, ands.R1At.h--.J.-ix-le... Qf._aQu&--Stxe-et--t.Q---j'uafx'esl.-. St.r.e.et.,....inC.� u d ng.--s.e� er,-.- m -a t e r-_ e n�•..ga, s---.c.onne ct_i.ons--. f r om..s t r-e.et-- ma-ins- t-o.--.ro.perty lines complete, where not already made, also including ........ ...... .... ................................................... ............---- ...................... cua bing..-and-..gau-ing...dr.iv.estmy.---a.nd..-al.le-y-..aP.Dr.oa.�.hes.�---.whex.e...xtace-scary-,....... under Preliminary -Order -- — %.FINAL 01tnEn9 Intermediary Orde' A public beari'c F. 14-0169— :In the Blatter oY paving Robte Street heard all persons, •. _ieum Manemin Avo. ro from mbutat Ave- - d Iiumb ldt . Y ed tr et, therefore, be it i i oluai gobt st _t W nd s street, ae tlone;Y t et ! W "ProP' RESOLVED, i rty, lineanoc ar- i......r�ri1. 20.,...1923-' --------..-_--_---------- ,FF.v . ...... ------- --------------- -' ---' improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ttive thereto, and having fully considered the same; that the and -Raving driveway and': aneYp' en pruachea• where � n;9'y�;-73',,w:p4----Stl'e..et - from. Manom-1r.1--4'v-e-tiva...t.4-.:1i41AibO1dt Prellrptuary' Ordr April 20,- 392,3. °"b" tAye nue.--from.. the .-.south__1.ins.-_o - ---- ie --- St. reet__to._.,- y,,,jn.r.e.d---at->'-e-Qt,----includ,-nP--_sev!eT,-_dater and gas connections from street ...... mains -to property lines complete, where not already made, also includ- .. ..... ............................ ing.-curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, ........................ ....................._............. .....- ..... I. _.._....... -....-........................I.....-................. ......... We §,fl® fte s.Ime ere Hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded and all _.. _.._......... ...._.._..................................__......_..........................-.............................. yttocQcr?,nga l:i E.1 1u:3tLcr iia "iiisCGD __ anj the.Council hereby orders s -d improvement to be de. to PrSOLVED FURTHER, The the Commissioner of Pub ' Works be and is hereby tructed and directed _ sare plans and specifications or said improvement, and bmit same to the Council approval; that upon aid approval, the proper city cials are hereby authorize ad directed to proceed wit a making of sai improy�ement in accordance the with. Ad ted by the Council.___ y ................._...-.y.... e -..... Cit Clerk. Approved ............. ...... 1^.�.:...s..c:..1..-i...._......., 191........ ......... _........._.... .....------....... ......-.......--...-.. Mayor. t/ Councilman ADarimxxxx Clancy ,/Councilman o=xx Ferguson t/Councilman x Mc Do na l d ✓ Councilman W4XWNx Peter `Menzel v Councilman W-M=A%lx l Form B. S. A. 8-7. PUBLISHED 3 June 6th 1923 a To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of St. Paul Minn. - Gentlemen: ` I herewith withdraw my name from the petition in regard to widening and paving of Robie Street. Yours respectfull 115 West Robie Street St. Paul Minn. C The lots or parcels of lana that may be assessed benefits for such improvement; and the assessed valuation of each lot or - - . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE BLOCK ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ASSESSED VALUATION Inthematterof Pave F.obie Street from Mancmin Ave Humb 1 A .17 -LienautS Rearrangement 450 4 Humbcldt Ave. from the south line of Robie Street to Winifred Street, including sewer, water anigas + + i�- mains to nrogerty lines complete, where not already made, also includinl? curbing and paving driveway and alley anprods, Stinri.Add.to West 22 where necessary. do -34o0 21 17 do under Preliminary Order approved 1d 14. /� _ 20 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: do The Com>oner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 19 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ do The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 1 17 do 1 Creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or Concrete 3;= 2 blocks flat Asphalt Ccncr. 7" do 92,101.00 92,122.00 62,165.CC 55457.00 3 nt it. 7.C3 6.L1 4.59 4.04 do Add tO'iabove estimate: Form B. B. 10 for straight curb, where not in 65¢ per lin.ft. y6s-inch seicer connections each b0.00 TOTAL, 'ttch_:tster cc_-nections each 39—CC The lots or parcels of lana that may be assessed benefits for such improvement; and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 .17 -LienautS Rearrangement 450 23 �7 pof Blk 17 and 19, 1 45 0 Stinri.Add.to West 22 17 do -34o0 21 17 do 450 _ 20 17. do 5300_. 19 17 do 3375 1 17 do .325. . 2 17 do 4125 3 17 do 325 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, - - TOTAL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r FJEPORT OF CC&MISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 17 Lienau's Rearrangement of 2375 Blk 17 & 18, Oliver's E 5 17 Add.to Pest St.Paul. 325 6 17 do 2225 Pest 96 feet of 16 Oliver's Add. to West 7900 South 64 ft. of East St.Paul. 164 feet of 16 do 1000 6 Cherokee Place, St.Paul, 575 5 Minn. do 600 4 do 900 6 14 Oliver's Add.to Pest 2375 St.Paul. 5 14 do 650 4 14 do 650 Pest of 1 and 2 11 do 1900 East of 1 and 2 11 rdo 3850 3 11 do 1750 lest 42.50 ft. of 1 & 2 12 do 4175 P.40 ft.of E.60 ft.of 1 & 2 12 do 400 _ East 40 ft. of and a strip 5 ft. wide adjcir_ing on the East, 1 and 2 12 do 1500 3 12 do 1750 A strip 5 feP t wide 6 13 do 3200 adjoining aneastand A stri5 £t. wide adjoining on eas and 7 13 do 3150 A strip 5 feet wide adjoining on east and 6 13 do 3150 - - TOTAL _ CITT OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r I r EPORT OF COASSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 5 Dawson's Add. to St. Paul 1700 31 5 do 1350 32 5 do 500 33 5 do 1700 34 5 do 600 35 5 do 3200 1 5 do 500 2 5 do 2000 3 5 do 450 29 5 do 2100 11 8 do 600 10 8 do 525 9 8 do 2575 m 8 8 do 525 7 8 'do 525 6 8 do 6600 c( ( 5 8 do 4 8 do 3250 ?est 15 ft -of 3-4- ( 5 6 do 6750 Except West 15 ft) 3-4-& ( 5 6 do 6 6 do 150 7 6 do 150 8 6 do 150 9 6 do 150 - lo 6 do - TOTAL 175 TOTAL CITY OP 8T. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r' � ,.► EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 201 Irvine's Add,to `gest .175 t 25 201 St. Paul. 275 24 201 do 2625 23 201 do 1775 - 22 201 do 12r- 2521 21 201 do 150 .2c 201 do 200 19 201 do 250 18 201 do 2175 — 17 201 de 2250 16 201 do 5425 15 201 do 5325 14 201 do 2175 South 29 ft. 11, in of N. 29 ftp li, in. of 20 155 Robertson's Add.to South 58w ft -of 20 Aust St.Paul. 155 925 South 29 ft., 112 inches of North 584 ft. of 20 155 do 975 North 29 ft. 1:1F inches of 20 155 do 1075 19 155 do 1525 18 155 do 2575 17 155 do 3075 16 155 do 3775 15 155 do 4075 14 155 do 1175 13 155 do 2275 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE� REPORT OF CC1kMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 155 Robertson's Addition to - •11 west St.Paul .155 2525 Fest of 4 and 5 81 nest St.Paul Proper 4425 East of 4 and 5 81 do 3750 _-- west 1/3 of 1,2 and 3 81 do 4250 Test 2 of East 2/3 of 1-2-& 3 81 do 4275 East 1/3 of 1-2- and 3 81 do 525 `est 1/3 of 6 and 7 81 do 1425 East of west 2/3 of 6 &7 81 do 1825 East 1/3 of 6 and 7 51 do 1775 West 2 of 4 and 5 80 do 3750 East 2 of 4 and5 80 do 1575 __- 3 80 do 6225 West 50 ft. of 6 and 7 80 do 3675 Except west 50 ft. of 6 & 7 80_, do 2350 West 40 ft.of 5-9- and 10 80 do 2175 East 110 feet of 8 80 do 2075 5 Merrill's Subdivision of 2625 + the west � of Blk 79, - 7 west Ski. Paul Proper 2550 6 do 2650 5 do 1650 9 do 2700 6 79 west St.Paul Proper 7475 - 7 79 do 8 79 do 1900 5 78 do 77025 . 478 do " --- -.. 3 78. do TOTAL CITY OP 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r' VEPORT OF C(7NIIOSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ION O VALUATION ( 6 78 West St.Paul Proper s (( 7 79 do ( 8 78 do North 36 ft.of Priest 115 1 7 Dawson's Addition to 2650 ft. of 2 7 St.Paul. 3775 South 20.60 ft. of Fest 115 ft. of 2 7 do 3750 North 13'.40 ft. of West - 115 ft. of 3 7 do 3775 North 35 ft. of South 43.20 ft.of West 115 ft.of 3 7 do 4900 South 8.20 ft. of West 115 ft. of 3 7 do 150 East 15 ft. of 2 and ( 3 7 do 15 7 do 200 14 7 do 150 13 7 do 150 12 7 do 450 11 7 do 200 and 'deet z of Charlton Street vacated adjoining 2 3 Nelson, Stevens and Kings 350 Add. to West St.Paul and Fast i of vacated 'Charlton qtr. adjoining 3 3 do 250 and East I of vacated 6 3 do 450 `Charlton Str. adjoining TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE tEPORT OF COIM OSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 3 Nelson,Stevens and Kings 900 ' Addition to West.St.Paul 3 Haas Subdivision 275 2 do 275 1 do 350 7 2 do 4850 6 2 do 4200. 5 2 do 1900 4 2 do 3600 3 2 do 2050 2 2 do 3250 1 2 do 700 West of 7 1 do 2000 East of ( 7 1 do 3750 West 49 feet of ( 6 1 do East 1 foot of (( 6 1 do 1600 ( 5 1 do 4 1 do 26eo 3 1 do 3100 2 1 do 1900 North 90 feet of 1 1 do 1625 South 45 feet of 1 1 do 102r- 025Wiest Westof 1 and 2 62 Fest St.Paul Proper 925 East of 1 and 2 92 do 2500 3 62 do TOTAL 1350 TOTAL Cin OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i �tEPORT OF CCYMNIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1C 82 West 2t.Paul.Proper 6800 9 82 do 4125 8 82 do 3625 -West 100 ft. of 1 and 2 63 do 3500 - West 23 ft. of East 50 ft -of 1 & 2 83 do 2675 East 27 ft. of 1 and 2 83 do 2725 3 83 do 1825 10 83 do 1300 _ 10 83 do 3600 8 83 do 2675 1 84 do 650 2 94 do 500 North z of3 84 do 200 10 84 do 650 9 84 do 300 8 SL do 150. Best 100 ft. of 1-2-& 3 85 do 3500 (Ex.W.100 ft.)1-2- and 3 85 do 2875 West 50 ft. of 9 and 10 65 do 2300 (Except West 50 ft) 9 and 10 85 do 6700 9 8 85 do 3150 TOTAL 42o65o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----. -- -----191- ) G r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - *, `� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE rr ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -.-South 2f3 of 3 76 West.St. Paul Proper 40.0. -North 1/3 of 3-4- and 5 76 do 5100 South 273 of 4 and 5 76 do 450 2 76 dp 250 1 76 do 250. 42o65o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----. -- -----191- ) G r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works i,YL K L C Report to Commissioner of Finance May 4r 1923 --- --- -- ---=----------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of , the Council, known as Council File No.__46272------- --- approved--- ------- April ____ 20 _______ 1923 _191___, relative to the paving of Robie Street - from Manomin Avenue - to - Humboldt ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Avenue, and Humboldt Avenue from the -- south -line --of--Robie--Street --- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- to Winifred Street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______ xxx __, and the total cost thereof is $----- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached -and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------'ii -------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. . y }Idilliam 31. deter. (¢nmmissianer 3Jrie �9aUette, 3�eputy lQammisaianer Department of rnblu Marko pity of izint foul GEOIRGE MAHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J.E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 3rd, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: — I transmit herewith revised, alternative, pre- liminary estimate of cost for the paving of Robie St, from Manomin Ave, to Humboldt Ave, and Humboltd Ave. from the south line of Robie St. to Winifred St., including sewer, water and gas con- nections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 45272, apIlroved April 20th, 1923: Length 4331 ft. Roadway 32 ft. Street 60 ft. Frontage 7340 ft. Humboldt Ave. " 40 ft. " 80 ft. 3j creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or Concrete Paving blocks flat Asphalt Conor. 7" Total sq. yd. 5.63 5.02 3.80 3.39 Intersections 37,000.00 32,991.00 24,974.00 22279.00 Wheelage Property share 55,101.00 49,131.00 37,191.00 33178.00 Total 92,101. 00 82,122.00 62,165. 00 55457. 00 (a) front foot( 7.03 6.21 4.59 4.04 curb additional 1 Add to above estimate: for straight curb, where not in, 65¢ per lin.ft. 6-inch aver connections each 60.00 24 inch water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, C7_ M She��r Approved for transmission Chief Engineer to the 8ommissiMrrroof nance �,e� ,E-dS (yV Commissiblic Works William J. Ileter, (4ammisstoner kle Mallette, Deputg (4ammissioner DEpartmrnt of Public Works (pity of 0�aiut cul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBA K. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFPICEAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER May 3rd, 1923 G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Shepard, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith revised, alternative, preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Robie St. from Manomin Ave. to Humboldt Ave. and Humboldt Ave. from the So. line of Robie St. to Winifred St., including sewer, water and gas conneotions from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where'necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 45272, approved April 20th, 1923: Length 4331 ft. Roadway 401ft. Street 60 ft. Frontage 7340 ft. Humboldt Ave. " 40 ft. " 80 ft. 3j creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or Concrete Paving blocks flat Asphalt Conar. 7" Total sq. yd. 5.56 4.95 3.73 3.32 Intersections) )) 54,772.00 48,762.00 36,744.00 32,705.00 Wheelage Property Share 54,416.00 48,446.00 36,506.00 32,493.00 Total 109,188.00 97,208.00 73,250.00 65,198.00 (a) front foot ( 7.03 6.21 4.59 4.04 (curbing extra Add for straight curb where not in 650 per lin. ft. I inch sewer connections each 60.00 4 -inch water connections each 39.00 Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner Finanoe Commissi r of Public Works PETITION 0,,-" STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY )SS -CITY OF SAINT PAUL) TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL GREETING; 711UREAS there is now pending before your Honorable Body consideration of what is c9imZnly and officially known -as Preliminary Order No. 45272, approved April 20, 1923, im;the matter of paving Robie Street from'Manomin street to Humbolt Aveziue, and Humbolt Avenue from Robie* Street to Winifred Street, located within the said City of St. Pail. We, the undersigned petitioners, comprising sixty jer cent (60%) of the property owners, residing within said city 0r the agents thereof) owning at least fifty percent (50%) of the lineal frontage of the propert*hich is to be assessed for rp said alleged improvement pursuant to the provisions of Section 243 of the Charter of the said City of Saint Paul, hereby protest against said alleged improvement, and do hereby respectfully request your Honorable Body to reject and vet said Improvement No. 45272. No.Lineal Facirig NAME AND RESIDENCE ADDRESS Lot. Block,Addition. set. What - OF OWNER Street. Together with name and ad - dr as of agent. V dip. ar�r', 4.4 / 7� i Q 0: U�-� a,--C-- I x�� � a z. ) `� q�N� ';`�s;2• - '� s ,.;-i s. ,;, `L - '. F >J �r, .r t&"'" � a ' � r - r' i �p-a i L •,.'tom � S � r6 t"`��`�`t,d"— I ° STATS OF MINNESOTA) SS 7COUNTY O ) . /j�G-c e- being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says t affiant is one of the petitioners z herein, that affiant witnessed the signatures herein and knows the same to be the signatures of the said respective petitioners, and that they signed the same as their free act and deed; that to the beat of affiant information and belief said petitioners are the owners or agents of the property h ein respectively described. #� Subscy�bed and sworn to before me t l day of,June, 1923. Notary Public, Ramsey ��nty,Liinn�� My commission expires `��� � �r x�� � a z. ) `� q�N� ';`�s;2• - '� s ,.;-i s. ,;, `L - '. F >J �r, .r t&"'" � a ' � r - r' i �p-a i L •,.'tom � S � r6 t"`��`�`t,d"— I ° STATS OF MINNESOTA) SS 7COUNTY O ) . /j�G-c e- being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says t affiant is one of the petitioners z herein, that affiant witnessed the signatures herein and knows the same to be the signatures of the said respective petitioners, and that they signed the same as their free act and deed; that to the beat of affiant information and belief said petitioners are the owners or agents of the property h ein respectively described. #� Subscy�bed and sworn to before me t l day of,June, 1923. Notary Public, Ramsey ��nty,Liinn�� My commission expires `��� � COUNCIL FILE NO .... ........................ By. --.................'..._..._------....._-- --- ........._...... ...... FINAL ORDER a;B0 In the Matter of.....gx'ti.cli.17£-.+a:4sia.__Stree_t_.-to..] -'ar;,.lanc]-- C. F.: No. 46160— Waleh Ave. .............._.... .In=tthe 7,laBnolia SL- to p ".1"nd St.. under PrellminarY Ordar 413E3 aD-... .............._...................................................._......... ................................................. . "raved Aug 4; SOSa been had _ A 5110 liearin6 vin6 upon the above Imbzovement upon due �,.. having heard .................................................. notice, and the •ommeng an Daren.,., ;acre_ 5........... , .................. ,r "�...._................._u Jar,..,.._.... ................................................... ............................................... ................................................................................................ _- 41122 approved-......_aug._.4.�....1922. underPreliminary Order .............. ......._ --------- ........................................... Intermediary Order----------------- --- ---_......... .........._... ........ approved----------------- -------------------- ........ ..---...---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isgnade__fron_-!,„ggno-l-ia...;i_txeet, to h1arYland Street' - ..._..._............ - -- .......................... --- .... ..._._.-. - - ......_._............ . - ............_.. ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby -authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith.. - Adopted by the Council...... Ci Clerk. /i Approved 191. Mayor. Councilman FA2M&Voatb Clancy Councilman'QoRK Ferguson Councilman 7J' FX i'dcDonald r� / Councilman i�tftx !via tson Councilmarv—M&Ax Peter Councilman XVmadnPbCh .ienzel Mayor ±k dgsrMx nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED . C — / - -�% .CITY BT P]iUL� 1P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF--CQh dMI,%SIONER OF FINANCE �... ON PRELIMINARY ORDER k Inthematterofgrading IdalGh l,yenue from Vagnolia Street to Maryland Strrat, VT under Preliminary Order approved t up . 4, 1922, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 6,674.68 front The estimated cost per loot for the above improvement is $ 3.43 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 22 Oakville Park 150 1 22 do 3,150 11 23 do 75 10 23 do 150 18 21 do 3,050 1 21 do 3,250 11 20 do 3,050 10 20 do 2,550 18 16 do 3,,650 . 1 16 do 425 11 17 do 3,500 10 17 do 225 18 15 do 2,300 1 15 do 1,350 11 14 do 2,300 10 14 do 3,525 TOTAL. 32,700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated 191— Commission -67'n Form B. B. 13 / . Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksftO IUD Report to Commissioner of Finance s� �'� IVA ,ANB�pHEfl Q F`NPA le rs$$ January 16, 1923 _191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 41122 approved_ August 4 --1922_191---, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.________ the grading of Walsh Avenue from Magnolia Street to Maryland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Street. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: C 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.43 per front foot 6674.68 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-_________-_, Frontage 1946 feet. Inspection $130.88 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --- --- - = Gi - ------------ missioner of Public Works. V•o� ' 1 � Titu of Wit. Vaal Drpartnrrnt of Vithlir Warks Os R CEAUss a yy I LLI A M®COMMISSIONER su P, ' c.A OTTO E. CONSTANS. �eTlo wWo ne rniRs EPUTY COMMISSIONER G. H. HERROLD. 0111—... C.—PLwN1— S. GRYTOAn. eRiocc Ev ivccR 46 H. w, GOETZINGER. SIP par Wonnnc-ssTs.�o.0 January 3, 1923. ff .:r. '+im. J. Teter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear air: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of 11alsh Avenue from Magnolia Street to I::arylcm d 6treet, under Preliminary Oraer C, F. jp41122, approved kw ust 4, 1922: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $6674.88 Per £rcpt foot- - - - - - - - - 6.43 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 130.88 iTontage - - - - - - - - - - 1946 ft. Yours truly, i ����CLief Lngineer. Approved for tranemission to the Ccn-imj.2akQ_nV o3 Finance. Counnis�ner of Public :iorks. St. Paul, Minn., ..'GIS l ff�.......193�". To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul: Minn. Gentlemen: 7e. thu undersigned property owners, hereby petition vc.:r ,ionor=blc Dcaj to cause the folloving in.provement to be made: ..... :Rho Ave. from. ��i�Z; ..:'� v 1.-4-............. St. A.m. to ............ ............. St. sre A P: i_=__ — Q L�1 _(uu, ✓..... . ... ... .....,,.....,............. �,... . 7 y. ................ ..�. ............................. ...........�:.�....�.... `....,............... ..... ....... .......................... .......................... ................�., .... .......................... ................... ....... .......................... ..... ......�.....�.................... ............ .................................5.......y.......................... . . . . . V .. . . . . . '/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f yy yy ................... ....... Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06610 A AUG j 1 1922 BUREAU OF EtVGIGINBBRS C94af 10atnt Pant JAMES M. CLANCY, coww�eE�oweR J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY coww�ea�oweR LEONARD C. SEAMER, CHIEF CL -K BUREAU w A........TE To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - April I h, 19 in submitting the grading of Walsh Avenue from magnolia Street to Baryland Street to you for consideration as to the advisability and desirability of the improvement, I do so with the express under- standing that I am making no claim that property can be found benefited to the extent of the cost. The property oviners are desirious of obtain- ing bids for this grading, as they believe the bid will be considerable lower than the Engineer's estimate. However, before any liability is incurred in connection with this improvement it is my wish that the Council assure me that after bids are received they will be submitted to me for approval before any award of contract is made. Very ^truly your' r U �J z_1/ ommissioner of Finance. —°� CITY OF ST. PAUL ;°OE""` NO.- 3-6 (1 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYCy-y1/�`' June 6, 1923♦ comm ISSIONER.__..._�_.F-=--f... C:./!_ILIL......_..._.................................._._._...._._......... DATE ................. _....... _ ....................__.___......_......... RESOLVED Yeas In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for auto and fills in grading of Walsh Avenue from Magnolia Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #41123, approved August 4, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #46136, approved April 14, 1923. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs an& fills in and upon Walsh Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated June 6, 1923, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. IC. F. COUNCILMEN Nay: Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. $resident �' matle `pan: nre haretiy referred"to g�ea Ado ntePartj hereof. C._ nd Approvedbjune n .Tune 6, 1923. f (Tune 361923. 1923) b d Ado te P Y the Council.../I— APProv/erjl/�� , ''-.J'1�? ---192__.- -_ In favor Y/ MAYOR ----.--.....Aga1115t i�diUiam �1. �efex, (¢ammiasianer � �IriP �gUPTYP, 3�epatg (ijnmmissionPx Bepaetment of rnbliu lVarkii (�itg of 1$aint 11xul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST C.1 -ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT, OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Walsh Avenue from Magnolia Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #41123, approved August 4, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #45136, approved April 14, 1923. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portidn the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated June 6, 1923. i,omm�sslon�- of -nln Form B. B. 13 �- IF 8T. PAUL - - OEPF VT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO h 'STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r Inthematterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes. for cuts and fills in the grading of Walsh Avenue from Polagnolia Street to Ideryland Street, under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 4, 1922. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -- VALUATION 18 22 Oakville Park 150 1 22 do 3,150 11 23 do 75 10 23 do 150 18 21 do 3,050: 1 21 do 3,250 11 20 do 3,050_ 10 20 do 2,550 18 16 do 3,650 1 16 do 425 11 17 do 3,500, 10 17 do 225 18 15 do 2,300 1 15 do 1,350 11 . 14 do 2,300 10 14 do 3,525 TOTAL. 32,700.1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y Dated 191— ,Z i,omm�sslon�- of -nln Form B. B. 13 �- Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo Report to Commissioner of Finance t 04 E JAN 16 19 23 January --16. -1923-191.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. --111911k 1922-191---, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the - - land nece--seary - for ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading--of--Walsh-Avenue-from -----_- ----------------------------------------------- - Magnolia Street to Maryland -Street - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable.. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--8i -----, and the total cost thereof is $- -----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. vm;-i-s/ioner of Public Works. "°b �' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fio�racii: PI0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUKIIL RESOLUT"—GENERAL FORM ---..------._..-.._._t... ...... RESOLVED That the application of Bernard Lorose for permission to install and maintain a publicgarage on Lot 18, Block 47, Desnoyer Addition, located at No. 221 Montrose street, is hereby granted, and the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author- ized to issue a permit therefor, provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold and no public repair work shall be done on said premises. C. P,No, 46162—By H. C. We=j_ Resoed. That. the application of Eernalvrd• lLorose -ton permisslon.lto In- vn:euia premises '+ - Adopted by the Connell June 6, 1923. Approved June_6n1923. . (June161923) - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ __. In favor Matson Peter .... ...__Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._...:-Jil,1_---it_19Z3.._.192...... Approve ------------------ 192...... -- -------- ------: CITY OF ST. PAUL couNOLL. NO. -:�16 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._------ _.--- __..._.___....._....._....._.----- ............_....._.._.................._.......__................_....._. DATE ----- . ....... _........... ........ .... ------ ___---------- _., RESOLVED That the application of Bernard Larose for permission to install and maintain a publio g rage on Lot 16, Block 47, Deenoyer Addition, located at No. 221 Montrose street, is hereby granted, and the Com- missioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author- Saed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ........... In favor Matson Peter __..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._."J" ... Tj_IT''t-_._..192...... Approved _' I'�c'---.192- Y6" NOTICE OF t,Pi LICATION FOR _ ERMIT TO L. "C^t A ::'U 3LIC G.:Itt,G};, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordi=mce No. 5580, of the City of --int Paul, Minnesota, application will be rade on to the City Council of the Cita' of Saint Paul, Liinaesota, by for periaission to erect a public garage on the following de- _ scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: LotB �d i ock Addition __ Saint Paul, I:fin-.e- sota,. On the side of%� between Ave. and . Ave. Number / St. Ave. �j Dated at Saint Paul, P:Iinnesota, 1923. STATE OF MINNESOTA, `ss. County of Ramsey- J �DY for ..being duly aworn deposes and says thate is clerk for the D' tell Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the SL—PaaYBiepa4eh, St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published In the city of :S Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. ThaattQ- hhe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the �printed ........ ..:SFA.YeG.t./�J.•G%?C�f����..�i'�-�!-`-�".____ .... ..�/.. �� • ................. hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper r, �v1s inserted, printed and published In said newspaper o-�"k for- -`••3 that all of said publications were made in the English language. __Th��aat said notice was first inserted, printed and published on. Cry^ V •.- the.lpp.etay of.../..: .. 192.E and was printed and pub-. lished in said newspaper thore� .�, until and including• .. the.0�!�rtia� 192,.3. That during all the tt s aforesaid. said newspaper was fled as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 3 of chapter 484,,Sessien' Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4. to,it: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said... ..................................................... said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued In the English language, and in column and sheet form eq uivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print• ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said. . . •..I •. ..............the publisher or printer in ch irge of sold newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min. nesota an affidavit showing the narne, and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclp"ive., of the size and kind of type ilsod 'ill ilia composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attach -.d, viz: - nbMe[ehlJklmnopnre[uvmzyz Further affiant smith not save that this affidavit is narde pursuant to section '4 of chapter 484. Session Laws hlinncsota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this...day//����,eeJJ((,�... ....ot Notary Public, Rams County, Minnesa yY-q )IF FORM 141 3M 6.28.21 F&B My Comm :;,,[oil ('xpil'Ce............. ............. ... Notary h• B. TWEED Y Pubs is Rarey County, Mioxi Mr oenualnclon axplrnn Sept. 22, 1929. STATE OF MINNESOTA, tss. County of Ramsey. . being duly sworn deposes and says that.6[-he is clerk for the D ch Printing Co. wl!ich now is and durltig all the times hereinaYter mentioned h been the in of the St. Paul Dispatch, SE—Paul , s.—;.ass, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That_die—has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed....... ,.lett! tt t from4.a.. �....... hereto attached, cut from the cols or���e newspaper, was rued, Printed and published in said newspaper ee "ftch— 'k for - -:T..-. and that -all of said publications were made in file English language. ..............the publisher or printer 1n ch irge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Hied in the office of the county all titer of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the none and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper m required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 4&4, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the ]cher case alphabet from A to Z both mels, lve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement, hereunto attached, viz: abcderehlJkimnovarehlav'zrz Further affiant salth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws •Minnesota,. 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 4/14%Z�C. Ia7 P. • . • • • .192-, Notary Public, Ra ey County, Minnesota. 3 FORM 141 3I6-28-21 Pae M Comm '.isiot[ CxPir(?S.`Y!// �–/� L, B- TWEED Notary Publan ic Rcey county, M1Mn Slr Commlyylen exp!ray 88pt. 2, ty)'j That' said notice wwaass first inserted, printed and published on. -7 .... the.p`�,4.day of ...... .......... .... 192,�i. and was printed and Bub- , Notice of Application for Permit to I Ereot a Public Garage: lashed in said newspaper thcicafter -3,'otirq f hereby >:l to t P t to l aecti9 G 4 Onilm '� rw30, r tb -Cats W t t P u—azi t nen mn N tin �./� until and including. ..the. /F ay epee. v 192—�. [ p 3s o. [a a t in cur ro m'nr ine tyri r s mti 1 nnnncyyty b a room - That during all the tim aforesaid, said newspaper was 9 ifled ,as a medium L ro e far pe Iv I { Ca v.p M C Fain c i t II of officio! and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session .'on tfi Inb :d dna Cal est h It to Ins y Cvl h. azl t m u r t 7s. Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has con[Plied with all the requirements that con- inlock 47 dddltl n D S Iv[ P r azl - sa o w t I M r.-�[ t sr statute n legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than'. bei eA az mbyll 6 d D11ton 6I X-1, er t t sr t snmi r..11 uln�eeat may ^[; 'Iflonus[ 23 one year last past from the date oY the fllst Pablicatinn of satd..�r. .IP1an t Pres. ane Dien t n -azar 72 3 4.),I newspaper has been .....................................................said (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued In the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication. and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- - ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment, and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two- hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior. to the date of the first publication of said....... ...... ....... ......... ..............the publisher or printer 1n ch irge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Hied in the office of the county all titer of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the none and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper m required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 4&4, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the ]cher case alphabet from A to Z both mels, lve, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement, hereunto attached, viz: abcderehlJkimnovarehlav'zrz Further affiant salth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws •Minnesota,. 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 4/14%Z�C. Ia7 P. • . • • • .192-, Notary Public, Ra ey County, Minnesota. 3 FORM 141 3I6-28-21 Pae M Comm '.isiot[ CxPir(?S.`Y!// �–/� L, B- TWEED Notary Publan ic Rcey county, M1Mn Slr Commlyylen exp!ray 88pt. 2, ty)'j -7 An ordinance settling the claim of Molly Olsen againvi the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: C.,SF, N.4616,3ja.ttIV -- in—a No. 6084—�6 An the proper city officers are hereby author - Molly r A h."*'— 1al- of ' U lng . - No rdl,.the .' Molly Olsen K* Paul. - L lost "the City of SL( Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Mark H. �Tha �Cotkreil of the City of St. Paul: d9e. ordal.: . , SECTION 1. Molly Olsen, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thereby That the proper city officers are 'uth*r"ed to pay, out of the j. x1settlement of her claim against the City, J. i ad Coonlr. at or "Lu,talned by herb reason of a fall on a 'Mark T2"Mruir.d -I-ft "FW11�01)' I. fall ettl ... nt of he :City. —I.Ing her I re.- def 61A-t:i,4,w at, ".:1 front of 762 Delaware street, an April 10, 1923 - Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claim- ant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, In a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays MrAlancy "�X=Donaff- /Utson Deter r�-enzel -.resident (Nal -o App�6ved 2- //mayor Attest 3 o - City Clerk a To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your-oonsideration an ordinance settling the claim of Molly Olsen against the City of St. Paul for the sum of $250.00. /after a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, sistant Corporation Counsel. �5 CITY OF ST. PAUL CARLTON F. M°NALLY ARTHUR A. STEWARTarronNere EUGENE M. O'NOLL REECE EW SEL. ANDERSON June 6th) 1923 To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your-oonsideration an ordinance settling the claim of Molly Olsen against the City of St. Paul for the sum of $250.00. /after a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, sistant Corporation Counsel. ,1, ', An ordinance granting to the City Motor Supply Company per- mission to install two 500 -gallon gasoline tanks underneath the side- walk in front of the garage maintained by said Company on Sibley street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. ¢: Fd3n . No. 46164—Orahce No. 6086- OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: . •Ey: Wmnce: J. Peter— An ordinaHrantiag to the city Th Mo- tor Rupply Company permison to at permission and authority are hereby granted -ansta4 two 600-gatlsi on. gasolinee tan4s underneath the sidewalk In front ofthe garage maintained by e salfi. Ca.pnny on- Sib iey street, be- Supply Company to install and maintain two 500- - twee¢ Seventh and Eighth streets. The Council ?f the City of St. Paul does ordain. nks underneath the sidewaU in front of the garage SECTION 1. 'That permissiod and authority are. Sibley street between Seventh and Eighth streets. .hereby granted to the City Motor Sup- bly.. Company to Install and maintain wo soo-gallon gasoline tanks undere The Commissioner of Public works is hereby author- izediewalk In front o[ the ized to issue a permit to said licensee for the installation of said �I tanks, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said tanks shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costa, charges, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, use, presenoe or removal of said tanks. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tanks..shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Shotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr,�Clanoy i v1 1$Mo8 atson/Meter enzel Mresiden t n ��� Approved Attest m ,4Mayor QiVy Clerk. An ordinance granting to the City Motor Supply Company per- mission to install two 500 -gallon gasoline tanks underneath the side- walk in front of the garage maintained by said Company on Sibley street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the City Motor Supply Company to install and maintain two 500 - gallon gasoline tanks underneath the sidewalk in front of -the garage of said Company on Sibley street between Seventh and Eighth streets. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to said licensee for the installation of said tanks, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said tanks shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars 010,000) conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, charges, damages or expense thea may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said tanks. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tanker -shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. S§otion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council �3 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved ;_3 Attest agor City er . _ C. 3111liam 3. Peter, (&ommisstoner 31rie Fdallette, Beputg (¢ommtwaoner weportmrnt of VOW Works pity of Omni ])out GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OMICEAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE June 4th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- In the matter of application of the City Motor Company for permission to place two 500 gallon gasoline tanks underneath the sidewalk to be used in connection with pump inside of garage on Sibley St. between Seventh and Eighth Streets. This is in a light industry district and is, therefore,permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. Yours very truly, ✓� �tTP City Planning'Bngr. BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. OH-REH FRANK W. MATSON, COMMIMIONFR HARRY A. JOHNSON, Dwr COMMISSIONM �z# :af 't xalu# Paul �r�ttx#msnf u� �u&lu �tt�rtg June 1, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is the application of the City Motor Supply Company for permission to place tw 50, gallon gasoline tanks underneath the sidewalk to be used in connection with gasoline pump inside garage on Sibley street between Seventh and Eighth streets. This installation is approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention as to fire hazard and it is recommended by this department that permission be granted. Yours very truly, HAJ Commissioner of Public Safety J 1923 IINEA l OF LdvGUIE—uu.31 C Sr "G R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W. MAT50N,QggSMIM.�OMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION :.:ay 31, 1923 :ion .F.1,, Matson o:.:rcissionar of Public Safety, C,t .Raul, ;;inn Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF In re and tc t :e a:, -,T. iication of t_:e City =rotor Surly Co,-,: any for permission to ;'lace trao 550 gallon gasoline tanks unaerneatii t: e Le used in connection -.rith gasoline L;uaF inside garage or. Sinley Street 'bet;vaen Seventh and Ei-:it:: street. Pec!;1lGsio:. is granted as .,., t:.e fire haz-rd,but as tanks are to be --oewta- Cn city i.r Nsrty 'e refer same tc t.e Dapart..ert of =ublic Piorks for furter invasti-;atlon. nes ac' �v Chief I:azar` • • Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be uplOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made is dto thee and submitted tthe City- APPLICATION itX :. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. =q AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION F— No. Application No. - To the Honorable City Council Date ' �✓ 19---:— of 9of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HYREBY Named Firm ar Individual I For License to Apefose and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) - -1)6- Ia" or •'Curb'• AUTOMOBILE FIILLLIN�}G— STATION to be located 77 - At! 1 Stmt Number and 8treet.y.CN�.a--j Number of f/ Number of GasCapacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk tiiamtum of ADpliraat By Business Address APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD APPROVED AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date_-- 19— APPROVED ate_ —_ 19_I Date-----19— Iublic Safety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. PROVED Data 19— APPROVED J Date 19_ PASSED 19_ APPROVED 19 ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. ----- LICENSE NO. Corn-r. of Public Works. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 9_ i - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.. ---- g�C� /( ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE '-' -- / UN6 R LUT -NERAL FORM PRESENTED � I//,Ivw1A• —o . i Resolved, That- follows Fite , No: 4tT b., amended as -,and '- tt That -the words .and - $1.00 be All tvi ietrlcken out "Carpenter $1.00 per D V serted thebllo� i per hour per houY 1 . JAdoptQ bl the Approved .Jobe — G1 Councilmen YeasNay$ -//Clancy I /F erguson ( // McDonald .. _---In favor Matson Peter ---.�--------Against Wenzel /Mr. President 4 Adopted by the Council_-.-_tifi-1g7?.---..-192_.- PP owed....-.._tltisi ='=' J ?�-.------/---192_..- MAYOR - TO.��fHE HONORABLE THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL. Gentlemen. The Special Committee appointed from this body to investigate the question of the prevailing wage scale for carpenters, electricians and re- inforcement iron workers, beg to submit the following report: An open meeting was held in the Council Cheml;er, on Thursday afterhan at one o'clock, at which time a large number of representatives from the employers and the employes representing different interests throughout the city, . were.present. On Wednesday morning, June 6, there were submitted to the members of the City Council, two wage scales, one formulated by the Builders' Elchange, which parti cul ar wage scale had -been adopted by the State Builders' Exchangg i organization; the other a wage scale presented by the Building Trades Unions of the City of St. Paul. It developed at the hearing held on Thursday after- noon, June 7, that there had been no conference on the question of wage scales held between employers and employee. The Charter of the City of St. Paul specifically states that the City of St. Paul shall pay to its employes the prevailing scale of wages. Certain resolutions presented to the City Council and awed t�/� p by said body, were returnedi.,� the Council for further consideration, un;ier the veto of the Mayor. As there seemed to be no accepted prevailing scale of wages, it devolved upon this Committee appointed by the Mayor to determine what, in the judgment of the Committee, after careful consideration, should "oe the stipulated wage affecting carpenters, electricians and reinforce- ment iron workers in the employ of the City of St. Paul. The three resolutions that were passed by the Council recently and vetoed by the Mayor, covering increases for carpenters from 80 cents to $1.00, reinformcement iron workers from 80 cents to $1.00 and electricians from 80 cents to $1.00 were duly c6nsidered by this committee. We believe that the electrical workers' scale of $1.00 is one that will prevail, and therefore recommend the passage of the resolution. The _2 - resolution calling for increases for the carpenters from 80 cents to $1.00 should be amended to read: "90 cents, and carpenter foremen 01.02." The reinforcemixrt iron workers' scale is somewhat in doubt; therefore the Committee wishes to hold this matter in abeyance pending further investigation. Respectfully submitted, June 9, 1923. Citp of *afnt -Vaal H. J. RIORDAN (Office of CHH FRfi�rh ASST. CITY CLERK dune 6th, 1923. Ron. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P. P. & P. Bldgs. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please note communication from Mayor Nelson vetoing resolutions 45884, 46054 and 46055, also enclosed, together with all other papers in this matter. The Council today referred the same to you as Chairman of the Committee composed of yourself, and Com- missioners Peter, McDonald and Ferguson. Yours very trul enc. CIT CLM. TO THE COUNCIL; C; its of !yin# jjaul �x0rutWP DepartutrIit �Tlil'R E.XHES0W,M-- JUM Sixth 1923. 0n June first Resolutions Tio.45884, 46954 and 46055 were ;:resented to the writer by the City Clerk for approval. Resolution 45884 would, if arproved, increase the scale of wages for carpenters employed by the city from 80¢ to $1.00 per hour; bricklayer foremen from 91.1* to $1.25 per hour; and brick layers from $1.00 to 01.1221per hour. Resolution 46054 would, if approved, increase the scale of wages for ironworkers from 80¢ to $1.00 per hour. Resolution 46055 would, if approved, increase the rate for electricians from 80¢ to $1.00 per hour. The Resolutions introduced by Commissioner .11enzel �- apparently follow comminications forwarded to the City Clerk by the C Trades Councils involved in which c anmmications it is stated that the local organizations of such Councils have deteamined upon the rates as outlined in the Resolutions presented. There is no indication of an agreement between the builders and the Trades Councils. '7eretofore, it has been the custom in the changing of wage scales by the Council to consider most seriously agreements entered into between the builders and the labor organizations. Information covering such agreements has always been submitted to the Council before action was taken. 1 Lith of 11tut l:xeruti e Drpartutrnt ,1RTIIUR E.NELSON.Mi.- To the Council --2— In the instant case, I understand that the builders and the Trades Councils have not entered into any agreement and, in fact, have not together discussed the question of what should be the prevailing scale of wages in the crafts under consideration. There is presented a statement by the Builders Association showing an increase as agreed upon by that Association of from 80¢ to 8* for carpenters, bricklayer foremen $1.122 to 41.22*, bricklayers from y1.00 to $1.12 , electricians from 80¢ to 87z¢ per hour. There is no scale presented by the Builders Association indicating the wage for ironworkers. It will be noted LlUfst there is a slight difference in the wage scales as presented by the builders and the trades councils covering the wage of bricklayer foremen - the amount being only 2W and that there is no difference in the wage as determined by the Council of bricklayers and the Builders Association - the amount in each instance being ;1.122. In view of this fact there would seem to be no question as to those two items being reasonable and no objection is made to them. In the case of ironworkers it is impossible to determine from the facts presented to the Council up to the present time just What should be the scale to be paid by the city. The Builders Association shows no scale for such work, claiming that most Citi of faint JITUt VSrtittiur Department .1RTItUR �.NELSO\,MAVOn To the Council --3-- of that work is done by somewhat skilled building labor at not to exceed 550 per hour. On the other hand, the ironworkers demand an increase in their pay of 2%. I am informed that the ironworkers in agreeing upon $1.00 per hour as the rate to be charged by them have determined upon June 10th. as the date for putting into effect such an increase. It would seem that the Council might reasonably make some investigation of the contentions on both sides before acting upon this resolution. The chief questions involved are the increases to the electricians and the carpenters from 600 to $1.00 per hour. In each instance, this increase amounts to 25°%. While the proportion of carpenters and electricians employed by the city is not great when compared with the number within the city employed on other work it cannot be denied but that a recognition by the city of any specific wage scale will in itself have a tendency to fix in the public mind that wage scale as the prevailing one. In considering therefore the wage scale as applicable to carpenters and electricians employed by the city the Council should take into considergtion the effect that the fixing of such wage scale will have upon employment within the city on private work. The Council should also take into con- sideration the effect upon the cost of public buildings, particularly school buildings, many of which are to be constructed during this summer. The Resolutions in question were prevented to the Council on Tuesday morning - May 29th. Wednesday was a holiday. Short Litt of 141;)'aiut 1jau1 Vsrtu#iur 7rpartutrnt ARTHUR E.NELS0-N,M-- To the Council --4-- consideration was given to them on Thursday morning at which time they were passed. The public was given no notice of such hearings and the arguments on the side of the public were therefore not presented. It seems to me that the questions are of such importance that the Council ought not to take snap judgment upon them. In the event that increases are granted as requested by the Trades Council in the wages of electricians and carpenters, it is reasonable to presume that other crafts will make similar requests for increases and it is reasonable also to presume that if the electricians and carpenters are entitled to 2&,. increase that other crafts are entitled ordinarily to a somewhat similar increase. This, then, may follow on down the line including other employees of the city. If the wage scale as proposed is to cover an increase in the cost of living, which it cannot, because there has been no such increase, then, all other employees in the city would be entitled to a proportionate increase in their salaries or vages. If the Council, without investigation, acceptPlage scale as presented by the carpenters union aid the electricians union, will it be expected to accept without question and without investigation a scale fixed by the teachers' union, firemen's union and the city hall and court house employees union? The Council is elected to represent all of the people of the city and must, in determining upon wage increases or any other Litt of ^4'aint pact I. Xprutivo t)rFxxtutrnt ARTHUR E. NELSON, M... To the Council --5— matter, consider not only the individuals or organizations involved, but the other citizens of the city to whom they are responsible. In view of the fact that no opportunity has been given to the Council, or to the writer, to investigate the question of what is a reasonable wage scale for electricians and carpenters; in view of the tremendous effect that the resolutions passed by your Honorable Body will have, if approved, on the future growth of this city, and in view of the other facts hereinbefore mentioned, I am returning the resolutions as outlined with my veto and without nay approval. In order that a fair and reasonable wage scale may be determined upon and put into effect by the city as early as possible and in order that fairness may be shown to all parties involved while such investigation is pending, it is recommended that a temporary wage scale for carpenters and electricians be fixed at 90¢ per hour, which adds one-half the difference between the wage paid before June first and that asked by the Trades Council. It would be unfair to accept the proposal made by either of the contending parties as to what should be the prevailing scale and therefore the scale to be paid by the city. Had the carpenters and electricians followed their Lith of �§;rciut 1jant ?srcu#ivr �rgxxtmrnt ARTHUR E.NELSU\,M-1-- To the Coundl-l. --6-- principle of collective bargaining, and come to the Council sometime ago with a suggestion that the time had arrived for entering into a new agreement, arrangements could have been made long ago for a permanent scale. It does not seem, however, in view of the fact that no bargain has been entered into between W of the parties involved, the Council ought to accept blindly either the scale proposed by the Build6rs Association or the scale proposed by the Trades Council. It would seem that the appointment of a committee of the Council to confer with both sides and investigate not only the claims of both, but also the rights of the public, would be conducive to the fixing of a fair wage to all citizens of the city. Your very truly, Mayor ec.-F �k rtr Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 6th, 1973. His Honor, Mayor A. E. Nelson, and The Honorable Members of the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - At a meeting of The St. Paul Association of Building 0wners and Managers held June Fth, the attention of the membership was directed to the proposed raise from MO to ''1.00 in the wage scale of the building trades engaged in City enterprises. The Building Owners and Managers Organization includes a group of property owners and their representatives who feel prosperity only when Saint Paul atlarge prospers, and who suf- fer most heavily when the progress of the City at large is re- /\ ta.rced. Without a feeling of confidence in this group, no con- siderable building program can go forward. With a. Peeling of confidence it seems certain that tremendous developments will l take place. In New York, Chicago, and Cleveland, the cost of building has reached the point where inventors may no longer expect to get, even the meagre return usually yielded by office buildings erected to house come great business concern, with additional space for rental investment. The abandonment of the Chicago Tribune Build- ing project typifies this condition, and is directly tracable to increased demands of the building trades. The same fate will overtake building projects in Saint Paul or any other city, under similar conditions. The Saint Paul A. socia.tion of Building Owners and Managers be- lieve that building conditions in Saint Paul are right now at the point where any such increase in building costs as would be entailed by a twenty-five percent increase in the wage scale of the building trades would virtually kill the building industry for this season, and doubtless for some time to come as it takes years to bring together the elements for so favorable a situa- tion as Saint Paul now enjoys. It is to be expected that private enterprise will not pay less than the city scale of wages, hence the wage scale for the build- ing trades will be in the hands of the Council at the meeting June 6th. It is earnestly hoped that the Council will take no -2 - action which will considerably increase the wage scale in the building trades. The Building OWners an' Managers as a group doubtless are the heaviest t.axpapers in the City, and are, vir- tually concerned that no increase in expenditure be made which is not fully warranted. It is felt that to increase the wages of building trades would simply pave the way for a general in- crease thruout the City departments, which certainly could rot be justified at this time. Altho it is felt that the present wage scale in the building trades is in most cases fair and teaeonable, yet to those who hold such is not the case it should be pointed out that if there is any- thing worse than unsatisfactory wages it is lack of work and no wages at all. This is precisely the danger which now confronts the building trades, and it seems obvious that the safe and logical program to follow is to accept a fair increase and allow the first real building program that the city has seen in years to continue so that the city at large may benefit by it. Respectfully, THE SAINT PAUL BUILDING O"NEP.S and MANAGERS ASSOCIATION, By Secretary. THE (SAINT P Ass cso ciATION SAIN AU '111V OTA John AScegEt:PreslQent ,".�k,��:: Address all Communications R. E Hilton, General Secretary to the General Secretary June 5, 1923 Arthur E. Nelson, Mayor, Court House, Saint Paul, Ltinn. Dear S it : The Executive Committee of the Saint Paul Associa- tion at a meeting held yesterday, June 4th, considered the in- crease in the City's wage scale, as proposed by Council action on May 31st, and, I am directed to advise you, your position in this situation was approved by our Committee by unanimous vote. It is believed that conditions exist which make highly proper a most thorough analysis of the situation before any existing wage scales are raised by twenty-five per cent or any major part thereof. With a full recognition of the fact that the City, as a corporation, should pay a proper scale of wages, and without making any comparison between current wage scales as they may exist outside of the City's official rates, you, as Mayor, and the other members of the City Council are requested to make only such increase at this time as can be agreed upon unanimously as being proper and in harmony with the situation as it actually exists today, making such further ad- justment, upward or downward, as may be found advisable after a thorough analysis of the various factors involved and more settled business conditions make possible a more certain knowledge of our future industrial state. This request is based upon the following elements which appear to enter into the situation. The raising of its wage scale by the City will be an official recognition of higher building costs in Saint Paul. It is most important that building operations in Saint Paul continue throughout the year. Any increase in labor costs, other than that admittedly necessary to adjust a generally acknowledged discrimination, may easily prove to be the weight which turns the balance in the mind of the public as far as the desirability of building now is concerned, and the result is very likely to be a suspension of building operations, which will mean that MEMDE:R CHAl,I ER up. CU: I.�LERCE OF THE VNITED STATES OF AMERICA -2 - there is a dearth of jobs instead of the present satisfactory situation, which it is hoped will continue throughout the year. A comparison of the number of building permits issued in Saint Paul during the months of April and May indicates somewhat of a change in the public attitude as regards increased building costs, while the increased labor cost in building in other cities throughout the United States has been an important factor in causing a decided shrinkage in the number of building permits issued and in the cancelling and holding up of construction projeots costing hundreds of millions of dollars. Proper changes in the City's wage scale should be based on several factors of which an important one is living costs. According to the Monthly Labor Review, as issued by the United States Department of Labor, May 1923 issue, page 92, living costs in the metropolitan district of the Twin Cities, have increased but 7/10 of 1% from March 1922 to March 1923, with a decrease of leP from June 1920 to March 1922. Another reason for arguing against any considerable increase at this time is the disparity existing between the price of agricultural products and the price of commodities consumed by our trade territory. An adjustment of this inequality is the thing most necessary to bring the Northwest back to a situation somewhat approaching normal. Just in the degree that any untoward raise in the City scale tends to be followed by private or individual industrials, just by that much will there be a tendency to in- crease this inequality, which, it is agreed on every hand, must be decreased instead, if the Northwest is to oease to carry black lines on our national map depicting unfavorable business con- ditions. It appears, therefore, that in the interest of all oon- cerned - the employer doing work under contract or attempting to compete with other communities having lower labor costs - the men in the building trades who need employment at a reasonable wage more than a high wage scale and no employment - the investor and prospective home owner who needs every encouraging influence at this particular time - and the City of Saint Paul itself - the proposed increase is inadvisable and unwarranted at this time. -3- You are requested to present this communioation to the members of the Council at the time further action on this subject is to be taken. I Very truly yours, SAINT PAULASSOCIIAATTIION, JAS:G Preside/ �= MEmmD C uB a r w EAA_ COMMERCIAL IN D V STRIAE SAINT PAUL June 6, 1923. The following is a correct copy of resolution unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors of the Midway Club at their meeting held on June 5, 1923: AREAS- The City Council of Saint Paul has just passed an or- dinance arbitrarily raising the wage scale of carpenters, elec- tricians, and iron workers employed by the city from 80� to $1.00 4 per hour, although the Minnesota Building Employers Association Q \ had, on June 1st, announced an advance from 80� to 87e� per hour for these trades, and ;.4h WHEREAS, The Midway District is just entering upon a building era `y, of great promise in the future, with large contracts based upon satisfactory wage scales as now existing, and is projecting plans for other building ventures of great magnitude,- all of which are placed in jeopardy by this action of the City Council; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Midway Club, an organization composed of that average class of citizens by whom increased building costs will most largely have to be paid; That we protest the passage of this ordinance as being wholly unwarranted by existing conditions in the building trade of Saint Paul; as placing an additional and unnecessary obstacle in the way of small home builders desiring Midway locations; and as increasing the already high costs of construction to such an extent as threatens the future growth and expansion of our city. RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions, expressive of the judgment of this Board, be forwarded to the City Council at once. Attest• Secretary. 19,000.000 PEOPLE TRAVEL MIDWAY'S MAIN THOROFARE ANNUALLY. WATCH MIDWAY GROW. O1� 1� ICliliti I>ltt i�: C'TOi2ti ..... .. 400 Cnp i -i Bnvk Boi Lli, e."�•"..,•� SAI\T T'AI'L. JIIV11dSl1TA •��.'. "^T''..un�.n June 6, 1923. To the Wayor and Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentleman: As Executive Secretary of the Real Estate Board I was instructed by the Board of Directors at a rweting held June 5th, to write you voicing the protest of the Real Estate Board against the Action of the Council IV 31st., increasing the wage scale of certeia employees of the City approximately twenty-five per cent. It arrears to the Board that the action taken by the Council in this respect vias hasty and not based on any facts presented to warrant it. On account of the high cost of labor and material other cities are reporting almost a complete stop- page of building. The outlook for building in St. Paul was much more encou raking sixty days ago than it is today vdi en architects' offices are daily reporting postponement of building plans. These reasons alone the Board believes shculd lead the Council to extreme caution in any action that might tend further to discourage building operations, the effect of a depression in the building industry in this cormunity being more far reaching than in any other industry. The Board further begs to remind the Council of the effect of such action on the affairs of the City itself and its pending prcgraTr with reE'ard to schools and other large con- struction projects. ;;ith the adoption of the proposed Charter Amendment and the authorization of .",;4,500,000.00 of bonds for sewers, and vh1ch the Board concedes is necessary for the growth and welfare of the City, the bonding capacity will well nigh be exhaisted, and when the cost of these projects have all come to be included in the tax rate the direct tax burden upon the tax payer will probably approach the breaking point and the City will find itself in a precarious situa.ion. DI I? ECTORS 40S C,IAOA Book lvihliok SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA _2_ It has been reporteC, that the Layor has announced his intention to veto the resolution refer -l -ed to and in such event the Board of Directors of the Real testate Board is of the unanirous opinion that such veto should be sustained. Yours very respectfully, _'Xecutive Secretary. TRUSTEES AS G. BRIGGS, PResmext C. 450M `A" Vice PRealpeNt, PAUL N. MYER9, 1RensueeR FOSTER HANNAPORD 1. A. LAGERMAN ANGUS MCLEOD H. A.MERRn t J.A. OACE P.1. 01119 HERMAN EGSTAD, 9ECR C. P. HERBERT. DI. - June 6, 1923. To the Honorable, The City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Three amendments to resolutions providing in- creased wages in certain of the skilled labor employments are before your honorable body. Time has not permitted a detailed study by this organization to determine the added cost in wages to the city if the proposed amendments are finally passed. A cursory examination of the effect upon a single division in one department shows the increased cost to be quite a considerable sum. Whatever the total salary increase might be, the result would be decreases in services to the people. This decrease in service will be in direct proportion to the aggregate wage increase. Further, the city is embarking upon a large .and far-reaching improvement program, — schools, $5,000,000; water works improvements, $1,000,000; and county roads, $6,000,000. These sums contemplate the completion of def- inite improvement programs based upon carefully prepared estimates. Any wage revision upward will result in the our- tailment of these projects to the extent of the total Wage The Sint P..I B-.. of M..wi. wtc Q"ot�niud— Saint Paul I —T. Paul by inctdeing< 6e e(kcdve� s of ¢o�emment. Bureau of Municipal Research I -To <o-opemmath Pobli<otbei,Is eli meting w,te< wherever p Wmc. Athletic Club Building 3—T --a—, pollti ,l egenq Cedar 4210 for keeping the people informed aboutm idp,I,ff,in. June 6, 1923. To the Honorable, The City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Three amendments to resolutions providing in- creased wages in certain of the skilled labor employments are before your honorable body. Time has not permitted a detailed study by this organization to determine the added cost in wages to the city if the proposed amendments are finally passed. A cursory examination of the effect upon a single division in one department shows the increased cost to be quite a considerable sum. Whatever the total salary increase might be, the result would be decreases in services to the people. This decrease in service will be in direct proportion to the aggregate wage increase. Further, the city is embarking upon a large .and far-reaching improvement program, — schools, $5,000,000; water works improvements, $1,000,000; and county roads, $6,000,000. These sums contemplate the completion of def- inite improvement programs based upon carefully prepared estimates. Any wage revision upward will result in the our- tailment of these projects to the extent of the total Wage - 2 - increase, and the city will receive lees in improvements than has been planned, if not promised. While the effect of the city's contemplated wage revision might not effect directly these projects as the work undoubtedly will be done by con- tractors over whom the city has no control as to salaries, yet indirectly the city's action will tend to influence the wages paid on these jobs in the lines of trades affected by the wage changes. What may happen from wage increases, and added cost of supplies and materials has been but recently demonstrated in this city; the $3,000,000 bond program for school buildings paid for only sixty per cent of its intended program. Again, the government of Saint Paul is vitally interested in placing as much new property upon its tax rolls as possible, - property that comes through new construction. While wage rates are only one of the factors that influence construction costs and the amount of construction, they are an important factor. Curtailed building operations in the city means to the taxpayers a larger tax rate per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. That larger tax rate would be in direct proportion to the value of the buildings not constructed. The Board of Trustees of this Bureau desires to remind your honorable body of these possible conditions; and, since there is a disagreement relative to what the wage scales should be in the trades to be affected by your action , asks that your final action be governed by facts brought out by an intensive investigation of this problem by your honorable body. Very truly, ours, rL. " Fresiden . ♦ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENLIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM V VWVA Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald --------------In favor Matson Peter _..-----Against Wenzel Mr. President t, d Ad p) ' the, cl. ------ / e by ---- 192-- -- Approved--/ --_----- -- ---- -------------------192._ j------------------------------ ----- - ------ C✓ ' 'of �/J CITY OF ST. PAUL 2ENCIL NO...... pa/�e 1lA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED,BY ) y_—�__� 11 D Wert _ RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Midway Chevrolet Company to install and maintain a gasoline pump inside of the garage at 1645 University avenue, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and tothe satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. f C F. No. 46167=By H C' ,Wettom�,pl 4 Resolved, That permis ton- thorlty are hereby, give to:,t way Chevrolet CompanY.to ins�taleftdY tnalntala a gasoline pump "side of the garage at 1646'. On. versltY avenue, Bald ten x . to be installed in accord-. / �1 ante wtth the ordinances of the city of �, St. Paul and'. under the !, Cora i nand to the'-satisfactlon.pf. the Commtasll eF of 11C.6afetY / Adopted by the Coutfcil Juna'6 1923. ALProyed June 6 1829 - - (June 16 192 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i Clancy 11 Ferguson i McDonald ___..._,...In favor Matson Peter ___Against Wenzel f Mr. President Adopted by the Council_I'.---1 r'_�j .._._192_-..- Approv�j---------- 192- - +.._................... .... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO-------- 6.167 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISNONER__..._...__-__.._........._..-----..._._...__............_.......__......................._:........_...._-............_.... RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Midway Chevrolet Company to install and maintain a gasoline pump inside of the garage at 1645 University avenue, said tank to be installed In accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..._ .............................. ...192.--.-. Clancy Ferguson Approved.--. ....... _._------------------- --.192- --- McDonald ____.__ _In favor Matson Peter ._.._...._...Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President 1911liam J. litter, %ammissianer i 3rie Nallette. Beputg (4ammissianer I (&ity of Oxint f uut GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEAND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE June 4th, 1923. W. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir t - In the matter of application of the Midway Chevrolet Company for license to operate and maintain a gasoline pump inside of garage at 1845 University Avenue. This location is in a light industry district and is, therefore, permissible under the zoning ordinance without a hearing. Yours very truly, City Manning —ngne r.— BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. OH REH FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON, DM -M COMMISSIONER "Y ofPaul ��tAxfxttrn# II,� �uhls �A��tg June 1, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is application of the Midway Chevrolet Company for license to operate and maintain a gasoline pump inside garage (tanks to be in boulevard on Fry str$ t) at 1645 University avenue. This installation is approved .by the Bureau of Fire Prevention as to fire hazard and it is recommended that license be granted. Yours very truly, 1W Commissioner of Public Safety 1923 g� Ttt_ kJ��V�D➢ACd+a�asJ R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F.W.MATSON. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION 1aa,aissioner of Pudic ": ,faty, Le,r :Ar: OWEN C. DUNN ASS'T CHIEF re-wr:. to ;iaaicn f t_. i y .rclet o:l�a:y for 1 arl,ission to phorate Y'u::rp i:.siue Sarcg,e (t Lnks to 'ca in Nou-avar. on Fry ._tr Jt) t 1645 .Avar°::ity ;Ivenue. I _,ave a i ti. foregoing invasti'atad r;u— raiort that such a gasoiina filli:_g- Station ::t tl.a ..sire- looatier. :.ot oraata a:y aiona.l fire '..azar: to t;a Surrounair. r.roNerty; I ti.arefore raoo..a.:z : t' -at Y ermit :e gr ntea. Yours i//jj�te/%s�aotf, .,As Insactor. e Origi�tyaI CITY OF SAINT PAUL, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC 111 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION To the Honorable City Council Date— of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICIION IS HEREBY "DE This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. Application No. I s19� 3 Nnmc d Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) DriI "C -b" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At v '.9— Number and Stant Number of / Number of Gas 2 Capacity of Pumps to be InstalledTanks to be Installed— _ Tanks D J i Received at office of City Clerk C_�% 7( 9 s { By- mese Address APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date�3 ----19 Date —_-19— Date— _____19_ atmr. ublic Safety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. PROVED APPROVED PASSED 19_ Data 19_ Date ---__19_ APPROVED 19_ ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. Commr. of Public Works. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter 19_ CITY OF ST. PAUL .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION--15tNERAL FORM " �-�✓L�~--�9---/ DATE....J.UN.E....4T H -...._L 2. cousnCIL NO ----- 461t- 8 NL RESOLVED 4'Pj1IMIS, T -lie Commissioner of 2ducation has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency whish rendered necessary the employment of certain em- ployes of his De�;wrtment for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to 'pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fined for extra employment for the extra emplrympnt for extra time herein- Pftcr set -ortr: ITAL2 TITLE TII2 RSM TOTAL NIC BERLIN JANITOR 24 HRS 4$ c $ 11 52 ( F. :N 46168—BY L R. S.Fe �u �4her The X.-Issiosser Y Edss-! `oatlon-h s reported to the fC he :CItY .rs ith-'5 d3 of the City ne ±heAjnafter'ast-:forth: Ni'c..Bet11—:Janit r. 24. hours: X480. 1:62. Adepted by.:the C 31 Tune 6, 1923. ADD D do Tune 6, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 1 McDonald...._In favor c Matson y' Peter _.... ...Against Wenzel v Mr. President Adopted by the Council 192 - Approv - ` ` .. --------------- - ----- ...------------...---- MAYOR FORId NO. 1. JUNF 4?14 194 An en-rgency h;:a .risen in the D;->c;rtment of ➢dueation, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of car— twin employes of that department for more than eight hours Der day, in doing the following worn: WATCHING SCHOOLS This amarg:;ncy -ros3 by rac:son of tho following facts and circu:mstaneas: WATCHING SCHOOLS AT NIGHT - WORK COULD NOT DE DONE DURING THE DAY This report is in accord^nca with Section 53 of the Charter. Yeas, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ------- +6_L -Y.0 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, It appears that Lot 4, Block 7, Re -arrangement of Oppen- heim's Addition, owned by Joseph r'euli, Was improperly, assessed for the installation of a water main, which was not in fact laid in front of said property; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners has passed a,reeo- lution recommending that the amount of said assessment, $15.00, be refunded to the owner of said property; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby instructed to refund to said Joseph Zeuli the sum of $15.00, which amount shell be paid by the Board of Water Commissioners. `C' F. Nd 46170 BY J."'H. Wel)-ald=l Board ted by t Councsloners. Adppted .J the Council June 8, 1923. Approved. June 8, 1923. (Jung 384923) COUNCILMEN Nays 1 Clancy V� Ferguson McDonald _ .... In favor V Matson l Peter ........Y.__Against 4' y' Wenzel V Mr. President Adopted by the Council_ __,, ..._r :.1.1�`{._..._.192..-.-- Approv , - �'..Ij= .---------------192.. --- - MpYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENC1LNo------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .r' PRESS*RTEO BY COMMISSIONER.__... L� v WHEREAS, It appears that Lot 3, Block 7, Re -arrangement of Oppenheim's Addition, owned by Vingenzo Zeuli, was roperly assess- ed for the installation of a water main, which was not in fact laid in front of said property; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners has passed a resolu- tion recommending that the amount of said assessment, $6.84, be re- funded to the owner of said property; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby instructed to refund to said Vingenzo Zeuli the sum of $6.84, which amount shall be paid by the Board of Water Commissioners. ADDrgved 3une, 21 1923. cJune ic-isaa). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy V Ferguson McDonald _J_ In favor v, Matson I% Peter _.........Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council._ 17i J --........192....-.-.-.. App192. . 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COONCLNo._._..:"'_��� FILE ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4//RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, T. E. Sullivan heretofore and on or about the 26th day of May, 1923, deposited the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) as bail money to secure his appearance in the Municipal Court on the 28th day of May; and , WHEREAS, The said T. E. Sullivan was instructed by the Police Department to appear in court on Tuesday, the 29th day of May, and did so appear on said day, and was informed at that time that his bail had been forfeited, as he should have appeared on Monday, the 28th; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of the said T. E. Sullivan for said sum of $5.00, payable out of the proper fund; the refund- ment of said bail having been recommended by the Hon. Conrad Olson, one of the J c• y` ° +s T7 9r94MYbL lratsnn= me .':_T E.' Stlll�Ban heFetdfore' COUNCILMEN Yea._ Nays V Clancy Ferguson b McDonald __-...--.In favor Matson '\\ Peter z..SJ._--Against J Wenzel Mr. President;—, Adopted by the Council. -..:._...-.'.:--:-J---------.192------ Ap d - ....... -- 192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..-.. 471172 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. . .......... - - -------- --........................__....._._.._..............._........__..._.........................._...._.... wHEREASO T. E. Sullivan heretofore and on or about the 26th day of May, 1923, deposited the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) as bail money to secure his appearance in the Municipal Court on the 29th day of May; and WHEREAS, The said T. E. Sullivan was instructed by the Police Department to appear in court on Tuesday, the 29th day of May, and did so appear on said day, and was informed at that time that his bail had been forfeited, as he should have appeared on Monday, the 29th; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of the said T. E. Sullivan for said sum of 05.00, payable out of the proper fund; the refund- ment of said bail having been recommended by the Hon. Conrad Olson, one of the Judges of said Court. Nays Adopted by the Council......_...'......+f ' j } - ......._192- Clancy Ferguson Approved-— -'i'",3 ----------------- -- 192... McDonald ___.In favor Matson . - ._...._Against President �t�ItE IIf �ITT1tE8IItti ,ill[uuicipal ((Imttf (![ltnrabcrs �S[uf �xitl Lgonrnb (Olson IIubof June 2, 1923. City Council, St.Paul, Minn, Gentlemen: I hereby take the liberty to recommend for passage the attached resolution in favor of T. E. Sullivan, and suggest that this warrant be turned over to the Clerk of the Municipal Court to be posted as bail for the appearance of T. E. Sullivan. Yours very truly, co/hcbC%" 1 COUNCIL ~ CITY OF ST. PAUL �Lg NO.._...r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Seventh Street Garage to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at 591 West Seventh street, same to be installed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. rC. F.. No, 46173—$Y H C. Wenzel- Resolved,.. That per.ieston 'and su: thdrlty :are: hereby. glven;to the 8ev- nth Street Garage to Install and main- t 11691 `W I' 3,e a th lStreetllieamStation tattsEactlon deo4ththeir -are seioUer of nstal at C S.Yety. "'/' Adopted by the Council Sune 6, 1933: Approved-fJuvne 16118 3) ' COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays V Clancy Ferguson McDonald __._ .....In favor Matson Peter .....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the 192.__-. -": `tr Approv ..... -- - - IJi3 -...- 192. --- -------------------------- .—OR CITY OF ST. PAUL `A�"c"-No...... 161-Q-[.2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Seventh Street Garage to install and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at 591 West Seventh street, same to be installed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _._.-..-.In favor Matson Peter _____....Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council --.--................... ------ ------ 192...... Approved -------- ........ .. .....192. - 041 of 5t. Paul Department of Parks, Plaggcaunas 1�g ana Public JiuilUngs W4. T. MARCH, ". HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER S-. OF PARK. ERNEST W. JOHNSON. SOwe. OP PUYOROYlD6 IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER FRANK 9G. TEWES. _ CRY A-Rl — -- 219 COURT HOUSE Q _ June 5, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir. I am submitting to you herewith the application of the Seventh Street Garage for permission to.oper- ate and maintain a drive-in gasoline•_Yilling station at 591 West Seventh street. As this property is in a light industry district, this Department can have no objection to this application. Yours very truly, Comm esioner. HSB..II William 31. jeter, %ammissioner 31rie Flallette, Beputg (ljnmmwaiuner r� �. Bepartment of IJnhlu Worms (�itg of glint 11uul June 4th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- In the matter of application of the Seventh Street Garage for permission to operate and maintain a drive-in gasoline Pilling station at 591 W. Seventh Street. This location is in a light industry district and a filling station.1s, therefore, permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. Yours very truly, 14 1—xr i_ / Ciiy PI'nning eer. BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. GH -BEH FRANK W. MATSON, COMMMIONM HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEP COMMIMONOt Og of '!fyaiu# Paul s ttx#mexc# II puhlir 04ttfir#g J.UAe,1, 1923 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: - Returned herewith is application of the Seventh Street Garage for permission to operate and maintain a drive in gasoline filling station on private Property at 591 W. Seventh Street. This location has been approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and it is recommended that license be granted. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Publio Safety - � I, 2 1923 R. J. NILES FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION ...its C.. SE;io'.-Jr of I t wul' =_A nn. OWEN C. DUNN ASST CHIEF in re::' -,,! t t cf "�ri7e 111 L�- _za a for er. A stic,-. to' C�o Cej�,tp Z�, s 0 ine jt�tion cr. V I - rive at 551 " est 20'. nt' -tract. I _,ve _E- t-1 r3l.'ort t-,.-" tion aoald --tio-, at t: -e -esire- 100- rd tr- t�.e surro-andiylt� pro�I - i:ot create Lmy LLdditic'-LL1 ' fire -Z" ertir; I t' -at en,,it be gnmtacl. vc),-Irs Rasractfull"', M-ief • • Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made in duplicate sand submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Farm No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date May 14th l92°.i of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By The Seventh Street Garage Name of Firm er mdi,idoni For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A Private "Drive In" "Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At _ 591 West Seventh St. —. Street Number and Street — Number ofNumber of Gas 2 Capacity o Pumps to be Installed --2 ---- Tanks to be Installed__. — — Tanks . 000 -gal. Received at office of City Clerk T HE- YMITH ST _iti T GI t ofA Figtwtur 9i ADP'cvvt -17 r 591 West Seventh St. Buni.— Addr— APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date_—p�S3/ _19 -3Date___---19-- Date_ __ 19— �ry C,ptnr f ublic Safety. Commr. of Public Safety. Commr. of P. P., P. and P. B. PROVED APPROVED PASSED 19_ Date— 19-- Date __19_ APPROVED 19_ ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. Commr. of Public Works. Approval withheld on.account of and applicant so notified by letter CITY OF Si. PAUL FOURNCIL NI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 6 29MAVED — pgEgFAS, The Terminal Motor Bus_OOmpany, St. Paul Park, has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) White Bus, No -4, Motor No. 8557, Serial No. 95-985, State License No. B-45-501, seating capacity 19 passengers, 5 $.P., covered by Zurlok liability policy No. AP -1174254, and owned by said Terminal Motor Bus Company and WIMREAS, The Terminal Motor Bus Company in accordance with ordinanob No..4026 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore,.be it RESOLVED , That license be granted to the Terminal Motor Bus Company to operate said motor bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson [] Peter _....____Against Wenzel Mr.–President— Adopted by the Council.. _-s1.' �.f-._.'... � .....___..192_.... Approve/........ =i. -j,, A_ f 3 -- ,----- 192.-. M -OR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO-------- 461-7-6. B OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U/TIIOON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY W June 6, 1923 COMMISSIONER___.._:._.___.._..._._..__. ..... ...... .__ __..__.._._....._......_._._....... DATE__.._.._..._____�_—____.._....—_.—__ D WHEREAS, The Canary Taxi Co., Inc., 215 Security Bldg., Minneapolis, has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the Oity of St. Paul One (1) Yellow Cab, Factory No. 1894, Serial No. 21554, State License No. B-47-435, Seating capacity 5 passengers, 30 H.P. covered by Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company policy No. 17205, and owned by said Canary Taxi Oo.Inc., and WHEREAS, The Canary Taxi Oo.Ino., in accordance with ordinance No -5566 has filed copy of insurance policy with the Oity of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That license be granted to the �L ,Ns Company to operate slid motor bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul subject to the provisions of said ordinance. 46176-ByF W Matson Who ea's, The Cartery Taxi Co Inc 216 _9eCuritY Bldg MlnneayCb( has ads application. fora J ' } license to op e at¢ vDon the streets I the City. of St. Paul One (i).. Yellow Cah, city No. 3894 Serial No. / _ No; 21684, .tate License B-'47-428,, 9eehng capacity 6 en erg, 30-8, p;,-covered,:b y Pas-.; Accident and Indemnity Com Hartford JOY Nb. 17206, D y pol- _ 1 / l �f I and owned b ar, Tax[ Co. ins.,-apd Y_9gid Can;.. Whereas The, Canary Taa( Co Inc 7n accordance with ordinance No 6868] hes tiled Copy of I avrance policy wItii j the Clty of 9t -Paul and said policy Lase been approved ^� as; to form b or- poratfoa CounseI,'thepefor bYtt it RessLved, That Bce11 be granted:do the Canary / Taxi 'C0 P ny to operate said motor bus •upon 1' ttthe streets of the - Cy'oY:.9t. Pavl eublcct;,to... the Vlelons'of •88W Ard '- OrdlddanC. Adopted by, thB.Coilnc,eJune 6,.1923.' ADProved June; } 1::. 1923. (June18-1823) -� - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__.Jiy-i--- +.--Ej 3 192..... V Clancy Ferguson Approve _ j —tr I'�i __.192._ - ✓ McDonald .... In favor Matson Peter _.......Against Wenzel resl en / CITY OF ST. PAUL F, E No --------- 46------ • 6 ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - OODUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • . _ .// 6/ 1.�...._._.............._..._....__._._.._____..DATE__...__------_JUiie WHEREAS, N. R. Mach, 193 Pleasant Ave. has made application for a license to operate a Studebaker auto oar, Factory No. 19599, State License No. H-26-075, Seating capacity 7 passengers, 30 N.P. covered by Globe Indemnity Company Policy No. 12211, and owned by said N. R. Mach, and WHEREAS, N. R. Mach, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed Dopy of insurano polioy with the City of St. Paul, and said polioy ftz been a roved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to N: -R. Mach, to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, s,bjeot to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson f� Peter __Q.._ -Against Wenzel -AR-Fresxleatr , Adopted by the Council.—"-. _..__...........192_.._ Ap roved - i "tr �; 3 --- 192. - - .......... - -YOR COUNCIL AM--- CITY �P' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-- OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /�'j.........fluue_O_,__�.923...._._.._.___.._ PRESENTED B Pa------- n/Y.....___..........__...__.._.._..__..._..........__ COMMISSION -" pE�ddL WHEREAS, p, J. McGibbon, 193 Pleasant Ave. has made rate Of the application for a license Auburne6uto cern Fa, No. the 6315, City Of St. Paul One (1) State License ao. s-6-991, Seating capacity I Paand owned by H.P• covered by Globe Indemnity Co. Policy No.122151 said P. J. McGibbon, and WHEREAS, P. J. McGibbon in a000rdanoe with ordinance Of St. Paul 5699 has filed copy of insurance policy with thetC�itOorporation and said policy has been approved as to form by Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to P. J. McGibbon to operate said autocar upon othe east sets ordiOfthe City of St. Paul subject to the provisions COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson rll V Peter _.._V _. Against Wenzel M - Adopted CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK °GQUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y - /....._......_.....___............._.._._ DAT J!! ry COUNCIL --- NO. FILE ..--- RESOLVED That the application for license of Harry Goodman for license to conduct the second Hand Dealer Business at 473 Broadway be and the same >iei hereby granted and the City Clerk is instruoted to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the City treasury of the customary fee. Adopted- by: the:�Cbuncll June .6, 1923. ApprovedJune:-.3, 1923, s(June 16-1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor V, Matson D L/ Peter _.. __.Against Wenzel Adopted 192._. ........... ... MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNTY OF RAMSEY WHEREAS ........ has applied to the City of St. Paul for license to carry on the business of Pawnshop and Second Hand dealer within the City of St. Paul, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between said I . ... .... and the City Of Paul, that in consideration of the issuance of a license to said, to do business as aforesaid, said shall and will allow the officers of the police force of the City of St. Paul, and the License Inspector of said City, at all times during the time of the license for which he has applied, the right and privilege of free and unmolested ingress and egress to and from the premises in or upon which he is to conduct and carry on his said business, for the P'111—' "f 1 --ti— and discovering good-, wares and merchandise sus - to havylbeen stolen., or otherwise'zdorA-pe"r1-y','di's-'posed of. In case said . ......... ....... .... petted or alleged ..... . ........or his agents or employes refuse to allow to the officers of the police force of the City of St. Paul or to the License Inspector of said City, free ingress or egress to the premises occupied by him for carrying on the business aforesaid, and it becomes necessary for said officer or officers or said License Inspector to forcibly enter upon said premises where the business for which such license issued is conducted, no liability of a civil nature shall attach to such officer, officers or License Inspector of the City of St. Paul on account of such forcible entry. J111A, 1�1 (SEAL) .......... RESOLVED COUNCIL 4617' ,J CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No_____________________-__-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__.....__Y.S�-A-1.9L,/.______....._ N That the application for license of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate (Park Theatre) to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 1595 Selby Avenue be, and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. C F No. 463T9 By F. W. Matson RQaolved: That the anpli- A u tom n' a of thee,: Twin Clty Amusemen' True,,Estate: (Park, heak.tr to con- duct aMotion Plc, and ate 95 Is °selby Avenue .be, and. the same -tis hereby granted and the Clty -Clerk Is lhetracted toidaue auch license. upon jbe paYmept=into the elty treasury of .the customar9 fee. Adopted by tbe�Cmmcil June 6, 1923.` Approved-Jnne'6, 1923;.... (June 16-1923)1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson f McDonald In favor V Matson Peter _...i?.._Against j Wenzel ?14r -President - Adopted by the Council -192._... _.192 - By '..R-- Yeas, Q WUNCIL NO.-.-_--46-laun ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM That the application for license of A. E. Anderson to conduct a Male Employment Bureau at 395 Sibley street be and the same is hereby granted and the 0ity OJSTk is instructed to of bond and the payment into issue such license upon the filing the city treasury Of the customary fee' 1.'P Up A P 7, e alld reau - aj n UCt a 9j. 'I -iyxrd,: CIL J'i 385 sib. ih. Ado ---b Jcz i hel6b, trea-�r.,of th e Va -, A.. up.tn,.tru;.t i the fif the �'Ey APDr-ve h I 1923.. COUNCILMEN Nays V Clancy / Ferguson V' McDonald in favor Matson Against ,ter ............._.Against e V Wenzel AR—?resh1Mt— ----- ----- 192 Adopted by the Council 192 Apprav d - ..... ------- - OR RESOLVED Yeas 11 Mr CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"ca NO.__."SL� FILE --"""" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Q'OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Louis Aegworth, 571 Atlantic 9t., Alex Holmes, 1135 Payne Ave. COUNCILMEN V Clancy Nays ` Adopted by the Council.a- 192_._ I/ Ferguson I App, ved_..------ - '-,'-.t.-t;--�1 J.__....192------ �; McDonald In favor Matson _.__........_..... - - - v' Peter _.._.......Against mnvoa Wenzel Widest CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ---461--882 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /l0FOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRENTED BY \_0 COMMISSIONER.__._WM---..-J.......P�_ted:.i._g_......................_...__._........................ DATE JIM -----..._..._ RESOLVED Whereas, a portion of the alley extending from Oxford St. to Chatsworth St. in Block 2 Samuel D. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition was duly vacated and suoW vacation was made with an agreement with the property owners that the city would!dedicate and grade a 20 ft. alley to take the place of the vacated alley, and Whereas, the grading of said alley to a width of 20 ft. will require an additional 2 ft. on the easterly side for slopes, therefore be it Resolved, that the resolution clause of Counoil File 42980 approved November 2819, 19221be amended to read as follows : " ResOlvel a z rre: 4sizz s T _ hereby Wnereae y W J Peter-- aortid P-ih aiey s_,easterly dedicatee �� m H�m osgo ueitn ri eat. th Pierce , s 22 ft. of 7a g m nc f sum tt r x :aaait�iaa drily.. t d -and a h'.Y tion' on, and Enlargeme W e made: no nag m nt withI I 18 hereby the Commi $ aQcate a a s that to ity=_{ye�idJ tax the>' is grace -azo ta;aueyne'3e an alley authorize aria n T -the vacated Siiey,. on the we `<QLIt1 rti"ter ,�,a, , ,ave described property, and that the eotpense of so doing be charged to the Department of Eduoatiom." Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _.._� ___In favor Matson Peter __Against Wenzel -Y j-A4t-P12sitiexr5- Adopted U the Council_ ail---— 192.----- App d 192 -..--- MAYOR PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNo - / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oA/ m. P .............. A ....... _ti .- RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: Sidney St. from Useca St. to Dodd Road Hemline Ave. from Como Ave. to N. P. Tracks Page St. from Ohio St. to Charlton St. Margaret St. from Arcade St. to Mendota St. Hendon Ave. from Grantham to West Branston St. Fast & west Branston St. from Hendon to south line Lot 7, Blk_11, St. Anthony Park North o sprmaie WI[n wa- teror,oti the followlag..etreets: IR. I- ad. .9t: ;rote Waseca St. to .Dodd Hemline m _ mliae Ave. from Coma Ave toN. . Page Track, , }' Page -SS rt. from Ohlo St. to.�Charlton Id, Marga tSt. from ArcadeSt. Yo Men- ota St. IBranston o ,Ave. from Grant ., West 73ianston 9t. _ - (Stnea�l6 1923) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson v' McDonald _ -- _ In favor Matson Peter Against v Wenzel Zjr—F--FeB1f ent— ?Adopted by the Council 192..... App ved +. 192 MAYOR M..oa CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N046184 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED jo It the matter of constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from a point 25 feet east of Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. and on Griggs St. from Eleanor St. �to Scheffer St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #43894, approved January 27, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #45721, approved May 10, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. {.-BY W.. J. Peter— ot C o ns t ruetln6 a eewer Vit, from e. Point 26 a at I ave. to (1rigB j lierebY -P- 6.1923- Adopted p'6.1923• Adopted by the Council.....__ -,;i,.':.._192 App ved_ -- -- _... _..a':----�..: +r..l _.-1. _...192ON ...... ✓ I 5 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _._.In favor Matson Peter _._...b_ _. Against Wenzel {.-BY W.. J. Peter— ot C o ns t ruetln6 a eewer Vit, from e. Point 26 a at I ave. to (1rigB j lierebY -P- 6.1923- Adopted p'6.1923• Adopted by the Council.....__ -,;i,.':.._192 App ved_ -- -- _... _..a':----�..: +r..l _.-1. _...192ON ...... RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL, 46185 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �•""'""'""""'""'--'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__......V...U116 .._ !.__,1,.9.�. ......_.._._..._.__.._. P In the matter of constructing a sewer on Dunlap St. from Central Ave. to a point 70 feet North of St. Anthony Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. #44362, approved March 6, 1923 and Final Order C.F. #45718, approved May 10, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated squantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. -46185—BY W,. S.`Peter-- I onDunlap-St fromCentralAve. ot�es point 70 fleet North of St. AnthonY Ave. UnderQ rrolved aMarrY Order 1C. F- dh 6. 1823. No. 44362; PP and Finai OrderC. V: No. 45738, aP- _—d MaY 10. 1922.-. �e aneai$°a- Workd for the ro—t, be and the same are hereby aP- .Proved..1923. Adopted by the 6. Council923- June 6, Approved (June616-1923) c COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.±.I_IJ%1 ...192192 .... roved__..-._......_- .._...._ R MgYO Nays. Clancy Ferguson I . McDonald_.r. ..... _In favor Matson Peter —0 _.Against Wenzel Z&h=Rftai4eB+- Adopted by the Council.±.I_IJ%1 ...192192 .... roved__..-._......_- .._...._ R MgYO COUNCILNO-46 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE___.. --- . J=e_...6.,.....192.a........... .._...... .... RESOLVED . C In the matter of constructing a sewer on Orange St. from Forest St. to Cypress St., under Preliminary Order 44648 approved March 30, 1933 and Final Order C.F. #45719, approved May 10, 1933. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson O Peter Against Wenzel -M7. +rewleat Adopted by the Council- -.-._,'.I,;i:...rr. Ap •ovectMAYOR L J 1. 'i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson O Peter Against Wenzel -M7. +rewleat Adopted by the Council- -.-._,'.I,;i:...rr. Ap •ovectMAYOR L RESOLVED p . tri 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL pI ENC1L �li 0 No.- - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM .............. DnrEJune..._6a....19a3_.._.__....._._--------......_. jr In the matter of grading Kenneth Ave. from Randolph St. to Sargent Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #41353, approved August 10, 1922'and Final Order G.F. #43803, approved January 24, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V Clancy ✓ Ferguson McDonald .....In favor Matson ✓ Peter v._ -Against V Wenzel . ident-- Adopted by the Co d.. '.L.......... _.._ _..192. Appro d__-..... `._:.± _:1;.3._.__ _192....- MAYOR RESOLVED COUNCIL' fiff CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No---------------- ----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE __..._!r!M....57.f__ 9-2.3......_------_._.._.._._ 6. In the matter of grading Shields Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Pierce Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #43358, approved October 17, 1933 and Final Order C.F. #44807, approved March 39, 1933. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are 5hereby approved. Iti COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson ✓ McDonald r.__.In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel l - Adopted by t Council 3 _192-_ .. proved... V --L.- 1 RESOLVED , CITY OF ST. PAUL F'�" NO..-.-. 4Q8.9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ZUZ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 6, 1925. In the matter of paving Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to the northerly line of Hampden Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57020, approved November 5, 1921, and Final Order C. F. #58591, approved June 14, 1922, as amended. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as•submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILmrN Peas Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel t No. 46189—By W:. -T-'Peter— matter of Paving Raymond Ave. ine or Hampd.. Ave t andertPre- Inary Order C. F. No:Fi.3nal7020, ap- ved Nov. 3, 3921, and Order F:. No. 38391. approved Jute 14, 2, as amendedThat . iandaest mated du utitles pas a b - d by the Commissionerof Publto- :d.for theabove namedlmp rove - be and the same are here yaD- d. )pted by the. Council June 6, 1923. proved June 6, 1923. (June 16-1923) Nays IAdopted by the Council....._ .'.\-------- '.. �y'.-----192.--... APPr ved ---t.x--�'Jr 3- - .-192.- __-_.....Infavor y% ................. i MAYOR ........Against CIL NO._. CITY OF ST. PAUL F'UN-_----__•YL}t�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1w d0 n ak June 6, 1923. RESOLVED y In the matter of repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street east to the Bridge, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40442, approved June 26, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41534, approved April 24, 1923. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement,be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Jl/ V Ferguson J V McDonald _ (......_In favor Matson Peter .._._......... Against V Wenzel 1 .�tb dgii- C. treet F. N Ro ab e. Ste eW t t° tiheh8ri' ln4rom Order : g22, .and nder P"ul 'i dj 2g' 49442,' aPProCeF Koe41634"ape'oved APril ora 1923. - eciflca- Resolved. That the �grYities- I it; tions and eetlmCo�mieslon@ea i�ap ve= int 1 4ortthe abeams are het. a� Wort°be and tb 6; 192& 'nen the CounCo. June _ PrAa pted by APProved (7uae 1619237 Adopted by the Council.... --..r::.'...:.5?.. :-3---.-192----- Annrove -._..._... .....-- 1 -- 192 MAYOR PRESENTED iii' �y Irl COMMISSIONER__.-..___ _ ZiW` RESOLVED r CITY OF ST. PAUL t COUNCIL NO ------- -.-_-`-1() FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE...............June _6,_.1923..:.::._._...._..... in the matter of repaving East Sixth Street from wabasha Street to Sibley Street, including the intersections of Minnesota Street and Robert Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40112, approvdd;_ June 7, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41536, approved April 24, 1923. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V- Clancy j Ferguson McDonald __._.... In favor J' Matson Peter ._....... .....Against ✓" Wenzel Mk--RMw—" Adopted by the Council._ t'i..:::. ..G qr }.-_..._.192...... -,, ... a 4A4-ppr.v,3d-. ---q --- 192. ....- - ------ ..... MAYOR OITY O8 HT. PMOL l OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,UDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIONF— ORD1 351 ------- --- - - -- --- ---- - --..._ . - - -- ----- ....................... - ..... 14,538-80 13902 Resolved that checks be drawn 01 '1 the City T4easury, to the checks numbered -----1390 - - 390-6 - - - .inclw YO Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilman ( ✓) Nays. Schools5,025.72, V; Clancy, Pet$uson, �I ------------- In favor 1 . McDonald, f r Matson, U Peter, _---.--Against Wenzel. gq,�prestdenq-l3elaon (Auto) ................. . ............... .... . .............. . ega�e amount of $------- 2.6,-H26:11.-----.----- coverixt$ as per register of city checks on file in the office Of the City Adopted by the Council--- ----__- -------------------- - 192. A roved ..-------- - - - - - -- .... .. .: .......... ......_............-..... MAYOR ------- --- - - -- --- ---- - --..._ . - - -- ----- ....................... - ..... 14,538-80 13902 J. M. Clancy, Comtr• of Finance 76.50 Schools5,025.72, 9, 26.58 (Auto) 110.00 663.00 13903 rion Feyen Constcti Company, 870.00 Clement F. Sculley Equipment `'ompany, 13904 Health 575.01 13905 Stiefel Material C gPa pay.) 10,179.30 13906 Wm. H. Ziegler CCo- R o(Pay.) :ATE OITY OP BT, P�IIL - ERK OoaseIL r�y.(1� sa112-z2 P:L� NO.__..._'.(.�•aVj. II AUDITED ._.j ...V ......19221 _.......192..... .- � BY... .-....- ..... COM.... 0..... R �) Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the Mregate amount of. -------------------- covering checks numbered .-...1=02 ................. to-_..1,$9DAS----------------- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. VClancy, ( _ Adopted by the Council ... ..- -,--191 ✓ Ferguson, , ----•-------In favor McDonaldApproved -- Matson, --- —!! ----....-192 V :Peter, / Wenzel, -....Against Nh—PR--siTewr-Ne1so._ LC F. Nb.-96192—Resolved that !<� �.t" CltY Treseury.etos the aggr gate amount;:�d 139.02,;.t.! 39.0;826.! 390 ve uo checks. j numbered 13982 to�-13Ie lnoluslve,:,'as. .per i•egr. of el el altecka oa .16,t. - the . the op ee f the Cou Comptroller,- Adopted by the Council Juae 6, 1923, - LApproved June 8; 1923. . .(Tune 1fi-191923) _y r � ----------=- --------- ----- -----.._ _ F No.`tu153— .- Q�c ( nbenefltegcoate nand c:pensesthe �forncon- atrueting, r.l.,lnfl ,.11 repairing Ce - Council ,:�'-men[;Sl$ewalk a. EatmaT 192. 3, f,on- �Asee.s.ble. $y F. O. 40638• Somerset 't., nectk side, 1ttF. O I37M126!pDSt. AIrY 3t.�both ssde% 2rom. MiesidaiPDi SG to ,F 0. .40638 Glencoe St. both sides, Al Lrom Mlseiselppl 9t. to . oricnL.Sh F O. 50268 Agate St., east eide,bm Csae St. to Cavnga St CITY OF ST. PAUL. [ ,F. 0. 40268 Case. St:,.north aide. [rom Courtland St to Agate Storth side, *be- Ratifying 'T� r 1 F. O. 30873 York St., K atif y+ng Assessment. 'gluning804t, ,east ofClatk St. thence 1 1.ij.JV j �.1ta 10_feet IF 0..37818 O north St sae[ side, be- ginatng_, 370'1[..' Id f Collins Street, ISF 0�, 37818..-' In (tatter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing`Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 3, Contract No# 3391, Season of 1922. --Assessable-- F.O. 40538 Somerset St-, north side, from Mississippi St. to L'Orient St. F.O. 37425 lkt. Airy St., both sides, from Misaissippi St. to L'Orient St. P.O.40538 Glencoe St., both sides, from Mississippi St- to L'Orient St. P.O., 4Q 4t $t., east aide,, from Case St. to Cayaga. St._ F.O: 4- `=fit:`,, north side, `fi�nn'`Oourtland St. to A�at "St. F.O. 39S73 York St..,, north side, beginning 86 ft. east of Clark St. thence 0 a 10 feet. P. '%8T8 Otsego Ste, east'sf6, beginning 370 ft. north of Collins St. thence north to Mt. Ida St. F.O. S*:, >arsf3t ei8g; Prom "It Ida St. thence 'south' 440 -feet•. F.0 ~37818=Tta^Bt,tFf=Sty(:: testi -adds; between,Lafayette- Ave- and Mt:.:, Ida St- F.O. 0-73+6 Burr, wee[ aide, beginning at Collin St. thence north 1116 ft. by a ft. F.O. 39626 Hatch St., both sides, from Matilda St. to Western Ave. F.G.3713$;.At1Mtei1"&t. jodnorth<,side,_from Rice St. to Albemarle :�.. F.O., 37818, Ait� merle ,$ .,,bgt.4 id@,e, between Atwater St. and Milford[ St. F.O. 57 IS vi �ori� 5t., nortYi s de, between Albemarle St. and Ri66 "5t. F.O. 37¢8$ €cautier St,> .'rest e,,ide, between Atwater St. and Topping .,.,. F.O. 37493.0sultier St., east side, between Atwater St. and Milford`s F.O,�, 40106 T,itohfte�d 15„north aide, between Rice ;St. and Park Ave. Sylvats`St F.O.: 40315 ”.", s��st' did ," betih9en LitoY�f3A1d' St and "Pr6nt St. F.O. 39404 Rice St., west aide, from N. P. Bridge to Wheelock Parkway. i F.O. 41232 Raymond AV ., weet.side, beginning 164 ft. south of Dudley Ave._ tric8'�Jbuh 25 feet, beginning 38.70 ft- farther south thane 'sollt1i 9.0 feet, beginning 84.50 ft. farther south thence south 4.0 feat. - F.O. 39873, Edmund St., north side, from Rice St. to Marion St. F.O. 37818 Marion St., east side, between Sherburne St. and Charles St. F.O. 38923.'Edmund 3t., south side, between.Chatswarth St. and Oxford St. F'.O. 40031 Charles St., south side, beginning at a point 138 Pt. from Milton St. thence west 210 feet. --lion-Assessable-- '`` F.O. 40258 Agate St., east side, from Case St. to Cayuga St. F.O. 37493 Gaultier St., west side, between Atwater - A. and lopping St. F.O. 37134 Atwater St., north aide, from Rice St. to Albemarle St. F.O. 37818 Marion ., westsside�,®Prom F. from P. BBridg Ato.whee ockCharles Parkway. ' a F.O. 39404 Rice St., t`'�� mtii5'c`�b' rc.f.t'ii _•' ..z r. S_. n• P�?i1 E; }i ,r• 3 i<. il B.Zkn Jj 'j 71 ��+6 f - t+ J� -•1C ,,jt .,..,TC c7f a "'C ' iT '7 4a6 rC-:i IP�.,a lii.ril h+} 13- �♦ I c. ainVah'.F� i{{i '0 rJP' E J, a/eA. 1r•'a J; .TSE rt 4 !. i. �C' ..� }T 'J 7: . u �•'lG 2oi-T(-L.iiv l.. � , E" .•!•.: i I J., 1• 7j ' 2i e , -GTJiJT iF,'FI1 t •\IiIUOP�P'1CrfNlRIY.Tz.FBM......................................... ............... ...................... XFA2 M2t1 G.1 i.................._................. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. _........_........... installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .._._....._.:: i:._.._,'..'.__ _ 3 Approved....................._ __......_....._....._......._.......191 corm S. B. to /0 _...-___..._......_k=.::......�'`Eit3r Clerk. .......................... ................................ ayo r. PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO [A g ■ `�Ly FILE �Y L44433 t fff 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . 4 z , 4/1 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, By proclamation of the Governor, dated May 17th, 1923, the City of St. Paul is required to hold a special primary election on Monday, June 18th, 1923, and a special election on Monday, July 16th, 1923; and WHEREAS, It appears from the report of the Comptroller that there are not sufficient funds available to provide for the expense of holding said special primary and special election as provided by law, and by reason of the premises, an emergency has been created whereby it is necessary to borrow funds, pursuant to Section 206 of the Char- ter; and WHEREAS, The Council deems it necessary to borrow Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) to meet such emergency and properly protect the public interests; now therefore, be it No. 46194---I'he',Mayor and Comptroller are hereby authorized rWheras, By prod ata -0 0000.00, payable on or before January let, 925 to b g nor,=dated Mayl7th; 1 0 .a of, 3L pain ,e re ufre �_ e rate of not to exceed six per cent. per annWDee,a, pr,taa y e,ee on D `b�deliver to the party or parties making Jnae 18th, .1923, �yyy annulott Monday. ,Ip, 8°d $ aDecla 6?` Wh1,, ae<zt apD =3 erom the p'r evidence of the City becoming due at the said4t the Comptroner that there ar t1IDuriclent lanae available :o to be used only for the purpose of defray- : r the expense 'o8..hoi if eto in Drlmaryand,epe„ gg Bial primary election and special election; ed bJ law,s... L electfonas p and lees an �,"?a�n of the � C ��h�r - i� ei ;• tieen. c I .ion x068 ' FUR'SThat any amount which may remain after paying .� +itt: '�. in mentioned, shall be used to apply on a reduction ofauthorized. COUNCILMEN leas Nays Adopted by the Council :f-' �yi 3 ........ 192 1 Clancy Ferguson 1 Approv --'`1- (:1i 3 192- - ' McDonald `..__In favor c- Matson ---- Peter --....Against MAY �usr� " `1-__ Wenzel --- - � _ Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.. 461--- 5 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Governor of Minnesota has ordered a special primary election to be held on Monday, June 18th, 1923, for the nomination of candidates for the office of United States Senator, and a speoial election to be held on Monday, July 16th, 1923, for the purpose of electing a successor to the late Smite Nelson, United States Senator from Minnesota; be it RESOLVED, That a special election is hereby ordered to be held in the manner provided by law in the City of St. Paul; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election is the manner provided by law, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to provide the neoes- eary votin` . - -�tionery and election supplies, the cost and ex ensi° F. No. 4B19b=By A. E. Nolen— I Election Expense Account of the General p ,Whereas, The. Governor o('Minneaota Fund; to be held on Monday, ecial June y electio 1923., for the npinl,at,,n of candidate. for t the ofti a -o3 Unitad Staten 6enator, a RAS a special election to Ue head on polls at said election shall remain day Tuly l�� 93 for the pury open duri .:-� -ifl th., law; that the registration for the last preceding el ee, st.te. Sen£�fy oe used; that the precincts, polling places, except as:`mw,�,ah;a', $fter otherwise ordered, and the judges of election shall be. as at the last general election, and vacancies of judges sha7>be filled in the same manner as at general elections; such judges shall have the right to take from the City Clerk or other legal custodian, and use at said special election, the registers used at said last general election. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councl._..._:,i'.' - r.,........-..�1L .....-192...... Clancy Ferguson ... McDonaldIn favor� J.J----....._- APP r<rcefF}/ 192-..- Matson o`/j,---s'yG Peter -_ __._......Against - ` mnroa Wenzel -�_—_-- Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.... At6196 FILE �Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iED That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to construct, repair and equip by city force account, without letting a oontraot therefor, the polling booths at the locations in the several election districts hereafter to be designated by the Council for all;speeial elections to be held in the year 1923, and for such purpose, said Commissioner is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill, and pur- chase the necessary tools and materials, the cost and expense of all thereof to be met and paid for out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _...._.In favor Matson Peter {_..._Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council....._. ;:L 1;11.3......192...... ---- -- AP7C, ' - - --192.-- ----------- -------- MAYOR „�11i{Q CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESQ4UTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ------ _..... i7une....,�c8.tu- YEDt That the compensation of Judges and Clerks of election serving A+' d L&ag all special elections during the year 1923 shall be fixed at $7.00 per day and the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit such claimson said basis upon certification of the City Cleric. C. F Ne: {6197—By- A. E. Nelson— Resolved, That the compensation of Judges and 'Clerksof,election serving at a11 specialelections duriagabe year 1923 .hall be dzed at S7.00 per day and j Clty Comptroil_erffs hereby author- theized and, directed^to audiCeuch claim. ;- orP Bald. basis upon certification of .the City Clerk. Adopted by the Counell. June 7, 1923. Approved"June 7. 1923. (June 9-1923) COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter ....._..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council... _t J,i -.= 1J;.1..._...192...-.. Appr d i --•---1123.` 192 ---------------------- U// r OCUNCILNO. 6198 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ---- i -- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 711 RF--;nLUTION—GENERAL FORM , That the judges of election at the DATF . ......... .... I-IV 31.stx 19 -?,3n - - -- --- - ------ - - Primary Election, Monday, June 18th, 1923 and the Special Election Day,'Monday, July 16th, 1923 are hereby authorized and directed to appoint clerks for said election, in the manner provided by law. soa— a l� r'. Y b , the, f at a Special Primary -Election, lon day, June ISUL-1923 on'. Election Day, Monday. hthe Special' are hereby-authorised-and-..directed'u t. 1923 t,tt appoint clerks for said a so n hs� manner Provided by law. Ado Pied h h Approved 5un a Council June 7 1923 0 7, 1923. -(June 9-1925) wl Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council:".,._x'1'1......192..--.. Approved 192 ...... ...... -.—-------- M 17'r CITY OF ST. PAUL °fl -V r4O.--...46199 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .�//`%�✓!_ __...__._.. .... ......._. DATE_. _......rT]1n@.�Bt�iQ2---- ED , That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies; also hire the necessary help required for all Special Elections that may be held during the year 1923; the cost thereof to be paid out of the "Election Expense" Account of the General Fund. C. F. No. 46199+By A E. Nelson— elson— Resolved Resolved;-That the City Clerk be and he is�hereby authorised and directed to 'purchase and providethenecessary .. supplies; also hire the- necessary-: help required for al) Special. Elections .that: -maybe held during; the year 1923;. the cost, thereof to be. pald out of, the 'Election Expense',. Account of the General Fund. .. Adopted by the Cuncll. June 7, 1923. Approved June 7, 1923 - - .,(June 9=19j3). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— ............ _' .' .-'.- -. �M192.--.-. Clancy FergusonAPPro Uy — , 192 McDonald In Favor Matson Peter %..-..Against moron }L{(Ft Wenzel Mr. President , y r,. . COUNCIL N4. 46200,.: CITY OF ST. PAUL IFIL` st '-- ~ .Nalson .. OFFICE OF THE Cl o. F N 462U9-RY �''g eclat Prlmssy E ecitoln ba held Sn tha CIt,Y 4r 8t. E>clt CIL RESOLUqTION—{� COUNn lafithte lags and the sve /,��,/�j�7, �.ya- Ele e. talbe h ld In hall bathe denn..... ED 'ED aY i - daY•lectlon1dietrlctssol' ee,id CICY at th .._---- lgcee 1 following P nawAR?> g1R8T That the Special Primary Election to be let precinct Booth :peatnliilater & 1, ✓ED , t tte. I.a .d th Whit 11 & Buri. 2nd srd Prectncf B nc 1n aah661.rton gt-. Monday) June 18th, 1923 and the Special Elect, 5th Precinct �onneon311 �hgsarnoVe' 6thPrecinct. MondeyY, July 16th, 1923, shall be held in the .'atb P°eaei> Gs'rietk" of said `1,awh X aonr e - at� d. City at the following places, namely. r FIRST WARD 1st Precinct ........ Booth, Westminster & Lafayette 2nd Precinct ...................... Lincoln School 3rd Precinct................Store, Whithall & Burr 839 Edgerton St. 4th Precinct ................ office, High School 5th Precinct ..................Johnson 6th Precinct .............. ..Store, 946 Payne Ave. 7th Precinct...............Garage, 934 Lawson St. 8th Precinct ......... Store, 1022 Earl, cor. Lawson Garage, rear 1019 Edgerton St. 9th Precinct ........ Grant School 10th Precinct .................... 11th Precinct ......... Garage, rear 1107 Edgerton St. 12th Precinct ...............••'• ...Erickson School 13th Precinct .................. Cleland School 14th Precinct ........ Booth, Bradley & Maryland Sts. 15th Precinct ...................Phalen Park School Store, 11.11 Arcade St. 16th Precinct ................. 17th Precinct ...................... Harrison School 18th Precinct........... • 1076 yland St. 19th Precinct............ ..Chaeei, 1436 Pane Ave. p 5th Precinct ...............Store, SECOND WARD 1st Precinct ........ ................683 E. 7th St. 2nd Precinct........ • • • • • .........691E. Third St. 3rd Precinct .................... Van hoot 4th Precinct.......... ....Store,198 Bates Ave. 5th Precinct ............ Margaret St. Police Station 6th Precinct ...................... Hall, 616 Arcade 7th Precinct ................Store, 935 E. Third St. 8th Precinct..............No. 7 Fire Barn, Ross St. 9th Precinct..... ....................Sibley School 10th Precinct........... • • • ... Store,939 Conway St. School 11th Precinct .................. ark Deane School 12th Precinct ........................ 13th Precinct.. Booth, Minnehaha & Johnson Parkway 14th Precinct ................ HaydenHeights School P-1-1 No. 2.1 Fire Barn IA,,, 16th Pre nct................htore. of I ith Precinct .. 1317 Burns Ave. . . ...........Club House, Highwood 22nd Precinct.................Store, THIRD WART) 1st Precinct .......................Franklin School 2nd Precinct ........................553 Sibley St. '13th Precinct...................No. FOURTH WARD 1st Precinct .................... Auditorium, 4thSt. 2nd Precinct.. Employment Office, 343 Minnesota St. 3rd Precinct ...................... No. 8 Fire Barn 4th Precinct..... _.... Capitol Garage, 52 E. 12th St. 5th Precinct ..........................280 Rice St. 6th Precinct ............................. Armory 7th Precinct....................No. 1 Fire Station 33rd Precinct ................... FIFTH WARD let Precinct ..................Office, 202 W. 7th St. 2nd Precinct .....................Jefferson School 3rd Precinct....................No. 3 Fire Station 4th Precinct ....................... Monroe School 5th Precinct ........................Mill St. School 6th Precinct...............OfBce, 389 Michigan St. 7th Precinct ......................... Davis School 8th "Precinct........... Shoe Store, 720 West 7th St. 9th Precinct ...................Palace Playgrounds 10th Precinct ........................Adams School 11th Precinct .......... Garage, rear 919 Randolph St. 12th Precinct........... Garage, rear 873 Scheffer St. 13th Precinct.. Chapel, Montreal Ave., near W. 7th St. 14th Precinct ..............Randolph Heights School 15th Pcecinct ......................Riverside School 11th Precinct.......... SIXTH WARD 1stPrecinct.................... No. 15 Fire Station 2nd Precinct............ Store, 186 E. Fairfield Ave. 3rd Precinct ..................... Lafayette School r f f C i 5th Precinct........... Store, cor. Hall & George St. 6th Precinct .................... f 7th Precinct....................No. 6 Fire Station 8th Precinct ................... ..Douglas School 9th Precinct ......... Store, cor. Winslow & Morton 4th Precinct .............. Tailor Shop, 491 Bidwell 5th Precinct........... Store, cor. Hall & George St. 6th Precinct .................... Crowley School 7th Precinct....................No. 6 Fire Station 8th Precinct ................... ..Douglas School 9th Precinct ......... Store, cor. Winslow & Morton 10th Precinct................Humboldt High School lith Precinct .....................Hendricks School 12th Precinct...............Garage, 283 Concord St. 13th Precinct ............ Booth, Cherokee & Belmont 14th Precinct ............... Booth, Smith & Belmont 15th Precinct..... Pumping Station, Page & State St. Booth, Hamline & Hubbard Drug Store, 1344 Thomas St. SEVENTH WARD 1st Precinct......... Carpenter Shop, 301 Selby Ave. 2nd Precinct................Garage, rear 148 Nina 3rd Precinct ............... Store, 230 Western Ave. 4th Precinct ..........................Neill School 5th Precinct ...............Store, 183 Western Ave. 6th Precinct ....... ... ...Booth, Selby & Arundel 7th Precinct. Auto Shop, 217 Arundel St., near Dayton 8th Precinct. ..No. 5 Fire Station, Selby & Mackubin 9th Precinct ......... Garage, rear 492 Ashland Ave. 10th Precinct ......... ...... ..... Webster School 11th Precinct. Garage, Dale St., bet. Iglehart & Carroll 12th Precinct .......... Tailor {Shop, 112 N. Dale St. 13th Precinct ..................Store, 96 N. Dale St. 14th Precinct..............Tin Shop, 672 Grand Ave. 15th Precinct...............Lobby, 616 Lincoln Ave. 16th Precinct ................ Bear 739 Iglehart Ave. 17th Precinct ........ Carpenter Shop, 647 Selby Ave. 18th Precinct.................164 No. St. Albans St. 19th Precinct.......... Booth, cor. Holly and Grotto 20th Precinct .......... ... ........Irving School 21st Precinct.......... Booth, Fairmount and Grotto 22nd Precinct.................Store, 781 Selby Ave. 23rd Precinct ............. .....Rear 929 Selby Ave. 24th Precinct. . .......... Repair Shop. 160 Victoria '13th Precinct...................No. 16 Fire Station 26th Precinct.................Store, 858 Grand Ave. 27th Precinct ....... Garage, 924 Goodrich, cor. Milton 28th Precinct......... Store, 919 St. Clair, cor. Milton 29th Precinct ............... Store, 1094 Iglehart Ave. 30th Precinct .......................... Hill School 31st Precinct........ Booth, Cor. Oxford and Portland 32nd Precinct ................ Store, 1092 Grand Ave. 33rd Precinct ................... Linwood School 34th Precinct...... Garage, in rear 1276 Marshall Ave. 35th Precinct ..............Store, 1255 Summit Ave. 36th Precinct........ Shop, rear 1318 Grand Ave., bet. Garage, 1808 Grand Ave. Hamline & Syndicate. Garage, Princeton & Fairview EIGHTH WARD 1st Precinct .................. Garage, 252 Louis St. 2nd Precinct........... Shoe Shop, 233 Carroll Ave. 3rd Precinct ....... Police Station, Rondo & Western 4th Precinct. ..McKinley School, Carroll & Mackubin 5th Precinct...... Church, Aurora & Mackubin Ave. 6th Precinct ......... Tire Shop, 478 University Ave. 7th Precinct .......................Jackson School 8th Precinct ....................Store, 582 Kent St. 9th Precinct.................263 West Central Ave. 10th Precinct ................... 232 University Ave. 11th Precinct.......... Tin Shop, 299 University Ave. 12th Precinct ........... Garage, 171 University Ave. 13th Precinct ....... Scheffer School, Thomas & Marion 14th Precinct ..................Store, 710 N. Dale St. 15th Precinct.. Whittier School, Wayzata & Albemarle 16th Precinct .......................958 N. Dale St. 17th Precinct...................St. Bernards School 18th Precinct., Ramsey County Tool House & Garage, Rice & Como -Phalen Aves. 13th Precinct NINTH WARD 1st Precinct............ Garage, 116 W. Central Ave. 2nd Precinct ................. 119 W. Central Ave. Arts School 3rd.Precinct .................Mechanic 4th Precinct ......... .. ... Store, 13th & Canada ' 5th Precinct... ..... Building, Jackson & Valley Sts. 6th Precinct..... Rooming House, 767 Capitol His. 7th Precinct..... Plumbing Shop, Rice & Sherburne 8th Precinct ........... Carpenter Shop, 856 Rice St. 9th Precinct ....... Rice School, Agate & Granite Sts. loth Precinct ...............Store, 980 Cortland Ave, 11th Precinct ........................ Smith School TENTH WARD 1st Precinct.. Gaultier School, Hamline & Sherburne 2nd Precinct.......... Garage, rear 1272 Minnehaha 3rd Precinct............ Booth, Hamline & Hubbard Drug Store, 1344 Thomas St. 4th Precinct.......... 5th Precinct ........... .... Booth, Pascal & Blair 6th Precinct.. Luther College, Hamline &Minnehaha 7th Precinct.... office, Sherburne Ave., near Snelling 8th Precinct............ Store, 683 No. Snelling Ave. 9th Precinct ..... Hancock School, Snelling & Wesley 10th Precinct.......... Fire Station. Asbury & Taylor 11th Precinct ........... Booth, Van Buren & Wheeler 12th Precinct .................... ...Tatum School 13th Precinct ....................944 Raymond Ave. 14th Precinct ................... .. . Baker School 15th Precinct ........ Garage, rear 2223 Scudder Ave. 16th Precinct...... Murray School, Como & Langford 17th Precinct.......... Library, Como & Carter Aves. 18th Precinct ............... Store, Doswell & Como 19th Precinct........ Tilden School, Albany & Arona. 20th Precinct..Office, Midway Parkway and Hamline ELEVENTH WARD 1st Precinct.... Midway Advertiser, -2430 Bayard St. 2nd Precinct ..................Prior Police Station 3rd Precinct.......... Garage, 1790 University Ave. Ith Precinct.. Carpenter Shop, 1642 University Ave. 5th Precinct .......................Gordon School 6th Precinct .............. Garage, 1757 Dayton Ave. 7th Precinct...... .... Store, 1930 St. Anthony Ave. 8th Precinct...................:Longfellow School 9th Precinct. ................. Garage, 2130 Roblyn 10th Precinct........ Garage, rear 2166 Marshall Ave. 11thPrecinct ...............Rear 1966 Laurel Ave. 12th Precinct........ Garage, rear 1828 Ashland Ave. 13th Precinct........ ... Rear 1794 Ashland Ave. 14th Precinct........Garage, rear 1681 Ashland Ave. 15th Precinct. No. 14 Fire Station, Snelling & Ashland 16th Precinct ........ Garage, rear 1457 Laurel Ave. 17th Precinct ......... Garage, rear 1429 Lincoln Ave. 18th Precinct... Garage, Pascal, bet. Summit & Grand 19th Precinct. ....... ., ...... Ramsey School 20th Precinct ............... Garage, 1808 Grand Ave. 21st Precinct .......... Garage, Princeton & Fairview 22nd Precinct ...............Groveland Park -School 23rd Precinct ........ Grocery Store, 419 S. Cleveland 24th Precinct.. Portable School, Jefferson -& Fairview 25th Precinct ........ Tailor Shop, 1561 Randolph St. 26th Precinct ......................Mattocks School 27th Precinct .................... Homecroft School TWELFTH WARD 1st Precinct .......................Maxfield School 2nd Precinct ..................Store, 820 Rondo SL 3rd Precinct........... Garage, 804 University Ave. 4th Precinct..... Store, Cor. Fuller & Chatsworth St. 5th Precinct.............Office, 979 University Ave. 6th Precinct ....................No. 18 Fire Station 7th Precinct ......... Plumbing Shop, 565 Grotto St. 8th Precinct ............... ... Drew School 9th Precinct ............ Shoe Shop, 715 N. Dale St. 10th Precinct.......... Booth, Chatsworth & Thomas 11th Precinct ..................... McClellan School 12th Precinct........ Auto Paint Shop, 935 N. Dale St. 13th Precinct ....................Como Park School i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _....In favor Matson / Peter U._ . _.Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the CounciL_------- 0-11. 192 App a ------ 192 ------------------- MAYOR PUBUSHED < A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No— .--4-62-01 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a. (�2��7L- ---- June 7, 1923. In the matter of repaving Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Smith, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40111, approved June 7, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41555, approved April 24, 1923. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _.......In favor Matson Peter _......Against Wenzel Mr. President C v �� Adopted by the Council..-....,i!.l..--..._ly� -------- A rov -- `Ii -yiJ 192 ---- ... PP-<70ting �MAYOR 0 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__. RESOLVED .L COUN' 46202 ;I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..--.---..__•.•---.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 6, 1923. That the time specified for the parformanae of a oertain contract dated June 16, 1922, between D. W. Moore, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Underwood Avenue from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 5th day of June, 1923, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the city comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson 1/ McDonald In favor ✓ Matson Peter _.......Against %Wenzel V Mr. President Adopted by the Council._ ...... t' .;....._,_.I JJ.D...-192..-._ Approv ------- :11:iii;J.. ..192 fi! MAYOR St. Paul, 11inn. ,TO 3- TO THE HOP?ORABLE CITY COUPCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the eSf fy'w.��w a-�t-_ - - - - - - - - - to be extended to - - - - - - - - -`s - - - - - 192 - Owing to - - �y�� G�oc--� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence) desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore statad. Yours very trul- , Cosa ractor. -J. ��• �� There is no objection to having the S• time extended as requested, as fax as y the requiremer_ts of this office is concerned. APPROVED t. of Cons io & Repairs Commissioner of Public 1"orks. Chief Engineer. l Council File No --------- :1- 20113 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .0- and pi' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersi ed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pagng..Riahmond- St.-_-from.the,-.south_line---of--NiederhoYer_3t.---to---_-_-- __.-..._.....9...-.Seventh... St_ --and.. Grace ....St..---.fram--- the ...weet...line---of--G0lboTnO..- at.----- _....... t.o._W.-3-a enth..St.._...With...the.-necaseexY...sew.er,----watex----a�d..gae---9.0=0ctions from street mains to property lines oompleteI where not already made, ---also-..=.]Ring..annd-_paving--.drive.way-- approachea,__whare.-necessary. Dated this ----.-Tth.-------.day of ---- _.._..----------- ---June...1923._........ ............. _, 192.. --. PAELfNtXASY OiaDim& f-'- .._.-.-. .. -....- ----- - / Councilman. A�erea0.A,wrlataicC. ntaktn6 of the folio Ia8 o� fo the l Pav'Mlugg Riohinund e;.'s'.,•`S �i'fiY ORDER. . ne.. N Iliederha4 and Grace - ` " +^' WHEREAS, A written pi ?f j,'_St- the nwl M of the following improvement, viz.: --Paving_RA-ahmond---St—fralp--- the ---aouth-_line_.of..Niederhafar...sty-t.o.. W�.Se.Aanth oW. _3t-,_and-Graoe-_311.-from--_the.-west...line-.of-.Colborne_-.3t-,t--W.-------h-_3t.with -thy..-1laCQ@syY @.eWaxa-Wit@d-.g✓�Q..c.QaGt.�.9Pe....fr4m...etraet ma -Inane 114-.RroP- �rtty linea o lets, where not alread made also ourbing and paving zivewsy an�--a'leyr. apptoaohea,---'Share--.leaesskr.y.----------------------- ------------- 1 ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......._----------- _.._----------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -} Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------- --A--------------- --- YEAS NAYS .Councilman CLANCY X523 v FERGUSON Approved ------------=---------------------------------------------------- !� MATSON t' MCDONALD t' PETER eWENZEL ........ .... ...... ......... ................................... .............. j MR. PRESIDENT _ n Mayor. rurll *cxEA Farm C A 13 (3M 622) Council File No..------- 46204 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ti L and li C•N'No..l6YP1 batract.-hat.ae,A written Drdof te following clic improvement by the City of St. Paul, vizThe undersigned hereby proposes the m Oita ave °f. olh the a);to Snelling Ave.WodaletwnAveConstruct aeWaZ& OnCath`erine Avecleve)and A x-.m=n8' AYE. Otto Ave. from the Miealao4e Se �0o awn Ave. from Otto Ave. :ane Ave• ohtana.•�an 4e from St. Cathsena c,:�-.)ti..,.tg,,ard Ave. (on the east s ry ew ve. om Otto Ave. bio amu« ',,lid lie., produced wester y from Bo and Ave. as laid out i`U 8ardenbergh Heights Pinehurat Ave, .from Cleveland AvdVIto Prior Ave. and from Undo— rwood ode. to Snelling Ave.and=5n an easement to be the center line ea Pinehurst ithe cveenter line 0 w ,. produced westerlyafromeUnderwood Ave. to of Fairview Ave. St. Catherine Ave. from Woodlawn Ave. to Prior Ave. and from welling Ave. to Underwood Ave., and on an -easement to be obtained, the center line of which shall be the center line of said St. Catherine Ave. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. and on an Hillorest Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood Ave., easement to be obtained, the center line of which shall be the .Center 1ine.of-said Hilloreat AVG. produced westerly from kjozwood- Ave. to Fairview Ave g Ave. to Underwood Ave. and on an Eahland Ave- from Snellin eaaem�to:be::obtained, the center line of:whioh shall be a line 4-0 3eet:South of and parallel to the north line of Bohland Ave., as -•laid out in Herdenbesgh Heighte..produced ✓ weaterlfrom Underwood,.Ave. to Fairview A4s. �ve. Snell :from BOULWa Ave. to.Otto Ave.:. all of Which e ownae she. '!Otto Avenue.: System of Sewers" D3ttt111IIg 11Yei`�i J: ilIIg8rw8on AVG" --U= On BSI 8888ID8YITi t0 be obtained, the.denter line of Which shall be the center line of said St. Catherine Ave. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. Hilloreat Ave. from snellibg Av:;. to Underwood Ave., and on an easement to be obtained, the center line of which shall be the center line of said Hilloreat jive. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood Ave. and on an line 40 feetto esouth ofdandhe center line parallel to thefnorthhlinelof e s Bohland Ave., as laid out in Hardenbergh Heights, produced westerly from Underwood .Ave. to Fairview Ave. Snellin Ave. from Bob&", & Ave. to Otto Ave., all of which is o be own as the "Otto !avenue System of sewers" tirAGX71f$ f3�iL r9W 0�,`i '?GMB�'.3« r fah v;v w v+z-`avia{..F'-:;�11 t7asy;r J,�H'j..1�',�7;6�" �0 tFe ITO,TFF �g'Ife GT, r .e�xae'metr tO R� oP�sTzreq' is�rG aovgez fiis�e o� AM`�Taopa}rs1'� fig; � �' 't��irTalrq . QG • .'�3:AIU , 7.2767;1�T'U4". tfR� • t 0 jj,FTC�{8z)100Q i�,d.A • £"xYL]'oA a3T- < lgaxraPoc�.9ai3.�os.�xn�sM"�ne...;� u:9u�oL Tzro,a ,a�gq Hfir7ozgag ins• ksLogttoeq a�Aspoz?1.'LxoW: otrGGmezrP to Pe oPtaTAeq' t- ca ®� TTxte ,oy rlpTop apaTT PG rye i?TT'TOL �,arLnieTG rt yne• 6'Ae• rxOt❑ uGTTTTJR 'f:Ao• Po nzrcreT-mooq NAm auq ou eir saT9 ?P' CatpoLTue erne• hc.ograceq A1G9PGT.TY, T,Lo❑r nargezrAooq YAG, Po OPPGTueq' PFG aouPOL TTue e:& MTrTOp ar=eTT Po rAG 697JPGL TTuG OT vuGTTTuR'VAG• aO nugGLrAoog ;'A6•' aT,a or gu eEraB❑relit Po pe 2P' CaPPOL7ue VAG• TLOT❑ ".i.00gTanu YAG' PO TLTcL 'AG* ffziq T.Lom EUTLATerA VAs- eaTq RTueptrLaP VAG• bLogrroeq AteaPGLTA T�Lonn pugeLrAooq VAG• to ontaTAGq �Pa OGUPGL TT" 0:&1APTOp SPaTT Pe PFG 0033PGL TTue o� nAgeLmooqyAG' Po ^ueTTTQE vine•' auq OT7 M eeaemeup Po pe Z,TneplrLOP VfG* Txom QTGAeTeAq VAG• to TX.Toz Yne• gTrsq TLom Thxom RoPlgTjg VAG* " TGT4 orrt Tu g0`LgeAPG1ey HeTEpPa FeTLATerA -t A•T exom OPPO vA..• Po I?4FrZru9 %rAs•' bxogrtceq AtearexTa CTsnA7au xzom qP• 0s•937ezT1ro V,&— ro +eocf7anw dAe• lzom OFFS vec• Co aP• Cs�Frez�?uffae svxg�V-As• (cuPue sea P) nlI=t-�`t`�� �S.Om CF�_TV7 sed =a7'FAr :qTbQX- Pc. .. -.. ......................... .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dated this -----71h .......... Y of , 192- -------------------- ----------- 92._- -- ..._._........_ - --- ... ......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct sewers on Otto Ave. from the Mississippi River to Melling Ave. i9oo�d awnAve. from Otto Ave. to St. Catherine Ave. evelan��ve. from St. Catherine Ave. to Bayarce. (westerlyon the ast) FAv airview Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bohland Ave., produced zom „�o and Ave. as laid out in gardeabergh Heights pinehurst'A*b. from Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave. and from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave., and on an easement to be obtains&,,the center'line.:,Of which shall be the center line of said piuehurst Ave. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave, at. Catherine Ave. from Woodlawn Aveeo toonP� eases-* andof from e n ve. c .tinderwoo;d.Ave., be obtained,he.center line of which shall be the center line of said at. 0 thetine Ave. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. and on an Hillorest Ave. from Snellifig Avo- to Underwood Ave., easement to be obtained, the center line of which shall be the center line of said Hillorest Ave. produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Underwood er line dPAwhich ve. and ahallabe a ea—" eemen�e to be obtained, line 40 feet south of and parallel to the north line of Bohland Ave., as laid out in Hardenbergh Heights, produced westerly from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. inellin--g_Ave• frcm'Bohi8xhl-''Ave. to Otto Ave., all of which is to be known as the "Otto Avenue Syetem of Sewers" 1 If F7J?g �4a• �zom '�ugT Tu gns•o ,�ugezraooq wne-�1 vu au xgezraoo- �Ae raezaae�(1;Ae' os��as �� a�.; narq �rTTozga� yAs• bzogmoeg r�es�eT,T�`�zom eseazne�F. �# p opg�Tzteq'Fe ce»s& �nre o�g7oF aI�$TT Pe Fire FSTTToLs £._V1.8•`="!t%otu-wonTt1gAs• „q fbgeznaoog All ou su laaTcl PF' "0-g;FssT3re VAG* bL0Crffieq enea,roT'T T.zoro-Atrgezeaoog VAG' ro PUG oeSSrsz TTue o:& AIVTOP eF$TT Pe r178 0e3701 TTne ; o; ----.....,.^ nn no PIDYTOUItf VAG- * AG• r.cny. CIt7 ,iJtTCT r,' c" C a f_4i nr r��rYcl J'fUG' zj Z6E:� ..0 C.fife a. LC, L{"I + 7 rGC; ,.z :7 crrF c en r.,r,rn rTOT t:e ,, qIT IT' f :�AFrf17 PC .TT Tf",r cT "rub ^ 1 c7C ,,rl TQ 7 , r'Tt j.. I ii5 tf ci• '7 Cfil =:i1p Tj' - �'C ._:3+�G ;.(��-,' -f C� n,T .TIT eq IF, c,v_r . J3,F c rc 7; rc G.�T.a T 5 ' �.vG ns ry t'.COZ: r i.I `7 :: ,i1C3 TT7Tf 771TT '.'r 17nS• (^rnC G(1 O C !7 3-370 9' ria C.: S. tt`ilT �6 • r nLr& GJ rC 7 C. "-J i pc .ire • t r_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------- _....--- .--- .-------------------------- ---- therefore, be it ic Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CounciL_.---------- ..---------- ----- .._ -------._..--------------- ----- PEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY Approved...... J FERGUSON V MATSON cDONALD ..' PETER�. �.._......._ _ ......_ _ `WEN&EL ........ Mayor. '/MR. PRESIDENT ^`m• ��- Farm C A 13 (3M 8-22) CITY OF ST. PAUL CAUENCIL 4z(�5 No ----- OFFICE - -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1M----- ------- -------. RESOLVED IF That the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, approves the plan known as "Scheme H" for the proposed Robert Street Bridge, as prepared by Toltz, King and Day, Ino., and shown on drawings 1 and 33 Com. 1156, and authorizes W. E. ging, of Toltz, ging and Day, Inc. to make final application to the war Department of the United States for the approval of these plans. n>ssoua'>;o�s - �.,Nn... 46206-By.wn o P—nell �of `/ - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Taney C/Ferguson -�ic$ZT�tIT-------- -----.In favor Peter _..�1__....Against •-'66 enzSL� Mr. President Adopted by the `,.3 powed.... - - -.... - --�--.....__.....192.-.: ------------ i CITY OF ST. PAUL cour+caNO------- �.��. 06 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ...___1113118..._71_..19 af[......._....___..._..__ RESOLVED iiat the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to Yeas purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 200 sq. yds. 4" creosoted paving blocks at a cost not to exceed $592.00, on informal competitive bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where delay in purchasing this material would work a kardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Paving Plant- 33- 9- 62 COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy I/ Ferguson 1 1 d McDonald __In favor U Matson v Peter __-J._..Against Wenzel Mr. President t P','r-J 192.....- Adopted by the C nci................... ................._......------- Ap oved...- . 122 .......... 192 - MAYOR RESOLVED 1 CCOUNCIL NO.-.._. CITY OF ST. PAUL -al`�--- F LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE__.................._....._--JUn5._.....2 *--"2$a._...... That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: Hubbard St., from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. Osceola Ave. " Pascal Ave. " Snelling Ave. Bunker St. " Oakdale " Mt. Hope St. Stevens St. " Ohio St. " Orleans St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy y Ferguson / McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel . j Mr. President Nays In favor .-----.: Against Adopted by the Council .....__- il-p) •Y---JjOa 192_... Ap oved...... . .. ... G' - ., 3 - - 192.--... ._..... -- - MAYOR Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to checks numbered... ---------to------ ------X28 in - Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. V Clancy, ✓ Ferguson, ... ---......In favor / McDonald, Matson, I/ Peter, --- Against Wenzel. ; / Mr. President, Nelson C,' F No 4626&= - Rea Ivethat checks `he drawn +oa �th9' Clty e`neury to"tli .-t gate: monte�tt,,• of;'%34.645.1 1 ooverl g Cheeks numbek d 13916 to 1W28: -i olvalve, in Der. regteter of it9 hacks it ffie '3n i the olLlce' of -the, City ComDn' ller. - :Adopted by the Council .June 7. 1923. ApprovedJune 7 1922. (June 36-1883)'- • ............................. _.... covenng . a�$$re$ate amount of $ ;--'��$"tU...... -- """'-.. ' , iter as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Adopted by the Council-..._..-. �. 1 ..._tai - -192 ;j — ,19LJ------- --...192 - Approve -- -- --- ------------------------ - - MK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 34 1h1 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No. -46208-.... 353 du-� I �!Y COMPrR AUDI= -4- ..... ........ PER..___......._....__ ............... . ......... . ..... . ....... . ..... - ----- Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the q� gate amount of $ ---- Alt §4fWr;L ............ coverin$ checks numbered -------------- to. ------ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes i Councilmen Nays. Y �.mount V Clancy, Adopted by ncil .......... ------------ ----------- -197 ....... ✓ .... In favor :y�cou V323 McDonald, ... prove ----------- Matson, .. ...................................... 192....... Peter, I/ Wenzel. Against__ --------------------------- ..................... ...................................... Mr. President, Nelson 13916 Alphons- st&&f s Chimney Company,-------------------------------- 186.87 Water 13917 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 368.00 St. C. & R. 13918 J. M. Clancy, Comer. of Finance 23,339.26 Water 13919 Electric Blue Print Company, 115.68 Bureau of Engineers 24.84 11 1. 11 47.54 16.35 Schools 1.60 Park -Adm. 4.17 P. Bldgs. 2*25 P. Bldgs. Revl. 18.93 13920 Gamon Meter Company, 8,354.00 Water 13921 Thos. McDonald Contracting Company, 46.40 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 13922 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway 86.40 Water 13923 Miltiplex Display Company, 105*35 Comptrol3w r Res. 353 Page n2 13924 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 7.35 860.55 Armory 29.15 Police 83.64, Schools 19.95 21.64 n 32.63 Bureau of Parks 11 it it 423.22 29.95 Phalen Park Pavilion 165.95 Water 11 10.40 it 33.19 316.65 13925 Red Wing Filter l ter Sand Company, 13926 Roberta FiWat�g� Com P an Y, 24.40 Water 833.55 13927 m C. Pan. J. L. ShielY COM 15.00 R. 63.75 Bureau of Parks n It n s 88.75 u It u 19.25 it f2 it 18.00 Phalen Park Pavilion 118.80 It It It 510000 833*55 8.00 13928 Wm. J. Work Window Shade Company, Schools • OiTY OP T. P.vL RUPLIGTE ,. TY Ct ERK eoII�e,z �fi2�y D44 1M 12-22 .�rens No. ...... ......__..._. I-do (✓Iie1 j JUN 7 f82 / COMPfRO... ._ AUDITED . .... ......... ..... .... ... .. .. " - .._...... _.. r._. ..... _........... _....:__.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the ggregate amount o£ $......._ covering - - - -- jj4�r .4-' -- ---- t checks numbered__.. Q . :'__:..... .to: _.Jaftnclus ve, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. v Clancy, Adopted by the Council------------------ ....192---.---- Ferguson, �,ln favor McDonald, C/ Matson, Approved, ......... ----------- .1`i_-._._ Iyt.. - ' - - `.192 -- f Peter, lJ ✓ Wenzel. - 4/ -------Against / Mr. President, Nelson C .No. 46209— oived that Checka:ba drawn:. on City Treasury, to:' the aggre 48x9. nt of $1 434.2$, covering , cheok9 ered��18929,to�1 3930_ inplualve.as �sI.ta ofc1efi0 -CIn AleRtce of ,theth Ctty.ZoiaI)trgI1er.pted byahaCouncjj,juae, 7,--1923. roved.June 7 1933,. YJune i61923j —� CITY OP ST. PAUL KL TO !MK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .34 IM I2-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 354 dUN 7 192.._.................._. AUDITED.._.. _..........._._........_._......___ Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to th checks numbered -.-.13929-_-----------_to_:::-_ 139�incic Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, V Ferguson, __..... ----.ln favor ✓ McDonald, V Matson, V Peter, Wenzel. - ------Against VMr. President, Nelson e ggregate amount of $-.---1,1-434 75 ......................--, covering va, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Adopted by the nncil...- - 1� .. - ...1. � ........... ....1`2 ----...- App ved-.--------- ly2 --------......192------- R--------------- - -- MAYO -- . -- ....------------------------------- -------------- 13929 Feyen Construction Company, L 1622 13930 O'Neil & Preston, L 1625 367.00 1,067.75 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION .AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....c411!jeJA.ning._and_-_taling_..An__aG.�mrt-___in._t_IIQ..lar 3_-n�cssy for Sao for cuts and fills in fzrading and paving Alley in Block 48, Dasnoyer..._Pa.r.X,...exam...l2Ay-t.an._=V-e.nue...t.Q...t<'?e...rp_rtt ex .5....e.nc�._of.._t e aZ.?.a.X� .................._._a ing'aii eaa toy .. -. _..........-. .............................. .- ..-earY ldr-_c'--GK.� �.......i.-'-'.:....,.'...................................................... gradin d'.p.:.Jint e 48,.::. Deanoyer.: Park,'. i„ t•:� the tlortherlp a : leryD, under aFnrmmp pl.-1m, ina-ra "- ------------------------...1-�---.-,-. ...1�--2-- y3----' ........... . _.... Ddda18 °n1"p�abIlLkia Intermediary Order !, 1.0. ....... approved.Janxi: d. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further olved, that t aid assessment be a it is hereb etermin o be payable in equal inst ents as to each parce land describe therein. Adopted by the Council ---------- --- _- ..................:i'.' -------------- . 191------- ........ .....IM� -- w -------------------- Approved ........ .... ...Approved.._..........91City iClerk.- -� 2 Mayor. Councilman RarAM=tbX Clancy / retmeil�aa- sE— —F ��14- PUBLISHM Councilman > McDonald ✓ Councilman KTX Matson / �doumcilman XXMM, Peter Councllman 20 9@ Yi9rizeT - _�. N ergaaon ............ ,n 3 462.1 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_nonde=ina....a.nd_..t,aktng....an- easement__1n-.-t.he.....land ....necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in._gradi�__and l.ock.48, D.eslw�*ar Park, from]Zyt.nn..A3Leriu9-io_the.rinr..thesla!-..end.n£•_ihe alley,-.._ under Preliminary Order.13-240 _...... _..... ...... approved_da.11-19.x.2.3, Intermediary Order -4.4.5-5.6 _._.._._._- approved hj,�rqh 141 _1923 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:__co-ndemn and take an easement in the land necessarX for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading and :p rra Ai_ 1�av���in,Bl k--4_.1?a.ytnn--ivenue tit c19.—iu%rt C F No 4u ll¢ riatl%�J++ ............. ..__.. _ ._....._._ Ing ___.................. _.............................__ ._..__. In�.a aease[ne . . for'sttiyea,r• edr .ld . s:' sr navy -'-- •Bi peynoYer V.-.R��.___.._____......._._.___._....._ ___ tot eco (2) That ed` dow"mg 1and,YlanZ1sior easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned fpf tiie purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:ha._1and....abutting UpDM the A71 ay i "' 1 oak 48-,--enoyer.-2=k,-hatvtesn_.the_-P-O.ints_-afarssaid, to the extp BhqwnuPon the plal7 eJ&gChed to sioner of Public ligXks in the mattPr�da#��Ap (3) That the assessments of -benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the ..... ........... ........ 4 . ....... 6 ' ......_.__ ._.__. City Clerk. Approved-._ ........... .._ Iy!..................., 191............ ........__._.__� - Mayor. 19 gxxox ✓ lla ney xctonald t "n atter j igng,s tenzel bl'. Vice Yrna. Ferdas= REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.._aandemnir ...ard...t.a.' ink... an -An .asn:e.nt....ill ... xi..a... Lan&...nao.essary f.ar....slape.s.,.-.fnr.... nu.ts...axlf r.i-11s...in—crad.imr... and arkfrom Da, '.v ................................ to............................................................................ ......... under Preliminary Order_._. 437?0-_-____. aPProved.J�?n•... -9a.._ao2,ZIntermediary Order.......44556,----- approved.......:a TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 46-212 Ar T RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of. condemning and taking an easem- -ent in the land necessary ................ ........................... ••_ for slopes, for cuts and fills in gradin^ Alley in Block -B ilankeel ._................................._.......... ......................... - ...... _... - -- .... ...................... ..................-s...-- . Cleveland View, from Itenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue, ... ........_........_..... - ..... ........ - ----- -- .......... ...................._........._ ...... - -- ----...................................... . Ia tlie-LAatter. of condemu�,:, ... f u_. ......... ... ............... .. .... .. ..... ...... ..... .. .. ... ............ ......_............... 'Ing an':eaeemeLt Ia the-,� ., _, ul�aol/.' sarY 1or sloPee. t I,,, r. 91a,1119 AMY Ia SW;. ^ _ r. '."Cleveland view, 1r.1. r.J under Preliminary Order 42'369 .......................... approvedQ.Qt.....172 ---1 2 Intermediary Order -.... 44384........ approved -Mar clI.B.,...1�2 ... A public healing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolve at the said essment be a it is hereb eierm to be payable in ................................equ nstallments a each parcel land desen therein. Adopted by the Council----------- ..........::.:.:.::.. 191.... ............................... .............. City Clerk. Approved...... ----------------------- ............ ........_.. 191.... - F B *A:VK �C 1 a n c y a? i Mayor. Councilman i McDonald Councilman Zisa"X Y1JB11SF�� Councilman ikkxx % :,'at son Councilman Wegodki e t er Councilman ARMAmXag, ' Nenzel - 3or-3MT- on hl,. � : 1",m. F"gnson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEr¢ ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS a In the matter of....condetAn nn_.and -..t.a_;cing..-a_n a-s.,,r,j.-_-- for slopes, for cuts and fills in radin� .zlley in Block 8. Hankee's---. ....................................................................................................... ....::...... .... Cleveland Vies ... fro* Eennetli avenue to Prior.. -y u venue under Preliminary Order ...42369-...___.-_.. approved.. 0ct..l7_,1922.- Intermediary Order _.. --.443E34- approved -...h1zax-G.11--- .s-...1.923......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. j� 462.13 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_cond�mnng_a_nd._tak�ng the..-..�:0.nd..._ne.c.o.ssary f oz a-r+eQsT--.£-0�--� �i ].�-�a-F,-�a�l�:�-A}.3�ay—in-..B3�clo•#•-��-l�e�rkee �-s-._... c,�e�aAa v s97a `Lm 'OPY, tla_ 4y�nxe- �ia�t is �n7Gr+.? to Js'J..1f Fr n11 'Resolved {3) That tfi@ tollo;jo. -meet fie -- ._....-_____- _--- _------ _.. -9.,`2atermediary Order._.... approved..SiBt_.__12-r_...1...-'�.'k3$.'�......_., ._ Resogye�a:e s . improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.__�o-na8�n (1) That the following imp Qr • 1} fi and f ills and takes an aasAmsn#r-•.•in tha hand nPceB.S�r3�-f.0.r._...s1O.BB�s-f in grading Alley in Block B, Hankee's Cleveland Viepr�from iienneth Avenue t._.._......-- --—._._-...- __----- (2) or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- That the following land, lanTia priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, v� -tom-end irig Oints upon the Allev in Black S,_—liankee's CieveiandVie?r,. between ort of aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the n__._lan_attachad to the rep_. tine--Eoi-�_©.g__Eu.'ol-�-6--1"ltarps--.i�--ti}e--matten--.ds-ted`A4e-rely-�-�s— 1:9a3. ---`; (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating tl}e above land, Ian& or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ..............��!..::-..-^ • ].i..? .................................- 1- ------ ....................... "'' City Clerk. .............. 191............ Approved_ .... .._..._....... :::':'....... ............................. ... _..................._ Yi., Mayor. �8�axs6x ✓ lancy l �' x °tsonld ✓� x /p,Gter enzel n IF RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....e.ondemni.=..F,iriLl...U'1'.InE3...ASt..eAae.me!... .J',n the ... l n?a...S.".e ,9ary Yor slopest for cuts and fills in grading and paving Alley in Block 3, ............................... Haldeman's.. Addition_,___ from lyilton Street to Chatsworth Streets .......................... No 46214, .: _ ....... -------------- ._ .......... ....... -------------- 7n the matter of condemning aad take i9, a. easement in LhS lana sary-tor'eloDes, for cute _and alis 1n. .. gradlnB.and, Paving Alley,- In Blgk 2�. ......... .......................... ...... lfaldetn='s Addition. -:from Milton"""""" St I Chatsworth St.. under p_11, . &r`yo order 42373 ,aPProwed ^ ' 79. ander Prelim i 2z, Sntzrmedtary ma _, wed_ Oct_.,.,_17�___1922Intermediary Order ._44469 proved March .8�19i2 ixU[ utl A puhnc T .rt 1 7�9>' upon approved M! the na ni PP A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll,.be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further=Resolvat the said awent be and it reby dete ' ed to payable in e nts a each parcel of la escribed the m. Adoptedby the Council ................................................. '-------------' .....1 191 ...- Approved--------------------------- -................ ............., 191.. ... Councilman ]Pokx laricy ✓T,.. � Councilman $yi2sfstD[ McDonald Councilman 1fre XKX Matson Councilman VoWix ' Peter Councilman VXdi3iff 7enzel ji1r. \ n;e I'rre, :era❑eon City Clerk. 'L-c4ze-� "'-' Mayor. m..� �-%-� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....aondemninp ..an!'.._ta.kin>z...an..easemant.... in..i.he..Land ...nacessary f.or,.slopesr for cuts and fills in grading and paving Alley Block 3 - ..... ......... ...._._..... e Haldeman's Addition, fr9g.Milton Street to Chatsworth _Streets ._...---_....... --------------.......................................... .....:_..................................................................... ......................... ...................... -........ under Preliminary Order........ 42373 approved..O.01-17-i .1.82PIntermediary Order_ ._4446.8........... approve, d---Ilar.ch..8,....1823......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: r That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �....,JA.I� ............................... Commissioner of Finance. t. r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 4625 In the matter of—condemning__and.-_t.e_king-._an..._ea.p.argent..:.'.1Il....the-_la.nd.....ne_ca.a-$-9ry for._910ps.s-, for u s And ftiisa tr1 ar--ding_and.-passing-A].1.e-y--in-B-1-oo-k-3L,- Ha1deman's Add on i',=m._�dilt S rsat—tom under Preliminary Order_.._._42373.... ...... a pproved_OCt-.___17.„.__l_92?atermediary Order__..446.9..... - ..... _... approved_ Mal h-6,1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be -and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_C.ondemn anti take an easement in the land nacess�: fo__.__r_--_sio Rai for r.ntc And fills it grading and paving Allem in Slock 3. Haldemal's_Ad�t1QSLrom Milton �St.r Set to ratswortly–S.t.re8't`215— �;.),=._,-----..._--------...----------.. tierIn ttiemntter°re nP_ ortna S: ieg-aa. ease rnon 1' _._. . for slo__.....-.___----- grnding an _Holt . y . 3 _lialaema, 1To�” > rs (2) That the following land, 1 staid cn, aments Che}e1n be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned For the purpo if Tti} 'saldAruprovements, 19 abltt�t_ing -tHoxtl ^-.• upon the Alley in Block 3, HaIddin liTs Add'itUn between_the Qoints afore- __--- _ ?i;e_-.r•'2__•_—_..— said to the extent shown upon the plan,,ttaldbi9.d to the report of -t-ha Commissioner Qf PLb_Uq. 14rk9 in tt,A' rnAtter, dated aprti _ll, .1923..__ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the CouneiL_.._!..'...............1,... 3.._......._. CityClerk. . '__...--....... ....... ......... .................... 191........... /�_/....v...._......... L. ...... ...._-...r_. .............—.._— Mayor �x9cx �'la'ncy ,�l�aia x /Matson �O 2eter ' K" ?enzel M&SM ATa l s tart hlr. Vice fres. Fergus= 41)'2. i. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ofcgnd-emT?irg-_and,_talzing-_an--easement-._in---the--_land-_nac-Qssary f.o-r sloges,...f.or....c.uts...and...f.i1-1-s---.ixl_gz=adinR._e...M.e.Y.--i-Il---i.�nke.?..'--5---2nd-------------------- Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst Avenue ':lest to Lynnhurst Avenue _...._.._............_.............. ............ ............................. ....... ... .. ........... ..- -- ............ .-..................-------..._ �aet yr, An1.�iT' ..11 i ...... .......... ..........................................:................... -.... ander Preliminaay Order. -37190__.___...._, approved2OL.,-.-16A ,1921 Intermediary Order .... -.445.5.Q.......„ approved... March.-lA*... 1.92,Lw A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Reso that the said assessment be and it is -hereby dete ined to he payable in ................... qusl installments as to parcel of Ian scribed th .--��d Adopted by the Council... ......_....... .--- ..------ ............. T' 191........ - City Clerk. Approved.. ------ ----- ----- ---- - ------- ----- ------- --- 191.------- .:. Mayor. ✓ Councilman l''MMXxar1h ✓Clancy Councilman X � McDonald � �� ✓" Councilman Kxb1=X Matson Councilman itfia4Mk Peter Councilman XkmA9rt2dX = Wenzel N016 -1v / blr ,:ov I'n•n. Ferguson - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ofcgnderlX?ing-_and--taliing__an-.-easement.-_in---the-- land- necessary f.or....s.Lopasx...f-r. c.ut.s...ar-d...f.il.l.s117....1UnX:e1'-s 2.7aa-----------...... Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst Avenue ';Test to Lynnhurst Avenue ................. ...... ............................................... ...... ................_.._....... ...... ......... ....... -----.. ..--------. --------------- East erns a tY'f srQi,.. �J5J -- ----------- ......... undefPreliminaiiybrder._37190_------------- approved Nov_.16:.__1921Intermediary Order 115.0 approved..-Ma.r.Ch..I.,...-L92x. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furt�quata at the said assessment be and it is -hereby determined to be, payable in ----- as to parcel of lar scribed the Adopted by the Council..... .......-- ...................:L.--- .............. ' 191.. City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------------- ------- ......., 191........ Mayor. ✓ Councilman KM1qX=jh ✓ Clancy f Councilman HFXX&X �MCDonaId <> Councilman X Matson J Councilman J&,Rodk Peter Councilman IMMAOrttX {+enzel Noll / 151.. t :— i,,, n. Feranson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....candenlning_. and .....taking ..an...eas.ercent...in...the ... land -ziezassaxy s.loues,.._for-._cutsand...fil_l-s._..in-..c�rad'_ng. a1.lei--_in.._Hinic�l'�--_arAj................... Amendment to Union Park from Lynnhurst avenue lest to Lynnhurst Avenue ..........................................................I.. ...........................................------I.................. East.:.-....................................................... under Preliminary Order.-V19.Q..__.._._., approved-...Nay..1.6.,1921, Intermediary Order .......44,55Q......., approved March 14,...19.2.x.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. L 5 ...... .. ................................ Commissioner of Finance. 4621 FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of .... conde.M !ng.._and .._t_alc.ung..._a.11..._ea.s...ement......in..._the .....land. ...ne_o-e.s., ary for__..slo�e@for cute a_nd._fills in..gred_ing_-_elle.y.__in__.HinkQ.._'..s._2zd.............................._ Amendment_t ao_ Union-Parlo.-..i-n-_by-nnhu-r 4..-.Avatlue- under Preliminary Order ....... _.3.21..9.9.... ............ approved_.NAV.......1.6..,.....1921termediary Order ............ ....., approved_AsI'nh.--..a.4-9._...1923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.._.G.OnC18ffin ander@Ifs_A.il._�afielLientEh_e_�a.10.rie.45sse_xy._s1931.e8,-i-� Guts and fills in rading elle-fin Hinkel!s,2nd Amendment to_�.� pXl Pa>k.._fr4m_..LRnnh=jat -- Asalaua sat t_��y> lhurs.t_.. Avenue._.East,_...._.....---------.:= _......._ 7 - of cond caning, and ta_.' `merit in the land nee- -...._..................__.__.__._____.Ilo='e, for. cuts and. fill Y in 8inkel's .. - _ - e Union Pari,„ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and th%,, e' r:a4o7�i Y taken, appro- f Y •. - -'FYI priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_..t.he.._1and..._a.ilutt_ing up the Al 1�y .in_H1nke:1.'_.s._.2nd.._Amendment_-t.o_-Unid'&-2ark-fx-ora -LYnnhur.st- Avenue Fre-t to Lvnnhurst Avenue Faster to the extent shown u�on._th9 Plen at�che_d_t�lz_ t�e_raP4��._..Q.f_flea_..�ommi.ssi.Q.n�_Qf.-#_ubliG. �Lorks..._in_the.�na��..er, dat.ett APri]-14,-19�s,.— _ ... -... _ ��_. �.� ---. �_�. _-::._._..-----__..._........._...__....... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking, and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .............:"_:.: i?.f :�........_......._......._... 1__...... , //� City Clerk. Approved._...............:...:.:........:-.:_................. ., 191............ ..2/.. ........ _...-_............ ......... ............................. ---- 4 Mayor. � S o nRa3@lid2 C� PUnuSHM r® Matson /Peter 2a /Peter u, u Fenzel it xx'Nealeet'r h1 r. Vic. P... Fargoeoa a RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...coXlde-MU .Xlg---and...taking--.a.n.-.eas.emQnt.--_in.,tre-.. a_nd•__rec-ge.m.y for._.slopes, for.. cuts and fills in grading :alley in Cern 's Rearrang-ement of._.pa.rt_.of. Block St Lake.__Yarlc _yddition, from Aron..avenue to the ---east Line.--of..,Cerny'-@---Rearrar;Pet?. nt,............... ...... -.. 1 C. F No. 45218— 1FI -..;!. matter of eondemning and tak- 1. ,� aseeaemout in the land nems- -s -sloven,' for -cute and all. 1 .11 y-tnCernY's Rearran& ...... ..............................Ile ot.. Lake P' ...........................................--._................................- '-e. to ,.�1 •. :..t�no' under Preliminary?CrWAer.::.:.4 `t .--.- approved.QCt.A—a4...... 19�22Intermediary Order....-- ........ March 14, 1923. approved.........-- ... ----••------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, t the said alae eat be and it ere�delased be payable in ........................equal i allments as to ch parcel of la escribed th Adopted by the Council-------- ---------------.............................................. 191........ Approved........................................................... 191..... >/ Councilman F-A;6W 514 '/ C l a nc y '✓ Councilman HAMAX /Mc Do na 1 d k ✓ Councilman $X /Nat son V Councilman XX6ba /Peter Councilman 365ppid0ctb*X •+enzel -Ne1fieez Nr. Vice free. Fer¢uson ...... ...... ....._9 City Clerk. ................................... ............ ........ .. .. . May or. PLTM,1sF�Pav REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS °- In the matter of...e.,.E.ement....in...tk>a...la.nd..riejcassary for-_slooes•,_-.£or•_-cut_s.-_and fills.-.-in_arad_ing...Alley.,_in,,Ce.r.ny.'.a Fle.amnanzement of part of Block 8, Lake :ark Addition. Arona----A.venue-_to-_the....e ,st„ ... .......... ... line of Cerny's RearranE.-ement, -.. ................................................................................-- - ..................................................................... under Preliminary Order...42484. . approved..Oct_.._.24A..-1922lutermediary Order.....4.4.`z46.......... approved.X$.Q.r .1A.s...1923.a....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. L �, .✓�� ;: 'k lL.iL.�t¢................. Commissioner of Finance. a 462 19 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....._90n e=--in9.._.E Fad...-t..a.k.ing..._a.xa.....ee....s_ei11e.nt....._i..n....t.he.....Land.....na-aeas.A-ry for.. s1opQ_s.,.._for ._cuts__and__f.ills._ in radix _All@.y.__in._Ce.xny...'_s.._RparranQ.Qmfnt of_pgst—oi�15? e, .3�q}�.e...... erk._eklditis�.n,.xam_..Ar.9na._..Avexua.e-_to..._the.._aest.._.1ine '_s_.Baarxangezlent,.._.---.--............................._._...................._............---......._._....------...._.._........_.. --._.. ._..._.....—..___....._ _ f grading.,.!,: �.z[� to •,.. .... meat. oP Pa oa..........-................._........................... ........_......... _................... .... +m•: ., ...east line ander Preliminary Order ...... _...... 42.'19` &ermediary Order............44.. -- utirt^ ,i . March 14 192: >^au approved--...__..._..._...........__:.._.... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:....G.Ondemn and_take an easement__in the land necesaar for_slopea�f.p ce,e_and fids In grading A119y in Cernyjs Rearrana�m�nt Additions from Arona._Avenue.to the eaet line._of.._Cerny.� _..-RePurrangemex?t..,.... (2) That the following land, lauds or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.....t.he.....land. ...shtit.t.ing upon the Allee� in Cerng'._s-._Rearran�ementof .art._of_.._Block__8.,..._Lake-.__Park__ Addition, between the points aforesai++= to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the re-port..__of_the Colmniss_ioner__of P�bl.g_Vlpres,_.-in._kta_.mter, datedApril 14, 1923...---- ------._._—_..................... _............................. ----......---...-.._...__.._._..._ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. 1 .......... Adopted by thg. Council.....................s1 1 i /gin City Clerk. Approved_..... ........ ...... ......... =..._iii,"..;g....................... ..., 191............ / 4 muyv r RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. cond-mein and taken an easement in the land necessary In the matter of...........-e--.......�'.......................... �. _.. ._... slope.s: .or....r DrG. ...11t.z...?.Xla..f.il�A?.1.Q-y.-_in. fon of._.Block_.4-,_.--Lexington Park Plat 5t from Hemline Avenue to Syndics a --_venue, .. under Preliminary Order.....4`�: � 9_....... approved_Q.0.1.t....9A:...a.N,?Intermediary Order....._ 4392....... approved...I'Qarnb—&,..-1323— A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Re ved, that the said astar.lec t be a tis hereb ete to be payable in nal installments a each and describ herein. Adopted by the Council ......... .. ........:.:..:.: .'_; ........................... ---r--- -.... ....:. .------- -- --- ------- -------- City Clerk. Approved.._ .... ..... .......... ..... ..... •'-•- ................, 191.-----.. ................................. Councilmai>WWQM Clancy McDonald PiiitTl Councilman Np&aa'dc ?/ Councilman X& *IEX Matson CouncilmaiT.XX03b Peter Councilman YZ@XdMM " Wenzel da REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...G4.ridemTlkl? ...And...t.&.li.1Xl ...e.TZ...ea.S.efie.r2t.---S.ZI...the ...land....rie.CeSSary f.Qr-..slopes-,__for__cuts-_and fills.-..in_grad.in-g._11,1ev--in--Iia-ckett'_s._Su_pd-j,yj,ajon Park_. 1.a.t._5,.._from--u4ml. ne.....ivanue.-_t.o...Syndioata..Aztemue, .......... .. ........................ ...................... - ................... ...... ............... ......... --.........I--------------- - under Preliminary Order.. -._.42480.-....... I approved. ..Oct.24_,1.92.2 Intermediary Order...._44392--_. approved..... grCh_-0.,.-,2923-......, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. n � --.............................................. Commissioner of Finance. C 4622. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._._conde nung--_s... a.._.t_a.if.iPg.... all ....e_a:ssment.....in_..t.ha.... land....ne.cezaary for slopes for cute and_f ills in a_dingy_Ali.ey_._in....Ha.c.ke.t_t._'..B.._.S.ubdiv-s.ion of Block 4, Lexington Park Plat 5, from Hamline_Avenue to Ssncjcat-e.. Ay_enue, F. No. 46221— the matter of o ... .. .... .....r...,.. -..- .... grnding AB 4n Hacked ....... ._.._.__..._....._......__...... -- vteton oY Block 4, 7fiat�.,. '–: , Plat S, from Hamlfna:-Aver ,-n Y.u% cat. Ave., under.Preliminar •, E. under Preliminary Order_ 42480, approved Oct. 24, 14 C� t.2.4.,192$ Intermediary Order ._.........443.92 ... _........ mediary Order 44102, apr .ehlnf• 6, 1922.- Maroh 6 Besolved: 6 approved___...____.._._. J....__ (1) That the fol'_:,.: oar ^�^ ': I_ and the a serf mad- Resolved: e„ (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: --Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in gr-a,dino AI -Ley in' 3 scala o�-B3o�k 4 f--�e�s'rrst�,=,—Werk P3at 5. from Hamline Ayenue..to S_ndicaU-_Av_epyB�_... ...... __......_..._..__._........_._._.-.__...... _....... .................. _.... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._t.he....2and_...abuit.ing upon the A17.ev inHaci�tt's Sib Y3si4zn_4f_�laa1�4.�_Le�cir>�;i<on-.Park—Plat 5. between the points aforesaid, to the gxtent shown upon the a.n attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 'Yorks. in the -__matter, dated 3i 1.92. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. .. Adopted by the Council1`............. .... �n City Clerk. 74 Approved- ........... _....................`...... .I............ ................ 191_.......... Mayor. V x / 4379-ncp /' �Mc o na 1 f� V, Xcx r'rnrr �aT Matson ' eter iK=&Akk +Menzel F Akuax xx NeTson Mr. Vice Pres. Fergawn M RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the, matter of....R.4Xldemi7.f.X15..and_ talott�--_a n.-,Pas9rlr�nt----in_the-. iand .necessary for ---slaps.,..f.ox_..c.ut.a iCl...l;r ad.irkS..:y11ey.---ln..Re.�a.'s....=1ace�----=-.Y izg between Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, and Lot 7, ...................................................................................._...................._............. ....... ........----- .................. ............-------...... under Preliminary Order ....... approved_Q.Cts...._:.4......a.922Intermediary Order......4143-90-___-_. approved....- Merch 6, 1923. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further esolyed, that the i assessment b "dit is determ to be payable is ................................equal installm as to each p of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council ------------------------ :.:....!.:. .................................... 191.... --- Approved................. ------------------------1 191........ Councilman Erik C l a n c y Councilman /Mc' Donald Councilman Imo[ ✓ ds t s on Councilman A== -Peter Councilman V-MXbUd1e1tx �"enzel �faYoz'�¢f�CX i38 }�9� V ,^aeon City Clerk. L C4z-Dzv ............ ...... . Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNA'T'ION OF LANDS In the matter of.condemning_and _t_a.king-_an_easement-__in.-_t.Yle _1_and.._-e.ce_ssary to-E--incl_usive.,... and Lot.. -7, ..................._........................................................... under Preliminary Order.....424.73........... approved_Qg.t.A:. 4...194,21ntermediary Order 144.3-9-0 approved.tfarChr_6192................ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also Swed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ............................ mmis8ioner of Finance. C I FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter.ink._a..n..._e.a. aam.e.lit..._.in...t.h.e.....1.a.n.d-nece_s..ss.r:Y fon_ lnpas.,.�or__cut_s__and_ fi14...._in_brad.ing.....d,lle.y.._.in.:..Re.ed_'s....Pla.ca,...._lp.ing- be_t�een_T•gt4 �....�0 6 1Ja..a.i7.e.,--s.nd-.4.t.....7.,_._....._....._..._.-...----................. --- ------ -------- ---------- -............... ---- --------- _- in th a[t of o demntng 6 .. _. ... ......._ .___ . .................. ...... ...... �+v-.-N 44390__npProve 3 undgolYovinS -. Order ..... approved b%r-Q- _:bhGW "-:23. mr' Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:....cOndemn and taman easem@nt in the land nec@asa.r>.-_for._s.lo�x�iollts_and .fids in_�,raeinu Asian n RRAd�4 P1 ace_,__lging.....bsL.sre.en-.Lo#s.l_0.._6.._inclusive, and (2) That the following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._the_.._land____a-butting upon the A11eyriXl Rid.'_.._.P1a�.e,..-1y.-base.,.._.and Lot 7', to the extent ahnatn upon_the_-plan-_at.i.a.che.d-h.a-i]ze-r.epnr_tha- Commissioner of Public Works in the matter. dated March 31, _1923. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ........................ ,:.:...:.. .......... _ ..... . `'..- ......... .......... City Clerk. Approved ................._.`... ........... i'..'.' PP �..... ....................... ..... 191............ -_ X" cDonald x� xm� /Ma t son ter 4enzel adkk __-r -r idgirAkah R DluT c _G Mayor. RESOLUTION RATIFYING, AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...c-p-1]dQr7ilir--a_nd-_tekirg..an.---basement... in--thy---1-a-nd-_n�cessa paving-_alley_-_in--Block_3_, Robl_yn Park Additionfrom Cretin Avenue to Finn_Avenuer .................... under Preliminary Order..... 43554------------, approved.Jan.___ 2---_1 23 Intermediary Order..... X4558--- apgro ed_.._F??rch___14,___1923. C A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Re ed, that the id asses nd it Iiereby'determiu' be^payable in e� ' ......................... .. qual installm s as to as parcel of la�i desenbed th em. Adopted by the Council-.._ ..... ............ ......... ..................7- ., 191. City Clerk. Approved .......... _--------------- .......................:--, 191 ...-v------------ Mayor. G - i '�lCouncihuan�o'b€� Clancy � PUBLISFIED� Councilman ✓12C Dona 1 d I e Councilman fix /Ira t son \ 11 Councilman Idgaalk -/Peter Councilman oh c.4 nz e l -� Mayor7QICXXX —Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE°i ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.cond.Qmning..and._"king!.n,,,,thg...j.p. d-.-ne-.g-s.B.Akry f or... s 39PQ.s.,...f or.. c u t-s.__a. nd.. f.i 11 s.._in...grad. i rP'--. a ncl---pa-✓.i ng_..{ 1-�-si2-,.il�.._��.-4c ls_3 , Robl_5n_._ erk Addition from Cretin 17erue_to Finn'wenue�............. .................. under Preliminary Order....: A3554 ........... approved. Jan.__9...... 2 , Intermediary Order.. -....44558 approved1923.!..... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 -------------------- Commissioner of Finance. 46225 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_..G.Q.ndHIIlx1i2]$..._And .....f a._in6..._zI17....@a.S.9.ment_..._in....t.k1e.....��.Tda..._n8�.�_�_Sa.I'Y for elo�es�for_cuts—and fills in grading and paving Alley in Block 3, C. F. 1n the- No..4c.,..............._.._._._......_.___—_.._.._.____...._.__._..._..---_ .mat[e iZ�— ary nt6,z � __.... _._._._..._....__.__.. ___.... O_.__. ,... 1923. Inb....shsr----"•'_',.i .� ........ _. ... under Prelimina ()rd en°'�3g rs approved..Mari....._9.,__1.9.231ntermediary Order_...._..... s`2.`J ...__...._.. Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.CQndemil e.fl takes an easement in the land necessary for _slopes, for _cuts and fills in aradj andnavjM& Allen in Block 3Robl.yn Park Add ition_.from Cretin ................_...._...... .._....... ...._.._......--*---- * (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._t_he.-.._land,.-_a butt ng - l,,non, tha Ailev to �jnn Avfl to tha aXtent sllRa2]_.i?P92]_k3.ean attachad to.-the.•_rQ•port of the Commissioner of Public '.?orksIle matter, ..dated._April_._13�_1923. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council................. .... .__.i;isi_..:.-..r......r.j........... .........r79 .. _... /.................. ...... ........_....... .......... .........................._........._.... CityClerk. Approved_......... _._................. ............. ..... _................. ....... 191__........ Mayor. t� V la2icy �d Matson f ✓Luer xftm*arWW -Venzel ..Mr. President, $ffdWWx On CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE"c�NO._�GAw.�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT)ON—GENERAL F&M RESOLVED That the application of WilIlism C. Lebra for permission to install and_eperate a public garage on Lot 22, Block 74, Dayton & Irvine's Addition, located at No. 102 Western avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorizedp and instructed to issue a peQrmit, therefor. D r - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy i McDonald r. __...In favor Matson tQ1 Peter Against Wenzel hir. Vice Pres. Ferguson A roved- —.:.,_ Fj�--^.-I'1ca- -192. - Adopted by the Council..- _ PP f .... .._192- . "--E1 Q-s�-% v - - Q MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUN' No FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSI ONER.___......_..____....................._............._..._._......._..__.........._...._........._..._..._._......_........._.... RESOLVED That the application of William C. Lebra for permission to install and operate a public garage on Lot 22, Block 74, Dayton $ Irvine's Addition, located at No. 102 Western avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNL'ILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter _ _ _._. Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.__. 1 .'-_::.":- J, -J --.....--192.....- A roved.._ PP 'Fi-e7— MAYOR oting NOTICE OF hP"PLICt TION FOR _'EP,i'IIT TO E, 70T A I'JBLIC Gr lb,', 'r Biotite is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordin=ce No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Hinnesota, application will be made on 1923, to the �City Council of the CiJ� onnf Saint -Paull I1in:aesota, by r .tp �- �w�- a-�_X for permission to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, I:Simzesota, to wit: Lot . Block IL,-------� Addition Saint Paul, I:Iinre- sota. On the side of xe. between � � � `$ �., Ave. and _gjt, Ave. Number / ej A%Y g� - Ave. 1923. Dated at Saint Paul, I:Tinnesota, j � s�Tr Form /9 3-23 600 6n6 Affidavit Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, of r ss. County of Ramsey j - Cath9Tirie C19Tk11f1,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,being duly .............. sworn, deposes and says: that he now Is, and during all the time herein men- tioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,” and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time. ' and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published In the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every day. seuea otamnhc dt to Ercet �,0.&t.1QA. jtp� - _. _ 'Lria ,nursnant 'to of the week, that the annexed printed notice of ..Apps. ,. .Tedcele'knr0h 490 t the y ti fi71. tWati{I�catla,t Permit To Erect A Public Garage CItYtSatnt P 2 CItY ut h a'I t Pa um,e- Ct ....... :. ............ ... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... ... . .... - Cmin I/ {'th (• Isaias h>"Ntlll m ,. ftl uk` Ilawin4 ......... ... ...... ........ ........... .. ........... .. .. ..... ..... ... .... a,P hllaa kt.r yit to In ItamacY vernal caOt0. to-ivit: Imt �-. Alenk ens Irvin6 Ad61[ion. .Srtint .. ..••............ •......•......•... .. •. ••....•.......................... ..... s sots: bn thn.eartsiaaadt Isv9�1 Simi., ve: .......................................................................... ..... er_rtn r. Int wo,u:rn:;A :nxt E-8alat. Paui. Xiuheaoln,, 61aY �t• . . hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columna Ie2Jt. (U.y :6.26-28.1923.3[) _ of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for —'— Thz!ea.......... da36. "ZX&' 4ffJU h3&X&X-that the said notice was first printed and published in said newspaper on .....Friday... the .........25th.-..... day of .... MaY........... A. D.. 19..;Paud was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on G@=W%XX0tXX1XX .. QF�.T�..MAY....... 78* JX € .................. A. D. 19..�.3that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still Is, a collection of reading matter In columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and in the English language at an established office, and known place published of business in said city, to-wit: Nos. 65 to 63 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper was, during all the said time, and still is, dated In St. Paul, and generally clreuated In said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed In whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, bas never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit'setting . - forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of .the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. Affiant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z is the size and kind of type used In the publication of the annexed printed notice: ahcan tgh 11 k mne p ret u v,r:y, That afflant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. .... ...... ......... .... ...... ............ � Subscribed and Sworn to before me this i Fee, $.. ......... Received Payment. ...29thday of May -1 .... 19.23 E DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ... Qom-fes•.•?'namaer censer. xiinaaeza:_�--� _z Date .... �.........19�'3 Per...sJ:?uwo5-1.•..... STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. 1 C�tE.??%Lt4f�-1....�jj�. being duly sworndeposes and says thatghe is clerk for the I isDch now is and during all the times hereinntter_ mentioned has of the St. Paul Dispatch, S ---- -ess, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That.ahe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... . .a, hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was rted, Driated and published In said newspaper onr�-+tr4aeh-aveek-fonz.and that all of said publications were made in the English language. —7- ///f� Thatt�said notice was first ns rst ierted, printed and published on..N..r1eV ... the.o%_.J,r 'pday of.....192.3 and was printed and pqpub- lished In said newspaper therea ter onr� >..f until and including. .. thep•�.�./. 192..E That during all the tl aforesaid, said newspaper was (ed as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements, that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined In said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more thae year last past from the date of the first publication of said.. --I- one 1?_�... ..............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known offlce, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made tip of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of mid..... 2'7er ..............the publisher or printer in dh arge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the offlce of the county an liter of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 434, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both ino]r,-ive. of the size and kind of type u ed in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: - y;.', no.,l�rchtfklmnmtn.R abcdcf,htlklm.opgrstin,vxyz Further affiant saith notsave that this affidavit is rade pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws .Blinncsota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me thts.o4..9 d]) of... ....192,.3 .. .1. C.1 .... ....... ..... ...... Notary Public, Ram County,, Minn ota. G FORM 141 W 628¢1 Pae My Comm'sslcm expires.. .Y Pin: o G. roY Ooayw R�: COenry it1ia "Ira Pirgq gept a, i gg 4621/ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of_..Q.QS1dHm)a!Z)9in..:the..ae-T.ld----ae.v-9., aaxy i or...sT.OPB.S.,...f.Qr.._cuts.._a.nd.._f..1 in--gre3-ing--and--Pa*�...... .�11ey..._in--3lock-_6 Summit ark..-yddition.,_.__from Grotto Street to..St. Albans--_Streetx---_-- .............. _ .. ........._..._.......- .......................I._. - ............................ .. .. .. ....----- ..... --- .------_.......--------------------------- ...... under Preliminary Order-......43Bfi3------------ approved.-d.IAS1.:....1.6.s...�.923Intermed>ary Order ......44-5----------� approved...tiaroh 1A.—I-92.3.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made R part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved at the said se sment be and it ereby dete ned toayable in eq stallmenta as each parcel of la described therein. Adopted by the Council-----------------------------------------------------------------• 191 '............ ....... ....... ......... ......... . City Clerk. Appr-oved............................ .............................. 191.... 6 M,6q Mayor. 1/ Councilman Fmoxthx�C1 ancy " V Councilman )3jt4�cd� -A cDonald l/o ✓ Councilmanxlelb cx -Na t s on Councilman XMXXx /Peter Councilman 1fxx - Aenzel REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...cPPftE)Mning__and._.taking. an...e.aspmpnt--_in•_tne.._land.. neces•s ry for ...alo-p-es....for--cuts-..and fills in -aradinF, and paving Ailed ---in Block 6x ........ . ....... Summit --..Park Addition, from Grotto Street to St, Albans Streets ... .... ............... ..---.._...................---.......................---............ -- • .... 43663 approved. dal n.. 16.�- 19213...., Intermedia Order.4.k.3a4...., under Preliminary Order ................... pp r9 ....--... approved......March.. `?.�....19�.z.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. / Commissioner of Finance. 46228 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of----q9:RdeM1119 And t.e-king a.n e.a.s.ement---in. t-he-...-Ia-nd nec.ea-se Y for o n -4 P.AYIng-A-1-ley in. Blo-c-k 6-, -- ------ -------- -- ------- --- -- - . ............. . ............ . . . .... . - ---- - ------------ - --------------- .......... .... . . ........ . ..... .. ....... under Preliminary approved -Jan ....... 11E 1.9&aermediary Order .......... ... . . Resolve.&,%;q'l J� (1) That ibe fq1lowinj *j Cement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.P-QndeMn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes. for cuts and fills in grading and paving Alley in Bloc`l� r m Giotto Sl_met__ t o St. Alhans StMeLat- . ..... : .... . .......... . (2) That the following land, laulds or easements, therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, upon the Allqv in Block_6 said, to the to the-r-aport,_of-Idia- Commissioner of Public Works in the t mate. dt..... - ----- - ---r- -------ate. - -_d (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council. .1 , J ............. ...... .......... I ....................... .......... ... .] . City Clerk. Approved..._ . ......... .... ... .......... . ........................................... 191 ............ ............. .... May- ✓ /Clancy b 7,! Xg&= c onald A/ Nora= Matson N MAROwx /Peter V, I ' Vul-&-mom Aenzel -- Axi*xx N6T973� w,. vice Prez. -6222 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMkT THEREFOR. In the matter of...cond.ginning-..anel.-taking_.an__.easement_..in..the...lan d._necessaU for slopes, for cuts and fills in _...... _............. .......................................................... ading and paving Alley in Block 9, .......................................------------------------------------------ Summit_. Park Addit-ion,-_-_from_. Avon__.St_._...t-o_Crofto...St-.--,_-...---_----_---------------------__:-_----_------_ under Preliminary Order...._01BY.............. approved_1AX1.....2.Q#_.l92s Intermediary Order _.44.,5.6D ............ approved .-.._ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Beit further Resol�allmenta e said asses t be and it is h deter tned to be payable in ................................equal in t ch parcel of land eseribed therein. Adopted by the Council ......_.._.___..... Approved ....---------------------------1 ---- - 191 Councilman $1VWWWt&C`/ lancy �BOIIIIC]t�8a 5'x4 Councilman x McDonald Councilman XxtbatIl -Ila t son Councilman 2MQdfliCx `/Deter Councilman JffqMAMAIAht A'enzel Mayor Ir4fl][xX TTo c fL -- i ................... 191.------ 'r�'_.Jw 'l ........• ... _.- y ------ Cit Clerk. Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.9onde.Mnin9...a.nd- aasaraen.t....i.n...the ...land -..ne.casaar.y for.•_cuts__ and, fidI.s.-..in--.Fradina.__a_nd_-poy_�ja t-j�sy_.jn-_F1�>aJ�..9., Summit Park.. Addition:....from 9von__St. to..-Grotto...St----................. ---........... •................. ........ .............. ....... ....... ......_...... under Preliminary Order- _.437A7_._._.__. aPProved....J@_n.20-x1923_ Intermediary Order...a4560..•_•_... approved ...... P8.r.G.Y1..7 .�...a 9.�'J.e.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ......................- ..... Commissioner of Finance. d 46230 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of -_-c dsmning_...a.nd...taking._an....ea.sement.....in_..t.he land.-ne-eessary fQm_gjQpgaq�,r�ts and fills _in_grading_.._endaving.._alle_y.__in._Block _._ �In the --_—__—..... ..._. ._..._ jnb' a ,za R 4T. eacY f•;e d 1 -t _..A ., EEQT r, .d -3eC Salved gcLrv.. ....._.._......_........__.............__.__....._._.___.._.. under Pi'ehmivax9��i%ar►1 X378?..._._....., approved Jane...._? _1 192&termediary Order. ------ 1.45610.. ........ , �.. bacabh �•o approvedrfl413. :R,esolved: (1) That -the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_C.QndeMn <' arat�a an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills is grAtiing Anrl gaol alley>d Block_.��-Slit—Pk aflflon• from Avon St: t,: _dMt Q__'at . --............ .... _ ............ -........... - ---... - _ _..... _........ ........ .... _... ,_._...____.' -- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_the.....liknd..._AIN& UD9 unn13 Vhe a11eg in B�Qc}��,..._ ummit---Parks--Ada.ibio>d,._bgtwe..sn_the�ointa_afore- sr,iriy t tl,e�x+.ant. ch�n_uPQn the nlari aShed to the r_Q•port of the Cc issia?ser--t�f—F'abl-la—"idorlss_in_t.h®--mat•t-ez,_flai.ed (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ...... .... .:...:...::".::. i.,i..k...................— 1�1r L son ar �m+ Ne+1-n.-�5-•� 6231 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..Q.OXldamix7.179..and_.talcane...An_.-el?.s_Qn-Qnt._.i._thQ_._lancl_, ncQs_�a_Py for ...slo.pe.s.p...f.or.._au.ts...and ...S.itlax>g-..Fierl�elsy....As.enus...f-r.ont.. 5yta01Q.Q t o Avenue...to Griggs -_Streets. ..._....._.._......._. under Preliminary Order,.41852 ....., approved_.,`ap-Dt.•.I- ..... 19.4antermediary Order...._ 2........, approved.. lAr..Ph-5.,.._1923,.,, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further, Rved, that the s ' assessment be it is hereby etm be payable in equal install s as to each p e of land dese ' erein. - Adopted by the Council ..... .................:....... ------- ...---------------- ........1 191 - Approved... ... ....., 191. .... Councilman $ ➢o Ix�Claney / Councilman21020A/1S4cDoonald Councilman I90ta c a t, s on Councilman2Rk1ft -/Peter Councilman -=X1%MXWX Menzel Mr. Viae fres. Ferguson /.(� _i -z ?VDL[SIW_------ City Clerk. / C -l/eL�GW Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. re ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter o£.RI7dem111ng...a.p.d... t o k-� F., 111_11 _nd _Q_..l......... for___.slopes-.._.for cuts and fills in grading Berkeley Avenue from Syndicate AvanueU arizas--.st.ra.et................. ...... under Preliminary Order... 415..52.._..._...., approved.-Sept..l5-x1922 Intermediary Order -....._44382 _.__ approved.... Ti ArSr.kz...0...._1923.R......, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount ofbenefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Irl Commissioner of Finance. 46232 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_wo.ndemni>abs.._. and ...._taxing _._a.Xl:.1e.X7.a...._ngtca9.sery f.or-.-slopes.,.--i.or-ant.a_a.nd_..f.i11s-In-gr.ad.ing..3erkel.a.y__Avenue... fnam...S.yndinat e A3LeAL1f3—cLr?ri�ag� _. ._.._..... _.... _... __......................... _._....__------._..__....__..__..._.._._.._...---.-- 46232— ✓' �_�_. ............... matter of co de! aMaU and tak- -_-- (f'. BezkeleY Ave fro1, -,n �ve: So GrP Y di- Order. 41882, 9t under Pre- �t ntermedlar Order 9d irb s, 1922. 44382 under PreliminaryOrdef4cls811uwing iatPr approved.._SdP.t..15x192termediary Order_......._...._ __.._..........._, approved_,_MarCh Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:-=ndemn and +Ake An easPmant in tha land neoessaxy_%Qr Qaoo_ Vis. f_Qr_satta a.ria_.��lls Ln cr»aA_� ind_R;rkelag Avenu�from�av�dic�ta_.i�ent�a. t_4Srigl;s_�S�et (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:__the...,.a.tld....abuttng ngo�-l�e�ke.s,s-y_..�y ��u.e.,_.ba t��e a-n-the--Poiret.s__a f.orsaid,_.t.n_t. i�e.._axtent_shoftn ttgontha lan a}�tpched tto the pPor Of.._the Commissioner of..Yublic Prorka i](12b1e_triaterdat d La .. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ...... _..................... .............. 9 ..... ` .../............. City Clerk. �R U i f Ja _.. 191 ....._.APProved , _ i.... ........ . ............. ... Mayor. f . a on, ' U a son' x0oudi1cx —Peter wy1�x "'enze3 mr. viw t'ra,n. FmyvavA 14 a(;-)93 ) ;a RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ot'....a_oxl_demninz and. ---t. -1dr.e an eao-emant....In-the ...land ...xla.rzaazazy for--.sl.o.pes.,.. f.or..-cut s.--a-nd-..f i11@,-,in-_-grad_ing..,al1-a.y.-_in.-_Bloc_. 2,----'Y4aUnl-a---. Sunny Slope, from Saratoga Avenue to Pascal avenue ......_..---------- ------------........... .............................................. 'ra the..matter�of'co& lug an Weary '-rt. eas7opee ementfor c,. In �. grading Alley 1n Block _.............................. -sunny Slope, from der. under: det-43611y; appruyed J+! r `. iteRmedfar9'>'Ordei'47.lC._.'............................................ ........._........................................... ........................................................ --&r 4 ... unr Preliminaryrr:Order......_'k3511..........., approved_J$11e....�.f...lsZ.53.., Intermediary Order ....4446.`.?............ approved. -_+a Y C h. 8-X1_._19 23. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it Further Resolve , that the said riessment be and it is hereby date ed to be payable in ................................eq Installmen s to each parcel of d described t in. Adopted by the Council ------------- —----------------------------------------------- r 191.... �..... .... ........ - - . - . .....\........--- .................. City Clerk. Approved.............. ......_. .......................... 191.._..... C � —, ................................................................................................. .. Mayor. Councilman lthx /l a nc y i 4-,0-Copneilman c Ho na 1 d m. ,tom Conneilman fie: ; atson 1 _ ConneiimA*+R^t Peter Councilman ZXX&—gH= ✓Venze1 Nc; c(]n Mr.'s— 1'— F-gusorn REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....condemning- and._taking...an._Pps9mQnt.-,-U-thy-..lLgxk.,,..ne.p.ea.aa,xy for... slop es:_..for--_cuts .and fills__. in era�imr ,alley -_in Bloc-li.2a.. ialtOn's--••, Sunny...Linga,...f:rnm...Sax.at.aza...:Kzenue....t.a... Via, c.a_l Avanae.,..................... ..........•--.--................ ..-..................................... -- ..................._...--- .... - ..........................--.............._....................................._.._.........................--------------...............----------...................... ................----.................----...................._............................._...._.---_.................................. ................... ..................... under Preliminary Order.....43!M ...._ approved. Jan.. 4, .1.923 Intermediary Order..... -.4 465•-.-- approved.M9.I' Ph._%....1923.a.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. ,, l 46234 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.._._condemning..,-and__.._ta-king_.,_an.,_easement.._._in..._the ._,._land,.._nec,Q.s_sax9 for.._sl4pps,_for_cta_.and,_. J?s__il� Sun Slope: from Saretog_a Avenue to Pascal...Avenue,,_,._,_,,,_,___,,,,_.......................... ...__......... _._._ of +•vv rrom Sartoga 'e un t7jE 4�ntermediary Order_44465,43511approved Jan. ,9 unerei . approve3o&'chr� •J923. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.GQn. e7An and take an easement in the land necessery,for_s1oQes� for cuts_ ind ills in gradinS..Alley in Block 2, 111alton's_Sunny__S1from_5aretoga__Av-enue toPascal Avenue, .... -.............------- ............---...:......... ................... ................. ................ ....... _ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..._t.he.....land .....a.bnt.t..ing upon the Alley in Block 2, Walton's Sunny Slope,between the points afore— said, to the extentehownupon this_plrlxl_eep�ifLo_t.k�e_r..aP9xt_.._9f_._.tha__ -(3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ........ .............: ..::........ ..... .._!_".. .............. .. .............................Y ....................._.. City Clerk. Approved _ c, Y la 3 ......., 191........... Mayor. Vo[xx McDonald ----moo jrwmt x -'Mat son =9=x _'Peter xMkMxx--✓lenzel �'�^'�r=-Wwx son RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of._cond.Q=Ang__flnd._ A TUM7_ an,_Qa emelt.-,in. for ...Q_Iope.a..-...f.o.r....c11t.5._and-...f.111s....ix..l:.r.A.d.iri'...Q.r-arze...StneQ.t...fr.om...the-ai -it.- of -way of the Suburban Electric Railvisy to Huth fivenuei________ _______________________________ ...... ....... ................................................... . . __..._._.._._...._.......... ............._.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - _.,._.-.... .................................................... ...----................-................... ---•-----................................ under Preliminary Order ...43507..._....__...approved.>�A.Ih.....�.y...�.��i'J, Intermediary Order_.... 44.2........... approved...._Ma-^ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further R=1vedthe said as ent be and it la by det�cmihed to be payable in .........................._....equaas t each parcel of land ribed therein Adopted by the Council--- ----------- .---------- ........ .--------------- .............. 191- - Approved............. .......... ..--`----------------- , 191..-....- C imei1man JXMXXAM V� l a nc y '�.' / V `Conoifma>r3iAA Donald Councilman t lea t s on Councilman 3&Slo3c ti, -'Peter Councilman 7Wtii� , Tlenzei. Nlr. Vi., I'.— Vrryry ,r�..1X. d i City Clerk. - .. ... .. - ........................L Acting Mayor. J) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS y In the matter of ararinQ._anftf,-a!,T.i?;5„._ ir,.A.re...land iie.a$ssary f.ox...s1o11e.s.,...f9x.-..cuts---a-n�f-ills_-.in-_yrs, _inCran� e,-_5-tx0.e-:G.-_ft`on1.-t::..e... Iiiktl - o£ -nay of ti_e Suburban electric R,ilway to Ruth .ver-ue, ------------------------------------`-'-"-..-.....--'-....._.._..........-....... '-----------'--'.....-......... under Preliminary Order4�3507-,_............. approved. Jar.._ ,,1923-__-. Intermediary Order _..44 .......... approved ..-...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed-, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. t � 46236 FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-con..demninl;..._and...._teking....an..._e.a.s.emant...._in._.t.ha.._1and._.ne.cg.s.aarg for s10UB.sa� for cute and _fills _ice grading-_Oxax a._Straat_..fr_ou�_t.ha.... fight, In the matter of condemn - ing an ;easement to!1+ Y r ..—__.__.. .... .._.... _.......... _._..._......_._ ._.._. ..........._ ..__.... sarY Yon`.slopes, ----.._._. ...... .::.grading Oraa6est: _ Y, th snb: n' a'wrtq:to Ruth P•'.lrt[ ,Say ...._...._.._._.__._...____..__._........_ _....... __.......................... •LS a-_g01]Rs "35D7 Jar 4 192 ry under Preliffildary Order----:_-.....----...._, approved......_.._._r..........,..............., ntermedia Order ............... approved -la :. -'-@s-1-923 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: gOndgmn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts_and fills _ in szra ding, Orange Street from the Rieht_.-stA� of •ha _$uhurban�leairic Railwa- • to -Ruth .Avenue------------- ------------------------------ _........................ —......... ---.- --- ..... _ _... _.... _. (2} That the following land, lands or. easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_...t.he.....land ._.a.but ,-Lng upon_ range St frQf�th�R_iSk�t= of-rtay__—Ofthe..._Sub�l�an...Elsctxic_Rai]�a� to R th t l?e-repo of the Cotmaissioner of Public _GJgPkg__ill th�mtt.,�1e� (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. "`' a`�., 11991.6Adopted by the Council......_..__ ...................... ............ :..._C ........... City Clerk. Mayor. acxMeDonald ICahlarJcx P els^on XMM= e nm�w�axh enzel hf r. vino 1'ren. �I n na n RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. condemnir.�; and takin, an easement in the land necesso Inthe matter of.._-------------------- -............................------------------------ ---------- ----------------- ---................................ .. for slopes, for cuts and fills in Fracin? Chilcombe _Avenue from ?ustis ...... ..._._.._.._................................................................I-----.:.._...... ..... -- ............ ----...... ---- --- _Stre.et_.to...i rom_)ton Street.,. --------------------- _,_. In tti8. matter :L'>F _ .ra ......... -............................................................. ......_....-_......_._........_....__........-.------__.___.-. _.... under Preliminary Order ---------- 0001.------ approved_Jut1e-_1.a-- 1_922 Intermediary Order.......4 z 3 ......-., approved__.! A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fiirthe=Resolv, the said assess be and it i ereby rmined tc be payable in .................es as to parcel of la escribed t sin. Adopted by the Council---- -------------------..-'-.,_-- ---------------------------- 191 ----------------- .......--- ------ --- ............ .. . -- City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------- 191........ � ..- - —--------- .... .- Councilman MM4MM '�C 1 a nc y Mayor. ✓ � // Councilman $�audxX ✓f'ic%onald 1i1 tF —�(o , CouncilmanffkeV3MX Ata t s on ---��� Councilman ffidt76i1X 'Peter Councilman-11enzel Mr. Vice Pres. Ferguson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....conc_ie~;nir c, ta.I,iri�...a.:^._ a�,.:_crt in t i.�...Ipn;?.._nacQ-Y.�a�y f.o-�-..sl.o�o.s,--_f o- cuts, ark. -fills in � ra ir,� ,.. i, comb„_-_:y�-^u,e-._fr�mi„-;�usl is .. . - ..... ..... ...._.......... -•.............._. ....... Street to rrornptor Str^et, . ................................................_................................._......._........---...... under Preliminary Order.4002...... ..-----, approved—T.U11e._.1.o_..7 ��2-2, Intermediary Order........` .4_,N.2r......., . approved .......... ....a.r^....-- TO TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. wwrr-o............ 46238 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__oand.emning_._a.n.d_._t.a.kir>g.....a.n....ea.S.eme.nt_....in...t.he.....land ..._nscasa.axy mor f_or✓�z ._........._..._._._...... _........ - ..... _--.--........ _..__....._ —_.............................. —......... _.......- I El No. 40238 .In the matter of easement :in t nc saryfor1pes.In the 5 i ......._...... ___.__...................................._....... —..................... enrr for sloCCes. tor. cuts ¢ad grading Chncombe-.Av St. to Brompton St.: 4 vat' ...._._......._. _. :nrd0r. 40001:. !t'olls,,.irt.—___.._.... __._.T .... .......... _.._._......_..— ------ �......__._._.._ y p:�rm. �i arc �tqr• s�'• n _ 40��1 92 44592 .....__._ under Prellmul�ty;Order 7.,. 1. intermedia .._�----....., approved�ul29....1.�... .., ry Order...._ .. , approved_lrlar.6e� Resolved: (1) Thatthefollowing improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.. condemn.—. _and take an easement in the land necessa._ry_._for,_slopeS•_for cuts and fills inrsdin� Chilcombe Avenue from Eustis Street_ to Brompton Street. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._t.he.....la_nd._-a-bult.ing upon Chilcombe Avenue. b�tweQn_thy—�Oint_s..._oforQsaid.,._..to..t.Y..._pxt�nt_$how� upon the Plan attachsd to .kle��s�4xt o tie CommiasiQna _o _ l3bLt��Lorks in (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............. .;u....._.:_....:] .....__....................... .., 1 ......... ........ ...._._..__ .._.. City Clerk- Approved - -------- - ------ 191._ ......... ` ........... . ....v . .................................... ........... _... - -- -- -�-V - I\ Mayor. 1 a riC y PUBLISFIEi3 �Sx�odk ter `: Slam21ss�s �enzel "" ' — I Fac fiT8.13'6P1� Mr. Via. Pres- Hbr¢asM - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter oi...cond8mning_--and-.,ta_king--.on---oas.cm tit----1D._tkla.-l-ln4i...lZa�.s.s.saxy for .slopes, for cuts and fills in..c'r_anr,in the--grade---a.nc�...grading--_thQ Narth..anfl...Sou.th..and.. asL.-.a.nd..:asst---dll.eys....in...Hnn.as.d-.-far-.1 ttr__a..eaaame�cin ;' ded, 3y University, Shields. _Beacon and .heeler:-----'----- ----- d . tinder Preliminary order .__-40177..._...._..approved.JL !112 9, 1922 Intermediary Order......4 463-------. approved ...h7arch .... .....1923.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resole ,that the id as�areel be and i� is hereby d�mined to payable in eq install a sa to eac land de/scribed therein. Adopted by the Council-- ... -`- --..............'............................ ....., 191 ....- ...................... 1.................................................................................................... RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter oi...cond8mning_--and-.,ta_king--.on---oas.cm tit----1D._tkla.-l-ln4i...lZa�.s.s.saxy for .slopes, for cuts and fills in..c'r_anr,in the--grade---a.nc�...grading--_thQ Narth..anfl...Sou.th..and.. asL.-.a.nd..:asst---dll.eys....in...Hnn.as.d-.-far-.1 ttr__a..eaaame�cin ;' ded, 3y University, Shields. _Beacon and .heeler:-----'----- ----- d . tinder Preliminary order .__-40177..._...._..approved.JL !112 9, 1922 Intermediary Order......4 463-------. approved ...h7arch .... .....1923.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resole ,that the id as�areel be and i� is hereby d�mined to payable in eq install a sa to eac land de/scribed therein. Adopted by the Council-- ... -`- --..............'............................ ....., 191 ....- . ... ...... ... ......... ............... City Clerk. PP- -- -- -�--..:.1................... 191.... Approved_ ..............:. ............ ..----...... ..... ..............-------- ------------- ............. u Mayor. CouncilmanRwxscatkbt 11 ;ncy l'LTBLISFiEIi - - Coto>�mawm�x -Itc Do na 1 d Couneilmaii =xx t s ori Councilman M' WWX13j�t er tlzel 7 Councilman VIffAgri811� - ➢1 Ferguson ............................................................................................................................ t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of.condemning-_.and....tnli_i= an easement in the land. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in changing the grade and grading the --------------------- ......................................._......_................................_....-----------------......-----------.................................... North end South and ^est and ;est alleys in Howard Park Lddition, in .......-----.._ .............S u..h.........._._............. --- ............._-------------w------......................-................................................... the_-bl.o-ck bounded by University, Sh. ields, Beacon and Wheeler, ......................... -a --------- ...... ....... ..------- ..._----- _....------- ........_...._------ --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- .....--.........I - ..............I............. ... ......_............_...... ........._........._ ..............--..---------------.............................-... .............. under Preliminary Order ........... approved..Jun2l.q22, Intermediary Order....... 14463 approved...__Il�s.i TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awcrds of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...... :vl: :%------------------------------ ---- Co issioner of Finance. V 1 � ............................................................................................................................ t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of.condemning-_.and....tnli_i= an easement in the land. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in changing the grade and grading the --------------------- ......................................._......_................................_....-----------------......-----------.................................... North end South and ^est and ;est alleys in Howard Park Lddition, in .......-----.._ .............S u..h.........._._............. --- ............._-------------w------......................-................................................... the_-bl.o-ck bounded by University, Sh. ields, Beacon and Wheeler, ......................... -a --------- ...... ....... ..------- ..._----- _....------- ........_...._------ --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- .....--.........I - ..............I............. ... ......_............_...... ........._........._ ..............--..---------------.............................-... .............. under Preliminary Order ........... approved..Jun2l.q22, Intermediary Order....... 14463 approved...__Il�s.i TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awcrds of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...... :vl: :%------------------------------ ---- Co issioner of Finance. V STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY BISTRICT COURT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. We Ithe undersigned owners of properties affected by the notice hereto attached object to the changing of the grade des- cribed in said notice and in the event that same is changed the council of City of St. Paul, Minnesota as provided in said notice. We demand Umages accordingly: 5°3 Sum of u�`D dollars , j Sum of dollars 9 . ZY of dollars of dollars of dollars rz ( tz_Sum of �`_ dollars EG, _ p V ���um6f Y� �L e.-dir dollars , /a2et%�itaa�o�?/r s- }14 Sum of -dollars 3/ Sum of dollars �`- L84im of _ I" � dollars /Z1 Sum f Sum of r/ DOLLAR 3. Sum of Dollar Sum of dollar Sum of dollar I && Sum of dollar !' Sum of dollar SUM OF dollar 1 i 1 it T NOTICE Of=`. � ..l ,w , PROCEEDINGS 'e in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fella In the matter of condemning and taking aaajasement jin changing grade and East and- VestaShleldsnAve� XxGrading -- N.orth .and -South and Beacon Ave. Addition in Block bounded by University Ave., and Wheeler Ave. iroved.-._..6jg/-22-, Intermediary Order 44463 _ _ _.., I under Preliminary Order.. -- .441zi app .. I approved_..3I$I2� -... - TO WHOM IT %1AY CONCERN: had beforethe Council City of St. Paduy �the Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be i in the Con of St. Paul, on it House in the City r in the Council Chamber, ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance 192.. , at ---- - appropriated .--------------' of_ therein, to be app p .....J11T1e--- as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements also upon the assessment of benefits to for the above improvement, and for the confirmation of such awards, the property from the making of said improvement. to the awards of damages therefor, must Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the City Clerk prior filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with be in writing and thereto. Dated may kith... .......192. 3 - JAMES M. CLANCY, Commissioner of Finance. yl/P Deputy. NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills i5e>5�4...RD��n�'1Ti[�-- $218-- �1'E3litS--.t1.rid--g8Et4411Ri--A��ex31--8Yf�---�Chl-$A•s---�lsld--.EQyp-�--tbt�cl.---• Deet all®ye in Howard Park Addition in the block bounded by University Ave., Shields Ave., Betaaon Ave. and Wheeler Ave. under Prelimi�ar,y`Ord...... � Q ..........., approved j6/()/2? _-_..... Intermediary Order..._% 3- ------------------- approved-'-..VA/2 -"......-. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the --------------- ft 1 ------------.------..._.-----....day r of.....JJttll-------------_...------ ...., 192....-3., at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to ;he property from the making of said improvement. Objections to the taking of such lands or casements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed kith the Council at the time herein fi—d for said bearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. IfU 3 . C..nnu.,sitlm'r of Finanee. 1)y Deputy. L- Jae. M. elancy pom. of Finance, and the Ronorable Cot+ncil of the ftft of Rt, paid', Ci tF, Dear Sir, s I have signed a vietbtion toeether with meet of the owners in this block aaeinst the grading of tno alley running No. end gouth an above referred to, and in case it is put through cleia deriae_ee amounting to 490% As I will have to nova marage, stove fruit bushes and fruit trees and put in a drivewav for coal waven costing at least the emouat of 30n. Ione% eve that I will be benefitted in arTIL way by such grading. Yours truly �� q NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in ohat'bgin grade and ]dE Grading.---- rth--8nd--$cwt-th--arid-past --and---Weet--•siltye -41t-$owar Park ----------•--• Addition in Block bounded by University Ave., Shields Ave., Beacon Ave. and Wheeler Ave. under Preliminary Order.... 40177 approved .....-.--6ig/22_, Intermediary Order -..446.3. - approved. 3/8/a3 _. . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, • in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the -------------------- $9th ------------------ _ --------- day of......+Tlrr18------------ _.._...__._-, 192..3..., at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Rated -----day... loth........ _.......192..-_3.. JAMES M. CLANCY, Commissioner of Finance. )By-- Deputy. To the Kon. Council of the Ciao of St. Paul, I as a pronarty owner joining, the alley running north and smith wish to file my objection to tue above ohanginq of grade, and in case s+relt Cride In made elaim 4250 dsosgee to my property, and there will be no benefita to my proner ,y from such grade. x g FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_condemning.,._and._teking__an easement in .....the land necessary Jnr -s ln.pes,..fslr._GSlt�and_fi�la _in changingthe_._grede,_e? ceding -the North andSouth and ast.and West Alleys in Howard Park Addition, in tj� b pok bounded bg_Univeraity._ Shieldst Beacon and21heeler, -- '0 .......... .....,u417..approved19ne..._9r .19221ntermediary Order .... _...... 4.4 63._._...._.., ;'�pPlPved t41sC1°w$`�_923. Resolvedel " , (1) That'the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.._cQndemn take an a9SBMePt ip the land necessa� es, for slop -for cuts and fills in changing the grade and grading the North and South and East and-'i7est g11e$s: ir, Recrard��s}�kldditiDn,.__in tt�e�i9_ek_bounded b�_UnivQrsit��_Shields, ----------------- (2) - ---- --(2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:....th@-_l�Lnd.._._ebutting .. ,_ 'o—i, ARAit.inn_ hetween the Aoints_-aforesaid, ghbmn unron the Alan attached to the report. of the Corliss af_.�u li.� i i. k�a.__in th _mattQr.,_.deted_.April 111_:1923..---......_._....._...._.---.----.- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .... _..... ._..._.......,i.i:.1..`- $dLE68X ;Matson xxgu=Peter / ;Senznl RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..condemn_ira___and.-.ta'ine_.an--,Pas_-int.--in--thy---jand__��-s_SaRy for ._slopss,._for cuts. _and fills -..in -..gradin from__RtSeLe ---- Str... ...._.___....... .............-------------------------------.... ... ------------------------------------------------------------ --.........------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------- C. F. N.. 46241-- Iu the "matter Of eoademning-:and tak- ing gn 'easement atthe- necee- e�ry for eloDe0. forla eat -aad fllIe i grading" Villard. 6L irom.Rlce Stre t V ... ..---... -"' ..... .... ... ---- -------- ----------- ------------------_-----...... Park qve. and Park Avenue fes:; lnard :8t. - to laaryla:-"+'k-1.01 Preliminary ,Order 42x uy . :....San. - 24,.:1828, Inter;, s m:..............__..._..............-.......................................................................................................... ....... 44588; aDDroved Dfa�.I.-. •:' " -A (Due talk) arinK ] ert' ��.l�os the takliL-..::, ."� �,;.�. .. uIIdnndep orlira.i:i¢v Order.--- 43822--------...., approved_.Ja.T?A...2.`k.,----�92� termediary Order... approved-. .._fie_? . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. - Adopted by the Council ..... .............. 191........ J� City Clerk. Approved 191 / ¢ ^C S d Y y hoe111 qLim `Couneflman Ib/ilcDonald \ / Councilman WWX ✓ bta t s on Councilman) v' Peter c--ilman ARtlzicenilell ,Ar.znl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....cond.Q fining-.and.-.tak.ing..,an,..aa�Am�t-•.-ixl...t-hs....l.and...nao.essary for slopes, for cuts and fills in ^rading Villard Street-from__Ric -_-- -• __Gtrset-._to-._Fart_- venu-e-._a-nd-_Pa.rk...:,vPnue...From..�Ii�-1.Ax..d.._St.r.eet...tn...PAasyland -Street...... .............................................................. ander Preliminary Order.....43822...._._..__ appmved..JaD.+.4.4.,.� 343..., Intermediary Order......_445.8�......., approved Me r t...l.6.z..-92J r TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r i ---------------------------- ---- Commissioner of Finance. .. 46242 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..._APnd-e=1lz9..._ And .....t.e.k_i,l?g.._.e.._n.....ee.s..emarlt__.i.n.....ry t.�.e.....Ze.na...._na_s.e..g- A forslopes?., for cuts and fills in grading Villard Street from Rice _. t.rset 2_R�axlf_6ltaxilaae _e._IaGL. e._ _ 9s$raua.._fr.om.._pillar.d.._.Straat..._t_Q--_Maryland ,--..-_.... .... ...... -- - — - -- -... I he matter o condginaing and taK ..._.-._....._.._..._.__.-....___.... .. ...... ............ neCee ..._. .. _ ...... easeme8 tfor`Cuts land fl', -`vy slop r 7r. Villard Street. Yrom 1.v ___..._.._.__..............._._.............__..._.�.. _._...._......__.xF .•_ve: and ParK .,',:.-.__.._—._...___..............._._._...__. •oao •�'. to DiarYlar ' �.�-.. y.�ay:, 'Order 4: under Preliminary Order ...... ..... 0.8.22 . approved -de n..24 b .a �, iete,'.'diary Order _....... 44_ .Q.5 elx�rt Marc-,; approved.... Mar ...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:. C.O.ndemn _.and_tRk an a,UBmant_iiLthe �antLna��sASary-for R1on�,__ q�Gut�__e_nd a radin Villard Street from Rice Street to Park Avenue. and Park Avenue .................................... _.._.. (2) That the following land, lantIs or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._the..._1.e.nd...._a.b.1it-t-ing upon Villard Streets from Rice -St. toPark._ Avenue,_._ and._-_Park-_-4venu_from _Villard St. to Marvland_St._, _to thA _Ment shovrn upon_the_.plan__._at_tached _tom...the.._r_a.R�rS-o%-t.kaa-G9mmi..ssi.szna� of_...psa�l.i� ._LQr_lis__ix�.L.ha_maE.t_ar_..clai�ed (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ........... J......:.:.::......i.3. a_.. ..... ......._......_....._..., 191 ........ ....._..._e ................._ ........._ .................. -..... > _ Cit Clerk. Mayor. k k cDonald zoatxx ..y�l �tson 86cE�kx 1'Y^`Ar 4Q IESOLUTI6N RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ofh.e -la-na ne.GBa.a.azy for slopes, for cuts and fills in gradin? the..North -and_-.South_-llley-from Granite St. to the and Ie-st alle.y.,---and the...7ast and--:•_lest--_alle-y_-from ..... ......... . tlie ...Nort.h...ana._S.Q-Ulb...al .e.y.---t.o...t.he...meja.t i.i.zla..-o.£---I at....ia,...Blo k.2.,...Edimmcl -••- Rice's Second Addition, _...........__......................_........................................... - - -- ............ _........... ... ..__..._............_................................. - .........- .................... ' ........................ --..................................--..-..... tinder Preliminary Order.... 3.9396.-..._-.-._. approved .._FSP.r.t....27,....1.994ntermediary Order ........, approved..i. the ......Ale.rokl 3ng en ea.ement in �`l A public - saar foe slope., for cats a the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, grading the North and from - Granite st. to the west aney, and the Ea.t of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits for the above i alley from the North and therefor, and the wept it-- of1—on Id -t,- "$ ;} ed the same, now therefore be it w: • " Resolved, That the taking a4co- ndeumation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved at the said ase sment be and ft " hereby/ determined ayable in ................................equ natallments o each parcel o nd described ther - .?l I iIIL, . Adopted by the Council....... '''.:...:-......' - .........--..........._-., 191.... City Clerk. Approved ............ 1;......................... 191 .... .................... ..................... / Mayor. Councilman �Lye� k Clancy '/ PrMT rcr-,F� CouncilmanAk= Ferguson Councilman 14daW v McDonald Councilman IIOMKX Matson �/ \ Councilman IMX=x f Peter Councilman AMAO XXX a nz e 1 Mayor /Nel son ........................................................................................................................... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G� ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....Q.Qna�.efil}. ng...a.n .. t,al. ir_>_.ar.._ea_s_emAnt...in--the._.1_a_n.0 _r?c9sc ry for._ s. l.opes....._for-cuts and fills in tradinsr the ,orth and Sout'_ ,iley from ..........._._.............................. ast_.,an�_._'.'es_t alley,__�nd the last and 'ialley from -- es.t the...N.ort.k1._e..t13_.. ou.th._alley__t.o...t_he_:;P_st i ins of Lot - --- Block _2, 5dmurd R Addition .................................. --........ r ............... ....................................... ................... ........................... ............................................ .................... ..................... ......... under Preliminary Order.....39396_.......... approved..SaP.r.r.27:.1922..., Intermediary Order..........44.3.$9...., approved...... March 6, 1923. .................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that be has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. To 4hc onorablc, The oCuncil, Co City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.,.._! Z4.:'.....:.2..% 192.1. Gentlemen: ti 0 t We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable flp�dy Yt� cause the following improvement to be made: 'Z -f el -Z T e- .............. ............... . .... .................................... .. . .......... a ................. - .1 e'er. . . ..... . ... . ............... & ............. NAME LOT ADDITION 16' mzz-§= , rm St. Paul, Minn.192.3 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 2o - ................:......����.tom-cam.....-.-..-.-.-.......t�e . BLOCKLOT ,, . .��' ��L1 4,6244 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_._._c.andemning....and.....t.aking.._an....e.a.s.ement.....in....the .._.l.and.....nec.e.s.eary is and PtD-s-1rLznd_i..pg-lhe.._&r.t.h.-.and....SQ..Ut l._Alle.y from _Gagne Vit. _to the Fset_andlgst�l.l.ay_,_and.._the__agt._a.d_..pie.st.._a�.le.�. rom the 2ior&h and_$ouiY�allay �Q_theme.e.g .t......I..lne_._o ._..i.ot.. ] $.r......BIQck...2,. Edmund _.... __...................... ............................ _...:_......... _................. _...... _..... _...... _............. ..- under Preliminary Order; :39396_ ... _,.,..,,.,... approved_ApgA?7.. 19221ntermediary Order .......443$8...... _......... a Prom Grani�e �1; �• west alley; from the North A� -leytomthe,west dlne & EdmundRlcea 9f. under Preliminary O ,.' yroved Apra 27, 1911 Order 4438s, approve 14g,improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.._ —Q.ndemn Resolved: (1). Thatthe folio > '_, r�•t� ice_]„ ,nd-27�Qg T_y__fSlr_9l___ppps-,.._ior—aut—and._f ills be and the same ds be made viz: cunaemn ane taxa K,�7 " hand South_�j1,],e.y.._fZ94t.Sita.L11.t�e....St..._t.Q_.t118_EAct And _ the land ecessary for _ andflila in eradine �... to the &Ution,-.--.. (2) ' That the following land, )ands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:...the ...la.nd....a.hnt_t.ing upon the north and sol;th allg.y.- r-Qm._.Czxanit..a.._at_._ t4._the._..east.—and._.zeat_alley,. {lnd'the east and west a11Ay from the north and so 7_I th e11e.y-t.D_the—w.est line _.Edmund�ic�ls Second._4ddttion,—t.o--they-.extant--qi=n upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public_ works._ in the matter, Hated March 31, 1923. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ........._.......:'._ �. �E123 WN 20 1923 Approved_ ............ ................................... --......................... 191............ 9wx0sxx igavIcy 32a Umam bt rguson !amxx cDonald x stson odic /Peter elf Vienzel Mr. President, Nelson �City Clerk. rLs�-. Alayor.'– 4C� 4t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AVSARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...nd talons an__ease?nent in._the._.land._.necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Brading the Forth and South alley _............_._.... ....... .................. .- -----....--- ................ .................................................... -Evans'..-Addition,-_and Block --3, Iolterhoif_._end.Mead.s_....__.._._. :Additon,frmGeraniumSt. to Jessamine5t.............................. .i- ..._ tinder Preliminary Order -.44118 -- I approv4Ef!h. 14.4.-_1923 Intermediary Order ......14-54$........1 approved...._ Ma T Ch___14_,_._l 923 . A public hearing having be C. IT. No. 46245— filiation of the lands or easements therein, In the matter of .condemning and tak- for the above improvement, and 1 ing'an easement In the land neces-nd also upon the assessment of benefits sary for slo➢es, for cuts and fl'hs in therefor, and the Council having , grading the North and soutri auey,inefore be it Block 3,. Eva Is Addition, and Block 3. HolterhofY and iliead's Addition, f•^ :- GDeranium SL �o Jessamine sq . „ described in the annexed assessment roll, Resolved, That the taking _... a.l..rS armee identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same 0 hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..............................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted*by the Council 191 .:: .................... ........ ----...iii City Clerk. Approved._................................................... 191 ........ / ✓� ...... .......L.... �6 Mayor. V Councilman F'slV9=d1KVC l a n c y PUBLISHED man ('-S ixxx ✓ Councilman gtW&x McDonald Councilman A1C✓ eter / ✓Councilman W53[iBdrTam ttenzel '. s ✓ Mayor Ir4d8x r 46246 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, In the matter of__condgmning_and_._t_ak,i.?ag..._9.n..__a_s..emerit......in_..the..._la.nti.....neGe.aaary _for �lop�s,._for _cuts and Pials }�zrediDg__thy.._ North .__and ..-S.auit.kl_a.11e.y-_ in Block_3, .,van's Addition., and Block 3. Holterhoff and Mead!s.__.__.___, Addition�from.Geranium St. to_Jessamine.St., ...... under Preliminary Order ..._...441.1_$ ... ........... approved..Fe.)?.e._._14_,...._!$Vttermediary Order—.44548..... ............ , approved_Nfa_l ch 14,.19231 __ --- — Resolved: C. F. No 46246- 0 the matter of oondemnIn and Ing an eaeetnent In the land (1) That the following; s adlno iIODes, r tes Leby*ordered to be made, viz.:.__SeQndemn J to Blo k 2 North and sou ha alien and take an easement mock 3 ana Ad. for slo es Por cuts and fills HolterhoPC one---...----l—s_____._ i �� tlon, from GeraN fir' —' st., under p n grading the Nort -PP1r 59F.b. 14 4, ij in .Block 3s ^vans'_Addition, and Block 3, Holterhoff andJmo _8. �tion, from Geranium St. to Jessamine St._.--- ... ------•--....... _.................. -.........._................................ ....... (2) That the following land, lauds or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.._.._the_le,nd..__ b-Ift- .ing upon the Alleys_„_North and South._ir Block_._3,ans!,....10itj0114 and__.___, _Block 3,, Holterhoff and Mead'. AddjUDji.l�etween_!Liin _P_Q. Di3 e o_re.Sa..i_d, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of theu__� Commiss nof Public Norte jn._thELMe-ttar.......dated g.pr (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages fo h and appro t above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.._. �._` .f.�._i` 1 ..... ..........................._ ty _ .. 1 ✓� _ 'City 2,jis 3 V Approved_-.--- .......... _................ ........................ 191........... % AgitIng mayor. C18nC � •., p �tSIiED r _� 3aMjMM plerguavii �a�x 4cDonald�. 587E Feter �. ,itaenz.el . , �Mr. President, �7�gOri'�jji�.yt CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO ------ --- 47 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM O COM £DATE...JT.0 e_ Z�._._1.a.�J..a-3-_..._......_......_.._._...._.. COM!!'' IONERNE.__..._....___..._........_:._._......................_..._._...__.......__..........__. . RESOLVED At the rurchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one only Model C-19 Edison Phonograph and eighteen records, at a cost not to exceed $313:00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks 53- 4- 85 C "F. Noi 4624i H. C. Wenzel -- Resolved haL the Purchasing I� Agent be.. ande is hereby. authorised to purchase. with -:-the onsent of the Comptroller, one only Model -'C-19.. Edi- son.Phonograph^end eighteen= -records, ,at. cost not-ao:. exceed $313.00,':with- outacost or:competitive UIds, as this 1s a patented article and --advantage could.: be shined-. thereby. -. Charge Parks 53A-86. -� I' Adopted by the Council June 18,. 1923. Approved June .8, 1923. (Juni, 16-1923) - COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Clancy Few - McDonald ___ __ In favor Matson (� Peter __-...- __Against. Wenzel it T 11 Nr. Vice Pres. Ferguson Adopted by the Council-.- _,J:. � J! ---- 192 Approved `/`G MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couN "No._..._Iy.(y1 a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Shat the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby author- iser to pay to Desmond A. Kieron, an employe of said Board, injured January 24, 1923, the snm of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, for the period up to May 23rd, 1923• I C. F. No. 46248_g J,gazcDonald_ , 'Reaolved;Thak tphe ,Board of. Water :Cammisalonere be ,8nd'dt is hereby au anorem loa° _ f, ,Desmond Ai$teron, i P Ye t e'leld B=ard" lajured i!a 24 492, h Partmact((YYFD�d out of. aUM -xhirty-twn, 'of hi& lalni Dar'8Q a at 9a A l4 the33,,VVhh.ean. ;: Adopt dd JUnh aeff--2y'�"' P. ' pPProve , -. - iJn 'Ovale CiOUNCILAMN Yea: Nays Clancy McDonald ..._/___-In favor Matson ff \\ Peter .....v......Against Wenzel ➢lr. Vice free. i erguson I recommend the above resolu- tion for passage. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council .......... . i=1 192.— Approve _..�' -- ---------._192...... Z V MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FO NCa -24 � No. 46 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the St. Paul Milling Company as principal, and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company as surety, dated June 7th, 1916, in the sum of $2,000.00, covering vacation of streets and alleys under Council File No. 10570, passed April 19, 1916, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of ' said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ;1VIaDonald In favor Matson ''`` Pctcr V......_Against VA'rnrrl t{r_.-11T—irlern£ Adopted by the Council.....-_- "_:'. ' �j 3 -- - - ---192... - Approved. _ — ��-----192------ `�. - p - / I-- � mnvoR 0 ~ INCORPORATED CUSHING. DUNN & DRISCOLL 315 CAPITAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA June Eth, 1A23. Yr, Eugene V. O'Neill, Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of bt. Paul, St. Paul , V.inn. Dear Sir:— r.E: St. Paul yd" line Comp1*}_ Answering your letter of June 5th xish to advise that it will be satisfactory if loo -1 of the above mentioned Comp?ny is cancelled in so far as any future liability is concerned. This bond would protect you q.s to =_ny lirbi'ity which may have accrued prior to the cancellation thereof. Yours very truly, COSHING, DUNQi R DRISC01_[, ST. PAU1 I'dSUhANCE ACENCY, nAb.?::v Per, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No.......4B2,50 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED aWHEREAS, It appears that the Case touring car operated by the Department of Public Works was damaged on the 7th day of March, by an automobile owned by Merle Scheid, to the extent of Nineteen Dollars (019.00), and it further appearing that said Merle Scheid has offered to pay said sum upon the execution of a release by the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to execute a release therefor in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. C Whereas4 `4t0 a pp ears `th.tt the<Ca :. al touring ofcPubbeeLNVoaka wase dam s on the 7th day of March.by-aniauf -. extent of nNineteenMerle pollar. �d($19.0 ,and'{t further appearing .that 'sl Merle9 ,held ivas oft¢red t0 pat si ..u. ., '_ execution-: of a reu a� release therefor form to pe: al proved' by the' 'Counsel Adopted by'Cfie� Apprve�Council 'June od June; R, 1923. - (Juae-16-192aY; 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s ;Clancy f 1VIcDonald'' ._In, favor Matson y� Potor Against --31r= tit�fcTrnE Adopted by the CouncilI--------- 1^J - - - -------192---- Approved-- i 1i7"- -----192----- ln9 mwvoa 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���i�� FILE NO.---- .--.---�--d-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL RESOLUTION—GENERU FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the North Centr4l Welding & Vulcanizing Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1201 Rice street, pumps and tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. C. •F: No. 46251—By H. C. wenezl— Resolved.,That permission and au- :rhority are •herby givento, theNorth Central. Wel'ding..& Vulcanizing.Com- pany to. install and- maintain a. drive 9n filling,atation. at 1201 - Rice - St;, pumpa and. tankstohe installed in ac- cordance with .the ordinances of. the City of St. Paul, and under the direc- tlon': and to- :the satisfaction of the Commissioner ,=Pubuc:BaEetY- '.'ald6pted hY •the. Council Suns 8, 1923.. Approved June 8. 1923. (Jane 16-1923jy.. . Adopted by the Council...._..._ y -..192.... -- Approved - _1�C�..... - ....192..__ --- ------------------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL c UNCIL No.. L, FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRMENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__.._ ------ ____..........._-------------- .........._......._...___..__..._.._..........................__._._._..........._. RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the North Central Welding & Vulcanizing Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1201 Rice street, pumps and tanks to be Installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Ye: 1 � t Matson Prtrr \\'rnz�•I Tttu of Onint Paul J �g L �t C ypsun t of jri12 mm JAMES M. CLANCY, eowwiea�oxea J. E. CORCORAN. DRrun Coww::IOxcR LEONARD C. SEAMER, Crap C-R. euRe OF ASS—M6xTS May 16th, 1923. Iair. henry Olson, City Clerk, Building. rear '°r. Olson: - hearing will be held in the Council Chamber, third floor of the City Hall and Court house Building on the 8th day of June, 1923, at 10 o'clock A. 7. relative to the application of the North Central Alding and vulcanizing Company for a drive-in fillir.v station at 1201 Rice Street. Very.;truly yours, C/OY!L` s"sioner o Finance. 3 William 31. Peter, (&ammissianer Arie Fdallette, DepuTg (¢ammissioner Rrportutent of Public Works (4itij of Quint Voul GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL, ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. S. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE May loth, 1923. pyjr. James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance. B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir :- In the natter of application of the North Central Welding and Vulcanizing Company for a drive-in filling station at 1201 Rice Street, I wish to advise that this is in a Commercial District and is permissible under the zoning ordinance after a hearing. Send notices to the following owners Lots 1 to 11 inclusive, Block 1 Krantz Division. Lots 1 to 7 inclusive, Block 1 rIja oCarbon St. Addition. Lots 10 to 22 inclusive, Block 7 Wifelburg Hills. Lot 10 Block 2 Stinson's Rice St. Addition. Lot 1 Block 1 Brayton's Second Addition. Yours very truly, City Planni g 'ngr . � GH-REH c_3 HARRY A. JOHNSON. D-Uu CAMM�ssioNER FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER t (big of '!fVttint Paul glqurtzurut of vuhlis 04uf$tg May 1 2, �9�3 Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is application of the North Central Welding and Vulcanizing Company for permission to operate and maintain a drive in gasoline filling station at 1201 Rice Street on private property. This location is ap-oroved as to fire hazard by the Division of Fire prevention and it is recommended that license be granted. yours eery, •A4uly, �!• f' � d ala'=' - Commissioner of Public Safety MAY 3 1923 RFIRE CHIEF. J. ItW S CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. W MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION Aril ..,1533, =on. A -mson 30l: issioner of PUM _ 1 f . , .: t . P aul, :.:inn . Near Sir: OWENS'C. DUNN AET CHIEF In ragar, to tie ai;:licaticn Of the YortY_ Central 1;aldin6 and vulcanizing :ouq any for rarmis.ion to operate an! . aintain a drive-in gasoline filling station at 1201 ::rtee, Street, located on private troperty. ave the Krejoirg investigated ar_u rerort that suck a gasoline fillip;;, station at the a.Love address :could not increase the fire _.azar, in that vicinity; 1 racumuend that permit be orarte". Yours aeslactfully, "'niei Ins;.ect-FL� io Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to he made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the Citv APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION For. No. Application No.- To the Honorable City Council Date— of � Ij of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREB M E By Nnmr of Firmor dilidunl { For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A i -=` _ f -- - - — "Dnv I."., "Curb" ATLTAMOBILE FILLLING-STATION to be located an o - > 3Veet Number d Stma Number of J Number of Gas 3 Capacity of,,' STo o Pumps to be Installed- — Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk Y �_ ' ,�Siemture of ApPli t � �- J-��J =cam:= Address APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date '`f �� 193 Date _._--_19-- Date— -- 19-2j Com r. o ubety. Commr. of Public Safety. Co o , P nd AP ROVED APPROVED PASSED 19—_ Date__ 19___ Date----- —_19_ APPROVED 19— ORDINANCE NO. - __—__ PERMIT NO. LICENSE NO. Commr. of Public Works. and applicant so notified by letter dated------ 19— RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO X6252 FILE t ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE _........... June. 8th _.1923..- ............... That the Plat of Hayden Heights Plat #2 as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. -------- C F.,No. 46252—By R;. J. Peter lghta ed...That [he. Plat of Hayd_ ea , he Plat VOOUOIBalu- an doapa..ded-by' the Commiesloner of Public Fpovedrks b0- ?'and the same Is hereby accepted. ' :Adopfedtbg the Council June 8..1923.' Approyed'June. 8, 1923;. :.(June 1B-19231 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r Clancy McDonald __..._ In favor Matson Peter ...... ......_.Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council_ �.':'•:�i.::_".:_i1j�,,_ ---192 -- A rov . _ . PP d ._ %......._____192----- a�oa RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL F°ENO1LNo. _...4 �� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f �l/irs9 �7L e June 7, 1923. That the plat of Keough Brothers Plat 1, as recomended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner o3 Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. - C., F. No. 46253-13y. W. J. Peter Resolved, That the platofKeough Brothets Plat 1, -as recommended by .the Plat Commission aad approved -by ?:the ^ Commissfoner.of Public Works, be and the same 1s 'hereby accepted. Adopted by the CouncilJune8. 1923. ` Approved June 8, 1923. (Juno'18-1923). COUNCILMEN Yea: Nays Adopted Clancy McDonald In favor Matson Peter ).. Against \Vrnzel 192_.... CITY ". - bur+ac - ,` C F.—No. 4625A,—BY T. 8. 3icDoaald�l�. NO. _:....: ��,, ... OFFICE o `Iteaolvea that the S.a'•Pa'I Gae- Light Company be, and le hereby or -I COUNCIL RESO. dered-to e,tcnd�ltF gas inalne on `ttie, ' from.BayardBooth east to 1,232 rSc--eller. PRESENTED B .fromHamllne-east to 1232s6c. tter. Hamline Aver 'from 6eheffor <^ C0rJ4it R....4jq.V H, McDonald, Eleanor Street. Eleanor from/ ,, ..,,,,_„ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "'""' east to 1236 Eleanor A Woodlawn from St. Cie .l Woodlawn;- Burns Ave RES OLyED That, the St. Paul Gap $urns easC to Clarence '� 18 hereby or St: from Burns 'Ave.,•6 dared to extend its g4. St..-PacificStreetfrond`llowing streets: clflr ^+nN• Au, Hemline Ave, from Bayai ; e8 'Mth—to-1,4,r4ffer, Scheffer from Hemline east to 1232 Soii%s ex; %m2lne;Ave., from Scheffer south to Eleanor Street, leanor'fr,om:i€amline east to 1235 Eleanor; Alley west of Woodlawn from St. Clair Street to 219 Woodlawn; Burns Ave. from 1225 Burns east to Clarence St. Claxenoe Street from Burns Ave. north to Pacific St., Pacific Street from 1306 to 1385 Pacific Street; Autumn Ave. from 1784 east to 1979 Autumn Ave., Cottage Street from 848 west to 836 east Cottage Street; Burns Ave. from Clarence Street east to 1387 Burns Ave., Nebraska from Hamline east to Huron Street, Huron Street from Nebraska south to 1472 Huron Street; Brand Street from white Bear Ave. east to 1832 Brand Street; Jefferson Ave. from 1884 east to 1846 Jefferson Ave., Dale Street from 1261 north to 1329 north Dale Str-eet, wheelook Parkway from Dale Street east to 534 Wheelock Parkway; wheeler Ave. from Wesley north'fto 817 north Wheeler; 7th from Montreal west to Dealton Street, Dealton Street from west 7th Street to Benson Ave., Benson Ave., from 1780 to Glen Terrace, Glen Terrace from Benson to 1841 Glen Terrace. Ivanway from 1781 Ivanway tm Benson Ave., Gaultier Street from X233 north to 1249 Gaultier Street; Frankson Ave., from 1420 west to 1458; Hatch Street from Jameson east to Grotto; Grotto from Hatch Street north to 1027 nbrth.Grotto; Prosperity Ave. from Maryland Street 1200 ft, north; Juliet Street from 2131 west to 2147 Juliet Street; Wellesley Ave. ,from 1963 west to 1980 Wellesley Ave., Ben Hill Road from Lombard south to 28 Ben Hill Road. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy McDon I McDonald In favor Matson Q Smith T iiv �`------- -------- Against Wenzel r FON. 3.—o fir. Vice Free. k'orRusoa Adop PUBLISI ILD AUDITED ..U.I�... �.........�_�_ BY.. .. ....-. ......... COM.. .. _R. .........182...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a regate amount of $__$y7.$,1-----•----------------- wverin8 ® checks numbered ......_-_139U --- .------- to -- --- .----- inclusivas per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. r.? Adopted by the Council.__...... 1 .- _:..�?.`.3..... Clancy, ✓ _.. _..192..-_... 2YI -------- - -----In favor Matson, Approved.---------- ......-lu---.':.. �J J _.:192.. Wenzel -- ----..--Against )'3r. Vice ag - l/ 46266—te''.. Resolve Tre aury.e sthe agg ega n, the :CItY... �nvmbettrl/edY1393, I. 13943 taclu.1 .. as the otRcetoY.the.CttY�Compiroller.1923. tIn Adopted`bY the Council Sune 8..1- . Approved June 76 92 .3 • - OI2Y On Bi, rAOL - QUADRUPLICATE I TDCrrYCLERK Form D-34 IM 12-22 w AUDITED ..U.I�... �.........�_�_ BY.. .. ....-. ......... COM.. .. _R. .........182...... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a regate amount of $__$y7.$,1-----•----------------- wverin8 ® checks numbered ......_-_139U --- .------- to -- --- .----- inclusivas per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. r.? Adopted by the Council.__...... 1 .- _:..�?.`.3..... Clancy, ✓ _.. _..192..-_... 2YI -------- - -----In favor Matson, Approved.---------- ......-lu---.':.. �J J _.:192.. Wenzel -- ----..--Against )'3r. Vice ag - l/ 46266—te''.. Resolve Tre aury.e sthe agg ega n, the :CItY... �nvmbettrl/edY1393, I. 13943 taclu.1 .. as the otRcetoY.the.CttY�Compiroller.1923. tIn Adopted`bY the Council Sune 8..1- . Approved June 76 92 .3 • OIIIGINAL TO 'CITY CLERK Form D-34 1M 12-23 • OITY OP BT. PAOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ..... L No ..A.6255.. 355 JUNn1 pp U 1923 I BY...... ....................... COMPTRO. ...:..... AUDITED........_........_.._ ................_........_....... ....I82.... ...� Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the a regale amount of $--__`L. 76-647 -&! .................. covering checks numbered ---------- 1.3. -'u1 ............ to-------23943...............inclusive; as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council._ ............._ -v-, 192----...- --------------In favor McDonald,- /..192.....-. Approve ... ........::-- _.,_.4wN� - Matson, ; Peter, Wenzel. --------..._Against--- - -.. ..-_...11---------•----- - - --ninYoa -. nelson bir. Viae Preb Fsfg"= - ------------ -* ------...--------------------- 13931 Stewart R. Browne Mfg. Company, 26.46 Water 13932 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Co.,. 3,846.37 Schools 4.02 Water 3,496.22 " 346.13 3,846.37 J 13933 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 1,892.29 Water i 13934 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, 1.69 Schools 13935 Cochran -Sargent Company, 1,402.38 Water 13936 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 267.43 Garage 13937 Government Printing Office, 7.50 Schools 13938 Vim, H Keller, Inc.,S 2 t ME Interest 3,666.25 P.LR.F.-Int. Acct. 90.00 'dilater Deptt. Fund -Int. Account '� 715.00 - • Res. 355 Page #2 13940 Pioneer Electric Company, 54.95 St. C. & R. (Pay.) 8.36 Schools 46.57 54*95 13941 St.Paul Foundry Company, 7,689.45 Water 13942 Thompson Yards, Inc., 654.77 Water 13943 United Lead Company, 7,247.90 Nater r '�' ;�l C F -No, 4"0266—.Tohn 'H MODonald= k - Ordinance 'No 6081-- s Ll An ordinance a.uthorizla8=-sad 'Drovld. �i f ' je y .Ing for the SaHtutdr and sale of hfillton Flve Hundred Thousand Doly , late (62;60000000) D�lr value of the bo da of the Clty of St Paul Mln- nesota, far the purpose of exteading,' i anlnrging and improving tlieDubllcl r waterworks .Plant and waterworks' '.system owned and operated by the O htii,%M�MSU IAC. b �e'� I " 'City of St. Pavl. Whereas, The Hoard of WaterCom An ordinal missloners of the City of St. Paul d,d, iding for the issuance and on the '11th day of June, 1922, pas. a esolutfon In the [ollowinS words and 5Ko �O.00) 8...lot viz.: 1 V sale of Two Milli - Whereas, In order the an'r1k„�.tand Dollars (02,500,000-00) 4unte supply of Pure water mai" Provided. there is need of ext ad 11, and Improvements of St. Paul.Minnesota for the par value, of th6 Meme including prov eliurlbub ing additional lands r� r of extend sy, for eenstrueting .fid improving the public waterworks purpose d Ing lne9nt PVIDPonK '-'yid plant and waterworks-sJI;4'm-„�,,,ied and operated by the City of St. Paul. WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul did, on the 8th day of June, 1923, page a resolution in the following words and figures, viz: "WHEREAS, In order that an adequate Supply of pure water may bs provided, there is need of exten- sive additions and improvements to the water supply and distribution system, including provision for acquiring additional lands -and rights of way, for constructing pipe and conduit lines, pumping stations, etc. to bring water from the Mississippi river, for additional, conduits from various water supplies to the Filtration Want, for larger feeder mains in various portions of the city, and for the construction of additional mains, meters, etc.i and the cost of the improvements necessary to be made s estimated at the sum of $2,500,000.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the.City of St. Paul be respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City to issue, negotiate and sell Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand -Dollars of bonds for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and System owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, and they are further respectfully re- quested to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City.” AND WHEREAS, Said resolution has been duly presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Com= mittee, from time to time, as may be ordered by the Council, the bonds of the City of St. Paul in an aggregate amount not exceeding Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00) par value for the purpose a of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and system, as authorized by Section 217 of the Charter of said City and sat ar��sreoxions of the Charter applicable thereto. Sebt'3on 2 ,` The said bonds'shall-bear date the first day of the r �: (2) month in which they are sold, and shall be in the form of seal bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than thirty years;.and the Sinking Fund Committee shall fix the denominations of said bonds and shall fix the dates of maturity thereof so that the amounts neces- sary each year to pay the principal of the bonds maturing in such year and the interest on the bonds issued shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which such bonds shall run. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the engraved signature of the Mayor and the engraved signature of the Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of St. Paul is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appropriated for and shall be used solely for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and system of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. The Sinking Fund Committee shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time, in such amounts as may be directed by the Council and upon such notice and in such manner as the Sinking Fund Committee shall determine, at not less than par and accrued interest to the highest responsible bidder or bidders; and the pro- oeede thereof, including any premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in the fund of the Board of Water Commission - ere of said City, provided, however, that said bonds shall not be negotiated or sold for an amount less than the par value thereof, to- gether with accrued interest, if any, thereon. Section 4. The Board of Water Commissioners is hereby direct- ed, ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of the Water.,Department of the City a sufficient amount to pay the inter- est on said bonds and the principal of all bonds maturing during such 3 (3) vt year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City for the payment of said bonds and is not in lieu thereof. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication and upon its approval by a vote of the electors, as provided by law. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr 4lanoy Ferguson ✓/MoDonald 1 Matson ✓✓Feter I9enzel Mrv/President (Nelson) Appro d Mayor Attest City Clerk. PUBLISIMD WHEREAS, In order that an adequate supply of pure water may be provided, there is need of extensive additions and improvements to the water supply and distribution system, inn eluding provision for acquiring additional land and right of way, for constructing pipe and conduit lines, pumping stations, etc. to bring water from the Mississippi River, for additional conduits from various water supplies to the Filtration Plant, for larger feeder mains in various portions of the city, and for the construe - tion of additional mains, meters, etc., and the cost of the improvew ments necessary to be made is estimated at the sum of $2,S901000.00; �* therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul be` respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City ,to issue, negotiate and sell Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of bonds for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and systsm.ollAdd•and operated by the City of St. Paul, and they are further respectfully requested to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City. This is to certify that at a meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners, held June 9th, 1923, Coimniseioner Clancy moved the adoption of the above resolution and on a roll call of the Board of Water Commissioners the resolution was adopted, those voting aye being Commissioners Clancy, Peter and President McDonald. Attesiiii (� Se etary Pres en of the Board o Water Comgiissioners CITY OF ST. PAUL ` UNCIL No..... FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the offer of the Ford Motor Company to deed to the City of St. ul the southerly five feet of Lot 12, Block 5, -St. Catherine's Park Addition, for the purpose of widening St. Catherine avenue so as to make it one hundred feet wide between Cleveland avenue and the River Boulevard, be and the same is hereby accepted, provided a Warranty deed,approved by the Corporation Counsel, be executed by the owner thereof. COUNCILUEN Yeas � Nays Clancy - ( Ferguson Ah -1) unlJ To favor Mal —n Peter - Again't Wenzel Adopted by the Council ... ...... ;,':;-.......{y ..�.....192.....- _ _.Li^_ AA piove -192...... -----------....... ----- MAYOR canaca - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/I - ....... ... ............ ' ..., . _.-........ _..... ......... DATE....... _..... .COMMISSIONER--- ----- - " - 17HO RESOLVED tcrks has re_�ora -F No 46266♦ :COTL Whereas The• Cotnmisstoaer Tnw%orrkdawCity .vflnh Jectlon th oCfP- nC6 Cexistence the Of an emergency chart F the�ealet nce{aP' a mer -_,y gency which rendered necee cry thc" employMent of ce'employment of certain employes of h{:ferartment fn partmeat foe more,thanv.,elght hot ,,,; for more than elg.-s• day said,,efnployment being ';�sd employ usual t; TR s of : e %pT . went being more Ili 4::_- Re-xt itesalvea vfirs of employment: THEREPORE BE IT RE LVED, That eche ;,,ro•�er city officers are hereb�auchorized to pay the folloVing named employes, at !the roto athervrise fixed for a;tra employment for theextra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Lme 7a Af C/° t dLu l Yes (✓) Councilmen (,/) Nays Clancy Ferguson -"McDonald .......... In favor Y Mason .Against v Wellz 's: of rq' Adopted by the Council ._...`_'�------... -- -- - 19-- - "- 1,4113 _ 19---- A,90,- ed— =- �1i Q�ce� ��0�-76 -�3 nem-{vi%k . CITY OF ST. PAUL coEecttNO.--- 6/2i'+}-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK G CO�Ut�N.CIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r� R TENTED BY / /l��prv�v ..,....�. June 9. 1923 j IIGGYY ISSIONER__.. -- ,CC L -WHEREAS, George J. Ketchum, 643 Iglehart Ave. has made ,application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Buick Sedan, Factory No. 480524, State. License No. B-9-871, covered by Aetna Life Insurance Company policy No. 3191547, and owned by said George J. Ketchum, and WHEREAS, George J. Ketchum, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to George J. Ketchum to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. C F No 48$66-8y F W. *teonL� Whereaa,@ (leorge5',getchunij 643 Iglehart, Ave-Jias� hi4e application :for B license to operate: uDon;the': streets .of the City Of St. Pavl One(1):_ Buick Sedan, Factory No. 4$0624.: Stale- Lf= "e"No B -9-871,-.c vered�-Eby-Ao'tna. Life, Inauraac Company policy .No. 31Whe and oor ed: by ¢aid George el K tchuin, and . Whereas 1h Ol e'J Ketchum in ac= co dao e' of O diaa ce No 6866 he. Gild C py f 1a urati D Ilcy ith the r City of St. PavI and sold policy hoe been approved as to. -form by ;the -poration:Counsel, th¢refore ne st Resolved That Im to fie ratT Oe 6 Mf, %etchnm- to overate said f i sluts _ Pati , o the -streets of the Cltq of BL Paul sublectyto the •provisions o. sold ordly'thb = 9 Adopted by tb CollacO Jdne 8 1923." App ev0d Jv a 19922 SB -3) _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Clancy Ferguson 'McDonald .........In favor Matson I'Mrt�' _.:-_U..... Against W(mzCl k1"�fBBtderA Adopted by the Council....._ 192..-... J^3 A roved ---. ........192 0 Mh "a' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.46.4[1 _ • ., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p PRESENTED BY _ _. _—_. _. __—.._..........—._._. _.__.._.. DATE__-----._..-Junss�.r--_1.9.2j-T---.- COMMISSIONER__....__. - __ .. . __ _ _ . .. .. REFLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting Motion Picture Theatres at the addresses indicated be, and the same.are hereby granted and the city s Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Ohio Motion Picture Oo. 896 E. Seventh St. Ohio Motion Picture Co. 926 E. Seventh St. ' aaayted by'tbe-,iucll 7vne 9; 1923, ,. Approved`Jnae' 8,--1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Clancy ✓Ferguson McDonald _.... _...._In favor Matson `\\ Peter __.u..._Against -Wenzel:` �'.�fr:UP-r-c�iF3aad+ Adopted by the Council. .r;j';1- ':i..�:�L3............ 192. -_. .-3 Approved..-......�a:..-. _.._ 1902-..-- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL No. - rl FILE 137■ Wk� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` CIRREESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 9, 923 .YLLLQ!!tG._.._------..._._-------.._...__ DATE___.. --.....---- That the applications for licenses of the following persons ._for handling and selling Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 0. 0. Jensen, 1948 Ashland Ave., Grocery S. J. Culver, 1219 Randolph St., Grocery Alexander E. Fedoreal,906 Farrington Av. Grocery W1 & Stoner, 244 so. Fairview Av. Bakery Modelensky, & Roblatt,537 Western 4lae. Grocery R. Papa, 167 E. 8th St., Confectionery -C• � No. !8861 By F. W aratee- , I $eearved Thgt the apPlirgtt na Sorg Iryryide aea of the i ll 1-9 y re fot 6dd dlf S and'selll g YeodatuKe _ at: the r here b fndleat d Ue:.. aPd the t tha . letn9trn¢t 'd tong d a the City CI¢rk •.00� e'e aue be. -u.....ler_- D yment into the" 0ty tteeeary cu,td"55gry r¢e: O. C J¢neea, Ce,y 19�, +Iahland Ave.,' Gtp_ C i er, ¢�r .1839 rtafido7Ph 8t.; ,G�_ toa A dG^ d real. 886 t;uetfag=; _ $aILR - _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 'Ferguson McDonald .... ..........In favor Matson T Peter ._...V__ -Against ✓_:. Wenzel" _. Mr—president- Adopted by the Council_ _....... I��n,` Appr ed_.. -- - ------ -- ----192 - CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FI- No -------- 04 {{ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFFENTED BYr'r _--.__......... - ...... ......................... DATIle 9).-1923----------- RESOLVED That License No. 61 for conducting a Restaurant at 419,.81bley Street issued to William Bruckbauer be, and the same is -Whereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Health for the reason that sewer and water were to be connected with the premises as soon as frost was out of the ground and this work has not yet been done although the inspector has repeatedly called on Mr. Bruckbauer and.oalled his attention to this agreement. COUNCILMEN t( Yea= Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Peter .............. ..Against Wenzel ,,h Prestdrnr ^3 iI ' Adopted b the Council -_.------ ' ' --;i�--�- ----192.--- 1323 Approved__..------ - ----------- ------- 192.---- RESOLVED Yeas x CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCILILE NO..... -C s� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE __._.._._J�..1 That License No. 90 for conducting a Restaurant orC at w2173 University Avenue issued to Mrs. Leona Lentsch be, and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that on June 4, 1923 Federal Prohibition agents visited this place and found two 5 -gallon jugs containing moonshine whiskey, one sack pint bottles, also sack of new corks in rear of restaurant; warrants were issued for the arrest of Mrs. Leona Lentsoh, Andrew Lentsoh anda waitress whose name is not known. Mr. Bortel-, Federal Prohibition Agent, statesthat he purchased a half pint of moonshine direct from Andrew Lentsoh on May 9, 1923- Nays 'Clancy Ferguson McDonald ........In favor Matson Peter Against 'Wenzel Adopted by the Council.. d! a_' ,1..I1I.3._- .....192.... Ap cued..._ _ _ _- - RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No ------- 4 -6.2 -64 -.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 9th, 1923. DATF. . ..... ........... % ------ ------------------ ---------------------- ---- That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water and oil the following streets; St. Clair ft. from Syndicate Ave. to Hemline Ave. Marion St. from Cook St. to Oliver St. Osceola Ave. from Milton,St. to Chatsworth St. Maryland St. between Arkwright and Westminster Otis Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Como & River Blvd. Approveft JUne 9_19;fS. _7 (Jun. 10-19,23) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson 'Peter --Against Wenzel mn-PRIM894- Adopted by the Council... ....... A roved. ............... 192 --- ---------- - ------- MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ILE LNO_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE......... - In the matter of repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street East to Bridge, with necessary gas connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40442, approved June 26, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41634, approved April 24, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made on Sixth Street from Rosable Street East to Bridge, are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to service a copy of this order, together with said plane, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. -- COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ .........In favor Matson Peter Against -"Wenzel _4AE _Prrsicit!e5t omPsnY: Adopted by the Councli June -.9,1929 APProeVd June 9,.1925 ,(June: SB -1923). Adopted by the Council._ . } 192_-..- , AP�' ' � - ....192--- -- �vd ---- MAYOR RESOLVED 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ' No. c , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 June 6, 1923. In the matter of grading and paving Alley in Block 7, Whitney and Smith's Addition, from Sibley Street to a point 140 feet from Sibley Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40821, approved July 16, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #46524, approved May 2, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named i improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _ _ .. ".__In favor Matson Peter ......Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council---- ----------- 192 Approve CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ"c �No. 4-6267 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 41 r �_ -_D lavOrr June 6, 1923. RESOLVED 0 . In the matter of repaving Sixth Street from Rosabel Street East to Bridge, with necessary water connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. #404429 approved June 26, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41634, approved April 24, 1923. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account and that the Purchasing Agent secure the necessary material. C F1 No, 46E67 -By W.'J. Peter - . In tbe,matter of•repaving Slath Street Yrom Rosabel Bt. Eaet to Bbidge, wlthl ,ngeessary-water connections -ander Prelimtnaiy order C' F•=No '40444E; approved June $6 392E lanfl F1 24;,182$, ffa1 thder C -F..Na.. lS634r apvtoved ril -- � Ap, ,. Reeolved` That, the aagezefl 'plane and "Ous rieeeaeje eho;vbe, ifAer-con eeld ns aeeea and a be made vDoa aDDtd nd the bComhY9afonerbiare e =of, public Works ba; and he fs: hereby di reeted;-to do �ttLA' teceswork, byt'Pbrce Ac.' conaY,�and .tbte• Purehastag.Agent demos the necessary material Adopted ltq the;:Council June Approved June •9- X823 _� � Y 17uae16 182 lx COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __.:-......_.In favor Matson Peter ._.........Against Wenzel Rmsidaut. .r lr�' f t Adopted by the Council_. ------- .'...... _------.192....... Ap roved---- -------------- ---------- - - 192 �---- ------------ .AVO. CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"°"NO.._.:,% � 68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in Block L,. J. N. Roger's Fourth Addition from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest re- sponsible bidder, for the sum of $557.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $437.00. F.B. #4753. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I" Clancy 1, Ferguson 'McDonald ___ __.....In favor Matson ✓.. Peter _ 0 .-.Against Wenzel t J AA Adopted by the Council... - _ 192...... MAYOR cCITY OF ST. PAUL COENeILNo--.--.-.-�t-1 ei OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM June S, 1923 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading all® in Block 4, e. F. Eisenmenger's Addition, from Sylvan Street to Park Avenue, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. B.B. #4765. C .F.� No 49269 -By WJ. pEfe .8e ra d. TDat th Cana 1, h ieby oaCbra 1n the:. re m4 dation Gohtract, Comdilt;e d'releote bld:, reeely d Nnni Tadin1�s11eY'ln'B,loek J: '.E: Efsenmeu6er's Addltldn. 1Lom Sylvan St. to,vaa k Ave.. ae b1 recelyed wae.:fn :cees df the EnBfueer's -EeU i raate� 8. B. No -. Adopt6&by. the CoUncli'June 8, 1822: Approved June 9. 1922. (June 16-1922)' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............... i i. -t.:..F_ ^ -192-.--.. L Clancy Ferguson Ap ved-- _ ...................192. McDonald _. _...._.In favor Matson Peter 61 Against MAYOR Wenzel 94r.-,Prrsidel�L—__ - CITY OF ST. PAUL C._...0 CoUN d- -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in tie recommendation of the (:ontract Committee and rejects bid received for grading Lucy Street from Oakdale Avenue to 80 feet east of Woodbury Street, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. F.B. #4764. C. P. No. 46270_ -By W J Porter Resolved, That.: the Council hereby. Co.- _fa, the:'. recouteade.tion , of the: Contract: C=Ittee'and.`rejects,bfd're- celvedtoo giadtng. LncY: Bt: from Oak= �d1I%Ave:.ta 80.�feet east o1 W..db.M, 8C; a. bfd received w9e, In.excess -sof ,the -Engineer's '81et1mdte. -.F ; B. No. 4764. 4dobted by, the.Coy en June 9. 1923 pyrowd Jun6:0, x923. - - (June.. -16 -IM):, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Cow Clancy I/ Ferguson ✓McDonald 411 sn fapor 'Matson _ 'Peter .._ Against We"'.rl CITY OF ST. PAUL`-U—L Ivo.-.. � � -�__.- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ::IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED T"t the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading Hamlin Avenue from Bebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, as bid received Was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. N.B. #4751. r C F3.No. `1927i—ByW.•J. Peter- Reselved That the Council"hereby. eoncurg::I&the r6commendatlon of 'the. Contract:. Committee's and reie6ts 'bid recblved-�fur gra'dixig'Bamline- Avenue from: Nebraska Ave. to;Hoyt 'Avo..7L bid received lvas•In excess -of the En-: glneer*Estimate., F. B. No. -4761. Adopted by thS C6ubeR June 9, 1923. Approved June 9,- 1923. 'c (June 1d=1920 Yeas Nays /'MeDonaTiI ` In, avor ',Matson �l _. (.... •�%"7c-cti Petrr ✓ 1A'eni,d CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.- - CoUN`4 OMMISSIONER.__- CoUN`4 NO._.....L FILE June 8. 1923 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concus in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and curbing Greenwood Ave. from Delos St. to Chicago, Great Western Right of Way, as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. F.B. #4750. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy �} ( Dona[d In favo. ✓Peter 1 nines ilJ.`I __.i �,ji 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ CIL No ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �CDATE..........lday....3.1,.._.1923.._........._._.....__ REs vE v WHEREAS, In the construction of the Lafayette School, it was found necessary after the completion of the first unit, to provide for temporary heat to permit the trans- fer of classes from the old building which was to be wreaked for the construction of the second wing, and under these conditions it was found necessary to permit the heat- ing contractor to run a temporary steam line from the new unit to the old boiler room. It was also found necessary to install an extra ventilator because there was not suf- ficient room to install it as shown on the plans so it was necessary to place this ventilator elsewhere and change the direction of the ventilating pipe to meet the new location of the roof ventilator. THEREFOR HE IT RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the City Architect, the contract with Frank Rha for the heating of the building be so amended as to provide for these ohan ed the contract price be increased in the amount of 55. for the temporary steam line and $30.00 for the e a ventilator required. cozwT=' tuuo d ri.c�e! tie yarn Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy P, Fereuson v R'anzrl -;;- „ .. .. _ •v r{'✓ / tb ". Ute. -.._>p Against CITY OF ST. PAUL Fou�nca NO.--- -------- -----. / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the tomptroiler, on informal competitive bids, without advertisement, 140 "Highway Stop Signs", at a cost of X7.65 per sign with standards and $4.60 per sign without standards, total cost not to exceed $1211.00, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge #26 Arterial Signs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy v Ferguson McDonald .....:..........In favor Matson Adopted by ,--3 ------------ 192- . ------......192.. CITY OF $T. PAUL F°ENC°' No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNNCIILL✓RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �-" DATE - 1�Z3 WHEREAS, Joseph Peterfeso, 562 Bronson St. has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Hudson auto car, 7 passengers, 60 H.P., Factory No. 140203, State License No. B=10-805, covered by Oolumbia Oasualty Company policy No. 62540, and owned by said Joseph Peterfeso, and ..- WHEREAS, Joseph Peterfeso, in accordance with ordinance. No. 5566 has filed copy of insurance policy with the Oity of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to Joseph Peterfeso to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the Oity of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. II, Y] COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy Ferguson ✓McDonald __.......In favor Matson Peter �.. ,Against Wenzel Adopted by the r M --- ``` Department of Public 14orks. Council File No._ -A-62. 6 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -- --- --------------- -- -- -- -- --- - __Open,---�riden--and--extend Lincoln Avenue at Oaklan venue, by taking and condemning a triangular piece of group& ---------- .........----•--- -n --- ------- - - -- - - - - -- - --------- in the northeasterly corner of Lot��7. Block- E-�'errace ----------------------------- -- a$...§howri...upon the blug pririE YfAYeeritfi - Park Addition, ....----...-..................... iit'ta-ahed- snd made-a--part-tlerecrf .- - ----------- .. --------- -- ... - --- ------ Dated this ....- &rd• day of.._..... -- Apr.i.l-------------------- ..............._-- ..., 192.....3• (c P xn: 4a27s= - ---- --- -- ,Av hei;act , - � . , Councilman. VQfie'r'Eaa, V6,icritten leklnk of the f011ow,_ t 1.,,. , - 0yyEA,�WIaCT mNro PRELIMINARY UtDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: e e Qpen]}-_widen--and.axtend__.Lincoln Avenue at Oakland Avenue, by taking and condemning a triangular piece of ground ---- ---------- --------------------------------------------- in the northeasterly corner of Lot 1 Block 6 Terrace - -- - - -....----- - - - - ---- -- -- ---- ---------- ..... ..........................................- - Park Ad - . d.iti.on, as shown upon the blue print herewi ___ _-------------------- ------------------- ---�attaoFieci�-ancT� made a part her o ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- ---------------------- ____ -------------- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------------------- ---- YEAS NAYS CouncilmaII CLANCY t� "FERGUSON .- �MATSON Form C A 13 (3M 3-22) Approved. " "/ Mayor. Petition for grading. 4i'� Council File N.—Mi ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT✓, and O .� No 46877 t{6cq opoNl PgELIMINARY ORDER• iadkf6d� ionowc s lmyroVe klng1A pub, imps& cto ew reina of St. Paul, viz.: the making of the following p to Mona The undersigned hereby proposes I;LiBtock,$e h of 60 open, widen and ex Lend Suburba-,,,venue b,7taking and �condemning � from Earl Street to hounds otree27 t b,� the North hie30 ft- Of lots 30 ft- olcl to Eastn30ufti•eof1L t 6 Auditors Hills, and a strip of .land 60 ft. in width, the Subdivision No. 15, as northerly tline o ishthe southwestich is corneroflLot 11 Dougan'ng at a p & Curry's Addition to a point which is the northwesterly corner of Lot 2 Auditor's Subdivision Nb' 15, ollowing improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f open, widen and extend Suburban venue to a width of 60 ft. from earl Street to Iouncl-s Street by taking and condemning ock 2 Suburban the North 30 ft. of lots 19 to 2a�tn30uft°O oflLot e Add tor's Hills, the north 30 ft. of the Subdivision No. 15, and a strip of land 60 £t. in width, the northerly line of :•rhich is described as follows : Beginning ata point which is the southwest corner of Lot 11 Dougan & Curry's Addition to a point which is the northwesterly corner of Lot 2 Auditor's Subdivision lto. 15. 6. �lo rvruinu a y,au, y: �..... .............. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. the Council...... -_1:.;:.:r._+. .,., Adopted by - 1----- ---------- YEAS NAYS - ---- .Approved--------- -� -- ----- -------- �Mayor. ------- --- - •------ PLIRLl$fIED�-- Councilma'dCLANCY ✓ FERGUSON ✓ MATSON ✓ MCDONALD ' PETER -"WENZEL Patiiin for "gracing. s Coriria'il�I ik ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. Open, widen and extend duburban ;venue to a width of60 fj- from d Earl Street to liound.s btreet by taking g the North 30 ft. of lots 19 to 27 inclusive Block 2 Suburban Hills, the north 30 ft. of the Fast 30 ft. of Lot o Auditor's Subdivision No. 15, and a strip of land 60 £t, in viidth, the northerly line of vrhich is described as f011OPls : Beginning at a point which is the southwest corner of Lot 11 Dougan & Curry's Addition to a point which is the northwesterly corner of Lot 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 15. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _......_.:;:=- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY i v FERGUSON MATSON Y MCDONALD PETER ""WENZEL 1 ^�......----- `- - ..--------- J ---------------------------------- Approved . - ... Mayor. PLJRI.IS7�---'- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impr6vementrvIZ ---------------------------------- ... ..... ... . .. ... ... .. ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --- having ---having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._....._--------------------------- -------* therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: he making of said improvement. 1. , To, investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, t To investigatethe nature, exte and estimated coat of said improvement, and the totalcostthereof. nt o'nr,sketch ofsaid improveme nt ------------------ Approve WT50— McDONALD PETER..... ................... -/WENZEL Mayor. 42) (SM gCUADRUPLICATE OIiY OP er, P�vL �t0 CITY Ci.ERK =L NFolio n•sR-ins 12-2s TTL= Q 1 BY .. . OLLER ..... AUDITED •.............- ... .. . ..-.._ av-u:._- .182. . _ ... . . Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..y Q$1 :................_-_..., cove • checks numbered. ---.I' P=----_---to---.--..3'9R... .....inclusive, as per register of city checks•on file in the office of the C} Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays. Clancy, CAdopted by the Council..--.. -.------ _..---_ ----192 ... a' Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approv 192...-.--- Mon, - - - ._...... - - ..... - Peter, v Wenzel. --- -------Against .7 f on i627 t checlta be BtaWn ste i gpea cot..16,864 26967 1n 1u@ pe c ae tRe CItY TTeelea - number tater.- dtY cComPJ J. 4a yer, y6iceot. tL a Cla¢et3 Juin 9.3923. APPioved jSnne 9 I1926) : re���s � Z F ste,. RN— S xs st VRIG 1— To CXRK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OOIISOIL No s.InD.31 IM 12-22 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORK 7 358 1923 AUDITED..... ------ - --------- ------ --- - ------- r ............... Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of covering checks numbered.-----13952----------------to.-......13957-__- __ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City� Comptroller. Yes i Councilmen V NQYs- Clancy, Adopted by the council ------------ ----1 Z L Ferguson, In favor McDonala,............... pp,o,el-. ... . 19'3....... ...... . ......... 192 Matson, Peter, Wenzel. L Against ... . ..... . ........ . ...................... ................. 13952 ------------------------- --------- --------------------- ------------- ------------ W. P. Nevins Company, 185.07 Water 13953 Reid Wihg Filter Sand Company, 280.26 Water 13954 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Water 4,097.07 13955 Sanicup Sales Company, 114.84 Park Refectories 13956 The Speakes Company, 2,104,72 Water 13957 Vacuum Oil Company, 82.97 Water e OUAORUPLICATE OPrY OP BT. PMOL 't TO CIW CLERK , ,. Form D•34 IM 12-22 -zrLa o L Nu 46279 viz"/ .'_ .. =. u L. BY OLLER ------- CA C _ ..192... _ .... .. .. ..-. -... , PER.. Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-._gg!-....!g --------------------- covering checks numbered --------------to -------------- .-inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ' Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. Cj Clancy, / Adopted by the Council..._- ..- `-U - :, 1523 - ..----------- ---- 19---- Ferguson, ----------- In favor McDonald, -- °3 ° ---- ----- `Matson, Approv - - }''^r' c� v Peter, (� `Wenzel. -----------Against g C F, Noj 16279 t ltei&ved -thit checks be draw I t$e;CitY Treasut•Y to }.he &ggr atrjount of S$ B.6S099 covering eTti um erhd 1 9!6'.tp 13957- Incivs7vel '.. per-11eMter of c1tY hMecks o aie'�' tDE a77[t a or the, City ComDtrolleY ' Adopted Dy-t7Y� Covnc7Y Tone 9, 193,E Approved. 4urie-9,• 1923- ,�(Jvne iQ-1983),. i� • •�� oxxz os er. PwL • ORIGINAL TO C, vRK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ OOIISOIL NO-_ /*'Y Famna� IM 1 2-1 2 1 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM rizs ry i I � � 357 OMr1RO ...... ........... L_1.E..R... ... D ...AUDT .: _.-j. PER.' Resolved that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._3� -A................ covering checks numbered 3�! 5.............__xo.....159.51___......__--- inclusive, as city checks on file in the office of the City .. • per register of Comptroller. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. e k/Clancy, / Adopted by the Council ..----- _ --✓ 13 3..............1_2 ...------- Ferguson, ..... (--------- In favor ✓McDonald, A proved.. 1921 192 ----- V'Matson, /l L Peter, ._._V_-.-.Against � Nub;mr •'i1�1x: ... .. .YOH Wenzel. - J -'.............................................................................. --- 13945 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 250.68 Water 13946 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 32,587.42 St. C. & R. 11,936.12 n 2,436.24 (Pay.) 1,371.23 Sewer C. & R. 738.61 S. & S. Cing. 11,597.60 Bridge Bldg. & R. 788.24 Crosswalks 37.80 Docks, wharves, etc. 39.00 Sprinkling 478.35 n 402.43 L 1397 9.45 L 1427 5.40 L 1599 3.70 L 1604 82.48 L 1606 579.85 ,. L 1608 989.06 L 1617 935.26 L 1624 156.60 32 13947 Exerswing Company, 745.00 Bureau of Parks -.958.26 13949 Edward Mattson. 767.29 T_ 1556 13950 Minneapolis School Supprly Company, 150.00 Schools 13951 Victory Printing Company, 52.25 Acct. forms, etc. 5.00 Debt Service Exp. 10.50 Bureau of Engineers 16.00 Schools 10.75 Playgrounds 5.00 P. Bldgs. 5100 • X80 b ' Q,,,No. Uorco An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of payment toward the cost of trunk and main sewers. { THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. -PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper b F No 46ssd—sy wras Pete_ y authorized, dlna oe'No. 8080— - P `An.ordlnance '-.a ,pro ing - for he leauanoe and. sale of empowered and directed to is®11" Three M111ion:Dollara t#a000,000.00lnking Fund Com - par value ofthe bonds of the`Clty oY St. Paul; Mipnesota, -for tLe purpose mitt@e from time t0 time 8s m' oe'Xaymept3oward the coat of trunk unCil the bonds an mala sewers , The, CouncJl W the City of Sf. Paul - of the City of St. Paul in an dose ordain. ceeding Three SECTI(W 1 Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00'. The Drover elty osis ? lhb purpose of payment authorl.. ;empower - �t -4,a wand _deliv r t `tY[m r. toward the cost of trunk and mainee,'irn Section 2. The said bonds shall bear date the first day of the mgAth in which they are sold. Such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than thirty years; and the Sinking Fund Committee shall fix the denominations of such bonds and shall fix the dates of maturity thereof so that the amounts necessary each year to pay the principal of the portion of the bonds maturing in such year and the interest on the bonds issued, shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which such. bonds shall run. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both prin- cipal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner `,.of Finance in the City of St.,Psul, or at the Financial Agency of the of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. The attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the engraved of the Mayor and the engraved signature of the Comptroller. credit of the City of St. Paul is hereby irrevocably \trompt and faithful payment of both principal and "S4 8 . The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appro- f /,Used solely, for the purpose of payment toward dnd main sewers. � 1, C. O. �0r(0 An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of payment toward the cost of trunk and main sewers. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper j;e F No. 46286—By Wm J. Peter—Or!authorized atnance:xo. soso— y a An 'ordinance"authorbipg , empowered and directed to iseu the lssuaace aand provla - . Ing for ."ndet. nking Fund Com - Three Million Dollara c3s,. sale 000.000.00> ,par value of;the bonds of the City -of-- 9t. Paul, Minnesota, t for the purpose - mittee, from time t0 time as m sadaainmen ewerard the coat of trunkuIIcil, the bonds -The; Council o(, the Ctty o& Bf. of the City of St. Paul in an Pa"ul ansa erdeliceeding Three SECTION 1 Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00'c The proper city a,ac -j n`'hi purpose Of, payment authorized; empower- ni •s^nAland .deliver to , .�rf�llhn r. toward the cost of trunk and main"e= Section 2. The said bonds shall bear date the first day of the ma th in which they are sold. Such bonds shall be in the form of q . serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than thirty years; and the Sinking Fund Committee shall fix the denominations of such bonds and shall fix the dates of maturity thereof so that the amounts necessary each year to pay the principal of the portion of the bonds maturing in such year and the interest on the bonds issued, shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which such bonds shall run. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both prin- cipal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Fi#anoe in the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City .of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the engraved signature of the Mayor and the engraved signature of the Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of St. Paul Is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and Interest of said bonds. The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appro- priated, and shall be used solely, for the purpose of payment toward the cost of trunk and main sewers. (2)• `Section 3. The Sinking Fund Committee skull negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as may be directed by the Council, upon such notice and in such manner as said Sinking Fund Committee shall determine, at not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders, and the pro- ceeds thereof, including any premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in a fund for the purpose of payment toward the cost of trunk and main sewers; provided, however, that said bonds shall not be negotiated or sold for an amount less than the par value thereof together with accrued interest, if any, thereon. Section 4. The proper city officers are hereby authorized, ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of the City of St. Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City for the payment of said bonds and is not in lieu thereof,. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication and upon its approval by a vote of the electors, as provided by law. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays MrV✓Clancy /Ferguson v "tsoald it son Fetar /Wenzel Mr JPrsesident (Nelson) Approved Mayor Attest PUBLISHED City Clerk Council File No. u)281 3 Presented by WHEREAS, The Board of Freeho C. F No. 46261 By Ai E Neisoa- Section 201 of the Charter of the CIF WheresaFaTLe soars of aenoiae RESOLVED, That a special elej held in the manner provided by law, � here6y'ordered to tie on Monday, July 16th, 1923, for the;Pau, minnesota pu ore of said City the question of raj'eie . or theors pnipoe& Section 201 of the Charter of the C!iu sr8l1t, amendment 1s as follows: of e. t to to be 1, Minnesota, to the elect- ,endment to proposed "Section 201. The total ooet of the government, Including schools, of the City of St. Paul, in'any one calendar or fiscal year, with the exc:gption of the amount necessary to meet maturing bonds or levy certificates, or similar obligations as they come due, shall not exceed Thirty Dollars ($30) per capita for each inhabitant of said City; provided that the cost of operating public utilities where this cost is met by revenues collected from patrons for the service or from other like revenue, or expenditures made from the proceeds of bond issues, or interest on bonds, shall not be considered part of the cost of government; provided that at least $400,000 of the amount appropriated for the cost of the government shall be expended in each year in paying the City's share of the cost of street pav- ing or construction of trunk or main sewers, or if any part of said $400,000 shall not be so appropriated, it shall be used to pay interest on bonds as a part of the cost of government within the $30.00 per capita limitation; and provided that proceeds from bond issues shall not be used to pay cost of current operation or maintenance; and the Council shall have no authority to make appropriations in excess of the limitations named herein. "Notwithstanding any limitation contained in Section 236 or in any other provision of this Charter, the Council shall have authority to contribute out of the general funds of the City or from the proceeds of bond issues, towards the payment of the cost of trunk or main sewers. "To determine the population upon which this per capita limitation shall be based, the Comptroller and the Council shall take the United States census figures of popu- lation for St. Paul last announced previous to the com- pletion of any annual budget, and shall add thereto for each year that has elapsed since said United States census a numer equal to one-tenth of the increase in the popula- tion of the City of St. Paul during the period between said census and the last.previous United States census. It is the intent of this section that this limitation shall cover all governmental outlay as well as maintenance of government, except as stated above and in the case of local improvements paid for by special assessments." RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary voting places, printing, stationery and election supplies, the cost and expense to be paid out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the polls at said election shall remain- open emain-open during the hours provided by law, that the registration for the 4 E last preceding election --shall be used; precincts, polling places (except as the Council may hereafter otherwise order), and the judges of election shall be the same as at the last general election, and vacancies of judges shall be filled in the same manner as at general elections. Such judges shall have the right to take from the City Clerk or other legal custodian, and use at said special election, the registers used at said last general election. Adopted by the Council - , 1923 Ye as Nays Mr4verguson lanoy MoDonald 6 atson 11 Wenzel Aenzel Mr. President Appr Mayor PUBLISHED_= law - E last preceding election --shall be used; precincts, polling places (except as the Council may hereafter otherwise order), and the judges of election shall be the same as at the last general election, and vacancies of judges shall be filled in the same manner as at general elections. Such judges shall have the right to take from the City Clerk or other legal custodian, and use at said special election, the registers used at said last general election. Adopted by the Council - , 1923 Ye as Nays Mr4verguson lanoy MoDonald 6 atson 11 Wenzel Aenzel Mr. President Appr Mayor PUBLISHED_= CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FNO----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ITED BY p�Z . _. .. _ __ ....._ _;._. ...._._..._............._ ......_ _.. DATE....._ Jun _1.7!_'J—.._....._.___ E , t the following person. be appoint election judges, for the sp 1 elections to be held June 18th, 1923 and July 16th, 1923 in the 7th Precinct of the 2nd Ward vie: A hna giegal, 919 Hudson Ave. in place of Geo. Codden - a City employe. Laura R. Stultz, 926 Hudson Ave. in place of B. J. Flaherty, who has resigned. C. F 2 p'` ' 8498—By A. ItNelson- 8egolxed. 6le the fqAowlag pekeene' �be: appointed&.:electloq,ltiftd for the epeefat-eteCttdnB f0 be,held Jdae18th, .1923 and Jtly. 18th. 1928( in the. 7th l Precinct �ut2he_Ynd..9l�Ahlylz: _ _ ' .. Emma Siegal 919 Hudson Ave.. ln� �ptace of; Geo: Codden,&-Cuy'employe: {,,auvk= ILStultz, 992C H9da6ft Ave. :h11 pWca o,{ 8. J. PU ektyj Soho hab__re e!sped Adupted .She Council June. 9, i923:j APDkoxi<:a7 (Jun(Sun 9 i9 e 18-1988sks ) . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......._In favor V Matson Peter .... Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council192 Ap oved.....3-'--------.192 - ------------- - - MAYOR . Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUNCIL %� � � { P NO.---"'- C� r` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the full teat of the amendment to Section 201 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul proposed by the Board of Freeholders, to be published for thirty daye in the following newspapers of general circulation in the City of St. Paul, to -wit: The St. Paul w,�the St. Paul Daily News, and the Volkezeitung. Said publication shall be preceded by a state- ment or notice to the effect that said proposed amendment will be submitted to the electors of the City for approval or rejection at a special election to be held July 16th, 1923. The cost of such publication shall be paid out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund. :Resolved, That tho-..City Clerk lei hereby dlred;ed fo got cauee the full text. aMotldmeatics 801 `of .j jh6 Cllarter,of jhelty otlt p9,tI yl.o_ posed: bxx'the'.l3oard of Wju�gllLeed'Lor tkl=ty ¢dye In t a pf,;gegeral Ir ' Hon 10--the-C ty ee SL Paul, t, Sup The SL Paul+Pioneer Pteee, the :gt,; 1 Pani Dally .Nage, and_the tung gafd -Duce L eu,,, ' "t,, b topre ceded by a said ment oedaA a to •the' ��✓✓ __ �/ O effect that said propeaed amendment l IcUI be mubmltted to the eleet_ , of the City for approval or -rejection at'da aDeclal to be ,field 3uly Iota, r; I922 The, coaeleetlont ofpubl;catloa ehali be paid'°.otic dt the Etectton Es-`.: penao Acco'unL of tae Oetieral Fundr': AdoptEd'b9=thI.e CouticllJune I9, 1928.+ Approved.Juue II8,>3928 :`t7uae 161�2E) , COUNCILMEN Nays �ancy Ferguson McDonald __'...._...In favor atson Peter / -..._.Against Wenzel /Mr. President Adopted by CITY OF ST. PAUL CO—IL No ........ FILE _AA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the full text of the amendment to Section 201 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul proposed by the Board of Freeholders, to be published for thirty days in the following newspapers of general circulation in the City of St. Paul, to -vitt The St. Paul the St. Paul Daily News, and the 1%lkeaeitung. Said publication all be preceded by a state- ment or notice to the effect that s proposed amendment will be submitted to the electors of the ty for approval or rejection at a speo4al election to be held my 16th, 1923. The cost of such publication shall be paid t of the Election Expenae Acoount of the General Fund. C,OUNCILAIEN \ Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___.__In favor Matson Peter Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.__ .. -j._1-192 Approved.....- .V '---- 192.. ----------- -------------------------------------- ........ MAYOR ,+ouncil File No. .... -- ......... .... ............: By In the matter of the assessment of A 922. Ave:-ta *Id - 46284 and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate #4, Contract 3391, Season of 1922. --Assessable-- F.O. 37335 Simpson Ave., east side, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Midway Parkway. F.O. 40785 Simpson Ave., west side, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Frankson Ave. F.O. 39779 In front of Lots 16, 17/9,nd—East 45 feet of 16, Block 18, Franksonts Como Park ,Ad ition--Frankson Ave. F.O. 39780 Asbury Ave., east side, from Frankson St. to Fair St.' F.O. 39021 Arona Ave., both sides, from Wynne St. to Midway Parkway. F.O. 40105 Como Ave. Vlest., south side, beginning 112 ft. west of Gibbs St. thence to Raymond Ave. F.O. 40031 Como Ave. West, south side, beginning at Gibbs St. thence - West 112 ft. F.O. 38442 Charles St., both sides, from Fry St. to Aldine St. F.O. 39628 St. Anthony Ave., south side, from Wheeler Ave. to Herschel Ave. F.O. 38023 Grotto St., east side, between University Ave. and Aurora Ave. F.O. 38445 Charles St., north side, between Arundel St. and Y--ackubin St. F.O. 38445 Arundel St., west side, between Charles St. and T? St. F.O.-38445 Charles St., south side, between Arundel St. and M., ubin St. F.O. 36558 Edmund St., north side, beginning at Arundel St. thence East 320 feet. F.O. 38445 Thomas St., north side, beginning at Mackubin St. thence Priest 320 feet. F.O. 35392 Hatch St., both sides, from Woodbridge St. to Rice St. F.O. 40208 Victoria St., east side, from Edmund St. to Charles St. F.O. 40208 Edmund St., south side, beginning at Victoria St. thence East 70 ft. F.O. 40208 Ashland Ave., north side, beginning at Milton St. thehee West 230 feet. F.O. 37492 Ashland Ave., both sides, from Grotto St. to Avon St. --Non-Assessable-- F.O. 39021 Arona St., both sides, from Wynne St. to Midway Parkway. F.O. 38445 Arundel St-, west side, between Charles St. and Edmund St. F.O. 35392 Hatch St., both sides, from Woodbridge St. to Rice St. V ' I ®i NM®j v: �lrmxaUC_.................................. *_xX. id x7OE$�i'XX.......................................X15 KX........... _....................... .. =111amt= ........ ...........-................ . ........................... ...X ...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT�URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .. ..............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council........_._:;it:!..._^....�;...fa.2.?...._......._....._.......... 191............ ................... City Clerk. Approved............ .......... ....._......._._..._...................... ...... ....... 191......_. Form B. B. 18 _ 3 'LiLl -; Fir, V.tl f a LL yLpJ9.. a . IC'flg Ya��?' '.7 ofij) a`.'-�'OsTY,..�T+Cl' i'.'i.r7xJt : , ,rt jOJ% s'•�JL3F?Cg�j 6 • o r JF a U ,gib 271Jf Lo a AO.L,9i .l• 7 A\ l• • � �a _ QV )fi ;L.iu iJCJ a IQ r: j' l7r••OZ,T� �()7P oa i. Ifo i.S J. •• a a t _;} (ii t .. + .:J �L(JJ Liz Uf.'�'U a ii1,,. kt" sOn ? v;7 .. tilt) G l;LOJu :.auzJe �8 TA�i ro �f ?Ora jno 7dy i Jro1 Aa t,7;m 73 31, 3 v: �lrmxaUC_.................................. *_xX. id x7OE$�i'XX.......................................X15 KX........... _....................... .. =111amt= ........ ...........-................ . ........................... ...X ...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT�URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .. ..............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council........_._:;it:!..._^....�;...fa.2.?...._......._....._.......... 191............ ................... City Clerk. Approved............ .......... ....._......._._..._...................... ...... ....... 191......_. Form B. B. 18 _ 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT May_....5t.h,.....1923....._..xAftx... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for A= Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate #4, Contract 3891, Season of 192.2. »Assessable-- F.O. 37385 Simpson Ave., east side, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Midway Parkway. F.O. 40785 Simpson Ave., West side, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave- to Frankson Ave* F.O. S ,Ib! trp of Lots 16, 17 and Rant 45 F@get at 18, Block 18, #AjjtjWe Como Park Addition--iP11616keon AV*- P.O. 39780 Asbury Ave., east sides from Frankson Ste to Fair Ste F.O1lh'3M, Arona Ave., both sides; -from Wynne St. to Midway Parkway* F.O. 40105 Como Ave. pest, south side, begging 112 ft. West of Gibbs ,:St*:rtbexloe to Hegmond Ave.. F.O. 4003.1 Como 00- W08t, south side, beginning at Gibbs Ste thence i�®at 318th« F.O. 38442 Charles St., both aid as from Fry Ste to Aldine Ste, F.Or "$!' 6897`Sti Anthony Ave., °south ,sidss from Wheeler.,Ame to Eereohel AVO- F.O. 38023 Grotto 5t«, east side between University Ave. and Aurora Ave* F.O '30,"S Charles Ste, north side, between Arundel Ste and mookublil Ste F.O. 38445 Arandel .Stpy_�►est side, between Charles:. Sto'-Avd• 2dmand St• F.O. 58668 tdtmurA,.Sb**'north sisouth de, -beg nningween AatnAru ei Ste -thence EasSt- ifid-Vackubill t 380 66t. F.O. 38448 Thorns.St., north side, beginning at MazImbin Ste thence pest 320 Peet. F.O. 36592 Hateh Stry both sides, from Woodbridge St. to Rise St► F.O. 40808 Victoria St., east side, from Edmund Ste to Charles Ste F.O. 40208 RhMOd St.A south side, beginning at Vivtoris Ste thence Eget 70 fte F.O. 40808 Ashland Ave* side, beginning at Milton Ste thence Meet 230 fest. F.0..37492 A9hland Ave., both sides, from Grotto Ste tO-AVO"'Ste —Hons►Aiassn+��ble» F.O. ''34021 Arora St., both sides, from Wynne Ste to Midway Parkway. P.O* 39M --Arundel St., West side, betwden1Charles 8t. and Rdmund St.,,, F.O. 35398 hatch St., both sides, from Woodbridge St. to Rioe,__st. -me-oenente=conterrea=thereon;tgatthe said, assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for Such action thereon as may be considered proper. -:,. -- Form --8: 13.17 ', ' F r - �t . ', �e li s {;�z. ;: 3i:; , wCs;.`J't` r:^ ;�.0 .•�i - - $..._...._....__3.0_x_15_...... •� rt.+ Cost of publishing notice - - - - e \� .`.: ..-.. It 3 i j 1 3 $............. ''4f 7•: , ,`.Sf 4 Cost of postal cards - - - - $...._......... 3 I 3n: Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Y ,1 {,eo- xecx..._................._....... .......... ...........................,xhnt�mamiaaoa X-...._...._..._...._......._...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction - - - - - - $..._...._....__3.0_x_15_...... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $............. .......... 6.x_03......... Cost of postal cards - - - - $...._......... 85..•_07........ Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Total7XjD*x Asseasahle- - - $._._9..,_555-.Q5 491.33 Total Non -Assessable - - - - - TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - -$10,047.39 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- 10 047 39 ...................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit; the sum of$..._......._t............_..:._.... _ benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for uch action thereon as may be considered proper. -ommissioner of Finance Form B.. B. 17-: JAS. H. BURNS. PM1 CAPITAL STOCK, $50.000 PHONE MAIN 2408 Tapital THY EPalty Toutpatty INOORP —R INVESTMENTS, LOANS AND REAL ESTATE BUN..DING LOANS A SPECIALTY :: CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' v+oe Pwo.gni Fow Sn m 510 GLOBE BUILDING AuPART. o. ST. P — MPNteILY PAYM VTT. IN... INTo,FST. ST. PAUL, MINN.. June 12,1923, To the City Council, City of St -Paul: Gentlemen: In the ?fatter of the Assessment of benefits arising from the Con- struction etc., of Cement Walks, Estimate #f4, Contract3391, both sides Of Hatch street, from Wood'�ridge to Rice street. The assessment against Lot 8, block 41, Auerbach and Hand's addi- tion, is A142.99. The full valse of this lot as found by the City Assessor, isf�J�U The assessment against Lot 9, Block 42, Auerbach and Hand's addition, is X228.53, The full value of this lot as found by the City Assessor, is The proposed assessment is based upon the ,cost of making the above inprocem�nt in front cf 'the property described, an Tc not upon the benefits accruing to the same. The benefits assessed against lots lying iipon grade for the above inprovement is The »ndersigned owner obj-cts to the assessment as proposed;i but is willing to submit to an assessment of the same proportion as levied against lots on to en" notwto an andin� the f act that the lots described are 8 to to feet below grade and worth less than 300 of the value of perfect lying lots adjoining. Respectfully submitted, CAPITOL CITY REALTY C01APANY, By�rl �l)l Its President. 46112085 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By- ......................... ................. ............................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...P.av_ing._Front-.-Stxeet.-_f-xom-- ie. xington__:.... e._to--- a.j_e---- Stre.et, itxc� tiding__ serer,..-wat and-_gas-.-connect.ions-- from street.._m.a in§_. to --_property lines...complate,...wher-e-._not-..alrea-d.y--made.x...elso...including-._curbing paving..-driKgRr y -and alley approaches. where necessary, under Preliminary Order 4.5275 approved ---------- pril.-20,.... !W2 ............................ ................ ......_... approved ......................................................................... .._ d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid lithe City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of said City is..- pave _.Fro.ut,....St.reet...from... Lexingto.n..Avenue udina sewer. water and gas connections from street mains...t.o property.--lines.-.complete,.__ whe.re.-.not.-.a.lready made.,_..also-.including cur. hing...end ...Paving.. drlveway.. andp-..a-1 ley-- a-pproathess-=--_where necessary,..... .... .�P c............................................. .............................................. ................................................................. .. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .............. ..... --- /...... ............................................. City Clerk. Approved....------------.: _ ".:_ ..�.ir........, 191........ 6erguson ......-........---------------._ ............---1anc Councilman ��EPSiWStilYCouncilman 69= Councilman 9MW McDonald • ('/b �i��, J't/l/�j Councilman KWkXXf d1a i s ori D Councilman XG= Pet e r Councilman 2kxsbwUmk Vienzel Mayor idmilgiamoe l s on L Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 Tito of Oatut Paul �e�rrz�xttett# a� �trr�nte JAMES M. CLANCY. DCMMIBBICNER J. E. CORCORAN. DEruT aorwmEnoNER LEONARD C: SEAMER. CHIEF CLERK BUREAU on AEEEEENEeTE May 4th, 1923. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - In submitting my report for the paving of Front Street from Lexington Avenue to Dale Street I call your attention to the fact that the Calvary Cemetery, having a frontage of 3,200 feet along the line of the proposed paving, is exempt from assessment. The cost of a 12 -foot strip abutting along the line of the Cemetery would be $19,680. Respectfully submitted, C mmIasionerif Finance. r`= , REPORT OF C ON (A) In the matter of eV / r R BT. PAUL 4 1 T OF FINANCE -•t(J STONER OF FINANCE MUMiNARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved 40,�,Y.Z 192-3. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: . ai: •,i z ;u,anz ui _i' s,n u. [er :b Street`661 Frontage (a) 6998' 15ale : above :Inf . ,T; to Chatsworth'St. Car tracks. --- — — (bk:217at,;Zhsteworth-to Lexington -*none ____ ----- e creoso a Pav .. r c a flat spa or ksphqat !tonbr uaerPe noreorca, orBloake e '1 :. Per eq, -yd 5.71" 5.09 3.87 3.46 Intersections ) 25,506.57 $ 22,737.03 17,287.29 15,455.82 Wheelage ) Property share (a) 46,616.44 41,554.76 31,594.68 28,247.44 (b) 16,524.74 14,370.46 11,199.78 10,013.24' Total 88,647.75 fi 79,022.25 60,081.75 53,716.50 - Front foot (a) 6.15 5.43 4.00 x.52 (b) 7.03 6.20 4.57 4.03 Curbing additional. Add for cement curb where not in $.65 per lin. ft. 11 If 6s sewer connections, each $66.00 4'1 water connections, each 40.25 1? do 2950 (Ex. Lexington PDrd) 9 do 300 (Ex. Lexington Blvd) a (io 300. 18 do g5o Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. ' - LF ST. PAUL 46 DEPA T OF FINANCE ..S!3_.l'JCCJ!•• r"+ , REPORT OF COI�1 _SItONER OF FINANCE ems" ON PRELMNARY ORDER (A) = I • _ _ _ ► � %?! —�----giro In the matter of / 7 / E1 AL I A— F•Jt{: goo{' 1ZI 'r'tT,UnFJ -}•�cF :..F fI BjJN T.H (BJ� a,;..l .; ,F: a ya C�a cf `•a =J aJuc•Aj Ei •�E' JJ .i •s :'.._':J ,bV E(LG � cJ4 Vi`' •c}cf �; � �� )f' • iia a ,� v., a i:�-. �-': `,33, 2G• :1.'j• ,.� , ', aci 8�•Stl _ T�aVr y:•OS 2 u5 c _ • E a The lots or parcels ofland-&a— may tieassess`e'd lien"efitS for'soca 7mprtr+�.;:o;: p . c� .–__ +c.w. --_ ,���cF—,�. _.or '< parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (E:i,. Lexington Blvd.) 11 Hapcerman's Subdivision ui 375 12 Lot b0 of Lake Como Villas 1.9x0 1; dU 300 11, do 300 . 15 do 300 16 10 500. 17 do 2950 (Ex: Lexington P.lvd) 9 do 300 (Ex. Lexington Blvd) S do 300 _. __... . _ .. 18 do 9-50 Form B. B.10 TOTAL. OP 8T. PAUL DE ENT O ' FINANCE 2 ti REPORT OF C , ' S. IONER OF FINANCE ON PRE MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 Hager can's Suo:i. of Lot 60- 250 - of Lake Como Villas 24 3 Como Park Second Addition 2225 . 23 3 do 300 _ 22 3 do 225- - 21 3 do 250 20 3 do 275 19 3 do 275. 18 3 do 2150 17 3 do 1800 16 3 do 250 15 3 do 250 14 3 do 600 13 3 do 250 12 3 do 250 25 3 do 200 26 3 do 200 11 3 do 1925 10 3 do 225 21 2 do 2450 _ 20 2 do 350 19 2 do 1350 18 2 do 1950 17 2 do 350 _ 16 2 do 1600 :. 15 2 do 550 - - 14 2 da'OTAL 4900. _. OP 8T. PAUL DE ENT OF FINANCE 3 �, .+ REPORT OF CGM SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .i_...-_ - .. 13 2 - Como Pars. Second Addition. 400. ;._ 12 2 do 450 11 2 do 4000 22 2 do 250 23 2 do 2450. _ 10 2 do 1025 . So. 1/2 of 9 2 do No. 1/2 of 9 2 do 1025 21 1 do 1600 20 1 do 32�, 19 1 do 1550: _ 1S 1 do 1050 _ 17 1 do 2050 16 1 do 350 15 1 do 350 _ 14. 1 do 1950 .. 13 1 do 350 �i 12 1 do 750 11 1 io S00 22 1 do 250 2.'1 oto 12U0 10 1 do 225 9 1 do ��5 Ex. i4. 7ft & Ex. So. 9 ft.) 14 Kalman's Division No. 1 Add. 625 (Except.Suth 9 feet) 13 to the City of St. Paul Minn: 1700 - !-(Except South 9 feet) 12 do 1675 _-- (Exc,pt South 9 _- - feet) _11 30 1425 TOTAL OP 8T. PAUL. DE ENT OF FINANCE T REPORT OF CO SVONER OF FINANCE ON PREL MINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION (Except South 9 feet) do a`v do do do do do do do a LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 Kalman's Division iQo. 1 9 Addition tc tk:e City of 8 St. Paul Minnesota 7 do 6 do 5 do t 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do -J 1 Como park Addition 22 1 do 21 1 do 20 1 do 19 1 do 18 1 do 17 1 do 16 1 do 15 1 do 14 1 do 13 1 do 12 1 do 11 1 do 10 1 do 9 1 do 8 1 do 7 1 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 2975. . x•125 3075 2X75 1225 1675 4i5 1275 2 225 1650: 6300 400 325 1925 3'5 325 _. 300 . 300 30o .1300 1500 . goo .1275 275 275 175 175 - OF ST. PAUL '- NT OF FINANCE REPORT OFS�SIONER iFIREIMINARY OF FINANCE ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 1 Como baric Additijn 175. 5 1 do 17.5 . ` 4 1 a 175 3 1 do 175 2 1 do 2zoo 1 1 do 525 Calvary Cemetery165000 15 1 Bu ,erfiald Syndicate 300 14 1 Acaition No. 2 2025. 13 1 do 250 12 1 do 200 11 1 do 200 10 1 do 200 9 1 do 20o S 1 do 200 7 1 l0 200 1 do 200 5 1 do 200 4 1 do 200 3 1 do 460 2 1 do 6v0 _. 1 1 do 3200 10 Sahllgaard's Subd. of Lot 250. 11 55 Lake Como Villas- 250 12 do 1150; . 13 do 250 All of 14 & 17. 5 ft. Cf 15 do TOTAL 750. ....-. _ 6 OF ST, PAUL D ENT OP FINANCE _ REPORT OF COM S.S. TONER OF FINANCE ON PREL MINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except West 5 feet) 15 Sai,lgaai•d's Subdivision of 16 Lot 55 Lake Corso Villas 195C- 95017 17 do 290 18 do 275 I 9 do d do 250 19 do 200 20 io 775 10 54 Denslows Sui)d, -f Lots 54 300 11 54 and 47 Lake Como Villas 1650 . 12 54 do 254 _ 13 54 do 525 14 54 do 250 15 54 d, 250 16 54 <io 1950 17 54 do 675 9 54 do 200 8 54 do 800 18 54 do 125 19 54 do 125 1 Maxfields Subdivision of 300 2 Lot 53 of Lake Como Villas 1250 3 do 250 4 do 250 5 do 250 6 do 19-� 5 _ So. 66 ft. of t5. 8 ft of 7 T01 XL OP 8T. PAUL 7 DE ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM S$IONER OF FINANCE Ate + ON PREL MINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex. So. 66 ft, of 17e3t Sft.)7 Maxfields Subdivision of 5 Lot 53 of Lake Cotte Villws 2200 ,26 do 200 25 do 200 9 do 225 10 do 225 1 do 1525 2 do 1050 3 do 250 4 10 250 5 do 250 6 250 7 do 250 5 do 275 P6 do 1175 25 do 225 9 do 225 10 do 1925 15 Wolter's Ciibdivisinn of 300 s 17 io 950 1G 30 12 5 C do 100 14 io 250 13 is 950 12 do 250 _. 11 do 250 . __ _. .. 10 do TOTAL 275 _ ai OPST.PAUL D AR- ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CZISySIONER OF FINANCE.+ ON PRE IMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 Wcltar's Subdivision of 250 20 Lot 51 Lake Como Villas 950 All o! 9 and So.1/2 _f 3 do 1175 North 3/2 of S do 1475 11 17 Ro7al Oaks. 4450 Wast 1/2 of 10 17 do Fast 1/2 of 10 17 525 9 17 do 8 17 io 350 7 1-7 do 350 6 17 do 375 12 17 do 1850 5 �7 4V 2750 11 16 io :75 10 -6 do 350 9 16 do 350 8 16 do 1450 7 16 do 350 6 16 do 1675 1� 16 do 950 5 16 'io 2000 15 375 10 15 do 325 j 15 do 325 3 15 do 325 7 15 do 3�5 _ 6 15 do TOTAL 359 ldl,Y OF 8T. PAUL 13 DE*ARfAENT OF FINANCE 150 6 9 ` REPORT OF COM i ISrpIONER OF FINANCE vL ON PRE: MINARY ORDER 475 (B) 6 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 15 Royal oaks 1FOC 5 15 do 400 11 14 do 370 10 14 do 2375 9 14 do 325. j. S 14 do 925 7 14 do 725 _ 6 14 do 350 1P_ 14 do 2400 5 14 do 4o0 (Except part taken for Jameson Ave.) Ccmmencinp at the North 2675 Next corner of Grotto Ss. x Fron, St. thence North along Gretto 100 St. 152 feet thence Nast 206 feet thence S uth 152 feet tc 6 Front St. thence E --9t 206 feet to beginning Peart cf the South 100 West 1/4 of North Ew3t 1/4 of Sec. ?L6 Town 29 Range 23 6 6 13 Royal oaks 150 5 13 do 475 16 6 Ware and Hoopes Add. to 2C0 17 6 St. Phul Minn. 6600 18 6 do 200 ' 19 6 do 100 20 6 do 1 0 21 6 do 100 22 6 do 100 23 6 30 100 24 6 do 100 25 6 do 100 ': �( 6 do 10..0 '. :CITY OF 8T. PAUL OF FINANCE REPORT OF #PAf%rMENT OF FINANCE *4 #OMiNARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 29 6 Ware and HW es _Add. to 100._-- 29 6 St. Paul, Minn. 125 • 30 6 do 150 _. 14 7 do is go -- . 1 15 7. do 1500 16 7 do 1525 17 7 do 2650 16 7 do 1700 4 7 do 495o 3 7 do 725 -; =Y_ 2 7 do 675 __. 1 7 do 9360 5 7 do 3450 6 7 do 3250 7 7 do 3500 7 do 3350 9 7 do 4000 10 7 do 6150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r J Dated— , Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. D. 12 Ivilliam 31. Beier, (ljnmmissinnex '' brie �i9allette, �e}+utg (¢nmmissioaer NIP tMent of �nhtu n�h� Offen of Qutut uul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER J. E: CARROLL. AMCHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER M. 5. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER April 27, 1923 A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE ,Mr, pm, J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the Paving of Front Street, from Lexington Avenue to Dale Street, in- cluding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to Property lines complete, where not already made, also curgin and Paving driveway approaches, where necessary under PreliminarN C.F. 45,275, approved April 20, 1923: y Order Length 5,130 ft. Roadway 40 ft. Street 661 Frontage(a)69981Dale to Chats tracks Street 63 Frontwoetb)Stcar 1 to Lexin(ton * 1 Paving 3 creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or 7orAiT� blonka a,__ Per Sq. Yd, - � vv,>cr. concrete Intersections 5.71 5.09 3.87 3.46 Wheelage 25, 506. 57 � 22, 737. 03 17, 287. 29 15, 455.82 Property shareSSa) 46,616-44 41 554.76 (b) 16,524.74 14370.46 31, 594. 68 11,199. 78 28, 247, 44 ' Total 10, 013. 24 (a) Front 88, 647. 75 79, 022. 25 60, 081. 75 53, 716, 50 foot ( 6, 15 5.43 (b) Front foot ( between Dale and Chatsworth 4.00 3.52 ( 7.03< (between Chatsworth.20 Curbing additional 6and. Lexington 4.57 4.03 Add for cement 6 inch curb where not in 65¢ per lin. ft. sewer connections each inch waiter connectionections 66.00 s each 4-5_ Yours truly, Ch of Engineer Approved for transmission to the OOV)j o � � Finance COTTrissioner of Public Wnrks 1 i `ioner of Public Works Office of the Comm ss RECEIVED ' I $ 0�11\\I "°- Report to Commissioner of Finance _ April 30, 1923 --191---- MAY 1 193 - ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 45275 approved --- APril 20 1923191___, relative to paving Front _Street_ fr qm_lexingt L4 -----Ave --- _to _D_a1e__SSxesti-------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement; is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _____, and the total cost thereof is $---- and ___ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. missioner of Public Works. v°� Lia B2Ui COUNCIL FILE \0 ......................... _ By....... .............. .......................... ..._..__........................ iy FINAL _ODER In the Matter of....pay.ixtg ..Szl.t.... t.r.e.et... fX om---Da-1.e.-. Vitra-e.t---t o --Rica... ?ter.__.and las connections from street mains to propert-y--lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and pa -ming ...drime ay-_and__All e_y--apProache_s, where_ --necessary, '. F.. No. 38286- 1 the Matter of paving Front gtreet g_27d �nril- 20, 1923. from Dale street to. Rice street, In- --.------ - -`•.......-..........._..-------. approved ........ ..... -------..... ..... eluding sewer, water and gas connec- tlons from street mains to property -lines complete,:,where not at .. approved .._.... made. also curbing and paving -',rive- ....._. ........ ..... ...----------------------------------------__. ---- way. an suer. avproacftea, whore g been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council necessary, veder Preliminary Order 45274 approves Apra zo, lsza. ob ections and recommendations relative thereto, and havingfullconsid- A:.pubao hearing, havil,g. been s, I y ,tire hand the (Council havinovement g h.."'si be it 1. •.,enn,� Ions anH..^,moo •- •nll. RE$F,�: rs; };:tie Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is......p1V...e Fr.o.111._St.r.e.et--.fxo1:--t-o.- _..Rine---Str.eat.,.... 1.ri.Glttd.n ...s@war-,_-mater_..a_nd gas___connect-ions from street mains to property lines complete, where rot already made, also curb- ......................... ....................................................__....._._._........... --... ...........................................-..._ ....... i and...Pavia€..divBa.Y...a.al9.-a.1.1.e�..ePProa.cls,---here.._nece-ssaryR.....:.....- -------- -- `° et Ek. tean�i.'hereby -and the Council ereby ord s said improvement to be made x;'RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Coun- cil for approvakl; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........ _...._- . . ....... City Clerk. Approved ---------- ;::'.:.......... - ---------- 191 -- .................... --------------------- `. ....................._ CouncilmanC 1 a ncy Ikk i Councilman GW.Xxx ✓Ferguson PUBLISHED Councilman tax McDonald ( / (LIi� Councilman lac Matson , k Councilman7MGt)61I v Peter VVV CouncilmanMXffdU3WX .11'enzel Mayor ;lLhldgwr�/ltreIson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT (-F FINANCE REPORT OF CO ;TONER OF FINANCE 0;01,UMINARY ORDER A CTK In the matter of 1 21/7 1-17,IMI q7J444 0 //j! r r /P lIfEf 14f1-Zf1jWzW-1 - -' Z?d4 Poiare— L114, 14 under Preliminary Order approved 'q To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: U, 32", Creosoted, Brick laid Asphalt or 7" reinforce& - Paving Blocks flat Asphalt Concr. concrete Per Sq. Yd. 5.56 4.94 3.72 3.31 Intersections 68,065.52 $60,475.48 $ 45,540.24 $ 40,521.02 Wheelage Property Share 65,719.20 58,390.80 43,970.40 39,224.20 Total w133,784.72 u118,866.28 X89,510.64 1%79,64.5.22 Front Foot 7.03 6.20 4.57 4.03 (Curbing additional Added to above estimate: For cement curb where not In w-65 per lin. ft. 6" sewer connections, each X60.00 water 39.00 5 14 do 5700 47 14 do 27n0 46 14 do 375 45 14 do 450 44 14 do 1550 F— B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT nF FINANCE REPORT OF CO HONER OF FINANCE �t ONAIWMINARY ORDER Wpw .. matter of I %�19E9 /�Gd2—�L /J!! /16 /o //r GL ;'.1- l onr Tr FSI i Thelotgosparcels of IaniI'ib`si'msq'be 1 parcel as^lastreported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION - 10 14 Como Proanect Acui. 7550 9 1.4 ao 600 8 14 d;; 450 7 14 ao 400 6 14 do 240o 5 14 do 57CO 7 14 do 2j()0 46 14 io 575 _. 45 14 ae 450 44 14 do 1550 - Form H. H. 10 TOTAL. - CITY OF ST.'PAUL 2 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Cop# roSIONER OF FINANC ON ,PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 43 14 Comp Pros,, -act Addition 350 42 14 do 1225 41 14 do 325 4o 14 do b25 39 14 do 2300 38 14 do 300 7 14 do 1500 36 14 do 2550 35 14 do 1300 34 14 Ao 175 33 14 do ] 650 32 14 do 1275 31 14 do 275 30 14 do 275 '39 14 do 275 The South F. 1/4 of South West 1/3 cf North West 1/4 of Sec. 25 Town 29 Range 23.- ( Excact parts for Front St. Lawson S;. Kent St. and MacknDin St, and Ex. the Nest 16 ft. of East 145 ft-) 261000 T1.c �. ;t �. ,7 _ lF, a En 1.47 feet sou:^ East 1/4 .>f South Wast 1/4 of Nc,rth We3t 1/1, of Sec. 25 T,;7 -n 29 14VI e 23 525 12 Sanborns Subd. of Lot 41 1,75 11 Wilkin and Hay;vard's Out 1625 10 Lots 325 9 do 325 9 do TOTAL 725 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ASSIONER OF FINANC ON RELIMINARY ORDER J (B Rhe DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED • VALUATION 7 Sanborr.'s Subd, of Lot 41 325 1 6 Wilkin and Hay,}ards Out Lots 375 5 :c 142- 42do do 425 3 do 2275 2 io 925 1 is 1250 26 2 Weides Rea. of Lots 76-77- 27�i 27 2 78-79- and 30 Wilkin and 25 28 2 Ha.7war:i's Lot s 25 C\ _x9 2 ao 250 All of 3C ,. W. 15 ft. of 31 2 10 3500 Eust 1C fest cf 31 ar:d %1 ;2 2 do 40C '.'fest 5 flet Lf 33 2. do 200 (Ex. hest 5 feet) 31� 2 do 250 All of 35 ural We:at 13 . : 7 36 2 do 425 East 7 ft. o j6 ar,d all o, 37 2 do 325 38 2 _to 250 (Fa. Ex -t 10 feet) 39 2 do 15C E.10 ft. Of j�.all 4C &14.-5f 12 fill 2 do 2225 E.'Oft.of =11 & lY 2C r -2 2 uo 1675 F.5ft•of 42 all 4j&17.1Cft of 44 2 i0 1675 E.15ft.of44& 17.172 ft -of 45 2 do 375 E. 72 ft- of 1,5 & ,.11 of 46 2 we 575 So. ''-0 ft. :;Y 'i7 -4S-49 50 2 do 2450 The �k-03/1n0 ft. So. of lio. 5e -o3/100 ft. of 47-40-49 70 2 do TOTAL 1575 4 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPAR7MF.NT OF FINANCE REPORT OFC{�Ivh}SSIONER OF FINANC OK PRELIMINARY ORDER (t y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED • VALUATION 110, )8-031100 :i;. of 47 48-49 50 2 We1..ies Rea. cf Lots 76— 350 77-76-79- and 80 Wilkin & Hay'.7L r to LotS. 9 50 Auerbach and liuna3 Aad. 48750 6 50 to tha City of St. P::ul 7 50 So 6 50 do 5 �iC .iu ': 50 do 9 49 10 2675 8 inn 11 lu 4075 7 49 do 325 6 ;,9 dc, ;825 5 49 ;Lo 525 4 40 +: 310C 9 8 Bio 625 8 48 do 2225 7 48 io 2575 6 '.a b 3175 5 8 do 6250 4 48 do = 9 47 do 1875 8 )L7 do 285C. 7 i11 iu 550 6 47 do 1200 5 47 iu 1700 MnN e, a. II TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEP n MENT OF FINANCE 5 REPORT OFv1iSS10NER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 47 Paerbach wid Ha:ds Aad. 7300 9 46 :o The city of St. Paul 925 8 46 do 2925 7 46 do 1025 46 do 1025 5 46 ac 1825 4 46 is1477 .. t f 3-9 10 2 3,trney il;.>rton a:,d Kinds- 4475 W. j0 ft. _f E. 93-75/100 lays Fir>t Ada. to S,. Paul ft. of 3-9 10 2 do l2-25 Exc.'W. 60 ft. of 3-9 10 2 do 11 2 do 450 (E:'c. E. 60 ft.) 7-b- 5 2 d..) 5800 E.-60 ft. of 7-6- 5 2 do 119co T io 2700 All of 6 and South 7 't of 9 44 Auerl—ch & Hanas Aaa, to 1075 (Fxcept South 7 feat) 9 44 the City cf St. Paul 1025 10 44 dz0 4200 11 44 ac 2050 14. 1/2 of 7 - 6- 5 44 do 165Q E. 1/2 of 7-6 5 44 do 5150 4 44 do 250 IV. 40 ft. 3 - 9 10 43 do 550 E. 43-751/100 ft. a S9 83-75/100 8 - 9 10 43 d, 2975 E, 40 ft. of 3 - 9 10 43 1500 11 43 do TOTAL 2800 CITY OF 8T. PAUL 6 Df LM -ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF SSIONER OF FINANO y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 43 Ailer'uach wid Hands Acid. 5150 b 4j to the city of St. Paul 3100 5 tL3 do 1000 JL. L33 do 1750 6 2 do 600 7 2 do 650 9 do 1000 10 2 do 200 11 2 do 4400 5 2 do 100 4 2 do 150 3 2 do 200 2 2 do 200 1 2 cto 250 1S 2 do 125 15 1 Denslo wls Addition to the 1725 14 1 City of St. Paul 500 13 1 do 500 12 1 So 500 11 1 do 500 10 1 do 500 9 1 do 500 8 1 io 500 7 1 do 500 6 1 do 50C 5 = do 0000 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 REPORT Of P TMENT OF FINANCE OF .N('ISSIONER OF FINAN� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 1 Denslovvl B Acid, to the 575 Wast 6 feat of 5 1 city of St. Paul w. lb ft. of E. 34 ft. u.. 3 1 du 425 E. 1a of Ea 5t 34 -t. of 3 l? do 2 1 do 500 1 1 do 525 14 1 Foundr-i Add, to St. Paul 2600 13 1 do 325 12 1 io 300 11 1 do 500 10 1 iii; 300 9 1 :o 300 S 1 do 300 7 1 do 3^.n 6 1 io 300 5 1 do 300 4 1 do 500 3 1 io 300 2- 1 io 3co 1 1 i, 375 14 2 Fubart A. SmA th's R( -a. of 250 13 p Lots --3-4-5-6_ & 7 cf 275 12 2 Wilkin and Dit- 275 11 2 lits ,: St. nel.il, Minn. 500 10 2 do 925 9 2 do 325 roe. a. 9 2 Jo TOTAL 325 B � (B " DESCRIPTION X91 st 60 ft. of (Ex. U'. b0 A t. CITY OF ST. PAUL DFPAR MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF MiSSIONER OF FINAN 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER III"" LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 2 Robert A. Smith Rea. of 325 6 :2 Lots 1-2-3-4-5,6-7 of 1350 ' 5 2 Wilkin and Y_Hywards Out- 650 4 2 lots to St. Paul, idinn. 1400 3 2 do 1950 2 2 do 1150 1 2 do 450 35 2 dp 575 34 2 do 135) 33 2 de 1950 32 2 do 1850 4 1 do 3125 4 1 do 1800 5 1 do 265o 6 1 do 1250 7 1 do )C50 3 1 do 1400 1 do 2900 1 1 do 1400 4 1 Frcat St. S :coni Arid. to 550 3 1 St. Paul, idinn. 23775 2 1 1.; 1 1 do 400 4 1 Fro.. � St, A.—!. tc 0iy 1200 3 1 St. Paul Ramsey C . Minn. 1650 2 1 do 1350 1 1 do 1400 TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL �+ DFPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINAN "I 9 R. REPORT OF OftMISSIONER (B� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 1 Coul;tlu:id a:_ n_il. ;o St. Pall 4100 2 1 Minn. 1800 1 1 do 625, 1 1 Matz Subd. of Lot 11 500 1 Wilkir; and Hey;vards 225 3 1 Outlets to St. Paul, Minn. 225 1� 1 do 725 5 1 do 650 So. 5 feet for Alley) 10 1 do 1700 9 1 do 525 6 1 do 525 7 1 do 2625 F 1 do 222 5 1 do 1725 4 1 do 1225 3 1 do 1925 2 1 do 2725 1 1 do 1350 The f_lls it described .rt 15 "illci t ,J. 1.1— . Ot-,t 445C Com,^enein, at the 3o. 17. corner cf Front St. and Gaultier S-1. Lots to St. Plul thence W. 98-47/10U ft. to We;et line of Lot 15 -hence South 38 ft. :hence E. 9s-4S/10C ft. thence 1110. 38 ft. to beginning The 'ij-3/10 ft. So. of the Ito. 36 ft. of 15 Lo 1500 . So. 40 it. of No. of No. 1/2 of POIIM e. e. 11 15 do TOTAL 15 0 10 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF HT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 40MISSIONER OF FINANCW ON PRELIMINARY ORDER > `°eat 1/4 -- 1-2-3- E. -� of w � of W. 1/2 of E. 1/2 of 1-2- E. 1,4 of 1-2 Ea:,t 1/2 .;f Weat 1/4 of 1-2-3- F- 1/2 of W. 1/2 of 1-2-3- roew e. s. II LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3G 15 Luis 2nd Add. to St. Paul 7600 29 15 _arn. 1100 28 15 do 1075 27 15 do 925 26 15 do 1125 25 15 do 975 1 15 do 675 2 15 do 4400 3 15 do 1350 4 15 do 1850 5 15 do 1550 0 15 do 1850 30 10 do 7100 10 do ?8 10 c:o 27 10 do 1000 26 10 do 1050 25 10 do 1250 4 10 do 850 4 10 do 1600 3 10 do 925 3 10 'Io 1600 4 10 do 1475 5 10 do 6 10 do 275 4 do 1475 9 d- TOTAL 1850 CCI DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CEd6MISSIONER OF FINANCI q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION W. 1/2 0f E. 1/2 of 1-2-3- 4 9 Lewis 2nd Aad, to St.Paul Ea;t 1/4 of 1- 2- 3- 4 9 Minn. 5 9 a0 Except Eea,t;t 58 ft) 10 1 1Veide'r3 Aad, r_nd Herz. of East 58 feet of 10 1 Pal ;t Outlots St. Paul 9 1 ar 1 do 7 1 do West 93-75/1n0 ft- .;f 11-12 13 2 A0 E. j0 ft. of 11-12 13 2 do 14 2 do 10 2 do 9 2 do 8 2 do 7 2 do ASSESSED VALUATION 1100 1600 1100 1000 4825 .2.475 i,eoo 4650 650 2450 950 19.75 4175 31k0o 1?00 1400 G 9 J-7 7S- . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---.---- -191.. _ 1/R Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works DECEIVED � �4 ro t„ Report to Commissioner of Finance ,Ss'OtiEHo�`' April 50, 1923 ----------- April50. MAY 1 t9�8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 45i 74----- approved- _Ayr il-20,- 1923_191_--, relative to the paving of Front Street from Dale -Street--to--R ice Street___-_--_--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. x3rxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ ___-_, and the total cost thereof is $-_____-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- mmissioner of Public Works. William 3. Peter, (&ammissioner 3rie maliette, Beputg (4ammisstaner Department of Pub tir Workii Qtg of faint rxul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. 3 19 7 E. CARROLL. A-4 CHIEF ENGINEER 2, 2 A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEANDCITY PLANNING ENGINEER AprilG. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Front Street from Dale St, to Rice Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. 45,274, approved April 20, 1923: Length 5,278 ft. Roadway 40 ft. Street 60 ft. Frontage 8,865' 63 ft. 3j creosbted Bricks laid Asphalt or 711 reinfored Paving blocks flat Asphalt Conor. concrete Per sq. yd. 5.56 4.94 3.72 3.31 Intersections ) 68,065.52 60,475.48 45,540.24 40,521.02 ,'�heelage ) (a)Property share 65,719.20 58,390.80 43,970.40 39,124.20 Total 1333784.72 118,866.28 893510.64 793645.22 (a) Front foot l urbin7.03 6.20 4.57 4.03 (cg additional Added to above estimate= For cement curb where not in 65¢ lin.ft. R 9 inch sewer connections each $60.00 it 4 inch water it " 39.00 Yours truly, )-", Approved for transmission Ch f Engineer to the Commissioner Commission of Public 19orks LAW OP'P'IOIC JAmEs E. TRASH •aa oLoaxc svxx,nxao � Bs. PAxn. Mxxrx. June 12th,1923 Mr henry Olson, City Clerk, Count House, St, Paul,Minn,, In the Matter of Paving Front Street from Dale St, to Lexington Avenue. Dear Sir. The Sharon Land Company is the owner of Lots lb and 16 Block 3 Como Park 2nd Addition , one of these lots standing of record in the name o Capital City Realty Company.2 am the President of the Sheron and Company,and ,not being able to be present at the hearin& upon the aboie entitled matter I am writing this letters an expresion of the views of the Sharon Land Cc as to the]kind of pavement most aditable. Our view is that front street from Dale to Lexington Avenue will very soon become a business a reet,and one required to carry heavy traffic;and that, for threason, the pavement material selected should be of the more expensive kind. Upon this view the vote of the Sharon Land Company is in Savot of paving the street with Creosote Blocke,which,we believe, is beat suited to meet all the requirements of that street._ Very Truly Yours, Viae �M� .f b3 s COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............. * ....... .............................._........._............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....pay.ing.-T...,Sevanth St,._fr.om..Tus.caroraSt.., including... serer.,....watar...and .. aria ...c.orne.ct.ions-.fr.om..s t r.e.at...mains....to................ property lines complete, Where not already made, also curbing and ................. _......................_._..................................................I........ ................ paving...dx.ive7r8.y.. a.I?d_.e.l.l..ey_8PProe the s.,.. Where_ nQcesse,rY,...._..._................--............ .... .... .._....... ..... .... _ .._.__.. __..._........ _......__........._.__..... ... ................ ................................ .......... ._. under Preliminary Order ------45396 ------------------------------ approved......April...2.z`i....19.2;5........................... ........ IniI t e, Matter7oY'pnving W. Seventh St........__..........._.........approved .__............................................................. Trom Tuscarora: Ave.. to Albion St.,^ including sewer. water aad gas con -'d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Conseil having nections from street mains to prop - he. erty linesready complete, so curbing nd of 'I—ommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; driveway 'add a, - npprpadhes, ng thl where Tecessar,, uhder Prellminary Order 45396 approved April 25, 1923. -A•-public-hearing having:-�bedn.. ;had he City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - upon the above Improvement upon due' tice: and the Council ;having.. hearth went }G:reo eaq objeMfio�nptand nn�c11. 1ommg*•pave ..-11.....Seventh..St..._fr.om..Tus-carnra..Ave.....t.n.. A1.b.ion -�er9d the : Same: A!.;;, r.,...water_.and...g8s-_conne.ctions.._..rom__.street.__ma-ina._to. _..__pr.opgr-t,,y. z.. -sphere -..not already made - ,---also curbing an/d� paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary#�ii _.... ................. y C _... ........._ -... .'... '� ' .�..........._....._.................................................... _......__...._..__................... ... ._..... ..... . __._... _ ..__._...__............................ .... ..................... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. = RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cuuneil J:.': .......__ City Clerk. Approved .... ........... Mayor. Councilman Itslancy Councilmanzbb2= 'Ferguson �LISI%ED_��' Councilman $yd7WcLCx McDonald 1i Councilman Bblumx /Mat - Councilman V000kxx Peter ,Councilman WXTaV=x Flenzel C Mayor Jvejzxx Ne 1 s ori Form B. S. A. 8-7. A r. etTr or 91. FwuL - 0EPARTM:NT Com' FINANCE E REI�RT O C� MtSSIONER OF FINANCE (A) .'N PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter / J � % PL/1 k Qs� <� c ��s lOun - '04 ! 4�cLf u :`< �liminary Order approved To the-ebuncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hefpby reports as follows: 3*1' pragppted; ., $ric4 laid Asphalt or Paving blocks flat Asphalt Concr. Concrete Per sq. yd. 5.60 4.99 3.76 3.35 Intersections ) 17,113.60 P 15,249.44 $ 11,490.56 r w 10,237.60 Wheelage ) 18,032.00 16,067.80 12,107.80 10,787,00 Property share 61,824.00 55,089.60 41,510,40 36,984.00 f Total 96,969.60 86,406.84 65,108.16 58,008.60 Front foot ( 7.07 6.25 4.61 4.07 (curbing additional Added in above estimate: V For cement curb where not in $.65 per lin. ft. T 6" sewer connections, each drill hole 41P water connections, each 5' rock exc. 886.00 do 5 8 do 600 do 6 6 do 600 _ do 7 9 do 2600 :-- _ do 8 S do 2200. do 9 8 do 2375 F.— R. B. 10 TOTAL. I. CITY O�P h1. PAUL �- DE_PARTMENT C; FINANCE f RE RT O CAMASSIONER OF FINANCE (A) N PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of o- L _ .�10 .. �.., i.n .0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 1 S Clarke's Add.to the City 5750 do Of St.Paul. 2 8 600 do 3 8 do 335 . . 0 do 4 8 do 2850 do 5 8 do 600 do 6 a do 600 do 7 8 do 2600 do 8 8 do 2200 d o 9 do 2375. . . 77 Form &. B. Io TOTAL. - Y CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT F; c`�OM�v11SlONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 10 8 Clarke's Addition to the_ 6o0 do 11 8 City of St. Paul. 600 do 12 8 do 3000 do 13 8 do boo do 14 8 dd 2600 do 15 8 do 2400 do ( 16 8 do 850 do (( 17 8 do 9 11 do 2075 10 11 do 2875 11 11 do 450 (Except Streets) 12 11 do 3325 do 13 11 do 575 do 14 11 do 2625 do 15 11 do 3975 do 16 11 do 575 do 17 11 do 575 do 18 11 do 2925 do 19 11 do 650 do 1 9 do 650 do 2 9 do 600 do 3 9 do 600 do 4 9 do 2300 do 5 9 do 600 do 6 9 do TOTAL 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENJ OF FINANCE REPORT QF' AON�MISSIONER OF FINANCE' p ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 7 9 Clarke's Add.to the 2850 City of doo. Paul. ° do 8 9 d 2600 do 9 9 do 850 do 10 9 do 2700 do 2 E.B. Lawton's Rear. 3075 No. 1, Romsey County,Minn. • 3 550 4 do 550 5 do 550 6 do 375 7 do 275 8 do 300 2 Stolnestad Addition, 675 St.Paul, Minn. 3 do 375 4 do - 4300 5 do 600 6 do 600 7 do 2600 8 do 2900 32 2 Cottage Lots Addition 300 to St.Paul, In Ramsey Co. 31 2 275 9 2 do 300 10 2 do 225 11 2 do 225 12 2 do 225 13 2 do TOTAL 225 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ` e REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F-'Z;Oh?mISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION s ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 1 1 Rugg's Addition to the 600. _ City of St. Paul do = 2 1 1350 _. do 3 1 do 200 d(z 4 1 do 3250 do 5 1 do 475 do 6 1 do 2575 do 7 1 do 550 do 2 1 do 550 do 9 1 do 2150 do 10 1 do 550 do 11 1 do 4200 do 2 5 do 1200 do 7 5 do 1275 do 6 5 do 1675 do 5 5 do 475 do 4 5 do 475 do 3 5 do 475 2 5 do 250 1 5 do 250 30 4 do 1100 29 4 do 325 22 4 do 1825 (Excert Street) 1 6 do 400 do 2 6 do 2525 do 3 6 do 550 do 4 6 do TOTAL 2200 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT F-gOt4M14SIONER OF FINANCE`;., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) v DESCRIPTION c LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 5 6 Rugg's Addition to the 550 City of St.Paul. do ' 6 6 2950 do 7 6 do 450 do 6 6 do 400 do 9 6 do 375 do to 6 do 350 do 11 6 do 350 do 12 6 do 350 do 13 6 do 300 14 6 do 250 21 6 do 450 20 6 do 200 19 6 do 625 16 6 do 150 15 6 do 1125. (Except Otto Ave.and Adrian Str) That part of Government 90720 Lot 1, lying Wily and S'ly of a line commencing at the S'ly corner of Riverside Addition No. 2, thence N.Wly a11on s id additii n to the ost W'ly o e th eof lest el with O o0't65.f'g rft. encs North then a pars, 20 ft. to the south line of said Ave. That part of Government Lot 2, lyin, N.Wly of the foot of the bluff, and that part of the N.E.,, of the N.W.4 1 ing Ely of Fest 77th Street and gathaway Streei a d South o J. N. Rogers 2n Addition. All in Section 14, own.28, Range 23 (93.53 acres) (Except Street) 1 2 14ollers Addition 75 do 2 2 do 200 do 3 2 do 1200 do 4 2 do 2900 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE o REPORT F-:400MISSIONER OF FINANCEii «r' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Z. (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _.-. (Except Street) ( 5 2 MollerB Addition. 1725 do 6 2 do 1 1 do 1300. . 2 1 do 350 (Except Street) 2 1 Rogers Fort Street 325 Addition to the City do 3 1 of St.Paul. 325 _. do 4 1 do 325 do 5 1 do 325 do 6 1 do 325 do 7 1 do 325 do ( 8 1 do 2825 do & Ely 1 ft.of (j 9 1 do Ex.Ely 1 ft.& 9 1 do. 3475 Except Street do 1C 1 do 325 do 11 1 do 325 _ do 12 1 do 325 do 13 1 do 325 do 14 1 do 325 do 15 1 do 325 �- do 16 1 do 325 do 17 1 do 250 TOTAL TOTAL roe... .. u CITY OF BT. PAUL t, REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE�% QF �ONtMISSIONER OF FINANCE C ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Rogers Fort Street Add. 25 to the City of St.Pau1. 2 2 75 3 2 do 100 4 2 do 100 _ 5 2 do 100 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 25 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 125 10 2 do 1625 (Except Street) 7 1 J. N. Rogers 23rd Add. 375 do 6 1 do 325 do 5 1 do 325 - do 4 1 do 2400 do 3 1 do 275 do 2 1 do 275 8 1 do 125 10 1 do 150 11 1 do 150 12 1 do 150 13 1 do 150 14 1 do 150 15 1 do 1800 16 1 do 150 TOTAL roe... .. u 40 ft. of CITY OP 9T. PAUL (Except Street) Southwesterly k DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (Except Street) REPORT F,""OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6 do ON PRELIMINARY ORDER do (B) do 9 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Sheldon's Rearrangement. 3050 N.Ely of 2 do 150 S.Wly z of S 2 do 500 (Except Street) The S.Wly ( 3 do 46 ft. of 14 4 do 3 25 5 do 325 {( 6 do 100 ( 7 do (Except Street) N.Ely 4 1 Park Addition 375 40 ft. of 2250 (Except Street) Southwesterly 10 ft. of 4 (Except Street) 5 (Except Street) 6 do 7 do 9 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do & except S.Wly 46 ft. of 14 (Except Street) The S.Wly 46 ft. of 14 do 2250 do do 450' do 3150 do 1950 do 450 do 3950 do 4500 . do 450 do 2600 do 650 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ?FA,-OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE;, A t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except Street) 15 Park Addition .1650 _ _ S S Birmingham's Fourth 800 Add. to St.Paul, Minn. 8 50 30 9 do 150 (Except Street) 29 9 do 325 do 28 .9 do 300 do 27 9 do 4200 do 26 9 do 300 do 25 9 do 300 do 24 9 do 300 do 23 9 do 300 do 22 9 do 2800 do 21 9 - do 2200 do 20 9 do 4200 do 19 9 do 3550 N.Ely 40 ft.of ( 16 9 do (Except Street) ( 1S 9 do 3100 N.Ely 40 ft.of S.Wly 80.41t.of 16 9 do (E),cept Street) ( 17 9 do 2775 S.Wly 40 ft. of (( 16 9 do (Except Street) 21 10 do 325 do N.Ely 77 ft.of 22 10 do .125 . (Except Street) 19 10 do 2725 (Ex.N- Fly 77 ft) 22 10 do TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �?1 REPORT G;F�OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE„ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ^4,1 (B)` DESCRIPTIONS LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION _- (Except_Street) 18 10_ Birmingham's Fourth Add. _ .2700 do 17 10 to St Paul, Minn. 00 do 16 10 do 3800 do 15 10 do 7400 do E.19.50 ft -of ( 14 10 . do do E. 582 ft -of 12 10 do (Ex.Street)Ex.Ely 19.50 ft. 14 10 do .150 do 13 10 do 325. do E'ly 582 ft 12 10 do 100 8 11 do 725 _- _ (Except Street) 2 43 pest End 450 do 1 43 do 475 do 7 39 do 350 do 6 39 do 350 do 5 39 do 1850 do 4 3y do 350 do 3 39 do 350 do 2 39 do 350 do 1 39 do 1850 do & Ex.Birmingham's 8 34 do 300 -- 4th Addition) Except Street & Ex. Birmingham's 4th Add. 9 34 do 325 (Except Street) 10 34 do 2850 do 11 34 do 3150 _ do 12 34 do TOTAL 350 - W. A (C) DESCRIPTION CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 9F.C-OMMI LSSIONER OF FINANCEr..E - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Fxoert street) CIO A ao ?o lo do do to .:U do So. Elly 2.20 ft. c_' (Fx.~S. Fly 120 ft.) LOT BLOCK 13.34 - iV—st End 14 34 do 33 d'.) 0 33 do 5 33 do 4 33 to 3 33 JO O 33 do 1 33 30 x 33 do 33 do -P 33 dc; 11 33 12 -> i3 io ?9 do 9 29 11 29 Lo 2 po do j :'_5 d' l4 29 do 14 ?9 do ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1450. ._ 3�5 2900 4400 1650 62^C 3co )25 175 1500 10;0 1300, 2000 350 3;0 X 250 2050 i65 C- 4 .s'. I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 9i Dated___- —_—_191 Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance L d of April 30, 1923 1923----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Mnance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.45396 ..... approved- April 25._1923-191--_, relative to paving West Seventh Street from Tuscarora -Ave-.---Albion--St Albion -- St -. ---------- ----------------------------------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 6 2. The estimated cost thereof is $2x= -------- and the total cost thereof is $----- and _-_fi and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -=sioner /�` "s`- ---------------------- of Public Works. u °� �illiem J. �etex, (�ammisnianer brie �uUette, 3�eputy (¢nmmissinner Department of jJub1u lVarks (pity of faint 1juul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER April 28 1923 A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G.H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER y S G. P. BOWLIN. SUFI. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of West Seventh St. from Tuscarora St. to Albion St. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C.F. #45396, approved April 25, 1923: Length 4,760 ft. 'Roadway 50 ft. Street 80 ft. Frontage 8,280 ft. 3j creosoted Bricks laid Asphalt or Concrete Pavin,z blooks flat Asphalt concr. Per sq. yd. 5.60 4.99 3.76 3.35 Intersections) 173113.60 15,249.44 11,490.56 10,237.60 Wheelage 18,032.00 16,067.80 123107.80 10,787.00 Property share 61,824.00 55,089.60 41,510.40 36,984.00 Total 96,969.60 86,406.84 65,108.16 58,008.60 (a)front foot( 7.07 6.25 4.61 4.07 (curbing additional Added to above estimate: for cement curb where not in 650 lin. ft. 6 in. sewer connections each drill hole 4 in, water connections ea.5'rock exc. $86.00 Yours truly, Ch f Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance ,ul "7 /P Commission r'o Public Works COUNCIL FILE NO....-.--_........_....-.-. By----------- ._........------------------ ................. ..... ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..construct in a six foot cement _.tile -_s idawslk_-on..the_ north side -._o£-,_Helen-_Ave..---from_Ruth _St_.___to +Trite-_Bear_._we.,-..except-_?her.e... good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _...------- ............._...._... ........ ....... .._........................................... _....................... ----.........----- ..._........ .-- ....................................................................................................................................................I............................ ............ under Preliminary Order 4 9$.7._ .......... approved..._: �.Ar.� 1...1.�a....1 ............................. Intermediary Order------------- -....... .................. approved. -................-...-_......._-- -._.......... ..._........ 2C. F., No. 48288— upon the above improvement u on due notice, and the Council havin l"[he c'n[ter of constructing a six jnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- foot gement the sidewalk on the north side of Helen Ave. from Rutli lied St. to white Bear Ave., except where' I exist. under Preliminand _fricientary o ae 4no-the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of approved April 10, 1923. A public hearing having been inlprtupon the above Improvement un said City is...ao.nat.r.tlct-..a...s.u-.-.f..o.Qt._.o-eme.nt...t.i1e...s-idew.alk end the' Counctl having. �Wectio�e ol}-- the ..nortir side---of--Ha.l.en--lve.__from..Rutt__.$t_..--to---`°lhite--.$esx... v-e-.,-..excapt where gO.O.d...a.n.d uff- cient...s. d.awe. s....now...exist................................... ------.-.-----......_..._. ..................._ ...... .... ............ ......... ......................... - .... .... --......._............................... ---------------------------- and ------------------------.and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to.prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :. Adopted by the Council .............:. ..:.................- ..... 9 -.._... City Clerk. Approved .............. f G, } .. Ma or Councilman lggj5g qc✓Clancy ;11gI� - a Councilman GW.XX 'Ferguson Councilman=#may McDonald Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL 11:�'.' DEPARTMU`'AT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COZY AASIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Helen Avenue from Ruth St.to White Bear Ave. under Preliminary Order approved April 10,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - 8 front The estimated cost perhoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1-05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK All of 16 & E,20 ft.of 15 8 (Exc.East 20 ft.) 15 & all 14 8 13 8 12 8 11 8 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Hayden Heights 1150. do 125. do 75 . do 100 do 275 7 9 do 125 35 9 do 100 34 9 do 400 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAR4�ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE m w ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 33 9 Hayden Heights 100 32 9 do 100 31 9 do 100 30 9 do 1356. 29 9 do 100 28 9 do 100 27 9 do 100 26 9 do 1000 25 9 do goo 7 10 do 125 62 10 do 100 61 10 do 100 6o 10 do 275 59 10 do 75 59 10 do 75 57 10 do 75 56 10 do 75 55 10 do 75 54 10 do 25 53 10 do 25 52 10 do 25 51 10 do 25 50 10 do 75 ' 49 10 do 75 49 10 do 75 TOTAL CITY OF 6T. PAUL M DEPA TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO&ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 47 10 Hayden Heights 75 46 10 do 75 45 10 do 250 44 10 do 75 43 10 do 75 42 10 do 250 41 10 do 75 40 10 do 75 39 10 do 75 38 10 do 100 $ 8525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- - — -----------19� Commissioner of FinAn". P -m B. B. 12 V l f , 1 9 4f II II Jr � . G, I _qi � "eed F , s•Ih l I .�r ",. � I = � zo y .i. ..i�ti'I I f �ia fa.nr. f� J _ 17 C� a1 1 i- 61Jf r Itid �17 f y/y li 1.. yea 1 f If, f', 9 gI I/ { Office of ' the Commissioner of Public Works X11 Report to Commissioner of Finance a' V0. =a c�i �uulnv8 t1e ONEB APR pe�198$ A ------- 191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.44987----- approved- _April 1Qy_1-°2a_191___, relative to _ Construct_in$_� _�j,)[-�.29�_9.E.QIETlt_Mils._side[alJc_nn_t.he_nor�rh._side_Af_____ Helen Ave. _ frQm_Ruth _JL _t4_ YbJle_ Deam-AY-a ------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $1� Q5Z-______, and the total cost thereof is $_____--_____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------W0mmi--ione;__o_f__ -----Public Works. 77 X X i? I • ~ St. Paul, Minn .....................................................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners;' hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: STONE SIDE -WALK TO_BE.I,AID._ON._THE..._ ua..S.ZAz...Q.k...._................................................ HELEN........................... ........................................ V. Ave. from._ ........... ............. A ....................... ... ........... ....... ........... St./4jj. _..-................ .. Ave. _NAME LOT K BLOCK ADDITION Ii II u n n n n t { ( if n n 1 if is n if u n a a L�'tA144C4V if \, S' u if 22 COUNCIL FILE NO..... ........................ By........................ ............_.....---- ........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......9Xi.t.x-y_ct.ing...e.... six ._.foot_..cement_.....ile...s idefralk_.on_..the._....... north_..s.ide.-.of Bayard Avenue from Famiine Avenue to Syndicate....-...-... AY.enU.e,....Qxcept_--where..-good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, .. - ....... ......... . ........................--........................................._..................... - .. ........... . ........................._... ............... under Preliminary Order ......4446.1. .............. .............. approved......_1Rarch---9a...192--...-----...................--- Intermediary On ---.. approved ................... --.............. _------------------------------ A public he<c a 1. 48289— hove improvement upon due notice, and the Council p ice Eethe ," tilerstdewallof croatthe north side tendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- having heard all ae Barara Ave. from Hamune Ave . to STnaICate ave., except where good eyed the same; t una sufficiereant st- —"aaca now exist, RESOLVED Dro ed March l8, 193orler 44961 ap- t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of A public hearing 6aving been had upon the alidVe improvement upon due improvement to notice, and the Council hsv4ng heard St.r.L1G.t--S::,x....f.00t o.eme.rtt til.e....aldewelk _..... an peraonsi ob7ectlons and reeom- res Cations rel ative thereto, and n _ ....... ............._._..__._.._......___.......'..................---__..........._......_......------.__. �. By __.-.Avenue.,...excQp.: here .__good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ....................................................................__.........................-............................................................_...._._......................... and. the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... ......... _.....:... __..._ 9 .. ... .. . City Clerk. Approved......... ......................... __..__ ....., 191...... j Mayor. Councilman OWUM Y -M Clancy Councilman XGLx Ferguson _ CouncilmanXla¢fcy-x McDonald l� Y Councilman =Ote x Alla t s on Councilman jkfkKx Peter Councilmnn xtk:bx :7enzel Mayor Hafts), x— Ne 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8-7 (A) In the matter F aT. PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Avenue from Hamlin Ave.to under Preliminary Order approved tile s Ave. k on the north side of D To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amo nt of the assessment for the above improvement is $ Lront The estimated cost perltoot for the above improvement is S 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 3 Edward L.MCAdam Addition 300. 14 3 do 475 13 3 do 275 12 3 do 275 11 3 do 275 10 3 do 275 9 3 do 575 S 3 do 525 7 3 do 2975 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. OF ST. PAUL DEPCITY NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION — ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3 Edward L.VcAdam Addn. 275 5 3 do 1075 4 3 do 275 3 3 do 325 7900. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated___—. —191 -- Commissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ARiJ._21,-1923 - ----191---- AFR 241933 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: preliminary order of The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the P the Council, known as Council File No.- ¢44f1____approved_ pdapeh_ @a_ 192+3- relative to Conatruct_a six-foot_cement_tile_sidewalk_on_the north ,side________ of Bayard_Avenue__fro�_Ha,�°line_Av_enue_to_Gyndioate_A_v_enue,__________- --------------- ----- --- ------ ---- red to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and things refer necessary and (or) desirable. 1. Said improvement is ---------- per front foot 1.05[______, and the total cost thereof is $----------- ' 2. The'estimated cost thereof is $--- - and` the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -- - - --- - - art hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a p 4. -------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /// Commissioner of Public Works. r- I L 0 le -1111- b. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.,4 ` .°�.'.q 192-3, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .................. St. Ave. St. Ave. to Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ct r V COUNCIL FILE NO.. By.........- ........................ ...._._.....__.-.................. ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of wa.l{..o-ll-.-both...... s.i. s....Of....Belmont_. street__ from...Lelaware 'venue to Chippewa Avenue ...except .. ...... ........ ...........r whes�e_.-good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ....- ... ..... ....... ............................................ ......... ......_. _. .................................................................. ___......------------.........._...... .. .................__........... ..... C. F No. 4 In the 5290 _ _foot Matter....................................... ........ ceme._.............._............................._..._-._......------.......-....................... Ava xofChf lmotnG gidewniklne,, Sood o ° ealet and stiff, el the ode Del - - -- 45209 tip n oved I'relfminawa. r, ppell"Dubuc hearth Drlt Ia. „rY�,'. 4.b .09 ............................... approved....._ April ... l.g,__1923.-----............_........ tnouc the above -t S fnw _... ..❑ rc,pana the mn,o.emeat Intermediary.true.�l l'' + pp _.._.... - _...... ...... approved .................... ------------ - - -- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ron_Atru_ct...a__..six --- oot._cement_..tile.,-sidewalk on...both ..aides._o£"-"Bghnont.."Street -..from _Delawereavenue-.-to__Chiopevra =venue except--- where _--good and sufficient side alks now exist, ............................._................ -- .. ........................ -- - ---------- ............................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...___ ..____ ........ `......__..._ 9I/. ............ ----- ..................................... Ci Clerk. . ., ........ l-- Approved ............................... .... 191L ... � ✓L� ✓ :��+�� / Mayor. Councilman IRamm �at&X Cl ancy Councilman Gftl x ✓Ferguson .. .. .;-... _ w'..v .a•, e�_,._-L� �'�..:%�' w't.'7.re.w_ .N'v_ e _ ,€,._. r:, A. ct n _ 1) 1 " Mayor TbdQ3pcao,,/Nelson Form rs. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIdWIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON P.RELIWINARY ORDER .� In the taatter of eonstnicting a .six-foot cement tile airiewalk on both sides of Fb 1 mnn " S . ree " from DB 1 wa to Ava to ChipPeNa Ave under Preliminary Order approved April 15,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ f ront 1.05 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 75 Banning & Oliviers Add. 3500. to West st.Paal. E.J of Lots 9,10,11 and 12 75 do 1800 We,j of Lts.9,10,11 and 12 75 do 1700. 1 Dawsons Rearrangement of 3175 B1k.76 Banning & Oliviers lk Addition. 600 { TOTAL. $ 1 0775 The Commissioner ofFinancefurther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by Lhe Couunissinnor of Puhli,- Work,. i Da led __. i •rAll 7,S ti. J. rr✓i" sSf. . V ! I Q .. �Gf�G,�/ons-o✓T. r I W St. Paul, Minn....................................................192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: <� .i ...... ....._✓... ....? F ! .'.../.:..T. St. Ave: U� from......? 1� (�✓.:..... G..G:.. .......... ......... St. Ave. to_.::.: <_ ' <. . .._.._._ St. Ave. MA NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION w� u ✓ q F 1 !t U AAl7 12 «+r 0 F MA Office of the Commissioner of Public Works T�ecEi� 1�.,,,,,,....! �. 0>' " S3 Report to Commissioner of Finance V J APR 841923 April _21,_19A________191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.4529R----- approved- April_ 1$�_relative to ________ConQtruct ink a_ eix-foot_ cement_ tile_ sidewalk_ on_ both_ aides________ -------- ai_Helmond_Street _irm_Aelawara_A_ve.__to _chip-Re'Ba_A-te---------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $1.05 _per fron hfMcc aI cost thereof is $------------- --, an t and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ---1-- --------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. Oh 0 COU\CIL FILE NO..... ..... ........... _ By............... ............ ........__...._........... ._....__ ..........- FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofq I x...foo t -..c -em l7t.--t-il-e.._F I:a.ewa.lk...ox1.A_he...north ____-___-side-of...Blair Street from iunlap Street to Griggs Street, except --- - -- _..-- —..... -' _....... - - __Rhere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, i— ................. c. F. N6. 46291— In the Matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north 4 ................................ ... I........................._................................................... tde of Blair St. from v Dunlap 9t. d G fgga St.. exce t where good and r D Pugh ent sidewalks now 7 at. un.-".................................................................................................... -. ' Preliminary Order 94877 uppr<,-' April 3, 1923. A Dublin hearing im improvement bean,.; upon [fie above im ---- notice. an : i...._ .............................. .. all persons, the and an t e ounc undaaona relative thereto. re r_il_.3,....19:23._...._._......._.----...._.._.. funr oov vdered the =nm __.... --....._.......... approved---Ap... Inteil::,,,slry Order :........_........_.........._ ..............-........ approved......... -............... ......-----......._-----------------........- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct ix_.foot ccement_-t_ile...s ide walk on the north side of Blsir Street from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, excerpt where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _. ................................ ......... .......... ........ .......................................... ' ..........._.........._.._... ---._....................._._..._....._.......'--- ................ .........._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.___..:._._'..;.:..:'.'.:..;_._..... _. / City Clerk. Approved...._.: 191. Mayor. CouncilmanClancy CouncilmanX3esxx / / Ferguson �P[7RLISi)i� 2� Councilman Ailamc&x h!�jcJonald Councilmanc Ill0.9t30T1 corn, B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN' OF FINANCE * "'REPORT OF COMMI I NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthemalterof constructing a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Blair Street from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street. T �l under Preliminary Order approved April 3,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S f ront The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is g I 05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows': DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Ruth Livingston 2nd Addn. 400. 27 3 do 3325 26 3 do 325 25 3 do 300 24 3 do 275 ,23 3 do 250 22 3 do 225 TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �.: REPORT OF COMOftSIONER OF FINANCE s s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 3 Ruth Livingston 2nd Addn. 200. 20 3 do 200 19 3 do 200 16 3 do 200 17 3 do 200 16 3 do 225 0 $ 6325. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Aiww Dated Co nissioner of Finance. Farm B. 6. 12 n 3 St, Paul, Min.'.+.o 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to dose the followinfi improvement to be made: ....................................................... from V ..................................... ------------------- St. Ave. -- ............ .. ...........St. JM. to_._..._.. . ADDITION -- ........................ St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED e Report to Commissioner of Finance 3y�, bnta� APR 241923 April_ 2JQ2-3____------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File NoAAJU 7____-_approved_April_Z,-1923--_191_--, relative to Constructing a six—foot cement_ tile__sideHalk_on_ the_north sift@-_-_____ of Blair Street _from Dunlap Street_tQ_QrJ,g�_SxxB-at----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is ------- and the total cost thereof is $__--___--__-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ,j// ommissioner of Public Works. U, -e COUNCIL FILE NO.. ............... By........... _................... ....... _.. _. - _...... _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._construct.ing_.-a-._s_ix_f oot-,.o.enent._t i19....s.idewa11--c .Q-11..t11A......... port.h---end__.south._s.ides.-.of_.Cook Street ...f.. rom Atlantic Ave.....ea_st_. to_..St_...._.._ Paul -'Nater... Company's Right -of -Ways except Where good and sufficient ... sideralks... nom...axis.t..... .............._..................... - ..I............... - - -- ............... ........... ............. .._---- .............. ..._--- ......_.......... ................................................... - - -...............................................------------...................... _.:..._... ............... ------................................-----------------------.... under Preliminary Order..............4. 986..__.....__........ approved.......:April_.1.p'-.1993-s-- ..---...........__..... Intermediary Order- approved ........ _......_.... ------ ------ --------- A public heal e• F. NO 4G292— etrucUthe nor n ve improvement upon due notice, and the Council In the Mattel of con Navin heard all ft. cement tae siaewnik Paul N-vatec g 1, ft. 9onth ataea of Cook St. from At- dations relative thereto, and having fully consid- iantic Ave. east: to Ya at nRlght-of- ered the same; tht cemFnny'a wCere good end except RESOLVED, dent Saewniks now Sat. Yreutmm�rr order aasss a '� St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and lain o Apr" Dublic henrinB hnvtng 't /T' improvementtob uyon tie above ImDrovam^ 9.o.nS.tr.UC.t....-S.X...fQ4t....9.eIIlfll ....t.11.e...Si(�6.Welk ..,,. .,..rice and she.: > �., on the north and ti -;''ata sales of Cook Street from Atlantic Ave. east _........................ ............._.................-.. ----........._ .... --_........................._......._...._.. - - to_St. Paul -Water Company's Right-of-way, except where good and sufficient s. derral-ks_.o��@xist.:...............__.----._.__...._ ...... -..__...._......_........... ............................... -- - ... - -- ....... ......_...........__... ........... - - ..._..................._.....- - _........ ............................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 - - - -- ---- -- ----- ---- -------- City Clerk. _...., ....... Approved .............. 191. Councilman AfiiL;>riF�►/ aa�Y } Councilu►an � � , 3}'�'�q�0#3,� Council�mvans �ciisan�ldl �'.-1 rl ,i' t]I1Gllltlatik;e'-, L�'[7�aU�f$�n -2s+gqFttQ 4er . -_YtQnZel ' Mayor MxdW X e 1 s on Porn, 13. 9. A. — CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPAR—VENT OF FINANCE •- *- REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE crt ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the north and ;r south side of Cooly Street from Atlantic St.east to St.Paul water CalmIany's right of _way. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ f cont The estimated cost per toot for the above improvement is b-1 QF The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 1 Hillsdale, St.Paul,Minn. 900, 7 1 do 1600 S 1 do 100 9 1 do 100 10 1 do 100 11 1 do 500 7 6 do 100 6 6 do 100 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C46WISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) + DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 6 Hillsdale, St.Paul,Mim. 100. 4 6 do 1300 3 6 do 100 2 6 do 600 1 6 do 100 f4 8 4700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ _ __ - -- ---191 Fnrm H. B. 12 G Commm,roner of Finance. \� v `, - t �- .. _ ✓ \� .. ( +y} `OJ L 1 v V .. .. �� /� • APB - St. Paul, Minn.,_....... ....... . .......... 192-,:4 ... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .................... 4 ................. 1 , St. Ave. . . .......... ... . ...... f rom. . ...................._.............St. Ave. to .__.._.........St. Ave. 1, NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �77,1 M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECE(VEL) / Report to Commissioner of Finance J' ' p4 �`�P April_ 23,__1923 ---------191---- APR 24 1928 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. il985-___-approved_ April 10--19?,a_191__-, relative to P-QpstviQtIng- r-_eix-fo=t_ egment_tile_ sidewaik _on -the-north--and ------_ ____south_side_of_Cook_Street_from_Atlant ic_e_v_e.__east_to St,__Paul_______ ----]NaiPs-om}�any'a-rbr --'max•--------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: F 1.' Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1.05_-____-_, and the total cost thereof is $_------___--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------- -- i1` --------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO..._.........._._._...... By......... _... _..... _... _....... _....... _.... ... _..... _ _.............. FINAL ORDER In the Mattercix_.foot ..-cementt ileidecFA;j -- on.the---south ---.a ..s.ide--- of...Fr.al<kcs.qn..Av.e,.._from__Pa_sca1...Ave..__to._Bison__.Ave...x...exce.pt..-whe.r.e good and.._suff.icien........ t sidewalks now exist, ....................................... under Preliminary Order ............... 44988_ ................ approved... ---i pr.il...1.4,....1.923.................................. Intermediary Order _...................._ approved................_..._..........._......_------------------.._....... f 6. F. Noto . 46293— ad U the improvement on due notice, and the Council Ilaj toot ce cement tileatter ofco idewalh g na the p southaide of Frankson Ave. from and on e above p rovemenupon recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- erE - Pascal Ave. to Bison Ave., ex•. where good and soRlcient aide �•: ow est, under Preliminary v. a"It approved April to,19z2. n7 of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of A public hearing having been' mil upon the above improvement upon notice, and the council having ,e said City is._cQ..nst.ruQt._a_.slx_.f oot.._Cen.ent__t- l.e...s id,ewalk all persons, objection. and recur. dations relative thereto, nee; the same: co Frani,son Ave. from Pascal Ave. _o Bison Ave. except be it fully -••-' - wfje_..good_.andsufficient sidewalks now.e.xist. .................................................... -............. _..........._...._......_... - . ._........_.._................... .... --.. ................._.........._.._------ _............._---------------------- .......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._.._.__.:.;..--...1:.7........-- City Clerk. Approved. ................ ................... ,....._.... 191........ hi(/% �� ✓ .............. ' Mayor. Councilman 7X%K4WU 4s\-/C1aney Councilman TWX \,Ferguson g>,fl „ISiil i3� Councilman 391Aa'WEc Do na 1 d Councilman 4MWX 1/ `flat s ori Councilmantk:t7DJix Peter Councilman AXKX&qY3&X 17enzel Mayor Nelson Form B S A 8-7 CITY - ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COt"b.-SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of of Fran] under Preliminary Order approved Anrll 10.1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g f ront The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION West 44 feet of (Except west 44 feet) LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 19 Franksons Como Park Addn 1 19• do ASSESSED VALUATION 300• 200. TOTAL. 500' all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby #rreport made to.hi a in reference to R5 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works g RECEIVED F�. Report to Commissioner of Finance q, "uun.•• G � _ -------- 191__ -- APR 241923 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.448-fl ----- approved- Aps-il_-10,-L223-_191___, relative to ____Construct ink a_ six-foot_ cement _tile_ sidewalk__grL_e9tatli_sj-4e__Qf--_-__-_ --- Franks on Ave. from Pascal_Ave--_t o_ Bison _Ave -------------------------------- ------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things reforred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $)—C.15--------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. M/ j�., ----JG2 ------- ---------- ommissioner of Public Works. �A Aft iDiliiam J. toter, (! vmmissianer Ocie Mnllette, aeputg %ammissisner Department of Ilnhlix Works (&itg of Quint Paul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER J. I- CARROLL. ASS CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER March 14, 1933 G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Mr. G. W. McDaniel, 1455 Frankson Ave., Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: We are in reoeipt of a petition for a sidewalk on Frankson Ave., from Pascal Ave. to -eve. Under the ChsrU:er it is necessary to have not lose than three petitioners, and we are therefore returning your petition with request that you obtain lore signers. Yours very truly, WJP:AB Commission of Public Works f,, V St. Paul, Minn,,;�Gs'..... .........1923. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /� o ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..St. Ave. from...............�'J o-ri, CrP St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION � M1 1 lJ COUNCIL FILE \O._......_._ ............... _, i;Pw()4 I3y. ........ . ......._._...._..._..........._.--_-.............-- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....constru_cting-a six foot cement tile--sidewalk_on_the.._....-. s.auth...S.d.e....Of_..7e-.mks...St-re.t_-between.__Cretin _lvenue..-and Finn_--venue,----except gg.Qa...and....sufficie.nt...s.idewalk_s_.now....exist., ..................................................................... under Preliminary Order ................ ...... approved- A pMl 5, lyGJ . ' Inter>n�a F. xo. 46294— ....._...._..._.... approved.................._.............._...............---- .... _...... A II Infoote cement the `sidewalk ong n the 1pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council southside of James St. between Cre- having ti ua e.and,FinnAve.. except where recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered th exist, 'under Preliminary Order 44967 approved April 6, 1923. + RE A public hearing having been ` rl the above Improvement ups" -- Cit of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of y upon o.+�^e, and the.Councll having •.7�na. objections and reco, - improvement .�., thereto. and . it City is._const-rp.ct._a...s.ix..foot-.-c@mentt.ile...s.-.swat idr on the south side of James - ....._......_. _... ........._...__......................._---.___..... Street between Cretin Avenue and Finn Avenue, ._.... .._..__........_.. ._................ ....................... exc.e.pt..w7 is_;^e...g.cod...and ._suffl. ient._sidewalks...now exists---..._............_........................ _.......................... ..................................... .......... ..._...__....__ .............. ..._.. -.......................................... .....__............... _................... -- .............._.........--.._..............__..............._...__. ............. ................................................................ ...._. -- - - ... .........-_-.............---_.._............ ............................ .-----------------...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. i RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__ ....:.__. �l .. ....................._..............._.............. `\ City Clerk. Approved ................ ...... ........ .::_................., 191. __..__._...../....._ ..........................._....__..-......._.. i Mayor. Councilman �ffix la ncy CouncilmanXXX9x Ferguson Councilman CLIWX McDonald ✓b �Id11115>3ED �3 Councilman ExRomxx is t s on Councilman 2kfnR Peter Councilman NYWIdUM `.7enzel Mayor icxfelson Form B:'S. A. 8-7 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTh' NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C�iSSIOfQ"�2r OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) kms, In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement the sidewalk on the south side of James Street between Cretin Ave, and Finn Ave- under Preliminary Order approved April 5,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S f ront The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is s-1-05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 3 G.G.whitneys Riverton Place 350. 14 3 do 350 13 3 do 350 12 3 do 350 11 3 do 350 10 3 do 350 9 3 do 350 s 3 do 350 7 3 do 350 TOTAL. P.— B. B. 10 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF Q,04MISStLMER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3 G.G.Whitneys Riverton Place 350 5 3 do 350 4 3 do 350 3 3 do 350 2 3 do 350 1 3 do 375 $ 5275• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r Dated_ Commissioner of Finance. Fnrm B. B. 12 / , Office of the CorAr ssioner of Public Works ��ECEtVE� k� g�✓ Report to Commissioner of Finance r � 191___- APR 2¢192$ --- Apy'a-za -1933------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of -__ relative to the Council, known as Council File No. -44957 ---- approved- APril_ 5,_ 823-_-191, Const ruatin�_ a_aix-foot_ 8�4@D _Vii] @_Aide-walk--Qn th4L-siaut-h_--+----- side of James Street between Cretin_Avenue_ ----- �---------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and front foot per ____---_----, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-1,_91----- and the, total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------- --------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �COmmissioner 1141 f Public Works. v°e To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.,' &. !1 �{............lqa— Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 1p .-..... ........ _...__ ..............St. Ave. St. Ave. to ................ -.._............. .... ........_.............._.. _._ ...._ Ave. LU ivJ NAME LOT BLOCKD• • _ N"M r ��% ,,, i i,. /i // I yee—_ az ,a8' COUNCIL FILE NO.........-_ ........... ...... By..........._ ..................... ....._.................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....c.onst.ruc.t.ing_.zL...s.ix...f.00.t c.emert...t.ile. s.i.dewa.lk..on.-bath...... side..$ of...La_..C_rosse-_4rrq.et___fron,'lhite_-Bear...Avenue..t.o-..iiezgl.._ �y.enuA,----exc.a t., w_11 mood, and sufficient... sidewalks now exist,... �¢�F......1�Q.....C% ........................................ ............ . under Preliminary Order ----.-_.4.653_ ....................... approved ........_Tdarch__20.x__1923........ ................ ... Interco - ' - approved .... .........._..._..._---------- -----------._ A c. F. xo- aszss— .lpon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council In the Matter of constructing a six toot Id recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- haV111 cement the aldewalk on both sides of Crosse St. from white Sear e to Hazel Ave., except where ga. gyred t except north sideofal x: of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of B Preliminary Crder 99003 _,.• Tarch 20. 1923. .i 1•bile. hearing hevi improvement .� .,., :. Prov, ".,tile said City is.._.c.ons.truot....a....S.itc....f.oot....�.e;nent....t.i1s...s.iS19.- w.slk:-can...bo.th...side.a....9f...La....Qr.o..sse_..St.re-et-f..rom.. `rhzt.e....Bae-r.-1�venue.-..t.o...Reze.l Av.enuQ,_.except where_.$ood and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _............ .......--................................................ --..........._....................... .......... .............................................................. ..---------- --. .............................. --....._.. ........._............ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........_ City Clerk. Approved ................... -, 191. .. ........... . ..................----Mayor..... Councilman RataGg�1t4E�61ancy Councilman GMXxx Ferguson Councilman CMxagt[x McDonald � 1 �?� �Ll$LiSFiED Councilman Mdkxx t a i s on C Councilman MZQXX \/peter Councilman M=dpaf'itf>ac Fenzel Mayor jh atgmit,11e Is on Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -MPORT OF COMM15SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of-COnstrllCtine -a, six-foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of T,apmase Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved March 20,1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost pej foot for the above improvement is y 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Incl.0 .6 to 10 & 11-20 225-026 2 Hazel Park Div.2 63325• 21 2 do 12725, 22 2 do 575 93 2 do 1125 24 2 do 225 27 2 do 225 28 2 do 225 29 2 do 225 30 2 do 250 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAPiziAENT OF FINANCE k +REPORT OF COMOSSIONER OF FINANCE H� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION (except east 10 feet) East 10 t.of S and all of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Hazel Park Din.2 225. 17 do 175 18 do 175 19 1 do 175 20 1 do 175 21 1 do 2425 22 1 do 2475 23 1 do 2475 24 1 do 925 25 1 do 175 26 1 do 575 27 1 do 175 28 1 do 175 29 1 do 175 30 1 do 175 15 3 do 5900 14 3 do 225 13 3 do 225 12 3 do 225 11 3 do 225 10 3 do 225 9 3 do 225 s 3 do 175 7 3 do 275 6 3 do 225 5 3 do 225 TOTAL (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .,,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FiREL` IMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 3 Hazel Park Div,2 2725 3 3 do 225 3 do 1925 1 3 do 250 15 4 do 650 14 4 do 200 13 4 do 150 12 4 do 125 11 4 do 125 10 4 do 125 9 4 do 150 8 4 do 150 7 4 do 150 6 4 do 150 5 4 do 150 4 4 do 1900 3 4 do 2800 2 4 do 150 1 4 do 375 $ 110,100. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. AMM Dated__ ____-191 Cnm miasi.mcr of Financr. F-nrm H. 75. 12 ' iL w -u _ -4- Office of the Corn"M sioner of Public Works 3 g�. Report to Commissioner of Finance ry Qi 9 W J SS, OWEfl_0 To VA Imis�sioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of Aril 211. 1923_____191____ the Council, known as Council File No.44@5 _____approved__ 4@3Zgh _�0, _ 1$$s�L191___, relative to _______Construct ing_ a_s ix_ foot_ cement_ t ile_ sidewalk_ 41>`k9t�kl_ s1�..Qs________ _____,___of_La_Crosse_Street_from 4�hit�e_Bead_pYeAUE__t9__�&ZeJ._A�[elLge_---__-- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. er front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_1'0-51 ____, and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement .is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. \` 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �)A ommissioner of Public Works. a°� V� 0 r To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minn.,..�� 4)..� 192.:�.. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .............. ........._g n_.. .................................. ........_........_................................................. G.........G`c!...S.s_..................................... __............ ................................................................. ........... St. Ave from............:. {eb..e_9..�........................ ................�. Ave. to_.._._......._ . ........... .......... .............. ..Ek. Ave. NAME w LOT BLOCK, ADDITION r / L r, VIP 91 G" �1 ti Hu�q hem,' q / e C. "� os,fe S„�e,t o S,', cif ., oPP �OPese/ i.»pieyP/neo�s ee✓evIwo /e.Ys✓e.r oT ee t COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. 462,116 By.. -..........-.........;_........................... _......... _.... ..:..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..cans.tru.ct.Lng..a...a.ix..f.avt....dement....t.1J.e...si�ew.alk_un...tha._.south sjd.e...of...St.....Clair--.-St.....from.Fairvieca_..Ave.. to Fredericka Ave..except where g0.0.a a.T]d...s.uff.iciQ.p . s.idewalks._now exist., ...................... ....................- ...._..........- under Preliminary Order......... 45110 'Approved April _13,...1.9-2.3 .. Intermedia In heNo 4G296— kat o st. cons so li om ........... approved .................................................-- - ... .... In the Matter f constructing n the A pub pool cement the the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having hea : view Ave. to Fredericka Ave., except; where good and sufficient eidew-• COmmendatlons relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the sa now exist, under Preliminary •,,,;, 45110 approved April 13; 1923. �nblic hearing having precise nature, extent and kind of RESOL pve i,nprovn y of St. Paul that the improvement to be made by the said City is._construct a ....sixf.00t-_carte-nt_.tile..,s-ideWalk - qX),.,t,e-.--south...s-ids...of-.St. ___Cla_ir..St.._fr-om-_Fairview Ave-. to Fredericka Ave., e. cePt.-.where-.-good and sufficient sidewalks now existr - - - ........................... ...... - -- .................... --..._...._................_...---------..........----.....-...................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._................_ :-:......... .-: �^ ....... C --yam..: City Clerk. Approved. 191. Councilman ltXt2sX4WQ-✓Ferguson Councilman == /Clancy Councilman '$ McDonald Councilman ;tlx4a t s on 1/ CouncilmanXIOX Peter Councilman VDAMii4if]i Illenzel Mayor; xjelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 - -�4 -� WMISM13 .............. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COKW$SIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER in the matter of Constructing a six-foot Cement tile sidewalk on the south side of St.Clair St.from Fairview Ave.to Fredericka. Ave under Preliminary Order approved April 1311V3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 Weinhagen Place. 650. 9 do 600.. S do 600 7 do 13300. 3 do 500' 2 do 500; 1 do .550, . TOTAL. 16700:, - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 , Commissioner of Finance. ' Form B. B. 13 s- cz � / /-1, P, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works t My Report to Commissioner of Finance O ""I ZV ���58 OFiFB OF�� A4R 2cy19�a �B�iL_ai------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -A51 -kg ---- approved_ April_ 13�_19a3 _191___, relative to -------Qonszsuoting_a_ai.s_iOat _-cLeujeat_ iela_AidsvcaJk_sin_Jb?--6041 \se�_ta_Fsecui�ka AYE.---------------- of -------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. sfoot per front 2. The estimated cost thereof is $I. CLU--_-___, and the total cost thereof is $______------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------/-�JJ// �� ---- ---------------- Commissioner of Public Works. Y 4'D Fri St, Paul, Minn.,......... ..157-192,9 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: FU St. Ave. ................ .......................... fro...__._..._.....__......._..........:_ .... . ..... St. Ave. to.—Y'4�� ........... . ......... . .. ........ - ................................. St. Ave. 4-1 LY, ._;9.22 4d Al a ADDITION P Md rW? i—w , � 4-1 LY, ._;9.22 4d Al a 1P St. Paul, M�.nn. .......... .......... ..... To The Honorable, The Council, 9 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to ca I use the following improvement to be made: ........... 5: 16 ....................J%................................. .................... ....... ............ .......... ..... ....... . Y 107 C, ................................St. Ave. 0 from_.. ........................................... ..._..................S[. Ave. to—...YA-Z.16 St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION `S1�ti?i COUNCIL FILE NO.... ............... Bv............... .. _...... ........ .. _........................ _.... _...... FINAL. ORDER In the Matter of.....G.OnSIX.U.Qt..].S]('...a....s,IX..-Q.Qt---c.ament....�.1�.G---.S.] Cle.R.A-1Ii...Qri...the ......... r1Qi^.:{...S.iae...0.f...Shaxf±9.4a...St.re..9.t...from...Cur.....Avenue..to...iiaz91...a�.esueo................ ex.4e.pt--_vghere..good..d_- sufficient sidewalks now exist, ................... .... .............._............_..._..........-- -.......-............................._..---..................... ..................................................... under Preliminary Order .._._..... A,510Q ........... approved ........Hpr.1...x.7.,....1.923............... .. ......... C. F. A'b-..46297— Inte In the.1fatter of construoans a six Boot ...... _ approved ........._-----------..._...----.._.....................-......... cement wa eldewalx on the north td upon the above im rovement u on due notice, and the Council -side of, el Avwo, i w to Curve Aye. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fullconsid- to'Hasel Ave:, g y haV "ellouti"ent s{dewalks now exlsp rider Apra iaary ( Order. 99168. approved .AAPrIl 17, ere pays{c hearing hay2.g been ha ,l the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ubon the. above Improve nt upon o, notice, and the council hav- h 871 persone. object a�... ,rgbiii°°onrelative, t?'. autteb3 titc`said City is_construct a six foot cement tile __...i...... e¢ _.............. - .........................................- ... ' lieaotved By ,CuryAvenut o Hazel Avenue on^ear,.pau?{tp... ,.s_idew .._of Sherwood Street from .............e -- - e ...-- ..........._......_.__...__... - - _...................._..._.... exc a ?t---wher.e...gQQd---.91.nd..-s-uf f. c ie nt_. s i d_Q}s a l ks... noiv. exist.,.......................................... .. _... .... .. ................. ............................................... ..................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... - .._ .:.'...'..: '._ __.... 1....... r City Clerk. Approved.................... 191........ x ------- - -- Plit3LISHED - Mayor. Councilman x✓Clancy '\ Councilman GUMX /Ferguson U Councilman l70tgac McDonald Councilman I001=X Mia t son Councilman Ztd)oX V Yet er Councilman 2YXMjexZ3h +ienzel MayorAbdpx.-/Ne Is on Form B. S. A. 8-7 OF 9T. PAUL DES TMEN-T OF FINANCE -TO OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In thematter•of Constructing 3 six-foot Cement tile sidewalk on the north cit9P of Sherwood Street from Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue, .fin CC under Preliminary Order approved April 17.. 192 , __ __. __ _ .. _.`.-..__-._-.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S front The estimated cost pe/ foot for the above improvement is S 1-05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A 6 Hayden Heights 750 29 6 do 525 2s 6 do 550 27 6 do 100 26 6 do 1600 25 6 do 75 24 6 do 50 23 6 do 50 .22 6 do 75 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 (C). DESCRIPTION 3 CITY OF 9T. PAUL J1WMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM?*1 SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 6 Hayden Heights 1300 20 6 do 100 19 6 do 500 18 6 do 125 $ 5800. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Q Dated_____- __ -_ —. —191 / Commissioner of Finance. Form R. B. 12 W& St. Paul, Minn.,....3/?' ...............-19V.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement t be made: '12 7(.-� . , ..(t .............. . ........... ............ ................. V.;" ............. St. Ave. ...... ..... . ....... . ...... ...................................................... ....................... ............... . ......................................... C .!�� ............... St. Ave, to . ........ . .. - ------------ from........ ........ t. Ave. EM M IVA EM M ,* v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 17 Report to Commissioner of Finance ���OtiFR �FE`�p APR 241928 --- APtiI__23-,-_Isaa ------ 191---- To _APtil__al_,_Isaa------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File 13Q-----approvedrelative to Constructing_ a_six__foot_ oment _tile _sidewalk -on -the_ n9tt1. ej�dQ-___ of Sherwood Street from Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot — 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_)...9).L------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is_ ___________asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. G mmissioner of Public Works. u� COUNCIL FILE NO.. .......... By.................................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... cons.tru.ct.ing.--9 ix -__f oot....cettent._.til_e-.. s.idQvra.lk.. on...the....east s.ide...of...Ii.i.evt...$t.r.e.et...frora._Pe..,a.ce....Stxa.et.-t9--Jeff.ers.4n..&Y.enue...... e wePt...where goad._a nd..s.uf.fic.fent...s.idew.aJ.k:s...now._.exist.......................... .......- -- ................... ....._........ under Preliminary Order ...............'. KN ..................... approved__.: A-pr'il_.1.1..._19230....................._......... Int..........-- ......_... approved .................. ___ ..._._..-................................_..... 99296 -- In [hent tile of cdewalktlon itniex eaa ld upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council cement vile t from Palace St. to hav J ger on �A es' cevt where geed and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ere and sufficient sidew%ider now aap- undeed APr11111n 1923C.r popublic henring having bee- f the Cit of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of :upon thend the lCouell havic P� - y ent notice„ objections and `.; iniprau nereunn, a,,,7e said City is_...Cons. �ntions r lative thereto, t on the'ea6r fide of Vi,err Street from Palace Street to Jefferson-ilvenue, --- _--... ..................................................................................._......_............_................................-........-- ......... _— exce-Pt._w.here...good...a.nd----s.laf.f.z9.ez7t._.s ides�a lka...now ....exist.o.............. .........---------------..... ..._......-- ................. .. .... ........ .- .............................._ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- _ __ _......:........_ .,......__....�\ 19 ....._ City Clerk. Approved._..__ ............. :.:................. 191. Councilman AUC XX "Clancy Councilman OWxx ---Ferguson CouncilmanXXam= McDonald Councilman 3001M ✓Mats ori ✓ 1 Councilman21000EX Peter CouncilmanaW 71enzel Mayor 1 elson Form B. S. A. 8-7 .... ... ..... - ............. ............... ....... Mayor. ��>3LISI%ED � CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPA-TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CC'y SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof ' COnStraCtinga, 81X—TOot Cement the slaewalK on T,ne ucwT slate A _Df View Street from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved !4- ri 1 11 923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f ront The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is g 1.05 The lots or parcels of land, that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 1/2 of 20 Stinson,Brown & Ramseys 12800. Addition b TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to ` said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— —1 �V %—uA Lz I Commissioner of Finance. Form B. II. 13 P / 17 y I G /�o ") -, ac, Ll Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIV'E'S Report to Commissioner of Finance y :v 191____ ss orr eK of APR 2419tda To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- `�� ----approved-Aprll-ll+--13__191___, relative to Works, Construct--ing a six—foot- cement_ the sidewalk on the_east_side-___ ----------- - -- of view Street from Palace Street_to ------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: (or1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and front desirable. er front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof .is $_1._05_____, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------------ ----------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / //nn Commissioner of Public Works. 0� k 1 COL'\CIL FILE NO...-. By......... ................................................................ FINAL ORDER 4(Q!) In the Matter of1, X..,f. Q ot... Q.8 Me rit....t.3,le... a id.e.w.a lk,.. on...both s_ides_-_of...','latson___Avenue__.fron___ Syndicate_ Avenue___ to Graggs_._Street,__.exc.ept_.. inhere..,good_and._ sufficient sidewalks exist, ...... _...... .................... ................ - ................... — - .............. ....._.................- -------------------------------------------------------- -------- d ------------------- ----------------------------- d -I 444¢_0- ..........._...:.. approved.......... arch -B....1923 ......................... . In hNO. 4629 e I tter� of censtraeuas a eiz _______ __ _ Inte root t u1e sidewalk on both ---------- approved ........ ....__ . .. ..... . ..... sides oP Watson eve." from syndicate .. .. . ---- Ave. m caggs st, a:sept where good id upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council and suificlent "sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary order 44460 ap--. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- haV 92 pablle hearin9! having been had ere, upon the above:improvemant upon due -dat Des relative ti...land recOnan- the City of SL Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of dations -relative hereto, and havingl fatly Considered the same; therefore, be it imprScrewea, By the Couneli,',f,he C1tgd City is..C.QRatVuct"_a- six".foo..t. re.mellt...t.�.�.8._S.id.eW�lk hat;the la -l..-•: on.:.both_siCuu�ijvlJ, S-on..Avenue... from_. Syndic.a.te.-ay.enue...to_.Gr1ggs...St.r.e.e.t., exoept..:Wher.e..gR.Qd- and - SlIff isan..t....sidewa.J.,XF,.now._ax St.,.... - _................ - - ...... -- .. --..._..................... ..............._...................._..................---........................................ ----------------------- and -- ------ ----------and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...__,.,;:...-: ............_.._..........._.... ... "- City Clerk. Approved._._.._ ----------- _i......_..._...., 191 - y* ...................... ..'".. ............ . xf..---.^................................................ / Mayor. Councilman YmmmmmU Clancy -13 Councilman Qossxx 'Ferguson 4'4)1;WSHED Councilman Wxm3§x McDonald Councilman Itx Matson jam\ Councilman 3r l -/Peter Councilman ifmadedlidax t7enzel Mayor li xdUGsx-`Ne l s o n Form B. S. A. 8-7 AT., PAUL _DEPAF FINANCE REPORT OF COMONER OF FINANC-- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 94- In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement the sidewalk on both sides of a Watson Avenue from Syndicate Ave.to Griggs Street. under Preliminary Order approved March 8 1923 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is $ 05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i" DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 Daniels Sub. No. 1. 275, 14 do 1300 13 do 250 12 do 450 11 do 650 10 do 250 9 do 250 9 do 500 7 do 500 . Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. (C) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP'A NT OF FINANCE REPC�&F OF C0 SIONER OF FINAL` -CZ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Daniels 3ub.No.1. 1000. 5 G do 1050 4 do 1200 - 3 do 400 2 do 475 1 do 425 S 8975.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 191 ommissioner of Finance. Form H. R. 12 Z-,----- - St. Paul', Minn.)J/.................................192.E To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ,I '( . Gentlemen: We the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n, , '; /I - A 1^ =. - -9h Ave. L .......... St. to---"- - — -------------------- from APR 24 of the Commissioner of Public Works 4/grj� v Report to Commissioner of Finance -Apri-l_ ?3,_1933 -------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-444SQ ---- approved-Aaroh-8.x1°23 ----- 191_--, relative to __Conatructina_ a_eix-foot_ cemQnt -t,le- A 1JQ'93LIK-Qtl h9-th-aitiP,e--Qf---------- --Watson Avenue from Svndicate-Avenue_to_Grigge Street---------------------- ------------------------- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1.05 -------- and the total cost thereof is $---------_--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 9.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------- - -�?-- ----Work------ mmissioner of Public Works. a'� COUNCIL NO -------- -- 300 FILE -ST. PAUL ,ITO OF E Ct fy CLERK OFFICE OF _GENERAL FORM 192$ COUNCIL RESOLUTION June 9 , DATEMA . rr ..___..._. v`... ENTEf) 11 — - ;OMM ISSIG'•IER.-----'"" RESOLVED the Performanoe s ecifie for t 3, 1922.. That the time P and the City contract tor, trseeeet 'from of a certain %ogsou, C ling 0ibYa ifitihe eter the grading of St.l?sul. for arclsy Streday of J�e,019259 Ltna StrBet to Bt0 the 6th a>zthorized oit9 officiere are hereby hereby eyropord to said contractth t thio and the P amendmenrovided, however, ef3eot to execute herewith, haps any force and the oontraotore bond a000rdance shall not writing reeoluticn sureties °n uoh oonaent in an& file oonsentthe thery co'.ptroller. with the city Fe. N0. 462"et Bhe ti-Y'LeM peceped Oct perttir ah1e1922a. 6etiveen Peter I .ed Aub• nLTBCLoi..Bnd.Ure City SGTeeC cXson. P S flcbe 6� .ul, 4or� e a tiu iBarclaY �Me 18 hereby and thedpr0P r It .I 3923. s rize Ye of June.h tebY utaR tr nari in SceTs are id Co w- I, ame> a ent to vtd 11 have ate sry Teyojution shall not ccordhat thin effect unlees't Sent e s there - It ny Yorce' Bn bond conswith �n the $le B�T�Cotlsent in Wtin6 the Ene itY ComPtrollCe until June 13. 1923• Adopted b Ja13. 1923.. APProved t7une 23-1923) Cf u rays Yeas Clancy FergusonIn favor __.._ _ Against / peter Mr, president '0 I� r� Adopted by the Council....... Appr ed............_ �� St. Paul, Minn.. G- TO THE HOYORABLE CITY OOUVOIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen - would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the to be extended to192,3- Owing to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for u to finish this contract within the time specified, hence -4 desire to esk that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. �x Your very truly,, Contractor. There is no objection to having the tine extended as requested, as fax as the requirei.ents of this office is concerned. APPROVED Supt. of Construction & Repairs Commissioner of Pubic i"orks. Chief Engineer. 46301 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of .... oY@mning__,and..taking__ar,_-oe.settten--_in__tilt __.l:and .necessary for....S.IOB.e.S, £.Px...9uts__and.-.fil_1s.__in_.gradi_ng She1don-_AEejgyQ--from-_Iioyt— of H. B. Hanson's Addi 1�r2e:a sdaso ',ayr. 14 1923 under Preliminary Preliminary Order !Ax . '---------x----- - -, Intermediary Order ..-.--.- approved...... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it a 'Resoly That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by he signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolv�ttheid as�smeofa and it is he dete to be payable in equal ' tsac nd deeted the Adopted by the Council 3 191 ........ i..: ---- ..... i {' City Clerk. Approved. * ' ...._.. ..................... 191. ................................... ._............................---- { / Mayor. Councilman RS -EM yl a nay Councilman xx ,///1:'11 erguson Councilman >liic McDonald f Councilman bbflc xjtla t s on. V Councilman M> ,/Peter Councilman oh Wenzel MayorXrd=X el s on 9412a a - A„rpOrd0rd l 192 44590, appro, FINAL 01k6jW1_% f t JbEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ' In the matter of coridemning-.and taking._an__Qasgm�ni.___in__the.._l�nd_n.Qcessay for sl2pea, ,for cuts and fills in gra dingSheldon ._Av_enue_.from. Hoyt•y Avenue to the south line, of H. B. Hanson's Addition, under Preliminary Order= .44120 approved Feb-. _14. 192intermediary Order ._......... 44590 approved WITH lks..-1923.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, piz.:__ao demn andtake an easement in the land necessary for sloped for cuts and fills in grading Shaldom Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to the south line of H. B. Hans on'a Addition, --_-._..-_-.--• (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro priated and condemned for'the`purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:—_the_.1&fid._ butting a i�nnn Sheldon 9ve frori :HQyt___�va. tit.17,0-a.4lith_l.iris._Szf_si._.�..-Hanson' c' Addition, to the extent✓ slip n upon the clan attached to the r��oa t o t �ommt cj one✓ of�_ai2lic.-Amrka- ii-the_ma (3) 'That the assessments, of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ._------------ ....t ' ...19`a 1.---_ City Clerk. J Approved.._ N1 ............. 191 ....... ` :. _ Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...cond�mning..,and._taking.-an.-easement-_in--.the_.,land necessary for ...�_lopes_,...for... uts._.and fills..._in__ radin Sheldon _Avenue_fr....Hoyt Avenue to the south line of B. Hanson's Addition, ....-. under Preliminary Order .......44120..___--- approvedFeb.l_4,...1923 Intermediary Order......44590 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. k '..... ..' ................................ Co�sioner of Finance. v RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFO In the matter of...op�ning,... tiienl...and...expand-ink--_61ea.r...St-_--+-a--a...mirlth. oY Payne..Ave.endGreenberAve_.._e tene.orthery, -als -.._.__i._o Ktr en -..and ---extend Greenbrier__-eve-.-.._t-o,_a_-width__of-._66--ft_..--from-_Ivy_._ ----------------- .,at t.0 .La;�a...C4mR, • .......... ...................................................................... C. F. No.:46305— g. and In [he matter of opening;"wtdentn extendtng Clear 3t: to arwidth of:69 ft...between Payne Ave.'and Green- .. ....... ..-...... .: 1iler. Ave: extended-, '"th"lyr.aleo -------------------------- ............................................................ pon, widen and extend Greenbtler Ave. to a width of ,66 feet-ffom ivy ........................ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _______________ __ _N, 9t. Co -Lake Cry &,Phal gjAve., un- .ao. PrellminarY Order. 41272, aDProv....................................................... -'as. 11;x1922, Intermedlacy-Gr& i annroved hiar.14, 1923. • � under Preliminary Order .......412.7.3. .............. ; approvedAug.-11,...1929 Intermediary Order... -_44E6.1.......... approved .......- MP -!t ....1923 . A.0blic hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furth=men that the said sessment be and it �therein. etermined tg.-be payable in to each parcel of deacri /' Adopted by the Council.............::1:. . ,. -. - .. J.S-----............................ 191........ City Clerk. roved ............... ..... .............. APP ;.....,....,.,.�.......... 191 / Councilman 23g3g18m jd 1 a nc y Mayor. Councilman )GWAxx ✓Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Aek=x Mat son (� P S3IA � 3 Councilman ✓Pete r Councilman =4da= Weme1 Mayor kXWX e1son 40304 ' JINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In;the matter of__QP_ez2.11'lg,a--- Wi.dth_.of 60 ftp_ btvroen Payne Ave. and Gree�t�xiel _live_._ax#tandad_nartharly.�_a.1so St . to Le k&C omo _ __. !In'the matter of ppenia .wid enlnG and text,' g, Clear St. to,a:wldth of 39 ft. b tweea Payne AM, ".and Greenbriez , extended nortbecl3-. also'. oDen,_ wtden and: extend Greenbrier: A4p to' •_`___, a width, of+66-ft. from dvy St: to I;ake' Y922, Intermediary Order 446BI �• _Como & Ptialea Ave.,'under Ptell under Preliminary Order' ' ar3 oi5e::432x3 approved' Aussp h,1g22intermediary Order__.44561._____.,_ 'proved Mar. 14,4923,'_-, ,{I 'Heaolved: approved�ar�•: 14 __17 '(1) That "the 'Ono" 9 Improve ,l meat be-and- the same+le hereby or,.' dared to bemade vie d '• 9pet widen and extend Cleg.r st - to Resolved: i' Swidth of 60 ft Faween P Av i y. (1) That the following lmproemen a an a is hereby ordered to be made; wiz.: _Ap.911, widen and extend Clear Stto a=width_of 60 ft. btereen Pgyxla_AXe. and -- Greenbrier Ave. extended,northerly, also open widen and extend Greenbrier ' Ave.^to_a width_ oP'66 ft. from•`Ivy St. o L_ekQ Como_.&._�j% en Auer (2) ' Than the following land; ;Ian-is or ;easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appzo- pziated and condemned f,5 the purpose of making the said improvements, A strip of land 33 feet wide off of the west side of the N. 'T. 4 of the S. E. 4, Sea. 20, Town 29, Range 22, from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to the south line of Lot 21, Block 2, Denny Hill :Addition produced east-erly. A190 a strip of land 66 feet in width from the south line of Lot 21, Block 2, Denny Hill Addition extended easterly i to Ivy Street, the northerly line of said strip being drawn from a point 66 feet east of the southeast corner of said Lot 21 to a point Street where the east line of Greenbrier on the north line of Ivy Ave. produced northerly intersects it. Also s strip 60 feet wide between the north and south line of Clear St. extended easterly from Denny Hill Addition, 140 feet more or less to the above described opening of Greenbrier Ave. J!u l 13 1923 Approved_:.._.. ..._.__. ._. ..................... , 191........_ __.... ......_. — - y Mayor. �mm>msar�t -�Ferguaon 1 Amax M tonaId =BOX tapn c star �e Nelson. Mr. Preside , R t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Ld the matter of....Qp.e.ning-,.--w.idexp.ini;...and .-.ext.e-adIng... gleax..-9t....... t.a...RL zidth-_of �.._fP2ILI ............................................. __------------------------------------------- ............ ander Preliminary Order.--... 12.7 ........... approved..ilUg-..I-1-,--.-.92..2 Intermediary Order .......A -4:561._ ----- approved Mar .--,approved....Nlar..4.,...1923- ,.-..... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from thelmaking of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Co�ssioner of Finance PDBLIS.rjz,.j3_. Saint Paul Minnesota, June 13th*, 19239 he COmmon Council of the a ty of St• Paul, Minnesota• men.- In the matter of "Cpen and grade Clear St. to a width of sixty (60) feet from Payne Ave* to the center line of Greenbrier St*, and open and grade Greenbrier Sto to a width of 33 feet from the northerly line of Clear St. to Cottage St.," Being an owner of property abutting upon the proposed improve-= ment, I herewith enter objection to said improvement for the reason that it. is absolutely un -necessary and un -called /46305 ��'"' 07 ' An :ordinance granting to the Pure 011 Company permission to install and maintain an air station on the south side of St. Clair street between"West,Seventh and Richmond streets.' " C F ,No 4630Ci-0Cdlnance oxo 8069-=� ay maser ArthuF � xeleon bp'se,jIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �im�Dj�d[nance gra"p�ttng to the°Pure 011- i;omvany perinlseCon to fnatatl andl That ermission. and authority are hereby anted maintain an air station on;the south p y y gr alda oP SL C;alr street batwbea Weat " - Seventh and Richmond atresia - he'Councll of the 'GYtp roP"�Sk PanlCompany to installandmaintain an air station on _ docs ordain - sEcraxl of St. Clair street:between West Seventh and Richmond �. r 1Lraby+granted ndsalon and authority= - anted io Yhe'Pure Ofl C 'why to- install and maintain y on on the so t side oft St -A - g t between a kSeventh en a ' stres=s The ':Commissioner o Public,lPorks is hereby, author- ra Baa t �- a� •�i fey w e=t t16o iesue a permit to the"said licensee for the installation of said -!air station, uponsaid, licensee' a bomplianae with 'the following conditions: (:1) The said air station shall be,installsd under the supervision and direction of sald'Commissioner,^and the said licensee shall peLy thecost OVIAspeation, ,1f .any. )t Thej said license`shall furnish.a bond to the city of St -``Paul in the. sum of 'rive ,Thousand Dollars , ($%000) conditioned to'save saidY;City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons;or property on account of the installation, maintenance, operation,"presgnCb-or-removal of._sa d air %. station. '8eid bond shall be in:sueh form as may be.approved by,the CorporationLCounsel, eh'all'have such surety as may --be . satisfaotor'y`�to the 4ayot;.a� bPl iall be filed with ,the ,City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of -St. Paul. 1_ Seot. n 3.' This ordinance shall take effect and be in.force - t=, thirty day® after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council `' �' 2'= 1.23 s, Yeas Rays ;� Mrs!f�.lanoy ateon enael Mr President (Nelson) Approved r City:'Clerk s i 3Nilliam J: deter. (�nmmissianex 31rie �UlalleYte. Deputy (Qnmmissioner Department of-Publu Marks (4ity of faint ])cult j GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTSAK, BRIDGE ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H: HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING ENGINEER G. P. BOW LIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE dutie 7th, 1923. Hr'. Henry. Olson, City Clerk. B:UILDI -N G. Dear Sir s- a In the matter of application Of the Pure Ail Company to install an air ,station on the south side of St. Clair St. between west Seventh St. and Richmond. This is in a Light Industry District, and therefore,- permissible under. the zoning ordinanoe -wi' hout a public hearing. Yours very truly,, City Pla`rmix, mngr:- BY'DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. GH-REH J � Gtr .epa. `� 4a o i —1.• A FRANKW.SOMMER 6 CHIe Awahmd a0mi*s*ft BUREAU OF POLICE 6FFICE OV q Saint Paui,Minn. June 4, 1923 POLICt n[neeR xAilox :BUPCAu IDENTIFICATION WASxIN6TON' .C. Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to the application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to instal and maintain two air service stations, one on the north side of W. 7th St. between.St. Clair and Richmond and one on the south side of St. Clair between W. 7th and Richmond Sts., you are advised that Captain Gebhardt had made an investiga- tion of both locations and he reports that the St. Clair St. location is 0. K. and this station will not inter- fere with traffic. He recommends, however, that the application for the.W. 7th St. station be denied as there is no boulevard on W. 7th St. and the station would necessarily have ''to be installed on the sidewalk and thi would interfere mdth traffic. Vern truly yours, 07 a v . 46306 t -sAF . < kn ord nanoe panting'°to,N—S. Taylor .permission to install and maintal'n a gasoline fillingstation on the St. Peter street side of tire, garage ,at`123 11e'st Central •avenue . , THEiCO,UNCIL OF THE .CITY OF ST.' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1That,.permission end authority, are hereby granted t � •grarittagto . ,9ar1 sin •kolnatall Rnd. llutng;afattan ont �', to install and,'maintain a'aurb gasoline filling .:.F �+t atde of the garage - • "tra7 age°°� der 'street -aide'-Ofthe "` a West Central Pe.garage ,.,.ge at _ -12 3 rttedito and Saylor to- -,,,,The s S�•anted'to N S. Taylor The ,,Commisaioner,..of,%Publi`c Works is hereby author- :`. 'Naintafa a care BaeRlix_u^ tr Ta on the'St Peter ` -' . .. .:. -... •.. Y seisea permit to the said licensee for the in'st'allation of sant -asol ne fiTlirig etatioh,upon said licensee's compliance with :t o�. owing conditions: ^,,The said filling station shall be installed, _ under the supervision and--direction of said Commissioner, and .;the said,.licensee`shall pay, the cost of inspealfton, if (2) ` The said licensee shall furnish `'a bon. to the City `of,St. Paul _in the suis of Ten Thoisand Dollars ($10,000), aoaditioned.to'eace'the Ctq"of St. Paul harmless from any and.ill>lisb lite, judgments, damages, costs or expense that may accrue to`persons or property on account of the installs- tion;:maintenance,`operation, presence or removal of said filling station. Said bond,.-shall be 1n such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such `surety as may be setisfaotory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3), Said filling station shall be removed by said licenses'whenever'the Council shall so order. (a) .,;Said licensee shall liay any license fee or tea that may be'required by any ordinanoe,or law of the City of St- Paul. x; Seat ion 3 This ordinance `shall take effect and be is foros thirty dr: ixe passage and bliq*tion.- Pas ed b`y he Couaail. �< Yeas MrYClanoq.l Nays 0D Ona r/ atson P?e'ter Mr�rreaident (Nelson) Approved Attest_.. An ordinance granting to N. S, Taylor permission to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on the St. Peter street side of the garage at 123 West Central avenue. THE COUNCIL or THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN2 Section 1. That permission and authority are herebr--ranted to N. S. Taylor to install and maintain a: curb gasoline filling station on the St. Peter street side of the garage at 123 Pet Central avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Yorks is hereby author- iced to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said gasoline filling station upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions,. (1) The said filling station .shall be installed tinder the supervision and direction of said'CommissiQner, and the said licensee shall pay the cast of inspectlon, If any, (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to,,thea City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (110,000), conditioned to save the City of .St. Paul harmleas,fvam any and all liability, judgments, damages, costs or expense that may accrue to persons or, property on asoccunt.of the- inetalla tion, maintenance, oparation, presence or removal 'oY said` filling station.. Said bond shall be.in such,foim as maybe approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety, as may; be, 'satisfactory to the Mayor, and'.9hall- be filed with the City Comptroller.. (3) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order.. (4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinanoo�Qr lad of the City-- of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance $hall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Ways Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Pater Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved Attest AK P7 1!1u Mayor CJitp''CTer " � HENF(Y OLSON cirp 0f 6aint Vain 4s"�, RIORDAN CITY CLERK Office of av (mck �T. CITY CLERK June gth, 1923. Mr. C. V McNally, .Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached herewith application of N. S. Taylor_ for license to install a curb gasoline filling station on the St. Peter Street, side of garage known as 123 W. Central avenue, vihich was referred to you, today, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLEEE. �IAY�J 1923 Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of May 3rd re- ferring again to the applications gf N. S. Taylor and theWhite Eagle Cil Co. for permission to instal and main tain curb pump filling stations at 123 W. Central Ave. and 119 W. Central Ave. respectively. You are advised that Captain Gebhard again investigated these matters and he reports that the garage of N. S. Taylor at 123 W. Central Ave. is L-shaped and a curb pump filling station on either W. Central Ave. or St. Peter St. would not interfere with traffic./ Very truly yours, Frank W. Sommer S/W Chief'of Police P.S. I am returning herewith all papers in connection with these applications. R. J. NILES' OWEN C. DUNN FIRE CHIEF ASST CHIEF - • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F. w. MATSON, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION 9 April 17,1923, HOn.F.W.;Batson Commissioner of Public Safety, St .Paul Minn. Dear Sir: In regard.to the application of H.S.Taylor for permission to pperate and maintain a curb pump gasoline filling station at the Minute Service Garage located at 123 gest Central Avenue. I have investigated the foregoing and report that appli- cant be allowed to install curb station on the St.Peter Street side of his garage and not on Central Avenue as he now desires; I reoomMend that permit be granted applicant to install curb sta- tion on St.Peter Street side. Yours Respectfully, Chief Inspeo -.,. APPROVED Original - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL- ` This application to he AS TO FIRE HAZARD AIS TO STREET TRAFFIC r made is dli and Date `�` �/ 7 19'23 _ .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted tthe to thea City,, APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. t AUTOMOBILE .FILLING STATION o f Public Safety. C73 fety. Coma ar. of P. P P "dT. B. .PROVED PPROVED Form No. Application No. 19— Date---19- Dat 19— To the Honorable City Council Date— 192 ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. - LICENSE NO. of, Saint Paul, Minnesota Commr. of Public Works. APPLICATI/ON IS HEREBY MADE By Nome of Mr. or Iodivid W For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A "Drive In" or "Curb• AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At Sunt Nemner end street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Received at office of City Clerk . 6ignot f APPI—t By - .. mines Addreaa -.,. APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED AS TO FIRE HAZARD AIS TO STREET TRAFFIC Date `�` �/ 7 19'23 Date_ 's� 7 19'2'3 -Date 19—: o f Public Safety. C73 fety. Coma ar. of P. P P "dT. B. .PROVED PPROVED PASSED -19— 9Date APPROVED --19— 19— Date---19- Dat 19— ORDINANCE NO. PERMIT NO. - LICENSE NO. ' Commr. of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL FI- CIL No - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P ESENTED BY s M DATE____.._._— RESOLVED *' — That the following named person appointed as Judges of 31e0ticn, in the precincts and wards indicated as the present Judges will be unable to serve: 7 Precinct 10 Ward John Craig- 1640 Thomas St. in place of W. J. McCallum —1559 Sherburne Ave and - Mrs. Mabel Ferguson - 1632 Edmund St. in place of J. Gadler- 1642 Sherburne Ave C' "Mearo , isSoe—ay x '�7 iretebn 8alved.-TpAE the fdiloming,named+ Deegoae ward adtloost,Eintldi ' cakgd aarne yr6a�atludtiee wilt >ie ua- % Jo'fiq c iS,,f am¢sk is pYBed �� E�S`�4ENYb 45669 SLerburge, re_yEa �ei $'e+'6u3'b7n.`'14i8' i:tlmggd _ - �l Ia"DSage o; 4a s gv8-. . Adopted by the Ck�+Y II 7}ine 5$ I9Z3 = ADDroved �vee18 gs i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy —Perguson McDonald _.In favor Matson _/Peter---------- ..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the PU13LM EV 46310 CITY OF ST. PAUL `oa""L NO. -.-.----__--:- FILE """' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V CIDUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM xEtigi_vnu , That the City Comptroller be author ed to draw a c $y check for 410.00 playable to Henry Olson, C ky Clerk, for the purpose of eetablJshing a petty cash fund in the office of C ity Clerk. F Flo {8310.—BY A ;E Nelsoa r . miler. ed, }Thai ttie' C1tY' CumD- oiter 4e an(hprl8ed<to. dtatY a. ciieak: - fdt 3Ip 00 PbYabIO t8 $egsy Olbod, Ctty Qlerk for tb0 purpose-Ot, ee-tl;b11e111ng: .. .Clvk� oabh;tuad la the ORnoe oL:C1tq- -'-.AdoDted�ti`g-the Councij Juae lii IB28;'. "'ADDroved�Joae 18 2888, — tJuae 16� 1883J COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays t Clancy XFerguson McDonald---- ----------- In favor Matson Peter ---------------- Against YM�e,nzel . President ..:. Adopted by t ouncil._------ J14,-II7�)..f`i� ..---192...._ Approved _---------------NO- .-,. L 192...... - - - ---------•- - MRYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.ILE NO -------- 46311 H; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -6Y RESOLED , . That the City Clerk is hereby authorised to employ whatever emergency help Rit may be necessary.fo* the handling of the Election Returns on the night of the Special Primary Elections Monday June 18th, 1923 and the special Election on the night_ot Monday July, 16th, 1923 at a compensation not to exceed Five Dollars ($5.00) per day. Such expense to be paid out of the sledtion Expense Account of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN YQas / Nays i V lancy / Ferguson �.----In McDonald-.- .. favor Matson V/Peter _-.---...Against Wenzel Mr. President the Council---_.--.jdt ..1j.< J- '3 ...... 192 proved ...... I '. .r..� 5 x..........192...... i - MAYOR 63-0CITY OF ST. PAUL Flo -UN LN0.__._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .---- .........._....._.._. RES ED ;-That the City Clerk a and he is hereby authorized and directed to hire the necessary a ction clerks at a salary not to exceed $4.44 per day each, required fore special elections that may be held 'during the year 1923; the cost thereof to be paid out of the "Election Expense Account of the General Fund. F3n aca 4631Y –Sy A L Nelcou— Re�o3ve�Ahd; 22Af th@g C(ty rA: he and. LAY§�qle ha ec SuthoHseq aha dheMAaito' � dalgr9 =Kdl eto" g�@6ACtlo �4gjSlkeet �. ekcffi r red ibr=:W1 6ohil eipTetipne:� that �x qe r��d^aiYeea wa,�mf 1988 , Ike',c6e} fheteo to, h� Ddld eat oT the` ' - �i ee 30fi S�'}��g'e AccSlffpt of the t e d0p -A vZIMve by tSe.C$�Y"nctf J7n�:14 1883? ADroved ne ( 78 3928 - - (Jane,- { COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council ----------- I 19.23_--192_-... V tF I JN �131 ............................I.. `� guson proved. ............ . 192 McDonald _.._...._In favor Matson /. .................. ......... i.........._...__.__..... MAYOR ,/Peter Wenzel r. Presideyctt 1///M i_ -- COUNCIL No. 46313 -...... CITY OF ST. PAUL ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pf ELATED B C,V _ _..._._......_._... .. _..._.... DATE_....__..... __------ RESO vEo That permission and 10 thority are hereby given to the Pure 011 Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on the southeast corner of Oxford street and Grand avenue,. same to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. t C06NCILMEN Yeas Nays �lancy l/Ferguson -W o� _.-... -._.._.In favor Peter __ V ...Against.` r. President Adopted by the Co i1_ .... ,:aly- 192 J11 11.j 19 3 Ap oved- . .... ... `----- 192.... .................... .......... . ----• MAYOR �iUiam J. et¢r, (4ommissisner �xie iNullettt. Deputy' (40mmissioner E t tEn� of Pnotir Works (&it)j of Odd Vaul GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER J. E. CARROLL. ASST CHIEF ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER June 7th, 1923. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. BUILDING. Dear Sir :- M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE In the matter of application of the Pore Oil company -to install a drive-in air station on the southeast corner of'Oxford and Grand,.. This is an accessory use to the existing filling station at that location. The petition for this gasoline filling station was granted by the Council after a public hearing held in January 1923. This accessory use, therefore, may be allowed without another hearing. Yoursverytruly, Zai y Planaiag'-ngr.— BY DIRECTION OF COMMISSIONER PETER. GH-REH t_ R�6 Oar i h. A BUREAU OF POLICE pouCV • w OFFICE or AP I \OII n ■I xATlOxwL xDx[AO IDENTIiICATON FRANKW.SOMMER Saint Paul,Minn. wASNlxorox CHIS June 4, 1923 Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referringto the application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to instal a drive in air service station on the southeast corner of Grand and Oxford Streets, you Ere advised:that Captain Gebhardt was instructed to make an investi- gation and he reports that this station will not interfere with traffic. v_ Verytrulyyour :Rank W. Sommer, Chief of Police S/W a � + z CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ"`" NO..463,1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM V WHEREAS, An applioation has been filed by the North End Athletic Club for a permit to conduct a bazaar on the premises of the Crystal Skating Rink at the corner of York and Mississippi streets, in the City of St. Paul, on June 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1923; and whereas, it appears that no professional carnival shows will be granted concessions; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such permit be and the same is hereby granted. C,iOUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ,/ ,Clancy ✓/Ferguson , ona c In favor Peter __..0 ... -Against Mr. President Adopted by the Council---- ------------------------------------ 192--..:. A cued- - v , 3 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO W4 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.__.________------------ —._._.__.._._........................_..........._..------------- Yeas WHEREAS, An lipplioation has been filed by the North End Athletic Club for a permit to conduct a bazaar on the premises of the Crystal Skating Rink at the oorner of York and Mississippi streets, in the City of St. Paul, on June 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1923; and whereas, it appears that no professional carnival shows will be granted concessions; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That such permit be and the same is hereby granted. COUNCILmm Nay; Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President In favor . _. _.. _.... Against Adopted by the Council— Approved. -------- HENRY OLSON CITY CLERK Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Bir: Of 6aint Vaut H. J. RIORDAN Offirz _f NTibe Clerk ASST. CITY CLERK V�LII PL YL"5 Y11 June Sth,1923. �w 11�7 Attached herewith request of the North End Athletic Club for permit to conduct a bazaar on the premises of the Crystal Skaing Rink, York and Mississippi Streets, on June 21, 22 and 23, 1923. The same was referred to you for the proper form of resolution granting said permit. Yours truly, r�varth/// one. A ,'. '�, CITY' OF ST. PAUL coNca NO... -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,J(//�/f AOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'S COMM 6SEONER. ; l` NREREAS, Mrs. Augusta Cole, 502 Andrew street, has made�Y application for a license to operate upon the streets of the. City of St. Paul One (1) Studebaker auto oar, Factory Not, 21710, State License No. B-40065, _seating capacity 7 passengers,` covered by Aetna Insurance Company policy No. 3251605, and, owned by said Mrs. Augusta Cole, and WHEREAS, Mrs.Augusta0ole in aoaordance with Ordinance No.. 5566 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St.. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the r Corporation Counsel.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to Mrs. Augusta Cole to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordimmoe. ��ldopt d by'tho Conacil-Tone 13 1928 xApprov.3 June 13 1928. (Tnae 83 1923) n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C �tancy Ferguson MnPeaaid - ...._ .._..In favor -mata�41` t a /Peter ...... Against Mr. President Adopted by the y�l 46316 COUNCILNo ----- -------- ---- - ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL FaX OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June 13, 1923 PRLSFNTEr.) BY COMM 1SSt6NEFt._._ &_4112_1_� FJJIIX=D jogXREAS, Fred 0. Roth has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City Of St- Paul, One (1) Hudson Sedan, 1920 Model, Factory No. 69253, State License No. B 10-133, Seating capacity 7 passengers covered by The Associated Companies Policy No. AP1 12212, and owned by said Fred 0. Roth, and WEEREAS, Fred 0. Roth in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of -insurance policy with the OW Of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; tberefOre, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to Fred 0. Roth to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the City of St. Paul subject tothe.provisions of said ordinamoe. COUNCILMEN yea-, Nays Clancy `Ferguson ._..In favor Matiees- 6 Peter ........ Against Im-er President Adopted by the Council - ------- 192 Approve Jui1 ll , 19' 2 3 ......... - - - - - - -------- ---- --------------- - ----- - -------------------------------------- --- —OR CITY OF ST. PAUL c.OU "NO.... -46317 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R � F }.vurv�.IL ESOLUTION ENERAL ORM PRESENTED BYM, COMMIssioNER. _ _.. $� WHEREAS, Sam Silver, 366 Laurel avenue,has made application to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul One (1) Nasfi Sedan 1920 Model, Factory No. 154997, State License No. x-92-367, seating capacity 7 passengers, covered by the Associated Companies rolioy No. APL 12213, and owned by said Sam Silver, and R MMS, Sam Silver, in accordance with Ordinance No. 596b has filed.00py of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said pelioy has been -approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it; RESOLVED, That licensebe granted to :Sam Silver to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. by'T 4uoet317_gY L R, S :� i a °ne�b$ea mad�9llver 388 �a`BrSuson- ,,JFF�f((7 °Pott _[he st ;iPPlioatlon-4 urs ave � ioky tNo A'ashegg$edanne City "ot $t Pau! Sers, Gov aeutfng State L GeneBs$ N°" ,� ed by salallaY No -APLAi8o0cl ted Ceenu JIJ✓" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson T°^ _-.-.In favor Peter ---.--0 ----..Against '-- Mr. President l Adopted by the Council ..._JUJ 192 C-tS".... mwro CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 018 Y. PPPPPF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�%,/1/Q/^,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONEFpj =�—� -' —. __— ____ DATE—_J e 1�, 19 7�CESOL'VED x - ~>&EREAS, John L. Dillon, 199 Sherburne avenue, has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Auburn Sedan, Factory leo. 2051, State License No. B-9-7bl, seating capacity 74passengers, covered by Aetna Insurance Co. Policy No. 3251603, and owned by said John L. Dillon, and WHEREAS, John L. Dillon, inaccordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed'oopy of insurance'policy.with the City of St. Paul and said'polioy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be 6t RESOLVED, That license be granted to John L. Dillon to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of at. Paul, subject to the provisions ofesaid ordinance. d' F No 48312—By L R 8 P'Argueon' / by re§Ue9x Whereits John�L. DlIlon,•128 Bher - burse -avenue ,b"ae made $DDltcaflon� for a `lleenee to operate upon - -,Ia7,rcenso[ the Cf Bt. Paut0ae.th1e= .' 8uburn Bedpa Factor2o 2061 State ' pasenger- dovered ;by wetiVa -IDsures? anCe Co .�O11CY Noi 3261803 and owned' /l, by said: John k Dillon, and :_ ,. � 1 Whereas John; lIn accord - ance.�.wlth Ordine'ac xo- e No 68881has filed_ ( copy.ofatueurancee of 9aux hd td:lcp lwlthzC aDDrvired ae taform bxthe,orepoCriaty, ' A10. C,oypset therefore be 3k: Aeeolyed= That ligema be glaated '1p; � 3oha L D11Ton to;�.operate.ald auto, car tiro the Streets of the City of 13t Paulaublect to ilia Drovlpfop�-of ifaid` ordinance Adopted by the Council June12 ,1922 � ADDroyed Jnnp 12-3823 � t (June,2$ 1983) _ { COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the ouncil......tltl V/ Clancy Ferguson f pr ved.. I�) i T i iu -----....192.... 114eReltatd In favor _ .._....../ -- -- - -------_--- V MAYOR Peter ---------------Against /Mr. President CITYOFST. PAUL COUNCIL NO-----i�e .L' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Comm ISSIONER_ QED WEEMS, W. 0. Lofgren, 1061 Iglehart avenue, has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the City of St psul, One (1) Auburn auto car, Factory No. 34617, State License No. s 117-959, seating capacity 7 passengers, cove#ed by Aetna Insurance Company policy No.'3191546, and owned by said W. 0. Lofgren, and WHEREAS, W. 0. Lofgren in accordance with Ordinance No. 5966 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and 'said policy has-been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That lioense/be granted to W. 0. Lofgr�en to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. Paul subject to the provisions of said ordinance. `(1 b` No 4B339—Sy L. R.-9 Fergn§pn -.� by F,e9aeet - �.' i Whereaq W C: Zgtgren 1082 Itsle&rt avenue has mSde. aDDlicatfoq �� 9. tlio"Cy operate -upon 4o_0)iee urz �.. the City; oL,St: 1',aut �Ohe E3) aupurn_ aufo ,ear 8'aCEory+No E481fr$tate �f+. ced9e:No B 1171869 eeatfgg caDaCltY- 7 Da9eengere; oo¢ered'byl Aetna rnpur-, .ante ;Company ;PonbY. No.: 31816A6 9nd, NMby said W. C I.ofeten, and Igreaq W C. Lo[Bren In accord i attca with Otdtpanc@ No 6866 hae7dtea' ' / coPy"bt fnauranice' Delict uld tvtth the City: /f.A/ µ o[ 6t ad -said polfdy- ae tees - u appto@ed se to form ye'* he, C.0YD0r8 _ tion Connhc1 therefore bq !t llaeolved That.ncen$0roe granted to, 1 ! W C.= Lo[gr>3n to operate /aaid. „autb IV. oar upon the gtreeffi tot -the CftY of 8t Paul-eabjec� to t14 Ka Dcovtetone pL said' ordinance 4 �tdoyted by the -0ouhdl 7ud'e i$ 19'Lg'I f AppLav-ed Tane:1� 1,9$$ \ ' 27una R$ 192$) +1 �J v COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by the C ------------�"i.3-192 . . ✓ Clancy IJ,:3 roved .... /Ferguson 11l A 1� ...-- - 192 In favor / . ... _....... .- - 711 MgYOR Peter .-.....v..._Against -jiYeaZa=i'—� / Mr. President �ORO"No ------ 430.... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-39=NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM dune l3, 19�3 'b PRESENTED BY :I �` !(�JJ_--...__ DATE__.._._._.. COMMISSIONER —' — ` �! 8 MOREA , Georga Nadeau, 273 Oarroll avenue has made. application for a license to opeof the rate upon the actorystfeetsNo. 80541 city of St. Paul, One (1) Ohandler auto car, F State License No. B-44-R9µ. seating oapaoity 7 passengers., Covered by Aetna Insuranoe Oompany policy No. 3191549, and owned by said George Nadeau, and WHEREAS, George Nadeau 1n accordanoe with Ordinance No. 586b has filed Copy of insurance polioP`with rooe8.as®toiformfbySt- 596b St. Paul and said policy has been app the Corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be granted to George Nadeau to operate said auto carPstreetsof said of the ordinance. of St. Paul, sumect to the provisions m G� Adopted by the CouncIM. . 2pi r `3 -..-192., . Ap roved y lI ' )..� -- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU No.. ---- - COUNCIL 4 632 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK QLUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E /.- dune 13, 1923 7C RxESEXX177S[[SIONEia _ - - ��=—jjj!--- —... DATE—^_. e 13, . HESOLIIED That appl oation for license toconductthe Auotioneer� business at 419 Jackson street issued to A. G. Johnson -be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk -is instructed t to issue such license upon the filing of bond andthe payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee. CC S IS'o. 1,;79: 1 4. 8. & T�'ergugoa— 4—by- 4,o b erepveat— - Ae gly d Thaf :� pDlieatlo ' f� It "- cause to c ndu t -'the Auctl see busl - ass at%418 Jackn'd,th rest taeI �. 7tlld. ry bo aud�tbe same•is hereby., "granted and the'City Clerlc.)s^inatrvcb:. red.to 1 eue quch Ircenge upon:.tha`8llng Ihf-bondand.the payment.tnto:;thg City. Treaqury of.,thb, custgmary See. �- Adopt€d by the,Cooncil Juue`33 Y923:' AppruveQ June'18 1883 (7uge;88 3883) 4 - COUNCILMEN - SUN J-:; 1`23 Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciL._--------------------- L------------ 192 j f Cl.- ancy - lFerguson � II�',i i« A roved ....... ----------------------------- IR2 - - _M Dana 1--_ --- --------In favor /A 1 ----------------- - ----- Peter ---------------Against s nroa Mr. President rccau CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO—...4-3C £a ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY une 13, -19.? -3 -- That .,_192.3 -.—That the application for license of Jos. Snyder to conduct the Second Hand Dealer business at 491 University Ave., be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the ;payment into the City treasury of"the customary fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays Clancy ./Ferguson '— `-'`....._In favor � Peter U ------Against -/Mr. President eonwce.4 X323 CITY OF ST. PAUL P,�a No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OI SIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -_-� June 1923'^; PR EN SIONER__.__ RESOLVED ;"fat the application for license of H. J. Goodman to conduct the Pawnbroker business at 156 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby granted and the City Olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of bond and the payment into the city treasury of the'austomary fee. 7i �C F Ao 46883—�y Ia;i;z 6YFarguaon '" by ra4Rast Reaolred; Thaf Ihe-;appI[¢atlon= tor. - �1leeae of.� J ODodlna�a to coaNuct - tb@ Pawabtnker buatneea ac Sbb Is: 2th Sk he and [the same»ie her'bbyrgranted cand tlre'�Clty C1eNk le=dnetructed; to -le-' ane aucli;,llceaee nnoa�tha ellnB of��bond -.Ra0. ibC aym¢aY 3 to,the cltg treasury. ' or the CnetoRlal'Y Se - - � ,AdoDtod-lty the ConR¢fl Juae 13 :1988.-. Approved JURa 18 1988 (June 8�$ 188s) COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Adopted by the uncil.sAl',"!-. c I';_..........191 Clancy // Jl « IG 3. s2 1Fergllson ` proved . ... 114e$esald-`.......In favor Maasea - \V LL------------- - ---- . . ✓Peter ....... Against .... - - mwroa _-'6�ea2Er `Mr. President R. M. orasg, IOW Mrs. Justine Gonley,929 Clapper & Berggren, 726 E. J• Darden,219 G. E. Hanson, 19$ A. Bask, 5 H. E- Layne, GGilf J. E. Molloy, A. Stacker, 6243 7 L. E. Weber, 0 i COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓` Nays Clancy Ferguson A%Bona}d•-- .._ .....In favor �Peter .......... Against enzel /Mr. President pti., St., urr�w+y Confectionery at. Grocery v. Grocery L1 Av. Grocery at., Grocery Ldg., Cigar store th Av. Grocery field St. Grocery St. By L. -;It $Ferguson ', at ,the aDPifCatfoh8;for.-� tug p nj e11ipgIPb' toodel E $t:';,thq. n steel, tier amt the- eama. nted�and the C1tyrClerld lseue_such lieedees=uD-: t' Intoittie eltY--' uessnrr. fee Grocery, 610 Thomee St. Grocery'. 64 Conley,_ 928 E Ttti� $t '� ergh're �� T26 Y7 Zt4 aL 29 Bate Ave GrecerY: Margpall-„dvee,. 1 Th mag SC GrooerY e.Gunn.ff �Idg GIB 942;So:,Smlth Ave .'�O o'. 243E $er 81d SG CiN„ r 6QZ'do rd 13f 'G - the C vnetl-Pune i3'39234�'' r e 33. ,1923. fune�23-1923) ' - --------------- 192 , Wopted by the Council tS;:3 Approved ........ - - -......192. ............. -- . ---- P ... --- .................. . —YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO'�3(� FILE ....... RESOLVED That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to pay to Helen,.gappes, the sum of One Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of her claim, from May 20th to June 10th, 1923, for professional services rendered by her to Peter Meehan, an employe of the Department of Public Works, inured October 4th, 1922, in the:-oourse of his employment. ell Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy /Ferguson -irzeD A 44 a] d— --.. ------------ In favor ,/Peter _.-.._....Against -V*Le1__ Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the COUNCIL No -------4 `J ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Johm Antl, an employe of the Department of public Works, inured March 26, 1923, in the course of his employment, the sum of Twenty— four Dollars ($24.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said City, for the period up to May 1st, 1993- COUNCILMEN Yeas� Nays / ✓/Clancy Ferguson ........... In favor VPeter.... .... -...... Against ze -,"Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. L � ..192...-.. Adopted by the Council `... .----- - -- - roved J.U7 ......... 192-. -- - ...... """" "" ""-- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...--- 6327 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (4/ COMMISSIONER_ ..... _..._......._................._..._......._.............._..._._._...... PRESENTED BY DATE ..... _..... - --- .....�_.__. RESOLVED That the proper oity officers are hereby authorized to pay to Gilbert F. Kantemen, an employe of the Department of Public Works ,'of the City of St. Paul, injured May 4, 1923, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the tigeral Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said City, for the period up to June Sth, 1923• I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the C neil -..... k .23... .........192 ..... i' Ap A 1'-. 3- ...... - 192_ ....... .......... ........ .... .. .y.................._.._-.-.... .. MAYOR 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy <Ferguson -Ak4)@ne}4- _.":....._In favor —A4ats6t'" ✓Peter _...0 ---.-..Against Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the C neil -..... k .23... .........192 ..... i' Ap A 1'-. 3- ...... - 192_ ....... .......... ........ .... .. .y.................._.._-.-.... .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL CONC1 NO----- ._- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , DATE. jure 12 _1923 RESO VED Mat the Purchasing Agent be, a d he is hereby authorized to i• purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, six Mushroom traffic lights at a cost not to exceed $441000 without asking' for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge 26- Arterial Highway Signa. ril COUNCILMEN Yeas %� Nays Clancy ✓Ferguson �VEeBEA83d--_---------In favor Peter -----------0 Against MI/ r. President N -r"3 � Adopted by the Councll--_....,d!�S!. ?.e-- ------ 192 roved-- , �--� i pp..-: . 3 i MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL NCI' No---- 1632-9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESQUED That the Comptroller is hereby authorized and Instructed to pay to the Corporation Counsel, Carlton F. McNally, and Assistant Corporation Counsel, Arthur A. Stewart, the sum of One Hundred Seventy-nine Dollars ($179.00) to reimburse them for expenses in- curred on their trip to Chicago in connection with the St. Paul City Railway Company valuation case; Said payment to be made out of the amount received from the St. Paul City Railway Company for such purpose. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V/ Clancy Ferguson -A;eBM-aT&_ In favor 14ft+.Vnr VPeter U.._ --Against _w4uZal— ,./Mr. President , ,, Adopted by the Council_ --- ------JUN -------- A V �- 192_ I A ',roved -- - ------------------------------------ 192_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FNO-A-6,330 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN AL FORM PRESENTED BY ER— .. ,.._....__ _.__ .___.......................................... ........_. tDATE:--L.__...----- RESOLVEOY That the application of William 8upornick for permission to install and maintain a public garage on Lot 1, Block 2, Wann's - Addition, being No. 1340 Grand avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby t authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefo z Adopted b the Council...... 192 P Y K f rJ �"f Axlroved. ._ )i I':... --, r ',13 .............. a$2•a CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNan FILE NO ------ .SpCk0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER----.- - --- ------- - ------- ....._---- ------ ............_.............. ............. _. RESOLVED That the applioation of William 8aporniok for permission to install and maintain a publio garage on Lot 1, Blook 2, Wants Addition, being 80. 1340 Grand avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings Is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yea_ Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ._ .............In favor Matson Peter _.___..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council_.---------- ___......._..__192...-.. Approved...... -- ...... .....192 - ;11 :..._..being duly sworn depoms - and says thatid he is clerk for the Dispat Printing Co which now is and durlrig all the times hereinafter .mentioned has n the Dubtieher of the St. Paul Dispatch, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, In said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. ThatAe has knowledge of the factsandknows personally that the printed...... /. ............ ' nt hereto attached, cut from columna of. sa! newsD. was inserted, printed and _i published in said newspaper *see-4nr•eaeh-.week for .vree�ks and that all of said publications were made in the English language. ///J'' That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on -l -fl— . the.. day of.......•_ •••�• • •,•e•A19/2.3a7nd was printed • and -�p•/ub•/ r lished,in said newspaper thereafter on. !..•f!�.«y' {� ••/`` p •.7 `v+"'i until and fncludi /�tl;�e. the...IQ day of...... 192,3. That during altheresaid, said newspaper was qual ed. se a medium of official. and legal pequired by sections 3 and 4 of r 484, Session Laws Of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has compiled with all the requirements; that con- stltute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than . one year last past from the date of the first pablication of said...... .............................................................. newspaper has bees (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be Imsed In the English -. language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the. page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued- daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Print-' ' ` - ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its placeof publication to the extent of'at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said....... ........- i ............ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min nesota- an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting Its qualifications as a legal newspaper as requiredand set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. - That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both intro -ire. of the size and kind of typeusedin the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: ' abMetRbllklmpopetetuvRzya _ Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit Is, made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws 'Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill; dor the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. . 82'fATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. } t ... '' yyyy being ddly aworn,. deposes and says thQt eAe Is clerk for the Dispatch Printfug Co. whigh now is and durJng all the times hez�nafter mentioned ha been the publisher of the St.--Baui-Blepatelq St. Paul Peer -Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published ,in the city of `St. Paul, in sa Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That"pe has knowledge of the factsandknows personally that the printed...... - �... ,...�u hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was Inserted,p nted auff published in said newspaper once-'m-eaeli-.*eek for..7q.....wae�nd that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on.. N1 .. G.f G O the.. k�day of...../..�.<. .........., 192:4 and was printed and pub- + Nfotioe oAPP.Qention for ;Pernik to, . tiiroet s'Publte Garage�a �� �j //. Nonayy wren (tat;Hmsoaet to ](shed in said newspaper thcred[ter on.. • • • • • • . 192. �. • aetnon M6 OtalnanOo, to 6 �a �',Nu nye'. or;s.ms ram. xlnamots. w - Mv ta testa w �ne,av co mou �p q�oL 6aft3 am ntlDaeapta > Wm until and including..e`.'/(l:! . he,/42.�itlay of... +weotoaic toe oa b exact r "'. »n tau anoMnt aerceind °eel edea 1 That during all the times Aforesaid, said newspaper was qu ed as a medium atwta to nemjh. S. d 0- t' c of official and legal publications as required by sections 3. and 4 of chapter 484, Session L meet t adidm Wuane dA rant iy On p,e a doe t am a evm no- i Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and ,that it has complied with all the requirements that con- - twew Samnm A.er am etneic Ea tium; ttII aw Ma I �,.I statute a legal newspaper as de4ned in said sections 3 and 4, to that for more than t1.Dptee as sefnti Fanl lainnawcp'. Ov �,: 5�`.-(Asn B: DlmatrL.'ptty.9:H 1 .t one year last past from the date of the first publication of said... ..............................................................said newspaper has beet (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issaed in the English ianguage, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each tvrenty-one and one-quarter inches long, (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the oxtent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said.........1l.. ...... .................. ..............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of Che facts, filed in the office of the county anditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions .constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set • - forth in section 3 o. chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive. of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: anedetRbtlklmnopnreravwxrz _ Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made Pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws -Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. ... 7 of...'GL./Jn 192 Notary Public Ramse y/county, Minnesota T f FORM 141 W 62921 Pae My Comm'ssion expires.... Nctary.Fu;,dic 12anmey County, Mina My aommlaalon uyalros sopa 2x, you RESOLVED 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM or. DATE WUNCIE. NO—A6331 `6331 FILE June 12th, 1923. ----------------k --- — That the bonds given to the City of St. Paul by the Bidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Pearl Brothers, as principal, dated June 18th, 1921 and August 22nd, 1922, in the sum of $20,000 covering two gasoline filling stations on the east side of Aroade Street in front of the property imown as 1196 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said any liability which may have accrued principal and surety from prior to the cancellation of said bonds. i e Yeas Clancy c ons i Nays ;\,lopted by the Council A4, oLoa ) �J �92 Iu furor /( y --Against M on . Ae CITY OF ST. PAUL FlHcn. `�1;�A,��G No.- -..- :-r. c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN/ _Ju._n_e..13, 1925. COMMDATE----- RESOLVED _.._RESOLVED In the matter of grading Fry Street from University Avenue to Blair Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #37258, approved Rovember 18, 1921, and Final Order 0. F. #40206, approved February 20, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plana, epeoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. i COUNCILMEN Yea? Nays V/Clancy Ferguson McDonald 1r% In favor /Matson / Peter \ �? AgautaE; Wonaal '. x I Adopted by the Council ,11 ' ° ` 3 192-- ... .. CITY OF ST. PAULcouReu. NO.- .-.g+ 33M FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM�j fund 13, 1925. `PRESENTED BY�� COMMISSIONER_— ._moi 1 _..._ .............._....._....._............_._.. DATE ..... _ RESOLVED In the matter of grading Villard Street from Rios Street to Park Avenue, and Perk Avenue from f Villard Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #43821, approved January 24, 1923, and Final Order C. F. #46179, approved April 18, 1923. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement; be and the same are hereby approved. C F No 56333—BS' W 7 ,Reterr In the:matter on'gradin& Ri119rd SL: from Rlce St.-. to Pack Ave, and Park- Ave.,, from Yiliard SG t ,'Maryland under PrelfmfnarY Order Q F: No. ;8821 ap��roved'Tan .24,•_1983 and: Flnat'prderoved AynL ,.18,-1923 Besolved That th yta e, specifics '* Uons and -estimated 4pantlpes•as sub I 'd-- £he Commies toner oL Public W rks.'fot' A_46 above named.lmprave-:. ment, a ba d the same are heYeby ap-i� proves -- Ad pted by the Co ncll Juae�331988. Aypro ad Juae 18 3983 j y t (JaneS61983) 1 i/�, �/jj-V',.! ox P / I COUNCILMEN Yea._ Nays Clancy /Ferguson McDonald _.__..._.In favor Matson Peter _ `....Against Adopted byth ncil__�_ l-...:':' "_� a: 3.--.....---192. _... �' •v F. foo vv—I ----------------- - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FNO------ . i6334N' FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (� June 13, 192$ COMMISSIONER—--_ RESOLVED In the matter of grading woodlawn Avenue, from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.. F. #31999, approved December 13, 1922, and Final Order 0. F. #33038, approved September 26, 1922. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `>Mataon _ 'Peter :1{�ninst l4'ruz�l RESOLVE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ca M NO._.4=5 FILE June 13, 1923. In -the matter of grading Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40285, approved June 15, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #42154, approved Ootober 11, 1922. RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quanti4iee as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be rind the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy —'�erguson McDonald J favor Matson Peter __..-�... -.Against Wenzel XMr. President i Adopted by the Cou cil........ 192 p �j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.... [y b�33 6 FILE ff6 OFFICE OF THE CITY C&RK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM June 12, 1923 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to make the following improvement: Pave Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Hemden Avenue, under final Order C. F. 136391, approved June 14, 1922. Resolved Further, That the plans, specifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner 'tf-Publio Works for the above materials, be and the same are hereby approved• C e Nvejl' 33G—Ry'yP Z Peter= Resolved That the Purcl;.e Agent be and he Is hereby authorized- and dlrected toradvertlff ln.the:, me.n_. 'netLprovlded by -the' -'City Charter, -for allofthe: ratterlal necessary to; _inalce, I�.U'"- the followlnp Improvement. Paye RaYmand Ave: from.Un(verelty iAve- jo'-8nmpdea Ad¢. ostler.i¢a1 !Order C.,F No 3891" aDDrovedrr nna, Lr '� Resoivedr Further That the jPaepeueb.celiuidcbcmaWtlto�otrhekdes sbfayodr thhtimated ¢uantitie —bt-M, etter, e aove materialos1a, `J be and the`eame are hereby approved. Adopted'by the COa¢ell June A$,-1923 _ r �" Approved. June Y$ 192$ ;(Jnne 161823) I 1't COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓FIClancy erguson McDonald ----In favor Matson Fetes' -. Agalnct /MI./NII. President Adopted by the C cl .-...-... it+' L U. 3-- ---192...._ A roved. _._..... �. .....MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FIcaLEuNcu.NO� ------ June - __. June 12. 1923. RESOLVED That th Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized aid directed to advertise, in the manner provided by/the City Charter, for all of the material necessary o make the following improvement; Repave Sixth Street from Rosabel Street lest to the Bridge, under Final Order C. F. #41634, approve4April 24, 1923. Resolved,.Further, That the plans, specifications and Estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials, be and the same are hereby approved. +_5 . a COUNCILMEN Yea.: Nays Clancy 'Ferguson McDonald In favor r/ Matson % Peter o _Against Wenzel ✓ Mr. PresidVnt IJ - 1 i ly J, "'r -tdL--`----..192 Adopted by the Council .'_ ._-__....:--_.. j A roved J'1 a« �` --------192 ------ i CITY OF ST. PAUL co� -NO ------ 4.038 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a 7ye''sir 2 pp2 ESENTED BY 1C t _ -__ = June 1U, 1923* RESOLVED That the time speoified for the perform -nos of a certain contract dated January 24, 1925, between the Roise Construction Company, Contractor, and the City of St, Paul, for the construction of a eewer on Cecelia Place, from St. Clair Street to a point 10 feet south of the north line of Lot 14, Block 10 Haupt's Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the 11th day of June, 1923, and the proper city offioebe are hereby authorised to execute an amendment .to said contract in acoordanos herewith, provided,` -however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN YC8.4 / Nays Ferguson -.__...In favor Peter _._...___--Against -'Mr. President Adopted by the Council_..�J.0.....z -.�'; 3...---.---192...... Ap .............. ... ... MAYOR i !� - %3- St, Paul, Minn., -�'-� - - - - - 19 TO THE HOITORABLE CITY COUMIL, CITY. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the -��eeZ'-a. /Zeun-'2zV'.l',P f_io's.o/��,�.L/Cv`�{ Rad - - - - - to be extended to - - - ---6---- -�--- - -- 1923 - Owing to - - - - evQliec �a 4l•.'a^= - - - - - - - - it was not possible for �6 to finish this contract within the time specified, hence 4 desire to esk that the tir4e for completing same be made as hereinbefore statad. Yours very trulf6, (�°,,�� qzt-4 /' 0 Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVED of Construct & Repairs Commissioner of Public Forks. Chief Engineer. \1. r CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCIL NO.....46339 VFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P4kSENTED BY� , .........._. _ DATE..—. -.June 9„ 19 �!• -. COMMISSIONER_. _ _.. ._.. ---------- ...._.�----� t - RESOLVED 0 That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August 17 , 1922, between;Barbarosea & Lametti, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on St, Anthony Avenue, from Cxford'Street to Dunlap Street, be and the same &a;ihereby extended to the 6th day of June, 1923, end the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment ,to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. CiOUNCILMEN Yea: Nays Clancy AFerguson ona-___.__In favor 21ats ... Peter __.......Against _Wea2E1 /Mr. President St. Pau, Minn.. G:- G----19�- TO THE HOA?ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY. i Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- �1 J� 31 - - -- - ----- to be extended to - - - - - - - - -6 - - - - - - Owing to - - - �' t� G:,�c - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for a -e to finish this contract within the time specified, hence —.desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very trul;, Contractor. D` There is no objec ion to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. i APPROVED Supt, of onstructio pairs FMX --... '0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO4fi, 14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11��LUTION—GENERAL 7RM PRESENTED BY , ;;--0 7 �. 4 4—'j ..... DATF-.--TUI'e 12,V92,3 COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED That the Council hereb�lapproves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the installation of the heating, ventilating and plumbing, under Item A-2, to L. Sudheimer, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $11,692.00, lose $60.00 for the use of Clarage Fan under Altcernate 011" and less 450.00 for the use of National Temperature Regulation under Alternate "H", making total amount of contract 011,582.00, in accordance with plans and specifications ov_,T4&e In the office of the Purchasing Agent, his bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 4786, Architect's Estimate $14,675.00 V.aPproeOvesed Thot, track Comlmittee In Wentilatia- uatio.-W th- 'acoaat� tem -A' 2--, .E—nd'-Plulnbja th, I , Sudheirnei. �-Xtader afini of, � reopo101bfe� bidde"r, ��&f:oy'kbb'ltzh'9, rulli�f 'JIM92.60 -1 - . / 4 ny,t-�Gj Lara OR - di. her t, tit ul W on t� v With, 682 00 i u[AI lifnjjh�.6,5 and a - - ' �hja bli� ce;of�th.has ng a - and, ,jjj;j ro --.I- � !!! � \0 n Orit n ------ 192 CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL IVO .�.L31 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ii y --ii C UI CJ$ESOLUTIION'—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �✓+��' - DATE_-J4nB.....i2y.�.9 –�--- COMMNTED ER— - .. -_------------_. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor and material and erecting, less mechanical equipment, under Item A-1 an addition to the Tilden School to Lovering-Longbotham Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $54,940.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #4786. Architect's Estimate $60,000.00. -1 r- - COUNCILMEN NaysAdopted by the Couneil ; :. ^ -" }--192...... Annrp(ved---- ---------------------------------- 192 * Peter _ Against 1 _OIL 4 ' 42 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO •' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V - -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM favor . PRESENTED BY-�i/ ,.___ T DATE_:... 12 1923* COMMISSIONER- �:J �_ __.__ ___.__.. _ _..__.........__..._._ _ _. ._. _..... F1� j RESOLVED Tbat the Cozmnissioner iof PabliO Works be and and �irsoted to sprinkle with is hereby authorized water and oil the following streets: Fairview Ave. frame Palaae St. to James St. 'C F No 46342—BY.�m S Peter -- ed, sThat: t¢e Commiseioner of� s .Aeaol :Public Works We d-lsfiereby a¢tbeT-: afoliowl 'ferd'nudE qCC thte �k etreeta•Wa�� -: Fatrivew.' Ave fr6m< Pnlace Str to'; James St: , t. s ;' Adopted by the,Council June 13 1923.' "Approved'Jume'33• , ,: 1923T U - COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays V C//laney •' 11Ferguson V ............_In favor mon - Peter ..._. _..-_Against /Mr. President Adopted by the Council_.....`�� r'..1., ..� J:. 3.-- ..... 192..... proved-_. ................................... ....192... . a ix,• a CITY OF ST. PAUL FoERca NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - - PRESENTED BY yCJ - Tune 13, 1923 Co- .....T.._PAter...__r ..._..._._ .__...._ DATE ........_ --.. 1.. RESOLVED That the commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water: and oil the following street: Lomberd Ave. from Ben Hill Road to Lexington .0 Resolved48T6aY$ho Cotnmtealoper of} Aorl1e Works be 'end'ae-hekeby`; Au Sy-tered and_r dlrcafed to sprtnkle..wtth: vpater'arid Colt the foilowing street ,�LombardC.Ave 1`romBen Hilt -Road: to Lexi gton , _ n IAdopted by th Council Sune 13 1927.' a Apprnv d Su a 33 1922.40 (Su a 28 1928) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,Clancy I Ferguson In favor Mr. Presidont S Adopted by the Council- -- -.-,.�iq-_:-� -I:+� -J-_-192 Appr MAYOR P y A epetitlon Council File NO.. _4634 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �� �L PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned he y proposes the making of the following -public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: faxing..Aam7 ins..AAS..--from..-Heclitt. Ase. t.0._.AniYsraity. --- Are ............... __.......inc�,~tding_ the_--nao��asry....aew.er,...water---and .--Baa---oonneat.iona...from-------- street _mains_t opropertylines_complete,--- where._A4t...alr8&SAY--masse,_. also _ourbing--end -paving- driveway- approaches-,-. where.- neaeasary.----------- Dated this -----------6th.... day. .of.--.June...1923-_-_------------_------------- --------- -- 192------• - pgffiyjp[I3PARY O8bE88. -------------------------------------------------- .... --,..----- - -------------------- _ _ ....__. Councilman. P Ih8 HaMU nye to:itaty atty;Ave lnc1n03 g e w-: PRELIMINARY ORDER. vjcje ' Wel ,jjto Plre_A t4 cLnea corn filet 1what'e ot., sie adv man nd5t1er the making of the following improvement, viz.: b(ng and y ving dr1 �WaY: 3Y DRG h a. wh u'n ar9p -- a+;e t d oto' th C esyi'4� -------------- --------- as oct ------ as_oct ntions_Yrom_atreet__Asking_.___._._ popertY._linea--_gompleL.e._ Whereas►ot---a:7..reas9y..masts,---a1a0...olubing-- ----->ind..BaYing-- _riYeWay---ate---al.ley--appsQasrhes,----w2tese._neneas2=y.----------------- `havmg been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul---------------- ------------------------........... -.............. .---------------'--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. yyr� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coml S' stoner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..... .................... i li� 3......................... YEAS / NAYS Councilnu(n CLANgy FERGUSON ` a Approved.------ -------; .;.:..- -� � -r':n-d--------- ----- ---------------- -�IiY601P' 1 .. PETER i/ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) petition Council File No M345 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT + _.. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pavet._RAW -._Avg.--_from-_A dine3t. ... t o.: Ham...... Ave. with sealer, ._----___.-- _Wa_aonneat.ions-_from _street _mains t-- property linea ----=--------0 lat-e,:--where.. not... already ..eade.....al> .0 0urbing-and Paying._ r—Aoon.. d._alley.--apProaohee,--where--neoesearq.-------------------------------------_....------- Dated this .6th .......... day of ------ June 1-9r2.3r--------------------------------------- 192._..... --------------------------------------------- .. ............ --------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following improvement, viz.: --•-•--complete,-._Y1hQt ..AQP....alxeadY--mad��.._a`180...curbing--an8._Paving._driy------ alay--a11eY.._aPP.roaobeee.._where..neoes.'PX . ---------------------------............................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- ................:............. .__------------------------------------ -- thereforej be its RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2.. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish"a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe�p'tion of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the CommissionerFinance. i Adopted by the Council----------------------------- ..... -` 1 : I'., •7 YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Approved --------------------------------------- ALD PETER U —---------. --_--- MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor' Depart>itent-.ofz Public Works. � Council File No ------- 4-63.44[) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT land PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by. the City of St. Paul, viz; : ------flBen,:..WidQn.. nd._eats�nd..&sit er::AYea....ta._e...Wid#lh._of ,--_HQ..ft*........-...... i-Riveroulevardto3aellingAvenuea.--sow.-_---_.--- - ............ ft ,B _.- ___ laadoxitaA _abee-_addition,--_River -_Boulevard. Addition._and------------------- st• r'kthsrine Park..&e-oansi..Addl ti -Via......... --- ---------------------..........--------------------------------- Dated this - 8th .....dav of ..--------_---- '-une,------------------------------------_.-, 192..3. <:' rAroatracr i �' Councilman. Whereas A--wrttten proDD�e�t loin;the; �.m8king •ol ihe: following• -improvement; 4 ti ,Open =widen ,and extend. scheKer:• •Ave to a width of 60 ft, from the ails- slssippi R1ver. BDulevard' to Snellin$,- _Ave as now;laid out [n. -Gibson a •Ad- .`atcion 3Ytver•.EouYevard,Adatuenannd Y ORDER. St>'Cather}ne'Partc BSDond Addition. haviat; been ;preaented;:to the Co )9:,- ufthe City of St Pau] therefore 1)9: �'FTHEREAS, .sBeeolvea ,TAr- q Commiael, .sof the following improvement, viz.: A --__ ---- opq�n�-,wid4n.. i extend gheffer-:ventta-to_a width ft._...•- ......_ from. Lt�e...ld seieAiBra iQ��... _Q.1levard---t9 4_0�.1..ing._gvQnt�9 -ge.. ► leid- -,is.aiiaia0a!A..Ad�1t�a.Qas $-aver'.Bou7eAard..AdditiQlA.o>0.d................... ...........$t.---(Xtherias Park..Seiaoncl.Addition.---------------------------------- ...... ------------------ ......................... having been presented to the. Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------------- -------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. _.e5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -Adopted b the Council------------ --------------, .. ' .............. - p Y - ti..� J . YEAR - NAYB -- Councllmal/ CLANCY 1 -,FERGUSON / Approved - - - - ....t C: # 3-------------_.._ aD PETE1 P1iE8IDENT v Y -9 NE ' . Request of J. U. Raley Council File No.........` 63'� PROPOSAL'FOR IMPROVEMENT and # 11r PRELIMINARY ORDER; The undersi&$d hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Construgting--_sewer--_on._Snelling-_Avenuefrom._&andolph- Street ------------------ to s point 610 feet south of Randolph Street. ............................. ------------ ............................. ---------- - .------•....----- Dated this ----8th day of---------------- Jnt1e , -1928-------------------------------- 192 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following improvement, viz.: on Snelling.Avenue --- from--Randolph._9treet-.-.--.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- --------------- -------- :.-------.------------------------------ ----- --------. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 4-3. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,. Adopted by the Counc;L--............................. .................. YEAS ,NAYS CORncllmaYCLANCY FERGUSON 41lx�eo�— / PETER MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 8-22) Approved ....._ ........_..-.. ....................... ... .. .................................................... Mayor. Council File No 463-18 �► �pp PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ^PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersignr4i hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing, where neaeesary, gement ........ ...................-- ................................................. - ------............ --- . ----------......-................ --........................ ............. tile_,edewalk,_on--.the--north-._aide---of Edmund Street, beginning 24 feet west of Chatsworth Street, thence west 104 feet. ............................. ------------------------------------_......._..................... ..... ...................... - ........... .............................. ........... :........................... ............................................ .....................................-- ................_........ . Dated this. ..._llth....day of.......................une,...1928......................., 192....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. q ns'sal for -the making of the following improvement, viz.: hes' _relaying and repairing, where necessary, cement _the,_north-_eido-, o f Edmund..•Street, beginning 24 Feet th Street, thenoe west 104 feet. ........... • ............. ------ --- -- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.......................................................................................... 3`tlierefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: !- - To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. y- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ -- ----......... i, ...�.:a..f ..................... YEAS NAYS CoUnCllmaIIn CLANCY�.� �FERGUSON Approved...- -------------------------------------------------------------.. ✓ PETER –WsTME— ............................................................................. -------------• MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M &22) BuBLIsI-fl a3 �� 4634, Council File No...__.e 11 PRO SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersig!;�d hereby proposes the making of the f�llowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: aonnnnfrnntina_ relavina and repairiM . Where necessary, - , the northerly side of Horton Street' ----------------------------------------- ----------------- -------.-.... fssim...CQmo_ 8s2u1@Yasd.,... thenpe--..$outhwe s terly-_to-.-elleyL._more-- par t ioularly ----deaoripefl `sa------in..3ront_ of_Lot---14,---Block-..1.,-_-_-.Warrendale----------------------------------- Dated this......... llth...day of June, 1923 --- - - ------------- 192....... - - --- ------------------------------------ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ti7Bg...--FeleY_ ng.._and.-xepairkn------where- necessary. the. _pQi eel tile-_sidewalk--on-.the. northerly --side of Horton Street _from Como --- Boulevard, thencesouthwesterlyto alley, more particularly _ ttfl4si?t@d-_ae:-in._3rout.:-e Lit--14.l---Block_l,_.4Yarrendea--- --------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ....................._........,......... -..............----------------.__._...-.-_.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.- To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owf%rs. , 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- ------------------------- "'w i .:..11,.-3---..----------....._. YEAS NAYS I,/ Councilman CLANCY ,/ FERGUSON ✓ PETER �o- MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 622) Approved :..:..' ....'.. _'_ - .:'...-.- ... J� pp ( Council File No .... 61150 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Re netruoting,-._rele,V.ingand-_repairing.x--where__neoe...... --------------------- the--_cement tile sidea-_on-_the-_north aide o3 -_Randolph Bt.rps.t-t ------------- ------------ - ............. ................. beginning 40 feet west of Milton Street, thence west 264 feet. -- -- .-------- -- ---- ----- ... -- . -- --- ... --- - ---- - ---- ------ -- -------------------------------------------------------------- lith June}, 1923 192..._.. �.................. ....dav of---------------- ---------------------------- ---------- ------- __ Councilman. PRELIMINARY. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Reconstructing -,-.-relaying and repairing, where necessary, the - oement-Mile- sidewalk- on the north ade of Randolph street, _-------_ -- ---------------------------------------------------- b-eginning-_40.--feat.--iaat._nf_--Milton.-8-tre-e-t.+.--thence---we:e1--91A---fee t --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --- ---------------------- .------------------------------------ ----- ------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ' 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte4p to the Commissioner of Finance. .3 Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------------------------------- - YEAS NAYS LI-1 Councilman L/FEROIISONn TRnTIn I/ PETER - fi �B3FgBB Y MR. PRESIDENT Form CA 13 (3M 6-22) ti Approved ------------ ---- - ---------- . ... - ............. ............... ........................... ................................ Mayor. PvsLISI� .Co � 3 �3 46351 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... f -40Lase 'i!r APziL By................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.. onn4emnJng and. A alk;W&. an. eaaement. .Cor. in..thq. et,.......... . ....................................................................................................... ............................... " . . .................................................... ........ . .. under Preliminary Order..... 4W1 ..............approved Al?gil. 2-7,.. 1923. .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received theof the Commissioner of Finance upon rt the above improvement, and having considered said repo, = resolves: 1. That the said report be and the Lame is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebynr ,dered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. A90A M. ML. A easement in, the land„necessary for slo�est for cuts and fills in the ,. ' ....................................e...s... .y ........... to Viestminster Street .......................... ... t A. pqgt3 cuts and the 0, ................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.a0.00.......... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... ,...... day of .......... jgjy .......... 192.. a., at fthe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in thelg9=61 Chamber of the Court Houselina City Hall Building in the Cily of $t-. Paul. That the CommissioneE of Finance give notice of said nit'Ce-ting to the persons and in the, mann-er-pfro�cde.'d by thp tM rid place of 0 -Charter, stating t e limej!_ hearing, the I nature of the gaprovement"afid the tota cost therjtas estimated. Adopted by the Council._,'�J�'l 4,-V-2 ......... 192.. .. ........ .................. Approved... .1111;�,—,,',2.p_.'..3 .... 192 ...... City erk. ............................ ...................... Mayor. t/�ouncilman Clancy sauee.n Councilman2ft2ftl% Peter -CaeacHvirirr-Wenzel- Z Mayor 2T*ftmrI Nelsori Form B. S. A. 8-6 1\ 46352 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER VeMatter............. 7estrgis#er..$tree#..R.a.ti:+?$th..4..a.9.eet�............... .......................... ............................... G lr aro4eisa~ ... In the Metter 6f sradln iiofn Ark -19 7o We ml aS r. ............ ......... ........... i..... 8t. to a wtdth ob40 i88 cadet r're 1fihlnaty Order f6480 abDroved ,Ap 8T 1888. Tiro C9ur2a 8ffh_e'Cltlo- ot'.8[•........................................ •••••..... ••••••••••••••.•••••• s'5 received tF - -u'r.' .,i.�flte:,� Tr under Preliminary Ord*re .........4543.0........... approved .... ABX' x.1..27.,, , 192P r ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.grade..V.illaxd ?ueriue ..�rnm.krk�+xi.�ht.Stret3t.. td..i�astmirlatar..Street. to..a.?r3,dih. 4#'..4Q.Feet,,,,, ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................ ............................................................. ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......11t.4 ...... day of .......July ............ 192. i3_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner 'provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....:'........� . ......., 192.... . ... ... . .. .. .. ..... tom- 1 .. Approved.....:.......!140.. _a.U'392 ...... City Clerk. L...... Mayor. V/Councihnaa Clancy ✓ Councilman Ferguson,! (yngnrilm n Matcon_ ( /Councilman $i6Ftlix Peter �jJlj Mayor Nmkxomc Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 V 463,53 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Q By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... npening, . R idening. and . ax to nd :.ng..Hartf ord . atraet . i,o . a .. . width. Af..e(2.Pt...from . Snalung . Avenue—to—Hamlin. Avanne......................... ................................................................................................... ...... 4Yd: 88811'3— .............................. ate In er F openlnr dfdeiiiitd t1c�p {tt� 0 m wtatn or ........................................ uYeeSi�aEx� .: Ord -ear V-4 .......................................... bq xb,t� g . . f:3 ! ....................................... piss ...............................x!� under Preliminary Order..... .. .......approved.}0b...9.,.a.�r02a..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the `above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ip. APQ>4a..WAd.Qlk LA41... exend,jiatfoxd,�S#,ggtz.tq, a,}vidt,of, 60,ft,, from, Snelling,genue to HArl1J�T�4. �iYei�?A@a........................................................ ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 11th , , , , , ,day of v 13, , , , , , , , .... 192.. �— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...:iay.s.a.; 192.... . 9 '.fin ..... .. ... ..... ............. Approved............ 3.i92...... 1Z City Clerk.. ..... ....:... °... ........ c L; Lc �•1/. ;ftnq Mayor. a: U ✓Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson en-�4sBonaid- /(%� �RJBL�3Hf�9 l�.__�,� Councilman7i960129 Peter V MMayoer Hodson Form B. S. A. 8-6 46354 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By................................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the 1liatter '.Xe. to Vista ;yve., ................................................................................. . C STFtrahe10' o Motatnntan6otre8eyl6sAl4 v'oOerOt.rrg[dtrotreareVCii4sig6tta2y2Aav[ sae-kp.,a prAoavlee- . • ...................... • ... . ..... . d ......................Arra ......................................... - - Lavlpg recetve`d xpe rep8rtpf � .................................. 4yJeslop¢r of HJnanoe v on.r..:..r.................................... improvement. sad lsav pg' eafd report, hereby 1 1,..=ThaS�.fh safd rf•Do2 .di A ril 18 1923. under Preliminary Order..... AW.19...............approved ....�......... �........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abov6 improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is,hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..&TAale, AlmXq-. Ave. from Otto :-ve. to .Vista tve.,, ............................................................. .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ................................................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 1, 268,. PP.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......1J th......day of ........July.........., 192.. Z., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Y Adopted b the Council .......IU'i. .,:,.+'j �....... 192..... P ... Approved....... ,:i{;i's;?.'h o'. .192......,'it•••lerk. . ............ ......... ..................... ... Mayor. t Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ij ona zCouncilmanx Peter / Q_ Mayor MDc Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 In the-I68cttsr of t-i—the ila,and ffik - 1ng;aII e8aertent 0t .'bU 'ati d lla 1 ` saF9 Lot sloDea,'A' r cnts,aD i Rile e - grading AV644 Aoo -from- Otto Aoe ad Ylata AVE.,;dnder Pr9llminary or-:-, de`T 46831 abDrOVed"'AyTII418. 1988 - "^+olur CovnCfl'o[.tke City rot`9t. Pani ;.i }eceidpFj*N -=report 'the- Dom { slier of d9nr�ce upon `ttie above _ �uneni re,.i :aavtb'w cotialdeai - Gort COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ' nt tb n De`snd By................. 46355 s. -.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... Q.Cn0,Q=119- aid.. k-lang..4A.P.ASQInd>Lt.iU.ItLq..7,4nd-nPQP9$A-'9 } . for slopes•x.for,cuts,and,fills„in,grading,Alaska,tive,t„fpom„Qtto„�ve.,,to U,jsaa..e3.Ae.............................................................................. ............ "s ........................................................... ................. under Preliminary Order ........45211 ........... approved .............. Apx3.l.1.8,,..192'f •...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the • said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered. to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..eandeum. and. take. an eas.ement.. an..t he . isnd:e essary.. for.. slopes, . Sar..euts..and. S ills . in. gr.Ad�.rig A,la.Ska.°Ya...�rAOL.O:tta.Aue...t.o. �l3.sia.Ava..,.i.n..ac.cordanae.�rith.the. b�.u$..Print hereto•at;tac,Y}$cj•and.�a�,q,a.pa�t�,•Y}expq�'„•tl}e,�atc�ed ,portigns, sho;r{ing,the ' cuts . glad. t.he.. shaded. pont inns . s boning . the. X ills , .................................. . .......... ............................... ......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..26-0Q........ Resolved Further „That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... AAh........ day of ......... July.........., 192.. a., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons'' and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natures of the'imprdvement and the total cosi thereof as estimated. 0 Adopted by the Council...: li .. . :. . :I:? ........,.192.... . .: L? ..................... Approved.... �lijji •. ti i i x........192...... City Clerk. . - L ... C,. . . ,......... ....... Mayor. �'bll1q t/ Councilman Clancy V Councilman Ferguson o'CouncilmanI9mbK Peter pMLISPIED �3 j//Mayorx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 N COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.gr.%Urig - az a - IDAYAxIg - AlleY. - 1xi. -Bla0k - 1, - - FjOlmu-Ql-- J31- - f- jpXQ.e.!:3.. EnlargementRf..Summit.. Park Addition. from oxford Street to .Cha swortli .......... ............. ............. ........ Stre t i4, ..... ...... ................................... ai oc .................•....... Sumtnit-:Pak p. ............ ......................Ei7 ........... the Cit4 ................................... A ................................ ...... ..... ........................................ ............................... b 1'. . �� ?At . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under Preliminary Order........ .. ......... ppio'vela I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvevent, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby-;. apprqved.1and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..grade. Ewd. pay.e. Alley v in. B look. 2_, . Zamug 1. 3... illevo a! s.. Fml=90n, ent - Of. -5-wm 1 -t, 4rk. Oxrnra. .............................. ....................... .... ............................ .. .................................. I ............................... .................................................................................................... ................... . .. . ............................................... ......... ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... llt)a ..... day Of July....... 192..%3.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the -Court ............ House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .;icy .;. f. �c • • • • •; _L92 --i ...... .......... ...... . .... ...... ,;I. ...... 192 ...... erk. Approved.... . ..... ...... ....... .. ......................... Mayor. V Councilman Clancy /Councilman Fergus V CouncilmanX9Md9X Peter ✓ MayorMmdpDx 1jelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBUSMEj)__// 3 4635)7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... ,r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.grading. RTLd. paY.Tig..�kL�@� O�.Ii..P�Z k3i�� .> o�n. J�.�u���a. street to Yayne t�venue, including sewer, water and has connections from slxaei..lnains..ta. a.l heady, made z .also A9CASS�T ys............................................................................... . ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary' Order .............. .5290 , , , , , approved ............... it 20, 1923. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Farade, and„pave ........','Wee t o ck . P.arkeiay. Xrom . ldaekuh in .Stn@ i3.t ..tQ..Y33Sr11S.:4Y enue,, , inc lu ding, �,@yJ,SP,},yrSt@x ,�}7d„ga,, connections from, street mains to property hoes..cnmplete,.rtUera.noL..a]raady. made. inc]udang.curtlirg ani ........ pay.ing.drive.way.and. P.11ey..apPrQAohQP.,.y;bene,necessary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ............................_.......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...241,, 933.44 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 11th ...... day of ..July........, 192...3., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... ...!:t ....... 92. APProved... !l..... �1 ].........192...... -/ .,,.`. {C��_ V/ ...................t.............. ..i`..... .. Mayor. v/ Councilman Clancy c/ Councilman Ferguson 60 -61 --an metsau- ✓ Councilman $fliMX Peter Mayoj2mudkxaiic Nelson Forn, R. S. A. 8-6 END !;ICROFILti CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by /�jicr or i lvn dr oar mahf in accordance with the standard and apprcved techniques'•arth a Recordak microfilm machine, i4odel Mg C- of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made onCf 19 <,< by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of taicrofilm is 9 A_- 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C rur��i� Ft- 5-61/(. S. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm i:rnediately after the last document. Signed: Latcd ISS A d 19 �t- Operator ry S 4-4 gyp, you q;�e1 e y